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Page v Contents List of Figures Chapter 1. Conventions Used in This Book Chapter 2. Data Tables Mathematical and Physical Constants ASCII EBCDIC (Extended Binary-Coded Decimal Interchange Code) Morse Code Audio Notes Touch Tone Telephone Frequencies Phonetic Alphabets Radio 10 Codes
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Page vi Chapter 3. Miscellaneous Electronics Resistor Color Coding Electromagnetic Spectrum Digital Logic Chapter 4. Formulas DC Electronics Formulas Physical Formulas Conversions Speaker Output SoundBlaster Output Memory Allocation Chapter 5. PC Addressing Memory Map I/O Space Map Interrupt Function by Number Chapter 6. Motherboard Basic Architecture Block Diagram Caching Chapter 7. Processors Architecture Programming Caches Instruction Sets
Page vii Chapter 8. 8086/8087 Processor Data Formats Chapter 9. Adapter Card Busses ISA PCI Chapter 10. USB Bus Connections to the PC Data Packet Formats Data Transfer Types Device Enumeration PC Host Configuration Chapter 11. Boot Process POST Operation Bus ROM Operating System Boot Chapter 12. Video Interfaces Video Modes with Character/Pixel Information Character/Color Information Display Adapter Connections Display Scan Rates Chapter 13. Keyboard/Mouse Controller Rgister Definition Connector Specification
Page xi Assembler Directives Linking Chapter 24. BASIC Language Declarations Statements Operators Microsoft Enhanced Statements QBASIC Command-Line Options Chapter 25. C Language Declarations Statements Operators Directives Reserved Words Escape Sequences Streaming Common C Functions Chapter 26. Debuggers DEBUG.COM CODEVIEW TOOLS.INI Chapter 27. Win32 Kernel/Operating System Architecture USER, GDI and Kernel
Page xii WIN.INI Windows Registry Arenas Rings Virtual Memory Manager V86 MODE COM/OLE/ActiveX Chapter 28. Windows Device Drivers Dynamic Link Libraries (.DLL) Virtual Device Drivers (.VxDs) Win32 Device Models (.WDMs) Chapter 29. Visual Basic Integrated Development Environment Controls MSComm Chapter 30. Visual C++ Object-Orientated Programming Microsoft Development Studio Microsoft Function Classes (MFC) Suggested Visual C++ Debugging Process Chapter 31. Microsoft Foundation Classes
Page xiii Chapter 32. Windows Extensions and DPMI APIs Chapter 33. Sample Routines Far Conditional Jump Macro Passing Parameters Interrupt Handler Skeletons Interrupt Vector Capture and Release DMA Transfer Set Up Batch File I/O Utilities String Operations Critical Timing Using the 8254 Tone Output on PC's Speaker Video Output Hex/ASCII Data Conversion ASCII Lowercase to Uppercase Conversion Keyboard Handlers Mouse Handlers Serial Port I/O File I/O Joystick Pot Read SoundBlaster Register/DSP Access Visual Basic MSComm Initialization Visual Basic MSComm ''OnComm" Event Handler Chapter 34. Basic HTML URL Types
Page 1 Chapter 1 Conventions Used in This Book Hz Hertz (cycles per second) kHz Kilohertz (thousands of cycles per second) MHz Megahertz (millions of cycles per second) GHz Gigahertz (billions of cycles per second) bps Bits per second KBps Thousands of bits per second MBps Millions of bits per second
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< previous page Page 2 KB MB GB Ω kΩ μF ms μs 0×0nn, $nn, 0nnh, and H'nn' 0b0nnn, %nnn, 0nnnb, and B'nnn' nnn, 0nnnd, and .nnn AND and & OR and | XOR and ^ _Label
[parameter] parameter | parameter [d:] [putn]
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1024 bytes 1,048,576 bytes 1,073,741,824 bytes Ohm 1000 ohms Microfarads Milliseconds Microseconds Hex numbers Binary number Decimal number Bitwise AND Bitwise OR Bitwise XOR Negative active pin. In some manufacturer's data sheets this is represented with a leading ! character or with a bar over the entire label. The parameter is optional One or another parameter can be used Optional MS-DOS disk drive specification Optional MS-DOS disk directory path specification
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Page 3 Chapter 2 Data Tables Mathematical and Physical Constants Symbol Value Description AU 149.59787 × (106) km Astronomical 92,955,628 miles unit (distance from the Sun to the Earth) c 2.997958 × (108) m/s Speed of light 186,282 miles/s in a vacuum e 2.7182818285 Epsilon-o 8.854187817 × (10-12) F/m Permittivity of free space Ev 1.60217733 × (10-19) J Electron volt value
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Page 4
g h k me mn mp pc π (pi)
R sigma u μo None
32.174 ft/sec2 9.807 m/sec2
Acceleration due to gravity 6.626 × (10-34) Js Planck constant 1.380658 × (10-23) J/K Boltzmann entropy constant 9.1093897 × (10-31) kg Electron rest mass 1.67493 × (10-27) kg Neutron rest mass 1.67263 × (10-27) kg Proton rest mass 2.06246 × (105) AU Parsec 3.1415926535898 Ratio of circumference to the diameter of a circle 8.314510 J/(K × mol) Gas constant 5.67051 × (10-8) StefanW/(m2 × K4) Boltzmann constant 1.66054; × (10-27) grams Atomic mass unit 1.25664; × (10-7) N/A2 Permeability of vacuum 331.45 m/s Speed of 1087.4 ft/s sound at sea level, in dry Air at 20° C 1480 m/s Speed of 4856 ft/s sound in water at 20° C
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Page 5 ASCII The ASCII definition uses the seven bits of each ASCII character. 3-0 | 6-4 -> 000 001 | 010 011 100 101 110 111 V | Control | Characters 0000 | NUL DLE | Space 0 @ P ' p 0001 | SOH DC1 | ! 1 A Q a q 0010 | STX DC2 | " 2 B R b r 0011 | ETX DC3 | # 3 C S c s 0100 | EOT DC4 | $ 4 D T d t 0101 | ENQ NAK | % 5 E U e u 0110 | ACK SYN | & 6 F V f v 0111 | BEL ETB | ' 7 G W g w 1000 | BS CAN | ( 8 H X h x 1001 | HT EM | ) 9 I Y I y 1010 | LF SUB | * : J Z j z 1011 | VT ESC | + ; K [ k { 1100 | FF FS | , < L \ l | 1101 | CR GS | = M ] m } 1110 | SO RS | . > N Λ n ~ 1111 | SI US | / ? O _ o DEL ASCII control characters The ASCII control characters are specified as a means of allowing one computer to communicate and control another. These characters are actually commands; if the BIOS or MS-DOS display or communications APIs are used with them, they will revert back to their original purpose. As noted in the section on IBM extended ASCII characters, writing these values (all less than 0;×020) to the display will display graphics characters. Normally, carriage return/line feed is used to indicate the end of a line. Null is used to indicate the end of an ASCIIZ
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Page 6 string. Backspace will move the cursor back one column to the start of the line. The bell character, when sent to MS-DOS will cause the PC's speaker to ''beep." Horizontal tab is used to move the cursor to the start of the next column that is evenly distributed by eight. Form feed is used to clear the screen. Hex Mnemonic Definition 00 NUL Null. Used to indicate the end of a string 01 SOH Message start of header 02 STX Message start of text 03 ETX Message end of text 04 EOT End of transmission 05 ENQ Enquire for identification or information 06 ACK Acknowledge the previous transmission 07 BEL Ring the bell 08 BS Backspace. Move the cursor on column to the left 09 HT Horizontal tab. Move the cursor to the right to the next tab stop (Normally, a column evenly divisible by eight) 0A LF Line feed. Move the cursor down one line 0B VT Vertical tab. Move the cursor down to the next tab line 0C FF Form feed up to the start of the new page. For CRT displays, this is often used to clear the screen 0D CR Carriage return. Move the cursor to the leftmost column 0E SO Next group of characters do not follow ASCII control conventions, so they are shifted out 0F SI The following characters do follow the ASCII control conventions and are shifted in
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17 18
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Data link escape. ASCII control character start of an escape sequence. In most modern applications, escape (0 × 01B) is used for this function Not defined. Normally application specific Not defined. Normally application specific Not defined. Normally application specific Not defined. Normally application specific Negative acknowledge. The previous transmission was not properly received Synchronous idle. If the serial transmission uses a synchronous protocol, this character is sent to ensure that the transmitter and receiver remain synched End-of-transmission block Cancel and disregard the previous transmission End of medium. Indicates end of a file. For MS-DOS files, 0×01A is often used instead Substitute the following character with an incorrect one Escape. Used to temporarily halt execution or put an application into a mode to receive information Marker for file separation of data being sent Marker for group separation of data being sent Marker for record separation of data being sent Marker for unit separation of data being sent
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Page 8 ANSI display control sequences From MS-DOS applications, you can move the cursor or change the current display colors one of two ways. Normally, I use the BIOS functions and direct writes to video RAM. The second way is to load the ANSI.SYS device driver in the CONFIG.SYS using the statement: device = [d:][path]ANSI.SYS When the escape sequences listed are output using the standard output device (using the MS-DOS APIs), the commands are executed. This method is not often used for two reasons. First, it is much slower than using the BIOS APIs and writing directly to video RAM. For an application that seems to change the screen in the blink of an eye, then the ANSI display control sequences are not the way to do it. The second is, ANSI.SYS takes away 10 KB of memory that would normally be available for applications. There are two advantages of using the ANSI display control sequences. First, it will make applications very portable. Passing the source to another system's just requires recompilation and linking. Second, sending data serially to a receiver able to receive these sequences (set up as an ANSI or VT100-compatible terminal), will provide simple graphic operations in an application. In the following table, ESC is the ASCII Escape character 0×01B. Sequence Function Esc[=#h Set the PC's Display mode. This is not available in ''true" ANSIcompatible devices.
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# # # # # #
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= = = = = =
0 = 40 × 25 Monochrome 1 = 40 × 25 Color 2 = 80 × 25 Monochrome 3 = 80 × 25 Color 4 = 320 × 200 Color graphics 5 = 320 × 200 Monochrome graphics # = 6 = 640 × 200 Monochrome graphics # = 7 = Wrap to next line at line end # = 14 = 640 × 200 Color graphics # = 15 = 640 × 350 Monochrome graphics # = 16 = 640 × 480 Color graphics # = 17 = 640 × 480 Color graphics # = 18 = 640 × 480 Color graphics # = 19 = 320 × 200 Color graphics Esc[=#l Reset the PC's Display mode. This is not available in true ANSI-compatible devices. # = 0 = 40 × 25 Monochrome # = 1 = 40 × 25 Color # = 2 = 80 × 25 Monochrome # = 3 = 80 × 25 Color # = 4 = 320 × 200 Color graphics # = 5 = 320 × 200 Monochrome graphics # = 6 = 640 × 200 Monochrome graphics # = 7 = do not wrap at line end Esc[#m Set Character Attributes # = 0 = Normal (gray on black) # = 1 = Intensity bit set for foreground colors # = 4 = Underscore characters in MDA # = 5 = Blink characters in MDA # = 7 = Reverse the character foreground color with the background
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# = 8 = Make MDA characters invisible # = 30 = Black foreground # = 31 = Red foreground # = 32 = Green foreground # = 33 = Yellow foreground # = 34 = Blue foreground # = 35 = Magenta foreground # = 36 = Cyan foreground # = 37 = White foreground # = 40 = Black background # = 41 = Red background # = 42 = Green background # = 43 = Yellow background # = 44 = Blue background # = 45 = Magenta background # = 46 = Cyan background # = 47 = White background Esc[2j Clear the display Esc[K Erases from the current cursor position to end of the line Esc[6n Device status report = Request the current position to be returned in the standard input device Esc[#;%R This is the current cursor row (#) and column (%) loaded into the standard input after a device status report Esc[#;%f Move cursor to Row # and Column % Esc[#;%F Move cursor to Row # and Column % Esc[#;%H Move cursor to Row # and Column % Esc[#A Move the cursor up # Rows Esc[#B Move the cursor down # Rows Esc[#C Move the cursor to the right by # columns Esc[#D Move the cursor to the left by # columns Esc[s Saves the current cursor position
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Page 11 Esc[u
Restores the cursor position to the saved position Esc[F Move the cursor to the Home position (Row = Column = 1) Esc[H Move the cursor to the Home position (Row = Column = 1) Esc[#;%p Reassign key # to % Esc[#;STRp Reassign key # to String STR IBM PC extended ASCII characters The additional 128 characters shown in {Reference ''Char2" Graphic} can do a lot to enhance a character mode application without having to resort to using graphics. These enhancements include special characters for languages other than English, engineering symbols and simple graphics characters. These simple graphics characters allow lines and boxes in applications to be created (Figures 2.1 and 2.2). Windows ASCII characters ASCII control characters do have meaning in Windows applications and do not have corresponding graphics characters for video RAM. The Windows character set starts with the Blank (ASCII0×020) and only has the 232 upper characters defined. This character set is based on ASCII, with the upper 128 characters defined for special functions and "national languages" (Figure 2.3).
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Figure 2.1 IBM PC ''Extended ASCII" Set 0–0x07F.
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Figure 2.2 IBM PC ''Extended ASCII" Set 0x080–0x0FF.
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Page 14
Figure 2.3 Microsoft Windows ''Arial" Font. EBCDIC (Extended Binary-Coded Decimal Interchange Code) In the following table, empty spaces do not have any characters. Notice that EBCDIC is an 8-bit code. 3–0 7–4> 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F V 0 SP & = 0 1 / a j A J 1 2 b k s B K S 2 3 c l t C L T 3 4 d m u D M U 4 5 LF e n v E N V 5 6 f o w F O W 6 7 g p x G P X 7 8 h q y H Q Y 8 9 i r z I R Z 9 A CT ! : B . $ , # C < * % @ D ( ) _ E + ; > = F | ? " NOTE: SP is space and CT is a cents character.
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Page 15 Morse Code . = Dot - = Dash Character Code A .B -... C -.-. D -.. E . F ..-. G --. H .... I .. J .--K -.L .-.. M -N -. O --P .--. Q --.R .-. S ... T U ..V ...W .X -..Y -.-Z --.. 1 .---2 ..--3 ...-4 ....5 ..... 6 -.... 7 --... 8 ---.. 9 ----. 0 -----
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Page 16 Period .-.-., --..: ---.. Dash -.../ -..-. ? ..--.. Error ........ End Trans .-.-. Inv Trans -.Audio Notes Around middle C, notice that the octave above is twice the note frequency and the octave below is one half of the note frequency. Note Frequency G 392 Hz G# 415.3 Hz A 440 Hz A# 466.2 Hz B 493.9 Hz C 523.3 Hz C# 554.4 Hz D 587.3 Hz D# 622.3 Hz E 659.3 Hz F 698.5 Hz F# 740.0 Hz G 784.0 Hz G# 830.6 Hz A 880.0 Hz A# 932.3 Hz B 987.8 Hz TouchTone Telephone Frequencies Frequency 1209 Hz 1336 Hz 1477 Hz 697 Hz 1 2 3 770 Hz 4 5 6
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Page 17 852 Hz 7 8 9 941 Hz * 0 # Phonetic Alphabets Letter Engineering Aviation A Able Alpha B Baker Bravo C Charlie Charlie D Dog Delta E Easy Echo F Fox Foxtrot G George Gulf H Harry Hotel I Izzy India J Joe Juliet K Kitten Kilo L Larry Lima M Mike Mike N Nancy November O Oscar Oscar P Peter Papa Q Quincy Quebec R Robert Romeo S Sam Sierra T Tom Tango U Under Uniform V Vic Victor W Walter Whiskey X X-Ray X-Ray Y Young Yankee Z Zebra Zulu Radio 10 Codes Code Message 10-1 Receiving poorly, bad signal
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Page 18 10-2 Receiving OK, strong signal 10-3 Stop transmitting 10-4 Message received 10-5 Relay message 10-6 Busy, please stand by 10-7 Out of service 10-8 In service 10-9 Repeat message 10-10 Finished, standing by 10-11 Talk slower 10-12 Visitors present 10-13 Need weather/road conditions 10-16 Pickup needed at ______ 10-17 Urgent business 10-18 Is there anything for us? 10-19 Nothing for you, return to base 10-20 My location is ______ 10-21 Use a telephone 10-22 Report in person to _____ 10-23 Stand by 10-24 Finished last assignment 10-25 Contact ______ 10-26 Disregard last information 10-27 I'm changing to channel _____ 10-28 Identify your station 10-29 Your time is up for contact 10-30 Does not conform to FCC rules 10-32 I'll give you a radio check 10-33 Emergency traffic at this station 10-34 Help needed at this station 10-35 Confidential information 10-36 The correct time is _____ 10-37 Wrecker needed at _____ 10-38 Ambulance needed at _____ 10-39 Your message has been delivered 10-41 Please change to channel _____ 10-42 Traffic accident at _____ 10-43 Traffic congestion at _____ 10-44 I have a message for _____
All units within range please report in Break channel What is the next message number Unable to copy, please call on telephone Net directed to _____ Net clear Standing by, awaiting your next message All units comply Fire at _____ Proceed with transmission in sequence Speed trap at _____ Your transmission is causing interference Negative contact Reserve hotel room for _____ Reserve room for _____ My telephone number is _____ My address is _____ Radio repairman is needed at _____ I have TVI Talk closer to the microphone Your transmitter needs adjustment Check my frequency on this channel Please give me a long count Transmit dead carrier for five seconds Mission completed, all units secure Police needed at _____
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Page 21 Chapter 3 Miscellaneous Electronics Resistor Color Coding Color coding on resistors is based on the bands around the device (Figure 3.1). The actual value is determined as: Resistance = (First digit × 10 + Second digit) × Multiplier
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Figure 3.1 Resistor Bands. Color First Digit Second Digit Multiplier Tolerance Black 0 0 1 Brown 1 1 10 Red 2 2 100 Orange 3 3 1000 Yellow 4 4 10,000 Green 5 5 100,000 Blue 6 6 1,000,000 Violet 7 7 10,000,000 Gray 8 8 100,000,000 White 9 9 1,000,000,000 Gold 0.1 5% Silver 0.01 10% No band 20% Electromagnetic Spectrum Frequency Use 0 Hz Direct current (dc) 15 30 16 10
to to to to
20,000 Hz 15,000 Hz 4186.01 Hz 16 kHz
3 to 30 kHz 3 to 30 Hz
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Audio frequencies Human hearing Musical scales ''Ultrasonics" Very low frequency Extremely low frequency radio transmissions
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< previous page Page 23 30 to 300 Hz 15 kHz to 300 MHz 535 to 1705 kHz 3.5 to 4 MHz 7 to 7.3 MHz 10.100 to 10.150 MHz 14.10 to 14.35 MHz 18.068 to 18.168 MHz 21.00 to 21.45 MHz 24.890 to 24.990 MHz 26.965 to 27.405MHz 26.95 to 27.54 MHz 28.00 to 29.70 MHz 30 to 300 MHz 30 to 50 MHz 50 to 54 MHz 54 to 72 MHz 72 to 76 MHz 76 to 88 MHz 88 to 108 MHz 108 to 118 MHz 118 to 136 MHz 148 to 174 MHz 144 to 148 MHz 174 to 216 MHz 216 to 470 MHz 220 to 225 MHz 225 to 400 MHz 420 to 450 MHz 462.55 to 563.20MHz 300 to 3000 MHz 470 to 806 MHz 806 to 890 MHz 890 to 3000 MHz
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Ultra low frequency radio transmissions Radio frequencies AM broadcast bands 80-Meter amateur band 40-Meter amateur band 30-Meter amateur band 20-Meter amateur band 17-Meter amateur band 15-Meter amateur band 12 Meter amateur band Citizens band (CB) Industrial, scientific, medical use 10-Meter amateur band Very high frequencies Police, fire, forest, highway, railroad 6-Meter amateur band TV channels 2 to 4 Government TV channels 5 and 6 FM broadcast band Aeronautical navigation Civil communication band Government 2-Meter amateur band TV channels 7 through 13 Miscellaneous communication 1¼-Meter amateur band Military 0.7-Meter amateur band Citizens band Ultra high frequencies/radar TV Channels 14 through 69 Cellular telephone Miscellaneous Communication
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< previous page Page 24 3 to 30 GHz 30 to 300 GHz
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Miscellaneous communication/radar Super high frequencies/radar
Wavelength 30 μm to 0.76 μm 0.76 μm to 0.39 μm 6470 to 7000 Angstroms 5850 to 6470 Angstroms 5750 to 5850 Angstroms 5560 to 5750 Angstroms 4912 to 5560 Angstroms 4240 to 4912 Angstroms 4000 to 4240 Angstroms 320 to 4000 Angstroms 0.032 to 0.00001 μm 0.00001 to 0.0000006 μm
Radiation type Infrared light and heat Visible light Red light Orange light Yellow light Maximum visibility light Green light Blue light Violet light Ultraviolet light X-rays Gamma rays
< 0.0005 Angstroms Cosmic rays Radar bands Frequency Band 390 to 1550 MHz L 1550 to 5200 MHz S 5200 to 10,900 MHz X 10,900 to 36,000 MHz K 36,000 to 46,000 MHz Q 46,000 to 56,000 MHz V 56,000 to 100,000 MHz W
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Page 25 Digital Logic The output/threshold levels for +5-V logic is: Technology Input Threshold Output ''Low" Output "High" TTL 1.4 Volts 0.3 Volts 3.3 Volts HC 2.4 Volts 0.1 Volts 4.9 Volts HCT 1.4 Volts 0.1 Volts 4.9 Volts CMOS 2.5 Volts 0.1 Volts 4.9 Volts Gates The six most common logic gates are:
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Page 26
Flip flops
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Page 27 Chapter 4 Formulas Dc Electronics Formulas Where: V = Voltage I = Current R = Resistance C = Capacitance L = Inductance Ohm's law:
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Page 28 Power: Series resistance: Parallel resistance: Two resistors in parallel: Series capacitance: Parallel capacitance: Wheatstone bridge:
Ac electronics formulas Resonance:
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Page 29 RC time constant: RL time constant: RC charging:
RC discharging:
Coil inductance formulas Coil around linear form:
Coil around a toroid with a square cross-section:
Transformer current/voltage:
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Page 30 Transmission-line characteristic impedance: Physical Formulas Frequency: For electromagnetic waves: Perfect Gas Law:
Boolean arithmetic Identify functions:
Output Set/Reset:
Identity law:
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Page 31 Double negation law: Complementary law:
Idempotent law:
Commutative law:
Associative law:
Distributive law:
De Morgan's Theorem:
Note: AND is often represented as multiplication, nothing between terms,. or*. OR is often represented as addition with + between terms.
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Page 32 Conversions 1 Inch = 2.54 Centimeters 1 Mile = 1.609 kilometers 1 Ounce = 29.57 Grams 1 Gallon = 3.78 Liters 1 Atmosphere = 29.9213 Inches of mercury = 14.6960 Pounds per square inch = 101.325 Kilopascals 10,000,000,000 Angstroms = 1 Meter 1,000,000 Microns = 1 Meter Tera = 1000 Giga Giga = 1000 Mega Mega = 1000 Kilo Kilo = 1000 Units Unit = 100 Centi Unit = 1000 Milli 1 Hour = 3600 Seconds 1 Year = 8760 Hours Speaker Output For calculating the frequency when a PC's Timer 2 is loaded with a reload value (using mode 3) use the formula: To calculate the reload value from the frequency:
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Page 33 SoundBlaster Output To get the correct value for loading in the SoundBlaster's registers for a specific frequency, use the formula: Memory Allocation Memory under MS-DOS is allocated by paragraphs. To calculate the correct number of paragraphs, use the formula:
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Page 35 Chapter 5 PC Addressing Memory Map
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Page 36 I/O Space Map Only the lower 10 bits of the I/O space have been specified for the basic PC/AT register operation. Some PC/ XT-specific registers have been omitted from this list. It is not obvious in the following table, but I/O port addresses 0x0000 to 0×00FF are on the motherboard while the addresses above are on adapter cards. For some motherboards, registers are accessed at addresses 0×0400 and above. To avoid problems, ONLY specify addresses below 0×0400. Address Register Description 0000h DMA channel 0 address (low addressed first, then high) 0001h DMA channel 0 word count (low addressed first, then high) 0002h DMA channel 1 address (low addressed first, then high) 0003h DMA channel 1 word count (low addressed first, then high) 0004h DMA channel 2 address (low addressed first, then high) 0005h DMA channel 2 word count (low addressed first, then high) 0006h DMA channel 3 address (low addressed first, then high) 0007h DMA channel 3 word count (low addressed first, then high) 0008h Read = DMA 1 channel 0-3 status register Bit 7 = Channel 3 request Bit 6 = Channel 2 request Bit 5 = Channel 1 request Bit 4 = Channel 0 request Bit 3 = Channel terminal count on Channel 3 Bit 2 = Channel terminal count on Channel 2
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0009h 000Ah
000Ch 000Dh 000Eh
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Bit 1 = Channel terminal count on Channel 1 Bit 0 = Channel terminal count on Channel 0 Write = DMA 1 channel 0-3 command register Bit 7 = DACK sense active high Bit 6 = DREQ sense active high Bit 5 = Extended write selection Bit 4 = Rotating priority Bit 3 = Compressed timing Bit 2 = Enable controller DMA 1 write request register DMA 1 Channel 0-3 mask register Bit 7-3 = Reserved Bit 2 = Mask bit Bit 1-0 = Channel select - 00 Channel 0 - 01 Channel 1 - 10 Channel 2 - 11 Channel 3 DMA 1 Channel 0-3 mode register Bit 7-6 = Operating mode - 00 Demand mode - 01 Single mode - 10 Block mode - 11 Cascade mode Bit 5 = Address increment select Bit 3-2 = Operation - 00 Verify operation - 01 Write to memory - 10 Read from memory - 11 Reserved Bit 1-0 = Channel select - 00 Channel 0 - 01 Channel 1 - 10 Channel 2 - 11 Channel 3 DMA 1 clear byte pointer flip-flop Read = DMA 1 read temporary register Write = DMA 1 master clear DMA 1 clear mask register
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0040h 0041h 0042h 0043h
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DMA 1 write mask register Interrupt controller 1 initialization command word Bit 7-5 = 0 = Only used in 80/85 mode Bit 4 = ICW1 request Bit 3 = Interrupt Request mode - 0 Edge-triggered mode - 1 Level-triggered mode Bit 2 = Interrupt vector size - 0 Eight-byte interrupt vectors - 1 Four-byte interrupt vectors Bit 1 = Operating mode - 0 Cascade mode - 1 Single mode Bit 0 = IC4 requirements - 0 Not needed - 1 Needed Interrupt controller 1 interrupt mask register Bit 7 = 0 Enable parallel printer interrupt Bit 6 = 0 Enable diskette interrupt Bit 5 = 0 Enable fixed-disk interrupt Bit 4 = 0 Enable serial port 1 interrupt Bit 3 = 0 Enable serial port 2 interrupt Bit 2 = 0 Enable video interrupt Bit 1 = 0 Enable keyboard, mouse, RTC interrupt Bit 0 = 0 Enable timer interrupt 8254 Timer counter 0 and counter divisor register 8254 Timer counter 1 and counter divisor register 8254 Timer counter 2 and counter divisor register 8254 Timer mode/control port
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Bit 7-6 = Counter select - 00 Counter 0 - 01 Counter 1 - 10 Counter 2 Bit 5-4 = Counter read/write operation - 01 Read/write low counter byte - 10 Read/write high counter byte - 11 Read/write low, then high counter bytes Bit 3-1 = Counter Mode select - 000 Mode 0 - 001 Mode 1/programmable one shot - x10 Mode 2/rate generator - x11 Mode 3/square-wave generator - 100 Mode 4/softwaretriggered strobe - 101 Mode 5/hardwaretriggered strobe Bit 0 = Counter type - 0 Binary counter - 1 BCD counter Read = Keyboard controller Bit 7 = Keyboard inhiBit (reset) Bit 6 = CGA (reset) Bit 5 = Manufacturing jumper install Bit 4 = Reset if system RAM 512 KB Bit 3-0 = Reserved Write = Keyboard controller Bit 7 = Keyboard data output Bit 6 = Keyboard clock output Bit 5 = Input buffer full (reset) Bit 4 = Output buffer empty (reset) Bit 3-2 = Reserved Bit 1 = Address line 20 gate Bit 0 = System reset
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Read = Keyboard controller port B control register Bit 7 = Parity check Bit 6 = Channel check Bit 5 = Current timer 2 output Bit 4 = Toggles with each refresh request Bit 3 = Channel check status Bit 2 = Parity check status Bit 1 = Speaker data status Bit 0 = Timer 2 gate to speaker status Write = 8255-Compatible port Bit 7 = Clear keyboard Bit 6 = Hold keyboard clock low Bit 5 = I/O Check enable Bit 4 = RAM Parity check enable Bit 3 = Read low/high switches Bit 2 = Reserved Bit 1 = Speaker clock enable Bit 0 = Timer 2 gate to speaker enable Read = Keyboard controller status Bit 7 = Parity error on keyboard transmission Bit 6 = Receive timeout Bit 5 = Transmit timeout Bit 4 = Keyboard inhibit Bit 3 = Input register type - 1 Data-in input register is command - 0 Data-in input register is data Bit 2 = System flag status Bit 1 = Input buffer status Bit 0 = Output buffer status Write Keyboard controller input buffer 20 = Read byte zero of internal RAM, this is the last KB command send to 8042 21-3F = Reads the byte specified in the lower 5 bits of the
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command in the 8042's internal RAM 60-7F = Writes the data byte to the address specified in the five lower bits of the command. 0065h Address line 20 gate control Bit 2 = A20 gate control 1 = A20 enabled 0 = A20 disabled 0070h PC/AT CMOS RAM index register port Bit 7 = NMI enable Bit 6-0 = CMOS RAM index 0071h PL/AT CMOS RAM data port 00 = Current second in BCD 01 = Alarm second in BCD 02 = Current minute in BCD 03 = Alarm minute in BCD 04 = Current hour in BCD 05 = Alarm hour in BCD 06 = Day of week in BCD 07 = Day of month in BCD 08 = Month in BCD 09 = Year in BCD (00-99) 0A = Status register A Bit 7 = Update progress Bit 6-4 = Divider that identifies the time-based frequency Bit 3-0 = Rate-selection output 0B = Status register B Bit 7 = Run/halt control Bit 6 = Periodic interrupt enable Bit 5 = Alarm interrupt enable Bit 4 = Update-ended interrupt enable Bit 3 = Square-wave interrupt enable Bit 2 = Calendar format Bit 1 = Hour mode Bit 0 = Daylight savings time enable 0C = Status register C
DMA Controller 2 Channel 4-7 mode register Bit 7-6 = Operating mode - 00 Demand mode - 01 Single mode - 10 Block mode - 11 Cascade mode Bit 5 = Address increment select Bit 3-2 = Operation - 00 Verify operation - 01 Write to memory - 10 Read from memory - 11 Reserved Bit 1-0 = Channel select - 00 Channel 0 - 01 Channel 1 - 10 Channel 2 - 11 Channel 3 DMA controller 2 Channel 4-7 clear byte pointer Read = DMA controller channel 4-7 read temporary register Write = DMA controller Channel 4-7 master clear DMA controller 2 Channel 4-7 clear mask register DMA controller 2 Channel 4-7 write mask register Math coprocessor clear busy latch Math coprocessor reset Opcode transfer register Opcode transfer register Opcode transfer register Hard-disk controller data register Hard-disk controller error register Bit 7 = Failing drive Bit 6-3 = Reserved Bit 2-0 = Status = 001 No error = 010 Formatter device error = 011 Sector buffer error
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01F2h 01F3h 01F4h 01F5h 01F6h 01F7h
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= 100 ECC circuitry error = 101 Controlling microprocessor error Sector count Sector number Cylinder low Cylinder high Drive/head Read = Hard-disk controller status register Bit 7 = Controller execution status Bit 6 = Drive status Bit 5 = Write fault Bit 4 = Seek complete Bit 3 = Sector buffer requires servicing Bit 2 = Disk data read successfully corrected Bit 1 = Index Bit 0 = Previous command ended in error Write = Hard-disk controller command register Read = Joystick Position and status Bit 7 = Status B joystick button 2 Bit 6 = Status B joystick button 1 Bit 5 = Status A joystick button 2 Bit 4 = Status A joystick button 1 Bit 3 = B joystick Y coordinate Bit 2 = B joystick X coordinate Bit 1 = A joystick Y coordinate Bit 0 = A joystick X coordinate Write = Fire joystick's four one shots SoundBlaster = Left speaker status/address Address: 01 = Enable waveform control 02 = Timer #1 data 03 = Timer #2 data 04 = Timer-control flags
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08 = Speech-synthesis mode 20-35 = Amplitude modulation/vibrato 40-55 = Level key scaling/total level 60-75 = Attack/decay rate 80-95 = Sustain/release rate A0-B8 = Octave/frequency number C0-C8 = Feedback/algorithm E0-F5 = Waveform selection 0221h SoundBlaster = Left speaker data 0222h SoundBlaster = Right speaker/address Address: 01 = Enable waveform control 02 = Timer #1 data 03 = Timer #2 data 04 = Timer-control flags 08 = Speech-synthesis mode 20-35 = Amplitude modulation/vibrato 40-55 = Level key scaling/total level 60-75 = Attack/decay rate 80-95 = Sustain/release rate A0-B8 = Octave/frequency number C0-C8 = Feedback/algorithm E0-F5 = Waveform selection 0223h Right speaker = Data port 0278h LPT2 Data port 0279h LPT2 Status port Bit 7 = Busy Bit 6 = Acknowledge Bit 5 = Out of paper Bit 4 = Printer selected Bit 3 = Error Bit 2 = IRQ occurred Bit 1-0 = Reserved 027Ah LPT2 Control port Bit 7-6 = Reserved Bit 5 = Data output control Bit 4 = IRQ enable Bit 3 = Select printer Bit 2 = Initialize
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Bit 1 = Line feed Bit 0 = Strobe 02E8h 8514/A Display status 02E8h 8514/A Horizontal total 02EAh 8514/A DAC mask 02EBh 8514/A DAC read index 02ECh 8514/A DAC write index 02EDh 8514/A DAC data 02F8h Serial port 3 transmitter/receiver registers/divisor latch low 02F9h Serial port 2 interrupt enable register/divisor latch high 02FAh Serial port 2 interrupt Identification register 02FBh Serial port 2 line-control register 02FCh Serial port 2 modem-control register 02FDh Serial port 2 Line status register 02FFh Serial port 2 Scratchpad register 0300h-031Fh IBM prototype card addresses 0360h-036Fh Network cards 0370h Secondary diskette controller status A 0371h Secondary diskette controller status B 0372h Secondary diskette controller digital output register 0374h Read = secondary diskette controller main status register secondary diskette controller data rate select register 0375h Secondary diskette controller command/data register 0377h Read = Secondary diskette controller digital input register Write = Select register for diskette data-transfer rate 0378h LPT1 data port 0379h LPT1 status port Bit 7 = Busy Bit 6 = Acknowledge Bit 5 = Out of paper Bit 4 = Printer selected Bit 3 = Error
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Bit 2 = IRQ occurred Bit 1-0 = Reserved 037Ah LPT1 control port Bit 7-6 = Reserved Bit 5 = Data output control Bit 4 = IRQ enable Bit 3 = Select printer Bit 2 = Initialize Bit 1 = Line feed Bit 0 = Strobe 0380h-038Fh Secondary SDLC registers 0390h-039Fh IBM cluster adapter 03A0h-03AFh Primary SDLC registers 03B4h MDA CRT index register 03B5h MDA CRT data register Address Function 00 Horizontal total 01 Horizontal displayed 02 Horizontal sync position 03 Horizontal sync pulse width 04 Vertical total 05 Vertical displayed 06 Vertical sync position 07 Vertical sync pulse width 08 Interlace mode 09 Maximum scan lines 0A Cursor start 0B Cursor end 0C Start address high 0D Start address low 0E Cursor location high 0F Cursor location low 10 Light pen high 11 Light pen low 03B8h MDA mode-control register Bit 7-6 = Reserved Bit 5 = Blink enable Bit 4 = Reserved Bit 3 = Video enable Bit 2-1 = Reserved Bit 0 = High-resolution mode
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Page 49 03B9h 03BAh 03BBh 03BCh 03BDh
03C0h 03C1h 03C2h
03C4h 03C5h 03C6h 03C7h 03C8h 03C9h 03CAh
EGA color select Read = EGA CRT status register Write = EGA/VGA feature-control register Reserved for EGA MDA LPT1 data port MDA LPT1 status port Bit 7 = Busy Bit 6 = Acknowledge Bit 5 = Out of paper Bit 4 = Printer selected Bit 3 = Error Bit 2 = IRQ occurred Bit 1-0 = Reserved MDA LPT 1 Control port Bit 7-5 = Reserved Bit 4 = IRQ enable Bit 3 = Select printer Bit 2 = Initialize Bit 1 = Line feed Bit 0 = Strobe Hercules configuration switch register Bit 7-2 = Reserved Bit 1 = Enable upper 32-KB graphic buffer Bit 0 = Disable graphics mode EGA/VGA ATC Index/data register VGA other-attribute register Read = EGA/VGA input-status 0 register Write = VGA miscellaneous-output register VGA sequencer index register VGA other sequencer index register VGA PEL mask register VGA PEL address Read mode/VGA DAC state register VGA PEL address Write mode VGA PEL data register VGA feature-control register
VGA miscellaneous output register VGA graphics address register VGA other graphics register CGA CRT index register CGA CRT (6845) data register CGA mode-control register Bit 7-6 = Reserved Bit 5 = Blink enable Bit 4 = 640×200 Graphics mode select Bit 3 = Video enable Bit 2 = Monochrome signal select Bit 1 = Text mode select Bit 0 = Text mode select CGA palette register Bit 7-6 = Reserved Bit 5 = Active color set select Bit 4 = Intense color select Bit 3 = Intense border select Bit 2 = Red border/background/ foreground select Bit 1 = Green border/background/ foreground select Bit 0 = Blue border/background/ foreground select CGA status register Bit 7-4 = Reserved Bit 3 = Vertical retrace status Bit 2 = Light pen status Bit 1 = Light pen trigger set Bit 0 = Memory select EGA/VGA feature-control register Clear light pen latch Preset light pen latch Serial port 3 transmitter/receiver registers/divisor latch low Serial port 3 interrupt-enable register/divisor latch high Serial port 3 interrupt identification register
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Page 51 03EBh 03ECh 03EDh 03EFh 03F0h 03F1h 03F2h
Serial port 3 line-control register Serial port 3 modem-control register Serial port 3 line-status register Serial port 3 scratchpad register Primary diskette controller status A Primary diskette controller status B Primary diskette controller digital output register 03F4h Read = Primary diskette controller main status register Primary diskette controller datarate-select register 03F5h Primary diskette controller command/data register 03F7h Read = Primary diskette controller digital input register Write = Select register for diskette data-transfer rate 03F8h Serial port 3 transmitter/receiver registers/divisor latch low 03F9h Serial port 1 interrupt-enable register/divisor latch high 03FAh Serial port 1 interrupt identification register 03FBh Serial port 1 line-control register 03FCh Serial port 1 modem-control register 03FDh Serial port 1 line-status register 03FFh Serial port 1 scratchpad register Interrupt Function by Number All chapter numbers in this table refer to chapters in the book Inside PC Interfacing by Myke Predko. Interrupt Name and Comments 00h Divide-by-zero error 01h Single step
Page 56 Processor support subsystem In modern PCs, the following three chips (from different manufacturers) are used to support the PC's processor. These chips replace the 70 or so SSI, MSI, and LSI chips used in the PC/AT and other PCs. Northbridge Provide CPU 66-/100-/133-MHz bus Interface to L2 Cache Interface to RAM/ROM PCI bus controller AGP interfaces Southbridge Many systems use the PIIX4 (called PIXIE-4) chip Provide PCI-to-ISA interface EIDE disk interfaces USB interface Real-time clock interface In some systems, also diskette serial, parallel, keyboard, and mouse interfaces SuperIO Provides peripheral interfaces Keyboard and mouse
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Page 57 Serial Parallel ROM subsystem Read-Only Memory (ROM), as the name implies, can only be read by the PC's processor and not written to it. Typically, this memory is in the form of EPROM (Electrically Programmable Read-Only Memory) or flash. This memory contains the code necessary to allow the PC to perform a POST or POD (which stands for Power On Self-Test and Power On Diagnostics, respectively), followed by starting up and loading the operating system (boot) and provide a standard interface for devices on the motherboard (known as BIOS). Flash is similar to EPROM, but can be electrically erased and reprogrammed while it is in circuit (such as on the PC's motherboard). The purpose of flash is to allow the manufacturer to update the PC's ROM code without having to take back the motherboards and replace chips. If you have flash on your motherboard, it should only be used for boot code and BIOS storage; it is not an area that can be used for storing data. The PC generally has 128 KB of ROM on the motherboard, starting at address 0×0E000:0×0000. ROM has two primary characteristics. First, it never loses its programmed information—even when the power is turned off. This is important because the code is used to self-test the PC and boot the PC's operating system. This ability to retain the programmed in data is known as nonvolatility. RAM is known as volatile memory because its contents are lost when power is removed. The other major characteristic of ROM is that it's slow. A relatively fast EPROM will have a 90-ns access time. This is a problem with modern PCs that have a 66.67-MHz (15-ns period)
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Page 58 local bus cycle time. When the processor is reading from the ROM, wait states are inserted so that the ROM has time to output the correct data. At the end of the wait states, the data is passed to the processor. Local bus RAM The term local memory is kind of a loosely defined term that is used to describe memory on the PC's motherboard and not on external cards or subsystems. I would characterize external memory as memory connected through one of the PC's busses. In the early days of the PC, an adapter card with on-board memory was a very common means of increasing the amount of memory available to the PC's processor. Today, most motherboards can handle a large amount of memory in the form of SIMMs (Single In-line Memory Modules) or DIMMs (Dual In-Line Memory Modules), which interface directly to the processor's local bus. External memory might not be able to run at full bus speed, which lessens its usefulness in modern PCs. Caching Level 1 cache is on the processor chip itself. This cache is typically very small (eight to 16 KB) and runs at the processor's speed (i.e, a 300-MHz Pentium will have an onboard cache with a 3.3-ns cycle time). Most caches use an LRU (Least Recently Used) algorithm to determine which addresses can be overwritten. Level 2 cache is usually on the motherboard and runs at about twice the local bus speed and is usually measured in hundreds of kilobytes to megabytes. This cache usually holds a
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Page 59 large fraction of the currently executing application and is a relatively fast source for the processor to reload its Level 1 cache. I/O subsystem The I/O space in the Intel microprocessors consists of a 16-bit address space. When IBM first created the PC, the assumption was that a 64-KB I/O space was much more than what would be required (after all, the PC itself was first shipped with 16 KB or 64 KB of RAM). So, the only the least-significant 10 bits of the I/O address are decoded and the most-significant six bits are ignored. For the PC/AT, the I/O address map was defined with address 0-0×0FF being decoded on the motherboard and addresses 0×0100 to 0×03FF available on the I/O slots. Register Location Address Range Device Motherboard 0-0×01F DMA Controller 1 0×020-0×03F Interrupt controller 1 0×040-0×05F System timer 0×060-0×06F Keyboard interface 0×070-0×07F RTC, NMI mask 0×080-0×09F DMA page register 0×0A0-0×0BF Interrupt controller 2 0×0C0-0×0DF DMA controller 2 0×0F0-0×0FF Math coprocessor I/O slots 0×01F0-0×01F8 Hard-disk controller 0×0200-0×0207 Joystick I/O Registers 0×0278-0×027F Printer port 2 0×02E8-0×02EF Serial port 4 0×02F8-0×02FF Serial port 2 0×0360-0×036F Reserved 0×0378-0×037F Printer port 1 0×03C0-0×03CF Reserved 0×03D0-0×03DF Color graphics adapter 0×03E8-0×03EF Serial port 3 0×03F0-0×03F7 Diskette controller 0×03F8-0×03FF Serial port 1
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Page 60 It is important to note that in modern PCs, the upper six address bits are used for motherboard functions and should never be accessed by applications. Timer subsystem with registers The PC utilizes the Intel 8254 programmable timer for its system timer, as well as a part of the DRAM refresh circuit and speaker output. Other than using the speaker hardware, no other timer functions should be accessed. The 8254 consists of three timers, all driven by a 1.19-MHz clock (which is a 14.31818-MHz clock divided by 12). In the original PC, the 14.31818-MHz clock was used as a central systems clock and divided by 12 to get the 1.19-MHz clock. Each 8254 programmable timer channel takes the 1.19-MHz clock input and responds according to the function in which it is operating. Each channel can operate in six different modes. Because the timer is quite simple and your writing should ONLY be made to channel 2 (the speaker channel). The 8254 programmable timer, when used in the PC can be blocked out as in Figure 6.2. The pins on the 8254 are quite simple. Clock is the input clock. Gate refers to an enable pin for the clock channel and Out is the output of the timer. The function of Out is defined by the 8254 operating mode. Each channel of the 8254 could be modeled as in Figure 6.3. Four register addresses are used by the 8254. The first three registers are used for loading and reading the two eight-bit counter registers for each of the timer channels. The forth address is the configuration register. To control the operation of the three timer channels and to specify how the channel timer registers are to be accessed, a
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Figure 6.2 The PC's 8254 Timer Block Diagram.
Figure 6.3 8254 Channel Block Diagram. control word is written to I/O address 0×0043. This control word is defined as: Bits Function 7-6 Channel to be used 5-4 Read/write load type 0 = Counter latching
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Page 62 1 = LSB only 2 = MSB only 3 = LSB followed by MSB 3-1 Mode number (0-5 valid) 0 0 = Divide by hex 1 = Divide by decimal (BCD) To specify how the counter is to be loaded, writing to the control word will specify how it is to be done. Reading and writing the low byte followed by the high byte is typically used. 8254 Modes of Operation Mode Operation 0 Output pin active on terminal cont. 1 Output low and then active on preset delay 2 Pulse output active on overflow 3 Toggle output on overflow 4 Output pulse of specified width 5 Measure pulse Speaker output The PC's speaker (timer Channel 2) is gated twice in Register 060h. Normally, the timer channel control register is loaded with 0B6h. Bit 0 is used to gate the timer channel. When set the timer will run. Bit 1 is the output gate control. When its set, the overflow from the timer will be passed to the speaker. Interrupt controller subsystem with registers The PC uses the Intel 8259A as its interrupt controller. The 8259A in the PC is known as the Peripheral Interrupt Controller (PIC). The 8086 was designed to use the 8259A,
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Figure 6.4 8259 Interrupt Controller Block Diagram. which means that it interfaces seamlessly to the device and can access its different modes, including cascading, which allows multiple 8259As to be wired together to provide up to 64 interrupt sources for the processor. Most of the 8259A's features are embedded in ASICs, but the function of the interrupt controller is identical to the operation of the PC/ATs two 8259As (Figure 6.4). Interrupt Process 1. Hardware interrupt request received. 2. If source masked ignore request. 3. If source is not highest priority pending, ignore request. 4. Make V interrupt request active processor. 5. When processor makes ''IntA" active, put interrupt number onto the bus.
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Page 64 6. Processor pushes flags and CS:IP onto stack. 7. Processor retrieves the interrupt table vector and executes at address. When the interrupt has finished processing, the interrupt handler will write an End Of Interrupt (EOI) byte (equal to 0×020) to the 8259A to indicate that the interrupt has been processed. Interrupt requests from the 8259A can be ''nested" (i.e., inside an interrupt handler, the IF flag can be set, allowing new interrupts while the current handler is processing). As long as execution within interrupt handlers is not changed, the 8259A will track the EOIs for the different interrupt instances. When the PC/AT was introduced, it used two cascaded 8259As to provide the same number of interrupts as the PC along with the PC/AT's RTC and six additional interrupts for the 16-bit wide ISA bus. Interrupt controller registers In the 8259A, only two registers are actually available. At the base address (0×020 for the primary 8259A and at 0×0A0 for the secondary 8259A), the EOI byte (0×020) is written to the status register and at the base address plus one is the mask register address. The mask register bits are set if specific interrupt sources are to invoke interrupt requests to the processor. The mask register bits correspond to the bit of the request (i.e., COM1 is bit four of the primary 8259A) and must be set before interrupts requests can be passed to the processor. In the PC's master or primary 8259A, the following interrupt sources and numbers have been provided. These sources are masked directly.
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Figure 6.5 8259 Interrupt Operation.
Figure 6.6 The PCs Interrupt Block Diagram. Interrupt Number Mask Bit Level Vector Address Description 0×008 0 IRQ0 0×00000:0×00020 8254 Clock 0×009 1 IRQ1 0×00000:0×00024 Keyboard N/A 2 0×00000:0×00028 SlaveReserved
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3 4 5
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0×00000:0×0002C Com 2 0×00000:0×00030 Com 1 0×00000:0×00034 Hard disk/LPT 2 0×00E 6 IRQ6 0×00000:0×00038 Floppy disk 0×00F 7 IRQ7 0×00000:0×0003C LPT 1 The interrupt number is the number for the interrupt source output from the 8259A when the IntA pin is asserted. The interrupt level (also reference as IRQn, where n is the level) is an arbitrary value given to the interrupt by IBM when it designed the PC. The slave or secondary 8259A provides the following interrupt sources and numbers: Interrupt Number Mask Bit Level Vector Address Description 0×070 0 IRQ8 0×00000:0×001C0 Real-time clock N/A 1 0×00000:0×001C4 Slave IRQ 0×072 2 IRQ10 0×00000:0×001C8 ISA pin D3 0×073 3 IRQ11 0×00000:0×001CC ISA pin D4 0×074 4 IRQ12 0×00000:0×001D0 ISA pin D5 0×075 5 IRQ13 0×00000:0×001D4 Numeric co-processor 0×076 6 IRQ14 0×00000:0×001D8 ISA pin D7 0×077 7 IRQ15 0×00000:0×001DC ISA pin D6 In the secondary 8259A, the interrupt sources are primarily available on the 16-bit extension for the ISA bus. These pins are not allocated and can be used by user-defined hardware. Like the primary 8259A, to reset an interrupt request in the secondary 8259A is accomplished by writing a 0×020 byte to the control address (which is 0×0A0 in the secondary 8259A)
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Page 67 followed by writing 0x020 to the primary 8259A's control address (0×020). In C, this would be accomplished by: outp( 0×0A0, 0×020 ); // Reset Secondary 8259A outp( 0×020, 0×020 ); // Reset the Primary 8259A Interrupt handler operation The subroutine used to respond to an interrupt is known as an interrupt handler or interrupt service routine. A handler, in the PC, can take the form: 1. Save the context registers 2. Reset the interrupt requesting hardware 3. Reset the interrupt controller 4. Enable interrupts 5. Execute the response to the event causing the interrupt 6. Restore the context registers 7. Return execution to the mainline The context registers are the processor's various internal registers that are needed to execute the application at the current point in the software. These registers include the program counter, the flags register and the various register contents. Popping the registers off the stack is done in the opposite order.
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Page 68 Once the context information is saved, the requesting hardware can be reset and the interrupt handler should save any information that is specific to it. Interrupt table The interrupt table in the 8086 is a memory area reserved for the 256 interrupt vectors needed for each interrupt available within the 8086. The vectors themselves are pointers to the various interrupt handlers. This table is located at the start of the processor's memory (at address 0×00000:0×00000). Each vector consists of a four-byte far pointer. The first word (two bytes or 16 bits) is the offset to the interrupt handler and the second word is the interrupt handler's code segment. The address of each vector can be simply found by multiplying the interrupt number by four. Even though interrupt vectors 0F1h to 0FFh are not defined, they cannot be used by your application. This memory taken up by these vectors is used as temporary stack space during POST. It is important to note that the PC really doesn't support additional interrupt controllers. Although interrupt controller 1 is quite full, controller 2 does have five sources that can be used for your applications. Software interrupts One of the most powerful features of the 8086 is the software interrupt instruction. This features allows system level subroutines to be placed anywhere in memory without any application being given the address of the subroutine. This advantage is used in the PC as the mechanism to interface with the BIOS and operating-system functions.
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Page 69 The input parameters to a software interrupt normally consist of the interrupt number itself, along with the contents of the processor's registers. By convention, AH (the upper half of the AX register) contains the function within the software interrupt handler to execute. Hardware interrupts. The basic interrupt circuit can be blocked out as in Figure 6.7. The interrupt request is a positive active edge on the interrupt pin. The pull down (which might not always be present on older motherboards) is used to ensure that no request is being made by default. To request an interrupt, this line is driven high. ''Capturing" an interrupt vector Inside the mainline code, to unmask the interrupt request and allow requests to
Figure 6.7 Interrupt circuit with I/O Pin.
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Page 70 interrupt the processor, the following instruction sequence is followed: 1. The vector address is set to the address of the handler. (This is shown in the ''Interrupt Capturing" section.) 2. The mask register bit for the interrupt is set. To disable interrupts, the mask register bit is simply reset (although the vector address can be reset to the original address). Interrupt sharing Sharing interrupts consists of creating an interrupt handler that is specific to a hardware interrupt source. This handler tests the hardware specific to it to see if it has requested the interrupt. If it has, then the interrupt is serviced (as shown in the previous section). If the hardware didn't request an interrupt then the previous interrupt handler is invoked. The vector is set up the same was shown earlier, but the handler is blocked out slightly differently: 1. Save context registers. 2. If the hardware reset by this handler did not request the Interrupt: A. Restore the context registers. B. Jump to the previous interrupt handler for this interrupt number. 3. Reset the requesting interrupt hardware. 4. Reset the interrupt handler.
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Page 71 5. Re-enable interrupts in the PC. 6. Execute the interrupt response. 7. Restore the context registers. 8. Return to code executing before the interrupt occurred. Application debug interrupts NMI (IOCHK) interrupt In the PC, the NMI is connected to the _IOCHCHK pin of the ISA bus. When this pin is pulled down, an NMI interrupt request is passed to the processor and the code pointed to by the Int 02h vector is executed. For the NMI to execute, neither the processor nor the interrupt controller have to be initialized in any way; this is at the heart of the term NMI. Nonmaskable means that it will execute regardless of how the hardware is executing. The PC's NMI interrupt is normally used to indicate that a parity error has occurred in a memory read. Traditionally, PC memory is nine bits wide, with the ninth bit used to store the parity information of the other eight bits. When a parity error occurs, the NMI interrupt is requested and the PC locks up with a parity error message. To add a manual control to -IOCHCHK, a momentarily on pushbutton switch is connected between the A1 (– IOCHCHK) and B1 (Ground) pins of the ISA bus (Figure 6.8). Breakpoint interrupt This single-byte instruction (code 0×0CC) is used to replace the first byte of the instruction where execution is to stop. The breakpoint interrupt request is the third entry in the interrupt vector table. Most debuggers will provide breakpoint set, reset, and list functions. These functions replace the first byte of the instruc-
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Figure 6.8 NMI Debug Interrupt. tion where you want to stop with 0×0CC, restore the first byte of the breakpoint, and list the currently set breakpoint addresses. Single-step interrupt This interrupt is used by a debugger to allow a program to be single stepped by a user or run in an ''animate" fashion to allow the user to observe how the code executes. This feature is only used in a debugger. Creating the code to process the interrupts is difficult and will interfere with the operation of any debuggers that you want to use. Single-step mode is initiated by setting the Trap Flag (TF) of the flags register with the PC's interrupts masked (by resetting the IF bit) and is followed by an iret instruction. After the iret instruction is executed, which should return execution to the instruction to be single stepped, the instruction is executed and control is returned to the interrupt 01h handler. Interrupt 01 cannot be masked from within the application. D11 BIOS interrupt handler The D11 interrupt handler is the "base" interrupt handler for hardware requests. Its purpose is to mask the interrupt request if no handler is specified for it. The name comes from the label assigned to it in the original PC's BIOS (which was published by IBM in the PC Technical Reference).
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Page 73 The operation of D11 can be modeled as: int D11() // ''D11" Interrupt Handler { outp( 0×021, inp( 0×021 ) & ( inp( 0×020 ) $$ 0×0FF )); // Read of 0×020 returns the Active // Interrupt Request // Active Request is Cleared from the // "Mask" Register outp ( 0×020, 0×020 ); // Send EOI to the Interrupt Handler } // End D11 DMA subsystem The Intel 8237 DMA controller accomplishes DMA in the PC. The 8237 is used in a fly-by mode, where it sets up an ISA transfer consisting of an I/O and memory read/write. Data is never stored within the DMA controller; it is passed between the PC's memory and the I/O device (Figure 6.9). During the transfer, the processor is disabled and the DMA controller is responsible for the data transfer along with driving the address and control lines. The ISA bus is the only bus in the PC that uses DMA with the 8237s built into the motherboard. For an eight-bit transfer from the diskette drive into memory to occur, the following operations would execute: 1. The diskette controller would make –DRQ2 active. 2. The DMA controller would request a "hold" of the PC's processor. 3. When the processor was ready to allow the DMA controller to take control of the bus, it will tri-state its ISA bus data,
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Figure 6.9 Direct Memory Access with Processor. address, and control drivers, and make the DMA HoldA (Hold Active) line active. 4. When the active Hold Ack is recognized by the DMA controller, it will make the _MEMW, _IOR, and DACK2 lines active and drive the memory address where the byte is to be stored. 5. The DMA channel 2 page register drives ISA address lines A16 to A23. 6. The requesting device will drive the byte of data onto the ISA bus. 7. The DMA controller will enable DACK2 for the requesting device to end the DMA request and prepare for the nest transfer.
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Page 75 8. The _MEMW line will latch the byte into the PC's memory. 9. The DMA controller will disable its address bus, _MEMW, and _IOR lines to terminate the DMA transfer. 10. The Hold line to the PC's processor will be made inactive. 11. The PC's processor will resume its execution and driving the ISA bus. The operation of the ISA DMA transfer is shown in Figure 6.10. In the PC's ISA bus, DMA transfers are typically only between I/O and memory. Memory to memory transfers are possible, but take longer to execute than using the processor to transfer the data in software. This is because of the need to buffer the byte to be transferred in the DMA controller.
Figure 6.10 DMA I/O to Memory Operating Waveform.
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Page 76 DMA page registers The PC's DMA is only able to access the lowest 16 MB of memory. The appropriate register of the ''page register" is addressed by the active DACK# bit. The page registers themselves drive from ISA address line A16 to A23. Thus, data is transferred, not in segments, but in "pages" or 64-KB blocks (Figure 6.11). Sample DMA request and interrupt hardware In Figure 6.12, when the data is ready to DMA'd out, it is latched into the register and the DMA request line is made active. When the DMA request is acknowledged and the _IOR lines are both low (active), the latch's drivers are enabled and the byte to transfer is driven onto the bus. The DMA controller does not drive an I/O address onto the ISA bus. Instead the _IOR and
Figure 6.11 PC DMA Page Register Organization.
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Figure 6.12 PC DMA Request Sample Circuit. DACK# lines are used to determine that the device's DMA I/O registers have to be accessed. DMA channels should never be shared between devices. When all the bytes for the DMA transfer have been passed, the T/C line on the ISA bus becomes active along with the appropriate DACK# line. This is normally used within an adapter to make a hardware interrupt request, which is used to notify the software application that the DMA has completed and it can disable the DMA-requesting hardware. A possible DMA completion interrupt request circuit is shown in Figure 6.13. When the DACK# line goes low and the T/C line is high, the D flip-flop's output is set. This active line can be used to drive the interrupt request line. Registers The mask register (at address 0x00A and 0x00D4) is used to select which register is to be written to: Bit Function 7-3 Not used 2 Set mask bit 1-0 Select channel
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Figure 6.13 PC DMA Interrupt Request Sample Circuit. When the register is masked, the register will pause, which means that Not DMA requests will be serviced, until it is unmasked. The purpose of masking a channel is to allow changes to the DMA channel registers without inadvertent requests causing problems or changing values before the application is ready to accept DMA transfers. The mode register (at address 0×0B or 0×0D6) is used to set the operating mode of the DMA channel. Bit Function 7-6 Operating mode 5 Address increment select 3 Initialization mode 3-2 Data movement 00 = Verify = Verify 01 = Write (I/O to memory) 10 = Read (memory to I/O) 1-0 Channel select
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Page 79 The most common modes are 0b00100,01cc or 0b00100,10cc (where cc is the channel), which is writing and reading data. With the mask and mode setup, the offset register for the channel, the page register for the channel, and the count registers are written to. The offset and count registers are 16 bits long and have the low byte followed by the high byte when reading and writing to them. The addresses of the registers are: Channel Offset Register Count Register Page Register 0 0×000 0×001 0×087 1 0×002 0×003 0×083 2 0×004 0×005 0×081 3 0×006 0×007 0×082 4 0×0C0 0×0C2 0×08F 5 0×0C4 0×0C6 0×08B 6 0×0C8 0×0CA 0×089 7 0×0CC 0×0CE 0×08A RTC/CMOS subsystem with registers/configuration information Every PC motherboard since the first PC/AT has a battery-back-up CMOS real-time clock and memory chip. In the original PC/AT, a Motorola MC146818 RTC chip with RAM was used to provide this function. This chip provides 32 bytes of RAM and RTC function registers. This chip is still used in many PCs and a number of applications have been written that use different MC146818 RAM registers for saving data between power-up sessions. Different motherboards and BIOSes use different registers in the CMOS/RTC chip and applications not designed with this information could overwrite data that is needed at boot. Different memory locations have a checksum applied to them to allow POST to see if the data has been corrupted.
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Page 81 Chapter 7 Processors When the PC first came out, it used a 16-bit Intel 8088 microprocessor. This device consists of an Intel 8086 processor core with an eight-bit data bus. When the processor was selected for the PC, much of the PC's design had already be built around the Intel 8085 (an eight-bit processor). Using the 8088 gave IBM the opportunity to use a 16-bit-capable processor in their system at a time when most of their competitors only had eight-bit-capable processors. This was rather fortuitous because it meant that the PC would not only be competitive to its contemporaries, but also had an upgrade path to more-capable processors that Intel had in design. The basic 8086 processor core has been enhanced in the
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Page 82 later processors, but the same basic registers and instruction set is still available in even the latest Pentium class microprocessor. The 80286, with its 16-bit data path and 24-MB memory access, was an enhancement to the 8086, but was not sufficient to significantly change the way personal computers worked. The protect mode features of the 80286 were quite difficult to work with (including having to reset the PC's processor to get out of it and return to Real mode) and did not provide an easy upgrade path for users working with 8088 PCs. The 80386 gave the PC the capability to run multiple tasks, including multiple Real mode (able to run 8086 code directly) and Protect mode (using 32-bit data and new instructions) tasks. The 80386 first became available in the spring of 1987 and quickly established itself as a standard for PCs. Its capabilities were crucial for sophisticated operating systems (such as Windows) to be possible. The 80386 also offered significant performance gains to PC users over their previous equipment. The 80386 did not have this last deficiency, being able to run in 8086 Real mode, 80286 Protect mode, and its own 32-bit Protect mode. This feature made the 80386 attractive for new operating systems that not only provided their own interface, but also a DOS-compatible one as well. When the 386 first came out, its cost was very high. To help attract customers, Intel developed the 80386SX, which, to the 80386, was analogous of the 8088 to the 8086. The 386SX had a 16-bit external databus (and 24-bit addressing), which allowed it to be used in PC/AT-like systems very easily. This microprocessor was very popular. When Intel came out with the 80486, an enhancement to the 80386, an SX version was also made available, which also had a 16-bit bus to provide a lower-cost version of the processor. This tradition has continued with Intel introducing the Celeron processor, which is a feature-, complexity-, and cost-reduced version of the Pentium II and III microprocessors.
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Page 83 The 80486 provided a quantum leap in performance to the 80386 and was able to run at double the speed of the 386 and had the numeric coprocessor built in. Many versions of the 486 were introduced, each running faster than the previous version. Pentium processors use internal caches for data and instructions. These small, high-speed memories allow the Pentium to operate at the 500-MHz instruction clock speeds enjoyed today. Architecture The 8086 architecture follows the design set out by the 8080. A central core of 16-bit registers is used to manipulate data. The actual architecture can be modeled with Figure 7.1.
Figure 7.1 8086 Processor Architecture.
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Page 84 The first four registers (DS, ES, SS, and CS) are the Segment registers, which are used to specify the 64-KB segment that the data or code is located in, in the 8086's 1-MB memory space. Like the 8080, Intel has defined default functions for the 8086's different registers. AX, BX, CX, and DX can all be broken up into 8-bit registers, known as AH (the high 8-bits of the AX register), AL (the low 8-bits of the AX register), BH, BL, CH, CL, DH, and DL. These registers can be the source or destination of arithmetic and bit instructions. AX is normally used as a general-purpose arithmetic register with DX used as well for 30-two bit values (such as the result of 16-bit multiplication). BX is a general-purpose index register, which (along with DI, SI, and BP), provides the ability to index data within various 64-KB segments. These index registers are used not only to index data in arrays, but also to provide pointers to subroutine parameters and strings. The next few sections go through these registers as well. The Flags register (described in greater detail in the next sub-chapter) contains the processor's execution status and results from previous arithmetic operations. This register is not directly accessible, but the bits stored in it can be used to change the execution of the application. Flags register The 8086's flags register provides the status information after all arithmetic instructions and two interrupt control bits. Bit Definition 15-12 Ignored 11 OF = Overflow flag 10 DF = Direction flag 9 IF = Interrupt mask flag
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Page 85 8 TF = Single-step interrupt trap mask flag 7 SF = Sign flag 6 ZF = Zero flag 5 0 4 AF = Auxiliary (nybble) carry flag 3 0 2 PF = Parity flag 1 1 0 CF = Carry flag Suggested flag register update process: pushf ; Put the Flags on the Stack pop AX ; Load AX with the Flags and AX, 0×0F002 ; Clear All the Bits Except for Top 4 and Bit 1 or AX, NewFlags ; Load in the New Flags Value The string operation flags is the Direction Flag (DF), which specifies how the index registers are updated at the end of the string instruction. If the flag is reset, then the index registers will be incremented. When the DF is set, the index registers will be decremented. Normally, this flag is reset for most applications (the index registers are incremented at the end of the string instructions). The interrupt flag bits are used to control the operation of the PC with respect to masking interrupts (IF bit) or halting after each instruction has completed executing (TF). The Interrupt Flag (IF) bit is used to ''mask" or prevent interrupts from taking control of the 8086 during specific instances. The Trap Flag (TF) causes the 8086 to jump to an interrupt service routine (or handler) after the instruction following the one that enabled it has finished executing. The TF bit and interrupt is normally used by debuggers to help find code errors; it
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Page 86 allows you to single step through a program. Ideally, neither flag should be changed from within an application. After an arithmetic operation, such as addition, the Zero Flag (ZF), Carry Flag (CF), Auxiliary Carry Flag (AF), Overflow Flag (OF), Sign Flag (SF), and Parity Flag (PF) will be updated according to the results of the operation. Not all instructions will update all the different flags; bitwise and logical operations will only affect the zero, sign, and parity flags. Flag Operation 2F (zero) Set when result = 0 CF (carry) Set when result outside of word size AF (aux. carry) Set when result is outside nybble limits OF (overflow) Set when result outside 2's complement word size SF (sign) Set when result is negative PF (parity) Set when result was even number of ones Addressing modes The arithmetic instructions have four basic addressing modes that can be used with the ADD, ADC, AND, MOV, OR, SUB, SBB, and XOR instructions. These four modes allow one or two input parameters to be loaded into the ALU, optionally processed and then stored in a destination parameter. Addressing Modes Immediate Constant value used Register Register contents used
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Page 87 Variable
Memory contents used. Can be used in arrays with constant indexes. Indexed Memory contents use array index in ''Index Register". 20-Bit Addressing Although the 8086 is a 16-bit processor, it can access 1,048,576 bytes of data (requiring 20 address bits) using Segment and Offsets combined together. The 16-bit segment address is shifted up four bits in the combination to get the actual address. By shifting the segment address up by four bits, the segmentation had a granularity of 16 bytes (i.e., the difference between one segment and it being incremented was 16 bytes). This 16-byte space is known as a paragraph in the 8086. By increasing the segment location granularity by increasing number of bits used for locating them, the potential memory space lost between segments was quite minimal. This scheme is often represented as showing the physical address being the sum of the offset within the segment added to the segment register shifted to the left by four bits: Address = ( Segment << 4 ) + Offset Or: Segment << 4 xxxx0 + Offset +yyyy -------- ----- Address zzzzz When addresses are usually presented in the 8086, they are in the format: Segment:Offset
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Figure 7.2 8086 Application Segment Registers. Segment registers The purpose of the four segment registers is to provide a convenient method to access different areas of an application. The multiple-segment registers means that data can be transferred between segments directly without temporarily storing the data in processor registers. The segment registers provide the upper 16-bits of a 20-bit data address, as described in the previous section (Figure 7.2). Segment Register Function CS (code segment) Point to executable code (with IP register) DS (data segment) Point to data area SS (stack segment) Point to stack area (with SP and BP) ES (extra segment) Point to arbitrary locations in memory
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Page 89 Register
Default String Segment Register Segment Register AX DS BX DS CX DS DX DS SI DS DS DI DS ES BP SS SP SS If the defaults are not required for the application, the segments can be overridden using the following instructions/codes, which are placed either in front of the instruction of the variable/index register: Register Override Code CS: 0×02E DS: 0×03E ES: 0×026 SS: 0×036 Indexed Addressing The 8086 has four registers that can be used for indexed addressing. When the 8086 was designed, each register was given a function to perform in applications; the function determines which register to use and which default segment register is used. Three indexed addressing modes are in the 8086: no offset, offset, and string. To indicate that indexed addressing is to be used the index register is enclosed in square brackets. mov AX, [BX] ; AX = [DS:BX]
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Page 90 If the data is located in another segment, then the Extra Segment (ES) register can be used to point to the correct address using segment overrides (which are described later in this chapter). For example, if the data to load in AX was located at the address pointed to by ES and BX, the instruction used would be: mov AX, ES: [BX] ; AX = [ES:BX] To load AX with the word at two bytes (one word) above the address pointed to be ES:BX: mov AX, ES: [BX + 2] ; AX = [ES: (BX + 2)] One other index register and a constant can be added to the index register to give very complete control over the address to be accessed: mov AX, ES: [BX + SI + 4] ; AX = [ES: (BX + SI + 4 )] Pointer structure A double word (four bytes or 32 bits) is used to store the Offset:Segment pointer address. This format is difficult to work with in assembler and the following structure can be used to allow simplified access to the data elements from within assembly-language programming: FarPtr STRUCT PtrOff dw ? PtrSeg dw ? FarPtr ENDS Structure elements are added to the index with a dot (.) outside of the brackets instead of a plus sign (+) within the brackets.
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Page 91 Programming Jumping Three types of nonconditional jumps are used in the PC. The first is the short jump, which can jump -128 to +127 bytes from the address of the next instruction. The short jump requires one byte for the offset. The intrasegment jump can change the instruction pointer -32768 to +32767 bytes from the next address and requires two bytes for the offset. The intersegment jump uses four bytes in Pointer format to jump anywhere in the 1-MB 8086 memory address space. Conditional jumping Conditional jumps check the state of the flag register and do a short relative jump if the condition is true. The following table lists the different jumps, their op codes, and conditions that cause the jumps. Instruction Op Code Condition Flags Complement ja, jbne 0×077 >0 CF = 0 & ZF = 0 jbe jae, jnc, jnb 0×073 >= 0 CF = 0 jb jb, jnae, jc 0×072 <0 CF = 1 jae jbe, jna 0×076 <= 0 CF = 1 | ZF = 0 ja je, jz 0×074 ==0 ZF = 1 jnz jg, jnle 0×07F >0 ZF = 0 & SF = 0 jle jge, jnl 0×07D >= 0 SF = 0 jl jl, jnge 0×07C <0 ( SF $$ OF ) = i jge jle, jng 0×07E <= 0 ((SF$$OF)|ZF)=1 jg jne, jnz 0×075 != 0 ZF = 0 jz jno 0×071 No overflow OF = 0 jo jnp, jpo 0×07B Odd parity PF = 0 jp jns 0×079 >= 0 SF = 0 js jno 0×070 Overflow OF = 1 jno jp, jpe 0×07A Even parity PF = 1 jnp js 0×078 <0 SF = 1 jns jcxz 0×0E3 CX = 0 N/A
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Page 92 These instructions are pretty straightforward with a simple letter convention of the conditions: Letter Condition n Not–complement next letter g Greater than l Less than e Equals to b Below a Above o Overflow p Parity s Sign ''Far" conditional jumps The "complement" of the conditional jump instruction is included in the instruction table. The reason is that these instructions are "short" jumps and can only jump -128 or +127 bytes from the next instruction. To give additional flexibility, a "long" conditional jump uses the complement to jump over the actual jump to label. Many assembly-language programmers will create an include file of macros, such as: ljz MACRO FarLabel local SkipLabel jnz SkipLabel jmp FarLabel ; If Zero flag Set, Jump to "FarLabel" SkipLabel: ENDM When the macrocode is encountered, if the zero flag is not set, the jnz instruction will cause execution to jump over the long jump to the specified address. When the zero flag is set, execution will fall through the jnz instruction and jump to FarLabel. The convention for this type of macro is to place a
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Page 93 small ''L" in front of the actual conditional jump instruction that you want to execute. String operations The string instructions movs, cmps, and scans each can operate in three modes. The first uses explicitly defined data areas pointed to the data and extra-segment registers (DS and ES, respectively). The instruction: movs dest, source Will move the byte at DS:Source to the location pointed to by ES:Dest. Placing the source address in the SI index register and the destination address in the DI index register can eliminate the need for the source and destination parameter. Now, the movs instruction (in the movsb or movsw form) executes as: ES:DI = DS:SI DI = DI + ( -1 ** DF ) SI = SI + ( -1 ** DF ) Where DF is the direction flag (in the Flags register) and is used to specify whether the registers get incremented or decremented at the end of the string instruction. Normally, the DF flag is reset, which causes DI and SI to be incremented. When working with string operations, always remember that the two Ds (DS and DI) never go together. The repeat prefixes are used to repeat the string instruction, decrementing CX at the same time and, optionally, as long as the zero flag is not set.
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Page 94 The movsb instruction moves data one byte at a time and could be sped up if the movsw instruction was used (which moves one word or two bytes, at a time). If movsw is used, then CX would initially be loaded with five. Cmps, cmpsb, and cmpsw are used to compare data and set the status flags appropriately. The repe or repne prefixes can be used with this instruction to provide a fast string compare operation. Scans, scansb, and scansw are used to scan through a string for a null character. This can be used to find the length of an ASCIIZ strings (which is an ASCII string terminated with a 0×000 character). If CX is equal to zero when the repeat prefix and string instruction are first encountered, the string instruction will not execute. The lods and stos instructions load or store data from memory to the AL or AX (for the word versions) registers. The loop instructions (loop, loope, loopz, loopne, and loopnz) work similarly to the repeat prefixes; if CX is not equal to zero (and the optional condition is true), then CX is decremented and a jump to the label is executed. Subroutines When the call instruction is encountered, the address of the next instruction is pushed on the stack before the label on variable address (such as the jmp instruction) is used as the new execution address. The return (ret) instruction pops the saved return address off the stack and stores it into the instruction pointer and, optionally, the CS registers. The ret instruction, before loading CS:IP from the stack can increment the stack a specified number. In a software interrupt handler, if 2 bytes are skipped, then the contents of the
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Page 95 flags register are not popped off the stack and simple parameters can be returned to the caller through the flags register. The ret n instruction should really only be used for this purpose and not a way to reset the stack pointer for data parameters passed on the stack (although it is often used for this purpose in Pascal implementations). Parameter passing Parameters can be passed three different ways in the 8086: with registers, common variables, or using the stack. Using the processor's registers is the most common method for assembly-language programming. A convention which matches the BIOS and MS-DOS APIs is: AH = Function Number AL = Error Code Carry = Set on Error CX = Counter ES:DI = Pointer to Destination DS:BX = Index to Source/Destination Data The DS, SP, BS, and SS registers should never be used or modified within the subroutine. These registers are usually crucial to the operation of high-level languages. Data can also be passed using common variables. For the variables to be common, they have to be known to both routines (during assembly) with a common segment. If these routines are in different files, then you will have to be sure that the parameters label is available to both routines as PUBLIC and EXTRN. PUBLIC is used in the source file that contains the variable and EXTRN is used by the source files that access it. The last type of parameter passing is to use the hardware features built into the 8086. In the caller, the parameters to pass are pushed onto the stack. Upon entry, the base pointer
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Page 96 (which uses the SS register as its default segment) is set to the stack pointer (SP register) value before the call statement. Caches A processor cache is a very fast local memory that is used to retrieve often-used instructions and data, instead of relying on the relatively slow main memory. In Figure 7.3, the operation of an instruction fetch is illustrated. If the requested instruction is in the cache memory, then it is retrieved from it. If it is not, then the instruction is retrieved from main memory. Using a cache to store the next expected instruction requires a number of different algorithms to predict what should be saved in cache. The most common algorithm is the Least Recently Used (LRU); if a new word is encountered, then it is read in from main memory and, at the same time, it is written by the processor into cache
Figure 7.3 Intel ''Pentium" Cache Operation.
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Page 97 memory. The word that has not been used for the longest period of time is overwritten by this new word. During normal operation, the Tag RAM address value is compared to the address the processor ''wants" to read from. If there is a match, then that address Tag RAM counter is reset and all others are incremented. This means that there is no matching Tag RAM address, the cache address with the highest counter is replaced. The Pentium has two caches. The L1 cache is essentially the high-speed cache described previously. This cache is usually only several kilobytes in size. The other cache, known as L2 performs a similar task, but is much larger (512 KB for the Pentium II) and is somewhat slower. Its purpose is to provide cached memory while the main memory SDRAM is resetting its read address, which requires an enormous amount of time, from the processor's "perspective." Instruction Sets The basic instruction format is: Instruction Destination, Source Where the Destination can also be the first parameter of an operation. For example, in the instruction: Sub Var1, BX The code executes as: Var1 = Var1 - BX This format is true for the 8086 and 32-bit instruction Sets. The 8087, MMX and Pentium III instruction sets use differing formats, based on the architecture of the enhancements.
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Figure 7.4 Pentium ''Pro" Block Diagram. Pentium Enhancements In the Pentium Pro, instructions are loaded into a pool and executed when the prerequisite information required for the instruction is available; as shown in Figure 7.4. The fetch/decode unit loads and looks at the instructions in the pool and determines which can be executed, according to what data is available in registers and the L1 data cache. The dispatch/execution unit performs the instructions or partial instructions that do have the available resources. When the instruction operations are complete, the retire unit stores the results and removes the instruction from the pool. This allows
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Page 99 instructions that are not dependent on data that is not available to execute first and then execute the datadependent instructions when the data should have been fetched from memory. Along with the changes to its microarchitecture, the Pentium Pro is also designed for simple parallel processor operation. Multiple microprocessors can be wired to the same memory and I/O bus in parallel without any special considerations for the multiple devices. The major difference between the Pentium II and the Pentium Pro is the Pentium II's dual bus architecture (Figure 7.5). This enhancement to the Pentium microarchitecture moves the L2 cache data from having to go through the bus interface unit to its own address and data busses. To further improve the performance of the Pentium II, Intel designed the microprocessor with multiple Arithmetic Logic
Figure 7.5 Pentium II Block Diagram.
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Page 100 Units (ALUs), which allows multiple instructions to execute at the same time, as long as their input and output parameters are not used in more than one instruction. The Pentium III is designed to provide additional graphics and networking (Web surfing) enhancements to users with a processor architecture and new instructions designed for efficient data movement between memory and caches. 8086 instruction set Most instructions are two bytes (16 bits) long, with the mostsignificant byte being the instruction type and the least-significant byte is used to specify the addressing mode used. To simplify the number of options, Intel created the Instruction ModRegR/M format for 8086 instructions. The ModRegR/M is used (along with bits in the instruction) to specify the addressing mode used in the instructions. The most-significant two bits of the ModRegR/M byte are the operating mode of the instruction. These two bits select whether the source and destination are registers or memory locations. ''Mod" Bits Function 00 Destination is not written 01 Eight bits of data are stored as 16 bits of data (the sign is extended) 10 Sixteen bits of data are stored in the low-byte/high-byte format 11 Destinations are registers/not memory The data size is selected by the data size bit (w) of the instruction byte. This is the least-significant bit of the byte and, when reset, indicates that a byte is used for the operation.
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Page 101 When the data-size bit is set, a 16-bit word is used for the operation. With the data-size bit, the Reg (Register) specification is used to select an eight bit or 16-bit register in the instruction. ''Reg" Bits Eight Bit (w = 0) 16 Bit (w = 1) Segment Register 000 AL AX ES 001 CL CX CS 010 DL DX SS 011 BL BX DS 100 AH SP 101 CH BP 110 DH SI 111 BH DI If the mode has selected two registers, then the R/M bits define a register, using the previous table. If the mode selected is for external memory, then the bits are defined as: "R/M" Bits "Mod" Bits Address Default Segment 000 [BX]+[SI]+Disp DS 001 [BX]+[DI]+Disp DS 010 [BP]+[SI]+Disp SS 011 [BP]+[DI]+Disp SS 100 [SI]+Disp DS 101 [DI]+Disp ES 110 == 00 Memory Save DS 110 != 00 [BP]+Disp SS 111 [BX]+Disp DS Most of these instructions use one of the four index registers with their default segment registers. This information is taken from the default instruction format, which is: Instruction Destination, Source
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Page 102 Where the Destination can also be part of the operation. For example, in: Add Sum, BX The instruction executes as: Sum = Sum + BX Instruction Operation Operation/Comments AAA If (( AL & 00Fh) > 9) Used after adding AL = ( AL _ 6) & 00Fh two BCD bytes AH = AH + 1 together to convert AF = 1 the result back to CF = 1 BCD. AAD
AL = ( AH * 010h) + AL AH = 0
AH = AL / 10 AL = AL mod 10
if ((( AL &00Fh) > 9) | ( AF == 1)) AL = AL - 6 AH = AH - 1 AF = 1 CF = 1 AL = AL & 00Fh
Adjust AL before dividing two unpacked values. Create an unpacked decimal value. Use after subtracting two BCD values to make sure result is in BCD format.
ADC Dest, Source Dest = Dest + Source + CF Add two values ZF = ( Dest + Source + CF) == 0 together with the carry flag. CF = ( Dest + Source + CF) > Size Carry flag is set if AF = (( Dest &00Fh) + the result is ( Source & 00Fh ) + CF) greater than the > 00Fh data's size. OF = Set if 2's Complement Changed SF = 2's Complement Sign PF = Destination Parity ADD Dest, Source Dest = Dest + Source Add two values ZF = (Dest + Source) == 0 together. The carry CF = ( Dest + Source) > Size flag is set if the AF = (( Dest &00Fh) + result is greater ( Source & 00Fh )) > 00Fh than the data's OF = Set if 2's Complement Changed size. SF = 2's Complement Sign PF = Destination Parity AND Dest, Source Dest = Dest &Source ZF = ( Dest &Source) == 0
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AND together two values.
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CF = 0 OF = 0 SF = 2's Complement Sign PF = Destination Parity
CALL Label
Stack = Current [CS:]IP save the current SP = SP - 2|4 execution address [CS:]IP = Label and jump to the new address at Label. The address at Label can be either inside or outside the current code segment.
if ( AL < 080h) AH = 0 Else AH = 0FFh
Convert the value in AL to a 16-bit signed value in AX.
CF = 0
Clear the carry flag
DF = 0
Clear the direction flag. When the direction flag is reset, string operations increment.
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IF = 0 CF = CF ^ 1
Mask interrupts. flag.
Complement the carry
CMP Dest, Source ZF = ( Dest - Source) == 0 Subtract two values CF = ( Dest - Source) < 0 and set the AF = (( Dest &00Fh)processor flags ( Source &00Fh)) < 0 appropriately. OF = ( Dest - Source) < -Size SF = ( Dest - Source) < 0 PF = Parity of ( Dest - Source) CMPS[B/W] [Dest,Source] ZF = ( Dest - Source) == 0 CF = ( Dest - Source) < 0 AF = (( Dest &00Fh) ( Source &00Fh )) < 0 OF = ( Dest - Source) < -Size SF = ( Dest - Source) < 0 PF = Parity of ( Dest - Source) CWD
if(AX < 08000h) DX = 0 Else DX = 0FFFFh
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String compare. See ''String Operations" later in this chapter.
Convert the word to a signed double word.
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< previous page Page 104 DAA
if ((AL &00Fh) > 9) |(AF == 1)) Correct result of AL = AL - 6 BCD addition. AF = 1 If ((AL > 09Fh) | (CF == 1)) AL = AL - 060h CF = 1
DEC Dest
Dest = Dest - 1 ZF = ( Dest - 1) == 0 OF = ( Dest - 1) < -Size SF = ( Dest - 1) < 0 PF = Parity of ( Dest - 1)
DIV Divisor
AX = AX / Divisor CF = Undefined ZF = Undefined AF = Undefined SF = Undefined OF = Undefined PF = Undefined
Subtract one from the destination without affecting the carry flags. Divide AX by the specified value. Note that the flag bits will be changed to unknown values.
Stop the processor until Reset is cycled or an interrupt request is received.
IDIV Source
AX = AX / Source CF = Undefined ZF = Undefined AF = Undefined SF = Undefined OF = Undefined PF = Undefined
Execute a signed division. Note that the flag bits will be changed to unknown values.
IMUL Source
AX = AX * Source CF = (AX * Source) > Size OF = (AX * Source) > Size ZF = Undefined AF = Undefined SF = Undefined OF = Undefined PF = Undefined
Execute a signed multiply. Note that some of the flag bits are changed to unknown values.
IN Dest, Port
INC Dest
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Dest = [Port]
Read the eight or 16-bit I/O port address into AL or AX.
Dest = Dest + 1 ZF = ( Dest + 1) == 0 OF = ( Dest + 1) > Size SF = ( Dest + 1) < 0 PF = Parity of ( Dest + 1)
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Add one to the destination without affecting the carry flags.
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< previous page Page 105 INS[B|W] [Dest]
Dest = Port[DX] [DX = DX + 1]
page_105 String port read operation. See ''String Operations" later in this chapter. Execute a software interrupt and jump to a handler.
If the specified condition is true then jump to the specified address. See "Jumping and Conditional Branching" later in this chapter. Change execution to the address at Label. Label can be inside or external to the current code segment. See "Jumping and Conditional Branching" later in this chapter.
AH = SF/ZF/X/AF/X/PF/X/CF Load the AH register with the arithmetic result flags.
LDS Reg, Variable DS = [Variable + 2] Load DS:Reg with the Reg = [Variable] 32 bit pointer in Variable. LEA Reg, Label |W] [Dest]
Reg = Offset(Label) Dest = Port[DX] [DX = DX + 1]
Load the register with the offset of String port read operation. See String Operations" later in this
Execute a software interrupt and jump to a handler.
If the specified condition is true then jump to the specified address. See "Jumping and Conditional Branching" later in this chapter. Change execution to the address at Label. Label can be inside or external to the current code segment. See "Jumping and Conditional Branching" later in this chapter.
AH = SF/ZF/X/AF/X/PF/X/CF Load the AH register with the arithmetic result flags.
LDS Reg, Variable DS = [Variable + 2] Load DS:Reg with the Reg = [Variable] 32 bit pointer in Variable. LEA Reg, Label
Load the register with the offset of String port read operation. See String Operations" later in this chapter. Execute a software interrupt and jump to a handler.
If the specified condition is true then jump to the specified address. See "Jumping and Conditional Branching" later in this chapter. Change execution to the address at Label. Label can be inside or external to the current code segment. See "Jumping and Conditional Branching" later in this chapter.
AH = SF/ZF/X/AF/X/PF/X/CF Load the AH register with the arithmetic result flags.
LDS Reg, Variable DS = [Variable + 2] Load DS:Reg with the Reg = [Variable] 32 bit pointer in Variable. LEA Reg, Label
Load the register with the offset of String port read operation. See ''String Operations" later in this chapter. Execute a software interrupt and jump to a handler.
Execute the overflow result interrupt handler if appropriate.
If the specified condition is true then jump to the specified address. See "Jumping and Conditional Branching" later in this chapter. Change execution to the address at Label. Label can be inside or external to the current code segment. See "Jumping and Conditional Branching" later in this chapter.
AH = SF/ZF/X/AF/X/PF/X/CF Load the AH register with the arithmetic result flags.
LDS Reg, Variable DS = [Variable + 2] Load DS:Reg with the Reg = [Variable] 32 bit pointer in Variable. LEA Reg, Label
Reg = Offset(Label)
Load the register with the offset of String port read operation. See "String Operations" later in this chapter. Execute a software interrupt and jump to a handler.
then jump to the specified address. See "Jumping and Conditional Branching" later in this chapter. JMP Label
[CS:]IP = Label
Change execution to the address at Label. Label can be inside or external to the current code segment. See "Jumping and Conditional Branching" later in this chapter.
AH = SF/ZF/X/AF/X/PF/X/CF Load the AH register with the arithmetic result flags.
LDS Reg, Variable DS = [Variable + 2] Load DS:Reg with the Reg = [Variable] 32 bit pointer in Variable. LEA Reg, Label
Reg = Offset(Label)
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Load the register with the offset of
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< previous page Page 106
LES Reg, Variable
page_106 the label. This method will ensure that a register is loaded with a constant, rather than the contents of the address at Constant.
ES = [Variable + 2] Load ES:Reg with the Reg = [Variable] 32-bit pointer in Variable.
LODS [B|W] [Source] AX = DS:SI SI = SI + ( -1 ** DF )
Load AL/AX with the value pointed to by DS:SI. See ''String Operations" later in this chapter.
LOOP Label
if ( –CX != 0 ) Goto LABEL
Use CX as a counter and loop until CX is equal to zero. If CX is initially equal to zero, immediately fall through loop.
if (( – CX != 0 ) && ( ZF == 1 )) Use CX as a counter Goto Label and loop until CX while equal to zero. If CX is initially equal to zero, immediatelyfall through loop.
if (( – CX != 0 ) && ( ZF == 1 )) Use CX as a counter Goto Label and loop until CX is equal to zero. If CX initially equal to zero, immediately fall through loop.
MOV Dest, Source
MOVS[B|W] [Dest, Source]
Dest = Source
[ES:DI] = [DS:SI] SI = SI + ( -1 ** DF ) DI = DI + ( -1 ** DF )
Move data from the source register or memory (which can be an indexed address) to the destination register or memory (which can be an indexed address). Do a string move from DS:SI To ES:DI. See "String Operations" later in this chapter. the label. This
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method will ensure that a register is loaded with a constant, rather than the contents of the address at Constant. LES Reg, Variable
ES = [Variable + 2] Load ES:Reg with the Reg = [Variable] 32-bit pointer in Variable.
LODS [B|W] [Source] AX = DS:SI SI = SI + ( -1 ** DF )
Load AL/AX with the value pointed to by DS:SI. See ''String Operations" later in this chapter.
LOOP Label
if ( –CX != 0 ) Goto LABEL
Use CX as a counter and loop until CX is equal to zero. If CX is initially equal to zero, immediately fall through loop.
if (( – CX != 0 ) && ( ZF == 1 )) Use CX as a counter Goto Label and loop until CX while equal to zero. If CX is initially equal to zero, immediatelyfall through loop.
if (( – CX != 0 ) && ( ZF == 1 )) Use CX as a counter Goto Label and loop until CX is equal to zero. If CX initially equal to zero, immediately fall through loop.
MOV Dest, Source
LES Reg, Variable
Dest = Source
Move data from the source register or memory (which can be an indexed address) to the destination register or memory (which can be an indexed address). the label. This method will ensure that a register is loaded with a constant, rather than the contents of the address at Constant.
ES = [Variable + 2]
Load ES:Reg with the
Reg = [Variable]
32-bit pointer in Variable.
LODS [B|W] [Source] AX = DS:SI SI = SI + ( -1 ** DF )
Load AL/AX with the value pointed to by DS:SI. See String Operations" later in this chapter.
LOOP Label
if ( –CX != 0 ) Goto LABEL
Use CX as a counter and loop until CX is equal to zero. If CX is initially equal to zero, immediately fall through loop.
if (( – CX != 0 ) && ( ZF == 1 )) Use CX as a counter Goto Label and loop until CX while equal to zero. If CX is initially equal to zero, immediatelyfall through loop.
if (( – CX != 0 ) && ( ZF == 1 )) Use CX as a counter Goto Label and loop until CX is equal to zero. If CX initially equal to zero, immediately fall through loop.
MOV Dest, Source
Dest = Source
LES Reg, Variable
Move data from the source register or memory (which can be an indexed address) to the destination register or memory (which can be an indexed address). the label. This method will ensure that a register is loaded with a constant, rather than the contents of the address at Constant.
ES = [Variable + 2] Load ES:Reg with the Reg = [Variable] 32-bit pointer in Variable.
LODS [B|W] [Source] AX = DS:SI SI = SI + ( -1 ** DF )
Load AL/AX with the value pointed to by DS:SI. See String Operations" later in this chapter.
LOOP Label
if ( –CX != 0 ) Goto LABEL
if (( – CX != 0 ) && ( ZF == 1 )) Use CX as a counter Goto Label and loop until CX while equal to zero. If CX is initially equal to zero, immediatelyfall through loop.
if (( – CX != 0 ) && ( ZF == 1 )) Use CX as a counter Goto Label and loop until CX is equal to zero. If CX initially equal to zero, immediately fall through loop.
MOV Dest, Source
MOVS[B|W] [Dest, Source]
Dest = Source
[ES:DI] = [DS:SI] SI = SI + ( -1 ** DF ) DI = DI + ( -1 ** DF )
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Use CX as a counter and loop until CX is equal to zero. If CX is initially equal to zero, immediately fall through loop.
Move data from the source register or memory (which can be an indexed address) to the destination register or memory (which can be an indexed address). Do a string move from DS:SI To ES:DI. See "String Operations" later in this chapter.
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< previous page Page 107 MUL Source
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AX = AX * Source Multiply AX by the CF = ( AX * Source ) > 0FFFFh specified OF = CF multiplier.
NEG Dest
Dest = ( Dest ^ 0 [FF] FFh ) + 1 Perform a two's CF = (( Dest ^ 0 [FF]FFh)+1)>Size complement on the AF = ((( Dest & 00Fh ) ^ 00Fh) + 1) specified value. > Size OF = CF ZF = (( Dest ^ 0 [FF] FFh) + 1) = = 0 SF = (( Dest ^ 0 [FF] FFh) + 1) < 0 (( Dest ^ 0 [FF] FFh) + 1) > Size PF = Parity of (( Dest ^ 0 [FF] FFh) + 1)
Dest = Dest ^ 0 [FF] FFh Do a bitwise CF = 0 complement of the AF = 0 specified value. OF = 0 ZF = ( Dest ^ 0 [FF] FFh ) = = 0 SF = ( Dest ^ 0 [FF] FFh ) < 0 OF = 0 PF = Parity of ( Dest ^ 0 [FF] FFh )
OR Dest, Source
Dest = Dest | Source ZF = ( Dest | Source ) = = 0 CF = 0 OF = 0 SF = 2's Complement Sign PF = Destination Parity
OUT Port, Source
[Port] = Source
''OR" together two values.
Output the contents of the source register (AL or AX) to the specified port I/O address.
OUTS [Port, Source] [Port] = Source
See "String Operations" later this chapter.
POP Dest
Dest = Stack + 2 Stack = Stack + 2
Store the top of the stack into the Destination and move the stack pointer up by two.
Push the contents of the flags register onto the stack.
RCL Dest, 1| CL
Dest = ( Dest << 1 ) + CF Rotate the CF = Dest >> Size destination once or CL times through the carry flag. The operation explanation shows the operation for 1 or CL equals to 1 time.
RCR Dest, 1|CL
Dest = ( Dest >> 1) + (CF << Size) Rotate the CF = Dest & 1 destination once or CL times through the carry flag. The operation explanation shows the operation for 1 or CL equals to 1 time.
RET [Number]
[CS:]IP = Stack Restore [CS:]IP to Stack = Stack + 2|4 the value on the [Stack = Stack + Number] stack. If a number specified, increment the stack that value.
ROL Dest, 1|CL
Dest = Dest << 1
Push the source value onto the stack and move the stack pointer down.
Rotate the destination once or CL times. The operation explanation shows the operation for 1 or CL equals to 1 time.
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< previous page Page 109 ROR Dest, 1|CL
Dest = Dest >> 1
Flags = AH
SAL|SHL Dest, 1| CL
SAR Dest, 1|CL
SBB Dest, Source
Dest = Dest << 1
Dest = Dest >> 1
Rotate the destination once or CL times. The Operation Explanation shows the Operation for ''1" or "CL" Equals to "1" times. Store the Contents of AH Into the Arithmetic Results Of the Flags Register. Shift the Destination once or CL times. The operation explanation shows the operation for 1 or CLequals to 1 time. Shift the destination once or CL times. The operation explanation shows the operation for 1 or CL equals to 1 time.
Dest = Dest - Source - CF Subtract two values ZF = ( Dest - Source - CF ) = = 0 together with the CF = ( Dest - Source - CF ) < Size carry flag. The AF = (( Dest & 00Fh ) carry flag is set if ( Source & 00Fh ) - CF ) the result is less > 00Fh than the data's OF = Set if 2's Complement Changed size. SF = 2's Complement Sign PF = Destination Parity
SCAS[ B|W] [Dest] if [Dest] = = AX|AL Scan through the ZF = 1 data list to find a matching value. See "String Operations" later in this chapter. SHR Dest, 1|CL
Dest = Dest >> 1
Shift the destination once or CL times. The operation explanation shows the operation for 1 or CL equals to 1 time.
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< previous page Page 110 STC
CF = 1
the carry flag
DF = 1
Set the direction flag. When the direction flag is set, the index registers will be decremented. Normally, this flag is left reset or cleared.
IF =1 Unmask interrupts.
STOS [B|W] [Dest]
[Dest] = AL|AX
Save the data in AL\AX at the destination address. See ''String Operations" later in this chapter.
SUB Dest, Source Dest = Dest - Source Subtract two values ZF = ( Dest - Source ) = = 0 together without the CF = ( Dest - Source ) > Size carry flag.The AF = (( Dest & 00Fh ) carry flag is set if ( Source & 00Fh )) > 00Fh the result is less OF = Set if 2's Complement Changed than the data's SF = 2's Complement Sign size. PF = Destination Parity TEST Dest, Source ZF = ( Dest & Source ) = = 0 Logically AND the CF = 0 Dest to the source OF = 0 to find out if the SF = 2's Complement Sign result is equal to PF = Destination Parity zero. WAIT
Stop execution until an interrupt request is received. This instruction is different from HLT because the processor clock is not stopped.
XCHG Dest, Source Temp = Source Source = Dest Dest = Temp
Exchange the two values. The operation of the instruction shown is how it would be implemented in software.
XLAT AL = [BX + AL] XOR Dest, Source Dest = Dest ^ Source ZF = ( Dest ^ Source ) = = 0 CF = 0
Do a table look up. Exclusive OR (XOR) together two values.
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OF = 0 SF = 2's Complement Sign PF = Destination Parity
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Figure 7.6 80386 32-Bit Processor Architecture. 32-Bit instruction set The major difference is the extension of the 16-bit registers to 32 bits. In 32-bit Protect mode, a flat model memory space is used, eliminating many of the issues with addressing data using the segment registers (Figure 7.6). The registers can be accessed as either their original 8- or 16-bit incarnations or as 32-bit values. The lower 16 bits can be addressed directly, but the upper 16 bits must be shifted down from the registers. In the 32-bit Protect mode (in Ring 3) used by Windows, the processor runs with only three segments, a code segment (pointed to by CS), a data segment (pointed to by DS), and a stack segment (pointed to by SS). The ES segment register is still available, but because the program is set up with full 32-bit addressed segments and cannot access memory outside of these defined memory areas, its use, except for string transfers (in which it has the same value as DS) is limited.
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Page 112 The flags register's bits, in 32-bit mode, is only 16 bits wide and the arithmetic result flags (i.e., Zero, Carry, Auxiliary Carry, etc.) all have the same addresses in the lower 16 bits. Although there is some commonality in the op codes generated for 16-bit 8086 instructions and 32-bit 80386 + instructions, there are major differences in most op codes. 8086 object code cannot not be expected to run without any problems in a processor running in 32-bit mode. Major problems will occur and the application will not run correctly. The Protect-mode system instructions are: Instruction Description ARPL Adjust requested privilege level CLTS Clear the task-switched flag HLT Halt processor INVD Invalidate cache, no writeback INVLPD Invalidate TLB entry LAR Load access rights LGDT Load global descriptor table register LIDT Load interrupt descriptor table register LLDT Load local descriptor table register LMSW Load machine status word LOCK Prefix Lock bus LSL Load segment limit LTR Load task register RDMSR Read model-specific register RDPMC Read performance monitoring counters RDTSC Read time-stamp counter RSM Return from system-management mode SGDT Store global descriptor table register SIDT Store interrupt descriptor table register SLDT Store local descriptor table register SMSW Store machine status word STR Store task register VERR Verify segment for reading VERW Verify segment for writing
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Page 113 WBINVD Invalidate cache, with writeback WRMSR Write model-specific register 8087 numeric coprocessor instruction set The 8087 is an auxiliary processor to the 8086 and 8088. In the application, code, and instructions that run on the 8087 are recognized and ignored by the 8086 processor. If no 8087 or FPU is installed and an 8087 instruction is encountered, an exception interrupt is generated by the 8086 processor. The data formats supported by the 8087 are: Data Format Data Range Data Size Word ±32 KB 2 Bytes Double Word ±4.3 GB 4 Bytes Long Word ±9.2 (10**18) 8 Bytes Packed BCD ±10**17 8 Bytes Single Precision Real ±10**38 to ±10**-38 3 Bytes Double Precision Real ±10**308 to ±10**-308 8 Bytes Extended Precision Real ±10**4932 to ±10**-4932 10 Bytes The 8087 processor is actually a stack with it's own 16-bit status register (Figure 7.7). Data is pushed onto the stack and
Figure 7.7 8087 Data Stack Organization.
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Page 114 operations consist of either the two top stack elements or the top element and another, arbitrary position, element. The floating point unit status word records the result of the operation and is defined as: Bit Function 15 B FPU busy 8-10, 14 FPU condition code 11-13 Top of stack pointer 7 ES Error summary bit 6 SF Stack fault bit 5 PE Precision exception 4 UE Underflow exception 3 OE Overflow exception 2 ZE Zero divide exception 1 DE Denormalized exception 0 IE Invalid operation Instruction Description F2MX1 Calculate 2**Stack Top - 1 FABS Find the absolute value of the stack top FADD Pop the top two stack elements, add them together, and push the result onto the stack FADDP Pop the top two stack elements, add them together and store the result FBLD Push packed BCD onto the stack FBSTP Pop packed BCD from the stack FCHS Toggle the sign bit in the top stack element FCLEX Clear the 8087's exception flags FCOM Compare the top two stack elements and store the result of the operation in the 8087's flag register FCOMP Complement the top stack element
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Page 115 FCOMPP
Pop the top two stack elements, compare them and store the result of the operation in the 8087's flag register FDECSTP Decrement the 8087's stack pointer FDISI Disable 8087 interrupts FDIV Pop the top two stack elements, divide the second from the first and push the result back onto the stack FDIVP Pop the top two stack elements, divide the second from the first and store the result in memory FDIVRP Pop the top two stack elements, divide the first from the second and push the result back onto the stack FENI Enable 8087 interrupts FFREE Change the 8087's destination flag is empty FIADD Pop the top stack element, add an integer to it and push the result onto the Stack FICOM Compare the top stack element to an Integer and save the result in the 8087's flag register FICOMP Pop the top stack element, compare it to an Integer and save the result in the 8087's flag register FIDIV Pop the top stack element, divide it by an integer and push the result onto the stack FIDIVR Pop the top stack element, divide it into an Integer and push the result onto the stack FILD Push an integer onto the stack FIMUL Pop the top stack element, multiply it by an integer and push the result onto the stack Instruction Description
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Increment the 8087's stack pointer Initialize the 8087 Initialize the 8087 Save the top stack element as an integer FISTP Pop the top stack element and store it as an integer FISUB Pop the top stack element, subtract an integer from it and push the result onto the stack FISUBR Pop the top stack element, subtract it from an integer and push the result onto the stack FLD Push a real variable onto the stack FLD1 Push 1 onto the stack FLDCW Load a user-specified 8087 control word FLDENV Load a user-specified 8087 environment variable FLDL2E Convert the top stack element to its natural logarithm FLDL2T Convert the top stack element to its base-ten logarithm FLDLG2 Convert the top stack element to its base-two logarithm FLDPI Push PI onto the stack FLDZ Push zero onto the Stack FMUL Pop the top two stack elements, multiply them together, and push the result onto the stack FMULP Pop the top two stack elements, Multiply them together, and save the result in memory FNCLEX Clear the 8087's status word FNDISI Disable the interrupt mask FNENI Enable the interrupt mask FNOP NOP FNRSTOR Restore the state information FNSAVE Save the state information FNSTCW Save the control word
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Save the environment information Save the status word Convert the top stack element to its ARCTAN FPREM Pop the top two stack elements, divide the second into the first and push the remainder onto the stack FPTAN Convert the top stack element to its TANGENT FRNDINT Convert the top stack element to an integer FRSTOR Restore the state information FSCALE Multiply or divide the top stack element by the power of 2 FSQRT Convert the top stack element to its square root FSAVE Save the state information FST Store the real value FSTEN Save the environment information FSTCW Save the control word FSTP Pop the real top of stack element FSTPSP Move the real element to the top of stack and pop FSTST Move the specified stack element to the top of the stack FSTSW Save the status word FSUB Pop the top two stack elements, subtract the second from the first and push the result onto the stack FSUBP Pop the top two stack elements, subtract the second from the first and store the result in memory FSUBR Pop the top two stack elements, subtract the first from the second and push the result onto the stack FSUBRP Pop the top two stack elements, subtract the first from the second and store the result in memory Instruction Description FTST Compare the top stack element to
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zero and store the result in the stack flag FWAIT Cause the processor to wait for the floating point unit to complete the current instruction FXAM Examine the top of stack FXCH Exchange the top stack element with another in the stack FXTRACT Extract and save in memory the top stack element's exponent FYL2X Convert the top stack element to its base-two logarithm and multiply by the second stack element FYL2XP1 Increment the top stack element, convert the result it to its basetwo logarithm and multiply by the second stack element MMX instruction set The MMX enhancements to the Pentium instruction set include: Instruction Description EMSS Empty MMX state MOVD Move doubleword MOVQ Move quadword PACKSSWB Pack words into bytes with signed saturation PACKSSDW Pack doublewords into words with signed saturation PACKUSWB Pack words into bytes with Unsigned saturation PADDB Add packed bytes PADDD Add packed doublewords PADDSB Add packed bytes with saturation PADDSW Add packed words with saturation PADDUSB Add packed unsigned bytes with saturation
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Page 119 PADDUSW
Add packed unsigned words with saturation PADDW Add packed words PAND Bitwise AND PANDN Bitwise NAND PCMPEQB Compare packed bytes for equal PCMPEQD Compare packed doublewords for equal PCMPEQW Compare packed words for equal PCMPGTB Compare packed bytes for greater than PCMPGTD Compare packed doublewords for greater than PCMPGTW Compare packed words for greater than PMADDWD Multiply and add packed words PMULHW Multiply packed words and store high result PMULLW Multiply packed words and store low result POR Bitwise OR PSLLD Logical shift packed doublewords left PSLLQ Logical shift packed quadwords left PSLLW Logical shift packed words left PSRAD Arithmetic shift packed doublewords right PSRAW Arithmetic shift packed words right PSRLD Logical shift packed doublewords right PSRLQ Logical shift packed quadwords right PSRLW Logical shift packed words right PSUBB Subtract packed bytes PSUBD Subtract packed doublewords PSUBSB Subtract packed bytes with saturation Instruction
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Subtract packed words with satur-
Subtract packed unsigned bytes with saturation PSUBUSW Subtract packed unsigned words with saturation PSUBW Subtract packed words PUNPCKHBW Unpack high-order bytes from words PUNPCKHDQ Unpack high-order doublewords from quadwords PUNPCKHWD Unpack high-order words from doublewords PUNPCKLBW Unpack low-order bytes from words PUNPCKLDQ Unpack low-order doublewords from quadwords PUNPCKLWD Unpack low-order words from double words PXOR Bitwise XOR Pentium III instruction set The Pentium III instruction set is also known as the Katmai instruction set: Instruction Description addps Add parallel scalar addss Add singular scalar andnps AND-NOT parallel scalar andps AND parallel scalar cmpeqps Compare equal parallel scalar cmpeqss Compare equal singular scalar cmpleps Compare less than or equal parallel scalar cmpltps Compare less than parallel scalar cmpneqps Compare not equal parallel scalar cmpnleps Compare not less than or equal parallel scalar cmpordps Compare ordered parallel scalar cmpunordps Compare unordered parallel scalar comiss Compare integer to singular scalar cvtpi2ps Convert parallel integer to parallel
Page 122 pextrw Extract word parallel integer pinsrw Insert word parallel integer pmaxsw Maximum signed-word parallel integer pmaxub Maximum unsigned-byte parallel integer pminsw Minimum signed-word parallel integer pminub Minimum unsigned-byte parallel integer pmovmskb Move TRUE/FALSE bit mask from bytes in parallel integer pmulhuw Multiply unsigned word parallel integer storing high 16 bits prefetchnta Prefetch nontagged (uncached) aligned prefetcht0 Prefetch tip 0 (tag line 0?) prefetcht1 Prefetch tip 1 prefetcht2 Prefetch tip 2 pshufw Shuffle word parallel integer rcpps Reciprocal parallel scalar (very coarse) rcpss Reciprocal singular scalar (very coarse) rsqrtps Reciprocal or square root parallel scalar (very coarse) rsqrtss Reciprocal or square root singular scalar (very coarse) sfence Serialize write combining/queuing buffers shufps Shuffle parallel scalar sqrtps Square root parallel scalar sqrtss Square root singular scalar stmxcsr Store multimedia extended control/status register subps Subtract parallel scalar subss Subtract singular scalar ucomiss Unordered compare integer to singular scalar unpckhps Unpack high (qword) parallel scalar unpcklps Unpack low (qword) parallel scalar xorps Exclusive or parallel scalar
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Page 123 Chapter 8 8086/8087 Processor Data Formats Type Assembler C Range Description Character DB char 0 to 255 Single byte (8 -128 to 127 Bits). Might not have negation String DB .. char[..] N/A String of characters. Represented in C as a singledimensional array. Normally uses ASCII character set.
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< previous page Page 124 ASCIIZ DB .., 0
4 Byte Real
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char[..] N/A
String of characters ending in a Null (0×000) character. This is commonly used for filenames within MS-DOS. int -32678 to Single word 32677 (16 bits) with mostsignificant bit ''negative." Negative data in two's complement format unsigned 0 to 65535 Single word (16 bits) without negation sign long -2.147(109) Double word to with the 2.147(109) mostsignificant bit (bit 31) being the negation sign float 9.404(10-38) 4-byte real to number both 3.402(1038) positive and negative. Bit format: Bit 31 = Sign Bit 30 = Exponent sign Bits 23-29 = Exponent Bits 0-22 = Mantissa (mostsignificant four bits above the decimal point).
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< previous page Page 125 8 Byte DQ Real
10 Byte Real
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double 4.194(10-307) 8-byte real to number both 1.667(10308) positive and negative. Bit format: Bit 63 = Sign Bit 62 = Exponent sign Bits 52-61 = Exponent Bits 0-51 = Mantissa(mostsignificant four bits above the decimal point). N/A 3.4(10-4932) 10-byte real to number both 1.2(104932) positive and negative. Not available in most languages. Bit format: Bit 79 = Sign Bit 78 = Exponent sign Bits 64-78 Exponent Bits 0-63 = Mantissa (mostsignificant four bits above the decimal point).
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Page 127 Chapter 9 Adapter Card Busses ISA Data access: 760 nsec for 8 bits 160 nsec for 16 bits Power: +5 volts at 5 amps ±12 volts at 1 amps ISA pinouts The eight-bit ISA bus consists of a two-sided 31-pin card edge connector with the pins defined as:
Page 129 3 LA22 IRQ10 4 LA21 IRQ11 5 LA20 IRQ12 6 LA19 IRQ15 7 LA18 IRQ14 8 LA17 -DACK0 9 -MEMR DRQ0 10 -MEMW -DACK5 11 SD8 DRQ5 12 SD9 -DACK6 13 SD10 DRQ6 14 SD11 -DACK7 15 SD12 DRQ7 16 SD13 +5 V 17 SD14 -MASTER 18 SD15 Ground The data and address busses are buffered to the processor. Note that if A20 is to be output onto the bus, hardware in the keyboard controller must be enabled. Pin Description A0-A23 Data address pins D0-D15 Data pins Bale Valid address on bus -I/O CHCMK Indicates memory parity error-connected to NMI IOCHRDY When active, ''Wait States" inserted -IOR, -ION Indicate I10 operation -MEMR, -MEMW Indicate memory operation -SBME High 8 bits used intransfer IRQ# Request interrupt Clock 14.31818 MHz OSC 8 MHz DRQ# DMD requests pins DACK# DMA acknowledge pins TC DMA "Terminal Count" -REFRESH DRAM refresh operation active
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Page 130 -MASTER
Adapter device active and controlling bus Block diagram The ISA bus can be thought of as part of the PC/AT and can be modeled with the block diagram (Figure 9.1) Bus timings The ISA bus can be thought of as a processor with its data, address, and control/interrupt/DMA lines being passed directly to a number of ISA slots. The read/write cycle on the ISA bus looks like the left half of Figure 9.2. This waveform is identical for the I/ O reads and
Figure 9.1 PC/AT Functional Block Diagram.
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Figure 9.2 ISA Bus Timing. writes. To transfer data, the time between ALE active and the data available is normally 760 ns for eight-bit transfers and 125 ns for 16-bit transfers. The faster access for 16-bit transfers was a function of the PC/AT and the need for moving memory data faster in the 80286 system. Interrupts Interrupts in the ISA bus are positive-active, edge-triggered, TTL/CMOS inputs that are passed to two 8259As on the PC's motherboard. Multiple devices can drive the same interrupt line and if more than one attempts to drive it high, ''bus contention" will result which could cause an interrupt request to be passed to the processor.
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Figure 9.3 Multiple Interrupt Request Circuit. Interrupts and handlers are set up using the following steps: 1. Save the original vector using MS-DOS interrupt 021h AH = 035h API. 2. Set the new vector using MS-DOS interrupt 021h AH = 025h API. 3. Enable the interrupt request mask bit in the 8259. To enable the interrupt request mask bit in the 8259, the appropriate interrupt mask register bit must be reset. This register is at the 8259's base address plus one. This can be done with the following statement: outp( IntBase + 1, inp( IntBase + 1 ) & (( 0x0FF ^ ( 1 << Bit ))); In this statement, the interrupt mask register is read in, the appropriate bit cleared, and then written back. Nothing more needs to be done with the 8259.
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Page 133 To release the interrupt vector and the interrupt source at the end of the application, the following steps must be taken: 1. Disable the interrupt request mask bit in the 8259. 2. Restore the original vector using MS-DOS interrupt 021h AH = 025h API. DMA The Intel 8237 DMA controller accomplishes DMA in the PC. The 8237 is used in a fly-by mode, where it sets up an ISA transfer, consisting of an I/O and memory read/write. Data is never stored within the DMA controller, it is passed between the PC's memory and the I/O device as is shown in Figure 9.4.
Figure 9.4 Direct Memory Access with Processor.
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Page 134 ISA plug'n'play Plug'n'Play (PnP) allows a motherboard, during the PC's boot, to determine what kind of devices are connected to it. After the devices have been identified, the PnP functions configure them in such a way that their ROM, register, and interrupt addresses do not conflict with any other devices in the system. In ISA Plug 'n 'Play, Bus Contention is used to identify different devices by their unique serial numbers. This identification operation is carried out a bit at a time, with any miscomparing devices dropping off the bus until the serial number read operation is initiated again. The serial number read operation is repeated until all devices in the system have been identified. In the system, Plug'n'Play looks like Figure 9.5 with the data comparators in each card comparing what is actually in the ROM to what is on the bus. This is done a bit at a time. When a bit miscompare occurs within the device's comparator, the de-
Figure 9.5 ''Plug 'n Play" Hardware Block Diagram.
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Page 135 vice stops responding to the Plug'n'Play serial requests until the operation is reset and started again. PCI Data Rates: 33/66 MHz for 32/64 Bit data transfers. Power: +3.3V, +5 Amps. PCI pinouts PinNumber ComponentSide Solder Side Key Location 1 -12 V -TRST 2 TCK +12 V 3 Gnd TMS 4 TDO TDI 5 +5 V +5 V 6 +5 V -INTA 7 -INTB -INTC 8 -INTD +5 V 9 -PRSNT1 Reserved 10 Reserved +I/O voltage 11 -PRSNT2 Reserved 12 Gnd Gnd 3.3-V key position 13 Gnd Gnd 3.3-V key position 14 Reserved Reserved 15 Gnd -RST 16 Clk +I/O voltage 17 Gnd -GRNT 18 REQ Gnd 19 +I/O voltage Reserved 20 AD31 AD30 21 AD29 +3.3 V 22 Gnd AD2 23 AD27 AD26 24 AD25 Gnd 25 +3.3 V AD24 26 C/BE3 IDSEL 27 AD23 +3.3 V 28 Gnd AD22 29 AD21 AD20 30 AD19 Gnd 31 +3.3 V AD18 32 AD17 AD16
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Page 136 33 C/BE2 +3.3 V 34 Gnd -FRAME 35 -IRDY Gnd 36 +3.3 V -TRDY 37 -DEVSEL Gnd 38 Gnd -STOP 39 -LOCK +3.3 V 40 -PERR SDONE 41 +3.3 V -SBO 42 -SERR Gnd 43 +3.3 V PAR 44 C/BE1 AD15 45 AD14 +3.3 V 46 Gnd AD13 47 AD12 AD11 48 AD10 AD9 49 Gnd Gnd 50 Gnd Gnd 5-V key position 51 Gnd Gnd 5-V key position 52 AD8 C/BE0 53 AD7 +3.3 V 54 +3.3 V AD6 55 AD5 AD4 56 AD3 Gnd 57 Gnd AD2 58 AD1 AD0 59 +I/O voltage +I/O voltage 60 -ACK64 -REQ64 61 +5 V +5 V 62 +5 V +5 V Both keys can be cut out of the card if it can run on both +5- and +3.3-V power. PCI is also capable of supporting 32- or 64-bit data transfers. During a 64-Bit data-transfer attempt, the REQ64 pin is made active and if the card responds with -ACK64, then a full 64-bit transfer is executed. To carry out a 64-bit transfer, a second connector is added to the card: PCI Pin Connector Pin Component Side Solder Side 63 1 Reserved Gnd 64 2 Gnd C/BE7 65 3 C/BE6 C/BE5 66 4 C/BE4 +I/O voltage
Figure 9.7 PCI I/O and Memory Waveform with ''Waits".
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Figure 9.8 Multiple Word PCI I/O and Memory Waveform. Interrupt Interrupt requests from PCI adapters must also be set up as part of the configuration/PnP process. Four interrupt lines are on the PnP bus that might have to be shared amongst multiple devices. When an interrupt request is acknowledged by the PCI bus controller, the PCI bus controller outputs the interrupt acknowledge CMD on the bus with the AD lines having the interrupt handler vector address driven onto the bus (Figure 9.9). DMA PCI's bus mastering capabilities are used to allow the adapter to interface directly with other devices on the PCI to transfer data. When an adapter ''wants" to transfer from memory to I/O, it must carry out the following steps:
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Page 140 1. Assert the _REQ line to request control of the bus. 2. Wait for the _GRNT line from the controller to become active to indicate that the adapter has control of the bus. 3. Do the data transfer. 4. Release the _REQ line to free up the bus before the last transfer. The bus waveforms look like Figure 9.10. PCI plug'n'play The PCI bus, by definition, contains dynamically allocated resources (adapters or targets). These resources are designed with the ability that memory, I/O port, and interrupt request numbers can be relocated within the system. The PCI bus can be used for simple memory and I/O transfers, but for more complex operations, the PCI uses its configuration memory as Plug'n'Play data to allow the host to poll what is installed and then specify the addresses used.
Figure 9.9 PCI Interrupt Request Waveforms.
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Figure 9.10 PCI DMA Waveforms. The configuration memory is 256 bytes in size and is accessed 32 bits at a time: Addr Byte 0 Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 0000h Vendor ID
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Page 142 In this table, <- indicates that the byte is a carry over from the previous byte. The vendor ID and device ID perform the same service as their counterparts in ISA PnP. The vendor ID specifies the card model while the device ID specifies the serial number of the device with every device of a card model given a unique serial number. This allows multiple cards of the same type to be placed in a system, recognized, and uniquely addressed. The BAR# values are base address registers. Upon power up, they contain the resource type (I/O or memory) and the number of bytes required for the resource. During PnP setup, the resource addresses are written to. The expansion ROM addresses and interrupt resources work similarly. The PCI PnP resources are identified at boot time along with the ISA resources. The PCI PnP operation works like: 1. Set slot index to zero. 2. Read vendor ID. If invalid, jump to Step 4. 3. Read and save resources. 4. Increment the slot index. 5. If the slot index is not past the last slot, go to 2. 6. Construct a resource map. 7. Set slot index to zero. 8. If invalid device (from 2) go to 10. 9. Write device resource map settings. 10. Increment the slot index. 11. If slot index is not past the last slot go to 8. 12. Continue boot operation.
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Page 143 Chapter 10 USB Bus Data Rates: 12 MBps, 1.5 MBps Power: +5 Volts, 100 mA Connections to the PC Basic USB connections to a PC look like Figure 10.1. The actual connection inside the hubs are shown in Figure 10.2.
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Figure 10.1 USB Connector Operation.
Figure 10.2 High Level USB Connections to the PC. Data Packet Formats Information passed between the USB device and the host consists of groups of packets sent at 12 MBps. Five different types of packets are available for use. These packets consist of a synch filed, which is used for synchronizing the USB device to the host. The next field, the PID is used to specify the type of
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Page 145 packet that is being passed. Following the PID is the packet information and an optional CRC. The PID field is an eight-bit field with four bits of data repeated twice (for error detection). The four bits are specified as: Packet Type PID Name PID3-PID0 Token Out 0001 Token In 1001 SOF 0101 Token Setup 1101 Data Data0 0011 Data Data1 1011 Handshake Ack 0010 Handshake Nak 1010 Handshake Stall 1110 Special Pre 1100 The ''start of frame" packet is broadcast by the host to each device every 1 ms. The purpose of the packet is to notify the USB device that a set of packets is coming. The format of the packet is shown in Figure 10.3. Data packets are prompted by In or Out start-of-frame packets with the buffer specified as either Data0 or Data1 (Figure 10-4). In all types of requests, except for isochronous data requests, a data packet is followed by a handshake packet (Figure 10.5). The special preamble packet is sent by the host to notify a low-speed device (1.5 MBps) that it will communicate with it (Figure 10.6).
Figure 10.3 USB Start of Frame Packet.
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Figure 10.4 USB Data Packet.
Figure 10.5 USB Handshaking Packet.
Figure 10.6 USB ''Special" Packet. Data Transfer Types Packet Stages Function Startup Pass packet type Data Optional data passed between the PC host and USB device Status Ack, Nak, or Stall Transfer Type Function Control Basic reads and writes Isochronous Device responds with data "out" after the "in" packet received. No handshaking performed Bulk Similar to isochronous, except handshaking is performed
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Page 147 Interrupt
Host checks device once per millisecond. If information is available, the device responds with a Stall. The PC host then reads information Device Enumeration The five steps to the enumeration process are shown in Figure 10.7. In the USB HUB, two 15-kΩ resistors pull down the USB
Figure 10.7 USB Enumeration Process.
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Page 148 channel. When the USB device is attached, a pull up on the D+ or D– pins will change this state, causing the hub to recognize that the device is connected. The host PC then issues a Port Enable and Reset command to the hub address, where the new device is attached. At this point, 100 mA is supplied to the USB device. The device will be put into its Default condition and wait for the host to poll it using a GetDescriptor(Device) set-up packet and the device will respond with the device information. After the information has been received, the PC will issue a SetAddress to the device. This will set an address for the device to monitor requests to and respond when it is being addressed. Once the address has been specified, a GetDescriptor(Device) command is re-issued followed by a GetDescriptor(Configuration) command to have the device send its configuration information. With the device's configuration set, the host sends a SetDescriptor(Configuration) command to indicate to the device that it is set up and can receive requests from the host at any time. PC Host Configuration To use USB, you will need a PC loaded with at least one USB port (which can be built into the motherboard or on an adapter card) and a USB-enabled operating system. A hub is optional (but recommended). Fortunately, the hardware requirement has been a part of the PC de facto standard since 1996. USB-enabled operating systems (Windows 95 OSR 2.1, Windows 98, or Windows 2000) have been available since late 1997.
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Page 149 Chapter 11 Boot Process POST Operation POST: Power On Self-Test Also known as: POD: Power On Diagnostics ISA MFG_PORT with decode/display While POST is executing, the current test number is written to an ISA I/O port address that normally doesn't have hardware
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Figure 11.1 ''MFG_PORT" Decode and Display Circuitry. associated with it. This port address is known as MFG_PORT and resides at I/O space address 0x080. A typical circuit that provides the MFG_PORT readout function could be as simple as in Figure 11.1. PC/AT POST error codes Code Test 001h Processor read/write test 002h CMOS shutdown byte test 003h CMOS checksum test 004h Timer all bits set test 005h Timer all bits reset test 006h DMA Channel 0 initialize register 007h DMA Channel 1 initialize register 008h DMA page register read/write test
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Page 151 009h DRAM refresh test 00Ah-00Dh Keyboard controller and configuration jumper test 00Eh Base 64-KB read/write test 00Fh Base 64-KB parity check test 011h Read switch settings 012h Protect-mode register test 013h Initialize interrupt controllers test 014h Initialize temporary interrupt vectors 015h Initialize BIOS API vectors 016h Verify CMOS shutdown capability test 017h Set defective CMOS batter flag test 018h-01Ah Set CMOS checksum test 01Bh-01Ch Protect-mode test 01Dh-01Fh One-MB memory size determine 020h Shutdown PC from Protect mode 021h Real-mode stack check test 022h Enable video output 023h-024h Video adapter test 025h-028h Interrupt controller test 029h Timer interrupt test 02Ah-02Ch Timer checkout 02Dh Run keyboard controller delay test 02Eh-031h Full memory test 033h Address line 16 to 23 test 034h Return to Real mode 035h-038h Keyboard presence test 039h Keyboard buffer test 03Ah 8042 RAM test 03Ch Diskette adapter initialization 03Dh Diskette hardware test 03Eh Initialize hard disk 03Bh Optional ROM presence ''scan" 03Fh Initialize printer 040h Enable floating-point coprocessor 041h Look for ROM at address 0x0E000:0 042h Enable NMI request hardware 043h Enable NMI request interrupt
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Page 152 Bus ROM To be recognized during boot, ISA ROM must be located within address range 0×0C8000 to 0×0DFFFF and start with the following three bytes: Offset Byte Function 0 0×055 Flag for POST 1 0×0AA Flag for POST 2 # Size of ROM in 512-byte increments 3 N/A First address executed : ROM code POST scans the ROM (for the specified size) and totals its contents. For the ROM to be recognized, the contents total (checksum) must be evenly divisible by 0x0100 (256) or have the least-significant byte of the total equal to zero. The algorithm used is: checksum = 0; for ( i = ROMStart; i < ROMEnd; i++ ) checksum += ROM[ i ]; // Sum Each Byte if (( checksum & 0x0FF ) == 0 ) call ROM[ 0 ]; To end the boot ROM code, a ''far return" instruction is executed.
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Page 153 Operating System Boot After POST, the PC loads and ''boots" the operating system using the following sequence of commands: 1. Set DS and SS to 0x007C0 2. Execute int 19h 3. Check for LAN card presence. If it is present, jump to 7. 4. Check for disk A. If it is present with a valid boot sector, jump to 7, else jump to 6. 5. If a valid boot sector is on disk C, jump to 7. 6. Indicate the missing boot information. 7. Boot the operating system through the appropriate device. Notice that for step 6, in early IBM PCs, Cassette BASIC is automatically run.
Page 156 00Dh 320 × 200 16 8 × 8 (40 × 25) 0A0000h MCGA/VGA 00Eh 640 × 200 16 8 × 8 (80 × 25) 0A0000h MCGA/VGA 00Fh 640 × 350 Mono 8 × 14 (80 × 25) 0A0000h MCGA/VGA 010h 640 × 350 16 8 × 14 (80 × 25) 0A0000h MCGA/VGA 011h 640 × 480 2 8 × 16 (80 × 25) 0A0000h MCGA/VGA 012h 640 × 480 16 8 × 16 (80 × 25) 0A0000h MCGA/VGA 013h 320 × 200 256 8 × 8 (40 × 25) 0A0000h MCGA/VGA It is recommended that standard VGA modes (3, 010h, and 013h) are only used. Color information is loaded into the color palette using BIOS API Int 010h, AH = 010h. The enhanced 8514/A (Super VGA) video modes are: Resolution Colors Text Format 1024 × 768 256 12 × 20 (85 × 38) or 7 × 15 (146 × 51) 1024 × 768 65,536 12 × 20 (85 × 38) The enhanced XGA video modes are: Resolution Colors Text Format 640 × 480 65,536 8 × 14 (80 × 34) 80 × 25 Characters 16 9 × 16 132 × 25 Characters 16 8 × 16 132 × 43 Characters 16 8 × 9 132 × 50 Characters 16 8 × 8 1024 × 768 256 12 × 20 (85 × 38), 8 × 14 (128 × 54) or 7 × 15 (146 × 51) For 8514/A (Super VGA) and XGA adapters, refer to the manufacturers' development kits for programming information. For 80-×-25 character text, the screen itself is set up on 4-KB boundaries for each page in the 0 × 0B8000 segment. Offset
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Figure 12.1 Video RAM Addressing Layout. zero of each 4-KB boundary is the top left corner of the display (Figure 12.1). Character/Color Information For text to be displayed, each character is stored as a word; eight bits for the IBM extended ASCII code and eight bits for the color information. The low byte of the word is the ASCII code and the high byte is the color information byte. The color information byte is defined with the bits: Bit Color/Function 7 Foreground blink 6 Background red 5 Background green
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Page 158 4 Background blue 3 Foreground high intensity (HI) 2 Foreground red 1 Foreground green 0 Foreground blue These basic colors can be combined into: HI Red Green Blue Black Color X Black X Blue X Green X X Cyan X Red X X Magenta X X Brown X X X Light grey X Dark grey X X Light blue X X Light green X X X Light cyan X X Light red X X X Light magenta X X X Yellow X X X X White Foreground blink should be used sparingly and only to indicate emergency situations. When writing to graphic screens, depending on the number of colors that can be displayed simultaneously, the appropriate number of bits for a number of pixels are concatenated into each byte. For example, in a four-color display (i.e., Mode 4),
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Page 159 one byte is used for four pixels (with the right-most pixel being the high two bits of the byte). Display Adapter Connections Two types of display adapter connectors are used. For modern PCs, the three-row 15-pin D-shell connector has been standard for the VGA connection since the IBM PS/2 and it provides a great deal of commonality between devices. For older PCs that use MDA, CGA, or EGA, a nine-pin D-shell connector is used. Although the connector is the same for the three types of displays, plugging a display into the wrong output can damage it. The nine-pin connector's pinouts (Figure 12.2) are: Pin MDA CGA EGA 1 Gnd Gnd Gnd 2 Gnd Gnd Hi intensity red 3 Red Primary red 4 Green Primary green 5 Blue Primary blue 6 Intensity Intensity Hi intensity green 7 Video Hi intensity blue 8 Horizontal synch Horizontal synch Horizontal synch 9 Vertical synch Vertical synch Vertical synch The nine-pin devices are TTL level and cannot handle analog voltage levels, except with the intensity bit.
Figure 12.2 9 Pin Video Connector.
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Figure 12.3 15 Pin Video Connector. A 15-pin connector is used for both MCGA and VGA. MCGA was an enhanced CGA adapter available in some early, low-end PS/2 models. MCGA and VGA use analog voltages. MCGA/VGA is designed to work with either monochrome or color monitors and two pulled-up TTL sense pins are provided for this function. The monitor must be connected at power up for the VGA hardware to work with the monitor type (Figure 12.3). Pin MCGA/VGA 1 Red 2 Green 3 Blue 4 Gnd 5 Gnd 6 Red Gnd 7 Green Gnd 8 Blue Gnd 9 10 Pulled low by monochrome monitor 11 Pulled low by color monitor 12 13 Horizontal synch 14 Vertical synch 15
Page 163 Chapter 13 Keyboard/Mouse Controller Register Definition The interface to the keyboard/mouse in the PC/AT (and later PCs) is an Intel microcontroller that provides the I/O interface to the keyboard (and just receives) data from the mouse. Along with the keyboard interface, the 8042 provides a keyboard lock up (with password) interface and control over address bit 20 of the PC's processor to prevent differences between different processors in the situation where one segment plus offset is greater than one MB. The 8042 can be accessed at I/O address 0×060 and 0×064. Port 0×060 is the data port. When a byte has been received
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Page 164 from either, the keyboard or mouse (auxiliary) port requests an interrupt of the PC's processor. When this byte is read, the most recent byte received is output and, if set, the keyboard interrupt line is reset. Data written to address 0×060 is sent to the keyboard unless the 8042 has a previous command sent to it that requires a follow-up data byte. Port 0×064 is the command/status port, which, when read, will return the current status of the 8042 and the keyboard/mouse hardware. The bits are defined as: Bit Function 7 Parity-Set if received character parity is invalid. 6 Timeout-If not all the bits of a packet were received. 5 Auxiliary Device Buffer Full-Set to indicate that a byte had been received from the mouse/pointing device port. 4 Password-Bit is set if the Password function of the 8042 is enabled. 3 Set if port 0x060 is expecting another command byte. 2 Set when Bit 2 of the system flag byte is written. Reset on power up. 1 Input buffer full-Waiting for the PC to read back the keyboard/mouse data ports. 0 Output buffer full-Waiting for the keyboard to accept data from the PC. When the keyboard interface is enabled, interrupt requests (int 009h) are automatically enabled when data is received from the keyboard. The keyboard interrupt handler is part of BIOS. It should never be relocated and only very rarely shared with other handlers. The only time sharing the interrupt should be used is in applications that cannot poll the keyboard status.
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Figure 13.1 PC Keyboard Connector Pinout. Connector Specification The keyboard and mouse connectors use a six-pin mini DIN with the pinout (from the PC). Keyboard Operation with Timing Diagrams
Figure 13.2 PC to Keyboard Data Protocol.
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Figure 13.3 Keyboard to PC Data Protocol. Mouse Data Packet The PS/2-style mouse uses the same connectors and protocol as the keyboard port. When power is applied to the mouse's microcontroller, an ASCII M is sent to the PC to indicate that the device on this port is a mouse. The PS/2-style mouse uses the keyboard port with a singlebit asynchronous data protocol that consists of three bytes sent serially to the PC every 50 ms or so. Some implementations only send the three bytes when there is movement or button data to send. Byte Number Function/Value 1 Start of data Bit 7 = 0 Bit 6 = 1 Bit 5 = Set if the left button is Pressed Bit 4 = Set if the right button is Pressed Bit 3 = Bit 6 of the Delta Y Bit 2 = Bit 7 of the Delta Y Bit 1 = Bit 6 of the Delta X Bit 0 = Bit 7 of the Delta X 2 Delta X position Bit 7 = 0 Bit 6 = 0 Bit 5 = 0 = Bits 5 = 0 of Delta X
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Delta Y position Bit 7 = 0 Bit 6 = 0 Bit 5 = 0 = Bits 5 = 0 of Delta Y Keyboard Controller Commands To change the operation of the 8042, a byte is written to it via I/O address 0×064: Command Function 0×020-0×02F Read controller RAM. Next read at 0×060 will return byte at the specified internal buffer address (0×000 to 0×00F) 0×060-0×06F Write to control RAM. Next byte written to 0×060 will be written at the specified internal buffer address (0×000 to 0×00F) 0×0A4 Test password installed. If installed, read of 0×064 will return 0×0FA. Read of 0×064 will return 0×0F1 if not installed 0×0A6 Enable password 0×0A8 Enable mouse port 0×0A9 Test auxiliary device (mouse) interface. Checks to see if any of the mouse lines are ''stuck." 0×000 is returned on a read of 0×060 if no lines are stuck high or low 0×0AA Run 8042 self-test. 0×055 is read from 0×060 if 8042 is okay 0×0AB Keyboard interface test. Checks to see if any of the keyboard lines are "stuck." 0×000 is returned on a read of 0×060 if no lines are stuck high or low
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Page 168 0×0AD 0×0AE 0×0C0
Disable keyboard interface Enable keyboard interface Read input port = 0x060 will have the value read. Only to be used when the buffer doesn't have any waiting keys 0×0D2 Write output port = Next byte written to 0×060 will be available for read back from 0×060 Keyboard Commands The keyboard itself has a number of commands that controls how it executes from the PC: Code Function 0×0ED Set indicator LEDs. The next character out is the LED status 0×0EE Echo = Keyboard returns 0x0EE 0×0EF-0×0F2 Ignored by the keyboard 0×0F3 Set Typematic rate, next character is the rate 0×0F4 Enable key scanning 0×0F5 Set to default (no LEDS on, default Typematic rate) and disable key scanning 0×0F6 Set to default (no LEDS on, default Typematic rate) and enable key scanning 0×0F7-0x0FD Ignored by the keyboard 0×0FE Request keyboard to resend the last character 0×0FF Reset the keyboard's microcontroller In all of these cases (except for the Ignore and Echo commands), the keyboard sends back the Acknowledge character, 0×0FA.
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Page 169 Keyboard Scan Codes In MS-DOS, the keyboard codes are normally a combination of the keyboard scan code and appropriate ASCII code. The following table shows the different codes returned for keystrokes by themselves, and with a Shift, Ctrl, or Alt modifier. Allowances have not been made for upper and lower case in this table. KP indicates the keypad and it, or a single A (which indicates alternate arrow and other keys), followed by UA, DA, LA, or RA indicates an arrow. I, D, H, PU, PD, or E, with KP or A, indicates Insert, Delete, Home, Page Up, Page Down, or End on the keypad, respectively. The keypad numbers, when Alt is pressed is used to enter in specific ASCII codes in decimal. For example, Alt-6-5 will enter in an ASCII A character. I have marked these keys in the following table with # Key Standard Codes Shift Codes Ctrl Codes Alt Codes Esc 01/1B 01/1B 01/1B 01/00 1 02/31 02/21 78/00 2 03/32 03/40 03/00 79/00 3 04/33 04/23 7A/00 4 05/34 05/24 7B/00 5 06/35 06/25 7C/00 6 07/36 07/5E 07/1E 7D/00 7 08/37 08/26 7E/00 8 09/38 09/2A 7F/00 9 0A/39 0A/28 80/00 0 0B/30 0B/29 81/00 0C/2D 0C/5F 0C/1F 82/00 = 0D/3D 9C/2B 83/00 BS 0E/08 0E/08 0E/7F 0E/00 Tab 0F/09 0F/00 94/00 A5/00 Q 10/71 10/51 10/11 10/00 W 11/77 11/57 11/17 11/00 E 12/65 12/45 12/05 12/00 R 13/72 13/52 13/12 13/00 T 14/74 14/54 14/14 14/00 Y 15/79 15/59 15/19 15/00 U 16/75 16/55 16/15 16/00
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< previous page Page 170 I 17/69 O 18/6F P 19/70 [ 1A/5B ] 1B/5D Enter 1C/0D A 1D/61 S 1F/73 D 20/64 F 21/66 G 22/67 H 23/68 J 24/6A K 25/6B L 26/6C ; 27/3B ' 28/27 ` 29/60 \ 2B/5C Z 2C/7A X 2D/78 C 2E/63 V 2F/76 B 30/62 N 31/6E M 32/6D , 33/2C . 34/2E / 35/2F KP * 37/2A SPACE 39/20 F1 3B/00 F2 3C/00 F3 3D/00 F4 3E/00 F5 3F/00 F6 40/00 F7 41/00 F8 42/00 F9 43/00 F10 44/00 F11 85/00 F12 86/00 KP H 47/00 KP UA 48/00
< previous page Page 171 KP PU 49/00 KP 4A/2D KP LA 4B/00 KP C 4C/00 KP RA 4D/00 KP + 4E/2B KP E 4F/00 KP DA 50/00 KP PD 51/00 KP I 52/00 KP D 53/00 KP Enter E0 0D KP / E0/2F PAUSE BREAK AH 47/E0 A UA 48/E0 A PU 49/E0 A LA 4B/E0 A RA 4D/E0 AE 4F/E0 A DA 50/E0 A PD 51/E0 AI 52/E0 AD 53/E0
Page 173 Chapter 14 I/O Peripherals Serial Port An application that is appropriate for PC-serial communications has the following characteristics: 1. A standard PC serial port on at least one end. 2. Only two computing devices are connected together. 3. These two devices can be an arbitrary distance apart (from inches to miles to astronomical distances).
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Page 174 4. Relatively small amounts of data need to be transferred in real time (on the order of hundreds of KB per hour). 5. Man-readable commands are transmitted between the devices and data is transmitted using standard protocols. Block diagram The 8250 serial interface chip is the primary chip used for serial communications (Figure 14.1). The 16450 and the 16550 can execute the same basic instructions as the 8250, but with additional circuits put into the chips to allow buffering of data(using First In/First Out, FIFO, memories). Most software programs written for the RS-232 ports don't attempt to use the
Figure 14.1 8250 Block Diagram.
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Page 175 buffering FIFO hardware because, in many chips, the buffering FIFO hardware does not work. To avoid any confusion, note that the 8250 is not an Intel part. Serial port base addresses Up to four serial ports can be addressed by the PC. Of these, probably only two will be usable for connecting external devices to the PC. The serial port base addresses are: Port Base Address Interrupt Number COM1 0×03F8 0×00C COM2 0×02F8 0×00B COM3 0×03E8 0×00C COM4 0×02E8 0×00B Note: COM4 is rarely available due to register conflicts with SVGA registers. 8250 registers The 8250 consists of eight registers offset from the base address. Base Address Register Name Offset 0 Transmitter holding register/receiver character Buffer/LSB divisor latch 1 Interrupt enable register/MSB divisor latch
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Page 176 2 Interrupt identification register 3 Line-control register 4 Modem-control register 5 Line-status register 6 Modem-status register 7 Scratchpad register When the base address (with no offset added) is written to, a character is being loaded into the transmit holding register, which will be passed to the shift register as soon as the shift out register has completed sending the previous character. Often, when starting transmission, nothing will be in the shift register, so the character is loaded immediately into the shift register, freeing up the holding register for the next character. This allows sending data continuously by keeping the transmit holding register Full. Reading the base address will return the last character received. For new characters, check for the line-status register for Data Ready bits to be enabled. The interrupt enable register (at the base address plus one)is used to enable the interrupt requests out of the 8250, based on different events. Bit Description 4-7 Unused, normally set to zero 3 When set, an interrupt request on change of state for modem-interface lines 2 Request interrupt for change in receiver holding register status 1 Request interrupt if the holding register is empty 0 Request interrupt for received character
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Page 177 The modem input lines are DSR, CTS, RI, and DCD and can cause an interrupt request in the PC when they change state. The event that caused the interrupt request is stored in the modem status register. In the 8250, the modem bits are also known as handshaking lines. When the serial port interrupt request is being serviced, theinterrupt identification register (base address plus two) is used to determine the cause of the interrupt. Bits Description 3-7 Unused, normally set to zero 1-2 Interrupt ID bits B2 B1 Priority Request Type 0 0 Lowest Change in modem-status lines 0 1 Third Transmitter holding register empty 1 0 Second Data received 1 1 Highest Receive line-status change These bits correspond to the interrupt mask bits used in the interrupt enable register and should be responded to appropriately in the interrupt handler. The line-control register (at base address plus three) is used to set the operating conditions of the data transmitter/receiver. Bit Description 7 When set, the transmitter holding and interrupt enable registers are used for loading the data-speed divisor 6 When set, the 8250 outputs a break conditions (sending a space) until this bit is reset
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Page 178 5-3 Parity type specification B5 B4 B3 0 0 0 = No parity 0 0 1 = Odd parity 0 1 0 = No parity 0 1 1 = Even parity 1 0 0 = No parity 1 0 1 = Mark parity 1 1 0 = No parity 1 1 1 = Space parity 2 When set, two stop bits are sent in the packet, otherwise one 1-0 Number of data bits sent in a packet B1 B1 0 0 = 5 Bits 0 1 = 6 Bits 1 0 = 7 Bits 1 1 = 8 Bits Most modern serial communications use 8-N-1 (eight data bits, no parity, one stop bit) for data transmission. Because this is the simplest and most flexible (fewest overhead bits and can transfer a full byte) method of transferring data. To set the line-control register to 8-N-1, load it with 0b000000011 (or 0x003). The modem-control register (at the base address plus four) is used to control the modem-control pins, as well as two other functions. Bit Pin Description 7-5 Unused, normally set to zero 4 Loop When set, data from the transmitter is looped internally to the receiver 3 Out2 When set, interrupt requests from the 8250 are unmasked 2 Out1 This bit/pin is not controlling any hardware features in the serial port
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Page 179 1 _RTS
When this bit is reset, the RTS line is at Mark state 0 _DTR When this bit is reset, the DTR line is at Mark state The line-status register (base address plus five) is a read-only register with the current status of the 8250. Bit Description 7 Unused, normally set to zero 6 Set when the transmitter shift register is empty 5 Set when the transmitter holding register is empty 4 Set when the receive line is held at a space value for longer than the current packet size 3 This bit is set when the last character had a framing error (i.e., stop bit set to Space) 2 Set when the last character had a parity error 1 Set when the latest character has overrun the receiver-holding register 0 Set when a character has been received, but not read Normal values for this register are 0x060 (nothing received/data sent) or 0x061 (byte received/data sent). The modem-status register (at the base address plus six) is a read-only register dedicated to returning the current status of the modem (DCE) device connected to the PC's serial port.
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Page 180 Bit Pin 7 DCD
Description When set, an asserted DCD signal is being received 6 RI When set, the modem is detecting a ring on the device where it is connected 5 DSR When set, a DSR mark is being received 4 CTS When set, a CTS mark is being received 3 DCD When this bit is set, the DCD line has changed state since the last check 2 RI When set, this bit indicates that the ring-indicator line has changed from a mark to a space 1 DSR When this bit is set, the DSR line has changed state since the last check 0 CTS When this bit is set, the CTS line has changed state since the last check At base address plus seven, in some serial hardware, a ''scratchpad register" can read from and write to without affecting any other hardware. This register should not be counted upon being present in all serial interfaces. Operation A serial data "packet" looks like Figure 14.2. When waiting for a character, the 8250 receiver hardware polls the line repeatedly at 1/16-bit period intervals until a 0 (space) is detected. The receiver then waits half a cycle before polling the line again to see if a glitch was detected, not a start bit. Polling occurs in the middle of each bit to avoid problems with bit transitions (or if the transmitter's clock is slightly different from the receivers, the chance of misreading a bit will be minimized).
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Figure 14.2 Reading an Asynch Data Packet. Once the Start bit is validated, the receiver hardware polls the incoming data once every bit period multiple times (again to ensure that glitches are not read as incorrect data). The stop bit was originally provided to give both the receiver and the transmitter some time before the next packet is transferred (in early computers, the serial data stream was created and processed by the computers and not custom hardware, as in modern computers). The parity bit is a crude method of error detection that was first brought in with Teletypes. The purpose of the parity bit is to indicate whether the data was received correctly. An odd parity meant that if all the data bits and parity bits set to a Mark were counted, the result would be an odd number. Even parity is checking all of the data and parity bits and seeing if the number of Mark bits is an odd number.
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Page 182 Along with even and odd parity are mark, space, and no parity. Mark parity means that the parity bit is always set to a 1, space parity is always having a 0 for the parity bit, and no parity is eliminating the parity bit all together. The most common form of asynchronous serial data packet is 8-N-1, which means eight data bits, no parity, and one stop bit. This reflects the capabilities of modern computers to handle the maximum amount of data with the minimum amount of overhead and with a very high degree of confidence that the data will be correct. Interrupts Interrupts can be generated upon the completion of the current packet transmission, the contents of the holding register stored into the shift register are be shifted out, if the modem-status bits change state or if data has been received and is either in error or ready to be processed. If any of these events occur with the appropriate interrupt enable register, which is located at the base address plus one, then an interrupt request will be generated by the 8250. When any interrupts are enabled in the 8250, they will output an interrupt request. This might not be desirable, so, in the PC, some hardware was added to globally mask the interrupt (Figure 14.3). The receiver line-status bits will request an interrupt when something unusual is happening on the receiver line. These conditions include a data overrun, incorrect parity in the data packet received, a framing error in the received data packet, or if a break in the line is detected. This interrupt request is given the highest priority so that errors can be responded to first.
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Figure 14.3 IBM PC Serial Interrupt Enable Hardware. The transmit-holding register empty interrupt indicates that the holding register is able to accept another character and is shifting out the one that used to be in the holding register. The last event that can generate an interrupt request is when a character is received. This interrupt request is at the second highest-priority (after the receive line-status interrupt request) to ensure that the received characters and status are serviced as quickly as possible (and avoid framing errors). For serial (COM) ports 1 and 3, interrupt level 4 (which is actually interrupt 12, 0x00C, in the PC's interrupt table) is used. COM Ports 2 and 4 use level 3 (Interrupt 11, 0x00B). It is recommended that modems are set to COM 2, leaving COM 1 and COM 3 free for interfacing to external devices without worrying about sharing interrupts with the software used by COM 2.
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Figure 14.4 2 Computer Communication Via Modem. Communications model The RS-232 communications model is shown in Figure 14.4. In RS-232, different equipment is wired according to the functions they perform. DTE (Data Terminal Equipment)is meant to be the connector used for computers (the PC uses this type of connection). DCE (Data Communications Equipment)was meant for modems and terminal that transfer the data. Understanding what the RS-232 model different equipment fits under is crucial to successfully connecting two devices by RS-232. With a pretty good understanding of the serial data, you can look at the actual voltage signals. As mentioned, when RS-232 was first developed into a standard, computers and the electronics that drive them were still very primitive and unreliable. RS-232 voltage levels A mark (1) is actually -12 volts and a space (0) is +12 volts (Figure 14.5). Voltages in the ''Switching Region" (±3 volts)
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Figure 14.5 RS-232 Voltage Levels. might not be read as a 0 or 1, depending on the device. Circuits driving logic levels to RS-232 must always be in the ''valid" regions. Standard RS-232 data rates For generating RS-232 data rates in the PC, the formula is used to load the divisor registers of the 8250. To calculate the data rate for a given divisor, use the formula: Data rate = 1.8432 MHz/16 x Divisor To get the divisor for a given data rate, use: Divisor = 1.8432 MHz/16 x Divisor
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Page 186 Data Rate Divisor 110 bps 0x0417 150 bps 0x0300 300 bps 0x0180 600 bps 0x00C0 1200 bps 0x0060 2400 bps 0x0030 4800 bps 0x0018 9600 bps 0x000C 19,200 bps 0x0006 38,400 bps 0x0003 57,600 bps 0x0002 115,200 bps 0x0001 Connector pinouts Either a male 25-pin or male 9-pin connector is available on the back of the PC for each serial port (Figure 14.6). These connectors are wired as: Pin Name 25 Pin 9 Pin I/O Direction TxD 2 3 Output (O) RxD 3 2 Input (I) Gnd 7 5 RTS 4 7 O CTS 5 8 I DTR 20 4 O DSR 6 6 I RI 22 9 I DCD 8 1 I The 9-pin standard was originally developed for the PC/AT because the serial port was put on the same adapter card as the printer port and there wasn't enough room for the serial port and parallel port to both use 25-pin D-shell connectors.
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Figure 14.6 IBM PC DB-25 and D-9 Pin RS-232 Connectors. The six additional handshaking lines (which are at the same logic levels as the transmit/receive lines) are used to interface between devices and control the flow of information between computers. Lines Direction Function Request-to0 Asserted when PC is send (RTS) ready to transmit. Clear-to-send I Asserted when (CTS) receiver is ready to receive. Data-transmitter0 Asserted when PC is ready (OTR) attempting link. Data-set-ready I Asserted by receiver (DSR) when link is ground. Data-carrierI Asserted when modem detect (DCD) established connection to other computer. Ring-indicator I Assorted when the modem's phone line detects ''ringing."
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Page 188 A common ground connection exists between the DCE and DTE devices. This connection is crucial for the RS232 level converters to determine the actual incoming voltages. The ground pin should never be connected to a chassis or shield ground (to avoid large current flows or be shifted and prevent accurate reading of incoming voltage signals). To avoid these problems, be sure that the chassis and signal grounds are separate. Null modem connection Three-wire RS-232 connection With the handshaking lines shorted together, data can be send and received without having to develop software to handle the different handshaking protocols (Figure 14.8). With the three-wire RS-232 connection, the XON/XOFF protocol is often used. In two primary standards are in place. The first is known as XON/XOFF protocol; the receiver sends an XOFF (DC3, character 0×013) when it can't accept any more data. When it is able to receive data, it sends an XON (DC1, character 0×011) to notify the transmitter that it can receive more data.
Figure 14.7 PC to PC Serial Connection (''Null Modem").
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Figure 14.8 TypicalRS-232 Wiring. RS-232 powered circuits The PC's RS-232 port can supply up to 10 mA using the circuit shown in Figure 14.9. Level converter circuits The same chips as used in the original IBM PC can be used in Figure 14.10. When using a 1488, be sure that the second input to a driver is always pulled high (as is done with 2B in Figure 14.10). The #C input of the 1489 receiver is a flow control for the gates and is normally left floating. The following three methods do not require ±12 Volts and in fact just require the +5-volt supply that is used for logic power. The first method is using an RS-232 converter that has a built in charge-pump to create the ±12 volts required for the RS-232 signal levels. Probably the best-known chip for this function is the Maxim MAX232 (Figure 14.11). This chip is ideal for implementing three-wire RS-232 interfaces (or adding a simple DTR/DSR or RTS/CTS handshaking interface). Ground for the incoming signal is connected to the processor ground (which is not the case's ground).
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Figure 14.9 ''Stealing" Power from the PC's Serial Port.
Figure 14.10 1488/1489 RS-232 Connections. Along with the MAX232, Maxim and some other chip vendors have a number of other RS-232 charge-pump equipped devices that allow more RS-232 lines (to include the handshaking lines). Some charge-pump devices that are also avail-
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Figure 14.11 MAXIM MAX232 RS-232 Connections. able do not require the external capacitors that the MAX232 chip does, which will simplify the layout of your circuit (although these chips do cost quite a bit more). The next method of translating RS-232 and TTL/CMOS voltage levels is to use the transmitter's negative voltage (Figure 14.12). This circuit relies off of the RS-232 communications only running in Half-Duplex mode (i.e., only one device can transmit at a given time). When the external device ''wants" to transmit to the PC, it sends the data either as a mark (leaving the voltage being returned to the PC as a negative value) or as a space (by turning on the transistor and enabling the positive voltage output to the PC's receivers). When the PC transmits a byte to the external device through this circuit, it will receive the packet its sent because
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Figure 14.12 RS-232 To External Device. this circuit connects the PC's receiver (more or less) directly to its transmitter. The software running in the PC (as well as the external device) will have to handle this. Transmission can only be in Half-Duplex mode. If both the PC and the external device attempt to transmit at the same time, then both messages will be garbled. Data out of the external device will have to be inverted to get the correct transmission voltage levels (i.e., a 0 will output a 1) to ensure that the transistor turns on at the right time (i.e., a positive voltage for a space). The Dallas Semiconductor DS1275 chip basically incorporates the circuit in Fig. 14-12 (with a built-in inverters) into a single package (Figure 14.13). The last interface circuit is simply a resistor (Figure 14.14). This interface works by relying on clamping diodes in the receiver holding the voltage at the maximum allowable for the receiver. The 10-Ω resistor limits any possible current flows (Figure 14.15). The actual operation looks like Figure 14.16. You might find some devices that do not have clamping diodes internal to the I/O pin (i.e., in some microcontrollers).
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Figure 14.13 Dal Semi 1275 RS-232 Interface.
Figure 14.14 Simple RS-232 to TTL/CMOS Voltage In that case, they can be added in the configuration shown in the diagram preceding. Parallel Port Also known as the printer port. It requires standard cable to Centronics interface. Original PC interface was mono-directional (from the PC) while modern devices are bi-directional, allowing data transfer to and from I/ O device.
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Figure 14.15 RS-232/Resistor Voltage Conversion.
Figure 14.16 Simple RS-232 to TTL/CMOS Voltage Conversion with Clamping Diodes. Block diagram
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Figure 14.17 Parallel Port Block Diagram. Base addresses LPT1: 0×0378 LPT2: 0×0278 LPT1 may be 0x03BC is some integrated adapters. Registers Base Address Offset Register +0 Data I/O register (read/write) +1 status register (read only) Bit 7 = Slct IO
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Bit 6 = _Printer Error Bit 5 = _Busy Bit 4 = Error Bit 3 = _Ack Bit 2 = IRQ Enable +2 Control register (write) Bit 5 = _Data Output enable Bit 4 = _IRQ Enable Bit 3 = Strobe Bit 2 = Slctl Bit 1 = Init Bit 0 = _Auto FDXT +2 Control Register Read) Bit 3 = Strobe Bit 2 = _Slctl Bit 1 = _Init Bit 0 = _AutoFDXT Data output waveform
Figure 14.18 Parallel Port Printer Byte Write Waveform.
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Figure 14.19 Connecting an 8250 to a Parallel Port. Sample connection schemes Connecting to a bus I/O device with I/O addressing latched is shown in Figure 14.19 Connecting to an I2C device as the bus master is shown in Figure 14.20. Controlling 7-segment'' LED displays is shown in Figure 14.21. Driving high current loads (such as LEDs) directly from the parallel port is not recommended. In these cases, the LEDs should be driven by a buffer, which is powered externally to the parallel port.
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Figure 14.20 Connecting an I2C bus to a Parallel Port.
Figure 14.21 Connecting a LEDs to a Parallel Port.
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Page 199 Chapter 15 Diskette Subsystem Standard Diskette Formats
Figure 15.1 PC Diskette format.
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Page 200 Disk Size Capacity Bytes/Sector Sectors/Track Tracks/Sides Sides 5.25'' 160 KB 512 8 40 1 5.25" 320 KB 512 8 40 1 5.25" 160 360 KB 512 9 40 2 5.25" 160 MB 512 15 80 2 3.5" 160 720 KB 512 9 80 2 3.5" 160 1.44 MB 512 18 80 2 3.5" 2.88 MB 512 36 80 2 Diskette Connector Pinouts The diskette connector (Figure 15.2) is designed as a 2-x-17 connector (on 0.100" centers). The used pins are: Pin Definition Direction 2 _REDWC = Density select From PC 5 Cable key 8 _INDEX = Index From PC 10 _DRIVEA = Drive A enable From PC 12 _DRIVEB = Drive B enable From PC 14 _DRIVEC = Drive C enable From PC 16 _MOTER ON = Motor enable From PC 18 _DIR = Step direction From PC 20 _STEP = Step From PC 22 WDATE = Write data From PC 24 _WGATE = Write enable From PC 26 _TRK00 = Track 0 indicator From drive 28 _WPT = Write protect From drive 30 RDATA = Read data From drive 32 _SIDE = Head select From PC 34 DSKCHG = Disk change indicator From drive
Figure 15.2 PC Diskette Connector Pinout.
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Figure 15.3 Disk/Diskette Power Connector. Cabling between Drive A and Drive B is identical, except that cable conductors 10 through 14 are reversed. Power is supplied by a 4-pin connector, as shown in Figure 15.3. Block Diagram
Figure 15.4 PC Diskette Controller.
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Page 202 Track/Sector Formatting Each track has quite a bit of header information that is used by the disk controller: Offset Size Description 0 80 Bytes Index pulse gap 0x050 12 Bytes Track synch pulse 0x05C 4 Bytes Track index pulse 0x060 50 Bytes Track gap Each sector has similar header information: Offset Size Description 0 12 Bytes Sector synch 0x000C 4 Bytes Index address 0x0010 1 Byte Cylinder byte 0x0011 1 Byte Head byte 0x0012 1 Byte Sector Number Byte 0x0013 1 Byte Sector size (2 = 512 Bytes) 0x0014 1 Byte CRC 0x0015 22 Bytes Sector gap 0x002B 12 Bytes Sector synch 0x0037 4 Bytes Data address 0x0038 512 Bytes Sector data 0x0238 1 Byte Data CRC 0x0239 7 Bytes Sector gap Boot Sector Specification The 512-byte diskette boot sector is located at Head 0, Track 0, and Sector 1. When software Interrupt 19h is invoked, this information is read from any diskettes in Drive A. If an MS-DOS format sector is encountered then an ''invalid boot disk" error is displayed.
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Page 203 Chapter 16 (E)IDE Disk Subsystem
Figure 16.1 PC Hard or Fixed Disk Format.
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Page 204 Disk Sizing When the PC/XT hardware first became available, a number of assumptions were made about the maximum size of the hard disk and what was possible. The maximum size of a hard disk that could be accessed by the PC's BIOS was 8.3 GB. The IDE standard allowed for up to 137 GB, but the problem was how the two standards combined. The minimum values for each standard were the only way the drives could be accessed: BIOS IDE PC Maximum Heads 256 16 16 Cylinders 1024 65,536 1024 Sectors 63 255 63 The resulting maximum size possible to interface to is defined as: Size = 512 Bytes/sector x 63 Sectors/track x 1024 ; ; ; ; ; ;Tracks/head 16 x Heads/disk ; ; ;= 528,482,304 Bytes To get around this restriction, the Logical Block Addressing (LGA) standard was created. This standard is used to virtually ''shuffle" around the disk parameters so that a larger disk would be accessible by the standard BIOS parameters (i.e., a disk with 2038 cylinders would appear to the disk controller as having 1024 cylinders and twice the number of heads as it actually has). This allows the full 8.3 GB BIOS specification to be accessed.
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Page 205 Block Diagram
Figure 16.2 IDE Disk Subsystem Block Diagram. Disk Connector Pinouts A 20-x-2 shrouded connector is used for the connection (Figure 16.3).
Figure 16.3 PC IDE Connector Pinout.
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Page 206 Pin Function 1 _RESET = Device reset 2 Gnd 3 DD7 = Data bit 7 4 DD8 = Data bit 8 5 DD6 = Data bit 6 6 DD9 = Data bit 9 7 DD5 = Data bit 5 8 DD10 = Data bit 10 9 DD4 = Data bit 4 10 DD11 = Data bit 11 11 DD3 = Data bit 3 12 DD12 = Data bit 12 13 DD2 = Data bit 2 14 DD13 = Data bit 13 15 DD1 = Data bit 1 16 DD14 = Data bit 14 17 DD0 = Data bit 0 18 DD15 = Data bit 15 19 Gnd 20 Key 21 DDRQ0 = DMA request 22 Gnd 23 _IOW = Write strobe 24 Gnd 25 _IOR = Read strobe 26 Gnd 27 IOCHRDY 28 Gnd 29 DDACK0 = DMA acknowledge 30 Gnd 31 IRQR = Interrupt request 32 N/C 33 DA1 = Address 1 34 N/C 35 DA0 = Address 0 36 DA2 = Address 2 37 IDE_CS0 = IDE device select 38 IDE_CD1 = IDE device select 39 _ACTIVE = LED driver 40 Gnd
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Page 207 SCSI Connector Pinouts The 50-pin SCSI connector is defined as: Pin Function 1 Gnd 2 Data 0 3 Gnd 4 Data 1 5 Gnd 6 Data 2 7 Gnd 8 Data 3 9 Gnd 10 Data 4 11 Gnd 12 Data 5 13 Gnd 14 Data 6 15 Gnd 16 Data 7 17 Gnd 18 Data parity 19 Gnd 20 Gnd 21 Gnd 22 Gnd 23 Reserved 24 Reserved 25 N/C 26 TERMPWR 27 Reserved 28 Reserved 29 Gnd 30 Gnd 31 Gnd 32 -ATN = Attention 33 Gnd 34 Gnd 35 Gnd 36 -BSY = Busy 37 Gnd
Page 209 Chapter 17 Miscellaneous PC Hardware Joystick
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Figure 17.1 Joystick ADC Circuit.
Figure 17.2 Typical PC Joystick Port Implementation Block Diagram.
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Page 211 Connector pinout A 15-pin female D-shell connector is used for the joystick port: Pin Original PC Port SoundBlaster Port Joystick Function 1 Vcc Vcc Joystick 1 pot common 2 Button 1 (Bit 4) Button 1 (Bit 4) Joystick 1 button 1 3 Pot 1 (Bit 0) Pot 1 (Bit 0) Joystick 1 X axis 4 Ground Ground Joystick 1 button common 5 Ground Ground Joystick 2 button common 6 Pot 2 (Bit 1) Pot 2 (Bit 1) Joystick 1 Y axis 7 Button 2 (Bit 5) Button 2 (Bit 5) Joystick 1 Button 2 8 Vcc Not used 9 Vcc Vcc Joystick 2 pot common 10 Button 3 (Bit 6) Button 3 (Bit 6) Joystick 2 Button 1 11 Pot 3 (Bit 2) Pot 3 (Bit 2) Joystick 2 X axis 12 Ground MIDI output 13 Pot 4 (Bit 3) Pot 4 (Bit 3) Joystick 2 Y axis 14 Button 4 (Bit 7) Button 4 (Bit 7) Joystick 2 Button 2 15 Vcc MIDI input Register bit definition The pot-position read operation is initiated by a write to I/O port 0×0201. To read the current state, the bits are defined as: Bit Function 7 Button 4 When pressed, bit is reset 6 Button 3 When pressed, bit is reset 5 Button 2 When pressed, bit is reset 4 Button 1 When pressed, bit is reset 3 Pot 4 When set, pot is not discharged 2 Pot 3 When set, pot is not discharged 1 Pot 2 When set, pot is not discharged 0 Pot 1 When set, pot is not discharged
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Page 212 SoundBlaster The normal set up for a SoundBlaster card in the PC is to have port addresses 0×0220 and 0×0221 used for addressing the card and interrupt level 5 and DMA channel 1 set up for DMA operations. Registers The SoundBlaster is really a write-only device with a number of different addresses used for controlling the different channels of the card. These addresses are: Address Function 001h Execute SoundBlaster self-test/ waveform control 002h Timer 1 count register 003h Timer 2 count register 004h Timer control register 008h Speech-synthesis control 020h-035h Amplitude-modulation/vibrator/envelope/ generator/frequency-modulation control 040h-055h Key scaling/output-level control 060h-075h Attack/decay-rate control 080h-095h Sustain level/release-rate control 0A0h-0A8h Channel frequency-control low 8 bits 0B0h-0B8h Channel key-on/octave/frequency high 8 bits control 0BDh AM depth/vibrato depth/rhythm control 0C0h-0C0h Feedback strength control 0E0h–0F5h Wave select control
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Page 213 Accessing the SoundBlaster's registers is accomplished by writing to an address/status register at I/O address 0×0220. After writing the register address, the data register, at address 0×0221, is accessed. For proper operation, a 3.3 μs must be made after writing to 0×0220 and before accessing 0×0221, and 23 μs after accessing the 0×0221 register and writing a new address to 0×0220. The SoundBlaster has nine channels that can be used for independently outputting a sound. Each channel has two operators that can be set with different parameters and combined to create sound effects. A 32-byte register area (0×020) is devoted to the register type. The first address is known as the base register address. Each channel operator is given an offset to the start of the register type address and is separated from the other operator by three: for channel 1, operator 1 is at address 0 and operator 2 is at address 3. This leads to the somewhat unusual operator offset table: Channel 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Operator 1 000h 001h 002h 008h 009h 00Ah 010h 011h 012h Operator 2 003h 004h 005h 00Bh 00Ch 00Dh 013h 014h 015h Register 0×001 is used to test the SoundBlaster hardware and should normally be set to zero. If the FM chips are to control the waveforms of the different operators, bit 5 (known as WS) should be set.
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Page 214 The SoundBlaster's timer is quite straightforward with register 0×004 being used to control the operation of the device. The timeout status is returned when address 0×0220 is read with the bits defined as: Bits Function 7 Set if either timer has timed out 6 Set if Timer 1 has timed out 5 Set if Timer 2 has timed out 4-0 Unused When a timer is started, it is incremented every 80 μs by the SoundBlaster's internal clock. When the timer overflows (times out), the interrupt request bits in the timer-control register (0×004) are set, along with the appropriate bits in the address 0×0220 status register. The control register is defined as: Bits Function 7 Time out and enable reset bit. When reset,both timers are disabled. 6 Timer 1 interrupt mask bit. If set, Timer 1 cannot request a hardware interrupt. 5 Timer 2 interrupt mask bit. If set, Timer 2 cannot request a hardware interrupt. 4–2 Unused 1 Timer 2 control bit. When set, the register at address 0×003 is incremented every 80 μs. 0 Timer 1 control bit. When set, the register at address 0×002 is incremented every 80 μs To delay a specific amount of time, you must take the desired delay and divide by 80 μs. This is the number of ticks the
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Page 215 timer must count to overflow at the end of the delay. The actual value loaded into the timer is 256 minus the number of ticks calculated. For example, for a 10-ms delay, the timer would be loaded with: Timer Initial Value = 256 ( 10 msec / 80 usec ) = 256 125 = 131 With an 80-μs timer tick, the full delay is no more than 20.480 ms. To get longer delays, the timer will have to overflow a certain number of times. The overflow can be monitored within software. To create a sound to be output, first the address 0×020 register (amplitude modulation/vibrato/envelopegenerator type/ frequency-modulation control) must be set up. The bit definition for these registers is: Bits Function 7 Amplitude modulation. Apply when set. 6 Vibrato. Apply when set. 5 Envelope generator. When set, the volume of the note is maintained until it is released. When reset, decay starts after sustain has completed. 4 Keyboard scaling rate. When bit is set, if the frequency output is increased, the volume output is decreased. 3-0 Frequency modulation. These bits are used to specify the key that the output is in: 0000 = One octave below 0001 = At the specified frequency 0010 = One octave 0011 = One octave and a fifth above 0100 = Two octaves above 0101 = Two octaves and a major third above
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0110 = Two octaves and a fifth above 0111 = Two octaves and a minor seventh above 1000 = Three octaves above 1001 = Three octaves and a major second above 1010 = Three octaves and a major third above 1011 = Three octaves and a major third above 1100 = Three octaves and a fifth above 1101 = Three octaves and a fifth above 1110 = Three octaves and a minor seventh above 1111 = Three octaves and a minor seventh above The channel registers with base address 0×040 are used to set the channel level, as well as diminish the sound as the frequency rises: Bits Function 7-6 Diminish output as the frequency rises 00 = No change 01 = 1.5 dB/Octave 10 = 3.0 dB/Octave 11 = 6.0 dB/Octave 5-0 Output Level. 0 is the highest, 0×03F is the lowest (0x020 for ''moderate volume") The next two registers are used to control the envelope of the sound produced. Envelope is the technical term for the volume profile of a sound. As shown in Figure 17.3, the profile consists of three parts. Attack is how quickly the sound reaches full volume. Sustain is the volume level after attack
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Figure 17.3 Sound Effect ''Envelope". has completed and it might not be the full volume of the sound. If it is less that the full value, then the volume drops off immediately. Decay or release is the volume slope when either the sound's volume is allowed to drop "naturally" (decay) or if the channel is turned off explicitly (release). Base registers 0×060 and 0×080 control these parameters. Base register 0×060 bits are defined as: Bits Function 7–4 Attack rate of the envelope. 0 is the slowest, 0×0F is the fastest. 3–0 Decay rate of the envelope. 0 is the slowest, 0×0F is the fastest. Base register 0×080 bits are defined as: Bits Function 7–4 Sustain level. 0 is highest, 0×0F is the softest.
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Page 218 3–0
Release rate of the envelope. 0 is the slowest, 0×0F is the fastest Base address registers 0×0A0 and 0×0B0 are used to specify the frequency (and octave) the channel's output. Each channel can only work with one frequency, so the offset method described above doesn't apply, instead Channel 1 is at offset 0 in the base address, Channel 2 is at offset 1, etc. Base address 0×0B0 contains the upper two bits of the frequency along with the operating octave and channel output enable. The bits are defined as: Bits Function 7-6 Unused 5 Enable. When set, the channel output is enabled. 4-2 Octave channel operates in. 1-0 Most significant two bits of the sound frequency. Base address 0×0A0 is defined as: Bits Function 7-0 Least-significant eight bits of the sound frequency The feedback base register at address 0×0C0 is used to add feedback to the channel. Bits Function 7-4 Unused
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Page 219 3-1 Level of feedback provided: 1 is the minimum, 7 is the maximum. 0 Modulation control. If reset, Operator 1 modulates Operator 2. If set, both operators generate sound. The waveform-select base register at address 0×0E0 is used to select the operator's output waveform. While a sine wave is continually output, ''rectifiers" and clipping can be applied for sound effects. Bits Function 7-2 Unused 1-0 Waveform select 00 = Sine-wave output 01 = Half-wave rectified sine-wave output 10 = Full-wave rectified sine-wave output 11 = Half-wave rectified sine-wave with clipping The last register is the amplitude-modulation depth/ vibrato/rhythm-control register at address 0×0BD in the SoundBlaster. This register is a central control to the current operation of the SoundBlaster and provides a central on/off switch to many special sound effects. Bits Function 7 Amplitude-modulation depth control. When set, AM depth is 4.8 dB, 1.0 dB when reset. 6 Vibrato depth control. When set, vibrato is 14% and 7% when reset. 5 Rhythm control. When set, rhythm enabled. 4 Bass drum synthesis control. When set, enabled.
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Page 220 3 Snare drum synthesis control. When set, enabled. 2 Tom-tom synthesis control. When set, enabled. 1 Cymbal synthesis control. When set, enabled. 0 Hi-hat synthesis control. When set, enabled. DSP commands These functions are used with the following commands to control the operation of the DSP in the SoundBlaster card: Command Function 010h Direct DAC output. The byte sent to 022Ch following the 010h command is an 8-bit value to be output on the DSP's DAC. 014h Initiate DAC DMA. The two bytes sent to 022Ch following the 014h command is the low byte, followed by the high byte of the number of bytes to transfer via DMA. The length should be the number of samples minus one.
Length = Samples- 1 016h
Initiate 8-bit ADPCM DAC DMA. The two bytes sent to 0×022C following the 016h command is the low byte followed by the high byte of the number of samples to transmit. To get the correct length, use the formula:
Length = [(Samples = 1) + 3]/4
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Initiate 8-bit ADPCM DAC DMA with a new reference byte. The two bytes sent to 0×022C following the 017h command is the low byte followed by the high byte of the number of samples to transmit. To get the correct length, use the formula:
Length = {[(Samples - 1) + 3]/4} + 1 01Ch
Auto-Initialize 8-Bit DAC DMA. Set up the DMA for PCM output. No length specification required. To get the correct length, use the formula:
Length = [(Samples + 1)/4] = 1 01Fh
Auto-initialize 8-bit DAC DMA with a new reference byte. Set up the DMA for PCM output. Set up the DMA for PCM for output. To get the correct number, use the formulas:
Do direct 8-bit ADC read. Read the current ADC voltage level. Initiate 8-bit DMA transfer. Operation the same as function 014h. Burst direct 8-Bit ADC read. After function set, each valid read to 022Ah will return the next line in analog voltage level. Auto-initialize 8-bit DAC DMA. Same as function 01Ch. Read the MIDI code when available. After sending this command, the first MIDI byte received will be returned at address 022Ah.
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038h 040h
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MIDI read interrupt. Generates an interrupt request when the MIDI code is available. MIDI read timestamp. Returns 24-bit time (in ms) since the last MIDI command was received, followed by the MIDI command. MIDI read timestamp interrupt. Generates an Interrupt Request when the MIDI command is received. Returns 24bit time (in ms) since the last MIDI command was received. MIDI read poll and write poll. Enables the MIDI's UART mode, in which all DSP reads and writes are interpreted as MIDI I/O. MIDI read interrupt and write poll. All DSP writes are sent as MIDI commands; they request an interrupt when a read command is received. MIDI read timestamp interrupt and write poll. All DSP writes are sent as MIDI commands, and requests an interrupt when a read command is received. When the read is made, the 24-bit time (in ms) since the last MIDI command receive is returned. MIDI write poll. The next byte is written as a MIDI command out. Set time constant. Set the sample rate through the internal I/O transfer timer. The time constant is sent after the command and is found using the formula:
Set sample rate. Set the sample rate independent of the number of sample channels. The two bytes (low first)
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that are sent following 041h are the sampling rate in Hz. Continue auto-initialize 8-bit DMA. This command continues a halted autoinitialized 8-bit DMA transfer. Continue auto-initialize 16-bit DMA. This command continues a halted autoinitialized 16-bit DMA transfer. DMA block size. Set the DMA block size to transfer. The next byte is the low byte of the block size and is followed by the high byte. Initiate 4-bit ADPCM DMA transfer. This command starts a four-bit PCM DMA transfer. The number of bytes follow, which are sent low byte followed by high byte. The length is calculated as:
Length = Samples/2 075h
Initiate 4-bit ADPCM DMA transfer with reference byte. This command starts a four-bit PCM DMA transfer. The number of bytes follow and are sent low byte followed by high byte. The length is calculated as:
Length = (Samples/2) + 1 076h
Initiate 4.6-bit ADPCM DMA transfer. This command starts a 2.6-bit PCM DMA transfer with accumulated reference byte. The number of bytes follow as and are sent low byte followed by high byte. The length is calculated as:
Length = (Samples + 2)/3 077h
Initiate 4.6-bit ADPCM DMA transfer with reference byte. This command
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starts a 2.6-bit PCM DMA transfer with accumulated reference byte. The number of bytes follow as and are sent low byte followed by high byte. The length is calculated as:
Length = [(Samples + 2)/3] + 1 07Dh
Auto-Initialize 4-bit ADPCM DMA transfer. This command starts a four-bit PCM DMA transfer. The length is calculated as:
Length = [(Samples + 1)/3] + 1 07Fh
Auto-initialize 4-bit ADPCM DMA transfer with reference byte. This command starts a four-bit PCM DMA transfer. The length is calculated as:
Silence DAC for specified number of samples. The number is defined by the following byte (low value) and the high value. 090h Auto-initialize 8-bit DAC DMA for highspeed (>23 kHz) signals. Set up the DMA for PCM output. No length specification is required. 098h Auto-initialize 8-bit DAC DMA for highspeed (>23 kHz) signals. Same as 090h. 0A0h Disable stereo input. 0A8h Enable stereo input. 0Bxh/0Cxh Generic DAC/ADC DMA for 8- and 16-bit transfers. Force a DMA transfer in software. Similar to operation of 080h. 0D0h Halt 8-Bit DMA transfer. 0D1h Enable speaker. 0D3h Disable speaker.
Continue halted 8-bit DMA transfer. Halt 16-bit DMA transfer. Continue halted 16-bit DMA transfer. Read the speaker status. If 000h is returned, the speaker is disabled. Exit auto-initialize 16-bit DMA operation. Stop operation at the end of the current block. Exit auto-initialize 8-bit DMA operation. Stop operation at the end of the current block. DSP ping function. After the command, send a check byte. Complement of check byte read back (from I/O register address 022Ah) if SoundBlaster is present. Read DSP version. After sending this command, the DSP responds with the version number as the major version code (first byte) and minor version code (second byte). DSP copyright. After sending this command, the DSP copyright information is returned for each read of I/O register Address 022Ah. The operation is terminated when 000h is read. Write the test register. The byte following the command is saved in the DSP's internal test register. Read the test register. After this command, the test register can be read back at I/O register address 022Ah. Output a diagnostic sine wave. After this command, a 2-kHz sine wave is output. This function is turned off by a DSP reset. Make an 8-bit interrupt request. Make a 16-bit interrupt request. DSP status register read. Return the information about pending DSP operations in I/O register address 022Ah.
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Bit 7
Function Set if the time constant has been modified 6-5 Reserved 4 Set if the virtual speaker is active 3 Set if the DMA ADC for 16-bit operation is active 2 Set if the DMA DAC for 16-bit operation is active 1 Set if the DMA ADC for 8-bit operation is active 0 Set if the DMA DAC for 8-bit operation is active DSP auxiliary status register read. Return the status for DMA operations in I/O register address 022A. Bit Function 7-5 Reserved 4 Set if auto-initiate 16-bit DMA is active 3 Reserved 2 Set if auto-initiate 8-bit DMA is active 1 Set if DAC/ADC simultaneous DMA is occurring 0 Reserved
DSP command status. Return the last successful DSP command sent to the DSP in I/O register address 022Ah. To reset the DSP, register 0226h is written to with 001h and left for at least 3.3 μs. Once the 3.3 μs has passed, then it is written with 000h to enable DSP execution. When the initialization is complete, the DSP will return 0×0AA at 0×022A.
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Page 227 Mixer Control I/O register address 0224h is used as the address register to send commands to the mixer. The mixer address register cannot be read. I/O register address 0225h is the mixer's data port and it can be read from or written to. At least a 100-μs delay should occur between writing to the mixer address register and accessing the register itself. The command registers are defined as: Register Function 000h Reset. Write 000h to register to reset the mixer. 001h Re-read status. Return the previous value read from 0×0225. 002h Master volume. Bits 7-5 for left volume, Bits 3-1 for right volume. 000 is low volume, 111 is high. 099h is the default. 004h DAC volume. Bits 7-5 for left DAC volume, Bits 3-1 for right volume. 000 is low volume, 111 is high. 099h is the default. 006h FM output control. Used to add FM output to the SoundBlaster output. Bits 7 6 5 4 3-1 0 00Ah
Function Reserved Set to enable right channel Set to enable left channel Reserved FM volume level (000 is low, 111 is high) Reserved
Microphone input level control. Used to specify the input preamp volume level.
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022h 026h
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Bits Function 7-3 Reserved 2-1 SoundBlaster Pro input level bits 2-1 0 Input level bit 0 Input/filter select. Set the filtering information for the SoundBlaster Pro. Bits Function 7-6 Reserved 5 Set if filter input is on 4 Reserved 3 Set for low-pass filter enabled 2-1 Input select: 00 = Microphone 01 = CD audio 11 = Line input 0 Reserved Output/stereo select. Specify the output operating mode. Bits Function 7-6 Reserved 5 Set if output is filtered 4-2 Reserved 1 Set if stereo output 0 Reserved Master volume. Same as 002h. FM Level. Set the volume level of the FM input. Bits Function 7-5 SoundBlaster Pro left-channel volume bits 3-1 4 Left-channel volume bit 0 3-1 SoundBlaster Pro right-channel volume bits 3-1 0 Right-channel volume bit 0 CD Audio Level. Set the volume level of the CD input.
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7-5 SoundBlaster Pro left-channel volume bits 3-1 4 Left-channel volume bit 0 3-1 SoundBlaster Pro right-channel volume bits 3-1 0 Right-channel volume bit 0 Line-in level. Set the volume level of the line-in input. Bits Function 7-5 SoundBlaster Pro left-channel volume bits 3-1 4 Left-channel volume bit 0 3-1 SoundBlaster Pro right-channel volume bits 3-1 0 Right-channel volume bit 0
Master volume left. Bits 7-4 in common with register 022h. Bit Function 7-3 Volume control 2-0 Reserved
Master volume right. Bits 7-4 in common with bits 3-0 of register 022h. Bit Function 7-3 Volume control 2-0 Reserved
DAC Volume Left. Bits 7-4 in common with register 004h. Bit Function 7-3 Volume control 2-0 Reserved
DAC volume right. Bits 7-4 in common with bits 3-0 of register 004h. Bit Function 7-3 Volume control 2-0 Reserved
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FM volume left. Bits 7-4 in common with register 026h. Bit Function 7-3 Volume control 2-0 Reserved
FM volume right. Bits 7-4 in common with bits 3-0 of register 026h. Bit Function 7-3 Volume control 2-0 Reserved
CD volume left. Bits 7-4 in common with register 028h. Bit Function 7-3 Volume control 2-0 Reserved
CD volume right. Bits 7-4 in common with bits 3-0 of register 028h. Bit Function 7-3 Volume control 2-0 Reserved
Line in volume left. Bits 7-4 in common with register 02Eh. Bit Function 7-3 Volume control 2-0 Reserved
Line in volume right. Bits 7-4 in common with bits 3-0 of register 02Eh. Bit Function 7-3 Volume control 2-0 Reserved
Microphone level. Bit Function 7-3 Volume control 2-0 Reserved
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PC speaker volume level. Bit Function 7-6 Volume control 5-0 Reserved
Output control. Specify mixer sources for mono output. Bit 7-5 4 3 2 1 0
Input control left. Select the sources for the left output. Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Function Reserved Set for left FM Set for right FM Set for left line in Set for right line in Set for left CD Set for right CD Set for microphone
Input control right. Select the sources for the right output. Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Function Reserved Set for left line in Set for right line In Set for left CD Set for right CD Set for microphone
Function Reserved Set for left FM Set for right FM Set for left line in Set for right line in Set for left CD Set for right CD Set for microphone
Input gain control left. Specify the gain on the input sources.
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Bit Function 7-6 Left input gain control 5-0 Reserved Input gain control right. Specify the gain on the input sources. Bit Function 7-6 Right input gain control 5-0 Reserved
Output gain control left. Specify the gain on the output sources. Bit Function 7-6 Left output gain control 5-0 Reserved
Output gain control right. Specify the gain on the output sources. Bit Function 7-6 Right output gain control 5-0 Reserved
Automatic gain control. When bit 0 is set, the automatic gain control is active to maximize input signal strength. Left treble control. Set the highfrequency characteristic output of the left channel. Bit Function 7-4 Treble control 3-0 Reserved
Right treble control. Set the highfrequency characteristic output of the right channel. Bit Function 7-4 Treble control 3-0 Reserved
Left bass control. Set the lowfrequency characteristic output of the left channel.
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7-4 Bass control 3-0 Reserved Right bass control. Set the lowfrequency characteristic output of the right channel. Bit Function 7-4 Bass control 3-0 Reserved
IRQ select. Select the interrupt number used by the SoundBlaster. Normally, IRQ 5 is used. This value is not affected by a mixer reset or by a Ctrl-Alt-Delete reboot. Bit 7-4 3 2 1 0
DMA select. Select the DMA channel used by the SoundBlaster. DMA Channel 1 normally used. This value is not affected by a mixer reset or by a Ctrl-Alt-Delete reboot. Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Function Reserved Set to enable Set to enable Set to enable Set to enable
Function Set for DMA7 Set for DMA6 Set for DMA5 Reserved Set for DMA3 Reserved Set for DMA1 Set for DMA0
IRQ status. This read-only register returns the interrupt pending status. Bit Function 7-3 Reserved 2 Set if MPU-401 interrupt requested
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Set if 16-bit interrupt requested 0 Set if 8-bit interrupt requested DMA operation The process to transfer data from memory to the SoundBlaster using DMA is: 1. Mask the DMA channel 2. Clear out any pending requests 3. Set the mode as memory to I/O 4. Load the starting address in the page (either offset 0×00000 or 0×08000) 5. Load the size of the data to transfer 6. Unmask the DMA channel Next, the SoundBlaster is set up for DMA transfers using DSP function 0×014, with the data length passed after the command byte. When the DMA transfer is executing, I simply poll on bit 1 of the DMA channel 1 status register to find out when all of the bytes are transferred. For later versions of the SoundBlaster, the mixer has to be set up to pass data from the DSP DAC. Wave file definition The file format is: Offset Data Type Description 0×0000 4 Bytes RIFF string 0×0004 Double word Length of the .WAV file
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Page 235 0×0008 0×000C 0×0010 0×0014 0×0016
4 Bytes WAVE string 4 Bytes fmt string Double Word Header size (Normally 0×010) Word File type (1 for PCM data file) Word Number of channels used for the file 0×0018 Word Left or single-channel samples per second 0×001A Word Left or single-channel byte per second rate (usually 0) 0×001C Word Right number of samples per second (normally the same as left) 0×001E Word Right number of byte per second rate (normally the same as left) 0×0020 Word Repeat of the number of channels 0×0022 Word Channel data size in bits (normally 8) 0×0024 4 Bytes Data string 0×0028 Double word Number of bytes of the wave data to play 0×002C Unknown Wave data to play Last Byte 0×000 to indicate data end Power Supply The PC's power-supply nominally provides +5 V (at 30+ A), +12 V (at 5+ A), -5 V (at 100 mA), and -12 V (at 1 A). For proper operation, a load is required on +5 V. PC/AT power connector The power connectors to the PC/AT motherboard are known as P8 and P9 or PS8 and PS9. They are wired as:
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Page 236 Connector Pin Power/Signal P8 1 Power good 2 +5 Vdc 3 +12 Vdc 4 -12 Vdc 5 Ground 6 Ground P9 1 Ground 2 Ground 3 -5 Vdc 4 +5 Vdc 5 +5 Vdc 6 +5 Vdc APM and ACPI Advanced Power Management was originally used for laptops to provide a standard method of powering down and minimizing power requirements. Now, APM and ACPI are available in most PCs to provide powersupply control, as well as operating control over the PC. The Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) not only works with controlling the power and CPU speed, but also the current configuration of the PC, the operation of the interfaces, and the wake up and restore of the PC on an external event.
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Page 237 APM system states State Characteristics Full on System working No power management active All devices are active APM enabled System working Power management active CPU clock slowed or stopped as required Devices can be power managed APM standby System might not be working Low-power state active Most devices power managed CPU clock slowed or stopped, as required Operational parameters saved Fast return to ''enabled" state APM suspend System is not working Low-power state active Most devices unpowered CPU clock is stopped CPU core is in minimum power state Operational parameters stored on disk Slow return to enabled state APM off system is not power supply is off Operational parameters are not saved System must reset and initialize to resume APM power-device IDs ID System 0×00000 APM BIOS 0×00001 All devices managed by APM BIOS 0×001xx Display 0×002xx Secondary storage 0×003xx Parallel ports 0×004xx Serial ports 0×005xx Network adapters 0×006xx PCMCIA slots 0×00700-0×07FFF Reserved
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Page 238 0×080xx Batteries 0×081xx-0×0DFFF Reserved 0×0E000-0×0EFFF OEM-defined power-device IDs 0×0F000-0×0FFFF Reserved APM BIOS APIs APM BIOS interface is an extension to the Int 15h BIOS interface. The following list is for use under MS-DOS. Check the APM specification document for Protect-mode APIs. Function Input Output Function Installation AH = 53h Carry set if Determine APM Check AL = 00h error functionality for BX = 000 AH = APM major the specified version or device ID. 9 | 86h if carry set AL = APM minor version CX = APM flags Bit 4 = Set if APM BIOS power management is disengaged Bit 3 = Set if APM BIOS power management is disabled Bit 2 = When reset, indicates that APM driver does not need to call CPU busy Real-mode AH = 53h carry set if Establish an interface AL = 01h error interface between connect BX = 0000 If carry set, application and AH = 2 | 5 | 7 | APM BIOS. 9 | 86h 16-bit AH = 53h Carry set if Initialize protectProtect-mode AL = 02h error mode APM API interface BX = 0000 If carry set, interface. connect AH = 2 | 5 | 7 | 9 | 86h else,
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AX = APM 16-bit code segment BX = Offset into APM 16-bit code segment CX = APM to Protect-mode selector SI = APM code selector length DI = APM data selector length 32-bit AH = 53h Carry set if Initialize protectProtect-mode AL = 03h error mode APM API Interface BX = 0000 If carry set, interface. Connect AH = 2 | 5 | 7 | 9 | 86h else, AX = PM 32-bit code segment EBX = Offset into APM BIOS entry point CX = APM 16-bit Real-mode segment DX = APM data segment ESI = APM codeselector length DI = APM dataselector length APM interface AH = 53h Carry set if Breaks connection AL = 04h error between BX = 0000 If carry set, application and AH = 3 | 9 APM. CPU idle AH = 53h carry set if Application AL = 05h error request to APM to If carry set, idle system. AH = 3 | 00Bh CPU busy AH = 53h carry set if Application AL = 06h error request to APM to If carry set, run the CPU at AH = 3 | 00Bh full speed. Set power AH = 53h carry set if Sets the specific State AL = 07h error power mode for BX = 0001 If carry set, the PC. CX = Power state AH = 1 | 3 | 9 | 0000 = enabled 00Ah | 00Bh | 60h 0001 = Standby 0002 = Suspend 0003 = Off Enable/disable AH = 53h Carry set if Enable APM APM AL = 08h error automatic power BX = 0001 If carry set, management.
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Input Output Function CX = Function AH = 3 | 9 | 0000 = Disable 00Ah | 00Bh 0001 = enable Restore APM AH = 53h Carry set if Reinitialize BIOS power-on AL = 09h error power-on defaults. Defaults BX = 0001 If carry set, AH = 3 | 9 | 00Bh Get power AH = 53h Carry set if Return the system Status AL = 0Ah error power status. BX = 0001 | If carry set, 0×080xx, where AH = 9 | 0Ah | 86h xx is the else, battery unit BH = ac line number(normally, status 1) 0 = Off line 1 = On line 2 = On backup BL = Battery status 0 = High 1 = Low 2 = Critical 3 = Charging CH = Battery flag Bit 7 = No battery Bit 6-5 = Reserved Bit 4 = Selected battery Not present Bit 3 = Charging Bit 2 = Critical Bit 1 = Low Bit 0 = High CL = Battery life 0-100 = Percentage of full charge DX = Remaining battery life Bit 15 = Set if time units are minutes. Reset if time units are seconds Bit 14-0 = Time remaining in Bit 15 units Get PM event AH = 53h Set carry if Returns the next AL = 0Bh error pending protectIf carry set, mode event. AH = 3 | 0Bh | 80h else,
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BX = PM event code CX = PM Event Information Get power AH = 53h Set carry if Returns the power State AL = 0Ch Error state for a BX = Device ID If carry set, specific device. AH = 1 | 9 | 86h else, CX = Power state 0000 = APM enabled 0001 = Standby 0002 = Suspend 0003 = Off Enable/disable AH = 53h Set carry if Enable/disable APM Device power AL = 0Dh error for specific management BX = Device ID If carry set, device. CX = Function AX = 1 | 3 | 9 | 0000 = Disable 0Ah | 0Bh 0001 = enable Set APM driver AH = 53h Set carry if Set the APM AL = 0Eh error level supported by BX = 0000 If carry set, application CH = Major AX = 3 | 9 | 0Bh driver. version in BCD else CL = Minor AH = APM version in BCD connection major version in BCD AL = APM connection minor version in BCD Engage/ AH = 53h Set carry if Engage/disengage disengage AL = 0Fh error cooperative power power BX = Device ID If carry set, management. management CX = Function AH = 1 | 3 | 0Ah Get AH = 53h Set carry if Return the capabilities AL = 10h error capabilities of BX = 0000 If carry set, currently AH = 9 | 86h executing APM. else, BL = number of battery units supported CX = capability flag Bit 7 = Set if PCMCIA RI will wake up suspend Bit 6 = Set if PCMCIA RI will wake up standby Bit 5 = Resume on RI from suspend Bit 4 = Resume on RI from standby
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Bit 3 = Resume timer will wake from suspend Bit 2 = Resume timer will wake from standby Bit 1 = System can enter global suspend Bit 1 = System can enter global standby Get/set/disable AH = 53h Set carry if Access the resume resume timer AL = 11h error timer. BX = 0000 If carry set, CL = Function AH = 3 | 9 | 0Ah | 0 = Disable 0Bh | 0Ch | 0Dh 1 = Get else if CL == 1, 2 = Set CH = BCD seconds If CL == 2: DH = BCD hours CH = BCD seconds DL = BCD minutes DH = BCD hours SI high byte = DL = BCD minutes BCD month (Jan = 1) SI high byte = SI low byte = BCD month BCD day (Jan = 1) DI = BCD Year SI Low Byte = BCD Day DI = BCD Year Enable/disable AH = 53h Set carry if Control the resume resume on RI AL = 12h error on RI. BX = 0000 If carry set, CX = Function AH = 3 | 9 | 0Ah | 0000 = Disable 0Bh | 0Ch 0001 = Enable else, CX = Status 0000 = Disabled 0001 = enabled Enable/disable AH = 53h Set carry if Control timer timer-based AL = 13h error Based Requests. Requests BX = 0000 If carry set, CX = Function AH = 3 | 9 | 0Ah | 0000 = Disable 0Bh 0001 = enable else, CX = Status 0000 = Disabled 0001 = Enabled
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Page 243 ACPI power connector A 10-×-2 connector is used and has the pinout: Function Pin Number Pin Number Function Power supply on 11 1 +5 Volts Ground 12 2 Ground Ground 13 3 +5 Volts Ground 14 4 Ground -5 Volts 15 5 Power good +5 Volts 16 6 +5 Volts +5 Volts 17 7 +12 Volts +5 Volts 18 8 -12 Volts Not used 19 9 Ground Ground 20 10 Ground The ''Power Supply On" signal is generated by the motherboard and when it is de-asserted, the power supply shuts down without the user having to press the On/Off button.
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Page 245 Chapter 18 MS-DOS Executable File Formats Program Segment Prefix Offset Size Description 000h 2 Bytes Int 20n instruction (CDh 20h) 002h Word Top-of-memory segment 004h Byte Reserved 005h 5 Bytes Long call to the DOS 006h Word Reserved 00Ah Dword Int 22h interrupt vector address. DOS loader jumps to this address upon exit
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Page 246 00Eh Dword Int 23h Ctrl-Break vector address 012h Dword Int 24h crucial error exit vector address 016h 58 Bytes Reserved 050h 3 Bytes DOS function dispatcher CDh 21h CBh 053h 9 Bytes Reserved 05Ch 16 Bytes FCB 1 06Ch 16 Bytes FCB 2 07Ch 4 Bytes Reserved 080h Byte Number of characters in command line parameters 081h 127 Bytes Command-line parameters (ended in a carriage return) .COM File Format Offset Size Description 0 256 Bytes Program segment prefix 0x0100 64 KB - 256 Max application code Registers on .COM Application Start: Register Value AX 0 BX 0 CX 0 DX 0 DI 0 SI 0 BP 0 SS 0×0FFFE CS Application code segment DS Application code segment
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Page 247 ES Application code segment SS Application code segment .EXE File Format Offset Size Description 00h 2 Bytes Always MZ link file .EXE Signature 02h Word Length of file mod 512 04h Word Length of file in 512-byte pages 06h Word Number of relocation items following header 08h Word Size of header in 16-byte paragraphs, used to locate the beginning of the load module 0Ah Word Minimum number of paragraphs needed to run program 0Ch Word Maximum number of paragraphs required by the application 0Eh Word Offset in load module of stack segment (in paragraphs) 10h Word Initial stack pointer value to be loaded 12h Word Negative checksum of application used to check application load 14h Word Initial program entry point 16h Word Offset in .EXE of the code segment (in paragraphs) 18h Word Offset in .EXE file of first relocation item 1Ah Word Overlay number (0 for root program) 01Ch N/A Application code
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Page 248 The initial register values at load time are: Register Value AX Number of characters in command-line parameters BX Low 16 bits of 32-bit load memory size value CX High 16 bits of 32-bit load memory size value DX 0 DI Unknown SI Unknown BP Unknown SS Set to values specified in .EXE CS Application load segment DS Application load segment ES Application load segment SS Set to values specified in .EXE File Device Driver Header Offset Size Description 000h Double word Pointer to next device header 004h Word Attribute word 006h Word Pointer to device strategy routine 008h Word Pointer to device interrupt routine 00Ah 8 Bytes Device name 012h N/A Device driver code/data
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Page 249 Device Driver Attribute Word Bit Function 15 Set if character device/reset for block device 14 Set if device driver supports IOCTL strings 13 If character device, if set then output to device until busy. If block device, if set, then use a non-IBM format 12 0 = Reserved 11 Set if removable media 10–7 0 = Reserved 6 Set if supports get/set logical device 5–4 0 = Reserved 3 Set if current clock device 2 Set if current null device 1 If character device, if set, then a ''stdout" device. If block device, if set, then it supports generic IOCTL 0 If character device, if set, then a "stdin" device. If block device, if set, then it supports generic IOCTL
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Page 250 This page intentionally left blank.
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< previous page Page 251 Chapter 19 PC Firmware Video Modes The normal display modes Mode Type Colors 00h Text 16 01h Text 16 02h Text 16 03h Text 16 04h Graphics 4 05h Graphics 4 06h Graphics 2 07h Text Mono 08h Graphics 16
Page 252 09h Graphics 16 40 × 25 1 0B0000h 0Ah Graphics 4 80 × 25 1 0B0000h 0Dh Graphics 16 40 × 25 8 0A0000h 0Eh Graphics 16 80 × 25 4 0A0000h 0Fh Graphics Mono 80 × 25 2 0A0000h 10h Graphics 16 80 × 25 2 0A0000h 11h Graphics 2 80 × 30 1 0A0000h 12h Graphics 16 80 × 30 1 0A0000h 13h Graphics 256 40 × 25 1 0A0000h Video state buffer The video state buffer contains all of the information used by the video subsystem. This data can be read from the video sub-system and restored using the BIOS video state functions. Buffer Offset Size Function 0 4 Bytes Pointer-to-static functionality information 4 Byte Video mode 5 Word Character columns in display 7 Word Length of regenerator buffer 9 Word Start address in regeneration buffer 0Bh Word Cursor position for page 0 0Dh Word Cursor position for page 1 0Fh Word Cursor position for page 2 11h Word Cursor position for page 3 13h Word Cursor position for page 4 15h Word Cursor position for page 5 17h Word Cursor position for page 6 19h Word Cursor position for page 7 1Bh Word Cursor type 1Dh Byte Active display page 1Eh Word CRT controller address 20h Byte 3-×-8 register setting 21h Byte 3-×-9 register setting
Character rows in display Character height Active display combination code Byte Alternate display combination code Word Number of color supported in current display mode Byte Number of pages supported in current display mode Byte Number of scan lines supported in current display mode Byte Primary character block Byte Secondary character block Byte Miscellaneous information: Bit 5 = 0 = Background Intensity, 1 = blinking Bit 4 = 0 = No emulation, 1 = Emulated cursor Bit 3 = 1 = Mode set default palette loading disabled Bit 2 = 1 = Monochrome display attached Bit 1 = 1 = Summing is active Bit 0 = 1 = All modes on all displays are active 3 bytes reserved Byte Amount of VGA memory available 0 = 64 KB, 1 = 128 KB, 2 = 192 KB, 3 = 256 KB Byte Save pointer state information Bit 5 = 1 DCC extension active Bit 4 = 1 Palette overactive Bit 3 = 1 Graphics font override active
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Bit 2 = 1 Alpha font override active Bit 1 = 1 Dynamic save area active Bit 0 = 0 512 character set active 33h 13 Bytes Reserved Interrupt 10h: Video APIs Function Input Output Comments Set display AH = 00h mode AL = Video mode
Set the display to the mode specified in the preceding table
Set cursor AH = 01h type CH = Start scan line CL = End scan line
Set the height of the hardware cursor. If bits 6 and 7 are set in CH, then the cursor will be turned off.
Set cursor position
AH = 02h BH = Display page DH = Row DL = Column
Move the hardware cursor to the specified position on the specified page
Read cursor AH = 03h CH = Starting This function position BH = Display scan line reads both the page CL = Ending cursor position, scan line but the hardware DH = Row cursor type as DL = Column well. Read light AH = 04h pen position
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AH = pen The light pen was trigger (1 = a feature in Pen pressed) early display BX = Pixel adapters, but the column feature can be CX = Pixel emulated by the row mouse.
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DH = Character row DL = Character column
Select display AH = 05h Page number AL = Page number Initialize window, scroll up
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AH = 06h AL = Lines to scroll up BH = 0 for blank window CH = Upper row CL = Left column DH = Lower row DL = Right column
Initialize AH = 07h window, scroll AL = Lines to down scroll down BH = 0 for blank window CH = Upper row CL = Left column DH = Lower row DL = Right column
Set a new display page (zero based) Create a text window on the current display page and, optionally, scroll up the contents by a set number of lines.
Create a text window on the current display page and, optionally, scroll down the contents by a set number of lines.
Read AH = 08h character BH = Page AND Attribute Number
AH = Attribute Read the current AL = Character character and its attribute byte at the current hardware cursor position for the page. The cursor position is also incremented.
Write AH = 09h character AL = Character AND attribute BH = Page number
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Write the character and Attribute CX times on the
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CX = Number of characters to write
specified page. Writing will stop at the end of the display page. The cursor is incremented by CX.
Write AH = 0Ah None Character only AL = Character at cursor BH = Page number CX = Number of characters to write
Write the character CX times on the specified page. Writing will stop at the end of the display page. The cursor is incremented by CX.
Set color palette
If BH = 0 set the red/green/brown palette, if BH = 1, set the cyan/magenta/ white palette. Palettes are largely obsolete Since the introduction of the EGA/VGA.
Write pixel AH = 0Ch AL = Color BH = Page number CX = Pixel column DX = Pixel row
Write the pixel at the specified location. If Bit 7 of AL is set, then the pixel value is XOR'd with the contents of the pixel.
Write text in AH = 0Eh None Teletype mode AL = Character BH = Page number
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Return the pixel
Write the character as if on a Teletype. CR/LF/BS/Tab/Bell
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BL = Foreground color
Get current display mode
AH = 0Fh
are treated as commands and not as characters. The page cursor is updated appropriately. I often use this BIOS command to produce a beep. From the PC's speaker, rather than accessing the hardware directly.
AH = Columns Return the AL = Display display mode mode currently BH = Active displayed. page number
Set palette AH = 10h registers AL = Command 0 = Set one palette register BH = Register BL = Value 1 = Set overscan register BH = Value 2 = Set All palette registers ES:DX = Pointer to table 3 = Toggle intensity or blinking bit BL = 0 enable intensity/1 enable blinking 7 = Read one palette register BL = Register BH = Returned value 8 = Read overscan register
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See ''Input"
This function was originally used for the CGA, but has been enhanced for the VGA. This BIOS function is most useful for changing the VGA DAC values.
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BH = Returned value 9 = Read all palette registers and overscan ES:DX = Returned table 10h = Set one color register BH = Register DH = Red CH = Green CL = Blue 12h = Set block of color registers ES:DX = Pointer to color table BX = First color register CX = Number of registers 13h = Select color register BL = 0 - Select paging mode 1 - Select page 15h = Read single DAC color register BX = Color register DH = Red CH = Green CL = Blue 17h = Read block of color registers BX = Start register CX = Number to read
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Character generator
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ES:DX = Pointer to buffer 1Ah = Read color paging status BH = Current page BL = Paging mode 1Bh = Sum color values to grey BX = Start register CX = Number of registers AH = 11h See ''Input" This BIOS AL = Command function allows 0 = Load user you to change text font the current BH = Number font for your of bytes per application. character I often find it BL = Block useful to add one CX = Number or two of my own of characters characters to DX = First the font for character special ES:BP = operations. Pointer to Most of these font table functions are 1 - Load ROM only available 8x14 text in EGA/VGA font display BL = Block adapters. to load 2 = Load ROM 8-×-8 text font BL = Block to load 3 = Set block specifier BL = Select character block 4 = Load ROM 8-×-16 text font
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BL = Block to load 10h = Load user text font BH = Number of bytes per character BL = Block CX = Number of characters DX = ID of the first character ES:BP = Pointer to font table 11h = Load ROM 8-×-14 text font BL = Block to load 12h = Load ROM 8-×-8 text font BL = Block to load 14h = Load ROM 8-×-16 text font BL = Block to load 20h = Set user graphics character pointer to interrupt 1Fh ES:BP = pointer to user graphic font 21h - Set user graphics character pointer to interrupt 43h BL = Rows CX = Bytes per character DL = Rows per screen ES:BP = pointer to font table 22h = Use ROM 8-×-14 text font for graphics
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Alternate select
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BL = Rows DL = Rows/screen 23h = Use ROM 8-×-8 text font for graphics BL = Rows DL = Rows/screen 24h = Use ROM 8-×-16 text font for graphics BL = Rows DL = Rows/screen 30h = Get font pointer information BH = Font pointer (coded) CX = Bytes per character DL = Rows ES:BP = Pointer to font AH = 12h BL = Command 10h = Return configuration information BH = Color or monochrome BL = Memory available CH = Adapter bits CL = Switch settings 20h = Switch to alternate print screen routine 30h = Select VGA text scan lines AL = Scan lines (0 = 200, 1 = 350, 2 = 400) 31h = Mode set palette Loading
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See ''Input"
This function allows control over the VGA hardware. For most applications, this function should not be accessed.
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AL = 0 for disable, 1 For enable 32h = Enable VGA output AL = 0 for enable, 1 for disable 33h = Enable grey shades AL = Enable summing, 1 for disable 34h = Enable cursor scaling AL = 0 for enable, 1 for disable 35h = Switch display AL = Code for switch ES:DX = Pointer to 128-byte save buffer 36h = Video screen AL = 0 for On, 1 for Off
Write string
AH = 13h AL = Mode BH = Page number BL = Attribute CX = Character count DX = Start cursor position ES:BP = Pointer to string
Read display codes
AH = 1Ah AL = 0
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Write the string to the display with the attribute byte if Bit 1 of AL is reset.
AL = 1Ah This function BH = Alternate will allow you display code to check to
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Write display codes
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BL = Active see what the display code: PC is actually 0 = No running. Display 1 = MDA with monitor 2 = CGA with monitor 4 = EGA with color monitor 5 = EGA with monochrome monitor 6 = PGS with color monitor 7 = VGA with monochrome monitor 8 = VGA with color monitor 0FFh = Unknown monitor type AH = 1Ah AL = 1 BH = Alternate display code BL = Active display code: 0 = No display 1 = MDA with monitor 2 = CGA with monitor 4 = EGA with color monitor 5 = EGA with monochrome monitor 6 = PGS with color monitor 7 = VGA with monochrome monitor
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AL = 1Ah
This function is used to ''force" a specific monitor type to the system.
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8 = VGA with color monitor 0FFh = Unknown monitor type
Return video AH = 1Bh state buffer BX = 0 ES:DI = Pointer to video state buffer Return AH = 1Ch save/restore AL = 0 CX = Requested states Bit 0 = Save or restore video hardware state Bit 1 = Save or restore video BIOS state Bit 2 = Save or restore BIOS data area Bit 3 to 15 = Always set to zero Save video AH = 1Ch state AL = 1 ES:BX = Pointer to video state buffer CX = Requested states Bit 0 = Save or restore video hardware state Bit 1 = Save or restore video BIOS state
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AL = 1Bh
This function returns the video state buffer. the video state buffer data format is shown below.
AL = 1Ch This function is BX = Number used to save or of 64-byte restore the blocks for different state video state buffers.
AL = 1Ch
This function writes a video State buffer to the specified memory area.
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Page 265 Bit 2 = Save or restore BIOS data area Bit 3 to 15 = Always set to zero Restore video AH = 1Ch AL = 1Ch This function state AL = 2 writes a video ES:BX = state buffer from Pointer to the specified video state memory area. buffer CX = Requested states Bit 0 = Save or restore video hardware state Bit 1 = Save or restore video BIOS state Bit 2 = Save or restore BIOS data area Bit 3 to 15 = Always set to zero Interrupt 11h: Equipment Determination After executing an Int 11h instruction, AX is set with the following information: Bit Meaning 15-14 Number of printers 13 Internal modem installed 12 Game port installed 11-9 Number of RS-232 ports 8 DMA present
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Page 266 7-6 Number of floppy drives 5-4 Current video mode (01 = 40 × 35 color, 10 = 80 × 25 color, 11 = 80 × 25 mono) 3 Not used 2 Pointing device (mouse) installed 1 Math coprocessor installed 0 Floppy drive installed Interrupt 12h: Get Memory Size Executing an Int 12h instruction will set AX with the number of KB of RAM that are available in the PC between 0 and 640 KB. The normal value to be returned is 280h (640). Disk BIOS Status Byte After almost every disk BIOS function, AH contains a status byte, the values returned are defined as: Value Floppy/Hard Description 00h Both No error 01h Both Invalid disk parameter (bad command) 02h Both Address mark not found 03h Both Attempted write on protected disk 04h Both Sector not found 05h Fixed Reset failed 06h Floppy Diskette not in drive 07h Fixed Bad parameter table 08h Floppy DMA overrun on previous operation 09h Both Attempt to cross 64-KB segment on DMA operation
Bad sector flag Bad cylinder detected Media type not found Invalid of sectors in format Control data address mark detected 0Fh Fixed DMA arbitration level out of valid range 10h Both CRC or ECC error on disk read 11h Fixed ECC corrected data error 20h Both Controller error 40h Both Seek operation failed 80h Both Drive timed out/not ready 0AAh Fixed Drive not ready 0BBh Fixed Undefined error 0CCh Fixed Write error 0E0h Fixed Status error 0FFh Fixed Sense operation failed Along with the status byte, the carry flag is used to indicate if an error has occurred. Interrupt 13h: Disk BIOS You must be careful that no Disk BIOS operations are ever directed toward the hard file containing the boot operating-system information. The disk BIOS APIs are as follows. As a couple of notes, for every time DL is specified as the drive number, if Bit 7 is set, then the drive referred to is a hard drive. Two APIs have been taken out that were specific to the PC/XT under the assumption that they will not be required for any kind of modern application.
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< previous page Page 268 Function Reset disk system
Get disk system status
Read disk
Write disk
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Input Output Comments AH = 00h AH = Status Reset the DL = Drive specified drive. If Bit 7 of DL is set then reset hard drive, else floppy. AH = 01h AH = Status Return the status DL = Drive AL = Previous information for status the drive. If Carry = Set on Bit 7 of DL is error set then hard drive specified, else floppy. AH = 02h AH = Status Read the AL = Number AL = Sectors specified number of sectors read of sectors from to read Carry = Set on the disk. If CH = Cylinder error Bit 7 of DL is number set then hard CL = Sector drive selected, number else floppy. DH = Head number DL = Drive number ES:BX = Pointer to read buffer AH = 03h AH = Status Write the AL = Number of AL = Number of specified sectors to write sectors written number of CH = Cylinder Carry = Set on sectors to the number error disk from the C: = Sector buffer pointed number to by ES:BX. If DH = Head Bit 7 of DL is number set then hard DL = Drive drive selected, number else floppy. ES:BX = Pointer to data to write
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< previous page Page 269 Verify sectors
Format cylinder
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AH = 04h AH = Status Compare the data AL = Number of AL = Sectors in the specified sectors to read read sectors to the CH = Cylinder Carry = Set on buffer. If number error Bit 7 of DL is CL = Sector set then hard number drive selected, DH = Head else floppy. number DL = Drive number ES:BX = Pointer to read buffer AH = 05h AH = Status Format the AL = Number of Carry = Set on sectors in the sectors error specified CH = Cylinder cylinder. number Normally the CL = Sector first sector is number zero and the DH = Head number to format number is the number of DL = Drive sectors per number track.
Format AH = 06h AH = Status Format the cylinder and AL = Interleave Carry = Set on sectors in the set bad ratio error specified sewctor flags CH = Cylinder cylinder. number This function is CL = Sector normally only number used with hard DH = Head drives with the number parameters known. DL = Drive number Format drive AH = 06h AH = Status Format the starting at AL = Interleave Carry = Set on drive starting at cylinder ratio error the specified CH = Cylinder cylinder. number This function is CL = Sector normally only number used with hard DH = Head drives with the number parameters known. DL = Drive number
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Page 270 Function Input Output Comments Read the AH = 08h AX = 0 Return the drive DL = Drive BH = 0 information on parameters Number BL = Drive the specified type drive. If Bit (0 = 360 KB 7 of DL is set, 1 = 1.2 MB then hard drive 2 = 720 KB else floppy. 3 = 1.44M) CH = Maximum cylinders CL = Maximum sectors/track DH = Maximum heads DL = Number of drives Carry = Set on error ES:DI = pointer-toparameter table Initialize AH = 09h drive pair DL = Drive characteristics number
AH = Status Initialize drives carry = Set on on single disk error bus.
Read long sectors
AH = 0Ah AH = Status Read the full AL = Number of carry = Set on track of the sectors error drive. CX = Cylinder number DH = Head number DL = Drive Number ES:BX = Pointer to Read Buffer
Write long sectors
AH = 0Bh AH = Status Write the full AL = Number of carry = Set on track of the sectors error drive. CX = Cylinder number DH = Head number DL = Drive
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number ES:BX = Pointer-towrite buffer
AH = 0Ch AH = Status Move the current AL = Number of carry = Set on drive pointer to sectors error a new position. CX = Cylinder number DH = Head number DL = Drive number
Alternate disk reset
AH = 0Dh DL = Drive number
AH = Status Reset the disk carry = Set on drive. error
Test drive ready
AH = 10h DL = Drive number
AH = Status Test drive's carry = Set on current state error
Recalibrate drive
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AH = 11h AH = Status Reset the Drive DL = Drive carry = Set on to specified error parameters.
Controller RAM diagnostic
AH = 12h AH = Status Test the disk AL = Number of AL = 0 controller for sectors Carry = Set on specified CH = Cylinder Error location of the CL = Sector disk. DH = Head DL = Drive
Controller drive diagnostic
AH = 13h AL = Number of sectors CH = Cylinder CL = Sector DH = Head DL = Drive
Controller internal diagnostic
AH = 14h AH = Status Run internal AL = Number of AL = 0 drive Sectors carry = Set on diagnostics CH = Cylinder error CL = Sector DH = Head DL = Drive
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AH = Status Test the AL = 0 controller's carry = Set on ability to write error to the disk.
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Page 272 Read DASD AH = 15h AH = DASD Type Return the type DL = Drive 0 = Drive not disk type with present number of blocks 1 = No change available if a line supported hard drive. 2 = Change line supported 3 = Fixed disk CX:DX = Number of 512-Byte blocks Carry = Set on error Read diskette change line status
AH = 16h DL = Drive
AH = Status Check if diskette Carry = Set on has been error removed/changed.
Set diskette type for format
AH = 17h AL = DASD Type 1 = 360-KB disk/drive 2 = 360-KB disk in 1.2M Drive 3 = 1.2-MB disk/drive 4 = 70-KB disk/drive DL = Drive
AH = Status Set the drive carry = Set on controller to the error correct type of diskette media before format.
Set hard-disk AH = 18h AH = Status Set the drive type for CH = number of ES:DI = controller with format tracks Pointer-tothe correct hardCL = Number of parameter disk parameters sectors table before format. DL = Drive Carry = Set on error
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Page 273 Modem-Status Register Bit Definition Bit Modem-Status Register 7 Received line signal detect 6 Ring Indicator (RI) 5 Data Set Ready (DSR) 4 Clear to Send (CTS) 3 Delta receive signal detect 2 Trailing-edge ring detector 1 Delta data set ready (DSR) 0 Delta clear to send (CTS) Modem-control register bit definition Bit Modem-Control Register 7-5 Reserved 4 Loop TX to RX internally 3 Out2 2 Out1 (when set, serial interrupts enabled) 1 Request to send (RTS) 0 Data terminal ready (DTR) Line-status byte register bit definition Bit Line Status Byte 7 Time out 6 TX shift register empty 5 TX holding register empty 4 Break detect 3 Framing error 2 Parity error 1 Overrun error 0 Data ready
Comments Initialize the serial port. Note, AH = 004h provides extended capabilities.
AH = Line Send the status character when AL = Modem the Modem status handshake allows or time out. AH = Line status
Wait for the character to be
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AL = Character
Status request
AH = 03h DX = Port
Extended port initialize
AH = 04h AL = 0 for no break, 1 for sending break BH = Parity 0 = No parity 1 = Odd parity 2 = Even parity 3 = Odd stick parity 4 = Even stick parity BL = Stop bits 0 = One 1 = Two CH = Word length 0 = 5 Bits 1 = 6 Bits 2 = 7 Bits 3 = 8 Bits CL = Data rate 0 = 110 bps 1 = 150 bps 2 = 300 bps 3 = 600 bps 4 = 1200 bps 5 = 2400 bps 6 = 4800 bps 7 = 9600 bps 8 = 19200 bps DX = Port AH = 05h AL = 0 DX = Port
Read Modem Control register
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Received when the modem handshake allows or time out.
AH = Line status AL = Modem status AH = Line status AL = Modem status
Return the current serialport status. This is a more complete serialport initialize.
BL = ModemReturn the control contents of the register modem-control register
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Page 276 Write to modemcontrol register
AH = 05h AH = Line Set the modemAL = 1 status control BL = New AL = Modem register to a modemstatus new state. control register value System Services Protected-Mode Descriptor Table Format For accessing Protect-mode memory (also known as extended memory), a descriptor table is defined as 48 bytes declared in assembler format as: GDT: ; Global Descriptor Table Dummy db 0 rep 8 ; Eight Bytes Initialized to ; Zero for the ''Dummy" Value Location db 0 rep 8 ; Eight Bytes Initialized to ; Zero for BIOS GDT Reference Source dw ? ; Segment Limit (1 to 65535 Bytes) db ?,?,? ; 24 Bit Physical Address db 093h ; Access Rights (Read/Write) dw 0 Destination dw ? : Segment Limit (1 to 65535 Bytes) db ?,?,? ; 24 Bit Physical Address db 093h ; Access Rights (Read/Write) dw 0 BIOS db 0 rep 8 ; BIOS Protected Mode Segment SS db 0 rep 8 ; Protected mode Stack Area System configuration parameters The system configuration parameters are defined as the nine-byte table: Offset Size Description 0 Word Number of bytes in table (minimum 10)
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Byte Byte Byte Byte
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System model number System submodel number BIOS revision level Feature information Bit 7 = Set for hard disk using DMA 3 Bit 6 = Set for second interrupt chip present Bit 5 = Set for real-time clock present Bit 4 = Keyboard intercept enabled Bit 3 = Set for external event supported Bit 2 = Set for extended BIOS area allocation Bit 0-1 = Reserved Feature information Feature information Feature information Feature information
6 Byte 7 Byte 8 Byte 9 Byte Most port status byte Value Description 0 No error 1 Invalid function call 2 Invalid input to function call 3 Interface error 4 Resend 5 No far call installed for device Interrupt 15h: System-services APIs BIOS interrupt 15h was originally used for the cassette interface in the PC to turn on and off the motor and pass data between a cassette recorder and the PC.
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Page 278 Now, Interrupt 15 is primarily used for miscellaneous BIOS services that have been used for providing an interface to advanced hardware features within the PC and processor. The APIs allow control of specific devices, accessing Protect-mode memory in the PC and providing a hardware interface to a built-in pointing device. Function Input Output Comments Open device
AH = 80h BX = Device ID CX = Process ID Carry = 0
AH = 0 AL = 80h
Close device
AH = 81h BX = Device ID CX = Process ID Carry = 0
AH = 0 AL = 81h
Program terminate
AH = 82h BX = Device ID Carry = 0
AH = 0 AL = 82h
Event wait set
AH = 83h AL = 0 ES:BX = Pointer to flag byte CX:DX = Number of μs to setting bit 7 of flag byte
AH = 83h
Event wait cancel
AH = 83h AL = 1
Joystick switch read
AH = 084h DX = 0
Joystick potentiometer read
AH = 084h DX = 1
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Open a device driver for an application Close the device driver
Terminate the process
Bit 7 of the flag byte will be set after the number of μs in CX:DX have passed. The timing has a granularity of 976 μs.
AH = 83h
Turn off the event wait operation
AL = Switches Read the four in bits 4-7 joystick switches (two in each joystick). Normally, hardware is accessed directly. AH = A(x) BX = A(y) CX = B(x)
Read the four joystick potentiometers
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''SysReq key" press status
DX = B(y)
(two in each joystick). Normally, hardware is accessed directly.
AH = 85h AL = Key This API gives Carry = 0 status (0 for the capability of pressed) polling the "SysReq" key.
AH = 86h Carry = Set This API does not CX:DX = Wait if wait return until the in μs operation set number of already microseconds has initiated passed. The timer has a granularity of 976 μs.
Move block
AH = 87h AH = Status Move the block ES:SI Pointer 0 = Successful, data in or out to the global 1 = RAM parity, of real to descriptor 2 = Error extended memory. block 3 = Gate The use of this CX = Number of address fail API is not words to move recommended because of the opportunity to damage the contents of memory outside of the current 1-MB memory space.
Get extended memory size
Switch to Protect mode
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AH = 88h
AX = Number of Return the memory 1-KB blocks above 1 MB installed in the PC.
AH = 89h AX = Status This API is not BH = Index to (0 if recommended Level 1 successful, because Protect BL = Index to 0FFh if mode is usually Level 2 unsuccessful) used by Windows ES:DI = Pointer All other or other to global registers operating descriptor destroyed systems or table applications and execution within
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Device busy
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this area will cause problems with the other program's execution. AH = 90h Carry = Set if This API will AL = Type wait time allow an Code requirements application to 0 = Hard satisfied force an error disk in the specified 1 = Floppy hardware. disk 2 = Keyboard 3 = Mouse 80h = Network time out FCh = Hard disk time out FDh = floppy disk motor time out FEh = Printer time out
Interrupt complete
AH = 91h
Return system configuration information
AH = C0h
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AL = Type Indicate to BIOS code that the pending (0 = Hard interrupt has disk completed. time out (1 = Floppy disk time out (2 = Keyboard (3 = Mouse (80h = Network (FCh = Hard disk time out (FDh = Floppy disk time out (FEh = Printer time out ES:BX = Pointer Return a pointer to system to the System descriptor information table
AH = Status Specify the built BH = Device ID in mouse BL = Destroyed hardware Carry = Set pointing on error resolution
Specify the rate in which data is sampled.
Read pointing device type
AH = C2h AL = 4
Initialize pointing device
AH = C2h AL = 5 BH = Bytes in data package
AH = Status BH = Device ID Carry = Set on error
AH = C2h AL = 6
AH = Status BL = Status
Extended pointing
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AH = Status Read device BH = Device ID type. If Carry = Set successful, on error AM = 0. Initialize the mouse hardware.
These commands provide the
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< previous page Page 282 device commands
Device driver initialize call
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BH = Command Byte 1 current mouse (0 = Get status Bit 6 - 0 hardware status (1 = Set Stream information. Scaling to mode 1 to 1 1 = Remote (2 = Set mode scaling to Bit 5 = 0 2 to 1 Disabled Bit 4 = 0 1-to-1 (Scaling Bit 2 = Set for left button Bit 0 = Set for right button CL = Status Byte 2 0 = 1 /mm, 1 = 2 /mm, 2 = 4 /mm, 3 = 6 /mm) DL = Status Byte 3 0Ah = 10 /sec, 14h = 20 /sec, 28h = 40 /sec, 3Ch = 60 /sec, 50h = 80 /sec, 64h = 100 /sec, C8h = 200 /sec AH = C2h AL = 7 ES:BX = Pointer to device driver
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AH = Status Carry = Set on error
Initialize the device driver
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Page 283 Keyboard Flags Byte Bit Function 7 Set when Insert state active 6 Set when Caps Lock active 5 Set when Num Lock active 4 Set when Scroll Lock active 3 Set when a Alt key held down 2 Set when a Ctrl key held down 1 Set when the Left Shift key held down 0 Set when the Right Shift key held down Extended keyboard flags byte Bit Function 7 Set when SysReq key pressed 6 Set when Caps Lock key pressed 5 Set when Num Lock key pressed 4 Set when Scroll Lock key pressed 3 Set when Right Alt key pressed 2 Set when Right Ctrl key pressed 1 Set when Left Alt key pressed 0 Set when Left Ctrl key pressed Interrupt 16h: Keyboard-interface APIs The keyboard BIOS APIs simply read the keyboard buffer and converts the scan codes read from the buffer into ASCII characters or control characters as explained in Chapter 10. The keyboard system variables keep track of the Shift, Ctrl, and Alt keys, as well to ensure that the correct key state is returned. For event-driven applications, the read-status APIs should be used before the read character to see if the keyboard buffer has anything ready to read. If nothing unread is in the key-
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Page 284 board buffer, then the API will wait indefinitely for a key to be pressed. Function Input Output Comments Read character
AH = 00h
AH = Scan This Command code returns the next AL = ASCII unread key from character the buffer or waits for a key to return.
Read status
AH = 01h
AH = Scan Poll the keyboard code buffer and return AL = ASCII the next character keystroke or set Zero = Set if the zero flag. no character available
Read flags
AH = 02h
AH = 00 Return the AL = Keyboard keyboard flags flags byte byte
Set typematic rate and delay
AH = 03h AL = 5 BH = Delay 0 to 250 ms 1 to 500 ms 2 to 750 ms 3 to 1000 ms BL = Rate 0 to 30 cps 4 to 20 cps 8 to 15 cps 12 to 10 cps 16 to 7.5 cps 20 to 5 cps 24 to 3.75 cps 28 to 2.5 cps
Read Typematic AH = 03h rate and AL = 6 delay
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Set the keyboard delay before resending the held-down character and then the rate at which they are set. This function should be set by the operating system utilities, rather than from an application. I have not put in the intermediate values.
BH = Delay Read the current BL = Rate delay and rate set into the keyboard.
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< previous page Page 285 Keyboard write
Keyboard Functionality Determination
AH = 05h BH = Scan code BL = ASCII character
AH = 09h
AL = 0 if buffer written successfully
This command writes a new character into the keyboard buffer (and not to the keyboard or other external device, as the name would imply).
AL = Function This API returns code the capabilities Bit 3 = Set of the keyboard if can read and hardware to delay/rate change the Bit 2 = Set typematic rate if can set and delay. Delay/Rate Bit 1 = Set if cannot set delay/rate Bit 0 = Set if return to default delay/rate supported
Extended Keyboard read
AH = 10h
AH = Scan Return the full code keyboard code if the AL = ASCII keyboard buffer code has an unread key or wait for a key to return.
Extended Keyboard Status
AH = 11h
Extended Shift Status
AH = 12h
AH = Scan Check the code keyboard buffer AL = ASCII and return the code next key to Zero = Set process or set if no the zero flag. character to return AH = Extended Return the keyboard extended keyboard flags Shift/Ctrl/Alt AL = Keyboard Status. Flags Byte
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Page 286 Printer-Status Byte The printer-status byte passes back information from the printer port (along with program-status information) directly: Bit Function 7 Not busy 6 Acknowledge 5 Out of paper 4 Selected 3 Error 0 Time out Interrupt 17h: Printer Interface The printer interface is designed for a Centronics-compatible ASCII parallel printer. The API interface is strictly designed for this application and is not suited for using as part of an interface to custom hardware. The printer number is defined as 0 for LPT1, 1 for LPT2, 2 for LPT3, and 3 for LPT4. Function Input Output Comments Write character
AH = 00h AH = Status Send the AL = Character specified DX = Printer character. If mumber the printer is not present or not working, the time out bit will be set.
Initialize printer port
AH = 01h DX = Printer number
AH = 02h
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AH = Status
Initialize the printer port and printer connected to it.
AH = Status
Return the
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Page 287 request
DX = Printer current printer number status. Interrupt 19h: Bootstrap Loader Once the POST has finished executing, an Int 19h instruction is executed to load the operating system. The handler at this vector checks the primary boot drive (normally set in the RTC/CMOS information to diskette drive A: or a network card) and attempts to load Cylinder 0, Sector 1 into address 0×00000:0×07C00. If successful, execution is passed to this address. If the read is not successful, then there is an attempt to check the secondary boot drive (normally hard drive C:) and tries to load address 0×0000:0×07C00 from each drive with the boot sector. If the attempts to load a boot sector are unsuccessful, then an Int 18h instruction is executed to attempt a Cassette BASIC boot. In most PCs, an error message is displayed. The Int 19h instruction should not be used as a method to reset or reboot a PC. Executing an Int 19h instruction will reset the disk hardware without regard to the current disk status. If a file is left open, then there will be a chance for it to be corrupted, which will prevent the PC from booting again later. Interrupt 1Ah: System Timer and RTC Services The system timer and RTC APIs were introduced with the PC/AT as a standard method of accessing an RTC chip built onto the PC's motherboard. The information passed between the APIs and an application can be somewhat unusual, so be
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Page 288 sure that you check to see what is specified as the data. Function Input Output Comments Read clock Count
Set clock count
AH = 00h
AH = 00h This API returns AL = 24 Hour the number of CX:DX = Number 18.2 intervals of 55-μs periods per second clock since day the interrupts since PC was started the PC was booted up with AL recording the number of days the PC has been running.
AH = 01h AH = 0 Set the number of CX:DX= Number Carry = Set on 19.2 intervals of 55 μs error per second clock Periods since interrupts since the Day the PC the PC was booted was started up (change the PC's time). This function should be accessed using the operatingsystem utilities.
Read realtime clock time
AH = 02h
Set realtime clock time
AH = 03h CH = BCD hours CL = BCD minutes DH = BCD seconds DL = DST option if set to 1
Read real-
AH = 04h
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AH = 00h Read the batteryAL = BCD backed-up realhours time clock CH = BCD contents. hours CL = BCD minutes DH = BCD seconds DL = Set if operative AH = 0
AH = 0
Set the batterybacked-up realtime clock contents. This API should only be used by the operatingsystem utilities.
Read the current
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< previous page Page 289 time clock Date
CH = BCD date from the century real-time clock (only 19 or chip. 20 valid) CL = BCD year DH = BCD month DL = BCD day
Set realtime clock date
AH = 05h CH = BCD Century (only 19 or 20 valid) CL = BCD year DH = BCD month DL = BCD day
CX = Number of Get the date days since information in Jan. 1, 1980 a nonBCD format.
AH = 0Bh CX = Number of days since Jan. 1, 1980
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Set the Current Date into the Real Time Clock Chip. This API should only be used by operating system utilities.
Carry = Set if Setup RTC alarm already hardware to set or if no request an RTC. interrupt number 70h.
AH = 07h
AH = 09h
AH = 0
Set the current date. This API should only be called by the operating system API.
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Page 290 Interrupt 33h: Mouse Interrupt The mouse BIOS interrupt functions do require an operating system to work, however. If a mouse or other pointing device is going to be used in an operating systemless environment (i.e., from boot ROM or OSless disk boot), then the mouse hardware will have to be interfaced with directly by the application. Normally, such a program as MOUSE.COM is run from AUTOEXEC.BAT to load the mouse-control software and BIOS APIs during MS-DOS boot. One difference to note between the mouse and other interrupt functions is their use of all of the AX register (and not just AH) for specifying the function. Many of the functions are quite complex and are required for advanced functions: Function Input Output Comments Mouse reset AX = 00h AX = Status For the reset and and status BX = Buttons status function, if a mouse and software has been installed, upon return AX will equal 1 (otherwise 0) and BX will contain the number of buttons on the mouse (normally 2). Show cursor AX = 01h
None The cursor flag is incremented and if the result is equal to 0 then the cursor will be displayed.
Hide cursor AX = 02h
Get button status and mouse
AX = 03h
The cursor flag is decremented and the cursor is not displayed on the screen.
BX = Pressed In BX, if Bit 0 flags is set, then the CX = Horizontal left button is
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position DX = Vertical position
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pressed and Bit 1 represents the right button. For three button mice, bit 2 is the middle button.
Set mouse AX = 04h None cursor CX = Horizontal position position DX = Vertical position
Move the mouse the specified position.
Get button AX = 05h AX = Status Bit 0 of AX is press BX = Button BX = Count the left button information CX = Horizontal and Bit 1 of AX position of is the right last press button. Count DX = Vertical is the number of position of times the button last press has been pressed. The cursor position returned is the last position the button was in when it was pressed. Get button AX = 06h AX = Status This function release BX = Button BX = Count works like AX = 5, information CX = Horizontal but returns the position of cursor position last release when the button DX = Vertical was released. position of This function last release should only be used after checking that the button is no longer pressed. Set min/max AX = 07h horizontal CX = Minimum cursor position position DX = Maximum position
Cursor movement is restricted to the max/min set.
Set min/max AX = 08h vertical CX = Minimum cursor position position DX = Maximum position
Cursor movement is restricted to the max/min set.
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< previous page Page 292 Set graphics AX = 009h None cursor block BX = Horizontal hot spot CX = Vertical hot spot ES:DX = Pointer to screen/cursor masks Set text cursor
AX = 0Ah None BX = Cursor type CX = Screen mask or cursor start DX = Cursor mask or cursor end
Read mouse motion counters
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This function changes the mouse cursor to the specified graphic.
This function sets the cursor type in text windows or screens. If a built-in hardware cursor is to be used, then the Cursor Start and Cursor End are the same values as specified in the video BIOS (Int 10h).
AX = 0Bh CX = Horizontal CX/DX have the count distance from DX = Vertical last call to count function. Units are ''mickeys." which are specific to the mouse.
Set interrupt AX = 0Ch None call mask and CX = Mask address Bit 0 = Cursor move Bit 1 = Left button pressed Bit 2 = Left button release Bit 3 = Right button pressed Bit 4 = Right button released ES:DX = Interrupt handler address
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This function sets an address of an interrupt handler to jump to if the mask conditions in CX are met. Upon entry into interrupt handler, the following registers are set: AX = Mask bit, which triggered interrupt BX = Button state (Bit 0 = Left, Bit 1 = Right)
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CX = Horizontal cursor position DX = Vertical cursor position DI = Vertical mouse counts SI = Horizontal mouse counts
Set light pen AX = 0Dh emulation on
In this mode, the pen is down when both buttons are pressed and up when both buttons are released.
Set light pen AX = 0Eh emulation off
This function disables the light pen emulation.
Set the AX = 0Fh mickey/pixel CX = Horizontal ratio ratio DX = Vertical ratio
Conditional AX = 10h mouse cursor CX = Left off screen boundary SI = Right screen boundary DX = Upper screen boundary DI = Lower screen boundary
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This function sets how far on the screen a ''mickey" will move the mouse's cursor. This function should only be used in the operating system's setting the mouse sensitivity utility. The mouse will be turned off if the specified window is entered. Int 33h AX = 01h is used to turn it back on.
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< previous page Page 294 Set doublespeed threshold
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AX = 13h None Set the maximum DX = Threshold mouse movement speed speed. This function should never be used; the maximum mouse movement speed should be set by operating system utilities.
Swap interrupt AX = 14h BX:DX = Pointer Change which Subroutines BX:DX = Pointer to the old handler is going to the new interrupt to respond to handler handler the specific CX = New call CX = Old mouse interrupt mask interrupt requests. Bit 0 = Cursor handler's move mask Bit 1 = Left button pressed Bit 2 = Left button pressed Bit 3 = Right button pressed Bit 4 = Right button pressed Get mouse driver state storage requirements Save mouse driver state
AX = 15h
BX = Buffer Find out how much memory (in bytes) is required for the mouse driver.
AX = 16h None Save the current ES:DX = Pointer mouse driver. to buffer The size required is found using Interrupt 33h, AX = 15h.
Restore mouse AX = 17h None driver state ES:DX = Pointer to buffer Set alternate call mask subroutine
Copy buffer into the mouse driver.
AX = 18h None Add another ES:DX = Pointer interrupt to Interrupt handler for handler mask bits CX = New call mask
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Get user alternate call mask subroutine
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Bit 0 = Cursor move Bit 1 = Left button pressed Bit 2 = Left button release Bit 3 = Right button pressed Bit 4 = Right button released Bit 5 = Shift pressed with button press or release Bit 6 = Ctrl pressed with button press or release Bit 7 = Alt pressed with button press or release AX = 19h AX = Status Return a ES:DX = Pointer BX:DX = pointer to to interrupt Pointer to user's handler interrupt interrupt CX = New call handler handler. If Mask CX = User status = -1, Bit 0 = Cursor interrupt then BX, CX Move handler and DX are Bit 1 = Left mask all equal to button pressed zero. Bit 2 = Left button release Bit 3 = Right button pressed Bit 4 = Right button released Bit 5 = Shift pressed with button press or release Bit 6 = Ctrl pressed with button press or release Bit 7 = Alt pressed with button press or release
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< previous page Page 296 Set mouse AX = 1Ah sensitivity BX = Horizontal mickey sensitivity number CX = Vertical mickey sensitivity number DX = Threshold for double speed Get mouse sensitivity
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Specify how the Mouse is to operate. This function should only be used by the operating-system utilities.
AX = 1Bh
BX = Horizontal Read the current mickey mouse/pointingsensitivity device number sensitivity CX = Vertical values mickey sensitivity number DX = Threshold for double speed
Set the interrupt rate as: 0 = No interrupts allowed 1 = 30 interrupts per second 2 = 50 interrupts per second 3 = 100 interrupts per second 4 = 200 interrupts per second
Set CRT page AX = 1Dh number BX = CRT page
Set a new current display page. Int 10h, AH = 05h should be used instead.
Get CRT page AX = 1Eh number
BX = CRT page Get the current display page.
Disable mouse AX = 1Fh AX = Status Stop the mouse driver ES:BX = Original driver from Interrupt 33h requesting vector interrupts
AX = Status Reset the mouse BX = 2 driver software. Status = -1 if the mouse driver is installed, 21h otherwise.
Set system AX = 22h None languages BX = Language number 0 = English 1 = French 2 = Dutch 3 = German 4 = Swedish 5 = Finnish 6 = Spanish 7 = Portuguese 8 = Italian Get system language number
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
This function should never be used, instead the operating system utilities should be used.
BX = Language Return the number current language 0 = English the operating = French system is using. = Dutch = German = Swedish = Finnish = Spanish = Portuguese = Italian
BX = Mouse Return the driver ersion operating CH = Mouse type information for 1 = Bus mouse the mouse used. 2 = Serial mouse 3 = InPort mouse 4 = PS/2 mouse 5 = HP mouse CL = IRQ number
Get general AX = 25h AH = Status Return driver mouse driver Bit 7 = Driver information. information type (1 = sys, This information 0 = com) should not be Bit 6 (1 = used in an integrated) application. Bit 4-5 = Cursor type
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AX = 26h BX = Mouse This information disabled flag is used to CX = X maximum determine the DX = Y maximum maximum size available in an application screen. Mouse disabled flag = 1 when the mouse is disabled.
Get AX = 27h screen/cursor masks and mickey count
Get cursor hot spot
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(00 = Software, 01 = Hardware text, 1x = Graphics) Bit 0-3 = Int 33h, AX = 1Ch Interrupt rate AL = Driver version BX = fCursor lock CX = FinMouse code DX = fMouse busy
Get maximum virtual coordinates information
Set viedo mode
AX = Screen mask value or cursor line start BX = Cursor mask value or cursor line end CX = Horizontal mickey count DX = Vertical mickey count
Return cursor information
AX = 28h CX = 0 (if Set the video CX = Requested successful) parameters for video mode current screen. DX = Font size Int 10h AH = 00h can also be used. AX = 30h
cursor hot spot CX = Vertical cursor hot spot DX = Type of mouse 0 = None 1 = Bus 2 = Serial 3 = InPort 4 = IBM 5 = HP
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information and mouse type
Load AX = 31h AX = 0 (if Load Mouse acceleration BX = Curve successful) acceleration curve number curve values array ES:SI = Pointer for a specific to curve array curve. Read AX = 32h AX = 0 (if acceleration successful) curve BX = Current array active Curve ES:SI = Pointer to currently active curve
Read the acceleration curve out of memory.
Set/Get AX = 33h AX = 0 (if Set a specific the active BX = New successful) acceleration acceleration active curve BX = Current curve to be Curve active curve the active one array ES:SI = Pointer and return its to the currently array active curve information. Mouse hardware reset
AX = 35h
AX = -1 (if successful)
Reset the mouse hardware.
Get AX = 37h AX = Current Return the min/max virtual X virtual window virtual minimum minimum and coordinates CX = Current maximum virtual X coordinates maximum BX = Current virtual Y minimum D = Current virtual Y maximum Get AX = 40h MOUSE.INI location
ES:DX = Pointer Return a pointer to MOUSE.INI in to the mouse memory. parameters in memory.
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Page 300 BIOS System Variables The BIOS variables are really the system variables for the PC and are available in the 0x00040 code segment. This segment is accessed within the BIOS functions by calling the DDS subroutine. Offset Size Bits Description 0 Word COM1 base address 2 Word COM2 base address 4 Word COM3 base address 6 Word COM4 base address (note conflict with SVGA registers) 8 Word LPT1 base address A Word LPT2 base address C Word LPT3 base address E Word LPT4 base address (only available in Phoenix BIOS) 10 Byte Installed hardware 7-6 Number of floppy drives (00 = 1 Drive, 01 = 2 Drives) 5-4 Video mode (00 = EGA/VGA Modes) (01 = 40- × -25 Color) (10 = 80- × -25 Color) (11 = 80- × -25 Monochrome) 3 Reserved 2 Set if mouse installed 1 Set if coprocessor installed 0 Floppy drive used for booting 11 Byte installed hardware 7-6 Number of printer adapters (00 = 0 Printer adapters) (01 = 1 Printer adapter) 5-4 Used for specific IBM PCs 3-1 Number of RS-232 Adapters (000 = 0 RS-232 adapters) (001 = 1 RS-232 adapter) 0 Used for specific IBM PCs 12 Byte Used for specific IBM PCs 13 Word Memory size in KB (up to 640) 15 Word Phoenix BIOS test port 17 Byte Keyboard control 7 Set for Insert mode active 6 Set for Caps Lock active 5 Set for Num Lock active
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19 1A
Byte Word
1E 3E
32 Bytes Byte
40 41
Byte Byte
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4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
7 6-4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5-4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3-0
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Set for Scroll Lock active Set when Alt pressed Set when Ctrl pressed Set when Left Shift pressed Set when Right Shift pressed Keyboard control Set when Insert pressed Set when Caps Lock key pressed Set when Num Lock key pressed Set when Scroll Lock key pressed Set when Pause mode active Set when SysReq key pressed Set when Left Alt key pressed Set when Right Alt key pressed Alternate keyboard entry Pointer to next character to process in keyboard buffer Pointer to next available character in keyboard buffer Keyboard buffer Floppy recalibrate status Interrupt flag Reserved Recalibrate drive 3 Recalibrate drive 2 Recalibrate drive 1 Recalibrate drive 0 Floppy motor status Current operation (0 = Read/verify) (1 = Write) Reserved Drive selected Drive motor 3 on Drive motor 2 on Drive motor 1 on Drive motor 0 on Motor off counter Previous floppy operation status Drive not ready Seek operation failed Controller failure CRC error on read Floppy errors (1000 = DMA overrun) (0100 = Sector not found) (0010 = Address mark not found) (0001 = Invalid drive parameter) (0011 = Write protect) (0110 = Door open/disk change)
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< previous page Page 302 42 49 4A 4C
7 Bytes Byte Word Word
50 52 54 56 58 5A 5C 5E 60
Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word
62 63 65 66 67 6B 6C
Byte Word Byte Byte Double word Byte Double word
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7 6-0
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(1001 = DMA cross 64-KB boundary) (1100 = Media type not found) Floppy-controller status Display mode Number of display columns Length of regen buffer in bytes (Phoenix BIOS: current page size) Address of regen buffer (Phoenix BIOS: current page Addr) Page-1 cursor position (column/row) Page-2 cursor position (column/row) Page-3 cursor position (column/row) Page-4 cursor position (column/row) Page-5 cursor position (column/row) Page-6 cursor position (column/row) Page-7 cursor position (column/row) Page-8 cursor position (column/row) Cursor start/end (First byte, ending line) (Second byte, starting line) Current Display Page Video controller base address Mode-select register Palette value Pointer to reset in some PCs Reserved Timer counter (number of ticks since midnight) Timer overflow flag (number of days PC has been operating) Break key state Set if Ctrl-Break pressed Reserved Reset operation flag (0×01234 = Bypass memory test) (0×04321 = Save memory contents) (0×05678 = System suspended) (0×09ABC = Manufacturing test) (0×0ABCD = System post loop) (0×00064 = Phoenix BIOS burn in) Fixed-disk previous operation status (0×000 = No error) (0×001 = Invalid parm/bad command) (0×002 = Address mark not found) (0×003 = Write to protected disk) (0×004 = Sector not found) (0×005 = Reset failed)
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75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F 80 82 84 85 87
Byte Byte Byte Byte Byte Byte Byte Byte Byte Byte Byte Word Word Byte Word Byte
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7 6-5
4 3 2 1 0 7-4 3-0 7 6-5
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(0×007 = Bad parameter table) (0×009 = DMA cross 64-KB boundary) (0×00A = Bad sector flag) (0×00B = Bad cylinder detected) (0×00D = Invalid sector format) (0×00E = Control data address mark) (0×00F = DMA arbitration invalid) (0×010 = CRC or ECC on disk read) (0×011 = ECC correct data error) (0×020 = Controller failure) (0×040 = Seek operation failed) (0×080 = Drive time out/not ready) (0×0AA = Drive not ready) (0×0BB = Undefined error) (0×0CC = Write fault) (0×0E0 = Status error) (0×0FF = Sense operation failed) Number of fixed drives Reserved for fixed drive controller Reserved for fixed drive controller Printer 1 time-out value Printer 2 time-out value Printer 3 time-out value Printer 4 time-out value COM1 time-out value COM2 time-out value COM3 time-out value COM4 time-out value Keyboard buffer start offset Keyboard buffer end offset Video rows (zero based) Character height (bytes/character) VGA controller states Set for clear RAM Memory in adapter (00 = 64 KB) (01 = 128 KB) (10 = 192 KB) (11 = 256 KB) Reserved Set for VGA adapter (0 = EGA) Set for display enable wait Reset for VGA color adapter Set to inhibit cursor Translation VGA controller states Feature connector EGA option-switch settings VGA control bits Set for 200 lines Reserved
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4 3 2 1 0
5-4 3-2 8C 8D 8E 8F
Byte Byte Byte Byte
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7-6
5 4 3 2-0
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Set for 400 lines Set for no pallet load Set for monochrome monitor Set for grayscaling on Reserved Index into VGA DCC table (Phoenix VGA BIOS only) Media-control byte Last floppy drive data rate (00 = 500-KB bps) (01 = 300-KB bps) (10 = 250-KB bps) (11 = Reserved) Last floppy drive step rate Start floppy-drive transfer (Phoenix BIOS only) Reserved Fixed-disk controller status Fixed-disk controller error Fixed-disk interrupt control Diskette controller (Phoenix BIOS only) Reserved Drive determined for Drive 1 Drive 1 is multirate Drive 1 supports change line Reserved Drive determined for Drive 0 Drive 0 is multirate Drive 0 supports change line Drive 0 media state Drive data rate (00 = 500-KB bps) (01 = 300-KB bps) (10 = 250-KB bps) (11 = Reserved) Double stepping required Media established Reserved Drive/media state (000 = 360-KB disk/360-KB drive) (001 = 360-KB disk/1.2-MB drive) (010 = 1.2-MB disk/1.2-MB drive) (011 = 360-KB disk/360-KB drive) (100 = 360-KB disk/1.2-MB drive) (101 = 1.2-MB disk/1.2-MB drive) (110 = Reserved) (111 = None of the above) Drive-1 media state
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< previous page Page 305
5 4 3 2-0
92 94 95 96
Word Byte Byte Byte
98 9C A0
Double word Double word Byte
A1 A8 AC B0
7 Bytes Double word Double word Double word
Double word
Double word
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7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2-0
7 6-1 0
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Drive data rate (00 = 500-KB bps) (01 = 300-KB bps) (10 = 250-KB bps) (11 = Reserved) Double stepping required Media established Reserved Drive/media state (000 = 360-KB disk/360-KB drive) (001 = 360-KB disk/1.2-MB drive) (010 = 1.2-MB disk/1.2-MB drive) (011 = 360-KB disk/360-KB drive) (100 = 360-KB disk/1.2-MB drive) (101 = 1.2-MB disk/1.2-MB drive) (110 = Reserved) (111 = None of the Above) Reserved Floppy drive 0 cylinder Floppy drive 1 cylinder Keyboard-mode state Set when read ID in progress Set if last character was first ID character Set when force Num Lock Set if 101-/102-key keyboard used Set if Right Alt key pressed Set if Right Ctrl key pressed Set if last code was E0 Set if Last Code was E1 Keyboard LED flags Keyboard transmit error flag Mode indicator update Resend receive flag Acknowledgment received Reserved (must be reset) LED state bits Pointer to user wait complete flag User wait complete flag (in μs) Wait active flag Wait time has elapsed Reserved Int 15h function 86h executed Reserved Video parameter table pointer Dynamic save area pointer Alpha mode auxiliary character Generator pointer Graphics mode auxiliary Character Generator pointer Secondary save pointer
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< previous page Page 306 BC 68 Bytes 100 Word
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Reserved Print screen status byte
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Page 307 Chapter 20 MS-DOS MS-DOS File Search When a file is requested from the MS-DOS prompt and it does not have an explicit directory location associated with it, it is searched for in the following order: 1. In the current directory 2. Using the PATH environment variable string. The first directories in PATH are checked first.
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Page 308 From within an executing program, if a file is accessed without an explicit direction location, then only the current directory is searched. Memory Block Definition Offset Size Description 000h Byte 'Z' (05Ah) if last block in chain. 'M' (04Dh) otherwise 001h Word Block owner PSP segment address 003h Word Number of paragraphs allocated to block 005h 3 Bytes reserved 008h 8 Bytes ASCII program name. Null terminated if less than 8 bytes long 010h N/A Start of memory block File-Control Block Definition A file-control block is a small block of memory reserved in the PSP for file I/O. The block is in the format: Offset Data Field 000h Drive number (0 = A, 1 = B..) 001h File name (8 bytes) 009h File extension (3 bytes) 00Ch Current active block (word) 00Eh Record size (word) 010h MS-DOS file size (4 bytes) 014h MS-DOS file date (4 bytes) 018h Reserved (8 bytes)
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Page 309 The MS-DOS and reserved fields are set up by MS-DOS and should not be accessed by the application code. The MS-DOS FCB APIs reference one or the other FCBs when accessing the files. Environment Information Unlike the PSP, the environment information is in a series of ASCIIZ strings with headers. This means that an identifier prefaces each information block and the end is noted by a null (0×000 or \0) character. The environment block segment is pointed to from within the PSP. Within this segment, the environment block is at offset zero. The end of the block is defined by two ASCII null characters (one to end the identifier and one to indicate the end of the block). Replacing null characters with CR/LF, a PC's environment information looks like as: TMP=C:\WINDOWS\TEMP TEMP=C:\WINDOWS\TEMP PROMPT=$p$g winbootdir=C:\WINDOWS COMSPEC=C:\WINDOS\COMMAND.COM PATH=C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND;C:\DOSUTIL;C:\ BAT;C:\IBMC2\BIN; C:\MASM\BIN;C:\E3;C:\MPLAB;C:\PKZ; INCLUDE=C:\ASM\ASMPROCS;C:\ASM \MYKEMACS; windir=C:\WINDOWS BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 CMDLINE=debug Most of the information contained within the Environment block is path information. The TMP, TEMP, PATH, and IN-
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Page 310 CLUDE identifiers contain information that is used to find files in specific categories easily. TMP and TEMP are file directories used for temporary storage of files needed for the operation of compilers and data-processing applications. INCLUDE is used by compilers and assemblers for loading in definition files and linking in standard libraries. PATH lists the directories that contain the most used executable files and is searched by COMMAND.COM when a statement is made from the MS-DOS command line, which is not built into COMMAND.COM and is not an executable located within the current directory. Note that for multiple subdirectories in one category (i.e., PATH and INCLUDE), each different subdirectory is delineated by the use of a semicolon (;) character. Applications can take advantage of this path information, by applying the rules that individual subdirectories end in either a semicolon or a null character. The file identifier blocks can be updated either from the command line (i.e., SET PATH = ...) or in a batch file. Because the update operations append the new information directly to the end of the old, it's important to be sure that every subdirectory identifier ends with a semicolon to ensure that appended paths will be interpreted correctly. The remaining information is used to specify the operating mode of the PC. PROMPT governs how the user will be prompted by the system in the MS-DOS command line. $p$g is most commonly used; it specifies that before user input can be processed, the current subdirectory COMMAND.COM is execution out of and then a > character is placed for the user's information. The inbootdir and windir parameters specify where the MS-DOS command line will start execution and where the Windows operational code and programs are located. These
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Page 311 identifiers must never be modified from the command line, batch or applications. Winbootdir can be changed, however, by the Properties pull down in the MS-DOS window). If these parameters are changed, then the operation of the PC might become erratic or it might stop working completely. None of the environment information should be modified in memory by an application. The environment block that is pointed to by the PSP in your application is global to the entire PC. Incorrect changes to this information could cause problems with other application's or even the PC's operation. The COMSPEC identifier indicates what is the data input interface used by MS-DOS. This should always be COMMAND.COM (or SHELL.EXE). The final parameter is the BLASTER identifier and it is used to specify the operating conditions of the sound card in the PC. Other hardware installed in a PC could use the environment block and its parameters (like this one) to specify how it is set up and allow applications to access them appropriately. Error Codes The error information is either displayed directly by MS-DOS or the error code can be retrieved using Interrupt 24h. Error Description 001h Invalid function number 002h File not found 003h Path not found 004h Too many open files 005h Access denied 006h Invalid handle 007h Memory control blocks destroyed 008h Insufficient memory
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Page 312 009h Invalid memory block address 00Ah Invalid environment information 00Bh Invalid drive format 00Ch Invalid access mode 00Dh Invalid data 00Eh Reserved 00Fh Invalid drive specified 010h Attempt to remove current directory 011h Not the same device 012h No more files 013h Attempt to write to protected media 014h Unknown unit 015h Drive not ready 016h Unknown command 017h CRC error 018h Bad request structure length 019h Seek error 01Ah Unknown media type 01Bh Sector not found 01Ch Printer out of paper 01Dh Write fault 01Eh Read fault 01Fh General failure 020h Sharing violation 021h Lock violation 022h Invalid disk storage 023h FCB unavailable 024h Sharing buffer overflow 025h Reserved 026h Unable to complete file operation 027h Reserved 028h Reserved 029h Reserved 02Ah Reserved 02Bh Reserved 02Ch Reserved 02Dh Reserved 02Eh Reserved 02Fh Reserved 030h Reserved
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Page 313 031h Reserved 032h Network request not supported 033h Remote computer not responding 034h Duplicate name on network 035h Network name not found 036h Network busy 037h Network device no longer exists 038h NetBIOS command limit exceeded 039h Network adapter error 03Ah Incorrect network response 03Bh Unexpected network error 03Ch Incompatible remote adapter 03Dh Print queue full 03Eh No space for print file 03Fh Print file deleted 040h Network name deleted 041h Access denied 042h Network device type incorrect 043h Network name not found 044h Network name limit exceeded 045h NetBIOS session limit exceeded 046h Temporarily paused 047h Network request not accepted 048h Print or disk redirection is paused 049h Reserved 04Ah Reserved 04Bh Reserved 04Ch Reserved 04Dh Reserved 04Eh Reserved 04Fh Reserved 050h File already exists 051h Reserved 052h Unable to make directory entry 053h Fail on Int 24h 054h Too many redirections 055h Duplicate redirection 056h Invalid password 057h Invalid parameter 058h Network device fault 059h Function not supported by network 05Ah Required system component not installed
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Page 314 Error classes Class Description 001h Out of resource 002h Temporary situation, not an error 003h Permission denied 004h Internal error 005h Hardware failure 006h Invalid configuration 007h Application error 008h Requested resource not found 009h Bad device format 00Ah File locked 00Bh ECC/CRC error 00Ch Resource already exists 00Dh Unknown error Error action codes Action Code Description 001h Retry operation 002h Delay and then retry 003h Prompt user to re-enter input 004h Abort with clean up 005h Immediate abort (without clean up) 006h Ignore error 007h User intervention COMMAND.COM COMMAND.COM is responsible for processing user input to carry out some basic file operations (such as copy and delete) and executes applications. In some versions of MS-DOS, there is the option of the SHELL.EXE, which provides a rudimentary Graphical User Interface (GUI). In either case, the front-end program provides the user interface and allows application and utility execution.
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Page 315 COMMAND.COM not only loads and executes applications (ending in .COM or .EXE) but it also executes ''batch" files (which end in .BAT). Only one file at a time can be executed from COMMAND.COM, although these programs can load and execute other .COM or .EXE files using MS-DOS APIs. A copy of COMMAND.COM is required for each disk, diskette the PC is to boot MS-DOS from and is normally copied when the disk with the /s (add system files) when the disk is formatted. CONFIG.SYS The CONFIG.SYS file is used to specify resources available within the operation of the PC. It differs from the AUTOEXEC.BAT file because the parameters do not directly affect how the PC appears to operate to the user. The file parameters (which are known as device drivers) are executed from COMMAND.COM and load new capabilities in terms of BIOS and file-system functions for the PC. Many of the features available (i.e., extended memory) are specific to certain applications and hardware. These options are documented by their authors, along with their operating parameters. Two parameters to be aware of are Files and Buffers. These parameters provide resources for the applications to execute. Buffers specifies the number of file temporary data areas for file-system transfers. Files specifies the number of files that can be open at any one time. FILES=20 BUFFERS=30 For Windows 95/98 operating systems, CONFIG.SYS is automatically created and should not be modified manually.
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Page 316 AUTOEXEC.BAT The AUTOEXEC.BAT file is primarily responsible for how the user is going to interface with the MS-DOS command-line program (COMMAND.COM). Along with path information, AUTOEXEC.BAT specifies the operating conditions of the PC and will run any programs needed during execution (a common program to be run is MOUSE.COM, which provides the mouse interface for the PC). AUTOEXEC.BAT does affect the operation of Windows by specifying the path information used by some applications (such as compilers and linkers) when they are looking for a file to use. In IBM's OS/2, the AUTOEXEC.BAT file is not used at all by the operating system. Instead, it is only accessed when the MS-DOS command-line interface is started. The most crucial function of AUTOEXEC.BAT is its specification of path information for the system's environment. This information is used to search for a specific file in standard directories without making the user or an application responsible for loading the file to search through the whole hard drive to find the complete path information. The AUTOEXEC.BAT file is executed by COMMAND.COM after it has been loaded by the operating system. This is after MS-DOS has booted and the information and programs in CONFIG.SYS have been loaded. Enhanced batch file functions (such as conditional jumping) can be run from AUTOEXEC.BAT, but it's not recommended. AUTOEXEC.BAT should just be used for setting the user operating parameters of the system. More information about batch files is given elsewhere in the book.
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Page 317 MS-DOS Interrupt APIs The following software interrupts are used for accessing operating-system features in the MS-DOS environment. The typical format is for AH to be initialized with the function number to execute and the actual interrupt handler accessed using the int xxh instruction. Interrupt 20h: Program terminate The program terminate interrupt instruction (Int 20h) can be executed to end the current program, but the Interrupt 21h function 4Ch (end program) is considered to be the ''correct" way to do it in modern systems. Interrupt 21h, AH = 4Ch is preferred because an error code can be passed to the executing program. Invoking Int 20h will cause the memory currently allocated to the program to be freed (returned to the MSDOS memory pool) and execution returned to the executing program with an error status of zero (good). Interrupt 21h: Function request The following list consists of the "baseline" MS-DOS APIs, which are essentially MS-DOS 3.3 API functions with a limited number of network functions. Function Input Output Comments Program terminate
AH = 00h CS = PSP
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End the application.
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Keyboard input with echo
AH = 01h
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If CS is not pointing to the application's CS, then the reset will not free the application's memory. AL = Keystroke Wait for a keystroke, return it, and display it. If a function key (extended codes that start with 0×000 or 0×0E0), then execute this API twice.
Display character
AH = 02h AL = Character Send and display DL = Character a character to the standard display.
Auxilliary input
AH = 03h
Auxilliary output
AH = 04h None DL = Character
Write a character to the auxilliary console.
Printer output
AH = 05h None DL = Character
Write a character to the printer. If the printer is busy or unconnected, MS-DOS could take over and buffer the character or provide an error message external to the application.
AL = Character Read a character from an auxilliary console (such as COM1).
Direct console AH = 06h AL = Keyboard This API is input DL = 0FFh status (0 = similar to AH=01h nothing and requires a buffered, else second read for character) a function key scan code. Ctrl-Break is not checked in this API.
AL = Character Wait for buffered keystroke. If a function key, a second read is required. Ctrl-Break is not checked in this API.
Console input without echo
AH = 08h
AL = Character Wait for buffered keystroke. If a function key, a second read is required.
Write string to standard output (print string)
Buffered keyboard input
AH = 09h None Send the specified DS:DX = Pointer string (ending to string to with $) to the display. primary printer device. This command will always return, but MSDOS might buffer or provide an error external to the application. AH = 0Ah None Keyboard data is DS:DX = Pointer saved in the to buffer buffer until enter (CR - 0×0D) is pressed. The first byte of the buffer is the size while the second byte is the number of characters actually read. If the buffer size limit is reached, all subsequent characters until Enter results in beeping sounds.
Check standard input status
AH = 0Bh
AL = Status Check keyboard (0FFh = buffer status. Character waiting)
Clear keyboard AH = 0Ch buffer and AL = Function invoke keyboard number (01h,
AL = Character Clear the keyboard buffer and wait for a
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Disk reset
06h, 07h, 08h, 0Ah are valid) AH = 0Dh
keystroke using one of the key input APIs. None Write all modified FCBs to disk.
Select new default drive
AH = 0Eh AL = Total DL = Drive number of number (''A" = 0, drives "B" = 1, etc.)
Specify a new default drive.
Open file using FCB
AH = 0Fh AL = Status DS:DX = Pointer (00 = File to unopened FCB Opened)
This API opens a predefined file.
Close file using FCB
AH = 10h AL = Status Close an FCB DS:DX = Pointer (00 = Operation that was to opened FCB Successful) opened for writing after saving changed buffers.
Search for file using FCB
Search for next entry using FCB Delete File using FCB
Sequential read using FCB
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AH = 11h AL = Status Check the DS:DX = Pointer (00 = File current default to unopened FCB found) disk and path for the file specified in the FCB. ? is allowed as a wild card. AH = 12h AL = Status DS:DX = Pointer (00 = File to unopened FCB found)
Look for the next instance of the search filename.
AH = 13h AL = Status Deletes all files DS:DX = Pointer (00 = File in the current to unopened FCB deleted) directory that matches the filename in the FCB. AH = 14h AL = Status Reads from the DS:DX = Pointer (00 = Read current file the to opened FCB successful, size of the DTA 01 = EOF; in the FCB. no data read, 02h = DTA too small, 03h = partial DTA read to EOF)
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< previous page Page 321 Sequential write using FCB
AH = 15h AL = Status Write data from DS:DX = Pointer (00 = Write the FCB's DTA to opened FCB successful, buffer onto the 01 = Disk disk file. full, 02h = write cancelled)
Create file using FCB
AH = 16h AL = Status Create a file DS:DX = Pointer (00 = File for writing and to unopened FCB created) open it.
Rename file using FCB
AH = 17h AL = Status DS:DX = Pointer (00 = File to unopened FCB renamed)
Null function
Return current default disk
AH = 18h
Return allocation table information for the default drive
Null function
This API corresponds to CP/M's BDOS function.
AH = 19h
AL = Current default drive (0 - ''A," 1 - "B"..)
Set diskAH = 1Ah transfer DS:DX = DTA address (DTA)
Return default drive allocation table information
Rename the file.
Specify a new DTA for the application. If no DTA set, the default is offset 080h of the PSP.
AH = 1Bh DS:BX = Pointer Return to media information about descriptor byte the current DX = Number of default disk. allocation units AL = Number of sectors per allocation unit CX = Size of physical sector AH = 1Ch DS:BX = Pointer Same as AH = 1Bh DL = Drive to media except drive is number (0 descriptor byte specified. "A," 1 - "B"..) AL = Number of sectors per Allocation unit CX = Size of physical sector AH = 1Dh
None This API corresponds to get drive bit map function.
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< previous page Page 322 Null function
AH = 1Eh
Get default drive parameter block
AH = 1Fh
Null function
AH = 20h
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This API corresponds to CP/M's set file attributes function.
AL = Status This undocumented (00 = Operation function returns successful) the current DS:BX = Drive default drive's parameter block parameter block. None
This API corresponds to CP/M's get/set default user number function.
Random read AH = 21h AL = Status Move the file from opened DS:DX = Pointer (00 = pointer and FCB to opened FCB successful, perform a read. 01 = EOF, 02 = DTA too Small, 03 = Partial read) Random write AH = 22h AL = Status Move the file to opened FCB DS:DX = Pointer (00 = pointer and to opened FCB successful, perform a write. 01 = Disk Full, 02 = Write unsuccessful) Get unopened AH = 23h AL = Status Return the size FCB file size DS:DX = Pointer (00 = File of the specified to unopened FCB found) file (with wild cards). Set random AH = 24h None Set the file record number DS:DX = Pointer pointers value. for FCB to opened FCB This is often used to switch from sequential reads to random ones. Set interrupt vector
AH = 25h AL = Interrupt number DS:DX = Pointer to new handler
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Set the specified interrupt vector pointer to the specified interrupt handler.
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Page 323 Create a new AH = 26h None Copy 256 bytes of program segment DX = Segment current PSP into prefix number for the a new location. new PSP This function is used to start a subprogram from the current application. AH = 4Bh should be used instead. Random block AH = 27h AL = Status Read the read using FCB CX = Number of (0 = specified number records to read successful, of records from a DS:DX = Pointer 1 = No Data file. to opened FCB read (EOF) 2 = DTA too small, 3 = partial read) CX = Actual number of records read Random block AH = 28h AL = Status Write the write using FCB CX = Number of (0 = specified number records to write successful, of records to a DS:DX = Pointer 1 = Disk file. to opened FCB full, 2 = write not complete) CX = Actual number of records written Parse filename AH = 29h AL = Status Convert a into a FCB AL = Bit value (0 = No filename (with for parsing filename to command-line control parse, 1 = wild-card (Bit 4-7 = Invalid characters) into Reserved filename, 2 = FCB compatible Bit 3 = Use Invalid format. existing FCB Drive) extension DS:SI = Pointer Bit 2 = Use to first existing FCB character after filename Filename Bit 1 = Use ES:DI = Pointer existing FCB to first byte default drive of formatted FCB Bit 0 = Skip leading separators) DS:SI = Pointer to filename to parse ES:DI = Pointer to unopened FCB
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< previous page Page 324 Get system date
Set system date
AH = 2Ah AL = Day of the Return the week (0 = Sun) current date. CX = Year DH = Month (1 = January) DL = Day (1 to 31) AH = 2Bh AL = Status Set the system CX = Year (0 = Valid date. DH = Month (1 = date) January) DL = Day (1 to 31)
Get system time
Set system time
AH = 2Ch CH = Hour (0 When reading back to 23) the system time, CL = Minutes (0 do not rely on to 59) hundredths to be DH = Seconds (0 accurate because to 59) they are based on DL = Hundredths 18.2-Hz system of seconds (0 clock. to 99) AH = 2Dh AL = Status CH = Hour (0 (0 = Valid to 23) time) CL = Minutes (0 to 59) DH = seconds (0 to 59) DL = Hundredths of seconds (0 to 99)
Set verify switch
AH = 2Eh AL = 1
Reset verify switch
AH = 2Eh AL = 0
Get current disk-transfer address (DTA) Get MS-DOS version number
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AH = 2Fh
Set the current system time.
Carry out a verify operation after every disk write. Do not verify after every disk write.
ES:BX = Pointer Return address to current DTA of the current DTA.
AH = 30h AL = Major Return the version Number version of MS-DOS AH = Minor currently version number executing. BX = 0 CX = 0
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< previous page Page 325 Terminate AH = 31h process and AL = Return stay code resident (TSR) DX = Saved memory size in paragraphs
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Return execution to the process's caller, but leave the specified number of paragraphs unchanged in memory.
Get MS-DOS drive AH = 32h AL = Status Return pointer parameter block DL = Drive (0 to the specified for specific number (0 = successful) drive parameter drive ''A," 1 = "B"..) DS:BX = Pointer block. Similar to drive to AH = 1Fh, parameter block except that drive is specified. Get extended Ctrl-Break checking
AH = 33h AL = 0
DL = Current Return the state (0 = Off) current state of Ctrl-Break check.
Set extended Ctrl-Break checking
AH = 33h AL = 1 DL = State (0 = Off, 1 = On)
DL = Current Change the state (0 - Off) current state of the Ctrl-Break check.
Get INDOS address flag
AH = 34h
ES:BX = Pointer Return address of to byte the INDOS flag. This API should only be accessed at the start of an application.
Get interrupt vector
AH = 35h ES:BX = Pointer Return the AL = Interrupt to vector address for the vector number interrupt number's vector.
Get disk free space
AH = 36h AX = 0FFFFh if Find the amount DL = Drive drive is invalid of available number (0 = else number of space on the defautl 1, = sectors per specified drive. "A," 2 = "B"..) cluster BX = Available clusters CX = Bytes per sector DX = Clusters per drive
AH = 37h
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This API is used by many thirdparty vendors.
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Do not use it in your own applications.
Return country- AH = 38h Carry = Set if Return the dependant AL = Function error countryinformation code (0) AX = Error if specific DS:DX = Pointer carry set information. to the 32-Byte DS:DX = Country Can also be used memory area data for setting the country-specific information (although setting information should be done by MS-DOS utilities). Create a subdirectory
AH = 39h Carry = Set if Create the DS:DX = Pointer error specified to ASCIIZ string AX = Error if subdirectory carry set (''md" MS-DOS command).
Remove a subdirectory
AH = 3Ah Carry = Set if Delete the DS:DX = Pointer error specified to ASCIIZ string AX = Error if subdirectory carry set ("rd" MS-DOS command).
Specify the current subdirectory
Create the file and open it
AH = 3Bh Carry = Set if Set a new DS:DX = Pointer error default to ASCIIZ string AX = Error if subdirectory carry set ("cd" MS-DOS command). AH = 3Ch Carry = Set if Create the DS:DX = Pointer error directory to ASCIIZ String AX = Handle or entry and open CX = Attributes error if the file. of file. carry set (Bit 15-7 reserved (0), Bit 6 = 0 Archive, Bit 5 = Bit 4 = 0 Bit 3 = 0 Bit 2 = System Bit 1 = Hidden
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Bit 0 = Read Only)
Open the file
AH = 3Dh Carry = Set if Open the file for DS:DX = Pointer error reading/writing. to ASCIIZ String AX = Handle AL = Access Code or error if (Bit 7 = carry set Private, Bit 6-4 = Sharing mode 000 = Compatibility, 001 = DENYALL 010 = DENYWRITE 011 = DENYREAD 100 = DENYNONE 111 = Network FCB, Bit 3 = Reserved Bit 2-0 = Access 000 = Read only 001 = Write only 010 = Read/write)
Close the file handle
AH = 3Eh Carry = Set if Close the open BX = Handle error file. AX = Handle or error if carry set
Read from file handle
AH = 3Fh Carry = Setif Read the BX = File error specified number handle AX = Number of of bytes from the CX = Number of bytes read file. bytes to read or error if DS:DX = Buffer carry set address
Write to file handle
AH = 40h Carry = Set if Write the BX = File handle error specified number CX = Number of AX = Number of of bytes to the bytes to write bytes written file. DS:DX = Buffer or error if address carry set
Delete file
AH = 41h Carry = Set if Delete the file DS:DX = Pointer error from the disk. to ASCIIZ AX = Number of normal MS-DOS filename bytes written command-line or error if rules are used. carry set
Move file pointer (LSEEK)
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AH = 42h Carry = Set if Move the MS-DOS AL = Method of error file pointer to moving DX:AX = New a new offset.
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(0 = Move from offset in File file start, or, if carry 1 = Move set AX is the from Current error code offset, 2 = Move to end of file) BX = File Handle CX:DX = Number Of bytes to move
Get file mode
AH = 43h Carry = Set on Read the file AL = 0 error directory DS:DX = Pointer AX = Error code information. to ASCIIZ if carry set filename CX = File attribute if carry reset (Bit 5 = Archive, Bit 4 = Directory, Bit 3 = Reserved, Bit 2 = System, Bit 1 = Hidden, Bit 0 = Read only)
Set file mode
AH = 43h AL = 1 DS:DX = Pointer to ASCIIZ if Filename CX = File attribute (Bit 5 = Archive, Bit 4 = Directory, Bit 3 = Reserved, Bit 2 = System, Bit 1 = Hidden, Bit 0 = Read only)
Get device information (IOCTL)
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AH = 44h AL = 0 BX = Handle
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Carry = Set on Change the file error directory AX = Error code information. carry set
Carry = Set on Get device error code information AX = Error code
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If carry set DX = Device information word if carry reset character: (Bit 14 = Device driver can process IOCTL, Bit 13 = Output until busy support, Bit 11 = Driver support for open/close, Bit 7 = Set device. Bit 6 = EOF on input, Bit 5 = Raw (binary) mode, Bit 4 = Device is special (uses Int 29h), Bit 3 = Clock device, Bit 2 = Null device, Bit 1 = Standard output, Bit 0 = Standard input) Disk: (Bit 15 = File is remote, Bit 14 = File date/time not set on Close, Bit 11 = Media is not removable, Bit 8 = Request Int 24h if past EOF, Bit 7 = File clear, Bit 6 = File updated Bit 0-5 = File number (A = 0..))
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AH = 44h Carry = Set on Set device AL = 1 error code information BX = Handle AX = Error Code DX = Device if carry set character: (Bit 14 = Device driver can process IOCTL, Bit 13 = Output until busy support, Bit 11 = Driver support for open/close, Bit 7 = Set device. Bit 6 = EOF on input, Bit 5 = Raw (binary) mode, Bit 4 - Device is special (uses Int 29h), Bit 3 = Clock device, Bit 2 = Null device, Bit 1 = Standard output, Bit 0 = Standard input) Disk: (Bit 15 = File is remote, Bit 14 = File date/time not set on close, Bit 11 = Media is not removable, Bit 8 = Request Int 24h if past EOF, Bit 7 = File clear, Bit 6 = File updated
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Bit 0-5 = File number (A = 0..))
Read from AH = 44h Carry = Set on Read from IOCTL IOCTL device AL = 2 error device like fileBX = File AX = Error code handle device. handle if carry set, CX = Number of else number of bytes to read bytes read DS:DX = Pointer to buffer Write to AH = 44h Carry = Set on Write to IOCTL IOCTL device AL = 3 error device like fileBX = File AX = Error code handle device. handle if carry set, CX = Number of else number of bytes to write bytes written DS:DX = Pointer to buffer Read from block IOCTL device
AH = 44h Carry = Set on Read data from an AL = 4 error IOCTL block BL = Drive number AX = Error code device. (0 = Default, if carry set, A = 1,..) else number of CX = Number of bytes read bytes to read DS:DX = Pointer to buffer
Write to block IOCTL device
AH = 44h Carry = Set on Write data to an AL = 5 error IOCTL block BL = Drive number AX = Error code device. (0 = Default, if carry set, A = 1,..) else number of CX = Number of bytes written bytes to write DS:DX = Pointer to buffer
Get IOCTL device input status
AH = 44h Carry = Set on Get the status of AL = 6 error the device's BX = File AX = Error code input. handle if carry set, else For files: AL = 0FFh If not EOF or AL = 0 if EOF For devices: AL = 0 = Not ready
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AL = 0Fh = ready
Get IOCTL AH = 44h Carry = Set on Get the status of device output AL = 7 error the device's status BX = File AX = Error code output. handle if carry set, else For files: AL = 0FFh If not EOF or AL = 0 if EOF For devices: AL = 0 = Not ready AL = 0Fh = ready IOCTL media AH = 44h type AL = 8 BL = Drive number (0 = Default, 1 = A,..) Check if IOCTL block device is remote
AH = 44h AL = 9 BL = Drive number (0 = Default, 1 = A,..)
Check if AH = 44h handle is for AL = 0Ah a remote BX = File IOCTL device handle
Set sharing retry count for IOCTL device
AX = Status Return the type (0 = Removable of media for 1 = Fixed device. 0Fh = If BL is invalid) Carry = Set if Set attribute bit error if the device is DX = Attribute remote to the PC word (i.e., on a (Bit 12 = Set network). for remote)
Carry = Set if Set attribute bit error if the device is DX = Attribute remote to the PC word (i.e., on a (Bit 15 = Set network). for remote)
AH = 44h Carry = Set if Set the number AL = 0Bh error of retries and CX = Number of AX = Error Code delay for times to run if carry set device-sharing the delay loop problems. DX = Number of retries
Generic IOCTL AH = 44h Carry = Set on Perform basic device request AL = 0Ch error file operations BX = File AX = Error code on the device. handle if carry set CH = Device category (01h = COMn, 03h = Console,
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05h = LPTn, 00-7Fh = Reserved, 80h-FFh = Available for applications) CL = Function number (40h = Set device parameters, 41h = Write track on logical device, 42h = Format and verify track on logical device, 60h = Get device parameters, 61h = Read track on logical device, 62h = Verify track on logical device)
Generic IOCTL AH = 44h Carry = Set on Perform basic device request AL = 0Dh error file operations BL = Drive AX = Error code on the device. number if carry set (0 = Default, 1 = ''A"..) CH = Device category (01h = COMn, 03h = Console, 05h = LPTn, 00-7Fh = Reserved, 80h-FFh = Available for applications) CL = Function number (40h = Set device parameters, 41h = Write track on logical
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device, 42h = Format and verify track on logical device, 60h = Get device parameters, 61h = Read track on logical device, 62h = Verify track on logical device)
Get logical IOCTL drive map
AH = 44h Carry = Set if If a logical AL = 0Eh error drive is BL = Drive AX = Error code assigned to a number if carry set physical one, (0 = Default, AL = Number of return the last 1 = ''A"..) last drive drive number. assigned to this drive number
Set logical IOCTL drive
AH = 44h Carry = Set if This operation AL = 0Fh error sets a new BL = Drive AX = Error Code logical drive to number if carry set the device. This (0 = Default, AL = Number of is useful for 1 = "A"..) new logical avoiding "swap drive diskette" messages in applications.
Duplicate a file handle
AH = 45h Carry = Set if Create a second BX = File error handle to access handle AX = Error code a file. Note, if if carry set one handle's file else new file pointer is handle changed, then both are changed.
Carry = Set if Force a specific error handle number to AX = Error code be set to an open if carry set file. This API can be dangerous to use with poorly chosen handles.
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< previous page Page 335 Get current directory
Allocate memory
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AH = 47h Carry = Set if Returns the DL = Drive error current number AX = Error Code subdirectory path (0 = Default, if carry set for the specified 1 = ''A"..) drive. DS:SI = Pointer to 64-byte memory area AH = 48h Carry = Set if Attempt to BX = Number of error allocate a paragraphs AX = Error code specified number required. if carry set, of paragraphs. else segment of Note: Be sure that allocated you check the memory carry flag before BX = Number of writing to the free paragraphs segment returned available if in AX (which might carry set be an error code).
Free allocated AH = 49h Carry = Set if When finished memory ES = Segment error with allocated of memory to AX = Error Code memory, you must free if carry set free it. This includes ending applications that have allocated memory. Modify allocated AH = 4Ah Carry = Set if Resize the memory ES = Segment error allocated block. (SETBLOCK) of memory to AX = Error Code This API is most resize if carry set useful for BX = Number of BX = Maximum freeing memory paragraphs for number of after an resized memory paragraphs if application has block request is to started executing "grow" block and has all available memory devoted to it. Execute a program (EXEC)
AH = 4Bh Carry = Set if This API loads AL = 0 error and starts DS:DX = File AX = Error Code execution of a to start if carry set, "child" process. executing Note, AH = 4Bh is ES:BX = Pointer often used by to parameter viruses to load. block (Offset 0 = Segment of environment, Offset 2 =
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Load a program overlay
Pointer to command-line parameters, Offset 6 = Pointer to first FCB, offset 0Ah = pointer to second FCB) AH = 4Bh Carry = Set if Load a file but AL = 3 error do not create a DS:DX = File AX = Error code PSP. This is to Load if carry set used to load ES:BX = Pointer overlays for to parameter multi-file block applications. Offset 0 = This API can be segment used as a quick address to and dirty way to load file, load files into Offset 2 = RAM. relocation Note: AH = 4Bh is factor often used by (normally 0) viruses to load.
Terminate the AH = 4Ch process AL = Return (EXIT) code
Get return code of subprocess (WAIT)
Find first matching file
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AH = 4Dh
End the current application and pass an error code back to the parent process (the one that initiated the application).
AL = Return After a child code process has AH = Exit code finished, get Type the termination (0 = Normal, reason/status. 1 = Ctrl-Break, 2 = Device error, 3 = TSR)
AH = 4Eh Carry = Set on Look through the DS:DX = Pointer error default or to filename AX = Error code specified path CX = File if carry set for the file attribute name (which can (Bit 5 = MS-DOS Archive bit, wildcards). If Bit 4 = found, place Subdirectory, information in
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Find next matching file
Bit 3 = Volume in first 11 bytes, Bit 2 = System file, Bit 1 = Hidden file) AH = 4Fh
the current DTA. If no file can be found meeting the criteria, the carry flag is set.
Carry = Set if Using the DTA set error up by previous AX = Error code file-matching if carry set APIs, the DTA is updated with a new file. If no file is to be found, then the carry flag is set.
Internal MS-DOS APIs
AH = 50h-53h
Get the verify flag value
AH = 54h
Internal MS-DOS API
AH = 55h
These functions are internal to MS-DOS and cannot be used by applications.
AL = Verify Return the state flag (0 = Off, of the verify 1 = On) flag. N/A
This functions is internal to MS-DOS and cannot be used by applications.
Rename a AH = 56h Carry = Set if Rename a file or file DS:DX = Pointer error move it (the to ASCIIZ file AX = Error code paths can be to be renamed if carry set different). ES:DI = Pointer to New ASCIIZ filename Get file last AH = 57h update date AL = 0 and time BX = File handle
Carry = Set if Return the error date/time AX = Error Code information for if carry set the file handle. CX = Time from file's table (Bit 15-11 = Hours, Bit 10-5 = Minutes, Bit 4-0 = Seconds/2)
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DX = Date from file's table (Bit 15-9 = Year from 1980, Bit 8-5 = Month (1-12), Bit 4-0 = Day (1-31))
Set file last AH = 57h Carry = Set if Change the update date AL = 1 error date/time and time BX = File AX = Error Code information for handle if carry set the file handle. CX = Time from file's table (Bit 15-11 = Hours, Bit 10-5 = Minutes, Bit 4-0 = Seconds/2) DX = Date from file's table (Bit 15-9 = Year from 1980, Bit 8-5 = Month (1-12), Bit 4-0 = Day (1-31)) Get memory AH = 58h Carry = Set if Return the allocation AL = 0 error current memory strategy AX = Error Code allocation if carry set strategy. The AH = 0 codes listed are AL = Allocation for DOS 5.0+. strategy Earlier versions (40h = High could use different memory first codes. fit, 41h = High fit, 42h = High memory last fit, 80h = First fit, try High then Low, 81h = Best fit, try High then Low, 82h = Last
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fit, try High then Low)
Set memory allocation strategy
AH = 58h AL = 0
Carry = Set if Change the error current memory AX = Error code allocation if carry set strategy. The BH = 0 Codes listed are BL = Allocation for DOS 5.0+. strategy Earlier versions (40h = High could use different memory first codes. This is a fit, parameter that 41h = High should only be memory best changed if there fit, is a specific 42h = High problem to be memory last solved in the fit, application. 80h = First fit, try High then Low, 81h = Best Fit, try High then Low, 82h = Last fit, try High then Low)
Get extended AH = 59h AX = Extended If an error is error BX = 0 error Code returned from an information BH = Error MS-DOS API. class Additional, more BL = Suggested specific action information can CH = Suggested be requested from ''locus" MS-DOS. Create an unique file
AH = 5Ah Carry = Set if This API is DS:DX = Pointer error primarily used by to ASCIIZ Path AX = Error code compilers to string, ending if carry set generate in a "backslash" DS:DX = Full temporary data ("\") path with new storage files. CX = File filename attributes (Bit 5 = Archive bit, Bit 4 = subdirectory, Bit 3 = Volume in first 11 bytes, Bit 2 = System file,
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Bit 1 = Hidden file)
Create a new file
AH = 5Bh Carry = Set if This API will DS:DX = Pointer error create a new to ASCIIZ File AX = Error code file and open name string if Carry set it for the CX = File AX = Handle application. attributes (Bit 5 = Archive bit, Bit 4 = Subdirectory, Bit 3 = Volume in first 11 bytes, Bit 2 = System file, Bit 1 = Hidden file)
Lock file access
AH = 5Ch Carry = Set if This API AL = 0 error prevents other BX = File AX = Error Code processes from handle if carry set accessing CX:DX = Offset specific portions within file of a file being SI:DI = Length used by the of locked range current process.
Unlock file access
AH = 5Ch Carry = Set if This API allows AL = 1 error other processes BX = File AX = Error Code access to the handle if carry set current file. CX:DX = Offset The CX:DX and within file SI:DI parameters SI:DI = Length must be the same of locked range as ''Lock File Access" used.
Internal MS-DOS API
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AH = 5Dh
This functions is internal to MS-DOS and cannot be used by applications.
Get network AH = 5Eh Carry = Set if Load the buffer machine name AL = 0 error pointed to by DS:DX = Pointer AX = Error code DS:DX with the to 15-byte if carry set NETBIOS name. buffer CH = Name/Number This function (0 = Not will only work defined) with a machine
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CL = NETBIOS on a NETBIOS name number for network. the name AH = 5Eh-5Fh
Internal MS-DOS API
AH = 60h
AH = 61h
Return AH = 62h current PSP segment
These functions are used by NETBIOS to provide file sharing and printer control for network applications.
This function is internal to MS-DOS and cannot be used by applications. This API is not used by MS-DOS and simply returns to the caller.
BX = Segment Upon return, of current PSP BX:0 Points to the application's PSP.
Remaining AH = 63h-FFh MS-DOS APIs
All Remaining API numbers are Allocated to OS/2 or used by virus' as a method of operation. None of these APIs should be used by an application.
Interrupt 22h: Terminate address The terminate address vector (at Interrupt 22h's vector or address 0:0×088) is executed during program terminate before control is returned to COMMAND.COM. This ''hook" provides
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Page 342 a method of executing application code before the memory used by the program is cleaned up. The Interrupt 22h vector can be ''captured," with the original Interrupt 22h jumped to after the application Interrupt 22h code has executed. This interrupt cannot be invoked by your application; to end the application, an Int 21h instruction should be executed with AH equal to 4Ch. Interrupt 23h: Ctrl-Break exit address The Ctrl-Break vector works similarly to the terminate address for Interrupt 22h. The interrupt 23h vector is executed when the user presses the Ctrl-Break key combination while an MS-DOS function is being executed or a standard I/O operation is occurring. The application Interrupt 23h handler is exactly the same as any other software interrupt handler, at the start of the handler, the context registers that are changed are pushed onto the stack, the handler function is executed, and the context registers are restored. At the end of the Interrupt 23h handler, an iret instruction is executed and control returns to the currently executing MS-DOS function. The Ctrl-Break software interrupt 23h can be useful for many applications, but console I/O has to use the MSDOS functions that could restrict the operation of the application somewhat (as compared to the BIOS keyboard and screen I/O functions). Interrupt 24h: Critical error handler vector This vector can be captured by an application and be used to provide a custom response to a DOS error (instead of the stan-
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Page 343 dard one-line MS-DOS responses). Capturing this vector will allow the error to be processed without having to switch modes, or harm screen data overwritten by MS-DOS or loosing the error. Most of the errors experienced with MS-DOS revolve around the disk subsystems and errors with the media (such as not having a diskette in the drive or the diskette is unformatted) or the printer is not working. Interrupt 24h: Critical error handler vector AH contents After the critical error handler vector has been captured, the new handler will execute when an error occurs in an MS-DOS API. The device causing the error is passed in AH and will have bit seven set if the error was caused in the disk subsystem. If AH bit seven is set, then the operation information and valid responses are also passed in AH with the following bits: Bits Description 5 Set if ignore is allowed 4 Set if retry is allowed 3 Set if fail is allowed 2-1 Affected disk area: 00 = DOS area 01 = File allocation table 10 = Directory 11 = Data area 0 Set if write operation Reset if read operation Interrupt 24h: Critical error handler vector DI error number The lower eight bits of DI contains the error number and the errors consist of:
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Page 344 Number Description 0h Attempt to write on write-protected diskette 1h Unknown unit 2h Drive not ready (could be no diskette in drive) 3h Unknown command 4h Data error (CRC) 5h Bad request structure 6h Seek error 7h Unknown media type 8h Sector not found 9h Printer out of paper Ah Write fault Bh Read fault Ch General failure Interrupt 24h: Critical error handler vector device header block The device header control block is returned during critical error handler vector invocation and is pointed to by BP:SI. Offset Data Type Description 0h Double word Pointer to the next device 4h Word Device type parameters: Bit 15 = 1 = Character device 0 = Block device Bit 14 = IOCTL bit If Bit 15 = 1 Bit 3 = Set if current CLOCK device Bit 2 = Set if current NULL device Bit 1 = Set if current standard output
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Page 345
Bit 0 = Set if current standard input. 6h Word Pointer to device driver strategy Entry point 8h Word Pointer to device driver interrupt Entry point Ah 8 Bytes Character device named device For block devices. The first byte is the number of units. Interrupt 24h: Critical error handler vector responses When critical error handler returns execution to MS-DOS (using an iret instruction), then AL must be set with a command code for MS-DOS to respond to the error. The valid commands are: Value Command 0 Ignore the error 1 Retry the operation 2 Terminate the program through Interrupt 23h 3 Fail the system call in progress Another option to process the error is to return execution to the calling location with a custom error. When the Interrupt 24h vector executes, the application's stack is passed to the handler, with the following information: Register Comments, IP Registers from MS-DOS issuing the Int 24h instruction CS
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< previous page Page 346 FLAGS AX BX CX DX SI DI BP DS ES IP
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Registers saved by MS-DOS with the application's registers at the time of the Int 21h instruction
Registers from the original Int 21h Instruction
CX FLAGS Interrupt 24h: Critical error handler vector return code To return an error to the application from the Interrupt 24h vector, the following code should be used: add SP, 8 ; Move the Stack to ''BX" mov AX, ErrorNumber ; Load AX with the Error Number pop BX ; Restore the Registers pop CX pop DX pop SI pop DI pop BP pop DS pop ES stc ; Set the Carry Flag to indicate the error ret 2 ; Return to the Issuing Address with Carry ; Flag set Interrupt 25h and 26h: Absolute disk accesses, disk logical sectors For Interrupts 25h and 26h, the disk is laid out with logical sectors, which use a numbering scheme that is based on the head,
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Page 347 track, and sector of the disk. The following table shows how the logical tracks work for a diskette with two sides (heads), 80 tracks per side and 18 sectors per track (this is the normal configuration of a 1.44-MB diskette). Logical Sector Head Track Sector 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 2 18 19 20
0 0 0
1 1 1
0 1 2
720 0 40 0 721 0 40 1 1440 1 0 0 1441 1 0 1 As hard drives have gotten larger, the maximum size supported by this scheme becomes a problem. In the PC, each sector is 512 bytes, which means that the maximum size disk supported by the Interrupt 25h and 26h logical Sectors is 33,553,920 bytes. Interrupt 25h and 26h: Absolute disk accesses error codes Code IBM Error Non-IBM Error 00h Write protect error 01h Bad command Unknown unit 02h Address mark not Drive not ready found 03h Write protect error 04h Sector not found Data CRC error
Seek error Unknown media Sector not found Write fault Read fault General disk failure Invalid media change
Data CRC error Controller failure Seek error No response from drive controller Interrupt 25h and 26h: Absolute disk access APIs Interrupt Input Output Comments Int 25h AL = Drive Carry = Reset if Read the number operation specified ES:BX = Pointer successful number of sectors to data buffer if error then starting at the CX = Number AH/AL contains specified logical of sectors to the error code sector. read all other DX = First register contents logical sector lost Int 26h
AL = Drive Carry = Reset if Write data from number operation the buffer ES:BX = Pointer successful starting at the to data buffer if error then specified logical CX = Number of AH/AL contains sector for the sectors to the error code specified number write all other of sectors. DX = First register contents logical sector lost Interrupt 27h: Terminate but stay resident After a program has executed its TSR set-up code, it will set DX to the last address plus one that it ''wants" to save and then executes an Int 27h instruction. Upon execution of this in-
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Page 349 struction, the memory above the offset at DX will be returned to the system and execution will return to COMMAND.COM. It is recommended that the Interrupt 21h API call, AH = 31h (TSR) be used exclusively instead because it can return an error codes to the caller and is the ''more standard" way of carrying out a TSR program. Interrupt 2Fh: Multiplex Interrupt Standard Process Numbers Process Number Process 01h PRINT.EXE 10h SHARE.EXE 11h Network 14h National language support (NLSFUNC.EXE) 16h MS-DOS idle 1Ah ANSI.SYS 43h HIMEM.SYS 48h DOSKEY.COM 4Bh Build notification chain ADh KEYB.COM B0h GRAFTABL.COM B7h APPEND.EXE Interrupt 2Fh: Standard multiplex interrupt APIs Function Input Output Comments Get installed state
AH = Process AL = 0, Not used, This function checks number OK to install to see if the specified AL = 0 AL = 1, Not used, process number can be NOT OK to install used for the multiplex AL = 0FFh, used interrupt.
Submit file
AH = Process AL = Operation Pass an MS-DOS drive, number status path, and filename to AL = 1 the multiplex DS:DX = Pointer interrupt. to ASCIIZ file name
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Page 350 Cancel AH = Process AL = Operation The MS-DOS drive, path file number status and filename are passed AL = 2 to the multiplex DS:DX = Pointer interrupt in order for to ASCIIZ file the handler to delete name the file from the application's queue. Cancel all files Status
AH = Process AL = Operation Instruct the handler to number status delete all files in the AL = 3 application's queue. AH = Process DX = Error Return the number of number count errors encountered by AL = 4 the process.
End of status
AH = Process AX = Error Return the Error codes number codes encountered by the AL = 5 multiplex interrupt handler. Interrupt 2Fh: Multiplex Interrupt Process Number Availability Check mov BX, 080h ; Start at Process 080h and go to 0FFh Loop: ; Loop Here until BX contains Valid process mov AH, BL ; Load the Process Number to Test mov AL, 0 ; Get the Process Number's Status int 2Fh ; Request the Status or AL, AL ; If Zero, Okay to Install jz Skip inc BL ; Try the Next Process Number jmp Loop Skip: ; BL contains a Valid Process Number Interrupt 2Fh: Standard multiplex interrupt API error codes Error Code Description 01h Invalid function 02h File not found
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Page 351 03h Path not found 04h Too many open files 05h Access denied 08h Queue full 09h Busy 0Ch Name too long 0Fh Invalid drive Interrupt 2Fh: Standard multiplex interrupt handler Mint_Num db ? ; Multiplex Interrupt Handler Process Number Mint_Old
dd ?
Previous Multiplex Interrupt Handler Vector
Mint: ; Multiplex Interrupt Handler cmp AH, CS:Mint_Num ; Is the request directed toward this Handler? jz Mint_Start jmp CS:Mint_Old ; No, Jump to the Previous Vector Mint_Start: or jz
AL, AL Mint_Handler
Now, can start processing Multiplex Int.
Is this the Install Check?
mov AL, 0FFh iret
; ;
Indicate the Handler is used
Return to code that Invoked the Int 2Fh
Mint_Handler: ; Now, Handle the Multiplex Interrupt Request Interrupt 2Fh: Multiplex interrupt handler installation mov AH, 035h ; Get Current Multiplex Interrupt Vector mov AL, 02Fh int 021h mov mov
CS:Mint_Old.PtrSeg, ES CS:Mint_Old.PtrOff, BX
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Save the Old Vector
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mov AL, push CS pop DS lea DX, Mint
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; Load the Multiplex Interrupt with the ; New Vector
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Page 353 Chapter 21 MS-DOS Operation Directory/Filenames When naming directories and files, using the: FILENAME.EXT format, the following rules are used: 1. In MS-DOS, the filename can be up to eight characters. In Windows, the filename can be up to 33 characters in length. 2. The optional extension (.EXT) can have up to three characters.
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Page 354 3. In Windows, even though upper and lower case are displayed, the case of the filename/EXT is ignored. 4. Spaces ( ) cannot be used in the MS-DOS filename, although they can be in Windows'. The following characters cannot be used in the filename/EXT: . '' / \ [ ] : * <>| + = ; , ? The following names are reserved and cannot be used for filenames: CLOCK$, CON, AUX, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, PRN, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, NULL File Wild Cards * Any characters can occupy the character location to the end of the filename or .EXT. ? Any character can occupy the character location. MS-DOS Commands and Utilities These utilities and commands are part of the MS-DOS/ Windows MS-DOS prompt environment and work as MS-DOS commands. Command/Utility Description assign [DiskA=DiskB] Assign DiskB to the new identifier. If no identifier, all drive assignments are reset to the default letters.
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Page 355 attrib [Option] Filename [/S] Display or set the attributes of the specified file(s). Option: /+R = Make the files read only /-R = Make the files Read/Write /+A = Turn on the archive bit /-A = Turn off the archive bit /S = Process all subdirectory files as well backup Source Dest [Options] Backup Information into an other file or disk. Used with Restore. /S = Backup all subdirectories as well /A = Add files to backup file already in Dest /M = Backup files changed since last backup (file already in Dest) /D:MM-DD-YY = Backup files from the specified date /T:HH:MM:SS = Backup files from the specified time (24-hour format) /L = Create BACKUP.LOG file in Dest disk/directory chcp [# # #] Display the current code page or specify a new one. chdir | ch [Directory] Change the current directory. Directory: None = Display current drive and directory \PATH = Change the current directory to the specified path on the disk PATH = Change to the subdirectory in the current directory
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Page 356
\ = Jump to the drive's root directory .. = Jump to the directory's parent chkdsk [Disk | /F | /V] Check the specified (or current) drive for errors. Option: /F = Fix errors encountered /V = Display all paths with their directories cls Clear the screen. Command [Options] Start a secondary command processor Options: /P = New command processor is primary /MSG = Load in system messages and retain text./MSG must be present with /P /E:##### = Specify the environment size /C String = Start command processor with String to execute comp [FileA FileB] Compare the files in the specific drives and directories specified by FileA and FileB. copy Source[+FileA] Dest Copy the source file into the destination. If a second file added the source file, then they are concatenated together and stored as the destination. ctty Device Change standard I/O console to an auxiliary console. Device can be AUX, COM1, COM2, COM3, or COM4. If CON is used for the device, then the original console is used. date [MM-DD-YY] Display and change current system date. This command might not change all RTC/CMOS chip values in older machines.
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Page 357 del | erase File
Delete the specified file[s] dir [Files] [Options] List the files specified in the disk, drive, or match. Options: /P = Pause after each full screen /W = List files horizontally diskcomp [A: B:] [Options] Compare Diskettes. Options: /# = Compare the specified # of sectors diskcopy [A: B:] [Options] Copy the files from one diskette to another. Options: /# Copy the specified # of sectors exit End the secondary command processor. fastopen D: [Option] Stores the location of directories and files to speed up MS-DOS response for the specified drive (D:). Option: D:=# = Set the number of directories to save (10-999) D:=(#,%) = Set the number of continuous space entries D: /S = Allow fastopen to use expanded memory fdisk Manually specify disk organization. Warning. This command can render your hard drive useless and disable to access the operating system. find [Options] ''String" File Find the String in the specified file. Options: /C = Return count of number of lines where String was found /N = Return the line number of each instance of String in the file /V = Return the lines that do not have String in them
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Page 358 format [Disk] [Options] Format a disk for MS-DOS operations. Options: /1 = Format 5.25'' for 180-KB single sided /160 = Format 5.25" for 160 KB /180 = Format 5.25" for 180 KB /320 = Format 5.25" for 320 KB /360 = Format 5.25" for 360 KB /4 = Format 5.25" for 360 KB /8 = Format 5.25" for 8 sectors per track (normally 9 or 15) /B = Make space on the disk for IBMBIO.COM and IBMDOS.COM system files /F:720 = Format 3.5" diskette for 720 KB /F:1200 = Format 5.25" diskette for 1.2 MB /F:1440 = Format 3.5" diskette for 1.44 MB /S = Copy the operating system onto the diskette for diskette boot of PC /V:Volume = Copy the volume name to the disk without prompting. graftabl [Options] Handle the current code page used by MS-DOS. No parameters (Option) returns operation to code page 437 (default). Options: ? = Display the current code page /STATUS = Display the current code page ### = Set a new code page
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Page 359 graphics [Type [Profile]] [Options] Specify that graphic screen is to be output on printer for a print screen. Type: COLOR1 = Print graphics screen with monochrome printer COLOR4 = Print graphics with RGB ribbon COLOR8 = Print graphics with YMC (Yellow/ Magenta/Cyan/Black) ribbon GRAPHICS = Print graphics screen using an Epson graphics printer GRAPHICSWIDE = Print graphics screen using wide (132 character) printer THERMAL = Print graphics using a thermal printer If a type is specified with a profile file (ending in .PRO), then use instead of default. Options: /R = Prints screen image (not reversed) /B = Prints background color /PRINTBOX:## = Print the graphics screen image in the specified size join [DiskA: [DiskB: | /D] Join disks to directories. No parameters shows the current Join Status. Options: DiskA: DiskB: = Specify disk to be joined to disk and directory /D = Disconnect a join
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Page 360 keyb [###]
Display/specify a keyboard code page. label [Label] Change the disk's volume label. mem [Options] Display memory used by applications and is free. Options: /PROGRAM = Display programs in memory /DEBUG = Display programs, drivers and other information mode Modespec[, Options] Specify the display output mode. Modespec: 40 = 40 Columns for color display 80 = 80 Columns for color display BW40 = 40-Column monochrome display BW80 = 80-Column monochrome display CO40 = 40 Columns for color display CO80 = 80 Columns for color display MONO = Switch to MDA, which is running at 80 columns per line Options: ## = The number of lines to display (valid entries are 25, 43, or 50) R = Shift screen right L = Shift screen left T = Display test pattern mode COM# options Specify serial-port parameters Options: BAUD=# = Set the data rate (110, 150, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, or 19200 valid) DATA=# = Specify the data size (7 or 8 valid)
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Page 361
PARITY=% = Specify the data Parity (ODD, EVEN, MARK, SPACE and NONE valid) RETRY=% = Specify the retry information Nothing = Infinite retry B = Return busy from port E = Return error for busy port (default) R = Return ready from port STOP=# = Specify the number of stop bits (1 or 2 valid) mode CON [Options] Specify console options. Options: COLS=# = Specify the number of columns displayed (40 or 80 valid) LINES=# = Specify the number of rows to be displayed (25, 43, or 50 valid) RATE=# = Specify the number of keyboard autorepeats per second DELAY=# = Specify the delay (in ms) for first autorepeat character mode LPT#[Options] Specify the printer options. If no options, then disable serial printing. Options: =COM# = Route printing to COM# serial port COLS=# = Specify the number of columns to print before new line (default 80, 132 optional). LINES=# = Specify the number of lines to display per inch (the default is 8 lines per inch and the option is 6).
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Page 362
RETRY=% = Indicate how the PC is to respond to printer error. %: E = Return Error from status check B = Return Busy from status check R = Return Ready from status check mkdir | md [Directory] Make the specified directory. Directory: \PATH = Make the directory from the disk's root PATH = Make a subdirectory from the current disk directory D:\PATH = Make a directory from the specified disk's (D:) root nslfunc FileName Specify an extended country support file. path [Directory[,..]] Set a specific search path for MS-DOS. This is normally only specified in the PC's AUTOEXEC.BAT file. prompt [Options] Specify how the MS-DOS command line prompts the user. $P$G is traditionally used. Options: $B = Prompt with a | character $D = Prompt with the current date $G = Prompt with a > character $L = Prompt with a < character $P = Prompt with the current directory $Q = Prompt with a = character $T = Prompt with the current time
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Page 363
$V = Prompt with the operating-system version recover FileName | D: Recover the specified file or disk. rename | ren Old New Rename the old FILENAME.EXT to NEW. replace FileName Dest [Options] Replace the files on the destination that meet the filename specification. Options: /A = Copy files that don't exist at the destination /P = Prompt user for each file /R = Replace read-only files /S = Search subdirectories for files /U = Replace files older than filename /W = Wait for user to insert diskette restore Source Dest [Options] Restore the backup files in Source to the destination drive/directory. Used with backup. Options: /A:MM-DD-YY = Restore files saved after specified date /B:MM-DD-YY = Restore files saved before specified date /E:HH:MM:SS = Restore files saved earlier than specified time (in 24hour format) /L:HH:MM:SS = Restore files saved later than specified time (in 24hour format) /M = Restore all files since last backup /N = Restore files that no longer exist on Dest
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Page 364 Command/Utility
Description /P = Prompt user before restoring files /S = Restore all the subdirectories rmdir | rd Directory Remove the specified directory. select Install new version of MSDOS set [Name=[String]] Display the current environment variables (if no parameters specified). If parameters specified, erase the environment variable Name, if no String or set the environment variable Name to String. sort [Options] File Sort the specified file by line. Output is normally directed to the console (redirect to store in a file). Options: /+# = Sort from Column # /R = Sort in descending order subst [D: Dest | /D] Display substituted drives or specify a drive letter for a specific drive or path Substitutions are deleted with the /D option. sys D: Transfer the operating system files (IBMBIO.COM and IBMDOS.COM) onto specified drive. time [HH-MM-SS.hh] Display and change current system time (down to 1/100s of a second). This command might not change all RTC/CMOS chip values in older machines. tree [Directory] [Options] Display subdirectory tree from the specified directory. Options: /F = Display files in subdirectories as well type FileName.Ext Output the contents of the specified file.
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Page 365 ver
Display the current operating-system version information. verify [ON | OFF] Display the current verify specification or turn it on or off. vol [D:] Display volume label of current or specified volume. xcopy Source Dest [Options] Copy all files in the Source directory to the destination directory, including optional subdirectories. Options: /A = Copy files with archive bit set /D:MM-DD-YY = Copy the files after the specified date /E = Copy/Create subdirectories with no files /M = Copy archived files and clear file archive flag /P = Prompt user before copying files /S = Copy/create subdirectories /V = Verify files were written properly /W = Wait for user to insert diskette
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Page 366 Redirecting I/O The following commands are used to pass data between executing applications and files, rather from devices: Operation Description Application > PRN Pass application output to the printer. Application >> FILENAME.EXT Put application output into FILENAME.Ext. If FILENAME.EXT already exists, then previous contents are deleted. Application > FILENAME.EXT Put application output into FILENAME.EXT. If FILENAME.EXT already exists, then new data is concatenated onto the end of the file. Application < FILENAME.EXT Use the FILENAME.EXT contents used as input to application, instead of the keyboard. CONFIG.SYS Commands The following commands are specified within the PC's CONFIG .SYS file. Command Description BREAK=ON|OFF Specify whether or not the Break key is to be monitored during MS-DOS application execution. BUFFERS=## Specify the number of disk buffers are to be used in your system. BUFFERS=20 is a good value for MS-DOS systems with 640 KB of main memory. COUNTRY=KBD,CP COUNTRY.SYS Specify the Keyboard (KBD), Code Page (CP), and
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COUNTRY.SYS file used for your PC. This command is normally only used in systems that run with something other than U.S. English. DEVICE=driver.sys [Options] Load a specific device driver with the required input parameters. FCBS=#,% Specify the maximum number of File Control Blocks (FCBs) that can be opened at any time with a minimum number that are always available. This command is rarely required in modern systems. FILES=## Specify the number of open files in a PC system. 10 is normally used in a 640-KB system. INSTALL=FILENAME.EXT Very efficient method of placing TSR applications in your PC (instead of in AUTOEXEC. BAT) LASTDRIVE=D Specify the maximum number of drives (including logical, shared, and substituted) that can be accessed in a system. The letter for D corresponds to the highest number in the system. REM Comment out everything to the right. Install the command processor for the PC. This is normally COMMAND.COM. STACKS=#,% Specify the default stack pool for your system.# is the number of frames (default is 9) and % is the frame size (default is 128). Normally, this command is not required. SWITCHES=/K Disable an enhanced keyboard's functions.
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Page 368 MS-DOS Common Device Drivers The following device drivers are available in MS-DOS: Device Driver Description ANSI.SYS [Options] Use ANSI command sequences for MS-DOS command line. Options: /L = If Mode command is used to change screen output = /L will retain the number of lines specified /X = Use the extended keyboard keys with ANSI.SYS /K = Do not use the extended keyboard keys with ANSI.SYS DISPLAY.SYS CON=(EGA,#,1) Used to specify the output language used with the PC. # = MS-DOS language specification code DRIVER.SYS /D:# Assign a logical drive letter to the specified diskette drive. PRINTER.SYS LPT1=(Device,#,1) Specify the output language code set for the printer. Device = Printer device # = MS-DOS language specification code VDISK.SYS SZE SCTR DIR [/X:#] Create a virtual disk in memory SZE = Size of the disk in KB SCTR = Sector size (normally 512 Bytes/sector) DIR = Number of directory blocks (Normally 256) /X:# = Run VDISK in extended memory with # sectors available for transfer (8 is the default) MS-DOS Code Pages The following character set Pages are available in MS-DOS to allow the PC to support different regions of the world. They are set by the CONFIG.SYS DEVICE.SYS and NLSFUNC.EXE statements and in AUTOEXEC.BAT using CHCB, KEYB, and MODE statements.
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Page 369 Country Code Pages Belgium 850, 437 English Canada 437, 850 French Canada 863, 850 Denmark 850, 865 Finland 850, 437 France 437, 850 Germany 437, 850 Italy 437, 850 Latin America 437, 850 Netherlands 437, 850 Norway 850, 865 Portugal 850, 860 Spain 437, 850 Sweden 437, 850 French Switzerland 850, 437 German Switzerland 850, 437 United Kingdom 437, 850 United States 437, 850 EDLIN Editor The Edlin program is provided as a basic editor for MS-DOS text files. Command Description # Specify the current line to work with. [#] A Append # lines to the file (or 1), if # is not specified. The location is before the current line. Start,End,Before,Count C Copy the lines from Start to End and place them Before the specified line number Count times.
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Page 370 [#[,%]] D
Delete either the current line, the line specified (#), or the range of lines (# to %). E End edit. Save current file and Return. [#] I Insert one line or the specified number (#) before the current line. [#[,%]] L List either from the current line, from the specified line number (#) or the specified range (from # to %). Start, End, Before M Move the lines from Start to End and place them Before the specified line. Start, End P List the specified range of lines and change the current line to work with. Q Quit editing without saving the file. Start,End [?] R String1 Ctrl-Z String2 Replace all occurrences of String1 with String2 in the specified range of lines (from Start to End). The ? parameter is used to specify that the user is to be prompted before a change is made. Start,End [?] S String Search the specified range of lines (from Start to End) for the String. The ? parameter is used to halt the search for the user. # T D: FILENAME.EXT Copy the specified file into the currently edited file before the specified line number (#). #W Write the specified number of lines from the current line to disk.
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Page 371 Chapter 22 Batch Files Input Parameters The normal execution invocation format for batch files is: BatchFileName [Parmamter [, Parameter .. ]] The parameters are passed to the batch-file program and can be accessed as %1, %2, etc. for the parameters (%0, does exist as the filename of the batch file itself). These values are used within the batchfile source and when the source file is executed (from COMMAND.COM); the parameters are substituted for the values.
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Page 372 Wrappers Simplifying the operation of applications using batch files is often referred to as wrappers and is used when many different parameters are available for an MS-DOS application file. EDIT-BAK.BAT, which saves the current source as a .BAK before allowing the user to modify it could be: copy %1.c %1.bak edit %1.c Invoking this application is accomplished by entering editbak filename. Statements These statements (which can be in upper, lower, or mixed case) are: Statement Description call Call a batch file as a subroutine. At the end of the called batch file, execution is returned to the calling batch file. echo Display text (no variables) or turn the echoing of each batch file line on or off. For Not a traditional FOR statement–used to repeat an operation within a set, rather than using a variable. goto Change execution to a label.
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Page 373 if [not] ERRORLEVEL Compare the current ERRORLEVEL value to a constant and execute it conditionally. if [not] exist Execute conditionally if the file exists. if parm1 == parm2 Compare parameters and execute conditionally. rem Comment follows for the rest of the line. shift Move accessible window of command-line parameters down. Initially, only %0 to %9 is available, after executing Shift, %1 becomes %0, %2, becomes %1, etc. % is the escape character in batch files. It is used to specify the start of a constant string or, when it encloses a string, is used to specify the variable value, rather than the variable. The other special character used in batch files is the @ (''at") symbol, which is used at the start of the line to suppress echoing of the line being executed. @echo off This suppresses all data output throughout the batch file and prevents the echo off statement from being displayed. Labels within batch files are labels with a colon (:) at the start of the line, with no blanks between the colon and the label. An example of a valid batch file label is: :label
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Page 374 Variables String variables are defined as environment strings and use the Set command. To set a variable value, you could use: set Variable=ValueString Numerical variables cannot be defined, only strings can. These strings can be modified by new Set statements —either to change the string, concatenate a string to the end of it, or delete it all together. To delete a variable, which is important at the end of a batch file to free up environment space, by the variable, the ''set" statement is used with no ValueString specified. set Variable= Concatenating strings onto the current variable use the format often found in autoexec.bat files. set Variable=%Variable%NewString Reserved Words Because batch file variables are implemented as environment variables, there is the opportunity for batch file variables to cause problems with variables needed in the system. To avoid this problem, batch-file variables should never contain the following sub-strings: inc path com temp tmp win blaster prompt net Numerical variables cannot be used within batch files. Some applications use strings as the numeric values and process
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Page 375 them in complex batch-file subroutines or in small applications. Conditional Execution The IF statement (in its three different incarnations) executes in the format: if [Condition is True] Statement Where Statement is executed if the condition or test is true. The ''exist" condition returns true if the file specified exists. Strings can also be compared. If everything is working correctly, ERRORLEVEL is set to zero. If there is a failure, it is set to -1. Other values are used as parameters. The FOR statement in batch files merits some information because it does not work as you would most likely expect. FOR is used in the format: For %%VariableName in (set) do Statement A typical example using FOR could be: for %%a in (*.1st) do delete %%a which deletes all the ".1st" files in the current subdirectory. A single statement can be repeated multiple times using the FOR statement: for %%a in (! ! ! ! ! !) do Statement in which Statement is executed six times.
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Page 376 Traditional FOR Loops For cannot be used to execute multiple statements repeatedly. The template batch file can be used for this function: @echo off rem FOR_LOOP, Show how a ''FOR" Loop Can be Simulated in a Batch File set target= if %1! == 0! set target= if %1! == 1! set target=! if %1! == 2! set target=!! if %1! == 3! set target=!!! if %1! == 4! set target=!!!! if %1! == 5! set target=!!!!! if %1! == 6! set target=!!!!!! if %1! == 7! set target=!!!!!!! if % 1! == 8! set target=!!!!!!!! if %1! == 9! set target=!!!!!!!!! set count= :loop if %count%! == %target%! goto end set count=%count%! echo %count% rem #### - Put Code in the FOR_LOOP Here goto loop :end echo %target% Done set target= set count= In this file, the first parameter (%1) is used to load a variable with a string with a set number of ! characters, based on the value of the first parameter. Count is cleared and then each iteration has a ! character concatenated onto it and compared to "target" (the string of !s that is equal in size to the first parameter). When the two variables match, the batch file "falls out" of the loop.
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Page 377 Chapter 23 MASM 6.11 Assembler Command-Line Operations MASM [Options] Source [, [Object] [, [Listing] [, [X-Ref ]]] [;] Options: Option Function /A Order segments alphabetically /C Creates a cross reference (X-Ref) file /D Creates a pass/1 listing /Dsymbol=value Define a symbol /E Emulate floating-point instructions /H List command arguments
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Page 378 /HELP Calls QuickHelp for MASM /Ipathname Specify INCLUDE directory path /L Creates a normal listing (default) /LA Lists all /ML Makes label names case sensitive /MU Converts names to uppercase /MX Preserves case on nonlocal names /N Turns off table in listing file /T Enables terse assembly /Wlevel Sets warning level (0, 1, or 2) /X Lists false conditions /ZD Creates CodeView line number information /ZI Creates CodeView symbol information Assembler Directives Directive Function .186 Enable 80186 instruction assembly. .286 Enable basic 80286 and 80287 instruction assembly. .286p Enable all 80286 and 80287 instruction assembly, including Protect mode. .287 Enable 80287 numeric coprocessor instruction assembly. .386 Enable non-Protect mode 80386 and 80387 instruction assembly. .386p Enable All 80386 and 80287 instruction assembly, including Protect-mode instructions. .387 Enable 80387 Numeric coprocessor instruction assembly. .486 Enable 80486 instruction assembly. .486p Enable 80486 instruction assembly, Including Protect-mode instructions. .8086 Default = Enable 8086 and 8087 instruction assembly. .8087 Enable 8087 instruction assembly. ALIGN Aligns the next variable or instruction on the boundary specified after the Align statement (usually 2 or 4).
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Order the segments alphabetically. Enables checking on segment registers. If a variable is outside of the current segment, an error will be produced by the assembler. Stops executing within a conditional assembly .WHILE or .REPEAT loop. Reserve a set number of bytes in memory that is optionally initialized. Concatenate text items Indicates the start of the code segment when used with the .MODEL directive. The code segment name is specified after the .CODE directive. Create a communal variable of different data types. Place a comment in the source. The most common single character for this function is the semicolon (;). When used with the .MODEL directive, A Read-only segment is defined. Jumps to the specified label from within a .WHILE or .REPEAT loop. Enables the listing to provide a label address cross reference. When used with the .MODEL directive, a data segment (read and write) is defined. Orders segments according to MS-DOS conventions, code, segments not in DGROUP, DGROUP segments, and Stack segments. Define byte. Define double word. Define quad word (8 bytes). Define 10 bytes. Define word. Reserve a set number of double words in memory that is optionally initialized. Displays message during assembly (same as %OUT).
Marks the end of a conditional block with start of complement condition block. Combines .ELSE and .IF into one statement. .ELSE/ .IF evaluated on every assembly path. Mark the end of the conditional assembly block. Indicate the end of the macro definition. Indicate the end of a subroutine. Indicate the end of data to be stored in a segment. Indicate the end of a .WHILE loop. Specify that a label is to be replaced with a constant. Force an error from the source (conditional code). This directive is passed a string. If the string is blank, then force an error. Force an error if a label is already defined. Compare two strings and force an error if they are different. Evaluate an expression and force an error if the result is equal to zero. Compare two strings and force an error if they are the same. Force an error if a string is not blank. Force an error if the label is not defined. Evaluate an expression and force an error is it is not equal to zero. Aligns the next variable or instruction onto an even byte. Generates terminate code; application execution will return to COMMAND.COM. Stops macro expansion.
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Specify that a label is external to the current file (also EXTRN). Similar to EXTERN, but is used to make defines in the PUBLIC file. When used with .MODEL, a far data segment for initialized data is created. Repeat a block of code for a number of arguments (same as IRP). Repeat a block of code, once for each character in a string (same as IRPC). Transfers conditional assembly to a new location. Add the specified segments to the name of a specified group. Assemble the following Statements if the Condition is true. IF evaluated through each assembler pass. Assemble code if string is blank. Assemble code if label is defined. Compare two strings and assemble if different. Evaluate expression and assemble if result is equal to zero. Compare two strings and assemble if the same. Assemble following code if condition is not equal to zero. Assemble code if label is not defined. Insert a source-code file in the source file text. Search a string for an occurrence of a second string and return the starting position. Call the assembly procedure. Create a new label at the current address. Starts listing of macro expansion statements (same as .LISTMACROALL). Starts listing of statements in false conditional assembly blocks (same as .LISTIF).
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< previous page Page 382 .LIST .LISTMACRO LOCAL MACRO .MODEL
Default. Starts listing of statements (same as .LISTALL). Start listing of macro expansion statements (same as .XALL). Used within a macro to specify a label that is only used within the current macro. Define a block of code that will replace a keyword. Initializes the program memory model, high-level language types and stack type. Valid memory types are: TINY, SMALL, COMPACT, MEDIUM, LARGE, HUGE, or FLAT. Valid language types are: C, BASIC, FORTRAN, PASCAL, SYSCALL, and STDCALL. Valid stack types are: NEARSTACK and FARSTACK. Force an error if a numeric coprocessor instruction encountered. Do not produce a label cross reference (same as .XCREF). Turn off file listing (same as .XLIST). Turn off file listing if the condition's result is equal to zero (same as .SFCOND). Used to enable/disable assembler features. Set the address of the code to the specified address. Force a listing page break. Restore the context register information. Define a subroutine. Define a label to be accessible in external source files. Delete the specified macros from memory. Save the current context register information.
Allocate and optionally initialize an 8-byte block Set the radix used by the assembler (2, 10, and 16 valid). The default is 16 (Hex). Allocate four bytes for a real variable. Allocate eight bytes for a real variable. Allocate 10 bytes for a real variable. Declare a data structure with the given bit definitions. Repeat a block of code until the condition is false (same as REPT). Turn off macro expansion listing (same as .NOLISTMACRO). Allocate and Initialize a signed byte. Allocate and Initialize a signed double word. Define a segment to be used for code or data. Order segments sequentially. Return the size of the string. When used with .MODEL defines a stack segment. Generates .EXE start-up code. Define a data structure (same as STRUCT) Return the specified substring. Define a subtitle for the listing (same as SUBTTL). Allocate and initialize a signed word. Allocate and initialize 10 bytes of memory. Assign a string to a label. Toggles listing of false conditional Blocks. Defines a title for the program listing. Defines a new type of data structure. Defines multiple data structures that can use the same block of memory. Condition statement for .REPEAT.
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Used with .REPEAT and will return to .REPEAT directive until CX is equal to Zero. Repeat conditional code operation until the condition is false. Allocate and initialize a word.
WORD Linking LINK [Options] objfile [objfile...] [, [exefile] [, [mapfile] [, [libraries] [, [deffile]]]]] [;] Options: Option Function /A:size Align segments according to size /B Suppress prompting if objects or libraries not found /CO Provide CodeView information in the executable file /CP:# Set the program's maximum memory allocation to # paragraphs /DO Order segments in Microsoft highlevel language order /DS Link starting at the high end of the data segment /E Pack the Executable Pack. Not compatible with CodeView or Windows .EXE files /F Optimize far calls /HE Call QuickHelp for LINK /HI Place executable in as high memory as possible /INC Prepare for incremental Linking /INF Display the linking information
and object file names being linked Add source-line numbers to map Add public symbols to map file Disregard the default library and use the library'' specified Disable far-call optimization Use specified the current label cases Suppress the LINK copyright message Orders segments, such as /DS, but with no additional bytes in the _TEXT segment Turn off code segment packing Pack neighboring code segments together. Can specify maximum size of segments in paragraphs Pack neighboring data segments together. Can specify maximum size of segments in paragraphs Pause for diskette swapping Specify the Type of Windows Application. type=PM | WINDOWAPI | VIO | WINDOWCOMPAT | NOVIO | NOTWINDOWCOMPAT Set stack size to number of bytes (max 64 KB) Creates a tiny model (.COM) MS-DOS executable Displays summary of LINK commands
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Page 387 Chapter 24 BASIC Language Declarations Variables do not have to be declared, except in specialized cases. Using alphanumerics, a variable defaults to floating point. To specify data types, a ''suffix" character is added to the end of the Variable name: Suffix Function $ String data % Integer & Long integer (32 bits): Microsoft BASIC extension
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Page 388 !
Single Precision (32 Bits): Microsoft BASIC extension # Double Precision (64 Bits): Microsoft BASIC extension In Microsoft BASICs, the DIM statement can be used to specify a variable type without using the suffixes: DIM Variable AS INTEGER To declare arrays: DIM Variable( [Low TO] High[, [Low TO] High...] ) [AS Type] Statements Statement Function BASE Starting array element DATA Data block header DIM Dimension array declaration OPTION Starting array element LET Assignment statement (not mandatory) RANDOMIZE Reset random number ''seed" INPUT [Prompt ,] Variables Get terminal input PRINT Output to a terminal ? Output to a terminal READ Get data information GOTO Jump to line number/label GOSUB Call subroutine at line number/label RETURN Return to caller from subroutine IF condition [THEN] statement Conditionally execute the "statement" FOR Variable = Init TO Last [STEP Inc] ... NEXT [Variable] Loop specified number of times
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< previous page Page 389 ON Event GOTO RESTORE STOP END ' REM ABS SGN COS SIN SIN ATN INT SQR EXP LOG RND TAB Operators Statement operators: Operator + * / ^
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On an event, jump to line number/label Restore the Data pointer Stop program execution End program execution Comment: Everything to the right is ignored Comment: Everything to the right is ignored Get absolute value of a number Return the sign of a number Return cosine of an angle (input usually in radians) Return sine of an angle (input usually in radians) Return tangent of an angle (input usually in radians) Return the arc tangent of a ratio Convert real number to an integer Return the square root of a number Return the power of e for the input Return the natural logarithm for the input Return a random number Set tab columns on printer
Page 390 " Start/end-of-text string , Separator ; Print concatenation $ String variable identifier = Assignment/equals to test < Less than <= Less than or equal to > Greater than >= Greater than or equal to <> Not equal Order of operations: Operators Priority Type Functions Highest Expression evaluation = Conditional tests ^ Exponentiation * Multiplication/division + Lowest Addition/subtraction Microsoft Enhanced Statements Functions available in Microsoft versions of BASIC: Function Operation AND AND logical results OR OR logical results XOR XOR logical results EQV Test equivalence of logical results IMP Test implication of logical results MOD Get the modulus (remainder) of an integer Division FIX Convert a floating-point number to integer DEFSTR variable Define the variable as a string (instead of the DIM statement) DEFINT variable Define the variable as an integer (instead of the DIM statement) DEFLNG variable Define the variable as a "long" integer (instead of the DIM Statement)
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Define the variable as a single precision floating-point number (instead of the DIM statement) DEFDBL variable Define the variable as a double precision floating-point number (without using the DIM statement) REDIM variable ([low TO] High[, [low TO] High...]) [AS Type] Redefine a variable ERASE Erase an array variable from memory LBOUND Return the first index of an array variable UBOUND Return the last index of an array variable CONST Variable = Value Define a constant value DECLARE Function | Subroutine Declare a subroutine/function prototype at program start DEF FNFunction( Arg[, Arg...]) Define a function (FNFunction) that returns a value. If a single line, then END DEF is not required END DEF End the function definition FUNCTION Function( Arg[, Arg...]) Define a function. Same operation, different syntax as DEF FNFunction END FUNCTION End a function declaration SUB Subroutine( Arg[, Arg...]) Define a subroutine that does not return a value. If a single line, then END DEFis not required END SUB End the subroutine definition DATA Value[, Value...] Specify file data READ Variable[, Variable...] Read from the data file data IF Condition THEN Statements ELSE Statements END IF Perform a structured IF/ELSE/ENDIF ELSEIF Perform a condition test/structured IF/ELSE/ENDIF instead of simply ELSE ON ERROR GOTO Label On error condition, jump to handler RESUME [Label] Executed at the end of an error handler. Can either return to current location, 0 (start of application) or a specific label ERR Return the current error number ERL Return the line the error occurred at ERROR # Execute an application-specific error (number #) DO WHILE Condition Statements LOOP Execute statements while condition is true DO Statements LOOP WHILE Condition Execute statements while condition is true DO Statements LOOP UNTIL Condition Execute statements until condition is true EXIT Exit executing FOR, WHILE, and UNTIL loops without executing check SELECT Variable Execute based on value CASE statements used to test the value and execute conditionally CASE Value Execute within a SELECT statement if the variable equals Value. CASE ELSE is the default case
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End the SELECT statement Get formatted input from the user Get the specified number (#) of characters from the user INKEY$ Check keyboard and return pending characters or zero ASC Convert the character into an integer ASCII code CHR$ Convert the integer ASCII code into a character VAR Convert the string into a integer number STR$ Convert the integer number into a string LEFT$( String, # ) Return the specified number (#) of left-most characters in string RIGHT$( String, # ) Return the specified number (#) of right-most characters in string MID$( String, Start, # ) Return/overwrite the specified number (#) of characters at position Start in the string SPACE$( # ) Returns a string of the specified number (#) of ASCII blanks LTRIM$ Remove the leading blanks from a string RTRIM$ Remove the trailing blanks from a string INSTR( String, SubString ) Return the position of SubString in the string UCASE$ Convert all the lower-case characters in a string to upper case LCASE$ Convert all the upper-case characters in a string to upper case LEN Return the length of a string CLS Clear the screen CSRLIN Return the current line that the cursor is on POS Return the Current Column that the Cursor is On LOCATE X, Y Specify the row/column of the cursor (top left is 1,1) SPC Move the display the specified number of spaces PRINT USING "Format" Print the value in the specified format. +, #, ., ^ characters are used for number formats SCREEN mode[,[Color][,[Page][,Visual] Set the Screen mode. Color is 0 to display on a Color display, 1 to display on a monochrome. Page is the page that receives I/O and Visual is the page that is currently active. COLOR [foreground][,[background][,border]] Specify the currently active colors PALETTE [attribute, color] Change color assignments VIEW [[SCREEN] (x1,y1)-(x2,y2)[,[color]][,border]]] Create a small graphics Window, known as a viewport WINDOW [[SCREEN] (x1,y1)-(x2,y2)]
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Specify the viewport's logical location on the display PSET (x,y)[,color] Put a point on the display PRESET (x,y) Return the point to the background color LINE (x1,y1)-(x2,y2)[,[Color][,[B|BF][,style]]] Draw a line between the two specified points. If "B" or "BF" specified, Draw a Box ("BF" is "Filled) CIRCLE (x,y),radius[,[color][,[start][,end][,aspect]]]] Draw the circle at center location and with the specified radius. Start and end are starting and ending angles (in radians). Aspect is the circle's aspect for drawing ellipses DRAW CommandString Draw an arbitrary graphics figure. There should be spaces between the commands commands: U# = Moves cursor up # pixels D# = Moves cursor down # pixels E# = Moves cursor up and to the right # pixels F# = Moves cursor down and to the right # pixels G# = Moves cursor down and to the left # pixels H# = Moves cursor up and to the left # pixels L# = Moves cursor left # pixels R# = Moves cursor right # pixels Mxy = Move the cursor to the specified x,y position B = Turn off pixel drawing N = Turns on cursor and move to original position A# = Rotate shape in 90-degree increments C# = Set the drawing color P#Color#Border = Set the shape fill and border colors S# = Set the drawing scale T# = Rotates # degrees LPRINT Send output to the printer BEEP "Beep" the speaker SOUND Frequency, Duration Make the specified sound on the PC's speaker PLAY NoteString Output the specified string of notes to the PC's speaker DATE$ Return the current date TIME$ Return the current time TIMER Return the number of seconds since midnight NAME FileName AS NewFileName Change the name of a file KILL FileName Delete the file FILES [FileName.Ext] List the file (MS-DOS dir). FILENAME.EXT can contain wild cards OPEN FileName [FOR Access] AS #Handle Open the file as the specified handle (starting with the # character). Access: I = Open for text input O = Open for text output
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A = Open to append text B = File is opened to access single bytes R = Open to read and write structured variables CLOSE #Handle Close the specified file RESET Close all open files EOF Returns true if at the end of a file READ #Handle, Variable Read data from the file GET #Handle, Variable Read a variable from the file INPUT #Handle, Variable Read formatted data from the file using INPUT, INPUT USING, and INPUT$ formats WRITE #Handle, Variable Write data to the file PUT #Handle, Variable Write a variable to a file PRINT #Handle, Output Write data to the file using the PRINT and PRINT USING formats SEEK #Handle, Offset Move the file pointer to the specified offset within the file QBASIC Command-Line Options Option Function /? Display options available /B Specify that a monochrome monitor is being used /NOHI Note that display does not support high-intensity text /G Waits for retrace before drawing to VRAM /H Sets the number of lines available (valid values are 25, 43, and 50) /EDITOR /ED QBASIC executes as just an editor /MBF Use the data format developed for GW-BASIC /RUN FILENAME.EXT Execute the specified application directly FILENAME.EXT Load the specified application
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Page 395 Chapter 25 C Language Declarations Constant declaration: const int Label = Value; Variable declaration: type Label [= Value]; Value is an optional initialization constant.
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Page 396 Where type can be: char int unsigned int float Notice that int is defined as the ''word size" of the processor/operating system. For PCs, an int can be a word (16 bits) or a double word (32 bits). Other basic types are defined in the language implementation. Single-dimensional array declaration: type Label [ Size ] [= { Initialization Values..}]; Note that the array Size is enclosed within square brackets ([ and ]) and should not be confused with the optional initialization values. Strings are defined as single-dimensional ASCIIZ arrays. char String[ 17 ] = "This is a String"; Where the last character is an ASCII null. Strings can also be defined as pointers to characters: char *String = "This is a String"; Although this implementation requires the text "This is a String" to be stored in two locations (in code and space for data). Multidimensional arrays are defined with each dimension separately identified within square brackets ( [ and ]): int ThreeDSpace[ 32 ][ 32 ][ 32 ]; Array dimensions must be specified unless the variable is a pointer to a single-dimensional array. Pointers are declared with the * character after the type: char * String = "This is a String";
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Page 397 Accessing the address of the pointer in memory is accomplished using the & character: StringAddr = &String; Accessing the address of a specific element in a string is accomplished using the & character and a string array element: StringStart = &String[ n ]; In the PC, it is recommended that ''far" (32 bit) pointers are always used with absol ute offset:segment addresses within the PC memory space to avoid problems with varying segments. The Type variables can be overridden by placing the new type in front of the variable in brackets; setting a pointer to a specific address can be accomplished by: (long) StringAddr = 0×0123450000; Statements Application start: main(argc,argv,envp) int argc; char *argv[]; char *envp; { // Application Code within "{" and "}" } // End Application Function format: Return_Type Function( Type Parameter [, Type Parameter..]) { // Function Start : // Function Code return value; } // End Function
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Page 398 Function prototype: Return_Type Function( Type Parameter [, Type Parameter..]); Statement: [(..] Variable | Constant [Operator [(..] Variable | Constant ][)..]] Assignment statement: Variable = Statement; Conditional statements: Conditional Statements consist of if, ?, while, do, for, and switch. if statement: if ( Statement ) ; | { Assignment Statement | Conditional Statement.. } | Assignment Statement | Conditional Statement [else ;| { Assignment Statement | Conditional Statement..} | Assignment Statement | Conditional Statement ] ? Statement. Evaluate the statement (normally a comparison) and if note is equal to zero, execute the first statement, else execute the statement after the :. Statement ? Assignment Statement | Conditional Statement : Assignment Statement | Conditional Statement while statement: while ( Statement ) ; | { Assignment Statement | Conditional Statement.. } | Assignment Statement | Conditional Statement
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Page 399 for statement: for ( initialization (Assignment) Statement; Conditional Statement; Loop Expression (Increment) Statement ) ; | { Assignment Statement | Conditional Statement.. } | Assignment Statement | Conditional Statement break statement. When executed, jump out of the currently executing loop. break; Continue statement. Skip over remaining code in a loop and jump directly to the loop condition (for use with WHILE, FOR, and DO/WHILE loops). continue; do/while statement: do Assignment Statement | Conditional Statement.. while ( Statement ); Switch statement: switch( Statement ) { case Value: // Execute if ''Statement" == "Value" [ Assignment Statement | Conditional Statement.. ] [break;] default: // If no "case" Statements are True [ Assignment Statement | Conditional Statement.. ] } // End switch Goto label statement: goto Label Label:
Page 401 += Operation -= ANDwiththevariableandstoreresult *= inthevariable /= ORwiththevariableandstoreresult %= inthevariable <<= XORwiththevariableandstoreresult >>= inthevariable Addtothevariable Subtractfromthevariable Multiplytothevariable Dividefromthevariable Getthemodulusandstoreinthevariable Shiftleftandstoreinthevariable Shiftrightandstoreinthevariable Order of operations: Operators Priority Type () [] . -> Highest Expression evaluation - ~ ! & * ++ — Unary operators */% Multiplicative +Additive << >> Shifting < <= >= > Comparison == != Comparison & Bitwise AND ^ Bitwise XOR | Bitwise OR && Logical AND || Logical OR ?: Conditional execution = &= |= ^= += -= *= /= %= >>= << = Assignments , Lowest Sequential evaluation Directives All directives start with # and are executed before the code is compiled. Directive Function #define Label[( Parameters)] Text Define a label that will be replaced with Text
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when it is found in the code. If Parameters are specified, then replace them in the code, similar to a macro. #undefine Label Erase the defined label and text in memory. #include ''File" | Load the specified file in line to the text. When angle brackets (< >) enclose the filename, then the file is found using the Include environment path variable. If """ """ encloses the filename, then the file in the current directory is searched before checking the Include path. #error Text Force the error listed #if Condition If the condition is true, then compile the following code to #elif, #else, or #endif. If the condition is false, then ignore the following code to #elif, #else, or #endif. #ifdef Label If the #define label exists, then compile the following code. #elif, #else, and #endif work as expected with #if. #ifndef Label If the #define label does not exist, then compile the following code. #elif, #else, and #endif work, as expected with #if. #elif Condition This directive works as an #else #if to avoid lengthy nested #ifs. If the previous condition was false, it checks the condition.
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< previous page Page 403 #else
#endif #pragma String
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Placed after #if or #elif and toggles the current compile condition. If the current compile condition was false, after #else, it will be true. If the current compile condition was true, after #else, it will be false. Used to end an #if, #elif, #else, #ifdef or #ifndef directive. This is a compiler-dependent directive with different strings required for different cases.
Reserved Words The following words cannot be used in C applications as labels: break case continue default do else for goto if return switch while
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Page 404 Escape Sequences Sequence ASCII Character \r 0×00D Carriage return (CR) \n 0×00A Line feed (LF) \f 0×00C Form feed (FF) \b 0×008 Backspace (BS) \t 0×009 Horizontal tab (HT) \v 0×00B Vertical tab (VT) \a 0×007 Bell (BEL) \' 0×027 Single quote (') \'' 0×022 Double quote (") \\ 0×05C Backslast (\) \ddd N/A Octal number \xddd 0×0dd Hexidecimal character Streaming C has the ability to take data from different sources. To pass data to the standard input (keyboard): Application OutputFile Input and output can be passed between applications via pipes: Application | OutputHandler Pipes are not implemented in all operating systems, but they are available in MS-DOS/Windows.
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Page 405 Common C Functions As defined by Kernighan and Ritchie: Function Operation int getchar( void ) Get one character from standard input (the keyboard). If no character available, then wait for it. int putchar( int ) Output one character to the standard output (the screen). int printf( char *Const[, arg...]) Output the Const string text. Escape-sequence characters for output are embedded in the Const string text. Different data outputs are defined using the conversion characters: %d, %i = Decimal integer %o = Octal integer %x, %X = Hex integer (with uppercase or lowercase values). No leading 0x character string output %u = Unsigned integer %c = Single ASCII character %s = ASCIIZ string %f = Floating point %#e, %#E = Floating point with the precision specified by ''#" %g, %G = Floating point %p = Pointer %% = Print % character Different C Implementations will have different printf parameters.
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Page 406 int scanf( char *Const, arg [, *arg...]) Provide formatted input from the user. The Const ASCIIZ string is used as a prompt for the user. Note that the input parameters are always pointers. Conversion characters are similar to printf: %d = Decimal integer %i = Integer. In octal, if leading 0 or hex if leading 0x or 0X %o = Octal integer (leading 0 not required) %x = Hex integer (leading 0x or 0X not required) %c = Single character %s = ASCIIZ string of characters. When saved, a null character is put at the end of the string %e, %f, %g = Floating point value with optional sign, decimal point, and exponent %% = Display % character in prompt handle fopen( char *FileName, char *mode ) Open file and return handle (or null for error). Mode is a string consisting of the optional characters: r = Open file for reading w = Open file for writing a = Open file for appending to existing files Some systems handle text and binary files. A text file has the CR/LF
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characters represented as a single CR. A binary file does not delete any characters. int fclose( handle ) Close the file. int getc( handle ) Receive data from a file one character at a time. If at the end of an input file, then EOF is returned. int putc( handle, char ) Output data to a file one character at a time. Error is indicated by EOF returned. int fprintf( handle, char *Const[, arg...]) Output string of information to a file. The same conversion characters and arguments as printf are used. int fscanf( handle, char *Const, arg[, arg...]) Input and process string of information from a file. The same conversion characters and arguments as scanf are used. int fgets( char *Line, int LineLength, handle ) Get the ASCIIZ string from the file. int fputs( char *line, handle ) Output an ASCIIZ string to a file. strcat( Old, Append ) Put ASCIIZ Append string on the end of the old ASCIIZ string. strncat( Old, Append, # ) Put # of characters from Append on the end of the old ASCIIZ string. int strcmp( String1, String2 ) Compare two ASCIIZ strings. Zero is returned for match, negative for String1 < Function Operation
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String2 and positive for String1 > String2. int strncmp( String1, String2, # ) Compare two ASCIIZ strings for # characters. Zero is returned for match, negative for String1 < String2 and positive for String1 > String2. strcpy( String1, String2 ) Copy the Contents of ASCIIZ String2 into String1. strncpy( String1, Strint2, # ) Copy # Characters from String2 into String1. strlen( String ) Return the length of ASCIIZ character String. int strchr( String, char ) Return the position of the first char in the ASCIIZ String. int strrchr( String, char ) Return the position of the last char in the ASCIIZ string. system( String ) Executes the system command string. *malloc( size ) Allocate the specified number of bytes of memory. If insufficient space available, return NUL. *calloc( #, size ) Allocate memory for the specified # of data elements of size. free( * ) Free the memory. float sin( angle ) Find the sine of the angle (in radians). float cos( angle ) Find the cosine of the angle (in radians). float atan2( y, x ) Find the arctangent of the X
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and Y (in radians). Calculate the natural exponent. float log( x ) Calculate the natural logarithm. float log10( x ) Calculate the base 10 logarithm. float pow( x, y ) Calculate x to the power y. float sqrt( x ) Calculate the square root of x. float fabs( x ) Calculate the absolute value of x. float frand() Get a random number. int isalpha( char ) Return nonzero if character is a - z or A - Z. int isupper( char ) Return nonzero if character is A - Z. int islower( char ) Return nonzero if character is a - z. int isdigit( char ) Return nonzero if character is 0 - 9. int isalnum( char ) Return nonzero if character is a - z, A - Z, or 0 - 9. int isspace( char ) Return nonzero if character is '' ", HT, LF, CR, FF or VT. int toupper( char ) Convert the character to uppercase. int tolower( char ) Convert the character to lowercase. float exp( x )
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Page 410 PC enhancement functions Useful functions in PC C implementations: Function Operation open, read, write, close, lseek Provide MS-DOS file operations directly. alloc, resize, free Access memory from system memory, rather than heap (as standard C does). system Provide direct system (and variable) APIs. int86 Provide BIOS/MS-DOS high-level API (with register interface). inp, outp Provide method for directly accessing system registers. mode, clearscreen, draw Access the display directly (with different display modes, including graphics). segmentread, segmentwrite, offsetread, offsetwrite Provide methods to read and update 32-bit pointers. beginthread, endthread Create multiple threads for the application. sendsmg, receivemsg Provide interthread messaging.
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Page 411 Chapter 26 Debuggers DEBUG.COM To invoke the program, the following code is used where FILENAME.EXT is the application to be debugged. debug [filename.ext]
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< previous page Page 412 Command A
Parameters [Address]
page_412 Operation This command initiates a simple command-line assembler at either CS:IP or the specified address. Instructions are entered in the standard Intel format with the square-bracket convention used for variables (no brackets for constants). The only directives available are db and dw, which are used to store data bytes in space provided. To end, press Enter on a blank line.
First [Range] Second Data at address First is compared to data at address Second for Range bytes. The command stops at the end of the range or the first mismatch. Range must have an Lbefore the value. Up to 64 KB can be compared.
[address] [range]
Dump the data as bytes and hex at the specified address or the last address D displayed. Up to 64 KB can be displayed, with the default being 128 bytes.
address [list]
Change the contents of memory at address, with either the specified list or debug will prompt you to key in new values. After a new value, the Space Bar is pressed to increment to the next address. Press Enter to end the function.
address range value
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Fill the memory starting
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Starting executing at the current CS:IP value or the specified adExecution will end when an int 3 instruction is encountered, but not by the Break key sequence.
First Second
Add and subtract the two hex numbers (first and second) and displays the sum and the difference.
Reads and displays the current contents of the specified port register.
[Addr [Drive Sec Sec]]
This loads in either the file (specified by the N Command) or the disk sectors to the optional address (Addr). Loading from sectors explicitly is not recommended.
First range Second
Move the contents of memory, starting at first to second for range (which starts with L).
Set the current contents of the debugger's memory to a specific filename.
Port Value
Write Value to the I/O port register.
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at the address for Range (starting with L) with Value. Multiple bytes in Value will be placed in memory repeatedly.
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If, at a Call instruction, entering this command will execute through the subroutine
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< previous page Page 414 Command
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Operation and stop at the instruction after the Call instruction. If a specific address is to be used, then the address with, optionally, NewCS specified. For a new address in a segment different than the current CS, the address must start with a = character. Exit DEBUG.COM.
Display and change the processor register. The flag register can only be accessed by bits that are defined as: OV = Overflow set NV = Overflow reset DN = Direction down UP = Direction up EI = Interrupts enabled DI = Interrupts disabled NG = Negative sign PL = Positive sign ZR = Zero flag set NZ = Zero flag reset AC = Aux. carry set NA = Aux. carry reset PE = Even parity PO = Odd parity CY = Carry NC = No carry These flag register values are also used in CodeView.
address range list
Search memory starting at address for range bytes for list. Execution stops at a match or range end. Range must start with a L.
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< previous page Page 415 T [[=NewCS:]addr] [count]
page_415 Single step through one or count instructions. If no address is specified, then execute from the current CS:IP. If a new CS is specified, then a = character must precede the new value.
[address] [range]
Disassemble the code at CS:IP or address to the end of the screen or for Range (which is not preceded with an L) bytes.
[addr [drive sec sec]]
Save the data used by debug onto disk. The FILENAME. EXT should be set by the N command. Saving to explicit drives and sectors is not recommended. The number of bytes to save is specified as a 32-bit number in CX and BX. The start of the write occurs at CS:IP. Ideally, the W command should be executed with no parameters and CS:IP and CX:BX used with the correct values.
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Figure 26.1 Codeview Main Operating ''Window". TOOLS.INI The following parameters entered into the TOOLS.INI file are used to specify how CodeView first becomes available: Parameter Function Autostart:command[;command..] Specify the initial commands to be executed when CodeView is started Cvdllpath:path Specify the CodeView .DLL path Eval:path\EEhost Eval.dll ext Expression Evaluator. "path" is to the specified expression evaluator. Host is D1 for MS-DOS and W0 for Windows. Eval is the source programming language; CAN for C or MASM and CXX for C, C++, or MASM. Helpbuffer:size Specify the size of the deCompress Help file buffer.
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1-24: 24 KB, 25-128: 128 KB, 129-256: 256 KB. Helpfiles:file[;file..] Specify locations for help files Model:path\NMhost model.dll Specify additional execution model for CodeView to debug non-native code. Path is the path to the model file. Host is the environment and is D1 for MS-DOS and W0 for Windows. Model is the execution model. Native:path\EMhost target.dll Specifies the native execution model. Path to the specified model. Host is the operating environment (D1 for MS-DOS, W0 for Windows). Target is the environment the code will be working in (D1 for MS-DOS, W0 for Windows). Printfile:path Specify location/device for printing. Statefileread:Y|N Specify whether or not CodeView is to load the CURRENT.STS file on start up. Symbolhandler:path\SHhost.dll Specifies the symbol handler in Path. Host is D1 for MS-DOS and W0 for Windows. Transport:path/TLhost transport.dll [COM#:rate] Specify port for remote debugging. Path is the specified transport layer device. Host is D1 for MSDOS or W0 for Windows. Transport specifies the transport layer (LOC for local or COM for serial port). The default serial rate is 9600 bps.
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Page 418 Command-line parameters Parameter Function /2 Use two displays /8 Use 8514/A adapter /## Set the screen size in lines (25, 43, or 50 valid) /B Monochrome output /Ccommands Execute the specified commands /F Specify that CodeView is to operate in Video Page 1 /G Inhibit direct VRAM writes for CGA /I[Option] Control interrupt trapping /I0 = No trapping /I1 = Trapping /Ldriver Load the specified driver file /M Disable mouse operation /N[Option] Control NMI trapping /N0 = No trapping /N1 = Trapping /S Specify that CodeView is to redraw the screen between application display and CodeView /TSF Toggle the Statefileread operation on start up /X Specify X position of CodeView dialog box /Y Specify Y position of CodeView dialog box Keystroke commands CodeView follows the conventions set out for DEBUG.COM, but also has the following hot keys for speeding up operation:
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Page 419 Key Sequence Operation F1 Display help information F2 Toggle register display F3 Toggle source/assembly display F4 Display application screen F5 Run application F6 Move cursor to next window F7 Execute code at current line F8 Single step F9 Toggle breakpoint F10 Single step over ? Display variable contents db Display memory/variable as bytes dw Display memory/variable as words dd Display memory/variable as double words V[.file:][line] Display the specified line in file BP [address] Set breakpoint at either current cursor address or at specified address BC # | * Clear breakpoint number (#) or all BD # | * Disable breakpoint number (#) or all BE # | * Enable breakpoint number (#) or all BL List breakpoints by number
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Page 421 Chapter 27 Win32 Kernel/Operating System Architecture The win32 kernel works with the 80386 ''flat" 32-bit Protect-mode memory model that can access up to 4.3 GB of memory for an application. This large amount of memory, normally a lot more than is present in the PC, is normally loaded as Virtual Machine (V/M), which is used if the operating system cannot devote enough memory resources to the application.In the win32 kernel, the virtual machine hardware built into the processor is used to load/save portions of the applications.
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Figure 27.1 Visual C++ Menu with Features Identified. USER, GDI, and Kernel The first DLL, USER32 (the ''32" indicates that it is designed for the Win32 operating system) maintains the dialog boxes displayed on the PC's console. The primary operations controlled by USER32 are creating, moving, resizing, and destroying the dialog boxes. This DLL is very rarely accessed by Windows applications. GDI32 is used to control images on the PC's console and provide basic drawing functions. The GDI32 APIs are accessed by graphic-display applications. Many of the APIs provided in this DLL are "overridden" by highperformance graphic cards. The purpose of overriding the APIs is to provide a fast data path to the graphic card and its graphic-
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Figure 27.2 ''User," "GDI" and "Kernel" Operation. generating hardware, rather than having the PC's software generate the graphics. The last DLL is the KERNEL32 interface. This DLL provides the APIs for application memory management, file I/O, and application loading and execution. WIN.INI The WIN.INI file is used by Windows for basic configuration information. [windows] load=C:\GLIDE\XPOINT.EXE run=
Figure 27.3 Microsoft Windows/98 ''Registry". Windows Registry In PCs that run the Win32 kernel (and later) operating system (Windows 98/NT/2000), the hardware configuration information is recorded in the Windows "Registry." This tool allows applications to match interfaces to specific resources and device drivers (Figure 27.3). The information contained in the registry is really specific to the user with each entry called a key, which consists of a number of different access methods. For example, the key-access parameters for a key include: Name Key Access Class Optional object class name Security Descriptor Used in Windows NT
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< previous page Page 426 Name Last Write Time Values
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Key Access Optional record of last time key changed Optional parameter information stored with the key
Arenas Each process is created by the Virtual Memory Manager (VMM) and consists of four different arenas, as is shown in Figure 27.4. A process uses the full 32 addressing bits available
Figure 27.4 Windows ''Process" Arena Structure.
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Page 427 and segregates each arena into set addresses, which can be available to the kernel or to other processes. Arena Function Operating System (OS) VxD Device Driver storage. Shared Shared by all processors, contains memory-mapped files & OLL's Private Application code MS-DOS Used for VSG system access Rings Protect mode used in Windows takes advantage of the four execution privilege rings available in PC's processor (Figure 27.5). The outermost rings have less privileges and resource access than the inner rings. Windows applications are run in the outside ring (Ring 3); by doing so, this minimizes the application's opportunity to overwrite crucial system data. The innermost ring, known as Ring 0, can access any physical address or I/O address in the processor. Device drivers and the Win32 kernel code normally inhabit this ring. Between Ring 0 and Ring 3, the middle two rings are devoted to the Windows operating system and user interface. These rings are primarily used to manage specific resources, such as main memory and video RAM, but does not access actual hardware. These rings and the APIs associated within them are not normally accessed by Windows applications.
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Figure 27.5 Windows ''Rings" Organization. Virtual Memory Manager Loading and controlling the execution of the virtual machine processes is the job of the Virtual Machine Manager (VMM). This operating-system function is responsible for making space available for an application, as a process, with all the appropriate resources and APIs available to it. Along with loading the application into Windows, the virtual memory manager also has to ensure that the application can interface to the operating-system APIs and drivers, as well as any hardware VxDs (Figure 27.6). The application at the top of the pyramid has the fewest privileges in terms of accessing system resources on its own. As it passes requests down the pyramid, each level has a
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Figure 27.6 Windows Application Execution Model. greater amount of access to the system hardware, with the bottom level, the virtual machine manager, and VxDs having the ability to read from or write to any resource in the PC. The virtual machine manager can load three types of applications: 1. 16-bit MS-DOS applications 2. 16-bit Windows 3.x applications 3. 32-bit Windows 95/98/NT/2000 applications Some versions of Windows NT can also load and execute OS/2 applications.
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Page 430 When Windows loads and executes the application as a process, it allocates space for the application, both in the physical system memory and any overflow into a paging file. For each of the different types of applications, creating the process virtual machine is slightly different. The arena structure is designed to provide virtual machines for each of the three different types of executable files. The application is also linked with the KERNEL, USER, and GDI DLLs. With all the applications loaded and executing as processes, the virtual machine manager still has two important tasks to perform. The first is to provide the time slices for each application to give the appearance that they are all running concurrently. This is actually quite a simple requirement, with the virtual machine manager saving the context information of the current application and passing control to another. The last function that the virtual machine manager provides is communications between executing ''threads" in the system. Each process (or application) consists of one or more threads. Each thread is a small program unto itself and is often known by the name of task. With multiple threads possible for each process, the virtual machine manager provides a communication function for them to pass messages to one another. This message passing extends beyond a single process and can include multiple processes or the operating-system APIs. Using the multithreaded capability of Windows can make creating some applications much easier, as well as much more efficient. V86 MODE V86 mode (also known as MS-DOS prompt from the Windows start bar) allows execution of 16-bit Windows applications.
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Page 431 These applications run in a virtual 8086 that have accessible MS-DOS APIs and resources. For example, reads and writes to local video RAM occurs as if they were the only application running in a PC. These accesses are passed to virtual VRAM that is recognized within the virtual machine manager and the display V×D. The writes to the virtual VRAM cause the VMM to stop the application thread and pass the data to the display VxD. The display VxD then places the display byte at the appropriate location on the desktop. For the MS-DOS and BIOS API requests, a somewhat different process is used. These APIs are interrupt based for a table located starting at address 0×00000:0×00000 in the virtual 8086. As can be seen in Figure 27.7, the virtual 8086's interrupt table actually points to V×D APIs. When the int ## instruction is executed, the interrupt table redirects the virtual 8086 operation to a VxD API interface. This interface then passes the BIOS/MS-DOS request to the appropriate device driver within the PC system. This method of providing the software-interrupt APIs is quite clever because it allows applications to overwrite (redirect) the API addresses without having to change the VxD. It also allows MS-DOS applications to run in either ''pure" MS-DOS or Windows MS-DOS prompt dialog boxes without any regard to where the application is physically running. Three aspects of the virtual 8086 in Windows can cause you problems. The first is, graphics modes from MSDOS prompt should not be accessed. If they are, the MS-DOS prompt application will be given the entire display as if it were the only application running. This can cause some serious problems if multiple programs are displaying graphics. The second issue is with TSR programs. When a TSR is loaded at boot time, it is stored into the Protect-mode MS-DOS arena. In some ways, this is good because it means that TSRs
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Figure 27.7 Windows Application to BIOS/MS-DOS Path. do not take up any of the 640 KB used for applications. It can be a bad thing if you want to use a TSR for some MS-DOS applications and not others. In this case, the TSR will have to be loaded from within the appropriate MS-DOS prompt dialog box before the application that needs it is run. The last issue with the virtual 8086 is in the area of physical memory and I/O addresses. Under MS-DOS, an application can access any address within the system. Under Windows, efforts have been made to provide the ability of interfacing to I/O ports, but not memory addresses. Actual physical memory addresses can only be accessed by specific memory allocations. This is not possible from Windows' MS-DOS prompt. Under Windows, standard interface device I/O ports are usually allocated to VxDs and are not available to MSDOS prompt applications. Unfortunately, if an application attempts
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Page 433 to access an I/O port that has already been assigned to another virtual 8086 or VxD, you will not be alerted to the problem by an access violation error. To avoid this problem, when debugging an MS-DOS application in Windows, check to see that you can access and use the I/O ports from the debugger that you are using. COM/OLE/ActiveX Probably the most important assumption to be made about a modern PC is that it is not a stand-alone unit. With the popularity of local-area networks and the Internet, PCs are very rarely connected to networks that contain external data or applications. To make this easier, Microsoft came up with the Component Object Model (COM) to allow the code and data to be shared as if it were local to the PC. The COM ''hides" the network protocols and device drivers from the application developer. In the straight COM, all data and resources are presented as "objects" to the application. In Distributed COM (DCOM) systems, data is transferred between the network and the PC, as if the data were located locally on the PC. The high-level COM operation looks like Figure 27.8. Like many of the new interfaces built into the current and future Windows operating systems, COM is an object-orientated binary standard for API calling. Methods for each object allow the application to ID the object quickly and allow data to be passed directly to the requesting application. Along with data, device drivers can also be COM objects, which allows hardware interfaces on remote PCs to be interfaced as if they were on the local machine.
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Figure 27.8 COM Operation. ActiveX is an enhancement to DCOM, which allows objects located on long-latency networks (the Internet being a good example of this) to be interfaced as COM objects to applications. COM grew out of the Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) database technology. OLE (pronounced ''olé") is used for network data-base operations in which records are composed of compound documents. A compound document is one that consists of text files, data-base records, graphics, animations, audio files and any other digital data that can be stored in a PC system (Figure 27.9). COM technology should not be confused with TCP/IP and other Internet connection technologies. COM is a Microsoft method of providing data interfaces for Windows NT applications. Although TCP/IP is often used as the low-level network interface to pass the data, it is not accessed in the application code.
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Figure 27.9 COM/OLE Block Diagram.
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Page 437 Chapter 28 Windows Device Drivers Device drivers for Windows are notoriously hard to write and debug. As well, device drivers are considered ''dangerous" because they have access to all the system resources without any type of protection. In the latest Windows operating systems, VxDs and WDMs are the most popular types. These device drivers are the most common for Windows 95/NT and Windows 2000 operation and will be useful for a very long period of time. Along with .VXD and .WDM filename extensions, you will also see .DLLs and .386
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Page 438 file extensions. These device drivers are designed for legacy applications and are given a low level of support. Dynamic Link Libraries (.DLLs) DLLs are APIs to operating system resources that can be ''called" from an application. The user, kernel & GDI DLLs are used by applications to access operating system functions. When the application is unloaded from Windows, the .DLL is unloaded as well. .DLLs have started out as the simplest form of device drivers that you can have for a Windows application, but can be expanded to allow interprocess communication and system wide data areas. .DLLs work differently for different execution model applications. In Win16 systems, loaded .DLLs are available to all the applications running in the PC. In Win32 systems, .DLLs are only available to the applications that loaded them. Win16 .DLLs behave in Windows 95/98/2000 as they would in a Windows 3.x system—even though the operating system is based on the Win32 kernel. Virtual Device Drivers (.VxDs) The virtual machine manager provides access to the console and I/O functions for the application, as if it were the only application the processor was running. When adding new hardware functions in Windows, typically a device driver is used to allow access to the new hardware to all applications within the PC. The most typical Windows device driver is known as the VxD. Windows VxDs not only serialize the requests passed to the device drivers from the processes, but also provide an inter-
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Page 439 face to each requesting process that gives the appearance that it is the only application requesting the device driver in the system (''virtualizing" it). The difference probably seems trivial, but it is actually quite important. VxDs run in Ring 0 of the process without any memory protection. The opportunity for a VxD to cause mischief in the system is very high and care must be taken in developing the device driver. Because VxDs run without any protection, they are remarkably flexible device drivers, allowing you to not only interface with hardware, but to: 1. Provide communications links between the substrate MS-DOS/BIOS and Windows processes. 2. Arbitrate contention between requesting processes (virtual machines). 3. Create virtual (simulated) hardware to help develop application software before the hardware is available. 4. Redirect I/O and provide standard interfaces to nonstandard hardware. 5. Monitor the system's behavior. Win32 Device Models (.WDMs) Microsoft, rather than continuing to enhance the different Windows operating systems, has decided to merge the two operating systems lines into one. This is now known as Windows 2000 (originally known as Windows NT 5.0). A key initiative of this effort is to provide a new device driver structure that is native to the 32-bit operating system and is much easier to program than previous device drivers. This new device driver structure is known as the Win32 Device Model (WDM). WDM is an event-based programming
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Page 440 model that is well suited to object-orientated programming languages, such as C++. This structure brings device-driver creation in line with Visual Tools code development and eliminates the need for conceptually understanding multiple PC programming philosophies to develop a software/hardware interface application. WDM has actually been around for a number of years. It was first made available for Windows 95 OSR 2.0 (OEM System Release 2.0) for use with the initial USB ports provided with motherboards built in 1996 and later. Since this time, the device-driver handlers have become much more stable with more device drivers being written for the execution model.
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Page 441 Chapter 29 Visual Basic Microsoft's Visual Basic is the fastest way to get into Microsoft Windows application programming. This ease of using the language and development system also makes it great as a ''what if" tool and allows you to write an application quickly to try out new ideas. To create an application, the Primary dialog box is created first, with different features (I/O boxes, buttons, etc.). These features are known as controls within Visual Basic. With the Window defined, by simply clicking on the different controls, subroutine prototypes to handle "events" (such as mouse clicks over these features) are automatically created. Additional features in Visual Basic's source-code editor (Figure 29.1) allow you to specify the control parameters (known as properties).
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Figure 29.1 ''Visual Basic" Development System. Integrated Development Environment Visual Basic applications are built around The Dialog Box Editor desktop. When application development is started, Visual Basic prompts you with the initial dialog box (known as "Forms" in Visual Basic) of your application (Figure 29.2). From here, Dialog Resources are selected from the ToolBox and placed upon the dialog. Once the dialog box is designed and looks the way you want it, code development can begin. The easiest way to create the application code is by double clicking on the control in the Dialog Box Editor and a subroutine prototype will appear so that code can be added (Figure 29.3). Control attributes (also known as Properties) can be set globally from the integrated development environment or from within the event handlers. The event handler's code is written in
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Figure 29.2 Visual Basic Desktop.
Figure 29.3 Visual Basic Dialog Box Control Set Up.
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Page 444 pretty standard Microsoft BASIC. Once the handler prototypes are created by Visual Basic, it is up to the application developer to add the response code for the application. Visual Basic provides a large number of built-in functions, including trigonometry, logarithms, and the ability to interface with the file system and dialog controls. Variables in Visual Basic are typically real—they are floating-point values in the ranges provided by the floating-point coprocessor built into the PC's processor. Integer variables can be specified by putting a $ character at the start of the variable name. One important thing to note about variables is that they are local to the event routine they are used in unless they are declared globally in the general module that executes at the beginning of the application and is not specific to any controls. Controls Control Description Pull Downs Selected from the Menu Editor icon on the ToolBar PictureBox Display bitmaps and other graphic files on the dialog box Label Put text in the dialog box TextBox Input/output text box Frame Put a frame around resources CommandButton Button for code operation CheckBox For checking multiple selections OptionButton Also known as the radio button. For checking one selection for a list of multiple options ComboBox Select or enter test in a box/list ListBox List data (with user-controlled scrolling) HscrollBar Provide horizontal scrolling in a text or graphic output control VscrollBar Provide vertical scrolling in a
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text or graphic output control Cause a periodic interrupt Select a drive for file I/O Select a subdirectory for file I/O on a specific drive FileListBox Display files for a specific subdirectory on a specific drive Shape Put a graphics shape on the dialog box Line Draw a line on the dialog box Image Display an image file on the dialog box OLE Insert OLE objects to the dialog Along with these controls are a number of optional ones (such as Serial I/O), which can be added to the Toolbox as well. These controls are used for advanced applications and provide additional capabilities to Visual Basic. A number of controls cannot be activated with a left button click, the one that is most used is the timer. This control causes an event after a set period of microseconds. This control can be set within the dialog editor or modified within the application itself. The timer can provide many different advanced functions without requiring any interrupt interfaces. MSComm For adding the MSComm serial port control to the available selection, click on Project, followed by Component, and then Apply Microsoft Comm Control (Figure 29.4). To work with the MSComm control, after loading the control onto the toolbox, place MSComm's telephone icon on the dialog box. When the application is executing, the telephone is Timer DriveListBox DirListBox
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Figure 29.4 Setting up the ''MSComm" Control. invisible to the user. To initialize the MSComm control, the recommended sequence is: 1. Specify the hardware serial port to be used. 2. Set the speed and data format to be used. 3. Define the buffer size. 4. Open the port and begin to use it. The code used to perform these functions is placed in the Form_Load subroutine, which means that the port is enabled before the primary dialog box is executing. Although the control values should be self-explanatory, they are described in greater detail later in the chapter. Once the MSComm control is placed on the display, the fol-
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Page 447 lowing properties are used to control it: Property Setting Description Break True/False When set to True, Break sends a 0 break signal until the property is changed to False. CDHolding
Read-only property that indicates if the carrier-detect line is active. This is an important line to poll in applications, which use modems.
Read-only property that is only available while the application is running. If the application running without any problems, this property returns zero. This property is read by the OnComm event handler code to process the reason why the event was caused.
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Page 448 CommID
Read only property that returns an identifier for the serial port assigned to the MSComm control.
Specify the COMx (1-3) serial port that is used by the MSComm control.
Read-only property that returns the current state of the serial port's Clear-toSend line.
Read-only property that returns the current state of the serial port's Data-SetReady line.
Property used to specify the state of the DataTerminal-Ready line.
Specify whether or not an OnComm event will be generated if an end-of-file character (0x01A) is encountered.
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0, 1, 2, or 3 Sets the current handshaking protocol for the serial port: 0 = No handshaking (default) 1 = XON/XOFF handshaking 2 = RTS/CTS (hardware) handshaking 3 = Both XON/XOFF and RTS/CTS handshaking Integer
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Read-only property indicating how many characters have been received by the serial port. Property used to specify the number of bytes available for the input data buffer. The default size is 1024 bytes. Return a string of characters from the input buffer. Specify how data is to be retrieved
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using the Input property. Zero specifies data that will be received as text (default). One will specify that data will be passed without editing (binary format).
Sets the maximum number of charac ters that will be returned when the Input property is accessed. Setting this value to zero will return the entire buffer.
Specify whether or not null characters are transferred from the port to the receiver buffer.
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Read-only property that returns the number of characters waiting in the output buffer. Specify the size of the output buffer. The default is 512 bytes.
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< previous page Page 451 Output
page_451 Output a string of characters through the serial port.
Specify the character that will replace characters that have a parity error. The default character is ? and the ASCII code for the replacement character must be specified.
Specify whether or not the data port is to be transmitting and receiving data. Normally, a port is closed (False).
Specify the number of characters before an OnComm event. The default value of zero disables event generation. Setting the Rthreshold to one will cause an OnComm event each time a character is received.
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Specify the value output on the Request-To-Send line. Send a string to the serial port to specify its operating characteristics. The string is in the format Speed, Parity, Length, Stop, with the following valid parameter values: Speed: Data Rate of the Communication 110 300 600 1200 2400 9600 (Default) 14400 19200 28800 38400 56000 128000 256000 Parity: The type of error checking sent with the byte E = Even parity M = Mark parity N = No parity (default) O = Odd parity S = Space parity
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Length: The number of bits transmitted at a time 4 = 4 Bits 5 = 5 Bits 6 = 6 Bits 7 = 7 Bits 8 = 8 Bits (Default) Stop: The number of stop bits transmitted with the byte 1 = 1 Stop bit (default) 1.5 = 1.5 Stop bits 2 = 2 Stop bits Integer
Specify the number of bytes to be transmitted before an OnComm event is generated. The default is zero (which means that no OnComm event is generated for transmission). Setting this value to one will cause an OnComm event after each character is transmitted. These properties are quite simple to use and will allow you to quickly develop and debug serial Visual Basic applications.
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Page 454 Further enhancing the usefulness of the MSComm control is the OnComm event. This routine is similar to an interrupt because it is requested after specified events in the serial port. The CommEvent property contains the reason code for the event. These codes include: CommEvent Identifier CommEvent Code Description comEvSend 1 Specified number of characters sent comEvReceive 2 Specified number of characters received comEvCTS 3 Change in the Clear To Send line comEvDSR comEvCD comEvRing comEvEOF comEventBreak comEventFrame comEventOverrun comEventRxOver comEventRxParity comEventTxFull comEventDCB
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Change in the DataSet-Ready line 5 Change in the Carrier-Detect line 6 Ring detect is active 7 End-Of-File character detected 1001 Break signal received 1004 Framing error in incoming data 1006 Receive port overrun 1008 Receive buffer overflow 1009 Parity error in received data 1010 Transmit buffer full 1011 Unexpected device control block error
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Page 455 Chapter 30 Visual C++ Object-Orientated Programming An object can be anything you want it to be; it can be a file, data records, Windows dialog boxes, etc. Objects can also be used to represent physical objects, such as a ''car," with four "wheels" and an "engine" and are based on "classes." Objects are instantiated in memory as data and functions from classes. A class can be thought of as an advanced structure. Although a typical structure in C is used to describe a data type; the class is used to describe everything about an object. An object is declared much the same way as you would with a C variable. The class is analogous to C's type definition and is
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Figure 30.1 Visual C++ Development system. used exactly the same way to instantiate an object as a variable is declared: ClassName ObjectName; Instantiating an object in the source, as shown previously, is known as static instantiation because the object is defined at application compile time. Objects can be instantiated dynamically during program execution using the New prefix to define an object to a pointer. NewBall * Ball; NewBall = new Ball() ; In this example, NewBall, which is a pointer to data type Ball, has an object dynamically instantiated and given its pointer.
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Page 457 To delete a dynamically instantiated object, the Delete operation is used. To delete the object created for NewBall in this example, the following statement would be used: delete NewBall; Dynamic instantiation uses memory from the C++ heap space. In Visual C++, the heap provides the same function and care must be used with dynamically instantiating objects to ensure that they are all kept track of. Before a pointer is changed, the object it is pointed to is either passed to another pointer or is deleted. Object classes consist of the blueprint for the object and contain the data variables (known as data members) and subroutines (known as function members), which process the object's data and provide an interface to the object's data, as well as application function. If a function member is used to access data members, it is known as a method. It is considered bad object-orientated programming form to provide access outside of an object to the data members, instead, the function members should be the only interface to the data. A class declaration can look like: class Desk { // Doing an Office Application - // Need a Desk object type private: // Variable information int xPos, yPos; // Position of the Desk color Color; // Color of the Desk int Drawers; // Number of Drawers public: // Interface to the class/object void SetPosition( int X, int Y ); // Set the Position of the Desk int GetXPosition(); // Return the ''X" axis Position int GetYPosition(); // Return the "Y" axis Position int Open_Drawer( int Num ); // Open One of the Drawers } // End "Desk" Class Definition The member data and member functions, can be described as public, protected, or private (the default), which allows
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Page 458 specific access to the different functions. These access specifiers are defined as operating as: Specifier Data Members Methods Class Descriptor public
Can be accessed Can be accessed Derived class inherits throughout the anywhere the base class public and application class can be private members accessed
Can only be Can only be Derived class inherits accessed within accessed within base class members and the class and the class and makes them ''protected" derived classes derived classes private Can only be Can only be Derived class inherits accessed by accessed within base class members as class function the class "private" members of members its class The data members should always be classed as private and the methods should always be classed as public. Any intermediate class functions should be classed as private to prevent inadvertent access by other classes. As can be seen from the table, classes can be derived from previously defined classes. The base class is the originating class from which the derived one is built. Data members and function members from one class can be enhanced, changed (overloaded) or deleted in a derived class. Derived classes are a method of modifying available code into exactly what you need without having to copy all the code and variables that aren't changed. In a derived class, the members that are not changed are known as the inherited members of the derived class. This class declaration is exactly the same as the function prototype of a C function. The function prototypes in the class description are the function prototypes of the actual member functions of the class. Normally, the class descriptor and mem-
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Page 459 ber functions are kept in separate files to help keep the object-orientated concept of class/code separation. A member function takes the form: ReturnValue ClassName::FunctionName( parameters... ) { // Function Code } // End ClassName:: FunctionName The C++ function member is very straightforward and, other than the ClassName identifier, is identical to C functions. The two colons (::) are used to delimit the class and function name and identify to the compiler that the function belongs to a class. Member functions can be repeated within the class in a process known as overloading. Overloaded functions each have multiple parameter types (which are used to differentiate them). For example, if you had a class of type Box and moving it, you might want to use Cartesian or radial coordinate systems. The methods could be defined using the Move member function name as: void Box: :Move( int X, int Y ); void Box: :Move( float Radius, int Angle ); Object data is initialized using constructor member functions. This function, which has the same name as the class, is used to initialize the member data items.
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Page 460 For the Desk class described previously, the constructor could be: Desk::Desk() // Initialize the ''Desk" Variables { xPos = yPos = 0; // Put it in the center of the room Color = Black; Drawers = 3; } // End "Desk" Constructor Once an object of class Desk is declared, during the instantiation process Desk::Desk would be called and the variables initialized. The constructor can also have parameters that are passed at instantiation and used to initialize the data members to a specific set of values. The constructor cannot return a parameter (it cannot be called by the application code and the system code is not designed to handle a returned parameter). One very nice feature of Visual C++ is that if you forget to create a constructor for your object (one is required for each class), then at compile time, Visual C++ will create a null one for you. Along with the constructor is a destructor that executes at the end of the application (if the object was statically instantiated) or when an object is deleted. The destructor function name is the class name, like the constructor, but has a tilde (~) in front of it to indicate that this is a destructor. Like constructors, if no destructor is specified by the programmer, Visual C++ will create a null one at compile time. Destructors are really only appropriate in cases where the object's data must be saved and cannot be lost. If memory or objects unique to the object being destroyed have been allocated, then the memory used should be freed up within the destructor. When accessing object member functions (methods), the object followed by the method is used, separated by a dot (.).
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Page 461 Going back to the desk class, to open a door, the following code could be used: DeskObject.Open_Drawer( 1 ); In regular C, this statement might be in the format: Drawer[ 1 ] = Open; In the C example, it is presumed that the programmer understands exactly how the data is formatted and the correct values to use. In the object-orientated C++ example, the programmer is saved from having to understand how the function works at the low level. Microsoft Development Studio The Microsoft Development Studio is designed for the Visual C++ development environment. The opening Window provides source-code editors, dialog-box editors, and easy access to help information (which you'll access a lot). As well, development studio provides access to the Visual C++ compilers, linkers, and debuggers (Figure 30.2). Visual C++'s Development Studio does work like Visual Basic's IDE, but with many extensions needed to help you interface with and create the classes necessary for a functional Visual C++ application. APPSWIZARD The Applications Wizard (AppsWizard) is invoked upon starting a new Visual C++ application. The AppsWizard is a series of dialog boxes that are used to select the ''gross" operating characteristics of an application. Upon selecting New from the File pull down, the user is given the opportunity to select individual files or projects. These projects are typically
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Figure 30.2 Visual C++ Display Selection ''Tabs". Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC applications, but also include the ability to create custom Wizards, device drivers, and other types of executable files (Figure 30.3). The AppsWizard creates a framework of classes and objects for your application and helps to set up the basic mode of operation for your menus and dialog boxes. Once the operating characteristics of the application have been selected, the AppsWizard displays a simple dialog box for review (Figure 30.4). CLASSWIZARD One of the primary interfaces to the Class information is the WizardBar function of Visual C++. This allows you to quickly maneuver and find specific member functions and variables within a class specific to the application. From here and with a
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Figure 30.3 ''AppWizard" Application Selection. few mouse clicks, you can move very quickly to different functions (Figure 30.5). Along with the Wizard Bar, there is a dialog box that can be displayed for each object and class and is the primary interface to Class Wizard. In Figure 30.5, the Member Variables tag has been selected and the different variables created in the class for each of the controls of an application's dialog box are displayed. From the Class Wizard, the various members of a class can be displayed, and prototypes can be created and destroyed (Figure 30.6). Although classes along with their member functions and variables can be created manually, using the Class Wizard will link them in with the application and ensure that the format is correct before the compiler is used (Figure 30.7).
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Figure 30.4 ''AppWizard" Application Prototype Review. In every C++ Windows application, objects are built from five primary Microsoft Foundation Classes: Class Function CMainFrame The application's MDI interface CaboutDlg The application's About dialog box CChildFrame The MDI interface chile dialog boxes CnoHandsApp The application behavior control CnoHandsView Class that controls how documents are displayed
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Figure 30.5 Visual C++'s ''Wizard Bar".
Figure 30.6 "Class Wizard" Member Function Selection.
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Figure 30.7 Visual C++ ''Class Wizard". These base classes are needed to run a Multiple Document Interface (MDI) Visual C++ application. These applications provide a large area that can be written to with text or graphics by the application or user. The classes are created by AppsWizard. Figure 30.7 shows a sample MDI application. Normally, MDI documents are the default for Visual C++ applications, but dialog boxes can also be created. Controls Most of the controls that are available in Visual Basic dialog Boxes are also available in Visual C++ Dialog Boxes. The big difference is in the controls that interface to hardware, which includes timing and serial-port functions. When controls are put onto a dialog box, the dialog box's class information is also updated by subroutine functions of
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Page 467 Class Wizard. The Properties of the controls in Visual Basic are analogous to the member data and member functions of the dialog box's class. These properties can be updated via the class's methods or by using the property boxes in the dialog-box editor. Microsoft Function Classes (MFC) Seven basic MFC classes are used to run applications and displaying dialog boxes on PC's display that you should be aware of: Class Function CObject Base class used for the Visual C++ classes responsible for displaying data on the Windows display. All the other MFC classes are derived from this class. CWinApp
The class that defines the basic operation of the application. This is created by AppWizard and should never be modified in an application.
This is the base class for Windows in Visual C++. The purpose of this class is to give you access to drawing and moving dialog boxes within your application.
Built from CWnd, this class is used to create dialog boxes. Most dialog box types that are built into MFC are derived from this class.
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Page 468 CMDIFrameWnd This class, derived from CWnd, is used to display multiple Windows in the application's dialog box at the same time. MDI is the Multiple Document Interface that is part of MFC. CToolBar
Class used to create and display ToolBars on the dialog box. This class is derived from ''CWnd" and not from CDialog. The derived class CDialogBar allows both buttons and text information (CToolBar) just allows buttons. The derived class CStatusBar is used to display status information on the dialog box and is also derived from CToolBar.
Derived from CObject (but, for some reason, not shown on the hierarchy chart, CDC is used to display text and graphics. All graphics commands are member functions of this class. Along with these basic classes are the simple value types: Value Function CPoint Pointer to objects. CRect Rectangle object. CSize Derived from Windows SIZE structure. This is used to define the size of a graphic object. CString ASCIIZ string implementation. CTime Represents time and date. CTimeSpan Representation of a time span.
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Page 469 These values are used with and within the MFC to provide data parameters to the class member functions. Standard C++ data types, such as int, long, etc., cannot be used with these functions. Suggested Visual C++ Debugging Process When looking for problems in Visual C++ applications, check for: 1. Using the incorrect method with derived classes. This is especially a problem with such controls as CButton and CBitmapButton. 2. Not using the correct overloaded member function. Visual C++'s editor will prompt you with all the available function parameter lists. 3. Forgetting to make member functions that don't return anything of type void. The only functions that do not have any returned values are the constructors and destructors. 4. Using a . for a ''new" object when -> should be used. 5. Putting ; at the end of a #define. 6. Forgetting to initialize a variable.
DX = Windows type Windows initialization Bit 0 = Set if notification for MS-DOS ''Standard Mode" device drivers and TSRs. Windows Initializing DI = Version number of Windows
Int 2Fh AX = 01606h DX = Specify standard or Enhanced-mode 386 services bit 0 = 0 for Enhanced-mode services Int 2Fh AX = 01607h BX = Virtual device identifier others specific to action Int 2Fh AX = 01608h Int 2Fh AX = 01609h
Int 2Fh AX = 01680h
Int 2Fh AX = 01681h
Int 2Fh AX = 01682h
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No return value
Windows termination notification.
Specfic to action
Device call out. Used to pass parameters to a device driver.
No return value Windows initialization notification. No return value Windows begin exit. Notify device drivers and TSRs that Windows is about to end. AL = 0 if function Release current virtual supported (else left machine time-slice. Force as 080h) Windows to swap processing to another VM. No return value Begin crucial section. Notify device drivers and TSRs that task switching cannot occur. No return value End crucial section. Notify device drivers and TSRs that task switching can occur.
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< previous page Page 475 Int 2Fh AX = 01683h
Int 2Fh AX = 01684h BX = Device identifier
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BX = Virtual machine Get current virtual machine identifier identifier. Return the VM identifier for the current process. ES:DI = 0 if function is not supported ES:DI = Entry point if function supported
Get device entry-point address.
Int 2Fh AX = 01685h CF = Set if request Switch virtual machine BX = Virtual fails and callback addresses. machine AX = 00001h, 00002h or identifier 00003h if request CX = Flags fails Bit 0 = Set to Wait for interrupts enabled Bit 1 = Set to Wait for crucial section released DX:SI = Priority ES:DI = Callback function address Int 2Fh AX = 01686h
Int 2Fh AX = 01687h
AX == 0 if in Protect Get CPU mode. Indicate mode whether or not AX ! = 0 if not in executing in Protect Protect mode mode. AX ! = 0 if DPMI Get Protect-mode switch Not available/No Entry Point = Used as a other registers test for the capabilities changed of the PC in which AX == 0 if DPMI the application is running. present BX = Flags Bit 0 = Set if 32-bit mode is supported Bit 1-15 = Not used CL = Processor Type 2 = 80286 3 = 80386 4 = 80486
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Int 2Fh AX = 04000h
Int 2Fh AX = 04001h
Int 2F AX = 04002h
Int 2F AX = 04003h
Int 2F AX = 04004h
Int 2Fh AX = 04005h
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5 = Pentium 6+ = Reserved for future processors DH = DPMI major version number (Normally 1) DL = DPMI minor version number (Normally 0) SI = Number of paragraphs used for DPMI host functions ES:DI = Pointer to address to enter Protect mode AL = Return value Enable virtual machine assisted save/restore. Primarily used to capture virtual machine updates of the video RAM. No return value Notify background switch. Notify virtual machine that it no longer has the ''focus" of Windows. No return value Notify foreground switch. Notify virtual machine that it now has the "focus" of Windows. No return value Notify enter crucial section. Notify virtual display device that the critical section has started executing. No return value Notify end critical section. Notify virtual display device that the critical section has completed executing. No return value Save video register state. Notify virtual machines that the virtual display device requires access to the hardware registers.
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< previous page Page 477 Int 2Fh AX = 04006h
Int 2Fh AX = 04007h
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No return value Restore video register state. Notify virtual machines that the virtual display device no longer requires access to the hardware registers. No return value Disable virtual machine Assisted Save/Restore. Direct the virtual display driver to stop notifying the virtual machines when it needs to access the hardware registers.
Int 31h AX = 00000h CF = Set if Allocate LDT CX = Number of request fails descriptors. Allocate LDT descriptors AX = Error Code if one or more to allocate request fails descriptors that must AX = Base selector if be initialized by the request completes applications. Int 31h AX = 00001h BX = LDT descriptor to free
CF = Set if request Free the specified LDT fails descriptor. AX = 08022h if invalid descriptor
Int 31h AX = 00002h CF = Set if request Map a Real-mode segment BX = Real-mode fails to an LDT Descriptor segment AX = 08011h if that can be used in address descriptor Protect mode. unavailable AX = Selector for Real-mode segment Int 31h AX = 00003h
Int 31h AX = 00006h BX = Selector
CF = Clear AX = Selector inverment value
Get selector increment value. Increment the number of descriptors for an application.
CF = Set if request Get segment base fails address. Returns the AX = 08022h if physical address for invalid selector the specified AX = 32-bit physical selector. base address of segment
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Page 478 Int 31h AX = 00007h CF = Set if request Set segment base BX = Selector fails address. Set the CX:DX = 32-bit AX = 08022h or 08025h if specified physical Physical request fails address for the segment address selector. Int 31h AX = 00008h BX = Selector CX:DX = 32-bit segment limit
CF = Set if request Set segment limit. Set fails the maximum size of AX = 08021h, 08022h or selector. 08025h if request fails
CF = Set if Request Create alias descriptor. fails Create a new LDT AX = New selector if data descriptor that request completes has the same physical AX = 08011h or 8022h if address and size limit request fails size limit as specified selector.
Int 31h AX = 0000Bh BX = Selector ES:DI = Pointer to 8-byte buffer Int 31h AX = 0000Ch BX = Selector ES:DI = Pointer to 8-byte buffer Int 31h AX = 0000Dh BX = Selector
CF = Set if request Set descriptor access fails rights. Modify the AX = 08021h, 08022h, access rights for the 08025h if request fails specified selector.
CF = Set if request Copy descriptor into fails 8-byte buffer. AX = 08022h if request fails
CF = Set if request fails Set the descriptor with AX = 08021h, 08022h, the buffer value. 08025h if request fails
CF = Set if request fails Allocate specific LDT AX = 08011h or 08012h if descriptor. request fails
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Page 479 Int 31h AX = 00100h CF = Set if request fails Allocate DOS memory BX = Number of AX = Segment base address block. Allocate paragraphs to of allocated block if memory in Protect mode allocate request completes as if in Real (MS-DOS) DX = Selector for mode. allocated block if request completes AX = 00007h or 00008h if request fails BX = Size of largest number of paragraphs available ifrequest fails Int 31h AX = 00101h DX = Selector
CF = Set if request fails Free DOS memory block. AX = 00007h, 00009h, 08025h if request fails
Int 31h AX = 00102h CF = Set if request fails Resize a specific DOS BX = New block AX = 00007h or 00008h if memory block. size in request fails paragraphs DX = Selector Int 31h AX = 00200h BL = Interrupt number
CF = Reset Return the Real-mode CX:DX = Segment:Offset of interrupt vector Real-mode interrupt address. vector
Int 31h AX = 00201h BL = Interrupt number CX:DX = Segment:Offset of Real-mode interrupt vector
CF = Reset
Set a new Real-mode interrupt vector address.
Int 31h AX = 00202h CF = Set if request fails Return the address of BL = Exception AX = 08021h if request the Protect mode number fails exception handler in CX:DX = Selector:Offset the range of 0 to of exception handler 01Fh.
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< previous page Page 480 Int 31h AX = 00203h BL = Exception number CX:DX = Selector:Offset of exception handler Int 31h AX = 00204h BL = Interrupt number Int 31h AX = 00205h BL = Interrupt number CX:DX = Selector:Offset of interrupt handler
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CF = Set if request fails Set the address of the AX = 08022h Protect-mode exception handler in the range of 0 to 01Fh.
CF = Reset Return the address of CX:DX = Selector:Offset the Protect-mode of interrupt handler interrupt handler. CF = Set if request fails Set the address of the AX = 08022h if request Protect-mode fails interrupt handler.
Int 31h AX = 00300h CF = Set if request fails Simulate a Real-mode BL = Interrupt ES:DI = Selector:Offset interrupt. Execution number of modified Real-mode passed to Real-mode BH = Flags register data structure interrupt handler. Bit 0 = Zero AX = 08012h, 08013h, CX = Number of 08014h or 08021h if Register data in words to copy request fails format: ES:DI = Offset Length Contents Selector:Offset 0×000 4 DI/EDI of Real-mode 0×004 4 SI/ESI register data 0×008 4 BP/EBP 0×00C 4 Reserved 0×010 4 BX/EBX 0×014 4 DX/EDX 0×018 4 CX/ECX 0×01C 4 AX/EAX 0×020 2 CPU flags 0×022 2 ES 0×025 2 DS 0×026 2 FS 0×028 2 GS 0×02A 2 IP (Rsvd) 0×02C 2 CS (Rsvd) 0×02E 2 SP 0×030 2 SS (Rsvd)= Reserved/not used
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< previous page Page 481 Int 31h AX = 00301h BH = Flags Bit 0 = Zero CX = Number of words to copy ES:DI = Selector:Offset of Real-mode register data
Int 31h AX = 00302h BH = Flags Bit 0 = Zero CX = Number of words to copy ES:DI = Selector:Offset of Real-mode register data
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CF = Set if request fails Simulate a Real-mode ES:DI = Selector:Offset far call. Execution of modified Real-mode passed to Real-mode register data structure subroutine. Return AX = 08012h, 08013h, uses ret. 08014h or 08021h if Register Data in request fails format Offset Length Contents 0×000 4 DI/EDI 0×004 4 SI/ESI 0×008 4 BP/EBP 0×00C 4 Reserved 0×010 4 BX/EBX 0×014 4 DX/EDX 0×018 4 CX/ECX 0×01C 4 AX/EAX 0×020 2 CPU flags 0×022 2 ES 0×025 2 DS 0×026 2 FS 0×028 2 GS 0×02A 2 IP 0×02C 2 CS 0×02E 2 SP 0×030 2 SS CF = Set if request fails Simulate a Real-mode ES:DI = Selector:Offset far call. Execution of modified Real-mode passed to Real-mode register data structure subroutine. Return AX = 08012h, 08013h, uses iret 08014h or 08021h if Register data in request fails format Offset Length Contents 0×000 4 DI/EDI 0×004 4 SI/ESI 0×008 4 BP/EBP 0×00C 4 Reserved 0×010 4 BX/EBX 0×014 4 DX/EDX 0×018 4 CX/ECX 0×01C 4 AX/EAX 0×020 2 CPU flags 0×022 2 ES 0×025 2 DS 0×026 2 FS 0×028 2 GS 0×02A 2 IP 0×02C 2 CS 0×02E 2 SP 0×030 2 SS
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Page 482 Int 31h AX = 00303h CF = Set if request fails Allocate Real-mode DS:SI = AX = 08015h if request callback address Selector:Offset fails transfer control of Protect-mode CX:DX = Segment:Offset of from Real-mode to subroutine Real-mode callback Protect-mode. ES:DI = Selector:Offset of Real-mode register data Int 31h AX = 00304h CX:DX = Realmode callback address Int 31h AX = 00305h
Int 31h AX = 00306h
Int 31h AX = 00400h
CF = Set if request fails Free Real-mode AX = 08024h if request callback address fails
CF = Reset Get state save/restore AX = Buffer Size in bytes addresses. Return BX:CX = Real-mode address address of routines SI:DI = Protect-mode used to save and address restore task's registers. CF = Reset Get Raw-mode switch BX:CX = Real- to Protect- address for low-level mode switch address switching. SI:DI = Protect- to Real mode switch address CF = Reset Get DPMI version AH = DPMI major version information. number AL = DPMI minor version number BX = Flags Bit 0 Set if host is 32-bit BPMI Bit 1 Set if execution returned to Real-mode for ''reflected" interrupts Bit 2 Set if VM supported Bit 3 Reserved CL = Processor type 2 = 80286 3 = 80386 4 = 80486 5 = Pentium DH = Current virtual PIC2 base interrupt value DL = Current virtual slave PIC Base interupt value
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< previous page Page 483 Int 31h AX = 00500h ES:DI = Selector:Offset of 48-byte buffer
CF = Reset
page_483 Get free memory information. Load buffer with information about the current memory status. Offset Length Contents 0×000 4 Largest free block available 0×004 4 Maximum unlocked page available 0×008 4 Maximum locked page available 0×00C 4 Linear address space size in pages 0×010 4 Total number of unlocked pages 0×014 4 Total number of free pages 0×018 4 Total number of physical pages 0×01C 4 Free linear address space in pages 0×020 4 Size of paging file in pages 0×024 12 Reserved
Int 31h AX = 00501h CF = Set if request fails Allocate memory block. BX:DX = Size of AX = 08012, 08013, 08014, block in bytes 08016h or 08021h if request fails BX:CX = Linear address of allocated memory block SI:DI = Memory block handle
CF = Set if request fails Free allocated memory AX = 08023h if request block. fails
Int 31h AX = 00503h CF = Set if request fails Resize the allocated BX:CX = New size AX = 08012, 08013h, 8014h, memory block. of block 08016h, 08021h or 08023h SI:DI = Memory if request fails block handle Int 31h AX = 00600h BX:CX = Starting Segment:Offset of real memory SI:DI = Size of block to lock Int 31h AX = 00601h BX:CX = Starting Segment:Offset of locked real memory SI:DI = Size of block to unlock Int 31 AX = 00602h BX:CX = Starting Segment:Offset of real memory SI:DI = Size of block Int 31 AX = 00603h BX:CX = Starting Segment:Offset of real memory SI:DI = Size of block Int 31h AX = 00604h
CF = Set if request fails Lock the specified AX = 08013h, 08017h or linear region. 08025h if request fails
CF = Set if request fails Unlock the specified AX = 08002h or 08025h if linear address. request fails
CF = Set if request fails Mark the Real-mode AX = 08002h or 08025h if memory region as request fails pageable.
CF = Set if request fails Relock Real-mode AX = 08002h, 08013h or memory region as 08025h if request fails no longer pageable.
CF = Set if request fails Get the page size. AX = 08001h if request fails BX:CX = Page size in bytes
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< previous page Page 485 Int 31h AX = 00702h BX:CX = Starting Segment:Offset of real memory SI:DI Size of block Int 31h AX = 00703h BX:CX = Starting Segment:Offset of real memory SI:DI = Size of block Int 31h AX = 00800h BX:CX = Starting Segment:Offset of real memory SI:DI = Size of block Int 31h AX = 00900h
Int 31h AX = 00901h
Int 31h AX = 00902h
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CF = Set if request fails Mark page as demand AX = 08025h if request paging candidate. fails
CF = Set if request fails Discard page contents. AX = 08025h if request Block will no longer fails be paged to disk.
CF = Set if request fails Physical address AX = 08003h or 08021h if mapping. Converts request fails physical address to BX:CX = Linear address of linear address. physical memory
CF = Reset Get and disable virtual AL = 1 if virtual interrupts. interrupts were previously enabled CF = Reset Get and enable virtual AL = 1 if virtual interrupts. interrupts are previously enabled CF = Reset Get the virtual AL = 1 if virtual interrupt state. interrupts are enabled
Int 31h AX = 00A00h CF = Set if request fails Get vendor-specified DS:SI = AX = 08001h if request API entry point. The Selector:Offset fails DX, GS, EAX, ECX, EDX, of ASCIIZ string ES:DI = Selector:Offset of ESI and EBP may be extended API entry point. modified. Int 31h AX = 00B00h
CF = Set if request fails Set a debug watchpoint.
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Page 486 BX:CX = Linear AX = 08016h, 08021h or address 08035h if request fails watchpoint BX = Watchpoint handle DH = Type of watchpoint 0 = Execute 1 = Write 2 = Read/Write DL = Size of watchpoint in bytes (up to 4) Int 31h AX = 00B01h CF = Set if requestfails Clear a debug BX = Watchpoint AX = 08023h if request watchpoint. handle fails Int 31h AX = 00B02h CF = Set if request fails Poll the state of the BX = Watchpoint AX = 08023h if request watchpoint. handle fails AX = 1 if request completes and watchpoint encountered Int 31h AX = 00B03h CF = Set if request fails Reset the debug BX = Watchpoint AX = 08023h if request watchpoint. handle fails DPMI - 03/16/99
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Page 487 Chapter 33 Sample Routines Far Conditional Jump Macro Many assembly-language programmers will create an include file of macros, such as: ljz MACRO FarLabel local SkipLabel jnz SkipLabel jmp FarLabel ; If Zero flag Set, Jump to ''FarLabel" SkipLabel: ENDM
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Page 488 Passing Parameters In assembler, parameters can be passed using the C stack parameter passing. The C code for: Rtn( Var1, Var2 ); Could be written as: push Var1 ; Push the Parameters on the Stack push Var2 call Rtn add SP, 4 ; Restore the Stack Pointer The subroutine in C would be: Rtn( int VarA, VarB ) { : } // End Rtn The assembler code would be: Rtn PROC FAR mov BP, SP ; Point to the Passed Variables add BP, 4 mov AX, [BP + 2] ; Get ''Var1" mov VarA, AX mov AX, [BP] ; Get "Var2" mov VarB, AX : ; Subroutine Code ret ; Return to the Caller
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Page 489 Interrupt Handler Skeletons Inthandlerxx PROC FAR ; Basic Interrupt handler pusha ; Save all the Potentially Changed Registers push DS push ES ; #### - Reset the Interrupt Requesting Hardware mov AL, 020h ; Reset the Interrupt Controller out 020h, AL ; 020h - Interrupt Controller 1 ; 0A0h - Interrupt Controller 2 sti ; Allow Nested Interrupts ; #### - Process the Interrupt Request pop ES ; Restore the Processor Registers pop DS popa iret Inthandlrxx ENDP Inthandlerxx PROC FAR ; Shared Interrupt Handler Pusha ; Save all the Potentially Changed Registers push DS push ES ; #### - Check the Requesting Hardware; did it request this Interrupt? pop ES ; Not this Interrupt, Jump to the Saved Vector pop DS popa jmp CS:OldIntHandler SInthandlerxx: ; This was the Handler Requesting the
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Page 490 ; Interrupt - Service the Interrupt ; # # # # - Reset the Interrupt Requesting Hardware mov AL, 020h ; Reset the Interrupt Controller out 020h, AL ; 020h - Interrupt Controller 1 ; 0A0h - Interrupt Controller 2 sti ; Allow Nested Interrupts ; # # # # - Process the Interrupt Request pop ES ; Restore the Processor Registers pop DS popa iret Inthandlrxx ENDP Interrupt Vector Capture and Release To capture an interrupt vector: IntCapture: ; Capture the Interrupt Number in AL and Point ; to the Vector in ES:DX push DS ; Save the Current Data Segment mov AH, 35h ; Get the Original Interrupt Vector int 21h mov OldInt.PtrSeg, ES; Save the Pointer to the Original Vector mov OldInt.PtrOff, BX mov AH, 25h ; Set the New Interrupt Vector push ES ; DS = ES:DX for New Vector pop DS int 21h pop DS ; Restore the Original Data Segment ret ; Return to Caller
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Page 491 To restore an interrupt vector: IntRestore: ; Restore the Interrupt Number in AL push DS ; Save the Current Data Segment mov AH, 25h ; Set the Original Interrupt Vector mov DX, OldInt.PtrOff ; Use the Pointer Saved in ''IntCapture" mov DS, OldInt.PtrSeg int 21h pop DS ret ; Return to Caller DMA Transfer Set Up The following code sets up a transfer from memory to a Channel 1 device: outp( DMA1Mask, 0×005 ); // Mask Channel 1 outp( DMA1Clr, 0×000 ); // Clear outp( DMA1Chnl, 0×049 ); // Set Mode outp( DMA1Addr, 0×000 ); // Load Start Address outp( DMA1Addr, 0×000 ); outp ( DMA1Page, (unsigned long) Buffer > 28 ); outp( DMA1Word, DataSize # 0×0FF ); outp( DMA1Word, ( Size > 8 ) & 0×0FF ); outp( DMA1Mask, 1 ); // Unmask DMA
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Page 492 Batch File I/O Utilities The ErrorLevel value can be used to pass data from programs. For example, the user could be prompted to enter Y or N using the program: // BATY_N - Wait for the User To Input ''Y" or "n" // // This Program doesn't take any input parameters. // // This program returns: // 0×000 - If "Y" or "y" Entered // 0×001 - If "N" or "n" Entered // 0×0FF - For Anything Else // // Myke Predko // // 98.10.31 // // Defines // Includes #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib. h> #include <dos.h> #include // Global Variables // External Routines // Subroutines // Mainline main(argc, argv, envp) // Define with the Input parameters int argc; char *argv[]; char *envp; { union REGS regs; while ( GETKEYSTAT() != 0 ) // Clear the Keyboard Buffer GETKEY(); switch ( GETKEY() & 0×0FF ) // Process the User Input { case 'Y': // "Y"es case 'y': = 0; break; case 'N': // "N"o case 'n':
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Page 493 = 1; break; default: // Everything Else = 0×0FF; } /* endswitch */ regs.h.ah = 0×04C; // End with The ErrorLevel as the intdos( ®s, ®s ) ; // Contents of the Register } // End BATRead To write to a register in the PC, the following C program could be used: // BATWrite - Write to a Register in the PC // // This Program takes the Input Parameters: // // batwrite addr Value // // And Writes them to the Specified Port. // // Myke Predko // // 98.10.27 // // Defines // Includes #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> // Global Variables // External Routines // Subroutines // Mainline main(argc, argv, envp) // Define with the Input parameters int argc; char *argv[]; char *envp; { outp( atoi ( argv[ 1 ]), atoi( argv[ 2 ])); } // End BATWrite
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Page 494 Reading a register could be accomplished with a similar program: // BATRead - Read from a Register in the PC // // This Program takes the Input Parameters: // // batread addr // // And returns the data read to the MS-DOS ''ErrorLevel" // // Myke Predko // // 98.10.27 // // Defines // Includes #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <dos.h> // Global Variables // External Routines // Subroutines // Mainline main(argc, argv, envp) // Define with the Input paramters int argc; char *argv[]; char *envp; { union REGS regs; = inp( atoi( argv[ 1 ])); regs.h.ah = 0×04C; // End with The ErrorLevel as the intdos( ®s, ®s ); // Contents of the Register } // End BATRead
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Page 495 String Operations To move 10 bytes from SourceVar to DestVar, the following code could be used: push DS ; ES = DS for Variables pop ES lea DI, DestVar ; Point to the Variables lea SI, SourceVar mov CX, 10 ; Moving 10 bytes cld ; Reset the ''DF" so the Indexes Increment rep movsb ; Move the 10 bytes Crucial Timing Using the 8254 The following code resets Timer 2 and then waits for a specific Dlay, which is measured in 838-ns granularity: Temp = inp( 061h ); // Save the Timer Gate Value outp( 0×043, 0×0B6 ); // Set up Timer 2 as a 16 Bit Binary // Timer outp( 0×042, 0 ); // Reset the timer outp( 0×042, 0 ); outp( 0×061, Temp | 1 ); // Enable the Timer while ((( inp( 0×042 ) * 256 ) + inp( 0×042 )) < Dlay ); // Wait for the Specified "Dlay" outp ( 0×061, Temp ); // Turn Off the Timer Clock Tone Output on PC's Speaker Output a tone on the speaker of a given frequency (Frequency), which is the Period value divided into 1.193 MHz: outp( 0×043, 0×0B6 ); // Have Timer2 output a Square Wave outp( 0×042, Period & 0×0FF ); // Output the "Period" outp( 0×042, ( Period > 8 ) & 0×0FF );
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Page 496 Temp = inp( 0×061 ); // Get the Original Port 61h Value outp( 0×061, Temp | 3 ); // Enable Timer and Speaker Gates To end the output, output the original Temp value back to Port 0×061: outp( 0×061, Temp ); Video Output The following code sets up a character/color structure, along with a pointer to the appropriate location in memory. After the pointer is set up, the screen is cleared. struct pixel // Value to Put on the Screen { char character; // The Character char colour; // Colour Attributes }; struct pixel far * Screen; // Pointer to Video Memory ( long ) Screen = ( long ) ( 0×0B8000000L + ( VIDPAGE * 0×01000 )); // Initialize the Pointer to ''Screen" // At the Appropriate Video Page : ClearScrn (); // Clear the Screen to Start : ClearScrn() // Clear the Screen Variable between { // Runs int i, j; for ( i = 0; i < 25; i++ ) for ( j = 0; j < 60; j++ ) Screen[( i * 80 ) + j ].character = '\0'; } // End ClearScrn
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Page 497 Hex/ASCII Data Conversion Convert the nybble in the low 4 bits of AL from binary to an ASCII character (0 to 9 or A to F): NybbletoASCII: ; Convert a Nybble in ''w" to ASCII add AL, 0F6h ; Add '0' + 6 to Value jnc Skip ; Skip if the Value is '0'-'9' add AL, 7 ; Move "up" to 'A'-'F' Skip: sub AL, 0C0h ; Return to ASCII Chars/Digits ret ; Return to Caller ASCII Lowercase to Uppercase Conversion This code converts an ASCII character in AL from lowercase to uppercase. If the character is not lowercase, then it is left unchanged: add AL, 'z' - 'a' + 1 ; Add Lower Limit to Set Carry jc Skip ; If Carry Set, then Lower Case add 0×020 ; Carry NOT Set, Restore Character Skip: add AL, 'A' ; Add 'A' to restore the Character Keyboard Handlers For example, to simply process a keystroke in C, the following switch code could be used: switch(( KeySave = KEYREAD()) & 0×0FF ) { // Process the Key case 0×000: // Special Function Keys
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Page 498 case 0×0E0: KeySave = ( KeySave > 8 ) # 0×0FF; // process the Scan Code : break; case 0×00D: // Handle ''Enter" : break; : // Handle Other Special Keys default: // Other, Unneeded Keys : } // endswitch To clear the keyboard buffer, use the Keyboard Status with Keyboard Read BIOS APIs to read through the contents of the buffer until it is empty: Loop: mov AH, KEYSTATUS ; Read the KeyStatus int 016h jz Skip ; If Zero Flag is Set, Nothing unread in Buffer mov AH, KEYREAD ; Read the Next Key int 016h jmp Loop Skip: Mouse Handlers To initialize the mouse in MS-DOS: InitMouse() // Initialize The Cursor { union REGS regs; = MOUSERST; // Reset the Mouse int86 ( MOUSEINT, ®s, ®s ); = MOUSECSR; // Show the Mouse int86( MOUSEINT, ®s, ®s ); } // End InitCursor
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Page 499 Reading the mouse position is carried out using AH = 3 and interrupt 33h (the mouse interrupt). Serial Port I/O A serial port data interrupt handler could be written in C as: interrupt SerIn() // Interrupt Handler to { // Receive an incoming // Serial Byte int i; char data; pushContext (); // Save the Context HalfBitDlay(); // Registers if (( inp( SerPort ) & ( 1 < bit )) == 0 ) { // Have the Start Bit for ( i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) { // Shift Out all 8 Bits data = ( data < 1 ) + (( inp( SerPort ) > 1 ) & 1 ); // Shift the Bit In BitDlay(); // Delay one bit period } // endfor SaveRx( data ); // Save the Received Data } // endif EnableInt(); // Re-Enable Interrupt popContext(); // Restore Context Registers } // End SerIn - Return from Interrupt File I/O The following code will process an input file one line at a time. Data can be of an arbitrary size with it loaded into a 32-KB buffer. The code will place an ASCII null (0×000) character at the end of the last line read in (or the end of the file).
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Page 500 handle = open( ''Path\FileName.Ext", Parameters ); FileSize = lseek( handle, End ); lseek( handle, Start ); // Find the Size of the file FileProc = 0; // Nothing from the File Processed while ( FileProc < FileSize ) { // Process the File read( handle, Buffer, minimum( 32767, FileSize - FileProc )); // Read in to Buffer Size if ( minimum( 32767, FileSize - FileProc ) == 32767 ) { for ( i = 32767; Buffer[ i ] != '\n'; i- ); Buffer[ ++i ] = '\0''; // Terminate the File } else // Terminate the String in the Buffer if ( Buffer[( FileSize - FileProc ) - 1 ] == 0×01A ) Buffer[( FileSize - FileProc ) - 1 ] = '\0'; else // Exclude FileEnd Character Buffer[ FileSize - FileProc ] = \0'; i = 0; LFlag = 0; while (( Buffer[ i ] != '\0' ) && ( LFlag == 0 )) { // Loop through the Buffer : // Process the File Data } // endwhile FileSize += i; // Update the File Processed Counter } // endwhile close ( handle ); // Finished Reading/Processing File Joystick Pot Read Start the joystick potentiometer position read and wait for it to end while incrementing a counter. At the end of the FOR loop, i will have a value proportional to Pot 1 position. outp( 0×0201, 0×0FF ); // Trigger Start of Pot Position Read for ( i = 0; ( inp( 0×0201 ) & 0×001 ) == 0; i+ + ); SoundBlaster Register/DSP Access SBWrite( int Addr, int Value ) // Write the Value to the SB Card {
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Page 501 int i; outp( 0×0220, Addr ); // Write the Address to the SB Port for ( i = 0; i < 6; i++ ) // Delay 3.3 usecs for Operation inp( 0×0220 ); // to complete outp( 0×0221, Value ); // Output the Value and Wait 23 usecs for ( i = 0; i < 35; i++ ) // for the Operation to Complete inp( 0×0220 ); } // End SBWrite WriteDSP( int Value ) // Wait for the Port to be free and { // then Write a Command while (( inp( 0×022C ) & 0×080 ) != 0 ); outp ( 0×022C, Value ); } // WriteDSP int ReadDSP() // Wait for the ADC Operation to { // Complete while (( inp ( 0×022E ) & 0×080 ) == 0 ); return inp( 0×022A ); // Return the DSP Data When Ready } // End ReadDSP int ResetDSP() // Reset the SoundBlaster DSP { int i; int retvalue = -1; // Assume a Failure outp( 0×0226, 0×001 ); // Rest the DSP for ( i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) // Delay Based on 760 nsec ISA inp( 0×0226 ); // bus outp ( 0×0226, 0×000 ); for ( i = 0; ( i < 256 ) && ( retvalue == -1 ); i++ ) if ( inp( 0×022A ) == 0×0AA ) retvalue = 0; return retvalue; // Indicate whether or not SB Reset } // End ResetDSP
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Page 502 Visual Basic MSComm Initialization Private Sub Form_Load() ' On Form Load, Setup Serial Port 3 for YAP Programmer MSComm3.CommPort = 3 MSComm3.Settings = ''1200,N,8,1" MSComm3.InputLen = 0 MSComm3.PortOpen = True Text1.Text = "MSComm1 is enabled" End Sub Visual Basic MSComm "OnComm" Event Handler Private Sub Object_OnComm() ' Handle Serial Port Events Select Case Object.CommEvent Case comEventBreak ' Handle a "Break" Received Beep : ' Handle other events End Select End Sub
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Page 503 Chapter 34 Basic HTML URL Types http: Document to be transferred in HypterText Transfer Protocol. ftp: Document/data to be transferred in File Transfer Protocol file: Pointer to files on local disk mailto: Initiate a mail program to the specified e-mail address gopher: Find specified file on server news: Get the news information
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Page 504 HTML Template The following template displays black text on a white background with highlighted links. Fill in page-specific information where there are periods: <TITLE> .. <META NAME=''description" CONTENT=" .. "> <META NAME="keywords" CONTENT=" .. "> . . HTML Color Specification The solid color specification is in the format: #123456 Where 12 is the hex Red value, 34 is the hex Green value and 56 is the hex Blue Value. #000000 is black and #FFFFFF is white. HTML Tag Commands Note that tags can be uppercase or lowercase. Tags Operation | Comments (not displayed on the page). .. HTML indicators (everything between these tags is an HTML document).
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Page 505 .. HTML heading information. <TITLE> .. Page title to appear on browser. <META NAME=''description" CONTENT=" .. "> Description of the page used by search engines. <META NAME="keywords" CONTENT=" .. "> Search-engine keywords. .. Page Text/Tag Indicator (everything between these tags is displayed as the "page"). Options: BGCOLOR=" .. " Specify the color or background tiling of the page TEXT=" .. " Specify the color of plain text LINK=" .. " Specify the color to a link ("") tag's text before being "followed" ALINK=" .. " Specify the color of an activated link VLINK=" .. " Specify the color of a followed link
Start of paragraph. Closing "
" is not required. Options select position within document/ table. Options: align="left" | "right" | "middle" valign="top" | "bottom" | "middle" Line Break. Place a horizontal line of optional width ("size") in text. .. Information about the page's author. Specify the default font to be used for the page. Arial, Courier, and Helvetica are commonly used. Size is the height of the text in pixels. .. Specify the new font to be used for text. Arial, Courier, and Helvetica are commonly used. Size is the height of the text in pixels.
Large, emphasized heading.
Smaller, emphasized heading.
Emphasized heading.
Emphasized heading.
Emphasized heading.
> ..
Same text heading. <strong> .. Emphasize enclosed test (usually larger/bold). <small> .. Smaller size font for enclosed text. .. Make enclosed text bold. .. Italicized font. <pre> .. Preformatted monospace text (usually Courier font). New lines in text are used in page. <\f><\q> .. Emphasize enclosed text (usually italics). .. Code sample (usually monospace font). .. Text to be typed (usually Courier font)
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Page 506 <samp> .. Sample text. .. Definition format . .. A citation. .. Typewrite font (usually monospace font).