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:lYi!/;0ll'oll.i· qmllflll Jfllil'.1 (;): "U1'.lf!iJlifl fllIIl 1(/n'I'-"Bng
Lichtenstein, Wi.irL.burg: and the city statl-OS of Frankfurt and Erfurt. Confusing as lhis list may appear, it greatly simplified the situation which had existL-d prior to ,Boo, when there had been an cven greater number of tilly. independent statl'S wililin Germany,
Grand Duchy of Kleve-Berg Napoleon decreed the formation of lhe Grand The emergence of revolutionary France as an Duchy of Berg on 14 November 1808. This was a a,gll:rcssi,'c and capable milit:lI)' power <1\ the end rearra ngelllent of lcrri tory su bscq llem 10 the donaof the eighteenth century. caused the collapse of lion of Hanover to I'rllssia by France on 15 the Holy Roman Empire (:I loose coalition of December lBo5. III exchangc. Prussia ga\'c up German states, US1l3 II)' under Ausl ria's leadership). Klc\'e and the fortrcss of \Vesel. Furthcrmorc, .\u:.tria's at the Battle ofl-lohClllindcn. on Bavaria released Ansbach and the HerL.oglulll 3 December 1800. created a power vacuuIn in the Ikrg to Napolcon. who rewarded the Bavarian ar~a now known as Germany, and Napoleon lost Princc Elector "'ith Austrian lands and thc lith: of lillie lime in transforming this neutralized zone King. Napoleon united Klc\'eand Bcrg, nominated inlo a pro. French 'cordo" sa"ila;rt" bel ween France Dusseldorf to be the capital, and gave the throne and her traditional eastern enemies Austria, Prussia, and Russia. In 1803 France occupit-d Hano\'cr; in 1805 France and Bavaria defeated Austria and Russia at 1m ('7 OctOber (805) and .\uslcrlitz (2 December 1805). As a rinal step in tht creation of the 'cordOIl sDnitnirt', Napoleon formed a Confederalion of the Rhinc (Ocr Rheinbund) which was cvcntually to include the following sta les: Fra nce: the kingdoms of Ba varia> Saxon)'. Wcstfalia and Wtiruembcrg; the duchies ofKle\·c.Berg, Warsaw, Baden, Hessen-Darmstadt Oldenburg: and lhe principalities of Sachscn"'dmar, Sachsen-Coburg Saalfcld, SachscnGOlha-.\Itcnburg. Sachsen-H ildburghauscn, Sachsen·i\ teiningen, Schwan.burg-R udolstadt, Sch\\an.burg-Sondershauscn. the five Houses of Reuss, ~lecklenburg-Schwerin. MecklcnburgStrelitz, Waldeck, Anhah-Bcrnburg, AnhaltOcssau. Allhalt-KOlhen. HohellzollernHechingen, Hohenzollern-Sigmaringcll, LippeG ......d Ih>chy or 8<."1;' Bas: duip 1807. Thc cotoun! ..... n:d DCllllold. Schaumburg-Lippe, Iscnburg, Leycn. and whjl~, with sold ~ ....bro;dery
Ihe lands vac:.lted by the Duke of~assau Vilich: \\'olkenburg: Delltz; of the BaroniL"S of Broich . St~rllm and H:trelenberg of the Herrlichkeiten: Ehen: Essen: and Werden: and of those parIS of the Duchy ofKlc\'e which lie on the right bank of the Rhine with the exception of the French-ruled lown of \Vesel and the arc;t belonging to it, and the Districts of H uisscn, Sevenacr and Malburgcn which will go to Holland. Population: 322.28+ souls Ca pi ta I: Dlisscldorf It will be divided inlO four dist ricts: Dllsseldorf. Elberfeld. ~llilheim. Essen .
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concern;nA ,h., "um.ber OfcfI.. scriplS 10 be
Ihe Rhineland when the area w ... under Fr"'nc:h con'rol
10 his brothn·in-law,Joachim l\lurat.I:Hl'r King of Naples. Alia the Pe:lce of Tilsit the grand duchy received the duchies of ~tark and Don· Inllnd from Prussia.
The decree of 14 November 1808 Lhus: AT TilE IMPERIAL IlEADQ.UARTERS IS nCRGOS, 14 NOVEMBER 1808
Napoleoll, 1:':III/mQr of Ihe Frel/ch, King if IllIb" Pro(trfQr of tht Rheillbu1Ir1. Grand-Dlike oj Klett alit! IJrf,!!. tic.
0" til, submission of our miniSI" of Int Grand Due/I)' oj fltrg and Ill, Slate unat" U't nal'( dtriJtd asJOIJOlL'S .First Artidt The Gr:lIld Duchy of lkrg will be di"idt.'d mto four departments. The Departmenl of the Rhine It will consist of Ihe old Duchy of Ikrg with th(' ('xcqJtion of Windeck and part ofBlankenb('rg; of I
2 The Dep;utmelll of the Sieg II consists of \ \'indeck and part of Blanken berg; of the Baronies ofHolllburg. Cimborn~Neustadtand Wildenburg; of Ihe Principalities of Siegen and Dillenburg, in Iht' laller case with the exception of Burbach which will go to Nassau: of tile barony of Ikilstein and the Principality of Hadalllar: of thOSt· parts of till: Herrschaft('n of Schadcck and Runkel which lie on tht right bank of the Lahn: and of the Hcm:chaft of Wcsterbllrg. Popu la tion: 133.0;0 souls C"pital: Dillenburg It will bl' di\·id('d into two districts: Siegcn. Dillenburg. 3 The l)ep;lrIment oflh{' Ruhr It consists of I he Coullties of ~ 1:.1 rL:. Dortm u nd and Limburg. part of the Principality of ~hinstcr: the Herrschaft Rheda and of the town ofLippstadt and its area. Population: '2 I '2,602 souls Capital: Dortmund It will bcdividcd into threcdistricls: Dortmund. Hagcn, Hamill. 4 The DepartmcllI of the Ems 1t consists of the grealer part of the Principality of ~Hinstcr: of the Counties of Horstmar and Rlwina-Wolbeck: of the Counties ofSteinfurt and Ikntheim: and of the COUlllit:s of Lingcll and ·recklenburg. Population: 210,'201 souls Capital: 1\·1 i.inster It will bl' divided illlo thl'('(' districlS: ~liil1ster. Cocsfcld. Li ngen.
Arlidr :1 The call10ns and parishes of which the districts will consist, and the bordns of the Departll1ents. are drawn on the attached map. Ar/ide .1 Our 1ll111lSter.i III the Grand Duchy of Berg are charged with the execution of this decree. Si.~ned:
By this time the grand duchy had a nc\V ruler. .\apolcon himself. Murat had left llerg under a decree of 15 J lily 1808 lO become King of Naples. :\ decree of 3 jI, la rch I 80g gave Berg '0 Ihe young nephew of the Emperor, Louis. the eldest san of the King of Holland. Napoleon became Regellt until the boy should become of age. Bya Senate decree of 13 December t81 0, the grand duchy lost the north-cast part of the Principali t)' of i\ Ilinster. and all parts of the Department of the Ems. Thl'se lost provinces became French Dcpanmt·nts. III 1811, however, it was increased again by the addition of the Duchy of Rccklinghauscll and part of the Amt of Dli1men. Berg remained so until its dissolution in t813.
Flag of Ihe Sih W""lfalian Line Infanlry parad«l in HaTnburg in 1809'. pri"l. (C. Suhr)
Kingdom of Westfalia The process of fonnaliOIl of the kingdom of Westfodia \Vilssoillcwhal simpler. This state \\'as born at Ihe Peace ofTilsit, and was a gift by Napoleon to .Jerome, his favourite brolher. An imperi
IlIlhe III/fau: of Kassel 21 December /807 11·1' I-I ieroll)'l/IuS ;\falwl,"oll. elr ordrr Ilta/llte Kin.e,dolll oj I Vestfitli(l J'!wll hI' dil'idl'f! iI/to eigltt DelHlrtlllellls: The Department of the Elbe It will consist or the greatcst part of the Duchy or )'lagdcburg: of the Duchy or Barby: or the .-\etlltcrn of Gommcrsch, which has comc from Saxony: of the Ah Mark; of the Brunswick Am! Cah-orde and the Amt Weserlingen.
Population: '153,'110 pcople Capital: Magdeburg It will be di\!ided intO lour districts: ~'I'lag:dc burg. Nellpaldenslcben, Stendal. Salzwcdtl. The Depanment of Fulda It will consist of a part of Nieder-Hessen: the Sla Ie or Padcrborn ; or t be a reas or Carvey: of the Amt Rcckenburg: of the COullty of Rietberg Kaunilz: and the AI11I of i'vlundcn. Population: 239.50'2 pcople Capilal: Kassel It will be divided into three districls: Kassel. Hoxter, Paderborn. '2
3 The Dcpanmcill of the Harz It will consist of the Principality of Eichslcld; of the County of Hohenslcin: of part of the Principality orGrubenhagen: of the area ofWalkcnried; or part of the Lalld of Blankcnburg; of p:1rl of
Hildesheim; the town and area of Goslar; some of thc villages of the Land of Magdeburg; and Halberstadt. Population: 267.8;8 people II will be divided into four districts: Braunschweig. Helmstadt. Hildcsheim, Goslar. 6 The Depanmcnt of the Saalc It will consisl of the Principality of Blankenburg; of the COlll1l)' of Wcrnigerode; of the town of Qucdlingbllrg with its arca; of the Sanlkreise: of those parts of Mansfcld which belonged to Prussia and to Saxony: and of some villages of the Duchy of ~ lagdcburg. Population: 206,222 peoplc Capital: Halberstadt It will be divided intO three districts: Halberstadt, Blankenburg, Halle.
Trooper or ••, W.,.,J.lilUl Kii.....ieu in the firllf unifo ..... or Ih1l1 regiment •• concempo... .,. pla,e. (C. Suhr)
Hesse; and of the towns of Muhlhauscn and Norrlhauscn. Population: 2 lo,gS9 people Capital: Hciligcnsladt It will be divided into four districts: Hciligcn. stadt, Dudcl1aadt, OSlcrodc, Nordhauscn. '" The Department of the Lcinc It will consist of the area ofCottingcll, ofp:!rl
the Principality or Grubcnhagcn and of parts of the Landtr of Hildcshcim, Braunschweig and
7 The Depanmelll of the Werra It will consist of the whole ofOber-Hessen; of the County of Zieg<.'nhain: of the Principality of Hcrsfeld; of the greater part of Nieder-Hessen: and of the Herrschaft ofSchmalkalden. Population: 25.~,ooo Capital: ~Iarburg It will be dividc.:d into three districts: ~Iarburg. J-1crsfdd. Esch\\'cgc.
8 The Department of the Weser II will consist of the Principality of ~Iinden: the County ofRavel1sburg: ofthe Bistham Osnabriick: of the Hessian parts of Schaumburg: and of Iht Amt ofThedinghalisen. Population: 33'h963 people Capital: Osnabri.ick It will be divided into four districts: Osnabriiek. ~Iindell. Bielefeld, Rimeln. Signed: Hieroll)'mus Napoleon
j)opulalioll: 145.537 people Capital: Gottingcn I t will be divided into two districts. Gottingcn and Einbcck. ;) Departmelll of the Ocker It comiSIS of almost all of the Principality of Wolfcnblitlcl; almost all of the Principality of
Ikrg and Westfalia were ruled completely accord· ing to French laws. Each district was divided iOlO cantonmentS which were funher divided inlO municipalities. A prefecI ruled the Deparlmenl and a sub-prefect each district. Cantons wert headed by the canton-master and mlillicipaliti~
by community leaders. It must be admitted that this reorganization swept ;twa}' many cvils in the old system. An edict of 31 ~Iarch tBog abolisht-d the old distinctions betwcen the nobility and the peasantry and pelty bourgeoisie. On 1'1 Novcmber lBog the Code Napoleon was introduced i1110 the territories, bringing all citizens to equalit)· before the law. The French laws also repealcd llnr:,ir penalties against such religious minorities as the Jews. There were also disadvantages, however: free speech was suppressed, newspapers were cellsored. political articles were limited to those which appeared in the Paris Prt:ss and particularly the .lfollitl!ur. This was nOI all. War contributions and l:LXes were wrung from the people; billeting and suppl}' of troops followed close on: and a qau: monopoly was declared on the sale of IObacco and salt.
111 October 1808 the 3rd Regiment, also ofthrel' battalions, was raised. This infantry organization was maintaint"d untilg August 181t when the 4th Regiment was raised from the lhree existing regiments. Now each regiment consisted or twO battalions each containing eighl companies (one grenadier, one voltigeur and six fiisilier) of 120 men. regiment had in addition its own
Depot. Kompagllie. The cavall)' of the duchy consisted initially of one regiment of light horse (dlf!uou·ftgers) but on 1 April 1812 a second regiment was raised by transferring finy troopers frOIll the 1St Regiment and conscripting thc rest. There was also a battalion of artillery consisting of one company of horse artillery, one of foot artillery, one company of sappers, miners and pontoniers and onc company of train. Gendarmerie units on the French model were raised throughout the duchy and each Cily and town was requin.:d to provide its contingent of garfle ,wtio,wl. Following the disastrous Russian campaign of r812, Berg's troops were reduced to one weak inlill1try regiment or about 200 men, Ollt' cavalry regimclIt of one squadron, and two artillerymen. Berg fell under Prussian rule in 1813. and in May Prior to 1806. the Duchy of Berg had belonged to 1815 thc infantry and c,lv"lry were rcconslituted. Bavaria. and BaWlrian rulers lie burie-'Cl in Of the two infantry regimenls re·raiscd aner 1812, Cologne's famous c'llhedral. When Napoleon the 1st Infantry Regiment of Berg became the amalgamatt"d Berg with Kleve and parts of 28th Prussian Line Infantry Regiment, and the :\Ii.lllsler and ~assau, certain army units also 2nd Regiment became the 29th. The cavall)' came to the new stale from these vanished tcrri- regiment became the 2nd Westfalian Hussars, tories. They included the 12th Bavarian Line Regiment No. I I. These numbers were retained Infantry Regimel1l 'Kinkel', a batWlion of thc until aner the First 'Norld War. Xassau-Oranien inr:llllr}'. and a delachmCIll of ~assau-Oranien Hussars. On 24 April 1806 the I Sl Bergisch Inlantry Reg:iment of four batlalions was raised in Oi.isscldart Each battalion had eight companies each of 100 men. ~Iany French soldiers were also drafted into this new regiment in order to ensure a degree ofrcliabilitY. The French conscription system was inlroduced into Berg in October 1806, and on Of lhe old states which went to make up the Z9 August 1808 the single regiment \\'as re· infant kingdom of Westfalia in 1807 (Hanover. organized into IWO (lhe 1st ,lI1d ~2Ild RegilllelHs), Braunschweig and Hessen-Kasscl), onl)· the latter each of three battalions containing six companies had allY troops to pass on to the new stale. These of 120 men. There was also a common depot were the men recruited by Marshal MonicI' in baualion of four companies for recruit training. October 1806 from the disbanded Hessian Army.
yorl7lf/fioll ojrlte r:/fml)' o/CJ3eIK
ojflte 'Westjit/if/II r:/frtll)'
to form the 'Franco-Hessian Inr.-lIltry Corps'. In 1807 the IWO weak regiments of Ihis lormation were reorganized to form the 1st and 2nd Westr;.lian Line Inr."llIry RegimcllIs. When Jerome entered his new kingdom in December 1807 he was escorted by a detachment of I)olish lancers. These men were transferred to Westfalian service and formed the basis of the 1St Squadron of the Chevau-Icgers of the Guard and of the Garde dl! Corps. The I st Light Battalion's cadre was formed of some hundreds of non-Prussians who had served in the Prussian Army and had bcen captured by the French in 1806. Napoleon had had them collected togelher at Ki.istrin and sent to Wcstfalia to help the rapid build-up of the Westralian Army. Thls unit, consisting ofa very mixed bag or men, was Illost unpopular in its garrison town orKassel. Its misconduct reached such a level that it W:lS translerred to Padcrborn as :I punishment a town \\'hich even IOday servcs as a garrison for German and British soldicl"S.
The remainder of lite units of the Westfalian Army with the exception of the Hussars of the Guard. who were of French origin - wcre raised and reinforced by drafts ofconscripts. The French system of conscription was only one ofa number of French features adopted: Westfalian soldiers wore French rank badges, answered to French titks. and were taught French drill and military discipline by French instructors.
V/IIfOrllls qjr/lf "Wesrf;/iflll ~./lrlll)' G~::-':~:I{ALS
As for the French Arm)'; dark blue coats with gold lace and but IOns, gold sash, cpaulettcs and aiguiletle; white breeches. high black bOOIS, bicorns with gold edging. loop and bUllon :tnd white feathcr trim, sword with gold hilt on white slings. Tilt: G U,\ I{ I>
w_l.r•.li... senera':. conlemporary pl.le. (e. Suh..)
Card, Cor/Is. G:tla uniform: white tunic. royal blue collar. lapels and cuffs .111 edg<.-d in rcd and bearing gold lace decoration; steel h<:hnet with brass trim and combe, black cr<-ost and white plume on left-hand side, 'IN' on frollt plate: white brc<.ocht:s. high jacked boolS, "'hite gau ntlelS. gold butlons and gold fringcless epauletlcs. Service dress: same helmet (off dut} a royal blue forage-cap with rcd piping and yellow grenade and lace could be worn); short-tailed. ro)'al blue Coat, red collar, turnbacks. cuffs and piping, gold lace to collar, cuffs and buttonholes, gold shoulder-strap on the right shoulder: royal blue waistcoat and trousers, jacked boots. Trumpctcrs worc rcversed colours and red plumes. Black bandolier and waist-belt with gold fittings and cdging. T!l~ CunIllJi,,-Card,. Sec colour plales. Parade dress: black be:lrskins with red cords and plume and rcd tol> patch bearing a )'ello\\' grenade: whitc coat wilh long. red-lined skirts and red collar. lapels. cuffs and piping, yello'\' lace to collar, lapels and cuffs. yellow buttons: \\'hite trousers and \\'hite gaiters (black for \\'inter and c;lInpaign \\'ear), rcd epaulellcs.
r Ficici dress: shako \\lith dark blue within whitt· Wcslf~"1lian cockade, red pompon, brass chin· scala and lozenge plate; sing!c.brcastcd white coat with short red tails, red collar, cuffs and piping, n:d cpaulctlcs. on' (hlly a plain bicorn and cockade were worn. Equipment was white crossbdL<;. black pouch \\'ith brass diamond plate
and four grenades. French-pallern sabre with br:w hilt and rt.'d knot. Officers wore a silver ~r~c( with gold cagle badge and gold cpaulctlcs.
gold corels and white plumes to their bearskins. Drummers had red coats with white collars. ('un!;. lal>C!s and turnbacks, white swallow's nests edged in yello\\' and yellow lace edging \0 collar, cuffs and lapels; brass drum, whit<' cord~. dark blue hoops. Tlte Jiiger-Garde. Shako with while cagle plate and cords. white plume, usual cocbde (green forage.cap wilh yellow cdging and horn hadge); dark green coat with lemon-yellow collar, cufTs. turnbacks alld edging 10 dark gn.'en lapels; white buuons. "'hite lace on ('ollar, cun's. lapels and lurnb~tcks. Green epaulcltes. green hrc{'chcs with "hile Hung:lrian thigh knols and while sidesnipes, black short gaiters with white top trim and (;Isseis. White belts. black pouch with white bu~lc badge. sabre with green knot. Tn, Chel'au.l;gers-Garde. See colour plates. Black kather helmet with black crcst and brass trim. red plullle: short-tailed grcen jacket with re.--d collar, cufTs, turnbacks and pi pi ng. ycllow hut tons. ~cllow lace to collar. Cliffs and acro~ th... chest, yrllow scale epaulettes and aiguilelte. Green waistcoat and Irousers, yellow !·Iunbr.ll'ian thigh knots and side trilll, hussar boOts with yello'''' trim and tassel. Trumpeters wore red CoatS, green collars and CliO's, ]'(..d lurnbacks with green piping, yellow lace on collars, cuns and chest, hussar busbies with red cords, white plume and bag with yellow tassel; other items as for the troopers. The Fusilier-Garde. See colour plates. As for the line infantry (while with dark blue facings) but white bUllon and white lacc decoration to collar, lapels and cuffs. Tht Husoren-Garde ('The Lobsters'). S(''C colour plates. Red shakos. while plumes, ycllow shield plates, red dolman ,,'ith yellow lace and buttons. blue some sources say red) pclisses: red breeches with yellow Irim.
Tht.7iiger-Corobinier-Batoilion. Sh..ko wi th cock ade. green plume with red tip, red cords, yellow eagle plate and chin-scak-s; dark green coat with red piping and IUrnbacks. dark grecn collar and culfs, yellow bUllons, dark green epaulctlcs with 1'(.'(1 half-moons, red lace decoralion to collar and cuffs; dark green breeches with n.-d Hungarian thigh knots and side-slripes, short black gailers \\,ith red trim and tassel. Black crossbelts. reel flask cord, brass-hilteel J-lirsch:fd1/ger in brown sheath, riflcs. Ar/ilfl''J' Qf/he (,'1I(ml. Shako with red cords, POI11pon and plume and yellow lozenge plate; royal blue jackct with scven red laces across the chest, red collar, cllffs, turnbacks and epaulettes; blue breeches with red 1-1 ungarian thigh knots and sidescams: hussar boots with red trim alld tassel, bull' gautlIlets and bandolier. TilE LI",E DIFA",TRY
ShakOS with red pompons, cords and plumes for grenadiers (those of the 1st Regiment wore bear· skins as for Ihe Grenadier·Garde); green cords and pompons and green plumes with yellow tips for vohigeurs; while cords and company colour
pompons for the fusiliers (1st Company - light blue, 2nd white, yd yellow, 4th - green), yellow lozengc plate bearing the eaglc over the black regimcllIal number, Whitc coalS with filc· ings shown on collar, cuns, lapels and turnbilcks, yellow bUllons. Initially the regiments were dinerell1ialed b)' the r.'lcing colours (lSI and 2nddark blue, 3rd and 4th light bluc, 5th and 6thyellow), bUl in 1810 all facings became dark blue and rcgimelllal distinction was limited to the number raised on the bUIIOllS. Grenadiers had red epauleucs, \'oltigcurs green and fusiliers initially had while shoulder-straps edged in the facing colour, but in 1812 this
changed to dark blue cpaulettcs with white halfmoons, Legwear was white breeches in knee-high black gailcrs with black leather bUllons, Equipment was while crossbelts, Frcnch sabre wilh knot according to com pany (grenadiers red, \'oltigeufS - green, fusiliers - white) and rank (sergeants mixed with gold, sergeant-majors - all gold). Drummers had red swallow's nests and their facings were edged in a coloured lace which varied according to regiment. TilE LIGIIT I:,\FA:"'TRY
Their first uniforms werc cornflower blue with green facings (soon changed to orange) and white buttons. This was soon changed to a dark green coal and trnusers with light bluc collar. pointed cuffs. turn backs and piping. \\'hite buttons. Black belts, green breeches. black gaitcrs: shako with cockadc. white c;lgle pIa Ie and green plume, (1806 12) Steel helmet of French Kiirassier pattern with black crest and brown fur turban; white lunic with crimson collar lapels. cuffs and turnbacks, whitc piping and buttons. red epaulcttes. white breeches; high jacked bools. While belts, heavy cavalry swords. no kHrasscs until 18/0 h'hen French~paltern itcms were illlroduced. TilE 1ST Ki)M.ASS ..:Rs
As above but dark blue coat. 2ND KUIl.ASSIF..R REGIME:""r
Helmel, breeches, bools. equipment and klirass as for the 1st Rcgiment; dark blue coat with orange facings and while butlons. 1ST CHEVAU-L1:.0ERS REGIMENT
Colon",1 Commandant of tb", Jis",....carabiDi",", • plat""
(AI",...nder S.uerw",idj
Helmet as for thc Chevau~lcgers-Garde, but with white fitlings; dark gl'cen coat, orange collar, pointed cuf[~, piping and turn backs, while buttons; green breeches with orange Hungarian Ihigh knots (silver for officers) and side~stripes; black hussar boots with white trim and steel screw-in spu rs, 0 ffieers wore silver and black bandoliers and silver edging to collar and cuffs and silver epaul. ettes. Trumpeters wore light blue coats with red facings and white lace; black for col backs with green bag and white plume; and a light cavalry sabre, (A lance with white and blue pennant was introduced fora shon time in 181 I and abandoned soon afterwards.)
2ND CIIEVAU-LEGERS REGIMEN'I' As for lhe 1St Regiment but with buff facings. 1ST II USS,\ 11.5 Shako \\'ilh cockadc. while cagle platc ami green plume, white chin-scales; green dolman pelissc and breeches wilh while butlons and lace and red collar and cuO'S, black fur; red and white sash. black belts and sabretache Wilh silvcr '1'. Trumpeters wore rcversed colours. Urass-hilled lig:ht cavalry sabrc in steel shcath. '2~O
The 1st Ba(lalions of every !OWI1. niCOl'1I with cockade: long-skined, dark blue coat with dark blue collar, cuffs and lapels all edged in reel. rcd turnbacks. Blue trousers. whi te gaiters. C rellndiers had red cpaulcltcs; black lealherwork. Voltigeurs \\'ore green epaulcttcs \\'ith red half-11loons: buttons were white. The ~2Ild Uanalions had the S,lme uniform Inn with white facinJ.,'S. mounted companies had red waistcoats wilh yello\\' buttons and lace.
,\sforthe 1st Regiment but with light blue dolman. pclissc and brceches with rcd collar and cuffs and white shako plume and grc)' fur (0 pelissc; sih'er '2' on black sabretache. TilE AIl.TILLt:RY REGIMt:",T
Apart from the rcd collar this uniform was exactly as for thc Fl'cnch artillery: shako with cockade, red pompon and cords and yellow plalc: dark blue coat and trousers, dark blue lapels piped red, red collar, cuffs and turn backs. )'ellow buttons: dark blue breeches with red Hungarian thigh knots; black gaiters, whitc belts. TilE TK,\!:-;
q/a,r:;s fll/r/eStfll/r/al/ls oft/Ie 'Westfi/ifll/ ~'IIl)' The infantry na~s were of twO paLLerns which diflcn;d onl)' in that the inscriplions 011 lhe first were in French and on the second ill Cerman. Tlw first nab'S were issued in 1808 alld arc knowll as '~II808' pattern. The)' werc square. dal'k blue with an upright white diamond ill the centre. In each corner was a golden laurel wrealh. The central diamond was cc1gL'(( in gold laurel leav~ and bore on the face side lhe inscription 'LE ROil DE WI'.STl'lIALlt: I AU 8,\'1'.' On the rcverse was 'VALt:UR I ET I I>ISCIPLI:'lE'. Two years later the •~ 118 10' flags wcrc issued; the design was I he S:ll1le but the inscriptions were now in German and in Gothic script. On the face side was 'Of-R KONIC
I VON reverse
Il.EGIMt::':-I"; Oil
"'APn:RKt:n'! UNO! r:UT~:S!
Slandmds came in fOLLr versions, M 18oH, 1'11£ GENI),\RMERlt: r.,'1181 2, ~V11812 (Guards) nnd l'!1181 :J. These wcre Once agai n, a Imost as for I he Frcnch organizat ion: all square and 60ccnlimctrcs along each side. The bicorn \\'ith silver edging, cockade and red plume: ~111808 slandard was dark blue wilh a white dark blue coat v..ilh red collar, cun'S, lapels and diagonal cross, 011 lhe face side was the royal turnbacks. white butlons and aiguilelte; white monogram ;HN' and the Westfalian cagle. and breeches and high boots for mounted gendarmes. on thc reverse the \\l cst faliall crest :lnd monodark blue breeches and black gaiters for foot grams. The inscriptions were in French. The gendarmes. white bells. ~11812 slandard \\'as lhe S< as the ~11808 but with German inscriptions. The M 1812 (Guards) TilE OEP,\RTMENTAL COMPANIES Bicorn with cockadc: grey coat and trousers of was only issued to the Garde du Corps, \\'as in the infantry cut. grey collar and cuffs pipc:."CI rt."CI; same colours as the M 1808 model, and was embroider<.-c:1 .md edged with gold fringes. On the black gaiters. white buttons and belts.
1;ICC side wtcrc IOlll' c:lgles and the central inscription 'I)ER KO:-iIG I vo:-: Wf:STI'Il,\LI~::-i I A:-i SEI:-iE I u:mG,\RDE Zll pn:ROI(. On the rcverse W
wlifonm oltlteufi'lllJ' ql'Berg Initiall), Ihe infantry continued 10 \\'ear their Bavarian uniforms, merd) changing the light blue-within-white Bavarian eockadtc for the ft.-dwithin-white one of Berg. This uniform consisted of the \'('1)' 1:111, black Icalllcr caS
green sabre strap with a red tassel. Rank badges were also on the French model and worn on the lower arm and round the top of the shako. Officers wore white French spencers I:'lced in light blue with gold epauletlcs according to rank, silver gorgelS bearing the golden arms of the grand duchy, gold porte-ipie and gold trim on the shako according 10 rank for junior oflicers; majors and above wore bicorns with gold trim and tassels. To prOlecl the expensive white uniforms officers wore grey·beige surtouts and breeches while on campaign. Drummers wore the distinguishing marks of their respeclive companies togelher wilh black coats with light blue collars, cuffs and turn backs and a white lace with a red worm decoration to collar, cuffs and sleeves. Drums were yellow metal. Pioneers wore grenadier ~arskins with red plumes and cords, red-fringed cpauleltes and long while leather aprons edged in black fringes and decorated by a blllc·within-white·wilhin-red
Colonel CofDrna.ndant or the Chevau-lio&en La.nden or the Cua.rd: a pta Ie, (Ale'l1Ulde.. S.uerweid)
edging. They wore full beards and carried heavy axes, brass·hillcd sabres wilh rcd knots, and carbines slung ovcr thcir right shoulders. Grenadicrs and vohigeurs wore moustaches, fusiliers were dean-shaven. ARTILLERY
French inr.'\ntryshako with red pompon and cords, brass shield·shapcd plate bearing an 'N'. While "-note! shows thc jackct to be almost of French artillery style (dark blue with rcd collar, shoulderstraps, cuffs and turnbacks, dark blue lapds and square cuff·naps edged in red and with yellow bUllons), a collcction of pictures in the Von der Hcydt Muscum in Wuppertal painted by a Peter Schultcn (who livcd in that town and saw the troops passing through) shows a vcry Prussian· st}'le coat (dark blue with black collar, cuffs, lapels, shoulder-straps and turnbacks all edgcd in red and with yellow bultons). For parades, the horse artillcry wore red plumes, dark blue breeches with a n..-d side-stripe and short hussar boots with straight-neckcd, screw·in stcel ~purs. On campaign they wore grey buHoned overalls with red side-stripes. They had white pouch bandoliers and .carried brass·hilted 5.'\bres in steel sheaths on white belLS worn under the coat. The foot artillery wore red plumes, white cross· b<:lts, and brass-hilled 5.'\bres with red knots; dark blue breeches within knee-high black gaitcrs \\'ith t\\'ch'c brass buttons for parades, on cam· paign dark blue trousers with a red side·stripe over thc gaitcrs.
Initially it was termcd the 'Chcvall-Iegcrs du Grand Due de nerg' (1807-8); then 'ChasscuTS;\ Chcval du Grand Duche de nerg' (1808 9); 'Lnncicrs du Grand Duche de Berg' (180g--12); 'ISt and 2nd Regiments Chevnu-Iegers du Crnnd Duche de Berg' (1812-13). In the first role, although not armed with Innces, they \\'orc traditional lancer costume in white with pink facings edged in white, white buttons; pink-topped czapka with white cords and plume, rcd-within-white cockade, white front platc with yellow rays; pink brecches with double
Frcnch infantry shako with light blue pompon, red-within·white cockade, oval brass platc bear· ing a lion, brass chin·scalcs, no cords; grey coat with light blue collar, pointed cum, lapels and turn backs, grey shouldcr-straps piped light blue; bla<;k sabre bandolier, brass·hilted sabre in steel sheath, red knot. For parades grey breeches in short hussar-type boots with straight-necked, screw-in stccl spurs; for campaign grcy, bUlloned overalls with light blue side-stripe \vom over the boots. THE CHEVAU-LECERS
This regiment's uniform and designation under\\'ent se\'eral changes during its short lifc.
J.,rom., Napol.,on, King
or WUIJ".Ii"
whitc side-stripcs, white belts and gauntlets, brass-hil tcd S;:lbre in steel sheath, white sabre knot. Trumpcters wore reversed colours and had brass trumpets 011 silver cords and there was also a kettle-drummer, a Moor, in Arabian cOStume. Officers wore silver waist-sashes and silver cartouche bells and had silver sabre knots. On campaign in Spain they wore grey singlc·breasted coats with pink collar, cuffs and tumbacks and grey buttoned overalls with a pink side-stripe. The czapka was covered in black oilcloth.
Trooper's b,dm.. t o( lI..e Wesl(alian Cardedu Corp.. (Museum fiir o.,utsd>e Guchicble)
Coal o(a Fusilier privale, 5th Weslralian Line Inrantry, 18.'1; racings and cpauleues are dark blue. (Muliewn fUr Deulll,che Ge.,;:bicble)
In the Chasseurs a Cheval rolc (t808-g) lhe uniform bccame dark green and thc cut was no longer lancer-style. The collar, cuffs and lurnbacks werc pink, as was the piping to the dark grccn lapels and shoulder-straps. The elite company worc black sealskin col backs with red plume, pompon, bag and tassel, and red epauleltcs. Othcr companies wore black shakos with rcd-withinwhite cockade, company coloured pompon (lSI Company -light blue, 2nd - white, 3rd - yellow, 4th grccn) and diamond-shaped brass plalc
bearing an cagle. Breeches were dark green and worn within hussar boots with red top trim and tassel. GaunlleLS were white. On 17 December 1809 the regiment was equipped with lances and retitled 'Lanciers du Grand Duche de Berg'. They wore the same dark grcen uniforms but adopted pink shakos with tilt 5."lme cockadc and plate as before, and a whitt plume. For thcir action in o\·crthrowing tilt Heavy Cavalry Brigade of the King's German Lcgion at Villadrigo on 23 October 181 2 lh~·
"·ere awarded the privilege of wearing pink-over· white pennons on thcir lanccs. By 1812, as the 'Chcvau-Icgers Lanciers', they were back in complctc lancer costumc in dark green with pink facings and whitc buttons and pink-topped czapkas. The elite compan)' worc black fur col backs and red epauleltcs as before.
g/«.t;S f/llrlcJtfl/lrlfm/S ofthe 9ml/(/ Vlldl)' o(c.Belg
of the regiment, and ill the fourth lhe number of the batlalion. Below the cagle was the inscription: 'ORIGADE D'INf'ANTERIE OU GRAND OUClIF. DE IIERG' and above thc cagle \\las: 'ET NOUS AUSSI, C'::SAR, CO:,\,DUIS-NOUS A LA VICTOIRE'. None of these flags has survived and it is most likcly that they werc dcslro)'ed or lost at the battle at the Bercsina crossing in 1812. The 2nd Rcgimcnt of Chcvau-Icgcrs Lanciers apparently rcceived a grecn standard, 60 centimctrcs high by 48 centimetres wide, bearing on the face side a silver grenade with gold flamcs between thc gold initials 'B' and 'C', and on the revcrse a number (2?) within gold laurel wrc
There is very little evidence of the appearancc of flags and stanclards or dctails of their issue. Murat designed the first flags and standards according to the follo\\ling scheme: a red ground, round \\·hite central field edged in gold oak leaves and bearing the arms of the grand duchy, in each corner of the flag or standard a gold laurel wreath containing the regimental number; in the centre of each side a golden thunderbolt. The pike tip was a gilt spear·poinl. The mouo on the scroll over the ducal crest was: 'Dieu, la Gloire, et Ics Dames'. It seems fairl)' certain that one standard of this design was presented to the regiment of Chcvau- SPAIN 1808-13 lfgcrs and onc flag to the 1St Inr.'lntry Regiment Napolcon demandcd Westfalian troops to sUPl>ort 'Prince Joachim' in Dusseldorf in 1807. The his campaign in Spain, initially rcquiring a standard seems to have gone to Naplcs with somc division. By slimmer 1808 only one infantry ofthe men of the cavalry who accompanied M lIrat regimcnt and the 1St Chcvau-Icgcrs wcre ready. 10 his new throne in 1808. The 1st Chc\'au-lcgers The cavalry regiment marched off in September did nOt receive another standard. The flag of the 1808 with a strcngth of500 mcn, but the dcsertion 1st Infantry Regiment was taken with the regiratc was high and only 390 mcn were stilt prcsellt melH to Spain in 1808, deposited in Figuercs for whcn it reached the Spanish fromier. By spring safe keeping whcn the regimental strength bccame 1809, howcver,thc 2nd Division of the '<\'estfalian tOO low, and fell into Spanish hands when that Anll)' was ready, and was SCIll southwards. They town was captured. When the grand duchy reached Perpignan on thc Spanish border on passed into apoleon's personal (effective) control, '2 May I Bog. Divisional organization was as according to verbal tradition new flags were follows: issued to the infantry in Dusseldorf, but the exact Commander Divisiollsgencral Graf ~Iorio date is unknown. These flags were white and bore Chief of Staff ~Iajor \"on Hcssberg in the centre the Napoleonic caglc holding a 1St B,igadt (Commandcr Brigadcgencral Boerner) thundcrbolt in its claws. In two opposite corners 2nd In£"\I1I1) Regimenl (Obersl Lcgras later Oberst were crowned 'N's, in a third corner the number \"on Bosse): twO batlalions.
oj/he "Westjft/ifl// ufm/)'
. p h Inr."Tltry Regiment (Oberst \'on Bonneville later \'on L'lssberg): two ballalions. !!I/(I Brigad, (Commander Oberst \'011 Oehs) 3rd I uranu), Regimcnt (Oberst Zinda~): two bat lalions. 1St Light Battalion (Bataillonschcf\'on ~Icycrn)_ Arlill"y (Bataillollschef Heinemann) Two companies.
and Wurzburg, and ten French elite companies) . But the Spaniards beat off the attack and caused 1,770 casualties dead and wounded. Due to sickness among the \Vcstfalian officers, von Ochs took command of the 2nd Division on 24 November 1Bog. On 31 August IBog the Spanish General Blake altacked General St eyr about seven miles In Perpignan a depot under command or south orGerona. St Cyr ordered General Verdier Major von Lassberg was set up. The Spanish War (commander of the besiegers of Gerona) to join soon developed into a guerrilla campaign which him with the bulk of his men. Verdier left only the sucked the lifc·blood out ofNapolcon's occupying '\'eSlfalian division, an Italian division and the troops, and can be compared in effect to America's regiments of Berg and Wur.t:burg 10 cover the involvement in South Vietnam . fortress and marched off south with the rest of the The Westfalians emered Spain on 5 ~·Iay IBog force. Blake promptly slipped round St CrT.. and were sent to join the besieging forces at attacked the weakened besiegers, burned their Gerona under General Gouvion St Cyr. Arriving camp, killed their wounded, and entered Gerona at Gerona next day, the 2nd Brigade was Im- with a supply train of 1,500 mules. At Verdier's mediately involved in combat with the Spanish return, Blake pulled offinto the mountains again. Sickness and lack of food decimatcd the foreign dclendcrs of the lown. As a result of 1heir successful conduct in thcir baptism of lire, many men and troops attempting to subjugate Spain even more were decorated and promoted, among than the aCli011 of the enemy, and it was quite them von Oehs (the brigade commander) who usual for entire companies to die in that country Icaving none to report lhe state of affairs back to was promoted Brigadegencralon 15Julle IBog. On 8July IBog Gerona was stormed with 3,000 their homelands.. Gerona was stOrmed again (and in vain) on men of the fourteen elite companies of the 'Vcst· falian infantry regiments, the grenadier company 19 September 1809 and COSt the Westfalians and of thc 1st Neapolitan Infantry Regiment, twelve the Bcrg Infantry Rcgiment 9 officers and 124 men companies of the infantry of Berg (3rd Regiment) killed and \...ounded. These losses included the commander of the 3rd Berg Infantry Regiment. Oberst Muff. Gerona finally surrendered on 10 December IBog having been starved into submission. The Westfalian division then numbered 1.500 of all ranks; but on 12 ~Iarch 1810 they 'were joined by 650 reinforcements from Westfalia. General St eyr was replaced in command of the French Army of Catalonia by Augercau in October 180g; by the spring of 1810 Augereau had subdued the province and marched to Barcelona The Westfalians, who remained to garrison Gerona, were subjected to ceaseless guerrilla attacks which reduced their strength so much thaI in ~Iay lBog the 1st Battalions were made up to strength by men of the 2nd Battalions, and remained in Spain, while the cadres of the 2nd Battalions of the regiments were sent back 10 Westfalia to recruit up to strength again. Augerc3u was replaced by Marshal Macdonald in May 1810, but the position in Spain continun! Mankat Aus.......u
/I. co.uempono'"Y u!lislo car1_ poke'll Cwo .1 N.pol......'lO
.. ~wly bakfll' eoarede...tioa or the Rhine
to deteriorate, On I April 1811 Ihe lSI Battalions or the Westralian units were wilhdrawn home to recruit, and there remained in Spain only one battalion or 500 men (composed or those men or all unilS who were still fit fordllty) and an artillery dttachmem, These units did nOt return home until spring 1813. The Westralian Chevau-Icger Regimelll had never operated with the Westf:"llian division in Spain; initially it was attached LO Victor's I Corps and later was transferred to Sebastiani's I V Corps. It was involved in many skirmishes and battles and won great fame. The first commander of the rtgiment, Oberst von Hammerstein, returned to WOilfalia on 16July 1810 LO be replaced by Oberst von Stein. In February 1813 the main part of the regiment returned to Westralia, but one squadron remained in Spain under command of Eskadronschef von PICSS(:n. This unit was (like all other German sattllite units) declared unreliable by the French, disarmed, and interned as prisoners of war on 23 December 1813.
Austria declared war on France on 9 April 1809 and placed the weight of her forces in sOlllhern Germany and Italy. Only secondary forces were deplo)'ed in the north, against WeSIr:"llia and, to combat this threat, King Jerome was given command of X Corps of the First German Army on 18 April. In addition to the Austrian threat to the cast, .Jerome had also 10 keep an eye on the northern coast 10 guard against possible British landings. The composition of X Corps was as follows: Commander, KingJerome ChiefofSlaff, the \\'estr.,liall General Rewbell 'St Il'rstfalian J)i/';s;on of the Guard (Divisionsgcncral Graf Bernlcrode) One scluadron Garde du Corps of 140 men commanded b)' Brigadegellcral \'on Bong;Jrs One battalion Grenadier-Carde of 8.\0 men commanded by Oberst LangellschwarL. One ballalionJ:iger-Gardc of6oo men commanded by :\l:Ijor Ffillgrdf
Also coming to join Jerome from the Wesl wert". under command of Oberst Chabcrt; 3rd Regiment of Berg Infantry (1,000 men) Detachments of the 22nd. 271h, 30th, 33rd and 65th French Line Infantry and 28th Light Inr.'lnll)' regiments and of the 61h, 7th and 8th Artillery RegimenlS - 3,000 men in all
Eugene Be... b ......I., Viceroy or _ the man who G"ally 1.... I.he r",m".nl orlhe Grand Arme.. b • .,k 10 Gern,,~ .. y
Thn."C squadrons Chev;IlI.lcgers·Gardc of 550 n1('11 commanded b) Oberst wom' OntO ballatiOIl J;igcr·Carabinicrs of 360 men commandL't! by Prinz \'011 Hcsscn-Philippsthal TOlal :.1.49(') lllcn 2mlWtJljaliml DiI'iJioll (Divisionsgcncral d'Albignacl 1St Inf:lIltry Regimen! of 1.680 men commanded by
Oberst Vauthier (killed at Dodendorf) 5th Inf:ll\lry Regimen! of 1.800 men commanded b) Oberst Craf\\'dlingcrode 6th Infantr), Rcgiment of I .7OCJ men COIllInandt:d b~ l\ Iajar von Hasse 1st Kiirassicr Regimelll of 260 mCll commandL't1 by Oberst \'on Wiirthen -1'01;11 5,-l
6th Dutch Inr.,nlry Regimellt 7th Dutch Infalllry Regiment Bth Dutch lnlalllry Regiment 91h Dutch Inr.,nlry Regimenl ',!IId Dutch Kiirassicr Regiment Thrce companil'S of artiller) TOlal 5.300 mcn Thus the grand total of X Corps was 10,263 men.
The Prussian fortresses ofStenin. Stralsund and Kiistrin were garrisoned with Rheinbund troops - 2,300 Mecklenburgers and 800 Oldenburgers. But these troops could not be removed from Ih(' fortresses to suPPOrt Jerome in his field operalions. A detailed account of this campaign in North Germany appears in The Blo£k Brunswicke,s (5« Sources) so only details concerning the armies or Westr.'llia and Berg will be given here. On 4 May 180g the Wcstfalian Gelleral von Uslar, with a force of 1,000 men (four companies of Ihc lSI Westfalian Infantl)' Regiment, twO companies oflhe 22nd French I nfantry Regimen! under Oberst Legat, and IWO guns} moved 10 Dodendorf to block von Schill's advance. Due 10 lhe bad statc or readincss of the 5th and 6th Westfalian Inr.'llltl)' Regimel1ts at this time (the} were still in training) General von Uslar was removed from command Ihal day and replaced b} Oberst Vaulhicr. Von Schill's Frcikorps wilh 400 hussars, 60 Reitmde .lager (mounted rifles) and 50 infantry advanced on Dodendorffrom Sulldorf. Vauthier left his defensive position behind the River Sulze, advanced to meet \'011 Schill, and formed his men into three squares (two in front. one in reservc) with his two guns in front of tht" front twO squares. Von Schill's cavalry charged, broke the squares at the first impact, and captured 200 lllen and both guns. Obersl Vaulhier was badly wounded. captured, released by Schill, and died laler in ~Iagdeburg. The Wcslfalian Gendannerie had great lrouble rounding up their scattered soldiers afler Ihe battle, many of whom lOok Ihe opportunity to return to Iheir homes. Legat's grenadier company, which was in reserve behind Dodendorf. was also captured by \'on Schill's men. The Dutch Division after Ihe Austrians next day. BUIJeromr men, while the Westfalians remained at Domilz on the Elbe to regroup. On 18 JUlle 180g .Jerome left Kassel with Ihe
Guards Division to march eastwards. His mission coming norlh·east out of Franconia with over was to help King Friedrich August of Saxony 10,000 men and pushing the Austrian Ceneral whose city of Dresden had been occupied by Kienmayer before him. Kienmayer broke contact, turned on Jerome, General Am Ende's Austrian forces on I I June tBog. By 21 J uneJerolllc \\las al Eisenach, and had and overthrew him at Berncck and Gefracs.s all the divisions of d'Albignac and Gratien join him; 8.July. On II July X Corps was checked again by thus his total force was 12,900 men, increased the the Austrians ncar HoE Jerome fell back on rotlowing day by 2,000 Saxons. Schleitz, where Kienmayer again pushed him On 24 June Jerome advanced from Sonders- aside on 13 July. By 17 July X Corps had with· hauscn lowards Querfun, crossed the River Saale, drawn to Erfun when news of the armistice and entered Merseburg. Meanwhile the Austrians between Austria and France (duc to the AUSlrian had occupied Leipzig;Jerome sent the 2nd West· defeat at Wagram.) and 6 July 18og) reached falian Division against them and the Austrians .Jerome. Full of relief, Jerome hurried back to his withdrew again_ He then entered Leipzig on capital. Kassel. with his guard. The Dutch 26 June with three: divisions, and sent the Dutch Division remained in Erfurl. The remaining Di\ision after the Austrians next day. ButJerome Westfalian troops under General Rewbell went was outwilled by the rapid movements of the to Hanover in pursuit of thc Black Brullswickers, AUSlfians and their Black Brunswick allics, and who were fighting their way up IOwards Bremell "I'as alwa)'s at least one mo\-e behind in his 10 be shipped 10 England on British ships. Ceneral Rewbell. with the 1st Kilrassiers, 1st dispositions. From I to 4 July he sta)'ed in Dresden, celebrating his strategic successes while and 6th infantry rcgiments, the 3rd Bergisch the enem)' rampaged in the Nilrnberg al·ca. infant')' regimcnt, and ten guns. was to have been Finally he moved Out oftlte city comforts he loved join<.-d by the 5th Westfalian Infantry Regimcnt so much (his nickname was 'Konig Lustig' (I he from Magdeburg, but this unil was deslroyed al ~lerry Monarch) and marched south to Chemnitz. H alber5tadt on 29.J uly by Ihe Black Bru nswickers: His aim was tOjoin up in HofwithJunot's corps, 1,500 men of the 5th werc killed, wounded or captured (300 of thcse crossc..-d ovcr 10 lhe Black Brunswickcrs) and only about 100 escaped. Their A:lgs were also ca ptured, but what bec:lllle of thcm is not known. Rewbell moved to Celie on 31 July IBog to cut the Brunswickers 00" from the coast, and on I August a skirmish took place with them at Oelpcr (nowadays absorbed in the town complex of Brunswick). After initial success, Rewbcll's men were repulsed. The Kilrassiers suffel'cd heavily from artillery fire, fell back under pursuit by the Brunswick hussars, rode over their own infantry, and nearly caust.-d a disaster. Only the brave conduct of the Westfalian gunners prcvented the enemy exploiting this advantage. The chase up to Bremen was then resumed, with Rewbell making haSle slowly in order to keep a safe distance between himsclfand his quarry. In this he succeeded so well lhat the BrunS\\lickers were even able to sclltheir horses before: embarking for England, at Brake on the \Veser, 011 B August I Bog. Suspecting that he might suffer Jerome's rage for his failure in this campaign, Jow:pbine, Napoleon's firt" ",ire Rewbell took ship for America.
events of modern times. The Grande Armcc of 1812 contained, as well as French troops, Rhcinbund
Spaniards, Portuguese, Italians, Neapolitans, Swiss and Croats. Over half the men involved WCI'C non.French. The Westralian Army formed its own corps (VIII). The troops of Berg became part of IX Corps. The composition of VIII Corps was as follows: Commander. KingJcromc Executive Commander. Oivisionsgcncl.ll Vandamme (a French ofiiccr appoilHcd by Napoleon). 23KO OIVISIO:-- (Commander, Divisiollsgcllcral \'on Oehs) /sllJr((fnde (Commander. initially Brigadcgcncral Craf Wcllillgcrodc: from May 1812 Hrigadcgcflcr31 l.cgras) Grcnadier-Garde, I b3ltalion (Oberst Lcgras) Jager-Garde, I ballaliOll (~Iajor Picot) Jager-Carabiniers, I b:lltalion (~lajor ~Hildncr) 1St Light Inf."lntt")' Hanahon (Bataillollschcf "Oil Rauschenplatt) 5th Line: Infantry Rcgimeill. 2 battalions (01x:rst Gissot) :md Brigadt (Commander. Hrigadegeneral DanloupVerdun) 1St Line Inf."llltl)' Regiment, 2 ballaliollS (Oberst PlcSlimanll) 8th Line [nr,"llllr)' Rcgimcllt, '2 battalions (Oberst Bergcron) ,ph Linc Inf."llllry Regiment, '2 ballaliollS (Oberst Rossi) 2.1'1'11 D1VISIOS (Commander. Divisionsgellcral Thareau lsI Brigaat (Commander. Brigadegelleral Damas) 6th Line Infant!)' Regiment. '2 battalions (Oberst Ruelle) ~.!IId Line Inf:mtl)' Regiment, 3 battalions (Oberst ,'on Fiillgrafl) 3rtl Light Infantry Hatlalion (Oberst ,'on Hesshcrg) :!1/d I1rigadt (Commandcr, Hrigadegcllcral ,'on Zurwesten (from 2July 1812 \'on Borstcll» 3rd Linc Inlhnlry Regiment, 2 battalions (ObeTSt Bernard)
Dav.d'. porll'1l't of the Emperor in ,810. He •• wurinJ; u favourile uniform of a Colonel of tbe Guard
jlh Line Inr.... nu·Y Regimcllt. 3 battalions (Oberst Lagcon) 2nd Lig:ht Infalllry Uallalion B:uaillonschef "011 Bodickcr Ga.rdt-h-m nUtri,-Brie.nd, Commander. Urig:adegelleral
On 4 March 1812 VIII Corps marched On'rrOIll Kassel; by G April they were at Glogau, and on 13 April at Rawitsch. There jerome assumed command or Ihe righl wing orlhe Grande Armce, consistingorV Corps (Poniatowski and the Poles), Wain) Garde dll Corps. squadron Esk:ulrollschef VII Corps (the Saxons under General Reynier), VIII Corps and IV Cavalry Corps (LatourLlllemand Chc\'au-!cger-Garde. 4 squadrons (Obersl ~luller) Mauborg). In all this force totalled 80,000 men. When the Garde du Corps returned 10 Kassel with Napoleon's slrategy for 1812 was to make it King Jerome in AUgUSI ,BI2. the Che\'au-Icger- rapid advance into Russia, calch the twO Russian Garde was allaclH:d 10 the Lciclllc-Ka\'allcric- armies separated, and destroy them in detail Hrigadc.) berore Ihey could unite. This meant rorced ulthtt-Knmllrrit-Brigndt (Commander. Brigadcgclleral marches ror Ihe troops through very poor areas \'on Hammcrstcin) with rew (and bad) roads. The logistics vehicles 1st Hussars. 4- squadrons (Obersl \'on Zandt) orthe Grande Armce railed to keep up with the ror2nd 4 squadrons (01x:rst \'on Hessberg) IIIJ:m-h-o,ollni,-Brigndt (Commander. Brigade- \\'ard troops, hundreds died or exhaustion, lhirsl. general ,'on Lepd) starvation and suicide and the organization or the lSI Kfirassiers. -I squadrons (01x:rst \'on Gila) rorward clements became complelely weak and :md Kiirassien. -I squadrons 01x:rst \'on Bastineller) conruscd. As one \VGrncmberg officer wTOte in Jrlill",t Commander, Di"isionsgcneral Allix) his diary: 'Whal will happen irwe catch up with lSI Reitendc Batterie der Garde the enemy?' III Reilcllde Battcric There was little danger or this, hO\vevcr. The Two fOOL ballcrics IWO Russian armies withdrew eastwards in Four Train companies Twel\'e l'cgimemal piccl.-"S (six-pounders) excellent order, leaving no stragglers or booty Six rcscr,'e guns behind them, and they devastated the al'cas which .\ lOla I of forty-eight call lions they had to sacrifice to the invaders. Relationships belwecnjerome and Vandamme The entire contingelll nllmbcn.'. d as rollows: were vcry bad. Vandamme had the men's Mm Iforsu Guns wclrare at heart and constantly inlcrren..'d with [nfantl) 22.3 1 5 • oz jerome's plans in order to ensure thaI all units had Ca\alry 3·374 3. 6 59 sufficienl rood. Finally, in Grodno, jerome's Artillcl) 991 • T r.lin patience came to an end, and he dismissed 588 1,IgG Baggage 324 1,206 Vandamme. Both lhen appealed to the Empcror General staff. gendarmerie. who, more out or ramily loyalty than good judgeetc. ment, sent Vandamme back to France. Gencral Thareau took over command of VIII Corps 011 TOlals ~7.B52 6,061· 48 G.June ror about four weeks until Marshal Junot arrived to replace him. On 13July VIII Corps reached Nieswitz in a This organization soon changed, however. most exhausted condition and Jerome allowed his In Warsaw in June 1812 Ihe Schwere- troops a rew days' well-earned rest. To date only Kavallerie-Brigade was detached and became cavalry skirmishes had taken place with the part or IV Cavalry Corps. The 1St and 8th Line Russians and these had all ended in dereats ror thc Infamry Regiments were detached and trans- invaders. frrrcd to X Corps and went into Danzig as The two Russian armies were now able 10 unite ~arrison troops. The 4th Line Inramry Regiment and Napoleon's hope or an early viclOry was was detached to become pan or X I Corps of the dashed. Even though Ihat wing or the Grande 'Duna Army'. These detachments reduced VIII Armce undcr Marshal Davollt had also failed 10 Corps 10 22,392 men, 'h284 horses and 44 guns. catch lhcir allotted Russians, Napoleon poured
out his ragc on jerome. This unhappy monarch was sent packing back to Kassel with his Garde du Corps 011 16july, andjullot was left in command of VIII Corps with Davollt replacing jerome. That same day the advance continued towards Minsk and reached Orscha on '17 july, where a fourteen·day hah was called. By this time VIII Corps had lost over 2,000 mcn due 10 sickness and exhaustion, and on II Augusl a reinforcement draft of 1.200 infantry and 300 cavalry joined Ihem frOIll \Vestfalia. The advance on Smolensk began again on 12 August and on thc 15th il appeared that the Russians under Uarelay de Tolly and Bagralion were prepared to give Napoleon the battle which he so urgently required. The lnsk of enveloping the Russian left wing was given to VI II Corps, but Junot got lost, granted his men six hours' rest, and thus missed the battle, reaching Ihe battlefield only at 101'.111. on 17 August.
The Emperor quivered with rage at this lax conduct but gave junot, his old comrade, a further chance: VIII Corps was to cut off the Russian rearguard (they had evacuated and burned Smolensk) and destroy il on 19 Augusl. junotcrossed the Dniepr River but then decided 10 allow his corps to rest in the village ofSzenkowo. Meanwhile, Ney was locked in fierce combat with the enemy rearguard at Valutina·Gora. Evelllually Ihe Westfalians appeared on the Russian left Aank (which was not prepared for an assault from this direction) but instead of attack· ing and utilizing his surprise, junot set about deploying his troops into columns. The Russians realized their peril, changed front and thus avoidtd destruction. Murat, King of Naples, saw junot's delay and galloped across the balliefield in a fUl)' to onler him to assault at once. This he did, but the attack was ill·timed and the voltigeurs of the 2nd Westr.'1lian Light Baualion were CUI down by a Cossack charge. Total Westfalian casualties at Valutina·Gora wcre 450 rtJl ranks killed, \\'ounded and captured. junOl's second failure exhausted the Emperor's paticnce with him rtnd as a punishmcnt VIII Corps was dctailed to form thc rearguard of the army and to clear the battlefield of Smolensk, which took them rrom 20 to 2'1 August. Frcnch and Allied dead and wounded \\'ere reckoned to ha\'e been 20,000 in Ihis baltic and the Russian casualties 'surcly more'. On 24 August VI II Corps movcd off towards Moscow and suffcrcd much hunger due to the fact that the preceding troops had stripped and plundered everything of use from the area over which they no\\, had to travel. They marched via Dorogobllsch, Vyazma and Gschalz to iVlozhaisk which Ihe)' reached on 6 September 18,2. After having detached three battalions and two squadrons to form outposts along the lines or communication, Ihe strength of VIII Corps was nO\\' fineen battalions. ten squadron and six batteries of artillery - 10.000 men in all. TilE BATTLE Ot' BORODI:"O,
Joachim, P ......ce M ..... t, Napoleon'. da~hin8: b"l .. nreliable, Grand Duke orBerp; and later KinS orNaples
1812 The Russian Army had taken up a prepared position just west of i\loscow with the aim or denying the invaders access to their capital city. SEI'TEMBER
I, Tsar ofRunla
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The Bald" of Hoh"aliDd"... 3 ~mbr.r 1800; Ihill Freach "'ietory CIIU!led the COllapH orcl,,: roileD Holy Rom ... Empire
or Germ......t;o...
This gave Napoleon the battlc he had so long desired, and he set about achieving the destruction of the opposing army. The position of VIII Corps ,,,as on the right of the Grande Arm(-c behind III Corps of Marshal Ncy. Al about 7.30 3.m. VIII Corps advanced to storm the Semcnowskoje Redoubt, and were attacked by ktirassicrs as they len the cover of some woods. The WCSlfalians formed square and repulsed the kG rassiers, causi ng I hem considcra ble losses. Meanwhile, V Corps was rorced back by the Russians, and VIII Corps now suffered heavily from artillery fire. General Damas was killed, General Tharcau was badly wounded, and General von Ochs took over command of the 23rd Division. Now, III Corps allacked lhe Semenowskoje Redoubt, was repulsed, and by 9 a.m. the battle was deadlocked. The assault was renewed by Ill, VIII and V (Polish) Corps, and by I I a.m. the Semcnowskoje Redoubt had been captured. Shortly afterwards the Rajewski Redoubt on the left nank was also captured.
A slow advance followed, and at Olle point General von Ochs led a charge with himsclfat Ihe head oflhe6th Westralian Line Infanlry Regiment. The Russians, fighting stubbornly, withdrew in good order eastwards into the woods. By 5 p.m. the firing slackened and the battle ended in Napoleon's favour. It had been a bloody day. The losses of VIII Corps were 18 oAlcers and 488 men dead, and 164 officers and 2,340 men wounded, ofwhich at least onc·third subsequently died of their wounds. Heaviest losses had been suffered by the three light cavalry regiments in their charges on the redoubl. Generals Thareau and von Lepel died of their wounds. French losses were 30,000 dead and wounded, including 49 generals; Russian losses arc given by lhe French as being about 5°,000 dead, wounded and captured. At midday on 8 September, Napoleon moved ofr towards :\loscow, firmly believing that once this prize was in his hands, Russia would fall at his fecI. How great his disappointment was to be. Once again the unlucky VIII Corps was given
Grand Duch)' ur Rcrg I: Gunner, Gr:lnd Duchy or ncrg. 1812 2: Grenadier Corporal. Infantry Regiment. 1812 3: Inr:llltf)' Captain. 4th Regimellt. 1812
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Gr;lIul Ouch)' of Berg I; Pioneer. 2nd Infanlr)' RcgimclII. 1812 2: Trooper. [I ile Com pall)'. 151 Regiment Ch(!\,;Ju-LCgcr LlIlcicrli. 1812 3: Corporal. 1101 ChC\,:lu.LCgers Regiment.
,, I
1; Grcn:ldicr Drummer. 2nd Infa11lry Regiment. Grand Ouch}' of Ilcrg. 1807 2: I'rh·atc. 1st Westfalian Infamr)' Regimcnt, 1807 3: Officer. 2nd Westfali'lI\ Kiir.lssicrs. 1808
I: Scrgcant.r-.lajor of Grenadiers. Westfalian Line Infalllry. 1810-15 2: Corporal of \'ulligeurs. Line Infantry. 1810-13 3: Private of FusiJiers. Westf;llian Line Infantr}'. 1810·13
1: Grenadier of the Guard, Wcslfalia 2: C,lr:lbinicr, ElilC Comp:1I1,',Jiigcr-G:lrde, WCSlfalian GlI:.rd. 1808 3: Coloncl . .Iiigcr-C.. r:lbinicr Batlalion. Wcslfalia. 1810
Kingdom of Westfalia The band of the 9th Line Infantry Regiment. 1810 I: Drum Major 2: Fusilier Fifer 3: Musician
Wcslf•• li •• 11 line Inf'lIllr,' 1: Musici:1II 2: Drullllller 3: "·ifcr
~1 usicians.
4lh and 51h J{cJ,;imcIII. pl'C- lind posl.1810
Kingdom of Westfalia I: Westfalla Rillmcislcr (Captain), Chc\'aulcgcoCardc. 1811 2: ScrgcaTlI.lightlnfantr),. 1812 3: Sergeanl. Artillery Traill. 1812 ·1: Officer. 1st Hussars. 1812
the task of clearing the grisly battlefield. The plight of the unfortunate wounded \"as so bad, and medical facilities .so limited, that the Westfalians were ordered to carry out mercy killings on the obviously hopeless cases. On 12 September VIII Corps moved off and J unO! set up his headquarters in the town of Mozhaisk. The ani)' Westfalian troops to enter Moscow were the Kiirassier Brigade, and an infantry brigade con· sisting of the 3rd Line Infantry Regiment and the 2nd and 3rd Light Battalions. Due to the lack of food in Mozhaisk,Junot was forced to disperse VIII Corps all along the lines of communication from Dorogobusch to Moscow. This dispersal laid the isolated units open to attaek by Cossack and peasant militia bands. On 10 October, 450 men of the 1st Battalion of the 6th Line Infantry Regiment under Bataillonschef von Conrad)' were surpriSed in the town of Vereja b)' a Russian force under General Dorochow, and eaplUrcd together with their battalion Rag. Just before the notOrious retreat from Moscow
began, the 8th Line Inf:'lntr)' Regiment rejoined VIII Corps from Danzig with 1,000 men, and a reinforcement draft from Westfalia also arrived. This brought the corps' strength up to 5,600 infantry and 600 cavalry, with all guns still present. On 28 October the retreat began, and the headquarters of VIII Corps left ~vlozhaisk. The corps was now the Advanced Guard of the Grande Armce. They marched over the balllcfieid of Borodino in mild weather, picking their way carefully between the heaps of unburied dead and the rotting carcasses of horses. B)' 4 November the troops had eaten up the last of the food they had managed to bring with them, and the weather became much colder with snowfalls. Because the Russians forced Napoleon to withdraw through the same devastated area ovcr whieh he had advanced, almost no food could be scavenged by the troops as they marchcd, and casualties due to men collapsing from starvation and f:'l.tigue rose alarmingly day by day. To add to
, the misery of the retreating troops, bands of milder and heavy rain made the march even more Cossacks and armed peas."nts were ever lurking to difficult than before. Now only 120 infantry men faU upon small bands of men searching for food remained under arms, and 'V III Corps' became away from the protection of the main body or the one weak battalion and a cavalry squadron also of about 120 men. army. The men were often plodding along in deep The \Vestfalians reached Borissow on the mud, umil2 December when the weather became Beresina River on 26 November, and the river was crossed on the 28th, General von Oehs with vcry cold and frozen. On 5 November the Westr:"lians passed through fifty infantry and General von Hammcrstcin with Dorogobusch and, on the 8th, Smolensk. Shortly sixty mounted cavalrymen. Some days later, before this town, at Valutina·Gora, on an icy hill, Hammerstein with his cavalry was able to rescue all their cannon and most of the baggage had to be the wounded Marshal Oudinot from a Russian abandoned because the horses were too weak (and raiding forcc of Cossacks. unsuitably shod) to pull their loads up the glassy In Wilna VI Corps (Bavarians) rcjoined the slope. On 9 Novcmber VIII Corps had shrunk to main body or the Grande Armec and with them 1,700 men, and in Smolensk it was reorganizcd was the relatively intact 4th Westralian Line into three battalions. 011 13 November they Inralllry Regiment. This unit was thrust into the marched Ollt of Smolensk and had to fight their fight and rapidly destroyed at Rukoni on 9 way through a Russian force which blocked their December 1812. On 1'2 December Kowno was reached, and next path. That night, VIII Corps was down to 500 combatanu under Divisionsgeneral von Ochs. day the Prussian border. After thc crossing orthe By 22 November the weather had become much Rivcr Niemen the Russian pursuit slackened. Fri~ricb Witb~tm, 'Black Du"'~' orBrua.§wick, pictur~
biYou"c duri0l! hi•• ao, campai!!" in W_lralia
La a
Leipzig (I ij October 1813); and the newly raised 9th Line Infantry Regiment suncred a similar fate. The 1st and 2nd Hussar Regiments went over to the Austrians on the nighl Of22/23 August 1813 near Zittau, and became the 1st and 2nd Hussars of the Austro-German Legion. They were subsequently disbanded. The Garde du Corps, Grenadier·Garde, JagerGarde, Jager Carabiniers, Chevau.lcgers.Garde, Garde-Husaren-Regiment 'Jerome Napoleon' (a collection of French recruits presented to Jerome by the Emperor), the artillery, the 3rd Light Battalion, 1st and 2nd Kurassier Regiments and the 1st Chevau-Icgers Regiment were all in Weslfalia when the end of Jerome's regime carne in September 1813, and they melted away into the anonymity of the civilian populace. So ended the kingdom of Westfalia. On 21 November 1813 the Kurftirst (Prince t:leclor) of Hessen-Kassc1 re-entered his old capital cit)', Kassel, from which he had been banned in 1806, and his realm was re-created for him by the great powers. The rest of Westfalia reverted to its original owners - the Duke of Brunswick (Braun· schweig), the King of England (the Elector or Hanover) and the King of Prussia. Fcw mourned the passing of the state which Napoleon had created for his brother, but its army had won the respeci of many of its friends and foes during its short life.
1813 GAMPAIGN The lown ofThom was designated as rendezvous for the surviving Westfalians, and duringJanuary 1813 184 officers and 683 men straggled in from Russia. They were reinforced by 1,294 men from the depots in Westfalia. Soon the 1st and 2nd Marschregimenter (temporary tactical units) were organized and the new VIII Corps was commanded by General von Fullgrar. General von Hammerstein had returned 10 Westfalia to organize the rebuilding of the cavalry. On 16 January the Marschregimenter became the new 4th and 5th Line Infantry Regi. men Is, and on 12 February were sent 10 Kustrin only to be besieged in that place which capitulated on 20 March 1814. In r.... ct the Westfalians did not eventually form a corps for the 1813 campaign. They lOok the field in small combat groups, each of which operated independently, and the number 'VIII' passed 10 the Poles. The 1St Line Infantry Regiment had been detached from Vlll Corps in 1812, had taken part in the Siege of Riga, and withdrew into I)russia on 27 December 1812 having suffered only slight losses. On 5January 1813 it entered Danzig and was besieged there until that place surrendered on 29 November 1813. It was then taken into Prussian service as the Reserve Bataillon des Elbregiments, which subsequently combined with theJager-Bataillon 'von Reiche' and the infantry of von Hellwig's Stveirkorps on 31 March 1815 to form the 27th Prussian Infamry Regiment. This number was retained until 1918. The 1st Infantry S Regiment was the only Westfalian unit 10 survive the extinguishing of the kingdom in 1813. The 2nd and 3rd Infantry Regiments and the 2nd Light Battalion went into Dresden as 1806-7 garrison troops and were eaptured and disbanded As carly as 1806 a regllllent of infantry left the when that town fell. The 4th and 5lh Infantry grand-duchy and took the field against the Regiments were, as already related, captured at Prussian fortresses which still held out after most the fall of Kustrin. The 6th Infantry Regiment of the Prussian field army had been destroyed. was not re·raised after 1812. The 7th Infantry They operated with the Regiment 'Wiil7..burg' at Regiment was disbanded at the dissolulion of the the Siege of Graudenz in June 1807. kingdom. The 8lh Infantry Regiment, the 1st and 4th Light Battalions and the newly raised 180g (GERMANY) Fusilier·Garde (also called the 'Regimem The 3rd Infantry Regiment formed part of Konigin') were disbanded after the Battle of Vaufrcland's brigade in Legrange's 3rd Division TilE
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of General Junot's Reserve Corps, and their cmplo)'mcnt has already been mentioned in the corresponding section of the battle history of the Westralian Army. The other infantry unilS of this brigade were the 651' Lignc and the 461' Lignc. SP,\IN
In February 1808 twO squadrons of the lSI Chcvau.lcgcrs went to Spain, and on '7 November of that year they were attached to the Imperial Guard in Madrid. They remained with the Guard throughout their stay in Spain. On '29 December 1808lhcy fought al Benavente and were active in northern Spain. In 1810 they distinguished themselves at Yanguas all 6 September and at Villafranca on 26 December. On.') May 1811 Ihey were part of Montbrun's force which charged the British at Fuentcs de Onom and later that year they fought at Burgos and Cuidad Rodrigo. On 23 October 1812 they charged with the French 1St! Chasscuna Cheval and the Gendarmcs or Burgos to overthrow General Anson's Heavy Cavalry Brigade of the King's German Legion at
Villadrigo. As a reward for this victory, Napoleon permitted them to wear red and white silk lance pennants. The 1St Infantry Regiment also went to Spain in I Bog, asdid the 2nd Infantry. They served at the Siege of Gerona, and suffered casualties ofGoS out of 1.3 10 and 709 OUt or 1.3 13 respect ivel) between I June and 15 September I Bog. In 1810 the 3rd I nfantry also weI\{ to Spain, but at the end or the following ye
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n., P ........... :\h"haJ Bliic:hu a..d lbe Allied monarchs at w;pzi5••8 October .fter the r.ldul balll..
Russia to lake up Ihe shattered survivors currenlly withdrawing from i\loscow. Moving to Smolensk, IX Corps stayc.:d there until mid-OclOber, and then marched cast again towards the Dunn River. By the time they reach(:d their junclion-point with the Grande Armce al Losnitza, 1X Corps had lost onc-Ihird ofits men but was slill in relativcly good TOI;ll 5.000 men condition. The Berg Brigade had now lost all ill' The company of sappcrs and miners was artillery, and one eomplele ballalion had been attached to the Imperial Gllard, and all members captured in Vitcbsk. Now IX Corps became real'guard of the Grand Armcc, marched to the of the company died in Russia. The main body of the Berg troops were attached Bel"esina at Borissow, and Ihen moved nOrlh La to IX Corps of Marshal Victor, which was Studienka. In order to secure Ihe withdrawal of initially part of the Grande Armcc's reserve in the main body of Napoleon's remaining Iroops Prussia and \
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Two troops of the regiment escaped this disaster. inJanuary 1813.0n I March 1813lhecontingent, as they were on duty in Victor's hcadquancrs. rurther reduced by sickness, re·entered Diisseldorr. Meanwhile, at Sludicnka, Victor was holding off The inrantry was reorganjzed into a single regiWitlgcnstein and the Berg infantry was destroyed ment and selll to Cherbourg. Later a second in this bitler, five-hour baltle. Generals Damas regiment \\'as raised. The cavalry rormed a single and Gauthier were wounded, and that night the regIment. brigade consisted of Oberst Gcnty and sixty The Chevau-Icgers Lanciers took the field armed men. Marshal Victor and Generals Gerard again in 1813, and on 15 August Oberst von Toll and Fournier were also wounded, and the com· was in command or the regiment when it was manel of IX Corps passed to Markgraf Wilhelm of ambushed at Possendorrand nearly destroyed. The Baden. The Berg troops attached themselves to survivors were at Leipzig (16-18 October 1813) the Baden Brigade, and that night withdrew with Poniatowski's Corps, and this was the end or westwards over the Bcresina. their career in the scrvice orlhe French Emperor. On 2 December IX Corps (as rearguard) In April 1814 Berg became a Prussian province, clashed again with the Russians at Plcszenitzi and and the two inrantry regiments became the 28th the liny remnants orthe Berg brigade disappeared and 29th Prussian Inrantry Regiments. The during the fighting. Only individual stragglers cavalry became the I I th Prussian Hussars and the now staggered westwards towards Prussia and 2nd Squadron was sent to Prussia to rorm part of sarety. the new 5th lanen.Rcgiment. The town orMarienwerder was allocated as rendezvous ror IX Corps and 200 inrantrymen and 130 dismounted cavalry were concentrated there
Mellloirs, give us also slight hints as to their battle history, uniform and formation. Thiebault's 4th Battalion was formed of thrce companies of Oranien-Fulda soldiers and three companies of soldiers from Erfurt. The soldiers from Oranien-Fulda came partially from the II was apoleon's policy to leave no enemy Furstbischoflich-Fulda Upper Rhine Kreisregi. armed forces behind his lines in lands which he ment, from the Prussian regiment 'Graf\'Vartenshad conquered. Not only did he disband the leben' No. 59 which had been garrisoncd in armies he defeated, he sought to raise new troops Erfurt, and also from the Kurmainz Inf.·uHry from them which were then incorporated into his Regiment 'Knorr'. Thiebau1L hurried to his task own armies. One such formation is the litLle- ancl soon laid samples of his chosen unifOl'm known Regiment 'Westfalen'. before the commanders of the other baualions so Napoleon decreed the formation of this regi- that they were forced to clothe their men as his ment at his headquarters in Posen on I I December were. The 4th Battalion thus received the nick· 1806 with an order which began ~ 'In considera- name 'Ie bataillon modele'. Thiebault, however, tion of the fact that the areas on the other side of perverted apoleon's order concerning the uni· the Elbe should no longer return 10 Prussian form in that instead of blue (Prussian) coats he control and that numerous soldiers are available dressed his men in white (Saxon?) coats with who wish to pursue the honourable profession of red collars and cuffs. arms. we have decided to assist them in their The flags of the regiment were of the usual desire. ' Napoleonic pattern for foreign regiments nnd of The recruits for the Regiment 'Westlhlen' the 1805 pallern. In the centre was n while were 10 be drawn from the discharged Pnlssian lozenge and each corner of thc square c101h was soldiers resident in the areas of Munster, r-,'Iinden and Erfurt (no mention is made of the men of Eichsfcld who were also brought into the regiment) and also former Brunswick and OranienFulda soldiers. The regiment was to havc four banalions, each based on onc of thc areas mentioned aOO\'e: General Laison was responsible for recruitment in Munster; General Gobert in ~Iinden; General Bisson in Brunswick; and General Thiebauh in Fulda and Erfurl. Each battalion was 10 have six companies (probably one grenadier, four fusiliers and one voltigeur) each with 3 officers and 140 mcn; the regimenlal 10lal (without officers) was thus 3,360 men. Uniform, headgear, etc., was to be of Prussian paltern SO as to make best usc of the stocks in the captured magazines and of the material captured alJeon. Very little material has survived 10 confinn the formation and career of this regiment. There is, however, a diary of a former N.C.O. of the 4th Battalion who later became a Premierleutnam in Kurhcssian (Hesse-Cassel) service. This was a man called Vogler. Fieffe, in his History of the ..len"'l.General W;l1gen"Iein, one of Napoleon'II RUIIlIian Genna"s in Ihe Seruiu oj Frat/u, and Thiebaull in his adverllar;ell in ,8'2
red or blue as follows: top staff corner, blue; LOp fly corner, red; bottom stafT corner. red; bottom fly corner, blue. In each of the corners was a golden laurel wreath. In gold on the cenlral whitc field wcre the words 'L'EMPER£UR DES FRAN<:AIS AU R£C1MENl' DE WES'l'PIlALlE', and on thc reverse was 'v A LEUR E1' DISCIPLINE 4mc BATAILLOS'. In April 1807 the 4th Battalion concentrated in Fulda, and on the 15th of the mOnlh the)' marched out under command of Batail Ionschef Schenk and reached Blirtschcid (now part of Aachen) aftcr a march of three and a half weeks via Stcinan, Cclnhausen, Hanan, Frankfurt am Main, Mainz, Bingen, Bacharach, Boppard, Koblenz, Andernach, Remagen and Julich. Here it joined the rest ofthe regiment, which now was commanded by Oberst Erbprinz von HOhenzollern-Sigmaringen. On 20 May 1807 the regimcnt marchcd Olll via Maastricht, Tongern, Louvain, Brussels, Ath.
Tournai, Lille, Bailleul and Montcassclto St Orner which they reached on 3 June. After a short rest they continued to Calais which they reached on 10 June. By this time so man)' men had deserted that the fOllr battalions of the regimcnt had to be reduced to two. Here the regiment was issued with new muskets and then marched via Cre\'elingen, Dunkirk, ieuport, Bruges, Chent, St Nicolas and Antwerp to Mechcln, which it reached on 25 June and where it remained as garrison. During this period of static duty the time wa.~ spenl concentrating thc capable mcn into thc iSt Ballalion and thc less capable mcn into the znd Ballalion. On I November 1807 the 1st Ballalion marched off to Spain under Schenk's command, where on 4 January IBog it was completely absorbed into the French Army. During 180g its strength was so reduced lhat it was combined with the Hanoverian
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wnlr....... bUilD" d ...iS.... I..rt 10 riSbl' C ......di.. r-G.rd . Fii.ilier-Garde, C.rd.. du Corp., K ii "ulIie... •1108-.2 a.od lio.. iafa.olry .ao,....3' 8'2-'3
Legion, which in its turn was disbanded on 9 August 1811. The 2nd Battalion orthe regiment len Mcchcln on 4January 1808 under comm.lI1d or lhe Erbprinz von Hohenzollern-Hechingen, and marched to Kassel which it reached on '29 January. Here the officers and men were used 10 re-establish the 2nd Westralian Linc Inf."lllry Regimcnt whieh was destroyed at Leipzig in 1813,
Lunsmann, r,. Die IVtl/ftlilthe Annu Dimes. J" flUft tilT Ifergangrnheil. Tafeln Oman. C., History of the I'tninlu/af IVaf
BrauJlsehweigisehe Landcsmuseum; ivluscum fUr deutsehe Cesehiehtt'S - East Berlin
SOURCES Gerdes. A., Die Gmhirhle du Tm/J/!m Bl'rg alld IIItstJalm 1812 in Rau/alld Knold, Handhllrh du U"ijormkl/1/de Lossbcrg, Britft in die flt;mol
Docur.n:sTS: Arehiv del' Staclt K l'crcld; Lancleshauptar. chiv Dusseldorf; The Lipperheiclc Costume Collection Wesl Berlin; The Hcwig Colleelion (now in possession or Dr Kleitmann, West Berlin)
mcnts are pl'l"llliucd 10 \\"e:lr a full set ofwhiskcrs, Thi~ Cll~tOm ret.:ognises thc fact that the pioncers weI'(' often \\ a ~ a head of their rel{i ments lor days in rough cOtlt1lr~ and without the facilitil'S 10 keep . J: (,'f(Il1d Duell] ojBerg Ihemst'!vcs dean sha\T1l and in spotlcss cOlldition. .11: CUnT/if. Graml Dud~I' of BfTg. /812 On the ori~inal Knotcl platc no cockade is sho\\ 11: The cnli,'c uniform is ob\'ioush', based dosdv. on thill llIU-St haH been missin~ on thl' source he us<.'CI the French modd \\ilh the rro-\\ilhiIH\hilc cock- but is 'CMCl'!} cr('diblc in the real life circum"de orBcrg making the diffcr('IlCC. Like mOSI Olher stances of thc dn}. I t is :llso unusu,d that thi... man contingclllS ill\"okcd in the irwasiOIl or Russia in \\ cars no cr(hS(-d axes badg:e on his upper arm. 1812 all the gUlls \\crc 10SI and o\'er go percent or TIll" 1st Regiment initiall} \\orc plain round I he troops involved ne\'er returned. !'I'Olc I he shortcuns bllt later addt:d a \\hilc. :i-blltloll tridel1l barreled musket used by the an iller. Based 011 a sh:tpl-d flap edged light blue, the 3rd Regimellt Knotd pl:llC. had the sam(' flaps but in re\'Cl'lltOd colours .md the ,ph Reginll'tlt had plain round cufls, 11:!: (;"!'//fuJiI'/' Corporal. b!!flf/I ~,r Reg i 11/1'1/ I. 1812 Alliouf illlillllry rcgill1CnL~ \\'ore Jig-lit blue lhcings Ih: Truu/lrr, ,~"i fr (;O/ll/)(JI~I'. lsI Rt'g;11/'111 CItI!t'(I/I.I.i,~l'r l.rwrirrJo/II/2 :llId wen: dillen::ntialcd by the l'cgimcIllal number raised un tlie brass bUIIOIlS (the :~rd Regimel1t This lllall is shcl\\ II ill campaign dr('ss, withoul Ihe \VOfl' lI'b i I(' bLlIIOll.~) and by the st )'11: 01' I he culf As S{Oatll't shahraquc with \dtite ('dging and white. inllw F"nwh army, the rcd plume, cpault.'III'S and crowncd caJ{Ic.~ ill t he long n:ar comers, Thc ~abre sabre knot ar(' used 10 indicate gn'llt.:dier Sial us. It and e:llobillc \\CI'<: both Frcllch light ca\alr~ pal· i:- u.'iual thai bearskins wert bt.:ing: used as laiC as tcrn. CCIltrc compalliL'S of tIle rcgiml'nt \\ore the 1812; 1Il0St Frcnch grenediers by this limc' were squarc-toppt'd. Polish czapka having n brass\\t,~aring shnkos with rcd cords, pompon' and I'a) l'd frull t pia tl' \\ ith ~il\'l'r central picce bcaril1~ a plulllc. On the origillal Knene! plate Ihe bearskin ('"1"0\\ nl'd 'X' ° cords arc \\ hill' and no cockade is shO\\ n-a most In IBI~ a "Crond regimcnt or Chf'\au.Ll'~ers unusu;11 combillalion. The lOp of the bearskin i<, \\ as rni'l'd. ha~'d un a cadrc or :1° !1len of the 1st red \\ ilh an uprighl white cross; his pouch lid bears Regimcnt. It \\:IS dcstO}l-d in til(: Russian c,una brass grellade. paign \\hilst Ihe 1St Regiment \\as de~lro}l'd in Spain. III 1813 a l'egilllent ofhussan. \\ as h) . 13: II/fillll/}' CuPtt/ill, -I11l Rr.~imtllt. 181:! the Prussia liS \\ hen Berg rcll under their influence. The li!{hl blue pompon identifies this onicer as After a Belligni platc in the book' L" n Reg-imetH belonging to the 1st Fusilier Company; Ihe 2nd Rhcnan SOltS I\'apoleon I'. won: white, tht 3rd yellow and the 4th grcen. II is unusual for him Hot 10 be weal"ing a gorgt" OJ' a JJ3: Cor/Jural. lsI Cllel'tlll-Ugers Regill/fIIl ill S/)(/ill plaIt 011 hi.~sword belt. Tbesword knot in gold and As was the case in alt campaigns, dress regulations thc l'paulettes togcthcr indicate his status and wcre leli bnek ill the depol, fe-su ppl}' ofclothing in rank. the field wns prat,ticallly Ilon-cxistalll nnd within :t Unlike other minor German swtes, there ap- fcw weeks of" marching out of their peace-time peal's to bc \'Cry lillie piclorial matt.:rial on \\ hith garrisons, the troops in the field \\ould hn\'e 10 basc uniform reconstructions, Artcr Knold. presented an appearance anYlhing but unifOnll particularl} irthey had been invoked ill combat. B: (;r(llld J)ud!), oj Bug In the bit tel' Guerilla \\:1 r \\ hich ra\-a1l'ed Spain 111: Pionft'r. 211d I"Jallt~J' Rrgi11/f1Il. 1812 rrom 1808· I 8 I3 conditions or re·sltppl~. communThe characteristic grenadier appointlllellts bear- ications and evcn SUI"\'i\',11 for the French \r(>OI>S skin, red plume. cords, epauleltes and sabre knot and their allies werc panicularl} b:ld, :\fan} units \\'Cl't~ \\ idcl} used 10 design ale these m{'n. To this 'requisitioncd' the relatively plentiful stock arlocal cia}. piollecr :;erl?;eallls ill British inr.'1ntr} re~i- bro\\ n cloth intended for the tllall\ monasteries III
Tile Plates
Standard, UI and 'nld WUlfaliaD H".... n, .807-13' lbe eolo"... of tbe central o;:re.1 .re •• foUow.: Top lerll white borN Oft red. Top "lIlbl: 6 ...., two 1Il0ld leop.rd. On wbite; aecond d fourth., t _ .i1ver .1.... Oft bl"", over black; third, sold Ii DII ~; «DtraJ shield blue with red_d.whhe.niped He.. i.a.a lioa. <:eat"" sold ea.Slt. ... bl"",. Bottoon left: bhlck li_ _ soLd with lIlold aad reel ... y.. Bono... riSht: 1i... 1. 1_lIlold Ii.... DII reel; aecolld, blue Ii_ 00 white; third, sold Ii_ _ reel; fourth., bh.e Ii _ _ loLd aa1ttered with red hearts
the country and used il 10 make trouser.; and jackelS to replan' Ihe ollce-gaudy rabTS which their peace-time unirorlll~ had bccomc. P1UIlICS, cords and other embellishmctlls were packed away and the headgear was covered ill black oilcloth 10 prolect it. This regimellt was very actin: in Spain and was eventually dcystfoyed Ihere. (;1: Grmadi,r D"l1n",,,. :md "!fanl')' R'gimml. Crand Dud,),tifBerg, 1&7 InSlead or wearing reversed colours as in most olher armies or Ihe da). the drummers or Berg's rour inrantry regimcnts \,'orc black coat:. with normallighl blue racings and Ihe additional whitc lace" illl a red worm on Ihe collar and in chevrons up the slL'C"es. ~ lusirians won' l)icOfllS wi III Iigh I hllll' pOl'l1 pOll.
regimental bUHon. loop ;md nalion;ll red'\\'ithinwhite cockade. light blue. singie-bl'c;lsied tUllics with light bluc coltar' and cum edgcd white. It is likely that the drum major \\'ore an elaburation or the dnlll11ller'S black tunic \\'ith sergeants' rallk <:hevl"ons on the lower arm and a bicOl'n with red and while pllllllt's but this is pure conjeclUre ;IS no definile inrormation has been round, (,'2: Prim/t. lSI ll',sifaliall "!fall/ry R,gimml flkJ7
In the init ial Sla~cs or the raising or the arm) or thc nc\\ Slate, lhe toops-man} or whom had been laken over direcLly from the disbanded regiments or J-1 essell- Kassel (sec :\ I1\1\ 122 'Napoleon's Gerlllall }\lIies (5) Hcsse ill tbis serics)-colltinued 10 \\'(',11' their old uiliforms merely replacing llle
1808 - 181:3.
, ,.'
Soldi.. rs of the Klnjl;dom or,.. From 1.. (1 10 riShl: G",rde-G~n.dier, Garde-JiSf!r, LiDieo_lnr.nleri... Offixi",r de" I..icbl", tnfa..nlrit:', Garde du Corp_, C.rde·Cb"vau.1isers,
Kurau,er, Hu...r, ArtiJI..rie.Offiilier
Ill'ssiallco<:kade II ith ,llC FI'('neh Oil!' ,110\111 11('re, The ("oal is based Oil .1 ~u 1'\ i\ ing c"a III pit- i II Srhlo!!o~ Frkdrirlmt'in; lilt' IOIlt{ l'l'(l IUI'nhad., art' plain, The ~abre i!!o tilt' old Prm~ian pall(:fIl II ilh \1 hilt' lealher fi<;1 slrap,
Offiur, 2/ld Jrt'jljolifl1l "'iirossim 11108 This man wears campaign dress, the gre~ overall" {'3.0
and short bools replacing tht, \\'hite bl'('('chcs and on·r·the-knee Kliras,~i('r boots or the parade !1:ruund, The helmel is the lil'St v('rsioll bearing the crowned cypher IN'' wilhin laurd (rightl and oak (leli) branches, French-pattern, ht'a\'~ ("avalry SII onls were carried, K i.i rasses were IHII i~sll('d until aboul 1810, Othcr ranks \Iore nxl \Ioollen epalllcHcs. The kura~<; consisled onl~ or Ihe rront plate and. 1'01' offinT<;. bore a gold "lIllburn \dlh tilt' CI'O\1 ned c~ pher :J;';' in Ihe cent I'C, /)1: S''.I!,t'f1ll1 .\I(/jor
IlIfi/llf'..I', 1810 IBtj \\'illt lite illtroduction orlh(' comnHJtI l!llirOl'llll()r
Ihl' lill!' ill!;lI1tl') in t810 ;t11
hlu(' I;.\("irl~~ and hra" hllll(ln~ \\ ilh tlw l'cl\"il11cll1:t1 till III her fill ,he but 1011. TIlt" rhombic lohako platt' bear<; lilt" iTlJ\\ m'd (:a~k .lho\l~ th(' r('~im{'ntal numher sl.lrupcd IhrolH.:h it. Sl'n,:cillll major .. IaIUS i~ ~hO\\1l h~ lilt" 011(' \\ iel(' O\-el" one narm\\ ~old lOp hand 10 the shaku. ,ht, .~old ami n . d ~hako cords, ('pauktll' li'illg"(:s \lith Kold hall' 11100n<;,. and ~abr(' knOi tog-c,ther \lith the I\\() ~old bars 011 the lower SIeI:W~ ami the gold service c1H'\TollS 011 the upper
rig'ht ann. lie carries a shon-barreled llluskc!. Fu,ilin ~1'1'l:{('anh \\ore ~old ov('r dark blue ('pauklt<: rrilH;e~, IIUl~l' or \'oltif;Clll"'i ~old (1\(:1' 1;"n:('II. ,\lIer I\.nolel. f):/:
Cor/lOml oj
/I'nljalioll /,111' II/falll'..r.
IBw 18q ,\rIa thl' Frt'lI("h m(KIt'\. the \'ohi~l'lIr comp;lIlit~
lIon' liu' grt:t'll. ~eJlO\'-tippl-d plume. gn.'l'll pom· pon, e(Jrd~ and ,abrc kllot and ~Tecll cpaulcucs Ilith ~dIO\\ halrlllooll~, Corporal<; rank haN IIt'fl.· 110m abon' each cutf in til(' f:\('ill~ {'olow', Ep:lult-Ut' frin.l(t'<; \len' ~il\lT O\'cr tilt' eompall~
Kias:dom of West!""" 1810,
ofthe Garde du Corps ill full duss
colour lor corporals, Turnback badgcs \\'('re whilC on the dark blue cloth ilnd sho"'ed the regimcntal number (011 the outside flaps) wilh 8-pointed stars on the inside flaps for fusiliers, grenades for grenadiers and hUllling horns for Volligcurs,
As in the French army the guard was an elite force with lllany pri\'ileges over their colleagues in the line. Aller Sauerwcid.
E:!: Carab;"ia, Elilt Compml)' 0/ tilt lilga-Gardt, Il'tIljalioll Guard. /808 D.1: Primle 0/ Fllsiliers, II'tst/aliall Lillt IIl/allll1 Elite company status is shown by the peaked bearskin and the yellow half moons to thc green 1810 1813 The }dlo\\ pompon identifies the 3n:1 compan}: cpaulcltl-s; after Hahlo. The line companies \\'ore the dark blue epaulet tes wi lh \\ hite C'rl.-'SCents were shaklli with lenticular poml>ons in the company \\ Orll from :I1>OUI I Bog, colour hilving thc company numbcr in black on lhe white Cl'ntral ficld. Shako cords \\crc" hite as EI: (,'rtlloditr o/fllt Guard, II'tst/alill wcre tllC chi nscalcs and the almost crcscen t·sha ped frOIl platt:' Ix'aring the crowned :JjX'. According to 011 lhe n'd lapels of this coal \\cre SC\'Cll gold bUltonholc laces with poimed outer ends, on cach R. Fonholfer and H. Knotel, drummcrs of the side of the collar two similar lan's (with golden cenlre companies wore a yello\\ shako \\ ith white lassd.~ lor onicers ill full dress) and to the rear of top b;l Il(l , sealcs, tords and cagle platt: and coats in each \\'hitc, 3 bUllon, lid('nl-shapcd cuO' flap two reversed colours with the green collar, cuns anc! more such 1;lccs on the red curl' al the lev!:1 of lhe swallo\\'s nests !:dgcd white, The yellow lapels were cdged \\'hitt arid piped green, thcl'(' wcre white bUlton ,Ind ('Cllt rc bUltonS Oflhc f1;lp. hunting homs on the grecll tLl1'l1backs and the cpalllctlcs had gr('cn straps with whitc crcsccnts and fringes, The brass drum had lig:ht blue and white hoops.
£3: Colmltl, liig~r-Carabini" !JaUalion,
Kia!dOnl of Weufalia 1810, Caplaio~eno.l o(tbe Guard La levee drt..
Il'uljalia 1810 This figure is based on Sallef\\eid's Contemporar: plate and is highl} detailed. The no\\ ned c~ pher ',jX' can clearly be seen on the original 011 the gorget and the belt plate, This unit recruited from the sons offol'csters or the kingdom and a two-year Slilll in the battalion was a pre·reqllisite for a posl in the Slate foresll'}' service, Prim'to the 1812 campaign lhis unil consisted of six field companies and a depot company; it was destroycd in Russia and subsequently n:-raiscd bUI with only four companies. These were nOI an integral part of the guard but pennancmly atta· ched to them. The commanders (Obersl Prinz von Hcssen·Philippsthal in 1810; ~Iajor ~Iuldner in 1812 and Ualaillonschef \'on Hcssbcrg in 18t3 were all officers pre\'iously ill the sen'ice of the Electorate of Hessen-Kasscl sec ~IAA 122 '~apoloon's German Allies; s) Hesse in this series , Among their other duties. lhis battalion was charged with the pursuit and arrt."St ofd<."Serters, The} wcrc armed" ith a rifle "'ilh Hirschf:inger (s\\'ol'd·b;lyonet); officers earned the sabre -
olber regirnellls wore is not quite clear; the Volligcur hornists orthe 1 Sl and 2nd regiments arc shown wilh neither swallows nests, bars Ilor chevrons all theil' sleeves, These hornists wore nOrmal green epaulcllcs with yellow crcscents, A drumillcr of the grd regimcnt is shown with lighl blue epaulelteS, while crescents and a lWO-lhirds yellow over one-th ird Iigh I blue plumc. I-Ie wea 1'5 a yellow coal with lighl blue collar, lapels, round culls and lurnbacks; the drulll hoops were in while and lighl blue diagonal stripes, Suhr!\hows the 5tll Line Regimei'll in Hamburg in IHOI) wilh a drulllmer.
G'/, 2,3: JIIrs!!alill/l I.illtl hUlIlllr)' M IIsiri(lll, 4th lind5th Regimelll, /m~- (lnd /lOsI-181O
Fritz LUlIsmann in his book 'Die \\"estIZilisehc Armee 1807-181g' (published in 1935) gives only brier details of the uniforms worn bv, drummer , filers .. nd musicians staling merely thai, aner lhe introduclion of the cOlllmon while and dark blue uniliJl'tn lor lhe line inl:1lllry in 1810, 'Drumme!'s had red swallows nests and all lheir f:lcings \\'(Te edged ill yellow bce', In the pOSl war period riHlch more inlormation all Ibis su hjl'ci heta me a vai la ble and was publ ishl'd i11 1963 in Ihe 'ZellSchrift flir Hccreskundc', The figures shown here arc laken from this source, the KingdolU of WUlfalia .8.0, Ch.lIlI.,ur.Ca.... b;.. il:T .. basis for which was a series or 30 coloured plales emphasising their role as light troops. The paimcd ahout 1830 and gcnerously made availcrowned 'Jl\'" cyphcl" was IV01'll all the black able bv, Rcnce Fonhollct", From thcse plates-which experts havt: verified leather pouch ba ndol iel's orI bc.J agcrs; gua rds' lace was \\"orn Oil t:'ollars and nlns. as being reliable sources-it seems that as ill lllallY other armies, regimental commanders \I'ere :"11F: Kingdom of 11'(s!fiIl;(l1l lowed grcal lc.:eway in deciding how their bands FJ. 2. 3: The BOl/d of {he 9/h Lilli' '!!frllll'J' Regiment. werc dressed. This CUSlom still prevails ill Britain today, /810 According [0 the service material. each regiThis plate is based all lilt.' series or colour plates painted ill c. 1830 and published in the Zcilschrift mental band h~ld its own lace ed,l{ing to Jilcings, some d ru III Illers had ehevl'OlIS on the slcevcs, otller fUr Hccrcskundc in 1963. The drum major (Tam hour ~Iajor) is a real plain horizontal bars of rcgimental lace. Drulll peacock \\,jth the plumage all the bicom :lI1d the hoops varied in colour and design betwecn regigold-embroidered red brel'ches. He wears normal mcnts and often renectcd the regimental lael' regimen wI colours wiler-ens I he rusil itr fifet' and the colouring, Some regimcntal bands wore rC\'crscd musician wear reversed colours. The drummcn' colollrs (this was Ihe ctlse with the 61h Regilllcllt) and fifcrsorthc 61h, 7th and 8lh line regimellts also olhers had colOllr schcmes l10t really relating 10 wore 7 chevrons in regimental lace on lheil' sleeves' their comrades at all. The various regimcntallaces arc reproduced on whilst those of the 3rd and 51h regimcnls wore i horizon wI bars, \\'hal lhe druillmers and filers of the other colour plales,
rcd outer piping' and a yellow, crowned 'ji\"' in the rcar cornCI'. The round dark green portmanteau hnd a wide yellow ring and red ouler pipingon the ends.
1'12: Str.t:tol/I rif /.;ghl "ifol/f':.)', 1812 The first unilorms of the light infantry were cornflo\\er blue \\ ith green facings and \\ hite bu(\ons, Lat<:r in 1807 08 facings became orange but by 1809 dal'k green cua t and trousers with light blue E,cing:-.. \\hile buttons and black belts had been adopted, The coat \\as always single· breasted: the bullons hem: the batlalion number. OOieers carri(:c1 hUS;,;lrs sabres in black sheaths \\ilh silver fittin!-.TS on black bandoliers, 1/3: Strgttml
rif Iht ,lrJillt'.." Trtr;1/, 1812
Wl!slj"li(/ H;UII/I!;slrr ((.'''/I{(/;1/), Chn'(I11/tgu(,'tmlt, dill
Rank is indicated b) the silver tOP b.and to the shako, the ~ilver and I"(.'d cords, the sih'er stripe on red backing all the forearms and the silver and n.'d flststrap. OAleers' COSt ume \\ as similar but \\ ith silver side chevrons to the shako according to rank, silver bOllom bane!. silver bandolier edged red and bearing' an oblollg sih er pia te \\ ith the ero\\ ned cypher j~'. black sabre slings \\ ith sikcr fillings, light e;l\'alr~ sabre in silver she;llh, silver fistslrap, silver trim to thighs of the grc) breeches and to the lOpS oftht, hus"a .. bIX)(S, Clovcs were \\ hite.
Tllis figure is b:l.~ed all an original by Pinhas but tile' helmC't ha~ been slightly alttered to comply with tilt' dC'tail" ora su rviving cxam pIc ofa n 18 I0 model onkers' helmet. The diflercnccs arc restricted to the sidc strutS; thosc all Ihe Pinhas plate being indistinct and not seeming' VCl'y functional. Sallcr\Vcit! shows brass helmet embdlishmcnls practically iell:mical to thOse shown by Pinhas but more delai led; one COl n oilly conjectll rc as to whether one copied lbteotllcr. Both the helmet
I/.J.' Ojfirtr, Isil/llssa,s, JlII2 Both hussar regiments \\cre clothed and C(luipped eomplctely according 10 French regulations. The black leather sabrel
Lancer, Cleve·Bt:rw Re.-iment
II: " "W/om rif II ~sifa/;a /,,:
An unrivalled source of information on the uniforms, insignia and appearance orthe world's fight'ing men ofpasl and present. The M~"-(I/-An1lStitles cover subjects as diverse as the hnpcrial Roman army, the Napoleonic wars and German airborne troops in a popular 48-page formal including some 40 photographs and diagrams, und eight full-colour plates. COl\
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CAMPAIGN Concise. tlUthorit'athre accounts of decisive encounlers in military history, Each 96-page book contains more than 90 illustrations including maps. orders of battle and colour plates. plus a series of Ihree-dimensional battle maps that mark the critical Singes of the campaign.
THE ANCIENT WORLD 21. AnCIent Chlnew: lot Arooflnt 11Iddle: East 137 The:5cytIwn$700-lOOB.C " G~ & Pe~ Wus soo- 32] B.C. •4' Army of AIeJ<.l,r>
~r_ ~ 1-Udni.n-Conmnl<M '$ E"",,~
): ~IC$ 8
Dao.ons ); Gallic & hoi> Cells PW""$& So$$;\IlIds
158 175 180 243 5):TheDestnFronuer
THE MEDIEVAL WORLD 241 Romano-Byunt<M Armoes 4th·9th C. 154 Arthur & Anglo-Saxon Wus 255 Armoes of the Muslim Conquest 125 Arm.esofloWn. 7m·llme. I 50 The: ~ of Charlemagne " Byunt,neArm>eo886-1 liB 85 Saxon. v,ltJna & Norman 23 I French Mecbe"a1 Arm>eo 1{XX)..11OO 15 Arm.esoltheCNsadeo 111 SaIad,n & the Saracens 155 Kn,fhtsoiChnst 200 EIGd& Rec:ooqu,m 1050-1492 105 The Mongols 222 The: Age 01 Tamer:ar.e
.I'IeGse IlOle dIGt for spoa teotr, ..nen ~M£ ~ quote die !ide number, e.t WJ Henir',
251 Med,eval Ch,nese 50 Med_al Europein Arm,es 151 Scou & Weloh WI/'$ '4 The:Sw1s.I)OO.ISOO lJ6 llaI.." 1)00.1 SOO 166 Gennan ArmieS 1)OO..1SOO 195 Hung.vy& E, Europe ICKX).I~ 259 The M.1mluks Izso.l 5 17 140 OttominTurkll)OO..l774 210 'mlehanEmpore 1200-1670 II' d Crky lU'Id Poouen 144 Medoeval Burgvndy 1364.1477 I I 3 of Aglma""" 145 Wa~oftheR.oses 99 Med>e-.ral Heraldry 16TH AND 17TH CENTURIES 256 Thelnol>WI/'$14~.1603 Itl HenryVlll'sAtmy 38 The: l.l.ndsknechts •0 I The ConqlHstadores 163 Mugl>ul Ind'" 1504-1761 235 Gumv\IS AdoIptlUSII): Infantry 161 Gusu\NS.AdoIptlus 2~Cavalry 14 EnHI'oh C,,,,I War 110 NewModelArmy 1645-60 103 lou.s XN's Army 167 The: Bnt,oh Army 1660-1704 Marlborough'sArmy " 5amUI'aJ Atmoes 1550-1615 184 f'QI, 1S6'>-1696I'l 188 Ptll,oh 1569·16'>6 2
notatlon. en francais sur In
p.anch en couleu •. Mit Auh~ichnunll:en auf Deutsch tiber den Farba.reln
179 The~Re,ven 18TH CENTURY 161 18lh Century H' 16(1 Peterthe Greifs Army II)' Infantry 1'" PettrtheGrut'sArmy 2):Cavalry t
2]6 ]40 24. 271 ]76 280 48 228 39 244
FrederICk the Greltl' F~tnck. lhe Greal 2 fredendclheGreat 3 AuStnin Army 1740-80 AustmnArmyI740-80 2 Austf\l.nArmy 1710-80 3 WoIfe'slvmy Amenan Woodland Indians Bnle Infanlry 146 Nap'sL'Hhllnfantry IS) Nap'sGuardlnfantry(l} Tiu..lisl conlinue<1 /In In,itI~ back coYer
ISBN 0-85045-211-2
1111/ 111111 9780850452112