ALEXANDER MENDELSON National Aeronautics and Space Administration
The Analysis 01 Stress and Delormation by George W. Housner and Thad Vree1and, Jr. Analytical Methods in Vibrations by Leonard Meirovitch Continuum Mechanics by Walter Jaunzemis Plasticity: Theory and Application by Alexander Mendelson Statics 01 Delormable Bodies by Nils O. Myklestad
PLASTICITY: Theoryand Application
With the advent of the jet age followed closely by the space age, the theory of plasticity has been brought forcibly into the forefront of engineering application and design. Modern aircraft, missiles, and space vehicles must be designed on the basis of minimum weight, whieh invariably means designing into the plastic range to obtain maximum lo ad to weight ratios. Moreover, the facts of economie life have made the saving of material and more efficient design a necessity for even the more earthbound industriaI applications. This book is the result of the author's teaching for several years of a graduate course in plasticity for engineers at Case Institute of Technology. It was soon realized that although a number of excellent books on plasticity were available, none of them adequately met the requirements of the course. The available books were either too theoretieal and mathematieal for the average engineer and designer, or their main emphasis was placed on problems of large plastic deformations such as are encountered in metal-forming processes. Very little has been published in textbook form on the most oimportant class of elastoplastic problems, in whieh the plastic strains are of the same order of magnitude as the elastic strains, which are of such prime Cor'~f'lrn to today's engineer. Furthermore, where such problems are treated, usual assumptions of perfect plasticity are used, no attempt being made take into account the strain-hardening properties of real materials. A set of mimeographed notes was prepared whieh included the basie theory placed primary emphasis on the solution of elastoplastic problems for vii
materials with strain hardening. In particular, it was emphasized that with the present availability of high-speed computing facilities, many of the simplifying assumptions hitherto commonplace in plasticity calculations were no longer necessary. The present book is based on these notes. Following a brief introduction, Chapter 2 discusses some of the basic experiments concerning the elastoplastic behavior of metals. Chapters 3 and 4 describe the basic properties of the stress and strain tensors. Tensor notation is introduced and is frequent1y used together with the longhand notation, but a knowledge of tensor properties is not needed. Chapter 5 describes briefly the elastic stress-strain relations. Chapter 6 discusses the various yield criteri a and their experimental verification. In Chapter 7 the plasticity flow rules, or stress-strain relations, are derived and discussed, inc1uding a new set of equations which relate plastic strain increments to total strains rather than stresses. A series of practical problems for both ideally plastic and strain-hardening materials is presented in Chapters 8 through 11. Chapter 8 deals with problems of spheres and cylinders. Chapter 9 is devoted entire1y to the powerful . method of successive elastic solutions, by means of which a large c1ass of otherwise intractable pro blems can be solved. First introduced by I1yushin some twenty years ago, this method has not yet gained wide acceptance in this country and, to the author's knowledge, is not even mentioned in any other current book in the English language. Chapter lO discusses plate problems, both for the pIane stress and pIane strain cases. Chapter Il gives the generaI solution to the elastoplastic torsion problem. The theory ofthe slip-line field as appÌied to the pIane strain problem of plastic-rigid materials is then presented in Chapter 12, and limit analysis of framed structures in Chapter 13. Chapter 14 discusses problems of creep at elevated temperatures and shows how the previously discussed plasticity methods can be applied to creep problems. It is realized that to treat these last three subjects adequately would require a book for each of them. It is hoped, however, that sufficient information is furnished herein to provi de the reader with a worthwhile introduction to, and basic understanding of, these subjects. In the author's experience the material inc1uded can be covered adequately in a one-semester graduate course. Chapters 3 through 5 may be omitted by those familiar with basic elasticity theory. Sections 6.3, 6.5, 7.6, 7.8, 12.6, 12.8, and 13.6 may also be omitted on a first reading or if time is short. It is hoped that this book will be found useful as a graduate text and as an aid to engineers and designers faced with the problem of designing into the plastic range. The author would like to acknowledge his appreciation to his colleagues
and co-workers at the Lewis Research Center of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration whose helpful discussions and combined efforts over the years are in no small measure responsible for much that is in this book. In particular, thanks are due to S. S. Manson, M. H. Hirschberg, and E. Roberts. A special debt of gratitude is owed to Professor R. H. Scanlan for his continuous encouragement and interest. But above all I offer humble thanks to Him who " ... favours man with knowledge and enables him to achieve understanding." 31"::l'?wm
A. M.
Cbapter 1. Introduction
4 4 7 EFFECT.
2-4 2-5 2-6
16 20
13 15 16
24 25 27 30 34 37 39 41 xi
xii Chapter
Criteria for YieIding
6-2 6-3
44 44 48 51 53 55 58 59
8-3 8-4 8-5 8-6 8-7
67 68
7. 7-1
Plastic Stress-Strain Relations
10-1 10-2 10-3
88 92
98 98 100 104 108 109 110 119 121
141 145 148 150 156
164 164
172 183 193 197 208
213 213 218
70 71 79
64 64
223 230
234 234 240 245
The Slip-Line FieId
246 248 250 253
12-2 12-3 12-4 12-5 12-6 12-7 12-8
260 266
272 276 279 284 285
Contents xiv
Chapter 14.
14-1 14-2 14-3 14-4
300 300 301 305 307 312 318 323
327 327 331 333 335
The history of plasticity as a science began in 1864 when Tresca [1] published his resuIts on punching and extrusion experiments and formulated his famous yield criterion. A few years later, using Tresca's resuIts, Saint-Venant [2] and Lévy [3] laid some of the foundations of the modern theory of plasticity. For the next 75 years progress was slow and spotty, aIthough important contributions were made by von Mises [4], Hencky [5], PrandtI [6], and others. It is only since approximately 1945 that a unified theory began to emerge. Since that time, concentrated efforts by many researchers have produced a voluminous literature which is growing at a rapid rate. Brief but excellent historical sketches are furnished by Hill [7] and Westergaard [8]. The theories of plasticity fall into two categories: physical theories and mathematical theories. The physical theories seek to explain why metals flow plastically. Looking at materials from a microscopic viewpoint, an attempt made to determine what happens to the atoms, crystals, and grains of a when plastic flow occurs. The mathematical theories, on the other are phenomenological in nature and attempt to formalize and put into form the resuIts of macroscopic experiments, without probing very into their physical basis. The eventual hope, of course, is for a merger two approaches into one unified theory of plasticity which will both the material behavior and provide the engineer and scientist with the tools for practical application. The present treatise is concerned the second of these categories, i.e., the mathematical theories of plasticity l
Introduction [Ch. l
and their application, as distinct from the physicai theories. t'he latter beiong to the realm of the metai physicist or solid-state physicist. We start by defining roughly and intuitively what is meant by a metai flowing plastically. If one takes a thin strip of a metal such as aluminum and cIamps one end and applies a bending force to the other end, the end of the strip will deflect. Upon removal of this force, if this force is not too Iarge, the end of the strip will spring back to its originaI position, and there will be no apparent permanent deformation. If a sufficientIy Iarge Ioad is applied to the end, the end will not spring back all the way upon the removal of the Ioad but will remain permanent1y deformed, and we say that plastic flow has occurred. Our objective in this case will not be to determine why the permanent deformation took pIace but to describe what has happened in terms of stresses, strains, and Ioads. Solutions of this particular problem can be found, for exampIe, in references [9] and [lO]. In short, piasticity is the behavior of solid bodies in which they deform permanent1y under the action of externai Ioads, whereas eiasticity is the behavior of solid bo dies in which they return to their originaI shape when the externai forces are removed. Actually, however, the e1astic body is an idealization, because all bo dies exhibit more or less piastic behavior even at the smallest Ioads. For the so-called e1astic body, however, this permanent deformation is so small as to be practically not measurable, if the Ioads are sufficientIy small. Piasticity theory thus concerns itself with situations in which the Ioads are sufficient1y Iarge so that measurabie amounts of permanent deformation occur. It should·further be noted that piastic deformation is independent of the time under Ioad. Time-dependent deformations are discussed briefly in Section 2.4 and in Chapter 14. The theory of piasticity can convenient1y be divided into two ranges. At one end are metal-forming processes such as forging, extrusion, drawing, rolling, etc., which involve very Iarge piastic strains and deformations. For these types of problems the eiastic strains can usually be negIected and the materiai can be assumed to be perfectly plastico At the other end of the scale are a host of problems involving small piastic strains on the order of the eiastic strains. These types of problems are of prime importance to the structural and machine designer. With the great premium current1y piaced on the saving of weight in aircraft, missile, and space applications, the designer can no Ionger use Iarge factors of safety and "beef up" his design. He must design for maximum Ioad to weight ratio, and this inevitabIy means designing into the piastic range. Even in more prosaic industriaI applications the competitive market is forcing the application of more efficient design. In this book emphasis will be piaced primari1y on the second type ofprobIem, i.e., the elastoplastic problems, where the piastic strains are of the same
Ch. 1] Introduction
~rder o~ magnitude as the eiastic strains. Problems of Iarge piastic deformatlOns wI1I be treated only briefly, as will problems of creep and Iimit design. In Chapter 2 some simpie experiments to determine severai basic facts about the e1astoplastic behavior of metais will be discussed. References 1. 2.
4. 5.
6. 7. 8.
H. Tresca, Sur l'ecoulement des corps solids soumis à de fortes pression Compt. Rend., 59, 1864, p. 754. ' ~. de Saint-Venant, Memoire sur l'établissement des équations différenhelles des .mouvements intérieurs opérés dans les corps solides ductiles au delà des lImites où l'élasticité pourrait les ramener à leur premier état Compt. Rend., 70, 1870, pp. 473-480. ' M. Lévy, Memoire sur les équations générales des mouvements intérieurs des corps solides ductiles au delà des limites où l'élasticité pourrait les ramener à leur premier état, Compt. Rend., 70, 1870, pp. 1323-1325. R. von Mises, Mechanik der festen Koerper im plastisch deformablen Zustant, Goettinger Nachr., Math.-Phys. Kl., 1913, pp. 582-592. H. He.ncky, Zur Theorie plastischer Deformationen und der hierdurch im Ma:enal hervorgerufenen Nebenspannungen, Proceedings of the 1st InternatlOnal.C:0ngress on Applied Mechanics, Delft, Technische Boekhandel en Druckenj, J. Waltman, Jr., 1925, pp. 312-317. L. Prandt1, ~pannungsverteilung in plastischen Koerpern, Proceedings of the 1st In.ternatlOnal Congress on Applied Mechanics, Delft, 1924, pp. 43-54. R. HI11, The Mathematical Theory of Plasticity, Oxford University Press London, 1950. ' H. M. Weste~gaard, Theory of Elasticity and Plasticity, Harvard University Press, Cambndge, 1952.
B..~. Sha~er and R. N. House, The Elastic-Plastic Stress Distribution Wlthlll a Wlde Curved Bar Subjected to Pure Bending. J. Appl. Mech., 22, No.3, 1955, pp. 305-310. lO. B. W. Shaffer and R. N. House, Displacements in a Wide Curved Bar J. Appl. Mech., 24, No.3, 1957, pp. 447-452. ' 9.
Sec. 2-1]
TensUe Test
5 p
Tensile specimen.
and conventional strain by
l - lo lo
In this chapter the results of some basic experiments on the behavior of metals is presented. The stress-stra in curve in tension, one of the basic ingredients necessary in applying plasticity theory, is described in som~ detail. The effects of reverse loading, strain rate, temperature, and hydrostatlc pressure are briefly discussed. Idealizations of the stress-strain curve and various models of material behavior are described.
Initially the relation between stress and strain is essentially linear. This linear part of the curve extends up to the point A, which is called the proportional limito It is in this range that the linear theory of elasticity, using Hook's law is valido Upon further increase of the load, the strain no longer increase~ linear1y with stress, but the material still remains elastic; i.e., upon removal of the lo ad the specimen returns to its originallength. This condition will
The simplest and most common experiment, as well as the most importa~t, is the standard tensile test. A cylindrical test specimen such as shown m Figure 2.1.1 is inserted into the tensile machine, the load is i.ncreased, and th.e readings of the load, the extension of the gage length inscnbed on the speclmen, and/or the decrease in diameter are recorded. A typicalload extension diagram is shown in Figure 2.1.2. The nominaI stress, defined as the lo ad divided by the originaI crosssectional area, is plotted against the conventional or engineering strain, defined as the increase in length per unit originallength. NominaI stress is represented by
p Ao
a =n
(2.1.1) FIGURE
2.1.2 Conventional stress-strain curve.
Basic Experiznents [Ch. Z
Sec. Z-Z]
True Stress-Strain Curve
prevail until some point B, called the elastie limit, or yield potnt, is reached. In most materials there is very little difference between the proportionallimit A and the e1astic limit B. For our purpose, we shall consider them to be the same. Furthermore, the values of these points depend on the sensitivity of the measuring instruments. For some materials the yield point is so poor1y defined that it is arbitrarily taken to be at some fixed value of permanent strain, such as 0.2 per cento The stress at this point is usually called the offset yield strength, or the proof strength. Beyond the elastic limit, permanent deformation, called plastie deformation, takes pIace. The strain at the e1astic limit is of the order of magnitude of 0.001, or 0.1 per cento As the lo ad is increased beyond the elastic limit, the strain increases at a greater rate. However, the specimen will not deform further unless the load is increased. This condition is called work hardening, or strain hardening. The stress required for further plastic flow is calledfiow stress. Finally a point is reached, C, where the load is a maximum. Beyond this point, called the point of maximum load, or point of instability, the specimen "necks down" rapidly and fractures at D. Beyond C a complicated triaxial state of stress exists. The point C therefore represents the limit of the useful part of the tensile test as far as plasticity theory is concerned. The stress at the maximum load point Cis called the tensile strength, or ultimate stress. If at any point between the elastic limit Band the maximum load point C the load is removed, unloading will take pIace along aline parallel to the elastic line, as shown in the figure by B' C'. Part of the strain is thus recovered and part remains permanently. The total strain can therefore be considered as being made up of two parts, se, the elastic component, and sP, the plastic component:
stresses or to irregu!arities in. the specimen as well as to the rate of loadin . :ery httle plashc flow takes pIace at the upper yield point T;e lower yleld pomt should therefore always be used for d . . plastic flow calculations. eSlgn purposes and for
W,e ha~e dis.cussed the plot of the nominaI stress versus the conventional . not t h e tme stress stram. . It . IS eVldent, however, that this nominaI st ress IS . . actmg m the specimen, since the cross-sectionai area of th de creasi 'th 1 d A e speClmen IS f . ng Wl oa. t .stresses up to and near the yield, this distinction is no lmportance. At hlgher stress es and strains this difference becomes lmportant. The true stress can readily be obt' . l ame d f rom t h e nommal stress as foi oWS. If small changes in volume are neglected l' e the t ' . . ' . ., ma ertal IS assume d to b e mcompressible, then
Aolo = AI where Ao and lo are the originaI cross-sectionai area and gage Iength and A and I are the current values. If P is the load , then the true st ress a IS . P
The nominaI stress an is an = P/Ao and t he conventional t . . s = (l/Io) _ 1. Therefore , s ram IS
(2.2.1) Upon reloading, the unloading line, B'C', is retraced with very minor deviations. Actually a very thin hysteresis loop is formed, which is usually neglected. Plastic flow does not start again until the point B' is reached. With further loading, the stress-strain curve is continued along B'C as if no unloading had occurred. Point B' can thus be considered as a neW yield point for the strain-hardened material. A few materials, such as annealed mild steel, exhibit a sharp drop in yield after the upper yield point B is reached, as shown by the dashed Une. The specimen will then extend at approximate1y constant lo ad to a strain of about lO times the initial yie1d before the lo ad will start increasing again as the material begins to work harden. The flat portion of the curve, called the lower yield, actually represents an average of a series of unstable jumps between the upper and lower yields caused by the propagation of Luder bands across the specimen. The upper yield point is very sensitive to small bendin~
similar fashion, one recognizes that the conventionai or stram cannot be completely correct, since it is based on initial ength, where~s the Iength is continuously changing. A different definition ~as.therefore mtroduced by Ludwik [1] based on the changing Iength Thus e mcrement of strain for a given length is defined as . ~ngmeermg
de = di
the total strain in going from some initiallength lo to the length l is
_ t
= J/o 7 = In ~
Basic ExperiInents [Ch.2
Sec. 2-2]
e is called the natural, logarithmic, or true strain and it represents. a sort of average strain in going from the length lo to the length I. Its re1atlOn to the conventional strain is readily found, since l/Io = 1 + e:
For small strains the two are practically identical, and for most problems considered the conventional strain will be used. The natural stra~n, howev~r, has several advantages. Natural strains are additive, but conventlOnal strams are noto Second, if a ductile material is tested in compression and in tension, the true-stress versus true-strain curves are almost identical, whereas they are quite different if conventional strain is used. Finally, the incompressibility
condition to be used later becomes simply
da = fj! = de a I
da de =
e = In (1 + e)
True Stress-Strain Curve
da de
= 1+e
On a plot of a versus e, the value of a at which the lo ad is a maximum occurs where the slope is equal to the stress; Le., one must draw a tangent to that point of the curve for which the subtangent is equal to 1, as shown in Figure 2.2.1. Discussions of the stress-strain curve and the strain distributions
whereas in terms of conventional strains it is
(2.2.6) which reduces to
__ __ __ ~
only in the case of small strains. If a plot is now made of true stress versus true strain for the tensil.e test previously described, the curve will be essentially the same up to a~d s~lghtly above the yield point. Beyond this point the two types of plots wl11 dlverge. The true stress will always increase until the rupture point and does not have a maximum at the point where the lo ad starts dropping. The true stress at the point of maximum lo ad can be found as follows. Since
p = aA
__ __ ________ e
I I~
I ~I
True stress-strain curve.
in the neck of a tensile specimen after necking has started can be found in references [2] and [3]. Alternatively, the true stress-strain curve can be obtained by measuring the 'at,amemal strain rather than the longitudinal strain, provided the tensile specihas a circular section. Thus, if eD is the strain in the diametral direction,
Aolo = AI
+ IdA
= O
D - Do Do
Do is the initial diameter and D is the diameter at the true stress, a. The diametral strain is
da or
+ A da
at the point of maximum lo ad
dP = a dA
= O
Basic Experiments [Ch. 2
Sec. 2-2]
True Stress-Strain Curve
and from equation (2.2.5) the 10ngitudina1 true strain is (2.2.10)
e = -2eD = 21n.r;;
SAE 3140 240,000 psi
'" I
The true strain at any 10ad can therefore be determined by measuring the change in diameter of the specimen. From equation (2.2.10) it is seen that the true strain can a1so be written Ao e = 1n-
~ )(
a. b" (/) (/)
Hard-drawn copper
~ +(/) al ::l
Necking )( Fracture
The quantity on the right of equation (2.2.11) is called the true reduction in area. Equation (2.2.11) states that the true strain is equal to the true reduction in area. Figure 2.2.2 (from reference [4]) shows the true stress-strain curves for a
Notural stra in FIGURE
2.2.3 True stress-strain curves on log-log coordinates.
variety of materials. The ends of the curves represent the points of fracture and the circ1e on each curve represents the maximum 10ad point or instability point for that curve. To show the complete curves to fracture, the abscissa is such that the elastic parts of the curves are too small to be seen. These curves are also shown replotted on 10g-log coordinates in Figure 2.2.3. Note that most of the curves appear as straight lines on this 10g-10g plot. This indicates that they can be represented by an equation of the form
= Aen
where A and n are material constants with n the slope of the curve when plotted on log-log coordinates. A is called the strength coefficient and n is called the strain-hardening exponent. Il: folIows from equation (2.2.7) that for a material which behaves according equation (2.2.12), the true strain at the point ofmaximum load is given by e=n
0.40 Natural Strain -
2.2.2 True stress-strain curves for several materials.
simple relation (2.2.13) has been found useful in fracture studies. It also a simple method for determining the instability point on the true curve. .l:tqluation (2.2.12) will, of course, not fit alI materials, nor will it be valid small strains or very 1arge strains. However, Marin [5] has studied 31
Basic Experiments [Ch. 2 . ,
'l d "ound that the average deviation between the theoretldifferent matena s an l l 2 r _ ' b equation (2.2.13) and the actual va ues was pe cal values of e as glVen y ce:. single quantity which represents the ability of a material to defor~ · l1y is the ductility of the material. The most commoI1 measur~ o plast lca 'l t' the per cent stram at ductilit is the per cent elongation in the tensl e tes ,1.e.,. . .. Y Th l'f l l'S the gage length at fracture and lo IS the mltlal gage r fracture. us, length, then the per cent elongation is
lr - lo
= ~
x lO
Together with the per cent e10ngation as given by equation (,
t~e in~~al g~g~~:~~~~~ :!~~: ~!:t~~a~:tc:1:~:;~~~~y ~::~~so~:~~::g:n~n:eck~~; ~tarts, m~st of th\:eforma~i:~ a~c~~~~~~ ~~ un
must also specify
smallest cross section, with on1y a relatlVely sma amt th The longer the formation occurring throughout the rest of the g~ge e.~tbe' The ductility is a e length used, the smaller the per cent elongatlOn.wl . ;h:refore reported as the per cent e10ngation for a glVen g.age length. . ductility , however , is the true stram at fracture . A better measure "or l (2.2.15) . t' (2 2 15) can be written in terms of the reduction in area AlternatlVely, equa lOn ., at fracture. From equation (2.2.11) it follows that er
Ao In Ar
where Ao is the initia1 area and Ar is the area at fracture. As
menti~~ed ~;e~
vi~~::r~1 :~'!~;~: ~ :'~~::~~i;:7~:rt;u:'~:~~ :~~;r~:::,::~:~~Ymuoh
~nder load and will behave in a brittle fashion. un~xt~~~d~:~g:u~~~~t~ ~it 1 cause such a materia1 to fracture, whereas a matena V: d form under similar loads without fracturing. A cychc load above the w~ll cause a low-ductility material to fail in relatively few cycles, whe:eas high-ductility materia1 will fail after a much larger number of Cyc:l~s (a for very low cycle fatigue). In meta1-forming processes such as ro mg, ing, forging, etc., a sufficient amount of ductility is needed to prevent during the forming processo
Sec. 2-3]
Compression Test and the Bauschinger Effect
If instead of a tensile test one runs a compression test and plots nominaI stress against conventional strain, a different curve will be obtained than for the tensile test. However, if the true stress is plotted against the true strain, practically identical curves are usually obtained. The yield points in tension and compression will, for example, generally be the same. If, however, a metal is first deformed by uniform tension and the load is removed and the specimen is reloaded in compression, the yield point obtained in compression will be considerably less than the initial yield in tension. This has been explained as being the result of the residual stresses left in the material due to the tensile deformations [6]. A perhaps better explanation is based on the anisotropy of the dislocation field produced by loading [7]. This effect is called the Bauschinger effect, and is present whenever there is a reversal ofthe stress field. The Bauschinger effect is very important in cyclic plasticity studies. Unfortunately, however, it enormously complicates the problem and is therefore usually ignored. There are several simplified models used to describe the Bauschinger effect. These are illustrated in Figure 2.3.1 (from reference [8]). At one extreme it is assumed that the elastic unloading range will be double the initial yield stress. If the initial yield stress in tension is ao, then the specimen will yield in compression after being stressed in tension to a = al when
This is shown as path ABCDE in Figure 2.3.1. According to this theory, then, total elastic range of the material remains constant, the initial compressive being reduced by the same amount as the tensile yield is raised. At the other extreme there is isotropic hardening. This theory assumes the mechanism that produces hardening acts equally in tension and cornP1~eSSi1011. Thus compressive yielding will occur when
by the path ABCFG. This is the simplest ofthe theories to apply and the one most frequently used. lSetwl!en these theories there is a theory which assumes that the tensile and yields are independent of each other. The compressive yie1d is independent of the amount of tensile hardening and remains at a = -ao
Basic Experiments {Ch. 2
Sec. 2-4]
or Strain Rate and Temperature
2-4 EFFECTS OF STR1UN RATE AND TEMPERATURE Tests on the effect of the rate of st rammg . . and of te . ertres of mild steel were carried out b M .. mperature on the propofincreasing the stra in rate l'S lYl a~Jome [9], among others. The effect genera y to mcrease th t '1 . in Figure 2.4.1. For materials with 1 . Id e enSI e yleld, as shown a ower yle , such as mild steel, the stress_ - - - 10 3 sec-1 LA~
~_--- 10- 2
Theories for Bauschinger effect.
as shown by AB CHI. Actually experiments indicate that the compressive yield stress usually lies between points H and D of Figure 2.3.1, such as at J. It should be noted that in this figure the curves after yielding are shown as a set of parallellines for simplicity. Actually areai stress-strain curve will show continuous curvature and varying slope after yielding when the lo ad is reversed. As an allied effect to the Bauschinger effect, any initial isotropy which is present is usually destroyed upon 10ading into the plastic range; i.e., if originally the tensile yield point was the same in all directions, it will no 10nger be so. Both the compressive and tensile yield values are changed in all directions by plastic yielding in one direction. Thus plastic deformation is anisotropie. For example, cold-rolled sheet has markedly different properties in the thickness direction than in the pIane of the sheet, and usually somewhat different yield points in the rolling than in the transverse direction. We see that the material may have initial anisotropy due to the manufacturing process, and it may also develop anisotropy due to plastic yielding. For small plastic strains the second effect is probably not too important. As for the first effect, the material being used can be tested for anisotropy. If a large amount of anisotropy is found, a much more complicated Hnli~o1rr01DlC theory of plasticity may have to be used.
sec- 1
_ _-10-6 sec- 1
Effect of strain ratl.
strain curve may approach that f Perti materia1s the reverse will be tr o da h plastic material. For other '11 . ue, an t e stram harde' strain . some met mng with l tiWl mcrease . . rate [16]. These effect' s are lmportant m WhlCh are performed at very high t . a - ormmg processes . s ram rates These typ f not be dlscussed in this text. . es o processes will Temperature has a very important effect on me . d' tal propertles. At very 10w temperatures metals which 'l are very uctrle can bec b . l lustrated in Figure 2 4 2 (fr ti ome very nttle. This is .. om re erence [lO]) Th t Il d h '.. e emperature at which the ductility changes so rapid1y i s ca e t e transltlOn te temperature and strain-rate ftì t mperature. Such strong 11' e ec s occur more .body-centered-cubic structures. genera y In metals with
100 80
.s 60 c
.g 20
~ -200 I~~~..l.-150 -100 -50 FIGURE
Effect of temperature.
Basic Experiments [Ch. 2
Sec. 2-6] Idealization 01 the Stress-Strain Curve
At the other end of the time and temperature scales is the phenomenon of creep. Creep is a continuous deformation with time under constant lo ad and occurs primarily at high temperatures, although some metals, e.g., lead, will creep at room temperature. Although it is questionable whether plasticity theories can be applied to the creep phenomenon, it is the usual practice to do so and, in Chapter 14, we shaU describe how this is done. A typical set of creep curves is shown in Figure 2.4.3.
~P (a)
Creep curves.
Bridgman, in a series of classical experiments [11, 12] in which he carried out tensile tests under conditions of hydrostatic pressures up to 25,000 atm, showed that hydrostatic pressure has negligible effect on the yield point until extremely high pressures are reached. Furthermore, the shape of the stressstrain curve remains unaltered in the smaU-strain range. The major effect of hydrostatic pressure is to increase the ductility of the material and to permit much larger deformations prior to fracture. It has also been shown that the density, and consequent1y the volume, does not change even for very large plastic deformations. Thus, in the plastic range, a material can be considered as incompressible. These two experimental facts, i.e., the lack of influence of hydrostatic pressure and incompressibility, are very important in the development of plastic flow theories.
Because of the complex nature of the stress-strain curve, it has customary to idealize this curve in various ways [l3]. Figure 2.6.1
Idealized stress-strain curves' ( perfect1y plastic' (c) rigid l' .' a) perfectly elastic, brittle' . .' , lllear stralll hardenin . (d) l ' ' () g, e astIC, perfectly e e1asttc, hnear strain hardening. 2.6.1
Basic Experiments [Ch. 2
d namic models which can be used idealized curves as well as cor~esP~;~~lgbe~hown subsequently that with the to describe the material.behavlO~: these idealizations are in many cases use of modern computmg mac mery, 18
Sec. 2-6} Idealization ol the Stl'ess-Stl'ain Curve
not necessary. .. 26 1 are designated as dyn amie .models.d They 1 of The models shown m FIgure .: . by displacements. To devlse mo es replace stresses by forces and strams _ =op le = /ii OR
~____~__~=========P=l.~~R====~______L-________ T (o)
T~----~--:===========11~R==::P·===-----~L---------T (b)
T~____~__~==::::::::ll:R::::::::~_P_.__-L_________ T (c)
(e) T
this type to represent combined stresses acting in several directions would be extremely difficult. For this reason Prager [141 introduced ingenious kinematic models in which both the stresses and strains are represented by displacements. Figure 2.6.2 i11ustrates this type of model for the case of the rigid linearh"'dening plastie mat.,ial [81. The modeJ is taken to be a slotted bar, as shown. The bar is free to move aIong its length on the frictionless table T. But for the bar to move, tb, pin P must 'ngage tbe end of the b",. InitialJy pin p is at the center R of the slot and this point is marked as point O on the table. The distanee from p to either end ofthe slot is taken equal to tbe yie1d stress (lo of the rigid linear-hardening materia1. The distance OP of the pin p from the fixed point O is taken equaI to the stress. Then the distance OR from the center ofthe slot R to the fixed point O is propor';onal to the strain, i .e., , ORjm, Wh.,e lan -, m is tbe slope of the plastic Slress--strain curve. Thus plastie flow will take pIace when the pin 1S engaged at one end or the other ofthe slot. Figures 2.6.2 and 2.6.3 illustrate the different positions of the kinematic modeI and the corresponding stressstrain diagram. Note that for this particular model it has been assumed that the elastic unloading range EG i8 equaI to twice the initiaI yield, so that the yield point in compression G 1S Iess than the initial yield C.
T p8
FIGURE 2.6.2 K inematic model. FIGURE 2.6.3 Stress-strain curve for model of Figure 2.6.2.
Basic Experiments [Ch.2
two stress variables, al and 0'2' a:e In a two_dimensional state of .stress, Th fore if the position of the plll specified instead of the single va:lab~s:be f::: to ~ove in two directions. In is to indicate the stat~ of stress, lt m o_dimensionaI frame rather than ~ slot. this case the rigid reglO~ must be ~:~il in Chapter 6, after the discuSS IOll of This will be discus sed III greater yield surfaces.
Ch. 2] Problems
Show that natural strains are additive whereas conventional strains are not. Assume that a material behaves elastically up to the point of instability. Show that the natura l strain at this point is unity. 3. Derive equation (2.2.13). 4. Let the stress-strain curve of a material be given by a = Aen, where e is the conventional strain. Show that at the point of instability
1. 2.
n 1- n
In a standard tensile test using a t-in.-diameter specimen with a l-in. gage length, the following data were obtained. At a load of 10,000 lb, the conventional strain was 0.10, and at a lo ad of 12,000 lb, the conventional strain was 0.60. Find the true stresses and strains for these two conditions. Determine the strength coefficient A, the strain-hardening exponent n, the change in gage length at the maximum load, and the maximum lo ad assuming equation (2.2.12) to hold. 6. A tensile lo ad is applied to a thin-walled hollow circular cyÙnder. Determine the change in wall thickness and in mean radius at the point of maximum load, if the stress-strain curve is given by a = Aen, where e is the conventional strain and a is the true stress. 7. Derive the incompressibility conditions (2.2.5) and (2.2.6). 8. The following data were obtained in a tensile test on a 0.505-in.-diameter specimen:
t the stress-stralll curve o a g It is sometimes useful to rep:e~en b fitting the experimental data. E~uaby an equation obtained empl:lcallYhi~h will frequently fit most of a glVen tion (2.2.12) is such an equatlOn w. l mentioned, will not usually fit at . b t as was prevlOUS Y . One of the stress-stralll curve, u, . d of the stress-stralll curve. the low-strain and high-stralll en s d by Ludwik (1). It has the form .' l quations was propose (2.7.1) first such emplflca e 0"= 0'0
A frequently used form,
+ men
due to Ramberg and Osgood [151, is e =
i + k(ir
Diameter, in.
Some other forms that have been proposed are
= a + (b
c(a +
0'= 0'0
- a)(l - e-ne) e)n
. h ield strain, 0'0 the yield stress, turalloganthms, eo t e y ,. band c constants. where e is the base o na E the elastic modulus, and m, n, ,,~, , t f the stress-strain curve as 'bl t fit the plastlc par o It is also pOSSl e o . l f arbitrary degree, i.e., . d b polynomIa o Ya ately as deslre e :::; eo
a =
{ ao
e 2 + a1 e + a2 e + .. , + am
. h d . g all the
wh ere eo l'S the yield strain. beginning with a2 are zero.
6,750 9,250 10,400 10,900 11,100 11,200
Diameter, in.
0.419 0.402 0.375 0.361 0.354 0.326
11,000 10,800 10,200 9,700 9,500 8,950 Fracture
0.487 0.481 0.472 0.463 0.450 0.438
For linear stram ar enm
(a) Plot the true stress-strain curve. (b) Determine the strength coefficient A and the strain-hardening exponent n. (c) Determine the maximum lo ad from the stress-strain curve and compare it with that obtained using equation (2.2.13). Consider a material whose stress-strain curve is given by a = 30,000 + 1.5 X 106 e, a > 30,000 psi. If a tensile specimen of this material is stretched to a strain of 0.004 in./in., at what stress will it yield in compression when the load is reversed, for each of the assumptions in Figure 2.3.1 ? For the dynamic models of Figure 2.6.1, show the relations between the constants and the parameters of the stress-strain curve. Denote the constants by k (k 1 and k 2 for the last model), the weight of the block
Basic Experiments [Ch. 2 22
by W, the friction coefficient by f.t, and the force by P. For example, for the first model, the equation of the stress-strain curve is a = Ee and the corresponding model equation is P = kx. Thus
Ch. 2]
15. 16.
General References
W. Ramberg and W . R . O sgoo d Des . f 23 T hree Parameters, NACA Techni;al M cnp 10n of Stress-Strain Curves by T. A. Trozera, O . D . Sher b y and J ote No. 902, July 1943 . E D Te~perature on the Plastic Deforma~"10n or~, Effect of Strain Rate and Cali[. (Berkeley) Tech. Repl S 2 of HIgh Purity Aluminum Un' , Dec. 1955. ., ero 2, lssue 44, Contract
GeneraI References 11. For the kinematic model of Figure 2.6.2, show that e = OR/m. 12. Describe a kinematic model similar to that shown in Figure 2.6.2 for iso13.
tropic Sketchhardening. typical stress-strain curves that would be obtained using Ludwik's
Drucker, D . C ., St ress-Stram . Relations in h . Theory and Experiment ONR R t e Plashc Range-A Survey f ept. NR-D41-D32, 1950. o Goodier, J. N. and P J H 'd 1958.' . . o ge, Jr., Elasticity and Plasticity ' W'I . I ey, N ew York
expression for the following cases:
HIll, 1950. R., The Mathematical Th eory of Plasticity, Oxford U· mv. P ress London '
(a) n = 1. (b) ~ n < 1. (c) ao = 0, n = 0,
Johnson, W., and Plas . . for Mechanical Engineers' Van 'N os t rand,, London, 1962P.. B. Mellor ,t/city
References 1. P. Ludwik, Elemente der technologischen Mechanik, Springer, Berlin, 1909. 2. J. D. Lubahn and R. P. Felgar, Plasticity and Creep of Metals, Wiley, New 3. York,1961. G. E. Dieter, Jr., Mechanical Metallurgy, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1961. 4. H. Schwartzbart and W. F. Brown, Jr., Notch-Bar Tensile Properties of Various Materials and their Relation to the Unnotch Flow Curve and 5.
Notch Sharpness, Trans. ASM, 46, 998, 1954. J. Marin, Mechanical Behavior of Engineering Materials, Prentice-Hall,
Englew ood Cliffs, N.J., 1962. R. Hill, The Mathematical Theory of Plasticity, Oxford Univo Press, London,
7. 1950. D. Mclean, Mechanical Properties of Metals, Wiley, New York, 1962. 8. J. N. Goodier and P. G. Hodge, Jr., Elasticity and Plasticity, Wiley, New York,1958. M. J. Manjoine, Influence of Rate of Strain and Temperature on Stresses of Mild Steel, J. Appl. Mech., 11, A-21l, 1944. lO. A. W. MagnusSOn and W. M. Baldwin, Low Temperature Brittleness, 9.
Mech. Phys. Solids, 5,172,1957. P. W. Bridgman, The Effect of Hydrostatic Pressure on the Fracture Brittle Substances, J. Appl. Phys., 18, 246, 1947. 12. P. W. Bridgman, Studies in Large Plastic Flow and Fracture with Emphasis on the Effects of Hydrostatic Pressure, McGraw-Hill, New
13. 1952. W. Johnson and P. B. Mellor, Plasticity for Mechanical Engineers, 14.
Nostrand, Princeton, N.J., 1962. W. Prager, The Theory of Plasticity-A Survey of Recent Proc. lnst. Mech. Engrs., London, 169, 41, 1955.
Sec. 3-1]
. familiar with the basic concepts of the theory It is assumed that the reader lS. . f tress and strain. However, to avoid .' . l d'ng the defimtlOns o s f h d to refresh the memory o t ose of elastlClty, mc u 1 fer to other texts an b . il having the student re k l'n elasticity we shall ne Y tly done any wor ' . readers who have not recen f these basic concepts, with partlcular . m . th e next three chapters some o . h are parreVlew d strain tensors WhlC . h erties of the stress an d t f plasticity theory. The rea er emphasls on t ose prop 6 . t t in the developmen o .' h may skip directly to Chapter . ticularly Impor an thoroughly familiar with elastlclty t eory d lthough we shall not con. nd-order tensors, an a Stress and stram are seco . t' s such it is important that . .h and thelr proper les a , cern ourselves Wlt tensors . t t tI' on known as tensor notatlOn. '1' 'th the subscnp no a . 'ting out long formulas or expresthe student be faml lar Wl . . t nly a time saver m wn f f f l' derivations and in the proo o This notatlOn lS no o . . l o extremely use u m sions, but lt lS a s . t f the past and present literature on theorems. Furthermore, a aJor pa~ ok owledge of this notation is ess.en1tìaf subject utilizes tensor notatlOn, aln . a npecific problems the usual lUlll'.l"'U~ . th literature In so vmg s .h in followmg e . d We shall therefore start Wlt a notation must, however, always be use . description of tensor notation.
Tensor Notation
A tensor is a system of numbers or functions which transform according to a certain law, when the independent variables undergo a linear transformation. We shall not concern ourselves here with the transformation laws for tensors but will merely record a few elementary properties, inc1uding the tensor notation. We shall accept the fact that stress and strain are tensors. A subscript notation is used which is really very simple. The coordinate axes are designated by the letter x, with a latin subscript. Thus XI does not meanjust one quantity, but three quantities, Xl> X2, and Xs, where Xl' X2' and Xs are used instead of X, y, and z (or r, B, z, etc.). Any other subscript, such asj, k, l, m, etc., can be used equally well. For two-dimensional problems the subscript is understood to have a range of only two rather than three. A double subscript indicates a system of nine components if the range of each of the subscripts is three, or a system of four components if the range is two. For example, the stress tensor is designated by a" and stands for nine components: alj
a ll a2l
a12 a22
alS] a2S
[ax 'T yX
[ 'T zx
Similar1y, the nine components of the strain tensor are designated by Two subscripted quantities are said to be equal if their corresponding components are equal. Thus if A" = Bli> then All = B ll , A 12 = B 12 , etc. If two subscripted quantities are added, their corresponding components are added. Thus
+ Bll = A 12 + B 12 = A 2l + B 2l = All
C12 C2l
system is called a system of first order, a double subscript one of second order, etc. It is evident from the definitions of equality addition above, that these can apply only to systems of equal order. now come to the only "tricky" part of tensor notation-the summation ",vI>n."... " . Whenever a subscript is repeated, this indicates summation over of the subscript. Thus
Sec. 3-2] Stress at a Point
The Stress Tensor [Ch. 3
The simp1est second-order symmetric tensor is the Kronecker delta or substitution tensor, defined by
Such a subscript is called a dummy subscript and it must be a letter not a number; i.e., all does not mean summation. A more complicated example is given by the increment of work per unit volume:
=O = l =
The advantage here becomes apparent, since we have written down one term instead of nine. Also the work increment stands out as the scalar product of ents the strain increment and the stress. Furthermore, 7"jf dSjf repres the work increment without being tied to any particular system ofaxes. It would thus include 7"11 dS + 7"22 dS + 7"33 ds 33 , where these are the principal stresses ll
i "# j i
[~ ~]
It is called the substitution tensor because OffA f offA"c
= =
andA strains. system having any number of subscripts is said to be symmetric in two of these subscripts if the components of the system are unaltered when the two subscripts are interchanged. Thus a second-order system is called symmetric if
Finally, the convention l'S used to d . 1 erentiation by a eSIgnate partia1 d'fii comma. Thus
The stress and strain tensors are usually symmetric. A system is said to be skew-symmetric or antisymmetric if the interchange of the indices changes the signs of the components. Thus for a second-order skew-symmetric system
3-2 STRESS AT A POINT Consider as show' . forces P 1 P 2a' "body n In FIgure 3.2.1 subjected t o a system of externa1 • Pa. Now consider l dIViding it into parts I and II h a p ane AB passing through the bod , as s own. If we consider part I , it l'S seen t hatY
This shows immediately that All = -A ll = O
= -A 22 = O A33 = - A 33 = O
A 22
Therefore a skew-symmetric tensor of second order is characterized by three quantities:
= A 32 =
P2 =
-A 23 - A 3l
P3 = A l2 = -A 2l ~
It can readily be shown that every second-order tensor Ajf may be
posed into the sum of a symmetric tensor ejf and a skew-symmetric tens
Loaded body.
The Stress Tensor [Ch. 3
Sec. 3-2} Stress at a Point
it is in equilibrium under the action of forees P 1 , P 2 , P 3 , P 4 , and the force P 12 that part II exerts on part I, P 12 being the resultant of the eontinuous distribution of forces on the pIane AB that part II exerts on part I. If a small area AA is taken in this pIane with a force AP acting on it, then the uni! stress acting at this point is defined as p
. AP 11m AA
t.A->O i l
The important thing to note here is that the unit stress, p, must be referred to a particular pIane. For any other pIane passing through the same point, it is obvious from consideration of Figure 3.2.1 that the force distribution on this pIane, and hence the unit stress, will be different. The unit stress, p, of course, need not be perpendicular to the pIane AB. In practice, therefore, the stress, p, is decomposed into two components, one normal to the piane of reference, called the normal stress, and one parallel to this pIane, called the shearing stress. The normai stress is taken as positive when it is tensile in nature and negative when it is compressive. To compIetely specify the stress at a point it is necessary to specify the stresses at that point on three mutually perpendicular pianes passing through the point. The stress on any arbitrary pIane through the point can then be determined in terms of the stress es on the three perpendicular planes, as will short1y be shown. Let the three mutually perpendicular planes be the planes perpendicular to the x, y, and z coordinate axes. Then the stresses acting on these pianes at their point of intersection are as designated in Figure 3.2.2. The stresses as shown are alI positive. The subscripts denote the direetion of the stress. The first subscript designates the normai to the pIane under consideration, and the second subscript designates the direetion of the stress. Thus 7" xy denotes a shearing stress acting on the face of the element that is perpendieuIar to the x axis, the stress aeting in the direction of the y axis. As mentioned previously, the normai stress is taken positive when it nt'r,r1llt'po tension and negative when it produees eompression. The positive G1reetlOtls of the components of shearing stress on any side of the cubie element taken as the positive direetions of the coordinate axes, if a tensile stress on same side would have the positive direction of the corresponding axis. It is seen from the figure that the complete specifieation of the stress at point is given by the nine quantities
Convention for stresses.
It is customary in engineering praetice to d Clx instead of Cl elete the second subseript on the quanhtles are designated' 1 xx, etc. In tensor notation th ' slmp y by Cl b e nme If one considers an infinite' l ti or, y some authors, 7"li' , , Slma rectangula 11 ' pO,mt m a body, then it readily ii Il r p~ra eleplped surrounding a st~Ì1c equilibrium of forees and ~ ows, as lS s~own in standard texts, pomt satisfy the following eqUation~~ents reqUIres that the stresses at
norm~l, stress and write
~ +
Fj are the components of th
+ Biz = - Fz
e body forces per uni t volume. Also (3.2.3)
The Stress Tensor {Ch. 3
Sec. 3-3]
PromClpal . Stresses. Stress Invariants
.J = 00
In tensor notation these become simply
m =
OC 08
The second line of(3.2.4) expresses the fact that the stress tensor is symmetric. There are therefore in generaI only six independent components of stress at a point rather than nine. (Note: There are some peculiar conditions for which the stress tenso will not be symmetric, as in the case when body moments r
c y
act (1).)
3-3 PRINCIP.AL STRESSES. STRESS INV.ARI.ANTS If we are given the six components of stress at a point with respect to some coordinate system (x, y, z), we can determine the stresses acting on any pIane through this point. This can be done by consideration ofthe static equilibrium of an infinitesimal tetrahedron formed by this pIane and the coordinate planes, as shown in Figure 3.3.1. In this figure we have shown the stresses acting on the three coordinate planes. These stresses are assumed to be known. We wish to find the stresses acting on the pIane ABC whose normal ON has direction cosines l, m, and n. Let the area of the infinitesimal triangle ABC be designated by AA. Then the areas ofthe faces AOB, COB, and AOC are equal to m AA, l AA, and n AA, respectively. Now let the stress vector acting on the face ABC be designated by Sand its x, y, and z components by Sx, Sy, and Sz as shown in Figure 3.3.1(b). Then for equilibrium of forces in the
x direction,
x (b) FIGURE
orces on infinitesimal tetrahedr ono
from (3.3.1) resuIts in Similarly,
= lr XY + mu y + n'1"Zy
Sz = lr xz
+ m'1"yZ + nuz
+ m 2 uy + n2 uz + 2(lm'1"xy + mn'1"yZ + nlr zx )
to obtain the resuItant shear stress Ss a Ct'lllg on thIS . pIane, To obtain the normal stress Sn acting on this pIane we project the
Sx, Sy, and Sz onto the normal ON, to get
S; = S2 - S2n = S;,
S2z - S2n
Sec. 3-3]
Principal Stresses. Stress Invariants
The Stress Tensor [Ch. 3
Expanding the determinant glves . . equation for S: a CUblC
Equations (3.3.1) give the x, y, and z components of the stress acting on this pIane, and equations (3.3.3) and (3.3.4) give the normal and shear stresses. Equations (3.3.1) can also be considered as the boundary conditions that have to be satisfied by the stress components 0!J at any point on the boundary of the body. Thus if the element of area ABC is considered to be an element of the boundary whose normal has the direction cosines l, m, and n, and Sx, Sy, and Sz are the components of the applied boundary forces at the point O, then equations (3.3.1) are precisely the boundary conditions that must be satisfied by the stress tensor. In tensor notation, if we replace l, m, and n by Il, 12 , and 13 , we can write (3.3.1) as
Suppose the pIane element ABC of Figure 3.3.1 is so oriented that the resultant stress S on this pIane element is normai to the pIane; Le., S = Sn and Ss = O. The pIane is then called a principal pIane at the point, its normal direction is called a principal direction, and the stress S = Sn is called a principal stress. At every point in a body there are at Ieast three principal directions. These principai stresses and principai directions can readily be found as follows. Assume the element ABC to lie in a principai pIane at point O so that S = Sn' Then S has the same direction cosines l, m, and n as the normal. The components of S in the x, y, and z directions are then Sx
= IS
Sy = mS
S3 - 11 S 2
12 S - 13 = O
= 12 =
+ + Oz '1'2 2 + '1'zx 2 xy + '1'YZ
13 =
o x o yo z
+ 2'1'Xy'1'YZ TZX
+ o y o z + o zo x )
(o x '1'2YZ
+ OyT 2ZX + Oz'1';y)
It can be proved. [2] that th e cub'IC equatlOn . (3 3 9) h h " .. as t ree real roots and consequent1y there are (at le t) h db as t ree prmclpal stre h' nate y 01, 02, and 03' Substituting a f h sses, w lch will be desig(3.3.6) enables one to solve for th nyo t es~ solutions back into equations 'f . e correspondmg di t' n, l m addition the identity f2 + m 2 + n2 = 1 . rec lOn cosines l, m, and 01, 02, and 03 are distinct the th . lS used. If the three roots b . ' ree correspondmg p' . 1 . e umque and orthogonal. If t f h nnClpa dlrections will 1 .. . wo o tese roots are e umque but the other two d' t' equa, one dlrectlOn will d' lrec lOns can be any t b o t e first. If aH three roots are equa, 1 t h ere are no uwo. lrections, . , orthogonal t h an any three directions can b h mque pnnclpal directions e c osen . This correspon d s to a state of hydrod . stress. stattc
Suppose instead of the axes x y and . were chosen at the point O Th' , h z, a dlfferent set ofaxes, x' y' and z' ", . en t e equat' f d stresses, (3.3.9) would be th lOn or etermining the principal esame, except that I l d . ' 1U terms of the stresses o' 0" • 1, 2, an 13 would be defined axes, Le., x, y, Oz, etc., wlth respect to the new coordinate
Sz = nS Il
and equations (3.3.1) give immediateIy
l 2 --
+ m'1'yx + n'1'zx = O lr XY + m(Oy - S) + nrZy = O lr xz + m'1'yz + n(oz - S) = O
l(ox -
o'x '1"2 XY
+ o' + Oz' y
+ '1'YZ '2 + ...
the principal str.esses are physical quantities . on the coordmate axes ch and obvlOusly do not I . ( osen. Hence the numb 2 'l''''V'H.''''' m 3.3.9) must be the same no ers 1, 1 , and 13 morder that they give the same' matter what coordinate axes are values for 01 , o 2, and 03' Th us
or in tensor notation (repiacing l, m, and n by Il, 12 , and 1 )
Il -- o x
+ U 'y + U z'
For equation (3.3.6) to have a nontriviai solution for l, m, and n, the minant of the coeftìcients must vanish, resulting in OX \OiJ -
8jj S\
'1'Xy \
S 0y -
'1'zx '1'Zy Oz -
. invariants for 12 and thtrd of 13' theIl' t12 , and l 3 are t h erefore caHed the first second s ress tensor re t' 1 " first and second invariants ' ~pec lve y. We will show later are partlcular1y important in plasticity
The stress Tenso r {Ch.3
If we choose the principal directions as the directions of the coordinate
Sec. 3-4] Max'unum and Octahedral Shear Stresses
respect and . these d ' . 35 . to l and m ,equatmg equat10ns are obtained for l and m: envatlves to zero, the following
axes, then the stress invariants take on the simple form Il = 1 = 2
1[(<11 - (13)f2 [( m
+ <12<13 + <13(11)
<11' <12'
3-4 MAXIMUM AND OCTAHEDRAL SHEAR STRESSES Let us take the coordinate axes in the principal directions. Then the shear stress es referred to these axes are zero and the normal and shear stresses on some oblique plane, with direction cosines with respect to these axes of l, m, and n, are, from equations (3.3.3) and (3.3.4), S" = [Z<11
S; = Si
2 n <13
+ S~ + S~ - S;
+ (<12
Therefore, nu ffi We already know that on the principal planes the shear stress is a mlnll : -' zero. Let us noW fìnd the planes for which it is a maximum; Le., we seek values of l, m, and n, such that S8 as given by equation (3.4.2) is a ,"";},, •."UU In addition to equation (3.4.2), there is a restriction on the directionU P [Z + m2 + n = 1; Le., only two of them can be independent. 0U :;t.HU I 2 into (3.4.2) n2 = 1 _ m2 - [Z, differentiating the resultant equation
l( 2 <11 -
l2(<12 -
= =
If the above calculations are carried o . . (3.4.2) first m and then l the ~ 11' ut by ehmmating from equati , o owmg table is obtained: on
± V1j2
± V1j2
± V1j2
+ V1/2
+ V1j2
The first three columns obviousl' .. planes which are principal pIane; !~~ :!e d~rect1On cosines of the coordinate ~lanes a~e zero; Le., they are a ~inim er~~re the shearing stresses on these bon cosmes of 450 angles. These lan um. e three last columns give directhe coordinate axes On th Pl es, therefore, bisect the angles bet D" . ese p anes the sh . g ween eSlgnatmg these stresses b T and . .eann stresses are maximum hsUb.sbtutmg these direction cosines equation (3.4.2), the values s eanng stresses are o btained as
~f ~he T1 T2
But, from (3.3.1), with the shear stress es zero,
(13)m 2 2 <1 3 )m -
One is. obviousIy l -- m = O and . dsolution tame by takmg l = O but t n - ± 1. Another solution is ob_ . /_ no m. Then from th m _ ±v 1/2. Aiso taking m _ O . e second equation There are in generaI , from t he fìrst equation, l = + V1/2 ' no sol t' glVes t" . 1 u 10ns lor l and b h -' specla case <11 = (12' m ot nonzero except in the
2 m <12
It is to be noted that the invariants Il, 12 , and 13 appearing in (3.3.11) are three independent quantities which specify the state of stress just as well as 3 2 <11' <12' and <13' That is, given <11, <12' and <13' we can calculate Il' 1 , and 1 , and given Il' 1 , and 1 , we can calculate <110 <12' and <13' one set of these numbers 3 2 uniquely determining the other set. Furthermore, any three independent combinations of these invariants will obviously also be invariants and can
specify the state of stress just as
<11 -
+ (<12
= = =
±!(<12 -
±!(<11 -
±-!-(<11 -
the m aXlmum . shearing stress acts on . the largest and smallest pri . I the pIane blsecting the arlgle .me)ret1f'P between these principai st nClpa stresses and is equal to half the we resses. compute the normai stresses o n these planes and designate them by we get, from (3.4.1), N1 =
+ (13)
N2 =
+ (13)
+ (12)
The Stress Tensor [Ch.3
e so that the normal stress on each of these planes is equal to the averag of the principal stresses on the two planes whose angle it bisects. If the pIane ABC of Figure 3.3.1 is so oriented that aA = aB = ac, then the normal aN will make equal angles with all the axes, and
Sec. 3-5] Mohr's D'lagram
and in terms of general nonpnncipal . stress es it becomes _ 2[(a x oct -"9
= t[(a
_ a x
+ a)2 + 3('T Xy 2 + z + ()2
'T yZ
+ (a z _
ay - az
'T zx
(a a x y
+ x aya + aza )] + T~z + T~x)] Z
l=m=n= ±V3
which . t D dgives the octahedral shear stress In f re erre to an arbitrary set ofaxes. erms o the stress components
The normal stress acting on this pIane is (3.4.7)
3-5 MOHR'S DIAGRAM That is, the normal stress on this piane is equai to the mean stress, and the shear stress is
s; =
+ a~ +
= !(al - a2?
a5) - !(al
+ (a2
- a3)2
+ (a3
- al?1
or, making use of (3.4.7),
The. result of the previous section can b . o: a dl~gram proposed by Mohr [3]. This e obtaIne~ graphicaIly by the use dlSCUSSIng a pair of parameters caIled L d a;pro~ch IS particularly useful in encountered in plasticity theory. A f Il d~ e s ;anables which are frequent1y postponed untillater. Mohr's dia ra: IsCUSSlOn?f's variables will be Let us take the principal directio!s for Ct:: be obt~Ined In the foIlowing way. normal and shear stresses acting on b' coordInate axes and consider the Instead of Sn and S we will ~ an ~r ltrary piane oblique to these ax s lor convemenc es. h s ear stresses on this pIane Th' e use a and. T for the normal and (3.4.1) and (3.4.2) become . en In terms of the principal stress es equations
It is apparent that a tetrahedron similar to this one can be constructed in
each of the four quadrants above the xy piane and in each of the four quadrants below the xy piane. On the oblique face of each ofthese eight tetrahedra the condition 12 = m2 = n2 = t will apply. The difference between the tetrahedra will be in the signs attached to l, m, and n. The eight tetrahedra together will form an octahedron, and on each of the eight planes forming the faces of this octahedron the normai stress and the shear stress will be as given by equations (3.4.7) and (3.4.8). These planes are called the octahedral planes, and the shear stresses acting on them are called the octahedral shear stresses. We shall designate this stress by Toct
= t(al - a2)2
l (al V}
+ (a2
a m)2
- a3)2
+ (a3
+ (a2 -
a m)2
n2 = 1i~ we have th ree equations to solve for , m , and n2. Solving these+results [2
m2 = T
- al)2]112
+ (a3
V2 3 (12l + 312)112
With the identity [2 + 2 1 2 2m
+ (a
- a m)21
In terms of the stress invariants the octahedrai shear stress can be written
n2 =
- a2)(a - a3) a2)(al - a3)
+ (a - a3)(a - al) (a2 - a3)(a2 - al)
+ (a - al)(a - a2) (a3 - al)(a3 - a2)
loss of general'lty we can order the axes so that
The stress Tenso r [Ch.3 38
Then since [Z 2': O and (al - az) al
) > O from the first of equatlOns a3 - ,
Sec. 3-6] Stress Deviator Tensor
equa1 to or 1ess than (al - a3)/2, as shown by the interi or of circle Cz in Figure 3.5.1. Finally, the third of equations (3.5.3) gives
(3.5.3) or
. n (3 .5' 3) can aiso be written EquatlO '1"z
(a -
)Z >- (~)Z 2
+ a3 2
. . (3 .5' 4) , this equation repres ents .a .' uatlOn . If the equaltty slgn lS used m eq C in Figure 3.5.1. The center lS circle in the '1" - a pIane, as shown by l T
which represents the region exterior to the circle C3 with center at (al + az)/2 and crossing the a axis at al and az. It follows therefore from (3.5.4), (3.5.5), and (3.5.6) that the admissib1e va1ues of'1" and a 1ie in the shaded region shown in Figure 3.5.1 bounded by the circles Cl' C z, and C3 • The maximum shearing stress, as is clear from the figure, is represented by the Iargest ordinate, AB, which is the radius of the circle Cz and is therefore equa1 to (al - a3)/2. To determine the orientation of the pIane that has this shearing stress, we make use of equation (3.5.2). The va1ue of u corresponding to the maximum shearing stress is equa1 to (al + a3)/2 (the center of the circle Cz). Substituting these values of'1" and a into equations (3.5.2), we get
We have thus obtained the same va1ues for the maximum shearing stress as in the previous section.
Mohr's diagram.
. 2 and it crosses the a aX1S )/ obviously at O, (az + a3 , . (3 54) lies . d fi d by equatlOn ., Therefore the reglO n e n e . . t circles includes it as a boundary, smce 1t represen s
t - a and a = a3' a a - z.. d outside th1S c1rcle an with radii equai to or
greater than (az - a3)/2. . f (3 5 2) since az - a3 > O and 'd' the second equatlOn o .., Now conSl ermg b 1 ss than or equal to zero: < O, the numerator must e e az - al '1"z '1"z or
+ (a
+ (a
- a3)(a - al) ::; O
_ al
~ a3y ::;
(al; a
. t fami1y of circles with centers WhlCh represen s a
It is convenient in p1asticity theory to split the stress tensor into two parts, one called the spherical stress tensor and the other the stress deviator tensor. .The spherica1 stress tensor is the tensor whose elements are a m Oli. where U m is the mean stress, i.e.,
at (al
a3)/2 and
(3.6.2) it is apparent that a m is the same for all possib1e orientations axes; hence the name sphericai stress. A1so, since a m is the same in all
Sec. 3-7] Pure Shear
The StresS Tenso r [Ch. 3
directions, it can be considered to act as a hydrostatic stress. Now, it was ib1e shown in Section 2.5 that even very large hydrostatic pressure has a neglig effect on yielding and plastic fiow. Therefore, in plastic fiow considerations one can consider, if desired, the stress system obtained by subtracting the spheric state of stress from the actual state, rath" than working with the actual al state of stress. We therefore define a stress tensor called the stress
!(Ir + 312) = -l'f(2Ir + 91112 + 2713 )
J2 = J3
fi One t" advantage of usin g t he stress deviator t . rs lllvanant of this tenso' l ensor lS now apparent Th h r " a ways zero Th' . e t e sum of the diagonal elements . . . lS can also be seen by taking The invariants J and J III equatlOn (3.6.3) or (3.6.4). 2 3 can, of course b . . components al}. For example, , e wntten III terms of the stress
deviator tensor SI} as follows:
(3.6.3) =
It is apparent that subtracting a constant normal stress in all directions will not change the principal directions. The principal directions are therefore the same for the deviator tensor as for the originaI stress tensor. In terms of r the principal stress es the deviator tenso is
J 2 --
3 2 z'Toct
(3.6. IO)
between J d h u~ed1S relatlOnship to lend credence on p~:S7calt :
w111 be discussed later.
octahedral shear stress is sometimes g ounds to some plasticity theories, as
o o
r To obtain the invariants of the stress deviator tenso , replace S
+ Vl in equation (3.3.9). This results in (3.
important state of stress is the one d . d~Slgnated as pure shear, or simple . If at a point in a body a set of = a _ O co or lllate axes can b f d y _ .a = : then the point is said t o ' e oun such that z state III a cyhndrical bar in to' . be III a state of pure shear. The i s the stress state rSlOn lS an example of pure shear. Another
The Stress Tensor [Ch. 3
Ch. 3]
General References
Given the following stress tensor at a point:
It can readi1y be shown (4) that a necessary and sufficient condition for a
10,000 1,000 ( - 8,000
state of pure shear to exist is
and presented in this chapter are independent of the material properties and are therefore equally valid for bodies which behave elastically or plastically.
l=~ V3 15.
Given the tensor TI/eTici' (a) What is the order of this tensor? (b) lf i, j, and k range from 1 to 3, how many components does this tensor
have? (c) Write out the components. The generai Hooke's Iaw is given by
(a) Write out the equations this represents. (b) What is the order of this tensor? 4. Prove that every second-order tensor au may in a unique way be decomposed into the sum of a symmetric tensor eu and a skew-symmetric tensor Pu· 5. Verify relations (3.4.4). 6. Verify equations (3.4.6), (3.4.7), (3.4.8), (3.4.10), and (3.4.11). 7. Discuss the Mohr diagram for the case a2 = a3 and determine the orientation of surface elements experiencing extreme shearing stresses. Consider also the case where al = a2 = a3' 8. Derive equations (3.6.7), (3.6.8), and (3.6.9). 9. Let ax = a = a = O, Txy = Ty" = Tzx = a. Calculate the octahedral shear z stress, J , Jy , and J , the principal stresses, the greatest shearing stress, and 1
the direction cosines for the greatest principal stress. 10. Show that subtracting a hydrostatic stress from a given stress state will not 11.
change the principal directions. Show that the second and third invariants of the stress deviator tensor can also be written
J2 J3
= -!(S~ + S~ + S~) = t(Sr + S~ + S~)
12. Determine the invariants of the stress tensor and the octahedral stresses 13.
the case of uniaxial state of stress. The case of piane stress is partially characterized by a z = Txz = Tyz es = Determine the invariants of the stress tensor, the principal stress , maximum shear stresses, and the octahedral stresses for this case.
- 8,000) 6,000 20,000
m- 1
- V2
A circular cylinder 2 in. in diameteris sub' 6 a bending moment of 35,000 in -lb an ~ecte~ t.o a tensile force of 30,000 lb Determine the stress invariants' the a moment of 50,000 in -lb' stress, and the stress deviator prmclpal stresses, the maximum shea;
Problems 1. Write out the expression for the work incremt:nt TU
1,000 - 6,000 6,000
Determine the stress invariants h :~esses, the maximum shear str~s~ ea~~~~ d~viator tensor, the principal ~ pane. upon which it acts and e normal and shear stresses actin~ on a pane wlth direction cosines
In conc1usion it should be emphasized that all the equations developed
dW =
~ ~wIstmg
~:._?Pil~ed . to. the two opposite sides of a
Show that if a uniform tension a square and a uniform compressio~ state of pure shear is obtained.
applied to the other two sides, a
References L
I. S. Sokolnikoff Mathemat' New York, 1956: p. 42. Ica l Theory oj Elasticity, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill
2. 3. 4 .
Ibid., p. 17. ' O. Mohr, Abhandlungen aus dem G b' Wilhelm Ernst und Sohn B l' 1 e let del' technischen Mechanik 2nd d , er m, 914 p 192 ' e ., C E P . . p.earson, Theoretical ElastzClty, .. Harvard ,. . University Press, Cambn'd ge, 1959, 57.
GeneraI References Sokolnikoff, I . S., 1Y1athematical 'I Th New York, 1956. eory oj Elasticity, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill ,
, S., and J. N. Goodier, Theory York, 1951.
01' 'J
Elastzclty, .. McGraw-Hill, New
... Sec. 4-1] Strain at a Point
4 y
4.1.1 Deformed body.
The components of displacement of the pomt . P o are
= Vo = Wo = Uo
When the relative position of any two points in a continuous body is changed the body is said to be deformed or strained. If the distance between every pair of points in a body remains constant during motions of the body, the body is called rigido The displacements of a rigid body consist of translations and rotations; translations and rotations are therefore ealled rigid body displacements. The analysis of strain eonsists of the study of the deformations of bodies whieh is essentially a geometrie problem and is unrelated to the material properties. The specifieation of strain at a point is therefore the same for elastie and for plastically deforming bodies.
x~ y~
- Yo
z~ - Zo
The eomponents of displaeement of the pomt . P are
u = x' - x v = y' - y w = z' - z
We start the analysis of the strain at a point in a body by eonsidering body referred to an orthogonal set ofaxes as shown in Figure 4.1.1. vVl1"l'"'' two arbitrary neighboring points P o and P in the unstrained body. straining, the points move to P~ and P', respeetively. The eoordinates of and p' are xo, Yo, and Zo and of P, x, y, and Z. The eoordinates of x~, y~, and z~ and x', y', and z', respeetively. The veetor A deforms into veetor A'. The eomponents of A are A x , A y , and Az and the eomponents of
We assume that the displaeements are si l the eoordinates x y and z (A t Il n~ e-valued eontinuous funetions " . e ua y as wlll b that alI their derivatives thr h . e apparent later, we have to therefore expand the d' 1 oug t e t.hlrd are also continuous.) We lSp aeements at P m a Taylor series about P o as :
= Uo
+ ox ou Ax + ou A OU oy y + oz Az
v = Vo
8v o + -ox Ax + ~ A + 8v 8y Y oz Az
w = Wo + ~w Ax + ow A + ow A x 8y Y oz z A~ = Ax 44
+ SAx
The Strain Tenso r
[Ch. 4
neglected, since P is taken in the neighborhood
where higher-order terms are of P ' Making use of (4.1.1) and (4.1.2), o
8u A + 8u Az 8y y 8z
8u (x' - x) - (x~ - xo) = 8x Ax
8v (y' _ y) - (y~ - Yo) = 8x Ax
+ 8y y
(Z' - z) - (z~ - zo)
8v A
+ 8v Az
8w A
+= 8x A x + -A 8y y 8z -
Now the change in the components of the vectors A an
is called the relative displacement tensor. In generaI, as can be seen, it is not symmetric. Nothing has been said so far as to whether the displacements of P o and P represent rigid body motions or not, or what part of them does. Since rigid body motions play no part in the analysis of strain, it is best to eliminate them from consideration at the start. This can be done as folIows. A rigid body motion, as mentioned earlier, is characterized by the fact that the length of aline joining any two points remains unchanged. Consider the vector A shown in Figure 4.1.1 and assume the vector A' to be obtained from .IL by rigid body displacements. Then
A2 = A ' 2 = (A x + 8Ax)2 + (A y + 8Ay)2 + (Az + 8Az)2 = A; + A~ + A; + 2(A x 8A x + A y 8A y + Az 8A.)
A' can be written
_ (x' - x) - (x~ - xo)
XI -
) x') o - (x - Xo -
8A x = Ax - Ax I I _ ) = (y' _ y) (y~ - Yo) A' A = (y - Yo) - (y Yo I SA y = Y Y ) _ (z' - z) - (zo - zo) SA = A~ - Az = (Z' - z~) - (z - Zo z I
Sec. 4-1] Strain at a Point
= A2 (4.1.5)
+ 2(A x 8A x + A y 8Ay + Az 8Az)
where we have neglected higher-order terms in 8A i since we are considering only infinitesimal transformations. Therefore,
Substituting into (4.1.4) gives (4.1.8)
or (4.1.6)
But, from (4.1.6), (4.1.9) or
or, in tensor notation, simp1y
8A I = ul"A, . is called an affine transformation, ~nd if it The transformatlOn (4.1.6) d h' derivatives are small, then 1t be(;Oniles d that the UI an t e1r further assume ,r. Con (1) The tensor an injìnitesimal affine trans) orma l •
8Ul 8Ul 8Ul 8Xl 8X2 8xs UI,' =
8U2 8U2 8U2 8Xl 8X2 8xs 8us 8Xl
8us 8us 8X2 8xs
equation (4.1.9) must be true for alI values ofA x, Ay, and Az, a necessary sufficient conditiOll that the transformation (4.1.6) represent a rigid body is
8u 8x
8u 8y
8u 8z
8u = 8v = 8w = O 8x 8y 8z
8v 8x
8v 8y
8v 8z
8u 8v 8y = -8x
8w 8w 8w 8x 8y 8z
8u 8z
8w - 8x
8v 8z
8w -8y
The Strain Tensor {Ch. 4
That is, for rigid body motion the tensor
of equation (4.1.7) is skew-
symmetric. Now every second-order tensor can be decomposed into a symmetric tenso and a skew-symmetric tensor in one and only one way (see Problem 4, r 3). It follows therefore that if we decompose the tenso r UI.! into Chapter symmetric and skew-symmetric parts, the skew-symmetric part will represent ent rigid body motions, whereas the symmetric part will repres pure deforma-
tion. Therefore, let UI.! = 1(U,.f
+ Uf.,) + 1(U'.f
U'.f =
Bu Bx Bli
.l.(BU 2 By .l.(BU 2 Bz
+ +
Bv By
l(BV BW) "2-+Bz By
is called the strain tensor and
BW) Bx
+ BW) By
.l.(BU _ BW) 2 Bz Bx
(4.1.12) x
Bw Bz
Shear deformation .
axes, respectively. Hence if i ' dk and z directions, then A ~ l'A'an represent the unit vectors in the ve t d - l y and B = kB Af x, y, c ors are eformed into A' and 13' . h z· ter deformation, these Wlt components
.l.(BV _ BW) 2 Bz By
.l.(BW _ BV) 2 By Bz
1(BW _ BU) Bx Bz
.l.(BU 2 Bz
1(BV _ BU) Bx By
.l.(BU 2 By
To mterpret the meaning of the t . Figure 4.2.. 1 Consider two vectorss A ram andcomponent 13'11l1tlally .. BI!parallel = BZy, to use is made of the y and z
- Uf.,)
+ BV)
.l.(BV 2 Bz
BW) Bx
Thus Bx represents the extension h . 49 ~ vector originally parallel to th or c. ange m length per unit length of . '1ar mterpretations e x aXIs. By and Bz obviously have Slml . .
+ wli
.l.(BU 2 By BV) Bx
Sec. 4-2] PhySlca . l Interpretation of Strain Components
A' = i SA x _ B' = l. SBx
+ l'(A y + SA y ) + k SA + j SBy + k(Bz + SBz) z
Denote the angle between A' and 13' by product
e. Then from the definition ofthe
is called the rotation tensor. For cos
deformation therefore, equations (4.1.6) become
e =;:;; A' 13' =+ SA A .SB B x SBx + (A y + SAy) SB y + (B z + OBJ SA y
SA, = BliAf
z SA z
we have neglected the d (4.2.3) .. o e small. Therefore, pro ucts of the vect or mcrements, assuming
t b
_ A'· 13'
COMPONENTS The physical meaning of the components of the strain tensor (4.1.12) e1 readily be determined as follows. Assume the vector A to be parall14 to x axis so that A = Az = O and Ax = A. Then equation (4.1. ) y
SA x SA B11 = Bx = -Ax = A -
The Strain Tensor [Ch. 4 50
We have thus neglected all in~rements except draw the figure as shown in Figure 4.2.2. z
d an
and we can noW
y I
1 R :r.----..:;.----. 0
8By RI
Sec. 4-3] Finite Deformations
- - ---11 I 0,1 Il --
4.2.3 Shear deformation.
4.2.2 Shear deformation.
N ow, from equation (4.1.14), 8A z
8B y
. t h e ng . ht angle between is the decrease m ex W ere ex h ) ( Aiso cos 8 = COS 7r /2 , .ii and B. Or cos 8 = sin ex ~ ex for small angles. From (4.2.4) and (4.2.5), a
= ByZ + BZy = 2ByZ
ase in the right angle between two vectors '1' y and z axes. AIso, from Figure Hence ByZ repres ents half the decre that were initially directed along the pOSi lVe 4.2.2 and equation (4.2.5),
In the previous discussion we assumed that the displacements and their derivatives were small; i.e., we considered only infinitesimal strains. If the strains become too large, it is obvious that the previous formulation can no longer be correct. In this case the strains are no longer linearly related to the derivatives ofthe displacement. Furthermore, the equilibrium equations must be satisfied in the deformed body and must therefore be written in terms of the deformed coordinates if these are considerably different from the undeformed ones. There are two methods of describing the deformation of a continuous body, when the deformations are large, the Lagrangian and the Eulerian. The Lagrangian method uses the initial coordinates of each particle to describe the deformation. The Eulerian method uses the coordinates ofthe particles in the deformed state to describe the deformation. We shall derive the elements of the Eulerian strain tensor using tensor notation for brevity. The power of this notation for derivation purposes, as was mentioned earlier, will be evident. Let the coordinates of two neighboring particles before deformation be al and al + dal' After deformation has taken pIace, let the coordinates of these particles be Xt and Xi + dXt. The initial distance between the particles is
8A z
L POP' ~ tan POP' = lI; =
8B y
L ROR ' ~ tan ROR' = JJ; =
the final distance between them is given by (4.3.2)
I I are e ual. If we noW rotate the q h . ' we obtain a figure such Thus angles POP and ROR l about t e ongm , R'OP'Q' through an ang e ByZ l'd' or shear ofthe elements . 4 2 3 This represents aSi mg that of Figure . . . of the sliding being proportional to the. H i s called a shear stram. to the xy pIane, the amount of the element from the xy pIane. ence ByZ derivations can be made for BXY and Bxz'
the Eulerian description we wish to describe everything in terms of the coordinates Xt. We therefore write
at = at(x!, X2, X3) dat = al,} dx} = ai,,, dx"
Sec. 4-4] Principal strains. Strain Invariants
The Strain Tensor [Ch.4
which reduces to El ~ Ex onIy if Ex « 1. Similarly, the decrease in the right angle between two elements finally directed aiong the y and zaxes is no Ionger 2EyZ but is given by
Therefore, We can also write Therefore,
Now the displacements are given by UI = XI - al al
or Hence ds 2
= [Sjle - (Sii - UI,j)(SIIe - ul,le)1 dXj dXIe
(I;>Djle _ Ule ,j - Uj ' le
= [Djle = (UIe,j
+ Uj,le
+ UI,jul,le)1 dXj dXIe
- UI,jUI,Ie) dXj dXIe
= 2Ejle dXj dXIe The tensor Ejle
= !(UIe,j + Uj,le
- UI,1UI,Ie)
. ical terms in engineering notation is called the Eulerian stram tensor. Some typ are EX
which again reduces to ex = 2EyZ onIy if Ey, Ez , and ex are small. In spite of the foregoing, however, it is possibie sometimes to treat probIems involving Iarge strains using the equations for infinitesimai strains. This is possibie ifwe do the probIem incrementally a small step at a time and after each step change the coordinates to correspond to the deformed body [4]. We are then solving, in essence, a successive series of small strain problems. We will elaborate on this concept more fully in the treatment of creep probIems.
~~ !((~~r + (:~r + (:f1 -
! ( oy +
" ) uV OX
ou + -OV -OV + -OW OW) <>
1. (OU __ 2
h t their products can be neglected, We see that ifthe derivatives are small, so t a . l obtained for the infinÌressions as prevlOuS y P these reduce to the same ex . l' t pretations given in Section 4.2 for tesimal strains. The simple physlca 111 elr. bI in this case Thus if El is the . h ver no longer app lca e . . l t finally parallel to the X axlS, small stra111S are, owe , change in length per unit length of an e emen it can be shown [21 that
In the study of the stress at a point we found that there exist at least three mutually orthogonal pianes which have no shear stress acting on them, Le., the principai planes. We now ask ourselves, do there exist in a similar fashion planes with no shoor strain? By this we mean pianes whose normals will not change orientation when the body is strained. Thus a vector A, which was originally normal to such a pIane, will either shorten or lengthen but will not change direction. The answer to this question is yes. Such pianes, as in the case of stress, are called principal planes, the normal directions to these pianes are the principal directions, and the corresponding strains are called principal strains. To find these directions and the corresponding strains we proceed as follows. Consider a vector A normai to the pIane ABC as shown in Figure 4.4.1. Upon straining it is assumed that A changes length by an amount SA but its direction remains the same; Le., SA is in the same direction as A. Since A and SA are parallel, the components of A and of SA are proportional; Le., (4.4.1) Now by definition the strain 8 in the direction of A is
The Strain Tensor [Ch. 4
Sec. 4-5] Maximum. and Octahedral ShearStrains
The three homogeneous equations (4.4.5) will have a nonvanishing solution if, and only if, the determinant of the coefficients vanish. Thus
Equation (4.4.6) is of exactly the same form as (3.3.8) with stresses replaced by strains. All the remarks and derivations made there, therefore, apply here just as well. Thus (4.4.6) will have three real roots B1> B2' and B3, corresponding to the three principal strains. The invariants appearing in the cubie equation (4.4.7) X
Principal strain vector.
are I~
Hence from (4.4.1),
= BxAx + BXyAy + BxzA z 8A y = BXyAX + ByA y + ByzAz 8A = BxzAx + ByzAy + BzAz z x
+ BxzA z = BXyAx + (By - B)A y + ByzAz = B - B)A = Bxz A x + Byz A Y + ( Z Z B)A x
and substituting into (4.1.14) gives immediately BAI = BliAj
which is the same as (4.4.5).
I{ =
If =
+ B3 + B2 B3 +
B3 Bl)
We note that if equations (4.4.5) are divided by A, then, since Ax/A = I, = m, and Az/A = n, A x , A y , and Az can be replaced in these equations by I, m, and n, respectively. By substituting into these equations the principal strains as obtained by solving the cubie (4.4.7), the principal directions can be obtained, just as was done for the stress tensor. Ay/A
. . th power of the tensor notation, equations (4.4.3) can To Illustrate agalll e be written
I~ = BIB2B3
Substituting (4.4.3) into (4.4.4) gives (BX -
+ By + Bz B;y + B~z + B;x - (BXBy + ByBZ + BzBx) BXByBZ + 2BxyBYZBZX - (BxB~z + ByB;X + BZB~y) Bx
or in terms of the principal strains
Writing out equation (4.1.14) we have 8A
= = =
MAXIMUM AND OCTAHEDRAL SHEAR STRAINS Just as in the case of stress, there exists a direction at every point in a strained body for whieh the shear strain is a maximum. To find this direction we can proceed as follows. Let the coordinate axes be taken in the directions the principal shear strains and consider a vector A, as shown in Figure 4.5.1, having direction cosines I, m, and n with respect to these axes, whieh
Sec. 4-5] Maxirnum and Octahedral Shear Strains
The Strain Tensor [Ch. 4
Equation (4.5.4) gives the linear strain for a vector having direction cosines l, m, and n with respect to the principal strain directions, in terms of the principal strains. To determine the shear (J = RP/A, we have
3 Q
Maximum shear vectors.
CI.' 11 strain so that the . . 1 2 d 3 Let the vector A SUller asma are deslgnated by , ,an ' . . com osed of two parts: a linear stram P h r of amount (J = RP/A, for point P moves to Q. The stram IS th~s _ RQ/A and a rotatlOn or s ea h of amount e - , small (J. To calculate the linear strain, e, we ave
+ 8A l )2 + (A 2 + 8A 2)2 + (A3 + 8A3)2 3 A 2 + 2A(RQ) ;;:; Ai + A~ + A~ + 2(A 1 8A l + A 2 8A 2 + A3 8A ) (A
+ RQ)2
= (Al
mall quantities have been neglected. Therefore, where squares of S
Al 8A l
A = e = A2 +
A 2 8A2 + A3 8A 3 2 A2 A
. t' (4114) which is given in expanded form in (4.4.4), From the baslc equa lOn ., , we have 8A l = elAl
8A 2 = e2 A 2 8A 3 = e3 A 3
(J2 = (PQ)2 = (8Al)2 A2 A
_ m and A3/A = n and sub,
(8A2)2 A
(8A3)2 A
Comparing equations (4.5.6) with (3.4.2), it is seen that they are of identical forms, with Ss replaced by (J and the principal stresses by the principal strains. The maximum shear strains and the corresponding directions can therefore be obtained in the exact same way as for the stresses. Thus designating the maximum shear strains by 'l'1> 'l'2, and 'l'3, we can write directly, by analogy to (3.4.4), 'l'l = ±!(e2 - e3)
'l'2 = ±!(el - e3)
'l'3 = ±!(el - e2) and the same table of direction cosines is applicable as given on page 35. Thus the maximum shearing strain acts on a pIane bisecting the angle between the maximum and minimum principai strain directions and is equai to half the difference of these strains. If we consider the octahedral pianes for which l = m = n = ± 1/V3, we see from (4.5.6) that the shear strain on these planes, which we designate 'l'oct, is given by
+ e~) - i(el + e2 + e3)2 = M(el - e2)2 + (e2 - e3)2 + (e3 - el)2]
'l';ot = t(ei
in exact analogy to the octahedral shear stress. In terms of the invariants of the strain tensor in analogy to (3.4.10) we have 'l';ct
Making use of the relations Al/A .= l, A 2/A stituting (4.5.3) into (4.5.2) results m
= %[I? +
and in terms of nonprincipal strains this becomes
The Strain Tensor [Ch. 4 58
It is also apparent by the same analogy (comparing equations (4.5.4) and (4.5.5) with (3.5.1)) that a Mohr's diagram can be constructed for the strains
Sec. 4-7]
Compatibility of Strain
l . 59 neg ectIng products of the strains . The change In . vo lurne per unit volume is then
in an identical fashion to the stresses.
4-6 STR1UN DEVIATOR TENSOR As in the case of the stress tensor, the strain tensor can be separated into two parts, a spherical part ql} and deviator part eli' The spherical part is
The spherical strain tensor is thus ro o . deviator strain tensor then represe! p rtlOna~ to t~e volume change. The By analogy with the stress deviat~rat~:re .dl~tortlOna~ strain. invariants of the strain deviator tensor are SOl dlscussed In Section 3.6, the J{ = O
given by
= i(I? + 3I~) = i?- (2I? + 9I{I~ + 27I~)
or where
e m
= !(81
+ e2 + e3)
is the mean strain. The deviator strain then
::: eyz 2e x -
ez -
ez -
2e y -
Also it follows that
e xz
8 XY
3 =
ez -
e XY
e xz
e yz
ex 2e z -
ex -
If we consider a rectangular parallelepiped with sides equal to a, b, and c, so that its initial volume is abe, then after straining its volume will be or
ex = -
e XY
oy + ox
defines six strain
o o
The strain tensor placements; Le.,
or, in terms of the principal strains,
e yZ
_ l(OV
e yZ -
+ oy
terms of three dis-
ow oz
ez = -
O e xz
= t ( .!!. + OW) OZ
It is obvious that if the displacement . of x, y, and z, then one can use . s are speclfied as continuous functions ponents uniquely. Let us n eq~datlOns (~.7.1) to compute the strain comd' ow consl er the Inverse pr bI . o em, 1.e., to calculate Isplacements U v and w in b d . several problems a:e ~ncounteread ~nYt~lv~n thelstrai~ c.omponents el}' Here . e rst p ace, It IS apparent that the
The Strain Tensor [Ch.4
solution will not be unique, for the strains represent pure deformation, whereas the displacements include rigid body motion which have no efIect on the strains. The problem can, however, be made unique by specifying the rigid body motion, i.e., specifying the displacement and rotation at some point in the body. However, a more difficult problem is encountered in calculating the displacements from the strains. Equations (4.7.1) are six equations for the three unknowns u, v, and w. It is evident, therefore, that these equations will not have a solution for any arbitrarily chosen strains, but that some restrictions must be placed on the strains in order that equations (4.7.1) have a solution. This can also be seen from the following physical considerations. Assume the body is divided into infinitesimal cubes. Let all these cubes be separated from each other and let each of the cubes be subjected to some arbitrary strains. It is obvious that if we noW try to put all the cubes together, we will, in generaI, no longer be able to fit all the cubes together the way they were before, to produce a continuous body. Between some of the cube boundaries there will be gaps; others will overlap. This shows that there must be some relationships between the strains at the different points of a body in order that the body remain continuous after straining, i.e., that the displacements be continuous functions of the coordinates. These relationships are called the compatibility relations, or, sometimes, the continuity relations. The compatibility equations are found in all standard texts on elasticity. They are derived, for example, in a particularly e1egant fashion in reference [3]. In engineering notation these equations are
Equations (4.7.2) are necessary and suffic' .. 61 components give single-valued d' l lent condlt1Ons that the strain F' lSp acements for a ' l or a mult1ply connected regl'on h Slmp y connected region. , owever these d' . , c o n lt10ns are necessary but generalIy not sufficient. . Just as for the stress equations of Ch here that alI the relations present d ~Ptehr.3, lt should also be emphasized . l . e m t lS chapt pat 1'b'}' 1 lty relations (472) . d .. ,are m ependent of th er, mc . udmg the comtherefore hold for both elasticall . e mat~nal properties and y and plastlCally behavmg materi a1s.
Note on Shear Notation
The shear strains defined herein differ from . many authors by a factor of 1/2 T h ' the shear strams defined by shear strains by . us Tlmoshenko, for example, defines the
ou ov oy +OX
= -
Yxz = -
ov YyZ
= OZ
+OX ow
+ oy
The factor . lS . necessary for the te . 1/2 used h erem .. nsor defimt10n of strain as must b " e exerclsed m reading the e mt10n of shear strain is used.
by equation (4 1 12) C rexempltfied .. . are lterature to determine which d fi . . Problerns
1. Obtain the equat'lOns representing rigid body displ acements; l.e., . show that u
v = b W
+ WyZ
+ wzx + w",y
where a, b, and c are constants and
oe yZ oe zx ) -o ( -oeXY oz oz +OX- +oy
f}2e z
= OXoy
These equations were first derived by Saint-Venant.
- W"'z - wyx
The Strain Tensor [Ch. 4
62 2.
Let the rectangle of Figure 4.2.3 be a square. Show that the shear strain is equai to the extension of the diagonai of this square. 3. The dispiacement vector at a point in a body is given by il = C[i(lOx
+ j(3x +
GeneraI References Novozhilov, V. V., Theory oJ Elasticit P SokolnikofI, I. S., Mathematical Th ~,./r~am?~ Press, London, 1961. eO/yo E astlclty, McGraw-HiII, New York, . 1956.
Tlmoshenko, S., and J. N. Goodi er, Theory oJ Elasticity, McGraw-HiII, New York, 1951. where C is a constant. Show that there is no rotation and compute the 4.
principai strains. Given the strain tensor
0 005 .
-0.004 0.001 O
Determine: (a) The principai strains. (b) The direction cosines of the principai directions. (c) The Iargest shearing strain. (d) The octahedrai shear strain. 5. If a rectanguiar parallelepiped with initiai dimensions of 1 in. in the x direction, 2 in. in the y direction, and 3 in. in the z direction is strained to the condition of Problem 4, determine the finai dimensions. 6. Derive the Lagrangian strain tensor. 7. Show that in pIane polar coordinates the infinitesimai strains are given by
Bu = Br
Bv = Br
1 Bv
= r Be +
1 Bu
r Be - r
where u and v are the dispiacements in the radiaI and tangentiai directions, 8.
respectiveIy. Assuming axiai symmetry, derive the compatibility equation in pIane polar
coordinates. 9 Verify equations (4.5.9) and (4.5.10). 10. Verify equations (4.6.4) and (4.6.5).
References 1. L S. SokolnikofI, Mathematical Theory oJ Elasticity, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1956, p. 21. 2. Ibid., p. 31. 3. Ibid., p. 25. 4. W. Prager and P. G. Hodge, Theory oJ PerJectly Plastic Solids, Wiley, Nevi York, 1951, p. 118.
Sec. 5-1] Equations or Elasticity
thermal expansion, T the temperature a b o v e ' 65 perature, G the shear modulus related to E some arbltrary reference temand f-t by the well-known relation
E 2(1 + f-t)
and El =
+ U y + Uz
= Il
Equation (5.1.1) can be solved for the st resses to glVe . (5.1.4)
(5.1.5) f-tE
(1 + f-t)(l - 2f-t)
In engineering notation equations (5 .. 1 1) become 1
In the previous chapters the states of stress and of strain at a point in a body have been defìned and some of their properties discussed. Equations (3.2.2) give the conditions of equilibrium that must be satisfìed by the stresses at every point of a body, whereas equations (4.7.2) represent the compatibility conditions that must be satisfìed by the strains. The boundary conditions in terms of surface forces are given by equations (3.3.1). There remains to discuss the relations between the stresses and the strains at every point of the body. We shall discuss briefiy these re1ations for an elastic body, as a pre1ude to the generaI elastoplastic stress-strain re1ations to be subsequently
+ u z)] + exT
f-t(u x
+ u z)] + exT
E [u z -
f-t(u x
+ uy)] + exT
= E [uy
1 1
yz -
zx -
f-t(u y
= E [u x
1 2G
~ 'T'YZ
~ 'T'zx
Hooke fìrst proposed a linear re1ation between stress and strain for a lo ad applied in one direction. The generalization of Hooke's law to three dimensions is given in Problem 3, Chapter 3. For an isotropic material this becomes, using the tensor subscript notation and inc1uding thermal strains,
It readi1y follows from (5.1.6) that
- 2f-t e = 1 -EEl + 3exT
(5.1.8) where E is the elastic modulus, f-t poisson's ratio, ex the coefficient of 64
Elastic stress-strain Relations [Ch. 5 66
are the mean strain and mean stress, respectively. Finally,
a m
Sec. 5-2]
El as t·lC Strain Energy Functions
where a is the coefficient Of l'mear thermal 67 . we O course have expanSlOn. From Hooke's law f
combining (5.1.8) and (5.1.1) results in (5.1.9)
where eli and Sii are the strain deviator and stress deviator tensors, respecrs tively. Thus the deviators of the stress and strain tenso are related to each other, in the elastic case, by the simple equation (5.1.9), whereas the spherical stress components are related to the spherical strain components by equation (5.1.8). It also follows that
J 1 = J1 = O
J~ =
and now maki ng use of assumption 3 th fìrst three of equations (5 1 6) h ' e total strains are as given by the the 1ast three of equations..(5 1,w 6) ereas N t Ho ok' es law and assumption 4 give to the extent that a may be a t'. o e that assumption 2 may be modifìed une lOn of temperature.
4b2 J2 5-2
oct -
~ ~2
4G2 . oct
It should be noted that nothing in the foregoing discussion requires that B, G, /k, or a be constant throughout the body. They may, for example, be functions of temperature, so that if the bodyis not at a uniform temperature, these constants may have different values at different points in the body. It is probably worthwhile to brietly discuss the origin of the aT terms appearing in equations (5.1.1). We start by defìning the free thermal expansion of a material as that part of the expansion which is unintluenced by stress but is due to temperature rise alone. We also make the following four
assumptions: 1. The material is isotropic and, therefore, the free thermal expansion is the same in all directions. 2. The free thermal expansion is directly proportional to the ternulerature. 3. The principle of superposition of strains holds. 4. The thermal expansion does not intluence the shear strains.
Let us noW denote the strains due to temperature rise by primes and strains due to stress es by double primes. Then assumptions 1 and 2 us to write
= B~ = B~ = aT
If a body is deformed by the action of work on the body If the bod . . external forces, then the latter do . .' Y lS m equilibriu h g.oes ~nto kmetic energy, then this work i m so t .at none of this work tlOn m the body. The elastic str . s stored as stram energy of deforma am energy can be wntten . as follows [1]:
u = 1-ajJBjJ
If we substitute into (52 .. 1) equatlOn . (5.1.4), there results U
+ 2~ 82
_ 2G 2+ 3À aT8
Ma~ing use of the defìnitions of the in . devIator tensors, equation (522) b v~nants of the strain and strain .. can e wntten after some algebra1' c malllp. ulations as
U _ 2G + 3À /2 6 (Il - 3aTI~)
+ 2GJ~
NowI'1 represents the spherical state of strain . . change, wh~reas J~ is an invariant of the ;h1~h lS pro~ortional to the a pure d1stortional strain E . eVlator stram tensor which as the sum of two energy ter~s q;~~~n (5.2.3) ~an therefore be con. rst term lS the energy involved
Elastic Stress-Strain Relations [Ch. 5
in changing the volume; the second term is the energy of distortion, which is designated by Ud and can be written Ud
= 2GJ~ = 3GY~ot
= 2G
and the piastic problem occurs in the stress-" 69 occurs, the linear generalized H k' 1 straIn reIatlOns. If plastic flow 00 e s aw no Ion h Id " ger o sand the reiations between stress and strain become nonlInear In a . manner . Wh at happens to the reIatl'ons between stres dvery complIcated . occurs will be the subiect of Ch t s an straIn when plastic flow J ap ers 6 and 7.
or, from (5.1.10),
1 J
= 4G T oot
Problerns Show how equation (5 1 4) can be ob . tamed from equation (5.1.1).
1. 2.
D~rive equation (5.1.9)'. .
GlVen the following stress tensor at a point:
To solve an elastic problem we have to find the stresses and the strains which will satisfy the previously derived equations. Thus the stresses must satisfy the equilibrium equations, (3.2.2) and (3.2.3), as well as the boundary conditions (3.3.5). The strains must satisfy the compatibility equations (4.7.2). Finally, the stresses must be related to the strains through the stress-strain relations (5.1.1) or their equivalent. The problem of finding a set of stresses and strains satisfying the above relations is known as thefirst boundary-value problem of elasticity. Alternatively, it is possible to reduce the above set of equations to three equations, called the Navier equations, involving only the displacement u! [2].
where V 2 is the Laplacian operator, À and Gare Lamé's constants previously defined, F! are the body forces per unit volume, and eis the invariant, defined in (5.1.5) and which can also be written
10,000 1,000 - 8,000
1,000 - 6,000 6,000
-8,000 6,000 20,000
Assume the materiai behaves elasticall . 6 and Poisson's ratio of 3 D t . Y wlth an elastic modulus of 30 x 10 th .. e ermme the st . d . e mean strain assuming the tem . ram eVIator tensor. Calculate et =.7.5 X 10- 6 in.fin.rF. perature nse at the point is 300 P and that 0
4. 5.
Venfy equations (5.1.10) and (5.1.11). . . Prove t . that the . axes of prmclpai stress coincid .h ,e Wlt the axes of principai s ram for an lsotropic materiai ob . 6. Prove that for the materiai of pey~g Hooke s Iaw. similar to Mohr's strain di ro em 5, Mohr's stress diagram will be 7 D . agram. • enve equation (5.2.3).
References 1. I. S. Sokolnikoff M th York, 1956, p. 84: a ematical Theory of Elasticity, McGraw-Hill 2. Ibid., p. 73. ' New
GeneraI References This last formulation is most convenient if the displacements are specified on the boundary rather than the forces. The problem is then known as the
second boundary-value problem of elasticity. From the previous derivations it is apparent that both the equilibrium equations and compatibility relations are independent of the properties of. the material under consideration. The equilibrium equations express the static equilibrium of an element of the body and the compatibility relations express the continuity of the body. These equations will therefore hold whether the body behaves elastically or whether plastic flow occurs. The same holds for the boundary conditions. The difference between the elastic problem
Hoffman, O ., and G . Sach s, Introduction to the Th McGraw-Hill, New York 1953 eory of Plasticity far Engineers Sokolnikoff I S M h .' . ' 1956. ' . ., at ematlcal Theory of Elasticity, McGraw-Hill, New York,
Sec. 6-2]
. for a material in simpie tenslO n was In Chapter 2 the stress-stram curve. . Id point at which the material that there eXlsts a yle . . h discussed and lt was s own. 11 In this case the stress is uniaxial and t~ls will begin to deform pIast1~a y. h t 'f there are several stresses actmg a point can readi1y be dete~mm.ed. Buwtw t 1 mbination of these stresses will t dlrectlOns? h a co . . d'a' at a point m lueren . 1 th t for a hydrostatic stress, 1.e., 1 . . ? W know for examp e, a cause Yleldmg. e.: ieldin does not occur even for very arge equal stresses in all dlrectlOns, Y . g 1 . test which can be performed th r example mvo vmg a . . values of stress. A s ano e . h' lled cylinder which lS bemg 'ffi 1t conslder a t m-wa . without too much d 1 cu y: . . t d by a twisting moment T, and lS . 11 b a load P lS bemg tWlS e pu11ed axla y Y , . 6 1 1) by a pressure p. . pressurized interna11y (see FIgure '.' Il P d the torque T, it is posslble . h re p the aXlal pu , an 1 . By varymg t e pressu , h' h will also of course resu t m to get various combinations of stresses, w lC
Combined stresses in thin-walled cylinder.
or Yield Criteria
different principal directions. The question here is: For what combinations of loads will the cylinder begin to yield plastically? Another simple example is the pIane stress problem of a thin rotating disk with or without temperature gradients. At every point of the disk (except possibly at the rim) there exists a state of biaxial stress. The question again arises: For which states ofbiaxial stress will the disk deform plastically? The criteria for deciding which combination of multiaxial stresses will cause yielding are called yield criteria. The first step of any plastic flow analysis is to decide on a yield criterion. The next step is to decide how to describe the behavior of the material after yielding has started. In this chapter we shall discuss the choice of a yie1d criterion.
Numerous criteri a have been proposed for the yielding of solids, going as far back as Coulomb in 1773. Many of these were originally suggested as criteria for faiIure of brittle materials and were later adopted as yield criteria for ductiIe materials. Some ofthe more common ones will be briefly discussed. Although some of these theories are no longer in use, they are inc1uded here both for their historic interest and to give the reader a feeling for the type of approach used in promulgating yield criteria.
Maximum Stress Theory, or Rankine Theory This theory assumes that yielding occurs when one of the principal stresses becomes equal to the yield stress in simple tension ao, or the yield stress in compression ao,c' Thus if al is the maximum principal stress and a2 is the minimum principal stress, yie1ding will occur in tension when al = ao and it will occur in compression when a2 = ao,c' For a material with the same yield in tension and compression, this criterion becomes
A simple plot illustrating this criterion for the case of biaxial stress with a3 = O is shown in Figure 6.2.1. The coordinates are the remaining principal stresses al and a2' Yielding occurs when the state of stress is on the boundary of the rectangle, for then one of the stresses is at the yield point in tension or compression. For example, consider a thin-walled cylinder subjected to an
Criteria for Yielding
[Ch. 6
Sec. 6-2]
Examples of Yield Criteria
2 1//
CF o,C
....1,/" CFo CF1
6.2.2 Maximum strain theory.
Maximum stress theory.
increasing internaI pressure p. Let al be the circumferential stress and a2 the axial stress. Then al = 2a2' As the pressure is increased from zero, the stresses follow the dashed line of Figure 6.2.1, as shown, al always being equal to twice a2' At point 1 the cylinder is still elastic, neither stress having reached the value of ao. At point 2, al is equal to ao and yielding begins even though a2 is only !ao. This maximum stress criterion, however, shows very
Maximum Sbear Tbeory, or Tresca Criterio n
.This theory (sometimes called the Coulo w111 occur when the maximu h mb theory) assumes that yielding m s ear stress reaches th 1 s ear stress occurring und . l' e va ue of the maximum h. er Slmp e tenslOn Th . glVen by equation (3 4 4) d' . e maX1mum shear stress is . .. an 1S equal to h lf th d' maX1mum and minimum . . 1 a e 1fference between the . pnnC1pa stresses Fo . 1 Slllce a2 = a3 = the m . . r S1mp e tension, therefore . . ,aX1mum shear stress at . Id' 1 ' cntenon then asserts that yieldi '11 y1e 1S z-ao· The Tresca . d' . . ng Wl occur when a f SlX con 1tlOns lS reached: ny one o the following
poor agreement with experiment and is rarely used.
Maximum Strain Theory, or Saint-Venant Theory
This theory assumes yielding will occur when the maximum value of the principal strain equals the value of the yield strain in simple tension (or compression), BO = ao/E. Thus if B1 is assumed to be the largest strain in absolute value, yielding will occur when
a2 -
a3 -
= ± ao = ± ao
For the biaxial case with a-O 3 ,we h ave or, for the biaxial case with
= al EB2 = a2 -
a3 =
= fLa1 =
±ao ±ao
for for
la11;:;:: la21 la21;:;:: la11
A plot in the al a2 pIane showing the boundary at which yielding begins is shown in Figure 6.2.2. This theory also does not agree well with most experiments. It has, however, been used in the design of guns, since some experimental results on thick-walled cylinders are in agreement with this theory
al -
a2 = ao
if al > 0,
al -
if al < 0,
if a2 >
if al >
if al <
if a2 <
> < <
a2 = ao
° ° °
° °
Criteria for Yielding [Ch. 6
Sec. 6-2] Examples of Yield Criteria
and the total strain energy U is given by
A plot in the ala2 pIane for this yield criterion is shown in Figure 6.2.3. It is to be noted that one limitation of this theory is the requirement that the yield
1- (alCl + a2 C2 + ascs)
= 2E _l [a21 + a22 + as2
- 2/1,(ala2
+ a2 a S + aSai)]
The yield criterion becomes (6.2.6)
a 21
. .
Maximum shear stress theory.
stresses in tension and compression be equal. The Tresca criterio n is in fair agreement with experiment and is used to a considerable extent by designers. It suffers, however, from one major difficulty-it is necessary to know in advance which are the maximum and minimum principal stresses. For the
+ a2
= ag
Th1S lS the equation of an ellipse in th . (6.2.6) that yie1ding can oc d e ~la2 pIane. It lS apparent from _ . cur un er sufficIenti h' h h . al _ a2 = as, Wh1Ch as has been h . Y 19 ydrostat1c pressure l ' s own lS contrar t . Y o expenment. This is a so apparent from equation (5 2 4) h' .. .. ,w ere 1t lS show th t l . l . lOna stram energy can cont 'b .. n a on y the distorn ute to y1eldmg Th' th t een superseded by the theory d 'b d . lS eory has therefore escn e next. b
case of pure shear (see Section 3.7), as
the Tresca criterion predicts yielding to occur when
Distortion Energy Tbeory, or tbe von Mises Yield Criterion
. . The Id" distortion energy theory (also assocIated with H k y1e mg begms when the disto t' enc y) assumes that .l . r lOn energy equal th d' y1e d m simple tension Th f . s e lstortion energy at . us rom equatlOn (5.2.4), l Ua = 2G J2 = ~T2 4G oct
or That is, the yield stress in pure shear is
t the yield stress in simple tension.
yield point in simple tension, from (3.6.8),
Maximum Strain Energy Tbeory, or Beltrami's Energy Tbeory
This theory assumes that yielding will occur when the total strain per unit volume equals the total strain energy per unit volume at yielding uniaxial tension or compression. The total strain energy at yield in tensile test is
the yield condition becomes t[(al -
+ (a2
a S)2
+ (as _ al )2] =
for the biaxial case, (6.2.9)
Criteria for Yielding [Ch. 6
Sec. 6-2] Exarnples of Yield Criteria
Von Mises originally proposed his criterion because of mathematical convenience. Hencky later showed that it was equivalent to assuming that yielding will take pIace when the distortion or shear strain energy reaches a criticaI value, as shown above. Also, since the octahedral shear stress is equal to
which for simple tension at yield becomes Toct,O =
v'2 T ao
then equation (6.2.8) can be written FIGURE
6.2.4 Distortion energy theory.
' called the von Mises ellipse, in the This plots as an eIllpse, h shown in Figure 6.2.4. For the case of pure s ear al = -a2 =
- 1(( -
_ a )2 2
a l a2
pIane, as
a 3 -- O
+ (a2
- a3)2
+ (a3
- al)2)
= Toot,o
That is, yielding will occur when the octahedral shear stress reaches the octahedral shear stress at yield in simple tension. Alternatively, the crÌterion (6.2.8) can be Iooked upon as stating that yielding will occur when the second invariant J 2 of the stress deviator tensor reaches a criticaI value, Le., the value of J 2 at yield in simple tension. The assumption that the yieId criterion should depend on the invariants of the stress deviator tensor is generally accepted, as will be discussed in the next section.
and the von Mises criterion would predict yielding to occur when Mobr's Theory of Yielding aO
k =
. is 1/v'3 times the yield stress in sim~le That is the yield stress In pur~ sh~ar d' t pure shear yield stress WhICh , M' ntenon pre lC s a '11 tension. Thus the von lses c d' t d by the Tresca criterion. It Wl is about 15 per cent higher t~a~ pre lC e . m difference between the two subsequently be shown that th1s lS the maXlmu
criteria. . 11 fits (but not always) the experimental The von Mises yield criteno n ~sua Yd it is usually easier to apply than data better than the other theones, an . eeded regarding the relative . . b no knowle d ge lS n .' . Tresca cntenon ecause F these reasons, thlS cnteno n . . l stresses. or f h the relative magnitudes o magnitudes of the pnnclp~ t tlme If owever, .k ., l in the case of the th1C widely used at the presen known as, for examp e, l principal stress:s are , h Tresca criterio n is easier to app y. tube discussed m Chapter 8, t e
Mohr extended the maximum shear stress theory by assuming that the criticaI shear stress is not necessarily equal to the maximum shear stress but depends also on the normal stress acting on the shearing pIane. In generaI, the greater the normal stress, the lower is the criticaI shear stress. Mohr's theory therefore takes into account the effect of mean stress, which has experimentally been shown to be important in some cases, particularly with regard to fracture. Mohr's theory can also take into account differences in the yield points in tension and compression, as exemplified by the internal friction theory.
Friction Theory
This is a special case of Mohr's theory, in which the criticaI shear stress is to be a linear function of the normal stress acting on the pIane of
Criteria for Yielding [Ch. 6
d't' s for the biaxial case . h This results in the following con 1 lOn max1mum s ear. [la]: If al > a2 > a3' a-O 2 , (6.2.10)
. If . the yield stress in compresslO n . 1S
a2' a2
° then ,
(6.2.11) If al > a 3' both negative, then a3
A plot in the
= -ao,e
pIane is shown in Figure 6.2.5.
Yield Surface. Haigh-Westergaard Stress Space
where atl and at2 are the tensile yields in the al and a2 directions, ael is the compressive yield in the al direction, and 'To is the shear yield strength.
In Section 6.2 we discussed several yield criteria and also plotted several two-dimensional plots for biaxial stress cases, showing the curves at which yielding takes pIace. In the most generaI case, the yie1d criterion will depend on the complete state of stress at the point under consideration and will therefore be a function of the nine components of stress at the point. Since the stress tensor is symmetric, we can reduce this function to a function ofthe six independent components of the stress tensor. This yie1d criterion for a virgin material is then essentially the extension of the single yield point of the uniaxial tensile test to the six-component stress tensor. For a materialloaded to the initial yield, it can be expressed by the relationship (6.3.1)
where K is a known function, or if desired, (6.3.2)
6.2, 5 InternaI friction theory.
ust the available list. t d by no means exha k The various yield cntena 1S e l' t d theories which attempt to ta e ther more comp 1ca e db l yield criterion propose y . Besides, there are o , into account anisotropy. For ~xhamd~ e, ant yields in tension and compresslOn . mat erials W1t 1uere [2] for anisotrop1C has the form (for biaxial stress)
. . r
ar + ef,
atl 2- (ael a
tl/ a t2) + a t2)1
+ a~ + (ael
ala 2
Equation (6.3.1) represents a hypersurface in the six-dimensional stress space and any point on this surface represents a point at which yie1ding can begin. For example, for the simple tensile test at the yield point ao, the point ax = ao, a y = a z = T XY = T xz = 'TYZ = 0, must lie on this surface, and the point a x = a y = a z = T xz = 'TyZ = 0, T XY = 'To, which represents a thinwalled tube loaded in torsion to the torsional yield 'l'o, must also lie on this surface. The function appearing in (6.3.1) is called the yieldfunction and the surface described by (6.3.1) or (6.3.2) in the stress space is called the yield surface. Without specifying yet any particular form for this surface, the equation describing it can be simplified somewhat by making use of some of the previously discussed assumptions regarding the yielding of metals. If, as isotropy is assumed so that rotating the axes does not affect the yielding, can choose the principal axes for the coordinates, and then (6.3.1) can be
aelatl (~
a ) a2 t2
Criteria Cor Yielding
[Ch. 6
. . or compresdrostatlc tenslOn . . ' lways assume d that hy . t that only the stress devla ors Furthermore, smce 1t lS a. Id' we can assume • TI do es not influence y1e mg, . ::ter into the yield function and wnte
Sec.6-3] Yield SurCace. Haigh-Westergaard Stress Space
We can Iearn a great deai about the yieid surface defìned by equation (6.3.3) from simpie geometric considerations. We introduce the (al' a2, aa)
coordinate system, which represents a stress space called the Haigh- Westergaard stress space [3]. Every point in this space having coordinates al> a2, and aa is a possibie stress state. Consider aline ON as shown in Figure 6.3.1
f1(Sl> S2' Sa) = K . nd S can be written in terms of the invariants a Alternatively, smce Sl' S2' a J1> J2 , and J a, where (6.3.5)
we can write f(J 2 ,Ja)
ptions the yield criterion has been Subject therefore to the above two assum . 'riants of the stress deviator . f the two nonzero mva reduced to a functlOn o . tric in the principal stresses, tensor. We note in passing that!(J2 , J~) lS sy~mme aterial all of the principal d' m an lsotrop1C . . which is to be expecte smce . . Id' Thus whatever yield functlOn lS l the same role m yJe mg. stresses must p ay . . the rincipal stresses. chosen it must be symmetnc m . dP ' t ' the Tresca maximum shear , .d ly used y1el cn ena, 62 . .' discussed in Section ., are The two most Wl e h Mises y1eld cntenon, . l t criterion and t e von M' riterion is by far the Slmp es one s ecifìc cases of (6.3.6). The von. lses c p . ted with equatlOn (6.3.6), that can be assOC1a (6.3.7)
6.3.1 Haigh-Westergaard stress space.
passing through the origin, and having equal angies with the coordinate axes. Then for every point on this line the stress state is one for which (6.3.10)
Thus every point on this line corresponds to a hydrostatic or sphericai stress state, the deviatoric stresses Sl = (2a1 - a2 - aa)/3, etc., being equai to zero. Furthermorè, if we consider any pIane perpendicular to ON, the equation of this pIane will be (6.3.11)
where l<; is the yield in pure shear: . the form The Tresca criterion can be wntten m
4J~ _ 27J5 - 361<;2J~ + 961<;4J2 - 641<;6
= O
. . . ' ts generaI form l it of the Tresca cnteno n m 1 . and we see the great comp e~ ~ Onl in the case, as previously d1SCUSS ed, compared to the von Mises c.n~enon. . y'pal stresses are known a priori can h maximum and mm1mum pnnc1 :!e~r:s:a criterion be reduced to the simple form (6.
where p is the distance aiong the normai from the origin to the pIane. Hence the sphericai component of the stress tensor increases linear1y with the distance of the pIane from the origino On the pIane passing through the origin, the sphericai stress is zero, the equation being al + a2 + aa = O. This pIane is called the 1T pIane. Now consider any arbitrary stress state such as at point P with stress ;;comr)On.enlts al, a2' and aa' The stress vector OP can be decomposed into two cOlnpIDn(mt:s, the component A parallei to ON and the component B per1"v<.',u'_u,,;u to ON, the Iatter paraIlei to the 1T pIane. The component A can
Criteria for Yielding [Ch. 6
Sec. 6-3]
Yield Surface. Haigh.Westergaard Stress Space
readily be determined by projecting the components of OP-al'
on to ON. Thus 111
A =
V3 al + V3 a2 + V3 a3 A =
v3 a m
To determine 13 we have
at + a~ + a~
= (al =
+ (a2 + S~
a m)2
3a~ -
a m)2
+ (a3
a m)2
= 212 The components of 13 are therefore the stress deviators Sb S2' and S3' We have thus decomposed the arbitrary stress state at P into a spherical part A and a deviatoric part 13, the latter parallel to the TT pIane. Furthermore, if we take a different stress state p' lying on aline through p parallel to ON, then obviously the projection of the vector Op' onto the TT pIane will be the same as the projection of the vector OP onto this pIane. The two states of stress, at P and at P', will therefore have the same deviatoric components and will differ only in their spherical parts. In fact, all points on the line through p parallel to ON will correspond to the same deviatoric states of stress. Since it is assumed that yielding is determined by the deviatoric state of stress only, it follows that if one of the points on the line through p parallel to ON lies on the yield surface, they must alllie on the yield surface, since they all have the same deviatoric stress components. Hence the yield surface must be composed of lines parallel to ON; Le., it must be a cylinder generators parallel to ONo The only assumption needed to arrive at conclusion is the dependence of the yield surface on the deviatoric components only. The intersection of this yield cylinder with any pIane perpendicular to will produce a curve called the yield locus. Since this curve will be the for all planes perpendicular to the cylinder, we need consider only the locus on one such pIane. For this purpose we choose tbe TT pIane, on which, was pointed out previously, the spherical stress state is zero. Figure shows the TT piane as the piane of the paper and the projections upon pIane of the coordinate axes ab a2, and a3' Since this piane makes angles with the coordinate axes, their projections upon this piane must
equal angles with each other 120 0 h considerations that the yield l ' as s own. It can be shown from symmetry ocus must have the s h o I . ame s ape m each of the twelve 30 0 sectors dividing th e TT pane as shown m th fi o following considerati Th' e gure. ThlS follows f:hrom the onso e yleld surfac t b . t e pnncipai stresses since it cert i I d e mus e symmetric in da n y oes not matter, for example, if we interchange the values of a bisecting the angle between 2 ant a3' olt .follows, therefore, that the lines o h any wo pnnclpal of symmetry. The lines _ o axes m t e piane must be lines al, al, a2, -a 2 ' and a symmetry and we now have o o' 3, - a3 are therefore lines of . SIX symmetnc sectors F rth . equal ylelding in tension and o . u ermore, lf we assume . compreSSlOn then if w f: to the point Q' h 11' e go rom a point Q on the yleld locus o ' w ere a the stresses h o S ou agam be on the yO Id l ave reversed slgns we hh Id le ocus. Therefore if a t ' ave symmetry about aline perpend o I ' 1 go es o - al, we must we h ICU ar to the a axis' if must ave symmetry about a line o l , a 2 go es to - a2, goes to _ a3, we must have symmetr perpendlcuI~r to the a2 axis; and if a3 axis. We have thus divided th . Id IY abo~t the Ime perpendicular to the a3 e yle ocus mto 12 s . ymmetnc sectors, each of , and we need only consid th T er e stress states Iyin o o determine the location on the TT lan g l~ o~e of these sectors. on the yield cylinder p e of the proJeetlOn of the point P "'1>1.,.. ... ' we proceed as follows L t d 8 be the polar of the point P in the TT piane 8 b O ' e r an axis, and Iet a and b be th h o ' emg measured from the horizonin Figure 6 3 3 P h e onzontal and verticai eompbnents of r as . .. as components a a . ' will project as V2/3 a V2/3 l~ /~and a3, andOm the TT pIane seen m . Figure 6 3 4 h'1,h h a2, and v 2/3 a 3, res peet lvely. This can . . ,w le s ows the pIa ne eontammg o o the veetor al the
Criteria for Yielding [Ch.6 84
Sec.6-3] Yield Surface. Haigh-Westergaard Stress Space
Let us now consider the yield locus for the von Mises yie1d criterion [equation (6.3.7)]:
From (6.3.15) we have
(6.3.16) 60°1 1
The yield locus is therefore a circ1e of radius r = V2/3 ao, as shown in Figure 6.3.5. The yield surface in the Haigh-Westergaard stress space will
1 I
3 3 ProJ' ection of point P on 7T pIane. FIGURE 6•• d the projection of al on t h e 7T plane . It is .ohvious t;;;M normal to the pIane, ON, an.. f the 7T pIane is equal to v 2/3 al' from the figure that the pro)ectlOn o al on From Figure 6.3.3:
_ . t;;;M2/3 a cos 30° - V2/3 al cos 30° = (a2 - (ll)/vrz v .t./:> 2 • t;;;M . 300 b = V2/3 a3 - V2f3 a2 sin 30° - v 2/3 al Slll
a -
1/V6 (2a3
- a2 - al) FIGURE
6.3.5 von Mises circ1e and Tresca hexagon.
then be a circular cylinder whose axis is the line ON equally inclined to the stress axes. The yield locus for the Tresca maximum shear criterion is a regular hexagon inscribed in the von Mises circ1e, as shown in Figure 6.3.5. This can be proved as follows. Consider the sector between the a2 and -al axes in Figure 6.3.5. For any stress state in this sector,
The Tresca yield condition for this sector is then a2 - al = ao. This will be represented by aline parallel to the a3 axis, since it is independent of a3, the distance of this line from the a3 axis being equal to 1/V2 (a2 - al) = 1/'',12 ao [by equation (6.3.14)]. In a similar manner, a straight line is obtained for each sector, thus forming the hexagon shown in the figure. The corners of hexagon will touch the von Mises circ1e, as can be seen again from the sector, since the radius to the corner is equal to 1T
of al on 7T pIane. 6•3•4 Pro;ection J
= (l/V2)ao = VI a cos 30°
Criteria for Yielding [Ch. 6 . Id · c1'rcle In the stress space the Tresca y1e Ml s e s · . . h d' ofthe von . l' d Wh1Ch lS t era lUS " ' b d' the von M1ses cy m er, as surface is a regular hexagonal cylmder mscn e m
shown in Figure 6.3.6.
Sec.6-3] Yield Surface. Haigh-Westergaard Stress Space
It can now readily be shown that if the yield locus is assumed to be convex and one circumscribes the von Mises circle by a regular hexagon, then alI possible yield lo ci must lie between the two regular hexagons inscribed in, and circumscribing, the von Mises circle. By the locus being convex, we mean simply that any straight line in the 7T pIane may pierce the locus in at most two points. It will be proved later that the yield surface must indeed be convex; for the present we shall merely assume it. Let the point A on the as axis in Figure 6.3.7 lie on the yield locus. By the symmetry conditions previously discussed, the points Band C must also lie on the yield locus. The
6.3.6 Tresca and von Mises cylinders.
. . 6 3 5 that the maximum difference between It is noW eV1dent from F1 g.ure. . . t e-oD and is equal to
the von Mises and Tresca Cf1tena occurs a
V~ ao - (ljV2)ao
- 1 = 0.156
as previously mentioned. h ar stress states. This follows The line at e = 00 corresponds to pure s e from (6.3.15), for
e = o:
and the mean stress is a
= i(al
+ az + as) = -!-(al + az)
he stress components al' az, . bt t the mean stress fro m t ) 1( _ ) O which corresponds to a Therefore, 1f we su rac t t 1( a - az al" and as, we get a stress s a e ~ a~~h: ~ ~lane itself, since al + az + as = O, state of pure shear (see p. 4 ). F other pIane parallel to the O nd a = - az· or any .. f it follows that as = a l . d' ated with the addltlOn o a have a case of pure shear, as 1ll 1C , we l 7T pane, ( ) . f t of amount -!- al + a2 • sphencal state o s re~s d to a uniaxial stress, since The Hne at e = 30 correspon s 2a3 - az - al = 1 az - al
as = az M
00 et a stress state al - az, , .
If we subtract a hydrostatlc stress o az. we g
6.3.7 Bounds on yield loci.
curve CAB is a convex piecewise smooth curve passing through CAB and having the proper symmetries. Any other curve through these points passing inside CAB will obviously not be convex. CAB is therefore a lower bound for the yield loci. Now draw a horizontalline symmetric about the as axis intersecting the adjacent axes of symmetry at C' and B'. Then it folIows that no piecewise smooth curve passing through C'AB' can lie outside C'AB', since then it would not be convex. Thus C'AB' represents an upper bound to the yield locus. The rest of the upper and lower bounds can be constructed from symmetry and are shown as the two regular hexagons in Figure 6.3.7. Thus ìt has been shown that all conceivable yield loci satisfying the conditions of isotropy, equal yield in tension and compression, independence of hydrostress, and convexity must lie between two regular hexagons as shown; convex curves are, of course, admissible. The usual Tresca yield locus is rep'res,enlted by the inner hexagon, and the von Mises circle circumscribes the
Criteria for Yielding [Ch. 6 88
inner hexagon and is circumscribed by the outer one. If the von Mises yield surface is taken as a reference, then the maximum deviation of any admissible yield surface is about 15.5 per cent.
Sec. 6-4] Lode's Stress Paramet ero Verification • of Yield C't
By means of (6 .42) . criterion can be written . , th e von MIses al -
6-4 LODE'S STRESS P.AR.AMETER. EXPERIMENT.AL VERIFIC.ATION OF YIELD CRITERI.A The first investigation of a yield criterion was performed by Tresca in 1864, in which he measured the loads required to extrude metals through dies of various shapes. On the basis of these experiments he arrived at the maximum shear stress criterion, previously discussed. It is evident that according to the Tresca criterion the intermediate stress has no effect on yielding. The von Mises criterion, on the other hand, gives equal weight to all three principal stresses. The simplest and most common type test specimen used to check these criteria is the thin-walled tube shown in Figure 6.1.1. The first such experiments were run by Lode [5], who tested tubes of steel, copper, and nickel under various combinations oflongitudinal tension and internaI hydrostatic pressure. Lode devised a very sensitive method of differentiating between the Tresca and von Mises criteria by determining the effect of the intermediate principal stress on yielding. According to the Tresca criterion, if al ~
Th . rl erla 89 us If (] varies from 0° to 30° ' 1 1 f l d' ' f-t Wl vary from O to l AlI O oa mg from pure shear to sim l ' - . . combinations range Oto -1. p e tenslOn are therefore mcluded in the
the yield criterio n is given by
+ f-t2)1/2
The . crit . . h b h difference between the Tresca an d von MIses y ow much the right si de of (644) d'ftì ena IS t en determined (6.4.4) agrees with (641) Th' :. I ers from 1. For f-t = -l, equation . . . ... IS IS the case of sim I t . cntena agree as expected T h ' P e enSlOn, and the two . . e maxlmum differ . h ence In t e range O to -l o vlOusly occurs when Il. = O h' h . . bh . ;;; r , W IC IS the case of p h IS t en 2jv 3, which agrees again with th . ure s ear. The difference . e prevlOUS resuIts. Lode ran a series of tests S 30°). A f-t of l correspond~ot:e~:f t~el range of ~ from l to -l (- 30° S O in Figure 6.4.1. It is seen that th ~xla ~ompresslOn. The resuIts are shown e ata avor the von Mises criterion even 1.30
• Steel 1.2 5f-- ° Copper + Nickel
1.2O 0"1 0"3
~Ib 1.1 5
To account for the influence of the intermediate stress in the von Mises criterion, Lode introduced the parameter f-t, called Lode' s stress parameter
(not to be confused with poisson's ratio, f-t):
.J.--uQ =.)3+ J1- .f\
b'l o
:f:\ J~
~ 00
i ~
l< o
ì a:o=1?\
1.0 -0.8 -0.6 0.4 -0.2
0.2 0.4 0.6
!(al !(al -
a2 -
+ a3) a3)
f-t is thus the ratio of the difference between the intermediate stress and
average of the largest and smallest stresses to half the difference the largest and smallest stresses, and is therefore a measure of the effect of intermediate stress. Comparing (6.4.2) to (6.3.15) for the case al ~ a2 ~ we see that f-t =
-V3 tan (]
Lode's test results.
appreciable deviation occurS. These d . . . . to lack of isotropy of the material S eVlatlOns were parttally attriFIgure 6.4.2 in the a l . . ome of the results are also plotted 1 a 2 pane, smce a is zero ~ th of the von Mises circular cyl' d 3 • h or ese tests. The interm ellipse, and the intersection of th T er Wlt. the ala2 piane is obviously e resca cylInder is a h ( as shown in Figures 6.2.3 and 6 2 4 ' exagon no longer plot between the hexagon and th 11:" FIgure 6.4.2 shows that the elIipse. e e Ipse, aIthough generally closer to
Criteria for Yielding [Ch. 6
Sec. 6-4] Lode's Stress Parame tero Verlfìcation . of Yield C't
M' von Ises criterion, on the other hand , b ecomes
. erla
(6.4.6) Both (6.~.5) and (6.4.6) piot as elIipses in the XY 6.4.3. It IS seen in the figure that th d UXT pIa?e, as shown in Figure abIy better than the Tresca c't .e ata fit the von Mlses criterion considern enon, aIthough . t he von Mises criterion do s t' appreclable deviations from ome lmes occur . Fi gure 6.4.4. shows a replot of 1.0
o r--,--,-__, -__~__~1.0
FIGURE 6.4.2 Lode's test resultS. In 1931 Tay10r and Quinney [6] published their classica1 experiments, which were intended to settle this questiono They used copper and steel tubings which were very near1y isotropic and tested them very carefully in combined tension and torsion. They concluded that the deviations from the von Mises criterion were real and could not be explained on the basis of lack of experimental accuracy or isotropy. Their results are shown in Figure 6.4.3. 0.6
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-
_ _ _ _ __
-1.0 - - - - - -_ _-..J
FIGURE 6.4.4 Results of Taylor and Qumney. .
some of these resuIts in the
m the literature. 0.2 0.1
and Figure 6 4 5 h . ?bt'ame d by Ros and Eichinger [7]pane, Other . ... s ows slmilar resuIts UlU2
tests of slmtlar nature can be found
• Copper
X Aluminum o Mild steel
0.5 0.6
FIGURE 6.4.3 Results of Taylor and Quinney. The theoretical curves are obtained as follows. Using the coordinate of Figure 6.1.1, for tension and torsion loads only, the stresses are T ' all the others being zero. The Tresca criterio n then becomes
U~ 2 4"
+ T 2XY
-1.010<.---_ _ _ _ _ _1
FIGURE 6.4.5 Results of Ros and Eichinger.
Criteria for Yielding [Ch. 6
Attempts have been made to improve the correiation ofthe data by inc1ud~ ing the effect of the third invariant 13 into the yieid criterio n [8]. It seems, however, that from an engineering viewpoint the accuracy of the von Mises criterio n for yieiding is ampIy sufficient, considering the generaI scatter and Iack of uniformity in the properties of nominally the same materiai obtained from different batches from the manufacturer. Therefore, the search for more accurate theories, particular1y since they are bound to be more complex, seems to be a rather thankless task. In what follows, therefore, we shall generally use the von Mises yieid criterion and occasionally the Tresca
Sec. 6-5]
Sub' sequent Yield Surfaces. Loading and Unloading
hardening properties. We can now dist' . hardening material: mgUlsh three cases for a strain(1) F
8F dF=-da >0 8alf li
This constitutes loading. (2) F = K
This is called neutralloading.
criterion. (3) F = K
6-5 SUBSEQUENT YIELD SURF ACES. LOADING AND UNLOADING So far we have discussed the initial yield surface at which a material will fust start yielding. For a perfectIy piastic material, this yield surface remains fixed, as is seen in the uniaxial tensile test, where the stress after yielding remains constant at the yie1d stress [Figure 2.6.1(d)]. However, for a material that strain hardens the yield surface must change for continued straining beyond the initiai yield. We know that for the uniaxiai case, if a material is strained beyond the yield point to some point such as B' in Figure 2.1.2, the load removed so that the stress state moves to C', and then the lo ad is in~ creased again, yielding will not take pIace until the point B' is reached again. Thus the yieid point has been raised in the work-hardened material. In same way the yie1d surface in the case of multiaxial stress must "move or in some way, at least at the point where yie1ding initially took pIace. In equation (6.3.1) we defined a yield function by the relation
such that whenever the function F became equal to the constant K, yieiding would begin. K then represented an initial yie1d surface in the stress space. We can now generalize this type of relation to subsequent yie1d surfaces. Mter yie1ding has occurred, K takes on a new value (or values), der)endìng·, on the strain-hardening properties of the material. If the material is UIUU~\"'U· and then loaded again, additional yie1ding will not occur until the new of K is reached. The function F can then be looked upon as a loading !ù..""fi,r>n or loading surface, which represents the lo ad being applied, and the tUllctllOn K is a yield function, or strain-hardening function, and will depend on complete previous stress and strain history of the material and its
dF = 8F da < O 8ali
This constitutes unloading, d' Geometrically the conditions (652) the stress state is on the yieid "'" d' are rea 11y visualized. F = K means surlace, F > Om tb out" from the yieid surface and pi t' fl . eans e stress state is "moving as lC ow lS occurri dF stress state is "moving in" fro th .e1 ng. < O means the taking pIace. dF = O corresPo:ds te Ytlh d surface and unioading is therefore o e case of the str t . . Id the yIe surface and is caIIed neu traIload'mg For t . ess h s ate movmg on no piastic flow occurs. If F < K th . ~ s ram- ardening materiai . ' e stress state lS an ei t' as lC one. For periiect1y p1astlc materiais piastic fl ow occurs ""lor F=K
dF= O
The case dF > O does not exist. . The above discussion is illustrated in Figul'e 6.5.1. Pomt P represents the
Stress increment vector for loading.
Criteria for Yielding [Ch. 6
Sec. 6-5]
Sub sequent Yield Surfaces. Loading and Unloading
existing state of stress Iying on the yieid surface. If the stress state changes to Q, so that the vector da points "outward" from the cylinder, then Ioading is taking pIace. If Q lies on the surface, we have neutraIIoading, and if Q is inside the surface, we have unioading. As Ioading continues, the point representing the new existing state of stress will again lie on the surface, which will move and/or change its shape correspondingly. A similar picture can be drawn in the 7T pIane. Assume the materiai obeys the von Mises criterion, so that the initiai yieid Iocus is a circle of radius vi ao in the 7T pIane. Suppose that straining takes pIace to some point a~ > ao and the materiai is then unioaded. If we noW assume that the materiai remains isotropic, just as it was originally, then the new yieid Iocus is a circle of radius vi a~, which is Iarger than, but concentric with, the originaI yieid circle. We have thus assumed that the materiai strain hardens isotropically, as shown for the uniaxiai case by the curve ABCFG of Figure 2.3.1. For isotropic hardening, therefore, the yieid cyIinder will expand with stress and strain history but will retain the same shape as initially. For a Tresca material, the subsequent yieid Ioci will be a series of concentric
- 20
-25~~~~-L-L~~~L-J FIGURE
6.5.3 Initiai and subsequent yield l OCI..
reguiar hexagons. Ihis is shown in Figure 6.5.2.
6.5.2 Subsequent yield loci.
The assumption of isotropic hardening is the simpiest one, mathematically, to use. However, it does not take into account a Bauschinger effect. The Bauschinger effect would tend to reduce the size of the focus on one side as that on the other si de is increased. The yieid surface would thus change shape as the yieiding progresses. Experiments to verify this effect are described in reference (9). Severai tests were carried out with aluminum alloy tubes various ratios or torsion and tension to obtain an initiai yieid surface. unioading and loading again in a specified manner, subsequent yieid were obtained. The results plotted in the Ta pIane are shown in Figure 6.5 Without going into a detailed discussion of this data, it is evident that initiai von Mises yieid ellipse does not just grow symmetrically but that definite Bauschinger effect exists. To account for the Bauschinger effect, Prager (reference (14) of Chapter
introduced . 2 the kinematic mode!' d'Iscusse d for the one d' . ec lOn .6 and illustrated for th t .. - ImenslOnal case in S dt 1 h a case m Figures 2 6 2 d 2 6 mo e t e totai eiastic range is m .nt' .. an .. 3. In this ame d yieid surface without deformo .talTh co~stant by transiating the initiai mg I. e modells repre t d b .. . avmg the shape of the yieid !'. sen e y a ngld frame surlace, as shown for th T hF' Igure 6.5.4. The state of stress b ef ' . e resca criterio n in position of a pin free to move 'th. orhe yleid occurs IS represented by the Wl m t e frame As th . o t e rame, yielding occurs Th f . . e pm contacts the side . e rame IS assumed to b . f h. f ro atlOn and to be perfectly h e constramed against smoot ,so that only fo t can be transmitted to it As th . rces normai to the frame transiate in a direction' norma~ Pt mthPushes against the frame it causes it to . o e surface at the . t f pom o contact At corners, If the motion of th . th d' e pm engages both side th f . e Irection of the motion f t h ' s, e rame transiates in described by the modei l' e ~'d e pm. Depending on the materiai being , .. , ngl perfectly pl t' .. elastic perfectly plastic the t t f as IC, ngld strain hardening or , s a e o stress and the st t f ' ' . m the model in different W F a e o stram are repreays. or example for a ri 'd t . ,>U
Criteria for Yielding [Ch. 6
7. 8.
Derive the equation for the Tresca yie1d criterion in the sector between the - al and a3 axes as was done in the text for the sector between the a2 and -al axes. Derive equation (6.4.4). Show that Lode's stress parameter /h = 1 corresponds to uniaxial compression, /h = -1 to uniaxial tension, and /h = O to pure shear. Derive equations (6.4.5) and (6.4.6).
References J. Marin, Mechanical Behavior of Engineering Materials, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1962, p. 117. la. Ibid., p. 122. 2. J. Marin, Theories of Strength for Combined Stresses and Nonisotropic Materials, J. Aeronautical Sci., 24, No.4, 1956, pp. 265-269. 3. H. M. Westergaard, On the Resistance of Ductile Materials to Combined Stresses, J. Franklin Inst., 189, 1920, pp. 627-640. 4. P. M. Naghdi, Stress-Strain Relations in Plasticity and Thermoplasticity, Inst. Eng. Res., Univo Calif. (Berkeley), Ser. 131, Isslle 9, March 1960, p. 18. 5. W. Lode, Versuche ueber den Einfluss der mittleren Hauptspannung auf das Fliessen der Metalle Eisen Kupfer und Nickel, Z. Physik., 36, 1926, pp. 1.
6 .5. 4
Kinematic model for Tresca criterion.
. effect but because it maintains the total elast.ic into account a Bauschmger , hat for the Bauschinger effect, . b bly overcorrects somew range constant, 1t pro a h therefore been made to improve d' S t' 2 3 Attempts ave . as dISCusse m ec lOn . . 1 Th' t of mode1 however, is much . . h d ing mode . lS y p e , . on the kmemat1c ar en t' 11 and therefore the isotropic hardenmg more difficult to handle mathema 1c; y, 11 plastic strains it probably gives d or sma assumption is still genera11y use. answers that are sufficiently accurate.
8. Problems 1.
~a~~ ~~;~: Si:l~~~~:~
Compare the values of the pure shear yield strengths of yielding listed (exclude Mohr's theory). Assume /h - .
For this case, r = al = - ~2' h tensile yield strength of 90,000 psi . l h ft lO in in dmmeter as a . t' A C1rcu ar s a · f 120000 psi Determine the tWlS mg and a compressive yield strengt~ o . ' : moment Mt required to produce yleldmg based on. (a) The maximum stress theory. (b) The maximum shear theory. (c) The distortion .en~rgy theory. (d) The internaI fnctlOn theory. 3. Derive equatio~ ( if the von Mises and Tresca criteria are 4. It was shown m Sechon 6.3 thtt . xial tension then they will disagree assumed to agree for the case o uma . ield 'circle will circumscribe M the case of pure shear and t?e. v?n s~:::; that the von Mises and Tresca hexag on . Show that lf lt lS ~s then they will disagree for the s criteri a agree for the case ofTPure h ea~gon will circumscribe the von of uniaxial tension and the resca ex
ellipse. l f f the Tresca yield criteria as given by 5. Derive the genera orm o (6.3.8).
G. L Taylor and H. Quinney, The Piastic Distortion of MetaIs, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., London, A230, 1931, pp. 323-362. M. Ros and A. Eichinger, Versuche Zur KIaerung del' Frage der Bruchgefahr III, Metalle, Eidgenoss. Material pruf. IInd Versllchsanstalt Indllstriell Ballwerk IInd Gewerbe, Diskllssionsbericht No. 34, ZlIrich, 1929, pp. 3-59. F. D. Stockton and D. C. Drucker, Fitting Mathematicai Theories of Piasticity to Experimental Results, J. Collo Sci. (Rheology Issue), 5, 1950, pp. 239-250.
P. M. Naghdi, F. Essenberg and W. Koff, An Experimentai Study of Initiai and Subsequent Yieid Surfaces in Piastie:,), J. Appl. Mech., 25, 1958, pp. 201-209.
GeneraI References HiIl, R., The Mathematical Theory of Plasticity, Oxford Univo Press, London, 1950.
Hoffman, O., and G. Sachs, Introduction to the Theory of Plasticity for Engineers, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1953. Marin, J., The Mechanical Behavior of Engineering Materials, Prentice-Hall, Englewood CIiffs, N.J., 1962.
Sec. 7-1] Distinction Between Elastic and Plastic Stress-Strain Relations
subsequent yield
Effeet or loading path on plastie strains.
point C, where CDE defines the subsequent yield curve. The plastic strains will then be e~ = ep
. tions between stress and strain in the In the previous sectlOns the rela h t states at which plastic flow · ed and also t e s ress . d . dient necessary in constructmg elastic range were ISCUSS . '11 b . There lS one more mgre . fl or yielding Wl egm. nd strain when plashc ow . . th relations between stress a e sub'ect of this chapter. . a plastIClty theory- e. J is occurring. These relatlOns are th l t d to the stresses by Hooke's law m Whereas the strains are linearly re a e b nonlinear in the plastic range, n the elastic range, the relation will genera y.e rve A more complicated uniaxial stress-stram cu . h th . t strain relations arises from t e as is evident from e l stic and plastIc s ress. d distinction between e a . h t ins are uniquely determme fact that whereas in the elast1c range t e s ra we can compute the strains . f given set of stresses by the stresses, 1.e., or a . d as to how this stress state . H k' law wlthout any regar . l directly usmg 00 e s . h t ins are in generaI not umque Y was attained, in the plastlc range t ed s ra whole history of loading or es but depen on the 'd . t h d'l be illustrated by conSI enng determined by t e s ress . ched ThlS can rea l Y d how the stress state was rea . . . the experiments of Taylor an a thin-walled tube in tension and torslOn as m Quinney. . be as shown in Figure 7.1.1. Let the Consider the initial yleld curve to. b d the initial yield to some . n be strained in uniaxial tenslOn eyon speclme 98
= ef =
Let the specimen now be unloaoed to the point Band let us apply a shear stress inereasing from B to D on the new yield locus. The piastic strains will still be as given above. Any other path couId have been used in arriving at D from C such as OCFD, as long as we do not move outside the yieid Iocus. Now suppose that the specimen were first stressed in shear to the point E on the new yieid Iocus and then, by any other path inside EDC, such as EGD, were stressed to the point D. The piastic strains wouId be e~y =
rp e~
= ef =
which is obviousIy compieteIy unrelated to the previous strain state. Thus even though the same stress state at D exists for both Ioading paths, and .!herefore the eiastic strain states are the same, the piastic strain states are different. Because of the above illustrated dependence of the piastic strains on the Ioading path, it becomes necessary, in generaI, to compute the differentiais or increments of piastic strain throughout the loading history and then obtain the totai strains by integration or summation. However, there is at Ieast one important class of Ioading paths for which the piastic strains are independent of the Ioading path and depend only on the finai state of stress. Tllese are the so-called radiai or proportional loading paths, in which all the
Plastic Stress-Strain Relations
[Ch. 7
Sec. 7-2] Prandtl-Reuss Equations
If the principai directions are considered, equations (7.2.2) can be written
stresses increase in the same ratio. These will be more ful1y discussed subsequendy.
dei - de~ de 3P d'\ SI - S2 = S3 = 1\
The first approach to plastic stress-strain relations was suggested by Saint-Venant in 1870 [1], who proposed that the principal axes of strain increment coincided with the principal stress axes. The generaI three-dimensional equations relating the increments of total strain to the stress deviations were given by Lévy in 1871 [2] and independently by von Mises in 1913 [3]. These are known as the Lévy-Mises equations. These equations are (7.2.1) or where Slj is the stress deviator tensor and dÀ is a nonnegative constant which may vary throughout the loading history. In these equations the total strain increments are assumed to be equal to the plastic strain increments, the eiastic strains being ignored. Thus these equations can only be applied to problems of large plastic fiow and cannot be used in the elastoplastic range. The generalization of equations (7.2.1) to include both elastic and plastic components of strain is due to Prandd [4] and Reuss [5] and are known as the Prandtl-Reuss equations. Reuss assumed that the plastic strain increment is at any instant of loading proportional to the instantaneous stress deviation; i.e.,
= S3 dÀ
dei - d4 = de~ - de P3 _ de P3 - delp SI - S2 S2 - S3 - S3 - SI = dÀ
The numerators of the first three terms of (7 2 4)
(7.2.4) th d'
thre~ M~hr's circles for the plastic strain incr~~en;::ndeth~a::t:rs. Oftthe are t e dlameters ?f Mohr's stress circles, as shown in Fi ure 7 mma: ors therefore lmply that the Mohr's circles of g .2.1. ~~~~t.v~s Jncre ent are similar. Also from the 1 t' co stress an~ p~astIc stram l11. __( " ," re a IOns lor the pnnclpai shear eq~at.lOns 7.2 ..4) can be considered as stating that the ratios of the th s, pnnclpai pIastlc shear strain increments to the p' . 1 h ree constant at any instant. nnClpa s ear stresses are
Equations (7.2.2) can be written in terms of the actuai stresses as de~ = idÀ [u x - t(uy
+ uz)]
= idÀ [uy - t(u z + ux)] = idÀ [u z - t(u x + uv)] = dÀ T xy
= dÀ T yz
dÀ T zx
Therefore, if dÀ were known we would h h . .' d ~ve t .e deslred stress-strain reI ations. To determine dÀ of equations (7.2.2), use IS ma e ofthe yIeld cnterion as follows. By means
(7.2.2) or
defJ = Slj dÀ
Equations (7.2.1) can then be considered as a special case of (7.2.2) where the elastic strain components are neglected. Equations (7.2.2) state that the increments of plastic strain d!:)pend on the current values of the deviatoric stress state, not on the stress increment required to reach this state. They also imply that the principal axes of stre~~_, and of plastic strain increme'1t tensors coincide. The equations themselves merely give a relationship between the ratios of plastic strain increments in the different directions. To determine the actual magnitudes of the increments a yie1d criterion is required, as will short1y be shown.
(7.2.6) The br~cketed quantity on the right si de of equation (7 2 6) . b proportlOnal to the square of the octahedral shear stress ~. 1~ seen to e and the left side of equation (72 6) . . [ quatlOn (3.4.11)], ment of octahedra1 plastic
she~r 'str~~:~o~::~O:;l[::et!:::t~::e(~~5~~~;]ncre-
(dy P)2 o -= .l[(d 9 exp - deyP)2
+ (de~
+ 6(de~y)2 + 6(de~z)2 + 6(de~x)2]
Plastic Stress-Strain Relations
[Ch. 7
Sec. 7-2] Prandtl-Reuss Equations
For a uniaxial tensile test in the x direction the equivalent stress and equivalent plastic strain increment reduce to
(7.2.11) The convenience of the above definitions now becomes apparento The equivalent or effective stress, a e, and the equivalent or effective plastic strain increment, dep, will henceforth be used in this text rather than the octahedral shear stress and octahedral plastic shear strain increment. The constant dÀ can therefore be written (7.2.12) FIGURE
Mohr's circ1es for stress and plastic strain increments.
and the stress-strain relations (7.2.5) be come
The constant dÀ now becomes dÀ
= dyE Toct
wher~ J is the. sectotnddienfiv::i::~qo~i~~~e~;~: :;;!~::: :t:~:~r~nd an equivalent It convemen o
or effective plastic strain increment as
1 ( == V2 [ ax
3 vl
)2+( y _a)2+(a -ax)2+6(TXy+Tyz+Tzx a z z
- ay
or Toct
(7.2.9) and
3 de p S deljp = - ti 2 ae
If one compares equation (7.2.9) for the equivalent stress ae with equation (6.2.8), which gives the von Mises yield criterion, it is seen that just as yielding be~ins
V2 dyE
where ao is the yield stress in simple tension. The equivalent stress is thus the same as the von Mises yield function, and since equations (7.2.l3) make use
Plastic Stress-Strain Relations [Ch. 7
of this function, the originaI Prandd-Reuss assumptions imply the von Mises yield criterion. This will also be shown subsequently from other considerations. It also follows from (7.2.14) that for a perfecdyp1astic materia1 the Prandtl-:-
Sec.7-3] Plastic Work. Two Measures of Work Hard emng .
be used for both the stress deviator d h . " vided the latter are multiplied by a s an t t e pla~tlc stralll lllcrements prostress. For this constant we choose c~~s ~:t tOt glve :he~ the dimensions of plastic strain increment vector can th~n b: sp;:::ed e:~attohr vector anI d the e same p ot, as j
R~u~s e'luatiQns may be written
8 23 de ~ li p
• eli =
For a material that work hardens, however, a e may be greater than ao, and it is now necessary to find the relation between the equivalent stress a e and the equivalent plastic strain increment, de p • Before this is done, we introduce the concepts of plastic work and the measures of work hardening.
o 52
2 Gde2P
An important concept that is frequendy used in plasticity theory is the concept of plastic work. The work done per unit volume on an element during
dWP = (jp.RQ _ (OP)(RQ) 2G 2G cos ( 8 - rjJ)
= ali deli = ali (deri
Stress and plastio strain increment vectors in 7T pI ane.
shown 3 3) t he plashc . work increment is the scaler th t 7.3.1. F rom (7.. roductinofFigure e wo vectors, or P
straining is
+ defJ)
= dwe + dW P
But (7.3.1) OP =.v'8f
But dwe == al} deri is recoverable elastic energy, whereas the plastic deformation is an irreversible process from which the energy cannot be recovered. The remainder of the work done is called the plastic work per unit volume, (7.3.2)
+ 8~ + Sa2
Via 3 e
and RQ = 2GV(defJ2
+ (den 2 + (de~)2
Hence the plastic work increment can be written
dWP = ae de p cos (8 - rjJ)
which in turn can be written (7.3.3)
2v'i G de p
If RQ is parallel to OP, this reduces to l
or, in terms ofthe principal stresses,
dWP = ae de p
~~ ~:~:::~la7r2' eqMuakti.on (7.3.5) will b~ valid for the Prandt1-Reuss re1ations Now let us consider again a plot in the 7T pIane where the axes are taken to be the principal stress deviators 8 1 , 8 2 , and 8a (for a point lying in the 7T pIane, since al + a2 + aa = 0, 8 1 = al' 8 2 = a2' 8 a = aa). Since for plastic strain increments del + de~ + de~ = 0, the same plot in the 7T pIane can
.. a lllg use .of equatlOn (7 .. 3 5) , the p randd-Reuss relations 72 13) ( .. can now also be wntten (7.3.6)
Plastic Stress-Strain Relations [Ch. 7
We next consider the question of how the amount of work hardening or strain hardening that has taken pIace in a given material due to plastic flow is measured. For this purpose two work-hardening hypotheses, known as the two measures of work hardening, have been proposed. The fust hypothesis assumes that the amount of hardening depends only otÌ-the total plastic work, and is jndependent of the strain path [6]. This is called the equivalence of plastic work. The implication is that the resistance to further yie1ding depends only on the amount of work which has been done on the material. This amount of work is measured by the yield criterion. Thus, as in (6.5.1), the yield criterion is written
Sec. 7-3] Plastic Work. Two Measures of Work Har d enmg .
Again the functional relationship can be determined b . before, the equivalent stress is used for the yield f unct'lOn,y tehxpenment. If, as en (7.3.12) and the plastic strain increments can be computed from (7.2.13). F or the case of the von Mises criterio n assuming isotropic hardening th two hypotheses are obviously equivalent. Since ' ese WP =
ali deff =
ae de p
equation (7.3.9) can be written (7.3.7) where K keeps changing as the material work hardens, and, assuming isotropic hardening, F( ali) remains the same. By the above hypothesis, K is a function of the plastic work done per unit volume and we can write j
F( ali) = f( W P )
If the equivalent stress
is taken as the yield function, we can write (7.3.9)
(7.3.13) the no same as (7:3. 12) 1 however, equations (7.3.11) and which isneed (738) . I n genera, .. . . t be eqUlvalent, because of anisotropy and the Bausch' effect. A detailed discussion of the conditions under wh' h th lllger . I t' . . lC e two are eqUlva en lS glVen In reference [7]. Equations (7 3 8) and (7 3 Il) ti ti d . . .. are somemes ~e erre to as the work-hardening and strain-hardening hY'Poth respecttvely [8]. eses, The form~lation (7.3.11) is simpler to use. For the case of the PranddR euss equatlOns and the VOIl M'lses yle . Id cntenon . . equation (7 3 12) . d almost ex 1 . l ' . . ,.. lS use . c uSl~e y III conJu~ctlOn with equations (7.2.13). In actual a licatton, the expenmental relatlOnship given by equation (7 .. 3 12)'lS t a kenPPfrom th .. l . e umaXla tenstIe stress-strain curve, as shown in Figure 7.32Th . " e a bSCIssa
The functional relationship between the yield function and the plastic work can be obtained experimentally and then the plastic strain increments can be calculated using equation (7.3.6). The second hypothesis uses the equivalent plastic strain previously defined -as a measure of work hardening; i.e.,
where de p is given by equations (7.2.10). The yield function is then assumed to be a function of the equivalent plastic strain. Thus FìGURE
7.3.2 R eIaf LOn between equivalent stress and equivalent plastic strain.
Plastic Stress-Strain Relations [Ch. 7 108
d ordinate of the uniaxial stress-strain curve. are replaced ~y ep = de p an tl'vely In terms of the slope of thlS curve, equatlOns (7.2.13) an d a e, respec . can be written (7.3.14) p 3 dae S deli = "2 Hla e li
Sec. 7-5] Experimental Verification of Prandtl-Reuss Equations
Equations (7.2.13) and (7.4.3) are known as theflow ru/es associated with the von Mises and Tresca criteri a, respectively. In Section 7.6 we will show that these are special cases of a more generaI fiow rule. In that section the results of the previous sections will be essentially rederived based on a more unified approach.
= dae de p
7-4 STRESS-STR1UN RELA.TIONS BA.SED ON TRESCA. CRITERION shown that the Prandtl-Reuss relations are associated . 72 't In SectlOn . 1 was 1 . lly used 'th the von Mises yield criterion. The stress-strain re atlOns gen~ra d' Wl . . t However as dIscusse m with the Tresca criterion are slmpler m na ure. , h' h . · 6 2 to use the Tresca yield criterion it is necessary to kno:" W lC lS Sect lOn . , . . 1 t Assummg that al . d hich is the minimum prmclpa S ress. ~~~:ea~l:~:u: pr:cipal stress and a3 is the min~m~m principal stress, an equivalent stress can be defined for the Tresca cntenon by
The first experimental investigation to determine the validity of the plastic stress-strain relations was made by Lode (reference [51 of Chapter 6). As explained in Chapter 6, Lode tested tubes of steel, copper, and nickel under combined tension and internaI pressure. In addition to the stress parameter p, defined by (6.4.2), Lode introduced the plastic strain parameter v defined by 2de~
v =
- deà - def
de3p - delp
- -!(deà + def) - delP)
From equations (7.2.3),
(7.4.1) 2de~
For the uniaxial tensile test in the 1 dire.ction,
becomes equal to
- deà - def deà - def
Prandt1-Reuss equations can now be wntten
(7.4.2) with de defined as previously. However, it can easily be. s~own (see probl~m p t' (742) are inconsistent with the defimtlOn (7.4.1). In splte 5) that equa lOns ., . d to ood advantage of this inconsistency, equations.(7 .~.2) .ar~ sometll~e:h::ethe ;iddle stress has [91. Since in using the Tresca cntenon lt lS assume h' plastic ieldin it is reasonable to assume also that t ere lS no ~:;~:c:h~~ Xirectio~. A consistent set of relations can therefore be obtained byassuming
del = Tdep de~ = O
If the Prandd-Reuss relations are valid, then equation (7.5.2) should be satisfied over the whole range of experiments. The results of Lode's tests are shown schematically in Figure 7.5.1. Although the relation appears to be approximately satisfied, there is a definite deviation which cannot be accounted for by experimental scatter. This deviation was confirmed by Taylor and Quinney (reference [6] of Chapter 6), whose results on tension-torsion tests are shown roughly in Figure 7.5.2. Although some of these deviations can be attributed to lack of isotropy, it appears that the Prandt1-Reuss relations are not quite correct. Prager [lO] has shown that the data can be made to fit quite well by including la in the yield function. However, the relations are too cumbersome for generaI use. From a practical viewpoint the Prandt1-Reuss relations appear to be sufficiently accurate, just as the von Mises yield criterion is sufficiendy accurate, and the small deviations of the experimental data are not large enough to make additional complexity worthwhile. These relations will therefore henceforth be used most frequently, the Tresca criterion and its
Plastic Stress-Strain Relations
Sec. 7-6]
[Ch. 7
v O
1. Positive work is done by the external agency during the application of the set of stresses. , . 2. The net work performed by it over the cyc1e of application and removal kl is zero or positive.
Results of Lode's tests.
It should be emphasized that the work referred to is not the total work done by aH the forces acting; it is only the work done by the added set of forces on the displacements which result. In other words, work hardening means that useful net energy over and above the elastic energy cannot be extracted from the material and the system of forces acting on it. This definition can be put into mathematicallanguage as follows: Suppose that to a state of stress ali and strain eli some external agency applies small surface forces so that the stress at each point is changed by an amount dali and the strain by an amount deli' Part of delf is elastic and part may be plastic; i.e., deli = defi + del;. Now suppose these added forces are removed, thus releasing the elastic strain increments, defi' It then foHows from implication 1 that for work hardening
Resu1ts of Taylor and Quinney's tests.
associated fiow rule being used occasionally. ~o be note~ that :h~:::=~ coincidence of the principal stress axes and pnnclpal plastlc stram.l axes are bome out very well by the experiments of Taylor and Qumney.
and, from implication 2,
maximum shear and maximum slide velo city are co-directional," as SaintVenant expressed it (see reference [11]). It was also shown that these re1ations imply the von Mises yield function.~!hi~~ection the generaI equations for d~!t:rmining the plastic stress-strain re1ations for any yield criterio n will be deriv~dbased 011 fLunified approach due to Drucker [12, 13]. We start with a more precise definition of work hardening which is due to Drucker, and it will subsequent1y be shown that together with two additional assumptions it is sufficient to obtain the most generaI form of the stressstrain re1ations. Suppose we have a given state of stress and then some external agency applies an additional set of stresses and then slowly removes them. Work hardening implies that for aH such added sets of stresses the material will remain in equilibrium, and
L _____~(L------I
Generai Derivation or Plastic Stress-Strain Relations
+ del;) > O} dal} del; :::::
In Section 7.5 the Saint-Venant-Lévy-Mises and the prand~l-R~~S~ tions were described as originating basically from an assumptlOn a
dali( defi
Equations (7.6.1) represent the mathematical definition of work hardening. The second of equations (7.6.1) is sometimes referred to as the uniqueness condition.
Plastic Stress-Strain Relations [Ch. 7
Sec. 7-6]
Since the increment da"l produces plastic flow , from (7 "6 3) we h ave
To obtain the generaI stress-strain re1ations, we use the above definition plus two basic assumptions. These are:
1. A loading function exists. At each stage of the plastic deformation there exists a functionj(au) so that further piastic deformation takes pIace onIy for j( ajJ) > K. Bothj and K may depend on the existing state of stress and on the
General Derivation or Plastic Stress-Strain Relations
8j da "I -- -8 8j (da"l 'd 8a + "a"l) > O "I a"l
But the increment da~1 produces no plastic flow. Therefore,
strain history. 2. The relation between infinitesimals of stress and plastic strain is linear; (7.6.5)
(7.6.2) AIso, da%1 has been taken proportional to the gradient of j; therefore,
Although equation (7.6.2) seems very reasonable, it shouId be noted that there appears to be no theoretical justification for it. It is pureIy an assumption. Although the Cljlcl may be functions of stress, strain, and history of loading, (7.6.2) implies that they are independent of the da/cl' From assumption 1 it follows that for piastic deformation to take pIace
(7.6.6) where a is a scaler > O and from (7.6.4), (7.6.5), and (7.6.6) it follows that 8j da"l = 8j da" = .8f a 8j O 8a"l 8a"I "I 8a"l 8a"l >
(7.6.3) or
and from the linearity assumption 2 it follows that the superposition principie may be applied to the stress and strain increments. Thus if da;i and da7i are two increments producing piastic strain increments, dei; and deii', then an increment dali = daii + da7i will produce an increment,· dei; + deii'. Now assume that for a given state of stress a"l' an increment of stress da"l producing plastic flow is imposed. This increment da"l can be decomposed into two parts da~1 and da%1 such that da~1 produces no plastic flow and da~1 is proportional to the gradient of j(alj)' Geometrically this means that the vector da"l is decomposed into a component tangent to j and a component perpendicuiar to j, as shown in Figure 7.6.1.
(7.6.7) E~ation (?6.7) proves that the proposed decomposition is possible
;~~~nncnegd(7;6.2) adnd (7.6.7) [realizing that da"l in (7.6.2) can be r~placed
"I a"l pro uces no plasi' fl ] defJ must be proportional to a, or IC ow we see that every component of .;)
(7.6.8) or, combining with (7.6.7) gives
(7.6.9) w~re gli depends in generaI on stress, strain, and history of loading
ow the second of conditions (7.6.1) can be written
7.6.1 Decomposition of stress increment vector.
. (7.6.10)
3 Plastic Stress-Strain Relations [Ch. 7
But da;i produces no plastic flow, so that the increment dali = Cda;! -: da;i for any value of C, positive or negative, will produ~e the sa~e plashc mcrement defJ. We can therefore write the strain-hardemng condltlOn as
+ da7i)defJ :2:
Sec. 7-6] Generai Derivation of Plastic Stress-Strain Relations
where \d'A = G dJ,\ and we recognize the Prandtl-Reuss equations. For the Tresca :Yield condition, assuming it is known which is the maximum principal stress al and minimum principal stress a3, we have
.1 I d p must vanish; otherwise C cou1d be chosen (a 1arge negative ua/i eli ' number) so as to violate (7.6.11). Therefore,
, BU t
= -!-(al -
of = O oa2
of oa3
= !d'A
de~ =
deà = -!d'A But Hence Comparing with (7.6.5) it is seen that
= G c;-vali
tuting (7.6.12) into (7.6.9) gives
which is the generaI stress-strain relation consistent with the originaI assumptions. . . Id f t' let unc lOn, Let us take some specific examples. For the von Mlses yle
f = J2 = -![(al - a2)2 of =
- -!-(a2
It is worth noting one ot,her importan,t fact from the previous derivation. ,I Since dari defJ = O and " dari is tangent to the yield surface, it follows that 11 defJ is normal to the yield surface, for the above equation merely represents a h,., . dot product oftwo vectors. This can also be seen from (7.6.14), since defJ is equa1 to the gradient of ftimes a scalar. It also follows from the above that the Prandt1-Reuss equations imply the use of the von Mises criterion. .i To summarize: Starting with the definition of work hardening and postu- , lating the existence of a loading function and linearity between increments of stress and increments of strain, we can arrive at the generaI flow rule (7.6.14) for a strain-hardening material. It can also be shown that the plastic strain increment vector must always be normal to the yield surface. The scalar G, which depends in generaI on the stress, strain, and history, must be determined from experiment, and its derivation will be discussed short1y.
'{',l' ,
where G is a scalar which may depend on stress, strain, and history. Substi-
which are the same as equations (7.4.3). We note that the form of the flow rule or plastic stress-strain relations associated with the Tresca criterion is entire1y different than that for the von Mises; thus each yield condition has an associated flow rule, as was pointed out in Section 7.4. This is sometimes ignored and, for example, the Tresca criterion has been used with the von Mises flow rule. There is, however, no theoretical justification for that type of assumption.
+ (a2
+ a3)]
- a3)2
+ (a3
- al)2]
Perfectly Plastic Material For this case the work done by an external agency which slowly applies and removes a set of stresses is zero over the cycIe, or
dali de" = O
Plastic Stress-Strain Relations [Ch. 7
It should be remarked that this equation is not the same as the second of (7.6.1) with the equality sign. In (7.6.1) the equality sign is used only when
defJ = O. For ideaI plasticity it is also assumed thatf(atJ) exists and is a function of stress only, and that plastic flow takes pIace without limit when f(alj) = K and the material behaves elastically when f(al') < K. For plastic flow,
Sec. 7-6]
Generai Derivation of Plastic Stress-Strain Relations
ae =
{6~ [(al
and for the uniaxial tensile test
- a2)2
a e --
+ (a2
- a3)2
+ (a3
- a1 )2]f,n
!' al' TherelOre,
= 1/3
therefore, 8f df= -dal} 8atJ
~::~:;~~:splgent.erallYkused. defines the effective strain in~reme::t;=
Comparing (7.6.15) and (7.6.16) it is seen that defJ = dÀ 8f
which agree~ .with the previous definition in equation (7.2.9). The defimtlOn of effective plastic strain, ep , is not quite as simple Th as lC wor per umt volume; i.e.,
(7.6.17) (7.6.19)
where dÀ is a scalar.
and since
Determination or tbe Function G. Effective Stress and Effective Strain
For (7.6.14) to be of any practical use, it must be related somehow to the experimental uniaxial stress-strain curve. What we are looking for is some function of the stresses, which might be called the effective stress, and some function ofthe strains or strain history, which might be called effective strain, so that results obtained by different loading programs can all be correlated by means of a single curve of effective stress versus effective strain. This curve should preferably be the uniaxial tensile curve. The definition of effective stress can be arrived at rather simply; since it should reduce to the stress in the uniaxial tension test, it is a quantity which will determine whether plastic flow takes pIace or not, and it must be a positively increasing function of the stress es during plastic flow. Now the loading function f(atJ) also, by definition, determines whether additional plastic flow takes pIace. It is also a positively increasing function as long as plastic flow takes pIace and, if unloading takes pIace, plastic flow is not resumed until the highest previous value ofjis exceeded. The loading function f(alf) must therefore be some constant times the effective stress to some power; i.e.,
For example, if we assume again
For example, if f
= J 2 , it can readily be shown that (7.6.21)
and, if f = al - a3 with a1 > a2 > a3 as 10r !' the Tresca criterion, then (7.6.22)
Equation (7.6.21) expanded becomes de p =
vi [(de~)2 + (de~)2 + (def)2
and, in terms of principal strain increments , de p
+ 2(de~y)2 + 2(de~z)2 + 2(de~J2]1'2
Vi [(def)2 + (de~)2 + (de~)2]1/2
V3 [(de l)2 + (de~)2 + del de~]1'2
P P where A the incompressibility condition de 1 + de 2 + de3p -- O h as been used find :e~ond. ~ethod for a.rriving at (7.6.21) is sort of intuitive. One seeks t~ efìmtlOn of effectlve plastic strain increment which when integrated
Plastic Stress-Strain Relations [Ch. 7
. f t' f only The simplest combination of plastic strain increments a unc lOn o ae . ". ." . which is positive increasing and has the correct d1menslOn lS
de p = C VdefJ defJ
Sec. 7-7] Incrementai and Deformation Theories
where a~ = daelde p is the slope of the uniaxial stress-plastic strain curve at the current value of a e . As an example, for 1= J 2 , equation (7.6.29) gives
To make this definition agree for simple tension we must have
de~ = de p
C V(de~)2
+ ì(de~? + ì(deD 2 = C yt de~ (7.6.30)
C= de p = and, for I
v't VidefJ defJ
= J2 ,
so that the integrated effective strain is a function of effective stress only; i.e., ep
f =f de p
H(ae) da e
It should be noted here that the definiti~n ~7.6.21) for de p has been derived - J nly Drucker has shown that 1t lS reasonably correct for almost f or I - 2 o . . d' f ot ~(J J) The second intuitive approach for definmg ep lS, o course, n
any J. 2, 3' based on any specific loading function. . ow in a position to determine the functlOn G. It should first be We are n . ial tensile r d that for the previous formulation to agree W1t. h t he umax . rea 1ze d Id ust be the slope of that curve (in the plastic range). Substlcurve, a e ep m tuting the basic equation defJ = G 881 di alJ
into (7.6.21) gives
\ Equations (7.6.30) constitute the flow rule (or plastic stress-strain relations) I CJssociated with the von Mises yield criterion. They are the well-known Prandt1-Reuss relations we obtained previously. If we replace the plastic strain increments in the above equations by total strain increments, the Lévy-Mises relations are obtained which are valid only if the plastic strains are so large that the elastic strains can be neglected. As a final note, a generaI flow law such as (7.6.14) can also be obtained on the basis of a hypothesis that there exists a plastic potential (similar to the strain energy density function) which is a scalar function of stress, g(atj), from which the plastic strain increments can be obtained by partial differentiation with respect to the stresses. Thus
(7.6.31) where df3 is a nonnegative constant. The plastic potential g(ali) was first introduced by Melan [14]. By comparison with (7.6.14), it would appear that the plastic potential should play the same role as the yield function, and indeed Bland [15] has proved that they must be the same function, so that g in (7.6.31) can be replaced by I; (7.6.31) and (7.6.14) are then the same.
(7.6.27) or and the generaI plastic stress-strain relation becomes yt(8118atj) de p defJ = v(811 8amn)(8118amn)
Equations such as (7.6.30) are called incrementai stress-strain relations because they relate the increments of plastic strain to the stress. To obtain the total plastic strain components, one must integrate these equations over the whole history ofloading. Hencky [16] proposed total stress-stra in relations
Plastic Stress-Strain Relations [Ch. 7
whereby the total strain components are related to the current stress. Thus, instead of (7.6.30), one would have (7.7.1) The plastic strains then are functions of the current state of stress and are independent of the history of loading. Such theories are called t~!al or cfeformation theories in contrast to the incrementai or flow theories previously d~~cribed. This type of assumption great1y simplifies the problem; however, as was previously shown, the piastic strains cannot in generaI be independent of the loading path and deformation theories cannot generalIy be correct. There has often been a tendency therefore to ignore alI deformation theory as of little value. It can easiIy be shown, however, that for the case of proportional or radiaI loading, Le., if all the stresses are increasing in ratio, the incrementaI theory reduces to the deformation theory. For if atj = Ka?h where a?i is an arbitrary reference state of stress (nonzero) and K is a monotonically increasing function of time, then Sti = KS?l and a e = Ka~ and (7.6.30) becomes p
Sec. 7-8]
Convexity of Yield Surface. Singular Points
ProbIems of plastic flow in thermally stressed disks and cylinders have been handied in this way and good results obtained using deformation theory . .On the other hand, it will subsequent1y be shown that with the present ';ldespread availability of high-speed computors, many simplifying assumptlOns heretofore made, inc1uding the use of deformation theories under doubtful conditions, are often unnecessary.
In Section 6.3 the statement was made that the yield surface was convex. A proof, as given in reference [13], will now be presented. Consider some state of stress a~ inside the loading surface, as shown in Figure 7.8.1. Let some
er' jl
3de p SO
= -2 a oe
~,~ ....... -
which can be immediateIy integrated to give (7.7.2) FIGURE
so the plastic strain is a function only of the current state of stress and is independent of the loading path. Furthermore, it has been proposed by Budiansky [17] that there are ranges of loading paths other than proportionalioading for which the basic postulates of piasticity theory are satisfied by deformation theories. Budiansky's theory postulates the occurrence of corners or singuiar points on the successive yield surfaces and, although the existence of such singular points has as yet not been established experimentalIy, one cannot rule out the possibility of loading paths other than proportionalloading for which total plasticity theories may give satisfactory answers. From a practical viewpoint, there are a great many engineering problems where the loading path is not far from proportionalloading, provided one is careful when unloading occurs to separate the problem into separate parts, the loading parts, and the unloading parts.
7.8.1 Stress path produced by external agency.
externai agency add stresses along some arbitrary path inside the surface until a state of stress ai} is reached which is on the yield surface. Only eiastic changes have taken pIace so far. Now suppose the external agency to add a very smalI outward pointing stress increment dati which produces smalI plastic strain increments defJ, as welI as eiastic increments. The external agency then releases the dati and the state of stress is returned to a* aiong an I . ti e astlc path. The work done by the external agency over the cyc1e is (7.8.1) If the piastic strain coordinates are superimposed on the stress coordinates as in Figure 7.8.2, oW may be interpreted as the scalar product of the vecto;
Plastic Stress-Strain Relations (Ch. 7
Sec. 7-9] Plastic Strain-Total Strain Plasticity Relations
convex. On the other hand, if the surface is not convex, there exist some poln:ts ali and ajj such that the vector alJ - ajj forms an obtuse angle with the vector dali> as shown in Figure 7.8.4. This completes the convexity proof.
7.8.2 Stress and plastic strain increment vectors.
* and the vector defJ plus the scalar product of dalJ and defJ· Now, ali - ali .. . ' (7 6 l) from the strain-hardening defimtlOn equatlOn ., , dali defJ ;:::: O or
IdaljlldefJl cos () ;:::: O
(7.8.2) FIGURE
7.8.4 Surface not convex, obtuse angles possible.
or That is the vectors dali and delj ma ke an acute angle with each other. In a similar'fashion, since the magnitude of ali - ajj can always be made larger than the magnitude of dali' it folIows that p
(ali - ajj)defJ ;:::: O or
laii - ajjlldefJl
CoS '" ;::::
Equation (7.6.14) iinplies that the yield surface has a unique gradient. It may happen, however, that the yieid surface has vertices or corners where the gradient is not defined. For exampIe, the Tresca hexagon has no unique normai at the corners, where two of the stress es are equa!. Such points are called singular points or singular yield conditions. Such points can be treated by introducing an auxiliary parameter as described in reference [18].
Hence (7.8.3) Thus t h e vect or ali - ali* makes an acute angle with the. vector defJ l for all choices of ajj. Therefore, alI points .ajj must lie on one SI de of ~ P ane pe~endicular to defJ, and, since defJ is normal to the yield sur~ace, thlS pIane :V111 ~e tangent to the yield surface. This must be true for alI pomts alj ~n the Yl~ld surface so that no vector alj - alj* can pass outside the surface mtersectmg b the surface twice, as shown in Figure 7.8.3. The surface must therefore ~
The PrandtI-Reuss equations relate the piastic strain increments to the stresses. We shall now derive a similar set of equations involving onIy strains. These equations enabie one to compute the piastic strain increments from the totai strains without recourse to the stresses. In effe et , they provide a simpie method for separating the totai strains into their eiastic and piastic components. The advantage of this formulation will become evident Iater when certain iterative methods for solving piasticity probIems are discussed. Assume some loading path to a given state of stress and totai piastic strains efJ· Let the Ioad be increased by a small amount, producing additionai piastic strains LlefJ. The totai strains can now be written (7.9.1)
FIGURE 7.8, 3 Convex surface, only acute angles possible.
where efj is the elastic component of the totai strain, efJ is the accumulated piastic strain up to (but not including) the current increment of Ioad, and
Plastic Stress-Strain Relations {Ch. 7 124
Sec. 7-9]
Plastic Strain-Total Strain Plasticity Relations
.' lastic strain due to the increment of load. eij 1S 1S the mcrement of: P' t be computed. Define modified total strains presumed to be known, ei} 1S o as follows: (7.9.2)
or, in expanded form, A P ue x
~ep (2 ex' = 3-
ey, -
e z')
~ep 3- (2 ey'
e z, -
,) ex
~ep (2 ez' = 3-
, ex
A P uey =
Then (7.9.3)
A P ue z
Subtracting the mean strain from the diagonal components of both sides of
equation (7.9.3) results in (7.9.4) .' d ' is the modified strain . here ee is the elastic stram dev1ator tensor an eij W. ti F H ke's law and the Prandtl-Reuss relatlOns, devlator tensor. rom 00 eeli
1 S =
~ ~elPi 2G~À with
, - (1 + 2G ~)~ePI'
elJ -
given by (7.9.7) or alternatively by
(7.9.11) and the primed quantities are the modified total strains as given by equation (7.9.2). Equations (7.9.10) are equivalent to the Prandt1-Reuss equations, The stresses do not appear in these equations and the increments of plastic strain can be computed from the total strains. Note that since they have been derived by use of the Prandt1-Reuss equations, they implicit1y make use ofthe von Mises yield function. It should also be emphasized that the equivalent total strain defined by (7.9.7) is a purely mathematically defined quantity without any direct physical meaning, even in the uniaxial case. However, it can be related to the uniaxial stress-strain curve as follows: From equation (7.2.12),
We noW define an equivalent modified total strain by
so that, from (7.9.6),
and, from (7.9.5), (7.9
Plastic Stress-Strain Relations [Ch. 7
Sec. 7-10]
Complete Stress-Strain Relations. Summary
where higher-order terms in L\Bp have been neglected. Substituting into (7.9.14) and solving for L\Bp gives
Substituting this value for L\.:\ into equation (7.9.8) gives
(7.9.16) or
= L\B p +
+ IL)
Referring to the uniaxial stress-strain curve as shown in Figure 7.9.1, let
For linear strain hardening, equations (7.9.15) and (7.9.16) are obviouslyj exact. Equation (7.9.16) shows how Bet is related to L\Bp through the geometryl ofthe uniaxial stress-strain curve. We shall use this relationship subsequent1y together with equations (7.9.10) and (7.9.11) to solve specific problems. For want of a better name we will refer to equations (7.9.10) as the plastic straintotal strain equations. If one desires to use the total or deformation theory of plasticity, it can be shown [19] that it is only necessary to remove the primes and increment symbols from equations (7.9.9) through (7.9.11); Le.,
(7.9.17) FIGURE
Relation between Beh a e, and D.Bp •
L\a e be the increment in stress to which corresponds a plastic increment A d let e be the stress at the end of the incremento Then Bet lS the sum of
an a . 1 . l' d b y the plastic stra in increment plus the total elasti~ stram mu hp le 2/3(1 + IL)' Solving equation (7.9.13) for L\Bp results m llBp
(7.9.14) now readi1y be eliminated from equations (7.9.13) or (7.9.14). as .. 1 d b a le. Let the stress precedmg the mcrement of oa e e,l-l,.' ' lO OWS. . b t glVes A eo Then expanding a a e == ae,! -1 + UU e in a Taylor senes a ou a e ,i-1 approximately n e a ca ~ Il
a = a ._ + (dadB e) 1
L\B p
+ ...
In the previous sections the relations between the increments of plastic strain and the stress es at any instant were discussed in some detail. The fundamental problem in applying plasticity theory is to determine the total plastic strain as a function of the history of loading or history of stress. Suppose a body is loaded along some specified load path to some finalload condition. To calculate the plastic strains at this finalload condition it is theoretically necessary, in generaI, to integrate the infinitesimal plastic strain increments over the actualloading path. Although this can be done in relatively simple cases, it is usually more expeditious to assume the lo ad applied in small finite increments and calculate the finite increments of plastic strain
~"""""------~f~,~---------------------------Plastic Stress-Strain Relations [Ch. 7
for each of the load increments. An these increments of plastic strain are then added to give the total plastic strain. The integration is thus replaced by a
Sec. 7-10]
Complete Stress-Strain Relations. Summary
Tresca yield criteria, the following relations previously derived will be used For the von Mises criterio n : .
summation. Let the totalloading path be divided into N increments of load. Assume that the plastic strains have been computed for the first i - l increments of lo ad and we now wish to compute them for the ith increment of load. The total strains at the end of the ith increment can be written with thermal
ae =
v'3:l; =
= V!SljS!/
strains included, as (7.10.1)
llep where 0 = al! = a x + a y + a z. The first two terms on the right side of equation (7.10.1) represent the elastic part of the total strain, the third term is the thermal strain, the fourth term is the plastic strain accumulated in the first i - 1 increments of load, and the fifth term is the plastic strain due to the ith increment of load. In expanded form these equations are
VtllefJ llefJ
= V:t[(lle~)2 + (lle~)2 + (lle~)2 + 2(lle~y)2 + 2(lle~z)2 + 2(lle:x)2]1/2 =
~3 [(lle~)2 + (lle~)2 + (lle~y)2 + (lle~z)2 + (lle:x)2 + lle~ lle~]1/2
= 3 [(Il exp - llef)2 +
+ 6(lle~y)2 +
- lleD2
+ (Ile:
- lleD2
+ 6(lle:x)2]1/2
or (7.10.2) l-l
eXY =
1 + f.L TXY + L: lle~y,1c + lle~y,! -e 1c=1
eyZ =
1 + f.L -e Tyz + L: lle~z,1c + lle~z,! 1c=1
ezx =
+ f.L Tzx
L: lle~z,1c + lle:x,! + 1c=1
In the above equations the sums are known and the problem is to calculate the plastic strain increments for the current or ith increment of load, and the corresponding stresses. To do this it is necessary to use one or another of the plastic stress-strain relations discussed in previous sections. A yield criterion must be chosen and the associated flow rule as given by equation (7.6.14). In particuIar, since we shall concern ourselves only with the von Mises and
.1tnd Ile; is .reiated to a e through the uniaxiai tensile stress-strain curve as shown In Flgures 7.3.2 or 7.9.1.
2 P1astic Stress-Strain Re1ations [Ch. 7
L LlefJ.k =
eli - 0l1em
k=l l-l
eli = eli em
: eet
L LlefJ.k
= j-eli = j(e x + ey + ez) = -viieljeli =
~2 [(e~
e~)2 + (e~
e~)2 + (e~
+ 6(e~y)2 + 6(e~z)2 +
Complete Stress-Strain Re1ations. Summary
where ue.t-l is the va1ue of the equiva1ent stress at the end of the (i - l)st increment of lo ad and (due/dep)t_l is the slope of the uniaxiai tensile curve repiotted as true stress versus true plastic strain. Equation (7.10.9) is exact for)inellJ:_strain hardening. The above reiations'are shown graphical1y in Figure 7.9.1. If the deformation or totai theory of plasticity is used, aH the above relations are valid if the Ll's are removed from all the previous equations and the primes are removed from equations (7.10.6) through (7.10.7). Equation (7.10.8) becomes
A1ternatively we define eli = eli -
Sec. 7-10]
(7.10.10) (7.10.6)
and by the use of (7.10.10), the uniaxial stress-strain curve can be repiotted as a curve of ep versus eet as shown in Figure 7.10.1. This curve can then be used instead of the originaI stress-strain curve. 24 ~1O-3
~ 20
16 /
> '3
12 /
V 4 8 12 16 20 24x10- 3 Equivolent plostic stroin, ep
Equivalent total strain-equivalent plastic strain curve.
For the Tresca criterion,assume and
Ae e Ll. p, eh
and u e are related to each other by (7.10.8)
(7.10.11) or, alternatively,
Furthermore, for smaH increments (7.10.9)
and the relation between
and Llep is taken from the uniaxiai tensile curve.
2 References Plastic Stress-Strain Relations [Ch. 7
he stress-strain relations discussed in this chapter are just one of fo~r T of relations that must generally be satisfied in solving an The other three sets of relations are the same as for any elastIclty
where SIj is the stress deviator tensor. Show that equations (7.9.7) and (7.9.11) are equivalent.
11. 12.
problem. These are
1 The equations of equilibrium of stresses. . The strain-displacement or compatibility relatlOns.
Show that the Prandtl-Reuss relations imply that the principal axes of stress and of plastic strain illcrement coincide. Derive equations (7.2.12) and (7.2.13) using tensor notation only. Determine the equivalent stress aT for the Tresca criterion by means of equation (7.6.18). Assume al > a2 > a3. Aiso determine the effective plastic strain increment by the two methods described by equation (7.6.20) and what follows. Prove that
3. The boundary conditions. To obtain a complete solution we must find a set of stresses and s~rai~s which satisfy these four sets of relations. In the next. several chapters lt wlll be shown how these relations are adapted to speclfic problems an~ h~; solutions to these problems can be obtained. In all that foll?ws, as. m e . . ,lS assume d that the material is homogeneous, lsotroplc, and precedmg, lt strain hardens isotropically.
References 1.
Problems Show that the equivalent stress a e defi ne d by equation (7.2.9) can also be written a e = VJS/jSjj = VJ(Si + S~ + S5
Show that the equivalent plastic strain increment de p defined by equation (7.2.10) can also be written de p =
3. 4. 5. 6.
V j.delJ
= V j.[(del? + (de~)2 + (de~)2]
3. 4.
f (7 3 5) is valid for the Prandtl-Reuss relations. Show t h at equa lOn ., f (7 3 2) Show that equation (7.3.3) follows directly from equ~ lon .. , . 'th the . rel af lOns (7 ., 4 2) are mconslstent Wl Show that the stress-stram
defi~ition (7.~.1).
Show that the following expressions for the effectIve p as lC are equivalent:
8. 9.
(7621) and (7622) making use of equations (7.6.20). Denve equatlOns .. . . . l f strain increment
de p = =
vi [(de~)2 + (de~)2 + (de~)2 + 2(de~y)2 + 2(de~z)2 + 2(de~x)2]1/2
~3 [(de~)2
= V2 [(de~ 3
+ (den 2 + de~ de~ + (de~y)2 + (de~z)2 + (de~J2]1/2 de~)2 + (de~
(de~ - deD 2 + 6(de~y)2 + 6(de~z)2 + 6(de~J2]1/2
- den 2 +
From the fact that the plastic strain increment :ector. is ~or~~l surf ace, prove that the Prandtl-Reuss equatlOns lmp y von Mises yield criterion. 9. Derive equation (7.6.30) from equation (7.6.28).
~s:h~r:~~ 14.
B. Saint-Venant, Mémoire sur l'établissement des équations differentielles des mouvements intérieurs opérés dans les corps solides ductiles au dela des limites où l'élasticité pourrait les ramener à leur premier état, Compt. Rend., 70, 1870, pp. 473-480. M. Lévy, Mémoire sur les équations géneralés des mouvements intérieurs des corps solides ductile au dela limites où l'élasticité pourrait les ramener à leur premier état, Compt. Rend., 70, 1870, pp. 1323-1325. R. von Mises, Mechanik del' festen Koerper in Plastisch deformablem Zustand, Goettinger Nachr. Math. Phys., Kl., 1913, pp. 582-592. L. Prandtl, Spannungsverteilung in plastischen Koerpern, Proceedings 01 the 1st International Congress on Applied Mechanics, Dellt, Technische Boekhandel en Druckerij, J. Waltman, Jr., 1925, pp. 43-54. E. Reuss, Beruecksichtigung der elastischen Formaenderungen in der Plastizitaetstheorie, Z. Angew. Math. Mech., lO, 1930, pp. 266-274. R. Hill, The Mathematical Theory 01 Plasticity, Oxford Univo Press, London, 1950, p. 25. D. R. Bland, The Two Measures of Work-Hardening, 9th International Congress 01 Applied Mechanics, Univo de Bruxelles, 1957, pp. 45-50. H. Ford, Advanced Mechanics 01 Materials, Wiley, New York, 1963, p. 416. A. M. Wahl, Effect of Transient Period in Evaluating Rotating Disk Tests Under Creep Conditions, J. Basic Eng., 85, 1963, pp. 66-70. W. Prager, Strain Hardening Under Combined Stress, J. Appl. Phys., 16, 1945, pp. 837-840. I. Todhunter and K. Pearson, A History 01 the Theory 01 Elasticity and Strength 01 Materia/s, VoI. II, Part 1, Cambridge Univo Press, 1893, p. 166. D. C. Drucker, Some Implications of Work Hardening and IdeaI Plasticity, Quart. Appl. Math., 7, 1950, pp. 411-418. D. C. Drucker, A More Fundamental Approach to Plastic Stress-Strain Relations, 1st U.S. Congress 01 Applied Mechanics, ASME, New York, 1952, pp. 487-491. E. Melan, Zur Plastizitaet des raeumlichen Kontinuums, Ingr.-Arch., 9, 1938, pp. 116-126.
Plastic Stress-Strain Relations [Ch. 7
15. 16.
D. R. Bland, The Assoeiated Flow Rule of Plasticity, J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 6, 1957, pp. ZI-~~r Theorie Plastiseher Deformationen und der hierdureh H. Z. Hene y, Z Angew Math Mech., im Material hervorgerufenen Naehspannungen,. . .
4, 1924, pp. 323-334. t of Deformation Theories of Plasticity, B. Budiansky, A Reassessmen J A I Mech 26 1959, pp. 259-264. . . . pp Koiter "Str~ss-Strain Relations, Uniqueness, and VanatlOnal Theo18. ~~~'for Ela~tie-Plastie Materials with a Singular YieId Surfaee, Quart.
Appl. Mdat1h., 11, ~~\P~:~~~5~~aetieal Solution of Plastie Deformation A. Men esonan . . , h R R281959 Problems in Elastie-Plastie Range, NASA Tec. ept. - , .
GeneraI References k
D C Stress-Strain Relations in the Plastie Range, a Survey of Theory
Druea:~' Ex~eri~ent, Office ofNaval Research, Contract N7 onr-358, NR-041-o32, Hi1l,D~~. ~~;OMathematical Theory of Plasticity, Oxford Univo Press, London,
1950·W ., an d p .B. Mellor , Plasticity for Mechanical Engineers, Van Nostrand, Johnson, l t"t Offiee Prineeton N.J., 1962. N hd' P M' Stress-Strain Relations in Plastieity and Thermop as ICI y, ag of\~";vaI'Researeh, Contraet Nonr-222 (69), Tech. Rept. No.9, 1960.
Spheres and cylinders are widely used as pressure vessels, in the chemical industry, for example, as well as many other places. The loads involve high pressures and sometimes high temperatures and high temperature gradients. The elastic stress and strain distributions are relatively simple to obtain, particularly since the loading is usually reasonably symmetric. The solutions in the elastoplastic range, however, become complicated, and so simplifying assumptions of various types are made. These usually involve assuming the material to be incompressible in both the elastic and plastic ranges, and assuming it to be perfectly plastic in the plastic range. With these assumptions closed-form solutions can be obtained. We shall first present some of these classical solutions. Subsequently it will be shown how these problems can be solved without the usual simplifying assumptions. For later use we record here the equilibrium, compatibility, straindisplacement, and stress-strain relations in spherical coordinates and polar coordinates assuming spherical and axial symmetry, respectively.
SphericaI Coordinates
The stresses are designated by a r and ao = = 8>. The equilibrium equations reduce to
and the strains by
(8.1.1) 135
Sec. 8-1]
GeneraI Relations
Elastoplastic Problems of Spheres and Cylinders [Ch. 8
where Fr is the body force per unit volume. The strains are related to the displacements by
= dr
r = Bq,
where sgn stands for "the sign of." We note that if the plastic strains vary monotonically with the applied load, equation (8.1.9) can be integrated to give (8.1.10)
where u is the radiaI displacement. Combining both of equations (8.1.2) gives
Note also that the Tresca yie1d criterio n in this case coincides with the von Mises criterion.
the compatibility equation dee Be - Br _ O dr + -r- -
Because of symmetry the shear stresses and shear strains are zero as well as the tangential displacements. The stress-strain relations are
= -1 [(1 E
We assume axial symmetry and either pIane strain or pIane stress. The equilibrium equations then become (8.1.11)
(8.1.4) Be
PoIar Coordinafes
",)ae - ",a r]
where Fr is the body force per unit volume, The strain-dispIacement reIations and corresponding compatibility equation are
+ T + ee <X
wh ere epr and eeP are the total plastic strains. From the incompressibility condition it follows that (8.1.5)
which are the same as equations (8.1.2) and (8.1.3). The stress-strain reIations are given by
For the von Mises yield criterio n, the equivalent stress becomes (8.1.6) (8.1.13)
so that the yield criterion is (8.1.7) and the equivalent plastic strain increment is
(8.1.8) The Prandt1-Reuss relations thereupon reduce to (8.1.9)
For the case of pIane stress, a z = O, and for the case of pIane strain Bz = O or ez = constant for generalized pIane strain. In both cases the shear stresses and strains are zero. The von Mises and Tresca criteria do not coincide in this case as they do for the case of spherical symmetry. The yield criteria and corresponding plasticity relations wilI be described subsequent1y as they are used. SeveraI examples wiIl now be discussed beginning with the case of a thick hollow sphere.
Elastoplastic Problems of Spheres and Cylinders [Ch. 8
Consider a sphere with inner radius a and outer radius b, subjected to an internaI pressure p and a radiaI temperature distribution T(r). It is obvious that complete symmetry about the center will exist so that the ra~ial and any two tangenti al directions will be principal direct~ons. E.quatlOns .(8.1:1) through (8.1.10) apply. We start by finding the elastlc solutlOn. Sub~tltutmg the stress-strain relations (8.1.4) (with the plastic strains set to zero) mto the compatibility equation (8.1.3) and making use of the equilibrium equation (8.1.1), the following solution for the stresses can readi1y be obtained:
-2E =- "31 sr aT r2 dr + -32 ( 1 l-fLr a
a r
C + -r3
arCb) = O
resulting in C2
_pa 3
3E 1 Cl = - - b3 l-fL -a3
Sb aT r
+ -23 b3pa_ a3
From equations (8.2.5) the yield condition becomes
EaT T=='(1 -
As a specific example, assume a temperature distribution resulting from an outward flow of heat due to an inner surface temperature of T o and outer surface temperature of zero. This steady-state temperature distribution will be given by
(8.2.3) T
For convenience the following dimensionless quantities are now introduced: b {3==.-
We note that in the case of pressure loads only, the stress distribution is independent of Poisson's ratio [see equations (8.2.5) and (8.2.4)]. The assumption that is often made that the material is incompressible in the elastic range (fL = t), as weII as the plastic range, therefore leads to no error in the elastic stress distribution. In the case oftemperature loads, however, assuming fL = t instead of 0.3, for example, results in approximately a 30 per cent error in the elastic thermal stresses. The strains are not independent of Poisson's ratio even for the case of pressure loading. In what follows, the effect of Poisson's ratio is always taken into account. The conditions for the onset of yielding in the sphere can now be investigated. In terms of the dimensionless stresses defined in (8.2.4), the yield criterion (8.1.7) is written
where Cl and C2 are integration constants. Note that E and a have been assumed constant in obtaining the above solution. The constants Cl and C2 can be obtained using the boundary conditions arCa) = -p
Hollow Sphere with Internai Pressure and Thermal Loading
The strains can be computed from (8.1.4) and the displacement from (8.1.2).
Sec. 8-2]
1) = {3~(~ -1) - 1 =
b- a r
p==. p
Sr =- a r ao
= '-(1;----fL""""');-a-o
Se = - ae ao
where ao is the yield stress in uniaxial tension. Equation (8.2.1) can now be written in the dimensionless form as
Evaluating the integrals and substituting into the yield condition (8.2.6) results in
Consider first the case of pressure only. Then the yield condition becomes (8.2.9)
Elastoplastic Problems or Spheres and Cylinders
[Ch. 8
Yielding wiIl first occur at the smallest value of p, i.e., p = 1, and the di~en sionless pressure necessary to first cause yielding, the criticai pressure, wlll be P or1t =
2(P - l) 3{33
Sec. 8-3)
Hollow Sphere. Spread or Plastic Zone. Pressure Loading Only
so that assuming E = 31 X 10 6 , ao = 31,000 psi, IL = 0.3, and IX = 7.5 X lO - 6 per °F, the temperature difference between the inner and outer surfaces for yielding to start is 130°F. For both pressure and temperature acting, equation (8.2.8) gives, for {3 = 2, 112P
A plot of the ratio of this criticaI pressure as a function of .the ratio of the outer to the inner radii {3 is shown in Figure 8.2.1. For a .glVen value o~ {3, yielding wiIl start at the inner surface at a pressu:e as glVe.n by equatlOn (8.2.10) or Figure 8.2.1. As P is increased, the plashc zone w1l1 spread from
+ (7p2
= 0.75
compared to 0.583 for pressure alone. The effect of the temperature gradient in this case has been to retard the onset of yielding. A complete discussion of the effects of temperature and pressure on yielding is given in reference [1].
2/3 ~_ _ _ _ 0.6
- 12)7'01 = 7p3
For a value of 7'0 = 0.4, which corresponds to only a 37°F temperature difference T o, yielding will first occur at p = 1 for a value of
P or1t Perit 0.8
f3 Variation of criticaI pressure with {3, pressure loading only.
the inner surface toward the outer surface. Note that as {3 ~pproaches i.nfi~ity 2. 3' so that if the pressure is equal to t the yleld stress, yleldmg is sure to take pIace, no matter what the dimensions of the sph~re. Considering the case of temperature only, equation (8.2.8) glVes
So far, only the start of yieiding has been considered. The spread of the piastic zone through the sphere is investigated next. The pressure problem and the temperature problem will be discussed separately in Sections 8.3, 8.4, and 8.5 under the assumption that the material is perfectly plastico The generaI solution for strain-hardening materials un del' combined pressure and thermal gradient is presented in Section 8.6.
Porlt approaches
(8.2.11) For this case yielding will also first star t at the inner surface. Howeve~, if both pressure and temperature are present, yielding may start at any radms, depending on the relative values of P, 7'0, and {3. - 2. Then for the case of internaI pressure alone, A s an example l et {3 equation (8.2.10) gives 7 Por1t = 12 = 0.583 For temperature alone, equation (8.2.11) gives 7'O,orlt = 1.4
8-3 HOLLOW SPHERE. SPREAD or PLASTIC ZONE. PRESSURE LOADING ONLY When only internaI pressure is acting, yieiding will begin at the inner surface at a pressure given by equation (8.2.10); Le.,
(8.3.1) As the pressure increases, the plastic zone will spread outward toward the outer surface. Let the radius to the end ofthe plastic zone be re' Since the material is assumed perfectly plastic, at every point in the plastic region the equivalent stress is equal to the yield stress and since for this case ao > a" (8.3.2)
Elastoplastic Problems or Spheres and Cylinders [Ch. 8
Sec. 8-3] Hol1ow Sphere. Spread or Plastic Zone. Pressure Loading Only
in the plastic region. Substituting into the equilibrium equation (8.1.1) gives
Sr = 2ln p
Sr = -p
p= 1
C =-P
= 2ln p
- P
(2 In P
+ 1) -
< Pc -
Equations (8.3.3) give the stresses in the plastic region. Note that no stressstrain re1ation was needed to obtain these stresses. The problem is therefore called statically determinate. At the plastic zone boundary, i.e., at P = Pc, the radiaI stress is
Plastic zone radius versus applied pressure,
We can now consider the elastic part of the sphere as a new sphere with inner radius re and outer radius b, with an internaI pressure given by equation (8.3.4). Since at this new inner radius the sphere is just at the yield point, equation (8.3.1) must apply with f3 replaced by f3e = b/re, and -Pcrit replaced
2In Pc + i (1 - ~~) = 2ln ~ + ~ (1 _ r~) a 3 b
p =
Equation (8.3.5) gives the pressure required to cause the plastic zone to reach a radius re or, alternative1y, for a given internaI pressure p, equation (8.3.5) could be solved for the plastic zone radius re' A pIo t of the pressure versus the plastic zone radius is given in Figure 8.3.1 for f3 = 2. When re becomes equal to b, the sphere is completely plastico This will occur at a pressure [from (8.3.5)]
p = 2ln f3
= 2ln b So = 1 + 21n!. b
by Sr.e. Hence
Sr = 2 In P - 2 In f3
= 21n.e f3
2 f3e 3 - 1 2lnpe - P = -3~
From (8.3.3) and (8.3.6) the stresses will be
Sr.e = 2ln Pc - P
__2.2 ~__
As a check, note that So - Sr = 1 for all r. So far th~ st.ress~s i~ the plastic part of the sphere have been computed. The str~ss d~stnbutlOn m the elastic part ofthe sphere can be readily obtained by ~onsldenng the elastic portion of the sphere to be a new sphere with inner radlU~ ~e, outer radius b, and with the pressure at the inner radius equal to the cntical . ( pressure for a sphere with these dimensions. The elastic solu t'lOn, equatlOns 8.~.5) (without temperature terms), can be used for this fictitious sphere replacmg a by re and f3 by f3e' Thus
or (8.3.8)
Elastoplastic Problems or Spheres and Cylinders [Ch.8
Equations (8.3.3) and (8.3.8) give the complete stress distribution in the sphere for given ratio of applied internaI pressure to yield strength, with the plastic zone boundary Pc given by equation (8.3.5). To calculate the strains and displacements in the sphere, the stress-strain relations and strain-displacement relations are used. For convenience we define, as was done for stresses in equations (8.2.4), "dimensionless" strains and displacements as folIows:
Sec.8-4] Hollow Sphere. Residual Stresses. Pressure Loading
acting at the inner radius re. From (8.3.11) the displacement at r> r is obtained by replacing f3 by f3e and P by rlre, resulting in - c U=
2[(1 - 2p,)p + __ 1+ p, f33] -
When the plastic zone reaches the outer radius b , P
= f3 ' c f3
-- l ,an d
(8.3.14) (8.3.9)
To compute the strains before yielding begins, equations (8.2.5) (with temperature terms deleted) are substituted into the stress-strain relations (8.1.4), resulting in
The error in assuming p, = 1- is about 30 per cent , for p, = O.. 3 In alI the previous computations it was assumed that the dimensions of the s~here do not change as the pressure increases. This is, of course, not true, smce t.he sphere grows with increase in internaI pressure, the inner radius becommg a + ua and the outer radius b + Ub' A rigorous analysis would the:efore have to take into account the change of dimensions of the shell. ThlS can become particularly important for large strains.
and from the strain-displacement relation (8.1.2), (8.3.11)
When yielding starts P is equal P crit given by equation (8.2.10), and the displacement at the inner surface, P = 1, is
If ~he pressure is removed from the sphere discussed in Section 8.3 after plastIc flow has occurred over part of the sphere, residual stresses will result. To find the residual stresses it is necessary to superpose on the stress system due to the internaI pressure p and temperature T a completely elastic stress system due to a pressure -p and temperature -T. This will be correct as long as yieiding in reverse does not occur; i.e., the residual stresses are not lar~e ~nough to pro.duce yielding. To see this, consider two stress systems satIsfymg the folIowmg two sets of equations: , cf,a r
Note that if incompressibility had been assumed in the elastic region, p, = ·h the first term on the right of equation (8.3.12) disappears. For a Poisson's ratio of 0.3 and f3 of 2, the error in the displacement of the inner surface at the beginning of yieid would be about 7 per cento At the outer surface the error is 38 per cento As yielding progresses to some radius re, we can consider as before a sphere with inner radius re, outer radius b, and criticaI pressure 2 f3~ - 1
P cr1t
-d r
ar -
(8.4.1 )
a;(a) = -p a;(b) = O
p Elastoplastic Problems of Spheres and Cylinders
[Ch. 8
and 1/
Sec. 8-4]
Hollow Sphere. Residual Stresses. Pressure Loading
Adding to the stresses given by (8.3.3) and by (8.3.8) gives for the residual stresses
a r - ao = O
1 (" =E a r - 2,."ao") - ~T ~
(8.4.2) or
s; = ~3
[3 In
p -
~ P orit
(1 - ~)]
b+ 3
2 3
s~ = "3 a;(a) = p
In P - P
(1 + 2 3)]
p :$ Pc
a;(b) = O
tem corresponds to the system of stresses in the sphere with The system correp . phere with temperature T and InternaI pressuref onds to the stress es In a s . s~P. If the two systems are added together, th~re is obt.aIne~ a system o stresses a r - a r + a "n etc ., satisfying the followmg equatlOns.
~:; ~:=:re s;sand internaI pressure P. -
+ 2 ar -
dr dBo
P or1t
dr = - r Br
= ~ (a r -
1 [(1 =E
The superscript r is used in the above equations to indicate residual stresses. When P = l (at the inner surface), S; = O, as expected, and
r Br -
+ Br
- ,.,,)ao - ,."ar]
arCb) = O
Thus the resultant system corresponds to the unloaded sphere with.per~anent plastic strains due to the fint system. If plastic flow occurs durmg t e u~ l d' the elastic double-primed system can no longer be added to t e O~~g:::i system, but it is necessary to solve another plastic flow problem for the new plastic strains. For the case of pressure loading only, the elastic stresses due to a pressure equal to -p are, from (8.2.5), So" --
an~ since p ~ P or1t, a residual compressive stress resuIts. Upon reapplication of a pressure Iess than or equai to the originaI maximum, onIy eiastic strains will occur. The shell has thus been strengthened by the initial pressurization. If the material work hardens, an even greater strengthening can be achieved. In the above derivation it has been assumed that no piastic flow takes pIace during the unioading; i.e., there is no yieiding in compression due to the residual stresses. If such yieiding occurs, then not only is our assumption that the unioading is eiastic vioiated, but the situation may be dangerous with regard to the safety of the sphere. The maximum value of applied pressure P such that if the sphere is unioaded there will be no reversed plastic fiow is called the shakedown pressure, Ps' This pressure can be found as follows. For reversed yieIding the yieId criterion can be written S; -
S~ =
The maximum residuai stress will occur at P = l, where S; = O. From (8.4.7) it therefore follows that P s = 2Por1t
Elastoplastic Problems of Spheres and Cylinders
[Ch. 8
Sec. 8-5] Hollow Sphere. Thermal Loading Only
Yielding will first occur at r = a, (p = 1), and the criticaI temperature difference at which yielding will first start is given by
f3 FIGURE 8.4.1 Variation or shakedown pressure with thickness ratio for hollow sphere with internaI pressure.
As long as the applied pressure is less than twice the criticaI pressure, the residual stresses will be elastico Making use of equation (8.3.1) the shakedown pressure can be written direct1y as a function of the thickness ratio f3:
2(f33 - l) _ 2(f32 + f3 + l) f3(2f32 - f3 - l) f3(2f3 + l)
S8 - Sr
= 0,
= O.
= -21n p + C
Sr = -21np } p::::: Pc S8 = -1-21n p
2.0 1.6 +-
0,8 0.4
2345678 FIGURE
f3 as a function of f3.
Note that the stresses in the plastic region are independent ofthe temperature. The radius of the plastic zone, re, of course, depends on the temperature.
and since Sr(1)
For the case of a temperature gradient as given by equation (8.2.7), yielding will occur as given by equation (8.2.11). Then
= -1
The equilibrium equation now becomes
or Figure 8.4.1 shows the shakedown pressure as a function of f3.
A plot of TO.crit versus f3 is shown in Figure 8.5.1. If TO exceeds TO.crit, the plastic zone will spread outward to some radius r . With~n th~s zo~e, i.e:, for r ::::: re, the yield criterion IS8 - Srl = l will appl;. But SInce In thlS reglOn the tangential stress will be a large compressive stress and the radiaI stress will be a small compressive stress, the yield criterion can be written
8.5.2 Two plastic zones due to temperature gradient.
Elastoplastic Problems of Spheres and Cylinders
[Ch. 8
As the temperature is further increased, a second plastic zone unconnect~d to the first may start at a new radius, depending on the value of f3 as shown m Figure 8.5.2. This is due to the fact that since there are no exter~al forces acting on the sphere, the resultant force acting on any cr.oss sectlOn .must vanish. Thus the tangenti al stress vari es from compreSSlOn at the mner surface to tension at the outer surface. The inner surface will begin flowing plastically in compression, but if the temperature gradient is high eno~gh, the outer surface will start flowing plastically in tension, thus produclllg two plastic zones, one in tension and one in compression. A detailed discussion is given in reference [l].
Sec. 8-6]
Hollow Sphere of Strain-Hardening Material
(8.6.4) where (8.6.5) The boundary conditions used in deriving the above equations were Sr(1) = -p
We now consider the generaI case of a hollow sphere of strain-hardening material with both pressure and thermal loads. Equations (8.1.1) through (8.1.9) apply and in addition the assumption is made that the plastic str~i~s are varying monotonically, so that equation (8.1.10) may be used. If thIS IS not the case, equation (8.1.9) is used instead, and the calculation performed in steps or increments as described subsequently for more generaI types of problems. In addition, we use the dimensionless quantities defined ~y equations (8.2.4) and (8.3.9). The equilibrium compatibility and stress-stralll relations are now written
Sr(f3) = O
For the elastic case equations (8.6.2) reduce to (8.2.5). For the case of a perfectly plastic material, the solution was given in the previous sections. We shall consider here only the case of a strain-hardening materiaI. To obtain a complete solution to the problem, it is necessary to determine the plastic strain distribution €f through the sphere. This wiII, of course, depend on the stress-strain curve of the materiaI. The plastic strain distribution can be obtained in the following manner. The equivalent stress is related to the equivalent plastic strain through the stress-strain curve of the materiaI. Thus or, for this case,
dEe +Ee--p-Er -_ dp Er Ee
= Sr - 2/hSe + (1 - /h)r + €f = (l - /h)Se - /hSr + (l - /h)r +
where f is a known function representing the stress-strain curve. It therefore follows that
Substituting the last two of equations (8.6.1) into the second, combining with the first, and integrating results in the following equations:
:s-; l
Also, from equation (8.6.3),
(8.6.8) (8.6.2) A complete solution can now be obtained by an iterative or successive approximation method. One chooses a distribution of €f (say zero). S is computed using equation (8.6.3), merely to determine hs sign at the different
Elastoplastic Problems oi Spheres and Cylinders [Ch.8
radiaI positions. A first approximation to S is then obtained from equation (8.6.7), and a first approximation to the plastic strain distribution can be calculated from (8.6.8). A better value of S can then be computed from (8.6.7) and the next approximation for E~ obtained from (8.6.8). If the process converges, we will thus obtain the proper values of E~ and S such that (8.6.7) and (8.6.8) are satisfied simultaneously. The individuaI stresses Sr and So can then readily be computed. Thus a complete solution is obtained in both the elastic and plastic regions. There is no need to treat the two regions separately as was done for the perfect1y plastic material in previous sections. It should be noted, however, that equations (8.6.7) and (8.6.8) apply only for ISI > 1; for ISI:::; 1, E~ is set equal to zero. The integrands Efj p appearing in the previous equations are therefore generally zero over part of the integration range. A similar technique is described in reference [9]. As a specific example, consider a sphere made of a material whose stressstrain curve is given by the following equation: ae = 30,000
ae ;::: 30,000
Sec. 8-6]
Hollow Sphere oi Strain-Hardening Material
8.6.2 Variation of plastic stral'n wl'th t'a d'lUS fol' various pressures: 13 = 2, To = O.
was used to perform the integrations. The cases shown are for illustrative ~urposes only. Any combi~ation ~f geometry, loading, and material proper-
Equation (8.6.7) now becomes S
= I~I
+ 0.1434Iefll/2)
Results of calculations performed by the iterative procedure described are shown in Figures 8.6.1 and 8.6.2 for 13 = 2 and temperature distribution given by equation (8.2.7). In performing the calculations, the thickness of the sphere was divided into 40 equally spaced intervals and Simpson's rule
tI es can be used .and a rapI? solutlOn obtained. The time required to obtain a complete. solutlOn for a glven loading condition, using a high-speed digitaI computer, lS on the order of a few seconds. This .type of successive approximation method will be discussed at greater lengt~ m. Chapter 9, wher~ several nu~erical examples will be given. Right now 1t wl11 be shown that lf the matenal strain hardens linearly the solution can for some cases be obtained in closed formo For linear strain hardening it follows from Figure 8.6.3 that 1- m
= ---,y;- CI SI
- 1)
where t~e strain-h.ardening parameter m is defined as the ratio of the slope of the stram-hardenmg part of the stress-stra in curve to the elastic modulus Then, from (8.1.10), .
(8.6.10) 1.0 L~:::::1~:::"--L--~----7~-~:----;': 0.5 P FIGURE 8.6.1 Variation of plastic zone radius with applied pressure for different temperature gradients: 13 = 2, T = ToCf3/p - 1)/(13 - 1), ae = 30,000 + 136,000 ep l/2 •
C?nsider the case of pressure loading only. ao will always be positive and > O. Therefore, S/I SI = +1 and
ar wl11 always be negative, so that ao - a r p Er
1- m
= f i l (l - S)
Elastoplastic Problems of Spheres and Cylinders
[Ch. 8
Sec. 8-6]
Hollow Sphere of Strain-Hardening Material
which is the same result previously obtained for the perfectly plastic material. Obviously the onset ofyield depends onIy on the yie1d stress. As P is increased, the plastic zone spreads to Pc and -Sr.c can be considered to be the criticaI pressure acting on a sphere with inner radius Pc and outer radius (3c = (3/ Pc' Thus (8.6.18)
Hence 2 3_ (33. [( - (33 - 1 1
'3 Pc
1 - m) 1 - m I - m (3~ - 1] - p,)m P - (1 _ p,)m In Pc - 3(1 - p,)m ~
+ 2(1
or e
Stress-strain curve for linear strain hardening.
= 4(1 - p,)m[((33 - 1)/(33] p~ + 2(1 - m) In Pc + t(1 - m)((3~ - 1)/(3~ 2m(1 - p,)
+ (l -
If the plastic zone extends to p = Pc, then, from (8.6.11), making use of the first of equations (8.6.1), it follows that
which relates the pressure P to the plastic zone radius Pc' Note that if m = O, l - m 1- m - - I n P - - 2 - (Sr
+ P)
m m ...!..dp = {1 - ml P _ 1 - m (S m n Pc 2m r.c
+ P)
[p - (/ ~ p,~m (In Pc -
l - m S = 2(1 _ p,)m (1 - S)
!Sr.c -
+ 2p3 Cl
which is the value previously obtained for the perfectly plastic material [equation (8.3.5)]. As an example, for (3 = 2, m = 0.1, and p, = 0.3, the pressure required for yielding of the complete sphere, Pc = (3, is 1.83, compared to l.39 for a perfectly plastic material. It thus takes a 32 per cent higher pressure for the strain-hardening sphere to yield completely as compared to the perfectly plastic sphere. To obtain the stresses we substitute into equations (8.6.2). Thus
and, since S = 1 when P = Pc, we have (8.6.15)
Substituting into (8.6.13) gives t p~
= (33 (33_
2 (3~ - 1
= 2lnpc + '3~
P;::: Pc
where S r.c is the value of Sr at P = Pc' Substituting into (8.6.3) and (8.6.4) resu1ts in Cl =
[ 1- m ] 1 P - 2(1 _ p,)m (2 In Pc - Sr.c - P)
(l - :3) Cl + l ~ p, [l ~ m In Pc - l ;."mm (Sr.c + P)] } -P + (l + _1 ) Cl + _1_ [1 - m lnp _ 1 - m(S + P)] 2p3 p, m 2m r.c -P
1 -
p;::: Pc
(8.6.21) (8.6.16) Sr
2(1 - m) In P l-m + 2(1 - p,)m
2(1 - m) In P 1 - m + 2(1 - p,)m
At the onset of yield when Pc = 1, we have Sr.c = -P and therefore (8.6.17)
- p,)m(p~/p3)(p3 - 1) 1 - m + 2(1 - p,)m
+ 4(1
+ .2. (l 3
- p,)m(p~/p3)(2p3 + 1) 1 - m + 2(1 - p,)m
P < Pc -
Elastoplastic Problems ol Spheres and Cylinders [Ch. 8
Note that if m = O these reduce to the previously obtained values for the perfect1y plastic material. Thus to obtain the complete stress distribution, Pc (or P) is obtained from (8.6.20), Sr.c from (8.6.18), and then the stresses from (8.6.21) and (8.6.22).
Sec.8-7] Plastic Flow in Thick-Walled Tubes
Equations (8.1.11), (8.1.12), and (8.1.13) are now written dSr So - Sr dp = - p -
A considerable amount of work has been done on the problem of plastic flow in a thick-walled tube under internaI pressure with and without temperature gradients. Solutions have been obtained, for example, in references [1] through [8]. These solutions differ in the yield criteria used and in the plastic stress-strain relations. Some solutions use the von Mises yield criterio n and the associated flow rule [3]. Others use the Tresca criterio n and its flow rule [7]. Reference [4] uses the Hencky total strain relations. In other papers complete incompressibility is assumed in both the elastic and piastic regions. Of the references cited, only [8] takes into account strain hardening of the material. There are three cases that can be treated: (1) pIane strain, e z = O; (2) generalized pIane strain, e z = constant =I O; and (3) tube with open ends, P = O. We shall present a generaI solution for a strain-hardening material, inc1uding radiaI temperature gradients, which can take into account any of these cases. The Tresca criterion and its associated flow rule will be used, since in this case it offers some simplifications. For this purpose it will be assumed that ao > az > ar' It is shown by Koiter [7] that this is true for a large range of conditions. We introduce the same dimensionless quantities as in the problem of the sphere; Le.,
= (1 - {L)ao
= (1 + {L)ao
b (3=a
+ Sz) + (1 - {L) T + = So - {L(Sr + Sz) + (1 - {L) T + = Sz - {L(Sr + So) + (1 - {L) T + = Sr - {L(So
= So - Sr
where a and bare the internaI and externai radii, ao is the yield stress, and eo is the yield strain.
If the Tresca criterion and its associated flow rule are used, then, assuming So > Sz > S"
(8.7.4) and
So - Sr
at yielding
For boundary conditions it is assumed that S,(a) = -P S,(b)
and the conditions at the end of the tube are determined by case l, 2, or 3 above. For pIane strain Ez = O. For generalized pIane strain, Ez is a constant which can be determined from the end loads on the tube. Thus let the axial force acting on the tube be F. Define
Then it readily follows from the condition F*
Szp dp
and the third of equations (8.7.3) that
Elastoplastic Problems or Spheres and Cylinders
+ 2(1
= _1_ [(1 - 2p,)P f32-1
- f1-)
2(1 - f1-)
In any case
To reIate €r to the definition
= [32 _ 1 1 Tp dp
€p, the two methods indicated in Section 7.6 may be used. If
is used, then from (8.7.4), (8.7.15)
is a knownconstant. From the Iast of equations (8.7.3), (8.7.9)
Substituting this reIation into the first two of equations (8.7.3), making use ofthe equilibrium and compatibility equations (8.7.2), and integrating resu1ts after some aIgebraic manipuIations in the following soIution: P - -1 8 = -r p2 p2
JP Tp dp + -1-1 JP€r dp + (1 1 - f11 P -
86 = P - T+! p2 p2
1) Cl 2"
JP1 Tp dp + -- 1 1 f1- 2 (€r + fP1 €r dp) + P
f32 = f32 1_ 1 (J13 P + 1 Tp dp - 1 _ f1-2
On the other hand, if the definition (7.6.20) is used, then it follows that (8.7.16) The two definitions differ by the familiar constant 2/V3 and either one can be used. Since the definition based on the pIastic work increment appears to be more consistent with the Tresca criterion, we shall use it, and assume for the case under consideration that (8.7.14) may be written
(1 + p\)Cl
2P 2JP Tp dp + -1-1 p 2 8 =- - T+2 €r + 2 Cl p2 P 1 f1- 2 P Cl
JP1 Tp dp]
For a tube with open ends, P = O and €z
Plastic Flow in Thick·Walled Tubes
Let the stress-strain curve be given by a reIation of the form
If the axiaI force is due to internaI pressure onIy, then F* = P/2 and €
fii P €r dp ) 1
181 ;: : 181 : .:;
To use the successive approximation method, it is preferabIe, as was done the for case of the sphere, to rewrite equations (8.7.11) and (8.7.17) as follows:
(8.7.12) (8.7.18)
YieIding will begin at p = 1 when 8 = 1, so that the criticaI pressure will be 8 = f(l€fI) sgn 8
€r = O
and, from (8.7.12),
Therefore, f32-1( 1 Pcr1t = ~
f32 2_ 1 J131 Tp d) P
For P -< Pcrlt, we have the eIastic soIution, which agrees with the classicaI eIastic soIution. For P ;:::: P cr1t a pIastic zone wiII spread out to some radius Pc' The soIution for generaI strain hardening can be obtained by an iterative or successive approximation method, as indicated for the sphere.
181;:::: 181::.:;
l} 1
An initiaI distribution of €r (such as zero) is assumed. The signs of 8 through. out the cross section of the tube are then determined from (8.7.11), and the actuaI vaIues of 8 are calcuIated from (8.7.19). A better approximation can now be obtained for the €r using equation (8.7.18). The process is repeated unti! convergence is obtained. For the cases ofthe sphere and the tube heretofore discussed, the successive approximation method has been found to converge fairly rapidIy using the techniques described. However, this may not aIways be true. A generaI dis. cussion of the convergence of the successive approximation method is given in Chapter 9.
Elastoplastic Problems of Spheres and Cylinders
For the case of linear strain hardening, a solution can be obtained in closed form for the above problem. As for the sphere problem, equation (8.6.11) is used: 1- m ef = -(1 m
Plastic Flow in Thick-Walled Tubes
Equation (8.7.26) gives the relationship between the piastic zone radius Pc and the applied pressure P, for a given temperature distribution T. For a perfect1y piastic materiai this reduces to
- S)
= In Pc
- Sr.c
= In Pc
...!.. dp
= - - (In Pc - Sr.c - P) m
f3~ - 1 [
+ T(Pc)
f3~ _ l
(Pc Pc
TP dp
Therefore, l Cl = f32 _ 1
[f/J1 Tp dp + P
f32(1 - m)
- m(l _ /h2) (In Pc - Sr.c - P)
To obtain the stresses we now substitute into equations (8.7.10). Thus, since
f f p€f p €p
...!.. dp
Also, from (8.7.11),
= -
2fP Tp dp + "22 (P + P 1 P
When P = Pc, S = 1. Therefore, from (8.7.22),
fPC Tp dp ] _ P
l - m
= - - (In P - Sr - P) m
l - m
l-m (1 _ 2) (l - S)
2 Cl = -p~ [ 1 + T(Pc) - "2
= ---,:n- (In Pc - Sr.c - P)
p;::: Pc
then, from (8.7.10),
Substituting into the expression for Cl' (8.7.21), we get
1[1 + =
T(Pc) -
P :o; Pc Tp dp]
[p + ;2 J: Tp dp -
m(~ =-
(In Pc - Sr.c - P)] (8.7.24)
As a check, at the onset ofyield, Pc = l, Sr.c = -P, and (8.7.24) reduces to (8.7.13) for the criticaI pressure. At P = Pc we can consider a new tube with inner radius Pc and outer radius f3c with Sr.c equal to -Perito Thus Sr.c
= -
f3~ - l [ 2f3~ l
T(Pc) - f3~ _ 1
J/Jc Tp dp]
(8.7.28) Sr
lfP Tp dp + (1 l-m2) (In Pc 1 -/h m
= -"2 P
- Sr.c - P)
p;::: Pc
Solving (8.7.24) for P gives P
= f32 - 1 (1 - /h2)m [p~ (l + T(Pc) - 22 f32
1 - /h2m
fPC Tp dp)
- f3+--r -
f/J Tp dp] 1
l-m 2 (In Pc - Sr.c) -/hm
To obtain the complete stress distribution, we compute P or Pc from (8.7.26), Cl from (8.7.23), Sr.c from (8.7.25), and the stress es from (8.7.28).
Elastoplastic Problems of Spheres and Cylinders
[Ch. 8
GeneraI References
ProbIerns 1.
Show that for the sphere with radiaI symmetry, the von Mises yield criterion becomes
16. 17.
Plot the plastic zone as a function of the applied pressure for a sphere with linear strain hardening. Assume f3 = 2, m = 0.1, and jJ, = 0.3. Compare the resu1ts with those for a perfectly plastic materia!. Repeat Problem 15 for a tube. Perform complete numerical analysis of the problem of the sphere, a :o; r:O; b, T(a) = T o, and T(b) = O. Assume E = 30 X 10 6 , jJ, = 0.3, et = 10- 5 , a e = 30,000 + 136,000 (e p + 10- 4 ) for a e > 30,000, and E, et, and jJ, are independent of temperature.
and the Prandtl-Reuss equations reduce to
- 2de~ =
de p sgn (a r - ae)
Explain why one would expect the Tresca and von Mises yield criteri a to coincide for the case of a sphere with radiaI symmetry. 3. Derive equations (8.2.1) and (8.2.3). 4. Obtain the equations for all the strains and displacements in the ·sphere before yielding begins for pressure loading only, for thermalloading only, and for the case when both thermal and pressure loading exist. 5. Show that the steady-state temperature distribution in a sphere of inner radius a and outer radius b is equal to
References 1.
Toa (~b - a r
if the inner and outer surfaces are kept at temperatures of T o and zero, res pectively. . 6. Using equations (8.3.3) and (8.3.8), show that the stresses are contmuous across the elastoplastic boundary. 7. Compute the displacements and strains in a sphere with pressure loading only, for r :o; re. Assume a perfectly plastic material and that the. dimensi~ns remai n fixed. Determine the errar in the displacements of the mner radlUs for the fully plastic case if jJ, is assumed to equal 0.5 instead of 0.3. 8. Show that for a hollow sphere with a temperature distribution given by equation (8.2.7), the tangenti al stress is compressive and the radiaI stress is near zero in the regio n adjacent to the inner circumference, so that the yield criterion in this regio n can be written
Se - Sr = -1
9. Starting with equations (8.6.1), derive equations (8.6.2) and (8.6.4) using boundary conditions (8.6.6). Derive equation (8.6.9). 11. Derive equations (8.6.12). 12. Derive equation (8.7.6). 13. Derive equations (8.7.10) through (8.7.12). 14. Show that the definition (7.6.20) for the equivalent plastic strain increment Ieads to equation (8.7.16) for the case of a tube with the Tresca criterion and associated f10w rule, if ae > az > aro lO.
2. 3.
W. Johnson and P. B. Mellor, Plasticity for Mechanical Engineers, Van Nostrand, Princeton, N.J., 1962. R. Hill, The Mathematical Theory of Plasticity, Oxford Univo Press, London, 1950. P. G. Hodge and G. N. White, A Quantitative Comparison of Flow and Deformation Theories of Plasticity, J. Appl. Mech., 17, 1950, pp. 180-184. D. N. de G. Allen and D. G. Sopwith, The Stresses and Strains in a Partially Plastic Thick Tube Under InternaI Pressure and End-Load, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London), A205, 1951, pp. 69-83. M. C. Steele, Partially Plastic Thick-Walled Cylinder Theory, J. Appl. Mech., 19, 1952, pp. 133-140. R. Hill, E. H. Lee, and S. J. Tupper, The Theory of Combined Plastic and Elastic Deformation with Particular Reference to a Thick Tube Under InternaI Pressure, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London), A19l, 1947, pp. 278-303. W. T. Koiter, On Partially Plastic Thick-Walled Tubes, Biezeno Anniversary Volume in Applied Mechanics, N. V. De Technische Uitgeverij H. Stam, Haarlem, 1953, pp. 232-251. D. R. Bland, Elastoplastic Thick-Walled Tubes of Work-Hardening Material Subject to InternaI and External Pressures and to Temperature Gradients, J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 4, pp. 209-229. I. S. Tuba, Elastic-Plastic Analysis for Hollow Spherical Media Under Uniform RadiaI Loading, J. Franklin Inst., 280, 1965, pp. 343-355.
GeneraI References Hill, R., The Mathematical Theory of Plasticity, Oxford Univo Press, London, 1950. Hotfman, O., and G. Sachs, Introduction to tlle Theory of Plasticity for Engineers, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1953. Johnson, W., and P. M. Mellor, Plasticity for Mechanical Engineers, Van Nostrand, Princeton, N.J., 1962.
p Sec. 9-1]
GeneraI Description of the Method
The solution is known to be y = eX. To find the solution by Picard's method, we proceed as follows. Integrate (9.1.1) to give
(9.1.2) Assume as a first approximation for y,
il) =
Substitute this value for y on the right side of (9.1.2) and calculate a second approximation for y:
y(2) = 1
f: il)
dx = 1
Substitute the second approximation for y and calculate the third approximation:
i 9-1
In Chapter 8 it was indicated how the sphere and tube problems can be solved for arbitrary strain hardening by a successive-approximation method. This method is nothing more than the extension of Picard's method (see reference [l]) of successive approximations to nonlinear equations. The method was apparent1y first used in plastic flow problems by Ilyushin [2] in his treatment of a thin shell. Ilyushin refers to it as the method oJ successive elastic solutions, since each iteration involves essentially the solution of an elastic problem. Before the advent of modern high-speed computing machinery, this method could be used only for relatively simple problems. However, with current widespread availability and use of digitaI computers it now becomes possible to solve simply and quickly many problems whose elastic solution can be obtained by numerical methods.
= 1+
2) dx = 1 + x + ~
Continue in this way to get
in +
= l +
= l +
i i in) x
i o x
dx = 1 + x + -
dx = l + x + -
+ -
xn + ... + n!
As n gets larger and larger, it is seen that the infinite series for eX is approached. The exact solution can thus. be approached as closely as desired by taking more and more approximations. This technique can be direct1y extended to the generaI elastoplastic problem in the following manner. For convenience the pertinent equations given in previous chapters will be repeated here. The equilibrium and compatibility equations are independent of the plasticity relations and are given by equations (3.2.2) and (4.7.2); i.e.,
Before proceeding to describe this method for the generaI elastoplastic problem, we shall first give an illustration of the method of successive approximations for a simple differential equation [3]. Consider the equation dy -y = O dx
y(O) = 1
-The Method of Successive Elastic Solutions
[Ch. 9
Sec. 9-1]
GeneraI Description of the Method
the ~ssociated fiow rule. For definiteness we shall consider the Prandt1-Reuss relatlOns, but any other set of relations can be used equally wel1. Thus
(9.1.4) (9.1.6)
~ (_ oSzx oy
OSXy oz
oSyz) = 02Sy ox oz ox
8szx) 8y
~ (_ OSXy 8z
02sz OX oy
where The stress-strain relations depend on the plasticity theory used and we can write (9.1.7)
Alternati:,el y, the plastic strain increments can be related to the modified total strams as described in Section 7.9; i.e., (9.1.5)
2~ TXY + S~y + tls~y
= 2G TyZ +
_ 1 2G
Szx -
uS yZ
uSx -
A P _
tls ( ' , , -3 2sx - S - S ) Set y z
A P _
tls ( ' , , -3 2s y - s z - s x ) s
US y -
where s~, s~, etc., are the total accumulated plastic strains up to,but not including, the current increment of loading, tls~, tls~, tls~, etc., are the plastic strain increments due to the current increment of loading. The plastic strain increments are related to the stresses through the yield criterion and
The Method or Successive Elastic Solutions
[Ch. 9
where etc. (9.1.9)
Sec. 9-1]
Generai Description or the Method
I p
Differential Equatians
Finally, the equivalent plastic strain increment Ile p is related to the equivalent stress a e or the equivalent total strain eet through the stress-stra in curve. In addition, of course, the boundary conditions must always be satisfied. For complete generality, the full three-dimensionai equations have been written out above. In practice onIy one- and two-dimensionai problems can usually be solved, which is equally true for elasticity problems. The method of successive approximations now proceeds as follows. The loading path is divided into a number of increments. For the first increment of load, a distribution is assumed for the piastic strain increments Ile~, Ile~, etc. The totai plastic strains e~, etc., are zero. The set of equations (9.1.3), (9.1.4), and (9.1.5) are now solved as for any elasticity problem and a first approximation obtained for the stresses and total strains. At the same time, using the assumed values of the plastic strain increments, an equivalent plastic strain increment Ile p is computed by the first of equations (9.1.7). From the stress-strain curve the corresponding value of a e can be determined. A new approximation can now be obtained for the individuaI plastic strain increments using the Prandt1-Reuss relations (9.1.6). Using these new plastic strain increments, equations (9.1.3) through (9.1.5) are solved again as a new elastic problem. A second and presumabIy better approximation is obtained for the stresses and totai strains. At the same time, using these last values of the plastic strain increments a new approximation is computed for the equivalent plastic strain increment Ile p by the first of equations (9.1.7). Using this value of Ile p , a new value is obtained for a e from the stress-str.ain curve. New approximations are now obtained for the plastic strain increments lleL etc., using the Prandt1-Reuss relations (9.1.6). The process is continued unti! convergence is obtained; i.e., the differences between two successive sets of strain increments are less than some prescribed values. The calculation scheme is illustrated by the fiow diagram of Figure 9.1.1. In this manner the solution is obtained for the first increment of loading. For the next increment of load, an exact1y similar calcuiation is made except that e~, e~, etc., are no longer zero but are equal to the known values of Ile~, lle P , etc., obtained for the first increment ofloading. The complete stress
FIGURE 9.1.1 Block diagram for computing plastic strain increments by successive approximations.
and strain history can thus be obtained for any loading and unloading path. If a deformation type of theory of plasticity is used, only one loading step is required for the calculation. The question of course which immediately arises is: What about convergence? Will this method always converge and, if not, under what conditions will it converge? A rigorous discussion of the convergence problem for the complicated set of nonlinear equations representing the elastoplastic problem is beyond the scope of this book. Our discussion will therefore be based on experience, together with some qualitative observations. From the previous description of the method and Figure 9.1.1, it is seen that the equivalent plastic strain increment Ile p is computed from the individuaI plastic strains by means of the first of equations (9.1.7), and the equivalent stress ae is then determined from Ile p and the stress-strain curve. This is illustrated by path OABC of Figure 9.1.2. On the other hand, it would seem more direct to compute a e from the second of equations (9.1.7) and then to determine Ile p from a e and the stress-strain curve as shown by the fiow diagram of Figure 9.1.3 and path OCBA of Figure 9.1.2. However, experience
9.1.2 Determination of a e from
--The Method of Successive Elastic Solutions [Ch. 9
"'e_--,HL-_ _--,H
-1L_6_B_/J_'n---lHL_D_,E_'---JHL_"'_i/_'_HL__ FIGURE
6 BP _
bel}, n+l
9.1.3 Block diagram for nonconvergent scheme.
has shown that this latter scheme will generally not converge, whereas the former method will converge provided the loading increment is made sufficiently small. The reason for this can be seen qualitatively from Figure 9.1.2. Since the stress-strain curve is very flat in the plastic region, it follows that a small error in D..e p will produce a smaller error in ae, but a small error in a e will produce a much larger error in D..e p , and so the second method described will not converge. The reason for the suggested order of the computations for the sphere and tube of Chapter 8 [equations (8.6.8) and (8.7.18)] now becomes apparento It was mentioned above that the first method described will generally converge if the increment is made small enough. The question of what increment size is sufficient1y small for a given problem can usually be determmed only by trial and error; Le., one picks an increment size and if the process diverges the increment size is reduced. As a rough rule of thumb it has been found that if D..e p is less than about 0.3 per cent, convergence will usually take pIace, whereas if it is greater than 0.3 per cent, the process may diverge. The reason for this divergence can again be seen in a qualitative way from the Prandt1-Reuss relations. Thus consider the equations (9.1.6), etc. In using this equation the value of D..e p is computed from the previous values of D..e~, D..e~, etc., using the first of equations (9.1.7). The value of ae is then obtained from the stress-'train curve, using this computed value of D..e p , as shown by path OABC of Figure 9.1.2. The stresses appearing in this equation are obtained from the solution of equations (9,1.3) through (9,1.5), using the previous values of the plastic strain increments, as indicated by Figure 9.1.1. If we compute a e by the second of equations (9.1.7) using these stresses, the value of a e will not in generaI agree with the value of a e obtained from the stress-strain curve, until convergence is obtained. There is thus an inconsistency in the Prandtl-Reuss equations (9.1.6), this inconsistency diminishing as convergence is approached. If the increments of strain are too large, this initial inconsistency will produce divergence. In the second method described above and shown in Figure 9.1.3, this type of inconsistency is avoided, since a e is computed from the calculated stresses and D..e p is then obtained from the stress-strain curve. However, as
Sec. 9-1]
Genera! Description of the Method
pointed out above, the second method diverges because of the flatness of the stress-strain curve. B?th these d.ifficulties can, however, be avoided by using the plastic stram-total stram equations described in Section 7.9 and given by equations (9.1.8) and (9.1.9). In using these equations the total strains are obtained from the solution of equations (9.1.3) through (9:1.5) with assumed or previ?usly calculated approximate values of D..e~, D..e~, D..e%, etc. The modified or shl.fted total strains e~, e~, e~, etc., are then computed from the first of equatlOns (9.1.9~ and the equivalent total strain from the last of equations (9.1.9). The eqUlvalent plastic strain increment is then determined from e and the stress-strain curve using the relation (7.9.16); i.e., et (9.1.10) wher~ ae,l-l is the v~lue o: a e at the end ofthe previous increment ofloading, and, lf we are deabng wlth the first increment, ae,l-l is equal to the yield stress. The .new values of the plastic stra in increments are then computed fr0m. equatlOns (9:1.8), and the process is continued until convergence is obtamed. A flow dlagram of the calculation scheme is shown in Figure 9.1.4.
6 e F.
H H H H H D,E,
"'" 1/
613 P
9.1.4 Block diagram for rapidly convergent scheme.
In t~is case,. the values of e~, e~, e~, etc., appearing in equations (9.1.8) are conslstent wlth the value of eet appearing in these equations. AIso, examination of ~9.1.1 O) shows that since the ~enominator of the right side is approximately umty, a plot of D..ep versus eet wlll have a slope of approximately unity so that a .small error in eet will produce the same order-of-magnitude error' in D..ep , wlthout any magnification. As a result, it has been found from experience that this last method is convergent for even large size increments and converges more rapidly than the first method described when that method converges. The plastic straintotal. strain method is therefore generally recommended for use wherever posslble. We ~hall. now present a series of examples of the use of the successive approxlmatlOn method. These examples are taken from references [4] and [5] a~d a~so unpublished resu1ts. In all the examples ofthis chapter the von Mises cntenon and the Prandtl-Reuss equations will be used.
The Method of Successive Elastic Solutions
[Ch. 9
As a first example, consider the uniaxial case of a thin infinite plate of width 2c with a temperature distribution T(y) across the width, as shown in Figure 9.2.1. For a thin infinite strip, as shown, the only nonzero stress is Y
p+i ®l l
Equation (9.2.5) expresses the usual assumption of simple beam theory-that pIane sections remain pIane. To determine the constants a and b, the boundary conditions are used. If it is assumed that at the ends of the strip, an axial force P and a bending moment M are applied, then it follows that for equilibrium
r r
S'r) d'I]
assumed to be ax(Y) and the stress-strain relation can be written _ I x - E ax
9.2.1 Thin infinite strip with temperature distribution across the width.
Thin Flat Plate
Sec. 9-2]
M == M*
aoc h
where h is the thickness of the plate. Combining equations (9.2.5), (9.2.3), . and (9.2.6) enables one to obtain the constants a and b:
p 8
= -p
Introduce the dimensionless quantities exT
r =80
E Eo
Ex = 8~ 80
(9.2.2) where
where ao is the yield stress at some reference temperatures To, 80 = ao/Eo the yield strain at the reference temperature, and Eo the modulus of elasticity at the reference temperature. Note that the modulus and yield stress may be functions oftemperature. Equation (9.2.1) may now be written (9.2.8)
Ex =
+ Ep
where E~ = Ep for the uniaxial case under consideration, with Ep taken positive for tension and negative for compression. The assumed stress distribution, i.e., ax = axCy) , all other stresses being zero, satisfies the equilibrium equations identically. AIso, alI the compatibility equations are identically satisfied, except one, i.e., (9.2.4) which gives (9.2.5)
Substitution of (9.2.7) into (9.2.5) now gives
= (Al - A 2'1]) - (A 2
[fl H(r + Ep)d'l] + p*]
[fl H(r + Ep)'r) d'r) + M*]
The Method of Successive Elastic Solutions
or, far the mechanical strain, defined by
E= (Al -
Ex -
(fl HT d'I) + p*) As'l)) (fl HT'I) d'I) + M*)
- A 2'1))
HE p d'I) - (A 2 - As'l))
Sec. 9-2]
Thin Flat Plate
these equations are linear Fredholm equations of the second kind and the solution can often be obtained in closed formo
- (A2 -
+ (Al
[Ch. 9
60 X10 3
If E if a constant, independent of temperature, then H = l, Al = As = t, and
HEp'l) d'I)
·h A 2 =
Il o
Stroin e FIGURE
Typical stress-strain curve.
NonIinear Strain Hardening It is also to be noted that if the temperature distribution is symmetric (an
even function of y), then J~ l T'I) d'I) = O. Furthermore, ifthere are no external forces and moments and the temperature distribution is symmetric, equation (9.2.11) reduces to the simple form (9.2.12)
In equations (9.2.10) through (9.2.12) the plastic strain ratio Ep will, in generaI, be a nonlinear function of the total mechanical strain ratio E. They will be related to each other through the stress-strain curve of the material, as shown in Figure 9.2.2. The mechanical strain e is the ab scissa, the equivalent stress a e is the ordinate, and the plastic part of the strain is ep ' If the stress-strain curve of the material is temperature dependent in the range of temperatures being considered, a different stress-strain curve, similar to Figure 9.2.2, must be used far each point of the plate. This does not appreciabIy complicate the anaIysis. Equations (9.2.10) through (9.2.12) therefore represent integraI equations far the solution of the elastoplastic strains during the Ioading of a thermally stressed plate made of a work-hardening material with temperature-dependent properties. Far the generaI case of nonIinear strain hardening, these equations are nonlinear and can be solved by the successive-approximation method described in Section 9.1, as will be shown. If the strain hardening is linear,
The solution for the case of nonlinear strain hardening can readily be obtained by successive approximations as follows: 1. Assume
to be zero everywhere. 2. Calculate E from equations (9.2.10), (9.2.11), or (9.2.12). This gives the elastic solution. 3. For each value of E read Ep from the stress-strain curve. A plot of Ep versus E, which can be obtained from the stress-strain curve, would be convenient for this purpose. If the material properties are temperaturedependent, a different curve is used at every station. 4. Using equation (9.2.10), (9.2.11), or (9.2.12) calculate better approximations to E. The integrals appearing in these equations are evaluated numerically. 5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until convergence is obtained. It will be found that the foregoing process converges fairly rapidly, a half a dozen iterations generally being sufficient for practical purposes. Ep
To illustrate the procedure, consider the following example: Let the temperature be given by T = 600 (y2 - t) E = 28 X 106 C
1 9.5
= X 10- 6 ao = 28,000 a
Sec. 9-2] Thin Flat Plate
and let P and M be zero. Then 7"
"J::,\oIO"'d",-4t-C"l1.{)('.lOO_ ......
Assume a stress-strain curve independent of temperature, as shown in Figure 9.2.2. We can then use equation (9.2.12), which becomes
" 6.q-'V("f')'f-I
-doooooodd-:C"i I I I I
By using Figure 9.2.2 and the procedure outlined above, Table 9.2.1 was constructed. Eleven equal1y spaced stations were used and the integraI was evaluated by the trapezoidal rule. If greater accuracy is desired, a greater numberof stations and a more accurate integration formula can be used. However, the accuracy of Table 9.2.1 is sufficient for engineering purposes, as can be seen in Figures 9.2.3 and 9.2.4, where the results ofTable 9.2.1 as well as the results obtained by using 51 stations and Simpson's rule are
" I
-~"":,,,,:-:odd-:~M-.:t X I I I I I
= 5.7(TJ2 - t)
4.0 x10- 3 - - elastie - - - first approximation seeond and third opproximations
2.0 N
p.~ Col ' " ~
p"C'! ~O\
"6t-\OlOMOOMV_0'\0'IO ...... .....:.....:.....:.....:ddci.....:.....:N~ X I I I I I
- ::::--
::'tnvvN ....... r---.\Ot--...... d ci d, d o o o ci ci .....: N X I I I I
\~ \~
-4.0 -5.0
Distanee from plate eenter line
Strain distribution in infinite strip.
The Method or Successive Elastic Solutions
178 100 x10
~ I-- l=
\ ~
-10 O
If lEI < 1 everywhere, no plastic flow will occur and the first term on the right of (9.2.16) gives the e1astic solution. The maximum value of lEI will obviously occur at YJ = 1 and yielding will therefore begin at the edge, YJ = 1, when E = -1, Le., in compression. The value of TO for yielding to begin is then
K(YJ, g) = 1
~ t'-+-.
179 K(YJ, g) = O
-elostie - - - first opproximotion _ _ seeond ond third opproximotions
Thin Flat Plate
Sec. 9-2]
[Ch. 9
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Distonce from plote center Une
Stress distribution in infinite strip.
lotted Table 9.2.1 was constructed in approximate1y 1- h~ur using a desk ~alcula~or. Ep at each station was computed from the equatlOn of the str~ss. curve Wl'th Ep, of course , being set equal to zero at those statlOns stram where lEI ::::; 1.
If TO < t, no yielding will occur. As the loading parameter TO is increased beyond t, a compressive plastic zone will spread inward from the edge. The center of the plate, YJ = O, will meanwhile be in a state of tension, the tensile stress increasing as TO increases. Eventually at some value of TO designated by TO,e a tensile piastic zone will begin spreading from the center toward the compressive zone spreading from the edge. Let YJl be the value of YJ at the edge of the tensile plastic zone extending from the center, and let YJ2 be the value of YJ at the edge of the compressive zone spreading from the edge; Le., for O < YJ < YJl there is a tensile plastic zone with E ;::: 1, and for YJ2 ::::; YJ ::::; 1 there is a compressive plastic zone with E::::; -1. As long as TO ::::; TO,e, YJl = O, and equation (9.2.16) becomes E
r Jn2 l
-TO(YJ 2 -
t) + (1
-TO(7]2 -
t) + (1 - m)(l - 7]2) + (1 - m)
Linear Strain Hardening For linear strain hardening the solution can often be obtai~ed. in ~Iosed We shall consider only the simple type of temperature. dlstnbutlOn of orm.. the prevlOus exa mple . A more generaI formulation is given m reference r [5]. 2 l) T will be called the loading parameter. For mear T hus 1et T = TO (YJ 3' o . 1 strain hardening it can readily be shown that (assuming constant matena
- m)
rJn2l Edg
(9.2.17) Let us now apply the method of successive approximations to equation (9.2.17). Thus let TO(7]2 - t)
+ (1
- m)(1 - 7]2)
E(2) = - TO(7]2 - t)
+ (1
- m)(1 - YJ2)
properties) Ep = (1 - m)(E
+ 1)
where m, the strain-hardening parameter, is the ratio of ~he ta~~ent mo~uI~s to the elastic modulus. The minus sign is used when E lS posItIve (t~nslOn , and the plus sign when E is negative (compression). Furthermore, sl~ce. \El must be greater than 1 for plastic flow to occur, Ep = O if lEI ::::; 1. Substltutmg
.- TO(7]2 -
E(3) = -TO(7]2 - t)
+ (1 (9.2.16)
- m)
rl E(l) dg
t) + (1 - m)(l - YJ2) + (1 - m) x
into (9.2.12) gives
+ (1
[;0 (7]~ -
(1 - m)(l - YJ2)
- m)3(1 - YJ2?
+ (1
- m)
+ (1
+ (1
- m)(l - YJ2)2]
- m)2(1 - YJ2)2
;0 (7]~ -
x [1 + (1 - m)(l - 7]2)]
The Method of Successive Elastic Solutions [Ch. 9
+ (1 - m)(l - 7]2) + (1 - m)2(1 + (1 - m)3(1 - 7]2)3 + (1 - m)4(1 - 7]2)4
e(4) = -TO(7]2 - j-)
+ (1
- m) ~o (7]~ - 7]2)[1
+ (1
- m)2(1 - 7]2)2]
+ (1
+ (1
2 (1 -
t(1 - m)7]~ + m(7]~
- m)(l - 7]2)
Thin Flat Plate
7] = 7].2' E( must equal -1. Therefore, substituting 7] = 7]2, e = -1, into equatlOn 9.2.18) a relationship is obtained between TO, 7]2, and m:
- m)(1 - 7]2)
or e(n+1) = -TO(7]2 - j-)
Sec. 9-2] - 7]2)2
m)l(l - 7]2)1
+ (1 _
m) 1 - 7]2
+ (To/3)(7]~
= 1.
Thus. for given values of m and TO, 7]2 can be determined or, more simply, for g.lVen val~es of m and 7]2, TO can be calculated direct1y. For a perfect1y plashc materIal, m' = O, and 7]2 -_ ( - 3 )1/3
+ (1 - m) ~O (7]~ - 7]2) I~ (1 - m)l(1 - 7]2)1 and lim e(n+1) = e = -TO(7]2 _ j-)
- j-)
- 7]2)
1 - (1 - m)(l - 7]2)
For TO > TO,e, a tensile plastic zone will extend from 7] = O to 7] = 7]1' Equation (9.2.16) now becomes
Once 7]2 ~s kno:vn , the complete strain distribution is obtained from (9.2.18), the plas.hc strams and the stresses from (9.2.15) and (9.2.3). If TO lS greater than TO,e, a tensile plastic zone will spread from the center to d7]1' To determine the values of 7]1 and 7]2 in this case, one7 first sets . ] -- 7]1 ~n E = 1 m. (9.2.20) .and then 7] = 7]2 and e = -l in (9.2.20). This results m the followmg two slmultaneous equations for determining 7]1 and 7]2: 1 = - TO(7]r
-1 =
+ j-) + C + j-) + C
where or e = -TO(7]2 - j-)
+ (1 - m)(l - 7]2 - 7]1) + (1 -
(5:1 + {: e dg)
C = (l - m) 1 - 7]1 - 7]2 + j-TO(7]~ - 7]2 - 7]~ 1 (1 - m)(l + 7]1 - 7]2)
+ 7]1)
If the second equation is subtracted from the first, there results and a similar successive approximation as above leads to e=
The above derivations of equations (9.2.18) and (9.2.20) are actually not necessary, since the integraI equations (9.2.19) and (9.2.17) are Fredholm equations of the second kind with degenerate kerne1s and the· solutions can therefore be obtained direct1y by standard methods (see, for example, reference [6]). However, the successive approximation method was used in obtaining the solution to show how this method leads to the exact solution for this more complicated case. Equations (9.2.18) and (9.2.20) give the complete solution to the problem if 7]1, 7]2' and To,e were known. These can be determined as follows. If TO :s; TO,e, there is one region of plastic fiow extending from 7]2 to 1. At
2 = TO(7]~ - 7]r)
The value of TO,e at which the center begins to fiow plastically can now be found. For this condition, 7]1 = O and (9.2.24) gives 7]2=
Substituting this value for 7]2 together with 7]1 = O into either of equations (9.2.23) results in Tg,e
+ 6 l ~2m TO,e + 9
TO,e - 32
C: mf = O
(9.2.26) of the roots of (9.2.26) will be physically meaningful. For a perfect1y plashc material, m = O, and TO,e =
"9 = 3.555
_. Sec. 9-3]
Thin Circular Shell
The Method of Successive Elastic Solutions [Ch. 9
Figure 9.2.5 shows the variation of TO,e with m. The value of TO,e is rather insensitive to the strain-hardening parameter m.
f3'L=:::: ~ 3.4
The next problem we shall consider is that of a thin circular shell with an axial temperature gradient. We shall use the deformation theory of plasticity for this problem and assume a one-step thermalload, although this is not essential. The equilibrium equations for the shell are given in reference [7]. These are
Nx = O
3.2 L-_--'--_---'_ _- ' - _ - ' _ - - - - '
Rd M [2 dx2 x
Stroin-hordening porameter, m FIGURE
Variation of TO,e with m.
Nx =
m + 3/TO [2(1 - m)
+ 2 1';;TO
7J~ + 3~ (m +
4(1 - m)] 2 mT02 7J2
Jhl2 Jhl2 J
If TO is greater than TO,e, two regions of plastic flow will exist. The corresponding values of 7Jl and 7J2 are found by solving simultaneously (9.2.24) and one of (9.2.23). Thus eliminating 7Jl from the first of (9.2.23) by means of (9.2.24) results in the following quintic for 7J2:
7J~ + (4(1 :
+ Ne =
Ne =
Ue dz
Mx =
:J 7J~
where R is the mean radius of the shell and l is the characteristic length, equalto
+ 3/TO)2 + 32(1
- m)2/Tg - O 12m(1 - m) (9.2.28)
A plot of 7Jl and 7J2 showing the growth of the plastic regions is shown in Figure 9.2.6.
(9.3.3) h is the thickness, X is the dimensionless axial coordinate, the actual coordinate divided by l, and z is the radiaI coordinate measured from the middle surface, positive inward. The stress-strain re1ations are
1.0 U
= - E12 [ex - aT - e~ -fL
+ fL(ee
- aT -
e~)] (9.3.4)
0.8 0.6 "7
and U z is assumed to be zero for a thin sheII. The strain-displacement relations are
0.4 0.2
OL-____ 1
______L -_ _L_J_~~~~
8 10
Loading porameter FIGURE
20 TO
Growth of plastic region with 10ading parameter
The Method of Successive Elastic Solutions [Ch. 9
Sec. 9-3]
where u is the axial displacement of a point on the middle surface of the s.helI and w is the radiaI displacement, positive inward. Substituting (9.3.5) mto (9.3.4) gives
_ _E __ [~_ d w Z O'x - 1 _ p,2 ldx Pdx 2
= 1 _ p,2
-Rw -
aT - eo
aT _ e~
+ p, (- ~ R
2 ( du d w p, l dx - P dX2
4R Q = -h (9.3.6)
_ T _ a
+ (1 + p,)aT + -h1 f"/2 (e~ + p,e~)dz
= - Eh ( -
-h1 f"/2 e~ dz
= Cl cos X cosh x
+ aT) (9.3.8)
3 d2 _ ___ E f"'2 (e~ _ _ E'h ~ Mx 12(1 _ p,2) P dX2 1 - p,2 -h/2
+ p,enz dz (9.3.12)
h 2 /
e~ dz
Equation (9.3.11) is recognizable as the equation for the deflections of a beam on an elastic foundation, the right side representing the load. If P and Q are zero, the problem is elastico If P and Q are not zero, the problem is an elastoplastic problem which can be solved by successive approximations. We note first that the elastic solution can be obtained in closed formo The homogeneous solution can be written
and from (9.3.2), making use of (9.3.7), W
1212 fh'2 P = -h (e~ 3 -h/2
e~ - aT)]
From the first of (9.3.1), using (9.3.2),
du = p, ~ l dx R
Thin Circular Shell
+ C2 cos x sinh x
Cs sin x cosh x
C4 sin x sinh x
A particular solution can be obtained by the use of the Green's function. Without going into the details, it can be verified by differentiation that a particular solution is given by
+ p,enzdz Wp
= -4R
aT(g)G(x - I;)dl; -
LX P (I;) d2G<:X2- 1;) dI; - LX Q(I;)G(x -
Aiso eliminating duJdx from (9.3.5) by means of (9.3.7) gives
e = p, ~ x R
1 d2 w
1 f"/2
+ (1 + p,)aT + -h -h/2 (e~ + p,endz - J2 dX2
I;)dl; (9.3.14)
where G(x - 1;), the Green's function, is
G(x - 1;) = t[sin(x - 1;) cosh(x - 1;) - cos(x - 1;) sinh(x - 1;)] and, since O'z = 0, the third stress-strain relation gives
The complete solution is then
- - - ( Bx
1 + p, aT + BO) + -1--p,
1 - 2p, ( p - _1 Bx p,
+ Wp
where the constants Cl to C4 are determined from the boundary conditions. The method of solution will be illustrated for a single step load using the plastic strain-total strain relations; i.e.,
and using (9.3.4) resu1ts in
Finally from the second of (9.3.1), making use of (9.3.8), there resu1ts (9.3.17)
Sec. 9-3]
Thin Circular Shell
The Method or Successive Elastic Solutions [Ch. 9
The functions P and Q become
To facilitate the solution, the stress-strain curve can be cross-plotted to obtain a strain-strain curve as shown in Figure 9.3.1. p = 21.8
x10- 3
Q ....
o +-
B~ dz
From the first two boundary conditlons,
-::: 12
'0 .... 16
(B~ + O.3Bf)Z dz
8 /
aT(g)G(x - g)dg
= 0.000252x2 + 0.000252 sin x sinh x
and the equation for w becomes
4 8 12 16 20 24x10- 3 Equivolent plostic stroin Bp
w = C2 (cos x sinh x - sin x cosh x)
Equivalent total strain versus equivalent piastie strain.
The solution now proceeds as follows. Assume as a zeroth approximation that B~ and B~ are zero everywhere. w can then be computed from (9.3.13) through (9.3.16), and the total strains Bx , Be, and Bz from (9.3.5), (9.3.9), and (9.3.10). Bet is computed from the last of (9.3.17) and Bp determined from Figure 9.3.1. First approximations for the plastic strains are now computed from the first two equations of (9.3.17). P and Q are then computed from (9.3.12) and w from (9.3.13) through (9.3.16). The process is repeated until convergence is obtained. For every iteration, new values of Cl' C2 , C3 , and C4 must be determined from the boundary conditions. Once convergence has been obtained, the stresses can be computed from (9.3.4). As a specific example consider a thin circular shell with the following geometrie and physical properties: L
= 48 in.
h = 2 in.
R = 12 in. a
= 9.5
"" =
10- 6
Then from (9.3.3), l = 3.81 in. and O ~ x ~ 12.6. Assume a temperature distribution given by T = 2.21x 2 (corresponding to a 350°F rise from one end of the shell to the other end), and boundary conditions (fixed ends) w(O) = w'(O) = w(12.6) = w'(12.6) = O
C 4 sin x sinh x - 0.000252x 2 - I 1 (x) - I 2(x)
where I 1 (x) = I 2(x)
LX Q(g)G(x -
g) dg
Twenty-one stations were taken along the length of the shell and six stations through the thickness. For the zeroth approximation, it is assumed that B~ and B~ and hence Il and 12 are zero. The function w(x) is calculated from (9.3.20) with the constants C2 and C4 determined from the last two boundary eonditions of equation (9.3.18). The strains Bx , BO, and Bz are then computed from equations (9.3.5), (9.3.9), and (9.3.10). First approximations to B~ and 8~ are obtained by computing eet from the third of equations (9.3.17), reading 8 p from Figure 9.3.1 and calculating e~ and B~ from the first two of equations (9.3.17). With these values of e~ and B~, P and Q are computed from equations (9.3.19), Il and 12 from (9.3.21), and w from (9.3.20) with new values computed for C2 and C4 • New values are then computed for ex, ee, and ez and the process continued until convergence is obtained.
The Mefhod of Successive Elastic Solutions [Ch. 9
Wherever derivati ves of dII =
r '
are needed, the following relations are useful:
IX Q(g) dG(x Jo dx
2OXf0 3
g) dg a.
Approximation _--O ~ -20 ---1 - 4 through 7 ::l
.g '"
'in +-
b -60 ~ ~
Approximation O I 4 through 7
x10 3
'O -80
~ QJ 0\
Il '\
I '
---1 - - 4 through 7
o o -60
U) U)
~ +U)
4 6 8 IO Dimensionless axial distance x
2.Ox1Q-3- I--- - - O
T -140
\\ \\
... '" "O
o C
~ -2.0
°e ti
]« -30 .
10 8 6 4 Dimensionless axial distance x
9.3.2 Variations of stresses and strains in shell.
-5.0 O
4 6 8 IO Dimensionless axial' distance x (c)
-Sec. 9-2] The Method or Successive Elastic Solutions
190 2.0 xlO- 3
[Ch. 9
o -1.0
~~ \~
o c
~ Q) Ol
10 8 6 4 Dimensionless oxiol distonce x (d)
dG = dx
1- sin(x
1- [sin(x -
d G =
-1.0 -0.6667 -0.3333 O 0.3333 0.6667 1.0 -1.0 -0.6667 -0.3333 O 0.3333 0.6667 1.0
prev. approx.
prev. approx.
10- 3 0.550 0.480 0.420 0.365 0.310 0.260 0.215 -3.20 -1.57 -0.175 0.940 2.170 3.800 5.500
X 10- 3 -0.800 -0.770 -0.740 -0.725 -0.710 -0.700 -0.695 -2.500 -2.270 -2.075 -2.030 -2.300 -2.750 -2.850
aT X 10- 3 -3.008
9.3.2 (continued)
d 3G -3
~ -3.0
'w +-
- - 4 through 7
Calculation of Plastic Strains in Thin Shells
TABLE 9.3.1
~ ID u o 1:
Thin Circular Shell
- g) sinh(x - g)
g) cosh(x - g) - cos(x - g) sinh(x - g) (9.3.23)
10- 3 0.600 0.505 0.420 0.340 0.270 0.200 0.135 -3.333 -3.350 -1.625 -0.175 0.985 2.285 4.000 5.800
X 10- 3 -0.780 -0.745 -0.705 -0.670 -0.650 -0.640 -0.650 -2.500 -2.280 -2.075 -2.030 -2.325 -2.750 -2.850
Sta- ex - aT ee - ixT tion (9.3.9) (9.3.5)
10- 3 1.314 1.110 0.9100 0.7089 0.5100 0.3100 0.1000 21 -4.414 -2.490 -0.5700 1.349 3.270 5.190 7.110 X
X 10- 3 -1.865
Il prev. approx.
12 prev. approx.
X 10- 6 -24.14
X 10- 6 -581.1
(9.3.19) -0.03295
(9.3.21) X 10- 6 -22.56
X 10- 6 -545.6
(9.3.20) -0.01414
= cos(x - g) cosh(x - g)
Plastic Strain Charts AH the integrals in the previous equations were evaluated using the trapezoidal rule. The results for this problem are shown in Figure 9.3.2. An abbreviated calculation setup for one of the successive approximations at the last two stations is given in Table 9.3.1. As can be seen from the figures, the differences between the seventh and the fourth approximations are very small. From an engineering viewpoint the first approximation is actually sufficient. This is probably due to the fact that the total strains do not change much, because of the plastic flow. This will generally be tme when the only loads are thermalloads.
Instead of using equations (9.3.17) and the strain-strain curve of Figure 9.3.1, it is sometimes more convenient to use a plastic strain chart, as shown in Figure 9.3.3. The ordinate and abscissa are the total mechanical strains and the curves shown are two intersecting families representing curves or constant 8~ and constant 8~, respective1y. Thus for a given pair of values of 8 x and 80, the values of 8~ and 8~ can be read direct1y from this chart. Interpolation between curves may be necessary. This procedure avoids the
The Method or Successive Elastic Solutions
[Ch. 9 Sec. 9-4] Long Solid Cylinder
l ee 0T 1 -8-6 0 ID o o o 8o q o o ~ 4x 10- 3 ~- -8- f-g- f-g- f-o-ood- q-8- _0_ o o o
-Ir--/-- 7 o
v v7
\ -2
- ---
~ \
/ ~f.-t-J
1\ "t---.: l\-l'-- ~
- --
'\ r- ~ ~ \
r--.. .:\ r-..
o o
-t- t -4
AIso, the Prandtl-Reuss relations solved for the stress es are
7 I
+- I-
7 1/
I ..... -1/~
- -!/
0.0:020 -
.-10.0025 t--1
p,)~) ep
p,)~) ep
+ 2(1
+ 2(1
- 2p,) ae
- 2p,) ~
ep eo
ep ex
With the above equations and a given stress-strain curve, a two-parameter family of curves can be plotted giving the total strains for any pair of plastic Thus strains e~ and 1. An arbitrary convenient value is chosen for 2. A series of values are chosen for e~. For each of these values, (a) ep is computed from the first of (9.1.7) (without the ~'s), (b) a e is then re ad from the stress-strain curve, and (c) ex - aT and eo - aT are computed from (9.3.26). This gives one curve ofthe family. 3. To obtain the other curves, the process is repeated for new values of The limiting curve of zero plastic strain is an ellipse about the origin as shown. Any point inside this ellipse corresponds to zero plastic strain.
(1 + 2(2 e _ aT = (1 + 2(2 -
e _ aT =
...-- ~
Substituting (9.3.25) into (9.3.24) gives
Lo ~
- o.O~15
2 a- e (2 eop ao = -3 ep
O ex P 0.0001_
---I 0.0020
Plastic strain chart.
9-4 LONG SOLID CYLINDER necessity of computing ez and eeb reading ep from the strain-strain curve (Figure 9.3.1), and finally computing e~ and However, constructing such a chart involves a considerable amount of labor, and a different chart must be constructed for each stress-strain curve used. However, if many similar computations are to be made using the same stress-strain curve, such a chart can be very time saving, particularly if a digitaI computer is not being used. To obtain this chart, the stress-strain relations with a z = O are written
Several problems involving rotational symmetry will next be considered. We start with the problem of a long solid circular cylinder with a radiaI temperature distribution. The cylinder, having a radius R, is assumed in a state of generalized pIane strain; i.e., the axial strain e z is assumed to be a constant. The ends of the cylinder are assumed to be unloaded; hence the solution will not be valid dose to the ends. The equilibrium, compatibility, and stress-strain relations for this problem can be written dar ar - ao --O dr + -r deo
eo -
r + - -r = 0 dr
(9.4.1) (9.4.2)
The Method or Successive Elastic Solutions [Ch. 9
ar = À(8 - 3aT) + 2G(er ao = À(8 - 3aT) az = À(8 - 3aT)
aT - ef)
+ 2G(eo + 2G(e z -
aT - ef) aT
Sec. 9-4]
+ p,)(1 -
1 - 3p, I fn 1 _ P, R2 Jo aTr dr
I - 2p, fn - p,) Jo
+ 2(1
À = (1
The constant Cl is determined from the boundary condition ar(R) = O. Substituting the first of equations (9.4.3) into this condition gives for Cl:
+ er + en
Long Solid Cylinder
= 2(1 + p,)
+ 2(1
P T o save wn'tl'ng , epr and eo are here defined as the total accumulated plastic strains, including those for the current increment of load; i.e.,
er =
2 +
er -r e~ dr 1 1 - p,) R2
Jofn (er + eoP)r dr p
To summarize, the total strains are given by _ 1 + p, 1 fr eo - -1--p,r"2 o aTr dr
1 - 2p, I fr P P + 2(1 )"2 (e + eo)r dr -p,r o r
l-l =
1 - 2p, - p,)
2 b.e~.k + b.e~.1
+ 2(1
where the summations are assumed to have already been computed and b. p. and b.e P are to be determined. Assuming E, p" and ez constant, and s:~~tituting (~.4.3) into (9.4.1) and e1imina~ing er by. the us~ of (9.4.2), .a differential equation is obtained for eo, WhlCh upon mtegratlOn results m
e = 1 + p, ~ r' aTr dr o 1-p,rJo 1 - 2p,l +-- 2 1-p,r
Il - 2p,
~ r' err dr
fr r 1r er.o
e~ dr dr + C1
+ Cr22
For a solid cylinder C2 must vanish. Now substituting equation (9.4.4) into the compatibility relation (9.4.2) and solving for er gives
_ -
1 + P, T 1 _ p, a
1 - 2p, eP 1 - p, r
r' er - e~ Jo - r - dr + Cl
1 - 2p, 1 - p,
r' er Jo r
e~ dr
+ 2Cl
+ p, aT + -1-1 - 2p, P 1 - 2p, fr er = -eo + -1-e + -1--p, -p, r -p, o 1
use is made of the fact that
is a constant and that for
unloaded ends
Substituting into the third of the stress-strain relations (9.4.3) and solving for e" results in
ez =
;2 [f
aTr dr -
fon azr dr = O
+ enr dr]
+ 2Cl
where the double integraI in (9.4.4) has been integrated by parts. Equations (9.4.9) can now be solved by successive approximations as for the previous exampIes. The zeroth approximation to the total strdins is obtained from equations (9.4.9) and (9.4.8) by assuming and b.e~ zero. The totaI equivalent strain is computed from equations (9.1.9) and the equivaIent pIastic strain increment determined from the stress-strain curve and equation (9.1.10). First approximations are then calculated for b.ef and b.e~ from the first two equations of (9.1.8) (with x replaced by r and y by 8). TABLE 9.4.1
To determine
- e~
Calculation of Plastic Strains in Long Solid Cy1inder
prev. approx.
s: prev. approx.
x IO-a
l 2 3 4 5 6
O 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 7 1.000
9.50 9.50 9.29 8.81 7.68 7.06 6.83
Eq. (9.1.8)
Eq. (9.1.8)
xlO- a xlO- a xlO- a xlO- a xlO- a x IO-a
X IO-a
9.457 9.462 9.085 8.240 6.236 5.274 5.045
O O O O 0.545 0.754 0.738
Eq. Eq. Eq. Eq. Fig. (9.4.9) (9.4.9) (9.4.9) (9.1.9) 9.3.1 9.457 9.452 9.439 9.393 9.299 9.109 8.911
0.363 0.363 0.310 0.668 1.926 2.494 2.578
O O O O 0.91 1.40 1.48
O O O O -0.907 -1.397 -1.477
The Method ol Successive Elastic Solutions [Ch. 9
Sec. 9-5]
Rotating Disk with Temperature Gradient
These values of and t.eC are substituted into equations (9.4.8) .and (9.4.9) and new approximations obtained for e" ee, and e2 • The process lS "repeated as many times as necessary to obtain the desired degree of convergence. After
100 J10 3
--O ---- 1 - - 4 ond 5
1100 80
1;'- 1000 ~
2 900
'iii Cl.
E ~ 800
\ 0.2
Temperature distribution in long solid cylinder. Approximotion
- - 4ond5 ~
1\ \\\
" Be
O ----- 1
Rodius, in.
700 O
1/ 1=-= :: 1-=-=1=-..:: 1=---= '-"= .:..-=J F::::::-==
b1 1.0
Rodius, in. (b) FIGURE
9.4.2 (continued)
'" 0.007
~ 0.006
0.00 5
\\ 0.004
~ O
Rodius, in. (a) FIGURE
9.4.2 Strain and stress distributions in long solid cylinder.
convergence, the stresses can be computed from (9.4.3). The load is then incremented and the process repeated. The above calculations have been carried out for a l-in.-radius cylinder with a temperature distribution as shown in Figure 9.4.1, using the strainstrain curve of Figure 9.3.1. The computations are shown in Table 9.4.1 for one iteration and the results are plotted in Figure 9.4.2. Very little difference is found for this problem between the deformation theory and the incrementaI theory assuming the temperature distribution applied in several steps.
9-5 ROTATING DISK WITH TEMPERATURE GRADIENT The previous problem was one of pIane strain. We now consider a problem of pIane stress-a rotating disk with a temperature gradient. Two methods will be presented for solving this problem. Both use successive approximations. The first converts the problem to solving a set of integraI equations in
The Method or Successive Elastic Solutlons [Ch. 9
the strains similar to the cylinder problem of the previous section. The second method converts the differentiai equations to finite-difference form and solves the resulting finite-difference equations. The integral-equation formulation has the advantages ofbeing conceptually simpier and ofincluding the boundary conditions automatically. On the other hand, it is difficult by this approach to take into account variations of materiai properties with temperature as well as variations in disk thickness. These can readi1y be taken into account by the finite-difference method.
Integral-Equation Formulation We start as usuai with the equilibrium and compatibility equations. These can be written (9.5.1) (9.5.2)
where h is the disk thickness, p the density, and w the rotationai speed. For the pIane stress problem a z = 0, and the stress-strain reiations can be written [see equations (9.3.4)] E 2 [er ar = ~l -p,
+ p,eo
ao = ~I E 2 [eo
+ p,er - (e~ + p,er)
- (er
+ p,e&)
- (1
+ p,)aT] (9.5.3)
- (1
+ p,)aT]
The terms er and e~ are here defined, as for the cyIinder, by equations (9.4.3a). Proceeding as for the case of the cylinder in Section 9.4, equations (9.5.3) are substituted into (9.5.1) and er eliminated by the use of (9.5.2), to give a differentiai equation in eo. Assuming that h, E, and p, are constant, this
differentiai equation is integrated to give 1 - p,2 pw 2 r 2 eo = - - E - 8
1 + p, + - -r2 -
o aTrdr
1 - p,
+ -2-
fr er o
1 + p, fr ( p P) d' Cl C2 + 2r2 o er + eo l' l + T + f2
"10If'lOIf'lOIf'lOIf'lO oo'-<'-
Sec. 9-5] Rotating Disk with Temperature Gradient The Method of Successive Elastic Solutions [Ch. 9
The disk is assumed to be solid; hence C2 must vanish. To obtain er, equation (9.5.4) is substituted into the compatibility equation (9.5.2), resulting in
1 fl-2 pw 2r2 -= -es - ---E 2
+ (1 + fl-)aT + erp + + (1 -
r eP - e:
is now obtained by substituting equations (9.5.3) and
+ =
The solution is now obtained by successive approximations exact1y as in the previous example for a solid cylinder. By starting with assumed values of Ile~ and Ile: equal to zero, eo, et> and ez are computed from (9.5.4), (9.5.5), and (9.5.7), e.t from the last of equations (9.1.9), Ile p from the stress-strain curve and equation (9.1.10), and Ile~ and Ile: from the first two of equations (9.1.8), with X replaced by r and y by e. New values of et> eo, and ez are computed from (9.5.4), (9.5.6), and (9.5.7), and the process is repeated.
O into the
stress-strain relation (9.5.6)
Approximotion O l 4 12 with intermediate extropolation or 40 without extrapolation
to give
/ er
(9.5.7) 0.016
Finally, the constant Cl is evaluated from the known rim l~ading. If the ~im stress due to the rim loading is urCR) , the first of equatlOns (9.5.3) glVes (R being the radius of the disk) urCR) = 1
!!. fl-2 [er + fl-eo -
(e~ + fl-e:) - (1 + fl-)aT]r=R
+ fl-)
[Ur~) + 3 :efl- pw 2R2 + ~2 _ ! i e~ 2 Jo r R
e: dr
ti/ fiJ v_
E ~ 400
1/ j.- .......
Temperature distribution in rotating disk.
2.0 3.0 Radius, in.
Radius, in.
I-- l - l-2
~~ k:-:::: ~ .-
l/ /
e 800
Il il
aTr dr
+ ~ i (e~ + enr dr]
IL. o
~ +-
and substituting equations (9.5.4) and (9.5.5) into (9.5.8) gives for Cl: Cl = 2(1
r7l li 11
9.5.2 Strain and stress distributions in rotating disk.
i',' , , l,I
The Method or Successive Elastic Solutions [Ch. 9 Sec. 9-5) Rotating Disk with Temperature Gradient Approximotion
forward application of this method requires about 40 iterations for accurate results. T~e reason a greater number of iterations is required here compared to :he cyImder problem of Section 9.4 is that there are externalIoads acting besldes the ther~aIIoads and the strains are Iarger. However, the convergence c~n be greatly mcreased by performing three or four iterations, taking the dlfferences between successive iterations for the various strains, and extrapolating to a zero difference, as shown in Figure 9.5.3. A straight line is
O ----- 1 -.---4 - - - --12 with intermediote h extropolotion or 40 t without extropolotion 120 x10 3 ............
~ ~t-...
Ì\ j:::.:::;- 1-:_ E""~
---\ "~
l''' ~,
'Vi o-
5,2 xlO- 3
~ 1'---'-
\ "~ t--
vi" \Il
~ +-
.~ 4.6
\\ l"-
'b ~ O
As an example, the solution obtained in this manner for a lO-in.-diameter parallel-sided disk is shown in Figure 9.5.2. The value of pw 2 was taken as 1,500 and a temperature was assumed as shown in Figure 9.5.1. The strainstrain curve of Figure 9.3.1 was used. Again little difference was found between deformation theory and incrementaI theory. The computations for one iteration are shown in Table 9.5.1. As seen from Figure 9.5.2, a straight-
( b)
9.5.2 (continued)
Radius, in.
\ 3.0
O ee
o .er
-180 O
Variation of strain with change of strain.
drawn as shown and the intercept at zero Oe is obtained. This furnishes a new starting estimate. Three or four more successive approximations are carried out, and another, similar, extrapoiation is made. This technique reduced the number of successive approximations for this problem from ~O to 12, However, it shouId be noted that if a high-speed digitaI computor ~s used, the time per iteration is on the order of 0.1 sec and the number of lterations required is of secondary importance.
! Il
Sec. 9-5]
Rotating Disk with Temperature Gradient
The Method or Successive Elastic Solutions [Ch. 9
In this manner equations (9.5.1) and (9.5.11) can be written
Finite-Difference Formulation
Clar.l -
If it is desired to take into account variations of E,
or h along the disk, then it is necessary to use the finite-difference method [8]. This formulation is very generaI and can take into account not only initial v~riation~ in the disk thickness, but also the changes in thickness and radms durmg the loading process, if the disk should grow and change shape. In addition, we shall also consider the case of a disk with a centraI hole. We start again with the equilibrium and compatibility equations (9.5.1) and (9.5.2). It is convenient this time to solve the problem in terms of ~tress~s rather than strains, since the boundary conditions are generalIy glven m terms of stresses. The stress-strain relations are written as er =
~ (ar -
+ exT + ef + ~ef
ee =
(ae - p,ar)
+ exT + e~ + ~e~
+ Gl a e.I-1
Dlae.l = Flar.l-l
C;ar.l - D;ae.l = F/a r.I-1 - G;ae.I-1
+ H(
- P!
- P,1-1 b Pl, -- l El -
Hl =
~ (rl - rl- 1)(Pihlrt + Pl-1hl-1rt_1)
(9.5.14) where ef and e~ represent the total plastic strains up to the current increment of loading, and ~ef and ~8~ are the increments of plastic strain due to the current increment of loading. Substituting (9.5.10) into the compatibility equation (9.5.2) gives the compatibility equation in terms of stresses:
Equations (9.5.1) and (9.5.11) are two equations for the two stresses ar and ae' We proceed by putting them into finite-difference form as folIows. Let the disk radius be divided into N intervals (not necessarily equal). There are thus N + 1 stations, the first station being at the center for a solid disk: or at the inner radius for a hollow disk. The last station is at the outer radms. Equations (9.5.1) and (9.5.11) are written in finite-difference form at the midpoints of theseintervals. Thus at the midpoint of the (i - l)st interval,
It is to be noted that if the disk dimensions do not change appreciably with loading, alI these coefficients except P( depend only on the initial geometry, material properties, and operating conditions of the disk and are evaluated once and for alI. Only P; is a function of the plastic flow. Aiso for a solid disk, rl- 1 can equal zero and so some of the primed coefficients be come infinite. This can be avoided by assuming for the first radiaI station some small nonzero number, rather than zero. Equations (9.5.13) give the stresses at the ith station in terms ofthe stresses at the (i - l)st station. Solving for the stresses at the ith station gives
+ 112.1 ae.I-1 + m1.1
ar.l = 11l.lar.I-1 ae.l = 121.1 ar.I-1
+ 122.1 ae.I-1 + m2.1
where l
_ D;Gl + DjG; CjD; - C;D j
12.j -
l 21.j
C:Fì = CD' l
ClF; C'D j i
_ C;Gj + CjG; CjD; - C;D j
22.j -
(9.5.12) m2.j =
CjP: - HjC; - H!Cj Cj D'1 - C'D j j
The Method or Successive Elastic Solutions [Ch. 9
Sec. 9-5] Rotating Disk with Temperature Gradient
or, in matrix notation,
[~:::: ~::::J [:::: ~:] + [::::]
+ MI
where a l' al-l> L lo and MI are the indicated matrices. Equation (9.5.17) represents a linear recurrence re1ation.between the stresses at the ith station and the stresses at the (i - l)st station. Obvious1y by successive application of (9.5.17), the stresses at the ith station can be linear1y related to the stresses at the first station. Let this linear relation be written
For a solid disk
a r •l
therefore, aO.l
arCR) all.N + 1
bl .N+l
+ a12.N + 1
For a disk with a centraI hole of radius R o, with inner prescribed pressure we get
ar.l = ar(R o),
(9.5.18) (9.5.24)
where AI and BI are as yet unknown and al are the radiaI and tangential stresses at the first station. Substituting (9.5.18) into (9.5.17) gives Alal
+ BI
+ BI-l) + MI
= LI(AI_lal
Now al will depend on the boundary conditions and is complete1y arbitrary, whereas (9.5.19) must be true for all values of al' It therefore follows that both sides of the equation must vanish identically. Hence AI = AI_1LI
Also, for the second station, equation (9.5.18) gives
Thus al is now known. The stress es at every station can then be direct1y computed by means of (9.5.18). To summarize then, the LI and MI matrices are computed from (9.5.16) and (9.5.14), the At and BI matrices from (9.5.20) and (9.5.21), and then the stress es are computed from (9.5.18), using either (9.5.23) or (9.5.24). It is to be noted that this straightforward procedure takes into account with equai ease variations of E, h, p, or even fl, along the radius of the disk. Furthermore, if the dimensions of the disk are changing during the plastic flow process, this can readily be taken into account. For if l' is the current radius to a given point P, and l" was the radius to the point P before plastic flow took pIace, then approximate1y l'
= 1"(1 + e&)
and equation (9.5.17) gives a2 = L 2a l A2 = L2
B2 = M 2
and, similar1y, if H was the underformed thickness at the point P and h is actual thickness after deformation, then approximate1y I
Beginning therefore with A 2 and B 2 as given by (9.5.21), all the other A's and B's can be computed successively by the recurrence relations (9.5.20). For the Iast station [the (N + l)st], l'N+1 equals R, the disk radius, and equation (9.5.18) becomes or [
a r ' N + l ] = [all.N+l
a12.N+l] [ar.l]
l N l ' + ]
b2•N+ l
h = (1
H ef)(1
+ e&)
Thus at any stage of the plastic flow process the values of l'I and hl appearing in equations (9.5.14) can be corrected by means of (9.5.25) and (9.5.26). The finite-difference formulation presented will of course give direct1y and quickly the elastic solution for a disk of arbitrary profile with variable properties, if P; is set equal to zero in equations (9.5.16). For the plastic problem P; is not zero, and its values can be determined by successive approximations, as thoroughly described in the previous examples. We shall
l! .1
i i
Sec. 9-6] 208
The Method of Successive Elastic Solutions [Ch. 9
Circular Hole in Uniforrnly Stressed Infinite Plate
Integrating resuIts in
return to this formulation at a Iater time in discussing the creep of a rotating disk. Solution by this method of the disk problem of the previous example gave almost identical answers.
A. -'f'
+ BInr +
C -
Jr -:1 Jr r Jr g(r)drdrdr a l
!he tri~le integraI can be somewhat simplified by making use of (9.6.5) and
As a final example of a probIem involving rotational symmetry, consider the case of a thin infinite plate uniformly stress ed containing a circuiar hoIe of radius a. Solutions to this probIem by iterative methods similar to that discussed herein are given in references [9] and [lO]. The present solution is taken from reference [lO]. The equilibrium and compatibility equations are given by (9.4.1) and (9.4.2); i.e.,
llltegrat1~~ by parts. The constants A and Bare determined from the bound-
ary condlt1ons (9.6.7) where . hGeo is . the applied uniform stress at infinity. Note that t e yleid stress. Then
Go, W here
A=~ 2
and t.he constant C can arbitrarily be set equai to zero without affecting the solutlOn.
(9.6.1) deo
eo - er
dr + - r =
O m=O
The stress-strain reiations for the case of pIane stress are
m=O.1 m=O.2
(9.6.2) 3
Substituting (9.6.2) into the second of equations (9.6.1), the compatibility equation is obtained in terms of stresses. A stress function cP is now introduced defined by
2 'l-u
2 I
i, Ii
The equilibrium equation is identically satisfied by the stress function, and the compatibility equation becomes
.È-.[l d (r dcP )] = - g(r) dr r dr dr
! i
, I
TangentiaI strain concentration factors at hole.
The Method or Successive Elastic Solutions
[Ch. 9
Sec. 9-6]
Circular Hole in Uniformly Stressed Infinite Plate
Detailed caicuiations were carried out by Tuba [10] using the successiveapproximation technique with linear strain hardening for :,arious v~Iues of the strain-hardening parameter m (ratio of siope of the stram-hardemng ~art f curve to siope of the eiastic part), and for various ratios of aro to the yleid ~tress ao. His results, taken from reference [lO], are shown in Figures 9.6.1 through 9.6.3. In these figures the stress and strain concentration factors due
m=0.8 2.0 L------~~~=====--m =1.0 (elasticl -----m=0.8
---m =0.6 m=OA m =0.3 m=0.2 m=0.1 m=O
9.6.3 Equivalent stress and strain concentration factors at hole.
= 8e(a) _
80(a) 80(00) - [(l - p..)fE]a oo
9.6.2 Equivalent stress and strain concentration factors at hole.
to the hole are plotted as functions of the dimensionless parameters m and À. The various parameters are defined as follows:
siope of piastic part of stress-strain curve
1.0 m
8e =
(a) _
8.(00) - i[(l
+ p..)fE]a oo
+ (8r
+ (80
- 8..)2
It is also noted in reference [10] that if the load is increased monotonical1y, the deformation and incrementaI theories give the same results for this problem. However, since in this case we have proportional loading at the hoIe where the stress concentration factors are determined, this is not too surprising. In Chapter 10 the much more difficult two-dimensionai pIane elastoplastic problem is formulated and severai examples of piate problems ate solved.
The Method or Successive Elastic Solutions [Ch. 9
Problerns CHAPTBR 1.
Use the successive-approximation method to solve the differential equation
-dy + y
2. 3. 4.
= O
y(O) = 1
Show that in the limit the exact solution is obtained. Verify equations (9.2.7) and (9.2.8). Derive equation (9.2.15). Show that the method of successive approximations leads to equation (9.2.20).
5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Derive equation (9.4.4). Derive equation (9.5.4). Obtain the equations corresponding to (9.5.4) through (9.5.9) for a hollow disk with inner radius a and outer radius R. Derive formulas (9.5.25) and (9.5.26). Derive equations (9.6.4), (9.6.6), and (9.6.8).
References 1. 2.
4. 5.
6. 7. 8.
E. L. Ince, Ordinary Differential Equations, Dover, New York, 1944. A. A. Ilyushin, Some Problems in the Theory of Plastic Deformation, RMB-12, translation from Prikl. Math. Mech., 7, 1943, pp. 245-272, by Grad. Div. Appl. Math., Brown Univ., 1946. S. S. Manson, Thermal Stress and Low Cycle Fatigue, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1966, p. 100. A. Mendelson and S. S. Manson, Practical Solution of Plastic Deformation Problems in the Elastic-Plastic Range, NASA Tech. Rept. R-28, 1959. A. Mende1son and S. W. Spero, A GeneraI Solution for the Elastoplastic Thermal Stresses in a Strain-Hardening Plate with Arbitrary Material Properties, J. Appl. Mech., 29, 1962, pp. 151-158. S. G. MikhIin, Integral Equations, Pergamon Press, London, 1957, p. 19. C. T. Wang, Applied Elasticity, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1953. A. Mendelson, M. H. Hirschberg, and S. S. Manson, A GeneraI Approach to the Practical Solution of Creep Problems, Trans. ASME, 81D, 1959, pp. 585-598. E. A. Davis, Extension of Iteration Method for Determining Strain Distributions to the Uniformly Stressed Plate with a Hole, J. Appl. Mech., 30, 1963, pp. 210--214; discussions, ibid., 31, 1964, pp. 362-364. I. S. Tuba, Elastic-Plastic Stress and Strain Concentration Factors at a Circular Hole in a Uniformly Stressed Infinite Plate, J. Appl. Mech., 32, 1965, pp. 710--711.
B~ pIane elastoplastic problems we mean the usual generalized pIane stram or pIane stres~ pro~lems. Generalized pIane strain is characterized by the .stre~ses and st:ams bemg functions of x and y only and the strain in the z dlrectlO~, ez , bem~ equal to a constant. This is the type of problem en~ounte:ed m long cylmders under certain loading conditions such as discussed m.SectlOns 8.7 and 9.4. Generalized pIane stress problems are encountered in thm plates and, in this case, the stresses and strains are taken as the average values through the thickness of the plate and U z is assumed to be zero. In both types of problems the shear stresses and strains in the z d' t' assumed to be zero. lrec lOn are In alI t.hat folIows, it is assumed that the material is homogeneous isotropic and str~l~ hard.ens isotropical1y. The material properties such a~ modulu~ of elastlclty, POlsson's ratio, and coefficient of linear thermal ex . panSlOn are d. assum.e mdependent of the temperature, and body forces are not considered. RotatlOnal symmetry, as for the cylinder and disk problems of Chapter 9 . n.ot assumed to e~ist. As before, the von Mises yield criterion and the as~~~ clated flow rule wll1 be used.
i: 'i
I i
The Piane Elastoplastic Problem [Ch. lO
The equilibrium, compatibility, and stress-strain relations for the pIane stress problem are Ba x +BTBx By XY
(10.1.1) Ba y _ O +BTBx -XY By
Sec. IO-l]
Generai Relations
is the plastic strain accumulated during the first i - l increments of load and Il8~ is the unknown plastic strain increment occurring during the ith or current increment of load. The subscript i has been deleted [see equations (7.10.2)] since no confusion can arise. Similar definitions hold for Il8: and 8~y. The definitions of some of the other quantities entering into the above equations will be also repeated here, for convenience. Thus 8~ =
(10.1.2) (10.1.6) 8~t
82 -
- EIL (a x
+ ay ) + aT - 8~
- 8: - Il8~ -
V2[(, T 8x
ae-- (a x2
(10.1.3) Il8:
+ ('8y
ay2 - axy a
')2+(' 82
8')26(')2]1/2 + 8XY x
2 )1/2 + 3T xy
and Il8 p is related to a e through the uniaxial stress-strain curve as shown in Figure 7.9.1 or to 8 et by the uniaxial stress-strain curve and the relation
(10.1. 7)
To these we append the Prandt1-Reuss relations,
AlI these relations have been previously described in detail. For the case of pIane strain, alI the above relations remain unchanged except for equations (10.1.3) and (10.1.4) and the definition of a e . Since a is 2 no longer zero,
or the corresponding plastic strain-total strain relations, (10.1.8)
(10.1.5) where where, as previously defined,
8~ =
L Il8~.k
is a constant. Aiso
The PIane Elastoplastic Problem [Ch. lO
Sec. IO-I]
Generai Reiations
The equilibrium equations (10.1.1) are identically satisfied and the compatibility equation (10.1.11) becomes (10.1.16)
(10.1.10) where V4 is the biharmonic operator:
We now proceed to introduce a stress function, as is common in pIane problems of eiasticity. First by substituting equations (10.1.3) or (10.1.8) into (10.1.2), the compatibility equation is obtained in terms of stresses. Making use ofthe equilibrium equation (10.1.1) to eliminate the shear stress and performing some algebraic manipulations results in V2(U X
+ uy) =
where V2 == (02/0X 2) and
-E'\72(cxT) - [g(x, y)
+ Llg(x, y)]
The boundary conditions to be satisfied by the stress function cp are (see, for exampIe, reference [1])
(10.1.11) (10.1.17)
+ (02joy2) is the Lapiacian operator in two dimensions for pIane stress
for pIane strain
pIane strain (10.1.14)
where T x and T y are the x and y components, respectiveIy, of the externai force acting at a point ofthe boundary. The integrations are performed along the boundary from some arbitrary point. The constants Cl and C2 are arbitrary and can be set equai to zero without affecting the stresses. For a muItipIy connected region, however, the constants will be different for each of the contours and they can be arbitrari1y chosen only on one contour. On the other contours they must be determined so that the dispiacements are singIe-valued. This great1y complicates even the elastic problem, and multiply connected regions will not be considered here. Alternatively, by means of equations (10.1.17), the boundary conditions can be written in terms of cp and its normal derivative on the boundary [1],
cp =
J (oCPOX dsdx + -ocpoy -ddsy ) ds 8
dcp = 8cp dy _ ocp dx = h(s) dn ox ds oy ds Define a stress function cp by the reiations -
'T Xy
so that if 8cp(s)joy and ocp(s)joy are known from (10.1.17), ocpjdn and cp(s) can be computed from (10.1.18). For an unioaded boundary, T x = Ty = O and consequent1y /l(S) = /2(S) = O, so that ocp(s)joy = Cl and 8cp(s)jox = C 2, and, since the stresses depend only on the second derivatives of cp, we can
The PIane Elastoplastic Problem [Ch. lO
arbitrarily subtract C1Y nected) so tliat
+ C2 x +
C3 from 1> (if the region is simply con-
81>(s) = 81>(s) = O 8y
d1>(s) = 1>(s) = O
To solve the pIane elastoplastic problem it is therefore necessary to solve the inhomogeneous biharmonic equation (10.1.16) subject to the boundary conditions (10.1.17) or (10.1.18) and the appropriate p1asticity relations. Note that the pIane strain and pIane stress problems differ primarily in the definition of the g function appearing in (10.1.11) and the inclusion of a z in the definition of a e and in the Prandt1-Reuss equations. The calculation procedures for the two problems therefore differ in on1y minor details, as will be shown subsequently. Solutions to several specific plate prob1ems will now be presented using the successive-approximation technique described in Chapter 9.
Sec. 10-2] Elastoplastic Thermal Problem for a Finite Plate
solved ~y a :ariety of methods, including energy, collocation, eigenfunction, and fi~lte-dlfference m~thods. In aH cases the solution is actuaHy only approxlmate, although In theory the exact solution can be approached as close1y as desired. In solving the plastic fiow problem, one or more of these methods can also be used, together with the successive-approximation technique. The simplest and most straightforward approach is to use finite differences, as will now be described. The plate is divided into a grid of n x m stations. If symmetry exists about the x and y axes with the origin taken at the center of the plate, only one quadrant of the plate need be considered. At each point of the grid, equation (10.1.16) is written in finite-difference formo For example, at the station designated by i,jin Figure 10.2.2, equation (10.1.16) becomes
I; )+2
1-1, )
i-1, )-1
The first problem considered is that of a thin rectangu1ar p1ate with a temperature distribution T(x, y) and no external loads. The geometry and the coordinate system used is shown in Figure 10.2.1. Since there are no
i, )-1
• 1+1')+1
8 .)
1+2, )
1+1, )-1
I; )-2
FIGURE 10.2.2 Finite difference net for station (i,j). y
l 84 [1>1-2,1
L lo(
+ 1>1,1-2 + 1>1,1+2 + 1>1+2,1
+ 2(1)1-1,1-1 + 1>1-1,1+1 + 1>1+1,1-1 + 1>1+1,1+1) 20
FIGURE 10.2.1 Flat plate and coordinate system. externa1loads, the boundary conditions (10.1.19) are used; i.e., 1> and its normal derivative are zero on the boundaries. Equation (10.1.16) with the right side zero is the classical biharmonic equation. The e1astic thermal stress problem with g = D..g = O has been
+ 201>1,1 - 8(1)1-1,1 + 1>1,1-1 + 1>1,1+1 + 1>1+1,1)] = - E'V 2 ( aT)I,1 - gl,i - ,1
where 8 is the grid spacing. Equations similar to (10.2.1) are written for each of the n x m stations. There . then re~ults ~ x m linear equations for the n x m unknown 1>'S, assummg the nght sldes are known. These equations can now be solved by of the numerous methods of solving large sets of simultaneous linear
The PIane Elastoplastic Problem [Ch. lO
Sec. 10-2] Eiastopiastic Thermai Problem for a Finite Piate 10
y VV V V V
algebraic equations. Once these are solved, the stresses can be computed O. 9
from the relations
4>1+ l,i
+ 4>1 -l,i
4>1-1,J+1 -
4>1-1,J-1 -
48 2
(10.2.2) 4>1+1,1+1
+ 4>1+1.1-1
The strains are computed from (10.1.3) and the plastic strain increments from either (10.1.4) or (10.1.5), together with the stress-strain curve. The function f1g is now changed and the solution obtained again. The process is continued until convergence is obtained. It is to be noted that only the right sides of the set of n x m simultaneous equations change from iteration to iteration. It should also be noted that although equation (10.2.1) has been written for equal spacing between stations, it is possible to write the finitedifference formulas for unequal spacing. Once the calculation has converged for a given increment of load (in this case, thermalload) and f1g determined, f1g is added to g, the lo ad is incremented, and a new calculation started to determine the value of the plastic strain increments and stresses due to the new increment of load. It is to be remembered that at any station for which O'e is less than the yield stress, the plastic strain increments are set equal to zero. As an example, such a solution was obtained for a square plate with a parabolic temperature distribution given by T = TO(y2 - t), the constant To being raised in increments untillarge zones of plastic fiow occurred. Linear strain hardening was assumed with the strain-hardening parameter m taken to be 0.1. Some of the results are shown in Figures 10.2.3 and 10.2.4. Only one quadrant of the plate is shown, the other three quadrants being identical because of symmetry. In these computations 20 stations were taken in the x direction and 20 in the y direction, resulting in a set of 400 simultaneous equations to solve. Figure 10.2.3 shows the rate of growth of the regions of incipient fiow The curves are the loci of alI the points of incipient plastic fiow for a . value of loading parameter TO = ToErx/ao. Plastic fiow starts first at centers of the four sides of the plate and moves rapidly inward. Plastic does not start at the center of the plate unti! it is well developed at the Once plastic fiow has started at the center, however, the rate of growth this zone is greater than at the sides. Figure 10.2.4 shows the plastic strain trajectories for the maximum
l/ / / O. 8 Ta /1/' l/ / I V ..... V / O. 71- f ....,V /" ~ ~ V i><-15 0.6 :---
17/ /
Ta V
y 0.5 0.4 ~
r r-- t-- t-... ~~ .........
\ 0.1
\ 0.3
0.5 x
7 I-- V
O. 7
i - I--
O. 6
f-- 1-
v. V~ V'
/~ /1.%~
~..... ~1.5
/. l'l':V
t-+ì"- t---.,0.5
1" 'Ì',.
rJ. I
f\. ~ O
'l 1/r7 rlrJ
1.5, ~/ Il V 1/17 ll/ il / / / / / 0.5-.1 ) fI / ) 1~ 2 6 f I I
'/ V1 V
t- +- ;.....,
incipient plastic tlow
~< .... "2
y 0.5
Dimensionless plastic strain,
V 1/ / l'l:~ v 11 . . . . V V 1/ ~ ~ v I ! I I T
F1 v Di v.:: r/
I--I--V V
Curves or incipient plastic flow.
!7 v I--~I-- i-'" .....- V /v l/- t/';~ Jt- .....-V ~ I/. ~ O. 8 4
t-'s1 .-V1--,.-
1/ V
1'\ \
1:1)Y 1/ 11
1= I- 11
2~ 1/ V
0.5 x
3:/4J5 1 II Il 1~
10.2.4 Equivalent plastic strain trajectories.
The Piane Elastoplastic Problem [Ch. lO
= 20.
is the summation of the equivalent plastic strain increment divided by the yield strain. The curves shown are the loci of alI points of constant equivalent plastic strain. The dashed curves, labeled curves of incipient plastic fiow, which represent the elastoplastic boundary, correspond to the curves labeled 'To = 20 in Figure 10.2.3. Since both Figures 10.2.3 and 10.2.4 show only one quadrant, it is apparent that for the entire plate there will be five regions of plastic fiow. There is a region about the center almost circular in shape and four regions identical in shape along the four sides of the plate. l'here is no plastic fiow at the corners of the plate. Maximum plastic fiow occurs at the centers of the four sides, where the plastic straining is roughly three times as great as at the center of the plate. Furthermore, the strain gradient is considerably steeper than that near the center. The accuracy of the method was checked by comparing the results of the elastic solution (g = O) with those obtained by other methods, and by comparing the results of the plastic solution obtained at the center section of a 3 x 1 plate with the c1osed-form solution for the infinite plate discussed in Section 9.2. The agreement was excellent, as can be seen in Figure 10.2.5. Sand € are defined in Section 9.2; i.e., 'To
infinite strip 3x1plate
Substituting into the relation
c c
~ -2
\ \
.'o! c
~ /'-..,
oQ. E
0-0 .8
"5<» -4
-5 O
Dimensionless coordinate, y (a)
10.2.5 Comparison of fintte-difference elastoplastic stress-strain solutions for 3 X 1 plate with c1osed-form solution for infinite strip: (a) dimensionless stress; (b) dimensionless strain.
dA = O
wh~re ~ is the cross-sectional area of the plate, enables one to determine B.,' WhlCh IS a constant, and hence U z • The rest of the computations then proceed as for the case of pIane stress. The above holds for generalized pIane strain. For pIane strain, Bz = O and u. is computed directly from (10.2.3).
'\ .~
<J> <J>
"'" "- '\
Since the solution obtained was an incrementaI one using finite increments of load, it was thought worthwhile to run an experiment to determine the effect ofincrement size f1To on the final solution. It was found that f1To = 2.5 ,,:as appro~imately the largest increment size that produced no appreciable dlfference In the final stress and strain distribution at 'To = 20. Calculations were also performed using the two iterative techniques described in Section 9.1, that is, using equations (10.1.4) to calculate the plastic strain increments and using equations (10.1.5). As expected for very large load increments the first method (using the Prandtl-Reuss relations) diverged, whereas the se~ond method, using the plastic strain-total strain equations, always converged. For those cases where both methods converged they gave identical answers. The solution to this problem can be found discussed in greater detail in reference [2]. !he above calcul~:ions were performed for a very thin plate. For a very thlCk plate, a condltlOn of pIane strain would exist at planes far from the surfaces. To obtain a solution to this problem only minor modifications of previous calculation method are necessary. Thus g and f1g must be computed using equations, (10.1.14) instead of (10.1.13). Also it is now necessary to compute U z • ThlS can be done as for the case of the cylinder in Section 9.4. From the third of equations (10.1.8),
aT uolE
Sec. 10-3] Elastoplastic Problem or the Infinite Plate with a Crack
10-3 ELASTOPLASTIC PROBLEM OF TUE INFINITE PLATE Wl TU A CRACK T~e elastic solution of the infinite plate with a crack was first obtained by InglIs [3] ~nd was used by Griffith [4] in his theory ofbrittle crack propagation. It was pOInted out by Orowan [5] that, for ductile materials, the plastic strain energy was a major factor in the energy baI ance of the system and could not be ignored in any analysis of crack stability. Since no solution was available
The PIane Elastoplastic Problem [Ch. IO
for the plastic strain field, various assumptions were introduced to take into account the plastic zone at the tip of a crack, such as Irwin's "equivalent crack length" [6] and Neuber's "plastic particle" [7]. In the present section it will be shown how the previous method can be used to obtain at least approximately the elastoplastic strain field in the vicinity of a crack, for a strain-hardening material. Since the solution can be obtained only numericalIy, the presence of the mathematical singularity at the tip of the crack makes accurate answers very difficult to obtain. The solution to be presented is therefore not intended to provide accurate quantitative results, nor is it necessarily, or even probably, the best method of solving this problem. It is intended primarily to provide qualitative information on the effect of strain hardening and on the differences that might be expected between pIane stress and pIane strain solutions. Consider the case of an infinite plate with a centraI crack 2 units long, with a uniaxial tensile lo ad at infinity perpendicular to the pIane of the crack. As before, alI the stresses are made dimensionless by dividing by the yield stress and alI the strains are divided by the yield strain. The tensile stress at infinity is also divided by the yield stress. Since half the crack length is taken as unity, the x and y coordinates are dimensionless in terms of the half-crack length. We shalI attempt a solution using finite differences, as in the case of the rectangular plate of Section 10.2. We are faced, however, with two problems in applying the finite-difference methods previously described. In the first pIace, it is obviously impossible to cover an infinite region with a finite-difference grido Second, the crack tip is a singular point of the stress field and, as pointed out in reference [8], the error in the finite-difference formulation in the vicinity of the singularity spreads to other points. The best procedure in this type of problem is to subtract out the singularity, if possible, giving a new problem with different boundary conditions, but which will be welI behaved. In the present problem we attempt to minimize both the above difficulties by subtracting out the elastic solution from the problem. The elastic solution contains a singularity at the crack tip and also satisfies the boundary conditions. We are thus Ieft with a well-behaved problem with homogeneous boundary conditions. Furthermore, it has been shown experimentally by Dixon [9] that for most materials (mild steel, which has a Iower yield point, is one exception), the strain field outside the plastic zone is the same as the eiastic strain field; Le., the elastic solution prevails outside the plastic zone. The assumption is therefore made that the infinite plate can be replaced by finite rectangle with an edge crack upon whose boundaries the elastic field acts. Because of symmetry, only one quadrant of the plate need considered. We pro cee d, therefore, in the following manner.
Sec. 10-3]
Elastoplastic Problem or the Infinite Plate with a Crack
A rectangular section is chosen as shown in Figure lO .3.1. On the upper, . left, and nght boundaries of this rectangle, the elastic stress field for the y
I I I -1
J __
Rectangular boundary for finite-difference grido
infini~e plate acts. The lower boundary is a Hne of symmetry. The differential ~quatlOn to be satisfied is equation (10.1.16) without the temperature term;
1.e., '\144> = -g(x, y) -
~g(x, y)
(10.3.1) (10.3.2)
where.4>e is the elastic solution to the problem. Then 4>e satisfies the differential equatlOn '\144>e
and the boundary conditions. 4>p then satisfies '\144>p
= - g(x, y) -
~g(x, y)
~omogen~ous boundary conditions. If it is assumed that the elastic pr.evatls on the upper, left, and right boundaries of the rectangle 10 FIgure 10.3.1, then we areleft with the problem offinding a function
The Piane Elastoplastic Problem [Ch. lO
~ Re [ - zz +
+ 2zVZ2
2In (z + VZ2=1)]
Sec. 10-3] Elastoplastic Problem of the Infinite Plate with a Crack o l::. D
small grid medium grid large grid elastie yield loeus
'-----------l - -
I r-----------------'i I I I c-/. I I ;stJJ-.. . . , r-I: 00;0& i I 1
0.4 f-
,I l' [
/ Il
t \
where Re stands for the "real part of," z is the complex variable x + iy, z is its conjugate, and P is the stress at infinity divided by the yield stress. For every iteration the value of
o D l::.
\..1"0";' /
10.3.2 Effect of grid size on plastic zone.
m 0.3 y
O.i ~~
O '------l._--.::s..I __ _
I .J1 __
Variation of plastic zone shape with strain-hardening parameter.
The Piane Elastoplastic Problem [Ch. IO
Sec. 10-3] Elastoplastic Problem or the Infinite Plate with a Crack
0.7 P=0.6
o L--_ _ 0.8
10.3.4 Growth of piastic zone size with Ioad; pIane stress.
as a function of the strain-hardening parameter m. Figure 10.3.4 shows the growth of the pIastic zone with Io ad for a strain-hardening ~aramet~r, m = 0.1. It is seen that the shape of the e1astopIastic boundanes ~emam similar to each other as the Io ad increases, again in agreement wlth the experimentaI results of reference [9]. . AlI the previous results were for the case of pIane str~s.s. The pIane st~am case provides no additionaI difficulties. One uses the defimtlOn ofthe func~lOns g and /::"g given in equations (10.1.14) and computes U z from (10.2.3). FIgure 10.3.5 shows the growth of the pIastic zone with Ioad for th~ case of.pIane strain for linear strain-hardening with m equaI to 0.1. Companson of Flgures 10.3.4 and 10.3.5 shows that the areas covered by the pIastic zones for pIane strain are considerabIy smalIer than those for pIane stress for the same Ioad ratios. As mentioned at the beginning of this section, the above ~esult~ canno: ~e Iooked upon as quantitativeIy accurate without further venficatlOn. ThlS lS due to severaI factors. In the first pIace, to ensure that the assumption that the e1astic soIution prevails on the boundary of the rectangIe i~ reasona~Iy correct the rectangIe size was kept at roughIy twice the pIashc zone SlZ~. This n:eant that a majority of the grid points did not falI within the pIastlC zone. To keep the number of simultaneous equations to be s~Ived at a reasonabIe vaIue, the grid spacing was necessarily very co arse wlth res~ect to the pIastic zone size. Thus, although as many as 800 simuItaneous equatlOns
_ __
10.3.5 Growth of plastic zone size with Ioad; pIane strain.
were soIved for one particuIar case, less than 300 of the grid points were within the pIastic zone. It is, of course, possible to improve this situation by using a variable grid spacing, which was not done in the above ca1culations. Second, the effect of the singularity on the resu1ts of the computation is not ~t all clear. The elastic solution 1>e, which is subtracted as previously descnbed, has a square-root stress singularity. If the plasticity solution has th~ same order singularity, then the technique used in subtracting the singuIanty would be effective. However, it is likely that the order of singularity changes as plastic flow progresses. This has been indicated in resu1ts obtained by Swedlow [11]. If this is true, then subtracting the elastic singularity may not be so effective and errors due to the singularity may be propagated through the solution. This requires further investigation. A solution using the successive-approximation technique and finite differences was also obtained in reference [12] for a finite plate with symmetric e~ge cracks. Again, because of the coarseness of the grid and the stress ~In~ularities, the resu1ts cannot be expected to be accurate, but do give an IndICation of the shape and growth of the plastic zone.
The PIane Elastoplastic Problem [Ch. lO
A somewhat different technique was empIoyed in reference [11] for solving the problem of a center-cracked symmetrically Ioaded plate. An equation similar to (10.3.1) was derived in terms of the rate of change (or increment) ofthe stress function. Por the case ofpIane stress, this equation is quasilinear; i.e., it is linear in although nonlinear in 4>. Assuming the stresses and strains are known at a given time, the increment in 4>, and consequently in the stresses and strains, can be computed using the stress-strain curve. Both finitedifference and finite-element methods [15] were used in reference [11]. The latter method is said to give better resulis. The pIane strain problem, however, cannot readily be solved by the method of reference [11].
Sec. 10-4] Strain-Invariance Principle
It should ~e noted that the totai strains, being a solution of the elast' pr~blem, s.a~ls~y the cou:patibility relations. The stresses, however, do n~~ satIsfy eqUl~lbrIum equatlOns. If the plastic zone is relatively small compared to the elastIc zone, then, since the elastic stresses do satisfy the eq 'l'b . t' 'l'b . . Ul l rIum equ~ l?nS, ~qUl l num wIll be satisfied approximately on the whole and the stram-mvanance answers would be expected t o b e reasona bI y ' correct H . .owever, lf t~e plastic zone is very large, then equilibrium on the wh l' wI11 not be satIsfied and the strain-invariance answers may be appreciablyOi e error. n The results of strain-invariance answers for the plate problems of S t' 9.2 and 10.2 are shown in Pigures 10.4.1 and lO .4.. 2 P'19ure lO .. 41 shows ec IOnsa
strain-hardening errar - - - - strain-invariance errar erro~ due ta neglecting - -straln-:-hardening and assumlng strain- invariance
A study of the previous examples, as well as other examples involving primarily thermalloading, has Ied to an interesting observation of practical importance. Por thermal stress problems without additionalloads, the total strains do not change very much because ofthe plastic deformation compared to the elastically computed strains. Hence an elastic computation gives approximateIy the correct values of the total strains for these types of probIems. This has been called the strain-invariance principle [13, 14]. To compute the plastic strains using strain invariance, the plastic straintotal strain relations are used. If e1> e2, and es are known from the elastic solution (principal strains are used for brevity), then eet is computed from (10.4.1) can then be obtained from the plot of ep versus eet derived from the stress-strain curve. The plastic strains are computed from ep
20 16
\ -8
0.1..... _ - - -
\\ // \\ .... \ ....... \ O
The stresses are computed from the stress-strain relations al
a2 = À(e1
as = À(e1
+ e2 + es + e2 + es + e2 + es
- 3aT) - 3aT) - 3aT)
+ 2G(e1 + 2G(e2 + 2G(ss
aT - eD aT - e~) - aT - e~) -
This method onIy applies for a one-step Ioading problem.
-16~--:---L---.J_ _
12 Loading parameter
16 T
Per cent error in plastic strain using strain invariance; infinite
The Piane Elastoplastic Problem [Ch. lO
References 233
--- --- --
neglecting strain hardening __ - 3 x 1 PIat e
_-- --
"'----- ---
2 -10
neglecting stroin hardening _ . - 1x1 plate
" .--._."""-.---
m=0.1 _ _- - 1 x 1 plate
2. E. Roberts, Jr., and A. Mendelson An' . and Strains in Finite Thin Plate NASA Ta;:SIS of PIastre Thermal Stresses 3. C. E. IngIis, Stresses in a Plate' Due to the ~-2206, 1964. Corners, Trans. Inst. Naval Arch 55 N resence of Cracks and Sharp 4. A. A. Griffith Th Ph '" o. 1, 1913, pp. 219-239. . S . , e enomena of Rupture and FI Roy. Soc. London, A221, 1921, pp. 163-198. ow In ohds, Phil. Trans . 5. E. Orowan, Fundamentals 01 Brittle Beh . . 01 Metals, M.I. T. Press, Boston M aVlo~ In Metal~, Fatigue and Fracture pp. 139-169. ' ass., an John WIley, New York, 1952, 6.
Load ing parameter
FIGURE 1004.2 Same as Figure 1004.1; 1 x 1 and 3 x 1 plates. pio t of the error in the maximum plastic strain assuming strain invariance, as a function of the loading parameter 1'0, for the thin infinite strip of Section 9.2. Also shown is the error in neglecting strain hardening for a strainhardening parameter m = 0.1 (i.e., assuming m = O instead of m = 0.1). It is seen that the error in neglecting strain hardening is on the conservative si de (gives larger plastic strains than actually exist); the error in strain invariance is on thenonconservative side. It is interesting to note also, as is shown in the figure, that if one makes both assumptions, i.e., neglects strain hardening and assumes strain invariance, the errors tend to cancel each other. In any case, from an engineering viewpoint a lO per cent or even a 20 per cent error is not very large, considering our inexact knowledge of material behavior. Figure 10.4.2 shows similar results for the square plate and the 3 x 1 plate of Section 10.2. Problems
1. Derive equation (10.1.11). 2. Obtain the finite-difference equation corresponding to equation (10.2.1) assuming the grid spacing in the y direction is twice that in the x direction. 3. Determine the expression for ez for the case of generalized pIane strain by means of equations (10.2.3) and (10.204). 4. Show that the stress function given by equation (10.3.5) satisfies the boundary conditions for an infinite piate with a crack 2 units long and loaded at infinity with a tensile stress P normai to the pIane of the crack.
I. S. SokoIinkoff, Mathematical Th York, 1956, p. 260. eory 01 Elasticity, McGraw-Hill, New
Fracture Testing 01 High Strength Sheet Al, . ~S~M Committee, ASTM Bull. 243, 1960. atenals, A Report of a Special
7. L' euber, Th~ory of Notch Stresses, AEC TR-4547 1958 8. . Fox, Numerrcal Solution olOrdinar a d " . Pergamon Press, London 1962 301 Y n Partlal Differential Equations, 9 J R D' "p. . · . . lxon, The Effect of Locai Plastic D t . bution Around a Crack NEL R t AT e ormatlOn on the Stress DistrilO N I M . ' :p . HO. 71, Dee. 1962 · " uskhehshvili, Some Basic Problem' . 01 Elasticity P Noordhoff G ' 1 s In the Mathematical Theory Il ' . , ronIngen, 953. · J. L. Swedlow, M. L. Williams and W H Y . d" . ang, Elasto-PIastrc Stresses and Strains in Cracked Plates P' Fracture, Sendai, Japan, Sep; ;;;;~ l;gS olth~ International Conlerence on 12. I. S. Tuba, A Method of EIa'stic-pÌ a ~o Galclt SM 65-14, JuIy 1965. J. Stra in Anal., 1, No.2, 1966, pp. ::~~l;~ane Stress and Strain AnaIysis, 13. A. Mendelson and S. S. Manson Prac' l ' . ProbIems in the Eiastic-Plast" trca SoIutlOn of Plastic Deformation 14. S. S. Manson, Thermal Stressl~ /~ge, NASA T~ R-28, 1959. York, 1966, p. 196. n ow Cycle Fatrgue, McGraw-Hill, New
15. M. J. Turner, R. W. Clough H C M r t" Deflection Analysis of Com;Iex' St' In, and L. J. Tupp, Stiffness and 1965, pp. 805-823. ruc ures, J. Aerospace, Sci., 23, No.9,
Sec. Il-I]
Torsion of Prismatic Bar. Generai Relations
--------- -----
.... 'f--'r------II
" J
Prisma tic bar subject to twisting couple.
For case of the bea m t WlS . t ed as shown, lt . lS . assumed that the an le of ' the . tW.lS~ o~: gl~~n cross section is directly proportionai to its distance fro! the ~~r~: theU~ 1. ~he ~nIIghie oftwist per unit Iength is a, then a section a distance ngm Wl ave rotated an amount
if; = az
Now consid~~ a point. p originally at Iocation (x, y, z). This point will rotate to a posltlOn P I wlth coordinates (x h y h Zl ),wh ere In this chapter severai problems of torsion will be considered. Although these problems are in generaI two-dimensional, they are usually simpier than pIane stress or pIane strain problems. This is due to the fact that the governing differentiai equation is of the second order rather than the fourth order, as is the case for the pIane problems. Furthermore, for bars of circular cross section the Ioading is radiaI, so that incrementaI piasticity theories need not be used at Ieast for this case.
u, v, assumed. smaii The proJectlOn " . tand whbeing the displacements, of these pom s on t e xy pIane are shown in Figure Il 1 2 If th l . . . . e po ar coordmates of the point P are r and 8, then we have x = r cos 8 Xl =
r cos (8
y = r sin 8
+ if;)
Y1 = r sin (8
+ if;)
Consider a prismatic bar subject to a twisting couple as shown in Figure Il.1.1. One end of the bar is assumed fixed against rotation but not against warping, and at the other end a couple M with a moment along the z axis is applied. The eiastic solution for a beam of arbitrary cross section was first obtained by Saint-Venant [1], using the semiinverse method. In this methocL some simplifying assumptions concerning the stresses and/or Ols:pHiCementS are first made and a solution to the given problem obtained. If this satisfies the necessary equations of equilibrium and compatibility and stress-strain re1ations, as well as the boundary conditions, then the "v.'.......• is a correct one. 234
11.1.2 Projection of twisted cross section.
The Torsion Problem [Ch. 11
and if it is assumed that IjJ is small, so that cos IjJ
Sec. 11-1]
Torsion of Prismatic Bar. Generai Relations
From (11.1.5) it follows that the constant in (11.1. 7) must equal a. Therefore, the compatibility equation for this problem becomes
then U
= Xl - X = - rIjJ sin e = = Yl - Y = rIjJ cos e = xIjJ
= -yza v = XZa
= w(x,
y, a)
It should be emphasized again that the shear strains 8 yZ and 8 xz are the components of the strain tensor as defined by equation (4.1.12) and are therefore equal to one half the engineering shearing strains used by other authors. Looking now at the equilibrium equations (3.2.2), it is seen by virtue of (11.1.5) and the stress-strain relations that the first two are identical1y satisfied and the third becomes
· (11 .. 1 4) are essentially assumptions, since It is to be noted that equat 10ns d · ti f om the assumption (11.1.1). .' ( a) is called the warpingfunction. they stem lrec y r The to the angle of twist per For the e as IC pro f't roblem this is in generaI no longer true. unit length a. For the plas ICI YbPt't t d into the strain-displacement relations Equations (11.1.4) can be su SI U e (4.1.12) to obtain the strains. Thus
disfla~emen~~~h~t ~:~~r~~;~ ;r:~rtional
. 1( 8xz = 2: -ya
yZ = 2:1 ( Xa
+ OW) Bx
_ ~ (_ B8 yZ By Bx
_ l 8xz - 2G T xz
+ 8xz (11.1.10)
(11.1.5) where 8~z and 8~z are the accumulated plastic components of the total shear strains. Substituting (11.1.10) into (11.1.8), the compatibility equation is obtained in terms of the stress es :
+ BW) By
~ (_ B8 yZ + B8 XZ )
which is the equilibrium equation for the problem. We now turn to the stress-strain re1ations. These can be written
. )' to the compatibility equations (4.7.2), it is Substituting equat10ns (11 ·1. 5 ;n t f these equations are identically satisfied h d seen that the first three an t e as o and the other two become
xz 2Ga+gx,y BT yZ- BT= () Bx
= O
) =
g ( ,y
+ B8 XZ ) = O
We now introduce a stress function
B8 yZ _ 08 xz = constant Bx oy
Br/> By
(B8~z _ B8f z) By Bx
such that
_ Br/> OX
The Torsion Problem [Ch. 11
Then the equilibrium equation (11.1.9) is identically satisfied and the compatibility equation (11.1.11) becomes \j
2 _ 8 4> 4> = 8X2
82 4> _
+ 8y2 -
-2Ga - g(X, y)
For the elastic problem g(x, y) is equal to zero. The boundary conditions for the problem can be obtained direct1y from equations (3.3.1). The first two of these are identically satisfied and the third reduces to
Sec. Il-I]
It should be noted that equation (11.1.15) is equivalent to the statement that the resultant shear stress at the boundary is tangent to the boundary. This must always be true if the Iaterai surface of the bar is force-free. It aiso follows, since equation (11.1.17) and consequent1y equation (11.1.15) hold for any line 4> = constant in the cross section, that the resultant shear stress at any point is tangential to the 4> = constant line passing through that point. The lines 4> = constant are called the stress trajectories. Furthermore, from (11.1.13) it folIows that the resultant shear stress T at any point is given by
From Figure 11.1.3 it can be seen that
Torsion of Prismatic Bar. Generai Relations
T = VT;z or
T~z = J(:~r + (:~r
Igrad 4>1
The resultant shear stress is thus equai to the gradient of the stress function 4>. Let us now calculate the resultant forces and moments acting on any cross section. The force in the x direction is given by
Qx =
JJTxz dx dy = JJ:~ dx dy
= J[4>(x, A) FIGURE
11.1.3 Geometry of boundary.
l = cos (n, x) = ds
(11.1.16) m
= cos (n, y) = -
dx ds
= JJ(TyZX =-
on the boundary
where the double integraI is taken over the area of the cross section and 4>(x, A) and 4>(x, B) are the values of 4> at two opposite points ofthe boundary at a given value of x, and are consequent1y equai to zero because of the boundary condition (11.1.18). In a similar fashion, it folIows that the y component of the resultant stress is zero. Finally, the torque acting on the section is computed from
and (11.1.15) becomes, upon combining with (11.1.13),
or 4> equals a constant along the boundary. In the case of simply connected boundaries, e.g., solid bars, this constant can be chosen arbitrari1y, since we are interested only in the derivatives of 4>. It is, therefore, for convenience chosen to be zero, so that the boundary condition becomes
- 4>(x, B)]dx
- Txzy)dx dy x
+ :~Y)dX dy
Integrating by parts and making use again of the boundary condition (11.1.18) results in M = 2
JJ4> dx dy
The Torsion Problem [Ch. 11
If a solution is obtained for equation (11.1.14) subject to the boundary condition (11.1.18), then the stress es can be computed from (11.1.13) and the strains from (11.1.1 O). (The calculation of the plastic strains will be discussed subsequent1y.) The equilibrium and compatibility equations, the stress-strain relations, and the boundary conditions will all be satisfied. The assumptiòn (11.1.1), or equivalently (11.1.4), thus leads to the correct solution of the torsion problem. It should be noted, however, that the solution requires the same stress distributions to act on every cross section, including the end sections. However, by Saint-Venant's principle, if the beam is sufficient1y long, the solution will be valid for all cross sections far enough away from the ends for any stress distribution acting on the ends, provided the resultant force is zero and the resultant moment is given by (11.1.22). Equation (11.1.14) is the well-known Poisson's equation, which is encountered so frequent1y in mathematical physics. Its solution can be obtained by many different techniques. For the elasticity problem, the right si de is a constant, and solutions, at least for simple shapes, can readily be obtained. For the plasticity problem the right side is a function of the plastic strains and is therefore unknown until the solution is obtained. (The problem is nonlinear.) For materials with or without strain hardening we can use the method of successive elastic solutions described in Chapter 9. For perfect1y plastic materials, a simpler, more specialized approach, to be described subsequent1y, can sometimes be used. In either case the elasticity solution is a prerequisite to the plasticity solution, and we shall therefore first present some solutions to the elasticity problem.
Sec. 11-2] Elasticity Solutions
the ~ou~dary condi~ion (11.1.18), g, = 0, will obviously be satisfied, and substItUtlllg (11.2.2) lllto (11.1.14) results in (11.2.3) Hence (11.2.4) is the solution for the elastic case. T~e torque req~ir~d to produce the angle of twist per uni t length a is obtallled by subStItUtlllg the solution (11.2 .4) into (11 .l . 22), g1Vlllg .. (11.2.5) The consta~t GJ is called the torsional rigidity, or torsional stiffness, of the bar, for ObVlOUS reasons. To obtain the shear stresses, the solution (11.2.4) is differentiated to give T xz
T yZ
= =
oy = - 2 a2
og, -ox
+ b 2 Gay
= 2 a2 + b 2 Gax
and the resultant shear stress is
11-2 ELASTICITY SOLUTIONS Equation (11.1.14), with g(x, y) equal to zero, can sometimes be solved by guessing a solution, if the boundary of the cross section is of a simple shape. For example, if the bar has an elliptic cross section, the equation of the boundary curve being
T~e maximum stress will occur on the boundary at the point closest to the aXlS of the bar at x = 0, y = b. Thus (11.2.8) T(10 obtain the warping function w(x, y, a), we first compute the strains from 1.1.10) :
then choosing for a stress function (11.2.9)
The Torsion Problem [Ch. 11
Sec. 11-2] Elasticity Solutions 243
and then, from equation (11.1.5),
y 2
8x = bb + a ay
Therefore, b2
w = b2
+ a2 axy + constant FIGURE
and since at the origin w must vanish, the constant must equal zero, and
w(x, y, a) = bb
2 _
EquilateraI triangle.
If we therefore choose as a stress function (11.2.11)
The lines of constant W are therefore equilateral hyperbolas. If the cross section is a circ1e, then bis equal to a in aH the previous formulas, resulting in
~ = c(x - :3)(y - ~ - ja)(y +
. ~ will be zero on the boundary. Substitutinginto (11.1.14) [withg(x y) _ O] glVes for c: ' -
C = -Ga 2a
Hence T XZ
= -Gay
T yZ
= Gar
max =
~ = ~: (V3 x- a)(y - :3 - ;a)(y + :3 + ;a)
is the solution to the problem. The stresses the tor ue and . q, the warpmg function can be computed as before. '
Fi As a :~~1 ;xample,. consider a bar of rectangular cross section, as shown in gure . . . For thIS case the solution is not as simple as for the previous
w=o Next consider a bar whose cross section is an equilateral triangle as shown in Figure Il.2.1. The origin of x and y axes is taken at the centroid. Then the
equation of the straight lines representing the three sides are
a x=-
11.2.2 Bar of rectangular cross section.
The Torsion Problem [Ch. 11
cases, since it is no longer possible to guess a solution. Equation (11.1.14) must be solved by one of the available methods. For example, the method of separation of variables is used in reference [2], resulting in an infinite-series solution, whereas in reference [3] the Green's function is used, resulting in a double infinite series. Here the finite-difference method will be used, since it is relatively simple and can be direct1y extended to elastoplastic problems. We note first that because of symmetry, only one quadrant of the section need be considered. For a square cross section the diagonals are also lines of symmetry and only one octant is used. The quadrant is divided into a grid of n x m points as shown in Figure Il.2.3. At each of the grid points,
• • • • • • • • • • 2
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
and right boundaries of the quadrant For a . th d' . square sectlOn only the poi t on e lagonal and to the right of th d' le ' ns resulting in ~n(n _ l) . e lagona or left) need be considered, 2 equatlOns. Along the lower boundar b y, ecause of symmetry, equation (11.2.15) becomes
+ 4>1-1.1 + 24>1.2
= -2Gah2
and along the Ieft bùundary,
+ 4>1.1+1 + 24>2.1
- 44>1,}
Along the diagonal of a square,
j }-1
+ 24>1.1-1
- 44>1.1 = -2Gah2
- 44>1.1 = -2Gah 2
.~UCh ~ soIut~on :vas obtained for a square cross section using an Il x Il gn . as s own In FIgure 11.2.3. The 55 resulting equations were solved b stralghtforward Gauss-Seidel process esee reference [9]) Th . Ya st· h' h . e maXlmum shear less, w IC occurs at the centers of the sides and th t below with the values from reference [2]: ' e orque are compared
such as the point designated by (i, j), equation (11.1.14) is written in finitedifference form:
+ 4>1-1.1 + 4>1.1-1 + 4>1.1+1
(11.2. 16a)
44>2.1 - 44>1.1 = -2Gah 2
FIGURE 11.2.3 Finite-difference grid for rectangle.
- 44>1.1 = -2Gah2
and at the center,
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • (,;;) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Sec. 11-3] Membrane Analogy
where h is the grid spacing assumed constant and is the same in both the x and y directions. An equation such as (11.2.15) can be written for each of the n x m grid points, resulting in a set of n x m simultaneous linear equations for the unknown values of 4> at each of the points. Once the >,s are determined as the solution of this set of equations, the shear stress can be obtàined from equations (11.1.13) by numerical differentiation and the torque for a given angle of twist per unit length a from equation (11.1.22) by numerical integration. Actually the number of equations to be solved is (m - 1) x (n - 1) rather than m x n, since the boundary conditions require 4> to be zero at the
Tmax/Gaa M/Gaa 4 4>1.1/Gaa 2
Re/. [2]
Finite Difference
1.351 2.250
1.343 2.244
It is seen that the solution with this many grid points is sufficientIy accurate.
11-3 MEMBRANE ANALOGY Solutions of the elastic torsion r bI mental1y by means of th P o em can also be obtained experisid e membrane analogy suggested by PrandtI [4] C er a membrane such as a soap film havin h . onsection ofthe bar being twisted Ifth d g t. esame shape as the cross . e e ges of thlS membrane are fixed and a
The Torsion Problem [Ch. , 11
, appl'l d toe one si, de the membrane will deflect an amount glven pressure lS [2] by 269)' , , of the following equations (reference , p, by the so1u t lOn
Sec. 11-4] Elastoplastic Torsion. Perfect Plasticity
in the plastic region, whereas in the elastic part of the bar \12>
(11.3.1) h is the deflection of a point of the membrane, p the applied pr~ssuref' w ere z "1 h in the membrane. Companson o and ~ the constant tenslO~ ~~~4un[~i;:~(X, y) equal to zero for the elastic equatlOns (11.3.1) and ( '. ) d' t 1 The deflection z of the membrane the analogy lmme la e y. 1 ] h prob em s ows ' n d if 2Gex is equal to p/S, z is equal to >. to stre7 at any point is proportional to the The maXlmum s ope o . t and the volume under the membrane resultant shear stress at thde pom _ O pIane) is proportional to the torque (b , 1f the membrane an t h e z nit len th. The membrane analogy lS usefu or ~; complicated shapes and has been used producmg a tW1St of ex per u, determining the stress fun~tlO~ °lastic torsion for perfect1y plastic materials very successfully. Hs extenslOn o p will be discussed in Section 11.4.
correspo~ds t~e
11-4 ELASTOPLASTIC TORSION.PERFECT PLASTICITY , 1arge, p 1as t'lC flow (will occur. the If the applied torque is sufficlently P bI Since 2 and '11 1 s occur at the boundary see ro em maximum stress Wl . a way will start at some point on the boundary and reference [5]), a pla~tlC z,one h is increased, Additional plastic d d the mtenor as t e torque sprea towar other oints in the cross section, For the SUbS~qUent1Yblstar\~! yield ~riteria of von Mises and of Tresca zones may case of the torslOn pro em, both reduce to T 2xz
+ T yz2
, von Mises ., . . h ield stress in slmple shear. Accor d'm g to the . k lS t e y . ;d d' t the Tresca cntenon lt lS where ,.. v 3 an accor mg o , , cntenon, k lS equal to Go/ : d . , pIe tension If the matenalls , . /2 h e G is the ywl stress m Slm equal to Go , W er , (11:. 4 l) mus . t hold everywhere in the plashc perfect1y plastic, then oequatlOn region. In terms of the stress functlOn
and > = Oon the boundary ofthe bar. The eIastopIastic boundary is unknown and is determined from the conditions that > and its first derivatives (the shear stresses) are continuous across this boundary and that the resultant shear stress is Iess than or equaI to k inside the eIastic region. Equation (11.4.2) can aIso be written /grad >/ = k
inside the pIastic region, In other words, the sIope of the > surface is a constant, equal to k, in the pIastic region, it is not greater than k in the elastic region, and the height and sIope of the > surface are continuous across the eIastopIastic boundary, The above conditions on > for a perfectly pIastic materiaI suggest the extension of the membrane analogy to a partially pIastic bar [6, 7]. A roof of constant slope, proportionaI to k, is erected with the membrane as its base. As the membrane is pressurized and deflects, it wiII approach the roof, The region of the membrane corresponding to the region of the bar flowing pIasticalIy wiII be pressed against the roof and wiII have the same sIope as the roof. The rest of the membrane, corresponding to the elastic region, wiII not be touching the roof and wiII have a smaller sIope. The membrane-roo! analogy furnishes a simple physicaI and intuitive picture ofthe growth ofthe pIastic zones as the torque is increased. To obtain quantitative resuIts wiII usualIy entail a considerabIe amount of Iabor, For the case of complete pIastic yieIding, the soIution becomes much simpIer, In this case the membrane wiII be in contact with the whole roof, and it is no Ionger necessary to use a membrane, Instead, one constructs a roof of the proper sIope, This can be done by simpIy heaping dry sand onto a pIate whose shape is simiIar to the cross section of the bar. Since the torque is equaI to twice the volume of sand (see Problem 5), the torque required to produce complete yieIding can readiIy be determined. Thus for a circIe of radius a, the volume of the sand hilI (in this case, a eone) is
where h is the height of the heap. Since the sIope of the sand hilI corresponds to the shear yieId stress k,
(:~r + (:~r = k
= -2Ga
The Torsion Problem [Ch. 11
and the torque is given by
Sec. 11-51 Elastoplastic Torsion with Strain Hardening
where eo and ao are the yield strain and yield stress, respectively, related to each other by ao = Eeo and a is a characteristic linear dimension of the cross section. The system of equations to be solved for a simply connected cross section can now be written
Similarly, for a rectangle with dimensions a x b [8], 2 M p = 112 a (3b - a)k
(11.4.6) (11.5.2)
Il .. 4 1 shows the sand-hill analogies for the above two cases. · F 19ure
on boundary
- Bg foE----
(11.5.4) (11.5.5)
Sand-hl'll analogies for circular and rectangular cross sections.
= V3 v
+ Ex
. blem for strain-hardening materials has received relativ~ly The torslOn pro. . , t '11 be shown that the method of succeSSIVe little attention. In thlS sectl.on l Wl . i ns can readily be adapted to the elastic solutions or succeSSIve ap~ro;'lmat o then becomes a simple limiting
torsion problem. The pe;fe::~bie~s ~~ ~::ar strain hardening. The plastic case of the mo~e genetr~ will be used and for convenience the following strain-total stram equa lOns , dimensionless quantities are introduced.
- 2Geoa
7' xz
= -x - 2Geo
l + P, =- 7' xz ao
g = x/a
= Y -
7'z -y-
= -ao
The relationship expressed in equation (11.5.7) is obtained from the uniaxial stress-strain curve and, as is evident, relations in terms of plastic strains-total strains are being used. The successive approximation method proceeds in the usual manner. The plastic strainsare assumed to be zero everywhere. Equations (11.5.3) are solved by any available method. The stresses, the total strains, and equivalent total strain are computed by means of equations (11.5.4) through (11.5.7) with the help of the stress-strain curve. If at any point in the cross section the equivalent plastic strain as computed from (11.5.7) is negative, this point is in the elastic region, and the plastic strains at this point are set equal to zero. Otherwise, new approximations to the plastic strains are calculated by means of equations (11.5.8). One then returns to equation (11.5.2) and process repeated until convergence is obtained. The method wilI be illustrated for bars of rectangular and circular cross sections. For a circular cross with linear strain hardening the solution can be obtained in closed
The Torsion Problem [Ch. 11
The eiastic solution for a bar with a rectanguiar cross section by means of finite differences was presented in Section 11.2. To obtain the eiastopiastic solution the function g(x, y) is subtracted from the right side of equation (11.2.15), which in terms of the dimensioniess quantities defined in (11.5.1) becomes
Sec. 11-6] Bar with Rectangular Cross Section
The results of such a calcuiation for a square cross section with Il x Il grid points as shown in Figure 11.2.3 are shown in Figures 11.6.1 through 11.6.4. In these calcuiations linear strain hardening was assumed. Equation (11.5.7), reiating the equivalent piastic strain to the equivalent totai strain, can then be written (see Section 7.9)
= 1 + j{l
+ ft)(mf1
- m)
where gl,j
1 (P = 2H Ex,l,!+l
P Ex,l,j-l -
P ElI,Hl,j
+ ElI,l-l,! P )
(11.6.2) 3,2
and H is the grid spacing divided by a. The onIy difference between equations (11.6.1) and (11.2.15) is in the numbers appearing on the right side, which now depend on the piastic strains and change from iteration to iteration. Equations (11.6.1) can tlierefore be solved in the same way as equations (11.2.15) for the eiastic case. Once the values of U are determined at all the grid points, corresponding values of piastic strains are computed by means of equations (11.5.4) through (11.5.8), as fully described in Section 11.5. The gl,! are then recomputed and equations (11.6.1) solved again, the process being repeated unti! convergence, is obtained.
o Q.E
11.6.2 Variation or E:;'ax with f3.
m 1.0 m
1.0 4,0
M* )(
o E
QQ5 ~ _
11.6.1 Variation or T max with f3.
11.6.3 Variation or M* with f3.
The Torsion Problem [Ch. Il
where the strain-hardening parameter m is the ratio of th~ slope of the linear hardening curve to the slope of the elastic curve, as pr~vlOusly ~efined. For the perfect1y plastic case m is equal to 0, and for the elastlC case m lS equal to 1.
Sec. 11-7] Bar with Circular Cross Section
The figures show the effects of the strain-hardening parameter and the angle of twist on the maximum stress, the maximum plastic strain, the size of the plastic zone, and the torque. The results are also summarized in Table Il.6.1. Although the calcuiations are described using deformation theory, a similar calcuiation, increasing et in steps, gave aimost identical results. This is in agreement with similar calcuiations in reference [11]. As shown in reference [12], incrementaI and deformation theories give identical results for a perfectly piastic material of any cross section or a strain-hardening materiai of circuiar cross seption. For strain-hardening materiais of noncircuiar cross sections they will yie1d different results. It appears, however, that the differences will in generaI be slight.
11-7 BAR WITH CIRCULAR CROSS SECTION For a bar with a circular cross section the solution is greatly simplified. In particular, for the case of linear strain hardening, a c1osed-form solution can be obtained. In polar coordinates the displacements are Ur =
T max
2 3 4 5
1.786 1.918 1.955 1.977
0.751 0.751 0.751 0.751
0.820 1.824 2.851 3.959
2 3 4 5 6
1.813 1.997 2.094 2.166 2.228
0.785 0.825 0.862 0.899 0.934
0.758 1.623 2.434 3.240 4.003
1.838 2.073 2.223 2.347 2.465
0.818 0.893 0.963 1.032 1.099
0.701 1.478 2.209 2.919 3.618
1.890 2.220 2.471 2.717 2.966
0.881 1.022 1.156 1.290 1.426
0.600 1.250 1.870 2.488 3.116
3 4
5 6 0.20
2 3 4
5 6
= etrz
and the only nonzero strain is (11. 7.2) The stress-strain relation can therefore be written
(11. 7.3) The von Mises equivalent stress reduces to (11. 7.4) and the equivalent plastic strain is
, ì
The Torsion Problem [Ch. 11
Sec. 11-7] Bar with Circular Cross Section
and the criticaI angle of twist per unit length will be
r (i==P
(Je - S 2Gso = e
(11.7.13) or
where a is the radius of the bar. Then equation (11.7.6) can be written in dimensionless form as
The stress-strain curve can be written in dimensionless form as
To summarize, the strain-hardening solution is found as follows. The elastoplastic boundary Pc is first determined from equation (11.7.11). The stress and strain in the elastic region for P :::; Pc are then computed from equations (11.7.2) and (11.7.3) with s:z set equal to zero. In the plastic region P > Pc, equation (11.7.10) is solved, usually by an iterative method. s:z can then b~ computed from equation (11. 7.5) and the shear stress from (11. 7.3). Once the shear stress is known throughout the section, the torque can be computed by integration. Let us now consider the case of linear strain hardening. Equation (11. 7.9) for the stress-strain curve can be written
and combining with (11.7.8) results in
(11. 7.14) Hence
(11.7.10) becomes
which can be solved iteratively for €p' Equation (11.7.10) is valid only in the plastic region. Let this regio n exten.d - l • To determine the position of the e1astoplastrc bet ween P = Pc and P boundary, i.e., Pc, let Sp = O when (Je = (Jo or when €p
Hence from (11. 7.8)
+ p,) V3 (3
2(1 Pc =
V3 (3p - 2(1 + p,) + 2(1 + p,)m/{l - m)
M 3 = 27T' M * =- 2-G TOP 2dP soa o substituting
- 2(1 -
v3+ p,)
Note that the criticaI value of P is obtained when the numerator of (11. 7.15) vanishes, which resuIts again in equation (11.7.11). Once the equivalent plastic strain is known from equation (11.7.15), the shear strain and the stress are computed from (11.7.5) and (11.7.3). have thus obtained a complete solution in closed formo To compute the define 1'0 == Toz/2Geo. Then
which depends only on Poisson's ratio and the yield str~in but no~ on stress-strain curve. The value of (3 at which plastic flow )ust starts 1S from equation (11.7.11) by setting Pc equal to 1. Thus the criticaI value will be
_{tf3P 1(3
1'0 -
"2 P -
P :::; Pc P ~ Pc
(11. 7.16)
The Torsion Problem [Ch. 11
results in
7rt -
M* = where
p~) + tB(l
v'37r[tA(1 -
- p2)]
A = 3
+ 2(1 + p,)m/(l 2(1 + p,) 3 + 2(1 + p,)m/{l
Sec. 11-7] Bar with Circular Cross Section
ResuIts of eomputations using the above formulas are shown in Figures 11.7.1 through 11.7.3. Figure 11.7.1 shows the elastoplastie boundary as a funetion of f3. Figure 11.7.2 shows the effeet of the strain-hardening parameter on the shear stress for f3 = 5.0, and Figure 11.7.3 shows the effeet of these parameters on the torque.
- m)
Note that for Pc = 1 (no plastie flow) the torque reduees to ~he elastic torque as given in equation (11.2.12). For a perfeet1y plastie matenal, m
and or
A =
= -i(1 + p,)
11111111!!~~~§~§~===:0.10 g.05
M* = 2'1r(1; p,) (1 - !pn 3 3 M =
0.20 0.15
2;~io [1 - 12J3a3 (~:r]
and we reeover the classical solution as given in referenee [lO].
11.7.2 Variation of TO with P for various m: f3
= 5.0.
m 0.20
12 3
2 6 4
Variation of pc with f3.
Variation of M* with f3 for various m.
I l!
The Torsion Problem [Ch. 11
Problems 1.
3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8.
Show that the Ioading is radiaI for the torsion problem of a bar with a circular cross section, so that totai plasticity theories may be used, as long as there is no unloading. Show that the maximum shear stress for a solid bar of elliptic cross section under torsion occurs on the boundary at the point c10sest to the axis of the bar. Determine the stresses, the torque, and the warping function for the triangular cross section bar of Figure 11.2.1. Show that if the Iaterai surface of the bar is stress-free, the resultant shear stress must be tangent to the boundary. Show that if p/S is equai to 2Ga, the applied torque acting on a bar is equal to twice the volume between a membrane of the same shape as the cross section of the bar and the z = O pIane. Determine the torque acting on a bar of circular cross section by calculating the volume under a membrane of the same shape. Show that for the torsion problem the yield criteria of von Mises and Tresca both reduce to equation (11.4.1). Using the Saint-Venant assumptions (11.1.4), show that for a bar of circular cross section the radiaI and tangential displacements become Il,
Generai References
= arz
and consequently the only nonzero strain is eoz = tra. Calculate the torques required to produce a twist of 0.004 rad/in. in a 2-in.diameter shaft if the material is perfectly plastic, and if the material strain hardens with m = 0.1. Assume E = 30 X 106, P, = 0.3, and Uo = 30 X 103•
References 1. B. Saint-Venant, Mémoire sur la torsion des prismes, Mem. Acad. Sci. Math. Phys., 14, 1856, pp. 233-560. 2. S. Timoshenko and T. N. Goodier, Theory of Elasticity, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1951, p. 275. 3. V. Kantorovich and V. I. Krylov, Approximate Methods of Higher Analysis, P. Noordhoff, Groningen, 1958, p. 70. 4. L. Prandtl, Zur Torsion von prismatischen Staeben, Physik. Z., 4, 1 pp. 758-759. 5. I. S. Sokolnikoff, Mathematical Theory of Elasticity, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1956, p. 117. 6. A. Nadai, Der Beginn des Fliessvorganges in einem tortierten Angew. Math. Mech., 3, 1923, p. 442-454. 7. A. Nadai, Theory of Flow and Fracture of Solids, VoI. 1, M(~GJrav{-E[jll, New York, 1950. 8. W. Johnson and P. B. Mellor, Plasticity for Mechanical Engineers, Nostrand, Princeton, N.J., 1962, p. 132.
Matrix Iterative Analysis, Prentice-HalI, Englewood Cliffs,
W. Prager and P G Hodg J Th New York, 1951, ·P. 72. e, r., eory of Perfectly Plastic Solids, Wiley,
11. 12.
J. H. Huth, A Note on Plastic Torsion J. A I M h W. Prager, An Introduction to the' Mafte~at~C ~~ 1955, pp. 432-:-~34. J. Appl. Phys., 18, 1947, pp. 375-383. lca eory of PlastIclty,
GeneraI Reference Johnson, W. and P. B. Mellor Plasticity for M h . Princeton, N.J., 1962.' ec amcal Engineers, Van Nostrand, ,l' Prager, W., and P G Hodge J Th York, 1951. '. ,r., eory OJ Perfectly Plastic Solids, Wiley New
Sec. 12-1] PIane Strain Proble m of a R19ld-Perfect1y Plastic Material O
Bx = Bx(X, y)
By = By (X, y)
a x = a x ( X, y)
a y = ay(x, y)
a z = az(X, y)
= 'TXY(x, y)
Since 'T z = 'T = O it ~ 11 h . and a i: a pri~cipaI' stres~. ows t at the z dIfection is a principaI direction z
. For a rigid-pIastie materiaI th l ' totaI strains and strain incre~ et e astle stralllS are neglected, so that the l' . en s are equa! to the corresp d' strallls and strain increments, and the Lé _ . . on lllg astle vy Mlses relatlOns result III [see equation (7.2.5)]
In the previous chapters it was shown how the successive-approximation method can be applied to a variety of probIems, inc1uding pIane strain and pIane stress eIastopIastic probIems. In these probIems the constrain,ts imposed by the eIastic parts of the materiaI prevented unrestrained pIastic flow. In many metaI-forming processes, such as rolling, drawing, forging, etc., Iarge unrestricted pIastic flows occur exeept for very smaH eIastic zones. For sueh probIems it may not be unreasonabIe to negIect the eIastic strains and assume the materiaI to be l'igid-pel'fect/y plastic, as shown in Figure 2.6.1(b). Any eIastic part of the body is then assumed to act as a rigid inc1usion and the pIastic parts can flow freeIy at constant equivaIent stress. A great dea! of work has been done on soIutions of this type of probIem under conditions of pIain strain, using the theory of slip lines. This will be devoted to a brief discussion of this theory. We begin by writing equations of pIane strain for a rigid-pIastic body. By pIane strain is the condition wherein the dispIacements aH occur in paraHeI pIanes in body, say, pIanes paralleI to the xy pIane, and aH stresses and strains independent of z; i.e., BZ = Bxz = ByZ = 'T xz = 'TyZ = O
= O, the last equation gives (12.1.3)
and also the mean stress is (12.1.4)
The von Mises yield criterion for this case becomes (12.1.5)
where k is yield stress in simple shear and h b . inste d f Th ". 'T as een wntten for brevity e eqU1hbnum equations to be satisfied are a o 'T xv·
8ay 8y
8'T 8x = O
Equations (12 .1.6) and (12 .. 1 5) represent three equations in the three unkno y of stre wns a x, a , and. 'T. If the boundary conditions are given only in terms any re;:::~~~~: t~qU~tlOns are .sufficie?t to give the stress distribution without W e ~ ress-stralll relatlOns. Such problems are ealled statically . ·s : pOlllted out a similar situation in discussing the sphere In ectlOn 8.3. However, if displacements or velocities are specified
The Slip-Line Field [Ch. 12
then thestress-strain relations must be used to f the b oundary over par t o , h comrelate the stresses to the strains and the problem becomes muc more of and k plicated. . . t The principal stresses in the plastic field can be wntten m erms G m as follows:
Sec. 12-1] Piane Strain Problem of a Rigid-Perfectly Plastic Material
Having determined the principai stresses and directions, the maximum and minimum shearing stresses and directions can readily be determined. These shearing stresses act on the pianes bisecting the principai directions as described in Section 3.4. Their values are given by
(12.1.10) (12.1.7)
or, from (12.1.4) and (12:1.5),
The maximum shear directions will be designated by the ex and ,8 directions. ex, called thefirst shear direction, is taken 45° clockwise from the first principai direction, as shown in Figure 12.1.1, and,8, the second shear direction, is 900 counterclockwise from the first shear direction or 45° counterc1ockwise from the first principai direction, as shown. Let B be the angie which the first shear direction makes with the x axis (measured counterc1ockwise). Then B = e/> - 45°
1 tan 2B = - tan 2e/>
t step is to find the prindpal directions. We define thefirst principal direc~:ne:s the direction of the maximum principal stress. L~t e/> ~e the angle between the first principal direction and the x axis as shown m FIgure 12.1.1. Th
and, from (12.1.9), tan 2B
It follows therefore that y
12.1.1 Principal directions and ex and,8 lines.
· (3 .. 3 6) for the prineipal directions it follows that Then from equat lOn
tan 2e/> =
2'T Gx
G y
.. WhICh glVes two va1ues of 't'-I. differing by 90°. The second principal direction is taken 90° counterc1ockwise from the first.
cos 2B =
. 2B sm =
Gy -
(12.1.12) 2k
At every point in the piastic fieId, the angle which the maximum shear direction makes with the x axis is determined by equations (12.1.11) or (12.1.12). If curves are now drawn in the xy pIane such that at every point of each curve the tangent coincides with one of maximum shear directions, then two families of curves called shear lines, or slip lines, will be obtained. Obviously, since the maximum and minimum shear directions at a point are orthogonal to each other, the two families of slip lines will form an orthogonai set. These two families of curves will be called the ex lines and ,8 lines, respectiveIy.
It shouId be carefully noted that aiong an ex line ex is varying and ,8 is constant, and aiong a ,8 line ,8 is varying and ex is constant. ex and ,8 are mereIy parameters or curvilinear coordinates used to designate the point under
The Slip.Line Field [Ch. 12 ,
the point P shown m ( Thus f.i ) con SI'der at1'on , J'ust as x and y designate the point. 12.. 1 2 can be designated P (Xl> Yl) or p 0:3, {"2 • ' F 19ure f3 lines
Sec. 12-1] Piane Strain Problem of a Rigid.Perfect1y Plastic Materia!
From (12.1.14) it is seen that the state of stress can be determined in terms of two independent quantities, a m and e. The equilibrium equations can be written in terms of these quantities by substituting (12.1.14) into (12.1.6). Thus
oa ox
-E! -
oe. oe) 2k (cos2eox + s1ll2eoy
oa ( oe. oe) -E! + 2k cos 2e - - Slll 2e oy oy ox
= O
(12.1.15) = O
or defining x
FIGURE 12.1.2 Families of et and (3 lines. we can write , n the maximum shear planes equals the t' (3 4 5) Thus the The normal stresses actmg o . . l tresses as shown by equa 10n .. . 'f l t the o: and (3 lines are given by average of the pnnClpa s stresses acting normal and tangen la o
ox _ cos 2e oe _ sin 2e oe = ox ox oy
oX _ sin 2e oe + cos 2e oe = oy ox oy
Now the choice of the x and y axes is arbitrary. If we choose the x and y axes at a given point to coincide with the o: and (3 directions at this point, then e = Oand
as illustrated in Figure 12.1.3. y
o o ox = 00:
o oy
o 0(3
and equations (12.1.16) become
ox oe 0(3 + 0(3 =
FIGURE 12.1.3 Stresses normal and tangential to Finally, we can express a x , a y, an d
and (3 lines.
in terms of a m and
e, as follows:
ax =am -ksin2e ay = a m + k sin 2e = k cos 2e
(12.1.17) O
Equations (12.1.17) are called compatibility equations (not to be confused with the strain compatibility equations). Each equation contains derivatives in only one direction. Integrating, along the o: curve along the (3 curve
. d by use of Mohr's diagram. An these results can a1so be ob tame
where Cl and C2 are constants. These equations were first derived by Hencky in 1923, [14].
The Slip-Line Field [Ch. 12
Sec. 12-2] Velo city Equations
From equations (12.1.18) it is apparent that if X and 8 are prescribed on the boundary, it should be possible to proceed along constant a and fllines to determine X = a m/2k and 8. Ifthe displacements or ve10cities are prescribed over part of the boundary, as is frequently the case, these equations are not sufficient to obtain a solution and the velo city equations following must also be used.
~~~;ename. are no extensions,
only shearing flows in the slip directions-hence
Now consider the velocities in the slip directions. From Figure 12.2.1, y
The Lévy-Mises relation (12.1.2) can also be written q
d8 X - d8 y d8 XY
_ -
ax -
~--~~----------~x FIGURE
In addition, the incompressibility condition with d8 z = O is
12.2.1 Velocities in a and fl directions.
(12.. 2.2)
It is convenient to divide the strains by dt, the increment of time, and write
these equations in terms of velocities. Of course, these equations remain homogeneous in t, which acts merely as a scaling parameter. Then
cos 8 - vp sin 8
v =
sin 8
Vx y
8 = O, t1he x ~xis will coincide with the a direction and the condition that e norma stralll rates be zero can be written
where Vx is the velocity in the x direction; i.e., Vx = du/dt and similarly vy = dv/dt. Equations (12.2.1) and (12.2.2) become ax -
(8v x /8x) - (8v y /8y) _ (8v x /8y) + (8v y /8x) -
+ vp cos 8
= (8V - x)
= O
. = (8V -8y
or, from (12.2.5),
27' 8va 88 8x - vp 8x = O
Now since the principal axes of stress and of plastic strain increment coincide (see Section 7.2), it follows that the maximum shear stress lines and maximum shear velocity lines coincide, or that the stress slip lines are the same as the velo city slip lines. Also the strain rates normal to the a and p directions are equal to the mean strain rates [see equation (4.5.4)]. Therefore,
88 va 8y
8y =
~hre' since the hX dire~tion. is the same as the a direction and the fl direction is same as t e y dlrectlOn,
, I ,
8va p -8 = O a - v 8a 8vp 8fl +
88 8fl = O
The Slip-Line Field
[Ch. 12
Sec. 12-3J Geometry of the Slip-Line Field 269
lf f3 is kept constant in the first equation and a in the second equation, we can write along an aline dv« - Vp de = (12.2.8) along a f3 line dvp + v« de =
1. He~cky's first ~heorem states that the angle between two slip lines of ?ne famIly at the pomts where they are cut by a slip line of the other family IS constant along their lengths. This is shown in Figure 12 31th I e1 and e2 being equa!. . ., e ang es
° °
These are the compatibility equations for the velocities first derived by Geiringer in 1930, [15]. lf the problem is statically determined, the slip line field and the stresses can be found from equations (12.1.18) (or their equivalent) and the stress boundary conditions. The velocities can then be computed from (12.2.8) (or their equivalent) using the velocity boundary conditions, since de will now be known from the stress solution. lf, however, the problem is not statically determined, which means that the stress boundary conditions are insufficient to obtain a unique slip-line field, then equations (12.1.18) must be solved simultaneously with (12.2.8) using both the stress boundary conditions and the velo city boundary conditions. This is an extremely difficult problem and must usually be done by trial and error. A slip-line field satisfying all stress conditions is assumed. The velocities are then computed and a check made to see if the velo city boundary conditions are satisfied. lf not, the slip-line field is modified and the procedure repeated as often as necessary. This is obviously a very laborious process, since the construction of just one slip-line field is a lengthy task. It is worthwhile to note some of the differences between Hencky's stress equations (12.1.18) and Geiringer's velocity equations (12.2.8). 1. Hencky's equations relate two unknowns, X and e, by two equations. Geiringer's equations relate three unknowns, v x , V y , and de, by two equations. 2. Hencky's equations give the stress state all along a known slip line ifthe stress state is known at one point on the slip line. Geiringer's equations will not give the velocities along a known slip line, if they are known at one point. 3. Hencky's equations force certain restrictions on the geometry of the slip-line field, as we will shortly see. Geiringer's equations pIace no restriction on the geometry ofthe slip-line field, except through the boundary conditions.
Hencky's equations, as mentioned above, impose some rather severe restrictions on the geometry of the slip-line field, which are a great aid computation. We willlist a number of these but prove only a few to the method of attack.
FIGURE 12.3.1 Demonstration of Hencky's first theorem. 21: A) II a Iines (f3lines) turn through the same angle in going from one f3 line (a me to another.
lf on~ a line (f3 line) is straight between two f3 Iines (a lines) then alI a lmes (f3 !mes) are straight between these two f3 Iines (a lines). Furthermore these straIght segments have the same length. ' 4. lf both the a and f3 Iines t' h . . in the . .are . s raIg t m a certam regI'on , alI the stresses reglOn are ~onstant. ThIS IS called a field of uniform stress state. 5. Along a straIght shear line the state of stress is constant 6. lf the. state of stress is constant along a curve, then eith~r the curve is e~be~~ed I~.~ field of constant stress or else the curve is a straight shear line Ii' e ~a II of curvat~re ~f the a Iines (f3 Iines) where they intersect a give~ f3 ~~ (ad~me). decrease m duect proportion to the distance traveled in the pOSIIve IrectlOn~: the f3 line (a line). Therefore, if the plastic zone extends ;;.r el~oUgh, the radlI of curvature eventuaIIy become zero, so that neighboring ~ne~run together and the solution ends at the envelope of the sIip lines IS IS uencky's second theorem. .
tur~ ~:::e sroc~ed along a given sIip .line of one fami1y, the centers of curvap lmes of the other famIly form an involute of this sIi l' Of~h Thl~ el~velope of the slip lines of one fami1y is the locus of t~e I~:~PS e s IP mes of the other family.
270 The Slip-Line Field [Ch. 12 Sec. 12-3}
lO. The envelope of the slip lines of one family is a limiting line across which the shear lines of the other family cannot be continued. Il. If the radius of curvature of an aline (ft line) jumps discontinuously as it crosses a f3line (a line), al1 a lines (f3 lines) crossing the f3 Ii ne (a line) wiII suffer the same jump in radius of curvature. This also means that the derivatives ofthe stresses are discontinuous across the slip line.
Geolnetry of the SliP-Line Field
There are many similar theorems, but they are not of practical interest. Hencky's first theorem can easily be proved as foIIows. Referring to Figure 12.3.1, along the a line AD, the first of Hencky's equations (12.1.18) gives
I ~ R/3-c,q cr
and along the f3 line CD, the second equation gives
> (
~------------ R/3 FIGURE
Therefore, (12.3.1)
Also along AB, and along BC
12.3.2 Proof of Hencky's second theorem.
of curva'ure R, ha, decreased by an amoun' and a' 'he poin' D, Rs has decrea,ed by an amo un, 'o firs' order of 'mali quan'i'ie,. In tbc limi,
XA + BA = XB + BB Xa - Ba = XB - BB
Therefore, (12.3.5) (12.3.2) or, comparing with (12.3.1),
or, more conveniently for computational purposes, since Aa == R"AB and Af3 == -RpAB, equations (12.3.5) can be written (12.3.3)
AR" - Rp AB == O ARp + R" AB == O
which proves Theorem 1. Theorem 2 is a direct corol1ary, since from equation (12.3.3),
along a f31ine along an a line
Equations (12.3.5) are the mathematical statement of Theorem 7 and hence Theorem 7 is proved. , Theorem 3 is also a direct corol1ary, since if one of the lines is straight, say AD, then BD - BA = O and therefore Ba - BB = O, so the other line is also straight. Similatly Theorems 4 through 6 foIIow directIy from Hencky's equations (12.1.18). Theorems 7 through lO are based on the theory of pIane curves. Thus let the radii of curvature of the a and f3 lines at the point A in Figure 12.3.2 be designated by R" and R p, respectively. At the point B the radius
The proof, .of the o'ber ,heorem, are given in Prager aud Hodge [lJ and "'11 not be gwen here. Figure 12.3.3 illu,tra'" 'ome of 'he" prope"i". ABCD and A'B'C'D' are neighboring a shear lines. AA' BB' CC' and DD' are.infinitesimal arcs ofthe f3lines. The center of curvat;re or'these'arcs form an Involute PQRS of the slip line ABCD. (An involute is the curve obtained by unwinding a fiexible "ring originally lY;ng on 'he curve, tba' 'he "ring 'angen, 'o 'he curve. The original curve is 'he evolu'e of the involute aUd" tbe locu, of the radii of curvature of the involute.) At tbc point T where the lOvolu'e PQRST mee', the line ABCDT, the di,tance be'ween tbe
!!r1Mi.'W.,y? The Slip-Line Field [Ch. 12
Sec. 12-4] Some Simple Examples
the straight lines be the (X lines and the circular arcs the f3 lines. Then from Hencky's first equation, since e is constant along an (X line, X must also be constant along an (X line, and, from the second equation, since evaries linear1y with distance aiong a f3 line, X must vary Iinearly with distance aiong a f3line. Thus the mean stress is constant in the radiaI direction and varies Iinear1y with the angie measured from the x axis. To find the stress components we then make use of equations (12.1.14). This type of slip-line fieid is called a centered fan. Note that the center of the fan is a singuiar point of the stress field, since it can have any one of an infinity of values.
12.3.3 Involute and limiting line. (Reference [1].)
. lines becomes zero, and so does the radius of curvature of
~:~g;~i~:~~r~:h T, as stated in ~heorem 7, It is a point on the envelope of the
lines and is a cusp of the
f3 Ime.
Indentation by a Punch We now consider a probIem which combine s, or "patches" together, the state of uniform stress and the centered fan-the indentation of a semiinfinite body by a flat rigid punch in the form of an infinite strip. Figure 12.4.2 shows a typicai pIane [2]. It is assumed that the surface of the punch
----/3 lines
State of Uniform Stress lf the stress is constant throughout the fie1d, the slip lines form two ,sets of orthogonal straight lines. This follows direct1y fro~ ~encky's eqUatlOn~ (12.1.18), for if X is constant, then e is constant. ThlS IS the converse o Theorem 4 of Section 12.3.
" '''Centered Fan
'd SII'p-line field composed of a set of radiallines originating from C onSl er a 'F' 12 4 l Let a point and a set of concentric circular arcs as shown m Igure . . . C(
Centered fan.
12.4.2 Slip lines under lubricated flat punch.
and body are perfectly lubricated, so that there is no friction between them. It is also assumed that there is a constant pressure over the face of the punch. For the boundary conditions we have that over the segment AB there is a uniform pressure kp, and the rest of the boundary is stress-free. We consider only the case of incipient plastic flow, since once plastic flow progresses, the shape of the boundary GABC changes considerably and it is necessary to satisfy the boundary conditions on the deformed boundary. Assume now that plastic flow occurs over a segment AG of the free boundary as shown. The length of this segment is as yet not known. From the boundary condition on this segment
The Slip-Line Field [Ch. 12
Sec. 12-4J Some Simple Examples 275
From the yie1d condition,
are at 135° (or -45°). As before, region AEB is a constant stress region, the slip lines being straight lines with 8 = in-. From the boundary condition,
it folIows that Ux
Intuitively we would expect
= ±2k
to be compressive and we tentatively assume onAG
= in-
l 2
Similar results hold in the regions GBD and BDC. The pressure p exerted by the punch to produce this state can readily be determined. The li ne AF is an IX line and line HIJK is a f3 line. The compatibiIity relation to be satisfied along the f3 line (Hencky's second equation) is
AlongHI, inAGF
Now consider the boundary AB. Since it has been assumed that there is no friction, T = O along this boundary, so that U
+ Uy =
along AF
it folIows that
Now AF and AE are straight IX slip lines and it follows from Theorem 3 of Section 12.3 that alI the shear lines in between these two are straight, or region F AE is a centered fan. The stresses are then constant along any radiaI line from A to the arc FE and vary linearly along any arc such as IJ from the value
Since the shear stress is zero, AG is a principal direction and the slip lines must be at ± 45° with AG. This also follows from the last of equations (12.1.14). The IX lines make 45° angles with AG and the f3lines 135° (or -45°), as shown in Figure 12.4.2. Consider the triangular region AGFformed by AG and the slip lines AFand GF. By Theorem 6 of Section 12.3, this is a constant stress regipn. The slip lines are straight lines with 8 = 71"14. The mean stress X is a constant and must satisfy equations (12.1.18) throughout this region. Since on the boundary AG
= - kP} along AB
= --!-
= t(1
- p)
= in-
--!- + (12.4.3)
i = te1 - p) + in-
or (12.4.6)
(U x~ or
The velocity distribution is readily determined from the Geiringer equations (12.2.8). Ifthe punch is moving with a velocity Uo in the negative y direction, then region ABE moves as rigid body attached to the punch with the same
uyf = k 2 ± 2k = k(2 - p)
where the plus sign has been chosen (see Problem 7). It folIows then, just as for the segment AG, that AB is a principal direction and the slip lines make ± 45° angles with AB. This time the f3lines are at 45° with AB and the IX lines
velocity. In region AEFG, v'" equals zero and vp equals Uo/VI Region AEF thus moves out with velocity Uo/V2 and region AGF moves in the direction FG with the same velocity. The above solution was obtained by Prandtl [3J. An alternative solution given by Hill [4J, assumes the rigid-plastic boundary to be HIJKLMN instead
The Slip-Line Field [Ch. 12
of GFEDC. An analysis similar to the previous one shows that regions AHI and AJK are constant state regions and AIJ is a centered fan. The stresses in these regions are the same as previously obtained but the velocities are different, the outward flow velocity being twice that of the previous solution. Actually an infinity of solutions can be obtained between the two limiting solutions discussed above. This illustrates one of the difficulties of the pIane strain solution for a rigid-plastic material. More than one solution (or no solution) may be obtained for a given problem, and the "correct" solution may be impossible to ascertain. The only truly satisfactory method is to solve the complete elastoplastic problem using the Prandt1-Reuss relations. This, of course, will in generaI be extremely difficult. It is often possible, however, to determine the most probable solution, and sometimes a minimum force criterion may be used. In addition, we note the nonuniqueness of the boundary values due to the quadratic yield conditions. Thus in equation (12.4.1) the negative sign was chosen for G x on the basis of intuition. If the plus sign had been chosen, the pressure exerted by the punch, equation (12.4.6), would have come out negative, which is impossible. So we know that the negative choice was correct. However, the correct choice of sign was not really known a priori, and this will often be the case.
Sec. 12-5] Numerical Solutions ol Boundary-Value Problems
--------------------------------.x FIGURE
NumericaI soIution of first boundary-vaIue probIem.
w~ich is a rough approximation to the true intersection point of the a~d f3 h~es. (If the IX and f3 lines happened to be straight lines, the inter-
(1, 2), IX
sectlOn pomt would be exact.) The points (2 3) (3 4) (4 5) d t . d' , , , , , ,etc., can be e ermme approxlmately the same way From H k' . . enc y s equatlOns we have
In the above example of the punch indentation, the slip lines and the solution were obtained completely in closed form from the boundary conditions. In generaI, however, numerical or graphical methods will be necessary. In this section a brief discussion of the simplest numerical methods will be presented. For this purpose we must distinguish among three types of boundaries, as shown in Figures 12.5.1 through 12.5.3. Figure 12.5.1 shows a case where the boundary curve Co is not a slip line. The values of X and 8 are given on this boundary and it is desired to construct the slip-line fieH We choose a number of stations on the arc Co and try to construct the lines passing through these points. The various shear lines are """'~5~'" 1,2, 3, etc., and a grid point at the intersection of the ith IX line with f3 line is designated i,j. Now consider the points (I, l) and (2, 2) on the curve Co. At the (1, 1) draw a straight line with angle 81 1> representing the IX line through point. At (2, 2) draw aline with angle 822 + 71/2. The two lines intersect
+ 822
and 812 , giving us
812 = X22
In the same way we find
811 = X12
= X12
+ 812
+ 822 + 811
We ~an now ?ro.ceed to find X and 8 at (1,3), (2, 4), (3, 5), and (4,6). We thus obtam the sh?-hne .field and the stresses in the entire region bounded by C :~d t~he termmal shp lin~s AP and QP. A little reflection indicates that th: u 10n cannot. be carned beyond region APQ without some additional . ThlS leads us to the following theorem Given an arc C whi h ~~ not a slip lin~ a~d all the stresses acting at every ;oint along the a:c, th:n e complete shp-hne field and the corresponding stresses can be determined
The Slip-Line Field [Ch. 12
within the region bounded by Co and the intersecting .termi~aI slip lines as shown in Figure 12.5.1. Region APQ is called the reglOn oJ mfluence of the . h d' b' l are Co· If the are Co is itself a slip line, then the prevlOUS met o 1S o VlOUS. y inapplicable. If a second slip line, intersecting the. first one,. as ~hown 1ll 12.. 52 , is also given , a solution can be obtamed. For 1f e 1S known · F 19ure
See. 12-6]
Geometrie Construetion of Slip-Line Fields
similar to those previously outlined. Details of the solution techniques for all three types of boundary-value probIems, as well as methods for improving the accuracy, can be found in references [1], [4], and [5].
A geometrie construction for the stress and velo city fieIds, which is frequent1y very useful and Ieads to a better insight into the principles underlying slip-line theory, has been suggested by Prager [6]. For this purpose we make use of two planes, called the stress pIane and the physical pIane, as shown in Figure 12.6.1. Consider a point p undergoing plastic flow. The stress vector A
c L-----------------------~x FIGURE
12.5.2 Second boundary-value probiem.
along both slip lines, then e can be determined ~t t~e adjoining net points by use of Hencky's first theorem. The complete shp-Ime field can then ~e constructed within the quadrilateral shown in Figure 12.5.2. !o determme the stress es it is necessary to know the value of X at just one pomt on the boundary sli; line, for by use of Hencky's equations (12.1.18) X can then be computed throughout the region. . . Alternatively, ifthe curve Co is a slip line, a solutio~ can ~e obtamed 1f o~ a second intersecting curve, not a slip line, either X or e1S specIfìe~. The sol~tlOn can then be obtained in the region indicated in Figure 12.5.3, usmg techmques
rrx (a)
12.5.3 Third boundary-value probiem.
12.6.1 Stress pIane (a) and physicai pIane (b).
acting at the point p will depend on the orientation of the area element through the point p upon which it acts. This is shown in the physical pIane ofFigure 12.6.1(b). The figure shows the traces ofseveral area elements whose UVLLH"L~ lie in the xy pIane. These area elements actually contain the point p are here shown separated for clarity. The shaded side of a given trace ret,res:en-ts material, and the stresses shown are those transmitted from the ummal:teCl side to the shaded side. Instead of identifying an area element by direction of its normaI, it is convenient to identify it by the direction of
The Slip-Line Field [Ch. 12
the trace of the element on the xy pIane. Thus angles will be measured counterelockwise from the negative y axis instead of the x axis. On the stress pIane, Figure 12.6.1(a), a Mohr cirele is plotted for the stress state at the point P of the physicai pIane. The Mohr's cirele is constructed using the following convention. A shear stress which will cause the element to rotate in a elockwise sense is considered as positive, counterelockwise as negative. Thus the stress state (a x, - T xy) on pIane P A is shown as point A of the stress pIane. On pIane PB, whose normai stress is a y, the shear stress is positive (elockwise) and (ay, T XY ) gives the point B in the stress pIane. We note that the angle
Sec. 12-6]
Geometrie Construetion of Slip-Line Fields
12.6.2 Cycloid trace of p I t I line in physical pIane (b). (Referen~ee[~~) s ress p ane (a) and corresponding slip FIGURE
the first and second slip lines a~ P are aiso known from PI and PII. If we now move , the. second shear Ime (f3 line) to the point P', the pole P of the Mohr s clfele wlll move to P' as the circ1e rolls on the tangent line S = _ 11 The tangents to the two slip lines atP ' are given by the directions P'I :ndP'I~' a~ s~own by the dashed lines in Figure 12.6.2(a). Alternativel sinc: p II ~s normai to the cyeloid at P (the point II is the instantaneous ~nter of rotatlOn), the element of the slip line at P' in th h . l I ' h l e p ySlCa pane IS normal to t e e ement o!the cycloid at P ' in the stress pIane. The slip lines at the point P" can be .estabhshed the same way. At the same time the stress es a' and " determmed from the. positions of the center of the cirele. It is ap;arentafr~: the above tha~ Cy~101~S generated in this fashion are the images in the stress pIane of the shp hnes m the physical pIane. Prager has also shown [6] how to construct the velo city fie1d at the same I
8+d8 1)t
' r - - -...... x
(a) Slip lines FIGURE
( b) Hodograph
12.6.3 Hodograph construction of ve10city field.
The Slip-Line Field [Ch. 12 See. 12-61
Geometrie Construetion ol Slip-Line Fields
time as the slip lines. Let Pl> P 2 , and P s be neighboring points on the first slip line, as shown in Figure 12.6.3. The 1inePl P 2 is in the first shear direetion. Let Va and Vp be the velocity eomponents in the two slip direetions at P l and Iet Va + dVa and Vp + dvp be the eorresponding velocities atP2 • The eondition that there be no extensions, only shearing flows in the slip direetions [see equation (12.2.4)], requires that the projeetions of the velo city veetors at the points Pl and P 2 onto the line P l P 2 must be equa!. This yields immediately the Geiringer equation (12.2.8): dV a -
Vp de
283 Ss
... I
The seeond equation,
+ Va de = o
is obtained from similar eonsiderations along a f3line. Consider the velo city pIane, ealled the hodograph, of Figure 12.6.3(b). The veetors OPl and OP2 represent the velocities of the points P l and P 2 , respeetively. Sinee, as stated above, the projeetions of these two veetors onto the line P l P 2 of Figure 12.6.3(a) must be equaI, the veetor differenee PlP2 must be orthogonal to P l P 2 in the physieal pIane. In other word s, line elements in the veloeity pIane must be normal to the eorresponding line elements of the physical pIane. In generaI, therefore, corresponding elements oj the slip-line_ field and hodograph are orthogonal, and hence corresponding elements oj the stress pIane and hodograph are parallel.
In eonneetion with the above, it should be pointed out that the velocity fields under eonsideration need not be eontinuous, and veloeity fields with lines of diseontinuity are often eneountered. Sueh lines of diseontinuity must be shear lines (or the envelope of the shear Iines). The velo city eomponents normal to any slip line is eontinuous aeross the slip line, but the tangenti al velocity may have different values on both sides. It follows from the Geiringer equations that the velo city jump must be eonstant along any slip line. This also follows from the faet that the slip lines are the eharaeteristics of governing differential equations, as will be shown in Seetion 12.7. In hodograph, the two sides of aline of velocity diseontinuity are mapped parallel eurves, as shown in referenee [6]. To illustrate how one begins to eonstruet a slip-line field for given eonditions, eonsider a boundary are along which the forees are ,... ...'~,..'rih"ri as shown in Figure 12.6.4(a). The material adjaeent to this are is known to in a state of plastic flow, and from the boundary stresses the maximum direetions and henee the slip-line direetions ean be determined. A circle ean be eonstrueted in the stress pIane for eaeh of the points A and of the physical pIane. Here a diffieulty is immediately eneountered, for
"\ ( b)
12.6.4 Geometrie construetion of sIip !ines.
possible to draw two circles for eaeh of the points For e '. 12.6.5 the stress veetor S aeting at a . t P h . xample, m FIgure as to the point A of the stress pIane. Th~~~~h the !:e~dr:wn from the ~rigin ean be drawn, eaeh with radius k and w'th th~ t , owever, two eIrcles eIr eenters on the S n aXIs, . as shown. One of these eorrespond t ll S O a ower mean normal t th other and these solutions are therefore ealled th s ress an the respeetively. As indicated on the figur th l e weak and strong solutions, be different for the two circles Wh' :' f ehPo es an~ the shear direetions will determined from additional boun~e o t eds~ .SoIutlOns to ehoose is usually b ary con ItIons or from lo k' h oundary eonditions as a whole rather than t . .o mg at t e is due to the quadratie nature oi the yield erit:ri one pomt. .Th~s uneertainty puneh indentation problem of Seetion 12 5 on, as was mdICated for the Returning now to Figure 12 6 4 h .. . circles for points A and B ar~ ~h t e ~ea~SOIutI.on is adopted. The Mohr's respeetively. As the solid-line circl:~~ll/a:o= S~~Id l ~nd broken-line eircles, traee a eycloid which is the image of th fi g l~ I~e T = k, the pole will broken-line circle rolls along Ss = _ k t~e rs~ s tp h~e throu~h A. As the .' pomt B wIlI desenbe a eycloid, shown by the brok l' h' en me, w Ieh wIlI be the image of the second slip line
12.6.5 Strong and weak solutions.
The Slip-Line Field [Ch. 12
through B. The intersection of the two cycloids at C wiIl be the image of the intersection of the two slip lines in the physical pIane at C. The directions of the normals to the cycloids at C fix the directions of the tangents to the slip lines at C in the physical pIane. The actuallocation of C in the physical pIane is found from the conditions that AD = CD and BE = CE. This amounts to assuming that the slip-line arcs AC and BC are circular. Once the slip lines have been established, the hodograph can be constructed from the known velocities on the boundary using the orthogonality relation between the slip line and hodograph elements. The ab ave is a brief outline of Prager's geometrie construction of slip-line fields. The interested reader is referred to references [6] through [9] far further discussion and examples.
The sIi p-li ne solutions discussed heretofore are incomplete in that no attempt has been made to extend these solutions into the rigid regions adjacent to the plastic regions to determine whether an equilibrium stress distribution satisfying the boundary conditions and nowhere exceeding the yield point exists in those regions. Such partial solutions are upper-bou~d solutions; i.e., they overestimate the load necessary to produce the plastlC flow. This follows from the upper bound theorem, derived in reference [lO]. We shall discuss the upper and lower bound theorems in greater detail in Chapter 13. Far our purpose here, the upper bound theorem can be stated briefly as follows: A load which produces a kinematically admissible velo city field will be equal or greater than the true load.
A kinematically admissible velo city field is one which satisfies the velocity boundary conditions, is incompressible, and is continuous with continuous first derivatives, except at certain discontinuity surfaces where the normal velocity must be continuous but the tangential velocity may suffer a jump on crossing the surface. Furthermore, on the boundary we must have
Sec. 12-8J Slip Lines as Characteristics
to determine if the stress fields in the rigid regions also satisfy equilibrium and the boundary conditions and nowhere exceed the yield stress. If such a statically admissible stress field exists in both the plastic and rigid parts, then this solution constitutes a lower bound, and since the solution is both an upper bound and a lower bound, it is a complete solution, giving the true load for the problem. The fact that a statical1y admissible stress field as defined above gives a lower bound is expressed by the lower bound theorem [lO], which can be stated as follows: A load which produces a statically admissible stress field will be equal to or less than the true load that will produce plastic flow.
Lower bound solutions are usually difficult to obtain since it would be necessary to salve the equilibrium equations in the elastic or rigid region. Upper bound solutions can be obtained from sIip-line solutions and are of greater vaIue, in as much as they ensure that a certain operation will be performed, since the calculated Ioad will be greater than the required Ioad. Discussions of methods of obtaining upper bounds with examples can be found in references [11] and [5].
12-8 SLIP LINES AS CHARACTERISTICS The slip lines previousIy discussed are actually the characteristics of the differential equations defining the problem. AH the properties of characteristics of hyperbolic equations and all the mathematical methods for solving such equations can therefore be applied directly to the pIane strain probIem of a rigid-perfectIy plastic materia!. In this section we shall briefly describe the ori gin and properties of characteristics to give the reader an insight into the mathematical origin of slip-Iine fieIds. The reader interested onIy in the physical description of the previous sections may skip to Chapter 13 without Ioss of continuity. Consider the first-order differential equation
where X and Y are the boundary forces and dS is an element of boundary area. Since the slip-line solutions give kinematically admissible velocity they are upper bound solutions. To obtain a complete solution, it is ne1cessary
where a, b, and c are functions of u, x, and y but not of the partial derivatives of u. Such an equation is called quasilinear. Introduce the standard notation
ey == q
5 The Slip-Line Field [Ch. 12
Then (12.8.1) can be written ap
+ bq =
We now pose the following questiono Given a curve C in the xy pIane along which the function u is specified, does there exist a solution u of equation (12.8.1) satisfying these "initial conditions " ? This is the two-dimensional ana10gue of the ordinary first-order equation, where the initial value is specified at one point. The above problem is called the eauchy problem, and the answer is that it depends on the curve e. It is obvious that if given the values of u on C, p and q could be determined on C such that (12.8.1) [or (12.8.3)] was satisfied, then u could be computed a small distance away from C by use of a Taylor series expansion in two variables. That is, if the values of x and y on C are designated by Xc and Yc, then (12.8.4)
Sec. 12-8] Slip Lines as Characteristics
then there will obviously be no solution unless the numerators also vanish. A curve C whose equation satisfies (12.8.7) is called a characteristic curve and if u is specified along such a curve, there will be no solution to th; prob1em un1ess u is specified so that du dx
causing the numerators in (12.8.6) to vanish. In the 1atter case, i.e., if u is specified on C according to (12.8.8), there will be an infinity of solutions, since (12.8.6) are then indeterminate. To summarize: In answer to the question posed at the beginning, if u is specified along a curve C, then a solution to (12.8.1) exists provided Cis not a characteristic of the differenti al equation. If C is a characteristic, then either there is no solution, if (12.8.8) is not satisfied, or there are an infinity of solutions, if (12.8.8) is satisfied. Equation (12.8.8) is called the compatibility equation.
The value of u could thus be obtained at a neighboring curve. By repeating this process, u could be determined over some region, the limits of which, if any, are not yet known. The Cauchy problem, in this case, therefore reduces to the problem of determining p and q on the curve e. To find p and q we proceed as follows. Let s be the are length along the curve. Then if the derivatives p and q exist, we must have (12.8.5) Equations (12.8.5) and (12.8.3) give us two equations in the two unknowns p and q. Solving these two equations gives cdy - bdu a dy - b dx
= a dy - b dx
adu- cdx
Thus, given a, b, and c, the va1ue of u on the curve C and the shape of the curve, p and q can be computed from (12.8.6) and u in the neighborhood of C obtained from (12.8.4). However, this will not be true for any curve C, for if C is such that the denominator in (12.8.6) vanishes; i.e., if
Let us illustrate these resuIts by a simple example [12]. Consider the differential equation Bu
-+-= Bx By or
Then a = b = c = 1 and, from (12.8.7), dy dx
= 1
The characteristics are therefore straight lines with slopes of unity, as shown in Figure 12.8.1. For a solution to exist, u must satisfy (12.8.8) or u= x
= Y
+ (B
- A)
along these lines. Suppose now that u is given on the line segment O < x < 1, y = O. This line segment is the curve C of the previous discussion. Then since Cis not a characteristic, we should be able to obtain a unique solution for U. The simplest way to do this is to integrate along the characteristics. ThllS considering the characteristic intersecting the x axis at x = Xl as shown,
The Slip-Line Field [Ch. 12
Sec. 12-8) Slip Lines a.s Characteristics 289
O Th l' , - Y -, e so utlOn eIsewhere however is not, umque. We can add, for exampIe, a function K(x _ y) to ~ with K'an Uo
is the vaIue of u at
x -
arbltrary constant and still satisfy the initial conditions along the'I' _ Thus me x - y. u
Characteristics for equation (12.8.9).
the value of U specified at this point is U;, and since along this characteristic u must satisfy (12.8.11), it follows that B-A=ul so that (12.8. Ila)
= x + Uo + K(x
_ y)
wilI satisfy the differentiaI equation (12 8 9) and aIso th ' 't' l I ' , . , e 1m la va ues on y = x, T~l~ dlustrates ~he ~act that if the initial conditions are specified on char~cte~lstlc, the SolutlO,n lS not unique, In this case we might say that the soIutlOn l~ ~ot de~n~d umque1y at points not on this line because the terminaI charactenstIcs c~mclde, and the region of influence is just the line itseIf. A?~t~:r very l~portant property of characteristics can now be seen-the posslblhtIes of dlscontinuities in the soIution Whl'ch h ' , are propagated along c aractenstIcs, For exampIe, suppose on the initialline y = O of th ' exampIe we are given e prevlOUS
for alI
o< x
A solution has thus been obtained for the problem using the initial data and the characteristic and compatibility equations (12.8.10) and (12.8.11). These equations are the equivalent of the originaI differenti al equation, which does not have to be used at alI. This method of solving a partial differential equation by reducing it to a set of ordinary differential equations for finding the characteristics and for integrating along the characteristics is called the method of characteristics. Thus the introduction of characteristics not only serves the purpose of determining whether a unique solution exists but actually provides a method for obtaining the solution. From the above example it is apparent that the solution is defined and is unique only in the region bounded by the terminal characteristics at x = O and x = 1. This region is called the region ofinfluence. To determine the solution outside this region requires additional data outside the range O < x < 1. We can state this result as a generaI theorem. A partia! differential equation having rea! characteristics has a unique solution within the region bounded by the curve C upon which the initial data is specified, and the two characteristics intersecting the ends of C. If C coincides with
characteristic there is no unique solution. Let us consider now the case when u is specified along one of the ""'" m,teristics, say, the line x = y. For specified on this line such that u
u = fl(X) U =J;(x)
< 1
+ Uo = Y + Uo
w~ere !t (Xl) ~ f2(Xl); i.e" u is doubIe-vaIued at this point. Then the solution Wl~ be doubIe-va,lued and hence discontinuous alI along the characteristic
~ - x, - Xl, passmg through this point. The vaIues of u to the Ieft of this Ime wIlI be determined by u = h(x) and to the right b = l' ( ) I "1 f : ' , y U J2 X • n a SImI ar ashlOn, dIscontinuities in the derivatives of u may be gated along characteristics. For exampIe, if we are given that at y = ~~opau
u=x+t Then the soIution using (12,8.11) is
On the Ii ne y
to the left of y
to the right of y = x -
2' U
t' , , S con muous, but the denvatIves of u are not, for
8x = O 8y = 1 8x
=x - t
to the Ieft of y = x -
t (12,8.16)
to the right of y = x -
The Slip-Line Field [Ch. 12
Sec. 12-8]
These derivatives are therefore discontinuous all along the characteristic y
Slip Lines as Characteristics
(12.8.17), then as before u can be d t . 291 a small distance away from th e ermmed as well as its first derivatives . e curve by Ta 1 . t h IS way the solution can be cont' d. yor senes expansions, and in . mue mto the reg' L secon d denvatives on the lon. et us see then if th curve can be computed . On th e curve e
In the above example the differential equation (12.8.9) was linear. It was therefore possible to determine the characteristics once and for all independent1y of the solution u. Thus equation (12.8.7) could be integrated first and then equation (12.8.8) solved for u along the characteristics. However, if the equation were quasilinear, i.e., if a and b were functions of u, then equation (12.8.7) could obviously not be solved for the characteristics without first knowing the solution u. In this case it is necessary to solve (12.8.7) and (12.8.8) simultaneously; i.e., u and the characteristics must be determined simultaneously.
du = 8u dx 8x
8u 8y dy
2 U) -_ 8X2 8u 82u dx + 8x oy dy
d (88 x 0 d (8 y
2 U) = OX02U8y dx + 8y2 8 ud Y
+ sdy
Second-Order Equation
+ tdy
= dp = dq
and the differenti al equation is
Let us now consider the second-order quasilinear partial differential equation
+ sB + tC =
A, B, C, D, dq, and dp, being known on the to solve for the unknown second d ' . curve, we have three equations envatIVes r, s, and t. For examp1e,
By quasilinear we mean that the coefficients may all be functions of u, 8u/8x, 8u/8y, as well as of x and y. Using the standard notation, (12.8.18)
s= equation (12.8.17) is written Ar
+ Bs +
= D
Now assume that on some initial curve Co in the xy pIane, the values of u, and its normal derivative are given. Alternative1y the partial derivatives p and q are given, for then u and the normal derivative can be computed. The values of u, p, and q along Co are called a strip of first order and u, p, and must obviously satisfy the condition du
= p dx + qdy
called the strip condition. We now ask ourse1ves the same question as before. Does there exist solution u of equation (12.8.17) satisfying these initial conditions? If second derivatives r, s, and t on the curve can be determined so as to
If the determinant in the den: . omlllator vallIshe th . l un ess the numerator also vanishes' h' h sere wIll be no solution of solutions. If the denominato ' I~ w IC case there are an infinite number r vallIS hes, A(dy)2 - B dx dy
dy ) A ( dx
+ C(dX)2 = O
d -Bd~+C=O
which gives
> The Slip-Line Field [Ch.12
Equation (12.8.22) defines two sets of curves (one using the p1us. sign, one using the minus sign). These are called characteristic curves, and 1f the data are given a10ng one of these curves, no solutio~ exists u~less, as a1ready mentioned, the numerator determinants a1so vamsh. For th1S case, A dp dy
+ C dq dx
- D dx dy = O
A10ng the characteristic curves equation (12.8.23) must be satisfied. This is the compatibility equation. . . Equations (12.8.22) and (12.8.23) rep1ace the part~a1. differenti~l equatlOn (12.8.17) and if the initia1 curve is not a charactenstIc, a solut1.on can. be obtained by finding the characteristics from (12.8.22). and. then l~tegra~mg a10ng the characteristics using (12.8.23). If the equatlOn lS non1mear, 1.e., if A, B, and C are functions of u, p, and q, then (12.8.22) and (12 ..8.23) must be solved simultaneously, as discussed for the first-order equatlOn. If the data are prescribed a10ng one of the characteristic curves, there is no unique solution. The above discussion implies that (12.8.22) can be solved obtaining two 2 rea1 families of curves. But this can on1y be true if B - 4AC ;:o: O. If B2 _ 4AC < O there are no real characteristics. There are therefore three types of equations. 1. B2 _ 4AC
> O. The equation is called hyperbolic. There are two sets
of characteristics. 2. B 2
4AC = O. The equation is called parabolic. There is on1y one set
of characteristics. . 3. B 2 _ 4AC < O. The equation is called elliptic. There are no rea1 characteristics. The parabolic equation is similar to the hyperbolic with. regard ~o the properties and use of the characteristics. The first-order equatlO~s prevlOus1y discussed are actually parabolic, since they a1ways have one fam11y of characteristics (if the coefficients are rea1). In fact, since there are no second derivative terms B 2 - 4AC = O. The pr;perties of the hyperbolic equation are then essentially the same as previous1y discussed for the first-order equation. We shall briefty note some of these properties and make a comparison with the elliptic case. In the elliptic case, if u and its norma1 derivative is prescribed a10ng any curve C then a solution can a1ways be found in the neighborhood of C. If the vaÌues are prescribed on a c10sed boundary, which is the usua1 case, the solution will be determined within the bounded region. It is necessary, however, that u be regu1ar on C, Le., it possess derivatives of all orders.
Sec. 12-8] Slip Lines as Characferistics
In the hyperbolic (and parabolic) case, ifthe curve Cis not a characteristic, a solution exists. The prescribed values in this case need not be reguiar and the higher derivatives ofthe prescribed values may have finite jumps at points on C. These discontinuities are then propagated aiong the characteristics where they originate. If C is a characteristic curve, there is no solution un1ess u and its derivatives satisfy a compatibility relation, in which case there are an infinity of solutions. It is a1so evident that c10sed boundaries are exc1uded , for a given characteristic would then intersect the boundary twice, and values of u and its derivatives could not be assigned arbitrari1y to both points of intersection.
Boundary-Value Problerns
There are generally three types of boundary-value problems for hyperbolic equations, [13]. l. Given u, p, and q on a curve Co which is not a characteristkand which intersects each characteristic at most once, u can be determined in a triangular region Do bounded by Co and a characteristic of each family as shown in Figure 12.8.2(a). The curves y constant and x constant are the characteristic curves of each family. More specifically, the value of u at each point P of Do is determined by the values of u and its derivatives on the portion Cp of Co which is bounded by the characteristics through P. The segment Cp is called the domain oJ dependence of the point P. 2. A linear relationship a(aujan) + bu = c(x, y) is prescribed on an arc Co, and in addition u is prescribed on a characteristic arc Cc passing through one end point of Co. The solution can again be obtained in the triangular region bounded by Co, Cc, and the characteristic of the other family intersecting Cc and Co, as shown in Figure 12.8.2(b). 3. u is prescribed on two intersecting characteristics Cc and C~, as shown in Figure 12.8.2. Of course, u must satisfy the compatibility reiation on both characteristics. The solution is determined in the quadrilateral bounded by the four characteristics as shown. The reader will recognize the similarity between these three boundary-va1ue problems and the three boundary-value prob1ems for slip-line fie1ds discussed in Section 12.5. Finally, it follows that by combining these three basic types of boundary conditions, more complicated conditions can be used. For example, in Figure 12.8.2(d), u, p, and q may be given on Co. But then only one relation of the type a(aujan) + bu = c(x, y) can be prescribed on each of Cb and C~.
The Slip-Line Field [Ch. 12
Sec. 12-8] Slip Lines as Characferistics
region Dp region Do
~ Ul
simple problems have been solved in this way. The widest use of the method of characteristic is found in conjunction with numerical methods. Suppose then that u, p, and q are given along a noncharacteristic are C and we wish to obtain the solution in the region bounded by C and the two terminaI characteristics as shown in Figure 12.8.2(a). It is desired to solve equations (12.8.22) and (12.8.23) numericalIy. If A, B, and C are functions only of x and y, (12.8.22) can be solved separately and the characteristics constructed independently of the initial conditions. Such characteristics are called fixed. If A, B, and C are aiso functions of u, p, and q, then (12.8.22) and (12.8.23) must be solved simultaneously. (Note: If A, B, and C are functions of u, p, and q but not of x and y, then it is possible to interchange the roles of the independent and dependent variables and transform the parti al differential equation into a linear differential equation with x and y as the dependent variables. This is called a hodograph transformation. The solution is then obtained in the pIane of u and 8u/8n, or p and q, called the hodograph piane, instead of the xy pIane.) Equations (12.8.22) can be written dy+ =f+ dx
dr =f- dx
where f+
+ VB2
- 4AC
;:GURE 12.8.2 Boundary-value problems (Reference [13].)
.. . ions shown can then be patched together along The solutlOns m the vano~s reg . h'l 8 f8x and 8uf8y may be discharacteristics so that u lS contmuous, w 1 e u . . . . that closed boundaries are not adm1ss1ble. contmuous. Note agam
B - VB2 - 4AC 2A and (12.8.23) can then be written D dy - - Af+ dp - C dq = O
along anf+
along anf-
D dy
+ -
Af- dp - C dq
Numerical Solution An anal tical solution of the hyperbolic equation can be effected in theory, thod which essentially reduces the boundary-value pro Y, b R · b't r curve Co [Figure 12.8.2(a)] to a ~lnllll"01 y e1mann s me g, of the first kind alonbl an ~ t~:a t~ird kind along two intersecting charac. t f boundary-value pro em o " [F' 10 8 2(c)] This is essentlally the counterpar tenstlcs 19ure .. . . h nly oa few function in solving elliptic equations. In practlce, owever, o
FIGURE 12.8.3 NumericaI soIution.
The Slip-Line Field [Ch. 12
Sec. 12-8]
Let us then draw the curve C and two families of characteristics as shown in Figure 12.8.3. Consider any two adjacent points P and Q on C and let the f+ characteristic from P intersect the f- characteristic from Q at R. If the characteristics are fìxed, the position of the point R is known. If the characteristics depend on the solution, the coordinates of R must be determined at the same time that p and q are determined at this point. Equations (12.8.24) and (12.8.26) are now written approximately as follows:
YR -
yP =
YR - YQ = t(fR-
+ f/)(x R + fQ-)(XR -
- t(CR t(D R + DQ)(YR - YQ) - t(ARfR-
+ AQfQ-)(PR - t(CR
2 dY ) (aE - eA) ( dx
+ (eB + fA - bE - aF) c;:x + bF - fB' =
+ qdy
If we have two first-order equations of the form
B Bu By
E dv-
BX B8. B8 -B - cos 28 d- - Slll 28 - = O X x By BX "8 Y
F Bv - D
28 Bx
B8 cos 28 - = O By
These ar~ two simuItaneous quasilinear first-order equations, and if they are hyperbob~ we sh~u1d be ab1e to use the method of characteristics. Comparing the coefficlents wlth those in (12.8.29), it is seen that
a= l
e = -cos 28
f= -sin28
E = -sin28
F = cos28
D = O
and equation (12.8.31) for the characteristics becomes
+ By-
It will now be s~o:vn that the slip lines discussed in Sections 12.1 through 12. 7 ar~ charactenstIcs of the governing differential equations and all the proper~les of c~aracteristics discussed in Section 12.8 app1y to them. We st~rt wlth ~quatlOns (12.1.16), which are essentiaIIy the equilibrium equations wlth the yleld condition included:
dY) sin 28 ( dx
a Bx + b By + e Bx + f By = d A Bu Bx
du dx dy O dv O O dx =0 d a b e D A B E
Two First-Order Equations. Slip Lines
and the compatibility relation along the characteristics is
PQ) CQ)(qR - qQ) = O
Equations (12.8.27) and one of (12.8.28) furnish five equations for the five unknowns XR, YR, PR, qR, and UR' These equations are nonlinear and they usually have to be solved by some iterative method. Convergence is usually rapid if the interval PQ is not too large. In the same way, the solution at other grid points adjacent to the initial curve, such as Sin the figure, can be obtained. From R and S we can proceed to T, and so ono The solution is of course defined only in the region bounded by the terminaI characteristics, as previously explained.
then by a similar procedure the equation for the characteristics is
Cp)(qR - qp) = O
+ PP)(XR - x p) + t(qR + qp)(YR - Yp) UR - uQ = t(PR + PQ)(XR - xQ) + t(qR + qQ)(YR - YQ)
+ By -Bv dy
UR - Up = t(PR or
Bv uV = -B dx À
Aiso from the condition
du = p dx
+ dy -Bu dy
+ Apf/)(PR -
- Yp) - t(ARfR+
À Bu uU = -B dx
+ Dp)(YR
Slip Lines as Characteristics
Ix - sin 28 =
+ 2 cos 28 d
dy -cos 28 ± l dx = sin 28
.... The Slip-Line Field
2 sin 8 2 sin 8 cos 8
= an
= - cot 8 = tan (8
-cos 28
+ ~)
-sin 28
dx - (sin 28
cos 28)d8 = O
and, from (12.8.34), dx or
x- 8= X +8 =
+ d8 =
constant a10ng ex characteristic constant a10ng f3 characteristic
which are Hencky's equations, previous1y obtained.
ProbIems Derive equation (12.1.5). . . Show that the principai stresses for pIane stram problems are glven by . equations (12.1.7) and (12.1.8). 3. Show that the Tresca criterion differs from equatlOn (12.1.5) only by a multiplicative constant. 4. Derive equation (12.1.9). 5. Show that equations (12.1.14) can be obtained by means of equations (12.1.4) and (12.1.12). . 6. Prove Theorems 6 and 8 of Section 12.3. 7. Determine the ve10city distribution for the condition of Figure 12.4.2 usmg the Geiringer equations. 8. Obtain the complete solution for the rigid punch indentation of Figure 12.4.2 assuming the rigid plastic boundary to be HIJKLMN. 1. 2.
Sec. 12-8]
But tan 8 and tan(8 + 'T/'/2) are the slopes of the slip lines, so that (12.8.35) shows that the characteristics ofthe differentia1 equations (12.8.33) are just the slip 1ines. We can identify the ex slip 1ines with the p1us characteristics and the f3 slip lines with the minus characteristics, as defined by equations (12.8.35). To determine the compatibi1ity re1ation that must be satisfied a10ng the slip lines, equation (12.8.32) gives
Slip Lines as Characteristics
[Ch. 12
Show that the choice of a plus sign in equation (12.4.1) or a minus sign in equation (12.4.4) would Iead to solutions which violate the initiai assumptions. Prove that the point of intersection of aline drawn through the pole of the Mohr's circle and the circle will give the stress state acting on a pIane whose trace is parallei to this line.
References W. Prager and P. G. Hodge, Jr., Theory of Perfect/y Plastic Solids, Wiley New York, 1951. 2. P. G. Hodge, Jr., An Introduction to the Mathematicai Theory of Perfectly Plastic Solids, ONR-358, Feb. 1950. 3. L. Prandtl, Vber die Harte Plastischer Koerper, Goettinger Nachr., Math. Phys. KI., 1920, pp. 74~85. 4. R. Hill, The Plastic Yielding of Notched Bars Under Tension, Quart. J. Mech. Appl. Math., 2, 1949, pp. 40-52. 5. E. G. Thomsen, C. T. Yang, and S. Kobayashi, Mechanics of Plastic Deformation in Metal Processing, Macmillan, New York, 1965. 6. W. Prager, A Geometricai Discussion of the Slip-Line Field in PIane Plastic Flow, Trans. Roy. Inst. Tech. (Stockholm), 65, 1953, pp. 1~26. 7. W. Prager, The Theory of Plasticity: A Survey of Recent Achievements, Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng., 169, 1955, pp. 41~57. 8. H. Ford, The Theory of Plasticity in Relation to Engineering Application, J. Appl. Math. Phys., 5, 1954, pp. 1~35. 9. J. M. Alexander, Deformation Modes in Metai Forming Processes, Proceedings of the Conference on Technical Engineering Manufacture, Institute of Mechanicai Engineers, New York, 1958, Paper No. 42. 10. D. C. Drucker, H. J. Greenberg, and W. Prager, The Safety Factor of an Eiastic~Plastic Body in PIane Strain, J. Appl. Mech., 18, 1951, pp. 371~378. 11. W. Johnson and P. B. Mellor, Plasticity for Mechanical Engineers, Van Nostrand, Princeton, N.J., 1962. 12. L. Fox, Numerical Solution of Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations, Pergamon Press, London, 1962. 13. G. A. Korn and T. M. Korn, Mathematical Handbook for Scientisfs and Engineers, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1961. 14. H. Hencky, Ueber einige statisch bestimmte Faelle des Gleichgewichts in plastischen Koerpern Z. angeli'. Math Mech., 3, 1923, pp. 245~251. 15. H. Geiringer, Beit zum VoIlstandigen ebenen Plastizitats-problem, Proc 3rd Infern. Congr. Appl. Mech, 2, 1930, pp. 185~190. 1.
GeneraI References Prager, W., Introduction fo Plasticity, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass., 1959. Ford, H., Advanced Mechanics of Materials, Wiley, New York, 1963.
Sec. 13-2J
Simple Truss
determine the stresses and strains in the structure, but rather what is sought is the load-carrying capacity or limiting load at which the structure wi11 collapse. This type of analysis is called limit design or plastic design, and the load at coHapse is called the plastic collapse load. For the great majority of problems this type of approach makes more sense than a design based on an elastic analysis. Furthermore, since the stress distribution is not sOjlght, it is much simpler. There are other important problems, however, which cannot be resolved on the basis of simple limit analysis. Among these are buckling, fatigue, and fracture. The first use of plastic design in structures was apparent1y ma de by Kazinczy in the design of apartment buildings in 1914 (see reference [I]). Since then many contributions have been made to this theory both in this country and abroad. Plastic design is already part of certain specifications in some countries, and it is being used more and more by engineers in this country.
13-2 SIMPLE TRUSS 13-1
The theory of limit analysis is used primarily in the design of steel structures composed of various elements such as beams, frames, girders, arches, etc. For many years the basis for structural design has been the allowable stress concept. The allowable stress was usuaIly taken to be the yield st~ess of the material and the design stress was then taken io be some fractlOn of the aIlowabI~ stress, depending on the factor of safety used. In some applica~ions the aIlowable stress was governed by the possibility of buckling or fatIgile. . .. .. The design methods used were always elastico It is apparent, however, that the important conslderatlOn l~ an engmeenng structure is not whether the yie1d stress is exceeded at some pomt, but whether the structure will carry the intended loads or perform its intended function, and there is really no reason for assuming that the stress in the structure should never exceed the elastic limit. As a matter of fact, it is fair1y evident that in almost all structures, Iocal plastic flow will occur at stress raisers and at points of discontinuity in the geometry, and, furthermore, residual stresses as high as half the yield strength may aIready be in some elements as they come from the stee1 mills, before the load is even applied. The practice is therefore becoming more widespread to structu~es into the plastic range, the materials being assumed to behave m ~n elastlcperfect1y plastic manner. In these design procedures no attempt l~ made to 300
To illustrate the concepts behind limit analysis a few simple examples taken from reference [2] wilI be considered. Let us start with the problem of the simple symmetric truss shown in Figure 13.2. I and analyze this truss
Simple truss.
by the conventional elastic method and by the method of limit analysis. Assume the tl'uss to be made of mild steel with an elastic modulus E = 30 X 6 10 and a yield stress ao = 30,000. The stress-strain curve is assumed elasticperfect1y plastico Let L = 12 in. and cross-sectional area of aH three members, 2 A = I in. • The conventional analysis proceeds as foHows. Let T be the 1 l'esultant force in bar I and T 2 the resultant forces in each of the bars 2. Then equilibrium of forces requires {13.2. I)
T·,' Limit Analysis
[Ch. 13
Since this is a redundant structure (having more members than necessary to maintain equilibrium), the equilibrium equation (13.2.1) is obviously not sufficient to obtain the solution and the continuity of displacement must be used. The elongation of rod l is 8 _ T1 L 1 - AE
Simple Truss
and the elongations are 8 = 5,860 x 12 x 2 30 X 106
Y2 =
000331 . . 111.
v'l (0.00331) = 0.00468 in.
81 =
This completes the elastic analysis, the stresses and deformation having been determined. If the question is now asked, How strong is the truss?, the usual answer is to quote a factor of safety giving the ratio of the maximum safe 10ad to the applied 10ad. The conventional practice has been to take the maximum safe 10ad as that 10ad which would just cause the maximum stress to reach the yield stress. In this case, therefore, the factor of safety would be
/::/ ,2/ /
Sec. 13-2]
and the e1ongation of each of rods 2 is (see Figure 13.2.2)
ao 30,000 f = TIfA = 11,720 = 2.56
..[2 L
and the maximum safe load presumably is
= 2.56 x 20,000 = 51,2001b
13.2.2 Elongation.
(13.2.3) For continuity of displacements, (13.2.4) which results in (13.2.5) Substituting into (13.2.1) gives F
= 2 + v'2
However, if the material is ductile, as in the case of miId or structural steel, this safety factor and the corresponding maximum safe load are not too meaningfuI. The actual load that can be carried by the truss is considerably greater. Assuming the material to be perfectIy plastic, if the load is raised to 51,200 lb, the middle bar wiII just be at the yield. However, bars 2 wiIl only be at t their yield, since the stress in these bars is one half the stress in the middle bar, as seen from equation (13.2.5). As the load is increased above 51,200 Ib, the stress in the middle bar wiII remain the same, since it is already at the yie1d, and the. additional load wiII be carried by the other two bars. Furthermore, since the latter two bars are still elastic, the deformations of the system wiII stilI be smaII. The 10ad can be increased until the outside bars just reach the yield point. From (13.2. I) the load at which this wiII occur is
(13.2.6) 2F TI = 2 + v'2
F =
ao + v'l ao
= (1
+ v'l)ao
= 72,400Ib
This is the plastic coIIapse load. The deflections just as this load is reached will be
Thus if F = 20,000 lb, TI = 11,7201b T 2 = 5,8601b
82 = 0.017 in.
81 =
v'l 82 = 0.024 in.
Limit Analysis
[Ch. 13
which are still smaIl. If the load is increased beyond 72,400 lb, large deformations will take pIace and it can be assumed that the structure is no longer usable. We note that the factor of safety based on the load-carrying capacity is, for the case F = 20,000,
Sec. 13-3]
Pure Bending
or Beams
Thus, using pla~tic design, 30 per cent of the material is saved. Furthermore, under the workmg load of 20,000 Ib, the actual stresses in the bars are al
11,720 = -TI =- = 14' 100 A 0.83
72,400 fp = 20,000 = 3.62 which are welI within the elastic range. rather than 2.56. Moreover, the load-carrying capacity or the plastic coIlapse load is determined simply from the equilibrium equation (13.2.1) and a knowledge of the yield stress. The detailed elastic analysis previously made was not necessary. This is another great advantage of limi t analysis. Now consider the inverse problem, Le., the problem of design rather than analysis. Supposing we were given a truss such as shown in Figure 13.2.1, and told to design such a truss to have minimum cross-sectional areas for a working 10ad of 20,000 lb, and a factor of safety of 3, taking all three bars to have equal areas. According to elastic design, the forces in the bars at a 10ad of 3 x 20,000 = 60,000 lb would be, from (13.2.6),
T. 2
= 60,000 = 17 600 lb 3.414
I )~ì
Beam under pure bending.
deflections as shown in this figure will be used throughout. The bending moment is given by
= 35,200 lb
To keep the stress in the middle bar below the yie1d stress of 30,000 psi, the area would have to be
M = 2b
za x dz
With the usual assumption of beam theory that pIane sections remain pIane the strain ex is given by
35,200 l 17' 2 A = 30,000 = . m.
If plastic analysis were used, however, the stresses in alI three bars could be allowed to reach 30,000 psi at a 10ad of 60,000 lb. Therefore, from (13.2.1), A(l
The next probIem considered is the pure bending of a beam. Consider the beam shown in Figure 13.3.1. The conventions for positive moments and
= kz
where k is the curvature of the middle surface. If M is sufficient1y small, the stresses will be elastic and (13.3.3)
+ V2) x 30,000 = 60,000 Substituting into (13.3.1) and integrating gives
= 2.;14 = 0.83 in.
Lirnit Analysis
[Ch. 13
. T h e maXlmum stress wilI occur at the outer fibers . and. wiIl be tensile I hat z = h and compreSSIve . a t z - -Il . When this maXlmum stress equa s t e yield stress uo, we have, from (13.3.3), Uo
= kEh
and subStltut111g . . 111 . t o (13 .. 3 4) gives for the moment when the outer fiber just reaches the yield stress
Sec. 13-4]
Bearns and Frarnes with Concentrated Loads
As M increases, eventually l' approaches zero, as shown in (d). At this time the complete beam is flowing plastically and the moment can no Ionger be increased. The value of the moment at this condition is called the yield moment, limiting moment, or ful!y plastic momento Denoting this moment by Mo, from (13.3.7) (13.3.8) Comparing equations (13.3.8) and (13.3.6), it is seen that the ratio of the fulIy pIastic moment to the maximum eIastic moment is
(13.3.6) On the basis of elastic analysis this is the maximum allowa~le. momento H owever, 011 the basis of plastic analysis, it is evident thls IS. not the .that . d . oment the beam can withstand, since If the moment IS lncrease maXlmum m . fib f th b d M the additionalload wilI be transferred to the 111ner ers o . e ., l d' h wn 111 eyon b am The stress distributions for various states of oa 111g ar~ s o F:Igure. 13 .3.2. The first figure (a) shows the distribution when MIS less than
(b) shows the distnbutlOn . t equa ls M e, and as M is increased . . wh en M JUS
m~~e of the beam reaches the yield stress but the part ~~tween l'h a~d - ~'h is stilI elastic, as shown in (c). The moment for the condltlOn shown 111 (c) IS, from (13.3.1),
kEz2 dz
+ 4b lh
Hence M = 4b (
l rh o
uoz 2 dz l'h
4 b 2 3" h 0"0
40"0 bhA (1+-f)
2bh 20"0
40"0 bhA (1+
Mo Me
~0"0bh2 2-.f2 3
bh 2
t b2hO"o
-t b 2hO"o
13.3.3 Shape factors for common beam sections.
exampIe, it wiII be l. 70. Figure 13.3.3 shows the values for severaI common beam sections.
l") = uoz dz
This ratio is called the shape facto/' of the beam. It wiII, of course, be different for different-shaped cross sections. For a circuIar cross section, for
but, from (13.3.5),
uoz dz
= 1.5
13.3.2 Stress distributions in rectangular beam.
M = 2b
ibh2uo(3 -
l' 2)
In Section 13.3 the case of pure bending where aH sections of the beam behaved the same way was discussed. We now consider concentrated Ioads where the moment distribution varies aIong the beam. Our purpose, as before, wiII be to determine the collapse Ioads of the structure.
a Lirnit Analysis
[Ch. 13
Sec. 13-4]
Bearns and Frarnes with Concenfrafed Loads
Cantilever Beam with Tip Load
C (o) B
Consider a cantilever beam with a concentrated load at the tip as shown in Figure 13.4.1. The bending moment will obviously vary linearly from zero
:t~ - -: : =o - =: : : (: : ~:r:)=-====~===_=-..J
~t-:-:-A_ _ _ _ _ _--,JIF ~~<~---------L--------~~ (o)
Col1apse of cantilever beam.
at the tip to a maximum at the built-in end as shown. If Mo is the yield moment, then for some load Fo for which
M = LFo = Mo
the section at A will become fully plastico Since perfect plasticity has been assumed, the beam will now be able to rotate freely about the point A and will thus have collapsed. We say that a yield hinge or plastic hinge has formed at A. Such a hinge can be thought of as one which is locked in pIace as long as the moment Mis less than Mo, and which becomes free to turn freely when M becomes equal to Mo. The collapse load, from (13.4.1), is obviously
for a rectangular cross-sectional beam.
Indeterminate Beam The indeterminate beam shown in Figure 13.4.2 is considered next. The end A is built in and the end Cis simply ~upported so it can carry no moment,
13.4.2 Collapse of simple indeterminate beam.
the load F being applied at the middle. The elastic solution first requires determining the reaction at C, which can be done by first calculating the displacement at C whh the support removed and calculating the reaction at C necessary to bring the deflection back to zero with the force F removed. The moment distribution can then be computed. To determine the collapse load, however, none of this is necessary. The moment distribution when everything is elastic is shown in (b), and as the force Fis increased, eventualIy the section at A will become fulIy plastic, the moment at A being - Mo. A yield hinge is thus formed at A, just as in the case of the cantilever previously discussed with the resultant moment distribution as shown in (c). Because of the support at C, however, the beam will not yet collapse. As the load is further increased, the point A cannot carry any more moment, but the rest of the beam can and the moment at B will continue increasing until it reaches the plastic moment Mo, at which time a second yield hinge is formed. The beam will then collapse, as shown in (e). The calculation of the collapse load for this case is very simple. Let the
Limit Analysis
[Ch. 13
reaction at C be denoted by R. Then since the moment at A is - Mo and at Bit is Mo, MB
= Mo = RL
= - Mo = 2LR - FoL = 3Mo L
carry no moments. ~here are two concentrated forces, a vertical force of th amount 2F and a honzontal force 3F as shown. The criticaI points h '11 . . w ere e t momen s Wl atta111 th~lr largest absolute values are obviously the points marked 1,2, ~nd 4. ~t lS seen that unlike the beam ofthe previous example t .' where both cntICal p0111ts had to develop yield hinges l't' h' , IS no necessary 111 t lS case for alI four criticaI points to develop yield hinges. As a m tt f f~ct, there are three distinct possibilities, as shown in (b), (c), anda (~~ :f FIgure 13:4.3. Each. of these three configurations is a possible mechanism. . d The questlOn then anses as to which is the correct one This can be d t as follows. . e erm111e
Rence Fo
Sec. 13-4] Bearns and Frames with Concentrated Loads
R= Mo
For a beam of rectangular cross section it follows from (13.3.8) that
Le~ us consider each of these modes of collapsein turno Let the reactions
Fo = 6bh2ao L
at. ~0111t 5. be denoted by RI and R 2, and consider the moments at the four cntICal p0111tS.
At this point it might be well to introduce a term frequently used in limit analysis, the term mechanism, or kinematic mechanism. By a mechanism is meant an articulated system which can deform without a finite increase in load. Thus in the previous example when the second yield hinge was formed at B, the system became a mechanism as shown in (e). There exist essentially two hinged bars which can deform freely for an infinitesimally applied load. We might say then that one of the objectives of limit analysis is determining when a mechanism will be formed, and in the case when more than one mechanism is possible for a system, to determine which is the collapse mechanism. This last point will be illustrated in the next example.
= 2RIL
= 2RIL - 2FL - 2R2 L
The example of a simple frame as shown in Figure 13.4.3 will now be considered. Point 1 is built in and point 5 is pin supported and can therefore
M3 = RIL - 2R2 L M4
= -2R2 L
Eliminating the two reactions RI and R 2 gives - M2 - MI
Simple Frame
- 8FL
+ 2M3 + M2
- M4
= 2FL
= 6FL
If it is now assumed that the frame will collapse by the mechanism shown in (c), then MI = -M M - M and M M F . o, 2 o, 4 = o. rom the second of equatlOns (13.4.5),
F= 2L
and from the first of (13.4.5),
(13.4.6) M3 = iMo
Now consider the mechanism shown in (b). Rere M 2 = -Mo
Then, from (13.4.5), (b)
13.4.3 Collapse of simple frame.
Limit Analysis [Ch. 13
· h"IS Impos sl'bIe . The second mechanism shown in (b) is therefore not wh IC possible. . . (d) . Finally, consider the third mechalllsm shown m .
Then, from (13.4.5), F= 5Mo 8L
But this violates the originaI assumption for this case-that ~here is no. yiel.d . t t' 2' l' e the moment at 2 is less than Mo. ThIS mechalllsm IS hmge at s a lOn , .. , . f () th ly o c. as(1346) e on therefore aIso no t a dmissible, leaving the mechalllsm . POSSI'bleone. The true collapse Ioad is therefore glVen by equatlOn d' .t. .the Several results can now b e noted . The collapse loads correspon . . mg (13 o4 6) cases of (d) and (b) are higher than the true collapse 10ad given m .... It appears, then, that as the load is slowly increased from zero, the frame w1l1 collapse the first chance it gets. . Second if the load is decreased in these last two case s, so .t~at the maxlmu~ , moment does not excee d M o, it would be necessary . . to dIVIde by 12 and 4' respectively, as seen from (13.4.7) and (13.4.8), g1V1ng and But these are less than the true collapse load of
I f 11 then that as the Ioad is slowly increased, th~ frame will not ows t o collapse for any load f or which . some equilibrium configuratlOn can be found, l 't produces a mechalllsm. . unThese ess 1 two concep ts can be formalized into basic theorems of limit analysls to be discussed in Section 13.5.
. problems were simple enough so that the correct collapse The prevlOus d'ffi lt In more l d Id be obtained in each case without too much 1 cu y. . c~~p~~~ted probIems, however, it may be difficult or impossible to obtalll
Sec. 13-5] Theorems or Limit Analysis
the collapse load exactly, and recourse must then be had to the upper and lower bound theorems, which provi de upper and lower bounds to the true collapse load. These theorems are essentially the same as those presented in Section 12.7 for the load to produce incipient plastic flow in a rigid-perfectly plastic material. They were first presented by Gvozdev [3] and independently proved by Hill [4, 5] for the rigid-perfectly plastic material, by Drucker et al. [6, 7] for the elastic-perfectly plastic material, and in references [8] and [9] for the special cases of beams and frames. We shall present the theorems in their generaI formo The proofs, which are based primarily on the principle of virtual work, can be found in the cited references and in a particular1y elegant form in reference [lO].
Lower and Upper Bound Theorems
Jf an equilibrium distribution of stress can be found which balances the applied load and is everywhere below yield or at yield, the structure will not collapse or will just be at the point of collapse. This gives a lower bound on the limit load, and is called the lower bound theorem. The structure must collapse if there is any compatible pattern of plastic deformation for which the l'ate at which the external forces do work is equal to or exceeds the rate of interna! dissipation. This gives the upper bound on the limit load and is called the upper bound theorem. The lower bound theorem merely says that the structure will withstand the applied load by rearranging the internaI stresses to best advantage, if at alI possible. It gives lower bounds on, or safe values of, the limit or collapse loading. The maximum lower bound is the limit load. The upper bound theorem says that if a path of failure exists, the structure will take the path. It gives upper bounds on the limit load. The minimum upper bound is the limit 10ad. Since exact limit loads cannot usualIy be obtained for practical problems, these two theorems enable one to bracket the answer sufficiently c10se for engineering purposes. In addition to the lower and upper bound theorems, the following theorems are sometimes useful [11].
Addition of weightIess material cannot resuIt in a lower collapse load. Increasing the yield strength of the material in any region cannot weaken the body. Residual or thermal stresses or deflections have no influence on the limit load. The first two of these are stated in the negative because the converses are not necessarily true; Le., addition of material or increase in yield strength
Limit Analysis [Ch. 13
may, or may not, increase the strength of a body, but it will certainly not decrease it. The upper and lower bound theorems can be stated in a more precise and elegant fashion by first introducing the following definitions and concepts [2], which are useful in their own right. Generalized stresses Qj are used to designate the state of stress in a body. These may be actual stresses, so that Ql = a x , Q2 = a y, etc.; or they may be moments, as in the case of beams, so that Ql = M; or resultant forces and moments as in the case of shells, where Ql = Ne, Q2 = Nq" Q3 = Me, etc. The choice of generalized stresses to be used depends on the particular problem and is a matter of convenience and is not necessarily unique. Once such a choice has been made, however, the corresponding generalized strains qj are defined so that the increment of internaI work done is given by
Sec. 13-5] Theorems of Limit Analysis 315
bound theorem can now be stated as follows' The rfi . statically ~dmissible multiplier; Le.,f?:. À_.' sa ety factor IS fhe largest (O:d :el~c1ty field) is calle~ kinematically admissible if it satisfies the velocit lSp acement constra111ts and if the total external rate of y by the actualloa~s on this velocity field is positive. work De done Let the generahzed strain-rate vector associated . h . . . admissible velocity field be desi nated b'* W1t a glven .k111~matIcally indicate that th' . g y ql , where the astensk IS used to
kinematically a~~~s~~~e~~~:s~~~~~~ ~~u~ sttr~in-frate ~ector but one that is .* b' Iss1pa 10n unctlOn correspondin t qi can e determ111ed from equation (13 5 3) d . g o structure to obtain the total internaI d: '. at~ 111tegrated over the complete Isslpa lOn D l We n d fi J, • matically admissible multiplier À+ as the ratio of th ' . o~ e ne a aneenergy dissipations : e 111terna to the external
(13.5.1) For example, for the beam prob1ems considered, the generalized stress at a hinge is M, and the corresponding generalized strain is the rotation B, the internaI work at the hinge being equal to MB. Instead of using the increment of internaI work as given by equation (13.5.1), it is more convenient to introduce the dissipationfunction or specific power of dissipation, given by (13.5.2) where the dots designate time derivati ves. The dissipation function is uniquely determined by the strain rates (even for singular yield lo ci [10]), and we can consequent1y write (13.5.3) Consider an arbitrary structure of volume V and surface S subject to certain geometric constraints and upon which a load distribution P j acts. Let À be a multiplier and consider the structure under the loads ÀPi as À is slowly increased from zero. The safety factor fis defined as the smallest value of À for which the structure can undergo an increase in deformation without increase in lo ad ; i.e., the safety factor is the ratio of the collapse load to actualload. We now define a statically admissible stress field as one which is in equilibrium, is in equilibrium with the external Ioads ÀPl> and exceeds the yieid limit. The multiplier À- corresponding to such a admissibie stress fieid is called a statically admissible multiplier. The
The upper bound theorem is then stated as follows' Th' . smallest kinematically admissible multiplier' i e f < .À+ e safety factor IS the be summarized by the reiation ' .. , . Both theorems can (13.5.5)
Th~ above theorems furnish upper and Iower bounds for . the Ioad. The questlOn of the uniqueness of the l t' .d d . so u lOn must stIlI be umqueness of the safety factor follows from equation (13 5c05n)slItere . TIhe be shown [4 12 13] . '" can a so at the start ~f piasti~ ~s111g. the ~rincipie of virtual work, that the stress field
fo~~:; which faH on th~~::a~g~~~::~::t !~ ;7~~if!~t~~~:sa:~~ea~::rse:: mi~:t: :!:!I:h:x;:f~eF~!:!e l~s~. . ~f. ;~:s:ntdheAor1.embs"lct~nSidedr the indeters 111 an the end B is Ul
CoIlapse of bea m with distributed load.
Limit Analysis [Ch. 13
simply supported and the distributed load is of intensity P. The beam will collapse when yield hinges are formed at A and at some as yet unknown point designated by x = g. The correct solution can readily be obtained. Let R be the reaction at the point B. Then the moment at any x is given by M(x) = R(L - x) - tP(L - X)2
M(O) = RL - tPL2 = -MQ
M(g) = R(L - g) - tP(L - g? = MQ
AIso, since at x =
Equating the rates of work done, by the upper bound theorem PL2 T=3MQ
= -PL2 = MQ
(13.5.11) 12
:omdPari~g ,,:ith equation (11.5.9), it is seen that an upper bound has bee loun Wh1Ch lS reasonably dose. n
Since yield hinges form at x = O and x =
Sec. 13-5J Theorems of Limit Analysis
. A .lo,,:er bound to P is obtained as follows. Calculatin the gl' moment d1stnbutlOn due to the load p [assuming M(O) _ M] Q resu ts III
g, M must be a maximum,
M'W = -R + P(L - g) = O Solving equations (13.5.7) and (13.5.8) for R, RL
+ 2v.r2 =
+ 4V2
r = MQ = 2
p = MQ = 6
g = Lg =
g, and P, 4.82843
No,,: t.his m~me~t ~istribution is not an admissible one (not stati calI adm1ss1ble), Slllce 1t glVes values greater than M Th t h ' y Q. us e maX1mum value f th '" . o m o.ccurs at x/L = i'z- and is equal to 25/24 If " . we erelore mult1ply alI the moments and l b Th . oad by 24/25, an adm1ss1ble moment distribution which ' y eorem 2 lS a lower bound, will be obtained. Hence p = 24/25 x 12 = 11.52
= 11.65685
is a lower bound for the collapse load. The collapse load is thus bounded by
2 - v 2 = 0.58579 11.52 :s; p :s; 12
Equations (15.5.9) give the exact answer to the problem. However, for more complicated problems the exact solution may become very difficult. An approximate solution can be obtained by finding upper and lower bounds. We note first that if some arbitrary value g were chosen for the hinge, an upper bound would result, for the correct value of g will cause the yield limit to be reached at a lower load. Let us then arbitrarily choose the midpoint g = t as the hinge point. Then if the hinge A rotates through an angle e, g will rotate through an angle 2e and the total internaI work will be
or we can write p = 11.76
± 0.24
which is sufficiently accurate for engineering purpose~. F~r greater accuracy one could now take the value x/L = -2_ h h prevlOUS moment distribution w a s ' ' . 12, W ere t e
~~;o~~n:en~:S~tion o:tainda new an: :;~:~r:~;~ra~:u~~n:n~h~~~:c;~~~~f:~ ower oun . The collapse load is theQ found to be 11.65674 :s; p :s; 11.65714
The externalload P moves an a verage distance of iLe and the external work We = PL(iLe) = iPL2 e
l bForbthe above simple example there is little difference in the amount of a or etween the exact solution and the method of upper d l b For l an ower ounds is fa;:~;e~~o~P ex problems, however, the method ofupper and lower bound~
Limit Analysis
[Ch. 13
13-6 METHOD OF SUPERPOSITION OF MECHANISMS In the simple examples previously discussed, it was possible to list alI collapse mechanisms and to determine which of these was the correct one. For complicated structures this is no longer possible and more systematic methods are needed to detennine the limit loads. One such generaI method will be briefly discussed in this section. The interested reader is referred to references [2, 14, 15, 16] for more comprehensive treatments. The method oJ superposition oJ meehanisms due to Symonds and Neal [17, 18] basically involves combining or superposing various elementary meehanisms to obtain the collapse mechanism, the true collapse mechanism being distinguished by the lowest collapse load. The method will be described by means of an illustrative problem taken from reference [17]. Consider the frame shown in Figure 13.6.1, loaded as indicated. Let the fulIy plastic moment in the legs be Mo and in the horizontal beams 2Mo. There are lO possible sections where plastic hinges can occur, as indicated by the numbers in the figure. The hinge in the beam with the distributed load may occur at some unknown distance x as shown. The first step is to determine the number of linearly independent meehanisms for the structure. It can be shown that this will equal the linear1y independent static equations of equilibrium, which in tum is equal to the number of bending moments necessary to specify the bending moment diagram completely minus the degree of redundancy of the structure; Le.,
----------, l
For the problem under consideration Figure 13 6 1 . l ~ndicated, and the degree ofredundancy'r is equal t~~' :e~~::a to as mdependent mechanisms. For these independent mech~nisms wee~~:~:e ~~;
, ,
1~<~/-----2L------~~+I~~------2L 13.6.1 Two-bay frame.
13.6.2 Elementary mechanisms.
!, ,
Method of Superposition of Mechani
sms 31 9 . h W ere n lS the number f' d dent equatlOns . m epen of e 'l'b' o d' qUI l num or numb · d of m epen ent mechamsms, m the number' er to specify the bending moment diagram ano: bet~dmg m:ments necessary constraints. For ex ampIe, the frame or' Fi u:e 1; num er of redund~nt moments at the points 1 through 4 it has t g d d.4·3 has fo~r bendmg , wo re un ant constramts d. h ~ t ere ore has two independent equations of equilibrium as' b ,a~ lt ven (13.4.5). It also has two independent mech' ,glh y.equa:lOns 13 4 3(b) amsms, as s own m FIgur .. and (c). The mechanism of Figure 13 43(d) b b' e " can e o tamed by combining the other two mechanisms.
n= m - r
Sec. 13-6)
basie or elementary .meehanisms shown in Figure 1362 . " There are t hree such elementary mechamsms defined as follows: 1. h'Beam meehanisms as shown in (a) and (b) . These are charactenzed . by o?e l:ge adt .ea~h end and one hinge under each concentrated load and one hmge lor a Istnbuted load.
2.. Frame or p.a~el meehanisms as shown in (c). These are characterized by hmg~s at the ]omts and supports but not under loads. h' re 3. Joznt. meehanisms as shown in (d). These are fiet't' l IOUS mee amsms presentmg the small rotation of a joint where three or b . Connected. more mem ers are
Limit Analysis
[Ch. 13
There is also a fourth type of basic mechanism used in the analysis of gabled frames, called a portai mechanism, which will not be used here. The next step is to compute the collapse lo ad for each of the elementary mechanisms of Figure 13.6.2. For'this purpose the work equation obtained from the principle of virtual work is used. The principle of virtual work states that if a structure is in equilibrium under a system of external forces, then the external work done by these forces during any virtual displacement is equal to the internaI work done by the stresses on the strains due to this virtual displacement, the virtual displacement being any displacement compatible with the constraints. For the case of a frame structure composed of rigid members, this principle takes the form of the following work equation: (13.6.2)
where PI are the k externalloads, 81 the small displaceinents of a mechanism motion, Mi the plastic moments, and 01 the corresponding small rotations. The use of this equation is further simplified by the fact that the product MIOI is always positive, so that we need not consider the signs ofthe MI or the 01, Applying equation (13.6.2) to the mechanisms of Figure 13.6.2 gives for Figure 13.6.2(a), 2P(LO) or
= MoO + 2Mo(20) + 2MoO (13.6.3)
= 3.5Mo
In the above equation the hinge at section 2 was assumed to take pIace in the verticalleg, which is weaker, having a plastic moment of Ma rather than 2Mo as in the beam. For the mechanism of (b), Ox) ( 2LO ) 4P"2 = 2Moe + 2Mo 2L _ x (
Sec. 13-6] Method or Superposition or Mechanisms
The frame can faH in one of the three mechanisms analyzed or in some combination 01' them. The correct failure mechanism is the one requiring the smallest load P. Hence in combining the mechanisms we choose only those combinations which are likely to give smaller loads than the mechanisms already available. Examination of the work equation (13.6.2) shows that to reduce the load the work done by the load should be made as large as possible and the internaI work of the plastic moments should be made as small as possible. This leads to the following rules for combining mechanisms: 1. Two mechanisms should be combined so as to eliminate at least one common hinge. Only then can the failure load be less than for each of the individuaI mechanisms. 2. If necessary a joint connecting three or more members may be fotated in order to reduce the internaI work at, this joint. This corresponds to the elementary mechanism of Figure 13.6.2(d). 3. For a beam with a distributed load, the hinge is first arbitrarily assumed to be at the midpoint of the beam. If the actual collapse mode contains this hinge, its correct position can then be determined. In practice the variation of this hinge position is small and can be neglected. Let us apply these rules to the present problem. The mechanism of Figure 13.6.2(c) is most likely to be correct, since it corresponds to the smallest value of P. If it is combined with mode (a), the hinge at section 2 is eliminated, so that by rule 1 the resultant value of P should be lower. This combined mode is shown in Figure 13.6.3. The work equation can be obtained for this new mechanism of Figure 13.6.3, but it is usually simpler to modify one of the
4P p
+ Mo 2LxO- x
(8L - x)L PL = 2x(2L _ x) Mo For the mechanism of (c), p(2Le) = 6MoO PL = 3Mo There is no work equation for the mechanism of Figure 13.6.2(d).
~-----2L------~~~'~~'-----2L------~ FIGURE
13.6.3 Combined mechanism.
Limit Analysis
[Ch. 13
. prevlOUS wor k equations , here the one for the mechanism of Figure 13.6.2(c), equation (13.6.5). P(2Vi) + 2P(L8) = 6Mo8 - M o8 + 2Mo(28) + 2Mo8
= 2.75Mo
Sec. 13-7]
The mechanism yielding the lowest collapse load is the one of Figure 13.6.3, and this is therefore the correct collapse mode, the load being given by equation (13.6.6). However, to verify that this is the correct solution, it is necessary to calculate the remaining moments to make sure that none of them exceeds the yield moment. The four independent equations of equilibrium are
. . hanism thus gives a 10wer collapse lo ad and is there:o~e Thls of the others. To determine whether it is correct, It IS more hkely t k other combinations. Neither mechanism (b) .or n;c;:sg::e favorably with Figure 13.6.3, o .. However both of these together wIlI com me Wl thereby 13.6.3 ehmmateld... Figure to e Immat e the'hinge of section 5 without introducing one at
c~mbm~ m:~ ~n ~he \03.~.;ccombines
= 2M3
- M2
2PL = 2M7 - M6 - Ms
~ince nOb.hmg\l~
2PL = M 2 0= M4
+ M5
+ M5
- M6
where for the second equation x was taken to be equal to L. Substituting
e 10
13.6.4 Combined mechanism.
· 6. This new combination is shown sect lOn . din Figure 13.6.4. Whether it is advantageous or not must now be det~rml~e . The work equation for this mechamsm IS 4P(L8)
+ 4P( ~8) =
Thus none of the remaining moments exceeds the fully plastic moment for that member, so that the failure mode of figure 13.6.3 is the correct one. The above example illustrates the use of the method of superposition of mechanisms. Obviously the method requires some skill in combining favorable mechanisms. Such skill can readily be acquired by experience and practice. The method then offers a relatively simple procedure for finding the collapse load of framed structures under proportionalloading.
+ 2Mo(68)
Hence PL = 2.83Mo
= 2Mo
into equations (13.6.8), and solving for the remaining moments gives
. . 7 ssumed at the midpoint In the above equation the hmge at sectlOn t w~s a f x can be determined of the beam according to rule 3. The c?r.rec vaT~iSOgives a value of x equa! from the condition that P should be a md~mmu7' of PL remains the same as t O 982L instead of L. The correspon mg va ue 67) to three significant figures. gIVen. byequa tl'on (13 ..
Limit Design
Heretofore the problems discussed have been primarily those of analysis. A given structure was analyzed to determine the maximum safe load. Of equal importance is the problem of design where the loads are specified and the best structure, in some sense, to carry these loads must be determined. It should be first noted that for some design problems the methods previously discussed can be used directly: For example, if Mo is the plastic moment in one of the beams of the structure which is considered as a reference beam and aiMO are the plastic moments in the other elements of the structure,
T Limit Ana1ysis [Ch. 13
where (Xl corresponds to the ith e1ement and the (Xl are all specified, then the design problem becomes one of finding the value of Mo for collapse to occur under the specified loads. This is called a restricted design problem [14]. To find Mo, the upper and lower bound theorems can be used as before, noting that the lower bound theorem now gives an upper bound on the required value of Mo and the upper bound theorem gives a lower bound on the value of Mo· Thus in using the method of superposition of mechanisms of Section 13.6, instead of combining mechanisms to obtain the lowest collapse load, we combine the mechanisms to obtain the largest plastic momento The procedures for both types of problems are of course exact1y the same. For the illustrative problem of Section 13.6, as shown in Figure 13.6.1, the highest value of the plastic moment Mo is obtained for the combined mechanism of Figure 13.6.3 and from equation (13.6.6) is given by
= 0.364PL
325 Calculate the shape facto f b . 3. Determine the collapse l~a~rf~r :~::\~! cross section. if the concentrated load F is located at d ~~mmat; beam of Figure 13.4.2 4. Obtain the collapse load for a beam b \tl~ ance L from the built-in end. m m at both ends with a concentrated load at the center.
Find the collapse load for the frame of . . horizontalloads are equa!. FIgure 13.4.3 If the vertical and
6. 7.
Repeat Problem 5 with the verticallo d . Determine the collapse lo ad fo : eqlual to tWlce the horizontalload. ends. r a Ull1~orm y loaded beam built in at both
For the problem of Figure 13 6 1 h . . instead of 4P the other load . . , ~ .ow that If the dlstributed lo ad is 5P g the mechanis~ of Figure 13 : ;em amI m ufnchanged, the frame will fail by 9 R . . a t a oa d o 2.61M IL . epeat Problem 8 assuming the distributed I d ' o . mechanism is the one of Figure 13 6 2(b) oa IS 8P. Show that the failure lO D' h '.. .. at a load of 175M IL . enve t e eqmlIbrmm equations (13.6.8). . o· 8.
(13.7.1) References
The choice of sections to be used in constructing the frame of Figure 13.6.1 is thus determined by equation (13.7.1). In generaI, however, the designer seeks not only a safe design but one which will also minimize the cost or the weight. It is to be realized that a minimum weight design does not always result in a minimum cost design. However, because of the many factors entering into the cost of a design, the methods that have been developed for optimum design are primarily based on the minimum-weight criterion. In any case this furnishes a go od starting point for the designer. A design method for minimum weight was first discussed by Heyman [19], followed by Foulkes [20], Livesley [21], and Heyman and Prager [22]. The basic problem is one in linea/' p/'og/'amming, where one seeks to minimize a weight function subject to inequality constraints [23]. However, the number of variables and constraints is so large, except for relatively simple frames, that a straightforward use of linear programming techniques would quickly exhaust the capacity of even a large computer. The method of Heyman and Prager [22], however, does not require as much computer storage and is completely automatico Furthermore, it can be used for analysis as well as design. A complete description of the method is given in reference [22] and in
G. Kazinczy, Experiments with Cl d' 5, and 6, 1914. ampe Glrders, Betonszemle, 2, Nos. 4,
i95~: Hodge, Jr., Plastic Analysis 01 Structures, McGraw-Hill, New York,
A. A. Gvozdev. The Determination f h Statically Indeterminate Systems U dO t ~ Value ?f the Collapse Load for ings 01 the Conlerence on Pl t' ~ ~~gomg.PlastIc Deformation, Proceedas Moscow 1938 pp 19-33 T ICI eJo~'matlOns, Akademiia Nauk SSSR , ,. . rans ated mto En ]' h b R ' g IS Y . l'v!. Haythornthwaite, Intern. J. Mech. Sci 1 1960 ." , pp. 322-355 4 R H'll . . I, On the State of S t r ' .... Phi!. '!'lag ., 42, 1951, pp. 86:~~;~ a PlastIc-RIgld Body at the Yield Point, 5. R. HIlI, A Note on Estimatin th Y Id . Body, Phil. Mag., 43, 1952, PP.g353~35~~ -Pomt Loads in .a Plastic-Rigid 6. 7. 8.
D. C. Drucker, H. J. Greenberg and W P Elastic-Plastic Body in PIane St '. J . rager, The Safety Factor for an D. C. Drucker, W. Prager an;~' J' PI. Mech., 18, 1951, pp. 371-378. Theorems for Continuous Media ~eenberg, Extended Limit Design H. J. Greenberg and W. Prager Li~~~~ (lpl. Math., 9, 1952, pp. 381-389. ASCE, 117, 1952 p 447 First p'ubl' h deSIgn of Beams and Frames, Trans. ,.. IS e as Tech Rept A181 B U . '. -, rown mv. Press, Providence, R.I., 1949. M. R. Horne, Fundamental Propositions i n th . J. Inst. Civil Engrs. (London) 34 1949 1950 e PlastIc Theory of Structures, W P A ' , - , pp. 174-177 . rager, n Introduction to Plasticity Add' W l . 1959. ' Ison- es ey, Reading, Mass.,
ci .
reference [14].
11. D. C. Drucker, Limit Analysis and D . eSIgn, Appl. Mech. Rev., 7, No. lO, 1954, pp. 421-423.
Consider a truss similar to the one shown in Figure 13.2.1, where the angle between the vertical bar and each of the other two bars is 60°. Find tM eiastic and piastic safety factors if F = 20,000 Ib.
R ..Hill, On the Problem of Uniqueness in the Th .. SolId, J. Mech. Phys. Solids 4 1956 247 e~ry of a Rlgld-Plastic 302-307. '" pp. -255; 5,1957, pp. 1-8, 153-161,
Limit Analysis
[Ch. 13
13. R. M. Haythornthwaite and R. T. ShieId, A Note on the Deformabie Region in a Rigid-Plastie Strueture, J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 6, 1958, pp. 127-131. 14. C. E. Massonnet and M. A. Save, Plastic Analysis and Design, VoI. I, Ginn (Blaisdell), Boston, 1965. 15. B. G. Neal, The Plastic Methods oj Structural Analysis, Wiley, New York, 1956. 16. J. F. Baker, M. R. Horne, and J. Heyman, The Steel Skeleton, VoI. II, Cambridge Univo Press, New York, 1956. 17. P. S. Symonds and B. G. Neal, Reeent Progress in the Piastie Method of Strueturai AnaIysis, J. Franklin Inst., 252, 1951, pp. 383-407,469-492. 18. B. G. Neai and P. S. Symonds, The Rapid Ca1culation of the Piastie Collapse Load of a Framed Strueture, Proc. Inst. Civil Engrs. (London), 1, 1952, pp. 58-71. 19. J. Heyman, Piastie Design of Beams and PIane Frames for Minimum Materiai Consumption, Quart. Appl. Math., 8, 1951, pp. 373-381. 20. J. Foulkes, The Minimum Weight Design of Strueturai Frames, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London), Series A223, 1954, pp. 482-494. 21. R. K. LivesIey, The Automatie Design of Strueturai Frames, Quart. J. Mecl!. Appl. Math., 9, 1956, p. 257-278. 22. J. Heyman and W. Prager, Automatie Minimum Weight Design of Steel Frames, J. Franklin Inst., 266, 1958, pp. 339-364. 23. G. B. Dantzig, Linear Programming and Extensions, Prineeton Univo Press, Prineeton, N.J., 1963. GeneraI References
Baker, J. E, M. R. Horne, and J. Heyman, The Steel Skeleton, VoI. II, Cambridge Univo Press, Cambridge, 1956. Commentary on Piastie Design in Steel, Progress Reports No.1 and No.2 of the Joint WRC-ASCE Committee on Piastieity Reiated to Design, Froc. ASCE, 85, No. EM3, 1959. Drueker, D. C., Piastie Design Methods, Advantages and Limitations, Brown Univ; Div. oj Appl. Math. Tech. Rept. No. 24, 1957. Hodge, P. G., Jr., Plastic Analysis oj Structures, MeGraw-Hill, New York, 1959. Massonnet, C. E., and M. A. Save, Plastic Analysis and Design, VoI. 1, Ginn (Blaisdell), Boston, 1965. Neal, B. G., The Plastic Methods oj Structural Analysis, Wiley, New York, 2nd ed., 1963. Van den Broek, J. A., Theory of Limit Design, Trans. ASCE, 105, 1940, pp. 638-661.
. called Th'a material. stretches under constant Ioad the phenomenon IS . When Cleep. IS was bnefty mentioned in Section 24 h . . , w ere some typICaI creep curves were shown. A test which is carried out at constant Ioad is th C called a creep test and the measured strains are called creep strains Therel ore ofthe creep curve (strain versus time) at any point is called the . .e s ope .. creep late. The shap f th bd' .. e o e umaxlaI creep curve as shown in Figure 14.1.1 has led to a su IVISlOn of the creep curve into three parts. 1. Primary creep, where the creep rate is decreasing rapidIy. 2. tSecondary (or steady state) creep, where the creep rate is essentially cons ant. 3. Tertiary creep, where the creep rate increases very rapidly.
th Si;ce.the primary part of the creep curve is usually of short duration and in ~h ertlary :art leads quickly to rupture, the greatest interest usually lies e secon. ary part, aIthough the primary part cannot always be neglected A ~he classICaI creep experiments were carried out by Andrade [1]. in 1910' n rade ~oncluded that at constant temperature and constant stress th~ creep stralll can be represented by an equation of the form (14.1.1) 327
Creep [Ch. 14
Sec. 14-1]
Basic Concepts
Equations (14.1.5) imply that the curves for different stress levels are geometrically similar, and this is approximately true. In particular, the functions (:3(a) and k(a) are frequently taken to be power functions of the stress [2, 3]; Le., (:3(a) :;: Bam k(a) = Ka n
Such expressions often fit the data fairly well. For example, for a gas turbinealloy steel (Allegheny 418, 12% Cr, 3% W) the data could be fitted fairly well by assuming
Typical uniaxial creep curve.
Equation (14.1.1) can aiso be approximated by writing =
+ 82
= (:3t 1 /3
= kt
= 3.36
= 4.41
1O-30a6t1/2 1O- 32 a6,2t
In performing calculations, it is the strain rate at any time which is of importance. To determine the strain rate, we differentiate equations (14.1.5) to get
w recognizable as the primary and secondary components of an d 82 are no . ' t the totai creep strain, for if we differentiate them w1th respect to tlme, we ge 81
lÌ 1
= q(:3t q -
lÌ 2
= k(a)
Alternatively, since from (14.1.5), lÌ 1
= 1-(:3t- 2 /3
lÌ 2
= k
t -
We see then that lÌ 1 is Iarge for small times but becomes vanishingIy small for large times whereas lÌ 2 is constant with time. Many e~periments on different materiais have shown, however, that the exponent i in equation (14.1.3) is not adequate a~d can vary between 0.4 and 0.85. Therefore, the relationship generally used 1S of the form (14.1.4)
where q and (:3 depend on the material. The constants (:3, k, and q will in generaI depend on the ~t~ess and the temperature. The assumption is usually made, however, t~at q 1S mdependent of the stress and that at constant temperature we can wnte 81
= (:3(a)t q
= k(a)t
_ (8fj1)1/q
we can substitute (14.1.9) into (14.1.8) to eliminate t, giving (14.1.10)
Thus the creep rate can be written as a function of stress, temperature, and time, or of stress, temperature, and strain. Basically, however, expressions of this type pose a fundamental difficulty. For a relation of the form lÌ
=f(a, T, t, 8)
implies that there exists a "mechanical equation of state." That is, the creep rate at any ti me depends on the state of the system at that time and is independent of how or by what path the system got to this state. There is conclusive evidence that this can generally not be true but may be true under
T j
[Ch. 14
.. Th' is similar to the problem ofusing deformaIS. H ever because there is at present certain restricted condltlOns. tion theory in plasticity calculatlOns. ~w '. h (14 1 Il) are ., no other theoretical method that is practICal, equatlOns ~uc .as th limitations should be kept m mmd. generally p used. Ho~ever; al:ayS taken at constant stress. The question then .Cree data are ha m~Sata to be used for the case where the stress is varying anses: How are tese the stress in a body is constant at a value l . h d to At what rate will with time? For example, suppose . a2' 1 Th stress then sud de n y IS c ange al Up to a tm:e t • ~ at the new stress a2? To answer this question several the body begm creepmg . l t' e creep laws h ave b een p roposed [11] . Three such laws are dIfferentdc~m;.a IV 14 l 2 These are the strain hardening, time hardening, and illustrate m Igure .... . law assumes that in going from one life-fraction laws. The stram-hardemtngdepends on the existing strain in the l l t the next the creep ra e ., 14 1 2(b) The time-hardening rule assumes stress eve o. material as indlcated m FIgure 'h' ti~e from the beginning of the creep that the creep rate depends upon t e
~4 c
23 if, 2
Multidimensional Problems 331
process as shown in Figure 14.1.2(a). The life-fraction law assumes that the creep rate depends upon the fraction of life used up, as shown in Figure 14.1.2(c). Experimental data seem to lean toward the strain-hardening rule. However, it has also been shown that if the stress is suddenly changed, a transient effect takes pIace such that the strain rate is higher than that obtained even from the strain-hardening rule. It has therefore been suggested by Rabotnov (4] that a modification be made in the strain-hardening rule, as shown in Figure 14.1.3. Instead of moving from O to A, as in the strain-hardening ruIe, we
~4 é
Sec. 14-2]
2 3
14.1.3 Transient effect on creep rate.
2 25,000 I
100 120 140
80 100 120 140
Time, hr
Time, hr
move to a point D which has a higher strain rate. The point D is taken as the point at which the strain is ada2 times the strain at A. The validity of this type of approach requires much more experimental verification. If one uses the time-hardening ruIe, then the creep rates at any stress are given by equations (14.1.8). On the other hand, if the strain-hardening rule is used, the creep rates are given by equations (14.1.10). We note that for steady-state or secondary creep, all the rules become the same, since all the stress curves are then parallel straight lines. (This is not evident from Figure 14.1.2, sin ce the primary parts of the curves have been great1y exaggerated).
2 20,000
100 120 140
Time, hr (c)
14.1.2 Proposed creep Iaws: (a) time-hardening ruIe; (b) hardening ruIe; (c) life-fraction ruIe,
As mentioned before, all creep data are of the uniaxial type. How then do we use this data for two-dimensionai and three-dimensional problems? The answer is, the same way as for any plasticity problem. Although the physicai processes involved in creep are undoubtedly different than in ordinary plastic flow, we assume that the same relations hold for creep strains as for plastic strains. For example, the Prandtl-Reuss relations can be used for computing
[Ch. 14
the creep increments. Thus we assume an equivalent stress defined the same way as in plasticity theory and an equivalent creep strain increment and write etc.
The computations are then performed as for any plasticity problem. Instead ofusing the stress-strain curve, however, the creep curves, or equations such as (14.1.8) or (14.1.10) representing these curves, are used. ie and a e in these equations are the equivalent strain rate and equivalent stress, respectiveIy. The successive-approximation method is very usefui in making the calcuIations. In generaI, solutions are obtained incrementally. One start;' with a given increment of time and solves the problem by successive approximations. The next increment of time is then taken and the process repeated. The solution can thus be extended to any time. For this purpose it is convenient to write equations (14.1.8) as follows [using equation (14.1.6)]: I::!ee = qBa,:t q -
I::!ee =
Sec. 14-3]
Uniaxial Creep in Infinite Sfrip
the . fi't l . sh Consider . . simple uniaxial case of a th'm m 111 e p ate of wIdth 2c as own m FIgure 14.3.1 with a temperature distribution T(y) across the y y =c
T =1Q
+ 600(yL i.3 ) y=-c
Flat plate with temperature distribution.
width. Under these conditions, the only nonzero stress is (143 . .1)
ax = ax(y)
As in the usual theory of bending it is assumed that pl t' . ane sec lOns remam pIane. This requires t h a t '
or, for the case of the strain-hardening rule (14.1.10), (14.3.2) (14.2.3) We note that in the case of steady-state creep, the incrementaI approach is not necessary, since the stress is constant and re1ations (14.1.8) and (14.1.10) can be integrated directly (if we neglect eiastic strains). With this brief exposition of the creep equations we shall proceed to several examples. The reader interested in more detailed discussions of creep laws and their physical and phenomenological background is referred to the generaI references at the end of the chapter. Two examples will be considered. The first is the uniaxial problem of a thin infinite strip with a parabolic temperature distribution across the width. This is exactly the same as the piastic flow problem treated in Section 9.2. Rere we will show how the stresses relax with time due to creep. The second problem discussed is that of a rotating disk similar to the problem of Section 9.5. The same method of solution, by successive approximations, will be used here for the creep problems as was used in Chapter 9 for the plastic flow problems. Both these problems are taken from reference [5]. Cl and C2 are constants to be determined. Let ex and ax be the total stram and stress at the middle of the time interval M e" the tot l t' t t' d e ' x a creep s ram ~p o Ime t, an I::!ex the additional increment of creep strain during the t' mterval M. Then Ime ax I::!e" ex = E + rxT + e~ +
from which ax = E( ex - rxT -
The boundary conditions require that
re re
axdy =
axydy =
o (14.3.5)
Creep [Ch. 14
Creep in Rofating Disks
The constants Cl and C2 of equation (14.3.2) can be determined by substituting equations (14.3.2) and (14.3.4) into (14.3.5). Substituting these values of Cl and C2 back into equation (14.3.2) and assuming E to be constant resu1ts in e == ex - aT
Sec. 14-4]
= ~
fa-a (aT + e~ + !~eDdy + 3~ 2c
fa-o (aT + e~ + !~e~)y dy -
As a specific exampIe, 1et T
= T o + 600(y2
E = 28
X 106
. 4. !hese incrementaI strains are substituted into equation (14.3.8) and the lteratlOn proceeds from equation (14.3.8) to (14.3.4) to (14.3.9) back to (14.~.8), etc., until the procedure converges to the correct set of incrementaI stralllS and stresses. 5. At the start of the second time increment, the total strains e~ are now kno,:"n an~ ar~ equal to the incrementaI creep strains developed during the preVl?US ~lme lllcre~ent. In fact, the total creep strains at the beginning of any tlme llltervai wlll always be known and will be equal to the accumulated incrementaI strains up to that time interval. The procedure for calculating the average stresses and strains for the second or any other time interval is then the same as in steps 1,2, 3, and 4. The resu1ts of this calculation are presented in Figure 14.3.2. This figure
C= 1
= 9.5
10- 6
y =0 center
Substituting these va1ues into equation (14.3.6) and noting the symmetry of the problem resu1ts in e
-O.0057(y2 - t)
f (e~ + !~e~)dy
~ u1 c/)
-40 -80
This equation, along with the stress-strain relation (14.3.4) and some relation between stress and creep rate, are alI that are needed to solve the plate problem. Let it be assumed that the relation between stress and creep rate is ofthe form
-120 100 Time, hr
(14.3.9) FIGURE
Note that in equation (14.3.9) the sign of ~e~ must be taken the same as the sign of u x , as indicated. It will generally be necessary to write the creep law in this form unless the stress exponent is an odd integer. The procedure for obtaining the solution to this problem is now as folIows:
1. At the start of the first time interval M, e~ is known to be zero and is assumed to be zero. Substituting these values into (14.3.8) gives the elastic solution as a first approximation to the total strains. 2. Substitute this first approximation for the strain distribution into the stress-strain relation (14.3.4) and solve for the first approximation to the stress distribution. 3. Substitute this first approximation to the stress distribution into the creep relation (14.3.9) and solve for the second approximation to the incrementaI creep strains during the first time interval. ~e~
14.3.2 Stress relaxation in plate.
shows a plot of the variation of the stress with time at the center and at the edge of the plate. For this problem as well as the subsequent ones, the unknown integrals were evaluated numerically using Simpson's rule.
The simple example ofthe fiat plate of Section 14.3 involves uniaxial stress, making it possible to determine directly the creep strains once the total stresses and strains are known. In most cases of practical interest the stress es are biaxial or triaxial in nature. The generaI procedure is then the same as discussed in Chapter 9. As an example we consider the case of creep in a rotating disk.
Creep [Ch. 14
We assu me that the von Mises yie1d criterion and the Prandtl-Reuss . d' t d stress-strain reiations are valid for both piastic fiow and ~reep, as m lca e · (142 .. l) , For probIems of thin disks with radIaI symmetry these b y equat lOn reiations are
/)"e" B
/),.Se (2aB -
/),.s~ =
-/),.s; -
a r)
=2a e
where as usuai (14.4.2)
The increment in equivalent strain /),.se will in generaI be a function of .the equivalent stress ae, the totai equivalent strain Se, the temperat~re T: the tlme t, and the strain history of the material. Such a generaI reIatlOnshlp can be written (14.4.3) For probIems of piastic fiow without creep, the increment ~f e~uivalent . A l'S a function of the equivalent stress a e and the stram hlstory or st ram uS e . d d t Ioading path. For creep probIems the strain path becomes tlme- epen en . For this time dependency of the strain path a number of Iaws have been proposed such as discussed in Section 14.1. For ~he exam~Ies to be presented we shall use both the time-hardening and stram-hardemng rules, aIthough any other Iaw can be used as we11. . We proceed essentially as in Section 9.5. The equilibrium equatlOn for the disk is given by d (hl'a) _ haB dr r
pw 2hl'2
where h is the thickness, p the density, and w the r~tation~I speed. The. com~ patibility equation in terms of stresses is derived m SectlOn 9.5 and m th notation used here is
!{ (aB dr E
_ /La r
+ aT + 6g +
= l + /L a r E
Sr -
r - /),.sg + /),.se ___ _
Sec. 14-4]
Creep in Rotating Disks 337
Equations (14.4.4) and (14.4.5) must now be solved Simultaneously for the stresses a r and aB subject to the proper boundary conditions for the disk. At any time t the total accumulated creep strains s; and sg up to that time t are known. The increments in creep strain /),.s~ and /),.sg for the next time interval /),.t are not yet known, but a set of values is assumed (such as the incrementaI strains computed for the previous time interval). Since all the creep strains now have known values, equations (14.4.4) and (14.4.5) form a linear pair of equations which can readily be solved for the stresses a r and aB' From the assumed values of /),.s~ and /),.sg, /),.se is calculated by the first of equations (14.4.2). This value of /),.se corresponds to a particuiar value of a e as given by equation (14.4.3). From these values of /),.se and a e as well as the stresses computed from equations (14.4.4) and (14.4.5), new values for the creep increments /),.s~ and /),.sg are now computed from equations (14.4.1). These better approximations to the incrementaI creep strains are put into equations (14.4.4) and (14.4.5) and the process is repeated untii convergence is obtained. Equations (14.4.4) and (14.4.5) may be solved in a number of ways once the incrementaI strains are assumed to be known. Two methods have been described in Section 9.5, the finite-difference method and the integraI-equation method. The finite-difference method is generally preferabie here, since the disk thickness and other dimensions are changing with time. In connection with this, it shouId be noted that since a disk under creep conditions will grow and change dimensions with time, the values of l' and h appearing in equations (14.4.4) and (14.4.5) should be the true values at the time t and not the originaI values at zero time. Thus if H is the originaI thickness at the originaI radiaI position R, the current values h and l'are given approximately by [see equations (9.5.25) and (9.5.26)]
+ sg)(1 + 6~) r = R(1 + sg) (I
Furthermore, the strains appearing in the above equations should be natural strains. However, since the strain increments will generally be small and the current dimensions of the disk will always be used, the error in using conventional strains will be negligible. Several cases of creep in rotating disks will now be considered. The first case treats the same problem as that presented by Wahl et al. [6]. Since reference [6] negIects the transient condition, the same will be done here, in order to compare the results of the present method with those of that reference. This is done by negiecting the eiastic strains, since the compatibility reiation (14.4.5) then becomes independent of time if the creep rate is given
Creep [Ch. 14
by a function of stress times a function of time. The same problem will then be treafed inc1uding the elastic strains, to determine the effect of neglecting the transient stress distribution upon the creep strains. The second case will treat a similar disk using more complicated creep laws. The solution to the problem will thus be presented using both the time-hardening and strainhardening rules.
Sec. 14-4]
Creep in Rotating Disks
where Cis determined from the rim 10ading ar(b) and is given by
(14.4.10) and b is the outer radius of the disk. The solution now proceeds as follows:
Case l(a). Creep in Rotating Disk Neglecting Transient Condition Consider a constant-thickness constant-temperature disk of 12-in. outside diameter and 2.5-in. inside diameter rotating at 15,000 rpm. Assume steadystate creep with the creep rate as used in reference [6]:
Neglecting the elastic strains is equivalent to letting E approach infinity in equation (14.4.5), and since the stress distribution now becomes independent of time, we can arbitrarily choose any time interval b.t and compute the stresses. The strains will, of course, be direct1y proportional to the assumed time interval b.t. One method of solution is therefore as follows. Solve equation (14.4.1) for the stresses. This gives
1. Assume a value of b.t, say, 1 hour. 2. Assume values for b.e~ and, say, 0.001 everywhere.
3. Calculate
4. Calculate a _ ( e -
5. 6. 7. 8. ) 1/6.2 4.41 X 1O-32!1t
Calculate C from (14.4.10). Calculate ar and ao from (14.4.8) and (14.4.9). Calculate new values for b.e~ and from (14.4.1). Go back to step 3.
The resuIts of carrying ~ut this calculation are shown in Figure 14.4.1 and 14.4.2 and compared wlth the results of reference [6]. It is seen from the
Letting E approach infinity, integration of equation (14.4.5) and substitution into (14.4.7) results in (14.4.8)
24 '(ii
~ 16
where a is the inner radius of the disk. Integrating (14.4.4) and substituting (14.4.8) into the resultant equation gives
o successive opproximotions - - - Ref.(6)
Rodius, in.
(14.4.9) FIGURE
Creep stress in rotating disk neglecting elastic strains.
Creep [Ch. 14
340 0,04 c ~O,02
o successive approximations --Ref,(6)
Radius, in, FIGURE
14.4,2 Creep strains in rotating disk neglecting elastic strains.
fi ures that the agreement is excellent. The strains sho:"n in Figure 14.4.~ w~re obtained by multiplying the strains computed usmg a M of 1 hou by 180.
Sec. 14-4]
Creep in Rotating Disks 341
5. Steps 1 through 4 were repeated until there was no change in two successive computations of the strain increments. The creep strains were thus computed at the end of 0.01 hour. To obtain the creep increments for the next 0,01 hour the same procedure was followed, except that the total creep strains 8~ and 8~ were no longer zero but were equal to the accumulated creep strains up to that time. A first approximation to the creep increments !J.8~ and !J.8~ was assumed (usually the values obtained for the previous ti me interval), and steps 1 through 5 repeated, In this way the incrementaI and total creep strains were computed up to 180 hours. The time interval was arbitrarily chosen so that the stress during any interval would not drop by more than approximately 1,000 psi. Thus this time interval M was rapidly increased as the stress approached steady-state conditions. The results ofthis computation are shown in Figures 14.4.3 through 14.4,5. Figure 14.4.3 shows the relaxation of the tangenti al stress with time at the 60
X10 3
Case l(b). Creep in Rotating Disk Including Transient Conditions ' k in Case l(a) was considered, with the elastic strains k b 18 X 10 6 The same d lS as . luded this time. The modulus of elasticity E was ta en to e , mc ding to a disk temperature of 1000°F. The creep rate was the same corresp,on 1 given for Case l(a) To start with, a time interval M ofO.01 hour as prevlOus y . . t !J. c and !J.e c ee d as a first approximation the creep mcremen s 8 re was ch osen, an , c nd c of were all taken to be constant at 0.00001, the. total creep strams 8 r a 8e • · zero at zero time . The calculatlOn then proceeded as follows. course b emg
- - - - neglecting transient conditions
8. 40 v> V>
~'" 30
20 10
1. !J.8 e was computed from the relation
14.4.3 Stress relaxations in rotating disk, case l(b).
, (1444) 2. EquatlOns .. and (14.4.5) .were solved for the stresses ar and ae by the method described in Section 9.5. 3. a e was computed from the relation
inner and outer radii of the disk. It is seen that steady-state conditions are obtained at about 10 hours and that the tangenti al stress at the inner surface persists for a long time at a slightly higher value than that computed neglecting the transient stress distribution.
The tangenti al and axial creep strains at the end of 180 hours are shown piotted in Figure 14.4.4 together with the scatter band of test resu1ts given in reference [6]. From Figure 14.4.3 it can be seen that after a long period of stability the stresses start rising. As the disk grows due to creep, the centrifugaI loading increases and the thickness at the center decreases, as can be seen
UB e
ae = 4.41 x lO 32!J.t . tI' o ns were obtained for the strain increments !J.8~ and 4. New approx1ma !J.e~ from (14.4.1).
Creep [Ch. 14
342 - - including transient canditions
~ scatter - band test
results, Ref. (6)
Sec. 14-4]
Creep in Rotating Disks 343
which shows that after a long period of stability the stresses gradual1y start rising. The disk has now reached an unstable condition which may result in failure.
Case 2. Nonlinear Creep Laws
:.:::: 0.02 .~
'E +-
In the previous examples the creep CUl'ves were assumed linear with the creep l'ate independent of time. It will now be shown that more complicated creep curves and creep laws can be used without any appreciable increase in the complexity of the computations. Any nonlinear creep law can be used; for illustration it will be assumed that the creep data can be represented by
Radius, in FIGURE
14.4.4 Strain distribution at 180 hours, case l(b).
i:] ~ ~ 6.0ot---------------~ :~1.65~ '2
l jf 1.45
The same disk as in case l will now be considered, with the creep data given by equation (4.4.11), using both the time-hardening and the strain-hardening rules previously mentioned. For the time-hardening rule, since the creep l'ate depends on the actual time elapsed, the creep l'ate at constant stress at the middle of the time interval between t and t + l1t is obtained direct1y from (14.4.11):
dee = qBu': ( t
dt)q-l + 2"
where U e is the stress at the middle of the time interval and is assumed to be constant duringthe interval. Solving (14.4.12) for U gives e
g 1.25
+-.~ 1.00
~.SO.80t_~_L_~~I~I~I~II~-~-L1 ~1~1~1~1~1~11~-~~~~1~11,1~11 O .. 100 1,00 1
( e = (~)l/m qB l1t t
For the strain-hardening rule, the creep rate depends upon the total accumulated creep rather than the accumulated time. Eliminating the time between equations (14.4.11) and (14.4.12) results in
Time, hr FTGURE
14.4.5 Variation of disk dimensions with time, case l(b).
from Figure 14.4.5. This increase in centrifugalloading and cross section will eventualIy baI ance and finalIy surpass the stress. relaXat1~n, d~u~ to the creep. The stresses will start increasing alI over the d~sk ~nd t e ;s3 may start creeping at an accelerating rate. This is illustrated m FIgure l 4 . . ,
-l/m ( dee )q/m ( q dt Be
where Be is the total accumulated creep strain up to the beginning of the time interval under consideration and dB e is the strain increment during the ti me interval. The solution to this problem is now obtained in exact1y the same way as for case l(b), except that in step 3, U e is computed by equation (14.4.13)
Creep [Ch. 14
References 345 6
for the time-hardening rule and by equation (14.4.14) for the strain-hardening rule. For the time-hardening rule, track must be kept of the total elapsed time, whereas for the strain-hardening rule, track must be kept of the total accumulated strain. 2 Part of the results of this calculation for m equal to 6, q equal to 3", and B equa1 t o l . 5 X 10- 30 are presented in Figures 14.4.6 and 14.4.7.. F' The creep curves represented by these constants are shown 111 Igure 14.4.8. As would be expected, Figure 14.4.6 shows that the st~ess does. not relax quite as rapidly using the strain-hardening rule as wIth the tllr:ehardening rule, since the creep rates will generally be 10;ver for the stra~n hardening rule. This can be used to explain the results of FIgure 14.4.7, WhlCh
25,000 - - time hardening - - - - strain hardening
tangential stress at bare
Time, hr
FIGURE 14.4.8 rules.
Creep curved used with strain-hardening and time-hardening
20 tangential stress ot rim
Time, hr
FIGURE 14.4.6 Stress relaxation for strain-hardening and time-hardening rules.
time hardening strain hardening
shows that the tarigential creep strain is essentially the same for both rules. (Although the strain-hardening rule actually gave sIightly 10wer creep strains, the difference is too small to show up on the figure.) Although as seen from Figure 14.1.2, in going to a given stress the creep rate will be smaller for the strain-hardening rule than for the time-hardening rule, this is compensated for in this problem by the fact that the stress does not relax as fast, so that the total creep tU1'11S out to be about the same using either rule. A comprehensive discussion of creep in rotating disks, including the effects of the transient period, can be found in a series of papers by Wahl [6, 7, 8, 9,
o. Q) ~
0.01 Time, hr
FIGURE 14.47 Creep at bore for strat'n-hardening and time-hardening rules.
E. N. da C. Andrade, On the Viscous.Flow of Metal and Allied Phenomena, Frac. Roy. Soc. (London), A84, 1910, p. 1. 2. F. H. Norton, Creep o[ Steel at High TemperatI/l'es, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1929, p. 67. 3. R. W. Bailey, The Utilization of Creep Test Data in Engineering Design, Frac. Inst. Mech. Engrs., 131, London, 1935, pp. 186-205, 260-265. 4. Yu. N. Rabotllov, On the Equation of State of Creep, Proceedings o[ tlte International Con[erellce 011 Creep, VoI. 2, New York-London, 1963, p. 117.
Creep [Ch. 14
7. 8.
lO. 11.
A. Mendelson, M. H. Hirschberg, and S. S. Manson, A GeneraI Approach to the Practical Solution of Creep Problems, Trans. ASME, 81D, 1959, pp. 585-598. A. M. Wahl, G. A. Sankey, M. J. Manjoine, and E. Shoemaker, Creep Tests of Rotating Disks at Elevated Temperature and Comparison with Theory, J. Appl. Mech., 21, 1954, pp. 222-235. A. M. Wahl, Analysis of Creep in Rotating Disks Based on the Tresca Criterion and Associated Flow Rule, J. Appl. Mech., 23, 1956, pp. 231-238 A. M. Wahl, Stress Distribution in Rotating Disks Subjected to Creep Inc1uding Effects of Variable Thickness and Temperature, J. Appl. Mech., 24, 1957, pp. 299-305. A. M. Wahl, Further Studies of Stress Distribution in Rotating Disks and Cylinders Under Elevated Temperature Creep Conditions, J. Appl. Mech., 25,1958,pp.243-250. A. M. Wahl, Effects of the Transient Period in Evaluating Rotating Disk Tests Under Creep Conditions, J. Basic Eng., 85, 1963, pp. 66-70. H. R. Voorhees and J. W. Freeman, Notch Sensitivity of Heat-Resistant Alloys at Elevated Temperature, Wright Air Development Center Tech. Rept. No. 54-175, Part I, 1954.
GeneraI References Arutyunyan, N. Kh., Some Problems in the Theory 01 Creep, translated by H. E. Nowottny, Pergamo n Press, London, 1966. Finnie, J., and W. R. Heller, Creep 01 Engineering Materials, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1959. Hult, J., Creep in Engineering Structures, Ginn (Blaisdell), Boston, 1966. Odquist, F. K. G., Mathematical Theory 01 Creep and Creep Rupture, Oxford Univo Press, London, 1966.
Affine transformation, 46 Alexander, J. M., 299 Allen, D. N. de G., 163 Andrade, E. N. daC., 327, 345 Anisotropy, 13, 14 Arutyunyan, N. Kh., 346 Associated flow rule, 115 Bailey, R. W. 345 Baker, J. F., 326 Baldwin, W. M., 22 Bauschinger effe et, 13 theories of, 13, 14 Beam(s) indeterminate, 308-10 pure bending, 305-307 with tip load, 308 Beltrami's energy theory, 74 Biharmonic operator, 217 Bland, D. R., 119, 133, 134, 163 Boundary-value problems, 276, 293 numerical solution, 276-78, 294-96 Bridgman, P. W., 16, 22 Brown, W. F., Jr. 22 Budiansky, B., 120, 134 Cauchy problem, 296 Centered ,fan, 272
Characteristics, 285-98 fixed,295 method of, 288 region of influence, 288 s!ip !ines, 296-98 Clough, R. W., 233 Compatibility equations, 60, 165, 265, 287,292 Compression test, 13 Coulomb, C. A., 71 Coulomb's theory, 73 Creep, 16, 327-45 of infinite strip, 333-35 laws, 330, 331 life-fraction, 330-331 strain-hardening, 330-331 time-hardening, 330-331 multidimensional problems, 331-32 primary, 327-29 rotating disks, 335-45 secondary, 327-29 tertiary, 327 Creep curves, 16, 328, 330, 345 Cylinder, hollow criticai pressure, 158 linear strain hardening, 160-61 plastic flow, 156-61 strain-hardening material, 158-59 347
..... Index
Cylinder, long solid, 193-97 Dantzig, G. B., 326 Davis, E. A., 212 Deformation finite, 51 pure, 48 Deformation theories, 119-21 Dieter, G. E., 22 Disk, rotating, 197-208 creep of, 335-45 finite-difference formulation, 204208 integraI formulation, 198-203 Displacements, rigid-body, 44 Dissipation function, 314 Distortion energy, 68 Distortion energy theory, 75 Dixon, J. R., 224, 226, 233 Dorn, J. E., 23 Drucker, D. C., 23, 97, 111, 118,133, 134,299,313,325,326 Ductility, 12
J Index
Ford, H., 133, 299 Foulkes, J., 324, 326 Fox, L., 233, 299 Fracture, true strain at, 12 Free thermal expansion, 66 Geiringer, H., 268, 299 Geiringer's equations, 268 Generalized strains, 314 Generalized stresses, 314 Goodier, J. N., 22, 23, 43, 63, 258 Green's function, 185 Greenberg, H. J., 299, 325 Griffith, A A, 223, 233 Gvozdev, A A, 313, 325
Effective plastic strain increment, 102 Effective strain, 116 Effective stress, 102, 116 Eichinger, A, 91, 97 Elastic limit, 6 Elastoplastic problems, 2 ElIiptic equation, 292 Elongation, percent, 12 Energy distortion, 68 elastic, 67, 68 Equation of state, mechanicaI, 329 Equilibrium equations, 29, 165 Equivalence of plastic work, 106 Equivalent modified total strain, 124 Equivalent plastic strain increment, 102, 106 Equivalent stress, 102, 106, 107, 108 Essenberg, F., 97
Haigh-Westergaard stress space, 79-~8 Hardening isotropic, 13, 94 kinematic,95 Haythornthwaite, R. M., 326 Heller, W. R., 346 Hencky, H., 1,3,77,134,265,299 Hencky's equations, 265 Hencky's theorem, 269 Heyman, J., 324, 326 Hill, R., 1, 3, 22, 23, 97,133,134,163, 275,299,313,325 Hirschberg, M. H., 212, 346 Hodge, P. G., Jr., 22, 23, 62, 163, 259, 271,299,325,326 Hodograph,281-84 transformation, 295 Hoffman, 0.,69,97, 163 Hooke, R., 64 Hooke's Iaw, 64, 65 Home, M. R., 325, 326 House, R. N., 3 Hult, J., 346 Huth, J. H., 259 Hydrostatic pressure, effect of, 16 Hyperbolic equation, 292 Hysteresis loop, 6
Felgar, R. P., 22 Finite deformation, 51 Finnie, J., 346 Flow rule, 109 associated, 115 for Tresca criterion, 108, 109 for von Mises criterion, 100-104 Flow stress, 6 Flow theories, 119-21
Ilyushin, A A, 164,212 Ince, E. L., 212 Incompressibility condition, 16 IncrementaI theories, 119-21 Inglis, C. E., 223, 233 Instability point, 6, Il InternaI friction theory, 77 Irwin, G. R., 224 Isotropic hardening, 13, 94
Johnson, W., 22, 23, 134, 163 258 259 ' ,
Marin, J., 11,22,97 Martin, H. c., 233 Massonnet, C. E., 326 Kantorovich, V., 258 Max!mum Ioad point, 6, 8, 9, Il Kazinczy, G., 301, 325 Max~mum shear theory, 73 Kinematically admissible multiplier, Maxlmum strain energy theory 74 315 Maximum strain theory 72 ' Kinematically admissible ve10city field Maximum stress theory: 71 284, 315 ' Mechanism(s), 30 Kinematic hardening, 95 elementary, 318 Kinematic mechanism, 310 beam, 319 Kobayashi, S., 299 frame, 319 Koff, W., 97 joint, 319 Koiter, W. T., 134, 156, 163 pane1,319 Korn, G. A, 299 portal,320 Korn, T. M., 299 fictitious, 319 Kronecker delta, 27 linear1y independent, 318 Krylov, V. I., 258 rules for combining, 321 Melan, E., 119, 133 Mellor, P. B., 22, 23, 134 163 258 Lee, E. H., 163 259 '" Lévy, M., 1,3, 100, 133 Membrane analogy, 245 Lévy-Mises equations 100 261 Membrane-roof analogy, 247 Life-fraction Iaw, 33Ò-31 ' Mendelson, A, 134,212,233,346 Limit analysis, 300-26 M~tal .forming processes, 2, 12, 15, 260 of beams, 305-310 Mlkhlm, S. G., 212 ~ith concentrated Ioads, 307-310 M!nimum weight design, 324 m pure bending, 305-307 M~ses, R. von, 1,3,77,100,133 design of structures, 300-301 Mlses, von, criterion, 75, 115, 129 of frames, 310-12 ftow rule, 100-104 of simple truss, 301-305 ~tress-strain relation, 100-104 theorems, 312-17 Mlses, von, ellipse, 76 Iower bound, 313-15 Mohr, 0.,43 upper bound, 313-15 Mohr's circle(s), 37-39, 280 Limit design, 301, 323, 324 for plastic strain increments, 101 restricted design problem 324 pole of, 280 Livesley, R. K, 324, 326 ' for stress, 101 Loading, definition of, 93 Mohr's diagram, see Mohr's circles Loading function, 92, 112 Mohr's theory, 77 Load point, maximum, 6, 8,9, Il Multiplier Lode, W., 88, 89, 97, 109 kinematically admissible 315 Lode's statically admissible 314' 315 strain parameter, 109 Muskhelishvili, N. I., 226, 233 stress parameter, 88 Lower bound theorem, 285, 313-15 Nadai, A, 258 Lower yield point, 6 Naghdi, P. M., 97, 134 Lubahn, J. D., 22 Navier equations, 68 Ludwik, P., 7, 20, 22 Neal, B. G., 318, 326 Necking, 6, 9, 12 Mclean, D., 22 Neuber, H., 224, 233 Magnusson, A. W., 22 Neutralloading,93 Manjoine, M. J., 15, 22, 346 Norton, F. H., 345 Mansòn, S.S. 134,212,233,346 Novozhilov, V. V., 63
..., 350
Octahedral planes, 35 Odquist, F. K. G., 346 Offset yield strength, 6 Optimum design, 324 Orowan, E., 223, 233 Osgood, W. R., 20, 23 Parabolic equation, 292 Pearson, C. E., 43 Pearson, K., 133 Perfectly plastic material, 17, 115, 116 Pi piane, 81-87 Picard's method, 164 Piane elastoplastic problem, 213-30 Piane strain, 137,213-18,260 Piane stress, 137, 213-18 of finite plate, 218-23 of plate with crack, 223-30 Plastic collapse load, 301 Plastic deformation, 6 Plastic design, 301, 323, 324 Plastic hinge, 308 Plastic moment, 307 Plastic potential, 119 Plastic strain charts, 191-93 Plastic stress-strain relations, 98-134 generai derivation of, 11 0-119 Lévy-Mises, 100,261 Prandtl-Reuss, 100-104 Plastic work, 104 equivalence of, 106 Plate, infinite, see Strip, infinite Plate, infinite, withhole, 208-11 Polar coordinates, 137 Power of dissipation, specific, 314 Prager, W., 19, 22, 62, 109, 133, 259, 271, 279, 280, 281, 284, 299, 324, 325, 326 Prandtl, L., 1, 3, 100, 133, 245, 258, 275,299 Prandtl-Reuss equations, 100-104,114, 115,125,167,214 experimental verification of, 109, 110 Principal directions of slip line field, 262 of strain tensor, 53-55 of stress tensor, 30-34 Principal planes, 32, 53 Proof strength, 6 Proportionallimit, 5 Proportionalloading, 99, 120 Punch indentati0V-' 273-76
Pure deformation, 48 Pure shear, 41-42 Quinney, H., 90, 91,97,98, 109, 110 Rabatnov, Yu. N., 331, 345 Radialloading, 99, 120 Ramberg, W., 20, 23 Rankine theory, 71 Reduction in area, IO, 12 Reuss, E., 100, 133 Rigid body, 44 Rigid body displacements, 44 Rigid-perfectly plastic material, 17, 260 Roberts, E. Jr., 233 Ros, M., 91, 97 Rotating disk, see Disk, rotating Rotation Tensor, 48 Sachs, G., 69,97, 163 Safety factor, 303, 304, 314, 315 Saint-Venant, B. de,l, 3,100,111, 133,234,258 Saint-Venant's principle, 240 Saint-Venant theory, 72 Sand-hiII analogy, 247-48 Sankey, G. A., 346 Save, M. A., 326 Schwartzbart, H., 22 Shaffer, B. W., 3 Shape factor, 307 Shear lines, see Slip lines Shell, thin circular, 183-93 Sherby, O. D., 23 Shoemaker, E., 346 Simple shear, 41-42 Singular yield conditions, 123 Slip lines, 263 compatibility equations, 265 geometry of, 268-72 geometric construction, 279-84 hodograph,281 physical piane, 279 stress piane for, 279 strong solution, 283 weak solution in, 283 velocity equations, 268 Slip line theory, 260-99 complete solutions, 284 lower bound theorem, 285 principal directions, 262 principal stresses, 262 shear directions, 263
35 l
upper bound theorem, 284 hypothesis, 107 Sokolnikoff, 1. S., 43, 62, 63, 69, 233, Iinear, 17,20 258 Strain-hardening exponent, Il Sopwith, D. G., 163 Strain-hardening hypothesis, 107 Spero, S. W., 212 Strain-hardening law, 330, 331 Sphere Strain-hardening parameter, 153 compatibility equation for, 136 Strain-invariance principle, 230-32 criticai pressure, 140 Strain rate, effect of, 15 equilibrium equation, 135 Strain Tensor, 44-62 internai pressure, 138-48 Eulerian, 52 with linear strainhardening, 153-56 Lagrangian, 62 plastic ftow in, 138-56 see a/so, Strain Prandtl-Reuss relations, 136 Strength eoefficient, 11 residual stresses, 145-47 Stress shakedown pressure, 147 boundary conditions, 32 strain-hardening material, 150-56 convention, 28, 29 stress-strain relation, 136 deviator, 39-41 thermalioading, 148-50 invariants of, 40, 41 Spherical coordinates, 135-37 effective, 102, 116 Statically admissible multiplier, 314, equivalent, 102,106,107,108,116 315 generalized, 314 Statically admissible stress field, 285, invariants, 30, 33, 34 314 maximum shear, 34, 35 Statically determinate problem, 142, nominal,4 261 normal,28 Steele, M. C., 163 oetahedral shear, 35, 36, 101 Stockton, F. D., 97 principal, 30-33 Strain, 44-63 principal directions, 32 compatibility of, 59-61 shear,28 conventional,4 maximum, 34, 35 deviator tensor, 58 octahedral, 35, 36, 101 modified, 124 spherical, 39 diametral, 9 true, 7, 8, 13 effective, 116 unit,28 engineering, 4 Stress function, 216, 237 equivalent modified total, 124 Stress-strain curve, 4-11 generalized, 314 conventionaI, 5-7 invariants, 53, 55 dynamic models, 16, 17 logarithmic, 8 empirical equations, 20, 21 maximum shear, 55-57 idealizations, 16, 17 modified total, 124, 167 kinematic models, 18-20 natural,8 strain-rate, effe et of, 15 octahedral shear, 55, 57 true, 7-11 plastic increment, 101 Stress-strain relations physical interpretation, 48-50 complete, 127-132 principaI, 53-55 elastic, 64-69 shear,50 generai, 166 maximum, 55-57 incrementaI, 119, 120 octahedral, 55, 57 plastic, 98-134 octahedrai plastic increment, 101 generaI, 114, 118 true, 8, 10, 13 generaI derivation of, 110-119 Strain Energy, see Energy Lévy-Mises, 100, 261 Strain hardening, 6 Prandtl-Reuss, 100-104,114,115
...... 352
Stress-strain reiations (continued) for Tresca criterion, 108, 109, 115 piastic strain-totai strain, 123-127 totaI, 119, 121 Stress tensor, 24-43, see also, Stress Stress trajectories, 239 Strip, first order, 290 Strip, infinite thin, 172-82 linear strainhardening, 178-82 nonlinear strainhardening, 175-78 Strip condition, 290 Successive approximations, method of circuiar shell, 183-93 convergence of, 169-71 creep probIems, 332-45 finite piate, 218-23 generaI description, 164-71 infinite piate with hoIe, 208-11 infinite thin strip, 172-82 plate with crack, 223-30 rotating disk, 197-208 solid cylinder, 193-97 sphere, 150-53 torsion of bar, 249-55 circuiar cross section, 253-55 rectanguiar cross section, 250-53 tube, 156-59 Successive elastic solutions, method of (see, Successive approximations) Superposition of mechanisms, method of, 318-23 Swedlow, J. L., 229, 233 Symonds, P. S., 318, 326 Taylor, G. I., 90, 91, 97, 98, 109,110 Temperature effect on metai properties, 15 transition, 15 Tensile strength, 6 Tensile test, 4-7 Tensor, 24-27 notation, 24-27 relative displacement, 47 rotation, 48 skew-symmetric, 26 substitution, 27 summation convention, 25, 26 symmetric, 26 Thomsen, E. G., 299 Time-hardening law, 330, 331 Timoshenko, S., 43, 63, 258
Todhunter, I., 133 Torsion of prismatic bar, 234-57 elasticity solution, 240-45 circular cross section, 242 elliptic cross section, 240-42 equilateral triangle, 242, 243 membrane analogy, 245 rectangular cross section 243-45 generaI relations, 234-40 plasticity solution, 246-58 circular section, 253-57 membrane-roof analogy, 247 perfect plasticity, 246-48 rectangular section, 250-53 sand-hill analogy, 247-48 strain hardening, 248-58 Torsional rigidity, 241 Total theories, 119-21 Transition temperature, 15 Tresca, H., 1, 3 Tresca criterion, 73 fiow rule, 108, 109 kinematic model, 95, 96 stress-strain relations, 108, 109, 131 Trozera, T. A., 23 Truss, simple, 301-305 Tuba, I. S., 163,210,212,233 Tube (see Cylinder, hollow) Tupp, L. J., 233 Tupper, S. J., 163 Turner, M. J., 233 Ultimate strength, 6 Uniform stress state, 272 Uniqueness condition, 111 Unloading, 6,93 definition of, 93 Upper bound theorem, 284, 313-15 Van den Broek, J. A., 326 Varga, R. S., 259 Wahl, A. M., 133, 337, 346 Wang, C. T., 212 Warping function, 236 Westergaard, H. M., 1, 3, 97 White, G. N., 163 Williams, M. L., 233 Work equation, 320 Work hardening, 6 definition of, 111 measures of, 104-107 hypothesis, 106, 107
Work-hardening hypothesis, 106, 107 Work increment, 26
Yang, C. T., 299 Yang, W. H., 233 Yield cylinder, 82, 86 effect.of hydrostatic pressure, 16 functlOn, 79, 92 hinge, 308 locus, 82, 83, 87 moment, 307 point, 5, 6 lower,6 offset,·6 upper,6 surface, 79,92
convexity, 120-23 corners, 120, 123 singular points, 120, 123 subsequent, 92-96 Yield criterion, 70-79 Beltrami's energy, 74 Coulomb's, 73 distortion energy, 75 internaI friction, 77 maximum shear, 73 maximum strain, 72 max~mum strain energy, 74 maXlmum stress, 71 von Mises, 75 Mohr's,77 Rankine's, 71 Saint-Venant's, 72 Tresca's, 73