Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences Editors: M. T h o m a ° M. M o r a r i
Springer London Berlin Heidelberg New York Barcelona Hong Kong Milan Paris Singapore
Perspectives in Robust Control With 113 Figures
~ Springer
Series Advisory Board A. Bensoussan • M.]. Grimble • E Kokotovic • A.B. Kurzhanski • H. Kwakernaak • ].L. Massey Editor S. O. Reza Moheimani, BSc, MengSc, PhD Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of Newcastle, NSW 2308, Australia
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Perspectives in robust control. - (Lecture notes in control and information sciences ; 268) 1.Robust control I.Moheimani, S.O. Reza 629.8'312 ISBN 1852334525 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of research or private study, or criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, this publication may only be reproduced, stored or transmitted, in any form or by any means, with the prior permission in writing of the publishers, or in the case of reprographic reproduction in accordance with the terms of licences issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside those terms should be sent to the publishers. ISBN 1-85233-452-5 Springer-Verlag L o n d o n Berlin H e i d e l b e r g a member of BertelsmannSpringer Science+Business Media GmbH http://www.springer.co.uk © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2001 Printed in Great Britain The use of registered names, trademarks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. The publisher makes no representation, express or implied, with regard to the accuracy of the information contained in this book and cannot accept any legal responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions that may be made. Typesetting: Electronic text files prepared by editor Printed and bound at the Athenaeum Press Ltd., Gateshead, Tyne & Wear 69/3830-543210 Printed on acid-free paper SPIN 1079063
This book is based on a workshop entitled: "Robust Control Workshop 2000"; the workshop was held in Newcastle, Australia, from December 6 th to 8 th, 2000. The aim of the workshop was to gather in Newcastle some of the leading researchers in the field of robust control. It proved an excellent forum for discussing new ideas and approaches in robust control theory and applications. We wish to t h a n k the authors for attending the workshop and contributing to this book. The chapters in the book cover a range of topics in robust control and closely related areas. An outline of the book is given below: Chapter 1 by Bai is concerned with the problem of s y s t e m identification for linear systems t h a t are subject to static or non-static hard input nonlinearities. The identification methodology is based on separating the coefficients of the nonlinear p a r t of the system from the linear part. This is shown to be an effective m e t h o d if the nonlinearity can be parameterized by few parameters. In C h a p t e r 2 Blanchini, Miani, Pesenti, Rinaldi and Ukovich consider a class of production-distribution problems with unknown, but bounded, demand. T h e y allow constraints on production and t r a n s p o r t a t i o n capacity of the system and search for a control strategy t h a t would keep the storage level bounded. Moreover they propose a n u m b e r of feedback control design methodologies which guarantee robustness with respect to link failures and network p a r a m e t e r variations. In Chapter 3, Chai and Qiu look at the problem of constrained two-sided Nevanlinna-Pick interpolation for multi-rate systems. T h e y propose a multirate version of the two-sided Nevanlinna-Pick interpolation problem and give necessary and sufficient conditions for its solvability. In C h a p t e r 4, Chen and H a r a discuss a new source of fundamental performance limitation for linear time invariant systems. T h e y study an o p t i m a l control problem aimed at minimizing b o t h the error in tracking a step reference and the plant input energy simultaneously. It is well-known t h a t the performance depends on the n o n - m i n i m u m phase zeros of the plant. T h e authors show t h a t the attainable performance is also related to the plant gain over the entire frequency range. C h a p t e r 5 by Fu looks at the problem of linear quadratic control for a linear system with input saturation. T h e m i s m a t c h between the u n s a t u r a t e d and s a t u r a t e d controllers is modeled by an optimal sector bound, which leads to a new characterization of invariant sets and a new class of switching controllers. In Chapter 6, Goodwin and Rojas discuss the difficulties t h a t arise in dealing with disturbance compensation problems in nonlinear systems. T h e y explain t h a t the problem is non-trivial since the disturbances m a y interact
VI with the underlying plant dynamics in a way t h a t destabilizes an otherwise stable system. The authors discuss a n u m b e r of strategies for dealing with these issues. Chapter 7 by G u t m a n is concerned with the notion of adaptive robust control, i.e. an adaptive control law t h a t switches between robust controllers which are designed based on plant uncertainty models. T h e author argues t h a t robust and adaptive control methodologies are often designed to solve similar problems. However, adaptive controllers m a y have poor performance in the presence of model uncertainty. By building the adaptive control law on top of a robust controller, the author hopes to achieve higher performance levels. In C h a p t e r 8, Halim and Moheimani address the problem of spatial ~ control of a b e a m using piezoelectric a c t u a t o r s and sensors. Spatial 7-/~ control is aimed at reducing the effect of disturbances over the entire surface of flexible structures. T h e y derive a model for a piezoelectric laminate beam, design a controller and report the experimental results. Chapter 9 by Hollot, Beker, Chait and Chen is concerned with reset control systems, linear controllers t h a t reset some of their states to zero when their inputs reach a threshold. T h e chapter summarizes some recent results on establishing classic performance properties for reset control systems. In C h a p t e r 10, Iwasaki considers a class of discrete-time nonlinear systerns that can be described via feedback connection of a linear time-invariant system and a static nonlinearity or a time-varying p a r a m e t r i c uncertainty. The author studies stability of such systems using a generalized quadratic Lyapunov function. In Chapter 11, J a m e s looks at the issues related to the online c o m p u t a tion of information state controllers. In order to implement 7-/~ controllers for nonlinear systems, one needs to have online access to solutions of a pair of partial differential equations for the information state. The author describes two streams of research relating to online computations. Specifically numerical techniques using max-plus expansions and the cheap sensor problem. In Chapter 12, Middleton, Lau and Freudenberg consider the problem of controlling plants with unstable poles. It is well known t h a t using a linear time invariant controller results in time domain integral constraints on the closed loop system. The authors study the problem for a s a m p l e d - d a t a controller and derive an integral constraint analogous to the one for continuous time systems. T h e y show t h a t the performance limitation is often worse t h a n t h a t in the continuous time case. In Chapter 13, Miller proposes a new approach to model reference adaptive control which results in a linear periodic controller. His technique is based on estimating what the control signal would be if the plant p a r a m e t e r s were known. He discusses benefits and limitations of this approach and explains how the methodology can be extended to the relative-degree-one case.
VII Chapter 14 by Nesic and Teel gives an overview of some recent results on controller design for nonlinear sampled d a t a systems. The authors explain that a difficulty in designing controllers for sampled d a t a nonlinear plants is finding the exact sampled d a t a model of the plant. Hence, a controller may have to be designed based on an approximate model. The authors review and compare the methods proposed in the literature for dealing with these issues. Chapter 15 by de Oliveira and Skelton shows that a number of problems in linear systems theory can be solved by combining Lyapunov stability theory with Finsler's Lemma. A feature of their results is that they do not require a state space formulation. Chapter 16 by Petersen is concerned with uncertain systems, where the uncertainty is described via an integral quadratic constraint. The paper gives a necessary and sufficient condition for every possible input-output pair of an uncertain system to also be a possible input-output pair of a second uncertain system. This result provides a way of determining whether two uncertain systems are equivalent from an input-output point of view. In Chapter 17, Safonov discusses the theory of unfalsified control. The author explains that this line of research may facilitate the design of feedback control systems with the ability to better exploit evolving information as they unfold. This may, in turn, result in control systems that possess the intelligence to adapt to unfamiliar environments and are capable of compensating for uncertain and time-varying effects in a more effective way. In Chapter 18, Savkin and Matveev consider the problem of qualitative analysis of hybrid dynamical systems. Hybrid systems combine continuous and discrete behaviors, and hence involve both continuous and discrete state variables. The authors give a qualitative analysis of several classes of hybrid dynamical systems. In Chapter 19, Scherer considers the problem of multi-objective controller design without Youla parameterization of all stabilizing controllers. The Youla parameterization approach to multi-objective controller design may result in controllers that are of unnecessarily high orders. The author proposes a procedure that avoids Youla parameterization and is directly applicable to the generalized plant framework. In Chapter 20, Sznaier and Mazzaro present a control oriented system identification and model (in)validation framework for L P V systems. T h e y demonstrate that the problem of checking consistency between the experimental data and the a priori assumptions can be cast as an LMI feasibility problem. Furthermore, they show that the problem of obtaining a nominal model can be cast as an LMI problem in a similar manner. Chapter 21 by Tempo and Dabbene presents an overview of the probabilistic methods for analysis and control of uncertain systems. The mainstream research in analysis and control of uncertain systems is centered around developing algorithms to deal with the worst case models. In contrast, the authors
VIII present an alternative method which provides a probabilistic assessment of the system robustness. In Chapter 22, Winstead and Barmish address the problem of probabilistic robustness of a stochastic RLC network. They consider a class of admissible probability distributions for the circuit parameters and study the behavior of the expected filter gain.
Reza Moheimani, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, The University of Newcastle, Australia, December 2000
Acknowledgments Many colleagues assisted in organizing the Robust Control Workshop 2000 held in Newcastle, Australia. I would like to thank other members of the organizing committee: Minyue Fu, Graham Goodwin, Matt James and Ian Petersen for their help and support. Many thanks go to Mrs. Dianne Piefke who spent many hours organizing the event. Special thanks go to the Center for Integrated Dynamics and Control for sponsoring the workshop.
of Systems
with Hard
Er- Wei Bai 1.1 P r o b l e m S t a t e m e n t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 S e p a r a b l e least s q u a r e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3 C o n c l u d i n g r e m a r k s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
of Production-Distribution
1 4 11 11
Franco Blanchini, Stefano Miani, Raffaele Pesenti, Franca Rinaldi, Walter Ukovich 2.1 I n t r o d u c t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 M o d e l d e s c r i p t i o n a n d p r o b l e m s t a t e m e n t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3 S y s t e m s t a b i l i z a b i l i t y a n d b o u n d e d n e s s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4 S y s t e m failures a n d d e c e n t r a l i z a t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5 T r a n s p o r t a t i o n a n d p r o d u c t i o n delays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.6 C o n c l u d i n g r e m a r k s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
and Related
13 15 18 22 24 26 26 ...
Li Chai and Li Qiu 3.1 I n t r o d u c t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 G e n e r a l M u l t i r a t e S y s t e m s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 C o n s t r a i n e d A n a l y t i c I n t e r p o l a t i o n P r o b l e m s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4 S o l v a b i l i t y C o n d i t i o n s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5 C o n c l u s i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
29 30 34 35 38 39
with Finite Input
Energy ...........
Jie Chen, Shinji Hara 4.1 I n t r o d u c t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 P r o b l e m F o r m u l a t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3 M a i n R e s u l t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4 C o n c l u s i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
with Input
41 43 46 53 54 ..........
Minyue Fu 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4
Introduction ............................................... Linear Time-invariant Control ............................... P r o p e r t i e s of t h e P r o p o s e d C o n t r o l l e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Switching Control ..........................................
57 58 62 64
XII 5.5
Illustrative Example ........................................
5.6 C o n c l u s i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
65 67
R o b u s t n e s s Issues A s s o c i a t e d w i t h the P r o v i s i o n o f Integral A c t i o n in Nonlinear S y s t e m s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Graham C. Goodwin, Osvaldo J. Rojas
Introduction ...............................................
6.2 6.3
B r i e f r e v i e w of t h e linear case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Input saturation ............................................
70 71
6.4 6.5 6.6
Special case: s t a b l e a n d s t a b l y i n v e r t i b l e n o n l i n e a r s y s t e m s . . . . . . . A simulation example: pH neutralisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . General nonlinear systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
71 74 76
Comparison between input disturbance design and o u t p u t disturb a n c e design, using t h e G F L s t r a t e g y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.8 C o n c l u s i o n s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
82 83 84
and Adaptive
or a Free
Relationship? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Per- Olof Gutman
7.1 7.2
Introduction ............................................... P r o b l e m definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
85 87
Robust Control .............................................
7.4 7.5
Adaptive Control ........................................... R o b u s t vs. A d a p t i v e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
89 91
7.6 7.7 7.8
A d a p t i v e c o n t r o l from a r o b u s t p e r s p e c t i v e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T h e r51e of a d a p t a t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Adaptive robust control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
92 95 96
7.9 C o n c l u s i o n s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
97 100
8 Experiments in Spatial H~ Control of a Piezoelectric Laminate B e a m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dunant Halim, S.O. Reza Moheimani
8.1 8.2
Introduction ............................................... M o d e l s of flexible s t r u c t u r e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
103 104
8.3 8.4
Spatial norms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Model Correction ...........................................
106 107
8.5 8.6
S p a t i a l 7-/oo c o n t r o l of a p i e z o e l e c t r i c l a m i n a t e b e a m C o n t r o l l e r design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.7 8.8
Experimental validations .................................... Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
108 110 112 120 120
9 On E s t a b l i s h i n g Classic P e r f o r m a n c e M e a s u r e s for R e s e t C o n t r o l S y s t e m s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C.V. Hollot, Orhan Beker, Yossi Chair, Qian Chen
Motivation .................................................
The Dynamics of Reset Control Systems .......................
Quadratic Stability .........................................
Steady-state performance ....................................
Specialization to First-Order Reset Elements ...................
Conclusion .................................................
Proof of Proposition 1 .......................................
P r o o f o f P r o p o s i t i o n 2: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
References .....................................................
10 Generalized Quadratic L y a p u n o v ~ n c t i o n s for Nonlinear/Uncertain Systems Analysis ....................... Tetsuya Iwasaki
10.1 I n t r o d u c t i o n ° . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10.2 F e e d b a c k s y s t e m a n a l y s i s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10.3 S p e c i f i c q u a d r a t i c - f o r m m o d e l s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10.4 P r o o f s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10.5 C o n c l u s i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Proof of Lemma 1 ..........................................
S procedure ................................................
References .....................................................
11 Towards Online C o m p u t a t i o n of I n f o r m a t i o n State Controllers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M.R. James
11.1 I n t r o d u c t i o n
11.2 N o n l i n e a r H ~ C o n t r o l a n d I n f o r m a t i o n S t a t e s 11.3 M a x - P l u s A p p r o x i m a t i o n
11.4 T h e C h e a p S e n s o r P r o b l e m
176 177 182
11.5 D i s c u s s i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
References .....................................................
12 T i m e D o m a i n Integrals for Linear S a m p l e d D a t a C o n t r o l Systems ...................................................... R.H. Middleton, K. Lau, J.S. Freudenberg
12.1 I n t r o d u c t i o n
12.2 S a m p l e d D a t a S y s t e m B a c k g r o u n d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
12.3 S a m p l e d D a t a T i m e D o m a i n I n t e g r a l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
12.4 C o n c l u s i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
References .....................................................
13 A Linear T i m e - V a r y i n g A p p r o a c h to M o d e l R e f e r e n c e A d a p t i v e Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Daniel E. Miller
13.1 I n t r o d u c t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
13.2 P r e l i m i n a r y M a t h e m a t i c s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
13.3 T h e P r o b l e m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
13.4 T h e A p p r o a c h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
13.5 T h e M a i n Result . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
13.6 E x t e n s i o n s to the R e l a t i v e Degree O n e Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
13.7 E x a m p l e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
13.8 S u m m a c y a n d C o n c l u s i o n s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
14 S a m p l e d - D a t a Control o f N o n l i n e a r Systems: an O v e r v i e w of Recent Results .............................................
Dragan Nesid, Andrew R. Teel 14.1 I n t r o d u c t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
14.2 M e t h o d 1: E m u l a t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
14.3 M e t h o d 2: A p p r o x i m a t e d i s c r e t e - t i m e m o d e l design . . . . . . . . . . . . .
14.4 C o n c l u s i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
S t a b i l i t y T e s t s for C o n s t r a i n e d Linear S y s t e m s . . . . . . . . . . .
Mauricio C. de Oliveira, Robert E. Skelton 15.1 A M o t i v a t i o n from L y a p u n o v S t a b i l i t y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
15.2 L y a p u n o v S t a b i l i t y C o n d i t i o n s w i t h M u l t i p l i e r s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
15.3 D i s c r e t e - t i m e L y a p u n o v S t a b i l i t y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
15.4 H a n d l i n g I n p u t / O u t p u t Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
15.5 A n a l y s i s of S y s t e m s Described b y T r a n s f e r F u n c t i o n s . . . . . . . . . . . .
15.6 Some N o n - S t a n d a r d A p p l i c a t i o n s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
15.7 C o n c l u s i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
P r o o f of L e m m a 2 ( F i n s l e r ' s L e m m a ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Realizations for IQC U n c e r t a i n S y s t e m s . . . . . .
256 259
Ian R. Petersen 16.1 I n t r o d u c t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
16.2 Definitions a n d P r e l i m i n a r y R e s u l t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
16.3 T h e M a i n R e s u l t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
16.4 E x a m p l e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
XV 17 Recent Advances in Robust Control, Feedback and Learning .................................................
Michael G. Safonov 17.1 I n t r o d u c t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.2 D a t a - D r i v e n R o b u s t C o n t r o l D e s i g n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.3 S u m m a r y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
and Chaos
283 284 292 293 .........
Andrey V. Savkin, Alexey S. Matveev 18.1 I n t r o d u c t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18.2 S w i t c h e d flow n e t w o r k s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18.3 T h e S w i t c h e d S e r v e r S y s t e m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18.4 T h e S w i t c h e d A r r i v a l S y s t e m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
297 299 304 306 308
Youla Parameterization
Carsten W. Scherer 19.1 I n t r o d u c t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.2 P a r a m e t r i c D y n a m i c O p t i m i z a t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.3 A H e u r i s t i c I t e r a t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.4 N u m e r i c a l E x a m p l e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.5 C o n c l u s i o n s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
311 314 320 321 324 325
20 An LMI Approach to the Identification and (In)Validation of LPV systems ...............................................
Mario Sznaier, Cecilia Mazzaro 20.1 I n t r o d u c t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.2 P r e l i m i n a r i e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.3 C o n t r o l o r i e n t e d i d e n t i f i c a t i o n of L P V s y s t e m s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.4 M o d e l V a l i d a t i o n of L P V S y s t e m s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.5 E x a m p l e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.6 C o n c l u s i o n s a n d D i r e c t i o n s for F u r t h e r R e s e a r c h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
327 329 330 337 339 343 345
21 Randomized Algorithms for Analysis and Control of Uncertain Systems: An Overview ..........................
Roberto Tempo, Fabrizio Dabbene 21.1 I n t r o d u c t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.2 P r e l i m i n a r i e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.3 P r o b a b i l i s t i c R o b u s t n e s s A n a l y s i s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.4 S a m p l e G e n e r a t i o n P r o b l e m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.5 P r o b a b i l i s t i c R o b u s t L Q R e g u l a t o r s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.6 C o n c l u s i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
347 348 350 355 358 359 360
of Circuits:
D i s t r i b u t i o n a l l y R o b u s t M o n t e Carlo A n a l y s i s The Truncation Phenomenon ..................... Vincent Winstead, B. Ross B a n i s h
22.1 I n t r o d u c t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.2 T h e T r u n c a t i o n P h e n o m e n o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.3 R C F i l t e r R e a l i z a t i o n of t h e T r u n c a t i o n P h e n o m e n o n . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.4 A S e c o n d C o u n t e r e x a m p l e t o E x t r e m a l i t y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.5 A C o - D e p e n d e n t D i s t r i b u t i o n P a r a d i g m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.6 R L C R e v i s i t e d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.7 C o n c l u s i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
363 366 367 369 370 373 373 373
1 Identification of S y s t e m s w i t h Hard I n p u t Nonlinearities Er-Wei Bai Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa 52242
[email protected], (319)335-5949(phone), (319)335-6028(fax) A b s t r a c t . In this paper, we study identification of systems with static and nonstatic hard input nonlinearities. An identification algorithm is proposed which is based on separating the coefficients of the nonlinear part from the linear part. The identification is carried out on an equivalent problem with a much lower dimension. The method is shown to be particularly effective, if the nonlinearity is parametrized by few parameters. 1.1
Hard input nonlinearities, e.g., Dead-Zone, Saturation, Hysteresis, etc, are common in engineering practice. These nonlinearities severely limit the performance of control systems. Therefore, inverse and other robust controls are often used [7,8] to cancel or reduce the effect of these harmful nonlinearities. Those control designs require values of the p a r a m e t e r s t h a t represent the hard nonlinearities. Clearly, system identification constitutes a crucial p a r t in such control designs if the p a r a m e t e r s are unknown. T h e difficulty of identification for the system with a hard input nonlinearity is t h a t the unknown p a r a m e t e r s of the nonlinearity and the linear system are coupled. Moreover, the output of the hard nonlinear block m a y not be written as an analytic function of the input. Surprisingly, there is only scattered work reported in the literature on identification of systems with hard nonlinearities [3,8,9], although robust control designs involving these hard nonlinearities become a very active research area in recent years. In this paper, we study identification of a stable SISO discrete time linear system with a hard input nonlinearity as shown in Figure 1.1, where y(k), u(k) and v(k) are system output, input and noise respectively. Note t h a t the internal signal x(k) is not measurable. The linear system is represented by an n t h order transfer function
31z--(n--I) Z n --
~'-/~2z--(n--2) Oqz--(n--1)
which is p a r a m e t r i z e d by the p a r a m e t e r vector e
Ac "'" - ~ 3 n
E.W. Bai
v(k)~+ u(k) nonlinear block
x(k) linear system
Fig. 1.1. The system with a hard input nonlinearity The nonlinear block represents the hard static or non-static nonlinearity x ( k ) = A/'(u[k], a)
for some nonlinear functions Af parameterized by the parameter vector a c R I. Here, u[k] indicates that x ( k ) may depend on the input up to time k. Examples of static nonlinearities are the Saturation nonlinearity Xsaturation (k), the Preload nonlinearity Xp~to~d(k), the non-symmetric Relay nonlinearity xr~t~y(k) and the Dead-Zone nonlinearity Xd~d . . . . (k) in Figure 1.1 that can be expressed, respectively, by
xs,~t~,,.at,o,~(k) = 1
u(k) > a u(k) <_ - a ,
k) lu(k)l <
Xpreload(k) =
I~(k)l > a s xd~oe . . . . ( k ) =
-1 u(k) < -al
u(k) + a u ( k ) > 0 0 u(k) = 0 u(k) - a u(k) < 0
0 lu(k)l ~_ a ~(k)-al~(k)l>a ~(k) + a ~(k) < - a
with some unknown parameter vector a. A typical example of the non-static nonlinearity is the Hysteresis nonlinearity shown in Figure 1.1, xh~st~r~sis (k) = Ar(uik ], a) 1 =
( u ( k ) > a) or (lu(k)l < a and u ( k ) - u ( k - 1) < 0) or ([u(k)l < a and u ( k ) = u ( k - 1) and x ( k - 1) = 1) - 1 ( u ( k ) < - a ) or (lu(k)l <_ a and u ( k ) - u ( k - 1) > 0) or (lu(k)l <_ a and u ( k ) = u ( k - 1) and x ( k - 1) = - 1 )
In this case, x ( k ) depends on the current input u ( k ) as well as the previous inputs. Note that the slope of the Dead-Zone is assumed to be 1. This is to avoid the non-unique parametrization problem due to the product of the nonlinear block and the linear system. If the slope is not 1, say a, it can be absorbed by ( " - 1 )lz_(n_l)_..._,~ + ' ~ 2 z - ( " - 2 ) + "n+ ' ~ n . The same remark could the linear system, say ~ ' ~ l z -z,~_o,
1 Hard Input Nonlinearities
/ / 2a
a2 a
f a
Fig. 1.2. Saturation, Preload, Relay and Dead-Zone nonlinearities.
Fig. 1.3. Hysteresis nonlinearity
apply to other nonlinearities. Also, notice t h a t the unknown p a r a m e t e r vector a is two dimensional in the non-symmetric Relay case and is one dimensional in the other four examples. Our identification approach is, roughly speaking, based on the H a m m e r stein model [1,2,28]. There exists a large n u m b e r of works in the literature on H a m m e r s t e i n model identification. Most results require t h a t the nonlinear block can be a p p r o x i m a t e d by an analytic function, usually a polynomial [1,2,28] which is linear in the unknown p a r a m e t e r a. This is, however, not the case for hard nonlinearities. T h e hard nonlinearities can have m e m o r y and m a y not be a p p r o x i m a t e d by polynomials in stability analysis. Moreover,
E.W. Bai
expressions of these hard nonlinearities are not linear in the unknown a. Determination of segments itself depends on the unknown a. To overcome these difficulties, some algorithms were proposed, but they do not apply to nonstatic hard input nonlinearities [3,9]. For instance, an identification algorithm for a two-segment piecewise-linear nonlinearity was proposed in [9]. This algorithm is based on alternative estimation of the p a r a m e t e r s and some argument variables. Though simulations illustrate some good results, as pointed out in the paper, the convergence of the estimates is not analyzed and can not be guaranteed. In fact, divergence can be a problem for alternative iterative algorithms in H a m m e r s t e i n system identification [6]. More importantly, this approach does no apply to input nonlinearities with m e m o r y like Hysteresis. We propose an identification algorithm in the p a p e r for systems with hard input nonlinearities. The approach is deterministic and is based on the separating the nonlinear part p a r a m e t e r a from the linear p a r t p a r a m e t e r 0. Moreover, the optimal values of the linear part p a r a m e t e r 0 are shown to be a simple function of the nonlinear p a r t p a r a m e t e r a. Therefore, the identification problem becomes a minimization with respect to the p a r a m e t e r vector a only. Since the p a r a m e t e r vector a t h a t parametrizes the hard input nonlinearities is usually very low dimensional, in fact, one or two dimensional for m a n y cases, the minimization can be solved very efficiently. Convergence analysis for the approach is also provided. It is worthwhile noting t h a t the proposed approach applies to hard input nonlinearities with memory.
Identification algorithm
W i t h the transfer function model, we have y(k)
---- O ~ l y ( k -- 1) -{- ... -{- ~ n y ( k -- n ) -[-
Z l x ( k - 1) + ... + Z n X ( k - n) + v ( k )
= (y(k - 1), ..., y ( k - n),.h/'(u[k_l], a), ...,Af(u[k-n], a))0 + v ( k ) , with unknown p a r a m e t e r vectors a and 0. The purpose of the identification is to find the unknown a and 0 from the experimental d a t a {y(k), u(k)}. We use the prediction error N
J = E[y(k)
- (y(k - 1), . . . , y ( k -
n),A/'(u[k_l], 5), ...,Af(u[k-n], a))~] 2
and the estimates 5 and ~ are the ones t h a t minimize J. W i t h Y = (y(1), ( 2 ) , . . . , y ( N ) ) T,
/' A(5)= [
y(0) y(1)
... y ( 1 - n ) y(2-n)
Hard Input Nonlinearities
Af(u[o],5) Af(u[x],5)
y ( N - n)
.Af(U[N_l] , a)
... A/'(ufl-n],&) A/'(U[u_,~],&)] .
JV'(u[/_n] , a ) /
the objective function J can be rewritten as J = [[Y - A(h)0[[ 2. For a given data set {y(k), u(k)}, this minimization involves two variables a and 0. Notice that J may be a non-smooth function of d, but is smooth in 0. Moreover, 1 OJ A T ( a ) y + AT(a)A(a)O" o-
Clearly, if AT(&)A(5) is invertible, the necessary and sufficient condition for 0 to be optimal is that
0 = [AT(a)A(a)]-aAT(&)Y
provided that a is optimal. Therefore, by substituting 0 in terms of & back into J, we have Y(&) = [[(I - A(5)[AT(a)A(a)]-IAT(a)Y[[ 2.
By substitution, we have eliminated one variable 0 and reduced the search space to an /-dimensional space, where l is the dimension of a. This kind of elimination of variables in optimization literature is referred to as the separable nonlinear least squares problems [5]. This elimination is particularly beneficial for identification of systems with input nonlinearities. Notice that the dimension of the parameter a that parametrizes the input nonlinearities is usually very low and in fact is often one dimensional 9 For instance, the Saturation nonlinearity, Preload nonlinearity, Dead-Zone nonlinearity and Hysteresis nonlinearity shown in Figures 2 and 3 are all one dimensional, and the non-symmetric Relay nonlinearity is two dimensional. In fact, besides the Hysteresis Nonlinearity which depends on the previous input, we have Xsaturation(k) = l+sgn(a-[u(k)[)2
Xpr~Zoad(k) = Xd~adzon~(k) = Xrelay(k)
U(k) + l+sgn(lu(k)l-a)
u(k) + a. sgn(u(k)) u(k) - a. sgn(u(k)) -[l+sg~(a-[u(k)l)] (u( k ) - a . sgn(u( k ) ) ) 2 : [sgn(u(k) - a2) + sgn(u(k) + al)]/2
sgn(u(k)) (1.4)
where san is the standard sign function, san(u) = 1 for u > 0, sgn(u) = - 1 for u < 0 and sgn(u) = 0 for u = 0.
E.W. Bai
Now, the original identification problem has been transformed into a minimization problem (1.3) in a very low dimensional space which can be solved efficiently. Once the optimal ?~is obtained, the optimal 0 follows from (1.2). It is i m p o r t a n t to r e m a r k t h a t the minimization of (1.3) is always/-dimensional independent of the linear part which could be p a r a m e t r i z e d by a high dimensional vector 0. We now summerize the proposed identification algorithm for systems with hard input nonlinearities. Identification algorithm for systems with hard input nonlinearities: Step 1: Consider the system (1.1), collect the d a t a set {u(k), y(k)} and define Y and A(?~). Step 2: Solve (1.3) for the optimal 5. Step 3: Calculate the optimal 0 as in (1.2). To illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, we test the algor i t h m with all five nonlinearities shown in Figures 2 and 3. Example 1: Let the linear system be
1)+a2y(k -
where 0 T = loll, 0~2, j~l, t32] = [ - 0 . 8 3 3 3 , - 0 . 1 6 6 7 , 1, 1] which is unknown and v ( k ) is an i.i.d, r a n d o m sequence in [-0.1,0.1]. For simulation, N = 200 and input is uniformly distributed in [ - 3 , 3]. Now, consider the above linear system with the Preload nonlinearity of a -- 1, Dead-Zone nonlinearity of a = 1, Saturation nonlinearity of a -- 1, non-symmetric Relay nonlinearity of a T = (al, a2) = (1, 1.6) and Hysteresis nonlinearity of a = 1, separately. T h e true values of a and 0, and the estimates & and 0 are, respectively, shown in Table 1.1. a and
10 and ~ T 0T = (-0.8333, a=l Preload ~T = (-0.8353, = 0.995 0"r = (-0.8333, Dead-Zone a----1 ~T = (-0.8318, = 1.0001 0T = (-0.8333, Saturation a----1 0T = (--0.8347, 0.9998 a "r ----(1, 1.6) 0u' = (--0.8333, Relay a T ----(1.005, 1.604) ~T = (-0.8295, 0T = (-0.8333, Hysteresis a----1 0T = (--0.8356, & = 1.006 (~T
--0.1667, 1, 1) -0.1672, 1.0017, -0.1667, 1, 1) -0.1693, 0.9972, -0.1667, 1, 1) --0.1657, 0.9926, --0.1667, 1, 1) -0.1721, 0.9972, -0.1667, 1, 1) --0.1724, 0.9933,
1.0058) 1.0020) 0.9987) 0.9942) 1.0056)
T a b l e 1.1. True values and the estimates.
The estimation errors for Preload, Dead-zone, S a t u r a t i o n , Relay and Hysteresis nonlinearities are 0.008, 0.0046, 0.076, 0.011 and 0.012 respectively.
1 Hard Input Nonlinearities
Here, the error is defined as I[(aT, 0 T) - (a T, t~r)[[2. In all five simulations, the formations of the data vector Y remain the same. The construction of A(a) are, however, quite different. For the Preload Nonlinearity, we have from (1.4), y(0) y(-1) u(0) u(-1) y(.1) y!0) u!l) u!0) ] A(a) =
y(N'- 1) y(N'- 2) u(N'- 1) u(N'- 2)] L
0 sgn(u(1)), sgn(u(O)) + i O.
sgn(u(-1)) I a, sgn(?(O)),
0 sgn(u(N - 1)) sgn(u(N - 2))] As
and consequently, J(a) = [[(I-(A1 +A26)[ATA1 +ATA26+ATA1 a+ATA2a 2]-1 (AT+ATa))Y I[29 This is an one dimensional problem with respect to 5. For the Dead-Zone nonlinearity, we have from (1.4), y(0) A(5) =
u(-1)/2 \
\y(N'- 1) y(Y'- 2) u(N L 1)/2 u(Y L 2)/2] A1
i 0 p(1) p(2)
p(O) p(1) )
o ; ( g ) p ( N - 1) Y
with p(i) =
-a. sgn(u(i - 1)) - u(i - 1). sgn(6- [u(i - 1)[)
5. sgn(u(i - 1)). sgn(6 2
- 1)[) ,
i =
E.W. Bai
With the Saturation nonlinearity, we have y(O) y(.1)
A(h) =
y(-1) y(0)
\ y ( N ' - 1) y ( N ' - 2) 1
L i 0
p(1) p(2)
p(0) / p(1)
0 p(N - 1) R ( N ' - 2)
A2(a) where p(i) = u(i - 1)sgn(a - lu(i - 1)[)/2 + a. sgn(u(i - 1))sgn(]u(i - 1)1 - 6)/2
i = 1, 2, ..., N and with the non-symmetric Relay nonlinearity, y(O) y(.l)
A(6) =
y(-1) y(o) 01) o
\ y ( N ' - 1) y ( N ' - 2) 0
i o0
p(1) p(2)
p(0) ) p(1)
0 p ( N ' - 11 p ( N ' - 2/ A2(a)
with p(i) = [sgn(u(i - 1) - 52) + sgn(u(i - 1) + 51)]/2.
In this case, it is a two dimensional minimization problem. We remark that the expressions (1.4) for the nonlinearities are useful in the construction of A(5), but are not necessary. As long as ~(k) can be constructed using {u(k)} and 5, and is independent of 0, 0 can be decoupled from the parameter a in optimization as in (1.3). Therefore, identification can be carried out by minimizing J(5) with respect to h only. This is the case for the Hysteresis nonlinearity, where /' y(O) y(-1) &(O) 2(-1) A(a)---- / y!l). y(0). 2(1). &(0) ]. \y(i'-
1) y ( N ' - 2) 2(N'- 1) 3:(N'- 2)]
1 Hard Input Nonlinearities
(u(k) > 6) or ([u(k)l G 5 and u(k) - u ( k - 1) < 0) or ([u(k)[ < 6 and u(k) = u ( k - 1) and 2 ( k - 1) = 1) ~(k) = { - 1 (u(k) < - 5 ) or (lu(k)l < 6 and u(k) - u ( k - 1) > 0) or (lu(k)l < 5 and u(k) = u ( k - 1) and 2 ( k - 1) = - 1 ) In all simulations, the unknown parameters a and ~ are accurately estimated with only 200 data points and the minimizations involved are either one or two dimensional which were easily solved by using MATLAB. 1.2.2
Convergence discussion
Convergence analysis is always an important topic in system identification. For the deterministic identification algorithm proposed in the previous section, there are two contributing factors: (1) The global minimum versus local minimums in the minimization problem of J(6), and (2) The effects of noise. We discuss these two factors separately. First, consider the case where the noise is absent. Then, J(5) > 0 and J(5)la=~ = 0 implies that 6 = a is a global minimum. Clearly, the necessary and sufficient condition to ensure convergence is that the minimization of J(5) in (1.3) does not have any other local minimum. Whether the objective function J(6) of (1.3) has multiple minimums depends on the input nonlinearity. For most hard input nonlinearities, the relationship between J(6) and 6 is highly nonlinear and often non-smooth. Therefore, answering the question of whether J(6) has multiple minimums for an arbitrary input nonlinearity with full rigor would appear intractable. However, observe that J(6) often relies on only one or two variables for many common input nonlinearities. Thus, for a given data set {y(k), u(k)}, the complete picture of J(6) with respect 6 is available numerically. This graphical picture provides us accurate information on how many local minimums that J(6) has in a range with respect to 5 in which the true but unknown a would lie. A large number of computer simulations seems to suggest that the objective functions J(5) of (1.3) for many common input nonlinearities including all five in Figures 1.1 and 1.1 have only one minimum. Figure 1.2.2 shows J(6) versus 5 for the Dead-Zone input nonlinearity, where the vertical axis is J(5) and the horizontal axis represents 6. The d a t a is collected from Example 1. To estimate the Dead-Zone nonlinearity a, the input magnitude has to be larger than a. In the simulation, the maximum input magnitude is 3 and the output y(k) is not identically zero, thus, the true but unknown a has to lie in the interval [0, 3]. Therefore, we only have to check if Y(5) has multiple minimums for 0 < 5 < 3 which determines the range of 5 in Figure 4. Similar arguments apply to other nonlinearities. Figures 1.2.2, 1.2.2 and 1.2.2 show J(6) versus 5 for the Preload, Saturation and Hysteresis nonlinearities. Figure 8 shows - J ( 5 ) versus 5 = (51,62) ~ for the non-symmetric Relay nonlinearity. Because - J ( 6 ) is easier to see than J(5), we plot - J ( 5 ) instead of J(6)
Fig. 1.4. J(g) versus g for the Dead-Zone nonlinearity 10
Fig. 1.5.
i 05
i 1
i 1.5
i 2
i 2.5
i 3
i 35
J(5) versus g~for the Preload nonlinearity
in Figure 1.2.2. In all cases, J(g~) has only one minimum. These simulation results provide strong evidence that, in the absence of noise, the proposed algorithm converges at least for five input nonlinearities shown in Figures 2 and 3. Another factor which affects convergence is the noise. In this section, no assumptions were made and therefore no conclusion about the convergence can be claimed in the presence of noise. If certain assumptions are imposed on the noise, convergence results can be achieved. For instance, if the noise is an i.i.d, zero mean random sequence with finite variance and is independent of the input, then it is a standard exercise [4] to show that the effects of noise on J(&) of (1.3) goes to zero as N --* oc. In other words, the estimates 5 and converge to a and 0 as N --* oe, provided that J(5) has only one minimum
1 Hard Input Nonlinearities
Fig. 1,6. J(~) versus ~ for the Saturation nonlinearity
Fig. 1.7. J(~) versus ~ for the Hysteresis nonlinearity
which is shown to be the case for m a n y common input nonlinearities from the previous discussion.
An identification algorithm is proposed for the system with h a r d input nonlinearities. T h e method notes the fact t h a t a is usually low dimensional and thus, transforms a higher dimensional nonlinear identification p r o b l e m into a very low dimensional minimization problem. The m e t h o d is particularly effective for m a n y input nonlinearities which are p a r a m e t r i z e d by a single p a r a m e t e r a. The approach also applies to nonlinearities with memory.
E.W. Bai
0. -1, -2. -3-
-4, ~ -54, -7-8-9:
3 ~ 2
0 0
Fig. 1.8. - J ( 5 ) versus a = (e,1, g2)' for the non-symmetric Relay nonlinearity
References 1. E.W. Bai (1998), An optimal two-stage identification algorithm for Hammerstein-Wiener nonlinear systems, Automatica, Vol. 34, No. 3. pp.333338. 2. S.A. Bilings and S.Y. Fakhouri (1978), Identification of a class of nonlinear systems using correlation analysis, Proc. of IEE Vol. 125, No. 7. pp.691-697. 3. X., Gu, Y. Bao and Z. Lang (1988), A parameter identification method for a class of discrete time nonlinear systems, Proc. 12th IMACS World Congress, Paris, Vil. 4, pp.627-629. 4. L. Ljung (1976), Consistency of the least squares identification method, IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, Vol. 21, pp.779-781. 5. A. Ruhe and P. Wedin (1980), Algorithms for separable nonlinear least squares problems, SIAM Review, Vol. 22, pp.318-337. 6. P. Stoica (1981), On the convergence of an iterative algorithm used for Hammerstein system identification, IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, Vol. 26, pp.967-969. 7. G. Tao and C.A. Canudas de Wit (Eds) (1997), SPECIAL ISSUE ON ADAPTIVE SYSTEMS W I T H NON-SMOOTH NONLINEARITIES, Int. J. Adapt. Contr. Signal Process, Vol.11, No.1. 8. G. Tao and P. Kokotovic (1996), A D A P T I V E C O N T R O L OF SYSTEMS W I T H A C T U A T O R AND SENSOR NONLINEARITIES, John Wiley and Sons, New York. 9. J. Voros (1997), Parameter identification of discontinuous Hammerstein systems, Automatic, Vol. 33, No. 6, pp.1141-1146.
2 Robust Control of Production-Distribution Systems * Franco Blanchini 1, Stefano Miani 2, Raffaele Pesenti 3, Franca Rinaldi 1, and Walter Ukovich 4 1 Dipartimento di Matematica ed Informatica, Universit~ degli Studi di Udine, Via delle Scienze 206, 33100 Udine, Italy 2 Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica, Gestionale e Meccanica, Universit~ degli Studi di Udine, Via delle Scienze 206, 33100 Udine, Italy 3 Dipartimento di Ingegneria Automatica ed Informatica, Viale delle Scienze, Universits di Palermo, Viale delle Scienze, 1-90128 Palermo, Italy 4 Dipartimento di Elettrotecnica, Elettronica ed Informatica, Universith degli Studi di Trieste, via Valerio 10, 34127 Trieste, Italy A b s t r a c t . A class of production-distribution problems with unknown-but-bounded uncertain demand is considered. At each time, the demand is unknown but each of its components is assumed to belong to an assigned interval. Furthermore, the system has production and transportation capacity constraints. We face the problem of finding a control strategy that keeps the storage levels bounded. We also deal with the case in which storage level bounds are assigned and the controller must keep the state within these bounds. Both discrete and continuous time models are considered. We provide basic necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of such strategies. We propose several possible feedback control laws which are robust with respect to link failures and/or network parameter variations. We finally consider the case of processing/transportation delays.
In this paper we deal with the control of multi-inventory production-transportation dynamic systems. They have a wide range of applications including manufacturing systems, logistics systems, communication networks, water distribution systems, and transportation systems. These systems are usually modeled by graphs whose nodes represent warehouses and arcs represent flows [2[ [13] [22] [27]. If the resulting network is dynamic, then it can be analyzed by the method of the time-expanded network [1] [20] [25]. However, the method of the time-expanded network is only suitable for finite horizon or periodic problems and when the network inputs are known. Conversely, the case in which the system inputs are uncertain, can be faced by means * The research described on this paper has been partially supported by C.N.R. (National Research Council of Italy) CT 98.00558.CTll and CO 97.00292.
Franco Blanchini et al.
of the feedback control theory [3]. Several contributions along this direction have been proposed in literature, see for instance [11] [12] [16] [18] [19] [23]. In our approach, we deal with the unknown demand according to the so-called unknown-but-bounded uncertainty specification. This means that each component of the demand is unknown, but it is assumed to belong to an assigned range. The general theory for this approach traces back to 1971 with the pioneering works by Bertsekas and Rhodes [4] [5] and by Glover and Schweppe [14]. Although this approach, based on dynamic programming, is computationally hard in the general case, its application to the case of distribution systems leads to a significant reduction of the computational burden. In this paper we deal with both continuous and discrete-time models for production distribution systems already considered in [6] [7] [8]. The main feature of these models is that there are flows of two types: the controlled and the uncontrolled ones. The controlled flows are typically production or supply levels, while the uncontrolled flows are typically demands. Both controlled and uncontrolled flows are subject to capacity constraints. As a basic result, necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a stabilizing control policy are provided (see [6] [7] [8]). However, stability alone is not a sufficient goal for production systems. As it is well known, assuring adequate performances is fundamental in the considered context. In our approach we consider performances in the worst case sense, namely we assure conditions under which the system can still adequately operate given all possible demands and failures (such as breakdown of a link) or parameter variations. In particular, in this paper we consider the following problems: 9 System stability: assure that the buffer levels remain bounded for all possible demands which range within assigned bounds. 9 System confinement: assure that the buffer levels remain bounded within assigned constraints for all possible demands which range within assigned bounds. 9 System failures: given a "possible failure list" assure stability/confinement for all events in this list. 9 System delays: assure stability/confinement in the presence of transportation/production delays. 9 Control decentralization: find strategies t h a t require only local information to decide the controlled input flow in each link. 9 System parameter variations: assure that the control strategy is robust with respect to parameter variations. The paper summarizes some recent results by the authors which face these problems. We report these results with no proofs, but we will suggest proper references to the reader.
Robust Control of Production-distribution Systems
and problem
The dynamic models that describe the considered class of systems is
x(t + 1) ----x(t) + Bu(t) + Ed(t),
it(t) = Bu(t) + Ed(t),
where B and E are assigned matrices, x(t) is the system state whose components represent the storage levels in the system warehouses, u(t) is the control, representing controlled resource flows between warehouses, and d(t) is an unknown external input representing the demand, or more in general non-controllable flows. We assume that the following constraints are assigned. The control components are bounded:
u <_ u+};
the external uncontrolled inputs are unknown, but each included between known bounds
d(t) c D = { d c ~ m :
d- <_ d < d+}.
Vectors u - , u +, d - and d + are assigned. In several cases, it is necessary to consider also explicit bounds on x
z(t) c 2( = {x c ~'~ : z - < x < x+}, with x - , x + assigned. Vectors x C A' and u E U will be said
M o d e l interpretation
The model (2.1) (or (2.2)) is a typical model used in the literature for production and distribution systems, especially with B and E as identity matrices. Using general matrices as we do, a more faithful description of real production/distribution systems in their actual variables can be obtained, as it is explained below. The state variables xi of the system represent the amount of certain resources in their warehouses, or buffers, each one represented by a node. These resources are raw materials, intermediate and finished products, as well as any other resource used in the production processes. The quantity xi of each resource that can be stocked at each node i is supposed bounded. Lower and upper bounds represent the minimum admissible storage level and the storage capacity of the node, respectively. These bounds produce the state constraints (2.5). Production processes are represented as "flow units". Formally, a flow unit is an activity which, in unit time, takes amounts proportional to #~, i =-
Franco Blanchini et al.
1 , . . . , k, of resources from k source warehouses (81,..-, 8k), possibly processes them, and yields amounts proportional to vj, j = 1 , . . . , h, of products in h destination warehouses ( t l , . . . , th). T h e actual values absorbed and produced, respectively, by the lth flow unit are #iuz and ujuz, or ttidz and vjdl, depending on the fact t h a t the level of t h e / t h flow unit is a control input or an external one. It is worth to point out t h a t no assumption is introduced concerning the nature of the processing activity performed by a flow unit, with respect, for instance, to technological, or organizational issues. In other words, flow units just provide an i n p u t / o u t p u t , or "black box" description of each production activity, and do not require to specify how such an activity is performed. Note also t h a t "production activities" must be intended in the most general terms, including any kind of processing. As an extreme case, they m a y represent mere t r a n s p o r t a t i o n activities, moving commodities between different locations, with no other physical modifications of their attributes. In this sense, our model appears to be quite general, encompassing b o t h production and logistics. Both source and destination nodes m a y refer to non-homogeneous commodities: for instance, among the sources we can consider materials, capitals, auxiliary goods, tools, fixtures, workforce, while in the destination nodes we can have b o t h final products or production remainders. F~rthermore, the warehouses can also include abstract objects such as orders. For instance, a production unit can take one purchase order from the order queue of a certain final object, and some raw materials from their storage locations, and produce the required object and some production remainders. T h e model m a y also consider flow units which enter into (or exit from) the system from (to) the external environment, and which m a y represent purchases, supplies or demands. For instance, the order queue mentioned above m a y be fed by an "order acquisition" activity taking t h e m from the customer market, which is part of the external environment. Conversely, the distribution of commodities to the product market can be represented by a "distribution" activity leading t h e m to the external environment. The flow units m a y be of two kinds: some of t h e m m a y be controlled by the system operator, and some other ones m a y depend on external factors. For instance, demands, orders and supplies typically depend on external factors, while production and t r a n s p o r t a t i o n activities can be controlled. For this reason, the inputs and outputs of our system are split in two vectors: the control u and the external d e m a n d d. T h e former can be controlled, the latter is exogenously determined. Note t h a t we use the same t e r m "demand" for exogenous activities either feeding the external environment i.e., actual demands and originating from it - i.e., supplies and purchases. T h e uncertainty in all these activity levels is dealt with in the same way. Hence, a controlled flow unit is represented by a column of the m a t r i x B in (2.1) (2.2) whose coefficients are the values - # i and uj described above. Similarly,
Robust Control of Production-distribution Systems
an uncontrolled flow unit is represented by a column of the m a t r i x E of (2.1) (2.2). It is natural to assume t h a t b o t h controlled and uncontrolled flow units have lower and upper bounds. T h e y correspond to capacities of the considered production (or transportation) activities, and are expressed by the vectors u - , u +, d - and d +, respectively. T h e y define the control and d e m a n d constraints (2.3) and (2.4). These two kinds of constraints differ only since the controlled flow unit constraints define system limits, while the bounds on the uncontrolled flow units fix the uncertainty ranges. Let us now introduce as a simple example the system in Fig. 2.2.1. Such a system, which will be reconsidered also later, is m a d e of three warehouses represented by nodes 1, 2 and 3. Nodes 1 and 2 contain two p a r t types, A and
A dl I U1
d3 u 2
Id 2
T Fig. 2.1. The system structure
B, respectively. The arcs Ul and u2, with 0 ~ Ul ~ "~1+ (the bar put on fi+ will be explained soon) and 0 < u2 ~ u +, represent the production level of A and B, respectively, in a unit time. The arc u3, with 0 < u3 _< u3+, represents a flow unit which takes some a m o u n t of A and B to produce the same a m o u n t of AB in node 3. The presence of the arc u4, with 0 < u4 _< u4+, is justified by the following arguments. The resources A and B are provided separately by two production lines. The line producing A has a capacity of u +, and the line producing B has a capacity of u +. In addition, there is an additional flexible
Franco Blanchini et al.
line, whose capacity, u +, can be split in any proportion between the production of A and the production of B. This situation is modeled by adding this last capacity to arc ul, obtaining 0 <_ ul _< Ul+ + u + -- ~+, and introducing arc u4 with capacity u + (the same quantity added to u +) representing a redistribution. If the arc u4 works at full force, this means t h a t the flexible line capacity is completely dedicated to producing B, while if it works at 0 force, the flexible line capacity is completely dedicated to producing A. T h e arcs dl, d2 and d3 represent demands of A, B and AB. Again, we have re-distribution arcs d4 and d5, which represent d e m a n d s which can unpredictably require A or AB, and B or AB, respectively. These demands have a p p r o p r i a t e bounds d~- _< di <_ d +, derived, for instance, from a p p r o p r i a t e sale forecasts, or from supply agreements, or from contracts with d o w n s t r e a m customers. Matrices B and E for the considered system are
B =
1 - 1 0 1
E =
[: 0 0 0] -1 0 0 -1
0 -1 1 1.
For this class of systems, we consider the basic problem [6] of finding a strategy which can be used to determine at each time the controlled activity levels, within their constraints, as a function of the storage levels in the nodes, which allow for driving the state in a c o m p a c t set, for all initial conditions and all feasible "actions" of the uncontrolled flows.
Problem 1. ( S t a b i l i z a b i l i t y ) . Determine (if it exists) a feedback control strategy for System (2.1) (resp. (2.2)) and bounds x - < x +, such t h a t for all x(0) the following conditions hold i) u(t) 9 Lt, for t >_ 0; ii) there exists 7 > 0 such t h a t x(t) 9 2( = {x : x - < x < x +} for t >_ 7-. We also consider the case in which such bounds on the storage levels are a-priori assigned.
Problem 2. ( C o n f i n e m e n t ) . Given bounds x - < x +, determine (if it exists) a feedback control strategy for System (2.1) (resp. (2.2)), such t h a t for all x(0) the following conditions hold i) u(t) c hi, for t >_ 0; ii) there exists ~- >_ 0 such t h a t x(t) E X = {x : x - < x < x +} for t >_ r. We state now necessary and sufficient conditions for the solvability of the mentioned problems [7] [8]. Denote by i n t S the interior of a set S and by A S the image of $ with respect to the linear m a p p i n g associated to the m a t r i x A.
2 Theorem
Robust Control of Production-distribution Systems
1. Problem 1 is solvable if and only if
- E T ~ C intBlg. Let us now consider P r o b l e m 2. In the c o n t i n u o u s - t i m e case, the solvability condition for P r o b l e m 2 is the same as t h a t of P r o b l e m 1 [8]. Theorem
2. Problem 2 is solvable for (2.2) with arbitrary bounds x - < x +
if and only if -El) C intBU. T h e situation is different for the discrete-time model. Before s t a t i n g t h e next theorem, we need some preliminary definitions. Given two c o m p a c t sets X, $ C ~Rn, the erosion of X with respect to S is defined as "~8 = { X E ~ n : X ~ - S C X V8 E 8
and we denote by AX the set AX={xE~'~:x=Ay
for some y E X } ,
(as a particular case with A = - 1 , - X is the opposite). T h e o r e m 3. There exists an admissible control strategy solving Problem 2 for the discrete-time system (2.1) if and only if the two following conditions hold: XE~ ~ 0,
c intBU.
Note t h a t P r o b l e m 1 can be always r e d u c e d to P r o b l e m 2. Indeed, in the continuous-time case the solvability conditions are just the same. In t h e discrete time case, we have just to fix x - a n d x + in which the difference x + - x is a positive vector whose c o m p o n e n t s are large e n o u g h in such a w a y t h a t (2.7) is satisfied and solve P r o b l e m 2. How the above m e n t i o n e d strategies can be achieved is shown next.
The continuous-time strategy
To find a control in the c o n t i n u o u s - t i m e case, assume, w i t h o u t restriction, that x - ~ 0 ~ x +, since, as we have assumed x - < x +, this condition can be always assured by means of a proper state translation. Let us now i n t r o d u c e t h e f u n c t i o n am : ~R --~ ~R+, m > 2, defined as am(~) = { ~ m if if
~_<0 ~>0.
Franco Blanchini et al.
The derivative of am ({), is
Now, for integer p _> 2, define the function
The function ~p(X) is a gauge function in the sense that it is positive definite, homogeneous of order one and convex. In the symmetric case, if x + -- - x - , then ~p(X) is nothing else than a weighted p-norm of x. Function ~v(X) is introduced since it is a control Lyapunov function for the system under the stated solvability conditions. Furthermore, the unit ball •p = { x : ~lp(X) 5 1} is such t h a t Bp C ,~. Then, the condition ~p(x) < 1 implies x 9 A" and if we show that g]p(X(t)) converges to zero we show t h a t x(t) ultimately reaches ,1' as well. For x r 0, the gradient of ~p(X) is Vkl~p(X) : ~ p ( X ) l - - P V ( x )
= k~p(X)I--P[I"~I(Xl) , F2(X2) , . . . , (2.10)
where the ith component Fi of the vector F is given by 1
- -1 7
( X~__)"
For x r 0, the Lyapunov derivative along the system trajectory is given by
~p(X, u, d) - V~p(x)(Bu + Ed) = k~p(x)I-PF(x)(Bu + Ed).
The following property holds [8]. P r o p o s i t i o n 1. For each x ~ 0 there exists u(x) such that
qSp(x)l-PF(x)(Bu + Ed) < O,
for all
d E D,
if and only if - E T ) C intBlg. The proposition above states that, for each x, there exists u(x) t h a t makes negative the Lyapunov derivative. We need to find now an appropriate control function 9 : Bp --~ lg such that q~(0) = 0 and for x ~ 0
~]p(X,q~(x),d) <
for all
d 9 T).
Consider (2.12) to associate a control function r to the system. The vector that minimizes r in (2.12) does not depend on d 9 D and its components are ~j = arg min F(x)B.juj
Robust Control of Production-distribution Systems
where B.j denotes the j t h column of B. Then, we immediately derive t h a t the control fi = qS(x) minimizing the L y a p u n o v derivative has c o m p o n e n t s
{u~ -
9 j(x)=
u-f fij
if if if
F(x)B.j > 0 F(x)B.j
where fij is any value in the interval [u~-, u+]. According to [8], there also exists fl > 0 such t h a t
~p(X, qb(X), d) = VkVp(x)(B~(z)
+ Ed) <_ -/3.
This conditions implies t h a t
~p(x(t)) <_ ~P(x(0)) - / 3 t
as long as x(t) # 0, thus x(t) --~ O, and convergence occurs in finite time.
Remark 1. T h e proposed strategy not only steers the state in X but also drives it to zero. However, such a control is of the b a n g - b a n g t y p e and therefore discontinuous. Thus it introduces chattering in the system. It can be shown t h a t a smooth strategy exists t h a t drives the state inside X (or inside any arbitrarily small neighborhood of the origin). 2.3.2
A discrete-time strategy
Let us now assume t h a t the conditions of T h e o r e m 3 are satisfied. T h e erosion ,~gT) of X is a box
where 5 - and 5 + are vectors whose components are
5: = r~Ei~[Ed]i 5+ = T ~ [ E d ] i and can be easily determined via linear programming. Thus, XEV # 0 is equivalent to x - -- 5 - _< x+ -- 5 +, and such condition is very easy to check. Assume again x - < 0 < x + and consider the following linear p r o g r a m m i n g problem: A > 0 s.t. )~x- - 5- <_ x + B u <_ )~x+ - 5 +
Franco Blanchini et al.
T h e significance of (2.17) can be explained as follows. Condition ~x--5-
<_x + B u < ~x + - 5
is equivalent to A x - <_ x + B u + E d ~ Ax +,
for all d 9 l)
For each x(t) denote by )~(t) the optimal LP value and take u(t) = q~(x(t)) as follows u = qS(x) 9 g2(x)
where ~ ( x ) is the set of optimal solutions of problem (2.17). Now it can be shown as in [7] t h a t lim sup)~(t) < 1, t ----+Oo
thus x(t) --~ X . Moreover, it can be shown that, for some finite ~- > 0, we have t h a t A(t) < 1, for t > % namely x - _< x(t + 1) = x ( t ) + B u ( t ) + E d ( t ) <_ x + thus x ( t + 1) 9 X R e m a r k 2. In the discrete-time case we cannot assure x(t) ~ 0 as in the continuous-time case. We can just ultimately b o u n d the state in the set 2(. However, it is worth mentioning (see [7] for details) t h a t when the control knows d(k), namely u = 4~(x, d), the condition x ( t ) --~ 0 m a y be enforced. Other relevant differences between the discrete and the continuous-time case exist and will be pointed out in the next sections
In a production-distribution system there are i m p o r t a n t requirements such as robustness against failures (or p a r a m e t e r variations) and control decentralization. We briefly consider these issues pointing out the differences between discrete and continuous-time models. 2.4.1
The failure case
A failure is an event in which p a r t of the controlled processes are not, or not completely, available. In particular, a not available input j can be modeled just by setting to zero the corresponding components of u - and u +
Robust Control of Production-distribution Systems
A partial failure is modeled by replacing u~- and u + by new bounds ~ - and ~+, hence imposing t h a t
Therefore a failure is modeled by replacing the o r i g i n a l / 4 by a n e w / ~ (it is reasonable, but not strictly necessary to a s s u m e / 4 C /4). Given a set of possible failures/~(k), k = 1, 2 , . . . , r, the conditions - E / ) C intB/4 must be replaced by
- E l ) C ~-~ intB/4 (k) . k
(to be added to the condition A(Ev ~ ~ in the discrete-time confinement problem). Integer k is referred to as the failure index. A failure-proof s t r a t e g y can be of the form u = ~ ( x , k).
As long as the controller knows the index k corresponding to the actual failure (if any) there is nothing to add to the previous considerations. An interesting point is t h a t in the continuous time case, the controller does not need to know the index k. This means that, in order to satisfy the new necessary and sufficient condition (2.19), we have just to a p p l y the control (2.14) as follows: at each time each control component is required to work at its minimum or m a x i m u m value (regardless their actual values) depending on the sign of F ( x ) B . j . The condition x(t) -~ 0 is guaranteed anyway. Trivial examples show that the condition x(t) -* 2( cannot be assured in the discretetime case if the controller ignores the failure index k. It is currently conjectured t h a t there exist discrete-time bang-bang strategies assuring stability under failures without the knowledge of the failure index, but the same ultimate bounds of the full information case cannot be assured, as in the continuous-time case. 2.4.2
Decentralized strategies
We say t h a t a control strategy is decentralized if each control c o m p o n e n t uj (t) is decided only on the basis of the levels of the buffers directly affected by t h a t node. Formally define for each control component j the set
Iy = (i : Bij r O}. Then the control is decentralized if
uj = ~j(xk),
It is not difficult to see t h a t the control (2.14) is decentralized. Indeed the decision for each component of u is based on the sign of F ( x ) B . j . T h e sign
Franco Blanchini et al.
of F(x)B.j (not its value) depends only on all the components of F(x) with indices in Ij. Again, a decentralized strategy for the discrete time case cannot be found in general as long as we impose a target set X, but it is currently conjectured t h a t decentralized discrete-time strategies, which are only stabilizing, exist. 2.4.3
Parametric uncertainties
The proposed models can be further generalized to the case in which parametric uncertainties are present in the control m a t r i x
~c(t) = G(w(t) )v(t)
with G(w) affine, v(t) c 12 and w(t) E 142, where 14~ and 12 are assigned compact sets. The input w(t) is an external input representing system timevarying uncertainties and v(t) is the control. Observe t h a t (2.2) can be reduced to (2.20) introducing fictitious inputs u0 = 1 and do = 1
it(t) = Ed(t) + Bu(t) = uoEd(t) + doBu(t) and then setting w = [do dl ... din]T and v = [u0 ul ... Uq]T. In general, we can consider both p a r a m e t e r and input uncertainties. Stabilizability conditions for model (2.20) are much more difficult t h a n those for (2.2). However, under reasonable assumptions (for instance, each component of w(t) is bounded as w~- <_ wi(t) < w + and enters in a single column of G(w)) possible solutions can be determined by means of mixed-integer linear programming. Details on this problem are in [10]. 2.5
In this section we limit our attention to discrete-time models, although it is possible to extend the results to continuous-time systems. T h e discrete-time dynamic model t h a t describes the evolution of the system in the presence of delays is T
x(t + 1) = x(t) +
B u(t - s) + e d ( t )
where x(t) E ~n, u(t) c ~q and d(t) E ~m are vectors whose components respectively represent buffer levels, controlled processes and uncontrolled processes, T is the m a x i m u m delay present in the system, and E and Bs are assigned matrices. We assume Bs non negative for s > 0. The presence of delays concerns the activities uj (t) t h a t take some goods from their source nodes at the time t to feed their destination nodes with a given delay. Denoting by [Bk]j the j t h column of Bk, we have t h a t the
Robust Control of Production-distribution Systems
instantaneous effect is represented by the vector [B0]juj (t), while the delayed effect after k instants is represented by the vectors [Bk]juj(t). For instance, consider the example of Fig. 2.2.1 and assume now t h a t arcs 1 and 2 have one time-unit delays, arc 3 has has two time-units delay, and arc 4 is instantaneous. Then, we have the following matrices
Bo =
[00001 1] [i00i] [i00i] 0 -1 00
B1 =
10 00
B2 :
00 01
while E is unchanged. Note t h a t Bo + B1 + B2 = B, the same as in the original example. Consider now the following matrices whose meaning and use will be soon explained T
/~k -- E
and let T
B = E
Consider the variable z(t) defined as T
z(t) = x(t) +
- i).
T h e component z~(t) of z(t) represents the ith inventory position formed by the actual material in stock i (the on-hand stock) plus the a m o u n t "on the road", i.e., the material which is reaching node i (the on-order stock). It can be shown t h a t the variable z(t) satisfies the following equation
z(t + 1) = z(t) + Bu(t) + Ed(t).
The system associated with equation (2.25) is referred to as Associated Instantaneous Network (AIN) which is the system we would achieve by pretending t h a t no delays are present in the system. The next t h e o r e m states t h a t the stabilzability conditions are the same for the delayed s y s t e m and the AIN (see [9] for details). 4. The stabilizability Problem 1 for (2.21) can be solved if and only i f - E ~ ) C intBlg.
The above theorem is constructive since it enable us to reduce the stability problems with delay to the one of controlling the inventory positions vector z(t).
Franco Blanchini et al.
The components of z(t) are the virtual resource amounts present in the system, since they include the buffer inventories and the resources which are still flowing in the delay arcs. On this basis, the problem of keeping as small as possible the components of z is of practical interest. To this aim, we introduce a bound of the type z(t) 9 z - {z:
z - < z < z +}
for given z - , z + E R n. Then, a static s t a t e feedback s t r a t e g y can be found by determining ~(z(t)) for system (2.25) such t h a t u(t) e U and z(t) ~ Z . The solvability conditions are those given in T h e o r e m 1. A control s t r a t e g y can be achieved as in (2.18). It is clear t h a t boundedness of z(t) implies boundedness of x(t), since u(t) is bounded. Thus, if we solve P r o b l e m 2 for the AIN (2.25), we solve P r o b l e m 1 for system (2.21) as well. However, by imposing bounds on z(t), it turns out t h a t the corresponding constraints on x(t) m a y be very conservative (see [9] for a discussion on this matter).
C o n c l u d i n g remarks
In this paper we have summarized some results by the authors concerning the worst case control of production-distribution systems with uncertain d e m a n d and failures. We have shown t h a t there is one basic condition - E l ) C intBlg, which physically represents the fact t h a t the disturbance flow is d o m i n a t e d by the control flow. Checking the condition - E l ) c i n t B U has been shown to be an N P - h a r d problem [21], even for the pure network case, in which B and E are incidence matrices. Computational details on how to handle this problem can be found in [6] [7] [26]. Fortunately, the derived control s t r a t e g y is very simple, since it requires the on-line solution of the simple linear p r o g r a m m i n g problem (2.17) in the discrete-time case, and it admits the explicit form (2.14) in the continuoustime case. Systems of high dimensions are not critical to be handled with the proposed approach, even in the presence of large delays. This is one of the advantages over other classical methods (see [3], Sect. 6) in which the d e m a n d is modeled in a different way.
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Robust Control of Production-distribution Systems
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3 Multirate S y s t e m s and R e l a t e d Interpolation Problems* Li Chai and Li Qiu Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong Email: { eelchai, eeqiu} @ee.ust.hk A b s t r a c t . This paper concerns general multirate systems and the constrained twosided Nevanlinna-Pick interpolation problem. A general multirate system can be converted to an equivalent LTI system with a causality constraint which requires the feedthrough term of its transfer function to belong to a set of nest operators. Motivated by this fact, we propose a multirate version of two-sided Nevanlinna-Pick interpolation problem and give a necessary and sufficient solvability condition based on the matrix positive completion. This constrained interpolation problem is of interest mathematically and has potential applications in control, signal processing and circuit theory.
Recently, much attention has been paid on multirate systems due to its wide applications in signal processing, communication, control and numerical mathematics. Multirate signal processing is now one of the most vibrant areas of research in signal processing, see recent books [24,25] and references therein. The driving force for studying multirate systems in signal processing comes from the need of sampling rate conversion, subband coding, and their ability to generate wavelets. In communication community, multirate sampling is used for multi-channel transmultiplexers [19] and blind system identification and equalization [18]. In control community, there has recently considerable research devoted to multirate controller design, e.g., stabilizing controller design and various types of optimal control [6,23]. The standard technique for treating multirate systems is called lifting in control and blocking in signal processing. It is well-known t h a t a multirate system can be converted to an equivalent single rate LTI system. This LTI system, however, is not arbitrary, but satisfies a causality constraint which is represented by the language of nests and nest o p e r a t o r s in a systematic way [4,23]. T h a t is, the feedthrough t e r m of the equivalent LTI system belongs to a set of nest operators. In this paper, we will s t u d y a multirate version of a general analytic interpolation problem: constrained two-sided tangential Nevanlinna-Pick (N-P) interpolation problem. * This work is supported by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council
Li Chai and Li Qiu
The theory of interpolation with analytic functions has a very rich history in mathematics [1,9]. Moreover, it is used in a variety of engineering fields such as control, circuit t h e o r y . a n d digital filter design [7,14,15]. The N-P interpolation was first brought into system theory by Youla and Saito, who gave a circuit theoretical proof of the Pick criterion [28]. In the early stage of the development of 7-/~ control theory, the analytic function interpolation theory played a fundamental role [10,26]. A detailed review of this connection can be found in [14,16]. Recently, some new methods in high resolution spectral estimation have been presented based on the N-P interpolation with degree constraint [17,11,2]. The analytic function interpolation problems are also used extensively in robust model validation and identification[3,13,20]. In this paper, we study the constrained two-sided tangential N-P interpolation problem, which requires the value of the interpolating functions at the origin to belong to a prescribed set of nest operators. This constrained interpolation problem plays the same role to multirate systems as the unconstrained counterpart do to single rate systems. The necessary and sufficient solvability conditions are given based on the matrix positive completion. The interpolation and distance problems involving analytic function with such structural constraint were first discussed in [14], but the general problem considered in this paper was not given there. This paper is organized as follows. In section II, we show how to convert a general multirate system to its equivalent LTI system with a causality constraint described by the language of nests and nest operator. In section III, we present some preliminary results on analytic interpolation problems and propose the constrained twosided tangential N-P interpolation problem, which is a multirate version of the standard interpolation. The necessary and sufficient solvability conditions are then presented in Section IV. Finally, the paper is concluded in Section V.
Consider a general MIMO multirate system shown in Fig. 3.1. Here ui, i = 1, 2 , . . . ,p, are input signals whose sampling intervals are rnih respectively, and yj, j = 1, 2 , . . . , q, are o u t p u t signals whose sampling intervals are njh respectively, where h is a real number called base sampling interval and rni, nj are natural numbers (positive integers). Such systems can result from discretizing continuous time systems using samplers of different rates or they can be found in their own right. Assume that all signals in the system are synchronized at time 0, i.e., the time 0 instances of all signals occur at the same time. In this paper, we will focus on those multirate systems t h a t satisfy certain causal, linear, shift invariance properties which are to be defined below. Since we need to deal with signals with different rates, it is more convenient and clearer to associate each signal explicitly with its sampling interval.
Multirate Systems and Related Interpolation Problems
Ul . . - ~
. yq
Fig. 3.1. A general multirate system. Let g~ (T) denote the space of l~~ valued sequences:
~ (~) = {{... ,x (-~), Ix (0),~ (~) ,x (2~),... }: x (k~) 9 s~}. P (rnih) to @q_l~(njh). It is T h e s y s t e m in Fig. 3.1 is a m a p from @i=lg to be linear if this m a p is a linear m a p . Let l C N be a multiple of mi a n d nj, i = 1 , 2 , . . . ,p, j = 1 , 2 , . . . Let ~ -----l/rn~ and ~j = l/nj. D e n o t e the sets {rni} a n d {nj} by M N respectively and the sets {~h~} a n d {Sj} by M a n d /V respectively. S : g~(T) ) gr(~-) be the forward shift o p e r a t o r , i.e.,
s { . . . , x(-r
tx(0), x(r
} = { . . . , x(-2r
x(0), x(r
said ,q. and Let
Define S~ = diag{S~l,...
, S m~ },
$ 2 ---- d i a g { S S 1 , . . .
S 5q }.
T h e n the m u l t i r a t e s y s t e m in Fig. 3.1 is said to be (57/, fi/)-shift invariant or lh periodic in real time if FmrSM = Sf~Fm,.. Now let Pt : ~r(T) > ~(~-) be the t r u n c a t i o n operator, i.e.,
Pt {... , x ( ( k - 1 ) T ) , x ( k T ) , x ( ( k + 1 ) T ) , . . . } = {... , x((k - 1)~-), x(kT-), 0 , . . . } if k~- _< t < (k + 1)~-. E x t e n d this definition to spaces GP=ig(mih) a n d oq=]g(njh) in an obvious way. T h e n the m u l t i r a t e s y s t e m is said to be causal if Pt u = Pt v ~
P t F . . . u = P t Fm,~ v
for all t E ]~. In this paper, we will c o n c e n t r a t e on causal linear (2/~/, fiT)shift invariant systems. Such general m u l t i r a t e s y s t e m covers m a n y familiar classes of s y s t e m s as special cases. If rni, nj, l are all the same, t h e n this is an L T I single rate system 9 If rni, nj are all the s a m e b u t l is a multiple of them, t h e n it is a single rate /-periodic s y s t e m [22,12]. If p = q = 1, this becomes the SISO dual rate s y s t e m studied in [5]. If rni are the s a m e a n d nj are the same, t h e n this b e c o m e s the M I M O dual r a t e s y s t e m studied in [21]. For s y s t e m s resulted from discretizing L T I continuous t i m e s y s t e m s
Li Chai and Li Qiu
using multirate sample and hold schemes in [4,23], l turns out to be the least common multiple of mi and nj. The study of multirate systems in such a generality as indicated above, however, has never been done before. A standard way for the analysis of multirate systems is to use lifting or blocking. Define a lifting operator Lr : g(7) - - * ~r(r'r) by L~{...Ix(O),x(T),...}~
kx((2-I)T)J and let LM----diag { L r n l , . . . ,Lmp} ,
LN = diag { L n i , . . . , L n q } .
Then the lifted system F = LgzFm~LM i is an LTI system in the sense t h a t F S = S F . Hence it has transfer function fi" in A-transform. However, F is not an arbitrary LTI system, instead its direct feedthrough term F(0) is subject to a constraint resulted from the causality of Fm~. This constraint is best described using the language of nests and nest operators [21,23]. Let 2d be a finite dimensional vector space. A nest in 2d, denoted { X k } , is a chain of subspaces in X, including {0} and X, with the non-increasing ordering:
X = X o 2 x 1 _~..._~ X~_l _~x~ = {0}. Let H, Y be finite dimensional vector spaces. Denote by /:(b/, y ) the set of linear operators H --* Y. Assume that /4 and y are equipped respectively with nests {b/k} and {Yk} which have the same number of subspaces, say, 1 + 1 as above. A linear map T E/:(/4, Y) is said to be a nest operator if Tb/k E_ Yk, k = 0 , 1 , . . . ,1.
L e t / / u k :/4 --~ b/k and Fly k : 32 --* Yk be orthogonal projections. T h e n (3.1) is equivalent to (I-
H y k ) T H u k = 0, k = 0 , . . . , l -
The set of all nest operators (with given nests) is denoted Af({b/k}, {Yk}). If we decompose the spaces b / a n d y in the following way: /4 = (/40 eb/1) @ (Hi Ob/2) 0 . . - |
(b/~-i eL/z)
Y = (3;0 O Yi) @ (Yi O 3;2) O . . - 9 (Yt-i E) Yt)
(3.3) (3.4)
then a nest operator T E A/({b/k}, {Nk}) has the following block lower triangular form
i Tz~.
Multirate Systems and Related Interpolation Problems
Write u = LE4u,
y = L~y. Then (O)...Up ((rhp - 1)mph)] T ,
u ( 0 ) = [ul ( 0 ) - . - u l ((rhl - 1 ) m l h ) . . . U p y (0) = [Yl ( 0 ) - - - y l ((nl - 1 ) n l h ) . . . y q
(O)...yq ((~tq - 1)nqh)] T.
Define for k = 0, 1 , . . . , l, /4k = {u (0): ui (rmih) = 0 if r m i h < kh} Yk = {Y(0): yj (rnjh) = 0 if r n j h < kh}. T h e n the lifted plant F satisfies fi" (0) 9 Af({/4k}, {Yk}).
Now we see t h a t each m u l t i r a t e system has an equivalent single r a t e LTI system with a causality constraint which is characterized by a nest o p e r a t o r constraint as in (3.6) on its transfer function. We end this section by showing an example. Consider the s y s t e m shown in Fig. 3.1. Let p = q = 2, m l = 2, m2 -- 6, n l -- 4, n2 -- 3 and l = 12. T h e n rhl = 6, rh2 = 2, nl = 3 and n2 = 4. Let u and y be the lifted signals of u and y respectively. T h e n we have _~.(0) = [ n l ( 0 ) ~tl(2h ) Ul(4h) u l ( 6 h ) Ul(8h) u , ( 1 0 h ) us(0) u 2 ( 6 h ) ] T y(0) = [yl(0) y l ( 4 h ) y l ( 8 h ) y2(0) y2(3h) y2(6h) y 2 ( 9 h ) I T . Denote the ith column of 8 x 8 identity m a t r i x by ei. T h e n the nests {/4k} are as follows /'/12 ---- Ull
/410--- / 4 9 = span{e6}
/4s= / 4 7 = s p a n { e 5 , e6} /46 = /45----span{e4, e5,e6, es}, / 4 4 = /43=span{e3, ea, e5, e6, e8}
/41 -=span{e2, e3, e4, e5, e6, es} /4o=
Similarly, denote j t h column of 7 x 7 identity m a t r i x b y d j , follows :1;12 =
Yll =3:10={0}
3:9= span{d7} Ys= YT-- span{d3,dT} Y6= Y5 = span{d3,d6, dT}, Y4= span{d2,d3,d6, d7} Ya= 3;2=3;1 =span{d2,d3,d5,d6, d7} 3:0=
we get {Yk} as
Li Chai and Li Qiu
-,0000 ***00 *0000 **000 ****0
{Yk}) consists of matrices of the form 0.00.0 0.* 0.0 0.0 0.* 0.*
where "." represents an arbitrary number. Note that such matrices are not block lower triangular, but can be turned into block lower triangular matrices by permutations of rows and columns.
Constrained Analytic Interpolation Problems
In this section, we will formulate the two-sided tangential N-P interpolation problem with a nest operator constraint, which can be viewed as a multirate version of the standard interpolation problem. Let 2di and Zj be finite dimensional Hilbert spaces for i = 1 , . . . , M, and j -- 1,... , N. Also l e t / 4 and y be finite dimensional Hilbert spaces with nests {/gk} and {Yk} respectively. Consider the linear bounded operators Ui : X~ ---~ld,
Yi : Xi ---+Y , i = I , ' "
Vj :bt---~ Z j ,
W j : y---~ Z j , j =
I,... ,N.
Given two sets of complex numbers {a~} and {~j} on the open unit disc D, where ai # 3j for every i and j. Denote ~ ( b / , y ) the Hardy class of all uniformly bounded analytic functions on D with values in/:(/4, y ) . The constrained two-sided tangential N-P interpolation problem for the d a t a A~, Ui,j, and Y~,j is to find (if possible) a function G in 7-/oo(/4, y ) which satisfies (i) the interpolation conditions
G(a )Ui = % d ( Z j ) = Yj
(3.7) (3.S)
for i = 1 , . . . , M and j = 1 , . . . ,N, (ii) IIGII~ < 1, and (iii) the nest operators constraint 5(0) E Af({b/k}, {Yk}). Requiring only conditions (i) and (ii) accounts to the standard two-sided tangential N-P interpolation, the solvability condition of which is well-known [1,9]. We present it here as a lemma for completeness.
Multirate Systems and Related Interpolation Problems
L e m m a 1. Given the data ai, Ui, Y~, fly, W j and Vj for i = 1 , . . . , M and j = 1 , . . . , N , where ai 7~ /3j for every i and j. The standard two-sided tangential N - P interpolation problem has a solution if and only if [ Q 1 1 Q ~ l ] > O,
Q= where Qll
--~ OLm
@~=L , 2 j - ~
,~=1 ..... N
.1 i=1,... ,M
The right and left tangential N-P interpolation problems can be considered as a two-sided one with only one of the conditions ( 3 . 7 ) and (3.8) respectively. In such cases, Q n and Q22 in Lemma 1 are the so-called Pick matrices. It is natural in the study of multirate systems to require that the interpolating function satisfies the condition (iii) since a multirate system can be converted to an equivalent LTI system with a constraint that its feedthrough term belongs to Af({Uk}, {Yk}). We end this section by introducing some notations. For the constrained two-sided tangential N-P interpolation data, denote a = d i a g ( a l , . . . , aM) , /3 = diag(/31,... ,/3N),
v=[v, v2...vM],
[ Y1Y2 . . g M ] ,
The purpose of this section is to obtain the necessary and sufficient solvability condition of the constrained two-sided tangential N-P interpolation problem. First, we need a result on matrix positive completion. The matrix positive completion problem is as follows [8]: Given Bij, IJ - i l -< q, satisfying B g = B2~, find the remaining matrices B~j, [j - i I > q, such that the block matrix B = [Bij]inj=l is positive definite. The matrix positive completion problem was first proposed by Dym and Gohberg [8], who gave the following result:
Li Chai and Li Qiu
L e m m a 2. The matrix positive completion problem has a solution if and only if Bi~
> o,
i -- 1 , . . . , n - q .
B i + q , i ' " Bi+q,i+q Reference [27] gave a detailed discussion of such problem and presented an explicit description of the set of all solutions via a linear fractional m a p of which the coefficients are given in t e r m s of the original data. However, L e m m a 2 is enough for us. We are now in a position to state the main result of this section. T h e o r e m 1. Given the data ai, Ui, Yi, ~j, W j and Vj for i = 1 , . . . , M and j = 1 , . . . , N , where ai 7s ~j for every i and j. In the case when ~j 7s 0 for all j, the constrained two-sided tangential N - P interpolation problem has a solution if and only if
Q21 Q22J -t- ]~_lw Uy k [Y (~-lN)*] -
1-Iuk [ U
] > 0
for all k = 1 , . . . , l. In the case when ai 7s 0 for all i, it has a solution if and only if
021 O22J + -
U* r/y
-i w ' ] _> 0
for all k = 0 , . . . ,l - 1. Proof." We first give the proof for the ease when t3j 7s 0 for all j. T h e nest operator constraint can be viewed as an additional interpolation condition G(0)I = T for some T 9 H({Uk}, {Yk}). Set so = 0, U0 = I and Yo = T. By L e m m a 1, the constrained interpolation problem has a solution if and only if there exists T 9 JV({Hk}, {Yk}) such t h a t
Q21 Q22J
>0, -
where [ I-T*T U-T*Y] Q n = IN* - Y * T Qll J Q2~ = [ Z - l ( v - W T ) Q2: ] ,
3 Multirate Systems and Related Interpolation Problems
i.e., I - T*T U - T * Y (V* - T*W*)t3 *-1 ] U* - Y * T Qll Q~I J -> 0. /3-1(V - W T ) Q21 Q22
Note that the left-hand side of (3.16) can be rewritten as I
V*/~ *-1
Qll + Y * Y Q~I + Y * W * ~ *-1 /~-IV Q21 + / 3 - 1 W Y Q22 + ~ - I W W * 3 *-1 y* /3-1W
By schur complement, inequality (3.16) is equivalent to I
U* •-lv
V * 3 *-1
Qll + Y*Y Q~I + Y * W * f l *-1 Y* Q21 + / 3 - 1 W y Q22 + J 3 - 1 w w * t 3 *-1 t3 - 1 W
W*3 *-1
> 0.
If we decompose the space as (3.3-3.4), then a nest operator T E Af({L/k}, {Yk}) has a block lower triangular form shown in (3.5). Therefore, the constrained two-sided tangential N-P interpolation problem has a solution if and only if (3.17) holds for a block lower triangular matrix T. This is a matrix positive completion problem. By Lemma 2, there is a block lower triangular matrix T satisfying (3.17) if and only if I HukU 17u~ V 9/~.-1 0 (//Uk U)* Qll + Y * Y Q~I § r * w * f l *-1 (Uy~r)* (/-/b/kV*/~*-l) * Q21 § Q22 § (gy~w*fl*-x) * 0 IIy~ Y rr , ~ , ~ , - 1 is positive semi-definite for k = 0 , . . . , I. It follows from Schur complement that this is equivalent to that inequality (3.14) holds for k = 0 , . . . ,l. We claim that (3.14) when k -- l implies (3.14) when k ----0. In fact, when k ----l, inequality (3.14) gives (3.9). When k = 0, inequality (3.14) gives Q21 Q22[ §
[Y W*/~*-l] -
[U y*/~ *-1] _> 0. (3.18)
By some algebra manipulations, we have (3.18) is equivalent to
[o',L] rQ,1
[o,?-1] o.
Li Chai and Li Qiu
It is obvious t h a t (3.9) implies (3.19). Hence, the constrained two-sided tangential N-P interpolation problem has a solution if and only if (3.14) holds fork=l,... ,l. On the other hand, assume a~ ~ 0 for all i. Note t h a t the nest o p e r a t o r constraint can also be viewed as an additional interpolation condition I8(0) = T for some T C J~({/gk}, {Yk}). Set /30 = 0, W0 = I and V0 ---- T. A similar argument can show t h a t there is a solution if and only if (3.15) holds for k = 0 , . . . , l - 1. This completes the proof. [] The solvability condition for the s t a n d a r d two-sided tangential interpolation problem without constraint stated in L e m m a 1 is recovered when l ---- 1. C o r o l l a r y 1. There exists a solution to the right tangential N - P interpolation problem with constraint Af({Hk}, {Yk}) for the data a~, Ui, Yi, i = 1 , . . . , M , if and only if
1 -- a--i*a--~
- U*llukUm + Yi*IlykYm
>_ 0
i, r n = l
for all k = 1 , . . . ,l. Proof:
Note that the left-hand side of (3.20) is exactly
Q n + Y* IIyk Y - U* IIuk U, where Q n is given by (3.10). The result is then obvious from T h e o r e m 1. [] C o r o l l a r y 2. There exists a solution to the left tangential N - P interpolation problem with constraintAf({blk}, {Yk}) for the data ~j, W j , Vj, j = 1 , . . . , N , if and only if
>_ o
for all k = O, 1 , . . . , 1 - 1. 3.5
In this paper, we study multirate systems and related analytic function interpolation problems. We show t h a t each multirate system has an equivalent LTI system with a causality constraint which can be formulated in a unified framework via nest operators and a nest algebra. We then propose a multirate version of the two-sided tangential N-P interpolation problem, which requires the value of the interpolating function at the origin to be in a prescribed set of nest operators. A necessary and sufficient solvability condition is given based on the m a t r i x positive completion. This constrained interpolation problem proposed in this p a p e r has potential applications in a variety of issues in control, signal processing, circuit theory and communication.
Multirate Systems and Related Interpolation Problems
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Li Chai and Li Qiu
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Tracking Performance with Finite Input Energy*
Jie C h e n 1 a n d Shinji H a r a 2 Department of Electrical Engineering, University of California, Riverside, CA 92521. Tel: (909)787-3688. Fax: (909)787-3188. Email:
[email protected] Department of Mechanical and Environmental Informatics, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Ookayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-8552 Japan. Tel: +81 (3)5734-2762. Fax: +81 (3)5734-2762. Email:
[email protected] A b s t r a c t . This paper studies an optimal control problem which is to minimize jointly the error in tracking a step reference and the energy of the plant input. We derive an analytical expression for the best attainable performance. It is found that this performance depends not only on the plant nonminimum phase zeros-a fact known previously-but also on the plant gain in the entire frequency range. The result thus reveals and quantifies another source of fundamental performance limitations beyond those already known, which are nonexistent when only conventional performance objectives such as tracking and regulation are addressed individually. It shows, among other observations, that the bandwidth as well as minimum phase zeros of the plant may all impose constraints on the achievable performance.
In recent years there has been growing attention devoted to the studies of intrinsic performance limits achievable by feedback control (see, e.g., [19,4] and the references therein). In these studies it has been c u s t o m a r y to examine certain classical optimal control problems under optimality criteria formulated in time or frequency domain [16,18,6,20,17], which have led to explicit expressions of the best achievable performance. Two of such well-studied problems are the optimal reference tracking and optimal energy regulation problems [6,17,20]. It has been known t h a t the minimal tracking error depends upon the n o n m i n i m u m phase zeros and time delays in the plant, while the minimal regulation energy depends upon the plant unstable zeros. These results, together with Bode and Poisson integral relations which form another branch of performance studies [8,15,1,10,2-4] reveal t h a t in one way or another the performance of feedback systems is fundamentally constrained by the nonminimum phase zeros, unstable poles, and time delays in the plant. It should be recognized, nevertheless, t h a t the performance criteria as alluded to above are highly idealistic, and thus serve more a p p r o p r i a t e l y as * This research was supported in part by the NSF/USA under Grant ECS-9623228, and in part by The Grant-in-Aid for COE Research Project of Super MechanoSystems by The Ministry of Education, Science, Sport and Culture, Japan.
J. Chen and S. Hara
an ideal, theoretical bound. Indeed, in the optimal tracking problem, in order to attain the minimal tracking error, the input to the plant is often required to have an infinite energy. This, of course, is seldom possible in practice, and in a more realistic setting, the input must be constrained in magnitude or energy. This consideration leads us to reexamine the tracking problem, to study the best tracking accuracy achievable when only finite input energy is available. More specifically, we consider an optimal tracking control problem in which not only the step error response, but also the plant input energy, both quantified under a square-integral or an ?-/2 measure, is penalized. It is worth noting that such a performance objective, albeit a standard one in optimal control, has been investigated mainly in the so-called cheap control strategy [13,18,19], that is, in the limit when the control penalty vanishes. In the present formulation, the control effort is fixed instead of being "cheap". Our primary motivation for this work is twofold. First, not only is the problem practically more relevant and generically more meaningful, but it in fact finds very pertinent applications in the design of mechanical systems; indeed, the problem is partly driven by issues encountered in earlier work on a number of such examples [9,11]. Next, our investigation also stems from a deeper goal, in hope of discovering control constraints and limitations beyond those already known. Specifically, under more realistic and thus more restrictive conditions allowable for control, would there exist other performance limitations than those imposed by nonminimum phase zeros, unstable poles, and time delays? We maintain that this question may receive an answer only when more practical performance goals are taken into consideration; such is not the case with the standard tracking and regulation problems, nor will the answer be available from the Bode and Poisson integrals, or from the standard sensitivity and complementary sensitivity minimization problems [21,12,4]. While from a numerical standpoint the problem can be solved readily using standard T/2 control methods and routines, our development yields an analytical solution. This analytical expression is crucial for analyzing the limitation on the best achievable performance. Among other things, it shows how the bandwidth of the plant may constrain the tracking accuracy when its input energy is constrained. Control limitation due to the plant bandwidth is frequently encountered in practical designs, but rarely seems to have been characterized analytically. It is clear from our result t h a t a constraint on the plant bandwidth will play a significant role in hampering tracking capability; the limitation exists whenever the plant input energy is kept finite, though it does vanish when the energy is allowed to be arbitrarily large. The result thus unravels yet another source of intrinsic feedback constraints. Needless to say, these constraints are consistent with one's intuition and exist in practical designs, though they may not be observed nor captured in theoretical, idealized control design problems, such as the aforementioned problems.
4 Tracking Performance
We end this section with a description of the notation. For any complex number z, we denote its complex conjugate by 3. For any vector u, we denote its transpose by u T and conjugate transpose by u H. For a pair of nonzero vectors w and v, we define the principal angle Z(w, v) between their directions (i.e., the spaces spanned by the vectors), by
cosZ(w, v).- Jw"vl HwflJM[" For any signal u(t), we denote its Laplace transform by ~(s). The transpose and conjugate transpose of a matrix A are denoted by A T and A H, and its largest and smallest singular values are respectively Y(A) and a(A). For simplicity, we shall suppress the dimensions of vectors and matrices, with the understanding that all the dimensions are compatible. Let the open right half plane be denoted by ~+ := {s : Re(s) > 0}, the open left half plane by C_ := {s: Re(s) < 0}. and the imaginary axis by r Moreover. let [[. [[ denote the Euclidean vector norm. We shall frequently encounter the Hilbert space s
f(s) measurable in C0, ][f]]22 := ~
o~ [$f(Jw)][2dw < oc
in which the inner product is defined as 1 /_ ~
{ f . g ) := ~
It is a well-known fact that s subspaces ?-/2 := { f :
admits an orthogonal decomposition into the
f(s) analytic in C+, ,,f,,22 := sup 1 / _ ~
and ~
:= { f :
f(s)analytieinll~_, ][fN2 : = s~u
< cc
} .
Thus, for any f E T/~ and g E 7-/2, (f, g) = 0. We caution that for each of these normed spaces, we use the same notation I1" 112 to denote the corresponding norm; however, use of each of these norms will be clear from the context. Finally, we denote by I~?Yoo the class of all stable, proper rational transfer function matrices. 4.2
We shall consider the finite dimensional linear time-invariant system depicted in Figure 1, which represents the standard unity feedback, one-parameter
J. Chen and S. Hara
control scheme; the more general t w o - p a r a m e t e r control structure will be t r e a t e d elsewhere. In this tracking scheme, P represents the plant model a n d K the compensator. We shall denote by P(s) and K ( s ) their transfer function matrices; more generally, from this point onward we shall use the same symbol to denote a system and its transfer function, and whenever convenient, to omit the dependence upon the frequency variable s. T h e signals r, u, and y are,
Fig. 4.1. The unity feedback system respectively, the reference input, the plant input, and the system o u t p u t . For any given reference r, a c o m p e n s a t o r K is to be designed so t h a t the o u t p u t y tracks r, while preventing the energy of u from being excessive. We a d o p t an integral square criterion to measure b o t h the tracking error and the plant input energy. This leads to the performance index J := (1 - e)
Ily(t) - r(t)ll2dt + e
Here e, 0 < e < 1, is a p a r a m e t e r to be determined a priori at one's choice, and it m a y be used to weigh the relative i m p o r t a n c e of tracking objective versus t h a t of regulating the input energy. Suppose, t h r o u g h o u t this paper, t h a t the system is initially at rest. Then, it follows from the well-known Parseval identity t h a t J = (1 - e ) l l ~ - ~'ll2 + e]l~]]2. Furthermore, let the system sensitivity function be defined by
S(s) := (I + P(s)K(s)) -1. It is immediate to find t h a t g = (1 - ~)llSr~l~ + ellgSr~l ~.
For the rational transfer function m a t r i x P , let its right and left coprime factorizations be given by
p = N M - 1 = ]~/-1/~r,
Tracking Performance
where N, M, N, M E 11~7-/or and satisfy the double Bezout identity [ )(-N~]
for some X, Y, )~, 17" E I~7-/~. It is well-known that to stabilize P every compensator K is characterized by the Youla parameterization [7] /C:= {K:
M Q ) ( X - NQ) -1
= _(f( _Qf~)-l(fz -Q2fl), Q ~ ]l~-l~}. For any given r, we want to determine the optimal performance achievable by all stabilizing compensators from the set/C, defined by J* := inf J. KEtC
Hence, for a nonzero e, the optimal compensator attempts to minimize jointly the tracking error and the plant input energy. In the limiting case, when e =- 0, J* defines the minimal tracking error with no regard to input energy [6], and the minimization problem coincides with one of cheap control [13,18]. For e = 1, on the other hand, it reduces to an optimal energy regulation problem [17]. We shall assume throughout that P is right-invertible, by which we mean that P(s) has a right inverse for some s. For a right-invertible P, it is wellknown (see, e.g., [1,2]) that each of its nonminimum phase zeros is also one for N(s). In other words, a point z E I!~+ is a nonminimum phase zero of P if and only if rlHN(z) ----0 for some unitary vector ~, where y is the (output) direction vector associated with the zero z, and the subspace spanned by 71 is termed the (output) direction of z. Let z~ C ~+, i = 1, -.. , Nz, be the nonminimum phase zeros of P. It is then possible [2] to factorize N(s) as
N(s) = L(s)Nm(s),
where Nm (s) represents the minimum phase part of N(s), and factor. A useful allpass factor is given by
IIn{(s), i=l
Li(s) = [~?i Ui]
z~ ~+s ~_~=A 0
an allpass
We refer the details of this factorization to [2]; for the present purpose, it suffices to point out that the unitary vector y~ can be sequentially determined from the zero direction vectors of P , and U/forms together with r/i a unitary matrix. It is useful to note that Arm E ~ admits a right inverse analytic in r and hence is an outer factor of N.
J. Chen and S. Hara
Main Results
T h r o u g h o u t this p a p e r we consider the step reference i n p u t
r(t) =
where the c o n s t a n t vector v specifies the m a g n i t u d e a n d the direction of the input. W i t h o u t loss of generality, we take v as a u n i t a r y vector, I]v[] = 1, a n d call the subspace s p a n n e d by v the input direction. T h e Laplace t r a n s f o r m of r(t) is ~'(s) = v/s. In view of (1), it is clear t h a t in order for J to be finite, the sensitivity function S(s) m u s t have a zero at s ---- 0; t h a t is, either t h e plant or the c o m p e n s a t o r must c o n t a i n an integrator, a n d thus to p r e v e n t hidden instability, none m a y have a zero at the origin. This necessitates t h e following assumption. Assumption
1 P ( 0 ) has no zero at s ----0.
O n the other hand, to m a i n t a i n a finite e n e r g y cost, also clear f r o m (1), precludes the possibility t h a t K m a y have an integrator; instead, the required integrator must be in P . Thus, it is also necessary to p o s t u l a t e Assumption
has a pole at s = 0.
We note t h a t A s s u m p t i o n 1 is s t a n d a r d in step reference t r a c k i n g problems, while A s s u m p t i o n 2 can be met in m a n y cases of interest, especially for, e.g., mechanical systems which typically exhibit r e s o n n a t e m o d e s [9,11]. We will now a t t e m p t to derive an analytical expression for the o p t i m a l p e r f o r m a n c e J*. To proceed, we first rewrite J as
J = (1 - e)
(X - NQ) MVs 22+ ~ (Y - M Q ) - ~ -
or equivalently,
[vq-4X-NQ)]M ] x/~(Y - MQ)
- -s
These follow from s t a n d a r d algebraic m a n i p u l a t i o n . F u r t h e r m o r e , we p e r f o r m an inner-outer factorization [7] such t h a t x/qM
] = O~Oo,
where Oi C ]~T/o~ is an inner m a t r i x function, a n d Oo c II~7-/o~ is outer. O u r m a i n result concerns plants which have no pole in C+.
4 Tracking Performance
T h e o r e m 1 Suppose that P(s)-
for some integer n >>_1 and Po E R~-t~, such that Po(s) has no zero at s = O. Let z~ E ~+, i = 1, . . . , Nz, be the zeros of P ( s ) with output direction vectors w~. Define f ( s ) := (1 - e ) V T N m ( S ) O o l ( S ) O o T ( o ) N T ( O ) v
and factorize f ( s ) as ~=1 s i ( S i ~ )
where si E I1~+ are the nonminimum phase zeros of f ( s ) and fro(s) is minimum phase. Then, f ( s ) , fm(s) E I I ~ , and f(O) = f~(O) = 1. Under Assumption 1, N~
J* = 2(1 - e) Z
i cos2 Z(r/i, v) + 4(1 - e)Tr E
i = 1 Zi
-si- + Y o
where Jo := - 2 ( 1 - r
~ l~
0) 2
Jo _> ( 1 - ~) ~
( 1 ~log
1 + ( 1 - ) , ~ ,)p[ ~) _,3e ,, ) d~.
Theorem 1 demonstrates that unlike in the standard tracking problem, the optimal performance herein generally depends on, in addition to the nonminimum phase zeros, also the minimum phase part of the plant. The effect from the latter is captured by the second and the third terms in (11), and is made especially transparent by the lower bound (13). Since Jo is nonnegative, this effect will in general lead to an increase in the minimal achievable cost. Indeed, while f ( s ) may or may not have zeros in C+, which is partly due to the input direction and hence the corresponding effect may disappear, the lower bound (13) shows that Jo will not vanish unless e = 0, that is, when the tracking error is taken as the sole performance objective. Note
also that when
We number
e -~ I, J* -* O.
now proceed to prove Theorem I. For this purpose, we shall need of preliminary results. Consider the class of functions in
IF :=
If : f ( s ) analytic in I1~+, lira R~
I'~ R
-- 0
J. Chen and S. Hara
The following fact is well-known, and can be found in, e.g., [19] (pp. 40). Lemma
1 Let f ( s ) 9 E and denote f ( j w ) = h(w) + jg(w). Then for any
oJo E (o,
g(wo) _ 1 [ ~ h(w) -_h(___wO)dw. ~o
~2_~o 2
L e m m a 2 Suppose that f ( s ) is analytic and has no zeros in ~+, and that log f ( s ) c IF. Then for any z E r
f'(z) f(z)
1/_ ~ l~ ~ ( j w _ z)2
Furthermore, if f ( s ) is also conjugate symmetric, i.e., f ( s ) = f(~), then
f'(O) _ f(O)
1 f~
log[f(jw)[ dw
27~ J _ ~
Proof. The formula in (15) follows from a direct application of Cauchy's theorem to the first order derivative of log f ( s ) , with an integral contour consisting of a semicircle of a sufficiently large radius in C + , and the i m a g i n a r y axis with appropriate indentions where f ( s ) may have zeros or poles. The second equality is obtained by taking the limit of f f ( z ) / f ( z ) with z -* 0, and by noting that the integrand in (15) converges uniformly to that in (16). 9 Proof of Theorem 1. Using the allpass factorization (4), we first obtain [ lVff-L~-c(L-IX - N m Q ) ] IVIv z
f =
vq(Y - MQ)
It was shown in [6] that there exists some R C II(?-/~ such that
L-1X]~I = L -1 + R. Hence,
[ 14r:-~-~(L-1+ R - gmQi)] v : J =
v ~ ( y - MQ)IVI
Here Q c ]~T/~ is to be selected so that
~(I + n - NmQM)
v ~ ( r - MQ)2f4
Tracking Performance
For such a Q, it thus follows that j=
+ [vff-e(I+R-NmQM)] x/~(Y- MQ)M 2
v 2 J s 2"
With L given by (5), it is known from [6] that Nz
(i-1 -- I) V-- i = 2 E ECOS2z(/]i, V). i = 1 Zi
Consequently, we have Nz
j. = 2E
1 cos2 Z(~i, v ) + J%,
i = 1 zi
where ~.:=
[x/1-e(I+R-NmQf4)] vf~(Y - MQ)M
v :
We now evaluate J. Notice first that from the Bezout identity (3), it is straightforward to show that Xl~
= I + PYI~.
This gives
R = L-I(X_IVI - I) = L-1PYI~ = NmM-1y]~, and in turn
{[ X / 1 - e ( I + N m M - 1 Y M )
E(s) := 1I I
v / l - eNm]
oT(--S) - o~(s)oT(-~)J
v u
= I. As a result,
v~Y ]~/
v 2
~/~M j Q]~/j s 2"
WI : = oH [ x/I - e(I + NmM-1YJ~/I) ] v~YM W2 : = ( I - O i O H) [ lx/T-~7--e(I+ gmM-1Yf4) 1 L x/~Y~l J"
J. Chen and S. Hara
We t h e n o b t a i n -
A direct calculation shows t h a t
W1 = Oo"
((1 - e ) N H + (1 - e ) N H N m M - 1 Y I ~
+ eMHyIFI)
e)OoUN H + Oo H ((1 -- e)NHNm + cMHM) M - 1 Y M = (1 - e)OoHN H + OoM-1Yl~, W2 = [V/I-c(I + NmM-1yI~) ] = (1 --
- e~Wl
Ix/1-e(I+NmjVI-1YI~)v~YM] - [j V,/-cNm] ~M 1 OolW1 [vfl-- s =
_v~(1 -
[ i ~ - ~ ( x + ~pmP~-) -1 ] z
L-7-P~ (x + -~P,,,P~) J
OoM-1yI~I E ]~TI~, it J*
is clear t h a t
(0 o- H N~H - OoH(O)NH(o)) SV 22 +
It then follows from a direct calculation t h a t J* = (1 - e) ~-/~oo 2 - 2(1 - c)Re = -2(1
- e)
(vTNm(j03)Ool(jw)ooH(o)NH(O)v)032 dw
--f/ Re{f(j03)} - ld~ ' oo
where f(s) is defined by (9). It is trivial to verify t h a t f ( 0 ) = 1. Hence in light of L e m m a 1, we have J* = - 2 ( 1
- e)Tr lim
f(s) c IF,
and that
= - 2 ( 1 - e)TrIm{jf'(0)}.
is conjugate symmetric, this gives rise to
J* = - 2 ( 1 -
It is easy to check t h a t
f'(O)- dlogf(s)
I~=o= - 2 ~
Ns 1 + f m ( 0 ) -
4 Tracking Performance
According to Lemma 2, however,
fm(O ) = ~ 1 / / ~
log[fm(jov)ldw 2
log If(jov)l &v~_2
This expression together with (17-19) gives (11). To establish (13), it suffices to observe that
]f(Jw)l <_ (1 - e)y (Nm (jW)Ool(jw)Oo H (O)NH (0)) <_ ~
~ (Nm(jW)Ool(jw))
j i)
~1/2 (Ym (jo2)Oo 1(jw)N H (jW)Oo H (jw))
= ~
= X 1/2
I +~
1 1 + 1-e ~(Pm(jcv)) This completes the proof.
The above derivation yields also a byproduct useful for computing the optimal performance. The following expression for J* becomes clear instantly from (19). C o r o l l a r y 1 For f(s) defined by (9), let its zeros and poles be ai, i = 1, ... , Na, and bi, i = 1, ... , Nb, respectively. Then, J* = 2(1 - e) E 1 cos2/(r/i, v) + 2(1 - e)Tr i=1 Zi
aU -
. (4.20)
Thus, Theorem 1, with the aid of Corollary 1, serves to provide also a rather computable expression for the optimal performance, hence solving analytically an important case of the general "two-block" 7-12 optimal control problems. Additionally, for single-input single-output systems, Theorem 1 can be further strengthened, as shown in the following corollary. C o r o l l a r y 2 Let P be a scalar transfer function. Under the assumptions in
Theorem 1, J* -- 2(1 - e) N~2~__1 zi + ( l - e ) i=l
(1- e)lP(j )l 2)
J. Chen and S. Hara
Proof. For a SISO system, f(s) = 1VT-ZT-eNm(s)Ool(s), which is minimum phase. Furthermore, If(jw)[ 2 = ( l - e )
1 ~ ip(jw)]2
~N(Jw) 2 = ( 1 _ { )
1 + ~i~lP(jw)l 2" The result then follows from Theorem 1. The implication of Theorem 1, and in particular that of Corollary 2, are now worth noting. First, while it has been long well-known that nonminimum phase zeros impose fundamental performance limits, these results show that certain zeros in the left half plane are also likely to play a significant role, when the performance objective takes into account of the input energy constraint. Indeed, with the objective under consideration herein, the achievable performance can be seriously constrained as well by those minimum phase zeros close to the imaginary axis. This is seen by noting that in the vicinity of such zeros [P(jw)t may be rather small, thus rendering the integral in (21) large. Due to the weighting factor 1/0; 2, the zeros close to the origin have more negative an effect. For the same reason, while in general the performance is affected by
-5(P(jw)) at all frequencies, the effect is particularly dominating in the low frequency range. It is clear from both (13) and (21) that a low plant gain at low frequencies will lead to a large value of J*. Consider the frequency band [0, wo], where s
(1 - {)-~2(p(jw)) <- 1, Assume also that for some constant
w e [0, w0].
a > 0
~(Po(jW)) < a,
w C [0, w0].
Then using the inequality log(1 + x) > x/2, valid for /0~
0 < x < 1,
we have
1 log ( 1 + (1 - e)-~2(p(jw)) e ) dw >_ /0~~ ~-2 1 2(1 - e)~2(p(jw))dw.
This leads to an estimate for J*, and in turn for J*: Nz 1 J* > 2(1 -
ew2n- 1 cos
+ 2(2n
1)a "
i~l zi
Thus, a low plant gain will duely limit J*. Intuitively, it then appears that the plant bandwidth would also limit the performance, since high loop gain and bandwidth are both required for tracking. This intuition is confirmed by the following result. C o r o l l a r y 3 Let wc be the crossover frequency for -~(P(jw)), i.e.,
-~(P(jw)) < 1,
w E [wc, c~).
4 Tracking Performance
J* > 2 ( 1 - e) ~N* zU1cos2/(~i, v) -- (1 -- e)log(1 -- e) 1.we
Furthermore, if for some k > 0 k
then 1 CO82 J* _> 2 ( 1 - e ) ~Nz z-~
V) "~- 2 k e ~ .
Proof. To show (23), we weaken Jo to Jo >_ ( l - e )
log c
1 + (1-e)-52(p(jw))
-(1 - e)log(1 - e) --/~ __ld c 032
Similarly, to establish (24), we note that
The desired lower bound may then be obtained by performing integrationby-part on the integral. 9 From Corollary 3, we conclude that the plant bandwidth necessarily imposes a constraint on the best achievable performance, which will only become nonexistent when either e --* 0 or e --~ 1. Hence, the result brings to light another class of fundamental design constraints, one that cannot be found in usual "one-block", "single-objective" optimal control problems, some of which constitute the extreme cases of the present formulation. Yet these constraints do result when more realistic, multiple design goals are taken into consideration. Under latter circumstances, the lower bound (23) indicates that the performance is in general inversely proportional to the plant bandwidth, while the bound in (24) shows that it is proportional to the high frequency rolloff rate of the plant; the faster does the plant gain decrease, the more difficult is to achieve a good performance. 4.4
In this paper we have studied an 7-/2 type optimal control problem which attempts to minimize jointly the tracking error in response to the step reference, and the energy to the plant input. Our work is partly motivated
J. Chen and S. Hara
by practical applications found in the control of mechanical systems, and is partly driven by our goal in search of fundamental design limitations beyond those known to be imposed by nonminimum phase zeros, unstable poles, and time delays. For this purpose, we have derived an analytical solution to the problem, which describes explicitly how the best achievable performance may depend on the plant nonminimum phase zeros, and more importantly, on its frequency response as a whole. The result enables us to conclude that in addition to the nonminimum phase zeros, the performance may also be significantly constrained by the bandwidth as well as the gain of the plant, and that certain minimum phase zeros are also likely to have an undesirable effect. These constraints will vanish when energy consideration is discarded from performance goal, and thus find no place in the standard tracking problems. We have focused solely on stable plants and one-parameter tracking scheme. It is nevertheless possible to extend this work to unstable plants and twoparameter control structures. Past work [6] has shown that two-parameter compensators improve tracking performance, especially in countering the negative effects by plant unstable poles. While this remains true with the performance objective being considered herein, it can be shown, however, that they cannot lessen the constraints resulting from plant gain and bandwidth. Thus, the constraints in this category are intrinsic of the conflict between output tracking and input regulation, but independent of control structure. Moreover, it is also possible to extend the present work to disturbance rejection problems. In particular, in use of a two-parameter compensator, it can be shown that a similar performance objective is constrained by unstable poles of the plant, and additionally, by its stable dynamics; the former is known from the standard energy regulation problem [20,17], while the latter can be characterized by a similar integral term. It can be found that plant bandwidth remains to be a negating factor, and that stable, lightly damped poles of the plant also have a serious effect. Finally, other extensions may be pursued for time-delay systems (see, e.g., [6]), and for tracking strategies with the so-called preview control [5]. These extensions will be reported elsewhere.
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Tracking Performance
4. J. Chen, "Logarithmic integrals, interpolation bounds, and performance limitations in MIMO systems," IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol. 45, no. 6, June 2000, pp. 1098-1115. 5. J. Chen, Z. Ren, S. Hara, and L. Qiu, "Optimal tracking performance: preview control and exponential signals," Proc. 39th IEEE Conf. Decision Contr., Sydney, Australia, Dec. 2000. 6. J. Chen, O. Toker, and L. Qiu, "Limitations on maximal tracking accuracy," IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol. 45, no. 2, pp. 326-331, Feb. 2000. 7. B.A. Francis, A Course in Ho~ Control Theory, Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1987. 8. J.S. Freudenberg and D.P. Looze, "Right half plane zeros and poles and design tradeoffs in feedback systems," IEEE Trans. Auto. Contr., vol. AC-30, no. 6, June 1985, pp. 555-565, 9. S. Hara and N. Naito, "Control performance limitation for electro-magnetically levitated mechanical systems," Proc. 3rd MOVIC, Zurich, 1998, pp. 147-150. 10. S. Hara and H.K. Sung, "Constraints on sensitivity characteristics in linear multivariable discrete-time control systems," Linear Algebra and its Applications, vol. 122/123/124, pp. 889-919, 1989. 11. T. Iwasaki, S. Hara, and Y. Yamauchi, "Structure/control design integration with finite frequency positive real property," Proc. 2000 Amer. Contr. Conf., Chicago, IL, June 2000, pp. 549-553. 12. P.P. Khargonekar and A. Tannenbaum, "Non-Euclidean metrics and the robust stabilization of systems with p a r a m e t e r uncertainty," IEEE Trans. Auto. Contr., vol. AC-30, no. 10, pp. 1005-1013, Oct. 1985. 13. H. Kwakernaak and R. Sivan, Linear Optimal Control Systems, New York, NY: Wiley-Interscience, 1972. 14. N. Levinson and R.M. Redheffer, Complex Variables, Baltimore: Holden-Day, 1970. 15. R.H. Middleton, "Trade-offs in linear control system design," Automatica, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 281-292, Feb. 1991. 16. M. Morari and E. Zafiriou, Robust Process Control, Englewood Cliffs, N J: Prentice Hall, 1989. 17. L. Qiu and J. Chen, "Time domain performance limitations of feedback control", in Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, eds. A. Beghi, L. Finesso, and G. Picci, I1 Poligrafo, 1998, pp. 369-372. 18. L. Qiu and E.J. Davison, "Performance limitations of non-minimum phase systems in the servomechanism problem," Automatica, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 337-349, Feb. 1993. 19. M.M. Seron, J.H. Braslavsky, and G.C. Goodwin, Fundamental Limitations in Filtering and Control, London: Springer-Verlag, 1997. 20. M.M. Seron, J.H. Braslavsky, P.V. Kokotovic, and D.Q. Mayne, "Feedback limitations in nonlinear systems: from Bode integrals to cheap control," IEEE Trans. Auto. Contr., vot. 44, no. 4, April 1999, pp. 829-833. 21. G. Zames and B.A. Francis, "Feedback, minimax sensitivity, and optimal robustness," IEEE Trans. Auto. Contr., vol. AC-28, no. 5, pp. 585-600, May 1985.
5 Linear Quadratic Control with Input Saturation Minyue Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of Newcastle, N.S.W. 2308 Australia A b s t r a c t . This paper studies a new approach to linear quadratic control for linear systems with input saturation. Our work presents an optimal sector b o u n d to model the mismatch between the unsaturated controller and saturated one and an optimised control design associated with this sector bound. This leads to a new characterisation of invariant sets and new switching controllers. The main outcome of this paper is that better performance can be guaranteed for the same region of attraction, or equivalently, a larger region of attraction is given for the same level of guaranteed performance.
In this paper, we consider the problem of linear quadratic control for linear systems with input saturation. This problem has been widely studied and many design methods are available; see, e.g., [1-4]. When an optimal control input exceeds a given level of saturation, it is wellknown that optimal performance can not be achieved by simply saturating the control input, unless the level of over-saturation is sufficiently small [4]. To socalled anti-windup technique is commonly used to overcome the saturation. The key to most anti-windup methods is to "de-tune" the optimal controller in some way. That is, a lower control gain is used when the state is large and the control gain is gradually increased when the state becomes small. Many ad-hoc methods were used in early days, but with little theoretical guarantee on stability. However, many rigorous design methods are available now to provide some guaranteed properties on stability [2-4]. To assure stability, most recent anti-windup design methods use the idea of nested ellipsoidal invariant sets. More precisely, a sequence of ellipsoids are given in the state space along with a sequence of controllers. The design is done such that each ellipsoid is an invariant set, the corresponding controller is asymptotically stabilising, and the ellipsoids are nested. The overall control law is of a switching type, i.e., the selected controller corresponds to the smallest ellipsoid in which the state resides. A common approach used to compute these ellipsoids and controllers is to "de-tune" the optimal controller. That is, the ellipsoids and the controllers are constructed by adding cost penalty on the control. The larger the cost penalty, the lower the control gain and the larger the ellipsoid. This idea is supported by the observation that low-gain controllers tend to improve the stability at the cost of performance. Although this idea is intuitive and practical, it is not clear in general how to design these ellipsoids (and the controllers) to give the best performance bound.
Despite t h e differences in various a n t i - w i n d u p design m e t h o d s , m o s t of t h e m , if not all, use a sector b o u n d on the m i s m a t c h b e t w e e n an u n s a t u r a t e d controller and a s a t u r a t e d one. Different design m e t h o d s use different sector b o u n d s a n d use t h e m in different ways. No rigorous s t u d y has been done on how to o p t i m a l l y choose a sector b o u n d and how to o p t i m a l l y use a given sector bound. In this research, we consider t h e p r o b l e m of designing a linear controller to optimise a given q u a d r a t i c cost function. We also use a sector b o u n d to m o d e l t h e m i s m a t c h between t h e u n s a t u r a t e d controller and t h e s a t u r a t e d one. However, we aim to use a least conservative sector b o u n d and use it in a least c o n s e r v a t i v e way. T h e main o u t c o m e of this research is t h a t b e t t e r p e r f o r m a n c e can be g u a r a n t e e d for the same region of attraction, or equivalently, a larger region of a t t r a c t i o n is given for the same level of g u a r a n t e e d performance. This p a p e r is organised as follows: Section 5.2 deals w i t h t h e p r o b l e m of designing a linear time-invariant state feedback controller to give t h e best p e r f o r m a n c e bound. Section 5.3 studies the key p r o p e r t i e s of this o p t i m i s e d linear t i m e - i n v a r i a n t controller. Section 5.4 deals with t h e p r o b l e m of designing switching controller for the purpose of i m p r o v i n g t h e performance. Section 5.5 gives a simple illustrative example. T h e conclusions are given in Section 5.6.
T h e system we consider in this p a p e r is given by
= A x +b(r(u),
x(0) = x0
where x E R n is the state, u E R is the input, A E R '~x'~ and b E R "~ are c o n s t a n t , and a(.) is a s a t u r a t i o n function with s a t u r a t i o n level equal to 1. We assume t h a t (A, b) is a controllable pair. Given a control input u, the level of over-saturation is defined to be
d(u) -- max{O, luI
Suppose t h e control law is such t h a t t h e level of o v e r - s a t u r a t i o n is b o u n d e d by p _> O. Our first problem is to d e t e r m i n e how to b o u n d the nonlinearity caused by the saturation by a sector. More precisely, we rewrite a(u) as
~(u) = p ~ + 5(~)
~(,~) ~(~) =
We seek t h e optima] value for Pl so t h a t 6(u) has t h e smallest sector bound, i.e., p2 below is minimised:
16(u)l _< p2[u[, Vlu [ _< 1 + p Lemma
1. The optzmal value [or pl and the coT~esponding m i n i m u m pu are given
2+ p
pi -- 2(1 + p ) '
p~ -- 2(1 + p)
Linear Quadratic Control
Proof. This is verified straightforwardly. Next, we consider the following quadratic cost function
J(xo, u) =
(xT Qx + ra(u)2)dt
for some Q -- QT > 0 and r > 0, and linear control input
u ---- kTx
for some k C R n. Ideally, we would like to provide an optimal control law, i.e., an optimal k, for each given initial state x0 such that the cost function J ( x o , u ) is minimised. However, the optimal k is generally dependent on x0, and the solution is difficult to give. To relax the problem, we aim to characterise an ellipsoid Xp={x:xTppx~#p2},
p p _ _ p T > 0 , #p > 0
and an associated suboptimal linear control gain k with the following properties for any parameter p > 0: 9 The level of over-saturation d(u) < p; 9 The set Xp is an invariant set, i.e., x(t) E Xp for all t _> 0 if x0 E Xp; It is well-known that if the control is not saturated, the optimal solution is given
by k = -r-lpob
where P0 solves the following Ricatti equation:
AT po + PoA + Q - r - l PobbT po ----0
Moreover, the optimal cost is given by xTpoxo. We can rewrite (5.1) as follows:
5~ = A x + b(plu + 5(u))
In view of (5.5), we relax the optimal control problem to designing a control gain k to minimize the worst-case cost for all 5(.) satisfying the sector b o u n d (5.5). Now we give some analysis on the relaxed optimal control problem. Denote
J(x0, u, T) ----
x T Q x + r(T(u)2)dt
and consider the Lyapunov function candidate
V ( x ) -~ xT ppx
Also, define
F2p = AT pp + PpA + Q - r - l PpbbT pp
M i n y u e Fu
u* = --r-lbT ppx
Given any initial state x0 a n d a n y 5(.) satisfying (5.5), it is easy to check t h a t
x(t) is finite for a n y t > 0 (i.e., there is no finite escape) a n d J(x0, u, T) ----V(xo) - V ( x ( T ) ) +
+ x T Q x + ra(u)2)dt
f T T <_ V(xo) + .], (x Y2pX + r(plu + 5(u) - u*)2)dt = V(xo) +
f ( x , u, 5(u))dt
f(x, u, 6(u)) = xT,f-2pX + r(plu + 5(u) -- u*) 2
It is clear t h a t if f ( x , u , 5(u)) < 0 for all x E R '~ a n d (f(.) satisfying (5.5), t h e n
J(xo,u) < V(xo)
From the analysis above, we formulate the following relaxed o p t i m a l control problem: P 1 . Design Pp a n d u to minimise Vo(xo) subject to f ( x , u, 5(u)) <_ 0 for all x E R n a n d 5(-) satisfying (5.5). Further, d e t e r m i n e the (largest) invariant set Xp for which the cost J(xo, u) is b o u n d e d by Vo(xo). 1. Consider the system in (5.1) and the cost function in (5.7). For any level of over-saturation p >_ O, the optimal Pp and u for Problem P1 are given by
u = k T x = p~lu* = - - p ~ l r - l b T p p x AT pp + PpA + Q - (1 - p~)r-lPpbbT pp = O, Pp = p T > 0 and the invariant set by Xp =
{ x : x T p p x <_
(1 -- p ~ b r p p b
where p2 _
po - pl
Proof. Using the well-known S-procedure [5], t h e above holds iff there exists ~- > 0 such t h a t ] ( x , u , 6) = f ( x , u , 5) W T(p~u 2 - 5 2 ) <_0, V x E R n , 6 E R For the above to hold, it is necessary t h a t v > r. A s s u m i n g this a n d m a x i m i s i n g f ( x , u, 5) with respect to 5 yields 5 =
Linear Q u a d r a t i c Control
which in turn yields
f ( x , u, 5) = xT ~ , x + rp]u 2 +
rr T--r
(plu - u*) 2
Then, minimising f ( x , u, 5) with respect to u results in U -~
and / ( x , u, 5) = x r ~ , x +
Trp 2
- ~)p~ + ,'p~ (~*)~
Note t h a t pi > P:. Finally, m i n i m i s i n g / i x, z, 6) with respect to ~- yields ~- ----r,
and --
~2p ----AT pp T PpA -t- Q - (1 - p2)r-ippbbT pp with po given by (5.21). To assure ] ( x , u, 5) > 0, it is necessary t h a t ~p < 0. It is easily verified t h a t Pp is a monotonically decreasing function of ~p. Therefore, the optimal ~p = 0. Consequently, we obtain the optimal solution in (5.19). Next, we try to characterise an invariant set Xp as in (5.9) for which the control law above applies. All we need to do is to find the largest #p in (5.9) such t h a t m a x 16(u)l = p21ul
max p ~ l r - l b T p p x
= 1+ p
The solution is given by x~
# bTv/~-~pb b
and r(2 + p)
2 b~V'~-E-~b -
(1- p0) b~JF-P-~.b
That is, Xp is given by (5.20). Since f ( x , u, 6(u)) <_ 0 for all x E Xp,
_< ~ ~ x T Q x + r(~(u)2),
Hence, we know that Xp is an invariant set.
Remark 1. In Theorem 1, we assume that the sector bound characterised in Lemma 1 is used. This assumption can be relaxed to any sector bound satisfying the following condition: Parameters pi and p2 are such that pi > p2 _> 0 and ]5(u)l ~ p21ul for all u with the level of over-saturation bounded by p, where 5(u) is defined in (5.4). It can be shown (with somewhat more effort) that the optimal solution to Problem P1 is still given by (5.19) as in Theorem 1, with p0 ---- p2/pi. It can be further shown that the parameters pl and p2 that minimise V(xo) and maximise Xp are those given in Lemma 1.
of the
In this section, we study two key properties of the proposed controller in Theorem 1. The first property shows the improvement of the saturation control compared with an unsaturated controller. The second property is to do with nesting of invariant sets and monotonicity of Lyapunov matrices. Returning to (5.19), we see that the Ricatti equation for Pp corresponds to the solution to an optimal control where the weight (or penalty) for the control in the cost function is changed to ( 1 - p~)-lr. To achieve the cost J(x0, u, T) = J* (xo, T), u must be such that (r(u) = --(1 -- p2)r-lbTppx
To make the above feasible (i.e., to avoid saturation), the invariant set must be
f(p ---- x : xT ppx ---- (1 -- p~)2bTppb
Compared with (5.20), we have
xp = (i +
This illustrates that the control law in (5.19) gives a substantially larger invariant set for the same cost, compared with an unsaturated control law. On the other hand, we may consider choosing the control law such that 2
a(u) = -- 1 -- POr_lbT ppx 2
and choosing an invariant set such that the above control law is feasible (i.e., no saturation). Note that this control law is stabilising, due to the well-known gain margin of an optimal linear quadratic control (also seen directly from the Ricatti equation in (5.19)). In this case, the invariant set is given by 4r 2
x" =
~: ~ P ' ~
= (1 - po:):b~P~b
and we have
Xp - 1 + Po f(p
Linear Quadratic Control
Although Xp < X'p, no performance grantee can be delivered by the controller in (5.26). To make the comparison fair, we take p --~ cx) and note that Xor = 2 ~
This gives a somewhat surprising result: C o r o l l a r y 1. The largest invariant set given by the controller in (5.19) is the same as the largest invariant set given by an unsaturated controller (5.26). One implication of the results above is that the saturated controller can bring a good benefit when p is not close to 0 and not too large. Next, we study the nesting property of Xp and monotonicity of Pp. To this end, define Sp = (1 - Po)Pp
We then rewrite Ricatti equation in (5.19) as
AT Sp + SpA + (1 - po)Q - (1 + p o ) r - l SpbbT Sp = 0
and the invariant set Xp as
Xp =
x : xT Spx <
L e m m a 2. The solution Sp to (5.31) is monotonically decreasing, i.e., Sp+~ < Sp if 0 ~ p < p T e. Consequently, Xp are nested in the following sense:
Xp c Xp+~,
Further, the solution Pp to the Ricatti equation in (5.19) is monotonically increasing, i.e., Pp+~ > Pp if O <_ p < p + c. Proof. The monotonicity of Sp is a basic property of the Ricatti equation (5.31). We only need to show this for sufficiently small 9 > 0. Denote E = Sp - Sp+~ and ~2p to be the left hand side of (5.31). Also define 9 o --
P+( -
2+p+ 9
P 2+p
Then, 0 = ~p - ~p+~
= EA T + AE + 9
- (1 + po)SpbbTSp
+(1 + Po + eo)(Sp - E)bbT(Sp - E)
= E ( A - (1 + Po + eo)SpbbW) T + (A - (1 + po + eo)SpbbT)E +9
+ (1 + po + 9
E + (oSpbbT Sp
LFrom (5.31), we know that A - (1 + po)bbTSp is Hurwitz. Therefore A - (1 + p0 + 9o)bbTSp is also Hurwitz when 9 (or equivalently, e) is sufficiently small. Hence, the equation above implies that E > 0. Therefore, the inonotonicity of Sp is established. The nesting property of Xp then follows naturally from (5.32). The monotonicity of Pp is proved similarly.
Minyue Yh
R e m a r k 1. If p ---- 0, the control in Theorem 1 recovers the optimal control without saturation. In this case, the invariant set is given by
Xo -~
x : xT pox ~_
R e m a r k 2. The "largest" invariant set, called region of attraction, is given by taking p --~ cx~ (or equivalently, p0 --* 1) and solving for Pp in (5.19). T h a t is, the region of attraction is given by
X~ =
x : x T p o x < (1 -- po)2bTpob'
p0 --+ 1
Note that the solvability of Pp for any p > 0 is guaranteed by the controllability of (A, b) and positive definiteness of Q. R e m a r k 3. Suppose A is either Hurwitz or marginally unstable (i.e., the only unstable eigenvalues are the ones with a zero real part). Then, the solution to the Ricatti equation in (5.19) is such that the directions of Pp approach to either a constant (corresponding to stable eigenvalues of A) or o ( ~ / r - L - ~ ) (corresponding to marginal eigenvalues of A). In either case, the limiting invariant set is the whole space, i.e., X1 = R n.
A common control strategy for combating the control saturation is to start with a small gain when the state is "large" (to avoid or reduce saturation) and then gradually increase the gain when the state is "small" (to improve the performance). This strategy can be easily applied to the controller in the previous section due to the nesting properties of Xp and monotonicity of Pp. More precisely, a switching control strategy is simply formed by choosing a sequence of saturation indices 0 ---- p(0) ~ p(1) ~ ... ~ p(N) and solving for the corresponding Lyapunov matrices Pi, invariant sets Xi and control gains ki. The control law simply selects the control gain ki when x E Xi and x ~ Xi-1 (unless
T h e o r e m 2. Suppose xo E X N and we apply the switching control law above by
starting with kN (or pN equivalently). Denote the switching control law by u8 and the switching time from p(i) to p(i-1) by Ti. Then the cost of this switching control is bounded by J(xo,u~) ~ x T p N x o -- EN=I xT(T~)(P~ - P~-I)X(T~) < xTpNxo,
(5.35) VXo E X N , XO # 0
Proof. Follows directly from Theorem 1 and the monotonicity of Pp. The advantage of the switching law is clearly seen from the theorem above where the negative terms in (5.35) are a result of the switching. However, it is somewhat difficult to express the cost explicitly in terms of x0 and p(i). More work needs to be done to study this issue and also on how to choose the sequence {q(i)} to optimise
J(xo, u).
Linear Quadratic Control
Illustrative E x a m p l e
i -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0"I xl
F i g . 5.1. Nested Ellipsoids and State Trajectories To illustrate the design approach presented in this paper, we consider the following simple system: ic -=
[01] [:] x(t) +
a(u(t) )
-1.25 1 The cost function has r = 1 and
Choose p = 0, 2, 5, 10, 20, 40, 70, 100. The corresponding invariant sets X o are shown in Figure 5.1. We take xo = [0.87 0] I. Figure 5.1 also shows the two state trajectories corresponding the switching controller and nomswitching controller. Their performances and control inputs are given in Figures 5.2-5.3, respectively. It is seen clearly that the switching controller significantly outperforms the non-switching controller.
In this paper, we have presented a new approach to designing linear quadratic controllers for systems with input saturation. The key contribution of the p a p e r
Minyue Yh x 10' i
i --
Switching Non-switchin
, 2.5 Time
Fig. 5.2. Performance Costs
Switching Non-switching
4 Time
Fig. 5.3. Control Inputs
Linear Quadratic Control
is of two-fold: 1) We optimise the sector bound which models the mismatch between the unsaturated controller and the s a t u r a t e d one; and 2) We determine the largest invariant set for the given sector bound above and the associated optimal controller. The invariant sets and the corresponding Lyapunov matrices have the nice properties of nesting and monotonicity, respectively. These properties allow a switching controller to be designed easily to yield substantially lower quadratic cost (in comparison to non-switching controllers) while guaranteeing stability. The sector bound used for control design can be generalised to include integral quadratic constraints. This allows a dynamic relationship between the linear control input and the saturated control input. It is expected t h a t this approach can yield some improvement in the performance at the expense of somewhat more complicated control design. More specifically, the state of the system needs to include the dynamics of the integral quadratic constraints, which implies t h a t the control gain will be dynamic. More work on this topic will be carried out by the author. Finally, it should be noted t h a t the design approach given in this p a p e r can be easily generalised to discrete-time systems. Acknowledgement The author appreciates the constructive communications with Professor G . . C . Goodwin on this paper. The author also appreciates discussions with Professor K. Hollot on the optimal sector bound that have resulted in Remark 1.
References 1. D.S. Bernstein and A. N. Michel (1995). "A chronological bibliography on saturating actuators, Int. J. Robust and Nonlinear Contr., vol. 5, pp. 375-380. 2. P. O. M. Scokaert and J. B. Rawling (1998). "Constrained linear quadratic regulation," IEEE Trans. Auto. Contr., vol. 43, no. 8, pp. 1163-1169. 3. A. Saberi, Z. Lin and A. R. Teel (1999). "Control of Linear Systems with Saturating Actuators," IEEE Trans. Auto. Contr., vol. 41, no. 3, pp. 368-378. 4. J. A. De Dona (2000). Input Constrained Linear Control, Ph.D. thesis, University of Newcastle. 5. V. A. Yakubovich (1971). "S-procedure in nonlinear control theory," Vestnik Leninggradskogo Universiteta, Ser. Matematika, pp. 62-77.
6 R o b u s t n e s s Issues A s s o c i a t e d w i t h t h e P r o v i s i o n of Integral A c t i o n in N o n l i n e a r Systems Graham C. Goodwin and Osvaldo J. Rojas The University of Newcastle, Callaghan NSW 2308, Australia
A b s t r a c t . A key motivation for feedback control is that of disturbance compensation. In the case of linear systems, this is a very well understood problem. It is known, for example, that the straight forward inclusion of integral action gives compensation for constant disturbances and off-sets. Moreover, in the linear case, no interactions occur between disturbances and the underlying dynamics since the principle of superposition holds. However, in nonlinear systems, superposition does not hold, and this implies, inter-alia, that non trivial interactions can arise between disturbances and plant dynamics. As a result, a disturbance that is incorrectly interpreted can destabilise an otherwise stable system. Thus, disturbance compensation and, in particular, the provision of integral action, presents non-trivial challenges for nonlinear systems. The aim of this paper is to raise awareness to these issues and suggest possible strategies for attacking the problem.
Since feedback mechanisms were first designed, disturbance compensation has been a key consideration [1]. For example, most feedback mechanisms incorporate some form of integral action to give steady state compensation for constant disturbances. Also, integral action is a core ingredient in the celebrated PID controller [2], which is used in 95% of all real world control systems. This paper will review aspects of disturbance compensation for both linear and nonlinear systems. For simplicity, we treat only the single input, single o u t p u t case. It will be seen that, in the case of linear systems, all methods essentially lead to the same end result. Moreover, no significant stability or robustness issues arise in the linear case irrespective of the true nature of the disturbance. In the nonlinear case, even in the absence of disturbances, there exist non-trivial stability issues - see for example [3]. In the presence of disturbances, non-trivial interactions can occur between disturbances and plant dynamics as well. Thus, an incorrectly modelled disturbance, will mean that the plant dynamics are incorrectly interpreted, leading to robustness issues. This, in turn, can lead to serious stability problems. If we specialise to the class of constant disturbances, then we see that for linear systems, all methods reduce essentially to the one underlying principle of including an integrator in the controller. However, for nonlinear systems, no single answer exists to the question of integral action. Indeed, multiple solutions are needed which specifically take account of the precise disturbance injection point. Several different strategies will be discussed below.
Goodwin and Rojas
of the linear
In the linear case, there are several ways of thinking about the design of a disturbance compensating controller. However, it turns out that, for this case, the end result is often identical, irrespective of the design route used. As an illustration, let us assume that disturbance compensation is achieved by using an observer to estimate a constant input disturbance and the estimated disturbance is then cancelled from the input. To briefly expand on this idea, let the system be modelled as
xp(t) -- A p x p ( t ) + Bp (u(t) + d(t) )
where u(t) and d(t) are the manipulated plant input and disturbance respectively. Also, let the disturbance be modelled by the following homogeneous equation:
Jzd(t) = Ad Xd(t) d(t) = Cd x d ( t )
(6.2) (6.3)
In this way, the composite model takes the form:
~(t) = A x(t) + B u(t)
y(t) = c x(t)
C -- [Cp 0]
An appropriate linear observer for this composite system takes the form:
x(t) = A ~(t) + B u ( t ) + J (y(t) - C &(t) )
where J = [JTvJ[ ] T, and the corresponding control law is given by:
u(t) = -Kp ~p(t) - Ca ~ ( t )
where the second term on the right hand side uses the estimate to cancel the disturbance from the input applied to the system. It is readily seen that the controller transfer function is
C(s) = [Kp Cd]
v+BpKp+JvCp JdC v
0 s I - Ad
Jp Jd
It follows, immediately that d e t ( s I - Aa) appears in the controller denominator. Thus, we have simply described a special form of the Internal Model Principle [4]. Note that, in the linear case, there is no interaction between the form of the actual disturbance and the issues of closed loop stability or robustness. This is because, in a linear system, disturbances are simply external signals and the principle of superposition implies that their response can be separately evaluated. In particular, it does not matter, in terms of stability or robustness, whether the disturbance actually appears at the plant input or output. Of course, the closed loop responses
Robustness Issues of Integral Action in Nonlinear Systems
to input and output disturbances can differ because different transfer functions are involved [5]. In particular, if S(s) denotes the closed loop o u t p u t disturbance sensitivity function, then the input disturbance sensitivity, Si(s), is given by:
Si(s) -- S(s) G(s)
where G(s) is the open loop plant transfer function. One simple implication of this relationship is that, whilst output constant disturbances are fully compensated in steady state if the plant has an integrator, this is insufficient for input disturbances. A related point is that the open loop dynamics of the plant (including slow poles) will always be part of the input disturbance response, unless they are included as zeros of the sensitivity function S(s). Thus, in general, one should avoid cancelling slow plant poles (even if stable) in the controller transfer function .
Input s a t u r a t i o n
As a first step towards extending the above ideas to the nonlinear case, consider a linear system subject to input saturation constraints. In this case, the equivalence between having an explicit integrator in the controller or using an implicit formulation such as the one achieved through equations (6.1) to (6.9), no longer holds. In particular, if one has an explicit integrator and the controller output saturates, then the state of the explicit integrator will continue to grow, leading to the well known problem of integrator wind up [6]. On the other hand, if one implements the integrator implicitly by an input disturbance observer, as in equations (6.1) to (6.9), then the observer will continue to operate correctly, irrespective of input saturation. Hence, the latter formulation has clear advantages. Indeed, this is the basis of many of the existing strategies for achieving antiwindup protection [7]. The key point here is that, whilst in the linear case, superposition allows one to rearrange the blocks that form the controller in order to make each strategy equivalent, this is clearly not possible in the case of even a simple nonlinearity such as a saturation function. Moreover, the issue of stability of antiwindup strategies is highly non trivial, especially in the presence of disturbances, precisely because of the nonlinear behaviour of the system taken as a whole [8,9]. Going beyond the simple case of saturation, as discussed above, the problem becomes even more interesting. Specifically, when dealing with nonlinear systems, we suggest that the disturbances should be explicitly modelled. Moreover, their injection point into the control loop becomes an important issue. We will illustrate these points for some special cases below.
Special c a s e : s t a b l e and stably invertible nonlinear systems
If the nonlinear system is stable and has a stable inverse, then it is possible to extend the concepts associated with the Internal Model Control strategy for linear systems to nonlinear systems. Since, the principle of superposition does not apply for nonlinear systems it is necessary to treat the problem of having input and output disturbances in a separate way.
Goodwin and Rojas
Consider a nonlinear system which has o u t p u t disturbances and is b o t h stable and stably invertible. Then it is possible to compensate for o u t p u t disturbances following the strategy illustrated in Fig. 6.1. Here G~ (o) represents the system nonlinear dynamics. In Fig. 6.1, HaCo) is, ideally, an inverse for Ga(o). For most nonlinear systems, an exact inverse does not exist, and therefore some approximation technique is necessary. One way of building an approximate inverse for stably invertible systems is via feedback linearization. In order to briefly show how this can be done, let Ga Co) be described in state space form by:
~(t) = / ( x ) + g(x)u(t) y(t) = h(x)
We introduce a stable differential operator,
p(p) = prp ~ + p r _ l p ~-1 + . . . + 1
where r is the relative degree of the nonlinear system. It is easily seen t h a t p(p), applied to the system output y(t) can be written as:
p(p)y(t) = b(x) + a(x)u(t).
When a(x) ~ 0, the application of the following input signal
u(t) - y*(t) - b(x)
leads to the result
p(p)y(t) --~ y* (t)
where y*(t) represents any external signal. Specifically, y*(t) can be a reference signal. Thus, HaCo) can be implemented using equation C6.14) together with an appropriate embedded nonlinear model for the real plant Ga Co). If we choose y* (t) to be the signal e(t) in Fig. 6.1, then u(t) in C6.14) will be the plant input necessary to achieve y(t) = ~p(p)" We can see t h a t the control strategy for o u t p u t disturbances presented in Fig. 6.1, basically mirrors the well known Internal Model Control strategy for the linear stable case [5]. The assumption of stably invertibility of the nonlinear plant Ga Co) is needed to ensure that Ha Co), designed via feedback linearization, is stable.
Remark 1. Note that it is possible to show that, provided the loop DC gain from u(t) back to u(t) via ym(t) is unity, then the output y(t) will equal a constant reference r(t) in steady state, irrespective of the nature of the plant or the disturbance injection point. Thus the circuit gives a form of integral action. However, a key issue is that the loop dynamics (and hence stability) is determined by b o t h the n a t u r e of the disturbance and its injection point. Specifically, if there is an unmeasured input disturbance, we are not able to construct the parallel model Ga(o) since its dynamics will depend on the precise nature of the input signal.
Robustness Issues of Integral Action in Nonlinear Systems
do(t) y(t)
~(t) &(t)
Fig. 6.1. Control strategy for output disturbances: stable and stably invertible case
I di(t)
:t) ~ + +
Fig. 6.2. Control strategy for input disturbances: stable and stably invertible case
Motivated by the comments made at the end of the last sub-section, we can conceive of an alternative scheme for input disturbances (see Fig. 6.2). H~(o) is again an approximation to G~-1(o), achieved, for example, via a feedback linearization design. The filter F in the scheme, has been included to avoid an algebraic loop. However, the design of F actually contains some subtle issues which mirror points made in the linear case. Specifically, let us assume that Ha(o) is a very good approximation to G~ 1(o), so that d~(t) ~ di(t). Then the output response to an input disturbance only, is y = Ga((1 - F ) d ~ > . Thus, as in the linear case, the open loop dynamics will appear in the disturbance response, unless (1 - F ) is appropriately designed. This aspect raises some interesting design issues in the nonlinear case.
Remark 2. When comparing the two schemes of Fig. 6.1 and Fig. 6.2, it is clear that, in the linear case, they are roughly equivalent. This can be easily checked if we move the Ha block in the feed forward path of Fig. 6.2 along the loop, based on superposition. However, in the nonlinear case, each scheme is different from the other, because Q(a + b) ~ Q(a) + Q(b) for nonlinear operators.
Goodwin and Rojas
A simulation example: pH neutralisation
As an illustrative example of the application of the above ideas, we will analyse the pH neutralisation problem. This is a very common control problem in many industrial processes with many, well known, difficulties, e.g. the large dynamic range needed in the controller [5]. However, for illustration purposes, we will ignore these practical issues and focus on the nonlinear features, as raised in section 6.4. In order to control the pH variations in a liquid flow, this flow is usually introduced into a tank, where it is mixed with a certain amount of concentrated reagent with a different pH. A common assumption used to obtain a model for the pH neutralisation dynamics is that the tank is well-stirred, generating a uniform pH throughout the tank. Under these conditions, an appropriate state space model of the system, where a strong acid - strong base type of pH neutralisation has been considered, is the following:
do(t) -- (u(t) +vd~(t)) (c~, - co(t)) + ~(c~ - co(t))
po(t) ---- -log (X/0.25 co(t) 2 + 10 -14 + 0.5 co(t)) + do(t)
where the following notation has been used:
ci, Co, c~ : excess of hydrogen in inlet stream, effluent and reagent stream, respectively (~--).m~
Po : effluent pH. V : tank volume (t). q flow rate of inlet stream (~). u flow rate of reagent (~). di disturbance in the reagent stream (input disturbance),(~). do disturbance in the true pH of the effluent (output disturbance). For illustration purposes we use the following values for the parameters listed above (they are not representative of a real application): V : 80 (l). q: 1(~). c i : - 2 . 8 4 6 . 1 0 -~' ( - ~ ) . 005
We have chosen ci in order to avoid the initial transient of the system response to the set-point r ----7.5. Since the process is clearly stable and stably invertible, we are able to use the schemes of Fig. 6.1 and Fig. 6.2 in order to reject output disturbances and input disturbances, respectively. The approximate inverse H~(o) will be designed based upon the feedback linearization ideas presented in section 6.4. First of all, we notice that the nonlinear system has relative degree r = 1, hence we can use the following first order differential operator:
p(p) = f~p + 1
Robustness Issues of Integral Action in Nonlinear Systems
7.5 7
~6.s 6 __
with filter F 1 ] with filter F 2
5.5 5
time [s]
F i g . 6.3. Input disturbance response for the scheme of Fig. 6.2, with different design of the filter F with a suitable choice of ~. We have that an approximate inverse is obtained if: u ( t ) = V l n ( l O ) ~ / ~ o ( t ) 2 + 4 . 1 0 -14 c~ - & ( t ) ( & ( t ) - c~) ( u ( t ) - 1~o(t)) + ~o(t) - c~ " q
where u(t) is the driving input to the inverse. ~o(t) and g o ( t ) are obtained from a model of the system running embedded in H~(o) and having u ( t ) in (6.19) as the driving signal. It is worth noting that it is useful to choose different values of ~ for each of the approximate inverses H~(o} of the scheme in Fig. 6.2. For example, we want the H a ( o ) block at the output of the plant to be a fast approximation of the plant inverse, since it is desirable that di(t) be a fast approximation of the input disturbance as well. On the other hand, H~(o) in the feed forward path of the scheme in Fig. 6.2, takes account of the achieved closed loop bandwidth for reference tracking. Thus, if limitations in the control energy exist, it will be desirable to choose comparable to the open loop dominant time constant of the nonlinear system. In our case, the dominant time constant of the nonlinear system is approximately V / q = 80[s], thus we select ~1 = 10 [s] for the first block H~(o}, and ~2 ----0.5 [s] for the second approximate inverse in Fig. 6.2. We will first illustrate the effect of the filter F in the design shown in Fig. 6.2 for input disturbances. If the only intention is to avoid an algebraic loop, then the following selection for F will suffice: FI(S) -
1 - ~-s+l
However, we suggest to use an approximate linear design for an alternative F in an effort to improve the system response to input disturbances. As was explained in section 6.4, the idea is to design F such that (1 - F ) approximately cancels the plant dynamics. This leads to the following alternative filter: Y2(s) -
(T S ~_-I-~
where f l must be selected appropriately. Note that, in order to preserve the integral action feature of the input disturbance rejection scheme of Fig. 6.2, the DC gain
Goodwin and Rojas
of both Fl(S) and F2(s) must be unity. To achieve the approximate cancellation of the open loop plant dynamics, we choose:
T2q fl
for T ---- 2 [s]. Fig. 6.3 compares the responses to an input disturbance, using Fz (s) and F2 (s) in the control scheme. An input step disturbance of magnitude 5.10 -3 [I/s] is applied at t --- 50 Is]. Inspection of the transient responses clearly shows the advantages of using the second alternative design for F . We see, for example, that when using F1 (s), the input disturbance response is dominated by the open loop dynamics of the system, whereas for F2 (s), the input disturbance transient response has been modified. In the sequel we will use the filter F2(s). Next, we compare the response of the strategy in Fig. 6.1 when the disturbance is actually at the output or at the input. Also, we compare the response of the strategy in Fig. 6.2, when the disturbance takes these two forms. The results are shown in Fig. 6.4 and Fig. 6.5, respectively. Input disturbance response
Output disturbance response
7.5J h
time Is]
time [s]
Fig. 6.4. Design for input disturbance compensation
We see from Fig. 6.4 and Fig. 6.5 that, irrespective of the disturbance point, zero steady state error is achieved. However, the simulations show precise nature of the transient response does depend on the disturbance point. In particular, best results are obtained when the true disturbance point corresponds to the one assumed for the purpose of design.
injection that the injection injection
General nonlinear systems
Finally, we consider general nonlinear systems which are not necessarily stable nor stably invertible. In this case, we need to depart from the simple feedback linearization scheme used above. So as to retain the same general methodology we will use a related scheme which we have called Generalized Feedback Linearization (GFL) [10]. We will begin by describing the key features of the GFL strategy and then, we will show how this control strategy can be used, in combination with a suitable state and disturbance observer, to achieve integral action.
Robustness Issues of Integral Action in Nonlinear Systems Input disturbance response
Output disturbance response
7.5 - -
f 7
16.5 o.
time [s]
time Is]
Fig. 6.5. Design for output disturbance compensation
The Generalized
As explained in section 6.4, the usual feedback linearization technique can be useful in obtaining an approximate inverse of a nonlinear system. However, one important drawback of the scheme is that it cancels the zero dynamics of the nonlinear system, hence stably invertibility is required. Here we will show how the scheme can be generalized to cover classes of non stable invertible systems. Recall that the basic feedback linearization scheme achieves
p(p)y(t) = y* (t)
where p(p) is a differential operator. To prevent the control signal becoming unbounded in the case of non stable invertible systems, it seems desirable to match (6.23) with a similar requirement on the control signal. Thus, we might ask that the input satisfies a linear dynamic model of the form:
l(p)u(t) = u* (t)
where l(p) is a suitable differential operator of degree rz, such that l(0) = 1 and u* (t) is the input needed to achieve y*(t) in steady state. It is clear that, in general, conditions (6.23) and (6.24) are not simultaneously compatible. This suggests that we could determine the control signal u(t) as the value that satisfies a linear combination of (6.23) and (6.24) of the form: (1 - A) (p(p)y(t) - y*) + A (l(p)u(t) - u*) = 0
where 0 < A < 1. Equation (6.25) constitutes the Generalized Feedback Linearization (GFL) control law. It is clear that this strategy will handle all stably invertible systems (take A = 0) and M1 stable systems whether or not they are stably invertible (take A = 1). By continuity, various combinations of stable and stably invertible dynamics will also be able to be stabilised by this class of control law. To develop the control law implicitly defined in (6.25), we introduce a d u m m y variable ~(t), as follows
l(p)u(t) = ~(t)
G o o d w i n a n d Rojas
It is now clear that, if the original n o n l i n e a r system has relative degree r, t h e n t h e nonlinear system between ~(t) a n d y(t) has relative degree r + r~. Hence, if we use a r + rl degree operator p(p), p(p)y(t) will d e p e n d explicitly on ~(t). Following t h e development t h a t led to (6.14), we can write:
p(p)y(t) = b(x') + a(x')ft(t).
where x' is now an extended state vector which includes the n o n l i n e a r system states a n d the states introduced by the l(p) polynomial. S u b s t i t u t i n g (6.27) into (6.25), gives the following nonlinear control law: ~(t) = (1 - A)(y*(t) - b(x')) + Au* (1 - A)a(x') + A
The signal u(t) is t h e n o b t a i n e d via (6.26). T h e success of the preceding control law d e p e n d s on being able to make a judicious choice of p(p) a n d I(p) in order to achieve closed loop stability. To show how the G F L strategy works, we present below, a n illustrative example with an u n s t a b l e a n d n o n m i n i m u m phase n o n l i n e a r system. As a first approach to the problem we will assume complete knowledge of the system states. Later we will examine the o u t p u t feedback case. Consider the following u n s t a b l e SISO n o n l i n e a r system: xl = 10xl - 10x2
52 = 9.9Xl - 10x2 + 0.1xz3 + 0.1u
y = x2
We note t h a t the system relative degree is r = 1 a n d t h a t the system zero d y n a m i c s are unstable. We choose the following differential operators p(p) a n d / ( p ) :
p(p) = O.lp 2 + 0.4p + 1 l(p) = - 4 . 1 p + 1
In this way, p(p)y(t) can be expressed as in e q u a t i o n (6.27), in terms of the e x t e n d e d state vector x' = [Xl x2 xl] T a n d the d u m m y variable fi(t):
p(p)y(t) = b(x') + a(x')ft(t) = = p2 _(9"951 - 1052 + 0.3x~ x2 - 0"lxz'~ll ]+ Pl (9.9Xl -- 10X2 + 0.1X 3 + 0.1X/) + X2 + 0.1 P2-~-aU
where p~, pl a n d 11 are the coefficients of the p(p) a n d l(p) operators in (6.32), respectively. Furthermore, xl(t) = u(t) is the state i n t r o d u c e d by the first order l(p) polynomial:
u(t) ----/~p) u(t)
If we consider, for the m o m e n t , t h a t we have complete knowledge of the system states, t h e n using the G F L control law as in (6.28), (6.26), it is possible to stabilise
Robustness Issues of Integral Action in Nonlinear Systems
~" 0.5
0 I
15 time [s]
Fig. 6.6. GFL strategy assuming complete state knowledge. Response to a step reference of 1.5 the closed loop for certain values of )~. Since the plant is open loop unstable, we can not choose )~ ----1, for this leads to an open loop strategy. Instead, the value of ~ must be reduced until the closed loop becomes stable. Via simulations we have observed that this happens when ~ becomes smaller t h a n 7 9 10 -3. Eventually, if we keep reducing the value of A, the closed loop becomes unstable again. This is because the system is also non stably invertible. Fig. 6.6 shows the system closed loop response to a step reference of 1.5 with )~ ----3 . 4 . 1 0 -3. Note that both undershoot and overshoot occurs in the closed loop step response. This is a consequence of the fact that the system is both open loop unstable and is not stably invertible [5].
Remark 3. Note that the GFL control strategy presented in equation (6.28) only achieves perfect tracking for constant reference signals and with no disturbances or modelling errors. In the presence of input or output constant disturbances the strategy fails to ensure perfect tracking, the reason being that we have not explicitly considered the disturbances when designing the control strategy. We will see in the next section that using an appropriate observer for the disturbance, we will be able to incorporate the available information about the nature of the disturbance and its injection point into the GFL controller, achieving the desired integral action feature. 6.6.2
states and input disturbance
In many practical applications, the system states will not be directly measurable. Hence, a key point in the practical implementation of any nonlinear control law (in particular the GFL strategy described in the previous sub-section) is the issue of state estimation for nonlinear systems. This is necessary in order to approximate a(x') and b(x') in (6.28). There are still many open problems related to state estimation for nonlinear systems [11]. To illustrate the application of the GFL strategy in the control of nonlinear systems, particularly with regard to input and o u t p u t disturbance rejection, we will use a nonlinear observer for the system states and for the disturbance, based on a linearized design (a simple form of the E K F method). We will first analyse the case in which an input disturbance d~(t) is assumed. Hence, mirroring the linear case presented in section 6.2, we have that the nonlinear
Goodwin and Rojas
system can be modelled as:
&(t) = f ( x ) + g ( x ) ( u ( t ) + di(t))
y(t) = h(x)
where the input disturbance di (t) is given by the homogeneous differential equation: di(t) = 0
A suitable (EKF like) state and disturbance observer is then given by:
&(t) = f ( ~ ) -t- g(&)[u(t) +
+ Jl[y(t) - h(&)]
d~(t) ---- J2[y(t) - h(&)]
where J1 and J2 are designed in order to ensure the stability of the nonlinear observer dynamics. One possibility is to design the observer gains J1 and J2 based on a linearized model of the system around the current operating point. Hence, consider the linearized model :
[ Oh 0]
we can design g -- [JTJ2T] T such that A - J C is stable, around the given operating point. Having an appropriate estimation of the system states, we are able to implement the GFL strategy in an output feedback setup. Moreover, to compensate for the unmeasured input disturbance di(t), we can use the estimated value di(t) and subtract it from the control signal applied to the plant. The resulting control scheme is depicted in Fig. 6.7. It is worth noting that the inclusion of the observer for an input constant disturbance, is the key point which ensures that the control strategy of Fig. 6.7 achieves integral action. This can be seen as follows: if the system settles to a steady state, then equation (6.39) implies that y(t) must equal h(&), irrespective of the presence of disturbances or model errors. Hence, provided that the control law ensures that the model output h(~) is taken to y *(t ) , then the plant output, y(t), will also be taken to y* (t). Thus, integral action has been achieved via inclusion of the input disturbance observer. Next we consider the case of output disturbance.
System states and output
If we know beforehand that an output disturbance do(t) is likely to occur, we can design an appropriate observer to estimate its value and make the controller react accordingly, based on that information. In this case the nonlinear system can be modelled as:
&(t) = f ( x ) + g(x)u(t)
y(t) = h(x) + do(t)
Robustness Issues of Integral Action in Nonlinear Systems
Nonlinear Observer
d~(t) r
xl(t) I
~t :
(1-- ;9a+ ), Nonlinear feedback control law
F i g . 6.7. G F L strategy with states and input disturbance estimation
and, again, if we assume a constant disturbance do(t), its model is given by:
do(t) = 0
The appropriate observer for both the plant states and the disturbance is then:
~:(t) = f ( ~ ) + g(Jz)u(t) + Jl ( y(t) - h(~) - do )
do(t) = J2(y(t) - h(2) - do )
We can now determine the observer gain vector J = [ j T j T ] T based, again, on a linearized model of the system around the current operating point: A=
[ ~176176176 ~] '
In order to compensate for the output disturbance do, we basically proceed by modifying the reference signal y* (t), used in the G F L strategy, to the value y'* (t) = y* (t) - do, which now becomes the new reference signal for the system. In this way, the plant output y(t) will be taken to the desired value y*(t), despite the presence of the output disturbance do(t). This is, in turn, a consequence of the integral action property achieved using the disturbance observer in (6.45). The latter can be explained in the same fashion as we did for the input disturbance case: provided a steady state is reached, then equation (6.45) implies t h a t the plant o u t p u t y(t) must equal h(~) + do. Hence, since the control law takes the model o u t p u t h(~?) to the "compensated" reference y'*(t) = y*(t) - d o , then it is clear that y(t) will reach the desired reference y* (t).
Goodwin and Rojas
Comparison between input disturbance design and output disturbance design, using the GFL strategy
We are now able to compare the performance of the control strategies proposed in the previous section, under both input and output disturbance conditions. We simulate the unstable and non m i n i m u m phase nonlinear system given by equations (6.29) to (6.31), with the controller defined by (6.32). Fixed observer gains J are considered, designed with the corresponding linearised models (6.40) and (6.46), around the operating point xl = x2 = 1.5. A linear optimal filter design is adopted, choosing appropriate values for the the assumed spectral densities Q and R of the state and measurement noises, respectively. For both input and output disturbance designs we use R = 10, whereas Q = diag[0.2, 0.2, 100] is assumed for the input disturbance case, and Q = diag[O.1, 10, 100] for the output disturbance case. For both designs, the observer quickly converges to the real plant states and the real disturbance being applied to the system. In this way, the response of the system to a step reference, for example, stays very similar to the response presented in Fig. 6.6, where complete state knowledge is assumed. In Fig. 6.8 we show the response of both strategies to a step input disturbance of magnitude 1 applied at time t = l[s]. Similarly, the responses to a step output disturbance of-0.5 at time t = l[s], are presented in Fig. 6.9.
Input disturbance response
Input disturbance response
o 1.4
6 time [s]
1.1 {
time [s]
Fig. 6.6. I n p u t disturbance response: GFL design for input disturbance compensation (left) and output disturbance compensation (right)
Comparing the results shown in Fig. 6.8 and 6.9, we can see that having modelled the disturbance injection point correctly, we achieve a better transient response than in the case in which incorrect modelling occurs. This is particularly clear in the case of an output disturbance. Moreover, the responses in Fig. 6.8 and 6.9 clearly show the nonlinear nature of the system: the oscillating response to the o u t p u t disturbance, for example, reveals the interaction occurring between the disturbance and the system dynamics. It is also worth noting that, for this nonlinear system, an output disturbance observer design becomes especially troublesome, since the linearised system becomes unobservable for x2 ~ 0.58, whereas no such difficulty
Robustness Issues of Integral Action in Nonlinear Systems Output disturbance response
Output disturbance response
2 1.8
o c
time [s]
time [s]
Fig. 6.9. Output disturbance response: GFL design for input disturbance compensation (left) and output disturbance compensation (right)
arises in the case of the input disturbance model. This is an extra consideration in the robustness of these various strategies. The results presented here, confirm that we are able to include a certain form of integral action when dealing with nonlinear systems, which ensures, inter alia, zero steady state error, even when the disturbance injection point has been incorrectly modelled. However, it is, in general, difficult to predict the precise nature+of the system transient response, as a result of the complex behaviour of nonlinear systems. It is also interesting to notice that the particular implementation of the control strategy, using state observers, allows a rather straightforward inclusion of a form of anti-windup protection in the presence of constrained input. This mirrors the linear case discussed in section 6.3. In fact, the key point of any anti-windup strategy, is to drive the controller states (in this case, the observer states) by the actual plant input [5]. This can be easily achieved by passing the plant input signal through an appropriate limiting circuit, before feeding the observer. The results are presented in Fig. 6.10 where we have employed the output disturbance design of section 6.6.3, and where an input saturation of 7 has been applied. The control strategy having anti-windup protection performs remarkably better than the one without any antiwindup protection.
This paper has shown that provision of integral action for nonlinear systems appears to require multiple strategies depending on the injection point of the disturbance. In particular, an incorrectly modelled disturbance can lead to poor transient response or even instability. Many open problems remain in this area. The purpose of this paper has been aimed at introducing the difficulties so as to stimulate further work in this important aspect in nonlinear feedback control.
Goodwin and Rojas 2.5
2 .~1.5 o
0.5 0
time [s]
Fig. 6.10. Output response of GFL control law to a unity reference step: (1) nominal response with no constraints, (2) input saturation and no anti-windup protection, (3) input saturation with anti-windup protection
References 1. Mayr, O. (1970) The origins of feedback control. MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass. 2. Minorsky (1922) Directional stability of automatically steered bodies. J. Am. Soc. Naval Eng. 34, 284 3. Mazenc, F., Praly L. (1996) Adding integrations, saturated controls and stabilization for feedforward systems. IEEE Trans. Aut. Control 41, 1559-1578 4. Francis, B., Wonham, W. (1976) The internal model principle of control theory. Automatica. 12, 457-465 5. Goodwin, G., Graebe, S. and Salgado, M. (2000) Control System Design, Prentice-Hall 6. Teel, A.R. (1998) A nonlinear control viewpoint on anti-windup and related problems. In Proceedings of the Nonlinear Control Symposium. Enschede, The Netherlands. 7. Kothare, M.V., Campo, P.J., Morari, M. and Nett, C.N. (1994) A unified framework for the study of anti-windup designs. Automatica. 30(12), 1869-1883 8. Teel, A.R. (1995) Semi-global stabilization of linear controllable systems with input nonlinearities. IEEE Trans. Aut. Control 40, 96-100 9. De Dona', J.A., Goodwin, G.C. and Seron, M.M. (1999) Anti-windup and model predictive control: reflections and connections. European Journal of Control (accepted for publication) 10. Goodwin, G., Rojas, O. and Takata, H. (2000) Nonlinear control via Generalized Feedback Linearization using Neural Networks. Asian Journal of Control. (submitted for publication) 11. AllgSwer, F., Zheng, A. (editors)(2000) Nonlinear Model Predictive Control. Birkh/iuser.
7 Robust and Adaptive or a Free Relationship?
Per-Olof G u t m a n Faculty of Agricultural Engineering Technion - - Israel Institute of Technology Haifa 32000, Israel peo~tx, technion, ac. il
A b s t r a c t . Robust and adaptive control are essentially meant to solve the same control problem: Given an uncertain LTI model set with the assumption that the controlled plant slowly drifts or occasionally jumps in the allowed model set, find a controller that satisfies the given servo and disturbance rejection specifications. Specifications on the transient response to a sudden plant change or "plant jump" are easily incorporated into the robust control problem, and if a solution is found, the robust control system does indeed exhibit satisfactory transients to plant jumps. The reason to use adaptive control is its ability, when the plant does not jump, to maintain the given specifications with a lower-gain control action (or to achieve tighter specifications), and also to solve the control problem for a larger uncertainty set than a robust controller. Certainly Equivalence based adaptive controllers, however, often exhibit insufficient robustness and unsatisfactory transients to plant jumps. It is therefore suggested in this paper that adaptive control always be built on top of a robust controller in order to marry the advantages of robust and adaptive control. The concept is called Adaptive Robust Control. It may be compared with Gain Scheduling, Two-Time Scale Adaptive Control, I n t e r m i t t e n t Adaptive Control, Repeated Auto-Tuning, or Switched Adaptive Control, with the important difference that the control is switched between robust controllers that are based on plant uncertainty sets that take into account not only the currently estimated plant model set but also the possible jumps and drifts that may occur until the earliest next time the controller can be updated.
Plant uncertainty was always at the heart of feedback control theory. Various robust control methods were developed to handle extended plant uncertainty. Based on classical control, Quantitative Feedback Theory (QFT) was invented, see [10,11]. Based on modern control theory, Hor /-/2, and the #-methods were developed, see [14]. Robust pole placement is described in [1]. All robust methods are also strongly supported by and dependent on design software, e.g. [8]. The robust control problem is in general NP-hard. Still, the available computational tools have proved to be very useful. If successful, every robust design results in an LTI controller that controls any "frozen" plant in the plant uncertainty set,
Per-Olof G u t m a n
Fig. 7.1. The closed loop control system for robust control.
satisfying the given specifications. It is not possible to tell, a p r i o r i , if a given robust control problem has a solution without performing (a part of) the design. Adaptive control emerged as an alternative to handle uncertain plants. The idea is to combine an on-line identification algorithm with a control design method to yield a controller that follows the changing plant, see [3]. In spite of their obvious conceptual appeal, and an impressive development effort, adaptive controllers, in particular those based on the certainty equivalence principle, have not become as ubiquitous in industry as expected. The reason for this seems to be that closed loop stability cannot be guaranteed on the same level of confidence as with linear controllers, that adaptive controllers often seem to have unsatisfactory transient behaviour during adaptation to a plant change (e.g. during a start-up when the adaptive controller is initially wrongly tuned), and that they demand highly skilled and educated personnel for tuning and maintenance. This chapter is not meant to be a review of or a comparison between various robust and adaptive control design methods. Instead we try to view adaptive control from a robust point of view, and suggest a remedy for some of their respective shortcomings by marrying them to each other in a suitable way. Because of its graphical nature, Q F T is used as a tool to illustrate the concepts. The chapter is organized as follows: In section 2 the control problem is defined. Sections 3 and 4 contain very brief descriptions of robust control and adaptive control, respectively. In section 5 an illustrating example is given of the transient
Robust and Adaptive Control
behaviours after a sudden plant change of a robust and adaptive control system, respectively, with a summary of their advantages and disadvantages. The argument is made clear in section 6 where adaptive control is seen from a robust perspective. The rSle of adaptation is discussed in section 7, leading up to the suggested paradigm of Adaptive Robust Control in section 8. A short conclusion is found in section 9, followed by an Acknowledgement and a bibliography.
30 , , ,
q .
~ ~
, ,,
-3o ,',I: t
._~ . . . : , r - , ~ ' o
t ~
-5o Ei',',
:, :/
- ~~
', --~---',-- : -,~-/-',---,;---:---: - ' - - - ' - -:---'---"/--:-
3 _ j_
~ ~.I
I ~
20 ~
-10 ~
Ii" $
Nichols Char! ' 9
-200 -1 50 Phase [degree]
' i
- ~
: ,1 -1 O0
. . . . .
I ~ 5 LI
-'~ -'(~,,LI'I 2
J _ _ _ -J .
:: ',', J_u
1, """"-5o -50
0 -60
Fig.'/'.2. The Horowitz bounds OBL(j~) for some frequencies, together with the nominal open loop, Lnom(jw), in a Nichols chart.
For simplicity, we consider the SISO case only. Given an uncertain, strictly proper LTI plant
n(s,p) -pqs,t P(s) 9 {Pi(s)} -- d(-7,~,p)e LI + M(s))
with the uncertain parameter vector p 9 H 9 R q, and the multiplicative unstructured uncertainty satisfying ]M(jw)l < re(w). M(s) is assumed to be stable and proper, and the high frequency gain sign of (7.1) is known. The index i in (7.1)
Per-Olof G u t m a n
only denotes membership in the set and not enumeration. Input, state, and o u t p u t disturbances, D~ (s), are assumed to act on the plant. The closed loop specifications are given as a servo specification,
a(jw) ~ IY(jw)/R(jw)l ~ b(jw)
where Y(jw) and R(jw) are the Laplace transforms of the controlled output and reference, respectively, or sensitivity specification,
IS(jw)l ~ x(w)
or any other disturbance rejection specification. It is assumed that the plant P(s) "slowly" drifts among {Pi(s)}. Such a drift may be caused by wear, change of operating point, or a change in the outside environment. Moreover, it is assumed that P(s) "occasionally" jumps within {P~(s)}, i.e. suddenly changes from one LTI plant instance to another. Such a j u m p may be caused by a change of plant equipment, or a partial failure, or unknown loading (e.g. when a robot arm picks up an unknown load), or when switching on the control system without knowing which member of the set (7.1) describes the plant at that moment. It is assumed that the frequency of the j u m p s is considerably lower than the bandwidth of the closed loop system and that the speed of the drift is considerably lower than e.g. the speed of the step response transient of the closed loop system, see e.g. [3]. One could say that the "product of plant change and time is small" [5]. The control design problem is then to find a controller that makes the closed loop system satisfy the specifications.
Robust Control
The robust control problem is to find a feedback controller G(s) and a prefilter F ( s ) , see Figure 7.1, such that the specifications (7.2), (7.3), etc, are satisfied for each member in the plant set {Pi(s)}. Note that the actual controller implementation may differ from the canonical form shown in Figure 7.1. I f a solution is found, then the specifications are also satisfied for slow plant drift, due to the quasi-LTI assumption in section 7.2. If, in addition, the specifications include the rejection of disturbances equivalent to the envisaged "occasional jumps", and a solution is found, then the specifications are also satisfied during plant jumps. Some robust control methods were mentioned in the introduction. Here a few details about Q F T will be given, since Q F T will be used for illustration. For the reader familiar with the H ~ - m e t h o d , we would like to point out that the SISO robust sensitivity problem for a plant with unstructured multiplicative uncertainty only, is identical for H ~ and for Q F T (cf. Figure 2.17 in [14]). In QFT, the specifications and the plant uncertainty set {Pi (s)} give rise, for each frequency w, to a complex valued set Bc(jw) such that G(jw) E Bc(jw) r the specifications are satisfied for each member in {Pi(s)}. Then, BL(joa) : BG(jw)Pnom(jw), where Pnom(8) E {Pi(s)} is an arbitrary nominal plant, such that Lnom(jw) E BL (jw) r the specifications are satisfied for each member in {Pi(s)}, where Lnom(S) = Pnom(s)G(s) is the nominal compensated open loop. In general, the Horowitz bound OBL(jw), defined as the border of BL(jw), is displayed in a Nichols chart. With Horowitz bounds for several frequencies displayed, L . . . . (jw) is manually loopshaped in order to satisfy the specifications. See Figure 7.2.
Robust and A d a p t i v e Control
Controller adjustment F u
F i g . 7.3. The closed loop control system for adaptive control.
The ideal adaptive control would be dual control [3], in which the control signal is optimal for both plant estimation and control. Unfortunately dual control is computationally prohibitive. LTI based adaptive control should have the following desired capabilities: estimate the current plant model, redesign the controller, and decide when to estimate/redesign [5]. Many types of adaptive controllers do not have all these features; instead, a practical definition of adaptive control could be: "an adaptive controller is a controller with adjustable parameters, and a mechanism for adjustment" [3]. See Figure 7.3. The parameters are adjusted such t h a t after convergence, the specifications (7.2), (7.3), etc, are satisfied. The Certainty Equivalence (CE) adaptive controller combines p a r a m e t e r estimation (RLS, LMS, etc) with some control design method (pole placement, MRAS, etc). The controller parameter are computed as if the current p a r a m e t e r estimate is true. Under ideal conditions (no noise, no disturbances, no undermodelling, minimum phase plant) MRAS gives boundedness and convergence [3]. To handle some of the non-ideal conditions, detuning from CE, such as dead-zone, a-modification, back-stepping, etc, have been suggested [5]. A functioning CE a d a p t i v e controller handles slow plant drift very well. The a d a p t a t i o n transient after the occasional plant j u m p is however often very unsatisfactory, as illustrated in the next section.
Per-Olof G u t m a n
Yt "~'
F i g . 7.4. Simulation of the robust control system. The upper and lower graphs show step responses and the control signals, respectively. On the left, the plant gain k changes from 1 to 4 at time t = 15 s while T = I . On the right, the time constant T changes from 1 to 0.5 at time t ---- 15 s while k ---- 1.
An auto-tuner [3] is an adaptive controller where the control law is automatically updated only after the convergence of the parameter estimate, and only on human operator demand and under operator supervision. Thus the disadvantages of the CE adaptive controller are avoided, but an auto-tuner is not able to handle neither plant drift nor plant jumps without human intervention. Gain scheduling [3] is a scheme where you apply different pre-computed controllers for each operating condition. The operating condition is given in a separate identification loop based on measured external signals or process variables. Often soft transfer between the different controllers is implemented. Since the system is almost LTI at all times, there are no stability problems. Cain scheduling handles plant drift well, if for each operating condition the controller is robust. Plant j u m p s within an operating condition are also handled if the local controller is designed appropriately. The difficulties with CE adaptive control seem to be due to the interference between the identification and control loops [5]. Therefore a new type of adaptive controllers have been suggested and researched lately, under names such as Two time scale adaptive control, Intermittent adaptive control, or Switched adaptive control, attempting to combine the advantages of Auto-tuning and Gain Scheduling.
Robust and Adaptive Control
The identification and control loops are separated with the control parameters being updated only when necessary and when the identification has converged. Hence the closed loop is LTI at (almost) all times and there is no local stability problem. It is however not clear how these controllers behave during slow plant drift and occasional plant jumps. This is a main issue of this paper.
Fig. 7.5. Simulation of the adaptive control system. The upper and lower graphs show step responses and the control signals, respectively. On the left, the plant gain k changes from 1 to 4 at time t ----15 s while T = I . On the right, the time constant T changes from 1 to 0.5 at time t ----15 s while k = 1.
R o b u s t vs. A d a p t i v e
This example is found in [2]. Consider the uncertain plant
k (l+Ts) 2
k 9 [1,41 and T 9 [0.5, 21.
Per-Olof G u t m a n
A Q F T design was performed with a servo specification having a bandwidth of 2 rad/s. Simulation results are shown in Figure 7.4. The resulting controller was
G(s) = 4 . 1 0 7 .
(s+0.25) (s+1.5) 1 s " (s + 30) (s 2 + 5008 + 250000)'
1 F ( s ) = 2.89. s2 + 1.87s + 2.89"
As a comparison, an explicit second order adaptive pole placement controller, with RLS as the parameter estimator was implemented with a sampling interval = 0.3 seconds. The required pole location had a natural frequency = 1.5 rad/s and the relative damping = 0.707. Thus the specifications of the two designs were similar. Simulations of the adaptive control system are found in Figure 7.5. It is clear from the simulations that the adaptive controller exhibits unsatisfactory transients during adaptation, while the robust controller works fine. However, after convergence, the adaptive controller has the same reference step response for different plant cases. The same conclusion is drawn from Example 10.1 in [3]. Robust control is stable and satisfactorily controls the plant during occasional plant jumps and slow plant drift. A C E adaptive controller is stable only under restrictive assumptions, exhibits ugly transients during plant jumps, but controls the plant more uniformly during slow or no drift. In fact, an adaptive control solution may be found (with the exception of plant jumps) for a larger uncertainty set or for tighter specifications, when no robust solution exists. The challenge is how to marry robust and adaptive control to get the best of both.
A d a p t i v e control from a robust p e r s p e c t i v e
Figure 7.6 shows the trade-off in all feedback design: If the plant uncertainty increases, more feedback gain is needed to maintain the same specifications. If the specifications get tighter more feedback gain is needed if the plant uncertainty remains unchanged. The trade-off will be illustrated with a scalar example. Referring to Figure 7.1, let P(s) = k C [kmin,kmax] be a scalar gain plant, and G(s) = g > 0 a scalar compensator. Let the plant uncertainty be defined by kmax/kmin. Referring to (7.2), let the specification for the closed loop uncertainty A be given by Z~ ~-- maxk I~'l _ kmax mink ISI - kmin
1 ~-kming < b 1 § kmaxg -- a
where b > a are given, and S = P G / ( 1 + P G ) is the complementary sensitivity function. A plot of A as a function of g is shown in Figure 7.7 for two different values of kmax/kmi~. Clearly the trade-off mentioned above holds. With QFT, the tradeoff is apparent at each frequency. This is illustrated with the following example. Consider the uncertain plant
sTa P ( s ) = k - l + 2r
+s2/w 2e-~''
k E [2,5], a C [1,3], r e [0.3, 0.6], T E [0, 0.05].
The uncertainty at each frequency, w, is defined as the value set [14], or template [9], {P~(jw)}. In Figure 7.8, ( P ( 2 j ) } is illustrated. Notice that the maximum gain of
Robust and A d a p t i v e Control
Closedloop specs Feedbackgain
Trade-off Plantuncertainty F i g . 7.6. The trade-off in feedback design.
{P(2j)} is 27 dB and the minimum gain is 13 dB, i.e. the plant gain uncertainty at 2 r a d / s is 14 dB. Referring to (7.2), assume that the original servo specification in Figure 7.9 has to be satisfied. From the figure it transpires, t h a t the remaining closed loop gain uncertainty at 2 r a d / s must satisfy Zl(2) -- max~
< 3.73 dB
mini [S(2j)[ where S(jw) is the complementary sensitivity function and i is taken as the plant cases. The resulting Horo@itz bound, OBL(2j), is shown in Figure 7.10. Notice that the gain of the bound depends on the phase. Assume now t h a t a tighter specification is desired for which A(2) < 2.13 dB. Then it follows t h a t the new Horo@itz bound for 2 r a d / s is about 5 dB higher than before, see Figure 7.10, implying t h a t the feedback controller gain must increase by about 5 dB. If, however, at the current operating condition e.g. the plant zero is less uncertain, such t h a t a E [2.5, 3], and this can be detected by an on-line parameter estimation algorithm, then the templates and Horowitz bounds can be recomputed. In Figure 7.8 the reduced uncertainty template for 2 r a d / s is displayed. We notice t h a t the template is considerably thinner and shorter than the original fat and tall one. Therefore, the ensuing Horowitz bound for the tighter specification will have lower gain (Figure 7.10) and almost become equal to the original Horowitz bound valid for the original plant with the original uncertainty and the original specification. Hence
Per-Olof O u t m a n
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. I
I . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
I . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
I . . . . . . . . . .
.L . . . . . . . . . . .
I. . . . . . . . . . I
~ . . . . . . . . . . I
T . . . . . . . . . . . I
2 t .....
. . . . . . . . . . .
-t I
I . . . . . . . . . .
I . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
I . . . . . . . . . .
7 I
'-i . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
i . . . . . . . . . .
..i . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . .
A I8[--~
I -~ . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .
"n . . . . . . . . . .
I . . . . . . . . . .
.......... :2
:o.5 I
', I
Fig. 7.7. The remaining closed loop uncertainty AI as a function of the feedback gain g for two different values of the open loop uncertainty km~,•
the trade-off in Figure 7.6 is apparent: A tighter specification can be off-set by increased plant knowledge. But why not increase the feedback gain when larger plant uncertainty or tighter specifications require it? This can of course be done to a certain extent, and that is the basis of robust control. There are however fundamental limitations in feedback control [15]. Any real-life plant includes delay or is non minimum-phase, or has large phase uncertainty at high frequencies. Then the phase margin requirement together with Bodes gain-phase relationship imposes a bandwidth limitation, and hence a limit on the allowed feedback gain. Moreover, the sensor noise is amplified at the plant input by - G / ( 1 + PG), see Figure 7.1. High feedback compensator gain is not wanted at the sensor noise frequencies, since it may cause actuator saturation and wear, or require the use of a more expensive, low noise sensor. By decreasing plant uncertainty, adaptation fights the fundamental feedback gain limitation, and shifts the trade-off in favor of tighter closed loops specifications. See Figure 7.11. The landmark paper [16] presents an algorithm how to adapt the parameters of a robust controller when more plant knowledge becomes available, and demonstrates the benefits. Gain adaptation of a robust controller is described in [6,17].
Robust and Adaptive Control
26 26
ff"---'~-'----'--'- "~---~"
,pl e I
16 14 "--
Fig. 7.8. Original template, {P(2j)}, from (7.7); the nominal plant with k = 2, a = 3, ~ -- 0.6, wn = 4, ~- = 0.05; and the reduced template which differs from (7.7) in that a 9 [2.5, 3].
T h e r61e of a d a p t a t i o n
The r61e of adaptation is to identify the plant templates {P~(jw)} at those frequencies that constrain the design, i.e. in Q F T parlance, the frequencies at which Lnom(jw) 9 OBL(jW) or, if the design failed, Lnom(jw) ~ BL(jw). The identification should be helpful for the design purpose to satisfy the specifications with least possible feedback gain, and could therefore e.g. be selective with respect to what plant parameters to estimate. In Figure 7.8 the identification of one parameter only was sufficient to decrease the template size so that the feedback gain requirement decreased by 5 dB. Figure 7.7 illustrates the case when there is a sensitivity specification, S < 6 dB that is satisfied tightly for some frequency. The identification of a smaller template (shaded area) is helpful only if it increases the distance from the template to the 6 dB sensitivity locus. Moreover, the adaptive controller should be able to redesign or retune the robust controller on which it is based, and switch the controller from one robust controller to another, in order to keep the closed loop system robust and quasi-LTI.
Per-Olof G u t m a n
I I ~111 I I ~111 I Itllll
I ~tlll
~ |llllii ~ I ~ Illtl ~ | tlllll
i L
~ ~
I III1~1 I I II1!1 I I III I
l~ | ~
0 ~
" ~
I ~
I IIIl,~l
I I ~
r- q" q-rrn~r
I I1~ - - - ~--r-r,
r r~k
I I ~lll
I I~111
~ ! ~lllll~lll
1 .I Jl ~-zLIL
, I ill~i
| ~
J.,~.~ -
12o ....
," :.oI
I ~ ~
| :~
r - l - 1-'rI
I Ii
.... 9
102 radls
Fig. 7.9. The original closed loop servo specification. The right hand side in (7.8) is given by the difference, 3.73 dB, between the two arrows.
A d a p t i v e robust control
It is however not sufficient to base the redesign or re-tuning of the robust controller on only the helpfully identified templates. Certainty equivalence is not suitable. The currently applied robust controller must be based on templates that incorporate plant cases to which the plant may drift or j u m p during the period to the next controller update. We call this paradigm Adaptive Robust Control. A block diagram is found in Figure 7.7. Composite templates can e.g. be constructed as follows, see Figure 7.7. Before taking into account template extension due to possible plant drift and plant jumps, the identified template may be based on probing at selected frequencies [4] or may even be a frequency function point estimate, e.g. from some common recursive estimation algorithm [3]. A probabilistic template, e.g. the point estimate and its 1 a ellipse (in the Nyquist diagram) could constitute the template on which a high performance design is based, e.g. satisfying a servo specification (7.2). A worst case template, e.g. identified with set membership methods [7,13] could serve as the template for stability design only. Finally, the trade-off between specifications, design template size, speed of plant drift and size of plant jumps, and the speed of on-line identification and controller u p d a t i n g can be illustrated as in Figure 7.7.
Robust and Adaptive Control
25 "1
i TM " '
~l~nt ~
'| ,
I~L r
; , ,-
f t . ' ~ " - ~ ,
i Is "
i, -
t, ~
Iql I Ill
18 (i O9 "
%~. x'~
" ~ r ~ ~+"
r "
~ e ".~ ~
., ,,~~
~.,,-ri-I~ i
."., ...- ,. , ',::
-5 -10
-1 ~
Fig. 7.10. The Horowitz bounds ogBL (2j) for the original template and the original specification ("original"); the original template and tighter specifications ("...tighter specs"); and the reduced template with tighter specifications (unmarked).
A lot of research remains to be done before Adaptive Robust Control is in place whereby Adaptive Control solidly lies on Robust Control. Current on-line identification routines have to be developed further to identify templates in the required, selective, way. One useful idea may be found in [4]. Few algorithms for switched adaptation of robust controllers have been published, [16] being a landmark exception. Nevertheless one should mention [12] as a very successful application of the ideas presented in this paper. So, what about fidelity or a free relationship in the marriage between Robust and Adaptive Control? Obviously, Adaptive Control should stick to fidelity. Robust Control may however fiddle around, but not with too fat templates.
Acknowledgement I warmly thank my friends and colleagues Bo Egardt, Arie Feuer, Izchak Lewkowicz, Leonid Mirkin, and H~ctor Rotstein for helpful discussions during the preparation of this paper.
Per-Olof Gutman
Fundamental Limitations
J Plant uncertainty Feedbackgain
~ Trade-off Closed loop specs Fig. 7.11. The trade-off in feedback design with adapatation.
isLl d
~ not helpful
he ,ful
Fig. 7.12. Helpful and unhelpful identification of a smaller template.
I ldenti~catiOnI~
I Design
Robust and Adaptive Control
~7o' I
Fig. 7.13. The block diagram for Adaptive Robust Control.
f Fig. '/.14. The identified template (solid), the probabilistic template for performance design (dashed), and the worst case template for stability design only (shaded), before template extension due to possible plant drift and plant jumps.
Per-Olof Gutman
SDeedofDiantdrift ~ { Speedofiden~ ~ ofcontrollerupd~ Fig. 7.15. The Trade-Off in Adaptive Robust Control. A long identification time may give accurately identified templates, but will still require large design templates due to possible plant drift and jumps.
References 1. Ackermann J. (1993) Robust Control: Systems with Uncertain Physical Parameters. Springer, New York. 2. _~strSm K. J., Neumann L., Gutman P.-O. (1986) A comparison between robust and adaptive control of uncertain systems. Proc. 2nd IFAC Workshop on Adapative Systems in Control and Signal Processing, 37-42, Lund, Sweden, July 1-3. 3. /~strSm K. J., Wittenmark B. (1995) Adaptive Control - - Second Edition. Addison-Wesley, Reading, Ma. 4. Galperin N., Gutman P.-O., Rotstein H. (1996) Value set identification using Lissajou figure sets. Proc. 13th World Congress of IFAC, vol I, San Fransisco, California, USA, 30 June - 5 July. 5. Goodwin G., Feuer A., Mayne D. (2000) Adaptive Control: Where to Now?. Preprint. 6. Gutman P.-O., Levin H., Neumann L., Sprecher T., Venezia E. (1988) Robust and adaptive control of a beam deflector. IEEE Trans. Aut. Contr., 33 (7), 610-619. 7. Gutman P.-O. (1994) On-line parameter interval estimation using Recursive Least Squares. Int. J. Adaptive Control &=Signal Processing, 8, 61-72. 8. Gutman P.-O. (1996) Qsyn - - the Toolbox for Robust Control Systems Design for use with Matlab, Users Guide. E1-Op Electro-Optics Industries Ltd, Rehovot, Israel. 9. Horowitz I. M. (1963) Synthesis of Feedback Systems. Academic Press, New York. 10. Horowitz I. M., Sidi M. (1972) Synthesis of feedback systems with large plant ignorance for prescribed time domain tolerances. Int. J. Control, 16, 2,287-309.
Robust and Adaptive Control
11. Horowitz I. M. (1993) Quantitative Feedback Theory (QFT) vol. 1. QFT Publications, Boulder, Co. 12. Nordin M. (2000) Nonlinear Backlash Compensation for Speed Controlled Elastic Systems. Doctoral Thesis, Division of Optimization and Systems Theory, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. 13. Rotstein H., Galperin N., Gutman P.-O. (1998) Set membership approach for reducing value sets in the frequency domain. IEEE Trans. Aut. Contr., 43, no 9, 1346-1350. 14. Sdnchez-Pefia R. S., Sznaier M. (1998) Robust Systems Theory and Applications. Wiley Interscience, New York. 15. Seron M. M., Braslavsky J. H., Goodwin G. C. (1997) ~ n d a m e n t a l Limitations in Filtering and Control. Springer Verlag, London. 16. Yaniv O., Gutman P.-O., Neumann L. (1990) An Algorithm for the Adaptation of a Robust Controller to Reduced Plant Uncertainty. Automatica, 26, 4, 709720. 17. Zhou T., Kimura H. (1994) Robust-control of the Sydney Benchmark Problem with intermittent adaptation. Automatica, 30, 4, 629-632.
8 E x p e r i m e n t s in S p a t i a l Piezoelectric Laminate Beam
Control of a *
D u n a n t Halim and S.O. Reza Moheimani Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Newcastle, Callaghan, NSW 2308, Australia
A b s t r a c t . This paper is aimed to develop a feedback controller that suppresses vibration of flexible structures. The controller is designed to minimize the spatial 7-/~o norm of the closed-loop system, which guarantees average reduction of vibration throughout the entire structure. The spatial 7-/o0 control problem can be solved by finding an equivalent system representation that allows the solution to a standard T/~ control problem to be used. Feedthrough terms are incorporated into the flexible-structure model to correct the locations of the in-bandwidth zeros. The controller is applied to a simply-supported piezoelectric laminate beam and is validated experimentally to show the effectiveness of the proposed controller in suppressing structural vibration. It is shown that the spatial 7-/~ control has an advantage over the pointwise ~ control in minimizing the vibration of the entire structure. This spatial T/~ control methodology can also be applied to more general structural vibration suppression problems.
Vibration is a natural phenomena that may occur in all dynamic systems, such as flexible structures. Vibrations in flexible structures can be detrimental to structural performance and stability. Thus, it is important to find a means of suppressing structural vibrations. In this paper, we describe a controller design framework for suppressing the unwanted structural vibrations in flexible structures. Flexible structures are distributed parameter systems. Therefore, vibration of each point is dynamically related to the vibrations of every other point over the structure. If a controller is designed with a view to minimizing structural vibrations at a limited number of points, it could have negative effects on vibration profile of the rest of the structure. The concept of spatial 7-/~ control was first introduced by the second author in [1] for the purpose of suppressing structural vibration over the entire structure. This paper presents experimental implementation of this concept on a piezoelectric laminate beam for the first time. Based on this concept, the controller is designed such that the spatial 7-/~ norm of the closed loop system is minimized. Minimizing the spatial T/~ norm of the system will guarantee vibration suppression over the entire structure in an average sense. This spatial T/~ control problem can be solved by finding an equivalent * This research was supported by the Centre for Integrated Dynamics and Control and the Australian Research Council. Work of the first author was supported via a University of Newcastle RMC scholarship.
Dunant Halim, S.O. Reza Moheimani
system representation that allows a standard 7-Ur control optimization problem to be solved instead. The spatial 7-/~ control produces a controller with similar dimensions as t h a t of the plant. If the modal analysis technique is used to develop a model, a direct truncation can be used to obtain a finite dimensional model of the system. However, it is known that the locations of the in-bandwidth zeros are not accurate because of truncation [2-5]. This inaccuracy can have negative effect on the closed loop stability. To fix this problem, we add a feedthrough term to the model to correct the locations of the zeros as discussed in [2-5]. This technique is known in the aeroelasticity literature as the mode acceleration m e t h o d [6]. To demonstrate our proposed controller, a SISO (Single Input, Single O u t p u t ) spatial 7"/oo controller is designed for a piezoelectric laminate beam to suppress the vibration of the first six bending modes of the structure. Th e controller is applied to a real structure, a simply-supported beam with a collocated piezoelectric actuator-sensor pair. Piezoelectric devices have shown promising applications in active vibration control of flexible structures [7-12]. The ability of piezoelectric materials to convert mechanical strain into electrical voltage and vice versa allows them to be used as actuators and sensors when placed on flexible structures. This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the dynamics of flexible structures such as those with collocated piezoelectric actuator-sensor pairs. Section 3 briefly describes the notion of spatial norms that are used as performance measures for flexible structures. Section 4 deals with the model correction to reduce the error in the location of zeros of the model. Section 5 describes the concept of spatial T / ~ control for flexible structures. Section 6 discusses the design of a feedback SISO controller for suppressing the vibration of the first six modes of a simplysupported piezoelectric laminate beam. Section 7 presents experimental validations on the application of the developed controller to a beam structure. The last section concludes the overall of the paper.
Models of flexible structures
Fig. 8.1. A simply-supported beam with a number of collocated piezoelectric patches.
In this section, we briefly explain how a model of a beam with a number of collocated P Z T actuator-sensor pairs can be obtained using a modal analysis technique. Interested readers can refer to [9,10] for more detailed derivations.
Experiments in Spatial Hr
Consider a homogeneous Euler-Bernoulli beam with length L, width W and thickness h as shown in Figure 8.1. The piezoelectric actuators and sensors have length Lpx, width Lpy and thickness hp. In this paper, we assume that hp << h, which is true for the patches that are used in our experiments. Thus, the assumption of uniform beam properties can be justified. However, we can also use approximation methods such as the finite element method to deal with more general non-uniform structures. Suppose there are M collocated actuator-sensor pairs distributed along the structure. Piezoelectric patches on one side of the beam are used as sensors, while patches on the other side are used as actuators. Voltages that are applied to actuating patches are represented by Va (t) = [Val ( t ) , . . . , YaM (t)] T. We assume that a model of the structure is obtained via the modal analysis procedure. This procedure requires finding a solution to the partial differential equation (PDE) which describes the dynamics of the composite system. The governing P D E of a flexible beam is as follows [8,13],
EI ~04z(x't)Ox
+ pAb 02z(x't)-~ -- 02Mp*(x't)Ox z
where the beam transverse deflection at point x and at time t is denoted by z(x, t). Also, p and Ab represent the density and the cross-sectional area of the beam, while E and I are the Young's Modulus and the moment of inertia about the neutral axis of the beam respectively. The right-hand-side term represents the forcing function produced by the piezoelectric actuator. In this case, Mpx is the forcing moment acting on the beam. The PDE can be solved independently for each mode by using the orthogonality properties of its eigenfunctions, Wk, which are as follows for the case of a uniform beam,
fo ~ Wk(x) w~(x) dx =
fo L E1 d4Wk pAb dx 4 Wp dx = w~ 5kv
(8.2) (8.3)
where wk describes the natural frequency of the beam at mode k. Here, 5kp is Kronecker's delta function, that is, 5kp = 0 for all k # p, and equals one if k = p. The MIIO (Multiple-Input, Infinite-Output) transfer function from the applied actuator-voltages, Va(s), to the transverse structural deflection z(s, x) at location x is, G(s, x) = P
s 2 + 2r ~k s + ~
where ~k = [k~kl,. 9 , ~kM] T and the mode n u m b e r is denoted by k. k~ki is a function of the location of the i th piezoelectric actuator-sensor pair and the eigenfunction Wk(x) (see [12,14,15]). The damping ratio is denoted by ~k respectively and P is a constant that is dependent on the properties of the structure and the piezoceramic patches. Such models have the interesting property that they describe spatial and spectral properties of the system. The spatial information of these models can then be
D u n a n t Halim, S.O. Reza Moheimani
used to design controllers, which guarantee a certain level of damping for the entire structure. Furthermore, the MIMO (Multiple-Input, Multiple-Output) transfer function of the flexible structure with piezoelectric actuator-sensor (collocated) pairs can be determined in a similar manner. The transfer function from the applied actuatorvoltages V~(s) to the induced voltages at the sensor Vs(s) ---- [Vsl (8),... , VsM(S)] T is,
Gw(s) = Pw
s2 +2r
where Pvs = T P > 0 is a constant based on the properties of the structure and the piezoceramic patches.
This section presents an overview of the spatial norms of signals and systems. For a more detailed review of this concept, the reader is referred to [5]. Consider the transfer function G(s,x), where x E X , which maps an input signal w(t) E R m to the output signal z ( x , t ) C R • X (see Figure 8.2). Hence, z ( x , t ) is spatially distributed over the set X.
-1 G(s,x)
Fig. 8.2. System G(s, x)
The spatial 7/2 norm of the signal z(x, t) is defined as,
<( z >>2 -=
Z(X, t)Tz(x, t)dxdt.
The spatial 7/2 norm of the signal z can be interpreted as the total energy of the signal z(x, t). Now, let G be the linear operator which maps the inputs of G ( s , x ) to its outputs. The spatial induced norm of G is defined as (see [5]), << G >>2 =
<< z >>22
where IIw1122= f o w(t)Tw(t) dt" Moreover, following [5], the spatial 7/0~ norm of G(s, x) is defined as, <
w h e r e ~max (F) represents the maximum eigenvalue of the matrix F.
Experiments in Spatial H~o Control
Theorem (3.1) of [5] gives a representation of the spatial 7-/~ norm of G(s, x) in terms of total energy of z(x, t) and energy of the input signal w(t). The theorem states that, <<:G>>-- < < G > > ~ .
It is possible to add spatial weights to all of the above definitions, to emphasize the regions that are of more importance. This issue will be further explained in Section 5.
Model Correction
In practice, dynamical models of a flexible structure as described in (8.4) and (8.5) have to be truncated to represent the system by a finite-dimensional model. The model can be truncated so to include only the modes within the frequency bandwidth of interest. However, the truncation of the model produces additional error in the locations of the in-bandwidth zeros. This is due to the fact that the contribution of the out-of-bandwidth modes is generally ignored in the truncation. One way to improve the truncated model dynamics is to include a feedthrough term to correct the locations of the in-bandwidth zeros. This technique is known in the aeroelasticity literature as the mode acceleration method [6] and has been re-visited in [2-5]. Thus, the infinite-dimensional model of the collocated system in (8.5) can be approximated as GNu(s), GvN~(s)
2 + K,~
where N is the number of modes included in the model, and Kv8 is a M • M matrix added to correct the location of in-bandwidth zeros. For a general multivariable system, Kv8 can be found using the method proposed in [4]. For a SISO system, Kv~ will be a scalar. Similarly, we describe the approximate spatial transfer function of G(s, x) in (8.4) by,
Gg(s'x) --~ P ~
s 2 -~2-~k-~;s-+ 2 + K(x) 02k
where K(x) is a 1 x M vector. K(x) is a function of the spatial variable, x. It has to be estimated from the modal model of the system. One technique that can be used is to find the feedthrough term that minimizes the weighted spatial ~r162norm of the error between the infinite-dimensional and truncated models is presented in [5]. The term K(x) is determined such that the following cost function is minimized,
J = << Wc(s,x) (G(s,x) - GN(s,x)) >>~.
Here, We(s, x) is an ideal low-pass weighting function distributed spatially over X with its cut-off frequency wc chosen to lie within the interval wc C (WN, WN+I).
D u n a n t Halim, S.O. Reza Moheimani The cost function (8.12) is minimized by setting [5],
K(x) ---- ~
K kovtWk(x)
where, k
_-- 2
09 k
02 2
Note that in practice we can only include a finite number of modes to calculate the feedthrough term, K(x).
Spatial 7-/oo c o n t r o l of a p i e z o e l e c t r i c l a m i n a t e beam
w+~+ Controller
-x Z
F i g . 8.3. Spatial ~
control of a flexible beam
This section is concerned with the problem of spatial T/~ control for flexible structures. Consider a typical disturbance rejection problem for a flexible structure such as the one shown in Figure 8.3. The system consists of only one piezoelectric actuator-sensor pair for the sake of clarity. Here, the purpose of the controller is to reduce the effect of disturbance, w(t), on the entire structure, using piezoelectric actuators and sensors. The concept of spatial 7-/oo control was introduced in [1] to address problems of this nature. A spatially-distributed linear time-invariant dynamical system such as the beam in Figure 8.3 can be defined in its state-space form as,
~(t) = A2(t) + Blw(t) + B2u(t) z(x, t) = C1 (x)~2(t) + Dll (x)w(t) + D12 (x)u(t) V~(t) = C22(t) + D21w(t) + D22u(t)
where 9 E R ~ is the state, w E R is the disturbance input, u E R is the control input, z is the performance output, V~ E R is the measured output. For a flexible structure, z(x, t) represents the spatial displacement at time t, where x E X.
Experiments in Spatial H ~ Control
The system matrices in (8.15) can be obtained from transfer functions (8.10) and (8.11). Note t h a t for the system shown in Figure 8.3, D22 ----D21 in (8.15) is the feedthrough term gv~ described in (8.10), while D n (x) = O12 (x) is K(x) in (8.13). Moreover, B1 --- B2 since disturbance is assumed to enter the system through the actuator. The spatial 7-/oo control problem is to design a controller,
5ck(t) = Akxk(t) + Bk V~(t) u(t) = Ckxk(t) + DkV~(t)
such that the closed-loop system satisfies, inf
J ~ < 72
where U is the set of all stabilizing controllers and,
j ~ = f o f x z(x, t)TQ(x)z(x, t)dxdt f o w(t)Tw(t) dt
Here, Q(x) is a spatial weighting function. The purpose of Q(x) is to emphasize the region where the vibration is to be d a m p e d more heavily. The numerator in (8.18) is the weighted spatial 7-/2 norm of z(x, t) [7,16]. Therefore, J ~ can be interpreted as the ratio of the spatial energy of the o u t p u t of the system to the energy of its input. The control problem is depicted in Figure 8.4. w(t)
-I K(s) F i g . 8.4. Spatial 7-/o~ control problem It can be shown by the method in [1] t h a t the above problem is equivalent to a standard 7-/oo control problem for the following system,
~(t) ----A2(t) + Blw(t) + B2u(t) 2(t) = H 2(t) + Ow(t) + Ou(t) Vs(t) = C22(t) + D21w(t) + D2eu(t) where D21 = D22 and [H
I'TF-~ f ax
D11(x) T
.D12(x) T
@] = F . Here, F is any matrix t h a t satisfies,
Q(x) [Cl(X)
D~2(x)] dx,
Dunant Halim, S.O. Reza Moheimani
and D l l (x) ----D12 (x). Hence, the system in (8.19) can be solved using a standard T/~r control technique [17,18]. The spatial ~ controller can be regarded as a controller that reduces structural vibration in an average sense. T h e resonant peaks will be particularly targeted by this controller, which is desirable for our purpose of minimizing structural vibration. It can be observed that the T / ~ control problem associated with the system described in (8.19) is non-singular. This is due to the existence of feedthrough terms from the disturbance to the measured output and from the control signal to the performance output. Had we not corrected the location of in-bandwidth zeros, the resulting T/ ~ control problem would have been singular. Designing a 7-/~ controller for the system (8.19) may result in a very high gain controller. This could be attributed to the fact that the term O in (8.19) does not represent a physical weight on the control signal. Rather, it represents the effect of truncated modes on the in-bandwidth dynamics of the system. This problem can be fixed by introducing a weight on the control signal. This can be achieved by re-writing (8.19) as,
~(t) = A2(t) + Blw(t) + B2u(t)
Vs(t) = C22(t) + D21w(t) + D~2u(t)
where R is a weighting matrix with compatible dimensions. What makes this system different from (8.19) is the existence of matrix R in the error output, ~. The matrix R serves as a weighting matrix to balance the controller effort with respect to the degree of vibration reduction that can be achieved. This can be shown to be equivalent to adding a term, f o u(t)TRTRu(t) dt' to the numerator of the cost function, J ~ in (8.18). Setting R with smaller elements might lead to higher vibration reduction but at the expense of a higher controller gain. In practice, one has to make a compromise between the level of vibration reduction and controller gain by choosing a suitable R.
Controller design
In this section, effectiveness of the spatial ~ control method will be demonstrated on a laboratory scale apparatus. A simply-supported flexible beam - such as the one shown in Figure 8.1 - with a collocated piezoelectric actuator-sensor pair attached to it is used in the experiments. The apparatus is shown in Figure 8.5. Th e structure consists of a 60 cm long uniform aluminum beam of a rectangular cross section (50 m m • 3 ram). The beam is pinned at both ends. A pair of piezoelectric ceramic elements is attached symmetrically to either side of the beam, 50 m m away from one end of the beam. The piezoceramic elements used in our experiment are PIC151 patches. These patches are 25 m m wide, 70 m m long and 0.25 m m thick. Th e physical parameters of PIC151 are given in Table 8.1. A model of the composite structure is obtained via modal analysis. We use the equivalent standard 7-/~ control problem described in (8.21) for our spatial 7-/~ controller. Here, V~ is the output
Experiments in Spatial H~o Control
F i g . 8.5. A piezoelectric laminate beam T a b l e 8.1. Properties of PIC151 piezoceramics Piezoceramic Young's Modulus, Ep
6.70 x 101~ N / m 2
Charge constant, daa
- 2 . 1 0 x 10 - l ~ m / V
Voltage constant, g31
- 1 . 1 5 x 10 .2 V m / N
Capacitance, C
1.05 x 10 . 7 F
Electromechanical coupling factor, k31
voltage from the piezoelectric sensor, while u is the control input voltage from the controller. Here we wish to control only the first six vibration modes of the beam via a SISO controller. Hence, the model is truncated to include only the first six modes. The 7-/oo control design procedure will then produce a 12 th order controller. This means that the controller complexity can be reduced effectively. The effect of outof-bandwidth modes has to be taken into consideration to correct the locations of the in-bandwidth zeros of the truncated model as discussed in the Section 8.4. Based on the experimental frequency-response data from actuator voltage to sensor voltage, the feedthrough term in (8.10), D21 = D22 = K v ~ , is found to be 0.033 if the first six modes are considered in the model (see also [19]). Since the disturbance is assumed to enter the system through the same channel as the controller, the SISO transfer functions from w and u to the transverse deflection of the beam, z ( x , t ) , are the same, i.e. G N ( s , x ) . Incorporating (8.13) and (8.14) in (8.11), we have, N
Wk (x) r
K k
Notice that N ~-- 6 since we wish to find a controller of minimal order to control the first six modes of the structure. The feedthrough term is calculated by considering modes N + I to N , ~ , = 200 to obtain a reasonable spatial approximation to the feedthrough term. Similarly, the SISO transfer functions from w and u to the collocated sensor voltage, V~, are denoted by GNv~(S) (8.10),
N k=l
+ KV,
D u n a n t Halim, S.O. Reza Moheimani
The state-space model of the spatial 7-/~ control problem can be defined as in (8.15), with:
A = L A21
A22 J
where, A21 = -diag(w~,
A22 =
- 2diag( ~lwl,
,w~v) . . . , ~NWN )
and, B1 = B2 = P [0 C1 (x) :
[Wl i x)
... -..
C2 = T [q'11
WN ( x ) ~N1
~]gl] T
Nmax I~k Wk(x)
D21 = D22
k:Nq-1 ---- Kvs.
The spatial weighting function Q ( x ) is set equal to one, which means that all points along the beam are weighted equally. Based on (8.20), we can obtain the error output in (8.21), 2, using the orthogonality property in (8.2), w i t h / / and (9 as follows,
[INxN ON• I~ ~ [ON• ON• I [.01•
-02Nxl 0
('~-,N .....
] ( K O P t ~ 2 - ~ 89
\z-~k=N+l~ k J J The scalar weighting factor, R, can then be determined to find a controller with sufficient damping properties and robustness. Matlab #-Analysis and Synthesis Toolbox was used to calculate our spatial 7-/oo controller based on the system in (8.21) via a state-space approach.
Experimental validations
The experiment was set in the Laboratory for Dynamics and Control of Smart Structures at the University of Newcastle, Australia. The experimental set-up is depicted in Figure 8.6. The controller was implemented using a dSpace DSl103 rapid prototyping Controller Board together with the Matlab and Simulink software. The sampling frequency was set at 20 KHz. The cut-off frequencies of the two low-pass filters were set at 3 KHz. A high voltage amplifier, capable of driving highly capacitive loads, was used to supply necessary voltage for the actuating piezoelectric patch. An HP89410A Dynamic Signal AnMyzer was used to obtain frequency responses of the piezoelectric laminate beam. A Polytec PSV-300 Laser
Experiments in Spatial H ~ Control Amplifier
LP Filter
LP Filter
Signal Analyzer F i g . 8.6. Experimental set-up
Doppler Scanning Vibrometer was also used to obtain the frequency response of the beam's vibration. This laser vibrometer allows accurate vibration measurement at any point on the beam by measuring the Doppler frequency shift of the laser beam that is reflected back from the vibrating surface. Important parameters of the beam, such as resonant frequencies and damping ratios, were obtained from the experiment and were used to correct our model. Our simulation and experimental results are presented in the following. The frequency response of the controller is shown in Figure 8.7. It can be observed that the controller has a resonant nature. This is expected and can be attributed to the highly resonant nature of the beam. That is, the controller tries to apply a high gain at each resonant frequency. Figure 8.8 compares frequency responses of the open-loop and closed-loop systems (actuator voltage to sensor voltage) for both simulation and experimental results. It can be observed that the performance of the controller applied to the real system is as expected. The resonant responses of modes 1 - 6 of the system have been reduced considerably once the controller was introduced. A comparison of the loop gain up to 1.6 KHz from simulation and experiment is shown in Figure 8.9. Our simulation gives a gain margin of 11.3 dB at 1.55 KHz and a phase margin of 89.0 ~ at 79.3 Hz. T h e experiment gives a gain margin of 10.7 dB at 1.55 KHz, and a phase margin of 87.1 ~ at 79.6 Hz. Some reduction of the stability margin in the real system is expected because of the phase delay associated with the digital controller and filters used in the experiment as seen in Figure 8.9. Moreover, there may be a slight difference between our model and the real plant, i.e. modal damping ratios and resonant frequencies. This can contribute to the loss of robustness. Figures 8.10 and 8.11 show the simulated spatial frequency responses of the uncontrolled and controlled beam respectively. Here, x is measured from one end of the beam, which is closer to the patches, while the frequency response is in terms of the beam's transverse displacement (displacement in Z-axis). It is clear that vibration of the entire beam due to the first six bending modes has been reduced by the action of the controller.
Dunant Halim, S.O. Reza Moheimani
~' -o
"5 20
500 600 Frequency [Hz]
(a) magnitude
- - -160
"o - 1 8 0
500 600 Frequency [Hz]
(b) phase Fig. 8.7. Frequency response of the controller (input voltage to output voltage
Experiments in Spatial H ~ Control
o +s
-is I
401 451
1oo Frequeo~y [HZ]
(a) magnitude - simulation
3oo Fn~W
4c~ EHzI
(b) m a g n i t u d e - experiment
(c) phase - simulation
(d) p h a s e - experiment
F i g . 8.8. Simulation and experimental frequency responses (actuator voltage to sensor voltage IV/V])
Next, a Polytec PSV-300 Laser Scanning Vibrometer was used to obtain the frequency response of the beam's vibration at a number of points on the surface. The results allow us to plot the spatial frequency responses of the uncontrolled and controlled beam using the experimental results as shown in Figures 8.12 and 8.13. It can be observed that the resonant responses of modes 1 - 6 have been reduced over the entire beam due to the controller action, which is as expected from the simulation (compare with Figures 8.10 and 8.11). The resonant responses of modes 1 - 6 have been reduced by approximately 27, 30, 19.5, 19.5, 15.5 and 8 dB respectively over the entire beam. Thus, our spatial 7-/~ controller minimizes resonant responses of selected vibration modes over the entire structure, which is desirable for vibration suppression purposes. To demonstrate the controller's effect on the spatial 7-/~ norm of the system, we have plotted the pointwise 7-/~ norm of the controlled and uncontrolled beam as a function of x in Figure 8.14. The figures show that the experimental results
Dunant Halim, S.O. Reza Moheimani
~F Fr~cy
F,,,q.,,,,c~ IHzJ
(a) magnitude - simulation
(b) magnitude - experiment
(c) phase - simulation
(d) phase - experiment
F i g . 8.9. Loop gain IV/V]: simulation and experiment
are very similar to the simulations. Furthermore, they clearly show the effect of our spatial T/~ controller in reducing the vibration of the beam. It is obvious that the 7-/~ norm of the entire beam has been reduced by the action of the controller in a uniform manner. The highest T/~ norm of the unc.ontrolled beam has been reduced by approximately 97%, from 3.6 • 10 -5 to 1.1 • 10 -6. The effectiveness of the controller in minimizing beam's vibration in time domain can be seen in Figure 8.15. A step disturbance signal was applied through the piezoelectric actuator. The velocity response of the beam, at a point 80 m m away from one end of the beam, was observed using the PSV Laser Vibrometer. The velocity response was filtered by a bandpass filter from 10 Hz to 750 Hz. The settling time of the velocity response has been reduced considerably. To show the advantage of the spatial 7-/~ control over the pointwise 7-{o0 control, we performed the following experiment. A pointwise ?-/~ controller was designed to minimize the deflection at the middle of the beam, i.e. x = 0.3 m. The controller had a gain margin of 14.3 dB and a phase margin of 77.9 ~ It was implemented on
Experiments in Spatial H ~ Control
0 x-location [m]
~vv Frequency
-- [Hz]
Fig. 8.10. Simulation spatial frequency response: actuator voltage - beam deflection (open loop) [m/V]
)0 x-location [m]
100 Frequency
Fig. 8.11. Simulation spatial frequency response: actuator voltage - beam deflection (closed loop) [m/V]
Dunant Halim, S.O. Reza Moheimani -90 -100 -110
-120 -130 -140 ~ -150,
~ -160. -170, -180. -190, -200, 0.6 0.5 O. U.~o 2 ~.
0.10 x-location [m]
Frequency [Hz]
Fig. 8.12. Experimental spatial frequency response: actuator voltage - beam deflection (open loop) [m/V]
~0 x-location Ira]
-- -
Frequency [Hz]
Fig. 8.13. Experimental spatial frequency response: actuator voltage - beam deflection (closed loop) [m/V]
E x p e r i m e n t s in Spatial Hor C o n t r o l
~ 0 -i
XI~ 6
(a) simulation
(b) e x p e r i m e n t
F i g . 8 . 1 4 . Simulation and e x p e r i m e n t a l 7-/o0 n o r m plot - spatial control
5 Tlml (lj
(a) open loop
5 T I ~ [I]
(b) closed loop
F i g . 8 . 1 5 . V i b r a t i o n at a point 80 m m away from one end of t h e b e a m
the b e a m using the set-up in F i g u r e 8.6. In Figure 8.16, we have p l o t t e d 7-/~ n o r m of the controlled and uncontrolled b e a m as a function of x. Figure 8.16 shows t h e effectiveness of the pointwise control in local r e d u c t i o n of the 7-/o~ n o r m at and around x = 0.3 m. T h i s is not surprising as t h e only p u r p o s e of the controller is to m i n i m i z e v i b r a t i o n at x = 0.3 m. In fact, t h e pointwise controller only suppresses the odd n u m b e r e d m o d e s since x = 0.3 m is a n o d e for even n u m b e r e d modes. C o m p a r i n g Figures 8.14 and 8.16, it can be c o n c l u d e d t h a t the spatial ~oo controller has an a d v a n t a g e over t h e pointwise 7-/~ controller as it minimizes t h e v i b r a t i o n t h r o u g h o u t t h e entire structure.
D u n a n t Halim, S.O. Reza Moheimani
10 ~
X 10"
Z ' 1 Si
,I ~
03 x-~ocal~n [mj
(a) simulation Fig. 8.16. Simulation and experimental ~
03 X-~VaV~ [ml
(b) experiment norm plot - pointwise control
A spatial 7-/~ controller was designed and implemented on a piezoelectric laminate beam. A feedthrough term was added to correct the locations of in-bandwidth zeros of the system. It was observed that such a controller resulted in suppression of the transverse deflection of the entire structure by minimizing the spatial 7-/~ norm of the closed-loop system. The controller was obtained by solving a standard 7-/~ control problem for a finite-dimensional system. A number of experiments were performed, which demonstrated the effectiveness of the developed controller in reducing the structural vibrations on a piezoelectric laminate beam. It was shown that the spatial 7t~o controller had an advantage over the pointwise %goo control in minimizing structural vibration of the entire structure. The application of this spatial 7-/oo control is not confined to a piezoelectric laminate beam. It may be applied to more general vibration suppression problems.
References 1. S.O.R. Moheimani, H.R. Pota, and I.R. Petersen. Broadband disturbance attenuation over an entire beam. In Proceedings of the European Control Conference, Brussels, Belgium, July 1997. 2. R.L. Clark. Accounting for out-of-bandwidth modes in the assumed modes approach: Implications on colocated output feedback control. Transactions of the ASME, 119:390-395, September 1997. 3. S.O.R. Moheimani. Minimizing the effect of out-of-bandwidth dynamics in the models of reverberant systems that arise in modal analysis: Implications on spatial 7-/~ control. Automatica, 36:1023-1031, 2000. 4. S.O.R. Moheimani. Minimizing the effect of out of bandwidth modes in truncated structure models. ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 122:237-239, March 2000.
Experiments in Spatial H ~ Control
5. S.O.R. Moheimani and W.P. Heath. Model correction for a class of spatiotemporal systems. In Proceedings of the American Control Conference, pages 3768-3772, Chicago, Illinois, USA, June 2000. 6. R.L. Bisplinghoff and H. Ashley. Principles of Aeroelasticity. Dover, New York, 1975. 7. S.O.R. Moheimani and T. Ryall. Considerations in placement of piezoceramic actuators that are used in structural vibration control. In Proceedings of the 38th IEEE Conference on Decision 84 Control, pages 1118-1123, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, December 1999. 8. R.L Clark, W . R Saunders, and G.P. Gibbs. Adaptive Structures: Dynamics and Control. Wiley, Canada, 1998. 9. E.K. Dimitriadis, C.R. Fuller, and C.A Rogers. Piezoelectric actuators for distributed vibration excitation of thin plates. ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 113:100-107, January 1991. 10. C.R. Fuller, S.J. Elliot, and P.A. Nelson. Active Control of Vibration. Academic Press, London, 1996. 11. H.T. Banks, R.C. Smith, and Y. Wang. Smart Material Structures: Modeling, Estimation and Control. Wiley - Masson, C h i c h e s t e r - Paris, 1996. 12. H.R. P o t a and T.E. Alberts. Multivariable transfer functions for a slewing piezoelectric laminate beam. ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 117:352-359, September 1995. 13. L. Meirovitch. Elements of Vibration Analysis. McGraw Hill, New York, 1975. 14. T.E. Alberts and J.A. Colvin. Observations on the nature of transfer functions for control of piezoelectric laminates. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 8(5):605-611, 1991. 15. T.E. Alberts, T.V. DuBois, and H.R. Pota. Experimental verification of transfer functions for a slewing piezoelectric laminate beam. Control Engineering Practice, 3(2):163-170, 1995. 16. S.O.R. Moheimani and M. Fu. Spatial 7-/2 norm of flexible structures and its application in model order selection. In Proceedings of the 37th IEEE Conference on Decision 8~ Control, pages 3623-3624, Tampa, Florida, USA, December 1998. 17. K. Zhou, J.C. Doyle, and K. Glover. Robust and Optimal Control. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, N.J., 1996. 18. I.R. Petersen, B.D.O. Anderson, and E.A. Jonckheere. A first principle solution to the non-singular 7-/~ control problem. International journal of robust and nonlinear control, 1(3):171-185, 1991. 19. S.O.R Moheimani. Experimental verification of the corrected transfer function of a piezoelectric laminate beam. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 8(4):660-666, July 2000.
9 On Establishing Classic P e r f o r m a n c e Measures for R e s e t Control Systems* C.V. Hollot, Orhan Beker, Yossi Chait, and Qian Chen College of Engineering, University of Massachusetts, Amherst MA 01002, USA
A b s t r a c t . Reset controllers are linear controllers that reset some of their states to zero when their inputs reach a threshold. We are interested in their feedback connection with linear plants, and in this context, the objective of this paper is twofold. First, to motivate the use of reset control through theory, simulations and experiments, and secondly, to summarize some of our recent results which establish classic performance properties ranging from quadratic and BIBO stability to steady-state and transient performance.
It is well-appreciated that Bode's gain-phase relationship [1] places a hard limitation on performance tradeoffs in linear, time-invariant (LTI) feedback control systems. Specifically, the need to minimize the open-loop high-frequency gain often competes with required high levels of low-frequency loop gains and phase margin bounds. Our focus on reset control systems is motivated by its potential to improve this situation as demonstrated theoretically in [2] and by simulations and experiments [3]-[5]. The basic concept in reset control is to reset the state of a linear controller to zero whenever its input meets a threshold. Typical reset controllers include the socalled Clegg integrator [6] and first-order reset e l e m e n t (FORE) [3]. The former is a linear integrator whose output resets to zero when its input crosses zero. The latter generalizes the Clegg concept to a first-order lag filter. In [6], the Clegg integrator was shown to have a describing function similar to the frequency response of a linear integrator but with only 38.1 ~ phase lag. Reset control action resembles a number of popular nonlinear control strategies including relay control [7], sliding mode control [8] and switching control [9]. A common feature to these is the use of a switching surface to trigger change in control signal. Distinctively, reset control employs the same (linear) control law on both sides of the switching surface. Resetting occurs when the system trajectory impacts this surface. This reset action can be alternatively viewed as the injection of judiciously-timed, state-dependent impulses into an otherwise LTI feedback system. This analogy is evident in the paper where we use impulsive differential equations; e.g., see [10] and [11], to model dynamics. Despite this relationship, we found existing theory on impulse differential equations to be either too general or broad to be of immediate and direct use. This connection to impulsive control helps to draw * This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.CMS-9800612.
C.V. Hollot et. al.
comparison to a body of control work [12] where impulses were introduced in an open-loop fashion to quash oscillations in vibratory systems. Finally, we would like to point other recent research and applications of reset control found in [13]-[15]. The objective of this paper is twofold. First, to motivate reset control through theory, simulations and experiments, and secondly, to summarize some of our recent results ([2], [16]-[20]) which establish properties ranging from quadratic and BIBO stability to steady-state and transient performance. The paper is organized as follows. The next section provides three examples to demonstrate the advantage in using reset control. After that, Section 3 writes out the dynamical equations of our reset control systems and in Section 4 we present one of our main results giving a necessary and sufficient conditions for quadratic stability. In Section 5 we give internal model and superposition principles. Specializing to first-order reset elements, we then go on in Section 6 to establish results concerning BIBO stability. We then restrict attention to a class of reset control systems whose linear dynamics are second-order dominant. For this classic situation, we will show that the associated reset control system is always stable, enjoys steady-state performance akin to its linear counterpart and can be designed for improved overshoot in its step response.
In this section we give three examples comparing reset to linear feedback control. The first gives an example of control specifications not achievable by any linear feedback control, but achievable using reset. The second example shows how the simple introduction of reset in a control loop reduces step-response overshoot without sacrificing rise-time. Lastly, we describe an experimental setup of reset where we again demonstrate reset-control's potential.
O v e r c o m i n g l i m i t a t i o n s o f linear c o n t r o l
Consider the standard linear feedback control system in Figure 1 where the plant P(s) contains an integrator. Assume that C(s) stabilizes. In [21] it was shown
r ~ _ ~
F i g . 9.1. Linear feedback control system.
that the tracking error e due to a unit-step input satisfies
e ( t ) d t = K----~
where the velocity constant K~ is defined by K~ ~=lims--,osP(s)C(s).Alone, this constraint does not imply overshoot in the step response y; i.e., y(t) _> 1 for some
Reset C o n t r o l S y s t e m s
t > 0. However, introduction of an additional, sufficiently s t r i n g e n t t i m e - d o m a i n b a n d w i d t h constraint will. To see this, consider t h e notion of rise t i m e t~ i n t r o d u c e d in [21]:
_ ~t , t E [ O , T ] } .
T h e following result (see [2]) is quite immediate. 2 . F a c t : If t~ > -R--j, i.e., the rise time is sufficiently slow, then the unit-step
response y(t) overshoots. To illustrate this result consider t h e plant P(s) in F i g u r e I as a simple integrator. In a d d i t i o n to closed-loop stability suppose the design objectives are t h e following: 9 S t e a d y - s t a t e error no greater t h a n 1 w h e n t r a c k i n g a u n i t - r a m p input. ,, Rise t i m e greater t h a n 2 seconds w h e n t r a c k i n g a unit-step. 9 No overshoot in the step response. To meet the error specification on t h e r a m p response, this linear feedback s y s t e m must have velocity error c o n s t a n t K~ > 1. Since tr > 2 > __2 t h e Fact indicates t h a t no stabilizing C(s) exists to m e e t all t h e above objectives. However, these specifications can be met using reset control w i t h a first-order reset e l e m e n t ( F O R E ) described by
itr(t) ---- -bu~(t) + e(t); u r ( t +) = O;
e(t) ~ 0 e(t) = 0
where b, t h e F O R E ' s pole, is chosen as b = 1. Indeed, in Section 6.2 of this p a p e r we will show t h a t this reset system is a s y m p t o t i c a l l y stable, has b o u n d e d response y
t F i g . 9.2. Reset control of an i n t e g r a t o r using a first-order reset element.
to b o u n d e d input r and zero s t e a d y - s t a t e tracking error e to c o n s t a n t r. T h i s reset control s y s t e m is given in F i g u r e 9.2. F i g u r e 9.3 shows a simulation of this control s y s t e m ' s t r a c k i n g error e to a u n i t - r a m p input. T h e s t e a d y - s t a t e error is one. In Figure 9.4 we show its response y to a u n i t - s t e p i n p u t and see t h a t its rise t i m e t~ is greater t h a n 2 seconds and has no overshoot 1. Thus, this reset control s y s t e m meets the previously stated design objectives t h a t were not a t t a i n a b l e using linear feedback control. 1 T h e step response in Figure 4 is d e a d b e a t . T h i s occurs since (u, y) = (0, r) is an equilibrium point.
C.V. Hollot et. al.
F i g . 9.3. Tracking-error e to a unit-ramp input for the reset control system.
y(t) = o.5 t
F i g . 9.4. Output response y to a unit-step input for the reset control system.
Another motivation to use reset control is that it provides a simple means to reduce overshoot in a step response. For example, consider the feedback system in Figure 5 where the loop transfer function is: 1 L ( s ) -- s ( s + 0.2) and where the FORE's pole is set to b = 1. Without reset, the linear closed-loop system has standard second-order transfer function
s~ +2(0.1)s+ 1
The damping ratio is r = 0.1 and the step response exhibits the expected 70% overshoot as shown in Figure 6. The step response of the reset control system is also shown in this figure and it has only 40% overshoot while retaining the rise time of the linear design. Moreover, as in the previous example, this reset control system
9 r
Reset Control Systems _[
"[s(s + 0.2) Fig. 9.5. Resetting can reduce overshoot in response to step reference inputs.
can be shown to be asymptotically and BIBO stable, and to asymptotically track step inputs r; see Section 6.2. Also, the level of overshoot can be quantitatively linked to the FORE's pole b. This will also be discussed in Section 6.2. Thus, the performance of a classical second-order dominant feedback control system can be significantly improved through the simple introduction of reset control. 1.a
t (~1
Fig. 9.6. Comparison of step responses between reset (solid) and the linear control system (dotted).
p e r f o r m a n c e in t h e lab
The benefits of reset control have also been realized in experimental settings. Here we describe a laboratory setup in which we applied both linear and reset control to the speed control of the rotational flexible mechanical system shown in Figure 9.7. This system consists of three inertias connected via flexible shafts. A servo motor drives inertia J3 and the speed of inertia J1 is measured via a tachometer. The controller was implemented using dSPACE tools [22]. A more complete description of this experiment can be found in [19]. T r a d e o f f s i n l i n e a r f e e d b a c k c o n t r o l A block diagram of a linear feedback control system is shown in Figure 9.8 where the plant P(s) was identified from frequency-response data of the flexible mechanical system as: 46083950
P(s) -= (s + 1.524)(s 2 + 3.1s + 2820)(s 2 + 3.628 + 9846)"
C.V. Hollot et. al.
I Servo
Fig. 9.7. Schematic of the rotational flexible mechanical system. We posed the following specifications to illustrate the limitations and tradeoffs in LTI design and their subsequent relief using reset control:
1. Bandwidth constraint: The unity-gain cross-over frequency we, defined by [PC(jwc)l = : must satisfy wc > 37r. 2. Disturbance rejection: Low-frequency disturbances are to be rejected; specifically, y(jw)
when w < T r ;
3. Sensor-noise suppression: High-frequency sensor noise is to be suppressed; i.e., y(jw) n(jw)
< 0.3, when w > 10~r; -
4. Asymptotic performance: Zero steady-state tracking error to constant reference r and disturbance d signals. 5. Overshoot: Overshoot in output y to a constant reference r should be less t h a n
F i g . 9.8. The linear feedback control system.
In terms of Bode specifications, the first two constraints translate into minimumgain requirements on the open-loop gain IPC(jw)I at low frequencies while the
Reset Control Systems
third specification places an upper b o u n d on this gain at high frequencies. The fourth specification requires C(s) to contain an integrator and the fifth specification requires a phase margin of approximately 45~ assuming second-order dominance. Using classical loop-shaping techniques we were unable to meet all of the above specifications. To illustrate the tradeoffs, consider two candidate, stabilizing LTI controllers: 1281489(s + 4.483)(s 2 + 3.735s + 2851)(s ~ + 5.158s + 10060)
Cl(s) = s(s2 + 295.1s + 22330)(s 2 + 126.2s + 8889)(s 2 + 239s + 27560) and
1075460(s + 7)(s 2 + 3.662s + 2798)(s 2 + 5.419s + 9876)
s(s + 209.6)(s + 35.8)(s 2 + 132.8s + 1 2 0 5 0 ) ( s 2 + 3 7 5 . 9 s + 6 6 9 3 0 ) "
Figure 9.9 compares the Bode plots of the corresponding loops L1 (jw) = P(jw)C1 (jw) and L2(jw) = P(j~v)C2(jw). Loop L1 fails to satisfy the sensor-noise suppression
:L l I fill}If l i........,~ l ] ~ --'I----~TH-&Lii[I i [ ~-:'~71] ,I I I III ~ IZL[] .L__ I L L Z L L [ ~ Ill ~
| ;I
fill II
t-t}ft- .............f-t--t--i-trill
I I t l 1711
ill *I
~lll ~
Illi l
I I I IF~,,,I i
Fig. 9.9. Bode plots of L1 and L2.
specification at w ---- 107r. This specification can be met by reducing the gain of Ll(jov) as done with L2(jw). This is verified by the time response y to 5 Hz sinusoidal noise n in Figure 9.10. Since both designs stabilize and since both lowfrequency gains are constrained by the first two specifications, Bode's gain-phase relationship [1] dictates that L2(jw) must have correspondingly larger phase lag as verified in the phase plot of Figure 9.9. The reduced gain in L~(jw) comes at the expense of a smaller phase margin and hence larger overshoot as shown in the step responses in Figure 9.11. Extensive t u n i n g of these controllers failed to yield a design meeting all specifications. R e s e t c o n t r o l d e s i g n Now we t u r n to reset control design where we exploit its potential to satisfy the above specifications. The design procedure consists of two steps as developed in [3]-[5]. First, we design a linear controller to meet all the specifications - except for the overshoot constraint; C2(s) is a suitable choice. The second step is to select the FORE's pole b to meet the overshoot specification. In
C.V. Hollot et. al.
^ P.A
~ tl
.. l| gll fit t~1 Lil fll i~ .11 I~ fl fl il I'1 ~1
~A , ' f h
Fig. 9.10. Comparison between LTI designs Lz and L2 of output y to n ( t ) sin(10zrt).
Fig. 9.11. Comparison between LTI designs L1 and L2 of output y to r ( t ) -- 1.
this respect, [Figure 5, 3] provides a guideline for this choice. Using this tool, we select b ---- 14. The resulting reset control system is shown in Figure 9.12. Later in this paper we show that this reset control system is quadratically and BIBO stable and asymptotically tracks constant reference inputs r.
"1~l (s+ 14) C2(s) n Fig. 9.12. Reset control system for the flexible mechanism.
Reset Control Systems
Finally, we compare the performance of the LTI (using L1) and reset control systems. Figures 9.13 and 9.14 show that the reset control system has better sensornoise suppression to a 5 Hz sinusoid and to white-noise.
Fig. 9.13. Comparison of steady-state response y to r(t) - 1 and n ( t ) = sin(101rt).
i -.u
Fig. 9.14. Comparison of output y power spectra when n is white sensor noise.
However, unlike the LTI tradeoff experienced by controller C2(s), the reset control system has comparable transient response as shown in Figure 9.152 .
2 The steady-state noise in Figure 9.15 is due to ripple in the the tach-geuerator.
C.V. Hollot et. al. 0.7
reset controldesign] ............
LTI design
O.e 05
t t
1 .s
F i g . 9.15. Comparison between reset and LTI control (using L1) of o u t p u t y to r(t) -- 1.
T h e D y n a m i c s of R e s e t C o n t r o l S y s t e m s
The reset control system considered in this p a p e r is shown in Figure 9.16 where the reset controller R is described by the impulsive differential equation (IDE) (see [10]) ~ ( t ) = A~x~(t) + Bre(t); x r ( t +) = An~x~(t);
e(t) ~ 0 e(t) = 0 (9.1)
u~(t) = c ~ ( t )
where xr(t) E R '~ is the reset controller state and ur(t) E R is its output. The matrix A n t E R n~ xn~ identifies that subset of states xr t h a t are reset. For example, in this paper we will assume that the last nr~ states x ~ are reset and use the P
0 / " Illustrations of ( 9 . 1 ) i n c l u d e the Clegg integrator structure An~ = ] I'~-'~r~ 0 L
described by A~=0;
and the F O R E having A~=b;
The linear controller C(s) and plant P ( s ) have, respectively, state-space realizations: ~c(t) = Acxc(t) + B~u~(t) ~(t) = cc~(t)
and 2 , ( t ) = Apxp(t) + Bpuc(t) y(t) =
Reset Control Systems
where xc(t) E R TM, xp(t) C R ~p and y(t) E R. The closed-loop system can then be described by the IDE ic(t) = A~ex(t); x ( t +) = A R x ( t ) ;
x ( t ) ~t M4;
x(O) = xo
x(t) E A4
y(t) = C~ex(t)
where x=
; Ace~
[I~,0 0] An~
[ ~ 1~r An~O ;
and where the reset surface .A/[ is the set of states for which e = O. More precisely,
I Ur
"J C(s) II ur "l'l P(s) ~-l---"y "1
F i g . 9.16. Block diagram of a reset control system.
M 2 {~: Cce~ = 0; (I - A~)~ #
As a consequence of this definition, x(t) E A~
x ( t +) ~ 2~4.
The times t ----ti at which the system trajectory x intersects the reset surface A/~ are referred to as reset times. These instants depend on initial-conditions and are collected in the ordered set: T ( x o ) z~ {ti : ti < t i + l ; x ( t i ) C • , i
-----1 , 2 , . . . ,c~}.
The solution to (9.3) is piecewise left-continuous on the intervals (ti, ti+l]. We define the reset intervals 7"~ by A
71 = t l ; A
Ti+l = ti+l -- ti,
i E N.
We make the following assumption on the set of reset times: R e s e t t i n g A s s u m p t i o n : Given initial condition xo E R n, the set of reset times T ( x o ) is an unbounded, discrete subset of R+.
C.V. Hollot et. al.
Unboundedness of the set of reset times implies continual resetting. If this condition is not satisfied, then, after the last reset instance, the reset control system behaves as its base-linear system. We avoid these trivial cases. Discreteness of q-(x0), together with this unboundedness, guarantees the existence and continuation of solutions to (9.3). Finally, in absence of resetting; i.e., when AR = I , the resulting linear system is called the base-linear system. We denote the loop, sensitivity and complementary sensitivity transfer functions of the base-linear system by: L ( s ) = P(s)C(s)R(s),
1 l + L(s)'
L(s) l + L(s)
where R(s) is the transfer of (9.1) when AR = I.
Quadratic S t a b i l i t y
In this section we give a necessary and sufficient condition for (9.3) to possess a quadratic Lyapunov function. First, we state some general Lyapunov-like stability conditions for our reset control systems which are similar to the analysis in [10] and [23]. Their proofs are relegated to the Appendix. As usual, V is the time-derivative of a Lyapunov candidate V(x) along solutions, while / i V z~ V ( x ) - V ( A R x ) , is the j u m p in V(x) when the trajectory strikes A/t. P r o p o s i t i o n 1: (Local Stability) Let ~2 be an open neighborhood of the equilibrium point x = 0 of (9.3) and let V ( x ) : Y2 --* ]~ be a continuously-differentiable, positive-definite function such that I/(x) < 0; A V ( x ) < 0;
x C ~2/AA
x C f2A.h4.
Then, under the Resetting Assumption, x = 0 is locally stable. Moreover, if either
or A V ( x ) < 0;
x E t2 N J~4,
then x -= 0 is asymptotically stable.
P r o p o s i t i o n 2: (Global Stability) Let V ( x ) : R n ---+ R be a continuouslydifferentiable, positive-definite, radially-unbounded function such that
A V ( x ) <_ O; x E M . Then, under the Resetting Assumption, x ----0 is stable. Moreover, if either
y(x) < 0; x c Rn/{0), or z~V(x)<0;
Reset Control Systems
then x = 0 is globally asymptotically stable. We now specialize to quadratic Lyapunov functions. D e f i n i t i o n : The reset control system (9.3) is said to be quadratically stable if there exists a positive-definite symmetric matrix P such t h a t V ( x ) ----x t P x satisfies the asymptotic stability conditions of Proposition 2. T h e o r e m 1: Under the Resetting Assumption, the reset control system described in (9.3) is quadratically stable if and only if there exists a 13 E R n~ such that
Hz(s) ~ [13Cp 0 I , ~ ] (sI - Ac~) -1
I , 0~
is strictly positive real ( SPR) 3. P r o o f " (Sufficiency) We first define V(x) = x ' P x . By Proposition 2 the reset control system described in (9.3) is quadratically stable if there exists a positivedefinite symmetric matrix P such t h a t
x' (A'c~P + PAc~) x < 0;
x E R~/{0}
x' ( A ~ P A R - P) x <_ O; x E A 4 .
Let O be a matrix whose such t h a t its columns span the nullspace of Cc~. Using this, we can express A4={O~:(I-An)
and define JQ as
O' (A~PAR - P) 0 < 0
implies that (9.10) holds. (9.11) holds for some positive-definite P if there exists a 13 E R n ~ such that [0 I,~]P----[13Cp 0 In~].
Thus, the proof reduces to finding a positive-definite symmetric m a t r i x P such t h a t (9.9) and (9.12) hold. From the Kalman-Yakubovich-Meyer ( g Y M ) lemma; e.g., see [24], such P exists if there exists a 13 E R n'r such t h a t H z ( s ) in (9.8) is s P a . 3 A transfer function X ( s ) is said to be strictly positive real if X ( s ) is asymptotically stable, and Re[X(jw)] > O, Vw >_ O.
C.V. Hollot et. al.
(Necessity) Suppose (9.3) is quadratically stable. Then, from Proposition 2 there exists a positive-definite symmetric matrix P such that
x'(A'ceP + P A ~ ) x < 0;
x ~ 0
x ' ( A ' R P A n - P ) x ~ 0;
x CAd.
The continuity of AV, together with (9.14), implies that
x ' ( A ' n P A n - P ) x < 0;
x 9
which in t u r n implies that (9.12) holds for some /3 9 R ' ~ . The strict positive realness of H z in (9.8) then follows from (9.12), (9.13) and the KYM lemma. This concludes the proof. [] Theorem 1 gives an easily-testable condition for the quadratic stability of the reset control systems described by (9.3). This condition is also key in showing that reset control systems enjoy other properties. Before we present these results, we formally introduce first-order reset elements.
Steady-state performance
In this section we study the steady-state performance of the reset control system in (9.3) and show that it enjoys an internal model principle and steady-state superposition property.
An internal model principle
We introduce an internal model principle for the reset control systems by considering a model of the reference signal r inside the loop as part of P ( s ) C ( s ) . We can state the following theorem. T h e o r e m 2: Under the Resetting Assumption, if P ( s ) C ( s ) contains an internal model of r, and if there exists a 13 E R "~r~ such that H~(s) in (9.8) is SPR, then the reset control system described in (9.3) achieves asymptotic tracking of the reference input r. P r o o f : We first adopt the realization {Ape, Bpc, Cpc} for P ( s ) C ( s ) , which contains an internal model of the reference input. Since r is realized within P ( s ) C ( s ) , there exists states z(t) and Czr E R '~p+nc, such that
k(t) = Apcz(t);
z(O) = r(O),
r(t) = C r u z ( t ) . Then using the state transformation &pc(t) ~ xpc(t) - z ( t ) we obtain the following:
x(t) ---- Ace~(t);
2(t) • All;
~c(t+) = An~c(t); ~(t) e M , y(t) = c c ~ ( t ) + r(t),
5c(0) = xo - r(O),
Reset Control Systems
where 5: = [Xrr . Hence, the asymptotic tracking problem is now expressed as the asymptotic stability problem for the unforced system. By Theorem 1, asymptotic stability of the unforced system is guaranteed if there exists a ~ E R n~r such that H~(s) is SPR. This concludes the proof. []
A s u p e r p o s i t i o n principle
We now introduce an additional input to the control system as shown in the Figure 9.17. This system can be described by
5c(t) = Acex(t) + Bcerl(t) + Bcer2(t); x(t +) = ARx(t);
x(t) r M ;
x(o) = xo
x(t) ~ M , (9.15)
y(t) = c o a x ( t ) where .h4 ~ {~ : r l ( t ) + r2(t) -- Cce~ = 0; ( I - AR) ~ 7~ 0}.
The next result gives a steady-state superposition result. If the loop contains an internal model of one of the inputs signals, say r2, then this result claims that the steady-state response to rl -}- r2 is simply the steady-state response to rl. C o r o l l a r y 1: Consider the reset control system with two inputs rl and r2 described in (9.15). Suppose the Resetting Assumption is in force, P(s)C(s) contains an internal model of r2 and there exists a /~ C R n~ such that H~(s) is strictly positive real (SPR). Then, the steady-state error, l i m t ~ e(t) is independent of r2. r2
F i g . 9.17. Block diagram of a reset control system with two inputs.
Specialization to First-Order R e s e t E l e m e n t s
As illustrated in Section 2.3 the design of reset control systems, as developed in [3] and [5], involves the synthesis of both linear compensator C(s) and reset controller R in Figure 9.16. Typically, C(s) is designed to stabilize the base-linear system and shape the loop L(s) = P(s)C(s)R(s) to satisfy classical Bode specifications at high and low frequencies. The reset controller is then designed to meet overshoot specifications. In this subsection we focus on F O R E described by (9.1) and (9.2) where b > 0 is the F O R E ' s pole.
C.V. Hollot et. al.
Consider the reset control system with a reference input as shown in Figure 9.18 and described by the following IDE
5:(t) = A~ex(t) + B~er(t); x(t +) = ARx(t);
x(t) ~ M ; x(O) = O, x(t) E .A4,
y(t) = Ccex(t)
and M~{~:r(t)-C~t~=0;
In this section we analyze the BIBO stability of (9.16) which requires every bounded
.I C ( S )
I uc
.I P ( s )
F i g . 9.18. Block diagram of a reset control system with reference input r.
input 4 r to produce a bounded output y. To begin this analysis we let xe be the state of the base-linear system; that is:
~e(t) = Acexe(t) + Bc~r(t);
x(0) = 0
and take z = x - xe. We partition X
Z ~
[ Xer J
Applying the transformations: z~(t) = x~(t) - x~(t); z~(t) =
x~(t) - x~(t)
to (9.16) and expressing the reset rule with the set of reset times 7-(0) we obtain: ~L(t) = AzL(t) q- Bz~(t) ~(t) = z~(t$)
= -xe~(ti);
t ~t 7-(0) t C 7-(0).
4 A signal z is said to bounded if there exists a constant M such that Iz(t)l < M for all t.
Reset C o n t r o l S y s t e m s
As an i n t e r m e d i a t e step, we show t h a t b o u n d e d n e s s of
implies t h a t y is b o u n d e d .
L e m m a 1: Assume Ace is asymptotically stable and r is bounded. I f z i is bounded, then output y is bounded. P r o o f : Suppose z i is b o u n d e d . We have
ly(t)l = ICxL(t)l
<_ ICz~(t)l + I C ~ ( t ) l . Since Act is stable and r is b o u n d e d , t h e n XtL is b o u n d e d . O u t p u t y is t h u s b o u n d e d . [] Before establishing B I B O stability, we need t h e following lemma. L e m m a 2: I f Ac~ is asymptotically stable and r is bounded, there exist constants M1 and M2 such that Izr(t+)] < M1 and ICzi(t~)l < M2 f o r i = 1 , 2 , . . . ,oo. P r o o f : Because Ac~ is a s y m p t o t i c a l l y stable and r, t h e n xt~ and XgL are bounded. F r o m (9.17), z~(t +) ---- -xt~(t~). Therefore, there exists an M1 such t h a t Iz~(t+)[ < M1 for i --- 1, 2 , . . . , ~ . By definition, CzL(ti) ----r(t~) -- C x t i ( t i ) . Since r and XeL are b o u n d e d , t h e n t h e r e exists an M2 such t h a t [CzL(ti)l < M2 for i ---- 1 , 2 , . . . ,co. [] We can now state our B I B O stability result. T h e o r e m 3: Under the Resetting Assumption the reset control system (9.16) is B I B O stable if it is quadratically stable; i.e., there exists a/3 E R such that H~(s) in (9.8) is SPR. P r o o f : Since H~(s) in (9.8) is strictly positive-real, then, from t h e K Y M l e m m a , there exists a positive-definite m a t r i x P , a vector q and a positive c o n s t a n t ~ such that
P A d + A~lP = -q~q -- r P[0 ..- 0 1]' = [ t i c
Hence, P can be written as
where P1 ~ N nxn is positive-definite. A l o n g t h e piecewise left-continuous solutions of (9.17) we define
v(t) =
[z~(t), '
= Z~L(t)PlzL(t) + 2ZCzL(t)z~(t) + z2(t) over t E (t~,t~+l]. At t h e reset instants t ----ti we t h e n have
V ( t +) = ZL(~t)PzlL(~t)'
+ 2~CzL(ti)z~(t +) + z~(ti2 +)
= V(ti) + 213CzL(t~)z~(t +) + z~(t~ 2 + ) -- 2j3CzL(ti)z~(ti) --z~(2 ti).
C.V. Hollot et. al.
Since --2~CzL (ti)zr(t~) -- z~(t~) <_ (~CzL (t~)) 2, 2 + V ( t +) <_ V(ti) + 2~CzL(t~)z~(t +) + z~(t~ ) + (BCzL(ti)) 2
= V(ti) + [z~(t +) + ~CzL(t~)] 2.
Because r is bounded, it follows from L e m m a 2 t h a t there exists a c o n s t a n t M > 0 such t h a t [z~(t +) + ~CzL(ti)] 2 <_ M for i ---- 1, 2 , . . . ,oc. Thus, from (9.19):
Y ( t +) < Y(t~) + M,
i -- 1, 2 . . . . . c~.
Differentiating Y(t) along solutions to (9.17), we use (9.18) to o b t a i n
[ZL y ( t ) = [zL(t),z~(t)](PAc~ ' + AclP) ' ' (t), z~ (t)] ' i l I i = [zL(t), z~(t)](--q q -- eP)[ZL(t), z~(t)] < - ~ [ z ' ~ (t), z~ (t)]P[z L ' (t), Zr it)] '
= -~u(t) for all t 6 (t~, t~+~]. The non-negativity of V(t) implies
v(t) <_ e-~(~-~)v(t+, )
whenever t 6 (t~,ti+l]. Since ti+l - ti > a,
u(t,+~) < ~-~(~'+~-~')v(t, +) <_
<_ e - ~ [ V ( t , ) + M]. Combining (9.20) with (9.21) and r e p e a t e d l y a p p l y i n g the above gives
V(t) <_ e - ~ ( t - t ~ ) [ e - ~ V ( O ) + M + e - ~ M + . . . + e-ei~ M] for all t 6 (t~,t~+l]. Since V(0) = 0, V(t) <_ M / ( 1 - e - e ~ ) . Therefore, V is b o u n d e d . Because P is positive-definite, it follows t h a t ZL is bounded. Finally, from L e m m a 1, y is b o u n d e d . This completes the proof. [3
has classical second-order
form In this section we focus on a class of first-order reset control systems shown in Figure 17 where (s + b)w~
P ( s ) C ( s ) -- s(s + 2~w,~)
As a result, the associated base-linear system has classical second-order (complem e n t a r y sensitivity) transfer function
T(s)- v ( s ) _ R(s)
~n s2 + 2~ns + ~ "
Reset Control Systems
This setup allows us to compare the reset control system's performance against a linear control system with dominant pole-pair. We will show that this class of reset control systems is always quadratically stable and, by virtue of Theorem 3, BIBO stable. We will characterize the step response of the reset control system in terms of standard measures such as rise-time, overshoot and settling time, thus allowing a direct comparison to its base-linear system. First, we establish that the key SPR condition in (9.8) is always satisfied. Hf~ is a l w a y s p o s i t i v e - r e a l We begin with a lemma that removes the standing Resetting Assumption. L e m m a 3: For the reset control system in (9.16) utilizing F O R E and L ( s ) given in (9.22), the set of reset times T ( x o ) is unbounded and discrete f o r all positive b, ~r w,~ and ~ E (0, 1). Moreover, the reset action is periodic with period T~ -- ~1V/~_~2 . P r o o f : To prove the theorem it suffices to show that the reset time interval is A
~r constant; i.e., ~'i -= T -- ,~nlX/~_r 2 for all integer i > 1. Without loss of generality we
start with an initial condition xo E A/I; i.e., [w~ 0 0] Xo = O. Again, without loss of generality we only consider xo such that [IXpcolI -- 1, where Xpco E R 2 denotes the initial state of P ( s ) C ( s ) . Since Xo E A,I we have Xpco = [0 1]' and therefore Xo = [0 1 X~o]', where X~o E R is the initial state of the FORE. For Ti to qualify as a reset time interval, the following condition must be satisfied:
where Ace = [ - C p c
and AR =
. This gives Ti ~ ~nX/l_r
The next
step in the proof is to show that T is a valid reset time interval. To do this we need to show that X~(T) ~ 0; i.e.,
which is equivalent to saying
b2 - 2~wnb + w~
This is true for all positive b, wn and ~ E (0, 1) and hence concludes the proof,
Our next theorem shows that this class of reset control system is quadratically and BIBO stable and enjoys the previously described internal-model and superposition properties for all b, r and w,~. T h e o r e m 4: For the reset control system described in (9.16) utilizing F O R E with P ( s ) C ( s ) given in (9.22), there exists a ~ E R such that H ~ ( s ) in (9.8) is S P R
C.V. Hollot et. al.
for all positive b, ~ and wn. Consequently, such reset control systems are always quadratically stable, BIBO stable and enjoy the internal model and superposition properties of Theorem 2 and Corollary 1. P r o o f : First we note t h a t if ~ > 1, the reset control system becomes equivalent to its base-linear system, which is stable. Therefore we only need to consider the case when the system is u n d e r d a m p e d ; i.e., ~ < 1. By L e m m a 3, the R e s e t t i n g A s s u m p t i o n is satisfied for reset control systems with P ( s ) C ( s ) given in (9.22) for all positive values of b, w~ a n d ~ E (0, 1). To show a s y m p t o t i c stability we use T h e o r e m 1 and show there exists a t3 > 0 such t h a t s 2 + (2~w~ + ~ ) s + b~ Hz(s) = (s + b) (s 2 + 2~wns + w2~) is SPR. T h e remainder of the proof deals with finding a 13 C ]R such t h a t Ha(s ) is S P R for all positive b, ~ a n d wn. We consider three cases: C a s e 1: (b > 2~wn) First, we form the p a r t i a l fraction expansion 1
Ha(s) = w~ - 2@wn + b2 b(b-2~wn)
s Y- b
w~s+(w~-2@wn+b2)/~+w2(2~w,~-b) +
s2 + 2~ns
+ w~
= w~ - 2r
+ b2 [hH(s) + h~2(s)].
Next, since b > 2~wn, t h e n w 2 - 2@wn + b2 > 0. Hence, it suffices to show t h a t b o t h h11(s) a n d h12(s) are SPR; e.g., see [24]. Since b ( b - 2 ( w n ) > 0, t h e n hll(s) is SPR. Finally, since s 2 + 2(wns + wn2 is stable a n d the zero of h12(s) can be arbitrarily placed via j3, there exists a ~ r e n d e r i n g h12 (s) SPR. C a s e 2: (b = 2~a;n) In this case it is clear t h a t s+3
H~(s) = s2 A- 2~WnS q- ~2n is S P R for sufficiently small a n d positive t3. C a s e 3: (b < 2~wn) In this s i t u a t i o n we write H~(s)
1 s+(b-a)
= i "4- sA_(b_t3 ) /',
s2..k(2~Wnq_t3)sq_bl 3
h21 (8)
1 + h21(s)h22(s)" Now it suffices to show t h a t b o t h h21 (s) a n d h22 (s) are SPR; again, see [24]. Clearly, h21 (s) is S P R for a n y / 3 < b a n d a straightforward calculation shows t h a t h22 (s) is S P R for sufficiently small positive/3. Hence, there exists a j3 C (0, b) such t h a t H~(s) is SPR. This proves Case 3 a n d the theorem. []
Reset Control Systems
H ~ ( s ) is p o s i t i v e - r e a l f o r a l l t h e e x a m p l e s i n S e c t i o n 2 In Section 2 we gave three examples motivating the use of reset control systems. We claimed that each was quadratically and BIBO stable and asymptotically tracked constant reference signals. This is certainly the case for the first two of these situations since Theorem 4 applies. To establish these properties for the third case we explicitly check the satisfaction of (9.8). Since C2(s) stabilizes, then H z ( s ) in (9.8) is asymptotically stable for all /3. A simple search and computation shows t h a t Re[H~(jw)] > 0 for all w _> 0 when 13 ----0.008.
O v e r s h o o t , r i s e t i m e a n d s e t t l i n g t i m e In this section we analyze the reset control system (9.16) when r(t) =_ ro and prove t h a t the step-response m a x i m u m occurs during the time interval (tl, tl + ~-o). The proof of the following can be found in [18]. Theorem
5: Consider the reset control system described in (9.16) utilizing
F O R E with L ( s ) given in (9.22) and r(t) -- ro. Let M r = ~ supt>0 [y(t) - ro[ denote the step-response m a x i m u m . Then, Mr =
max [y(t) te[tl,tl+rO]
- ro[.
From Theorem 5 the step response maximum M~ is equal to the peak response in the first reset interval [ti, tl + TO). In [3], this overshoot value has been explicitly computed in terms of b, (, and w,~ as repeated below: Mr = e
- Al
I R[4M242e-4P--2(~M(1--442M)e-V'/~M] l_4(~2M+442M2 ; /~ : R[M2e_~ --M(1--2r l_24M+M2
- q
R = e V ~1 ~
cos- i r
~ ~ 0.5 ~ ~ 0.5
71" - - C O S - 1
and where wc is the unity-gain crossover frequency of P ( j w ) C ( j w ) . Since the reset control system (9.16) behaves as a linear system before its first reset, then its rise time is t h a t of its base-linear system ( ~ 1.s). The 2% settling time ts can be computed using [18] adjacent intervals of y are shown to be scaled copies of each other. Indeed, using this, the settling time is computed as ts
where k is the smallest integer satisfying ]pn(To)l k M~ < 0.02.
C.V. Hollot et. al.
This p a p e r has given a s u m m a r y overview of reset control. It p r o v i d e d a n u m ber of m o t i v a t i n g examples, b o t h t h e o r e t i c a l and e x p e r i m e n t a l , and a f r a m e w o r k for establishing basic feedback loop properties such as stability, s t e a d y - s t a t e and transient performance. One area of present s t u d y is the response of reset control systems to high-frequency sensor noise. Such results could help give a c o m p l e t e a description of classical properties of reset control systems.
P r o o f of P r o p o s i t i o n 1
We will first i n t r o d u c e some notation. G i v e n an r E R, we define
and given a / 3 E R and Br as above, we define
~ g {~ E ~ : V(~) _3}. We will now show t h a t the equilibrium point, x = 0, is stable. Given an c > 0, choose r E (0,r and let a - minll~ll=rV(x ). Since V is positive-definite we have a > 0. We t a k e / 3 E (0, ct). Inequalities (9.4) and (9.5) imply t h a t V(x(t)) <_ V(xo) <_ /3 for all t, and hence any t r a j e c t o r y s t a r t i n g in f2Z will remain in ~2~ for all t. Since V(x) is continuous and V(0) = 0, t h e r e exists a 6 > 0 such t h a t V ( x ) 3 for all x E B~. Therefore, B~ C ~Z C B~, and Xo E /~$ implies t h a t x(t) E /~. for all t. Therefore [Ixoi[ < 6 implies [Ix(t)][ < r _~ c for all t, and hence x ---- 0 is a stable equilibrium point. To show a s y m p t o t i c stability we need to show t h a t x(t) --* 0 as t --* oo; t h a t is, for every a > 0, there is a T > 0 such t h a t Iix(t)l] < a for all t > T. It suffices to show t h a t V(x(t)) --* 0 as t --* cx). By (9.4) and (9.5), V(x(t)) is non-increasing. We now assume t h a t it is decreasing when x E ~ / { 0 } by (9.6), or w h e n x E Y2 M A/[ by (9.7). Since V ( x ) is b o u n d e d from below by zero, t h e n there exists a c _> 0 such t h a t V ( x ( t ) ) ~ c _> O;
t --~ oo.
To show t h a t c ----0, we proceed by c o n t r a d i c t i o n and suppose c > 0. By c o n t i n u i t y of V(x), there exists a d > 0 such t h a t 13d C f2c. T h e inequality (9.23) implies t h a t the t r a j e c t o r y x(t) lies outside the ball /3d for all t. We proceed w i t h the p r o o f in two cases.
Reset Control Systems
C a s e 1: ((9.6) holds) Let - 7 -- maxd_ 0 by (9.6) and because V ( x ) is continuously differentiable . It follows t h a t for ti+l _> t :> ti,
V(x(t)) = V(xo) + ~
V ( x ( T ) ) d r + AV(x(t,~))
dT+ 7 "~=1
= V(xo) - V =
t~ - t,~-l) + t - ti
Since the right-hand side will eventually become negative, the inequality (9.23) contradicts the assumption that c > 0. C a s e 2: ((9.7) holds) Now let -~/---- maxd<_llxll<~,xe~.~AV(x). Then, ~, > 0 by (9.7) and because V ( x ) is continuously differentiable. It follows t h a t for ti+l :> t > ti, ~
V ( x ( t ) ) -= V(xo) + n=l i
(/(X(T))dT + A V ( x ( t ~ ) )
= V(xo) - i% Since the right-hand side will eventually become negative, the inequality (9.23) contradicts the assumption t h a t c > 0. Therefore, V ( x ( t ) ) ---* 0 as t ~ c~, and proof is completed. []
P r o o f of P r o p o s i t i o n 2:
Given any point q C R n, define fl = V(q) > 0. Since V ( x ) is radially unbounded, given any ~3 > 0, there exists an r > 0 such that V ( x ) > /~ for all ]lxll > r. Given r, we d e f i n e / ~ ~ {~ E tg: I1~11-< r} and given/3 and B~ as above we define ~2~ =~ {~ E B~ : V(~) ~ ~}. The rest of the proof is similar to t h a t of Proposition 1. []
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Reset Control Systems
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10 Generalized Quadratic Lyapunov Functions for Nonlinear/Uncertain Systems Analysis Tetsuya Iwasaki University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22904, USA
A b s t r a c t . We consider the class of discrete-time n o n l i n e a r / u n c e r t a i n systems described by the feedback connection of a linear time-invariant system and a "troublesome component," i.e. either a static nonlinearity or a time-varying parametric uncertainty. We propose a generalized quadratic Lyapunov function for stability analysis of such systems. In particular, the Lyapunov function is given by a quadratic form of a vector that depends on the state in a specific nonlinear manner. Introducing a quadratic-form model of the troublesome component in the spirit of integral quadratic constraints, we obtain sufficient conditions for the existence of such Lyapunov functions that proves global/regional stability. The conditions are given in terms of linear matrix inequalities that can be numerically verified in polynomial time.
While the linear control system theory has reached a mature state, there is still much work to be done for analysis and synthesis of nonlinear a n d / o r uncertain control systems. Recent progresses in nonlinear control theories (see e.g. [16,21]) are nontrivial, but it appears difficult to have a universal design procedure that is guaranteed to "work" for a general class of nonlinear systems. A seemingly more tractable, yet practically important problem is to consider a special class of nonlinear systems that can be described by the feedback connection of a nonlinear component r and a linear time-invariant (LTI) system G (see Fig. 10.1). This restricted class of nonlinear systems have been extensively studied in the literature [24,25,35]. Moreover, such feedback systems have constituted a paradigm for linear robust control theory [7,17,27] where r acts as an uncertainty in the system rather than as a nonlinearity. The representation of n o n l i n e a r / u n c e r t a i n systems as in Fig. 10.1 has lead to a powerful tool for stability and performance analysis - input-output multipliers. Another powerful tool for analysis and synthesis of nonlinear a n d / o r uncertain systems is the Lyapunov function. The problem of quadratic stabilization 0 We use the following notation. The sets of n x m real matrices and n-dimensional vectors are denoted by R nxm and R n, respectively. For a matrix (or a vector) A, A t means the transpose. For vectors vi (i = 1 , . . . , k), we denote the composed vector v : = [ vl --- v~ ]~ by v = [ v l ; . - - ;vk ]. For matrices A and B of the same dimensions, A 9B denotes the entry-wise multiplication. The set of nonnegative integers is denoted by Z.
Tetsuya Iwasaki
F i g . 10.1. Nonlinear/uncertain system
was extensively studied in the 1980's (e.g. [22,1]), where a single quadratic Lyapunov function is used to prove stability of a family of systems. It has been shown [2,8,11,32] t h a t the notion of quadratic stability leads to robust control design techniques t h a t are conservative but numerically efficient, with the aid of interior point methods [26] for solving linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) [3,12]. More recently, attention has been paid to the so-called parameter-dependent Lyapunov functions [6,9,10,13,20,33] t h a t give less conservative stability conditions than the quadratic stability approach. Some of the Lyapunov approaches can be interpreted within the framework of input-output multipliers, and vice versa. For example, satisfaction of the (multiloop) circle criterion [31] implies the quadratic stability, while the Popov criterion for systems with sector-bounded nonlinearity is related to the existence of an affine parameter-dependent Lyapunov function for the corresponding uncertain systems [14,3]. The Lyapunov interpretations of the frequency domain conditions given in terms of input-output multipliers have been found useful for developing regional (rather than global) stability conditions for nonlinear systems of the form in Fig. 10.1; For instance, the references [15,28] consider saturating control systems and exploit the circle and the Popov criteria to give an estimate of the region of attraction, that is, the set of initial state vectors t h a t generate trajectories converging to the origin. In this paper, we propose a new class of Lyapunov functions for discrete-time systems described by the feedback connection in Fig. 10.1 where r is either a static nonlinearity or an uncertainty. In particular, we generalize the class of parameterdependent Lyapunov functions in [20] in order to allow for the analysis of both nonlinear and uncertain systems with reduced conservatism. The main idea can be explained as follows. In [20], uncertain systems of the form in Fig. 10.1 is considered where G is a stable LTI system with a state space realization C ( s I - A ) - I B + D and r is the function defined by u ---- Aly with A being a matrix consisting of uncertain timevarying parameters. For this class of systems, the following parameter-dependent Lyapunov function is shown to provide a reasonable trade-off between the degree of conservatism and the computational burden to check robust stability: I
Note that this Lyapunov function can also be given by
Generalized Quadratic Lyapunov Functions
where u is uniquely determined from x as the solution 1 to u = A ( C x + D u ) . Note that the Lyapunov function in (10.1) does not depend explicitly on the uncertain parameter Al and thus can also be defined for the system in Fig. 10.1 with n o n l i n e a r component r Here in this paper, we consider discrete-time feedback systems and propose the class of Lyapunov functions specified by
Xk := [Xk ; Uk 9, "'"
= x k' P x k ,
Uk+q--1 ]
where Xk is the state at time k, uk is the signal in Fig. 10.1 evaluated at time k, and q is a given positive integer. We call V in (10.2) a generalized quadratic L y a p u n o v f u n c t i o n since V is quadratic in the auxiliary vector x but not in the original state x. Clearly, V is dependent upon either the uncertain parameters or the nonlinearity. Based on the generalized quadratic Lyapunov function, we shall give sufficient conditions for global stability and for regional stability of the feedback system in Fig. 10.1. The quadratic-form model (QFM) of the "troublesome component" r will play a crucial role in our analysis. The QFM of r is the set of weighting matrices whose quadratic form with the vector vk is nonnegative for all time k where vk consists of the i n p u t - o u t p u t graphs of r at time instants k through k + q. Two specific QFMs are developed; One is for the class of nonlinear functions r with a given first-order information2. The other is for the time-varying parametric uncertainty for which bounds on the magnitude and the rate of variation are known. We show that QFMs can be used as "multipliers" in our Lyapunov analysis, leading to stability conditions given in terms of LMIs.
10.2 10.2.1
Consider the discrete-time system in Fig. 10.1 described by xk+l = A x k + B u k yk = Cxk + Duk Uk
= r
where xk E R n is the state vector, uk E R p and yk C R m are the signals in the feedback loop (see Fig. 10.1), and r : Z x R m --* R p is a nonlinear a n d / o r uncertain function. The following assumption is enforced throughout the paper. Assumption 1 (a) T h e f u n c t i o n r is c o n t i n u o u s and satisfies r 0) ----0 f o r all k C Z. (b) F o r each k E Z a n d x E R n, there exists a u n i q u e u C R p such that u ---r Cx + Du).
With this assumption, the existence and uniqueness of the solution to system equation (10.3) is guaranteed, and the origin is an equilibrium state. The condition (b) in Assumption 1 is often referred to as the well-posedness of the feedback connection. To state our objective, we need the following: 1 The existence and the uniqueness of such u is guaranteed by the well-posedness d e t ( I - AD) ~ 0 of the feedback system in Fig. 10.1. 2 The slope-restricted nonlinearity is an example of such r
Tetsuya Iwasaki
D e f i n i t i o n 1. Consider the system (10.3) and let A be a subset of l:t'~ containing the origin. The system is said to be globally stable if the state trajectory xk (k E Z) converges to the origin for any initial state x0 E R '~. We say that the system is regionally stable in A if the state trajectory xk (k E Z) converges to the origin whenever xo C A. Such A is called a region of attraction. Given matrices A, B, C, D and certain information on the function r to be specified later, our objective is to develop numerically tractable methods for analyzing global/regional stability of the system (10.3). In particular, we would like to give a (sufficient) condition for global stability of the system, and a characterization of the region of attraction. The notion of global stability is sometimes too strong to ask for nonlinear systems. On the other hand, the notion of local stability is too weak to provide an engineer with a confidence since the set of initial states converging to the origin, the region of attraction, can be arbitrarily small. Hence, it is often the case in practice that the notion of regional stability, which lies in between the notions of global stability and local stability, is the right property to be questioned. Before proceeding, let us introduce some notation. In view of Assumption 1, the vector u satisfying the relation u ----r C x + Du) is uniquely determined from k and x. We denote this mapping by u ----~(k, x). Clearly, ~(k, x) ----r Cx) when D = 0. Further introducing the nonlinear function
f ( k , x) :--- A x + B ~ ( k , x), the system (10.3) can be described by Xk+ 1 =
f ( k , xk),
uk = 7~(k, xk).
For integers k0 and kl such that 0 ~ ko _< kl, we see that the state at time kl is uniquely determined by the state at time ko. Hence xkl can be expressed as xkl ---- F(ko,kl,xko), where the function F : Z • Z x R ~ --* R n is the "state transition mapping" and is defined by recursive applications of the function f. For instance, F(4, 7, x) -- f(6, f(5, f(4, x))). Similarly, Ukl is also a function of k0, kl and xk0, and can be given by ukl : ~(kl, F(ko, kl, Xko)) --~: G(ko, kl, xko). 10.2.2
We use the Lyapunov function candidate described in Section 10.1 for our stability analysis. A precise definition of the class of such Lyapunov functions is as follows:
V ( k , x ) :-~ x'Px,
x := Tk(x)
where P is a fixed symmetric matrix and Tk (x) is a function defined by T k ( x ) : : [ x ; u0 ; . . -
; uq_l],
ui :----G(k,k + i,x),
(i = 0 , . . . , q - 1)
for a given integer q _> 1. The function V is well defined if the system (10.3) is well posed. Clearly, V(-, 0) = 0 holds due to the assumption r 0) ----0. Below, we shall develop a related auxiliary system, that has • := Tk(xk) as its state.
Generalized Q u a d r a t i c L y a p u n o v F u n c t i o n s
Consider t h e s y s t e m (10.3) and let xk, uk and yk be any signals t h a t satisfy t h e system equations. T h e n , it can be shown t h a t t h e signals xk E R nq , wk E R p, and vk 9 R ~q, where nq :~- n + qp, Eq :---- ( m + p)(q + 1), defined by
satisfy xk+l = .AXk + Bwk vk = Cxk + 7)wk
0 0
, B:=
C:= [CD0],
, C:=
/)y : =
C~ :=
T h e above e q u a t i o n s are o b t a i n e d by recursive applications of t h e first two e q u a t i o n s in (10.3) and n o t i n g t h e following identities: C,AkB = 0
(k = 0 . . . . . q - 2),
C f i [ q - l B = D.
T h e third e q u a t i o n uk -- r Yk) in (10.3) imposes a static constraint on t h e signal vk as follows. Let ~ : Z x R re(q+1) --. R p(q+l) be t h e function consisting of r on the diagonal; more precisely, u ----(~(k, y) m e a n s + i, yi)
ui ----r
[~o ;
(i = 0 , . . . ,q),
; ~q] :=-,
[yo ; . .
; y~] :=y.
T h e n it can be verified t h a t t h e signal vk is constrained to be a g r a p h of t h e f u n c t i o n at t i m e k; vk 9
Tetsuya Iwasaki
where the set Gk(r Ok(C)
is defined by
E R lq : y 9
By construction, any solutions xk, uk and yk of dynamical equations (10.3) satisfy equations (10.5) and constraint (10.11) for appropriately defined signals Xk, Wk and v~. The converse statement also holds true as shown below. Consider the auxiliary system described by (10.5) and (10.11). The system has an algebraic constraint (10.11) and hence there may be no solution for some initial state xo. From the construction above, we see that the initial state is constrained to satisfy x0 E T0(r where Wk(r
:----{ Tk(z) C R nq : x E R n }
if equations (10.5) and (10.11) are to generate a trajectory of the original system (10.3). The following lemma provides existence and uniqueness of the trajectory of the auxiliary system starting from xo E T0(r L e m m a 1. Consider the set Gk(r in (10.12) and the augmented matrices in (10.6)-(10.9). Suppose that Assumption 1 holds. Then the following statements hold true: (a) Given x E R "~q and k E Z, there exists a unique vector w E R p such that Cx + / ~ w E ok(C) /f and o n l y / f x E Wk(r holds. (b) Givenx E R '~q, w E R p a n d k E Z, supposeCx+T)w E Gk(r Then.Ax+Bw E Wk+l(r Proof. See Appendix A. It follows from this lemma that, if x0 E To, then the resulting trajectory is unique and satisfies xk E Ta(r for all k E Z. Therefore, for each xk, there corresponds a vector xk such that xk ----Tk(xk). It can readily be verified that this xk will be a solution to the original system (10.3). Note from Lemma 1 that there exists a unique vector w such that Cx 4- T)w E Gk(r for each k E Z and x E Tk(r Let us denote such w by ~(k,x). T h a t is,
C x + / ) w E Gk(r
Then the auxiliary system can be identified as a nonlinear time-varying system
xk+1 = f(k, xk),
f(k,x) := Ylx+ B(p(k,x)
with algebraic constraints xk E Tk(r for all k E Z. As noted above, if the initial state satisfies the algebraic constraint, i.e. x0 E T0(r then so does the state xk for all k E Z. In summary, the auxiliary system described by (10.5) and (10.11) is equivalent to the original system (10.3) in the sense that one generates a trajectory of the other. Thus the global/regional stability of the original system can be examined by studying the stability property of the auxiliary system. Moreover, the Lyapunov function in (10.4) is quadratic in the state xk of the auxiliary system, although it is not quadratic in terms of the original state xk. This fact enables us to consider the non-quadratic Lyapunov function using tools from the quadratic Lyapunov function analysis.
10 10.2.3
Generalized Quadratic Lyapunov Functions
Global stability analysis
In this section, we shall give a sufficient condition for the existence of a Lyapunov function of the form (10.4) t h a t proves global stability of the feedback system (10.3). As noted in the previous section, stability of the original system (10.3) is equivalent to stability of the auxiliary system described by (10.5) and (10.11), and a quadratic Lyapunov function for the auxiliary system will act as a (non-quadratic) Lyapunov function for the original system proving its stability. To this end, let us define the following sets: T(r
0(r := { o = o' e R ~q•
:---Gk(r keZ
v'Ov > o / v e a ( ~ ) } .
Notice that, given any O E O(r and vk in (10.11), the quadratic form vkOvk is nonnegative for all k E Z. Thus the set O(r may be considered as a "model" of the nonlinear/uncertain function r in the spirit of IQC analysis [25]. We shall call the set O(r a quadratic-form model (QFM) of r T h e o r e m 1. Let an integer q >_ 1 be given. Consider the system (10.3) and define the set O(r as in (10.14) and augmented system matrices as in (10.6)-(10.9). Suppose that Assumption 1 holds and there exist symmetric matrices P and k~, 4~ E O(r such that (10.15)
< o
Then the system is globally stable. Moreover, V ( k, x) defined by (10.4) is a Lyapunov function that proves stability. Proof. We show that V(x) :-- x'Px is a Lyapunov function that proves stability of the auxiliary system defined by (10.5) and (10.11). The result then follows from the equivalence of the original system (10.3) and the auxiliary system as discussed in the previous section. Recall that every trajectory xk of the auxiliary system is algebraically constrained to be xk E Tk(r for all k E Z. Thus V is positive definite along the trajectory if V(x) > 0,
v nonzero x E T ( r
From statement (a) of Lemma 1, we see t h a t this condition is equivalent to x'Px>0,
such t h a t
for s o m e w .
Tetsuya Iwasaki
Now, applying the S-procedure (Lemma 8 in Appendix B) with
we obtain (10.15) as a sufficient condition. We can show that (10.16) is a sufficient condition for the function V(x) to be monotonically decreasing along the trajectory of the auxiliary system as follows. Recall from Lemma 1 that there exists a unique vector w such that CxTT)w E Gk(r for each k E Z and x 9 Tk(r and such w is denoted by ~(k, x). We seek a sufficient condition for the following: V(.Ax + Bcp(k,x)) < V(x),
v nonzero x 9 Tk(r
k 9 Z.
It can be verified that this condition is equivalent to V(.AxTBw)
Vnonzero [ : ]
s u c h t h a t C x + Dw 9 G(r
Then using the S-procedure again, we obtain (10.16). 10.2.4
Regional stability analysis
In this section, we give a characterization of the region of attraction for the system (10.3). We consider for simplicity the case where the function r in (10.3) is time-invariant. In order to perform regional stability analysis, we shall restrict our attention to the class of Lyapunov functions3 V ( x ) given in (10.4). As in the previous section, we consider the auxiliary system described by (10.5) and (10.11). Then the analysis problem reduces to the search for a quadratic Lyapunov function V(x) ----x'Px that is positive definite and monotonically decreasing along each state trajectory xk E Tk(r of the auxiliary system in some region A of the state space. The following lemma provides a basis for our regional stability analysis. The essence of this approach has already appeared for example in [30,15,28]. L e m m a 2. C o n s i d e r a n o n l i n e a r s y s t e m xk+l = f(xk) where f : R" ~ R" is a c o n t i n u o u s f u n c t i o n satisfying f(0) = 0. L e t X be a subset o f the state space X C_ R". I f there exists a f u n c t i o n V : R " ---* R such that V(x) > 0,
v nonzero x C X ,
V(f(x)) -- V(x) ( 0,
v nonzero x C X
A C_ X
V(0) = 0
(10.17) (10.18) (10.19)
t h e n A is a region o f attraction, i.e., xk approaches the origin as k ~ co w h e n e v e r
x0 E A . a With a slight abuse of notation, we omit the first argument k in V since V is not an explicit function of the time k due to the time-invariance of r We use similar notation for r Tk(r etc.
Generalized Quadratic Lyapunov Functions
Let xk be the state of the system at time k in response to the initial condition x0 9 A. First we show that xk 9 A for all k >_ 0. If xkl ~ A for some kl > 0, then there exists k0 < kl such that
V(xko) _< 1,
V(xko+l) > 1,
hold. This is a contradiction because Xko # 0 due to V(xko+t) > 1 and Xko C A _C X, and hence we must have
V(xko+t) = V(f(Xko)) < V(Xko) _< 1. Thus we see that A is an invariant set, that is, xk does not leave A for all k _> 0. In this case, the function V(xk) is monotonically decreasing, justifying that V(x) is a Lyapunov function to prove the regional stability. The first step for the analysis is to choose the set X. A possible criterion for the choice is such that X allows for regional modeling of the nonlinearity ~b. Suppose that the function r (or ~b) can be modeled, in a certain region Y C R re(q+1), as follows:
o r ( C ) := / e =
O' e R~qXeq : Vt~V :> 0,Vv 9 C V ( r
If we choose the set X as
X : - - - - { x e R ~q : 3 w e R
then conditions (10.17) and (10.18) can be characterized as in Theorem 1 by replacing O with O v. In general, the set Ou162 is larger than 8(r in the previous section due to the restriction of the "operating region" of the function r Hence, if we seek ~p,q5 E 8u162 in (10.15) and (10.16), then the conditions become less restrictive. Below, we consider the following set for Y a m o n g others: Y : = { y c R '~(q+`) : v : = [ y ; ,/,(y) ],
where L~ E R (Q+l)x(eq+O are given symmetric matrices. Partition Li as
L~=[U~viJ V~ Wi
where wi is a scalar. Considering the additional condition (10.19), we have the following regional stability result.
Tetsuya Iwasaki
T h e o r e m 2. Let an integer q > 1 be given. Consider the system (10.3) and define the set 8Y(r as in (10.21) and augmented system matrices as in (10.6)-(10.9). Suppose that Assumption 1 holds and there exist positive scalars Ti, cri symmetric matrices kV,r C 8v(r ~2i E 8(r and P satisfying (10.15), (10.16), and
[C/0D]'[ZiO] [C/0D] > 0
for all i = 1 , . . . , r. Then the system is regionally stable in A where
V(=) < 1}
with V(x) given by (10.4). Proof. If conditions (10.17)-(10.19) with
are satisfied, then the auxiliary system (10.13) is regionally stable in A, which in turn implies that the original system (10.3) is regionally stable in h. As noted above, conditions (10.17) and (10.18) can be verified as in the proof of Theorem 1. Condition (10.19) holds if (and only if) x 9 T(r
x'Px _< 1
:=~ Cx + Dw 9 GY(r for some w.
Using the definition of G v (r and Lemma 1, we see that this condition is equivalent to
x'Px_< 1
Furthermore, noting the definition of Y, another equivalent condition is given by: For each i = 1,... ,r, [ Cx ~ T)w 1 'Li [ Cx +1T)w] _ > 0 ,
v x Cand x + :wD such w 9 1 6that 2
x ' P x < 1.
Applying the S-procedure, this condition holds if there exist Ti > 0 and ~2i 9 8(r such that 01]C' 0 T) Ti [D0 ' 0 Li IC 0 01] > [C~] ' ~i [C :D O] + [-00P0!] 0 . 0 It is now straightforward to show, using the Schur complement and introducing slack variables aij, that this condition is equivalent to (10.22) and (10.23).
Generalized Q u a d r a t i c Lyapunov ~ n c t i o n s
Theorem 2 characterizes a region of a t t r a c t i o n for system (10.3) in terms of LMIs. An estimate of the maximal region of a t t r a c t i o n may be found by maximizing the "volume" of the set A subject to the conditions in Theorem 2. However, the set A is not an ellipsoid in R n and it is difficult to measure its volume in a c o m p u t a t i o n a l l y tractable manner. One thing we could do is to maximize the volume of an ellipsoid that is contained in A. Let us explain this point in more detail. Let a symmetric positive definite m a t r i x Q -- Q' 9 R n be given and consider the ellipsoid defined by x'Qx _< 1. This ellipsoid is contained in A if and only if x'P•
x'Qx< 1,
or equivalently,
x'Px <_l,
Vx, w s . t . C x + i D w 9 1 6 2
x'J'QJx < 1
where J := [ In 0 ] 9 R '~xnq. Then, using the S-procedure, it can be shown t h a t a sufficient condition for this is given by the existence of A 9 8 ( r such t h a t
[Ci lff ] ' [A p _ 0,j oj ] ICIly]
Thus, approximating the volume of the ellipsoid x'Qx < 1 by t r ( Q ) , an estimate of the maximal region of attraction can be found by minimizing t r ( Q ) subject to (10.15), (10.16), (10.24), and the conditions in Theorem 2 over the variables T~, ai, ~P,~ 9 OY(r ~2~,A 9 O(r P , and Q > 0. This is an eigenvalue problem [3] and can be solved efficiently via interior point methods [26]. 10.2.5
to IQCs
In this section, we briefly discuss relationship between our Lyapunov-based stability condition in Theorem 1 and the IQC-based stability condition in [25]. For brevity, we consider the case where the function r in (10.3) is time-invariant. From the discrete-time K Y P lemma [29], there exists a symmetric m a t r i x P satisfying (10.16) if and only if the following frequency domain inequality holds:
~(e'~)*~G(e j~) < 0,
v 9 [0, 2~]
6(z) := C(zI - A)-113 + D, provided .A has no eigenvalues on the unit circle. Noting the identity:
C(zI-.A)-IB-F T) = F(z) [ G~z) ] where, with ~ :--- m or p,
[F~(z) 0] F ( z ) := 0 Fp(z) '
I z-qIa F,~(z) := I z-lI'~ , L I,~
Tetsuya Iwasaki
G(z) := C(zI - A)-I B + D, the above inequality can be rewritten as
u(e~) a ( ~ )
v 9
H(z) := F(1)'q~F(z). Thus condition (10.16) is equivalent to the frequency domain inequality (10.25). Now, condition 45 9 8 ( r basically means t h a t
for any integer k and any signal y 9 ~2, where lf~ is the set of square summable (vector-valued) sequences, vk is the value of the signal v evaluated at time k, and F and r denote, with a slight abuse of notation, the operators on ~2 represented by the transfer function F(z) and the static function r respectively. Using the Parseval's equality: k=-o~
V k ~ k - - - - 1 ~02~r ~ v(e3~)*r
we see t h a t the above inequality implies the following IQC: LCy(e3~) j
y 9 g2
where ^ denotes the discrete-time Fourier transform. Thus, the conditions (10.16) and q5 9 8 ( r implies the existence of a finite impulse response (FIR) multiplier H(z) satisfying the IQC stability condition (10.25) and (10.26). This IQC condition is slightly different from the discrete-time counterpart of the s t a n d a r d IQC condition [25] as follows. In the s t a n d a r d case, not only r but also z r are required to satisfy the IQC of the form (10.26) for all T 9 [0, 1]. This property is then exploited to prove stability via a homotopy t y p e argument. On the other hand, we require the IQC (10.26) for r only. The price we paid to avoid the homotopy type argument is the additional condition (10.15) in Theorem 1, which guarantees t h a t the Lyapunov function V(k, x) in (10.4) is indeed positive definite and thus allows us to conclude stability.
Specific quadratic-form m o d e l s
In this section, we consider some specific functions r and provide Q F M s for them. It is difficult to have an exact characterization of the set 8 ( r in a numerically tractable manner. Here, we t r y to develop, at the expense of conservatism, tractable QFMs that are suited for numerical computations involving LMIs. In particular, we show some inner approximations ~ of the exact set ~9(r Replacing 8 ( r by 9 in the stability result (Theorem 1), we will have a computationally tractable sufficient condition for global stability. A similar comment applies to the regional stability result of Theorem 2.
10 10.3.1
Generalized Q u a d r a t i c L y a p u n o v F u n c t i o n s
of diagonally
Consider t h e function r : Z • R m ---, R p consisting of several functions r 1 , . . . ,e) as follows: r = diag (r where r
(i ----
: Z • R mi ---, R pl and
mi = m,
p~ = p.
Define t h e function ~b as in t h e previous section, i.e. u = ~b(k, y) m e a n s (10.10). D e c o m p o s e the vector u and form a new vector fi as
LI :----
/i i :----
Lu j and similarly for y, where u~ E R p~ and y} E R ml for i = 1 , . . . ,~ and for j = 0 , . . . , q. Let F~ and F~ be the orthogonal matrices such that 6 ---- F~u and ~ = Fyy, and define F := d i a g (F~, F,,). Suppose, for each i E { 1 , . . . , ~ }, the function r is modeled by ~ C O ( r T h a t is, for any ~)~ e R mi(q+l) and Oi 9 ~i,
holds where q~i : Z x R m~(q+l) --~ N p~(q+l) is defined similarly to 4), i.e. a i =
4}i(k, f/~) means
^' r "j=
3, Yj) (j=O,...,q).
T h e n a Q F M for r can be given 4 by t h e following ~5:
o |diag(O~) diag(O22)| [diag(Oh) drag( 12)]
F' /i=l:t L i=l:t
i=1:~ i=l:t
/ F:
[Oh 012]
[O~ O~2J 9
T h u s t h e function r can be m o d e l e d by using Q F M s for r m o d e l i n g of a single function r (i.e. g = 1) in t h e sequel.
Hence, we consider t h e
4 For matrices Ai 9 R k~xt~ i = 1 , . . . , m , d i a g ( A i ) is t h e k • g block diagonal i=l:m m
m a t r i x w i t h A~ on t h e i t h diagonal, where k = '~-~k~ and ~ = ~--~f~. /=1
Tetsuya Iwasaki
static nonlinearity
Consider the class of nonlinear, time-invariant functions r : R --~ R satisfying
X12 X22
r Lr162
y21 y22 /
yll y~l zll z~ i r . y ~ y ~ zl~ z ~ j Lr162
> 0
for all ~,r E R where xij, y~j and z~j are given scalars. This class of functions includes several important classes of nonlinearities that have been studied in the literature. For instance, the sector-bounded nonlinearity can be captured by the constraint of the form (10.27). In particular, the sector-bound is given by the following condition: For any ~ E R, (r
- a~)(r
- j3~) ~ 0
holds where a and /3 are given real scalars. It is easy to see that this function satisfies (10.27) with -2a~
a +/3
as the weighting matrix of the quadratic form. Recall that the gain-bounded nonlinearity r satisfies Ir
-< ~l~[
for all ~ C R where "y is a given scalar. This is a special case of the sector bounded nonlinearity with a = -/3 = -y, and hence can be captured by (10.27) as well. Another example is the class of nonlinear functions r satisfying the following slope restriction; For any scalars ~, ~ E R such that ~ ~ ~, a -< r
~ _ -r r162 -< p,
holds where a, p C R are given scalars. It can readily be verified that the above inequality is equivalent to r162162
0 <#, -
~.-- p- ~ 2 '
0.-- p + ~ 2
Squaring the both sides, we have (10.27) with
_#2+0 2 0 -0
#2_0 2 -0 -0 -1 0 1-
as the weighting matrix of the quadratic form. The Lipschitz nonlinearity r satisfies
- r
-< ~1~ - r
Generalized Q u a d r a t i c L y a p u n o v F u n c t i o n s
for all scalars ~, ( E R , where # E R is a given scalar 9 T h i s is a special case of t h e slope-restricted nonlinearity w i t h p ---- - a ----#. T h e s e e x a m p l e s are s u m m a r i z e d in the following table. Nonlinearity S e c t o r - b o u n d e d (r Gain-bounded Slope-restricted Lipschitz
Condition - a~)(r - / 3 ~ ) _< 0 [r _~ ~[~[ ~ -< r162162 ~-r -< p [r - r ~ #[~ - r
In t h e sequel, we consider the class of nonlinear t i m e - i n v a r i a n t f u n c t i o n s r satisfying (10.27). It is also assumed t h a t r crosses t h e origin, i.e. r = 0, and is possibly an odd function, i.e. r = -r for all ~? E R . O u r o b j e c t i v e here is to find a Q F M for r where m is a given positive integer. Below, we consider the special case where 1 1 1 ~ 122, Yll : y22, and z u ---- z22 for brevity. T h e case w i t h o u t this a s s u m p t i o n can also be t r e a t e d in a similar m a n n e r . It t u r n s out t h a t applications of S - p r o c e d u r e s lead to a Q F M of r characterized by t h e following set of diagonally d o m i n a n t matrices:
This class of matrices has been used [4,5,23] to define a class of multipliers for t h e analysis of systems with r e p e a t e d nonlinearities. In this regard, our result can be considered as a generalization of these previous results. To s t a t e t h e result, let us define
[ r
/ yll y12 ... y121! [y 1
y21 y u . I
and X and Z similarly. 3. Consider the static time-invariant nonlinearity r that satisfies (10.27) with x u -~ x22, y u = y22, and z n = z22, and the set O ( r given by (10.1~). Define Y by (10.31) and X and Z similarly. Let S be the set of diagonally dominant matrices given by (10.30) with r := m(q + 1). If r crosses the origin, then
is such that q5 C_ O ( r where P is the set of symmetric matrices with positive entries. If in addition r is odd, then ~o:={
is such that q5o C_ O ( r Proof. See Section 10.4.1.
: SES}
Tetsuya Iwasaki
Consider a static, linear, time-varying, uncertain function r : R -~ R given by r ~) -- 5k~ for all k E Z and ~ E R where 5k E R is an uncertain time-varying parameter satisfying
I,~kl _< %
- ~kl ~ P
for all k E Z. In this section, we develop a Q F M for r We first consider the simple case where the parameter q in Section 10.2.2 is equal to one, and then generalize the result to the case q > 1. T h e o r e m 4. Consider the time-varying parametric uncertainty r ~) -- 5k~ that satisfies (10.32) for all k C Z. Define the set O ( r by (10.14) for q --- 1. Let
: C+C'=O,
R12 - - 0 , S12 ----0, Q : - - [ a l 2 D22
where D i j , G i j , R ~ j , S i j E R m• (i,j -- 1,2) are partitioned block matrices of D, G, R and S, respectively. Then ~ C_ O ( r Proof. See Section 10.4.2. The above Q F M reduces to the standard D-G scaling when the rate of parameter variation p is either zero or infinity. If p = 0, then S -- 0 and R = # I with sufficiently large # > 0 can be chosen without loss of generality, and all the constraints that define ~ reduce to D > 0 and G + G ~ ---- 0. Thus we have the standard D-G scaling for a single uncertain parameter. On the other hand, when p approaches infinity, R must approach zero and we have D > S > Q in the limit, implying that G12 -- 0 and D12 ----0. Thus we have the standard D-G scaling for two independent uncertain parameters. We now consider the case where q > 1. To state the result, we need to define, for each i = 1 , . . . ,q, a mapping E~ : a 2mx2m "-'-* 1~m(q-bl)• aS follows: For a matrix U, Ei(U) is a matrix given by Ei(U) ----d i a g (0, U, 0) where 0 on the left of U is a square matrix of dimension (i - 1)m while 0 on the right is a square matrix of dimension (q - i)m. Using the mapping E~, we have the following result. Th e proof is straightforward and hence omitted. T h e o r e m 5. Consider the time-varying parametric uncertainty r satisfies (10.32) for all k E Z. Define the set O(r by (10.14). Let
~=1 [E,(V~)' E~(W,)J : LV~ W~
----5k~ that
e ~
where ~ is defined in Theorem 4. Then ~P C_ O(r This Q F M has been obtained by "superposing" the previous result. For example, if q -- 3, using
Generalized Quadratic Lyapunov Functions
we have
I[o '
S~ Q1 +
10.4 10.4.1
~ Q2+R3S~J
Proofs Proof of Theorem
B a s i c Q F M ( m ---- q -~ 1) First we consider the case where m -- q ---- 1 and develop a QFM q5o C O(r If r crosses the origin, i.e., r = 0, then 00
1 0 Zll
Lo 0 0
~ 0,
by letting r = 0 or ~ ----0. If r is odd, i.e., r ------ r
]~(~)] Lr162
|-x12 |
u2~ 0 z ~
0 0 0
by replacing ~ with - r Hence, if r is odd, crosses the origin, and satisfies (10.27), then
I bx12 cx22 by21 cy22 [
[r [ ayll by2~ az~l bz~2 [ r Lr162 J L b~,~ cy~ bz~:cz2~ j Lr162 J
holds for all q l , q 2 , q 3 , q 4 >_ 0 and ~,~ E R where a :--- ql + q3 -t- q4,
b : ~ q3 -- q4,
C : ~ q2 q- q3 + qa.
This class of multipliers is given by
where 9 denotes the entry-wise multiplication and LX12 x22
Ly21 y 2 2 j '
LZ12 z 2 2 j '
: ql,q2,qa,q4>O
It turns out that the set Q is exactly the class of static multipliers (of dimension 2) proposed in [4,5,23] for the analysis of systems with repeated nonlinearities.
T e t s u y a Iwasaki
3. The set Q in (10.33) can be characterized as the set of diagonally dominant matrices of dimension 2, i.e., Q = S where
: 80
s2 >
Proof. F i x Q E Q a n d let qi (i = 1 , . . . ,4) b e t h e scalars t h a t g e n e r a t e t h i s Q. T h e n , for so:--q3-qa,
sl :=ql+q3+qa,
s2 : - - q 2 + q 3 + q a ,
we see t h a t si - [so[ = qi + q3 + qa - [q3 - q41 _> qi > 0 for i = 1, 2. H e n c e Q 6 S. Conversely, fix S 6 S a n d let s~ (i =- 0, 1, 2) b e t h e s c a l a r s t h a t g e n e r a t e t h i s S. T h e n c h o o s i n g
ql =sl - so q2 =s2-so
{ ql =8171-80 (when so >0),
q3 =So
q4 = 0
q2 = s 2 + s o q3 = 0 qa = --So
( w h e n so < 0),
we see t h a t S 6 Q. I n s u m m a r y , we h a v e t h e following Q F M for r w h e n q = 1. 4. Consider the static time-invariant nonlinearity r that satisfies (10.27) and the set 8 ( r defined by (10.14) with q = 1. Suppose that r is odd and crosses the origin. Let
S-2 S.]:~]
Then ~o C O ( r
c__o(r ~:={
: s~}.
Moreover, i f r is not necessarily an odd function, then we have
s.? [s.~ s.?'s.2 1 : s ~ n P }
where P is the set of 2 • 2 symmetric matrices with positive entries. Proof. T h e r e s u l t for t h e case w h e r e r is o d d follows f r o m t h e a b o v e discussion. W h e n r is n o t necessarily o d d , a n a r g u m e n t s i m i l a r t o a b o v e c a n also b e u s e d t o show t h e result; I n p a r t i c u l a r , t h e o n l y difference is t h a t t h e p a r a m e t e r q4 in (10.33) is n o w c o n s t r a i n e d t o b e zero.
Generalized Q u a d r a t i c L y a p u n o v F u n c t i o n s
General QFM We now develop a Q F M for r e p e a t e d scalar n o n l i n e a r i t y r with q ~ 1 using the result of the previous section. T h r o u g h o u t this section, we consider the special case where x l l = x22, y l l -- y22, and z n -- z22 for brevity. The case without this a s s u m p t i o n can also be t r e a t e d in a similar manner. We shall generalize the basic Q F M in L e m m a 4 to a Q F M for the case m _> 1 and q _> 1, through the two lemmas given below. The following is our first p r e l i m i n a r y lemma. To s t a t e the result, let us define the following matrices and the sets: 5
y l l y l : . . . y12]
x ~ x12 --. x~2 1 X12 X l l
X12 /
" ' 9
I,:={(i,j) 9
Z12 ' " " Z12 1
2:12 Z l l
Y21 y l l a
:={S=S' 9
Ly 1
[-X12 ' " " W12 X l l J
' "9
Z12 | / Z12 Z l l J
s 2i h,
s~ ~ + '
sis = So ,
(h = 1 . . . . , r)
i = I
C S }.
L e m m a 5. Consider a function r : R --~ R that is odd, crosses the origin, and satisfies (10.27). Then, the set ~o :=
S.Y S.Y' S.Z
is such that ~o C O ( r
: S9 where r := m ( q + 1).
Proof. Fix ~] 9 l:t ~ and S 9 S arbitrarily. Let s~ J be the m a t r i x in (10.34) t h a t generates S. We see from L e m m a 4 t h a t , for each (i,j) 9 It,
[ s~J . 2 s " . ? ]
LS~J? ' s , . 2 j
> o
holds 9 Noting t h a t ~
e~ 0
= i]I1o e~
~/ '
0 e;
5 For example, if r ----4, 27r ---- { (1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 4), (2, 3), (2, 4), (3, 4) }.
T e t s u y a Iwasaki
where ei and e s are t h e i th and the jth s t a n d a r d basis vectors in R ~, we can c o m b i n e these inequalities for different choices of t h e pair (i, j ) E 2"~ to get Z
[EO (S's')f)E~s
q -
[ Eq(S ,S .Y- , )Eq, E~s(S~3.Z)E~s ]
> - 0
where E q : = [ ei e s ]. It is straightforward to verify t h a t ~ ! EiS (S is .Y)Eq
(i,s)ez~ where
(i,j)e:Zr and similarly for t h e X and the 2 terms. Moreover, it can be shown t h a t S = S. Hence
holds and we conclude t h e result. T h e second p r e l i m i n a r y result is t h a t t h e set S coincides w i t h t h e following set of diagonally d o m i n a n t matrices:
( i , j = l . . . . . r)}.
Lemma6. S=S.
Suppose 5: C S. Let S is E S be t h e m a t r i x t h a t g e n e r a t e S as in t h e definition (10.34) where S is is p a r t i t i o n e d as in (10.35). T h e n , for each h = 1 , . . . , r, h--1
shh =
+ j=h+l
sP i=1 h--1
IsohSl+ ~ IsPI S=h+l
i=l h--1
IshSl+ ~ Isihl
j=h+ l
= ~
holds and hence S E S. Conversely, suppose S E S. For ( i , j ) E Zr, define s o~3, s ~3 1 and s~3 by SiOs : ~ 8 i j
87 := 18d +
82 :=
Generalized Quadratic Lyapunov Functions
8. - ~
18~d +
- Y ~ 18jkl k~j
Then it is easy to see that s ~J I _> be verified that
Is~Jl and
s~~ _>
Is~Jl due to
S E S. Moreover, it can
h--1 +
8 P = 8hh i=l
for all h = 1 , . . . , r. Therefore we conclude that S C S. We now prove Theorem 3. The second part (qSo C O(r for odd nonlinearity) directly follows from Lemmas 5 and 6. The first part can also be shown similarly. 10.4.2
Proof of Theorem
Consider the real parameters 5 and a such that
15I_~;, Io-1_~% I S - a [ < p
where % p ~ 0 are given scalars. We shall find a set O such that, for each O E O,
holds for any pair (5, a) satisfying condition (10.36). It should be clear that the set O is a QFM for the time-varying parametric uncertainty r = 5k( satisfying condition (10.32), for the case q = 1. The following lemma is useful for our development. L e m m a 7. Let scalars r, s, q and matrices R, S and Q be given. Suppose
R Then [rR sS]
sS' qQ
> O.
Proof. For any real vectors x and y, we have
where the last inequality holds due to the fact that A > 0 and B _> 0 imply t r ( A B ) > 0.
T e t s u y a Iwasaki
First, we can use t h e s t a n d a r d (D, G)-scaling for t h e gain b o u n d c o n s t r a i n t s 151 _< ~f and lal ~ ~/as follows:
~f2D2 0 G~ - D 1 2
G2 0
: Di=Di>0,_
N e x t we consider t h e "correlation" constraint [5 - a[ _< p. N o t e t h a t this constraint is equivalent to
Hence, from L e m m a 7, we see t h a t
(a - ~)G'o
G'o D4
T h u s we have
~Pb =
pD4 -G'o -Go 0 o o
D3 Go
E(71o D4
> 0
Finally, we use all the three constraints. T h e key idea is t h a t these constraints imply
,./(,), _[_p ) - (~2
.y2 _ ~a
.y(.~ + p) _ a2
] _> 0.
This can be seen by noting t h a t .yp(2~/2 _ (~2 _ a2) _> 0
, ~ ~ ( ~ + p)2 _ ~(~ + p)(~2 + : ) >_ v~ _ 2 : ~ a (~(~ + p) - 5~)(~(~ + p) - ~2) > ( ~ _ ~ ) ~ and by using the Schur complement. Hence from L e m m a 7, for each 5 and a satisfying (10.36), we have
7('y + p)DTJ -
~Pc =
.).2 0
7("/ + P)D7 0 0 0 -Ds-D6 0 -D'6 -D7
[ D5 D6 LD6 D7
>0 -
Generalized Q u a d r a t i c L y a p u n o v Yhnctions
S u m m a r i z i n g t h e results, we have Q F M ~ : = ~Pa + ~Pb + ~Pc for t h e t i m e - v a r y i n g p a r a m e t r i c uncertainty. We now prove T h e o r e m 4. It is straightforward to verify t h a t ~' can be characterized as in T h e o r e m 4 by n o t i n g the c o r r e s p o n d e n c e
D = [
D7 + D2
0 D2
[ -Go/"/
T h e o r e m 4 t h e n follows i m m e d i a t e l y from t h e above d e v e l o p m e n t .
We have considered t h e class of n o n l i n e a r / u n c e r t a i n systems described by t h e feedback connection of a linear time-invariant s y s t e m and a n o n l i n e a r / u n c e r t a i n c o m p o n e n t . T h e generalized q u a d r a t i c L y a p u n o v f u n c t i o n is p r o p o s e d for stability analysis of such systems. We have shown t h a t a q u a d r a t i c - f o r m m o d e l of t h e n o n l i n e a r / u n c e r t a i n c o m p o n e n t can be effectively utilized to o b t a i n sufficient conditions for the existence of such L y a p u n o v functions t h a t proves g l o b a l / r e g i o n a l stability. T h e conditions are given in t e r m s of linear m a t r i x inequalities t h a t can be numerically verified in p o l y n o m i a l time. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: T h e a u t h o r gratefully acknowledges helpful discussions w i t h C. Scherer and M. ~ .
Proof of Lemma
In the proof given below, vectors x E R n, u~ E a p, y~ C R m and x~ E R n (i = 0 , . . . , q - 1) are defined when x E R ; is given, as follows. Let x and ui be t h e p a r t i t i o n e d blocks of x such t h a t x' = [ x ' u~ . . . Uq-1 ]. Define x~ and y~ recursively by x~+l = A x i + B u i ,
y~ = C x i + Du~,
w i t h x0 := x. If in a d d i t i o n w E a p is given, t h e n vectors u C R p(q+l) and y E R re(q+1) are defined as follows.
y :--~
U :=
Yq- 1
LCAqx +
In this case, it can be verified t h a t y = C~x + :Dyw,
u = C~x + :D~w
hold true. These identities are useful in t h e p r o o f below.
T e t s u y a Iwasaki
We now prove s t a t e m e n t (a). S u p p o s e x E T k ( r T h e n we have u~ ---- G(k, k + i, x), which in t u r n implies ui = r + i, yi) for all i = 0 , . . . , q - 1. Hence, for a given vector w, t h e condition Cx + 79w E G k ( r holds if and only if w = r
+ q, C.Aqx + Dw)
holds, where we n o t e d t h e identities in (10.38). N o t i n g t h a t c.Aqx = C [ A q A q - I B ... A B B ] x, we conclude t h a t t h e r e exists a u n i q u e v e c t o r w satisfying (10.39) due to t h e wellposedness assumption. This c o m p l e t e s t h e "if" p a r t of t h e proof. To show t h e converse, let x and w be such t h a t C x + T)w E G k ( r In v i e w of t h e identities in (10.38), we have u~ = r + i, y~) = r + i, Cx~ + Du~), or equivalently, ui = qo(k + i, xi). It t h e n follows t h a t
x~+l = A x i + Bqo(k + i, xi) = f ( k + i, xi),
xo = x
=r xi = F(k, k + i, x)
ui = qo(k + i , F ( k , k + i , x ) ) = G ( k , k + i , x ) . Hence we conclude t h a t x E T k ( r T h i s c o m p l e t e s t h e p r o o f of s t a t e m e n t (a). Next we prove s t a t e m e n t (b). F i x x and w such t h a t Cx + 79w E G k ( r Then, as shown above, we have ui = q o ( k + i , xi) for i = 0 , . . . , q 1. Let uq : = w, xq := A x q - 1 -q- B u q - 1 , and yq : = Cxq + Duq. T h e n it can be verified t h a t yq = C.Aqx+ D w holds. Hence, we see from t h e identities in (10.38) t h a t uq = r + q, yq) holds, implying t h a t ui = ~ ( k + i, xi) holds for i = q as well. Finally, n o t i n g t h a t l
A x + B w = [ x'l u l
. uq
ui ----99(k T i, F(k q- l, k q-i, x1)) = G ( k q - l , k W i ,
for i ---- 1 , . . . ,q, we conclude t h a t .Ax + Bw E T k + l ( r
T h e following is a version of the S-procedure [34] t h a t converts c o n s t r a i n e d q u a d r a t i c form inequalities to linear m a t r i x inequalities, and plays a key role in t h e proofs of our results. See [18,19] for lossless-ness results related to this version of t h e S-procedure. Lemma define
8. Given matrices Q -- Q' E R mxm, H E R l•
~'0~_>0, V~EG}.
Suppose Q > H'OH
for some
69 E 69.
Then ~'Q~>O,
such that
and a set G C R ~,
Proof. Fix
Generalized Quadratic Lyapunov Functions
6~ 6 ~9 such that Q >
~'Q~ > ~'H'OH~
H'~gH, and
= ~'0~ > O,
r ~ 0 such that H~ 6 G. Then
~ := H ~
where the last inequality holds due to ~ 6 G.
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Tetsuya Iwasaki
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11 Towards Online C o m p u t a t i o n of Information State Controllers M.R. James Department of Engineering, Australian National University, Canberra, A C T 0200, Australia, [email protected]
A b s t r a c t . Implementation of H ~ controllers for nonlinear systems requires the solution of a P D E online for the information state (which forms the controller state). This paper will describe two threads of research relating to online computation: (i) numerical techniques using max-plus expansions, and (ii) the "cheap sensor" problem which has dramatically less complexity t h a n the regular case.
At the core of nonlinear H ~ control theory lie two partial differential equations (PDE). One is a first order evolution equation called the information state equation which plays the role of a generalized state estimator and in fact constitutes the dynamics of the controller. It must be implemented online. The second P D E is defined on the space of possible information states and determines the o u t p u t law for the controller. This can be implemented offline. For further details, the reader is referred to the books [2], [7], [12] and the many references cited therein. This paper discusses only the information state partial differential equation. The calculation of the information state is in general a computationally expensive task, requiring the solution of the information state equation in n dimensional space. The storage requirements and number of operations needed grow exponentially with n. This of course has negative practical implications, well-known as the "curse of dimensionality". Nevertheless, it is worthwhile developing effective computational methods for low dimensional problems, or for problems where the dimensionality can be reduced. In section 11.3 we exploit the underlying max-plus linearity of the information state evolution operator to obtain a numerical scheme implemented as max-plus matrixvector "multiplication", where as much of the computation is done offline (via LieTrotter type splitting). Then in section 11.4 we discuss briefly the so-called "cheap sensor" problem, where many states are assumed perfectly measured; this results in a reduced order information state evolution which in a wide range of applications is computationally tractable with current (2000) technology. In section 11.5 we make some additional comments. Before we begin, section 11.1 briefly reviews elements of the information state theory.
M.R. James
H ~ Control and Information
We will now review the nonlinear H ~ controller synthesis theory developed in [9], [7] for the class of nonlinear systems or (regular) generalized plants:
= A(x) + Bl(x)w + B2(x)u
x(O) = xo
D~2012 = Im
y = Ca(x) + D21w
D21D~21 = Iq.
Z = el(x)
In these equations x(t) C R '~ denotes the state of the system and y(t) E R q is the measurement signal. The output to be regulated is z(t) E R v. The control input is u(t) E R m, while w(t) C R l is an exogenous disturbance input. We assume that all the problem data are smooth functions of x with bounded first derivatives, that B1 and B2 are bounded, and that the origin is an equilibrium state: A(0) = 0, C1 (0) = 0 and Ca (0) = 0. In brief, the generalized plant is:
C1[ O
C2[D21 i)01
The (output feedback) controller K is assumed to be a causal mapping y C y H u E/4, where/g and y are the relevant signal spaces for outputs and inputs respectively, locally square integrable L2,loc. Such a controller is called admissible if the closed-loop equations associated with K and (11.1) are well defined in the sense that they have unique solutions in L2,loc. A controller K is said to solve the H ~ control problem provided the closed-loop system is 3,-dissipative and internally stable. The closed-loop system is 7-dissipative if
[z(s)[2ds <_ .y2
Iw(s)12ds +/3(x(0))
for some non-negative function /3 with /3(0) -- 0 and every w E L2[0, T], for all T >_ O. Internal stability means that if w C L2[0, oo) then u ( . ) , y ( . ) , z ( . ) , x ( . ) E L2[0, oo), and consequently x(t) ~ 0 as t -+ oo. To solve this problem the output feedback problem is transformed to a new state feedback problem using the information state pt(x) = p(x, t) defined by the equation
0 = -Vp(A+B1D'21(y ~-~p
C2) -{- B2u)
+7-2IVRBI(I-- D21D 2 1 ' ) B IpV'
(11.5) ,
21 1 - ' ~ ~[y - C2I 2 + ~[C1 + D12u[ 2.
In shorthand notation, we write pt(') = p(', t) and regard pt as the state of a new dynamical system with state equations
[9 ---- F ( p , u , y),
Towards Online Computation of Information State Controllers
where F(p,u, y) is the nonlinear differential operator defined in (11.7). The state space is an appropriate function space 9:' (e.g. the Banach space of continuous px functions with at most quadratic growth with the norm II P IIx----sup~eRn ~ ) . It is known (see [7, Section 3.1]) that if a controller K : y ~-~ u exists such that the closed-loop is 7-dissipative, then (11.7) has a solution. If the solution is not smooth, it can be interpreted in integrated form [7, Section 3.1, eq. (3.7)]), or perhaps in the viscosity sense, [1], [4]. The transformation afforded by the information state gives rise to a nonlinear PDE on an infinite dimensional (Banach) space 2d, viz.
-- 0
u E R m yE RP
where •W(p) is a linear operator (Frechet derivative). It is known that there exists a value function W(p) solving this equation in a suitable sense, [9], [10], [7]. In general it cannot be expected that W is smooth, and in fact at present there is no adequate theory for PDEs of the type (11.9); however, it can be interpreted in an integrated form, and various notions of smoothness and solution have been considered, [10], [7]. We assume smoothness to facilitate system-theoretic interpretation, and remark that smoothness issues do not arise in discrete time [9]. For full details, see [10], [7]. Here, it is sufficient to note that a smooth solution of (11.9) defines an output feedback controller K* via the optimal feedback function obtained by evaluating the infimum in (11.9):
u*(p) = VW(p)[-D~12C1 + B~2Vp'].
The optimal information state controller is given by
K* :
( Pu-- F(p,u,y), u*(p).
This controller feeds back the information state, suitably initialized, and produces a 7-dissipative closed loop. For precise statements and stability results, see
[7] In the sequel we focus on the online computation of the controller dynamics, the PDE (11.7).
Max-Plus A p p r o x i m a t i o n
Max-plus linearity refers to the commutative semi-field on R defined by aGb=max{a,b}
The transition or evolution operator (propagator, semigroup) for the information state is linear with respect to this semi-field. This can be used to advantage in formulating numerical schemes. Here we describe the approach of [5]; the results
M.R. J a m e s
q u o t e d are valid under the detailed hypotheses given there, and we refer t h e r e a d e r to this p a p e r for these details and proofs. Let ti ----iv for i E N . Henceforth in this section we work w i t h piecewise c o n s t a n t control u and discrete-time observations observations, so t h a t u(t) = u ~
for t ~ [ i v , ( i + l ) ~ ) .
Let /4 and y denote t h e spaces of such control processes and m e a s u r e m e n t sequences. In t h e sequel we assume T = NT. N o t e t h a t t h e n y is j u s t t h e space of sequences of length N taking values in R q. T h e values of u are in U C R m. T h e information state pt solves t h e P D E (11.7). In t e r m s of t h e e v o l u t i o n operator, the information state evolves as [pt~+l](x) ----St~'t~+l(pt,,u,y)(x) ~ sup {pt~(~)~-~ti,tiq_l(~,Z,U,y)}
~ER n
B t , t , + l ( e , x , u , y ) ~ sup { J ( t , t + T , ~ , u , w ) } wE kVx
where 142~ is t h e set of w C L2(ti,ti+l) for which
x(ti) = ~,
x(ti+l) = x and y = C2(x) + D21(x)w(ti).
Max-plus linearity m e a n s t h a t for p E X, c C R s ~''~'+1 (c | p) = c | s ~''~'+1 (p) and for pl, p2 E A'
St~,t~+, (pl @ p2) = S t~'t~+~ (pl) @ S t~'t~+* (p2). These expressions are to be interpreted relative to t h e p variable, i.e. p ~-~ Stl,ti+l (p, u, y). We assume there exists an equilibrium i n f o r m a t i o n state p~ such t h a t
p ~ ( . ) _< - c ~ , l . I ~ + c ~ where c~1 > 0 and c~2 >_ 0. Here the t e r m e q u i l i b r i u m m e a n s S t~'t~+l (p~, 0, 0) = p~. We will work on the space 7) = { p
: for a l l a > 0 , p ( x )
<_p~(x)+alxl 2+1},
invariant under t h e action of the evolution operator. Suppose we wish to a p p r o x i m a t e t h e p's in a c o m p a c t region Ix[ _< R d e t e r m i n e d by a radius R > 0. We assume there exists R1 > 0 such t h a t if Ix[ _< R1, t h e n t h e maximizers ~ in (11.12) satisfy [~[ ~ R3, for some R3 > 0, as described in [5]. So we will need to c o n s t r u c t our a p p r o x i m a t i o n s on a ball of radius R = R3. Let
pz~ ---- { ~ ) ? } j e j A ,
Towards Online Computation of Information State Controllers
be a finite collection of elements of 7), which we think of as "basis" vectors. Write ]JA I for the cardinality of j A . Define the max-plus span of 7)A by span~ A--{pET)
: p---- ~ jEJ
a?|162 A
where a ~ E R U { - c r This span is a finite dimensional max-plus linear subspace of 7). For any p E 7), a projection of p onto span 7~A will be denoted by r A p . Also note that pA E span7 ~a is characterized by the vector ( a ~ , . . . , a ~ A i ) E R IJ'~l (such vectors need not be unique). D e f i n i t i o n 1. A set T~A is called a monotone approximate basis with projection r a for a subset 7)0 C ~D provided: 1. For all p E :Do, then r A p E :Do and
7rAp(x) <_p(x) V x E R '~.
2. Given any ~ > 0, there exists ,5 > 0 such t h a t
V I x I _ < R and all p E T ) 0 .
A natural choice for the projection operator is:
(rAp)(x) = m a x { a ? + r jEJ
= ~ jEJ
a~|162 A
a? ---- m ax{r 2 (x) - p(x) }.
We note here that the geometric visualization is t h a t each a ~ is chosen so t h a t a ~ + CA ( x ) just "touches" p(x) at some point, and is no greater t h a n p(x) everywhere else. Indeed, we have: L e m m a 1. Let r A be the projection operator defined by (11.15) for p E 7). Then
1. p E 7) implies (11.13), and in fact r a p E 7). 2. If p E spanP A, then r a p = p. Hence ( r A ) 2 = r A. 3. The projection r A enjoys the following max-plus sublinearity properties: (a) For p E T) and c E R, 7rA ( c |
= c@rA(p).
(b) For pl,p2 E 7), r A ( p l ) O rA(p2) < r A ( p l Op2).
(c) For pl , p2 E 7),
rA(pl e p2)(x)- ~ < - A ( p l ) ( x ) 9 ~A(p2)(x),
Ixl _< R3.
M.R. James
Henceforth we use the projection defined by (11.15), and observe that it specifies a choice of "coordinates". We mention t h a t a monotone approximate basis can be constructed using quadratic functions. These quadratics span a subspace 7)0 of semiconcave functions. One of the key points of this approach is that the max-plus basis approximations of the information state reduce the propagation of the information state forward in time to max-plus matrix-vector multiplication. See [3] for more details, but the idea is as follows. We define our approximation pt~ to the information state pc, 0 < t < T as follows. Set po~ -- 7r,spo and for 0 < i < N ---- [T/T], ,5
G i r ,5 U I,P t ~ , i , y i + l ) ,
and P~ = Pt~ if t E [ti, t,+l). Here, the propagation operator G ~ is defined in terms of a monotone approximate basis p A by Gk,3(u,, Y~+I) | r
k E j z~
In terms of coefficients
j E J z~
the operator G i acts by max-plus matrix-vector multiplication ,5 @ at~+l,k =
i ,5 Gk,j(u~,y~+l) | at~,j
~/k E
j E J "5
where the dimension of the vectors is J,5. The validity of this approach is somewhat dependent on an analysis of the errors it introduces. We now summarize an initial study of these errors. Lemma2.
For any u E l4, y E y , po E T) we have
Pt~(x) < p t , ( x )
V x ER ,
and all i >_ O. Hence p ~ E 7). The next result requires careful choice of the discretization parameters ~- and ,5. Lemma3. Let po E 7), r > O, u E ld and y E Y with ]uil <_ R2, lYiI <- R2, 0 < i < N . Given ~ > 0 there exists z > 0 and Al > 0 such that ,5
and all 0 < i < N .
v Ixl < R3,
Towards Online Computation of Information State Controllers
Since the matrix Gi(ui, y~+l) depends on time via the signals u and y, it must be recomputed at each time step. Ways to reduce the complexity of this task are discussed in [5]. In particular, Lie-Trotter type splitting methods are used to separate homogeneous and inhomogeneous terms:
Sti ,t~+l (pt~, ui, yi+l ) ~" U2 (7",ui, yi+z)U1 (T)pti
The principal term U1 (T) can be calculated of[line, while the computationally simpler term U2(T, ui, Y~+I) must be calculated online. Figure 11.1 shows the result of a max-plus computation.
O -.M
-1~kO -2W -2M 4
Fig. 11.1. Example information state computed using the max-plus method.
Finally, we remark that the controller output can be determined via
U*Z~t z~\
M.R. J a m e s
by (in principle) discretizing t h e control e q u a t i o n (11.9), or by some o t h e r app r o x i m a t e means.
T h e C h e a p Sensor P r o b l e m
T h e cheap sensor case has been studied for linear systems in [11] ( w i t h o u t using this terminology), where reduced-order H ~ c o m p e n s a t o r s were obtained. In this section we s t u d y a nonlinear analog of [11] in t h e c o n t e x t of t h e i n f o r m a t i o n s t a t e framework [7]. Specifically, we consider t h e non-regular generalized plant s t r u c t u r e
(/}1, B1)I B2
I (0'0)ID12 00 0
(11.23) '
w i t h D12 full rank, where the s t a t e is d e c o m p o s e d as x ---- (x~, xt,), w i t h x~ measured perfectly and x~ imperfectly measured. T h e state feedback case corresponds to x -- x~, while in the full regular case (as in sections 11.2 and 11.3) x ---- x , . In s t a n d a r d notation,
D21 =
C2u(x) .
T h u s the state space R n will have a d e c o m p o s i t i o n as a direct s u m of space X~ of directly measured states and X~ some subspace c o m p l e m e n t a r y to X~. Let P~ denote t h e projection onto X~ along Xt, , and let Pt, d e n o t e the p r o j e c t i o n o n t o Xu along X~. T h i n k of t h e state of G d e c o m p o s e d as x = (x~,xu), w i t h o u t p u t y -- (x~,y~) where y~ ---- x~ -- P~x are the perfectly m e a s u r e d states and y~, are imperfect m e a s u r e m e n t s of the plant state x. T h e d i s t u r b a n c e / c o m m a n d i n p u t is denoted (v, w), where the dimension of w equals t h a t of y~,. T h e plant G w i t h cheap sensor s t r u c t u r e (11.23) is given explicitly by
4= A(~)+Bl(~)w+[~(~)v+B2(~)u G:
z = C~(~)+ D~2([)u Y=
[2,1 [o] c
and we often write y as
y = C2(~) + D21 I v ] . In conventional n o t a t i o n t h e plant s t a t e e q u a t i o n is
Towards Online Computation of Information State Controllers
Here, ~(t) E R '~, y(t) E R p, z(t) e R r, u(t) E R m, while v(t) C R q, w(t) E R s. The input w includes sensor noise, while v does not (since v is not directly sensed). Information state methods can be applied to the cheap sensor case even though the matrix D21 is not full rank. Recall that the information state p is in general a function p : R" ~ R. In the cheap sensor case, this function can be replaced by the pair (y~,/5), where /5 : X~ --+ R. So the states of the reduced information state controller are the functions/5 : X , -o R with dynamics a cut down information state P D E of the form I5 ----/5(/5,u, y),
with suitable initialization. This is a P D E on the lower dimensional space X~,. In the case d i m X ~ _~ q the cut down information state P D E (equation (11.27) above) is as follows:
I - V . / S t P t , [ A + B l ( y . ( t ) - C2.) + B l v + B2u(t)] vEVt(xu)k sup
-~-1[C1 -~- Di2u(t)[ 2 - ~2[H2 + [C2~ - y~(t)12]} where 12t(xt,) is given by
V t ( x . ) - { v e (P~B1)-l[9~ - P~(A + Bl(yt,(t) - C2.) + B2u(t))]}.
Here (P~/~I) -1 is the set-valued inverse ((P~B1)-lb ---- {a : P~Bla = b}). Detailed analysis of the computational complexity of the P D E (11.29) P D E is given in [8], where a computational scheme is described in terms of the moving grid of Figure 11.2 and a finite difference scheme. The outcome is that there is a huge complexity reduction in the case dim X~ < < n because Gdim~x , < < < < G~. This is extremely important because often dim X~ < < dim R n ----n, and so computation of the information state becomes feasible in such cases. For example, for a plant with 6 states of which 4 are perfectly measured and 2 imperfectly that with Gx ---=50 grid points per dimension, the computational complexity of updateing the reduced information state P D E at each time step is 0 ( 6 • 502) for memory and O(107) Floating Point Operations (FLOPS). This is significantly less complex t h a n a direct solution of the full information state P D E in 6 dimensions, which would require 0 ( 6 • 506) memory elements and O(1012) FLOPS per time step, which is of course infeasible. The controller signal is given by u(t) = u* (y~(t),/st) where u* is determined in principle by a PDE of the type (11.9), or in practice using certainty equivalence. We remark that in the case of linear systems the control signal is given by
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where H is a feedback matrix and xt, is the o u t p u t of a filter of the form
~ , = F.Y~t, + Gt.
Y. Y~
for suitable matrices Fu, G u.
(y~(t - a ) , ~ . ( t - a ) )
D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
, (y~(t - A), x . )
9 Xtr
y~(t) + x .
y~(t - a ) + x .
F i g . 11.2. Location of grid G~. C Xu at times t and t - - A showing points (y~(t), xu) and (y~(t-A), x.) (solid dots), nearest neighbors .hf(xt, ) (empty dots), and (y~ ( t z~), ~ ( t - A ) )
We would like to conclude that solving for the information state in real time is not as bad computationally as previously thought, at least for engineering problems where good knowledge of most, but not necessarily all, states is available. A choice of numerical methods is available, including the max-plus approximate basis technique described in section 11.3 which is well-matched to the mathematical structure of
Towards Online Computation of Information State Controllers
the information state dynamics, and versions of finite difference schemes as alluded to in section 11.4. Development of such numerical methods is the subject of current research. Another important issue not discussed in detail here is t h a t of determining the control output function u* (p). In the context of certainty equivalence, the receding horizon methods show some promise [6].
References 1. M. Bardi and I. Capuzzo-Dolcetta, "Optimal Control and Viscosity Solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equations", Birkhauser, Boston, 1997. 2. T. Basar and P. Bernhard, H a Optimal Control and Related Minimax Design Problems: A Dynamic Game Approach, Birkhuaser, Boston, 1995. 3. W.H. Fleming and W.M. McEneaney. A m a x - p l u s based algorithm for an HJB equation of nonlinear filtering. S I A M J. Control and Optim, 1998. 4. W.H. Fleming and H.M. Soner, "Controlled Markov Process and Viscosity Solutions", Springer-Vertag, New York, 1993. 5. E. Gallestey, M.R. James, and W.M. McEneaney, Max-Plus Approximation Methods in Partially Observed H ~ Control, in preparation, 2000. 6. E. Gallestey and M.R. James, The Receding horizon Approach to H ~ Control of Nonlinear Systems, submitted to Systems and Control Letters, August 2000. 7. J.W. Helton and M.R. James, "Extending H ~ Control to Nonlinear Systems: Control of Systems to Achieve Performance Objectives", Advances in Design and Control, SIAM, 1999. 8. J.W. Helton, M.R. James, and W.M. McEneaney, Measurement Feedback Nonlinear H ~ Control: The Cheap Sensor Case, s u b m i t t e d to IEEE TAC, 2000. 9. M.R. James and J.S. Baras, Robust H ~ Output Feedback Control for Nonlinear Systems, I E E E TAC 40, 1995, 1007-1017. 10. M.R. James and J.S. Baras, Partially Observed Differential Games, Infinite Dimensional HJB Equations, and Nonlinear H ~ Control, SIAM J. Control Optim., 34, 1996, 1342-1364. 11. A.A. Stoorvogel, A. Saberi and B.M. Chen, I E E E TAC,vol 39, Feb 1994, p p 355-360. 12. A. van der Schaft, "L~-Gain and Passivity Techniques in Nonlinear Control", Springer Verlag, New York, 1996.
12 T i m e D o m a i n I n t e g r a l s for Linear Sampled Data Control Systems R.H. Middleton 1, K. Law 1, and J.S. Freudenberg 2 1 Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of Newcastle, Callaghan 2308 NSW, A U S T R A L I A {rick,eekl}@ee.newcastle.edu.au 2 Dept. of Electrical and Computer Science, 4213 EECS Building, University of Michigan, 1301 B e l l Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2122, USA [email protected] This author is supported by NSF Grant ECS-9810242
A b s t r a c t , It is well known t h a t linear time invariant control of plants with unstable poles results in time domain integral constraints on the closed loop system. This leads to the question of whether nonlinear or time varying control can be used to ameliorate these constraints. In this p a p e r a particular class of time varying controllers, namely sampled d a t a feedback controllers, is studied. A n integral constraint, analogous to one for continuous time systems, is derived for sampled d a t a systems with an unstable plant pole and an o u t p u t disturbance. Analysis of this constraint in several examples shows t h a t the performance limitation is often worse than in the continuous time case.
It has long been recognised t h a t unstable plant poles and non minimum phase zeros, together with the normal requirement of internal closed loop stability, imply interpolation constraints which a feedback system must satisfy. Some of these interpolation constraints can be expressed as time domain integral constraints, see for example [5], [6], [7]. For example, consider the analog feedback control system shown in Figure 12.1 where r (t), e (t), y (t), u (t), d~ (t) and do (t) denote the reference signal, error signal, plant output, plant input, input disturbance and o u t p u t disturbance, respectively. The upper case is used for the Laplace transforms of signals. We then have the following result:
ld,(t) F i g . 12.1. Linear Analog Feedback Control Loop
Middleton, Lau, Freudenberg
Proposition 1. (i) Suppose that the plant transfer function P (s) has a zero in the closed right half plane (CRHP) (also referred to as a non m i n i m u m phase ( N M P ) zero) at s : ~. Then for any internally stabilising linear time invariant (LTI) controller: W (r = 0 Y (r = Do (r E(r
= R(r
(12.1) - Do (r
U (~) -- C (r (R (r - Do (r (ii) Suppose that the plant transfer function has a pole in the C R H P at s = p. Then for any internally stabilising L T I controller: V (p) = 0 U (p) = - D i (p)
E (p) = - C -1 (p) D~ (p) Y (p) = R (p) + C -1 (p) Di (p) Proposition 1 gives rise to the following important corollary: C o r o l l a r y 1. (i) Consider any internally stable analog feedback loop as shown in Figure 12.1 with no input disturbance, no reference signal, and where the output disturbance is a unit step. Then for any plant N M P zero at s = ~ it follows that ~0 ~ e-~ty (t) dt = 1
(ii) Consider any internally stable analog feedback loop as shown in Figure 12.1 with no input disturbance, no reference signal, and where the output disturbance is a unit step. Then for any C R H P plant pole at s -- p it follows that o~ e-Pry (t) dt = 0
The results of Corollary 1 can be interpreted in a number of ways relating to the time domain performance of the feedback loop [5]. For example, it can be seen that if the CRHP p in (12.4) is real, then the response of y(t) to a unit step output disturbance will undershoot. 1 This is shown qualitatively in Figure 12.2. In fact, (12.4) can be interpreted as a weighted equal area criteria, and limits the possible output responses achievable whilst retaining stability. One question that arises when considering these performance limitations is to ask whether the constraints of (12.3) and (12.4) are inherent to the plant, or whether they depend, for example, on the type of feedback control law employed. In this context, we note t h a t the derivation of (12.3) does not depend in any way on linearity of the controller, instead, it depends entirely on the plant zero definition, closed loop stability, and the structure of the o u t p u t disturbance addition. On the other hand, 1 Note that "undershoot" here denotes t h a t there exists t such t h a t y(t) < 0. For the o u t p u t disturbance response, this is equivalent to "over correction" which for reference steps, gives "overshoot" as in [5].
Time Domain Integrals for Sampled Data Control
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fig. 12.2. Sketch of Typical Continuous Time Disturbance Step Response.
(12.4) does indeed depend on linearity and time invariance of the controller. This latter fact can be seen by noting that to derive (12.4), we first use that for any stabilising control signal (independent of linearity), U (p) = 0. For the case of a LTI controller, E (s) = C -1 (s) U (s) and by the requirement for internal stability, we obtain Y (p) = 0. The fact that this derivation depends on linear time invariance of the controller has been used to advantage for example in [2], where improved performance is obtained for a linear integrating plant, using a switching control strategy. Further analysis and generalisation of these types of schemes is pursued in [1] and [4]. Given that, at least to some extent, nonlinear controls circumvent the LTI constraint (12.4), one natural question is to ask to what extent linear time varying controls remove this constraint. A particularly interesting and practically important class of these time varying controls is sampled data control systems [3]. Note however, that from a frequency domain viewpoint, sampled data control can be seen to inherit, and to some extent exacerbate, inherent limitations for LTI control [3]. In this paper we wish to consider the equivalent question for time domain performance limitations.
Sampled Data System Background
Following [3], consider a sampled data feedback control system as shown in Figure 12.3 where P (s) and F (s) represent the plant and anti-aliasing filter (AAF) transfer functions, respectively; and Cd ( es T) and H i s) represent the controller transfer function and hold response function2, respectively. If we consider only the sampled data response, then the system becomes linear time invariant, and the transfer function relating yk to uk with no disturbances present, is the discretised plant transfer function:
(FPH)d(e aT) = ~1 ~
2 We include here the possibility of using holds other than a zero order hold.
Middleton, Lau, Freudenberg
~ r~
Hold (T)
,d,(t) J.
, do(t) J.
Sampler (T)
F i g . 12.3. General Sampled D a t a Control block diagram.
where w~ = -~. The condition of internal stability, including the assumption of nonpathological sampling [3, Lemma 5] of the sampled d a t a system, implies t h a t if s ----p is an unstable plant pole, then z = e p T is also an unstable pole of the discretised plant, (FPH)d (z). Noting this, and t h a t the closed loop system is linear and time invariant when considered as a digital control problem, then we can establish t h a t with no input disturbance or reference, any stabilizing control gives: oo
Z . , e-kpTAyk = 0
k=O Whilst (12.6) resembles (12.4) it clearly ignores intersample behaviour. Our main aim in this paper is to consider the problem of finding integral expressions, analogous to (12.4) in the sampled d a t a case. In the development of these expressions, we will make use of the following definition: D e f i n i t i o n 1. The Discrete Time Sensitivity, Sd (Z) and the Fundamental Sensitivity function, Tf~,n (s) for the sampled d a t a system of Figure 12.3 are defined by:
sd (z) =
1 + Cd (z) (FPH)d (z)
T I ~ (s) = 1 p ( s ) H ( s ) C d ( e ~ T ) S d ( e ~ T ) F ( s )
(12.7) (12.8)
We are interested in the complete o u t p u t response, y(t), to an o u t p u t disturbance, do (t), as given in the following result: L e m m a 1. For the discrete time system of Figure 12.3, the output response with
zero reference and input disturbance is given in Laplace transforms by: Y (s) = Do (s) - Tf~,,~ (s) F -1 (s) (FD)u (e 8T) T
where (FD)d (e ST) = 1 ~--~k=-oo k=~ F (s + jkws) Do (s + jkws) is the frequency response of the sampled filtered disturbance.
Time Domain Integrals for Sampled Data Control
Proof. From [3, (23)] we have (with the appropriate notational changes)
Y (s)= Do (s) T = Do (s) xT
F (s + jkw~) Do (s + j k w , )
(12.9) follows directly from (12.10) and the definitions of T i ~
(12.8) and (FD)d.
With this background, we are now in a position to study sampled data time domain integrals.
Sampled Data Time Domain Integral
T h e o r e m 1. Consider any internally stable sampled data feedback loop as in Fig-
ure 12.3, where the reference and input disturbances are zero. Suppose that the plant has a right half plane pole at s = p. Then:
foo~ e-'ty (t)dt = Do (p) - TF -1 (p) (FD)a (e pT)
Proof. This result follows on substituting s = p in (12.9) and noting [3, Theorem 2] that Tf,,,~ (p) ----1. Note that (12.11) gives a time domain integral constraint on the output, which depends only on the disturbance and the anti-aliasing filter properties. In particular, note that the constraint is independent of the controller, save for the requirement that the controller be internally stabilising.
Interpretation and D i s c u s s i o n
Firstly, note that under fairly mild conditions on the anti-aliasing filter and output disturbance, the right hand side of (12.11) approaches zero as T --* 0 and therefore, as expected, we recover the analog control result (12.4). This can be seen by rewriting (12.11) as:
= F -1 (p)
dl (t) e-ptdt - T ~
d] (kT) e -pkT
where df (t) represents the signal formed by filtering, via the anti-aliasing filter F (s) the output disturbance, do (t). Provided this filtered disturbance has sufficient regularity such that the Riemann sum in (12.12) converges to the integral as T ~ 0, then Y (p) ~ 0.
Middleton, Lau, Freudenberg
We shall be frequently interested in the o u t p u t behaviour in response to a unit step output disturbance. Since we consider this disturbance to be an unknown disturbance, we cannot assume t h a t the disturbance arrives at a time which is synchronised with the sampling instants. In particular, we consider the o u t p u t disturbance to be the delayed unit step:
where without loss of generality the delay A is taken to be in the range (0, T). For a causal sampled d a t a feedback system, in response to the o u t p u t disturbance (12.13), the control signal must be zero until at least t ---- T. Therefore, the output behaviour in response to an o u t p u t disturbance should be qualitatively similar to t h a t illustrated in Figure 12.4. In particular, we have: y(t)=
i~ r ~
I 4
" T
F i g . 12.4. Sketch of Typical Sampled D a t a O u t p u t Disturbance Step Response. Note that the constraint (12.14) is independent of the plant, and is purely dictated by the sampled d a t a control. Furthermore, this initial portion of the response does not affect arguments about overcorrection due to an open loop unstable pole. We shall therefore consider the following integral constraint: C o r o l l a r y 2. Consider any internally stable sampled data feedback loop as in Figure 12.3, where the reference and input disturbances are zero. Suppose that the plant has a right half plane pole at s = p, and that the output disturbance is a delayed step, as in (12.13). Then:
Proof. This result follows by considering: e-Pry (t) dt =
e-Pry (t) dt -
e-pry (t) dt
Time Domain Integrals for Sampled Data Control
and using the substitutions (12.11) and (12.14) together with the fact that Do (s) = e- s,~ 8
Note, for example, that for a real unstable open loop pole, if the right hand side of (12.15) is non-positive, then necessarily the output response to a delayed o u t p u t disturbance will overcorrect, in the sense that y (t) must be negative at some point. However, it is not clear at this point, what values the right hand side of (12.15) may take. If the right hand side is positive, then in some sense, it would appear that the use of sampled data control has ameliorated the time domain integral constraint which exists for a continuous time control system. On the other hand, if the right hand side is negative, then the use of sampled data control has exacerbated this time domain integral constraint. The interpretation of this situation is complicated by the presence of the anti-aliasing filter, and the possible delay, ,5. Although a general statement about the right hand side of (12.15) is not apparent, several simplified cases can be analysed.
N o Anti-Aliasing Filter
Consider the case where we have no anti-aliasing filter, that is where F (s) ---- 1. We then have the following corollary: C o r o l l a r y 3. Consider a system with conditions as in Corollary 2, and in addition, where F (s) = 1. Then: ~e_Pty
(t) dt
(1 -- e -Tp -- T p ) p (e Tp - 1)
Furthermore, for p, T real and positive, f T e-PrY (t ) dt < O. Proof. Since the filter has transfer function equal to the identity, the filtered disturbance is precisely the disturbance. Therefore the transform of the sampled filtered disturbance is: (FD)d(e~T) =
1 e ~T -- 1
Evaluating (12.18) at s = p and substituting in (12.15) gives:
~ e - P ~ y (t) dt = l e - ~ P - T
1--L--e pT -- 1
(1 -- e - Tp T p ) p (e Tp -- 1) _ _
=: l f o ( p T ) (12.19) P as required. Note further that this function is negative f o r any positive real p, T . This can be seen from the inequality e -~ > 1 - x or f r o m the graph of fo which is shown in Figure 12.5. The result then follows. It therefore follows, that without an anti-aliasing filter, viewed from the perspective of the integral (12.17) over times during which the controller may take action, the sampled data controller has a 'worse' time domain integral constraint t h a n a purely analog controller. We next show that a similar result holds for an 'averager' (also called an 'integrate and reset') anti-aliasing filter.
Middleton, Lau, Freudenberg
.... :........
i............ i
I \ -0,1
................................. :[-2
-025 0
:. . . .
i ..............
Fig. 12.5. Plot of fo (pT) versus p T . 12.3.3
Integrate and Reset Anti-Aliasing Filter
Although not usually implemented in analog hardware, except perhaps implicitly if an integrating type analog to digital converter is used, an Integrate and Reset filter is a useful idealisation of an anti-aliasing filter. We define the behaviour of this filter by the time domain equation:
y s (t) = T
y (t) dt
or equivalently by the transfer function F(s)--
(1-e -sT ) sT
We then have the following Corollary: C o r o l l a r y 4. Consider a system with conditions as in Corollary 2, and in addition, where F (s) = (1--e-sT) Then: sT
= p
e - ' T --
Proof. Because of the nature of the filter, the filtered response to a step disturbance at t = A is given by:
d/(t) =
L ~ _ : t 9 (A, T + A) 1: t>T+A
Time Domain Integrals for Sampled D a t a Control
Therefore the transform of the sampled filtered disturbance is: (FD)d(Z)=Z_I(T-A)
( 1 ) 1 - z -1
+ z-2
_ z(T--A)+A z T ( z - 1)
Evaluating (12.24) at z = e pT and substituting in (12.15) gives: A
e-Pry (t) dt = l e - P T -- T p
pT 1
1 [
e-p T _
e -pT
e pT (1 -- ~-) + T e pT (e pT
as required. Note that the function defined in (12.22) is not strictly speaking negative for all possible combinations of p, T and A. However, as illustrated in Figure 12.6, for practical values of p and T the integral is almost always negative. T h e only times where the integral is not negative is when A is very close to T (that is, when we are fortuitous enough to sample the output very shortly after a step disturbance has occurred) or when p T is large. Note however, that from [3, Corollary 6(a)] t h a t for p T > 2.5, we have a peak in [TI~,,~(jw)[ of greater than sinh2.5 2.42 or 7.68dB. Y--A Therefore we conclude that in general, and certainly in the case where A ----0 the time domain integral constraint with an integrate and reset anti-aliasing filter is more restrictive than its purely analog counterpart. -
First Order
Consider a first order anti-aliasing filter, which without loss of generality we take to have unity DC gain, with transfer function
a a s -b
We then have the following Corollary: C o r o l l a r y 5. Consider a system with conditions as in Corollary 2, and in addition,
where F (s) = 7-+-~'~ Then: ?e-pry =-
(t) dt
e -pT - p T
Middleton, Lau, Freudenberg
A = I"T
. . . .
~~ ~-~-03. -0.4
O. 5
- -
Fig. 12.6. Plot of fz (pT, A / T ) versus p T for various A / T .
Proof. Because of the nature of the filter, the filtered response to a step disturbance at t -- A is given by: d/(t)=
0: t_ A
Therefore the Z-transform of the filtered disturbance is: 1 (FD)d (z) - z - 1
e -a(T-z~) z - e -~T
Evaluating (12.29) at z = e pT and substituting in (12.15) gives: ~ e-pty (t) dt 1 --pW ----
- e
T p + a [" 1 a ~ epT--- 1
= - e-vr-pT P
=: ~ f2 (pT, aT, -~ )
e -a(T-zl) "~ e pT -- e--aT] -(~---~)(-~--e~-~
as required.
In this case, it is more difficult to plot this function due to the number of independent parameters. However, if we note that a T is precisely 7r times the ratio of the anti-aliasing filter cut-off to the Nyquist frequency, then we need only consider
02~ 0.3
Time Domain Integrals for Sampled Data Control
. . . .
. . . . . .
: aT=0.5*~t
........... :
0 ~-0.2
i . . . . . . . . .
~ L. -0.5
I 1
. . . .
A=0*T :
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I 2
Fig. 12.7. Plot of fs (pT, aT, A/T) for a first order anti-aliasing filter.
a small number of values of aT. Adopting this philosophy, we obtain the graphs shown in Figure 12.7. Note once again that except for values of A very close to T the function is negative. We therefore conclude, once again, that sampled data control essentially always gives a more difficult time domain integral constraint compared to the purely analog feedback case.
We have seen that time domain integral constraints related to open loop unstable poles are often dictated by the use of LTI feedback control. Several authors have pointed out that non-linear controllers (e.g. switching controllers) can circumvent some of the inherent time domain limitations due to open loop unstable poles. We argued that it may also be of interest to consider whether time varying controllers may achieve a similar reduction in performance limitations. Here, we studied in detail a particular class of time varying controllers, namely, sampled data feedback controllers. In the case of sampled data feedback controllers, we showed that unstable plant poles do indeed generate time domain integral equality constraints which the closed loop response must satisfy. The right hand side (RHS) of these integral constraints is no longer exactly zero (as in the analog feedback case). In this sense, it could be then argued that sampled data control might alleviate or aggravate the performance limitations of analog control (depending on the sign of the RHS term). The RHS term in fact depends solely on the anti-aliasing filter used, and the type of output disturbance considered. In this paper, several classes of anti-aliasing filter with a unit step output disturbance were considered. The step arrival time was asyn-
Middleton, Lau, Freudenberg
chronous with the sampling. It was found that the time domain integral constraints were nearly always worse than in the purely continuous case.
References 1. Chen, Q., Y. Chait and C. Hollot, "Stability and Asymptotic Performance Analysis of a Class of Reset Control Systems", Technical report http://www.ecs.umass.edu/mie/labs/dacs/pubs/bibo.pdf, also submitted for publication to IEEE transactions on Automatic Control 2. Feuer, A., G.C. Goodwin and M. Salgado, "Potential Benefits of Hybrid Control for Linear Time Invariant Plants", Proc. American Control Conference, 1999. 3. Freudenberg, J.S., R.H. Middleton and J.H. Braslavsky, "Inherent Design limitations for linear sampled-data feedback systems", International Journal of Control, V61,N6,pp1387-1421, 1995 4. Lau, K. and R.H. Middleton, "On the Use of Switching Control for Systems with Bounded Disturbances", Technical Report EE00012 http://eebrett.newcastle.edu.au/reports/reportsAndex.html, also, to appear, Proc. 39th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Sydney, December 2000 5. Middleton, R.H., "Trade offs in linear control system design", Automatica, V27, N2, pp281-292, 1991 6. Middleton, R.H. and G.C. Goodwin, "Digital Control and Estimation: A Unified Approach", Prentice Hall, 1990 7. Seron, M.M., J.H. Braslavsky and G.C. Goodwin, "Fundamental Limitations in Filtering and Control", Springer-Verlag, 1997.
13 A Linear T i m e - V a r y i n g A p p r o a c h to M o d e l Reference A d a p t i v e Control Daniel E. Miller Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, N2L 3G1
A b s t r a c t . In classical model reference adaptive control, the goal is to design a controller to make the closed loop system act like a prespecified reference model in the face of significant plant uncertainty. Typically the controller consists of an identifier (or tuner) which is used to adjust the parameters of an LTI compensator, and under suitable assumptions on the plant model uncertainty it is proven that asymptotic matching is achieved. However, the controller is highly nonlinear, and the closed loop system can exhibit undesirable behaviour, such as large transients or a large control signal, especially if the initial parameter estimates are poor. Here we propose an alternative approach, which yields a linear periodic controller. Rather t h a n estimating the plant or compensator parameters, instead we estimate what the control signal would be if the plant parameters were known; we are able to do so in a linear fashion. In this paper we consider the first order case, and prove that if the plant parameters lie in a compact set, then near exact model matching can be achieved. We explore the benefits and limitations of the approach and explain how it can be extended to the relative degree one case.
Adaptive control is an approach used to deal with plant uncertainty. The basic idea is to have a controller which tunes itself to the plant being controlled; typically such controllers can be described by a nonlinear time-varying (NLTV) differential or difference equation. One of the most important problems in the area has been the model reference adaptive control problem (MRACP), where the goal is to have the output of the plant asymptotically track the output of a stable reference model in response to a piecewise continuous bounded input. It was shown around 1980 that this problem is solvable if (i) the plant is minimum phase, and if (ii) an upper bound on the plant order, (iii) the plant relative degree, and (iv) the sign of the high-frequency gain are known, e.g. see Morse [5], Narendra et al. [8], and Goodwin et al. [1]. Subsequent work has demonstrated that (iv) can be removed, e.g. see Mudgett and Morse [7], and that (iii) can be weakened to requiring that an upper b o u n d on the relative degree be known, e.g. see Tao and Ioannou [2]. Typically such an adaptive controller consists of an identifier (or tuner) which is used to adjust the parameters of an LTI compensator, and under the above assumptions on the plant model uncertainty it is proven that asymptotic matching
Daniel E. Miller
is achieved. However, the controller is highly nonlinear, which makes the behaviour hard to predict, and the closed loop system can exhibit undesirable behaviour, such as large transients, especially if the initial parameter estimates are poor. In Miller and Davison [4] a high-gain adaptive controller is used to allow for increased plant uncertainty and to control the transient response; however, while the transient response can be made arbitrarily good, an undesirable side effect is that the control signal can become very large. Here we propose an alternative approach, which yields a linear periodic controller. Rather than estimating the plant or compensator parameters, instead we estimate what the control signal would be if the plant parameters were known; we are able to do so in a linear fashion. The essential features of the approach are embedded in the first order case, so we will use that to develop our controller and to prove our main result. We will then explain how this can be extended to the case where classical assumptions (i) and (ii) hold, (iii) is replaced by a relative degree one assumption, (iv) is omitted, and a crucial additional assumption is t h a t the plant parameters lie in a compact set. Given that all designs come with a pricetag, we also explore the benefits and limitations of the approach and compare it to the classical one.
Let Z denote the set of integers, Z + denote the set of non-negative integers, N denote the set of positive integers, R denote the set of real numbers, R + denote the set of non-negative real numbers, C denote the set of complex numbers, and C - denote the set of complex numbers with a real part less than zero. W i t h A a matrix, A T denotes its transpose. W i t h A E R '~x'~, sp(A) denotes the set of eigenvalues of A; its spectral radius is
p(A) := max{lAl : A c sp(A)}. With x E R n, the norm of x is defined by Ilxll := m a x { I x i l : i -- 1,...,n}. The norm of A E R nXm, denoted IIAll, is the corresponding induced norm. We let P C ( R "xm) denote the set of piecewise continuous functions from R + to R '~Xm. For f E PC(RnXm), define
Ilfllor := esssupt~R+ IIf(t)llLet P C ~ ( R n• denote the set of f E P C ( R ~• for which Ilftlo~ < ~ . Henceforth we drop the R n• and simply write PC and PC~. In this paper we will be dealing with linear time-varying systems, and it will be convenient to discuss the gain of such a system when starting with zero initial conditions at time zero. To this end, the gain of G : P C ~ ~ PC is defined by
"GII := sup { ''Gum''~ Ilumll~ We say that the system is
: um ~ PC~,
Ilumll~ r 0
} .
stable or bounded if IIGII < c~.
A Linear T i m e - V a r y i n g A p p r o a c h to the M R A C P
We say t h a t f : R + ---* R '~xm is of order T j, a n d write f = O ( T J ) , if t h e r e exist constants cl > 0 a n d 7"1 > 0 so t h a t [If(T)lr < ClT j, T e
(0, T1).
On occasion we have a function f which d e p e n d s n o t only on T > 0 b u t also on a pair (a, b) restricted to a compact set F C R2; we say t h a t f = O ( T ~) if there exist c o n s t a n t s cl > 0 a n d 7"1 > 0 so t h a t [If(T)l[ < cxT j, Z ~ (O, TO,
(a,b) E r.
The Problem
Our first order plant P is described by
y(t) = ay(t) + bu(t), y(O) = yo,
with y(t) C R the plant state (and m e a s u r e d o u t p u t ) a n d u(t) E R the p l a n t i n p u t ; we associate this plant with the pair (a, b). T h e associated transfer f u n c t i o n from u to y is given by
P(s) :=
b s--a"
We assume t h a t (a, b) is controllable, which m e a n s t h a t b # 0. Indeed, we a s s u m e that (a, b) lies in a compact set s satisfying E C {(a,b) e R 2 : b # 0 } . Our stable SISO reference model Pm is described by
ym(t) = amym(t) + bmum(t), ym(O) = Ymo,
with Ym (t) E R the reference model state a n d Um (t) E R the reference model i n p u t . The model is chosen to e m b o d y the desired b e h a v i o u r of the closed loop system; clearly we require it to be stable. Informally, our goal is to design a controller to make the plant o u t p u t track the reference model o u t p u t in the face of p l a n t uncertainty. To this end, we define the (tracking) error by c(t) := y~(t)
- y(t).
Our goal is to construct a single linear t i m e - v a r y i n g controller which n o t only provides closed loop stability b u t also provides near o p t i m a l performance for each possible model. It is our i n t e n t i o n to use a sampled d a t a controller, so it is n a t u r a l to use an anti-aliasing filter at the i n p u t . Hence, our control law has two parts: with a > 0 we have a n anti-aliasing filter at the i n p u t of the form ~m = --OLq~m"[- Ot~m, ~m(0) = Um0
whose i n p u t - o u t p u t m a p is labeled F~; this is followed by a s a m p l e d - d a t a controller of the form
z[k + 1] = F(k)z[k] + G(k)y(kh) + H(k)~m(kh), z[0] ----z0 E R z, ~z(kh + T) = g(k)z[k] + L(k)y(kh), v E [0, h)
Daniel E. Miller
whose i n p u t - o u t p u t m a p is labeled K and whose gains F , G, H , J and L are periodic of period p E N ; t h e period of t h e controller is T :-- p h , and we associate this s y s t e m with t h e 7-tuple (F, G, H, J, L, h, p). O b s e r v e t h a t (13.4) can be i m p l e m e n t e d w i t h a sampler, a zero-order-hold, and an I th order periodically t i m e - v a r y i n g d i s c r e t e - t i m e system of period p . Closed loop stability clearly d e p e n d s solely on t h e s a m p l e d - d a t a c o m p o n e n t , which brings us to D e f i n i t i o n 1. T h e controller (13.4) stabilizes (13.1) if, for e v e r y set of initial conditions yo E R and z0 E R ~, w i t h ~m = 0 we have y(t) ~
o as t ~
and z[k] ----~O as k ---* co.
Now suppose t h a t (13.4) stabilizes (13.1) and t h a t Y0 = 0 and z0 ---- 0; we let bY(P, K ) d e n o t e t h e closed loop m a p from fi,n ~ e. O u r goal is to design K so t h a t Ill-(P, K ) F ~ - PmlI is small for every possible P ; however, notice t h a t [ I . T ' ( P , K ) F ~ -- PmI[ _< [ [ . T ' ( P , K ) F ~ - P,~F,~[[ + HPm(F,~ - 1)H < II.~(P,K)F,-
P,~F~I I + lam +c~------~l"
Hence, we can first choose a sufficiently large ~ to m a k e the second t e r m small, and t h e n we can proceed to design K to m a k e t h e first t e r m small for all admissible P . To this end, we define ~,~ = am~m + bmfim,
~m(0) ----Ym0.
Notice t h a t for c~ > [am[, we have
,bml [~.~oleamt+la~+' ~lllumll~, [gm(t)--ym(t)l<_ lam+~
In t h e next section we will provide a high level description of t h e design approach.
The Approach
Here we explain the m o t i v a t i o n of t h e a p p r o a c h to t h e problem. O u r goal is to make t h e difference between y and ~m small, so let's form a differential e q u a t i o n describing this quantity: (~,~ - y ) = a,,~(~m - y ) + (bmftm - bu § ( a m - a ) y ) .
Since we would like t h e plant to act like t h e reference model, we m a y as well require t h a t t h e error caused by a m i s - m a t c h in initial condition go to zero like eamt, i.e. we m a y as well set 1 1 ( bm f t m + ( a m - a ) y ) . bm~tm - bu + (am - a ) y :- 0 ~ u -= -~
1 This is not essential - we can require the d y n a m i c s of t h e m i s - m a t c h in initial conditions to be as fast as we like; here we have m a d e t h e m o s t n a t u r a l choice.
A Linear T i m e - V a r y i n g A p p r o a c h to t h e M R A C P
Because of our c o m p a c t n e s s a s s u m p t i o n we can be assured t h a t 1/b is b o u n d e d above i n d e p e n d e n t of (a, b) E F . O f course, a and b are unknown, so some form of e s t i m a t i o n is required. Since we would like to end up with a linear controller, we would like to get rid of t h e 1/b term. It will t u r n out t h a t we will be able to deal w i t h polynomials. F r o m t h e compactness assumption, it is clear t h a t there exist positive b and b so t h a t
(a,b) E F = ~ 0 < b _< Ibl_< bF r o m t h e Stone-Weirstrass A p p r o x i m a t i o n T h e o r e m we know t h a t we can approxi m a t e 1/b arbitrarily well over t h e c o m p a c t set I - b , - b ] U [b, b] via a polynomial. While some proofs of this result are constructive, e.g. see [10], it is often difficult to i m p l e m e n t in practise. If we were only interested in [b, b] t h e n one could first form a Taylor series expansion a b o u t b; since it converges uniformly on every closed subinterval of (0, 2b), t h e n to get a good a p p r o x i m a t i o n one simply t r u n c a t e s t h e Taylor series. T h e p r o b l e m is not m u c h h a r d e r in our case. 1. The s u m m a t i o n
Proposition --~ ( - 1 ) i
b (b 2 - ~2)~
convenes unifo~ly to ~ on [-~, -hi u ~_,~]. Unfortunately, Taylor Series expansions, on which the above is based, t e n d to converge slowly. T h e r e have been investigations into o p t i m a l a p p r o x i m a t i o n d a t i n g back at least to t h e 1890's, e.g. see [11] (pp. 126 - 138) and the references c o n t a i n e d therein, which can yield alternative ways to o b t a i n an a p p r o x i m a t i o n . In any event, from Proposition 1 we see t h a t for every ~ > 0 we can choose a p o l y n o m i a l ]~(b) so that
I1 - bL(b)I <
~, b E I-b,-_b] LJ [b,b].
Now we consider our second a p p r o x i m a t i o n . R a t h e r t h a n a p p l y i n g t h e feedback control (13.7), instead we apply
= ]~(b)(bm~m + (am - a)y);
we label this 12 and the corresponding closed loop solution by ~; we set ~(0) = yo. In closed loop we end up with
(~m - ~) = [am + (a - am)(1 - bf~(b))](flm - fl) + [1 - bf~(b)]bmum - [1 - bf~(b)](a - am)rim. Define ::
Y, e0 : = Ym0 - yo.
P r o p o s i t i o n 2. Suppose that - ~ < am. Then there exist constants ~ > 0 and 7 > 0 so that for every ~ E (0,~), the closed loop system satisfies
I~(t)- e~
< ~/~(ly01 + lye0 I+ I ~ 0 I)e(~
+ ~l/~ll~lloo,
Daniel E. Miller
So, as expected, as our a p p r o x i m a t i o n of ~ improves, our s t e a d y - s t a t e t r a c k i n g error improves. At this point we freeze e > 0 a n d choose a p o l y n o m i a l q
]e(b) = E c, b' i=l
so t h a t (13.8) holds; we assume t h a t e is sufficiently small t h a t the c o r r e s p o n d i n g control law (13.9) at least stabilizes every (a, b) E F . Now the goal is to design a s a m p l e d - d a t a control law of the form (13.4) so t h a t we can a p p r o x i m a t e l y imp l e m e n t (13.9) regardless of which admissible system t h a t we are controlling. W e use h small a n d with q the order of our p o l y n o m i a l a p p r o x i m a t i o n to ~, we choose p > 2 q + 1; recall t h a t the controller period is T ----ph. First we provide a c o n c e p t u a l description of the controller a n d a high-level description of why it should work. We do so in open loop a n d t h e n explain how to convert it to a controller of the form (13.4). To motivate our approach, first observe t h a t the s a m p l e d - d a t a control law ~(t) = {
0 p_(2Pq+l) ]~(b)[bm~tm(kT) + (am -a)~(kT)]
t E [kT + (2q + 1)h, (k + 1)T) t E [kT, kT + (2q + 1)h)
should be a good a p p r o x i m a t i o n to (13.9) if h a n d T ----ph are b o t h small. Here we will i m p l e m e n t s o m e t h i n g similar to this: every period [kT, (k + 1)T) is divided into two phases: 9 i d e n t i f i c a t i o n / e s t i m a t i o n phase: on the interval [kT, k T + (2q + 1)h) we e s t i m a t e
]e(b)[bm~m(kT) + (am - a)~l(kT)]. While we do n o t set fi(t) equal to zero here, we ensure t h a t the effect of t h e p r o b i n g used in the estimation yields only a second order effect. 9 control phase: on the interval [kT+ ( 2 q + 1)h, ( k + 1)T) we apply p--(2q-~l) P times the above estimate. Let us look at the first period [0, T). T h e first step is to form a n a p p r o x i m a t i o n of q i
c~ b [bmum(0) + ( m - a)y(0)]. =:(~i(o)
Suppose t h a t we initially set fi(t) ----0, t E [0, h). Since a is constrained to a compact set, it follows t h a t
y(h) = eahy(O) = [1 + ah + O(h2)]y(O). Hence, l [ y ( h ) - y(0)] = ay(O) + O(h)y(O).
A Linear Time-Varying Approach to the M R A C P
So at this point we have a good estimate of ay(0), with the quality of the estimate improving as h --~ 0. ~ Hence, we can form a good estimate of r
:----bmfim(0) + (a,~ - a)y(0),
namely r
----bmfim(0) + amy(O) - ~[y(h) - y ( 0 ) ]
= bm~tm(O) + (am - a)y(O) + O(h)y(O) = r
To form estimates of r ----b~r we will carry out some experiments. W i t h p > 0 a scaling factor (we make this small so that it does not disturb the system very much), set
u(t) = pC0(0), t 9 [h, 2h). Then y(2h) = e2~hy(O) + (
e a~ dT")bu(h)
= [1 + 2ah + (.9(h2)]y(0) + [bh + O(h~)]p~So(O) ---- (1 + 2ah)y(O) + pbhr
+ (-9(h2)y(O) + O(h2)~tm(O).
Hence, r
= ~h[Y(2h) - 2y(h) + y(0)] = br
---- r
+ O(h)y(0) +
+ (9(h)y(O) + (9(h)~tm(O).
Of course, in carrying out this experiment we have given the state a boost - see (13.11). This can be largely undone by applying
u(t) = -pr
t 6 [2h, 3h),
for then y(3h) = (1 + 3ah)y(O) + O(h~)y(O) + O(h2)~m(0). To form a good estimate of r (0) we simply repeat the above procedure: we set
u(t) = pr
t 6 [3h, 4h)
2 The skeptics will be concerned that we are differentiating the plant output. We are indeed carrying out discrete-time approximation to differentiation, with the estimate improving but the noise tolerance degrading as h --+ 0. This is akin to the problem arising in PID design where one has to roll off the differentiator term at the appropriate frequency: the higher the rolloff frequency the better the approximation to a pure differentiator and the worse the noise behaviour.
Daniel E. Miller
u(t) = -pr
t e [4h, 5h);
it is easy to see t h a t y(4h) = (1 + 4ah)y(O) + pb2hr
+ O(h2)y(O) + O(h2)~tm(O)
and y(5h) = (1 + 5ah)y(O) + O(h2)y(O) + O(h2)~m(O). So a good estimate of r r
-- ~h [y(4h) - 4y(h) + 3y(0)] = r
+ O(h)y(O) + O(h)~tm(O).
This can be repeated q - 2 more times: for i = 2, ..., q - 1 we end u p with u(t)
S pq~i(0), t E [(2i + 1)h, (2i + 2)h) -pr t C [(2i + 2)h, (2i + 3)h);
we have y((2i + 2)h) = [1 + a(2i + 2)h]y(0) + pb~+lhr
O(h2)y(O) + O(h2)~tm(O) and y((2i + 3)h) -----[1 + a(2i + 3)h]y(0) + O(h2)y(O) + O(h~)~t,~(O), so t h a t $~+1(0) = ~h [y((2i + 2)h) - (2i + 2)y(h) + (2i + 1)y(0)] ---- r
+ O(h)y(O) + O(h)~tm(O).
At the end of the estimation phase, we are at t --- (2q + 1)h, a n d we have estimates of r162 to form our control signal to be applied d u r i n g t h e control phase. There is a lot of flexibility in how long one can make the control phase: the higher the percentage t h a t we carry out control the closer t h a t t h e m a g n i t u d e will be to the ideal one; however, if we make the percentage too large t h e n we will need a very small h to ensure t h a t T is small enough, which will exacerbate noise tolerance. In any event, at this point fix p>2q+l with a corresponding controller period of T ----ph. T h e n we set q
u(t) --
P E cir p - 2q - 1 i=1
t e [(2q + l)h, ph).
A Linear Time-Varying Approach to the M R A C P
It follows that q
y(ph) = y(T) -- [1 4-pah]y(O) 4- Tb ~ c,r
4- O(h2)y(O) 4- O(h2)fzm(O)
---- [1 4- aTlY(O) 4- Tb](b)[bmfzm(O) 4- (am - a)y(0)] 44-O(h2)y(0) 4- O(h2)fzm(O) = e~
+ Tb](b)[bm~m(0) + (am - a)y(0)] +
4-O(h2)y(0) 4- O(h2)f~m(O)
eamTy(O) 4-
as desired. Of course, at time T = ph the procedure is repeated, but now using y(T) and 12re(T) instead of y(0) and fi,,~(0). F~arthermore, the above simply examines what happens between consecutive periods, whereas we wish to examine the interval [0, oc). Before doing so, let us first provide a closed form description of the proposed estimation and control scheme using a sampled-data system of the form (13.4). To this end, the state z has dimension 4: 9 9 9 9
Zl keeps track of y(jT) for later use. z2 keeps track of y(jT + h) for later use. z3 keeps track of the most current r z4 is used to construct the control signal to be applied during ~T + (2q 41)h, (j 4- 1)T).
We partition the periodically time-varying gains F, G, and H (with period p) accordingly as [ F1 (k) ]
IF=(k)l F(k) =/F3(k) / ,
[ G1 (k) ~
LF,(k) j
[ H1 (k) ]
la=(k) l /a3(k) / ,
H(k)= ira(a)/
La,(k) j
LH4(k) j
We would like zl(k) ----y(0), k = 1,'-" ,p so we set
(0, 1,0) k = 0 ([1 0 0 0 ] , 0 ) k 1,-.. , p - 1 .
We would like
z2(k)----y(h), k = 2 , . . . , p , so we set (o,o,o)
(F2, G2, H2)(k) =
k = o
(0, 1, 0) k ([0 1 0 0 ] , 0 , 0 ) k
1 2,-..,p-1.
Daniel E. Miller
We use za to keep track of the estimate of r
More precisely, we would like
$o(0) k=2 z3(k) =
To this end, we set
(F3,G3,H3)(k) = {
(0, am, bin) ( [ 1 / h 0 1 0 ] , - I / h , 0) (~ [2i-1 -2i 0 0],~,0) ([0 0 1 0 ] , 0 , 0 ) (0,0,0)
k = 0 k 1 k 2i ( i = l , . . . , q ) k 2i+1 (i= 1,.-.,q) k----2q+2,... ,p-1.
Our last state z4 is used to accumulate our control signal: we'd like q
z4(k) = ~ c&(0),
i = 2q + 2, ...,p,
so we set
(i,o,o) 0],0,0) k = 0,1,2 (o0cl 3 (F4, G4, I-Ia)(k) =
( ( ( (
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 ci 0 0
1] ,0,0) k 1],0,0) k 1],0,0) k lJ,0,0) k
2i+2(i=2, q) 2q+3,..-,p""l
Last of all, we need to form the control signal: we set
0 ] --h~) 0 0] ,0) (J,L)(k)={([O 0 p 0 ] , 0 ) ! ([0 0
I ([0 0 2" o1,0)p-~q-1],O) qp-eq-1 (([0
__T__ 0 0 _p_~q_l],0)
k= 1 k= 2 k=2i+1 k=2i+2 k=2q+l
(i= 1,...,q-I) (i=l,...,q 1)
At this point, we need to prove that the proposed control law acts much like (13.9). To proceed, we label ~ to denote our control signal and ~) to denote our output; we set ~)(0) = yo. From (13.12) we see that 9[(k + 1)T] =
e'~T~)(kT)+ Tb.f(b)[bm~tm(kT) + (am - a)9(kT)] + +O(T2)fl(kT) + O(T2)f~m(kT).
Before proceeding, define : = m a x { sup
a + bf~(b)(am - a) < 0 for every (a, b) C F by hypothesis, it follows from the compactness of F that A is negative.
A Linear T i m e - V a r y i n g A p p r o a c h to the M R A C P
P r o p o s i t i o n 3. For every A G (A, 0) there exists a T > O and a z/> 0 so that for every T 6 (0, T) we have
[9(t) - 9(t)l _< 2Te~*(lyol + I~mol) + ~,Tjlu,~[l~, t > 0. P r o o f ' . Fix A E (.~, 0). In closed loop we have
ij = (a + bf~(b)(am - a)] ~ + b]~(b)bm ftm. =:acl(a,b)
It follows t h a t there exists a c o n s t a n t 3'1 > 0 so t h a t for every (a, b) 6 F , we have ]y(t)i _< 3'1eAt(lY0 ] + i~mol) + 3,,lluml[~,
t _> 0.
Now let us analyse the closed loop b e h a v i o u r at the sample points. We have
9[(k + 1)rl = ~ ' ( ~ ' ~ ) ~ ( k T ) +
+ T).
Now it is easy to show t h a t
~o T eact(a,b)(T ") b~z(b)ftm (kT + r) = Tbd(b)ftm(kT)+ O(T2)[Numl]o~ + e-~kTlumol], SO 9[(k + 1)T] = e~(~'b)Ty(kT) + Tbr O ( T 2) [[[Um I[oo + e--~kr[U~o 1]. F r o m (13.I3) we see t h a t ~)[(k + 1)7"] = e~Tfl(kT) + Tb]~(b)fbm~tm(kT) + (am - a)~)(kT)] +
+O(T2)fl(kT) + O(TZ)ftm(kT) = e~t(~'b)fl(kT) + Tb](b)bm~tm(kT) + O(T2)fl(kT) + O(T2)ftm(kT). Hence, if we set ~(t) = 9(t) - ~)(t), it follows t h a t (~[(k + 1)T] = [e~r
+ O(T2)]5[kT] + O(T2)fl(kT)+
O(T~)[ii~lioo + ~ - ~ l ~ m 0 1 ] . T h e r e exists T1 > 0 so t h a t [eacz(a'b)T d- O(T2)[ _~ e (X+A)T/2 < e AT, T 6 (0, T1),
Daniel E. Miller
lS[kT]l <_ ~_e(X+~)(k-J)T/20(T2)[I~(jT)I + Ilu,~]loo + e-~3Tl~mot ] j=0 k
<- Ee(X+X>(k--3>T/20(T2)[71eXkT(]yoI + r~mol) § j=o
"Y~llumll~ + Ilumlloo + e-~Jrl~moll _< O(T)llumlloo + O(T)e)'kT(lyoI + I~m01), T E (0, T 0 .
Now let us look at what h a p p e n s in between the sample points. It follows from our b o u n d on ~ t h a t there exists a constant "1'2 so t h a t
lu(t)l -< "~e~t(lYol + lumo I) + "~2llumlloo 9 We also know t h a t
~t(t) = O(1)ftm(kT) + O(1)fl(kT), t E [kT, (k + 1)T). Hence, for t E [kT, (k + 1)T): ]t3(t) - ~3(kT)l _< (e '~*(~'b)T - 1)l~3(kT)l +
Te ~176
I + II~m II~] I~mo I) + ~ liUmlloo] + O ( T ) [ e - " ~ l ~ o I + II~mll~] = O(T)[eXkT(lYol + I~mol) + II~mll~] = O(T)bleXkT(lYoI
and 19(t) - ~(kT)l _ (el~l T _ 1)l~)(kT)l + TelalTIblO(1)[l~)(kT)l +
= O(T)[IY(kT)I + I~(kr)l + e-~kTJ~mol + IlUmll~] = o(r)[~/leXkT(lyo[ + If~mo]) + ~/lllUmlloo + O(T)lfumll~ + O(T)eXkT(lYo[ + [Umo[) + e--~kTlf~mo[ + [[Um[[oo] = o(r)[r
+ [~mo f) + Ilumll~].
le(t) -5[kT]l <- O(T)[eXkT(lyol + [f~mol) + IlUmlloo], t e [kT, (k + 1)T). If we combine this with (13.14), it follows t h a t [~(t)[ _< O(T)[ext(lY0[ + [am0]) + [[Um[[oo], as required. []
A Linear T i m e - V a r y i n g A p p r o a c h to the M R A C P
Now we can leverage the results of the last section to prove t h a t we can o b t a i n near o p t i m a l performance in the face of significant plant uncertainty. T h e o r e m 1. For every 5 > 0 there exists a controller of the f o r m (13.3) and (13.4) so that for every (a, b) E F, the closed loop system satisfies
119(t) - ym(t)] - ~ ~ [y0-ymo]i_< 5~(a~+~)~(lY01 + lyre0 I + I ~ o t) + 51l~mlloc. P r o o f : First, choose a > - a m sufficiently large t h a t
Ibm______~l< 5/3. [a,~ + ol I It follows from (13.6) t h a t 19m(t) - ym(t)l <-- (5/3)1~m0 [eamt + (5/3)llumll~.
From P r o p o s i t i o n 2 there exist constants g > 0 and "7 > I so t h a t for every e E (0, g), the closed loop system satisfies t(Y - y m ) ( t )
-- e ~
-- Y m o ) l
(lyol + lymol + I~mol)e (~m+='/=)~ +~/211u~ll~.
So now choose e C (0, ~) so t h a t ~ 1 / 2 < 5/3; notice t h a t :=max{
sup [ a + b ] ~ ( b ) ( a m - a ) ] , a m } ~_am+ (~,b)Er
It follows t h a t
I(~- ~m)(t) --e ~ (Yo--Ym0)] _< (5/3)(lYol+lY.~ol+l~mol)e(~ (5/3)11u~11~.
Now set
)~:=am +5. From Proposition 3 there exists a T > 0 and ~ > 0 so t h a t for every T C (0, T) we have 19(t) - Y ( t ) l _< ~Te~(lY0i + I~mo I) + ~Tli~m I1~, t _> 0.
Daniel E. Miller
Choose T E (0, T) so that
~/T < 5/3; then
lY(t) - ~ ( t ) l _< (5/3)e(a"+~)t(lYo] + I~mol) + (5/3)llumll~,
If we combine this with (13.15) and (13.16) we end up with
119(t) - ym(t)] - e ~
- ymo]l
<_ ig(t) - 9 ( t ) l + 119(t) - 9 r e ( t ) ] - e " m t ( y o - Y-,o)] +
Iflm(t) - ym(t)l
<_ (5/3)le(~'"~+'~)t([yol + I~,mo [) + (5/3)ltuml]~ + (5/3)(iyo[ + lymol + la-,o I)e (~
+ (5/3)Humll~ +
(5/3)e(,,m +~)t ifimo I + (5/3)I1~" II = _< 5(lyol + lymol + I~mol)e (~
+ ~11~',~11~.
Remark 1. This result demonstrates that we can control not only the steady-state behaviour but also the transient behaviour! Some of the features are: 9 the near perfect tracking performance begins immediately - there is no tuning phase; 9 any mismatch between y0 and Ym0 decays exponentially to zero approximately at the rate of e a'~t. Neither of these features are provided by a classical adaptive control law.
Remark 2. Since our linear time-varying control law computes u(t) every T seconds, one would expect that it would have the facility to handle slowly time-varying parameters. Although we will not prove this here, we will demonstrate this feature via simulation. Remark 3. From the proof of Theorem 1 it is clear that for the approach to yield extremely good tracking we need to choose a high order polynomial approximation to 1 (recall that q is the polynomial order) and we also need to choose the sampleddata controller period T to be small. This means that the sampling period h=T P
T q
must be quite small, which means that some of the controller gains will be quite 1 This may result in poor noise tolerance, large, since some are proportional to ~. and is probably the most important drawback of the design procedure.
A Linear T i m e - V a r y i n g A p p r o a c h to the M R A C P
to the Relative
It t u r n s out t h a t t h e m i n i m u m phase relative degree one case is not significantly more difficult t h a n t h e first order case. Here we assume t h a t our plant is d e s c r i b e d by = Ax + Bu, y = Cx
x(O) = xo
with (A, B ) controllable, (C, A) observable, and t h e s y s t e m m i n i m u m phase of relative degree one. O u r reference m o d e l is described by &m = A m x m Ym ~ Cmxm
-~ B m u m ,
xm(O) = X m 0
which is stable and of a r b i t r a r y relative degree. To proceed we borrow t h e following result from [6]: t h e m i n i m u m phase s y s t e m (13.17) of relative degree one a d m i t s a s t a t e space m o d e l of t h e form
y(t) = [0 1] [xl(t)] [x2(t) J
with a2, b2 C R and A1 stable w i t h eigenvalues at t h e zeros of C ( s I - A ) - I B . W i t h o u t loss o f generality, we will a s s u m e that o u r p l a n t model is already i n this form. W i t h am < 0, our goal is to choose u so t h a t
(ym - y) = am(ym -- y). Replacing t h e LHS by t h e a p p r o p r i a t e t e r m s we end up w i t h C m A m x m + C m B m u m - (a2y -4- b 2 c l x l + b2u) = a m ( y m - y);
solving for u yields 3 u = ~[a~(y~
- y) + (a2y + b 2 c l x l ) - C m A m x m
- CmBmum].
First of all, it is easy to form
am(Ym -- Y). Next, we can filter um as before to yield fi,~ and a s s u m i n g t h a t we can m e a s u r e xm, t h e n we can easily form Cm Amxm
-i- C m B m %tm.
3 Notice t h a t this control law decouples s u b - s y s t e m one from s u b - s y s t e m two: we have it1 = A l x l + bly;
since A1 is stable, x l is well-behaved as long as y is well-behaved.
Daniel E. Miller
Last of all, by setting u(t) = 0 for t E [0, h], we see that
y(h) = y(O) + h[a2y(O) + b2clxl(O)] + O(h2)x(0), which means that we can easily form a good approximation of
a2y(O) + b2clxl(O). Hence, the controller designed in this paper, with a mild modification, will work for our situation here. Implicit here is that there is an upper b o u n d on the plant order; following the proof of Theorem 1, we would first choose an appropriate value of which worked for all orders, and then we would choose an appropriate value of T which worked for all orders; the details are omitted.
Here we discuss two examples to illustrate the proposed design methodology.
Here the set of plant uncertainty is F={(a,b)
a E [-1,1],
and the reference model is X m = - - X r n -~ Urn.
Recall that there is no LTI controller to stabilize ( s ~ l , s~l }, so it follows that there does not exist a single LTI controller to stabilize every (a, b) C F, let alone provide good performance. We choose an anti-aliasing filter of the form ~rn ~- - - 5 0 ~ m -~- 50Urn,
which means that this degrades the performance by only 2%. Since our approach requires that the system state does not change very much during a period T, we will first choose T = 0.1, which is one-tenth of the magnitude of the largest pole. Here b has modest uncertainty: we can choose
]~(b) = b, ~ > 0, so that there is no error in the approximation. So we have the order q of ]s equal to one; we set p = ( 2 q + 1) + 1 = 4,
13 4/
i 2
i ....
i 8
i 10
.... i ....
..... i ......
i .........
................I'iIIilIUIIIIIIIJ~ji ....
" "
i 6
!'' .....
L 4
llll,. ...........:,.,,,,,........ - ' ~ -2~
.,~,~,,L~ . . . . . . . .
_21 0
A Linear Time-Varying Approach to the MRACP
.... ...... i
i 12
: i
i 16
fluulllll|llllllll|lltll~,,.. %
i 14
7 ..... :
i ........
..... ...... i ......
215 I
' 18
i 20
. 22
~............. ,.. . . . . . . . =d
, ....
i ........
, 4
i 6
i 8
i 10
i 18
9 20
2 1 0 -1 -2
F i g . 1 3 . 1 . E x a m p l e 1 w i t h a fixed b u t b c h a n g i n g sign.
so t h a t h =- T / q --- 0.025. A s i m u l a t i o n was c a r r i e d o u t (see F i g u r e 1) w i t h y(0) = 3, Ymo = umo --- 0, u m a s q u a r e wave of p e r i o d 10, a -- 1, a n d b a s q u a r e wave of p e r i o d 20. W e see t h a t t h e effect of t h e initial c o n d i t i o n s d e c a y s e x p o n e n t i a l l y t o zero, t h e t r a c k i n g is q u i t e good a n d t h e c o n t r o l signal is m o d e s t ; w h e n b c h a n g e s signs a t t -- 10 we see a s m a l l j u m p in y. Now we would like to d e m o n s t r a t e t h e c a p a b i l i t y of t h e c o n t r o l l e r t o t o l e r a t e t i m e v a r i a t i o n s : let U m a n d b b e as a b o v e b u t set
a(t) = c o s ( t ) Since a is m o v i n g q u i t e r a p i d l y we m u s t d e c r e a s e o u r s a m p l i n g p e r i o d - we c h o o s e T -- .02 so t h a t h ---- 0.005. W e see from F i g u r e 2 t h a t t h e c o n t r o l l e r d o e s a v e r y nice j o b of t r a c k i n g e v e n in t h e face of r a p i d l y c h a n g i n g p a r a m e t e r s . O f course, t h e faster t h a t t h e p a r a m e t e r s are c h a n g i n g t h e s m a l l e r t h e s a m p l i n g period; a t t h i s p o i n t we d o n o t h a v e a q u a n t i t a t i v e m e a s u r e of t h i s tradeoff. A s seen from Section 4 some of t h e c o n t r o l l e r gains are of t h e o r d e r of 1 / h ---- 200; t h i s is d u e to t h e d i f f e r e n t i a t o r - t i k e n a t u r e of p a r t of t h e controller. To i l l u s t r a t e t h e noise feature, we r e d o t h e a b o v e s i m u l a t i o n b u t w i t h a m e a s u r e m e n t noise of 0.005 * r a n d o m s e q u e n c e u n i f o r m l y d i s t r i b u t e d b e t w e e n =El a n d i l l u s t r a t e t h e s i m u l a t i o n in F i g u r e 3. W e see t h a t , as e x p e c t e d , t h e t r a c k i n g is d e g r a d e d . T h i s d e m o n s t r a t e s a key t r a d e o f f in t h i s a p p r o a c h : t h e larger t h e p a r a m eter u n c e r t a i n t y a n d t h e f a s t e r t h e t i m e - v a r i a t i o n of t h e p a r a m e t e r s , t h e s m a l l e r
Daniel E. Miller !
: . . . .
! :
.... :
21 r 1I~-
! :
! :
, :
, :
, :
,so,!~. L J
I "
" u solid .-
0 -10 -20
- ....
- - - . ~ ' ~
o~ \
, 6
J 10
i 8
\ .
i 12
/: .
i 14
; a solid } b dashec~
, :. . . . .
i 16
i 18
i 20
F i g . 13.2. E x a m p l e 1 with b o t h a and b varying.
t h a t the sampling period must be and therefore the more susceptible to noise t h e closed loop system is. At this point we do not have a q u a n t i t a t i v e m e a s u r e of this tradeoff.
Here the set of plant u n c e r t a i n t y is larger t h a n before: F={(a,b)
b2 E [1,21}.
We choose t h e same reference m o d e l as above: Xm
-- Xm
"~- " t t m ~
as well as t h e s a m e anti-aliasing filter: ~,~ = - 5 0 ~ m + 50urn.
Here we need a polynomial to a p p r o x i m a t e ~1 on the set [ - 2 i/2, - 1 ] U [1, While we could t r u n c a t e the series of P r o p o s i t i o n 1, it t u r n s out t h a t we would need a lot of terms. Instead we base our a p p r o a c h on t h e o p t i m a l a p p r o x i m a t i o n t e c h n i q u e discussed in [11]: we have ]0.0i (b) = 2 . 1 6 4 7 b - 1.5153b 3 + 0.3433b 5.
~o~ 10
i ....... ! ......... i ........ i .....
......... ..... t
: ..... :........ :
A Linear Time-Varying Approach to the M R A C P
i ......... il
:. . . . . . . .
ii iiiiiiiiiii
I 6
I 8
I 10
I 12
I 14
I 16
I 18
! i
! ! --
! i
! i :
i......... ...
i....... ...... !
- ~ ' ~
...... 2
. 4
- ......
~ ...... /':(-'~
. . .......... 8
. 10
i:. 12
I 4
I 2
- ....
......... ........ P l
_-'~:~i ii iiiiiii iiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiii iiii iiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 21 | 1 ~-~-
[ |
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
r 0
I 20
/ 22
! I asod IJ b dashed~ /
'...... t
F i g . 1 3 . 3 , E x a m p l e 1 w i t h a noisy m e a s u r e m e n t .
So q = 5 a n d we choose p = 22 = 2(2q + 1), i.e. t h e c o n t r o l p h a s e is 50% of t h e t i m e . W e set T = 0.048 (so t h a t h --- 0.002) a n d p = 1. A s i m u l a t i o n was c a r r i e d o u t (see F i g u r e 4) w i t h y0 = Ymo = urn0 = 0, Um a s q u a r e wave of p e r i o d 10,
a(t) = cos(t/2), and
b(t) ----1.2 + 0.2 c o s ( t / 2 ) . W e see t h a t t h e t r a c k i n g is q u i t e g o o d a n d t h e c o n t r o l signal is m o d e s t , e v e n in t h e face of significant t i m e variation.
and Conclusions
In classical m o d e l reference a d a p t i v e control, t h e goal is t o d e s i g n a c o n t r o l l e r t o m a k e t h e closed loop s y s t e m act like a p r e s p e c i f i e d r e f e r e n c e m o d e l in t h e face o f significant p l a n t u n c e r t a i n t y . T y p i c a l l y t h e c o n t r o l l e r c o n s i s t s of a n identifier (or
Daniel E. Miller 2[ 1
! 9
t f ~
i ......
........ ~
! y solid
, ymdashe~l
i 4
i 6
I 8
I 10
i 12
~ 14
i 16
i 18
i 20
J 22
--1 I
F i g . 13.4. Example 2 with both a and b varying.
tuner) which is used to adjust the parameters of an LTI compensator, and under suitable assumptions on the plant model uncertainty it is proven that asymptotic matching is achieved. However, the controller is highly nonlinear, and the closed loop system can exhibit undesirable behaviour, such as large transients or a large control signal, especially if the initial parameter estimates are poor. Here we propose an alternative approach, which yields a linear periodic controller. Rather than estimating the plant or compensator parameters, instead we estimate what the control signal would be if the plant parameters were known; we are able to do so in a linear fashion. In this paper we prove everything for the first order case, but explain how it can be easily extended to the minimum phase relative degree one situation. The desirable features of the controller are 9 the effect of the plant and reference model initial conditions and the reference input are decoupled, 9 the linear periodic controller initial conditions do not play a role (the initial condition of the anti-aliasing filter plays a role but we can simply set it to zero), 9 the tracking of the reference input is immediate rather than asymptotic, and 9 the controller has the facility to allow for time-varying plant parameters, which we have demonstrated via simulation. An undesirable feature is that in order to obtain tight tracking performance, we may require a small sampling period and large gains; this may yield poor noise tolerance.
A Linear Time-Varying Approach to the M R A C P
Yhrther work is needed to extend this to the general m i n i m u m phase case of arbitrary relative degree. Yhrthermore, it is important to carefully characterize the ability to handle time varying parameters, and to compare these results with recent work on adaptive control of time-varying systems, e.g. [12], [9] and [3].
Acknowledgements This work was supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada via a research grant. References 1. Goodwin G.C., Ramadge P.J., and Caines, P.E. (1980) Discrete Time Multivariable Control. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control A C - 2 5 449 456. 2. Tao G., Ioannou P.A. (1989) Model Reference Adaptive Control for Plants with Unknown Relative Degree. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 2297 - 2302. 3. Limanond S., Tsakalis K.S. (2000) Model Reference Adaptive and Nonadaptive Control of Linear Time-Varying Systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control A C - 4 5 1290 - 1300. 4. Miller D.E., Davison E.J. (1991) An Adaptive Controller which Provides an Arbitrarily Good Transient and Steady-State Response. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control A C - 3 6 68 - 81. 5. Morse A.S. (1980) Global Stability of Parameter-Adaptive Control Systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control A C - 2 5 433 - 439. 6. Morse A.S. (1985) A Three-Dimensional Universal Controller for the Adaptive Stabilization of Any Strictly Proper Minimum-Phase System with Relative Degree Not Exceeding Two. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control A C 30 1188-1191. 7. Mudgett D.R., Morse A.S. (1985) Adaptive Stabilization of Linear Systems with Unknown High-Frequency Gains. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control A C - 3 0 549 - 554. 8. Narendra K.S., Lin Y.H., Valavani L.S. (1980) Stable Adaptive Controller Design, Part II: Proof of Stability. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control A C - 2 5 440 - 448. 9. Narendra K.S., Balakrishnan J. (1997) Adaptive Control Using Multiple Models. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control A C - 4 2 171 - 187. 10. Rudin W. (1976) Principles of Mathematical Analysis, 3rd ed. McGraw-Hill, New York. 11. Todd J. (editor) (1962) Survey of Numerical Methods. McGraw-Hill, New York. 12. Tsakalis K.S., Ioannou P.A. (1993) Linear Time-Varying Plants: Control and Adaptation. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
14 S a m p l e d - D a t a C o n t r o l of N o n l i n e a r S y s t e m s : an O v e r v i e w of R e c e n t R e s u l t s Dragan Nesi51 and Andrew R. Teel 2 1 Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, 3010, Victoria, Australia 2 CCEC, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA, 93106-9560 A b s t r a c t . Some recent results on design of controllers for nonlinear sampled-data systems are surveyed.
The prevalence of digitally implemented controllers and the fact that the plant dynamics a n d / o r the controller are often nonlinear strongly motivate the area of nonlinear sampled-data control systems. When designing a controller for a sampleddata nonlinear plant, one is usually faced with an important intrinsic difficulty: the exact discrete-time/sampled-data model of the plant can not be found. The absence of a good model of a sampled-data nonlinear plant for a digital controller design has lead to several methods that use different types of approximate models for this purpose. We single out two such methods that attracted lots of attention in the sampled-data control literature and that consist of the following steps: M e t h o d 1: continuous-time plant model continuous-time controller
M e t h o d 2: continuous-time plant model discretize plant model
discretize controller
discrete-time controller
implement the controller
implement the controller
Hence, in Method 1 (this method is often referred to as the controller emulation design) one first designs a continuous time controller based on a continuous time plant model. At this step the sampling is completely ignored. Then, the obtained continuous time controller is discretized and implemented using a sampler and hold device. On the other hand, in Method 2 one first finds a discrete time model of the plant, then designs a discrete-time controller based on this discrete-time model and finally implements the designed discrete-time controller using a sampler and hold device. In principle, Method 2 is more straightforward for linear systems t h a n for nonlinear systems. Indeed, for linear systems we can write down an explicit, exact
D. Nesid and A.R. Teel
discrete-time model while typically for nonlinear systems we cannot. Moreover, the exact discrete time model of a linear system is linear while the exact discrete-time model for a sampled-data nonlinear system does not usually preserve important structures of the underlying continuous time nonlinear system, like affine controls for example. Consequently, for nonlinear systems it is unusual to assume knowledge of the exact discrete-time model of the plant whereas this assumption is made in most of classical linear literature. However, often due to our inability to exactly compute the matrix exponential that generates the exact discrete-time model of a linear plant, we use its approximation and hence we actually use an approximate discrete-time plant model for controller design most of the time, even for linear systems. Consequently, we will always assume in the sequel that in Method 2 we use an approximate discrete-time model of the plant for controller design. The main question in Method 1 is whether the desired properties of the continuous time closed loop system that the designed controller yielded will be preserved and, if so, in what sense for the closed-loop sampled-data system. Similarly, the central question in Method 2 is whether or not the properties of the closed-loop system consisting of the exact discrete-time plant model and the discrete-time controller will have similar properties as the closed-loop system consisting of the approximate discrete-time plant model and the discrete-time controller. In this paper, we present some answers to these questions for both methods. In particular, we overview several recent results on Methods 1 and 2 for general nonlinear plants that appeared in [21,27-31,41]. These results do not contain algorithms for controller design. In the case of Method 1, controller design is the topic of the area of continuous-time nonlinear control. In the case of Method 2, controller design algorithms are yet to be developed and our results provide a unified framework for doing this. The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we present results on Method 1 and in Section 3 we present results on Method 3. We do not present any proofs and the reader may refer to original references for proofs of all results.
M e t h o d 1: E m u l a t i o n
Many results for nonlinear sampled-data systems uses controller emulation because of the simplicity of the method and the fact that a wide range of continuous-time controller design methods can be directly used for design of digital controllers, see [3,33,34,42,41]. An important drawback of the existing nonlinear sampled-data theory is that only the questions of stability (see [3,33,34,42]) and input-to-state stability (see [41]) were addressed within the emulation design framework. However, one may be interested in a range of other important system theoretic properties, such as passivity and Lp stability. It turns out that a rather general notion of dissipativity that we consider ((V,w)-dissipativity, see Definition 1) can be used to cover a range of most important system theoretic properties within a unified framework. Special cases of (V, w)-dissipativity are: stability, input-to-state stability, passivity, Lp stability, forward completeness, unboundedness observability, etc. Results in this section are taken from [30] and are concerned with preservation of (V, w)-dissipativity under sampling in the emulation design for the cases of static state feedback controllers and open loop controls. Results on emulation of dynamic state feedback controllers can be found in [21] and they are not presented here for
S a m p l e d - D a t a C o n t r o l of Nonlinear S y s t e m s
space reasons. Hence, results in [21,30] provide a general and unified f r a m e w o r k for digital controller design using M e t h o d 1.
In order to s t a t e our results precisely, we need to s t a t e some definitions and a s s u m p tions. Sets of real and n a t u r a l n u m b e r s are respectively d e n o t e d as R and N. T h e Euclidean n o r m of a vector x is d e n o t e d as lxt. G i v e n a set B C R ~, its e n e i g h b o r hood is d e n o t e d as N ( B , ~) :---- {x : infz~B Ix -- z I ~ e}. A function ~ : R>o --, R>o is of class-Af if it is continuous and non-decreasing. It is of classJC if it is continuous, zero at zero and strictly increasing; it is of c l a s s - ~ if it is of class-]C and is unbounded. A continuous function f~ : R>o • R_>o --~ R_>o is of class-IC/Z if f~(., T) is of class-]C for each T __~ 0 and f~(s, .) is decreasing to zero for each s > 0. For a given function d(-), we use the following n o t a t i o n d[tl,t2] :---- (d(t) : t E [tl,t2]}. If tl ~- kT, t2 = (k -}- 1)T, we use t h e shorter n o t a t i o n d[k], and t a k e t h e n o r m of d[k] to be t h e s u p r e m u m of d(-) over [kT, (k + 1)T], t h a t is IId[k]ll~ = e s s
sup Id(~)ITE[kT,(k~-I)T]
Consider t h e c o n t i n u o u s - t i m e nonlinear plant:
= f ( x , u , dc,ds), y = h(x, u, de, d~),
(14.1) (14.2)
where x E R '~, u E R T M and y E R p are respectively t h e state, control i n p u t and the o u t p u t of the system and dc C R TM and d~ E R '~ are d i s t u r b a n c e i n p u t s to the system. It is assumed t h a t f and h are locally Lipschitz, f ( 0 , 0, 0, 0) ---- 0 and h(0,0,0,0) =0. A s t a r t i n g point in t h e e m u l a t i o n design is to assume t h a t a c o n t i n u o u s - t i m e (open-loop or closed loop system w i t h an a p p r o p r i a t e l y designed c o n t i n u o u s - t i m e controller) possesses a certain property, such as stability. We will assume in t h e sequel t h a t the continuous s y s t e m satisfies the following dissipation p r o p e r t y : D e f i n i t i o n 1. T h e s y s t e m (14.1), (14.2) is said to be ( V , w ) - d i s s i p a t i v e if t h e r e exist a continuously differentiable function V, called t h e storage function, and a continuous function w : R ~ • R T M • R n~ • R "~ ---* R, called t h e dissipation rate, such t h a t for all x E R n, u C R m, d~ E R TM , ds C R '~ t h e following holds:
f(x,u,d~,d~) <_ w(x,u,d~,d~).
(V, w)-dissipation is a r a t h e r general p r o p e r t y whose special cases are stability, i n p u t - t o - s t a t e stability, passivity, etc. Besides t he continuous- t i m e m o d e l (14.1), (14.2 ), we consider t he e x a c t discret et i m e m o d e l for (14.1), (14.2) w h e n some of t h e variables in f u n c t i o n f of (14.1), (14.2) are sampled or assumed piecewise constant. More precisely, let T > 0 be a sampling period and suppose t h a t u and d8 in f in (14.1) are c o n s t a n t d u r i n g t h e sampling intervals, so t h a t u(t) = u(kT) ----:u(k) and d~ (t) = d~ (kT) =: d~ (k), Vt C [kT, (k + 1)T), Vk > 0, and y is m e a s u r e d only at sampling i n s t a n t s kT, k >_ O.
D. Nesid and A.R. Teel
The exact discrete-time model for the system (14.1), (14.2) is obtained by integrating the initial value problem
&(t) = f(x(t), u(k), d~(t), d~(k)),
with given d~(k), d~[k], u(k) and x0 = x(k), over the sampling interval [kT, ( k + l ) T ] . Let x(t) denotes the solution of the initial value problem (14.4) with given ds(k), dc[k], u(k) and x0 -- x(k). Then, we can write the exact discrete-time model for (14.1), (14.2) as:
x(k + 1) = x(k) +JkT f](k+l)T f(x(T),u(k),d~(T),d~(k))dT :=F~(x(k),u(k),d~[k],d~(k)), y(k) = h(x(k),u(k),d~(k),d~(k)).
(14.5) (14.6)
The sampling period T is assumed to be a design parameter which can be arbitrarily assigned. In practice, the sampling period T is fixed and our results could be used to determine if it is suitably small. We emphasize that F~ in (14.5) is not known in most cases. We denote d~ := d~(0) and use it in the sequel.
Main results
We now present a series of results which provide a general framework for the emulation design method. In Theorems 1 and 2 we respectively consider the "weak" and the "strong" dissipation inequalities for the exact discrete-time model of the sampled-data system. Each of these dissipation inequalities is useful in certain situations, as illustrated in the last subsection, where they are applied to problems of input-to-state stability and passivity. Then several corollaries are stated for the closed-loop system consisting of (14.1), (14.2) and different kinds of static state feedback controllers. Examples are presented to illustrate different conditions in main results. For simplicity we do not present results on emulation of dynamic feedback controllers and these results can be found in [21]. T h e o r e m 1. (Weak form of dissipation) If the system (14.1), (14.2) is (V,w)-
dissipative, then given any 6-tuple of strictly positive real numbers (A~,A~,Ad~,A3c,Ad~,p), there exists T* > 0 such that for alI T C (0, T*) and all Ixl < Ax, lul < An, Idsl <_ Ad s and functions de(t) that are iipschitz and satisfy Ildc[0]ll~ < Adc and (~c[0] ~ < Ad~, the following holds for the exact discrete-time model (14.5) of the system (14.1), (14.2): AV
._ V(F~(x,u,
dc[O],ds)) - V ( x )
< w(x,u, dc,ds) +v
Under slightly stronger conditions we can prove a stronger result that is useful in some situations:
S a m p l e d - D a t a Control of Nonlinear Systems
L e m m a 1. / f the system (14.1), (14.2) is (V,w)-dissipative, with ow being lo-
cally Lipschitz and oy Ox (0~] = O, then numbers (Ax, A~, Ad~ , A3c , Ads), K 1 , K 2 , K 3 , K 4 , K 5 such that for all [dsI ~_ Ads and functions de(t) that dc[0] ~_ A3~, we have:
given any quintuple of strictly positive real there exist T* > 0 and positive constants T 9 (O,T*) and all Ixl ~ A~, [u I ~ A~,, are Lipschitz and satisfy Ildc[0]l[~ ~ Age,
AV < w ( x , u , dc,d~) + T -
K I I x l 2 + g2luJ 2 + K31d~I 2 + K4
IJdc[0llJ~ + K5 dc[0] ~
In the following theorem we use the strong form of dissipation inequality for the exact discrete-time model. This result is much more n a t u r a l to use in the situations when the disturbances d~ are not globally Lipschitz (see the ISS application in the next subsection and Example 1). 2. (Strong form of dissipation) If the system (14.1), (14.2) is (V,w)dissipative, then given any quintuple of strictly positive real numbers (/~x, An, /~dc,Ads, ll) there exists T* > 0 such that for all T 9 (O,T*) and all ]x I < A~, In[ < A , , Hdc[0]l[~ < J~dc, and ]d~] ~ Ads the following holds for the system (14.5):
T h e o r e m
A V < 1 .~T --~ _ ~ W(X, U, d~(T), d~)dT + u .
It is very important to state and prove Theorems 1 and 2 for the case when a feedback controller is used to achieve (V, w)-dissipativity of the closed loop system. To prove result on weak dissipation inequalities, we consider the situation when static state feedback controller of the form:
u = u(x,d~,d~)
is applied to the system (14.1), (14.2). It is assumed below t h a t the feedback (14.10) is bounded on compact sets. Note that this general form of feedback covers both, the full state (u = u(x)) and o u t p u t (u -- u(y)) static feedback. Note also, t h a t the dissipation rate for the closed-loop system (14.1), (14.2) and (14.10) in the definition of (V,w)-dissipativity can be taken as w = w(x,d~,ds). Direct consequences of Theorem 1 and Lemma 1 are the following corollaries: C o r o l l a r y 1. If the system (14.1), (14.2), (14.10) is (V, w)-dissipative, then given any quintuple of strictly positive real numbers (Ax, ~dc, /~dc' /~ds, V), there exists T* > 0 such that for alI T 9 (0, T*) and all Ixl ~_ A~, td~l ~ Ad~ and all functions
d~(t) that are Lipschitz and satisfy ]]d~[0]ll~ ~ A4~, (~[0] ~ _~ Ad~, the following holds for the discrete-time model of the closed-loop system (14.1), (14.2), (14.10): AV - - < w(x,d~,d~) + u . T
D. Nesid a n d A.R. Teel
C o r o l l a r y 2. If the system (14.1), (14.2), (14.10)is (V,w)-dissipative, with ov Ox and u(x,d~,ds) in (14.10) being locally Lipschitz and ~Dx k ] = 0 and u ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) -- 0,
then given any quadT"uple of strictly positive real numbers ( /i~, ~ida,/IJU' A d s ) , there exists T* > 0 and positive constants K1, K2, g 3 , Ka such that for all T E (0, T*) and all Ix[ < A~, Id~] <_ /id~ and functions d~(t) that are Lipschitz and satisfy IId~[0]H~ -< /ia~ and ~l~[O] ~r _< /ida, the closed-loop discrete-time model for system (1~.1), (1~.2) and (1~.10) satisfies: ~IV < w(x, dc, d,) + T T
2) B
It is interesting to note t h a t the condition on the derivative dc in T h e o r e m 1 is necessary to prove the weak dissipation inequality for the discrete-time system. T h e following example illustrates this.
Example 1. Consider the continuous t i m e system: = u(x) + dc = - x + de,
where x, dc E R. Using the storage function V ---- ~x 1 2 , the derivative of V is V ---_x2+xdc < 2 a n d (14.12) is ISS. We will show t h a t if d~(t) -- cos ( k ~ T ) _ - ~ x1 2 + 1dc, the claim of T h e o r e m 1 does not hold since d~ ~ =
~ =--T'I
which goes to infinity as T ---* 0. A s s u m e t h a t u(x) in (14.12) is piecewise cons t a n t for the s a m p l e d - d a t a system. So, the discrete-time model of the s a m p l e d - d a t a system is
x(k + 1) = (1 - T ) x ( k ) +
f (k-t-1)Tcos ( ~ _ )
a n d hence the exact discrete-time model is given by:
= (1-T)x(k)+T[sin(k+3)-sin(k+2)],
Suppose t h a t for any given A s , a n d v, there exists T* > 0 such t h a t for all T E (0, T*) a n d k k 0 with Ix] < Ax a n d Hd~[0]llo~ < Adc we have AV < _lx2 + 1 2 T ~dc + u.
We show by contradiction t h a t the claim is not true for our case. Direct c o m p u t a tions yield: AV T
((1 - T ) x + T [sin(3) - sin(2)]) 2 - x 2 2T = - x 2 + x [sin(3) - sin(2)] + O(T).
S a m p l e d - D a t a C o n t r o l of N o n l i n e a r S y s t e m s
Let 9 = - 0 . 5 , (and hence A~ = 0.5, A ~ = 1). B y c o m b i n i n g (14.16) and (14.17) we conclude t h a t there should exist T* :> 0 such t h a t VT E (0, T*) we obtain:
1~2 + 2[sin(3) - sin(2)] - ~1 cos(2)2 _ v + O ( T ) < _ 0 ,
and since there exists we can rewrite (14.18) hold for u E (0, v*)). T* > 0, such t h a t VT
v* > 0 such t h a t - s 1x ~2 + ~ [sin(3) - sin(2)] - 89cos(2) 2 ~-- v* as v* - v + O ( T ) _~ 0 , which is a c o n t r a d i c t i o n (it does not Therefore, for A s ---- 0.5, Ad~ ~-- 1, b, < v*, t h e r e exists no E (0, T*) t h e condition (14.16) holds. N o t e t h a t t h e chosen
d~(t) does not satisfy the condition
d~ ~ ~ Ad~ for some fixed Ado > 0, which is
evident from (14.13). Hence, in this case we can not a p p l y T h e o r e m 1.
To s t a t e results on strong dissipation inequalities w i t h static s t a t e feedback controllers, we need to consider controllers of t h e following form:
u = u(x,d~),
in order to be able to s t a t e a general results on s t r o n g dissipation inequalities. T h i s is illustrated by the following example.
Example 2. Consider t h e system & = u, and u = - d ~ , where d~(0) = 0 and d~(t) = 1, Yt > 0. Using V(x) = x, such t h a t -ov[ ~ - ~ - d~ ~j = - d ~ and w(x,d~,d~) = -d~. Since u is sampled and d~(0) ----0, we have t h a t x(t) = O, Yt E [0, T] and so A V / T = O. O n the o t h e r hand f 7 w(d~(T))d~- = - T . Hence, if (14.20) was true, t h e n we would obtain o b t a i n 0 _~ - 1 + v, which is not true for small p.
3. If the system (14.1), (14.2), (14.19) is (V, w)-dissipative, then given any quadruple of strictly positive real numbers ( A s , Ado, Ads, u), there exists T* > 0 such that for aU T E (0, T*) and all Ix] _~ Ax, ][d~[0]][~ ~_ Adr and Ida] ~ Ad s the following holds for the closed-loop discrete-time model of the system (14.1), (14.2) and (14.19): Corollary
AV <
T -T
w(x,d~(r),d~)d~- + ~
4. If the system (14.1), (14.2), (14.19) is (V,w)-dissipative, with O V and u(x, ds) in (14.19) being locally Lipsehitz and ~O x \(o~! ---- 0, u ( 0 , 0 ) = O, then given any triple of strictly positive real numbers ( A~, Ado , Ad~), there exists T* > 0 and positive constants K 1 , K 2 , K 3 such that for all T E (0, T*) and all Ix] _~ A s , ]]dc[0]][~ ~ Age, and ]ds[ ~_ Ad s the closed-loop discrete-time model for the system (14.1), (14.2) and (14.19) satisfies: Corollary
AV < T -T
w(x, dc(T),ds)dT + T (K1]x]2 + K2[dsl2 + K3i[dr
D. Nesid and A.R. Teel
The weak and strong discrete-time dissipation inequalities in Theorems 1 and 2 are tools that can be used to show t h a t the trajectories of the s a m p l e d - d a t a system with an emulated controller have a certain property. In order to illustrate what kind of properties can be proved for the s a m p l e d - d a t a system using the weak or strong inequalities, we apply our results to two i m p o r t a n t system properties: input-to-state stability and passivity. The results on input-to-state stability were proved in [30] and in [31]. The sketch of proof of the result on passivity can be found in [30]. Further applications of weak and strong inequalities to investigation of Lp stability, integral ISS, etc. are possible and axe interesting topics for further research. Input-to-state
Let us suppose that the system
&(t) = ](x(t), u(t), de(t))
can be rendered ISS using the locally Lipschitz static state feedback
u = u(x),
in the following sense: D e f i n i t i o n 2. The system & = f ( x , dc) is input-to-state stable if there exists/3 E ]C/: and ~/E ]C such t h a t the solutions of the system satisfy tx(t)l <_ fl(Ix(0)[ ,t) +
7(lld~lio~), Vx(O),d~
z:~,vt > o.
Suppose also that the feedback needs to be implemented using a sampler and zero order hold, t h a t is:
u(t) = u(x(k))
t e [kT, (k + 1)T), k > 0
The following result was first proved in [41] and an alternative proof was presented in [30]. The proof in [30] is based on the result on strong dissipation inequalities given in Corollary 3 and the results in [27]. In this case, the results on weak dissipation inequalities could not be used. This is because we do not want to impose the condition t h a t the disturbances are Lipschitz when proving the following result, and t h a t is a standing assumption in results on weak dissipation inequalities. C o r o l l a r y 5. If the continuous time system (14.21), (14.22) is ISS, then there exist fl E ]Cf~, ~f E ]C such that given any triple of strictly positive numbers (A~, Ado , u), there exists T* > 0 such that for all T E (0, T*), Ix(t0)l _< Ax, IId~ll~ _< nuc, the solutions of the sampled-data system (14.21), (14.23) satisfy:
Ix(t)l < ~ ( I x ( t o ) l , t vt > to > o.
- to) + 7(lld~ll~) + v,
(14.24) 9
Corollary 5 states t h a t if the continuous-time closed loop system is ISS, then the sampled-data system with the emulated controller will be semiglobally practically ISS, where the sampling period is the p a r a m e t e r t h a t we can adjust. Besides the above given property that is presented in an Lo~ setting, we can prove the following integral (or L2) version of the same result t h a t was proved in [31].
Sampled-Data Control of Nonlinear Systems
C o r o l l a r y 6. If the system (14.21), (14.22) is ISS, then given any quadruple of
strictly positive real numbers (Ax, Aw, Vl, u2) there exists T* > 0 such that for all T E (0, T*), ]x(O)l ~_ A z and ]lwll~ ~_ A ~ , the following inequality holds for the
sampled-data system (14.21), (14.23) satisfy: t a3(Ix(s)l) ds ~ a2(Ix(O)l) +
7(Iw(s)l)ds + vlt + v2,
for all t > O. Passivity:
[] Consider the continuous time system with outputs
= f(x,u), y = h(x,u),
where x E R n, y, u E R m and assume that the system is passive, that is (V, w)dissipative, where V : R" --~ R_>0 and w = yTu. We can apply either results of Theorem 1 or 2 since u is a piecewise constant input, to obtain that the discretetime model satisfies the following: for any (A~, An, v) there exists T* > 0 such that for all T E (0, T*), Ixl ~ Ax, lul _~ Au we have:
,~V < yT u -~ v. T
In stability and ISS applications, adding v in the dissipation inequality deteriorated the property, but the deterioration was gradual. However, in (14.27) v acts as an infinite energy storage (finite power source) and hence it contradicts the definition of a passive system as one that can not generate power internally. As a result, conditions which guarantee that u in (14.27) can be set to zero are very important. These conditions are spelled out in the next corollary: C o r o l l a r y 7. Suppose that the system (14.26) is strictly input and state passive in
the following sense: the storage function has gradient oy that is locally Lipschitz and zero at zero and the dissipation rate can be taken as w(x, y, u) = yT u--r (x)--r where r and r are positive definite functions that are locally quadratic. Then given any pair of strictly positive numbers (A~, A~) there exists T* > 0 such that for all T ~ (0, T*), Ixl <_ ~ , lul <_ Z~ we have: AV < yTuT
Method 2: Approximate discrete-time model design
As we already indicated in the introduction, a majority of nonlinear and linear discrete-time control literature is based on the assumption, which is unrealistic in general, that the exact discrete-time model of the plant is known. In reality, even in the case of linear systems we use an approximate discrete-time model for the discrete-time controller design. We recognize this fact and whenever we refer
D. Nesid and A.R. Teel
to Method 2, we always assume that only an approximate discrete-time model is available for the controller design. One may be tempted to believe that if a controller is designed for an approximate discrete-time model of the plant with a sufficiently small sampling period then the same controller will stabilize the exact discrete-time model. Note that if this was true then one could directly apply all the existing theory that assumes that the exact discrete-time model is known. However, this reasoning is wrong since no matter how small the sampling period is, we may always find a controller that stabilizes the approximate model for that sampling period b u t destabilizes the exact model for the same sampling period, as illustrated by the following example.
Example 3. Consider the triple integrator ~1 = x2 , 22 = x3 , 23 = u, its Euler approximate model xl(k + 1) = x~(k) + Tx2(k) x2(k + 1) = x2(k) + Tx3(k) x3(k + 1) = x3(k) + Tu(k) ,
and a minimum-time dead-beat controller for the Euler discrete-time model given by u(k)= (x~3k)
3x2(k)T 2
3x~k)) .
The closed loop system consisting of (14.29) and (14.30) has all poles equal to zero for all T > 0 and hence this discrete-time Euler-based closed loop system is asymptotically stable for all T > 0. On the other hand, the closed loop system consisting of the exact discrete-time model of the triple integrator and controller (14.30) has a pole at ~ -2.644 for all T > 0. Hence, the closed-loop sampleddata control system is unstable for all T > 0 (and, hence, also for arbitrarily small T)! So we see that, to design a stabilizing controller using Method 2, it is not sufficient to design a stabilizer for an approximate discrete-time model of the plant for sufficiently small T. Extra conditions are needed! Several control laws in the literature have been designed based on approximate discrete-time models of the plant, see [8,12,23]. These results are always concerned with a particular plant model and a particular approximate discrete-time model (usually the Euler approximation) and hence they are not very general. On the other hand, we present a rather general result for a large class of plants, a large class of approximate discrete-time models and the conditions we obtain are readily checkable. For different approximate discretization procedures see [25,38,39,37]. Results in this section are based mainly on [28] and they address the design of stabilizing static state feedback controllers based on approximate discrete-time plant models. A more general result was recently proved in [29] where conditions are presented for dynamic feedback controllers that are designed for approximate discrete-time models of sampled-data differential inclusions to prove stability with respect to arbitrary non-compact sets. 14.3.1
Main results
Consider the nonlinear continuous-time control system: = f ( x , u)
x ( 0 ) = ~o
Sampled-Data Control of Nonlinear Systems
where x E R ~, u E R TM are respectively the state and control vectors. The function f is assumed to be such that, for each initial condition and each constant control, there exists a unique solution defined on some (perhaps bounded) interval of the form [0, T). The control is taken to be a piecewise constant signal u(t) = u(kT) ----: u(k),Vt E [kT, (k + 1)T[, k E N where T > 0 is a sampling period. We assume that the state measurements x(k) := x(kT) are available at sampling instants kT, k C IN. The sampling period T is assumed to be a design parameter which can be arbitrarily assigned (in practice, the sampling period T is fixed and our results could be used to determine if it is suitably small). Suppose that we want to design a control law for the plant (14.31) using Method 2. The controller will be implemented digitally using a sampler and zero order hold element. As a first step in this direction we need to specify a discrete-time model of the plant (14.31), which describes the behavior of the system at sampling instants. We consider the difference equations corresponding to the exact plant model and its approximation respectively:
x(k + 1) = F~(x(k), u(k)) x(k + 1) = F~(x(k), u(k))
(14.32) (14.33)
which are parameterized with the sampling period T. We emphasize that F~ is not known in most cases. We will think of F~ and F~ as being defined globally for all small T even though the initial value problem (14.31) may exhibit finite escape times. We do this by defining F~ arbitrarily for pairs (x(k), u(k)) corresponding to finite escapes and noting that such points correspond only to points of arbitrarily large norm as T --* 0, at least when f is locally bounded. So, the behavior of F~ will reflect the behavior of (14.31) as long as (x(k),uT(x(k))) remains bounded with a bound that is allowed to grow as T -~ 0. This is consistent with our main results that guarantee practical asymptotic stability that is semiglobal in the sampling period, i.e., as T --* 0 the set of points from which convergence to an arbitrarily small ball is guaranteed to contain an arbitrarily large neighborhood of the origin. In general, one needs to use small sampling periods T since the approximate plant model is a good approximation of the exact model typically only for small T. It is clear then that we need to be able to obtain a controller UT(X) which is, in general, parameterized by T and which is defined for all small T. For simplicity, we consider only static state feedback controllers. For a fixed T > 0, consider systems (14.32), (14.33) with a given controller u(k) = UT(x(k)). We denote the state of the closed-loop system (14.32) (respectively (14.33)) with the given controller at time step k that starts from x(0) as xe(k, x(0)) or x~ (respectively xa(k, x(0)) or x~). We introduce the error: Ek(~,z) := xe(k,~) - x~(k,z),
and also use the notation ~k(~) :-- ek(~, ~) -- xe(k, ~) - xa(k, ~). In our results (see Theorems 3 and 4), we will make a stability assumption on the family of closed-loop approximate plant models and will draw a conclusion about stability of the family of closed-loop exact plant models by invoking assumptions about the closeness of solutions between the two families. O n e - s t e p c o n s i s t e n c y The first type of closeness we will use is characterized in the following definition. It guarantees that the error between solutions starting from
D. Nesid and A.R. Teel
the same initial condition is small, over one step, relative to the size of the step. The terminology we use is based on that used in the numerical analysis literature (see [39]). D e f i n i t i o n 3. The family (UT, F~) is said to be one-step consistent with (UT, F~) if, for each compact set 2( C R ~, there exist a function p E /Coo and T* > 0 such that, for all x E X and T E]0, T*[, we have [F~(x, UT(X)) -- F ~ ( x ,
UT(X)) I ~_~T p ( T ) .
A sufficient condition for one-step consistency is the following: Lemma
1. (uT,F~.) is one-step consistent with (UT, F Euler) where FTEUIer(X,U) := X + T f ( x , u), 2. for each compact set .~ C R '~ there exist p E ]Coo, M > O, T* > 0 such that, for all T E]0, T*[ and all x , y E X , (a) II(y,u~(~))l < M, (b) I I ( y , u ~ ( ~ ) ) - f ( ~ , ~ ( ~ ) ) l < P(lY - ~l), then (UT , F~ ) is one-step consistent with (UT , F~ ). M u l t l - s t e p c o n s i s t e n c y The second type of closeness we will use is characterized in terms of the functions F~, F~ and UT(X) in the next definition. It will guarantee (see Lemma 3) that the error between solutions starting from the same initial condition is small over multiple steps corresponding "continuous-time" intervals with length of order one. D e f i n i t i o n 4. The family (UT, F~) is said to be multi-step consistent with (UT, F~) if, for each L > 0, ~ > 0 and each compact set X C R n, there exist a function a : R>o x R>0 --~ R>0 U {co} and T* > 0 such that, for all T El0, T* [ we have that {x,z E X , Ix - z I < 8} implies
]F~(x, UT(X)) -- F~(z, UT(Z))] < ~(5, T)
and k
k <_ L I T
c~k(0,T) :----~(---c~(c~'(0,T ) , T ) . . .
,T) < ~ .
In terms of trajectory error over "continuous-time" intervals with length of order one, multi-step consistency gives the following: 3. If (UT, F~ ) is multi-step consistent with (UT, F~ ) then for each compact set X C R "~, L > 0 and ~? > 0 there exists T > 0 such that, if T and ~ satisfy
T E]0, T[ ,
x~(~) E X
I~k(~)I < ~
Vk: k T E [0, L] .
then (14.39)
S a m p l e d - D a t a Control of Nonlinear Systems
An interesting sufficient condition for multi-step consistency is given in the following: L e m m a 4 . If, for each compact set X C R n, there exist K > O, p E ICoo and T* > 0 such that for all T E]0, T*[ and all x , z E X we have
[F~(x, uT(x) ) -- F~(z, uT(z) ) I ~ (1 + K T ) Ix - z[ + T p ( T )
then (Ur , F~ ) is multi-step consistent with (UT , F~ ). Relative to the one-step consistency condition, the condition of L e m m a 4 is guaranteed by one-step consistency plus the following type of Lipschitz condition on either the family (UT, F~) or the family (uT, F~): for each compact set X C R ~ there exist K > 0 and T* > 0 such t h a t for all x , z E X and all T E]0, T*[,
IFT(x, UT(X)) -- FT(Z, UT(Z)) I < (1 + K T ) I x -- z I .
This condition is guaranteed for F~ when f ( x , u) and UT(X) are locally Lipschitz (uniformly in small T). Note that no continuity assumptions on UT(X) were made in Lemma 2 to guarantee one-step consistency. The condition given in L e m m a 4 for multi-step consistency is similar to conditions used in the numerical analysis literature (e.g., see conditions (i) and (iii) of Assumption 6.1.2 in [39, pg.429]). One-step and multi-step consistency do not imply each other and this is one motivation for developing different stability theorems that rely on one of these properties. Example 4 in Section 14.3.3 shows t h a t multi-step consistency may not hold when one-step consistency does hold. T h a t one-step consistency m a y not hold when multi-step consistency does hold can be seen from the plant ~ = x + u with Euler approximation x(k + 1) = x(k) + T ( x ( k ) + u(k)) = F~(x(k), u(k)) and controller uT(x) ----- - ( ~ + 1)x. The exact discrete-time model is x ( k + 1) = e T x ( k ) +
(e T -- i)u(k) and we have F~,(X, UT(X)) =-- 0 and T:~(X, UT(X)) = _(1 -- ~--~-2) X . Since, for x in a compact set, F~(x, uT(x)) is of order T we do not have one-step consistency. On the other hand, it follows from F~.(x, UT(X)) ==-0 and the fact t h a t F~(x, UT(X)) is of order T that we do have multi-step consistency. Indeed, for each compact set X C R and each ~ > 0 there exist strictly positive numbers K, T* such that, for all x , z E 2~, T El0, T*[, k > 0, e IF:~(x, UT(X))
F~(z, u:~(~))l a
= IF&(x, uT(x))[
_< K T
:= a(5, T) = ak(O,T) ~ ~ . 14.3.2
We now give conditions on the family (UT, F~) t h a t guarantee asymptotic stability for the family (UT, F~). As we have already seen in Example 3, it is not enough to assume simply t h a t each member of the family (UT, F~) is asymptotically stable (at least for small T). Instead, we will impose partial uniformity of the stability property over all small T. For that, we make the following definitions: D e f i n i t i o n 5. Let/3 E/C/: and let N C R '~ be an open (not necessarily bounded) set containing the origin.
D. Nesi6 and A.R. Teel
1. The family (UT, FT) is said to be (f~, N)-stable if there exists T* > 0 such that for each T El0, T* [, the solutions of the system
x ( k + 1) = FT(x(k), UT(X(k)))
, k T ) , Vx(0) E N, a >_ o.
2. The family (uT, FT) is said to be (8, N)-practically stable if for each R > 0 there exists T* > 0 such that for each T E]0, T*[ the solutions of (14.42) satisfy:
Ix(k,x(O))l 3(Ix(0)l , k T ) + R, Vx(O) E N, k >_ O.
An equivalent Lyapunov formulation of (/3, R n)-stability is the following (local versions can also be formulated but are more tedious to state because of the need to keep track of basins of attraction): L e m m a 5. The following statements are equivalent:
1. There exists/3 E ]CL such that the family (uT,FT) is (~,R'~)-stable. 2. There exist T* > O, 41,42 E ]Cr 43 E ~ and for each T E]O,T*[,VT : R n --) R>_0 such that Vx E R~,VT E]0, T*[ we have: al(Ixl) _< VT(X) <_ a2(Ixl), VT( FT(x, UT(X) ) ) -- VT(X) < -T~3(lxl), 9
(14.45) (14.46)
In our first main result (Theorem 3) we will show that if the family (UT, F~) is (/3, N)-stable and multi-step consistent with (UT, F~) then the family (UT, F~.) is (/3, N)-practically stable. We will also show (in Theorem 4) that the multi-step consistency assumption can be changed to a one-step consistency assumption when (/3, N)-stability is formulated in terms of a family of Lyapunov functions satisfying (14.45),(14.46) and with an extra local Lipschitz condition that is uniform in small T. D e f i n i t i o n 6. The family (UT, FT) is said to be equi-globally asymptotically stable (EGAS) by equi-Lipschitz Lyapunov functions if the second statement of Lemma 5 holds and, moreover, for each compact set 2r C R'~\ {0} there exist M > 0 and T* > 0 such that, for all x , z E k' and all T E]0, T*[,
]VT(x) -- VT(Z)] < M i x - z] .
Our first result is expressed in terms of trajectory bounds for (uT, F~) and multi-step consistency: T h e o r e m 3. Let/3 E ]CL and let N be a bounded neighborhood of the origin. If the
family (UT,F~.) is: A: multi-step consistent with (UT , F~ ), and B: (fl, N)-stable,
then C: the family (UT, F~) is (/3, N)-practically stable.
Sampled-Data Control of Nonlinear Systems
Our second result is expressed in terms of a family of Lyapunov functions for
(UT, F~,) and one-step consistency. It has some relations to the proof technique used to establish the main result of [7]. For simplicity we will only formulate the global result. Nonglobal results and results for stability of sets other t h a n the origin can also be established with the same proof technique.
T h e o r e m 4. If A I : (UT,F~) is one-step consistent with (itT, F~.), and B I : (UT, F~) is EGAS by equi-Lipschitz Lyapunov functions
then C I : there exists ~ C 1~s such that, for each bounded neighborhood N of the origin,
the family (UT, F~.) is (8, N)-practically stable. 14.3.3
Example 4 illustrates Theorem 4 by giving an example where multi-step consistency does not hold but one-step consistency does hold and there is a suitable family of Lyapunov functions. Example 5 shows situation where each element of the family (UT, F~) is globally exponentially stable with overshoots uniform in T but where the family (UT, F~) fails to be (8, N)-practically stable for any pair (/3, N). In reference to Theorem 3, we use the notation C for this situation.
Example 4. Consider the two-input linear system &l = xl + Ul
w h i c h has exact discretization
xl(k + 1) ----eTxl(k) + [eT - 1]ul(k) x2(k + 1) = x2(k) + Tu2(k)
and Euler approximate discretization
xl(k + 1) = [1 + T]xl(k) + Tul(k) x2(k + 1) ----x2(k) + Tu2(k) .
Consider the controller
u(x) =
[ :] (14.51) - 2 x l 1 otherwise. --X2 J
A 1 , A : It follows from Lemma 2 t h a t (uT,F~) is one-step consistent with (uT,F~). However, (uT, F~) is not multi-step consistent with (uT,F~). Indeed, consider the initial condition (~1, ~2) = (1, 0.1). It is easy to see that, in this case,
D. Nesid a n d A.R. Teel
(x1(k, ~), x~(k, ~)) = ( 1 - - T ) k ( 1 , 0.1), i.e., the positive ray x2 = 0.1xl > 0 is forward invariant for all T E (0, 1). O n the other hand, (x~(1, ~), x~(1, ~)) = ((2 - eT)l, (1 -T)0.1), i.e., for all small T > 0, x~(1,~) < 10x~(1,~) a n d x~(1,~) > 0.1x~(1,~) since e T > 1 + T. It follows t h a t , for k > 1, x(k, ~) will take values on the horizontal line given by x2 = (1 - T)0.1 moving in the direction of decreasing x l u n t i l it crosses the positive ray x2 = 10xl. Let fr denote the n u m b e r of steps required to cross t h e positive ray x2 = 10Xl. It is easy to p u t a n u p p e r a n d lower b o u n d on k T t h a t is i n d e p e n d e n t of T. T h e n since, for all k _< k, we have x~(k,~) = (1 - T)0.1 while x~(k, ~) ----(1 - T)k0.1 < e-kTo.1, it is clear t h a t t h e conclusion of L e m m a 3 is n o t satisfied. Hence (UT, F~) c a n n o t be multi-step consistent with (UT, F~). B I : We take VT(X) = IXll "~ IX21. We get, for T E (0, 1) a n d 0 < 0.1Xl < x2 < 10xl: VT( F~.(X, UT(X) ) ) -- Y(x) ----- T l x l [ < - T [ ] x l I + Ix21]
and, otherwise,
VT(F~(x, UT(X) ) ) -- V(x) = -T[IXl I + Ix2]] .
It follows t h a t the family (UT, F~) is E G A S by equi-Lipschitz L y a p u n o v functions. C I : We conclude from T h e o r e m 4 (and also using t h e homogeneity of VT(X) a n d F~(x, UT(X)) to pass from a semiglobal practical result to a global result a n d following the steps of the proof of T h e o r e m 4 to get a n exponential result) t h a t the f a m i l y (UT, F~,) is (13,R2)-stable with ~ ( s , t ) of t h e form ks exp(-At) with k > 0 a n d A > 0.
Example 5. (A, B, C) Consider the double integrator, its Euler a p p r o x i m a t i o n a n d its exact discrete-time model: double integrator:
Xl = X2
52 = u
approximate: Xl(k + 1) = xl(k) + Tx2(k)
x2(k + 1) -- x2(k) + Tu(k)
exact: Xl(k + 1) = xl(k) + Tx2(k) + 0.5T2u(k)
x2(k + 1) = x2(k) + Tu(k).
T h e following controller is designed for the Euler model:
xl T
2x2 T
T, A2 = --1,VT > 0 C : The eigenvalues of the exact closed-loop are At = 1 - 7 and thus the exact dosed-loop mode] is not (/3, N)-practically stable for any pair -
(~3, N). A : T h e eigenvalues of the Euler closed-loop system are A1 -- + x / T - T , A2 = - x / 1 - T. In a similar way as in the previous example we can show t h a t there exists b > 0 such t h a t for all T El0, 0.5[ we have: ]x(k)] < bexp(-O.hkT)Ix(0)[, Vx(0) e R 2, Hence, the a p p r o x i m a t e closed-loop system is (B, R 2)-stable with/3(s, t) : = b e x p ( - 0 . 5 t ) .
S a m p l e d - D a t a Control of Nonlinear Systems
B : It now follows from Theorem 3 t h a t (UT,F~) is not multi-step consistent with (UT, F~). In fact, (UT, F~) is not one-step consistent with (UT, F~) since
[el(x)[ -----[ T ~ / 2 ( - x l / T - 2x2/T)[ = 2T [xl q- x2[ ,Vx 9 R2,VT.
Several recent results on design of s a m p l e d - d a t a controllers that a p p e a r e d in [21,2731] were overviewed. These results are geared toward providing a unified framework for the digital controller design based either on the continuous-time plant model (Method 1) or on an approximate discrete-time plant model (Method 2). The conditions we presented are easily checkable and the results are applicable to a wide range of plants, controllers and system theoretic properties. Fklrther research is needed to provide control design algorithms based on approximate discrete-time models. Our results on Method 2 provide a unified framework for doing so.
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15 Stability Tests for Constrained Linear Systems Maurfcio C. de Oliveira and Robert E. Skelton University of California, San Diego Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Mail Code 0411, 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, California, 92093-0411, USA. A b s t r a c t . This paper is yet another demonstration of the fact that enlarging the design space allows simpler tools to be used for analysis. It shows that several problems in linear systems theory can be solved by combining Lyapunov stability theory with Finsler's Lemma. Using these results, the differential or difference equations that govern the behavior of the system can be seen as constraints. These dynamic constraints, which naturally involve the state derivative, are incorporated into the stability analysis conditions through the use of scalar or matrix Lagrange multipliers. No a priori use of the system equation is required to analyze stability. One practical consequence of these results is that they do not necessarily require a state space formulation. This has value in mechanical and electrical systems, where the inversion of the mass matrix introduces complicating nonlinearities in the parameters. The introduction of multipliers also simplify the derivation of robust stability tests, based on quadratic or parameter-dependent Lyapunov functions.
A Motivation from Lyapunov Stability
Consider the continuous-time linear time-invariant system described by the differential equation
5c(t) ----Ax(t),
x(O) = xo,
where x(t) : [0, co) ~ R '~ and A C R '~x~. Define the quadratic form V : R n --~ R as
V(x) := xT p x ,
where P C $n. The symbol (.)T denotes transposition and S n denotes the space of the square and symmetric real matrices of dimension n. If
V(x) > O, Vx # O, then matrix P is said to be positive definite. The symbol X ~- 0 (X -~ 0) is used to denote that the symmetric matrix X is positive (negative) definite. The equilibrium point x = 0 of the system (15.1) is said to be (globally) asymptotically stable if lim x(t) ----0,
Vx(0) ----x0,
where x(t) denotes a solution to the differential equation (15.1). If (15.3) holds, then, by extension, the system (15.1) is said to be asymptotically stable. A necessary and
M . C . de Oliveira, R. E. Skelton
sufficient condition for the system (15.1) to be asymptotically stable is that matrix A be Hurwitz, that is, that all eigenvalues of A have negative real parts. According to Lyapunov stability theory, system (15.1) is asymptotically stable if there exists V(x(t)) > O, Vx(t) ~ 0 such that
~/(x(t)) < 0,
V~(t) ----Ax(t),
x(t) ~ O.
T h a t is, if there exists P ~ 0 such that the time derivative of the quadratic form (15.2) is negative along all trajectories of system (15.1). Conversely, it is well known that if the linear system (15.1) is asymptotically stable then there always exists P ~- 0 that renders (15.4) feasible. Notice that in (15.4), the time derivative f/(x(t)) is a function of the state x(t) only, which implicitly assumes that the dynamical constraint (15.1) has been previously substituted into (15.4). This yields the equivalent condition
fl(x(t)) = x(t) T (AT p + PA) x(t) < O, Vx(t) ~ 0. Hence, asymptotic stability of (15.1) can be checked by using the following lemma. L e m m a 1 ( L y a p u n o v ) . The time-invariant linear system is asymptotically stable
if, and only if, 3 P E S n : P ~ - O ,
At this point, one might ask whether would it be possible to characterize the set defined by (15.4) without substituting (15.1) into (15.4)? The aim of this work is to provide an answer to this question. The recurrent idea is to analyze the feasibility of sets of inequalities subject to dynamic equality constraints, as (15.4), from the point of view of constrained optimization. By utilizing the well know Finsler's Lemma [9] it will be possible to characterize existence conditions for this class of problems without explicitly substituting the dynamic constraints. Equivalent conditions will be generated where the dynamic constraints appear weighted by multipliers, a standard expedient in the optimization literature. The method is conceptually simple, yet it seems that it has never been used with that purpose in the systems and control literature so far. The advantage of substituting the dynamic constraints in the stability test conditions is the reduced size of the space on which one must search for a solution. In the context of the problem of Lyapunov stability this reduced space is characterized by the state x(t). In contrast, the space composed of x(t) and ~(t) can be seen as an enlarged space. In this paper it will be shown that the use of larger search spaces for linear systems analysis provides better ways to explore the structure of the problems of interest. This will often lead to mathematically more tractable problems. Whereas working in a higher dimensional space requires the introduction of some extra variables to search for which one might think at first sight as being a disadvantage, - - this is frequently accompanied by substantial benefits. One example of a popular result that illustrates this is the use of the Schur complement, which is now widely employed in systems and control theory [2]. Consider the set defined by the quadratic form f : R n --* R
X T ( ~ -- S T ~ - l s T) x,
f ( x ) > O,
Vx ~ O,
where Q E S n, $ E R n• and T~ E S m, T~ k- 0. Using Schur's complement, one can test the existence of feasible solutions to the above set looking for a solution to the
Stability Tests for Constrained Linear Systems
set defined by the enlarged quadratic form g : R n x R m --~ R
An advantage of the higher dimensional form g is the fact t h a t it is linear on the matrices Q, S and 7~, a property t h a t does not appear in the original f . The authors believe that the technique that will be introduced in this work has the potential to show new directions to be explored in a several areas, such as decentralized control [15], fixed order dynamic o u t p u t feedback control [18], integrating plant and controller design [12], singular descriptor systems [3]. In all these areas, the s t a n d a r d tests based on Lyapunov stability theory can be tough to manipulate. The introduction of a different perspective may reveal easier ways to deal with these difficult problems. Besides, several recent results can be given a broader and more consistent interpretation. For instance, the robust stability analysis results [11,7,4,14] and the extended controller and filter synthesis procedures [5,6,10] can be interpreted and generalized using these new tools.
Lyapunov Stability Conditions with Multipliers
Consider the set of inequalities with dynamic constraints (15.4) arising from Lyapunov stability analysis of the linear time-invariant system (15.1). Define the quadratic form V : 1~'~ x R '~ --~ 1~ as
?(x(t), ~c(t)) :----x(t)T p2(t) + 5c(t)Tpx(t),
which is the time derivative of the quadratic form (15.2) expressed as a function of
x(t) and 2(t). Do not explicitly substitute 2(t) in (15.5) using (15.1), and build the set
V(x(t),2(t)) < O, V2(t) -- Ax(t),
(x(t),2(t)) ~ O.
In the sequel, stability will be characterized by using (15.6) instead of (15.4). This replacement is possible even though (15.4) requires only that x(t) ~ 0 while (15.6) requires that (x(t), x(t)) ~ O. Utilizing an argument similar to the one found in [2], pp. 62-63, this equivalence between (15.4) and (15.6) can be proved by verifying that the set I / ( x ( t ) , 2 ( t ) ) < 0,
V~(t) = Ax(t),
x(t) = 0,
2(t) -~ 0
is empty. But from (15.5), it is not possible to make ~/(x(t),2(t)) < 0 with x(t) = 0, which shows that (15.7) is indeed empty. Moreover, ~/(x(t),2(t)) is never strictly negative for all (x(t), k(t)) ~ 0 without the presence of the dynamic equality constraint (15.1). The advantage of working with (15.6) instead of (15.4) is t h a t the set of feasible solutions of (15.6) can be characterized using the following lemma, which is originally a t t r i b u t e d to Finsler [9] (see also [19]). L e m m a 2 ( F i n s l e r ) . Let x
E ]Rn, Q E S n and B The following statements are equivalent:
such that rank (B)
< n.
M . C . de Oliveira, R. E. Skelton
i) x T ~ x < O, V B x : 0, ii) B "l"T ~B.L "~ O.
x ~ 0.
iii) 3 t~ E R : Q - ~BT B "~ O. iv) 3 X
E ~ n x m : ~_~. X B T B T x T
.~ O.
Although Lemma 2 has been proven many times, a brief proof is given in Appendix A for completeness. In Lemma 2, statement i) is a constrained quadratic form, where the vector x E R '~ is confined to lie in the null-space of B. In other words, vector x can be parametrized as x = B• y E R r, r :-- rank(B) < n, where B • denotes a basis for the null-space of B. Statement ii) corresponds to explicitly substituting that information back into i), which then provides an unconstrained quadratic form in R ~. Finally, items iii) and iv) give equivalent unconstrained quadratic forms in the original R '~, where the constraint is taken into account by introducing multipliers. In iii) the multiplier is the scalar # while in iv) it is the matrix X. In this sense, the quadratic forms given in iii) and iv) can be identified as Lagrangian functions. Reference [13] explicitly identifies # as a Lagrange multiplier and makes use of constrained optimization theory to prove a version of Lemma 2. Finsler's Lemma has been previously used in the control literature mainly with the purpose of eliminating design variables in matrix inequalities. In this context, Finsler's Lemma is usually referred to as Elimination Lemma. Most applications move from statement iv) to statement ii), thus eliminating the variable (multiplier) A'. Several versions of Lemma 2 are available under different assumptions. A special case of item iv) served as the basis for the entire book [17], which shows that at least 20 different control problems can be solved using Finsler's Lemma. Recalling that the requirement V(x(t)) > O, Vx(t) ~ 0 can be stated as P ~ 0, and rewriting (15.6) in the form
~5c(t),] < O,
V [A - I ]
= O,
r O,
it becomes clear that Lemma 2 can be applied to (15.6). T h e o r e m 1 ( L i n e a r S y s t e m S t a b i l i t y ) . The following statements are equiva-
lent: i) The linear time-invariant system (15.1) is asymptotically stable. ii) 3 P C S n : P ~ - O , ATp+PA-
iv) 3 P E S ' ~ , F , G C ~ •
A T G T - F -t- P]
_G_G T
] <0.
Proof. Item i) can be stated as P >- 0 and (15.6). Lemma 2 can be used with x
' Q
, x
Es] ,
and (15.6) to generate the inequalities given in items ii) to iv).
Stability Tests for Constrained Linear Systems
It is a nice surprise that Finsler's Lemma has been able to generate item ii) of Theorem 1 which is exactly the standard Lyapunov stability condition given in Lemma 1. Items iii) and iv) are new stability conditions. Since A is a constant given matrix, all three conditions are LMI (Linear Matrix Inequalities) and the feasible sets of conditions ii), iii) and iv) are convex sets (see [2] for details). Notice that the first block of the second inequality in condition iii) is # A T A ~- O, which implies that # > 0 and A is nonsingular. This agrees with the fact that Lyapunov stability requires that no eigenvalues of matrix A should lie on the imaginary axis. The multipliers #, F and G represent extra degrees of freedom that can be used, for instance, for robust analysis or controller synthesis. In some cases, not all degrees of freedom introduced by the multipliers are really necessary, and it can be useful to constrain the multipliers. Notice that constraining a multiplier is usually less conservative than constraining the Lyapunov matrix (see [5]). Some constraints on the matrix multiplier can be enforced without loss of generality. For instance, the proof of Lemma 2 given in Appendix A shows that 2d can always be set to - ( # / 2 ) B T without loss of generality. Besides this "trivial" choice, some more elaborated options might be available. For example, choosing the variables in item iv) to be
F -~ F T -= P,
G = el,
introduces no conservativeness in the sense that there will always exist a sufficiently small e that will enable the proof of stability. This behavior is similar to the one exhibited by the stability condition developed in [11]. In fact, item iv) is a particular case of [11], which has been obtained as an application of the positive-real lemma. The introduction of extra variables, here identified as Lagrange multipliers, is the core of the recent works [11,7,4], which investigate robust stability conditions using parameter dependent Lyapunov functions. A link with these results is provided by considering that matrix A in system (15.1) is not precisely known but that all its possible values lie on a convex and bounded polyhedron .d. This polyhedron is described as the unknown convex combination of N given extreme matrices Ai E R n• i---- 1 , . . . , N , through A:=
where :=
~ = (~1,...
~i = 1,
, ~N) :
~ > 0, i = 1. . . . , N
If all matrices in ~4 are Hurwitz then system (15.1) is said to be robustly stable in ,4. The following theorem can be derived from Theorem 1 as an extension. T h e o r e m 2 ( R o b u s t S t a b i l i t y ) . I f at least one of the following s t a t e m e n t s is true:
i) 3 P E S ' ~ : P ~ - O , ii) 3 F , G E 1 R ~ • P~ ~- O,
ATp+PAi-~O, Vi=I,...,N, I .... ,N : [ ATF T+FA~ ATG T-F+Pi] [GA~ - F T -t- Pi - G - GT
j -~ O, Vi = 1 . . . . , N ,
M . C . de Oliveira, R. E. Skelton
then the linear time-invariant system (15.1) is robustly stable in ~4. Proof. Assume that i) holds. Evaluate the convex combination of the second inequality in i) to obtain P >- O,
A ( ~ ) T P + PA(~) -~ O, V~ C .~,
which imply robust stability in .A according to item ii) in Theorem 1. Now assume that ii) holds. The convex combination of the inequalities in ii) provide P(r
~- 0,
[ A ( ~ ) T F T "b FA(~) A ( ~ ) T G T - F + P(~)]
GA(~) - F T ~- P(r
-G - GT
J -~ O, V~ E ~ ,
where P(~) e S n is the affine (time-invariant) parameter dependent Lyapunov function N
P(r := ~ Pir >'- O. i~l
The above inequalities imply robust stability in A according to item iv) of Theorem 1. 9 Theorem 2 illustrates how the degrees of freedom obtained with the introduction of the Lagrange multipliers can be explored in order to generate less conservative robust stability tests. Notice that although the items ii) and iv) of Theorem 1 are equivalent statements, their robust stability versions provided in Theorem 2 have different properties. The Lyapunov function used in the robust stability condition i) is quadratic [1] while the one used in item ii) is parameter dependent [8]. Robust versions of all results presented in this paper can be derived using the same reasoning.
Discrete-time Lyapunov Stability
The methodology described so far can be adapted to cope with stability of discretetime linear time-invariant systems given by the difference equation
xk+l ----Axk,
xo given.
In this case, if the same quadratic Lyapunov function (15.2) is used, asymptotic stability is characterized as the existence of V ( x k ) > 0, Vxk ~ 0 such that
V ( x k + l ) - - V(xk) < 0,
Vxk+l = Axk,
xk ~ O.
As before, the above set is not appropriate for the application of Lemma 2. Instead, the enlarged set
V(xk+l) - V(xk) < 0,
Vxk+l = Axk,
(xk,xk+l) ~ O,
is considered. As for continuous-time systems, (15.10) and (15.11) can be shown to be equivalent since the set
V(xk+l) - V(xk) < 0,
Vxk+l -= Axk,
xk ----O,
xk+l ~ O.
Stability Tests for Constrained Linear Systems
is empty. Indeed, the first inequality in (15.12) is never satisfied with xk = 0 since V(xk+l) > 0 for all xk+l r 0. The following theorem is the discrete-time counterpart of Theorem 1. T h e o r e m 3 ( D i s c r e t e - t i m e L i n e a r S y s t e m S t a b i l i t y ) . The following state-
ments are equivalent: i) The linear time-invariant system (15.9) is asymptotically stable. ii) 3 P c S '~:P~-O, A T p A - P - ~ O . [-#ATA- p ItA r ] iii) 3 P E S "~,It E ~ : P >- O, [ ItA - I t I + Pj ~ O. iv) 3 P c S ~ , F ,
[ A T F T q- F A - P ATG T - F ] [ GA-FT p_G_GT] -<0.
Proof. This lemma follows as an application of Lemma 2 with X*--
, Qe--
, B T * --
on (15.11).
As in the continuous-time case, it is possible to constrain the multipliers without introducing conservatism. For instance, the choice F----0,
in iv) produces
whose Schur complement is exactly ii). Indeed, this particular choice of multipliers recovers the stability condition given in [4]. In this form, stability and also H2 and H ~ norm minimization problems involving synthesis of linear controllers and filters can be handled as LMI using linearizing change-of-variables [5,6,10]. Finally, it is interesting to notice that, as expected, the discrete-time stability conditions do not require that A be nonsingular. Indeed, the first block of the second inequality in item iii) can now be satisfied with a singular matrix A.
Handling I n p u t / O u t p u t
At this point, a natural question is if the method introduced in this paper can be used to handle systems with inputs and outputs. For instance, consider the linear time-invariant system
x(t) = Ax(t) + Bw(t), z(t) = Cx(t) + Dw(t).
x(O) = O, (15.13)
In the presence of inputs, there is no sense in talking about stability of systern (15.13) without characterizing the input signal w(t). Thus, assume t h a t the signal w(t) : [0, oo) -+ R TM is a piecewise continuous function in /:2, that is,
IlwllL~ :=
(// w(~-)Tw(T)
M . C . de Oliveira, R. E. Skelton
The system (15.13) will be said to be s stable if the output signal z(t) E R p is also i n / : 2 for all w(t) E f-.2. This condition can be checked, for instance, by evaluating t h e / : 2 to s gain
Hzll~ ~ ( ~ ) ~ II~IIL~ "
0'~ :---- sup
For a linear and time-invariant stable system (15.13) it can be shown that
IiH~(s)]l~ :-- sup []H~ijw)ll2 = ~'~, wEF.
where H ~ ( s ) is the transfer function from the input w(t) to the output z(t), and II(')112 denotes the maximum singular value of matrix (.). Now, define the same Lyapunov function Vizir)) > 0, Vx(t) ~ 0, considered in Section 15.2, and the modified Lyapunov stability conditions
V(x(t),ic(t)) < O, 2 w(t)Tw(t) <_ z(t)Tz(t), i15.14 ) V(xit), ~(t), w(t), z(t)) satisfying (15.13), (xit), xit), w(t), zit)) ~ O, defined for a given -/ > 0. These inequalities appear in the stability analysis of system (15.13) under the feedback
w(t) :----A(t)zit),
< %
V A ( t ) : IIA(t)]12 < ,~
Following the same steps as in [2], pp. 62-63, the S-procedure can be used to generate the equivalent condition 1'2
I/(x(t), 2(t)) < V 2 w(t)Tw(t) -- z(t)Tz(t), V(x(t), 2(t), w(t), z(t)) satisfying (15.13),
ix(t), 2(t), wit), z(t)) ~ O.
Hence, when the above conditions are satisfied it is possible to conclude that
0 < V(x(t)) =
V(X(T),JZ(T))dw <
~/2W(T)Tw(v) -- Z(T)TZ(T)dT,
which is valid for all t > 0. In particular, taking t ~ co,
IIzll~ < ~72,~,,2s which implies that V > 7 ~ . In other words, feasibility of (15.15) yields an upperbound to I]Hwz(s)l]~. For the linear system (15.13), it is known that -y~ = inf 7 : (15.15). Therefore, if (15.15) is feasible for some 0 < V < oo then it is possible to conclude that the system (15.13) is E2 stable. Moreover, the conditions (15.15) also guarantee 1 In this particular case, the S-procedure produces a necessary and sufficient equivalent test. This result can also be seen as a version of Finsler's Lemma where the constraint is a quadratic form (see [2], pp. 23-24). 2 As in [2], p. 63, the function l/(x(t), 2(t)) is homogeneous in P so that the scalar introduced with the S-procedure can be set to 1 without loss of generality.
Stability Tests for Constrained Linear Systems
that (15.13) is internally asymptotically stable. When the state space realization of system (15.13) is minimal, i.e., controllable and observable, both notions of stability coincide. If minimality does not hold, then system (15.13) might be 122 stable but not internally asymptotically stable 3, in which case the set (15.15) is empty. A generalized version of (15.15) can be obtained by considering constraints on the input and on the output signals in the form
[?T where Q 9 S p, R 6 S m, S 6 yields the inequality
0 R pxm
After applying the S-procedure this constraint
~7(x(t),Jz(t)) < - - ( z ( t ) T w ( t ) T) [?T SR] \ w ( t ) ]~ V(x(t), 2(t), w(t), z(t)) satisfying (15.13),
(x(t), x(t), w(t), z(t)) # O,
The following theorem comes from using Finsler's Lemma on (15.16). Theorem 4 (Integral Quadratic Constraint).
The following statements are
equivalent: i) The set of solutions to (15.16) with P >- 0 is not empty. ii) 3 P 9 ~:P~-O,
ATp + PA + CTQC P B -~-c T s ~- c T Q D ] BT p + sTc + D T Q C R + ST D + DT s + DTQDJ ~- O, - # ( A T A + c T c ) p A T "4- P #A + P -#I #C 0 --IX (BTA
+ DTc)
#C T
0 S+#D S T + IXDT R - # ( B T B + Q - M
iv) S P 6 S~,F1,G1 6 R nxn ,F2,G2 9 R pxp, J2 9 ~ m x p : p >._ O,
,H1 9 RPx~,J1 6 Tr}m z, X "~ , H
7"~ -~ ~ T _< O, where
[ FIA+F2C -FI |GIA + G2C + P -GI n := / H I A + H2C - H 1 L J 1 A + J2C -J1
F~B+F~D ] GI B + G2D | (1/2)Q - H2 H1B + H2D | " S T - J2 (1/2)R + J I B + J2DJ -F2 -G2
Proof. Assign
F2 G1 G2 '
0 ST
3"1 J2
and apply Lemma 2 on (15.16). 3 Some uncontrollable or unobservable mode of (15.13) may not be asymptotically stable.
M . C . de Oliveira, R. E. Skelton
Several well known results can be generated as particular cases of Theorem 4. For instance, (15.16) reduces to (15.15) with the choice Q--I,
W i t h these matrices, as expected, item ii) of Theorem 4 reduces to the s t a n d a r d bounded-real lemma. The choice Q=0,
produces the positive-real lemma. Items iii) and iv) can be seen as new equivalent statements of these well known results. It is interesting to notice that the introduction of the new signal z(t) brings an extra ' - I ' term into B. Thus preserving an identity full row rank block inside matrix B, that can be used to compute a straightforward B •
Analysis of Systems Described by Transfer Functions
So far Finsler's Lemma has been used to generate stability conditions for systems given in state space form. In this section, it will be used on linear time-invariant systems described by transfer functions. For simplicity, consider a second-order SISO system represented by the transfer function
b(s) b2s2+bls+bo Hwz(s)-- a(s---) -- s 2 + a l s + a o
The results to be presented can be generalized to cope with transfer functions of higher order. Asymptotic stability of this transfer function can be analyzed by considering the second order differential equation
!i(t) + al2(t) + aox(t) ----O,
(&(O), x(O)) --= (xo, xo).
The stability of this equation can be probed by the quadratic Lyapunov function
[ p~l p02' 2] p 3
and the associated stability conditions
l/(x(t),~(t)) < O,
V(x(t),&(t),&(t)) • 0 satisfying (15.18).
Arguments similar to the ones used in Section 15.2 can be used to show t h a t the above conditions and P ~- 0 fully characterize the stability of (15.18) or, equivalently, of the transfer function (15.17). T h e o r e m 5 ( T r a n s f e r F u n c t i o n S t a b i l i t y ) . The following statements are equiv-
alent: i) The linear time-invariant system (15.17) is asymptotically stable.
ii) 3 P E S 2:P>-O, A := -ao
Stability Tests for Constrained Linear Systems
iii) 3 P E S 2 , p C ~ : P > - 0 , U(P) :=
U ( P ) - l t a a T ~O, where
Pl 2p2 2 p3
iv) 3 P C S 2 , f G R 3 x l :P~-O,
a :=
U(P)+faT +afT-~o.
Proof. Set
/x(t)~ ~- [~(t)|,
a ~- u(P),
B T ~ - a,
x ~- f
\&(t)] and apply Lemma 2 on (15.19) with P ~- 0.
Item ii) of Theorem 5 recovers exactly the s t a n d a r d Lyapunov stability test that would have been obtained if item ii) of Theorem 1 had been applied to the companion state space realization (:~(t)~
[ 0
1 ] [x(t)~
On the other hand, items iii) and iv) are polynomial stability conditions. Notice that they differ from the state-space conditions iii) and iv) given by Theorem 1 for (15.20). The i n p u t / o u t p u t results of Section 15.4 can also be generalized to cope with transfer functions. Consider again the simple second-order SISO system (15.17), and define the dynamic constraints
&(t) + al&(t) + aox(t) = w(t), (&(0),x(0)) = (0,0), z(t) = b25~(t) + bl&(t) + box(t).
The analog of the integral quadratic performance conditions (15.16) can be shown to be given by
V(x(t), k(t), &(t), w(t), z(t) ) # 0 satisfying (15.21),
where q, s, r C R. The form of the dynamic constraint (15.21) deserves some commerits. First, it is based on the phase-variable canonical realization [16], where the transfer function (15.17) is implemented via
H~oz(s) -- Z(s)
Z(s) = b(s)~(s),
a(s)~(s) = W(s).
M . C . de Oliveira, R. E. Skelton
Second, in standard state space methods, the second equation (output equation) of (15.21) must have the term 5} substituted from the first equation. This yields the standard phase-variable canonical form
~(t) + al~(t) + aox(t) = w(t),
(~(0), x(0)) = (0, 0),
z(t) = b2w(t) + cl~(t) + cox(t).
where ci := (bi - b2ai), i = 0, 1. Finsler's Lemma can handle b o t h (15.21) and (15.23) without further ado. Theorem 6 (Transfer Function Integral Quadratic lowing statements are equivalent:
The fol-
i) The set of solutions to (15.22) with P ~ 0 is not empty. ii) 3 P E S a : P ~ - O , A T p + P A + q c T c P B + s C T + qb2C T] B T p + s C + qb2C r + 2sb2 + qb 2 J "~ O, where A :=
[o 1] .=[Ol] -ao -al
iii) 3 P E S 2 : P ~ O,
U ( P ) + raa T + s a b T + s b a T + q b b T -~ O, where
Pl 2p2 2 P3
bl , b2
iv) 3 P C S 2 , # E R : P > - 0 , "V(P)-#(aaT + b b T) # b #b T q- # /~a T
~a ] -~ 0, r -- #J
V) 3 P E S2, fl, f2 E R a X l , g l , g e , h l , h 2 E R : P ~- O, [ fU(P)+flbT+f~ar~ ] ~, + b f T -t- a f T ) g l b + g2a - fl h l b + h2a - f~ s--g2--hl I "~0. | glb T +g2a T -f~T q-2gl k h l b T d- h2a T - fT s -- g2 -- hi r -- 2h2 J Proof. Items ii) to v) have been generated applying Lemma 2 on (15.22) with P ~- 0, the dynamic constraint (15.21) and
l~(t)l Q~- u(P) 01] , BT,-- [_~10] , x' ~-- [ fgll ~- l~(t)l, 0 q /z(t)/
f~] g2 9 hi h2
Stability Tests for Constrained Linear Systems
Items ii) and iii) have been generated with item ii) of Lem m a 2 using
ii) : B
[o0i)l -aO - a l
iii) : B • ~--
cl 0
. [aTJ
which are two possible choices for the null-space basis of B. It is interesting to notice that the same conditions obtained in Th eo r em 6 are generated if Lemma 2 is applied to (15.23) with
a0 al 1 0 In fact, it is straightforward to verify t h a t this matrix and matrix B used in the proof of Theorem 6 have the same range space, hence they share the same null space. Notice that there is also some freedom in the choice of B • This freedom has been used to generate items ii) and iii) of Theorem 6. While ii) is the standard integral quadratic constraint condition generated for the state space representation of (15.23), item iii) is a new condition where the coefficient vectors a and b are not involved in any product with the Lyapunov matrix P. Both Theorem 5 and 6 can be generalized to cope with higher order transfer functions by appropriately augmenting the vectors a, b and f. Extensions to general MIMO systems with m inputs and p outputs are also straightforward by considering
H~z(s) = Z ( s ) W ( s ) -1,
Z(s) = N(s)~(s),
D(s)~(s) = W ( s ) .
This factorization can be obtained as H ~ (s) ----N ( s ) D ( s ) -1, that is, by computing N ( s ) and D ( s ) as right coprime polynomial factors of H~z(s). From (15.24), one can compute matrices A and B so that
A x ( t ) = wit), z(t) -- B x ( t ) , where A E R m• B 9 R pxn and x(t) E R ~ is a vector containing the state ~(t) and the appropriate time derivatives. Another possible generalization of these results is for systems described by higher order vector differential equations as, for instance, vector second-order systems in the form
M&(t) + Dic(t) + K x ( t ) = B w ( t ) , z(t) = P ~ ( t ) + Q~(t) + R x ( t ) .
Robust versions of Theorems 5 and 6 would be able to provide stability conditions that enables one to take into account uncertainties on all matrices of (15.25), including the mass matrix M.
M . C . de Oliveira, R. E. Skelton
Some N o n - S t a n d a r d Applications
The ability to define extra signals and derive stability conditions directly involving these signals opens some new possibilities. For instance, consider an stability problem that is similar to the one discussed in [11,7]. Characterize the stability of the discrete-time linear time-invariant system given by xk+l = A B x k ,
xo given
where x E R '~ and A E ~nXm, B E ~rnXn, With the introduction of the auxiliary signal yk E ~m it is possible to rewrite this system in the equivalent form xk+l ---- Ayk,
xo given,
yk : B x k .
Following the same steps as in Section 15.3, asymptotic stability of this system can then be characterized in the enlarged space of (xk, xk+l, yk) as the existence of a quadratic Lyapunov function V ( x k ) > 0, Vxk ~ 0 such that Y ( x k + l ) -- Y ( x k ) <: 0,
V(xk, xk+l, Yk) ~ 0 satisfying (15.27)
The following theorem comes after applying Finsler's Lemma on (15.28). T h e o r e m 7 ( A B L i n e a r S y s t e m S t a b i l i t y ) . The following statements are equivalent: i) The linear time-invariant system (15.26) is asymptotically stable. ii) 3 P E S "~ : P >- 0, B T A T p A B - P -~ O. iii) 3 P C N n , # C R : P ~ O ,
-#I+P #A -~0. #A T L #B -#ATA - #I iv) 3 P E Sn, F~,G~ E RnXn,F2,G2 C RnXm,H~ C Rmx'~,H2 E R m x m : P >O, ?-l + 7-lT -< O, where [F2B - (1/2)P -F~ F~A - F2 ] Tl := [ G2B ( 1 / 2 ) P - G1 G1A O. G2 J -< L H2B -H1 H 1 A - H2
Proof. Define x~--
xk+x , Q~-\ yk /
P 0
,B T~-
and apply Lemma 2 on (15.28).
Gx G~ H1 H2
The stability result in [7] is a particular case of item iv) of Theorem 7 where the matrices A and B are assumed to be square and where the multipliers are set to a l G2 H i H2
(1/2)P L(1/2)AT p
G, H E N nxn.
Stability Tests for Constrained Linear Systems
Since this multiplier is a function of the system matrix A, the robustness analysis in [7] assumes that A is known. One advantage of dealing with (15.27) instead of (15.26) is that robust stability tests - - either using quadratic or parameter-dependent Lyapunov function - - for systems with multiplicative uncertainty in the form
xk+l = A(~)B(~)xk,
~ C ~,
where ~ is defined in (15.8), become readily available through item iv) of Theorem 7. Analogously, fractional or more involved uncertainty models can be taken care with no more effort. It is nice surprise that LMI robust stability conditions can be derived for uncertain models with complicated uncertainty structures such as
E(~)xk+l = A ( ~ ) C ( ~ ) - I B ( ~ ) z k ,
~ E ~,
by simply considering (15.28) and the yet linear dynamic constraint
Exk+1 = Ayk, Cyk = Bxk, where A E R '~• B E R mXn, C E R re• and E E R '~• Notice that the above system contains as a particular case the class of linear (nonsingular) descriptor systems.The subject of singular descriptor systems is slightly more involved and will be addressed in a separate paper. Counterparts of these results for continuous-time systems can be obtained as well. However, notice that in this case the dimension m should be necessarily greater or equal than n, since a singular dynamic matrix is never asymptotically stable in the continous-time sense.
In this paper Lyapunov stability theory has been combined with Finsler's Lemma providing new stability tests for linear time-invariant systems. In a new procedure, the dynamic differential or difference equations that characterize the system are seen as constraints, which are naturally incorporated into the stability conditions using Finsler's Lemma. In contrast with standard state space methods, where stability analysis is carried in the space of the state vector, the stability tests are generated in the enlarged space containing both the state and its time derivative. This accounts for the flexibility of the method, that does not necessarily rely on state space representations. Stability conditions involving the coefficients of transfer functions representing linear systems are derived using this technique. Systems with inputs and outputs can be treated as well. Alternative new formulations of stability analysis tests with integral quadratic constraints, which contain the bounded-real lemma and the positive-reM lemma as special cases, are provided for systems described by transfer functions or in state space. The philosophy behind the generation of these new stability tests can be summarized as follows: 1. Identify the Lyapunov stability inequalities (quadratic forms) in the enlarged space. 2. Identify the dynamic constraints in the enlarged space.
M . C . de Oliveira, R. E. Skelton
3. Apply Finsler's Lemma to incorporate the dynamic constraints into the stability conditions. The dynamic constraints are incorporated into the stability conditions via three main processes: a) evaluating the null space of the dynamic constraints, b) using a scalar Lagrange multiplier or c) using a matrix Lagrange multiplier. These multipliers bring extra degrees of freedom that can be explored to derive robust stability tests. Quadratic stability or parameter-dependent Lyapunov functions can be used to test robust stability.
Acknowledgements Maurlcio C. de Oliveira is supported by a grant from FAPESP, " F u n d a ~ o de Amparo ~ Pesquisa do Estado de S~o Paulo", Brazil.
Proof of Lemma 2 (Finsler's Lemma)
i) ~ ii): All x such that t3x ---- 0 can be written as x ----B• Consequently, i) =~ yTI3•177 < 0, for all y r 0 ~ B • • -~ 0. Conversely, assuming that the first part of ii) holds, multiply B• • on the right by any y r 0 and on the left by yT to obtain yTB• ~ B • < 0 ~ i). iii), iv) ~ ii): Multiply ii) or iii) on the right by B • and on the left by B •
so as
to obtain ii).
ii) ~ iii): Assume that ii) holds. Partition /3 in the full rank factors /3 = Bt/3)., define 7 ) : =
B~ (B~BT~)-I(B~Bz)1/2and apply the congruence transformation
L Since the second diagonal block is negative definite by assumption, a sufficiently large # exists so that the whole matrix is negative definite.
iii) ~ iv): Choose 2( -- - ( # / 2 ) • T.
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16 Equivalent Realizations for IQC Uncertain Systems* Ian R. Petersen School of Electrical Engineering, Australian Defence Force Academy, Canberra ACT, 2600, Australia, Phone +61 2 62688446, FAX +61 2 62688443, email: [email protected].
A b s t r a c t . This paper considers uncertain systems in terms of the corresponding system graph. The paper develops a necessary and sufficient condition for the graph of a given uncertain system to be contained in the graph of another uncertain system. This result also enables one to consider the equivalence between two uncertain systems. The uncertain systems under consideration are linear time-varying uncertain systems in which the uncertainty is described by a time domain integral quadratic constraint. K e y w o r d s : Uncertain Systems; Equivalent Realizations; Modelling; System Graph; Integral Quadratic Constraints.
This paper is concerned characterizing equivalences between uncertain systems described by an integral quadratic constraint (IQC) uncertainty description. For a given linear time invariant system (with zero initial condition), only one inputoutput relation is possible. This i n p u t - o u t p u t relation defines the system graph which is a subspace of the input-output signal space; e.g., see [1]. For an uncertain system, a whole class of input-output relations are possible. However, we can still define the system graph as the set of possible i n p u t - o u t p u t pairs for this uncertain system. In this paper, we are concerned with the following question: Given two uncertain systems with an IQC uncertainty description, when is every possible i n p u t - o u t p u t pair of the first uncertain system also a possible i n p u t - o u t p u t pair for the second uncertain system. Our main result gives a necessary and sufficient condition for this condition to hold. This condition is given in terms of the solution to a certain singular optimal control problem. If we take a behavioural approach to uncertain system modelling (e.g., see [2]), we can regard an uncertain system as being characterized by its system graph. Then our results provide a method of determining if an uncertain system model can be replaced by an alternative (possibly simpler) uncertain system model whose system graph contains that of the original uncertain system. Our results also provide a way of determining whether two uncertain system models are equivalent from an input-output point of view. Thus, our results provide an important step in the * This work was supported by the Australian Research Council.
Ian R. Petersen
development of a systems theory for uncertain systems with an IQC uncertainty description; see also [3-5]. The class of uncertain systems considered in this paper are linear time-varying uncertain systems defined on a finite time interval. The uncertainty description involves a finite-horizon time-domain IQC; e.g., see [6-9]. This uncertainty description allows for a rich class of nonlinear dynamic time-varying uncertainties. Also, this uncertainty description has been found to yield tractable solutions to problems of minimax optimal control and state estimation; e.g., see [10,6]. It should be noted that a very complete theory of minimality and equivalence for a class of uncertain systems has been developed in the papers [11-14]. However, there are a number of important distinctions between the results presented in these papers and the results of this paper. The first distinction concerns the class of uncertain systems considered. This paper is concerned with a time domain IQC uncertainty description on a finite time horizon whereas the above papers are concerned with structured linear time varying (LTV) uncertainties defined on an infinite time horizon. Although both classes of uncertain system models have their own particular advantages, we will see that the results obtained in this paper are of a quite different form to those obtained in the above mentioned papers. This points to the fact that the system theory for these two classes of uncertain systems will be quite different. Another important difference between the approach presented in this paper and that developed in the papers [11-14] concerns the definition of equivalent uncertain systems. Our definition requires only the equality the system graphs whereas the definition given in papers [11-14] requires identical input-output relations be achieved with the same uncertainty operator. This is quite a significant restriction. The remainder of the paper proceeds as follows. In Section 16.2, we introduce the class of uncertain systems under consideration. We also recall a preliminary result from [7] which enables us to characterize the system graph for a given uncertain system. This section also includes definitions concerning the relationship between two uncertain systems and the equivalence of two uncertain systems. In Section 16.3, we present our main results characterizing when the system graph of a given uncertain system includes the system graph of another uncertain system. We also present some special cases in which such a relationship can be characterized in terms of the existence of a solution to a Riccati differential equation. In Section 16.4, we present some simple examples which illustrate our main results.
Definitions and P r e l i m i n a r y R e s u l t s
In this section, we introduce some definitions which will be required in order to present our main results. We also present a preliminary result on model validation for uncertain systems. This result is a key technical result required in the sequel. 16.2.1
We consider a class of uncertain systems defined by state equations of the form:
it(t) = A ( t ) x ( t ) + D ( t ) w ( t ) + B(t)u(t);
x(O) ----O;
z(t) = K ( t ) x ( t ) + G(t)u(t); y(t) = C ( t ) x ( t ) + v(t)
Equivalent Realizations for U n c e r t a i n Systems
where x(t) E R n is the state, w(t) E R p a n d v(t) E R t are the uncertainty inputs, u(t) E R. m is the control input, z(t) E R q is the uncertainty output a n d y(t) E R z is the measured output, A(. ), D(. ), B(. ), K (. ), G(. ) a n d C(.) are b o u n d e d piecewise continuous m a t r i x functions. We will consider these state equations over a finite time interval [0, T].
System Uncertainty T h e u n c e r t a i n t y in the above system is required to satisfy t h e following Integral Q u a d r a t i c Constraint. Let d > 0 be a given constant, Q(-) - Q(.)~ a n d R(.) - R(.)' be given b o u n d e d piecewise c o n t i n u o u s m a t r i x weighting functions such t h a t there exists a c o n s t a n t 5 > 0 satisfying Q(t) >_ (iI a n d R(t) >_ 51 for all t. T h e u n c e r t a i n t y i n p u t s w(.) a n d v(.) are said to be admissible u n c e r t a i n t y i n p u t s if
/0 T(w(t)'Q(t)w(t) + v(t)'R(t)v(t))dt
~ d+
/0 F IIz(t)il2dt.
Here ]1' II denotes the s t a n d a r d E u c l i d e a n norm. Note t h a t the above u n c e r t a i n t y description allows for u n c e r t a i n t i e s in which the u n c e r t a i n t y i n p u t s w(.) a n d v(.) d e p e n d d y n a m i c a l l y on the u n c e r t a i n t y o u t p u t z(.). In this case, the c o n s t a n t d m a y be interpreted as a measure of t h e size of the initial conditions for the u n c e r t a i n t y dynamics. D e f i n i t i o n 1. Let d > 0 be given. Also, let uo(.) a n d y0(') be given vector functions defined over a given time interval [0, T]. T h e i n p u t - o u t p u t pair [u0('), y0(-)] is said to be realizable with p a r a m e t e r d if there exist [x(.), w(.), v(-)] satisfying c o n d i t i o n s (16.1), (16.2) with u(t) -- uo(t) a n d y(t) =--yo(t). We now present a result which gives a necessary a n d sufficient c o n d i t i o n for a given pair [u0(-), y0(-)] to be realizable. This result is a slight modification of t h e m a i n result of [7]. In order to a p p l y this condition, we assume t h a t the following Riccati differential e q u a t i o n (RDE) has a positive definite solution on (0, T]:
Po(t) ----A(t)Po(t) + D ( t ) Q ( t ) - l D(t) ' +Po(t)A(t)' + Po(t)[K(t)'K(t) - C(t)'R(t)C(t)]Po(t); g0(0) ----0.
In addition, we assume t h a t there exists a n g > 0 such t h a t the R D E
P~(t) = A(t)P~(t) + P~(t)A(t)' + D ( t ) Q ( t ) - l D ( t ) ' + P~(t)[K(t)' K(t) - C(t)' R(t)C(t)]P~(t); g~(0) ----r
has a positive definite solution on [0,T] for all 0 < r _< g. Note, it follows from the game theoretic i n t e r p r e t a t i o n of this R D E t h a t
P~(T) > Po(T)
V 0
e.g., see [15]. Also, it follows from t h e c o n t i n u i t y of solutions to the R D E with respect to the initial condition t h a t P~ (T) --* P0 (T) > 0 as r --~ 0.
Ian R. Petersen
In the sequel, it will be assumed that the uncertain system (16.1), (16.2) satisfies the above assumptions. It is shown in [7] that these assumptions are related to a property of strict verifiability. Our condition for a pair [u0(.), y0(')] to be realizable involves solving the following state equations:
~(t) = [A(t) + P ( t ) [ K ( t ) ' K ( t ) - C(t)'R(t)C(t)]] 2(t) + P ( t ) C ( t ) ' R ( t ) y o ( t ) + [ P ( t ) K ( t ) ' G ( t ) + B(t)]uo(t); 5(0) -= 0 (16.5) and forming the quantity
p[uo('), Yo(')] n =
[ l l ( K ( t ) 2 ( t ) + G(t)uo(t))l[ 2 [ - ( C ( t ) ~ ( t ) - yo(t)) R(t)(C(t)2c(t) - yo(t))
L e m m a 1. Suppose that the uncertain system (16.1), (16.2) is such that conditions (16.3), (16.4) are satisfied and let uo(t) and yo(t) be given vector functions defined on [0, T]. Then, the pair [u0('),y0(-)] is realizable if and only if
p[uo(), yo(.)] > - d . P r o o f The proof of this lemma follows along the lines of the proof of Theorem 3.1 of [7]. Indeed, as in this proof, we consider the set of possible values of the state s YO(')I0, s d]. This set is defined as the set of state vectors XT such XT E Z s[u 0(')I0, that there exist uncertainty inputs w(-), v(-) leading to x ( T ) = XT and the given s s input-output pair u0 (t) and Y0(t). The set X ~[uo (-)10, y0 (')10, d] is characterized by points XT E R n such that J*(XT) ----
w ( . ) E L 2 [0,T]
J ( x T -- x l ( T ) , w ( . ) ) < d
J ( ~ , ~(.)) = ~0 T
~w ( t ) ' Q ( t ) w ( t )
- II(K(t)[&(t) ~ xl(t)] + G(t)uo(t))lt 2 dt; +(yo(t) - C(t)[~(t) + xl(t)]) R(t)(yo(t) - C(t)[~c(t) + xl(t)]) ]
and 5:(t) = x(t) - xl(t). Hence, x(t) = A(t)~(t) + B l ( t ) w ( t ) ;
~(0) -= 0.
Also, :~(T) = ~CT = x'r -- x l ( T ) . To solve this fixed endpoint optimal control problem, we consider a sequence of free endpoint problems: J*(xT) =
w ( - ) e L 2 [0,T]
J~(XT -- xl(T), w(.))
Equivalent Realizations for Uncertain Systems
where J~(xT -- x l ( T ) , w ( . ) ) = ~ll~(0)ll ~ + that for all 0 <: e _< g, the RDE
Now it follows from (16.4)
-.~(t) = X(t)A(t) + A(t)'X(t) + X(t)D(t)Q(t)-In(t)'X(t) + K ( t ) ' K ( t ) - C(t)' n ( t ) C ( t ) ; X(0) ---- 1 I
has a positive definite solution on [0, T] such t h a t X~(t) ---- Pe(t) -~. Furthermore, Pe(T) >_ Po(T) for all 0 < e < g. Hence, X ~ ( T ) = P~(T) -~ < Po(T) -~ for all 0 < e < g. Also,
X ~ ( T ) --* Po(T) -1 as e --+ O.
Now as in [7], inf
w(') EL2 [0,T]
( X T --
J~(&T,W(')) Sce(T))'X(T)(XT - &e(T)) - p~[uo(.), y0(')]
where &~(t) :
[A(t) + P ( t ) [ g ( t ) ' K ( t ) - C(t)' R(t)C(t)]] &~(t) + P ( t ) C ( t ) ' R ( t ) y o ( t ) + [ P ( t ) K ( t ) ' G ( t ) + B(t)]uo(t);
~(0) = 0 (16.12)
+ G(t)uo(t))ll 2 ] p~[~0(.), yo(.)] =~ ~o T [f -II(g(t)&~(t) ( C ( t ) & ~ ( t ) - yo(t)) R(t)(C(t)&~(t) - yo(t)) dt; (16.13) see also [16,17]. Therefore, it follows as in the proof of Theorem II.4.2 of [18] t h a t J*(xT) in (16.7) satisfies
J*(XT) : lira
e ~ O w(.)eL2 [0,T ]
Hence, taking the limit as e --~ 0 in (16.11), (16.12) and (16.13), we obtain
J* (XT ) ---- (XT -- ~(T) )' Po(T) -1 (XT -- :~(T) ) -- p[uo('), Yo(')] where 2(T) is defined by (16.5) and p[uo(.), yo(')] is defined by (16.6). Therefore, X~ [uo (')Io, Yo(')Io, d]
= {XT: (XT - - ~ c ( T ) ) ' P o ( T ) - i ( x T -
&(T)) < d + p[uo('),yo(')]}.
This set is non-empty if and only if d+p[uo(.), y0(')] >_ 0. Hence, the pair [uo(-), yo(')] is admissible if and only if p[u0(.), y0(-)] _> - d . [] R e m a r k s The above lemma requires t h a t assumption (16.3) be satisfied. However, for assumption (16.3) to be satisfied, it is necessary t h a t the pair (A, D) be controllable. If the pair (A, D) is not controllable, assumption (16.3) can be relaxed as follows (in the time invariant case): First decompose the system in controllable and uncontrollable subsystems. Then assumption (16.3) can be relaxed to the requirement t h a t Po(t) >_ 0 for t E [0, T] and x ' P o ( t ) x = 0 only for x in the uncontrollable subspace of the system. To establish this result, the above proof can be modified to consider only the set of possible states for the controllable subsystem.
Ian R. Petersen
In this section, we consider relationships between uncertain systems defined as above in terms of their system graphs. We can think of the uncertain system (16.1), (16.2) as being described by its system graph B which is the set of realizable inputoutput pairs [u0 (.), Y0(')]. Alternatively, we can think of the uncertain system (16.1), (16.2) as being a realization of the corresponding system graph B. We now consider a pair of uncertain systems of the form (16.1), (16.2):
(,F,1) :
&(t) = A l ( t ) x ( t ) + D l ( t ) w ( t ) + Bl(t)u(t);
x(O) = 0
z(t) = K1 (t)x(t) + G1 (t)u(t); y(t) = C l ( t ) x ( t ) + v(t);
fo r ( w ( t ) ' Q l ( t ) w ( t ) (5:~) :
+ v(t)'Rl(t)v(t))dt
<_ dl +
fo r IIz(t)ll2dt;
2(t) = A2(t)x(t) + D2(t)w(t) + B~(t)u(t); z(t) = K~(t)x(t) + G2(t)u(t);
x(O) = 0
y(t) = C2(t)x(t) + v(t);
(w(t)'Q2(t)w(t) + v ( t ) ' R 2 ( t ) v ( t ) ) d t <_ d2 +
]o F IIz(t)ll~dt.
Note, it is assumed that the respective dimensions of u and y are the same for these two systems. However, any of the other dimensions may be different. D e f i n i t i o n 2. The uncertain system ( E l ) is said to be a subrealization of (~72) if for any d~ > 0, there exists a dl > 0 such that any realizable i n p u t - o u t p u t pair for (~1) is a realizable input-output pair for (~2). To indicate this relationship, we will use the notation (~1) C (5:2). If (~2) C (~U1) and (5:1) C (,U2), then we say the realizations (~U1) and (5:2) are equivalent. Roughly speaking, if (~U1) C (,U2), then any i n p u t - o u t p u t property we can establish for the uncertain system (~2) will also hold for uncertain system (~71). For example, if we can find an output feedback controller for the uncertain system (,U2) which guarantees some i n p u t - o u t p u t property for the closed loop system, then the same controller will guaranteed the same i n p u t - o u t p u t property when applied to the system (~U1).
The Main Result
We now develop the main result of this paper which gives a necessary and sufficient condition for the uncertain system (~1) to be a subrealization of the uncertain
16 Equivalent Realizations for Uncertain Systems
system (Z2). This result involves the following system formed by augmenting the uncertain system (~1) with the system (16.5) corresponding to (,U2): A1 A2 + P2 [K~K2 -
, t P2K2G2 + B2 P2C2R2 0
x(0) = 0; ~?(0) = 0.
In particular, this system was obtained by using the signals u(-) and y(-) for (El) as the signals u0(.) and y0(') in (16.5) corresponding to the system (2~2). Here P2(t) is the solution to the Riccati differential equation (16.3) for the system (I;'2). Note, that in order to form this augmented system, we assume that the uncertain system (E2) satisfies assumptions (16.3),(16.4). Associated with this augmented system is the quantity: p[u(-), v(.), w(.)] fo r [IfK2~ + G2u]J2
[x' ~'] [C~R2C,
+2 [x' e']
v) !
R~ ( C ~ -
v)] dt
K~K2 - CIR2C~
K;G2 C;R2
+ [u' v' w']
-R2 0
The inputs in the above augmented system are required to satisfy the IQC:
fo r {~'Q,~ +
vI R l v
- (Klx + Glu)'(KlX + G ~ ) } dt _< d~.
This is equivalent to the condition:
+ [~' v' ~']
OK~al 00
dt <_ dl.
R1 0 0
We will think of (16.14), (16.16) as defining an uncertain system with an IQC uncertainty description and uncertainty inputs [u(.), v(.), w(-)]. In order to prove our main result, we will use the following lemma.
Ian R. Petersen
L e m m a 2. (El) is a subrealization of (E2) if and only if the following condition holds: For all d2 > O, there exists a d l > 0 such that for all inputs [u(.), v(.), w(.)] E L2[0, T] for the augmented system (16.14) satisfying (16.16), then (16.17)
p[u(-), v(.), w(.)] ~ -d2.
Proof First note that it follows from Lemma 1 and the construction of the augmented uncertain system (16.14), (16.16) that the following conclusion holds: Any input-output pair [so('), y0(-)] which is realizable for the uncertain system (El) will be realizable for the uncertain system (~2) if and only if the augmented uncertain system (16.14), (16.16) is such that condition (16.17) holds for all admissible uncertainty inputs Is(.), v(-), w(.)]. From this, the lemma now follows immediately using Definition 2. [] In order to develop a convenient test for the condition (2~1) C (~2), we will use a certain S-procedure result for two quadratic forms. To state this result, we first note that the augmented uncertain system (16.14), (16.16) together with the condition (16.17), can be re-written in the form: ~(t) ----71(t)2(t) +/~(t)fi(t); fo T r p[~(.)] =
2(0) ----0
< dl;
O(t)'N(t)O(t)dt >_ -d2
At - C~R2C2] P~C~R2CI 0A2 + P2 [K2K: ;
0 D1 ] . B1 P:K~G2 + B2 P2C2R2 0 J '
I -C1R2C1 C~ R2 C1 0 -R2C1 0
C[R2C2 K~K2 - C ~ R 2 6 2 G': K2 R 2C2 0
[oK~K1 0 00 -GIG1 /V/= [ OG~K1 0 0 o
0 K~G2 G'2 G2 0 0
- 1R2 0 C~R2 0 0 - R2 0
c 000] ;
0 0 R~ o QlJ
Hence, we consider the constrained optimal control problem: J* =
fi(.)EL2 [0,T]
Equivalent Realizations for Uncertain Systems
subject to
~(t) = / l ( t ) 2 ( t ) +/~(t)~(t);
2(0) = 0
f0 r
~(t)' l~I (t)~?(t)dt
We will solve this constrained optimal control problem using a Lagrange-Multiplier/Sprocedure approach. This involves considering a corresponding unconstrained optimal control problem: J* =
inf ~(.)eL2[0,T]
O(t)'[Nr(t) + rM(t)]O(t)dt
subject to
~(t) = f~(t)~2(t) +/~(t)~(t);
2(0) ----0.
L e m m a 3. The constrained optimal value J* defined in (16.20) is finite if and
only if there exists a ~- >_ 0 such that J* defined in (16.21) is finite. Furthermore, if J* is finite, then J* = max { J ; - Tdl}.
Proof First suppose J* is finite. We will use the standard S-procedure result for two quadratic forms; e.g., see [19,9]. To apply this result, we first define some quadratic functions on the vector space B = L~[0, T]. Let 9r(fi(.)) : B --, R be defined by O(t)'N(t)O(t)dt- J*
~-(u(.)) =
where #(t) corresponds to the solution to (16.18) with input ~(-). Also, let G(~(-)) : B ~ R be defined by G(~(')) = dl -
Clearly both ~-(~(.)) and G(~(')) are quadratic functionals on B. Furthermore, ~(.) -- 0 implies 0(') ----0 and hence G(0) = d l > 0 . Now using the definition of these functionals and the definition of J*, we have ~(~(.)) > 0 ~
O(t)'M(t)~(t)dt <_ J*
7 ( ~ ( . ) ) > o.
Ian R. Petersen
Hence, ~'(fi(.)) > 0 for fi(-) such t h a t G(fi(-)) _> 0. We have now shown t h a t all of the conditions required by the S-procedure theorem are satisfied. Hence, there exists a T* > 0 such t h a t 7 ( ~ ( . ) ) - r*G(~(.)) > 0 V ~(-) 9 B. Therefore,
O(t)'N(t)O(t)dt - J* - T'd1 + r*
O(t)'2f/I(t)O(t)dt > 0 V f~(.) 9 B.
Hence, O(t)'[N(t) + r*~I(t)]O(t)dt- r*dl V f~(.) 9 B
J* < and therefore,
J* <
-- fi(')eL2[0'T] Jo
~(t)'[N(t) + r*~I(t)]O(t)dt- r'a1
= J** - T'd1.
Thus, J** > J* + ~'*dl > J* > - o o ; i.e., J** is finite. Now suppose t h a t there exists a ~-* _> 0 such t h a t 3~** is finite. Given any ~(.) such that foT fl(t)'2~/I(t)~(t)dt < dl and any T > 0, then
~oT~(t)'N(t)(?(t)dt-- T (dl - ~Tr
< ~T~(t)'N(t)~(t)dt.
~ooT~(t)' lV (t)fl(t)dt -- T ( d l - - ~oT ~(t)'.~/I (t)fl(t)dt)
inf ~(.)EL2 [0,T]:f0T ~',~v)_
fi(.)eL2 [0,T]:f0T ~/t/Nr~_
for all r > 0. Therefore, ~ ( ' ) e inf L 2 [ 0 , T ] J f0 T
f/(t)'[/~r(t) + 7~4(t)]#(t)dt- Tdl ~_ J* V T >_ 0;
i.e., J: -Tdl
_~ J* V r > 0.
In particular, -oo < J** - T*dl ~_ J*. Hence, J* is finite. Now if J* is finite, it follows from (16.23) and (16.24) t h a t J* = max J~ - ~'dl. -r_>0
[] We now combine Lemma 3 with Lemma 2 to give a necessary and sufficient condition for (~1) C (E2). 1. (,U1) is a subrealization of (Z72) if and only if there exists a T >_ 0 such that J* is finite.
Equivalent Realizations for Uncertain Systems
Proof If (•1) c (~2), then it follows from Lemma 2 t h a t for all d2 > 0, there exists a dl > 0 such t h a t
p[,4.),,:(.),,-(.)]>_ -d~ for all admissible uncertainty inputs for the augmented uncertain system (16.14), (16.16). Hence, according to the definition of J* in (16.20), J* ~ - d 2 . T h a t is, J* is finite. Hence, it follows from Lemma 3 t h a t J* is finite for some ~" _> 0. Now suppose there exists a T* > 0 such t h a t 3** is finite and observe t h a t J** _> O. Indeed, if J** < 0, then there exists a '~(.) such t h a t f : ~](t)~[2~r(t) + 7-*2Vl(t)]~(t)dt < O. By scaling up this fi(.) and using the linearity of the system, we would obtain a cost which approaches minus infinity. This contracts the fact t h a t J** is finite. Now it follows from Lemma 3 t h a t J* > J** - T'd1 for any given dl > 0. Also given any d~ > 0, we have p[u(.), v(.), w(.)] ~ J* for all admissible uncertainty inputs [u(.), v(.), w(.)] for the augmented uncertain system (16.14), (16.16). We now consider two cases.
Case 1. ~-* ~ O. In this case, given any d2 > 0, we choose any dl > 0. Then for any admissible uncertainty input Is(.), v(.), w(.)]: p[u(-), v(.), w(-)] _> J* > J** - 0 > O > - d 2 .
Case 2. T* > 0. In this case, given any d2 > 0, we choose dl ---- d2/T*. Then for any admissible uncertain input Is(-), v(.), w(.)]: p[u(.), v(.), w(.)] _> J* _> g** - ~-*dl -- J*. - d~ _> - d 2 . Thus, using Lemma 3, we can now conclude t h a t (,~1) C (~2). [] For a given T ~ 0, we now look at the optimal control problem (16.21). To solve this optimal control problem, we first re-write the cost functional: oT ~(t)'[/V(t) + ~-M(t)]~(t)dt
[~(t)'Q.(t)2(t) + 2e(t)'fI.(t)f~(t) + f~(t)'R~(t)f~(t)] dt
(~:" =
- C [ R 2 C 1 -- TK~K1 C~R2C2 ] C~R2C1 g ~ g ~ -- C~R2C2 .j ;
[I.~ = " - T K ~ G I -C~R2 0] . K~G2 C~R2 ' " G2, G FG =
2 _ TG'IG1 0 0 - R 2 + TR1 0
] .
We now consider conditions under which J* is finite. S i n c e , / ~ in (16.25) m a y be singular, this involves looking at problems of singular optimal control. Indeed, the following results are obtained by applying the results of [18], to the singular optimal control problem defining J*. First note that for J* to be finite, it is necessary t h a t / 5 ~ 0; e.g, see page 14 of [18]. Hence, we will restrict attention to values of T >_ 0 such t h a t / ~ ~ 0.
Ian R. Petersen
T h e o r e m 2. Suppose there exists a "r >_ 0 and a bounded variation symmetric matrix function P(.) defined on [0, T] such that P ( T ) <_ 0 and for any [tl,t2] C
[0, T]: t2
[dP+ (PA + A'P + O~)dt (PB + [I~)dt] ~(t)
f,l Ix(t)' ~ t ( t ) ' ] L ( P B + H , ) d t
R , dt
J [~(t) ] >0_ (16.27)
for all continuous vector functions 2(.) and all piecewise continuous vector functions ~t(.). Here the integral is defined in the usual Riemann-Stieltjes sense. Then (221) is a subrealization of (222). Proof If condition (16.27) is satisfied, it follows from Theorem II.3.2 of [18] that J* is finite. Hence, it follows from Theorem 1 that (2~1) is a subrealization of (222). r-1. C o r o l l a r y 1. Suppose there exists a T ) 0 such that R~ ) 0 and the Riccati differential equation /~ + P A + A ' P + Q~ - (P/~ + / 7 ~ ) / ~ j l ( P t ~ + H~)' = 0; P ( T ) = 0 has no finite escape time on [0, T]. Then (221) is a subrealization of (222). Proof The proof is identical to the proof of Theorem 2 but using Corollary II.3.2 of [18] instead of Theorem II.3.2 of [18]. [] The above results give sufficient conditions for (221) C (222). However, if we place an additional controllability condition on the system (16.18), then the condition of Theorem 2 is also a necessary condition for (221) C (222). T h e o r e m 3. Suppose the system (16.18) satisfies the controllability condition ~0 t 4~(t, 8)B(8)B(8)tqb(t, s)'ds :> 0 V t E [0, T].
Here ~5(t, s) is the state transition matrix for the system (16.18). Then ( E l ) C ( Z2 ) implies there exists a v >_ 0 such that R~ >_ O. Also there exists a bounded variation symmetric matrix function P(.) defined on [0, T] such that P ( T ) <_ 0 and for any [tl,t2] C [0, T] condition (16.27) in Theorem 2 is satisfied. Proof If (~1) C (~2) then Theorem 1 implies there exists a T >_ 0 such that J* is finite. From this, it follows that / ~ > 0. Also, using the controllability condition (16.28), Theorem II.3.1 of [18] implies there exists a bounded variation symmetric matrix function P(-) defined on [0, T] such that P ( T ) < 0 and for any [tl, t2] C [0, T] condition (16.27) in Theorem 2 is satisfied. [] R e m a r k We have shown above that for J* to be finite, ~- _> 0 must be chosen so that / ~ >_ 0. We now consider the implications of this condition for the special case in which all matrices in the augmented uncertain system (16.18) are time-invariant. Also, we will introduce some notation: Given any to square symmetric matrices A and B of the same dimension, ,kmax[A, B] will denote the maximal generalized
Equivalent Realizations for Uncertain Systems
eigenvalue of the matrix pair [A, B]. Now recalling the definition o f / ~ , in (16.26), the c o n d i t i o n / ~ _> 0 implies r < Am~[R~,R2] and 1 _< Ama~[G~G2,GIG1]. T
Hence, we must have _< T _< Amox [R1, R2].
In this section, we consider some simple examples to illustrate the results developed in the previous section.
Example 1 In this example, the systems (5:1 and (5:2) are defined as follows: (Xl)
21 = W-~-?~;
X l ( 0 ) = 0;
z = - x 2 § 0.5u; y = xl + v;
/o (w~ + v2)dt < dl + /o IIz[l~dt and (E2)
z = 0.5au;
y=x+v; (w2 + v2)dt <_d2 +
Here ~ > 0 is a given parameter. Note that the system (s can be regarded as being obtained from the system (N2) by augmenting a system with transfer function ~-1 onto the uncertainty output z. This is illustrated in Figure 16.1. Associated with the system ( E l ) are the matrices
AI= [000_11; Be= [111; DI= [~J; KI= [0-1]; G1=0.5; C1 = [1 0 ] ; Q1 = 1; R1 : 1. Also, associated with the system (E2) are the matrices A2=0;
I a n R. Petersen
(5:~) y
F i g . 16.1. Block d i a g r a m representation of the system (5:1). We will first consider the inclusion: (5:1) C (5:2). Hence, we need to solve t h e following Riccati differential e q u a t i o n associated with the system (5:2); see (16.3). ~52=-p~+1;
p2(0) ----0.
This equation has the following positive definite solution on (0, T]: 1 - e -2t 1 + e -2t
p2(t) -
Also, it is straightforward to verify t h a t c o n d i t i o n (16.4) is satisfied for this system. Associated with the system (5:2) is the filter system = -p2(t)5 +p2(t)y + u = -p2(t)5 + p2(t)xl + p2(t)v + u
where y ----Xl + v is the o u t p u t of the system (5:1) a n d u is the i n p u t to the system (5:1). Also associated with the system (5:2) is the q u a n t i t y p =
[(0.5~u) 2 - (5 - xl - v)2]at.
T h e equations (5:t) and (16.29) together define the a u g m e n t e d system (16.14) considered in the previous section. In order to apply the results of the previous section, it will be convenient to apply a change of variables to this a u g m e n t e d system. Indeed, let 51 = xl - 5, 52 = x2, a n d 53 = xl + 5. T h e n xl = 51 - ~ = - p 2 ( t ) 5 1 + w -
and x3 = 51 + ~ = p2(t)51 + 2u + p 2 ( t ) v + w . Hence, we o b t a i n the following a u g m e n t e d system of the form (16.18): 52 5,
= Lp2(t)
Also, the corresponding optimal cost functional of the form (16.21) is given by J*=
inf [u(.),,(.),w(.)]eL2[0,T]
inf [~(.),v(.),~(.)]eL2[0,T]
~ T { (0"50/u)2 - (21 "~-v)2
+T[W 2 + V2 -- (--22 + 0.5U) 2]
loT{ +-'~2-T52-251v-I-T52u 0 . 2 5 ( a 2 -1)V2 + T)U 2 + (T --
dt } dt TW 2
Equivalent Realizations for U n c e r t a i n Systems
Indeed, using T h e o r e m 1, we will have ( E l ) C (~V2) if a n d only if J* is finite for some r > 0. Now for this example, t h e c o n d i t i o n / ~ _> 0 implies t h a t we m u s t have I
In particular, we m u s t have 1 _< a s.
To simplify the optimal control p r o b l e m defining J*, we note t h a t the state :c3 is unobservable from the cost functional. Hence, we need only consider a reduced dimension optimal control problem involving the states 21 a n d 5:2; i.e, we look at the optimal control problem: J* = [u("),v(" ),w(')]6 inf L2[O,T]
fo T f -~2 - T~22 - 2~'lv -~-T~g2u
1 +0"25( a2
- T) u2 + (T -- 1)V2 + TW2
} dt
subject to
[~:] = [oP2(t) 0_l] [~:] + [0-p2(t)~] ; ' [:~2(0)]= [~] " 10 Now it is clear t h a t this optimal control problem can be solved by solving two decoupled optimal control problems; i.e.,
3"*--_J* +J~_ where J2. ----
{ - : ~ -- 2~:1V nu (T -- 1)V 2 -t- TW 2 } dt
subject to xl = -p2(t)5:l - p2(t)v + w; Jb*. =
:~l(0) = 0 a n d
f T { - - r ~ + ~-~2U + 0.25(a 2 -- 7-)U2 } d t
u ( ' ) c L 2 [ 0 " T I ,,tO
subject t o x 2 = - $ e + u ; $2(0)=0. We first consider the optimal control p r o b l e m defining J2.. We will show t h a t J~*. is finite for r = 1. Indeed, let p(t) = -1/p2(t) for t 6 (0,TI. Hence, i5~(t)
-[p2(t)] ~ + 1
p(t) = [p2(t)]------7 =
+ [p2(t)]--------7
a n d p(T) <_ O. Now consider the q u a n t i t y [/5(t) - 2p(t)p2(t) - 1 - 1 - p(t)p2(t) p(t) ]
d M ~= | [ = >0.
- 1 - p(t)p2(t) p(t) 0
0 0 dt
0 1
I a n R. Petersen
Hence, using T h e o r e m II.3.2 of [18], we can conclude t h a t Ja*~ is finite. (Note, strictly in order to apply this result, we require p(t) to be of b o u n d e d variation on [0, T] not just (0, T]. However, it is straightforward to e x t e n d t h e result of [18] to allow for this case.) We now consider the second o p t i m i z a t i o n p r o b l e m defining J~r. We will also show this q u a n t i t y is finite for ~- ---- 1 provided (16.30) is satisfied. Indeed, let p(t) = - 0 . 5 for t 6 [0, T]. Now consider the q u a n t i t y
dM ~ [ [~ 2 p - l p-t-0.5 p~- 0.5
0.25(o~ 2 - 1)
_>0. Hence, using T h e o r e m II.3.2 of [18], it follows t h a t J ~ is finite. Thus, using T h e o r e m 1, we can now conclude t h a t (~U1) C (~2) if a n d only if c~2 ~ 1. We now consider the inclusion: (~U2) C (~U1). In this case, we first consider the filter Riccati differential equation (16.3) corresponding to the system (Z:I). Indeed, it is straightforward to verify t h a t the solution to this R D E is
where 1 - e -2t
pa(t) -- 1 + e -2t Note t h a t this solution does not strictly satisfy the r e q u i r e m e n t t h a t Po(t) is positive definite for all t. However, as m e n t i o n e d in Section 16.2.1, it is possible to relax the assumptions of L e m m a 1 to allow for this situation. We now consider the filter state equations (16.5) corresponding to the s y s t e m
"~[~a(~)00][:] y~-([~a(~)00][01] 0'5~-[lll)U
_1] [::]+ a n d the corresponding q u a n t i t y p[uo (.), yo (')] defined in (16.6):
[::1+ =
+ 0.5u) 2 -
[::] - x - v ) 2] dt
where y = x + v is the o u t p u t of the system (L'2).
Equivalent Realizations for Uncertain Systems
The equations (~2) and (16.29) together define the augmented system (16.14) considered in the previous section. In order to apply the results of the previous section, it will be convenient to apply a change of variables to this augmented system. Indeed, let 5:1 --- x - ~1, 5:2 = ~2, and 5:3 = X-It-Xl. Then 5:1 =
:~ - &l
= ~ + ~ + po(t)~ =
- ;o(t)y
+ ~ - ;o(t)~
5:3 = 3~'~- Xl w+u-p~(t)~l +po(t)y+u = p~(t)5:l +p~(t)v + 2u + w. =
Hence, we obtain the following augmented system of the form (16.18):
2 p~(t)
Also, the corresponding optimal cost functional of the form (16.21) is given by
J* =
/ 0 T { (-5:2 -I- 0"5u)2 - (5:1 -t- v)2 }
[~( ),v( ),w( )1eL~I0,TJ
+ ~ [ w 2 + V 2 -- ( 0 . 5 ~ u ) 2]
Indeed, using Theorem 1, we will have (E2) C (Z1) if and only if J* is finite for some ~- ~ 0. Now for this example, the c o n d i t i o n / ~ > 0 implies that we must have 1
1 < ~- _< a~.
To simplify the optimal control problem defining J*, we note t h a t the state 5:3 is unobservable from the cost functional. Hence, we need only consider a reduced dimension optimal control problem involving the states ~1 and 5:2; i.e, we look at the optimal control problem: J~* =
/oT { (-5:2 -~-O'5u)2 - (5:l -~-v)2 } dt ~-T[W2 4- "U2 -- (0.5OLlt)2]
subject to
[~:1~_ [oPa(t)O 1]
[ ~:] _]_ [01 oPa(t)~ 1
~ [5:2(0) J ~- [0O1 "
Now it is clear t h a t this optimal control problem can be solved by solving two decoupled optimal control problems; i.e., j*
* . =Jf~-+J[,~
Ian R. Petersen
where 7-
~0 T { - ( & l + v) 2 + T[W2 + V2]} dt
- 2~v
subject to &l --- - p . ( t ) & l - p~(t)v + w;
J •3" =
+ (,- -
1)~ ~ + ~-~}
21(0) -- 0 and
inf f T {(--~2 + 0.5U) 2 -- T(O.5aU) 2 } dt u(.)eL2[0,T] Jo inf
u(') EL2[0,T]
{:~ - ~:~u + 0.25(1 - ~ ' ~ ) ~ } dt
subject to x2 -- -&~ + u; ~2(0) -- 0. Now for T ---- 1, it follows as in t h e first p a r t of this e x a m p l e t h a t J*~ is finite. Hence, we now consider J ~ . If T a 2 ---- 1, we have J~7- ---- - c o for all T > 0. Indeed, if u(t) -- fi a constant, t h e n &2(t) ----(1 - e - t ) ~ and
fo r {~i - ~ u } at = ~ fo r {e - ~ - e -t} at = - l f i 2 ( 1 _ e-T) 2. Letting fi ---+ co, it following i m m e d i a t e l y t h a t J ~ ---- - c o and hence t h e inclusion (E2) C (~1) does not hold. Note t h a t if a ---- 1, it follows from (16.32) t h a t we must have T = 1 and hence Ta ~ = 1; i.e., t h e inclusion (Z2) C ( E l ) does not hold for o~--1. In the case of Ta 2 < 1 (which can occur when a < 1), t h e finiteness of J ~ will d e p e n d on t h e value of the t e r m i n a l t i m e T. Indeed in this case, t h e finiteness of J ~ can be d e t e r m i n e d by solving the R D E :
[9-- 2p+ l - - 4 ( 1 - - Ta2)--~(p--0.5)2;
If this R D E does not have a finite escape t i m e in [0,T] t h e n J ~ is finite. Otherwise, J ~ --- - c o ; e.g., see Corollary II.3.2 of [18]. For a given value of p ----T a 2 > 0, let T . be the m a x i m u m value of T such t h a t the R D E (16.33) does not have a finite escape in [0, T]. Indeed, t h e solution to R D E (16.33) is given by 1
p ( T - t) -- 2
e-2t (1 - #) 2(e -2t - #)"
Hence, T . ---- - 8 9 l n # . A plot of T~ versus # is shown in F i g u r e 16.2. F r o m this figure, we can see t h a t reducing # increases the t i m e interval for which J~* is finite. Hence, it follows from (16.32) t h a t for any ~, t h e o p t i m a l choice of 7 is r = 1. F r o m the above analysis, we can now conclude t h a t for (~1) C (~2) for a _> 1 and (~2) C ( E l ) for 0 < a _< e - T < 1. In particular, for no value of t h e p a r a m e t e r is the system (~1) equivalent to t h e system (E2).
Equivalent Realizations for Uncertain Systems
Fig. 16.2. Maximum time interval without a finite escape versus # parameter. Example
In this example, the systems ( ~
and (~2) are defined as follows:
(~1) :
Xl :
W ~- ~t;
Xl(0) :
~2 = 2 w + u ; z = 0.5u; y = xl + v;
/o ~
(w 2 + v2)dt ~ d~ +
/o ~
and (E2):
z = 0.5u;
/o ~
(w 2 + v2)dt < d2 +
Associated with the system (Z:l) are the matrices
C1 = [ 1 0 ] ;
/o ~
I a n R. Petersen
Also, associated with the system (572) are the matrices A2=0;
We will first consider the inclusion: (571) C (572). Hence, we need to solve t h e following Riccati differential equation associated with the system (572); see (16.3). 152 = - p 2 ~ + 1 ;
p2(0) = 0 .
As in Example 1, this e q u a t i o n has the following positive definite solution on (0, T]: 1 - e -2t
p2(t) -- 1 + e -2* Associated with the system (572) is the filter system = - p 2 ( t ) ~ + p2(t)y +
= -p2(t):~ + p 2 ( t ) x l +p2(t)v + u. Also associated with the system (572) is the q u a n t i t y
f T = Jo
(~ - zl
- v)2]dt.
As in Example 1, we now apply a change of variables to the a u g m e n t e d system. Indeed, let xl = Xl - 2, k2 = x2, a n d x3 = xl + 2. T h e n
1 0
2 p2(t)
Also, the corresponding o p t i m a l cost functional of the form (16.21) is given by
inf fT (0.5U)2 -- (Xl "~- 7J) 2 } [~,(.),v(.)a-(')]eL2[0,Tl J0 [ +T[ w2 + v2 -- (0"5U) 2] dt.
Using Theorem 1, we will have (571) C (572) if a n d only if J* is finite for some T _> 0. Now for this example, the c o n d i t i o n / ~ _> 0 implies t h a t we m u s t have T=I. Hence, we consider J; =
inf f T {--Y~ _ 2Y~lV+ w 2 }dt 9 [u(.),v(.),w(.)]~L~[O,T] Jo
We now note t h a t the states 22 a n d :c3 are unobservable from this cost functional. Also, the state ~1 is uncontrollable from the i n p u t u. Hence, J~" is given by J; =
fT {_&2 _ 2~1v + w 2 } dt
[v('),w(')]EL2[O,T] Jo
subject to Y:I = - p 2 ( t ) ~ l - p 2 ( t ) v + w ; Y~l(0) = 0. It was shown in E x a m p l e 1 t h a t this q u a n t i t y is finite 9 Hence, we can conclude (57t) C (Z2).
16 Equivalent Realizations for Uncertain Systems
We now consider the inclusion (~:2) C (El). In this case, we first consider the filter Riccati differential equation (16.3) corresponding to the system (5:0: P~Pb Pb 124] [;:/~5b] = [Pb P~] [O 1 ~] [P:P~] + [2 =
Hence, 15~ = - p ~ + l ; pa(0) =0; Pb = --paPb + 2; pb(O) = 0; pc = -p~
+ 4;
p c ( 0 ) = 0;
As above, we obtain pa(t) = ~l _ e -.- 2 t Also, we obtain pb(t) = 2-2e-2t and pc(t) = 1-~-e 2t 4-4~-2t l + e - - 2 t 9 That is, the RDE (16.3) has the positive semidefinite solution Po(t)
[p~(t) 2pa(t) ] L2p~(t) 4pa(t) 9
Note that this solution does not strictly satisfy the requirement that Po(t) is positive definite for all t. However, as mentioned in Section 16.2.1, it is possible to relax the assumptions of Lemma 1 to allow for this situation. We now consider the filter state equations (16.5) corresponding to the system (El): [~:] = [2P;. 2p"14p~j[O1001 [ ~ : ] +
[P;~ 2p"14p.j[10]y+ [11 ] u 1
and the corresponding quantity p[u0(-), y0(')] defined in (16.6): p[~o(.),yo()l = fjo
(0.5~) ~ -
fo r [0.25~ ~
[1 0]
(~1 - x - ~)~] dt
where y = x + v is the output of the system (~2).
The equations (~'2) and (16.34) together define the augmented system (16.14) considered in Section 16.3. We now apply a change of variables to this augmented system. Indeed, let :~1 = X - - X l , :~2 : X 2 , and x3 = x + 21. Then = ~ + ~ + po(t)~l = -po(t)~
- p~(t)y
+ ~ - p~(t)~,
x2 = ~:2 = -2p~(t)&l + 2p.(t)y + u = 2p~(t)~l + 2p~(t)v + u
Ian R. Petersen
= w + u- p,(t)2l +p,(t)y + u = p o ( t ) ~ + p o ( t ) ~ + 2~ +
Hence, we obtain the following augmented system of the form (16.18):
X2 X3
= I 2pa(t) 0 [pa(t) 0
X2 X3
2pa(t) pa(t)
Also, the corresponding optimal cost functional of the form (16.21) is given by
inf [ T / 0.251t2 -- (Xl -~- V) 2 } [u(.),.(.),~(.)leL2[0,T] J0 [ +T[ w2 + ve -- 0"25U2] dt.
Using Theorem 1, we will have (2:2) C (~1) if and only if J* is finite for some 7- > 0. Now for this example, the condition / ~ > 0 implies that we must have
T~]. Hence, we consider J~ =
~0 T {" inf ~ - 2 _ - 2~lv + w 2. dt. [u(-),v(.),w(.)]CL2[O,T]
We now note that the states 22 and x3 are unobservable from this cost functional. Also, the state 21 is uncontrollable from the input u. Hence, J~* is given by J ; ----
inf f T { -:~12 __ 2XlV ~- W2 } d t [v(.),~(-)]cL2[0,T/Jo
subject to xl = - p ~ ( t ) ~ - p ~ ( t ) v + w ; 5:1(0) = 0. It was shown in Example 1 t h a t this quantity is finite. Hence, we can conclude (2:2) C (5:0For this example, we have now shown t h a t (2:2) C (~1) and (Z1) C (~2). T h a t is, the uncertain system realizations (5:1) and (5:2) are equivalent. Furthermore, since the uncertain system realization (Z1) has state dimension 2 and the uncertain system realization (2:2) has state dimension 1, we can conclude t h a t the uncertain system realization (~1) is not minimal. (In fact, the uncertain system realization (5:2) will be minimal in this case.) Some further insight into this example can be obtained if we make the following substitution into the uncertain system (2:1):
52] z where 51 and 52 are norm bounded uncertain parameters satisfying 52 + 522 < 1. It is straightforward to verify that this norm bounded uncertainty will satisfy the
Equivalent Realizations for Uncertain Systems
IQC for the uncertain system (El). With this substitution, the uncertain system (~1) becomes 21 = (0.551 + 1)u; 22 = (51 + 1)u; y = xl + 0.55=u;
In this system, the state x2 is unobservable for all values of the uncertain parameters. This points towards the fact that the state x2 can be eliminated and the uncertain system will still represent the same system graph.
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17 R e c e n t A d v a n c e s in R o b u s t Control, Feedback and Learning Michael G. Safonov* Dept. of Electrical Engineering Univ. of Southern California Los Angeles, CA 90089-2563 USA
A b s t r a c t . As robust control theory has matured, a key challenge has been the need for a more flexible theory that provides a unified basis for representing and exploiting evolving information flows from models, noisy data, and more. Our work on unfalsified control is providing a foundation for the development of such a theory. The results of research in progress are expected to facilitate the design of feedback control systems with the ability to better exploit evolving real-time information flows as they unfold, thereby endowing control systems with the intelligence to adapt to unfamiliar environments and to more effectively compensate for the uncertain and time-varying effects, equipment failures and other changing circumstances.
"The essential matter is an intimate association of hypothesis and observation." Bertrand Russell - - 1939
The robust multivariable control theory that has evolved over the past quarter century includes methods based on the H ~ #/Kin-synthesis, and B M I / L M I / I Q C theories. The robust control theory offers a major improvement over earlier algebraic and optimal control methods. It has enabled the design of controllers with greater tolerance of uncertainty in system model and, hence, increased reliability. Commercial computer-aided control synthesis tools like those introduced by Chiang and Safonov [14,15], Balas et al. [16] and Gahinet et al. [17] have made robust control synthesis routine, and because of this aerospace and industrial applications have now become commonplace. Further, on-going improvements based on LMI/IQC robust control problem formulations are continuing to expand the range of problems that can be cast and solved within the robust control framework (e.g., [18]). Yet, despite the assurances of greater uncertainty tolerance and better reliability, the existing H ~ # / K m - s y n t h e s i s , and B M I / L M I / I Q C techniques for robust control design have an Achilles heel: They are introspective theories. They derive their conclusions based on assumed prior knowledge of models and uncertainties. They are dependent of the premise that uncertainty models are reliable, and they * email msafonov~usc, edu; web h t t p : / / r o u t h . usc. edu
Michael G. Safonov
offer little guidance in the event that experimental data either invalidates prior knowledge of uncertainty bounds or, perhaps, provides evidence of previously unsuspected patterns in the data. T h a t is, the standard H ~ #/Kin-synthesis, and B M I / L M I / I Q C robust control techniques fail in the all too common situation in which prior knowledge is poor or unreliable. Data-driven design tools are needed to make the overall robust control design process more complete and reliable. Ideally, these tools should incorporate mechanisms for evaluating the design implications of each new experimental data point, and for directly integrating that information into the mathematics of the robust control design process to allow methodical update and re-design of control strategies so as to accurately reflect the implications of new or evolving experimental data. Recent thrusts in this direction are control-oriented identification theory and [19-38] and, more recently, unfalsified control [3943]. While both theories are concerned with the difficult problem of assimilating real-time measurement data into the otherwise introspective process of robust control design, the unfalsified control theory is a particular interest because it directly and precisely characterizes the control design implications of experimental data.
D a t a - D r i v e n R o b u s t Control D e s i g n
Open-loop D A T A
Control Design Done
Fig. 17.1. The data-driven theory of unfalsified control closes data-driven portion of the design loop by focusing squarely and precisely on the control design implications of data.
Validation - - or more precisely u n f a l s i f i c a t i o n - - of hypotheses against physical data is the central aspect of the process of scientific discovery. This validation process allows scientists to sift the elegant tautologies of pure mathematics in order to discover mathematical descriptions of nature that are not only for logically self-consistent, but also consistent with physically observed data. This data-driven process of validation is also a key part engineering design. Successful engineering
Recent Advances in Robust Control, Feedback and Learning
design techniques inevitably arrive at a point where pure introspective theory and model-based analyses must be tested against physical data. But, in control engineering in particular, the validation process is one t h a t has been much neglected by theoreticians. Here, the theory tying control designs to physical d a t a has for the most part focused on pre-control-design 'system identification'. Otherwise, the mathematization of the processes of post-design validation and re-design has remained relatively unexplored virgin territory. In particular, a satisfactory quantitative mathematical theory for direct feedback of experimental design-validation d a t a into the control design process has been lacking, though this seems to be changing with the recent introduction of a theory of unfalsified control [43].
and Unfalsification
Unfalsified control is essentially a data-driven adaptive control theory t h a t permits learning based on physical d a t a via a process of elimination, much like the candidate elimination algorithm of Mitchell [44,45]. The theory concerns the feedback control configuration in Figure 17.2. As always in control theory, the goal is to determine a control law K for the plant P such t h a t the closed-loop system response, say T, satisfies given specifications. Unfalsified control theory is concerned with the case in which the plant is either unknown or is only partially known and one wishes to fully utilize information from measurements in selecting the control taw K. In the theory of unfalsified control, learning takes place when new information in measurement d a t a enables one to eliminate from consideration one or more candidate controllers.
Command Controller
K~K F i g . 17.2.
Feedback control system.
The three elements that define the unfalsified control problem are (1) plant measurement data, (2) a class of candidate controllers, and (3) a performance specification, say T~pec, consisting of a set of admissible 3-tuples of signals ( r , y , u ) . More precisely, we have the following.
D e f i n i t i o n [43] A controller K is said to be f a l s i f i e d by measurement information if this information is sufficient to deduce that the performance specification (r, y, u) C Tsp~ Vr E T~ would be violated if that controller were in the feedback loop. Otherwise, the control law K is said to be u n f a l s i f i e d . []
To put plant models, d a t a and controller models on an equal footing with performance specifications, these like Tspec are regarded as sets of 3-tuples of signals
Michael G. Safonov
(r, y, u) - - that is, they are regarded as relations in 7~ • y • P : b/--* y and K : T~ • y --+///then
For example, if
P-- { (r,y,u)ly = Pu }
And, if J(r, y, u) is a given loss-function that we wish to be non-positive, then the performance specification "/'~p~cwould be simply the set Lp~c = { (r,y,u)lY(r,y,u) _< 0 } .
On the other hand, experimental information from a plant corresponds to partial knowledge of the plant P. Loosely, data may be regarded as providing a sort of an "interpolation constraint" on the graph of P - i.e., a 'point' or set of 'points' through which the infinite-dimensional graph of dynamical operator P must pass. Typically, the available measurement information will depend on the current time, say T. For example, if we have complete data on (u, y) from time 0 up to time T > 0, then the measurement information is characterized by the set [43] P o,o s
(r, y, u)
• u x
(y - y a,o)
= 0
where P,- is the familiar t i m e - t r u n c a t i o n o p e r a t o r of i n p u t - o u t p u t stability t h e o r y (cf. [46,47]), viz.,
[pTx] (t)
T h e m a i n result of unfalsified control t h e o r y is the following t h e o r e m which gives necessary and sufficient conditions for past o p e n - l o o p plant d a t a Pdata to falsify the hypothesis t h a t controller K can satisfy the p e r f o r m a n c e specification -/-~v~c. T h e o r e m [43] A control law K is unfalsified by measurement information Pdata if, and only if, for each triple (ro, Yo, uo) C Pdata N K, there exists at least one pair (uo, ~)o) such that (ro, Yo, ~to) E Pdata N K N Tspec. []
Unfalsified Control
T h e unfalsified control t h e o r e m says simply t h a t controller falsification can be tested by c o m p u t i n g an intersection of certain sets of signals. A notew o r t h y feature of the unfalsified control t h e o r y is t h a t a controller need n o t be in the loop to be falsified. B r o a d classes of controllers can be falsified w i t h open-loop plant d a t a or even d a t a acquired while other controllers were in t h e loop. A d a p t i v e control is achieved within the this f r a m e w o r k by using t h e unfalsification process as the key element of a s u p e r v i s o r y controller (cf. [48,49]). T h e supervisor switches an unfalsified controller into the feedback loop whenever the current controller in the loop is a m o n g s t those falsified by o b s e r v e d plant d a t a - - see Fig. 17.3.
Recent Advances in Robust Control, Feedback and Learning
evo:~ng I,O d a t a
[ u(t), y(t) )
Unfalsitied Controllers[]
Fig. 17.3. The unfalsification process mathematically sifts controllers to find those that are consistent with both performance goals and physical data. It plays the role of a 'supervisor' that chooses one of the currently unfalsified controllers to put in the aircraft's control loop. 17.2.2
Challenges and Controversies
"Heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible." Lord Kelvin, President, British Royal Society, 1895 A typical initial response from knowledgeable academic researchers has been to dismiss unfalsified control theory out of hand as a sort of mathematical 'snake oil'. T h e claim t h a t unfalsified control permits control design without a plant models has tended to be regarded as too outlandish to be taken seriously. Certainly it is true t h a t unfalsified control theory has its limitations - - and t h a t the theory needs improvement. But, these 'snake oil' objections to unfalsified control have been fallacious - - based on intuition derived from inappropriate analogies. However, thoughtful control theorists have been genuinely surprised and impressed by the simplicity and power of the unfalsified control theory as a m a t h e m a t i c a l basis for explaining feedback and learning, as a practical m e t h o d for designing more reliable adaptive controllers, and as a data-driven technique for off-line tuning of non-adaptive feedback control gains. Following are some typical examples of fallacious objections to unfalsified control:
1. Unfalsified control seems unacceptably weak in its conclusion of mere unfalsification, given that familiar theories of control seem to offer stronger
Michael G. Safonov
predictions like global stability and optimality derived deductively through the analysis of models even without the aid of validating data. However, this objection fails to recognize the fundamental distinction between conclusions deduced from model or assumptions and conclusions obtained via a mathematical analysis of experimental data: Beliefs about the validity of models and assumptions, and therefore any conclusions based in whole or in part on mathematical models, are not necessarily scientific truths - - they might be falsified by future physical data. Unfalsifted control augments introspective model-based robust control design methods by providing a quantitative methodology for closing the loop on the control design process when, at the experimental validation stage, the model-based robust control design proves to be unsatisfactory. 2. Unfalsified control theory incorporates no sensor noise models, and therefore must perform poorly. In unfalsified control, control system performance criteria are framed directly in terms of observed variables. This runs counter to established intuition for some control theorists who have grown overly comfortable with traditional control problem formulations that characterize physical measurements as noise-corrupted observations of the unseen internal 'reality' of a 'true' model. Given this tradition of regarding models and noise beliefs as having more t r u t h content than physical observations, it has been easy to succumb to the t e m p t a t i o n to assume that the models and their noise are the 'true' explanation of observed physical data. The fact is that unfalsified control does accommodate noise quite well when suitably 'soft' performance criteria are employed. And, moreover, the performance criteria used in unfalsified control are quite flexible, and may even be associated with, and derived from, traditional stochastic noise hypotheses. 3. Unfalsified adaptive controllers are claimed to be quick and sure-footed in discovering good control gains, even for non-minimum-phase plants. This is too good to be true, and so must be false. This erroneous belief apparently arises from knowledge that popular model reference adaptive control schemes are relatively sluggish and have been proved to fail for non-minimum-phase plants. But, unfalsified control is not model reference control and does not suffer its limits. It is fast and sure-footed because, unlike other adaptive schemes such as model reference control, unfalsified control theory is based on a precise analysis of the mathematical constraints induced by (1) performance criteria, (2) physical data and (3) the control law. 4. Unfalsified adaptive controllers make use of the inverse of the controller transfer function, so they must be sensitive to plant model error and noise. Apparently some control theorists are confused by the thought of controller inversion, since it triggers unrelated memories concerning known difficulties with controllers that rely on inverting the plant itself. In any case, the controller inversion is not an essential part of theory but merely
17 Recent Advances in Robust Control, Feedback and Learning
one of several conceivable ways to perform the computations that are necessarily associated with any logically correct test of consistency a controller hypothesis against performance goals and physical data. 5. Anyone who claims to be able to design a controller without a mathematical model of the plant mus.t be a charlatan, ergo unfalsified control m u s t be the product of charlatans. A seasoned reviewer of our paper [43] put this objection very eloquently, saying "Modern science is model-based. If to abandon models is not to abandon mathematical science ... " In such arguments, one may perhaps glimpse elements of the conflict between the introspective belief-driven methods of ancient Platonic science and the observation-driven methods of post-Galileo experimental science. Such fallacious views are based on the knowledge that established control theories (like the theories of Plato) are heavily introspective, relying on models and assumptions to deduce such things as stability or optimality. They fail to take account of the fact that it may be possible to devise dependable data-driven methods for discovering good control designs without models via careful mathematical analysis of the logical implications of experimental observation alone. T h e y also fail to notice that models play a key role in the unfalsified control method, but that the models used in unfalsified control are models of candidate controller hypotheses, not plants. Indeed, a careful comparison of unfalsified control theory and system identification theory shows that they are conceptually the same, except that in unfalsified control one identifies controller models (not plant models) and performance criteria involve closed-loop control errors (not open-loop plant model errors). The foregoing are representative of fallacious criticisms that have been levied by experienced nay sayers who were convinced that unfalsified control is a heavier-than-air theory that could not possibly fly. T h e y were wrong. Unfalsifted control theory is taking off. It is proving to be a legitimate and useful vehicle for data-driven control design, even if the initial flights have been somewhat ungainly and short.
Design Studies
The 1895 declaration of the Lord Kelvin not withstanding, the Wright brothers flew in 1903. As for unfalsified control theory, accumulating case study evidence is likewise proving the intuition of experienced nay sayers to be wrong. Over the past three years several design studies have confirmed the theoretical expectation that unfalsified control can be useful in closing the outer data-driven loop on the control design process. Unfalsified control theory has proved effective in applications involving both off-line controller gain tuning and in real-time adaptive control design studies. These initial design studies have helped us to better understand the potential of the unfalsified control theory, as well as limitations of the current theory.
Michael G. Safonov
M i s s i l e A u t o p i l o t One design s t u d y t h a t we conducted involved using an unfalsified controller to robustly discover P I D controller gains for an adaptive missile autopilot 'on the fly' in real-time [9]. Figure 17.4 summarizes the results of the missile design. In all trials, the response of the adaptive loops was swift and sure-footed in stark contrast to w h a t would be expected from traditional model reference adaptive methods.
control gains
Adapts quickly to compensate for d a m a g e & failures Superior performance
B ~ g a ~ o ~ s From;on & Sa~o~ov ACC 98
Unfalsified adaptive missile autopilot: discovers stabilizingcontrol gains as itflies,nearly instantaneously maintains precise sure-footed control
' b
Fig. 17.4. A data-driven unfalsified missile controller would have abilities to adaptively discover solutions in real-time to compensate for sudden in-flight changes and damage.
R o b o t M a n i p u l a t o r A r m We used the unfalsified m e t h o d o l o g y to adaptively tune the p a r a m e t e r s of a nonlinear ' c o m p u t e d - t o r q u e ' controller for a robot m a n i p u l a t o r a r m [50,5] see Fig 17.5. T h e a r m proved to be capable of a quick and reliable control response despite large and sudden variations in load mass. Again, the controller performed with precision, despite noise, dynamical actuator uncertainties and without prior knowledge of the plant model or its parameters. Results for the robot design were surefooted and precise, with the controller maintaining an order of m a g n i t u d e more precise
17 Recent Advances in Robust Control, Feedback and Learning
i I
disturbances d
Control Actuators
qd _ _ f:namics
H(O, q)q +
-Jr g ( 0 ,
time (sec)
Fig. 17.5. Unfalsified control produced superior results for a nonlinear two-link robot manipulator subject to uncertain dynamics, noisy disturbances and abrupt changes in load mass. The two sluggishly smooth traces large amplitude signals in the plot are with a conventional adaptive controller used to adjust control gainvector 0(t), and the two very low amplitude traces are for the unfalsified controller. The unfalsified controller had a much quicker, sure-footed and precise response without increased control effort.
control t h a n a similar model-reference adaptive controller during widely fluctuating manipulator load variations; the controller was also more robust in t h a t it was capable of maintaining precise control even during load variations t h a t destabilized a similarly structured model-reference adaptive controller.
I n d u s t r i a l P r o c e s s C o n t r o l Although very few researchers other t h a n ourselves have as yet examined unfalsified control methods, those who have taken this step have predictably confirmed the effectiveness of unfalsified control methods in several industrial process control applications. For example, Kosut [35] examined unfalsified controller for direct data-driven off-line control gain tuning under the assumption of a noise-free linear-time-invariant plant. Woodley, How and Kosut and used the theory with good result for data-driven discovery of good control gains for a l a b o r a t o r y control p r o b l e m involving two spring-connected masses. Also, Collins and Fan [36] successfully used the unfalsified control methodology in a run-to-run setting to tune gains off-line in an industrial weigh-belt feeder control design study. More
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recently, there have been some promising adaptive control applications to machine control by Razavi and Kurfess [37,38] based on the unfalsified control methodology. U n i v e r s a l P I D C o n t r o l l e r One application of the theory involved implementing a P I D - b a s e d adaptive 'universal' controller implemented as MATLAB Simulink block based on the unfalsified theory [10] see Fig 17.6. T h e controller was capable of sifting through a bank of candidate controllers in real-time, stabilizing an open-loop unstable plant without knowledge of the plant model despite sensor noise and without noticeable transients. candidate controller parameter values
Controller _ Unfalsification Procedure
__2 Plant
I KDS es+
Fig. 17.6. In one study, we designed an adaptive 'universal controller' having a PID structure and based on the unfalsified control theory. Simulations using MATLAB Simulink showed that the adaptive unfalsification loops were so fast that the controller was able to stabilize an unstable plant without prior plant knowledge and without appreciable transients.
The main goal of unfalsified control theory has been to close the loop on the adaptive and robust control design processes by developing data-driven methods to complement traditional model-based methods for the design of robust control systems. T h e theory produced so far has served to strengthen
17 Recent Advances in Robust Control, Feedback and Learning
the theoretical foundation of control theory, paving the way for carefully reasoned extensions of feedback control theory into the realm of intelligent and learning systems. Unfalsified control theory lays the foundation for a more complete and rigorous understanding of feedback that focusing squarely on the quantitative design implications of physical data, thereby enabling the design of robust control systems with the ability to autonomously enhance both their robustness and their performance by exploiting real-time d a t a as it unfolds. Such designs will be better able to compensate for uncertain and time-varying effects, equipment failures and other changing circumstances.
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49. D. Borrelli, A. S. Morse, and E. Mosca. Discrete-time supervisory control of families of two-degrees-of-freedom linear set-point controllers. IEEE Trans. Aurora. Control, AC-44(1):178-181, January 1999. 50. T.-C. Tsao and M. G. Safonov. Unfalsified direct adpative control of a two-link robot arm. In Proc. IEEE CCA/CACSD, Kohala C o a s t - I s l a n d of Hawaii, HI, August 22-27, 1999.
18 Hybrid Dynamical Systems: Stability and Chaos* Andrey V. Savkin 1 and Alexey S. Matveev 2 1 School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052 Australia, email: [email protected] 2 Department of Mathematics and Mechanics, St. Petersburg University, St. Petersburg, 198904, Russia, email: [email protected] The paper considers the problem of the qualitative analysis of hybrid dynamical systems. Such systems can be used to model various flexible manufacturing, communication, and computer systems. Abstract.
Hybrid dynamical systems have a t t r a c t e d considerable attention in recent years. In general, hybrid systems are those t h a t combine continuous and discrete behavior and involve, thereby, b o t h continuous and discrete s t a t e variables. One i m p o r t a n t type of hybrid dynamical systems is the class of discretely controlled continuous-time systems. An interesting example of such a s y s t e m was introduced in [1] as a m a t h e m a t i c a l model for flexible m a n u f a c t u r i n g systems. Two interesting examples of such systems were inspired by the model from [1] and introduced in [2]. T h e y were called "the switched arrival system" and "the switched server system". These dynamical systems are of interest on their own right but have also been used to model certain aspects of flexible manufacturing systems. These examples can also be interpreted as models for simple dynamically routed closed queueing networks. It was shown in [2] t h a t the switched arrival system exhibits a chaotic behavior whereas, under certain assumptions, the dynamics of the switched server system is eventually periodic. However, only the case of systems with three buffers was considered. The systems with three buffers can be reduced to planar systems, which makes their analysis a much easier task. Some other results on three buffer systems were given in [3-5]. In [6], the problem of existence and local stability of limit cycles in the switched arrival system with n buffers was considered, however no mathematically rigorous results were presented. In the papers [7,8], the switched server system with an a r b i t r a r y n u m b e r of buffers and very simple cyclic switching policy was considered. It was proved, t h a t this system has a unique limit cycle and all trajectories of the system converge to this cycle. * This work was supported by the Australian Research Council and the Russian Foundation for Basic Researches.
Andrey V. Savkin and Alexey S. Matveev
In the current paper, we give a complete qualitative analysis of several classes of hybrid dynamical systems. First, we consider a class of hybrid dynamical systems which we call "switched flow networks". Some special classes of such networks were introduced in [1] to model flexible manufacturing systems. Moreover, such networks may be useful to model various computer and communication systems, especially systems with time-sharing schemes. Some other examples include batch processes, chemical kinetics, and biotechnological processes. A network studied in this paper is controlled by a server. The location of this server is a control variable. It is known that even very simple switched systems of order 2 can exhibit a chaotic irregular unpredictable behavior [2]. Such a behavior is unacceptable for most real systems. A typical synthesis problem is to find a feedback server switching policy which guarantees a regular predictable behavior of all the trajectories of the network. We propose a simple but quite natural cyclic switching policy. Our main result is that any switched flow network from the considered class with this switching policy exhibits a globally periodic behavior. In other words, there exists a periodic trajectory which attracts all the trajectories of the system. Furthermore, we give a complete qualitative analysis of the switched server system from [1] consisting of one server and n buffers with a simple and quite natural server switching feedback strategy. This switching strategy is more realistic for manufacturing applications and very similar to switching policies for flexible manufacturing systems considered in [1]. This system has no equilibrium points. Hence the simplest possible attractors are limit cycles. We prove that the state space of this system can be partitioned into a collection of (n - 1)! unbounded regions such that each of them is invariant and contains one limit cycle. Moreover, all trajectories with initial conditions from a fixed region converge to the corresponding limit cycle. Hence any trajectory of this system is asymptotically periodic and the switched server system always exhibits a regular stable predictable behavior. This conclusion is very important for applications. This example shows that it is typical even for very simple hybrid systems to exhibit a qualitative behavior which is quite unusual for either ordinary differential equations or discrete event systems. To obtain criteria of existence of self-excited oscillations or limit cycles is a very old and challenging problem of the classic qualitative theory of differential equations originated in the work of Poincar~ and Lyapunov; e.g., see [9]. Few constructive results are known for nonlinear systems of order higher than 2. It is even harder to study stability of limit cycles. Our result shows that constructive criteria of existence and global stability of limit cycles can be proved for a quite general class of switched flow networks. This appears to be surprising and gives us a hope that it is possible to develop a qualitative theory of some classes of hybrid dynamical systems which will be more constructive than the classic qualitative theory of differential equations.
18 Hybrid Dynamical Systems: Stability and Chaos
Finally, the case of the switched arrival s y s t e m with an a r b i t r a r y n u m b e r of buffers and the server switching policy from [2] is considered. We prove that the dynamics of this system is chaotic in the following sense: there exists a countable set of locally unstable limit cycles and almost all trajectories of the system do not converge to any of them. Furthermore, we prove that this set periodic trajectories is dense in the state space of the system. It should be pointed out, that the ideas of this paper are developed in the research monograph [i0]. The proofs of all the results will be given in the full version of the paper.
flow networks
Consider an oriented graph G which consists of n nodes vx, v 2 , . . . , v~ and a finite number of edges. Let V = {vl, v2,. 99 , vn} be the set of all the nodes, and let E be the set of all the edges. T h e set E consists of edges of the following three kinds: 1. Edges (vi,vj) where 1 ~ i , j < n, i ~ j. Any edge of this kind departs from one of the nodes and tends to another. T h e y are called interior edges. 2. Edges (oc, vj) where 1 < j < n. Edges of this kind come from outside the system. T h e y are called inputs. We will consider networks with no more than one input for any node. 3. Edges (vj,c~)K where 1 < j <_ n, 1 < K < Nj. Edges of this kind depart from nodes and go outside the s y s t e m . T h e y are called outputs. Here Nj is the number of edges which go outside the system from the node vj. Note t h a t the graph G m a y be non-connected. We also introduce the set l) ~ {vl, v2,. 99 , vn, oo}. D e f i n i t i o n 1. Any sequence of edges (c~1,~1), (c~,/32),... , (am,/3,~) such that m = 1, 2 , . . . is an arbitrary number; c~, ~i E V, and ~ = c~+1 for all i = 1 , . . . , m - 1 is called a p a t h on the g r a p h G. The edge (c~1,/31) is called the first edge of this path, and the edge ( a m , ~ m ) is called the last edge of this path. D e f i n i t i o n 2. An edge (a, 13) r E of an oriented graph G is said to be nonisolated if there exists a p a t h containing this edge with the first edge of the form (c~, .) and the last edge of the form (., c~)K. In this paper, we will suppose t h a t the g r a p h G satisfies the following two assumptions. A s s u m p t i o n 1 For any node v j r V there exists one and only one edge (c~, 13) E E such t h a t a C l) and /3 = vj. In other words, this a s s u m p t i o n means t h a t any node has the only edge which arrives at it. A s s u m p t i o n 2 Any edge of the g r a p h G is non-isolated. If Assumption 1 holds, we can introduce a m a p P : V H 12 as follows: P[vj] := c~ where (a, Vj) is the edge which arrives at vj. Furthermore, for any
Andrey V. Savkin and Alexey S. Matveev
j _< n, introduce the set Ej of all the edges of the g r a p h which depart from the node vj. Moreover, for any e E Ej, let p[e] > 0 be a given coefficient such that
E P[e]= I
We assume t h a t for any node vj E V, there exists a buffer Bj corresponding to this node. We refer to the contents of a buffer as "work", it will be convenient to think of work as a fluid, and a buffer as a tank. If 7~[vj] -- oc, then work arrives in the buffer Bj at a given constant rate r[(cxD, vj)] ~> 0. Furthermore, the system has the server which removes work at a given constant r a t e pj from any selected buffer Bj where 1 ~ j _~ n, and sends work along all the edges e E E j at constant rates p[e]pj. T h e n work arrives in the buffer Bi if e = (vj, v~), or leaves the network if vi = oc. The location of the server is a control variable, and m a y be selected using a feedback policy. Our description of the system has been phrased in t e r m s of work, fluid, buffers, and tanks. However, in applications, work can represent a continuous approximation of the discrete flow of p a r t s in a manufacturing system, or jobs in a computer system, etc. A critical feature of the network is t h a t a set-up time is required whenever the server switches from one buffer to another. Thus, if the server has been removing work from one buffer, and it is desired to switch instead to the removing work from another buffer, then there is a set-up time 5 > 0 during which the server does not work. We also assume t h a t work incurs a fixed t r a n s p o r t a t i o n delay v[(vi, vj)] > 0 when moving from one node to another. However, we suppose t h a t the following assumption holds. Assumption 3 T[(V~,Vj)] < 5 V(vi, vj). D e f i n i t i o n 3. A collection Af ~ {G, r[(oc, vj)], pj,
p(e), 5, T[(Vi, Vj)]}
is called a switched flow network. In other words, any switched flow network is defined by an oriented graph, arrival rates, server set-up time, server removal rates, and t r a n s p o r t a t i o n delays. A simple example of a switched flow network is shown in Fig. 18.1. It is obvious t h a t this network satisfies Assumptions 1 and 2. Also, it should be noted t h a t the models of flexible manufacturing systems introduced in [1] fit in our framework. In [1], the network consists of single input-single o u t p u t nodes. We consider networks which m a y have several edges departing from one node. Such networks can be used to model flexible manufacturing disassembly systems [1].
18 Hybrid Dynamical Systems: Stability and Chaos
Fig. 18.1. A switched flow network.
N o t a t i o n Let ~(t) be any function of time. Then ~(t+0) ~ lim~>0, ~--.0 ~(t+ e). Introduce a symbolic variable q(t) to describe the state of the server. Let Q ~ {q0, ql . . . . . qn} be a set of symbols. Then the function q(t) E Q is defined for all times t as follows: q = q0 if the server does not work at time t, and q(t) = qj if the server works with the buffer By at time t. Furthermore, let xj(t) be the amount of work in the buffer Bj at time t. Then the network Af can be described by the following logic-differential equations which formalize our network description. Let P[vj] = oc. Then the a m o u n t of work xy(t) in the buffer Bj at time t is described by the following equation if q(t) = qj
if q(t) ~ qj
~cj(t) = r[(oc, vj)] - pj, t h e n 2j(t) = r[(~,vj)].
Let :P[vj] = i where 1 < i < n and i % j, then the amount of work xj(t) in the buffer By at time t can be described as
Andrey V. Savkin and Alexey S. Matveev
(q(t) = qj a n d q ( t - T[(Vs,Vj)]) r qi) t h e n ~(vs, vj)(t) = - p j , if (q(t) = qj a n d q ( t - r[(vi, vj)]) = qi) t h e n ~[(vs, vj)l(t) p[(v~, vj)lpi - pj, if (q(t) ~ qj a n d q(t - 7[(vi,vj)]) ~ qi)
then if
(q(t) # qj a n d
q(t - 7[(vi,vj)]) = qi) t h e n 5cj(t) = p[(v~,vj)]pi.
The state of the network at time t can be described by the function q(t) and the vector function x(t) ~ Ix1 (t), x2 ( t ) , . . . , xn (t)]. The location of the server is a control variable which may be selected. Here, we propose the following simple and quite natural cyclic switching policy: C S P 1 . The server starts with the buffer B1. C S P 2 . Whenever, the server has emptied the buffer Bj, it switches to the buffer Bj+I for j = 1, 2 , . . . , n - 1. Whenever, the server has emptied the buffer Bn, it switches to the buffer B1. Let next[qy] n qj+l for j ----- 1 , . . . , n - 1 and next[q~] =n ql. T h e n our feedback switching policy C S P 1 , C S P 2 can be described by the following logic rule =
if (q(t) = qj a n d xj(t) = 0)
(q(i) :=qo Vt E (t,t § q(t + 5 + 0) := next[qj]
It should be pointed out, that the closed-loop system (18.2), (18.3), (18.4) is a system of logic-differential equations with time delays. /,From a mathematical viewpoint, it implies that the state space of such a system is infinitedimensional. We will consider the following physically natural initial conditions
x(O) = xo,
q(t) = qo V t < 0
where x0 is a given vector with positive components. If condition (18.5) holds, then it is obvious from the equations (18.2), (18.3), (18.4) that any solution of the closed-loop system (18.2), (18.3), (18.4) does not depend on the continuous state variable x(t) for t < 0. Moreover, x(t) is continuous and q(t) is piecewise-constant and left-continuous. Note also that the solution apparently exists, is unique, and can be defined on [0, +oo). Furthermore, it can be easily seen, that for any solution [x(t), q(t)] of the system (18.2), (18.3), (18.5), (18.4), there exists a sequence {tk} I~-o such that to 0, tk+l > tk for all k = 0, 1 , 2 , . . . , limtk = +e~ as k--~ +c~, q(tk) r q(tk + 0), and =
q(t) = const
Vt E (tk,tk+l]
Vk = O, 1 , 2 , . . . .
18 Hybrid Dynamical Systems: Stability and Chaos
D e f i n i t i o n 4. The sequence tk is called the switching time sequence of the solution [x(t), q(t)]. Note also, that the switching time sequences may be different for different solutions of the system. D e f i n i t i o n 5. A solution [x(t), q(t)] of a the system (18.2), (18.3), (18.4), (18.5) is said to be an elementary periodic trajectory if the following condition holds: ~o be the switching time sequence of this solution, then x(t2~) = Let {t k}k=o
It follows immediately from the definition of the switching time sequence, that if [x(t), q(t)] is an elementary periodic trajectory of the system, then tk+2n tk + t2n, x(t + t2n) = x(t) and q(t + t2n) = q(t) for all k = 0, 1, 2 , . . . and all t _> 0. Therefore, the solution [x(t), q(t)] is periodic with the period T n t2n. =
D e f i n i t i o n 6. The system (18.2), (18.3), (18.4), (18.5) is said to be globally periodic if there exists an elementary periodic trajectory [x(t), q(t)] such that the following condition holds: Let {tk}~_0 be the switching time sequence of [x(t), q(t)]. Furthermore, let [:~(t),~(t)] be any other solution of the system and let {tk}~_-0 be its switching sequence. Then, lira x ( [ j + 2 n i ) =
i---, -~-~
Vj = 0, 1 , . . .
R e m a r k It can be easily seen, that Definition 6 implies the following property: Let [x(t), q(t)] be an elementary periodic trajectory of a globally periodic system, [2(t),~(t)] be any other trajectory. Then, it follows from condition (18.6) that t.
sup inf
+ c ~ ~>_t. t > t .
- x(t)l] = O.
The condition (18.7) is the standard definition of a stable limit cycle from the classical qualitative theory of ordinary differential equations (see e.g. [9]). Furthermore, it immediately follows from (18.7), that if the system is globally periodic, then it has only one elementary periodic trajectory. Consider a switched flow network (18.1). Let E ~ C Ej be the set of all the edges (vj, oc) which depart from the node vj and go outside the network. Also, let E ~ C E be the set of all inputs (oc, vj) of the network. For example, in the network shown in Fig. 18.1, the set E ~ includes three edges (oo, vl), (ec, v2), and (oo, v3), the sets E ~ , E ~ , E ~ consist of one edge each, and the sets
Andrey V. Savkin and Alexey S. Matveev
E ~ and E ~ include two edges each. Furthermore, introduce the following constant
R ~= E r[e]
which is called the total arrival rate of the network. Moreover, for any j = 1,... ,n, let
pj~ n = E
eeEF which is called the outside departure rate of the node vj. We assume that the following assumption holds. Assumption4 p~>R Vj=l,2,...,n. If Assumption 4 does not hold, the switched flow system may have trajectories unbounded on [0, oc) (see e.g. [1]). Now we are in a position to present the main result of this paper. T h e o r e m 1. Consider a switched flow network (18.1) with the cyclic switching policy C S P 1 , C S P 2 described by the logic differential equations (18.2),
(18.3), (18.~), (18.5). Suppose that Assumptions 1-~ hold. Then, this system is globally periodic.
The Switched Server S y s t e m
Consider the following single-machine flexible manufacturing system [1] or switched server system. This system consists of n buffers, with work arriving to the buffer j at a constant rate pj > 0 where j = 1, 2 , . . . , n. Also, the system contains one machine or server that removes work from any selected buffer at a constant rate p > 0. Furthermore, whenever the server switches from one buffer to another, a set-up time 6 > 0 is required. We refer to the contents of buffers as "work" ; it will be convenient to think of work as a fluid, and a buffer as a tank. In applications, work can represent a continuous approximation to the discrete flow of parts in manufacturing systems (as in [1]), or jobs in a computer system, etc. The example can also be thought of as a simple instance of the switched controller problem (see e.g. [11]). Let xj (t) be the amount of work in the buffer j at time t. Then xj (t) is a continuous variable of this system. The location of the server is a control variable. This variable is a discrete one. Any trajectory of the switched server
system is defined by our switching feedback policy and initial condition xj (0) = xj0
Vj = 1 , 2 , . . .
Hybrid Dynamical Systems: Stability and Chaos
where x j0 >_0 . We assume t h a t (e.g. see [1]) the following a s s u m p t i o n holds: Assumption 5 P > Pl + P2 9 ~ Pn. It is obvious t h a t if A s s u m p t i o n 1 does not hold t h e n the s y s t e m is unstable in the sense of the definition from [1] : its trajectories are not b o u n d e d o n [0, ~ ) . S w i t c h i n g s t r a t e g y I n t r o d u c e the set .
/(0 z5 {(Xl,X2,-.. ,Xn) C R n :Xl __~0, x2 ~ 0 , . . . ,Xn ~ 0}. Furthermore, introduce a m a p 2- from the set /4o to the set of indexes { 1, 2 , . . . , n} as follows: 2-(Xl,X2,...,xn)=
--=max Pj
j=l,2,... ,n I.
In other words, 2-(Xl, x 2 , . . . , xn) is the index j at which the m a x i m u m of ~- is achieved, and if the m a x i m u m is achieved at several j , we take the PJ m i n i m u m a m o n g them. Here, we propose the following simple switching strategy: P I : Tile server starts with the buffer j such t h a t j = 2-(x ~ x ~ , x~ P 2 : T h e server removes work from the c u r r e n t buffer until it is empty. P 3 : Whenever, the server has e m p t i e d one buffer at time t, it switches to the buffer j such t h a t j = Z ( X l (t), x2 ( t ) , . . . , xn (t)). This control feedback policy is quite n a t u r a l a n d very similar to the control policies for m a n u f a c t u r i n g s y s t e m s considered in [1]. Now we show t h a t this s y s t e m can be described by a s y s t e m of logicdifferential equations. Indeed, introduce a set of discrete variables Q za {q0, q l , . . . , q n - l , q n } . Furthermore, introduce the following vectors
a(qo) z~
P2 , a(ql) __A
Pn-1 \pn
Pn-1 \Pn
P2 - P
a(q2) ~
, . . . ,a(q~) ~
pn_ \p~
- p
In this system, x j (t) is the a m o u n t of work in buffer j at time t, the discrete state qj corresponds to the case w h e n the server is r e m o v i n g work from the
Andrey V. Savkin and Alexey S. Matveev
buffer j, the discrete state q0 c o r r e s p o n d s to the case w h e n the server is switching from one buffer to another. Moreover, introduce m a p l'Q f r o m the set Ko to the set Q as follows: ~ - Q ( x l , x 2 , . . . ,xn) = qj
i f 1 - ( x l , x 2 , . . . , x n ) -- j.
T h e n the above switched server s y s t e m can be described by the following equations: if
= qj t h e n
2(t) = a(qj).
Furthermore, our switching rule P I ~ P 2 , P 3 can be described as (if q ( t ) = q j
VTC(t,t+6], q(t+6+O):=Ie(xl(t),x2(t),...,xn(t)).
(q(~-) : = q0
) "
It should be pointed out that, for a n y solution [x(t),q(t)] of the s y s t e m (18.12), (18.13), (18.10), x(t) is continuous and q(t) is piecewise-constant a n d left-continuous. Note also t h a t the solution a p p a r e n t l y exists, is unique, and can be defined on [0, +c~). F u r t h e r m o r e , it can be easily seen, t h a t for any solution [x(t), q(t)] of the s y s t e m (18.12), (18.13), (18.10), there exists a sequence {tk} I~-o such t h a t to = O, tl >_ to, tk+l > tk for all k = 1 , 2 , . . . , limtk = + c ~ as k --+ +co, q(tk) # q(tk + 0), and
q(t) = const
Vt c (tk, tk+l]
Vk = 0, 1 , 2 , . . . .
We will use the following n o t a t i o n (n - 1)! ~ 1 • 2 • 3 • --- • (n - 1). Now we are in a position to present the m a i n result of this section. 2. Consider the switched server system (18.12), (18.13), (18.10) where p > O, pl > O, p2 > 0 , . . . ,pn > 0 are any parameters such that condition Assumption 5 holds. Then this system has ( n - 1)! limit cycles. Furthermore, any trajectory of the system converges to one of them.
The Switched Arrival S y s t e m
We consider switched arrival s y s t e m s t h a t consist of n buffers a n d one server. W o r k is r e m o v e d from the buffer j at a given c o n s t a n t r a t e pj > 0. To compensate, the server delivers material to any selected buffer at the unit rate. T h e location of the server is a control variable t h a t can be chosen using a feedback policy. We assume t h a t the s y s t e m is closed, i.e., Pl + P2 + " " + pn = 1.
We refer to the contents of buffers as "work", it will be convenient to t h i n k of work as a fluid, and a buffer as a tank. However, in m a n u f a c t u r i n g applications, work can represent a continuous a p p r o x i m a t i o n to the discrete flow of p a r t s in a flexible m a n u f a c t u r i n g s y s t e m [1].
18 Hybrid Dynamical Systems: Stability and Chaos
Now we show t h a t this system can be described by a set logic-differential equations. Indeed, let Q := {ql, q2,--. , q~} where ql, q2,... , qn are symbols 9 Here, the discrete state qj where j = 1, 2 , . . . , n corresponds to the case when the server is removing work from the buffer j, and the discrete s t a t e variable q(t) E Q describes the state of the server at time t. Let xj (t) be the amount of work in the buffer j at time t, and let KX 1 (t)
x(t) := x2(t). | ]
The state of the system at time t can be described by the pair Ix(t), q(t)]. ~ r t h e r m o r e , introduce the following vectors:
a(q2) :=
a ( q l ) :----
1 - P2 .
--/9 2
--,O n
a(qn) := i - - Pn
T h e n the dynamics of this s y s t e m can be described by the following logicdifferential equation: if
q(t) = qj t h e n &(t) = a(qj).
The control policy introduced for this system in [2] consists in switching the server to an e m p t y buffer when some buffer becomes empty. This policy can be described by the following logic rule: if
xj(t) = 0 t h e n
q(t + 0 ) := qj.
Like in [2], we ignore the singular case when more t h a n one buffer is empty. It can be easily seen t h a t the set of initial conditions t h a t give rise to such singular trajectories is of zero Lebesgue measure. It was shown in [2], t h a t the switched server system with this switching policy exhibits a chaotic behavior. However, only the case of three buffers was considered. In this section, we analyze the dynamics of the multi-dimensional system. D e f i n i t i o n 7. A trajectory is said to be not converge to any limit cycle.
essentially non-periodic if it does
To formulate the main result of this section, we need the following wellknown definition.
Andrey V. Savkin and Alexey S. Matveev
D e f i n i t i o n 8. An infinite set is called countable if its elements can be put in one-to-one correspondence with those of the set {1, 2, 3 , . . . }. In other words, a countable set is a set whose elements can be numbered el, e 2 , . . . , e n , . . . . Let V > 0 be a given constant. Consider the set K-y defined by
K~ = {xl _> 0 , . . . ,xn _> 0 : xl + . . - + x n ='~}. It obviously follows from (18.15) that K~ is an invariant set of the system (18.16), (18.17): any solution [x(t),q(t)] of (18.16), (18.17) with x(0) 9 K~ satisfies x(t) 9 K~ for all t > 0. Now we are in a position to present the main result of this section. This result shows that "almost all" trajectories of the switched arrival system with the feedback switching policy (18.17) are essentially non-periodic. T h e o r e m 3. Consider the switched arrival system (18.16), (18.17) where pl > O, p2 > 0 , . . . ,pn > 0 are any parameters such that the requirement (18.15) is satisfied. Assume that n > 2. Let "y > 0 be a given constant, and let K~ be the set defined as above. Then the following statements hold: (i) There exists a countable number of limit cycles lying in K~. (ii) Any of these cycles is locally unstable. (iii) Any trajectory that does not belong to some of these cycles is essentially non-periodic. (iv) The set of these limit cycles is dense in K~.
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18 Hybrid Dynamical Systems: Stability and Chaos
8. Savkin A.V. and Matveev A.S. (2000) Cyclic Linear Differential Automata: A Simple Class of Hybrid Dynamical Systems. Automatica. 36, 727-734 9. Nemytskii V.V. and Stepanov V.V. (1960) Qualitative theory of differential equations. Princeton University Press, Princeton, N. J. 10. Matveev A.S. and Savkin A.V. (2000) Qualitative Theory of Hybrid Dynamical Systems. Birkhauser, Boston 11. Savkin A.V. et. al. (1996) Hybrid Dynamical Systems: Robust Control Synthesis Problems. Systems and Control Letters. 29, 81-90
19 Multi-Objective Parameterization
Control without
C a r s t e n W. Scherer I Mechanical Engineering Systems and Control Group Delft University of Technology Mekelweg 2, 2628 CD Delft, The Netherlands A b s t r a c t . It is rather well-understood how to systematically design controllers that achieve multiple norm-bound specifications imposed on different channels of a control system. However, all known approaches to such problems are based on the Youla parametrization of all stabilizing controllers. This involves a transformation of the model description on the basis of a fixed stabilizing controller, and a wrong choice of this controller might require to unduly increase the controller order to closely approach optimality. In this paper we suggest a novel procedure to multi-objective controller design which avoids the Youla parametrization and which directly applies to the generalized plant framework. In addition, we discuss various theoretical and practical numerical benefits of this new approach.
In this p a p e r we confine our a t t e n t i o n to discrete-time linear time-invariant systems which a d m i t a finite-dimensional state-space description. We use the s t a n d a r d n o t a t i o n to denote by [Ac~DB1 the i n p u t - o u t p u t o p e r a t o r or the transfer m a t r i x which is defined by the s y s t e m x ( t + l ) =
Ax(t)+Bu(t), y(t) =
Cx(t) + Du(t). Consider a generalized plant with two p e r f o r m a n c e channels a n d one control channel described as zl
= [C1[ D1 D12 E1
|C2[D21 D2 E2 LClF1 F~ o T h e inter-connection of (19.1) with a controller
is d e n o t e d as z,
LC=l~=, ~= J
( %(K) %2(K)
Carsten W. Scherer
P r o b l e m F o r m u l a t i o n . We consider the following multi-objective or structured H ~ - c o n t r o l problem: Minimize ~ such that there exists a stabilizing controller (19.2) (a controller for which all eigenvalues of .4 are located in the open unit disk) which renders the following H ~ - n o r m constraints on the diagonal blocks of the controlled closed-loop system satisfied: [[TI(K)[I~ < ~ and IIT2(K)I]~ < 7.
Let us denote the optimal achievable bound by 7.. Apart from being a mathematically challenging extension of standard single-objective H ~ - c o n t r o l [3,5,7], our main practical motivation for such controller design techniques is as follows: T h e y allow to enforce loop-shaping requirements with independent weights on unrelated subsystems of arbitrary closed-loop inter-connection without having to artificially include transfer matrix blocks of no interest [18]. In contrast to multi-objective control problems that involve different norm constraints on the diagonal blocks of the closed-loop system [1,2,19,13,6,15], this more specific problem has found attention in [12,11,10,14]. Without any exception, all existing approaches to approximately solve the genuine multiple norm controller design problems are based on the Youla parameterization. On the basis of a fixed stabilizing controller, one can determine a stable transfer matrix T such that the set of all closed-loop transfer matrices T(K) that result from stabilizing controllers K is given by all
(r13 (r l
if the Youla parameter Q varies in the set of appropriate dimension.
(19.5) RH~ of all stable transfer matrices
/r13) and
If (19.1) corresponds to a one-block problem ([4]) with ~,T23
(T21 Tal ) of full row and column rank on the whole unit circle respectively, rational interpolation theory allows to equivalently translate the multiobjective control problem into an LMI-problem [11,10]. This makes it possible to compute the optimal value and close-to-optimal controllers by solving a fixed-sized finite-dimensional optimization problem. If the problem does not have a one-block nature, it has been suggested to perform a relaxation by designing a controller which minimizes an upper bound of the actual cost. The solution of these so-called mixed design problems [1,8,17,9] leads to controllers of the same oder as the underlying plant, but it is generally hard to estimate in how far the upper bound relates to the exact optimal value. All suggested solutions to solve the genuine multi-objective control problem proceed along the following lines. Choose a sequence of scalar stable transfer functions q0, ql, ... which span a dense subspace in RH~, where we
19 Multi-Objective Control without Youla Parameterization
recall that the FIR basis qj(z) = z -j is a simple standard choice. Now consider the problem of minimizing V over all coefficient matrices X0, X1, ..., Xk that satisfy
T32 ]]c~ "( "Y
and denote the optimal value by Vk. Since the coefficient matrices Xj enter the transfer matrices affinely, it is possible to determine 7k by solving a standard LMI problem [13,6,15]. Moreover, it is not difficult to prove that Vk converges to V* for k --~ c~, just by the density property of the sequence qj. (Of course, this slightly specialized structure of parameterizing a dense sequence of subspaces in the matrix space RH~ can be easily generalized to using different scalar basis functions for each matrix entry.) Let us briefly sketch the fundamental disadvantages of this approach that motivated the alternatives suggested in this paper: 9 It is rather unclear how to choose the initial stabilizing controller in order to guarantee a fast convergence rate in ?k ~ V*- If convergence is slow, Vk k Xj qj is close to V. only for large k such that the McMillan degree of }-]j_0 and hence that of the corresponding multi-objective controller (19.2) will be large, even if the order of (19.1) is small. k 9 Varying Xj in the parameterization )-]j=0 Xjqj amounts to adjusting the residues of the Youla parameter while leaving its poles fixed. As in singleobjective H~-control, it would be highly desirable to somehow transform the problem of optimizing simultaneously over both the residues and the poles of the Youla parameter into a convex optimization problem. Unfortunately, such a procedure is unknown. Therefore, it would at least be desirable to favorably adjust the poles of qj in an iterative procedure in order to improve the approximation quality for a fixed number of k basis functions. However, in the sketched framework it seems unclear how to gather information about improved pole locations of the Youla parameter from residue optimization. Recall that we have suggested in [13] a technique which allows to reconstruct optimal pole locations of the Youla parameter, at least asymptotically if k -~ oc. As the main idea of this paper we observe that the multi-objective control problem is equivalent to minimizing
T2i(K) + Q21
over all stabilizing controllers (19.2) and over all Q12, Q21 in RH~ of appropriate dimension. This just follows, for a fixed stabilizing controller K ,
Carsten W. Scherer
from min
T1 ( K )
Q12,Q21eRH~ ~ l ( K ) + Q 2 1
T12 ( K ) + Q12 ) T2(K) .
= max{li~(g)ll~, ll~(g)[l~} which is an obvious consequence of P a r r o t ' s theorem. Hence, the blocks Q12 and Q21 serve to annihilate the contribution of the off-diagonal blocks in computing the H ~ - n o r m of the closed-loop transfer matrix. Although this problem can be viewed as a structured controller design problem as discussed in [14], it is again only known under a specific one-block hypothesis how to reduce it to an LMI problem. Instead, we pursue in this p a p e r the idea to approximately annihilate the influence of the off-diagonal blocks by confining Q12, Q21 to admit an expansion =
j=0 with scalar R H ~ functions uj, vj and m a t r i x valued coefficients Uy, Vj with the same dimension as T21 (K), T12(K) respectively. We arrive at the problem of minimizing 0
over Uj, Vj and over all stabilizing controller K . Again, it is straightforward to show t h a t the optimal value of this problem converges to V. if u0, ul, ... and v0, vl, ... b o t h span a dense subspace of R H ~ and if k -* oc. We will show in this paper t h a t this latter optimization problem admits a direct solution in terms of the description (19.1) and in t e r m s of statespace realizations of uj, vj without invoking any Youla parameterization. We provide a proof which is based on the elimination of the p a r a m e t e r s t h a t defined the controller K and which is a non-trivial alternative to the procedure suggested in [14]. This leads to a more efficiently solvable LMI problem, and the construction of a suitable controller K can be based on any desired H ~ controller design algorithm (Section 19.2). In addition we reveal how this alternative scenario allows to iteratively a d a p t the poles of the chosen basis functions uj, vj by an intermediate model-reduction step in order to improve the approximation quality for fixed expansion length k (Section 19.3). A numerical example serves to reveal the benefits of our novel approach (Section 19.4).
Parametric Dynamic Optimization
Let us first determine an L F T description of the transfer m a t r i x which is involved in (19.8). For t h a t purpose we collect the real p a r a m e t e r s into the
19 Multi-Objective Control without Youla Parameterization
(0 0
and we determine a minimal realization
(19.10) [ C]D1 Dr J =
ukI 0 vkI]
Now it is simple to verify t h a t the transfer m~trix in (19.8) is given by
Bi]/ tI
/~1 /~2 0 0 =
C1 0 D1 D12 E1 c2o ]D21 D~ E2
[i ~ 0
D1 D2
u = Ky,
~ = P~).
\ W2/
Recall that the problem is to minimize the H ~ - n o r m of the channel ( w l ~
( )Z2 zl
of (19.11) where K varies in the set of all stabilizing controller and
P in the set of all real parameters with the structure (I9.9). It is our main intention to reveal how this parametric dynamic optimization problem can be converted into a finite-dimensional LMI problem. It turns out that such problems can be solved for systems which admit the (even more general) L F T description
(z) Yl Y2
A l l A12 A13 B l l B12 B130 A22 A23 B21 B22 0 0 0 A33 /~31 0 0 ---C~I C12 C13 D l t D12 D13 C22 C23 D21 0 o C33 D31 0 0
(w) "ttl
ul = K y l ,
u2 = Py2.
(19.12) Such a such state-space description is characteristic for transfer matrices in which ul --~ Yl is strictly proper and the channels ul --~ y~, u2 --* Yl, u2 -~ Y2 vanish identically. If re-connecting the static gain u2 = PY2 we arrive at
Carsten W. Scherer
At2 Ala + BlaPCaa]B11-t- B13PD31 B12 ]
JAil i
A22 0
A23 [ B21 D1 B~2/.1 A33 ] B31 =: 1 c22C12C13 +c23D13PC33D1] -kDmD13PD31u s [
[A(P)[B(P) B2 ] ]C(P)[D(P) Dz2 L
9 (19.13)
We conclude that (19.12) is equivalently described as
()z = [C(P)ID(P) yl
[ C2 in21
( )
Ul = Kyl.
Now it is simple to characterize whether there is a stabilizing controller K which renders the H~-norm of w --~ z smaller than 3' [5,7]: There have to exist real symmetric matrices X and Y with (Y/)
B(P) I \C(P) D(P)
0 0 88
B(P) kV< O, I \C(P) D(P) (19.16)
-A(P) T --C~p)TI
0 0 0 --• 0 0 0 "71
> O.
Here q5 and ~P are basis matrices of ker(B2T DT2) and ker(C2 D21) respectively. For technical reasons we require a specific structure of these annihilators. Indeed, since the first and the last block of C2 and B2 vanish according to their definition in (19.13), we can assume without loss of generality that they admit the structure
/0o 1 [0q521|
~=lIO ~;
and ~P=
if0/ 0L~m
/ 0 k~31/ \ff-~41,]
19 Multi-Objective Control without Youla Parameterization
We have thus reduced the original problem to one of determining a structured matrix P and X, Y which satisfy the matrix inequalities (19.15)-(19.17). As such these inequalities are not convex in all variables, and thy cannot be rendered convex by a simple Schur complement argument. For a specific parametric dynamic optimization problem which results from robust controller design against uncertain stochastic signals, we have discussed in [16] how one can exploit the special structure of the system's state-space realization in order to convexify these inequalities. In this paper we present a non-trivial novel modification in order to achieve the same goal without any further structural properties of the describing matrices in (19.12). In extending [15] let us introduce the transformations
/RllR12R13) X-+R: [RT2R22R23
[ S l l S12 S13 ~ and Y - - - * S =
\ R5 R~ R~3
[ST $22 $23] \ s5 s~ s3~/
such that the blocks of R and S in a partition corresponding to that of satisfy the relations
R22 R23 ]
nl3 o
n~3 R33 /
and Y
S~2 $22 -$23
s ~ s ~ s33
It is easy to verify that (19.19) are bijective transformation from the set of positive definite matrices onto the the set of R, S with the properties
:= l
0 R22 R23 >0 RT3 R33 ]
s T $22 0 0 0 $33
>0. (19.20)
It turns out that one can transform the non-convex matrix inequalities (19.15)(19.17) in P, X, Y into convex linear matrix inequalities in the new variables P, R, S. For that purpose we need to introduce, in addition to and the functions
{ Rll R12 R13 ~- $13
Z(/~,S) : : (RlSl) T : [ 0
fl ,
Carsten W. Scherer
A I ( P , R} := R 2 A ( P ) R T = IAuRn
A12 + AllR12 - R12A12
0 0
A13 +B13PC33 +AllR13 -R12A23 - R13A33
R22A22 T A 22 R23
R22A23 -i- R23A33 RT3A23 + R33A33
A2(P, S) := ST A(P)S2 = A11Sn+A12S21 A11S12+A12S22
A13 + B13PC33 + $13A33 -ArtS13 - A12S23
A23~-S23A33-A22~23 S33A33
Bll +
- R12B21 - R13B31 '~ R22B21 A- R23B31 fl , RT3B21 + R33B31
B I ( P , R) := R2B(P) =
B2(P, S) := S ~ B ( P ) =
Bll -~-B13PD31 + S13B31 ) B21 + $23B31 , $33 B31
C~(P, R) := C ( P ) R T = = ( C u R u CUR12 + C12 C13 + D13PC33 + CUR13) , C2(P, S) := C(P)S2 = = ( C u S u +C12S T CuS12 + C12S22 C13 +D13PC33 - C u S 1 3 - C 1 ~ $ 2 3 ) . We observe that all the above functions are affine in the variables P, R, S. Now we are ready to formulate the main results of this paper, a full solution of the parametric dynamic optimization problem in terms of nicely structured linear matrix inequalities. T h e o r e m 1. There exists a stabilizing dynamic controller K and a parameter P which renders the Hoe-norm of w ---+z for the system (19.12) smaller than 7 if and only if there exist P and symmetric R, S that satisfy the matrix inequalities Z(R,S) T X(R)
> 0,
fA,(P,R/BICP, R/) ) \ CI(P,R) (" A, (P, R) B1 (P, R) "~ ~ C~(P,R) D(P) J ~
( xIR) o \ o
> O, (19.22)
19 Multi-Objective Control without Youla Parameterization
C2(P, R)
> o. (19.23)
P r o o f . Due to our preparations the proof is short. Since R and S vary in the set of matrices with (19.20), we conclude that R1 and $1 are non-singular. Hence we can transform (19.15) by congruence into
STyS, STR T ) R1S1 R 1 X R T > O. Due to R 1 X R T = R2R T = X ( R ) and SlYS1 = sTs2 = Y ( S ) this is, by definition of the functions X ( R ) , Y ( S ) , Z(R, S), equivalent to (19.21). By direct calculation one verifies that
(,0 /
.~1~1~ ~,~j0
0 ~21
~ R12~2 + R13~32
10 r
\-0-~4~ /
Since T is non-singular, we can transform (19.16) by congruence with T into the equivalent inequality
~x 0
0 B(P)
This is obviously equivalent to
) 0
,0 C(P)RT
Again due to R 1 X R T = n~n~( = x ( n ) and ( R ~ I ) T X R ~ 1 = (R~I)TR71 = (R]RT) -1 = (R2RT) -1 = X ( R ) -1, we arrive at
X(R) -~ O0 0 oo o 88
(' ~176 AI(P,R) 0 CI(P,R)
~P < O.
I D(P)
Due to (19.21), a simple Schur complement argument allows to equivalently rearrange this inequality into (19.22).
Carsten W. Scherer
Finally, similar arguments show how to transform (19.17) into [-Y(S)
Y, s , 0 0
[-B2(oP' s)'r
) 0>0
which is, in turn, equivalent to (19.23). 9 It is now possible to apply standard SDP-solvers in order to compute the smallest 7opt for which P , R, S, 7 satisfy (19.21)-(19.23). Let us assume that one has determined a parameter P for some 7 > 7opt such that (19.21)-(19.23) are feasible. This assures that, for this specific parameter P , there does exist a stabilizing controller K for (19.14) such that the Hoo-norm of w --+ z is smaller than 7. Since P is fixed, the construction of K amounts to solving a standard Ho~-control which can be done by any out of the multitude of Riccati- or LMI-based algorithms. The McMillan degree of K will (generically and typically) equal the degree of the generalized plant (19.12).
A Heuristic Iteration
In the previous section we have seen how to minimize (19.8) over all stabilizing controllers K and over all parameters Uj, Vj for fixed scalar stable transfer functions uj, vj. Moreover, we have stressed that the choice of basis functions which span a dense subset of RH~ allows to approximate the optimal value of the genuine multi-objective control problem (19.6) up to an arbitrary accuracy. However, increasing the number of basis functions will increase the McMillan degree of (19.10) and hence of (19.11) which leads to the same growth of the degree of K. Even worse, the sizes of the variables R, S in (19.21)-(19.22) grow quadratically in the McMillan degree of (19.11). In view of the restrictions on the number of variables of current SDP algorithms for reasonable computation times, it is thus highly desirable to be able to improve the approximation without increasing the number of basis functions but, instead, by trying to adjust their poles. In this section we propose a heuristic iterative algorithm which involves a model reduction step by balanced truncation. Although one cannot easily provide rigorous arguments on the achievable improvements, it will be demonstrated by means of an example in the next section that this technique can be very beneficial for restraining the controller degree. The iteration starts with arbitrary stable basis functions uj, vj. If no a priori knowledge is available, one would typically take uj(z) = z -j and vj(z) = z-J. With this choice of basis functions one minimizes (19.8) to determine (close to) optimal K and Uj, Vj. Recall that it is actually desired to have [[T21(K)+ Y~j Ujuj[[oc and [[T12(K)+ y'~j Vjvj[[~ as small as possible such that (19.8) is close to m a x { l l ~ ( K ) l l ~ , [ l ~ ( K ) l l ~ } . Hence the poles of
19 Multi-Objective Control without Youla Parameterization
2r21(K) and T12(K) are good candidates to build the new basis functions ~j, ~j to proceed with the iteration. At this point it is important to recognize that these poles are typically different from those of uj, vj due to the construction of the dynamic controller K by an Hoe-design step which performs an optimization over both residues and poles together! Note that the McMillan degrees of T21(K), T~2(K) typically equal 2n + g if n, fi denote the sizes of A, A in the realization (19.11). We conclude t h a t the McMillan degree of the dynamic controller in the next iteration step is guaranteed to be not larger than that of K if the new poles are chosen such that the McMillan degree of (19.10) is at most ft. This suggests to perform model reduction for T21(K), ~ : ( K ) in order to determine a reduced set of poles for continuing the iteration. In this schematic algorithm there are many concrete choices to be made and we refer to the next section for one concrete implementation on a simple academic example to reveal the benefit of such schemes. 19.4
Consider a discrete-time system with two SISO performance channels, one control input and two control outputs defined according to (19.1) with
AiB1 B2 B ) CI l D1 D12 E1 C2 D21 D2 E2 C F1F2 0
82//: 13/15 4/15 1 / 0 1 0 / 0 1 0 1 O0 _-4/15 4/015 72/1/5 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 O)
Consequently, the closed-loop transform matrix has dimension 2 x 2 whereas all Youla parameters are of dimension 1 x 2. For this unstable system the following experiments have been performed: 1. Y o u l a a p p r o a c h w i t h F I R basis. Determine a Youla parameterization with an observer-based controller which places the closed-loop poles into 4-0.1, 4-0.2, 4-0.3. With the basis functions z - J , j = 0, 1 , . . . , N , for both Youla parameters, determine the best achievable approximation for 3'. where N is increased from 1 to 10. The computed values are plotted versus the generic controller order as the top dashed curve in Figure 19.1. 2. N o v e l t e c h n i q u e s t a r t i n g f r o m F I R basis. Apply the procedure as sketched in Section 19.3 where choosing, for each N = 1 , . . . , 10, basis functions uj, vj, j = 1 , . . . , N, such that (19.10) has McMillan degree 2N. Start with uj(z) = z -j, vj(z) = z-J and compute max{ll~(K)[[~, II~(K)[[~}
Carsten W. Scherer
for the controller which results from minimizing (19.8). This leads to the second from top dashed curve in Figure 19.1. Finally, the iteration as in Section 19.3 proceeds by performing a balanced truncation of both T21(K) and T12(K) (typically of McMillan degree 6 + 4N) which leads to N new poles to define uj and vj respectively such t h a t (19.10) has, again, McMillan degree 2N. After five steps of this iteration the values of max{HTx(K)]]~, ]]T2(K)]I~ } are plotted in lowest dashed curve in Figure 19.1. Figure 19.3 also depicts the corresponding value curves for the three intermediate iterations. 3. M i x e d d e s i g n b a s e d Y o u l a a p p r o a c h w i t h F I R b a s i s . With the only difference of basing the Youla parameterization on a problem-related mixed controller, perform the same computations as in a) which leads to the top full-line curve in Figure 19.1. 4. N o v e l t e c h n i q u e s t a r t i n g w i t h p o l e s f r o m m i x e d d e s i g n . With the only difference of initializing the basis functions uj, vj with poles of ~ I ( K ) , :Y12(K) for a mixed controller K , perform the same iteration as in 2). The first step results in the value indicated by the circle in Figure 19.1 and five iterations lead to the lowest full-line curve in Figure 19.1. Figure 19.4 depicts the value curves for the intermediate iteration steps.
20 '-~ -~18 E 00
", "
~10 0 8
Generic order of controller
Fig. 19.1. Optimal values for different approximation schemes This example serves to demonstrate the considerable benefit of the novel iteration suggested in this paper if compared to standard Youla-parameter-
19 120
Multi-Objective Control without Youla Parameterization
100 - ,
E |
~"........ ,-
o 60 "N 40
12 14 1~6 18 Generic order of controller
Fig. 19.2. Degradation of different algorithms in percent 15
/% %
% %
~ 1 3
~t~ e-
~t~ ~.10
8 8'
I'0 - - - ' 12. . . . 14 '. . . . ~ - - - r - 18 16 Generic order of controller
Fig. 19.3. Progress of iteration in 2)
Carsten W. Scherer
11.5 /
l 11
"6 9.5~- ~ \ \
8.5 _
i 7
Generic o r d e r of controller
Fig. 19.4. Progress of iteration in 4) ization based approaches. Without using a priori knowledge from a mixed controller as in 1) and 2) we observe t h a t our technique leads to only slight improvements over the Youla-parameterization-technique with the specifically chosen pole-placing controllers. However, even for this generic initial set-up, the benefit of systematically adjusting the poles leads to a striking improvement of the approximation as can be read off from the dashed lines in Figure 19.1. If starting from a problem-oriented mixed controller our novel technique is noticeable improved over the those based on the corresponding Youla-parameterization, and the additional iteration leads to results t h a t are p r e t t y close to those without any a priori knowledge, as can be read off from the full lines and the circle in Figure 19.1. The actual benefit is quantified in Figure 19.2 where we plot the percentage deviation from the best (lowest) upper bound on the exact optimal value for each controller order.
We have shown how to solve control problems with multiple LMI-objectives directly in terms of the original system description without performing a Youla parameterization of all stabilizing controllers. As d e m o n s t r a t e d by means of an example, iterative schemes allow to considerably improve the approximation quality without having to unduly increase the controller order. All the techniques in this p a p e r a d m i t immediate extensions to multiple H ~ - n o r m specifications on more t h a n two channels of the controlled system.
Multi-Objective Control without Youla Parameterization
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20 A n LMI A p p r o a c h to t h e Identification and (In)Validation of L P V s y s t e m s Mario Sznaier 1 and Cecilia Mazzaro 1 The Pennsylvania State University, Department of Electrical Engineering University Park, PA 16802, USA
A b s t r a c t . In this chapter we present a control~riented identification and (in)validation framework for a class of LPV systems. The identification step takes into account both the dependence of part of the model on time-varying parameters as well as the possible existence of a non-parametric component. The validation step (in)validates the obtained model subject to unstructured uncertainty. The main result of this chapter shows that the problems of checking consistency between the experimental data and the a priori assumptions and that of obtaining a nominal model, can be recast as Linear Matrix Inequality feasibility problems that can be efficiently solved. Moreover, the overall computational complexity is similar to that of obtaining and/or (in)validating LTI models of comparable size. These results are illustrated with a practical example arising in the context of active vision.
A large number of control problems involve designing a controller capable of stabilizing a given system while simultaneously optimizing some performance index. This problem is relevant for disturbance rejection, tracking and robustness to model uncertainty [1]. In the case of linear dynamics this problem has been thoroughly explored during the past decade, leading to powerful formalisms such as #-synthesis and Z;1 optimal control theory t h a t have been successfully employed to solve some hard practical problems. More recently, these techniques have been extended to handle multiple, perhaps conflicting, performance specifications (see for example [2,3] and references therein). In the case of nonlinear dynamics, a widely used idea a m o n g control engineers is to linearize the plant around several operating points and to use linear control tools to design a controller for each of these points. T h e actual controller is implemented using gain scheduling, i.e. the p a r a m e t e r s in the linear control law are changed according to the operating condition. While this idea is intuitively appealing, it has several pitfalls [4-8]. Motivated by these shortcomings, during the past few years considerably attention has been devoted to the problem of synthesizing controllers for Linear P a r a m e ter Varying Systems, where the s t a t e - s p a c e matrices of the plant depend on t i m e - v a r y i n g p a r a m e t e r s whose values are not known a priori, b u t can be measured by the controller. Assuming t h a t bounds on b o t h the p a r a m e t e r values and their rate of change are known then Affine Matrix Inequalities
Mario Sznaier and Cecilia Mazzaro
based conditions are available guaranteeing exponential stability of the system. Moreover, these conditions can be easily used to synthesize stabilizing controllers guaranteeing worst case performance bounds (for instance in an T/2 or ~ sense, see [9 14]). Clearly, a key issue t h a t needs to be addressed in order to a p p l y these techniques to practical problems is the development of identification methods capable of extracting the a p p r o p r i a t e description from experimental data. Control oriented identification of LTI systems is by now relatively m a t u r e and efficient algorithms are available to obtain b o t h models and worst case bounds on the identification error (see for instance [15] and references therein). Similarly, model validation of LTI systems has been extensively studied in the past decade [16 19]. On the other hand, identification tools for L P V systems are just starting to a p p e a r [20-22]. Moreover, at this point they bear more resemblance to classical identification methods (in the sense t h a t they identify a set of p a r a m e t e r s of a fixed structure) t h a n to the control-oriented identification methods tailored to robust controls tools. Motivated by our earlier results on control oriented identification of LTI systems [23,24], in this chapter we propose a new framework for robust identification and model validation of L P V systems, t h a t takes into account b o t h the dependence of the dynamics on the time-varying p a r a m e t e r s and the (possible) existence of a n o n - p a r a m e t r i c part. T h e latter accounts for instance for dynamics not modelled by the p a r a m e t e r - d e p e n d e n t portion of the model. Thus, given a set of measurements corrupted by noise and some a priori information on the candidate models, our algorithm provides a nominal model of the L P V system and an upper b o u n d on the identification error. The main result of this chapter shows t h a t the problems of checking consistency between the experimental d a t a and the a priori assumptions and t h a t of obtaining a nominal model, can be recast as Linear Matrix Inequality feasibility problems t h a t can be efficiently solved. Moreover, the overall computational complexity is similar to t h a t of obtaining a n d / o r (in)validating LTI models of comparable size. The chapter is organized as follows: section 20.2 introduces the notation. Section 20.3 addresses the control-oriented identification of L P V systems. In particular, subsection 20.3.3 provides an upper b o u n d on the identification error and an analysis of the convergence of the proposed identification algorithm. Section 20.4 presents the (in)validation framework for LPV systems. All these results are illustrated in section 20.5 with a practical example arising in the context of active vision. Finally, section 20.6 contains some concluding remarks and directions for future research.
20 20.2
Identification and (In)Validation of LPV systems
B y / 3 ~ we will denote the Lebesgue space of complex valued m a t r i x functions essentially bounded on the unit circle, equipped with the n o r m fIC(z)ll~ --" ess sup ~ ( C ( z ) ) , N=I where ~ denotes the largest singular value. By 7-/~ we denote the subspace of functions in s with a bounded analytic continuation inside the unit disk, equipped with the norm [rG(z)[ro~ -
ess sup ~(G(z)) I.f
and/37-/oo denotes the unit ball in 7"/oo. Also of interest is the space 7-/~,p of transfer matrices in 7-/oo which have analytic continuation inside the disk of radius p > 1, i.e. the space of exponentially stable systems with a stability margin of (p - 1). W h e n equipped with the norm
,p - sup
T/~,p becomes a normed Banach space. By g2 we will denote the space of square s u m m a b l e sequences h = {hi}, equipped with the norm
Hh[[e~ -
while g ~ (e) denotes the space of bounded sequences with the n o r m
- sup Ih, I < i_>0
Consider now the space s of bounded, causal and linear operators in g ~ or in g2. An element of s can be represented by its convolution kernel {Lk}. The projection operator PN : s --* /2(') is defined by 7:~N[L] -- { L 0 , L I , . 9 9 , L N - 1 , 0 ,
[00 ]
For an operator L C s and its projection (finite) lower Toeplitz matrix as follows: L1
T~ =
Lo .
L _IL _2
PN[L], we define its associated
Mario Sznaier and Cecilia Mazzaro
Similarly, to a given sequence h and its projection in g2 we associate the matrix h0 hi
0 h0 .
... ...
0 0
[ 1
T~ =
h -1 hn-2
In the sequel, for notational simplicity, the superscript will be o m i t t e d when clear from the context. Given a subset A of a metric space (X, II" II) its diameter is defined as
sup IIx-aII. x,aEA
Finally given a matrix M, M T denotes its transpose. As usual M > 0 ( M > 0) indicates t h a t M is positive definite (positive semi-definite), and M < 0 t h a t M is negative definite. For simplicity in this chapter we consider SISO models, although all results can be applied to M I M O systems, following [25].
20.3 20.3.1
Control Problem
of LPV
Fig. 20.1. The LPV Control-Oriented Identification Setup
Consider the stable discrete time L P V system shown in Figure 20.1. T h e signals u and y represent a known test input 1 and the corresponding o u t p u t corrupted by measurement noise w, while the block T: T - diag ( p l l r l , . . . , P~Irs), 1 For simplicity in the sequel we assume, without loss of generality, that u is a unit impulse.
Identification and (In)Validation of LPV systems
represents a set of time-varying parameters, that are unknown a priori but can be measured in real time. In keeping with the control-oriented identification spirit, the goal is to identify a model So, consistent with both some a priori assumptions and the a posteriori experimental data, as well as deterministic bounds on the identification error. In the sequel we consider models and noise of the form
:r = {so: So = Gn, + ~ . (G,, r ) , Gp e 8,, G . , c S . . } w~Af
where ~'~(~) denotes upper (lower) linear fractional transformation (LFT). The collection of bounded sets Snp, Sp and Af constitute the a priori information. The a posteriori experimental information consists of a set of N measurements of the output y and the corresponding values of the t i m e varying parameters Y~. As usual in robust identification, we will assume that the non-parametric portion of the model Gnp belongs to the set ~(P,/0
-" {anp(Z) < ~ , o :
IIGnp(z)ll~,o < K }
with p > 1 given, i.e., the set of exponentially stable systems with a peak response to complex exponential inputs of K. For the component that depends on the time-varying parameters, we will consider the set Sp of systems Gp:
sp --
a~: 7 ~ ( a ~ , r ) = ~ - ] p ~ f ~ ( a ~ , r )
where the L F T JZu(Gp, :F) admits an expansion of the form Np i=1
The transfer matrices Gi(z) are assumed linearly independent 3 and the Np interconnections {~-~(Gi, T)} are assumed exponentially stable 4 2 Paralleling the LPV synthesis framework, in this chapter we will assume that the measurements of the time-varying parameters are exact. 3 As we illustrate in section 20.5 these models arise for instance in the context of active vision applications. 4 A sufficient condition for quadratic stability of .%-~,(G~,:F) is the existence of a single quadratic Lyapunov function. Less conservative conditions for exponential stability that take into account the rate of variation of the parameters can be obtained in terms of a set of functional LMIs (see for instance [9,26]). Alternatively, a stability analysis using more general (e.g. polyhedral) Lyapunov functions, which tackles the problem of nonexistence of quadratic ones, is presented in [27,28].
Mario Sznaier and Cecilia Mazzaro Finally, we will consider a priori noise of the form N
Af - {w 9 RN : L(w) = Lo + E
Lkwk-1 > 0}
where Li are given real symmetric matrices. This noise set is a generalization of the f~(e) noise sets usually considered ([29,23]) that allows for taking into consideration correlated noise (see [24] for details). To recap, the a priori information and the a posteriori experimental d a t a are given by:
7" = {So: So = Gnp + .T'u (Gp, r ) , Gp 9 Sp, Gnp 9 Snp} S~, = Tlo~(p, K)
.hf = {~o 9 RN : L(~o) = Lo + y ~ Lkcok-1 > 0} k=l
Y ---- [ho -b a ) l , . . . ,
Using these definitions the LPV identification problem can be precisely stated as:
Problem 1. Given the experiments y = [Yo,..., YN-1] T , T = [ T o . . . , TN-1] and the a priori sets (Sp, Sup, Af), determine: (i) If the a priori and a posteriori information are consistent, i.e. the consistency set
7"(y,T) " - { s o e T " : ( y k - h k ) 9
k=O, 1,...N-1}
is nonempty, where hk denotes the k th element of the impulse response of So. (ii) A nominal model which belongs to the consistency set T ( y , T). In the sequel we will show that these problems can be recast as LMI feasibility problems that can be efficiently solved. 20.3.2
Main Results
In this section we will solve the consistency problem by reducing it to a Carath6odory-Fej6r interpolation problem and showing that the latter is equivalent to an LMI feasibility problem. To this effect we begin by recalling the following result on the feasibility of Carath~odory-Fej~r interpolation.
20 Identification and (In)Validation of LPV systems
L e m m a 1. Given N data points hk, k = 0 , . . . , N ~ ( p , K ) such that:
1, there exists H 9
H ( z ) = ho + hlZ + h2z 2 + ... + h N - 1 Z N - 1 -~- ...
if and only if M R ( h ) = R -2
1 K25r*R-25 ~ > 0,
where R = diag [1 p p2 . . . p N - 1 ]
ho J
Proof. See for instance [30,23,19]. T h e o r e m 1. The a priori and a posteriori information are consistent if and only if there exist two vectors p = [pl...pNp] T h :[h0...hN_l] T such that: MR(h) > 0
(y - P p - h) 9 Af,
MR(h) =
R = diag [1 p p2
--~] R 2J ho
ho j
P =
. . . p N - 1 ]
gl p
LBG-1 g2--1
and g~ denotes the mth element of the impulse response of ~ ( G i , T )
5 For arbitrary but known input sequences, g~ denotes the mth element of the sequence PN[~u (Gi, T)] defined in (20.2).
Mario Sznaier and Cecilia Mazzaro
Proof. Given the p a r a m e t e r t r a j e c t o r y T , the experimental d a t a y is consistent with the a priori information if and only if there exist vectors p, h, w and a function H(z) C TI~(K, p) such that: Np
(20.16) i
w CAf H(z)
h o ~- h l z ~- . . . -~- h N - l Z
"~- . . . .
Equation (20.14) follows now from L e m m a 1 by using a simple Schur complement argument. Equation (20.15) is simply a r e s t a t e m e n t of (20.16).
Remark 1. Once consistency is established a nominal model can be obtained by simply selecting one of the solutions to a generalized Carath~odory-Fej@r interpolation problem [23] 6 . 20.3.3
A n a l y s i s o f t h e I d e n t i f i c a t i o n Error and C o n v e r g e n c e
In this section we show that the proposed algorithm is convergent and we derive some worst-case bounds on the identification error. Begin by noting t h a t the proposed algorithm is interpolatory (in the sense t h a t it always generates a model inside the consistency set T(y, T)) and recall that, for any interpolatory algorithm .4, the worst case identification error is b o u n d e d by (see for instance [15], Chapter 10)
e(A) < I)(I), w h e r e / ) ( I ) denotes the diameter of information. Note t h a t in contrast to the case of LTI systems, here the experiment operator y -- E(h,w,u,T) t h a t m a p s the model, inputs and noise to the experimental outcome is not linear (since in general the plant depends nonlinearly on the time-varying p a r a m e t e r s T) and thus 7)(1) m a y not be easily computable. To circumvent this difficulty, we introduce the concept of parameterdependent diameter of information as follows. Given a p a r a m e t e r t r a j e c t o r y = I T 0 , . . . , TN-1], define the set Y ( ~ ' ) a s the set of all possible experiment. tal d a t a consistent with the a priori information for all possible p a r a m e t e r trajectories compatible with the first N m e a s u r e m e n t s T . In t e r m s of this set we can define: T)(I,T) =
6 Recall that these solutions can be parametrized as an LFT on a free parameter Q c ~ [30].
20 Identification and (In)Validation of LPV systems
F = { T : Tk : ~"k, k : O , 1,... , N - 1 }
i.e. the "size" of the largest set of indistinguishable models compatible with the a priori information and the first N measurements of the parameter trajectory. Since for a given 2h the sets Af and 7-(27"):
a=anp+~_.p,7,~(a.~k) i=1
are convex and symmetric with respect to the points H = 0, w = 0, it follows (see Lemma 10.2 in [15]) that
v ( i , a~) = 2
c~7-(0,a~) where 1[.I]* denotes a suitable norm such as the g ~ induced norm. As we show next, a bound on 79(I, Y) can be obtained by solving an LMI optimization problem. T h e o r e m 2. The diameter of information 79(2-, T ) can be bounded above by
D(2., ]7") < 2 * \ i=0 Iwil + W2(N, N, ~') +
~__._p--Nff_l~ (p _ 1) ]
where wi are functions of the a priori information only. Proof. For any G 6 7-(0, T ) the following holds: P p + h E .A/"
where P, p and h are defined as in Theorem 1. The g~ induced norm of G satisfies:
IIGlle~-~e~ _< IIPN[a]lle~-~e~ + I1(I - PN)[G]IIe~-~e~.
Note that from (20.22) it follows that the first term in this equation can be bounded by N--1
[[PN[G]IIe__,e ~ <_ sup E
w~EA; i = 0
Using the fact that H E 7 t ~ (K, p) ~ Ihi] ~ K p -~, the second term in (20.23) can be bounded as follows: Np
I1(I - PN)[G]Ile~-~e~ _< ~ i=1
[P, lvi + K p
p-- 1
K p-N-1 _< Ilpl[~llul[1 +
p-l' (20.25)
Mario Sznaier and Cecilia Mazzaro
= sup (I - ~ N ) [~=u(c~, T ) ] . TEF
Note that if bounds on T are known a priori, then a bound on ~,~ can be computed by simply solving a robust/21 performance analysis problem, which reduces to computing the spectral radius of a matrix [31]. Finally, a bound on the worst case value of Itpll~ can be found as follows. Assume that the Np functions .Tu(G~,T) are linearly independent for any given trajectory of the time-varying parameter. Then, for N large enough P has full column rank, i.e., P is left invertible (P~P = I) and from (20.22) it follows that:
p = P*(w - It),
w e N ~ ItPtI~ <- JIP}llllf( ~ -
h)]l~ <- ]lPtl]l( e + K)
(20.26) where the last inequality follows from the fact that H E 7-/~(p, K ) and w E
The proof follows now by combining (20.24), (20.25) and (20.26). C o r o l l a r y 1. The algorithm is convergent, i.e.
e ( A , ] u) = 0.
Y ----+oo, e ----*0
Proof. The impulse response of any G E 2-(0, T ) satisfies: NT~
Igkl < ~--~ IP~ll~-~(G~,l~)kl + Ihkl _< IlPll~o~lf~(G,,TDkl + K P -k i=1
(20.27) Since the interconnections {.7-~(G~, T)} are exponentially stable by assumption, there exist positive constants a, and ~ > 1 such that I.~,(G~,T)k] < ai~/-k. Thus, any model compatible with the zero-outcome experiment satisfies Igkt _< m i n e ,
+ KO -k
Define N*(e) -- max{N~, N { ' , . . . , N}~} 7 where the integers N* are defined as:
N~ =int N/* =int
{ log(c~(Np + l)llpll~/e) "~ log(fl~)
i = 1,...,Np.
r These integers represent values of k for which each of the impulse responses of O.p and {IpiI.T~,(Gi,T)} decay below e/(N v + 1).
Identification and (In)Validation of LPV systems
Note t h a t N*(e) --~ oc and N*(e)e ~ 0 as e --* 0. Proceeding as before we have t h a t lim
N - - * oo, ~---*0
N - - * oo, e---*0
< --
lira N---*oo,
N* (e) 9 e +
Sp O~ifl~N*_ 1 +I]PVlII(K+e)~
(p - 1)
=0 which, combined with (20.20) proves convergence.
M o d e l Validation of L P V S y s t e m s
Next we turn our attention to the related problem of model validation. Note t h a t the error bounds provided in the previous section, while useful to establish the convergence properties of the algorithm, tend to be too conservative for control synthesis. Thus, it is of interest to obtain an algorithm for refining these bounds. 20.4.1
~ .i
'l Fig. 20.2. Setup for Model (In)Validation of LPV Systems
Consider the stable discrete time L P V system shown in Figure 20.2. Here
G(T) = .~u (So, T) is a given known model for the physical system, consisting of a nominal model P ( T ) (which for instance m a y have been obtained using the algorithm proposed in section 20.3) and some description of how uncertainty affects the model, represented by blocks Q(T), R ( T ) and S ( T ) . As before, the signals u and y represent an a r b i t r a r y but known test input and its corresponding output corrupted by m e a s u r e m e n t noise w respectively.
Mario Sznaier and Cecilia Mazzaro
The block T = diag ( p l I r l , . . . , p~Ir, ) represents a set of t i m e - v a r y i n g p a r a m eters, which are unknown a priori but can be measured in real time. Finally, A represents bounded unstructured dynamic uncertainty. In keeping with the model validation spirit, the goal is to determine whether or not these measured values of the input u, the o u t p u t y and t i m e - v a r y i n g p a r a m e t e r s T s are consistent with the assumed model Go and the given set descriptions for the noise w and uncertainty A. In the sequel we consider models G ( T ) , uncertainty A and noise w of the form: [P(T) Q(T)]
a(r) = ~
(So, r ) - JR(r) s ( r ) ]
9 a - {~ 9 ~: wcAf,
I1~11~ _< 5 < 1}
with the set Af defined as in (20.8). Regarding the block S ( T ) , we will assume that IIS(T)II~2__.t2 < 5 -1 for all p a r a m e t e r trajectories Tk, so t h a t the interconnection ~'t [G(T), A] is g2 stable for all Tk. Using these definitions the L P V model (in)validation problem can be precisely stated as follows. Problem 2. Given the time-domain experiments u = [ u 0 , . . . , UN--1] T, y = [ y o , . . . , y g _ l ] T and T = [ T o , . . . , T N - 1 ] , the nominal model G and the a priori sets Af, .4 determine whether or not the a priori and a posteriori information are consistent, i.e. whether the consistency set T ( y , r , Go) = { ( ~ 9 .4, ~ 9 Af): Yk = ~ N { ~ d G ( T ~ ) ,
~]} * Uk + wk,
is nonempty. 20.4.2
Main Results
Consider the lower linear fractional interconnection shown in Figure 20.2: Yk = P N { P ( T k ) } * Uk + P N { Q ( T k ) } * ~k + wk rlk = P N { R ( T k ) } * uk + P N { S ( T k ) } * ~k
which can be expressed in matrix form as follows:
Ty =TeTu+TQTc+T~ Tn = TRTu + TsTr
Tr =T~T,. s Clearly, for the validation problem to make sense this experimental information is not the same used in the identification step.
20 Identification and (In)Validation of LPV systems
The following result shows that the validation problem can also be recast in an LMI feasibility form. T h e o r e m 3. Given time-domain measurements of the input u, the output y
and the time varying parameters :F, the L P V model G(T) is not invalidated by this experimental information if and only if there exist two vectors ~ = [@,... ,~g_l] T and w = [w0,... ,WN-1] T, such that: M(~) > 0 and L(w) > O,
y(r x(r
- (TRT ) TRTu + (TRTJ TsTr + T[T TRTu
y ( , ) _ ( ~_~I_ T T T s ) _ I
~k -- Yk - PN{P(Tk)} * Uk + 7ON{Q(Tk)} * Ck, with k = 0, 1 , . . . , N - 1 and L(w) is defined as in equation (20.8). Proof. The L P V model G(T) is not invalidated by the experimental information {u, y, T'} if there exist a A E A and an w E A f such that the equations (20.31) and (20.32) hold. From L e m m a 1 it can be easily shown that existence of an uncertainty block in A is equivalent to T~Tr < 52TTTv.
Now, replacing the expression of Tv from (20.32) in the right-hand side of (20.35), and reordering terms yields:
Tr < (TRT~)TTRT~ + (TRT~)TTsTr + T~ T~ TRT~. (20.36)
Using Schur complements and the fact that IIS(T)[[t~-~t2 < 5-i gives the first LMI of the set (20.33), M(~) > 0. The second LMI of (20.33), L(~) > 0, is simply obtained by replacing the expression of the noise vector oJ from (20.34) in the definition of J~ given in (20.8). 20.5
In this section we illustrate the advantages of the proposed m e t h o d with a practical example that arises in the context of active vision. The system
Mario Sznaier and Cecilia Mazzaro
under consideration, shown in figure 20.3, consists of a Unisight p a n / t i l t platform with a BiSight stereo head with Hitachi K P - M 1 C a m e r a s and Fujinon H10X11EMPX-31 motorized lenses. T h e goal is to identify the transfer function from the c o m m a n d input (in encoder units) to the head to the position of a given target (in pixels), as a function of a time-varying focal length f . This will be achieved in a two step process: (i) firstly a nominal L P V model and bound on the identification error will be obtained using the algorithm described in section 20.3; (ii) secondly, these bounds will be refined through a model validation step, proceeding as in section 20.4. For identification purposes, commands were given to the head and lenses using a 10 channel 5 - ~controller and the image processing required to capture the images and locate the target was performed using a D a t a c u b e M a x S P A R C $250 hosted by a Sun Spare 5 workstation.
Fig. 20.3. The experimental setup
The a priori information
Physical considerations, corroborated by experiments performed while the time-varying p a r a m e t e r was held constant [32], suggest t h a t the p a r a m e t r i c component of the L P V model 9~u (Gp, T) can be modelled using just one transfer function, i.e. p15u(G1, T), and t h a t its dependence with the time-varying p a r a m e t e r T can be considered to be affine. Regarding the n o n - p a r a m e t r i c component, based on the time-constant obtained with experiments involving only the mechanical components of the system, we determined a value of p = 1.5 for the a priori stability margin. Finally, by repeatedly measuring the output in the absence of input, the experimental noise m e a s u r e m e n t was determined to be bounded by et = 4/110 pixels/count 9 9 This experimental error is mainly due to fluctuating conditions such as ambient light.
20 20.5.2
Identification and (In)Validation of L P V systems
In t h e i d e n t i f i c a t i o n step, t h e e x p e r i m e n t a l i n f o r m a t i o n c o n s i d e r e d c o n s i s t s of -- 35 s a m p l e s of t h e t i m e r e s p o n s e of t h e r e a l s y s t e m y t o a u n i t s t e p i n p u t u while t h e t i m e - v a r y i n g p a r a m e t e r :F was a l l o w e d t o v a r y b e t w e e n 0% a n d 80% of t h e m a x i m u m value of t h e z o o m d u r i n g t h e e x p e r i m e n t , as is s h o w n in t h e u p p e r p l o t of figure 20.4. U s i n g this e x p e r i m e n t a l d a t a a n d t h e i n f o r m a t i o n d e s c r i b e d in s e c t i o n 20.5.1, t h e m i n i m u m v a l u e of K s u c h t h a t t h e L M I (20.14) h o l d s was d e t e r m i n e d u s i n g M a t l a b ' s L M I t o o l b o x t o solve t h e c o r r e s p o n d i n g L M I o p t i m i z a t i o n p r o b l e m , y i e l d i n g values K = 0.0444 a n d Pl = 0.9743. T h e c o m p l e t e identified m o d e l h a s t h e following s t r u c t u r e (see e q u a t i o n (20.5) a n d F i g u r e 20.1):
a priori
AOv]x(k)+ [~P BB::]Lu(k)j[w(k)l
y(k)J = LOop on,
1F ( )l
[D21v D22. + D, pJ Lu(k)J '
with: 0.312 0.737 0.109 -0.095 0.024 -0.011 0.009 -0.003- 0 . 7 3 7 - 0 . 1 6 1 0.205 -0.162 0.055 -0.032 0.016 - 0 . 0 0 4 -0.109 0.205 0.452 0.610 0.170 - 0 . 1 8 1 - 0 . 0 1 5 0.029 -0.095 0.162 - 0 . 6 1 0 - 0 . 2 7 7 0.359 -0.298 0.010 0.030 0.024 - 0 . 0 5 5 - 0 . 1 7 0 0.359 0.715 0.298 0.115 - 0 . 0 6 3 0.011 - 0 . 0 3 2 - 0 . 1 8 1 0.298 - 0 . 2 9 8 - 0 . 6 6 2 0.274 - 0 . 0 8 4 0.009 -0.016 0.015 0.010 0.115 - 0 . 2 7 4 - 0 . 9 1 2 - 0 . 0 6 0 0.003 -0.004 0.029 -0.030 0.063 -0.084 0.060 0.672
Ap z
Blp= 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ]
B2p = 0.640 0.429 --0.115 --0.080 0.039 0.028 0.008 0.001] T CIp --- [0.160 -0.107 0.029 - 0 . 0 2 0 0.010 - 0 . 0 0 7 0.002 -0.001] C2p
[0.178 -0.120 0.032 -0.022 0.011 - 0 . 0 0 8 0.002 -0.001]
Dllv = 0
D12v = 0.036
D21v = - 0 . 6 7
D22v = 0.04
and: Anp =
--0.434 --0.419 --0.236 9 10 -4 - 0 . 2 4 0 . 10 - 5 ] 0.419 0.653 -0.289 10 -4 - 0 . 2 9 3 . 1 0 - 5 / - 0 . 2 3 6 . 1 0 -4 0.289 - 10 -4 -0.261 0.416 | 0.240.10 -5 - 0 . 2 9 3 . 1 0 -~ -0.416 -0.220 J
Bnp = 0.252 0.123 -0.106 9 10 -5 0.108 9 10-6] T
-0.063 -0.031 - 0 . 2 6 6 - 10 -6 -0.269 - 10 -7]
Drip ----0.011.
342 I'01~
Mario Sznaier and Cecilia Mazzaro ~
i ~ : : ~ - , : ~'
,',pTme, 07
l 10
, 10
..v rood.,
i 15
1. - .-
= 5
o.15,t ~
i 20 Samples
. Experimental~data
, 25
, 30
Fig. 20.4. Results of the identification step
In equation (20.37), {Anp, Bnp, Cnp, Dnp} are the state space matrices of non-parametric component of the model So, and {Ap, Bp, Cp, Dp} the state space matrices of Gp, which gives the assumed a priori parametric component .T~,(Gp,T). The former is a reduced order version (using Hankel norm, see [15] and references therein) of the central solution to the generMized Carath~odory-Fejdr interpolation problem (i.e the one corresponding to choosing the free parameter Q(z) = 0), since the order of this solution equals the number of experimental data points. The b o t t o m plot of Figure 20.4 shows the o u t p u t of the complete identified model So (parametric L P V component and non parametric LTI component) to the same input u applied during the experiment and for the measured trajectory of the time-varying parameter T, and the noisy measurements of the output of the real system y. As shown there, the identified model explains the observed data within the experimental error. Finally, Figure 20.5 compares the step response of the obtained L P V model with the responses of available LT] models and previous experimental d a t a of the physical system, at different fixed values of the zoom.
Gnp, the
Model Validation
Next, we proceed to validate the obtained L P V model the block P(T)against new experimental data, which are shown in Figure 20.6. For validation purposes, we have assumed that this nominal model is subject to two different types of unstructured uncertainty A -additive and multiplicative-, which leads in the first case to the augmented plant: (20.38)
20 Identification and (In)Validation of LPV systems 0+2~
i .... ! - / - -
[ o.4 ~
[ 0.15j-
0 | 0.4[
LPV at 0 % zoom LTI at 0% zoom Data
I I I ---
LPV at'50% zoom LTI at 50% zoom Data
LPV at 60% zoom LTI at 60% zoom
: 0
Fig. 20.5. LPV model vs. different LTI models
and in the second one to: Gm~u(T) "-- [[p(r)/]. P(T)
For these particular uncertainty types, the first LMI of the set (20.33) reduces to:
> 0,
and therefore it is possible to find the minimum upper bound on the norm of the uncertainty A so that the L P V model is not invalidated by the available experimental information. This is desirable from a control oriented perspective, since it leads to less conservative controller designs. Using this a priori information and experimental data, the minimum value of IIAH~ such that the LMI (20.33) holds was determined using Matlab's LMI toolbox to solve the corresponding LMI optimization problem. T h e L P V model obtained can explain the experimental information, with the sequences of noise plotted in Figure 20.7 and with the uncertainty block bounded in I1" I1~ by ~add.~z = 0.0172 in the additive case and 5mult 0.3456. Note that the identification was performed taking into account additive uncertainty, which explains the difference between the upper bounds ~add.~z and 5m~u. =
for Further
Motivated by the shortcomings of traditional gain-scheduling techniques, during the past few years substantial advances have been made in the problem of synthesizing controllers for Linear P a r a m e t e r Varying systems. However, the related field of identification of L P V systems is considerably less developed.
Mario Sznaier and Cecilia Mazzaro
10.950.91/,t1:_ 0"85[
TVInput ~parameter~_ 9 j
t e e eq 0 o-o.e,* c~.e e e e <~ 0=~..e.
' 30
O.04 o.02
[- - 5
o.o,[ ol
.~ I//
i/x :
, 5
~*~ 10
- -' ....
, 15
- -
/\ / /
Experimental d
LPV model
Fig. 20.6. Validation experiment
-' . . . .
' --%~t
A priori noise bound , / 25 30
Vector W A priori noise bound
Fig. 20.7. Results of the validation step
In this chapter we propose a new generalized framework for robust identification and (in)validation of L P V systems. First, starting from experimental data measurements of the output (corrupted by noise) and the time varying parameters, we generate a model of the system suitable to be used by the L P V synthesis techniques, as well as bounds on the identification error. Then, given n e w experimental information we test the quality of the proposed model, i.e., we check whether or not these measurements are consistent with the assumed plant and uncertainty descriptions. The main result of the chapter shows that both problems (i) checking consistency between the experimental data and the a p r i o r i assumptions, and (ii) obtaining a nominal model, can be recast as Linear Matrix Inequality
Identification and (In)Validation of LPV systems
feasibility problems that can be efficiently solved. Moreover, the overall computational complexity is similar to that of obtaining a n d / o r (in)validating LTI models of comparable size. Efforts are currently under way to generalizing these techniques to the cases of structured and time varying uncertainties. A c k n o w l e d g m e n t s This work was supported in part by NSF under grants ECS-9625920 and ECS-9907051.
References 1. Vidyasagar, M. (1986) Optimal Rejection of Persistent Bounded Disturbances. IEEE Trans. Autom. Contr. AC-31(6), 527-535 2. Dorato, P. (1991) A Survey of Robust Multiobjective Design Techniques, in Control of Uncertain Dynamic Systems, Bhattacharyya, S.P. and Keel, L.H. editors. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA 249-259 3. Sznaier, M. and Dorato, P., organizers (1995) Special sessions on Multiobjective Robust Control, sessions FAI~ and FMI~. New Orleans, LA, USA 4. Shamma, J. and Athans, M. (1990) Analysis of Nonlinear Gain-Scheduled Control Systems. IEEE Trans. Autom. Contr. 35, 898-907 5. Rugh, W. (1991) Analytical Framework for Gain Scheduling. IEEE Ctrl Sys. Magazine 11(1), 74 84 6. Shamma, J. and Athans, M. (1992) Cain Scheduling: Potential Hazards and Possible Remedies. IEEE Contr. Sys. Mag. 12(1), 101 17 7. Lawrence, D. and Rugh, W. (1995) Gain Scheduling Dynamic Linear Controllers for a Nonlinear Plant. Automatica 31, 381-390 8. Kaminer, I., Pascoal, A., et al. (1995) A Velocity Algorithm for the Implementation of Gain Scheduled Controllers. Automatica 31, 1185-1191 9. Becker, G. and Packard, A. (1994) Robust Performance of Linear Parametrically Varying Systems Using Parametrically-Dependent Linear Feedback. Sys. Contr. Letters 23(3), 205-215 10. Apkarian, P. and Gahinet, P. (1995) A Convex Characterization of Gain Scheduled 7-/oo Controllers. IEEE Trans. Autom. Contr. 40(9), 853-864 11. Gahinet, P., Apkarian, P. et al. (1996) Affine Parameter Dependent Lyapunov Functions and Real Parametric Uncertainty. IEEE Trans. Autom. Contr. 41(3), 436 442 12. Wu, F., Yang, X. et al. (1996) Induced g2 norm control for LPV systems with bounded parameter variation rates. Int. J. on Robust and Nonlinear Control 6(9/10), 983-998 13. Wu, F. and Grigoriadis, K. (1997) LPV Systems with Parameter-varying Time Delays 36th. IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control San Diego, CA, USA 14. Sznaier, M. (1999) Receding Horizon: An easy way to improve performance in LPV systems 1999 American Control Conf. San Diego, California, USA 15. S~nchez Pefia, R. and Sznaier, M. (1998) Robust Systems Theory and Applications Wiley ~ Sons, Inc. 16. Smith, R. and Doyle, J. (1992) Model Validation: A Connection Between Robust Control and Identification. IEEE Trans. Autom. Contr. 37(7), 942-952
Mario Sznaier and Cecilia Mazzaro
17. Poolla, K., Khargonekar, P. et al. (1994) A Time Domain Approach to Model Validation. IEEE Trans. Autom. Contr. 39(5), 951-959 18. Chen, J. and Wang, S. (1996) Validation of Linear Fractional Uncertain Models: Solutions via Matrix Inequalities. IEEE Trans. Autom. Contr. 41(6), 844-849 19. Xu, D., Ren, Z. et al. (1999) L F T Uncertain Model Validation with Time and Frequenc~Domain Measurements. I E E E Trans. Autom. Contr. 44(7), 14351441 20. Nemani, N., Ravikanth, R. et al. (1995) Identification of Linear Parametrically Varying Systems. 34 th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control New Orleans, LA, USA 21. Lee, L. and Poolla, K. (1996) Identification of Linear Parameter Varying Systems via LFTs. 35 th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control Kobe, Japan 22. Mazzaro, M., Movsichoff, B. et al. (1999) Robust Identification of Linear Parameter Varying Systems. 1999 American Control Conf. San Diego, CA, USA 23. Parrilo, P., Sznaier, M. et al. (1998) Mixed Time/Frequency Domain Robust Identification. Automatica 34(11), 1375-1389 24. Parrilo, P., Ss Pefia, R. et al. (1999) A Parametric Extension of Mixed Time/Frequency Robust Identification. IEEE Trans. Autom. Contr. 44(2), 364 369 25. Chen, J., Farrell, J. et al. (1994) ~o~ Identification of Multivariable Systems by Tangential Interpolation Methods. 33 ~d Conf. on Decision and Control Lake Buena Vista, FL, USA 26. Boyd, S. and Yang, Q. (1989) Structured and simultaneous Lyapunov functions for system stability problems Int. J. of Control 49(6), 2215-2240 27. Blanchini, F. (1994) Non-quadratic Lyapunov function for robust control. Automatica 31(3), 451 461 28. Blanchini, F. and Miani, S. (1999) A New Class of Universal Lyapunov Functions for the Control of Uncertain Linear Systems. IEEE Trans. Autom. Contr. 44(3), 641-647 29. Chen, J., Nett, C. et al. (1995) Worst-Case System Identification in 7Y~: Validation of a Priori Information, Essentially Optimal Algorithms and Error Bounds. IEEE Trans. Autom. Contr. 40(7) 30. Ball, J., Gohberg, I. et al. (1990) Interpolation of Rational Matrix Functions, Operator Theory: Advances and Applications 45 Birkh/iuser 31. Dahleh, M. A. and Khammash, M. H. (1993) Controller Design for Plants with Structured Uncertainty. Automatica 29(1), 3 ~ 5 6 32. Sznaier, M., Inanc, T. et al. (1999) Robust Controller Design for Active Vision Systems. Submitted for publication
21 R a n d o m i z e d A l g o r i t h m s for A n a l y s i s and Control of U n c e r t a i n Systems: A n O v e r v i e w Roberto T e m p o 1 and Fabrizio D a b b e n e 1 IRITI-CNR Politecnico di Torino Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 10129, Torino, Italy
it, dabbene~polito, it
A b s t r a c t . It is well-known that the dominating paradigm of the robustness research is the so-called worst-case model. In contrast to this model, the main feature of the approach studied in this paper is to provide a probabilistic assessment on the system robustness. We present here an overview of this research area, usually denoted as "probabilistic methods for analysis and control of uncertain systems." 21.1
The m o d e r n approach for robustness of control systems is mainly focused on a deterministic description of the uncertainty. Along this line of research, fundamental results have been obtained in the last twenty years, see for instance [6],[9],[40] and references therein. T h e main drawback of this approach, however, lies in the computational complexity limitations arising in a n u m b e r of problems, as pointed out in several recent papers on NP-hardness in s y s t e m and control, see e.g. [7],[8],[28]. This issue forces the control engineer to introduce simplifications and overbounding in the description of the uncertainty, in order to obtain a relaxed problem t h a t is easier to deal with. In this way, one trades tightness in the problem description with c o m p u t a t i o n a l efficiency. T h e study of probabilistic m e t h o d s for analysis and design of control systems has recently received a growing interest in the scientific community. Probabilistic and randomized techniques provide c o m p l e m e n t a r y methodologies for studying robustness, with a trade-off between c o m p u t a t i o n a l complexity and tightness of the solution [13],[15],[31],[41]. T h e starting point of the randomized approach is to introduce a probabilistic description of the unknown-but-bounded uncertainty. Unlike classical worst-case methods, randomized algorithms provide a probabilistic assessment on the satisfaction of design specifications. Besides their low complexity, a fundamental advantage of these algorithms resides in the fact t h a t the obtained robustness margins are larger t h a n the classical ones, if a pre-specified level of risk is accepted [12]. Probabilistic algorithms can therefore be used by the control engineer, together with classical robustness methods, in order to obtain useful additional information on the problem.
R. Tempo and F. Dabbene.
M(s) Fig. 21.1. M-A configuration.
In this paper, which is a revised and updated version of [38], we present a review of recent results on the probabilistic approach for robustness analysis and design of uncertain systems. In Section 2, we introduce definitions and notation. In Section 3, we derive explicit bounds for the number of samples required to estimate, within a given level of accuracy and confidence, the probability that a control system subject to random uncertainty A, with given probability density function (pdf) over a set Ap, attains a specified performance level ~. It can be easily shown that the number N of randomly generated samples is independent of the number of blocks (either real, complex or mixed) of the matrix A and the size of the set A o. This fact is an immediate consequence of the Law of Large Numbers and is often used in Monte Carlo simulations, see [22],[36],[37]. Subsequently, in Section 4, the problem of sample generation is outlined, and algorithms for the generation of random samples uniformly distributed in various norm-bounded sets are discussed. In Section 5, we show how probabilistic robust design can be performed in this framework. In particular, we discuss iterative algorithms for the design of Linear Quadratic Regulators that guarantee robustness properties in terms of probability. Conclusions are briefly summarized in Section 6.
In this paper, we use the standard M - A configuration adopted in worst-case robustness methods; see e.g. [40] for a more general discussion on this topic. In Figure 21.1, M(s) represents the deterministic part of the system, which consists of the nominal plant and controller transfer matrices and weighting functions, while A is used to describe various perturbations affecting the control system. Disturbances and errors are denoted by d and e, respectively. The class of allowable perturbations is defined as Zl -- {blockdiag [ q l l r l , . . .
, qtIr,,
9 9 , Ab]}.
21 Randomized Algorithm for Uncertain Systems
The vector q - [ql,q2,... ,q~]T 9 ~ takes into account real or complex parametric uncertainties affecting the plant, while the matrices A~ 9 F ~, ,m~, i ---- 1 , . . . , b are full block matrices generally introduced to represent high order unmodeled dynamics. T h e structured matrix A is restricted within a set Ap described in terms of norm-bounded balls of radius p
Ap -- { A 9 A : Ilqll <-- P, IIAill <-- p,i = 1,... ,b}. In the standard #-theory setting [18],[35], the induced g2-norm IIAll2 suPllxll2= i IIAxll2 is used, even though definitions of it based on the Frobeniusnorm have been also studied [23]. The choice of the g2-norm is clearly equivalent to take Ilqll~ and IIA~II2, i ---- 1 , . . . , b. We remark that, depending on the specific problem under attention, different gp norms may be chosen to describe parametric uncertainty. For example, one can choose/2 and gi norm balls as bounding sets for the uncertainty vector q; see e.g. [3]. In the classical problem of robustness analysis of the control system shown in Figure 21.1, the goal is to guarantee that a certain performance requirement is attained for all A E Ap. In general, this requirement can be stated in terms of the performance function u -- u ( n ) ,
where u(A) is a Lebesgue measurable function of A. Without loss of generality, in this paper we study a single performance function, but in general the simultaneous attainment of several performance requirements may be handled with the techniques presented here. A classical example of performance function deals with the ~ norm of a stable transfer function matrix Tde(M, A) between the disturbances d and the error e. T h a t is, we set
u ( A ) = []Tale(M, A)I[~, and check, for a given performance level V, if u(A) < 0/ for all A E Ap. Another example of performance function is related to robust stability of a continuous time MIMO system. To illustrate, consider a state-space realization of M, i.e.
M ( s ) = C ( s I - A ) - i B + D, with A E ~n,n stable and B, C, D real matrices of suitable dimensions. Then, if the well-posedness condition on D holds [33], we obtain {A: A + BA(I-
D A ) - I C stable} = { A : d e t ( I -
A M ( j w ) ) r 0, Vw E N}.
The performance function u(A) for robust stability of the M - A configuration is therefore given by u(A) = max(Re )~i(A), Re ~ 2 ( A ) , . . . , Re .~n(fli))
R. Tempo
and F. Dabbene.
where A I ( A ) , . . . ,An(A) are the eigenvalues of the uncertain m a t r i x A + B A ( I - D A ) - I C . In this case, clearly, robust stability is g u a r a n t e e d if
u(A) < O.
Further examples of performance functions, which include sensitivity minimization, disturbance attenuation and tracking, are described for instance in [40]. In general, robustness analysis is equivalent to one of the following two formulations
Performance Verification Problem For a given performance level ~f > 0, check whether
~(z~) _< for all A
Worst-Case Performance Problem Find Umax such t h a t Umax -
m a x u(A). AE~
As previously pointed out, the drawbacks of this worst-case p r o b l e m formulation are computational complexity and conservatism. These issues recently led to the formulation of a probabilistic approach, which is outlined in the next section.
Probabilistic Robustness Analysis
Consider the performance verification problem discussed in the previous section and define the two sets
Agood -- {A E •p: u(A) < ~}; ,dba~ "- { A E Ap : u(A) > "~}. Robust performance is attained for all A in the set Agood, while it is violated if A E A~bad. The union of Agood and A]bad obviously coincides with the uncertainty set Ap. Therefore, the volume
vol(Agood) -- f.
dA good
can be taken as a measure of the system robustness. We observe t h a t in classical robustness analysis, one of the objectives is to c o m p u t e the value of such that performance is guaranteed for all A E Ap. This is equivalent to require t h a t the set Agood coincides with Zip. On the other hand, in a probabilistic setting, we are satisfied if these two sets "approximately" coincide and, in particular, the following ratio is close to one
Randomized Algorithm for Uncertain Systems
vol(z~p) Next, we assume that the structured matrix A is a r a n d o m matrix with associated probability density function f ~ ( A ) and support Ap. Formally, for a given set S C A p , we define
P r o b { A 9 S} = / s
The probabilistic robustness of the M - A system is therefore stated in terms of the probability that the system satisfies the desired perfomance. In other words, if A is a random matrix, we aim to compute the "weighted" volume of the s e t Z~goo d with respect to the density function fA(A) Prob{A 9
Agood}= f .
all good
Prob {u(A) _< 7}.
Clearly, if fA(A) is the uniform density on Ap, the probability P r o b { A 9 Agood} coincides with the ratio, defined in (21.1), of the volumes vol(Agood) and vol(Ap). We remark that the choice of uniform distribution is common in this setting for its worst-case properties in a certain class of distribution functions [4]. 21.3.1
Verification Problem
We now study the probabilistic version of the performance verification problem. Given a performance level ~ > 0, we aim to estimate the probability of performance p~ -- Prob {u(A) _< 3,}.
The exact computation of this probability is in general very difficult, and only in very special cases can be computed in closed form, see e.g. [19]. More generally, p~ may be estimated by means of a randomized algorithm. To this end, we generate N independent identically distributed (i.i.d.) samples within Ap z~ 1, A 2 , . . 9 , A N C Z~p
according to the given density function fz~ (A). Subsequently, we compute
,u(A') and we construct the indicator function I(Ai) --
1 if u(A i) < ~/; 0 otherwise.
R. Tempo and F. Dabbene.
An estimate of p~ is immediately obtained as
PN : -~ E I( Ai) i=1 which is equivalent to
~ N - Ngood N where Ngood is the number of samples such t h a t u(A i) < V. The estimate ISN is usually referred to as empirical probability. Clearly, for a finite sample size, it is i m p o r t a n t to know how m a n y samples are needed to obtain a reliable estimate PN of p.~. This reliability can be measured in terms of the "closeness" of PN to the probability p~. T h a t is, given e E (0, 1), we impose [P~--/SNI = IProb{u(A) ___~ } - 10NI < e. Since :SN is estimated via r a n d o m sampling, we notice t h a t it is a r a n d o m variable. Therefore, for given 5 C (0, 1), we require Prob{Ipz - 15NI _< e} _> 1 -- 5.
The problem is then finding the minimal N such t h a t (21.3) is satisfied for fixed accuracy e c (0, 1) and confidence 5 C (0, 1). An immediate solution of this problem is given by the Bernoulli Law of Large Numbers [5].
Bernoulli Law of Large Numbers For any ~ e (0, 1) and ~ c (0, i), if 1
N >--- -4c25 then Prob{lpz --PN[ _< (~} _) 1 - 5 . The derivation of this bound is very simple and it is based upon the Chebyehev inequality [29]. We observe t h a t the number of samples c o m p u t e d with the Law of Large Numbers is independent of the number of blocks of A, the size of A 0 and the density function f A ( A ) . Unfortunately, the n u m b e r of samples N m a y be very large. For example, if e = 0.1% and 1 - 5 = 99.9%, we obtain N = 2.5 9 l0 s. We remark, however, t h a t the cost associated with the evaluation of u(A i) for fixed A i is polynomial-time in m a n y cases. This is true when dealing, for example, with the c o m p u t a t i o n of 7-/~ norms or when stability tests are of concern. Therefore, on the contrary of the worstcase robustness approach (see the discussion in Section 1), we conclude t h a t
Randomized Algorithm for Uncertain Systems
the total cost to perform probabilistic performance analysis is polynomialtime, provided t h a t polynomial-time algorithms for sample generation are available. This latter problem is addressed in Section 3. A bound which improves upon the previous one is the Chernoff Bound [16].
Chernoff Bound For any e e (0, 1) and 5 E (0, 1), if N >
log 2~2
then Prob{Ip-~ - PN[ ~ ~} ~ 1 - 5. We remark t h a t the Chernoff Bound largely improves upon the b o u n d of Bernoulli. For example, if e -- 0.1% and 1 - 5 = 99.9%, we c o m p u t e N = 3.9 9 106. Finally, we observe t h a t these bounds can be c o m p u t e d a priori and are explicit. T h a t is, given e and 5 one can find directly the m i n i m u m value of N . On the other hand, when computing the classical lower and upper confidence intervals, the sample size obtained is not explicit. More precisely, for given 5 E (0, 1), the so-called lower and upper confidence intervals PL and Pu are such t h a t P r o b { p / < p.~ <_Pu } = 1 - 5. The evaluation of this probability requires the solution with respect to PL and Pu of equations of the type N
(N) pLk(1-pL)N-k=SL;
k=Ngooa ]~good k=0
with 5L + 5u = 5. Clearly, the probabilities PL and pv can be c o m p u t e d only a posteriori, once the value of Ngood is known. Moreover, since an explicit solution of the previous equations is not available, standard tables are generally used; see e.g. [20] and [34].
Worst-Case Performance Problem
W h e n dealing with the worst-case performance problem, we look for a probabilistic estimate of Umax =
R. Tempo and F. Dabbene.
10 7
10 6
Chernoff Bound
Worst C a s e B o u n d
10 5
10 3
10 2
1 0 .3
10 .2 Confidence and Accuracy ~ = ~;
10 "1
Fig. 21.2. Comparison between Chernoff and worst-case bounds To this end, we adopt again a random sampling scheme, as in the performance verification problem, generating N i.i.d, samples within Ap. Consequently, we obtain UN
max i=1,2,... ,N
For this special formulation of the probabilistic robustness problem, a bound on the sample size N is given in [22] and [37]. Bound for worst-case performance For any e E (0, 1) and 5 E (0,1), if 1
N > l~ - log 1 -1- c
Prob{Prob{u(A) > fiN} --< c} > 1 -- 5.
In [15] the bound (21.4) is shown to be tight if the distribution function of A is continuous.
Randomized Algorithm for Uncertain Systems
We remark that the worst-case performance problem is a special case of the general empirical probability estimation discussed in the previous subsection. In fact, setting 7 = ?~N in (21.2) we obtain P'r = Prob {u(A) _< fiN} = 1 -- P r o b {u(A) > fiN} and PN =
Therefore, equation (21.3) becomes Prob{IP. - P N I ~ {?} ~---P r o b { P r o b { u ( A ) > ?ZN} _~ r Comparing the bound (21.4) with the Chernoff bound, it can be immediately verified that the number of samples required for the worst-case performance problem is much smaller than that needed for the performance verification problem; see Figure 21.2. However, there is no guarantee that ?~N is actually close to the maximum Um~x. As shown in Figure 21.3.2, the bound previously discussed only guarantees that the set of points greater than the estimated value has a measure smaller than e and this is true with a probability at least 1 - (~. In turn, this implies that if the function u(A) is sufficiently smooth, the estimated and actual maximum may be close. In [2] a similar problem, with only one level of probability, instead of the two probability levels studied in this section, is considered. However, in this case, the sample size may be an exponential function of the number of uncertainties and therefore computational complexity becomes a critical issue. Finally, we recall that many results on sample complexity, based on the introduction of powerful concepts like VC-dimension (a measure of the problem complexity), may be found in [39]; see also [24] for some recent results. 21.4
As discussed in the previous section, a problem which is critical in the probabilistic setting is the development of efficient algorithms for sample generation in various sets according to several distributions. The interested reader may refer to [17] and [27] for a general discussion on the topic of random number generation. In particular, in [17] several algorithms for univariate sample generation according to various distributions are shown, while in [27] Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo methods are analyzed in details. However, no specific algorithm for vector and matrix sample generation within sets of interest in robust control is provided in the Monte Carlo literature. We also remark that standard rejection methods cannot be used for their inefficiency, see details in [13]. In the context of uncertain control systems described in
R. Tempo and F. Dabbene.
yol Abad) Fig. 21.3. Interpretation of the worst-case bound the M - A form, the problem is the sample generation within Ap according to a given density function f n . For real and complex parametric uncertainties ql, q2,... , qt, bounded in the ~p norm-ball of radius p
BF(p ) -- {q e F e : Ilqllp ~ p} ,
the sample generation problem has a simple solution. We report here an algorithm, presented in [10], t h a t returns a real r a n d o m vector q uniformly distributed in the norm-ball BR (p). This algorithm is based on the so-called Generalized G a m m a density Ca,c(x), defined as ~a,c(X ) :
C F--~x
--x c
, x>0,
where a and c are given p a r a m e t e r s and F(a) is the G a m m a function.
Algorithm for uniform sample generation in BR(p) 1. Generate g independent
random real scalars ~i distributed
to C~,p(x). 2. Construct the random vector x E R e of components xi = s~i, where si are independent random signs. The random vector y---- ~ x is uniformly distributed on the boundary of ~R(p). 3. Generate z----w I/e, where w is a random variable ted in [0, 1]. Return q ----pzy.
Figure 21.4 visualizes the main steps of this algorithm in the simple case of sample generation of two dimensional real vectors in a circle of radius one (g = 2, p = 2, p = 1). First, we notice t h a t for p = 2 the Generalized G a m m a density C~,p(X) is related to the Gaussian density function. The r a n d o m
21 Randomized Algorithm for Uncertain Systems
samples drawn from a Gaussian distribution (step 1) are radially symmetric with respect to the g2 norm. Roughly speaking, this means that their level curves are g2-spheres. Secondly, the samples are normalized obtaining r a n d o m vectors uniformly distributed on the boundary of the circle (step 2), and then injected according to the volumetric factor z (step 3). We remark t h a t in [10] a similar algorithm for complex vectors uniformly distributed in the norm-ball Be (p) is presented. The related concept of p-normality is discussed in [21] and an algorithm for the sample generation on the boundary of the g2 norm-ball is given in [26]
step 1 41
Gaussian density 9 ~~.. . ' t . . . . . ~ . . ~.'i~,.#. . ' . . . . .
9" ' . .
".. "
step 2
9 ..,"
ste ~3 :,'..;.-;, .
1 0.8 0.6
0.2 0
-1 -I
-1 ~.8
. , " .~ ~..",..~ ,4. :~ ,'s~. .~'[..~ : ~..
1tjlS " " . ~*~.. " ~ ,
,, [..*
~...~'.~ r% .....'4~,'; ."o.-.,.',5.~..*:',1.'~:
.*,~.. 9 ' 9" * ' 4 " * * -0.8
~.~, .':~.:,'~~A ~. ~.. r :, ~,'~.:.~ ~.3
S. ,'3".."" * 2, -0.2
i"".'24"." 0.2
Fig. 21.4. Generation of real random vectors uniformly distributed in a circle
R. Tempo and F. Dabbene.
The sample generation problem becomes much harder when we are interested in the uniform generation of real and complex m a t r i x samples A E F ~'m bounded in the induced gp-norm. In particular, while the cases p = 1 and p = c~ can be immediately reduced to multiple r a n d o m vector generation for which the techniques described in [11] can be used, the solution for the induced g2-norm ball requires the development of specific methods. In particular, the algorithms presented in [13] and [14] are based on the singular value decomposition of the complex (real) m a t r i x A
A = UZV* where U and V are unitary (orthogonal) matrices and ~ is a diagonal m a t r i x containing the singular values of A. T h e main idea is to compute the density functions of U, Z and V, respectively, such t h a t the resulting p d f f A ( A ) is uniform. This approach is an extension of the methods described in [1] and [25] in the context of the theory of r a n d o m matrices for the special case when A is a real symmetric matrix.
Probabilistic Robust LQ Regulators
In this section, we discuss probabilistic robust design of uncertain systems in the classical setting of Linear Quadratic Regulators. We consider a state space description of the M - A system given in Figure 21.1, where the s t r u c t u r e d uncertainty A E Ap enters into the state m a t r i x of the system
J:(t) = A ( A ) x ( t ) + Bu(t),
with initial conditions x(0) = x0. The performance index is the s t a n d a r d quadratic cost function
j -
( x r ( t ) S x ( t ) + uT(t)Ru(t))dt
where S = S T _> 0 and R = R T > 0 are given weights. We take a state feedback law of the form
u(t) = - R - 1 B T Q - l x ( t )
with Q = QT > 0. For given V > 0, it is well-known t h a t the L Q R problem can be reformulated in terms of the Quadratic Matrix Inequality (QMI)
A ( A ) Q + Q A T ( A ) -- 2 B R - 1 B T + 7 ( Q S Q + B R - 1 B T) < O. T h a t is, if a solution Q = QT > 0 of this Q M I exists for all A E Ap, then the control law (21.8) quadratically stabilizes the system (21.7), and the cost
J < V-lxTQ-lxo
21 Randomized Algorithm for Uncertain Systems
is guaranteed for all A C Ap, see e.g. [30]. The solution given in [32] is based on a sequential algorithm. At each step of the sequence, the algorithm is based upon two stages 9 Generation of a random sample A k of the uncertainty A E Ap. 9 Subgradient computation for the convex constraint defined by the QMI
for A k. The first stage depends on the specific uncertainty structure under attention and can be performed using the methods described in Section 4. The outcome of this stage is a random sample A k E Ap. The second stage requires finding an "approximate solution" of a convex constraint defined by the guaranteed cost problem. This can be immediately performed by subgradient step and projection on a cone of nonnegative definite matrices. The outcome of this stage is to obtain Qk. In [32], under fairly mild assumptions, it is shown that this sequential algorithm provides a controller which guarantees a given cost with probability one in a finite number of steps. In addition, at a fixed step k, a lower bound of the probability that a quadratically stabilizing controller is found is also computed. One of the advantages of this solution is that very general uncertainty structures can be easily handled. For example, when dealing with quadratic stability of an uncertain system affected by structured or nonlinear parametric uncertainty, standard methods based on Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMI) [9] cannot be used without introducing overbounding. In addition, even if this conservatism is acceptable, the LMI solution generally requires to simultaneously solve a number of convex inequalities which is exponential in the number of parameters. Unless the problem size is very small, this issue is computationally critical so that finding a feasible solution with standard interior point methods may be very difficult or even intractable. On the other hand, the solution discussed here deals with only one constraint at each step of the sequence and therefore computational complexity is not an issue.
This paper is focused on nonstandard tools for analysis and control of uncertain systems, with emphasis on the interplay of probability and robustness. The goal is to combine hard bounds, which are frequently used in classical robust control, with probabitistie information which is often neglected in this context. The main advantage is to provide additional insight to the control engineer. This insight may be very useful in analyzing and designing uncertain control systems. We believe that future research will be mainly directed towards the syntesis of probabilistic robust controllers for output feedback and the development of probabilistic optimization algorithms.
R. Tempo and F. Dabbene.
Acknowlegdements: T h i s w o r k was s u p p o r t e d b y f u n d s o f I R I T I - C N R . T h e a u t h o r s e x p r e s s g r a t i t u d e t o P r o f e s s o r Y a s u m a s a F u j i s a k i for his h e l p f u l comments.
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Randomized Algorithm for Uncertain Systems
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22 D i s t r i b u t i o n a l l y R o b u s t M o n t e Carlo A n a l y s i s of Circuits: T h e T r u n c a t i o n Phenomenon * V i n c e n t W i n s t e a d a n d B. Ross B a r m i s h ECE Department, University of Wisconsin, Madison, W I 53706, USA
A b s t r a c t . This paper addresses the probabilistic robustness of a stochastic RLC network. Motivated by manufacturing considerations, we consider a class of admissible probability distributions ~ for the circuit parameters and study the behavior of the expected filter gain. It is first d e m o n s t r a t e d how the formal theory leads to the possibility t h a t the probability distribution maximizing the expected filter gain may be counterintuitive in the sense t h a t it is not a standard density function such as normal, uniform or impulsive. In this context, the so-called truncation phenomenon is described. Subsequently, it is shown t h a t this phenomenon is more t h a t a mathematical possibility. T h a t is, we provide RLC circuit realizations for which the truncation phenomenon actually occurs. Moreover, it is seen t h a t the number of computations to achieve the maximum expected filter gain can be quite large. Subsequently, we use such examples in the context of integrated circuits to hypothesize an unstructured co-dependent uncertainty model which appears to suggest a promising direction for future research. Using this model, we describe a m e t h o d of hyper-rectangular truncations to achieve a maximum expected filter gain. In this new setting, the truncation pathology is more easily handled.
This paper considers the so-called truncation phenomenon which occurs when s t u d y i n g p r o b a b i l i s t i c r o b u s t n e s s t e c h n i q u e s for a n a l y s i s of a n e l e c t r i c a l network. T h e m o t i v a t i o n for t h i s w o r k c o m e s f r o m t h e fact t h a t t h e t h e o r y of p r o b a b i l i s t i c r o b u s t n e s s involves c o m p u t a t i o n of an a p p r o p r i a t e p r o b a b i l i t y d i s t r i b u t i o n to b e used in n u m e r i c a l s i m u l a t i o n . W h e n t h e t r u n c a t i o n p h e n o m e n o n occurs, t h i s c o m p u t a t i o n m a y b e c o m p l i c a t e d . M o r e specifically, we a r e i n t e r e s t e d in e l e c t r i c a l n e t w o r k s w i t h a p r e s c r i b e d class of a d m i s s i b l e p r o b a b i l i t y d i s t r i b u t i o n s for t h e u n c e r t a i n e l e m e n t s . S u c h d i s t r i b u t i o n s a r e d e s c r i b e d in t e r m s of a p r i o r i b o u n d s for t h e u n c e r t a i n p a rameters and a requirement that larger deviations from the mean manufact u r i n g value a r e m o r e likely t h a n s m a l l e r d e v i a t i o n s ; see [5] for d e t a i l s . I n d e e d , we c o n s i d e r t w o - p o r t n e t w o r k s t r u c t u r e s s i m i l a r to t h a t u s e d in [10] w i t h a single i n d e p e n d e n t v o l t a g e s o u r c e a n d i m p e d a n c e s Zi as s h o w n in F i g u r e 22.1. * Funding for this research was provided by the National Science Foundation under Grant ECS-9811051 and the Ford Motor Company.
Vincent Winstead and B. Ross Barmish
, Z2,
. . . , Zn-1
F i g . 22.1 : T w o - P o r t Under Consideration For this network, we introduce the vector q of uncertain p a r a m e t e r s with components qi representing variation in resistors, capacitors or inductors. Furthermore, we let q0 denote the nominal m a n u f a c t u r i n g value for qi and take q+ and q~- to be prescribed positive u p p e r and lower bounds for qi. More specifically, for i = 1, 2 , . . . , n, we assume q O = 1 (q? + and take qi ~ Qi - [q~-, qi+ ]. Hence for qi, the associated radius of uncertainty is ri = q + - q ~
A classical Monte Carlo analysis with the n real p a r a m e t r i c uncertainties above requires sampling of the set
Q -QlxQ2x...xQn. If no statistical description of qi is provided, the question arises as to what probability distribution to use for q E Q. This question is a focal point of the line of research called probabilistic robustness. T h e next section describes the class of distributions for q over which we seek to establish robustness.
The Class of Admissible Probability
We work with the class of admissible probability distributions described in [5]. T h a t is, qi are assumed to be independent r a n d o m variables s u p p o r t e d in Qi with probability density function fi(q~), s y m m e t r i c a b o u t its mean qO and non-increasing with respect to [qi - qPl. We denote the vector of r a n d o m variables with admissible joint density function, f E ~-, as qf.
Robust Monte Carlo Circuit Simulation
E x p e c t e d Gain: T h e P e r f o r m a n c e B o u n d
As in [10], at frequency w > 0, we s t u d y the performance measure, g+(w) which is defined to be the tightest upper b o u n d for the expected voltage gain for the network under consideration. T h a t is, if
g(w, q) -"
is the gain at frequency w _> 0 associated with the r a n d o m p a r a m e t e r vector q, we seek
g+(w) -- sup $(g(w,q/)). This upper bound function is the so-called distributionally robust gain function for the network. It is noted t h a t the analysis to follow can also be a d a p t e d to study the corresponding lower bound function g - ( w ) -- inf g ( g ( w , q / ) ) . fcT
In [10], for the case of resistive networks satisfying a so-called essentiality condition, it is shown that an extremality result holds. T h a t is, for this restricted class of resistive networks with probability density f E ~-, g+ (w) is obtained using either the uniform or impulse distributions for each qi. For large n it is noted t h a t calculation of a performance bound based on this extremality condition m a y be combinatorially explosive in the sense t h a t 2 n extreme distributions are involved. Furthermore, for those non-essential network resistors for which it is not known whether an extremal distribution for q~ yields g+(w), Monte Carlo simulations are further complicated by the need to consider the possibility of the truncation phenomenon; see Section 22.2 below. In this regard, we emphasize the word "possibility" above for the following reason: For resistive networks, it is currently unknown whether the truncation phenomenon is a m a t h e m a t i c a l possibility or is actually realizable via a specific circuit. With b o t h truncations and combinatorics in mind, the first main objective of this p a p e r is to provide examples of networks with more general impedances (inductors and capacitors) for which the truncation p h e n o m e n o n occurs. When this phenomenon occurs, it is problematic in the sense t h a t the associated Monte Carlo computations m a y become unduly complicated. T h e second main objective of this p a p e r is to describe a new line of research which lends
Vincent Winstead and B. Ross Barmish
itself more easily to the problem of truncations and avoids combinatorics associated with extremality. The new problem formulation is m o t i v a t e d by integrated circuit (IC) structures and results obtained will not apply to circuits for which components are independently manufactured. To this end, we consider a new p a r a d i g m which hypothesizes an underlying co-dependence in the circuit p a r a m e t e r s of the physical IC layout. This co-dependent interaction spread across the entire physical topology of the IC leads us to hypothesize an overarching unstructured uncertainty model which can be studied using the radial truncation theory in [9]. In this framework, the so-called radial truncations which result are readily addressed in our Monte Carlo simulation. We now more formally describe the truncation phenomenon.
The Truncation Phenomenon
We first introduce some notation. Indeed, with -
for i = 1 , 2 , . . . , n and T-
T1 x T2 x - . . x T,-,,
we define truncated u n i f o r m distributions as follows: For t - (tl, t 2 , . . . , tn) E T, we take u t to be the probability density function with i-th marginal u~ corresponding to a uniformly distributed r a n d o m variable over the interval [q0 _ t~, q0 + t~]. Associated with the density u t, we take qt to be the corresponding r a n d o m vector. It is noted t h a t all such density functions are in the class 9v. An example of such a t r u n c a t e d uniform distribution, corresponding to qO = 0, is shown in Figure 22.2.
F i g . 22.2: Truncated Marginal Distributions of q~ The figure shows three admissible probability density functions in this class. One of these distributions is obtained with truncation ti = ri and the other two correspond to ti < ri. The Truncation Principle [8] stated below is the starting point for consideration of the truncation phenomenon.
Robust Monte Carlo Circuit Simulation
The Truncation Principle
Let Qbad C Fll be an open set. Then, sup Prob{q y E Qbad} = sup Prob{q t E Qbad}. feF
This indicates that for admissible probability distributions f E P , a truncation of the uniform distribution (including the possibility of an impulse as an extreme) leads to the highest probability t h a t q will lie in Qb,~d. T h a t is, a truncated uniform distribution is worst case for the class ] : of admissible distributions. A similar result also holds for expected gain. Namely, letting
g+(w) - sup f f(q)g(w,q) dq, fe~ JQ we have
= sup f
q) dq.
W h e t h e r the integrals above can be evaluated symbolically or not, the computation of g+ (w) is complicated by the need to find maximizing truncations t~. In the cases for which an eztremality condition holds, however, ti is restricted to
In the case where all ti are not known, there m a y be a need for combinatorially m a n y simulations involved in a search for the maximizing truncations t~. To illustrate, assume Monte Carlo simulations are performed over m sample values for each of the truncation p a r a m e t e r s ti. W i t h n r a n d o m p a r a m e t e r s qi, this would require m n simulations to estimate g+(w). In general, there is a potentially large number of Monte Carlo simulations associated with the estimation of g+(w). We see in the following section t h a t even a single uncertainty can generate the undesirable truncation phenomenon.
RC Filter Realization of the Truncation Phenomenon
We consider a first order RC filter as shown in Figure 22.3 with fixed resistor R and r a n d o m capacitor C with distribution f E Jr and mean value Co. Taking q '-- C, we define the voltage gain of the filter by measuring the output voltage across the capacitor. At frequency w > 0, this gain is given by
~1 + w2R2q 2"
Vincent Winstead and B. Ross Barmish
+ V~n
Fig. 22.3: First Order RC Filter
For this circuit, analyzed in a different context in [11], we consider nominal parameter values R = R0 = 7 . 3 K ~ and Co = 100#F.
~'(g(1, qUt)) 0.8078
0.8077 0
' 0.2
' 0.6
' 0.8
Fig.22.4: Plot of Expected Gain Over the Range of Truncation Working with uncertainty bound [q[ _< r - 0.5C0 and frequency w = 1, we obtain g+(1) = sup fCo+t 1 te[0,r] Jco-t V/1 + R2q 2 dq. Performing the integration above, we obtain g+(1) = tc[o,r]sup~1 {ln[R(Co + t) + V/1 + R2(Co + t) 2] - l n [ R ( C o - t) + X/1 + R2(Co - t)2]}.
Robust Monte Carlo Circuit Simulation
To obtain the maximizing truncation, we plot $(g(1, qt)) versus t and obtain maximizing t = t* ~ 0.72r and associated gain truncation g+(1) = E(g(1, qt*)) ~ 0.8078. Generating the solution for this filter involved a search with respect to t E [0, r]. Although this is reasonable with only one truncation, the c o m p u t a t i o n becomes a nonlinear p r o g r a m for the more general case of multiple uncertainties. The next example d e m o n s t r a t e s the severity of this problem with six uncertain parameters.
A Second C o u n t e r e x a m p l e to Extremality
We consider the six p a r a m e t e r R L C ladder network in Figure 22.5 below.
Fig.22.5: R L C Filter Network The uncertainty vector q for this example is
q -- ( R 1 , L 1 , C 1 , R 2 , L2, C2), the nominal vector qO is taken to be qO o o o o o o ---- (R1, L1, C1, R2, L2, C2) = (1000Y2, 100H, 10pF, 100~2, 80H, 10#F) and the radius of uncertainty for qi is ri - 0.6q ~ The output voltage is measured across C2 and the associated voltage transfer function is given by c ( ~ , q) -
1 a4(q)s 4 + a3(q)s 3 + a2(q)s 2 + al(q)s + ao(q)
where ao(q) -= 1 and al(q) - qlq6 + qlq3 + q4q6; a2(q) - qlq3q4q6 + q2q6 + q2q3 + qsq~; a3(q) - qlq3q5q6 + q2q3qaq6; a4(q) - q2q3q5q6.
Vincent Winstead and B. Ross Barmish
Hence, at frequency w E [0, oo), we obtain gain magnitude
g(w, q) = IG(jw, q)l =
q) +
B l ( w , q) = 1 - (qlq3q4q6 + 2q2q3 + q2q6 + qsq6)w 2 + q2q3q5q6wa; B2(w, q) = (qlq3 + qaq6 + qlq6)w - (q2q3qaq6 + qlqaq5q6)w a. We now consider the maximization of the expected gain over the extreme distributions. To this end, we took frequency w = & --- 58 and c o m p u t e d
ge(d2) -
sup $(g(&,qt~)) QE{0,ri} 1.33659
To show t h a t the truncation phenomenon occurs, it suffices to provide one truncation t = t such that $(g(&, qt)) > ge(&). Indeed, with = (133.6261, 38.4707, 5.889 • 10 -6, 22.4681, 47.0858, 3.34 • 10-7), we computed C(g(&, i)) ~ 1.5089 > g~(&). We conclude t h a t the truncation phenomenon occurs; this raises the spectre of combinatorially overwhelming calculations to obtain the desired performance bound g+ (w). We conclude this part of the paper by noting t h a t the truncation phenomenon and extreme point combinatorics present a serious obstacle for further research involving independently varying circuit parameters. In the next p a r t of the paper, we describe a separate, albeit related, line of research which seems more promising as far as truncations and combinatorics are concerned.
A Co-Dependent Distribution Paradigm
To this point our focus for the first p a r t of this p a p e r has been on uncertainty in circuit network p a r a m e t e r s with independence in each p a r a m e t e r assumed. In an assembled circuit with individual components perhaps from different manufacturers, this is a reasonable assumption. However, for an IC, where multiple components are built up using layers of material, it stands to reason t h a t the uncertainty a m o n g circuit p a r a m e t e r s has an underlying
Robust Monte Carlo Circuit Simulation
co-dependence based on the manufacturing process. For component dense integrated networks which one would encounter in IC manufacturing processes, uncertainty arises in the thickness of the substrates, the doping layers, the contact sizes, the etching process, etc. Due to the proximity of the components and their layout structure, there is strong evidence that the uncertainties in the process of laying the different components have a direct relationship. For example, a larger uncertainty in the size of a resistive contact directly implies a larger uncertainty in the small signal capacitances of the neighboring component. This is shown in Figure 22.6 where areas A and B represent two resistive contacts, ql the uncertain thickness of contact A which is proportional to the resistance associated with the contact and q2, the uncertain small signal capacitance between contacts A and B. In this case, ql and q2 are dependent parameters.
Fig. 22.6: IC Layout Structure with Uncertainty
Unstructured Uncertainty
Inter-dependency effects as described above are more pronounced as the density of the components increase. Given such relationships, we further hypothesize that this dependency effect is not a localized phenomenon, but is spread throughout an IC topology to such a large extent that the underlying uncertainties are unstructured. In the sequel, we adopt the point of view that there are unstructured uncertainties over the hyper-rectangle of admissible uncertainties Q. With this motivation, we consider the spherical distribution framework of [9] in the context of the uncertainty hyper-rectangle above.
A d m i s s i b l e P r o b a b i l i t y D i s t r i b u t i o n s -%'s
The network parameters qi are assumed random with probability density function f(q) which is spherically symmetric and radially non-increasing over
Vincent Winstead and B. Ross Barmish
the uncertainty hyper-rectangle Q. More precisely, taking
Ilqlloo =
max i
Iqd, r i
and observing that the support set for f(q) is
Q = {q 9 R n: I I q - q~
-< 1},
the following conditions characterize membership f E :Ps: First, if IIqI - q~ > IIq2 - q~ , then f(ql) < f(q2). Second, i f IIq I - q ~ = IIq2 - q~162 , then / ( q i ) = f(q2). Consistent with the early section of this paper, for 0 _< p <_ 1, we let u p denote the probability density function which is uniformly distributed over the truncated sphere
Qp = {q e Q: Ilq-q~
with qP being the associated random vector. 1.5
S(g(&, qP)) 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1 0.90
Fig. 22.7: Plot of Expected Gain Over the Range of Scaling
Truncation Principle
With the setup above, the results in [8] indicate that the expected gain satisfies the condition sup E(g(w, qf)) -- sup E(g(w, qP)). pe[O,l]
f E.~'S
Robust Monte Carlo Circuit Simulation
With n uncertain parameters, the condition above leads to variation of only one truncation instead of n. Hence, to maximize the expected gain, the number of Monte Carlo simulations is quite reasonable and does not depend on the dimension of the uncertainty vector q. In other words, with onedimensional truncation scaling p, we restrict Monte Carlo simulations by varying p over [0, 1].
RLC Revisited
We now analyze the RLC network of Section 22.4 with the added assumption t h a t it was produced by an IC manufacturing process. Consistent with the spherical uncertainty framework above, for a fixed frequency w > 0, we perform Monte Carlo simulations by varying p between zero and one. In Figure 22.7, the expected gain of the R L C network is plotted versus the radial truncation p a r a m e t e r p. Each p E [0, 1] defines the t r u n c a t i o n set Qp from which samples are drawn uniformly. For & = 58, we see t h a t the m a x i m u m expected gain is obtained with p = p* ~ 0.23. T h a t is, sup s /cJ:s
q])) = C(g(&, qP*)) ~ 1.405.
In the first part of this paper, we provided a realization of the t r u n c a t i o n phenomenon in an RLC circuit context. Subsequently, motivated by the underlying physical structure of ICs, and through discussion of the associated difficulties, we described another class of circuit problems for which the truncation problem is more readily addressed. This results in a practical m e t h o d for robustness analysis which is felt to be worthy of further study.
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Vincent Winstead and B. Ross Barmish
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Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences Edited by M. Thoma and M. Morari 1997-2000 Published Titles:
Vol. 231: Emel'yanov, S.V.; Burovoi, I.A.; Levada, F.Yu. Control of Indefinite Nonlinear Dynamic Systems 196 pp. 1998 [3-540-76245-0] Vol. 232: Casals, A.; de Almeida, A.T. (Eds) Experimental Robotics V: The Fifth International Symposium Barcelona, Catalonia, June 15-18, 1997 190 pp. 1998 [3-540-76218-3] Vol. 233: Chiacchio, P.; Chiaverini, S. (Eds) Complex Robotic Systems 189 pp. 1998 [3-540-76265-5] Vol. 234: Arena, P.; Fortuna, L.; Muscato, G.; Xibilia, M.G. Neural Networks in Multidimensional Domains: Fundamentals and New Trends in Modelling and Control 179 pp. 1998 [1-85233-006-6] Vol. 235: Chen, BM. Hoo Control and Its Applications 361 pp. 1998 [1-85233-026-0] Vol. 236: de AImeida, A.T.; Khatib, O. (Eds) Autonomous Robotic Systems 283 pp. 1998 [1-85233-036-8] Vol. 237: Kreigman, D.J.; Hagar, G.D.;
Morse, A.S. (Eds) The Confluence of Vision and Control 304 pp. 1998 [1-85233-025-2] Vol. 238: Ella, N. ; Dahleh, M.A.
Computational Methods for Controller Design 200 pp. 1998 [1-85233-075-9] Vol. 239: Wang, Q.G.; Lee, T.H.; Tan, K.K. Finite Spectrum Assignment for Time-Delay Systems 200 pp. 1998 [1-85233-065-1]
Vol. 240: Lin, Z. Low Gain Feedback 376 pp. 1999 [1-85233-081-3] Vol. 241: Yamamoto, Y.; Hara S. Learning, Control and Hybrid Systems 472 pp. 1999 [1-85233-076-7] Vol. 242: Conte, G.; Moog, C.H.; Perdon AM. Nonlinear Control Systems 192 pp. 1999 [1-85233-151-8] Vol. 243: Tzafestas, S.G.; Schmidt, G. (Eds) Progress in Systems and Robot Analysis and Control Design 624 pp. 1999 [1-85233-123-2] Vol. 244: Nijmeijer, H.; Fossen, T.I. (Eds) New Directions in Nonlinear Observer Design 552pp: 1999 [1-85233-134-8] Vol. 245: Garulli, A.; Tesi, A.; Vicino, A. (Eds) Robustness in Identification and Control 448pp: 1999 [1-85233-179-8] Vol. 246: Aeyels, D.; Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue, F.; van der Schaft, A. (Eds) Stability and Stabilization of Nonlinear Systems 408pp: 1999 [1-85233-638-2] Vol. 247: Young, K.D.; OzgCiner, 0. (Eds) Variable Structure Systems, Sliding Mode and Nonlinear Control 400pp: 1999 [1-85233-197-6] Vol. 248: Chen, Y.; Wen C. Iterative Learning Control 216pp: 1999 [1-85233-190-9]
Vol. 249: Cooperman, G.; Jessen, E.; Michler, G. (Eds) Workshop on Wide Area Networks and High Performance Computing 352pp: 1999 [1-85233-642-0]
Vol. 259: Isidori, A.; Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue, F.;
Vol. 250: Corke, P. ; Trevelyan, J. (Eds)
Vol. 260: Kugi, A.
Experimental Robotics VI 552pp: 2000 [1-85233-210-7]
Non-linear Control Based on Physical Models 192pp. 2001 [1-85233-329-4]
Vol. 251: van der Schaft, A. ; Schumacher, J. An Introduction to Hybrid Dynamical Systems 192pp: 2000 [1-85233-233-6]
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Respondek, W. (Eds) Nonlinear Control in the Year 2000 Volume 2 640pp. 2001 [1-85233-364-2]
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