P6 dx < fRN C6p6 <
Finally, if N1 < b < N+1 and p E L1, then q(p) - q(p) - q'(p)(p- p) E L1 is obviously equivalent, in view of the argument above, to ap E L1 and (p6-116p6+1a6bp6-1p) E V. And, (p6-116p6+166p6-1p) E L' is easily shown + to be equivalent to the rather delicate constraint < x >0 I p P6 1(P?3 /2) + p61(PS7/2) E L', where 0 = (2 - 6)/(1 - 6). We now continue the derivation of a priori bounds and we assume from now on that (7.64) holds. We first show that the bounds obtained above yield a bound
on p in L0(0,T; Li'). Indeed, introducing q, (t) = q(t) for t > 1, = q'(1)(t - 1) for 0 < t < 1, we see that qi and q - q1 are convex on (0, oo) since q'1 (t) _ max(q'(t), q'(t)) and (q - q1)'(t) = (q'(t) - q'(1))1(o
- q(P) - q'(p)(P-p) ? q1(P)
- qi(P) - gi(P)(P-P) > 0
and thus qi(P) -q1(P) -q (P)(p-P) = q1(P) -q'(1)(P-1) = (q(P) -q'(1)(P-1))+ is bounded in L°°(0, T; L1). Hence, (q(p) + q'(1))+ _ (q(p) + p(1))+ is bounded in
Other boundary-value problems
LO°(0,T; L1). Next, we deduce from (7.64) the existence of Ro E (1, oo), v E (0,1)
such that
q(p) + p(1) > vp7
if p > Ro.
Therefore, p" 1(p>&) is bounded in L°° (0, T; L') and we conclude since we also have
At this stage, it is now straightforward to adapt the proofs of Theorem 7.1
and 7.2 and these results hold under the same conditions on y, and on the conditions stated above on p and on the initial conditions (mo, po). In particular, we obtain in this way the existence of a solution (p, u) of (7.63) satisfying all the properties listed in Theorem 7.2, with (7.17) replaced by (7.66), and in addition
p(p)(1 + pe) E L1(RN x (0,T)) (9 = N'Y - 1), and q(p) - q(P) - q'(P)(P-P) E L°°(0, T; L1(RN) )
7.6 Other boundary-value problems In this section, we wish to mention the adaptations and extensions of the results shown in sections 7.1-4 in the case of various boundary-value problems. We shall begin with the case of non-homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions in, say,
a bounded smooth domain fl. Next, we shall consider other problems set in unbounded domains like exterior domains, or tube-like domains. We thus begin with non-homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions. We want to solve (5.1)-(5.2) in a bounded smooth open domain in RN (N > 2) and we prescribe (p, u) on aSZ as follows
u=uonacZ x (0, T), p = p on {(x,t) E all x (0,T) /u(x,t) n(x) < 0}
where, as usual, n(x) denotes the unit outward normal to aSZ at x. The boundary data (u, p) are assumed to satisfy: (7.2) holds with f replaced by au-
(St) u E L2(0, T; H' (n)) n L°°(0, T; , diva E L'(0,T; LO°(Sl)) , Du E L1(O,T; L°°(S2))
p E Ly (ail x (0,T);
(7.71) (7.72)
(or in other words, f f dt fan dS p ' (u n) - < oo). At this stage, we have to clarify a rather technical point namely the meaning of (7.71): we shall consider (weak) solutions of (5.1)-(5.2) satisfying the same properties as those detailed in section 5.1 (chapter 5) or in section 7.1 above. In particular, u E L2 (0, T; H1(il)) and thus u = u on all x (0, T) simply means
that the traces of u and u on aSi x (0, T) (that belong to L2(0,T; H1/2(8St))) coincide or equivalently that u - u E L2(0, T; Ho (S2)). The boundary condition on p is more delicate and we do not wish to detail all the tedious aspects of this
Existence results for Cauchy problems
question: a simple way to understand how one can indeed prescribe p in such a manner consists in recalling that if cp is a smooth function on 1 x (0, T) and if (5.1) holds, then we have obviously T
t f n dS
p(x,T)cp(x,T) - p(x, 0)cp(x, 0) dx + fo d
= 0.
This elementary integration by parts combined with the fact that p E LOO (0, T; L-1 (1)), / u E LOO (0, T; L' (11)) and u E L2(0,T; H1 (f2)) allows us to check that p(u u) makes sense on ast x (0, T) as an element of the dual space of the space consisting of traces on aft x (0, T) of the functional space E C([O,T];L-YI(-r-1)(&)) / at E L' (0, T; L-fl ('Y- 1) cP
E L' (0, T; W1,2-t/(-1-1)(n)) + L2(0, T; W1,r(Q))
2+N--1 ifN>3,0< r <1-,1-y ifN= 2; r iswell defined where 1 = provided 'y > 2N if N _> 3, otherwise we drop the L2(0, T; W l,r (Sl)) part in the above definition. Then, the boundary condition on p really means that p(i.n)- on an x (0, T). In addition, we shall impose a solution (p, u) to satisfy p E L' (OSt x (0, T) ; lu n1dS (& dt).
Since our proofs in chapter 5 or in section 7.1 are essentially local, the only new argument needed concerns the energy bounds, i.e. the bounds on p in LOO (0, T; L'f (1l)), on fpu in L°°(0,T; L2 (Q)) and on u in L2(0, T; H, (11)). In
order to obtain these bounds, we multiply (5.2) by (u n) and obtain, at least formally, with some straightforward computations
- µ0 )u 2ul
a p7 ry-l
+ µI
+ div u p D(u-u)I2
l p7
+ a(div u)py (7.73)
-l; div[(u-u) div(u-u)] + l;[div(u-u)}2 5t
) (u-u)+((p .V)E.(u-u))+µdiv((u-i)vu)
+l; div((u-u) div u) -µ D(u-u) Du - div(u-u) div u Therefore, integrating by parts over SZ, we deduce
Other boundary-value problems d
f f f
pIu-uI2 +
dt n
+ =
a ry
ry- 1 (a.u)+ P 'Y
D(u-u)I2 + l;(div(u-ii))2 dx
r rc)+ f P f - aU--) (u-2c) - 1(u
n dS a ry -1
(u-U) - a(div-u)p1' - pD(u - u) - Du - e div(u-u) div u dx. +
The first term of the right-hand side is bounded because of (7.72), the last two terms are easily estimated by the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, and we argue for the second term as in section 5.1 (chapter 5) or as in section 7.1 since we made
the same assumption on y as on f. Finally, we estimate the two remaining terms easily using the bound on Du in L1(O,T; LOO (11)) and writing
(div u) p1' dx < C II DiuI L- (n) fn p'r dx ,
(pu.V)u(u-u) dx < IIDuIIL-(n) [fn p iu-ul2dx + IIPIILI IIuIIL21/(-y-1)
We then deduce easily from Gronwall's lemma the desired bounds. Notice that we also obtain a bound on p in LY(8it x (0, T) ; dt). Having thus derived the "energy bounds" it is now easy to adapt the proofs of Theorem 7.2, and we obtain the existence of a solution (p, u) satisfying the same properties as in the case of homogeneous Dirichlet conditions and, in addition, p E L'(8ft x (0,T) ; ®dt). We now turn to problems set in unbounded domains. Let us immediately mention that we shall set homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions, even though it is rather straightforward to combine the arguments developed below with those introduced above and thus to treat as well non-homogeneous Dirichlet conditions on the boundary of the unbounded domains we are going to consider. We shall consider two types of situations: i) the exterior case when it = Oc, O is a bounded, smooth, open domain in RN-we agree that we can allow 0 to be empty in which case fZ = RN and no conditions are imposed on 8O!, and ii) the tube-like case when fl = R x w and w is a bounded, smooth, open domain in ISBN-1. We have already mentioned and studied these situations in chapter 5, section 5.6. In both cases, we wish to solve (5.1)-(5.2) and look for a solution (p, u) of (5.1)-(5.2) in fl x (0, T) satisfying the initial conditions (5.6), p > 0 and the following boundary conditions. In the exterior case, we impose
on 80 x (0, T)
(p,u)(x,t) --+ (p"0, u') as IxI -- +oo, for all t E (0,T) where p°° > 0, u°O E RN
(7.75) (7.76)
Existence results for Cauchy problems
In the tube case, we request that (p, u) satisfies
on (R x ow) x (0, T)
(P, U) (Xi, x', t) - (P+, a+) as xi - +oo , (P, u) (xi, x', t) -- (P , u-) as xi -- +oo, f o r all x' E w, t E (0, T) ,
where p+, p- > 0, u+ = (ui , 0), u- = (ui , 0), ui , ui E R. Both (7.75) and (7.77) are to be understood in the sense of traces of functions which are in H1 (essentially, see the definition of the precise space below), while (7.76) and (7.78) will be understood in a weak "integral" sense.
More precisely, we look for a solution (p, u) of the above boundary value problems, satisfying with the notation of section 5.6 (chapter 5): i) p - p E - p =- #1 in the exterior case, and p E Q[0, T]; LP (11 n BR)) n L°°(0,T; L2-1 C([O,T];L7(QnBR)-w) for all R > 1, 1 < p < -y, ii) u-i E L2(0,T; H1(IlnBR)) for all R > 1, u- E L2 (0, T; H1(1)) in the tube case or in the exterior case when if N > 3 in the exterior pO° > 0 and N > 3, and u-u E L2(0,T;L2N/(N-2)(S2))
case, iii) plu-112 E L°° (0, T; L1(St)) and iv) p(u-u) E C([0, TJ ; L2 + L' (11) - w)
where r=3 if-y>2,r=-
We have already explained in section 5.6 (chapter 5) how one can adapt the usual energy bounds and thus derive all the a priori bounds corresponding to the above list of requirements on a solution (p, u). Let us only mention that
we deduce from the bounds on p - pO°, and plu - ul2 and on u - u a bound on u - u in L2 (S2 x (0, T)) in the exterior case if N > 3 and p°O > 0. Indeed,
1(p)p-/2)(U-U) is obviously bounded in L2 (S2 x (0,T)) while u - u is bounded in L2(0,T; (fl)) and sup esstE(o,T) meas{x / p < pO°/2} < 00. Let us also mention that these bounds were proven in section 5.6 in the case L2N/(N-2)
when f - 0 only. It is not difficult to check that the proofs can be adapted provided we assume that f E L1(O,T; L1 n (it is possible in fact to extend slightly this condition in a manner somewhat similar to condition (7.2)). We conclude by observing that Theorem 7.1 can then be easily adapted and yields a bound on p in LP(K x (0, T)) for any compact set K C 1 where p = 'y+ N'y-1. Similarly, following the methods of proofs of Theorem 7.2, we obtain the existence of a solution (p, u) of the above problems such that p E LP(K x (0, T)) for any compact set K C 11, under the same restrictions upon ^f as in Theorem 7.2. Of course, the crucial compactness result namely Theorem 5.1 used repeatedly in the proofs of Theorem 7.2 is to be replaced by Theorem 5.3 (section 5.6, chapter 5). L27/('f_1))
RELATED PROBLEMS 8.1 Pure transport of entropy In this chapter, we shall consider various related problems, many of which (but
not all of them) can be studied with the methods introduced in the preceding chapters. We begin in this section with the study of models where entropy is purely transported (along particle paths). From a physical viewpoint, see for instance chapter 1, this amounts to assuming that the thermal conduction coefficient can be taken to be 0 and that one can neglect the heating due to viscous dissipation-an approximation which is often made except for hypersonic gases. Then, the entropy s solves the following equation P
or, if (p, u) solve (5.1), equivalently (at least formally)
(ps) + div (pu s) = 0 .
In the ideal gas case, the pressure is then given by p = RpT = Rprle'lc' where R > 0, C > 0, y > 1 are given. Of course, replacing s by s/C,,, we may assume without loss of generality that C = 1 and take p = Rp''e' (and R = -y - 1). Therefore, we look for a solution (p, u, s) of (8.2),
at + div(pu) = 0, p > 0 8pu
4.div(pu®u)- Au-POdivu+77,n
p = Rp7 e' .
As usual, we assume that p > 0, p + > 0, and we consider as in the preceding chapters the case of Dirichlet boundary conditions (u = 0 on 811 x (0, T)) where the equations hold in 1 x (0, T) and 11 is a bounded smooth open domain in RN
Related problems
(N > 2), the case of the whole space where the equations hold in RN x (0, T) and (p, u) vanishes at infinity and the periodic case where the equations hold on RN x (0, T) and all unknowns (and data) are assumed to be periodic in each xi (for 1 < i < N) of period T= > 0. Let us immediately warn the reader that, unless explicitly mentioned, we shall always consider these three cases for all the models and equations studied in this chapter. We also prescribe initial conditions Plt=o = Po
Putt=0 = mo
in 1
Pslt=o = So
where po, m0 and So satisfy po
- OEL'nL'f(SZ), 1PO 4
E L1(SZ) , mo E L27/(ti+1) (SZ) and So E L°O (St) and I So 15 Cl Po a.e. in SZ 2
for some C1 > 0, and mo = 0 a.e. on {po = 0}, as is defined to be 0 on {po=0} and p000. I
Obviously, we may expect from (8.2) a LOO bound on s and more precisely (8.7)
IISIIL-(cx(0,T)) < C1.
It may be worth remarking (once and for all) that s is not really well defined on the set where p vanishes since the equation (8.1) degenerates completely on this set. On the other hand, this does not affect the pressure p given by (8.4) and we may ignore completely this difficulty, agreeing for instance that s - 0 on {(x, t) / p(x, t) = 0}. In fact, if s" E L' (P x (0, T)) solves (8.2), then replacing the values of s by 0 on {p = 0} and denoting by s the resulting function, one sees that s is still a solution of (8.2). Next, we observe that we have at least formally
+ -y-1 R P
+div u
p_u + 2
p-f e'
+µ0l22 +µfDuI2-Cdiv(udivu)+t;(divu)2 = pu f. Indeed, we have clearly
at (p'ie') + div (uppe') = (-y-1)(div u)p7e'
Then, because of (8.7), we deduce exactly as in section 5.1 (chapter 5) the same a priori bounds on (p, u) under the same conditions on f . Similarly, one can
check that the proof of Theorem 7.1 (chapter 7, section 7.1) can be adapted mutatis mutandis and thus the same result holds. All these observations lead to the following existence result.
Pure transport of entropy
Theorem 8.1 Under the same conditions on f and -y as in Theorem 7.1, and if (po, mo, So) satisfies (8.6), there exists a solution (p, u, s) of (8.2)-(8.3)-(8.4) with s E L°O(fZ x (0, T)) , ps E C([0, T]; LP (11)) for all 1 < p < oo, satisfying the 1, initial conditions (8.5) and such that p E LP(1 x (0, T)) with p = y + except in the case of Dirichlet boundary conditions where p E LP(K x (0, T)) for any compact set K C ft. In addition, (p, u, s) satisfies the following energy inequality for almost all t E (0, T) y -N
+Rpresdx+ <
ImoI2 n 2
+ R
dx, c
dx +
ds Jo
r dx pu f
Remark 8.1 Let us also point out that it is possible to adapt in a similar way the results mentioned in section 8.6 concerning other boundary value problems.
The proof(s) of this existence result is essentially the same as the ones of Theorem 7.2 given in chapter 7 but for the systematic use of Theorem 5.1. We thus have to discuss the analogue of Theorem 5.1 (section 5.2, chapter 5) in this new setting. First of all, we consider, exactly as we did, a sequence (p", u'y, s') of solutions of (8.2)-(8.3) with f replaced by fl and make the same assumptions on (pn , un , f') as in section 5.2. Furthermore, we assume that s" converges weakly in LOO (Q x (0, T)) - * to some s. Then, part (1) of Theorem 5.1 holds with the same proof, and we claim that part (2) also holds assuming that po converges to po in L1 (ft) and that So converges to So in L1(0) (L' (ft n BR) for all R E (0, oo)
if ft = RN). More precisely, we claim that (5.20)-(5.22) then hold and that in addition p" /3(s") converges to p,3(s) in C([0, T]; LP(f )) n L'(Ki x (0,T)) for all 1 < q < r, 1 < s < q and for any continuous function 8 on R. In particular, s" converges to s in LP (((fZ n BR) x (0, T)) n {p > 0}) for all 1 < p < oo, R E (0, oo) .
In fact, exactly as in the proof of Theorem 5.2, we only have to show this last claim together with (5.20): the other statements then follow. Next, several proofs of these claims are possible and we shall present here the simplest one even though we shall need a much more general argument below. A simple argument consists in defining p3 = pes/7: then, p = Rpl' and p solves (5.1): we are thus back to the situation studied in the preceding chapters. In particular, we deduce from
Theorem 5.1 that pn converges to some p in C([0,T]; LP (fl)) n L3(K1 x (0,T))
for all 1 < p < r, 1 < s < q. Furthermore, we observe that we have for any continuous function Q on R
(pna(s' )) + div
This identity is obvious formally, at least if p, s,,6 are smooth. The fact that it holds for any smooth 6 follows easily from the regularization argument used
Related problems
several times in the previous chapters (see in particular the fundamental regularization Lemma 2.3, section 2.3, chapter 2, volume 1): indeed, we have, dropping the index n to simplify notation and denoting cpE = cp * ,c£ where x, _ £
. 79K(E), r. > 0, Ic E CO (RN), fRN rcdz = 1
5i(pe) + div(up£) = r,
5j(ps)£ + div(u(ps)E) = rE
where re, r"E converge to 0, as c goes to 0+, in Lm(0,T; L m(1)) with ,L = 2 + . . Therefore, denoting S. = (ps)£/p£ if p£ > 0, sE = 0 if pE = 0 (sE E L°D(f x (0, T)) and is bounded in LOO (fl x (0, T)) uniformly in e E (0,1) ), we obtain in the sense of distributions as£ PE
+ PEu .
We + rESE = T£
and thus (by one more regularization justification that we skip) p£
3(S£) + P£uV 3(`SE) + r,P'(` e).£ = #'(`SE)r£
5i (PEQ(sE)) + div(pEuf(SE)) + rE f Q'\S£)SE
(SE) = Q/(SE)r£
We then recover (8.10) upon letting e go to 0+: indeed, sE converges a.e. on J p > 0} to s and sE is bounded in L°° (Sl x (0, T)). Therefore, f3(9E) converges in L9 (((l n BR) x (0, T)) n J p > 0}) to 3(s) for all 1 <_ q < oo, R E (0, oo), and, we
deduce easily that p,/3(§,) converges to p,3(s) in L1 , (say) as c goes to 0+. At this stage, we have checked (8.10) when /3 is smooth and the general case follows by density. Then, we deduce from (8.10) and the proof of Theorem 5.1 (or directly from Appendix B) that we have, for any non-negative continuous function ,(3 and for some 9 > 0 (small enough), (p
div un - µR
- (P3(S))B (divu
- µR
weakly, denoting by 7 the weak limit of co (recall that we are using the same notation as in chapter 5). In view of the strong convergence of p' shown above, we deduce that we have
(p/3(s))° div u" -n(p/3(s))e div u weakly (in 12' say). We may then adapt the proof of part (2) of Theorem 5.1 to deduce the strong convergence of pn/3(sn) to p/3(s) (in C([0, T]; LP (Q)) n L'(K1 x (0, T))
for all 1 < p < r, 1 < s < q) for any non-negative continuous function /3 and
Pure transport of entropy
thus for any continuous function /3. Let us briefly sketch the argument: denoting f n = p",8(sn), we have :
5,(fn)e+div(un(fn)e) _ (1-0)(divun)(fn)0; thus we deduce letting n go to +oo
of +div(uf) = 0,
+div(ufe) = (1-0)divu(fe)
and we obtain
a(7-(fe)1/e)+div(u(f--(f9)"°)) = 0. Hence, fo f - (fe)'1e dx(t) = 0 for all t >_ 0 and our claim is shown. Taking /3 = 0, we obtain the strong convergence of pn, and the proof of the compactness claims is complete. 0 We conclude this section with the case of a general state equation for p (and s). For the same reasons as those mentioned at the beginning of this section, we solve (8.2) and (8.3) but replace (8.4) by (8.11)
P = AP, s)
where p is a given continuous function of p E [0, oo) and of s E R. As is natural from a physical point of view-it is indeed a consequence of the second law of thermodynamics, see section 1.1, chapter 1, part I, volume 1-we assume that
p is non-decreasing with respect to p for each s fixed and, in order to avoid ambiguous definitions on the vacuum, we assume that p(0, s) = 0 for all s E R. Finally, we assume that p satisfies for some y > 1 lim inf ,sl
s) t-7 > 0
for all R E (0, 00),
and in order to avoid the technical difficulties associated with the behaviour of p near p = 0, we assume in the case when 11 = RN that p satisfies 1
p(t, s)t-2 dt < +oo ,
for all s E R.
Let us also mention in passing that it is also possible to analyse more general situations than (8.13) using the ideas and methods developed in section 7.5 (chapter 7), and we denote q(p, s) = p fo p(t, s)t-2 dt. Of course, in (8.6), we replace po E L7 by q(po, so) E Ll.
Theorem 8.2 Under the above conditions and the same assumptions as in Theorem 8.1, there exists a solution (p, u, s) of (8.2)-(8.3)-(8.11) satisfying the initial conditions (8.5) such that s E LOO (SZ x (0, T)), ps E C([0, T]; LP(f )) for all
Related problems
except in the case of Dirichlet boundary conditions where p E L'r+e (K x (0, T) ) and p(1 + p°) E L' (K x (0, T)) for any compact set K C Q. In addition, (p, u, s) satisfies the following energy inequality for almost all t E (0, T)
pII2 + q(p, s)dx + I/'t dr (dxpIDu2 + (div u)2
ImoI2 1 2
+ q(Po, so)dx +
(8.14) It
dxpu f
Exactly as in the proof of Theorem 8.1 which we sketched above, there is a crucial point that we need to explain. All the rest of the proof follows what we did above and in chapters 5-7. This crucial point concerns compactness properties
of p and s and we detail it in the periodic case (or in the case of Dirichlet boundary conditions); the case iZ = RN is then easily adapted. We thus consider a sequence of solutions (pn, un, s') of (8.2)-(8.3)-(8.13) such that s" is bounded in LO° (fl x (0, T)) and weakly converges in L°° (SZ x (0, T)) (weak-*) to some s, un is bounded in L2 (0, T; HI (11)) and weakly converges in L2 (0, T; H' (1)) to some u, pn is bounded in L°° (0, T; L t (1)) n L1'+e (SZ x (0, T)) and weakly converges in D+0 (11 x (0, T)) (for instance) to some p > 0, and pn(unI2, p(pn, sn)(1+(pn)0) are bounded in L°O (0, T; Li (0)). Furthermore, we assume that po = pn It=o converges [(Pnn)It-o] (p0n)-1 in L' (and thus in LP for 1 < p < 7) to some po and that so = (defined to be 0 for instance on {po = 0}) converges in L' (and thus in LP for 1 < p < oo) to some so. Finally, without loss of generality, we may assume that
p'nsn converges weakly to some function that we denote by ps in L'Y+e(11 x (0, T))
(for instance). Obviously, 1731 < Cp a.e. for some C > 0 and we set s = p-1 ps on {p > 0}, = 0 on {p = 0}. As shown below (Theorem 7.3), p(pn, sn) - p(pn, s) converges to 0 in L' (f x (0, T)) and for any 6 > 0 (small enough) p p(pn, sn) - pnp(pn, s) converges to 0 in L 1(Q x (0,T)). This allows us to adapt the proof of Theorem 5.1 (section 5.2, chapter 5) and we conclude, for example, that pn converges to p in C([0, T]; LP (Q)) for all 1 < p < y and in LQ (SZ x (0, T)) for all 1 < p < 'y + 0. We then easily deduce that pni3(sn) converges to po(s) in the same topologies for any continuous function /3. Indeed, pn/3(sn) satisfies (8.10) and we deduce from the above bounds and convergences that pj(s) converges to p/3(s) in the same topologies (as those in which Pn converges to p). Finally, the convergence to 0 of pn(/3(sn) -0(9)) follows from Theorem 7.3 below. These compactness properties allow us to follow the proofs made in the preceding chapters, and we conclude our discussion of the proof of Theorem 7.2. 0 We still have to show some (new) properties of solutions of linear transport equations that were used in a fundamental way in the above argument. One property, which could be called conditional compactness, seems to be an interesting phenomenon in itself and this is why we slightly extend the framework in which we wish to state it. More precisely, we consider pn > 0, un, sn satisfying
Pure transport of entropy
W + div(pnun) = 0 , apnsn
+ div(p"unsn) = 0 in fI x (0, T) . 8t We only consider here the periodic case in which case we assume that un is bounded and converges weakly in LP(0, T; W l"P(St)) to some u where 1 < p < 00, or the case of Dirichlet boundary conditions in which case we replace Wisp by W0
We skip the case of the whole space (11 = RN) because of the many
possible assumptions we can make ("at infinity") on (p, u, s) even though all of them are straightforward adaptations of the arguments below. In addition, we assume that pn (respectively sn) is bounded and converges weakly in LQ (11 x (0, T)) (respectively LOO (11 x (0, T))) to some p > 0 (respectively
s) where 1 < q < oo. Obviously, whenever one of the exponents p, q is infinite, what we mean by weak convergence is really weak-* convergence. We are interested in compactness properties of sn and we call them conditional compactness since, in fact, S' = pnsn and pn are both solutions of the same transport equation governed by un and we are interested in the compactness of We shall assume that po = pn l t=o and So = Sn l t=o satisfy: po converges weakly in L1(Q) to some po > 0, and So /po converges in L'(11) (strongly) to some so. Finally, we assume that we have .1 + q < 1. Let us observe that the proof made above to derive (8.10) immediately adapts to our more general setting and (8.10) holds for any continuous function Q. Let us also mention that the assumptions on pn, un, sn and p, q allow us to check easily that pn (respectively, pnsn or png(sn) for any continuous function (3) is bounded in L°(0,T; L'(11)) and, in fact, belong to C([0, T]; L'(S1)) where 1 + -L < 1 if Sn/pn.
q < oo, m < +oo if q = +oo. We shall not need this fact below except that it clarifies all the issues related to initial conditions. Before stating our main result, we shall need one more notation. Without loss of generality, we may assume that pnsn converges weakly in LQ(S1 x (0, T)) to a function denoted by ps and we set p = 1 Ts if p > 0, = 0 if p = 0. We may now state our "conditional compactness" result.
Theorem 8.3 With the above notation and conditions, we have T
f dx]
dt pn1/3(sn)-Q(s)I -' 0
J dx J
dt I
p(pn, sn)
_p(pn, s)I -' n 0
whenever Q E C(R), p E C(R2; R) satisfies sup Ip(t, s)I Isl
-+ 0 as I tI -* oo,
if q < oo, and p(0, s) = 0 for all s E R.
for all R E (0, oo)
Related problems
Remark 8.2 Let us briefly mention some extensions of the preceding result. First of all, we may allow right-hand sides in the equations contained in (8.15). Also, it is possible to replace the "isotropic" LP(1 x (0, T)) spaces in the above conditions by Lp' (0, T; Lp2 (S2)) spaces. Finally, we may replace the L°° bounds on sn by Lt bounds. In each case, conditions have to be imposed that we do not wish to detail here.
Remark 8.3 Let us emphasize the fact that in general s and s do not coincide. Remark 8.4 In the above sketch of the proof of Theorem 7.2, we oversimplified the use of Theorem 8.2. As it stands, our argument is correct provided we assume
that p(t, s)It1-(l'+e) - 0 as Itl - oo uniformly in s bounded. In general, the argument needs a slight technical modification. It is in fact sufficient to observe that we have :
f dX P(Pn, n)-P(Pn, Sn)1(p^
1(1+(pn)l) -- 0 as R -- +oo
where 0 < 6 < N ry - 1. We may then apply Theorem 8.3 and we obtain for all
sn)-P(Pn, s)I1(P^
Combining this information, we deduce p(pn, Sn) (p' )e - (pn )e p(p', sn) > 0 which is precisely the information needed for the compactness analysis.
Remark 8.5 Exactly as in the proof of Theorem 5.1 (chapter 5), it is possible to deduce from (7.16) the fact that pn (sn - s) converges to 0 in Li (12) (or even in Lm(SZ), m being defined in the observations preceding Theorem 7.3) uniformly in t E [0, T1.
Remark 8.6 Let us mention, without stating the precise conditions we need, another extension of the previous result. We may replace (8.15) by I
+ div(vn) = 0 ,
atn + div(vnsn) = 0.
Proof of Theorem 8.3. We first prove that p pn/32(sn) = (pn(3(sn))2 for any bounded continuous function 3 on R. Here and below, we denote, as in the proof of Theorem 5.1, by 7 the weak limit of Wn. Let us mention in passing that, in view of the bounds on pn and sn, it is a simple exercise in functional analysis to deduce the existence of a subsequence n' for which pe'7(sn) converges weakly say in L' (S2 x (0, T)) for any continuous function -y. We simply ignore this detail and write Wn for cpn'. In order to prove the above claim, we deduce from (8.10) letting n go to +oo a (p/3 (s)) + div(u p,8(s)) = 0 (8.19)
at (p,31 (s)) + div(u TO' (s)) = 0.
Pure transport of entropy
This passage to the limit presents no difficulty in view of the assumptions made
upon u", p" and s" and of Lemma 5.1 (section 5.2, chapter 5). Next we set
Q= Ppf(s)ifp>0,=0ifp=0,'82= Pp/32(s)ifp>0,=0ifp=0. Therefore, we may rewrite (8.19) as
a (p,3) + div(pu,3) = 0 , while we have of course (take Q
(pat) +
+div (pu) = 0.
Then, by the same argument as the one used to derive (8.10), we deduce from (8.20) and (8.21) the following equation [p('82
- (Q)2)] + div [au(#2 - (Q)2)] = 0
In addition, we have in view of the assumptions made upon the initial conditions
pO(s)It=o = po/(so), p/32(s)It=o = pof2(so) . Therefore, we have p(/32 (4)2)It_0 = p/32 (p8)21t=o = 0 in Sl. Since, we
obviously have 02 > (4)2 a.e., we deduce from vthis initial condition and (8.22) (which we integrate over Sl) the fact that p(j32 (4)2) = 0 a.e. and our claim is
In particular, we have T
dxp"IQ(sn)41 < C
fT dt
dt o
r dxpfI$(Sn)_al2 n
dx p"($(s"))2 - 2pn/3(sn)Q + pn(Q)2
n 0.
In particular, we may choose p(t) - t and (8.16) is shown. Next, in order to prove (8.17), we observe that we have for all S E (0,1) and for all R E (1, oo)
f 0
dt J dx Ip(p', Sn) _p(p", s)I [1(p^<5) + f2
< C sup{p(t,s) /0 < t < S, Isl < Ro} +C sup P(t I
It > R, Isl < Ro Iq
where Ro = supn> 1 I I s" 11 L:°t . In view of the assumptions made upon p, we deduce that the above integral converges to 0 uniformly in n as S goes to 0+ and R goes to +oo. Next, we conclude, remarking that we have T
Related problems
dt / dx i(p.>b) sup 0
We conclude this section with a long remark about a related but different model.
Remark 8.7 We briefly present here what we know and what we do not know about the model where we still take the thermal conduction coefficient to be 0 but we incorporate the heating due to viscous dissipation. Then, see chapter 1 for more details, (8.1)-(8.2) are replaced by p
as at +
IDu+DutI2 + eTP(divu)2
or in conserved form
a (ps) + div(pus) = 2L IDu+Dut I2 + at
(div u)2
and we keep of course the system (8.3) with, for instance, the ideal gas relationships: y = 1 + (R, C > 0) and
T = Pry 1e'/C
In particular, T solves the following equation p
aT + pu-VT +( y-1)( diva)P T= µ at 2Cv
t12 Du+Du + e-µ( div a )2. C, v
( 8.26)
We shall assume p > 0 and N + (2 - N)µ > 0. In particular, we then have 2 IDu+Dut12 + (l;-p)(divu)2 > vIDu12 for some v > 0 independent of u. We first list the a priori bounds we know on this system of equations. Assuming that pI t=o = Po, pul t=o = mo and pT I t=o = eo satisfy Po, eo >- 0 ,
po E L1 n L"(SZ)
eo = mo = 0 on {po = 0} ,
eo E L1(SZ) ,
E L1(SZ)
where we agree that
IPo 2
= 0 on {po = 0}, we obtain easily the following
bounds: p, pIu12, ps and pT are bounded in LOO (0, T; L' (Q)) and DT 2 is bounded in L1(SZ x (0, T)).
Pure transport of entropy
Next, we remark that we have
pa(Tl/(7-1)) + pu.V(T1/(7-1)) +
= 2C T(2-7)/(7-1)IDu+Dutl2 + C
and thus, at least formally,
(T r) + div (uT r)
Hence, if we assume that we have, denoting by To =
a = inf ess
> 0.
(in other words, we assume that po < Ceo for some C > 0), then we deduce from the maximum principle
T74 > ap
an inequality from which we deduce a bound on p in L°° (0, T; L7). Next, we observe that we have
E (y-1)
[IDu+DutI2 + ( -µ)(divu)2J
vIDuI2-y(divu)p > -Cp2
5 and 49
(inf essp) + C(inf essp)2 > 0.
Therefore, if we assume that we have
inf esspo = R inf ess (poTo) = f3 > 0
we deduce a lower bound on p and thus on T using (8.29) inf essp >_
inf essT >[(1+i3ctr'] R
We may also deduce from (7.30) the following equation
a (pl/7) + div u 1/7
2 - 1 [LIDu+Dutl212
div u
Related problems
> ry - lvp (1--1r)IDuI2. y Since p is bounded in L°° (0, T; L1), we deduce, integrating this inequality in x and t, a bound on IDuI2 p-(1-(1/7)) in L'( SZ x (0, T)). Furthermore, we may write IDuI2''/(27-1)
(()) IDuI2
from which we deduce a bound on Du in L2(O,T; L27/(27-1)(S2)). Let us mention that this is the "best" bound we can obtain on Du and in particular we are unable to obtain a bound on Du in L2 ((fl x (0, T)). This bound does not seem to be "strong" enough to implement the strategy of proof of Theorem 7.1 (section 7.1, chapter 7) in order to prove some Li,t bound on p for some q > 1 (or some Li,t bound on p for some q > y). Indeed, the LOO(Lt)
bound on p and the above bound on Du does not yield, even when N = 2, a 1 better bound on pu ®u than Lz,t; indeed, we have, if N = 2, 1-r + 2 (2-y2-1 - 2 = 1 ! The second obstruction we encounter in proving an existence theorem for the problem we are studying here is the compactness analysis of solutions: indeed, even if we postulate Ll bounds on (p, p) (or simply Li,t x Lz,t bounds for some q > -y, r > 1), the proof of Theorem 5.1 (chapter 5) can be adapted to yield the following information
div u - p] Q(p, p) =
div u - p Q(p, p)
but we are unable to conclude from this information any compactness of p or p. 11
8.2 A semi-stationary model We consider in this section the following system of equations i9p
+div(pu)= O , p> 0
(8.33) 0
with the same boundary conditions as before (see section 8.1), where a > 0, µ > 0, µ + t; > 0, ry > 0. Let us observe that we have not included force terms (right-hand sides for the second equation) in order to avoid unnecessary (and straightforward) technicalities. There are various motivations for the study of the model (8.33). First of all, we have shown in chapter 5 (section 5.2, Remark 5.8) how solutions of this system of equations allow us to build solutions of our initial system (namely (5.1)-(5.2)) which exhibit persistent oscillations. The second motivation is the model derived in W.E. [165],[166] for the dynamics of vortices in Ginzburg-Landau theories in superconductivity, which is precisely of the above form. As it stands, the above model is slightly ambiguous in two cases: i) when
St = R2 and ii) in the periodic case. In the periodic case, u is defined by the
A semi-stationary model
second equation up to a constant and we thus need to add one more constraint like for example
dx u(x, t) = 0,
for all t > 0.
In the case when fZ = R2, requiring that u vanishes at infinity needs some explanation (while it is an obvious requirement if 11 = R" and N > 3). The simplest way to argue is to write the explicit integral relationship between u and p7 (assumed below to be in L' (R2) for all t > 0) namely
for all t > 0.
in R2 ,
* P7
Of course, we need to complement the above system of equations with an initial condition on p namely (8.36)
P!t=o = Po ? 0
where po E L' (0), po E L7 (f) if y > 1 and po I log po I E L1(11) if y = 1. Before stating our main results, we wish to make a few observations. First of
all, if 0 = RN (N > 2), we see that we have a div u =
+ p7
curl u = 0 in RN
for all t > 0
while we have in the periodic case
div u =
µ+ p7 _3:p1 dx
curl u = 0 in RN
for all t > 0 .
We may now state our main results.
Theorem 8.4 (The periodic case). Let y > 0. Then, there exists a solution (p, u) of the above problem satisfying: p E C([0, T]; L1), p E C([0, T]; L7) n L2'(1 x
(0,T)) if y > 1, p E L1+7,°°(f x (0,T)) if y < 1, pl log pl E L'(0, T; L1) if y = 1, u E L2(0,T; H1), and u E LOO (0,T; W1+1/7) if y < 1, for all T E (0, oo). Furthermore, we have for any ,Q E Co ([0, oo)) and for all T E (0, oo)
8) +
di v(u,Q (p)) + ( div u)[Q' (p)P-P(p)] = 0 ,
II P(t) II too t-11''
is bounded on (0,T)
(8.39) (8.40)
If po E LP (Q) for some p E (1, oo) (resp. p = oo)
then p E Q0, T]; LP) n LP+7(1 x (0,T))
(resp. E L°° (f x (0, T )))y
If in less po > 0, then inf oes s) p > 0 for all T E (0, cc), fl x
Related problems
If y > 1 or if y < 1 and inf essn po > 0, then p E C([O,T];W1"p) (resp. L°O(O,T;W1"°°)) whenever po E W 1,P for some p > 2 (resp. p = oo).
Finally if y > 1 (resp. if -y < 1 and inf ess po > 0) solutions p in L°O (0, T; L°° n W 1,P) (resp. which are in addition bounded from below) are unique if p = N when N > 3, p > 2 when N = 2.
Theorem 8.5 (SZ = RN). Let -y > 1. Then, the preceding result holds except for (8.42) and provided we replace u E L2 (0, T; H1) by u E L°O(0, T; Lwt-4-1'°°),
Du E L2 (RN x (0, T)) and Du E L' (0, T; L1/7)if y < 1.
Theorem 8.6 (Dirichlet boundary conditions). Let y > 0. Then, there exists a solution (p, u) of the above problem satisfying: p E C([0, T]; L1), p E C([O, T]; L'1) nL21(SZ x (0, T)) if -y > 1, p7 E C([O, T]; L1) nL2(SZ x (0, T)) and p E L1+1r (0, T; Li + ' (11)) if -y > 1, pI log PI E LOO (0, T; L') ify = 1, u E L2 (0, T; Ho ), u E L°° (0, T; W 1,1/7) if -y < 1, curl u and div u - 14+t p- E LOO (0, T; LOO ), for all
T E (0, oo); and (8.39) holds. Furthermore, we have for any compact set K C SZ and for all T E (0, oo): IIP(t)IIL-(x)
is bounded on (6,T), for allb > 0,
If po E L oC(SZ) for some p E (1, oo) (resp. p = oo)
then p E C([O,T];LP(K)) and p E LP+-'(K x (0,T))
(resp. LOO (K x (0,T))).
Remark 8.8 Let us make a few remarks on the above statements: i) First of all, in the case when SZ = RN, we have restricted ourselves to the case when y > 1 in order to avoid the technicalities associated with y < 1 although this case can be treated by a convenient adaptation of the considerations introduced in section 7.5 (chapter 7). ii) In the case when SZ = RN, it is possible to treat other situations with different "conditions at infinity" adapting the arguments of section 7.6 (chapter 7). Then, whenever the condition (inf essRN po > 0) makes sense, the property (8.42) also holds.
iii) The fact that p E Ly can actually be deduced from the bound on ti/'tIIPIIL and on II PII L-(L=) Indeed, we have, for all R > 0, denoting Co = sup[o,T](t1/^'IIPIILo),
meas {(x, t) / p(x, t) > R} <
dt meas {x / p(t) > R}
< Co
SUP (IP(t)IILz R-(1+y) t E [0,T]
A semi-stationary model
iv) Next, we claim that p E V+7(11 x (0,T)) as soon as po (log po)+ E L1, the proof being analogous to the proof below. v) The equality (8.39) really means that p is a renormalized solution of
a + div(pu) =
+ u - V p + (div u) p = 0.
vi) In addition, in view of (8.40) (or (8.44)), it is clear that (8.39) holds for any ,3 E C' ([0, oo); R).
vii) Let us also observe that it implies the following energy identity a1
+ div
- p0I 2
-l;div(udivu) +µIDuI2 +l;(divu)2 = 0 and a
f p"Y dx(t) + ds fn pIDuI2 + (div u)2 J a = 1 I P-O , for all t > 0 .
Indeed, we have easily since u E L2(0,T; Hl) and pr' E L2(S1 x (0, T)) u
2 Du -}-AA I22 - div u( div u) + pl I2 l; (div u) +a div u
a div u )pry = 0
and we conclude using (8.39) letting,8 converge to p7. When y > 1, we just have to replace by p log p. viii) Next, we observe that all bounds on p are easily translated into bounds on u using elliptic regularity. ix) Finally, we have to clarify the meaning of pu in (8.33) at least when y < 1. Then, we observe that
p E Lr(L')nL'(L2) where 1
while Du E Lr(L1"'')
hence pu E Lt (Lz) where 1 1.
Remark 8.9 In Theorem 8.4, we can obtain higher regularity results for p (and thus for u) in Wk,P for instance provided y > k or inf esso po > 0. Indeed, in these cases, one may differentiate k times pl' and one then adapts easily the proof given below for k = 1.
Remark 8.10 In the case of Dirichlet boundary conditions (Theorem 8.5), we do not know whether the L°° bounds on p hold up to the boundary (in other words, whether we can replace K by 11). This is why we are also unable to obtain higher regularity and uniqueness results.
Related problems
Remark 8.11 If 'Y > 1, it is possible to prove an existence result assuming that po only belongs to Ll (in particular, the "internal energy" f po dx may be infinite). Indeed the proof below still yields the following bounds: II P(t) II L- 017
is bounded on (0, T), p is bounded in C([0,T];Ll), and thus p'Y is bounded in Lt (Lz) where 1 < q < oo, 1 < p < ryy l and -L + .1 < 1. Therefore, Du is bounded in LP(Lz). These bounds allow us to adapt the proofs given below. The only new point to be checked concerns the meaning of pu and of the initial conditions for p (...): we then choose p = 1 + 1/ry and conclude that pu E Lt (Lx)
for some a > 1 (and in fact pu E Lt,t for some b > 1) since p E Lt(Lx1'),
=.I> jvandp +p,N<1.
In fact, the same argument allows us to prove the existence of a solution when -y = 1 and po is a bounded non-negative measure: in this case, passing to the limit becomes easy and does not involve any non-linear manipulation of p. If ,y 34 1, the construction of a solution when po is a bounded non-negative measure is an interesting open question. 0
Remark 8.12 We do not know whether the uniqueness of solutions holds for bounded solutions (p E Ll) if 'Y > 1 (or bounded from above and from below if ry < 1). We can answer positively this question when -y = 1 in the periodic case (for instance) by a straightforward adaptation of an argument due to V.A. Weigant and A.V. Kazhikhov [552] (see also A.V. Kazhikhov [294]), but the proof only works when 7 = 1. In this case, the argument consists in writing p(t) dx = f(uip+up2)Vt&dx
2 dt f nP(t)(-A)
where (pl, ui), (P2, U2) are two solutions, 4/) _ (-A)-1p(fn dx = 0), p = P1 - P2, u = u1 - U2 (recall that fn p(t) dx = 0 since we have fo pi(t) dx = fa p2(t) dx = fn po dx for all t > 0). Therefore, we have for all e E (0,1) d IIV 1'll
< CIIuIIL2IIV &IIL2 + 2 fn ill(-AV) <-
V dx
+2fn IDuil IV012dx- f (divul)IoibI2dx n
< CIIo IIL2 + CIIDui1IL1/tIIV PIIL2/(1-e) < CIIVV)1122
+ -
using elliptic regularity theory and the bounds on p, hence II V II L2 < ect (Ct) l/E and we conclude that 0 and thus pi P2 on (0, c) . Reiterating the above argument on (c , c) ( ), the uniqueness follows. 0 We now briefly sketch the proof of Theorems 8.4-8.6.
A semi-stationary model
Step 1: A priori bounds in the periodic case and in RN. We present these bounds in the periodic case and mention the adaptations to the whole space case. First of all, we deduce from (8.33) and (8.47) a bound on p in C([0, T]; L' n L7) and a bound on u in L2 (0, T; Hl) (and a bound on Du in L2 (RN x (0, T)) and LN/(N-1),oo(RN)) using the relationship between u and p'1 in on u in L°O(0,T; the case when 11 = RN) for all T E (0, oo). We then deduce a bound on Du in L°° (0, T; L'/7 ())) if 0 < 'y < 1 using elliptic regularity results while if -y > 1 we deduce a bound on py in L2(1? x (0, T)) (for all T E (0, oo)) from the bound on Du in L2(il x (0, T)) (and the bound on pry in L2(0,T;L1)). Next, we remark that (8.39) is a simple calculation. We may use this identity Li+') oo (11 x (0, T)) bound on p (another proof is given in Reto deduce the mark 8.7 iii)): indeed, we use (8.39) choosing 0(t) = (t - R)+ where R E (0, oo) (mollifying .8 to justify this choice) and we obtain in view of (8.38)
f(P(T)_R)+dx + =
We then deduce from this equality
Ri+" meas(p > R) < A + a
J po dx + T sup -} e)(sup n
J p dx
(0,T) n
and the bound in L1+",°° is shown. The proof is obviously similar (and in fact simpler) when Q = RN. The bound mentioned in (8.41) also follows from (8.39) choosing /3(t) = tP: indeed, we find dt
fP1'dx+(p_1)fpP(1_j',fY)dx = 0 n
and we conclude integrating with respect to t. Again, the proof is similar (and simpler) when ) = RN. The proof of (8.40) is also straightforward once we remark that we have
+ u.V p + +
P1+-r = +
p on RN x (0,1) .
Indeed, applying the maximum principle and writing simply sup p for sup ess p, we deduce
4 (sup P) + + (sup p)'+' < Co (sup p) µ
on (0,1)
where Co = 14+C sup(o,l) (f p1f). This differential inequality then easily yields the bound (8.40). Once more, the proof is simpler when f = RN (Co = 0).
Related problems
The bound (8.42) also follows from (8.49) and the maximum principle: indeed, we deduce
(inf p) +
+ (inf p)1+7 > 0
on RN x (0, oo)
hence, inf p > (ryat(inf po)*y + µ + 1;)-1/-Y (µ + 6)-1/7 inf po on (0, oo).
We now turn to the proof of (8.43): differentiating (8.33), we obtain easily, denoting by C various positive constants independent of u and p, d
< C L IDul IoPIP dx + C fo ID2uI < CII DuII
Loe fn I VPIP dx + CIIPIIL-
< C(1 + IIDuIIL-)
p dx P-1 P
IoPIP dx
where we used the L°O bound on p obtained in (8.41) and elliptic regularity noting that we have -(a-y)pry-1Vp and IIP''-1VPIILP < IIPII7O'IIVPIILP
if -Y > 1,
< (inf ess
if y < 1.
We conclude easily recalling the classical inequality (whose proof is a simple adaptation of Appendix F for instance) II DuII L- < CIIPIIL- log 1 + IIVeIILP IIP''IILwhich is bounded (as above) by (C 1og(1 + II VPII LP))
Step 2: Existence and compactness. Various proofs of the existence part of the above results are possible: the simplest probably consists in solving first the system (8.33) when po is smooth. This can be done by various arguments including simple fixed point methods based upon the uniqueness proven below. The existence results in the case of Dirichlet boundary conditions or when S = RN can then be deduced as in the preceding chapter (7). For a general initial condition, we then just have to regularize the initial conditions po and pass to the limit. The compactness of p then plays the usual (by now) crucial role. The proof of the compactness of p is similar (and much simpler) than the one in chapter 5 and we only need to clarify one point, namely the continuity at t = 0
A semi-stationary model
of p and (pe)i/e (with the notation of chapter 5) with values in Li (or even in Li') of p: indeed, the L°O bound on p for t > 0 and the transport equation satisfied by p makes the rest of the argument considerably simpler. About the continuity in t, we first observe that the L°° bound on p for t > 0 together with (8.39) immediately imply the fact that p E C((0, oo); LP) for 1 < p < oo and /3(p) E C([0, oo); LP) for 1 < p < oo for any ,3 E C'(R) such that /3 and f3't are bounded on R (for instance). Next, in order to check the continuity at t = 0 of p (7)'10 py), various arguments can be made. First of all, we may use (8.48) and 1
deduce for all T E (0, oo)
J (p(t)-R)+dx < r (po-R)+dx --+ 0
as R --+ +oo,
provided we choose R > supo
Since p n R E C([O, T]; Li), we deduce that p E C([O, T]; L1) for all T E (0, oo). Another argument consists in remarking that, for 0 > 0 small enough, pa E C([0, oo); LI)nC([0, oo); L'/e -w) and that II Pe1I L'/e = IIPII
IIP09 IIL110 for all t > 0, hence pe E C([0, oo); Life) and thus p E C([0, oo); L1). The same argument shows that p E C([0, oo); Li'): indeed, p E C([0, oo);
Li' - w) n C(0, oo; Li') while, for all t > 0, IIPIILI S IIPoIIL-, in view of (8.47). Finally, (P9)l/e E C([0, oo); Li) since pe E C(0, oo; LP), (PB)1/0 AR E C([0, 00); LP)
for all 1
(and are bounded from below if y < 1). We then write a 0
hence we have (for instance, we may replace in the argument below L2 by L'' for
(Pi-P2)2dx +
f (divu1)(pi-P2)2 n
+ (div(ul -u2))P2(Pl -P2) + (ul -u2)'VP2(Pi -P2)dx = 0 and thus we have, denoting by C various positive constants, d dt
(p, _p2)2dX
r (P1 -P2)2dx +
+IIP1-P2IIL2 IIui-u2IIL9
with 1 + 1 +
Related problems
P2 I I L2 < C I I Pi - P2 II L2 and the uniqueness follows from Gronwall's lemma. Let us also observe that, if y < 1, p1 E L°° (0, T; L7 )
since II ui - u2 II LQ < C I I pi
and P2 E Ll (0, T; L°° n W1,P) are sufficient to yield the uniqueness (P1 the above argument.
P2) by
Remark 8.13 The above uniqueness argument can be used to show that, if y = 1, there exists a "large" set of initial data po in L1 for which the solution (known to exist by Theorems 8.4-8.5 (and Remark 8.10)) is unique. By large, we mean a countable intersection of open dense sets in V. The proof of this claim is a straightforward combination of the preceding uniqueness argument with the method of proof of Theorem 4.2 in volume 1, chapter 4, section 4.2 (on incompressible Euler equations in two dimensions). 0
Step 4: The case of Dirichlet boundary conditions. In the case of Dirichlet boundary conditions (Theorem 8.6), the arguments are basically similar except for the proofs of (8.44), (8.45) and the Li +7'O° bound on p. Indeed, we no longer have a simple and global relationship between div u and p7. However, we can still assert that h = div u - +c p7 and g = curl u are harmonic functions for all t > 0. In addition, g, h are bounded in LOD(0,T; L1/7) if y < 1, while g, h are bounded in L°° (0, T; W -E") if y > 1 for any e > 0 and for all T E (0, oo)-notice indeed that p7 is bounded in L°° (0, T; L1) and thus Du is bounded in LOO (0, T; W -E,1) for any E > 0 and for all T E (0, oo). Since g and h are harmonic, we then deduce, in all cases, that g, h E L°O (0, T ; LOO) . This turns out to be sufficient to prove (8.44), (8.45) and the Li +7'°O bound on po. We begin with the proof of (8.44). We then write for any cp E Cow(fl) with
+ u.V
cPP1+7 = (u.V cc)p - cohp = ((uO) V
- cohp
where 0 has compact support and will be determined below. Then, we note that we have
div(iu) =
curl (t&u) =
curl u + Dpi x u.
Therefore, we deduce choosing p > N and denoting by C various positive con-
stants II
uIILo < C II bP7II LP +
11 Jul ID,0I IILp + 1
A semi-stationary model
C IIPiiiL P IIt°eIIL 1/P + IIUIILr IIiuII1LOO + 1 -1
where 1 < r < N 1 is arbitrarily close to N 1, 0 = r/p and a
provided we choose 0 such that I DPI < C01-e on fl. Since p7 is bounded in L1, the u is bounded in L' and we deduce from above inequality
IIuIIL°O < c 1 + Therefore, we find at ((PP) + u'V (APP) + + VP1+7
< C 1 + II
(IvWI -1 V h)s tp+ IIhIIL(suppp) APP
We then choose 1i = cp7/(«(1+7)) and claim that we can find cp such that cp-th P-(1-e) Vcp O-1 and v& are bounded on St. Indeed, let X E Co (Sz), 0 < X:5 1, x = 1 on K. We then set w = Xm where m is large enough so that V
= mVX
-(1-e) =
l+ry 'Y
VX X °
T-1 X- M T(1-e)
are bounded which is certainly the case for m large enough since a 1 -I-1 < 1 and 1 - 0 < 1. We thus deduce the following inequality: ((PP) + u'V ((PP) +
+ cpP1+7 < C 1 + It
Ik01/(1+7)PII L(O° n)
(p1/(1+7) p .
Notice also that the preceding argument also shows that we have for q large enough (APP) +
((P) + + cpp1+7 < C (1 + II(P1/(1+7)PIIL9) cp1/(1+7)p
for some 0 = 0(q) < 1 (0 -- y(1 as q --+ +oo). Therefore, if we assume that p is bounded in C([0, T]; Li A we n) deduce a (APP) + u.V (APP) +
pP1+1 < C
and thus in view of the maximum principle (and using the fact that 0 < V < 1)
Related problems
+ 2(p+1;) [sup(Wp)]i+7 < C
an inequality which implies that sup(cpp)t'/"r is bounded on (0,1).
In order to complete the proof of (8.44), we admit temporarily (8.45) and deduce, for each Si > 0, the existence of ti E (0, Si) such that p(ti) is bounded (and the bound only depends on Si) in L oo where pi = 2y if y > 1, pi E (1,1+y) if 'y < 1. Using once more (8.45), we deduce, for each 62 > 0, the existence of t2 E (0, S2) such that p(ti+t2) is bounded in L o' where p2 = pi + y. Reiterating this argument, we find, for some fixed no > 1 that depends only on y, some pno > q, where q has been determined above. We conclude choosing Si = 62 = ... = bno = no6 . The proof of (8.45) is similar (and considerably simpler). First of all, it is enough to consider the case when p > max(1, y). Next, we write in a similar way to the argument above with the same notation (vpp) + div (ucppp) +
(p-1)cphp1 + (u'V g )pp
sup (in cppP dx + J (O,T)
dx cp pp+-'
T 'IMP-i]E
dx[IuI IV
Choosing cp in such a way that I V pI'i-"/(p+ti) is bounded, we deduce that if po E Li and u E Li (O, T; Lio+ 7)"7(Sl)), then p E C([0, T]; Ll C) fl Li 7(St x [0,T]).
We may now complete the proof of (8.45) by a simple bootstrap argument.
First of all, if y > 1 and N > 3 (the case N = 2 is easily adapted), u E L2 (0, T; L2N/(N-2) (S2)), therefore we conclude if p < N+2 y while if p > N y we 22
obtain a bound on pin L P ' ' ' (D x [0, T]) fl LOO (0, T; L I (0)) where pi = N22 y N/(N-2) (f )). We may now use L2N/(N-2) (0, and thus u is bounded in T; W1, Sobolev's embeddings and complete the proof reiterating the argument. If y < 1, the argument is essentially the same except for the numerical values entering the preceding bootstrap method: for instance, we start in this case using the bound on u in LO° (0, T; W ','I" (SZ)) and thus in L°° (0, T; LQl (S1)) where a = y - N if y > rr , qi is arbitrary in (1, oo) if y = N , qi = +oo if y < N We conclude with a brief sketch of the proof of the bound on p in Li+7,' (K x (0, T)) for any compact set K C Q. First of all, we prove by a bootstrap argument that p E L-Y+e(K x (0, T)) for any compact set K C ) and for any 0 E (0,1). In order to do so, we write (p'v) + div (up°co)
= (1-0) + p7+e' + (1-0)hpecp + µ
A semi-stationary model
where cp E Co (SZ), co = 1 on K and 0 < cp < 1 on SZ. Therefore, we have for each
compact set K C Sl and for any 9 E (0,1)
< C 1 +J dtJ
Since u is bounded in LOO (0, T; W1,117), we conclude immediately if -y < -L. If 7y > N , using the fact that pe is obviously bounded in LO (0, T; L110), we deduce Once we have choosing 0 = 1 + N a bound on p in L1+11N(0, T; L a bound on p in L"(O,T; L P(SZ)) for some p, we use this bound to deduce that pe is bounded in LP/0 (0, T; Lple (SZ)) and u is bounded in LPh7 (0, T; W , /7 (1)) n
L°°(0,T;W1,1/7(SZ)). This allows us to take a larger 0 and reiterate the above argument. In this way, we obtain a bound on p in L7+e (0, T; L'ly.,e (SZ)) for all 0 E (0,1). Finally, we write for all R E (0, oo)
((P-R)+cP) + div(u(p-R)+cP) + +
= -hR 1(p>R)co + Therefore, we have for all T E (0, oo)
1T1 dx p7R 1(p>R)cp < C 1 + f /
dt JUPP dx Iulp
The right-hand side is obviously bounded since p is bounded in L7+0 (Supp cp x (0, T)) while u is bounded in L°O (0, T; W1, 117 (0))nL(7+B)/7 (0, T;
W"('Y+e)/7 (SZ))
for all 0 E (0,1). In particular, choosing 0 close enough to 1, we deduce that u is bounded in L''(Suppcp x (0, T)) where rr11 = ry + 9. This completes the proof of our claim. 0
Remark 8.14 We wish to conclude this section with a general remark on this semistationary (or quasi-semistationary) model when we replace ap7 by a general (barotropic) pressure p = p(p) E C([0, oo)). In the periodic case, (for instance, it is easy to check that the above arguments yield the existence and uniqueness of a smooth solution as soon as lim inft-..+o° p(t)t > 0, p E C' (0, oo) and either p E C' ([0, oo)) or po is bounded from below (in that case the solution is bounded from below and is unique among such solutions). On the other hand, the existence of a global weak solution seems to require (at least with our analysis) the assumption, which is natural from a physical viewpoint, that p is non-decreasing. This observation obviously raises the issue of the necessity of this assumption for the above simple model and also for the models studied in the previous chapters.
Related problems
8.3 A Stokes-like model In this section, we study the following model which corresponds, roughly speaking, to a Stokes-like approximation to the momentum equation of the system of compressible isentropic Navier-Stokes equations. More precisely, we look for a solution (p, u) of ,jT
+div(pu) = 0, p0
p 8u - µ0u
- 6V div u + aVp" = 0
where p > 0, a > 0, µ > 0, µ+e > 0 and -y > 1. We consider as usual the periodic case, the case when SZ = RN and the case of Dirichlet boundary conditions even though more general boundary value problems can be handled as well using the methods and techniques introduced in the previous chapters. We might as well treat more general pressure laws (and in particular the case when 0 < ry < 1) or force terms like p f in the right-hand side of the momentum equation in (8.51) (the "u-equation"). This model is, in some sense, intermediate between the semistationary model studied in the previous section and the "full" system (5.1)-(5.2) studied in chapters 5 and 7. It was studied systematically in the periodic case, when 7 = 1 and the flow is potential by V.A. Weigant and A.V. Kazhikhov [552] (see also A.V. Kazhikhov [294]). Also, we shall see that the methods used to study (8.51)-some of which are direct adaptations of what we did in the preceding chapters-allow us to study and solve some shallow water models discussed in the next section. As usual, we complement the system (8.51) with the initial conditions PI t=o = Po,
UIt=o = uo
where po E L" (11), uO E L2(SZ), po and uo are periodic in the periodic case, po E L1 (RN) if SZ = RN. In addition, if y = 1, we assume that poI log poI E L1(SZ).
We may now state our main results.
Theorem 8.7 (N > 3). We assume that N > 3 and that 'y > NN
Then, there exists a solution (p, u) of (8.51) satisfying (8.52) and u E L'(0, T; Hi (SZ)) n C([0, oo); L2(n) - w), p E C([0, oo); L1(SZ)) n C([0, oo); L1(S2) - w), p E Lq(K x
(0, T)) with q = N -y for all T E (0, oo), where K = SZ if SZ = RN or in the periodic case and K is an arbitrary compact set included in SZ in the case of Dirichlet boundary conditions.
Theorem 8.8 (N = 2). We assume that N = 2 and that y > 1 except in the case when SZ = R2 where we assume that y > 1. Then, there exists a
solution (p, u) of (8.51) such that u E L2(0,T; Hi (Q)) fl C([0, oo); L2 (Q) w), u E C([0, oo); L2(K)) if -y = 1, p E C([0, oo); L'())), p E C([0, oo); L, (Q) - w) if ^y > 1 and p log p E L°° (0, oo; L1(SZ)) if 'y = 1, p E Lq (K x (0, T)) where q = 2 if 'y = 1 and q < 2-y if 'y > 1, for all T E (0, oo) and where K = 11 except in
A Stokes-like model
the case of Dirichlet boundary conditions where K is an arbitrary compact set included in St. In addition, (p, u) satisfies Ifpo E Lq(11),Duo E
L(q+-f)/2-t (n) then
p E L°O(0,T;Lq(K)) nLq+'1(K x (0,T)) , Du E Ll+q/'f (K x (OT)) if q < oo , , D u E Lp ( K x ( O , T)) for all P-'00 if q = oo,
u E LOO (O, T; L'' (K)) with r < oo ifq = 3y,
r=+ooif q>3y,
for all T E (0, oo) and for any q E [3y, +oo]. Furthermore, (p, u) satisfies in the periodic case or when 1 = R2 for any q E (2, oo) and for all T E (0, oo) If po E Wl-q(SZ) and D2uo E Lq/2(fl) then
p E C([0, oo); W 1 iq (SZ)) and u E W2,1,q (SZ x (0, T) ),
and solutions (p, u) (satisfying (8.52)) such that p E L2(0, T; W l"q(f )) and u E L1(0, T; W1,00 (SZ)) are unique on SZ x (0, T).
Remark 8.15 In Theorem 8.8, one can obtain (and deduce from (8.54)) further regularity results for p, u and their higher derivatives. We do not wish to detail those straightforward extensions. Remark 8.16 Once more, we do not know if the bounds on p, u, Du hold up to the boundary in the case of Dirichlet boundary conditions and, as a consequence, we do not know whether solutions are smooth and unique in that case. Remark 8.17 The case y = 1 (in Theorem 8.8) was treated for periodic boundary conditions in the potential case by V.A. Weigant and A.V. Kazhikhov [552], and in the general case by F.J. Chatelon and P. Orenga [99] where the following boundary conditions are considered
u n = curl u = 0
(where n denotes as usual the unit outward normal to 8SZ). These boundary conditions allow us to obtain regularity results (and uniqueness results) on St, i.e. up to the boundary. We shall in fact somewhat simplify and extend these proofs and present various new arguments (even in these particular cases). Let us finally mention that our analysis of Dirichlet boundary conditions (N = 2) is taken from P.-L. Lions and P. Orenga [357], where, in fact, related equations for shallow water models, are treated; we shall detail these in the next section.
Remark 8.18 In (8.54), we assumed that D2uo E Lq/2(1). The role of this assumption is to ensure that the solution u of
Du- Vdivu=0 inn x 0( oo) u lt=o
= uo
(and periodic boundary conditions or SZ = R2) satisfies u E W2"1,q(ft x (0, T)), i.e. D2u E Lq (St x (0, T)) for all T E (0, oo). The precise condition on uo which is needed is too technical for the (slight) gain of generality to be given here.
Related problems
Remark 8.19 If N = 3 and ^y = 1, it is also possible (and easy) to prove the existence of a solution (p, u) with the regularity mentioned in Theorem 8.7, i.e. p and p log p E L°° (0, oo; L 1), u E L°° (0, oo; L2) n L2 (0, T; H1) (V T > 0) and p E L(111+2)11 . The a priori bounds are shown exactly as in the proofs below and the existence can be easily deduced from various approximations and a straightforward passage to the limit. The restriction upon N is needed in order to make sense of pu-notice that u E LtN+2)12(LP) where p > N2 2 if and only if N < 3. This point seems to have been overlooked in [294] where the existence is claimed for all N. O Remark 8.20 In the periodic case and if -y = 1 and N = 2, the uniqueness holds under less restrictive conditions on the solution (p, u). Indeed, in this case, the argument introduced by V.A. Weigant and A.V. Kazhikhov [552]-and described in Remark 8.11 in the preceding section (section 8.2)-shows that the uniqueness holds assuming only that p E L' . We now briefly sketch the proof of Theorems 8.7-8.
Step 1: General a priori bounds. We begin with the proof of the a priori bounds which are available in all dimensions. First of all, we observe that if y > 1 we have 2 JJu 2 a -1 ups
p' + div
-µ0I 2
div( diva) + pIDul2 + (divu)2 = 0
while if y = 1 we have 2
+ ap log p + a div {up(log p + 1) } - µA 12 at p 12
- t; div (u div u) + pIDuI2 + e(div u)2 = 0.
We deduce from these (formal) identities a priori bounds on u in C([0, oo); L2(Q)) n L2(0,T; HI (Q)) (V T E (0, oo)), on p in C([0, oo); L" (Q)) if i > 1, and on p and p log p in C([0, oo); Li (1k)); recall that, as usual, dt fn p dx = 0. Next, we prove Ly,t bounds on p where q = NN2-y. The proof follows in fact the proof of Theorem 7.1 (section 7.1, chapter 7). This is why we only briefly
sketch the proof in the periodic case in order to show the modifications to be made in the proof of Theorem 7.1. We thus obtain in the periodic case the following identity, denoting 0 = q - -y =122 ,y, ap7+e
= a h, prype +
+ 49 [pe(-A)-'divu] + div [upe (- A) - 1 div u] +(0-1)(divu)pe(-L)-1(divu) - peuiRiRjuj .
Integrating with respect to x and t, we deduce easily the bound we claimed on p once we observe that we have
A Stokes-like model
II (div u) pe (-A)-' (div u) II Li,t
< IIdivu11L=,tIIP°(-A)-1(divu)IILz,< < IldivuIIL2.,t < IldlvUIIL= t
II uII L2(H=) + II UII Lr(L2)
if N > 3,
II p°UiRiRjujII L=,, <- IIPIIL=,t IIuiR RjUjIILN/ N+2) < CIIPIILi,t IIUIIL=t/(N+2)
< C II uII L2(H=) + IIUIILr(L=) IIPIIi=,t
These observations allow us to complete the proof when N > 3 or when -r = 1,
N = 2 (9 = 1) observing that p(-0)-idivu is bounded in L' since p log p is bounded in L' and (-0)-idivu is bounded in H1. Finally, if N = 2 and -y > 1, the above argument is still valid provided we choose 9 E (0, ry).
Step 2: Existence. Exactly as in chapter 7 (in the proof of Theorem 7.2), one possible proof of the existence part consists in establishing the existence in the periodic case (possibly for a slightly modified equation), the other cases being successively deduced from this one. In two dimensions (N = 2), one can use the regularity of solutions shown below to prove directly (by a fixed point argument for instance) the existence of solutions at least when the initial conditions are smooth. The general case then follows upon smoothing the initial conditions and passing to the limit by a compactness argument mentioned below. In general, one can approximate (8.51) by (for instance)
5 +div(pu)+5pp=0, p>0 pat -pAu
together with the initial conditions (8.52). This approximation is only one example (taken from the first proof of Theorem 7.2 presented in section 7.3, chapter 7) of the many approximations which can be used in order to solve (8.51) and one could use as well other approximations including some of those introduced in the preceding sections and chapters (see sections 7.3 and 7.4 in chapter 7). In the above system, b E (0, 1] and p is large enough and will be determined later on. The existence of solutions of (8.59) is straightforward once we explain that solutions are smooth and unique. Admitting temporarily this fact, it is then easy to conclude letting 6 go to 0+ following the general strategy of proof explained in
Related problems
section 7.3 (obtain a priori estimates uniform in b, use compactness arguments to pass to the limit as b go to 0+ for some range of exponents 'y, recover the desired integrability of p a posteriori by the argument described in step 1 above, and obtain the whole range of exponents y by approximation). We just need to observe that the compactness analysis follows the same line of argument as in chapter 5, once we observe that, with the above setting, we obtain bounds on u in C(0, oo; L2) n L2(0, T; H1) (V T E (0, oo)) and thus u is (relatively) compact in L2 ,,t (and even in Ly,t for all 2 < p < 2 2).
The regularity (and thus the uniqueness) of solutions of (8.59) for b > 0 fixed is straightforward: first of all, the energy identity yields bounds on u in Lt ° (L2) n Lt (Hz) and on pin Lt ° (Lx) n Lz
if y > 1 and on p(1 + I log pl) in
Lr(L'), pp(1 + ( logpl) in Li.t if 'y = 1. These bounds imply (by the regularity theory of parabolic equations) a bound on u in and on LZ+(p-1)/7(W, 1,1+(p-1)/7) au in and thus, if p is large enough, on u in LI in particular. We next observe that (8.58) still holds provided we replace ap7+e by ap7+e + This allows us by a simple bootstrap argument to deduce bounds on p in Lt° (Lq ), on u in Lt (WW,q) and on et in Lt (Wz 1,q) for all 1 < q < oo. We may then write Lt+(p-1)ry(Wz'1+(n-1)/7)
div u -
= div
p-- (p+t;)A (div u - + p7
a up7 µ+1;
8a- pp+7 + a( - 1) (divu)p7 µ+ µ+" y
and we deduce, if po, uo are smooth, bounds on div u - µ+{ p7 (and on curl u) in Lt (Wy,q), on Ft (divu- +{p7) (and on 8 curlu) in Li (W. 1,q) for all 1 < q < 00 A and thus in particular LI bounds on div u - µ+E p7 (and on curl u). We finally obtain LOO estimates on p by writing
- (P7_divu)P (tt +
and applying the maximum principle. Estimates on higher derivatives are then obtained by differentiating the equation for p and arguing as in the proof of Theorem 7.1 (section 7.3, chapter 7); see also the proof in step 3 below. Let us conclude this part of the proof by mentioning that in the case when -y = 1 (and N = 2) the existence proof may be simplified substantially by using a Galerkin approximation on the equation for u or a simple regularization and we detail this point in the next step.
Step 3: Another existence proof when N = 2 and -y = 1. We consider here the periodic case and we simply mention that our arguments apply as well to the whole space case (S = R2) with a few obvious adaptations. We next discuss
A Stokes-like model
briefly the case of Dirichlet boundary conditions. As we mentioned above, various approximations are possible and we give one example, namely
j +div(Pu,) =0, P>0 paatu
with the initial conditions (8.52) where we replace po and uo by (po)e and (uo)e respectively. Here and below, we denote c = cp * ,cE where K. _ -K (E) , Ic E Co (R2), Supp is C Bi, 0 < rc on R2, K is even on R2 and fR2 rc dx = 1. Exactly as in step 1 above, we obtain the following energy identity
d fr p 12
7- f
+ ap log pdx +
pIDuI2 + l;(div u)2 dx = 0
from which we deduce a bound on p(1 + I log pI) in Lt ° (Li) and on u in Lt (Hx) . This bound suffices to deduce the existence (and uniqueness) of smooth solutions
of (8.60). It is then straightforward to pass to the limit and recover a solution (p, u) of (8.51) satisfying (8.52). We next claim that p,, is bounded in L2(SZ x (0, T)) and thus p is bounded in L2(SZ x (0, T)) for all T E (0, oo). Indeed, we find easily for T E (0, oo) fixed apE =
+pdiv((pue)E(-i)-idivu) -p(Pue)f
V(-A)-idivu -
hence we have using the bounds on u in L2 (0, T; Hi) and on p(1 + I log pI) in L°O(0,T; Li) 11pC112
C 1 + IIPEIIL2(nx(O,T)) + f f puE V(-0)-1divu,dx o
+ IIPEIIL2(nx(O,T)) + fo dt(1 +
vE I
< C (l + IIPCIIL2(nx(O,T)) since i+
is bounded in Hi uniformly in t and thus, in view of J. Moser's inequality [400], there exists a > 0 such that fn exp[cx i+ HI i+ IUC HI ]dx is bounded uniformly in t, and therefore HI
Related problems
dx <
for allt E (0,T) .
We conclude this step by observing that if po and po log Po, uo are relatively
compact in L', L2 respectively then p and p log p, u are relatively compact in C([0, T]; L1), C([0, T]; L2) n L2 (0, T; Hi) respectively and p is relatively compact in L2(Sl x (0,T)) for all T E (0, oo). This is a straightforward consequence of the
fact that the limit solutions (p, u) of (8.51) satisfying the properties obtained above also satisfies the local energy identity (8.61). Indeed, since p E L2(fl x (0, T)) for all T E (0, oo), we obtain easily
-µ0I 22
pl 22
- ediv(udivu)
+ µl Dull + e(div u)2 + a div(pu) - a(div u) p = 0 . Next, we have for any /3 E C8°(R) ''
T Jn
3(p) dx + f (diva){Q'(P)P - 3(p)}dx = 0
from which we deduce by approximation for all R E (1, oo)
d fPlog(pAR)+(P_R)+dx+j(divu)PARdx = 0 . Hence, letting R go to +ofa o, we obtain
p log p dx +
(div u) p dx = 0,
and we conclude.
In the case of Dirichlet boundary conditions, the analysis is similar: we only need to localize the previous arguments and the above compactness is still true locally in x.
Step 4: L4 bounds when N = 2. We prove (8.54) here in the periodic case, the proof being trivial to adapt to the case when SZ = R2; and we present an argument due to V.A. Weigant and A.V. Kazhikhov [552] that we simplify and extend (to
-y > 1 and non-potential flows). We begin with q = 3ry and let T E (0, oo) be fixed. We write wt
f p3ry dx + (3-y -1)
p4y dx
= (37 -1) fn p37
(3-y-1) IIPIIL447 Idivu
p'Y - div u a - µ+
and thus we have for all T E (0, oo) T 0<1
n p3rydx + ,JO
[dx p4,' < C (l + Ildiv u S2
a + p
pti II L
A Stokes-like model
Next, we write assuming that p = 1 in order to simplify notation (replace µ, , a by P , P , P otherwise)
+a 1;
(dvu -
div a - + pry at 7
div (upry) +
a µ +t;
a µ
(ry-1)(div u) pry,
hence we have, denoting S = div u - µ+ pry, dt
f S2 dx + (µ+e) f
aJ = (
+ (µ
a ('y-1)
p1IuI I
+ 2
dx+(- 1)JR(divu)pSdx r
I dx
f pryu (-s) dx fn
Jn R
dx +
Pry9uI I
l dx
+ fn IDuIS2 + (DuI2I SI dx + j p1IuI2IDuldx where we denote by v and w the unique periodic functions such that u = v + to, divw = 0, curl v = 0. Let us remark that we have 8v P
,§F -(µ+t;)ov+a0pry = 0,
aw P
- µ0w = 0,
(µ+t;)VS .
In particular, to is bounded in L2(0, T; H2) n C([O, T]; H1) and ai is bounded in L2 (f x (0, T)) while v is bounded in L2 (0, T; H') n C([O, T]; L2) . Furthermore, using regularity results for parabolic equations, we deduce for all t E [0, T] IIDuIIL4(nx(o,t)) <- C(1 + IIPryILL4(nx(o,t))) (8.65)
< C(1 + IISIIL4(nx(o,t)))
where we have used the fact that, by assumption, Duo E L2(SZ) and the second inequality follows from (8.62). Finally, we observe that we have
Related problems
a fn
Iul4dx < C
(f IuI2IDuI2dx + f p7IuI2IDuI dx
pIIuI2IDul < C[IuI2IDuI2 + ISI IuI2IDuI] Collecting all this information, we deduce
S2 +
p 12
f IVSI2dx
+ Iu14dx +
+ f IDuIS2 + IDul2Sdx
f p2rylul2dx n
+f ISI I uI2IDuIdx + f IuI2I Dul2dx
Next, we remark that, in view of the Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequality, we have
fn Iu12IDuI2dx <
f IuI2IDuI2dx
CIIuIIL4 hence
IuI2I Dul2dx < C IIUII 3 IIDuIIL 3 IIDuIIL 3
Therefore, we have S2 +
dt .1n
2 Pry
IuI2 2
+ I ul4dx
+ (µ+e)
We finally denote A(t) = supo<,
A(t) +
B(s) ds
< CE +EIISIIL4(nx(O,t))
+Cf 0
A Stokes-like model
t IIDuIIL 3 IISIIi 3 ds 3/4
2 2
+Cc (fa IIDuIIL 2
IIuIIL4 ds
< CE + cc fo ABds
rt J IIDuII2
IISI12 2ds
+ cc
IVSI L 2ds + CE
+ (Lt IIuiiL IISIIL3 ds 3/4
< Cc A(t) + fBds) + C1 +
Jot (II
DuII 2 + II uII4.) A(s) ds
where we have used the bounds on u in L4 (St x (0, T)) and on Du in L2 (Sl x (0, T)).
We may then choose e small enough and conclude using Gronwall's inequality. We thus obtain bounds on p in L°O(0,T; L37(Sl)) n L4'Y(11 x (0,T)), on u in in L4 (0, T; W1'4())), from which we L4 (O, T; W1,4 (Sl)) and therefore on deduce a bound on u in L°° (0, T; Lq (St)) for all q < oo. The case when q > 3y (and q < oo) is then much easier. Indeed, the preceding bounds obviously hold and we may insert those bounds in the equation (8.63) in order to estimate the right-hand side which is thus bounded in L2(0, T; L2(cl)) + L4(0, T; W l,r(Sl)) for all r < 4. Since SIt=o E L(q+ ')/27, we deduce that S is L(q+,f)/1' () x (0, T)). Next, we observe that we have bounded in
p4 dx + (q-1) a
pq+7 dX _ -(q-1)
Using parabolic and this identity easily yields a bound on p in Lr(Ly) n Li regularity theory, the rest of (8.54) follows at least when q < +00. Finally, if q = +oo, we deduce from the previous bounds that u E L' , Du, pry E Lzt for all r < oo. Using once more (8.63), we derive a bound on S in L't This allows us to obtain the desired estimate on p in L' exactly as we did in the preceding section; indeed, we write
a logy+u-0 logp+ µ+ pry _ -S and we conclude using the maximum principle. Let us also observe that, in the periodic case, if inf ess po > 0, we also deduce that inf essn x (o,T) p > 0 for all T E (0, oo).
It only remains to show the existence of a solution satisfying the a priori bounds obtained above. There are many ways to do so; the simplest is probably to admit temporarily the existence of smooth solutions when the initial data are smooth, a fact shown below. Regularizing the initial conditions and passing to
Related problems
the limit, our claim is easily shown observing that the above bounds are then uniform.
Step 5: Another proof when 7 = 1, N = 2. We wish to present now a different proof of the Lq bounds in the case when -y = 1, N = 2. This proof is somewhat simpler and allows us to show (8.54) for all q > 1 but the bounds we obtain require the initial conditions po and u0 to satisfy: ua belongs to a compact set of H1 while p and p log p belong to a compact set of L' (St). Then, by the argument shown at the end of step 3, we already know that u belongs to a compact set of C([O, T]; L2)nL2(0,T; H1) while p belongs to a compact set of C([O, T]; L1)nLx,t and p log p belongs to a compact set of C([0, T]; L1) for all T E (0, oo) fixed. Next, we deduce from (8.63) if q > 1 IISIIL1+9(I x(0,T)) < C 1 +
and thus, in view of (8.66), we have II PII L°O(O,T;LQ(n))
+ IIPIIL1+9(nx(O,T)) :5 C 1 + (IPUIILi+Q(W; 1.1+
At this stage, we need to recall that
IIPUIIw-1.1+9 < IIPIIL1+9IIUIIL2 and thus
we conclude immediately when IIu!ILr(L2) is small enough. In general, this is where we use the compactness of u in C([O, T]; L2); indeed, we then deduce that, for each e > 0, we may find ui, u2 such that II U1 II Lr (L2) E, u2 E L' and u = ui + u2. The above inequality then yields IIPIIL1+9(nx(0,T)) :5 C + CEIIPIIL1+9(fx(O,T)) + CIIPU2IIL1+9(W 1.1+9)
CEIIPIILI+9(c x(O,T)) + C(E)II PII Ll+Q(Lr)
C + CEIIPIILI+9(nx(O,T)) + C(e)IIPIILI+Q(nx(O,T)) IIPIIL (L=)
C+CEIIPIIL1+9(nx(O,T)) +C(E)IIPIIL1+9(cx(O,T))
where 9 E (0,1) is determined by 10 + 1 - 0 =
11, 1
= 1+q + 2. The desired
bound on p then follows easily choosing c small enough. Proving the existence of a solution satisfying those bounds can be done using for instance the approximation (8.59) with p > 2. Indeed, one can then show that the preceding bounds are uniform in 6, while, for each 6 > 0, similar arguments
to those made above easily yield a priori bounds like (8.54) (in fact, one then obtains a bound on p in LP+q-1(St x (0, T)) and these bounds allow us to obtain smooth solutions exactly as we do in the next step. The only fact that requires some detailed explanation is the derivation of Lit bounds on p uniformly in 6-the energy bounds are obviously valid here and yield an additional bound on 8pp(1 + I log pI) in Ly,t. We then write the analogue of (8.58), namely ap2
= a (in P P + (i +C) (div u)p + a (p(-0)-1div u)
A Stokes-like model
- pu=R=R?uj +bpp(-A)-1(divu)
and we conclude easily since (-O)-idivu is bounded in Lt°(Hi) while bpp is bounded in Lt (Hz 1) since we have if bpp < 1
bpp (1 + I log b pp I) < 1
< pbpp (1 + I log PI)
if bpp > 1.
Step 6: Higher regularity and uniqueness. We consider here the periodic case since the arguments adapt trivially to the case when Sl = RN. We begin with the proof of (8.54). We observe that we have
Vplgdx < C
dt n
f I Dul Iopl'dx + f n
hence for all t E (0, T) (where T is fixed in (0, oo)) using parabolic regularity theory
JPtIIVPIIL9(n) <_ C f IIDuIIL-(n) IIVPIIL4(n)ds+ O
Next, we deduce from Appendix F that we have for all t E [0, T] IIDuIIL-(nx(O,T)) <- C 1 +log11 + Sup IIVPIILQ(n)] 0<s
hence, denoting M(t) = sup0<s
M(t)4 < C
[1 + log(1+M(s)]M(s)" ds,
and we conclude using Gronwall's inequality. The uniqueness is also straightforward: let (pi, ui), (p2i U2) be two solutions sharing the same initial conditions. Then we find d wt
fn (Pi -P2)2dx 2
(uiPi - u2P2) - V (P1 -P2)dx
(ui-u2) . VP2(Pi-P2)dx
Related problems
f(i -
< C IIDu111Loo(n)
In addition, we have for some v > 0
f d f Iul -u2l2dx + V ID(ul -u2)I2dx
5CIIP1-P21IL2(n) IID(ui -u2)IIL2(n)
We then conclude easily since, by assumption, u1 E L1(O, T; W1,00(0)) and P2 E L2(O,T; Lq(SZ)).
Step 7: Lq estimates in the case of Dirichlet boundary conditions. It only remains to show (8.54) in the case of Dirichlet boundary conditions. We thus need to adapt the arguments presented in steps 4-5 above and we do so by a straightforward localization. Let K be any fixed compact set included in SZ. We shall use various non-negative test functions (cut-off functions) W, ,O smooth enough such that W, ,O are compactly supported in SZ and cp - - 1 on K. Precise choices for cp and b will be given below. We first write
jco'1dx + (q -1)
< (q-1)
< (q-1) +
µ+ n co p1'qdx
c iSIPq+
Iu.VWIPpdx q/ (q+ry)
ryl (ry+q)
cplSI (ry+q)lrydx
1 SPY+9dx
fn WPry+qdx
Therefore, we obtain for all t E [0,T] Os up fn cppgdx +
< C
(f (PI SI(7+q)I7dx + 1 n
provided u E L(,'t q)/ry which is the case in view of the energy estimates if q < 3-y and provided cp satisfies IocI < CWq/(ry+q) on Q.
We then follow the proof made in step 4 and choose q = 3,y. We multiply (8.63) by i2S and obtain
d fn 02S2dx + (µ+e)
_ (µ+e) fn I Vbl2S2dx - + µ
V(2S)dx Jn
pry u
+µ+('y-1) [(divu)pb2Sdx
A Stokes-like model
Iv?pI2s2dx +
I p 2 (IDuI21SI + S2IDul )dx +
+fn P1I uI Io'&I'I Sldx + +
12pYIuI j
I dx
P7Iu121Dukb2 dx
and we conclude easily for all t E (0, T) using the energy bounds sup
[IISII2c) +I
2p1I uI2S2 dx + IIhjSII L2(o,t;H1(n))
-< C 1+f ds +
f o
2{IuI2IDuI2 + IDuI2ISI + S2IDul + Iu12IDuIISI dx
n p4-y04
p2"r I V
At this point, we may choose in cp = /Y,4 in (8.67). Notice that IVVIgo 3/4 is then automatically bounded on 11 as soon as Vt is bounded on 11. Next, we observe that we have (Ou)
- iiA(bu) - CV div(Ou) + av(iP(p'Y) = R + avb)p'''
where R is bounded in L. Since U E Lz,t, we deduce immediately the following inequalities IIODuIIL4(0 x(o,t))
< C(1 + II0P1'IIL4(0x(0,t)) + IIIVTIP1'IIL2(nx(0,t))) II
P1IIL4(nx(O,t)) <-
C(1 + II0SIIL4(nx(O,t)))
We finally observe that we have dt f nlul402dx < C
pryI uI2I Dul
+ p7IuI3'Ivi'I + IuI3IDuki'lvtPidx
uI42dx < C (IMP' IIi4(nx(o,t)) + f
ds fn2I u12I Dul2dx + 1
The rest of the argument presented in step 4 is then easily adapted using the preceding inequalities provided we explain how to estimate &Iul IDul and IV0IP''' when 'Y > 1 in L2(n x (0, t)). We first write fn021U12IDul2dx <
Related problems
< C f 2IuI4dx n
(Ii'iuI IDul IIL 2 + II IV
I Iu12II
and thus we have r b2IuI2IDuI2dx < C Jn [(f
2lul4dx i/4
+ f V)2ItI4dX
This allows us to adapt the argument made in step 4 above observing that IIUII
3 IIDuIIL 3 is bounded in L1(0,T). Finally, we estimate l V 1 pl' in L2 (St x (0, t)) as follows IIIV IP'IIL2(nx(o,t)) < IIP'IILP(Supp(,,)x(O,t))IIIV1PI1/O P1IIL4(nx(o,t))
where 1p9 + 4 = 2 and p is arbitrary in [1, 2). Therefore, we only need to choose
E Co ()) such that IVV; I < Coa on Cl for some a E (0,1) in order to deduce IIIV IP"IIL2(nx(O,t)) : CII'P"IIL4(nx(O,t))
where 6 E (0, 1) can be made arbitrarily small. We now explain how to localize the argument presented in step 5 above. The compactness used in step 5 is still valid on K x (0, T) for each compact set K included in Cl and for all T E (0, oo) (see step 3 above). Then, we write, with the same notation as before,
bbS) - (µ+)A(OS) _ + div(Oup) - (p+1)O S -2(p+C)VVVS
Next, we observe that S is bounded in L2 (S2 x (0, T)) n L°° (0, T; H-1) and pu is
bounded in L2(0, T; H-1). Therefore, the term [-(µ+l;)AOS 2(µ+e)vipvS] is bounded in L4(0,T; W-1'4) and we deduce, if q E (1, 3], the following bound: IIIbSIIL9+1(nx(o,T)) <
From there on, the proof is the same as in step 5, using the compactness of u in C([0, TI; L2(Supp 1)) and (8.67) with cp = l,1+9; notice that lVcplcp-q/(1+9) _ (1 + q)IV is indeed bounded on Cl. Finally, one way to show the existence of solutions with such bounds consists l
in approximating the problem set in Cl with Dirichlet boundary conditions by
On some shallow water models
problems set in a periodic box containing SZ and penalizing the domain ) as in the preceding chapter. Indeed, for each e E (0,1], we solve
+ div(pu) = 0 ,
1 Epu = 0 in Q x (0, oo)
where SZ C Q = (-R, R)2 for some large enough R, p and u are assumed to be 2R-periodic in xl and in x2 and p E Cb (R2) is periodic and satisfies p - 0 on 1, p > 0 on Q - SZ. For each e > 0 fixed, (8.69) is solved exactly as the original problem (in the periodic case) with exactly the same results. Then, it is straightforward to check that all the estimates shown above hold uniformly in e and we recover a solution satisfying the above bounds upon letting e go to 0+.0
8.4 On some shallow water models In this section we briefly discuss some models for shallow water. These models always involve a conservation equation for the height denoted by p > 0 a
ap + div (pu) = 0
in fZ x (0, oo) , p > 0
together with an equation for the velocity u of the following form aPu
+ div (pu ® u) + D + bVp2 = 0
in St x (0, oo)
where b > 0 is given. Various models (or approximations) are possible for D like for instance
D = -v pLu
V = -v 0(pu)
D = -v div (pVu) .
Finally, at low Reynolds number, it is possible to replace (8.71) by
D+bVp2 = 0.
For more details on these various approximated models, we refer the interested reader to, for example, P. Orenga [4261 and C. Bernardi and O. Pironneau [64]. Here and below, n is a domain in R2 and we consider the following two possibilities, namely the periodic case and the case of Dirichlet boundary conditions. In the first case, namely when we impose the equation (8.71), we prescribe initial conditions for p and pu while in the second case ((8.71) is replaced by (8.75)) we only prescribe initial conditions for p.
Related problems
In the first case (i.e. (8.70)-(8.71)), the Cauchy problem is completely open for the models involving (8.73) or (8.74). Therefore, we consider (8.72) and we first observe that (8.71)-(8.72) (in view of (8.70)) can be replaced (at least if
p>0) by
in 1 x (0,oo)
where a = 2b. We may then impose the following initial conditions Pl t=o = Po >- 0
in 12
in 0.
ult=o = uo
We restrict ourselves to the most natural situation of Dirichlet boundary conditions (u = 0 on 8S2). In order to state precisely our result, we introduce the best (i.e. minimal) constant Co for which the following inequality holds
I IuI2d
for all u E Ho (SZ)2-notice indeed that u E L4(11). Then, we claim that, if the following condition holds 2
I uo I2dx +J Po log PO < 2C2
PO log
po dx dx,
all the results stated and shown in the preceding section are valid here, and in fact, all the proofs and arguments presented and developed in that section immediately adapt to the setting studied here (notice in addition that this corresponds to -y = 1). The main modification concerns the energy bounds and this is precisely where we use the condition (8.79). These results are in fact taken from P.-L. Lions and P. Orenga [357]. Finally, the energy bounds are obtained as follows: first of all, we observe that fo p dx = fn po dx and thus fo p log (p/ fn po dx) dx > 0 (by the convexity of the function (t H t log t) on [0, oo)). Next, we multiply (8.76) by u and deduce (at least formally) using (8.78) dt
< Co
IDul2 dx
f IDuI2dx. n
We claim that the condition (8.79) remains true for all t > 0: indeed, if it holds up to time t, then Co (fn IuI2dx)1/2 is smaller than v and thus dt (2 fn I ul2dx + fo p log p dx) < 0. Therefore, (8.79) holds for all t > 0 and we deduce a priori
On some shallow water models
bounds on u in C([0, oo); L2(fZ)), p and pl logpl in C([0, oo); L1(fZ)) and on Du in L2(f) x (0, oo)), thus completing the proof of the energy a priori bounds. We now turn to the second case, namely the case when (8.71) is replaced by (8.75). If we use the condition (8.72), then (8.75) combined with (8.72) yields the following equality (at least if p > 0)
-vAu + aV p = 0
where a = 2b, and we remark that the system (8.70), (8.80) has already been studied (and solved) in section 8.3 above. Finally, if we use (8.73) (or (8.74)), the situation is rather different. In the case of (8.79) with periodic boundary conditions, we observe that we have
(p2 - -}n p2 dz
div (pu) =
(and curl (pu) = 0)
v Therefore, this system ((8.70), (8.73) and (8.75)) reduces to the following integrodifferential equation e+_P2=
and it is very easy to check that, if plt=o = po E L2(SZ) > 0, then there exists a unique solution p> 0 E C([0, oo); L2(f1)) fl C1([0, oo); L1(cl)) fl L3(St x (0,T)) (for all T E (0, oo)) such that p is bounded if po is bounded and p is always bounded on 1 x (8, oo) for each 8 > 0. On the other hand, if we use (8.73) with Dirichlet boundary conditions, we claim that such a model is not satisfactory since p may become negative: indeed, if plt=o = Po is smooth, then we have (at least formally)
i§F (X, 0)
V :=1
8xaayi G(x,
(where G is the Green's function for the Laplace operator (-0) with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions) and this expression may be negative on the set where po vanishes. In order to convince ourselves that this is indeed the case, it suffices to take (for example) fZ = {(x1i x2) E R2/X2 > 0}.
Then, 1 ax8- y; G(x, y) = 2a 1 away: log y = (Y1, Y2)). A simple computation then solves 2
E 8xza2Gays i=1
F._ y1
(y1, -y2) (and
- yl)2 _ (x2Ix + y2)2
Ix - yl4
- M,
hence, if we take po to be supported in a small enough neighbourhood of (0,1) and we pick x outside this neighbourhood (so that po vanishes at x), we have
Related problems
b r ((xi-yi)2 - (x2-+2)2)
7rU ,ln
Ix - W
which can be made negative if we choose x1 smaller than (1 + x2)2.
Finally, let us point out that we believe that the model involving (8.74) is also inconsistent but we have not succeeded in building convincing examples.
Compactness properties for compressible models with temperature
We discuss in this section compactness properties of solutions of the "full" compressible Navier-Stokes equations (namely with a temperature equation). More precisely, let (pn, un, Tn) be a sequence of solutions of the following system of equations
j + div(pu) = 0 in fl x (O, T)
p> 0
in St x (O, T)
at (pu) + div(pu ®u) - pAu
- V div u + Vp = pf
Ip = 2p
+ div ju
in SZ x (0, T)
- div (kVT)
p- 2 +pe+p
-p) div(u
in f x (0,T)
where p = p(p, T), e = e(p, T); d = .1 (Du + Dut); f (= f7) is given (exterior forces) on SZ x (0, T), and we assume (to simplify) that f n is bounded in L°O (SZ x
(0, T)), T E (0, oo) is fixed; k = k(T) > 0 for T > 0 and k E C([O, oo)) (for example); p and C are given and p > 0, + (N -1) p > 0; 1 is a bounded, smooth open domain in RN and N > 2. We choose to study the compactness properties of (pn, un, Tn) in the case of Dirichlet boundary conditions even though our arguments apply to the other usual cases (like the periodic case, the case of the whole space, the case of an exterior domain) and are essentially local in nature (some conclusions are global but their global character is in fact derived from local properties). We thus assume that un satisfies (V n > 1)
on an x (0, T)
and in order to fix ideas we impose Neumann boundary conditions on Tn namely
aT =0 on 8S2 x (0, T) (8.85) an where n denotes, as usual, the unit outward normal to ail. Of course, this is nothing but a simple example and it will be clear from the proofs below that many other possibilities exist for which the arguments we introduced are easily adapted. Let us also point out that the boundary conditions (8.84) and (8.85) are, as is well known, in fact integrated in either the requirement that un E L2(0,T; Ho (SZ))
Compactness properties for compressible models with temperature
(for (8.84)), or the fact that (8.83) (with (8.85)) holds in a weak form where we simply multiply (8.83) by an arbitrary function cp E CO° (1 x [0, T ]) N and write (for example) [2PIuI2 +Pe] co(x,0)dx Jn in f T - J n dx dt (2 pI ul2 + pe) - (2 plUI2 + pe + p) (u
([2pIul2 + pe] co) (x,T)dx
V w)
+ y d (u (9 Dcp) + (e- u) div u div cp + kVT V (p
Let us next recall (see for example, chapter 1 in volume 1 [355]) that (8.83) is equivalent (at least formally) to
4 (pe) + div (upe) - div (kVT) + (divu)p = 2,IdI2 + (C-p)(div u)2 in 11 x (0, T).
We also recall (see also for more details [355]) that the laws defining the pressure p and the internal energy e in terms of the density p and the temperature T must obey the classical principles of thermodynamics. More precisely, p and e have to
be such that there exists a function (called the entropy) s(p, T) such that s, as a function of e and r = p is concave in (e, r), satisfies as
1 ae
8s 8p
T 8p
p pz
(8.87) .
The existence of such a function s has various consequences: in particular, e(p, T)
is increasing with respect to T, p(p, T) is increasing with respect to p for s (= s(p, T)) fixed and fixed, and we have
is increasing with respect to p for e (= e(p, T))
p - T L = ae .
Relevant examples of e, p, s are given by: i) (ideal gas) e = CoT, p = RpT, (T11 -1)) = Co log (p T r) where R, Co > 0 are given constants and s = R logRl/Co _ -y = 1 + ; ii) (Mariotte's law) p = RpT, e = e(T) with e' > 0 on [0, oo), fT s= -tie/ (t) dt - R log p ; and iii) (Joule's law) e = e(T) with e' > 0 on [0, oo), p = q(p)T with q' > 0 on [0, oo), s = if e' (t) dt f1 q(o) do,. We shall assume throughout this tsection that (for example) e, p E C1([0,oo)2), e(p,0) = 0 for p > 0, s E C1((0,oo)2), p(0,T) = 0 for T > 0, ps+(p,T) E C([0, oo)2), (p,T) > 0 on [0,00)2 and that p satisfies
p(p, T) is non-decreasing with respect to p, for all T > 0.
Related problems
The latter condition is natural from a physical viewpoint at least if we postulate Joule's law since p(p, T )T -1 must be non-decreasing with respect to p for e = e(T) fixed, that is for T fixed. Let us finally recall that, at least formally, the following identity (the entropy identity) holds
aat (ps) + div(pus) - div
_T (8.90) µ = k T2 + T + T (div u)2 in SZ x (0, T) . Let us now turn to our assumptions on (p'n, un,T'). We assume that the se2
quence (pn,un,T")n>1 is bounded in L°° (Q x (0, T)) and (thus) that (un, Tn)n>, is bounded in L2(0,T; H1(1)) (Ho in fact for un, taking into account the homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions (8.84)). As mentioned above, (pn, un,Tn) solves, for each n > 1, (8.81)-(8.83) and (8.86) (even though (8.86) can be deduced from (8.81)-(8.83) as we shall see below).
The existence of the entropy s is not needed for our analysis but, if we were to assume it exists, we would then assume that (8.90) holds requesting 2 that pn(sn)- E L°°(0,T; L1(f )), DTn E L1(SZ x (0,T)) and log (Tn A 1) E L2(0,T; Hl) (and thus meas {(x, T) /Tn = 0} = 0, log Tn E L2(0,T; H1)). When this is the case, we immediately deduce from (8.90) integrating it over 12 x (0, t) for any t E [0, T] rt
I pn(sn)-(2, t) dx -} J 0 Jn <
r dx k I Tn)n22 + Tn Idnl2 +
,nA (div un)2
0) dx. Jn pn(sn)+(x, t) dx - J pnsn(x, a
Therefore, if we assume that the initial conditions ^ t=o =0 = p0 n, un I t=o uo , Tn I t=0 - To are bounded in L°° (St)-an assumption that we shall always make-and are such that po is bounded in L1(S2), we then deduce bounds (s0')-
T? 2 I'I
on pn(sn)- (and thus on pnlsnl) in L°°(O,T; L1(St)), k(Tn) and IDu I2 in L1 (S2 x (0, T)) and thus in particular on log(T' A 1) or log Tn in L2(0, T; H1(cl)). Since we shall not work with the entropy, we just mention these facts for future reference.
At this stage, we need to remark that the definition of uo and To is not clear since the equations (8.81)-(8.84) only allow us to make sense of pnunIt=o n nen MO) Pnun 2 It=o = coy n En P It=o - Enoand we assume that rnno, co o vanish on {pa = 0} and that Mn, ca , Eo are bounded by Cpo for some fixed C > 0 on (independent of n). Therefore, we may Y define un o en o respectively by u"o _ I
on {po > 0} and uo = 0 (for instance) on {po = 0}, eo = v on {po > 0} and eo = e(0,1) (for instance) on {po = 0}. Of course, we then need to assume mns that co = p = po luo I2 on {po > 0} and thus on St. Finally, we define To by
Compactness properties for compressible models with temperature
e(po,To) = eo on {po > 0} (or on !Q which amounts to setting To to be 1 on {p0 = 0}). Next, without loss of generality (extracting a subsequence if necessary), we may assume that po , mo , co , Eon converge weakly in L°O (SZ)w - * respectively to some po (0 0), mo, co, E0: obviously, we have po > 0, Imo I < C po, co < C po, Eo < C p0 a.e. in Q. We may also assume that pn, un, T n, en, pn, f n converge weakly in LO0 (SZ)w - * respectively to some p, u, T, e, p, f , and we have p > 0,
T > 0, e > 0, p > 0 a.e. in SZ, and that (un,Tn) converges to (u, T) weakly in L2 (0, T; IF' (0)). And, exactly as in chapter 5, we denote by 7 the weak limit of any sequence pn. The same arguments as in chapter 5 show that we have Plt=o = po, Pu = Pu, PI ul2 = plul2, uPI uI2 = upI uI2, upe = u pe, pint=o = m0, PIuI2It=o = co, Pelt=o = E0. Let us also point out that if we were assuming that e does not depend on p then we could immediately conclude that pe = pe, but we cannot in general without additional information on the convergence of pn to P.
Passing to the limit in the equations (8.81)-(8.84) really amounts to being able to identify e with e(p, T) and p with p(p, T). We also need to be able to pass to the limit in the terms up, d u, u div u, k (T) VT, p f and pu f (even though the last two terms could be easily handled assuming a strong convergence of f n to f). Exactly as in chapter 5, we need to obtain some strong convergence of pn and this is why we assume in addition that po converges to p0 in L1(IL) (and thus in LP(fl) for all 1 < p < oo). We may then state our main compactness result:
Theorem 8.9 Under the above conditions and assumptions, pn converges to p in C([O,T]; L}(f1)) and thus pnun, pnlunl2, pre, preen converge to pu, pl uI2, p, pe respectively in LP (11 x (0,T)) while Tn converges to Tin LP ((11 x (0,T)) fl {p > 0}), for all 1 < p < coo. In addition, if pouo converges in L' (11) to pouo, un converges to u in L2(0,T;H1(SZ)) and in L"(SZ x (0,T)) for all 1 _< p < oo,
and so does Tn provided e does not depend upon p and L2 (SZ) to
polo converges in
Remark 8.21 The only serious restriction to the applicability of the preceding
result is in fact the L' bound we assumed on (p, u, T). Indeed, and this is in fact the main obstruction to the construction of solutions in general, very few bounds on (p, u, T) are available (and come from mass, energy and entropy conservation or identities): more specifically, if we assume the existence of an entropy (as explained above), we obtain bounds on p in C([0,T]; L1); pIuI2 and z pe in C([0, T]; L1); ps in C([0, T]; L1), DT and T I DTI2 in Li,t (provided we assume that s+ < C(1 + e) on [0, 00)2). We shall come back to this delicate and crucial point in the next section. Next, if we are willing to postulate bounds that do not seem to be within our reach-and we are in order to examine the stability and compactness features of compressible Navier-Stokes equations-L' bounds can be substantially relaxed. For instance, in the ideal gas case (e = C0T , p = RpT), if we assume Lt (Hy)
Related problems
bounds on (un, Tn) (bounds which can also be relaxed), then a bound in Lz,t on pn is enough to ensure the convergence of pn to p in C([O,T]; L'(11)) n LP(1 x (0, T)) (V 1 < p < 2), using a bound on ps in C([O, T]; L1) which thus requires a bound on p°s° in Ll.
Remark 8.22 The remarks made in chapter 5, section 5.2 on the propagation of oscillations (namely Remarks 5.8 and 5.9) can be easily adapted. In particular, the example built in Remark 5.8 (based upon homogenization) in the isentropic
case carries over to the setting studied here, at least when we assume that e does not depend on p (i.e. only depends on T). Indeed, it suffices to replace the system (5.24) by
j + divy(pu) = 0 in RN x (0, oo) -pAyu - Vy div u + Vy p(p, To) = 0 in RN x (0, oo),
[pu dy = [mo dy
for all t > 0
which, as shown in section 8.2 above, admits unique smooth solutions. We then solve the following auxiliary equation -divy(k(To)Vy9) + (divy u) p(p,To) = 2µI Dyu+DyuT I2 + (e-p)(divy u)2
in RN x (0, oo)
(with fn 9 dy = 0). All unknowns (p, u, 9) are assumed to be periodic in each xi (1 _< i < N) of period 1, Q = (0, 1)N and To > 0 is given. We may then construct solutions of the above system which have the following asymptotic expansion (more precisely what we write below are the leading terms of their asymptotic expansions) pn
p(nx, t)
un ti 1 u(nx, t) n
Tn -z,- To + T2- 9(nx, t)
Proof of Theorem 8.9. Step 1: Convergence of pn and consequences. Exactly as in the proof of Theorem 5.2 (sections 5.3-4, chapter 5)-see also the Appendix B-we obtain the following information
div un -
+ pn Q(Pn)
(divu_ +p Q(P) µ
weakly in L2 (1 x (0, T)) .
Then, in order to conclude the proof of the convergence of pn, we only need to show the following inequality PP
0 > ppe
for any 9 E (0, 1) (in fact, for any 9 E (0, oo)). Indeed, once this inequality is proven, the rest of the argument is the same as in the proof of Theorem 5.2.
Compactness properties for compressible models with temperature
Next, in order to prove (8.94), we use the condition (8.89) and the bound on Tn in L2(0, T; H1(1k)). Indeed, we first claim that we have for any continuous functions ,3, -y on [0, oo)
f3(P)'Y(T) = Q(P) 7(T) .
Since T n and pn are bounded in LOO (St x (0, T) ), it is enough to prove this claim
for 3 and y bounded with continuous and bounded derivatives. Then, -y(Tn) is bounded in L'(0, T; H1 (0)) while at O(pn) (= -div(un8(pn))-(divun)[ai(pn)pn is bounded in L°O(0,T;W-1'1)) +L2(St x (0, T)). We may then apply Lemma 5.1 (section 5.2, chapter 5) to complete the proof of our claim. The proof of (8.94) is then straightforward; indeed we write p(P,T)P =
J 0 1(P>_a)Pe a (A, T)dA =
(A,T) dA
and similarly
pPe =
1(P>APe ap(A,T)dA.
We may then conclude since (8.89) precisely means that aP (A, T) > 0 for all A > 0, T > 0 and pe 1(P>1) < Pe 1(P>,\) in view of Lemma 5.2 (section 5.5, chapter 5). Having thus proven the convergence of pn to p, we deduce as in the proof of Theorem 5.1 the convergence of pnun (and pTTn) to pu (and pT respectively) in LP (11 x (0, T)), and thus of un (respectively T') to u (respectively T) in LP ((Q x
(0, T)) n {p > 0}) for all 1 < p < oo. In particular, extracting subsequences if necessary, we may assume that un (respectively Tn) converges a.e. to u (resp. T) on the set {p > 0}. Since p(0, T) = 0 for all T > 0, we deduce that p(pn, Tn) = pn,
plunl2un, pne(pn,T') = peen, pnunen converge respectively to p = p(p,T), plul2u, pe(p,T) = pe, pue in LP(SZ x (0,T)) for all 1 < p < oo.
Step 2: Convergence of (un, Tn) in L2(0,T; H1). We begin with the convergence of un in L2 (0, T; H0) . The idea of the proof is very simple: one writes, at least formally, the following identity rT
o 2pnlunl2dx(T)+ I J
dsJ dxuIDu"I2+t(divu")2 in
ds J dx pnun f n + (div un)pn i
+I 1
co dx
Letting n go to +oo, we deduce that (fo ds fo dx pnun fn + (div un )pn + fo co dx) converges to fo ds fo dx pu f + (div u)p + fn 2 co dx as n goes to a
Related problems
+oo. And, since (p, u) solves (8.81)-(8.82), the latter quantity is also equal, at least formally, to the following quantity (f0 ds fn dx µI Du 12 + t; (div u)2 + f 2 plul2dx(T)). This is enough to ensure the strong convergence of u" jr L2 (0, T; Ho) to u. Therefore, we only have to justify the above identities obtained by multiplying
(8.82) by u. In order to do so, we shall mollify (8.82) with respect to t and we (E ), with n > 0, , is even on IR, fR rc(t)dt = 1, Supp rc C introduce nE = [-1, +11 and e E (0,1]. Extending all functions for t E [-1, 0) and t E (T, T + 1] on R by 0 for instance, w e obtain, denoting co (x, t) = f cp(x, s) r., (t s)ds for
any function cp,
f f T
dx Gb (Pu)f ' u - P(u ®u)E Du
+ ptDu, Du + & div uE div u - Vip,div u
1T1 dx b(Pf)F u + 1T1
[ mor(t) -
for any t' E Co (0, T). The last term of the right-hand side obviously vanishes for a small enough, namely if e < inf Supp and E < T - sup Supp iP, and from now on we assume that this condition holds (so we can safely ignore all boundary terms) and we wish to let s go to 0. We obviously have T fdtf dx - p(u ® u)E Du + pi)Du, Du lim
+ O div uE div u - V)p,div u - 1P (pf )Eu j0T
dx-p(u ®u) Du + µlDul2 +
(div u)2 -p div u - dip f u
Let us also observe that we have 2
dx - p(u (9 u) Du = -
dx pu V 12
We thus need to compute the limit of (fo dt fn dx ac (pu)E u) and we write this expression as (fo ds fo dt fn dx 0(t) p(x, s) u(x, s) rcE(t - s) u(x, t)). Next, we observe that we have by elementary computations which are easily justified 0=
d 2
dx'(t) j dt in J IT
ds p(x, s) u(x, s) rcE(t-s) u(x, t}
ods p(x, s) u(x, s) rc(t-s) u(x, t)
+ a f i(t) p(x, s) u(x, s) rc'E(t-s) u(x, t) ds 0
Compactness properties for compressible models with temperature T
- 5 (x, t) ds
(ti(t) p(x, s) - ip(s) p(x, t)) u(x, s) rc, (t s)
t1(s) u(x, S) a(a ) (x, t) rce(t
- 2 JO
i(s) u(x, s) u(x, t) Ke(t-s)
- s) ds
(x, t) ds.
Therefore, we deduce ds dt
fT +
dx iP(t) p(x, s) u(x, s) rcE(t-s) u(x, t)
r dx dx ti'(t) Jn IT IT r
2 J0 Jo
ds dt
T 2
ds p(x, s) u(x, s) K (t-s) u(x, t)
dx [ i(s)p(x, t) - b(t) p(x, s)] u(x, s)r.,(t-s)
j (x, t) - 2Ty(s) u(x, s) u(x, t) Ke(t -s) div (pu)(x, t) . The first term of the right-hand side converges, as c goes to 0+, to jT
dx ik'(t) Plul2
while the last term goes to
+a f
dt J n dx Ti(t) pu OIu12
We are left with the following expression 1
[b(s)P(x, t) - Ty(t)P(x, s)] u(x, s) Ke(t-s) I I ds dtJ dx (x, t) n Tds - -1 Jo TJ dt n dx u(x, s) u(x, t) at [((s)P(x, t) -(t)P(x,
_ -2
ds dt
dx u(x, s) u(x, t)
((s) t (x, t)
p(x, s))
Ke(t-s) + [ b(S)P(x, t) - ')(t)P(x, s)} KE(t-s)
TT =2
ds dt
t) V
s) u(x, t)) Ke(t-s)
J0 0 Jn +u(x, s) u(x, 00' (t) P(x, S) Ke(t-s) + Tux, s) u(x, t) 1 01 (S + A(t-s))dA ((t-s) KE(t-s)) p(x, t)
Related problems
262 1
V (u(x, s)u(x, t))((t-s) rc'' (t-s))
(pu)(x, s + A(t-s)dA
which goes to 0 as e goes to 0+, since (t - s) r.' (t - s) _
t E 88 rc' (tt
and f R trc'(t)dt = -1. In conclusion, we have shown that we have (in the sense of distributions) 2
pIuI2dx+J 4JDu12+l;(divu)2dx =
fpi.u +p divudx on (0,T)sswhich
was precisely the formal identity we had to justify.
In the case when e does not depend upon p, the argument for T' is almost the same once we observe that F" = [-(divul)pn + 2µIdn12 + (e-y)(divu")2] converges in L1(1 x (0,T)) to F = [-(divu)p + 2pldI2 + (e-µ) (div u)2]. Hence, we only need to write (8.86) as
in n x (0, T)
i [pnf (Bn)] + div [p"unf (Bn)] - O9n = F'
where on = K(Tn), Q o K = e, K(7) = f' k(s) ds for all A > 0. In view of the aforementioned convergence of Fn, (fo dt fn dx Fn9n) converges, as n goes to +oo, to (fo dt fn dx F) . In addition, the convergence of Tn on {p > 0} shows that we have 9 = K(T) on {p > 0} and thus 49
(p/(g)) + div (pu,3(9)) - A9 = F.
Finally, justifying the computations exactly as we did above, we have
p"ry(6")dx(T) + P
f /0
py()dx(T) +
dxlV8' I2 = J 0
dt I dxIV2 = R
r dt I dx F6
Hence, V9n converges in L2 (St x (0, T)) to 09 while (for example) we already know that J 9 ' converges in L2 (SZ x (0, T)) to 9 (and fn p dx = fo po dx > 0 ' for all t E [0, TI). Therefore, on converges in L (0, T; H1())) (since IIV (L2 + lk/ IIL2 is an equivalent norm on H1) and thus in LP() x (0, T)) (V 1 <_ p < oo) to 6. We then conclude easily.
Global existence results for some compressible models with temperature As seen in the previous section, the major remaining difficulty for the actual
construction of global weak solutions of the system (8.81)-(8.84) lies with the lack of a priori bounds. Indeed, in the ideal gas case for example, the only
Global existence results for some compressible models with temperature
known a priori estimates are the following: p, plul2, pT and p log p are bounded s in Lt°(Lx); k(T)T-21VT12 and DT are bounded in Lit. These bounds are not
sufficient to build solutions and, in fact, they are not even sufficient to make sense of the energy equation since u(pc + pe + p) = (R+Co)pT) is not known to be integrable! We want to show in this section how this difficulty can be somewhat circumvented if we are willing to modify the constitutive laws only for large densities and for large (and small) temperatures. We are only going to detail one exam-
ple and it will be clear that many other cases can be treated by the arguments we introduce. More specifically, we choose p(p, T) = q(p) (T + 6) where 6 > 0 and q is a continuous, non-decreasing function on [0, oo) such that q(0) = 0
converges to a positive limit as t goes to +oo for some a > 1 and fo 1.JIds < oo-this last assumption is only made to simplify the presentaq(t)t_a
tion and is not really needed for our analysis. We begin with the case when 6 > 0 and later on explain the modifications to be made when S = 0. Next, we choose e(p, T) = COT + 6 fo q(s)s-2 ds. One then checks easily that there exists an entropy s = s(p, T) given by s = Co log T - fa q(s) s-2 ds, and, by a straightforward computation, that s is concave as a function of e and rr = n Also, we shall need k to really depend upon T since we assume that k E C([0, oo)), k > 0 on [0, oo) and k(t)t-b converges to a positive limit as t goes to +oo for some b > 1. In order to fix ideas, we shall only work with k(t) = ko+k1tb
where ko > 0, k1 > 0 and b > 1. Finally, we restrict our attention to N = 2 or
We are going to show in this section that, if we choose a and b large enough, then it is possible to construct global solutions for such compressible systems. However in order to do so, it is necessary to explain carefully the meaning of solutions. We shall look for (p, u, T) "satisfying" (8.81)-(8.83) with periodic boundary conditions (as usual we could consider as well all the other boundary conditions studied and used in the text above) and some form of the entropy identity (8.90). The density p is required to satisfy p E C([0,T]; Ll(SZ))f1C([O,T]; L2(S )w) and plt=o - po in 12 where po > 0 E L1 fl La(f2), po # 0. The temperature T satisfies: T > 0, T E L2 (0, T; H1 (11)), log T E L2 (0, T; HI (11)), and in particular meas { (x, t) E SZ x (0, T) / T (x, t) = 0} = 0, Tb/2 E L2 (0, T; Hl (SZ) . The velocity u satisfies: pu E C((0, T]; L27/(7+1) (SZ) - w), pint=o = mo with mo - 0 a.e. on {po = 0}, u E LP(O, T; Wl,q(SZ)) for some p, q < 2 which depend upon N and b
and that can be made as close to 2 as we wish by taking b large enough-this point will be detailed later on. In addition, pIu12, pT and p log T E Ll (0, T; L1) and 2pJu12, CopT, Cop log T - p fo q,s ds = ps(p,T) converge (in the sense of distributions) as t goes to 0+ respectively to co = Im012/po, eO, so (which are thus assumed to belong to L'(S2)), and we assume that eo = so = 0 a.e. on {po = 0} and that eo - S fo ° q(s)s-2 ds = Co exp(c0 [so + fo P0 q(s)s- 2dsD on {po > 0}. Finally, we require u to satisfy IDu12 T-1 E L1 (S) x (0, T)). We next need to make precise the meaning (and the formulation we shall use)
Related problems
of equations (8.81)-(8.83) with (8.90). In fact there are many possible variants and we just give one possibility. Equations (8.81)-(8.82) hold in the sense of distributions provided we check that p E L' (l x (0, T)) or that paT E L1(cl x (0, T)), all the other terms being clearly defined in L1(f x (0, T)) at least. Let us recall that we assume that f E L°° (11 x (0, T)) (for instance) in order to simplify the presentation. The equation (8.83) will be understood as follows: there exists a distribution E such that 2
5 p
= pu f
p 2 + pe+p
Sl x (0, T)
In fact, this says little more than the natural identity for the global total energy, and additional information is in fact deduced from the entropy identity. We now make precise (8.90) (i.e. the entropy identity): we request that there exists a bounded non-negative measure m on fl x (0, T) such that we have div (pus)
at (ps) + = m + koLL + kol0LI2 + k1EB + b
dl2 + µ(div u)2] ,
where L E L2 (0, T; H1(11)),
L < log T
B > bTb ,
E L2 (0, T; H1 (Q)) and we agree that
4Ivv12. This formulation makes sense provided we check that plugs E Ll (fix (0, T)) or that plug I log TI and palul E L1(Sl x (0, T)). In conclusion, we have introduced a rather complicated formulation of the full system of compressible Navier-Stokes
equations that we need to motivate and we shall do so below. In addition, this formulation is meaningful provided we check that paT, pluI3, palul, palulT and pul log TI E L' (11 x (0, T)), a fact whose discussion we postpone since we first wish to discuss the above formulation, and explain the role of the auxiliary unknowns, E, B, L. We need to introduce them in order to take into account possible losses of compactness (or the lack of L'(Hy) estimates on u) we cannot overrule because of the lack of a priori bounds. If we were able to prove L° bounds-as assumed in the preceding section-then indeed we could simply set E = 21u - d + m = 0, L = log T and B = iTb, and this would be in fact a consequence of the compactness results (and proofs) developed in the preceding section. However, the lack of such a priori bounds forces us to introduce the weak limits of log T, namely L, and 6T6, namely B. We shall prove below some compactness results of T on the set J p > 0} and thus we have as a by-product of the arguments presented below in fact L = log T on the set {p > 0}. Let us also mention that, in view of the definition of O, L, B (as weak limits), standard functional analysis considerations yield the following additional inequality valid a.e. on 11 x (0, T):
Global existence results for some compressible models with temperature
Finally, we want to explain that if (p, u, T) satisfies the above formulation and, for instance, belongs to LO° (SZ x (0, T)) and if there is no vacuum, i.e. meas J p = 0} = 0, then (p, u, T) is in fact a "standard" solution of the original system of equations (8.81)-(8.83) and satisfies (8.86), (8.90) (in the sense of distributions). Indeed, by formal computations which can be justified as we did in the proof of Theorem 8.9 for similar formal computations, we deduce from (8.96) (taking L = log T, B = 1Tb a.e.) that there exists a bounded non-negative measure fn on SZ x (0, T) such that jt (CopT) + div(CopuT) + (div u)p - div(kVT) = 2pJd12 + (t; -p)(div u)2 + rn while we have
(1&12) +div (u (2pJu12))
div(2pm.d) -
div(udiv u) = pu f .
Therefore, we deduce in particular
d (f
pIuI2+CopTdX = fpu.fdx+dni(c2t).
We may then compare with (8.95) (integrated over St) and we deduce that m 0. In other words, (8.86) holds from which we deduce that (8.83) holds (and also that (8.90) holds). Let us also mention that it is plausible that the above
argument can still be made without assuming that meas{p = 0} = 0 by an appropriate modification of (8.96), but we do not want to pursue this argument here since, anyway,. it requires bounds on (p, u, T) which we do not know how to obtain. The only merit (if any!) of the above argument is to show that the auxiliary unknowns we introduced are merely reflections of losses of compactness and do not really affect the physical equations, since they can be recovered if the solutions we build are bounded. We finally turn to the discussion of the integrability of the various quantities mentioned above (plul3 , paT, pa lul, pa IuI T and pl ul I log TI). In fact, we claim that these quantities are integrable for a and b large enough. We shall obtain below some a priori bounds on pin L°O(0,T; L°(Q)), on pT and pi u1 2 in L°°(0,T;L1(11)), on log T, T and Tb/2 in L2(0,T;H1(11)) and finally on DT in L 1(Q x (0, T)). Therefore, if N = 2, T is bounded in L' (0, T; Y (n)) for all r < oo while, if N = 3, T is bounded in Lb (0, T; Lr (S2)) with r = 3b. Therefore, Du ( DuT ) 1/2 T 1/2 is bounded in LP (0, T; LQ (n)) with p1 = 21 + 21b ) -1 = + 2r1 and we remark that p and q go to 2 as b goes to +oo. As we shall see f elow this will yield (at least for a, b large enough) bounds on u in LP (O, T; W 1"4 (Q)). In order to make sense of the above quantities, we shall need some further a priori estimates. We shall prove below that pe pa (T +5) is bounded in L1(O x 12
Related problems
(0, T)) for some 9 > 0 which goes to N a - 1 as b goes to +oo. Admitting temporarily all these bounds we may now check that pJuJ3, paT, pau, palutT and pluI log T are bounded in L1 (S2 x (0, T)) and in fact in L' (0 x (0, T)) for some t > 1. Obviously, it suffices to show this claim in the case when "b = +00", i.e. when T E LOO (Q x (0, T)) and u E L2(0, T; H1(SZ)). Since pa+0 is bounded in L' (SZ x (0, T)), the claim is immediate for the quantity paT and the one for pa lulT follows from the one on pa Jul. Next, writing pJuI h log TJ = (fp Jul)\ I log TI, we deduce that it is bounded in Lt0(L,,) Lr(Lza) Lt (Hi) C Lt (Ly) for some
t > 1 provided a > 1 if N = 2 and a > z if N = 3. We now turn to
when N = 3 (the case N = 2 being obviously simpler since u (and p) enjoy better bounds): first of all, plul3 is bounded in L213(Lx) with -11 = 1 + a writing plu13 = p. Ju13 while it is bounded in Lt (L6/7) writing pIuJ3 = (pIu12) Jul. We only have to deduce from these bounds that piu13 is bounded in L' (LA) for some ,Q > 1: indeed, we find A = 2 a + 6) = s + 2a < 1 if a > 3. When N = 2, the condition is that a > 1. We conclude with the most delicate term, namely pa Jul (and thus paluIT): this is where we need the additional bound on p. Once more, we consider only the case when N = 3 since the case when N = 2 is easier. Then, we remark that pa Ju( is bounded in Lt (LO) with « = a+e + a, Q = a+T + 1 while a-1/2 + .1. Next, we observe a-112 1 it is also bounded in L7 t (La) x with If1 = a+9 2' b = a+9 that, as a goes to +oo, as+9 and as+e2 go to 5 therefore goes to -1, 10 --1 goes to 30 while ,11 goes to b and b goes to is . And we conclude since 5 10 + -11 55= 1 111 4 23 while 5 50 + 5 50 - 6 < We may now state our main result. 1
Theorem 8.10 With the above notation and conditions, there exists a global solution (p, u, T) of (8.91)-(8.93) and (8.90).
Remark 8.23 In the case when b = 0, the same result holds (with the same proof) provided we degrade the notion of solution (even more!). The difficulty lies with the fact that we no longer know that pus and in fact p'u E L oC: indeed, we have some information on pep and, unless T is known to be bounded from below, we cannot deduce (at least we are not able to deduce) that pau E L' 10C, Then, we only obtain a distribution E' such that (8.96) holds with pus replaced by V.
Sketch of proof of Theorem 8.10. We shall only discuss the proof of the a priori estimates and the compactness analysis, the only missing element being the actual construction of a solution which can be deduced from a series of approximations very similar to what we did in the previous chapter and sections. The details, which are quite lengthy and tedious, will be omitted here. We thus begin with the a priori bounds. First of all, the energy identity immediately yields a bound on pT, plul2 and 4na in L'(0, T, L1(Sl)). Next, the entropy equation (8.90) implies
Global existence results for some compressible models with temperature
pI sI dx+
dt J dx I VTb/212 + IV log TI2 n
C 1 + sup Jdxp(xt)s+(xt)] 0
< C 1+ sup [dxplogTl(T>l) 0
< C Ii + sup in, dx pT < C. 0
pa). Finally, the entropy equation also yields a bounds on DT in L' (12 x (0, T)). We then deduce L2 (0, T; H1(1)) bounds for T, Tb/2 and log T. First of all, we write for all t E [0, T]
pTdx >
f p T- f n
T dy dx+
- CIIPIILa 11 T- inT dyll Laica-l) +C <-CIIVTIIL2 if as1 < N 2, i.e. a > N+2 Since II VTII L2 + I fn T dyI is an equivalent norm fnT dy
on H1, we deduce that T is bounded in L2((0,T; H1 (!Q)). Next, we apply the same argument with log T using the bound shown above on p log T in Lt ° (Lx) . Finally, we observe that the above argument shows that the norm II VWII L2 + I fn p(t) cp dxI is, uniformly in t E [0, TI, an equivalent norm on H1. Therefore, we have for all t E [0, T] IITb,2IIH= < C [IIvTb/2IIL2 +
inn pTb/2 dxI
where a + 1 a" + P = 1 and a > 0 is chosen small enough in order to ensure that
(b - a) p/(b/2) < N 2 (indeed if a = 0, p =al and as 1 < NN2 if a > N+2 Then, we deduce IITb/2IIHy <- C IIvTb/211L2 + IITb'2110
with 8 = (2 follows.
- a)/(2) < 1. Hence, IITb/2IIHz <_ c[IIVTbi2IIL2 + 1] and our claim
Related problems
At this stage, we have shown all the a priori bounds which were used in the arguments presented before Theorem 8.10 (but for the bound on ps+a(T + S)). In particular, Du is bounded in LP(0,T; Lq(f )) where p and q go to 2 as b goes to +oo. Then, if a > N and b is large enough, we deduce from the LtO(Li) on pIu 12 a bound on u in LP (0, T; W 1,q (S2)) . Indeed, we have for all t E [0, T] 2
(jPdY)JudY2 < C 1+f PIu< C (l + II PII ty
< C(1 + IIDuIIis)
n u dY
I2 2
for b large enough.
Hence, k f uu dyl is bounded in LP(O,T) and thus u is bounded in L"(O,T; W1,q(Q)). Finally, the fact that pa+e (T + S) is bounded in L' (St x (0, T)) for some 9 > 0 which goes to 12-Y a -1 as b goes to +oo follows from a straightforward adaptation
of the arguments presented in section 7.1 (chapter 7) replacing the bound on u in L'(0, T; H' (fl)) by the bound in LP(0, T; W 1q (S2)) and recalling that p and q go to 2 as b goes to +oo. We now turn to the compactness analysis on a sequence (p', u", T" )n> 1 of, say, smooth solutions satisfying the previous bounds uniformly in n and such that (pn, u", T") converges weakly to some (p, u, T) in [L°O (0, T; L'(11)) (weak-*) nLa+e(1 x (0, T))] x LP(0, T; W l,q(11)) x L2 (0, T; HI (SI)). In addition, we assume
that the initial conditions satisfy the bounds introduced above uniformly in n and that po = pnlc=o converges in L1(Q) to po (# 0). Then, we argue as in the proof of Theorem 8.9. Using the bound on T11 in L2 (0, T; H1(St) ), we deduce that we have /3(p) 'Y(T) = Q(p) -y(T)
from any /, y E Cb(R) for instance. Using the bounds on (pri)g+9(Tn + S), we deduce from (8.98) for any 9' E (0, 9) q(p)(T+S) = q(P) (T+S)
q(P)Pe'(T+S) = q(P) Pe' (T+S)
and since we always have q(P) peg > peg q(P)
we obtain finally P", P > Pe, P
This inequality allows us to prove that pn converges to p in C([0, T]; LP (f)) for all 1
Global existence results for some compressible models with temperature
pnlunl2un, unpn, pnsn and pnsnun converge in L'(SZ x (0, T)) to pu, pu ®u, p, plul2u, up, ps and psu, respectively, and this completes the compactness analysis. The fact that we recover at the limit a solution (in the sense defined before Theorem 8.10) is straightforward in view of these convergences. Let us only observe that for all cp E C(St x [0, T]), cp > 0, we have
dtJ dx co
IDunl2 T,n
Indeed, Dun converges weakly to Du and Tn converges weakly to T (in the appropriate spaces) and we remark that the function (y, x) ' - l is convex in (x, y) on (0, oo) x RM for any M > 1.
Remark 8.24 We wish to observe that we can apply the same type of methods in order to analyse stationary problems (see chapter 6 for related results) namely div (pu) = 0 in 0,
in SZ,
in p dx = M
div (pu (9 u) - pEu - l;V(divu) + V(q(p)T) = pf in
u= 0
on 8SZ
(divu)q(p)T - klT
= 2pldl2 + (6-p)(div u)2 in fl an + AT = ATo
on 811
where M > 0 is given, k > 0, Co > 0, A > 0 and To is (for instance) a positive constant. We only discuss (in order to restrict the length of this remark) the case of boundary conditions contained in (8.99) where fl is a bounded, smooth, simply connected domain of R2. We assume for example that f E L°O (SZ), that q(p) is a smooth (Lipschitz for example) increasing function on [0, oo) such that q(0) = 0 and q(t)t'° > 0 for some a > 1. Then, we claim that there exists a solution (p, u, T) of (8.99) such that T, T E Lq (SZ) for all q E [1, oo) ; T and log T E H'(SZ) ; q(p) E LP(St) and u E WW''(SZ) for all 1 < p < 2 ; s 'DT E L'(11) and the following properties hold
div u p 12u2
+ CopT + p
- div (kVT)
= pu f + 211 div(u d) + (l; - p) div (u div u)
div (pus) - div
(8.100) in SZ
T T Idj2+ Tp(divu)2+T2 IVTl2
and p E LIO (St), U E WWo (Q), T E W oq (SZ), div u
(Q) +E q(p)T E W11, 0C
and curl u E Waq (Q) for all 1 < q < oo. Let us also mention that the latter
Related problems
regularity statements are valid up to the boundary if we modify the Dirichlet boundary conditions as we did several times in chapter 6. We only prove the a priori bounds. First of all, integrating (8.101) on 11, we deduce
dx +
Ja T
dS < C
where C denotes various positive constants independent of (p, u, T). We first deduce from this bound a bound on log(T A 1) in H1(1) and thus on T in Lq (SZ) for all 1 < q < oo. Indeed, we have 0 < 18n log
dS < log
T ^ 1 dS < C
and the bound on log(T A 1) in HI (0) follows since V log(T A 1) = TT 1(T<1) a.e. in 0. Next, we integrate (8.100) over SZ and we deduce an
TdS < C(1 + IIPuIIL1(n))
fan log (1+T) dS < log{C(1 + IIPUIILI(n)) } . On the other hand, we deduce from (8.102) that = log (1 +T) -f-an log (1+T)dS is bounded in H1(S2). Hence, is bounded in L'(12) for all 1 < q < oo and we deduce from (8.103) the following bound for all 1 < q < 00 eq1t
IITIILq < C(1 + IIPuIILI(n)) .
This bound combined with (8.102) yields the following estimate for all 1 <
p<2 IIUIIWI,P(n) <
C(1 + IIPuIIi (n))
hence, if we set cY = 3p-2 -P IIUIIW1.P(n) <
C(1 + IIPIIL°`)
and, using (8.99), we deduce IIq(P)TIILP(n)
C (1 + IIPIILa(0))2(1 + IIPIILO(n)) + IIq(P)TIIL1(n)
< <' (1 + IIPIILQ(n))2 (1 + IIPIIL-,) where y is arbitrary in (a, oo). Hence, we obtain for any r E [l, p) IIq(P)IIL*(n) < C(1 + IIPIIL°(n))2(1 + IIPIIL-1)
and thus choosing y = ar IIPIILa*(n) < C(1 + IIPIIL0(n))
On compressible Euler equations
< C(1+
where 1 = a + 1-0. Since a goes to 1+ as p goes to 2-, 0 goes to 0 and thus l < 1. We have thus shown a priori bounds on T and log T in H1(0), T and aa
T in Lq(SZ) for all 1 _< q < oo, u in W"'P(SZ), q(p) and q(p)T in L"(SZ) and p in Lap (11) for all 1 < p < 2. It only remains to show the local bounds on (p, u, T) which are proved exactly as in chapter 6. We first obtain that curl u and (p+1;) div u - q(p)T are bounded in L PI (S2) for all 1 < P1 < 2a from which we deduce (as in Chapter 6) a bound for all 1 < qj < 2a2 and on Du in L o1(SZ). By a straightforward on p in
bootstrap argument, we deduce that u is bounded in W , (n), p is bounded in L c(SZ), curl u and (p+t;) div u - q(p)T are bounded in Wloc (1) for all 1 < q < oo. Then, we use the temperature equation which yields the fact that T is bounded in W , (SZ) and that T is strictly positive inside SZ (by Harnack's inequality). We then conclude easily that p is bounded in LOO (fl) (using the fact
that (p+t;) div u - q(p)T is bounded as we did in chapter 6). 0 8.7 On compressible Euler equations In this section, we briefly discuss some facts related to global solutions (for general initial conditions) of compressible Euler equations in the isentropic case, i.e. c9p
+ div (pu) = 0
P>0 at asu
in RN x (0, oo)
+ div (pu ®u) + aV p = 0
in RNx (0, oo)
where N > 1, a > 0 and y > 1. We complement this system of equations with the following initial conditions PI t=o = Po >- 0
in RN,
pelt=0 = mo
in RN .
This deceivingly simple-looking system of first-order partial differential equations has a long history of important contributions over more than two centuries
and we want to emphasize the fact that this section is by no means a survey on this problem. This is why we shall concentrate mainly on a few basic topics. We begin recalling a few classical facts on the above system of equations (see for instance P.D. Lax [321], [322] for more details):
i) If po and uo are "smooth" enough, these exists a maximal time interval [0, TT) on which there exists a unique "smooth" solution (p, u) of (8.106)(8.107) (for 0 < t < Ta). In addition, if TT < oo and this is the case in general, (p, u) becomes discontinuous as t goes to T,,. ii) If we allow for discontinuous solutions, i.e., for instance, solutions p, u E L°° satisfying (8.106)-(8.107) in the sense of distributions, then solutions are
Related problems
neither unique nor stable. More precisely, one can exhibit sequences of such solutions which converge weakly in L°°-* to functions which do not satisfy (8.106)-(8.107). iii) In order to restore the stability of solutions and (possibly) the uniqueness,
one may and should impose further restrictions on bounded solutions of (8.106)-(8.107), restrictions which are known as Lax entropy inequalities that we now detail.
An entropy (or a Lax entropy) is a function rl = rl(p, u) such that there exists another function (called the entropy flux) 4D = (V(p, u).... , 4D N(p, u))
with values in RN satisfying the following property: whenever (p, u) is a smooth
solution of (8.106)-(8.107) on any time interval (0, to) with to > 0, then (p, u) also satisfies
+ div (4P) = 0.
This is the case if and only if we have for all p > 0, u E RN s
ui + 4971
a ui 4977
ap P 6ij + auj
1 < i, j < N.
Next, if N > 2, this immediately implies that we have p
ap auk
a2 =0 (1
ft, aui _
492 77
from which we deduce easily rl(P, u) = co
a 2
+ E Ci Pui + by +d i=1
where co, C1, ... , CN, b, d are arbitrary constants. In other words, since pui (1 _<
i < N), p and 1 are trivial entropies, the only non-trivial entropy is the total energy 77 = 2 pJu12+ Ya 1 pr' which corresponds to the flux P = 2 puJu12+ Y ryl Up,,.
If N = 1, the situation is completely different since 77 is an entropy if and only if it satisfies 77
492 P
2= aryp-'-3 au2
for p> 0, u E R.
The entropy inequalities mentioned above consist in writing the following inequality for any convex entropy rl, namely any entropy 17 which is convex in p and pu
On compressible Euler equations 'In
+ div
in V.
A bounded solution (p, u) of (8.106)-(8.107) satisfying (8.111) is then said to be
an entropy solution. When N > 2, this simply means that we impose a local energy inequality
(PluI2+1P7)+div{u{PIu2+ a71 p 1 j 2 - ) -
<_ 0.
The lack of entropies is one of the essential reasons for a very limited understanding of compressible Euler equations in dimensions greater than or equal to 2; and before making some (rather wild) speculations in that case, we now concentrate on the case when N = 1. In that case, any solution of (8.10) is an entropy and we request that it is continuous in (p, pu) E [0, oo) x R. Hence 77(p, u)l p=o must be a constant on R. Since rl is clearly defined up to a constant, we may thus always require r) to vanish for p = 0, u E R. Next, we observe that (8.110) can be looked upon as a time-dependent wave equation which is invariant by translations (in u). Then, we may write all relevant entropies as
rl(P, u) = fR g(C) X(P, C-u)
for some function g on R and where X is given by X(P, w) =
(e-1 _w2)+,
A = (3 - -y)/(2(-y - 1))
In particular, X(p, w) = if -y = 3. In fact, this specific form requires the constant a to be precisely given by a = (-y 1)2/(4ry), a requirement which
can always be satisfied for any a > 0 by an appropriate scaling. The above observation is immediate once we remark that X is nothing but the fundamental solution of (8.110) (Xlp=o = 0 , ap Ip=o = So). In particular, we have P=
X(P, e-u) d
Pu =
eX(P, c-u) de .
Finally, one can check (see P.-L. Lions, B. Perthame and E. Tadmor [359]) that 77 is convex in (p, pu) if and only if g is convex. We may now define precisely an entropy solution (p, u) of (8.106)-(8.107): (8.111) is required to hold for any 17 given by (8.113) with g convex on R. This makes sense if we require (p, u) to be bounded on Rx x [0, oo). Another natural case consists in assuming that (p, u) has a finite energy, i.e. p E LO° (0, oo; L,' ,), pl ul2 E L°°(0, cc; L'10c): in that case, we need to restrict the growth of g assuming
Related problems
that g is subquadratic. We also need to precise the entropy flux. A straightforward computation then shows that -P (P, U) = fR g()[9e + (1-9)u] X(P> e-u) d
where 9 = y-1 2 We next describe the so-called kinetic formulation of the notion of entropy solution, a formulation introduced in [359] which allows us to write in a single equation both the system of equations (8.106)-(8.107) and the preceding set of entropy inequalities. Indeed, it is shown in [359] that (p, u) E LOO (R x (0, 00)) is an entropy solution of (8.106)-(8.107) if and only if x = x(p, a-u) satisfies 2
at + ax [(9 + (1-e)u)x] for xE]R, eER, t>0
where m is a bounded non-negative measure on R2,, x (0, oo). In order to be more specific, let us observe that if x is given by x(p, 1; - u) for some functions (p, u) of (x, t), then p and pu can be recovered from x using the formula (8.115). The meaning of (8.118) is relatively clear: indeed, for each t; E R, x(p, c-u) is an entropy and thus we expect to have
a [(0 + (1-9)u)X] = 0 in view of (8.117), at least when p and u are smooth. The right-hand side in (8.118) therefore accounts for the possible losses of smoothness of (p, u). The fact
that the two first moments of x do satisfy the natural, associated conservation laws then yields the second derivative with respect to and finally, the sign of m simply reflects the entropy inequalities. Let us observe in addition that, clearly enough, if p and pu are of class C' in an open set 0 of R x (0, oo) then m - 0 for (x, t) E 0, l; E R. Finally, the terminology "kinetic formulation" comes from the strong similarity of the above formulation with kinetic models. In fact, it goes beyond a simple similarity since , which is nothing but an extra "hidden" variable, plays the same role as a velocity (one can also think of as a fluctuation variable). In addition, when -y = 3, then 9 = 1 and the transport operator in the left-hand side of (8.118) simply reduces to (a +l; ax ) . In that case, it is possible to approximate (8.118) by a "Boltzmann-like" kinetic model, namely replacing x, (- as )respectively by f ,
(X-f) where f =f(x,e,t) >0andx=X(P, u-C), Then, letting a go to 0+, we may recover (formally but also rigorously) (8.118) and, roughly speaking, the collision term E (x - f) converges to a distribution (with the precise form of - a for some m > 0) which is "supported" on shocks. We refer the interested reader to P.-L. Lions, B. Perthame and E. Tadmor [359, 360] for more details. We may now state our main existence result.
On compressible Euler equations
Theorem 8.11 Let (po,mo) E L°°(R2) be such that po > 0, mo/po E L°°(R). Then, there exists an entropy solution (p, u) E Loo (R x (0, oo)) of (8.106)-(8.107) such that PIt=o = Po, Pul t=o = mo.
Remark 8.25 Obviously, u is not uniquely defined on the vacuum set l p = 0}. More generally, the uniqueness of entropy solutions is an important open problem.
Remark 8.26 Aspects of the proof of the preceding result were given in a remarkable paper by R. DiPerna [150] when ^f = 2k+1 with k > 1, the proof being completed by G.Q. Chen [101] with an extension to the case when 1 < 'y 3 The case when ry > 3 is treated by P.-L. Lions, B. Perthame and E. Tadmor [359] while a general proof (which is also not too complicated) is presented by P.-L. Lions, B. Perthame and P.E. Souganidis [358] for 1 < ry < 3. 0
As usual, the above existence result is shown in [358] by approximating
(8.106)-(8.107), adding "viscosity terms" namely (-e a-.P), (-e a), with e > 0, respectively in the right-hand sides of (8.106)-(8.107) and by passing to the limit using some compactness properties that we state, as usual, for "exact" solutions and not for "approximated" solutions. More precisely, the following result is shown in [354] for ry > 3 and in [358] for 1 <,y < 3.
Theorem 8.12 Let (pn, un),,,>1 be a sequence of entropy solutions of (8.106)(8.107) that we assume to be bounded in LO°(Rx (0, oo)). Without loss ofgenerality, we may assume that (pn, un) converges weakly in L°° (Rx (0, oo))w-* to some (p, u) E LOO (R x (0, oo)). Then, pn and pnun converge in L"((-R, R) x (0, T))
top and pu respectively for all 1 _< p < oo, R E (0, oo) and T E (0, oo). Therefore, un converges to u in LP({(-R, R) x (0, T)} fl {p > 0}) for all 1 < p < oo, R, T E (0, oo) and (p, u) is an entropy solution of (8.106)-(8.107).
Remark 8.27 We wish to emphasize that, contrarily to what we saw for compressible Navier-Stokes equations in chapter 5, no assumption is made about the behaviour of (pn, pnun) at t = 0. In particular, oscillations may be present initially and are immediately wiped out for positive time. In other words, the inviscid case (i.e. Euler equations) enjoy better compactness properties than the viscous case (i.e. Navier-Stokes equations), a fact which may look slightly surprising in view of the better regularity expected for solutions in the viscous case. A tentative "physical" explanation of this phenomenon is the following: as the initial oscillations grow (in frequency), shocks develop in shorter times and truncate these oscillations thus restoring compactness. In other words, the shocks, which are a consequence of the non-linearity of the system, do create the above compactness!
Remark 8.28 In the very particular case when 'y = 3, a much more precise result is given in [359] which states some partial Sobolev regularity for entropy solutions. These bounds, in turn, immediately imply compactness. The proof (see [359] for more details) is an immediate consequence of the kinetic formulation.
Related problems
It is a very interesting open question to decide whether such a direct proof is possible for general 'y's (proving directly from the kinetic formulation either partial regularity results or even the mere compactness of solutions as stated in Theorem 8.12). The actual proof of Theorem 8.12 relies upon the compensatedcompactness approach initiated by L. Tartar [531] and extended by R. DiPerna [150], and uses the kinetic formulation in a straightforward (although somewhat technical) manner in order to eliminate the possible losses of compactness which are measured in terms of Young measures a la Tartar [530].
Remark 8.29 As mentioned above, the existence proof in [358] uses a viscous approximation where, however, we introduce very specific second-order derivatives of p and u (of p and pu in fact). This raises a very natural question which is still open: can we pass to the limit from solutions of the compressible NavierStokes equations to (entropy) solutions of the Euler equations? In other words, if we only add the natural viscous term (-E e ) in the right-hand side of (8.107) and solve the resulting system, can we let a go to 0+ and recover entropy solutions of (8.106)-(8.107). 0
We now turn to a slightly different topic which concerns bounds on solutions. If the initial conditions are bounded, then LO° bounds on an entropy solutions
(p, u) follow easily from the kinetic formulation (see [359] for more details). s Furthermore, it is shown in [359] that if po uo 2 + Po = po + po E L'(R), then p(3'y-1)/2 +pIuI3(x, t) dt. the kinetic formulation yields a bound on sup essXER fo We wish to describe now another bound which follows from a general observation that seems somewhat related to the compensated compactness theory and more specifically the so-called div-curl lemma (see F. Murat [401,402], L. Tartar [531] and also R. Coifman, P.-L. Lions, Y. Meyer and S. Semmes [110]). We first state
and prove this general observation and then apply it to the Euler equations. We assume that u, v, w are given functions in L10C (St) where 11 is a bounded open set in R2 and that u, v, w satisfy
u>0, w>0, uw>V2 (9U
=0, a7X+ay
=0 inD'(S2).
(8.119) (8.120)
Then, we have
Theorem 8.13 uw
- v2 E L'10j C(SZ) and, for any compact sets K, k included in
12 such that K C K, we have JK
uw - v2 dx dy < C(IIuII
L1(K1) +
for some positive constant C which is independent of u, v, w.
On compressible Euler equations
Remark 8.30 The preceding result admits many variants. We may for instance
replace in (8.119) the assumption u > 0, w > 0 a.e. by u > -f, w > -g where f, g E Li ". We may also relax in a similar way the condition uw > v2 a.e. and we may also allow for appropriate right-hand sides in (8.120). Another variant consists in assuming that u, v, w E Ll (11), 11 is smooth and simply connected and 'n= (') Proof of Theorem 8.13. Let cp E C000(0) be such that cp = 1 in a neighbourhood of K and 0 < co < 1 and Supp cp C K. In order to simplify the presentation, we also assume that Supp cp is simply connected (otherwise, the argument can be adapted somehow but becomes quite technical). We first deduce from (8.120) .n=0.
the existence of cx,,3 E W 1,1(w), where w is a simply connected domain such that Supp cp C w, such that U
ay, w
In particular, we have on w az+ap
= 0.
Thus, there exists 7r E W2,1 (W) such that a = ev , l3 = -
In other words, we
ax ay
and (8.119) is then equivalent to the convexity of ir. Next, we use a regularization kernel r.E = 1 rc(E) where rc E Co (R2), ,c > 0, fez rc dz = 1 and Supp rc C B1. Then, for s small enough we may write, denoting tpE = ip * rcE for any function t/,,
1g2 cp(uewe-v) dxdy
W det(D2ire) dx dy 1
alre a,r,
ax ay
2 ae
fK IVir£I2 dxdy < C(IIueIILI(k) + IIVEIILI(k) +
Hence, we deduce in particular the following inequality uEwE - vE dxdy <
C(IIuetIL1(k) + IIvEII
L1 (k) +
JK Indeed, we only need to observe that uEwe - vE > 0 since we have vE(x)2
(Jv(Y)ic(x_)d)2 y
dx d y
Related problems
v2 (y)
X. (x -y) dy uE (x) < we (x) vE (x) .
We may then conclude easily upon letting a go to 0+ and using Fatou's lemma since ufwe - vE > 0 and uE, v6, wE converge a.e. to u, v, w respectively. 0 We may now apply the above observation to arbitrary weak solutions (and not only entropy solutions) of (8.106)-(8.107) (recall that N = 1) where we assume
that p E L0O(0,T; L O0(R)), pIuI2 E LO°(0,T; L; °(R)) (for some T E (0, oo)) and thus, in particular, pu E LOO (0, T; Li/(7+1) (R)) We then replace (x, y) by (t, x), (u, v, w) by (p, pu, put +ap7) and we thus deduce a bound on pi+'Y in L' (0, T; Li °(R)). In doing so, let us point out that we do not localize in t and thus, in the preceding proof, we have to take care of some boundary terms that we simply write formally:
JR aX (x)
x zr dx -
( x)
a (1 (a7r)) 2
wr dx -
2 ax
cp aepu
T 0
These boundary terms are easily seen to be bounded since pu = - E L°° (0, T; Ll y/(-'+i) (llt)), az = p E L°°(0,T; Lj O(R)) and 7r E L°°(0,T; L 10.0c (R)). In fact, the preceding proof only requires that p E LP (0, T; Ll O(R)), plu12 E L1(0, T; L10 O(R)) and pu E LO°(0,T; L (R)) where p > 1, b > 1 are such that pb2 + P 0
Remark 8.31 One can also apply Theorem 8.13 to stationary two-dimensional compressible Euler equations. Indeed, we have in particular ax (pui +p) + 8y (puiu2) =
a (pu1u2) + ay (put +p) = 0 .
Then, if we assume that pIuI2 E Li and p > 0 E L oc, we deduce a bound in Li°° on (Pui P)(Pu2+p) p2uiuz = p2 + pIul2p 0 We now conclude this section with a few speculations on (8.106)-(8.107) when N = 2. We already qualified what follows as wild speculations and we certainly want to emphasize the fact that there is little evidence to support
them (in particular, they might be completely wrong!). More precisely, we wish to discuss the possible compactness properties of sequences of entropy solutions of (8.106)-(8.107). Recall from the above discussion of entropies that the only one is the total energy [2 pIuI2 +.;7=a 1 p-1]. First of all, we wish to point out that
the analogue of Theorem 8.12 does not hold when N > 2 and when N = 2 in particular. This can be shown easily by many arguments or examples: it can be deduced, for instance, from an identity we shall state below or from a specific class of examples discussed at the end of this section.
On compressible Euler equations
We begin with a (formal) remarkable identity due to D. Serre [484]. We rewrite (8.107) as
au +
(u.V )u +
7 1 and taking the curl of this equation we find t
(curl u) + (u V) (curl u) + (div u) (curl u) = 0
at (curl u) + div[u(curl u)] = 0.
Combining this identity with (8.106), we deduce easily
u)/p} = 0 ,
{(curl u)/p} +
and thus we have for any, say, bounded continuous function /3 on IF, d (' p,,
dt f
(curlu) dx = 0. p
These formal identities show that we cannot expect the divergence-free part of the velocity field to enjoy any automatic compactness properties since it is essen-
tially purely transported. On the other hand, if initially, i.e. at t = 0, (curl u)/p is bounded (for instance) then (8.124) indicates, at least formally, that we may expect (curl u)/p to remain bounded uniformly in t >_ 0. In particular, if initially the energy is finite, this implies that curl u is bounded in L°O(0, oo; L'') (at least). We may thus expect a uniform (in t) "regularity" (and thus compactness) of the divergence-free part of u. It is also tempting to expect that the compactness result Theorem 8.12 holds, when N = 2, for the density p and for the potential part of u. There is little rigorous evidence for this hope. We can simply invoke a naive passage to the limit as it, go to 0+ in the identity which measures the dissipation of the "strength of oscillations", obtained in chapter 5 for Navier-Stokes uations. This formal passage to the limit forces quantities like pl+7 - P pry (or pe+ti Pe pry to vanish at the limit, an indication of the "automatic compactness" of pn). If the compactness of pn were established, one can, at least formally, argue convincingly that u'', or equivalently the potential part of u'', is compact. Indeed, we write un = Virn + w'n where wn and irn. are bounded in L°° (0, T ; W"'q) for
all 1 < q < oo, and as " is bounded in L°°(0, T; Li) for all 1 < q < oo, and n n applying the div-curl lemma ([402]) with and (U% n j , we obtain air
pat + p Ju12 - puw = p hence p[Ju12
+ pl'a12 - puw
= 0, and the compactness of u on (p > 0) then follows.
Related problems
Consistent with the above speculations are two simple classes of examples that we briefly describe now. First of all, in the radial case, that is when p and it are radial and u = 07r, we are essentially in the one-dimensional case and the compactness of p and u = 0ir holds. Next, we consider the case when p, ul and u2 do not depend on x2 so ui is the potential part and u2 the divergence-free part. Then, (p, ui) is a solution of the one-dimensional system of equations and thus the compactness of p and ul is ensured by Theorem 8.12, at least if we assume that (p, u1) is an entropy solution (otherwise we may have to solve the interesting and natural open question which consists in asking whether Theorem 8.12 is still true when we allow for only one entropy, namely the energy). Then, u2 = w solves (writing x for x 1 and denoting u = u l)
(P'w)+ax(puw) = 0.
The above quantity (8.124) then indicates that we should expect to obtain a solution of (8.125) with some smoothness, at least under some conditions on the initial condition pwlt=o = no. This is indeed the case as we now show. We assume, for instance, that wo = no / po and d /po are bounded and we consider, in order to simplify the presentation, the periodic case (the proof being easily adapted to more general situations). Let is, = E r(E) and rc(z) = (21r) We then denote pe = p * ice , ue = (Pul)e /Pe . Observe that, if po 0 0, then pe > 0, pe E Wt '°O (Cz°), (pu)E and uE E W1'°° (Cr) and
+ a (Peue) = 0. Next, we set wo,e = (wo)e and we observe that I
1 < C po,E for some positive
constant C independent of e. We may then solve the following linear transport equation
8+ a=0 uE
for x E R, t > 0;
w1t=0 = Wo,e
and we find a smooth solution which obviously, satisfies a
hence, we have for any continuous function a dt
f dx pe
= 0.
In particular, and thus ai are bounded in L' . It is then straightforward to pass to the limit and obtain a solution w of (8.125) in Wi,t °. Furthermore,
On a low Mach number model
one can build, in this manner, such a solution which satisfies for any convex continuous function Q and for all t > 0
< f dx Po Q
8.8 On a low Mach number model In chapter 1 (volume 1) [355], we derived formally, letting the Mach number go to 0+, the following model
at +div (pu) = 0, p > 0
div u = co A(1/p)
+ div (pu ®u) - div Nn(p)d) + 0ir = 0
for some scalar unknown r, where co > 0 is a fixed constant and µ is a continuous
positive function on (0, oo). Finally, we denote, as usual, d1? = 1(a + e ) for 1 < i, j < N, and we consider either the case when the equations are set in RN, or the periodic case when again the equations are set in RN and we require the unknowns to be periodic. In fact, we shall concentrate below on the case of the whole space requiring u to vanish and p to be constant at infinity in an appropriate sense. The periodic case is then a straightforward adaptation. However, we do not discuss here the case of Dirichlet boundary conditions in order to avoid some rather lengthy considerations on boundary conditions. The above system of equations and more precisely its extension to combustion models, i.e. models for reactive flows, has been introduced by A. Majda [363]
and studied in particular by P. Embid [169] as fas as the local-in-time wellposedness is concerned. We want to make some mathematical observations on the existence (and regularity, uniqueness) of global solutions in the case when N = 2. Before we discuss further the results we are going to obtain below, we wish to point out that a special and important class of solutions of the above system consists in taking p - p, a positive constant. Then, the preceding system reduces to the classical (homogeneous) incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
(see for instance chapter 3, volume 1 [355]). Therefore, our goal is to obtain global existence results for finite energy solutions which contain as a special case the known results on incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. More precisely, we impose the following initial conditions PI t=o = Po,
ult-o = uo
where uo E L2 (RN ), po E LOO (RN) and 0 < a < po < ,Q a.e. on RN for some
a < ,3 E (0, oo) and we assume in addition that po - p E H1(RN) for some positive constant p and that div uo = coo (-L). For the reasons explained above, we would like to obtain the existence of global solutions without size restrictions
Related problems
on uo or more precisely on its divergence-free part. Unfortunately, we are unable
to do so when N > 3 and we only succeed in doing so when N = 2 and po is close top in some precise sense detailed below. From now on, we thus assume that N = 2, and we begin by proving various a priori estimates which are central for the existence of global solutions. These a priori estimates, as will be clear from the arguments below, are obtained by using a variety of equivalent formulations of the system of equations (8.126)-(8.128), equivalent formulations that we first wish to describe. First of all, we may write (8.126), using (8.127), as i9p
+ (u'V)P + cop0
or equivalently (at least formally)
log p + coo 1
(log p) +
Next, we may write in view of (8.127)
where v has to "vanish at infinity". Then, we write
Pu = pv + co pV P = pv -coo log p . Therefore, modifying the pressure field (* = r - co
log p), we find
(pv) + div (pu (9 u) - div (2p(p)d) + Vfr
= 0.
Also, if we go back to (8.130), we deduce 9+v
Op+coI0 2 P
(8.133) P
eP0e-P = 0
and finally, setting W(p) = -(p2 + 2p + 2)e-P + (p2 + 2p + 2)e-p,
at (AP(P)) +
coLe-P = 0 .
We first show some a priori estimates on p. First of all, we remark that (8.130)
yields by the maximum principle
On a low Mach number model
on R2 x (0,00).
0 < a < p(x, t) :5,8
Next, we multiply (8.133) by W(p) and we obtain by integrating by parts
d fR
Ico(P)I2 dx + co
P2e-2pIVPI2 dx = 0.
And, in view of (8.135), we deduce a bound on p - p in Lt (Hz) n LrcL2). We next wish to obtain a bound on p - p in Lt (Hi) n Lt ° (HH ), on 7t in L2 't and on v in Li (Hz)nLt°(L2). We begin by multiplying (8.132) by (-Ap) and we deduce using (8.135), where C denotes various positive constants independent of u and p, 2 dt
IopI2 dx + Q2
IopI2 dx _< C 2
{IVpI2 + IvI IVPI} IkpI dx.
Hence, we deduce, recalling that fR2 ILpI2 dx = fR2 ID2pI2 dx, for some v > 0
f IVPI2dx+v
ID2P12 dX
IVpi2 {IopI2 + Iv12} dx.
Then, we multiply (8.134) by v and integrate by parts to find 12
dx -
fR2 puj
+ 2co
81 8jv1 dx
µ(P) dij
2µ(P) I d(v) I2 dx
(v(!)) 8jvt dx = 0.
This obviously implies the following inequality: d
dx+µ12jDv12 dx R
C fR2 Iop I2 { IopI2 + IvI2 }dx
µ(p) dij v
8jvi dxl
where µ = inf {µ (t) / t E [a, ,f3] } > 0.
We then need to estimate carefully the last integral of the right-hand side of (8.137). In order to do so, we observe that, for all c > 0, there exists a Lipschitz (or C°°) function µE such that
max I µ(t) - µE(t) I < e.
Then, we write
R(P) dij o
8jvi dx
Related problems
=j 2
J f2
a1v= (9i vi
a'jp8 vi dx
dx +
µE (P) p2 8 vs dx, ai 2P
and we observe that we have
acv;, dx
a= (µ2 a9 p) ajvi dx P
Hence, we obtain, observing that the first integral vanishes since div v = 0 1
fR2 p(p) d1, V
< C (1
+ tmf
Qf I
I vpI2I Dvl dx + 2
I D2Pi IDvI dx.
We may then go back to (8.137), choosing a small enough, and we deduce for some v > 0
T fplvI2dx+v f
IDvI2dx 2
IVPi2 [Ivpl2 + Iv12] dx. 2
At this stage, we set vo = uo - co v -PL (so that div vo
0) and we let
R > max (1, fR2 No l2 dx). We then claim that if we fix R, a, ,0 and T E (0, oo) then we can deduce a priori bounds on v and Vp in LOO (0, T; L2 (R2)) and on Dv and D2p in L2(0, T; L2 (R2)) provided fR2 IDpo I2 dx is small enough (depending on R, a,,3 and T). These bounds obviously imply a priori bounds on v, Dp and thus u in L4(R2 x (0, T)), hence, in view of (8.132) and (8.135), on at in L2(R2 x (0, T)). Indeed, we may argue as follows: we first postulate that II VPII L4 (JR2 x (o,T)) <_ 1. Then, we a deduce from (8.138) from classical arguments
IVP14dx + C 2
< CfR2IVPl4dx 1+
IVpl4dx fR2pJV12
IDvl2dx 2
dx + 2 fIDvI2dx
and we deduce easily IIVII L°O(o,T;L2(R2)) + IIDvIIL2(R2x(O,T)) + IIVIIL4(Dt2x(o,T)) < C.
We then go back to (8.136) and we obtain dt
f I V pl2dx + v f I 2
D2pI2 dx
On a low Mach number model
285 1/2
1/2 I.
IvPl2 dx
ID2pl2 dx + C z
f Ivpl2dx
ID2pI2dx. JR2
Hence, if we postulate that fR2 lVpl2dx < 3C for all t E [0, T], we deduce
dt f
I VpI2 dx + v R,
ID2p12 dx < C
Using (8.139) and Gronwall's inequality, this yields T
IDpI2 dx + / dt
sup tE[O,TJ
dx I D2PI2dx < C
and thus
IIVPIIL4(R2x(o,T)) <
C1 Rs
Therefore, taking fR2 IVpol2 dx small enough, we may check that our postulates are satisfied and this suffices to prove our claim. Let us observe that the above argument also shows that we have II OPII Loo(o,T;L2(R2)) + IID2PIIL2(R2x(0,T)) + IIVPIIL4(R2x(O,T)) atapIIL2(R2x(O,T))
+ Il (at least if I I V p0 I I L2 (Ra) is small
(8.140) < CIIVPOIIL2(R2)
Once these bounds are shown, it is then possible to prove the existence of a solution (under the above conditions) (p, v) which satisfies: p E L2(0, T; H2(R2)) a E L2(R2 x (0, T)) and thus p E Q0, T]; H1) n L4(0, T; W1,4(R2)), V E L2(0,T;H1(R2)) n L00(0,T;L2) and thus v E L4(R2 x (0,T)). The existence can be obtained by appropriate regularizations and follows easily by standard compactness considerations once we explain that v is relatively compact in LQ (0, T; L2 (BR)) for all 1 < q < oo, R E (0, oo). We only sketch the argument since, anyway, we are not providing here all the details of the existence proof. We first take the curl of (8.134) and we deduce that curl (pv) =
a15 ffj
where ff.7 are bounded in L2 (R2 x (0, T)).
On the other hand, pv is bounded in L2 (0, T; H1(R2)) in view of the bounds previously obtained, hence curl (pv) is bounded in L2(R2 x (0, T)). This is enough to ensure that curl (pv) is relatively compact in (for instance) L2 (0, T;
Related problems
H-1(BR)) for all R E (0, oo). This, combined with the fact that dive = 0 and with the bounds on p easily yield the compactness of v in L2 (BR x (0, T)) for all R E (0, oo) (see for related arguments chapter 2, Volume 1 [355]). Our claim on the compactness of v is then a straightforward consequence of the bound on v in L'(0, T; L2(RN)). We also want to point out that, for the above solutions, the various formulations of the equations that we used all hold, as is easily seen in view of the regularity of the solutions. Furthermore, we want to observe that, for any such solution (p, v), we have the following additional information: v E C([O,T]; L2(R2)), at EL 2 (0, T; H-1(R2)) + L4/3(R2 x (0, T)) and 7r E L2(R2 x (0, T))+L4/3(0, T;1D1,4/3(R2)) where wedenote 151,4/3(R2) =IV E L4(R2) , V' E L4/3(R2)} endowed with the norm IIVVIIL4/3(R2). The continuity in t of v with
values in L2 follows obviously from the information on ai once we recall that v E L4(R2 x (0, T)) n L2(0,T; H1(R2)). Next, we deduce from (8.134) 8PV
+V* = aj(fj)
fj E L2(R2 x (0,T))2
(V 1 < j < 2)
(recall that it - 7r = -co at log p E L2 (R2 x (0, T))) But, we also have in view .
of (8.132) z
2 v - (v'O)pv E L4/3(R2 (OP)v - co IVI x (0,T)) P
Therefore, we obtain 19V
+ V it = 9 + ej (gj) at P
gj E L2 (R2 X (O, T)) 2
9 E L4/3 (R2 x (0, T))
(V 1 < j:5 2)
-P f
since p 8j (f j) = 8j (1 f j) j and 1 E L°° (]R2 x (0, T) ), Op E L4 (1R2 x (0, T)) . Hence, it only remains to show that (8.141) implies that fr E L2(R2 x (0, T)) + L4/3(0, T; D1,4/3(R2)). In order to avoid some specific (and tedious) technicalities due to R2, we briefly explain why this is true, replacing R2 by 112, that is in the
case of periodic boundary conditions. Then, we only need to show by duality that if div (IVO) E Lt (Wy 1'4) n L2(L2) then 0 E L4 (Wy'4) n Lt (Hi). As is well known, the fact that p and 1/p E L' , implies that 0 E Lt (WW, q) for some q E (2, 4). First of all, we observe that we also have
F= AO - V log p. V EL
(L2) n Lt (W. 1,4)
t since p E Lz,t and Vp E List. Next, we recall that b = V log p E Ct(L2), therefore we may find, for all b > 0, bb E C such that 11b6 we deduce from elliptic regularity IID0IIL=,< < C
L(W= 1'4) + 11(b5 -
b)'OcbIIL4(L4/3) +
- b I I ct (L2)
< b, and
Ilbo.V IIL4(L4/3)
A few facts about some function spaces
< C 1 +bIIV IIL=,t +
The fact that V0 E Lz,t then follows upon choosing b small enough. Once this is proven, we deduce that 0O = F + V log p V E Lt (L2) and we conclude.
Remark 8.32 Let us observe that the proof of the crucial a priori estimates (8.139)-(8.140) also works if we assume that IIVP0IIL2 + IIvoIIL2 is small enough.
In that case, there is no restriction on the time interval (0, T).
Remark 8.33 It is possible to analyse the higher regularity of p and v and their uniqueness (at least when p is constant or even Lipschitz continuous) but we shall not do so here since we believe that the first problem to solve should be the global existence of solutions without size restrictions on po (or (po, vo) as in the preceding remark).
In Chapter 5, we have used the following set included in Lj (cl) (f can be an arbitrary o-finite measure space or a domain in RN) defined for 1 < p, q < 00 by
Lp(n) _
{f E Li c(c) If 1(Ifl_a) E LP(f ),
f 1(IfI>5) E Lq(SZ)}
where b > 0 is fixed. First of all, it is not difficult to check that LP does not depend on the choice of b > 0 since z4 is bounded from above and from below (away from 0) on any interval x E [5k, 521 with 0 < bi < b2 < oo. In particular, we deduce that we have
E LP/e(S2)
if f E Lp and p, q > E.
Obviously, meas {iii > b} < oo if f E LP and thus we have Lp(0) C Lpq1(S2)
if 1 < qi < q < 00
1 < p < pi < oo.
Next, if ip is any convex function on [0, oo) which is equal (or equivalent) to xp for x small and to x4 for x large, observing that [XP1(X6)I ,Ii(x)-i is bounded from below (away from 0) and from above on [0, oo), we see that we have (A.4) Lp(11) = If E Li c(cZ),I (f) E L1(c)}.
From this fact and the properties of ip, it is easy to check that LP (9) is a linear vector space. We now explain how to define a norm on Lp(SZ) even if it is a well-known fact for the general Orlicz spaces of which Lp(SZ) is nothing but a rather special example. We set IIOIILp = 0 and for f # 0 in Lp(11) IIflILp(n) = inf{t > 0 /
< 1}.
Let us immediately observe that fn, w* 0 in Lp(1) if and only if 0(f') and that = 1 if f 54 0. f pcn
(A.5) 0
A few facts about some function spaces
From this fact, one deduces easily that L4(fl) is a Banach space, and since L' n Lq (SZ) is clearly dense in LqP (SZ) (approximate f by f 1(I f 1 ?, ) fore --+ 0+ ),
it is a separable Banach space.
Next, we claim that if p > 1 (to simplify) q
p' =
= Lp, (SZ) where q' _
This is a straightforward consequence of the fact that the dual
convex function of ?P denoted by ,i* (x) = suet>o [St
- sli(t)] is equivalent to xP'
for x small and to x4 for x large. In particular, Lq(1) is reflexive for p > 1.
We shall show in Appendix E below that LP = L" + Lq (with equivalent norms) if 1 < q < p < oo. Finally, we conclude this list of elementary properties with the following fact.
Let F be a continuous functions on R such that F(0) = 0, F is differentiable at 0 and F(t)I tI -e -- a # 0 as Itl -- +oo. Then if q > A, F(f) E Lp/e(SZ)
if f E Lp(SZ).
Indeed, F(f) is equivalent to F'(0) f for f small, therefore for 6 small enough IF(f)I 1(IF(f)I<6) < C IF'(0)f 11(Ifl<-b) + IF(f)I1(IF(f)I:56) 1(IfI>a)
for some positive constant C independent of f. The second term on the righthand side belongs to L"(SZ) since it belongs to L°°(Q) n L1(SZ): indeed, meas Next, we have for all e > 0 {I f I > b} < a9 f- If Ig1(1f1>6)dx.
IF(f)I 1(IF(f)I>6) < C Ifle 1(IfI>E) + IF(f)I 1(IF(f)I>6) 1(Ifi:5E) We conclude choosing a small enough: indeed, for a small enough,_<(Ie)f I implies that we have
IF(f)I < 2IF'(O)fI s 21F'(0)I < 6. The same observation obviously holds F = F(x, t), F(x, 0) = 0 a.e., I F(x, t) I < CItj for Iti < e a.e. X E SZ, I F(x, t) I <- CI tI e for Itl > e a.e. x E SZ for some e > 0, C E (0, oo) which are independent of x.
APPENDIX B ON A WEAKLY CONTINUOUS PRODUCT In Chapter 5, we have shown that the product of, 3(pn) by [(p+)divu1_a(p1y1] converges weakly to the product of the weak limits of each term. This fact, which superficially looks like typical results of compensated-compactness theory (cf. F.
Murat [401], L. Tartar [530]) as for instance the div-curl situation, does not seem to be amenable to such results. This is why we believe it is worth detailing a bit the general structure which allows for such a fact. Even if the observations which follow are local in nature, we present them in the whole space case in order to avoid unnecessary technical details. We assume that co and 0' 'f' satisfy the following equations on RN x (0, T) (where T E (0, oo) is fixed)
+div(un(pn) = S,
aV)n ,
+div(u'jpn) = fn in D'(RN x (0,T)). (B.1)
The functions (pn, Y/,n may be scalar or vector-valued : in this case, the equations holds for each component. We next assume that cc" is bounded in LP1(0, T; LP2 (RN)), l,n is bounded in Lg1(0, T; Lq2 (RN)), fn is bounded in L31 (0, T; L32 (RN)), un is bounded in V1 (0, T; W 1,t2 (RN)) and Sn is bounded in L11 (0, T; W-1,r2 (RN)) Furthermore, we assume that all these sequences converge weakly
to cp,, f, u, S in these spaces respectively. Finally, we impose the following restrictions on the exponents _L
i < 1' 1
+ ire < 1 + t < 1, 1
l$I +
We then introduce a smoothing convolution operator of degree 1 (or, in other words, a translation-invariant pseudo-differential operator of order -1) denoted (-0)-1Ok, (-L)-idiv or (0)-'curl. by K. For instance, K may be We could as well consider any pseudo-differential operator of order -1. We next claim that we have (KSn)V)'
n (KS),0 in V(RN x (0,T))
or equivalently weakly in L(0, T; ; L0 (RN)) where a1 =
i + r1' i 10 = qsi + -L. The rz q1
proof follows step by step the corresponding argument in the proof of Theorem 5.1.
On a weakly continuous product
First of all, we observe that (B.2) allows us to apply Lemma 5.1 to the products uncpn and unVJn. Therefore, we deduce from (B.1)
+ div(ucp) = S,
+ div(ui) = f in D'(RN x (0,T)).
Next, we write
(KSpn) + div{K(uncpn) }
= KSn,
(Kcp) + div{K(ucp) } = KS
and thus (by a straightforward justification)
(1G"Kcpn) + div(un,J' KWn) - f nKcpn pn[un, VKJ(Wn) (KS)ii = at (i&Kcp) + div(ui Kcp) - f Kcp ib[u, V KJ (cp). (B.6) We may then conclude easily using Lemma 5.1 to pass to the limit in the quantities cpn(Kcpn), un,./,n(Kcpn), fn(KVn), r,n[un,VK](cpn). For this last quantity, we can use Lemma 5.1 once we observe that [v, VK] is a bounded linear operator (KSn)lpn
from LP(RN) into Wli (RN) where 1 < p < oo, . = .1 + 1, v E Wl,t(RN) Indeed, ak[v, VK] = (akv)VK - VK((akv)-) + [vk, akVK] and VK is a bounded operator in all L" spaces, while [vk, akVKJ is bounded from LP(RN) into W l ,9 (RN) in view of the results of R. Coifman and Y. Meyer [1091.
Remarks. i) The above argument is still valid if we simply assume that f n is bounded in L1 (0, T;W-1132(RN)) in which case we obtain that (KSn)'n + f n(Kcpn) converges weakly as n goes to +oo to (KS)lli + f (K(p). Furthermore, if we assume that 111''- f n(t, ., h) I (L.1(o,T;w-1.a2 (RN )) goes to 0 as h goes to 0 uniformly in n, then we may deduce from Lemma 5.1 that f n(Kcpn) converges to f (Kcp). ii) A very particular case of the above fact consists in taking cpn, un,the ,kn, Sn, fn independent of t. We immediately obtain the "stationary" version of preceding observation.
APPENDIX C A REMARK ON THE LIMITING CASE OF SOBOLEV INEQUALITIES We consider in this appendix bounded sequences of functions in Sobolev spaces and we wish to obtain a sufficient condition for the compactness of this sequence in the L" space which corresponds to the Sobolev inequalities. We begin with a model example : let (un),,>1 be a bounded sequence in H1(RN) (or D1,2(RN) = L2N/(N-2)(RN), Du E L2(RN)}) with N > 3, we assume that there {u E exists a fixed compact set K C RN such that Supp un C K for all n > 1. By Sobolev inequality, we know that un is bounded in L' (RN). Without
loss of generality, extracting a subsequence if necessary, we may assume that un to some u. Furthermore, by converges weakly in H1 (or D1,2) and thus in L' Rellich-Kondrakov compactness theorem, we know that un converges strongly in LP (or L"(BR), `d R E (0, oo)) to u for all 2 < p < NN2 but, in general, un does
to u. Let us finally mention that it was shown not converge strongly in L in P.-L. Lions [348] that if µ, v are respectively to weak limits (in the sense of measures) of IDunI2, Iu12N/(N-2) once more, we assume that these weak limits exist, extracting subsequences if necessary, then there exists an at most countable set I, (xi)iEJ C K, (vi)$E, E (0, oo)
V = lul
+ > vi 6,
2 It > I DuI + CN 2 > viN-2
where CN,2 is a "universal constant" > 0 (it is the best Sobolev constant, see to u if and only [348] for more details). Of course, un converges strongly in L if I is empty or in other words if the atomic part of the bounded nonnegative measure v vanishes.
The next result gives a sufficient condition ensuring that property. More precisely, we assume that we have N-1
IDunI2 = fn +
Dy fn when fn is bounded in L7° IaI=1
if jai = k and fn is weakly compact in L'.
C.1 If (C.2) holds, then un converges strongly to u in L41-4
A remark on the limiting case of Sobolev inequalities
Proof We deduce easily from (C.1) that we have N-1
f+E Do fa
if IaI=kE{1,...,N} If 134 0, we deduce from (C.1) and (C.3) that there exists µo > 0 such that N-1
Flooxo < f+ E Da f* where g E V.
Then, we multiply (C.4) by cp(E) where W E C000(RN) , Supp V C B(xo,1), p(xo) _
1, e > 0, and we find for some C > 0 independent of e N-1
x o,E)
IfI+C IaI=1
E-kI faI dx
IfIdx+C >2 (`fB x e IaI.1
N B(xo,E)
I f I dx + C E (/
dx - E
IaI=1 B(xo,E)
a 71F dx) IrI
0 as a - 0
where CN = meas (B,) . The contradiction proves that I = 0 and we conclude. 0
Let us briefly indicate two extensions without proof since they are quite straightforward. First of all, let (un)n>1 C H1(RN)N converge weakly to u, with a uniform compact support. We assume that we have for some µ > 0 , µ+6 > 0 N-1
µI Dun I2 + t; (div un)2 = fn +
in L WN-T if
I a) = k
Dz f a where f," is bounded IaI-1
and fn is weakly compact in L1.
Theorem C.2 If (C.5) holds, then un converges strongly to u in L IM, The other extension we wish to mention is the following : let (un),,,1 converge
weakly (in D') to u, we assume that un is bounded in Wm,P(RN) where m >
A remark on the limiting case of Sobolev inequalities
and has a uniform compact support (Supp un C BR for some R > 0 independent of n). We set q = NN p and we assume that we have 1 ,
ID'"unI p = fn + E Dx fn where fn is bounded in L IaI=1
if jal = k and fn is weakly compact in Li.
Theorem C.3 If (C.6) holds, then un converges strongly to u in L.
Remark. The preceding results still hold if we assume that fn is a bounded sequence of bounded measures such that sup d I fn l -- 0 as e - 0+, or x,n
more generally if fn converges weakly in the sense of measures to a nonatomic measure.
APPENDIX D CONTINUA AND LIMITS Let (E, d) be a complete metric space. We consider a sequence of continua in E x [0, oo) that is, for each n >_ 1, a closed connected set in E x [0, oo) denoted by C. We assume that we have for all n > 1 Cn is unbounded in E x R
(xo, 0) E C" C" n (E x [0,R]) C KR, KR compact in E x R , for all R > 0
(D.2) (D.3)
for some fixed xo E E. Since C" is connected, these three properties immediately imply `dtE[0,oo], 3x"EE, (x", t)EC". (D.4)
for all n > 1. Indeed, if for some to E [0, oo], C" n (E x {to}) = 0, then in view of (D.2), C" C E x [0, to] since C" is connected. Then, (D.3) would imply that C" is bounded and the contradiction with (D.1) proves our claim. Next, we wish to make two remarks about (D.3). First of all, without loss of generality, we may assume that KR is non-decreasing with respect to R (take for instance KR to be the closure in E x R of U">1 {cn n (E x [0, R])}). Next, we observe that (D.3) is obviously equivalent to the compactness of C" n (E x [0, R]) for each n > 1 and
If (xn, t'') E Cn and t" is bounded, then (x'' )n is relatively compact in E.
We now wish to construct a "limit continuum". We thus set
C = {(x,t) E E x [0, oo)/3 nk k 3 2n,k
x, 3 tnk
t, (xfk , t"k) E Cnk I.
Obviously, (xo, 0) E C and C is closed. Furthermore, we have by construction of C
C n (E x [0, R]) C KR, for all R' > R > 0.
Next we claim that we have for all t > 0
3xEE, (z,t)EC.
Continua and limits
Indeed, we use (D.4) and (D.3) to obtain a subsequence xnk which converges to
some x E E. By construction, (x, t) E C. In particular, (D.8) implies that C is unbounded in E x R. Our last claim is that C is a continuum, that is a connected set in view of the properties shown above. The classical fact is easily proved by contradiction: assume thus that there exists a continuous mapping cp from C into {0,1 } such that cp-1{0}, cp-1{1} are non-empty. Without loss of generality (replacing cp by 1 - cp), we may assume that p(xo, 0) = 0. By classical extension theorems (Dugundji's theorem for instance, or setting on Cc, cp(x, t) = inf(y,s)EC{cp(y, s) + a(s) [d(x, y) + It - sl] } for some convenient continuous a _> 1), we may extend cp to a continuous mapping from E x R into R (or even [0,1]). Since cp-1{1} 9k 0, there exists (x1, t1) E C such that cp(x1, t1) = 1. Hence, there exist a subsequence x , tnk nk, (xnk, tnk) E Cnk such that Xnk t and cp(xnk, tnk) 1. In particular, for k large enough, cp(xnk, tnk) > 1/2.
We now use the fact that Cnk is connected (and the equality cp(xo, 0) = 0) to deduce the existence of ynk E E , snk E [0, tnk] such that cp(ynk, snk) = 1/2. We then use (D.3) to deduce the existence of a subsequence (yn', sn') such that s E [0, T] and by construction (y, s) E C. Since cp is yn' -& y , sn' continuous, we find cp(y, s) = 1/2. The contradiction proves our claim.
APPENDIX E ON SUMS OF L SPACES We wish to extend to sums of LP spaces the observation made in the course of proving Theorem 6.1 in section 6.3, namely for all 1 < p < oo (and for all
infII & > cER
>- 2
First of all, we recall that for 1 < p, q < oo, LP + Lq and LP n Lq are Banach spaces endowed with the norms (respectively) inf { I 11P1 I I LP + 111'21 I /V = th + 02} and max (I I 'I ILP , 11011L J. Next, we recall that (LP + Lq )' = LP' n LQ' if 1 < p, q < oo (if p or q = +oo and p # q, it is still correct) where we denote as usual p' = P , q' = q-1 In fact, what we mean by this equality also contains the fact that the dual norm of LP + Lq is equivalent to the norm of LP' n L4' (say on RN and thus on any subdomain with the same constants, extending all functions to RN by 0). Indeed, the "equality" between the two vector spaces is obvious and the embedding of LP' n into (LP + Lq )' is one to one and continuous since we have clearly for all f E LP' n L4 and for all cP E LP + L9, Lq'
i.e. cP = (PI + (P2, (P1 E LP, Lq
f f((P1 +(P2) <- IIfIILP-II(PIIILP + IIfIILq, II(P2IILq s IIfIILP-ntq' (I1VIIILP + II(P211Lq).
Let us also recall that (LP n Lq )' = LP' + Lq if 1 < p, q < oo (the equality still holds if p or q = +oo and p ,E q). The fact that Lp +L4' is continuously embedded in (LP n Lq )' is obvious and we thus only have to show that if f E (LP n Lq )' then f E LP' + LQ'. Without loss of generality, we may assume that 1 < p < q < oo. Obviously, f E LtoC. Next we remark that if p > 1, meas{I f I > 1} < oo while if
p = 1, there exists Ro > 0 such that meas { If I > Ro} < oo. Indeed, if p > 1, we write (at least formally, and justify easily)
meas{I fI > 1} < f If 11of 1>1)
< Max
On sums of LP spaces
(max[meas{IfI > 1}1/P
meas{IfI > 1}1/q])
while if p = 1, we obtain similarly meas{IfI > Ro} <
f W /IIcoII LP fLQ < 1
.max[meas{IfI > Ro}, meas{IfI >_ Ro}1/qJ
In order to simplify notation, we take Ro = 1 when p = 1 (replace if necessary f by f /Ro). Then, we have IIf 1(111<1)IILPI
= Max{ f f 1(I1 1<1)w /IIpIILP <_ 1}
Ilf 1 (I/I<1) ILp
max(1, II(PoIILq )
and we deduce that f 1(1,1<1) E LP since II(POIIL.
, and (p'/q)
- 1/(p - 1) < 0 if p < q.
Finally, we observe that we also have Ilf 1(ifi>1)IILq- = Max if f 1(111>-1)w /II(PIILq < 1
Jf 1(111,1) (Po with (Po = f
1 (III>>1) II f 1(11151) I ILgI
and we deduce as above that f 1(111>1) E L° since IwoLP
/(q-1) 1(1112_1)
((q'' P)-1/(q-1)
(the case p = 1 is handled as above).
-1/(q-1) IIf 1(IrI>1)IILgf
, and q' p
< 1 if p > 1
On sums of LP spaces
These "classical" facts being recalled, we may now turn to our main observation, namely the following inequality max
f =0 1f J
< Co inf II CER
II!IILP, < 1
- CI I Lp+Lq
COI 11b - f'/ I
Mo max
[ffi / ff = 0
IIfIILq, < 1
where 1 < p < q < oo, all functions are defined on a set St in Rn with meas (St) < oo (just to fix ideas, in fact the inequality holds for all 1P E R + LP + Lq ) and the positive constants Co, Mo are independent of ip and of f2.
Let us first observe that the first inequality of this chain is a direct conse-
quence of the facts recalled above since f f = f f (ii - c) for all c E R if f f = 0. Next, the second inequality is obvious. Therefore, we only have to check the last inequality. Replacing & by 0 f, we may assume without loss of generality that f i = 0. Next, we use once more the facts recalled above and write for some positive constant C1 independent of 1i
< C1 max
C1max [f(f-ff)/IIfIILPl i, iiiiiq, <_1
/I g=0, II9IILp, <2, II9IILq, <2
= meas(c )1/p
meas (St)-1 If f
<_ meas(c)-1/p[IIfIILP, meas(c)1/p] < IIfIILp,
and similarly Jf
< IIfIILq,
We conclude this qappendix by showing that LP = LP + L q equivalent norms) if 1 < q < p, where LP is the Banach space used in chapter 5 and studied in Appendix A. The fact that LP continuously embeds into LP + Lq is obvious from the definition. Therefore, we only have to check that if f E L" + Lq then f E LP. In view of Lemma 6.4 and its proof, I f I1(1 fI:5 1) E (LP + Lq) n LOO = LP and If I1(IfI-1) E (LP + Lq) n L1 = Lq and thus f E LP.
In this appendix, we present a proof of some estimates on solutions of parabolic equations. These estimates are used for instance in chapter 7 (in the proof of Theorem 7.2). We state and prove these estimates only in the case of equations
set in the whole space RN(N > 2) even though they are valid with various boundary conditions. In particular, the proof is immediately adapted to the case of periodic boundary conditions-which is in fact the situation we considered in section 7.3-but we skip this trivial adaptation in order to restrict the length of this appendix. We thus consider a solution u of the following equation N
>aij(x,t)aaax 1
= F(x, t) +
bi(x,t)a -E i=1
a Gi(x, t)
for x E RN, t E (0, T). We assume that the coefficients satisfy the following conditions L°O(O,T;W1,°°(RN))
aij E
ai.7 = aji (Vi < i,j < N)
, c E Loo (RN x (0, T))
(F.2) (F.3)
3v>0, a.e. tE(0,T), dxERN , N
aij (x, i,j=1
In order to simplify the presentation, we assume that u initially (at t > 0) is smooth and decays fast enough at infinity (for instance ul t=o = uo E WO (RN) n W2'O°(RN) for some e > 0). In fact, subtracting the solution of (F.1) with F = Gi = 0 (Vi) satisfying the initial condition, we may as well assume in all that follows that uo = 0 and we shall do so in the rest of this appendix. In addition, u
is scalar but we might consider as well a vector-valued function and replace the 92 second-order operator (- EN =laij by more general ones like for instance the operator where µ > 0 , µ-t- > 0 , a E L°O(O,T; W1"°0 (RN))
A remark on parabolic equations
and inf essRN x (o,T) a > 0. The proof given below adapts easily to such straight-
forward extensions. Finally, we wish to emphasize the fact that the results given below are not proven under minimal regularity conditions on the coefficients a=j, bs, c (or on the initial condition). These conditions should be considered as one simple set of assumptions which make possible the results presented below. First of all, we recall the classical LP estimates: if 1 < p < oo and Gi - 0 (V 1 < i < N) then we have (F.5) C IIFIIL=,t IIUIIW2,t,P W2,p(RN))
at E LP (l N x (0, T))) and C denotes various positive constants independent of u (and of the data). Next, we claim that we have for any p E (1, oo) where Wi't ,p = {cp E LP (0, T;
< C{IIFI ILz t + IIGIIL=,t }.
This inequality may be proved by the following simple argument: let uo, uk (1 < k < N) be the solutions in of Ww;t'P
at -
a=j ax
= G« in RN x (0,T)
u« I t-o
= 0 on RN
0 < cx < N
where Go = F. Then, U = uo + E u j satisfies j=1
at -
a2 u a=j
axjam j
= F+ i=1
+EE axi k=1%j=1 ij1
aXk axjaXj
IE £=1
au any
in RN x (0, T).
Then, we introduce the solution v E Wz,t ,p of the following equation
67-Eij 8v N -1 _ a fj =
Ek=1 EN
N - %=1 s
,j=1 Xk
EN bs aU + c U in R N X (0,T) i=1
with vlt_0 = 0 on RN. Obviously, u = U - v and thus using (F.5) systematically we deduce N IIuIILP(O,T;W1,P(RN))
T,W2,p(RN)) + u IIukIILP(O,T;W2,P(RN)) } k=1
A remark on parabolic equations
The estimate on ut follows from this bound and (F.1)-recall that a=j E LOO (0, T; W 1,°° (RN)) for 1 < i, j < N. The proof (or a proof) of (F.6) is complete. Let us also observe that by a simple localization argument one easily checks
that (F.5) and (F.6) are still valid if we replace Lx = LP(RN),W1,P(RN) or Z,P(R or W respectively. Let us recall W N) by Lunif Wun f oo} for any that we denote Xunif(RN) = {co E Xi.c(R") / sup yERN
functions space X. We now turn to our main observation which extends a result of V.A. Weigant and A.V. Kazhikov [5521. Let q > N. Then we have IIDuIIL,t
:5 C
By the same superposition argument as above, it is clearly enough to treat the case when li 0 (Vi) and c = 0. Next, we may assume without loss of generality that F 0 and that I I G I L°O 1: indeed, u is the sum of the solution =,t = corresponding to F and the one corresponding to 1 . For the latter one, we may assume by linearity that I IGI I L. = 1. For the solution corresponding =,t
to F, the estimate follows from Lt (Lx) estimates since u E LP (0, T; Wunif) and E LP (0, T; Wunif) (for all 1 < p < oo) implies that Du E Lx t by Sobolev embeddings. We first prove the above bound in the case when (a1j) is independent of x. Denoting by A(t) = foa(s)ds (a = (aid)), we have for all 6 E (0,1) on RN x (0, T) N
JIds dyDxp(x - y, t, s) k=1 r = Ids J N dyDxp (x - Y, t' s) X
Dxu(x, t) =
xk Gk (y, s)
x_ S
+ (1 - X)
x_y b
a--Ck(y, S) k=1
dy D z p(x - y, t, s)X
b k-1
a axk Gk(y, s)
A remark on parabolic equations t
+ f ds
dy Dp (x - y, t, s)
(x_) y
dy Dx p (x - y, t, s) G(y, s)
G(y, s)
where p(x, t, s) = exp{- ((A(t) A(s))-1(x y), (x - y))}(4.)-N [det(A(t) 4 A(s))]-N/2, and X E CO '(RN), X = 1 on BI, 0 < _ X < 1 on RN , X - 0 on B2. We next estimate each of these three integrals observing first that we have for some v > 0 I Dz
p (x , t , s;)
tt - S
(F . 8)
(t - S)N/2
and I D 2 p(x ,
t , s)
t-S 1
(t-S)2 ((t - s)N/2
We then estimate the third integral as follows using (F.8) t Jo
ds J N dy Dxp(x -
8 JO
C f ds o C it
f f
C b
dzI sI e-vIZIz/s s-N/2 16
Iz) e-VIZI2
IzI e-,.IZI2
T N II z
lzI a-"Izi dz
s ds
t- (t - s) -N12
LN fmin(t,(. ) bfN
min(t,(M)2) 1
< _
y, t, s) G(y, s)DX x
dz < C.
We now estimate the second integral using (F.9):
it f /'
Jo ds
dy Dzp(x - y, t, s) 1 t
[ds J N dy
S) N/2 e
(x b
Ix - yI2 t - S + ( t- s)2 -vix-YI2(t-9)-1
G(y, s)
(F . 9 )
A remark on parabolic equations
=C =C
t ds
Is 122
1(IzI<6) s
ds f N dz(1 + IzI2)
S N dz(1 +
(Logt - Log
C(i + (Logbl)
using the fact that e-"IzI2/21(IZI>6t-1/2)ILogtl is bounded by C(1 + ILogSI) if t E [0, T]
b E (01 1).
Finally, we estimate the first integral as follows using (F.8): ft
(x -b y
dy Dxp(x - y, t, s) X
JRN dy
axk Gk (y, s)
I DG(y, s)I
(t - s)N/2
(t - S)(N+2)/2 [joy-x1:526)
- yI9/(Q-1)
-vq Ix-y12 (q - 1) (t - s)
IIDGII,,unit (s) t
< C IIDGII L (O,t;Lqunit) (10 ds s-1/2s-N/2q
exp -
(q - 1)
v-1 q
IzI2 t
< C II DGI I L-(0,T;Lgif)
U ds ,
choosing a > 0 small enough
for any a E (0,1) ,
indeed, we have 1 + 2q < 1 since q > N, and we may thus choose a = 1 q In conclusion, we have obtained the following inequality for all b E (0, 1): IIDuII Ls?i
<- C(1 + ILogbi) + C P II DGII Lo(o,T;Lq
We then conclude easily: if IIDGIILm
(take b = 2) ; while if (IDGIIL-
o,T;Lqunif) o T:Lq unif)
< 1, (F.10) obviously yields (F.7)
= M > 1, we choose S = M-1/1 and
A remark on parabolic equations
(F.10) implies (F.7). The proof of (F.7) is then complete in the case when aij is independent of x. We now turn to the proof of (F.7) in the feneral case. We first observe that, in view of (F.6), u is bounded in LI (0, T; Wunif) for all r E (1, oo) and thus, in particular, EN 1 bi WX-i -cu is bounded in L''(O,T; Lunlf) for all r E (1, oo). Next, we use a variant of a classical trick and, for any 20 E RN, freeze the coefficients (aij) at x0 by a cut-off function. More precisely, let cp E Co (RN) , 0 < cp < 1 on RN, cp = 1 on B1, Supp cp C B2 and let c E (0,1). Then, we set cp =cp(s) and we write
a.a2(cpu) ij a2iaxj =
`: a k=1
(c3Gk) + H
where N
aW au
aij a2i a2; i,j=1
- E aij i,j-- 1
u+E b2
- Ccpu
satisfies for any fixed r E (1, oo)
< C(E).
I ICI ILr(O,T:Lunif)
Then, we deduce 19%O-U)
i,j=1 N
aij (xo, t) a2ia2;
/-(cCk)+H+ k
a a2i
(aij -aij(xo,t))
+ LN(aij - aij(2o,t)) a( i,j=1
aXi aXj
also satisfies (F.11).
We may then decompose cpu = V1 + v2 + V3 where v1, V2 and v3 satisfy respectively N 8t v1
- i,3=1
a2v aij (20 t) ex, x
82V2 aij (2o' t) ax;axj
T v2 -
i,j=1 N
at v3
a ax"
- i,j=1 aij (20 t)
N 82 v xid
in RN x (0, T)
A remark on parabolic equations
with vl v2 v3 0 if t = 0 (on RN). In view of (F.11) and (F.6) on one hand with r > N + 2, and using the proof made above on the other hand , we deduce for any t E (0, T) I Dxu(xo, t) I = I Dx (cPu) (xo, t)
I I Dxv111
L, + I IDxv2I I Lo
+ I Dxv3 (xo, t) I
< C(Log[1 + I
Dxv3 (x0, t) I
IDxu(xo,t)I <-
/Next, we write denoting by p the fundamental solution corresponding to (aij (xo, t))
IDxv3(xo,t)I =
rt ds /'
au a (aii - aij (xo, t)) (P 19x j
dyDxp(xo - y, t, s) N ax= JRN i,j=1
IRN dy Dzp(xo - y, t, s) l y - xo 11(Iy-xo) <2E)
<_ C
1 S
+ Iz2
IzI 1(IZI<2E)
(s-N12 e-VIZ12/2)
f f
dsdzs-1/2IzI(1 + Iz12)
I I DuI I Lsot
< CE1/2I
dz s-3/4IzI1/2(1 +
< C C1/2 IIDuII L=,t Therefore, (F.12) yields for all e E (0, 1) and for all t E (0, T)
IDu(xo,t)I < C Log(1 +
T;Lunif)/ + C(E) + CE112IIDuIILct'
Since xO is arbitrary in RN, we choose e small enough so that Cel/2 = 2 and we deduce the desired inequality (F.7).
Let us conclude by remarking that the proof above shows that (F.7) holds with IIGII L°O(0,T;Wunif) replaced by IIDGII L°°(o,T;Lunif)' Also, by a similar proof, we may replace in (F.7) IIDGIIL-(o,T;Lunir) by IIDGIILpto,T;unif) where p E (2,+oo) and q > ,while we may replace by where IIF'IILp(0,T;Lunif)
pE(1,+oo)andq>2p 1.
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p.7 p.8
line -15
+ T (a u; + a; u=) 2 +
p.13 p.23 p.24
(1.51) (2.17) line 2 line 5
t E [0, oo] (2.17)
line -5 line -6 line -4 p.25 p.28 p.29
p.37 p.38 p.39 p.41 p.42 p.44
+IIPIuI2IILi(RN) is missing
a=(P-P)+ 9+(1 -9)(N-2)/N=(p-1)/p as t goes to
line -12
away from 0
Thm 2.2 line 13 line 18
(2.16) (2.22)
line -9
1st inequality
R A (Pu) I t=o = R A mo tfo
fRN Pf u
(2.14) II
... II (t) <
line -10 and elsewhere
line -5 line -12 line -7 line -9 line -9
log min{...} fo s2g2(s)ds (2.28) with µ = 1
line 10 line 3
((r i') + p(u 0)u = VG where G(r)
line -5
(2.17) (2.46)
line 11 (2.53)
line -13 line -9 line -8 line -5 line 12
(div u) 2
line 13
line -12 line -10 p. 32 p.33
f ... dy < fo dafB, .. . fBi
(...)lit} Q(9E)rE
fo spIb2ds
Errata (Volume 1)
p.45 p.46 p.47 p.48 p.49 p.51
line -9
< p(...)1/P
last line line 4
(0, T;
line -5 line -13
p.52 p.53
part 1) LP(0,T; Lr(BR)) (P - a)+
M(s) <x>+v...
line -12
Lemma 2.3
lines -10, -8, -6, -5, -3
line -12 line 4 line 8
line -2 line 3 (2.88) (2.90)
p.55 p.56 p.57
line 9
line 1
line -4
Lq' (0, T; W-m'q'
(RN)) P(cPP(Pnun)) P(cop(Pnun)) IVu(x + A(y - x)) I L1(0, T; L2 (BM)) in the first norm L2 (BR)
=-f fBR
line -3, -2, -1
f ... cp dx
p.58 p.59 p.61 p.61
lines 3, 6
f ...cp dx
line -6
line 3
line 6
line -12 line -9 line -8
)1/p SupO
line 11 line 14
p.65 p.67
line -8 line -7
p.68 p.72
line 9
C ft ds(f ... Iunl3)1/2 (...)1/4( ..)1/4 smooth L2(0, T; Ho(Q)) X (t; x, t)
f ...
line -9
- fo dt fn
line 11 line 12 (2.142)
line -9
subtract (2.141)
line -9 line 3 line 11 '
PPo (MO)
V qo = MO - Po uo
line 8
p.81 p.83 p.84
p.86 p.89 p.91
3.3-3.4 nLq(0,T; Lr(f2))
line -11
1st formula
div(u,p,) instead of div((u, * w,)p,)
line 4
(SI x (0, T))
Errata (Volume 1)
line 6 line 12
line -17 p.96 p.98 p.99 p. 99 p.100 p.104 p.106 p.110 p.112 p.113 p.114 p.116 p.119 p.127 p.127 p.129 p.131 p.137 p.138
p.143 p.146 p.147
line -13 line -14
p.157 p.158 p.160 p.161 p.163 p.167
L2(0, T; L ), v E 4#211(... V1 E L
- I(uj... 3.1-3.2
(R n))
L'(0,T; L
line -3
R = A213
Benard 6 is a renormalized solution
line -14 line 9 (3.81) (3.84)3 line 14 line 10 (4.9)
fat/2 with a = meas{x E RNIvI < 1}
-kAO uos 2
SZ = Rn and in the periodic case
/3(x)=Ixl1'n,M>1 -AP = -2det(D2(p)
line -6
line 12
v goes to 0
line -7
Du = Vdivu - vlcurl u
line 14
line -20
... on c9Sl} in the case ...
line -5
P((L2 n Cl'a)2)
line - 7 line 15 line 8
line 15 line 17
line -13 line -7 line -2 line 6 lines 4,5
line -13 last line line 9
lines -7, -6 p.171
ev EL 2 (01 T; H-1)
last line line 18 last line
line -13 p.149 p.150 p.151
line -5
radially decreasing fBl udxl Ja(0) xu-
- (-0)-
(-o)-lvvlc, = Vu C([0, oo); 17(R2))
_ -fB,w(x, t)dx --L -U2(0)
fn twice: u Q(P)
(4.76) delete! S2 = RN... Lipschitz
6 go to 0+, then R go to +0o and finally e go to 0+. f E L*'oo(Rn)
Errata (Volume 1)
p.172 p.175 p.178 p.179
line 5 line 13 below (D.3) (D.8)
line -12
{...}1/2 (B.6)
cp =, D2,,U (D.8) should denote the estimate below (D.7) (21rt)-N/2 .. . p=
line 13 (D.14)
p.183 p.185 p.186
line -2 line -2
F and fo -y(O) = 0 is missing
line 13
-iy(h) = -ryn(h) ...
-fn' (...)
last line 1st line
line -2
V fE
last line
1(I/3 1(1If 111 >n)
(E.17) line 10
p.191 p.192 p.193
line -9
< C6 ... can (s, 17) as M goes to co N)]-1 [log(' +
line 11 (E.20)
log ,\ jVhl
line -9
last line
line 10
in (E.23) and
a priori bounds/estimates 37, 214, 252-3 compactness results 4-7, 8 energy-like identities 40-3 compressible models with temperature 262-3, 265-6, 266-8, 270-1 existence results for Cauchy problems ix, 172-80, 185, 212 pressure laws 205-6, 208-9 regularization 193-5 time discretization 198-200 low Mach number model 282-5, 287 semi-stationary model 229-30 stationary problems 115-16, 123 exterior problems 130-5, 136, 138, 13940, 141-3 general compressible models 166-71 Stokes-like model 238-9 time-discretized problems viii, 49, 56, 5780, 85-6, 99, 100-1 approximations viii, ix, 29, 266, 276 existence results for Cauchy problems 1823, 185
stationary problems 118, 123-4, 127-8 exterior problems 130, 132-5, 141, 143 Stokes-like model 238, 239-40, 241, 242, 246
time-discretized problems 71, 80, 84-5 isothermal case 99-100 asymptotic limits vii atomic part 292 Banach spaces 44, 288-9, 297-9 barotropic fluid 36 Boltzmann models 74, 274 Boltzmann's equation 40 bootstrap 160, 234-5, 240, 271 time-discretized problems 67, 68-9, 71 boundary conditions 300 compressible models with temperature 254-5, 269 Dirichlet, see Dirichlet boundary conditions periodic case, see periodic case stationary problems 115, 121, 122 general compressible models 163, 164, 165, 166, 170
regularity of solutions 145, 155-6
Stokes-like model 237 time-discretized problems 57, 64, 74-80 see also boundary value problems, whole space case boundary value problems 215, 236 compactness results viii, 39-48 existence results for Cauchy problems ix, 209-12 stationary problems ix, 128-43 branch of solutions 128
Calderon-Sygmund singular integral operator 18 Cauchy problems 252 compactness results viii, 1-48, 158 existence results ix, 1, 172-212 combustion models vii, 281 commutator(s) 2, 18, 21, 28, 176, 186 compactness 295 compensated 2, 9, 27-8, 276, 290 compressible Euler equations 275, 276, 278-80 compressible models with temperature 264-5, 268-9 properties ix, 254-62 existence results for Cauchy problems 181, 182, 197, 212 low Mach number model 285-6 results viii, 1-48, 158 boundary value problems viii, 39-48 general pressure laws 36-9 preliminaries 1-7 proofs 15-36 propagation of oscillations 7-15 semi-stationary model 230-1 Sobolev inequalities 292-4 stationary problems 121, 122, 124-6, 127, 158, 161-2 Stokes-like model 239, 240, 242, 246, 250 time-discretized problems 50, 80-4, 95, 96, 160
transport of entropy 215-17, 218, 224 conditional compactness 218-22 compensated compactness 2, 9, 27-8, 276, 290
compressible equations vii
compressible Euler equations x, 158, 27181
compressible models with temperature, see temperature compressible Navier-Stokes equations x, 49, 158, 162, 254, 264, 275, 276 isentropic 181, 236 compactness results viii, 1-48, 158 concentration-compactness theory ix, 50, 99, 103, 107-10 conditional compactness 218-22 conservation laws 274 conservation of mass 3, 102, 159, 197 continua 295-6 stationary problems 51, 120, 121-2, 124, 125, 126
exterior problems 139, 141, 143 general compressible models 164-5 continuum mechanics 115 control problem 147, 148-50 convergence
compactness results 1, 8-9, 11, 12, 13, 33
pointwise convergence 21-3, 25-6, 31 proof of convergence assertions 34-6 whole space case 23-6
compressible models with temperature
non-homogeneous 209-11 proof 177-9 regularization 195-6 semi-stationary model 226, 227, 232-5 shallow water models 252, 253
stationary problems 50, 113, 114, 118, 120, 121, 128, 162 regularity of solutions 155, 156 Stokes-like model 236, 237, 241, 242, 24851
time-discretized problems 52, 53, 56, 57, 63-4 a priori estimates 69-70, 71, 72, 79 compactness 80 existence proofs 84-5, 86, 88, 90, 91, 94-5
isothermal case 97, 98, 99-100, 111 transport of entropy 213, 215, 218, 219 dissipation of oscillations 29-30, 279 viscous 162, 213, 222-4 div-curl lemma 2, 27-8, 276, 279, 290 divergence-free vector field 144, 279, 280, 282
domain penalization 195-6 dual norm 297 dynamics of vortices 224
isothermal case 101-3 stationary problems 116-17, 122, 160-1 strong, see strong convergence time-discretized problems 80, 91-2, 97 weak, see weak convergences Corollary 5.1 36 Corollary 6.1 141, 141-3 critical mass 120 curvature tensor 76, 166 damping of oscillations 30, 137 defect measures 99, 101-3 deformation tensor 74, 162 density 1, 144, 162, 182, 255, 263, 279 a priori bounds ix, 172-80 deterministic control problem 147, 148-50 Dirac masses: elimination of 103-4 Diriclilet boundary conditions 1, 49, 162, 281
compactness results 3, 4, 6 proof 31-4 propagation of oscillations 7, 8 compressible models with temperature 254, 256, 270 existence results for Cauchy problems 172, 173, 180, 205, 211
Egorov theorem 80 electromagnetic force 117 elliptic equations 50, 56, 115, 164 elliptic operators 129 elliptic regularity 86,137, 167, 169, 227, 228, 229
elliptic systems 78 energy 3, 15, 36, 172, 218, 281
compressible models with temperature ix, 257, 263, 266, 280 existence results for Cauchy problems 172, 173-4, 180, 181, 191-2, 210-11, 212
exterior problems 40-3 internal energy 228, 255 local energy identity 53, 89, 92-3, 95, 99, 205
semi-stationary model 227 shallow water models 252 stationary problems 123, 156, 158-9. 160, 166, 170 Stokes-like model 240, 241, 249
time-discretized problems 71, 74-7, 89, 97
a priori estimates 57-61 total energy 162, 163, 264
entropy 2, 9 compressible Euler equations 272-4, 2756, 280
compressible models with temperature compactness properties 255, 256, 257 global existence results 263, 264, 2667
general compressible models 162, 163, 164, 166
transport of ix, 213-24 equilibrium 12, 182 Euler equations viii, 30 compressible x, 158, 271-81 incompressible 232 Example 6.1 56-7 Example 6.2 113-14 Example 6.3 114 Example 6.4 144 Example 6.5 144-5 Example 7.1 207-8 Example 7.2 208 existence of solutions 12 Cauchy problems ix, 1, 172-212 proofs via regularization ix, 182-97 proofs via time discretization ix, 182, 197-205
results 180-2 compressible Euler equations 274-5 compressible models with temperature ix-x, 262-71 low Mach number model 281-7 semi-stationary model 228, 230-1 stationary problems 114, 119, 120, 121, 128, 145
exterior problems 128, 132 Stokes-like model 239-42 time-discretized problems viii, 159-60 proofs 50, 84-97 results 49, 51-4 transport of entropy 214-15, 224 extension theorems 296 exterior domains compactness results viii, 6, 39-48 existence results 209, 211-12 stationary problems ix, 51, 128-43
Fatou's lemma 83, 105, 278 fixed point 86, 145, 230, 239 force terms 6, 7, 40, 205, 236 free boundary problems vii function spaces 14, 172, 288-9 see also Banach spaces functional analysis 11, 18, 166, 220, 264-5 fundamental solution 306
Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequality 244-5
Galerkin approximation 240 galilean invariance 5-6 geophysical flows vii global weak solutions viii, 2, 12
compressible models with temperature x, 262-71 existence results for Cauchy problems ix, 172-212 semi-stationary model 235 Green's function 129, 253 Gronwall's inequality 245, 247 Gronwall's lemma 155, 211, 232
Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations 1467, 148, 149 Hardy space 53 Harnack's inequality 167, 271 heating 162, 213, 222-4 height 251 Hodge-De Rham decomposition 69 Holder continuity 51, 57, 144, 158 Holder's inequality 8, 72, 123, 137 homogenization 10, 258 hyperbolicity 158 hypersonic gases 213
ideal gas ix, 213, 255, 257-8, 262-3 implicit functions theorem 128, 145, 156 incompressible Euler equations 232 incompressible limit 30 incompressible models vii incompressible Navier-Stokes equations 1801, 281
behaviour at 5, 128-30, 135 conditions at 44, 128, 129, 209-12, 226 non-vanishing data viii, 39-48 inflow 128
initial conditions compactness results 3, 8, 40, 44 compressible Euler equations 271, 276 compressible models with temperature 256, 268 existence results for Cauchy problems 180, 181
semi-stationary model 225, 230 shallow water models 251-2 Stokes-like model 236, 241, 247 transport of entropy 214, 215, 217-18 integrability 8 internal energy 228, 255 interpolation 63, 173 inviscid case 9, 158, 271-81 inviscid limit 30
isentropic models ix, 49 see also compressible Navier-Stokes equations isothermal case ix, 50, 97-112, 159, 164
non-existence results 113-14 non-hypersonic gases 162 non-linear damping 188-91 non-linear evolution 2 non-linear hyperbolic conservation
Joule's law 255, 256
laws 2
kinetic formulation 274, 275-6 large mass 157-8 Lax entropy 272-3 Lemma 5.1 12, 13, 291 Lemma 5.2 38, 38-9 Lemma 5.3 43-4 Lemma 6.1 103, 107-10 Lemma 6.2 110-11 Lemma 6.3 127 Lemma 6.4 132 Lemma 6.5 152-4 Leray-Schauder topological degree 86 limits continua and 124-6, 295-6 see also passages to the limit Lipschitz continuity 153, 154 localization 302 compactness 31-2 existence results for Cauchy problems 1779
Stokes-like model 248-51 low Mach number 30 model x, 281-7 magnetic field 117 magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) vii Mariotte's law 255 mass 166, 257
conservation 3, 102, 159, 197 large 157-8 total 50, 113, 119
maximum principle 86, 164, 223, 282 existence results for Cauchy problems 194, 195, 204
semi-stationary model 229-30, 233 Stokes-like model 240, 245 strong maximum principle 167, 170 momentum 134, 156, 160, 236 monotonicity 36, 161, 162 multiphase flows vii Navier-Stokes equations vii compressible, see compressible Navier-Stokes equations incompressible 180-1, 281 Neumann boundary conditions 85, 254 Newtonian fluids vii
non-linearities viii, 2, 28, 275 isothermal case 101-3 non-potential flows 242 normalization 51, 162, 165, 166, 170 numerical approximation vii numerical schemes 15 one-dimensional case 280 open problems 143, 166, 180, 181, 275, 280 ordinary differential equation 148 Orlicz spaces 288 oscillations 2, 224, 275 dissipation of strength 29-30, 279 propagation of 7-15 homogenization 10, 258
parabolic estimates 194, 300-6 parabolic regularity 240, 243, 245, 247 parametrization 51, 113, 119-20, 140-1 partial differential equations vii first-order 271 non-linear vii, 182 passages to the limit 1, 257, 291 compactness results viii, 9, 20-6 compressible Euler equations 279, 280 existence results for Cauchy problems 188-
91,193,200-2 exterior problems 135-7 Stokes-like model 238, 241 time-discretized problems compactness 81-4 existence proofs 85, 87, 88-9, 90-3 transport of entropy 220-2 particle paths 213 periodic case 1, 49, 162, 280, 286 compactness results 3, 4, 6, 7, 9 proof 30-1 existence results for Cauchy problems 172, 173, 175-7, 197, 205 proof via regularization 183-95 semi-stationary model 224-5, 225-6, 22932
stationary problems 50, 114, 117, 121 regularity of solutions 145, 147 Stokes-like model 238, 239, 240-2, 242, 247-8 time-discretized problems 52, 56, 80 a priori estimates 58, 61, 63, 66-9 existence proofs 84-5, 87-8, 90, 94-5
isothermal case 97, 98, 99-100 transport of entropy 214, 218, 219 Poineare's inequality 129, 138 Poincar6 -Sobolev inequality 4, 5 pointwise convergence 21-3, 25-6, 31 porous medium 74 pressure ix, 213, 235, 255, 282 truncation 191-3 pressure laws 236 compactness results viii, 12, 36-9 existence results for Cauchy problems ix, 205-9 stationary problems ix, 51, 146, 158-62 pseudo-differential operator 290 reactive flows vii, 281 regularity 301 compactness results 18, 21 compressive Euler equations 276, 279 compressive models with temperature 26970
existence results for Cauchy problems 173, 181, 182, 191, 195, 204-5 low Mach number model 281, 285-6 semi-stationary model 227 stationary problems 121, 126, 127, 161-2 exterior problems 130, 132 general compressible models 165, 166, 169
regularity of solutions ix, 51, 144-58 Stokes-like model 237, 238, 239, 240, 243, 247-8
time-discretized problems viii, 158, 160 existence proofs 50, 84-97 regularity results 49, 55-7, 64, 70, 74, 77
regularization 67, 81, 147, 216, 240 compactness results 14, 19, 23, 33 existence results for Cauchy problems ix, 182-97
regularizing kernel 13, 14, 277 Rellich-Kondrakov theorem 292 Remark 5.1 4 Remark 5.2 5 Remark 5.3 5-6 Remark 5.4 6 Remark 5.5 6-7 Remark 5.6 9 Remark 5.7 9-10 Remark 5.8 10 Remark 5.9 11 Remark 5.10 11 Remark 5.11 12 Remark 5.12 12 Remark 5.13 12
Remark 5.14 12 Remark 5.15 15 Remark 5.16 16 Remark 5.17 27 Remark 5.18 27 Remark 5.19 27-8 Remark 5.20 38 Remark 5.21 38 Remark 6.1 53-4 Remark 6.2 54 Remark 6.3 54 Remark 6.4 54 Remark 6.5 56 Remark 6.6 56 Remark 6.7 56 Remark 6.8 56 Remark 6.9 57 Remark 6.10 57 Remark 6.11 72-3 Remark 6.12 99 Remark 6.13 114 Remark 6.14 115 Remark 6.15 115 Remark 6.16 117 Remark 6.17 119-20 Remark 6.18 120-1 Remark 6.19 121 Remark 6.20 121 Remark 6.21 121 Remark 6.22 121 Remark 6.23 121 Remark 6.24 121 Remark 6.25 127 Remark 6.26 127-8 Remark 6.27 128 Remark 6.28 130 Remark 6.29 130 Remark 6.30 138 Remark 6.31 138 Remark 6.32 138 Remark 6.33 141 Remark 6.34 141 Remark 6.35 143 Remark 6.36 146 Remark 6.37 146 Remark 6.38 146 Remark 6.39 161 Remark 6.40 165 Remark 6.41 166 Remark 6.42 166 Remark 6.43 166 Remark 7.1 173 Remark 7.2 173 Remark 7.3 173-4 Remark 7.4 174
Remark 7.5 180 Remark 7.6 180 Remark 7.7 180-1 Remark 7.8 181 Remark 7.9 181 Remark 7.10 181-2 Remark 7.11 182 Remark 7.12 204-5 Remark 8.1 215 Remark 8.2 220 Remark 8.3 220 Remark 8.4 220 Remark 8.5 220 Remark 8.6 220 Remark 8.7 222-4 Remark 8.8 226-7 Remark 8.9 227 Remark 8.10 227 Remark 8.11 228 Remark 8.12 228 Remark 8.13 232 Remark 8.14 235 Remark 8.15 237 Remark 8.16 237 Remark 8.17 237 Remark 8.18 237 Remark 8.19 238 Remark 8.20 238 Remark 8.21 257-8 Remark 8.22 258 Remark 8.23 266 Remark 8.24 269-71 Remark 8.25 275 Remark 8.26 275 Remark 8.27 275 Remark 8.28 275-6 Remark 8.29 276 Remark 8.30 277 Remark 8.31 278 Remark 8.32 287 Remark 8.33 287 renormalizations 2, 227 Reynolds number 251 Riesz transforms 18, 62, 131
scalar conservation laws 2 second derivatives 56 second-order operator 300 semi-stationary model ix, 224-35, 236 sequences of solutions viii, 2, 7, 215 compactness results viii, 1-48 compressible Euler equations 275
compressible models with temperature 268-9
convergence, see convergence
existence results for Cauchy problems 1868
stationary problems ix, 112-28, 143, 161, 170
time-discretized problems 50, 80-4 shallow water models ix, 237, 251-4 shocks 10, 274, 275 singularities, formation of 182 `smooth' solutions viii, 2, 182, 271 stationary problems 156-7 smoothing 184-8 smoothing operator 18 Sobolev embeddings 53, 54, 68, 115, 166 existence results for Cauchy problems 172, 173, 181, 194
Sobolev inequalities 58, 72, 131 compactness results 5, 8, 19, 21 limiting case 292-4 Sobolev regularity 18, 275 stability 2, 257, 272 stationary problems viii-ix, 49, 50-1, 11271
compressible models with temperature ix, 51, 144-5, 162-71, 269-71
exterior problems ix, 51, 128-43 general compressible models 162-71 general pressure laws ix, 51, 146, 158-62 regularity, see regularity Stokes equations 162 see also time-discretized problems steady flows 156-7 Stokes equations 162 Stokes-like model ix, 236-51 strong convergence 9, 35 compactness results in whole space case 15-16, 22-3, 27
existence results for Cauchy problems 2012
stationary problems 160-1 time-discretized problems 80, 97 transport of entropy 216-17 strong maximum principle 167, 170 tangential friction 74 temperature: compressible models with compactness properties ix, 254-62 global existence results ix-x, 262-71 stationary problems ix, 51, 144-5, 16271, 269-71
Theorem C.1 293 Theorem C.2 293-4 Theorem C.3 294 Theorem 5.1 8-9, 13-15, 15-34
Theorem 5.2 37-8 Theorem 5.3 45-8
Theorem 6.1 52-3, 84-96 Theorem 6.2 55, 66-70 Theorem 6.3 55-6, 71, 96-7 Theorem 6.4 81-4, 160 Theorem 6.5 98, 99 Theorem 6.6 111-12 Theorem 6.7 114, 115-17 Theorem 6.8 118-19 Theorem 6.9 121, 122, 122-6 Theorem 6.10 121, 122, 126-7 Theorem 6.11 130, 130-7 Theorem 6.12 138 Theorem 6.13 138 Theorem 6.14 138, 139-40 Theorem 6.15 141, 141-3 Theorem 6.16 146, 146-55 Theorem 6.17 156 Theorem 6.18 165, 166-71 Theorem 7.1 173, 174-9 Theorem 7.2 180, 182-205 Theorem 8.1 215 Theorem 8.2 217-18 Theorem 8.3 219, 220-2 Theorem 8.4 225-6, 228-32 Theorem 8.5 226, 228-32 Theorem 8.6 226, 232-5 Theorem 8.7 236, 238-51 Theorem 8.8 236-7, 238-51 Theorem 8.9 257, 258-62 Theorem 8.10 266, 266-9 Theorem 8.11 275 Theorem 8.12 275 Theorem 8.13 276, 277-8 thermal conduction coefficient 213, 222 thermodynamics 36, 158, 255 second law 217 three dimensions 181 general compressible models 166-71 time-discretized problems 55-7 time discretization ix, 182, 197-205 time-discretized problems viii-ix, 49-50, 51112,146,162 a priori estimates viii, 49, 56, 57-80, 856, 99, 100-1 compactness 50, 80-4, 95, 96, 160 existence proofs 50, 84-97 existence and regularity results 51-7 general pressure laws 158-60 isothermal case ix, 50, 97-112 topological degree 22, 51, 86, 122 total energy 162, 163, 264 total mass 50, 113, 119 transport of entropy ix, 213-24 transport equations 2, 10, 231, 280 tube-like situations
compactness results viii, 40, 42-3, 44, 47 existence results for Cauchy problems 209, 211-12 stationary problems 128, 129, 138 turbulence models vii, 74 two dimensions 55, 72, 126, 166 compressible Euler equations 278-81 isothermal case ix, 50, 97-112, 159 uniqueness 181 compressible Euler equations 272, 275 existence results for Cauchy problems 1812, 197 low Mach number model 281, 287 semi-stationary model 227, 228, 230, 2312, 235 Stokes-like model 237, 238, 240, 241, 2478
vacuum 81, 181, 217, 275 regularity of solutions to stationary problems ix, 144, 166 value function 148-50 velocity 1, 10, 251, 263 normal 74, 115, 121 stationary problems 144, 162, 163 viscosity coefficients 158 viscosity solutions 149, 150-1 viscous case 9-10, 275 viscous dissipation 162, 213, 222-4 wall laws 74 wave equation 273 weak-* convergences 12, 219 weak convergences 219, 290-1
boundary value problems 38, 38-9 propagation of oscillations 7-8, 12 weak limits 81, 161, 292 compactness results 10-11, 12 whole space case 15, 17-18, 19, 20, 245
compressible models with temperature 257,264 existence results for Cauchy problems 1901, 201
weak solutions 278 compactness results 2-3, 8-9, 9 global, see global weak solutions weak topology 22, 122 whole space case 1, 49, 214, 236 compactness results 3, 5-6, 7, 11, 34, 37 proofs 15-30 existence results for Cauchy problems 173, 174-5, 180, 196-7 general pressure laws 205-7
whole space case (cont.) semi-stationary model 225, 226, 229-32 stationary problems 112, 113-14, 140-1, 145, 147-8 time-discretized problems 58, 61-2, 64-
6,69-70,80 existence proofs 95-7 isothermal case 97, 111-12 Young measures 276
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