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0, a E (0, 1) depend only on n, N, A, provided e is small enough, depending only on n, N, A, 8, 6. Then it follows from 4.2(vi) (assuming the integrability condition and assuming e, 6, 0 small enough) that 4.5(i)
(ep)-" fBe(Y) Iu -'vI2 <
In o(Y)
Notice that by the triangle inequality in 4.5(i) we get III - WIIL2(B,(o)) < Cp ' jP(Y) Iu - pI2.
Provided there are no 6-gaps at the new radius Op, the inequality 4.5(i) can now be iterated.
Remark. Actually a technical point here is that the new p- need not be minimizing, although it is harmonic and has distance (in the L2-sense) less that Ce from the original gyp, and hence it can be shown that all the discussion of 3.2 and 4.3 applies with such a ip in place of the minimizer gyp; we should therefore duplicate the entire discussion above starting with a homogeneous harmonic w which lies in a suitably small neighbourhood of a minimizer and which (modulo a rotation) has W(x, y) cpo(x), with V homogeneous degree zero harmonic and sing cp = {0} x RI-3. Since the inequalities 4.5(i), (ii) ensure that we always remain close to the same minimizes, this point turns out to cause no serious difficulty. Notice in particular that the above argument only used the equation 1.3(i)' for v, and not 1.3(ii). Implementing such an iterative procedure, based on 4.5(i), 4.5(ii), then gives a homogeneous cp such that 4.5(iii)
fee (Y)
In - V.- 12 <
C(a/P)°P-" j P(Y) Iu - ,pI2, 0 < a < p
provided there are no 6-gaps at any radius a = B.'p, where IJW - W112 (B,(0)) < Cp ' fBo(y) In - cpl2. Notice that we continue to assume in this discussion that Y is an arbitrary point of Cl with W,(Y) C Cl; 4.5(iii) shows that we must encounter 6-gaps at some radius if either Y 0 sing,u or if eu(Y) 96 0,,(0), because 4.5(iii) guarantees in particular that W' is the unique tangent map of u at Y. Now at the points Y where 4.5(iii) fails, we must have a 6-gap in S+ at either the initial radius p, or else at some a = 8'p; notice that in the latter case we can select the smallest such j, so that 4.5(iii) still holds at least for 9)p < a < p.
Keeping in mind that p-" fB p(y) Ju - ,,I2 < E2 implies that p-n
Iu -
w12 < CE2 for any Z E Bp12(Y), the rest of the proof involves using the above alter-
natives to show that (assuming the ball Bp(Y) is a sufficiently small neighbourhood of some initial point Zo at which u has a tangent map ,p(°) with dim S(,p(°)) = n - 3
and 9,p0)(0) = 9,,(0)) we can decompose S+ = B,(Y) fl {Z : eu(Z) > o m) into a part which is contained in an embedded CI," manifold and a part which can be covered by a countable collection of balls B,,, (Yk) with Ek °k 3 < (10),;n-3, and such that a similar decomposition can be made starting with any of the balls B,,, (A;) in place of Bp(Y). Here fl is a fixed constant E (0,1), and we need to take e small enough depending only on n, N, A. Thus after j iterations we get we get that S+ is contained in the union of j embedded CI.v manifolds together with a set which is covered by a family of balls B,,,(Yk) with Eko'k-3 < (1 - Q).pn-3. Thus S is contained in the countable union of C14 manifolds together with a set of (n - 3)-measure zero. This iterative procedure has the additional property that it controls the sum of the measures of the embedded manifolds, thus giving the local finiteness result stated in the theorems of 4.1. Finally to prove the additional conclusions of Theorem 1 in case N is S2 or metrically sufficiently close to S2, we need to use a result of Brezis, Coron, & Lieb [BCL] which asserts that a homogeneous minimizer ' from R3 into the standard S2 is such that 0192 is an orthogonal transformation. This result is easily seen (for topological reasons) to imply that there we can encounter no 6-gaps (at any radius) in the iterative argument described above, and hence we obtain an inequality like 4.5(iii) uniformly for non-isolated points Y of S+, assuming that Y E Bpo/2(Y°), where po" fB'.'(Y0) lu -,p(°)I2 is sufficiently small, where ,p(°) with dim S((°)) _ n - 3 as above. This evidently implies the stated Cl," property of S+.
The fact that the exceptional set sing u\sing. u is discrete in the case n = 4 involves a simple scaling and compactness argument together with several applica-
tions of the result in the previous paragraph. The details are given in (SL5] (see [HL]).
Acknowledgments. Partially supported by NSF grant DMS-9207704 at Stanford University. It is a pleasure to thank Tatiana Toro for her invaluable assistance in the preparation and correction of these notes.
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Proof of the Basic Regularity Theorem for Harmonic Maps Leon Simon
IAS/Park City Mathematics Series Volume 2, 1996
Proof of the Basic Regularity Theorem for Harmonic Maps Leon Simon LECTURE I Analytic Preliminaries This second series of lectures is meant as an elementary introduction to the basic regularity theorem for harmonic maps, which we used frequently in the first lecture series [SL1]. We deal here with energy-minimizing maps rather than minimal surfaces, because the basic regularity theory for these (while being very analogous to the theory for minimal surfaces) is technically simpler than the corresponding theorems for minimal surfaces. Interestingly enough though, the regularity theory for harmonic maps into compact Riemannian manifolds was not established until much later than the basic regularity theory for minimal surfaces. (The work of Giaquinta-Giusti and Schoen-Uhlenbeck was done in the early 1980's, whereas the regularity theorem for area minimizing hypersurfaces was proved by De Giorgi [DG] in the early 1960's.) The explanation for this (apart from the difficulty in proving the energy inequality discussed in Lecture 3 below) is perhaps that the close parallel between regularity theory for area-minimizing surfaces and regularity theory for energy minimizing maps (e.g. monotonicity and harmonic approximation as a key ingredients in the proof of the main regularity lemma) was not widely appreciated until the work of Schoen-Uhlenbeck [SU] and Giaquinta-Giusti [GG]. The plan of this series of 4 lectures is as follows: Lecture 1: Analytic Preliminaries. Lecture 2: Proof of the Schoen-Uhlenbeck theorem modulo a "reverse Poincare" inequality.
Lecture 3: Proof of the reverse Poincar6 inequality used in Lecture 2. Lecture 4: Higher regularity and other mopping-up operations. I Mathematics Department, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305
E-mail address: 1msigauss . stanf ord. edu © 1996 American hint hemaUral Sor,rty 227
1.1 Holder Continuous Functions Recall that ifflC R" is open and if aE (0, 11, we saythatu :
fl -Ris
uniformly Holder continuous with exponent a on Nl (written u E C°,°(St ), if there
is a constant C such that Iu(X) - u(Y)l < CIX - YI° for every X,Y E fl. There are various reasons why Holder continuity turns out to be so important in geometric analysis and PDE. We mention two reasons here: (1) (Scaling.) Notice that if Iu(X) -u(Y)I < 1IX -YI° for every X,Y E fl and
if for given R > 0 we define the scaled function u(X) = R-°u(RX) for X E Sl a {R-'Y : Y E fl}, then II (X) -u(Y)I <,QIX -YI° for every X,Y E Q. (ii) (Dyadic decay implies Holder continuity.) If u : B2R(Xo) -, R and if there is a fixed 0 E (a, 1) such that oscBo/,(y) u < 00SCBP(y) u (oscA U = supx,yEA Iu(x) -
u(y)l) for every Y E BR(Xo) and every p < R, then u E C°"°(BR(Xo)) with a = 1og2(1/0), where 1092 means the base 2 logarithm. Indeed by iteration the given inequality implies oscB,,,i(y) U < 0' 08CBP(y) U (2-j)lo 2(1/s) 05CB,,(Y) U The following result of Campanato will be needed in the sequel:
Lemma (Campanato). Suppose u E L2(B2R(Xo)), a E (0,1), fi> 0 and *
inf p -n AER
r JB0(y)
Iu - AI2 <
for every ball BP(Y) such that Y E BR(Xo) and p:5 R. Then there is a Holder continuous representative u for the L2-class of u with
Iz(X) -1(Y)I < C$(IX -YI/R)°, V X,Y E BR(Xo), where C depends only on n, a. Remarks: Notice that, since fBB(y) Iu-AI2 = fBo(y)(u2-2Au+A2), it is easy to check that the infmum on the left of * is attained when A has the average value AyP = (w"p")-1 fB,(Y) u, where w" is the volume of the unit ball in R". It will be convenient to use this fact from time to time in what follows.
Proof of the lemma. First note that (1)
(p/2) -n JP/z(Y) Iu- AyPI2 < 2np"JB'(Y) IU
- AyP12 < 2"32(P/R)24,
where Ay,,, is the average of u over BP(Y) as in the above remark. Using the given inequality with p/2 in place of p, we also have (P/2)_"
IB,/2(y) IU - AyP/212 < Q2(P/R)2°
Adding (1) and (2) and using the squared triangle inequality Ia - b12 < 21a - c12 + 21b - c12, we conclude that (3)
I AYp - AYp/21 <- 2"+2Wn
provided that p!5 R and Y E BR(XO). Now for any integer v E {0, 1, 2... } we can choose p = 2-1R, whereupon (3) gives 2"+2Q2-"a
IAY,R/2"+i - AYR/2"I <
Since 2-11 is the with term of a geometric series, we see that the series a defined by
a = E o(AYR/2.+t - AYR/2..) is absolutely convergent. But the jth partial sum aj is just AY2-1R - AY,R, so we havelimv--AY,2-.R exists, and we denote this limit by Ay. Since AY,2-"R - AY = - Ejt "(AY,R/2l+i - 4R/2,) we see I1\Y2-'R - AYI 5 C,62-'
where C depends only on n, a. Then combining (1) (with p = 2-"R) with (5) and using the squared triangle inequality again, we conclude P
lu - Ay12 < C/3(P/R)2a,
for p = 2-1R, v = 0,1, .... On the other hand for any p E (0, R] there is an integer v > 0 such that 2-"-'R < p < 2-"R, and it evidently follows (since B2-..R(Y) D Bp(Y) for such v) that (6) holds (with 2'C in place of C) for every
Now take any pair of points Y, Z E BR(Xo) with IY - ZI < R/4, and apply (6) with p = 21Y - ZI on balls with centers Y, Z and add the resultant inequalities. Since Bp12((Y + Z)/2) C BB(Y) n Bp(Z) this gives
(Iu - Ay12 + Iu - AZ12) < 2CQ(P/R)2a By/2((Y+Z)/2)
Since 1Ay - AZ12 < 21u - Ay12 + 21u - AZI2, this gives (7)
IAy - AZI < 2C/3(P/R)' = 2CQ22+a(IY - ZI/R)a.
Now for any pair of points Y, Z E BR(Xo) we can pick points Y = Zi, ... , Zs = Z on the line segment joining Y, Z such that 1Z1- Zi+11 <- R/4, and applying (7) to each of the pairs Z1, Z;+I and adding, we deduce finally that (8)
IAY - AZ1 < CO (IY - ZI/R)a,
On the other hand by letting p j 0 in (6) and using the Lebesgue lemma, we have Ay = u(Y) for almost all Y E BR(Xo), so the proof is complete (because then 11(Y) _- Ay is a representative for the L2 class of u which by (8) satisfies the required Holder estimate.)
1.2 Functions with L2 Gradient Recall that if u E L2(fl), then we say that Du = (DIu,...
is an L2
gradient for u in fl if Diu are L2(fl) and if 1.2(i)
where, here and subsequently, CEO denotes the set of COO functions with compact support in fl. Of course such functions D,u as in 1.2(i) are uniquely determined by u if they exist at all; further if u E C' (I2) then such an identity holds by integration by parts, so this notion of L2 gradient really does generalize the classical notion of partial derivatives.
So from now on, when we say Du E L2 we mean that u E L2 and that there are DIu,... , D,,u E L2 such that 1.2(i) holds. In this section we present some of the important facts about such functions. Lemma 1 (Rellich Compactness Lemma). Suppose uk is a sequence of L2 functions on a ball BR(Xo) with Duk E L2 for each k and
limsup k-C.0
(Juk12 + IDukI2) < cc. BR(X0)
Then there is a subsequence uk' and u E L2(BR(Xo)) with Du E L2(BR(Xo)) such that lim fBR(XO) Juk, - U12 = 0, Duk' Du (weak convergence in L2(BR(XO))), and fBR(XO) IDu12 < liminfk'-°°fBR(XQ) IDuk'I2. For a proof see e.g. [GT Chapter 7). We shall also need the following Poincare Inequality:
Lemma 2. If Du E L2(BR(Xo)), then R_n / /BR(Xo)
Iu - Aft < CR2-" f
where A = fBR(xO) u and C is a constant depending only on n; here and subsequently w denotes the measure of the unit ball in R°. There are various proofs of the Poincare inequality-one nice way to prove it is to use the above Rellich compactness theorem. (By a translation and change
of scale, it suffices to prove the lemma with R = 1 and X0 = 0, subject to the assumption fB, (0) u = 0. Then if the theorem f a i l s with C = k, k = 1, 2, ... , there
is a sequence uk with f B, (o) IDuk I2 -+ 0, f B1 (o) Uk = 0, and fB, (o) uk = 1 for each k; now apply Rellich to get a contradiction.) Finally we want to state and prove Morrey's lemma.
Lemma 3 (Morrey's Lemma). Suppose Du E L2(BR(Xo)), 0 > 0 is a constant, and p2-n /
IDuI2 < #2(p/R)2.,
dY E BR/2(Xo), P E (0, R/2).
Then u E Co"(BR12(Xo)), and in fact VX,Y E BRI2(Xo)
Iu(X) - u(Y)I s C13(IX - YI/R)°,
Proof. Let Ay,,, = (wp")-1 fB,(y) u. The Poincare inequality gives
p -n f (Y)
for each Y E BR/2(Xo) and each p E (0, R/2). Using the Campanato lemma of §1.1, we then have the required result.
1.3 Harmonic Functions Recall that a COO function u on a domain fl C R" is said to be harmonic if Au =
0, where Au a Ej=1 D,D.,u, with Dj = e ,, in classical notation. Thus we can write Du = div(Du), where Du = (Diu, ... , D"u) as usual denotes the gradient of u, and div 0 means E, D? 40 for any smooth vector function 0 = ($1, ... , 0"). If we choose a ball B = BR(Xo) with closure contained in St, and if we integrate
the identity div Du = 0 over B and apply the divergence theorem, then we can check rather easily (see e.g. [GT] for the details) that harmonic functions have the mean-value property 1.3(i)
u(Xo) _ (wnR")-i
for any such ball BR(Xo). This property is quite fundamental; for example using it together with the fact that harmonicity of u trivially implies harmonicity of each partial derivative (of any order), one can easily check (see e.g. [GT] for the details)
that 1.3(ii)
sup BR/2(X0)
\ 1/2
R' ID'uI < C'+1 j! ( R-" J
where C is a constant depending only on n.
V j = 0, 1, 2,... ,
1.4 Weakly Harmonic Functions If Du E L2(B), where B = BR(XO) is an arbitrary ball in R", we say that u is weakly harmonic on the ball if
Notice this formally generalizes the notion of smooth harmonic, because if u is smooth harmonic then we could integrate by parts in the identity f Du 'p = 0, thus establishing 1.4(i), and, conversely, if u E C2(B), 1.4(i) evidently implies Au = 0 by virtue of the arbitrariness of ,p. In fact H. Weyl proved that the two notions (weakly harmonic and classical harmonic) are the same: Lemma (H. Weyl). Suppose Du E L2(B) and that 1.4(i) holds. Then the L2 class of u has a COO representative which is harmonic.
We shall not give the proof, but we do want to point out that the proof is elementary, based on smoothing and the mean-value property 1.3(i) of the previous section. (See e.g. [GT].)
1.5 Harmonic Approximation Lemma The following harmonic approximation (or "blow up") lemma will be of fundamental importance:
Lemma (Harmonic Approximation Lemma). Let B = B1(0), the open ball of ra-
dius 1 and center 0 in R". For each e > 0 there is 6 = 6(n, e) > 0 such that if Df E L2(B), fB IDf 12 < 1, and
If Df Dol <6sup IDcI,
V E C°°(B),
then there is a harmonic u on B such that fB IDuI2 < 1 and If-u12<e2. JB
Proof. If this fails for some e > 0, then there is a sequence fk such that Dfk E L2(B), fB I DfkI2 < 1, (1)
I fDfk . DPI < k-1 sup ID,I B
for each co E CO (B), and such that Ifk-u12>e2
for every harmonic u on B with fB IDU12 < 1. Notice that since the same holds with fk = fk - Ak for any choice of constants
Ak, we can assume without loss of generality that fB fk = 0 for each k. But then by the Poincare inequality of 1.2 we conclude
limsup(IfkI2 + IDfkI2) < 00, k-oo
and hence by the Rellich compactness theorem of 1.2 we have a subsequence fk' and an f with Df E L2 on B such that (3)
lim I If - fk, I2 = 0 B
and Dfk' Df (weak convergence in L2(B)). But using this weak convergence in (1) we deduce that fB D f Dcp = 0 for each V E C,°(B), so that f is weakly harmonic on B, and Weyl's lemma (in 1.4 above) guarantees that f is smooth harmonic on B, and hence (since fB ID f I2 < lim inf fB ID/k' 12 < 1) we see that (3) contradicts (2).
LECTURE 2 A General Regularity Lemma Here we shall prove a general regularity lemma which establishes the SchoenUhlenbeck regularity theorem modulo the proof of a "reverse Poincar6" inequality, the proof of which we shall give in Lecture 3.
2.1. Statement of Main Regularity Lemma and Remarks Lemma i (Regularity lemma). Suppose u = (u',... , uP) : BR(Xo) -, RP, and a E (0,1), ,l3 > 1 are given, with Du E L2(BR(Xo)). Suppose further that u satisfies the equation
Au = F
weakly in BR(Xo),
where F is a measurable function satisfying
IFI < ,IDuI2 on BR(Xo),
and that (P/2)2_n
aP n f
IDuI2 n/2(Y)
Iu - ayl2 (Y)
whenever Y E BR12(Xo) and p< R/2. Then there is bo = bo(n, a,#) E (0,1) such that the inequality R_n fBR(XO) Iu ,xo,RI2 < 602 implies that u is Holder continuous with exponent a on BR/2(Xo) and
Iu(X)-u(Y)I < C(IX-YI/R)°(R-nf BR(XO)IU_AXO,RI2)'/2, where C is a constant depending only on n, a, P. 235
X,Y E BR/2(Xo),
Remarks: (1) Notice that Au = F weakly means that
Du.Dip=-J R(XO)
(Here Du Dco = Es I E
=I D;uiD;90.) (2) If N is a smooth compact manifold embedded in RP, and if u : BR(XA) RP with u(BR(Xo)) C N is energy minimizing in the sense that fBR(Xo) IDuI2 <
fBR(XO) IDvI2 whenever v
BR(XO) - RP with v(BR)(Xo) C N and v = u in
a neighbourhood of OBR(Xo), then (see the discussion in Lecture 1 of [SL1]) u satisfies an equation of the form *, (a). Thus to apply the above lemma to energy minimizing maps it is enough to check that the "reverse Poincare inequality" (b) automatically holds for such maps. This we shall do in the next lecture. (3) Actually, as we show in Lecture 4 below, the hypotheses of the above lemma ensure that u E CI-* rather than in CO-1. Before we begin the proof of this lemma, we need to mention the appropriately scaled version of the harmonic approximation lemma 1.5.
2.2 Resealed Version of the Harmonic Approximation Lemma Lemma. For any given e > 0 there is 6 = b(n, e) > 0 such that if D f E L2(Bp(Y)), IP2_" fB,(Y) Df - DPI 5 SPSUPB,(Y) I DPI for every if P2-" fB,(Y) I Df I2 < 1, and if W E CC°(Bp(Y)), then there is a harmonic function u on Bp(Y) satisfying the inequalities p2-" fB'(Y) IDul2 < 1 and p" fB,(Y) Iu - AY,PI2 < e2. Notice that this easily follows from the unsealed version of 1.5; in fact one just checks that 1.5 applies to the resealed function fp(X) = f (Y + p(X - Y)).
2.3 Proof of the Regularity Lemma As in Remark (1) of 2.2 we have (1)
Du Dip = - f
By using this identity with cp E C°°(Bp,2(Y)), where B,,(Y) C BR(Xo) is an arbitrary ball, and using also the hypotheses (a), (b), we have sup I'PI, I(p/2)2-" J P/2(y) Du DPI < Op-" J P(Y) Iu - )Y,PI2 B,/2(Y) and since supap/2(Y) I (PI 5 PSUPB1/2(Y) I DPI (by 1-dimensional calculus along line
segments in Bp/2(Y)), we thus have (2)
I(P/2)2-" JB,2(Y) Dv DI
(p" fa'(Y)
- AY.PI2)I/2p
suP Bo/2(Y)
where v = e-lu, with e = Q(p-" fBP(Y) Iu - AYPI2)1/2. Also, we have trivially by (b) and the definition of v that (P/2)2_n
IDvl2 < 1.
Let e > 0 be arbitrary. By (2), (3) we can apply the harmonic approximation lemma in 2.2 above in order to conclude that there is a harmonic function w on Bp12(Y) such that (p/2)2_n
IDwI2 < 1 and (p/2) -n j
Iv - WI2 < e2, P/2(Y)
in the harmonic assuming that p-n fBP(Y) Iu - AY'PI2 < 62, where b(n, e) is approximation lemma of 2.2 above. Now take 0 E (0, and note that by the squared triangle inequality a] (5)
(OP) n Bf ,P(Y)
- w(Y)I2 < 2(9 )-n(JBaP(Y)(I v - wI2 + Iw - W(y)12).
Now using 1-dimensional calculus along line segments with end-point at Y together
with the estimate 1.3(ii) with j = 0 (applied to D;w), we have C92p2_n
sup Iw - w(Y)I2 < (Op sup IDwI)2 < B#, (Y)
BP/2 (Y)
Using this together with (4) in (5), we conclude that Iv - w(Y)I2 < 9-ne2 + C92,
where C depends only on n. Recalling that v = e-Iu, we have
(,g,) -n
In - \12 < X32(9-ne2 + C02)P-n
jP (Y)
Iu - \Y.p12,
e P(y)
where A = tw(Y) is a fixed vector in R. Now we choose 9 and e: first select 9 E (0, a] so that C32#2 < 202"; notice that such 0 can be chosen to depend only on n, a,13. Having so chosen 9, now choose e > 0 such that f329-ne2 < 292 Therefore
(OP)` IBev(Y) In - Ay.Bpl2 <
Iu - Ay.PI2.
Thus, to summarize, we have shown that if a E (0,1) if Bp(Y) C BR(Xo), and if p-" fBo(Y) Iu - u(Y)I2 < 602, with bo = bo(n,,6, a) E (0,1) sufficiently small, then
(op)-n J o (Y) Iu - AY,epI2 < 02ap n J '(Y) Iu - \Y.pI2 ,
with 8 = 0(n, a,,0) E (0, 4 ') Next, let Io = R-n fBR(XO) lu-AXo,R12 and note that if to < 2-nb02, then, with p = R/2, we have Bp(Y) C BR(Xo) and P -n
Iu - .XXo,R12 < 2- to < bo
V Y E BR12(Xo).
But notice that (6), (7) in particular imply that we have the "starting hypothesis" p -n fB,(Y) Iu - \y pit < by is satisfied with Op in place of p, and hence (6) holds with Op in place of p (p = R/2 still). Continuing inductively, we deduce that (8)
f (81R/2)-n J lu - \y,gjR/2I2 < 02-"(R/2) -n
B, R/2(Y)
ju - )1y,R/212 < 2'I0 R/2(Y)
for each j = 0, 1, 2 .... provided only that the inequality 2nlo < bo does hold. Now on the other h a n d if a E (0, R/2], there is a unique j E {0, 1, ... } such that 9j+IR/2 < o < B'R/2, and it is then easy to check that (8) actually implies
u-AY,012 B0(Y)
C 2nt2ao-n-2a(o,/R)2aI0
V Y E BR/2(Xo), o E (0, R/2],
provided 2nIo < bo. Then the required Holder continuity is established by virtue of the Campanato Lemma of 1.1.
LECTURE 3 The Reverse Poincare Inequality 3.1 Statement of Main Inequality Let N be a smooth compact Riemannian manifold (without boundary) isomet-
rically embedded in RD, let f c R" be open, and let u : 0 - R" with Du E L2 locally in f, be energy minimizing amongst maps into N in the sense that u(fl) C N and f B IDuI2 < fB IDvl2 whenever B is a ball with B C ft, v : B - RP, v(B) C N and v = u in a neighbourhood of OB. Then we have the following:
Lemma 1. If u is energy minimizing as described above, if A is a given constant, and if R2'" fBk(XO) IDu12 < A for some ball BR(Xo) with closure contained in 12, then p2_"
IDUI2 < C/! " f
lu - \Y.PI2 ,(Y)
for each Y E BR/2(Xo), p:5 R/2. Here C = C(n, N, A) > 0. Remark: Notice that, once we have established this, we will have completed the proof that u E C°'°(BR/4(Xo))-subject to the same hypotheses as in the above lemma-by virtue of the Remark (2) following the regularity lemma of 2.1.
3.2 A Lemma of Luckhaus, and Some Corollaries The following lemma is due to Luckhaus [Luckl] (see also [Luck2]), and extends the Lemma 4.3 of [Sin.
Lemma 2. Suppose N is an arbitrary compact subset of RA, n > 2 and u, v S"-1 -, RP with Vu, Vv E L2 and u(S"-1), v(S"'1) C N. Then for each e E (0,1) there is a w : S"-1 x [0, el RP such that Vw E L2, wIS"'1 x {0} _ U, wIS"-1 x {e} = v, IowJ2
< Ce
(IVuI2 + IVvI2) + Ce-1 J 239
lu - vl2
dist2(w(x, s), N) < CE'-II(J
lu - v12)1/2
IVul2 + IVvl2)'/2(J
+ Cc"
lu - v12
for a e. (x,8) E Sn-1 x [0, E1. Here V is the gradient on S"`1 and V is the gradient on the product space S"-' x [0, e1. We give the proof of this in the next lecture, but for the moment we want to establish two useful corollaries:
Corollary 1. Suppose N is a smooth compact manifold embedded in RP and A > 0. There is Co = eo(n, N, A) > 0 such that the following holds:
If E E (0, 1], u : S"-' -' R' with Vu E L2, fs^_, lVul2 < A, u(S"-1) c N, and if there is A E RP such that F--2n fs^_, lu - Ale < 4, then there is a w Sn' x [0, E1-+ RP such that Vw E L2, w(Sn-' x [0, e]) C N, WIS"-' X {0} = u,
J ^-' x fo.e) IVW12 < CE J3^-' IVul2 +Ce_1
x {E} _- const.,
lu - Alt,
C = C(n, N)
Proof. First note that, since u(S"-1) C N, dist2(A, N) < lu(x) _A 12 for each x E Sn-'. Thus, assuming for the moment that co E (0,11 is arbitrary, by integrating over S"-1 we obtain IS,,-11
dist2(A, N) <
lu - Alt < C2 04E
so that dist(A, N) < CEOE2" < CEO, where C depends only on n. Thus assuming
that CEO < a, where a > 0 is such that the nearest point projection II onto N is well-defined and smooth in Na =- {X E R}' : dist(X, N) < a), we can apply Lemma 2 with Nca in place of N and with v - A in order to deduce that there is x {e} = A, a Wo : S"-' -* BY such that woIS"-' x {0} = u, woISn-1
3^-' x (oeI
IVwol2 < CE
IVul2 +CE-' f
Iu - Ale
C(1 + A'/4)EO/2. Thus if C(1 + A'/4)e /2 < a, then we and dist(wo(x, s), can define w = IIowo. Since dw = dfwo(t,,) odw0 at each point (x, s) E Sn-' x [0, e], w is then a suitable function.
Corollary 2. With the same hypotheses as in Corollary 1, there is w : B, (0) -. RP with wlSn-I = u, w(BI) C N, and
J Bi(0)
lDwl2 < Ce r
I Vu12 + Ce-1
lu - A12.
Proof. Let wo be the w from Corollary 1, let AO E N be the constant such that wolSn-1 x {e} __ Ao, and define w(rw)
wo(w,1-r) ifrE (1-c,1) = tl AoifrE(0,1-e), (
where w = 1X1-1X, r = IXl for X E B,(0)\{0}. Then w has the required properties.
There is a scaled version of Corollary 2, proved by applying Corollary 2 to the scaled function uo(X) = u(Y + pX) as follows:
Corollary 2 (Scaled version). If e E (0,1], if u : 8B,,(Y) -, RP with VTu E
L2 and with p3-n f0B,(Y) lVTU12 < A (VT the gradient on 8B,,(Y)), and if also e-2nP1-n foB,(Y) lu - A12 < 4, then there is w : Bp(Y) -+ RP with Dw E L2,
N, wl8B,(Y) = u, and
w(BB(Y)) C
JDwl2 <
I VTUl2 + CE-1p1-n
Finally we want to prove the lemma used in Lecture 1 of the first lecture series. For this we need a further corollary of Lemma 2 above. In the proof we shall need the following important general fact about slicing by the radial distance function. Suppose g > 0 is integrable on BB(Y). Since f B0(Y) g = fa (faB.(Y) g) da, for each O E (0, 1) we have 3.2(i)
< 20-1p1 / B,(Y)
for all a E (p/2, p) with the exception of a set of measure Op/2. (Indeed otherwise the reverse inequality would hold on a set of measure > Op/2 and by integration this would give fB,(Y) g < fo (foB.(Y) g) Furthermore, if w a function with L2 gradient in fl and if ii is any representative for the L2 class of w, then for each ball Bp(Y) C 0
3.2(ii) vi(a) has gradient in
lDw(a)l2 = /BO(Y) lDwl2
for a.e. a E (p/2, p). where w(a) is the homogeneous degree zero function (relative to origin at Y) on Rn defined by wi (a)(X) = iv-(Y + aw), w = IX - Yl-1(X - Y).
We can now state the third corollary. (This is Lemma 2 of Lecture 1 of the lecture series [SL1J).
Corollary 3. Let A > 0 be given. There are constants co = eo(n, N, A) > 0 and C = C(n, N, A) such that the following holds for any p > 0, e E (0, co):
If B(1+,)p(Y) C It, u,v
B(1+E),(Y)\Bp(Y) - RP, if u, v have L2 gradients
Du, Dv with p2-" fB(1+.)P(Y)\BP(Y)(IDwI2 + IDvI2) < A, u(X),v(X) E N for X E B(1+,,)p(Y))\BB(Y), and if a-2np-n fB(,+.)P(Y)\8P(Y) Iu - vI2 < eo, then there is w on B(1+,,)p(Y)\Bp(Y) such that w = u in a neighbourhood of 8Bp(Y), w = v in a neighbourhood of 8B(I+,,)p(Y), w(B(l+E)p(Y)\BB(Y)) C N, and
IDwI2 < fB(,+.)P(Y)\Bp(y)
(IDwI2 + IDvI2) + CE-2
Iu - v12
Proof. By scaling and translation, we may evidently assume that p = 1 and Y = 0. We abbreviate B,(0) = Bo. First note that by 3.2(i) with 0 = e/4 we have a set of o E (1,1 + e/4) of positive measure such that (1) 18B.
(IDuI2 +
(IDu12 + IDvI2) < Ce-1
(IDuI2 + IDvI2)
Also, by 3.2(ii) we know that a.e. these o can be selected such that uIBB vIBB, have L2 gradients VTU, VTV on BB0. Now we can apply the Luckhaus lemma (with e/2 in place of e) to the functions
u(w) _- u(ow) and v(w) = v(aw), thus giving w on {0} = u, x {e/2} = v and
x [0,e/2] with tulS"-I x
IomI2 < Ce I ^ - ' x [o.e/21
dist2(t (w, s), N) < C(
(IVuI2 + IVuI2) + Ce-1
(IVuI2 + Ivvt2))1/2(E2-2n
Iu -vI2 Iu - 4/12)1/2
+Ce-nfS.-I Iu-vI2
and in view of (1) and (2) we get
°-1 X (O,c/2I
I wl< C f
- v12
(IDul2 + IDvl2) + CE-2 j
8,+. \ Bl
i +. \B,
(IDul2 +
dist2(w(w, s), N) < C(f
j- v12)1/2
+ CE-n-I 1
Iu - v12 < CEO
with C = C(n, N, A). Taking co (depending on n, N, A) small enough so that CEO < o02, where ro is the width of a tubular neighbourhood of N in which the nearest point projection 11 is smooth, we see that now the lemma is established if we define w as follows:
w(X) =
11 o
(1 + E/2)v < Ixi < (1 + E) IXI/o -1), v < IXI < (1 +c/2)Q
where p : [(1 + E/2)o,1 + E] --' 11 + E/2,1 + E] is a CI function such that V(t) - a for t close to (1 + e/2)o, W(t) - 1 + e for t close to 1 + e, and 0 < W'(t) < 9 for all t. (Notice that (1 + E/2)a < 1 + 7E/8 because a < 1 + E/4, and hence there exists such a function gyp.)
3.3 Proof of the Reverse Poincard Inequality For any p:5 R/2 and Y E BR12(Xo), we then have by the monotonicity (see 1.4 of the lectures [SL1J) that (1) p2-n
IDuI2 < (R/2)2j
IDu12 < 22R-n R/4(y)
IDu12 < 2nA.
Take a fixed p E (0, R/2]. We want to prove p2-n fBP(y) IDti2 < Cp n fB,(y) lu Ay,P12. By (1), there is no loss of generality in assuming that
lu-Ay,PI2 <6p,
where 6o is to be chosen depending only on n, N, A. (Because if the reverse inequality to (2) holds, then by (1) we would trivially have the reverse Poincare inequality with constant C = 2nA/602.)
Applying the general fact 3.2(i) above with g = lu - Ay,P12 and g = IDuI2, in view of (2) we then have
IDuI2 <
for all o E (p/2, p) except for a set of measure p/4, where C depends only on n. Now, assuming or E (p/2, p) is as in (3) and that bo/Ceo < 1, where eo is as in Corollary 2, we can apply the scaled version of Corollary 2 with A = Ay,,, and e = (6o/Ceo)I/2n
to give w : B,(Y) -, RD with wIBB,(Y) = ul8B,(Y), w(B,(Y)) C N, and (4)
a2-n f
IDWI2 < Cep2-n f
IDuI2 +Ce-Ipn f
lu - Ay,P12.
But since u is energy minimizing we have fa,(y) IDuI2 <- fB.(Y) IDwl2, and hence, since o > P/2, (4) gives (5)
p2 -n
IDuI2 <
IDuI2 + Cc-Ip n 4"
Iu - AyPl2. (Y)
Thus in particular (6)
C = C(n, N, A).
IDuI2 < CeA + Ce-Ibo < Cb0/2'",
In view of monotonicity (Cf. (1) above) we see that then also a2-n fB,(Z) IDuI2 < C 60112n provided B,(Z) C B,,12(Y). Then the ordinary Poincare inequality implies
then that for any such ball B., (Z) we have Q-n
Iu - UZ,,I2 <
provided only that (2) holds with suitably small bo, depending only on n, N, A. Hence if e E (0,1) is given and if we now choose bo = bo(n, N, A, e) small enough in (2) then we also have (5) (with this e) uniformly for such balls B,(Z). That is, a2
IDuI2 < CE0,2 J IDuI2 + Ce-I f .(Z) r,(Z)
whenever B,(Z) C B 12(Y), where It = fB,(Y) Iu - AY,PI2. (Here we used fB.(Z) Notice that c is still to be fB.(Z) Iu - AY,PI2 < fap(y) Iu IU chosen to depend only on n, N, A; for the moment we have (7) for arbitrary e E (0,1) provided only that (2) holds for suitable bo = bo(n, N, A, E). Now in view of the arbitrariness of the balls B,(Z) we claim that (7) implies the required reverse Poincare inequality. To see this, first define
{B,(Z): B2,(Z)CBo/2(y)} a2
f ,(Z) IDuI2,
and then take an arbitrary ball B,(Z) with B2o(Z) C BP12(Y). Notice that such a ball can be covered by balls B,/2(Zi), i = 1,... , S, with Z, E B,(Z) and with B. A) C B 12(Y); further we can evidently bound the number S by a fixed constant depending only on n. Now using (7) with Zi in place of Z and summing over I we have 02
J B,(Z)
Taking sup on the left we thus have
Q:5 CESQ+CSE-II1i whereupon choosing c (depending on n, N, A) such that CES < 1, we have o2
IDu12 < CII
for each ball B,(Z) with B2o(Z) C BP/2(Y), where C depends only on n,N,A. Taking Z = Y and o = p/4 we thus have the reverse Poincare p2_n f a,,4(y) IDul2 < Cp n fBP(Y) Iu _.\Y,.12 for any ball BP(Y) with p:5 R/2 and Y E BR/2(Xo). On
the other hand for any Y E BR/2(Xo) and p < R/2 we can cover BP/2(Y) by a collection of Q = Q(n) balls BP18(Y,,) with Yj E B.12(Y). Since the above shows that p2-^ fBo/8(Y IDuI2 < Cp "fB,,2(YY) Iu - Ay,,P/2I2 < Cpn f,,(Y) Iu AY,PI2 for each j = 1... Q, the required reverse Poincarb p2_n feo/2(y) IDuI2 < Cp n fB,(Y) Iu - AYPI2 follows by summing over j.
LECTURE 4 Completion of the Regularity Proof Here we want to tidy up the loose ends. Specifically, we want first to prove the Luckhaus lemma stated in §3.2 of the previous lecture (this will then complete the proof that an energy minimizer u is CO- in B,/2(Y) assuming that it satisfies p -n f ,,(Y) Iu - Ay,PI2 < 802 with 6o sufficiently small), then we want to show that u E C1'11 under the same hypotheses; standard linear PDE then shows that u E C°O. We also want to point out that the modifications which are needed to establish the
regularity theorem in case the domain Sl is equipped with an arbitrary smooth Riemannian metric are very minor.
4.1 A Further Property of Functions with L2 Gradient x We note an important property for L2 functions 0 on a cube Q = [al, b1] x [a,,, b"] with DO E L2: there is a representative for the L2 class of tj, such that, for each j = I,- , n, xj-1, xj, xj+1, ... , x") is an absolutely continuous x"). Here of function of x! f o r almost all fixed values of (xl, ,x'-l,xj+l, course "almost all" is with respect to (n -1)-dimensional Lebesgue measure on the (n - 1)-dimensional cube [a,, bl] x ... x [a._1, b?-11 x [a.,+1, 6,+1] x ... x [an, b,].
Furthermore, the classical partial derivatives D,i (defined in the usual way by D.V;(X) = lint-1(+/(X + tel) - i(X)) whenever this exists) agree a.e. with the L2 derivatives Djo. A discussion of these properties can be found in e.g. [GT] or [MCB]. We here make one further point: one procedure for constructing suchho a representative (see e.g. [MCBI) is to define ii(X) = Ax at all points where
there exists a Ax such that 1imp1op" fs,(y) (ax - u(Y) I dY = 0, and to define arbitrarily (e.g. a/i(X) = 0) at points where the limit does not exist. Thus in particular if 0 = (401,... ,.OP) : Q -+ RP, and if N is any closed subset of R1' with the property that ii(X) E N for almost all X E fl, then we can select the representative /i to have the property ii(X) E N forevery X E Sl, in addition to the absolute continuity properties mentioned above. 247
4.2 Proof of Luckhaua' Lemma In the case n = 2 the functions u, v have an L2 gradient on Sl and hence have absolutely continuous representatives U, U such that VU = Vu, Vv- = Vv a.e., where V denotes the gradient on S1. Furthermore, by 1-dimensional calculus on S' and by the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality we have
ssuipl--vl2<J 1IvIu-UI2I+(2n)-'J < C(J
IV(UU - U)I2)1/2(J
lu - vl2)1/2 t C J 1 lu - vla,
and hence (1)
sup iu - 1 <
(JS' IV(U _ U)12)'14( ISI I*l - U12)1/4 +,C( JS` ju - UI2)1/2,
If we now define
w(w, 8) = U(w) + (U(w) - U(w)),
then, letting Vw denote the gradient of w on S' x [0, e], we have
IVwI < IV-uI+IV(U-u)I+ EIv-uI, and hence
IVwI2 < 8(IVUI2 + IV1I2) + 2e -21;U - UI2.
Notice that, since U(S1) C N, (1) implies that for each w E S', s E [0, e],
dist(w(w, s), N) < C(/ IV(U - U)I2)1/4(I Iu - UI2)1/4 + C( j' IU - vI2)1/2, Is s 1
and by integrating (2) over S' x [0, e] the remaining inequality also follows. This completes the proof in the case n = 2, so from now on assume n > 3, and again choose absolutely continuous representatives U, v such that Cu = Vu, vv = Vv a.e. on Sn-1 Without changing notation, we extend U, U to give homogeneous degree zero
functions on Rn; thus u(rw) _= u(w) for r > 0 and w E S"-', and Du = Vu on Sn-1, DU = Vv on Sn-1. Notice also that DU(X) = IXI-1Du(w), with w = IXI -' X, and hence (since n 2 3) we have in particular that
(IDiI2 + IDUI2) < C JS^-1(Ivul2
and also of course
Ill_ UI2
J f-1,11"
Js"-1 [u -v[2.
Now fore E (0, and i = (i1,... in) E Z", we let Qi,E denote the cube [i1e, (iI + 1)e] x . . . x [ine, (in + 1)E], and for a given non-negative measurable function f [-1, 1]" -+ R we let j : Qi,E R be defined by
f (X) _
f (X + e i),
X E Qi,E.
{,j"} Then
f(X)dX < fl-
j(X) dX = J
and hence for any K > 1 we have
f(X +ei) < K
for all X E Qo. with the exception of a set of measure < Cell 1K, where C = C(n). Similarly, since by Fubini's theorem
f(X)dX <e / Qo..
we have
f (dX
en-1 -1.11"
1 1 Zjn}
for all X E Qo,,with the exception of a set of measure < CE"/K, and generally,
foranyeE{0,...,n}, F(t)
f(X +Y+ei)dH'(Y) <_ K L11. f(X)dX
for all a-faces F<<} of Qo,, and all X E Qo,, with the exception of a set of measure < CE"/K. Notice that this last inequality implies (5) e11-t
J,: Q... e[- J.J]" l f-faces F") of X+Q,..
J Fcn
f (Y) dH'(Y) < K
f (X) dX
for all l E (0,... , n} and all X E Qo, with the exception of a set of measure < Ce"/K. Now by the absolute continuity properties of 4.1, we can select representatives u, U, Du, DU, for the L2 classes of u, v, Du, Dv such that for almost all X E Qo,E all of the functions u, U, Du, Du are defined ?{t-a.e. on each of the 1-dimensional faces Ft of each of the cubes X + Qi,c with Qi,E C [- 2, 2]n for each e = 0,... , n, and such that furthermore, on each such 1-dimensional face, i, U have L2-gradients which coincide xt-a.e. with the tangential parts of Du, DU. Now by applying (5) with f = Iu _:U12 and f = IDu12 + IDi12 we see that we can select X = a E Qo,, such that the above properties hold and also such that (6)
{i: Qt.
J(c) f (Y)
f (X) dX with f = Iu - vI2 or f =
for each P E f0,--- , n}, where C = C(n).
Next, let Q be any one of the cubes a + Q, , with Qi,, C [-2, 2]", and we proceed to define a W1,2 function w = w{i.0 on Q x [0, e] which agrees with U on Q x {0} at all points of Q where u exists, agrees with v on Q x {e} at all points of Q where v exists, and which is such that n-1
IDwI2 <- C E e"-'+1 ally-fac, F(J)
Q fp(I) I
(IDuI2 .. IDI2)
all1-facesF(') IF(')
(8) diet2(w(X), N) <
I D(u - 1/)12)1/2(1
Iu - VI2)1/2 + CE-1 JFM Itt - VI2).
Let E be any one of the edges (i.e. 1-dimensional faces) of Q. By 1-dimensional calculus along the line segment E, we have (since the length of E is e) (9)
Hence by using the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality we obtain (10)
sup [u - U12 < C(JF ID(u - 1)I2)1/2(Je ju
where C is a constant depending only on n.
- UI2)1/2
+CE-1 Jiu
Then we can define an R"-valued function w on Q x (0, e) by the following inductive procedure. We first define w on Q x {O} and Q x {e} by
w(X,0) = u(X),
w(X,e) = U(X),
X E Q.
Next we extend w to each F(1) x [0, e], where FM is any 1-dimensional face (i.e. edge) of Q, by defining
w(X, s) = (1- s)u(X) + 8v(X ),
X E F(1), a E [0,C].
Notice that then by (10) and the fact that u(R") C N we have (12)
dist2(w(X, a), N) < C
maX 1-facenF(i)ofQ
1 faces
Sup IV - u12 <
((fF0) ID(u--)12)1/2(fF(')
Iu-y12)1/2+CcI f (1)
Also notice that by direct computation (13)
sup IDw(X, 8)I2 < 8(IDU.(X)12 + IDv(X)I2) + - Iu(X) - v(X)I2 8E(O,eJ
at any X in any edge F(1) of Q (where D = ( hence (14)
wI2 < Ce
ax =
+ IDUI2) + CC-1
gradient on F(1) ),
lu - V12.
For t > 2 we now proceed inductively by homogeneous extension into faces of larger and larger dimension. More precisely, assume t > 2, and that w is already defined
(with L2 gradient) on all F(I-1) x (0,e] and w(X,0) _- u(X), w(X,e) _- U(X) on F&). Since 8(F(e) x [0, e]) is the union of F«-1) x [0, e] (over the t-1 faces F(1-1) of F(t)) together with F(t) x {0} and F(t) x {e}, we then have that w is already well defined fle-a.e. on 8(Fip) x [0, e]). We can thus use homogeneous degree zero extension of wI8(FV) x [0, e]) into Fit x [0, e] with origin at the point (q, a/2), where q is the center point of F(t . Then by direct computation we have (15)
Lt)x( O,eJ
IDwI2 < CC f (IDUI2 + IDUI2) + CC
where D = (a , a ), a = gradient on F(t) on the left and on F<<-1) on the right. So by mathematical induction based on (15) we conclude that, for all t E (2,... , n},
to can be extended to all of F(t) x [0, E] (F(t) = any t-face of Q) such that to has L2 gradient Dw on all F(t) x 10, E] with (16)
IDw[2 < CJ-1
FM allj-facesF(f)ofQ FU)
j =l
Furthermore notice that the homogeneous degree zero extension preserves the bound (12). Thus by (12), (14), (16) (with I = n) we conclude the existence of w : Q - RP as in (5) and (6). Since Q = a + Qi,,, we should write w = w(i,`). Since the construction of w(i,c) is such as to ensure that w(i,E) = w(j,E) 7{t+l-a e. on F(t) x [0, E] for any common a-face F(t) of two different cubes a+Q,, and a+Qj,E, we can then define a W1,2 function to on [-4, 4]n by setting w(X, s) = w0") (X, s) for (X, 8) E (a + Qi,,) x [0, J. (We are assuming E E (0, and a E Qo,E, hence
we automatically have that [-4, 4]n C U{Qi,e a + Q,, C [-2, 1jn.) Notice that then by summing for i in (7) and also using (6) and (8) we get (17)
(IDuI2+IDvI2)+CE-1 J
[-1 11^
and (18)
dist2(w(X), N) < Ciracmax)EF(J F(1)
< `i`E1-n(J
ID(u-v)I2)1/2(Iu-uI2)1/2+CE-IJ JFM
(ILU12 + IDfJI2))1/2(J
Iu - vI2)1/2 + C, ,-n J
Iu - v12,
where F denotes the collection of all 1-faces of cubes in the collection {a + Qi,, C [- 2, 21n). Define ii = w]([-4, x [0,E], and using 4.1 choose p E [g, A] such that to has L2-gradient on 8([-p, p]n) x [0, e] and such that
Then finally let 'P be the radial map from 0 taking Sn-I to 8([-p, p]n) (notice that this is a Lipschitz piecewise C' map with a Lipschitz piecewise C' inverse). Thus we s), and one then readily checks can define ii) on Sn-I x 10, e] by w(w, s) = that this map w has the properties claimed for w in the statement of the Luckhaus
lemma. (In particular, since w(X,0) - u(X) for X E 0([-p, pin) and since u is homogeneous of degree zero in Rn, we then have by definition that w(w, 0) - u(w) v(w) a.e. on Sn-1 ) a.e. on Sn-I. Similarly
This completes the proof of the Luckhaus lemma, and hence the proof that u is C°"°.
4.3 Proof of CI41 and Higher Regularity Here we assume the hypotheses are as in the abstract regularity lemma 2.1. First let BP(Y) C BR/2(Xo) be arbitrary. We assume without loss of generality that R = 1, so that the Holder continuity for u proved above gives Iu(XI) - u(X2)I < CP°,
X1, X2 E Wp(Y), 0 < p < 1/2.
Since U E W1"2(Bp(Y)) n C°(B,(Y)), we know (see e.g. ICT]) that there is a V E C2(Bp(Y); RP) n C°(Bp(Y); RP) n WI,2(Bp(Y)) which is harmonic on Bp(Xo) and which agrees with u on 8Bp(Y). Of course u satisfies the weak form of Laplace's equation on BB(Y); that is,
E DjvDjV= 0, 1o E Cc°(Bp(Y); R").
JB,,(Y) j_1
Taking the difference of this equation and the weak form of the equation for u, we
thus get that
Dj(u - v)Dj4p = P(Y)j=1
JBP(Y) c F,
Now since u, v agree on the boundary it is easy to check that this is also valid with the choice W = v-u; here we use the general fact that if a C°(Bp(Y))nW I"2(BP(Y))
function is zero on 8Bp(Y), then it is the limit in the WI.2(Bp(Y)) norm of a sequence of C'°(BP(Y)) functions. Thus we obtain
BID(u - v)12 = f(Y) (u - v) F (Y)
where we used the fact that supB,(y) lu - u(X°)I < Cp° (by (1)) for any Yo E W ,(Y) and that, for Yo E 8Bp(Y), supBP(y) Iv - u(Y°)l SUPBP(Y) Iv - v(Y°)I < psuP8BP(y) lu - u(X°)I < Cp° by applying the maximum principle to each component W of v = (v', ... , vP). Now on the other hand we have, by using the reverse Poincare inequality on the right of (2) and again using (1), (3)
p-' fBP(Y) ID(u - v)I2 =
P E (0, 1/4)
Now let us agree that a was chosen in the first place so that 3a > 2, and that hence
3a=2+2p for some p>0. Thus we have
p-n j
ID(u - v)12 = Cp2'`,
p E (0,1/4)
with 2p = 3a - 2 depending only on n,,Q, co, and this is all valid uniformly for Y E B114(Xo). Thus we have
a-" j e (Y) IDu - Dv(Y)12 2a_n /Bo(Y)
ID(u - v)12 +
2a-n jBe(y) I Dv - Dv(Y)12
< C(pl a)np2' + 202 sup ID2vI2. B,(Y)
Now by the estimates 1.3(ii) for harmonic functions we have
2a2 sup ID2vI2 < 2a2 sup ID2vI2 < Ca2p-2 B,/2(y)
IDv - Ay,,I2
< Ca2p n-2 )BAY) IDv - Ayp12,
with Ay,,, = IBp(Y)1-1 fB,(Y) Du. (Note that the last estimates would be valid with any constant A In place of Ay,p.) Now on the other hand
ID(u - v)12 + 2p j
IN - Ay,, 12 < 2p'n f (Y)
I Du "(Y)
<- Cp2µ + Cp n j
and by the reverse Poincare and the Holder estimate for u we have
p2-n j
IDuI2 < Cp-n j o(Y)
Iu- AY,2p12 < Cp2a. 3,(Y)
Thus the above inequalities combine to give
I, <
C(p/a)"p3a-2 +
C(a/p)2p 2+2a,
where to = a-n fB0(Y) IDu-Ay,,,I2, and this is valid for all a < p < 1/4. Choosing O. = p" with r. = 1 + a/(n + 2), we then have
I, < Ca27
for any y < 2/(rc(n+2)), provided a is chosen sufficiently close to 1, and this holds for any o,:5 R/4 and any Y E B1 J4(Xo), with C depending on a, n and the constant a. Therefore the Campanato lemma of 1.1 can be applied to give Du E C°"'r on B114(X0). In particular this gives the boundedness of Du on B1/4(X0), and hence the original equation has the form Au = f, with f bounded on B114(X0). But then the standard C1,°-Schauder estimates (see e.g. [GTJ) give that u is C1,° for each a < 1, as required, on BR14(X0) But now we can "bootstrap"; we have shown that u is a C""° weak solution of the equation n s
Du = - E
in BR14(X0). But since u E Cl-, it is clear that the right side here is in CO,*
on BR/4(Xo) and hence the equation has the form /u = f with E C". But the standard Schauder theory (see [GTJ) for equations Au = f now implies that on BR/4(X0), and then the right side in * is of class C1'°, so now u UE satisfies an equation of the form Au = f with f E C1'Q, and the standard Schauder theory this time gives u E C3.°. Continuing in this way we deduce inductively that u E Ck,° on BR14(X0) for each integer k > 1. We here used the qualitative part of the Schauder theory (that if Du = f in a domain Sl with f E Ck.°(S2), then u E C2.°(S2)); of course we can also use the quantitative part of the Schauder theory (i.e. the relevant Schauder estimates) at each stage in order to deduce the bounds (4)
ID'u1 < Cc
BR,e (XO )
(assuming R2'n fBR(xo) IDuI2 < A and R-n fBR(xo) Iu - AXO,R12 < e(n,N,A)2). This completes the proof of the regularity theory claimed in 1.6 of the first lecture series, except that we have the required estimates only over BR/$(Xo) rather that BR/2(Xo) as originally claimed. But this evidently follows, because the original hypotheses R2-n'BR(xO) IDuI2 < A and R-n fBR(xO) Iu - AxO.RI2 < e(n, N, A)2 imply that (R/2)2'n fBRI,(Z) IDuI2 < 2n-2A and (R/2)'n fBR12(z) Iu - AZ.R/212 < 21 2 uniformly for Z E BR/2(Xo), and so the original hypotheses on BR(XO) with new e(= 2'"e(n, N, 2n-2A)) gives us the required hypotheses on each of the balls BR/2(Z), and hence (4) holds with Z, R/4 in place of Xo, R:
IDrul < Cc.
Since BR12(X°) can be covered by a finite collection (with cardinality depending only on n) this gives inequalities like (4) on BR/2(XO) as required.
Acknowledgments. Partially supported by NSF grant DMS-9207704 at Stanford University. It is a pleasure to thank Tatiana Toro for her invaluable assistance in the preparation and correction of these notes.
References [DeG]
E. De Giorgi, F4 ontiere orientate di misura minima, Sem. Mat. Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa (1961), 1-56. D. Gilbarg & N. Tlrudinger, Elliptic Partial Differential Equations of Sec-
ond Order (tom edition), Springer-Verlag, 1983. M. Giaquinta & E. Giusti, The singular set of the minima of certain quadratic functionals, Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa 11 (1984), 45-55. R. Hardt & F: H. Lin, Mappings minimizing the LP norm of the gradient, [HL] Comm. Pure & Appl. Math. 40 (1987), 555-588. [Luckl] S. Luckhaus, Partial Holder continuity for minima of certain energies [GG]
among maps into a Riemannian manifold, Indiana Univ. Math. J. 37 (1988), 349-367. [Luck2] S. Luckhaus, Convergence of Minimizers for the p-Dirichlet Integral, Preprint (1991).
[MCB] C. B. Morrey, Multiple integrals in the calculus of variations, Springer [SU]
Verlag, 1966. R.. Schoen & K. Uhlenbeck, A regularity theory for harmonic maps, J. Diff. Geom. 17 (1982), 307-336.
L. Simon, Singularities of geometric variational problems, this volume.
Geometric Evolution Problems Michael Struwe
IAS/Park City Mathematics Series Volume 2, 1996
Geometric Evolution Problems Michael Struwe
Introduction Variational principles play a fundamental role in geometry. Geodesics, minimal surfaces, or Einstein metrics can be characterized as stationary points of suitable variational integrals; moreover, extremals of variational problems for mappings between manifolds are tools for their differential-topological classification. A particular such class of maps is the family of harmonic maps. Due to their geometric nature, these variational problems in general give rise to non-linear partial differential equations which rarely can be attacked by standard
p.d.e. methods. Instead, it is more natural to use a variational approach. However, in many instances also the well established direct methods fail because the functional concerned is not (weakly) lower semi-continuous or because the space of admissible functions is not (weakly) closed. In addition, more sophisticated techniques derived from Morse theory or Ljusternik-Schnirelman theory cannot be applied because of lack of differentiability or failure of the Palais-Smale condition. The latter is a compactness condition, and its failure in the context of geometric variational problems quite often naturally arises from invariance of the problem with respect to a non-compact group of manifest or hidden symmetries like gauge-invariance, conformal invariance, etc. Hence, lack of compactness reflects an important geometric aspect of the problem and is not simply a technical shortcoming. Moreover, special solutions which exhibit that symmetry often reveal highly interesting features of the problem. Thus, while it is not possible to apply Morse or Ljusternik-Schnirelman theory in a standard way, it seems desirable to follow the ideas underlying these theories as closely as possible. Outstanding among these ideas is the concept of a gradientlike flow, deforming the sub-level sets of a given functional to its set of critical points and connecting orbits. In the sequel, we will investigate various geometric variational problems and the corresponding `gradient flows'. In contrast to the setting of a C2-functional on a Hilbert space V, where the gradient flow is defined
by an ordinary differential equation in V satisfying a Lipschitz condition, most I Mathemati, ETH-Zentrum 8092 Zurich Switzerland.
E-mail address: struvemath. ethz. ch. Q 1996 American flat
So. tcty
of the time we will find ourselves in a non-smooth environment and our `gradient flows' will involve unbounded operators and possibly singular behavior. However, as in case of the heat equation, the unbounded operators that we encounter will often have a smoothing effect. Most remarkably, moreover, the singularities that we observe often can be related to the special `symmetric' solutions mentioned earlier by means of certain 'monotonicity estimates'. Thus, the flows we consider not only will provide us with existence results but will also provide some geometric understanding when and why existence results will fail to hold. We will pursue these questions in some detail in two model situations: the evolution of harmonic maps and the mean curvature flow. The latter is related to the Ricci-Hamilton flow, but can be stated in a simpler context better suited for the purpose of exposition as the analysis is less technical and more transparent. The evolution of harmonic maps in turn seems related to the evolution of Yang-Mills connections, and many results valid for the first have parallels in the second case. Finally, Ye's Yamabe flow [1831 is a beautiful example why an evolution approach might be preferred to a direct one. A different aspect of geometric evolution problems will be the subject of the third part of these notes. This is the vast field of hyperbolic equations and systems arising from variational problems on a Minkowski space-time. Here we can only briefly discuss recent progress and various open questions concerning harmonic maps of Minkowski space. Similar results should be expected to hold true for Yang-Mills fields on principal bundles over Minkowski space. Important progress towards an understanding of the 'hyperbolic' Einstein equations has recently been achieved by Christodoulou-Klainerman[26).
PART 1 The Evolution of Harmonic Maps
1.1. Harmonic maps Let MI be an m-dimensional R.iemannian manifold with metric y, N1 a compact !-dimensional manifold with a metric g, respectively. By Nash's embedding theorem we may assume that N C R" isometrically for some n. For a CI-map,
u=(u1,...,u"): M -'NCR" let e(u) =try" (x)uxau2n =: ZIVuiM be the energy density, written in local coordinates x = (xa)1
Repeated Greek indices tacitly will be summed from
1 to m, repeated Latin indices from 1 to n. Moreover, u=a = emu', etc. A Clvariation of u is a family (uE) of CI-maps of : M -+ N C R" smoothly depending on a parameter IEI < co, and such that ua = u. A variation (u,) of u is compactly supported if there exists a compact set Cl CC M such that uE = u on M \ Cl for all IEI < E0.
Definition I.I. A CI-map u: M - N C R" is harmonic if it is stationary for Dirichlet's energy
E(u) =
e(u) dvolM fM
with respect to compactly supported variations. Note that in local coordinates dvolM = I-y dx, where IryH = Idet(7ap)I. In order to derive the Euler-Lagrange equation satisfied by a harmonic map
u, let U C R" be a tubular neighborhood of N and irN : U - N the (smooth) nearest-neighbor projection. Denote TpN C TTR" the tangent space to N at a point p E N. Let 0 E Co (M, R") satisfy 4)(x) E Tu(x)N
for all x E M. 46 induces a Cl-variation u, = zrN . (u + E4)). 261
Since dtrN (p) I
Tn N = id for p E N, clearly we have d dE
U. 1E=6 = (dxN - u)O _ 0-
Suppose 0 has support in a single coordinate chart. Then
d E(u()I
- _
8x° (Y°0
"'A u` )0' V 11 I dx
- Jm where OM =
ex, (y
[3 A. .)denotes the Laplace-Beltrami operator on M.
Thus, if u E C2 is harmonic, u satisfies
and conversely. To obtain a more explicit form of (1.1), let v1+1, ... , vn denote a local orthonormal frame for (TpN)l, the orthogonal complement of T9N in IIYn, near p = u(x) E N. Then, by (1.1) there exist scalar functions a1+I, ... , ,\n such
that -AMU =
Multiplying by vk (k fixed), since uxa vk(u) = 0 for all a, we obtain
ak = -AMU (vk . u)
div(Vu vk(u)) + 7apux° ' 8x (vk ° u)
= t Ak(u)(ux.,us), where Ak = dvk denotes the second fundamental form with respect to vk. Hence (1.1) is equivalent to
-AMU = A(u)(Vu,Vu)M,
where in local coordinates n
A(u)(VU, VU)M =
Example 1.1. If M = T^' = R1/Z1, N = Sn C Rn+1, equation (1.2) simply becomes Au = IVU12U.
Harmonic maps generalize the concept of harmonic functions. Harmonic maps
S' -4 N uniquely correspond to closed geodesics on N. Important applications of harmonic maps are in Teichmiiller theory in understanding the Weil-Peterson metric on Teichmiiller space, see Earle-Eells [32], [33], Eells [35], Fisher-Tromba [47], Tromba [148], or in proving rigidity theorems for Kiihler manifolds (Mostow [113], Mostow-Siu [114], Siu [133]). A comprehensive survey of harmonic maps and their applications is given in Eells-Lemaire [36], [37]; see also Hildebrandt [73], [74], Jost [87], [88].
In these notes for simplicity we shall mostly adopt the above parametric point of view. Intrinsically, the concept of harmonic map can also be defined as follows. A map u: M - N is harmonic if and only if its tension field
T(u) := trace(Vdu) = 0,
where V denotes the pull-back covariant derivative in the bundle T*M ® u-'TN. In local coordinates on M and N, the analogue of (1.2) then is _AMUk = ryas(x)r j(u(x))u uxo,
where (f ) are the Christoffel symbols on N. However, we prefer (1.2) to this intrinsic equation for its simple geometric interpretation (1.1).
Bochner identity A very useful identity is the differential equation satisfied by the energy density e(u) of a harmonic map u: M - N. Let R(M), Ric(M), RAN) denote the Riemann curvature tensor and Ricci curvature on M, respectively the Riemann curvature tensor on N. Given any point xo E M let MM) = Ric(M) = (Rap), R(N) = (Rikj1) be the coordinate representations of R(M), Ric(m), R(N) in normal coordinates x = (xa) about xo E M, respectively in normal coordinates u = (u') around uo = u(xo) E N. We use the notation of Jost [89[; (1.2.6), (1.2.7), (1.2.13).
Proposition I.I. If u E C3(M; N) is harmonic, then in local coordinates as above there holds (1.5)
-AMe(u) + IVdu12 + Rapu:.u:o =R.kjlul.uzu,ouL
where V denotes the covariant derivative on T'M 0 u-'TN. (See Jost [89]; p. 96f. for an equivalent expression in general coordinates and an invariant form of (1.5).) Proof. The proof relies on the following identities valid at xo E M in normal coordinates around x0 on M, respectively around u(xo) on N. Let rye' _ etc. Then we have It
(AMU)yw -
IR Dz°x,.u:o = ryQ1µuzo +
ryap aµuya + 2ryPP,aµux° I 1
R°F = RaµB = rbR.µ - raµ,R = 2 (ryaK,Aa + ryRµ.aU) - 2 (7a3.µµ + ryµf,alf )
Hence, at xp,
©Me(u) = OM(271gij(u)'uzvus-) _ (AMU' .)U'. + ,-ly,a"aui,-U- +u=a=ruz°sµ + rlgij,kluuyµuJ=ru=ousa i
_ (AMU )xvuxµ + tAz.zHUz zM +7a,9,aIUxsuzU s ; U7 k - (7µu,aa + 7pp,ly)uxµuxr +2gij,k1(U)ux,, xµuxouxa {
_ (AMu )zPuzµ + U , xuuxoxµ + RapU=auA
+ (9,,,ki -9I,{k)u=µi=µuzouxq Finally, note that by (1.4) we have (AMU')xruzn = -4'kl,j(u)u=.Ur-Ui, U'Z,.
at xo, since f (u(xo)) = 0 by our choice of coordinates. Moreover,
R;ljk = rkZ J - rjt,k, 1 rfl,k = 2 (9ij,kl + gil,jk - 911,1k), i
AMe(u) = z°zMuZoxa +Raiu=ou=8 Since R;ljk = R;kfl the claim follows.
Note the following corollary as a consequence of (1.5); see e.g. [89j.
Proposition 1.2. If M is compact, RicM > 0, and if the sectional curvature of N is non-positive, then any harmonic map u E C°°(M; N) is totally geodesic in the sense that Vdu = 0; that is, du is parallel with respect to the pull-back covariant
derivative on T'M 0 u-ITN. Moreover, if RicM > 0 at a point of M, then u = cont. If the sectional curvature KN of N is negative, then u = const or u(M) is covered by a closed geodesic.
Proof. Integrate (1.5) over M to obtain IVduI2 = 0, Ric(M)(du, du) = 0, (R(N) (du, du)du, du) = 0 on M under the above assumptions.
For most of our purposes it suffices to note a weaker Bochner-type estimate.
Tb state this we return to the setting of maps u: M - N C RN. Differentiating (1.2) in direction xµ and taking the scalar product with ux.. with respect to y, on account of (1.1) we obtain (1.6)
-LMe(u) + IV2uI2 < IRicMle(u) +C(e(u))2,
where the second term on the right arises from estimating .1PV (Ac(u)(Vu,Vu)M(Vk ° u))xµ . u.-
= Ak(u)(Vu,Vu)M70'(dvk(u)ux- u..) = (A(u)(Vu, Vu)M)2 < C(e(u))2.
Weakly harmonic maps Let
H1'2(M; N) = {u E H1.2(M; R" ); u(x) E N for almost everyx E M. where H1,2(M;R") is the standard Sobolev space of L2-mappings U: M - R" with distributional derivative Du E L2. That is, HI.2(M; N) is the space of maps u: M - N with finite energy E(u). It was observed by Schoen-Uhlenbeck (124] that in general HI.2(M; N) as defined above is larger than the weak closure of C' (M; N) in the H1"2-norm IIUIIHI.2 = j (IHH2 + IVu12) dvoiM, r
which in turn is larger than the strong closure of C°°(M; N) in H1,2(M; N). However, if m = dim M = 2 these spaces all coincide. By a result of Bethuel [7] the same is true if ir2(N) = 0. The respective relations between these spaces for general M and N were analyzed by Bethuel-Zheng (9] and Bethuel [7].
Definition 1.2. A map u E HI "2(M; N) is weakly harmonic if u satisfies (1.2) in the distribution sense.
Example 1.2. The map u : B1(0) C R' - S"`-1, given by u(x) = Izl belongs to H1'2(Bl(0);S"`-I) form > 3 and weakly solves (1.2), that is
-Du = IVuI2u.
Existence of harmonic maps As in Hodge theory, where one seeks to realize a de Rham cohomology class by a harmonic differential form, a basic existence problem for harmonic maps is the following:
Homotopy problem: Given a map uo : M -, N is there a harmonic map u homotopic to uo? This question, as we shall see below, has an affirmative answer if the sectional curvature KN of N is non-positive (Eells-Sampson [38]), or if m = 2 and v2(N) = 0 (Lemaire (102], Sacks-Uhlenbeck [121]). However, for N = S2 and m = 2, we have the following counterexamples:
Example 1.3. (Lemaire [102], Wente [151]): If u: B1(0) C R2 -' S2 is harmonic It., then u coast. and U 10H, (o) =
Example 1.4. (Eells-Wood [39]): If u: T2 - 52 is harmonic, then degu # ±1. In higher dimensions (m > 3), hardly any result is known for the homotopy
problem unless KN < 0. However, there are various existence results for the Dirichlet problem.
Dirichlet problem:Suppose OM 96 0 and let uo: M -+ N be given. Is there a harmonic map u : M - N such that u = uo on 8M? The Dirichlet problem can be attacked using variational methods. By minimizing E among the class H,I,a (M; N) = {u E HI.2(M; N); u = uo on OM}
one obtains a weakly harmonic map u satisfying the desired boundary condition. Similarly, one could attempt to solve the homotopy problem by minimizing E in a given homotopy class. However, Lemaire's example shows that in general homotopy classes are not weakly closed in H1"2(M; N). This is made explicit by the following example, whose construction relies on the fact that the conformal group on S4 acts non-compactly on HI2(S2, S2).
Example 1.5. The mappings ua = v, I ° D,,
irp : S2 . S2,
where ap : S2 \ {p} - R2 denotes stereographic projection and Dax = Ax is dilation by a factor A, are homotopic to the identity id = ul : S2 -, S2. But
ua-'u00(x)P (A-'oo), weakly in H1.2(S2; S2). (Incidentally, by conformal invariance of E in dimension m = 2, all ux are harmonic!)
Regularity The direct methods in general only yield weakly harmonic maps. In fact, the (singular) map x --' of Example 1.2 is minimizing from B1(0) C Rm into Sm-I for its boundary values, if m > 3 (Brezis-Coron-Lieb [13], Lin [105]). A partial regularity theory for energy minimizing maps was developed by Schoen-Uhlenbeck
[123], [1241 showing that in general an energy minimizing map u is smooth on an open set whose complement, the singular set Sing(u), has Hausdorff-dimension < m - 3 and is discrete if m = 3, which is best possible. Even if we regard the map u(x) = >zf as a map u: B1(0) C Rn -* Sm-I C N = Sm C R"1+1, for example, whence there is no topological reason for a singularity, u is still minimizing if m ? 7 (Jager-Kaul [82], Baldes [61). Moreover, Hardt-Lin-Poon [71] have constructed
examples of minimizing harmonic maps u: B1(0) C R3 --# S2 with cylindrical symmetry whose boundary data u l aB, (e) : 8B1(0) 95 S2 -' S2 have degree 0 and such that u possesses an arbitrarily large number of singular points on the axis of symmetry, and Rivii re [119] has exhibited weakly harmonic maps R3 -+ S2 with line singularities. By contrast, if m = 2, energy-minimizing harmonic maps are smooth (Morrey [110], [111], Giaquinta-Giusti [51]). Moreover, Grater [66] proved smoothness of
conformal weakly harmonic maps. This result was extended by Schoen [122] to harmonic maps which are stationary with respect to variations of parameters in the domain, hence possessing a holomorphic Hopf differential IU"12 - 2iux . uY)dz2 (au)2dz2 = (IuxI2 in suitable conformal parameters z = x + iy on M. Finally Halein [72] recently has shown regularity of weakly harmonic maps in general.
Theorem 1.1 (Helein [72]). Let m = 2 and let u E H1.2(MN) be weakly harmonic. Then u E C' (M, N). Proof. For N = Sn-1, M = Bl(0) C R2 his proof exploits the equivalence of (1.2) and
-Du' _ E Vuf (u`Vu& - Ad Vu`), i = 1, ... , n, j=1
because 0 = V1u12 = 2 E uj Vu'. He then observes that for any I< i, j < n there holds (1.7)
div(u'Vu7 - uuVu') = u'DuJ - u3 Du' = 0.
Hence there is a potential a'j E H1.2 such that
rot a'; = u' Dug - u' Vu' and (1.2) takes the form n
-Au' = E(u=ay - uyai ), j=1
where the right hand side is the sum of Jacobians of H 1.2-mappings. Continuity of u (and hence smoothness) then follows from results of Wente [150] and Brezis-Coron [12].
Realizing that (1.7) is a consequence of Noether's theorem and the symmetries of Sn-1, Helein then generalized this simple and beautiful idea to arbitrary target manifolds by an ingenious choice of rotated frame fields on u-'TN. Inspired by Htlein's result, Evans [41] for m > 3 has obtained partial regularity results for "stationary", weakly harmonic maps into spheres.
1.2. The Eells-Sampson result By Examples 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5 above we know that it may be difficult (if not altogether impossible) to solve the homotopy problem for harmonic maps by direct variational methods. To overcome these difficulties, Eells - Sampson [38) proposed to study the evolution problem
u1 - 0Mu = A(u)(Vu, Vu)M on M x [0, oo[ with initial and boundary data (1.9) u = uo at t = 0 and on 8M x [0, oo[ (1.8)
for maps u: M x [0, oo[-+ N C IR", the idea behind this strategy of course being that a continuous deformation u(., t) of uo will remain in the given homotopy class. Moreover, the "energy inequality" (see Lemma 1.1 below) shows that (1.8) is the t) for t - 00 (L2)-gradient flow for E, whence one may hope that the solution will come to rest at a critical point of E; that is, a harmonic map. For suitable targets, this program is successful.
Theorem 1.2 (Eells-Sampson [38]). Suppose M is compact, 8M = 0 and that the sectional curvature KN of N is non-positive. Then for any uo E COO (M; N) the Cauchy problem (1.8), (1.9) admits a unique, global, smooth solution u: M x oo suitably, converges smoothly to a harmonic map [0,oo[-+ N which, as t u0, E COO (M; N) homotopic to uo.
The proof uses three ingredients.
Lemma 1.1 (Energy inequality). For a smooth solution u of (1.8), (1.9) and any T > 0 there holds rT
E(u(T)) +
[utI2 dvolM dt < E(uo).
Proof. Recall that A(u)(Vu, Vu) 1
Hence, upon multiplying (1.8) by ut
and integrating by parts, we obtain
Iutl2 dvolM + d E(u(t)) = 0
for any t > 0, and the desired estimate (in fact, with equality) follows upon integrating in t.
Lemma 1.2 (Bochner inequality). If K^' < 0, then for any smooth solution u of (1.8) with energy density e(u) there holds (1.10)
with a constant C depending only on the Ricci curvature of M.
Proof. To derive this estimate we use the equivalent intrinsic form
ut - trace(Vdu) = 0
of (1.8), where now u = (u',. .. , u') denotes the representation of u in suitable local coordinates on N. As in deriving (1.5) from (1.4) in the stationary case, we then conclude that (in normal coordinates around xo on M)
- Am) e(u) + IVdul2 + Rpuyo'uyfl = Rkjluxauyouyfluyd C
at (xo, t), where V, RQp, R,kil, respectively, denote the pull-back covariant deriv-
ative on T'M ® u-I TN, the Ricci curvature on M, and the Riemann curvature tensor on N. Prom this identity, the claim follows.
Note that in the parametric setting of (1.8) and for general targets, upon differentiating (1.8) in direction x' , multiplying by uZ> and summing over 1 < a < m, by orthogonality A(u)(Vu, Vu) I TuN we obtain (1.12)
t& - AM e(u) + lV2ul2 < CMe(u) +CN(e(u))2,
and CM, CN, respectively, denote Constants where IV2ul2 = depending only on the Ricci curvature of M and the second fundamental form of N. The final ingredient is Moser's [112] sup-estimate for sub-solutions of parabolic equations. Let
Denote PR(zo) the cylinder
PR(zo)={z= (x, t); Ix - xol< R, to-R2
for any f E R"' with constants 0 < A:5 A, uniformly in z E PR(to).
Lemma 1.3. Suppose 0 < v E C°°(PR(zo)) satisfies Lv < C1v in PR(zo), where C1 E R, R < 1. Then for some constant C2 = rC2(A, A, C1) there holds v(zo) < C2R-(M+2) /
v dz.
Proof of Theorem 1.2. Local existence can be inferred from the a-priori estimates for uniformly parabolic equations (see Ladyzenskaya-Solonnikov-Uralceva [101]) and the (standard) implicit function theorem; see Hamilton [69]. Let u E C°°(M x [0,T[; N) solve (1.8). By Lemma 1.10 the energy density is a subsolution to the equation (8t - OM)e(u) < Ce(u).
Let tM be the convexity radius on M. Choose R < min{ 1, VT, tw } and apply Lemmas 1.1 and 1.3 to conclude that e(u)dz
(e(u))(zo) <- CR-(,+2) J R (xo)
< CR-(m+2) f'.-R2 E(u(t)) dt 0_R < CR-mE(uo) for any zo = (xo, to), to > R2, where C = C(M). Hence IVul is uniformly bounded on M x [0, T]. By a boot-strap regularity argument we obtain uniform bounds for all derivatives of u up to time T in terms of the initial data uo, T, and the manifolds M and N. The solution thus can be continued as a smooth solution to (1.8)) on M x [0, oo[. The preceding argument, applied with to > 1, R = min{ 1, &M), then gives uniform a-priori bounds for u and its derivatives on M x [1, oo[ depending only on M, N and E(uo). Hence, by Arzela-Ascoli's theorem, the flow (u(., t))t>1 is relatively compact in any Ck-Topology. Finally, by Lemma 1.1, for any sequence tk) -' 0 in L2(M), whence a sub-sequence (u(-, tk)) converges tk -+ oo we have tk) is homotopic to uo through the flow smoothly to a harmonic map u... As
for any k, so is u.. If KN < 0, the uniqueness of u,,, and hence t) - u°O follows from a maximum principle due to
convergence of the flow Jager-Kaul [81].
The Eells-Sampson result was extended to harmonic maps with boundary by Hamilton [69]. The condition KN < 0 can be replaced by the condition that the image of uo (and hence of u) should support a uniformly strictly convex function; see Jost [861, von Wahl [149]. However, none of these results can be applied in case uo: T2 -. S2 has degree 1 and, indeed, Example 1.4 above shows that the flow (1.8), (1.9) in this case cannot exist for all time and converge smoothly as t - oo.
1.3. Finite time blow-up The question remains whether in this case the heat flow (1.8) will develop singularities in finite or infinite time. Reversing the order of the historical developments, we first address this question and later present the existence results for weak solutions that prompted these investigations.
The heat flow (1.8) is a quasi-linear parabolic system and therefore hard to deal with explicitly. With enough symmetry, however, (1.8) can be reduced to a
scalar equation in only two variables. Consider equivariant maps
uo(x) = (f1sinho(r)ecoslzo(r)) of B1(0) C Rm into Sm C Rm+l, where r = lxi, ho(0)= 0, and let u: BI(O) x [0, T[ -+ Sm C Rm+I be the corresponding smooth solution of (1.8), (1.9), defined on a maximal time interval [0, T[. By uniqueness, also u is equivariant and can be
written (1.13)
u(x, t) = (fEsinhr,t,cosh(r,t)in
terms of a smooth map h: [0,1] x [0, T[- R satisfying the initial and boundary conditions
h(r,0) = ho(r)
0:5 r < 1,
h(0, t) = ho(0) = 0
0< t:5 T,
h(1, t) = ho(1)
0 < t < T.
In terms of h, the equation (1.8), that is Ut - AU = IVui2u, becomes
ht - hrr - m r l h,.
If m > 3, it was shown by Coron-Ghidaglia [28] that for suitable he the solution h of (1.14), (1.15)-and hence the solution u of (1.8), (1.9)-cannot be smoothly continued beyond some finite time. We will later see a deeper reason for this; see Theorem 1.11. The case m = 2 is more interesting. In dimension m = 2 a family of stationary solutions h of (1.15) with h(O) = 0 is obtained by stereographic projection from the
south pole; see Example 1.5. In terms of r = lxJ and the polar angle 0 = 0(r) the stereographic projection is given by ros0 1
r - sing=-r; that is, 4(r) = arccos
Composing with a dilation r -' r/A, we obtain the family
a (r) _ t rA)
= arccos A2 + r2
A > 0,
of stationary solutions of (1.15), with 4A(0) = 0.
Theorem 1.3 (Grayson-Hamilton [61], Chang-Ding [15]). Let m = 2. Suppose 1hol < ir. Then the solution h of (1.14), (1.15) exists for all time. Proof. The idea is to construct a barrier, preventing h from becoming discontinuous in finite time. Smoothness of h then follows from general results on quasilinear parabolic systems; see [101].
First now that Lemma 1.1 translates into the uniform eneru bound lhr12rdr < E(u(t)) < E(uo).
Ir 0
Hence, by Sobolev's embedding theorem, h(., t) is locally Holder continuous on 10,1]
uniformly in t, and a singularity can only develop at the origin. We assume 0 < ho < 7r for simplicity. Let hl > ho satisfy 2 < h1 < 7r, h1(0) = zr, ht (a) < 7r for some a E10, 11 That is, hl maps into the (convex) lower hemi-sphere. Therefore, equation (1.8) and hence (1.15) with initial data h(., 0) = h1 possesses a global, smooth solution h. Moreover by the maximum
principle, h(r, t) < Ir for 0 < r < 1, t > 0. Choose a strictly increasing function A(t) such that 0a(o) > ho on 10, a] and 0a(t) > h(a, t) for all t > 0. Let h(r, t)
_ mf{0a(t)(r),h(r,t)}, h(r, t),
0:5 r < a a
be our barrier. Note that h is a supersolution to (1.15). Similarly, h e 0 is a subsolution. Hence 0 < h(r, t) < h(r, t) on [0,11 x [0, T], by the maximum principle, and h(., t) is continuous, hence smooth, at r = 0 for any t > 0. Quite surprisingly, Theorem 1.3 is sharp.
Theorem 1.4 (Chang-Ding-Ye[16]). Suppose Ib) > >r. (1.14), (1.15) blows up infinite time.
Then the solution h to
Proof. Let b > ir. We show the existence of a sub-solution f to (1.15) with f (0, t) = 0 < f < f (1, t) = b such that fr(0, t) - oo as t -+ T for some T < oo. Letting ho = f 0) and h the corresponding solution of (1.14), (1.15), the maximum principle then implies that h > f on [0,11 x [0, T[. Consequently, also h must blow up before time T. (For general initial data the proof is somewhat more complicated.) We make the following ansatz for f : f (r, t) = ox(t) (r) + Wp (r1+f ),
where e > 0, µ > 0 and A = A(t) will be suitably determined. Note that for any e > 0 we have
µ2 - r 2+2e (r 1+f ) =arc cos ( µ2 r2+2.) _' 0 (µ -b oo) + uniformly in r E [0,11. Hence, given e > 0, we can choose µ > 0 such that
cos0,(r1+f) > 1 + for r E [0, 1]. e Next observe that for any µ, e > 0 the function 0(r) _ 0µ(r1+f) satisfies
n20=0. -0rr--or+(1+22 r 2
f, + rfr
s2r2 _ (- sin 2(0a + 8) + sin 20,, + (1 + E)2 sin 20)/(2r2)
_ (sin((20a + 0) - 0) - sin((20a + 0) + 0) + (1 + E)2 sin 20) / (2r2) _ (-2cos(20a+0)sin8+2(1+E)2Cog 0sin0)/(2r2) > (1 + e) - cos(20a + 0) sin 9
r2 1+E
> r2 sing = T2 u2
for EI = p2 + 1 > 0.
On the other hand, we have d
etf (r, t) = N0alt)(r) =
Let a(t) solve ar,\ = -6A`, 6 > 0 to be determined; that is
Then fr(0, t) _ oo as t - T = i Eo Finally 0 } A2+r2 f -T(f) E
E 2-f
= [ 2+r2
But by Young's inequality afr2-` < C(E)(A2 + r2),
and hence f Is a sub-solution of (1.15) for sufficiently small 6 = 6(e) > 0, as desired. Since e > 0 is arbitrary, supl f 0) - x] can be made as small as we please. 0
Similarly, Chang-Ding-Ye [16] construct solutions of (1.8) for M = S2 = N that blow up in finite time.
1.4. Global existence and uniqueness of partially regular weak solutions for m = 2 Theorem 1.4 shows that in general smooth, global solutions to (1.8), (1.9) do not exist. However, is there maybe a "weak" analogue of Theorem 1.2 that will still provide a satisfactory means towards deciding the homotopy problem? The following result is due to Struwe [138]; the result was extended to the case OM 36 0 by Chang [14].
Theorem 1.5. Suppose M is a compact Riemann surface, possibly with boundary, N C R' is compact. Then for any uo E H1'2(M; N) with smooth "trace" uojam = u° Ianf for some smooth function tb E C°° (M; N) there exists a global weak solution u: M x [0, oo[-. N of (1.8), (1.9) satisfying the energy inequality and of class C°O on Mx]0, oo[ away from finitely many points (2k, 1k), 1 < k < K. The solution u is unique in this class. At a singularity (2, ), a (non-constant) harmonic sphere u: S2 - N separates in the sense that for suitable sequences xk 2, tk / t, Rk \ 0 the rescaled maps uk(x) = u(xk + Rkx,1k): Dk C RZ --+ N
(in a local conformal chart around x) converge in H (R2; N) to a non-constant harmonic limit u: R2 -+ N. it has finite energy and extends to a smooth harmonic
map ii: S2^='R2-+N. Finally, for a suitable sequence tk -+ oo, the sequence tk)) converges weakly in H12 (M; N) to a smooth harmonic map u.,,: M - N. The convergence is strong away from finitely many points x0°, 1 < 1 < L, where again harmonic spheres separate in the above sense, and there holds K + L < ea 1E(uo), where
co = inf {E(u); 6: S2 - N is a non-constant smooth harmonic map) > 0 is a constant depending only on N. The proof of this result is based on the following ingredients.
Lemma 1.4 (Ladyienskaya [100] Lemma 1, p.8). For any v E H01'2(R2) there holds v E L4 (R2) and IIvII
The same estimate holds for L2-functions v on a half-space with Vv E L2. (See also Friedman [48] or Struwe [144]; Lemma 3.5.7].) We now proceed with the proof of Theorem 1.5.
Positivity of eo: Applied to v = IVul4, where u solves (1.1) and 0 E C°°(S2) is a smooth cut-off function 0 < 0:5 1 with support in a coordinate neighborhood on S2, Lemma 1.4 gives (1.16)
fS In particular, if (Oj2) is a smooth partition of unity subordinate to a finite cover (Uj) of S2 by local coordinate charts U;,1 < j < 3, we obtain from (1.2), (1.16) and the Calder6n-Zygmund inequality that fS2IV2uI2 dvolss < C fV IouI2 dvolS2 + C L Iu12 dvols2
2IVU14dvols2 +C
< CE(u)(f IV2uJ2 dvolss + E(u)) +C with constants C = C(N). Hence the number eo, defined in Theorem 1.5, is strictly
positive. Indeed, if E(uk) - 0 for a sequence of harmonic maps uk: S2 -+ N we obtain that Uk . conat in H2,2 (S2; N) `- Co(S2; N). In particular, uk(S2) lies in a convex geodesic ball on N for large k. Contradiction. L2-estimates for V2u: By (1.16) it is important to control the energy locally.
For ti c M denote E(u; fl) = f e(u) dvolM. n
Lemma 1.5. Let u: M x [0,T] - N be a smooth solution of (1.8) (1.9). Let xo E M and let BR(xo) be balls in a local conformal chart around xo, 0 < R < 2Ro. Then for R < RD there holds E (u(T ); BR(xo)) :5 E(uo; B2R(xo)) + CWy E(uo),
with C = C(M, N).
Proof. Let' E Co (B2R(xo)) satisfy 0:5 0:5
1, 0 =- 1 on BR(xo), IVOI 5 2-R, and
test (1.8) with ut42 to obtain
dx +at Um
e(u)02 dx) < CR-2E(u(t)) S CR-2E(uo),
dt (L, and the lemma follows by integration.
In particular, given el > 0, uo E H1'2(M; N) there exists a number TI > 0, depending only on a maximal number RI > 0 such that sup E(uo; B2Ri (x0)) < el
and the geometry of M and N, with the property that any (smooth) solution u of (1.8), (1.9) satisfies
E(u(t); BR, (xo)) < 2el.
Indeed, we may let TI = cE uo where C is the constant in Lemma 1.5. Similarly, given ei > 0 let RI > 0 be determined as above and let 4i be smooth cut-off functions subordinate to a cover of M by balls B2R, (xi) with finite overlap and such that 0 < 0; < 1, I00;1 < R, Ei ¢? = 1. Then by (1.16) we have , +
IVU14 dV01M
< Csup E(u(t); B2R, (xi))
M102U(t)12 dV01M + R1 2E(u0))
< Cc, (fu IV2u(t)I2 dvolM + R12E(uo)) for any t. Moreover, similar to our Bochner-type estimate (1.12), upon multiplying (1.8) by Amu and integrating by parts we obtain at (E(u(t))) + JM IOMUI2 dvOlM < C
Iou14 dvolM.
Upon integrating over [0, TI I and combining the above estimates and the CalderdnZygmund inequality, we obtain that
1T11 _< CEI
f 0
M T,
f t Im
f 1V2u(t)12dvolll +C(1 f
+TIR-2 )E(uo)
with constants C = C(M, N). Thus, for sufficiently small el > 0 we obtain an a-priori bound for u in the norm T V2
(M) =
E(u(t)) +
IM (IV2u12 + 1utI2) dvolM dt
with T = T1, of the form IIUIIvr: (M)
< C (1 +
R I E(uo) + CT1II oII3p.1 1
Without proof we remark that VT (M) is a regularity class for (1.8) in the sense that, if u E VT(M) solves (1.8) with finite energy initial data uo E H1"2(M;N) and coinciding with a smooth function uo on OM, then u E C°O(MxJO, TJ; N). Local existence: R1 > 0 can be chosen uniformly for a set of initial data which is compact in {uo} + Ho'2(M; N). In particular, if uom E COO (M; N) converges to uo in H1'2(M;N), and if (um) is the corresponding sequence of local solutions (1.8) for initial and boundary data (uo,,), by the above a-priori estimate we have IIUrII12,TI(M) < C (E(uo) + 11411y..2) and the sequence (um) weakly accumulates at a function u E VT1(M). By Rellich's theorem, moreover, VUm --+ Vu in L2(M)
for almost every t, and it is easy to pass to the limit in equation (1.8); by the preceding remarks about regularity, in fact, u solves (1.8) classically in Mx]O,Ti]. Finally, by Lemma 1.1, u achieves its initial data continuously in H1 ,2(M; N). Uniqueness: The space of functions with bounded VT (M)-norm is a uniqueness
class. Indeed, if u, v E VT (M) weakly solve (1.8) with u(0) = uo = v(0), their difference w = u - v satisfies Iwt - AMWI < CIwI(IVu12 + IVvI2) + CIVWI(IVuI + IVvI).
Testing with w and integrating by parts, we obtain for almost every t > 0
2 JM
Iw(t)12 dvolM +
C ft
+ IVv12) dvolM ds
IwIIvwl(IVul + IVvl) dvolM ds
lAS Iw14 dvolM d/
1 4
\ O//
( pt
) f (1u1+ IVvI4) dvolM ds M
\Jo fu
IVwI2 dvolM ds 1/4
fM(IVu14 + LVvI4) dvolM ds)
< C e(t) I (fo, fM
14 dvolM
< Ce(t)
[su p
f Iw(s)12 dvolM + f
t 0
fMIhh11201M ds I Vw12
dvolht ds0
0 as t -+ 0. Choosing t > 0 small enough
on account of Lemma 1.4, where e(t)
and such that IIw(t)IIL2(M) = sup0
Global continuation: The local solution u constructed above can be extended until the first time T = t1 such that limsup 1
supE(u(t);BR(xo))' > El
t1T \xo
for all R > 0. By Lemma 1.1, ut E L2(M x [0,71). Hence, the L2-limit ul = limtn u(t) exists. Let v be the local solution of (1.8) with initial data v = ul at time T and boundary data uo. The composed function
w(t) =
ru(t), v(t),
then is a weak solution of (1.8). By iteration we obtain a weak solution u on a maximal time interval [0,'P[. If T < oo, the above arguments again permit us to extend u beyond T, contradicting our assumption that T was maximal. Hence
T=oo. Finiteness of the singular set. Let t = l > 0 be the first singular time, and let Sing(l) = {xo E M;VR > 0: limsupE(u(t);BR(xo)) > e1}. t/i
Sing() is finite. Indeed, let x1, ... , xK E Sing(). Choose R > 0 such that B2R(xi)f1 B2R(x f) = 0 (i j), and fix r E [t - 2 °Eu , f[, where C is the constant in Lemma 1.5. Then by lemma 1.5 K
Ke1 <
lun sup E(u(t); BR(xi)) K
(E(u(T ); B2R(xi)) + 2 /
E(uo) + ZE1
and K = K1 = #Sing(t1) < 2E(uo)ei 1. Moreover, for u1 = lime/=, u(t) we have E(u1) = Rlimm E
(ul;M\IJB2R(x4)) K,
< lim lim sup E I u(t); M \ U B2R (xi) R-»0
i=1 Kt
E(u(t); B2R(xi))
< lim lim sup ( E(u(t)) R-.0
t/li \
< Rim (E(uo) -11 inf > E(u(t); B2R(xi)) 1=1
< E(uo) -
lim limsupE(u(t);BR(xi))
R-.O t/l, < E(uo) - Kiel. i=1
Similarly, let K2, K3, ... be the number of concentration points at consecutive
times t2 < t3 < ..., and let uj = limt,F, u(t) for j = 2,3,... Then by induction we obtain
E(uj) S E(u,-1)-Kje1 !5 ...
and it follows that the total number K of concentration points, hence also the number of concentration times tj, is finite; in fact, K < E(uo)el 1 Smoothness: Let t = Ij for some j. To see that u is smooth up to time t away from Sing() we present an argument based on scaling, as proposed by Schoen [122] in the stationary case. By working in a local conformal chart we may assume that M is the unit disc B or half disc B+ = {(xI, x2) E B; x2 > 0};
moreover, by scaling we may assume t > 1. Finally, we shift time so that t = 0. The solution u then is defined on a domain containing M x [-1, 0]. For R > 0, Zo = (xo, to) denote
PR )(zo)_{z=(x,t);xEB(+),Ix-xol
N and r > 0, x E R2 we define E(u; B,- (x)) := E(u; BB(x) fl 0).
Proposition 1.3. Suppose U E C°°(P(+); N) solves (1.8) with smooth boundary data fo. There exist constants C, e2 > 0 depending only on N and rio such that, if sup E(u(t); B) < E2, -I
then there holds
(and corresponding bounds for higher derivatives).
Proof. Choose 0:5 p < 1 such that (1 - p)2 Sup e(u) =
{(1 - a)2 Sup e(U)
and let zo E PP+) satisfy
(e(u))(zo) = sup e(u) =: eo. Then either eo(1 - p)2 < 4, in which case sup e(u) < 4(1 - p)2eo < 16, P(+)
or eo 4 < 1-o . In the latter case, the scaled function
v(x,t) = u(xo + eo 4x,to + eolt) is well defined on D = P, respectively on
D+={z= (x, t)EP;xo+eo'ix2>0}
with boundary data vo(x) = uo(xo + eo ix). Moreover, (e(v))(O) = 1 and
(1 - p)2 sup (+) e(u)
sup e(v) < eo sup e(u) < eo
= 4.
( 2
Thus, v satisfies a linear differential inequality
lvt - Ovl < CIVvI, and from the 17-theory for the heat equation, with p > 4 we get
D(+)np/ sup IVVI < C UDW IOvl pdz
< C2 SUP (E (u(t); B(+))) t J
I/n + C (eo
+C (IIDvolILo + IIV2vollLo) + eo 1) J
see [101]. That is, eo < C if C2E2/p < 2. (If D = P, we can use Bochner's inequality 0 (1.12) and the sup-estimate Lemma 1.3 to achieve a slightly simpler proof.)
Blow-up of singularities: As in Struwe [138] we now use the scaling technique to analyze the singularities in more detail. Let (2,1) be a singularity of the solution u constructed above. Introduce a local conformal chart around 2 and shift time so
that (2,0 = (0,0). Moreover, after scaling we may assume that u E C- (P(+) \ {0}; N) where PR )(zo) is defined as above. Let (Rk) be a sequence of numbers Rk E]0,1[, Rk \ 0 (K -' oo). Let EI > 0 be as above and define sequences (xk), (tk) such that xk
2 while
E(u(tk); BRk (xk)) =
E (u(t); BRk (x)) = L (= t)E p(+); -1
where L is the number of unit discs needed to cover B2(0). We may assume tk 4R2k > -1. Scale Vk(x, t) = u (xk + Rkx, tk + Rkt) ,
vk : Dk+) = {(x, t) E R2 x [-4, 0]; (xk + Rkx, tk + Rkt) E P(+)) - N. Note that by Lemma 1.1 we have ftk
r lutl2 dvolM dt
I(vk)t12 dx dt < /tk
(k -. oo),
E(vk(t)) < E(uo),
-4 < t < 0,
k E N.
Moreover, we have
E(vk(t);B2(x)) <_ L
sup (x.t)ED4+).
sup (x t)Ep(+);
E(u(t); BRb(x)) < LE (u(tk); BRk(xk)) = E1.
Him (R+ x [-1, 0); N) to a smooth solution v of (1.8) on R2 x [-1, 01 or R. x [-1, 0], respectively. Moreover, vi = 0, whence v(., t) =: u is, in fact, harmonic. Finally
E (u; B) = kym E (vk (0); B) =
E (u(tk); B,,,, (x)) >
and u is non-constant. If u: R2 -+ N, by conformal equivalence R2 S2 \ {p}, u induces a weakly harmonic map u : S2 -+ N. By Helein's result u is smooth. If
u: R. -+ N, we also have filaR, = const. = uo(t). Since R+ is conformal to the unit disc B, u induces a non-constant harmonic map u: B -+ N with ulas = cont. But this is impossible by Lemaire's result, Example 1.3. Thus, singularities at small scales look like harmonic spheres. In particular, we obtain the estimate el > E. A similar analysis is possible at concentration points at "t = oo"; see Struwe [144), Lecture 111.5, for details. Moreover, it seems possible to iterate the above procedure and decompose u in the limit t / I into its weak limit u() and a finite sum of harmonic spheres u19 .... uL, similar to Struwe [137] for a related problem, and in such a way that energy is conserved; that is, L
E(u(t)) +
E(ul) = lim E(u(t)). 1=1
Applications As a first application we present a proof of the following theorem by Lemaire [102], and Sacks-Uhlenbeck [121].
Theorem 1.6. If dim M = m = 2 and if 7r2 (N) = 0, then any map uo: M -. N is homotopic to a smooth harmonic map.
Proof. Let to = inf{E(u); u: S2 --+ N is a non-constant, smooth harmonic map} > 0 as above. We may assume that uo E C°°(M; N) and
E(uo) < inf{E(u);u E C°O(M,N), u is homotopic to uo} + 4 Let u: M x [0, oo] N be the solution of (1.8), (1.9) constructed in Theorem 1.5 above. We claim that u is globally smooth and converges smoothly as t - oo to a harmonic limit u°Of solving the homotopy problem. Thus, assume by contradiction that u develops a first singularity at a point (x, 0, t < oo, and let Uk(X) = u(.t + Rkx,tk)
be a suitably scaled sequence for tk / d, Rk \ 0, defined on larger and larger balls in R2 and converging in Hoc (R2; N) as k -+ oo to a non-constant, smooth harmonic map f : R2 - S2 \ {p} -+ N. Replace the "large" part of Uk - u by the "small" part of u as follows. Fix p > 0 such that
E(u; R2 \ B,(0)) <
2 < E(u* Bp(0)) = lim supE(Uk; Bp (0))
and choose ¢ E Ca (R2) such that 0 - 1 on B,(0). Then, as k -' oo we have
vk :=Ouk+(1 -0)u-ii
and uniformly. Let ir: U6 -> N be the smooth nearest-neighbor projection of a tubular neighborhood Ua of N in R" and let wk = 7r vk. Then wk E C°°(R2; N) and wk - u in H' 2 (R'; N). Invert wk along the circle of radius p to obtain 4Dk(x) = Wk
Then by conformal invariance of Dirichlet's integral
lim upE(zuk; B,(0)) = limsupE(wk; R2 \ Bp(0)) = E(ii;R2 \ B,(0)) < 4
k-00 Moreover
wk = wk = Uk
on BB,,
and upon replacing uk by wk on Bp(0) for some sufficiently large k we obtain a new
map v:M -Nsuchthat
E(u(tk)) - E(v) = E(uk; Bp(0)) - E(wk; B,,(0)) ?
That is,
E(v) < E(u(tk)) - 4 < E(uo) - 4 < inf {E(u); u N u0}. On the other hand, since a2(N) = 0 by assumption, u(tk) and v are homotopic. The contradiction shows that the flow cannot develop singularities in finite or infinite time. Hence the proof is complete. As a second application we present a key step in the proof of a result of MicallefMoore on a generalization of the Berger-Klingenberg-Rauch-Topogonov sphere theorem.
Theorem 1.7. Let N be a compact, simply-connected, n-dimensional Riemannian manifold and let k > 0 be the first integer such that ak(N) 96 0. Then there exists a non-constant harmonic sphere u: S2 - N having Morse index MI(u) < k - 2.
Recall that the Morse index of a non-degenerate critical point x of a C2functional f on a Hilbert space X is the maximal dimension of a linear sub-space
V c X such that d2f(x)I vxv < 0. Proof. Represent Sk = {
n) E R3 x Rk-2;
+ In12 = 1 }
S2 x Bk-2, where Bk-2 = BI (0; Rk-2) and S2 x {n} is collapsed for n E 8Bk-2. Let ho : Sk N represent a non-trivial homotopy class [ho] E irk(N). With respect to the above decomposition of Sk, for every n E Bk-2 this induces a map
uo(rl) = ho(.,rl): S2 - N. Note that u0(rl) - coast. for i E 8Bk-2. Let u(.;,1) be the corresponding solutions to the Cauchy problem (1.8) (1.9). First suppose supE(uo(rl)) < eo. n
Then by Theorem 1.5 the flows q) are globally smooth and converge smoothly to constant maps as t - oo. The convergence is uniform in q. Indeed, for any t > 0 let µ(t) = SUPE(u(t;q)) > 0-
Note that the map t F-+ p(t) is non-increasing by Lemma 1.1. For a sequence tt - o 'I
select in E BI-' such that E(u(tt; qt)) = sup E(u(tt; q)). n
Then a sub-sequence qt -a any t < oo we have
and, by locally smooth dependence of u(.; q) on q, for
E(u(t;rh)) E(u(t;fl)) = tlim 0.0 For large I there holds t < ti, and Lemma 1.1 gives
E(u(t; qt)) >_ E(u(ti; qt)) = p(tt) Hence
slim µ(t) < Jim E(u(t; f )) = 0. 00
Thus E(u(t; q)) -+ 0 as t -+ oo, uniformly in q E BI-'. By Proposition 1.3 this implies smooth convergence. But then for large t the map ht : Sk ^-- S2 x Bk-2 9
(t, q) - u(e, t; q) E N is homotopic to a map h: (t;, q) '--+ u(q) E N where u E C°°(Bk'2, N). Since Bk-2 is contractible, u and therefore also ho is homotopic to a constant map, contradicting our assumption about he. Hence
ek = inf sup E(h(., tj)) J co > 0, h ho
where we take the infimum over all h homotopic to he. Consider the set ? t = {u : S2 -+ N;
u is non-constant, smooth and harmonic,
E(u) < 2ek}.
?{ is compact modulo separation of harmonic spheres u E W. Suppose any u E ?t has Morse index > k - 2. Then for each such u there exists a maximal sub-space V E H2.2(S2; u-1TN) of dimension > k - 2 such that d2E(u)lvxv < 0.
Moreover, there exist numbers po > 0, e > 0 with the following property: If a: U --+ N denotes nearest-neighbor projection in a tubular neighborhood U of N onto N, and if we denote
Vp = {tr(u+v);v E Bp(0;V)} C H2'2 (S2;N) then
sup E(u) =: µp uEBV1
is strictly decreasing for 0 < p < po and iz,,
<_ E(u) - e.
By the above compactness property of ?t, the numbers a and po can be chosen independent of u. Hence any path in H2.2(S2; N) of dimension < k - 2 that approaches an element u E ?t can be deformed within the corresponding set Va, to a path of strictly lower energy.
Now suppose ho is chosen such that sup E(ho(., n)) < Ek + 2 n
and let u(.; q) be the corresponding family of solutions to (1.8) with u(0; rl) _ rl). If for some fj E Bk-2 the flow u(.; fl) converges to a nontrivial limit, or if i1) develops a singularity at (z, 0 or some t < oo, a harmonic sphereu forms. By a deformation of the path n 1-4 u(t; il) fort < t close to t we achieve a path 17 -, u(t; n) homotopic to u(t; n), hence to ho, with E (u(t; ?J)) < Ek
for r) near il. By a covering argument we thus find a comparison path hl N ho such that
supE(hl(.,ri)) < Ek, 11EB
contradicting the definition of Ek.
Next Micallef-Moore establish that a strict point-wise 4-pinching condition
4x(p) < K(o) < c(p) for all two-plane sections v C TAN, p E N, where K denotes the sectional curvature, implies the lower bound MI (u) >_ 2
for the index of any non-constant harmonic 2-sphere in N. In particular, if u is a harmonic sphere as constructed in Theorem 1.7, we obtain
k>2+ that is, Hk(N) = lrk(N) = 0 for 0 < k:5 R. By Poincare duality
Moreover, if k > 0 is the first integer such that 7rk(N) = 0, by the Hurewicz isomorphism theorem we also have 7rk(N) °-` Hk(N).
Hence 7rk(N) = 0 for all 0 < k < n, and N is a homotopy sphere. If n > 4, by the resolution of the generalized Poincare conjecture therefore N is homeomorphic to a sphere.
Extensions and generalizations Theorem 1.5 has been extended to target manifolds N with boundary by ChenMusina (201. The same technique can be used to study evolution problems related to other two-dimensional variational problems. For instance, in Struwe (1391, Rey [118] the evolution problem for surfaces of prescribed mean curvature is investigated; Ma Li (1031 has studied the evolution of harmonic maps with free boundaries.
1.5. Existence of global, partially regular weak solutions for m > 3. Earlier we observed that singularities must be expected even for energy-minimizing weakly harmonic maps, if m > 3, and hence for the evolution problem (1.8). The following result was obtained by Chen-Struwe [21].
Theorem 1.8. Suppose M is a compact m-manifold, 8M = 0. For any uo E H1'2(M; N) there exists a distribution solution u: M x [0, oo[- N of (1.8),(1.9), satisfying the energy inequality and smooth away from a closed set E such that for each t the slice E(t) = E n (M x {t}) is of co-dimension > 2. As t -' oo suitably, u(t) converges weakly to a weakly harmonic limit u°° which is smooth away from a closed set E(oo) of co-dimension > 2.
Originally, the estimate on the co-dimension of E was obtained in space-time, the above improvement is due to X. Cheng [23]. For manifolds M with boundary OM 0 0 a similar existence and interior partial regularity result holds; see Chen [18]. Boundary regularity is open. The proof of Theorem 1.8 rests on two pillars: A penalty approximation scheme for (1.8), developed independently by Chen [17], Keller-Rubinstein-Sternberg [93] and Shatah [127], and a monotonicity estimate for (1.8), due to Struwe [140].
Penalty approximation Consider the case N = the Cauchy problem
C R". Given u0 E H1"2(M;Sn-1), K E N consider
ut - OMu + Ku(IIu1I2 - 1) = 0,
ult=o = uo
for maps u: M x [0, oo[-+ R. That is, we "forget" the target constraint and regard all maps u: M - R" as admissible; however, we "penalize" violation of the constraint Iu12 = 1 more and more severely, as K -+ oo. (1.17) is the L2-gradient flow for the functional
EK(U) = E(u) + K r
- 1)2 dvolM.
(Iu12 4
Indeed, we have
Lemma 1.6. If u E C°0(Mx]0,T];R") solves (1.17), (1.18), then there holds
EK(u(T)) + fT f I8ut2 dvolMdt = EK(uo) = E(uo); 0
in particular, u attains its initial data continuously in H'2(M; N)
Proof. Multiply (1.17) by ut and integrate to obtain the energy estimate. Since Btu E L2(M x [0,71), clearly u(t) -, uo in L2(M) and weakly in H'.2(M, N) as t -' 0. Since also limsoupE(u(t)) < limsoupEK(u(t)) < E(uo),
we, in fact, also have strong H1,2-convergence.
Moreover, we have an L°° a -priori bound.
Lemma 1.7. If u E C°°(Mx)0,7);R") solves (1.17),(1.18), then IIUIItoo <<< 1
Proof. Multiply (1.17) by u to obtain
(d - 0) Hz + IVu12 +K(Iui2 -1)Iui2 = 0; in particular, C d - A + 2Klul2) (Iu12 - 1) < 0. dt The claim now follows from the parabolic maximum principle, since Iu(0)I = luol <
Thus for any K E N we have a unique, global, smooth solution UK of (1.17), (1.18). Moreover, II8tUKllL3(Mx(o.oo() < E(uo),
IUKI < 1,
supE(UK(t)) < E(uo),
Thus, passing to a sub-sequence, if necessary, we may assume that
UK` u in L (M x [0, oo[; R"), (1.19)
VUK -+ Vu weakly-* in L°°([O,oo[;L2(M)),
AUK - 8T weakly in L2 (M x [0, oo[), and Jul = 1. Relations (1.19) are not sufficient to pass to the limit K -+ oo in (1.17), directly. In case N = S"-I, however, a clever manipulation of (1.17) will do the trick.
Lemma 1.8. Suppose N = S"-i C R". Then (1.8) is equivalent to the relations (1.20)
Jul = 1
and (1.21)
where we identify the vector fields u, ut, etc. with one forms in R" and where "A" denotes the exterior product.
Proof. For smooth u satisfying (1.20) equation (1.21) is equivalent to asserting
ut - Amu 1 which in turn is equivalent to (1.8); that is, ut-Au = JVuI2u. If u is a weak solution of (1.8), moreover, an approximation argument justifies testing (1.8) with u n ii, where 0 E Co (M x [0, oo[; n2(R")), whence we obtain (1.21). Conversely, suppose u weakly solves (1.20), (1.21). Note that by (1.20) for any r E Co (M x [0,oo[;R) the relation z d l (1.22) (Ut - 011 - IV1/I211) UT = { (dt - 0) 12 + IVuI2 r=0 IVu12IU12}
is automatically satisfied. Moreover, by (1.20) again, for any pair of vector fields v, 0 E C'° (Af x [0, oo(; A1(R")) there holds
v-0 =(vu)(u-,)-*[(vAu)s(uA)]
almost everywhere on M x [0, oo[, where "*" denotes the Hodge star-operator and where again we identify vector fields and 1-forms. By an approximation argument,
ip = *(u A ¢) and r = u 0 are admissible as testing functions in (1.21), (1.22), respectively. RYom the resulting equations, we obtain the weak form of (1.8).
Now, taking the exterior product of (1.17) with UK, the nonlinear term from (1.17) drops out and we obtain (1.21). Because of the divergence structure of this equation and since by (1.19) we have
AUKAuK -AuAu VUK A UK -: Vu A u
weakly in Li (M x [0, oo[) we may pass to the limit K --+ oo and find that also u satisfies (1.21). That is, by Lemma 1.8, u is a weak solution of (1.8), (1.9). Note that the geometry of the sphere was used in an essential way. Moreover, the regularity of the approximating maps UK may be lost in the limit.
The monotonicity formula Monotonicity estimates first were introduced as a tool in regularity theory for minimal hypersurfaces. Schoen-Uhlenbeck [123] and Giaquinta-Giusti [52] observed that similar estimates hold for energy-minimi in harmonic maps and can be used to obtain partial regularity. Consider for instance a harmonic map u: B = B1(0; Rm) -> N.
Theorem 1.9. If u is energy-minimizing (for its boundary values), then for any 0 < p < r < 1 there holds p2-m
r J
Ivu l2dx < r2m L..17u12
Note that the quantity (D(P) =
2p2-m j IVul2dx B,
is invariant under scaling u --+ uR(x) = u(Rx), which (in case M = B) also leaves (1.1) invariant. This observation allows us to give a simple proof of Theorem 1.9 for smooth harmonic maps, as follows. Note that ob(p) = 0(p;u) = t(l;up). Hence, for instance at p = 1, we have -
r Vu (1;u) = JB
f (x Vu) B
&u. d up dx.
udo B
Since apup = x Vu E T"N, by (1.1) the last term vanishes and the boundary integral simply becomes dP
proving the theorem for smooth u.
LBI x Vul2dw > 0,
Moreover, since gy(p) scales as a dimension-less quantity, smallness of 4,(p) for some p > 0 yields a-priori bounds for u near the origin.
A similar result holds in the time-dependent setting. For simplicity we consider
smooth solutions u E CO°(Rm x [-1,0[;N) of (1.8) with E(u(t)) < Eo < 00 uniformly in -1 < t < 0. Denote
4 xt
'exp(-4itll, t<0,
the fundamental solution to the backward heat equation on R"' x R. Using G as a weight function, we define
= 1p2 f
Then we obtain:
Theorem 1.10 ([140]). For u as above and any 0 < p < r!5 1 there holds 4'(p) < fi(r). Proof. As in the stationary case, we use invariance of (1.8) under scaling u -. uR(x, t) = u(Rx, R2t). Note that t(p) = $(p; u) = 0(1; up). Hence, at p = 1 we compute
dpdp`g(P) = dpfi(1;up) = JRmx(_1} vu. v (dP) Gdx. Integrate by parts and use (1.8) and the relation VG(x, t) = ie G to obtain
dp (P) = JR*x{-l}
Du 2t
2tut + x Vu
d dP P
2 R^x{-1}
12tut + x VU12Gdx > 0.
Since E(u(t)) < Eo < oo no boundary terms appear.
Remark 1.1. It was pointed out by R.Kohn that (1.23) is the energy inequality for (1.8) in similarity coordinates s = - logjtl, y = as introduced by Giga-Kohn [53] for a different problem. By a scaling argument as in the proof of Proposition 1.3, smallness of 4'(p) can be turned into an a-priori gradient bound for u.
Proposition 1.4 ([140]). There exists co = eo(m, N) > 0 such that for any solution u E C°°(Rm x [-1,0[;N) of (1.8) above, if fi(R) < to for some R > 0, then
supIvul <
with constants 6 = 6(m, N, Eo) > 0 and C = C(m, N, Eo).
Proof. Scaling with R, we may assume R = 1. For 6 > 0 fix p E]0,6[, zo = (xo, to) E Pp such that
(6 - p)2 sup e(u) = omax6{(6 - v)2 sup e(u)}, Pp P. (e(u))(zo) = supe(u) = eo. PP
First assume eo 1 < (L-2)' and scale v(x, t) = u(xo + e- 1 /2x, to + eo 1 t). Note that v E Coo (P; N) and sup e(v) = eo 1 P
e(u) < eo-1 sup e(u)
sup P.o _112(zo)
< 4eo' sup e(u) = 4, Pv
(e(v))(0) = 1. By the Bochner inequality (1.12) therefore we have d
in P
and Lemma 1.3 gives
1 = (e(v))(0) < C fP e(v)dz = Ceo
e(u) dx dt.
Denote G1 (z) = G(z - x) the fundamental solution with singularity at z = (x,1) and choose z = zo + (0, eo 1). Then
e(u)G, dx dt,
and by applying Theorem 1.10 for each t E [to - eo ',to], the latter is
e(u)G dx.
Now IzI < 6, Il < 62. Thus at t = -1 we may estimate
Q1 Viit II42) -exp(-411+1/
< Cb,
and we obtain that
r 1 < Cb
e(u) dx + C
JRmx{-1} e(u)Gdx < C16Eo + C1 4i(1)
with a uniform constant C1 = C, (m, N). Choosing 6 = 2C1 Eo , co = 21 , the above inequality will lead to a contradiction. Thus (b - p)2eo < 4, and we have
sup e(u) < 166-2. P4
The proof is complete. As an application we establish the following result from [140].
Proposition 1.5. Suppose uk E C°O(Rm x [-1,0[;N) is a sequence of solutions to (1.8) with E(uk(t)) < Eo < oo uniformly in t for k E N. Moreover, suppose uk(-1) -+ uo i n H , '. 2. (k -' oo) and u in L (Rm x [-1,0]),
in L2 (R' x [-1,0]), Vuk -' Vu in L2J(Rm x [-1, 0J). Btu
Then u weakly solves (1.8),(1.9) and u is smooth away from a closed set E of codimension > 2; moreover, for any R > 0 we have
4i(R) + J 1R2 Jm 12tut 1t1 VU12Gdzdt < 41(-1).
Proof. Let E = n {z;liminf tz(R) > eo}, k-00
where 1
and 4
if 4' o(r) = r2 J to - r2 > -1, IVuk12Gz° dx, 2 "'x{t0-r3} e = k( 1 - Ito , else. E is relatively closed. Indeed, if 2 E E, let
zt E E, zt -. 2. By definition of E we have iminf lim inf i-oo
( 2R2 JRmx{t-R z} 1VukI2G=, dx > to
for any R > 0. Since G, -. Gr uniformly away from z and since E(uk(t)) < E0 < oo, the limits l - oo, k - oo may be interchanged for fixed R > 0, whence lim inf 4iz (R) > to,
k-oo for all R > 0; that is, z E E. Next observe that for zo f E there is a sequence (uk) and some R > 0 such that 0 u (R) < to. Proposition 1.4 implies that C
sup Mud <-
for 6 = S(m, N, E0) > 0, uniformly in k, and similar bounds for higher derivatives. Thus we may pass to the limit k -, oo in (1.8) and find that u is a smooth solution of (1.8) away from E. In order to be able to assert that u extends to a weak solution across E we need to estimate the "capacity" of E, respectively its m-dimensional Hausdorff measure with respect to the parabolic metric 6((x, t), (y, s)) = Ix - y1 + For a set S C Rm x R the latter is defined as
It --81-
inf`Fr;';SC UQr,(z;),z,ES,r;
11 m(S;S)=c(m)suP I`
where c(tn) is a normalizing constant and Qr(z0) = {z; Ix - xol < r, It - tot < r2}.
Fixa compact s e t Q C Rm x ] - 1, 0[ and l e t S= Q f1 E. Fix R > 0 and let Qr; (zi), ri < R, be a cover of S. Since S is compact, we may assume that the cover is finite. Moreover, a simple variant of Vitali's covering lemma shows that
there is a disjoint sub-family Qr;(zi), i E 9, such that S C UiEJQ5r;(zi). Let zi = yi + (0, r?), i E J. Since J is finite, there exists k E N such that t; -6'r; eo < 4 (6r2) < C f
t;-462r, fR-
C(b)r, m
IVuk12G;, dxdt
I Vuk 12 dx dt + Cb-m exp
1) (- 3262
t62r; ftj -463r?
IVuk12G,; dxdt R'"
< C(b)r, m f
I Vuk I2 dx dt + Cb2-m exp
(__!_) Eo,
ri (ZI )
for all i E 9, where we used the fact that
G, < 6-m exp
(....i) Gx,
on Rm x [ti - 4b2ri , ti - b2ri ] \ Qr. (zi)
and Theorem 1.10 to derive the last inequality. If b > 0 is sufficiently small, we have
C62-m exp
- 32b2 1
and hence
Qr, (zf )
Summing over i E 9, we obtain
IVUk 12 dx dt
with constants independent of R > 0. That is, the m-dimensional Hausdorff measure of E is locally finite. In particular, for a suitable cover (Q,, (zi))iEJ of S, ri < R, we can achieve that Gm+1
I Qr, (Zi) 7
as R -+ 0,
where,Cm+1 denotes Lebesgue measure on Rm x R. Now let 0 E C0 '10(Q2(0)) satisfy
, %410 E Co (Q2r,(zi)) Given 0 < 0:5 1,¢ = 1 on Q, (0) and scale 4i(z) = 4)( E Co (Q; R"), then r = ty infi(1 - Oi) is a Lipschitz function and r(z) - ty(z)
a.e. as R -+ 0. Testing (1.8) with r, we obtain
(ut - Au - A(u) (Vu, Vu))irb dx dt
1 mIVuiiVinf(1-0;)Idxdt+o(1) o 1/ 2
IV inf(1 Jetm
- 0;)12 dxdt+ 0(1)
r, 2dxdt)
<0(1) CSI
rr) f
= 0(1)
+ o(1) -* 0
(R - 0),
where o(1) -* 0 (R - 0), and u weakly solves (1.8). Finally, (1.24) follows from (1.23) and the fact that 45(R; u) < lim infk_ $(R; uk), t (l; u) = 0(1; uo) = limk-. 4 (1; uk). The proof of Theorem 1.8 uses the fact that results similar to Theorem 1.10 and Proposition 1.4 hold for solutions u to (1.8) on a compact manifold M, where 4i is defined with reference to a local coordinate chart V and where we truncate
the integrand with a smooth cut-off function r E Co (V). Moreover, if U6 is a 3b-tubular neighborhood on N in R" and if we define
EK(u) = E(u) + K fm X(dist2(u, N)) dx,
for s< b, X'(s) > 0, X(s) - 2b for s > 36, for maps u : M -+ R", then the sequence of approximate solutions (UK) to (1.8) defined by the gradient flow of Ek again satisfies an analogue of Theorem 1.10 and Proposition 1.4. Similar to Proposition 1.5 we then establish that a sub-sequence (UK) converges weakly to a partially regular weak solution u of (1.8),(1.9). Moreover, inequality (1.24) holds. See Chen-Struwe [21] for details. Let us now turn to some further consequences of the monotonicity formula
Nonuniqueness Coron [27] observed that for certain weakly harmonic maps uo : B3 -+ S2 the stationary weak solution u(x,t) = uo(x) of (1.8) does not satisfy (1.24), hence must be different from the solution constructed in Theorem 1.8. Slightly modified, we repeat his construction. Suppose uo E Hja (R3; S2) is weakly harmonic, uo(x) = uo (), and consider u(x, t) = uo(x). Then u weakly solves (1.8) and -O2(p) =
f rIvuoi2exp (-fx 4p2 _ I2)
dx < co
for any z E R3 x R, any p /> 0. Suppose that u satisfies (1.24). This implies (1.25)
IVuoI2exp I - Ix4p212 1 dz <
r r, IVuoi2exp (- Ix4r212) dx
for any 0 < p < r < co. We show that (1.25) is violated for a suitable map uo. The map uo is obtained as follows. Let it : S2 \ {p} -. R2 S C be stereographic projection from the north pole (0, 0,1) of S2 and let g : C - C be a rational map. Composing the weakly harmonic map u : x - IXT from Example 1.2 with 7r and g we obtain a map
7-1 uo(x) =
) as a map uo : S2 -+ S2, by conformal invariance u0 is harmonic; hence uo : R3 S2 is weakly harmonic. By suitable choice of g (for instance, g(z) = .1z with A E R, A > 1), moreover, we can achieve that the center of mass Regarding uox) = uo (
q = f PVuo(x)I2xdv01s2 0 0. (Hence the map uo is not minimizing for its boundary values on B1(0) C R3; see Brezis-Coron-Lieb [13], Remark 7.6.) Denote
0(P, x) =
1 P
212 )
IVuot2 exp I - Ix -
for brevity. Note that
0(P,0) = foo US2 is independent of p > 0. Moreover, compute
o (P, 0) = =
j j
IVuot2 2p27 3
I exl' (-4P2)
exp (-Q) do p
(JIvHoI2dvs2). oo
= ao
P sds
Hence for z = tq, 0 < p < r, if t > 0 is sufficiently small we obtain 0(p, x) = ao + t II PI2 + 0(t2) > 0(r, x) = ao + t 1!12 + 0(t2), contradicting (1.25). On the other hand, as in Theorem 1.8 we can construct weak solutions ii to (1.8) for initial data uo satisfying (1.24), showing that u # u and hence showing nonuniqueness in the energy class of weak solutions to (1.8), (1.9). Note that we have spontaneous symmetry breaking, since u cannot be of the
form u(x,t) = v (11,t). The latter map v would solve (1.8), (1.9) on S2 x [0,00[. Since uo : S2 - S2 is smooth and harmonic, by local unique solvability of (1.8),(1.9) on 52 x [0, oo[ for smooth data this would imply v(t) - uo. It remains an open problem to exhibit a class of functions within which (1.8), (1.9) possesses a unique solution. Certainly, the class of functions satisfying the strong monotonicity formula
ot(p) 5 qt(r) for all x and all 0 < p < r < OF is a likely candidate.
Development of singularities The most surprising aspect of the monotonicity formula is that it may be used to prove that (1.8), (1.9) in general will develop singularities in arbitrarily short time. The existence of singularities was first established by Coron-Ghidaglia [28]; see also Grayson-Hamilton [61]. These results were based on comparison principles for the reduced harmonic map evolution problem (1.15) in the equivariant setting. A deeper reason for the formation of singularities was worked out by Chen-Ding [19]. This is related to a result by White [152].
Theorem 1.11. Let M, N be compact Riemannian manifolds and consider a smooth map uo : M -+ N. Then inf{E(u);u E C°°(M,N),
u is homotopic to uo} > 0
if and only if the restriction of uo to a 2-skeleton of M is not homotopic to a constant.
Remark 1.2. In particular, there are examples of non-trivial homotopy classes of maps uo : M -+ N such that inf{E(u); u is homotopic to uo} = 0.
Example 1.6. Let u1 = id: S3
S3. Let 7r: S3 \ {p} - R3 be stereographic
projection, and let Da : 1R3 - R3, D,, (x) = Ax be dilation with A > 0. Then define U,\ = 7-1 . Da . 7C: S3 - S3.
Clearly, ua - u1 = id for all A > 0 and E(ua) - 0 (A -+ oo). The construction of Chen-Ding can be vastly simplified by combining Remark
1.10 with Proposition 1.4, as in Struwe [143] or [145]. Let M, N be compact manifolds, dim M = m > 3.
Theorem 1.12. For any T > 0 there exists a constant e = e(M, N, T) > 0 such that for any map uo: M -+ N which is not homotopic to a constant and satisfies E(uo) < e the solution u to (1.8), (1.9) must blow up before time 2T.
Proof. Suppose u E Coo (M x [0, 2T1; N) solves (1.8), (1.9). For z = (z, , T < t < 2T, R2 = T estimate $z (R) < CR2--E (u(t - R2)) 5 CR2-mE(uo) < co ife<`°T(m_X)12
whereC -CMNand) e= ( o = eo(M, N) > 0 is the constant in Proposition 1.4. Hence by Proposition 1.4 for z = (a, >, T < i:5 2T, we have the uniform a-priori bound
IVu(2)1< R =C(M,N,T). By the Bochner-type inequality (1.12) therefore we have d
AM) e(u) < Ce(u) on M x [T, 271
dt and Lemma 1.10 implies that
sup(e(u)) (x, 2T) < CE(uo) < Ce,
where C = C(M, N, T). Hence, if e = e(M, N, T) > 0 is sufficiently small, the image of u(2T) is contained in a convex, hence contractible, coordinate neighborhood on
N and u(2T) is homotopic to a constant. But then also uo is homotopic to a constant map, a contradiction. Therefore u must blow up before time 2T.
Singularities of first and second kind Let u E C°°(Rm x [-1,0[; N) be a solution to (1.8) with an isolated singularity at the origin, and satisfying (1.24). If (1.26)
IVu(x,t)12 <- I'
the rescaled sequence
uR(x, t) = u(Rx, R2t),
satisfies the same estimate and hence a sub-sequence converges smoothly locally on Rm x ] - oo, 0[ to a smooth limit u as R -i 0. u satisfies (1.8). Moreover, u 0 const;
otherwise $(R; u) = (1.24) there holds
T isft m
+ 21t1
uR) < co for some R > 0 and u is regular at 0. Since by x. Qttl2
cdxdt <_ Rl O
ff r
I2tuRt + X DUR12
I2tut 2ltl Du12Gdxl{t = U,
for any 0 < r < T < oo, it follows that u satisfies 2tut + xVu - 0; that is x u(x,t) = V
= w
We call singularities satisfying (1.26) of first kind. It is not ]mown whether self-similar solutions u(x, t) = v
actually may exist. All other singularities
are said to be of second kind. Since singularities in case m = 2 by Theorem 1.5 are related to time-independent harmonic maps u : S2 N of finite energy and since a non-constant, radially homogeneous map u(x) = w ( ) in m = 2 dimensions has infinite energy, Theorem 1.4 of Chang-Ding-Ye above shows that singularities of second kind, in fact, exist for the evolution problem (1.8).
Extensions and generalizations Further current developments include the evolution problem for harmonic maps on general complete, non-compact manifolds (Li-Zhm [1041) and for harmonic maps with symmetry (Grotowsky [65]).
PART 2 The Evolution of Hypersurfaces by Mean Curvature 2.1. Mean curvature flow Let M be a complete oriented m-dimensional manifold without boundary, Fo : M R' a smooth embedding into R", n = m + 1. Denote the scalar product in R". Let v be a smooth unit normal vector field on Mo = Fo(M) C R" and denote
H = E(e;,0",v) (m times) the mean curvature of Mo with respect to v, evaluated in a local orthonormal frame e1, ... , em on Mo. Also denote
H = -Hv the mean curvature vector. We say Mo = F0(M) is moved by mean curvature if there is a family t) of smooth embeddings t) : M -' R' with corresponding hypersurfaces Mt = F(M, t) such that (2.1)
0 F(p, t) = H(p, t)
for all p E M, t > 0,
0) = FO. Here we denote by ff(p, t) the mean curvature vector of Mt at a point x = F(p, t) E R". Equation (2.1) corresponds to the negative gradient flow for the volume of Mt. Indeed, if µt = t)'µ denotes the pull-back of the first fundamental form on Mt induced by the Euclidean metric µ , we have and
dtut =
Recall that the first variation of volume Vol Mt =
of the hypersurface Mt C R", when deformed in direction of a vector field t/i, is given by
f (9G, v) H d1im = Me
('+G, L dpi"',
where v denotes a unit normal vector field and H the corresponding mean curvature on Mt. Moreover, if A denotes the Laplacian in the pull-back metric At, we have
H=OF and (2.1) takes the form of a heat equation on M. The mean curvature flow was first investigated by Brakke [11], motivated by a study of grain boundaries in annealing metal, and later by Huisken [76]. While Brakke considered the problem in the general context of varifolds, Huisken approached the problem from the classical, parametric point of view (2.1). A weak form of (2.1) in terms of motion of level sets was later proposed by Osher-Sethian [116) and investigated in detail by Evans-Spruck [43], [44], [45], [46] and independently by Chen-Giga-Goto [22]. Finally, Ilmanen [79) has been able to relate the level-set flow and the Brakke motion of varifolds in the frame-work of geometric measure theory. We will trace a part of these developments. First we consider the parametric point of view. We will consider two model cases: the case when Mo is the boundary of a bounded region Uo C R" and the case when Mo is represented as an entire graph
Another special case is the case of plane curves or, more generally, curves on Riemannian surfaces. In the 80's Gage [49] and Gage-Hamilton [50] established that convex curves in the plane evolve smoothly to a nearly circular shape before they shrink to a 'round' point. Grayson [58], [59] extended these results to general closed embedded curves in the plane and on surfaces. In the latter case, another possible long-time behavior is the convergence towards a closed geodesic. AbreschLanger [1], Angenent [4) and Grayson [60] also studied immersed curves in the plane and obtained highly interesting examples of singular, self-similar behavior. However, in these notes we will study only the higher-dimensional case m > 2, where we will be able to observe singularities even if the original hypersurface is smoothly embedded, in contrast to the one-dimensional case.
2.2. Compact surfaces Let U0 be a compact set in R" with smooth boundary Mo and, say, outer unit normal v. If Uo is convex, then with our sign convention the mean curvature vector H is pointing inside Uo, and Mo, evolving by (2.1), is contracting.
Example 2.1. If Uo = BR(0), then Mt is a sphere of radius R(t), satisfying
R 1,
R(0) = Ro;
that is,
R(t) = R - 2(n - 1)t, and Mo shrinks to a point in finite time T = 2 "? I Example 2.2 (Angenent [5]). There exists a torus-like surface in R3 shrinking to a point by self-similar motion.
The evolution of spheres is in certain ways characteristic; moreover, their evolution gives nice "barriers" to control the evolution of more general hypersurfaces, due to the following
Theorem 2.1 (Comparison principle). If Mo and Mo are boundaries of smooth, relatively compact regions Uo C Uo CC R", respectively, and if Mo and Mo evolve
by mean curvature through families Mt = 8Ut, Mt = BUt, respectively, then for
t>0there holds UtCUt. IfUo0Uo,weeven have Ut000t. Heuristically, the comparison principle follows from the observation that if Mt were to "touch" Mt from "inside" at some point x, then the mean curvature of Mt at x would exceed the mean curvature of Mt at x, drawing Mt and Mt apart. A formal derivation, based on the maximum principle, will be given shortly. As a consequence of the comparison principle any compact hypersurface Mo = 8Uo evolving by mean curvature will become extinct in finite time T. Indeed, if
UoCBp,(xo)for some xo,Ro>0,we have T
Local existence Observe that (2.1) is only weakly parabolic, as the equation is invariant under diffeomorphisms of M. Local existence for (2.1) thus cannot be derived by the standard theory for parabolic systems; instead, more sophisticated methods, like the Nash-Moser scheme, have been used. However, as observed by Bollow [10], a simple alternative proof for local existence can be given based on a representation of the evolving surfaces Mt as graphs over Mo.
Since the general case is rather technical, let us derive this result only in the case that Mo is strictly star-shaped with respect to the origin, whence Mo may be represented as a graph
over the standard sphere.
Lemma 2.1. Let Mo be given as above with a smooth, strictly positive function uo : S"-1 -, R. Then (2.1) is equivalent to the evolution problem (2.2)
u2 + U2
Vu u2 + IDUI2
n -1 u
on S"-1 x [0, oo[ with initial condition ult-o = uo, in the sense that for the solution of (2.1) there holds Mt = {u(e, t)l;; 1' E S"-1 }, where u solves (2.2). Conversely,
if u solves (2.2) then Mt, given as above, may be reparametrized by tangential difeomorphisms to achieve a solution F(-, t) of (2.1). Proof. Let C E Sn', and let et, 1 < i < n-1, be an orthonormal basis for TTSnand let x = u(1:,t)t: be a parametrization of Mt. Denote u., = e,(u) = Ve,u, etc., the derivative in direction e;. Then at the point £ we have the following expressions
for v, H and the first and second fundamental forms (9i j), (hj) on Mt, respectively:
x,i = u,, + uei, 9ij _ (x,i, xa) = u,iui + u26ij,
- ui
u2 + Dull' 2u,iu,, + u2bir - u,ij u2 + Vu12
H = trace(gi"h,k) = giihji
_1u d1V 1
u2 + lvul2
Vu u2 + 1Vu12
(To see the latter we may orient ej such that u,i = 0 for i 0 1.) Hence if Mt evolves according to (2.1), the radial component (gF)1 of its velocity satisfies u2T8 u u2+IVu12
u +lvu
U _-(n-1) u2+IVU12
Vu u2 + 1vu12
That is, u is a solution of (2.2). Conversely, if u solves (2.2) and Mt is the graph of u above S"'', then Mt evolves by mean curvature. 0
Now if uo > c > 0, then for u near uo the linearized operator (2.2) is uniformly parabolic and we obtain local existence and uniqueness of solutions of (2.2) and hence (2.1). Moreover, the comparison principle stated above for strictly starshaped hypersurfaces can be deduced from the strong maximum principle for uniformly parabolic equations. Finally, if Mo is convex, then Mt remains convex until Mo becomes extinct at a `round' point, as was proved by Huisken [761. Although one might expect a similar
result to hold for strictly star-shaped initial surfaces, the corresponding result is false in this case. To see this, consider the boundary of a fattened double-cone bounding two large spheres at the ends and circled by a self-similarly shrinking torus at the waist.
2.3. Entire graphs Suppose Mo can be represented as a graph Mo = { (x', uo(x')); x' E W-11,
with a smooth function uo : R"-' - R. By a result of Ecker and Huisken [34] then Mo generates a global smooth evolution by mean curvature. To see this it is useful to derive a non-parametric form of the evolution problem (2.1).
Lemma 2.2. Suppose Mo is given by the graph of a smooth function uo : R"-' R. Then (2.1) is equivalent to the evolution problem (2.3)
ju -
1 + IVu12 div (
Viyul2) = 0 M R"-' x [0, oo[,
with initial condition ult=o = uo, in the following sense. For any t > 0 the set Mi evolving by (2.1), starting from Mo at t = 0, is an entire graph
Mt = {(x',u(x',t));x' E Rn -t}, where u solves (2.3). Conversely, if u satisfies (2.3), then Mt, given as above, up to tangential dif'eomorphism evolves by (2.1).
Proof. Let x = (x', u(x', t)), e1,.. . , e the standard orthonormal basis for Rn. Then we have
x,i = ei + u,ien, gij = u,iu,i + bii, en - u,iei
1+IVuP' (ei + u,ien, -u,iiej)
1 + [VuI2
-u.i3 1 + _VU 12
for 1
H = giihii = div
j_+_1 IV-U1 2
Hence if Mt = F(Mo,1) evolves according to (2.1), its vertical velocity satisfies Ttu
Vu 1+JVI2
as claimed, and conversely.
Again, (2.3) is uniformly parabolic at smooth functions u satisfying a global Lipschitz condition. Hence, for smooth, globally Lipschitz initial data it is not
hard to show that (2.3) admits a smooth solution, which, in fact, is defined for all time. That is, an entire Lipschitz graph Mo evolves through smooth Lipschitz graphs Mt for all time. Surprisingly, Ecker and Huisken were able to show that a solution to (2.3) and hence to (2.1) exists globally even without any growth condition on uo near infinity. This result-somewhat reminiscent of results on removable singularities for the minimal surface equation-is obtained by first using spheres "above" and "below" Mo as barriers to control the "height" of Mt locally and then combining the local L°°-estimate thus obtained with the following interior gradient estimate for solutions of (2.3).
Theorem 2.2 ([34], Theorem 2.3 and Theorem 5.2). Suppose u is a smooth solution of (2.3) on BR(xo) x [0,71 with initial data uo. Then for all t E [0,7'] there holds
1 + [Vu(xo, t)[2 < C sup
1 + IVuo12
exp , CR-2
with constants C = C(n).
sup x1EBn(x0'),0<s,t
Iu(x', 8)
- u(xo,1)12
The proof of this result uses techniques of [98], adapted to a parabolic setting.
Theorem 2.3 ([341, Theorem 5.1). Let Mo = {(x',uo(x'));x' E R"-1} be a locally Lipschitz entire graph over RI-1. Then the mean curvature flow (2.1) has a unique smooth solution (Mt)t>o; moreover, each Mt is an entire graph Mt = {(x', u(x', t)); x' E R"-1} given by a smooth global solution u of (2.3).
Proof. Given xo E Rn-1, R > 0, T > 0 let Rp >R2 + 2(n - 1)T,
a= sup Iuol+Ro Blto (=o )
and choose balls Bo = BR. ((x'o, ±a)) "above" and "below" Mo as "barriers" to control u. Note that by time t the mean curvature flow will shrink the spheres
So = 8Bo to the concentric spheres St = 8Bt , where Bi = BR(t)((xo,±a)), with R(t)= Ro-2(n-1)t>RforO
sup (Ivuol+ BR(z,)
IRl for 0 < t < T. Varying xo, we obtain a-priori gradient bounds on R"-1 x [0, T]. By a boot-strap argument similar a-priori bounds for higher derivatives of u may be obtained. Approximating uo by smooth functions u0k linear at infinity and such that 110k - uo uniformly on any compact subset 12 C Rn-1 with IVuokl bounded uniformly in 0, uniformly in k, the corresponding solutions uk to (2.3) for initial data uok converge smoothly to a solution u of (2.3), locally on Rn-I x]0, oo[.
Another use of the non-parametric form (2.3) of (2.1) is to give rigorous proof of the comparison principle Theorem 2.1: Suppose Mt. and Mto touch at a point zo E Rn. We may suppose 0 < to is minimal with that property and that xo lies on the boundary of Mt f1 Mt, relative to Mt. Represent Mt and Mt as graphs above their common tangent plan at (xo, to) and apply the maximum principle to equation (2.3) in a backward neighborhood of (xo, to).
2.4. Generalized motion by mean curvature Above we have seen that an initial surface near a double cone or, simpler, a long dumbbell-shaped surface develops a singularity before it becomes extinct under mean curvature flow. In order to be able to follow the evolution past the singularity, we now define
generalized motion by mean curvature as developed by Evans-Spruck [43], [44], [45], [46], and, independently, by Chen-Giga-Goto [22). The idea is to represent a hypersurface Mo in R" as the level-set {uo(x) = 0} for some function uo and
such that for a suitable family ut = u(., t), all level surfaces {u(x, t) = const}, wherever sufficiently regular, evolve by mean curvature. To derive the differential
equation that the family ut will have to satisfy in order for its level surfaces to evolve according to (2.1) we fix a point x E rZ = {u(x, t) = ry} and follow its path as r' is evolving by (2.1).
Note that we have v = OvV , H = div v; hence if we parametrize the particle
path of x by x(s), s > t, we have d
x(s) = -Hv =
( IVVu
at the initial time s = t. On the other hand, the requirement u(x(s), s) = 'y for all s leads to 0=
d Z u(x(s),8)
Vu) +
au = -IVuI div (Dull + -u. 5i
Thus we say that the motion of level sets of u defines a generalized motion by mean curvature if u : R" x [0, oo[-. R satisfies (2.4)
u - (bij -
/ U--,
= 0,
where i and j are now summed from 1 to n. Note that in the language of fluid mechanics, equation (2.4) corresponds to the Eulerian viewpoint while the parametric problem (2.1) corresponds to the Lagrangian one. In the present context, equation (2.4) seems to have first been proposed by Osher-Sethian [1161. For smooth functions u with Vu 34 0, equations (2.4) and (2.1) are in fact equivalent. However, if we want to model the motion of a closed hypersurface Mo bounding a compact region in R" by the evolving level sets rt = {u(x, t) = 0} of a solution of (2.4), it is clear that Vu must vanish at some point in the interior of Ft for each t and hence (2.4) cannot be interpreted classically on all of R" x (0, oo[. Moreover, by the geometric interpretation of (2.4), if u is a solution of (2.4), and if W is any continuous, one-to-one function, then %F(u) should be a solution of (2.4), as u and T(u) have the same level sets. To be able to include these cases a notion of weak solution is required. The appropriate notion of generalized solution is that of viscosity solution as in [29], [301, [40], [80], [83], and [106].
Definition 2.1. A function u E CO f1 LOO(R" x [0, oo[) is a weak sub- (super-) solution of (2.4) if the following holds: For each 0 E C°O(R"+a) and each (xo, to) E R" x]0, oo[ such that u - ¢ has a maximum (minimum) at (xo, to) we have (? 0) Ot - (bij - 7700-0-,-, < 0 for some 17 E R", InK < 1, and
Vo(xo, to) IVOxo, to) I
if VO(xo, to)
In particular, a weak sub-solution forces any smooth function whose graph "touches" the graph of u from "above" at (xo, to) to be a sub-solution at (x0, to), and similarly for super-solutions. In fact, for more general classes of equations one usually requires that ¢(xo, to) = u(xo, to) for comparison functions ¢. However, since translations u --+ u + e leaves (2.4) invariant, here this condition can be waived.
Often it may be convenient to represent admissible comparison functions as
0(x, t) = u(xo, to) + p(x - xo) + q(t - to) + 2 (z - zo)T R(z - zo) + o(Iz - zol2)
as z -+ zo, for p E R", q E R, R = (rij) a symmetric (n + 1) x (n + 1)-matrix, and z = (x, t).
Definition 2.2. A function u E co n L°°(R" x [0, ool) is a weak solution of (2.4) if u is simultaneously a weak sub- and super-solution. Let us now turn to some simple special cases.
Example 2.3. (The motion of spheres) Let uo(x) = Ro - 1x12. Then
u(x,t) = uo(x) - 2(n - 1)t satisfies (2.4) classically at all points where Vu 0 0, and the level surface
r t = {x E R' ; u(x, t) = 0}
is given by rt = BBR(i)(O)
with R(t) =
R-,0 - 2(n - 1)t as in the classical, parametric setting. To verify that u solves (2.4) also at xo = 0 it suffices to consider as comparison functions
0t (x, t) = u(x, t) f (z - zo)T R(z - zo), where z = (x, t), z o = (0, to), R = (ri,) >2 0. Then 0+ > u > r- near zo, V 0, and, letting rl denote an arbitrary unit vector in R', OP
(zo) _
- (bii - tli'Jj)WZx; = ut - (bii - 11070'u-,-, T- (bij -T(6,, - i7j%)rii
has the desired sign.
2.5. Uniqueness, comparison principles, global existence Thus, in a simple case we reobtain the classical motion by mean curvature. Note that in the example above we simultaneously recover the evolution of all spheres centered at the origin; moreover, the solution u remains smooth and is in fact globally defined even past the extinction time To = Ro/2(n - 1) of any individual sphere. However, it may not be obvious that this solution is unique; conceivably, after
passing through a "geometric" singularity a level surface might evolve in any one of several different ways, as is illustrated by examples of Brakke [11] for the mean curvature flow of varifolds. In fact, it is quite surprising that solutions to (2.4) are unique. Moreover, we shall see that the motion of a level surface 170 depends only on the surface, not on the function uo defining it. Finally, solutions persist for all time. Thus, (2.4) defines a unique global extension of the mean curvature flow of hypersurfaces to arbitrary level surfaces of continuous functions in R". We begin by the following observation. Theorem 2.4 (Naturality; [43], Theorem 2.8). If u E CO f1 LOO (R^ x [0, oo[) is a weak solution of (2.4) and if T : R --+ R is continuous, then v = W(u)
is a weak solution of (2.4).
Proof. First consider the case where T E COO with 'P' > 0 on R. C°°(R'+i) and suppose 0 = '+6(xo, to) - v(xo, to) <_ ,p(x, t) - v(x, t) near (xo, to). Then -0 = IF -I(a,) E C°O(Rn+I) and 0 = O(xo,to) - u(xo,to) <- O(x,t) - u(x,t)
near (x0, to),
Let u i E
whence for some il E R",1771/ < 1, we have
< 0 at (x0, to).
Ot - (bij -
Moreover, , = V,i/I V,iI = Vii/I VOI, evaluated at (xo, to), if Vq (xo, to) # 0. But then + W"(IV I2 - In . V012):5 0,
Wt -
and v is a weak sub-solution of (2.4). Similarly, v is a weak super-solution, which proves the theorem in case %F E C°° satisfies 91' > 0. The case 'Y' < 0 is similar. More generally, in order for 'I'(u) to be a weak solution of (2.4) near (xo, to) it suffices that T is monotone in a neighborhood of u(xo, to). Since an arbitrary continuous function can be uniformly approximated by functions which are locally monotone - that is, regions where ' is increasing or decreasing, respectively, are separated by intervals where W is constant - the assertion of the theorem for general 12 is a consequence of the next result.
Theorem 2.5 (Closedness of solution set; [43], Theorem 2.7). Let uk E CO n L' (R" x [0, oo[) weakly solve (2.4) and suppose uk u boundedly and locally uniformly on R" x [0, ool. Then u is a weak solution of (2.4).
Proof. Let 0 E C°° (R"+I) and suppose that u - 0 has a local maximum at zO = (xo,to). Replacing 0 by the function O(z) = O(z) + Iz - z° I4, if necessary, we may assume that u - 0 has a strict local maximum at zo. By locally uniform convergence Uk - u, for large k also uk - 0 has a local maximum at a point zk, zk -' zo for large k and thus -Ot -
(bij -
oo). If V4(z°) 34 0 we also have Vq(zk) i4 0
IV 012 J
0x,x; < 0 at Zk.
Passing to the limit k - oo, we obtain the same relation also at zo. If V4(zo) =0 we have of - (bij - rlik)rl(k)) 0x,x3 < 0 at Zk
for a sequence of vectors rl(k) E R", I,7(k)l < 1. (Of course, if V¢(zk) ,- 0 we let r7(k) = °m xk ). By passing to a sub-sequence, if necessary, we assume that +)(k) --+,, (k - oo). It follows that Ot - (bij - 7707j) 0.,x, < 0 at 20,
and u is a weak sub-solution, as claimed. The proof that u is a weak super-solution is similar.
Theorem 2.6 (Global existence; [43], Theorem 4.2). Assume uo: R" -- R is continuous and satisfies u°(x) = y° E R for Ixl > R° for some constant RD > 0. Then there exists a weak solution u E CO n LO°(R" x [0, oo[) of (2.4) with initial data 0) = uo and
u(x,t) =yo Moreover, if uo is Lipschitz, so is
for lxl2 +2(n - 1)t> R t) and I[VUIIL-(R^x[o,oo[) : IIVu0IIL-(R^)
Proof. Assume for simplicity that uo is smooth. Extend uo to R"+1 by letting u0(x, xn+1) = u0(x) - Exn+1
Denote points in R"+1 by y = (x,xn+1). The level surface
to = {y E R"+1; uo(y) = 0} is a smooth graph
Hence, by Theorem 2.3 above, to `generates a smooth family of graphs
rt = { 1 X' !((x
t)) ; X E R" 1 ,
evolving by mean curvature. Any other level surface ro = {y;uo(y) = y}
is a parallel translate of to and evolves through parallel translates of I's. Hence uE (x, xn+1, t) = ue (x, t) - Exn+1
is a (classical) solution to (2.4) on R"+1 x [0, oo(. Computing explicitly, thus ue satisfies (2.5)
ut - 6ij -
uex, uex
(Due (2
+ E2)
ux,xj = 0
in R" x [0, oo[ with initial condition 0) = uo. Moreover, for fixed e > 0 by Theorem 2.3 we have local bounds for I Vue I on any slice R" x [0, 71. Thus, by the maximum principle for uniformly parabolic equations, we have uniform a-priori bounds IIuCIIL0(R,,x(O,ooi) = IIUOIIL.O(R°)
Finally, differentiating (2.5) with respect to xI, we have
It - b{j -
uex ue 'ZJ 2 IVueI +E2
C(E) la'ds' I
IVux, I
and another application of the maximum principle gives the Lipschitz bound IIVudIIL°O(R°xj0,ooi) !5 IIVuoIIL,(R^),
uniformly in e > 0. Thus, passing to a suitable sequence e --+ 0 if necessary, ue - u boundedly and locally uniformly on R" x [0, oo[. A simple variation in the proof of the preceding compactness result shows that u weakly solves (2.4). The characterization of the support of (u - ryo)+ results from comparing the solutions ue above to the solutions yE (x, t) corresponding to the shrinking of spheres. 0
Theorem 2.7 (Comparison principle and uniqueness; (43], Theorem 3.2). If u, v E ConL°°(R" x [0, oo[) are weak solutions of (2.4) with initial data 0) = uo < vo = v(., 0) and if for some R > 0 both u and v are constant on Rn x [0, oo(n{IxI +
t > R}, then u < v. In fact, IIu - VIIL°°(R"x[0.oo() : IIu0 - VOIIL-(Rn)
Remark 2.3. The construction used above to prove global existence yields weak solutions u < v if the initial data are ordered correspondingly. This follows by applying the maximum principle to the approximate equations (2.5). However, the proof of the corresponding ordering relation among all weak solutions of (2.4) with initial data uo < vo is much more involved. An important concept in the proof is that of sup- and inf-convolution, defined as follows. For w E C° f l LO° (R" x [0, ooD,
wE(z) = wc(z)
(w()_!Iz_I2) e
(w()+!Iz_I2). e
Then inf w < wt < w < wt < sup w, and wt, wt - w locally uniformly on R" x 10,00f.
Moreover, sup- and inf-convolutions are regularizing in the sense that wt, wt are Lipschitz and almost everywhere twice differentiable. The latter assertion follows from the fact that, for instance, the function
z-+wt(z)+1x12=s{p{wt(t)+E (1x12-Iz-e12)}, being the supremum of a family of affine functions, is convex, hence almost everywhere twice differentiable by a theorem of Alexandroff. Finally, if w is a super-solution of (2.4), wt again is a super-solution. Similarly, if w is a sub-solution of (2.4), so is wt. Now the idea in the proof of the comparison
principle is as follows: Suppose by contradiction that u(z) > v(z) for some z E R"x]0,oo[. By hypothesis, u and v are constants for large 1x1 + t. Thus
max (u-v)=a>0
R" x (0,00(
is attained in R" x]0, oo[. By uniform local convergence uE -+ u, vt -, v then also
max (ut - vt)
is attained in R"x]O,oo[ for sufficiently small e > 0. Finally, if we choose a > 0 small enough, also
max (ut - vt - at) > a4 > 0
will be attained at some interior point zo E R" x10, oo[. Suppose for simplicity that vt is twice differentiable near zo with Ovt (zo) 0. Then a suitable extension of (Vt +at) is admissible as a comparison function 4, for ut. Since ut - 0 by choice of zo has a local maximum at zo and ut is a weak sub-solution of (2.4), we find
vvl E
0 ? mt - 6,j
(v +a) - (aij - 10u12) v=exs, IV012
contradicting the fact that vt is a super-solution.
2.6. Monotonicity formula In order to obtain partial regularity results for (2.4) we may try to carry over the estimates obtained for harmonic maps by means of the monotonicity formula. In the following, we derive an analogous monotonicity estimate for the generalized mean curvature flow. In fact, in the parametric setting of problem (2.1) a monotonicity formula analogous to Theorem 1.10 was independently obtained by Huisken [771 in 1990.
For a given point zo = (xo, to) E R" x 10, oo[ let
G"' (x, t) =
47r(to - t
(_ [x - xo[ a ` 4(to -
if t < to,
G,, (x, t) = 0 else. Observe that G,, is the fundamental solution to the backward heat equation in any n - 1- dimensional hyperplane through xo. (Any such hypersurface is a stationary solution of (2.1).) Consider a smooth function uo: R" - R which is constant for large [x[ and let u' be the unique global smooth solutions to the approximating problem (2.5) with initial data u° = uo constructed in the proof of Theorem 2.6 above.
Proposition 2.1. For any zo E R" x [0, oo[ the function
01(t) =
[VuE-12+,E2 G0 dx
is non-increasing and [2rui + t. Vuf 12
JR^x{c} 41rl2(iVudl2+E2)
lVuE [a +E a G,
where r=t-to, f =x-xo. Proof. Translate zo to (0, 0) and for A > 0 scale u -, U,\ (X, t) = u(Ax, Alt) E-+Ea=AE.
Then ua solves (2.5) for Ea with u'(.,0) = uo.\ and 4 (-A2;u`) = 0af(-l;u1). Hence (2.6)
Wt--01 (t) _
I`(t;10) =
T- (0A'(- 1; ul))
Since u` is smooth, moreover d
tat(-1; ua) _
Vu, V( ua)+AE2Gdx [Vu I r+ - JR^x{-1} Vua V(a,,ua) Gdx
fR-X(-Il Vu' +A E where G = G(o.o) and we used the fact that A > 0. Integrating by parts and using the scaled equation (2.5), that is, div
Vu A
uac E
VuT + A 7 '
and the relation VG(x, t) _ -&G(x, t), we thus obtain 4
(- 1; u`
JR"X(-1) -2t Mu
z Dua }
1 2 W \ ' + x qua 12
IVuj +,\2f2
JR^x{-l} 2AItl
12tui + x Vu` 12
IVuc 2 +E2
- JR^x{-A2} 2It13/2
(dAuG a)
G dx
Thus, finally, we deduce from (2.6) that (2.7)
dv(t)<- JR^x{t} 4ItI2(IVU,12+E2) Vrj VW2+EGdx,
as claimed.
Passing to the limit c -i 0 in Proposition 2.1, from Fatou's lemma we thus obtain: Theorem 2.8. Let U E CO ft L°O(R" x [0, oo(), u =_ coast for large I xl + t, weakly solve (2.4), and let zo E R" x [0, oo[. Then for any T > 0 we have
IVuIGdx < f IVu°IG0 dx. " x {T}
A similar result was obtained by IImanen [78], approximating the level-set motion u by solutions to the Allen-Cahn equation.
2.7. Consequences of the monotonicity estimate As a first consequence we obtain bounds on the volume of hypersurfaces evolving under the mean curvature flow. Note that by the co-area formula ([57]; Theorem 1.32) for any lZ C R", any function f E BV(11), and any a E R, letting 0. = {x E 11; f(x) < s} and denoting Xn, the characteristic function, we have
fIDfI =
The monotonicity estimate thus gives a bound on the average of the volume of the level sets of u, weighted with G,z0. To narrow in on a particular level surface, say I't = {u(x, t) = 0}, choose smooth functions *k converging locally uniformly away from a = 0 to the signum function
+1,s>0 0,s=0
Since the monotonicity estimate holds for Wk(U) as well, from lower semi-continuity of the BV-norm ([57]; Theorem 1.9) we deduce the estimate
IDvIGso < f ^
x {T}
for v = 4'(u), vo ='P(uo), provided Vuo 4 0 on ro = {uo(x) = 0}. Multiply by t(0 n" 1)12 and let to - oo to conclude
fit. x(T}
IDvI < IRn IDvoI =
t he (n - 1)-dimensional Hausdorff-measure of the initial surface. In particular, rT = (x; u(x, T) = 0) has finite perimeter; that is, rt is a Caccioppoli set (see [57]; p.6). By De Giorgi's structure theorem for Caccioppoli sets (see [57]; Theorem 4.4), therefore 8rT possesses a unit normal
v(x,T) = lim
fBo(Z) Dv(.,T)
P-0 fBo(=)
and hence a tangent hyperplane, everywhere. Thus we can also define a generalized mean curvature H = div v and generalized mean curvature vector everywhere on BrT, for any T > 0.
Of course, v and H coincide with the classical notions as long as rT is a smooth hypersurface. In the latter case, from the monotonicity estimate (2.7) for vk = 'Yk(u), upon passing to the limit k -+ oo, we recover the sharper estimate T
-vl 2r
IDvIG,. dt < fR. IDvoIG.0, 0 ^ fan x(T) corresponding to Huisken's formula [77], Theorem 3.1. On the other hand, we can recover some of the estimates of [45]; see for instance Theorem 4.2. If rT is the closure of an open set with smooth boundary 8rT then IDvIG,to + I
IDvI = n' '(SrT) < 2nn-1(r0) Examples show that an initial (non-smooth) hypersurface may indeed "double up", as suggested by this formula. (Take a pair of crossed diagonals in the plane, for example.) As a further consequence we can obtain improved estimates on extinction times for compact hypersurfaces of finite (n -1)-dimensional measure, analogous to [45], Theorem 4.1.
Theorem 2.9. Suppose u E C° n L°O(Rn x [0,oo[),u = coast for large Ixi + t, solves (2.4) with initial data uo. Let rt = {x; u(x, t) = 01 fort > 0 and suppose C(wn"1(r0))2/(n-1) with a constant C = C(n). rT 76 0. Then we have T!5 Proof. Let xo be a point of density for the (n -1)-dimensional Hausdorff measure on 8rT. Then with ith constants C, = C,(n) > 0 we have lim
^ x (T}
IDvIG, > C1 lim P1 -n r P-0 Bo(xo)
C2 > 0;
see [57], Lemma 3.5. On the other hand, the left hand side of this inequality is bounded by
lim J IDvoiG0 <- "r4'
Similarly, a result analogous to Brakke's "clearing out" lemma can be deduced.
Proposition 2.2 ([11], §6.3; [45],Theorem 3.1). Suppose Co = ?fn-1(ro) < oo. Given p > 0 there exist constants a, q > 0, possibly depending on Co, such that, if xn-1(r0 n B2p({)) 5 r1p"-1, then we have arc n Bp({) = 0 fort E [ape, 2ap2].
Proof. After scaling we may assume that p = 1. Let t E [ape, 2ap2], a > 0 to be determined, and let xo E 8rcnBp(t) be a point of density for the (n-1)-dimensional Hausdorff measure. Then
0 < C2 < lim
to\t JR^ x (t)
< lim
to\t JR^
jDvoIGzo < 2
fro a-Hn-
2 47ra
x-xo et
+?{n- I(ro)exp
- )
Now choose a = a(Co) > 0 and then n =, (a) > 0 to achieve that the right of the above inequality is smaller than C2. In view of the above results, it seems reasonable to extend the classsical motion of surfaces Mt by mean curvature beyond the first singular time T by letting Mt =
ert for t > T.
2.8. Singularities A point zo = (xo, to) with xo E rc, is a singular point of a C2-solution u of (2.4) if Vu(zp) = 0. (Conversely, if so is regular, that is, Vu(zo) 0 0, then rt, is a C2-surface near xo.) Suppose, for instance, that A = V2u(zo) is positive definite. Then by (2.4) we
have a := ut = (bid -
0 at zo and hence for t < to close to to there
{x; (x - xo)T A(x - x0) = alto - t)1 . 2
Hence we expect the 0-level surfaces of the rescaled functions UR(X,
t) = u \XO + R'to + R2 /
at t = -1 to approach a smooth limit. More generally, consider the signum function ' above and for a weak solution u of (2.4) let v = 111(u). Moreover, for zo = (x0, to) E R" x [0, oo[, R > 0, let
x t VR(x, t) = v x0 + R, to +
Suppose the level surfaces 1'R = {VR(-,t) = 0} are smooth. Then by the monotonicity estimate (2.8) for any T > 0 we have
JHR+ 2tvRl IDVRIGdt R°
= fo_TR-2 JR. t
vI IDvIGzo dt 2r
(R - oo),
where v denotes the normal v = Tsf and H the mean curvature. Generalizing [77], we call a singularity of Type 1 if the surfaces TR smoothly converge to a smooth
surface Fr for every t < 0, as R - oo. Let H,,, v. denote the mean curvature and normal on Fr. Then by the above we have
2ItIHH = (x,v.). Represent rt ° = Ft (I'' 1). Then by (2.1) it follows that d (F, v_)
Ft=-H.v. _ -21t1
whence up to tangential diffeomorphism 1'i° is contracting by self-similar motion. All smooth star-shaped hypersurfaces in R^ satisfying
H=(x,v)>0, and hence giving rise to self-similar solutions of (2.1) or (2.4), have been classified by Huisken [77], Theorem 5.1. In particular, we have:
Theorem 2.10 ([77], Theorem 4.1). If M"-1 C Ilt° is compact with non-negative mean curvature H = (x, v), then M is a sphere of radius n - 1. There seems to be a large variety of self-similar solutions of (2.1) that do not satisfy H > 0; in particular, the torus-shaped hypersurface of Example 2.2. Moreover, there are singularities that evolve at a different (faster) rate, which we call of Type 2. The study of singularities for the mean curvature flow is a very active field of current research.
PART 3 Harmonic maps of Minkowsky space
3.1. The Cauchy problem for harmonic maps Consider Mm+l = R x R', equipped with the Minkowsky metric 1
g = (gap) =
0 and let N be a compact Riemannian manifold, isometrically embedded in RI. By
analogy with harmonic maps of Riemannian manifolds, we define a map u: M'"+1 -+ N C R to be harmonic if it is stationary for the Lagrangian L(u; R) =
Jx l (u) dz,
1(u) =
= 2 (IVuI2 - lug12)
and where z = (t, x) = (x°, xl, ... , x"). Here, V = ( DiT , ... , 88 ) denotes the spatial derivatives and, for brevity, ea = g , a = 0, ... , m. Moreover, it will be convenient to denote D = (Oo...... m) _ (at, 0) and 8° = g°1980. For 0 E Co (M'"+l; u- TN) supported on a space-time domain R C M'+1 we have de
L ("N (u + CO); R) 11=0 = J O u O dz = 0, R
where _02
is the wave operator, acting component-wise on u; that is, u is harmonic if (3.1)
Ou 1 TuN. 311
Suppose v1+1,. .. , v is a smooth (local) orthonormal frame field for the normal bundle T1N C TR". Then in the spirit of 1.1 we may write
u = E Akvk
where Ak : M"'+I -. R is given by Ak = (E] u, vk a u) = -Sa (8°u, vk . U) + (8°u, So (vk ° u))
= A"(u)(BQu,8°u) = Ak(u)(Vu, Vu) - Ak(u)(ut,ut), with (3.2)
denoting the scalar product in R". Hence
Du = E(vk ° u)Ak(u)
= A(u)(Du,Du).
Introducing the "null form"
Q* 0) = VOW L' - ot0t, note that (3.2) also may be written in the form (3.3)
uk = a (u)Q(u`, uJ ),
k = 1, ... , n.
Finally, in local coordinates (u',. .. , uI) on N, (3.2) may be written (3.4)
uk = f'j (u)QW, uj ),
where I''if denote the Christoffel symbols on N. Note that Q(u, u) = 21(u), and Q is associated with the wave operator in the same way as the Dirichlet energy density is associated with the Laplacian. For hyperbolic problems it is natural to consider the Cauchy problem: Given
initial data uo,ul at t = 0 we seek u: M'+I -+ N C R" satisfying (3.2) and the initial condition (3.5)
Unt .o = uo,
ut 1t-o = ul
on R,".
The questions we consider are local and global existence of classical or weak solutions, and development of singularities. We will not consider the problem of determining the asymptotic behavior of solutions or scattering theory. Equation (3.2) shares the property of the homogeneous wave equation 0 = 0 that initial disturbances propagate with speed < 1. Thus, as far as the above topics are concerned, we may restrict our attention to initial data with "compact support"
in the sense that (3.6)
uo - const,
Ui = 0
on R' \ Sao
for some compact set Sao CC R"'. In what follows we discuss various mechanisms for proving existence for (3.2), (3.5).
3.2. Local existence Existence via the fundamental solution Consider the Cauchy problem for u: M"+1 -, R satisfying
in M'11
with initial data uo and u1. If m = 1, the solution is given by u(t, x) =21 (uo(x + t) + uo(x - t)) + 1 2
l I f -a f(t - s, y) dy ds.
Ifm=3,wehave u(t' x)
f'+t u1(v) dy
(4ir , u0(x + t{) do
J u1(x + tc) do
f (t - s, x + s£) do ds,
whereas, if m > 3, the representation formula involves also derivatives of f transverse to the backward light cone M(z) from z = (t, x), given by
M(z) _ {(s,y) ; t -s = Ix - vI} . Note that, even in dimension m = 1, there is no "gain" in derivatives. Thus, already
in dimension m = 1, for nonlinearities f = f (u, Du) as in (3.2) a simple-minded iteration procedure will fail to yield a local existence result due to loss of derivatives.
Energy method First consider a smooth solution u of the homogeneous wave equation
in M'"+I
having compact support on any slice it = cont.} Multiplying by ut we obtain the conservation law (3.7)
0 = attar - Auut =
d f utI1+IVu12\) dt
- div(Vuut).
Denote e(u) = IutI2 + IDuI2 = 1 IDuj2 2
the energy density of u and let
E(u(t)) = f
e(u) dx. t }xA^
Then, since u(t) has compact support, upon integrating the above conservation identity we obtain dtE(u(t)) = 0; in particular
E(u(t)) E(u(0)). Similarly, since derivatives v = D°u = 00 '0 ... &,W-u for any multi-index a = (ao,... , a,) again solve v = 0 with supp(v(t)) cc It'", we have E(D°u(t)) < E(D°u(0)).
Note that D°u(0) can be computed entirely in terms of uo and ul, in view of the equation utt = Au. 0. Observe that (3.7) remains true if instead of Du = 0 we only require On account of (3.1), the latter condition is satisfied for harmonic maps, and we obtain Lemma 3.1 (Energy inequality). Let u be a smooth solution of the Cauchy problem (3.2), (3.5) having compact support in the sense of (3.6). Then for all t we have
E(u(t)) < E(u(O)). (In fact, for smooth u equality holds.)
In order to obtain corresponding bounds for higher derivatives, however, we have to consider also inhomogeneous equations. It is useful to introduce the spacetime norms 00
1 1/4 I
1 < p, q < oo, and the corresponding spaces L9.P(Mm+1) = L9 (R; LP(Rm)). On a finite space-time cylinder SIT = [0, T] x Cl corresponding norms may be defined.
Consider now a smooth solution u: M+1 --, R of
Ou = f with initial data uo, ul, where u(t) has compact support for any t. Multiplying by ut we obtain
je(u) - div(Vuut) = fut <- IfIIutI Integrating over {t} x R'", by the Cauchy-Schwartz inequality this gives
dE(u(t)) t
< I{t}XRm IfIIutldx <_ IIf(t)IIL3IIut(t)IIL3 <_ IIf(t)IIL2(2E(u(t)))1J2
That is, E(u(t)) <- IIf(t)IILv,
neglecting a factor V2_. Hence we obtain E(u(t)) < 2E(u(O)) + 2111)tL1.2
for all t, and similarly E(D°u(t)) < 2E(D°u(0)) + 2IID°f112 2, (3.8) for all a = (ao,...,a,,,).
Local existence for the Cauchy problem for harmonic maps We now apply (3.8) to solve (3.2) and (3.5) near t = 0. This result is quite standard. A survey of local existence results is given in Kato (91). Denote
H I.2(Rm;N), uI E Hja(Rm;u01TN),(uo,ul)satisfy (3.6)}.
where Hm,2(Rm; N), etc., is defined as in Part 1, sec 1, and let HH+1 = H:+I(Rm;TRn). Then we have:
Theorem 3.1. Suppose (u°iul) E H:+1(Rm;TN), where s > 2 . Then for some T > 0 problem (3.2), (3.5) admits a unique solution u: [-T,T] x Rt --' N such that sup IIDu(t)IIH. < oo.
Proof. Let u(0) E L°O(R;HH+1) solve Ou(°) = 0 with Cauchy date (u°iul). We claim there exists T > 0 and a convex neighborhood U of u(0) in LO° ([-T, TJ;
such that the map S: v -+ u = S(v) given by solving Ou = A(v)(Dv, Dv) with initial data u°, ul is a strictly contracting map of U to itself. Indeed, by (3.8) we have the estimate
suPII(Du - Du)(t)II,. < Csup E E(D°(u - u)(t)) t
< C E II D° (A(v)(Dv, Dv) - A(v)(Dv, D8))II2
for the difference of any two solutions u = S(v), u = S(v). Moreover, for any IaI < s, any Itt < T, by Leibniz' rule we can estimate
F(t) := ID° (A(v)(Dv, Dv) - A(i)(Di), D0))I
IDO(v - v)I
r D"(,)vI
\H `I
+ ID"c,>vI))
where in the product ry = E, -Y(i) ranges over all multi-indices such that I?'I < 2 + Ial - 1,01 and Iry(')I < IaI + 1. We use Sobolev's embedding theorem
Hl.a(R-), where
if 2(k -1) < m,
1_1k-1 q
if 2(k -1) > m. Choosing 2s 0 N we can achieve that 2((s + 1) - 1) # m for all 1; otherwise we Hk,2(Rm) _.> HI,°°(R n),
may use the extended Holder-Sobolev inequalities (see for example F iedman [481 or Mazja [1071) to justify the following estimates. Note that by Holder's inequality
IIF(t)IIL2 < C ; 1ID'3(v - v)IlLrco
(pD"" vIIL.c+ + IID""'VIIV(o)
where -y = E, y('), IyI < 2+IaI-I/I, Iryi`iI < IaI+1, and where for each 101 :5 IaI+1 and each ry we assume
Let ,Q = -t(o) and for i = 0, 1, ... set
if 2((s+1)-I7(0I) <m
m and set r(') = oo in the remaining cases. Note that r(') > 2 for all i. Hence we may assume that at least two distinct numbers r(') are finite. Since 2
EIryi'li < 2 + IoI < 2 + s
ryW < 1 + Iop < 1 + s,
then, if s > m/2, indeed we have
i< (21
-Y(i) - (s + 1) m
yi'l - 2(s + 1) ) <1 + Ei>o <1-m 1-m <2. m 1
Hence we obtain
IIFIIL2 <- CII(Dv - Di)IIf. (1 + IIDvII. + IIDvII .
- Dut°i)(t)IIN. < 1 } . u = {v; supll(Dv t Integrating the above inequality and combining with (3.9) we obtain supll(Du - Du)(t)IIH. < CIIFI1L..2 <- CT2supIIF(t)II t
(I+ sup (IIDv(t)IIH. + IIDi(t)IIff. ))
< CT2 supll(Dv - Dv)(t)IIff.
< 6supll(Dv - Dv)(t)IIH. t
with 6 < 1 if v, ii E U, and if T > 0 is sufficiently small. Similarly, we have
and this is < 1, if v E U and T > 0 is sufficiently small.
It follows that S has a unique fixed point u = S(u) E U which is the local solution we seek.
In the derivation of Theorem 3.1 neither the geometric interpretation (3.1) of the harmonic map equation nor its special form (3.3) or (3.4) were used. An example of how this structure may be exploited is given by the following result of Klainerman-Machedon 197].
Theorem 3.2. Let u, v: M3+1 - R be solutions to
in m3+1
with initial conditions alt=o = uo,
ut1t_o = u1,
vlt=o = Vol
vt It_o = v1,
respectively, and let Q(u,v) = Du Vv - utvt be a null-form as above. Then for any T > 0 we have IIDQ(u, v)IIL-
< C (IlDu(0)1111, + f
with an absolute constant C.
Q may be replaced by other "null-forms"; however, the result is false for general
bilinear forms in Du and Dv. As a consequence they derive the following slight improvement of Theorem 3.1.
Theorem 3.3. Let m < 3 and suppose (uo, u1) E H.. Then there exists T > 0 and a unique local solution u: [-T, 71 x R3 - N of (3.2), (3.5), satisfying supllDu(t)IIH, < CIIDu(O)IIHi
A simple proof of this fact, based, however, on the geometric condition (3.1) and energy estimates, can be given als follows.
Proof of Theorem 3.3. For any a E 0, ... , m we have dtE(&u) < j
Cf But be rewritten as
IDul3ID2uI dx + 2 fit m A(u)(D&u, Du) . 8aut dx.
thus the integrand in the second term on the right may
-(8QA(u))(D80u, Du) ut < CIDuI3ID2uI and we obtain
dtE(Du) < Cf IDuI3ID2uldx < CIIDuIIielID2uIIL2. R-^
Finally, since Du(t) has compact support for any t, by Sobolev's embedding theorem and since m:5 3 this implies dtE(Du) <_ CIID2UIII2 < C(E(Du) )2
for 0 < t < T, where C may depend on T and the size of the support of the initial data. Local existence thus follows from Gronwall's inequality. To obtain uniqueness, note that by (3.1) the difference of equations (3.2) for two H2-solutions u and v after multiplication by us - vg gives
0 (u - v) (u - v)t = (A(u)(Du, Du) - A(v)(Dv, Dv)) (ut - vt) = -A(u)(Du, Du)vt - A(v)(Dv, Dv)ut = (A(u) - A(v)) (Dv, Dv)ut - (A(u) - A(v)) (Du, Du)vt < Clu - vIID(u - v)I(IDuI2 + IDvI2).
Integrating over R"', for m < 3 by Sobolev's embedding theorem therefore we obtain dt
E(u - v) < Cllu - vIILOIID(u - v)IIL= - (IID(u)IIi6 +11D(v)11' e) CE(u - v) - sup(IID(u)IIH, + IID(v)IIHi )
and uniqueness in the class of H2-solutions follows.
Klainerman-Machedon conjecture that (uo, ul) E H,,, s > 2 , suffices. In fact, many experts believe that local existence and uniqueness should hold true in
the class HH+1, s > 2 In particular, for m = 2 such a result would imply the global existence of a unique solution to the Cauchy problem (3.2) (3.5) in the energy class. However, apart from some special cases, this problem still is completely open. Observe that the following simple model problem from Klainerman-Machedon
[97] demonstrates that such an improvement is not possible without using the geometric structure of the harmonic map equation.
Example 3.1. Let u satisfy the nonlinear wave equation Ou = Q(u, u) = IDul2 - IutI2 in M'"+1
with initial data NO - 0, u1 E Ho'2(Rm). Then v = e' satisfies the linear wave equation
in M'"+1
with initial data vo = eu0 - 1, v1 = u1 and t - v(t) is continuous in HH+1. To ensure that v = e" > 0 for small t > 0 we need continuity of v(t), and hence, by Sobolev's embedding theorem, we need s > m2 2
3.3. Global existence Example 3.2. Geodesics (Sideris 1131]). If y: R -' N is a geodesic on N and if v: M"t+1 -, R satisfies
then u = y
v solves
Ou = y'(v) Dv + y"(v)Q(v, v) 1 TuN, because y" 1 T.N. That is, u is harmonic. Note that u preserves the regularity of the initial data. Example 3.3. Let m = 1. In this case, global existence and regularity was established by Gu [68] and Ginibre-Velo [54]. A surprisingly simple proof was given by Shatah [127] based on the following observation: Multiply (3.1) by ut, respectively by ux, to obtain the system of conservation laws
0=Duut=Bte-8ym, 0=Duu,, =Ojm - Ore, where e = e(u) = z (IutI2 + Iu=12) is the energy density and m = m(u) = u=ut is the density of momentum; compare (3.7). Thus, e satisfies the linear wave equation
and from the representation formula we obtain pointwise bounds on e, and hence on Du, in terms of the initial data. Higher regularity for smooth data then follows by using the energy inequality (3.8) to iteratively derive Gronwall-type estimates
d E(D°u(t)) < C + CE D- (u(t))) for any a.
Remark 3.4. For m = 3 and rather smooth initial data uo, ul whose norm is small in H', s > 10, Sideris [131] has constructed global solutions to (3.2), (3.5) in H' by combining the local existence result above with certain decay estimates that may be obtained by using the invariant norms of Klainerman [95]. The latter are defined by means of the generators of the Poincare group and scale changes. In addition to the standard differentials 8°, a = 0, ... , 3, denoted I',. .. , r4 in the following, these include the generators r5,. . . , r 10 of Lorentz and proper rotations
f3°6 =x°Y -xp8°,
and the generator of dilations
r0 = xo8°. Note that Lorentz invariance of the wave operator implies the commutation relation H°a] = 0; moreover,
The family r spanned by r0,. .. , r,o forms a Lie-algebra. The invariant norms II
II r,9 of functions u : M3+1 - R now are defined as follows: 1/2
IIu(t)IIr,9 -
where r° =
rj;°o r°' for any multi-index a = (ao,... , alo). Also let E0 = E and
E9(u(t)) _
S E N.
Note that E.(u(t)), s > 1 involves weighted norms of derivatives of u. Hence, finiteness of E.(u(t)) for sufficiently large s will imply some decay of u and its derivatives. For instance, we have the generalized Sobolev inequality, due to Klainerman [95], which gives the bound
suplDu(t,x)I <
1 + it + IxI E4(u(t)),
for any smooth function u on M3+1. More generally, Sideris has constructed global solutions for smooth initial data H10-close to a "geodesic". For m = 2, Kovalyov [99] has obtained similar global existence results for small data The above results should be compared with long-time existence and blow-up results for general hyperbolic equations
u = f (u, Du, D2u)
in M'"+1+
in particular, in case m = 3 again a "null condition" for the quadratic part of f is required; see Klainerman [96], John [85], Christodoulou [24].
3.4. Finite-time blow-up Following Shatah [127] and Shatah-Tahvildar-Zadeh [129], [130], in order to produce examples of solutions to the Cauchy problem for harmonic maps that blow up in finite time, as in Lecture 1.2 we consider equivariant maps into spheres or, more generally, into hypersurfaces of revolution N, locally diffeomorphic to If"` with metric dal = dh2 + g2(h)dw2
in spherical coordinates h > 0, w E S-'. Moreover, on M'"+I we consider the standard metric -dt2 + dr2 + r2d62,
written in terms of spherical coordinates (r, 0) on Rm. Consider equivariant maps
u: M+' - N of the form u(t, r, 0) = (h(t, r), w(6)) where w is a homogeneous harmonic polynomial of degree d > 0. Then
L(u) = 2 f {Ihri2 - Ihtl2 +
r'"-' dtdrd6,
and u is harmonic if and only if h : M'"+1 - R satisfies kf(h) = 0, Clh +
where k = d(d + m - 2), and f (h) = g(h)g'(h). Observe that for N = S'" we have g(h) = sin h. More generally we require g(0) = 0, g'(0) = 1, g(h) > 0,
for h > 0, and g(-h) = -g(h).
Note that the ball of radius ho around 0 in N is convex iff g'(h) > 0 for
Self-similar equivariant solutions Using invariance of (3.10) under dilation of space-time and time reversal t - -t, in order to achieve a further simplification we try to construct solutions h to (3.10) of the form
h(t,r)=0(t) with smooth Cauchy data 0 at t = 1. For self-similar solutions of this kind, we compute
- h rr - m lhr r (r , (r 2r r2 =
h tt t3
= where p =
\t )+
\t )
t (2W( ) + ( 2 - 1)4/'( ) - M p
_ m-1
t) P
r) (t )
l e( P)
and 0' = A 0, etc. That is, m-1
(P) + (P(1-p2)
-t2 O h
1-p2) '(P) - 1-P2
kf (0)
Simplifying, we finally obtain the equation (3.12)
+ <002
m - 1+(m - 3)P p 1-p2 <2now let 2(0)_02-
kf (4') p2(1-p2) = 0 .
if.0 <00,
f (0) = 9(4))9 (4)) = 92(0), = 0 - 03,
if 0 < ¢o, and extend g smoothly elsewhere. Then for d = 1, k = m - 1, the function 4'(P) = cp,
where c = m? solves (3.12) for p < vi;ii- By finiteness of propagation speed, the behavior of h at 0 is determined by the Cauchy data on B1(0) at time 11
t = 1 only. Hence the solution h to (3.10) with initial data 0 in a neighborhood of B1 (0) at time t = I will blow up in finite time. Note that for g as above, the radius of convexity of N around 0 is
4).=1 which is larger than c form > 4 and equals c if m = 3. By changing the metric g(¢) on N suitably for 0 > c, and by changing the initial data for h off B1(0), we may thus construct solutions to (3.2), (3.5) which blow up in finite time, with initial data having compact support and such that the target manifold is convex, if m > 4, and only slightly fails to be convex, if m = 3. A more detailed analysis shows that in 3 space dimensions blow-up may occur also for more general metrics on the target surface:
Theorem 3.4 (Shatah-Tahvildar-Zadeh [1301). Suppose g E C°° satisfies 9(0) = 0, g'(0) = 1 and suppose g' has a smallest positive zero ¢.. Also suppose that g"(4).) 0 0. Then there is a class of regular initial data such that the corresponding Cauchy problem for equivariant harmonic maps from M3+1 into N has a solution that blows up in finite time.
Non-uniqueness of weak solutions In particular, Theorem 3.4 applies to the sphere, where g(¢) = sin 0, 0. = z Shatah-Tahvildar-Zadeh construct a solution 0 to (3.12) on [0, oo[, satisfying
0(1) _ 0. and having the asymptotic expansion for p - oo: gy(p)
b a+P+;+O( )
They consider the corresponding function h(t, r) = ¢ (f) as a weak solution of the equivariant harmonic map problem (3.10), that is, (3.13)
h« - hrr - - hr +
sin.2h = 0, r2
with singular initial data at t = 0, given by
h(0, r) = ho(r) = a = limb (1t)
hi (r)
lim Wt-0
(r jA 0) , (r 96 0) .
Thereby, h is a weak solution of (3.13) if there holds
/1/00 (3.15)
{ -htit + hrtbr + 11
p sin 2h y r2 dr dt = fo
,(0, r) r2 dr
for any 1' E CO0 ([0,1] x R3) such that O(t, x) = t1(t, r),,0(1, )
0, and supp li(t) C
BR(0) for some R > 0. Moreover, h assumes the initial data (3.14) in the sense
that IIh(t, r) - aII6l. (R3) -+ 0
(t -+ 0),
(t - 0).
IIht(t, r) -
JIL2(R3) -> 0
Note that ho E Him, hi E L«. On the other hand, also the function
h(t,r)-f O(i),
weakly satisfies (3.13), (3.14) on [0,1] x R3, with Dh E LO° ([0,1]; L2(BR(0))) for any R > 0, showing that weak solutions are in general not unique. To verify that h solves (3.15), for any 0 we split 1
11100 {_hP + hrlr + r
sin 2h y r2 dr dt - Joo y(0, r)r2 1
i,(0,r) r2dr}+
fo, f 0" e
f1f 0
Clearly, since Dh(t, r) = 0 for r < t, the second integral II = 0. Moreover, since h h for r > t, and since h satisfies (3.15) the first integral reduces to the boundary term
I=- 75 f (ht(t, t) + hr(t, t)) (t, t)t2 dt I
which also vanishes on account of ht+hr=_
ci/(t/+tq'\t/ (l (l (1
t) '( ) =0
for r = t.
Observe that h induces a solution u of (3.2) with E(u(t); BI(0)) < E(u(t); BI(0)) for any t E10, 11, where u is the solution corresponding to h. Hence there may be a chance of restoring uniqueness by some entropy principle.
Self-similar solutions, general theory More generally, self-similar solutions u(t, x) = v (A) to the harmonic map equation satisfy -vPP -
(m_p 1
+ (1 - pep) VP - p2(11
D,,,v J
where p, w denote spherical coordinates on Rm. This may either be verified by direct computations or by introducing similarity coordinates
p= !,
on {r < t} and writing the Minkowski metric on Mm+I as
ds2 = -dr2 + r2 {
dw2} -I,2)2 dp2 + 1 - p2 For u(t, r, 0) = v(-r, p, w) the Lagrangian then becomes (1
L(v) = 1
[ f_IVrl2 +
(1 - p2)2Iv I2 + (1 - p2)
dpdwdT. 2J T2 r2p2 l } (1 _ p2)(.+1)/2 In particular, if v = v(p,w) is stationary for L, we obtain (3.16). Note that (3.16) is an elliptic harmonic map problem on the m-dimensional hypersurface jr = 1} with the (hyperbolic) metric a
d802 = (1
ip2)2 dp2 + 1
p2 dw2,
as was pointed out by Shatah-Tahvildar-Zadeh [130). Now observe that, if m = 3, for v to be regular (C2) at p = 1 we need
atp=1; that is, v(1, ) : 52 --+ N has to be harmonic. By the maximum principle (Jiiger-Kaul )81]) for harmonic maps into convex manifolds, therefore either v(1, ) - const. or
v(1, ) cannot be contained in a strictly convex part of N. Moreover, if v(1, ) cont., then for p < 1 sufficiently close to 1 the image of v(p, ) is contained in an arbitrarily small strictly convex part of N and again we may apply the Jiiger-Kaul maximum principle to conclude:
Theorem 3.5. If m = 3 and if u(t, x) = v (i) is a self-similar solution to the harmonic map equation (3.2), where v: R3 - N is smooth in a neighborhood of Bl (0) and such that the image v (BI (0)) is contained in a strictly convex part of
N, then v - cont. on B, (0). By Theorem 3.4 the above result is best possible in dimension m = 3. In case m = 2, due to the following result we can rule out self-similar solutions altogether.
Theorem 3.6. If m = 2 and if u(t, x) = v (1) solves (3.16), where v : D C R2 N is smooth in a neighborhood of BI (0), then v =- const. on B1 (0).
Proof. If m = 2 we may write (3.16) in the form (p
1 - p2vp)p + p
Multiplying by pvp E Wp
1 TN. P2
and integrating over w E S1, we obtain
(J' p(1-p2)Ivpl2dw- f IV"vI2d)
Integrating in p, we find
v12dw=Co. JV
Inspection at p = 0 shows that Co = 0. Hence for p = 1 we obtain V ,,v = 0 that is, vIsa,(o) = cont. Finally, note that in dimension m = 2 Dirichlet's integral and Thence the harmonic map equation is conformally invariant. Theorem 3.6 thus is a consequence of Lemaire's result, Example 1.3
3.5. Global existence and regularity for equivariant harmonic maps for m = 2 The preceding examples of finite-time blow-up hardly leave any hope to achieve a satisfactory existence and regularity theory for the Cauchy problem for harmonic maps, except in dimension m = 2. In fact, we may state the following
Conjecture 3.1. If m = 2, then for any compactly supported initial data uo, ul with finite energy there exists a unique global weak solution u to the Cauchy problem (3.2) (3.5) satisfying the energy inequality. If E(u(0)) < co = CO(N) is sufficiently small, or if the range u(M2+1) lies in a strictly convex part of N or, more generally, does not contain the image of a harmonic sphere u: S2 - N, then u is globally smooth, provided uo and u1 are. At present the theory is still a long way from affording a proof of this conjecture
in general. Partial results, however, are known; in particular, Conjecture 3.1 has been rigorously established for equivariant harmonic maps into convex surfaces of revolution. In the following, we review these latter results, due to Shatah-Tahvildar-Zadeh [129]. A simplified proof was given by Shatah-Struwe [128]; moreover, Grillakis
[64] has recntly been able to relax the convexity assumption. Similar results for radially symmetric harmonic maps (m = 2) have been obtained by ChristodoulouTahvildar-Zadeh [25]. Thus we consider the Cauchy problem (3.10), that is, (3.18)
utt - Du +
r2 )
in M2+1
for smooth, radially symmetric data (3.19)
= u0, ut 1t=o = u1
having compact support and such that uo(0) = 0 By uniqueness, also u will be radially symmetric u(t, x) = u(t, r), and u(t, 0) = 0 if u is smooth.
Regularity for small energy In a first step we shall show that this problem admits a unique smooth solution for all time provided the initial energy E(u(O))
= JR2
IuII2 +2IVuo 2
+ F(uo)1 dx r2
is sufficiently small. Here F(u) _ g2(u) = fo f (v) dv. Note that the energy inequality
E(u(t)) < E(u(0)) holds. Moreover, by radial symmetry
= 2a ( Iut12 + I'url2 r+ F(u) r
} dr 111
_: 21rErad(u(t))Finally, it will be useful to denote
G(u) =
dx = 2,r f = F(u) dr = 27rGrad(u)
the potential energy of u.
Lemma 3.2. Given Co > 0, there are constants C1, el > 0 such that any solution u to (3.18), (3.19) with E(u(0)) < Co satisfies IIu(t)IIL.e <_ C1, provided G(u(t)) < el, for any t.
Proof. Denote
g(v) dv = f
2F(v) dv.
By radial symmetry, for any (t, ro) we have
H(u(t, r))r dr) 2
IH(u(t,ro))12 = ( I
U 00
<_ ( I fOO
lurIIg(u)I dr)2 00
dr u2rdr fo g2u r
< 4Erad(t(t)) - Grad(U(t)) 5 Ir-2E(u(0))G(u(t)) Thus, if we fix 2
el < a2Co 1 sup H2(u) _ 1r2Co 1 U
the claim follows.
9(v) dv) < 00,
Remark 3.5. In particular, there are constants el > 0, C1 such that any solution u to (3.18), (3.19) satisfies IIuIIL' 5 C1 provided E(u(0)) < el. More generally, if 00
L that is, if N does not include "sphere at infinity" in the words of Shatah-TahvildarZadeh [1291, then any solution u to (3.18), (3.19) with finite initial energy is uniformly bounded.
By hypothesis (3.11) on g, given C1 > 0 there exists a constant C2 > 0 such
that CZ lug < F(u) < C2u2
for Jul < C1. Introduce w, defined by w(t, r)
_ u(tr,r) .
Note that w is smooth if u is and satisfies /
wtt - Wrr - 3 wr = u - J (u) = w3 [a + p(rw)],
where a = - 3
(0) and p is a smooth function; that is, w solves a semi-linear
wave equation
wtt - Aw = w3[a + p(rw)]
in M4+1,
with nonlinearity growing at a "critical" rate. More generally, a semi-linear wave equation
in M-+1
wtt - Ow + n(u) = 0 has critical growth if n(u) exponent in R"'.
for large u, where 2' _ mm2 is the Sobolev
In 1988 the model case
utt - Au + u5 = 0
in M3+1
was solved by Struwe [142] for large radially symmetric data. Grillakis [62] then was able to remove the symmetry condition; see also Struwe [146] for a survey of these developments. More recently, also the higher dimensional cases have become accessible, in particular, the case m = 4 needed here. Note that u = rw is bounded. Moreover,
IOwIz = wrz =
- 2 uru + 74' r3
jlVw(t)!2 dx u2
cwTr3 dr = cu }{u2r+ dr < CE(u(t)) < CE(u(0)). r
Hence by Sobolev's embedding theorem w(t) E L4(R4) and IIw(t)IIi4 <_ CE(u(0)). However, (3.20) gives a more convenient bound 00
L4 = C
r4 r3 dr < C
dr < CG(u(t)) < C (E(u(0))) .
Finally, wt = r implies
jIwtI2dx < cJ Iut12rdr < CE(u(t)) < CE(u(0)). We proceed to show:
Theorem 3.7 (Shatah-Struwe [128]). Given Co > 0 there exists a constant > 0 such that for any smooth, compactly supported data no, ul having energy E(u(0)) < Co the Cauchy problem (3.18), (3.19) admits a unique smooth local solution u. The solution extends globally, provided the estimate suplH
Dv = f
(3.21) (3.22)
in M'"+1
vlt=o = Vol vtlt=o = Vi
is needed.
Proposition 3.1 (Strichartz [135] [1361). Suppose v is a (smooth) solution of (3.21), (3.22), m > 2. Then for any T > 0 we have the estimate IIVIIL-(Rmx(-T,T]) < C (IIfIIL9'(Rmx(-T,T]) + IIVOIIHI(R,) + IIt1IIH-I(Rm)) where
_ 1-
Hi = H'2 is the interpolation space between L2 and H1.2, H-4 its dual. Remark 3.6. Kapitanskii [90] was the first to note the importance of Strichartz' estimate for semi-linear wave equations with critical nonlinearity. Combining this result with the dilation estimates of Morawetz [109], it was possible to extend the regularity results of Struwe [142] and Grillakis [62] from m = 3 to m:5 5 (Grillakis [83]) and, more recently, even to m < 7 (Shatah-Struwe [128]).
Proof of Theorem 3.7. We apply Proposition 3.1 in dimension m = 4 with q = 3 , q' = to obtain bounds for to and its spatial gradient Vw; that is to,.. Interpolating between the two, we obtain bounds for "half a derivative" of to in Lq. More precisely, denote VTq = {u E L2(R'" x [-T,T]);u(t) E BQ'q(Rm) T
(LIIut)II, j dt
for a.e. t,
where the Besov space Bq (R'") denotes the interpolation space between Lq(Rm) and W I -e (R"' ). Note that by Sobolev's embedding Bq
that is, s = 7 , if m = 4. Then by Proposition 3.1 we have (3.23)
IIwIIvT 5 CIIw3(a+p(rw))II%.;' +CI)Vw(0)IIL2 +CIIwt(0)IIL2.
The last two terms are bounded by E(u(O)). To bound the first term on the right for fixed t we estimate the Lq - and W I,q'-norms, using boundedness of rw = u and Holder's inequality IIw3(a+p(rw))IILQ'
IIV[w3(a+p(rw))]IILQ' S CIIIVuIIWI2 + IwI'IILQ' (3.25)
< C(IIVwIILQ + IIIw121ILQ)IlwllL
where 1 2 1-q=4'=q+4i; 1
that is,
111_ _ _ 1 ql
Note that we also used Sobolev's embedding to bound IIw21ILQ < CIIVWIILqIIWIIL4 <- CsuPIIw(t)IIL4OVWIILQ <- C (E(u(0))) IIVwIILQ
Note that ao = e > 5 = ql > 4. Similarly, by interpolation we obtain
11W11 2..
< Ilwll$
IIw3(a+p(rw))II 2
_ a
3IIwII .IIwII ;a
that is, a = 3. By Sobolev's embedding theorem, therefore, for fixed t we may estimate IIw3(a+P(rw))II .,y <_ C Sup IIw(t)IIL 3IIwII7..13 < CE(u(o))I16IIwII713 Ali
Note that, miraculously, 7
_= q.
Thus, when integrating in t we obtain T
IIw3(a+p(rw))IIVT =
jiiwa p(rw))IIB
dt } < CE(u(0))1/8IIw1I7Q
yv Combining this estimate with (3.23), there results the inequality
IIwIIvv 5 C3(E(u(0)))1/2 +C3SUPIIw(t)II L43IIwIIya t
for any T > 0, with a constant C3 = C3(E(u(0))) > 0. Suppose E(u(0)) < Co. By our local existence result Theorem 3.1, IIwIIv; < 2Co/2C3 for small T > 0. If we then have
C38upIIw(t)IIL 3 (2Co/2C3)a/3 < 27
by continuity in T the estimate (3.27)
IIwlIv. < 2Co12C3
will persist for all T > 0. Using (3.27) and applying Proposition 3.1 again to the differentiated equation (3.18), we can now conclude in a similar way IIVwIILQ(Rm+1) < C(r o,u1) + C4 SUpIIW(t)IIL 3IIVWIILQ(Rm+1),
and thus Vw is bounded in LQ(IC"+I) in terms of the initial data, if sup IIw(t)112. < C sup G(u(t)) < Co t
is sufficiently small.
We can now proceed by energy methods. Indeed, since Vw E LQ we have = 20 is the Sobolev exponent, and thus _
w E LQ Q', where q'
IV [w3(a+p(rw))]I CIVwIw2+wq E It follows that D2w E L1'2, whence w E L°D-p for all p < oo, and Dw E L°°'4. Differentiating one more time and using that for any t we can estimate LI,2.
IID2 [w3(a +p(rw))a] IIL2 5 CIIID2wllw12 + IDW12IwI + IDwHIwI3 + IWI5IIL2
< CIID3wIIL2 +C,
upon multiplying the equation for Dew by D2wc we obtain a Gronwall-type inequality d E(D2w) < C(1 + E(D2w)) and hence D3w E L `2. But then by Sobolev's embedding theorem, w E L a°° _ LOO L. Continuing in this manner, also the derivatives of w - and hence of u - can be bounded.
By finite speed of propagation the above argument can be localized. To state this precisely, introduce the following notation. Given a point zo = (to, xo) E M'"+I, to > 0, denote K(zo) = {(t, x) E Mm ; Ix - xo1 c to - t, t > 0} the backward light cone with vertex at zo, and for t fixed denote by D(t;zo) = {(t,x) E K(zo)}, its spatial sections. (zo = (0, 0) will be omitted.) The proof of Theorem 3.7 implies
Lemma 3.3. Let zo = (to, xo), to > 0, be given. Suppose u E C- (R2 x [0, to[) is a smooth solution of (3.18), (3.19) with E(u(0)) < Co and suppose (3.28)
lim inf G(u(t); D(t; zo)) < co.
Then u extends smoothly to a neighborhood of zo.
Proof. Indeed, by the proof of Theorem 3.7 we obtain uniform bounds for u and its derivatives on K(zo). In particular, then also the condition E(u(t); D(t; zo)) < co (3.29) is satisfied for t close to to. Since u is smooth on R2 x [0, to[, condition (3.29) holds
for z in a full neighborhood of zo for any (fixed) tI close to to. Finally, by the energy inequality, (3.29) will persist for t > tI on any cone K(z) for such points z and the argument of Theorem 3.7 implies smoothness of u at all such points. Lemma 3.3 will be important for our next section.
Regularity for equivarlant harmonic maps with convex range We establish the following result of Shatah-Tahvildar-Zadeh [129).
Theorem 3.8. Suppose U: M2+I -. R is a weak solution of (3.18),(3.19) for smooth, compactly supported data uo, uI and of finite energy E(u(t)) < E(u(O)) < oo. Moreover, suppose that f (u) > 0 on the range of u. Then u E CO°. Proof. For the proof we need a local version of the energy inequality.
Lemma 3.4. Let u E C°D(K(zo)) be a smooth solution of (3.18). Then for any 0 < S < T < to there holds E(u;
zo)) +
(u) do< E(u; D(S; zo)).
Ks (zo) = (z = (t, x) E K(zo); S < t < T} denotes a truncated cone and Ms (zo) = {z = (t, x) E Ks (zo); Is - xol = t - to} its mantle. Moreover, et8n(u) =
I(x - xo)ut + (t - to)Du12
2It - t012
denotes the tangential energy density. Finally, do is the element of surface area on MsT.
Proof. Multiply (3.18) by ut to obtain
jje(u) - div(utVu) = 0 where e (U) -
IutI2 + IVu12 2
+ Ixl
Integrating over KS (zo), and noting that the outward normal on Ms (zo) is given by v = 1 (1, _ ), on account of
e(u) - x - xoutVu = eten(u) to - t
we obtain the claim.
Remark 3.7. In particular, letting T -, to we obtain
et.. (u) do < o0
and hence
M.(w) asS -'to.
et. (u) do - 0
As a consequence of Lemma 3.4, if u is a smooth local solution of (3.18), (3.19) on R2 x [0, to[ which becomes singular at zo = (to, xo), then xo = 0. Else, by radial
symmetry any point is = (to, x), Ixl = Ixol, would also be singular. By Lemma 3.3 and 3.4 for any such 2 and any T < to we then should have E(u; D(T; z)) > co.
But if Ixol # 0, given K E N, for T sufficiently close to to disjoint discs D(T; zk), zk = (to, --k), IxkI = 1X0 1, 1 < k < K, can be found, whence K
E(u(T)) > E E(u; D(T, zk)) > Keo k=1
for any K. This, however, contradicts our assumption that E(u(t)) < E(u(0)) < 00 for all t. Hence a first singularity must appear on the line x = 0. Suppose zo = (to, 0) is singular and shift time by to to achieve zo = 0. Denote K = K(0), KS = KS(0), etc. We need the following Morawetz-type dilation estimate:
Lemma 3.5. For a smooth solution u of (3.18) on a cone KS there holds z 1 uf(Z) F(a) F(u) dxdt + 4(s) j 1 1 - IXs IVUI2 + dx -' 0 Ixl2 S
ISI JK2IxI Ixll2 \
Proof. Multiply (3.18) by tut + xVu + u and use Remark 3.7 to control the z details. boundary terms; see Shatah-Struwe [128] for
Lemma 3.5 implies Theorem 3.8. Indgiven T < 0 consider the set AT
t E [T, O[ ; G(u; D(t)) =
F(u) dx > sup G(u, D(t)) - 62 T
(t) IxI2
where 6 > 0 will be determined later. Since u f (u) > 0 by assumption, for large T < 0 Lemma 3.5 implies z
(t2 1- l
for any t E AT. In particular,
) IDu12 dx < 262
u2(t)rdr < C6, and hence by the argument of Lemma 3.2 we obtain sup
Iu(t,x)I <<
for any p > 0 and any such t, if 0 < 6 < 6(p). Moreover, estimating z
Iu(t,x)-u(t,y)Iz =
urdr <
I=I dr
(fIXI U2 urrdr
for IyI = t(1 - 6) < lxi < t, we obtain the inequality
sup lu(t,x)I <- p I=ISItl
foranyp,anytEAT,provided 0T>T(b). Choose p > 0 such that for 0 < Jul < p there holds F(u) < Cu f (u) for some C > 0 and fix b E]0, b(p)]. Consider T E [T(b), 0[. Replacing T by a suitable number S E AT, if necessary, we may assume that 52 TsupoG(u(t),
D(t)) -
< G(u(T), D(T)),
while by Lemma 3.5 the right hand side is
[TI fK(T)
uf(u)1 2[x[2 I
([T[I l 1
dxdt +o(l) T
l follJows
po G(u(t), D(t)) - b2] +0(i),
where o(1) -. 0 as T -. 0. It JATj
T<poG(u(t),D(t))+ (!_ SIT-, i b2 < o(1),
where o(1) -. 0 (T - 0). Since b < b(p) is arbitrary, th/erefore we can achieve that sup G(u, D(t)) < to T
for T < 0 sufficiently large. Theorem 3.8 now is a consequence of Lemma 3.3.
Note that it suffices to assume u f (u) > -b2 for some suitable number b > 0; that is, the convexity condition may be slightly relaxed. In fact, by a recent result of Grillakis [64] the condition 2F(u) + f (u)u > 0 or, equivalently, the condition g(u) + g'(u)u > 0 suffices.
Global existence of weak solutions Apart from the equivariant or rotationally symmetric case, the only case where global existence of weak solutions (in absence of classical solutions) so far has been established is the case of N = SL, due to Shatah [127]. Shatah independently devised the same penalty approach for (3.1) as Chen [17], Keller-Rubinstein-Sternberg [93] did for the parabolic evolution problem, see section 1.3.
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