VoL. 15, 1929
an atom before they radiate, so that the probability of collisions of the second kind is enormously larger than the probability of absorptions occurring which begin on an initial level of 0.4 volt. These results emphasize the fact that in mixtures of atoms and molecules, stimulation of atomic lines by radiation which can excite only the molecule (cf. Winans, Phys. Rev., 32, 427, 1928) cannot be taken as evidence for molecular dissociation. Estimates of heats of dissociation from such experiments can be given small value. * The experimental work was carried on while the writer was a NATIONAL RiesPARCH FELLow at Yale University. ' Dieke and Hopfield, Phys. Rev.. 30, 400, 1927. 2 Witmer, Ibid., 28, 1223, 1928. 3 Birge and Sponer, Ibid., 28, 260, 1928. ' Terenin, Zeit. Phys., 37, 98, 1926. s Dymond, Ibid., 34, 553, 1925. 6 Wood, Physical Optics, p. 574. 7 Wood and Kinsey, Phys. Rev., 31, 793, 1928. 8 Kinsey, Nature, 121, 904, 1928. 9 F. W. Loomis, Phys. Rev., 31, 323, 1928. 10 Polanyi and Schay, Z. Phys. Chem., 1, 30, 1928. a Professor Birge has pointed out to the writer that recent plates, obtained by Professor Hopfield of the ultra-violet absorption of hydrogen, show that the region which was thought to be one of continuous absorption, turns out, under lower pressures, to consist of bands.
Communicated December 10, 1928
1. Shortly after our first note on the summability of Fourier series
(these PROCEEDINGS, 12, 915-918, 1928) was communicated to the Academy, we succeeded in carrying the discussion of the Hausdorff case considerably further. The present note gives a short account of the results which we have obtained in this direction. We refer to our first note for the formulation of the problem and for the notation employed. The function q(u) associated with the method (H, q) is supposed to be of bounded variation in (0, 1), q(0) = 0 and q(1) = 1; further q(u) must be continuous at u = 0 to define a regular method of summation. Let q(u) be continued outside of the interval (0, 1) by setting q(u) = 0 when u < 0 and q(u) = 1 when u > 1. We introduce the function a +G
Q (h)
d[q(u + a)- q(u)]| , h > °,
A9 X"
PRoc. N. A. S.
and consider the integral
TH1UOR1M. The Fourier series of any integrable function f(x) is summable (H, q(u)) to the sum f(x) almost everywhere if the integral (2) exists.. The proof is too long to be reproduced here; the crucial point of the proof lies in showing that
(1- u + ueit) dq(u) <
when t 2 7r/n. The existence of the integral of formula (2) evidently requires that Q(h) -* 0 when h )- 0. A sufficient condition in order that 0(h) shall tend to zero with h is clearly that q(u) is absolutely continuous, and it is very likely that this condition is also necessary. 2. It is not difficult to find examples of functions q(u) for which the integral in (2) exists and which consequently give rise to methods of summation applicable to Fourier series almost everywhere. The simplest case is that mentioned in our first note in which q'(u) is of bounded variation and 0(h) = 0(h). Other permissible cases are obtained by assuming q'(u) to belong to a Lipschitz class; indeed, if q'(u) belongs to Lip (a), 0 < a < 1, then (2(h) = O(hc). Still less restrictive is to assume that q'(u) belongs to a class Lip (a, p) for some a, 0 < a _ 1, and some p 2 1. Logarithmic conditions of Dini's type are also in order. The following conditions are of slightly different nature. Let q(u) be convex in (0, 1), q(O) = 0, q(u) > 0 when u > 0 and q(1) = 1. In this case ((h) = 2[1 - q(1 - h)] and condition (2) takes on a very simple form. All conditions here stated are satisfied by q(u) = 1 - (1 - u)k, k > 0, which corresponds to the Cesaro means (C, k). Another possible choice is [ loga la a (4) q(u)
where a > 1, a > 1. The convexity condition really requires that log a > a + 1, but this restriction is not necessary in order that (2) shall exist since the correction in Q(h) is merely 0(h). The relations of inclusion holding between these transformations and the arithmetic means are of some interest, and we are led to believe that (4) includes all Cesdro means (C, k), k > 0.