tag. See Also For more information about page accessibility, see Chapter 12, “Understanding Usability and Accessibility.”
In this exercise, you create an ASP.NET page. SET UP Using SharePoint Designer, open the team site you used in the previous exercise if it is not already open.
1. In the Navigation pane, click Site Pages. On the Pages tab, click Page and then click ASPX.
A file, Untitled-1.aspx, is created and displayed in the Site Pages gallery page. Untitled 1.aspx is selected.
2. Type OfficeFurniture.aspx, and then press Enter to rename the page. 3. On the Pages tab, click Edit File. Edi Fi e
A dialog box opens, warning that the page does not contain any regions that are editable in safe mode.
4. Click Yes to open OfficeFurniture.aspx page in advanced mode. A blue-bordered rectangle with the label form#form1 is displayed in Design view.
5. On the workspace status bar, click Split. Sp i
In Code view of the page, the HTML and tags are surrounded by tags. The tags contain