Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry 1: v, 1998.
This is the first issue of Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry in its English-language, international form. A journal of the same name in the Russian language, having its roots in the long and splendid tradition of mathematical research in the former Soviet Union and, in particular, the Ukraine, was launched in 1994 by the Kharkov mathematical community and has published papers in the Ukrainian, Russian and English languages. The journal, in English only as of 1998, is intended to provide an international forum for important new results not only from the former Soviet Union but from all over the world. Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry will publish research papers and review articles on new mathematical results with particular reference to complex function theory; operators in function space, especially operator algebras; ordinary and partial differential equations; differential and algebraic geometry; mathematical problems of statistical physics, fluids; etc. The Editors, supported and assisted by an international Editorial Board, will strive to maintain the highest quality. Papers which are too abstract will be discouraged. It is our purpose to make Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry a leading journal of its kind attracting the best papers in the field. VLADIMIR A. MARCHENKO ANNE BOUTET de MONVEL HENRY McKEAN
VTEXVR PIPS No: 168142 (mpagkap:mathfam) v.1.15 MPAGED1.tex; 14/05/1998; 16:06; p.1
Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry 1: 1–22, 1998. © 1998 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
Homogenization of Harmonic Vector Fields on Riemannian Manifolds with Complicated Microstructure L. BOUTET DE MONVEL Université de Paris 6, Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu (UMR 9994 du CNRS), 4 place Jussieu, F-75252 Paris Cedex 05, France
E. KHRUSLOV B. Verkin Institute for Low Temperatures, Mathematical Division, 47 Lenin Avenue, 310164 Kharkov, Ukraine (Received: 1 October 1997) Abstract. We study the asymptotic behaviour of harmonic vector fields with given fluxes or periods on special manifolds consisting of one or several copies of the Euclidean space, with a large number of small holes attached edge to edge by means of thin tubes (wormholes) when the number of holes tends to infinity. We obtain the homogenized equations describing the leading term of the asymptotics. Mathematics Subject Classifications (1991): 35B27, 35B40. Key words: electric field, homogenization, wormholes.
According to the well-known ‘Wheeler picture’, electric fields can be represented as harmonic fields on special Riemannian manifolds M . Such a manifold can consist of one or several copies of the Euclidean space with small holes attached edge to edge by means of thin tubes. In geometrodynamics, these tubes are called ‘wormholes’ [1]. The flux of a vector field through a wormhole is interpreted as a charge of the electric field. Given fluxes through all wormholes of M determine a unique harmonic vector field on M vanishing at infinity. Such vector fields are also determined by their periods along cycles passing through wormholes. In this paper, we consider manifolds M depending on a small parameter > 0 such that the number of holes increases and their diameters vanish, as → 0. We study the asymptotic behaviour of harmonic vector fields on these manifolds with given fluxes or periods and obtain homogenized equations describing the leading term of the asymptotics.
VTEX(EL) PIPS No.: 151041 (mpagkap:mathfam) v.1.15 MPAG009.tex; 14/05/1998; 16:03; p.1
1. Description of the Problem Let be a fixed bounded domain in the space Rn (n > 3) and {Bi , i = 1 . . . N()} be a family of closed pairwise disjoint balls in depending on a small parameter > 0. We suppose that the total number N() of balls tends to infinity and their diameters tend to zero, when → 0, and any open subdomain G ⊂ contains some balls for sufficiently small . Let us consider the infinite domain = R n \
N() [
e = × {1 . . . m}. and the disjoint union of m copies (sheets) of : e some n-dimension tubes, We construct a new manifold M by attaching to e gluing their boundaries to those of the holes of . More precisely, M is defined by the following data: • for each > 0 the number mN() is even and we are given a partition of the set of all pairs {(i, k) : i = 1 . . . N(), k = 1 . . . m} into subsets of two elements [(i, k), (j, l)]-linked pairs; kl = Sn−1 × [0, 1] be a spherical tube • for each linked pair [(i, k), (j, l)], let Tij kl of dimension n (Sn−1 is unit (n − 1)-sphere). The boundary ∂Tij of this tube consists of two components: kl k l = 0i ∪ 0j ; ∂Tij
• for each (i, k) we are given a diffeomorphism: k hki : 0i ↔ ∂Bik ,
where ∂Bik is a component of the boundary ∂k of kth sheet k = × k. kl The manifold M is the union of the sheets k (k = 1 . . . m) and tubes Tij identik fying boundary points pairwise according to the diffeomorphisms hi . We suppose that M is an orientable manifold. Fragments of such a manifold are shown in Figures 1 and 2. We equip M with a differentiable structure inducing its canonical structure of kl . a differentiable manifold with a boundary on each sheet k and on each tube Tij α We will usually denote x as the points of M and, when needed, x (α = 1 . . . n) as the coordinates in some local coordinate chart. Finally, we are given a Riemannian metric on M with a positively defined (x); α, β = 1 . . . n} inducing the standard flat metric smooth metric tensor {gαβ n of R outside some sufficiently small neighbourhoods of the tubes on M . For simplicity we will suppose that it induces such a flat metric on each whole sheet
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Ω ²k i
T²kkij Figure 1.
Ω ²k
Figure 2.
k . Its dependence on parameter on the tubes will be quantitatively characterized below (Section 2). We will study the harmonic vector fields on M and we may identify them with harmonic differential forms of degree 1 or n − 1. Let us recall some facts and notations from the theory of differentiable manifolds [2]. Differential forms of degree r (r-forms) are defined in local coordinates as follows: ω(x) =
ωi1 (x) dx i1 ∧ · · · ∧ dx ir ,
16i1 <···
where functions ωi1 (x) are components of a skew-symmetric tensor field of rank r (0 6 r 6 n) and the sign ∧ denotes the exterior product.
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The following three operators act on the set of differential forms. The exterior differentiation operator d maps r-forms into (r + 1)-forms according to the formulae X ∂f d2 = 0, df = dx i , d(ω ∧ µ) = dω ∧ µ + (−1)k ω ∧ dµ, ∂x i where ω and µ are any smooth forms, k is degree of ω, and f is a function (form of degree 0). The star operator ∗ assigns to any r-form ω the (n − r)-form ∗ω such that p µ ∧ ∗ω = (µ, ω) |g | dx i1 ∧ · · · ∧ dx in for any r-form µ. Here |g | is the determinant of the metric tensor {gαβ (x)} on M , and X (µ, ω) = µi1 ωi1 16i1 <···
is the scalar product of forms relative to the metric on M . The operator δ maps r-forms into (r − 1)-forms according to the equality Z Z (δω, µ) dn x = (ω, dµ) dn x , M
which is valid for any r-form ω and any smooth (r − 1)-form µ with compact √ support. Here and below we denote dn x = |g | dx i1 · · · dx in the volume element on M . We recall that a form ω is called exact, if there is a form φ such that ω = dφ. It is called closed, if dω = 0, and coclosed, if δω = 0. A form ω is called harmonic, if it is both closed and coclosed. Let Z be P a regular two-dimensional chain on M , i.e., a formal linear combination Z = αk Zk , where αk are real numbers and Zk are r-dimensional simplexes in M , parametrized by continuously differentiable functions xkα (u1 . . . ur ) (α = 1 . . . n; u = {u1 . . . ur } ∈ U r ). The integral of an r-form ω along Z is defined by the formula: Z Z X X ∂(xki1 . . . xkir ) 1 du · · · dur . ω= αk ωi1 (x(u)) i1 . . . uir ) r ∂(u Z U k 16i1 <···
A chain Z without boundary (∂Z = 0) is called a cycle. Two r-dimensional cycles C1 , C2 are homologous if there exists an (r + 1)-dimensional chain Z such that the chain C1 − C2 is the boundary of Z (C1 − C2 = ∂Z). In particular, a cycle C is homologous to zero if it is a boundary (C = ∂Z). R If ω is a closed r-form and C is an r-dimensional cycle, then the integral C ω is called the period of ω along Z. According to Stokes’ theorem it depends only
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R on the homology classes of ω and Z. In particular, the period C ω vanishes if ω is exact or Z is homologous to zero. It follows from our construction of the manifold M , that cycles of dimension r 6= 1, n − 1 are homologous to zero. Besides since n > 3, one-dimensional cycles Ck situated completely on one sheet k (k = 1 . . . m) are homologous to zero. The manifold M is not compact. We define its compactification by adjoining points at infinity ∞k (k = 1 . . . m) on each of the m sheets k and we will consider 1-forms and (n − 1)-forms on M tending to zero fast enough, i.e., satisfying the following ‘decay condition’ when |x| → ∞: |ω(x)| = O(|x|1−n ),
where |ω| = (ω, ω)1/2 is the norm Rof ω. For such 1-forms the integrals C kl ω are still well defined along non-compact ij
kl kl paths Cij that join ∞k and ∞l through some tube Tij : kl l ∞k → ∂Bik → Tij → ∂Bj → ∞l
and are straight lines outside of . Since there are only finitely many holes Bik and finitely many sheets, these contours form R a basis for one-dimensional homology kl classes. We will still call the integrals C kl ω periods of the form ω (although Cij ij
kl kl are not cycles) and denote them Pij . It is clear that Pij = −Pjlki if [(i, k), (j, l)] kl are linked pairs, and we set Pij = 0 otherwise (consistency conditions). kl THEOREM 1. For a given consistent set of periods Pij (i, j = 1 . . . N(); k, l = 1 . . . m) there exists a unique harmonic 1-form satisfying the decay condition (1.1).
As a basis for (n − 1)-homology classes we may choose (n − 1)-spheres ∂Bik . We will denote 8ki the periods of an (n − 1)-form ω along ∂Bik . According to Stokes’ theorem, 8ki = −8lj if [(i, k), (j, l)] are linked pairs (consistency conditions). THEOREM 2. For a given consistent set of periods 8ki (i = 1 . . . N(); k = 1 . . . m) there exists a unique harmonic (n − 1)-form satisfying the decay condition (1.1). Note that if ω is harmonic (n − 1)-form with periods 8ki then 1-form v = ∗ω is also harmonic and corresponding vector field v = {vi (x), i = 1 . . . n} has fluxes 8ki through (n − 1)-spheres ∂Bik . Theorems 1 and 2 are variants of Hodge’s theorem for the non-compact manifold M . They may be proved by the variational method (see Section 3). The main goal of this paper is to study the asymptotic behaviour of 1-forms defined by Theorem 1 and the asymptotic behaviour of (n − 1)-forms defined by Theorem 2, when → 0.
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2. Statements of Main Results First we describe more notations. Let xi be the centre of the ball Bi , ai its radius, ri the distance from xi to the union of the other centres: ri = min |xi − xj |. i6=j
We assume that when → 0 (i) ai → 0,
ri → 0,
so that (ii) n
ai 6 Crin−2 , where C doesn’t depend on . Let Ri be the spherical annulus in Rn , centered at the point xi with inner radius ai and outer radius bi = ri /2: ri n . Ri = x ∈ R : ai < |x − xi | < 2 It is easy to see that these annuli belong to convex non-intersecting polyhedrons S 5i (i = 1 . . . N()) such that Ri ⊂ 5i ⊂ Rn , ⊂ i 5i . We will assume that (iii) di = diam(5i ) 6 Cri , where C doesn’t depend on . kl kl k l Let us denote Dij = Tij ∪ Ri ∪ Rj the domain on the manifold M , where k Ri = Ri × {k} is the kth copy of the annulus Ri on the kth sheet k ⊂ M , and kl kl is the tube corresponding to the linked pairs [(i, k), (j, l)]. Its boundary ∂Dij Tij l consists of two components Sik ⊂ k and Sj ⊂ l . Let us consider in the domain kl Dij the boundary value problem: kl 1v(x) = 0, x ∈ Dij ; (2.1) v(x) = 0, x ∈ Sik ; l , v(x) = 1, x ∈ Sj where v(x) is a function, 1 = 1M is the Laplace operator on the Riemannian manifold M . In local coordinate it has the form n 1 X ∂ p αβ ∂ 1=−√ |g | g , ∂x β |g | α,β=1 ∂x α
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where {gαβ (x), α, β = 1 . . . n} is the inverse tensor to the metric tensor of M (it is also defined on forms: 1 = (dδ + δ d)). kl kl = vij (x) and set There is a unique solution to problem (2.1). We denote it vij Z kl kl kl Vij = dvij ∧ ∗ dvij . (2.2) kl Dij
kl = Vjlki . They characThese quantities are positive and possess the symmetry Vij kl terize the metric on the tubes Tij . We assume that this metric satisfies an additional condition which provides the inequality (iv) n−2 kl > C aˆ ij , Vij
where aˆ ij = max{ai , aj }, C > 0 does not depend on . Here [(i, k), (j, l)] are linked pairs. kl (x) of problem (2.1) minimizes the functional (2.2) over Note, that solution vij kl l 1 class H (Dij ) of functions satisfying the boundary conditions on Sik and Sj . Taking this into account, it is easy to obtain the opposite inequality n−2 kl 6 C aˇ ij , Vij
where aˇ ij = min{ai , aj }. Therefore inequality (iv) means that radii of linked balls have the same order of magnitude when → 0. Now we introduce the distributions on Rn × Rn X kl Vkl (x, y) = Vij δ(x − xi )δ(y − xj ); k, l = 1 . . . m, ij kl where δ(x) is the delta-function on Rn , Vij = 0, if pairs [(i, k), (j, l)] are not linked. These distributions are non-negative and by virtue of (2.3) and (i)–(ii) Z Z Vkl (x, y) dx dy < C||; k, l = 1 . . . m,
where || is the volume of the domain ⊂ Rn , C does not depend on . Thus, the sets of distributions {Vkl (x, y), > 0} (k, l = 1 . . . m) are compact in the sense of weak topology of distributions on Rn × Rn . We will assume that there exist weak limits (v) w − lim Vkl (x, y) = Vkl (x, y), →0
k, l = 1 . . . m,
where Vkl (x, y) are non-negative distributions (densities of measures) with supports in × . Symmetry Vkl (x, y) = Vlk (y, x) holds true and using (i), (ii), (v) and (2.3), one can show that integrals Z Vkl (x, y) dy = Ikl (x) are bounded functions of x: Ikl (x) ∈ L∞ ().
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We further introduce the distributions on Rn : X kl kl Vij Pij δ(x − xi ) (k = 1 . . . m), Pk (x) = ij
and 8k (x) =
8ki δ(x − xi ) (k = 1 . . . m),
are periods of harmonic 1-form and 8ki are periods of harmonic (n − where 1)-form, which were described in Theorems 1 and 2, respectively. We will also assume that these distributions weakly converge (in D 0 (Rn )) (j) kl Pij
w − lim Pk (x) = Pk (x) (k = 1 . . . m), →0
(jj) w − lim 8k (x) = 8k (x) →0
(k = 1 . . . m)
and, in addition, that the following inequalities hold (jjj) X n−2 kl 2 ai |Pij | < C1 ; i,j,k,l
(jv) X
−n+2 ai |8ki |2 < C2
with constants C1 , C2 independent of . It follows from (jjj), (jv) and (i), (ii) that limit distributions Pk (x), 8k (x)(k = 1 . . . m) are functions of L2 (). We denote L2 (M )(r) and L2 (Rn )(r) the Hilbert spaces of r-forms (r = 1, n−1) on M and Rn , respectively, with relation to the metrics scalar products [2]. Let us introduce the operators Qk (k = 1 . . . m) mapping L2 (M )(r) into L2 (Rn )(r) , defined by the formula: v (x), x × {k} ∈ k , S Qk v (x) = 0, x ∈ Rn \ = i Bi , for any v ∈ L2 (M )(r) . The main results of this paper are contained in the following theorems describing the asymptotic behaviour of harmonic 1-forms and (n − 1)-forms on M , as → 0. THEOREM 3. Let v be the harmonic 1-form defined by Theorem 1 and let conditions (i)–(v) and (j), (jjj) be fulfilled, when → 0. Then, for any k Qk v → vk
weakly in L2 (Rn )(1) ,
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where vk (k = 1 . . . m) are exact 1-forms on Rn such that vk = dUk and the collection of functions {Uk (x), k = 1 . . . m} is the generalized solution of the problem m Z X 1Uk − Vkl (x, y)[Uk (x) − Ul (y)] dy = Pk (x), x ∈ Rn ; l=1
Uk (x) = O(|x|2−n ),
x → ∞ (k = 1 . . . m).
THEOREM 4. Let v be the harmonic (n − 1)-form defined by Theorem 2 and let conditions (i)–(iv) and (jj), (jv) be fulfilled, when → 0. Then, for any k Qk v → vk
weakly in L2 (Rn )(n−1) ,
where vk (k = 1 . . . m) are (n−1)-forms on Rn such that vk = ∗ dUk and functions Uk (x) are the solutions of the problems 1Uk = 8k (x),
x ∈ Rn ;
Uk (x) = O(|x|2−n ),
x → ∞ (k = 1 . . . m).
We will prove these theorems in Sections 3, 4 and 5. In Section 3 we will construct suitable representations for harmonic 1-forms and (n−1)-forms on M . Then using these representations, in Sections 4 and 5 we study the asymptotic behaviour of 1-form and (n − 1)-forms, respectively. 3. Representation of Harmonic Forms on M kl Let us make cuts on M along the middle section on each tube Tij , as indicated k l in Figure 3. We will denote by Ti and Tj the corresponding halves of the tube kl kl Tij (Tij = Tik ∪ Tjl ). Thus, we cut M in m components Mk (k = 1 . . . m) whose boundaries conkl . Each Mk is homeomorphic to the space Rn with N() sist of N() spheres Sij removed balls Bi . Therefore since n > 2, Mk has no 1-homology. Hence, any closed 1-form v on M is exact on each Mk , i.e.,
v = duk ,
x ∈ Mk (k = 1 . . . m).
Here uk is a smooth function on Mk such that uk = O(|x|2−n ),
|x| → ∞
and v satisfying the vanishing condition (1.1). kl of v and (3.1), (3.2), According to the definition of the periods Pij kl uk (x)|S kl − ul (x)|S lk = Pij . ij
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M ²l
T²l j
S²klij T k²i M k²
i Figure 3.
We also have 1uk ≡ −(δ d + dδ)uk = 0,
x ∈ Mk ,
if v is a harmonic 1-form. kl kl } (such that Pij = −Pjlki ), we will denote For a given set of numbers P = {Pij H 1 (M , P ) the set of collections u[m] = {uk , k = 1 . . . m} of m functions uk (x) defined on Mk that have square integrable derivatives and satisfy the conditions (3.2) and (3.3). Since n > 2 one can show that there exists a unique collection u[m] = {uk , k = 1 . . . m} ∈ H 1 (M , P ) which minimizes the functional X Z duk ∧ ∗ duk (3.5) J1 (u[m] ) = k
over H 1 (M , P ) and functions uk (x) of this collection satisfy Equation (3.4) on Mk (k = 1 . . . m). kl } if and Thus a 1-form v on M is harmonic with the set of periods P = {Pij k only if it is exact on each M and the collection of primitives, as in (3.1), minimizes the functional (3.5) over H 1 (M , P ). Now, let w be a harmonic (n−1)-form on M with periods 8ki . Let us consider the 1-form v = ∗w . As is well known, it is also a harmonic form on M and the fluxes of the corresponding vector field through the spheres Sik (in the direction of k ) are equal to 8ki . It is clear that v has a represention of form (3.1) with potentials u˜ k (x) = (−1)n−1 uk (x) satisfying conditions (3.2)–(3.4). However, in kl are not known. Thus we have: this case the constants Pij w = ∗ duk
on Mk .
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S Let us denote H 1 (M , P ) the set of collections of m functions u[m] = {uk , kl kl : Pij = −Pjlki } of k = 1 . . . m} ∈ H 1 (M , P ) with arbitrary sets P = {Pij constant ‘jumps’ in (3.3), i.e., [ [ P = H 1 (M , P ). H 1 M , P
Since n > 2 there exists a unique collection u[m] = {uk , k = 1 . . . m} ∈ H 1 (M , P ) minimizing the functional XZ X kl duk ∧ ∗ duk − 8ki Pij (3.6) J2 (u[m] ) = k
S over H 1 (M , P ). Here 8ki (i = 1 . . . N(), k = 1 . . . m) are given numbers kl (i, j = 1 . . . N(), such that 8ki = −8lj for the linked pairs [(i, k), (j, l)]; Pij kl k, l = 1 . . . m) are determined by (3.3) for linked pairs [(i, k), (j, l)] and Pij =0 otherwise. Using Green’s formula and well-known variational methods one can show that the functions uk (x) of a minimizing collection satisfy Equation (3.4) on Mk and the corresponding (n − 1)-forms ∗ duk (x) have periods 8ki (i = 1 . . . N()). It follows from the above considerations that an (n − 1)-form v on M is harmonic with periods 8ki if and only if v = ∗ duk , where the collection ofSfunctions u[m] = {uk , k = 1 . . . m} minimizes the functional (3.6) over H 1 (M , P ). Thus we obtain representations for harmonic 1-forms and (n − 1)-forms on M , which will be used in Sections 4 and 5 to investigate the asymptotic behaviour of these forms, as → 0 (Theorems 3 and 4). Note that existence and uniqueness of the forms (Theorems 1 and 2) also follow from these representations if one can prove the solvability of the minimization problems (3.5) and (3.6). 4. Proof of Theorem 3 kl } be the set of periods of a harmonic 1-form v , satisfying condition Let P = {Pij (1.1), and let u[m] = {uk , k = 1 . . . m} be the collection of functions of the class H 1 (M , P ) minimizing the functional (3.5), i.e., the collection of primitives of v . Let us introduce the collection of functions u0[m] = {u0k , k = 1 . . . m} of the kl and set class H 1 (M , P ) vanishing outside domains Dij
w (x) =
X (uk (x) − u0k (x))χk (x);
v0 (x) =
du0k (x)χk (x),
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where χk (x) is the characteristic function of Mk . It follows from the properties of the collections u[m] , u0[m] , that w (x) is a function with square integrable derivatives on the manifold M , satisfying condition (3.2) and minimizing the functional Z XZ dw ∧ ∗ dw + 2 du0k ∧ ∗ dw . (4.3) J1 (w ) = M
Besides v0 is a 1-form on M and v = v0 + dw . We will choose below the collection u0[m] so that, for any k, Qk v0 → 0 weakly in L2 (Rn )(1) , as → 0. Then to prove Theorem 3 we will show that for any k Qk dw → dwk weakly in L2 (Rn )(1) , where wk (x) is a function on Rn with square integrable derivatives satisfying the decay condition wk (x) = O(|x|2−n ), as x → ∞, and the collection of functions w = {wk , k = 1 . . . m} minimizes the functional XZ |∇wk |2 dn x + J (w) = k
XZ k
Vkl (x, y)[wk (x) − wl (y)]2 dn x dn y +
Pk wk dn x.
Here we have set n X ∂wk 2 |∇wk | = ∂x α , α=1 2
and the functions Pk (x) and the distributions Vkl (x, y) are defined by (j) and (v), integrals are taken with respect to Lebesque measure on Rn . We first describe the abstract scheme of the minimization problems (4.3) and (4.4). Let H be a Hilbert space depending on a parameter > 0, with scalar product (·, ·) and norm || · || , and F a continuous linear functional on H uniformly bounded with respect to . Let H be another Hilbert space with scalar product (·, ·) and norm || · ||, F is a continuous linear functional on H . Let w and w be solutions of the minimization problems inf ||w ||2 + F (w ) , (4.5) w ∈H (4.6) inf ||w||2 + F (w) , w∈H
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The question is to analyse under what conditions and in what sense w converges to w. This is in part answered by the following theorem: THEOREM 5. Assume that we are given a dense subspace M ⊂ H and, for each > 0, linear operators Q : H → H , P : M → H that satisfy conditions (a)–(c): (a) ||Q u || 6 C||u || ; for any u ∈ H , any u ∈ M and any v ∈ H such that Q v → v weakly in H, as → 0, we have: (b1 ) Q P u → u
weakly in H, as → 0;
(b2 ) lim ||P u||2 = ||u||2 ;
(b3 ) lim |(P u, v ) | 6 C ||u|| ||v||;
(c) lim F (v ) = F (v).
Then if w is the solution of the minimization problem (4.5), Q w converges to w, weakly in H , when → 0. We will apply this theorem, which was proved in [3]. In our situation H = b1 (M ) is the Hilbert space of local square integrable functions on M which have H square integrable derivatives with scalar product Z du ∧ ∗ dv (u, v) = M
and which ‘vanish’ at infinity (at the ∞k (k = 1 . . . m)) in the following sense: b1 (M ) is the completion of the space of smooth functions satisfying the condition H (3.1) at ∞k with respect to the norm ||w|| = (w, w)1/2 . 1 n m b We define the Hilbert space H = H (R ) as the space of locally integrable vector-functions u = (u1 . . . um ) on Rn with square integrable derivatives which ‘vanish at infinity’. We endow it with the scalar product XZ Z XZ duk ∧ ∗ dvk + Vkl (x, y)(uk (x) − ul (y))2 dn x dn y. (u, v) = k
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b1 (Rn )m is the completion of the space of smooth m-component More precisely, H vector-functions satisfying condition (3.1) at infinity with respect to the norm ||u|| = (u, u)1/2 . b1 (M ) and H b1 (Rn )m Note that for n > 3 || · || and || · || are norms indeed in H respectively. This follows from the well known inequality Z Z R2 2 n |∇f |2 dn x, |f | d x 6 (4.7) 2(n − 2) |x|6R which is valid for any function f ∈ C01 . b1 (M ) and F in H b1 (Rn )m are defined by the The linear functionals F in H formulae X Z F [w ] = 2 dw ∧ ∗ du0k , (4.8) F [w] = 2
Pk wk dn x.
Then the minimization problems (4.3), (4.4) can be reformulated as (4.5), (4.6) respectively. To apply Theorem 5 we must define operators Q , P and functions (a), (bi ), (c) of Theorem 5 are satisfied. u0k (k = 1 . . . m) so that conditions S 0 0 Let us set 0 = 0 \ i Bi and 0k = × {k}, where is a relatively n 0 compact subdomain of R such that ⊆ . By virtue of (ii) there exists an extension operator Q0 : H 1 (0 ) → H 1 (0 ) such that ||Q0 v ||H 1 (0 ) 6 C||v ||H 1 (0 )
for any v ∈ H 1 (0 ) [4]. Here and below we denote H 1 (G) the Sobolev space of functions on a domain G ⊂ Rn ; the constant C does not depend on . Such a continuation operator, of course, is not unique. However, we may choose the unique one that minimizes norms in the spaces H (Bi ). Keeping this in mind, b1 (M ) → H b1 (Rn )m as follows: we define the operator Q : H 0 (Q u1 , . . . , Q0 um ) for x ∈ 0 ; Q u (x) = (u1 , . . . , um ) for x ∈ Rn \ 0 , where uk (x) = u (x ×{k}) for x ∈ , i.e. x ×{k} ∈ k . It obviously follows from (4.7), (4.10) that Q is a linear operator satisfying the condition (a) of Theorem 5. b1 (M ) and functions u0k (x) repNow we define an operator P : M → H resenting the functional F in (4.8). First let us introduce on M the following functions: k 1, x ∈ Ti ; k i | ; , x ∈ Ri ϕik (x) = ϕ |x−x ri k k ); 0, x ∈ M \ (Tik ∪ Ri
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k 1, x ∈ Ti ; k i | , x ∈ Ri ; b ϕik (x) = ϕ |x−x 4ai k k ), 0 x ∈ M \ (Tik ∪ Ri kl where Tik is the corresponding half of the tube Tij (see Figure 3), ϕ(t) > 0 is a twice continuously differentiable function on real line such that ϕ(t) = 1 for t 6 1/4 and ϕ(t) = 0 for t > 1/2, other notations correspond to those considered in Sections 1 and 2. We choose the space C02 (Rn )m of twice continuously differentiable vectorfunctions u = (u1 (x) . . . um (x)) with compact support in Rn as a dense subset b1 (Rn )m and set: M in H X X k P u (x) = uk (x) 1 − b ϕi (x) + uk (xi )b ϕik (x) +
+ u0k (x)
kl vij
ul (xj ) − uk (xi ) ϕik (x),
i kl kl Pij vij (x)ϕik (x),
x ∈ Mk , k = 1 . . . m.
i kl Here the pairs (i, k) and (j, l) are ‘linked’, vij (x) is the solution of the problem kl (2.1) and P = {Pij } is the set of periods of 1-form under consideration along the kl contours Cij (see Section 1). kl lk 0 0 b1 Since vij (x) = 1 − vj i (x), P u ∈ H (M ) and u[m] = {uik , k = 1 . . . m} ∈ H 1 (M , P ). One can show that conditions (bi ) and (c) of Theorem 5 are fulfilled. We only have to check below condition (c). b1 (M ) such that Q v converges weakly to v in Let v (x) be a function of H 1 n m b H (R ) , when → 0. Taking into account (4.8), (4.11) and the properties of the kl (x) and ϕik (x), and using Green’s formula we obtain functions vij Z X kl kl k F (v ) = 2 Pij 1(vij ϕi ) ∧ ∗v (4.12) i,k
k Ri
and according to (2.2) Z Z kl k 1(vij ϕi ) ∧ ∗1 = k Ri
k ∂Bi
kl ∗ dvij
Z =
l Sj
kl kl vij ∧ ∗ dvij
Z =
kl Dij
kl kl kl dvij ∧ ∗ dvij = Vij .
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k Let us cover (triangulate) by convex polyhedrons 5i containing the sets Ri and satisfying the condition (iii). For convex polyhedrons we dispose of the Poincaré inequality:
LEMMA 1. There is a universal constant C = Cn such that, for any bounded convex domain D ⊂ Rn , we have: Z 2 2 2 ||u|| 6 ||u|| ¯ + Cd ||du||2 D
for u ∈ H (D), where u¯ denotes the mean of u, and d is the diameter of D. Proof. This is obviously true if u = constant, so we may suppose u¯ = 0 (i.e. u orthogonal to constants – for a given D the best possible constant is the inverse of the first nonzero eigenvalue of the Neuman problem). If u¯ = 0 we have Z |u(x) − u(y)|2 = 2 vol(D)||u||2 . 1
We also have
u(x) − u(y) =
(du(z).(y − x)) ds
with z = x + s(y − x)
Z 2 vol(D)||u||2 6
||u0 (z)||2 ||x − y||2 dn x dn y ds.
To estimate the last integral, we write everything in polar coordinates centred at z: r x = z + rω, y = z − ρω (||ω|| = 1), s= r+ρ with variables z ∈ Rn , ω ∈ the unit sphere of Rn , 0 6 r 6 a, 0 6 ρ 6 b, where D is defined by r < a = a(z, ω) in polar coordinates centred at z, and b = a(z, −ω). The Jacobian determinant of this change of coordinates is given by: dn x dn y ds = (r + ρ)n−2 dn z dn−1 ω dr dρ (with dn−1 ω the standard volume element of the sphere), so that (1) can be written Z 2 2 vol(D)||u|| 6 ||u0 (z)||2||x − y||2 (r + ρ)n−2 dn z dn−1 ω dr dρ. (4.14) Now we have ||x − y|| = r + ρ 6 d and Z (r + ρ)n−2 dn−1 ω dr dρ 6 2C vol(D)
R for some CR > 0 (because (r+ρ)n−2 6 2n−3 (r n−2 +ρ n−2 ) and ba n−1 dn−1 R nconstant n ω 6 a dn−1 ω + bn dn−1 ω = n vol(D), so one can choose C = 2n−3 n−1 ). The 2 lemma follows from (4.14) and (4.15) by dividing by 2 vol(D).
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k be the Let χi (x) be the characteristic function of the polyhedron 5i and v¯i mean value of the function (Q v )k (x) in 5i . We set X k χ¯k (x) = v¯i χi (x) i
and P k (x) =
kl kl Pij Vij |5i |−1 χi (x).
i kl Then according to (4.12), (4.13) and the properties of the functions vij (x), ϕik we get XZ P k (x)χ¯k (x) dn x + E (v ), (4.16) F (v ) = 2 k
where E (v ) = 2
Z kl Pij
kl k 1(vij ϕi ) (Q v )k − χ¯ k dn x.
Since the function (Q v )k converges weakly to vk , when → 0, it remains uniformly bounded in H 1 (), and therefore converges strongly in L2 (). From Lemma 1 and condition (i) we then obtain that χ¯k (x) also converges to vk in L2 (). Taking into account (j), (jjj) and (2.3), it is easy to show that Pk (x) converges weakly to Pk (x) in L2 (), as → 0. Hence XZ XZ n Pk (x)vk (x) dn x. P k (x)χ¯k (x) d x = (4.18) lim →0
To estimate the term E (v ) in (4.11) we use the following estimates for the kl of problem (2.1) (see [3, 5]): solution vij α kl D v (x) 6 C ij
n−2 ai , |x − xi |n−2+|α|
k x ∈ Ri (|α| = 0, 1).
Then, using (4.18) and the properties of the functions ϕik (x), we obtain |E (v )| 6 C
X 2n−4 1/2 X a i
i rin
||(Q v )k − χ¯k ||L2 () .
Thus, in view of (i), (ii) and the convergence of (Q v )k and χ¯ k to vk in L2 (), we have lim E (v ) = 0.
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It follows from (4.16), (4.18), (4.20) and (4.9) that condition (c) of Theorem 5 is fulfilled. Applying Theorem 5, we conclude that Q w converges weakly to w = (w1 . . . wm ) in H 1 (Rn )m , where w and w are solutions of the minimization problems (4.3) and (4.4) respectively. It means that 1-form d(Q w )k converges to 1-form dwk weakly in L2 (Rn )(1) , when → 0. We have Qk [dw ] = d(Q w )k − d(Q w )k ∧ χ with χ the characteristic function of the union of all balls Bi . Since X 2(n−2) 1/2 h X i Z X 1/2 ai n 2 χ 6 C ai 6 C max{ai } rin n i ri i i i from conditions (i), (ii) we get Z lim χ = 0. →0
Therefore d(Q w ) ∧ χ converges weakly to zero in L2 (Rn )(1) , so Qk [dw ] converges to dwk (k = 1 . . . m). Finally, it follows from (4.2) and (4.11) that Qk [v0 ] converges weakly to zero in L2 (Rn )(1) when → 0, which can be shown in the same manner using estimates (4.19) and (jjj). Thus, the harmonic 1-form v = v0 + dw converges to dwk (k = 1 . . . m) in the sense defined above, and this proves Theorem 3. 5. Proof of Theorem 4
S Let {uk (x), k = 1 . . . m} ∈ H 1 (M , P ) be the collection of functions minimizing the functional (3.6), and {u0k (x), k = 1 . . . m} be the collection of functions kl }, satisfying defined by equalities (4.11) with a given set of constants P = {Pij the consistency condition (see Section 1). Then the function w (x) ∈ H 1 (M ) kl } (considered as defined by formula (4.1) and the collection of constants P = {Pij independent variables) minimize the functional Z 1 X bkl kl 2 V (P ) + dw ∧ ∗ dw + J (w , P ) = 2 i,k ij ij M Z X X kl kl k kl +2 Pij d(vij ϕi ) ∧ ∗ dw − 8ki Pij , (5.1) i,k
k Ri
where (i, k) and (j, l) are linked pairs and Z Z kl kl k kl k bij = d(vij ϕi ) ∧ ∗ d(vij ϕi ) + V k Ri
l Rj
lk l lk l d(vj i ϕj ) ∧ ∗ d(vj i ϕj ).
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kl (x) and ϕik (x) and using Taking into account the properties of the functions vij Green’s formula, we obtain Z Z kl kl kl lk lk b dvij ∧ vij + dvj Vij = i ∧ vj i + kl Sij
lk Sji
+ Z =
k Ri
kl Dij
kl k 1(vij ϕi )
kl k ∗(vij ϕi )
kl dvij
kl ∗ dvij
2(n−2) ai
l Rj
lk l lk l 1(vj i ϕj ) ∧ ∗(vj i ϕj )
So, according to (2.2) and (i), (ii), (iv), kl kl bij = Vij (1 + o(1)) V
( → 0).
We transform the third term in (5.1) using Green’s formula and represent J (w , P ) in the form X kl 8ki Pij (5.3) J (w , P ) = J0 (w , P ) − i,k
Z J0 (w , P ) =
dw ∧ ∗ dw + M
Z kl Pij
k Ri
1 X bkl kl 2 V (P ) + 2 i,k ij ij
kl k 1(vij ϕi ) ∧ ∗w .
LEMMA 2. There exist positive constants C0 and 0 such that for < 0 Z X n−2 kl 2 J0 (w , P ) > C0 dw ∧ ∗ dw + ai (Pij ) . M
Proof. Let us suppose that the statement of the lemma is not valid. Then there exist sequences {wr , r → 0, r = 1, 2, . . .} and {Pr , r → 0, r = 1, 2, . . .} such that for = r → 0 lim J0 (w , P ) = 0
Z dw ∧ ∗ dw + M
n−2 kl 2 ai (Pij ) = 1.
It follows from (5.6) and (4.7) that the sequence of vector-functions {Q w , = b1 (Rn )m , so one can select a subsequence {Q w , r , r = 1, 2, . . .} is bounded in H
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b1 (Rn )m . According to the embedding = ν → 0}, which converges weakly in H theorem this subsequence converges in L2, loc. It is this subsequence that we will consider below. Let us show that w ≡ 0. Taking into account (5.5), (5.4), (2.2) and the definition of the operator Q (see proof of Theorem 3), we obtain lim ||Q w − v ||2Hb1 (Rn )m = 0,
=ν →0
where v = Q
b1 (Rn )m . ∈H
kl kl k Pij vij ϕi )
Using estimates (4.20) and the properties of ϕik , one can show that v converges b1 (Rn )m , when = ν → 0. Hence, it follows from (5.7) that weakly to zero in H w = 0. kl and ϕik we Taking into account (5.4), (iv) and the properties of functions vij write Z X n−2 kl 2 dw ∧ ∗ dw + c0 ai (Pij ) + J0 (w , P ) > M
kl Pij
Z k Ri
k kl k (w − w¯ i )1(vij ϕi ) +
kl kl k Pij Vij w¯ i ,
ik k is the mean value of the function (Q w )k in the polyhedron 5i , c0 > 0. where w¯ i The third term in the right-hand side of this inequality we estimate using (4.20), Lemma 1 and (ii): Z X kl k kl k Pij (w − w¯ i )1(vij ϕi ) k Ri
6 C1
n−2 ai
|∇(Q w )|2 n/2−1 r 5 i i i,k X Z n−2 2 kl 2 6 C max{ri } ai (Pij ) + dw ∧ ∗ dw . i
kl Pij
We estimate the fourth term using Young’ inequality, (2.3) and (ii): we can write for any δ > 0 X X kl kl k C1 X k 2 n−2 n−2 kl 2 Pij Vij w¯ i 6 δ ai (Pij ) + |w¯ i | ai δ ik i,k i,k X XZ C n−2 kl 2 6 δ ai (Pij ) + |(Q w¯ i )k |2 . (5.10) δ i,k k
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Now we choose δ = C0 /3. Then, in view of the convergence of Q w to zero in L2, loc when = ν → 0, it follows from (5.8)–(5.10) and (i) that for sufficiently small = ν Z C0 X n−2 kl 2 J0 (w , P ) > ai (Pij ) + dw ∧ ∗ dw . 2 M i,k This inequality contradicts (5.5) and (5.6), so Lemma 2 is proved. Since J (w , P ) 6 J (0, 0) = 0 from (5.3), Lemma 2 and (jv) we have Z X X (8k )2 n−2 kl 2 i dw ∧ ∗ dw + ai (Pij ) 6 C1 < C, n−2 a M i i,k ik
where C1 , C are constants independent of . b1 (Rn )m Hence the set of vector-functions {Q w , > 0} is weakly compact in H and we can select a weakly converging subsequence {Qν wν , ν → 0, ν = 1, 2}: Qν wν → w weakly in H 1 (Rn )m . The compact embedding theorem shows that this subsequence in fact converges in L2, loc. Without loss of generality we may also consider condition (v) fulfilled, as = ν → 0 (see Section 2). kl is equal Since derivatives of the functional (5.3) in respect of the variables Pij to zero at the point of minimum, we have Z Z kl kl k kl k lk l bij Pij = 8i + V 1(vij ϕi ) ∧ ∗w + 1(vj (5.12) i ϕj ) ∧ ∗w , k Ri
l Rj
kl where the consistency conditions Pij = −Pjlki , 8ki = −8lj for linked pairs [(i, k), (j, l)] are taken into account. k and using (5.12), (5.2), (4.20) and (4.13) we Remembering the definition of w¯ i get k kl kl kl kl k l kl Pij = θij (w¯ i − w¯ j ) + Eij , (5.13) Vij 8i + Vij kl kl → 1 uniformly with respect to i, j , when = ν → 0, and Eij satisfies where θij the estimate Z 1/2 a n−2 kl k 2 n | 6 C in/2 |(Q w )k − w¯ i | d x + |Eij ri 5i 1/2 n−2 Z aj l 2 n |(Q w )l − w¯ j | d x . (5.14) + C n/2 rj 5j
Taking into account (5.13), (5.14), (i)–(iii), (v), (jj) and the fact that the subsequences {Qν wν } converge to wk (k = 1 . . . m), we conclude that the distributions X kl kl Vij Pij δ(x − xi ) Pk (x) = i,k
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converge, when = ν → 0, weakly in D 0 (Rn ) to the distributions Pk (x) = 8k (x) + Vkl (x, y)(wk (x) − wl (y)).
kl } also satisfies the It follows from (5.11) that the collection of constants {Pij kl condition (jjj), so all conditions of Theorem 3 for the 1-form v with periods Pij are fulfilled, when = ν → 0. Applying Theorem 3 in view of (5.15), we see that the limit w = (w1 . . . wn ) corresponding to the subsequence ν is a solution of the problem (2.4). Since this problem has a unique solution, it proves Theorem 4.
References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Wheeler, J. A.: Geometrodynamics, Academic Press, New York, 1962. de Rham, G.: Varietes Differentiables, Actualites Sci. Indust., Hermann, Paris, 1960. Boutet de Monvel, L. and Khruslov, E. Ya.: Homogenization on Riemann manifolds, Preprint BIBOS, Bielefeld, 1993. Khruslov, E. Ya.: The asymptotic behaviour of solutions of second order boundary value problem under fragmentation of the boundary of the domain, Math. USSR-Sb. 34(2) (1979). Marchenko, V. A. and Khruslov, E. Ya.: Boundary Value Problem in Domains with Fine Grained Boundary, Naukova Dumka, 1975.
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Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry 1: 23–74, 1998. © 1998 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
Hard-core Scattering for N-body Systems ? ANDREI IFTIMOVICI Equipe de Physique Mathématique et Géométrie, Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu 2, place Jussieu, 75251 Paris Cedex 05, France e-mail:
[email protected] (Received: 1 October 1997) Abstract. We prove propagation properties (maximal and minimal velocity bounds) for pseudoresolvents associated to N-body Hamiltonians with short-range potentials that are infinite on a starshaped domain centred at the origin. Motivated by the fact that the invariance principle holds for usual N-body systems, we define the cluster wave operators in terms of pseudo-resolvents and prove that they exist and are asymptotically complete. For any cluster decomposition a, these operators intertwine the hard-core pseudo-selfadjoint Hamiltonians corresponding to the pair of pseudo-resolvents R, Ra , and equal the Abel operators constructed in terms of Hamiltonians. Mathematics Subject Classification (1991): 81Uxx. Key words: asymptotic completeness, hard-core interactions, N-body systems, propagation theorems, scattering theory.
1. Introduction One of the most important goals in scattering theory is the study of the asymptotic behavior (when t → ±∞) of e−it H ψ, where ψ is an arbitrary state from the orthogonal complement of the space of eigenvectors of the Hamiltonian H . More precisely, we are interested in finding a family {Ha } of selfadjoint operators, with simpler (and known) spectral and evolution properties, such that, for any state ψ, a family of vectors {ψa± } should exist, for which the convergences
−it H −it Ha ± t →±∞
e ψ − e ψ (1.1) a
−→ 0
are satisfied. If this takes place, then we say that the system is asymptotically complete. The particularity of the N -body Hamiltonians is that they are a sum of a differential operator (with excellent dispersion properties) and a perturbation that does not vanish (when |x| → ∞) along certain directions of the configuration space X. This makes us think that, if asymptotic completeness holds for such systems, ? Previously published in MAG (Mathematical Physics, Analysis, Geometry), 1, no. 2 (1994), 265–313.
VTEX(EL) PIPS No.: 151042 (mpagkap:mathfam) v.1.15 MPAG010.tex; 14/05/1998; 16:04; p.1
then e−it Ha ψa± should be asymptotically localized within some cones centred on the classical trajectories. These geometrical ideas allowed V. Enss to show that (1.1) is true for threebody quantum systems with potentials that decay slightly faster than the Coulomb interaction. After that, asymptotic completeness for N -body short-range quantum systems has been proved in 1987 by I. Sigal and A. Soffer [34], and in the following years, many people tried to simplify or to extend their proof for more complicated many-body problems. Indeed, there was first an effort of making the theory more ‘readable’, done by J. Derezinski in [14]. Then, G. M. Graf, jointly using ideas from the earlier works of Enss ([16, 17, 18, 19]) and from [34] but also from the more recent papers of Sigal and Soffer (like [36] and especially [35]), succeeded in giving in [23] a remarkable time-dependent-like proof of the quoted result, which differed from the previous proofs in several important aspects. We shall emphasize only the fact that in [23], some of the main propagation properties have been obtained without the use of the Mourre estimate, i.e., independently of an intimate knowledge of the spectral properties of the Hamiltonian. These properties were sufficient for showing the existence of the cluster wave operators but not for their completeness. Indeed, for the last result, a propagation property involving jointly a time-dependent localisation in position and a localisation in the total energy was needed, and for proving it a good knowledge of the spectrum of the N -body Hamiltonian was crucial. Actually, this is the only place where Graf invokes the Mourre estimate (in order to obtain (local) positivity for the commutator of the Hamiltonian with the generator of the dilations group) and by this means he eliminates the decay hypothesis imposed in [34] on the second derivative of the potential. Further, using refined results on the Mourre theory due to W. Amrein, Anne Boutet de Monvel and V. Georgescu (see [1] and also [11] for optimality) we have shown in [27], on the lines of [23], that no condition on the derivatives of the potential was needed in order to prove completeness for the Agmon-type systems. Moreover, since locally the potentials were allowed to be as singular as the the kinetic energy permits, the question of the validity of a statement on asymptotic completeness for much singularly perturbed systems (as the hard-core N-body quantum systems) arises naturally. Indeed, the interest for such problems is rather old, going back, e.g., to the works of W. Hunziker ([26]) and especially of D. W. Robinson, P. Ferrero and O. de Pazzis (see [32, 21]), where, under rather restrictive assumptions on the geometry of the potentials (spheric symmetry, the supports of the singularities where cylinders centred on the subspaces of the relative movement of the clusters) and on the forces (repulsivity), the absence of the singular continuous spectrum and the existence and the completeness of the wave operators corresponding to the elastic channel have been established. But this is, of course, a very simplified case, because even if the problem was posed in an N-body context, the above hypotheses transformed it in a one-channel scattering problem. Very recently, Anne Boutet de Monvel, V. Georgescu and A. Soffer, using both the locally conjugate operator method and an algebraic approach (which appears naturally in the N-
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body context), have succeeded in giving in [12] a complete spectral analysis for this type of highly singular Hamiltonians. More precisely, it is proven that under quite reasonable smoothness conditions imposed on the border of the supports of the singularities, the generator of the dilations group is (in some weak sense) conjugated to the hard-core N-body Hamiltonian, which proves to be sufficient to obtain a limiting absorption principle (even in an optimal form). Then, absence of the singular-continuous part of the spectrum and local decay follow in a standard way. Our task is to continue this work by studying the scattering properties of these systems. We shall begin by describing the geometrical particularities of the configuration space X (an Euclidian space) related to the N-body problem. Let us denote by L a finite partially ordered index set and demand it to be a lattice. Take then a family {Xa }a∈L of subspaces of X such that Xsup{a,b} = Xa +Xb , and {0} and X correspond to min L ≡ amin and max L ≡ amax respectively. In the usual N -body situation, X is the space of the configurations of the set of N particles relative to the center of mass coordinate system, L is the lattice of partitions of the set {1, . . . , N}, Xa is the subspace of X consisting of the configurations which describe the internal motion of the clusters (fragments) of the partition a and, finally, Xa (the orthogonal of Xa in X with respect to a well-chosen scalar product) can be identified with the space of configurations of the relative motions of the clusters. Let us denote for any a ∈ L by π a the orthogonal projection on Xa . Further, according to S. Agmon (see [4]) a N-body type Hamiltonian is defined as the sum between the (positive) e(a)}a∈L of operators which factorize Laplace–Beltrami operator 1 and a family {V ea is the operator e(a) = V ea ◦ π a . Here we considered the simplest case when V as V (in H(Xa )) of multiplication by a function having a good decay at infinity in all directions of Xa . Although this assumption is currently used in many of the papers dedicated to this subject, in the more recent ones it is shown that the same results ea is a reasonable differential operator. can be obtained if V For the hard-core systems, the physical picture of clusters formed by particles that cannot get arbitrarily close to each other is modelled by (positive) singularities of the potentials, having as supports cylinders K(a) = K a ⊕ Xa , where K a are compacts of Xa ; of course, a short and long range part can be added to these singular potentials. Denote by χ a : Xa 7→ R the operator of multiplication by the characteristic function of K a and put χ(a) for χ a ◦π a . Then, a precise definition of the hard-core Hamiltonian H is obtained by seeing it as a limit, in strong resolvent sense, of the family of self-adjoint operators in H(X): Hα = 1 +
X a∈L
X e+α V (a) + αχ(a) = H χ a ◦ π a.
e a standard N -body Hamiltonian which, under natural asWe have denoted by H sumptions on the symmetric operators V a , becomes a selfadjoint, bounded from below operator with form-domain the Sobolev space of order one H 1 (X). Notice
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that, when tending to infinity, the parameter α > 0 will increase the value of the cylindrically supported perturbation χ(a). It has been proven ([12], Lemma 3.7 and Proposition 3.8) that for each z in the e), ∞), the limit R(z) ≡ limα→∞ (z − Hα )−1 exists complement in C of [inf σ (H −1 in the strong sense in B(H , H 1 ) and in the norm of each of the Banach spaces B(H s , H t ) for −1 6 s 6 t 6 1 and t − s < 2. Actually, R(z) is a self-adjoint pseudo-resolvent family, i.e. it satisfies the first resolvent identity and R(z∗) = R(z)∗. It is known (see [24]) that the closure in H of Ran R(z) is a proper subspace of H (let us denote it by H∞ ) which does not depend on z, and which coincides with the closure of the domain of a self-adjoint operator H for which R(z)|H∞ = (z − H )−1 and R(z)|H H∞ = 0. We shall call H a pseudo-selfadjoint operator on H, and this will be the Hamiltonian modelling a hard-core Agmon-type problem. We shall refer to its spectral properties as to those of the selfadjoint operator H which acts in the proper subspace H∞ . S Notice that H can be explicitly given. Let 2 = X \ a∈L K(a) and H01 (2) be the closure of C0∞ (2) in H 1 (X). Then: eu ∈ L2 (2) ≡ H(2)} D(H ) = {u ∈ H01 (2) | H and
eu)(x), x ∈ 2 (H for u ∈ D(H ), 0, x 6∈ 2 P so H is the operator 1 + V (a) in H(2), with Dirichlet boundary conditions. Notice that H∞ = H(2). We emphasize that one of the difficulties in studying the spectral and scattering properties of such operators is the fact that they are not densely defined. Moreover, we cannot say a priori that Hamiltonians constructed as above factorize in the same tensor product form as those from the family {Hα }. Actually this holds. Indeed, as in the usual N-body problem, using the limiting process described before, it is possible to construct for each a ∈ L a pseudo-selfadjoint Hamiltonian H a , which corresponds to the hard-core problem relative to the sublattice La = {b ∈ L | b 6 a}. On the other hand, it is shown that for any a ∈ L, the family of resolvents {Ra,α }α >0 of the (genuine) selfadjoint operators (H u)(x) =
Ha,α = Hαa ⊗a 1 + 1 ⊗a (πa ∇)2 tends in norm in B(H −1 (X), H θ (X)), for any θ < 1, to a pseudo-resolvent Ra (to which corresponds the pseudo-selfadjoint subHamiltonian Ha ) whenever the convergence Hαa → H a takes place in the norm-resolvent sense in B(H −1 (Xa ), H θ (Xa )). This implies Ha = H a ⊗a 1 + 1 ⊗a 1a ,
where 1a denotes the Laplace–Beltrami operator in H(Xa ), and where the above tensor product sum is an operator defined in the proper subspace D(H a ) ⊗ H(Xa ) of H(X), with operator domain D(Ha ) = D(H a ) ⊗ H 2 (Xa ).
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Then, the set of thresholds of H is defined as [ σp (H a ), τ (H ) =
a∈L\{amax }
whereas the set of critical values of H , denoted by C(H ) will be the union of τ (H ) with σp (H ), the point spectrum of H . The main ingredient for the study of the spectral and scattering properties of the Hamiltonian is the Mourre estimate, which states (see (1.5) below) local positivity for the commutator of H with the generator of the dilations group A, the last one being defined as: dim X 1 X 1 (Pj Qj + Qj Pj ), A = (P · Q + Q · P ) = 2 2 j =1
where Qj is the operator of multiplication by the coordinate xj (w.r.t. some orthonormal basis of X) and Pj ≡ −i ∂x∂ j = F ∗ Qj F , with F the Fourier transform. Actually, this estimate stresses strict positivity for the lower semicontinuous function ρHA : R → (−∞, +∞] on an open set of C, where for all λ ∈ R: ρHA (λ) = sup{µ ∈ R | ∃f ∈ C0∞ (R; R), f (λ) 6= 0 s.t. f (H )[iH, A]f (H ) > µf (H )2 }. def
In [2, 9, 28], an extensive study of this function is made. It is also important to point out that under the assumption of strong-C 1 regularity of the Hamiltonian w.r.t. A, even if H is a pseudo-selfadjoint operator, the identity: [A, R(z)] = R(z)[A, H ]R(z)
is valid for any z ∈ C \ σ (H ). We refer to Section 5 from [12] for the precise definitions of the above commutators and for the proof of the Mourre estimate in the context of the hard-core N-body systems. In fact, the result we needed and that we will intensely use is the strict positivity of ρRA (λ) on the set R \ C(R). Another difficulty arising from the fact that the limit of {Hα } is only pseudoselfadjoint in H comes from the way we have to interpret the limit of {eit Hα } and, correspondingly, the way we have to define the cluster wave operators. It is not a trivial fact (see [13]) that, for any a ∈ L, the family of evolution groups generated by {Ha,α } has a limit, but this limit exists only on Ha,∞ , the closure of RanRa in H. Moreover, taking into account the inclusion Hb,∞ ⊆ Ha,∞, true for any a, b ∈ L with a 6 b, and the Theorem 3.23(ii) from [13], we see that the domain of the limit limα→+∞ eit Hα is, a priori, included in the range of limα→+∞ eit Ha,α even when this one is applied to the vectors of H∞ . As for the cluster wave operators, in the usual N -body context (i.e. for any finite α) they are defined as ± it Hα −it Ha,α e Ea,α . ± a,α ≡ (Hα , Ha,α ; Ea,α ) = s-lim e t →±∞
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Notice that since Ea,α = Epp (Hαa )⊗a 1 commutes with Ha,α (which has purely absolutely continuous spectrum) and also with bounded functions of Ha,α , as a consequence of the Hilbert space isomorphisms Z ⊕ 2 a ∼ ∼ H(X) = L ((Xa , dξa ); H(X )) = H(Xa ) dξa Xa
the limits (1.7) can be seen as wave operators with identificator Ea,α (see [6]). e)), the equality Epp (Hαa ) = Epp (Rαa (z)) is Moreover, for any z ∈ (−∞, inf σ (H true, so the identification operator is the same for the wave operators constructed in terms of Hamiltonians and for those constructed in terms of resolvents. For the hard-core case, these identifiers are no more equal, and we shall use the notation Ea for Epp (H a ) ⊗a 1, which projects H into H∞ . Then Ea = EHa (R)Ea = ERa (R \ {0}) Ea , where EA (1) denotes the spectral measure of the operator A on 1 ⊂ R. It seems thus quite natural to redefine the hard-core wave operators in terms of known objects. This is also suggested by the invariance principle, which is true in the usual N-body case at least for the admissible function (z − . )−1 (see [6] for definitions), with z chosen as above. Indeed, suppose first that both strong limits ± (Hα , Ha,α ; Ea,α ) and ± (Rα , Ra,α ; Ea,α ) exist. Then, the corresponding absolute Abelian limits exist also, and they are equal to the strong ones (see Corollary 6.14 in [6]). We can thus use the weak form of the invariance principle (see Theorem 11.25 in [6]) for this pair of operators, in order to get their equality, and thus the equality of the strong limits also. At this level, let us remark that the main purpose of [12] and of our work was to test the ability of an abstract framework to treat Hamiltonians that have a complex structure both analytically and algebraically. This partly explains why we will make the choice to work with wave operators defined in terms of resolvents in place of Hamiltonians. The non-locality of the resolvents will generate a lot of difficulties, which we will overcome using the algebraic framework we wanted to test. Let us thus define the wave operators corresponding to the hard-core case in terms of pseudo-resolvents, and prove existence and asymptotic completeness for ± (R, Ra ; Ea ) ≡ ± a . As we shall see, the way we do it uses the algebraic framework, which works identically for the usual N-body resolvents, so, in what follows, we will automatically prove not only the existence of ± a , but also the existence of ± (Rα , Ra,α ; Ea,α ), who was previously taken as hypothesis for the weak invariance principle in the case of usual N -body systems. Finally, another reason for the choice we made on ± a , is that the intertwining ± = E (R\{0}) is valid. Since for all a ∈ L, (z−Ha )Ra = EHa (R), property ± R a a are partial isometries with final domain H , which intertwine the pair H , Ha ± ∞ a on the closure of the range of Ra . Also, the connection between ± a and the wave operators defined in terms of Hamiltonians as limits of Wa (t) = eit H EH (R) eit Ha Ea ,
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is made by the strong form of the invariance principle. Indeed, let Wa± be the absolute Abelian limits of Wa (t), i.e. Z ±∞ e±εt kWa (t)ψ − Wa± ψk2 dt = 0. (1.8) lim (±ε) ε→+0
Then, in Appendix 6.2 we show that the existence of ± a implies existence of the Abelian limit Wa± and equality. This shows that the strong limits of Wa (t), if they exist, they are partial isometries with final domain H∞ . Actually, this can be shown also directly using a reasoning similar to that described in the proof of Lemma 4.1. As we previously said, despite their boundedness, the resolvents are not always comfortable objects to work with, mainly because of their non-local character. This feature becomes critical when one tries to prove, on the lines of [23, 15, 40], the following propagation theorem, which we consider as being the main result of the paper. THEOREM 1.1. Let a ∈ L be arbitrarily chosen. If θ ∈ C0∞ (R \ C(Ra )) and if J ∈ C0∞ (X) has its support localised sufficiently close to the origin and outside any of the subspaces of the family {Xb }b∈L\La , then the estimate:
2 Z ∞
J Q θ(R) e−it R ψ 6 Ckψk2 (1.9)
t t 1 is true for some positive constant C and for all ψ ∈ H(X). In Section 5 a more precise form of this theorem is stated and proved, by means of an inductive reasoning on the levels of L. The first step is to prove it for a = min L, which is the only case when a standard proof can be adapted. Then, the Mourre estimate will enter at each level of the induction, both in an explicit way and implicitly, from the induction hypothesis. Finally, it is also shown that as a consequence of a particular case of this result, the asymptotic completeness statement: X ± ∗ ± (1.10) a (a ) = Ec (H ) a∈L\{amax }
is valid. Let us pass in review the contents of the following sections. In the following section we expose (following [7, 9, 10] and [12]) the algebraic framework related to an N -body type problem, putting emphasis on the results we need in our paper. We also briefly remind the construction of the partition of unity in the configuration space due to G. M. Graf and list some of the properties of the vector field attached to this family of functions. Section 3 is devoted to the proofs of those propagation estimates that can be deduced without the use of the Mourre estimate. In Section 4 is shown that the existence of the limits ± a is a consequence of these estimates. Finally, Section 5 is mainly devoted to the proof of Theorem 1.1.
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2. The Algebraic and Geometric Frameworks As we have already mentioned in the first section, for any a ∈ L the direct sum Xa ⊕Xa determines a canonical isomorphism of Hilbert spaces H(X) ∼ = H(Xa )⊗ 2 a a ? H(Xa ) ∼ = L (Xa ; H(X )). Let us denote by K(X ) the C -algebra of compact operators on H(Xa ) and let T(Xa ) be the C ? -algebra naturally associated to the translation group in B(H(Xa )), i.e. the norm-closure (in B(H(Xa )) ≡ B(Xa )) of the ? -subalgebra of operators of the form f (πa P ) = FX∗a f (πa Q)FXa , with f ∈ C∞ (Xa ). Then, the norm-closure in B(X) of the linear space generated by the operators S⊗a T which correspond (through the first of the above isomorphisms) to S ⊗ T ∈ K(Xa ) ⊗ T(Xa ), will be a C ? -subalgebra of B(X), named the algebra of a-semicompact operators and denoted by: T (a) = K(Xa ) ⊗a T(Xa ).
Further, with the aid of the family {T (b)}b∈L the vector space sum X T (b) Ta =
(with La = {b ∈ L | b 6 a}) is constructed for each a ∈ L. It is shown (see [7, 3]) that the above sum is direct in the topological sense and that the canonical projections P (b) : T → T (b) (which assign to any T ∈ T ≡ Tamax a unique T (b) ∈ T (b)) are norm-continuous and satisfy P (b)[T ∗ ] = T (b)∗ . We will refer to T (b) as the b-connected component of T . Moreover, for any a ∈ L the projecdef P tion Pa = b∈La P (b) is a ?-homomorphism between T and its C ? -subalgebra Ta . For any a ∈ L \ {amax } a concrete expression for Pa was given by W. N. Polyzou (see (6) in [30], and also [31, 7, 3]). Notice that using the Möbius inversion formula (see Theorem 4.18 in [5]) we can retrieve any of the operators T (a) ∈ T (a) as a weighted sum of elements of the family {Tb }b∈La , the weight being the Möbius function µ(b, a). The second important property of the family of algebras of semicompact operators is its graduation with respect to the semi-lattice L, which means that for any a, b ∈ L, the inclusion T (a)T (b) ⊆ T (sup{a, b})
is valid. We resume all these properties by saying that T is an L-graded C ? -algebra. Let us go back now to the pseudo-selfadjoint operators H defined in Section 1. According to [9], we shall say that H is affiliated to the C ? -algebra T iff all the realisations of the ?-homomorphism φ : C∞ (R) → B(X) belong to T . But since the Stone–Weierstrass theorem ensures the existence of a bijection between the ?-homomorphisms φ : C∞ (R) → B(X) and pseudo-resolvents (such that for any f ∈ C∞ (R) we get φ(f )|H∞ = f (H ) and φ(f )|H H∞ = 0), and since H does not depend on the z from the pseudo-resolvent w.r.t. which it has been defined, an equivalent definition for the affiliation of H to T is: R(z) ∈ T for
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some z ∈ C \ σ (H ). Note that if H is affiliated to T then any of the members of the family {Ha }a∈L are affiliated to the elements of {Ta }a∈L respectively. This is due to the fact that given two C ? -subalgebras T and Te of B(X), to any pseudoselfadjoint operator H affiliated to T it corresponds through the ?-homomorphism P : T → Te a unique pseudo-selfadjoint operator P [H ], which is affiliated to Te and for which P [φ] = e φ is true on all C∞ (R). In [12] several affiliation criteria are given and it is also proved that the hard-core N -body Hamiltonian is affiliated to the N-body algebra T . As a consequence of this, a HVZ theorem is obtained for this context. We are particularly interested in establishing the extension of the first resolvent identity to the context of L-graded C ? -algebras. For the case of the usual N-body systems, this is called the Weinberg–Van Winter equation (see [30, 7]). Actually, as we shall see below, borrowing the algebraical-combinatorial technique of deducing e with such kind of identity, it is possible to give (firstly for N-body Hamiltonians H bounded perturbations), for any a, b ∈ L, a precise meaning to the difference eb and to the a-connected component of R e ∈ T , in terms of a sum of ea − R R regularising operators. These results will be important in the effort of getting useful commutation relations between hard-core pseudo-resolvents and multiplication operators. Let us begin by introducing some special subsets of the lattice L. We shall call a totally ordered subset C a maximal chain in L, iff for any a, b ∈ C, b < a, for which there is no c ∈ C \ {a, b} such that b < c < a, there is also no other d ∈ L \ {a, b} such that b < d < a. We define then the rank of the finite lattice L as max{card C | C ⊆ L, C maximal} ≡ |L|. In the N -body case, L is the lattice of partitions of a set of N elements, for which |L| = N. Since L is union of maximal chains C, any a ∈ L will belong to at least one of those which satisfy max C = max L. Then, by convention, the rank of a in L is taken to be the number |a|L ≡ max{card C | max C = max L, min C = a, C maximal}. This notion allows us to define for any 1 6 n 6 |L| F ≡ N, the nth level F of L as L(n), where stands for L(n) = {b ∈ L | |b|L = n}. We thus have L = N n=1 ‘disjoint union of sets’. Finally, we introduce for some arbitrarily fixed a ∈ L and any b ∈ La , two special subsets of the lattice La : Lba ≡ (La )b = {c ∈ La | c > b}, Lba = {c ∈ L \ Lb | sup{b, c} = a}.
(2.4) (2.5)
It is clear that Lba is a lattice in La and that Lba is a bilateral ideal in La . Notice also that, if La denotes Laamax , then for all a ∈ (L \ Lb ) ∪ {b} we have Lba = ∅ and for all a ∈ Lb \ {b}, we have {a} ⊆ Lba . Let us put the sign 6∼ between two elements of the lattice L whenever they are incomparable. The proof of the following identity will give us more intuition on the sets introduced at (2.5): G Lbc . (2.6) La \ Lb = c∈Lba \{b}
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Indeed, for any c ∈ Lba \ {b}, since for all d ∈ Lba \ {c} we have sup{d, b} = d 6= c, we get Lba ∩ Lbc = {c}. Secondly, to each of these c corresponds in {d ∈ La | d 6∼ b} the remainder of the set Lbc , which is disjoint of any of the sets c of Lba \ {b}. For, supposing the existence of some Lbec corresponding to another e c) no least upper d ∈ Lbc ∩ Lbec , {b, d} will form a pair having (in the case c 6∼ e bound in L. But this would mean that L is not a lattice. Finally, in order to prove the inclusion ⊆ in (2.6), note that we have already shown that the r.h.s. of (2.6) includes Lba \ {b}, and that for any d ∈ La , d 6∼ b, we have sup{b, d} ∈ Lba and d ∈ Lb,sup{b,d}. The inverse inclusion is trivial. Further, corresponding to the set Lba we construct the following bilateral ideal of La : X T (c), (2.7) Tba = c∈Lba
and denote by Pba the canonical projection of T onto it. Then, the resolvent identity eb = R eb (H ea − H eb )R ea ea − R R can be written with the aid of (2.6) as X ea − R eb Ibc R ea , eb = R R c∈La
e(d) which all, except where Ibc is the sum over Lbc of the symmetric operators H e e 1 = Hamin = H (amin ) (which is affiliated to Tamin ) belong to T (d) respectively. Then, iterating the above formula and taking into account that, as a consequence of P ea − R eb = R(C), e with the definition of Lbc , Ibc = 0 if c 6 b or c 6∼ b, we get R eb1 Ib1 b2 R eb2 · · · Ibn−1 bn R ebn e eb Ibb1 R R(C) =R
and where the sum is taken over all the (not necessarily maximal) chains C of La , having the g.l.b. b and as l.u.b. any of the elements of La . Moreover, using an inductive argument, it is shown (see Lemma 3.11 in [12]) that for any chain C, e R(C) ∈ Tmin C max C . This, together with X X Pba P (d) + P (d) = 0 d∈L\La
e can be computed as: shows that Pba [R] X eC ea − R eb ] = eba = Pba [R e), R( R
e ⊂ L with min C e=b where this time the sum is performed over all the chains C e = a. Notice that in the case b = amin we have Tamin a = T (a) and and max C
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e eamin a , which tells us that the a-connected component of the hardthus R(a) = R core resolvent P is a regularising operator on all H(X), given by the sum (without eC e) performed over all the chains of the sublattice La . repetitions) R( We are now prepared to state two important consequences of the properties described above, which we will use throughout the paper. They were proved in [12] for hard-cores, by extension from the particular usual N -body context, with the aid of the limiting procedure. The first one is the following commutation relation (see Proposition 3.13 in [12]) X R(b)[g, 1]Rba + R(a)[g, 1]Ra , (2.10) [g, R(a)] = b∈La
true for any multiplication operator with functions g ∈ C 2 (X) having bounded derivatives of first and second order (we are particularly interested in the case when g is the identity function). Note that (2.10), (2.9) and (2.8) show that the multiple commutators [. . . [R, Q], Q], . . . Q], usually denoted by adkQ (R), are in B(H(X)) for any finite order k. The second result (Theorem 6.5 in [12]) states, for any a ∈ L, decay of the a-connected component of the hard-core resolvent along all the directions of Xa , with the same rate as that imposed by the hypothesis on the non-hard-core part of the potentials. Since in this paper we are only interested in short-range N-body potentials, the only decay condition we impose on the functions V a (see (1.2) and the comments following it) is: for any a ∈ L \ {amin }, there is some µ > 1 such a µ a 1 a −1 a that √ hQ i V belongs to B(H (X ), H (X )). We used hxi as abbreviation of 1 + x 2 . Then the precise result we need states: hQa iµ R(a) ∈ B(H −1 (X), H 1 (X)).
In the rest of this section we shall briefly review (following [23] and [15]) those geometric particularities of the configuration space X which are specific to the N-body problem. Indeed, the need to put in evidence some privileged directions for the non-propagation, which are closely related to the particular structure of the potentials, suggests the division of X into disjoint sets, all except one being neighbourhoods (cone or semi-cylinder-shaped) of these directions. Moreover, a smooth vector field is constructed on X (by convolution or averaging), from the first distributional derivative of the convex, locally Lipschitz application % : X → R %=
1 max |πa (.)|2 + νa . 2 a∈L
ν|a| ) In the above definition each of the parameters νa belongs to some interval (ν|a| ,e with positive bounds conveniently chosen, such that for any 1 6 n < m 6 N the νm < νn
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second by the number assigned to this element within the level. The total number of coordinates will thus be card L. The identity (2.12) tells us that % is a function almost everywhere differentiable on X, having classical derivative a.e. defined on X which coincides with %0 , the distributional derivative of %. Actually, %0 ∈ L∞ loc (X). Moreover, it can be shown (see Theorem 4.1.7 in [25]) that the second distributional derivative of % is a measure on X, taking as values positive matrices from B(X). In order to see in which way the vector field %0 is a distortion of the identical mapping on X, we make the connection between (2.12) and the ‘privileged directions’ Xa by the means of a finite, disjoint, a.e.-covering {4a }a∈L of X, defined by: \ 4a = x ∈ X | |πa (x)|2 + νa > |πb (x)|2 + νb b6=a
o x ∈ X | |πa (x)|2 + νa > max{|πb (x)|2 + νb } . b6=a
This allows us to calculate explicitly % (and its derivatives) with the aid of the partition of unity {Ja }a∈L subordinated to the above open a.e.-covering of X. Indeed, X %0 (x) = Ja (x)πa (x) (2.14) a∈L
holds as X-valued distributions and a.e. as functions. Moreover, since %00 is a positive measure, X Ja (x)πa (2.15) %00 (x) > a∈L
is satisfied for all x ∈ X. In order to obtain smooth partitions of unity and vector fields, we construct them from Ja , resp. %, either as in [23, 15], by convolution withRa C0∞ -functionRϕ (supported in a neighborhood of the origin in X, and satisfying ϕ(x) dx = 1, xϕ(x) dx = 0), or, as in [39], by an averaging process, performed on the Cartesian product Q QcardL(n) (νni ,e νni ) previously defined, like in: of intervals N n=1 i=1 Z e ϕ (ν)G(x, ν) dν. g(x) = Rcard L
ϕ kL1 = Here e ϕ is a positive C0∞ function supported in the above product set, with ke 1, and in our case G(. , ν) will be replaced by Ja and % respectively (whose dependence on ν is given in (2.13), resp. (2.12)). We will denote the new, smooth objects by ja and r respectively, and it is not difficult to show that all the properties previously enumerated (especially (2.14) and (2.15)) hold for them also. It is also shown that if Id denotes the identity function, then the mappings r 0 − Id, r 00 · Id − r 0 and r 000 are bounded in the L∞ norm.
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In Appendix 6.1, properties of some subsets of X which play an important role in the spectral and scattering analysis, like the open cones (defined for any 0 6 d < 1) o n [ b (2.16) Xb > d|x| , 0a (d) = x ∈ X | min |π (x)| = dist x, b∈L\La
or the ‘cells’ Xa = Xa \
S b∈L\La
Xb are given, and the relation between them is ◦
studied. In order to get an intuitive image of the link between Xa and the characteristic function Ja of the set 4a , let us mention only the fact that if the argument of Ja is multiplied by a positive parameter γ , then the support of Ja (γ .) will tend ◦
to coincide with Xa when γ → ∞. 3. Propagation Properties We begin by the so-called maximal velocity bound theorem (see [23, 34, 35, 36, 37]): PROPOSITION 3.1. Let g be a C0∞ (X \ {0}) scalar function. Then there is a constant λ > 0 (which cannot be made arbitrarily small) and a positive constant C such that:
2 Z ∞
Q dt −it R 2
g e ψ (3.1)
6 Ckψk .
t λt 1 Proof. Let us choose the propagation observable of the form: Q 8=h λt and take h to be a C0∞ (R) radial function, constant in a neighbourhood of the origin and equal to zero at infinity. Then the computation of the Heisenberg derivative of 8 with respect to the approximating hard-core resolvent Rα gives: 1 1 Q 0 (3.2) Rα (P · h0 + h0 · P )Rα − ·h, 2λt t λt where the dot means scalar product between two vector operators. We have also used the convention according to which, whenever no confusion is possible, we will omit the arguments of the multiplication operators with (eventually timedependent) functions. In order to simplify the aspect of some rather complicated formulae, we will keep this convention in force throughout this paper. Denote now ˙ ≡ drd h(r) 6 0. An obvious calculation by e h the scalar function Id · h0 and by h(r) shows that for all x ∈ X: 0 ˙ h (x) = ωh(|x|), (3.3) ˙ e h(x) = |x|h(|x|), DRα 8 =
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1/2 ˙ where ω denotes the unit vector x|x|−1 . Finally, take g(r) = (−h(r)) and notice ∞ that g is a radial C0 (X \ {0}) function. Then, (3.2) becomes: 1 Q 2 1 Rα (P · ω + ω · P )Rα DRα h = g − g g− t λt t 2λ 1 − Rα P , g · ωgRα + h.c. − 2λt 1 gRα P · ω g, Rα + h.c. . (3.4) − 2λt
The last two terms above are of order O(t −2 ) uniformly with respect to α because of the obvious equality 2 P , g Rα [Rα , g] = Rα 2 and of the fact that for all α > 0, Rα ∈ B(H −1 , H 1 ). Denoting he−it Rα ψ, . e−it Rα ψi by,α , we estimate the expectation value of the first two terms from the r.h.s. of (3.4) as follows: 1 Q 2 1 g > inf |x|kg e−it Rα ψk2 , x∈supp g t λt t t,α 1 kRα (P · ω + ω · P )Rα k 1 hgRα (P · ω + ω · P )Rα git,α 6 kg e−it Rα ψk2 . λt t λ Replacing the above inequalities in (3.4) we get !Z
1 dt Q 2 −it Rα
e ∞ kψk2 . inf |x| − sup kRα k−1,0 g e ψ 6 Ckhk
x∈supp g λ α >1 t λt 1 This shows that if λ is chosen (with respect to the support of g) such that λ > sup kRα k2−1,0 sup |x|−1 , α >1
x∈supp g
applying the usual Fatou lemma (for the integral over t) yields:
Z ∞ Z ∞
Q −it R 2 dt dt α
g Q e−it R ψ = e ψ lim inf g
t λt t α→∞ λt 1 1
2 Z ∞
g Q e−it Rα ψ 6 Ckψk2 6 lim inf
α→∞ t λt 1
so the proposition is proved.
Let us make some comments on this first a priori result. From the point of view of the physical interpretation, it is rather clear why the greatest lower bound of
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the support of g is important: the quantum system cannot delocalise arbitrarily fast in time since its energy R is a bounded, decreasing function. There is also the special case of the so-called ‘tails’ (scattering states describing the system already localised at infinity at finite times) which have non null asymptotic probability and thus have to belong to the orthogonal complement of the range of the projector g. Then, a brutal cutoff introducing a least upper bound for supp g (as in the hypothesis of the above proposition) would avoid the problem caused by these ‘tails’ but will make us lose the information about those states, describing a system with really large asymptotic velocities and low energy. This shows that the above result is far from being optimal. Nevertheless, Sigal and Soffer established in [36] a finer one, which holds for states belonging to a dense set of vectors, in which the upper limiting cutoff is eliminated and where the norm in the r.h.s. of (3.1) is taken in a weighted Lebesgue space. But this result is no longer an abstract nonsense, since a localisation in the complement of the set of the critical values of the Hamiltonian is needed and the Mourre estimate has been used in order to prove it. Let us also note that the lower bound established in (3.5) for the value of λ is not optimal. One could have proved the proposition directly, without using the approximating family {Rα }α >0 and obtaining the best λ possible, but this requires the result (2.10) concerning commutators with hard-core resolvents (see the way it is used in the proof of the following proposition). Moreover, we shall see that not all the results we need for proving asymptotic completeness can be deduced by working with a sequence of approximating Hamiltonians, the algebraic properties of the N -body (hard-core) resolvents being crucial in the proof of the following theorems. PROPOSITION 3.2. (i) Let f ∈ C0∞ (X) be constant around the origin on a region with interior diameter not too small (i.e. proportional to the maximal velocity bound). Then there exists δ > 0 (depending on the short-range part of the hard-core potential) such that for all a ∈ L and all ψ ∈ H(X) one has: Z
j 1/2 [iR, Qa ] − Qa f Q e−it R ψ 6 Ckψk2 , a,δ
t t t
where ja,δ = ja ( Qt t δ ) denotes the multiplication operator with the smoothed characteristic function of the set 4a (see S (2.13)). (ii) Moreover, if 0a (0) = X \ b66a Xb , then the following estimate is true for all functions J in C0∞ (0a (0)) with support not greater than that of f : Z 1
[iR, Qa ] − Qa J Q e−it R ψ 6 Ckψk2 .
t t t
Proof. (i) Let us first introduce a notation concerning only the (vector or scalar) operators of multiplication with C p (X) functions g: gβ will stand for g(. t β−1 ) if
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β > 0. Notice that this is consistent with the meaning of ja,δ and if (g 0 )β will be denoted by gβ0 , then by iteration we get gβ(α) ≡ g (α)
= t (1−β)|α| (gβ )(α)
for any multiindex α with |α| 6 p 6 ∞. Further, denote by Aδ the operator: Aδ =
1X [iR, Qa ] · Qa ja,δ + h.c. 2 a∈L
1t 0 0 [iR, Q ] · r + r · [iR, Q ] , (3.8) a a δ δ 2 tδ P where rδ0 = a∈L πa ja,δ is the smooth vector field introduced in Section 2. Using this operator we shall construct the propagation observable: Q2 Aδ (3.9) − 2 f 8δ = f t 2t =
(the central part of 8δ will occasionally be called Sδ ). Then, we calculate as usual the Heisenberg derivative of 8δ and get: DR 8δ = 2 Re (DR f )Sδ f + f (DR Sδ )f.
The term we need in the conclusion of the proposition (part (i)) will be furnished by the second term in the r.h.s. of the above equality, while the other terms will be proved as being integrable in t on [1, ∞). Let us begin with the simplest one: Z ∞ dthDR 8δ it 6 2 sup |hf Sδ f it |, (3.11) t >1
where the notation stands for he−it R ψ, . e−it R ψi. Since Sδ is obviously uniformly bounded in time on the support of f , it yields the integrability of DR 8δ . Let us now pass to the second term in the r.h.s. of (3.10) and calculate: ∂ Aδ Q2 1 Q2 Aδ − iR, 2 + + . (3.12) DR Sδ = iR, t 2t ∂t t t 2t 2 We shall estimate each of these terms separately: 1X Qb 1 [iR, [iR, Qb ]] · [iR, Aδ ] = jb,δ + h.c. + t 2 b∈L t +
1 [iR, Q] · [iR, rδ0 ] + h.c. . δ 2t
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The last line in the above equality can be computed by the repeated use of the commutation relation (2.10) (notice also that according to it, the first double sum in (3.14) below is precisely [iR, Q]), as follows: X [iR(b), rδ0 ] [iR, rδ0 ] = b∈L
2 2 X P P 0 R(c) i , rδ Rcb + R(b) i , rδ0 Rb = 2 2 b,c∈L X 1 (R(c)P Rcb + R(b)P Rb ) − = t δ rδ00 · t b,c∈L X i R(d)Gδ (Rdc P Rcb + Rdb P Rb ) − − 2 t 2δ 2t b,c,d∈L X i R(c)(rδ000 + Gδ Rc P )Rcb − − 2 t 2δ 2t b,c∈L i 2δ X R(b)(rδ000 + Gδ Rb P )Rb , − 2t 2t b∈L
where Gδ has been used as a shorthand for P · rδ000 + rδ000 · P . Then, because of the boundedness of r 000 (in the L∞ -norm) and the fact that also P is bounded by the resolvents, the last three terms of the above relation will give rise to an O(t −2(1−δ) ) contribution; as for the first one, it can be minorated with the aid of X ja,δ (x)πa (3.15) rδ00 (x) > a∈L
(which is true for all x ∈ X as B(X)-valued measures on X, and for all δ). Finally, we get: 1X Qa 1 [iR, [iR, Qa ] ] · [iR, Aδ ] > ja,δ + h.c. + t 2 a∈L t 1X + [iR, Qa ] · ja,δ [iR, Qa ] + O(t −2+δ ). (3.16) t a∈L We pass now to the second term from the r.h.s. of (3.12): using the fact that the family {ja,δ }a∈L forms a partition of unity for any δ > 0 we get: 1 X Qa Q2 iR, − 2 = − · ja,δ [iR, Qa ] + h.c. − 2t 2t a∈L t 1 X Qa δ a − 1+δ (3.17) t · ja,δ [iR, Q ] + h.c. . 2t t a∈L
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The last term here is O(t −1−δ ) because all the components of xt t δ are bounded on the support of ja,δ ; in other words, if Id denotes the identity function, the last term above equals 1 − 1+δ [iR, Q] · (r 0 − Id)δ + h.c. 2t and from the definition of the vector field we know that r 0 − Id is in L∞ (X). In a similar manner, computing the third term of the r.h.s. of (3.12) one obtains: 1 ∂ Aδ = − 1+δ ([iR, Q] · rδ0 + h.c.) + ∂t t 2t δ−1 + 1+δ ([iR, Q] · (r 00 · Id − r 0 )δ + h.c.). (3.18) 2t Since r 00 · Id − r 0 is also in L∞ (X), the last term above gives also an O(t −1−δ ) contribution. Finally, using the same trick, we compute Qa 1 X Qa 1 Q2 (3.19) = · ja,δ + O t −(1+2δ) 2 t 2t t a∈L t t and summing up (3.16) to (3.19) one obtains the estimate: 1X Qa Qa D R Sδ > [iR, Qa ] − · ja,δ [iR, Qa ] − + t a∈L t t Qa 1X iR, [iR, Qa ] · ja,δ + h.c. + + 2 a∈L t + O(t −2+δ ) + O(t −1−δ ) + O(t −1−2δ ).
It remains to show that the second term from the r.h.s. of this inequality is integrable w.r.t. t when taken in the mean value hf . f it . Let us remark first that the product of the double commutator [iR, [iR, Qa ]] with some multiplication operators with functions of argument xt will appear quite frequently in this paper. We will prove below that if these functions are supported outside the subspaces Xb for all b ∈ L \ La then the desired decay in t of the terms containing such products will be ensured. Roughly speaking, this is due to the good decay along certain directions (depending on the given b ∈ L) of the b-connected component of our ‘Hamiltonian’ (i.e. the resolvent operator). Let us notice also that since the b-connected component of the N-body algebra T is (a semicompact operator algebra) of the form T (b) = K(Xb )⊗b T(Xb ), its elements will commute with Pa ≡ 1⊗a PXa . Hence, taking into account that T is direct sum over L of T (b), we get: X R[iR(b), Pa ]Rja,δ [iR, [iR, Qa ]]ja,δ = =
R(R(b)Pa − Pa R(b))(ija,δ R − [iR, ja,δ ]).
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Using the commutation formula (2.10) we will be able to compute [iR, ja,δ ] as X [iR, ja,δ ] = [iR(c), ja,δ ] = =
c∈L δ
t 0 X (R(d)P Rdc + R(c)P Rc ) + O(t −2+2δ ) j t a,δ c,d∈L tδ 0 ja,δ [iR, Q] + O(t −2+2δ ), t
so (3.14) becomes: [iR, [iR, Qa ]]ja,δ X 0 0 = RR(b) (ija,δ Pa + t δ−1 ja,δ )R + t δ−1 ja,δ Pa [iR, Q] − b∈L\La
0 RPa R(b) ija,δ R + t δ−1 ja,δ [iR, Q] + O(t −2+2δ ).
The r.h.s. of the above equality has the advantage that it contains only products of 0 . Note also that for all b ∈ L \ La there are R(b) with the functions ja,δ and ja,δ strictly positive constants Ca,b such that hx b i > |x b | ≡ |xabmin | > |xab | > Ca,b on the support of ja . This shows that (hx b it δ−1 )−µ ja,δ 6 Ca,b −µ ja,δ which, joined to (2.11), gives the desired decay in t of the r.h.s. of (3.23) as, e.g., in: RR(b)ja,δ Pa R = t −µ(1−δ) R R(b)hQb i | {z } O(1)
hQb i −µ ja,δ Pa R, tδ t | {z }
provided that 0 < δ < 1 satisfies the supplementary condition δ < 1 − 1/µ. Thus, it only remains to show that |h(DR f )Sδ f it | is integrable in t. For this, we choose an orthonormal basis in X and index by k = 1, . . . , dim X the components of the vector operators as Q, ∇f in this basis; actually, we shall denote by fk0 the components of ∇f and notice that because of the choice we made on f all ofpthem are negative scalar functions. Denote also by fek the C0∞ (X \ {0})-function −fk0 and by χk a smoothed characteristic function of supp f verifying χk fek = fek . Then, commuting fek through [iR, Q] and Sδ towards right we get: 1 X e Qk − [iR, Qk ] χk Sδ f fek + O(t −2 ), fk χk (3.25) (DR f )Sδ f = t k t {z } | O(1)
where the O(t −2 ) contribution is brought by the remainders of order two or by the (already) O(t −1 ) terms containing double commutators of the form [[iR, Q], fe].
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e depending on the support of This shows that there are positive constants Ck and C f (and thus on the maximal velocity bound) such that
Z ∞ X Z ∞ dt Q
−it R 2
e f dt|h(DR f )Sδ f it | 6 Ck ψ + Ckψk , e
t t 1 1 k which proves the statement (i) of the proposition via the maximal velocity bound theorem (Proposition 3.1). We pass now to the proof of (ii): let us fix arbitrarily an a in L and assume first (and prove later) that for some J with support as in the hypothesis (i.e. depending on the chosen a) there is a T > 0 such that for all t > T the equality X · · · · (3.26) =J f2 jb t δ J t t t b∈L t a
is valid. We stress that this is sufficient for showing that (3.7) is a consequence of (3.6). Indeed, note first that (changing the letter a by b) an equivalent inequality for (3.6) is dim Xb Z ∞ X dt Qk Qk 6 Ckψk2 . [iR, Qk ] − f 2 jb,δ [iR, Qk ] − t t t 1 t k=1 Then, since b ∈ La means Xa 6 Xb , the sum of positive terms in the r.h.s. of the inequality (3.27) below will be performed over a bigger index set than that from the l.h.s. Hence, using our assumption, Z ∞ Qa Qa dt [iR, Qa ] − · J [iR, Qa ] − t t t T t Z dim X a ∞ X X dt Qk Qk 2 = jb,δ [iR, Qk ] − [iR, Qk ] − Jf t t t T t k=1 b∈L a
X dt Qk 6 kJ k∞ [iR, Qk ] − f 2 jb,δ × t t 1 b∈La k=1 Qk × [iR, Qk ] − . t t dim Xb X
It remains to prove the assumption (3.26). Note that since the family {jb,δ }b∈L forms a partition of unity it suffices S to show that if supp J ⊂ supp f then for all t > T , x ∈ supp J implies x ∈ / b∈L\La supp jb,δ . But this becomes obvious if one thinks of jb,δ as of a smoothed characteristic function of semi-cylinders centred on ◦
the sets Xb which shrink around these sets when t → ∞ (with the ‘velocity’ t δ ) and if one also takes into account that the complementary set for 0a (0) is precisely ◦ F 2 b∈L\La X b .
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REMARK. In order to avoid some of the cumbersome calculations we made when estimating the terms related to the commutator [iR, Aδ ] in the previous proof, we could work with the approximating resolvent Rα (instead of the hardcore resolvent R) and obtain estimates which are uniform with respect to the parameter α. Nevertheless, there will be a difficulty related to the terms containing the commutator [iRα , Pa ], for which the deeper result furnished by Theorem 6.5 in [12] has to be used. But this result concerns the hard-core R Tresolvents, so we will have to pass first to the limit α → ∞ under the integral 1 dt for some T > 1, getting (for any a ∈ L)
2 Z T
j 1/2 [iR, Qa ] − Qa f Q e−it R ψ a,δ
t t t 1 Z X ∞ Qb δ−1 0 6 dt R[iR, Pb ](it jb,δ RP − jb,δ )R f + O(1)kψk2 , t t b∈L 1 and finally we will let T go to ∞ and apply the quoted theorem as in the previous proof (relation (3.24)). PROPOSITION 3.3. If a is an arbitrary element of L and if J ∈ C0∞ (0a (0)) then there is a positive constant C such that
2 1/2 Z ∞
[iR, Qa ] − Qa J Q e−it R ψ 6 Ckψk2 (3.28)
t t t 1 for all ψ ∈ H(X). Before starting the proof let us introduce some notations which we shall use throughout the rest of the paper: Ta will stand for [iR, Qa ] − Qt a and if A is an unbounded (eventually time-dependent) operator then its time-dependent regularisation (|A|2 + t −4β )1/2 will be denoted by hAiβ . Proof. First of all we shall reduce a little the context in which the proposition has to be proved by assuming that J also belongs to a particular class of functions which Derezinski denoted by F and defined as being formed by C0∞ (X)-functions f having the property that for any a ∈ L there is a neighbourhood Va of the subspace Xa such that f = f ◦ πa in Va . Obviously, this tells us that in some neighbourhoods of each Xa , the border of the support of each function in F will be perpendicular to Xa . It is also easy to check that F is a ?-algebra which separates the points of X and is dense in C0∞ (X) in the L∞ -norm. It will thus be sufficient to prove the theorem for J ∈ C0∞ (0a (0)) ∩ F . ◦ F Since 0a (0) = b∈La Xb , any compact set of 0a (0) (and in particular the support of J ) can be partitioned in ε-neighbourhoods of a finite number of points ◦
from Xb for some b ∈ La . The arbitrary (but fixed) choice we make for J will determine a choice for the diameter of these neighbourhoods and for the num◦
ber nb of those which are centred on points from Xb . Correspondingly, one shall
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have a partition of unity on the support of J constructed with the aid of a family {jkb | kb = 1, . . . , nb , b ∈ La } and satisfying on X: X
J ◦ πb
nb X
jk2b = J.
kb =1
Note that as a consequence of this choice we will also have ∇J = (πb ∇)J on the support of each jkb . Secondly, it is clear that the estimate
2 Z ∞
hTa i1/2 J Q e−it R ψ 6 Ckψk2 (3.30) β
t t 1 implies (3.28), so it will be sufficient to prove the above inequality. In order to do this, let us choose the propagation observable 8 = J hTa iβ J
and compute its Heisenberg derivative: DR 8 = 2 Re(DR J ) hTa iβ J + J (DR hTa iβ )J.
We will show first that the second term in the r.h.s. of the above equality will furnish the term from the conclusion of the theorem plus some integrable terms. For this, we shall use a particular form of the definition of the fractional power of a positive operator A (see [38]) Z ∞ γ ωγ −1 (ω + A)−1 A dω, (3.33) A =C 0
which holds strongly on its domain for some positive constant C and for γ ∈ (0, 1/2]. Then, an easy computation gives: Z ∞ γ DR A = C ωγ −1 (DR (ω + A)−1 )A + (ω + A)−1 DR A dω Z0 ∞ ωγ −1 (ω + A)−1 (DR A) 1 − (ω + A)−1 A dω. (3.34) = C 0
In our case, we shall replace A by hTa i2β and compute its Heisenberg derivative as: 2 hTa i2β + (2β − 1)t −4β + t + [iR, [iR, Qa ]] · Ta + h.c. .
DR hTa i2β = −
Then, taking γ = 1/2 and replacing (3.35) in (3.34) we get:
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DR hTa iβ Z ∞ −1/2 −1 2C 2 −4β hTa iβ + (2β − 1)t =− ω ω + hTa i2β × t 0 × 1 − hTa i2β (ω + hTa i2β )−1 dω + Z ∞ −1 +C ω1/2 ω + hTa i2β Ta · [iR, [iR, Qa ]] + h.c. × 0
× ω + hTa i2β
The integral in the first term of the above equality is 12 hTa i−1 β (see [35, p. 132]), so (3.36) becomes: 1 DR hTa iβ = − hTa iβ + (1 − 2β)t −4β−1 hTa i−1 β + t Z ∞ −1 + 2C Re dωω1/2 ω + hTa i2β Ta · iR, [iR, Qa ] × 0
× ω + hTa i2β
Note that the second term in the r.h.s. above is O(t −1−2β ) because of the obvious 2β estimate khTa i−1 β k 6 t , while the first one is exactly the term we need for the estimate (3.30). Thus it will suffice it to show the integrability (w.r.t. t) of the expectation value hJ . J it of the third term from (3.37). This will be performed as in the proof of the previous theorem, i.e., by taking into account the decay in t of the double commutator [iR, [iR, Qa ]] on the support of J . Indeed, the hypothesis J ∈ C0∞ (0a (0)) makes us sure of the existence, for all b ∈ L \ La , of some strictly positive constants Cb for which hQb i > |Qb | > Cb t on supp J ( t· ) for all t > 1. This shows b −µ hQ i J 6 Cb−µ J, t thus once J being brought nearby the double commutator we can apply the same reasoning as in (3.21) to (3.24) (take δ = 0 for the present case) in order to obtain an O(t −µ ) contribution. Nevertheless, besides the supplementary difficulties raised by the commutator of J with the resolvent (ω + hTa i2β )−1 , there is also the problem of the boundedness of the components of Ta (which cannot be pulled out from the integral over ω because they do not commute with the hTa iβ from the resolvents). As we shall see, commuting J with (ω + hTa i2β )−1 gives rise to O(t −1 ) factors (which are obviously not enough for the integrability in t) containing derivatives of J but also operators Ta . The strategy will be to continue to commute J , J 0 through these resolvents until either O(t −2 ) terms or products of these functions with [iR, [iR, Qa ]] will appear. Then, only the problems of the boundedness of
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the resulting Ta ’s and those of the integrability w.r.t. ω on both [1, ∞) and [0, 1) will have to be solved. Actually, we shall see that the first two of them are related while in order to solve the third one we will need to ‘pick’ a little part from the good decay we have obtained in the variable t and to convert it in decay in ω. Let us first compute: (ω + hTa i2β )−1 , J −1 2 = Re ω + hTa i2β Ta · J 0 · [iR, Q]Pa R + h.c. + iRJ 0 R + O(t −1 ) × t −1 (3.38) × ω + hTa i2β . This allows us to give a precise formula for the operator which stands in (3.37) in the r.h.s. of (and in product with) the R(b)’s (where b ∈ L \ La ) yielding from [iR, [iR, Qa ]], namely: −1 R ω + hTa i2β J −1 + = J R + J 0 [R, Q] ω + hTa i2β −1 −1 1 + J 0 R ω + hTa i2β (Ta · O(1) + h.c.) ω + hTa i2β + t + O(t −2 ) 1 + (ω + hTa i2β )−1 (Ta · O(1) + h.c.) (ω + hTa i2β )−1 + −1 −1 − Ta · O(t −2 ) + h.c. ω + hTa i2β + R ω + hTa i2β −1 1 − R Ta · ω + hTa i2β O(t −1 )(ω + hTa i2β )−1 O(1) × t −1 + h.c. . (3.39) × ω + hTa i2β Note that the last three lines from the r.h.s. above are O(t −2 ) while the first two terms have apparently not the desired decay in t ; but since J and J 0 will be next to some R(b), they also will finally bring an O(t −µ ) + O(t −1−µ ) contribution. Concerning the boundedness of the components of those Ta from above which are taken in scalar product with O(1) terms, it will be no problem to ensure it (uniformly in t and ω) with the aid of a square root of the resolvent (ω + hTa i2β )−1 . Nevertheless, this will not be the case for the Ta which is taken in (3.37) in scalar product with [iR, [iR, Qa ]], because in order to ensure integrability in ω on [1, ∞) we need a norm of the resolvent (ω + hTa i2β )−1 on a power strictly superior to 3/2. Thus we prefer to bound it by a hTa i−1 β and to commute the remaining hTa iβ towards left, next to the J . Finally, using the Schwartz inequality after one has replaced (3.39) in (3.37) we obtain the estimate: Z ∞ Z ∞
dt dωω1/2 J (ω + hTa i2β )−1 Ta · [iR, [iR, Qa ]](ω + hTa i2β )−1 J t 1
6 Ckψk
dt O(t 1
−e µ
Xa X
hTa i−1 Tk ) hTa iβ J e−it R ψ β k=1
dωω1/2 ×
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(ω + hTa i2 )−1 2+j/2 + β j =0,1,3
Z ∞ Z 1 2 −e µ e dt O(t ) dωω1/2 × + CkJ k∞ kψk 1 0 X
2 −1 3−j/2
, (ω + hTa iβ ) ×
j =0,2,3
e positive constants depending only on J , J 0 and where e µ stands for with C, C min{2, µ}. Then, the second term in the r.h.s. of (3.40) will be estimated minorizing k(ω + hTa i2β )−1 k by t 4β , while for the first one we will take advantage of k(ω + hTa i2β )−1 k 6 ω−1 in order to dominate the r.h.s. of (3.40) by: Z ∞ Z ∞ −e µ −it R kψk dt O(t )khTa iβ J e ψk ω−3/2 dω + 1 1 Z ∞ Z 1 µ +kψk2 dt O(t 12β−e ) ω1/2 dω. (3.41) 1
µ−1 , Since the choice of β > 0 is at our disposal, we shall take it strictly inferior to e 12 which ensures integrability w.r.t. ω in the second term of the above sum. As for the first one, according to the Schwartz inequality, it will be dominated by 1/2 Z ∞ Z ∞
1/2 dt 1−2e µ −it R 2
dt O(t ) ψ , (3.42) hTa iβ J e kψk t 1 1
whose finiteness is a consequence of Proposition 3.2(ii) and of hypothesis µ > 1. It remains to estimate the integrability of the expectation value h·it of the first term from the r.h.s. of (3.32). For this, we will act exactly as in the proof of Proposition 3.2 (relation (3.25)), but use the partition of unity one has introduced at the beginning of this proof (see (3.29)). We have: nb 1 XX Qb (3.43) [iR, Qb ] − · (πb ∇)Jjk2b + Remainder, DR J = t b∈L k =1 t a
where the ‘Remainder’ will be shown as being an O(t −2 ) term. Let us for the moment look at the first term above, and estimate: XX nb 1 0 2 Tb · J jkb hTa iβ J t b∈L k =1 t a
nb 1 XX hTb · J 0 jkb [jkb , hTa iβ ]J it + t b∈L k =1 a
nb 1 XX h[Tb , jkb ] · J 0 hTa iβ jkb J it + + t b∈L k =1 a
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nb 1 XX kJ 0 · Tb jkb e−it R ψkkhTa iβ Jjkb e−it R ψk. t b∈L k =1 a
Note that as a consequence of 0
−it R
kJ · Tb jkb e
ψk 6
dim Xb X
−it R k∂l J k∞ kTl hTb i−1 ψk β kkhTb iβ jkb e
and of the Schwartz inequality (applied to the integral last line from (3.44) by 1/2 nb Z ∞ XX dt −it R 2 khTb iβ jkb e ψk × C t 1 b∈La kb =1 Z ∞
1/2 dt −it R 2
× ψ , hTa iβ Jjkb e t 1
dt) we can dominate the
each of the above integrals being 6 Ckψk2 by Proposition 3.2. Then, the commutator [jkb , hTa iβ ] will be computed with the aid of (3.33) as: Z ∞ −1 dωω1/2 ω + hTa i2β Ta · [iR, Qa ], jkb × [jkb , hTa iβ ] = 2C Re 0
× ω + hTa i2β
The above double commutator gives an O(t −1 ) contribution, so we will continue to estimate the first two terms from the r.h.s. of (3.44) as before (relations (3.40) to (3.42)), the only difference being that e µ will be replaced by 2. This shows that the l.h.s. of (3.44) is integrable in time; the Remainder from (3.43) can be computed with the aid of the Fourier spectral formula, as: Z Z 1 Z τ ik ikσ ikσ 1 00 (k) e− t Q c dk J dτ dσ e− t Q [ [iR, Q], Q] e+ t Q , (3.46) 2 t X 0 0 c00 is a rapidly decreasing function (as Fourier transform of the smooth, where J compactly supported J 00 ). Finally, the integral over t of the l.h.s. of (3.32) is obviously dominated by 2 sup |hJ hTa iβ J it | 6 2 sup kJ k∞ khTa iβ J e−it R ψk t >1
t >1
n o1/2 = 2 sup kJ k∞ hJ Ta2 J it + t −4β kJ k2∞ kψk2 , | {z } t >1 O(1)
which finishes the proof of the proposition.
REMARK. (1) The estimate (3.7) remains valid if one replaces Qa by any of its components relative to some basis from X. Moreover, this is also true for the
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sharper estimate (3.28), as a consequence of the implication (see, e.g., Proposition 6.2 in [20]): !1/2 n n X X 2 2 2 Aj ⇒ Ak 6 Aj , Ak 6 j =1
j =1
valid for the set {Aj }j =1,...,n of (unbounded) positive self-adjoint operators. (2) Since the Propositions 3.2 and 3.3 have been proved for an arbitrary lattice L, they are also true for any sublattices of L. More precisely, let a be an arbitrarily fixed element of L, and denote by Tb,a the operator [iRa , Qb ] − Qt b . Then, due to (2.2), the estimates (3.7) and (3.28) will also be true if one replaces R by Ra , i.e. for any b ∈ La and any J ∈ C0∞ (0b (0)) there is a positive constant C such that:
2 Z ∞
|Tb,a |J Q e−it Ra ψ + |Tb,a |1/2 J Q e−it Ra ψ
t t t 1 (3.47) 6 Ckψk2 . Moreover, taking into account that b ∈ La implies 0b (0) ⊆ 0a (0) and using the reasoning described in the proof of Proposition 3.2 (relation (3.24)) we see that the difference between Tb,a and Tb is of order O(t −µ+1 ) on the support of J . Then, the obvious inequality (A + B)2 6 2(A2 + B 2 ) which holds for any pair of self-adjoint (not necessarily positive) operators A, B, shows that Tb,a can be replaced by Tb in the first norm from the above inequality. In what follows we will see that the same is true for the second norm above, i.e. the estimate:
2 1/2 Z ∞
[iR, Qb ] − Qb J Q e−it Ra ψ 6 Ckψk2 (3.48)
t t t 1 holds for all b ∈ La , all J ∈ C0∞ (0b (0)) and all ψ ∈ H(X). Indeed, using the formula (3.33), an easy calculation gives: hTb iβ − hTb,a iβ Z ∞ −1 2 −1 =C dωω1/2 ω + hTb,a i2β i(R − Ra ), Qb ω + hTb i2β + 0 Z ∞ −1 dωω1/2 ω + hTb,a i2β Tb,a · i(R − Ra ), Qb × + C Re 0
× ω + hTb i2β
This shows that we only have to commute the J ’s from the left or from the right through the resolvent (ω + hTb i2β )−1 in order to get either products of J , J 0 with R−Ra or O(t −2 ) terms. The boundedness of the components of Tb,a will be ensured exactly as in the proof of the previous proposition (see the comments we made after Equation (3.39)). In this way we show that the above difference is of integrable order, and thus (3.47) implies (3.48).
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4. Wave Operators An important feature of the strategy that Sigal and Soffer imagined in order to prove existence of the cluster wave operators and asymptotic completeness for usual Nbody short-range systems, is that both these problems are treated as if they were of the same difficulty. Indeed, the existence of the strong limits of exp(itH )Jb × exp(−itHb ), where {Jb } is a family pseudodifferential operators verifying a partition of unity in the phase-space is proven first. In our case, we shall take, as in [23, 15], a time-dependent family of identificators and state: PROPOSITION 4.1. If a is an arbitrary element of L and if J is a C0∞ (0a (0)) function, then the operator domain of the following limits: Q −it Ra ± it R e , (4.1) W (R, Ra ; J ) = s-lim e J t →±∞ t Q −it R ± it Ra (4.2) W (Ra , R; J ) = s-lim e J e t →±∞ t is the whole H(X). Moreover, the statement is true even when J is a bounded continuous function with support in 0a (0). Proof. As in the proof of the Proposition 3.3, for showing the first part of the proposition it will be sufficient to take J ∈ C0∞ (X) ∩ F . We shall also use the same partition of unity on the support of J constructed with the aid of the family {jkb | kb = 1, . . . , nb , b ∈ La }. In order to prove the existence of the limits (4.1) and (4.2) the Cook criterion will be used. More precisely, the computation:
ψ, eit Ra J e−it R ψ = ψ, eit Ra {DR J − iJ (R − Ra )} e−it R ψ dt shows that a sufficient condition for the convergence of eit Ra J e−it R in expectation value on ψ ∈ H(X) is Z ∞ X Z ∞ hψ, eit Ra DR J e−it R ψi dt + kψk2 kR(b)J k dt 1
6 Ckψk2 .
Then this weaker type of convergence yields (in our special case) strong convergence in a standard manner. Reasoning in the same way as in the proof of Proposition 3.2 (see relation (4.3)) we prove that the integrand in the second term from the r.h.s. of (3.21) is of order O(t −µ ) for all b ∈ L \ La . Further, using the formula (3.43) we show that the first term in (4.3) is dominated (modulo some O(t −2 ) contributions) by: Z ∞ nb dim Xb X
dt X X
Tl hTl i−1 × β t b∈L k =1 l=1 1 a
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1/2 1/2 × hTl iβ jkb e−it Ra ψ
hTl iβ jkb (∂l J ) e−it R ψ nb dim Xb Z ∞ XX X
1/2 dt
hTl i1/2 jk e−it Ra ψ 2 6C × b β t 1 b∈La kb =1 l=1 Z ∞
1/2 dt 1/2 −it R 2
hTl iβ jkb (∂l J ) e × ψ , t 1 where in the above estimate the Schwartz inequality has been used. Finally let us note that each of the integrals from the above brackets is 6 Ckψk2 as a consequence of the remark following Proposition 3.3. Suppose now J ∈ BC(0a (0)). Let χ be the smoothed characteristic function of a neighbourhood of the origin in X, and denote by χγ the operator of multiplication with χ( γ·t ) , where γ > 0 is a parameter. Then the product J χγ plays the role of the J ’s from the first part of the proposition, so it will be sufficient to prove that for any positive ε we can choose γ in such a way that
sup eit Ra J (1 − χγ ) e−it R ψ < εkψkH1 t >1
for all ψ belonging to the weighted Lebesgue space of order one H1 (X). Moreover, using the obvious inequality 1 − χγ 6 Id, true for γ sufficiently large, we see that a stronger condition is given by εγ 1 sup k|Q| e−it R ψk < kψkH1 . t kJ k∞ t >1
But (4.4) is a particular case of a result due to Radin and Simon (see Theorem 2.1 in [33]). Indeed, all we have to do is to mimic the proof of the quoted theorem (after one has taken as Hamiltonian the approximating resolvent Rα ) and finally obtain: Z t 1/2 −it Rα ψk 6 k|Q|ψk + dτ hPeα2 it,α , k|Q|e 0
where {Peα }α >0 denotes the uniformly bounded family of operators Rα P Rα . Applying the Fatou lemma to the above inequality proves (4.4), provided that γ is chosen 2 superior to ε −1 kJ k∞ . LEMMA 4.1. If a is an arbitrary element of L and if Ea denotes the projection Epp (H a ) ⊗a 1, then the limits: it R −it Ra e Ea ± a = s-lim e t →±∞
exist on all H(X). Moreover, if a 6= b are two elements of L, then the ranges of the corresponding cluster wave operators are orthogonal.
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Proof. Since the existence of the operators W ± (R, Ra ; J ) has been proved on H(X) for all J ∈ BC(X) with support in 0a (0), an ε/3 argument shows that in order to prove the existence of (4.5) the following convergence
−it Ra t →±∞
1−J Q e u −→ 0 (4.6)
t has to be true for all u belonging to a dense set of Ea H(X). The choice we will make for J in (4.6) depends on vector u. For this, let us construct the dense set of u’s by taking simple tensors of the form w a ⊗a va , where w a belongs to Epp (H a )H(Xa ) (and thus is an eigenvector ◦ of H a for the eigenvalue λa ) and va = ga (Pea )va with ga ∈ C0∞ (Xa ) and 2 −1 2 −1 P P a a a a Pa z − λ − . (4.7) Pea ≡ z − λ − 2 2 As we explained before we shall choose J ∈ BC(0a (0)) ∩ F depending on each u by requiring: supp J |Xa ⊃ supp ga , (4.8) J |Xa = 1 on the support of ga . Then, the l.h.s. of (4.6) equals:
Q −it R a a
1−J w ⊗a ga (Pea )va e
Q −it (z−λa −Pa2 /2)−1 a
e e w ⊗a ga (Pa ) va = 1−J
because of relation (1.3), which in turn is a consequence of Theorem 3.10 from [12]. Let us take now one more cutoff function h ∈ C0∞ (Xa ) with h = 1 in a neighbourhood of the subspace Xa . The precise choice we will make for the support of h will depend on the choice we make on J and hence on ga , so for the moment we let the shape of the support of h entirely at our disposal. In what follows we shall denote by A . B the inequality (between numbers) A 6 B + o(1), where o(1) is defined w.r.t. t → ±∞. Then the r.h.s. of (4.9) will be majorized by:
Q −it (z−λa −Pa2 /2)−1 a
1−J Q e h e w ⊗a ga (Pa )va
t t
Q + w a ⊗a va
1−h t
Q Q −it (z−λa −Pa2 /2)−1 a
e . 1−J w ⊗a va h ga (Pa ) e
t t
Qa a 2 −1 e e−it (z−λ −Pa /2) w a ⊗a va 6 C
ga (Pa ) − ga t
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Qa −it (z−λa −Pa2 /2)−1 a Q Q
w ⊗ v + 1 − J h g e a a a ,
t t t where C is a positive constant depending on J and h and where in the asymptotic inequality one has supposed that h has the supplementary property h = h ◦ π a so it commutes with the unitary group exp{−it (z − λa − Pa2 /2)−1 }. The first term in the above inequality tends towards zero when t → ±∞ as a consequence of Theorem 7.1.29 of Hörmander (see [25]), and thus one has shown that:
−it Ra
1−J Q e u
Q Q Qa −it (z−λa −Pa2 /2)−1 a
h ga e w ⊗a va . 1−J
. (4.10) t t t Since J ∈ F one can make our final hypothesis on h, namely: the support of h is chosen (in function of J ) to be included in the neighbourhood of Xa for which J = J ◦ πa . Then, in the r.h.s. of (4.10) we will have: Q Qa Qa Q Qa Q 1−J h ga = 1−J ga h =0 t t t t t t because of the second hypothesis in (4.8), and thus the first statement of the lemma is proved. It remains to show that for arbitrary a 6= b in L and for any vectors ϕ, ψ ∈ ± H(X) we have h± a ϕ, b ψi = 0. Actually, it will be sufficient to prove the convergence
|t |→∞ e−it Ra Ea ϕ, e−it Rb Eb ψ −→ 0
for ϕ and ψ belonging to the dense sets previously introduced. This time we don’t need any function ga so we will take it equal to one. But for these vectors, the l.h.s. of the above relation equals:
a 2 −1 b 2 −1 Ea ϕ, e−it (z−λ −Pa /2) eit (z−λ −Pb /2) Eb ψ , which tends to zero when t goes to ∞ as a consequence of the Riemann–Lebesgue lemma. 2
5. Proof of the Minimal Velocity Theorem Our main result, Theorem 1.1, can be stated in a more precise form as follows: THEOREM 5.1. Let a ∈ L and ε > 0 be arbitrarily chosen. Let (J, θ) and (Jˆ, θˆ ) be two couples of functions, with J, Jˆ ∈ C0∞ (0a (0)) and θ, θˆ ∈ C0∞ (R), such that
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Jˆ, θˆ equal one on the support of J and θ, respectively. Suppose moreover that for arbitrary λ ∈ R, one of the following two conditions: x2 inf (ρRAa (λ) − ε)µ2 − a | x ∈ supp Jˆ and µ ∈ supp θ 2 > sup
dim Xa X
x∈supp Jˆ l=1
k[iR, Ql ]k
|xl | , 2
dim XX 2 inf µ2 A ˆ | µ ∈ supp θ (ρRa (λ) − ε) > kPl θ(R)k sup |xl | sup µ2 x∈supp Jˆ l=1
is satisfied. Then, the estimate:
2 Z ∞
J Q θ(R) e−it R ψ 6 Ckψk2
t t 1
is true for some positive constant C and for all ψ ∈ H(X). Note that depending on the choice of the pair (J, θ), the above result can be seen either as a maximal or as a minimal velocity bound theorem. This result gives more information than we need in order to prove asymptotic completeness. Indeed, we shall see later that the following corollary, which corresponds to the particular case a = amax of the above theorem, is sufficient (via a standard induction argument) for the proof of (1.10). Let us denote by C(R) the set of critical values of the operator R. Then: COROLLARY 5.2. Let θ ∈ C0∞ (R \ C(R)) and take J ∈ C0∞ (X) with the support sufficiently close to the origin in X. Then, Q −it R it R e θ(R) = 0. (5.4) s-lim e J t →±∞ t Proof. It is sufficient to choose the support of J (depending on how close supp θ is to the points from C(R)) such that one among the two conditions (5.1), (5.2) holds. Then (5.3) will be valid, which will imply:
it R Q −it R e θ(R)ψ e J lim inf
t →∞ t for all ψ ∈ H(X). But according to Proposition 4.1 the full strong limits W ± (R, R; J ) exist on all H(X), so they equal zero on all sets θ(R)H(X) (whose 2 union over all θ as in the hypothesis, is dense in H∞ ). Proof of Theorem 5.1. Since the theorem should be true for any a ∈ L, during the whole proof we will fix an arbitrarily chosen a and consider (unless otherwise specified) that all the operators of multiplication with functions are relative to this
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a (as it where be indexed by a). Then the proof will be performed by induction over the levels La (n) (n = 1, . . . , rank La ≡ Na ) of the sublattice La . Nevertheless, there is a particular case, namely a = amin , for which the proof is simpler and works exactly in the same manner as for the first step of the inductive process corresponding to the cases a ∈ L \ {amin }. The induction hypothesis will be called (Pn+1 ) and expressed as follows: (Pn+1 ): If for any b ∈ La (n + 1) and any ε > 0 there are two couples of functions ˆ with J, Jˆ ∈ C0∞ (0b (0)) and θ, θˆ ∈ C0∞ (R), such that Jˆ, θˆ equal (J, θ) and (Jˆ, θ) one on the support of J and θ respectively, and if for all λ ∈ R, one of the following two conditions: xa2 A 2 ˆ | x ∈ supp J and µ ∈ supp θ inf (ρRb (λ) − ε)µ − 2 > sup
dim Xa X
x∈supp Jˆ l=1
k[iR, Ql ]k
|xl | , 2
dim XX 2 inf µ2 A ˆ | µ ∈ supp θ (ρRb (λ) − ε) > kPl θ(R)k sup |xl | sup µ2 x∈supp Jˆ l=1
is fulfilled, then the estimate (5.3) is true. The first step of the (weak) inductive process, namely the validity of (PNa ), will be given by the following lemma. As we said before, this lemma also tells us that Theorem 5.1 is true in the particular case a = amin (see condition (5.7) below). LEMMA 5.1. Let b = amin in the hypothesis of (Pn+1 ) or suppose that for the same couples of functions the following strict inequality 2 x2 A inf ρRa (λ) − ε µ − | x ∈ supp Jˆ and µ ∈ supp θ > 0 (5.7) min 2 holds. Then (5.3) holds also. Proof. Let us bring to mind first that given a vector operator S in H(X), we shall denote by Sa , S a the operators 1 ⊗a (πa S) , resp. (π a S) ⊗a 1 in H(X), but we shall not change the notation where the operators (πa S) acting in H(Xa ) and, respectively, (π a S) in H(Xa ) will be concerned. As stated before, whenever no confusion is possible, we shall not mention the usual time-dependent argument xt of the operators of multiplication with functions. Keeping in mind these conventions, let us choose the propagation observable: (Qa )2 J θ(R), (5.8) 8 = θ(R)J iR, 2t
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and compute as usual its Heisenberg derivative as: DR 8 =
1 Re θ(R)(DR J ) iR, (Qa )2 J θ(R) + t (Qa )2 J θ(R). + θ(R)J DR iR, 2t
Then the obvious estimate Z ∞ dthDR 8it 6 2 sup |h8it | t >1
dim Xa X
k[iR, Ql ]k sup |xl |kJ k2∞ kθk2∞ kψk2
x∈supp J
shows that we only have to look at the terms from the r.h.s. of (5.9): we shall begin by proving that the first one is integrable w.r.t. t. For this, let us take an orthonormal basis in X and denote by Tk the components of the vector operator Tamin = T in this basis. Since the support of J is compact, there exists a finite family {ji } of C0∞ P functions with supports included in supp Jˆ and satisfying J = J i ji2 . Then, proceeding as in the proof of the Proposition 3.3 (see relations (3.43) and (3.44)) we get: (Qa )2 J (DR J ) iR, t dim X 1 XX 1/2 1/2 −2 ji hTk iβ hTk i−1 (5.11) = β Tk Bk hTk iβ ji + O(t ). t k=1 i | {z } O(1)
Since ji ∈ C0∞ (Xamin ) for any i, we can use (3.30) in order to integrate the first term in the r.h.s. above, provided that (Qa )2 not 1/2 −1/2 J hTk iβ (5.12) Bk = hTk iβ (∂k J ) iR, t is shown as being the sum between a uniformly bounded (in t ) operator and some 1/2 integrable terms. We have thus to commute hTk iβ towards left. Since J and ∂k J bound the above commutator, we will only have to show the integrability of sums of the form: 1 1 1/2 1/2 hTk iβ , g [iR, Ql ]e g + g hTk iβ , [iR, Ql ] e g, (5.13) t t where g, e g denote the operators of multiplication with the functions ∂k J or (∂k J )πl and J πl or J , respectively (their argument being as usual xt ). Using the formula (3.33) with γ = 1/4 and reasoning exactly as in the proof of Proposition 3.3 (see
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(3.45)) it can be shown that if β is appropriately chosen w.r.t. µ, the first term from above brings an integrable contribution. Then, in the same manner, the second term of the above sum is computed as: Z ∞ −1 2C [iR, Qk ], [iR, Ql ] + dω ω1/4 ω + hTk i2β Re gTk t 0 −1 Qk g. + [iR, Ql ], ω + hTk i2β e t It is clear that the second term in the curly bracket brings an O(t −2 ) contribution and, for β > 0 sufficiently small, it will still be integrable w.r.t. t after the integration in ω is performed. As for the first one, the formula: 1 [iR, Qk ], [iR, Ql ] t 1 Qk Ql 1 = [iR, [iR, Ql ]], + [[iR, Qk ], iR], 2 t 2 t
shows that we only have to prove:
Z ∞ Z ∞
−1 Ql 1/4 [iR, [iR, Qk ]] × dt dω ω gTk ω + hTk i2β t 1 0
−1/2 2 −1 g hTk iβ × ω + hTk iβ e
< ∞. The above double commutator can be computed as in the proof of Proposition 3.2, by taking into account that for any c ∈ L we have [Pk , R(c)] = 0 for all k for which Xk ⊆ Xc . Note that we refer to ⊆ as to a vector space inclusion because Xk could not belong to the lattice {Xb }b∈L . We thus have: X R(Pk R(c) − R(c)Pk )R. [, [iR, Qk ], R] = c∈L Xk 6⊆Xc
Note that for all k = 1, . . . , dim X the inclusion Xk ⊂ Xamin shows that the above g sum will be performed over a subset of L \ {amin } and since the supports of g, e are compacts from 0amin (0) (for all l = 1, . . . , dim Xa ) they are disjoint of any Xc with c ∈ L \ {amin } so it will be sufficient to commute g, e g towards right or left respectively, in order to obtain either O(t −2 ) terms, or products gR(c) ∼ O(t −µ ). As in the proof of Proposition 3.3 (see the comments made before (3.40)), there will be a tribute to pay in order to ensure integrability w.r.t. ω, but for a suitable (small, positive) β there will still remain enough decay in t for the convergence of the above double integral. We pass now to the second term in the r.h.s. of (5.9). So far, any of the hypotheses (5.5), (5.6) or (5.7) has been used; in what follows, this term will be estimated in three (somewhat) different ways, each of these variants involving the Mourre
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estimate and only one of the mentioned hypotheses. Let us start by recalling that for any b ∈ L the differences R − Rb and θ(R)−θ(Rb ) and the double commutator [[iR, Qb ], R] are of order O(t −µ ) on supp J ⊂ 0amin (0). Then the obvious equality 1 Q2a Qa = Re[iR, [iR, Qa ]] · + [iR, Qa ]2 iR, iR, (5.15) 2t t t shows that:
(Qa )2 θ(R)J DR iR, J θ(R) 2t (Qa )2 1 J θ(R) + = − θ(R)J iR, t 2t 1 + J Ramin θ(Ramin )[iRamin , A]θ(Ramin )Ramin J − t 1 − θ(R)J [iR, Qa ]2 J θ(R) + O(t −µ ) + O(t −2 ). t
We start to prove that (5.5) (taken with b = amin ) implies (5.3). Since [iR, Qa ]2 = Ta2 + 2 Re Ta ·
Q2 Qa + 2a , t t
the mean value of the last term from the r.h.s. of (5.16) dominates the sum: ( ) dim Xa X
1 1/2 −it R 2 −it R 2 ψk + sup |xl | hTl iβ J θ(R) e ψk + − k|Ta |J θ(R) e t x∈supp J l=1 + O(t −2 )kψk2 −
1 sup x 2 kJ θ(R) e−it R ψk2 t x∈supp J a
in which the first line is integrable in t as a consequence of the propagation Theorems 3.2 and 3.3. Further, the first term in the r.h.s. of (5.16) is minorized by: dim X X 1 sup k[iR, Ql ]k|xl |kJ θ(R) e−it R ψk2 − t x∈supp J l=1 a
whereas for the second term from the r.h.s. of (5.16) we apply the Mourre estimate (see def. (1.5) and also (1.6)) in order to dominate it by 2 A ρRa (λ) − ε inf µ2 kJ θ(R) e−it R ψk2 + O(t −µ ) + O(t −2 ). min µ∈supp θ t
Then, summing up (5.18) to (5.20) we obtain a lower bound for the mean value of l.h.s. of (5.16): (Qa )2 θ(R)J DR iR, J θ(R) 2t t
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( 2 (ρRAa (λ) − ε) inf µ2 − ' min µ∈supp θ t dim X X |xl | xa2 + k[iR, Ql ]k 2 2 l=1 a
− sup x∈supp J
!) kJ θ(R) e−it R ψk2 ,
where ' means > modulo addition of some terms of integrable order (whenever this type of equality will arise, the sign ≈ will be used). But since the support of Jˆ is a dilation of supp J , the hypothesis (5.5) ensures strict positivity of the quantity from the above curly bracket, which proves (5.3). We pass now to the proof of the implication (5.7) ⇒ (5.3) and compute: (Qa )2 J θ(R) θ(R)J DR iR, 2t a 1 (Qa )2 a Q J θ(R) − = − θ(R)J Re T · + t t t2 1 Qa 2 − θ(R)J Re Ta · + Ta J θ(R) + t t 1 + J Ramin θ(Ramin )[iRamin , A] θ(Ramin )Ramin J − t 1 Q2 (5.21) − θ(R)J 2a J θ(R) + O(t −µ ) + O(t −2 ). t t Estimating the terms from the r.h.s. above like in (5.18)–(5.20) we see that the l.h.s. of (5.21) dominates (modulo some integrable terms): 1 A 2 2 sup x kJ θ(R) e−it R ψk2 2 ρRa (λ) − ε inf µ − min µ∈supp θ 2 x∈supp J in which the curly bracket contains a strictly positive number as a consequence of (5.7). Finally, Qa Q2a 2 2 + iR, (5.22) [iR, Qa ] = Ta + Re Ta · t 2t allows us to calculate: (Qa )2 θ(R)J DR iR, J θ(R) 2t Q2 1 J θ(R) + O(t −µ ) + O(t −2 ) − = − θ(R)J iR, t 2t Qa 1 − θ(R)J Re Ta · + Ta2 J θ(R) + t t 1 + J Ramin θ(Ramin )[iRamin , A]θ(Ramin )Ramin J t
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which together with the estimate: Q 1 J Rθ(R)P · J Rθ(R) t t t /
dim XX
ˆ kPl θ(R)k sup |xl |kRθ(R)J e−it R ψk2 x∈supp J
dim XX
ˆ kPl θ(R)k sup |xl | sup µ2 kJ θ(R) e−it R ψk2 x∈supp J
µ∈supp θ
shows that the l.h.s. of (5.23) is ( 1 2(ρRAa (λ) − ε) inf µ2 ' min µ∈supp θ t −
dim XX
ˆ kPl θ(R)k sup |xl | x∈supp J
) sup µ2 kJ θ(R) e−it R ψk2 .
µ∈supp θ
Using the hypothesis (5.6) (written for b = amin ) we see again that the above curly 2 bracket is positive, and this completes the proof of the lemma. We begin now the second step of the inductive reasoning, namely one has to prove the implication (Pn+1 ) ⇒ (Pn ) for any n = 1, . . . , Na −1. Notice that in (5.5) and (5.6) one could have taken ρRAa (λ) instead of ρRAb (λ), but since b ∈ La (n + 1) implies ρRAa (λ) 6 ρRAb (λ), (Pn+1 ) would have weakened (anyway, this would not create any disadvantage from the point of view of the final result). For proving the above implication it will suffice to fix arbitrarily b ∈ La (n) and show that (Pn ) holds for this b. Let thus J , Jˆ and θ, θˆ be chosen with respect to this b such that (5.5) or (5.6) be verified. Then Proposition 6.1(iv) shows that for any such J we can construct (as in the proof of Proposition 3.3) a family {Jkc } of C0∞ (0b (0))-functions satisfying: J =J
nc XX
Jk2c ,
c∈Lb kc =1
supp Jˆ ⊃
nc [ [
supp Jkc .
c∈Lb kc =1
Notice that (5.25) is always possible because of the strict inclusion of supp J in supp Jˆ and that it will be no loss in supposing that nb = 1 (renote Jkb by Jb ). Then, since (Pn+1 ) is supposed true, (5.24) allows us to reduce the problem a little by estimating: Z ∞ dt kJ θ(R) e−it R ψk2 t 1
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dt kJb θ(R) e−it R ψk2 + t 1 nc Z ∞ XX dt + kJ k2∞ kJkc θ(R) e−it R ψk2 . t c
6 kJ k2∞
Then, as a consequence of (5.25), there is a C0∞ (0b (0)) -function Jˆkc such that Jˆkc = 1 on supp Jkc and supp Jˆkc ⊂ supp Jˆ. This shows sup >
x∈supp Jˆ
sup x∈supp Jˆkc
and since as a consequence of the definition of the function ρ: ρRAc (λ) > ρRAb (λ) for all c 6 b and all λ ∈ R,
the assumptions of the type (5.5) and (5.6) in (Pn ) (written for J ) are stronger than the same assumptions in any of the (Pn+1 )’s written for Jkc . This shows that the second line of (5.27) is 6 Ckψk2 so it remains only to estimate the first term in r.h.s. of (5.27). For this, let us consider two smooth functions, Jeb and f , having the property that for some positive constant C: Jb 6 C Jeb f
is true on all X. Observe that such functions always exist: it is sufficient to choose them such that the product be a C0∞ -function and that supp Jb ⊂ supp Jeb ∩ supp f.
We shall, moreover, put some supplementary conditions on Jeb ; namely, we suppose ◦ that there is a set called core supp Jeb (which is centred on the same point of Xb as supp Jb ) satisfying: core supp Jeb ⊂ supp Jeb ,
core supp Jeb ∩ Xb 6= ∅, Jeb is constant on core supp Jeb , Jeb ∈ C0∞ (0b (0)), supp Jeb ⊂ supp Jˆ.
(5.31) (5.32) (5.33)
Note that (5.34) is allowed because of the definition of Jˆ and of (5.25). As for f , we suppose that: f ∈ C0∞ (X), ◦
(5.35) ◦
supp f ∩ Xb ⊂ core supp Jeb ∩ Xb , f = f ◦ πb on supp Jˆ.
(5.36) (5.37)
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In conclusion, it will be sufficient to prove:
2 Z ∞
f Qb Jeb Q θ(R) e−it R ψ 6 Ckψk2
t t t 1 which will always be verified provided that
2 Z ∞
f ([iR, Qb ])Jeb Q θ(R) e−it R ψ 6 Ckψk2
t t 1 and that Z ∞ 1
dt e Q Q 2 2 Qb 6 Ckψk2 . Jb f ([iR, Qb ]) − f Jeb t t t t t
In the Appendix 6.4 we prove that estimates of the type (5.40) are consequences of the propagation Theorems 3.2 and 3.2, so it remains to prove (5.39). For this, we choose as propagation observable the bounded operator Q e × 8 = θ(R)f [iR, Qb ] Jb t (Qa )2 e Q Jb f ([iR, Qb ])θ(R). × iR, (5.41) 2t t As in the proof of Lemma 5.1, an inequality of the same type as (5.10) shows that it will suffice to estimate each of the terms yielding from the derivation DR 8. Starting with the one containing DR f ([iR, Qb ]), we shall use the spectral Fourier formula in order to calculate: [iR, f ([iR, Qb ])] Z Z ds fb0 (s) = X
dτ eis(1−τ )[iR,Qb ][iR,[iR,Qb ]] eisτ [iR,Qb ] .
Then, we commute Jeb through exp(isτ [iR, Qb ]) in order to obtain products of Jeb , Jeb0 with the above double commutator (which give O(t −µ ) contributions). After all these computations have been performed, we obtain (modulo some O(t −2 ) terms): [iR, f ([iR, Qb ])]Jeb Z Z 1 Z 1 c00 (s) ≈ ds f iτ dτ dσ eis(1−τ )[iR,Qb ] [iR, [iR, Qb ]] × 0 0 X 1 0 isτ σ [iR,Qb ] −isτ σ [iR,Qb ] e e [[iR, Qb ], Q] e eisτ [iR,Qb ] × Jb + Jb e t
which shows Z ∞ dt (Qa )2 e θ(R)(DR f ([iR, Qb ]))Jeb iR, Jb f ([iR, Qb ])θ(R) t 2t 1 t 6 Ckψk2 .
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We pass now to the proof of the integrability w.r.t. t of the second term resulted from 8’s Heisenberg derivation, i.e. the one containing DR Jeb = Jeb0 · Tamin + O(t −2 ). nc } be a family of C0∞ (0b (0))-functions having Let {e kc | c ∈ Lb and kc = 1, . . . ,e ◦
supports centred on some points of Xc , satisfying: Jeb0 =
e nc XX
ek2c Jeb0
c∈Lb kc =1
and supp e kc ∩ Xb = ∅
for all c < b.
Note also that according to the assumptions (5.36) and (5.32) one can choose nb } such that: the sub-family {e kb | kb = 1, . . . ,e ! e nb [ ◦ (5.46) supp e kb ∩ Xb ∩ supp f = ∅. kb =1
Hence, denoting by hkc a C0∞ (0b (0))-function equal to one on the support of e kc and making use of (5.44) we get: (Qa )2 e e θ(R)f ([iR, Qb ])(DR Jb ) iR, Jb f ([iR, Qb ])θ(R)it 2t * e nc 1XX θ(R)e kc f ([iR, Qb ]) × / t c∈L k =1 b c + a 2 ) (Q 0 × Jeb · Tamin iR, kc θ(R) hkc f ([iR, Qb ])e 2t t | {z } O(1) e nc C XX kf ([iR, Qb ])e kc θ(R) e−it R ψk2 t c∈L k =1 b c
2 e nc X X
Qb C Q −it R
f kc e θ(R) e / ψ ,
t c∈L k =1 t t
b c
where in the last step Appendix 6.4 has been used. Let us prove that the r.h.s. of (5.47) is 6 Ckψk2 . For this, observe first that as a consequence of assumption (5.34) we can choose the family {e kc } such that supp e kc ⊂ supp Jˆ
for all c ∈ Lb .
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Secondly, (5.46) joined to (5.45) tells us that for all c ∈ Lb ◦
supp(f e kc ) ∩ Xb = ∅,
which together with the inclusion (see (5.48)): G ◦ Xc supp(f e kc ) ⊂ 0b (0) = c∈Lb
gives: supp(f e kc ) ⊂
for all c ∈ Lb .
c∈Lb \{b}
S a On the other hand, since b ∈ La (n) is fixed, any c < b will belong to N i=n+1 La (i), or, in other words, for any c < b there is a e b ∈ La (n + 1) such that c 6 e b. This shows that (5.50) can be written as: [ G ◦ [ Xc ≡ 0eb (0). (5.51) supp(f e kc ) ⊂ e b∈La (n+1) c∈Le b
e b∈La (n+1)
We would like to apply (Pn+1 ) to any of the functions f e kc . Observe first that another way of writing the hypothesis of (Pn+1 ) (which makes reference to the e whole lattice level La (n + 1) and not S to the elements b from it) is to demand to the support of J to be included in eb∈La (n+1) 0eb (0) and to replace in (5.5) or in (5.6) ρRAe(λ) by mineb∈La (n+1) ρRAe(λ). Then, (5.48) tells us that for all c ∈ Lb there b b exists a C0∞ -function e ˆ kc (which equals one on supp e kc , and has support included ˆ in supp J ), which together with (5.26) and (5.51) allows us to conclude that the hypothesis of (Pn+1 ) written for the product function f e kc is verified, and thus the r.h.s. of (5.47) is integrable. It remains to estimate the term resulting from DR 8 which contains the Heisenberg derivative of 2t1 [iR, (Qa )2 ]. It will be computed as follows: a 2 (Q ) θ(R)f ([iR, Qb ])Jeb DR iR, Jeb f ([iR, Qb ])θ(R) 2t (Qa )2 e ∂ e iR, Jb f ([iR, Qb ])θ(R) − = θ(R)f ([iR, Qb ])Jb ∂t 2t Q2a e e Jb f ([iR, Qb ])θ(R) + − θ(R) f ([iR, Qb ])Jb iR, iR, 2t A + f ([iR, Qb ])Jeb θ(R)R iR, Rθ(R)Jeb f ([iR, Qb ]) − t 2 Q Jeb f ([iR, Qb ])θ(R) + − [f ([iR, Qb ]), θ(R)]Jeb iR, iR, 2t
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Q2 e e Jb [f ([iR, Qb ]), θ(R)] + + f ([iR, Qb ])θ(R)Jb iR, iR, 2t Q2 e Jb θ(R)f ([iR, Qb ]) − + f ([iR, Qb ])[θ(R), Jeb ] iR, iR, 2t 2 Q [θ(R), Jeb ]f ([iR, Qb ]). (5.52) − f ([iR, Qb ])Jeb θ(R) iR, iR, 2t Since the commutator [f ([iR, Qb ]), θ(R)] is of order O(t −µ ) on the support of Jeb (which is a compact set of 0b (0)), the fourth and the fifth terms from the r.h.s. of (5.52) are integrable. The same is true for the last two terms in the above equality. Indeed, note first that up to addition of some O(t −2 ) contributions they are of the form: Q 1 f ([iR, Qb ])Jeb0 · [θ(R), Q][iR, [iR, Q]] · Jeb θ(R) f ([iR, Qb ]). t t Note that there are some components of the above double commutator (namely those relative to some basis in Xb ) which are not small (in the sense that they do not confer integrable decay in t) on supp Jeb . Nevertheless, the above term is of the same type as the l.h.s. of (5.47), so we can use the same reasoning in order to show its integrability. It remains to estimate the first three lines from the r.h.s. of (5.52). We shall proceed as in the proof of Lemma 5.1, and minorize the first of these terms by: dim X 1 X k[iR, Ql ]k sup |xl | kJeb f ([iR, Qb ])θ(R) e−it R ψk2 + − t l=1 x∈supp Jeb a
+ O(t −2 )kψk2 .
Using the Mourre estimate, the mean value of the third one is '
2 A ρRb (λ) − ε inf µ2 kf ([iR, Qb ])Jeb θ(R) e−it R ψk2 . µ∈supp θ t
Finally, the second term from the r.h.s. of (5.52) is: Qa e e ≈ −Re θ(R)f ([iR, Qb ])Jb [iR, [iR, Qa ]] · Jb f ([iR, Qb ])θ(R) − t t 1
2 (5.55) − θ(R)Jeb f ([iR, Qb ])[iR, Qa ] f ([iR, Qb ])Jeb θ(R) t , t and since 0b (0) ⊆ 0a (0) for any b ∈ La , the above double commutator will be of order O(t −µ ) on supp Jeb . The second term of the above sum can be estimated with the aid of [iR, Qa ]2 = −Ta2 + 2 Re Ta · [iR, Qa ] +
Q2a t2
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as being (for β > 0 sufficiently small) '−
1 sup x 2 kf ([iR, Qb ])Jeb θ(R) e−it R ψk2 − t x∈supp Jeb a
dim X 2 Xa D 1/2 − Re θ(R)Jeb hTl iβ f ([iR, Qb ]) × t l=1
E 1/2 Ql ]f ([iR, Qb ])hTl iβ Jeb θ(R) + × hTl i−1 β Tl [iR, {z } t | {z } | O(1)
1 + kf k2∞ k|Ta |Jeb θ(R) e−it R ψk2 . t
Note that in order to obtain the second term above one has shown (in the same 1/2 manner as in the Appendix 6.4) that [f ([iR, Qb ]), hTl iβ ] brings an integrable contribution on the support of Jeb . Then, the last two lines above are integrable as a consequence of the propagation Theorems 3.2 and 3.3, so summing up (5.53), (5.54) and (5.57) we see that the l.h.s. of (5.52) dominates (in the sense of '): ( 1 2 ρRAb (λ) − ε inf µ2 − sup xa2 µ∈supp θ t x∈supp Jeb ) a dim X X − k[iR, Ql ]k sup |xl | kf ([iR, Qb ])Jeb θ(R) e−it R ψk2 . l=1
x∈supp Jeb
Since the assumption (5.34) together with the hypothesis of (Pn ) ensures strict positivity for the quantity in the above curly bracket, the estimate (5.39) is proven and hence the first implication of the theorem also. It remains to prove that (5.3) is a consequence of (5.2). This will be performed in the same manner as above, the only difference being that we have to invoke relation (5.22) instead of (5.56) when one wants to estimate the second term in (5.55). The comments we made after (5.55) show that, up to some integrable terms, the first two lines in the r.h.s. of (5.52) dominate Q2 e 1 e Jb f ([iR, Qb ])θ(R) − θ(R)f ([iR, Qb ])Jb iR, t 2t t which, in turn, can be computed as in the proof of Lemma 5.1 (see the estimate following (5.23)) and thus minorized (modulo O(t −µ )) by: −
dim XX l=1
ˆ kPl θ(R)k sup |xl | sup µ2 kf ([iR, Qb ])Jeb θ(R) e−it R ψk2 . x∈supp Jeb
µ∈supp θ
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This shows, as before, that the l.h.s. of (5.52) dominates ( ) dim XX 1 A 2 2 ˆ 2(ρRb (λ) − ε) inf µ − sup µ kPl θ(R)k sup |xl | × µ∈supp θ t µ∈supp θ x∈supp Jeb l=1 × kf ([iR, Qb ])Jeb θ(R) e−it R ψk2 , where the curly bracket is strictly positive as a consequence of relation (5.6) corre2 sponding to (Pn ). The rest of this section will be devoted to the proof of statement (1.10). We will use a standard induction reasoning (see [34, 2, 23, 27]), performed on the levels of some arbitrary lattice L. Let us first denote, for any a, b ∈ L, a 6 b, by ± a,b the ± wave operators (Ra , Rb ; Eb ) and notice that they exist as a consequence of the existence of W ± (Ra , Rb ; J ), with supp J ⊂ 0b (0). Then, since for the rank one lattice statement (1.10), written for ± (Ra , Rb ; Eb ) is trivial, we shall suppose it true for any lattice of rank N, and prove it for all lattices L of rank N +1. Actually, it is sufficient to prove it for any state ψ localised with the aid of a smooth cutoff θ in a compact of R \ C(R), because, due to the fact that the set of critical values of R is countable, a covering argument (see Proposition 4.2.6 in [2]) will allow us to extend the result on all R. Let us begin by computing, using a conveniently chosen partition of unity in X (e.g., the smooth one constructed in Section 2): e−it R ψ = Jamax e−it R ψ +
N+1 X
Ja e−it R ψ
n=2 a∈L(n)
N+1 X
e−it Ra
n=2 a∈L(n)
X b∈La
± ∗ ± ± a,b (a,b ) Wa ψ . {z } | ψa,b
h, Wa±
In the above modulo o(1) equality stands for the limits in (4.2), and the Corollary 5.2 and the induction hypothesis were used. We thus have: ψ h
N+1 X
e−it R e−it Ra
n=2 a∈L(n)
X b∈La
e−it R e−it Rb Eb ψa,b h
a∈L\{amax } b∈La
which proves ψ ∈
± a,b ψa,b
± b ψa,b
a∈L\{amax } b∈La
± b∈L\{amax } b H.
6. Appendices 6.1.
DEFINITION 6.1. Let us define for all a ∈ L the following sets: (i) La = {b ∈ L | b 6 a},
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(ii) La = {b ∈ L | b > a}, ◦ S (iii) Xa = Xa \ b66a Xb , S (iv) 0a (0) = X \ b66a Xb . ◦
Notice also the particular cases a = amin , for which Xamin = 0amin (0) = X \ ◦
Xb and a = amax , for which Xamax = {0} and 0amax (0) = X. Denoting by the sign t the disjoint union of sets we have: b66amin
PROPOSITION 6.1. For an arbitrary a ∈ L, ◦ S (i) Xa = Xa \ b>a Xb , ◦
(ii) Xa ∩ Xb = ∅ for all a, b ∈ L with a 6= b, ◦ F (iii) Xa = b∈La Xb , ◦ F (iv) 0a (0) = b∈La Xb .
Remark also that for all a ∈ L, La ∩ La = {a} yields Xa = 0a (0) ∩ Xa . Proof. Remember that we denoted by 6∼ the ‘incomparability’ sign S S between two elements of the lattice L. Then, on one hand Xa \ b6∼a Xb = Xa \ b6∼a {Xb ∩Xa }, and on the other hand, since L is sup-stable there is a c ∈ L with c > a and c > b such S that Xb ∩ Xa =S(Xb + Xa )⊥ = (Xc )⊥ = Xc . This shows the inclusion Xa \ b6∼a Xb ⊆ Xa \ c>a Xc and thus (i) is proved. Let now a ∈ L be arbitrarily ◦
fixed and take first b ∈ L \ La . Then by Definition 6.1(i), Xb ∩ Xa = ∅ and ◦
Xb ⊂ Xb so (ii) is true for these b. For those b belonging to La \ {a} notice that ◦
according to (i) for all c > b we have Xc ∩ Xb = ∅. But a is one of these c and thus (ii) is proved. In order to prove (iii), suppose as usual a is arbitrarily fixed and observe that the rank of an element b ∈ La , denoted by |b|La , is generally different from |b|L . Denote also for 1 6 j 6 rankLa the j th level in La as La (j ) ≡ {b ∈ La | |b|La = j } and the union of La (j ) with all the levels in La which are below it by Laj ≡ {b ∈ La | |b|La > j }. Denote n ≡ rank La = |a|La and take as induction hypothesis the statement G
Xa =
n−j −1
Xb ∪
Xb .
l=1 b∈La (l)
The first step of the induction is given by ◦
Xa = Xa ∪
b∈La \{a}
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in which the set inclusion ⊇ is ensured by (i). Further, let us suppose that (6.1) is true for some j < n. Then, using (ii) one gets: Xa =
G b∈Lan−j−1
Xb ∪
b∈La (n−j −1)
Xb ∪ ◦
Xb ∪
[ c∈Mj
n−j [−2 [ Xc ∪ Xb l=1 b∈La (l)
c>b n−j −2
Xc ∪
Xb ,
l=1 b∈La (l)
{c ∈ L | ∃b ∈ La (n − j − 1) such that c > b} obviously where the set Mj ≡ S a satisfies Mj ⊆ L \ nl=n−j −1 La (l), thus (iii) is proved. Finally, (iii) and the definition of 0a (0) gives: G ◦ [ G ◦ Xb \ Xc . 0a (0) = b∈L
b∈L\La c∈Lb
In order to prove (iv) it will be sufficient thus to show the set inclusion La ⊆ L \ {c ∈ Lb | b ∈ L \ La }, i.e. La ∩ {c ∈ Lb | b ∈ L \ La } = ∅. Suppose the existence of some c0 ∈ L in this set intersection. Then there is a b0 ∈ L \ La such 2 that c0 > b0 , and on the other hand c0 6 a, i.e. b0 ∈ La . Contradiction.
We have to check (see [6]) that the existence of the Abel operators a , which is equivalent to Z T −1 k(EH (R) − a ) e−it Ra Ea ψk dt = 0, lim T T →∞
implies the convergence: Z T lim T −1 kWa (t)ψ − a ψk dt = 0. T →∞
But, using twice the intertwining relation for a , we get for all ψ ∈ H(X): kWa (t)ψ − a ψk = kEH (R) e−it Ha Ea ψ − e−it H EH (R)a ψk = k(EH (R) − a ) e−it Ha Ea ψk. Finally, Lemma 1 from [29] can be used in order to get the desired result.
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70 6.3.
The following lemma puts in evidence some estimates, uniform in α > 0, concerning the approximating family of Hamiltonians {Hα }. Note that for any a ∈ L, (1.2) can be written as Hα = Ha,α + Ia,α , where Ia,α denotes the sum from the first equality in (1.2), performed only on the set L \ La . LEMMA 6.1. For any z inf σ (Hα |α=0 ) and for any a ∈ L, if Ra,α denotes (Ha,α − z)−1 , then there is a constant C > 0, independent of α, such that for any α > 0: αkRα1/2χ(a)Rα1/2 k + kRα1/2Ia,α Rα1/2k 6 C,
χ(b)Rα α Ra,α
+ kRα Ia,α Ra,α k 6 C.
For the proof, note that the first inequality is a consequence of the hypothesis made on z, and of the obvious identity: 1 = Rα1/2(Hα − z)Rα1/2 =
Hα |α=0 +
αχ(b) − z Rα1/2.
Then, using Rα − Ra,α = −Rα Ia,α Ra,α = −Ra,α Ia,α Rα we compute kRa,α Ia,α Rα k2 = k(Rα − Ra,α )2 k 6 2kRa,α kkRα k + kRa,α k2 + kRα k2 6 C, where all the norms are in B(H) and where the uniform boundedness (w.r.t. α) of the family {kRa,α k−1,1 }, tells us that C does not depend on α. Finally,
χ(b)Rα α
Ra,α b∈L\La
6 kRa,α Ia,α Rα k +
kRa,α hP ikkV (b)k1,−1 khP iRα k
finishes the proof of (6.4). 2 Note that uniform estimates of the type (6.4) are useful when one wants to obtain decay of the difference Rα − Ra,α on the support of some time-dependent cutoff J ∈ C0∞ (0a (0)) (as in the proof of Proposition 4.1). As far as the inequality (6.3) is concerned, notice that it is of quadratic type, i.e. if χ is of the form χ eχ e∗ ,
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then it can be written as the double commutator
√ αkRα1/2χ ek 6 C, which is not enough for showing that
[iRα , [iRα , Qa ]] =
αRα2 [χ(b), iPa ]Rα2
iαRα2 χ(b)Pa Rα2 + h.c.
is bounded uniformly w.r.t. α. This is one of the numerous reasons which makes the algebraic framework (introduced at Section 2) indispensable. 6.4.
We have to prove that for any a ∈ L and any b ∈ La , given two functions J ∈ C0∞ (0a (0)) and g ∈ C0∞ (X) satisfying g = g ◦ πb on a neighbourhood of the intersection of supp J with Xb , the estimate Z ∞ dt Qb Q Q 6 Ckψk2 (6.5) J g([iR, Qb ]) − g J t t t t 1 t is true for all ψ ∈ H(X). For showing this, we use the Fourier spectral formula in order to compute the difference: Z Z 1 Qb Qb 0 ds gb(s) dτ eisτ [iR,Qb ] Tb eis(1−τ ) t , (6.6) = g([iR, Qb ]) − g t X 0 where gb0 ∈ S(X). We thus have to look, for any k = 1, . . . , dim Xb , at: Qb
isτ [iR,Qb ] Tk eis(1−τ ) t J t Je Q 1/2 isτ [iR,Qb ] 1/2 −1 is(1−τ ) t b = J hTk iβ e hTk iβ Tk e hTk iβ J + | {z } t O(1)
Q 1/2 isτ [iR,Qb ] 1/2 −1 is(1−τ ) t b + J hTk iβ e J + hTk iβ Tk hTk iβ , e | {z } t +
Qb 1/2 −1/2 J [eisτ [iR,Qb ] , hTk iβ ]hTk iβ Tk eis(1−τ ) t J t .
It is clear that the first line above is integrable w.r.t. t as a consequence of Proposition 3.3 (the integrabilities in s and τ are trivial). Further, using formula (3.33) we compute (as in the proof of Proposition 3.3): Z ∞ 1/2 isτ [iR,Qb ] = 2sτ Re Tk dωω1/4(ω + hTk i2β )−1 × hTk iβ , e 0 Z 1 dσ eisτ (1−σ )[iR,Qb ] [[iR, Qb ], Tk ] eisτ σ [iR,Qb ] (ω + hTk i2β )−1 . × 0
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Hence, we essentially have to decide if for all k, l = 1, . . . , dim Xb , the commutator [[iR, Ql ], Tk ] confers on the support of J enough decay in order to ensure integrability with respect to both t and ω. But this has been already shown in the proof of Lemma 4.1 with the aid of relation (5.14) (see also the discussion following it), the only difference being that the role of a was played there by amin , so we could take k, l to run from 1 to dim X. Note also that because of the rapid decay of gb0 the polynomials in s resulted from the various commutations of J with the unitary groups of the type exp(isτ σ [iR, Qb ]) do not influence the integrability in s. Finally, the second term from the r.h.s. of (6.7) will be treated in the same way as the previous one. Actually it is even simpler, because we will not be forced to use the good decay along certain directions of the connected components of R, the 2 basically O(t −µ ) decay being replaced by the better O(t −2 ). Acknowledgements I am grateful to Anne Boutet de Monvel, V. Georgescu and A. Soffer for having communicated to me the results they obtained in [12], during their work on this paper, and for the helpful discussions we held on the hard-core subject. I also thank my elder colleagues L. Zielinski and M. Mantoiu for having shown me parts of their works. References Amrein, W. O., Boutet de Monvel-Berthier, A. M. and Georgescu, I. V.: Notes on the N-body problem, Part I, UGVA-DPT, no. 11-598A (1988), 1–156. 2. Amrein, W. O., Boutet de Monvel-Berthier, A. M. and Georgescu, I. V.: Notes on the N-body problem, Part II, UGVA-DPT, no. 04-178A (1991), 160–423. 3. Amrein, W. O., Boutet de Monvel, A. M. and Georgescu, I. V.: C0 -Groups, Commutator Methods and Spectral Theory of N-Body Hamiltonians, Progr. Math. 135, Birkhäuser, Basel, 1996. 4. Agmon, S.: Lectures on the Exponential Decay of Solutions of Second Order Elliptic Equations, Princeton University Press, 1982. 5. Aigner, M.: Combinatorial Theory, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1979. 6. Baumgärtel, H. and Wollenberg, M.: Mathematical Scattering Theory, Akademie-Verlag, Berlin, 1983. 7. Boutet de Monvel-Berthier, A. M. and Georgescu, I. V.: Graded C ? -algebras in the N-body problem, J. Math. Phys. 32(11) (1991), 3101–3110. 8. Boutet de Monvel-Berthier, A. M. and Georgescu, I. V.: Spectral and scattering theory by the conjugate operator method, Algebra i Anal. 4(3) (1992), 73–116, and St. Petersburg Math. J. 4(3) (1993), 469–501. 9. Boutet de Monvel-Berthier, A. M. and Georgescu, I. V.: Graded C ? -algebras and manybody perturbation theory: II. The Mourre estimate, ‘Année semi-classique’, DRED-CNRS, Astérisque 210 (1992), 75–96. 10. Boutet de Monvel-Berthier, A. M. and Georgescu, I. V.: Graded C ? -algebras associated to symplectic spaces and spectral analysis of many channel Hamiltonians, in Dynamics of Complex and Irregular Systems, Bielefeld Encounters in math. and Physics VIII, December 1991, World Scientific (Preprint Universität Bielefeld BiBos no. 524/1992, 1–40). 1.
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Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry 1: 75–100, 1998. © 1998 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
On q-Analogues of Bounded Symmetric Domains and Dolbeault Complexes S. SINEL’SHCHIKOV? and L. VAKSMAN?? Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kharkov, Ukraine (Received: 1 October 1997) Abstract. A very well known result by Harish-Chandra claims that any Hermitian symmetric space of non-compact type admits a canonical embedding into a complex vector space V . The image of this embedding is a bounded symmetric domain in V . This work provides a construction of q-analogues of a polynomial algebra on V and the differential algebra of exterior forms on V . A way of producing a q-analogue of the bounded function algebra in a bounded symmetric domain is described. All the constructions are illustrated by detailed calculations in the case of the simplest Hermitian symmetric space SU (1, 1)/U (1). Mathematics Subject Classification (1991): 81R50. Key words: quantum differential calculi, quantum homogeneous spaces.
1. Introduction Consider an irreducible Hermitian symmetric space X of a non-compact type. Let g and g0 denote the complexifications of the Lie algebras of the automorphism group of X and the stabilizer of a point x ∈ X, respectively. Then the center of g0 is one-dimensional (Z(g0 ) = C · H, H ∈ g0 ), and g = g−1 ⊕ g0 ⊕ g1 , where g±1 = {ξ ∈ g | [H, ξ ] = ±2ξ } (see, e.g., [8]). It was shown by Harish-Chandra that a natural embedding i: X ,→ g−1 exists with iX being a bounded symmetric domain in g−1 [8]. Our purpose is to construct quantum analogues of the (prehomogeneous) vector space g−1 , the bounded symmetric domain iX ⊂ g−1 and the differential calculus in g−1 . Normally, we don’t dwell on describing the quantum algebras of functions and quantum exterior algebras in terms of generators and relations, although that could be done. (The case g = slm+n , g0 = s(glm × gln ) was partially considered in [21].) ? Partially supported by ISF grant U2B200 and grant DKNT-1.4/12. ?? Partially supported by the grant INTAS-94-4720, ISF grant U21200 and grant DKNT-1.4/12.
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The simplest homogeneous bounded domain is the unit disc U = {z ∈ C | |z| < 1}. It was shown in [12, 14] that the Poisson brackets {. , .}, that agree with the action of the Poisson–Lie group SU(1, 1) on U , are given by {z, z} = i(1 − |z|2 )(a + b|z|2 ),
a, b ∈ R.
Our construction (see Section 9) provides a quantization of this bracket with b = 0. This ‘simplest’ quantum disc was studied in [18, 23]. Most of the constructions of this paper originate from the works of Drinfeld [6] and Levendorskiˇi and Soibelman [16]. Specifically, we follow [6] in replacing the construction of algebras by forming the dual coalgebras; also our choice of a Poisson cobracket, together with the associated quantization procedure, is due to [16]. The authors are grateful to V. Akulov, V. Lyubashenko, G. Maltsiniotis, and D. Shklyarov for the helpful discussion of the results. 2. Prehomogeneous Vector Spaces of a Commutative Parabolic Type Everywhere in the sequel C will be the ground field. Let g be a simple complex Lie algebra, h its Cartan subalgebra and αi ∈ h∗ , i = 1, . . . , l, a simple root system of g. Choose an element α0 ∈ {αi }i=1,...,l and consider the associated Z-grading M g= gj , gj = {ξ ∈ g | [H0 , ξ ] = 2j ξ }, j
where H0 ∈ h, α0 (H0 ) = 2, αi (H0 ) = 0 for αi 6= α0 . A subspace g−1 is called a prehomogeneous vector space of a commutative parabolic type if the above Z-grading breaks off: g = g−1 ⊕ g0 ⊕ g1 .
The motives that justify this definition and the list of simple roots α ∈ {αi }i=1,...,l with (2.1) being valid are given in [2, 19]. It is worthwhile noting that all the simple roots of series An Lie algebras possess the above property, and for the Lie algebra series Bn , Cn , Dn , together with the exceptional Lie algebras E6 , E7 the set of such roots is non-void. Set p+ := g0 ⊕ g1 , p− := g0 ⊕ g−1 . Our purpose is to construct a quantum analogue of the graded polynomial algebra C[g−1 ] on the prehomogeneous vector space g−1 . For this, it would be useful to have a definition of C[g−1 ] in terms of the enveloping algebras U g ⊃ U p+ ⊃ U g0 (but not the Lie algebras themselves). We start with constructing the coalgebra V− dual to C[g−1 ]. Consider the U gmodule V− determined by its generator v ∈ V− and the relations ξ v− = ε(ξ )v− ,
ξ ∈ U p+ ,
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where ε: U p+ → C ' End(C) is the trivial representation of U p+ . Equip V− with a structure of a coalgebra [3] by extending the map 1− : v− 7→ v− ⊗ v− to a morphism of U g-modules. The existence and uniqueness of this extension are obvious, and the coassociativity of 1− follows from (1− ⊗ id)1− v− = (v− ⊗ v− ) ⊗ v− ; (id ⊗ 1− )1− v− = v− ⊗ (v− ⊗ v− ). L It is easy to verify that V− =L j (V− )j with (V− )j = {v ∈ V− | H0 v = 2j v}, and that the dual algebra j ((V−)j )∗ to the coalgebra V− is canonically isomorphic to C[g−1 ]. A replacement of ‘−’ by ‘+’ in the above construction leads to the algebra of antiholomorphic polynomials on g−1 , which will be denoted by C[g−1 ]. We shall see in the sequel that these constructions can be transferred to the quantum case where they lead to the ‘covariant’ algebras C[g−1 ]q , C[g−1 ]q . 3. Quantum Universal Enveloping Algebras and their ‘Real Forms’ It is well known [20] that a simple complex Lie algebra g admits a description in terms of generators {Xi± , Hi }li=1 and relations [Hi , Hi ] = 0;
[Hi , Xj± ] = ±aij Xj± ;
[Xi+ , Xj− ] = δij Hi ;
adX± ij (Xj± ) = 0. 1−a
In the above i, j ∈ {1, . . . , l}, and (aij ) is the Cartan matrix of the simple Lie algebra g, i.e., aij = αi (Hj ). Let j0 be the number of the simple root α0 . The relations (2.2) can be rewritten in the form Xj− v− = Hj v− = 0, j = 1, 2, . . . , l; Xj+ v− = 0, j 6= j0 . Consider the real Lie subalgebra g(α0 ) ⊂ g generated by the elements Xj+ − Xj− , i(Xj+ + Xj− ), iHj , j 6= j0 ; + − Xj0 − Xj0 , i(Xj+0 + Xj−0 ), iHj0 , √ where i = −1. This subalgebra is interesting because it is the Lie algebra for the automorphism group of the corresponding bounded symmetric domain in g−1 ⊂ g. We are seeking for the specific ways to distinguish U g(α0 ) inside U g. Recall that U g is a Hopf algebra [3] whose comultiplication 1, counit ε and antipode S are given by 1(Hi ) = Hi ⊗ 1 + 1 ⊗ Hi , ε(Hi ) = ε(Xi± ) = 0;
1(Xi± ) = Xi± ⊗ 1 + 1 ⊗ Xi± ;
S(Hi ) = −Hi ,
S(Xi± ) = −Xi± ,
i = 1, 2, . . . , l.
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It is easy to verify that U g(α0 ) = {ξ ∈ U g | ξ ∗ = S(ξ )}, with ∗ being the antilinear involution which depends on α and is determined by its values on generators Xj± , Hj as follows:? (Xj±0 )∗ = −Xj∓0 , (Xj± )∗ = Xj∓ , j 6= j0 .
Hj∗0 = Hj0 , Hj∗ = Hj ,
The Hopf algebra U g(α0) does not survive under quantization; in the sequel it will be replaced by the pair (U g,∗ ). Now let us consider the quantization of this Hopf ∗-algebra. We start with Drinfeld–Jimbo formulae [6] which determine a Hopf algebra Uh g over C[[h]] complete in h-adic topology (C[[h]] denotes the ring of formal series). First of all, choose an invariant scalar product in g in such a way that di = (αi , αi )/2 > 0. Now, {Xj± , Hj }j =1,...,l work as generators of the topological algebra Uh g, and the resulting list of relations is [Hi , Hj ] = 0, X
[Hi , Xj± ] = ±aij Xj± ,
1 − aij k
[Xi+ , Xj− ] = δij
sh(dj hHj /2) , sh(dj h/2)
(Xi± )k Xj± (Xi± )(1−aij −k) = 0.
Here we use the notation ! n m n−m Y sh(kh/2) . Y sh(kh/2) Y sh(kh/2) n , = · m h sh(h/2) sh(h/2) k=1 sh(h/2) k=1 k=1 i, j = 1, . . . , l. Comultiplication 1, counit ε and antipode S are determined by their values on the generators 1(Hi ) = Hi ⊗ 1 + 1 ⊗ Hi , ε(Hi ) = ε(Xi± ) = 0,
1(Xi± ) = Xi± ⊗ ehHi di /4 + e−hHi di /4 ⊗ Xi± ,
S(Hi ) = −Hi ,
S(Xi± ) = −e∓hdi /2 · Xi± .
An involution in C[[h]] is introduced by setting h∗ = h. We equip Uh g with the structure of ∗-algebra over C[[h]] defined by (3.2). The pair (Uh g,∗ ) will be denoted by Uh for the sake of brevity. A procedure of transition from algebras over C[[h]] to algebras over C is described in [3]; it allows one to ‘fix the value of the formal parameter h’. Here ? It is implicit that (ξ η)∗ = η∗ ξ ∗ , ξ, η ∈ U g.
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we only bring to mind the formulae which describe the ‘change of variables’ corresponding to the generators of the above algebra Ki±1 = e∓hdi Hi /2 , q = e−h/2 , + −hdi Hi /4 Ei = Xi e , Fi = ehdi Hi /4 Xi− . In the sequel we fix the value of q ∈ (0, 1). The Hopf algebra over C, given by the generators {Ei , Fi , Ki±1 }li=1 , and the relations deduced above from the relations in Uh , will be denoted by Uq g, and the Hopf ∗-algebra (Uq g,∗ ) by Uq .? The defining relations for Uq are similar to (3.1), (3.2). Part of them (the quantum analogue of the last among the relations (3.2) can be found in [15]) are listed here as Ki Ki−1 = Ki−1 Ki = 1,
Ki Kj = Kj Ki ,
Ki Ej = q di aij · Ej Ki , Ei Fj − Fj Ei = δij
Ki Fj = q −di aij Fj Ki ,
Ki − Ki−1 , q di − q −di 1(Fi ) = Fi ⊗ Ki−1 + 1 ⊗ Fi ,
1(Ei ) = Ei ⊗ 1 + Ki ⊗ Ei , 1(Ki ) = Ki ⊗ Ki , ε(Ei ) = ε(Fi ) = ε(Ki − 1) = 0, S(Ei ) = −Ki−1 Ei , Ej∗
S(Fi ) = −Fi Ki ,
Kj Fj j 6= j0 , −Kj Fj j = j0 ,
S(Ki ) = Ki−1 , Ej Kj−1 j 6= j0 , −Ej Kj−1 j = j0 ,
Kj∗ = Kj , i, j ∈ {1, . . . , l}. We equip the Hopf algebra Uq g with a grading deg Kj = deg Ej = deg Fj = 0, deg Kj0 = 0,
deg Ej0 = 1,
j 6= j0 , deg Fj0 = −1.
4. Covariant Algebras and Involutions Remember that C is endowed with a structure of a Uq g-module by means of a counit ε: Uq g → C ' End(C). ? See the definition of a Hopf ∗-algebra in [3].
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Let F be a unital algebra over C, which is also a Uq g-module. We call F a Uq g-module algebra if the multiplication m: f1 ⊗ f2 7→ f1 f2 ,
m: F ⊗ F → F ;
f1 , f2 ∈ F ,
and the unit 1: C → F ;
z 7→ z · 1,
z ∈ C,
are morphisms of Uq g-modules.? Together with the term ‘Uq g-module algebra’ we shall elaborate the substitute term ‘covariant algebra’ for the sake of brevity in the cases when no confusion can occur. Covariant modules and covariant bimodules over covariant algebras are defined in a similar way (see [1, 25]). An involutive (F , ∗) algebra is said to be covariant [22] if it is a Uq g-module algebra and for all ξ ∈ Uq g, f ∈ F one has (ξf )∗ = (S(ξ ))∗ f ∗ .
A linear functional ν: F → C is called an invariant integral if ν(ξf ) = ε(ξ )ν(f ),
ξ ∈ Uq g, f ∈ F .
The ‘compatibility condition’ for involutions (4.1) is extremely important since it allows one to use the ‘positive’ invariant integrals for producing ∗-representations of Uq g in the ‘Hilbert function spaces’: (f1 , f2 ) = ν(f2∗ f1 ),
f1 , f2 ∈ F .
The problem of decomposing such ∗-representations is a typical one in harmonic analysis. In this way, for instance, the Plancherel measure for quantum SU(1, 1) was found (see [22]). 5. Generalized Verma Modules Choose a linear functional λ ∈ h∗ so that mj = λ(Hj ) are non-positive integers for j 6= j0 . Consider the graded Uq g-module determined by the single generator v+ (λ) ∈ V+ (λ) and the relations Fi v+ (λ) = 0, −mj +1
Ki±1 v+ (λ) = e∓di mi h/2 v+ (λ),
v+ (λ) = 0,
i = 1, . . . , l,
j 6= j0 ,
? F ⊗ F becomes a U g-module by setting ξ(f ⊗ f ) = P ξ 0 f ⊗ ξ 00 f for ξ ∈ U g with q q 1 2 j j 1 j 2 P 1(ξ ) = j ξj0 ⊗ ξj00 , f1 , f2 ∈ F .
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1 deg(v+ (λ)) = λ(H0 ). 2 L Note that V+(λ) = j V+ (λ)j , with V+ (λ)j = {v ∈ V+ (λ) | deg(v) = j }, and dimV+ (λ)j < ∞. The finite dimensionality of the homogeneous component V+ (λ)j follows from the decomposition M V+ (λ)µ V+ (λ)j = {µ∈h∗ |µ(H0 )=2j }
into a finite sum of the finite dimensional weight subspaces V+ (λ)j = {v ∈ V+ (λ)|Kj v = e−dj µ(Hj )h/2 v, j = 1, . . . , l}. The graded modules V− (λ) are defined in a similar way: Ei v− (λ) = 0, mj +1
v− (λ) = 0,
Ki±1 v− (λ) = e∓di mi h/2 v− (λ), j 6= j0 ;
i = 1, . . . , l,
1 deg(v− (λ)) = λ(H0 ). 2
Now suppose mj0 = λ(Hj0 ) ∈ Z. Consider the longest element w0 of the Weil group W for a Lie algebra g. It is very well known from [4, 3] that to each reduced decomposition of w0 one can associate a Poincaré–Birkhoff–Witt basis in Uq g. We demonstrate the reduced decompositions for which this basis ‘generates’ the bases of weight vectors in generalized Verma modules. Let g0 ∈ g be a Lie subalgebra generated by {Xj± , Hj }j 6=j0 , and let W 0 ∈ W be a subgroup generated by simple reflections s(αj ), j 6= j0 . Obviously, W 0 is a Weil group of the Lie algebra g0 . Denote the subset of such elements u ∈ W by U ⊂ W such that l(s(αj )u) > l(u) for all j 6= j0 . It is known from [9, p. 19], that, firstly, each element w ∈ W admits the unique decomposition w = w 0 · u with w 0 ∈ W 0 , u ∈ U . Secondly, if w 0 ∈ W 0 , u ∈ U , then one has l(w 0 · u) = l 0 (w 0 ) + l(u), with l 0 (w 0 ) being the length of the element w 0 in W 0 , and l(u), l(w 0 u) the lengths of u, w 0 u in W . That is, in U one can find the unique element u0 of maximum length such that w0 = w00 ·u0 . (w00 here is the longest element of W 0 .) Now one can derive the desired reduced decompositions of w0 by multiplication from the reduced decompositions of w00 and u.
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6. From Coalgebras to Algebras Let Uq gop stand for the Hopf algebra derived from Uq g by replacing its comultiplication by the opposite one. We intend to use the generalized Verma modules for producing coalgebras dual to covariant algebras. To provide a precise correspondence between these two notions, we are going to replace Uq g by Uq gop in tensor products of generalized Verma modules. Consider the Uq g-modules V± (0). Evidently, the maps 1± : v± (0) 7→ v± (0) ⊗ v± (0);
ε± : v± (0) 7→ 1
admit the unique extensions to morphisms of Uq g-modules 1± : V±(0) → V± (0) ⊗ V± (0);
ε± : V± (0) → C.
Just as in the case q = 1, one can verify that the operations 1± are coassociative, and that ε± are the counits for coalgebras, respectively, with 1± . def L Hence, the vector spaces (V± (0))∗ = j (V±(0)j )∗ are covariant algebras.? Introduce the notation C[g−1 ]q = V− (0)∗ ,
C[g−1 ]q = V+ (0)∗ .
These covariant algebras may be treated as q-analogues of polynomial algebras (holomorphic or antiholomorphic identified by the sign) on the quantum prehomogeneous space g−1 . 7. Polynomial Algebra Consider the algebra Pol(g−1 ) = C[g−1 ] ⊗ C[g−1 ] of all polynomials on g−1 . Holomorphic and antiholomorphic polynomials admit the embeddings into this algebra as follows: C[g−1 ] ,→ C[g−1 ] ⊗ C[g−1 ],
f 7→ f ⊗ 1,
C[g−1 ] ,→ C[g−1 ] ⊗ C[g−1 ],
f 7→ 1 ⊗ f.
Our desire is to obtain that sort of algebra and similar embeddings in the quandef tum case (q 6= 1). For that, we intend to equip the Uq g-module Pol(g1 )q = C[g−1 ]q ⊗ C[g−1 ]q with a structure of covariant algebra in such a way that the maps f 7→ f ⊗ 1, f 7→ 1 ⊗ f turn out to be algebra homomorphisms. Our approach is completely standard [10]. Define the product of ϕ+ ⊗ ϕ− , ψ+ ⊗ ψ− ∈ Pol(g−1 )q as ˇ − ⊗ ψ+ ) ⊗ ψ− ). (ϕ+ ⊗ ϕ− )(ψ+ ⊗ ψ− ) = m+ ⊗ m− (ϕ+ ⊗ R(ϕ ? The dual U g-module structure is given by ξf (v) def = f (S(ξ )v), with ξ ∈ Uq g, v ∈ V± (0), f ∈ q V± (0)∗ [3].
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ˇ Here, m+ , m− are the multiplications in C[g−1 ]q , C[g−1 ]q , respectively, and R: C[g−1 ]q ⊗C[g−1 ]q → C[g−1 ]q ⊗C[g−1 ]q is the morphism of Uq g-modules defined below by Drinfeld’s universal R-matrix [6]. In [6, 7] one can find the description of properties of the universal R-matrix which unambiguously determine it as an element of an appropriate completion of Uh g ⊗ Uh g. In particular, S ⊗ S(R) = R,
R ∗⊗∗ = R 21.
The latter relation involves the element R 21 which is derived from R by permutation of tensor multiples. The proof of this relation is completely similar to that of Proposition 4.2 in [7]. In [3] there is an explicit ‘multiplicative’ formula for the universal R-matrix. More precisely, any reduced decomposition of the maximum length element w0 possesses its own multiplicative formula. In the sequel we intend to restrict ourselves to those reduced decompositions which come from Section 5. (Note that the ‘multiplicative’ formula was discovered in the papers of Levendorskiˇi and Soibelman and also by Kirillov and Reshetikhin, see [3]. Its application should take into account the inessential differences in the choice of generators and deformation parameters in this work as compared with [3]. Specifically, one has to substitute Xi+ , Xi− , Hi , h, Ki , q by −S(Ei ), −S(Fi ), −S(Hi ), h/2, Ki−1 , q −1 .) It is easy to show that the universal R-matrix determines a linear operator in C[g−1 ]q ⊗ C[g−1 ]q . Now we are in a position to define the operator Rˇ in a standard way: Rˇ = σ · R with σ : a ⊗ b 7→ b ⊗ a being a permutation of tensor multiples. Thus, Rˇ becomes a morphism of Uq g-modules since [6, 7, 3] 1op (ξ ) = R1(ξ )R −1,
ξ ∈ Uh g.
The associativity of the multiplication in Pol(g−1 )q can be derived easily by the standard argument [10, 11] from the relations (id ⊗ 1)(R) = R 13 R 12. (1 ⊗ id)(R) = R 13 R 23 , P P P (HereP R 12 = i ai ⊗bi ⊗1, R 23 = i 1⊗ai ⊗bi , R 13 = i ai ⊗1⊗bi whenever R = i ai ⊗ bi , see [6, 7, 3].) The existence of a unit and covariance of Pol(g−1 )q are evident. 8. Involution Consider the antilinear operators ∗ : V+ (0) → V− (0); ∗ : V− (0) → V+ (0), which are determined by their properties as follows. Firstly, v± (0)∗ = v∓ (0) and, secondly, (ξ v)∗ = (S −1 (ξ ))∗ v ∗
for all v ∈ V± (0), ξ ∈ Uq g.
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To rephrase the above, we write (ξ v± (0))∗ = (S −1 (ξ ))∗ v± (0)∗ . It follows from the definition of V± (0) that the involution as above is well defined. In particular, (8.1) can be easily deduced; it also follows from the relation (S −1 ((S −1 (ξ ))∗ ))∗ = ξ that the operators constructed above are mutually converse. The duality argument allows one to form the mutually converse antihomomorphisms ∗ : C[g−1 ]q → C[g−1 ]q ; ∗ : C[g−1 ]q → C[g−1 ]q : f ∗ (v) = f (v ∗ ),
v ∈ V± (0), f ∈ V± (0)∗ .
Now we are in a position to define the antilinear operator ∗ in Pol(g−1 )q by (f+ ⊗ f− )∗ = f−∗ ⊗ f+∗ , def
for f+ ∈ C[g−1 ]q , f− ∈ C[g−1 ]q , and also to show that it equips Pol(g−1 )q with a structure of covariant involutive algebra. What remains is to verify that ∗ is an antihomomorphism of Pol(g−1 )q . The best way to prove the relation (f1 f2 )∗ = f2∗ f1∗ ;
f1 , f2 ∈ Pol(g−1 )q
is to apply (7.1) and the duality argument described in details in the concluding section of the present paper. (Note that it suffices to prove the relation (f1 f2 )∗ (v) = f2∗ f1∗ (v) for the generator v = v− (0) ⊗ v+ (0) of the Uq g-module V− (0) ⊗ V+ (0) since the map ξ 7→ (S −1 (ξ ))∗ is an antiautomorphism of the coalgebra Uq g.) Verify (4.1). It suffices to consider the case f ∈ V± (0)∗ . Application of (8.2) and the relation S((S(ξ ))∗ ) = ξ ∗ , ξ ∈ Uq g, yields f ((ξ v)∗ ) = f ((S −1 (ξ ))∗ v ∗ ), f (S(ξ )v ∗ ) = f ((ξ ∗ v)∗ ), (ξf )(v ∗ ) = f ∗ (ξ ∗ v), (ξf )(v ∗ ) = f ∗ (S((S(ξ ))∗ )v), (ξf )∗ (v) = ((S(ξ ))∗ f ∗ )(v) for all v ∈ V± (0), f ∈ V± (0)∗ . Thus, in the special case f ∈ V± (0)∗ (4.1) is proved. Hence, it is also valid for all f ∈ Pol(g)q since the antipode is an antiautomorphism of the coalgebra Uq g and the involution ∗ is its automorphism. In fact, if f = f+ f− , f± ∈ (V± (0))∗ and P 0 1(ξ ) = j ξj ⊗ ξj00 ; ξ 0 , ξj00 ∈ Uq g then one has X (ξj00 f− )∗ (ξj0 f+ )∗ , (ξ(f+ f− ))∗ = j
(S(ξ ))∗ (f+ f− )∗ = (S(ξ ))∗ (f−∗ f+∗ ) =
X ((S(ξj00 ))∗ f−∗ )((S(ξj0 ))∗ f+∗ ). j
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9. The Simplest Example Let g = sl2 , then one has g = g−1 ⊕ g0 ⊕ g1 , with g0 and g±1 being Cartan and Borel subalgebras of sl2 , respectively. In particular, deg(g−1 ) = 1. The algebra Uq sl2 is given by its generators K ±1 , E, F and the relations KK −1 = K −1 K = 1,
K ±1 E = q ±2 EK ±1 ,
K ±1 F = q ∓2 F K ±1 ,
EF − F E = (K − K −1 )/(q − q −1 ). Remember that comultiplication 1, counit ε and antipode S are defined on the above generators as 1(E) = E ⊗ 1 + K ⊗ E,
1(F ) = F ⊗ K −1 + 1 ⊗ F,
1(K ±1 ) = K ±1 ⊗ K ±1 ; ε(E) = ε(F ) = 0,
ε(K ±1 ) = 1;
S(E) = −K −1 E,
S(F ) = −F K,
S(K ± ) = K ∓ .
In the notation q = e−h/2 ,
K ±1 = e∓hH/2 ,
E = X+ e−hH/4 ,
F = ehH/4 X−
Drinfeld’s formula for the universal R-matrix [6] acquires the form R = expq 2 ((q −1 − q)E ⊗ F ) · exp(H ⊗ H · h/4) P Qn 1−t j −1 n with expt (x) = ∞ n=0 x ( j =1 1−t ) . The involution ∗ in Uq su(1, 1) = (Uq sl2 ,∗ ) is defined on the generators E, F, ±1 K by E ∗ = −KF,
F ∗ = −EK −1 ,
(K ±1 )∗ = K ±1
(equivalently, on the generators X± , H of Uh sl2 it is defined by (X± )∗ = −X∓ , H ∗ = H ). Consider the Uq sl2 -module V+ (0) determined by its single generator v+ (0) ∈ V+ (0) and the relations F v+ (0) = 0, K ±1 v+ (0) = v+ (0). This module admits the decomposition M V+ (0)j , V+ (0)j = C · E j · v+ (0). V+ (0) = j ∈Z+
Hence, {E j v+ (0)}j ∈Z+ is a basis in V+ (0). Define a linear functional a− ∈ V+ (0)∗ = C[g−1 ]q by 1 j = 1, j a− (S(E )v+ (0)) = 0 j 6= 1.
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Prove that a− is a generator of C[g−1 ]q , and that for any polynomial P ∈ C[t] K ±1 : P (a− ) 7→ P (q ∓2 a− ), E: P (a− ) 7→ (D− P )(a− ), F : P (a− ) 7→ −q · a−2 · (D+ P )(a− ),
(9.1) (9.2) (9.3)
where (D± P )(t) = (P (q ±2 t) − P (t))/(q ±2 t − t). First note that the relations −2 q j = 1, j Ka− (S(E )v+ (0)) = 0 j 6= 1, 1 j = 0, j Ea− (S(E )v+ (0)) = 0 j 6= 0, imply that Ka− = q −2 a− ,
Ea− = 1.
Now, apply the covariance of C[g−1 ]q to obtain K ±1 (P1 (a− )P2 (a− )) = K ±1 (P1 (a− )) · K ±1 (P2 (a− )), E(P1 (a− )P2 (a− )) = E(P1 (a− )) · P2 (a− ) + K(P1 (a− )) · E(P2 (a− )) for any polynomials P1 , P2 . This already allows one to deduce (9.1), (9.2) from (9.4). j It is worthwhile to note that a− 6= 0 for all j ∈ Z+ since j E j a−
j Y
((q −2k − 1)/(q −2 − 1)) 6= 0.
This implies that (V+ (0)j )∗ = C·a− . Hence, {a− }j ∈Z+ is a basis of the vector space C[g−1 ]q . That is, a− is a generator of the algebra C[g−1 ]q . Now prove (9.3) in the special case P (a− ) = a− . Specifically, we are going to demonstrate j
F a− = −q · a−2 .
Since F a− ∈ (V+ (0)2 )2 = Ca−2 we have F a− = const · a−2 . The fact that the constant in the latter relation is −q follows easily from E(F a− ) =
K − K −1 a− = −(q + q −1 )a− , q − q −1
E(a−2 ) = (q −2 + 1)a− = q −1 (q −1 + q)a− together with a− 6= 0.
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The passage from the special case P (a− ) = a− to the general case can be performed (just as above) by a virtue of covariance. Specifically, F (P1 P2 ) = F (P1 ) · K −1 (P2 ) + P1 F (P2 ) for any ‘polynomials’ P1 (a− ), P2 (a− ). Now turn to the description L of the covariant algebra C[g−1 ]q for the same case g = sl2 . One has V− (0) = −j ∈Z+ V− (0)j , V− (0)−j = C · F j v− (0). Define also the ‘co-ordinate function’ a+ by 1 j = 1, j a+ (S(F )v− (0)) = 0 j 6= 1. Now, one can prove, in the same way as above, that a+ is the generator of C[g−1 ]q and K ±1 : P (a+ ) 7→ P (q ±2 a+ ), F : P (a+ ) 7→ (D− P )(a+ ), E: P (a+ ) 7→ −qa+2 · (D+ P )(a+ ) for any polynomial P of a single indeterminate. In particular, one has K ±1 a+ = q ±2 a− ,
F a+ = 1,
Ea+ = −qa+2 .
Note that if {fi } are the generators of a covariant algebra F and {aj } the generators of a Hopf algebra A, then the action of A on F can be unambiguously retrieved from the action of {aj } on {fi }. Turn to the description of the covariant algebra Pol(g−1 )q in terms of generators and relations. By our construction, the covariant algebras C[g−1 ]q and C[g−1 ]q are embedded into Pol(g−1 )q . It follows from the explicit formula for the universal R-matrix and the definition of the action of exp(H ⊗ H h/4) on the weight vectors that eH ⊗H h/4 a− ⊗ a+ = q − 2 ·2(−2) · a− ⊗ a+ , 1
a− a+ = q 2 (a+ a− + q −1 (1 − q 2 )F a+ · Ea− ). Finally we have a− a+ = q 2 a+ a− + q(1 − q 2 ).
Since Pol(g−1 )q = C[g−1 ]q ⊗ C[g−1 ]q , we deduce that (9.7) gives a complete list of relations between the generators {a+ , a− } of Pol(g−1 )q , that is the natural map Cha+ , a− i/(a− a+ −(q 2 a+ a− +q(1−q 2 )) → Pol(g−1 )q is injective. The action
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of the generators {K ±1 , E, F } of Uq g on the generators {a+ , a− } of Pol(g−1 )q is given by (9.4)–(9.6). What remains is to describe the involution ∗. We start with proving that a+∗ = const · a− ,
a−∗ = const · a+ ,
and then we will find the constants by comparing the explicit expressions for ∗ Ea from the decompositions C[g−1 ]q = L (9.8) follow L + and Ea∗ − . The relations ∗ (V (0) ) , C[g ] = (V (0) ) and (V∓ (0)±1 )∗ = C·a± , ∗ : (V± (0)i )∗ → − i q + i −1 i i ∗ (V∓(0)−i ) . It was pointed out before that Ea− = 1. Let us compute Ea+∗ . First use the relation (S(F ))∗ = (−F K)∗ = −K ∗ F ∗ = −K · (−EK −1 ) = q 2 E and the compatibility condition (4.1) for involutions to obtain q 2 E · a+∗ = (S(F ))∗ a+∗ = (F a+ )∗ = 1∗ = 1. Thus, we have q 2 · Ea+∗ = Ea− . Now, (9.8) implies a+∗ = q −2 a− ;
a−∗ = q 2 a+ .
The only shortcoming of the definition of the covariant ∗-algebra Pol(g−1 )q is that it is excessively abstract. In the example for Uq su(1, 1) we got another description of that covariant ∗-algebra. Specifically, its generators are {a+ , a− }, its complete list of relations reduces to (9.7), the action of Uq su(1, 1) is given by (9.4)–(9.7), and the involution is determined by (9.9). Note that in the work [23] on the function theory in the unit disc the generator z = q 1/2 · a+ was implemented instead of a+ . In this setting, (9.9) implies the relation z∗ = q −3/2 a− , and (9.7) can be rewritten as z∗ z − q 2 zz∗ = 1 − q 2 .
(The substitution q = e−h/2 and the formal passage to a limit as h → 0 yield (cf. ∗] = i(1 − zz∗ ).) (1.1)) limh→0 [z,z ih 10. Quantum Disc and Other Bounded Symmetric Domains Proceed with studying the ∗-algebra Pol(g−1 )q which was under investigation in the previous section. Evidently, the formulae Tϕ (z) = eiϕ ,
Tϕ (z∗ ) = e−iϕ ,
ϕ ∈ R/2π Z,
determine the one-dimensional representation of Pol(g−1 )q . We shall also need a faithful infinitely dimensional ∗-representation T in the Hilbert space l 2 (Z+ ) given by T (z)em = (1 − q 2(m+1) )1/2 em+1 ,
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T (z∗ )em+1 = (1 − q 2(m+1) )1/2 em , T (z∗ )e0 = 0, with {em }m∈Z+ being the standard basis in l 2 (Z+ ). An application of the standard techniques of operator theory in Hilbert spaces [24] allows one to prove that any irreducible ∗-representation of the above algebra is unitarily equivalent to one of the representations {Tϕ }ϕ∈R/2π Z , T . Note that the spectrum of T (z) is the closure U of the unit disc U in C. Just as in [24], we use the notion ‘algebra of continuous functions in the quantum disc’ for a completion of Pol(g)q with respect to the norm kf k = supkρ(f )k. Here ρ varies inside the class of all irreducible ∗-representations up to unitary equivalence. One can easily deduce from the above that kf k = kTf k. The enveloping von Neumann algebra [5] of the above C ∗ -algebra will be denoted by L∞ (U )q and called the algebra of continuous functions in the quantum disc. Certainly, L∞ alone is not worthwhile. Only together with a distinguished dense covariant subalgebra Pol(g−1 )q (cf. [25]) it is worthwhile. Note that our quantum disc is only one among those described in [12]. Others can be derived from this one by a standard argument normally referred to as quantization by Berezin [23]. Also note that the definition of L∞ (U )q , which implements a completion procedure and passage to an enveloping von Neumann algebra, does not use the specific features of the special case g = sl2 . That is, to any irreducible prehomogeneous vector space of commutative parabolic type we associate a pair constituted by a von Neumann algebra L∞ (U )q and its dense covariant subalgebra Pol(g−1 )q . 11. Differential Calculi: the Outline We follow Maltsiniotis [17] in choosing the basic idea of producing the differential calculi. Specifically, we first construct differential calculi of order one, and then we embed them into complete differential calculi by a simple argument described in [17, proof of Theorem 1.2.3]. To outline the construction of order one differential calculi, we restrict ourselves to the simplest example of a quantum prehomogeneous vector space. As the first step we consider the type (1,0) forms with holomorphic coefficients f · dz, f ∈ C[g−1 ]q , and type (0,1) forms with antiholomorphic coefficients f · dz∗ , f ∈ C[g−1 ]q . We prove that dz · z = q 2 z · dz;
dz∗ · z∗ = q −2 z∗ · dz∗ .
As the second step we assume the consideration of all the forms of types (1,0) and (0,1): f dz, f dz∗ , f ∈ Pol(g−1 )q . We prove that dz · z∗ = q −2 z∗ · dz;
dz∗ · z = q 2 z · dz∗ .
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As the third step we turn to higher forms, which gives the additional relations dz∗ · dz∗ = 0,
dz · dz = 0,
dz∗ · dz = −q 2 dz · dz∗ .
Of course, the relations (11.1)–(11.3) are well known to the specialists (see, for instance, [17] and the references therein). 12. Differential Calculi: Step One We follow the notation of Sections 3, 5, 6. Consider the linear functionals λ± ∈ h∗ given by λ± (Hi ) = ±aij0 , together with the associated generalized Verma modules V± (λ± ). Just as in Section 8, define the ‘involutions’ ∗: V±(λ± ) → V∓ (λ∓ ) by (8.1) and ∗: v± (λ± ) 7→ v∓ (λ∓ ). It follows from the definitions that the maps v+ (λ+ ) 7→ Ej0 v+ (0),
v+ (λ+ )∗ 7→ (Ej0 v+ (0))∗
admit the unique extensions to Uq g-module morphisms δ+ : V+(λ+ ) → V+ (0),
δ− : V− (λ− ) → V− (0).
Consider the dual graded Uq g-modules M M V1 V1 (g−1 )q = V− (λ− )∗−j ; (g−1 )q = V+ (λ+ )∗j . j ∈Z+
j ∈Z+
Our definition of the graded components implies that δ+ V+ (λ+ )j ⊂ V+ (0)j ;
δ− V− (λ− )j ⊂ V−(0)j .
Now the ‘adjoint’ operators ∂ = δ−∗ , ∂ = δ+∗ are well defined and become Uq gmodule morphisms V V ∂: C[g−1 ]q → 1 (g−1 )q . ∂: C[g−1 ]q → 1 (g−1 )q ; Evidently, the maps v± (λ± ) 7→ v± (0) ⊗ v± (λ± );
v± (λ± ) 7→ v± (λ± ) ⊗ v± (0)
admit the unique extension to Uq g-module morphisms 1L± : V±(λ± ) → V± (0) ⊗ V± (λ± ),
1R± : V±(λ± ) → V± (λ± ) ⊗ V± (0).
Pass again V to the ‘adjoint’ linear operators and observe that they are well defined and equip 1 (g−1 )q with a structure of a covariant bimodule over C[g−1 ]q , and
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(g−1 )q with a structure of a covariant bimodule over C[g−1 ]q . (The covariance here means that the actions (1L± )∗ , (1R± )∗ of C[g−1 ]q and C[g−1 ]q , respectively, are Uq g-module morphisms.) V V REMARK. With ω ∈ 1 (g−1 )q or ω ∈ 1 (g−1 )q one has 1 · ω = ω · 1 = ω, since (ε ⊗ id)1L± (v) = v,
(id ⊗ ε)1R± (v) = v,
v ∈ V± (λ± ).
It is easy to show that ∂ and ∂ are differentiations of the corresponding covariant bimodules ∂(f1 f2 ) = ∂f1 · f2 + f1 ∂f2 ;
f1 , f2 ∈ C[g−1 ]q ,
∂(f1 f2 ) = ∂f1 · f2 + f1 ∂f2 ;
f1 , f2 ∈ C[g−1 ]q .
For example, to prove the latter inequality, it suffices to pass in each its part to the adjoint operators V+ (λ+ ) → V+ (0) ⊗ V+ (0) and then to apply both operators to the generator v+ (λ+ ) of the Uq g-module V+(λ+ ). In both cases one obtains Ej0 v+ (0) ⊗ v+ (0) + v+ (0) ⊗ Ej0 v+ (0). In conclusion, let us prove one of the equalities (11.1). Another one can be derived in a similar way. It follows from z∗ dz∗ ∈ (V+ (λ+ )2 )∗ , dz∗ · z∗ ∈ (V+ (λ+ )2 )∗ , dimV+ (λ+ )2 = 1 that z∗ · dz∗ = const · dz∗ · z∗ . Thus, it remains to compute the constant. When applying the duality argument, we replace f (v) by hf, vi. Compare ∗ hz dz∗ , Ev+ (λ+ )i and hdz∗ · z∗ , Ev+ (λ+ )i. Firstly, one has hz∗ dz∗ , Ev+ (λ+ )i = hz∗ ⊗ dz∗ , (1 ⊗ E + E ⊗ K)(v+ (0) ⊗ v+ (λ+ ))i = hz∗ ⊗ dz∗ , (E ⊗ K)(v+ (0) ⊗ v+ (λ+ ))i = hz∗ , Ev+ (0)ihdz∗ , Kv+ (λ+ )i = q 2 hz∗ , Ev+ (0)ihdz∗ , v+ (λ+ )i = q 2 hz∗ , Ev+ (0)i2 , and secondly hdz∗ · z∗ , Ev+ (λ+ )i = hdz∗ ⊗ z∗ , (1 ⊗ E + E ⊗ K)(v+ (λ+ ) ⊗ v+ (0))i = hdz∗ , Ev+ (λ+ )ihz∗ , v+ (0)i = hz∗ , v+ (0)i2 . Since hz∗ , v+ (0)i 6= 0, we obtain finally z∗ dz∗ = q 2 dz∗ · z∗ .
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13. Differential Calculi: Step Two Consider the Uq g-module def V1
(1,0)(g−1 )q =
(g−1 )q ⊗ C[g−1 ]q .
Use the universal R-matrix in the same way as in Section 7 to equip (1,0)(g−1 )q with a structure of a covariant bimodule over Pol(g−1 )q . V There is a unique extension of the differentiation ∂: C[g−1 ]q → 1 (g−1 )q to a differentiation ∂: Pol(g−1 )q → (1,0)(g−1 )q such that ∂C[g−1 ]q = 0. Clearly ∂(f+ ⊗ f− ) = ∂f+ ⊗ f− , f+ ∈ C[g−1 ]q , f− ∈ C[g−1 ]q , and ∂ is a Uq g-module morphism. Turn to the example g = Uq sl2 . Differentiation of both sides in (9.10) (with the properties ∂: 1 7→ 0, ∂: z 7→ dz being taken into account) yields z∗ ·dz−q 2 dz·z∗ = 0. This is just one of the relations (11.2). V def Now consider the Uq g-module (0,1)(g−1 )q = C[g−1 ]q ⊗ 1 (g−1 )q together with the morphism of Uq g-modules ∂: Pol(g−1 )q → (0,1)(g−1 )q ;
∂: f+ ⊗ f− 7→ f+ ⊗ ∂f− ,
where f+ ∈ C[g−1 ]q , f− ∈ C[g−1 ]q . Just as it was done before, one can equip (0,1)(g−1 )q with a structure of a covariant bimodule over Pol(g−1 )q and prove that ∂ is a differentiation. An application of ∂ to both sides of (9.10) gives the second one of the relations (11.2). Finally, set 1 (g−1 )q = (1,0)(g−1 )q ⊕ (0,1)(g−1 )q ,
d = ∂ + ∂.
14. Differential Calculi: Step Three Let A be a unital algebra over C. DEFINITION. Let M be a bimodule over A and d: A → M a linear operator. The pair (M, d) is called a differential calculus of order one if (i) d(a 0 · a 00 ) = da 0 · a 00 + a 0 · da 00 , (ii) A · (dA) · A = M. In the case when A is a covariant algebra, M a covariant bimodule and d: A → M a Uq g-module morphism with conditions (i), (ii) being satisfied, the pair (M, d) is called a covariant differential calculus of order one. The results expounded in the appendix of this work imply that the five covariant differential calculi of order one: V1 V1 (g−1 )q , ∂ , (g−1 )q , ∂ ,
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((1,0)(g−1 )q , ∂),
((0,1)(g−1 )q , ∂),
(1 (g−1 )q , d).
In the sequel we apply to each of those the ‘algorithm of constructing the full differential calculus’ described in [17]. L DEFINITION. Let = n∈Z+ n be a Z+ -graded algebra and d a linear operator in of order one. The pair (, d) is called a differential graded algebra if (i) d 2 = 0, (ii) d(a 0 · a 00 ) = da 0 · a 00 + (−1)n a 0 · da 00 , a 0 ∈ n , a 00 ∈ . If is a covariant algebra and d a Uq g-module morphism, then under the conditions (i) and (ii) we call the pair (, d) a covariant differential graded algebra. Let us describe the ‘algorithm’ of construction of the pair (, d) given the pair (M, d). Let M1 = dA ⊂ M. Equip the tensor algebra T = T (A, M1 ) with a grading in which deg a = 0, deg m = 1, a ∈ A, m ∈ M1 . One has T0 = T (A) = C ⊕ A ⊕ A⊗2 ⊕ . . . , Tj +1 = T (A) ⊗ M1 ⊗ Tj . There exists a unique operator d: T → T such that (i) d(t1 t2 ) = dt1 · t2 + (−1)n t1 · dt2 , t1 ∈ Tn , t2 ∈ T , (ii) d|A coincides with the differentiation in the initial calculus of order one, (iii) d|M1 = 0. P In fact, on T0 we have d1 = 0, d(a1 ⊗ a2 ⊗ · · · ⊗ ak ) = j a1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ aj −1 ⊗ daj ⊗ · · · ⊗ ak . From now on we proceed by induction: d(a ⊗ m ⊗ t) = da ⊗ m ⊗ t − a ⊗ m ⊗ dt, a ∈ T0 , m ∈ M1 , t ∈ Tj . (Note that d is well defined because of the multilinearity of the right-hand sides of the above identities in the ‘indeterminates’ (a1 , . . . , ak ) and (a, m, t), respectively.) Consider the least d-invariant bilateral ideal J of T which contains all the elements of the form (i) (ii) (iii)
a1 ⊗ a2 − a1 a2 , a1 , a2 ∈ A, 1 ⊗ m − m, m ⊗ 1 − m, m ∈ M1 , P P { ij ai0 ⊗ mij ⊗ aj00 | ai0 , aj00 ∈ A, mij ∈ M1 , ij ai0 mij aj00 = 0}.
(Note that the left hand side of the latter equality is a sum of elements of the Abimodule M.) L From our construction it follows that J is a graded ideal: J = j (J ∩ Tj ). Furthermore, J is a Uq g-submodule of T (due to the covariance of the algebra A, the module M and the order one calculus (M, d)). Hence the quotient algebra = T /J with the differential dJ : t + J 7→ dt + J is a covariant graded differential algebra. It is easy to show that A ' 0 , M ' 1 , and the initial differential d: A → M ‘coincides’ with the restriction of dJ onto 0 .
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The five order one differential calculi we have already produced lead to five covariant graded differential algebras V V q (g−1 ), ∂ , q (g−1 ), ∂ , , ∂), ((∗,0) q
((0,∗) , ∂), q
(q , d). 2
In the example g = sl2 the relations ∂ 2 (z2 ) = ∂ ((z∗ )2 ) = ∂(zdz∗ −q −2 dz∗ z) = 0 imply (11.3). 15. Holomorphic Bundles and Dolbeault Complexes Just as in Section 5, we choose a functional µ ∈ h∗ such that mj = µ(Hj ) ∈ Z+ for j 6= j0 . The linear functional of this form λ− ∈ h∗ was already considered in Section 12. Consider a Uq g-module V− (µ) and the associated ‘graded dual’ module 0µ . Use the comultiplication 1op to equip V− (0) ⊗ V−(µ) and V− (µ) ⊗ V−(0) with a structure of a Uq g-module. Also, the morphisms 1L : V− (µ) → V− (0) ⊗ V− (µ);
1L : v− (µ) 7→ v− (0) ⊗ v− (µ),
1R : V− (µ) → V−(µ) ⊗ V− (0);
1R : v− (µ) 7→ v− (µ) ⊗ v− (0),
(together with the adjoint linear maps 1∗L , 1∗R ) are used to equip 0µ with a structure of a covariant bimodule over C[g−1 ]q : 1∗L : C[g−1 ]q ⊗ 0µ → 0µ ;
1∗R : 0µ ⊗ C[g−1 ]q → 0µ .
It follows from the properties of the universal R-matrix over Uq g that σ R −1 v− (0) ⊗ v− (µ) = v− (µ) ⊗ v− (0), where σ : a ⊗ b 7→ b ⊗ a, and R −1 is the universal R-matrix of the Hopf algebra Uq gop . Hence σ R −11L = 1R , 1L = Rσ 1R , ˇ 1∗L = 1∗R · R.
ˇ C[g−1 ]q ⊗ 0µ → 0µ ⊗ C[g−1 ]q , Rˇ = σ R. Here R: (15.1) shows how to describe the covariant bimodule 0µ in terms of generators and relations. The standard construction (see Section 7) allows one to equip the tensor product Mµ = 0µ ⊗ C[g−1 ]q with a structure of a covariant bimodule over Pol(g−1 )q = C[g−1 ]q ⊗ C[g−1 ]q . Consider the simplest case g = sl2 . Denote by γµ the lowest weight vector of the Uq g-module 0µ such that γµ (v− (µ)) = 1. Clearly mµ = γµ ⊗ 1 is a generator of a
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covariant bimodule Mµ . It is not hard to deduce the complete list of ‘commutation’ relations using the explicit form of the universal R-matrix (see Section 9): z · mµ = q −µ(H ) · mµ · z,
z∗ · mµ = q µ(H ) · mµ · z∗ .
It is easy to prove that F mµ = 0, K ±1 mµ = q ±µ(H ) mµ , 2µ(H ) 1−q · zmµ . Emµ = −q 1/2 · 1 − q2 (The last equality follows from the covariance of the bimodule Mµ and the relations Emµ = const · zmµ , q µ(H ) − q −µ(H ) mµ .) q − q −1 The elements of Mµ could be treated as q-analogues of smooth sections of a holomorphic vector bundle. We are interested in differential forms whose coefficients are such ‘sections’. N (0,∗) over Pol(g−1 )q . Consider the covariant bimodule (0,∗) µ,q = Mµ Pol(g−1 )q q Evidently O OV (g−1 )q . (0,∗) = 0µ (15.3) (0,∗) µ,q = 0µ q F Emµ = −(EF − F E)mµ = −
C[g−1 ]q
ˇ C[g−1 ]q ⊗0µ → 0µ ⊗C[g−1 ]q , Rˇ = σ R Apply the Uq g-module morphism R: derived from the universal R-matrix to equip (0,∗) µ,q with a structure of a covariant (0,∗) bimodule over q . In the example g = sl2 one can readily describe this module: the relation list (15.2) should be completed with one more relation dz∗ · mµ = q µ(H ) · mµ · dz∗ . It follows from (15.3) and ∂C[g−1 ]q = 0 that the operator O O O ∂ µ = id ∂: 0µ (0,∗) → 0µ (0,∗) . q q C[g−1 ]q
C[g−1 ]q
C[g−1 ]q
(0,∗) Certainly, (0,∗) µ,q is a graded bimodule µ,q = its differentiation of order one:
N j
(0,j )
µ,q over (0,∗) , and ∂ µ is q
∂ µ (am) = (∂a)m + (−1)deg a · a · ∂ µ m, ∂ µ (ma) = (∂ µ m)a + (−1)deg m · m · ∂a , m ∈ (0,∗) for all homogeneous elements a ∈ (0,∗) q µ,q . Evidently, the differentiation ∂ µ is determined unambiguously by its values on generators. In the example g = sl2 for the generator mµ ∈ Mµ ,→ (0,∗) µ,q as above we have: ∂mµ = 0.
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Now pass to the homogeneous components O O ) ) ) (0,j = 0µ (0,j (0,j µ,q = Mµ q q C[g−1 ]q
Pol(g−1 )q
of the graded bimodule (0,∗) µ,q to obtain the Dolbeault complex ∂µ
(0,2) 0 → Mµ −→(0,1) µ,q −→µ,q −→ · · · .
Its terms are the covariant bimodules over Pol(g−1 )q , and the differentials are the Uq g-module morphisms which commute with the left and the right actions of C[g−1 ]q . 16. Conclusions Let us now digress from involutions and differentiations and sketch our approach to the construction of q-analogues of Hermitian symmetric spaces of non-compact type (one can find more details in Sections 2–10). Let q = 1. Evidently, for all ξ ∈ g±1 the series exp(ξ )v± (0) converge in some ‘completed’ spaces V ± (0) = ×j V± (0)j . This allows one to elaborate the Harish-Chandra method to produce embeddings I± : X ,→ V± (0) of an irreducible Hermitian symmetric space X. The canonical embeddings can be obtained from I± by composing them from the right with the projections π± : V± (0) → V± (0)±1 ' g±1 . Our basic observation is that the topological U g-modules V± (0) and hence the def subalgebras g±1 have the proper quantum analogues? : (g±1 )q = V± (0)± . This allows one to imitate the above Harish-Chandra embeddings i± = π± I± for q 6= 1. There is a different exposition of our construction for q-analogues of bounded symmetric domains and prehomogeneous vector spaces. It provides clearer interplay between our constructions and the approach of Drinfeld [6] to quantum groups, and the interpretation of the quantum Weil group described by Levendorskiˇi and Soibelman [16]. An alternate approach to introducing Pol(g−1 )q is in producing a covariant involutive coalgebra and further passage to the dual covariant involutive algebra. This approach requires a more detailed exposition of the ‘duality theory’ for Uq gmodule algebras and Uq gop -module coalgebras. Specifically, we need to equip our algebras with the strongest locally compact topologies. The dual coalgebras are the completions of coalgebras considered in the work above, with respect to W ∗ weak topologies, and their tensor products are replaced by the completed tensor b (see [13]). We describe here the topological covariant ∗-coalgebra dual products ⊗ to Pol(g−1 )q . Remember (see Section 6) that we replace Uq g by Uq gop in tensor products of generalized Verma modules. ? Remember [3] that, unlike U g, the algebra g itself has no ‘good’ quantum analogues.
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It is easy to show that the vector v0 = v− (0) ⊗ v+ (0) is a generator of the topob V+ (0). The structure of a covariant coalgebra logical Uq g-module V 0 = V− (0) ⊗ bV0 in V 0 is imposed by introducing a Uq g-module morphism 1: V 0 → V 0 ⊗ given by an application of a universal R-matrix: 1v0 = Rv0 ⊗ v0 . The coassociativity of 1 follows from the quasitriangularity of the Hopf algebra Uq g. Impose an involution in V 0 by (ξ v0 )∗ = (S −1 (ξ ))∗ v0 ,
ξ ∈ Uq g,
which already implies (ξ v)∗ = (S −1 (ξ ))∗ v ∗ ,
ξ ∈ Uq g, v ∈ V 0 .
(Note that (7.1) provides ∗ to be an antilinear coalgebra antihomomorphism of V 0 .) Consider the maps ε− ⊗ id: V 0 → V+ (0);
id ⊗ ε+ : V 0 → V−(0),
with ε± being the counits of the coalgebras V± (0). It follows from the relations (ε ⊗ id)(R) = (id ⊗ ε)(R) = 1 that these maps are the morphisms of covariant coalgebras (dual to the embeddings C[g−1 ]q ,→ Pol(g−1 )q , C[g−1 ]q ,→ Pol(g−1 )q ). The relation R(v0 ⊗ v0 ) = v− (0) ⊗ Rσ (v−(0) ⊗ v+ (0)) ⊗ v+ (0) with σ : a ⊗ b 7→ b ⊗ a, demonstrates that the comultiplication 1 agrees with the multiplication in Pol(g−1 )q introduced in Section 7. Finally, let us note that the commutation relations between the elements of (C[g−1 ]q )+1 and (C[g−1 ]q )−1 are of degree at most two, as follows from the properties of the universal R-matrix. Appendix Images of the Differentials ∂, ∂ Consider the coalgebras V− (0) and V− (λ− ) and disregard for a moment their Uq gmodule structures. LEMMA 1. The left comodule V− (λ− ) over the coalgebra V− (0) is isomorphic to a direct sum of m copies of V− (0), with m = dimV− (λ− )−1 .
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Proof. Remember the decomposition w0 = w00 · u, with w0 and w00 being the maximum length elements in the Weil group of Lie algebras g and g0 , respectively (see Section 5). It was our agreement to consider only those reduced decompositions of w0 which are given by concatenation of reduced decompositions for w00 and u. Choose such a decomposition. Just as in [4, Proposition 1.7(c)], associate to it the bases in Uq g0 , Uq g and the bases of the vector spaces V− (0) = Uq g · v− (0);
V− (λ− )−1 = Uq g0 · v− (λ− );
V− (λ− ) = Uq g · v− (λ− ). (One can verify that (V−(λ− ))−1 is a simple Uq g0 -module.) The above bases are of the form {ξi v− (0)},
{ηj v− (λ− )},
{ξi ηj v− (λ− )},
with i ∈ Z+ , j ∈ {1, . . . , m}, and ξi ∈ Uq g, ηj ∈ Uq g0 can be derived from the bases of Uq g and Uq g0 described explicitly in [4]. It remains to prove that for each j the map πj : ξi v− (0) 7→ ξi ηj v− (λ− ),
i ∈ Z+
is a morphism of left comodules. So 1L− πj (ξi v− (0)) = 1(ξi )1L− (ηj v− (λ− )) = 1(ξi )(v− (0) ⊗ ηj v− (λ− )) = id ⊗ πj 1(ξi v− (0)). LEMMA 2. Let v ∈ V− (0). Then 1− (v) ∈ v− (0) ⊗ V− (0) if and only if v ∈ Cv− (0). Proof. If v = const·v− (0), then 1− (v) = v− (0)⊗const·v− (0) ∈ v− (0)⊗V− (0). Conversely, if 1− (v) = v− (0) ⊗ v1 , v1 ∈ V− (0), then v = (id ⊗ ε− )1− (v) = (id ⊗ ε− )(v− (0) ⊗ v1 ) = ε− (v1 ) · v− (0) ∈ C · v− (0).
LEMMA 3. Let v ∈ V− (λ− ). Then 1L− (v) ∈ v− (0) ⊗ V− (λ− ) if and only if v ∈ V− (λ− )−1 . Proof. Let L = {v ∈ V− (λ− } | 1L− (v) ∈ v− (0) ⊗ V− (λ− )}. Evidently, L ⊃ V− (λ− )−1 , and by Lemmas 1, 2, dimL = dimV−(λ− )−1 . It follows that L = 2 V− (λ− )−1 . REMARK 4. If 1L− (v) = v− (0) ⊗ v1 , then v1 = v since v1 = (ε ⊗ id)(v− (0) ⊗ v1 ) = (ε ⊗ id)1L− (v). LEMMA 5. The restriction of δ− onto (V− (λ− ))−1 is an injective linear operator.
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Proof. This operator is non-zero and is a Uq g-module morphism (V− (λ− ))−1 → V− (0), where (V− (λ− ))−1 is a simple Uq g0 -module. V PROPOSITION 6. C[g−1 ]q · ∂C[g−1 ]q = 1 (g−1 )q . Proof. Assume the L contrary. Let V 0 = {v ∈ V− (λ− ) | hf1 ∂f2, vi = 0, ∀f1 , f2 ∈ 0 6= 0. It follows from the definitions that 1L− (V 0 ) C[g−1 ]q }. Then V 0 = i∈Z+ V−i 0 ⊂ V− (0) ⊗ V . 0 6= 0. We have Let i 0 be the least such i ∈ Z+ that V−i M 0 V−(0)−k ) ⊗ V 0 1L− (V−i 0 ) ⊂ (Cv− (0) ⊕ k>0
⊂ v− (0) ⊗ V−(λ− ) +
V− (0)−k ⊗ V 0 .
L 0 On the other hand (( k>0 V− (0)−k ) ⊗ V 0 )−i 0 = 0, and hence 1L−T (V−i 0) ⊂ 0 0 deduce from Lemma 3 that V = V (λ ) . V v− (0) ⊗ V− (λ− ). Now we 0 − − −1 −i T Let v 0 ∈ V− (λ− )−1 V 0 . It follows from the definition of V 0 that (id ⊗ δ− ) 1L− (v 0 ) = 0. On the other hand, by Lemma 3 and Remark 4 we observe that 1L (v 0 ) = v(0) ⊗ v 0 . Hence (id ⊗ δ− )(v(0) ⊗ v 0 ) = 0. That is, δ− (v 0 ) = 0 and hence, by Lemma 5, v 0 = 0. 0 Thus we have proved that V−i 0 = 0 which makes a contradiction to the contrary 2 of Proposition 6. REMARK 7. One can prove in a similar way that ∂C[g−1 ]q · C[g−1 ]q = C[g−1 ]q · ∂C[g−1 ]q = ∂C[g−1 ]q · C[g−1 ]q =
(g−1 )q ,
(g−1 )q .
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Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry 1: 107–144, 1998. © 1998 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
Metastates in the Hopfield Model in the Replica Symmetric Regime ? ANTON BOVIER Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, Mohrenstrasse 39, D-10117 Berlin, Germany. e-mail:
[email protected]
VÉRONIQUE GAYRARD Centre de Physique Théorique – CNRS, Luminy, Case 907, F-13288 Marseille Cedex 9, France. e-mail:
[email protected] (Received: 25 June 1997; accepted: 4 December 1997) Abstract. We study the finite dimensional marginals of the Gibbs measure in the Hopfield model at low temperature when the number of patterns, M, is proportional to the volume with a sufficiently small proportionality constant α > 0. It is shown that even when a single pattern is selected (by a magnetic field or by conditioning), the marginals do not converge almost surely, but only in law. The corresponding limiting law is constructed explicitly. We fit our result in the recently proposed language of ‘metastates’ which we discuss some length. As a byproduct, in a certain regime of the parameters α and β (the inverse temperature), we also give a simple proof of Talagrand’s recent result that the replica symmetric solution found by Amit, Gutfreund, and Sompolinsky can be rigorously justified. Mathematics Subject Classifications (1991): 82B44, 60K35, 82C32. Key words: Hopfield model, neural networks, metastates, replica symmetry, Brascamp–Lieb inequalities.
1. Introduction Strongly disordered systems such as spin glasses represent some of the most interesting and most difficult problems of statistical mechanics. Amongst the most remarkable achievements of theoretical physics in this field is the exact solution of some models of mean field type via the replica trick and Parisi’s replica symmetry breaking scheme (for an exposition see [15]; the application to the Hopfield model [11] was carried out in [1]). The replica trick is a formal tool that allows to eliminate the difficulty of studying disordered systems by integrating out the randomness at the expense of having to perform an analytic continuation of some function computable only on the positive integers to the value zero?? . Mathematically, this ? Work partially supported by the Commission of the European communities under contract CHRX-CT93-0411. ?? As a matter of fact, such an analytic continuation is not performed. What is done is much more subtle: The function at integer values is represented as some integral suitable for evaluation
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procedure is highly mysterious and has so far resisted all attempts to be put on a solid basis. On the other hand, its apparent success is a clear sign that something ought to be understood better in this method. An apparently less mysterious approach that yields the same answer is the cavity method [15]. However, here, too, the derivation of the solutions involves a large number of intricate and unproven assumptions that seem hard or impossible to justify in general. However, there has been some distinct progress in understanding the approach of the cavity method at least in simple cases where no breaking of the replica symmetry occurs. The first attempts in this direction were made by Pastur and Shcherbina [22] in the Sherrington–Kirkpatrick model and Pastur, Shcherbina and Tirozzi [23] in the Hopfield model. Their results were conditional: They assert to show that the replica symmetric solution holds under a certain unverified assumption, namely the vanishing of the so-called Edwards–Anderson parameter. A breakthrough was achieved in a recent paper by Talagrand [24] where he proved the validity of the replica symmetric solution in an explicit domain of the model parameters in the Hopfield model. His approach is purely by induction over the volume (i.e. the cavity method) and uses only some a priori estimates on the support properties of the distribution of the so-called overlap parameters as first proven in [6, 7] and in sharper form in [3]. Let us recall the definition of the Hopfield model and some basic notations. Let SN ≡ {−1, 1}N denote the set of functions σ : {1, . . . , N} → {−1, 1}, and set S ≡ {−1, 1}N . We call σ a spin configuration and denote by σi the value of σ at i. Let (, F , P) be an abstract probability space and let ξiµ , i, µ ∈ N denote a family of independent identically distributed random variables on this space. For the purµ poses of this paper we will assume that P[ξi = ±1] = 1/2. We will write ξ µ [ω] µ for the N-dimensional random vector whose ith component is given by ξi [ω] and call such a vector a ‘pattern’. On the other hand, we use the notation ξi [ω] for the M-dimensional vector with the same components. When we write ξ [ω] without indices, we frequently will consider it as an M × N matrix and we write ξ t [ω] for the transpose matrix. Thus, ξ t [ω]ξ [ω] is the M × M matrix whose elements PN µ of this ν are i=1 ξi [ω]ξi [ω]. With this in mind we will use throughout the paper a vector notation with (·, ·) standing for the scalar product in whatever PM µspace the argument may lie. For example, the expression (y, ξi ) stands for µ=1 ξi yµ , etc. µ We define random maps mN [ω]: SN → [−1, 1] through? mµN [ω](σ ) ≡
N 1 X µ ξ [ω]σi . N i=1 i
by a saddle point method. Instead of doing this, apparently irrelevant critical points are selected judiciously and the ensuing wrong value of the function is then continued to the correct value at zero. ? We will make the dependence of random quantities on the random parameter ω explicit by an added [ω] whenever we want to stress it. Otherwise, we will frequently drop the reference to ω to simplify the notation.
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Naturally, these maps ‘compare’ the configuration σ globally to the random configuration ξ µ [ω]. A Hamiltonian is now defined as the simplest negative function of these variables, namely M(N) 2 N X HN [ω](σ ) ≡ − mµN [ω](σ ) 2 µ=1
= −
N kmN [ω](σ )k22 , 2
where M(N) is some, generally increasing, function that crucially influences the properties of the model. k·k2 denotes the `2 -norm in RM , and the vector mN [ω](σ ) is always understood to be M(N)-dimensional. Through this Hamiltonian we define in a natural way finite volume Gibbs measures on SN via µN,β [ω](σ ) ≡
1 ZN,β [ω]
e−βHN [ω](σ )
and the induced distribution of the overlap parameters QN,β [ω] ≡ µN,β [ω] ◦ mN [ω]−1 .
The normalizing factor ZN,β [ω], given by X e−βHN [ω](σ ) ≡ Eσ e−βHN [ω](σ ) ZN,β [ω] ≡ 2−N
σ ∈SN
is called the partition function. We are interested in the large N behaviour of these measures. In our previous work we have been mostly concerned with the limiting induced measures. In this paper we return to the limiting behaviour of the Gibbs measures themselves, making use, however, of the information obtained on the asymptotic properties of the induced measures. We pursue two objectives. Firstly, we give an alternative proof (whose outline was given in [4]) of Talagrand’s result (with possibly a slightly different range of parameters) that, although equally based on the cavity method, makes more extensive use of the properties of the overlap-distribution that were proven in [3]. This allows, in our opinion, some considerable simplifications. Secondly, we will elucidate some conceptual issues concerning the infinite volume Gibbs states in this model. Several delicacies in the question of convergence of finite volume Gibbs states (or local specifications) in highly disordered systems, and in particular spin glasses, were pointed out repeatedly by Newman and Stein over the last years [17, 18]. But only during the last year did they propose the formalism of so-called ‘metastates’ [19, 20, 16] that seems to provide the appropriate framework to discuss these issues. In particular, we will show that in the Hopfield model this formalism seems unavoidable for spelling out convergence results.
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Let us formulate our main result in a slightly preliminary form (precise formulations require some more discussion and notation and will be given in Section 5). Denote by m∗ (β) the largest solution of the mean field equation m = tanh(βm) and by eµ the µth unit vector of the canonical basis of RM . For all (µ, s) ∈ {1, . . . , M} × {−1, 1} let Bρ(µ,s) ⊂ RM denote the ball of radius ρ centered at sm∗ eµ . For any pair of indices (µ, s) and any ρ > 0 we define the conditional measures (µ,s)
µN,β,ρ [ω](A) ≡ µN,β [ω](A | Bρ(µ,s) ),
A ∈ B({−1, 1}N ).
The so-called ‘replica symmetric equations’? of [1] is the following system of equations in three unknowns m1 , r, and q, given by Z √ dN (g) tanh(β(m1 + αrg)), m1 = Z √ q = dN (g) tanh2 (β(m1 + αrg)), (1.7) r =
q . (1 − β + βq)2
With this notation we can state THEOREM 1.1. There exist finite positive constants c, c0 , c0 such that if 0 6 α 6 0 −1 β , with limN↑∞ M(N)/N = α, the following holds: c(m∗ (β))4 and 0 6 α 6 c√ α 6 ρ 6 12 m∗ (β). Then, for any finite I ⊂ N, and for Choose ρ such that c0 6 m∗ (β) any sI ⊂ {−1, 1}I , (µ,s) µN,β,ρ ({σI
= sI }) →
Y i∈I
eβsi m1 ξi +gi αr √ 2 cos β m1 ξi1 + gi αr 1
as N ↑ ∞, where the gi , i ∈ I are independent Gaussian random variables with mean zero and variance one that are independent of the random variables ξi1 , i ∈ I . The convergence is understood in law with respect to the distribution of the Gaussian variables gi . This theorem should be juxtaposed to our second result: THEOREM 1.2. On the same set of parameters as in Theorem 1.1, the following is true with probability one: For any finite I ⊂ N and for any x ∈ RI , there exist subsequences Nk [ω] ↑ ∞ such that for any sI ⊂ {−1, 1}I , if α > 0, Y esi xi lim µ(µ,s) [ω]({σ = s }) = (1.9) I I Nk [ω],β,ρ k↑∞ 2 cosh(xi ) i∈I ? We cite these equations, (3.3–5) in [1] only for the case k = 1, where k is the number of the so-called ‘condensed patterns’. One could generalize our results presumably to measures conditioned on balls around ‘mixed states’, i.e. the metastable states with more than one ‘condensed pattern’, but we have not worked out the details.
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The above statements may look a little bit surprising and need clarification. This will be the main purpose of Section 2, where we give a rather detailed discussion of the problem of convergence and the notion of metastates with the particular issues in disordered mean field models in view. We will also propose yet a different notion of a state (let us call it ‘superstate’), which tries to capture the asymptotic volume dependence of Gibbs states in the form of a continuous time measure valued stochastic process. We also discuss the issue of the ‘boundary conditions’ or rather ‘external fields’, and the construction of conditional Gibbs measures in this context. This will hopefully prepare the ground for the understanding of our results in the Hopfield case. The following two sections collect technical preliminaries. Section 3 recalls some results on the overlap distribution from [3, 4, 5] that will be crucially needed later. Section 4 states and proves a version of the Brascamp–Lieb inequalities [8] that is suitable for our situation. Section 5 contains our central results. Here we construct explicitly the finite dimensional marginals of the Gibbs measures in finite volume and study their behaviour in the infinite volume limit. The results will be stated in the language of metastates. In this section we assume the convergence of certain thermodynamic functions which will be proven in Section 6. Modulo this, this section contains the precise statements and proofs of Theorems 1.1 and 1.2. In Section 6 we give a proof of the convergence of these quantities and we relate them to the replica symmetric solution. This section is largely based on the ideas of [23] and [24] and is mainly added for the convenience of the reader. 2. Notions of Convergence of Random Gibbs Measures In this section we make some remarks on the appropriate picture for the study of limiting Gibbs measures for disordered systems, with particular regard to the situation in mean-field like systems. Although some of the observations we will make here arose naturally from the properties we discovered in the Hopfield model, our understanding has been greatly enhanced by the recent work of Newman and Stein [19, 20, 16] and their introduction of the concept of ‘metastates’. We refer the reader to their papers for more detail and further applications. Some examples can also be found in [14]. Otherwise, we keep this section self-contained and geared for the situation we will describe in the Hopfield model, although part of the discussion is very general and not restricted to mean field situations. For this reason we talk about finite volume measures indexed by finite sets 3 rather than by the integer N. METASTATES
The basic objects of study are finite volume Gibbs measures, µ3,β (which for convenience we will always consider as measures on the infinite product space S∞ ). We denote by (M1 (S∞ ), G) the measurable space of probability measures on
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S∞ equipped with the sigma-algebra G generated by the open sets with respect to the weak topology on M1 (S∞ )? . We will always regard Gibbs measures as random variables on the underlying probability space (, F , P) with values in the space M1 (S∞ ), i.e. as measurable maps → M1 (S∞ ). We are in principle interested in considering weak limits of these measures as 3 ↑ ∞. There are essentially three things that may happen: (1) Almost sure convergence: For P-almost all ω, µ3 [ω] → µ∞ [ω],
where µ∞ [ω] may or may not depend on ω (in general it will). (2) Convergence in law: D
µ3 → µ∞ .
(3) Almost sure convergence along random subsequences: There exist (at least for almost all ω) subsequences 3i [ω] ↑ ∞ such that µ3i [ω] [ω] → µ∞,{3i [ω]} [ω].
In systems with compact single site state space, (3) holds always, and there are models with non-compact state space where it holds with the ‘almost sure’ provision. However, this contains little information, if the subsequences along which convergence holds are only known implicitly. In particular, it gives no information on how, for any given large 3 the measure µ3 ‘looks like approximately’. In contrast, if (i) holds, we are in a very nice situation, as for any large enough 3 and for (almost) any realization of the disorder, the measure µ3 [ω] is well approximated by µ∞ [ω]. Thus, the situation would be essentially like in an ordered system (the ‘almost sure’ excepted). It seems to us that the common feeling of most people working in the field of disordered systems was that this could be arranged by putting suitable boundary conditions or external fields, to ‘extract pure states’. Newman and Stein [17] were, to our knowledge, the first to point to difficulties with this point of view. In fact, there is no reason why we should ever be, or be able to put us, in a situation where (1) holds, and this possibility should be considered as perfectly exceptional. With (3) uninteresting and (1) unlikely, we are left with (2). By compactness, (2) holds always at least for (non-random!) subsequences 3n , and even convergence without subsequences can be expected rather commonly. On the other hand, (2) gives us very reasonable information on our system, telling us what is the chance that our measure µ3 for large 3 will look like some measure µ∞ . This is much more than what (3) tells us, and baring the case where (1) holds, all we may reasonably expect to know. We should thus investigate the case (2) more closely. As proposed actually first by Aizenman and Wehr [2], it is most natural to consider an object K3 defined as ? Note that a basis of open sets is given by sets of the forms N f1 ,...,fk , (µ) ≡ {µ0 |∀16i 6k |µ(fi ) − µ0 (fi )| < }, where fi are continuous functions on S ∞ ; indeed, it is enough
to consider cylinder functions.
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a measure on the product space ⊗ M1 (S∞ ) (equipped with the product topology and the weak topology, respectively), such that its marginal distribution on is P while the conditional measure, κ3 (·)[ω], on M1 (S∞ ) given F ? is the Dirac measure on µ3 [ω]; the marginal on M1 (S∞ ) is then of course the law of µ3 . The advantage of this construction over simply regarding the law of µ3 lies in the fact that we can in this way extract more information by conditioning, as we shall explain. Note that by compactness K3 converges at least along (non-random!) subsequences, and we may assume that it actually converges to some measure K. Conditioning this measure on F we obtain a random measure κ on M1 (S ∞ ) (the regular conditional distribution of K on G given F ). See, e.g., [13]. In a slightly abusive, but rather obvious notation: K(·|F )[ω] = κ(·)[ω] ⊗ δω (·). Now the case (1) above corresponds to the situation where the conditional probability on G given F is degenerate, i.e. κ(·)[ω] = δµ∞ [ω] (·),
Thus we see that in general even κ(·)[ω] is a nontrivial measure on the space of infinite volume Gibbs measures, this latter object being called the (Aizenman– Wehr) metastate?? . What happens is that the asymptotic properties of the Gibbs measures as the volume tends to infinity depend in an intrinsic way on the tail sigma field of the disorder variables, and even after all random variables are fixed, some ‘new’ randomness appears that allows only probabilistic statements on the asymptotic Gibbs state. A TOY EXAMPLE. It may be useful to illustrate the passage from convergence in law to the Aizenman–Wehr metastate in a more familiar context, namely the ordinary central limit theorem. Let (, F , P) be a probability space, and let {Xi }i∈N be a family of i.i.d. centered random variables with variance one; let Fn be the . , Xn and let F ≡ limn↑∞ Fn . Define the real sigma algebra generated by X1 , . .P valued random variable Gn ≡ √1n ni=1 Xi . We may define the joint law Kn of Gn and the Xi as a probability measure on R ⊗ . Clearly, this measure converges to some measure K whose marginal on R will be the standard normal distribution. However, we can say more, namely TOY-LEMMA 2.1. In the example described above, κ(·)[ω] = N (0, 1),
? We write shorthand F for M (S ∞ ) ⊗ F whenever appropriate. 1 ?? It may be interesting to recall the reasons that led Aizenman and Wehr to this construction. In
their analysis of the effect of quenched disorder on phase transition they required the existence of ‘translation-covariant’ states. Such an object could be constructed as weak limits of finite volume states with, e.g., periodic or translation invariant boundary conditions, provided the corresponding sequences converge almost surely (and not via subsequences with possibly different limits). They noted that in a general disordered system this may not be true. The metastate provided a way out of this difficulty.
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Proof. We need to understand what (2.5) means. Let f be a continuous function on R. We claim that for almost all ω, Z Z −x 2 /2 e f (x)κ(dx)[ω] = (2.6) √ f (x) dx. 2π R Define the martingale hn ≡ f (x)K(dx, dω|Fn ). We may write ! N 1 X Xi hn = lim EXn+1 · · · EXN f √ N↑∞ N i=1 ! N X 1 (2.7) Xi , a.s. = lim EXn+1 · · · EXN f √ N↑∞ N − n i=n+1 Z −x 2 /2 e = √ f (x) dx, 2π P where we used that for fixed N, √1N ni=1 Xi converges to zero as N ↑ ∞ almost surely. Thus, for any continuous f , hn is almost surely constant, while limn↑∞ hn = R f (x)K(dx, dω|F ), by the martingale convergence theorem. This proves the 2 lemma. The CLT example may inspire the question whether one might not be able to retain more information on the convergence of the random Gibbs state than is kept in the Aizenman–Wehr metastate. The metastate tells us about the probability distribution of the limiting measure, but we have thrown out all information on how for a given ω, the finite volume measures behave as the volume increases. Newman and Stein [19, 20] have introduced a possibly more profound concept of the empirical metastate which captures more precisely the asymptotic volume dependence of the Gibbs states in the infinite volume limit. We will briefly discuss this object and elucidate its meaning in the above CLT context. Let 3n be an increasing and absorbing sequence of finite volumes. Define the random empirical measures κNem (·)[ω] on (M1 (S ∞ )) by κNem (·)[ω]
N 1 X ≡ δµ [ω] . N n=1 3n
In [20] it was proven that for sufficiently sparse sequences 3n and subsequences Ni , it is true that almost surely lim κNemi (·)[ω] = κ(·)[ω].
Newman and Stein conjectured that in many situations, the use of sparse subsequences would not be necessary to achieve the above convergence. However,
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Külske [14] has exhibited some simple mean field examples where almost sure convergence only holds for very sparse (exponentially spaced) subsequences. He also showed that for more slowly growing sequences convergence in law can be proven in these cases. TOY EXAMPLE P REVISITED. All this is easily understood in our example. We set Gn ≡ √1n ni=1 Xi . Then the empirical metastate corresponds to κNem (·)[ω] ≡
N 1 X δG [ω] . N n=1 n
We will prove that the following lemma holds: TOY-LEMMA 2.2. Let Gn and κNem (·)[ω] be defined above. Let Bt , t ∈ [0, 1] denote a standard Brownian motion. Then R1 (i) The random measures κNem converge in law to the measure κ em = 0 dtδt −1/2 Bt , (ii)
E[κ em (·)|F ] = N (0, 1).
Proof. Our main objective is to prove (i). We will see that quite clearly, this result relates to Lemma 2.1 as the CLT to the Invariance Principle, and indeed, its proof is essentially an immediate consequence of Donsker’s theorem. Donsker’s theorem (see [10] for a formulation in more generality than needed in this chapter) asserts the following: Let ηn (t) denote the continuous function on [0, 1] that for t = k/n is given by 1 X Xi ηn (k/n) ≡ √ n i=1 k
and that interpolates linearly between these values for all other points t. Then, ηn (t) converges in distribution to standard Brownian motion in the sense that for any continuous functional F : C([0, 1]) → R it is true that F (ηn ) converges in law to F (B). From here the proof of (i) is obvious. We have to prove that for any bounded continuous function f , N N p 1 X 1 X δGn [ω] (f ) ≡ f ηn (n/N)/ n/N → N n=1 N n=1 Z 1 Z 1 √ dtf Bt / t ≡ dtδBt /√t (f ). → 0
To see this, simply define the continuous functionals F and FN by Z 1 √ dtf (η(t)/ t) F (η) ≡
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and N p 1 X FN (η) ≡ f η(n/N)/ n/N . N n=1
We have to show that in distribution F (B) − FN (ηN ) converges to zero. But F (B) − FN (ηN ) = F (B) − F (ηN ) + F (ηN ) − FN (ηN ).
By the invariance principle, F (B) − F (ηN ) converges to zero in distribution while F (ηN ) − FN (ηN ) converges to zero since FN is the Riemann sum approximation to F . To see that (ii) holds, note first that as in the CLT, the Brownian motion Bt is measurable with respect to the tail sigma-algebra of the Xi . Thus E[κ em | F ] = N (0, 1).
REMARK. It is easily seen that for sufficiently sparse subsequences ni (e.g., ni = i!), N 1 X δG → N (0, 1), N i=1 ni
but the weak convergence result contains in a way more information. SUPERSTATES
In our example we have seen that the empirical metastate √ converges in distribution to the empirical measure of the stochastic process Bt / t. It appears natural to think that the construction of the corresponding continuous time stochastic process itself is actually the right way to look at the problem also in the context of random Gibbs measures, and that the empirical metastate could converge (in law) to the empirical measure of this process. To do this we propose the following, yet somewhat tentative construction. We fix again a sequence of finite volumes 3n ? . We define for t ∈ [0, 1] µt3n [ω] ≡ (t − [tn]/n)µ3[tn]+1 [ω] + (1 − t + [tn]/n)µ3[tn] [ω]
(where as usual [x] denote the smallest integer less than or equal to x). Clearly this object is a continuous time stochastic process whose state space is M1 (S). We may try to construct the limiting process µt [ω] ≡ lim µt3n [ω], n↑∞
? The outcome of our construction will depend on the choice of this sequence. Our philosophy
here would be to choose a natural sequence of volumes for the problem at hand. In mean field examples this would be 3n = {1, . . . , n}, on a lattice one might choose cubes of sidelength n.
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where the limit again can in general be expected only in distribution. Obviously, in our CLT example, this is precisely how we construct the Brownian motion in the invariance principle. We can now, of course, repeat the construction of the Aizenman–Wehr metastate on the level of processes. To do this, one must make some choices for the topological space one wants to work in. A natural possibility is to consider the space C([0, 1], M1 (S ∞ )) of continuous measure valued function equipped with the uniform weak topology? , i.e. we say that a sequence of its elements λi converges to λ, if and only if, for all continuous functions f : S ∞ → R, lim sup λi,t (f ) − λt (f ) = 0. (2.21) i→∞ t ∈[0,1]
Since the weak topology is metrizable, so is the uniform weak topology and C([0, 1], M1 (S ∞ )) becomes a metric space so we may define the corresponding sigmaalgebra generated by the open sets. Taking the tensor product with our old , we can thus introduce the set M1 (C([0, 1], M1 (S ∞ )) ⊗ ) of probability measures on this space tensored with . Then we define the elements Kn ∈ M1 C [0, 1], M1 (S ∞ ) ⊗ whose marginals on are P and whose conditional measure on C ([0, 1], M1 (S ∞ )), given F are the Dirac measure on the measure valued function µ3[tn] [ω], t ∈ [0, 1]. Convergence, and even the existence of limit points for this sequence of measures is now no longer a trivial matter. The problem of the existence of limit points can be circumvented by using a weaker notion of convergence, e.g., that of the convergence of any finite dimensional marginal. Otherwise, some tightness condition is needed [10], e.g., we must check that for any continuous function f , sup|s−t |6δ |µt3n (f ) − µs3n (f )| converges to zero in probability, uniformly in N, as δ ↓ 0.?? We can always hope that the limit as n goes to infinity if Kn exists. If the limit, K, exists, we can again consider its conditional distribution given F , and the resulting object is the functional analog of the Aizenman–Wehr metastate. (We feel tempted to call this object the ‘superstate’. Note that the marginal distribution of the superstate ‘at time t = 1’ is the Aizenman–Wehr metastate, and the law of the empirical distribution of the underlying process is the empirical metastate.) The ‘superstate’ contains an enormous amount of information on the asymptotic volume dependence of the random Gibbs measures; on the other hand, its construction in any explicit form is generally hardly feasible. Finally, we want to stress that the superstate will normally depend on the choice of the basic sequences 3n used in its construction. This feature is already present ? Another possibility would be a measure valued version of the space D([0, 1], M (S)) of mea1
sure valued C`adl`ag functions. The choice depends essentially on the properties we expect from the limiting process (i.e. continuous sample paths or not). ?? There are pathological examples in which we would not expect such a result to be true. An example is the ‘highly disordered spin glass model’ of Newman and Stein [21]. Of course, tightness may also be destroyed by choosing very rapidly growing sequences of volumes 3n .
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in the empirical metastate. In particular, sequences growing extremely fast will give different results than slowly increasing sequences. On the other hand, the very precise choice of the sequences should not be important. A natural choice would appear to us sequences of cubes of sidelength n, or, in mean field models, simply the sequence of volumes of size n. BOUNDARY CONDITIONS , EXTERNAL FIELDS , CONDITIONING
In the discussion of Newman and Stein, metastates are usually constructed with simple boundary conditions such as periodic or ‘free’ ones. They emphasize the feature of the ‘selection of the states’ by the disorder in a given volume without any bias through boundary conditions or symmetry breaking fields. Our point of view is somewhat different in this respect in that we think that the idea to apply special boundary conditions or, in mean field models, symmetry breaking terms, to improve convergence properties, is still to some extent useful, the aim ideally being to achieve the situation (1). Our only restriction in this is really that our procedure shall have some predictive power, that is, it should give information of the approximate form of a finite volume Gibbs state. This excludes any construction involving subsequences via compactness arguments. Thus we are interested to know to what extent it is possible to reduce the ‘choice’ of available states for the randomness to select from, to smaller subsets and to classify the minimal possible subsets (which then somehow play the rôle of extremal states). In fact, in the examples considered in [14] it would be possible to reduce the size of such subsets to one, while in the example of the present paper, we shall see that this is impossible. We have to discuss this point carefully. While in short range lattice models the DLR construction gives a clear framework how the class of infinite volume Gibbs measures is to be defined, in mean field models this situation is somewhat ambiguous and needs discussion. If the infinite volume Gibbs measure is unique (for given ω), quasi by definition, (1) must hold. So our problems arise from non-uniqueness. Hence the following recipe: modify µ3 in such a way that uniqueness holds, while otherwise perturbing it in a minimal way. Two procedures suggest themselves: (i) tilting, and (ii) conditioning. Tilting consists of the addition of a symmetry breaking term to the Hamiltonian whose strength is taken to zero. Mostly, this term is taken linear so that it has the natural interpretation of a magnetic field. More precisely, define P
µ{h} 3, [ω](·)
µ3 [ω](· e−β i∈3 hi σi ) P . ≡ µ3 [ω](e−β i∈3 hi σi )
Here hi is some sequence of numbers that in general will have to be allowed to depend on ω if anything is to be gained. One may also allow them to depend
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on 3 explicitly, if so desired. From a physical point of view we might wish to add further conditions, like some locality of the ω-dependence; in principle there should be a way of writing them down in some explicit way. We should stress that tilting by linear functions is not always satisfactory, as some states that one might wish to obtain are lost; an example is the generalized Curie–Weiss model with Hamiltonian HN (σ ) = − N4 [mN (σ )]4 at the critical point. There, the free energy has three degenerate absolute minima at −m∗ , 0, and +m∗ , and while we might want to think of three coexisting phases, only the measures centered at ±m∗ can be extracted by the above method. Of course this can be remedied by allowing arbitrary perturbation h(m) with the only condition that khk∞ tends to zero at the end. By conditioning we always mean conditioning the macroscopic variables to be in some set A. This appears natural since, in lattice models, extremal measures can always be extracted from arbitrary DLR measures by conditioning on events in the tail sigma fields; the macroscopic variables are measurable with respect to the tail sigma fields. Of course only conditioning on events that do not have a too small probability will be reasonable. Without going into too much of a motivating discussion, we will adopt the following conventions. Let A be an event in the sigma algebra generated by the macroscopic function. Put f3,β (A) = −
1 ln µ3,β [ω](A). β|3|
We call A admissible for conditioning if and only if lim f3,β [ω](A) = 0.
We call A minimal if it cannot be decomposed into two admissible subsets. In analogy with (2.22) we then define µA 3,β [ω](·) ≡ µ3,β [ω](·|A).
We define the set of all limiting Gibbs measures to be the set of limit points of measures µA 3,β with admissible sets A. Choosing A minimal, we improve our chances of obtaining convergent sequences and the resulting limits are serious candidates for extremal limiting Gibbs measures, but we stress that this is not guaranteed to succeed, as will become manifest in our examples. This will not mean that adding such conditioning is not going to be useful. It is in fact, as it will reduce the disorder in the metastate and may in general allow to construct various different metastates in the case of phase transitions. The point to be understood here is that within the general framework outlined above, we should consider two different notions of uniqueness: (a) Strong uniqueness meaning that for almost all ω there is only one limit point µ∞ [ω], and
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(b) Weak uniqueness? meaning that there is a unique metastate, in the sense that for any choice of A, the metastate constructed taking the infinite volume limit with the measures µA 3, is the same. In fact, it may happen that the addition of a symmetry breaking term or conditioning does not lead to strong uniqueness. Rather, what may be true is that such a field selects a subset of the states, but which of them the state at a given volume resembles can depend on the volume in a complicated way. If weak uniqueness does not hold, one has a non-trivial set of metastates. It is quite clear that a sufficiently general tilting approach is equivalent to the conditioning approach; we prefer for technical reasons to use the conditioning in the present paper. We also note that by dropping condition (2.24) one can enlarge the class of limiting measures obtainable to include metastable states, which in many applications, in particular in the context of dynamics, are also relevant. 3. Properties of the Induced Measures In this section we collect a number of results on the distribution of the overlap parameters in the Hopfield model that were obtained in some of our previous papers [3, 4, 5]. We cite these results mostly from [5] where they were stated in the most suitable form for our present purposes and we refer the reader to that paper for the proofs. We recall some notation. Let m∗ (β) be the largest solution of the mean field equation m = tanh(βm). Note that m∗ (β) is strictly positive for all β > 1, ∗ (β))2 = 1 and m∗ (β) = 0 if β 6 1. Denoting limβ↑∞ m∗ (β) = 1, limβ↓1 (m 3(β−1) µ by e the µth unit vector of the canonical basis of RM we set, for all (µ, s) ∈ {1, . . . , M(N)} × {−1, 1}, m(µ,s) ≡ sm∗ (β)eµ ,
and for any ρ > 0 we define the balls Bρ(µ,s) ≡ x ∈ RM kx − m(µ,s)k2 6 ρ .
For any pair of indices (µ, s) and any ρ > 0 we define the conditional measures (µ,s)
µN,β,ρ [ω](A) ≡ µN,β [ω](A | Bρ(µ,s) ),
A ∈ B({−1, 1}N )
A ∈ B(RM(N) ).
and the corresponding induced measures (µ,s)
QN,β,ρ [ω](A) ≡ QN,β [ω](A | Bρ(µ,s) ), √
α , the sets Bρ(µ,s) are admissible in the sense of The point here is that for ρ > c m∗ (β) the last section. ? Maybe the notion of meta-uniqueness would be more appropriate.
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It will be extremely useful to introduce the Hubbard–Stratonovich transformed eN,β [ω] which are nothing but the convolutions of the induced measures measures Q with a Gaussian measure of mean zero and variance 1/βN, i.e. 1 I eN,β [ω] ≡ QN,β [ω] ? N 0, . (3.5) Q βN eN,β [ω] is absolutely continuous w.r.t. Lebesgue measure We recall from [6] that Q M on R with density given by eN,β [ω](dM x) e−βN8N,β [ω](x) Q = , dM x ZN,β [ω]
where 8N,β [ω](x) ≡
N kxk22 1 X ln cosh(β(ξi , x)). − 2 βN i=1
Similarly we define the conditional Hubbard–Stratonovich transformed measures (µ,s) eN,β [ω](A | Bρ(µ,s) ), eN,β,ρ [ω](A) ≡ Q Q
A ∈ B(RM(N) ).
We will need to consider the Laplace transforms of these measures which we will denote by? Z (µ,s) (µ,s) LN,β,ρ [ω](t) ≡ e(t,x) dQN,β,ρ [ω](x), t ∈ RM(N) , (3.9) and e(µ,s) L N,β,ρ [ω](t) ≡
(µ,s) eN,β,ρ e(t,x) dQ [ω](x),
t ∈ RM(N) .
The following is a simple adaptation of Proposition 2.1 of [5] to these notations. PROPOSITION 3.1. Assume that β > 1. There exist finite positive constants ˜ c¯ ≡ c(β) ¯ such that, with probability one, for all but a finite number c0 , c˜ ≡ c(β), of indices N, if ρ satisfies √ α 1 ∗ m >ρ>c ∗ (3.11) 2 m (β) √ then, for all t with ktk2 / N < ∞, (i) −cM ˜ L(µ,s) β,N,ρ [ω](t) 1 − e
e(µ,s) 6 e− 2Nβ kt k2 L β,N,ρ [ω](t) 1
˜ −cM ˜ 6 e−cM + L(µ,s) , β,N,ρ (t) 1 + e
? This notation is slightly different from the one used in [5].
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(ii) for any ρ, ρ¯ satisfying (3.11) −cM ¯ e(µ,s) L β,N,ρ¯ [ω](t) 1 − e
e(µ,s) 6 L β,N,ρ [ω](t)
¯ −cM ¯ e(µ,s) 6 e−cM , +L β,N,ρ¯ [ω](t) 1 + e
(iii) for any ρ, ρ¯ satisfying (3.11) Z Z (µ,s) (µ,s) e dQ [ω](m)m − d Q [ω](z)z, t N,β,ρ N,β,ρ¯ ¯ 6 ktk2 e−cM .
A closely related result that we will need is also an adaptation of estimates from [5], i.e. it is obtained combining Lemmata 3.2 and 3.4 of that paper. √ LEMMA 3.2. There exists γa > 0, such that for all β > 1 and α < γa (m∗ )2 , √ √ if c0 mα∗ < ρ < m∗ / 2 then, with probability one, for all but a finite number of indices√N, for all µ ∈ {1, . . . , M(N)}, s ∈ {−1, 1}, for all b > 0 such that ρ + b < 2m∗ , (µ,s)
Qβ,N (Bρ+b ) Qβ,N (Bρ(µ,s) )
6 1 + e−c2 βM ,
where 0 < c2 < ∞ is a numerical constant. We finally recall our result on local convexity of the function 8. THEOREM 3.3. Assume that 1 < β < ∞. If the parameters α, β, ρ are such that for > 0, √ inf β(1 − tanh2 (βm∗ (1 − τ )))(1 + 3 α) + τ (3.16) + 2β tanh2 (βm∗ (1 − τ ))0(α, τ m∗ /ρ) 6 1 − . Then with probability one for all but a finite number of indices N, 8N,β [ω](m∗ e1 + v) is a twice differentiable and strictly convex function of v on the set {v : kvk2 6 ρ}, and λmin ∇ 2 8N,β [ω](m∗ e1 + v) > (3.17) on this set. REMARK. This theorem was first obtained in [3], the above form is cited and √ proven in [4]. With ρ chosen as ρ = c mα∗ , the condition (3.16) means (i) For β √ close to 1: (m∗α)2 small and, (ii) For β large: α 6 cβ −1 . The condition on α for
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large β seems unsatisfactory, but one may easily convince oneself that it cannot be substantially improved. 4. Brascamp–Lieb Inequalities A basic tool of our analysis are the so-called Brascamp–Lieb inequalities [8]. In fact, we need such inequalities in a slightly different setting than they are presented in the literature, namely for measures with bounded support on some domain D ⊂ RM . Our derivation follows the one given in [9] (see also [12]), and is in this context almost obvious. Let D ⊂ RM be a bounded connected domain. Let V ∈ C 2 (D) be a twice continuously differentiable function on D, let ∇ 2 V denote its Hessian matrix and assume that, for all x ∈ D, ∇ 2 V (x) > c > 0 (where we say that a matrix A > c, if and only if for all v ∈ R M , (v, Av) > c(v, v)). We define the probability measure ν on (D, B(D)) by ν(δx) ≡ R
e−NV (x) dM x . −NV (x) dM x D e
Our central result is: THEOREM 4.1. Let ν be the probabilityR measure defined Rabove. Assume that f, g ∈ C 1 (D), and assume that (w.r.g.) D dν(x)g(x) = D dν(x)f (x) = 0. Then Z Z
6 1 dν(x)f (x)g(x) dν(x) ∇f (x)k2 k∇g(x) 2 + cN D D R 1 ∂D |g(x)|k∇f (x)k2 e−NV (x) dM−1 x R , (4.2) + −NV (x) dM x cN D e where dM−1 x is the Lebesgue measure on ∂D. Proof. We consider the Hilbert space L2 (D, RM , ν) of RM valued functions R on D with scalar product hF, Gi ≡ D dν(x)(F (x), G(x)). Let ∇ be the gradient operator on D defined with a domain of all bounded C 1 -function that vanish on ∂D. Let ∇ ∗ denote its adjoint. Note that ∇ ∗ = −eNV (x) ∇ e−NV (x) = −∇ + N(∇V (x)). One easily verifies by partial integration that on this domain the operator ∇∇ ∗ ≡ ∇ eNV (x)∇ e−NV (x) = ∇ ∗ ∇ + N∇ 2 V (x) is symmetric and ∇ ∗ ∇ > 0, so that by our hypothesis, ∇∇ ∗ > cN > 0. As a consequence, ∇∇ ∗ has a self-adjoint extension whose inverse (∇∇ ∗ )−1 exists on all L2 (D, RM , ν) and is bounded in norm by (cN)−1 . As a consequence of the above, for any f ∈ C 1 (D), we can uniquely solve the differential equation ∇∇ ∗ ∇u = ∇f
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for ∇u. Now note that (4.3) implies that ∇ ∗ ∇u = f + k, where k is a constant? . Hence for real valued f and g as in the statement of the theorem, Z dν(x) ∇g(x), ∇u(x) D Z Z = dν(x) eNV (x) div e−NV (x) g∇u(x) + dν(x)g(x)∇ ∗ ∇u(x) D D Z Z 1 M −NV (x) = d x div e g∇u(x) + dν(x)g(x)f (x), (4.4) Z D D R where Z ≡ D dM x e−NV (x). Therefore, taking into account that ∇u = (∇∇ ∗ )−1 ∇f, Z Z ∗ −1 dν(x)g(x)f (x) 6 dν(x) ∇g(x), (∇∇ ) ∇f (x) + D D Z 1 M −NV (x) + d x div e g∇u(x) Z D Z 1 6 dν(x)k∇g(x)k2 k∇f (x)k2 + (4.5) cN D Z 1 + |g(x)| k∇f (x)k2 e−NV (x) dM−1 x. cNZ ∂D Note that in the second term we used the Gauss–Green formula to convert the 2 integral over a divergence into a surface integral. This concludes the proof. REMARK. As is obvious from the proof above and as was pointed out in [9], one can replace the bound on the lowest eigenvalue of the Hessian of V by a bound on the lowest eigenvalue of the operator ∇∇ ∗ . So far we have not seen how to get a better bound on this eigenvalue in our situation, but it may well be that this observation can be a clue to an improvement of our results. The typical situation where we want to use Theorem 4.1 is the following: Suppose we are given a measure like (4.1) but not on D, but on some bigger domain. We may be able to establish the lower bound on ∇ 2 V not everywhere, but only on the smaller domain D, but such that the measure is essentially concentrated on D anyhow. It is then likely that we can also estimate away the boundary term in (4.2), either because V (x) will be large on ∂D, or because ∂D will be very small (or both). We then have essentially the Brascamp–Lieb inequalities at our disposal. We mention the following corollary which shows that the Brascamp–Lieb inequalities give rise to concentration inequalities under certain conditions. COROLLARY 4.2. Let ν be as in Lemma 4.3. Assume that f ∈ C 1 (D) and that moreover Vt (x) ≡ V (x) − tf (x)/N for t ∈ [0, 1] is still strictly convex and ? Observe that this is only true because D is connected. For D consisting of several connected components the theorem is obviously false.
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λmin (∇ 2 Vt ) > c0 > 0. Then Z Z Z 1 f (x) 0 6 ln dν(x) e − dν(x)f (x) 6 0 dνt (x)k∇f k22 + sup 2c N t ∈[0,1] D D D R 1 ∂D |g(x)|k∇f (x)k2 e−NVt (x) dM−1 x R + sup 0 , (4.6) −NVt (x) dM x t ∈[0,1] c N D e where νt is the corresponding measure with V replaced by Vt . Proof. Note that h 0 2 i s0 f Z 1 Z s EV es f f − EEV ees0 ff V ds ds 0 ln EV ef = EV f + EV es 0 f 0 0 Z 1 Z s = EV f + ds ds 0 EVs0 (f − EVs0 f )2 , 0
where by assumption Vs (x) has the same properties as V itself. Thus using (4.2) 2 gives (4.6). REMARK. We would like to note that a concentration estimate like Corollary 4.2 can also be derived under slightly different hypothesis on f using logarithmic Sobolev inequalities (see [26]) which hold under the same hypothesis as Theorem 4.1, and which in fact can be derived as a special case using f = h2 and g = ln h2 in Theorem 4.1. In the situations where we will apply the Brascamp–Lieb inequalities, the correction terms due to the finite domain D will be totally irrelevant. This follows from the following simple observation. LEMMA 4.3. Let Bρ denote the ball of radius ρ centered at the origin. Assume that for all x ∈ D, d > ∇ 2 V (x) > c > 0. If x ∗ denotes the unique minimum of V , assume that kx ∗ k2 6 ρ/2. Then √ there exists a constant K < ∞ (depending only on c and d) such that if ρ > K M/N, then for N large enough R e−NV (x) dM−1 x 2 ∂D R 6 e−ρ N/K . (4.8) −NV (x) M d x D e The proof of this lemma is elementary and will be left to the reader. 5. The Convergence of the Gibbs Measures After these preliminaries we can now come to the central part of the paper, namely the study of the marginal distributions of the Gibbs measures µ(µ,s) N,β,ρ . Without loss of generality it suffices to consider the case (µ, s) = (1, 1), of course. Let us fix
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I ⊂ N arbitrary but finite. We assume that 3 ⊃ I , and for notational simplicity we put |3| = N + |I |. We are interested in the probabilities 1
µ(1,1) 3,β,ρ [ω]({σI
= sI }) ≡
Note that kmI (σ )k2 6 m3 (σ ) =
Eσ3\I e 2 β|3|km3 (sI ,σ3\I )k2 1I{m3 (sI ,σ3\I )∈Bρ(1,1) } 1
EσI Eσ3\I e 2 β|3|km3 (σI ,σ3\I )k2 1I{m3 (sI ,σ3\I )∈Bρ(1,1) }
. (5.1)
√ M. Now we can write
N |I | m3\I (σ ) + mI (σ ). |3| |3|
Then 1I{m3 (sI ,σ3\I )∈Bρ(1,1) } 6 1I{m3\I (σ )∈Bρ(1,1) } , +
1I{m3 (sI ,σ3\I )∈Bρ(1,1) } > 1I{m3\I (σ )∈Bρ(1,1) } ,
where ρ± ≡ ρ ±
√ M|I | . N
Setting β 0 ≡
N β, |3|
this allows us to write
µ(1,1) 3,β,ρ [ω]({σI = sI }) R |I |2 2 β 0 |I |(mI (sI ),m) β 2|3| kmI (sI )k2 e (1,1) dQ3\I,β 0 (m) e Bρ+ 6 × R |I |2 2 2|I | EσI Bρ(1,1) dQ3\I,β 0 (m) eβ 0 |I |(mI (σI ),m) eβ 2|3| kmI (σI )k2 − R (1,1) dQ3\I,β 0 (m) Bρ ×R − (1,1) dQ3\I,β 0 (m) Bρ +
|I |2
L3/I,β,ρ+ [ω](β 0 |I |mI (sI )) eβ 2|3| kmI (sI )k2 2
Q3\I,β 0 Bρ(1,1) +
(1,1) |I | 2 2|I | EσI L3/I,β,ρ− [ω](β 0 |I |mI (σI )) eβ 2|3| kmI (σI )k2 Q3\I,β 0 Bρ− 2
and µ(1,1) 3,β,ρ [ω] ({σI = sI }) R |I |2 2 β 0 |I |(mI (sI ),m) β 2|3| kmI (sI )k2 e (1,1) dQ3\I,β 0 (m) e Bρ− × > R |I |2 2 2|I | EσI Bρ(1,1) dQ3\I,β 0 (m) eβ 0 |I |(mI (σI ),m) eβ 2|3| kmI (σI )k2 + Q3\I,β 0 Bρ(1,1) − × Q3\I,β 0 Bρ(1,1) + |I |2
L3/I,β,ρ− [ω](β 0 |I |mI (sI )) eβ 2|3| kmI (sI )k2 2
Q3\I,β 0 Bρ(1,1) −
(1,1) |I | 2 2|I | EσI L3/I,β,ρ+ [ω](β 0 |I |mI (σI )) eβ 2|3| kmI (σI )k2 Q3\I,β 0 Bρ+ 2
(5.5) .
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Now the term |IN| kmI (s)k22 is, up to a constant that is independent of the si , irrelevantly small. More precisely, we have 2
LEMMA 5.1. There exist ∞ > C, c > 0 such that for all I , M, and for all x > 0, r M|I | |I |M |I |2 |I | 2 +x P sup kmI (s)k2 − N > N N σI ∈{−1,1}I N √ 2 (5.6) 6 C exp −cM 1 + x − 1 . Proof. This lemma is a direct consequence of estimates on the norm of the 2 random matrices obtained, e.g., in Theorem 4.1 of [4]. Together with Proposition 3.1 and Lemma 3.2, we can now extract the desired representation for our probabilities. √ √ √ LEMMA 5.2. For all β > 1 and α < γa (m∗ )2 , if c0 mα∗ < ρ < m∗ / 2 then, with probability one, for all but a finite number of indices N, for all µ ∈ {1, . . . , M(N)}, s ∈ {−1, 1},
(i) µ(1,1) 3,β,ρ [ω]({σI
= sI }) =
0 L(1,1) 3/I,β,ρ [ω](β |I |mI (sI )) 0 2|I | EσI L(1,1) 3/I,β,ρ [ω](β |I |mI (σI ))
+ O(N −1/4 )
and alternatively (ii) µ(1,1) 3,β,ρ [ω]({σI
0 e(1,1) L 3/I,β,ρ [ω](β |I |mI (sI )) = sI }) = + 0 e(1,1) 2|I | EσI L 3/I,β,ρ [ω](β |I |mI (σI )) + O e−O(M) .
We leave the details of the proof to the reader. We see that the computation of the marginal distribution of the Gibbs measures requires nothing but the computation of the Laplace transforms of the induced P measures or its Hubbard–Stratonovich transform at the random points t = i∈I si ξi . Alternatively, these can be seen as the Laplace transforms of the distribution of the random variables (ξi , m). Now it is physically very natural that the law of the random variables (ξi , m) should determine the Gibbs measures completely. The point is that in a mean field model, the distribution of the spins in a finite set I is determined entirely in terms of the effective mean fields produced by the rest of the system that act on the spins σi . These fields are precisely the (ξi , m). In a ‘normal’ mean field situation, the mean fields are constant almost surely with respect to the Gibbs measure. In the Hopfield model with subextensively many patterns, this will also be true, as m
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will be concentrated near one of the values m∗ eµ (see [6]). In that case (ξi , m) will depend only in a local and very explicit form on the disorder, and the Gibbs measures will inherit this property. In a more general situation, the local mean fields may have a more complicated distribution, in particular they may not be constant under the Gibbs measure, and the question is how to determine this. The approach of the cavity method (see, e.g., [15]) as carried out by Talagrand [24] consists of deriving this distribution by induction over the volume. [23] also followed this approach, using however the assumption of ‘self-averaging’ of the order parameter to control errors. Our approach consists of using the detailed knowledge obtained on e and in particular the local convexity to determine a priori the form the measures Q, of the distribution; induction will then only be used to determine the remaining few parameters. Let us begin with some general preparatory steps which will not yet require special properties of our measures. To simplify the notation, we introduce the following abbreviations: e3\I,β,h [ω] We write E8N for the expectation with respect to the measures Q ¯ conditioned on Bρ and we set Z ≡ Z−E8N Z. We will write EξI for the expectation with respect to the family of random variables ξiµ , i ∈ I , µ = 1, . . . , M. The first step in the computation of our Laplace transform consists of centering, i.e. we write P
E8N e
βsi (ξi ,Z)
βsi (ξi ,E8N Z)
E8N e
¯ βsi (ξi ,Z)
While the first factor will be entirely responsible for the distribution of the spins, our main efforts have to go into controlling the second. To do this we will use heavily the fact, established first in [3], that on Bρ(1,1) the function 8 is convex with probability close to one. This allows us to exploit the Brascamp–Lieb inequalities in the form given in Section 3. The advantage of this procedure is that it allows us to identify immediately the leading terms and to get a priori estimates of the errors. This is to be contrasted to the much more involved procedure of Talagrand [24] who controls the errors by induction. GENERAL ASSUMPTION
For the remainder of this paper we will always assume that the parameters α and β of our model are such that the hypotheses of Proposition 3.1 and Theorem 3.3 are satisfied. All lemmata, propositions and theorems are valid under this provision only. LEMMA 5.3. Under our general assumption, (i)
EξI E8N e
¯ βsi (ξi ,Z)
β2 2
2 ¯ 2 i∈I si E8N kZk2
× eO(1/(N)),
(ii) There is a finite constant C such that
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E8N e
EξI ln
EξI E8N e
¯ βsi (ξi ,Z)
¯ βsi (ξi ,Z)
C . N
129 (5.11)
REMARK. The immediate consequence of this lemma is the observation that the ¯ is asymptotically close to a family of i.i.d. family of random variables (ξi , Z) i∈I ¯ 22 . UN will be centered Gaussian random variables with variance UN ≡ E8N kZk seen to be one of the essential parameters that we will need to control by induction. ¯ converges Note that for the moment, we cannot say whether the law of the (ξi , Z) in any sense, as it is not a priori clear whether UN will converge as N ↑ ∞, although this would be a natural guess. Note that as far as the computation of the marginal probabilities of the Gibbs measures is concerned, this question is, however, completely irrelevant, in as far as this term is an even function of the si . REMARK. It follows from Lemma 5.3 that X β2 1 2 ¯ ¯ ln E8N exp βsi (ξi , Z) = |I |E8N kZk2 + O + RN , 2 N i∈I
where EξI RN2 6
C . N
Proof. The proof of this lemma relies heavily on the use of the Brascamp– Lieb inequalities, Theorem 4.1, which are applicable due to our assumptions and Theorem 3.3. It was given in [3] for I being a single site, and we repeat the main steps. First note that P
EξI E8N e
EξI E8N e
¯ βsi (ξi ,Z) ¯ βsi (ξi ,Z)
6 E8N e > E8N e
β2 2 β2 2
2 ¯ 2 i∈I si kZk2
2 ¯ 2 β4 i∈I si kZk2 − 4
4 ¯ 4 i∈I si kZk4
Note that if the smallest eigenvalue of ∇ 2 8 > , then the Brascamp–Lieb inequalities Theorem 4.1 yield ¯ 22 6 E8N kZk
M 2 + O(e−ρ N/K ) N
and by iterated application ¯ 44 6 4 M + O(e−ρ 2 N/K ). E8N kZk 2N 2
¯ 22 , In the bounds (5.14) we now use Corollary 4.2 with f given by β 2 |I |/2kZk 2 4 2 4 ¯ ¯ respectively by β |I |/2kZk2 − β |I |/4kZk4 to first move the expectation into the exponent, and then (5.15) and (5.16) (applied to the slightly modified measures E8N −tf/N , which still retain the same convexity properties) to the terms in the exponent. This gives (5.10).
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By very similar computations one shows first that C P P ¯ ¯ (5.17) E E8N e i∈I βsi (ξi ,Z) − EξI E8N e i∈I βsi (ξi ,Z) 6 . N ¯ where Moreover, using again Corollary 4.2, one obtains that (on the subspace convexity holds) e−β
2 |I |/2 α
6 E8N e
¯ βsi (ξi ,Z)
6 e+β
2 |I |/2 α
These bounds, together with the obvious Lipshitz continuity of the logarithm away 2 from zero yield (5.11). REMARK. The above proof follows ideas of the proof of Lemma 4.1 in [24]. The main difference is the systematic use of the Brascamp–Lieb inequalities that allows us to avoid the appearance of uncontrolled error terms. We now turn to the mean values of the random variables (ξi , E8N Z). These are obviously random variables with mean value zero and variance kE8N Zk2 . Moreover, the variables (ξi , E8N Z) and (ξj , E8N Z) are uncorrelated for i 6= j . Now E8N Z has one macroscopic component, namely the first one, while all others are expected to be small. It is thus natural to expect that these variables will actually converge to a sum of a Bernoulli variable ξi1 E8N Z1 plus independent Gaussians PM 2 with variance TN ≡ µ=2 [E8N Zµ ] , but it is far from trivial to prove this. It requires in particular at least to show that TN converges. We will first prove the following proposition: PROPOSITION 5.4. In addition to our general assumption, assume that µ 1 P 1/4 √ lim infN↑∞ N TN = +∞, a.s. For i ∈ I , set Xi (N) ≡ T µ=2 ξi E8N Zµ . N Then this family converges to a family of i.i.d. standard normal random variables. REMARK. The assumption on the divergence of N 1/4 TN is harmless. We will see later that it is certainly verified provided lim infN↑∞ N 1/8 ETN = +∞. Recall that √ P µ TN gi , where gi our final goal is to approximate (in law) M µ=2 ξi E8N Zµ by PM µ −1/4 is Gaussian. So if TN 6 N , then µ=2 ξi E8N Zµ is close to zero (in law) √ anyway, as is TN gi , and no harm is done if we exchange the two. We will see that this situation only arises in fact if M/N tends to zero rapidly, in which case all this machinery is not needed. Proof. To prove such a result requires essentially to show that E8N Zµ for all µ > 2 tend to zero as N ↑ ∞. We note first that by symmetry, for all µ > 2, EE8N Zµ = EE8N Z2 . On the other hand, M M X X [EE8N Zµ ]2 6 E [E8N Zµ ]2 6 ρ 2 µ=2
so that |EE8N Zµ | 6 ρM −1/2 .
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To derive from this a probabilistic bound on E8N Zµ itself we will use concentration of measure estimates. To do so we need the following lemma: LEMMA 5.5. Assume that f (x) is a random function defined on some open neighbourhood U ⊂ R. Assume that f verifies for all x ∈ U that for all 0 6 r 6 1, Nr 2 (5.20) P |f (x) − Ef (x)| > r 6 c exp − c and that, at least with probability 1 − p, |f 0 (x)| 6 C, |f 00 (x)| 6 C < ∞ both hold uniformly in U . Then, for any 0 < ζ 6 1/2, and for any 0 < δ < N ζ /2 , 4 1−2ζ 0 32C 2 ζ δ N 0 −ζ /2 P |f (x) − Ef (x)| > δN 6 2 N exp − + p. (5.21) δ 256c Proof. Let us assume that |U | 6 1. We may first assume that the boundedness conditions for the derivatives of f hold uniformly; by standard arguments one shows that if they only hold with probability 1 − p, the effect is nothing more than the final summand p in (5.21). The first step in the proof consists of showing that (5.20) together with the boundedness of the derivative of f implies that f (x) − Ef (x) is uniformly small. To see this introduce a grid of spacing , i.e. let U = U ∩ Z. Clearly i h P sup |f (x) − Ef (x)| > r x∈U h 6 P sup |f (x) − Ef (x)| + x∈U i |f (x) − f (y)| + |Ef (x) − Ef (y)| > r + sup h
x,y: |x−y|6
6 P sup |f (x) − Ef (x)| > r − 2C
6 P |f (x) − Ef (x)| > r − 2C . −1
If we choose =
r , 4C
this yields
! h i 4C Nr 2 P sup |f (x) − Ef (x)| > r 6 exp − . r 4c x∈U
Next we show that if supx∈U |f (x) − g(x)| 6 r for two functions f , g with bounded second derivative, then √ (5.24) |f 0 (x) − g 0 (x)| 6 8Cr. For notice that 1 [f (x + ) − f (x)] − f 0 (x) 6 sup f 00 (y) 6 C 2 2 x 6y 6x+
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so that 1 |f (x + ) − g(x + ) − f (x) + g(x)| + C 2r + C. (5.26) 6 √ Choosing the optimal = 2r/C gives (5.24). It suffices to combine (5.24) with (5.23) to get |f 0 (x) − g 0 (x)| 6
Nr 2 √ 4C exp − . P |f 0 (x) − Ef 0 (x)| > 8rC 6 r 4c Setting r =
δ2 CN ζ
, we arrive at (5.21).
We will now use Lemma 5.5 to control E8N Zµ . We define Z 1 f (x) = dM z eβNxzµ e−βN8β,N,M (z) ln (1,1) βN Bρ
and denote by E8N ,x the corresponding modified expectation. As has by now been shown many times [24, 3], f (x) verifies (5.20). Moreover, f 0 (x) = E8N ,x Zµ and f 00 (x) = βNE8N ,x (Zµ − E8N ,x Zµ )2 .
Of course the addition of the linear term to 8 does not change its second derivative, so that we can apply the Brascamp–Lieb inequalities also to the measure E8N ,x . This shows that E8N ,x Zµ − E8N ,x Zµ
1 Nβ
which means that f (x) has a second derivative bounded by c = 1/. This gives COROLLARY 5.6. There are finite positive constants c, C such that, for any 0 < ζ 6 1/2, for any µ, N 1−2ζ −ζ /2 ζ 6 CN exp − . (5.31) P |E8N Zµ − EE8N Zµ | > N c We are now ready to conclude the proof of our proposition. We may choose, e.g., ζ = 1/4 and denote by N the subset of where, for all µ, |E8N Zµ − 1/2 EE8N Zµ | 6 N −1/8 . Then P[cN ] 6 O(e−N ). We will prove the proposition by showing convergence of the characteristic function to that of product standard normal distributions, i.e. we show that for any
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1 2 Q Q t ∈ RI , E j ∈I eitj Xj (N) converges to j ∈I e− 2 tj . We have Y E eitj Xj (N)
j ∈I
= EξI c 1IN EξI e + 1IcN EξI e " # Y Y tj 1/2 + O e−N . = EξI c 1IN cos √ E8N Zµ TN µ>2 j ∈I i
j∈I tj Xj (N)
j∈I tj Xj (N)
Thus the second term tends to zero rapidly and can be forgotten. On the other hand, on N , M M X X 4 −1/4 (E8N Zµ ) 6 N (E8N Zµ )2 6 N −1/4 TN . µ=2
µ=2 t
Moreover, for any finite tj , for N large enough, | √Tj E8N Zµ | 6 1. Thus, using that N | ln cos x − x 2 /2| 6 cx 4 for |x| 6 1, and that EξI c 1IN Eη ei −
6 e
P j∈I
j∈I tj Xj (N)
tj2 /2
sup N
4 −1/4 # tj N Pξ (N ). exp c TN j ∈I
Clearly, the right hand side converges to e− j∈I tj /2 , provided only that N 1/4 TN ↑ 2 ∞. Since this was assumed, the proposition is proven. We now control the convergence of P our Laplace transform except for the two 2 parameters m1 (N) ≡ E8N Z1 and TN ≡ M µ=2 [E8N Zµ ] . What we have to show is that these quantities converge almost surely and that the limits satisfy the equations of the replica symmetric solution of Amit, Gutfreund and Sompolinsky [1]. While the issue of convergence is crucial, the technical intricacies of its proof are largely disconnected to the question of the convergence of the Gibbs measures. We will therefore assume for the moment that these quantities do converge to some limits and draw the conclusions for the Gibbs measures from the results of this section under this assumption (which will later be proven to hold). Indeed, collecting from Lemma 5.3 (see the remark following that lemma) and Proposition 5.4, we can write 0
µ(1,1) 3,β,ρ [ω]({σI
= sI }) =
1 i∈I si [m1 (N)ξi +Xi (N)
2I EσI eβN
P i∈I
√ TN ]+RN (sI )
, √ σi [m1 (N)ξi1 +Xi (N) TN ]+RN (σI )
where βN0 → β,
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RN (sI ) → 0 in probability, Xi (N) → gi in law, TN → αr a.s., m1 (N) → m1 a.s., for some numbers r, m1 and there {gi }i∈N is a family of i.i.d. standard Gaussian random variables. Putting this together we obtain: PROPOSITION 5.7. In addition to our general assumptions, assume that TN → αr, a.s. and m1 (N) → m1 , a.s. Then, for any finite I ⊂ N µ(1,1) 3,β,ρ ({σI
= sI }) →
Y i∈I
eβsi [m1 ξi +gi αr] , √ 2 cosh(βσi [m1 ξ¯i1 + gi αr])
where the convergence holds in law with respect to the measure P, and {gi }∈∈N is a family of i.i.d. standard normal random variables and {ξ¯i1 }i∈N are independent Bernoulli random variables, independent of the gi and having the same distribution as the variables ξi1 . To arrive at the convergence in law of the random Gibbs measures, it is enough to show that (5.36) holds jointly for any finite family of cylinder sets, {σi = si , ∀i∈Ik }, Ik ⊂ N, k = 1, . . . , ` (cf. [13, Theorem 4.2]). But this is easily seen to hold from the same arguments. Therefore, denoting by µ(1,1) ∞,β the random measure µ(1,1) ∞,β [ω](σ )
eβσi [m1 ξi [ω]+ αrgi [ω]] ≡ √ 2 cosh(β[m1 ξi1 [ω] + αrgi [ω]]) i∈N 1
we have THEOREM 5.8. Under the assumptions of Proposition 5.7, and with the same notation, (1,1) µ(1,1) 3,β,ρ → µ∞,β , in law, as 3 ↑ ∞.
This result can easily be extended to the language of metastates. The following theorem gives an explicit representation of the Aizenman–Wehr metastate in our situation: THEOREM 5.9. Let κβ (·)[ω] denote the Aizenman–Wehr metastate. Under the hypothesis of Proposition 5.7, for almost all ω, for any continuous function F : Rk → R, and cylinder functions fi on {−1, 1}Ii , i = 1, . . . , k, one has Z κβ (dµ)[ω]F (µ(f1 ), . . . , µ(fk )) M1 (S∞ )
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dN (gi )F EsI1 fi (sI1 )
. . . , EsIk fk (sIk )
Y i∈Ik
eβ[ αrgi +m1 ξi [ω]] , √ 2 cosh( αrgi + m1 ξi1 [ω]) ! 1 1
i∈I1 √ β[ αrgi +m1 ξi [ω]]
e , √ 2 cosh( αrgi + m1 ξi1 [ω])
where N denotes the standard normal distribution. REMARK. Modulo the convergence assumptions, which will be shown to hold in the next section, Theorem 5.9 is the precise statement of Theorem 1.1. Note that the only difference from Theorem 5.8 is that the variables ξi1 that appear here on the right hand side are now the same as those on the left hand side. Proof. This theorem is proven just as Theorem 5.8, except that the ‘almost sure version’ of the central limit theorem, Proposition 5.4, which in turn is proven just 2 as Lemma 2.1, is used. The details are left to the reader. REMARK. Our conditions on the parameters α and β place us in the regime where, according to [1] the ‘replica symmetry’ is expected to hold. This is in nice agreement with the remark in [20] where replica symmetry is linked to the fact that the metastate is concentrated on product measures. REMARK. One would be tempted to exploit also the other notions of ‘metastate’ explained in Section 2. We see that the key to these constructions would be an invariance principle associated with the central limit theorem given in Proposition 5.4. However, there are a number of difficulties that so far have prevented us from proving such a result. We would have to study the random process Xit (N)
M(t N) X
ξiµ E8tN Zµ
(suitably interpolated for t that are not integer multiples of 1/N). If this process was to converge to Brownian motion, its increments should converge to independent Gaussians with suitable variance. But Xit (N) − Xis (N) =
M(t N) X
ξi E8tN Zµ +
M(sN) X
ξi (E8tN Zµ − E8sN Zµ ).
The first term on the right indeed has the desired properties, as is not too hard to check, but the second term is hard to control. To get some idea of the nature Pof this process, we recall from [3, 4] that E8N Z is approximately given by c(β) N1 j ∈3\I ξj (in the sense that the `2 distance between
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√ the two vectors is of order α at most). Let us for simplicity consider only the case I = {0}. If we replace E8N Z by this approximation, we are led to study the process αt N tN 1X µ1 X µ ξ ξ Y (N) ≡ t µ=2 0 N i=1 i t
for tN, αtN integer and linearly interpolated otherwise. PROPOSITION 5.10. The sequence of processes Y t (N) defined by (5.42) converges weakly to the Gaussian process t −1 Bαt 2 , where Bs is a standard Brownian motion. Proof. Notice that ξ0µ ξiµ has the same distribution as ξiµ , and therefore Y t (N) has the same distribution as αt N t N 1 XX µ t e ξ Y (N) ≡ tN µ=2 i=1 i
for which the convergence to Bαt 2 follows immediately from Donsker’s theorem. 2 At present we do not see how to extend this result to the real process of interest, but at least we can expect that some process of this type will emerge. As a final remark we investigate what would happen if we adopted the ‘standard’ notion of limiting Gibbs measures as weak limit points along possibly random subsequences. The answer is the following: PROPOSITION 5.11. Under the assumptions of Proposition 5.7, for any finite I ⊂ N, for any x ∈ RI , for P-almost all ω, there exist sequences Nk [ω] tending to infinity such that for any sI ∈ {−1, 1}I lim
µ(1,1) Nk ,β [ω]({σI
= sI }) =
Y i∈I
eβsi [m1 ξi [ω]+ αrxi ] . √ 2 cosh(β[m1 ξi1 [ω] + αrxi ]) 1
Proof. To simplify the notation we will write the proof only for the case i = {0}. The general case differs only in notation. It is clear that we must show that for almost all ω there exist subsequences Nk [ω] such that X0 (Nk )[ω] converges to x, almost surely to αr, it for any chosen value x. Since by assumption TN converges p is actually enough to show that the variables Yk ≡ TNk X0 (Nk ) converge to x. But 2 this follows from the following lemma: LEMMA 5.12. Define Yk ≡
p TNk X0 (Nk ). For any x ∈ RI and any > 0,
P[Yk ∈ (x0 − , x0 + ) i.o.] = 1.
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Proof. Let us denote by Fξ the sigma algebra generated by the random variables µ ξi , µ ∈ N, i > 1. Note that P[Yk ∈ (x0 − , x0 + ) i.o.] = E(P[Yk ∈ (x0 − , x0 + ) i.o. | Fξ ]) (5.46) so that it is enough to prove that for almost all ω, P[Yk ∈ (x0 − , x0 + ) i.o. | Fξ ] = 1. Let us define the random variables M(N Xk )
ek ≡ Y
ξ0µ E8Nk Zµ .
µ=M(Nk−1 )+1
Note first that ek )2 = E E(Yk − Y
M(Nk−1 )
(E8Nk Zµ )2 6 M(Nk−1 )E(E8Nk Z2 )2
Nk−1 6 ρ2 . Nk P Thus, if Nk is chosen such that ∞ k=1
(5.48) Nk−1 Nk
< ∞, by the first Borel–Cantelli lemma,
ek ) = 0 a.s. lim (Yk − Y
ek are conditionally independent, given On the other hand, the random variables Y Fξ . Therefore, by the second Borel–Cantelli lemma ek ∈ (x0 − , x0 + ) i.o. | Fξ ] = 1 P[Y
if ∞ X
ek ∈ (x0 − , x0 + ) | Fξ ] = ∞. P[Y
ek conditioned on Fξ converges to a Gaussian of variance αr But for almost all ω, Y (the proof is identical to that of Proposition 5.3), so that for almost all ω, as k ↑ ∞ Z x+ y2 ek ∈ (x0 − , x0 + ) | Fξ ] → √ 1 dy e− 2αr > 0 (5.52) P[Y 2π αr x− which implies (5.51) and hence (5.50). Putting this together with (5.49) concludes 2 the proof of the lemma, and of the proposition. Some remarks concerning the implications of this proposition are in place. First, it shows that if the standard definition of limiting Gibbs measures as weak limit points is adapted, then we have discovered that in the Hopfield model all product measures on {−1, 1}N are extremal Gibbs states. Such a statement contains some
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information, but it is clearly not useful as information on the approximate nature of a finite volume state. This confirms our discussion in Section 2 on the necessity to use a metastate formalism. Second, one may ask whether conditioning or the application of external fields of vanishing strength as discussed in Section 2 can improve the convergence behaviour of our measures. The answer appears obviously to be no. Contrary to a situation where a symmetry is present whose breaking biases the system to choose one of the possible states, the application of an arbitrarily weak field cannot alter anything. Third, we note that the total set of limiting Gibbs measures does not depend on the conditioning on the ball Bρ(1,1) , while the metastate obtained does depend on it. Thus the conditioning allows us to construct two metastates corresponding to each of the stored patterns. These metastates are in a sense extremal, since they are concentrated on the set of extremal (i.e. product) measures of our system. Without conditioning one can construct other metastates (which however we cannot control explicitly in our situation). 6. Induction and the Replica Symmetric Solution ¯ 22 , We now conclude our analysis by showing that the quantities UN ≡ E8N kZk PM m1 (N) ≡ E8N Z1 and TN ≡ µ=2 [E8N Zµ ]2 actually do converge almost surely under our general assumptions. The proof consists of two steps: First we show that these quantities are self-averaging and then the convergence of their mean values is proven by induction. We will assume throughout this section that the parameters α and β are such that local convexity holds. We stress that this section is entirely based on ideas of Talagrand [24] and Pastur, Shcherbina and Tirozzi [23] and is mainly added for the convenience of the reader. Thus our first result will be: PROPOSITION 6.1. Let AN denote any of the three quantities UN , m1 (N) or TN . Then there are finite positive constants c, C such that, for any 0 < ζ 6 1/2, N 1−2ζ . (6.1) P |AN − EAN | > N −ζ /2 6 CN ζ exp − c Proof. The proofs of these three statements are all very similar to that of Corollary 5.6. Indeed, for m1 (N), (6.1) is a special case of that corollary. In the two other cases, we just need to define the appropriate analogues of the ‘generating function’ f from (5.28). They are 1 ¯ ¯0 ln E8N E08N eβNx(Z,Z ) βN in the case of TN and 1 ¯ 2 g(x) ˜ ≡ ln E8N E08N eβNxkZk2 . βN g(x) ≡
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The proof then proceeds as in that of Corollary 6.6. We refrain from giving the 2 details. We now turn to the induction part of the proof and derive a recursion relation for the three quantities above. In the sequel it will be convenient to introduce a site 0 that will replace the set I and to set ξ0 = η. Let us define uN (τ ) ≡ ln E8N eβτ (η,Z) .
We also set vN (τ ) ≡ τβ(η, E8N Z) and wN (τ ) ≡ uN (τ ) − vN (τ ). In the sequel we will need the following auxiliary result: LEMMA 6.2. Under our general assumptions (i)
d √1 [v (τ ) − τβη1 E8N Z1 ] β TN dτ N
converges weakly to a standard Gaussian ran-
dom variable. ¯ 22 | converges to zero in probability. (ii) | dτd wN (τ ) − τβ 2 EE8N kZk Proof. (i) is obvious from Proposition 5.4 and the definition of vN (τ ). To prove 2 . Thus, if var(wN (τ )) 6 √CN , (ii), note that wN (τ ) is convex and dτd 2 wN (τ ) 6 βα then var( dτd wN (τ )) 6
C0 N 1/4
by a standard result similar in spirit to Lemma 5.5 2 2 ¯ 22 | 6 (see, e.g., [25, Proposition 5.4]). On the other hand, |EwN (τ ) − τ β EE8N kZk 2
√K , N
by Lemma 5.3, which, together with the boundedness of the second deriv¯ 22 | ↓ 0. This means that ative of wN (τ ) implies that | d EwN (τ ) − τβ 2 EE8N kZk var(wN (τ )) 6
√C N
implies the lemma. Since we already know from (5.13) that K ¯ 22 ) 6 √C . This follows just as the ERN2 6 N , it is enough to prove var(E8N kZk N 2 corresponding concentration estimate for UN . We are now ready to start the induction procedure. We will place ourselves on e ⊂ where for all but finitely many N |UN − EUN | 6 N −1/4 , a subspace our estimates. |TN − ETN | 6 N −1/4 , etc. This subspace has probability one R by (1,1) (m)mµ differ Let us note that by (iii) of Proposition 3.1, E8N Zµ and dQN,β,ρ only by an exponentially small term. Thus Z 1 X µ −cM µ(1,1) E8N Zµ = ξi (6.5) N,β,ρ (dσ )σi + O e N i=1 and, by symmetry, EE8N+1 (Zµ ) = Eη
Z µ
−cM µ(1,1) . N+1,β,ρ (dσ )σ0 + O e
Using Lemma 5.2 and the definition of uN , this gives EE8N+1 (Zµ ) = Eηµ
euN (1) − euN (−1) −cM + O e , euN (1) + euN (−1)
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where to be precise one should note that the left and right hand side are computed β, respectively, and that the value of M is equal to at temperatures β and β 0 = N N M(N + 1) on both sides; that is, both sides correspond to slightly different values of α and β, but we will see that this causes no problems. Using our concentration results and Lemma 5.3 this gives EE8N+1 (Zµ ) = Eηµ tanh β(η1 Em1 (N) +
ETN X0 (N)) + O(N −1/4 ).
Using further Proposition 5.4 we get a first recursion for m1 (N): Z p m1 (N + 1) = dN (g) tanh β(Em1 (N) + ETN g) + o(1).
REMARK. The error term in (6.9) can be sharpened to O(N −1/4 ) by using instead of Lemma 5.3 a trick, attributed to Trotter, that we learned from Talagrand’s paper [24] (see the proof of Proposition 6.3 in that paper). We need of course a recursion for TN as well. From here on there is no great difference from the procedure in [23], except that the N-dependences have to be kept track of carefully. This was outlined in [4] and we repeat the steps for the convenience of the reader. To simplify the notation, we ignore all the O(N −1/4 ) error terms and put them back in the end only. Also, the remarks concerning β and α made above apply throughout. Note that TN = kE8N Zk22 − (E8N Z1 )2 and !2 M N X 1 X µ 2 EkE8N+1 Zk2 = E ξi µβ,N+1,M (σi ) N + 1 µ=1 i=0 =
2 M E µ(1,1) β,N+1,M (σ0 ) + N +1 ! M N X 1 X µ µ (1,1) Eξ0 µβ,N+1,M (σ0 ) ξi µβ,N+1,M (σi ) . + N + 1 µ=1 i=1
Using Lemma 5.2 as in the step leading to (6.7), we get for the first term in (6.10) p 2 = E tanh2 β(η1 E8N Z1 + ETN ) ≡ EQN . (6.11) E µ(1,1) β,N+1,M (σ0 ) For the second term, we use the identity from [23] ! P M N βσ0 (ξ0 ,Z) X X σ0 E8N (ξ0 , Z) e µ 1 µ P ξ0 ξ µβ,N+1,M (σi ) = βσ0 (ξ0 ,Z) N i=1 i σ0 E8N e µ=1 P uN (τ ) 0 τ =±1 uN (τ ) e −1 P = β . uN (τ ) τ =±1 e
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Together with Lemma 6.2 one concludes that in law up to small errors ! M N X 1 X µ µ ξ0 ξ µβ,N+1,M (σi ) N + 1 i=1 i µ=1 p = ξ01 E8N Z1 + ETN X0 (N) + p ¯ 22 tanh β ξ01 E8N Z1 + ETN X0 (N) + βE8N kZk
and so
h p EkE8N+1 Zk22 = αEQN + E tanh β ξ01 E8N Z1 + ETN X0 (N) × p i × ξ01 E8N Z1 + ETN X0 (N) + p ¯ 22 tanh2 β ξ01 E8N Z1 + ETN X0 (N) . (6.14) + βEE8N kZk
¯ 22 , the last term is of course essenUsing the self-averaging properties of E8N kZk tially equal to ¯ 22 EQN . βEE8N kZk
¯ 2 is disturbing, as it introduces a new quantity into the The appearance of E8N kZk 2 system. Fortunately, it is the last one. The point is that proceeding as above, we can show that h p 1 E8N Z1 + ETN X0 (N) × EE8N+1 kZk22 = α + E tanh β ξN+1 p i ¯ 22 EQN (6.16) × ξ01 E8N Z1 + ETN XN + βEE8N kZk ¯ 22 , we get, subtracting (6.14) from (6.16), the simple so that setting UN ≡ E8N kZk recursion EUN+1 = α(1 − EQN ) + β(1 − EQN )EUN .
From this we get (since all quantities considered are self-averaging, we drop the E to simplify the notation), setting m1 (N) ≡ E8N Z1 , TN+1 = −(m1 (N + 1))2 + αQN + βUN QN + Z p p + dN (g) m1 (N) + TN g tanh β m1 (N) + TN g = m1 (N + 1)(m1 (N) − m1 (N + 1)) + + βUN QN + βTN (1 − QN ) + αQN ,
where we used integration by parts. The complete system of recursion relations can thus be written as Z p dN (g) tanh β m1 (N) + TN g + O(N −1/4 )TN+1 m1 (N + 1) =
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UN+1 QN+1
= m1 (N − 1)(m1 (N) − m1 (N + 1)) + βUN QN + + βTN (1 − QN ) + αQN + O(N −1/4 ), = α(1 − QN ) + β(1 − QN )UN + O(N −1/4 ), Z p = dN (g) tanh2 β m1 (N) + TN g + O(N −1/4 ).
If the solutions to this system of equations converges, then the limits r = limN↑∞ TN /α, q = limN↑∞ QN and m1 = limN↑∞ m1 (N) (u ≡ limN↑∞ UN can be eliminated) must satisfy the equations Z √ dN (g) tanh β(m1 + αrg) , (6.20) m1 = Z √ q= dN (g) tanh2 β(m1 + αrg) , (6.21) r=
q (1 − β + βq)2
which are the equations for the replica symmetric solution of the Hopfield model found by Amit et al. [1]. In principle one might think that to prove convergence it is enough to study the stability of the dynamical system above without the error terms. However, this is not quite true. Note that the parameters β and α of the quantities on the two sides of the equation differ slightly (although this is suppressed in the notation). In particular, if we iterate too often, α will tend to zero. The way out of this difficulty was proposed by Talagrand [24]. We will briefly explain his idea. In a simplified notation, we are in the following situation: We have a sequence Xn (p) of functions depending on a parameter p. There is an explicit sequence pn , satisfying |pn+1 − pn | 6 c/n and a function Fp such that Xn+1 (pn+1 ) = Fpn (Xn (pn )) + O(n−1/4).
In this setting, we have the following lemma. LEMMA 6.3. Assume that there exist a domain D containing a single fixed point X∗ (p) of Fp . Assume that Fp (X) is Lipshitz continuous as a function of X, Lipshitz continuous as a function of p uniformly for X ∈ D and that for all X ∈ D, Fpn (X) → X∗ (p). Assume we know that for all n large enough, Xn (p) ∈ D. Then lim Xn (p) = X∗ (p).
Proof. Let us choose a integer valued monotone increasing function k(n) such that k(n) ↑ ∞ as n goes to infinity. Assume, e.g., k(n) 6 ln n. We will show that lim Xn+k(n) (p) = X∗ (p).
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To see this, note first that |pn+k(n) − pn | 6 k(n)/n. By (6.23), we have that using the Lipshitz properties of F (6.26) Xn+k(n) (p) = Fpk(n) (Xn (pn )) + O n−1/4 , where we choose pn such that pn+k(n) = p. Now since Xn (pn ) ∈ D, |Fpk(n) (Xn (pn ) − X∗ (p)| ↓ 0 as n and thus k(n) goes to infinity, so that (6.26) implies (6.25). But (6.25) for any slowly diverging function k(n) implies the convergence of Xn (p), as claimed. 2 This lemma can be applied to the recurrence (6.18). The main point to check is whether the corresponding Fβ attracts a domain in which the parameters m1 (N), TN , (1,1) eN,β,ρ . UN , QN are a priori located due to the support properties of the measure Q This stability analysis was carried out (for an equivalent system) by Talagrand and answered in the affirmative. We do not want to repeat this tedious, but in principle elementary computation here. We would like, however, to make some remarks. It is clear that if we consider conditional measures, then we can always force the parameters m1 (N), RN , UN , QN to be in some domain. Thus, in principle, we could first study the fixpoints of (6.18), determine their domains of attraction and then define corresponding conditional Gibbs measures. However, these measures may then be metastable. Also, of course, at least in our derivation, we need to verify the local convexity in the corresponding domains since this was used in the derivation of the equations (6.18). Acknowledgements We gratefully acknowledge helpful discussions about metastates with Ch. Newman and Ch. Külske. References 1. 2. 3. 4.
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Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry 1: 145–170, 1998. © 1998 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
On Spectral Asymptotics for Domains with Fractal Boundaries of Cabbage Type S. MOLCHANOV and B. VAINBERG Department of Mathematics, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, NC 28223, USA (Received: 4 February 1997; accepted: 13 March 1998) Abstract. The second term of the asymptotic expansion of the eigenvalue counting function N(λ) is found for the Dirichlet Laplacian in a class of domains with fractal boundaries. Mathematics Subject Classifications (1991): 35P, 35J. Key words: counting function, fractal boundary, spectral asymptotics, eigenvalue, Minkowski dimension.
1. Introduction Let N − (λ) be the eigenvalue counting function for the Dirichlet Laplacian in a bounded domain ⊂
where λ− j are the eigenvalues of the Dirichlet problem −1ψ = λj ψ,
x ∈ ;
ψ = 0,
x ∈ ∂,
and λ+ j are the eigenvalues of the Neumann problem −1ψ = λj ψ,
x ∈ ;
∂ψ = 0, ∂n
x ∈ ∂.
The classical Weyl conjecture for domains with smooth boundaries has the form N ∓ (λ) = ad ||λd/2 ∓ bd |∂|λ(d−1)/2 + o(λ(d−1)/2),
λ → ∞,
where || is the measure of the domain, |∂| is the (d −1)-dimensional measure of the boundary, constants ad and bd depend only on dimension d of the phase space (in particular (2π )d ad is the volume of the unit ball in
λ → ∞.
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Many papers are devoted to the Weyl conjecture for the Laplacian and for more general elliptic operators. Let us mention only the work by Seeley [14] who specified the estimate of the remainder in (2) N ∓ (λ) = ad ||λd/2 + O(λ(d−1)/2),
λ → ∞,
and by Ivrii [7] who showed that the conjecture is valid for smooth domains under additional ‘billiard condition’. The main goal of our paper is to find the second term of N − (λ) for a class of domains with fractal boundaries. Let us mention that Ivrii’s results are not applicable and the question about billiard condition can not be posed at all if the boundary of the domain is very irregular (fractal) because the billiard trajectories are not determined in this case. We consider only the Dirichlet Laplacian because the spectrum of the Neumann Laplacian, generally speaking, is not discrete (see [6, 15]), and the counting function N + (λ) may not exist even when the domain has only one irregular point on ∂. As far as the Dirichlet Laplacian is concerned the second term of asymptotics of N − (λ) for domains with fractal boundaries is known only in the one-dimensional case (for Sturm–Liouville problem) [8] and for some cases when the variables can be separated or the domain is self-similar [3, 4, 11, 12] (estimates of the second term of asymptotics are known in more general case, see [5, 9, 10]). Our purpose is to find the second term of asymptotic expansion of N − (λ) for a broad class of domains with fractal boundaries (we called them domains of the cabbage type) where there are no separation of variables or self-similarity. M. Berry conjectured [1] that in the fractal case the order of the second term of asymptotic expansion of N − (λ) is one half of the Hausdorff dimension of the boundary. Brassard and Carmona [2] showed that it is wrong. According to the well-known modified Weyl–Berry conjecture, N − (λ) for domains with fractal boundaries has the form N − (λ) = ad ||λd/2 − c(d, m)|∂|m λm/2 + o(λ(d−1)/2),
λ → ∞,
where m is the Minkowski dimension of the boundary, |∂|m is the Minkowski content of the boundary and constant c depends only on d and m. In [3, 4, 12] it is shown that for self-similar domains constant c is not universal and may depend on the domain. In our previous work [13] it is shown that in general the order of the second term in (4) is not related to the Minkowski dimension of the boundary. However, we prove here that the modified Weyl–Berry conjecture (4) is valid for the domains of ‘cabbage type’ which we consider in this paper. These domains have a sequence (or several sequences) of ‘cracks’ which converge to the outer boundary of the domain. The typical two dimensional cross sections of two different cabbage type domains are given in Figure 1. The first domain has one sequence of the cracks, the second has two sequences. The rigorous definition of cabbage type domains is given in Section 3.
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Figure 1.
The plan of the paper is the following. In the next section we consider the nonfractal domains with smooth and nonsmooth boundaries, and we obtain a Seeley type estimate (similar to (3)) which is uniform with respect to domains. It is not very important for us to get the exact rate of decay of the remainder as λ → ∞. So we get an estimate with an additional logarithmic factor in the remainder, but the constant in the estimate of the remainder is expressed through simple geometrical characteristics of the domain. These estimates could be useful independently of the main purpose of the article. We get them for both the Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions, and we need both of them to investigate N − (λ) for the Dirichlet Laplacian when the boundary is fractal. In the last section we give the definition of the cabbage type domains (with fractal boundaries) and find the first two terms of asymptotic expansion of N − (λ) for this type of domains. 2. Uniform Estimate of the Remainder in Weyl Asymptotics The goal of this section is to find such an estimate of the remainder in Weyl asymptotics of the eigenvalue counting function that will be uniform with respect to a wide class of smooth domains. The estimate depends on the following geometrical characteristic of the domains. Let (∂)ε be ε-neighborhood of the boundary of the domain. In the case of the Dirichlet boundary condition we assume that there exist constants r0 and A such that |(∂)ε | 6 Aε|∂| for 0 6 ε 6 r0 .
Let ν, l be normal and tangent vectors to ∂ at point x and κ = κ(x, l) be the sectional curvature of ∂ at the point x, i.e. κ is the curvature at the point x of the planar curve which is the intersection of ∂ and the two dimensional plane through ν and l. In the case of the Neumann Laplacian we will assume that the br -condition (br stands for a ball of radius r) is satisfied which means that ∂ is twice continuously differentiable, all its sectional curvatures do not exceed r, and one can touch any point of ∂ by a ball of radius r from inside of , i.e. for each point x0 ∈ ∂ there is an open ball B of radius r such that B ⊂ and x0 ∈ ∂B. Let us mention that the last requirement does not follow from the boundedness of
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the curvatures because it prohibits, for example, the case when has a shape of a very thin layer in some region of
1/r0 ,
where (2π )d αd is the volume of the unit ball in 20d/r: √ + || N (λ) − αd ||λ d2 6 C(d)λ d−1 2 A|∂| ln(r λ) + A|∂| + , r √ λ > 20d/r. (7) In order to prove the theorem we will need the following three lemmas. LEMMA 2. Let ⊂ 1 be bounded domains, N1+ (λ) be the counting function for the Neumann Laplacian in 1 , and N(λ) be the counting function for the Laplace operator in with the Neumann boundary condition on some part (which can be empty) of ∂ ∩ ∂1 and the Dirichlet boundary condition on the remaining part of ∂. Then N(λ) 6 N1+ (λ), λ > 0. Proof. Let λ1 6 λ2 6 λ3 6 · · · be the eigenvalues of the Neumann Laplacian in 1 , and µ1 6 µ2 6 µ3 6 · · · be the eigenvalues of the problem in formulated in the lemma. Due to the mini-max principle R R 1/2 1/2 2 2 1 |∇f | dx |∇f | dx R R , µ = sup inf , (8) λj = sup inf j 2 2 0 Hj f ∈Hj Hj0 f ∈Hj 1 |f | dx |f | dx where Hj are the subspaces of codimension j of the Sobolev space H 1 (1 ), and Hj0 are the subspaces of codimension j of the space H 1,0 (). Here H 1,0 () consists of the functions f ∈ H 1 () which vanish on the part of ∂ where the Dirichlet boundary condition is given. Since any function from H 1,0 () vanishes on ∂ ∩ 1 , the function continued by zero onto 1 \ belongs to H 1 (1 ), and therefore there is a natural inclusion Hj0 ⊂ Hj . From here and (8) it follows that 2 µj 6 λj for all j. This gives the assertion of the lemma.
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In the next lemma it will be convenient for us to write points x ∈
where I is the identity matrix, 0 is zero column. Let u = (u1 , u2 ) ∈ c1 , |∇f | 6 α it follows that c cα c cα |u|. (10) |Au| 6 |u1 | + |u1 | + |u2 | 6 1 + + c1 c1 c1 c1 Similarly one can rewrite the same diffeomorphism in the form x1 = x˜1 , x2 = f (x˜ 1 )x˜ 2 and estimate |A−1 u| from above. It gives the following inequality c c2 −1 |Au| > 1 + α + |u|. (11) c One can check directly from (9) that det A−1 = f/c. Thus c1 /c 6 det A−1 6 c2 /c.
From the relation R R 2 −1 2 ˜ |∇f | dx Dc |A∇x˜ f | | det A | dx R R = 2 2 −1 ˜ |f | dx Dc |f | | det A | dx and inequalities (10)–(12) it follows that R R R 2 2 |∇ f | d x ˜ |∇x˜ f |2 dx˜ x ˜ |∇f | dx c c D 2 Dc1 −2 1 Rc2 2 R (2 + α) 6 R 6 (2 + α) . 2 c2 Dc |f |2 dx˜ c1 Dc |f |2 dx˜ |f | dx 2
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Together with the mini-max principle (see (8)) this immediately gives the asser2 tion of the lemma. The next lemma looks very natural and obvious. However, we couldn’t find any reference and also didn’t find a short proof. Let ν = (ν1 , ν2 , . . . , νd ) be the unit external normal to ∂. Fix an arbitrary point x¯ = √ (x¯1 , . . . , x¯d ) ∈ ∂. Let νk be a coordinate of the vector ν at x¯ such that |νk | > 1/ d, z = (x1 , . . . , xk−1 , xk+1 , . . . , ¯ We xd ) ∈ 2√1 d near x. would like to show that this inequality is valid in a neighborhood of x¯ whose size depends not on ∂, but only on the dimension d and the constant r which bounds the sectional curvatures of ∂ (see condition br ). LEMMA 4. If sectional curvatures of ∂ do not exceed r then there is a part of ∂ which contains x¯ and has the form xk = F (z),
|z − z¯ | 6
r 10d
p √ with |∇F | 6 4d − 1 (and |νk | = 1/ 1 + |∇F |2 > 2√1 d ). Proof. The proof is based on the classical procedure of the local reconstruction of the surface in terms of the fundamental differential forms (1st and 2nd). Clearly, ¯ In local coordinates z the ∂ has the form xk = F (z) in some neighborhood of x. first G1 and the second G2 fundamental forms of the surface ∂ are given by the formulas ∂F ∂F , ∂zi ∂zj
G1 = gi,j (z) dzi dzj ,
gi,j = δi,j +
G2 = bi,j (z) dzi dzj ,
bi,j = (1 + |∇F |2 )−1/2
∂ 2F . ∂zi ∂zj
The Hilbert–Schmidt norm of the matrix [gi,j ] is equal to p k[gi,j ]k = d − 1 + 2|∇F |2 + |∇F |4 . From the boundedness of the sectional curvatures it follows that −[gi,j ] 6 r[bi,j ] 6 [gi,j ] (in the sense of forms), and therefore p rk[bi,j ]k 6 k[gi,j ]k 6 d − 1 + 2|∇F |2 + |∇F |4 . Let us estimate now the function L(z) = |∇F |. We have √ 2 1 + L2 ∂ F −1 ∇F = ∇L = L [bi,j ]∇F ∂zi ∂zj L
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and therefore
√ p 1 + L2 k[bi,j ]kL = 1 + L2 k[bi,j ]k |∇L| 6 L p 1p 6 1 + L2 d − 1 + 2L2 + L4 . r
The assertion of the lemma follows order to show that let √ from this inequality. Inp us mention first of all that L(¯z) 6 d − 1 because |νk | = 1/ 1 + |∇F |2 > √1d at r x. ¯ If the assertion of the lemma is incorrect then in the ball |z − z¯ | 6 10d there exist √ 0 points z where L = 4d − 1. Let √ z be one of the closest√to z¯ points of that type, r , L(z0 ) = 4d − 1 and L(z) < 4d − 1 if |z − z¯ | < ρ. i.e. ρ := |z0 − z¯ | 6 10d Then√ |∇L| in the ball |z − z¯ | 6 ρ does not exceed the right-hand side in (13) with L = 4d − 1, and therefore 1√ p 4d d − 1 + 2(4d − 1) + (4d − 1)2 ρ r √ 1 p 6 √ 16d 2 + d − 2 < d. 5 d √ √ √ 0 Then L(z ) < L(¯ z ) + d 6 d − 1 + d which contradicts the relation L(z0 ) = √ 4d − 1. Lemma 4 is proved. 2 |L(z0 ) − L(¯z)| 6
Proof of Theorem 1. Let us recall that the following estimates are valid for the counting functions N ± (λ) for the Neumann and Dirichlet Laplacian in the unit cube. There is a constant C = C(d) such that d
ad λ 2 + Cλ
d−1 2
> N + (λ) > N − (λ) > ad λ 2 − Cλ
d−1 2
λ > 1,
where (2π )d αd is the volume of the unit ball in N1+ (λ) > N1− (λ) √ √ > ad (1 λ)d − C(1 λ)d−1 , λ > 1. (15) Let us partition
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√ From (5) with ε = d1k it follows that (∂)√ √ d1k 6 A d|∂|(1k )1−d . mk 6 (1k )d
Due to the construction n0 6
√ nk 6 mk−1 2d 6 A2d d|∂|(1k−1 )1−d
|| , (10 )d
for k > 1. (17)
Since N − (λ) is not less than the sum of the counting functions for the Dirichlet Laplacian for any system of nonintersecting cubes which belong to , we have −
N (λ) >
nk N1−k (λ)
√ √ nk [ad (1k λ)d − C(1k λ)d−1 ],
λ > 1. (18)
PK d The sum k=0 nk (1k ) differs from || by not more than |(∂)ε | with ε = √ d1K . Together with (5) and (18) this leads to the following estimate K √ d d−1 X 2 2 nk (1k )d−1 . N (λ) > ad ||λ − ad A d1K |∂|λ − Cλ −
d 2
k=0 −K Taking √ into account the inequalities (17) and the fact that 1K = 2 10 = 2 r0 / d we get √ K d d d−1 d|| X √ − −K + 2A d|∂| N (λ) > ad ||λ 2 − ad A2 r0 |∂|λ 2 − Cλ 2 r0 k=1 √ √ d|| d d d−1 + 2AK d|∂| . = ad ||λ 2 − ad A2−K r0 |∂|λ 2 − Cλ 2 r0 −K
√ The number K was an arbitrary integer. √ We take K = [log2 (r0 λ)] (the maximum integer which does not exceed log2 (r0 λ)). Then we get √ d d−1 || N − (λ) > ad ||λ 2 − C1 (d)λ 2 A|∂| ln(r0 λ) + A|∂| + , r0 λ > 1. (20) In order to estimate N − (λ) from above we use the same partition of
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these cuts with the Neumann boundary conditions on them decrease the eigenvalues of the Laplacian in and therefore increase the counting function. Thus, N − (λ) for does not exceed the sum of the counting functions of the Laplacian in all subdomains constructed above with the Dirichlet boundary condition on ∂ and the Neumann boundary conditions on all other boundaries of the subdomains. Due to Lemma 2 we can replace here the counting functions of the problems in j by the counting functions of the Neumann Laplacian in the cubes containing j , and also replace the Dirichlet boundary condition by the Neumann boundary condition on the faces of the cubes which belong to ∂. This leads to the following estimate N − (λ) 6
nk N1+k (λ) + mK N1+K (λ)
√ √ √ nk [ad (1k λ)d + C(1k λ)d−1 ] + mK [ad (1K λ)d +
√ + C(1K λ)d−1 ].
PK d d The sum √ k=0 nk (1k ) + mK (1K ) differs from || by not more than |(∂)ε | with ε = d1K . Together with (5) and (21) it leads to the following estimate √ d d N − (λ) 6 ad ||λ 2 + ad A d1K |∂|λ 2 + X K d−1 d−1 d−1 . (22) nk (1k ) + mK (1K ) + Cλ 2 k=0
The estimate −
d 2
N (λ) 6 ad ||λ + C2 (d)λ λ > 1,
d−1 2
√ || A|∂|[ln(r0 λ)]+ + A|∂| + , r0 (23)
follows from (22) in the same way as (20) from (19). Together with (20) it proves the assertion of the theorem about N − (λ) (the estimate (6)). Now we are going to prove (7). First of all let us mention that the estimate (5) with r0 = r follows from the br condition, so we will replace r0 by r when we consider the Neumann Laplacian. Since N + (λ) > N − (λ) the estimate (20) for N + (λ) (from below) is valid, and √ therefore it is only left to prove the estimate (23) for N + (λ) (from above) when λ > 20d/r. The last estimate for N + (λ) can be proved in the same way as for N − (λ). The main difference is that now we can not use Lemma 2 in order to estimate the counting function Nj− (λ) of the Neumann Laplacian in j . It will be done using Lemma 3. It leads also to the necessity to change slightly the partition of which was used earlier. We start with the same partition of into the set consisting of n0 cubes of the size 10 = √rd , n1 cubes of the size 11 = 12 10 , n2 cubes of the size 12 = 14 10 , . . . ,
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nK cubes of the size 1K = 2−K 10 , and mK domains j , 1 6 j 6 mK , which are the intersections of and those cubes Cj of the size 1K which have nonempty intersections with ∂. We replace the domains j in this partition by the set of domains Ql , 1 6 l 6 L, which will be described in the next couple of paragraphs. Each j will be covered by the union of the domains Ql : [ Ql , 1 6 j 6 mK , (24) j ⊂ and therefore the closures of the cubes and domains Ql cover . Thus, from the mini-max principle it immediately follows that +
N (λ) 6
nk N1+k (λ)
l=L X
NQ+l (λ),
where N1+k (λ) and NQ+l (λ) are the counting functions of the Neumann Laplacian in the cube of √the size 1k and the domain Ql , respectively. As earlier,√we choose K = [log2 (r λ)] (the maximum integer which does not exceed log2 (r λ)). Then, in particular, 1K 6 √2dλ . Now we construct the domains Ql . Let ν = (ν1 , ν2 , . . . , νd ) be the outward unit normal to ∂. We fix an arbitrary point √ x¯ ∈ ∂ ∩ Cj . Let νk be a coordinate of the vector ν at x¯ such that |νk | > 1/ √d. Without loss of the generality we can assume that νk is positive, i.e. νk > 1/ d. Let x 0 = (x1 , . . . , xk−1 , xk+1 , . . . , xd ), ¯ and Cj0 be the projection of the cube Cj on the x¯ 0 correspond to the point x, hyperplane xk = 0. The length l of the largest diagonal of Cj0 does not exceed √ √ r d − 11K < √2λ . Thus l 6 10d because λ > 20d/r. Then from Lemma 4 it follows that there is a part of ∂ containing x¯ which is given by the equation xk = F (x 0 ), and νk >
1 √ 2 d
x 0 ∈ Cj0 ,
there. Let
Q1 = {x : x 0 ∈ Cj0 , a − 2(d + 1)1K < xk < F (x 0 )},
where a is the xk coordinate of the lower (if the direction of xk axis is vertical) face of the cube Cj . Then we pick another point x¯ ∈ ∂ ∩ Cj which does not belong to Q1 and construct the next domain Q2 using this new point x. ¯ We continue this procedure until at least in one of the cubes Cj there is a point x¯ ∈ ∂ ∩ Cj which does not belong to the closure of domains Qj already constructed. Now we are going to derive the following properties of the domains Qj : (1) the following inequality holds: |F (x 0 ) − a| 6 (2d + 1)1K ,
x 0 ∈ Cj0 .
In particular, it means that domain (26) is well defined. (2) All domains Qj belong to .
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(3) Each of the domains j (see (24)) is covered by the union of not more than 2d of the domains Qj and therefore the second sum in (25) contains no more than 2d mK terms. p √ Let us recall that |∇F | 6 4d − 1 when x 0 ∈ Cj 0 (since νk = 1/√ 1 + |∇F |2 > √ 1 0 0 √ ). From here it follows that |F (x ) − F ( x ¯ )| 6 4d − 1l < 2 dl < 2d1K . 2 d 0 ¯ and therefore This proves (27) because F (x¯ ) is the coordinate x¯k of the point x, |F (x¯ 0 )−a| 6 1K . In order to prove the second property let us consider an arbitrary point x˜ = (F (x 0 ), x 0 ) on the upper (we consider direction of the xk axis as vertical) boundary of Q1 . Let b be the ball of radius r which belongs to and touches ∂ at x. ˜ In particular, the vertical secant of this ball with the upper end at x˜ belongs to ˜ the length . Since νk > 2√1 d for the coordinate νk of the normal ν to the ball at x, √ of this secant is not less than r/ d. Thus r 0 0 0 0 x : x ∈ Cj , F (x ) − √ < xk < F (x ) ⊂ , d and the second property of Qj will be proved once we show that r F (x 0 ) − √ < a − 2(d + 1)1K . d √ Due to (27) it is enough to show that r/ d > 4(d K , but this inequality √ + 1)1√ follows immediately from the facts that 1K 6 2/ dλ, and λ > 20d/r. Let us prove the last property of Qj . Let two different domains Qj1 and Qj2 correspond to the same cube Cj and have the form (26) with the same k, but different functions F (x 0 ). Since the lower faces of the domains are the same, and upper parts of the boundaries can’t intersect (∂ is smooth), one of the domains has to contain the other. Thus the upper part of the boundary of the smaller domain belongs to the interior of the bigger one, and therefore it belongs to and can’t be a part of ∂. It contradicts the procedure used for the construction of the domains Qj . Thus the number of the domains Qj which are related to the same cube Cj can not be bigger than the number of the faces of the cube. All the three properties of the domains Qj are now proved. The first sum in the right-hand side of (25) and the first sum in the first of inequalities (21) are identical, and since (21) leads to (23), from (25) it follows that √ || d d−1 + 2 2 A|∂| ln(r λ) + A|∂| + + N (λ) 6 ad ||λ + C2 (d)λ r l=L X + NQ+l (λ), (28) l=1
where L 6 2d mK and λ > 20d/r. From (26), √ (27) and the estimate |∇F | 6 √ 4d − 1 it follows that Lemma 3 with α = 4d − 1, c1 = 1K and c2 = 2(d +
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1)1K can be applied to NQ+l (λ), and therefore p p NQ+l (λ) 6 N1+K (c(d)λ) 6 ad (1K c(d)λ)d + C(1K c(d)λ)d−1 6 C(d) (29) √ because 1K 6 2/ dλ. The estimate from above for N + (λ) follows from (28), 2 (29) and (16) with k = K. The proof of the theorem is complete.
3. Asymptotics of N − (λ) for Cabbage Type Domains This class of domains was singled out in our work [13], and it consists of bounded domains with smooth outer boundaries and a sequence of ‘cracks’ which converge to the outer boundary. The exact definition is the following. DEFINITION 5. We say that is a domain of the cabbage type if = 0 \
∞ [
0n ,
where 0 is a bounded domain given by the equation 0 = {x : F (x) > 0} with F ∈ C 2 and |∇F | 6= 0 when 0 6 F (x) 6 1, and the ‘cracks’ 0n are given by the relations 0n = {x : F (x) = n−α , x ∈ 1 }, where α > 0 is an arbitrary fixed positive constant, and 1 is a domain with a smooth boundary which is transversal to ∂0 or 0 ⊂ 1 . In fact, all the results below are valid for a wider class of domains. We can consider several sequences of the cracks given by the relations 0n,j = {x : Gj (x)F (x) = n−α , x ∈ j }, 1 6 j 6 k, where Gj ∈ C 2 , Gj 6= 0 on ∂0 , or can admit cracks which are transversal to ∂0 if in some sense their measure is less than the measure of the sequences {0n,j }. However, for the sake of simplicity we restrict ourselves to the class of domains given in the definition. Let us stress that the fractality of the cabbage type domains has a ‘one dimensional’ structure. This is essential since there are examples [11, 13], showing that our main result (Theorem 7 below) fails if the domain contains too many cracks transversal to ∂0 such that the fractality of the domain loses its one dimensional structure. The following assertion was proved in our paper [13]: THEOREM 6. If is a cabbage type domain then ∂ is Minkowski measurable, its dimension is given by the formula: m = m(∂) = d − 1 +
1 1+α
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and the Minkowski content is Z −1 |∂|m = c(α) |∇F (x)| 1+α dS,
0 = ∂0 ∩ 1 , c(α) = (2/α) 1+α (1 + α).
The main result of this section is the following. THEOREM 7. Let be a cabbage type domain. Then N − (λ) = (2π )−d Bd ||λd/2 − c(d, m)|∂|m λm/2 + o(λm/2 ), where c(d, m) =
1 , 2(1+α) )Bd−1 αB( d−1 2 α
2d+ 1+α π d− 1+α
1 −ς 1+α
λ → ∞,
and Bp is the volume of the unit ball in
n∗ = [λ 2(α+1) ln−2 λ],
0n where [a] is the integer part of a. Let e 0n = {x : F (x) = 1/nα }. We have 0n ⊂ e (0n = e 0n ∩ 1 ). We impose the Dirichlet boundary condition on the surfaces e 0n with n > n∗ . Thus the larger part of is covered by the domains Dn , n 6 n∗ , which are determined by the inequalities: D1 = {x : F (x) > 1}, Dn = {x : 1/(n − 1)α > F (x) > 1/nα } for n > 1. The number n∗ is chosen in such √ a way that the ‘widths’ of the domains Dn , n 6 n∗ , are much bigger than 1/ λ. In fact the distance −(α+1) between e 0n and e 0√ ) as n → ∞. Thus this distance is greater n−1 has order O(n 2(α+1) ∗ λ/ λ if n 6 n . than C ln The remaining part 0 of is very close to the outer boundary of the domain . In fact, this part belongs to (const. · L)-neighborhood of ∂0 where L = (n∗ )−α = −α O(λ 2(α+1) ln2α λ). Let x = x(t, x0 ) be solution curves of the system ∇F (x) dx , = dt |∇F (x)|2
x(0) = x0 ∈ ∂0 .
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S Then the domain 0 = 0 \ n6n∗ Dn can be described by the inequalities 0 < t < (n∗ )−α , x0 ∈ ∂0 and the surfaces 0n , n > n∗ , are given by the relations t = n−α , x(t, x0 ) ∈ 1 . We cut ∂0 into small domains us of ‘size’ δ, and then split 0 into domains Us for which 0 < t < (n∗ )−α , x0 ∈ us . We specify δ and the domains Us below. We impose the Dirichlet boundary condition on all the new boundaries. Then from the mini-max principle it follows that X X ND−n (λ) + N−0 (λ), N−0 (λ) > NU−s (λ). (32) N − (λ) > n6n∗
We apply Theorem 1 in order to find ND−n (λ). Only the main terms of the asymptotics of ND−n (λ) contribute to the asymptotics of N − (λ). Since the asymptotic expansions given in Theorem 1 are uniform with respect to domains, we can estimate the sum of the remainders and show that this sum does not exceed the remainder term in the asymptotics of N − (λ). Indeed, from Theorem 1 it follows that there exist constants C and r independent of n such that |ND−n (λ) − (2π )−d Bd |Dn |λn/2 | 6 Cλ
n−1 2
ln λ,
λ > r,
and therefore, X X − −d n/2 N (λ) − (2π ) B λ |D | d n D n n6n∗
6 Cn∗ λ
n−1 2
ln λ 6 Cλ
n− α 2 2(α+1)
ln−1 λ,
λ > r.
In order to estimate the counting functions for the Dirichlet Laplacian in domains Us we use the new system of coordinates (t, y) where y = (y1 , . . . , yn−1 ) are local coordinates on ∂0 and t is the parameter along trajectories of the system (31). In the new coordinates the Laplacian becomes an elliptic operator with variable coefficients, but the domains Us have very simple geometrical shapes. We choose δ so small that we can fix coefficients of the operator when studying the problem in each of these domains. Thus we reduce the problems in Us to the problems for operators with constant coefficients which can be solved by separation of variables. The first two terms of asymptotics of the counting functions for these operators with constant coefficients contribute to the asymptotic expansions for N − (λ). On the other hand δ has to be not very small, so that the measure of new boundaries is not very large, and the contribution from the new boundaries does 1 not affect the main terms of asymptotics of N − (λ). We choose δ = O(λ 4(α+1) ). Now we specify the domains us (and therefore, Us ). We introduce the local coordinates y = (y1 , . . . , yn−1 ) on ∂0 in a special way. We start with a ‘triangulation’ of the boundary ∂0 of domain 0 , but we use a cube as a standard polyhedron instead of a simplex, i.e. we cut ∂0 into a finite system of domains Qj ⊂ ∂0 , 1 6 j 6 m0 , which are diffeomorphic to a cube v of the unit size in
1 6 j 6 m0 .
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We can assume that diffeomorphisms (34) can be extended: fj ⊂ ∂0 , 1 6 j 6 m0 , v→Q ϕj : e
fj are neighborhoods of v and Qj , respectively. Since ∂0 ∈ C we where e v and Q may assume that diffeomorphisms (35) belong to the class C 2 . We divide cube v into 2d−1 equal cubes of the size 1/2, then we divide each of them into 2d−1 equal −1 cubes of the size 1/4, and so on, until the size δ of the cubes is less than λ 4(α+1) . Thus −1 −1 1 4(α+1) 6 δ 6 λ 4(α+1) . (36) λ 2 We denote by us , 1 6 s 6 M = m0 δ 1−d , the images of the small cubes of the size δ under the actions of the diffeomorphisms (34) and by vs the corresponding cubes of the size δ. (M = m0 δ 1−d since the cube v contains exactly δ 1−d cubes of the size serve as the δ, and each of them is counted m0 times.) Coordinates y in v ∈ n∗ (which correspond to 0n ). We numerate these sliced boxes by subindexes s with M1 < s 6 M2 . The remaining domains Vs , M2 < s < M = m0 δ 1−d , correspond to Us that have nonempty intersections with ∂1 , and some of the cuts t = n−α are incomplete there. We extend the cuts in these type of domains (and we extend 0n in the corresponding Us ) to all values of y ∈ vs . We impose the Dirichlet boundary condition on all additional cuts. The inequalities (32) are still valid. Thus all the domains Vs , s > M1 , have a similar structure which differs of the structure of the domains Vs with s 6 M1 . To keep this difference in mind we rewrite (32) in the form: X X ND−n (λ) + NU−s (λ) + N − (λ) > 2
s 6M1
NU−s (λ),
M = m0 δ 1−d .
M1 <s 6M
Now we show that the sum of (d − 1)-dimensional measures of the domains us with M2 < s 6 M does not exceed Cδ: X |us | 6 Cδ. (39) M2 <s 6M
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In particular, from here it follows that [ 6 Cδ, \0 u s
where 0 = ∂0 ∩1. To show (39) let us consider 0 0 = ∂0 ∩∂1 (the edge of 0) and let (0 0 )ε be the set of points x on ∂0 such that the distance ρ(x, 0 0 ) < ε. Since ∂0 and ∂1 are transversal there exists a constant A such that the trajectories of the problem (37) emitted from ∂0 \(0 0 )ε with ε = A(n∗ )−α do not intersect ∂1 when 0 6 t 6 (n∗ )−α . Thus domains us with M2 < s 6 M have nonempty intersections with (0 0 )ε , ε = A(n∗ )−α . If we also take into account that domains us are small (they are the images of cubes vs under the action of diffeomorphisms (34)) we will get that us with M2 < s 6 M belong to (0 0 )ε with ε = A(n∗ )−α +Cδ. Since δ > (n∗ )−α for λ large enough (see (36) and (30)) we obtain (39). Now we study the counting function NU−s (λ) for the Laplacian in small domains Us were local coordinates can be used. The first step is to write the Laplacian in (t, y) coordinates. Let X (41) = (xk )yi (xk )yj gi,j = gi,j (t, y) = hxyi , xyj i k
and let [g i,j ] = [g i,j (t, y)] = [gi,j (t, y)]−1 be the inverse matrix. Let J = J (t, y) =
1 p det[gi,j ]. |∇F |
1 ∂ ∂ 2 ∂ i,j ∂ . Jg 1 = P (t, y, ∂t , ∂y ) = J |∇F | + J ∂t ∂t ∂yi ∂yj
The important feature of this formula is the absence of the mixed derivatives in the right-hand side. This formula can be found in many books, but for the sake of completeness xt we shall prove it∗ here. Let z = (t, y) and A be the Jacoby matrix A = [xz ] = xy . Then dx = A dz and ∂2 ∂t ∂yi
|dx|2 = hA∗ dz, A∗ dzi = hAA∗ dz, dzi. Similarly ∇x = A−1 ∇z and 1 = (∇x )2 = hA−1 ∇z , A−1 ∇z i = h∇z , (AA∗ )−1 ∇z i + Q,
where Q is an operator containing only the first order derivatives. Since 1 is a symmetric operator, R it is a symmetric operator in the new coordinates with the dot product hu, vi = uv| det A| dz. Together with (44), this leads immediately to 1=
1 h∇z , (det A)(AA∗ )−1 ∇z i. det A
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Since xt and xy are orthogonal we have |∇F |−2 0 |xt |2 0 ∗ = . AA = 0 gi,j 0 gi,j
From here it follows that det A = J . Together with (45) and (46) it proves (43). Thus NU−s (λ) = NV−s (λ),
where NV−s (λ) is the counting function for the Dirichlet problem in Vs for the operator (43). We would like to compare the eigenvalues of the Dirichlet problem in Vs for operators P (t, y, ∂t , ∂y ) and P (0, y0 , ∂t , ∂y ), where y0 is the center of the cube vs which is the base for Vs . We will use the following simple consequence of the mini-max principle. Let Pi =
1 h∇z , Bi (z)∇z i, bi (z)
z = (t, y) ∈ V , i = 1, 2,
be two elliptic operators in a bounded domain V such that 0 < b1 (z) 6 b2 (z), the matrices B1 (z), B2 (z) are symmetric and positive, B1 (z) > B2 (z). Let λi,1 < λi,2 6 λi,3 6 · · · be eigenvalues of the Dirichlet problem for operators Pi in V . Then λ1,j > λ2,j , j = 1, 2, 3, . . . . This assertion follows immediately from the fact that R hBi (z)f, f i dz 1/2 V R , λi,j = inf sup 2 Hj f ∈Hj V |f | bi (z) dz where Hj are j -dimensional subspaces of the space H 0,1 . Here f ∈ H 0,1 if f belongs to the Sobolev space H 1 (V ) and f = 0 on ∂V . Thus if Ni− (λ) are the counting functions for the Dirichlet problem for operators Pi in V , then N1− (λ) 6 N2− (λ).
Let us write operator P (see (43)) in the form (48): 1 |∇F |2 0 , z = (t, y) ∈ Vs , h∇z , B(t, y)∇z i, B = P = 0 g i,j J (t, y) where 0 < t < (n∗ )−α and |y − y0 | 6 δ for z ∈ Vs . From (30), (36) it follows that δ > (n∗ )−α , and therefore there is a constant c such that J (t, y) > J (0, y0 )(1 − cδ),
B(t, y) 6 B(0, y0 )(1 − cδ)−1 as (t, y) ∈ Vs . (50)
This leads to (49) for the operators P1 = (1 − cδ)−2 P (0, y0 , ∂t , ∂y ), P2 = P (t, y, ∂t , ∂y ). Thus NV−s (λ) > Ns− ((1 − cδ)2 λ),
λ > 1,
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where Ns− (λ) is the counting function for the Dirichlet problem for the operator P (0, y0 , ∂t , ∂y ) in Vs . Together with (47) and (36) this gives −1 2 (52) NV−s (λ) > Ns− 1 − cλ 4(α+1) λ , λ > 1. Now we are going to study the counting function Ns− (λ) for the operator P (0, y0 , ∂t , ∂y ) = (|∇F |2 )(0, y0 )
∂2 ∂2 i,j + g (0, y ) 0 (∂t)2 ∂yi ∂yj
in Vs . First we consider the more complicated case when s > M1 . The variables t and y in the Dirichlet problem for operator (53) in the domain Vs can be separated, i.e., the eigenvalues have the form τk + νl where τk are the eigenvalues of the corresponding one-dimensional (Sturm–Liouville) problem for the operator 2 σ 2 dtd 2 , σ = |∇F |(0, y0 ), and νl are the eigenvalues of the Dirichlet problem for the operator ∂y∂ i g i,j (0, y0 ) ∂y∂ j in the cube vs . Thus Ns− (λ) is the convolution Ns− (λ)
Z =
N (λ − τ ) dN (τ ) 1
Z =
N (λ − τ ) dN (τ ) 2
of the counting functions (we denote them by N 1 (λ) and N 2 (λ), respectively) for the corresponding one-dimensional problem and the problem in the cube vs . Let us specify the one-dimensional problem. Domain Vs is sliced into the thinner domains by the cuts t = n−α , n > n∗ . Thus N 1 (λ) is the eigenvalue counting function for the problem d2 u = λu, 0 < t < (n∗ )−α , t 6= n−α ; dt 2 u(0) = u(n−α ) = 0, n > n∗ .
Problem (55) is the Sturm–Liouville problem on the set of the intervals (n−α , (n + 1)−α ), n > n∗ . Two terms of the asymptotic expansion of N 1 (λ) are found by Lapidus [9] in the case when n∗ does not depend on λ. The expansion is expressed through the Minkowski measure of the sequence of the points n−α , n > n∗ , and it has the following form √ N 1 (λ) = (π σ )−1 L λ + π −µ ζ(µ)(α/σ )µλµ/2 + o(λµ/2 ), λ → ∞. (56) Here L = (n∗ )−α is the length of the set of the intervals in (55), µ = 1/(α + 1) is the Minkowski measure of the end points of the intervals, ζ(·) is the Riemann zeta-function, and coefficient for λµ/2 can be expressed through the Minkowski content of the sequence {n−α }. Since 0 < µ < 1 the value of the function ζ(τ ) = P ∞ −τ , Re τ > 1, at the point τ = µ can be written in the form j =1 j Z ∞ 1 ([x]−µ − x −µ ) dx, (57) ζ(µ) = + µ−1 1
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where [x] is the integer part of x. One may verify that the Lapidus result and its proof remain valid if n∗ = n∗ (λ) tends to infinity sufficiently slow. In particular, formula (56) is valid when n∗ is given by (30). The standard Weyl formula is valid for the eigenvalue counting function N 2 (λ) 2 for the operator Q = g i,j (0, y0 ) ∂y∂i ∂yj in vs : (2π )1−d Bd−1 |vs | d−1 d−2 λ 2 +O λ 2 as λ → ∞, N 2 (λ) = p det[g i,j (0, y0 )]
where Bd−1 is the volume of the unit ball in λ0 , where C and λ0 do not depend on s. However we can not get (59) by direct reference to Theorem 1 since the estimate (59) concerns to operator Q but not the Laplacian. Let us show that (59) holds. Since Q has constant coefficients there is a linear transformation T of |∂vs0 | > |∂vs |, i,j i,j det[g (0, y0 )] det[g (0, y0 )] ρ ρ > ρ0 > √ , √ λmax λmin where λmax , λmin are the maximal and the minimal eigenvalues of [g i,j (0, y0 )]. In particular, from here it follows that (∂vs0 )ε (ε-neighborhood of ∂vs0 ) is contained in the image of (∂vs )ε/√λmin . Estimate (5) with r0 = 1 is valid for the cube v of the unit A = A0 . size, and therefore it is valid for vs with r0 = δ and with the same constant√ Then from the properties of the transformation T , it follows that for ε 6 λmin δ (∂vs )ε/√λ Aε|(∂vs )| min 0 6p |(∂vs )ε | 6 T (∂vs )ε/√λmin 6 p i,j det[g (0, y0 )] λmin det[g i,j ] Aε |∂v 0 |, 6 λmin s
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√ i.e. (5) is valid for vs0 with r0 = λmin δ and A = A0 /λmin. It allows us to apply Theorem 1 to the Dirichlet Laplacian in vs0 . Taking into account the existence of constants a, b independent of y0 such that b√> λmax > √ λmin > a > 0 we get (59) λ > 1/( aδ) (see (6)) and (36). where λ0 can be found from the inequality √ Due to (36) we can replace ln(δ λ) by ln λ in the right-hand side of (59). Using also relations, |vs | = δ d−1, |∂vs | = 2d−1 δ d−2 we get (2π )1−d Bd−1 |vs | d−1 N 2 (λ) = p λ 2 + n(λ); det[g i,j (0, y0 )] λ > λ0 ,
|n(λ)| 6 Cδ d−2 λ
d−2 2
√ λ, (60)
where C and λ0 do not depend on s, and Bd−1 is the volume of the unit ball in
There are no difficulties in evaluating the convolution of the main terms of (56), (60): Z λ d −1 d − 1 k + 2 d−1+k k d−1 λ 2 (λ − τ ) 2 dτ 2 = B , 2 2 2 0 k d + 1 k d−1+k = B (63) , λ 2 . 2 2 2 R1 Here k = 1 or k = µ, and B is the beta-function, i.e. B(p, q) = 0 x p−1 (1 − x)q−1 dx. Thus, from (60), (56) and (54)–(63) it follows that d−1+µ
Ns− (λ) = As,1 (π σ )−1Lλ 2 + As,µ π −µ ζ(µ)(α/σ )µ λ 2 + d−1+µ d−1 + δ n−2 O λ 2 ln λ + |vs |o λ 2 , λ → ∞,
where s > M1 and 1 µ= , α+1
σ = |∇F |(0, y0 ),
, k2 )Bd−1 |vs | kB( d+1 2 p . = 2(2π )d−1 det[g i,j (0, y0 )]
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It is important that here and in all formulae below the estimates of the remainders O(·) and o(·) are uniform with respect to s. We are going to express the coefficients in (64) through the volume |Us | of the domain Us ⊂ 0 and (d − 1)-dimensional measure of its base us ⊂ ∂0 . Recall that the Jacobian det A, where A = [ dtdxdy ], is equal to the function (42) (see (46)), and one can replace det[gi,j ] by (det[g i,j ])−1 in (42). Taking also into account that diameter of the domain Us and diameter of its image Vs in (t, y) coordinates do not exceed Cδ (see the arguments used for (50)) we get det A =
1 p + O(δ) for (t, y) ∈ Vs , σ det[g i,j (0, y0 )]
and therefore |Us | =
|Vs | p + O(δ|Vs |). σ det[g i,j (0, y0 )]
Since L = (n∗ )−α (see (56)) is the height of the domain Vs and vs is its base we can replace |Vs | in (65) by L|vs | and then specify the remainder with the help of (36) −α and relations |vs | = δ d−1 and (30). Thus O(δ|Vs |) = O(δ d L) = δ d−1 o(λ 2(α+1) ), and from (65) it follows that d−1+µ L|vs | p (66) = |Us | + δ n−1 o λ 2 , λ → ∞. σ det[g i,j (0, y0 )] Now if we also take into account that B( d+1 , 12 )Bd−1 = Bd we can rewrite the first 2 term in the right-hand side of (64) in the form d−1+µ d (2π )−d Bd |Us |λ 2 + δ d−1o λ 2 , λ → ∞. In order to simplify the coefficient of the second term in the right-hand side of (64) we have to note first of all that from (37) it follows that dS = (det A)|∇F | dy, where dS is (d − 1)-dimensional measure of an element of the surface ∂0 . Thus Z Z 1 1 p dy. dS = µ us |∇F (0, y)| vs |∇F (0, y)|µ det[g i,j (0, y)] From here similarly to (66) it follows that Z |vs | 1 p dS + δ d−1 o(1), = µ µ i,j |∇F (0, y)| σ det[g (0, y0 )] us
λ → ∞.
We use this relation to simplify the second term in the right-hand side of (64). d−1+µ Since the last two terms in (64) can be written in the form δ d−1 o(λ 2 ) formula (64) implies Ns− (λ) = (2π )−d Bd |Us |λ 2 − as (d, µ)λ d−1+µ + δ d−1 o λ 2 , λ → ∞, d
d−1+µ 2
+ (67)
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where , µ2 )Bd−1 µB( d+1 2 as (d, µ) = − ζ(µ)α µ 2d (π )d−1+µ
Z us
1 dS > 0 |∇F (0, y)|µ
(the constant is positive because ζ(µ) < 0). Now let us take the sum of equalities (67) with respect to all s ∈ (M1 , M]. Since the decay of the remainders o(·) in (67) is uniform with respect to s and d−1+µ M = m0 δ 1−d (see (38)), the sum of the remainders has the order o(λ 2 ). From (40) it follows that Z XZ 1 1 dS = dS + O(δ). µ µ |∇F (0, y)| 0 |∇F (0, y)| s<M us 1
Thus X
Ns− (λ)
= (2π ) Bd
d−1+µ d |Us | λ 2 − a(d, µ)λ 2 +
+o λ
d−1+µ 2
λ → ∞,
where µB( d+1 , µ2 )Bd−1 2 a(d, µ) = − ζ(µ)α µ 2d (π )d−1+µ
Z 0
(68) 1 dS > 0. |∇F |µ
The asymptotic expansion for Ns− (λ) with s 6 M1 can be obtained similarly to (67). The only difference is that the one dimensional Sturm–Liouville problem now is much simpler. It is the problem on the interval (0, L), but not on the system of intervals as in (55). The eigenvalue counting function N 1 (λ) for this problem can be found immediately, and it has the form (56), but without the middle term in the right-hand side (in fact, the remainder also can be specified). It leads to the analog of (67), but without the middle term in the right-hand side. Correspondingly (68) holds if the limits of the summations are changed to s 6 M1 and the middle term in the right-hand side is omitted. Together with (68) it gives the following result: X d−1+µ d Ns− (λ) = (2π )−d Bd |0 |λ 2 − a(d, µ)λ 2 + s 6M
+o λ
d−1+µ 2
λ → ∞.
(70) −α 2(α+1)
Let us note that |0 | has the order O((n∗ )−α ) = O(λ ln λ2α ) which is the P −1 ‘thickness’ of the domain 0 . Thus s 6M Ns− ((1 − λ 4(α+1) )2 λ) also has the form (70). Together with (52) this implies X d−1+µ d NV−s (λ) > (2π )−d Bd |0 |λ 2 − a(d, µ)λ 2 + s 6M
+o λ
d−1+µ 2
λ → ∞.
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Together with (32) and (33) this gives the estimate for N − (λ) from below: d−1+µ d−1+µ d N − (λ) > (2π )−d Bd ||λ 2 − a(d, µ)λ 2 + o λ 2 , λ → ∞. (72) 1 (see (56)), and a(d, µ) is given by (69) and (57). It is obvious that Here µ = 1+α Theorem 7 will be proved if we get the same estimate for N − (λ) from above. As we mentioned in the beginning of the proof of Theorem 7 the estimate of N − (λ) from above can be proved absolutely similarly to (72). Now we describe the changes which we need to make to get the estimate from above. First of all we impose the Neumann but not the Dirichlet boundary condition on e 0n = {x : F (x) = n−α }, n 6 n∗ . Then from the mini-max principle we have the following inequality instead of (32): X ND+n (λ) + N0 (λ), N − (λ) 6 n6n∗
where N0 (λ) is the counting function of the Laplacian in 0 with the Dirichlet 0n∗ . boundary condition on e 0n , n < n∗ , and the Neumann boundary condition on e Then similarly to (33) (using the second assertion of the Theorem 1 instead of the first one), we have X X n α + −d n/2 NDn (λ) − (2π ) Bd λ |Dn | 6 Cλ 2 − 2(α+1) ln−1 λ, λ > r. n6n∗
In order to get an estimate for N0 (λ) from above we could try to split 0 into the set of domains {Us } which was used earlier and impose the Neumann boundary condition instead of the Dirichlet condition on all additional boundaries. However, this approach will not work because the boundaries of the bases us of the domains Us are not smooth, and we will not be able to use Theorem 1 to get an analog of (64) in the case of the Neumann boundary conditions. Thus we use a covering of es with bases e us instead of the splitting of 0 . 0 by domains U It is not difficult to construct a family of neighborhoods v h , 0 < h < 1, of the cube v ∈
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for each cube vs , 1 6 s 6 M = m0 δ 1−d , of the size δ, introduced earlier, and us be the image of e vs under the action of denote these neighborhoods by e vs . Let e es be the subdomain of 0 given the corresponding diffeomorphism (35), and let U us . It is in local coordinatesS(see (37)) by the relations 0 < t < (n∗ )−α , ϕ(y) ∈ e es . We impose the Neumann boundary condition on the obvious that 0 ⊂ s 6M U es . Then lateral sides (ϕ(y) ∈ ∂e us ) of U X N0 (λ) 6 NUes (λ), s 6M
es with where NUes (λ) is the eigenvalue counting function for the Laplacian in U ∗ the Neumann boundary conditions on the top part (which belongs to 0n ) of the boundary and on the lateral part of the boundary, and with the Dirichlet boundary conditions on the base and the cuts 0n , n > n∗ . es in the (t, y) coordinates. As earlier we have es the image of U We denote by V es . The domains of the first type are cylinders (0, (n∗ )−α ) three types of domains V es ∩ 1 = ∅), the domains of the second type are similar ×e us (it is the case when V es ⊂ 1 ) and cylinders sliced by the cuts t = n−α , n > n∗ (it is the case when V the domains of the third type are the cylinders in which some of the cuts are not es ∩ ∂1 6= ∅). We complete, i.e. the cuts exist not for all values of y ∈ e us (if V e delete all the cuts in the third type of domains Vs , so they will have the same form as the domains of the first type (earlier we continued these cuts to get the estimate of N − (λ) from below). Then we get the analog of (38): X X X N − (λ) 6 ND+n (λ) + NUes (λ) + NUes (λ), n6n∗
s 6m1
m1 <s 6M
es of the where the middle term in the right-hand side corresponds to domains U e first and third type and the last term corresponds to domains Us of the second type (which are sliced by the cuts). After the change of the variables x → (t, y) we get the analog of (47): NUes (λ) = NVes (λ), es with the Dirichlet where NVes (λ) is the counting function for the operator (43) in V boundary condition on that part of the boundary where we had this condition in x coordinates, and with the Neumann type boundary condition of the form h∇z , (AA∗ )−1 νi = 0 on the other part of the boundary (where we had the usual Neumann boundary condition in x coordinates). Here ν is the normal to the boundes . ary of V Inequality (49) for the counting function holds for operators (48) when the Dirichlet boundary condition is imposed on some part of the boundary and the Neumann type boundary condition h∇z , Bi−1 νi = 0 holds on the remaining part of the boundary. Thus similarly to (52) we have: −1 2 NVes (λ) 6 Ns 1 + cλ 4(α+1) λ , λ > 1,
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es with the Neuwhere Ns (λ) is the counting function for the operator (53) in V ∗ −1 mann type boundary condition of the form h∇z , [(AA ) (0, y0 )]νi = 0 on the es and with the Dirichlet boundary condition on the lateral side and on the top of V e remaining part of ∂ Vs . As earlier the variables t and y can be separated when we study Ns (λ), and it leads to an analog of (54), (56) and (59): Z λ N 1 (λ − τ ) dN 2 (τ ). Ns (λ) = 0
Here N 1 (λ) has the form (56) if s > m1 or the same form without the middle term vs | and |∂e vs | instead of in the right-hand side if s 6 m1 , and estimate (59) with |e |vs | and |∂vs | is valid for N 2 (λ). To get the expansion (56) for N 1 (λ), we have to note only that the change of the boundary condition (from the Dirichlet to the Neumann) in (55) at one point t = (n∗ )−α does not effect the main terms of the expansion (56). To get the estimate for N 2 (λ) we use the same linear transformation T :
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Ivrii, V. Ja.: Precise Spectral Asymptotics for Elliptic Operators, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1100, 1984. 8. Lapidus, M. L.: Fractal drum, inverse spectral problems for elliptic operators and a partial resolution of the Weyl–Berry conjecture, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 325 (1991), 465–529. 9. Lapidus, M. L.: Spectral and fractal geometry: From Weyl–Berry conjecture for the vibrations of fractal drums to the Riemann zeta-function, in Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics, Proc. UAB Intern. Conf. (Birmingham, 1990), Academic Press, New York, 1992, pp. 151–182. 10. Lapidus, M. L. and Fleckinger-Pellé, J.: Tambour fractal: vers une résolution de la conjecture de Weyl–Berry pour les valeurs propresdu Laplacien, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. I Math. 306 (1988), 171–175. 11. Lapidus, M. L. and Pomerance, C.: Countrexamples to the modified Weyl–Berry conjecture on fractal drums, Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 119 (1996), 167–178. 12. Levitin, M. and Vassiliev, D.: Spectral asymptotics, renewal theorem, and the Berry conjecture for a class of fractals, Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 72 (1996), 188–214. 13. Molchanov, S. and Vainberg, B.: On spectral asymptotics for domains with fractal boundaries, Comm. Math. Phys. 183 (1997), 85–117. 14. Seeley, R. T.: A sharp asymptotic remainder estimate for the eigenvalues of the Laplacian in a domain of <3 , Adv. in Math. 29 (1978), 244–269. 15. Simon, B.: The Neumann Laplacian of a jelly roll, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 114(3) (1992), 783–785.
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Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry 1: 171–191, 1998. © 1998 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
Minimal Terminal Q-Factorial Models of Drinfeld Coarse Moduli Schemes IGOR YU. POTEMINE? Laboratoire de Mathématiques Emile Picard, Université Paul Sabatier, 118 route de Narbonne, 31062 Toulouse, France, e-mail: [email protected] (Received: 1 October 1997; accepted: 22 January 1998) Abstract. In this article we formally prove that the coarse moduli scheme M r (1) of rational Drinfeld modules of rank r is an affine Q-factorial toric A-variety of relative dimension r −1. The corresponding coordinate ring and the simplicial cone are constructed via J -invariants. The j -invariants play the role of extremal rays of this cone and define a finite flat covering M r (1) → Ar−1 A étale over
r−1 Gr−1 m,A . The ramification of this covering over the divisor complementary to Gm,A is described. It is r also shown that the singular locus of M (1) coincides with the locus of elliptic points Ell(M r (1)) for r greater than 2. We construct a minimal terminal Q-factorial equivariant compactification of M r (1) and we prove the uniqueness of such a compactification. Finally, the coarse moduli surface M 3 (1) is described in detail.
Mathematics Subject Classifications (1991): Primary: 11G09; secondary: 14D22, 14E30, 14M25. Key words: Drinfeld module, coarse moduli scheme, minimal model, toric variety.
1. Introduction Let A = Fq [T ] be the ring of polynomials over the finite field Fq and K = Fq (T ) its quotient field. Let L be a field equipped with a non-trivial morphism αL : A → L and E a Drinfeld module of rank 3 over L: T 7→ TE = αL (T ) + a1 τ + a2 τ 2 + a3 τ 3 ,
a3 ∈ L∗ .
In the previous article [Po], we have defined the j -invariant as the pair: j (E) = (j1 (E), j2 (E)) =
q 2 +q+1
q 2 +q+1
This invariant gives a finite flat covering M 3 (1) → Spec A[j1 , j2 ]
? Partially supported by KIAS research grant M-97009.
VTEXVR PIPS No: 163060 (mpagkap:mathfam) v.1.15 MPAG012.tex; 4/09/1998; 11:15; p.1
of degree q 2 + q + 1 étale outside of the divisor j1 j2 = 0. In general, we define the δ1 δ2 -invariant by the formula: basic J12 δ1 δ2 J12 =
a1δ1 a2δ2 a3δ3
where integers δ1 , δ2 , δ3 verify the equation (A1) δ1 + (q + 1)δ2 = (q 2 + q + 1)δ3 and satisfy the conditions (A2) 0 6 δ1 , δ2 6 q 2 + q + 1, g.c.d.(δ1 , δ2 , δ3 ) = 1. We are able to prove that δ1 δ2 M 3 (1) = Spec A J12 , (1.5) δ1 δ2 where J12 is the system of all basic J -invariants. The covering (1.3) is the projection to the coordinates j1 , j2 . We can describe equations defining M 3 (1), its min3 3 imal equivariant smooth compactification Mmin (1), the zeta function of Mmin (1), etc. The main goal of this article is to obtain an analogous description of the coarse moduli scheme M r (1) of rational Drinfeld modules for any r. A sketch of the construction of the Satake compactification of Drinfeld modular varieties was given by E.-U. Gekeler [Ge2]. The compactification of modular varieties of rational Drinfeld modules into complete normal varieties is constructed by M. Kapranov [Ka]. We can formally prove that the coarse moduli scheme of rational Drinfeld modules of rank 6 r is the weighted projective space: M r (1) = PA (q − 1, q 2 − 1, . . . , q r − 1)
(cf. [Ka], 1.6). In general, R. Pink has constructed a smooth compactification of Drinfeld modular varieties (cf. [Pi]). Our aim is to prove the existence of a unique r (1) with Q-factorial terminal singularities. The explicit minimal proper model Mmin construction is given in Section 6. The proof of the minimality and the uniqueness of this model uses a theorem of V. Danilov [Da2] (for threefolds) and of M. Reid [Re] (in general) on the decomposition of toric morphisms. This result also implies the existence and the uniqueness of the smooth G-desingularization and of the smooth G-compactification of the coarse moduli threefold M 4 (1) ([BGS]) although we do not construct it explicitly in this article. We consider neither rigid analytic uniformization nor algebraic Drinfeld modular forms here. 2. J -Invariants of Drinfeld Modules Let K = Fq (T ) be a rational function field of characteristic p and A = Fq [T ]. Furthermore, let S be an A-scheme, L a line A-bundle over S and Ga (L) the additive group scheme of L over S. Let αL : A → 0(S, L) be a structural morphism.
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A Drinfeld A-module of rank r > 1 over S is a morphism E: A → EndS (Ga (L)), T 7→ TE , such that X ak,E τ k , (2.1) TE = αL (a) + 16k 6r
where ak,E ∈ 0(S, L1−q ), ar,E ∈ 0(S, (L1−q )∗ ) and τ is the relative Frobenius morphism of degree q. We write ak instead of ak,E if there is no confusion and we denote 1(E) = ar,E . A morphism of Drinfeld modules over S is a morphism of the additive group schemes commuting with the A-action. Any isomorphism of Drinfeld modules over S is given by some u ∈ 0(S, L∗ ) ([Dr], §5). On the other hand, D = u−1 Eu is a Drinfeld module for any u ∈ 0(S, L∗ ). We have k
ak,D = uq
k −1
ak,E .
For integers k1 , . . . , kl one denotes def
d(k1 , . . . , kl ) = g.c.d.(k1 , . . . , kl ).
We also suppose that r is greater than 2. DEFINITION 2.1. For any multi-index (k1 , . . . , kl ) where 1 6 k1 < · · · < kl 6 ...δl (E)-invariant is the global section r − 1 the Jkδl1...k l ...δl Jkδ11...k (E) = l
akδ11 · · · akδll 1(E)δr
where the integers δ1 , . . . , δl verify the equation (B1) δ1 (q k1 − 1) + · · · + δl (q kl − 1) = δr (q r − 1). If δ1 , . . . , δl satisfy also the conditions (B2) 0 6 δi 6 (q r − 1)/(q d(i,r) − 1),
1 6 i 6 l;
d(δ1 , . . . , δl , δr ) = 1
...δl (E) is the basic J -invariant. Denote we say that Jkδ11...k l δ1 ...δl Jk1 ...kl
the system of all basic J -invariants. By definition, the global sections (q r −1)/(q d(k,r) −1)
jk (E) =
Jkδk (E)
ak = , 1(E)(q k −1)/(q d(k,r) −1)
1 6 k 6 r − 1,
are called the jk -invariants of E. Moreover, the (r − 1)-tuple j (E) = (j1 (E), . . . , jr−1 (E))
is called the j -invariant of E.
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THEOREM 2.2. (i) If two Drinfeld modules D, E of rank r over an A-scheme S ...δl -invariants coincide. are isomorphic then all Jkδ11...k l (ii) Let D, E be Drinfeld modules of rank r over a separably closed A-field L having the same j -invariant j (D) = j (E). Then there exists a Drinfeld module D 0 isomorphic to D such that (q r −1)/(q d(k,r) −1)
ak,E = ξk · ak,D0 , ξk
= 1,
1 6 k 6 r − 1.
(iii) Let D, E be Drinfeld modules of rank r over a separably closed A-field L. If their basic J -invariants coincide: ...δl ...δl (D) = Jkδ11...k (E) Jkδ11...k l l
for all integers δ1 , . . . , δl satisfying (B1) and (B2) then these modules are isomorphic. Proof. (i) This is the immediate consequence of the definition of the J -invariants. (ii) One can always find D 0 isomorphic to D such that 1(D 0 ) = 1(E). In fact, any root of the separable equation Xq
r −1
= 1(D)−1 1(E)
gives such an isomorphism. Since (q r −1)/(q d(k,r) −1)
jk (D ) =
1(E)(q k −1)/(q d(k,r) −1)
(q r −1)/(q d(k,r) −1)
1(E)(q k −1)/(q d(k,r) −1)
= jk (E),
for any 1 6 k 6 r −1, the jk -invariant defines ak up to an element ξk ∈ F∗q r /F∗q d(k,r) . In particular, the j -invariant defines a finite number of the isomorphism classes of Drinfeld modules. (iii) If (2.8) is true for all integers δ1 , . . . , δr satisfying (B1) and (B2) then it is also true for all integers satisfying only (B1). Indeed, any J -invariant satisfying (B1) modulo j -invariants gives lying in the ‘fundamental parallelotope’ an...δelement l . corresponding to the system Jkδ11...k l According to the previous section of this proof we may suppose that 1(D) = 1(E) and (q r −1)/(q d(k,r) −1)
ak,E = ξk (D, E) · ak,D , ξk
= 1,
1 6 k 6 r − 1.
If there is no confusion we write ξk instead of ξk (D, E). Let {k1 , . . . , kl } be the set of all indices such that jk (D) = jk (E) 6= 0 for k ∈ {k1 , . . . , kl }.
If l = 0 there is only one isomorphism class corresponding to the Drinfeld module TD = αL (T ) + τ r .
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If l = 1 there exists an element u ∈ F∗q r such that uq 1 −1 = ξk1 . The Drinfeld module D 0 = u−1 Du coincides therefore with E since k
ak1 ,D0 = uq 1 −1 ak1 ,D = ξk1 ak1 ,D = ak1 ,E k
and ak = 0 for any k 6= k1 . Thus, we can suppose that l > 2. For all integers δ1 , . . . , δl verifying (B1) we obtain ...δl ...δl ...δl (D) = Jkδ11...k (E) = ξkδ11 · · · ξkδll · Jkδ11...k (D) Jkδ11...k l l l
and, consequently, ξkδ11 · · · ξkδll = 1.
For any m such that 1 6 m 6 l there exists an l-tuple (δ10 , . . . , δl0 ) verifying (B1) such that ˆ
δm0 = (q d(k1 ,...,km ,...,kl ,r) − 1)/(q d(k1 ,...,kl ,r) − 1). The sign kˆm means that this term is omitted. It follows from the fact that the greatest common divisor of integers may be represented as some integral combination of these integers (the Bezout identity). Moreover, we can find a ‘neighbour’ l-tuple (δ100 , . . . , δl00 ) verifying (B1) such that δm00 = 2δm0
δi00 = δi0
for i 6= 1, m
for the same reason. Since δ0
δ 00
δ 00
ξk11 · · · ξkll = 1 and ξk11 · · · ξkll = 1 we obtain 0 δ 00 −δ10 δm ξkm
for all 1 6 m 6 l. Acting by an isomorphism u ∈ F∗q r which keeps 1(D) invariant, we obtain ξk1 (D1 , E) = 1 where D1 = u−1 Du. Hence 0
ξkm (D1 , E)δm = 1
for all 1 6 m 6 l. We shall now reason by induction on m. For m = 2 we have ξk2 (D1 , E)(q
d(k1 ,r) −1)/(q d(k1 ,k2 ,r) −1)
= 1.
This equation is weaker than (2.12) and can be obtained supposing δi = 0 for i > 2. Acting by an isomorphism u1 ∈ F∗q d(k1 ,r) which keeps 1(D1 ) and the k1 -coefficient
of D1 invariant we obtain ξk1 (D2 , E) = ξk2 (D2 , E) = 1 for D2 = u−1 1 D1 u1 . Suppose that m > 2 and ξk1 (Dm−1 ) = · · · = ξkm−1 (Dm−1 ) = 1
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for some Drinfeld module Dm−1 ∼ = D over L. We have ξkm (Dm−1 , E)(q
d(k1 ,...,km−1 ,r) −1)/(q d(k1,...,km ,r) −1)
= 1.
Acting by an isomorphism um ∈ F∗q d(k1 ,...,km−1 ,r) which keeps ak1 , . . . , akm−1 and 1(Dm−1 ) invariant we obtain that ξkm (Dm , E) = 1 for Dm = u−1 m Dm−1 um . Finally, we can find a Drinfeld module Dl ∼ = D such that ξk1 (Dl , E) = · · · = ξkl (Dl , E) = 1. In view of (2.9) and (2.10) we obtain that Dl ∼ = D coincides with E and this 2 finishes the proof. By their definition the J -invariants are algebraic weakly modular functions ([Go], Def. 1.14). 3. Coarse Moduli Schemes and Canonical Compactification Let L be a separably closed A-field and M an A-scheme. We denote ML the scheme over L obtained from M by base change. Consider two contravariant functors from the category of A-schemes to the category of sets: D r : A-scheme S 7→ {isomorphism classes of Drinfeld modules of rank r over S} and hM : A-scheme S 7→ Hom(S, M). A scheme M = M r (1) is called the coarse moduli schemes of Drinfeld modules of rank r if there exists a morphism of functors f : D r → hM such that (1) D r (L) ' hM (L) for any separably closed A-field L; (2) For any A-scheme N and for any morphism of functors g: D r → hN there exists a unique morphism χ: hM → hN such that the following diagram f / hM CC CC χ C g CC !
Dr C
commutes. It follows from the Theorem 2.2(ii) that MLr (1) is the factor of the variety V r given by the equations (q r −1)/(q d(k,r) −1)
= jk ,
1 6 k 6 r − 1,
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by the action of the finite group F∗q r /F∗q such that ξ(Xk ) = ξ q −1 Xk for any ξ ∈ F∗q r /F∗q . The variety V r is affine and toric, consequently, MLr (1) is also an affine toric variety over L. Therefore MLr (1) is the spectrum of an L-algebra generated by invariant monomials. Thus we have ...δl MLr (1) = Spec L Jkδ11...k . (3.3) l k
Using the descent of the ground field we obtain that M r (1) is the spectrum of an Aalgebra generated by the same system of invariants. A more formal proof is given below. THEOREM 3.1. The affine toric A-variety of relative dimension r − 1 ...δl M r (1) = Spec A Jkδ11...k l
is the coarse moduli scheme of Drinfeld A-modules of rank r. Proof. In virtue of Theorem 2.2(iii) the isomorphism classes of Drinfeld modules of rank r over L correspond bijectively to the geometric L-points of M r (1). Thus, the condition (1) above is verified. One can define a natural transformation f : D r → hM in the following way. Let L be a line bundle over an A-scheme S and E a Drinfeld module of rank r S over (S, L). Moreover, let S = Si be a covering trivializing L, Si = Spec Bi , then ...δl = γ δ1 ...δl (E) ∈ Bi . (E) Jkδ11...k k1 ...kl l Si Define the morphism of A-algebras ...δl A Jkδ11...k → Bi l by the specialization ...δl ...δl = γkδ11...k (E). Jkδ11...k l l
This defines a morphism S → M r (1), that is, a geometric S-point of M r (1). If λ: S 0 → S is a morphism of A-schemes and E 0 = λ∗ (E) then the diagram /E
S 0 FF
FF FF F fE 0 FF#
M r (1)
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commutes. It means that the geometric S 0 -point of M r (1) defined by fE0 coincides with the geometric S 0 -point defined by the composition fE ◦ λ. Consequently, the diagram D r (S)
/ hM (S)
/ hM (S 0 )
D r (S 0 )
also commutes. We have proved that f is the natural transformation. The universality of scheme (3.4) follows from geometric invariant theory. 2 Let n be some admissible ideal of A, that is, divisible by at least two prime divisors. Let M r (n) be the fine moduli scheme of Drinfeld modules with n-level structure (in the sense of Drinfeld) ([Dr], §5). It is known that M r (n) is a nonsingular affine A-variety of relative dimension r − 1 ([Dr], Cor. of Prop. 5.4). We have also the forgetful morphism M r (n) → M r (1). In virtue of ([KM], (7.1), (8.1)) M r (n) is the PGL(r, A/n)-torsor (in the f.p.p.f. topology). Any geometric A-point P of M r (1) defines a unique isomorphism class of Drinfeld modules over the separable closure K s . Let EP be some Drinfeld A-module representing this class. Denote also d(EP ) the greatest common divisor of r and all natural integers k < r such that jk (EP ) 6= 0. We have Aut(EP ) = F∗q d(EP ) .
A geometric A-point P of M r (1) is called elliptic if Aut(EP ) strictly contains F∗q . Let Sing(M r (1)) and Ell(M r (1)) be the loci of singular points and elliptic points resp. Since M r (1) is the quotient of the non-singular variety V r by the finite cyclic group F∗q r /F∗q all the singularities are cyclic quotient singularities. THEOREM 3.2. For r > 2 we have Sing(M r (1)) = Ell(M r (1)).
Proof. Let Q be a geometric A-point of M r (n) over P . The inertia group is isomorphic to: I (Q/P ) = Aut(EP )/F∗q .
If Aut(EP ) = F∗q then I (Q/P ) is trivial and P is non-singular ([Oo], Th. 2.7). On the other hand, if P is non-singular there are two possibilities by the theorem on ‘purity of branch locus’ ([Oo], Th. 2.7; [AK], Ch. 6, Th. 6.8). The morphism M r (n) → M r (1) is non-ramified at P and I (Q/P ) = 1 or P is ramified in codimension 1. The second case is impossible because Ell(M r (1)) is of codimension strictly greater than 1 for r > 2. Indeed, if Aut(EP ) 6= F∗q then jk (EP )-invariants 2 with k prime to r are equal to zero by (3.5).
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Consider the following contravariant functor from the category of A-schemes to the category of sets: D r : A-scheme S 7→ {isomorphism classes of Drinfeld modules of rank 6 r over S} The coarse moduli scheme M r (1) of rational Drinfeld modules of rank 6 r is defined in the same manner as in the beginning of this section. PROPOSITION 3.3 (cf. [Ka], 1.6). The weighted projective space M r (1) = PA (q − 1, q 2 − 1, . . . , q r − 1) is the coarse moduli scheme of rational Drinfeld modules of rank 6 r. Proof. The reasoning analogous to the proof of the Theorem 3.1 shows that the affine subvariety of PA (q − 1, q 2 − 1, . . . , q r − 1) corresponding to the non-zero kth coordinate is the coarse moduli scheme of Drinfeld modules of rank 6 r with 2 non-zero jk -invariant. The gluing finishes the proof. COROLLARY 3.4. We have the following description of the cuspidal divisor: [ def M k (1). Cusp M r (1) = M r (1)\M r (1) = 16k 6r−1
COROLLARY 3.5. We have Sing M r (1) = Ell(M r (1))\Ell M 2 (1) =
Ell(M k (1)).
36k 6r−1
4. Ramification of the j -Covering By Theorem 2.2(ii) the j -invariant defines the finite flat covering of the affine space of dimension r − 1 by M r (1). PROPOSITION 4.1. The finite flat covering j : M r (1) → Ar−1 A ,
is étale over −1 −1 Gr−1 m,A = Spec A[j1 , . . . , jr−1 , j1 , . . . , jr−1 ]
and tame. The degree of this covering is equal to: r−1 Y qr − 1 N= . q d(i,r) − 1 i=2
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Proof. It follows from the Theorem 2.2(ii).
Let (i1 , . . . , is ) be a multi-index such that 1 6 i1 < · · · < is 6 r − 1. We the affine subvariety generated by the coordinates denote AA (i1 , . . . , is ) ⊂ Ar−1 A ji1 , . . . , jis and Gm,A (i1 , . . . , is ) the corresponding subtorus. We also denote by M r (1)[i1 , . . . , is ] the subvariety of M r (1) corresponding to Drinfeld modules such that their coefficients different from i1 , . . . , is are zero. PROPOSITION 4.2. M r (1) is regular in relative codimension r − φ(r) − 2 where φ(r) is the length of a maximal chain (i1 , . . . , is ) such that d(i1 , . . . , is , r) > 1. Furthermore, [ M r (1)[i1 , . . . , is ]. (4.4) Sing(M r (1)) = d(i1 ,...,is ,r) > 1
Proof. The result follows immediately from (3.5) and (3.6).
COROLLARY 4.3. If r is a prime integer then M r (1) is regular outside of the origin. PROPOSITION 4.4. The finite flat covering j (i1 , . . . , is ): M r (1)[i1 , . . . , is ] → AA (i1 , . . . , is )
is étale over Gm,A (i1 , . . . , is ) and tame. The degree of this covering is equal to: N(i1 , . . . , is ) =
(q r − 1)s−1 (q d(i1 ,...,is ,r) − 1) . (q d(i1 ,r) − 1) · · · (q d(is ,r) − 1)
In particular, N(i1 ) = 1 for any 1 6 i1 6 r − 1. Proof. The first part is analogous to the first part of the Proposition 4.1 if we consider Drinfeld modules such that their coefficients different from i1 , . . . , is are zero. It suffices therefore to prove (4.6). Notice that N(i1 , . . . , is ) is equal to the number of non-isomorphic Drinfeld modules with the same j -invariant such that their non-zero components are exactly i1 , . . . , is . According to Theorem 2.2(ii) one can suppose that the k-coefficients of such Drinfeld modules belong to F∗q r /F∗q d(k,r) . We reason by induction on s. If s = 1 via an isomorphism u ∈ F∗q r one can suppose that the i1 -coefficient is equal to 1. Thus, N(i1 ) = 1. If s = 2 we put the i1 -coefficient equal to 1. The i2 -coefficient may be written as t k(q
d(i2 ,r) −1)
1 6 k 6 (q r − 1)/(q d(i2 ,r) − 1),
where t is some generator of F∗q r . On factorizing by the action of F∗q d(i1 ,r) we obtain (q r − 1) (q r − 1) N(i1 , i2 ) = g.c.d. , (q d(i1 ,r) − 1) (q d(i2 ,r) − 1) r (q − 1)(q d(i1 ,i2 ,r) − 1) = . (q d(i1 ,r) − 1)(q d(i2 ,r) − 1)
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In general, we have
N(i1 , . . . , is ) = N(i1 , . . . , is−1 ) · g.c.d.
(q r − 1)
(q r − 1) , (q d(i1 ,...,is−1 ,r) − 1) (q d(is ,r) − 1) (q r − 1)(q d(i1 ,...,is ,r) − 1) = N(i1 , . . . , is−1 ) · d(i ,...,i ,r) . (q 1 s−1 − 1)(q d(is ,r) − 1)
The formula (4.6) is an immediate consequence.
COROLLARY 4.5. The covering (4.1) is tamely ramified over Gm,A (i1 , . . . , is ) of ramification index e(i1 , ..., is ) =
N N(i1 , . . . , is )
for any multi-index (i1 , . . . , is ). Therefore this covering is totally ramified over AA (i1 ) for any 1 6 i1 6 r − 1. COROLLARY 4.6. If r > 3 is prime then r r q − 1 s−1 q − 1 r−s ; e(i1 , . . . , is ) = N(i1 , . . . , is ) = q −1 q −1
for any multi-index (i1 , . . . , is ). EXAMPLE 4.7. If r = 4 we have N=
(q 4 − 1)2 ; (q 2 − 1)(q − 1) (q 4 − 1) N(1, 3) = (q − 1)
N(1, 2) = N(2, 3) =
(q 4 − 1) ; (q 2 − 1)
and Sing(M 4 (1)) = M 4 (1)[2].
5. Rational Polyhedral Cone and Its Dual For any r > 3 we fix some lattice N r of rank (r−1) and let N r∗ = HomZ (N r , Z) be its dual. We write simply N and N ∗ if there is no confusion. There exists a natural correspondence between (r − 1)-dimensional rational strictly convex polyhedral cones in NR∗ and (r − 1)-dimensional affine toric varieties ([Da1], [Fu], [Od]). THEOREM 5.1. The rational simplicial cone generated by the following vectors e1∗ = (1, 0, . . . , 0), (q r − 1) (q k − 1) , 0, . . . , 0 , 0, . . . , 0 ek∗ = , (q d(k,r) − 1) | {z } (q d(k,r) − 1)
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for 2 6 k 6 r − 1, is the dual rational polyhedral cone σˇ of M r (1). The rational polyhedral cone σ of M r (1) is generated by: r qk − 1 q r−1 − 1 q −1 , e1 = , −q − 1, . . . , − ,...,− q −1 q −1 q −1 ek = (0, . . . , 0, 1, 0, . . . , 0), 2 6 k 6 r − 1. (5.2) | {z } | {z } k−1
Proof. We know that ...δl . M r (1) = Spec A Jkδl1...k l For any 1 6 k 6 r − 1, let Jk be an element verifying (3.2), i.e. such that (q r −1)/(q d(k,r) −1)
= jk .
Using the transformations U1 = j1 , Uk =
Jk (q k −1)/(q−1) J1
for 2 6 k 6 r − 1 ([Fu], Sect. 2.2), we obtain that (q k −1)(q r −1) (q−1)(q d(k,r) −1)
jk = J1
q r −1 q d(k,r) −1
(q k −1)/(q d(k,r) −1)
= U1
(q r −1)/(q d(k,r) −1)
There is a bijective correspondence between the integral points of this cone and the J -invariants. Indeed, any monomial of U1 , . . . , Ur−1 belonging to the cone σˇ gives a J -invariant by the formula (5.3). ...δl verifying (B1) determines the monomial On the other hand, the invariant Jkδ11...k l
U1δr Ukδ11 . . . Ukδll . The cone σ is obtained by taking suitable orthogonal vectors to the facets of σˇ .
COROLLARY 5.2. The rational simplicial fan generated by the ray (−1, 0, . . . , 0) and by the rays (5.2) is the rational polyhedral fan of M r (1). Proof. In virtue of Proposition 3.3 we have M r (1) = PA (q − 1, q 2 − 1, . . . , q r − 1) q2 − 1 qr − 1 ,..., . = PA 1, q −1 q −1
Therefore M r (1) is the equivariant compactification of the affine space Ar−1 A ([Do], 1.2.4). Moreover, the weighted projective space (5.4) is the gluing of r affine toric
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Figure 1. Dual rational cone σˇ of M 3 (1) (on the left) and of M 4 (1).
varieties with simplicial cones. Thus, we have to add only one ray to the cone σ in order to form a fan of M r (1). It is easy to see that adding the ray (−1, 0, . . . , 0) 2 we obtain the result. Remark. This result may be also deduced applying ([Od], Th. 2.22) to the polytope corresponding to σ (cf. [Do], 1.2.5).
6. Minimal Terminal Q-Factorial Compactification We shall now construct the minimal simplicial terminal subdivision of the cone σ of M r (1). We suppose here that r > 4 and q is big enough. The unique equivariant minimal smooth compactification of the coarse moduli surface M 3 (1) will be constructed in the next section. We denote Sk1 σ the set of the extremal rays of a simplicial cone σ and lσ a linear form on NQ such that lσ (Sk1 σ ) = 1. The convex polytope σ ∩ lσ−1 [0, 1] is called the shed of σ and the convex polytope σ ∩ lσ−1 (1) in codimension 1 is called the roof of the shed of σ (cf. [Re], [BGS]). The shed (resp. the roof of the shed) of a fan 6 is the union of the sheds (resp. of the roofs of the sheds) of its cones. A cone is terminal if its shed does not contain integral points distinct from its vertices. Finally, a fan is terminal if it is the union of terminal cones. THEOREM 6.1. The consecutive star subdivisions centered in the rays (q r−m−2 + q r−m−4 + q r−m−5 + · · · + q + 1, 0, . . . , 0, −1, −q, | {z } m
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Figure 2. Rational polyhedral cone of M 3 (1) (on the top) and of M 4 (1).
− q 2 − 1, . . . , −q r−m−3 − q r−m−5 − q r−m−6 − · · · − q − 1)
for 0 6 m 6 r − 4 (in ascending order) and in the ray (1, 0, . . . , 0) define the r (1) of M r (1). unique minimal terminal Q-factorial equivariant model Mmin Proof. The Q-factoriality follows from the fact that star subdivisions are simplicial (cf. [Br], Sect. 4.2). We shall check the terminality of singularities. Let r (1). The extremal rays of the cones of 6min are called 6min denote the fan of Mmin terminal rays of σ . A point of the shed of σ generating a terminal ray will be called a terminal point. The coordinates of terminal rays in the interior of the shed of σ may be found by consecutive projections to the coordinates {e1 , er−1 } and {−ek+1 , ek } for 2 6 k 6 r − 2. The projection on {e1 , er−1 } defines the two-dimensional cone r q − 1 1 − q r−1 (0, 1), , (6.2) q −1 q −1 which is the rational cone of the surface M r (1)[1, r −1]. The points (lq +1, −l) for 0 6 l < (q r−1 −1)/(q−1) are the only terminal points in the shed of this cone apart from the extremal rays (see Figure 3). They define the minimal desingularization of the surface M r (1)[1, r − 1]. A projection of the second type defines the two-dimensional fan k+1 − 1 1 − qk q (−1, 0), (0, 1), , q −1 q −1
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Figure 3. Minimal desingularization of the surface M r (1)[1, r − 1].
Figure 4. Minimal smooth compactification of the surface M k+1 [1, k].
which is the rational fan of the surface M k+1 (1)[1, k]. The points (lq + 1, −l) for 0 6 l < (q k − 1)/(q − 1) and the point (q, −1) are the only terminal points in the shed of this fan (apart from the extremal rays). These points give the minimal smooth compactification of the surface M k+1 (1)[1, k] (see Figure 4). We obtain, consequently, that a point (x1 , . . . , xr−1 ) distinct from the origin and lying strictly inside of the shed of σ is terminal only if one of the following conditions is satisfied: 0 6 −x2 6 q, xk+1 = xk q − 1 and x1 = 1 − xr−1 q,
for 2 6 k 6 r − 2, or x2 = · · · = xm+1 = 0 (if m > 1), xk+1 = xk q − 1 and x1 = 1 − xr−1 q, (6.4) for 0 6 m 6 r − 2 and m + 2 6 k 6 r − 2, or finally x2 = · · · = xm+1 = 0 (if m > 1), xm+2 = −1, xk+1 = xk q − 1 and x1 = 1 − xr−1 q
xm+3 = −q (6.5)
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for 0 6 m 6 r − 2 and m + 4 6 k 6 r − 2. The relations (6.3) and (6.4) define the points (lq r−2 + q r−3 + · · · + q + 1, −l, −lq − 1, . . . , −lq r−3 − q r−4 − · · · − q − 1) for 0 6 l 6 q + 1 and the points (q r−m−2 + q r−m−3 + · · · + q + 1, 0, . . . , 0, −1, −q − 1, | {z } − q − q − 1, . . . , −q 2
m r−m−4
− · · · − q − 1)
respectively. These points except for (1, 0, . . . , 0) lie above the hyperplane in NR passing through e1 , . . . , er−1 (see (5.2)) which is easy to prove by straightforward computation. Therefore these points do not belong to the shed of σ . The point (q, 0, . . . , 0, −1) corresponding to m = r − 3 in (6.5) can no more belong to this shed. Indeed, its projection on {e1 , er−1 } which is (q, −1) does not belong to the shed of M r (1)[1, r − 1] (see Figure 3). Thus, the point (x1 , . . . , xr−1 ) lying strictly inside of the shed of σ is terminal if and only if it is (1, 0, . . . , 0) or x2 = · · · = xm+1 = 0 (if m > 1), xm+2 = −1, xk+1 = xk q − 1 and x1 = 1 − xr−1 q
xm+3 = −q, (6.6) er
for 0 6 m 6 r − 4 and m + 4 6 k 6 r − 2. The variety M (1) obtained by the consecutive star subdivisions centered in these rays (in ascending order with respect to m) has the shed with concave roof along the internal walls (see [Re] for terminology). It follows from the Reid theorem ([Re], Th. 0.2) that it is a minimal model. Any other minimal model with terminal Q-factorial singularities has the same shed. The roof of this shed is strictly concave along the internal walls and, 2 consequently, constructed minimal model is unique. THEOREM 6.2. The consecutive star subdivisions of the rational polyhedral fan σ of M r (1) by the following rays (q r−m−2 + q r−m−4 + q r−m−5 + · · · + q + 1, 0, . . . , 0, −1, −q, | {z } m
− q − 1, . . . , −q 2
− · · · − q − 1)
for 0 6 m 6 r − 2 (in ascending order) define the unique minimal terminal r (1) of M r (1). Q-factorial equivariant compactification Mmin Proof. It suffices to prove that the points (6.7) are the only terminal points strictly inside of the shed of σ apart from the origin. As in the proof of the previous theorem take the consecutive projections to the coordinates {e1 , er−1 } and {−ek+1 , ek } for 2 6 k 6 r − 2. These projections define the two-dimensional fans k+1 − 1 1 − qk q , (−1, 0), (0, 1), q −1 q −1
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for 2 6 k 6 r − 1. We obtain, consequently, that a point distinct from the origin and lying strictly inside of the shed of σ is terminal if and only if the following condition is satisfied: x2 = · · · = xm+1 = 0 (if m > 1), xm+2 = −1, xk+1 = xk q − 1 and x1 = 1 − xr−1 q
xm+3 = −q, (6.8)
for 0 6 m 6 r − 2 and m + 4 6 k 6 r − 2. These points without (q, 0, . . . , 0, −1) (corresponding to m = r − 3) define the unique minimal simplicial terminal subdivision of the rational cone of M r (1) by the previous theorem. The point (q, 0, . . . , 0, −1) lie in the subcone h(−1, 0, . . . , 0), e1 , . . . , er−2 i of the fan σ (cf. (5.2)). The star subdivision centered in the corresponding ray together with consecutive star subdivisions of Theorem 6.1 define a unique minimal terminal 2 Q-factorial equivariant compactification of M r (1). Remark. We supposed that q is sufficiently big. In fact, if q 6 r − 3 then the ray of (6.1) and of (6.7) corresponding to m = 0 does not necessarily belong to the shed of the cone σ of M r (1).
7. Drinfeld Coarse Moduli Surface 7.1.
M 3 (1)
First of all, we shall construct a regular subdivision of the dual cone σˇ (see Figure 5). Let χ u0 , . . . , χ uq+1 be the characters of the torus TN corresponding to the rays u0 , . . . , uq+1 of the regular subdivision of σˇ . Using the property 0
χ u χ u = χ u+u
Figure 5. Regular subdivision of the dual cone of M 3 (1).
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valid for any elements u, u0 ∈ N we deduce in our case that χ uq+1 χ uq−1 = χ (q+2)uq ,
χ ui+1 χ ui−1 = χ 2ui , 1 6 i 6 q − 1.
Denote Xi = χ ui . We obtain that M 3 (1) is defined as a scheme over Spec A by the following q equations: q+2 Xq = Xq+1 Xq−1 , (7.2) 1 6 i 6 q − 1, Xi2 = Xi+1 Xi−1 , where Xq+1 = j2 and Xi =
U1 U2i
= j1
J2 q+1 J1
q 2 +q+1−i(q+1) i J2
= J1
for 0 6 i 6 q in notations (5.3). 7.2.
M 3 (1)
In order to find a resolution of singularities of an affine toric variety it suffices to find a regular subdivision of the corresponding rational cone. In our case the minimal regular subdivision is given by Figure 3 since M 3 (1) = M 3 (1)[1, 2]. The minimal resolution of singularities is given by a chain of blowing-ups 3 (1) → M 3 (1) at TN -invariant centers. The exceptional divisor Mmin E = C1 + C2 + · · · + Cq+1 is described by Figure 6. Here C1 , . . . , Cq+1 are rational curves with the following indices of self-intersection: (C1 )2 = −q − 1,
(Ci )2 = −2, for i > 1.
The minimal smooth compactification is represented by Figure 4 for k = 2. The 3 rational polyhedral fan of Mmin (1) is the subdivision of the subfans corresponding 3 (1) may be obtained to the Hirzebruch surfaces Hq and Hq+1 . Consequently, Mmin by a succession of blowing-ups at TN -stable points of any of these surfaces. 3 We see further that the rational fan of Mmin (1) contains d2 = q + 5 twodimensional regular subcones and d1 = q + 5 one-dimensional subcones. In particular, the Euler characteristic is equal to: 3 (1) = d2 = q + 5 χ Mmin ([Fu], Ch. 4.3).
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Figure 6. Exceptional divisor and its weighted graph.
3 (1). Figure 7. Weighted circulated graph of Mmin
3 Let D1 , . . . , Dq+5 be the irreducible invariant divisors on Mmin (1). They correspond to the rays (one-dimensional subcones) in Figure 4 for k = 2. It is known that
K =−
q+5 X
is the canonical divisor. Its self-intersection index is given by the formula: (K)2 = 12 − d2 = 7 − q. It is also possible to calculate the (l-adic) Betti numbers and the Poincaré polynomial using ([Fu], §4.5). We put d0 = 1 (the number of zero-dimensional subcones). Then β3 = β1 = 0, β0 = β4 = 1 and β2 = d1 − 2d0 = q + 3. Furthermore, the Poincaré polynomial is equal to: PM (t) = β4 t 4 + β2 t 2 + β0 = t 4 + (q + 3)t 2 + 1.
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190 7.3.
First of all, 3 Card Mmin (1)(Fq m ) = β4 q 2m + β2 q m + β0 = q 2m + (q + 3)q m + 1. We recall now that if M is an A-variety of relative dimension r − 1 and if the number of its geometric points over Fq mn is equal to: νn =
r−1 X
µi (q mn )i
then ζ(M/Fq m , s) = exp
X n>1
= exp
(q m )−sn νn n
X r−1 X i=0 n>1
r−1 Y
= exp
XX r−1
m in (q
µi (q )
n>1 i=0
m −sn
) n
X Y r−1 (q m )(i−s)n (q m )(i−s)n µi exp µi = n n i=0 n>1
exp − µi ln 1 − q m(i−s)
r−1 Y
1 − q m(i−s)
(cf. [MP], Ch. 4, §1). In our case we have: µ0 = β0 = µ2 = β4 = 1, µ1 = β2 = q + 3. Consequently, −1 −q−3 −1 3 ζ Mmin (1)/Fq m , s = 1 − q −ms 1 − q m(1−s) 1 − q m(2−s) . In addition, ζ(M, s) =
ζ(M ⊗A Fq m , s) =
m>1 p∈Specm A deg p=m
r−1 Y Y
i=0 m>1 p∈Specm A deg p=m
r−1 Y
1 − q m(i−s)
m>1 p∈Specm A i=0 deg p=m
m(i−s) −µi
r−1 Y
ζA (s − i)µi ,
where ζA (s) = (1 − q 1−s )−1 is the Dedekind zeta-function of A = Fq [T ]. In our case we have: 3 (1), s = ζA (s)ζA (s − 1)q+3 ζA (s − 2) ζ Mmin q+3 −1 1 − q 3−s . = 1 − q 1−s 1 − q 2−s
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Acknowledgements I am very grateful to Michel Brion for valuable remarks, to Catherine Bouvier for helpful discussions concerning toric varieties and to Alexei Panchishkin for constant encouragement and advice. I am thankful also to Karsten Bücker for reading this text and correcting some spelling mistakes. References AK. Altman, A. and Kleiman, S.: Introduction to Grothendieck Duality Theory, Lect. Notes Math. 146, Springer-Verlag, 1970. BGS. Bouvier, C. and Gonzalez-Sprinberg, G.: Système générateur minimal, diviseurs essentiels et G-désingularisations de variétés toriques, Tôhoku Math. J. 47 (1995), 125–149. Br. Brion, M.: Variétés sphériques et théorie de Mori, Duke Math. J. 72(2) (1993), 369–404. Da1. Danilov, V. I.: Geometry of toric varieties, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk 33(2) (1978), 83–134 (in Russian); Engl. transl.: Russian Math. Surveys 33(2) (1978), 97–154. Da2. Danilov, V. I.: Birational geometry of toric 3-folds, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Mat. 46(5) (1982), 971–982 (in Russian); Engl. transl.: Math. USSR-Izv. 21 (1983), 269–280. Do. Dolgachev, I.: Weighted projective varieties, Proc. of a Polish-North American Seminar, Vancouver, 1981, Lect. Notes Math. 956 (1982), 34–71. Dr. Drinfeld, V. G.: Elliptic modules, Mat. Sbornik 94 (1974), 594–627 (in Russian); Engl. transl.: Math. USSR S. 23 (1974), 561–592. Fu. Fulton, W.: Introduction to Toric Varieties, The William H. Roever Lectures in Geometry, Princeton University Press, 1993. Ge1. Gekeler, E.-U.: Moduli for Drinfeld modules, in The Arithmetic of Function Fields, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, New York, 1992, pp. 153–170. Ge2. Gekeler, E.-U.: Satake compactification of Drinfeld modular schemes, in Proc. Conf. on p-adic Analysis held in Hengelhoef (Houthalen), Belgium, 1986, pp. 71–81. Go. Goss, D.: π-adic Eisenstein series for function fields, Comp. Math. 1 (1980), 3–38. KM. Katz, N. M. and Mazur, B.: Arithmetic Moduli of Elliptic Curves, Ann. of Math. Stud. 108, Princeton University Press, 1985. Ka. Kapranov, M. M.: On cuspidal divisors on the modular varieties of elliptic modules, Izv. Akad. Nauk URSS, Ser. Mat. 51(3) (1987), 568–583 (in Russian); Engl. transl.: Math. USSR - Izv. 30(3) (1988), 533–547. MP. Manin, Yu. I. and Panchishkin, A. A.: Number theory I, in A. N. Parshin and I. R. Shafarevich (eds.), Encyclopaedia of Math. Sciences 49, Springer-Verlag, 1995. Mu. Mumford, D.: Geometric Invariant Theory, Springer-Verlag, 1965. Od. Oda, T.: Convex Bodies and Algebraic Geometry, Ergebnisse der Math. 15, Springer-Verlag, 1988. Oo. Oort, F.: Coarse and fine moduli spaces of algebraic curves and polarized Abelian varieties, in Sympos. Math. XXIV, Academic Press, London, New York, 1981. Pi. Pink, R.: On compactification of Drinfeld moduli schemes, in: Moduli Spaces, Galois Representations and L-functions, S¯urikaisekikenky¯usho K¯oky¯uroku 884 (1994), 178–183 (Japanese). Po. Potemine, I. Yu.: J -invariant et schémas grossiers des modules de Drinfeld, Séminaire de Théorie des Nombres, Caen, Fascicule de l’année 1994–95, 15 pp. Re. Reid, M.: Decomposition of toric morphisms, Arithmetic and geometry, Papers dedicated to I. R. Shafarevich on the occasion of his 60th birthday, Birkhäuser, Progress in Math. 36 (1983), 395–418.
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Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry 1: 193–221, 1998. © 1998 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
Stability Criteria for the Weyl m-Function W. O. AMREIN Department of Theoretical Physics, University of Geneva, CH-1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland
D. B. PEARSON? Department of Mathematics, University of Hull, Cottingham Road, Hull, U.K. (Received: 29 October 1997; in final form: 15 July 1998) Abstract. This paper presents a new approach to spectral theory for the Schrödinger Operator on the half-line. Solutions of nonlinear Riccati-type equations related to the Schrödinger equation at real spectral parameter λ are characterised by means of their clustering properties as λ is varied. A family of solutions exhibiting a so-called δ-clustering property is shown to imply precise estimates for the complex boundary value of the Weyl m-function and the spectral measure, and leads to an analysis of the absolutely continuous component of the spectral measure in terms of stability criteria for the corresponding Riccati equations. Mathematics Subject Classifications (1991): 34B25, 47E05. Key words: m-function, Schrödinger operator, spectrum.
1. Introduction This paper presents a new approach to the spectral theory of the Schrödinger operator on the half-line, based on an analysis of the Weyl–Titchmarsh m-function and its boundary values. It is well known (see, for example, [1–5]) that the m-function, defined in terms of two solutions u(·, z), v(·, z) of the Schrödinger equation at complex spectral parameter z as the coefficient m(z) for which u(·, z)+m(z)v(·, z) is square integrable over the half-line, is a Herglotz function (analytic in the upper half-plane with positive imaginary part), the boundary behaviour of which determines the spectral properties of the differential operator −d2 /dx 2 + V (x) in L2 (0, ∞). Here we are assuming a real locally integrable potential V , and limit-point case at infinity; we refer the reader to [2, 6, 7] for a treatment of the Weyl limit-point/limit circle theory and note that the limit-point case, which holds for any potential bounded at infinity and more generally for a wide range of unbounded potentials as well, is the case of physical interest in most applications to quantum mechanics and elsewhere, and allows one to dispense with a boundary condition at infinity. ? Partially supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation and by EPSRC.
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We do, however, need to impose a boundary condition at x = 0, and a oneparameter family of boundary conditions, parametrised by a real parameter α in the range π/2 < α 6 π/2, leads to a one-parameter family {mα } of m-functions, and correspondingly a one parameter family Tα = −d2 /dx 2 +V (x) of Schrödinger operators in L2 (0, ∞), each with its associated spectral properties. The case α = 0, with m(z) ≡ m0 (z), corresponds to the Schrödinger operator with Dirichlet boundary condition at x = 0; it should, however, be noted that it is usually necessary, in developing spectral theory for such operators, to deal with a family of operators {Tα } rather than just a single operator. Since the spectrum of each of these Schrödinger operators Tα is a subset of R, and the spectral measure µα is a measure on Borel subsets of R, one may expect that in principle it is better to deal with the Schrödinger equation at real spectral parameter λ, rather than at complex spectral parameter z. This will have the additional advantage that we can then call upon the variety of methods (orthogonality properties, oscillation and separation theorems) which apply to solutions of real Sturm–Liouville equations. Various theoretical ideas and methods have been introduced, particularly in recent years, which allow one to pass from a treatment of the m-function as a function of a complex variable z in the upper half-plane, to an analysis of the boundary values m+ (λ) ≡ limε→0+ m(λ + iε), defined for almost all λ ∈ R. This leads to a link between spectral behaviour and the asymptotic properties in the limit x → ∞ of solutions f (x, λ) of the Schrödinger equation at real spectral parameter λ. As examples of such developments, we may cite the application of the notion of subordinacy, introduced first of all in [8– 10], and recently developed still further in [11–14], as a powerful tool of spectral analysis, the treatment of absolutely continuous spectrum in [15, 16], using an asymptotic condition for the squared wave-function, recent results in [17–20] on the absolutely continuous spectrum, and new techniques for problems of singular spectra in [21, 22]. A novel feature of the approach presented here, applied in particular to a study of the absolutely continuous component of the spectral measure µα of Tα , is that it is based on an analysis of complex solutions of the Schrödinger equation at real spectral parameter λ. At first sight, this approach seems a little unusual, not to say perverse, since for λ real, the solution space for the Schrödinger equation −d2 f /dx 2 + Vf = λf is spanned at each λ by just two solutions u(·, λ), v(·, λ), which may be taken to be real, and any complex solution f will just be a complex linear combination of these two real solutions. Nevertheless, as is already suggested for example in [23, 24] and [25], complete spectral information cannot be extracted from a study of the asymptotics of two solutions u and v in isolation, but depends rather on a knowledge of their relative asymptotics, for example of their relative amplitudes and phases. This information appears to be encapsulated in a particularly crucial way, for spectral analysis, in the large x asymptotics of complex solutions at real λ. It should also be noted that to consider complex solutions is equivalent to consider-
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ing simultaneously a pair of solutions, which is very much in line with recent ideas, expressed for example in [26], which stress the analogy between the asymptotic analysis of the Schrödinger equation and the large time behaviour of dynamical systems. The current paper, in drawing on notions such as stability, recurrence, and clustering, is a continuation of this line of development. Rather than dealing with complex solutions f (x, λ) = Au(x, λ) + Bv(x, λ) per se (A, B ∈ C, and dependent on λ), we consider instead, for such solutions, the ratio h(x, λ) = f 0 (x, λ)/f (x, λ), where f 0 denotes differentiation with respect to x. This function h(x, λ) is thus a particular rational combination of u, v, u0 and v 0 which contains more spectral information than, for example, the real functions u0 /u and v 0 /v considered separately. It is well known, and follows easily as a consequence of the Schrödinger equation satisfied by f (x, λ), that h(x, λ) satisfies the nonlinear Riccati differential equation d h(x, λ) = V (x) − λ − (h(x, λ))2 . dx
This equation is appropriate to the study of the m-function and spectral properties for T = −d2 /dx 2 + V (x) subject to Dirichlet boundary condition at x = 0; this is the special case α = 0, and for general boundary condition we will have a related Riccati equation, of which the solutions hα are related to h by explicit rational transformations. The principal aim of this paper will be to show how the large x asymptotics of families of solutions of the above Riccati equation, as λ is varied, imply explicit bounds of m+ (λ), the boundary value of the m-function (or of mα if Neumann or other boundary conditions are imposed); these estimates of m+ can be used to generate information about the spectral properties of the corresponding Schrödinger operator, in particular as relates to the absolutely continuous part of the spectrum. As an example which will provide a flavour of the kind of result we shall obtain, may be cited the following, which applies to all real-valued, locally integrable potentials in the limit-point case at infinity: Let h(·, λ) be any (complex-valued) solution of the above Riccati equation, measurable as a function of λ and satisfying, for all x sufficiently large and for all λ belonging to some finite interval I, the bound √ √ |h(x, λ) − i λ| < δ λ, where δ is a constant in the range 0 < δ < 1/2. Then, for almost all λ ∈ I, we have the estimates: |h(0, λ) − m+ (λ)| 6
δ Im m+ (λ), 1 − 2δ
| Im h(0, λ) − Im m+ (λ)| 6
δ Im m+ (λ). 1−δ
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These estimates allow us to deduce from the initial values h(0, λ) of our given family of solutions h(·, λ) precise upper and lower bounds for the value of Im m+ (λ). Since π −1 Im m+ (λ) is the density function for the spectral measure µa.c. of the absolutely continuous component for the Dirichlet Schrödinger operator in L2 (0, ∞), we can deduce corresponding estimates for the spectral measure of the interval I itself. We can also estimate, to order δ, the value of the complex limit m+ (λ) itself, and similar results apply to the m-function for all other boundary conditions at x = 0. A particular consequence of this result applies if the value of δ √ may be made arbitrarily small. For this to be so, we require limx→∞ h(x, λ) = i λ, and such a solution must then satisfy the initial condition h(0, λ) = m+ (λ) exactly. (It also follows, for general l > 0, that h(l, λ) is then the boundary value at λ for the mfunction of the Schrödinger operator acting in L2 (l, ∞), with Dirichlet boundary condition at x = l.) For a wide class of short – and long – range potentials (for example in the cases V ∈ L1 (0, ∞), or V of bounded variation with V → 0 at infinity), it is indeed the case √ that a solution h(·, λ) of the Riccati equation exists with limx→∞ h(x, λ) = i λ, for any λ > 0. Such solutions can then be used to determine the boundary values of the m-function and related spectral behaviour. It should, however, be noted that our results are extremely general, and apply to a far wider class of potentials, and under much weaker assumptions which do not require the convergence of h(x, λ) as x → ∞. The particular notion which we are able to isolate, and which seems to govern all spectral behaviour on the absolutely continuous part of the spectrum, is that of (recurrent) clustering. Roughly, a family h(·, λ) of solutions of the Riccati equation is said to be δ-clustering, for λ in some set S, provided recurrently at a sequence of points x = x1 , x2 , x3 , . . . , with xj → ∞, solutions as λ varies over S are within distance of order δ of each other. The family is said to be clustering if δ can be made arbitrarily small. Precise definitions of these two concepts are given in Section 5. The main results of the paper, stated below as Theorem 1, provide estimates to order δ of the boundary value of the m-function, spectral density function, and spectral measure of a set, based on the hypothesis that a given family of solutions of the Riccati equation is δ-clustering, and imply that the only solutions having the clustering property must be subject to initial conditions h(0, λ) = m+ (λ). All of these results are extended to arbitrary values of the boundary condition parameter α. As a consequence, one can use the behaviour of a family of solutions of the Riccati equation, for λ in some set S and at an increasing sequence of points {xj }, to derive precise bounds on the m+ -function, for λ ∈ S. It appears to us that the theoretical framework which leads to the derivation of such bounds provides a viable basis for a possible numerical approach to spectral analysis, in which results of the kind described here are coupled with ideas of interval analysis. Quite apart from such developments, we believe that the characterisation of the boundary values of
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the m-function in terms of cluster properties of families of solutions of Riccati-type equations is of theoretical interest. The paper is organised as follows: Section 2 begins with an introduction to the general properties of Herglotz functions. Any Herglotz function has a unique representation ([27]) in terms of a corresponding measure ν on the Borel subsets of R. Just as is the case for Schrödinger operators, the spectral analysis of Herglotz functions is best carried out with a family {Fy }(y ∈ R) of Herglotz functions, rather than a single function. Given any Herglotz function F , one can define for almost all λ ∈ R a Cauchy measure ω(λ, ·). Given any Borel subset S of R, π ω(λ, S) is almost everywhere equal to the angle subtended by the set S at the boundary value F+ (λ) of F at λ. Thus the ω-measure carries important information relating to the boundary behaviour of the Herglotz function and has the added advantages, as compared to the measure ν, of both being a finite measure and of behaving well under various limiting operations. For the general background to the ω-measure and families of Herglotz functions, see [24]. In order to make full use of the ω-measure in spectral analysis, it is necessary to transfer between estimates of angles subtended by sets S at points w in the upper half-plane and estimates of the location of the points w themselves. Section 2 concludes with a general lemma which provides the necessary theoretical basis for doing this. In Section 3, we define the family of m-functions mα , as well as a related family of m-functions for the differential operator −d2 /dx 2 + V (x) acting in L2 of a finite interval [0, N] (see also [2, 25]). In this latter case, it is necessary to allow for complex boundary conditions at x = N, which may even be λ-dependent, and under these general conditions we prove in Lemma 2 a number of formulae relating averages over the parameter α of the spectral measures with integrals over λ of the corresponding ω-measures. These formulae allow us, by taking the limit N → ∞, to relate the ω-measures for differential operators acting in L2 (0, ∞) to ω-measures for operators in L2 (0, N) for N finite. The main idea of the proof of Lemma 2 is to make a change of variables between the parameter y for a general Herglotz family and the parameter α for a family of m-functions, and use a general spectral averaging formula for Herglotz functions to be found in [24]. Section 4 of the paper is concerned mainly with the Riccati equation and its solutions. Here we deal principally with the Riccati equation most appropriate to the case α = 0 for which the differential operator is subject to Dirichlet boundary condition. In Lemma 3 we derive some estimates which are used in the sequel and which relate to the question of stability with respect to changes in initial condition. In Section 5, we give precise definitions of the notions of δ-clustering and of clustering for families of solutions {h(·, λ)} of the Riccati equation, and illustrate these definitions with reference to some of the standard classes of potentials (L1 , bounded variation, and periodic). This is followed by the main theorem of the paper, which shows how the hypothesis of δ-clustering leads to estimates of the
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boundary values of the m-function, the spectral density, the spectral measure and the ω-measure for Schrödinger operators. A corollary to Theorem 1 provides a characterisation of clustering families of solutions in terms of m+ (λ), and these results are then extended to general (real) boundary conditions at x = 0. 2. Herglotz Functions Given a Herglotz function F (analytic in the upper half-plane with positive imaginary part), we have the representation ([27]) Z ∞ t 1 − 2 dν(t) (Im z > 0). (2) F (z) = a + bz + t +1 −∞ t − z Here a = Re F (i), b = lims→+∞ s −1 Im F (is), and ν = dν(t) is the uniquely determined spectral measure corresponding to F . In terms of a real parameter y, we can define a one-parameter family of Herglotz functions {Fy (·)} by Fy (z) =
F (z) 1 − yF (z)
(Im z > 0).
We denote respectively by ay , by and νy the constants a, b and the measure ν for the function Fy . For any w in the upper half plane, we can associate, as in [24], a Cauchy measure | · |w by Z Im w 1 |A|w = dt, π A |t − w|2 for any Borel subset A of R. Then π |A|w is the angle subtended at the point w by the subset A of R. For almost all λ ∈ R, we can define, for the Herglotz function F , a Cauchy measure ω(λ, ·) at λ by ω(λ, S) = lim |S|F (λ+iε).
F has a boundary value F+ (λ) = limε→0+ F (λ + iε) for almost all λ ∈ R. The decomposition of the measure ν into its singular and absolutely continuous components is determined by the boundary behaviour of F (λ + iε); thus (see, for example, [28]) n o νs = ν λ ∈ R : lim Im F (λ + iε) = ∞ ; ε→0+
νa.c. = ν λ ∈ R : lim Im F (λ + iε) exists finitely . ε→0+
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For a given measurable subset S of R, we have ω(λ, S) = |S|F+ (λ) for all λ at which F+ (λ) exists with Im F+ (λ) > 0, and 1 (F+ (λ) ∈ S), ω(λ, S) = / S) 0 (F+ (λ) ∈ for almost all λ at which F+ (λ) exists with Im F+ (λ) = 0. The following integral identity relates the ω-measure ω(λ, ·) for a given Herglotz function F to the corresponding one parameter family {νy } of measures: Z Z y −2 νy −1 (A) dy = ω(t, S) dt, (5) S
where A, S are arbitrary measurable subsets of R. (For a proof see [24].) The ω-measure for a given Herglotz function F may be used to investigate the boundary values F+ (λ) of F . The following application of this idea will be developed in this paper and used to study the boundary behaviour of the Weyl– Titchmarsh m-function for a differential operator: Suppose F+ (λ0 ) exists at some λ0 ∈ R. Then Theorem 3 of [23] implies the result Z 1 λ0 +δ ω(t, S) dt = ω(λ0 , S), (6) lim δ→0+ 2δ λ −δ 0 for any measurable subset S of R. (In [24], this is stated under the hypothesis that F+ (λ0 ) is real, but the proof easily extends to the general case.) We shall apply this result, using a limiting argument together with detailed bounds for solutions of the appropriate differential equations, to estimate the ω-measure on the right hand side of (6) for general measurable sets S, often taken for convenience to be intervals. Since π ω(λ0, S) is just the angle subtended by the set S at the point F+ (λ0 ), this will lead to an estimate for the value of F+ (λ0 ), the boundary value of the Herglotz function/m-function. The viability of such an approach to boundary values of Herglotz functions depends on the following fundamental question: What are the implications for the value of ω(λ0, S) of a given estimate of the boundary value F+ (λ0 ), and conversely what consequences for the value of F+ (λ0 ) follow from detailed bounds on ω(λ0, S) as S is varied? An answer to this question relies on a study of the relationship between the location of points in the upper half-plane and estimates for the corresponding angles subtended by subsets of R, and is provided by the following lemma. Observe in this connection and in the later analysis presented in this paper that an appropriate measure of the separation between two points w1 , w2 in the upper half-plane is provided by |w1 − w2 |/ Im w2 rather than by |w1 − w2 |. The proof is given in the Appendix. LEMMA 1. Let w1 , w2 be two complex numbers and denote by θ1 (S), θ2 (S) the angles subtended by a given measurable subset S of R at w1 and w2 , respectively. Then, for any δ with 0 < δ < 1,
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(i) |w1 − w2 | 6 δ Im w2 ⇒ |θ1 (S) − θ2 (S)| 6 δ ∗ θ2 (S), for all S ⊆ R, where δ ∗ = δ/(1 − δ). (ii) |θ1 (S) − θ2 (S)| 6 δθ2 (S), for all S ⊆ R, ⇒ |w1 − w2 | 6 δ Im w2 . [This implication requires only δ > 0 rather than 0 < δ < 1].
3. m-Functions and their Properties We consider the differential operator Tα = −d2 /dx 2 + V (x), acting in L2 (0, ∞), subject to the boundary condition (cos α)ϕ + (sin α)
dϕ = 0 at x = 0. dx
Here V is assumed real and locally integrable, with no further conditions imposed on the behaviour of V at large distances, apart from the requirement that we are in the limit-point case at infinity. Associated with the differential expression −d2 /dx 2 + V (x) is the differential equation −
d2 f (x, z) + V (x)f (x, z) = zf (x, z), dx 2
where z is a complex spectral parameter; we take for convenience Im z > 0. In the case of real spectral parameter λ we write the differential equation −
d2 f (x, λ) + V (x)f (x, λ) = λf (x, λ). dx 2
(80 )
Solutions uα (·, z), vα (·, z) of (8) and correspondingly uα (·, λ), vα (·, λ) of (80 ), are defined subject to the initial conditions uα (0, z) = cos α, vα (0, z) = − sin α, u0α (0, z) = sin α, vα0 (0, z) = cos α. The so-called Weyl–Titchmarsh m-function mα (z) for the differential operator Tα is then uniquely defined, for Im z > 0, by the condition that uα (·, z) + mα (z)vα (·, z) ∈ L2 (0, ∞).
In the case α = 0, we shall write simply u and v for u0 , v0 and m(z) for m0 (z); we then have m(z) = f 0 (0, z)/f (0, z), where f (·, z) is any nontrivial solution of (8) for which f (·, z) ∈ L2 (0, ∞). The m-function mα is a Herglotz function (i.e. mα is analytic with positive imaginary part in the upper half-plane) having the dependence on α given by mα (z) =
(cos α)m(z) − (sin α) . (cos α) + (sin α)m(z)
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We shall denote by µα the spectral measure defined in terms of the Herglotz representation for mα (cf. (2)). We shall also need to consider the Herglotz function for the differential operator −d2 /dx 2 + V (x) defined in L2 (0, N), with boundary conditions at each end of the finite interval [0, N]. Such m-functions have often been considered (see for example [2, 25]), but here we deviate slightly from usual practice in imposing a complex boundary condition at the right-hand endpoint x = N. Thus, for any Herglotz function η(·), define the m-function mN α,η by the condition that fα (x, z) ≡ uα (x, z) + mN α,η (z)vα (x, z)
satisfy at x = N the condition fα0 (N, z) = η(z)fα (N, z) for Im z > 0. Considering first the case α = 0, and using the initial conditions for u and v, we 0 see that mN 0,η (z) = f (0, z)/f (0, z), where f (·, z) is any (nontrivial) solution of the differential equation (8), subject to the prescribed condition at x = N. d Im(f 0 f¯) = −(Im z)|f |2 by the standard Lagrange identity ([2]), we Since dx have, on integrating with respect to x from 0 to N and using the condition that Im(f 0 (N, Z)f¯(N, z)) = (Im η(z))|f (N, z)|2 > 0, the result that Im(f 0 (0, z)f¯(0, z)) > 0. Hence f cannot be zero at x = 0, and also Im mN 0,η (z) =
Im(f 0 (0, z)f¯(0, z)) > 0. |f (0, z)|2
It follows that mN 0,η is a Herglotz function. For α 6= 0, the solution fα used to deter(z) must be a constant multiple of the solution f used for α = 0; hence mine mN α,η mN 0,η (z) =
f 0 (0, z) f 0 (0, z) = α , f (0, z) fα (0, z)
which on substituting for fα , fα0 and using the initial conditions for uα , vα , implies mN 0,η (z) =
(sin α) + (cos α)mN α,η (z) (cos α) − (sin α)mN α,η (z)
Hence mN α,η (z) has the same α dependence, mN α,η (z)
(cos α)mN 0,η (z) − (sin α) (cos α) + (sin α)mN 0,η (z)
as in the case of mα (z). It follows easily that mN α,η is a Herglotz function for general α. On combining Equation (11), with α replaced by β, and Equation (12), we have the equation mN α,η (z)
(cos(α − β))mN β,η (z) − sin(α − β) (cos(α − β)) + (sin(α − β))mN β,η (z)
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which relates these functions for different values of α and β. Using the Wronskian identity uα vα0 − u0α vα = 1 at x = N, we may verify the explicit expression for the m-function mN α,η (z) =
uα (N, z)η(z) − u0α (N, z) . −vα (N, z)η(z) + vα0 (N, z)
This may be verified by checking the boundary condition at x = N for the function fα defined by (9), making use of the Wronskian identity. Here we shall mainly be concerned with the special case in which η is a constant function having positive imaginary part. More generally, we assume that the boundary value η+ (λ) ≡ limε→0+ η(λ + iε) satisfies Im η+ (λ) > 0 for almost all λ ∈ R. In that case, for N+ almost all λ ∈ R the function mN α,η (z) also has boundary value mα,η (λ) having strictly positive imaginary part; we have, in fact Im mN+ α,η (λ) =
Im η+ (λ) . |vα (N, λ)η+ (λ) − vα0 (N, λ)|2
An alternative characterisation of mN+ α,η (λ) is by the condition that fα (x, λ) ≡ N+ uα (x, λ) + mα,η (λ)vα (x, λ) satisfy at x = N the λ-dependent complex boundary condition fα0 (N, λ) = η+ (λ)fα (N, λ). The following lemma extends to the case of complex boundary condition results already known ([25]) for real boundary condition, and will be the basis for the estimates which we shall carry out in Section 5. N LEMMA 2. Let µN α,η denote the spectral measure for the Herglotz function mα,η , N and let ωα,η (λ, ·) denote the ω-measure for this Herglotz function, defined as in N Equation (4). (Thus, for S ⊆ R, π ωα,η (λ, S) is the angle subtended by the set S at N+ the point mα,η (λ).) Let µα and ωα (λ, ·) denote respectively the spectral measure and ω-measure for mα , where mα is the m-function for the differential operator Tα = −d2 /dx 2 + V (x) in L2 (0, ∞) with boundary condition (7) at x = 0. Then for any Lebesgue measurable subsets A, S of R, Z Z N (i) (1 + y 2 )−1 µN (A) dy = ω0,η (t, S) dt, − cot−1 y,η S A Z Z 2 −1 N N (ii) lim (1 + y ) µ− cot−1 y,η (A) dy = lim ω0,η (t, S) dt N→∞ S N→∞ A Z = ω0 (t, S) dt. A
Proof. We start from the identity (5), which holds for arbitrary Herglotz functions F , and take the special case F (z) = mN 0,η (z). Equation (3) then implies ymN yF (z) 0,η (z) , = Fy −1 (z) = y − F (z) y − mN 0,η (z)
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which on substituting y = − cot α becomes Fy −1 (z) =
(cos α)mN 0,η (z) (cos α) + (sin α)mN 0,η (z)
However, from the dependence (12) of mN α,η (z) on α, we may verify that Fy −1 (z) = 2 N (cos α)mα,η (z) + sin α cos α. Since, with y = − cot α, the Herglotz functions Fy −1 and (cos2 α)mN α,η differ by a constant, they must have the same spectral measures, so that νy −1 = (cos2 α)µN α,η . With y = − cot α, we have y −2 cos2 α = sin2 α = (1 + y 2 )−1 , so that Z Z y −2 νy −1 (A) dy = (1 + y 2 )−1 µN (A) dy, − cot−1 y,η S
implying (i) of the lemma. The proof of (ii) follows closely the arguments of [25, p. 4074]. First fix z in the upper half plane. For this z, the value of η(z) determines the boundary condition at x = N for the function fα in (10). Standard limit point/limit circle theory, with η replaced by a real valued function, shows that in that case the set of points mN α,η (z) lie on a circle Cα,N (z) in the upper half plane, the circle depending on the values of α and N, as well as on z. In our case, with η a Herglotz function and hence Im η > 0, a minor modification of this theory implies that these points lie in the open disc enclosed by Cα,N (z). For N1 > N2 , the N = N1 disc is contained in the N = N2 disc. As N → ∞ the disc shrinks to a single point, which is the point mα (z). One may verify that convergence of mN α,η (z) to mα (z) is uniform in z over compact subsets of the upper half-plane. This implies convergence of the corresponding spectral measures for finite intervals A, thus lim µN α,η (A) = µα (A)
provided neither endpoint of A is a discrete point of the measure µα . For a given finite interval A, an endpoint can be a discrete point of µα for at most one value of α. We also have positive upper and lower bounds for |mN 0,η (i)| which, on using given by (12), may be made uniform in α for |mN the α dependence of mN α,η α,η (i)|. N Using the Herglotz representation as in (2) for mα,η yields a uniform estimate Z (i) Im mN − cot−1 y,η
dµN (t) − cot−1 y,η
(t 2 + 1)
6 const.,
provided the m-function has no linear term in z in its representation. The coefficient N −1 Im mN of the linear term for mN α,η (z) is given by bα,η = lims→+∞ s α,η (is). Hence N N from Equation (13) we see that if bβ,η 6= 0 for some β then bα,η = 0 for all α 6= β. It follows that the estimate (16) is uniform in y over all except for at most one possible value of y, for each value of N. For a given finite interval A, this leads to a bound (A) 6 const., µN − cot−1 y,η
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holding except for at most one value of y for each N. Using now (15) and (17), we may apply the Lebesgue dominated-convergence theorem to obtain, for any finite interval A and measurable subset S of R, Z Z lim (1 + y 2 )−1 µN (A) dy = (1 + y 2 )−1 µ− cot−1 y (A) dy. (18) − cot−1 y,η N→∞
The equation extends readily to general measurable subsets A of R, using countable additivity. To complete the proof of (ii) of the lemma, it remains only to use Equation (12) of [25], which states that Z Z 2 −1 2 (1 + y ) µ− cot−1 y (A) dy = ω0 (t, S) dt. S
REMARK 1. In relation to the proof of (ii) of Lemma 2, we point out that in fact the estimate (16) holds uniformly for all values of y. To see this, one has to show N mentioned in the proof is zero for all α. That this that the Herglotz coefficient bα,η is so is a consequence of (12) and of the following asymptotic formula: √ 1 − 12 s − 2 mN 0,η (is) = (−1 + i)/ 2 + O s as s → +∞ through real values; the proof of this formula uses the analogue of Equation (171) of [1] for the solution f (x, is) of the Schrödinger equation (8) with complex boundary condition f 0 (N, is)/f (N, is) = η(is). (See also [29] for the special case in which η is a real constant.) The following Corollary extends the results of Lemma 2 to the function mN β,η for general values of β. COROLLARY 1. For any Lebesgue measurable subsets A, S of R, we have Z Z 2 −1 N N (i) (1 + y ) µ(− cot−1 y+β),η (A) dy = ωβ,η (t, S) dt, S A Z Z 2 −1 N N (ii) lim (1 + y ) µ(−cot−1 y+β),η (A) dy = lim ωβ,η (t, S) dt N→∞ S N→∞ A Z = ωβ (t, S) dt. A
Proof. Again we start from the identity (5), taking in this case F (z) = mN β,η (z). We have, then, Fy −1 (z) =
ymN β,η (z) y − mN β,η (z)
N which on setting y = − cot α becomes (cos α)mN β,η (z)/((cos α) + (sin α)mβ,η (z)). Substituting
mN β,η (z)
(cos β)mN 0,η (z) − (sin β) (cos β) + (sin β)mN 0,η (z)
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from (12), we find, with y = − cot α, Fy −1 (z) =
(cos α cos β)mN 0,η (z) − (cos α sin β) (cos(α + β)) + (sin(α + β))mN 0,η (z)
Noting that mN α+β,η (z) =
(cos(α + β))mN 0,η (z) − sin(α + β) (cos(α + β)) + (sin(α + β))mN 0,η (z)
and using standard trigonometric identities, it is straightforward to verify that Fy −1 (z) = (cos2 α)mN α+β,η (z) + sin α cos α. As in the proof of the lemma, this leads to an analogous relation between measures, giving here νy −1 = (cos2 α)µN α+β,η . The proofs of (i) and (ii) of the corollary now follow similar lines to those of 2 the corresponding results of Lemma 2, of which they are a generalisation. REMARK 2. We shall actually need the results of Lemma 2 and Corollary 1 in slightly greater generality, such that the complex boundary condition defined by η is allowed to depend on the value of N. It may be verified that the proofs of (i) and (ii) may in each case be carried through in this more general case, with the role of the Herglotz function η taken by a family {ηN } of Herglotz functions.
4. The Riccati Equation Given any solution f (·, z) of the Schrödinger equation (8) at complex spectral parameter z, such that f (x, z) 6= 0 for x > 0, we can define a corresponding function h(x, z) = f 0 (x, z)/f (x, z) such that h(·, z) satisfies the well-known Riccati differential equation dh(x, z) = V (x) − z − (h(x, z))2 . dx
We assume here Im z > 0. Given the value of the solution h at x = N, for some N > 0, with Im h(N, z) > 0, the solution is well defined and has positive imaginary part for all x in the interval [0, N]. We can construct the solution explicitly in terms of any solution f (·, z) of the Schrödinger equation subject to the condition f 0 (N, z)/f (N, z) = h(N, z); we have, in that case, for 0 6 x 6 N, Z N 1 2 2 Im h(x, z) = Im h(N, z) + Im z |f (t, z)| dt , |f (N, z)| |f (x, z)|2 x from which the positivity of the imaginary part is easily seen.
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On the other hand, for x > N, positivity of the imaginary part of the solution h(x, z) will not necessarily be preserved. In fact it is well known (and indeed may be proved from the above identity for Im h(x, z)), that the only solution of the Riccati equation such that Im h(x, z) > 0 for all x > 0 is the solution subject to the initial condition h(0, z) = m(z),where m is the Weyl–Titchmarsh m-function. For all other initial conditions, the solution h(x, z) will either diverge at some finite positive value of x, or will have negative imaginary part for all x sufficiently large. In the case of the Riccati equation at real spectral parameter λ, dh(x, λ) = V (x) − λ − (h(x, λ))2 , dx
(190 )
the situation is completely different. Here every solution subject to an initial condition satisfying Im h(0, λ) > 0 will be well defined and have positive imaginary part for all x > 0. An explicit expression for the solution of the Riccati equation, subject to such an initial condition, is h(x, λ) = f 0 (x, λ)/f (x, λ), where f (x, λ) is given in terms of the standard solutions u, v(≡ u0 , v0 ) of the Schrödinger equation defined in Section 3, by f (x, λ) = u(x, λ) + h(0, λ)v(x, λ). From the Wronskian identity, we then have Im h(x, λ) =
Im h(0, λ) , |f (x, λ)|2
exhibiting clearly the positivity of the imaginary part of the solution. In this paper, we are particularly interested in the case in which the differential operator Tα = −d2 /dx 2 + V (x) has absolutely continuous spectrum, though not necessarily purely absolutely continuous spectrum. A support of the absolutely continuous part of µα can be defined as the set of all λ ∈ R at which the boundary value mα+(λ) ≡ limε→0+ mα (λ + iε) exists with strictly positive imaginary part. Equation (13) then implies that this set is in fact independent of α. For λ belonging to this set, a particularly significant solution of the Riccati equation is that solution which we shall denote by h+ (x, λ), which satisfies the initial condition h+ (0, λ) = m+ (λ) ≡ m0+ (λ). Thus h+ (x, λ) =
f 0 (x, λ) u0 (x, λ) + m+ (λ)v 0 (x, λ) = + , u(x, λ) + m+ (λ)v(x, λ) f+ (x, λ)
where f+ (x, λ) is the boundary value at λ of the L2 solution f (x, z) = u(x, z) + m(z)v(x, z) of the Schrödinger equation at complex spectral parameter z. Just as m+ (λ) = f+0 (0, λ)/f+ (0, λ), so m+ (N, λ) = h+ (N, λ) =
f+0 (N, λ) f+ (N, λ)
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is the boundary value at λ of the m-function m(N, z) for the differential operator −d2 /dx 2 + V (x), acting in L2 (N, ∞) with Dirichlet boundary condition at x = N. Hence the single solution h+ (x, λ), with the appropriate initial condition h+ (0, λ) = m+ (λ), determines the boundary value of the m-function for the Dirichlet Hamiltonian in all intervals [N, ∞) for N > 0. The main purpose of this paper will be to identify criteria which will characterise the particular solution h+ (x, λ) of the Riccati equation at real spectral parameter λ which determines this family of m-functions (and hence also their related spectral measures, densities, and so on). Such criteria are to be found in an analysis of the clustering properties of solutions of the Riccati equation as the spectral parameter λ is varied. As a preliminary to this analysis, to be carried out in the next section, the following result deals with a different but related question, that of stability with respect to changes in initial condition. As in Section 2, we estimate the separation of two complex numbers w1 , w2 through a comparison of |w1 − w2 | with Im w2 (or Im w1 ) rather than a bound on the magnitude of |w1 − w2 |. LEMMA 3. Let h1 (·, λ), h2 (·, λ) be two solutions of the Riccati equation (190 ), at real spectral parameter λ, over an interval [0, N]. Then, for any δ in the interval 0 < δ < 1, |h1 (0, λ) − h2 (0, λ)| 6 δ Im h2 (0, λ) δ ⇒ |h1 (N, λ) − h2 (N, λ)| 6 Im h2 (N, λ). (1 − δ) Moreover, |h1 (N, λ) − h2 (N, λ)| 6 δ Im h2 (N, λ) δ Im h2 (0, λ). ⇒ |h1 (0, λ) − h2 (0, λ)| 6 (1 − δ) Proof. We have already written down the solution of the Riccati equation subject to a given initial condition, from which we have, for any solution h(·, λ) over the interval, h(N, λ) =
u0 (N, λ) + h(0, λ)v 0 (N, λ) . u(N, λ) + h(0, λ)v(N, λ)
For fixed N and λ, the transformation which takes h(0, λ) into h(N, λ) is a socalled Möbius or fractional linear transformation of the upper half plane, of the form w → (aw + b)/(cw + d), where a, b, c, d are real and the Wronskian identity implies ad − bc = 1. For the properties of Möbius transformations, see for example [30]. For such a transformation, suppose that w1 → ξ1 and w2 → ξ2 , where |w1 − w2 | 6 δ Im w 2 , with 0 < δ < 1. Then aw1 + b aw2 + b |w1 − w2 | = |ξ1 − ξ2 | = − , cw1 + d cw2 + d |cw1 + d||cw2 + d|
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and Im ξ2 = Im w2 /|cw2 + d|2 . Hence cw2 + d |ξ1 − ξ2 | cw2 + d |w1 − w2 | . = 6 δ Im ξ2 cw1 + d Im w2 cw1 + d However, cw1 + d c(w |w1 − w2 | − w ) 1 2 cw + d = 1 + cw + d > 1 − |w + d/c| 2 2 2 δ Im w2 > 1− > 1 − δ, |w2 + d/c| provided c 6= 0. Hence cw2 + d 1 cw + d 6 1 − δ , 1 the inequality holding trivially in the case c = 0, and we have 1 |w1 − w2 | δ |ξ1 − ξ2 | 6 6 . Im ξ2 (1 − δ) Im w2 (1 − δ) The first implication of the lemma now follows by taking the appropriate Möbius transformation for the Riccati equation across the interval [0, N], with w1 = h1 (0, λ), w2 = h2 (0, λ) and ξ1 = h1 (N, λ), ξ2 = h2 (N, λ). To prove the second implication, observe that the inverse transformation to ξ = (aw + b)/(cw + d) is a transformation of the same form, given by w = (dξ − b)/(a − cξ ), and repeat 2 the previous argument. REMARK 3. The multiplicative constants δ/(1 − δ) in the inequalities of the lemma are optimal, and rely on the bound |(w2 + x)/(w1 + x)| 6 1/(1 − δ) for all x ∈ R, whenever |w1 − w2 | 6 δ Im w2 . √ REMARK 4. One could use |w1 − w2 |/ (Im w1 )(Im w2 ) rather than, say, |w1 − w2 |/Im w2 , as a measure of separation for complex numbers w1 , w2 throughout this paper. This has the advantage of being symmetric between w1 and w2 , and also it follows from the conservation of cross ratios ([30]) that this quantity is conserved by Möbius transformations. Nevertheless, in our view these advantages are outweighed by the relative simplicity in the estimates of angle subtended and ω-measures which we shall derive in the following section, through the use of the |w1 − w2 |/Im w2 estimate. In the current context such alternative estimates differ in any case only to order δ 2 .
5. δ-Clustering Solutions of the Riccati Equation The following definitions express more precisely the notion that a solution h(·, λ) (more precisely a family of solutions) of the Riccati equation may to order δ be
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asymptotically independent of λ, for λ belonging to suitable sets E, and for a sequence of large values of x. For such a solution, we use the term “recurrently δ-clustering”, abbreviated for convenience to “δ-clustering”. We shall also make use of the terms “point of density” and “approximate continuity”. (See [31, 32].) A real number λ0 is said to be a point of density of a measurable set E ⊆ R provided limK→0+ |E ∩ [λ0 − K, λ0 + K]|/2K = 1, where | · | stands for Lebesgue measure. A measurable function F from R to R is said to be approximately continuous at a point λ0 of its domain if, for any δ > 0, λ0 is a point of density of the set of λ for which |F (λ) − F (λ0 )| < δ. Thus, “point of density” expresses the idea that ‘most’ points near λ0 belong to a given set E, and “approximate continuity” expresses the idea that F (λ) is close to F (λ0 ) for ‘most’ points λ near λ0 . Given a measurable set E, almost all λ ∈ E will be points of density of E, and given a measurable function F , almost all λ ∈ domain (F ) will be points of approximate continuity. We are now ready to define the notion of δ-clustering. DEFINITION 1. Let E ⊆ R be measurable and let δ be a positive constant. We say that a family of solutions h(·, λ) of the Riccati equation d h(x, λ) = V (x) − λ − (h(x, λ))2 ; x ∈ [0, ∞), λ ∈ E dx is δ-clustering on E if there exists a function H : [0, ∞) → C, with Im H > 0, such that |h(x, λ) − H (x)| < δ. (20) lim inf sup x→∞ λ∈E Im H (x) The family {h(·, λ)} is said to be clustering at some λ0 ∈ R, if there is a measurable subset E of R, with all λ ∈ E points of density of E and h(0, λ) approximately continuous at all λ ∈ E as a function of λ, and such that for any δ > 0 an open interval I containing λ0 can be found, with the solution h(·, λ) δ-clustering on E ∩ I. The solution is said to be clustering on E if it is clustering at all λ ∈ E. REMARK 5. Given a set E and correspondingly a solution h(·, λ) of the Riccati equation for each λ ∈ E, we may try to minimise the value of δ in (20), by choosing the value of H (x) at each x > 0 to minimise the supremum of |h(x, λ) − H (x)|/ Im H (x) as λ is varied over E. This minimisation, though possible in principle, is not usually practical, and in practice, in verifying the δ-clustering property, it is simpler (though not optimal) to take for example H (x) = h(x, λ0 ) for some fixed λ0 ∈ E. REMARK 6. The property of a solution to be δ-clustering on a set E will hold if and only if a function H and an increasing sequence {`1 , `2 , `3 , . . .} can be found, with `j → ∞, such that, for all j = 1, 2, 3, . . . |h(`j , λ) − H (`j )| < δ Im H (`j )
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for all λ ∈ E. On the other hand, if the δ-clustering property fails for E, then for any δ0 in the interval 0 < δ0 < δ we have supλ∈E |h(x, λ) − H (x)|/Im H (x) > δ0 for all sufficiently large x and for all choices of the function H . In particular, we then have, for any fixed λ0 ∈ E, and for large enough x, |h(x, λ) − h(x, λ0 )| > δ0 Im h(x, λ0 ) for some λ ∈ E. REMARK 7. The clustering property at a point λ0 implies that a family of solutions clusters arbitrarily closely (i.e. to order δ with δ arbitrarily small) for λ sufficiently close to λ0 . Since the inequality |h(`, λ)−H (`)| < δ Im H (`), for all λ ∈ E, implies also |h(`, λ) − h(`, λ0 )| < (2δ/(1 − δ)) Im h(`, λ0), for all λ, λ0 ∈ E, in considering the clustering property at a point λ0 one may take without loss of generality H (x) = h(x, λ0 ), and this is often a convenient choice of the H function. Before proceeding to the main results of this paper, it may be helpful to consider briefly the application of the term “δ-clustering” to some simple classes of potentials. The simplest case is that in which V ≡ 0. The Riccati √ equation then 2 , which has the solution h = i λ for any λ > 0. takes the form dh/dx = −λ − h √ Note that i λ is the boundary value m+ (λ) of the m-function, and that this solution is a constant function for each λ > 0 because −d2 /dx 2 has the same m-function (with Dirichlet boundary condition) as a differential operator in L2 ([`, ∞)) for any ` > 0. √ For all initial conditions other than h(0, λ) = i λ , such that Im h(0, λ) > 0, the orbit of the solution h(x,√λ) as x is varied, for fixed λ > 0, is a circle |h|2 + λ = const. Im h, with the point i λ in its interior. In the case of zero potential, it is relatively straightforward to determine whether a given solution of the Riccati equation is δ-clustering or not, since exact solutions of the equation may be written down, for arbitrary initial conditions. As an example, consider the solution h(·, √ λ) of the Riccati equation (with V = 0), subject to the initial condition h(0, λ) = i λ0 , where λ0 is an arbitrary positive number. For 0 < δ < 1, if E is any closed subset of the interval E 0 = {λ : |λ−λ0 | < δλ0 }, we may verify for all x > 0 the estimate, for λ ∈ E 0 , √ −1/2 |λ − λ0 | |h(x, λ) − h(x, λ0 )| = < δ, 1 + cot2 x λ Im h(x, λ0 ) λ0 and it follows that h(·, λ) is δ-clustering on E, with H (x) = h(x, λ0 ). This may not, however, be the optimal choice √ of H to achieve δ-clustering, if we can vary E. Taking again h(0, λ) = i λ0 , one may verify that any λ in the interval λ0 (1 − δ)/(1 + δ) < λ < λ0 (1 + δ)/(1 − δ), which is larger than the interval E 0 , will belong to an open interval E on which h(·, λ) is δ-clustering, by suitable choice of H . The above example also provides an illustration of√the clustering property at λ0 ; the solutions subject to initial condition h(0, λ) = i λ0 are clustering at λ0 (and
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at no other point), since by shrinking the interval E containing λ0 we can ensure the δ-clustering property on E with an arbritrarily small value of δ. In Theorem 1 below, we shall use the δ-clustering property to obtain an estimate of the closeness of h(0, λ), the initial value of the solution, to m+ (λ), the boundary value of the m-function, for values of λ in a given set E. Roughly, this estimate will state that if the family {h(·, λ)} is δ-clustering on E then h(0, λ) is within distance of order δ of m+ (λ), for almost all λ ∈ E. Although such estimates are of limited interest where m+ (λ) is known exactly, we believe that the general result, which makes no special assumptions on the form of the potential, is of both theoretical and practical interest in the study of the m-function and its boundary values. The class of potentials V ∈ L1 (0, ∞) may be treated as a perturbation of the case of zero potential. By regarding the Riccati equation as a pair of coupled differential equations for the real and imaginary parts of h, and evaluating the derivative, one may verify the identity, for any solution h(·, λ), 2V (x) Re h(x, λ) d |h(x, λ)|2 + λ = dx Im h(x, λ) Im h(x, λ) 2V (x) Re h(x, λ) |h(x, λ)|2 + λ = . (21) |h(x, λ)|2 + λ Im h(x, λ) For V ∈ L1 (0, ∞), it follows that (|h|2 + λ)/Im h converges to a limit√as x → ∞, for each λ > 0. This limit may be zero, in which case h(x, λ) → i λ, and the solution converges to the value of m+ (λ) for the unperturbed problem V ≡ 0; or the limit may be nonzero, in which case the orbit of the solution asymptotically approaches a circle in the upper half-plane. It will be a consequence of Theorem 1 below (which, however, is stated in much greater generality)√that for the unique initial condition which yields the asymptotics h(x, λ) → i λ we have h(0, λ) = m+ (λ), where now m+ (λ) is the boundary value of the m-function for the perturbed Dirichlet operator −d2 /dx 2 + V (x) in L2 (0, ∞); correspondingly, h(`, λ) will then be the boundary value of the m-function for the Dirichlet operator −d2 /dx 2 + V (x) in L2 (`, ∞). The case of a potential V of bounded variation (assuming for convenience that V → 0 as x → ∞) may be treated in a similar way. Using the identity (21) and noting that 2 Re h/Im h = d/dx(1/Im h), one may integrate the identity by parts and using the estimate that Im h is bounded below by a positive constant, for fixed λ > 0, deduce that again in this case (|h|2 + λ)/Im h converges to a limit as x → ∞. Hence for potentials of bounded variation we may identify, as in the of the Riccati equation which leads to the asymptotic L1 case, a particular solution √ property h(x, λ) → i λ, and satisfying the initial condition h(0, λ) = m+ (λ); the analysis may be extended without difficulty to potentials which are a sum of an L1 component and a component of bounded variation, covering in this way a wide class of decaying potentials, both of short and long-range. In all such cases, these particular solutions of the Riccati equation satisfying specific asymptotics are in fact precisely the clustering solutions we have already defined above.
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An interesting class of nondecaying potentials in this context is provided by the class of periodic potentials. For a potential of period T , a family of solutions h(·, λ) of the Riccati equation will be clustering on a set E if h(·, λ) is itself periodic, in the sense that h(x +T , λ) = h(x, λ) for λ ∈ E; for such solutions we will then have h(0, λ) = m+ (λ). The δ-clustering solutions may then roughly be characterised as those which stay within distance O(δ) of a periodic solution, at a sequence {`j } of points with `j → ∞. As a typical application to a class of potentials tending to −∞ at large distances, consider the one-parameter family of potentials V = Vβ (x) = −βx 2 (β > 0). In that case, for λ > 0, the transformation Z x (λ + βt 2 )1/2 dt, g = (λ + βx 2 )1/4f s= 0
reduces the Schrödinger equation to the standard form d2 g + {1 + Rβ }g = 0, ds 2
R∞ with Rβ ≡ Rβ (s, λ) satisfying 0 |Rβ (s, λ)|ds < ∞. (See [33] for further details.) If λ is allowed to be negative, say λ ∈ [−λ− , 0] for some fixed λ− > 0, a large, by taking similar transformation can be carried Rout for all x > x0 sufficiently √ x the transformed variable s to be s = x0 (λ + βt 2 )1/2 dt, with x0 > −λ− /β. The ratio k = (dg/ds)/g then satisfies a Riccati equation dk/ds = −1 − Rβ − k 2 , where, for a given solution f (x, λ) of the Schrödinger equation, h(x, λ) (= (df /dx)/f ) is given in terms of k(s, λ) by h(x, λ) = (λ + βx 2 )1/2 k(s, λ) −
βx (λ + βx 2 )−1 . 2
As x and s tend to infinity, this enables us to pass easily from bounds on k, of the form | k(s, λ) − K(x) | < δ0, Im K(x) to corresponding bounds on h, of the form | h(x, λ) − H (x) | < δ, Im H (x) provided H and K are related by H = (λ0 + βx 2 )1/2K −
βx (λ0 + βx 2 )−1 , 2
for some fixed λ0 .
By a natural extension of Definition 1, the notion of δ-clustering may be applied to families of solutions k(·, λ) of the transformed Riccati equation, and h(·, λ) will be δ-clustering whenever the family k(·, λ) is δ 0 -clustering for some δ 0 < δ. Moreover,
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with Rβ (·, λ) ∈ L1 (0, ∞), we may adapt the same techniques as for L1 potentials to determine δ 0 -clustering solutions for k(·, λ). We omit, here, the detailed consequences of this approach, but note that there is a solution h(·, λ) of the Riccati equation (190 ) which is clustering on R, with the asymptotic behaviour h(x, λ) ∼ iβ 1/2 x as x → ∞, and that the solution hN (·, λ) of (190 ), subject to the condition hN (N, λ) = i(λ + βN 2 )1/2 −
βN (λ + βN 2 )−1 2
is δ-clustering with δ = tanh IN (β, λ), where Z ∞ β IN (β, λ) = |(3βx 2 − 2λ)(λ + βx 2 )−5/2 | dx 4 N
(N 2 > −λ/β).
The following theorem derives some consequences of the clustering property, and applies to all locally integrable potentials under the sole hypothesis that we are in the limit-point case at infinity. THEOREM 1. Let V be any real-valued potential, integrable on compact subintervals of [0, ∞), and in the limit-point case at infinity. Let E be a measurable subset of R, with each λ ∈ E a point of density of E. For λ ∈ E, let h(·, λ) satisfy the Riccati equation (190 ) subject to initial conditions with Im h(0, λ) > 0 and h(0, λ) approximately continuous at all λ ∈ E. Suppose that the solution h(·, λ) is δ-clustering on E, for some δ in the interval 0 < δ < 1/2. Let m(z) denote the m-function, with boundary value m+ (λ), ω(λ, ·) the ωmeasure, µ the spectral measure with absolutely continuous component µa.c. for the differential operator −d2 /dx 2 + V (x) in L2 (0, ∞), with Dirichlet boundary condition at x = 0. Then the function h(0, λ) provides the following order δ estimates of m+ (λ), ω(λ, S) and µa.c. (E) valid for almost all λ ∈ E, and holding in particular at all λ ∈ E at which m+ (λ) exists: (i) |h(0, λ) − m+ (λ)| 6 (δ/(1 − 2δ)) Im m+ (λ); (ii) |π −1 ψ(λ, S) − ω(λ, S)| 6 (δ/(1 − 2δ))ω(λ, S), where ψ(λ, S) is the angle subtended Z by S at the point h(0, λ); π −1 Im h(0, λ)dλ − µa.c. (E) 6 δ µa.c. (E). (iii) 1 − 2δ E Moreover, if E is an interval, the multiplicative constant on the right hand side of this last estimate may be improved to δ/(1 − δ), under the weaker hypothesis 0 < δ < 1, and we have the following additional estimate of 1 Im m+ (λ), the spectral density function: π (iv) | Im h(0, λ) − Im m+ (λ)| 6 (δ/(1 − δ)) Im m+ (λ). Proof. Suppose h(·, λ) is δ-clustering on E, with 0 < δ < 1/2. Following Remark 6 after Definition 1, let {`j } be an increasing sequence, with `j → ∞,
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such that |h(`j , λ) − H (`j )| < δ Im H (`j ), for λ ∈ E. Let ` denote `j for some fixed j , and define the constant function η = H (`). Now define the corresponding Herglotz function mN 0,η (z) as in Equation (10). Then the solution of the Riccati equation, which at x = 0 has the value mN+ 0,η (λ), will have the value H (`) at x = `. We also know that the solution, which at x = 0 has the value h(0, λ), will have the value h(`, λ) at x = `. Moreover, at x = ` we have the estimate |h(`, λ) − H (`)| < δ Im H (`), which by Lemma 3 implies the estimate at x = 0 h(0, λ) − mN+ (λ) 6 δ Im mN+ (λ), (22) 0,η 0,η 1−δ for all λ ∈ E. We can now apply Lemma 1, which translates an estimate of the separation between two points in the upper half-plane into an estimate of the difference between the angles subtended by a given measurable subset S of R at these two points. Noting that in this case δ δ δ ∗ 1− = , δ = 1−δ 1−δ 1 − 2δ N (λ, S), we then have from the definitions of ψ(λ, S) and ω0,η N |π −1 ψ(λ, S) − ω0,η (λ, S)| 6
δ ωN (λ, S), 1 − 2δ 0,η
for all λ ∈ E and all measurable S ⊆ R. Integrating over the set E now gives Z Z −1 N π ψ(t, S) dt − ω (t, S) dt 6 0,η E
δ 1 − 2δ
N ω0,η (t, S) dt,
which from Lemma 2, on letting N tend to ∞ and taking note of Remark 2 at the end of Section 3, yields Z Z Z π −1 ψ(t, S) dt − ω(t, S) dt 6 δ ω(t, S) dt. (23) 1 − 2δ E E E This inequality holds also with E replaced by EK ≡ E ∩ [λ − K, λ + K], for any λ ∈ E and K > 0. Take λ ∈ E to be a point at which m+ (λ) exists; this will be so for almost all λ ∈ E. By hypothesis, λ will be a point of density of E and a point of approximate continuity of h(0, λ). Hence alsoRψ(λ, S) will be approxi1 mately continuous at this point. So we have limK→0+ 2K EK ψ(t, S) dt = ψ(λ, S), R 1 and limK→0+ 2K EK ω(t, S) dt = ω(λ, S). We do not, here, need to assume that EK covers the whole of the interval [λ − K, λ + K]; since both π −1 ψ(t, S) and ω(t, S) are bounded by 1, and λ is a point of density of E, the contributions to R λ+K R λ+K 1 1 ψ(t, S) dt and 2K λ−K ω(t, S) dt from integrating over points not in E 2K λ−K would in any case vanish in the limits K → 0+. We may therefore conclude, on
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setting E = EK in (23), dividing by 2K, and proceeding to the limit, that, at almost all λ ∈ E, δ ω(λ, S). (24) |π −1 ψ(λ, S) − ω(λ, S)| 6 1 − 2δ This proves (ii) of the theorem. The proof of (i) now follows immediately from (ii) of Lemma 1, which allows us to proceed from an estimate of angles subtended to an estimate of distances of points in the upper half-plane. Note that, under the hypotheses of the theorem, m+ (λ) cannot be real for any λ ∈ E. If m+ (λ) were real we should have ω(λ, S) = 0 for any closed interval S / S. For such intervals S, (24) then implies ψ(λ, S) = 0, which is with m+ (λ) ∈ not possible with Im h(0, λ) > 0. A similar argument shows that, for λ ∈ E, we cannot have limε→0+ Im m(λ + iε) = ∞, since this would imply ω(λ, S) = 0 for any finite interval S. Since the singular part µs of the measure µ is supported on the set of λ at which limε→0+ Im m(λ + iε) = ∞, it follows that µs (E) = 0, and hence that µ(E) = µa.c. (E). Part (iii) of the theorem now follows from (i) and the fact that π −1 Im m+ (λ) is the density function for µa.c. [28]. The proof of the stronger version of (iii), under the hypothesis that E is an interval, follows from (15) on integrating the inequality (22) directly and noting N that π −1 Im mN+ 0,η (λ) is the density function for the measure µ0,η . Inequality (iv) 2 follows as before from a limiting argument. The following corollary is a straightforward consequence of the main theorem: COROLLARY 2. Under the same hypotheses on the potential V as for Theorem 1, suppose h(·, λ) is a family of solutions of the Riccati equation (190 ) which is clustering at λ0 . Then h(·, λ0 ) satisfies the initial condition h(0, λ0 ) = m+ (λ0 ), provided m+ (λ0 ) exists. Proof. From Definition 1, we may assume the existence of a measurable set E, with λ0 ∈ E, and a family Iδ of open intervals containing λ0 , such that h(·, λ) is δ-clustering on E ∩ Iδ . Then the estimate (i) of Theorem 1 holds at λ = λ0 for all δ in the interval 2 0 < δ < 1/2. It follows immediately that h(0, λ0 ) = m+ (λ0 ). Theorem 1 and its corollary provide a general criterion for distinguishing the solution h+ (·, λ) of the Riccati equation which agrees at x = 0 with the boundary value m+ (λ) of the m-function m(z) and at x = ` with the boundary value m+ (`, λ) of the m-function for the differential operator acting in L2 (`, ∞). Thus, {h+ (·, λ)} is clustering for each λ and any family of solutions which is clustering at a point λ allows us to determine the boundary value at this point of the m-function for the differential operator in L2 (`, ∞) for ` > 0. REMARK 8. One may easily convert (i) of the theorem into the specific bound |m+ (λ) − h(0, λ)| 6 (δ/(1 − 3δ)) Im h(0, λ) for m+ (λ), provided δ < 1/3. This
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˜ bound may be slightly improved by defining h(λ) = Re h(0, λ) + (i/(1 − δ 2 )) Im h(0, λ). ˜ ˜ 6 (δ/(1 − 2δ)) Im h(λ). Bounds similar to those Then we have |m+ (λ) − h(λ)| above may also be obtained as a consequence of (ii), (iii) and (iv) of the theorem. REMARK 9. Estimates (i)–(iv) of the theorem, based on the hypothesis of δclustering on a set E, are close to optimal, in the sense that any improvement in the values of the multiplicative constants δ/(1 − 2δ) or δ/(1 − δ) can at best provide an order δ 2 correction. To illustrate this point, consider the simple case √ V (x) ≡ 0, taking as before the solution subject to initial condition h(0, λ) = i λ0 . Taking λ0 = 1 and δ = 1/10, we can find an interval, containing the point λ = 1, on which h(·, λ) is δ-clustering. Part (iv) of the theorem then provides the following estimate for m+ (1) : 9/10 6 Im m+ (1) 6 9/8. These bounds on the spectral density function at λ = 1 provide an accuracy of up to 10%. On the other hand, still with δ = 1/10 but taking a different family of solutions √ which leads to δclustering in a neighbourhood of λ = 1, namely h(0, λ) = i λ0 and λ0 slightly larger than 9/11, we deduce the upper bound Im m+ (1) 6 1.018. A third family of solutions with δ = 1/10 and λ0 slightly smaller than 11/9 gives rise to the lower bound Im m+ (1) > 0.995. It is interesting to note, here, that two estimates to order δ, taken together, give rise to the single estimate 0.995 6 Im m+ (1) 6 1.018, which determines the spectral density at λ = 1 to order δ 2 . Note also that were it possible to use the δ-clustering hypothesis to derive the bound (iv) with δ (or even δ/(1 − 1/2δ)) in place of δ/(1 − δ) the last stated inequalities for Im m+ (1) would be replaced in the case of the lower bound by an inequality that is in fact contradicted by the exact result Im m+ (1) = 1. Hence δ/(1 − δ), or something like it, is really needed. REMARK 10. For the class of potentials Vβ (x) = −βx 2 (β > 0) the results of Theorem 1 lead to explicit bounds for m+ (λ), using the δ-clustering families mentioned earlier. As an example, one finds the interesting estimate m+ (λ) 1/2 −1 1/2 −1 √ 6 tanh cβ − i cosh cβ λ λ , λ valid for all λ > 0, where the constant c can be precisely determined. In the asymptotic limit λ → ∞, one may use the method of Harris ([34]) to write down a series for the solution of the Riccati equation, of which the first few terms give β 1 m+ (λ) = i 1 − 2 + o 2 . 4λ λ See [33] for another approach to the asymptotic expansion in inverse powers of λ. The δ-clustering families hN (·, λ) referred to earlier, taking as an example N = 10, β = 4, and making a crude estimate of the resulting integral, already lead to uniform estimates of m+ (λ) to within a tolerance 2×10−3 over the range | λ |< 65. These estimates can be further improved, either by controlling more precisely the
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solution of the Riccati equation, or, in the case of large λ, making use of λ → ∞ asymptotics. See [35] for the numerical computation of m(z) for Im z > 0, using repeated diagonalisation to control the large x asymptotics. REMARK 11. Although we have dealt mainly with the case α = 0, we can use Corollary 1 to cast the theory into a form which applies to general values of α. Let N 0 us define solutions uN α (·, λ), vα (·, λ) of (8 ), subject to the conditions at x = N N uN α (N, λ) = cos α, vα (N, λ) = − sin α, 0 N0 uN α (N, λ) = sin α, vα (N, λ) = cos α.
Given a complex solution f (·, λ) of Equation (80 ) with Im(f 0 /f ) > 0, we define a corresponding function hα (·, λ) by the equation N f (x, λ) = CαN {uN α (x, λ) + hα (N, λ)vα (x, λ)},
for all x > 0, N > 0. In the case α = 0 we have h(x, λ) ≡ h0 (x, λ) = f 0 (x, λ)/f (x, λ) and h(·, λ) then satisfies the Riccati equation (190 ). For general α, hα is related to h, as in Equations (11), (12), by h(x, λ) =
(sin α) + (cos α)hα (x, λ) , (cos α) − (sin α)hα (x, λ)
hα (x, λ) =
(cos α)h(x, λ) − (sin α) . (cos α) + (sin α)h(x, λ)
We can substitute the latter expression into the Riccati equation for h(·, λ) to obtain the Riccati equation for hα (·, λ): d hα (x, λ) = [V (x) − λ][(cos α) − (sin α)hα (x, λ)]2 − dx − [(sin α) + (cos α)hα (x, λ)]2 .
If, now, we define a family hα (·, λ) of solutions of (25) to be δ-clustering on E if there exists a function Hα such that lim infx→∞ supλ∈E |hα (x, λ) − Hα (x)|/ Im Hα (x) < δ, then the proof of Theorem 1 will proceed as before, with the obvious changes of h replaced by hα , m by mα , µ by µα , and so on. By suitable choice of the Hα function, we may then obtain estimates analogous to those of (i)–(iv) of Theorem 1, which will relate to properties of the absolutely continuous spectrum of Tα . Since the transformation between hα and hβ is a Möbius transformation, we can also use Lemma 3 to show that if hα (·, λ) is δ-clustering then hβ (·, λ) is δ/(1 − δ)clustering. In particular, this shows that the property of a family of solutions being clustering is in fact independent of α.
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Appendix: Proof of Lemma 1 (i) The density function for the measure S 7→ θ(S) corresponding to a point w in the upper half-plane is given (see p. 56 of [30]) by q(t) =
Im w 1 . = Im 2 |t − w| t −w
Setting qj (t) = Im 1/(t − wj ) (j = 1, 2), we shall derive the bound |q1 (t) − qR2 (t)| 6 δ ∗ q2 (t). The result R will then follow from the inequality |θ1 (S) − θ2 (S)| = | S (q1 (t) − q2 (t)) dt| 6 S |q1 (t) − q2 (t)| dt. Assuming, then, |w1 − w2 | 6 δ Im w2 , we have w1 − w2 1 1 Im = − |q1 − q2 | = Im t − w1 t − w2 (t − w1 )(t − w2 ) |w1 − w2 | . 6 |t − w2 ||t − w2 | With q2 = Im w2 /|t − w2 |2 , this gives q1 − q2 |w1 − w2 | t − w2 6 6 δ t − w2 . q Im w2 t − w1 t − w1 2 Now
t − w1 = 1 − w1 − w2 > 1 − |w1 − w2 | > 1 − |w1 − w2 | > 1 − δ. t − w t − w2 |t − w2 | Im w2 2
Hence t − w2 1 t − w 6 1 − δ , 1 and we have q1 − q2 6 δ q 1−δ 2 as required. (ii) The density function q for the measure S 7→ θ(S) may be expressed as Z 1 t +ε 1 q(x) dx = lim θ(t − ε, t + ε). q(t) = lim ε→0+ 2ε t −ε ε→0+ 2ε Hence from the assumed inequality (1 − δ)θ2 (S) 6 θ1 (S) 6 (1 + δ)θ2 (S), valid in particular if S is an interval, we can derive, by a limiting argument for small intervals, the corresponding inequality for density functions (1 − δ)q2 6 q1 6 (1 + δ)q2 ,
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implying that q1 − q2 6 δ. q 2 To make full use of this inequality for the density functions, we first derive an identity for (q1 − q2 )/q2 . To do so, we make the substitution t = Re w1 + α Im w1 , where α is an arbitrary real parameter. Then |t − w1 |2 = (1 + α 2 )(Im w1 )2 , and setting w1 − w2 = ρeiφ (ρ, φ, real with ρ > 0), we get |t − w2 |2 = |t − w1 + ρeiφ |2 = |(α − i) Im w1 + ρ cos φ + iρ sin φ|2 = (1 + α 2 )(Im w1 )2 + ρ 2 + ρ Im w1 {2α cos φ − 2 sin φ}. With qj (t) = Im wj /|t − wj |2 , we have (Im w1 )|t − w2 |2 − (Im w2 )|t − w1 |2 q1 (t) − q2 (t) = , q2 (t) (Im w2 )|t − w1 |2 and substituting the above expressions for |t − w1 |2 and |t − w2 |2 in terms of α results in q1 − q2 q2 (1 + α2 )(Im w1 )2 + ρ 2 + ρ Im w1 {2α cos φ − 2 sin φ} − (Im w1 )(Im w2 )(1 + α2 ) = . (Im w1 )(Im w2 )(1 + α2 )
The first and last terms in the numerator on the right hand side together give (1 + α 2 )(Im w1 ) Im(w1 − w2 ) = (1 + α 2 )ρ(Im w1 ) sin φ, so that we now have q1 − q2 q2
ρ2 ρ 2α (1 − α 2 ) = + cos φ − sin φ . (Im w1 )(Im w2 )(1 + α 2 ) (Im w2 ) (1 + α 2 ) (1 + α 2 )
Now set α = tan γ2 (−π < γ < π ), and use the trigonometric identities cos γ = (1 − α 2 )/(1 + α 2 ), sin γ = 2α/(1 + α 2 ), to give ρ 2 cos2 γ2 ρ q1 − q2 = + sin(γ − φ). q2 (Im w1 )(Im w2 ) (Im w2 )
2 (t ) Since q1 (tq)−q converges to a limit as |t| → ∞ (i.e. as γ → ±π ), Equation (26) 2 (t ) also makes sense for γ = ±π . By hypothesis, we now have |(q1 − q2 )/q2 | 6 δ for all γ ∈ [−π, π ]. Setting γ = π2 + φ (mod 2π ), one may deduce the inequality ρ/Im w2 6 δ. (Equality can occur only in the case sin φ = 1, for which w1 is vertically above w2 in the complex plane.) Thus |w1 − w2 | 6 δ Im w2 , completing the proof of (ii) of the lemma. One may verify that this part of the lemma holds without the assumption δ < 1.
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Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry 1: 273–292, 1998. © 1998 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
On a Counterexample Concerning Unique Continuation for Elliptic Equations in Divergence Form NICULAE MANDACHE Institute of Mathematics, Romanian Academy, P.O. box 1-764, 70700 Bucharest, Romania. e-mail: [email protected] (Received: 1 October 1997; accepted: 4 November 1997) Abstract. We construct a second order elliptic equation in divergence form in R3 , with a nonzero solution which vanishes in a half-space. The coefficients are α-Hölder continuous of any order α < 1. This improves a previous counterexample of Miller (1972, 1974). Moreover, we obtain coefficients which belong to a finer class of smoothness, expressed in terms of the modulus of continuity. Mathematics Subject Classifications (1991): 35A05, 35J15 (35B60, 35K10). Key words: elliptic equations, partial differential equations, unique continuation.
Introduction The aim of this paper is to improve a counterexample by Keith Miller [3, 4]. Part of the results presented here belong to the author’s Ph.D. thesis [2, Section 3.4]. The first who constructed an elliptic second order equation for which the Cauchy problem does not have the uniqueness property is Pliš [5]. The first and zero order coefficients of his equation are smooth, but the leading coefficients are only α-Hölder continuous of any order α < 1. This result is optimal, since for Lipschitzcontinuous coefficients we always have uniqueness in the Cauchy problem (and for even stronger results, see [1]). Miller was concerned with the nonuniqueness in the Cauchy problem for the elliptic equation in divergence form n X
∂i aij ∂j u = 0,
i,j =1
and the backward nonuniqueness for the corresponding parabolic equation ∂t u =
n X
∂i aij ∂j u.
i,j =1
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Here the matrix of coefficients (aij ) is supposed real, symmetric, continuous and uniformly positive, i.e., n X
aij xi xj > C|x|2 ,
C > 0, for any x ∈ Rn .
i,j =1
The interesting aspects of Equations (1) and (2) lie in the fact that the first corresponds to symmetric operators in L2 (Rn ) and the second is the evolution equation for such operators. They also have a physical meaning: (2) is the heat equation in a medium with specific heat 1 and with the thermic conductivity given by the matrix (aij ). See [4] for further comments. Our example is better than the one in [4] in the following ways: (1) It allows optimal regularity by a precise choice of the parameters used in the construction. We obtain Hölder continuous coefficients of any order α < 1, whereas in [4], Miller obtained only the order α = 1/6. We also obtain a finer result: Suppose that ω: [0, ∞) → [0, ∞) is concave, continuous, nondecreasing, ω(0) = 0, ω(1) > 0 and ω satisfies: Z 1 dt < ∞. 0 ω(t) Then we can choose the coefficients of our equation such that their moduli of continuity are majorated by ω. (2) It is interesting to rephrase the problem into a system of inequations for sequences of numbers. The inherent limits of the construction below suggest that the unique continuation property for Equation (1) might hold under the assumption that aij ∈ W 1,1 . (3) There is a simplification in the technical part which allows us to give explicit (though complicated) expressions of the coefficients. THEOREM 1. There exist a smooth function u, smooth functions b11 , b12 , b22 , and continuous functions d1 , d2 defined on R3 3 (t, x, y), with the following properties (i) u is the solution of the equation: ∂t2 u + ∂x ((b11 + d1 )∂x u) + ∂y (b12 ∂x u) + ∂x (b12 ∂y u)+ (3) + ∂y ((b22 + d2 )∂y u) = 0. (ii) There is a T > 0 such that supp u = (−∞, T ] × R2 . (iii) u, bij and di are periodic in x and in y with period 2π . (iv) For any t ∈ R, u(t, ·, ·) satisfies the Neumann boundary condition on (0, 2π )2 with respect to Equation (3) (seen as an equation in the variables x and y). (v) d1 and d2 do not depend on x and y and are Hölder continuous of order α for all α < 1. b12 1 d1 + b11 < 2 on R3 . < (vi) 2 b12 d2 + b22
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Furthermore, there are also functions as above, satisfying conditions (i)–(vi) except that (3) is replaced with the parabolic equation: ∂t u = ∂x ((b11 + d1 )∂x u) + ∂y (b12 ∂x u) + ∂x (b12 ∂y u) + ∂y ((b22 + d2 )∂y u). (4) REMARK. Equation (3) can be seen, given the periodicity condition (iii), as an abstract equation for an L2 (R2 /2π Z2 )-valued function: u00 = A(t)u. Here A(t) is an elliptic operator on the torus, which is positive in L2 (R2 /2π Z2 ). Thus our theorem asserts the existence of an A(t) such that the Cauchy problem for the above equation does not have the uniqueness property. The interesting aspect of point (iv) of the theorem is that the above A can be replaced with an elliptic selfadjoint operator on L2 ((0, 2π )2 ), with Neumann boundary condition. Idea of the proof. We start from operator 1 = ∂t2 + 1xy , and from its solutions e−λt cos λx and e−λt cos λy. It is convenient to view the operator as being constructed (appearing in (3)) as a perturbation of 1. The above solutions of 1 decay with t, the bigger λ is the faster is the decay. We will ‘glue’ an infinite number of them, corresponding to the frequencies λ = λk , such that λk → ∞ as k → ∞. In this way, as t ↑ T the solution will be, for shorter and shorter intervals of time, proportional with e−λk t cos λk x, then with e−λk+1 t cos λk+1 y and so on. In these intervals the equation is ∂t2 u + 1xy u = 0. In the gaps between them, we will modify the coefficients such as to fit a prescribed solution, which passes smoothly from e−λk t cos λk x to e−λk+1 t cos λk+1 y. Choosing suitable λk and suitable lengths of the intervals and of the gaps, we obtain a smooth solution which vanishes in finite time. In fact the solution is also decaying in the gaps and we can choose intervals of length zero. The first part of the proof consists of constructing generic functions v, Bij , Di : [0, 5a]×R2 → R, i, j = 1, 2, which describe the solution and the coefficients in a gap. They depend on the following parameters: a > 0 gives the length (in time) of the domain of definition, λ > 1/a is the old frequency, λ0 > λ is the new frequency and ρ ∈ (0, λ/λ0 ) is a technical parameter. These functions satisfy the equality ∂t2 v + ∂x ((B11 + D1 )∂x v) + ∂x (B12 ∂y v)+ + ∂y (B12 ∂x v) + ∂y ((B22 + D2 )∂y v) = 0
on [0, 5a] × R , and do the required job of gluing, i.e., there is an ε > 0 such that: 2
Bij = δij , Di = 0 for t ∈ [0, ε) ∪ (5a − ε, 5a], v(t, x, y) = e−t λ cos λx for t ∈ [0, ε), 0 v(t, x, y) is proportional to e−t λ cos λ0 y for t ∈ (5a − ε, 5a].
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In the second stage of the proof we will construct the functions u, bij , di : R3 → R, which satisfy the conclusions of the theorem. This is done by putting together an infinite number of instances of this generic construction, with appropriate values for the parameters. Construction of the generic v, Bij , Di . Let χ: R → [0, 1] be a smooth function with χ(t) = 1 in a neighbourhood of [1, ∞) and χ(t) = 0 in a neighbourhood of (−∞, 0]. Each of the intervals [(i − 1)a, ia], with i = 1, . . . , 5 (henceforth called steps) will have a precise job. We will describe the functions v, Bij and Di in each of them. The first step serves to a smooth decay of B22 + D2 from 1 to ρ 2 : v = e−λt cos λx, B11 = B22 = 1, B12 = D1 = 0, t D2 = χ (ρ 2 − 1). (6) a Since v does not depend on y, the last term in the l.h.s. of (5) vanishes and therefore (5) is satisfied for arbitrary D2 . The second step is the ‘seed’ step and serves to introduce a tiny component of the solution oscillating in y. t − a −ρλ0 t cos λ0 y. (7) e v = e−λt cos λx + c˜ χ a The constant factor 0
c˜ = e 2 (ρλ −λ) def
serves to make the two components of the solution (one oscillating in x and one in y) of equal amplitude at t = 5a , the middle of the third step. We put 2 B22 = 1,
D1 = 0,
D2 = ρ 2 − 1
def and we construct below B11 = 1 + B˜ and B12 . Equation (5) reads: 2 0 t −a 1 00 t − a 2 −λt − χ ρλ0 + λ e cos λy + c˜ 2 χ a a a a t − a 2 02 −ρλ0 t ρ λ e cos λ0 y + +χ a t − a −ρλ0 t −λt 0 ˜ cos λ y + + ∂x (1 + B)∂x e cos λx + ∂x B12 ∂y c˜ χ e a t − a −ρλ0 t + ∂y (B12 ∂x e−λt cos λx) + ∂y ρ 2 ∂y c˜ χ e cos λ0 y = 0. a After reductions: 1 00 t − a 2 0 0 t −a 0 ˜ −λt λ sin λx)+ c˜ 2 χ − ρλ χ e−ρλ t cos λ0 y + ∂x (−Be a a a a t − a −ρλ0 t 0 0 + ∂x − B12 c˜ χ e λ sin λ y + ∂y (−B12e−λt λ sin λx) = 0. a
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Simplifying this equation by e−λt and using the notation 1 00 t − a 2ρλ0 0 t − a (λ−ρλ0 )t χ(t) ˜ = c˜ e χ − χ , a2 a a a
we obtain the equivalent relation
t − a (λ−ρλ0)t 0 ˜ e ˜ sin λ0 y ∂x B12 + χ(t) ˜ cos λ y = λ∂x (B sin λx) + λ cχ a + λ sin λx∂y B12 . 0
˜ sin λx has to be the primiThen if we choose first B12 from the above relation, Bλ tive of some function (depending on y and t as parameters). But this is only possible if that function has zero integral from kπ/λ to (k + 1)π/λ, in order to allow the primitive to have zeros at x = kπ/λ. To this end we take 2 sin λx sin λ0 y . λλ0 Then the above relation becomes: B12 (t, x, y) = χ˜ (t)
(10) 0
2 sin λx λ cos λ y λ∂x (B˜ sin λx) = χ˜ (t) cos λ0 y − λ sin λx χ(t) ˜ − λλ0 2λ cos λx sin λ0 y t − a (λ−ρλ0)t − λ0 c˜ χ e sin λ0 y χ(t) ˜ , a λλ0 and this yields further simplifying by λ: 1 − 2 sin2 λx − ∂x (B˜ sin λx) = χ(t) ˜ cos λ0 y λ t − a (λ−ρλ0 )t 2 cos λx sin2 λ0 y − c˜ χ χ(t) ˜ e , a λ R and since (1 − 2 sin2 λx) dx = sin λx cos λx/λ + C, we obtain by integration from 0 to x with respect to x and then simplification by sin λx: 2 0 0 y cos λx λy 2 sin t − a cos λ 0 ρ)t (λ−λ ˜ x, y) = χ˜ (t) . (11) − ce ˜ χ B(t, 2 2 λ a λ The third step has the coefficients B11 = 1,
B12 = D1 = 0,
B22 = 1,
D2 = ρ 2 − 1
and the solution is 0
v = e−λt cos λx + ce ˜ −ρλ t cos λ0 y. This step serves to propagate the two components with different speeds. Although the second term (depending on y) has a space frequency λ0 > λ, its decay rate is smaller than that of the term depending on x, since ρλ0 < λ.
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The fourth step is symmetric to the second one and the construction is similar. Its purpose is to remove the component of v oscillating in x, which has become small with respect to the other component. 4a − t −λt 0 e cos λx + ce ˜ −ρλ t cos λ0 y. v=χ a Here the roles of x and y have changed. We have B11 = 1,
D1 = 0,
D2 = ρ 2 − 1
def and B12 , B22 = 1 + B˜˜ are computed below. Equation (5) gives 4a − t −λt 2 −ρλ0 t 0 ˜ cos λ y + e cos λx + ce ∂t χ a 4a − t −λt + ∂x 1 · ∂x χ e cos λx + a 0 + ∂ (B ∂ v) + ∂ (B ∂ v) + ∂ ρ 2 + B˜˜ ∂ ce ˜ −ρλ t cos λ0 y = 0 y
12 x
12 y
(we substituted the actual value of v only in the terms which are subject to reductions) and after reduction we obtain 2λ 0 4a − t 1 00 4a − t + χ e−λt cos λx+ χ 2 a a a a 4a − t −λt + ∂y B12 χ e ∂x cos λx + a 0 0 ˜ −ρλ t ∂ cos λ0 y) + ∂ B˜˜ ce ˜ −ρλ t ∂ cos λ0 y = 0. + ∂ (B ce x
Simplifying by ce ˜ −ρλ t and using the notation 0 2λ 0 4a − t e(ρλ −λ)t 1 00 4a − t ˜ + χ , χ˜ (t) = χ c˜ a2 a a a
the relation becomes 0 4a − t e(ρλ −λ)t χ˜˜ (t) cos λx = ∂y B12 χ λ sin λx + a c˜ + λ0 sin λ0 y∂ B + ∂ B˜˜ λ0 sin λ0 y . x
We choose 0
sin λx 2 sin λ y , B12 = χ˜˜ (t) λ λ0
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and taking the second term in the r.h.s. to the left in the relation above we obtain the equivalent relation 2 0 ˜ χ˜ cos λx(1 − 2 sin λ y) = ∂y B˜˜ λ0 sin λ0 y + 0
sin λx 2 sin λ y + χ˜˜ (t) × λ λ0 (ρλ0 −λ)t 4a − t e ×χ λ sin λx . a c˜ 0
λy = 1 − 2 sin2 λ0 y, the following relation ensures that (5) is Since ∂y sin λ yλcos 0 fulfilled for t ∈ [3a, 4a] (after simplification by sin λ0 y): (ρλ0 −λ)t 2 2 sin cos λ0 y λx e 4a − t ˜ 0 ˜ ˜ , = B˜ λ + χ˜ (t) χ χ˜ cos λx 0 0 λ λ a c˜
that is, (ρλ0 −λ)t ˜ (t) χ ˜ e 4a − t ˜ 0 2 B˜ = 0 2 cos λx cos λ y − 2χ sin λx . λ a c˜
The aim of the fifth step is to increase the coefficient B22 +D2 from the value ρ 2 to 1, in order to get back to the values B11 = B22 = 1 and B12 = D1 = D2 = 0 (this ensures the continuity of coefficients in the final construction). As in the previous steps, it is simpler first to choose R t v and then construct the coefficients accordingly. Let us define χ1 (t) = 0 χ(s) ds. Then we have χ1 (t) = t + χ1 (1) − 1 in a neighbourhood of [1, ∞) and χ1 (t) = 0 in a neighbourhood of (−∞, 0]. The solution is t − 4a 0 0 0 . v = c˜ cos λ y exp − λ ρt − λ (1 − ρ)aχ1 a The coefficients are B11 = B22 = 1,
B12 = D1 = 0 and
∂ 2v ∂t2 v −1 = D2 = − t2 − 1 = 02 ∂y v λ v
t − 4a 2 − ρ + (1 − ρ)χ a 1 − ρ 0 t − 4a − 1. − χ aλ0 a
We will now eliminate one of our parameters. The constant ρ is very sensitive in our construction; in fact 1−ρ 2 is the order of magnitude of the coefficient D2 . In steps 2 and 4 there is an exponential factor in χ(t) ˜ and in χ˜˜ (t), which will manage
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to make the coefficients Bij (more precisely, Bij − δij ) small at little expense. Therefore, since we have the restriction ρ < λλ0 , which gives 1 − ρ 2 > 1 − (λ/λ0 )2 , we cannot do better (modulo a multiplicative constant) than choose ρ = (λ/λ0 )2 . We then have 1−ρ 2 ≈ 2 (1−(λ/λ0 )2 ) for λ/λ0 close to 1. In order to keep formulas to a reasonable complexity we will continue to use the constant ρ, substituting λ2 /λ02 for it when needed. We can express the solution in a single formula: 4a − t −λt va,λ,λ0 (t, x, y) = χ e cos λx+ a (16) t − a − λ20 t − 1− λ0 2 λ0 aχ1 t−4a a λ e λ + c˜ χ cos λ0 y. a Let us notice here that −λt e cos λx va,λ,λ0 (t, x, y) = 0 α(a, λ, λ0 )e−λ (t −5a) cos λ0 y
in the neighbourhood of 0, (17) in the neighbourhood of 5a.
The constant α(a, λ, λ0 ) is given by (8) and (16) with t = 5a: 0
α(a, λ, λ0 ) = e−5a(λ+λ /λ )/2−(1−λ /λ 2
02 )λ0 aχ (1) 1
6 e−5aλ/2 .
Estimates for the derivatives. We now compute the size of the derivatives of v and Bij constructed above. For Di , only the first order derivative is needed in the proof of Theorem 1, and we give a bound for it. Let k, l and m be three natural numbers, k + l + m > 0. Then during the second ˜ where B˜ is given by (11) and we have step, B11 = 1 + B, ∂tk ∂xl ∂ym B11 = ∂tk ∂xl ∂ym B˜ cos λ0 y cos λx − λ2 t − a l m 2 sin2 λ0 y k t (λ−λ0 ρ) ∂x ∂y ˜ χ . − ∂t χ˜ (t)ce a λ2
l m = ∂tk χ(t)∂ ˜ x ∂y
The kth derivative of χ˜ is (see (9)) k X 2ρλ0 0 t − a k j (λ−ρλ0 )t k−j 1 00 t − a k − , ∂t e ˜ = c˜ ∂t χ ∂t χ(t) χ 2 a a a a j j =0 and its absolute value is bounded by k X k 1 (k−j +2) t − a (λ−ρλ0 )t 0 j ce ˜ χ (λ − ρλ ) + k−j +2 j a a j =0 2ρλ0 (k−j +1) t − a + k−j +1 χ . a a
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Let us set Cχ,k = supi 6k,t ∈R |χ (i) (t)|. Using λ > ρλ0 and recalling that c˜ = 0 e−5a(λ−ρλ )/2 , we infer that 0
ce ˜ t (λ−ρλ ) 6 e−a(λ−ρλ )/2
for any t ∈ [a, 2a].
Now we use λ > 1/a and obtain: k−j k X k 2ρλ0 k 1 0 j 1 (λ−ρλ0 )t ∂ χ˜ 6 ce ˜ ) C + (λ − ρλ C χ,k+2 χ,k+1 t j a a2 a j =0 (20) k 1 0 0 3λ2 Cχ,k+2 6 e−a(λ−ρλ )/2 · 3 · 2k Cχ,k+2 λk+2 . 6 ce ˜ (λ−ρλ )t λ + a The same kind of computation will give k t − a (λ−λ0 ρ)t ∂ χ˜ (t)ce ˜ χ t a k 1 00 t − a 2 X i 2(λ−ρλ0 )t j = c˜ ∂e − ∂t χ ijh t a2 a i+j +h=k 2ρλ0 0 t − a t − a − χ ∂th χ a a a X k 0 (2λ − 2ρλ0 )i (1/a)j × 6 c˜2 e2(λ−ρλ )t i j h i+j +h=k 2ρλ0 1 × Cχ,k+2 + Cχ,k+1 (1/a)h Cχ,k a2 a 2 k 2 2(λ−ρλ0 )t 6 c˜ e · 3 · λ2 Cχ,k+2 Cχ,k 2λ + a 0
2 6 e−a(λ−ρλ ) Cχ,k+2 · 3 · 4k λk+2 .
Now we can estimate the derivatives of B11 (see (19)) using (20) and (21): k l m ∂ ∂ ∂ B11 (t, x, y) t
x y
6 e−a(λ−ρλ )/2 · 3 · 2k Cχ,k+2 λk+2 0
0 6 e−a(λ−ρλ )/2 Cχ,k,m λk+l λ0m .
m+1 0m λl λ0m λ −a(λ−ρλ0 ) 2 k k+2 2 + e C · 3 · 4 λ χ,k+2 2 2 λ λ (22)
0 Here the constant Cχ,k,m depends only on χ, k and m. For coefficient B12 the computation is simpler and we obtain in view of (10) and using estimate (20) and λ0 > λ: l 0m k l m ∂ ∂ ∂ B12 (t, x, y) 6 e−a(λ−ρλ0 )/2 · 3 · 2k Cχ,k+2 λk+2 2 λ λ t x y λλ0 −a(λ−ρλ0 )/2 00 k+l 0m 6 e Cχ,k,m λ λ . (23)
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For the fourth step the estimate is similar. We use 0
et (ρλ −λ) 0 6 e−a(λ−ρλ )/2 c˜
for any t ∈ [3a, 4a],
and obtain in view of (12) that k ∂ χ˜˜ (t) 6 e−a(λ−ρλ0 )/2 · 3 · 2k Cχ,k+2 λk+2 . t The computation is made in the same way and we obtain that B22 satisfies (22) (replace B11 by B22 and [a, 2a] by [3a, 4a]) and B12 satisfies (23) for any t in [3a, 4a] (and any x, y ∈ R). Since Bij = δij during the first, third and fifth steps, we conclude from relations (22) and (23), that we have for any t ∈ [0, 5a]: k l m k+l 0m ∂ ∂ ∂ Bij (t, x, y) 6 e−a(λ−ρλ0 )/2 C 000 λ . (24) t x y χ,k,l,m λ Now we turn to the derivatives of v. We have from (16): 4a − t −t λ l m ∂tk ∂xl ∂ym v = ∂tk χ e ∂x ∂y cos λx+ a t − a −ρλ0 t −(1−ρ)λ0aχ1 (t /a−4) l m e + c∂ ˜ tk χ ∂x ∂y cos λ0 y. a
We first take care of the t derivatives. Using t > 0: k X k k ∂ χ(4 − t/a) e−t λ 6 e−t λ (1/a)j Cχ,j λk−j t j j =0
6 e−t λ (2λ)k Cχ,k 6 (2λ)k Cχ,k .
By induction we prove the existence of a constant C˜ χ,k , depending only on χ and k, such that k −ρλ0 t −(1−ρ)λ0aχ (t /a−4) 1 6 C˜ χ,k λ0k . ∂ e (27) t This is true for k = 0 since the exponent is negative. We prove that if (27) holds for k = 0, 1, . . . , m, then it also holds, for a certain C˜ χ,m+1 , for k = m + 1. Indeed, m+1 −ρλ0 t −(1−ρ)λ0aχ (t /a−4) 1 ∂ e t m 0 0 = ∂t (−ρλ0 − (1 − ρ)λ0 χ(t/a − 4)) e−ρλ t −(1−ρ)λ aχ1 (t /a−4) m X m−j m j 0 0 0 ∂t (−ρ − (1 − ρ)χ(t/a − 4)) ∂t e−ρλ t −(1−ρ)λ aχ1 (t /a−4) 6λ j j =0 m X m 0 6λ (1/a)j Cχ,j C˜ χ,m−j λ0m−j 6 C˜ χ,m+1 λ0m+1 . j j =0
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We used λ0 > 1/a. Applying (27) we obtain: k ∂ χ(t/a − 1) e−ρλ0 t −(1−ρ)λ0aχ1 (t /a−4) t k X k 6 (1/a)j Cχ,j C˜ χ,k−j λ0k−j 6 C˜˜ χ,k λ0k . j j =0 Using (25), (26) and (28), we conclude that k l m ∂ ∂ ∂ v 6 Cˆ χ,k λ0k+m λl . t x y
It remains to estimate the derivative of Di . The function D1 is identically 0, and D2 is constant during the second, the third and the fourth steps (i.e., on [a, 4a]). We have, in view of (6) and (15): |∂t D2 | 6 Cχ,1 (1 − ρ 2 )/a 6 2Cχ,1 (1 − ρ)/a for any t ∈ [0, a], 2ρ(1 − ρ) 0 t − 4a 2(1 − ρ)2 0 t − 4a t − 4a + χ − |∂t D2 | = χ χ a a a a a (1 − ρ) 00 t − 4a − 2 0 χ a λ a 6 (1 − ρ)(2Cχ,1 /a + 2Cχ,1 Cχ,0 /a + Cχ,2 /a) 6 5Cχ,2 (1 − ρ)/a for any t ∈ [4a, 5a], and we can conclude that |∂t Di | 6 5Cχ,2 (1 − (λ/λ0 )2 )/a
for any t ∈ [0, 5a].
Boundary conditions. Function u satisfies the Neumann boundary condition for Equation (1) in the open set ⊂ Rn if and only if n X
ni aij ∂j u(x) = 0
for any x ∈ ∂,
i,j =1
where (n1 , . . . nn ) is the normal vector to ∂. We want our function v to satisfy this condition for Equation (5), seen in the variables x and y, in the open set (0, 2π ) × (0, 2π ). In this case, the above relation reads: (B11 + D1 )∂x v + B12 ∂y v = 0
on {0, 2π } × [0, 2π ],
B12 ∂y v + (B22 + D2 )∂x v = 0
on [0, 2π ] × {0, 2π }.
We have ∂x v = χ(4 − t/a) e−t λ (−λ sin λx), 0 0 ˜ − 1) e−tρλ −(1−ρ)λ aχ(t /a−4)(−λ0 sin λ0 y). ∂y v = cχ(t/a
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Since B12 is a multiple of sin λx sin λ0 y (see (10) and (13)), the conditions λ ∈ N,
λ0 ∈ N
are sufficient for ensuring the boundary conditions (31) and (32). These relations will imply that u, bij and di constructed below fulfill condition (iv) of Theorem 1. They satisfy also the periodicity condition (iii). Proof of Theorem 1. Let {ak }k>1 and {λk }k>1 be two sequences of positive numbers. We will suppose ∞ X
aj < ∞
1/ak < λk < λk+1 .
j =1
P P∞ We denote Tk = k−1 j =1 aj for k > 1 and T = j =1 aj . The sequence {ρk }k >1 is defined by ρk = λ2k /λ2k+1 . We postpone the choice of these sequences as much as we can, in order to first derive all the conditions they have to fulfill. We shall use the indices a, λ, λ0 for the functions Bij and Di , with i, j = 1, 2 (similarly to (16)) since we will use them for different values of these parameters. Let k0 > 0 be an even natural number, to be chosen later. We are ready for the definition of the functions u, bij and di . −(t −Tk )λk 0 0 cos λk x for all t ∈ (−∞, Tk0 ], e 0 c v for k even ∀t ∈ [Tk , Tk+1 ], k ak ,λk ,λk+1 (t − Tk , x, y) (35) u(t, x, y) = ck vak ,λk ,λk+1 (t − Tk , y, x) for k odd ∀k > k0 , 0 for all t ∈ [T , ∞). Here ck are constants which ensure the continuity (and therefore, the smoothness) of u. They are defined by the relations ck0 = 1, ck+1 = α(ak , λk , λk+1 ), ck where α(a, λ, λ0 ) is defined by relation (18). We have therefore (see (18)): ! k−1 5X aj λj . ck 6 exp − 2 j =k
The coefficients are δij bij (t, x, y) = Bij ak ,λk ,λk+1 (t − Tk , x, y) B (t − T , y, x) j i ak ,λk ,λk+1
for any t 6∈ [Tk0 , T ), for t ∈ [Tk , Tk+1 ] with k even, for t ∈ [Tk , Tk+1 ] with k odd,
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for all i, j = 1, 2 with i 6 j , where i = 3 − i and j = 3 − j . This inversion is necessary since the derivatives with respect to x and y – and therefore the coefficients – swap their roles in the odd intervals. The singular coefficients are defined in a similar manner: 0 for any t 6∈ [Tk0 , T ), di (t, x, y) = Di ak ,λk ,λk+1 (t − Tk , x, y) for t ∈ [Tk , Tk+1 ] with k even, Di ak ,λk ,λk+1 (t − Tk , y, x) for t ∈ [Tk , Tk+1 ] with k odd. The above u, bij and di fulfill Equation (3): indeed, they are obtained by simple changes of variables (the translation t → Tk + t and the symmetry which reverses the roles of x and y) from the functions satisfying (5). Notice that Bij a,λ,λ0 = δij for t in a neighbourhood of 0 or in a neighbourhood of 5a, and therefore bij are smooth in R\{T } × R2 . In order to obtain bij being smooth at t = T too, it is enough that all their derivatives are continuous and have the limit 0 as t ↑ T . In view of (24), we have for any i, j = 1, 2: p 2 p+l 000 e−a(λk −λk /λk+1 )/2 λk λm sup ∂t ∂xl ∂ym bij (t, x, y) 6 Cχ,p,l,m k+1 t∈[Tk ,Tk+1 ] x,y∈R
and due to the monotony of {λk } the following condition ensures that bij are smooth on R3 : lim e−ak (λk −λk /λk+1 )/2λm k+1 = 0 2
for any m ∈ N.
Note that if we suppose di continuous, then limk→∞ (1 − ρk2 ) = 0, since di takes the value (1 − ρk2 ) on a subset of [Tk , Tk+1 ], for i = 2 for even k and i = 1 for odd k, and di = 0 for t > T for i = 1, 2. This implies that ρk → 1, and since ρk = λ2k /λ2k+1 , we have lim λk /λk+1 = 1.
For the smoothness of u we use relation (29), and obtain p l m ∂t ∂ ∂ u(t, x, y) 6 ck Cˆ χ,p λp+l λm x y k+1 ∀k > k0 , ∀t ∈ [Tk , Tk+1 ], ∀x, y ∈ R, k and in view of (36) a sufficient condition for the smoothness of u is ! k−1 5X aj λj λm for any m ∈ N. lim exp − k+1 = 0 k→∞ 2 j =k
m Due to relation (38), we can replace in the limit above λm k+1 by λk or, equivalently, take the sum under exponential from k0 to k. We have k 5X aj λj 6 −ak λk /2 6 −ak (λk − λ2k /λk+1 )/2 − 2 j =k 0
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and therefore (39) is a consequence of (37). Since we will put conditions on λk and ak that ensure the continuity of d1 and d2 (hence (38) holds), we will omit condition (39). Continuity of di . We will prove that for i ∈ {1, 2} we have: |di (t1 ) − di (t2 )| 6 10Cχ,2 sup 1 − λ2k /λ2k+1 min(5, |t1 − t2 |/ak ) , k >k0
∀t1 , t2 ∈ R.
In order to do so, we show that for any t1 and t2 there is a k > k0 such that: |di (t1 ) − di (t2 )| 6 10Cχ,2 1 − λ2k /λ2k+1 min(5, |t1 − t2 |/ak ). S Since ∞ k=k0 [Tk , Tk+1 ] = [Tk0 , T ), there are three cases to treat:
(a) There is a k > k0 such that t1 , t2 ∈ [Tk , Tk+1 ]. (b) One of the ti belongs to R\[Tk0 , T ). (c) t1 ∈ [Tk1 , Tk1 +1 ] and t2 ∈ [Tk2 , Tk2 +1 ], with k1 6= k2 . Case (a). Using the theorem of Cauchy, and the upper bound of the derivative of di given by (30), we obtain: |di (t1 ) − di (t2 )| 6 |t1 − t2 |5Cχ,2 1 − λ2k /λ2k+1 /ak . Using further that t1 , t2 ∈ [Tk , Tk+1 ] ⇒ |t1 − t2 | 6 Tk+1 − Tk = 5ak , we obtain
|di (t1 ) − di (t2 )| 6 5Cχ,2 1 − λ2k /λ2k+1 min(5, |t1 − t2 |/ak ).
Case (b). Suppose that t1 6∈ [Tk0 , T ). Then di (t1 ) = 0. If t2 is also outside this interval, then di (t2 ) = di (t1 ) = 0 and there is nothing to prove. So, we may suppose that t2 ∈ [Tk , Tk+1 ], with k > k0 . Then one of Tk and Tk+1 (let us denote it by t10 ) must lie between t1 and t2 (or equal t2 ). Then |t1 − t2 | > |t10 − t2 | and since di (Tk ) = di (Tk+1 ) = 0, we have di (t10 ) = 0 = di (t1 ). Applying the case (a) to t10 and t2 we obtain: |di (t1 ) − di (t2 )| = |di (t10 ) − di (t2 )| 6 5Cχ,2 1 − λ2k /λ2k+1 min(5, |t10 − t2 |/ak ) 6 5Cχ,2 1 − λ2k /λ2k+1 min(5, |t1 − t2 |/ak ). Case (c). The method is similar to the one used in case (b). Suppose t1 ∈ [Tk1 , Tk1 +1 ] and t2 ∈ [Tk2 , Tk2 +1 ] with k1 6= k2 . By symmetry we may suppose that t1 < t2 , hence k1 < k2 . Let t10 = Tk1 +1 and t20 = Tk2 . Then we have di (tj0 ) = 0 for j = 1, 2 and |di (t1 ) − di (t2 )| 6 |di (t1 )| + |di (t2 )| = |di (t1 ) − di (t10 )| + |di (t2 ) − di (t20 )| 6 5Cχ,2 1 − λ2k1 /λ2k1 +1 min(5, |t1 − t10 |/ak1 ) + + 5Cχ,2 1 − λ2k2 /λ2k2 +1 min(5, |t2 − t20 |/ak2 ) 6 10 Cχ,2 max 1 − λ2kj /λ2kj +1 min(5, |tj − tj0 |/akj ) . j =1,2
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The proof of (41) is complete. We turn back to Theorem 1, condition (v). In order to obtain Hölder continuous coefficients of any order 0 < α < 1 our sequences {ak } and {λk } must satisfy (in view of (41)): ∀α ∈ (0, 1) ∃C > 0 s.t. 1 − λ2k /λ2k+1 min(5, |t|/ak ) 6 Ct α , ∀t > 0, ∀k > k0 . Since the r.h.s. is concave and increasing, while the l.h.s. is linear on [0, 5ak ] and constant on [5ak , ∞] and is continuous, it is enough to check the inequality at t = 5ak . In this way we obtain the condition: ∀α < 1 ∃C > 0 s.t. 1 − λ2k /λ2k+1 6 Cakα , ∀k > k0 . Summarising, we need two sequences {ak }k>1 and {λk }k>1 which must satisfy: P (α) ∞ 1 ak < ∞ (the construction is to be achieved in finite time). (β) 1/ak < λk < λk+1 (technical condition). (γ ) λk ∈ N (in order to ensure the 2π -periodicity and the boundary conditions). 2 (δ) limk→∞ e−ak (λk −λk /λk+1 )/2 λm k+1 = 0 for any m ∈ N (to ensure the smoothness of bij and implicitly that of u). () ∀α < 1 ∃C > 0 s.t. 1 − λ2k /λ2k+1 6 Cakα for any k > k0 (the Hölder continuity of d1 , d2 , of any order α < 1). The following sequences satisfy all these conditions: λk = (k + 1)3 , ak = (k ln2 (k + 1))−1 . Condition (α) is easy to prove, and also (β), and (γ ). We have for (δ): − (k+1)
e−ak (λk −λk /λk+1 )/2 λm k+1 = e 2
3 −(k+1)6 /(k+2)3 k ln2 (k+1)
= e
(k + 2)3m
3k 2 +9k+7 (k+2)3 k ln2 (k+1)
(k + 2)3m .
The exponent is asymptotically −(k + 1)3
3k 2 + 9k + 7 = −(1 + O(1/k))3k ln−2 (k + 1) (k + 2)3 k ln2 (k + 1)
and therefore the whole expression above has limit zero as k → ∞. For condition () we have: 6k 5 + 45k 4 + · · · + 63 6 Ck −1 , 1 − λ2k /λ2k+1 = (1 − (k + 1)6 /(k + 2)6 ) = (k + 2)6 C > 0, and since limk→∞ k −1+α ln−2α (k + 1) = 0 for any α < 1, we have ∀α < 1 ∃Cα > 0 such that 1 − λ2k /λ2k+1 6 Cα k −α ln−2α (k + 1).
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It remains to choose k0 . We must ensure the uniform ellipticity of Equation (3), as required in point (vi) of the theorem. This is possible since the coefficients that we have constructed are uniformly continuous: di and bij − δij have compact support in the t variable and are periodic in x and y. Now, passing from a k0 to a bigger k˜0 has the only effect that these functions become zero for t ∈ [Tk0 , Tk˜0 ] and remain as they were for t ∈ [Tk˜0 , T ]. Since they tend uniformly to zero as t ↑ T , we can choose k0 such that |di | 6 1/18 and |bij − δij | 6 1/18 and then b11 − 1 + d1 b12 6 6 × 1/18 = 1/3 b12 b22 − 1 + d2 and we obtain 1 − 1/3 6
b11 + d1 b12 b12 b22 + d2
6 1 + 1/3.
The proof is complete. The construction for the parabolic problem (4) is similar to the one for the elliptic equation and will be not done here. REMARK. From the condition λk → ∞ we infer that −4 lim λ−4 k = λk0
∞ ∞ Y Y λ4k −4 = λ ρk2 = 0, k0 4 λ k+1 k=k k=k 0
and since ρk2 ∈ (0, 1) for any k, we can pass to the infinite sum associated to the infinite product, and obtain from the relation above: ∞ X
(1 − ρk2 ) = ∞.
Since in each of the intervals [Tk , Tk+1 ] one of the functions d1 , d2 takes the value −(1 − ρk2 ) and gets back to the value 0 at the end of the interval, the relation above implies that either d1 or d2 have unbounded variation. Thus, we cannot obtain W 1,1 coefficients in the construction above. Professor N. Lerner raised the problem of the refinement of the result above, considering the continuity moduli of the coefficients. He asked in particular whether the results below hold. The following corollary is actually a corollary of the proof of Theorem 1. COROLLARY 1. Let ω: [0, ∞) → [0, ∞) be a continuous, nondecreasing and concave function such that ω(0) = 0 and ω(1) > 0. Suppose that Z 1 dt < ∞. (42) 0 ω(t)
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Then there exist u, bij and di , where i, j = 1, 2, satisfying all the conditions of Theorem 1, except (v), which is replaced by: |di (t1 ) − di (t2 )| 6 ω(|t1 − t2 |),
∀t1 , t2 ∈ R, i = 1, 2.
REMARK. If f : Rn → R then the modulus of continuity of f is by definition the function ωf : [0, ∞) → [0, ∞),
ωf (t) =
|x1 −x2 |6t
|f (x1 ) − f (x2 )|.
It is easy to prove that ωf is nondecreasing and satisfies the relation ωf (αt1 + (1 − α)t2 ) > 1/2 αωf (t1 ) + (1 − α)ωf (t2 ) , ∀t1 , t2 > 0, ∀α ∈ [0, 1].
This shows that there is a concave function ω˜ f , more precisely, ω˜ f (t) =
(t2 − t)ω(t1 ) + (t − t1 )ω(t2 ) , t2 − t1
such that 12 ω˜ f 6 ωf 6 ω˜ f . It follows that the restriction to concave functions ω in the above corollary does not affect the generality. Proof of Corollary 1. We may suppose that √ ω(t) 6 t.
Indeed, replacing ω by the function √ ω(t) ˜ = min(ω(t), t) the hypotheses of the corollary remain true: ω˜ is continuous, nondecreasing, concave and Z 1 Z 1 Z 1 Z 1 dt dt 1 −1/2 dt 6 = ,t + max t −1/2 dt < ∞. ω(t) ˜ ω(t) ω(t) 0 0 0 0 We will make another choice of the constant k0 , of the sequences {ak }k>1 and {λk }k>1 in the proof of Theorem 1, such that the conditions (α)–(δ) and the relation (43) are satisfied. We choose λk = k 4 . Let def
δk = 1 − λ2k /λ2k+1 =
(k + 1)8 − k 8 . (k + 1)8
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We have to make some preparations in view of the construction of the sequence {ak }. Let a = sup{x ∈ [0, 1] | ω(x) < ω(1)}. Since ω(0) = 0 and ω(1) > 0, we have a ∈ (0, 1]. Then by continuity we have ω(a) = ω(1) and the function ω: [0, a] → [0, ω(1)] is bijective. Indeed, suppose 0 6 x < y 6 a. Since ω is nondecreasing, ω(x) < ω(a) by the definition of a. Using that ω is concave, ω(y) >
(a − y)ω(x) + (y − x)ω(x) (a − y)ω(x) + (y − x)ω(a) > = ω(x), a−x a−x
which proves that ω is strictly increasing on [0, a]. We put ak = 1/5 ω−1 (50Cχ,2 δk )
for any k > k0 .
This requires that the argument of ω−1 lies in [0, ω(1)]. To this end, we impose 50Cχ,2 δk0 6 ω(1). This relation is satisfied for k0 big enough since δk → 0. Since 0 < ak1 6 ak0 for any k1 > k0 , we obtain from the concavity of ω: 50Cχ,2 δk1 = ω(5ak1 ) > and we infer ak1 ak 6 0 δk1 δk0
(5ak0 − 5ak1 )ω(0) + 5ak1 ω(5ak0 ) ak = 1 50Cχ,2 δk0 5ak0 ak0
for all k1 > k0 .
Now we will check in order the conditions (α), (β), (γ ) and (δ) stated at the end of the proof of Theorem P 1. We first prove that ai < ∞. Using the monotony of ω and then relation (42): k1 k1 X X 1 1 (ak − ak+1 ) = 50Cχ,2 (ak − ak+1 ) δ 50C δ k χ,2 k k=k k=k 0
= 10Cχ,2
k1 X k=k0
6 10Cχ,2
1 (5ak − 5ak+1 ) ω(5ak )
k1 Z X
Z 6 10Cχ,2
dt ω(t)
dt =M <∞ ω(t)
for any k1 > k0 .
We will associate differentlyPthe terms in the first sum above, in order to obtain information about the series ak . We have k1 kX 1 −1 X 1 ak ak +1 1 1 ak+1 + 0 − 1 (ak − ak+1 ) = − δ δk+1 δk δk0 δk1 k=k k k=k 0
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and we obtain using (46): kX 1 −1 k=k0
1 δk+1
1 ak ak − ak+1 6 M − 0 + 1 6 M δk δk0 δk1
for any k1 > k0 .
1 Since {δk } is decreasing, ( δk+1 − δ1k )ak+1 > 0 for any k > k0 . We obtain that the series ∞ X 1 1 ak+1 − δk+1 δk k=k 0
is convergent. It remains now to use the fact that 1 1 = 1/8 − lim k→∞ δk+1 δk
and the positivity of ak to conclude that ∞ X
ak < ∞.
In order to show that relation (47) holds, we compute 1 k 8 + 8k 7 + O(k 6 ) 1 1 (k + 1)8 = = (k + 9/2 + O(1/k)). = 7 δk 8k + 28k 6 + O(k 5 ) 8 k 7 + 7/2k 5 + O(k 5 ) 8 The proof of condition (α) is complete. Due to relation (45), we have ω−1 (t) > t 2 for t ∈ [0, ω(1)] and in particular 5ak = ω−1 (50Cχ,2 δk ) > (50Cχ,2 δk )2 for any k > k0 . Since δk = 8/k + O(1/k 2 ), we obtain the existence of a C > 0 such that ak > Ck −2 .
Choosing k0 big enough, we obtain 1/ak < k 4 = λk for any k > k0 and condition (β) is fulfilled. Condition (γ ) is obviously satisfied: λk = k 4 ∈ N. We have from (48): −Ck e−ak (λk −λk /λk+1 )/2 λm k+1 6 e 2
−2 k 4
(1−k4 /(k+1)4 )/2 (k + 1)4m
2 3 4 6 e−Ck (4k /(k+1) )/2 (k + 1)4m .
The limit of the above expression is 0 as k → ∞ since the exponent is −2Ck(1 + O(1/k)), hence condition (δ) is satisfied. It remains to prove inequality (43). In order to do so it is enough to prove that 10Cχ,2 sup (1 − λ2k /λ2k+1 ) min(5, t/ak ) 6 ω(t) for any t ∈ [0, ∞), k >k0
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since (43) is then a consequence of (40). We will prove the inequality for each k > k0 : ω(t) > 10Cχ,2 δk min(5, t/ak ). We use the concavity of ω and the fact that it is nondecreasing. This implies that it is enough to prove the above inequality at the point t = 5ak where the r.h.s. passes from a linear function to a constant one. Indeed, suppose the inequality proved at t = 5ak . Then the result is, on the one hand, because of the monotony of ω, that the inequality holds in the interval [5ak , ∞). On the other hand, it is obviously true for t = 0 and from the concavity of ω it is true in the interval [0, 5ak ]. We have to check that ω(5ak ) > 10Cχ,2 δk · 5, in fact by the definition of ak we have equality. The proof is complete.
Acknowledgements I thank Professor Anne Boutet de Monvel for drawing my attention to the work of Miller. I am also indebted to Professor Vladimir Georgescu for valuable remarks on the paper. References 1. Hörmander, L.: Uniqueness theorems for second order elliptic differential equations, Comm. Partial Differential Equations 8(1) (1983), 21–64. 2. Mandache, N.: Estimations dans les espaces de Hilbert et applications au prolongement unique, Thèse, Université Paris 7, 1994. 3. Miller, K.: Non-unique continuation for certain ode’s in Hilbert space and for uniformly parabolic and elliptic equations in self-adjoint divergence form, in: Symposium on Non-Well-Posed Problems and Logarithmic Convexity (Heriot-Watt Univ., Edinburgh, 1972), Lecture Notes in Math. 316, Springer, 1973, pp. 85–101. 4. Miller, K.: Non-unique continuation for uniformly parabolic and elliptic equations in self-adjoint divergence form with Hölder-continuous coefficients, Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 54 (1974), 105–117. 5. Pliš, A.: On non-uniqueness in Cauchy problem for an elliptic second order differential operator, Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci. 11 (1963), 95–100.
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Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry 1: 293, 1999.
It is with great sadness that we learned of the unexpected and untimely death on November 27, 1998, of Moshé Flato. Moshé was extremely supportive of the launching of Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry and he provided much useful advice as to the development of our journal. We are extremely pleased that he agreed to be on our Editorial Board – despite his longstanding commitment as founding Editor of the journal Letters in Mathematical Physics. His creative energy and loyalty will be sorely missed. VLADIMIR MARCHENKO ANNE BOUTET de MONVEL HENRY McKEAN
VTEXJu PIPS No: 230386 (mpagkap:mathfam) v.1.15 MPAGED2.tex; 6/04/1999; 9:34; p.1
Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry 1: 295–312, 1999. © 1999 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
Arnold’s Diffusion in Isochronous Systems ? G. GALLAVOTTI Università di Roma 1, Fisica, Italy (Received: 16 January 1998; in final form: 30 October 1998) Abstract. I discuss an illustration of a mechanism for Arnold’s diffusion following a non-variational approach, and an improvement of the related estimates for the diffusion time. Mathematics Subject Classifications (1991): 34C15, 34C29, 34C37, 58F30, 70H05. Key words: Arnold’s diffusion, homoclinic splitting, KAM.
1. Introduction Arnold’s diffusion was established in simple paradigmatic examples by Arnold [A]. Since that paper several methods aiming at extending its validity to more general systems have been developed: this was done either by following methods sometimes called “geometric methods” close to the original approach, [CG], [C], [M], or by “variational methods”, [Be], [Br]. In the approach [CG] one finds estimates, for the time necessary for a diffusion of O(1) in the space of the action variables, which are terribly big as functions of the size ε of the perturbation when it approaches 0 (their order is exp O(ε −1 )); the variational method instead gives better estimates, “fast”, ([Be], their orders is exp O(ε −1/2 )), and even very good, “polynomial”, ones ([Br], their order is O(ε −2 )). Recently remarkable progress has been made in the geometric approach via the papers [M] and the impressive “summa” [C], who have been able to recover not only the best variational results but to extend them to the cases discussed in [CG], greatly improving the bounds obtained there, and to many substantially new cases of applicative interest. The work [C] gives an extensive bibliography to which I refer. However, the subject is still presented at a very technical level, and the relation of the new methods with those in [CG] is not transparent. Here I first illustrate (Section 5) the method of [CG] by developing it with the aim of showing existence of diffusion. This may lead to a clarification of a method not appropriately quoted in the literature and which maintains its interest because of its relative simplicity, in spite of the better estimates coming from the quoted alternative methods. If explicit estimates are avoided one gains enormously in simplicity: this kind of approach was probably the one meant in [A] where the ? The first version of this paper is archived in: [email protected]#9709011.
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problem was first posed and solved without bothering to give the (fairly obvious, see Section 5) details. What follows in Section 5 also applies to the Arnold’s case, but I prefer to illustrate it in a case that is even simpler. Furthermore I show (Section 6) that if a new idea is added to the method of [CG], then one can get a “fast” (still exponential) estimate for the drift time at least in the “isochronous” cases considered here, see (1.1) below. This bound is derived in detail and is conceptually independent of the other works. Consider Hamiltonians H with three degrees of freedom described by coordinates I ∈ R, A0 = (A01 , A02 ) ∈ R 2 and angles ϕ ∈ T 1 , α = (α1 , α2 ) ∈ T 2 : H = ω · A0 +
I2 def + g 2 (cos ϕ − 1) + εf (ϕ, α) = H0 + εf (ϕ, α), 2
where ω = (ω1 , ω2 ) ∈ R 2 is a vector with Diophantine constants C, τ , i.e., such that for all integer components vectors ν = (ν1 , ν2 ) it is |ω · ν|−1 6 C|ν|τ if ν 6= 0; the perturbationPf is supposed to be a (fixed) trigonometric polynomial of degree N : f (ϕ, α) = 06|ν|
∞ X dJ (x) def =g+ = gn x n = g(x) dx n=1
and the total Hamiltonian becomes: H = ω · A0 + J (p0 q0 ) + εf0 (α, p0 , q0 ),
where f0 (α, p0 , q0 ) = f (ϕ, α). The function f0 , still a trigonometric polynomial in α, has the property: f0 (α, p, q) = f0 (−α, q, p) = f0 (−α, −p, −q) and we shall call parity the 4-elements group of transformations generated by P1 : (α, p, q) ↔ (−α, q, p) and P2 : (α, p, q) ↔ (−α, −p, −q). We call P0 , P1 , P2 , P the group elements; and we say that def f0 has “even parity”. If F (α, p, q) = −F (Pj (α, q, p)) = Pj F (α, q, p), j = 1, 2, we say that F has odd parity: for instance ∂α f0 has “odd parity”. The p derivative F or the q derivative G of an even function have the property F = P1 G = −P2 F , G = P1 F = −P2 G. The Jacobi’s map in general transforms functions of ϕ, α with given parity in α, ϕ in the ordinary sense into functions with the same parity in the (α, p, q) variables.
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2. Invariant Tori and Nearby Flow We look for a change of coordinates (A0 , α, p0 , q0 ) ↔ (A, ψ, p, q) which integrates locally (1.2) near the unstable equilibrium of the pendulum. More precisely so that in the new coordinates the motion is: A = const, ψ → ψ + ωt, p → pe−(1+γ )gt , q → qe(1+γ )gt ,
where g = g(pq), γ = γ (pq) and x → γ (x) is a suitable function analytic in x near x = 0 while g(x) = J 0 (x) (see (1.2)). We shall attempt to write the change of coordinates: A0 = A + H (ψ, p, q), α = ψ,
p0 = p + L(ψ, p, q),
q0 = q + e L(ψ, p, q) = q + L(−ψ, q, p), def
where H (ψ, p, q) has even parity, and zero ψ average at p = q = 0. Setting def
/∂ = q∂q − p∂p and imposing that (2.2) and (2.1) verify the equations of motion one gets: (g(x)∂/ + ω · ∂ψ )H = −ε∂α f0 (ψ, p0 , q0 ) − g(x)γ (x)∂/H , (g(x) + g(x)∂/ + ω · ∂ψ )L = −ε∂q0 f0 (ψ, p0 , q0 ) − (g(x0 )− − g(x))p0 + γ (x)g(x)p − g(x)γ (x)∂/L,
L. In fact, the second equation where x = pq, x0 = p0 q0 , p0 = p + L, q0 = q + e is independent of the first. Both can be shown to admit, for ε small enough as we shall always suppose below, a solution analytic in ε and divisible by ε. Note that the unknowns are H , L, γ . This is a very simple theorem. A “classical” (i.e., by quadratic iterations) proof can be derived from Section 5 in [CG] where the harder anisochronous case is detailed; or see [G4] (p. 2–3 and p. 9) for a self-contained elementary analysis (see also [DGJS] where the same theorem is also explicitly proved in p. 52–62). A better proof is essentially in the basic paper [Ge]: basic in the sense that it discusses the general theory of the manifolds from what I think is a “basic” point of view: i.e., it follows the Eliasson’s method using bounds on power series expansions, [E] (as developed in [G2], [G3], [GG]). L are well In what follows we fix ε so small that the above functions H , L, e defined by their power series in ε. The variables A will be called average actions because they are the average values with respect to time of the actions of the motions that take place on the corresponding invariant tori. 3. Stable and Unstable Manifolds From (2.2) we can read the following facts (of course if ε is small enough): (1) Phase space contains a family of invariant tori T (A) parameterized by A ∈ R 2 and obtained by setting p = q = 0. The average position of the tori is precisely
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(3) (4)
A, because H can (and will) be chosen to have zero average if p = q = 0: average with respect to ψ or to time.? Given A and setting q = 0, p 6= 0 one obtains a surface whose points are parameterized by ψ, p and which is a local piece of the stable manifold W s (A) of T (A). The quantity −(1 + γ (x))g(x) is the “Lyapunov exponent” of W s (A). Likewise, setting p = 0, q 6= 0 one defines a local piece of the unstable manifold W u (A) of A and (1 + γ (x))g(x) is the corresponding exponent. Given A and setting q 6= 0, p 6= 0 one parameterizes the rest of phase space near T (A). In this part of phase space the motion is in some sense very regular. However, the motions, just described locally, are globally more interesting and chaotic. In fact generically W u (A), W s (A0 ) do intersect transversally if A, A0 are close enough (depending on ε) and T (A), T (A0 ) have the same energy. In such cases W u (A) ∩ W s (A0 ) consists of trajectories, or heteroclinic intersections, running asymptotically around T (A) as t → −∞ and around T (A0 ) as t → +∞. The symmetry of the problem implies (as is well known, see for instance Section 9 of [CG]), that if A = A0 and ϕ = π then the point of W s (A) with ϕ = π , α = 0 is homoclinic, i.e., it is on a trajectory on W u (A) ∩ W s (A) (provided ε is small so that the results of Section 2 apply). Generically the intersection W u (A) ∩ W s (A0 ) exists for all A, A0 close enough and is transversal in the sense that if we fix ϕ = π (or ϕ to any other value 6= 0, 2π ) then any pair of tangents to W u (A) and W s (A0 ) at common points form an angle > µ > 0; the bound µ depends on ε, of course, and generically can be taken proportional to ε. Analytically we can write A0 + As (α, ϕ) and A + Au (α, ϕ) the parametric equation of the manifolds W u (A0 ) and W s (A), so representable at least for ϕ away from 0 or 2π , see (2.2) (e.g., see [CG] or [G3]). The functions Au , As do not depend on A because of isochrony:?? to see this note that the evolution equations for I , ϕ, α do not involve the A’s; explicit expressions for As , Au can be found in [G3] or [GGM]. The equation for the α value of an intersection point in W u (A) ∩ W s (A0 ) with def ϕ = π (say) is just Q(α) = As (α, π ) − Au (α, π ) = A0 − A, where usually Q(α) is called the splitting vector at α (and ϕ = π ). The angles between the tangent planes to W u (A) and W s (A) at the homoclinic intersection at ϕ = def π , α = 0 are related to the eigenvalues of the intersection matrix Dij =
? This is a simple special case of a property which becomes rather nontrivial in more interesting “anisochronous” Thirring models. Such models (see [T] and [G2, G3]) differ from (1.1) because of 1 A2 with K constant; then the average action A of a possible addition to H0 of an extra term 2K the motion on a torus is directly related to the gradient of the unperturbed Hamiltonian via ω = ∂A H0 (A), i.e., the frequencies are not “twisted” by the perturbation (a fact apparently “discovered” in [G3]). ?? Note that the parametric equation for the I variable needs not to be specified as it follows from the ones for the A’s via the energy conservation.
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∂i Qj (α)|α=0 which is also the Jacobian of the implicit equation Q(α) = A0 − A near α = 0. It follows from the classical Melnikov theory of splitting (see for instance [G3]) that the eigenvalues of D generically have values of order O(ε) so that the angles between tangents to W u (A) and W s (A) at α = 0, ϕ = π will have size O(ε) (and detD = O(ε 2 )). The genericity condition is a very simple algebraic condition on the coefficients of the polynomial f and is easily verified in many examples: the very simplest being perhaps f (α, ϕ) = cos(α1 + ϕ) + cos(α2 + ϕ). The non-vanishing of the intersection matrix determinant, and its interpretation as Jacobian of the implicit equation for the heteroclinic intersections, implies that the latter exist always, as soon as the average actions of the tori are close enough (and the tori have the same energy, of course). u s (t), X− (t) the (6) One can define also the splitting in the ϕ variables: call X− values at time t of the ϕ coordinate of the point on the unstable or stable manifold which at time t = 0 has coordinates (Au (α, π ), α, I u (α, π ), π ) or s u (t) − X− (t), which also (As (α, π ), α, I s (α, π ), π ) and one sets 1(t) = X− depends on α. (7) Finally a definition: Let A0 , A1 , . . . , AN be a sequence such that |Aj − Aj +1 | is so small that W u (Aj ) ∩ W s (Aj +1 ) have a transversal heteroclinic intersection, in the above sense, with intersection angles > µ at ϕ = π . We call such a chain a heteroclinic chain or ladder. As remarked in (5) one finds generically and in most simple examples µ = O(ε), hence N = O(ε −1 ). We shall prove the following theorem (“Arnold’s diffusion” or “drift”): THEOREM 1. Let A0 , A1 , . . . , AN be a heteroclinic chain: for any δ > 0 there are trajectories starting within δ of T (A0 ) and arriving after a finite time Tdrift within δ of T (AN ). I shall give a complete proof of it (Section 5), again, along the lines of [CG] for the sake of illustrating the simplicity of the method (due to Arnold). The purpose being of showing the conceptual difference with respect to the variational approaches, which accounts for the impressive difference in the time scale of Tdrift compared with [Be, Br] or with the estimate in Theorem 2 below (see (6.9)). In Section 6 I give a more refined, yet very simple and detailed, proof getting explicit and much better bounds (“fast”), although still far from the best in the literature. 4. Geometric Concepts Let 2κ > 0 be smaller than the radius of the disk in the (p, q)-plane where the functions in (2.2) are defined. We call κ a “target parameter”. To visualize the geometry of the problem involving 2-dimensional tori and their 3-dimensional stable and unstable manifolds, in the 5-dimensional energy surface,
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we shall need the following geometric objects: (a) a point Xi , heteroclinic between T (Ai ) and T (Ai+1 ), which has local coordinates, see (2.2), Xi = (Ai , ψ i , 0, κ). (b) the equations, at fixed q = κ, of the connected part of W s (Ai+1 ) containing Xi , in the local coordinates near T (Ai ); they will be written as: s Yi (ψ) = (Asi+1 (ψ), ψ, pi+1 (ψ), κ)
with |ψ − ψ i | < ζ for some ζ > 0 (i-independent): it is Asi+1 (ψ i ) = s Ai , pi+1 (ψ i ) = 0 because we require Yi (ψ i ) = Xi . There are constants F 0 , F s (ψ)| are bounded, such that |Asi+1 (ψ) − Asi+1 (ψ i )| and max|ψ−ψ i | = fixed|pi+1 0 for ζ small enough, below by F |ψ−ψ i | and above by F |ψ−ψ i |; the constants F 0 , F have size bounded below by O(µ) (by the transversality assumption in the definition of heteroclinic chain, (7) of Section 3). Note that W s (Ai+1 ) also contains a part with local equations (Ai+1 , ψ, p, 0) which should not to be confused with the previous one described by the function Yi (ψ). This is more easily understood by looking at the meaning of the above objects in the original (A, α, I, ϕ) coordinates: in a way the first part of W s (Ai+1 ) is close to ϕ = 0 and the second to ϕ = 2π . They can be close because of the periodicity, but they are conceptually quite different. (c) a point Pi = Yi (ψ˜ i ) with |ψ˜ i − ψ i | = ri , where ψ˜ i , ri will be determined ei : recursively, and a neighborhood B s Bi = {|A − Asi+1 (ψ)| < κ 2 ri0 , |ψ − ψ˜ i | < ri0 , |p − pi+1 (ψ)| < κri0 , q = κ}, (4.2)
where ri0 < ri are scales < 1 and to be determined recursively. If g, ¯ 2g¯ are lower/upper bounds to (1 + γ (x))g(x) for |x| < 4κ 2 , the point Pi evolves in a time Ti ' g¯ −1 log κ −1 into a point Xi0 near T (A0i+1 ) which has local coordinates Xi0 = (Ai+1 , ψ 0i , κ, 0). Note that any point (A, ψ, p, q) will evolve, provided it does not exit the neighborhood where the local coordinates are defined, into a point of the form (A, ψ + ωTin , q, p) after a time Tin = −g(x)−1 (1 + γ (x))−1 log qp −1 if x = pq, because of the special hyperbolic form of the time evolution, see (2.1): we shall call this time the interchange time of the “last two coordinates” and we shall repeatedly use it. The choice of B0 is rather arbitrary and we take r0 = ζ (ζ is defined after (4.1)) and r00 = 12 r0 , choosing ψ˜0 arbitrarily (at distance r0 from ψ 0 ). (d) The points ξ of the set Bi are mapped by the time evolution to points that, at the beginning at least, come close to T (Ai+1 ) and in a time τ (ξ ) acquire local coordinates near T (Ai+1 ) with p = κ exactly: the time τ (ξ ) is of the order of g¯ −1 log κ −1 .
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If St is the time evolution flow for the system (1.1) we write Sξ = Sτ (ξ ) ξ (note that S depends also on i). Then S maps the set Bi into a set SBi containing: 1 2 0 1 0 κ 0 0 0 Bi = |A − Ai+1 | < κ ri , |ψ − ψ i | < ri , p = κ, |q| < ri (4.3) E E E s because all the points in Bi with A = Asi+1 (ψ), p = pi+1 (ψ), q = κ evolve (each taking its own time) to points with A = Ai+1 , p = κ, q = 0 and ψ close to ψ 0i , by the definitions. Here E is a bound on the Jacobian matrix of S. The latter, being essentially a flow over a time O(g¯ −1 log κ −1 ), has derivatives bounded i-independently: since we suppose that ε is “small enough” we could take E = 1 + bε for some b > 0 if, as often the case, |Ai − Ai+1 | < O(ε).
5. The [CG]-method of Proof of the Theorem s Consider the points Yi+1 (ψ) ∈ W s (Ai+2 ) with coordinates (Asi+2 (ψ), ψ, pi+2 (ψ), κ). They will evolve backwards in time so that A stays constant, ψ evolves s (ψ) evolves to κ while the q-coordinate quasi-periodically hence “rigidly”, and pi+2 s evolves from κ to q = pi+2 (ψ) (because pq stays constant, see (c) above). The s time for this evolution is Tψ ' g¯ −1 log κ|pi+2 (ψ)|−1 −−−−→ +∞. ψ→ψ i+1
s s Therefore there is a sequence ψ n −−−−→ ψ i+1 such that |pi+2 (ψ n )| > 0, pi+2 n→+∞
(ψ n ) → 0, Asi+2 (ψ n ) → Ai+1 and ψ n − ωTψ n −→ ψ 0i , as a consequence of the n→∞ def
Diophantine properties of ω. So that there is ψ˜ i+1 = ψ n with n suitable and a point s Pi+1 = (Asi+2 (ψ˜ ), ψ˜ , pi+2 (ψ˜ ), κ) ∈ W s (Ai+2 ) (actually infinitely many) i+1
which evolves, backwards in time, from Pi+1 to a point of Bi0 . 0 small enough so that the Hence we can define ri+1 = |ψ˜ i+1 − ψ i+1 | and ri+1 backward motion of the points in Bi+1 enters in due time into Bi0 . It follows that the set Bi evolves in time so that all the points of Bi+1 are on trajectories of points of Bi , for all i = 1, . . . , N . Hence all points of BN will be reached by points starting in B0 . This completes the proof. All constants can be estimated explicitly, even though this is somewhat long and cumbersome, see [CG]. The result is an extremely large drift time Tdrift (namely the value at N of a composition of N exponentials! at least this is the estimate I get after correcting an error in Section 8 of [CG]: the error is minor but leads to substantially worse bounds). Nevertheless the estimate that comes out of the above scheme seems essentially optimal. And then the problem is: “how is it possible that by other methods (e.g., variational methods of [Be], [Br]) one can get far better estimates? The above argument is quite close to the proof of the “obstruction property” in [C], p. 34: hence the latter work shows that the above analysis misses some key
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idea that is exploited in the papers [M], [C]; perhaps the possibility of setting up a symbolic dynamics around the tori and exploiting it in the bounds. The difference with respect to the variational methods may be due to the fact that they are “less constructive”: less so than the above. The “fast drifting” trajectory exists but there seems to be no algorithm to determine it, not even the sequence of its “close encounters” with the invariant tori that generates drift: which is in fact preassigned in the above method. This certainly might account for a difference in the estimates. In fact the above construction is far too rigid: we pretend not only that drift takes place but also that it takes place via a path that visits closely a prescribed sequence of tori in an essentially predetermined way. In Section 6 a less constructive method is proposed and used to obtain bounds: which, however, turn out to be still far from polynomial. Of course a better understanding of why the results are so different with the different methods is highly desirable: but my efforts to understand satisfactorily this point only led to the improvement in Section 6 below, which has nevertheless some interest as it introduces the notion of elastic heteroclinic chain which I think might be useful also for the analysis of the anisochronous cases. 6. Fast Diffusion: Elastic Heteroclinic Chains The following adds a new idea to the method exposed in Section 5, allowing us to improve the super-exponential estimate of [CG] mentioned there. Below ε will be fixed small enough, and g, ¯ 2g¯ will be lower and upper bounds, respectively, to g(x)(1 + γ (x)), see (2.1). Let y be the curvilinear abscissa of a curve y → A(y), y ∈ [0, ymax ], in the “average action space” such that the tori T (A(y)) have fixed energy. Then evaluating the energy at the homoclinic point α = 0, ϕ = π and using that the I coordinate of the points on W u (A), W s (A) do not depend on A, because of isochrony, (2.2) one sees that ω · A(y) is constant so that the line y → A(y) is parallel to ω⊥ = (ω2 , −ω1 ). def ⊥ def ≡ w⊥ . Hence A(y) = A0 + w⊥ y with w⊥ = ω|ω| and A0 (y) = ∂A(y) dy Define y → A(y), y ∈ [0, y¯max ], to be an elastic heteroclinic chain with flexibility parameters β, ϑ > 0 and splitting µ if: (i) for all |y − y 0 | < ϑµ there is a heteroclinic intersection between the stable and unstable manifolds of T (A(y)) and T (A(y 0 )) with splitting angles > µ at ϕ = π. def (ii) The intersection matrix D = µDo at ϕ = π , α = 0 verifies: (w⊥ · Do−1 w⊥ ) = β 6= 0, def
w⊥ =
ω⊥ . |ω|
REMARKS. (a) The above definition is a special case of a natural more general definition relevant for higher dimensions and for anisochronous systems. For instance in the case of anisochronous systems, in which a term A2 /2K, with K > 0
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constant, is added to (1.1) one has to require that y → A(y) is a simple rectifiable curve and that, uniformly in y ∈ [0, ymax ], (6.1) holds with D replaced by the intersection matrix Dy , and ω replaced by ω(A(y)) = ω + A(y)K −1 . But in the anisochronous cases the condition that for all y there is the torus T (A(y)), called “no gap property”, is strongly restrictive and quite artificial (although it is verified in the example in [A], see also [P]). Below we consider, without further mention, only the isochronous models in (1.1) and in this case D, Do are y-independent because of isochrony, see (5) in Section 3. Condition (6.1) is a transversality property: in the case of (1.1) it holds generically (in the perturbation f and for ε small) and in this case it is a consequence of (i). Thus examples exist and are elementary, and generically µ = O(ε). A simple concrete example is provided by the already mentioned perturbation f (α, ϕ) = cos(α1 + ϕ) + cos(α2 + ϕ). Below we shall also suppose, without further mention, that µ = O(ε), i.e., that we consider a generic case. The greater generality of the above definition is meant to clarify a notion that might seem special for the isochronous case, and for future reference. (b) Thus every sequence y0 , y1 , . . . , yN with |yi − yi+1 | < ϑµ is a heteroclinic chain in the sense of Section 3, and the theorem proved in Section 5 applies to it. A elastic heteroclinic chain with parameter ϑ is also elastic with parameter ϑ 0 < ϑ. Hence it will not be restrictive to suppose that ϑ is as small as needed. (c) If ϑ is small enough so that the first order Taylor’s expansions of the splitting vector Q(α), see Section 3, (5), are “good” approximations we deduce (by applying the implicit functions theorem) that a heteroclinic intersection at ϕ = π between W s (A(y)) and W u (A(y + δ)) takes place at: α y (δ) = Do−1 w⊥ ϑ 0 + O(ϑ 02 ) for δ = µϑ 0 , |ϑ 0 | 6 ϑ, 1 ˜ < |(α y (δ 0 ) − α y (δ 00 )) · w ⊥ | < 2β|ϑ˜ |, β|ϑ| 2
∀δ 0 = µϑ 0 , δ 00 = µϑ 00
for ϑ small enough, for |ϑ 0 |, |ϑ 00 | < ϑ, and having set ϑ˜ = ϑ 0 − ϑ 00 . (d) A geometrical consequence of (6.1), (6.2) is that when y varies by δ (so that A(y) varies in R 2 orthogonally to ω by O(δ)), then the heteroclinic intersection α y (δ) between W s (A(y)) and W u (A(y + δ)) is displaced away from 0 with a component in the direction orthogonal to ω of size O(δµ−1 ), provided δµ−1 = ϑ 0 is small enough. (e) The value ϕ = π is not special in many respects and the same remains true if one looks at the displacement of the heteroclinic intersection at any other section located away from the tori by a fixed distance κ > 0, if ε is small enough. In fact consider the intersection matrix D(t) evaluated along the heteroclinic trajectory
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at a time t after the passage through ϕ = π . From the equations of motion its evolution is: Z t ∂αϕ f (ϕ(τ ), ωτ )∂α 1(τ )dτ, (6.3) D(t) = D − ε 0
where 1(t) denotes the splitting in the ϕ-coordinates (and |1(t)| < O(ε)), defined in remark (6) of Section 3, and ϕ(t) is the heteroclinic evolution of ϕ: hence D(t) = D + O(ε 2 ) (while D = O(ε)) for t bounded, by Melnikov’s theory (see also (5.5) in [GGM]). In particular if we look at the ψ-coordinate ψ y (δ) of the heteroclinic intersection point at q = κ, on the same heteroclinic trajectory, and compare it with the position of the homoclinic point ψ y (0) of T (A(y)) at q = κ then we can say that, for some constants 2b1 , 2b0 (the factor 2 is for later convenience) it is: ˜ 2b0 ϑ] ˜ |w⊥ · (ψ y (δ 0 ) − ψ y (δ 00 ))| ∈ [2b1 ϑ,
with ϑ˜ = (δ 0 − δ 00 )µ−1 ; the constants b0 , b1 depend on the constant κ prefixed at the beginning of Section 6, and on β. THEOREM 2. Suppose that y → A(y) is elastic in the above sense, then fixed a, b there exist heteroclinic chains A0 = A(y0 ), A1 = A(y1 ), . . . , AN = A(yN ) with −1 y0 = 0, yN = ymax along which the drift time is g¯ −1 eO(µ ) . The estimates proceed by performing the construction of Section 5 without fixing a priori the heteroclinic chain: we construct it inductively, by trying to optimize (as well as we can) various choices. The proof below is divided, into several trivial statements, into a few propositions and lemmata each of which is marked by a •. Using the notations of Section 4, assume that yj have been constructed for j 6 i + 1 together with ψ˜ j , rj , rj0 , Bj , ψ 0j , Bj0 for j 6 i, verifying ri < ϑ. We must 0 . The set B0 is fixed as in the paragraph following (4.2) define yi+2 , ψ˜ , ri+1 , ri+1 i+1
above, and y1 − y0 = µϑ, r0 , r00 = 12 r0 are arbitrarily chosen (positive) and we also require r0 < ϑ and ϑ small. • 1. Let E be as in Section 5 and let E 0 be so large that if T 0 = g¯ −1 log E 0 E −1 the points ωt, t ∈ [0, T 0 ], fill the torus within 12 b1 ϑ (see (6.4) for the definition of b1 ). This means that E 0 is very large.? • 2. Let Xi+1 (y) be heteroclinic between T (Ai+1 ) and T (A(y)) for y ∈ [yi+1 + 1 µϑ, yi+1 + µϑ]. We choose to look for yi+2 among such y’s to be sure that every 2 ? One can take E 0 = E exp O(Cϑ −τ ) estimating by O(Cδ −τ ) the time needed to a quasi periodic rotation of the torus with vector ω, Diophantine with constants C, τ , to fill with lines parallel to ω and within δ the whole torus T 2 . I discuss this estimate in Appendix A1 as an aside, since here only finiteness of E 0 is required (a trivial fact): this gives me the chance of discussing a simple conjecture.
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time i increases by one unit then yi increases by 12 µϑ at least, so that after N steps, with N = O(µ−1 ) we shall have reached the “upper extreme ymax of the chain”. Let the local coordinates of Xi+1 (y) be (Ai+1 , ψ i+1 (y), 0, κ) (see Section 4 for the notations). Let, see (4.1): s (ψ), κ) Yi+1,y (ψ) = (Asi+2,y (ψ), ψ, pi+2,y
be the equation of W s (A(y)) in the local coordinates around the torus T (Ai+1 ) near Xi+1 (y). We may suppose that: s |Asi+2,y (ψ) − Ai+1 |, |pi+2,y (ψ)| < b3 µ|ψ − ψ i+1 (y)|
for some b3 of O(1) and we may suppose b3 > 1, for simplicity. This simply expresses the analyticity in ψ and ε of the stable manifold (note that Asi+1,y (ψ) − s (ψ) vanish at ψ i+1 (y), i.e., at the heteroclinic point). Ai+1 and pi+1,y • 3. Suppose r small: a first approximation to ψ˜ i+1 will be obtained by fixing y at the left extreme y¯ of its interval of variation (which is [yi+1 + 12 µϑ, yi+1 +µϑ]) and by choosing a point ψ i+1,y,r at distance r from ψ i+1 (y) ¯ along a line 3 on which ¯ s (ψ) does not vanish. For instance we can take the straight we can be sure that pi+2, y¯ s ◦ ◦ ¯ of pi+2,y¯ (ψ) at ψ = ψ i+1 (y). ¯ In this line 360 at 60 from the gradient a i+2 (y) 1 ◦ way (cos 60 = 2 ): def
s λ = |pi+2, )| ' y¯ (ψ i+1,y,r ¯
1 s |pi+2, max y¯ (ψ)| ¯ 2 |ψ−ψ i+1 (y)|=r
and λ ∈ [b2 µr, b3 µr], for some b3 , b2 = O(1) > 0, by the assumption on def the splitting angles (which implies that the modulus of the gradient a i+2 (y) = s (ψ i+1 (y)) is in [b2 µ, b3 µ] for some constants b2 , b3 > 0 of O(1)). The ∂ψ pi+2,y constants b2 , b3 depend on the “target” parameter κ, fixed once and for all, see beginning of Section 4, and b3 can be taken to be the same constant in (6.6). Let d = b2 /2b3 . • 4. To improve the approximation for ψ˜ i+1 note that as r varies in the range r0
varies and λ varies by a factor not smaller d 4b3iE0 < r < 4b3i E the point ψ i+1,y,r ¯ 0 than 2E /E by our definition of d. Hence the time T (r) necessary in order that ) = (Asi+2,y¯ (ψ i+1,y,r ), ψ i+1,y,r , the backward evolution of the point Yi+1,y¯ (ψ i+1,y,r ¯ ¯ ¯ s pi+2,y¯ (ψ i+1,y,r ), κ) interchanges the last two coordinates, will vary by an amount ¯ > T 0 = g¯ −1 log E 0 /E = O(Cϑ −τ ), see footnote ? and comment (c) in Section 4.
• 5. This implies, by continuity and by the size of T0 , that there will be a value r(y) ¯ ¯ → ψ i+1 (y)−ωt ¯ of duration T (r(y)) ¯ has such that the “backward motion” ψ i+1 (y) ψ-coordinate close to ψ 0i within 12 b1 ϑ and on the line ` orthogonal to ω through ψ 0i .
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We can also prefix on which side of it will be. Remark that as y increases past y¯ the point ψ i+1 (y) moves with a displacement having a nonzero component in the direction parallel to ` (by the second of (6.1) and the first of (6.2)). Therefore we shall choose the side so that the component of the displacement along ` is towards ψ 0i : this is convenient for reasons that will become clear below. • 6. I now imagine varying y in its interval of variation [yi+1 + 12 µϑ, yi+1 + µϑ] and select r(y), hence ψ i+1,y,r(y), so that the time of interchange of the last two coordinates of the point Yi+1,y (ψ i+1,y,r(y)) does not change. The latter time is, s (ψ i+1,y,r(y)), because by (2.1), g(pκ)−1 (1 + γ (pκ))−1 log κ|p|−1 if p = pi+2,y the motion is “exponential” and preserves the product of the last two coordinates (see (2.1)). Hence fixing the interchange time means determining ψ = ψ i+1,y,r(y) so that p is constant. Although it might be clear that this can be done I describe in some detail the way that I follows in Appendix A2 which also gives the quantitative information that:
1 d ri0 < r(y) < r0 0 8b3 E 2b3 E 0 i
and, therefore, the point Yi+1,y (ψ) remains in the neighborhood where the local coordinates are defined. ¯ will either “fall short” or “long” • 7. For each y the point ψ i+1 (y) − ωT (r(y)) 0 of the line ` orthogonal to ω through ψ i : but “only by a length bounded by 6 ¯ − ωT (r(y)) ¯ is exactly on 2|Do−1 w ⊥ |ϑ”. In fact by construction the vector ψ i+1 (y) ¯ can undergo as y the line ` and the maximum variation that |ψ i+1 (y) − ψ i+1 (y)| varies by at most 12 µϑ is bounded by the first of (6.2). • 8. Hence by a suitable rotation of the direction of the line 360◦ along which we s by a factor 1 + O(ϑ) choose the point ψ i+1,y,r(y) we can change the size of pi+2,y and arrange that at the time Tin when the last two coordinates are interchanged ψ i+1 (y) − ωTin is exactly on the line ` orthogonal to ω through ψ 0i . In fact our choice of the line 360◦ on which ψ i+1,y,r(y) is selected, neither orthogonal nor parallel to the gradient of pi+2,y (ψ), shows that we can change in this s | by up to a factor about 2, i.e., by a factor 1 + O(ϑ) if ϑ is small, way |pi+2,y and down to a factor 0.? So that, by continuity, we can find a line 30 slightly off 360◦ by an angle of O(ϑ) and a point ψ on it such that in its interchange time Tin the (other) point ψ i+1 (y) ends on the target line `. ? Note that ps i+2,y (ψ) vanishes in correspondence of the heteroclinic point, i.e., at ψ i+1 (y), as
well as on a curve through the heteroclinic point value ψ i+1 (y) by the transversality of the splitting and by the implicit functions theorem.
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We still call ψ i+1,y,r(y) the new (and final) choice of ψ on 30 . Note, however, that the point ψ i+1,y,r(y) will not end on the line ` but it will miss it by at most a distance r(y) < ri0 /(2b3 E), because ψ i+1,y,r(y) is r(y) apart from ψ i+1 (y), which by the construction ends on ` at the interchange time Tin : the point reached on ` will be away by at most b1 ϑ from ψ 0i . The angle of the needed rotation will be of O(ϑ) off the line 360◦ at 60◦ degrees to the gradient ∂ψ pi+2,y (ψ i+1 (y)), because the velocity of the quasi periodic motion has size of order O(1) (i.e., it is |ω|) so that a time variation of up to O(ϑ) suffices for a displacement of r(y) < ϑ (recall that ri0 < ri < ϑ, as stipulated at the beginning). • 9. As we vary y we find, by continuity, a point y ∗ such that ψ i+1 (y ∗ )−ωTin = ψ 0i because ψ i+1 (y) has a component along w⊥ which varies by b1 ϑ at least, see (6.4), and in the right direction towards ψ 0i by the above proposition • 5. • 10. Setting r ∗ = r(y ∗ ) and ψ˜ i+1 = ψ i+1,r ∗ ,y ∗ we see that the evolution of r0
Yi+1,y ∗ (ψ˜ i+1 ) leads to a point which has ψ-coordinate close within 2b3i E to the coordinate ψ 0i of the point Xi0 = (Ai+1 , ψ 0i , κ, 0) (around which the already inductively known set Bi0 is constructed, see (4.3)), because ψ˜ i+1 is within ri0 /2b3 E of ψ i+1 (y) by construction. Note that this is just a continuity statement: hence it is nonconstructive, as much as the other continuity arguments used above. r0 0 2 = γ ri+1 with γ small enough see that the We set ri+1 = r ∗ > d 8b3iE0 , ri+1 points of Bi+1 defined by such parameters via (4.2) evolve backward in time to fall inside Bi0 at their last interchange time. However the interchange time Tin varies when ψ varies in the disk of radius 0 centered at a point at distance ri+1 from the heteroclinic point. And it is proporri+1 tional to the logarithm of the inverse of |pi+2 (ψ)|; the latter is a function essentially r
+r 0
i+1 linear in ψ.? Hence it varies bounded by a factor proportional to log ri+1 . 0 i+1 −r 0 ri+1 ) O( ri+1
O(ri0 )
which must be < because we want The latter variation has size that the backward evolution of the points in Bi+1 is, at their interchange time, inside Bi0 and the velocity ω of the quasi periodic motion is of O(1). Hence if the time varies by O(ri0 ) the resulting displacement of the final value of ψ will be of O(ri0 ): recalling that ri+1 ∈ [ 8bd3 E0 ri0 , 2b13 E ri0 ] we get a quadratic recursion for the definition of the ri : unavoidable in the above scheme. • 11. We find that, from the above proposition, that ri0 , ri = O((0r0 )2 ) for some 0 (one can take 0 = dγ /(8b3 E 0 )); so that the time Ti = O(g¯ −1 log ri−1 ) necessary to hop one step along the chain is O(g¯ −1 2i ) and the time Tdrift for drifting along the i
? Because the point ψ ˜ is still on a line 30 very close, by the last remark in the preceding i+1 proposition, to 360◦ , at 60◦ degrees to the gradient ∂ψ pi+2,y (ψ i+1 (y ∗ )).
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chain is bounded above by O(g¯ −1 2N ): −1 )
Tdrift 6 g¯ −1 2O(µ
. −1
Recalling that ϑ is fixed, if µ = O(ε) (generic) this is const econst ε . REMARK. Therefore the exponential bound (6.9) is due to the rapid convergence to 0 of ri , i.e., with a logarithm exponentially diverging, which arises from the 0 = O(ri02 ). quadratic recursion ri+1 7. Concluding Remarks. Very Fast Diffusion? For a review on diffusion see [L]: in this paper the possibility of estimates of size of an inverse power of ε is proposed and discussed. (1) The above non-variational proof gives results not directly comparable to the best known, [Be], [Br], based on a variational method and giving (in [Br]) a polynomial drift time of O(µ−2 ). The papers [Be], [Br], deal with Arnold’s example, [A], i.e., with a different case. However, they make use in an essential way of the very similar structure of the model, i.e., of the fact that it admits a “gap-less” foliation into stable and unstable manifolds of invariant tori, see also [P]. It is hard to see how to improve the bounds of Section 6 in Arnold’s example, if it is studied along the same lines. The recent works [M], [C], also lead very close by to the estimates in [Be], [Br] and, if I understand them correctly, they should also apply to the cases treated here and give polynomial estimates: hence the difference between the sizes of the bounds obtained by our approach and the ones obtained via variational methods or via geometric methods alternative to the ones exposed here remains (for me) a puzzle that I hope to understand in the future. (2) It is worth stressing again that the methods of Section 5 apply every time there are “no gaps” around resonant tori and the homoclinic angles admit a nonzero lower bound: therefore they apply to the case in [A] with, in the notations of [A], µ = ε c and c large enough. In the isochronous models they apply, immediately, to a variety of cases: a nontrivial one is the Hamiltonian (1.1) with ω = (ηa , η−1/2 ), a > 0, ε = µηc with c large enough and, possibly, even a further “monochromatic, strong and rapid” perturbation βf0 (ϕ, λ) like β cos(λ + ϕ) with β = O(1). Consider only values of η such that |ω · ν| > Cηd |ν|−τ for all 0 6= ν ∈ Z 2 , and for some C, d > 0, see Section 2 in [GGM]. Then by using the results of [GGM] (Section 8) we see that if η is fixed small enough the homoclinic splitting is analytic in β for |β| < O(η−1/2 ), while it does not vanish for β small (i.e., β = O(ηc )), generically in f (see [GGM], Section 6). Hence it is not 0 for all β < 2 (say) except, possibly, for finitely many values of β. This means that in such strongly perturbed systems (β = O(1)) one still has elastic heteroclinic chains of arbitrary length, see Section 8 of [GGM], and
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therefore there is diffusion provable by the methods of Sections 5 and 6, except possibly in correspondence of finitely many values of β. Furthermore the A-independent (because of isochrony, see [GGM]) homoclinic angles can become large when β, µ approach their convergence radii and this gives us the possibility of “very fast” drift on time scales of ∼ O(1). In fact I think that the homoclinic splitting might be a monotonic function of ε, β for interesting classes of perturbations. (3) An advantage of the technique of Section 5 is its flexibility which makes it immediately applicable, essentially without change, to anisochronous systems, see [CG] as corrected in [CV]. (4) Constructivity, even partial (see comments in Section 5), seems the key to understanding the huge difference between the results of Section 5 and the variational results, or those of Section 6 above: diffusion time bounds in an inverse power of ε (in [Br] and Section 6) versus a super-exponential in the more constructive proposal in Section 5. A hint in this direction is provided by the bound in Section 6: by adding a new idea to the method of Section 5, i.e., of [CG], one can −1 get a drift time estimate of 2−O(ε ) instead of the super-exponential of [CG], and Section 5. But the theory becomes now less constructive: not even the sequence of close encounters with invariant tori is determined constructively as continuity arguments are used. (5) The method of Section 5 and of Section 6 seems related to the “windowing” analysis in the early work [Ea] and in [M], [C] as pointed out to me by P. Lochak and J. Cresson. (6) Finally only drift in phase space is discussed here: but it is clear that heteroclinic chains do not need to “advance” at each step (e.g., a A-coordinate needs not to increase systematically): we can use heteroclinic chains that advance and back up at our prefixed wish (e.g., randomly). In this sense, there is no difference between drift and diffusion. Acknowledgements I am indebted to P. Lochak stimulating comments and, in particular, to G. Gentile and V. Mastropietro for many discussion and help in revising the manuscript. This work is part of the research program of the European Network on: “Stability and Universality in Classical Mechanics”, #ERBCHRXCT940460. Appendix A1. Filling Times of Quasi Periodic Motions: A Conjecture Let (ω1 , . . . , ωd ) = ω ∈ R d be such that |ω · ν|−1 6 C|ν|τ . Let χ(x), χ⊥ (x) be C ∞ -functions even and strictly positive for |x| < 12 π , vanishing elsewhere and with def
integral 1. Let ψ, ψ 0 ∈ T d and x(ψ) = ε −(d−1)χ(ω·(ψ −ψ 0 )/|ω|)·χ(ε −1 |P ⊥ (ψ − ψ 0 )|), P ⊥ = orthogonal projection on the plane orthogonal to ω.
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The function x can be naturally regarded as defined and periodic on T d : if χ(σ ˆ ) is the Fourier transform of χ as a function on R then the Fourier transform of x is χˆ (ν || )χˆ (ε|ν ⊥ |), ν integer components vector, ν || = ω · ν/|ω|, ν ⊥ = P ⊥ ν. The −1 R T average X = T 0 x(ωt) dt is: X = 1+
x(ν) ˆ e−iψ 0 ·ν
> 1−
1 eiω·νT T iω · ν
2C X χˆ (ν || )χˆ (ε|ν ⊥ |) |ν|τ . T ν6=0
Since the last sum is bounded above by bε −(τ +d−1) the average X is positive, e.g., > 12 , for all ψ 0 if T > 4bCε −(τ +d−1) . This means that for T > 4bCε −(τ +d−1) + π/|ω|, hence for T > BCε −(τ +d−1) with B a suitable constant depending only on d, the torus will have been filled by the trajectory of any point within a distance ε. This proof is taken from (5), p. 111, of [G1], see [BGW] for an alternative proof and a much stronger result (i.e., with τ replacing τ + d − 1). Of course the above estimate T > O(ε −τ −(d−1)) really deals with a quantity different from the minimum time of visit. It is an estimate of the minimum time beyond which all cylinders with height 1 (say) and basis of radius ε have not only been visited but they have been visited with a frequency that is, for all of them, larger than 12 of the asymptotic value (equal to ε d−1 ): we can call the latter time the first large frequency of visit time. The difference between the two concepts explains the difference between the two estimates which are equally good, i.e., alternative, for the purposes of our analysis (and both too detailed since we only need that the minimum time of visit is finite). And I conjecture that both are optimal: the first is optimal as an estimate of the first visit time and the second as an estimate of the first large frequency of visit time.
Appendix A2. Fixing the Time of Interchange d s s (pi+2,y (ψ))−pi+2,y (ψ i+1 (y)) = 0 (having inThe differential condition on ψ is dy s serted pi+2,y (ψ i+1 (y)) = 0 for convenience) or, if prime denotes y-differentiation: s s s 0 = ∂ψ pi+2,y (ψ) · (ψ 0 − ψ i+1 (y)0 ) + (∂ψ pi+2,y (ψ) − ∂ψ pi+2,y (ψ i+1 (y))) · s s · ψ i+1 (y)0 + (∂y pi+2,y )(ψ) − (∂y pi+2,y )(ψ i+1 (y)),
which means that r(y) = |ψ 0 −ψ i+1 (y)| verifies |r(y)0 | < C1 r(y) for some C1 > 0 independent of µ because: s with respect to the arguments ψ, y are of order µ. (1) all derivatives of pi+2,y
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(2) The vector ψ − ψ i+1 (y) has the form r(y)w 60◦ (y) where w60◦ (y) is the unit s (ψ i+1 (y)), so that vector parallel to the axis forming 60◦ degrees with ∂ψ pi+2,y 0 0 0 (ψ − ψ i+1 (y)) = r (y)w 60◦ (y) + r(y)w 60◦ (y). s (ψ) with respect to (3) ψ i+1 (y)0 has size O(1); the second derivatives of pi+2,y ψ have size O(µ) and the derivative of w60◦ (y) that can be computed by s s (ψ i+1 (y))/|∂ψ pi+1 (ψ i+1 (y))|) is differentiating its expression (namely ∂ψ pi+2 of O(1). def
This fixes the y-derivatives of r(y) = |ψ − ψ i+1 (y)| to have size O(r(y)) so that the variation of r(y), as y varies in its interval of size 12 µϑ and starting at 1 y¯ = yi+1 + 12 µϑ, is bounded by (eC1 2 µϑ − 1) 6 C1 µϑr(y) ¯ if ϑC1 < 12 . Hence d r 0 < r(y) < 2b13 E0 ri0 and the point Yi+1,y (ψ) remains in the neighborhood 8b3 E 0 i where the local coordinates are defined. References [A] Arnold, V.: Instability of dynamical systems with several degrees of freedom, Sov. Mathematical Dokl. 5 (1966), 581–585. [Be] Bessi, U.: An approach to Arnold’s diffusion through the Calculus of Variations, Nonlinear Analysis, 1995. [Br] Bernard, P.: Perturbation d’un hamiltonien partiellement hyperbolique, C.R. Academie des Sciences de Paris 323(1) (1996), 189–194. [BGW] Bourgain, J., Golse, F. and Wennberg, S.: The ergodisation time for linear flows on tori: Application for kinetic theory, Preprint, 1995, to appear in Communications in Mathematical Physics. [C] Cresson, J.: Symbolic dynamics for homoclinic partially hyperbolic tori and “Arnold diffusion”, Preprint of Institut de mathematiques de Jussieux, 1997. And, mainly: Propriétés d’instabilité des systèmes Hamiltoniens proches de systèmes intégrables, Doctoral dissertation, L’Observatoire de Paris, Paris, 1997. [CG] Chierchia, L. and Gallavotti, G.: Drift and diffusion in phase space, Annales de l’Institut Poincarè B 60 (1994), 1–144. [CV] Chierchia, L. and Valdinoci, E.: A note on the construction of Hamiltonian trajectories along heteroclinic chains, to appear in Forum Mathematicum. [DGJS] Delshams, S., Gelfreich, V. G., Jorba, A. and Seara, T. M.: Exponentially small splitting of separatrices under fast quasiperiodic forcing, Communications in Mathematical Physic 189 (1997), 35–72. [Ea] Easton, R. W.: Orbit structure near trajectories biasymptotic to invariant tori, in R. Devaney, Z. Nitecki (eds.), Classical Mechanics and Dynamical Systems, Dekker, 1981, pp. 55–67. [E] Eliasson, L. H.: Absolutely convergent series expansions for quasi-periodic motions, Mathematical Physics Electronic Journal 2 (1996). [G1] Gallavotti, G.: The Elements of Mechanics, Springer, 1983. [G2] Gallavotti, G.: Twistless KAM tori, Communications in Mathematical Physics 164 (1994), 145–156. [G3] Gallavotti, G.: Twistless KAM tori, quasi flat homoclinic intersections, and other cancellations in the perturbation series of certain completely integrable Hamiltonian systems. A review, Reviews on Mathematical Physics 6 (1994), 343–411.
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[GG] [GGM]
[L] [Ea]
[M] [P]
Gallavotti, G.: Hamilton–Jacobi’s equation and Arnold’s diffusion near invariant tori in a priori unstable isochronous systems, Rendiconti del seminario matematico di Torino, in print; also in [email protected]#9710019. Gentile, G.: A proof of existence of whiskered tori with quasi flat homoclinic intersections in a class of almost integrable systems, Forum Mathematicum 7 (1995), 709–753. See also: Whiskered tori with prefixed frequencies and Lyapunov spectrum, Dynamics and Stability of Systems 10 (1995), 269–308. Gallavotti, G. and Gentile, G.: Majorant series convergence for twistless KAM tori, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 15 (1995), 857–869. Gallavotti, G., Gentile, G. and Mastropietro, V.: Pendulum: Separatrix splitting, Preprint, chao-dyn #9709004: this paper will appear with a different, more informative, title “Separatrix splitting for systems with three time scales”. And G. Gallavotti, G. Gentile and V. Mastropietro: Melnikov’s approximation dominance. Some examples, chao-dyn #9804043, in print in Reviews in Mathematical Physics. Lochak, P.: Arnold’s diffusion: A compendium of remarks and questions, Proceedings of 3DHAM, s’Agaro, 1995, in print. Easton, R. W.: Orbit structure near trajectories biasymptotic to invariant tori, in R. Devaney, Z. Nitecki (eds.), Classical Mechanics and Dynamical Systems, Dekker, 1981, pp. 55–67. Marco, J. P.: Transitions le long des chaines de tores invariants pour les systèmes hamiltoniens analytiques, Annales de l’Institut Poincaré 64 (1995), 205–252. Perfetti, P.: Fixed point theorems in the Arnol’d model about instability of the actionvariables in phase space, mp- [email protected], #97-478, 1997, in print in Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Thirring, W.: Course in Mathematical Physics, vol. 1, p. 133, Springer, Wien, 1983.
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Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry 1: 313–330, 1999. © 1999 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
The Inverse Spectral Method for Colliding Gravitational Waves A. S. FOKAS Department of Mathematics, Imperial College, SW7 2BZ U.K.
L.-Y. SUNG Department of Mathematics, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC 29208, U.S.A.
D. TSOUBELIS Department of Mathematics, University of Patras, 261 10 Patras, Greece (Received: 2 February 1998; in final form: 18 February 1998) Abstract. The problem of colliding gravitational waves gives rise to a Goursat problem in the triangular region 1 6 x < y 6 1 for a certain 2 × 2 matrix valued nonlinear equation. This equation, which is a particular exact reduction of the vacuum Einstein equations, is integrable, i.e. it possesses a Lax pair formulation. Using the simultaneous spectral analysis of this Lax pair we study the above Goursat problem as well as its linearized version. It is shown that the linear problem reduces to a scalar Riemann–Hilbert problem, which can be solved in closed form, while the nonlinear problem reduces to a 2 × 2 matrix Riemann–Hilbert problem, which under certain conditions is solvable. Mathematics Subject Classifications (1991): 83C35, 35Q20, 58F07, 65. Key words: colliding gravitational waves, Ernst equation, boundary-value problem, inverse spectral method, Riemann–Hilbert problem, Goursat problem, Einstein equations.
1. Introduction One of the most extensively studied problems in general relatively is the collision of two plane gravitational waves in a flat background. Assuming that the two approaching waves are known, it can be shown ([1] and appendix) that the problem of describing the interaction following the collision of the two waves is closely related to the following boundary value problem: Let g(x, y) be a real, symmetric, 2 × 2 matrix-valued function of x and y for (x, y) ∈ D, where D is the triangular region D = {(x, y) ∈ R2 , −1 6 x < y 6 1} depicted in Figure 1. Let subscripts denote partial derivatives. The function g(x, y) solves the PDE 2(y − x)gxy + gx − gy + (x − y)(gx g −1 gy + gy g −1 gx ) = 0,
with the boundary conditions g(−1, y) = g1 (y), −1 < y 6 1; g(x, 1) = g2 (x), −1 6 x < 1,
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Figure 1. The region D = {(x, y) ∈ R2 : −1 6 x < y 6 1} corresponding to the Goursat problem defined by (1.1) and (1.2).
where the functions g1 (y) and g2 (x) are uniquely specified by the approaching waves. Equation (1.1), which is a particular exact reduction of the vacuum Einstein equations, is equivalent to the celebrated Ernst equation [2]. Belinsky and Zakharov [3] have shown that Equation (1.1) is integrable, in the sense that it admits the Lax pair formulation [4] 2κ ∂9 (x − y)gx g −1 ∂9 + = 9, ∂x κ + x − y ∂κ κ +x−y 2κ (y − x)gy g −1 ∂9 ∂9 + = 9, ∂y κ + y − x ∂κ κ +y−x
(1.3a) (1.3b)
where 9(x, y, κ) is a 2 × 2 matrix-valued function of the arguments indicated and k ∈ C. An alternative Lax pair of Equation (1.1) is [5, 6] (y − λ)1/2 ∂9 1 1− gx g −1 9, (1.4a) = ∂x 2 (x − λ)1/2 1 (x − λ)1/2 ∂9 (1.4b) gy g −1 9, = 1− ∂y 2 (y − λ)1/2 where λ ∈ C. For integrable equations it is usually possible to: (i) Construct a large class of particular explicit solutions, using a variety of the so-called direct methods, such as Bäcklund transformations [7], the dressing method [8], the direct linearizing method [9], etc. (ii) Investigate certain initial-value problems using the so-called inverse spectral method [10 – 12]. Solving an initial-value problem is more difficult than deriving particular solutions. The problem of colliding gravitational waves is a boundary-value problem and such problems are even more difficult than initial-value problems. Indeed, regarding the interaction of plane gravitational waves, although many classes of particular exact solutions have been
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found (see [1, 13 – 17]), the initial-value problem has only been addressed by Hauser and Ernst [18, 19]. These authors did not investigate Equation (1.1) directly. Instead, they have shown that, in the particular case of gravitational waves, Equation (1.1) can be related to the equation (y − x)Gxy + [Gx , Gy ] = 0,
where [ , ] denotes the matrix commutator. Equation (1.5) has been studied in [18, 19] using indirectly the fact that Equation (1.5) possesses the Lax pair Gx 9 ∂9 = , ∂x x−λ
∂9 Gy 9 = , ∂y y −λ
where 9(x, y, λ) is a 2 × 2 matrix-valued function of the arguments indicated. In this paper we use the inverse spectral method to solve the boundary value problem defined by Equations (1.1) and (1.2) as well as the following linear boundary value problem: Let the matrix-valued function γ (x, y), (x, y) ∈ D, satisfy the linear PDE 2(y − x)γxy + γx − γy = 0,
where γ (−1, y) and γ (x, 1) are given functions of y and x respectively. This boundary value problem can be considered as the small g limit of the boundary value problem defined by Equations (1.1) and (1.2). Indeed, substituting g = I +εγ in Equation (1.1) (where I is the identity matrix) and keeping only O(ε) terms, Equation (1.1) becomes Equation (1.7). We now state the main result of this paper: THEOREM 1.1. Assume that the derivative of g1 (y) and of g2 (x) are C 2 in [−1, 1], sufficiently small, and g1 (1) = g2 (−1) = I , where I is the 2 × 2 identity matrix. Then the Goursat problem defined by (1.1) and (1.2) has a unique C 2 classical solution in D. This solution can be obtained by solving the following Riemann–Hilbert problem for the 2 × 2 matrix-valued functions 9 and 8: − x 6 λ 6 y, 8 (x, y, λ), − −∞ < λ 6 −1, 1 6 λ < ∞, 9 (x, y, λ), + (1.8a) 9 (x, y, λ) = − (x, y, λ)G (λ), −1 6 λ 6 x, 9 l − 9 (x, y, λ)Gr (λ), y 6 λ 6 1, − x 6 λ 6 y, 9 (x, y, λ), − (x, y, λ), −∞ < λ 6 −1, 1 6 λ < ∞, 8 8+ (x, y, λ) = (1.8b) − −1 8 (x, y, λ)Gl (λ) , −1 6 λ 6 x, 8− (x, y, λ)Gr (λ)−1 , y 6 λ 6 1, lim 8 = g, (1.8c) lim 9 = I, λ→∞
where 9 ± (x, y, λ) = 9(x, y, λ ± i0),
8± (x, y, λ) = 8(x, y, λ ± i0),
λ ∈ R,
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and the 2 × 2 matrix-valued functions Gl (λ), Gr (λ) are defined in terms of g1 (y) and g2 (x) as follows: Gl (λ) = (L− (λ, λ))−1 L+ (λ, λ),
Gr (λ) = (R− (λ, λ))−1 R+ (λ, λ), (1.9)
Z 1 x (1 − λ)1/2 L± (x, λ) = I + 1∓i × 2 −1 (λ − ξ )1/2 dg2 (ξ ) −1 × g2 (ξ )L±(ξ, λ) dξ, −1 6 x 6 λ, dξ Z 1 1 (λ + 1)1/2 R± (y, λ) = I − 1±i × 2 y (η − λ)1/2 dg1 (η) −1 g1 (η)R± (η, λ) dη, λ 6 y 6 1. × dη
We conclude this introduction with some remarks. (1) It can be shown that if g ∈ R, and if g(x, y) satisfies the equation gCgC = ρ(x − y)2 , where ρ is a real constant and C is a real, nonsingular, constant matrix, then Equation (1.1) is simply related to (1.5). This relationship is valid for the particular case of gravity. Thus the initial-value problem for the colliding gravitational waves can also be investigated by applying the inverse spectral method to Equations (1.6). The inverse spectral method for the Lax pair (1.6) involves the technical difficulty of analyzing eigenfunctions with Cauchy type singularities; a rigorous investigation of this problem remains open. (2) The boundary value problem of Equation (1.7) mentioned above was first solved by Szekeres [20] using the classical Riemann function technique. The same problem was later solved by Hauser and Ernst using separation of variables and the Abel transform [21, 22]. The linear problem has also been discussed in [23]. It was emphasized in [24] that before solving a given nonlinear integrable equation, it is quite useful to use the inverse spectral method to solve the linearized version of this nonlinear equation. This is carried out in Section 3, using the fact that Equation (1.7) possesses the Lax pair 9 γx ∂9 + = , ∂x 2(x − λ) 2(x − λ)
∂9 9 γy + = . ∂y 2(y − λ) 2(y − λ)
(3) When analyzing a Lax pair, it is customary to study the two equations forming this pair independently. Indeed, one usually studies one of the two equations to formulate an inverse problem in terms of appropriate spectral data, and then one uses the second equation to determine the “evolution” of the spectral data. Actually, this philosophy is precisely the one used for solving linear equations. However, it turns out that for solving the boundary value problem (1.1) and (1.2), it is more convenient to study both equations forming the Lax pair simultaneously. This important insight was gained from the inverse spectral analysis of the linear
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Equation (1.7). The simultaneous spectral analysis of the Lax pair has led to a unified transform method for solving initial-boundary-value problems for linear and for integrable nonlinear PDE’s [25]. (4) The Riemann–Hilbert (RH) problem (1.8) has the technical difficulty that 8(x, y, ∞) = g(x, y) is unknown. This difficulty can be bypassed by formulating an equivalent RH problem for some other sectionally analytic functional µ (see Equation (3.16) for the relationship between 8, 9 and µ). The function µ satisfies µ(x, y, ∞) = I . Furthermore, it is shown in [27] that the RH problem satisfied by µ is solvable without a small norm assumption of g1 (y) and of g2 (x) provided that they satisfy a certain symmetry condition. This is a consequence of the fact that there exists a topological vanishing lemma for this RH problem (see [27] for details). We emphasize that the solvability of the RH problem (1.8) is based on the proof presented in [27] of the solvability of the equivalent RH problem for µ. 2. The Lax Pair Representation PROPOSITION 2.1. Let g(x, y) be a matrix-valued function belonging to C 2 (R2 ). (i) The nonlinear Equation (1.1) is the compatibility condition of Equations (1.3), where 9(x, y, κ) is a 2 × 2 matrix-valued function belonging to C 2 (R × C) and κ ∈ C. (ii) Equation (1.1) is also the compatibility condition of Equations (1.4). (iii) Under the transformation Gx = (x − y)gx g −1 ,
Gy = (y − x)gy g −1 ,
Equation (1.1) becomes 2(y − x)Gxy + Gy − Gx + [Gx , Gy ] = 0.
Proof. (i) and (iii). Let 9 satisfy 2κ A9 9κ = , κ +x−y κ +x −y 2κ B9 9y + 9κ = , κ +y−x κ +y −x 9x +
(2.3a) (2.3b)
where A(x, y) and B(x, y) ∈ C 1 (R2 ). It can be verified that the compatibility of Equations (2.3) yields Ay = Bx , (x − y)(Bx + Ay ) + A − B + [B, A] = 0.
(2.4a) (2.4b)
Indeed, if D1 := ∂x +
2κ ∂κ , κ +x −y
D2 := ∂y +
2κ ∂κ , κ +y−x
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it is straightforward to show that D1 (D2 9) = D2 (D1 9).
Then the compatibility of Equations (2.3) yields A9 B9 D2 = D1 , κ +x−y κ +y−x which implies Equations (2.4). Integrating Equation (2.4a) it follows that A = Gx and B = Gy . Then Equation (2.4b) becomes Equation (2.2). Using Equations (2.1) in Equation (2.2), Equation (1.1) follows. We note that the compatibility condition of Equations (2.1) is Equation (1.1) itself, thus the transformation (2.1) is well-defined. (ii) It can be verified directly that the compatibility of Equations (1.4) is Equation (1.1). 2 REMARK 2.1. Equation (2.2) is the compatibility condition of 1 y − λ 1/2 Gx 9, 1− 9x = 2 x−λ and
1 x − λ 1/2 Gy 9. 9y = 1− 2 y−λ
REMARK 2.2. It is straightforward to obtain the Lax pair (1.4) from the Lax pair (1.3): Indeed, one can introduce characteristic coordinates in (1.3) if and only if 2κ ∂κ = , ∂x κ +x −y
∂κ 2κ = . ∂y κ +y−x
These equations are compatible since κxy = 2κ/(κ 2 − (x − y)2 ) = κyx . Their solution is κ 2 + 2κ(2λ − (x + y)) + (x − y)2 = 0, where λ is a constant. Thus κ = x + y − λ + 2(x − λ)1/2 (y − λ)1/2 .
Using this equation it follows that κ +x−y = (x − λ)1/2 (x − λ)1/2 + (y − λ)1/2 , 2
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and κ +y−x = (y − λ)1/2 (x − λ)1/2 + (y − λ)1/2 . 2 Substituting these expressions into the right-hand side of Equations (1.3), and using x − y = (x − λ) − (y − λ) = (x − λ)1/2 − (y − λ)1/2 (x − λ)1/2 + (y − λ)1/2 , Equations (1.3) become Equations (1.4). PROPOSITION 2.2. Let g(x, y) satisfy Equation (1.1). Assume that g ∈ R,
gCgC = ρ(x − y)2 ,
where ρ is a real constant, and C is a real nonsingular constant matrix. Define G(x, y) by G = iαgC + βf C,
α2 = −
1 1 , β=− , ν = constant, 16ρ 4ρν
where f (x, y) is defined by fx =
νgCgx , x−y
fy =
νgCgy . y−x
Then G(x, y) solves Equation (1.5). Proof. Equation (2.9) implies gx CgC + gCgx C = 2ρ(x − y), gy CgC + gCgy C = 2ρ(y − x).
(2.12) (2.13)
Using g −1 = CgC/ρ(x − y)2 , Equation (1.1) becomes gx CgCgy gy CgCgx + gy − gx = 0. (x − y) 2gxy − − ρ(x − y)2 ρ(x − y)2 Multiplying this equation by gC and using Equations (2.12) to replace gCgx C and gCgy C, it follows that (x − y)(2gCgxy + gy Cgx + gx Cgy ) + gCgx − gCgy = 0.
This equation can be written as gCgy gCgx = , x−y y y−x x which shows that f is well-defined by Equation (2.11).
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Figure 2. The cut complex λ-plane used in Theorem 3.1.
Substituting G = iαgC + βf C into (1.5) one finds two equations. One of them is (y − x)gxy + βgx Cfy − βgy Cfx + βfx Cgy − βfy Cgx = 0. Replacing fx and fy (see Equations (2.11)), gCgx C and gCgy C (see Equations (2.12)), and CgC by g −1 ρ(x − y)2 , this equation becomes (1.1) if and only if 4ρβν = −1. The other equation is β(y − x)fxy − α 2 gx Cgy + α 2 gy Cgx + β 2 fx Cfy − β 2 fy Cfx = 0. Replacing f, gCgx C and gCgy C, this equation becomes (2.13) if and only if 4α 2 = νβ. 2
3. The Spectral Theory of a Boundary Value Problem of the Ernst Equation We first discuss the linear equation (1.7). THEOREM 3.1. Let the matrix-valued function γ (x, y), where −1 6 x < y 6 1, satisfy Equation (1.7). Let γ (−1, y) and γ (x, 1) be given differentiable functions of y and x respectively. The solution of this boundary value problem is given by Z (1 − λ)1/2 1 x γˆ1 (λ) dλ − γ (x, y) = γ (−1, 1) + π −1 (x − λ)1/2(y − λ)1/2 Z 1 1 (λ + 1)1/2 − γˆ2 (λ) dλ, (3.1) π y (λ − x)1/2 (λ − y)1/2 where Z γˆ1 (λ) =
d γ (x, 1) dx (λ − x)1/2
Z dx,
γˆ2 (λ) = λ
1 d γ (−1, y) dy (y − λ)1/2
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Proof. Let the function (λ − α)1/2, α ∈ R, be defined with respect to a branch cut from −∞ to α (see Figure 2). The common solution of Equations (1.12) satisfying 9(−1, 1, λ) = 0, possesses two different representations, Z x γx 0 dx 0 1 − (λ − x)1/2 −1 2(λ − x 0 )1/2 Z 1 (λ + 1)1/2 γy 0 (−1, y 0 ) − dy 0 , (3.3a) (λ − x)1/2 (λ − y)1/2 y 2(λ − y 0 )1/2 Z 9= 1 γy 0 dy 0 1 − + (λ − y)1/2 y 2(λ − y 0 )Z1/2 x (λ − 1)1/2 γx 0 (x 0 , 1) dx 0 . (3.3b) + (λ − x)1/2 (λ − y)1/2 −1 2(λ − x 0 )1/2 Using −1 6 x 0 6 x < y 6 y 0 6 1, it follows that: (i) If λ > 1, the square roots appearing in (3.3) have no jumps, hence 9 has no jumps. (ii) If λ < −1, all the square roots have jumps, which however cancel, and hence 9 has no jumps. (iii) If −1 6 λ 6 x, then (λ − y)1/2 , (λ − y 0 )1/2 , (λ − 1)1/2 , (λ − x)1/2 have jumps, (λ + 1)1/2 has no jump, and (λ − x 0 )1/2 has no jump if λ > x 0 but has a jump if λ < x 0 . Thus, if the superscripts + and − denote the limit of 9 as λ approaches the real axis from above and below respectively, Equation (3.3b) implies Z λ γx 0 (x 0 , 1) (1 − λ)1/2 + − dx 0 , 9 −9 = i(x − λ)1/2(y − λ)1/2 −1 (λ − x 0 )1/2 −1 6 λ 6 x. (3.4) (iv) Similarly if y 6 λ 6 1, Equation (3.3a) yields Z 1 (λ + 1)1/2 γy 0 (−1, y 0 ) 0 + − dy , 9 −9 =− i(λ − x)1/2 (λ − y)1/2 λ (y 0 − λ)1/2 y 6 λ 6 1.
Thus 9 is a sectionally holomorphic function of λ, with jumps only in [−1, x] and [y, 1], given by Equations (3.4) and (3.5) respectively. Also Equations (3.3) imply that 9 = O( λ1 ) as λ → ∞, λI 6= 0. This information defines a Riemann–Hilbert problem [26] for 9. Its unique solution is given by Z x (1 − λ0 )1/2 dλ0 1 0 γ ˆ (λ ) + 9 = − 1 2π −1 (x − λ0 )1/2 (y − λ0 )1/2 λ0 − λ
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1 + 2π
Z y
dλ0 (λ0 + 1)1/2 0 , γ ˆ (λ ) 2 (λ0 − x)1/2 (λ0 − y)1/2 λ0 − λ
λI 6= 0.
Equation (3.3) implies that
1 1 γ (x, y) − γ (−1, 1) + O 2 , 9= 2λ λ
λI 6= 0, λ → ∞.
Using Equation (3.6) to compute the O( λ1 ) term of 9 and comparing with Equation (3.7), Equation (3.1) follows. The rigorous justification of the above formalism involves the following steps: (i) Given γ (−1, y) and γ (x, 1) in C 1 , Equations (3.2) define γˆ1 (λ) and γˆ2 (λ) in C1. (ii) Given γˆ1 (λ) and γˆ2 (λ) in C 1 , define γ (x, y) by Equation (3.1). Use a direct computation to show that γ (x, y) satisfies Equation (1.7) and the given boundary conditions. 2 Derivation of Theorem 1.1. We first assume that g(x, y) exists and show that g(x, y) can be obtained through the solution of the RH problem (1.8). We then discuss the rigorous justification of this construction without the a priori assumption of existence. Let 9(x, y, λ) be the unique matrix-valued function defined by 1 (λ − y)1/2 (3.8a) gx g −1 9, 1− 9x = 2 (λ − x)1/2 1 (λ − x)1/2 (3.8b) gy g −1 9, 1− 9y = 2 (λ − y)1/2 9(−1, 1, λ) = I. (3.8c) 9 possesses the two different integral representations Z x (λ − y)1/2 1 − a(x 0 , y)9(x 0 , y, λ) dx 0 − 0 )1/2 (λ − x −1 Z 1 (λ + 1)1/2 1− b(−1, y 0 )9(−1, y 0 , λ) dy 0 , − (λ − y 0 )1/2 y Z 1 9=I+ (λ − x)1/2 − 1− b(x, y 0 )9(x, y 0 , λ) dy 0 + 0 )1/2 (λ − y y Z x (λ − 1)1/2 + 1− a(x 0 , 1)9(x 0 , 1, λ) dx 0 , 0 )1/2 (λ − x −1
where a(x, y) and b(x, y) are defined by 1 a(x, y) = gx g −1 , 2
1 b(x, y) = gy g −1 . 2
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Note that 9(x, 1, λ) and 9(−1, y, λ) satisfy Z (λ − 1)1/2 1 x 1− × 9(x, 1, λ) = I + 2 −1 (λ − x 0 )1/2 ×(gx g −1 )(x 0 , 1)9(x 0 , 1, λ) dx 0 and 1 9(−1, y, λ) = I − 2
Z y −1
(λ + 1)1/2 1− × (λ − y 0 )1/2
×(gy g )(−1, y 0 )9(−1, y 0 , λ) dy 0 . Let 8(x, y, λ) be the unique matrix-valued function defined by 1 (λ − y)1/2 8x = gx g −1 8, 1+ 2 (λ − x)1/2 (λ − x)1/2 1 gy g −1 8, 1+ 8y = 2 (λ − y)1/2 8(−1, 1, λ) = I.
(3.13a) (3.13b) (3.13c)
8(x, y, λ), 8(x, 1, λ) and 8(−1, y, λ) satisfy equations analogous to Equations (3.9), (3.11) and (3.12). We now compute the jumps of 9. (i) λ < −1 or λ > 1. The integral representations (3.9) imply that 9 + = 9 − . Indeed, if λ > 1 none of the square roots appearing in (3.9) has a jump; if λ < −1 all of the square roots have a jump, which however cancel. (ii) −1 6 λ 6 x. Both (λ − y)1/2 and (λ − x)1/2 have a jump, hence (λ − y)1/2 /(λ − x)1/2 has no jump and both 9 + and 9 − satisfy Equations (3.8). Thus 9 + (x, y, λ) = 9 − (x, y, λ)Gl (λ). In order to compute the matrix Gl (λ) we evaluate this equation at x = λ and y = 1, Gl (λ) = (9 − (λ, 1, λ))−1 9 + (λ, 1, λ). Let L± (s, λ) = limz→λ±i0 9(s, 1, z) for −1 6 s 6 λ. Equation (3.11) yields Z (1 − λ)1/2 1 s 1∓i × L± (s, λ) = I + 2 −1 (λ − s 0 )1/2 ×(gx g −1 )(s 0 , 1)L± (s 0 , λ) ds 0 (3.14) for −1 6 s 6 λ and 9 ± (λ, 1, λ) = L± (λ, λ). We have thus established (1.10) and the first half of (1.9).
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(iii) y 6 λ 6 1. Both (λ − y)1/2 and (λ − x)1/2 have no jumps, hence (λ − y)1/2 /(λ − x)1/2 has no jump and both 9 + and 9 − satisfy Equations (3.8). Thus 9 + (x, y, λ) = 9 − (x, y, λ)Gr (λ). In order to compute the matrix Gr (λ) we evaluate this equation at y = λ and x = −1, Gr (λ) = (9 − (−1, λ, λ))−1 9 + (−1, λ, λ). Let R± (t, λ) = limz→λ±i0 9(−1, t, z) for λ 6 t 6 1. Equation (3.12) yields Z 1 1 (λ + 1)1/2 ± 1±i 0 × R (t, λ) = I − 2 t (t − λ)1/2 (3.15) ×(gy g −1 )(−1, t 0 )R± (t 0 , λ) dt 0 for λ 6 t 6 1 and 9 ± (−1, λ, λ) = R± (λ, λ). We have thus established (1.11) and the second half of (1.9). (iv) x 6 λ 6 y. The ratio (λ − y)1/2 /(λ − x)1/2 has a jump, thus 9 + and 8− satisfy the same system of integrable equations. Since 9 + (−1, 1, λ) = I = 8− (−1, 1, λ), we have 9 + = 8− . The jumps of 8 can be computed in a similar way. Also note that for −1 6 x 6 λ or λ 6 y 6 1. 9 ± (x, 1, λ) = 8∓ (x, 1, λ),
9 ± (−1, y, λ) = 8∓ (−1, y, λ).
Equations (3.9) and the analogous equation for 8 imply Equation (1.8c). We now discuss the rigorous justification of the above construction: (i) Equations (1.10) and (1.11) are Volterra integral equations. Thus if g1 and g2 ∈ C 2 , the jump matrices Gl and Gr are well-defined. (ii) It can be shown that the RH problem (1.8) has a unique global solution. This follows from the fact that this RH problem is simply related to a RH problem satisfied by the function µ(x, y, w) defined by ( 8(x, y, f (x, y, w)), w − 12 6 12 , (3.16) µ(x, y, w) = 9(x, y, f (x, y, w)), w − 1 > 1 , 2
where λ = f (x, y, w) is the rational function defined by 1 2 λ−y 1− . = w λ−x
The function µ satisfies µ(x, y, ∞) = I , furthermore it turns out that the RH problem for µ satisfies a vanishing lemma [27], i.e., the homogeneous RH problem has only the zero solution, provided that g and g2 satisfy a certain symmetry condition.
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(iii) Using direct differentiation it can be shown that if 8 and 9 solve the RH problem (1.8), then 1 (λ − y)1/2 α(x, y)9, 1− 9x = 2 (λ − x)1/2 (3.18) (λ − x)1/2 1 1− β(x, y)9, 9y = 2 (λ − y)1/2 1 (λ − y)1/2 8x = α(x, y)8, 1+ 2 (λ − x)1/2 (3.19) (λ − x)1/2 1 1+ β(x, y)8, 8y = 2 (λ − y)1/2 where α and β are some λ-independent functions. Let 91 and g be defined by 91 (x, y) 1 +o as λ → ∞, λ λ 8(x, y, λ) = g(x, y) + o(1) as λ → ∞.
9(x, y, λ) = I +
Then (y − x) (x − y) α(x, y), (92 )x = β(x, y), 4 4 β(x, y) = gy g −1 . α(x, y) = gx g −1 ,
(91 )x =
(3.21) (3.22)
The compatibility condition of Equation (3.21) implies that g solves the Ernst equation. (iv) The proof that g(x, y) satisfies g(−1, y) = g1 (y) and g(x, 1) = g2 (x) is given in [27]. (v) Equation (1.1) is invariant under g → gA,
g → g, ¯
g → gT ,
g → g −1 ,
where A is a nonsingular matrix. Thus without loss of generality we can assume that g(−1, 1) = I . Furthermore, if g1 (y) and g2 (x) are real, symmetric, positive definite matrices, then the solution also has the same properties. 2 Appendix. The Collision of Two Plane Gravitational Waves The spacetime manifold representing the collision of plane gravitational waves in vacuum is characterized by the presence of two spacelike, commuting and hypersurface orthogonal Killing vector fields. This allows one to write the metric as ds 2 = gab dx a dx b − 2f du dv,
a, b = 1, 2,
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where the 2 × 2 symmetric matrix function g := (gab ) and the scalar function f depend only on the null coordinates u, v, and satisfy the constraints f (u, v) > 0,
det(g(u, v)) > 0.
Hence, one can introduce a pair of scalar functions α and 0 such that det g = α 2 ,
α(u, v) > 0 and
f = α −1/2 e20 .
Thus, the matrix g can be written as g = αS,
det S = 1,
and Equation (A.1) takes the form ds 2 = αSab dx a dx b − 2α −1/2 e20 du dv.
In this form the four degrees of freedom characterizing the geometry of the space-time manifold of plane gravitational waves are expressed by the two scalar functions α and 0 and the unimodular, symmetric 2 × 2 matrix S. The two degrees of freedom incorporated in the latter can be expressed by a pair of real valued functions F and ω. Thus, S can be written as ¯ ω −1 E E , E := F + iω, (A.6) S=F ω 1 where E¯ denotes the complex conjugate of E. The functions α, 0 and E are determined by solving the Einstein field equations in the vacuum, namely the system Rij (u, v) = 0, i, j = 1, 2, 3, 4, where Rij is the Ricci tensor corresponding to Equation (A.5). The components of this system which do not vanish identically yield αu,v = 0,
F (2αEuv + αu Ev + αv Eu ) = 2αEu Ev ,
1 αuu α Eu 2 + , 0u = 2 αu αu 2F 1 αvv α Ev 2 0v = + , 2α α 2F v
(A.9a) (A.9b)
Eu E¯ v . 0uv = −Re 4F 2
The fundamental components of the above system of field equations are Equations (A.7) and (A.8). This follows from the fact that Equations (A.7) and (A.8)
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Figure 3. The domain W = I ∪ II ∪ III ∪ IV of the (u, v)-plane corresponding to a space-time manifold which represents the collision of a pair of plane gravitational waves. Region I represents the initially flat (gravity free) domain into which the waves propagate. The two incoming pulses of gravitational radiation are represented by region II and III, respectively. Their interaction is represented by region IV, which corresponds to region D of Figure 1.
are the integrability conditions of Equations (A.9) and (A.10). Hence, given α and E, 0 can be found by quadrature. The matrix equation (αgu g −1 )v + α(gv g −1 )u = 0,
called the Ernst equation, is equivalent to the system of Equations (A.7) and (A.8). In particular, taking the trace of Equation (A.11) one finds Equation (A.7). Let us now consider the following adjacent regions of the (u, v)-plane (see Figure 3), where (u0 , v0 ) is a pair of positive numbers, I = (u, v) ∈ R2 : u 6 0, v 6 0 , II = (u, v) ∈ R2 : u 6 0, 0 6 v < v0 , III = (u, v) ∈ R2 : 0 6 u < u0 , v 6 0 , IV = (u, v) ∈ R2 : 0 6 u < u0 , 0 6 v < v0 , α(u, v) > 0 . It will be assumed that the metric coefficients are continuous in the domain W := I ∪ II ∪ III ∪ IV, with α(u, v) > 0 for all (u, v) ∈ W , and α(u, v) = 0 for (u, v) ∈ ∂W . Moreover, the same symbols I–IV will be used in the following for the corresponding regions of space-time. For example, II denotes the set II × R2 , where R2 represents the extent of the ignorable coordinates x 1 and x 2 . Region I represents a domain free of gravity into which a pair of gravitational waves impinge from the left and from the right. The latter are represented by regions II and III, respectively. Thus, in region I the line element is given by dsI2 = −2 du dv + (dx 1 )2 + (dx 2 )2 .
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In region II the metric coefficients depend only on v. They are specified by a given u-independent solution of the field equations (A.7)–(A.10). Similarly, the metric coefficients in region III depend only on u, and follow from a given v-independent solution of the same equations. By continuity, the given solutions in regions II and III determine the initial values of the metric coefficients in region IV, i.e., their values along the null hypersurfaces u = 0, 0 6 v < v0 and 0 6 u < u0 , v = 0. Thus, taking into account the earlier remarks regarding the function 0, one can formulate the problem associated with the process of colliding plane gravitational waves as follows. Find (α(u, v), E(u, v)) which: (i) satisfy Equations (A.7) and (A.8) in the interior of region IV, and (ii) take preassigned values along the boundary ∂IV of the above region, where ∂IV = {(u, v) ∈ R2 : u = 0, 0 6 v < v0 }∪{(u, v) ∈ R2 : 0 6 u < u0 , v = 0}. It is assumed that the boundary data sets {α(0, v), α(u, 0)} and {E(0, v), E(u, 0)} consist of functions which belong to the differentiability classes C 2 and C 1 , respectively. Following [21], let us introduce the functions r, s defined by r(u) := 1 − 2α(u, 0), s(v) := 2α(0, v) − 1,
0 6 u < u0 , 0 6 v < v0 .
(A.13a) (A.13b)
Then it is easily verified that the unique solution of Equation (A.7) in region IV which satisfies the given initial conditions is given by α(u, v) =
1 s(v) − r(u) . 2
It turns out that the field equations themselves determine a set of junction conditions along the null hypersurfaces u = 0 and v = 0. Following [21] these conditions can be written in the following form (i) dr (u) > 0, du ds (v) < 0, dv
for 0 < u < u0 ,
for 0 < v < v0 ,
dr ds (0) = (0) = 0. du dv (iii) The following limits exist " d2 r # (u) − 4L(u, 0) du2 lim , dr u→0+ 2 du (u) " d2 s # (v) − 4K(0, v) 2 lim dv , ds v→0+ 2 dv (v) (ii)
(A.16) 2 Eu where L := α , 2F 2 Ev where K := α . 2F
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Conditions (ii) and (iii), called colliding wave conditions by Hauser and Ernst, must be satisfied in order for a solution of the associated boundary-value problem to admit the interpretation of a colliding plane gravitational wave model. Condition (i), on the other hand, allows one to introduce a new pair of null coordinates x, y by setting x = r(u),
y = s(v).
These equations define a one-to-one, bicontinuous mapping of region IV of the (u, v)-plane onto the triangular region D = {(x, y) ∈ R2 : −1 6 x < y 6 1} of the (x, y)-plane. In the new coordinate system α = 12 (y − x), and Equation (A.11) becomes 1 1 −1 −1 + = 0. (A.19) (y − x)gx g (y − x)gy g 2 2 y x Thus, the boundary-value problem reduces to solving Equation (A.19), which is equivalent to Equation (1.1), in the interior of D for specified boundary data E(−1, y) and E(x, 1). Global aspects of this problem and the singularity structure of the corresponding space-time manifolds are discussed in [28, 29]. Acknowledgements The authors wish to thank J. B. Griffiths for valuable discussions, D.T. gratefully acknowledges the hospitality of the Department of Mathematical Science, Loughborough University of Technology. This research was supported by Grant No MAJF2 from EPSRC. References 1. 2. 3.
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Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry 1: 331–365, 1999. © 1999 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
Product Cocycles and the Approximate Transitivity VALENTIN YA. GOLODETS and ALEXANDER M. SOKHET Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering, Academy of Science, 46 Lenin Avenue, 310164 Kharkov, Ukraine (Received: 25 June 1997; accepted: 25 March 1998) Abstract. Some criteria of the approximate transitivity in the terms of Mackey actions and product cocycles are proved. The Mackey action constructed by an amenable type II or III transformation group G and a 1-cocycle ρ × α, where ρ is the Radon–Nikodym cocycle while α is an arbitrary 1-cocycle with values in a locally compact separable group A, is approximately transitive (AT) if and only if the pair (G, (ρ, α)) is weakly equivalent to a product odometer supplied with a product cocycle. Besides, in the case when the given AT action from the very beginning was a range of a type II action and a nontransient cocycle, then this cocycle turns out to be cohomologous to a θ-product cocycle. An example is constructed that shows that it is necessary to consider the double Mackey actions since they can not be reduced to the single ones. Mathematics Subject Classifications (1991): Primary 46L55; Secondary 28D15, 28D99. Key words: ergodic theory, approximate transitivity, product cocycle, Mackey action.
Introduction The class of approximately transitive (AT) actions was introduced by A. Connes and E. J. Woods [3] in connection with the characterization problem for the factors which are infinite tensor products of type I factors. These actions have turned out to be very interesting from the ergodic theory point of view. Papers [14, 9, 10, 4, 5, 12] and some others were devoted to studying these actions. The result proved by A. Connes and E. J. Woods in [3] states that a type III0 hyperfinite factor is ITPFI if and only if its flow of weights is AT. As these factors appear as Krieger factors constructed by a product odometer, their result being translated to the measure-theoretic language meant that an amenable ergodic transformation group is orbit equivalent to a product odometer if and only if its associated flow is AT. A ‘pure ergodic’ proof of this theorem was found by T. Hamachi [12]. Therefore, all AT flows obtained their exact characterization. The natural direction to generalize this result was to obtain a characterization of AT actions of arbitrary groups, not only R. To do that, instead of the associated flow (also called Poincaré flow) one needs to consider the associated action (also called the Mackey action) constructed by a given action and its 1-cocycle. Hence, two natural directions of generalization can arise.
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First, one can consider a type II transformation group G acting on a Lebesgue space and supply it with a 1-cocycle α ∈ Z 1 (, G; A) with values in a group A. One can try to prove that the pair (G, α) is weakly equivalent to a pair consisting of a measure-preserving product odometer and a product cocycle if and only if the associated action is AT. This situation is referred to below as the type II case for brevity. Second, one can consider a type III transformation group G acting on a Lebesgue space and supply it with a 1-cocycle α with values in a l.c.s. group A. Construct a Mackey action by G and by the double cocycle (α, ρ), where ρ is the Radon– Nikodym cocycle, and prove that the pair (G, α) (or – which is the same – the pair (G, (α, ρ))) is weakly equivalent to a pair consisting of a product odometer and a product cocycle if and only if this double Mackey action is AT. This situation is referred to below as the type III case for brevity. We have to comment here that it becomes natural to consider the double Mackey actions due to paper [1]. It was shown there that, for the type II case, two pairs are stably weakly equivalent if and only if their Mackey actions are metrically isomorphic, and for the type III case, that two pairs are weakly equivalent if and only if their double Mackey actions are metrically isomorphic. The result proved there for the case of an Abelian group A was then generalized in [7] for the case of any l.c.s. group A. In this paper, both the type II case and the type III case are studied. The main result, Theorem 4.1 for the type III case and Theorem 5.1 for the type II case, states that a pair (G, α) is weakly equivalent to a product odometer with a product cocycle if and only if the (double – for the case of G of type III) Mackey action is AT. Note that an important corollary of our result is that any AT action can be constructed as an associated action to an action of any prescribed type and its product cocycle. Section 2 contains two technical criteria of the decomposability of the given pair (G, α) to an infinite product. The first of these is valid both for type II and III transformation groups G, while the second one is a corollary of the first one applicable for the type III case. They are quite similar to Propositions 6 and 7 of [12], but here we deal with a more complicated situation than Hamachi did: we study not only an action but an action and a cocycle together. Sections 3 and 4 are devoted to the type III case. In Section 3, the countable transformation group G is introduced, and some auxiliary technical lemmas are proved. Note that these Lemmas 3.2–3.8 correspond to Lemmas 11–16 of [12] with the necessary complications. Then, in Section 4, we prove our main Theorem 4.1. The main idea dates back to Hamachi’s proof: it turns out to be possible to make an arbitrary cocycle the same as was made for the Radon–Nikodym cocycle. Section 5 is devoted to the type II case. The new proof of our main Theorem 5.1 is presented here for the first time. Of course, historically the type II case was studied earlier than the type III case: this was done in [4] for the case of a discrete
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group A, and in [5] and [9] for the general case. The short proof presented below replaces all the intricate technical considerations of these papers. (Here a funny situation arises. Though the type III case seems to be ‘the general case’, and the type II case seems a particular case when our measure is invariant, the ‘general’ proof, however, is not valid for the ‘particular’ case of type II. For example, the main approximation Lemma 3.2 is invalid for the type II case. This happens because it is impossible to use partial transformations in the type II case. It is well known that any two measurable sets are equivalent for any given ergodic action of type III, but in the case of type II transformations this statement is false, and hence we must present a separate proof for the type II case.) Section 5 also contains a statement that is valid for the type II case only. Suppose that the given AT action was represented as a cocycle range from the very beginning. The main theorem implies that this cocycle is weakly equivalent to a product cocycle, but for the type II case we may sharpen this result and prove that it is not only weakly equivalent, but even cohomologous to a θ-product cocycle (Theorem 5.7). Finally, in Section 6, we compare the double Mackey action constructed by (α, ρ) with two single ones constructed by α and ρ, respectively. It is easy to see that when the double Mackey action is AT, the two single ones are also AT. But the converse statement is false, and we construct an appropriate example. All our considerations have been taken into account for a more general case than those of the cocycles with values in Abelian groups, while we always keep in mind the Abelian case as the most simple and natural. The requirements for group A where the cocycles take their values are formulated in Section 1.4. The results of this paper are included in the Ph.D. thesis of the second author [21]. There one can find a more detailed comparison of the Abelian case and the non-Abelian one. 1. Notation and Definitions 1.1.
The following notion was introduced by A. Connes and E. J. Woods in [3]: DEFINITION 1.1. An action of a group G on a Lebesgue space (, B, µ) is called approximately transitive (AT) if for any ε > 0 and an arbitrary finite family f1 , f2 , . . . , fN ∈ L1+ (, µ) there exist a single function f ∈ L1+ (, µ), and gj ∈ G, and coefficients λij > 0 (here i = 1, . . . , n; j = 1, . . . , Ni ) satisfying the inequality
X dµ ◦ gj
λij · f (gj ω) ·
< ε.
fi −
dµ j =1
There are a lot of reformulations of this definition, and the reader can find them in [3]. As the Radon–Nikodym derivative provides a one-to-one correspondence
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between functions ∈ L1+ (, µ) and finite measures absolutely continuous with respect to µ, one can easily transform this definition into the language of approximation of a given finite family of measures by a single measure; in fact, this was the initial Connes–Woods’ formulation, but this will not be used below. Connes and Woods proved in [3], in particular, that the AT property implies ergodicity, and a measure preserving AT transformation is of zero entropy. The main Connes–Woods’ result states that a type III hyperfinite factor is an infinite tensor product of type I factors if and only if its flow of weights is AT, and in this paper we intend to present a generalization of this result. In the proof of Theorem 4.1 below we will use the following special reformulation of the definition of the AT property. Let A be a l.c.s. group, and consider nonsingular joint action (Wa , Fr ) of the product group A×R, where a ∈ A, r ∈ R. PROPOSITION 1.1. A nonsingular A × R-action (Wa , Fr ) is AT if for any ε > 0 and for any given finite family f1 , f2 , . . . , fn ∈ L1+ (, µ) there exist a function f ∈ L1+ (, µ) and a finite collection of r(i, j ) ∈ R and a(i, j ) ∈ A (here 1 6 j 6 Li ) such that
X dµ ◦ Fr(i,j ) Wa(i,j )
exp(−r(i, j )) · f (Fr(i,j ) Wa(i,j ) ω) ·
fi (x) −
dµ j =1
for any i, 1 6 i 6 n. Proof. This condition differs from the general one only by the following: we see exp(r(i, j )) instead of arbitrary λi,j . So the if part is obvious. To make the only if part obvious as well, note that the coefficients λi,j can be selected to be rationally commensurable with the relative exp(r(i, j )) without loss of the precision: λ(i, j ) = exp(r(i, j ))·q(i, j ), q(i, j ) ∈ Q. Then, divide f by the least common multiple of the denominators of these q(i, j ). Thus we obtain some integer multiples of exp(r(i, j )) instead of λi,j . Finally, replace integer multiples by a sum of equal addends. 2
Let G be a transformation group acting on a Lebesgue space (, B, µ), and A be a locally compact separable group. A measurable mapping α: × G → A is called a cocycle (or, more exactly, a 1-cocycle) if it satisfies the following equation: α(ω, g1 g2 ) = α(ω, g2 ) · α(g2 ω, g1 ). Here g1 , g2 ∈ G, ω ∈ . The set of all these cocycles is usually denoted by Z 1 (, G; A). Two cocycles, namely α and β, are said to be cohomologous when there exists a Borel function f : → A such that β(ω, g) = f −1 (ω) · α(ω, g) · f (gω).
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The function f providing this equality is called an intertwining function. Obviously f
it is not unique. Sometimes we write β ∼ α, and it means that f intertwines α with β. The most important and natural example of a cocycle is the so-called Radon– Nikodym cocycle of the measure µ, ρ(ω, g) = log
dµ ◦ g (ω). dµ
It takes values in the additive group R. Below we study double cocycles. This means that we consider the given action as being supplied with two cocycles simultaneously: ρ with values in R, and α with values in A. In other words, we deal with a single cocycle ρ × α with its values in R × A. When a free countable transformation group G and a cocycle α are given, it is possible to extend α onto the whole [G]. Namely, let ω ∈ , p ∈ [G] and g ∈ G be such that gω = pω; then we define α(ω, p) to be equal to α(ω, g). For a measurable set E ⊂ , 0 < µ(E) < ∞, and any given cocycle α ∈ Z 1 (, [G]; A) we define the restriction αE ∈ Z 1 (E, [G]E ; A) which acts only upon the induced transformations. Now let us define an important notion providing a comparison of pairs consisting of an action and a cocycle. DEFINITION 1.2. Let two pairs (Gi , αi ), i = 1, 2, be given, where Gi are transformation groups acting on Lebesgue spaces (i , Bi , µi ), and αi be 1-cocycles i ×Gi → A. We call these pairs weakly equivalent if there exists a map θ: 1 → 2 , which ensures the orbital equivalence of the automorphism groups G1 and G2 and is such that the cocycle α2 (θω1 , θg1 θ −1 ) ∈ Z 1 (1 , G1 ; A) is cohomologous to α1 (ω1 , g1 ). (Recall that orbital equivalence means that θ[G1 ]θ −1 = [G2 ] and µ2 ◦ θ ∼ µ1 . As θg1 θ −1 ∈ [G2 ], it is possible to compute α2 for it.) Of course, it is necessary but not sufficient for the orbit equivalence that the countable groups G1 and G2 are of the same type. However, a simple analogue of this notion provides a possibility of comparing type II1 and type II∞ actions. I.e., let (G, α) be a given pair acting on (, B, µ). Consider the space × Z with product measure (Z is endowed with the counting measure, of course). The full transformation group generated by g 0 (ω, z) = (gω, z), τ (ω, z) = (ω, z + 1) and supplied with the cocycle α 0 ((ω, z), (g 0 , τ )) = α(ω, g) is called the trivial expansion of the given pair. Two pairs are said to be stably weakly equivalent if their trivial expansions are weakly equivalent. In the case when [G1 ] = [G2 ] act on the same space and the pairs (G1 , α1 ) and (G2 , α2 ) are weakly equivalent, we shall also say that our cocycles α1 and α2 are weakly equivalent.
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Note that it is easy to see that the two statements ‘the pairs (Gi , αi ) are weakly equivalent’ and ‘the pairs (Gi , (αi , ρi )) are weakly equivalent’ mean the same. See [1] for more discussion of the notion of the weak equivalence. A powerful criterion of the weak equivalence proved there (for the Abelian case; see also [7] for the general one) will be used several times below. This criterion says that the associated actions must be isomorphic; let us now define this term. DEFINITION 1.3. Let G be a transformation group acting on a Lebesgue space (, B, µ), and α a 1-cocycle with values in a group A endowed with its left Haar measure. Consider the product measure space × A. The action g(ω) ˜ = gω, a · α(ω, g) is called the skew product of G and α. Consider also the following action of A on the product space (here b ∈ A): Vb (ω, a) = (ω, a · b). These two actions commute.This allows us to consider the quotient space X of × A by the partition into the ergodic components of the skew product action g. ˜ We can correctly define the quotient action of Vb on X, and this quotient action is usually called the action associated with (G, α) or the Mackey action. In the case when A = R and α = ρ, this quotient action is also called the associated flow or the Poincaré flow. 1.3.
A single tower of G is a finite collection ζ = {er,s ∈ [G]∗ : r, s ∈ 3} of partial transformations, together with a finite collection {er : r ∈ 3} of measurable subsets such that the sets er are disjoint, er,s maps es onto er and er,s · es,t = er,t . The sets er are calledSlevels or floors. The set r∈3 er is called the support of ζ and will be denoted by supp(ζ ). For any ω ∈ es , the set {er,s ω : r ∈ 3} is called S the orbit of ω and will be denoted by Orbζ (ω). When E ⊂ es , Orbζ (E) means ω∈E Orbζ (ω). A finite is called a multiple tower. P union of single towers with disjoint supports i : r, s ∈ 3i } and ζ = {er,s : Let ni=1 ζi be a multiple tower with ζi = {er,s r, s ∈ 3} be a single tower. If 3 = {(i, r, ξ ) : 1 6 i 6 n, r ∈ 3i , ξ ∈ 4i }, n [
supp(ζi ) = supp(ζ ),
eirξ ⊂ er ,
eirξ,isξ = er,s
on eisξ ,
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P then ζ is called a refinement of ni=1 ζi . When i = 1, fix an arbitrary floor er of ζ1 . Then ζ is called to be a product of ζ1 and ζ |er ; we denote it by ζ = ζ1 ⊗ ζ |er . Let α be a given cocycle and ζ be a given tower. If α(ω, er,s ) is a constant on es for each r, s ∈ 3, we say that ζ has constant α-passage values. In the case of the Radon–Nikodym cocycle ρ of any given measure Q equivalent to m, suppose that ζ has constant ρ-passage values. Then the vector q = dQ·e ( dQr,s (ω) : r ∈ 3) is called the distribution of Q relative to ζ . As one can restore Q by its distribution vector q and its restriction ν on es , we sometimes write Q = νq . In the general case of an arbitrary cocycle α with constant passage values, the vector {α(ω, er,s ) : r ∈ 3} can be also called the distribution of α relative to ζ . The easiest way to construct another cocycle, namely β, cohomologous to α and also with constant passage values, is the following definition of the intertwining function f : f is equal to eA everywhere outside of supp(ζ ); f |es for some fixed s ∈ 3 is equal to any given measurable function, and f (er,s ω) = α −1 (ω, er,s ) · f (ω) · α(ω, er,s ) for any ω ∈ es , r ∈ 3. Then the cocycle β(ω, g) = f −1 (ω) · α(ω, g) · f (gω) has the same constant passage values as α with respect to ζ . (In the Abelian case write f (er,s ω) = f (ω).) Now we recall a very important general notion. DEFINITION 1.4. The transformation group G is said to be approximately finite def if there exists a nonsingular transformation T such that [T ] = [{T i : i ∈ Z}] = [G]. Obviously a product-odometer is approximately finite since the adding machine transformation also generates it. It is well known (see [17] and also [12]) that G is approximately finite if and only if for any ε > 0 and any finite collection of partial transformations g1 , g2 , . . . , gn ∈ [G]m ∗ there exists a single tower ζ satisfying the following two properties: (a) Dom gi , Im gi ∈m,ε B(ζ ). Here B(ζ ) is the sub-sigma-algebra generated by all levels of ζ , and ∈m,ε means that the set on the left-hand side can be approximated by a set from the right-hand side up to ε in the sense of the measure m of their symmetric difference. (b) m(ω ∈ Dom gi : gi ω ∈ Orbζ (ω)) > (1 − ε)m(Dom gi ), where 1 6 i 6 n. Following T. Hamachi [12], instead of two words ‘approximately finite’ we shall use below one single word ‘amenable’. (The reader can find the definition of
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amenability in [22], for example, but it will not be used below. A. Connes, J. Feldman and B. Weiss proved in [2] that the definition of amenability is equivalent to the requirement to the approximate finiteness for free l.c.s. group actions.) 1.4.
Let n , n ∈ N, be a finite set {0, 1, . . . , Rn − 1} ⊂ N. Let mn be a probability the infinite product measure on Q n such that mn (k) > 0, 0 6 k 6 Rn − 1. QTake ∞ with the product measure m = m space pr = ∞ n pr i=1 i=1 n . The permutation λn acts on n by λn (k) = k + 1 mod(Rn ). These λn generate a free countable transformation group Gpr on the space pr , and this group Gpr is called the product odometer. To define a product cocycle, let us start from the Abelian case. DEFINITION 1.5. Let αpr be a 1-cocycle pr × Gpr → A with values in an Abelian group A such that αpr (ω, λln ) (0 6 l < Rn ) depends only on the nth coordinate of the point ω = (ω1 , ω2 , . . . , ωn , . . .) ∈ pr . A cocycle αpr having such a form is usually called a product cocycle. And now the general (non-Abelian) case. Suppose that A is an arbitrary l.c.s. group, not necessarily Abelian. In this case, a natural analogue of a product cocycle can be defined in the following way. Let pr , Gpr , λn , etc., be as above. DEFINITION 1.6. A cocycle αpr ∈ Z 1 (pr , Gpr ; A) is called a product cocycle if αpr (ω, λln ) (0 6 l < Rn ) depends only on the 1st, 2nd, . . . , nth coordinates of the point ω = (ω1 , ω2 , . . . , ωn , . . .) ∈ pr . This definition can be easily reformulated in a following form: α: × G → A is a product cocycle if it possesses the following six properties: j
(1) for each j ∈ N, there exists a partition {Ek , 0 6 k < pj }, that is, Ek1 ∩Ek2 = ∅ Spj −1 j for k1 6= k2 , and k=0 Ek = ; j (2) and there exists a type I transformation Tj that permutes the sets Ek : p j j Tjl · Ek = Ek+l (mod pj ) , Tj j = id, so that (3) Tjl · Eki = Eki for all l, if only i 6= j , and (4) the group generated by {Tj }∞ j =1 coincides with [G]; dµ◦T
(5) dµ j is equal to a constant on each Ek ; (6) and α(ω, Tj ) is a map from to A measurable with respect to the σ -algebra j generated by {Ek : k = 0, . . . , pj − 1; j = 1, . . . , l}. One easily sees that conditions (1)–(5) define the same as the product odometer, while condition (6) requires that the cocycles have constant passage values on certain towers.
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A l.c.s. group A where our cocycles take their values will be assumed everywhere below to satisfy the following requirements: (1) A is an amenable l.c.s. group; (2) A contains a countable amenable dense subgroup B (this property holds, for example, for any solvable Lie group), and (3) the given cocycle α ∈ Z 1 (, G; A) is such that log 1(α(ω, g)) is a coboundary, where 1 stands for the modular function of A (this property holds trivially when A is unimodular). DEFINITION 1.7. When properties (1)–(3) are satisfied, we shall say that the group A is admissible. Here is a simple and natural generalization of the notion of a product cocycle that is convenient for the cocycles classification problem. DEFINITION 1.8. Let (, B, m) be a Lebesgue space, and G an ergodic free countable transformation group acting of this space. Let α: × G → A be a 1cocycle. If there exists a measure-preserving orbit equivalence mapping θ: (, m) → (pr , mpr ), m ◦ θ = mpr , such that θ[G]θ −1 = [Gpr ] and α(θ −1 ω, g) = αpr (ω, θgθ −1 ),
where g ∈ [G],
then the cocycle α will be called below a θ-product cocycle. In fact, it is equivalent to a product cocycle αpr with respect to certain equivalence relations.
2. Two Auxiliary Criterions of the Product Property 2.1.
PROPOSITION 2.1. Let a countable amenable group G act by ergodic transformations on a Lebesgue space (, B, m). Suppose this action to be supplied with a cocycle α taking values in an amenable group A. The pair (G, α) is weakly equivalent to a pair consisting of a product odometer and a product cocycle if and only if for any ε, θ, σ > 0 and any partial transformations g1 , g2 , . . . , gn ∈ [G]m ∗ there exist a finite measure P ∼ m, a cocycle β cohomologous to α, a function f intertwining β with α and a simple tower ζ with constant (β, P )-passage values such that: Dom gi , Im gi ∈m,ε B(ζ ); m ω ∈ Dom gi ∩ supp(ζ ) : gi ω ∈ Orbζ (ω) > (1 − ε) · m(Dom gi ); Z dP def kP − mksupp(ζ )∩E = 1 − dm dm < ε supp(ζ )∩E
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(here E =
i (Dom gi
∪ Im gi )); and
m ω ∈ supp(ζ ) ∩ E : dist(eA , f (ω)) > σ < θ · m(supp(ζ ) ∩ E).
REMARK. We may slightly modify the statement of this theorem by replacing the last inequality with an estimate like the following one: m ω ∈ supp(ζ ) ∩ E: f (ω) 6= eA < θ · m(supp(ζ ) ∩ E). Proof. With the aid of a standard routine calculation, it is easy to see that this condition is necessary. We shall only prove the nontrivial part of this statement, i.e., suppose that the condition written above is valid and prove that (G, α) really is weakly equivalent to a product odometer supplied with a product cocycle. We may suppose that m() < ∞. Since G is amenable, there exists a nonsingular transformation T such that [T ] = [G]. TakePthree sequences ofP positive ∞ ∞ ), (σ ), and (θ ), such that ε < m(), numbers, denoted by (ε k k k n n=1 n=1 σn P∞ and n=1 θn converge. Form a sequence of sets (An ) ⊂ B which is dense in B and such that each set appears in it infinitely often. We shall prove by an induction argument the existence of a sequence (Ek ) of measurable sets, where E1 = , Ek+1 ⊂ Ek , and a sequence (Qk ) of measures on Ek , where Qk ∼ m, and a sequence (ζk ) of simple towers, and a sequence (γk ) of cocycles cohomologous to α, satisfying the following conditions: (a) ζk has constant (Qk , γk )-passage values; (b) supp(ζk ) = Ek ; (c) the set Ek is ζk−1 -invariant, and the tower ζk is a refinement of the tower ζk−1 in the sense that ζk = ζk−1 |Ek ⊗ ηk ; dQ e dQk ert,st (d) dQk−1k−1r,s (ω) = dQ (ω), where ω ∈ es ∩ Ek , er,s ∈ ζk−1 , ert,st ∈ ζk , and k γk−1 (ω, er,s ) = γk (ω, ert,st ); (e) m(Ek−1 \ Ek ) < εk ; dQk (ω) < exp(εk ), where ω ∈ Ek , and there exists a function (f) exp(−εk ) < dQ k−1 fk intertwining γk−1 with γk such that m ω ∈ Ek : dist(eA , fk (ω)) > σk < θk · m(Ek ); (g) Ai ∩ Ek ∈m,εk B(ζk ), 1 6 i 6 k; (h) m(ω ∈ Ek : TEk ω ∈ Orbζk (ω)) > (1 − εk ) · m(Ek ). Here TE means the induced transformation. We set: A1 = , ζ1 is trivial, Q1 = m, γ1 = α. Now suppose that the sets E1 ⊃ E2 ⊃ · · · ⊃ En , the measures Q1 , Q2 , . . . , Qn , the towers ζ1 , ζ2 , . . . , ζn and the cocycles γ1 , γ2 , . . . , γn have already been constructed, while according to the construction ) ( i Y 3j . ζi = η1 ⊗ η2 ⊗ · · · ⊗ ηi = er1 r2 ···ri ,s1 s2 ···si : r1 r2 · · · ri , s1 s2 · · · si ∈ j =1
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Q Let us fix r = r1 r2 · · · rn ∈ nj=1 3j . Let ω ∈ En , s = s1 s2 · · · sn and t = Q t1 t2 · · · tn ∈ nj=1 3j are such that ω ∈ et and TEn ω ∈ es . Then it is possible to find j j = j (ω) ∈ Z such that TEn ω = es,r · Ter · er,t ω. Now we apply the assumption of this theorem. For any θ 0 , σ 0 , ε 0 and ε 00 > 0, and any N ∈ N we apply it to the partial j transformations Ter , −N 6 j 6 N, and id|er,s (es ∩Ak ) . This allows us to obtain a measure Q ∼ m, a cocycle γ ∼ α, and a simple tower ηn+1 , supp(ηn+1 ) ⊂ er , with constant (Q, γ )-passage values, such that er,s (es ∩ Ak ) ∈
m,ε 0
B(ηn+1 ),
1 6 k 6 n + 1, s ∈
n Y
3j ;
j =1
m ω : Tejr ω ∈ Orbηn+1 (ω) > (1 − ε 00 ) · m(er ), −N 6 j 6 N; m er \ supp(ηn+1 ) < ε 0 ; dQ (ω) < exp(ε 0 ), ω ∈ supp(ηn+1 ). exp(−ε 0 ) < dQn Besides, there exists a function ϕn intertwining γn with γ and satisfying the condition m ω ∈ supp(ηn+1 ) : dist(eA , ϕk (ω) > σ 0 < θ 0 · m(supp(ηn+1 )). Now we put the set En+1 = Orbζn (supp(ηn+1 )), and construct the product tower ζn+1 = ζn |En+1 ⊗ ηn+1 . The finite measure Qn+1 on En+1 will be defined as Qq , Q n es,r : s ∈ nj=1 3j ). The cocycle γn+1 will be defined as follows: where q = ( dQdQ n set the function fn+1 which intertwines it with γn to be equal to eA outside of supp(ζn ), and for any ω ∈ er , s ∈ 3n set fn+1 (es,r ω) = fn−1 (ω, es,r ) · ϕn (ω) · fn (ω, es,r ). Now we have to verify whether En+1 , Qn+1 , ζn+1 , γn+1 satisfy the conditions (a)–(h). This can be done rather straightforwardly, when ε 0 6 εn+1 , σ 0 6 σn+1 , ε 00 is sufficiently small and N is sufficiently large. For example, let us check the second part of condition (f). We see that the values taken by fn+1 on each es reproduce the values taken by ϕn on the fixed level er . Since ζn+1 has constant Qn+1 -passage values, we obtain: Qn+1 ω ∈ En+1 : dist(eA , fn+1 (ω)) > σ 0 = card(ζn ) · Qn+1 ω ∈ supp(ηn+1 ) : dist(eA , ϕn (ω)) > σ 0 . Hence, m ω ∈ En+1 : dist(eA , fn+1 (ω)) > σ 0 < card(ζn ) · Const(Qn+1 ) · θ 0 · m(supp(ηn+1 )). As the choice of θ 0 is to hand, the checking condition is valid.
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T We see that E = ∞ k=1 Ek has a positive measure. It easy to show that, according to the Poincaré return lemma, for almost every ω ∈ E and for all but a finite number of k ∈ N we have TE ω = TEk ω. Applying Borel–Cantelly’s lemma to the sets where the condition (h) is false, we obtain that for almost every ω ∈ E and for all but a finite number of k ∈ N, TE ω = TEk ω ∈ Orbζk (ω). Following the first part of condition (f) we may define a function F : E → R+ by ∞ Y dQk F (ω) = (ω), dQk−1 k=2
and a new measure µ ∼ m on E by F (ω)dm(ω) dµ(ω) = R . E F (ω) dm Similarly, by the second part of condition (f) we may define a function 8: E → A by 8(ω) =
∞ Y
fk (ω).
This product converges in measure m (while the product defining F converges almost everywhere). There exists a subsequence of partial products converging almost everywhere and giving a pointwise definition of 8(ω). This function allows us to construct a new cocycle β which is cohomologous to α and is intertwined by 8 with it. And now it is easy to check that the transformation TE acting on the space (E, µ) and supplied with the cocycle β satisfies conditions (1)–(6) of the reformulation of the Definition 1.6; hence, β is a product cocycle. 2 REMARK. The pair (G, ρ) (where ρ is the Radon–Nikodym cocycle of the measure m), of course, by the same proof, has turned out to be weakly equivalent to the pair consisting of the constructed product Q∞ odometer and the (product) Radon– Nikodym cocycle of the product measure n=1 νn . 2.2.
PROPOSITION 2.2. Let G be a type III countable ergodic amenable group of nonsingular transformations on (, B, m), supplied with a cocycle α with values in an amenable group A. The given pair (G, α) is weakly equivalent to the pair consisting of a product odometer and a product cocycle, if the following condition is valid:
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for any finite measure PP equivalent to m, for any cocycle β equivalent to α, and for any multiple tower ni=1 ζi with constant (P , β)-passage values, for any ε > 0 and σ > 0 there exist a finite measure Q ∼ m, a cocycle γ ∼ α, a simple tower ξ with constant (Q, γ )- passage values being a refinement of the given multiple f
tower, and a function f , γ ∼ β, so that Z def S kP − Qk ni=1 supp(ζi ) = S
1 − dP dQ < ε, n dQ i=1 supp(ζi ) ! ! n n [ [ supp(ζi ) : dist(eA , f (ω)) > σ < ε · m supp(ζi ) . m ω∈ i=1
REMARK. The condition formulated here is not only sufficient but also necessary. This will be shown later (see Corollary 4.3). Proof. One must check the conditions of the previous criterion. Let ε > 0, g1 , . . . , gn ∈ [G]m ∗ . Since G is amenable, there exists a single tower ζ = {er,s : r, s ∈ 3} such that (1 6 i 6 n) Dom gi , Im gi ∈m,ε B(ζ ), m ω ∈ Dom gi ∩ supp(ζ ) : gi ω ∈ Orbζ (ω) > (1 − ε) · m(Dom gi ). Take an arbitrary level er ∈ ζ and divide it into a finite number of disjoint sets Aj , 0 6 j 6 N, such that for almost every ω ∈ Aj ⊂ er , 1 6 j 6 N, and any s ∈ 3, dm · es,r (ω) < cs,j exp(ε); dm dist(as,j , α(ω, es,r )) < ε, m(Orbζ (A0 )) < ε. cs,j exp(−ε) <
Here cs,j ∈ R, as,j ∈ A, cr,j = 1, ar,j = eA . Define a new measure P by P (es,r E) = cs,j m(E), when E ⊂ Aj , and P (es,r E) = m(E), when E ⊂ A0 . We see that P is equivalent to m. h
Define a new cocycle β by β ∼ α, where h|er ≡ eA , and for ω ∈ Aj we put: h(es,r ω) = α(ω, es,r )−1 · as,j , when 1 6 j 6 N, h(es,r ω) = eA , when ω ∈ A0 . Restrict ζ to Orbζ (Aj ) and denote the restrictions by ζj , 1 6 j 6 N. We P see that the multiple tower N j =1 ζj has constant (P , β)-passage values. Note that kP − mk is small due to the definition of P , and the set of those points where dist(h(ω), eA ) > ε is contained in Orbζ (A0 ) and has a small measure. Now we apply the given condition to our criterion and see that there exist a measure Q equivalent to m and P , a cocycle γ cohomologous to α and β, and a
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P single tower ξ refining N i=1 ζi with constant (Q, γ )-passage values satisfying the estimates written above. This implies that the condition of the previous criterion is true. 2 REMARK. See remark after the proof of Criterion 2.1. 3. Type III Case – Auxiliary Results 3.1.
Let our amenable countable group G act freely on a Lebesgue space (, B, m), and assume this action to be supplied with the Radon–Nikodym cocycle ρ and with one more cocycle α with its values in an admissible group A. The pair (ρ, α) will be considered as a double cocycle. Define the product space × A × R with the following measure: dν(ω, a, u) = dm(ω) · da · exp(u) du; here ω ∈ , a ∈ A, u ∈ R. The natural projection maps from (, B, m) onto , A and R will be denoted by π , πA and πR , respectively. The triple (ω, a, u) will sometimes be denoted by z. Introduce the skew action of the group G on this space: dm ◦ g (ω) . g(ω, ˜ a, u) = gω, a · α(ω, g), u + log dm Also, consider the following actions of A and R on the product space: Tt (ω, a, u) = (ω, a, u + t), t ∈ R, Vb (ω, a, u) = (ω, ba, u), b ∈ A. We see that g˜ and Vb preserve the measure ν, while Tt does not. These three actions are permutable. e = {g˜ : g ∈ G}. Consider the quotient space X of × A × R by the σ Let G algebra of all g-invariant ˜ sets. Let π be the natural projection from × A × R onto X. Take an arbitrary σ -finite measure µ on X which is equivalent with ν0 ◦ π −1 , where ν0 is any finite measure equivalent to ν. Then, we can write the following decomposition: Z k(ω, a, u) dν(ω, a, u) ×A×R Z Z = dµ(x) · k(ω, a, u) dν(ω, a, u | x) X
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for any k ∈ L1 ( × A × R; ν), where dν(ω, a, u | x) denote the uniquely-defined e σ -finite nonatomic G-invariant measures, satisfying ν({(ω, a, u) ∈ × A × R : π(ω, a, u) 6= x} | x) = 0 for almost every x ∈ X. DEFINITION 3.1. Consider the quotient actions Ft (π(ω, a, u)) = π(Tt (ω, a, u)) and Wb (π(ω, a, u)) = π(Vb (ω, a, u)) on X of R and A, respectively. The joint action (Ft , Wb ) will be called the double Mackey action. DEFINITION 3.2. Let 1 be a countable dense subgroup of R, and B a countable dense subgroup of A. Define the following countable nonsingular transformation group G on ( × A × R, B × B(A) × B(R), ν): G = {g˜ · Tδ · Vb : g ∈ G, δ ∈ 1, b ∈ B}. It is easy to see that if G is amenable, countable and of type III, then G is orbit equivalent with G. This is not sufficient for our purposes, and we shall now prove the following: PROPOSITION 3.1. The pair (G, (ρ, α)) is weakly equivalent to the pair (G, (ρ1 , α1 )), where ρ1 and α1 are the following cocycles: ρ1 (ω, a, u; g, ˜ Vb , Tt ) = −t; ˜ Vb , Tt ) = b−1 . α1 (ω, a, u; g, Recall that (ρ, α) ∈ Z 1 (, G; R × A). Due to the latter definition ρ1 ∈ Z 1 ( × e × B × 1; A). e × B × 1; R) and α1 ∈ Z 1 ( × A × R, G A × R, G e× Proof. Note that in the Abelian case the cocycle ρ1 ∈ Z 1 ( × A × R, G B × 1; R) defined to be equal to (−t) is exactly the Radon–Nikodym cocycle of the joint action (g, ˜ Tt , Vb ). This allowed us to apply the weak equivalence theorem proved in [1] to the Abelian group case, and, hence, to prove our statement, we only have to check that the Mackey action constructed by the pair (G, (ρ, α)) is isomorphic to the Mackey action constructed by the pair (G, (ρ1 , α1 )). The cited theorem of [1] was generalized by Golodets and Sinelshchikov [7] to state that if G1 , G2 are free countable amenable transformation groups supplied with cocycles α1 , α2 with values in a l.c.s. group A, and ρ1 , ρ2 are the Radon– Nikodym cocycles of G1 , G2 , then the double Mackey actions associated with (Gi , (αi , ρi )) are isomorphic if and only if the pairs (Gi , αi ) are weakly equivalent. In the case of a unimodular group A we can use this result directly in the proof of
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Proposition 3.1 when comparing (G, α) and (G, α1 ), but in the general case ρ1 is not equal to the Radon–Nikodym cocycle of the action G, and the result of [7] is inapplicable. However, when log 1(α(ω, g)) is a coboundary, one can easily change the measure on so that this case is reduced to the unimodular one. This explains the admissibility conditions for group A that ensure the existence of a countable amenable B together with the possibility to apply the result of [7]. To prove our statement, we only have to check whether the Mackey action constructed by the pair (G, (ρ, α)) is isomorphic to the Mackey action constructed by the pair (G, (ρ1 , α1 )). To construct the latter Mackey action, we write the following bb , Tbt stand for the skew five actions being permutable one with one (below g, ˆ V product constructed by G and (ρ1 , α1 ), while ω ∈ , g ∈ G, a, a1 , a2 ∈ A, b ∈ B ⊂ A, u, u1 , u2 ∈ R, t ∈ 1 ⊂ R). (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
g(ω, ˆ a, u, a1 , u1 ) = (gω, aα(ω, g), u + ρ(ω, g), a1 , u1 ); b Vb (ω, a, u, a1 , u1 ) = (ω, ba, u, a1 · b−1 , u1 ); Tbt (ω, a, u, a1 , u1 ) = (ω, a, u + t, a1 , u1 − t); Va2 (ω, a, u, a1 , u1 ) = (ω, a, u, a2 · a1 , u1 ); Tu2 (ω, a, u, a1 , u1 ) = (ω, a, u, a1 , u1 + u2 ).
According to the definition, to construct the Mackey action in this case, we have to find the quotient space of × A × R × A × R by the σ -algebra of all bb , Tbt )-invariant sets and then consider the quotient action of (d) and (e) in this (g, ˆ V space. Note that the condition a · a1 = Const, for any given constant value belonging bb acts ergodically inside each bb , and V to A, picks out an invariant subset for action V of these subsets because of the density of B in A. Similarly, the condition u + u1 = Const, for any given constant value belonging to R, picks out an invariant subset for the action Tbt , and Tbt acts ergodically inside each of these subsets because of the density of 1 in R. This allows us to define the quotient space whose elements have the form (ω, a, u), where a = a · a1 = Const ∈ A and u = u + u1 = Const ∈ R, together with the quotient actions ˆ a, u) = (gω, a · α(ω, g), u + ρ(ω, g)); (a0 ) g(ω, 0 (d ) Va2 (ω, a, u) = (ω, a2 · a, u); (e0 ) Tu2 (ω, a, u) = (ω, a, u + u2 ). We see that this space can indeed be identified with the quotient space of × A×R×A×R by the ergodic components of the actions (b) and (c), and the actions (a0 ), (d0 ) and (e0 ) are exactly the quotient actions of (a), (d), (e), respectively. But now we only have to note that the definition of the quotient action of (d0 ) and (e0 ) by the ergodic components of (a 0 ) coincides with the construction of Ft and Wb verbatim. 2
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REMARK. The same argument implies, in particular, that the transformation groups G and G are orbit equivalent and the pairs (G, α) and (G, α1 ) are weakly equivalent. REMARK. An observation similar to this proposition was first made in [11]. 3.2.
DEFINITION 3.3. Let h ∈ [G]ν∗ , and E ⊂ Dom h be a measurable set. fh (x) and fE (x) will be nonnegative integrable functions ∈ L1 (X, µ) such that fh (x) = ν(Im h | x); fE (x) = ν(E | x). Obviously fE = fid|E , fh = fIm h , kfE k1 = ν(E). LEMMA 3.2. Let ε > 0, E be a measurable subset of × A × R, and f ∈ L1 (X, µ)+ such that kf − fE k1 < ε. Then there exists a measurable set E1 ⊂ × A × R and a map h ∈ [G]ν∗ from E onto E1 such that fE1 = f , kν(h·) − ν(· ∩ E)k 6 kf − fE k + ε < 2ε, ν z ∈ E : α1 (z, h) 6= eA < 2ε.
Note that the cocycle α1 is defined in Proposition 3.1. REMARK. Our proof almost reproduces the proof of Lemma 13 in [12], (which was presented there for a simpler case), but the basic idea of this proof dates back to Lemmas 5.9 and 6.4 in [3]. Proof. Decompose the space X into three disjoint subspaces X− , X0 , X+ in the following way: X− = {x ∈ X: f (x) < fE (x)}, X0 = {x ∈ X: f (x) = fE (x)}, X+ = {x ∈ X: f (x) > fE (x)}. When µ(X− ) = µ(X+ ) = 0 we may set h = id, E1 = E. Since ν(· | x) is an infinite σ -finite measure, it is possible to find a measurable subset E0 ⊂ × A × R such that ν(E0 | x) = f (x) for almost every x, E0 ∩ π −1 (X− ) ⊂ E ∩ π −1 (X− ), E0 ∩ π −1 (X0 ) = E ∩ π −1 (X0 ), E0 ∩ π −1 (X+ ) ⊃ E ∩ π −1 (X+ ).
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Case (i). Let µ(X− ) > 0. In this case we can find some measurable sets E00 ⊂ E and F ⊂ × A × R such that E00 ∩ π −1 (X+ ∪ X0 ) = E0 ∩ π −1 (X+ ∪ X0 ), ν(E00 | x) < f (x)(= ν(E0 | x)), F ∩ E = ∅, ν(F | x) = ν(E0 | x) − ν(E00 | x), kf (x) − ν(E00 | x)k < ε/2. Since G is of type III, we can obtain a partial transformation h ∈ [G]ν∗ such that Dom h = E \ E00 , Im h = F . Then, extend h to the whole set E by setting h|E00 = id. Now we see that h maps E onto E00 ∪F . Denote E00 ∪F by E1 . Obviously, fh = fE1 = f and ν(z ∈ E : h·z 6= z) 6 ν(E\E00 ) 6 ν(E\E0 )+ν(E0 \E00 ) < 32 ε. Then kν(h·) − ν(id|E ·)k = kν(h|(E\E00 )∩π −1 (X− ) ·) − ν((E \ E00 ) ∩ π −1 (X− ) ∩ ·)k 6 ν(h((E \ E00 ) ∩ π −1 (X− ))) + ν((E \ E00 ) ∩ π −1 (X− )) Z 3 ε 3 6 ν(F | x) dµ(x) + ε 6 + ε = 2ε. 2 2 2 X− Case (ii). Let µ(X+ ) > 0. Similarly to the case considered above we can construct some measurable sets E00 ⊂ E, and F ⊂ × A × R such that E00 ∩ π −1 (X− ∪ X0 ) = E0 ∩ π −1 (X− ∪ X0 ), ν(E00 | x) < fE (x) for almost every x ∈ X+ , F ∩ E0 = ∅, ν(F | x) = ν(E | x) − ν(E00 | x), kν(F | x)k1 < ε/2. Since G is of type III, we can obtain a partial transformation h ∈ [G]ν∗ such that Dom h = E \ E00 , Im h = (E0 \ E) ∪ F . Note that the last union is disjoint. Define h|E00 = id. Then we obtain a map h which transforms E onto E1 = E00 ∪ F ∪ (E0 \ E); here E1 is represented as a disjoint union. Thus, we see that fh = fE00 + fF + fE0 − fE = fE0 = f, the set of those points where h differs from id is contained in E \ E0 and hence its measure is less than ε/2, and kν(h·) − ν(id|E ·)k = kν(h|(E\E00 )∩π −1 (X+ ) ·) − ν((E \ E00 ) ∩ π −1 (X+ ) ∩ ·)k 6 ν(h((E \ E00 ) ∩ π −1 (X+ ))) + ν((E \ E00 ) ∩ π −1 (X+ )) ε ε ε 6 ν(E0 \ E) + ν(F ) + < ε + + = 2ε. 2 2 2
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e-Hopf equivalent if DEFINITION 3.4. Two sets E and E 0 ⊂ B are called to be G e ∗ such that Dom h = E, Im h = E 0 . there exists a partial transformation h ∈ [G] e equivalence classes LEMMA 3.3. The correspondence E 7→ fE between G-Hopf 1 in B and functions from L+ (X, µ) is bijective and additive and, moreover, kfE − fE0 k 6 ν(E 4 E 0 ). Proof. It is clear that for E, E 0 ∈ B such that ν(E) < ∞ and ν(E 0 ) < ∞, e equivalent if and only if ν(E | x) = ν(E 0 | x) for almost E and E 0 are G-Hopf every x. Since each ν(· | x) is an infinite and σ -finite measure, the map E 7→ fE ∈ L1+ (X, µ) is onto. The additivity, i.e. that fE∪F = fE + fF when E and F are disjoint, is trivial. The estimate kfE − fE0 k 6 ν(E 4 E 0 ) follows from the definition of ν(· | x). 2 LEMMA 3.4. For any δ ∈ 1, b ∈ B, h ∈ [G]ν∗ , f ∈ L+ 1 (X, µ) we have: fT −1 ·V −1 ·h (x) = exp(−δ) · fh (Fδ Wb x) · δ
dµ ◦ Fδ Wb (x). dµ
Proof. Let g(x) be some function ∈ L∞ (X, µ). Then
g(x) · fT −1 ·V −1 ·h (x) dµ(x) δ
(according to the definition of our measures)
Z g(x)dµ(x) ·
= X
dm(ω) ·
(due to the construction of ν)
Z =
Z =
χT −1 V −1 (Im h) (ω, a, u) dν(ω, a, u | x)
Z dm(ω)
g(π(ω, a, u)) · χIm h (ω, ab, u + δ) · exp(u) du da (changing variables in × A × R)
g(π(ω, ab−1 , u − δ))χIm h (ω, a, u) exp(u) du da exp(−δ)
g(F−δ Wb−1 x) dµ(x)
Z(according to the definition of our measures) χIm h (ω, a, u) dν(ω, a, u | x)
= exp(−δ) X π(ω,a,u)=x Z dµ ◦ Fδ Wb exp(−δ) · g(x) · = · fh (Fδ Wb · x) · dµ(x). dµ X
LEMMA 3.5. Let h ∈ [G]ν∗ and fi ∈ L1+ (X, µ) (1 6 i 6 N) be such that P ν fh = N i=1 fi . Then there exist partial transformations hi ∈ [G]∗ such that Dom h =
N [
Dom hi
(disjoint union),
fi = fhi ,
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ν(h·) =
{z ∈ Dom h: α1 (z, h) 6= eA } =
N [
{z ∈ Dom hi : α1 (z, hi ) 6= eA }.
Proof. Decompose the set Im h into a finite number of disjoint measurable sets Ei (1 6 i 6 N) such that ν(Ei | x) = fi (x) for almost every x ∈ X. Define partial transformations hi ∈ [G]ν∗ by hi (ω, a, u) = h(ω, a, u),
where (ω, a, u) ∈ h−1 (Ei ).
Then it is easy to check that these hi satisfy the desired conditions.
e denote the transformation group {Vb : b ∈ B}. Let B e × B] e = {h ∈ [G]∗ : ν(h·) = ν(·)}. LEMMA 3.6. [G e× Proof. We only have to prove that if h ∈ [G]∗ is ν-preserving then h ∈ [G e B]. Since for almost every (ω, a, u) ∈ Dom h we see that h(ω, a, u) = g˜ · Vb Tδ (ω, a, u) for some g ∈ G, b ∈ B ⊂ A, and δ ∈ 1 ⊂ R, and since dν◦g·V ˜ b ·Tδ dν
= exp(δ), the condition ν(h·) = ν(·) implies δ = 0.
e coincides with the set of all h ∈ [G]∗ possessing the following LEMMA 3.7. [G] properties: ν(h·) = ν(·) and for almost every point z ∈ × A × R there exists g ∈ G such that π (h · z) = gπ(z) and πA (h · z) = α(π(z), g) · πA (z). Proof. It is evident that h = g˜ possesses these properties. Conversely, the condition ν(h·) = ν(·), according to the previous lemma, implies that h is (locally) 2 equal to g˜ · Vb . The second condition is valid only when b = eA . LEMMA 3.8. Let h, h0 ∈ [G]ν∗ . The following statements are equivalent: (a) there exists v ∈ [G]ν∗ such that Im v = Dom h, ν(hv·) = ν(h0 ·), Dom v = Dom h0 , and for any (ω, a, u) ∈ Dom h0 there exists some g ∈ G such that gπ (ω, a, u) = gω = π (hvh0−1 (ω, a, u)) and πA (hvh0−1 (ω, a, u)) = α(ω, g); e equivalent; (b) the sets Im h and Im h0 are G-Hopf
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(c) fh = fh0 . Proof. The equivalence between (a) and (b) follows from Lemma 3.7; we only need to note that v = h−1 gh0 , g = hvh0−1 . The equivalence between (b) and (c) was proved in Lemma 3.3. 2
4. Type III Case – Proof of the Main Theorem 4.1.
THEOREM 4.1. Let G be a type III amenable ergodic countable group of nonsingular transformations on (, B, µ), and let α be a 1-cocycle for this action with values in an admissible group A, and ρ the Radon–Nikodym cocycle. The pair (G, (ρ, α)) is weakly equivalent to a pair consisting of a product odometer and a product cocycle if and only if the double Mackey action (Ft , Wb ) is AT. Proof of sufficiency. The if part of this theorem is rather well known. It follows from the fact that transitive actions are approximately transitive (for Abelian group actions it was shown in [8] and independently in [15]; for the general case, it was noted in [14]; see the complete proof in [10]? ) and from the fact that a quotient action of an AT action is also AT ([3, Remark 2.4]). Indeed, the definitions of a product cocycle and a product odometer imply that the joint action (g, ˜ Tt , Vb ) is transitive and hence AT by an straightforward computation; but the double Mackey action is only its quotient action. 2 A nontrivial part of the theorem is the fact that approximate transitivity of the double Mackey action implies that the given pair is weakly equivalent to a product odometer supplied with a product cocycle. It will be proved below. In view of Proposition 3.1, instead of the given pair (G, (ρ, α)) we may consider the pair (G, (ρ1 , α1 )) and try to prove that this pair is weakly equivalent to a pair consisting of a product odometer and a product cocycle. To doPso, we are going to apply the criterion proved in Proposition 2.2. Thus, let Z = ni=1 ζi be an arbitrary multiple tower for G with constant (P , β)-passage h
values, where P ∼ ν, β ∼ α1 . Our purpose is to construct ξ, Q, γ as in Proposition 2.2. (See also the remarks after its proof and after the proof of Proposition 2.1.)
Take an arbitrary floor er(i) from each ζi . Consider the set E = it the base of Z.
i=1 er(i)
and call
? Even a stronger fact is valid, namely, the transitive actions not only are AT but also have the funny rank one. See [20].
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LEMMA 4.2. In the further proof of Theorem 4.1 we may assume that P = ν on E and that βE = (α1 )E . This means that when the statement of our theorem turns out to be true for this particular case, it will imply its validity for the general case. Proof will be presented in two steps. First, we construct another multiple tower 0 Z instead of Z, together with another measure P 0 and another cocycle β 0 that will be used instead of P and β, respectively, and that really possess the properties P 0 = ν on E and βE0 = (α1 )E . Second, suppose that the theorem is true for this particular case. This means that we can find some ξ, Q0 and γ 0 as in Proposition 2.2 suitable for the triple (Z 0 , P 0 , β 0 ). The same single tower ξ together with Q and γ that we present here will be suitable for the initial case of the triple (Z, P , β). Step 1. For any δ > 0 we may decompose the sets er(i) into a finite number of disjoint sets Eij (0 6 j 6 J ) such that P (Ei0 ) < δ, ν(Ei0 ) < δ, dP (z) < cij exp(δ), dν dist(h(z), aij ) < δ/2. cij exp(−δ) <
1 6 j 6 J,
Here cij ∈ R+ , aij ∈ A, z ∈ Eij . Taking ζi -invariant sets Orbζi (Eij ) and J . Let qi restricting the towers ζi to these sets we obtain the towers ζij , 1 6 j 6 P be the distribution vectors of P relative to ζi . Construct the measure P 0 as ni=1 νqi . Recall that (here g is any element of [G]) β(z, g) = h−1 (z) · α1 (z, g) · h(gz). Define a new cocycle β 0 by setting β 0 (z, g) = h0−1 (z) · α1 (z, g) · h0 (gz), where the function h0 will be constructed now. Note that β and β 0 are intertwined by h−1 · h0 . Let h0 (z) = eA for z ∈ E. Then the property βE0 = (α1 )E is already true. To obtain β 0 having constant passage values on each ζi we require that the values of h−1 · h0 be the same on all the levels of ζi . This leads us to the following: h0 (er,r(i) z) = h(er,r(i) z) · β −1 (z, er,r(i) ) · h(z)−1 · β(z, er,r(i) ) for each z ∈ supp(ζi ), 1 6 i 6 n. 0 SnTo complete the definition of h , put it to be equal to eA everywhere outside of i=1 supp(ζi ). P P P Now we may and do replace Z = ni=1 ζi by Z 0 = ni=1 Jj=1 ζij , P and β by P 0 and β 0 respectively. Indeed, Z 0 has constant (P 0 , β 0 )-passage values, and the required properties are valid.
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Step 2. When proving Theorem 4.1 for the described case of Z0 =
n X J X
ζij ,
i=1 j =1 0
P and β , we will show the existence of a single tower ξ , of a finite measure Q0 equivalent to ν and of a cocycle γ 0 cohomologous to α1 , that satisfy the following properties: P P (i) ξ refines Z 0 = ni=1 Jj=1 ζij , (ii) ξ has constant (Q0 , γ 0 )-passage values, (iii) kQ0 − P 0 kSni=1 supp(ζi ) < δ 0 , and (iv) there exists f 0 intertwining γ 0 with β 0 such that [ n n [ 0 00 supp(ζi ) : dist(eA , f (ω)) > δ/2 < δ · ν supp(ζi ) . ν ω∈ i=1
Now we can construct a (uniquely defined) measure Q together with a (uniquely defined) cocycle γ in such a way that Q(E) = cij · Q0 (E), when E ⊂ Eij , 1 6 j 6 J ; Q(E) = Q0 (E), when E ⊂ Ei0 ; P the distributions of Q and Q0 relative to ni=1 ζi coincide; the function k(z) which intertwines γ with γ 0 is equal to aij on each Eij , 1 6 j 6 J , and to eA on Ei0 ; P (e) the distributions of γ and γ 0 relative to ni=1 ζi coincide.
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Then we see that ξ has constant (Q, γ )-passage values, and kQ − P kSni=1 supp(ζi ) 6 kQ − P kSn
n X J X
SJ j=1
Orbζi (Eij )
+ kQ − P kSni=1 Orbζi (Ei0 )
cij exp(δ) · δ 0 + 2δ
i=1 j =1
can be done as small as we need because the choice of δ, δ 0 is to hand. Moreover, note that f (z) = h−1 (z) · h0 (z) · f 0 (z) · k(z) intertwines β with γ , and n [ supp(ζi ) : dist(f (z), eA ) > δ ν z∈ i=1 00
6δ ·ν
[ n
[ n supp(ζi ) + ν Orbζi (Ai0 )
also can be made as small as we need.
Note that this lemma implies, in particular, that for any partial transformation v ∈ [G] such that Dom v ⊂ er(1) , Im v ⊂ er(i) and for z ∈ er(1) we may regard β(z, v) as being equal to α1 (z, v).
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354 4.3.
We know that the double Mackey action (Ft , Wb ) (t ∈ R, b ∈ A) is AT. Since for t Wb any f ∈ L1 (X, µ) the mapping R × A → L1 (X, µ), (t, b) 7→ f (Ft Wb x) · dµ◦F dµ is continuous and since 1 and B are dense subsgroups in R and A, respectively, then the restriction of the double Mackey action onto 1 × B is also AT. This means that for the above chosen er(i) , 1 6 i 6 n, and any θ > 0, we can find f ∈ L1+ (X, µ) and a finite number of δ(i, l) ∈ 1 ⊂ R, b(i, l) ∈ B ⊂ A, 1 6 l 6 Li , 1 6 i 6 n, such that
X W dµ ◦ F
δ(i,l) b(i,l) exp(−δ(i, l)) · f (Fδ(i,l) Wb(i,l) x) (x) < θ
fer(i) (x) −
dµ l=1
for any 1 6 i 6 n. Here, as above, fer(i) = ν(er(i) | x). Applying Lemma 4.2 n times to each set er(i) and to the function Ri (x) =
Li X
exp(−δ(i, l)) · f (Fδ(i,l) Wb(i,l) x)
dµ ◦ Fδ(i,l) Wb(i,l) (x), dµ
we obtain each time a partial transformation hi ∈ [G]ν∗ such that Dom hi = er(i) , Im hi will be denoted by Zi , fhi (x) = Ri (x), kν(hi ·) − ν(er(i) ∩ ·)k < 2θ, ν ω ∈ er(i) : α1 (ω, hi ) 6= eA < 2θ, 1 6 i 6 n. Applying Lemma 3.5, for each i, to hi and Ri (x), we obtain that there exist partial transformations hli ∈ [G]ν∗ together with the corresponding sets Yil = Dom hli , Zil = Im hli so that er(i) =
Li [
Yil ,
fhl = fZ l = exp(−δ(i, l)) · f (Fδ(i,l) Wb(i,l) x) i
ν(hi ·) =
Li X
ν(hli ·),
dµ ◦ Fδ(i,l) Wb(i,l) (x), dµ
l=1 Li X
ν z ∈ Yil : α1 (z, hli ) 6= eA < 2θ.
Now we can use Lemma 3.4. We see that fhl (x) = exp(−δ(i, l)) · f (Fδ(i,l) Wb(i,l) x) i
dµ ◦ Fδ(i,l) Wb(i,l) (x) dµ
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= exp(−δ(i, l)) · f Fδ(1,1) Wb(1,1) (Fδ(i,l)−δ(1,1) Wb(1,1)−1b(i,l) x) · dµ ◦ Fδ(1,1) Wb(1,1) · (Fδ(i,l)−δ(1,1) Wb(1,1)−1 b(i,l) x) · dµ dµ ◦ Fδ(i,l)−δ(1,1) · Wb(1,1)−1b(i,l) · (x) dµ dµ ◦ Fδ(i,l)−δ(1,1) Wb(1,1)−1b(i,l) (x) · = fh1 (Fδ(i,l)−δ(1,1) Wb(1,1)−1b(i,l) x) · 1 dµ · exp(−δ(i, l) + δ(1, 1)) = fT −1 ·V −1 ·h1 (x). δ(i,l)−δ(1,1)
b(1,1)−1 b(i,l)
This allows us to apply Lemma 3.8 to the partial transformations hli and −1 −1 l 1 ν ν Tδ(i,l)−δ(1,1) · Vb(1,1) −1 b(i,l) · h1 ∈ [G]∗ to obtain partial transformations vi ∈ [G]∗ such that Dom vil = Dom h11 = Y11 , Im vil = Dom hli = Yil , −1 −1 1 ν(hli vil (·)) = ν(Tδ(i,l)−δ(1,1) · Vb(1,1) −1b(i,l) · h1 (·)) (by the definitions of T , V and ν) = exp(−δ(i, l) + δ(1, 1)) · ν(h11 ·), e and hli · vil · (h11 )−1 · Vb(1,1)−1b(i,l) · Tδ(i,l)−δ(1,1) ∈ [G].
Let z ∈ es , which is a floor of ζj , and let er(j ),s z ∈ Yjm . Define eirl,j sm (z) = er,r(i) · vil · (vjm )−1 · er(j ),s (z). It is easy to see that {eirl,j sm : 1 6 i, j 6 n, 1 6 l 6 Li , 1 6 j 6 Lj , r ∈ 3i , s ∈ 3j } Yil . Obviously form a tower which we denote by ξ . The levels of ξ are the sets er,r(i)P the simple tower ξ makes a refinement of the given multiple tower ni=1 ζi . 4.5.
Let E ⊂ Yil . Let us define, for any s ∈ 3i , Q(es,r(i)E) =
P (es ) · ν(hli E). P (er(i) )
This means that the values of the Radon–Nikodym cocycle for Q reproduce the corresponding values of the Radon–Nikodym cocycle for P on each er,s belonging
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to the initial multiple tower. Obviously Q is equivalent to ν and P . Since we see that for any z ∈ Yil , dν ◦ hli vil dQ ◦ vil (z) = (z) = exp(−δ(i, l) + δ(1, 1)), dQ dν ◦ h11 then ξ has constant Q-passage values. 4.6.
We will search for the appropriate γ in the following form: γ (ω, a, u; h) = f (ω, a, u) · β(ω, a, u; h) · f −1 (h(ω, a, u)). This ensures that γ is cohomologous to β and α. The intertwining function f can be found in the following form: f (er,r(i) z) = β −1 (z, er,r(i) ) · f (z) · β(z, er,r(i) ), where z ∈ er(i) and r ∈ 3i . This guarantees that the initial multiple tower has constant γ -passage values. Let f |Y11 ≡ eA , and for any z ∈ Y11 f (vil z) = α1 (z, hli vil )−1 · α1 (z, h11 ) · β(z, vil ). In other words, for z ∈ Y11 we have just defined that γ (z, vil ) = α1 (z, h11 )−1 · α1 (z, hli vil ). Let us compute this value and prove that it is a constant. Lemma 3.8 allows us to write (locally) hli · vil · (h11 )−1 · Vb(1,1)−1b(i,l) · Tδ(i,l)−δ(1,1) = g˜ il , −1 −1 l and hence, for any z2 ∈ Vb(1,1) −1b(i,l) · Tδ(i,l)−δ(1,1) · Yi ,
α1 (z2 , hli · vil · (h11 )−1 · Vb(1,1)−1b(i,l) · Tδ(i,l)−δ(1,1) ) = eA . By the definition of a cocycle, we obtain: α1 (z2 , Tδ(i,l)−δ(1,1) ) · α1 (z1 , hli · vil · (h11 )−1 · Vb(1,1)−1b(i,l) ) = eA , −1 l where z1 = Tδ(i,l)−δ(1,1) · z2 ∈ Vb(1,1) −1b(i,l) · Yi . As the first multiplier here is also equal to eA , we write:
α1 (z1 , hli · vil · (h11 )−1 · Vb(1,1)−1b(i,l) ) = eA . Using the definition of a cocycle again, we obtain: α1 (z1 , Vb(1,1)−1b(i,l) ) · α1 (z0 , hli · vil · (h11 )−1 ) = eA ,
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where z0 = Vb(1,1)−1b(i,l) · z1 ∈ Yil . As the first multiplier here is known due to the construction of α1 , we write: α1 (z0 , hli · vil · (h11 )−1 ) = b(1, 1)−1 b(i, l) = Const. But the latter expression can be transformed in the following way: α1 (z0 , (h11 )−1 ) · α1 ((h11 )−1 z0 , hli · vil ) = b(1, 1)−1 b(i, l), and the first multiplier here is evidently equal to (α1 ((h11 )−1 z0 , h11 ))−1 . As a result of this, for z = (h11 )−1 z0 ∈ Y11 , we can write that α1 (z, h11)−1 · α1 (z, hli vil ) = b(1, 1)−1 · b(i, l). Thus, we have proved that ξ has constant γ -passage values. 4.7.
We have to estimate kQ − P kSni=1 supp(ζi ) . As P = ν on each er(i) due to Lemma 4.2, it suffices to estimate kQ − νq kSni=1 supp(ζi )
P (here q is the distribution vector of P relative to ni=1 ζi ). Since P and Q have the same distributions, the required estimate can be obtained as kQ(er(i) ∩ ·) − ν(er(i) ∩ ·)k multiplied by the number of levels of the given multiple tower. But we see that kQ(er(i) ∩ ·) − ν(er(i) ∩ ·)k
L i
ν(hli ·) − ν(er(i) ∩ ·) = kν(hi ·) − ν(er(i) ∩ ·)k < 2θ. =
Since the choice of θ is to hand, kQ − P kSni=1 supp(ζi ) can be done less than any given ε > 0. 4.8.
We have already constructed the function f which intertwines β with γ , and we must estimate the set of points Pn where f differs from eA . As β and γ have the same distributions relative to i=1 ζi , to do so we have only to estimate ν(z ∈ Y11 : f (vil z 6= eA ). Then, f (vil z) = α1 (vil z, hli )−1 · α1 (z, vil )−1 · α1 (z, h11 ) · β(z, vil ).
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The first and the third multipliers here differ from eA only inside the sets {z ∈ Yil : α1 (z, hli ) 6= eA } whose summary measure is small. Outside these sets the product of the second and the fourth multipliers is equal to eA due to Lemma 4.2. This completes the proof of Theorem 4.1. 2 COROLLARY 4.3. The sufficient condition for the product property proved in Proposition 2.2 is also a necessary condition. Indeed, the double Mackey action for a product odometer and a product cocycle is AT. We have already checked in the proof of Theorem 4.1 that approximate transitivity implies the required condition of Proposition 2.2. 2 5. Type II Case 5.1.
THEOREM 5.1. Let G be a countable amenable transformation group of type II acting on the Lebesgue space (, B, m), and α: × G → A be a 1-cocycle of this action with values in an admissible group A. The pair (G, α) is stably weakly equivalent to the pair consisting of a product odometer and a product cocycle if and only if the associated action is AT. Proof. Consider the product space × A. Denote the product measure dm × da by dν. Let G be a transformation group acting on this space, defined as follows: G = {g˜ · Vb : g ∈ G, b ∈ B}, where B is a countable dense subgroup of A, and the actions g˜ and Vb , as usually, are defined by g(ω, ˜ a) = (g · ω, a · α(ω, g)), Vb (ω, a) = (ω, b · a), and the corresponding Mackey action will be denoted by Wb , as above. Assume this action to be supplied with a cocycle α1 : ( × A) × G → A: α1 (ω, a; g˜ · Vb ) = b−1 . It is rather easy to see that the pair (G, α) is stably weakly equivalent to the pair (G, α1 ). The proof can be done in the same manner as in Proposition 3.1, and the main idea is to use the fact that the Mackey actions associated with these pairs are isomorphic. So we have to prove that the pair (G, α1 ) is weakly equivalent to a product odometer and a product cocycle. We are going to apply Proposition 2.1. To do that, suppose that a finite collection of partial transformations h1 , h2 , . . . , hn ∈ [G]ν∗ is given. (Of course, they are νpreserving.) Denote Dom hi by Ei and Im hi by Fi ; Ei and Fi ⊂ × A. Our
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purpose is to construct some G-stack ζ and some cocycle β ∼ α1 so that ζ would have constant β-passage values, and the function f intertwining β with α1 would be close to eA , and Ei and Fi ∈ν,ε B(ζ ). To do that, notice from the very beginning that we may suppose that there exist ai ∈ A such that ν ω ∈ Ei : dist(ai , α1 (ω, hi )) > σ < ε 0 ν(Ei ) for any pre-given σ, ε 0 . (If this is wrong, split Ei into smaller sets.) Recall that (X, µ) is the quotient space of × A by the ergodic components of g. ˜ Let fi (x) = fEi (x) = ν(x | Ei ): X → R+ . Since the Mackey action Wb on X is approximately transitive, for any given ε > 0 it is possible to find f ∈ L1 (X, µ), b(i, l) ∈ B and λi,l ∈ Z+ (here i = 1, . . . , n; l = 1, . . . , Li ) such that
X dµ ◦ Wb(i,l)
(x) < ε. λi,l · f (Wb(i,l) · x) ·
fi (x) −
dµ l=1
Hence, there exist sets Ri ∈ × A such that ν(Ri 4 Ei ) < ε and fRi (x) =
Li X
λi,l · f (Wb(i,l) · x) ·
dµ ◦ Wb(i,l) (x). dµ
Note that it is possible to extend the given partial transformations hi so that they would be defined for Ei ∪ Ri and would simultaneously belong to [G]ν∗ . S i Decompose these sets Ri into a disjoint union of sets Ri,l so that Ll=1 Ri,l = Ri and fRi,l (x) = λi,l · f (Wb(i,l) · x) ·
dµ ◦ Wb(i,l) (x) dµ
and hence Li X
fRi,l (x) = fRi (x).
Since we might assume from the very beginning that λi,l are positive integers, it is also possible to decompose Ri,l into a disjoint union of sets Ri,l,j , where j = S i Ri,l,j = Ri,l and 1, . . . , λi,l , so that Ll=1 fRi,l,j (x) = f (Wb(i,l) · x) ·
dµ ◦ Wb(i,l) (x). dµ
LEMMA 5.2. fV −1 E (x) = fE (Wb x) · b × G.
dµ◦Wb (x) dµ
for any measurable subset E ⊂
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Proof. This can be shown very easily. A more difficult but similar equality was proved in Lemma 3.4 above. Applying this lemma, we immediately obtain: dµ ◦ Wb(i,l) (x) dµ dµ ◦ Wb(1,1) = f (Wb(1,1) · Wb(1,1)−1b(i,l) x) · (Wb(1,1)−1b(i,l) x) · dµ dµ ◦ b(1, 1)−1 b(i, l) (x) · dµ dµ ◦ Wb(1,1)−1b(i,l) (x) = f1,1,1(Wb(1,1)−1b(i,l) x) · dµ = fV −1 R1,1,1 (x).
fRi,l,j (x) = f (Wb(i,l) · x) ·
b(1,1)−1 b(i,l)
−1 Hence, the sets Ri,l,j and Vb(1,1) −1b(i,l) R1,1,1 not only have equal measures, but also the same conditional measures for a.e. x. Therefore, there exist partial transforma−1 tions vi,l,j such that Dom vi,l,j = Vb(1,1) −1b(i,l) R1,1,1 , Im vi,l,j = Ri,l,j , and these ν e ν∗ . Note that α1 (·, vi,l,j ) = eA . vi,l,j belong not only to [G]∗ , but even to [G] Denote hi Ri,l,j by Si,l,j . The desired stack ζ is now ready: it consists of the sets Ri,l,j and Si,l,j , and the sets Ri,l,j are intertwined by the transformations vi,l,j ◦ −1 Vb(1,1) −1b(i,l) : R1,1,1 → Ri,l,j . It is evident that this stack provides a good approximation of the initial partial transformations hi in the sense of Proposition 2.1. Note that for z ∈ R1,1,1 we have −1 −1 α1 z, vi,l,j ◦ Vb(1,1) b(i, l) = Const. −1 b(i,l) R1,1,1 = b(1, 1)
Now we are ready to define the cocycle β. Let the intertwining function f be equal to eA on each Ri . Further, we must have for z ∈ Ri,l,j , that f (hi z) = α1−1 (z, hi )·β(z, hi ), where β(z, hi ) are not defined yet but must be constants. Since for z ∈ Ei the values α1 (z, hi ) are close to ai , let for z ∈ Ri the values β(z, hi ) be equal to the these ai . This defines function f completely and correctly together with β, and the stack ζ has constant β-passage values according to the definition. Finally, ν z ∈ supp(ζ ) : dist(f (z), eA ) > σ ! n n [ X hi Ri \ hi Ei + ν z ∈ Ei : dist(f (z), eA ) > σ 6ν i=1
i=1 0
6 n · ε + n · ε · ν(Ei ) 6 n · ε + ε 0 . As n is given, and the choice of ε, ε 0 is to hand, the conditions of Proposition 2.1 are satisfied. 2
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Now we suppose an AT action to be given. The following is obvious: COROLLARY 5.3. Each admissible group AT action can be represented as a product cocycle range. Proof. Really, according to [6], each l.c.s. group action can be represented as cocycle range with the base action of any prescribed type. Now this statement follows directly from Theorem 5.1 (type II case) and Theorem 4.1 (type III case). 2 Here we are going to strengthen the result of Corollary 5.3 and to prove that if the initial AT action of an admissible group was from the very beginning represented as a Mackey action associated with a type II action and a cocycle, it is possible to choose a θ-product cocycle generating this action to be cohomologous to the initial one. Now we only know that these cocycles are weakly equivalent. So, we deal with the following situation: a type II G-action on (, m) supplied with cocycle α generates an AT Mackey action. The pair (G, α) is stably weakly equivalent to the pair consisting of a product odometer that we denote by Tpr and a product cocycle that we denote by αpr , and the space where Tpr acts will be denoted by (pr , mpr ). Note that our product odometer is of type II1 . Hence, two cases can arise: either G is also of type II1 and they are weakly equivalent, or G is of type II∞ and is weakly equivalent to the trivial expansion of our product odometer. In the case of type II1 actions, there exists a transformation θ: → pr that transforms [G] to [Gpr ] and α to a cocycle cohomologous to a product cocycle αpr . Note that mpr ◦ θ turns out to be an invariant probability measure on and hence mpr ◦ θ = m. Hence, α is cohomologous to a θ-product cocycle – see Definition 1.8. Now let us consider the type II∞ case in more detail. Introduce the trivial expansion of our product odometer and consider the product space pr × Z with product measure m0 = mpr × mZ . The following actions will be considered: g 0 (ω, z) = (gω, z), τ (ω, z) = (ω, z + 1), (here ω ∈ pr , z ∈ Z, g ∈ Gpr ) together with the following cocycle: α 0 (ω, z; g · τ n ) = α(ω, g). 0 The action associated with the pair (G0pr , αpr ), where G0pr = {g 0 τ n : g ∈ Gpr , n ∈ Z}, is the same as for the pair (Gpr , αpr ) because of [1, Proposition 2.3]. The weak equivalence relation is provided by θ: → pr × Z such that 0 (θω, θgθ −1 ) is cohomologous to α(ω, g), θ[G]θ −1 = [G0pr ], mpr ◦ θ ∼ m, and αpr where ω ∈ , g ∈ G. Note that m and mpr ◦ θ both are G-invariant infinite measures and hence differ by a constant multiplier: mpr ◦ θ = λ · m.
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Now let us take the following set P ⊂ : P = θ −1 (pr × {0}). Then m(P ) = −1 1/λ. S For each i ∈ Z, let Pi = θ (pr × {i}). Obviously Pi are disjoint and i∈Z Pi = . So the space is represented in the form P ×Z by setting P ×{i} = Pi . For mP being the restriction of m on P , we can see that m = 1/λmP × mZ ; this follows from the fact that θ preserves the measure. Let τ1 = θ −1 ◦ τ ◦ θ; τ1 be an automorphism of the space = P × Z, it preserves the measure m and has the property τ1 (Pi ) = Pi+1 . LEMMA 5.4. There exists a cocycle β ∈ Z 1 (P × Z, G; A) cohomologous to α and taking its unit value at τ1 . Proof. We shall construct a function f (p, z) such that the cocycle β((p, z), g) = (f (p, z))−1 · α((p, z), g) · f (g · (p, z)) possesses the required property. Here g ∈ [G]. We put f (p, 0) = eA , f (p, z) = α((p, 0), τ1z )−1 . Then we immediately obtain β((p, 0), τ1z ) = (f (p, 0))−1 · α((p, 0), τ1z ) · f (p, z) = eA and hence β((p, z), τ1 ) = β((p, 0), τ1z )−1 · β((p, 0), τ1z+1 ) = eA .
We see also from the proof that αP = βP . We are now ready to formulate the following result. THEOREM 5.5. An Abelian group AT action being a Mackey action associated with a type II action and a cocycle is also a range of a θ-product cocycle cohomologous to the initial one. Proof. Let us consider again the restriction of θ to P that maps P to pr and 0 do not depend on τ1 and τ , respectively, θ transforms βP mP to mpr . As β and αpr to a cocycle cohomologous to αpr . Hence, βP = αP is a θ-product cocycle. So, the existence of β and P proves our theorem. 2
6. The Double Mackey Action and Two Single Ones Let us now compare the double Mackey action considered in the above with two single ones. Namely, we intend to consider α and ρ separately; this allows us to introduce the following actions: g(ω, a) = (gω, a · α(ω, g)), Vb (ω, a) = (ω, a · b). They act on the product space × A, and, as usual, we define the quotient action of Vb by the ergodic components of g by Wb .
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Besides, introduce two actions dm ◦ g , g(ω, u) = gω, a + log dm Tt (ω, u) = (ω, u + t) acting on the product space × R; and similarly we define the quotient action of Tt by the ergodic components of g by Ft . The relation between the double Mackey action (Ft , Wb ) considered in the above (see Definition 3.1) and the single Mackey actions Ft and Wb introduced here is not clear because of the fact that the g-, ˜ g- and g-orbits are very different. However, the following is true: PROPOSITION 6.1. When the double Mackey action (Ft , Wb ) is AT, the two single Mackey actions Ft and Wb are also AT. Proof. Indeed, when (Ft , Wb ) is AT, then α × ρ is a product cocycle. According to the definition of product cocycles we see that α, i.e. its component with values in A, as well as ρ, i.e. its component with values in R, are both product cocycles. 2 This implies the approximate transitivity of Wb and Ft , respectively. Is the reverse statement true? The following example provides the negative answer to this question for the general case. EXAMPLE 6.2. (We reproduce this construction fromQ[5] with a little correction.) Let = {0, 1}Z and m be a product measure, m = ∞ i=1 mi , mi (0) = mi (1) = 1/2. Let θ be the Bernoulli transformation. Consider the space X = × with the product measure µ = m × m and two measure-preserving automorphisms on this space: θ1 = θ × θ, θ2 = id × θ. Let (Y, ν) be a Lebesgue space with a σ -finite measure ν. Let S be any ν-preserving ergodic transformation on Y , and u1 , u2 be two automorphisms permutable one with one and possessing the property: ν ◦ u1 = exp(τ1 ) · ν, ν ◦ u2 = exp(τ2 ) · ν, where τ1 and τ2 are two rationally incommensurable numbers, and belong to the normalizer of [S]. Introduce a Lebesgue space (X × Y, µ × ν) and construct the three following actions: Q1 (x, y) = (θ1 x, u1 y), Q2 (x, y) = (θ2 x, u2 y), S0 (x, y) = (x, Sy).
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These actions are permutable. They generate the full group which we denote by G. Their joint action is of type III1 because of the rational incommensurability, and is orbit equivalent to Z-action. Define the cocycle α ∈ Z 1 (X × Y, G; Z) in the following way: α(x, y; Q1 ) = 0, α(x, y; Q2 ) = 1, α(x, y; S0 ) = 0. The Mackey action constructed by G and α is trivial and hence AT. Indeed, it is easy to see that the skew action acts ergodically on the product space X × Y × Z. (In this case α is said to be a cocycle with dense range.) On the other hand, the Mackey action constructed by G and the Radon–Nikodym cocycle ρ of the measure µ × ν, i.e. the associated flow, is also trivial and hence AT. This easily follows from the fact that G is an action of type III1 . Now consider the double Mackey action constructed by G and the double cocycle α × ρ. To do so, we write the following five actions being permutable one with one: e1 (x, y; z, t) = (θ1 x, u1 y; z, t − τ1 ), Q e2 (x, y; z, t) = (θ2 x, u2 y; z + 1, t − τ2 ), Q e S0 (x, y; z, t) = (x, Sy; z, t), zˆ 1 (x, y; z, t) = (x, y; z − z1 , t), tˆ1 (x, y; z, t) = (x, y; z, t − t1 ). Here z, z1 ∈ Z, t, t1 ∈ R. We have to construct the quotient space of X × Y × e2 , e e1 , Q S0 ) and obtain the quotient action of (ˆz1 , tˆ1 ) on Z × R by the orbits of (Q this quotient space. Fix y0 ∈ Y . It is easy to check that the set X × {y0 } × {0} × [0; τ1 ] can be identified with this quotient space. A straightforward computation shows that the Mackey action can be realized in this space in the following way: [(t −z1 τ2 )/τ1 ]
zˆ 1 (x, t) = (θ2z1 · θ1 tˆ1 (x, t) =
[(t −t )/τ ] (θ1 1 1
· x, {(t − z1 τ2 )/τ1 } · τ1 ),
· x, {(t − t1 )/τ1 } · τ1 ).
Here the brackets mean the integral part and the braces mean the fractional part of a real number. Finally, consider the σ -algebra containing all sets of the form × A × [0; τ1 ], where A is a measurable subset of . The quotient action of (ˆz1 , tˆ1 ) on the quotient space by this σ -algebra is essentially the action of Z on generated by the Bernoulli (1/2, 1/2)-action. It has positive entropy, and it now follows from [3, Theorem 3.5 and Remark 2.4], that our double Mackey action is not AT. This completes the consideration of this example. In other words, though the cocycles α and ρ are separately isomorphic to product cocycles, these isomorphisms have turned out to be incompatible.
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References 1. 2. 3. 4.
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Bezuglyi, S. I. and Golodets V. Ya.: Weak equivalence and the structures of cocycles of an ergodic automorphism, Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci. 27(4) (1991), 577–625. Connes, A., Feldman, J. and Weiss, B.: An amenable equivalence relation is generated by a single transformation, Ergodic Theory Dynamical Systems 1 (1981), 431–450. Connes, A. and Woods, E. J.: Approximately transitive flows and ITPFI factors, Ergodic Theory Dynamical Systems 5(2) (1985), 203–236. Golodets, V. Ya. and Nessonov, N. I.: Approximately transitive actions and product cocycles of an ergodic automorphism, Preprint of Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering No. 4, Kharkov, 1987. Golodets, V. Ya. and Nessonov, N. I.: Approximately transitive actions of Abelian groups and product cocycles, Preprint of Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering, No. 20, Kharkov, 1991. Golodets, V. Ya. and Sinelshchikov, S. D.: Amenable ergodic group actions and ranges of cocycles, Soviet Math. Dokl. 41 (1990), 523–526. Golodets, V. Ya. and Sinelshchikov, S. D.: Classification and structure of cocycles of amenable ergodic equivalence relations, JFA 121(2) (1994), 455–485. Golodets, V. Ya. and Sokhet, A. M.: Ergodic actions of an Abelian group with discrete spectrum, and approximate transitivity, J. Soviet Math. 52(6) (1990), 3530–3533; translated from Teor. Funktsi˘ı, Funktsional. Anal. i Prilozhen. 51 (1989), 117–122. Golodets, V. Ya. and Sokhet, A. M.: A representation of approximately transitive group actions as a product cocycle range, Preprint of Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering No. 2, Kharkov, 1991. Golodets, V. Ya. and Sokhet, A. M.: Cocycles of type III transformation group and AT property for the double Mackey action, Preprint of the Erwin Shrödinger International Institute for Mathematical Physics, ESI 97, 1994. Hamachi, T.: The normalizer group of an ergodic automophism of type III and the commutant of an ergodic flow, J. Funct. Anal. 40(3) (1981), 387–403. Hamachi, T.: A measure theoretical proof of the Connes–Woods theorem on AT flows, Pacific J. Math. 154(1) (1992), 67–85. Hamachi, T. and Osikawa, M.: Ergodic groups of automorphisms and Krieger’s theorems, Sem. Math. Sci. 3 (1981), 113. Hawkins, J. M.: Properties of ergodic flows associated to product odometer, Pacific J. Math. 141(2) (1990), 287–294. Hawkins, J. M. and Robinson, E. A.: Approximately transitive (2) flows and transformations have simple spectrum, Lecture Notes Math. 1342 (1988), 261–280. Hewitt, E. and Ross, K.: Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Vol. 1, Springer, Berlin, 1963; Vol. 2, Springer, Berlin, 1970. Krieger, W.: On nonsingular transformations of a measure space I, II, Z. Wahrsch. verw. Gebiete 11 (1969), 83–97, 98–119. Mackey, G. W.: Ergodic transformation groups with a pure point spectrum, Ill. J. Math. 8(2) (1964), 593–600. Rohlin, V. A.: On the fundamental ideas of measure theory, Mat. Sb. 25(67) (1949), 107–150 (in Russian). Skandalis, G. and Sokhet, A. M.: Transitive actions have funny rank one, to appear. Sokhet, A. M.: Les actions approximativement transitives dans la théorie ergodique, Thèse de doctorat de l’Université Paris VII, soutenue le 26 juin 1997. Zimmer, R. J.: Amenable ergodic group actions and an application to Poisson boundaries of random walks, Ann. Sci. École Norm. Sup. 11 (1978), 407–428.
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Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry 1: 367–373, 1999. © 1999 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
The Quantum Commutator Algebra of a Perfect Fluid M. D. ROBERTS Flat 5, 17 Wetherby Gardens, London SW5 OJP, U. K.? e-mail: [email protected] (Received: 2 December 1997; in final form: 15 December 1998) Abstract. A perfect fluid is quantized by the canonical method. The constraints are found and this allows the Dirac brackets to be calculated. Replacing the Dirac brackets with quantum commutators formally quantizes the system. There is a momentum operator in the denominator of some coordinate quantum commutators. It is shown that it is possible to multiply throughout by this momentum operator. Factor ordering differences can result in a viscosity term. The resulting quantum commutator algebra is unusual. Mathematics Subject Classifications (1991): 81S05, 81R10, 82B26, 83CC22. Key words: quantum commutator algebra, perfect fluid.
1. Introduction It has been known for some time [1] that a perfect fluid has a Lagrangian formulation. The Lagrangian is taken to be the pressure and variations are achieved through an infinitesimal form of the first law of thermodynamics. A perfect fluid’s stress is described using the vector field comoving with the fluid. This vector field defines an absolute time for the system. Furthermore, this absolute time can then be used to define canonical momenta and canonical Hamiltonians. This is done here for the first time. There are equivalences between scalar fields and fluids, [2]; more generally, the comoving vector field can be decomposed into scalar fields resulting in a description of a perfect fluid employing only scalar fields. Previously, this decomposition has been investigated by choosing an ad hoc global time rather than absolute time and defining canonical momenta and other quantities with respect to the global time. Typically, the resulting theory is applied to cosmology [3, 4]. Once the constrained Hamiltonian has been calculated by the standard canonical method [7, 8], the Dirac brackets can be replaced by quantum commutators. The original motive for investigating this was to find a fluid generalization of Higg’s model [5, 9]. A quantum treatment is required to estimate the VEVs (quantum ? From 1 Jan. 98: Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, University of Cape Town, Rondebosh 7701, South Africa. e-mail: [email protected]
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vacuum expectation values) of the scalar fields which are related to the induced nonzero mass. The quantum commutator algebra is unusual, perhaps reflecting the structure of the scalar field decomposition of the comoving vector field [6, 10]. It is hoped that eventually the present theory will be applied to low temperature super fluids. To do this, it probably will be necessary to include a chemical potential term in the first law of thermodynamics (2.1). 2. Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Formulation of a Perfect Fluid’s Dynamics A perfect fluid has a Lagrangian formulation in which the Lagrangian is the pressure p. Variation is achieved by using the first law of thermodynamics dp = n dh − nT ds,
where n is the particle number, T is the temperature, s is the entropy, and h the enthalpy. The pressure and the density are equated to the enthalpy and the particle number by p + µ = nh.
In four dimensions, a vector can be decomposed into four scalars, however the five-scalar decomposition hVa = Wa = φa + 6(i) θ(i) S(i)a ,
Va V a = −1,
(2.3) R
(i) = 1, 2 is often used, because for i = 1, s and θ = T dτ have interpretation as the entropy and the thermasy, respectively. From now on, the index (i) is suppressed as it is straightforward to reinstate. There are other conventions for this scalar field decomposition, for example with a− instead of a+ before the summed fields. “q” is used to notate an arbitrary scalar field, i.e., q = φ, θ or s. The coordinate space action is taken to be Z √ −gp dx 4 . (2.4) I= Replacing the first law with dp = −nVa dW a − nT ds, variation with respect to the metric and φ, θ, and s gives Tab = (p + µ)Va Vb + pgab , ◦
(nV a )a = n +n2 = 0,
s = 0,
θ = T,
respectively. 2 = V·aa is the expansion of the vector field. The canonical momenta are given by 5i = δI /δq i and are 5φ = −n,
5θ = 0,
5s = −nθ .
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The Hamiltonian density is usually defined in terms of components of the canonical stress as θ·tt . In the present case, the canonical stress is not defined so that the metric stress T·ba is used instead; also 4-vectors are used rather than components, resulting in Hd = V·a V·b Tab = µ.
The standard Poisson bracket is {A, B} =
δA δB δA δB − , δqi δ5i δ5i δqi
where i, which labels each field, is summed; the integral sign and measure have been suppressed and the variations are performed independently. When absolute time is used, Hamiltons equations have an additional term in the expansion [12], explicitly ◦
q = δHc /δ5,
5 + θ 5 = −δHc /δq,
where Hc is the canonical Hamiltonian Hc = momenta are constrained ϕ1 = 5s· − θ5φ· ,
√ Hd −g dx 4 . From (2.6), the
ϕ2 = 5θ· . ◦
The initial Hamiltonian is HI = 5i q ◦
(2.10) i
− L, replacing the dependent 5’s gives
H0 = 5ϕ (φ + θ s) − L,
adding the constraints gives the Hamiltonian density Hλ = H0 + λα· ϕα , ◦
λ1· = s,
λ2· = θ ,
Hd = 5ϕ· (φ + θ s) + λ1· (5s· − θ5ϕ· ) + λ2· 5ϕ· − L, where the λ’s are the Lagrange multipliers. Substituting the values of the momentum the Hamiltonian density is still weakly the fluid density. Using (2.9), the time evolution of any variable X is given by ∂X dX δX = + {X, Hλ } − 25i i , dτ ∂τ δ5
replacing the Hamiltonian density H by Hλ and then holding the multipliers constant so that {X, Hλ } = {X, H0 } + λα· {X, ϕα }
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gives the time evolution dX ∂X δX + {X, H0} + λα· {X, ϕα } (2.15) = − 25i· dτ ∂τ δ5i ◦ δX ◦ δX δX ∂X + (ϕ + θ(s − λ1· )) + λ1· + λ2 + = ∂τ δϕ δs δs δX δX ◦ ((V·a 5φ· )a − 25φ· ) + ((− s + λ1· )5φ − 25φ ) + + φ θ δ5· δ5· δX ((V·a θ5φ· )a − 25s· ) + δ5s· ≈
◦ δX ◦ δX ∂X δX ◦ δX ◦ δX +ϕ +θ −n −n − (θn)· s . φ φ ∂τ δϕ δθ δ5· δ5· δ5·
Letting X equal the constraints gives dϕα /dτ = 0, this shows that there are no further constraints so that the Dirac brackets can now be constructed. A quantity R(q, 5) is first class [8] if {R, ϕα } ≈ 0,
α = 1, 2,
otherwise it is second class. The Cαβ matrix, cf. [11, p. 10], is Cαβ = {ϕα , ϕβ } = −iσ·2 5ϕ· , 0 −i 2 , σ· = +i 0
−1 Cαβ = +iσ·2 /5ϕ· ,
where is a Pauli matrix. The Dirac bracket is defined by −1 {ϕβ , B}. {A, B}∗ = {A, B} − {A, ϕα }Cαβ
In the present case, this gives the Dirac bracket 1 δB δA θδA ∗ ϕ δA + {A, B} = {A, B} − φ − +5 5 δϕ δs δϕ δ5θ 1 δA δB θδB a δB + φ . − +5 5 δϕ δs δϕ δ5θ
Now −1 , Hλ = H0 − {H0 , ϕα }Cαβ
λβ = −{H0 , ϕα }Cλ−1 β ,
from which Hλ given by (2.11) can be recovered with the correct λ’s.
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3. Quantization To quantize a classical dynamical system the Dirac bracket is replaced by the commutator ˆ {A, B}∗ → i h[ ¯ Aˆ Bˆ − Bˆ A],
where h¯ is Planck’s constant divided by 2π and the hat “∧ ” signifies that the variable is now an operator. There are various correspondence criteria which can be investigated, for example: as h¯ → 0, there should be (a) the same time evolution, (b) the same stress, and (c) the first law should be recovered. Another correspondence criteria can be called the particle number criteria: the particle number n should bear a relation to the quantum particle number constructed from creation and destruction operators. An intermediate aim, between formal quantization achieved by replacing field and momenta Dirac brackets with commutators, and establishing contact with applications, is to produce a quantum perfect fluid. This could be obtained from brackets involving the numbered field, the angular momentum and so on, or from brackets involving a mixture of these and geometric objects. However, no progress has been made so far in finding a quantum perfect fluid, so that attention is restricted to implications of replacing brackets consisting solely of individual components of fields and momenta with commutators. Effecting the replacement of the 15 Dirac brackets between the fields and momenta there are four nonvanishing commutators ˆ φ· = −i h, ˆ φ· ϕˆ − ϕˆ 5 5 ¯ i h¯ θˆ ϕˆ θˆ − θˆ ϕˆ = − , ˆ 5φ
ˆ θ· = 0, ˆ θ· θˆ − θˆ 5 5 i h¯ θˆ sˆ − sˆ θˆ = − φ , ˆ· 5
ˆ s· sˆ − sˆ 5 ˆ s· = −i h, 5 ¯
ϕˆ sˆ − sˆ ϕˆ = 0.
ˆ φ· in the denominator. This might The last two commutators have the operator 5 ˆ φ in the denominator we multiply by the operator not be well-defined. To avoid 5 ϕ ˆ 5 , using the first commutation of (3.2) it turns out that multiplying on the left or multiplying on the right are equivalent so that ˆ q· [ϕˆ θˆ − θˆ ϕ] ˆ ˆ q· = 5 ˆ = −i h¯ θ, [ϕˆ θˆ − θˆ ϕ] ˆ 5
ˆ ϕ· [θˆ sˆ − sˆ θ] ˆ = −i h. ˆ5 ˆ ϕ· = 5 [θˆ sˆ − sˆθ] ¯ These results are in accord with the equations deduced if the Dirac brackets {q·i , ˆ k· are also q·j 5k· }∗ are replaced by commutators. Left and right multiplication by 5 equivalent if anti-commutation rather than commutation is considered. The quantum Hamiltonian is ˆ◦ ˆ◦ ϕ ˆ ϕ· ϕ + l2 ϕ 5 ˆ ϕ· θˆ sˆ◦ − l4 5 ˆ ϕ· sˆ◦θˆ − ˆ · − l3 5 Hˆ q = l1 5 ˆ ϕ· − l7 sˆ◦5 ˆ ϕ· θˆ − l8 sˆ◦θˆ 5 ˆ ϕ· − p, ˆ ϕ· sˆ◦ − l6 θˆ sˆ◦5 ˆ − l5 5
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where the l’s are constant and obey l1 + l2 = 1, l3 + l4 + l5 + l6 + l7 + l8 = 1, using the commutation relations the quantum Hamiltonian (3.3) is ˆ◦ ˆ◦ ˆ ϕ· (φ − θˆ s) − i h2l ˆ Hˆ q = 5 ¯ − p,
where l = l2 + l4 + l7 + l8 is called the ordering constant: it is of undefined size but is can be taken to be of order unity. Because the Dirac bracket of pˆ with anything vanishes the commutators with p also vanish and p can be taken to be p⊥ , where ⊥ is the identity element. To investigate the algebraic implications of (3.2) and (3.3), label the six operators by v’s, φˆ v1
sˆ v2
θˆ v3
ˆ ϕ· 5 v4
ˆ s· 5 v5
ˆ θ· 5 v6
v6 commutes with everything and can be disregarded. Of the remaining commutators, only four are nonzero. In units h¯ = 1 (3.2). (3.3) and (3.7) give the algebra v4 (v3 v2 − v2 v3 ) = −i, v4 (v1 v3 − v3 v1 ) = −iv3 , v4 v1 − v1 v4 = −i, v5 v2 − v2 v5 = −i.
This algebra does not seem to be realizable in terms of matrices and differential operators, the closest algebras are found in [11]. If a commutator is constructed with a time derivative of the field or momenta, the same algebra results but multiplied by a term in the expansion. Similarly if m time derivatives occur, the algebra is multiplied by the expansion to the power of m. Acknowledgements I would like to thank Prof. T. W. B. Kibble for discussion of some of the points that occur. This work was supported in part by the South African Foundation for Research and Development (FRD). References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Hargreaves, R.: Philos. Mag. 16 (1908), 436. Tabensky, R. and Taub, A. H.: Comm. Math. Phys. 290 (1973), 61. Tipler, F.: Phys. Rep. C 137 (1986), 231 Lapchiniskii, V. G. and Rubakov, V. A.: Theoret. Math. Phys. 33 (1977), 1076. Roberts, M. D.: Hadronic J. 20 (1997), 73–84. Schutz, B.: Phys. Rev. D 4 (1971), 3559. Dirac, P. A. M.: Lectures on quantum mechanics, Belfor Graduate School of Science, Yeshiva University, New York, 1963.
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8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
Hanson, A. J., Regge, T. and Teitelboim, C.: Constrained Hamiltonian Systems, Accademia Nazionale die Lincei Rome, 1976. Roberts, M. D.: A generalized Higg’s model, Preprint. Eckart, C.: Phys. Fluids 3 (1960), 421, Appendix. Ohaki, Y. and Kamefuchi, S.: Quantum Field Theory and Parastatistics, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 1982. Roberts, M. D.: An expansion term in Hamilton’s equations, Europhys. Lett. 45 (1999), 26–31.
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Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry 1: 375–376, 1999.
Contents of Volume 1
Volume 1 No. 1 1998 Editorial
L. BOUTET DE MONVEL and E. KHRUSLOV / Homogenization of Harmonic Vector Fields on Riemannian Manifolds with Complicated Microstructure ANDREI IFTIMOVICI / Hard-core Scattering for N-body Systems
1–22 23–74
S. SINEL’SHCHIKOV and L. VAKSMAN / On q-Analogues of Bounded Symmetric Domains and Dolbeault Complexes 75–100 Instructions for Authors
Volume 1 No. 2 1998 ANTON BOVIER and VÉRONIQUE GAYRARD / Metastates in the Hopfield Model in the Replica Symmetric Regime 107–144 S. MOLCHANOV and B. VAINBERG / On Spectral Asymptotics for Domains with Fractal Boundaries of Cabbage Type 145–170 IGOR YU. POTEMINE / Minimal Terminal Q-Factorial Models of Drinfeld Coarse Moduli Schemes 171–191 Volume 1 No. 3 1998 W. O. AMREIN and D. B. PEARSON / Stability Criteria for the Weyl m-Function 193–221 M. A. FEDOROV and A. F. GRISHIN / Some Questions of the Nevanlinna Theory for the Complex Half-Plane 223–271 NICULAE MANDACHE / On a Counterexample Concerning Unique Continuation for Elliptic Equations in Divergence Form 273–292
VTEX(JU) PIPS No.: 131669 (mpagkap:mathfam) v.1.15 MPAGVC1.tex; 16/04/1999; 9:26; p.1
Volume 1 No. 4 1998/1999 Editorial
G. GALLAVOTTI / Arnold’s Diffusion in Isochronous Systems
A. S. FOKAS, L.-Y. SUNG and D. TSOUBELIS / The Inverse Spectral Method for Colliding Gravitational Waves 313–330 VALENTIN YA. GOLODETS and ALEXANDER M. SOKHET / Product Cocycles and the Approximate Transitivity 331–365 M. D. ROBERTS / The Quantum Commutator Algebra of a Perfect Fluid 367–373 Volume Contents
Instructions for Authors
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Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry 1: 377–382, 1999.
Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS EDITORS-IN-CHIEF VLADIMIR A. MARCHENKO, B.I. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering, Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kharkov, Ukraine ANNE BOUTET DE MONVEL, Université de Paris 7 – Denis Diderot, Institut de Mathématiques, Paris, France HENRY McKEAN / New York University, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, NY, U.S.A. AIMS AND SCOPE The journal will publish papers presenting new mathematical results in mathematical physics, analysis, and geometry, with particular reference to: ∗ mathematical problems of statistical physics, fluids, etc. ∗ complex function theory ∗ operators in function space, especially operator algebras ∗ ordinary and partial differential equations ∗ differential and algebraic geometry Papers which are too abstract will be discouraged. Review articles on new mathematical results will be welcome. MANUSCRIPT SUBMISSION Kluwer Academic Publishers prefer the submission of manuscripts and figures in electronic form. The preferred storage medium for your electronic manuscript is a 31/2 inch diskette. Please label your diskette properly, giving exact details on the name of the file(s), the operating system and software used. Always save your electronic manuscript in the wordprocessor format that you use. In general, use as few formatting codes as possible. For safety’s sake, you should always retain a
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380 should be accompanied by an explanatory legend. The figure legends should be grouped and placed on a separate page. Figures are not returned to the author unless specifically requested. In tables, footnotes are preferable to long explanatory material in either the heading or body of the table. Such explanatory footnotes, identified by superscript letters, should be placed immediately below the table. Section Headings First-, second-, third- and fourth-order headings should be clearly distinguishable. Appendices Supplementary material should be collected in an Appendix and placed before the Notes and Reference sections. Notes Please use endnotes only. Notes should be indicated by consecutive superscript numbers in the text and listed at the end of the article before the References. A source reference note should be indicated by an asterisk after the title. This note should be placed at the bottom of the first page. Cross-Referencing Please make optimal use of the cross-referencing features of your software package. Do not cross-reference page numbers. Cross-references should refer to, for example, section numbers, equation numbers, figure and table numbers. In the text, a reference identified by means of an author’s name should be followed by the date of the reference in parentheses and page number(s) where appropriate. When there are more than two authors, only the first author’s name should be mentioned, followed by ‘et al.’. If numbered references are concerned, the reference number should be enclosed within square brackets. In the event that an author cited has had two or more works published during the same year, the reference, both in the text and in the reference list, should be identified by a lower case letter like ‘a’ and ‘b’ after the date to distinguish the works. Examples: Winograd (1986, p. 204) (Winograd, 1986a; Winograd, 1986b) (Winograd, 1986; Flores et al., 1988) (Bullen and Bennett, 1990) Winograd [1] Bullen and Bennett [2]
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381 Acknowledgements Acknowledgements of people, grants, funds, etc. should be placed in a separate section before the References. References References to books, journal articles, articles in collections and conference or workshop proceedings, and technical reports should be listed at the end of the paper in numbered order. Articles in preparation or articles submitted for publication, unpublished observations, personal communications, etc. should not be included in the reference list but should only be mentioned in the article text (e.g., T. Moore, personal communication). References to books should include the author’s name; year of publication; title in full; page numbers where appropriate; publisher; place of publication. For example:
1. Popov, V. N.: Functional Integrals in Quantum Field Theory and Statistical Physics, D. Reidel, Dordrecht, 1989. References to articles in an edited collection should include the author’s name; year of publication; article title; editor’s name; title of collection; first and last page numbers; publisher; place of publication. For example: 2. Evans, J. and Kawahigashi, Y.: Subfactors and conformal field theory, in: H. Araki, K. Ito, A. Kishimoto, and I. Ojima (eds), Quantum and NonCommutative Analysis, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht, 1993, pp. 341–369. References to articles in conference proceedings should include the author’s name; year of publication; article title; editor’s name (if any); title of proceedings; first and last page numbers; place and date of conference; publisher and/or organization from which the proceedings can be obtained; place of publication. For example: 3. Kramm, G., 1991: Numerical investigation of the dry deposition of reactive trace gases, in P. Borrel, P.M. Borrell, and W. Seiler (eds), Transport and Transformation of Pollutants in the Troposphere, Proc. EUROTRAC Symp. ’90, Frankfurt, 5 April, 1990, SPB Publ., The Hague, The Netherlands, pp. 155–157. References to articles in periodicals should include the author’s name; year of publication; title of article; full or abbreviated title of periodical; volume number (issue number where appropriate); first and last page numbers. For example:
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382 4. Schwartz, J. H.: Evidence for nonperturbative string symmetries, Lett. Math. Phys. 34 (1995), 309–317. References to technical reports or doctoral dissertations should include the author’s name; year of publication; title of report or dissertation; institution; location of institution. For example: 5. Ramaroson, R. A., 1989: Modeling in one and three dimensions, PhD thesis, Paris VI. PROOFS Proofs will be sent to the corresponding author. One corrected proof, together with the original, edited manuscript, should be returned to the Publisher within three days of receipt by mail (airmail overseas). OFFPRINTS 50 offprints of each article will be provided free of charge. Additional offprints can be ordered by means of an offprint order form supplied with the proofs. PAGE CHARGES AND COLOUR FIGURES No page charges are levied on authors or their institutions. Colour figures are published at the author’s expense only. COPYRIGHT Authors will be asked, upon acceptance of an article, to transfer copyright of the article to the Publisher. This will ensure the widest possible dissemination of information under copyright laws. PERMISSIONS It is the responsibility of the author to obtain written permission for a quotation from unpublished material, or for all quotations in excess of 250 words in one extract or 500 words in total from any work still in copyright, and for the reprinting of figures, tables or poems from unpublished or copyrighted material. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Additional information can be obtained from Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry, Science and Technology Division, Kluwer Academic Publishers, P.O. Box 17, 3300 AA Dordrecht, The Netherlands; fax 078-6932388; e-mail [email protected]
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