astering MLeadership Second edition “A must-read for anyone who wants to become a better leader.” Patrick Dixon, Chairman, Global Challenge Ltd and Fellow, London Business School
Michael Williams
Second Edition
Michael Williams
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Dedication For Brenda, Susie and Jonathan, with my love and admiration
Much of the real pleasure of writing a book is being able to thank publicly all those who have helped to make it possible. In recent years, working as a consultant, a succession of talented, challenging clients have done so much to add to my learning, and enable me to crystallize my thinking on leadership. Among the people I owe much to are: •
Howard Mann, OBE, former President and CEO of McCain Foods
John Bridgeman, former Director General of the Office of Fair Trading
Paul Winter, CEO, The Leadership Trust
Dr Pat Haren, CEO, Northern Ireland Electricity
Jan Hein van Joolen, formerly Head of Leadership Development, ABN Amro Bank
Professor Jim Dowd, Harvard Business School, formerly of IMD, Lausanne
Professor Mary Rose Greville, Trinity College, Dublin
Carita Wahlberg, Head of Management Development, Stora Enso, Helsinki
Dr Ole Staib-Jensen, Chairman MbO, Copenhagen
Stefano Bianchin and Judith Eberl, The Generali Academy of Innovation, Mogliano Veneto
Dr Geoffrey Scott, CEO, Üster Technologies, Zurich
I have gained immensely, too, from collegial working relationships with:
Professor John Adair and his inexhaustible wisdom and stimulating company
Professor Yury Boshyk, Head of Global Action Learning and formerly of IMD
Dr Patrick Dixon, Chairman, Global Change, London
Professor Danica Purg, Dean and Director, IEDC – Bled School of Management, Slovenia
Professor George Kohlrieser, IMD, Lausanne
Professor Jonathan Gosling, Director, Centre for Leadership Studies, Exeter University
Professor Eric Thorne, Regional Controller, The Australian Institute of Management
Peter Hanke, School of Arts and Leadership, Copenhagen Business School
Philippe Harberer and his team, PHc, Leadership Development Consultants, Paris
Colin Siddle and Mike McHatton, Ryton Management Consultants, Leamington Spa
Celia Nicholson, Nicholson Consulting, Northampton
Jocelyn Phelps, HR, Société Génèrale, Paris
David Hopley, OBE, Director, Human Capital Development, Goldman Sachs, London
Ian McMonagle, The McMonagle Partnership, Tynemouth
Lorna Wellsteed, David Bowen, Glyn Jones and Ruth Morris working with the McMonagle Partnership
George Telfer, The Leadership Trust
Professor André Vandermerwe, formerly of IMD, IMI and The Theseus Institute
Alexey Urykov, Training Manager, Stora Enso, St Petersburg
Bob Thomas, Head of HR, McCain Foods, Chicago
Neill Ross and Angela Spall and their editorial team, at Thorogood, have been a constant source of enthusiasm, guidance – and gentle, sensitive pressure, in enabling me to keep (reasonably!) close to their printing and publishing deadlines. I appreciate their friendship, support and counsel enormously.
I owe so much to my wife, Brenda, for her encouragement during the writing of both the original text and now, again, in the lengthy task of updating the book, for the new edition. Throughout, she has been a great source of support and has frequently suspended her own writing, as a poet and children’s educational author, to contribute to my thinking from her own extensive experience and balanced perspective of life. To Susie and Jonathan, our daughter and son – my inestimable thanks and love for being you. Michael Williams
The author
Michael R Williams Following eight years of both full-time and reserve service with the Royal Navy and subsequently the Royal Marines, in which he served variously, as a Russian linguist, frogman-canoeist, commando rifle troop officer, and second-in-command of a combined SBS-Commando RMR unit, Mike Williams began building a career in business management. He originally read psychology and moral philosophy and then took his MSc., at the University of Aston, in the fields of identifying management performance and potential. His training and industrial experience took him from production trainee machine-minder’s mate, to several roles in senior management, including a main board appointment, for five years, as a company director. Now with associate companies in Geneva, Copenhagen and Vienna – he established his own business Michael Williams & Partners in 1979 – and operates internationally, principally in the fields of leadership development, talent management and the identification of executive potential. His clients include leading business schools, such as IMD, Theseus and IEDC, Bled and many blue chip companies, leading banks and government departments. Mike is the author, or co-author, of 13 other books on leadership, talent management, organizational behaviour, and psychometric profiling – the latter also published by Thorogood. He is a former member of the British Psychological Society, and currently the Institute of Directors. He is also a member of the Advisory Council of the Leadership Trust who have pioneered leader development and research into leadership, since 1976.
CHAPTER ONE The need for new leadership mindsets
The ‘new leader’ mindset
‘Management’, or ‘Leadership’?
CHAPTER TWO The transformational leader mindset
Beware fads, fashions and fetishes
Leadership in transforming organizations
Transformation and change: there to be managed and led
CHAPTER THREE The baby and the bath water
Keeping the ‘baby’…
John Adair’s ‘Functions of Leadership’ model
Hersey-Blanchard – the situational approach model
Sun-Tzu – The Art of War (for Executives)
Sensitive leadership: ‘eyes – and ears – on: hands-off’
Exemplary leadership
Leader power and inspirational leadership
Getting rid of the bath water…
CHAPTER FOUR What is meant by ‘mastery’, in leadership?
Mastery – a learning progression
CHAPTER FIVE ‘Learning for life’
Key leadership activities
Political awareness and acumen Summary
99 103
CHAPTER SIX Mastering the organization’s boundaries – and connections
What are the organizational ‘boundaries’?
Domain and cross-functional management
‘Organic’ management of boundaries and new connections
The business process re-engineering approach to boundaries and new connections
The ‘team’ approach to boundaries and new connections
A leadership process for effective boundary management
CHAPTER SEVEN Who can, who will, who does?
‘Young guard’ vs ‘old guard’ – the classic paradigm conflict
Boundary ‘busting’ – a civilized approach
CHAPTER EIGHT Managing today, in order to shape the organization’s tomorrow Transforming organizations – changing career patterns
147 153
The leader as a coach
Coaching – some key behaviours
Coaching for performance – a coaching structure
Coaching in action
Coaching – the conditions for learning
The coach’s style
CHAPTER NINE Decisions – that’s what leaders are paid for…
Decision-making – personal horizons
The realities of problem analysis and decision-making
Different personalities – different leadership – different decisions…
Some tools and techniques
CHAPTER TEN Taking the business forward – leading the innovative team
The value of team working
Versatile and adaptive leadership
What distinguishes successful, high achieving teams?
‘Driver’ behaviour – its significance in teamwork
Drivers – and the use of the profile
The Driver’s profile
Drivers’ Profile – a way of describing behaviour…
CHAPTER ELEVEN Leading in a brave new world
Transformation – the pathways to tomorrow
Some learning initiatives for leaders…
List of illustrations
Changed context = new leader mindsets
How assumptions about leadership trail the pace of technological change
The leadership mindset
Management leadership continuum (2)
Organizational leadership: transforming, integrating and mobilizing
Transformation and leader style
Leadership in context
Prof. John Adair’s ‘Functional Leadership Model’
Leadership – people, power and ‘politics’
10. Mastering leadership – competence, understanding and stress levels
11. Mastering leadership – progression from ‘raw’ leader to ‘mastery’
12. The leader’s focus and talents – yesterday’s ‘activities’, or tomorrow’s priorities?
13. Towards ‘mastery’ – an ever-moving target
14. Jack Welch’s annual removal of the bottom 10% performers in GE
CHAPTER FIVE 15. Developing the mindset, competencies and domain of the ‘master’ leader
16. Hierarchy of work activity – from operational activity to strategic intervention
17. Key relationships
18. Hierarchy of interaction and engagement
CHAPTER SIX 19. Organizations and their boundaries – the reality
20. It’s all in the mind… self-imposed constraints and boundaries 112 21. ‘Bubble’ organization – ‘matrix’ organization in evolution
22. ‘Matrix’ and product organization
23. Organization – the ‘classical’ input-conversion-output model 122 24. Leadership roles – professor Tom Paterson’s model
CHAPTER SEVEN 25. Mandatory vs discretionary leadership – the boundaries between ‘can’ and ‘cannot’
26. Mandatory vs discretionary boundaries
CHAPTER EIGHT 27. Integrating vision, values, performance and learning
28. Managing your career – the 4 current ‘compass points’ of career development
29. Coaching talent and potential
30. Coaching: engaging the ‘plus me’ with the ‘plus job’
31. The coaching structure
32. Coaching and a ‘close quarter’ coaching leader
CHAPTER NINE 33. Thinking and decision making – personal horizons
34. Rational and emotional decision making
35. Five styles of decision making
36. ‘Classical’ problem analysis and decision making
37. Brainstorming
38. Running a brainstorming session
39. Mind ‘maps’: core theme – ‘managing talent’ – getting the best out of the best
40. Leaders’ decision making styles
CHAPTER TEN 41. Innovation – our self-imposed limits
42. Creativity, innovation and cognitive style
43. My ‘boardroom table’
44. Your personal development network
Since the first edition of this book was published in 1998, many events have occurred which impact significantly upon the nature and practise of leadership – and the assumptions we hold about it. The dramatic increase in sophisticated, highly-coordinated global terrorism, conducted by passionately committed people, not afraid to die in the process, has demanded a fundamental re-think in counterterrorism responses, at the highest levels of political, military and business leadership. Geopolitical studies of the dynamics of power and power shifts, globally and locally, confirm the three classical sources of power – violence, wealth and knowledge and the changing interplay between them – as major determinants of both international and national leadership response policies and strategies. The goalposts and ground-rules are changing faster than ever, yet responses remain largely piecemeal and unco-ordinated. As Dr. Patrick Dixon, of Global Change Ltd says – “we are living today in a ‘global city’ of some five billion people, where there are no agreed common laws or ethics. In effect, a vast socio-political vacuum, without the authority of universal ideals. Global lawlessness of such a scale creates enormous challenges for those leading any organization of significance and magnitude.” The organized protests of powerful anti-capitalist and anti-corporation pressure groups, similarly, are forcing leaders in government and business to review, re-consider and justify traditional commercial and financial success criteria within a moral, as well as economic, context, as issues of unethical exploitation and levels of poverty, disease and starvation, on a massive scale, continue to be treated by affluent nations as matters of relatively low priority. At a major international forum on AIDS in 2005, it was estimated that 46% of companies in the world would be affected by the disease and that this would pose significant management and leadership problems
for them in the foreseeable future. Just one year previously, 21% of organizations reported AIDS as an important issue for them, less than half of those in 2005, suggesting an escalation going out of control. Recent major financial scandals, such as those of Enron and Parmalat, inter alia, have led to fundamental legal overhauls in the rules and practise of corporate governance – and both the personal and collective responsibility for due diligence – on the part of senior executives and leaders, at Board level, throughout the business world, with implications of global significance. Likewise, much delayed acknowledgement, on the part of managements, of the critical importance of the intelligent deployment and use of talent and human potential is, at long last, emphasizing the universal need for leaders who can identify, develop and manage high performers, in ways which get the best out of the best and ensure sustainable competitive advantage for their businesses. Such talented high-flyers, in turn, expect to be led by comparably capable leaders who understand, respect and know how to make full use of their people’s talents Also giving far sharper edge – and, currently, more appropriately focused direction – to executive leader thinking and behaviour, is the new leadingedge research of both established and emerging academics such as Henry Mintzberg, John Kotter, Jagdish Parikh, Jim Collins, George Kohlrieser, Manfred Kets de Vries, Yury Boshyk, Peter Hanke and Jonas Ridderstråle, abroad – and John Adair, Charles Handy, Patrick Dixon, Jonathan Gosling, Donna Ladkin and Adrian Furnham, here in the UK. These are immensely talented people who have so much to offer. We can all learn from them. One of the most discussed, described and defined aspects of executive competence – leadership – continues to claim the utmost attention of practitioners and theorists alike. This book offers no definitive prescriptions, or panaceas, because there is no one ‘right’ approach that applies, universally, to leading people – and businesses – towards guaranteed success.
Leadership, essentially a synthesis of arts, reflects individual experience, sensitivity, understanding, values and capabilities, influencing people and situations where, realistically, there is rarely an ‘ideal’ solution. Success as a leader so often results from the unique originality of individual responses, in a given situation, rather than by following established precepts, without sufficient thought to context and changing circumstances. Indeed, contextual awareness – and an understanding of the realities of the situation within which a leader operates – is really the starting point in establishing the most appropriate leadership responses, or ‘style’, likely to be successful. This does not mean that today’s leaders cannot learn from their predecessors or, for that matter, blithely ignore what is currently reckoned to be ‘best practice’. Clearly, the distilled wisdom and experience of generations of leaders – successful and otherwise – and the lessons to be drawn from those presently operating in conditions akin to our own, are invaluable sources of learning for anyone in a leadership role. But there is an urgent need to identify and test out NEW thinking and practices that match current and predicted circumstances. There is much, therefore, that we need to question and challenge in our traditional assumptions about leadership and what may be considered to be appropriate leader behaviour, since the dramatic pace – and extent – of change, in the fields of science, technology and information technology, have left many of our conventional and traditional leadership paradigms trailing somewhat. Other vital ingredients in the cocktail that is effective leadership, must include the intellect, temperament, personal values, energy and courage of the individual leader, that is – their mindset, professional competence and personal ‘horsepower’. For too long, the personal attributes of leaders have been largely rejected by fashionable and over-exaggerated swings of the theorists’ pendulums. More recently, the conveniently distorted, or sanitized, logic of political correctness has also sought to exclude ‘nature’, by concentrating upon ‘nurture’, as the predominant, if not sole, determinant of leader effectiveness. Leaders, as such, are neither entirely ‘born’, nor ‘made’ – they are inevitably the product of the complex
interplay of genetics and environment – but the best largely develop themselves. Their philosophy for success would appear to be: ‘It’s not the hand of cards that you are dealt, that is critical, but how you play them.’ What experience – and recent research – indicate, however, is that the leader’s integrity, competence and evolving style need to be given maximum opportunity to develop, to the full extent of that individual’s unique potential. In this book, the intention is to give sufficient emphasis to the need, in business, government and other arenas to invest leader development with the utmost significance and the themes, central to the process of working towards ‘mastery’, as a leader, are as follows: •
The developed ability to lead and manage change and organization transformation. Transformation is a way of life in management today, and there is rarely a finishing line in transformation. Learn to distinguish between fad, fashion and necessary/inevitable change.
Contextual awareness and sensitivity. Understand what is going on around you that is relevant to your business and to its continuing success, in the conditions that differentiate today from yesterday – and tomorrow from today.
Keep learning open, updated and continuous. Involve yourself and those whom you lead, continuously, in relevant learning that will at least enable you to keep pace with the rate of change, degree of uncertainty and paradox that, together, characterize much of today’s business world. Handin-hand with great uncertainty, it seems, there is near limitless opportunity, compared with only 20 years ago.
Identify relevant strengths and constantly capitalize upon them. Establish what you – and others – do well, as leaders and knowledge professionals, and constantly build upon these strengths, both enhancing and adding value to them. Continually find NEW ways to engage and deploy talent – it’s your greatest asset.
Recognize and acknowledge your weaknesses and take action to improve on them. Become – and remain – realistically aware of your shortcomings as a leader, and the gaps in both your experience and understanding – and take the necessary action to plug those personal competency gaps.
Recruit people around you who are more capable and knowledgeable than you. Have the courage to use their talents and allow them to challenge you. As in developing sporting prowess – in leadership – you learn most from people who are more capable than you.
Upgrade, upgrade and upgrade, again. (Three of the most important things you can do, as a leader.) Continually expand and extend your skills, knowledge and understanding – including your self-awareness – drawing on progressively wider, differing sources of information, learning, professional experience and personal development, for yourself – and for your team.
This book is an attempt to invite you to re-visit a leadership journey that you may already be familiar with, but might usefully explore again, with new eyes. As Marcel Proust said: “The real art of discovery is not to visit new lands, but to see existing ones with different eyes.” Perhaps above all, people want to be led by leaders who are authentic and whom they can trust. They want real leaders who are essentially themselves – not phoney imitations of public figures like Richard Branson, Jack Welch or Anita Roddick. A second invitation is to look at – and be prepared to explore further – some things that you might not yet know of but which, it is hoped, may open up new, exciting concepts, challenges and productive opportunities for you, in undertaking your particular leadership journey.
Much of the book, necessarily, is in the form of an appetite-whetter, to stimulate interest and commitment, in the hope that you will seek out other sources of information and learning that will encourage you to explore, in more depth, those leadership issues that are relevant to you and your team or business. I have drawn upon the distilled experiences, ideas, theories – and practices – of a good many people, several of whom are personal clients or colleagues, as well as upon my own research and experience, of over 50 years, in a wide variety of leadership roles. Wherever possible, I have set out to give representative views and experience. After over half a century in, initially, the armed services – then in business, from junior shop-floor to board level leadership roles and, finally, following 26 of those years in both academia and management consultancy, I have very gratefully drawn upon professional contact with, I estimate, over 9,000 leaders. A journey into leadership, aiming for mastery – especially when travelling with an open mind and a willingness to experiment and take a few risks – is a fascinating and rewarding one. I hope that you enjoy it and find it worth your while. Michael Williams
The need for new leadership mindsets
The need for new leadership mindsets
The ultimate insult for a 2006 business colleague: ‘You’re stuck in a late twentieth-century time-warp – get into the third millennium’ DR. PATRICK DIXON, GLOBAL CHANGE LTD.
The need for capable, active leadership – like change itself – remains, more than ever, one of the key constants in a world of dramatic and fundamental shifts. That world – which is the defining context of leadership – demands leader mindsets and competencies of a higher quality than hitherto. To be on the road to ‘mastery’, demands, too, inspired, professional instinct, honed by constantly analyzed experience and continuous learning. As Dr Donna Ladkin 1 of the Centre for Leadership Studies, at Exeter University states, ‘Mastery has two aspects: firstly, mastery of “content” and secondly mastery of the self.’ Both dimensions form the core themes of this book. The globalization of business with the consequent realities of ‘world class’ operations, strategic alliances and coalitions, changing markets and aggressive competitor initiatives, demands managerial responses – and hence leadership – of the highest quality, in order for organizations to survive. Much of that survival is now dependent upon new practice, based upon state-of-the-art knowledge – not simply ‘best’ practice. Getting to tomorrow before the competition and understanding just what keeps you ahead of the game are critical factors underpinning strategies for success. Competitive advantage is no longer a matter of excellence – that is now taken for granted and simply puts a company on the starter’s list. The need to create and add value, by making optimum use of multi-disciplinary talent to ensure sustained competitive advantage, demands managements which possess mindsets and competencies very different
from those of the previous executive generation. Indeed, one major weakness in many top executive teams is that some are members, largely because they were right for such roles a decade ago, but have been overtaken by far-reaching change and have not moved with the times. This is often more a matter of mindset, rather than one of age. A survey conducted by the author, in one major public utility, confirmed that over 65% of senior executives and managers were working up to 60% of their time on what were essentially ‘yesterday’s’ activities and priorities – not on those critical to competitive advantage, today and tomorrow. Amongst supervisory and staff levels, almost 80% were engaged in ‘activity’, rather than focused work aligned to company current needs (see Chapter 4). Similar investigations in private sector businesses confirmed up to 45% of executives were similarly spending substantial amounts of time influenced by – and working on – yesterday’s issues. Today’s world is fast becoming a far more challenging, testing and demanding arena – or, more accurately, a series of both interdependent and contradictory arenas. As a consequence, the boundaries of leaders’ accountabilities have become blurred and responsibility for the leader role rotates, in project working and cross-functional activities, for example, faster and more frequently than hitherto. It is, more than ever before, becoming a world of high uncertainty and little apparent security – yet one of abundant opportunity. However, even today, at the outset of the 21st century, far too few people recognize that there is significantly greater security in being employable – than there is in being employed. Certainty and security, as characteristics of company fortunes, market conditions and career longevity are, for practical purposes, fast disappearing attributes. Hence a need for people to create and sustain their own ‘secure bases’, based upon collaboration, shared aligned goals and opportunities to excel and generate success collectively. In what is essentially ‘new paradigm thinking’ and ‘new age management’, both the life cycles of organizations – and the career progression of individuals – have essentially become journeys into the unknown; into what Richard Leider2 termed ‘the land of I don’t knows’. So much of organization transformation is now driven by the impact of sophisticated information technology, as well as by rapidly developing product technologies and systems of logistics.
Stepping out from under the protective umbrella of assumed ‘certainty’ and engaging in a world where it is no longer possible to predict, with any guarantees – either the nature of many challenges, or the outcomes of their apparent resolution – demands of today’s leaders quite different mindsets and levels of awareness, perceptiveness and professional competence. Increasingly, leaders in business find themselves bereft of instant solutions and traditional quick fixes. The world is moving into a time of greater complexity and paradox, where ‘either – or’ options, followed by ‘both – and’ solutions are already proving to be both optimal and more realistic answers to so many of today’s challenges. For example: Moving into increasing uncertainty and ambiguity requires the opposite of so many values, stances, attitudes and skills that have traditionally been the stock-in-trade of the manager. Fear of failure, attendant risk aversion and obsessive preoccupation with often little more than – ‘next month’s figures’ have tended to breed too many leaders who are ill-equipped to survive – let alone succeed – in what Charles Handy3 has termed ‘the age of unreason’. Reality indicates that what White, Hodgson & Crainer4 refer to as the ‘white water’ environment – a challenging world of turbulence, uncertainty and confusion – is already with us, where loosening our grip on the past and shedding previous thinking and practices, in order to understand the future, is essential to success. Fundamental to their argument is the view that some of what represented the leading edge of management, even five years ago, may no longer be congruent with currently much needed leadership mindsets and behaviours.
The ‘new leader’ mindset As Robert Pascale5 states, ‘Most adults act their way into new ways of thinking – rather than thinking their way into new ways of acting…’ One dilemma still unresolved for many leaders is that of knowing how best to be part of the group, yet understanding how to lead it with optimum impact.
Yet the contextual sensitivity and awareness, so critical to making sense of changed, or evolving circumstances, is based upon the recognition that leading differently, in order to make a difference within a changed context means:
Figure 1 suggests where and how ‘New Leader’ mindsets – and practices – may need to differ, fundamentally, from their traditional counterparts, as the result of changing contexts:
Improvement (Becoming better)
Transformation (Becoming different)
Creating Creating
Designing, creating and managing your future NOW, through greater contextual understanding
Balance of Leader’s Time and Behaviour
Making a necessary difference, as a leader, may mean radically re-positioning priorities and behaviour
As Figure 1 indicates, so much of contextual awareness and sensitivity is about increased learning, in order to understand what is happening and what has changed, and exploring the impact of that change with
greater creatively and resourcefulness. As a consequence of that learning, leaders need to modify behaviour and actions, to match the new, different demands and imperatives of changing conditions and circumstances – both globally and locally. Research conducted by Vth Dimension Consultancy6 contrast the much slower, substantially less extensive rate of change and development in our traditional assumptions about leadership and what leaders are supposed to do, with the dramatic concurrent changes in various technologies over, for example, the last 4,000 years. Figure 2 illustrates the very obvious exponential nature of the various technological change curves, during just the last 100 years or so while many of our beliefs and assumptions about leadership appear to trail well behind. Pace and Extent of Change Radical
The Leadership ‘Gap’
Communications technology General technology (incl transport) Military technology Social awareness Leadership assumptions
Negligible Time Egyptian
Source: Nick Obolensky, Vth Dimension (Adapted)
Clearly, those in leadership roles frequently would appear to be ‘wired-up’ in very different ways from the professional ‘DNA’ of some of their scientific and technological colleagues. So, what are the crucial implications of such a disparity and discontinuity? What is most likely to go wrong where assumptions about leadership and leader
behaviour are so out of sync with the pace – and extent – of changes in key technologies, especially IT? What leader mindsets, attributes and competencies are essential to bring leadership styles and practice into line with current needs? One critical implication given emphasis by Vth Dimension’s model is that the rapidly accelerated pace of change, of the different technologies cited, is both the result of – and, in turn, has also created – highly talented professional specialists, scientists and technologists. The talents and specialized – often scarce, or unique – knowledge of such people are, undoubtedly, an organization’s greatest asset yet, how often are they so wantonly wasted, ignored, or mis-used, through a lack of applied intelligent, capable leadership and management? Effective talent management, the creative, enlightened development and use of so-called ‘human capital’, remains, in rather too many organizations, as policies and practices that continue to receive little more than lip service. Working in companies throughout the UK and in both eastern and western continental Europe, we have come across too much of what can only be described as the ‘passive’ leadership and management of people and their contributory knowledge and skills. Leadership is first and foremost an active – not passive – process which involves engaging people’s emotions, as well as their intellect, to enable them to excel in their roles and in the tasks which lie at the heart of their organization’s business. This is the very essence of the leader role. As Omar Khan7 Chairman of Sensei International states, ‘Leadership is a passion. It is up to us to engage our people fully’. Talented specialists and high performing professionals have comparably high expectations of those who are appointed as their leaders. They are likely to give of their best in a well-managed environment, where there is a palpable high-achievement ethic and where there are committed, energetic and informed leaders who actively respect, demonstrably understand and consciously use their people’s knowledge and talents, to advantage. People tend to rise to the level of belief that others (particularly respected ‘authority figures’) show in them, but it is an appropriately demonstrated belief that is likely to have the greatest motivational impact on them. It
is a style of managing people that might be described as – ‘Close-quarter’ leadership, which is primarily ‘eyes-and-ears-on’, but ‘hands-off’, and available, when needed. It is most certainly not ‘micro-management’, with its connotations of ‘breathing down necks’ or ‘looking over shoulders’. Rather, it is a role where the leader is both servant and coach and whose primary task is to do, or provide, what is necessary, to enable people to operate, day-to-day, to the limits of their competence and potential. It is a role based upon the personal authority of leader’s competence, knowledge and understanding – not the authoritarianism of rank or reputation. Perhaps above all, leadership is authoritative power and influence, tempered by high integrity, empathy and a degree of humility. This essentially ‘human’ side of leadership emerges, typically, as leaders engage, enthuse and energize people, mobilize them and steer them through doubt, or uncertainty, to achieve those goals which represent a better, shared future. As Field Marshal Sir William Slim8 said, “Leadership is of the spirit, compounded of personality, emotion and vision. Management is a matter of the mind and calculation.” Within that context, true leadership is about:
Going first, setting the example and building commitment through successive – often simple – acts, day-by-day, that build trust, create momentum and generate progress.
Developing more resourceful ‘initiators’ and leaders – not merely ‘followers’.
Creating – and sustaining – a high achievement ethic to which people want to belong and within which they can excel, add value, grow and leave legacies.
Inspiring people to act effectively and deliver – especially in adverse circumstances by providing stability, as well as the stimulus of challenge.
Taking risks in promoting, deploying and using talent intelligently, to produce the right results.
Following through and following up on promises given and actions taken (one of the enduring key hallmarks of personal and professional credibility).
Ensuring that the pace and extent of learning at least keep up with the rate (and nature) of change taking place – and remaining relevant. Concentrate on developing your mindset, as a leader, even more so than developing your skills.
As Figure 3 demonstrates, personal ‘horsepower’, as a leader and the mindset that gives focus and direction to that horsepower (the ‘CAN DO – WILL DO – DO DO’ nexus) lies at the root of a leader’s personal development and professional growth.
Personal ‘Horsepower’: Can do – will do The ‘Horsepower’
The mindset
Courage and willpower
Personal consistency and discipline
Intellect/cognitive intelligence
Honesty and authenticity Intolerance of mediocrity
Emotional intelligence
A concern to build mutual trust
Professional judgement
A focused passion for the business
ACTIVE recognition/use of talent
Resilient resourcefulness Communication skills Integrity
Some issues to reflect upon and that act as a personal and professional ‘GPS’ in the leadership journey towards ‘mastery’ are: •
Being a ‘good’ manager does not necessarily mean being a good leader – and vice-versa.
Management and leadership are not two different things – but they are at different ends of the same spectrum of executive responsibility and activity.
What value does your leadership create and add, that wasn’t there before?
Reality confirms that there is no one universally ‘right’ style of leading or managing and managerial wisdom probably begins with the acknowledgement of that truth.
The real moment of truth in leadership is, “It’s your call boss, so what are you/we going to DO?”
Frequently, leading from behind, in the often understated role of facilitator or enabler, may be more effective than leading from the front. As General, the Marquis de Lafayette9 stated, “I am their leader, therefore I must follow them.” In no way pre-empting Gilbert and Sullivan’s Duke of PlazaToro, Lafayette was saying, in effect, ‘What do my people NEED me to do, as their leader, to help them to be more effective and to do an even better job?’
Communication that resonates and registers with people is critical in the leader-supporter relationship. Simply telling people something once – especially if they are under pressure – may be little better than not telling them at all.
The old maxim ‘He/she who communicates, leads’ applies even more today, as text messaging and e-mailing continue to supercede oral communication, so making valuable dialogues an even greater rarity. More than ever before, leaders must ensure that the message has gone home and that it is being acted upon as intended. Old-fashioned it may seem, to some, in this electronic era, yet there is no gain saying the critical relevance of leadership by example, as the irrefutable basis for leader credibility and trust. Such credibility is much more than a positive answer to the question, “Do you believe your leader?” It is the measure of the response, “Yes” to the far wider question, “Do you believe IN your leader?” One example of this is the number of political leaders, of all parties, who have been consigned to the bin of history, in recent years, because their supporters lost faith and confidence in them, or saw them as no longer trustworthy. Many boardrooms, likewise, are graveyards for the reputations of directors who have fallen from grace because, as ‘yesterday’s stars’, they have failed to read the determining signs and move with the times. Consequently, they have lost credibility as leaders of the present and of the future.
‘Management’, or ‘Leadership’? Perhaps more clearly than most, John Kotter10 has defined the distinctions between leading and managing yet, in a sense, Field Marshal Slim’s definition (above) sums up the basic differences most simply and succinctly. However, what seems to be a practical way of distinguishing one function from the other is to see them as essentially two ends of the same executive continuum, but where they are linked, inescapably and naturally, as complementary processes. Activities, resources, time and events have to be managed – often concurrently – with the energizing, mobilizing and leading of the people involved. What Kotter has so usefully added to the otherwise traditionally interminable ‘either-or’ debate, is the importance of maintaining equilibrium between the two. Using leadership and management axes, he has developed a model to demonstrate the typical outcomes (author’s summary) of:
Strong management and strong leadership
Well organized/well motivated, successful team
Strong management and weak leadership
Administratively sound, but little inspiration
Strong leadership and weak management
Inspired and motivated, but disorganized
Weak management and weak leadership
No hope – and ‘death’ imminent
With an experienced, capable executive, the shift in gearing from, ‘leading’ to ‘managing’, is natural and virtually imperceptable, and the impression given can frequently be one of the consummate professional executive in action. Figure 4 (below) develops the concept of a management-leadership continuum and the complementary – and, at times, overlapping – nature of the two processes. The model distinguishes the complementary func-
tions and indicates some of principal behavioural and role differences between leading and managing:
Managing Leading Goals/objectives Control Co-ordination Calculation
Goals/vision Motivation Mobilization Passion
Planning and direction
Pace and direction
Managing risk
Taking risks
Managing resources
Leading talent
Expanding the differing characteristics of the two ends of the continuum, the patterns of complementary behaviours and activities look like this:
Define purpose, goals and outcomes
Communicate hope, vision and mission
Set policy and strategy
Agree values – lead by inspiration
Provide structure and support systems
Create a great environment
Agree schedules/timescales
Crystallize aspirations and expectations
Plan, organize and align resources
Engage people fully, in great projects
Establish parameters and controls
Create and build a high-achieving ethic
Manage information and knowledge
Identify, develop and USE talent
As John Kotter11 says, ‘Management is important, but leadership is essential’. Ask anyone who was in New York on 9/11 how critically important Mayor Giuliani’s presence and words as a leader were, as he revealed himself to be at one with people there on that fateful day. In his excellent book – The ONE thing you need to know… – Marcus Buckingham12 so poignantly describes just how aptly Mayor Giuliani reflected the feelings and emotions of those who experienced the trauma of 9/11. As Buckingham eloquently states,‘We didn’t know what was going to happen next, but we now knew that in him we had a leader who would do right by us, who would steer us through uncertainty. He had voiced what was in our hearts. He had spoken for us all. And we loved him for it.’ Some testimonial. Some leader. Inevitably, the extent to which leadership and management operate at the leading edge will depend upon the situation within which the leader is working and the ‘functioning maturity’ of those who are being led. At its most simple, the functioning maturity of the supporters, or followers, is a realistic and practical measure of: 1.
their ability to do the job expected of them (do, or don’t they have the necessary capability and competence?)
their confidence and commitment to do what is expected of them.
In other words, can they – will they and DO they – deliver? The most well-known and frequently referred to model of the fundamental need to match leader style with follower maturity is, of course, the Hersey-Blanchard12 situational approach concept, described in more detail later in this book, along with other successful and practical leadership models. Directors and Managers often fail as leaders because they: •
fail to grow emotionally at the same rate that they ‘grow’ technologically and commercially
fail to make enough creative connections with and for their people
fail to engage the hearts, passions and strengths of their people and know too little about their inner needs and concerns
fail to manage their egos and so allow too many ‘non-work’, territorial and political issues to contaminate their goals and performance
fail to set – and live – the necessary example people expect of them. As Oliver Goldsmith stated, ‘You can preach a better sermon with your life than with your lips.’
Summary Though one of the most debated issues in management, leadership remains one where there is the least common understanding. The accelerating pace of change and consequent radical developments – especially amongst the key technologies of our age – is not matched by the rate of growth in our assumptions about leadership and what leaders are there to do. The consequent rapid growth in the number of scientists, technologists and other high performing ‘knowledge workers’ – and especially the extent to which their unique talents are not fully engaged and used – highlights a major gap in leader competencies and mindsets. One outcome of this leadership ‘gap’ is that we are so often not getting the best out of our best. To address this widespread challenge we need different leader mindsets, as well as new leadership skills. We need leaders who think, feel and act differently and who see the vital importance of learning – and the development of new requisite knowledge – every bit as much as they appreciate the significance of last week’s, or next month’s figures. This means developing leaders who see the importance of ‘serving’ their people and coaching them, as well as directing and leading them. ‘New leader’ mindsets are needed to engage and manage talent more intelligently and actively, than hitherto and to create environments – and roles – where talented people can excel, day-to-day. Essentially a ‘leadership’ challenge, this is also a significant issue in organizational and resource ‘management’.
SOME POINTS FOR REFLECTION AND DISCUSSION 1. To what extent has technology (including IT) outstripped the leadership assumptions and practices in your organization? 2. What has been the impact upon the development, management and effective use of talent? 3. What are the key attributes of the leader mindset necessary to manage today more effectively, as well as tomorrow? (Think of Marcus Buckingham’s powerful, yet sensitive description of Mayor Giuliani’s role in the events of 9/11.) 4. If you don’t yet have these strengths to the necessary degree, how will you develop them fast enough to become a great organization and one that talented, high performers will want to join? 5. Given a free hand, how would you like to re-structure, manage and lead your department/company differently, for greater effectiveness?
The transformational leader mindset
The transformational leader mindset
‘Currently, the role of leaders is unnerving. It is like walking towards gunfire, instead of seeking shelter. But it is an opportunity to escape from the comfort and safety of interpreted experience and ANON venture down untrodden paths…’
Beware fads, fashions and fetishes The proliferation of fads and fashions in management thinking, especially over the last two decades, has tended to send too many people, ever in search of panaceas, down inappropriate one-way streets – if not blind alleys. Undoubtedly sound, relevant and responsible thinking has emerged from many of the so-called management gurus, but the fad of downsizing and consequent ‘corporate anorexia’ has not always proved to be the cure-all so many predicted with such conviction. Indeed, based upon disappointing experience, the tide has already turned, with natural ‘organic growth’ (together with informed awareness and reasoning) representing a return to more appropriately responsive and intelligent organizational re-structuring and development. The tendency in the 1990s to ‘downsize’ and ‘de-layer’ became a prime case of a valid principle – and equally appropriate practices – being pushed too hard, too quickly and with too little real understanding of the resultant dangers and drawbacks. Too often, it seems, balanced thinking and common sense become victim to current fashion and fetish, as the pendulum is allowed to swing too far, too fast, with insufficient thought being given to the consequences of such over-reaction. Clearly, reduced, delayered hierarchies do have major relevance in the search to operate in ‘leaner’, more efficient ways. However, hand-inhand with such revolutionary and far-reaching changes must go the awareness, understanding, skill – and courage – to develop and capi-
talize upon them to optimum effect. Especially important is the need to take full advantage of the many opportunities to make far more use of talent and potential that delayered structures offer. As is only too obvious, we are well into a major technological, commercial and managerial revolution, the like of which we have not experienced before in terms of pace, magnitude, complexity and absence of certainty. The full impact is, as yet, incalculable – other than in our somewhat piecemeal appreciations of developments. What is more, the process of change is gathering momentum and accelerating, as Figure 2 (Chapter 1) confirms. The net result is that companies will continually need to reinvent, renew and restructure themselves in order to make headway in the rush of turbulent ‘white water’ that is today’s business world. In such conditions, where so many people are confronted by a multiplicity of ‘don’t know’ issues and paradoxes, effective leadership becomes paramount in the processes of pathfinding, modelling the way and goal achievement. As Bill Gates says “Who wants to be part of the establishment… they’re there to be overthrown.”
Leadership in transforming organizations Today, what was seen as radical only five years ago, is now considered to be the norm. Increasingly, leaders are expected to identify areas of productive uncertainty that are likely to lead to competitive advantage and corporate growth. The CEO of a packaging company1 put this issue succinctly, at a top teambuilding workshop, “We are in the midst of a major business process re-engineering exercise, and I have to admit I just don’t know what we will look like, as an organization, when we come out at the end of the project. I don’t even know what, or when, we mean by ‘project end’. I am certain, though, that many good things are already coming out of the exercise. People – right down to the shop floor – have suddenly come alive. There’s a buzz around the place that I’ve never experienced before. People talk and co-operate in ways that they didn’t before we started the process of change. At times I’m terrified and wonder what I’ve started, but the sense
of sharing in a worthwhile adventure is unbelievable and my gut tells me to see it through. That’s the feeling, too, of virtually everyone else here.” A man of immense courage, he was also guided by what has been termed ‘the pristine innocence of perception.’ Experience already indicates that well managed and effectively led ‘flatter’ organizations, with reduced chains of command and greater scope for flexibility, contributory initiative, and cross-functional working, are likely to be better equipped to cope with – and to capitalize upon – such fundamental changes, given sound leadership. Much of the revolution is based upon paradigm shifts, where the new order of things so frequently represents a complete break from the past – not merely a development of it, which is why the term ‘re-invented corporation’ 2 is relevant and accurately describes the level of changed organizational response necessary, on the part of managements. As Hirschorn & Gilmore3 of Wharton Business School, have stated, “The traditional organization ‘map’ describes a world that no longer exists. In the new organization, subordinates must challenge in order to follow – while superiors must listen in order to lead.” Henry Mintzberg4 adds significantly to this description with the comments, “Organizations don’t have ‘tops’ and ‘bottoms’. These are inaccurate metaphors. What organizations really have are the ‘outer’ people, connected to the world – and the ‘inner’ ones disconnected from it. In addition, there are many ‘middle’ managers trying desperately to integrate the ‘inner’ and ‘outer’ with each other.” Thus, a substantially different view of how businesses actually function and operate begins to emerge from these two descriptions, from the traditional perceptions of neat hierarchical structures, as typically portrayed in so many company organization charts. In the spirit and context of – plus ça change – the pioneering work of Eliot Jaques5 in the 1950s and ’60s, who defined four distinct dimensions to organization, remains relevant and up-to-date, as a practical way of reviewing the dynamics of a transforming organization structure. Jaques’ model similarly opens up important implications for leaders whose challenges lie in the organizational issues of – role differentia-
tion, teamworking, accountabilities and collective, multi-disciplinary routes to goal achievement, i.e.: 1.
The MANIFEST organization – as formally described in the company’s organization chart. (But which describes the organization when it is not actually working. ‘A map is not the world, but merely a representation of it.’)
The ASSUMED organization, which is what people believe, or assume, the structure of roles and relationships to be. (There may be as many assumptions about how the organization functions as there are people in it. In one team-building exercise, involving the nine members of a specialist, high-tech department, we were confronted by seven different perceptions of key reporting relationships and team structure!)
The EXTANT organization, which is the reality of people’s roles, interactions and relationships. (This is what is REALLY happening, in terms of who does what, who takes orders from whom and who has the influence and ‘power’, within a given structure.)
The REQUISITE organization, representing the structure of roles, inter-relationships currently considered to be essential for the effective, successful functioning of the business. (This is the structure currently most likely to help the organization – or team – to function optimally and deliver.) Today, even ‘requisite’ structures are not known for their longevity, as tomorrow’s organization begins to appear on the leader’s horizon.
Colin Hastings6 , formerly of Ashridge Management College, identifies seven ‘hallmarks’ of requisite ‘New Paradigm’ Organization. They are as follows: 1
Radical decentralization. (Based on the concept – ‘small is beautiful and effective’)
Intense interdependence. (Multi-disciplinary working)
Demanding expectations. (i.e. self-demanding and demanding of others)
Transparent performance standards. (i.e. clear and clearly communicated)
Distributed leadership.(Moving roles and responsibilities for leadership)
Boundary busting. (The systmatic awareness an delimination of unnecessary barriers and blockages)
Networking and reciprocity. (Direct relationships and intense communication between people)
The seven ‘hallmarks’ emphasize the essential leader interventions – especially those that involve enabling, facilitating and politically sensitive ‘cross-border’ activities
Hastings’ internally focused model reinforces the need for transformational leadership mindsets and ‘horsepower’ which will continually challenge the continued relevance of:
Conventional wisdom and traditional assumptions by ‘positive abrasion’.
The current business model, its rationale, its strategies and its goals.
Existing values, taboos and sacred cows.
Equally, transformational leaders will, typically: 1.
Make happen what would otherwise probably not happen.
Create environments – including roles and projects – that fully engage people and enable them to give of their best for at least 80% of their time.
Demand innovation, encourage risk-taking and foster learning from failure.
Model the way forward, by leading through purpose, relevance and meaning.
Encourage challenge from below and from colleagues. (“Our success is the result of the continuous upward flow of ideas’’ – Wellstream Northsea philosophy.)
Inspire people and encourage them to achieve more than they ever believed was possible.
Make fun a priority. (Philosophies of South Western Airlines – probably the most profitable airline today – and Richer Sounds, the highly successful UK-based music company.)
Continually ask – ‘why?’ and ‘why not?’
As we have seen, we are, undoubtedly, in an age of complex uncertainty and paradox, where skills, hitherto regarded as inappropriate – or simply not even considered – are now essential, for managers to be effective and for businesses to survive, let alone grow. Leadership, it would seem is, increasingly, going to be characterized by: •
The need to overcome fear of failure and replace it with confidence in the belief that it is alright to fail, provided that people learn from failure and move on, ready to try again.
Moving out of traditional ‘comfort zones’ with a more open mind, ready to experiment and try out new, different ideas and practices.
Risk taking, rather than risk-aversion, i.e. raising the game personally and encouraging others to do so – especially so in the early promotion and use of talent.
Testing (and ‘busting’) of the restrictive boundaries, based upon conviction, courage, creativity – and pressure for results.
Breaking moulds and recognizing that what was seen as radical is rapidly coming to be regarded as the current norm, in leadership and management.
Acknowledging the crucial value of learning and the need for continual up-dating of knowledge, understanding – and practice.
Both research and direct experience currently indicate four areas of the transformational mindset that emerge as crucial for today’s managers and business leaders: •
Passion (and ability) to create and sustain excellence, from new knowledge and practices.
Proactive awareness and a visionary capacity for anticipatory thinking and action.
Recognition of the importance of innovation and the skill to identify, tap into – and build upon – available sources of creative talent.
Integrative competence and the ability to co-ordinate the constituent parts and strengths of an organization into cohesive and effective production and delivery.
Today, certainty is even less of a reality in management strategy – and decision making. As both corporate re-invention and personal ‘upgrading’ become features of what is essentially a continuous learning response to revolutionary change, so three core areas of both strategic and operational competence emerge for ‘Leader Managers’ in the 21st century:
TRANSFORMATIONAL COMPETENCE necessarily, includes a high ability to: •
Visualize the future, as it will probably impact upon the business, in all its facets. Informed, intuitive speculation is likely to be just as important as ‘forensic’, cognitive diagnosis.
‘Design’ the future of the business, in response to perceived and predicted likely future demands. Here, too, a clear sense of intended direction, speculative awareness, ‘pathfinding’ and a marked capacity to generate likely alternative scenarios are essential competencies.
Create – and take – future opportunities for the business (and the talent within it) and so break free of inappropriate past practices, beliefs and mindsets.
Act with courage, acuity and persistence, so remaining effective in conditions of uncertainty, contradiction and constant change. In particular, recognizing that management is essentially a team process and essentially involves using the collective strength of people – especially talented key players – in times of uncertainty.
INTEGRATIVE COMPETENCE, as a leader, is essentially about being able to: •
Conceptualize the organization as a whole, ie being capable of thinking – and acting – corporately and cross-functionally.
Focus and articulate, with conviction, shared visions, aspirations and legitimate role expectations.
Position oneself as a ‘co-creator’ of success, ie first among equals, and not as an ‘heroic leader’ – so many more things are possible with an engaged ‘we’, rather than with merely ‘I’.
Ensure necessary ‘synthesis’ from ‘thesis’ and ‘anti-thesis’ where there are conflicting interests, priorities and values, i.e. learn to create NEW unity from apparent paradox.
MOBILIZING COMPETENCE, in the context of change and uncertainty, includes the following crucial leadership skills: •
Building strong ‘bonds’ with, and between, team members, based on high mutual trust and respect.
Motivating and energizing often risk-averse, confused and/or ‘self-insulting’ people.
Enabling and facillitating their lease of necessary contributive skills and talent.
Exemplary behaviour, i.e. leadership by example and integrity is returning increasingly to the fore, in an uncertain world where credible ‘know how’ and ‘do how’ are at a premium.
‘Political’ awareness and personal ‘clout’, i.e.’horsepower’, allied to networking skills, in order to work successfully across cultural, national and functional boundaries.
Coaching ability, hence skills in initiating, sustaining and enhancing focused learning and development for people.
Figure 5 (below) shows the typical combined influences of transforming, integrating and mobilizing upon the culture and operating style of an organization. The absence of any one or more of these leadership functions is likely to have a profound effect upon the way a business, or team, operates, and experience suggests the three processes themselves are likely to have maximum impact when they are being implemented in harmony with each other. To achieve this, the activities need to be co-ordinated and the process ‘coached’ with the key players. The organizational model represented in Figure 5 is largely self-explanatory, but its purpose is to emphasize the importance of high competence in each of the three fundamental leadership processes and to highlight the crucial significance of adaptive interplay between them.
Gentlemen’s club
Dynamic adaptive organization renewal
Organized conservative parochialism
Organized innovative chaos
z ili
Cohesive status quo
Orderly progressive change
Going nowhere separately
Subversion and anarchy
Transformation is primarily about moving a business from its ‘here and now’ to a desired or requisite changed state of affairs. Effective transformational leadership acknowledges the reality of the Nike Sportswear Company’s philosophy, which is that, ‘In transformation, there is no finish line’. Integration is essential as a leader function in aligning and focusing the contributions of often, many, different individuals – especially key players – and the constituent parts of the business, in concerted, co-ordinated effort, directed towards the achievement of common goals. Integrative competence also involves relating an organization’s operational and strategic roots to its current situation and these, in turn, to the requisite future shape of the business. Mobilization is vital as a leadership function in bringing about necessary voluntary synergy – the collective, focused adrenaline and commitment
of people who want to succeed and who, like the pilgrims of Flecker’s poem, will go ‘...always a little further’, in striving for success Underpinning the three crucial leadership functions of transforming, integrating and mobilizing are four fundamental leader personal strengths which become paramount when businesses face high uncertainty, major change, or significant stress, according to a recent Fortune Top 500 Study of 48 firms. They are: 1.
The ability to define visions and goals, with a clear sense of purpose and direction.
The ability to demonstrate strong confidence and belief in themselves and in those with whom they work.
The readiness to communicate high performance expectations and standards and a refusal to tolerate mediocrity.
The readiness to demonstrate personal sacrifice, resolve, determination, persistence and courage and so lead by example.
The sheer guts to keep going forward, through the recurring uncertainty of transformation, the political acumen necessary to win commitment from the unconvinced, and the strength to act as a ‘spinal column’ to the wavering, reflect the need for exceptional leaders to carry changes through. Even more so is this true when organizations live by Gary Hamel’s7 dictum, “If you have a good strategy today, it’s time to change it” and when it is so much easier to live with the seemingly safer rule – ‘If it ain’t broke – don’t fix it’. Figure 6, below, illustrates some variations in leader response to change and the styles that may be adopted – for better, or for worse – depending upon the leader’s:
orientation towards the future (including the possibilities as well as threats) that it may offer.
strength of motivation and drive to forge ahead to achieve necessary change objectives.
In what we are describing as a turbulent, ‘white water’ world the aquatic analogies seem appropriate.
Future orientation
GOING WITH THE FLOW Accepting change Expecting conflict and compromise Trusting in own ability to survive
SHOOTING THE RAPIDS Shaping and leading change Accepting the risks of taking action Confident in team’s abilities to thrive
CLINGING TO THE BANK Wishing change would go away Expecting the worst to happen Delaying decisions and action
SWIMMING UPSTREAM Leading the restistance to change Focusing on ‘fight’ and ‘sabotage’ Fearing failure and a lost cause
Goal driven Low
Transformation and change: there to be managed and led Conscious change is normally about improving on a current state of affairs in order to move forward to a more preferred, or requisite, set of conditions. In one sense, the essential ‘mechanics’ of change – and consequent sequence of the process – are relatively simple and logical, e.g: STEP 1 Understand the PRESSURE for change, i.e. the need to be different, or do things differently. STEP 2 Have a clear VISION of what the changed circumstances will look like, i.e. know how you want the differences to be. STEP 3 Ensure that you have the wherewithal and capability to change – and to make it stick. STEP 4 Know exactly what the first actionable steps are, who will take them and when and what form follow-on and follow-up will take against an agreed timetable.
With more complex and strategic transformation, there are really five significant processes to be intelligently managed and led. While, to some extent, there is an optimal sequence to their implementation, they need to be largely conducted in parallel, as a ‘roll-out’ programme of events. Key management and leadership tasks include: •
Setting the scene appropriately, at every stage, to win hearts and minds.
Linking and co-ordinating the different stages and activities, to integrate and align activities.
Ensuring effective follow-up – especially on implementation deadlines and agreed accountabilities for action.
The five, linked stages of the process of transformation, implemented in parallel, wherever practicable, are: 1. Secure buy-in. Build credibility and trust • Share vision and goals • Fully engage people in the changes(s) 2. Develop mindsets and build competency to • Understanding the change and its significance • Initiate, manage and lead necessary change • Ensure appropriate learning and knowledge 3. Develop teamwork to implement change • Within functional teams/departments • Cross-functionally, to develop ‘critical mass’ support and productive synergy 4. Ensure stock-takes and review • Review original goals and strategies • Add value to changes 5. Reinforce commitment to transformation • Reward outstanding contribution to change • Promote talented high performers • Ensure people have autonomy to succeed TRANSFORMATION TIME LINE
Summary The past is there to be learned from – not lived in – and as Eric Hoffer so succinctly put it, “In times of change, learners inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists”. By no means does this mean that we should ignore the past and discount experience, existing knowledge and common sense. Obviously, these all have a part to play in our capacity to make sense of the current – and future – world and, therefore, our part in it. Much of existing understanding and experience rapidly become obsolescent, in conditions of radical change and paradigm shift, unless there is continual ‘upgrading’ and learning – both individually and collectively – within management and functional teams. Equally, it is vital not to ‘throw the baby out with the bath water’ by falling victim to mere fadism and current ‘flavour’, and so not only missing the significant changes and trends but also inappropriately discarding sound established practices. Contextual sensitivity is fundamental to a transformational leader minset. Integrative competence is critical to drawing appropriate lessons and benefits from the past, the present – and what we may be able to predict of the future – in order to use, rather than lose, established talents and strengths for the good of the present, as well as the next, organizational ‘generation’. Increasingly, the management of paradox is becoming a feature of business life – and, therefore, leader competence. Managing the here and now – and reconciling pressures of the moment with longer term visions and goals – is one of the major determinants of the competencies really required by leaders now and into the next century. To a substantial degree, the future does belong to the learners, rather than simply the knowers. However, the Hegelian dialectic8 of taking the best of current ideas and practices (thesis) together with the best of new thinking (antithesis) and combining them, appropriately, (synthesis) remains just as relevant a philosophy of informed pragmatism, in conditions of change, as it did nearly two hundred years ago.
The three fundamental areas of the transformational leader mindset identified in Chapter 3 – transforming, integrating and mobilizing – are likely, more than ever before, to be key strategic leadership functions in enabling businesses to respond more effectively, to capitalize upon the challenges and opportunities inherent in times of change and uncertainty. We operate in a world which Vaclav Havel described as, “Experts can explain anything in the objective world to us, yet we understand our own lives less and less. We live in a post-modern world, where everything is possible but nothing is certain.” Increasingly, leadership in industry and business will need to be about enabling people to become more relevant, accountable and effective, in their work roles and relationships in such a changing and uncertain world. At its most fundamental, leadership is about providing what the group cannot provide by itself. No more is that so than during times of change, when the leader is there to establish buy-in and trust, model the way forward, go first and ensure that people have the knowledge, understanding and skills to capitalize upon and add their value to change. As the CEO9 of a major international high-technology company stated, “My primary task is to ‘coach the process’. I’m here, I believe, to ensure that the people who work in our organization are able to do their jobs, to the limits of their capability. I open doors, I knock down walls and I build bridges, where necessary. I’m really more of an ‘organizational civil engineer’ than a traditional CEO. Like me, managers in our organization exist to help others to make happen, what should happen.”
SOME POINTS FOR REFLECTION AND DISCUSSION 1. What have been/are the major paradigm shifts and transformations in your organization that have impacted upon: –
Organization structure?
Domain, ‘silo’, or cross-functional working?
The quality of collaborative working within key areas of the organization?
2. Given a blank sheet of paper (and a free hand) how would you re-arrange your role, those of your key team members and the structure of your own function in the business, in order to be able to respond more effectively to the challenges of change and uncertainty? 3. What do you see as the specific needs and opportunities for improved talent management in your organization? 4. Together with your direct reports (and/or your boss) carry out an ‘assumed’, ‘extant’, and ‘requisite’ analysis of the function/ organization you lead. What are the key management and leadership issues that emerge for action on your part? 5. What ideas, or lessons for transforming the areas of the business that you lead does the ‘transformation – integration – mobilization’ model give you? 6. How would you introduce and implement major strategic transformation, using the five stage model?
The baby and the bath water
The baby and the bath water
‘When leaders do their best work, they don’t copy anyone. They draw on their own values and capabilities.’ PROFESSOR ROBERT E. QUINN, UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, ANN ARBOR
Clearly beyond the fashions, fads and fetishes of Chapter 2, managements must have been doing something right to have survived – and succeeded – for so long. Indeed, since humankind has been on this earth, effective leaders and sound leadership have been fundamental features of successful collective endeavour and enterprise. As we look at both the present and the future, and consider the radical changes taking place, it is all too easy to focus on the requisite new competencies and to ignore, or discount, what effective managers and leaders have been doing well, throughout the history of industry, trade and business. Similarly, in so many arenas outside business, in government, the armed forces, public service, religion, teaching, science and medicine, competent leaders and effective leadership have been among the prime movers in promoting and ensuring change, progress and growth. The very history of civilization itself provides rich and innumerable sources of object lessons and success stories in excellence of leadership – as well as catalogues of incompetence, blunder and even gross immorality, where there has been cynical abuse of the leader role – or, quite simply, no leadership at all, when its presence was critical to success. One valuable benefit, therefore, of our leadership heritage, from business – and elsewhere – is the enormous amount of relevant literature, distilled wisdom and analyzed experience of professional leader performance and development, to which we have access. Though some may be devalued for the current world by too strong an historical perspective and too great a distance in time and circumstances, much
nevertheless remains relevant, topical and appropriate for today’s work environments and operating conditions. Perhaps a sad reality, however, is that we are still squandering much of that inheritance, by ignoring or rejecting the ample lessons of experience, so readily available to us. One possible reason is that so much of business leadership and management is perceived to be primarily about action – especially by many leaders and managers themselves. What Professor Reg Revans1 described as the four ‘corrigible handicaps to managerial learning’: 1.
The impulsion to instant activity
The idealization of past experience
The charismatic influence of successful managers
The belittlement and blame of subordinates
– are all leader behaviours which tend to deny reflective learning and personal discovery from texts, conceptual models, or theories of leadership and management. Although they may share the redeeming feature of being corrigible, unfortunately, they are not so easily unlearned. Consequently, so much of leadership development remains, for many, a haphazard, empirical and often fortuitous process, where others’ distilled experience has little opportunity to contribute to the learning process. Clearly, there is no teacher like experience, but when someone says, “I’ve had 20 years’ experience of leadership”, we need to ask – “Was this 20 years of valid experience, where the key lessons have been drawn, or was it really one year’s experience, 20 times over?” The probably apocryphal story of the suspicion and disdain in which his colleagues held a production manager, in an automotive company, simply because he was known to be a frequent visitor to the local library – and, therefore, was regarded as dangerous because he read too much – still strikes familiar chords in some management circles, even today! Relevance and appropriateness of role model are also significant factors in learning, and there are always likely to be personal preferences – and prejudices here. For example, although there is doubtless much we can learn about leadership from Leonidas, Alexander, Hector and Lysander
(and such great names as these...!) equally, there is no doubt that, for most business leaders and managers, more ‘street cred’ attaches to names like Richard Branson, Bill Gates, Sir Terence Leahy, Anita Roddick and Lee Iacocca, in the leadership role model stakes. Outside the business world – yet providing credible and relevant role models for business (and other) leaders are Dame Stella Rimington, Generals Sir Michael Rose and Sir Michael Jackson, Conductor Benjamin Zander and Bob Geldof, among many more. Much of learning, particularly from role models, is essentially an imitative process, so that, currently relevant leader ‘icons’, with reputation, track record and professional credibility are likely to be more appropriate sources of inspiration than remote historical ‘heroes’, or abstract ‘disembodied’ lists of attributes.
Keeping the ‘baby’… In Chapter 2 the point was made, implicitly – based upon the dialectic of Hegel – about not throwing the baby out with the bath water, in the task of developing leader competencies and effectiveness for today’s and tomorrow’s world. The ‘baby’, representing a synthesis of the best of both experientially and theoretically derived leadership is, in reality, pretty grown-up by now and somewhat more inclined to middle-aged maturity, rather than pristine infancy. What then, does this substantial ‘baby’ of mature years consist of, in terms of a valid body of understanding about leadership and managerial competence? More particularly, for the purposes of learning and to develop a bedrock of effective leadership talent – and potential – what are some of the more relevant and established benchmarks and principles that we will need to absorb, integrate into our personal style and build upon, before moving into the more ‘heady’, but currently necessary competencies of New Age leadership and management? Leadership emerges as central to so many activities and processes and so begs the question: in which context are we discussing leadership and, therefore, what mindsets and competencies are we concerned to develop – and deploy?
Figure 7, below, offers an outline ‘map’ of the broad scope of leadership that would apply to most current ‘worlds’, including business – both public and private sectors, government, the armed forces, education, public services and large voluntary organizations. Transformational leadership – leading change Engaging people more closely
Global leadership Strategic leadership
Stabilizing leadership
Inspirational leadership
Situational dependent leadership
Leadership for results
Ground-breaking pioneering leadership Team building
Leading, managing and developing talent Coaching and mentoring
Nurturing leadership
‘Facipulating’ leadership FIGURE 7: LEADERSHIP IN CONTEXT
So, which concepts and models of leadership are relevant and offer practical guidance and direction for leaders – whether they are operating strategically, operationally or at close quarters, stimulating and energizing a small team? One key model that has stood the test of over 40 years is that crystallized and developed by Professor John Adair2 in the early 1960s.
John Adair’s ‘Functions of Leadership’ model This simple, practical and very relevant model endures because it is so pertinent – and is likely to remain so in tomorrow’s world, as a functional benchmark for leaders, whatever their working environment or leadership arena. It therefore transcends mere fashion, or fadism. In effect, it has become the classical fundamental model of what leaders need to do, in order to be effective in role, i.e.: 1.
Achieving the task.
Building and maintaining the team.
Developing the individual.
Two of the many strengths of Adair’s concept are that it is timeless and is not culture or situation-dependent. For over four decades, the now familiar ‘three-circle’ Functional Leadership model has been integrated into company cultures, individual’s leadership styles and is an established core competency hallmark of the management and supervisory training doctrine in a great number of organizations. For many years, Adair’s model has been taught in the civil service, public services and the armed forces, as well as in business schools, management colleges, universities and countless organizations, globally. As an example of this, HMS Excellent, the Royal Navy’s School of Leadership and Management has even incorporated the ‘Unholy Trinity’ motif into its official ship’s badge. Figure 8, below, shows the practical simplicity of this evergreen model of day-to-day leadership, still relevant from shop-floor supervision through to corporate governance in the company boardroom.
A third strength of Action-Centred Leadership is that it can help the leader to identify where he, or she, may be operating out of kilter, with the real needs of the group or situation. For example, over-preoccupation with the bottom-line and end-result statistics and, therefore, inordinately high focus on task needs, may well mean that individuals and/or teams see their needs as being of relatively minor significance to the leader. Conversely, over-preoccupation with people’s needs, trying always to please others and avoiding tough decisions which need to be made can quickly lead to task avoidance, weak decision making and poor results. As the Chief Executive of a major pharmaceutical company3 put it: “‘X’ spends far too much time trying to please people, instead of getting on with what’s really wanted. He tells me what he thinks I want to know and if he does that with me, he will do it with others. I can’t trust him to deliver – he’s too bothered about being nice to people, so that results often suffer in his area.”
Following a management programme, the Financial Director of a company manufacturing hi-tech fasteners for the aerospace industry4 said: “Those three circles help in that they bring home the need for me to try to keep things in balance. I can focus on one or two things at the expense of the other areas, but only for a short time, before the cracks begin to appear.”
Hersey-Blanchard – the situational approach model Like the Adair model, the situational approach concept of Paul Hersey and Kenneth Blanchard, dating from the early 70s has stood the test of time, in providing relevant benchmarks, guidelines and criteria for leaders in management to work to. The fundamental premise of the situational approach model is that the functioning maturity of the team members is a major determinant of the ‘style’ of leadership that needs to be adopted by the team leader, in order to produce the most effective contributory responses from people. Probably as well-known as John Adair’s concept of the functions of leadership, the Hersey-Blanchard model of the context of leadership is widely acknowledged and used in the UK, Europe, as well as in North America, where the concept originated. The concept of ‘functioning maturity’, underlying the situational approach, reflects the degree to which people can – and will – do what is expected of them, in terms of effective job performance. ‘Can’ is essentially a matter of possessing (or not possessing) the requisite knowledge, understanding and skill to do the job. ‘Will’ has two distinctive facets to it:
Does the person have the confidence and courage to do what they most likely can do?
Is the individual sufficiently committed to doing what they can do and may, or may not, have the confidence to do?
Functioning maturity may, therefore, be represented in the form of a progressive continuum of behaviour. At the lowest end of the functioning maturity spectrum, the individual possesses neither the skill, nor the will to do the job, and so the leadership style required will involve high elements of tell, coach, encourage, reassure and help. At a level of ‘medium-low’ maturity, the individual may be able to do the job in terms of skill but lacks the confidence and commitment – hence a more appropriate leadership style is likely to involve higher levels of encouragement, reassurance, persuasion and ‘selling’ to help overcome the lack of will. However, as a caveat to excessive reassurance is Edmund Burke’s dictum5, ‘There is a time when forbearance ceases to be a virtue’. A prime example of this occurred when the author was directing a Leadership in Management programme, some years ago, for The Leadership Trust6. Having established that activities like canoeing and shallow-water diving were progressing well and were being appropriately managed, the next activities to be monitored were rock-climbing and abseiling. Fresh from climbing a rock face pitch of about 60 feet, the group of nine participants were about to abseil back down. Two had successfully – albeit understandably somewhat anxiously – made it back down to terra firma, and the third participant, a middle-aged solicitor, was about to launch himself into space. As he stood, terrified, poised on the edge of the rock, his nerve failed. The instructor gently began to encourage and reassure him, in order to coax him into taking a step into what the solicitor could now only see as a bowel-liquefying descent into oblivion. He repeatedly delayed the moment of truth by continually adjusting his harness, checking his karabiner over and over again, pulling on the rope and making excuses after each equipment check. Seeing that variously, anxiety, frustration and impatience were beginning to affect the remaining participants, the instructor gently and chummily moved close to the solicitor and then unexpectedly roared – “Move yer bleedin’ arse!” With
a yelp like a terrified puppy, the solicitor leapt backwards into space until his descent was quickly arrested, some seven or eight feet down the rock face. The instructor looked down at him, with a warm, cherubic smile and asked – with an appropriately solicitous tone to his voice – “Well John, how do you feel now – OK?” “Bloody fantastic! Marvellous”, came the reply! On the scale of functioning maturity perhaps that of ‘medium high’ can be the toughest to deal with from a leader’s point of view. This is where the individual (or it may be a group) can do what is wanted and possesses the confidence to do so, but is not committed. Frequently, leader attempts at persuasion are rationalized away or contaminated by out of context logic. Authoritarian leadership may be defeated, variously, by malevolent compliance (“I’ll do what you tell me, but I’ll make sure it won’t work”), calling the leader’s autocratic bluff, playing dumb, or simply doing something entirely different. What the situational approach model advocates is for the leader to move gear into a more participative, involving mode, by delegating to and progressively empowering people, so as to give them ownership of challenges – and their solutions. In such instances, the use of reflective questioning – using largely ‘open questions’ – keeps the dialogue taskfocused, without becoming a sterile battle for dominance, quid pro quo, or self justification, i.e.:
So, how would you tackle that?
What’s the best way to do this, do you think?
What specifically would you do?
What would you do next?
And then?
What help do you need from me?
Assuming the answers coming across don’t make sense or are inappropriate, questioning may take, for example, the following form: 1.
Suppose we did it like that and it went wrong – what would that cost us?
If we did it that way – what’s the worst that could happen? How could we best avoid that?
What would still give us the advantages you propose, but would reduce the risks to a more acceptable minimum?
That’s one way – but what would be a more appropriate alternative that would also give us ‘X’?
The final stage on the functional maturity continuum (‘high’) is whether the individual or team can – and will – do the job effectively. Here, much of the art of leadership is about knowing when to stop being a manager and move into the role of ‘supportive colleague’, allowing people to get on with the job. Clear-cut unambiguous delegation needs to proceed hand-in-hand with comparably clarified empowerment boundaries. The leadership style required here is the end game for leaders, since it reflects an appropriately led, engaged and functionally mature, high-performing team.
Sun-Tzu – The Art of War (for Executives) Something of a 2,500 year-old ‘baby’ are the tenets which form the basis of Chinese soldier-philosopher Sun-Tzu’s treatise on leadership. Two areas which are immediately relevant to our theme, taken from Krause’s7 1996 update, are Sun-Tzu ’s ten short principles and seven aspects of leadership that are likely to be quickly apparent to others.
Sun-Tzu’s ten principles of leadership: 1.
Learn to fight
Seize the day
Show the way
Burn the bridges
Do it right
Do it better
Know the facts
Pull together
Expect the worst
10. Keep them guessing
Seven visible aspects of leadership that can be assessed: 1.
Competence and readiness to keep learning open.
Sense of purpose and commitment to goals.
Self-discipline and self-respect.
Achievement and accomplishments.
Sense of accountability and responsibility.
Ability to build effective relationships.
Readiness to lead by example.
Krause’s most readable book confirms much of the timelessness of sound, effective leadership and the principles and practices which continue to be at the heart of leading others to success. While retaining much of the flavour and ‘feel’ of the original writings, Krause’s apposite interpretation reads like a treatise on established modern best practices, in leadership and management, as a result of his use of relevant modern terminology. A useful comparison to make is one between Sun-Tzu ’s writings and the current findings of Kouzes & Posner and Nadler & Tushman on page 57. Another aspect of the ‘baby’ to be retained is captured in the work of Tom Cummings8, an American consultant living and working in Europe. He has developed, in ascending order of professional integrity, a hierarchy of leader motivations which he identifies as being the moral and psychological drives behind leader behaviour. Essentially, Cummings sees these as a hierarchy of accountable commitment, ranging from a preoccupation with comfort and complete self interest (level 1) up to
occupying the moral high ground of doing what is ethically the right thing to do (level 6): 6.
Do what is right to do (the ethical position).
Long-term interests (preservation of the business).
Principle of law (what is legal and required, what is illegal).
Seeking approval and accolades (vanity and self-glorification).
Self-interest (what’s in it for me?).
Avoid ‘pain’ and hassle (stay in ‘comfort zone’).
Sensitive leadership: ‘eyes – and ears – on: hands-off’ Consistently, through the centuries, perceptive observers on the arts of leadership have identified the relevance of those styles and approaches which foster autonomy and self-sufficiency in developing the functional maturity of their people. Starting with Lao Tse (a more or less contemporary of Sun-Tzu) who stated, “…but of a good leader, who talks little when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will all say, ‘We did this ourselves’.” Right through to today’s champions of empowerment and self-directing work groups is the recurring theme of effective low profile leadership which is aimed, not at over managing, but rather at: •
in order to give ownership, self-confidence and responsibility to others
In effect, these three leadership behaviours amount to helping people to help themselves, which is the very essence of the coaching role of a leader, where the emphasis is upon learning – not teaching, or instructing. Add the above three talent management, energizing and focusing activities to Sun-Tzu’s ten principles and seven aspects of leadership and we start to see the basis for closing the gap, identified in Vth Dimension’s
paradigm (Figure 2) between state-of-the-art technology and state-ofthe-practice leadership. Ensure effective coaching and mentoring and the gap is dramatically reduced even further. Effective coaching and support – without meddling or ‘smothering’ – are crucial leader activities in helping to ensure and maintain effective job performance and successful individual or team results with mature staff. A simple relevant exercise developed by the leading European Business School IMD9, takes the following form: Tutor to class: 1.
“I want each of you to think about a time in your career when you were: •
Highly effective and producing good results
Well motivated and the adrenalin was flowing
Life and you both felt good.”
“Take five minutes to think about that and write down what was happening at this successful satisfying time. What conditions existed in your work environment?”
“When you have finished, simply turn to your neighbour on your right and start talking to them about the experience – after three minutes swap over.”
Boss role Already prepared, is a flip chart on which is written: 1.
My boss was absent/not involved at the time.
My boss coached me and gave me encouragement.
My boss acted as an ‘equal’ or ‘friend’ but didn’t really coach me.
My boss acted as a traditional boss giving direction, instructions and acting at times autocratically.
Used at international programmes at IMD with delegates from upwards of a dozen different nationalities, and also used on consultancy projects
in the UK, Ireland, Western Europe, the United States and Canada typical responses are: Question 1
Question 2
80% +
Question 3
Question 4
Some response overlap occurs, since bosses are perceived, in many cases, to play more than one role. Nevertheless the consistency of answer irrespective of culture or country, from intelligent, generally effective people, is loud and clear, i.e.: •
Tell me what is expected of me.
Let me get on with it.
Help me when I need guidance.
Don’t ‘micro-manage’ me but treat me like an intelligent, responsible adult.
What has been explored, so far in Chapter 3, is something of the ‘baby’ that needs to be retained – and further developed – as necessary new behaviours, as well as established and still current best practices in leadership and management. Building on both the models themselves and also the experience gained, in the job, from their principles, tenets and guidelines, are other constructs and concepts which can add to our understanding of what currently constitutes best practice in leadership – and, therefore, more steps towards mastery of the leader role.
Exemplary leadership Leadership by example, updated as – ‘does he/she walk the talk’? , i.e. ‘Say – Do’ consistency – remains fundamental in leader credibility. Once, when asked if he thought ‘example’ was important, Albert Schweizer replied, “No, it is not important – it is the ONLY thing that matters.”
Credibility is compounded of many variables – which largely remain timeless and enduring, i.e.: •
Organizational ‘clout’
Approachable style and open mind
Keeping up with what is going on
Resourceful adaptability
Personal ‘Horsepower’ X Mindset
Kouzes & Posner10 leadership consultants in the US, identify 13 behaviours and actions that currently constitute personal power and perceived credibility among leaders. They are as follows:
Challenging the process, i.e. questioning and not merely accepting the status quo.
Searching for opportunities, so taking the business forward.
Experimenting and trying out new ideas and options.
Inspiring shared visions.
Envisioning a future for the business and its likely market place.
Enlisting others through networking and dialogue.
Enabling others to act, i.e. facilitating effective performance.
Strengthening others and building on their strengths.
Fostering collaboration, through alliances and coalitions.
Modelling the way and pathfinding.
Setting an example which may involve some sacrifice.
Celebrating accomplishments.
Recognizing people’s contributions.
In some respects similar to the research of Kouzes & Posner are the findings of Nadler & Tushman11 whose conclusions emphasize the following behaviours, as those of individuals seen, by others, to be effective leaders. They are that such leaders: •
Envision well and crystallize the future effectively.
Articulate a compelling vision.
Set high expectations – for themselves and others.
Model – and display – consistent behaviour.
Bring energy into their role and energize others – a point strongly underlined by Jack Welch.
Demonstrate personal excitement (they let their adrenalin show).
Express personal confidence.
Seek out, find and use success.
Enable others to act effectively. They make things happen.
Express personal support and commitment to others.
Empathize with others.
Express confidence in people.
Both the research of Kouzes & Posner and Nadler & Tushman identify, as requisite leader behaviours, what are essentially ‘Authoritative’ leadership styles, rather than those which might be described as ‘authoritarian’, ‘democratic’, or ‘pace-setting’.
Leader power and inspirational leadership Two final factors that have characterized effective leadership for centuries – and are likely to do so in the future – are power and influence. Leader power and influence derive, typically, from the following sources:
1. Positional power •
Power of authorization, e.g. signing off, giving formal approval (or disapproval), imposing and removing sanctions.
Power to recruit, promote, reward and give formal recognition.
Power to fire, remove from role, demote, re-assign and punish.
2. Personal power •
Power of competence, expertise, knowledge and information.
Power of ‘personality’, style and charisma, i.e. – ‘horsepower’.
3. Power of the transformed organizations •
Power generated by change itself, to reorganize, redesign, restructure, reinvent and re-engineer the organization.
Power to delegate, empower, make responsible and accountable.
4. Moral power •
The power of personal and professional integrity.
Personal authenticity.
5. Referrent power •
Whom you have direct access to and whom you are regularly seen with.
Inspirational leadership is so much a matter of striking the right chords with people at the right time. It involves elements as elusive as ‘personal chemistry’ but, at a more practical and fundamental level, it is about
relating to people in ways which give them confidence, belief and faith in themselves, as much as in the leader. Inspirational leadership includes words and actions which help people to: •
Overcome barriers and obstacles
Exceed limits and past achievements
Surpass others by building and demonstrating superiority
Transcend the ordinary, or expected
Excel by demonstrating pre-eminence in skill, achievement or excellence
“To achieve the bloody impossible”, as Conductor Benjamin Zander puts it
As a timeless and classical example, Adair12 quotes an extract from a letter written by Admiral Lord St Vincent to Admiral Nelson, ‘I never saw a man in our profession… who possessed the magic art of infusing the same spirit into others which inspired their own actions… all agree there is but one Nelson.’ More recently, examples of inspirational leadership might include Mahatma Gandhi, Winston Churchill, Michael Collins, Nelson Mandela, Mao Tse Tung and Martin Luther King who all generated, or continue to generate, strong, committed and focused ‘followership’ as a result of their values, message, behaviour, credibility and example, in the role of leader.
Getting rid of the bath water… 1
‘Testosterone leadership’
If past and present ‘new’, or ‘best practice’ represent the ‘baby’ in the equation, then what, predominantly is the ‘bath water’ that needs to be flushed down the waste pipe? High on the list must be ‘macho management’ and one of its major manifest aberrations from reason – ‘testosterone leadership’. Not only the prerogative of an organization’s ‘old guard’, but unfortunately also to be found sometimes among the younger upwardly mobile factions in management, is the mindless macho mismanagement style of those who otherwise have little personal power and organizational ‘clout’ to take a business or function forward. There is all the difference in the world between real toughness, based upon personal courage, a well-informed, intelligent-reading of situations and a high sense of moral responsibility for outcomes – and boorish blame-ridden aggression. Generally, those unable to wear their epaulets easily and competently are insecure, unsure of themselves, afraid or inexperienced and untutored as leaders.
‘Glib dummies in smart suits’
One negative spin-off of the information technology revolution, in its early stages, and the concomitant rise of the ‘Yuppy’ faction has been what R Bernstein, Chairman of Random House has described as, “The most dangerous individual of all. The glib, number-crunching fast-tracker with his (or her!) quality bullshit” (author’s addition in parenthesis). Research work into this dysfunctional element in the United States identified the following as typical of their more common ‘crimes’: •
Unreasonably demanding reports, or complex decisions, in writing – ‘on my desk, by first thing tomorrow morning’. The product of much burned midnight oil and hard work, then typically remained, for days, un-read in the recipients in-tray, or ‘pending file’. These are the ‘deadline junkies’ who can’t (or won’t) distinguish between ‘urgent’ and ‘important’.
Spending the majority of their time ‘managing by PC screen’ and minimizing inter-personal contact, networking and dialogue, to a dangerously impoverished degree.
Basing decisions far too heavily upon statistical data, taken out of context and in too-narrowly an excluding, or unrealistic, perspective. In this way, the real issues may be masked or distorted, by the often spurious authenticity of well-presented, sanitized data, given a twist of ’spin’.
Political ‘gamesmanship’
At the opposite end of the political spectrum to appropriate lobbying, building of legitimate alliances, professional sponsorship and necessary networking, is the deliberate playing of ‘power games’. What Eoin Neeson13 terms ‘meticulous ambiguity’, along with unethical duplicity, are typical of the tactics used by some managers to divide, conquer and rule, to sabotage and confuse, or simply to gain ascendancy in wasteful, sometimes near-internecine, struggles with colleagues, with whom reality demands they collaborate. Clearly there are distinctions between ‘good’ and ‘less good’ – or, even – downright ‘bad’ politics, within organizations, though often the lines between ethical and unethical can be very fine, or blurred. Baddeley & James14 developed a simple yet relevant model which helps to differentiate between ethical and less ethical (expedient) political behaviour within organizations. Using intersecting bi-polar dimensions they took as their ‘north-south’ axis ‘political awareness’ or ‘reading’ (of situations) ranging from ‘politically aware’ down to ‘politically unaware’. The ‘east-west’ axis of their model identifies what is essentially integrity, ranging from ‘acting with integrity’ (playing it straight) to ‘playing psychological games’ (power/self-oriented). The interplay of political awareness and integrity produces some interesting ‘political’ (or, conversely ‘non-political’) behaviours suggesting varying degrees of manipulation, manoeuvring and/or power play that different people tend to use, more or less habitually, to influence situations and their outcomes within organizations.
One useful contribution that the Baddeley & James model (Figure 9, below) makes is to distinguish between politically manipulative people, especially the more Machiavellian who would tend to ‘live’ in the top left hand corner, and those , from the top right hand box, who are equally aware politically, yet act with high integrity.
Ruthless Cunning Machiavellian
Tough Streetwise Credible
Plays power games
Plays things straight
Inept Stupid Dangerous
Innocent ‘Green’ Naive
FIGURE 9: LEADERSHIP – PEOPLE, POWER AND ‘POLITICS’ Source: Baddeley & James (Adapted)
Those in the top left box are often ruthless, intelligent and ‘clever’ people who usually manage to come up with an answer which places them in a winning, or advantageous position. Power and power ‘games’ are very important to them. They typically put a good deal of energy into political ‘leap-frogging’, manipulation and manoeuvering, to gain personal advantage, frequently at others’ expense. By contrast, those who fall into the top right hand box are genuinely collaborative and try to achieve ‘win-win’ outcomes. They typically listen well and seek to understand others. Their behaviour is open, usually rational, non-defensive and professional. Their principal concern is to get the job done, efficiently and
effectively. Their focus is balanced between both achieving requisite results and maintaining sound working relationships. Emotion takes the form of passion for excellence and achievement, but their handling of interpersonal conflict tends to be dispassionate, objective and solution-driven. Those in the bottom left box can be dangerous – as well as stupid, or inept – because they often precipitate situations that they cannot handle and then leave others to clear up after them. In less than genteel circles, this box might, therefore, justify the sobriquet – ‘Pillocks’ corner’. The ‘innocents’ in the bottom right hand box are essentially ‘Mr and Ms Nice Guy’ who, generally, are principled people, who believe in rationality, formal role-responsibility structures and tend to see things in ‘either-or’, ‘right or wrong’, terms. Normally, they eschew ‘politics’ and place high value on moral, legal and corporate rules, as appropriate bases for conducting themselves and fulfilling their responsibilities to the organization and to others in their role set. Positive so-called ‘backstage’ activity and the relevance of political awareness in management will be explored, in more depth, in Chapter 5. Clearly, there is much more that could be classified under the heading of ‘bath water’. However, the above three negative aspects of traditional leadership and management – apart from excessive ‘ancestor worship’ and obsessive preservation of the status quo – are among the major practices that need to be identified for what they are, abandoned and replaced by effective professionalism, as rapidly as possible. Much of what has gone before – past practices and previous management styles – tends to become blurred by the vagaries of recall, as well as by a fear of moving out of comfort zones. Sailors are well known for their assertion that ‘their last ship was the best’. Many of their landbased counterparts in offices, factories and warehouses take a similar view during, or following, organizational change. Often, out of self-justification or resentment at the loss or addition of responsibility, territorial ‘rights’ and roles, they tend to hark back to ‘what was’ – rather than focusing on the opportunities and challenges afforded them by change and, therefore, ‘what can be’.
Learning from the past, instead of living in it – in order to better shape the future – will be a recurring theme of this book.
Summary Essentially Chapter 3 has been concerned to identify both some longestablished and more recently articulated models, principles and practices of what people consider to represent effective leadership. The intention is not to arrive at an exhaustive (and quite unrealistic) list of attributes and strengths, but rather to highlight some of the more important research conclusions about the hallmarks of leadership effectiveness, which have: 1.
In part drawn upon far older principles and practices of sound leadership and have been re-structured to suit the modern world of industry and business.
Arisen specifically as a result of focus and concentration upon what both leaders and followers currently consider to be best practices, from contemporary experience.
Only two out of many models have been briefly explored, but they are widely recognized as two of the more enduring and relevant definitions and hallmarks of requisite leader style and effective leadership behaviours, i.e.: •
John Adair’s Action-Centred Leadership Model.
Hersey & Blanchard’s situational approach model.
The work of Kouzes & Posner, together with that of Nadler & Tushman represent recent research of high quality, as well as relevance to the shifts toward new paradigm and new order thinking and practice, in management and leadership. Their work endorses the importance of professional, authoritative leadership styles in engaging people’s hearts as well as their minds. If the move to ‘Master of Leadership’ (recognizing that the state of ‘Master’ is itself a moving target) is seen as a learning, experiential progression
from ‘apprentice’, to ‘journeyman’, to ‘Master’, then what we have looked at here, in Chapter 3, are essentially tools, techniques and arts of the trade, acquired during the apprenticeship and journeyman stages of an individual’s leadership development and advancement. The ‘bath water’ so many managements need to get rid of includes, essentially: •
Macho managing and testosterone leadership (people who ‘talk a good fight’ but who usually possess little real power and organization ‘clout’).
The PC-bound managers who ‘crunch out’ data and to whom such facts and figures so often become the all too narrow determinants of major decisions, so discounting, or neglecting wider perspectives, contexts and, above all, people.
The would-be ‘power-play’ politicians who disrupt and dismember the organization’s legitimate work, task roles and relationships.
Those who constantly hark back to the ‘good old days’ and who see change as a challenge or threat to be resisted, or subverted, at all costs.
In Chapter 4 we look at how the art of leadership can be further enriched, built upon and developed, in order to move the individual closer to the ‘Master’ stages of the leader role.
SOME POINTS FOR REFLECTION AND DISCUSSION 1. How far does the Action-Centred Leadership model usefully serve today’s needs for developing effective leader behaviours? 2. What do you see as the practical strengths and weaknesses of the model? 3. Do the same analysis of Hersey & Blanchard’s situational approach model. 4. Conduct the exercise on motivation and effectiveness – using the same questions and four headings of ‘boss role’ – on your own people (or any other relevant work team that you are about to use it with). What do their responses tell you about your leadership style? 5. Critique the work of Kouzes & Posner and Nadler & Tushman, as hallmarks of effective leader behaviour, from your own experiences, as well as from the standpoint of purely objective analysis. What can you usefully take – and build upon – in developing your own approach to leadership? 6. Identify what, in leadership terms, represents the ‘bath water’ in your organization. What is its negative impact upon people, performance, profitability, and progress? Given a reasonably free hand, what would you do to reduce/eliminate it?
What is meant by ‘mastery’, in leadership?
What is meant by ‘mastery’, in leadership?
‘Something we were withholding made us weak, until we discovered ROBERT FROST, AMERICAN POST it was ourselves.’
The term ‘mastery’, in the context of this book, is meant neither to represent the definitive state of leader wisdom, nor some hypothetical ‘ultimate’ stage of development, in the practice of leadership arts. Common sense and experience indicate that neither condition exists – nor is either ever likely to become a reality. Rather, the term is intended to be a description of the possession – and regular use of: 1.
A high level of self-awareness – and responsive, empathic awareness of others – in the role of leader.
A comparable degree of both cognitive and emotional understanding of what leadership really means, in today’s world, i.e. contextual sensitivity in breadth and depth.
Indisputable evidence of outstanding professional competence in the arts and practice of leading people to successful achievement, in contemporary environments, and where there is high congruence between the leader’s beliefs, actions – and the needs of the situation – confirming Ladkin’s1 succinct definition, quoted on page 1, i.e. mastery of the self, as well as of the art.
The developmental journey from an initial state of innocence or ignorance (unconscious incompetence) through stages of apprehension (conscious incompetence) until a high level of professional understanding and leadership skill (mastery) is reached, is characterized by a progression of experience, distillation, learning and personal development.
What is more, both research and empirically monitored experience strongly indicate that what Goleman2 terms ‘emotional intelligence’ is an essential component in learning and developing the necessary interactive, influencing and interpersonal skills of leadership. Emotional intelligence, typically, represents the possession – or otherwise – of noncognitive attributes such as: •
High self-awareness and empathy.
Intuition, acuity and adeptness – especially in relationships.
Enthusiasm and passion for what is being done.
Sensitivity and the ability to ‘read’ interactions between people accurately and especially the covert transactions inherent in exchanges – both verbal and non-verbal.
Personal authenticity, integrity and emotional honesty.
A readiness to make sacrifices to allow others to experience success and well-being.
High self-control and consistency, viz a key tenet of The Leadership Trust’s philosophy – ‘Learn to manage yourself, before you can lead and manage others.’
Both Goleman’s work and that of De Bono3 inter alia, legitimize emotions as crucial behaviour in leadership and leader roles. Perhaps more than in other parts of the world – and especially the industrialized Northern Hemisphere of Europe and America – the emphasis has traditionally been placed upon the values of logic, reasoning, systematic analysis and what are accepted as the typical hallmarks of so-called ‘left-brain’ intelligence. Mastery of predominantly social roles – such as those of a leader undoubtedly presupposes a requisite level of cognitive intelligence. However, experience and research strongly indicate, currently, that we also need to be developing strength in the areas of emotional intelligence, especially empathic mindsets – predominantly ‘right-brain’ activity – within our leaders, if they are to be effective and successful in today’s – and tomorrow’s world.
If this conclusion is valid, then a good deal of both formal leader training and on-the-job coaching may be, at best, only marginally relevant to the development and testing of appropriate levels of emotional intelligence in our directors and managers. Furthermore, the coaching, training and learning need to be reinforced by appropriate role-models. However, these may be difficult to relate, with any degree of congruence, to the norms and values of traditional ‘top-down’ management styles and more mechanistic, hierarchical cultures – unless the organization itself is in a stage of significant acknowledged transformation from traditional ‘old paradigm’ behaviour to ‘new paradigm’ thinking, values and action.
Mastery – a learning progression Learning to become an effective manager or successful leader is far more than simply a matter of teaching or training. There is no ‘sum total’ nor, indeed, a ‘prescription’ of what needs to be learned, in order to become a ‘master’ leader. Managerial or leadership ‘know-how’ and ‘do-how’ are acquired as a result of a blend of direct, practical experience, personal reflection to gain perspective and context, conceptual modelling and the empirical testing out of ideas in day-to-day decisions and actions in the many work arenas that are the organization or enterprise. As we have already seen, ‘mindset’ is even more critical than skill in the move towards achieving mastery, in leadership. The research into learning styles – particularly within business and managerial arenas – of Honey & Mumford4 provides a relevant and practical classification for identifying how individuals tend to learn in differing ways, including primary and back-up or subsidiary styles, i.e: 1. Activist – someone who essentially learns by experience and experimentation with a philosophy of – ‘I’ll try anything once’ – thrive on new experiences and activities, especially, but can become quickly bored when the challenge disappears. 2. Reflector – reflectors stand back, gather data and information and analyze it thoroughly before coming to a conclusion or decision. They are relatively cautious and do not rush into things until they have thought them through.
3. Theorist – theorists work on logic, principles, basic assumption and models. They are ‘systems thinkers’ who value rationality and what makes sense to them. Consistent logic and intellectual validity are important to them and they reject anything that does not fit their framework of rationality. 4. Pragmatist – pragmatists enjoy trying out ideas, techniques and tools to see if they work in practice. They like to get on with things and tend to act quickly, in order to produce workable and tangible answers to problems. In areas of predominantly interpersonal activity, such as leadership, learning is not a matter of linear progression but, as Kolb et al5 have suggested, essentially a cyclical process, that is, a form of adaptive coping cycle of: doing – reviewing/reflecting – coming to conclusions – and behaving differently, as a consequence. It is this cyclical nature of learning which confirms it as a continuous process – not merely a succession of ‘one-off’, mutually exclusive experiences. Ensuring continuity of learning, therefore, in the work place, within the role of leader and in relationships with the multiplicity of stakeholders that make up a manager role network, is increasingly coming to be seen as essential managerial best practice. More and more, the idea of the learning organization, where conscious energy is directed to ensuring that active learning at least keeps pace with the rate of change in the business, is beginning to take off within companies. Still more of a pious hope, than a well-managed and effectively-led reality, in many businesses, the progressive shift towards more structured, continuous learning, for all levels is, nevertheless, gaining momentum in more enlightened organizations. In Chapter 1 the point was made about the future belonging to the learners, not the knowers, and this is the essential philosophy of the learning organization where there is active recognition that much of the existing knowledge is too often geared up to deal with yesterday’s needs, challenges and problems. There is another progression of learning – that involving shifts from unconscious to conscious competence and incompetence. To illustrate
the phenomenon, the process of learning to drive a car offers a classic example. A child sitting next to his mother in her car may be aware of her hands on the steering wheel – and a fairly frequent shift of her left hand as she changes gear. Because of this level of awareness the child may think – ‘This is easy; I could do that, I could drive a car’. At this stage of comprehension, the child is likely to be at level 1 in learning, i.e:
1. Unconscious incompetence As a teenager experiencing his first driving lesson, the youngster quickly becomes aware of just how little he knows and how lacking in skill he really is behind the wheel of a moving car. At this point he moves to level 2 of learning, that of:
2. Conscious incompetence Once he has passed his driving test, the teenager becomes aware of what he can do and which skills he now possesses. He has now moved up to level 3 in his learning, the stage of:
3. Conscious competence He is likely, too, to continue to operate in some aspects of his driving – especially in new and hitherto unencountered situations – at levels 1 and 2, as well as at level 3. Years later, after a great deal of driving and motoring experience, in a wide variety of different conditions and circumstances, he is most likely to reach stage 4 in his level of skill, i.e:
4. Unconscious competence At this point he will do things ‘naturally’, easily and instinctively. He may drive on ‘automatic pilot’, responding competently, yet partly oblivious of his surroundings. This is the stage most experienced drivers have reached when they have driven from ’A’ to ’C’, but cannot recall passing through ’B’, along the way! The move from level 1 through levels 2 and 3 to 4 may well be accompanied by varying degrees of stress, i.e:
Degree of stress
Learning stage
Unconscious competence
Conscious competence
Conscious incompetence
Unconscious incompetence
Seen as a progression of learning, moving towards ‘mastery’ in leadership (a stage of awareness understanding and competence beyond unconscious competence and primarily encompassing stages 2 – 4) the learning and maturing levels of competence look like this:
Multi-disciplinary awareness Well able to mediate across roles, relationships and functions. High use of developed emotional intelligence
Low stress
Unconscious competence Doing what comes naturally Automatic responses It seemed the right thing to do…
High stress
Conscious competence I know about that… I can do that… I understand about that… I recognize that I don’t have the skills…
Low stress
Unconscious incompetence I don’t know what I don’t know I’ve never even heard of that Ignorance is bliss
Mihaly Csikszentmihaly, Professor of Psychology at the University of Chicago, has developed what he terms the theory of ‘Flow’. This seems to describe an important element, akin to role and incumbent congru-
ence, in the state of mastery – including transient mastery of a role or task. ‘Flow’, according to Csikszentmihaly, “is a state of balance, within the individual, between the demands of the task he or she is engaged in, and the level of skill they possess, which enables them to do it.” Skiers and white water kayak enthusiasts, typically, talk about ‘being at one’ with the piste, or a rapids slalom course. Similarly, the successful completion of a task or project involving predominately skills of the intellect – and honed experience – can create a sensation of being at one, in the role of leader, manager, specialist, or simply ‘contributor’. Inspired performance, derived from ‘flow’ is typically characterized by: •
Seemingly effortless excellence.
The positive energized alignment of emotions, skills and task.
A state of self-forgetfulness and total absorption in the task.
Complete concentration and single focus on the task in hand.
Mastery control over what we happen to be doing at that moment.
A focus on the task or activity which transcends the self.
The ultimate harnessing of emotion and competencies on the service of learning, doing and achieving.
Flow, for most people, seems to be a matter of experiencing ‘mastery’ of the task or situation – and the ‘self’ – over a finite period of time which may vary from minutes, to even months, or years, in some cases. O f t e n, it is subsequent re-call that crystallizes the sensation and experience of having exercised consummate competence during a particular period of time and in a specific act, encounter, or event. The activity or task, itself, and the mastery of it, is the primary source of joy, inspiration and motivation. To the leader with high emotional intelligence this is one of the main keys to achieving and sustaining outstanding performance. In both the role of leader and the functions of leadership, ‘mastery’ is likely to be a continuing succession of experiences of exercising an ever
increasing range of competencies – including ‘emotional intelligence’, itself – over constantly varying issues or challenges and repeated over a period of years. Michael Argyle, one-time Emeritus Professor of Psychology at Oxford Brookes University6 describes the condition of ‘flow’ as a ‘state of loss of self awareness’, brought about by facing – and coping with – challenges, with the necessary degree of competence. The sense of fulfilment at successfully overcoming challenge, gives rise to, variously, feelings of intense satisfaction and achievement, euphoria, self-realization and subjective well-being. What seems to be essential in the process of achieving mastery is recognition – often post the event – that the individual possessed the necessary level of skill, understanding and competence to do what he or she had to do; that is – ‘I DID it!’. In the role of leader, much of mastery it seems is being able to act in congruence with one’s beliefs and values (as well as competencies) to others’ advantage and successful achievement hence the sensation of – ‘THEY did it!’ Inevitably, the process of mastery will also have a high ‘we’ element in it, and even allowing for the vagaries of recall, shared experiences – and similarly, the shared reviewing, or reliving, of experiences, particularly successes and triumphs – often have a high ‘multiplier’ effect upon subjective well-being and satisfaction, i.e. – ‘WE did it!’. Above all, perhaps, mastery is a state of high personal authenticity when people are at one with themselves – as well as the task and where there is high congruence between the situation, those involved, the task and the inspiration generated by the leader’s actions. Considering the role of leader, in at least three suggested, discernible stages of overall competence, a pattern emerges of: Level 3 – the ‘master’ leader Level 2 – the ‘developed’ leader Level 1 – the ‘raw’ leader In more detail and related to variations in stress, due to role-strain, the progression from the unconscious incompetence of the ‘raw’ leader to
the consummate awareness and competence of the ‘Master’ leader, is represented by Figure 11. In practice, master leader behaviour appears as if it is rooted in the very essence of the person’s being and is at one with their fundamental beliefs and model of human kind.
Low stress
Stress role strain
High stress
Low stress
The ‘MASTER’ LEADER High comprehension and awareness. The ‘Natural leader’, professional, in control, diversity of expertise. Breadth of vision – high reliance on ‘emotional intelligence.’ Leadership as an art. Continually learning and developing. The ‘DEVELOPED’ LEADER Apprehension – not comprehension. Conscious incompetence + competence. Learning and developing skills and techniques. Cognitive, not emotional intelligence. Paradox and role conflict. The ‘RAW’ LEADER Unconscious incompetence. Live by wits. ‘Streetwise’. Common sense and conventional wisdom. ‘Ignorance is bliss’ Personal experience and insights. ‘Pick it up as I go’. Leadership ‘innocence’ and lack of professionalism. FIGURE 11: MASTERING LEADERSHIP – PROGRESSION FROM ‘RAW’ LEADER TO ‘MASTERY’
Perhaps, most of all, true mastery is based upon the recognition of the fundamental value of personal authenticity, as a leader. Those being led want someone who is ‘real’ and genuine as their leader whose authentic self is consistently expressed day-to-day. That level of understanding, demonstrable competence and self control, which marks out someone of ‘master’ proficiency is, however, very much
a moving target – particularly in times of major and rapid change. All too quickly, many people within an organization may be directing so much of their efforts at what has imperceptibly become ‘yesterday’s job’, not today’s role, as situations change. In a major public utility approaching privatization, the author, together with the organization’s HR Director, discovered that over 80% of people, of a representative sample, were largely concentrating their efforts upon what really amounted to ‘activity’ – but not the increased customer satisfaction and improved level of profitability that conditions now demanded. In a sense what the majority of people were doing was work which was not, in effect, ‘today’s role’, but rather yesterday’s activities. Opportunity identification
Today’s role (tomorrow’s priorities) Area of deceptive overlap
Directional thrust of leader’s primary focus and effort (PROACTIVE)
Anticipation New paradigm leader mindset and competencies
Yesterday’s ‘activities’ Reaction Old paradigm mindset and competencies
Problem solving
Directional thrust of primary effort (REACTIVE)
Experience suggests that this is a relatively widespread phenomenon and includes those in leadership roles just as much as the ‘non-leaders’. Figure 12 indicates an area of deceptive overlap, between ‘yesterday’s job’ and the current reality of today’s role, which too often superficially
masks the real disparity and discrepancy. The ‘overlap’ consists of activity which is ‘today’s work’ and so may give a false impression of just how much currently valid or crucial work is being done that involves creating and adding value. The process of role ‘slippage’ is especially significant and potentially so counter-productive in leadership roles. In particular, the pace of change we are experiencing demands, more than hitherto, the proactive, anticipatory competencies of leaders of high acuity, who are alert to trends and shifts in direction and pace. Increased proactivity, in turn, brings with it a move from predominantly problem-solving approaches to significantly more opportunistic approaches which, as a matter of course, seek to identify and exploit the potential of situations and to avoid problems – rather than spend disproportionate energy on solving them. The need for continuity of learning and constant personal ‘upgrading’ in awareness, understanding and competence is reflected in the degree to which leaders can so easily become ‘yesterday’s man’, or woman, as events overtake them. Yesterday’s high achiever can, all too easily, become today’s average performer and tomorrow’s low achiever unless they consciously work at continuous learning, development and personal ‘growth’. This is a key issue of both self development and development of the leader’s team. Figure 13 illustrates the process of the inevitable erosion of high achievement and yesterday’s, ‘leading edge’ skills in fast moving conditions – and, especially, where so many changes are, in effect, paradigm shifts and, therefore, a departure from previous thinking and practice.
High achievers High achievers
Low achievers
Low achievers
Average achievers
Average achievers
High achievers
Low achievers
Average achievers
Thus, ‘mastery’ itself is a continuously developing and evolving state of awareness, understanding and competence which ensures that frequent ‘reading’ and monitoring of both the micro and macro arenas of the business are similarly constant. In leadership, especially, there is no one ‘right’ style of doing things. There are neither ‘ultimate’ answers, nor definitive panaceas, but rather a continuously adaptive range of responses and competencies which reflect the leader’s developing ability and readiness to anticipate, meet and capitalize upon the challenges he or she will meet. The concept of the need to remain relevant and to constantly raise the bar, in order to keep pace with change – and the competition – is reflected in the tough, utilitarian philosophies and practices of Jack Welch’s GE, some of which are still in place, after his retirement. To avoid the risk of the progressive erosion of high achievement, Welch introduced the concept of the annual 10% ‘drop off’, itself a rolling loss of the bottom 10% of performers, based on the classical Gaussian ‘Normal curve of distribution’, as in Figure 14, below:
BOTTOM 10% – remove year 1
BOTTOM 10% – remove year 2
BOTTOM 10% – remove year 3
10% Continuing annual removal of poorest 10% performers FIGURE 14: JACK WELCH’S ANNUAL REMOVAL OF THE BOTTOM 10% PERFORMERS IN GE
Perhaps the last words in this chapter should be those of the American poet, Robert Frost7 since they reflect the sorts of attitudinal blockages that need to be removed, in order to stimulate and release the mindsets, necessary courage and willing synergy needed to make things happen, as the result of applied consistent mastery: “The brain is a wonderful organ. It starts working the moment we get up in a morning and doesn’t stop until we get to the office.”
Summary ‘Mastery’ – particularly in leadership is not about possessing infinite wisdom and unassailable omniscience. It is about having the levels of awareness, professional competence and personal authenticity necessary to make sense of, set appropriate goals and direction, and lead people in today’s turbulent business world.
Mastery consists of: •
Strong self-awareness – and high empathy.
A high degree of emotional intelligence and acuity, as well as highly developed cognitive reasoning abilities.
Demonstrable competence in the arts and skills of leading people in a variety of situations where versatility of style and response, based upon contextual sensitivity, are crucial.
Mastery in leadership is also a matter of continuous learning and development. The old maxim, ‘Leaders are neither entirely born, nor made – they largely develop themselves’, remains even more relevant in today’s changing world where taking ownership and responsibility for success are key leadership strengths. In developing as a leader, learning is fundamentally a cyclical process aimed at understanding what is going on, why it is happening as it is, what lessons need to be drawn from events and, therefore, what forms coping behaviour can best take. The state of ‘mastery’ – particularly so in leadership and management – is neither absolute nor definite. Rather, it is relative and indicative, in that mastery represents a competent thoroughly professional approach to dealing with what is – and what is expected to be. As conditions and parameters change and as organizations transform themselves, by way of conscious, informed response, so the nature of leadership, the role of the leader and the process of mastery itself, similarly, must adapt, develop and change. At its most fundamental, mastery in leadership is primarily about high personal authenticity and behaviour which is linked to the very essence of the leader’s being. There must be high congruence between the leader’s fundamental beliefs and values and how he/she behaves – especially in relation to others. Equally, the role of the leader is to ensure that both the team – and individual members of it – are more engaged in today’s role than they are immersed in yesterday’s job. Goleman’s concept of ‘emotional intelligence’ would seem to be central to our ability to operate with optimum effectiveness, especially in conditions of change and paradigm shift. The brain’s circuitry is an extremely complex neurological and electro-
chemical system and undoubtedly people are ‘wired up’ differently from one another. Some, for example, are much more orientated to logical, reasoned and cognitively-derived analyses and solutions, whereas others, more easily and naturally, think and operate with emotional intelligence. Mastery in leadership is a synthesis of IQ, emotional intelligence, experience, acquired competence – and a good fortune. It is also about being able to trigger and mobilize willing synergy and commitment among others in the collective pursuit of sometimes changing goals in conditions of uncertainty, insecurity and apparent contradiction. Wisdom in leadership probably begins with the recognition that there is no one ‘right’ way of doing things. What is important is to recognize what you do well and to build on that, so developing a leadership style. Csikszentmihaly’s concept of ‘flow’ – where there is a balance between the demands of the task and the level of skill possessed by the individual – represents what is essentially ‘mastery’ in realistic and practical terms. In succeeding chapters, we shall examine and explore the many facets to mastery in leadership, which provide ample scope for examining both mindsets and the competencies needed to operate, with optimum effect, in leader roles. Developing in order to become a ‘master’ leader is dependent, to a large degree, upon cyclical learning, within the job, or role itself and, therefore, the opportunities that individuals create – and capitalize upon – as a result of their own perception, energy and determination. However, the role of a good coach in prompting awareness and enquiry, plus appropriate context, sharpen focus to that learning and can prove a critical catalyst in a leader’s continuing development.
SOME POINTS FOR REFLECTION AND DISCUSSION 1. Within the context of your organization, or function, what would you see as being the key mindset and competencies of a ‘master leader’? 2. How do these show themselves in day-to-day activity? For example, what do ‘master’ leaders do in your organization that other managers don’t do? How exactly do they behave differently from other leaders? 3. Accepting that the stage of master leader is a moving target, what would be your own personal development plan to attain the next stage of master leadership? •
What practical, on-job learning would you specify for yourself?
What sources of coaching/tutoring would you choose?
Which formal leader development programmes would you select?
Which additional temporary roles (e.g. project leader, task force coordinator, and so on) would you pick to help your learning and development as a leader?
Prepare a plan covering the above four points (and any more you may wish to add) for a period of 12 months’ development. 4. Who would you consider to be the main leader role models from whom you have learned – and continue to learn?
EXERCISE 1. Take a blank sheet of paper and draw a large rectangle on it, to represent a Board of Directors’ ‘table’. Place yourself at the head, as one of the ‘boxes’. 2. Then around the table place up to 12 other boxes to represent your personal ‘Board of Directors’, that is, the people from whom you have learned about leadership – positively and negatively – in life. Name them and identify the key learning points you learned from each, alongside the box. Include friends and members of your family, if they, too, have given you key messages about leading others. 3. Summarize the key messages you have picked up anonymously, unconsciously or otherwise in life, about leadership, on the ‘table’ itself. (See the example of a ‘Personal Board of Directors’ in Chapter 11.) 4. What do the results tell you about you and the way you learn? 5. Now go back to the personal development plan you prepared for yourself in item 3 (above). What would you add, subtract or change following the Board of Directors exercise?
‘Learning for life’
‘Learning for life’
Certainly the challenges of the changes and paradigm shifts identified in previous chapters require today’s leaders to develop new and different mindsets and skills, and to put more focused energy into learning – as well as ‘doing’ – for businesses to survive and succeed. The issue is not simply one of working harder, or putting in longer hours in the office, on the shop floor, or behind the wheel of a car. Too many people are working excessively long days, already – particularly in the UK. Rather, it is a matter of leaders engaging in a committed process of ‘learning for life’1 for themselves and the people they manage. Greater awareness, strategic – as well as operational – fully engaging talent and managing knowledge intelligently, continue to be the critical mindset and skill development needs of leaders, in most organizations. Developing as a person, a professional and as a leader is a lifelong process – not a matter of occasional ad hoc injections, prompted by fortuitous thought, serendipity, or because someone else withdraws from a training programme at the eleventh hour and a late substitute is needed to avoid forfeiture of the course fees. Despite enough tangible evidence of the need for more appropriate leadership and management mindsets and skills, too many organizations continue to pay scant attention to the key issues of learning, developing and training for their managers. Manager and leader development still equals ‘management training’ which, in turn, equals ‘send him (and even her, if we must!) on a course’, in far more organizations, than those where there is planned continuity of development and effective dedicated coaching and mentoring.
Continuity of development involves regular personal ‘stocktakes’, where current and evolving strengths, on the one hand, are identified, further developed and progressively capitalized upon, within the individual’s role – and role relationships. On the other hand, it is important to pick up and talk through remediable weaknesses, and agree what action needs to be taken to deal effectively with them. Such an approach, if based upon continual dialogues between the individual and his/her boss, reinforces the point that there is little to be gained from wasting time on weaknesses about which little can realistically be done to improve the situation. As Terry Lunn2 wryly observes, “Nothing can be done about an inherent weakness. Never try to teach the pig to sing – it wastes your time and annoys the pig.” What should also emerge from such dialogues is the crucial importance of both the leader taking ownership of his own development and therefore taking initiatives on – and of – the job to ensure continuity of learning, and also his manager giving impetus and support to such development. In particular, he and his manager need to identify developmental opportunities, where there is scope for: •
Challenge, and the breaking of new ground.
Work that creates, or adds, important value and makes a significant, demonstrable contribution to the business.
Greater/wider leadership roles – preferably the earlier the better, within the leader’s career progression.
Shifting gear and moving up into more demanding strategic roles/tasks and relationships.
Moving and operating out of existing ‘comfort zones’.
Multi-disciplinary and cross-functional working.
Building stakeholder coalitions and alliances, e.g. supply chain projects, involving suppliers, deliverers (own organization) and customers.
Acquiring new contributive competencies which will test and enhance both skill and will.
Working on specific role/task assignments in other comparable, but non-competitive organizations, to provide both ‘fly-on-thewall’ and direct experience in new environments.
Making keynote presentations at major events, where there is a sense of occasion and opportunities to increase personal visibility and establish reputation and credibility.
Leading (preferably) or acting as a member of jointly run projects with a leading business school, professional body or significant consultancy group, with mentored rigorous learning.
Setting up and managing increased outsourcing, for supportive activities.
In effect, leader learning development (like so much interpersonal skills training) is about building competence – and confidence – in the three related areas of activity, shown in Figure 15.
2 Manage others
3 Manage results
1 Manage yourself
Low Low
High Transforming
Feedback and learning loop
On the reasonable assumption that competency – like charity – begins at home, the first priority in leader development is learning to manage
oneself. In leadership, this includes not only the development of effective self-management skills, but also acquiring high levels of competence in the three primary areas of know-how identified in Chapter 2: 1.
Effective personal skills and leader competencies form an appropriately strong base for developing consistently sound working relationships with others. Particularly important are the following interpersonal competencies: •
Self awareness and sensitivity to others.
Negotiation techniques.
Listening and questioning skills.
Influencing skills.
Coaching and mentoring skills.
Motivational skills.
Working as a partner (primus inter pares) as opposed to ‘leader’.
Collaborative problem solving.
Empowering and delegating skills.
‘Win-win’ relationships, more than most others, are likely to result in ‘win-win’ outcomes and a higher level of ‘new’, or ‘best practice’, solutions. Higher levels of engagement and personal accountability for results, are more likely to develop in people who recognize that they are being led by managers willing to involve and empower them and give them a sense of ownership – and hence stake – in the business.
Key leadership activities Clearly there are many definitions of what a leader is – or believed to be. Writers like Adair, Bennis, Kotter and Kanter3 focus, profitably, on what leaders DO in order to be effective and produce requisite results. ‘Leadership is about balancing the demands of the task with the needs and expectations of the people involved’ is a typical functional definition, which has appeared in a variety of guises over the years. Job descriptions personalize the role and relate it to its immediate context and environment, while competency-based analyses provide more relevant generic and specific descriptors of requisite leader behaviours in many organizations today. All provide useful data on role imperatives, as well as giving scope for feedback on performance, against expectations. To provide a broader perspective to leadership and the leader role, and to provide a link between the key leadership functions of transforming, integrating and mobilizing – and the nature of work itself – a hierarchy of activity such as that of Figure 16 provides a helpful logical framework: Level
5 Coaching the process Raising capabilities Taking the business forward
Strategic Transformational leadership Changing and developing Adding value/ improving Doing/ adding value
Mobilizing Talent
Mastery Level of abstraction of thinking and timescales involved
4 Making connections Integrating strategic changes. Transforming the business 3 Making changes Introducing new thinking and practice 2 Enhancing existing practices 1 ‘Nuts and bolts’ Day-to-day routines
One important aspect of the hierarchy is the progressively increasing abstract nature of thinking – and related activity – and the lengthening of the likely timescales involved, i.e.: Level 1 ‘Doing’ is essentially about the necessary day-to-day routines and activities which so frequently underpin – and turn into reality – schemes, plans and strategies, evolved elsewhere in the organization. ‘Doing’ is primarily ‘hands-on’ and often demands skills such as practical ingenuity, inventiveness and resourcefulness to add value and deliver results. Level 2 ‘Improving’ is primarily a matter of enhancing what are already current practices, activities, procedures and processes. Enhancing information systems, for example, though an improving process, is more likely to involve development, integration and synthesis and so may be more appropriately considered to be a level 3 activity (see Figure 16). Improving involves adding value through modified or ‘best practice’. Level 3 Changing and developing involves making usually significant changes to practices, processes, systems, structure – and to people’s competencies, roles and contributions. It frequently depends upon the introduction of new ideas, procedures and practices. Level 4 Strategic transformational leadership involves more complex processes requiring higher level conceptual and contextual competencies. It frequently involves different mindsets, higher levels of abstract thinking, the ability to reason – and act – within context – and the necessary vision to predict potential and likely outcomes, over longer timescales. Level 5 ‘Mastery’ involves high cognitive and emotional competence in activity, levels 3 to 5, and understanding of the end results, trends and significant implications of all levels. In particular, level 5 includes the crucial leadership mindsets and competencies involved in articulating integrative vision and the strategic paths to fulfilling that vision. Levels 2 to 5 necessarily involve influencing and mobilizing people in order to take a task, role, process or the organization forward.
Allowing for differences of leader role level and personal style, Figure 17 illustrates the relationship between the five level hierarchy and the three key leader functions of transforming, integrating and mobilizing.
4 Transformational strategy (integrating and synthesizing) 3 Changing & developing 2 Improving
Ma ste
4 Transformational strategy 3 Changing & developing 2 Improving
4 Transformational strategy (integrating and synthesizing) 3 Changing & developing 2 Improving
Transforming, as a process, involves typically:
Improving upon the current state of affairs by changing the nature of things.
Developing people, systems, processes, organizations and results.
Rationalizing and/or synthesizing different systems, processes, roles, relationships, organizational structures, or elements of them.
Destroying what is established, in order to build for the future.
Integrating normally involves: •
Changing and developing people, roles, goals, functions, organization structures, systems and procedures.
Synthesizing, combining and re-aligning roles, goals, functions, systems and procedures.
Mobilizing typically includes: • Integrating people, roles and goals •
Motivating –
engaging and empowering
Communicating and sharing vision
Pathfinding and agreeing direction
and, hence, a developed mindset based on skills of sensing, intuition, reflection and integrative thinking
In turn, all three leadership activities are influenced fundamentally by the leader’s personal style, especially the ways in which he, or she, bonds with, communicates and relates to others. The question of leader style is particularly critical in the way the leader articulates, communicates and engages others in the creation of the desired future state of a function, or business. Envisioning and the sharing of crystallized aspiration and ambition are essential skills in leadership, and lie at the very root of motivating, mobilizing and leading people. Just as there is a progressive hierarchy of work activities (Figure 16), so there is a comparable progression of communicating and interacting with other people, ranging from the lowest level 1 (rituals and cliché conversation) where ‘strokes’ and both risk and interpersonal pay-off are all low – right up to level 6 (so-called ‘peak’ communication) where there are the highest levels of synergy pay-off, but also socio-emotional risk. This suggested progression of six differing levels of communication and interaction is illustrated in Figure 18.
The source of the model in its original form is somewhat obscure, but it was developed in the UK, initially, by David and Janet Gilbert-Smith4 working at The Leadership Trust, as one of several models providing theoretical backing to the Trust’s world-class leadership programmes. The version shown in Figure 18 represents further recent development and adaptation of the original, by the author. One interesting feature of the hierarchy is that levels 4 to 6 represent a significant step change from levels 1 to 3, in that level 4 upwards represents areas of personal uniqueness and are not, therefore, largely based upon general rituals, clichés, facts, figures and information which all may have a significant common or shared element in them. Levels 4 to 6, especially, are more likely to be predominantly outcomes of emotional intelligence and social awareness, as well as intellect and cognitive intelligence.
Scope for engagement and productive interaction
} }
Tacit knowledge
Risk versus Payoff
‘Peak’ communication
Explicit knowledge
Feelings and emotions Ideas and judgements Facts and information Gossip and ‘grapevine’ Rituals and cliché conversation
Source of maximum productive synergy, ‘flow’ and ‘feel-good’
Areas of personal uniqueness, including Tacit Knowledge
Basis of much of an organization’s culture and Explicit Knowledge
‘Peak’ communication, which is characterized by close relationships and free ranging, ‘open’ and spontaneous exchanges between people usually provides the greatest scope and opportunity for intellectual and emotional synergy. It is a stage in relationships where all parties feel free to join in and contribute to discussion, and where their inputs will be actively acknowledged, built upon and further developed by the others in the group. ‘Peak’ communication is typical of a dialogue between two people – or animated discussion between the members of a small group, where adrenalin flows, mutually backed creativity abounds and individual contributions become synthesized into satisfying, productive and relevant outcomes. In essence ‘peak’ communication represents mutual stimulus, support and the addition of value to what is being discussed. The ‘killer’ to ‘peak’ communication is – ‘Yes, but’ and the great stimulus is quite simply – ‘Yes, and…..’ It is very much part of the arena of the Master Leader, just as it is an essential feature of a close, effective personal and work relationship. Without regular peak communication, any relationship is going to be socially less rich and rewarding and significantly less productive, in terms of creative ideas and solutions than relationships where such high level interaction does take place. There is little room for hierarchy, pecking order, or power/status differentiation in ‘peak’ communication. It is essentially the outcome of egalitarianism, lack of felt social or rank barriers and a pervading awareness of genuine commitment, support, interest and mutualism, within a team, group or paired relationship. Peak interaction is one of the most natural and obvious examples of free-ranging, effective two-way communication. It is both oral and nonverbal communication and, therefore, has obvious strengths over written communication. It is one of the keys to effective networking – which is essentially a process aimed at gaining support for an idea, proposal, objective or project – and it is crucial in securing active commitment to, and backing for, change.
Apart from obvious interdependence and freedom of expression, peak communication is characterized by: •
High creative and productive synergy.
Mutual expectation and trust.
High social intimacy and the feeling – “I can speak my mind, safely, without recrimination, here”.
Being solution – not blame – orientated, i.e. “What needs to be done – and how?” – not, “Who can we blame and whom do we punish?”
Strong identity on the part of all involved, with responsibility to one another and to a search for fresh ideas, successful outcomes, progress, adding value and goal achievement.
It would be very difficult to think of anyone in a leadership role laying claim to – or being considered to be of – Master Leader status and competence level without frequent peak communication in their relationships with their people, individually and collectively. Implicit throughout all stages in the hierarchy of communications and relationships, depicted in Figure 18, are both risk and pay-off, which increase with the progression of social intimacy from level 1 to level 6. When communication and interaction are taking place at level 4, upwards, then both risk and pay-off become more apparent to those who are party to the transactions. For example, articulating a particular idea, or expressing a personal judgement, might elicit, as reactions from others who are directly, or indirectly involved:
Approving responses such as – “Yes, I agree, I think that is sound judgement. I’m, sure you’re right” or “That’s a great idea. Yes, let’s do it”, or “Yes, and we can also…”
Disapproval, in the form of comments like – “Do you really believe that?” (with an incredulous expression and quizzically raised
eyebrows). “To say the least, I think your views are suspect and, frankly, the Board are not convinced that this is a sensible thing to do.” At level 5, the expression of feelings and emotions, the pay-off and risk are both commensurately higher. Approval might take the form of: “Thank goodness you said that – the rest of us feel the same way about this awful situation.” Whereas disapproval could typically come in the shape of responses such as: “I can assure you no-one else has expressed feelings of that sort and if I were you, I’d be very careful, in future, where you declare your hand in such an emotional way.” At level 6, peak communication, the pay-off is only too obvious – especially in the mutual building up of ideas and proposals and where the satisfaction and fun of synergy are readily apparent to those involved in dialogues and discussions. The principal risk of peak interactions is that if, for some reason, the relationship breaks down, then there may be a feeling of betrayal, or disillusion. There may, too, be a good deal of disbelief and confusion initially, after the relationship turns sour, as one or other of the parties finds the shift from ‘the way we used to be’ to ‘how we behave towards one another now’ inexplicable, painful or simply a matter of ‘I really should have seen this coming, but chose not to’. Rivalry and competitiveness, especially, involving ‘territory’, position and power are some of the issues which can turn level 6 pay-offs into subsequently destructive or negative relationships, where disaffection and even enmity replace previous trust and camaraderie. Below level 4, there is less intensity in both risk and pay-off, although the level of ‘strokes’ given can be diminished, or enhanced, as the case may be, by personal warmth of style (or lack of it) by the use of first names and by the innumerable ‘intimacy signals’ that people tend to use both verbally and non-verbally, to ‘harden’ or ‘soften’ their approach to others.
The terms ‘tacit knowledge’ and ‘explicit knowledge’ in Figure 18 describe two very different types of information and knowledge, i.e.:
Knowledge of a pre-given world
Exclusive personal knowledge
Shared stereotypes and knowledge
Personal/collaborative discovery
Illusory knowledge and ‘party line’
Unique, intuitive knowledge
Probability judgments
Insights and exploration
Organization specific
Intellectual openness and freedom
Role – and goal-dependent learning
Mindset, i.e. motivated learning
As Nonaka and Takeuchi5 have demonstrated in their extensive research, the release and mobilization of people’s tacit learning and knowledge is one of the great keys to productive synergy and intelligent talent management. Figure 4 in Chapter 2 shows something of the impact upon the organizational form, dynamics and culture of the leader’s style and competence. The top right hand corner of the rear projection of organizational style – ‘dynamic and adaptive, where constant organization renewal is taking place’ – emerges as the result of what might be described as ‘Master Leader’ awareness, acuity and competence. Such organization development is also, in part, a consequence of appropriately effective leadership style, whereby the leader will frequently be operating in the realms of high emotional intelligence and, therefore, at levels 4, 5 and 6, especially, in his or her interaction and communication with others. If a leader is less than competent and effective in any one of the core functions of transforming, integrating and mobilizing – or is operating and communicating at inappropriate levels, then the results will be
apparent in the development, or otherwise, of the organization, its culture and especially its day-to-day operational ‘climate’.
Political awareness and acumen One major factor which is indicative of a leader’s learning – and consequent leadership mastery is that of his/her ‘political’ maturity and acumen and, therefore, ability to influence others and make things happen, within networks of complex organizational and power relationships. So much of organizational relationships are about issues involving the three P’s – people, power and politics and, in particular, our ability to ‘read’, and cope with, other people’s motives and machinations, without compromising our own personal and professional integrity and so credibility, as a manager and leader. Caroline Egri6 of the Simon Fraser University, Canada, who has undertaken considerable research into both tactical and strategic organizational political power, identifies eight actions, or learned behaviours, to ensure political survival: 1.
Enhance your personal power and influence.
Increase your centrality and criticality within the business.
Raise your visibility around the place.
Strengthen and reinforce your relevance in the organization.
Increase your flexibility, but preserve your integrity – as a person and as a member of the organization.
Use reason, reciprocity and retribution wisely.
Learn how to counter them effectively.
Empower your people and draw on the strength of your team as an organizational entity.
In his treatise on political survival in 16th century Italy, Machiavelli7 stated in The Prince: “How laudable it is for a prince to keep good faith and live with integrity and not with astuteness, everyone knows. Still, experience
shows princes to have done great things who have had little regard for faith and who have been able, by astuteness, to confuse men’s brains and who have ultimately overcome those who have made loyalty their foundation.” Machiavelli was obviously writing in another time, about another place, and the dangerous political environment of the Italian City States where survival was, quite literally, much more a matter of life and death than perhaps within the typical business organization at the outset of the 21st century – or was he? Life and ‘death’ within today’s business environment is obviously about issues of career, role, influence and reputation, not the preservation – or extinguishing – of life itself and, increasingly, more writers on management are beginning to emphasize the significance of political awareness and ‘power competence’ and represent them as key skills in leadership and corporate survival. In their excellent book, The Expertise of the Change Agent, David Buchanan and David Boddy8 discuss what they term ‘backstage activity’, and offer eight behaviours and techniques to develop political strength and power, within organizations, i.e.: 1.
Build coalitions and alliances (where there is mutual support).
Secure ‘power’ sponsorship. That is, obtain support and backing from people within – and outwith – the organization who possess political ‘clout’ and power.
Use ‘emissaries’ to sell your message, on the basis that others – including outsiders – may sell afresh what might otherwise be considered to be the ‘same old tune, again’.
Recruit both internal and external support for your projects, plans and goals.
5. Establish both legitimacy and necessity for your plans and intentions. 6.
Use the power of the ‘transformed organization’. That is, capitalize upon the many and varied opportunities to exercise the power of change, re-structuring and renewing that organization transition and transformation inevitably offer.
Develop and use political acumen.
Network, network, network – especially to build multiple clusters of people linked through you.
Building a ‘secure base’ of people who can and will give ‘political’ support can create one of the most important sources of organizational strength and influence. Too often we miss or neglect the opportunities for learning, support and political power derived from what Buchanan and Boddy term the ‘Invisible Team’. By this they mean such ‘multiple cluster’ sources of potential strength, back-up and influence, as: •
Clients and customers – who are an invaluable source of ideas, guidance, information and learning.
Sponsors, i.e. the ‘Godfather’, mentor, ‘fixer’, ‘smoother’, enabler and promoter to the team. They may be either internal or external figures.
Service functions – often misunderstood, deliberately and frequently maligned (one of Reg Revan’s ‘corrigible handicaps’ to managerial learning – see Chapter 2). They often possess insider knowledge, specialist expertise and skill, and may have resources, knowledge and information of use to the team.
Sub contractors – essentially external ‘players’ they represent sources of help, skill and emissary influence, outside the business.
Gate keepers – that is people, outside or inside the business, who have access to key players and sources of influence possibly otherwise denied to the team.
Clearly there are no short cuts to developing political awareness and ‘power competence’, but reality would seem to suggest that acumen and ‘clout’ (personal ‘horse power’) remain as crucial as ever – albeit in emerging new forms – as necessary managerial strengths, particularly for those in the influencing roles of leader, and where the nature of formal organizational power itself is changing. Though originating
from different sides of the Atlantic, the findings and conclusions of Egri and Buchanan and Boddy, inter alia, reflect widespread increasingly common issues of changing organizational realpolitik the business world over. As Professor Zuboff9 prophetically observes, “The jungle fighter symbolises where the corporation has been; the virtuoso in interpersonal skills is the corporate future.” Dr Donna Ladkin10 writing in Leadership Matters, the very readable journal of the Centre for Leadership Studies at Exeter University, describes the process of ‘leading beautifully’ and gives further significance to Zuboff’s comment. While the title may appear, at first sight, somewhat improbable for perhaps a typical assembly shop manager, senior logistics controller, or Special Forces troop commander, her message is both cogent and so very apt, as critical learning, for almost any leader irrespective of context. Dr Ladkins’ research is more concerned with the ‘how’, rather than the ‘what’ of leadership. What constitutes ‘beauty’, in her thesis, is appropriateness of leader style, derived from a combination of mastery and congruence. Mastery is over the leader’s professional domain, but it is also a mastery over the self. Reinforcement of this concept has been central to the teaching of The Leadership Trust who, for 30 years, have emphasized the need to learn to control oneself, as a necessary preliminary to controlling others. Congruence – especially that between ‘form’ and ‘purpose’ – suggests that ‘fittingness’ of leader style is an important key to motivating, engaging and mobilizing the hearts and minds of others. It is, it seems, the essence of the answer to the question – ‘Can he/she lead – and will they willingly follow?’ Congruence, in the context of leadership, reflects the extent to which there is a palpable match between what the leader is trying to achieve and how they go about it. ‘Beautiful’ leadership would be characterized by frequent ‘peak’ communication and interaction, between leader and led, described earlier in this chapter. As Ladkin concludes, ‘beauty’ is a worthy aspiration, because it embodies something of the best we can be and so much of leadership is about getting the best out of people. To do that, it seems, leaders need to get the best out of themselves – that lies at the heart of mastery.
Summary In Chapter 5 we have looked at four key indicators of leadership mastery: 1.
The quality and continuity of the leader’s learning.
The level of activity in which the leader engages and is thus identified with, in other people’s minds.
The ‘quality’ and level of communications and relationships that characterize the leaders’ day-to-day, as well as longer-term, interactive ‘style’. Of particular importance is the leaders’ ability to awaken others’ awareness, understanding ‘adrenalin’ and commitment through the processes of envisioning and the communication and sharing of aspirational vision.
The relevance, appropriateness and success of his or her political acumen and thus the continuing ‘centrality’, power and influence of their presence and leadership, within the organization.
Central to the Master Leader’s role are the three core activities identified initially in Chapter 2 – transforming, integrating and mobilizing, and these have been looked at again in Chapter 4 within the context of the above four indicators of a leader’s developing style and competence. A considerable amount of space has been given over to the importance of ‘peak’ communication in this chapter, since it is considered to be a key factor in the leader’s style, and also because evidence of ‘mastery’ is much more likely to be found in the enabling synergy of peak interaction than it is in the lower levels of communications. Peak communication has, too, a key role to play in the process of sharing vision and engaging people’s ownership of that vision. The combined arenas of learning, level of activity engaged in leadership style and political power provide inappropriate context on which it is possible to assess leaders’ effectiveness and, equally important, for them to evaluate their own competence. Contextual sensitivity and, therefore the fittingness of the leader’s style – especially the obvious match between the ‘what’ and the ‘how’ of an individual’s approach – is a critical factor in inspiring, motivating and securing the commitment of others.
In the next chapter, we shall explore the leader’s role and competencies as a ‘boundary manager’, who either personally deals with, or empowers others to handle both intra and inter team issues, relationships and group dynamics. The effective management of boundaries, and boundary relationships, represents a fifth area of hallmark competency of the Master Leader.
SOME POINTS FOR REFLECTION AND DISCUSSION 1. Consider the idea of ‘learning for life’ within the context of your own organization or function. How would you establish such a philosophy, process and day-to-day practices? Draw up an action plan to do this. 2. Think about the ‘hierarchy of work activity’. At which level(s) do you spend the majority of your time? Is this appropriate for you in your current role – and for your continuing development as a leader-manager? What steps do you need to take to ‘raise your game’ and move up the scale more than perhaps you are currently doing? 3. Now think about the ‘hierarchy of communications and relationships’. Do you spend enough time with key people in your organization in ‘peak’ communication and interaction? When you do, what benefits to the team, the business – and yourself – emerge? What, specifically, should you do to develop more ‘peak’ communication contact and time? 4. Look at the section in Chapter 4 on ‘political’ awareness and acumen. How would you rate your political competency as a leader or manager? What do you need to do to enhance your political acumen, without loss of personal and professional integrity? How would you move from mere ‘politician’, to ‘statesman, or diplomat in the political stakes, within your organization? 5. Can you realistically afford to ignore the ‘politicking’ in your organization and so remain politically ‘squeaky clean’ and still survive? 6. Taking the concept of ‘beautiful’ leadership, put forward by Dr Ladkin, of Exeter University’s Centre for Leadership Studies, what would you identify as necessary beauty in your leadership style? How do you develop it and how does it typically impact upon other people and their responses?
Mastering the organization’s boundaries – and connections
Mastering the organization’s boundaries – and connections
‘The most productive synergy comes from diversity – not from uniformity and that is diversity of gender, race, age, experience and personality…’
What are the organizational ‘boundaries’? The competitive, changing nature of the business world, and the dynamics of managerial adaptation to such challenges, create their own pressures, constraints and ‘boundaries’, which managers – and others – have to identify, work through and effectively deal with. Change, particularly far-reaching change, inevitably generates both new and different boundaries that are less evident in more stable conditions. Not the least of these are the psychological and political barriers that emerge between those who want change and those who are struggling to preserve the status quo and the ‘old order’. The term ‘boundary’ is used because of its connotations of limits, constraints and confinement which may be, variously:
Consciously imposed
Willingly – or unwillingly accepted
Overt, clear and obvious
Covert, unclear and hidden, or obscured
Ambiguous or unambiguous
Legitimate or non-legitimate
Necessary and/or productive
Unnecessary and/or dysfunctional
Self-imposed and, therefore, largely ‘in the mind’ (see Figure 20).
Furthermore, so many misunderstandings, problems and lack of congruence, within organizational life, occur at, or because of, boundaries representing differences between functions, values, goals, structures and systems. Perhaps, most of all the toughest boundaries are those that have been set up to preserve established (or assumed) territorial ‘rights’ and to protect fragile, over-inflated egos. Inherent in structured organizations such as a company, business or institution and their operating environments, are at least the following boundaries: 1.
Role/task boundaries, reflecting role or job inputs, task methods, outputs, division of labour and relevance/criticality of role contribution and competence to the wider success of a function, or the organization, as a whole.
Functional boundaries which define, affirm and delineate contributive roles, goals and input-output linkages of departments or functions, within an organization. Implicit in these boundaries is the reality of necessary cross-functional activity and output.
Hierarchical boundaries, which give definition to, and invest significance in, formal organizational authority, as a legitimate instrument of strategic and operational power.
Cultural boundaries, which may be ‘meta’, ‘macro’ or ‘micro’ in nature and which, ultimately, determine ‘the way we do things around here’. In essence, cultural parameters bring about conformity on the largely pragmatic philosophy and practice of, ‘When in Rome…’
Tribal boundaries, strong ‘micro’ cultures which live out particular ideologies and espouse distinctive beliefs, values and norms. Tribal boundaries may both reinforce and transcend functional and other boundaries. Typical of such behaviour is the distinctive pattern of anti head office behaviour that may characterize the attitudes and actions of a regional plant or office. Tribal differentiation so frequently crystallizes around issues of ‘territory’ and, therefore, ‘territorial rights’, e.g. ‘This is our patch – keep off!’
Political boundaries which may be tribal, or not, and which usually have their roots in power and, consequently power play, over differing interests. Whatever views, hopes and wishes are expressed to the contrary, politics remain a source of potential or actual division in most organizations with too great a destructive interest in ‘win-lose’, rather than ‘win-win’ outcomes.
Moral boundaries differentiate between ethical and religious standpoints and thus are about standards of behaviour, beliefs and values frequently centred around what is considered to be ‘right’ (as opposed to ‘wrong’) or ‘good’, versus ‘bad’. As a consequence, camps can become strongly divided within an organization over the believed integrity of a decision and resultant proposed course of action. Seemingly bankrupt in moral terms, in the ‘80s, many organizations are beginning to take significantly more ethical stances over issues and to put their money where their new found integrity is (or is it image?) – on both human and ecological matters.
Time/priority boundaries, frequently derived from – and consequent upon – formal authority and power, time and priority boundaries, are largely about who will do what, how they will do it, with whom and by when. One negative and disruptive implication is that of the ‘myth of urgency’, where often, as a matter of course, crucial decisions, reports or ‘answers’ are demanded within unreasonable timescales – (often to satisfy egos!) at the expense of more relevant, or important work.
Psychological boundaries, so often issues of ‘won’t’, rather than ‘can’t’ and ‘don’t’ want to do‘, or ’don’t know what to do‘, include self-limiting, self-imposed constraints. Frequently the most frustrating and testing boundaries for the leader-manager to identify and overcome, because of their deeply entrenched and irrational nature, such psychological boundaries are also the potentially most destructive, dysfunctional obstacles to progress.
Chapter 6 is largely devoted to the issue of ’non-work‘ and ’work‘ behaviour and, hence boundaries, barriers and constraints which are essentially ’psychological‘. Figure 19 seeks to represent the above boundary areas as an organizational ’jigsaw‘, where the remaining eight impinge not only upon the central role/task boundary – and, therefore, upon job performance – but also interact with each other.
Political boundaries
Time/priority boundaries
HIERARCHICAL boundaries Tribal boundaries
Control boundaries
Psychological boundaries
Functional boundaries
ROLE/TASK boundaries Cultural boundaries
Moral boundaries
So many of the above boundaries are frequently in the form of ‘self-inflicted wounds’, largely ‘in the mind’ (see Figure 20 below) and, therefore, are principally manifestations of, or represent: •
Fear of failure
Risk aversion
Extreme conservatism and resistance to change
Reluctance to move out of ‘comfort zones’
Irrational denial of reality
Political manoeuvring
Defense mechanisms
Hidden agenda
In effect, they result in behaviours which may lack congruence with the legitimate goals and direction of the business and which can lead to counter-productive decisions, inappropriate strategies and destructive decisions. An added complication is that of ‘misery loving miserable companions’ – ‘we band of brothers, we wretched few’ – and the consequent banding together of fellow ‘victims’ seeking consolation, support and power, through the emergence – conscious, or otherwise – of disaffected and dysfunctional, cliques, cabals and coteries.
Moral Task
Political Cultural
or Pri l
rito Ter
Domain and cross-functional management The primary role of the leader, within the organization’s executive structure, his or her degree of formal, positional authority, as well as the nature and dynamics of the management hierarchy itself, are all major potential influences in creating the boundaries that must be coped with. For example, if the organization structure and culture tend to be traditional and conventional and in the form of a ‘classical’ differentiated functional hierarchy, then the boundaries for many leaders will be characteristic of typical ‘domain’ management, that is: •
Predominantly ‘steady state’, for much of the time.
‘Closed’ culture.
Function orientated and hence ‘silo’ perspectives.
‘Inward’ leadership focus, directed towards protecting and preserving the ‘internal life’, dynamics and equilibrium of the function or department.
Largely procedural, regular and routine in approaches to task organization, performance and communications.
Formal hierarchical structure with functionally prescribed roles and job tasks.
‘We’/‘us’ = ‘our function’.
Parochial and/or partisan, over territorial issues, functional accountabilities and achievement of results, i.e. low ‘open’ collaborative interdependence.
Greater emphasis upon statutory and mandatory parameters in decision-making and action, than upon radical initiative and discretionary criteria.
‘Top-down’ leadership and management styles predominate.
As soon as something is given a distinguishing label, it acquires: An identity and a membership A sense of uniqueness, or being ‘different’ and therefore an ‘us-and-them’ perspective Self-defined boundaries, ‘territory’ and, therefore territorial ‘rights’ An excluding, selective, rejecting mentality Distinctive symbols to affirm, promote and reinforce identity ‘Group-speak’ language and specialized vocabulary, or a ‘restrictive’ code
The basis of the closed ‘silo’ mindset
Such structures may also create a sense of pride, feelings of affiliation and belonging, a unique ethos and cherished traditions: another ‘baby’ not to be thrown out with the ‘bath water’. So-called ‘silo’ management and organizational styles and ‘domain’ working appear to remain, most entrenched, within traditional industries such as heavy engineering, the potteries and clothing manufacture, although working as a consultant, the author still encounters them in such fields as ceramic tile manufacture, insurance, banking, light engineering and food processing. Thus, the typical, differentiated functional hierarchy of more conventional organization still exists in various forms, despite the widespread trend towards ‘flatter’ and so-called ‘bubble’ organization structures, with their consequent emphasis upon fluid cross-functional and multi-disciplinary project-team working (see Figure 21). In ‘bubble’ organizations, the less formal structure is more about functional specialization, rather than clearly ‘layered’ hierarchies. These latter, more current, open ‘structures’ are often characterized by high autonomy and independence, within strongly interdependent work relationships. Collaborative, ‘organic’ networks and flexible functional linkages, which enable specific talents to be rapidly accessed, mobilized and engaged, when and where they
are needed, demonstrate such obvious advantages over traditional ‘silo’ organization structures and silo mindsets. ‘Interface’ or ‘cross-functional’ management, where the boundaries are more likely to be fluid, complex and multifarious, typically functions with the following as its main operating characteristics: •
Continually changing, renewing and re-organizing.
Open culture, with the major focus on ‘who’ and ‘what’ needs changing.
Interdependent and cross-functionally oriented with high emphasis upon ‘networking’ communication styles and multidisciplinary working and thus joint outputs.
‘Outwards’, as well as ‘inwards’ leadership and role focus, aimed at seeking coalitions, partnerships and alliances.
High adaptability and flex in organizational response, work roles and goals and availability of contributive competence – as situations and demands change, with consequent multiplicity of transient ‘We’s’ and ‘us’s’ as teams, organically arise, live – and ‘die’.
Effective use of systems as stabilizing, consistency-ensuring processes.
Consequent proactive and reactive versatility and innovation.
Shared vision and values largely replace traditional role structures, as ‘like minds’, and ‘kindred spirits’ articulate and synthesize new common purpose, missions and goals, i.e. high levels of productive synergy from ‘peak’ communication and interaction.
Leader concentrates upon engaging and energizing people and both facilitating and coaching focused, cooperative activity.
Strategy Marketing support
Product x-functional team ‘C’
Finance admin support
Technology support
Product x-functional team ‘B’ Product x-functional team ‘D’
Leadership/ co-operation
Logistics support
IT/systems support
Product x-functional team ‘A’
HR/training support
Figure 21 illustrates something of the major shift away from ‘silo’ working, into the more dynamic, adaptive cross-functional organization, where there are, typically:
Change agents working with multi-disciplinary transformation teams on corporate renewal.
Growing cross-functional strategic direction across the business.
Multi-disciplinary specialist project teams.
Multi-team tasks involving two or more functions.
Task groups focusing on key changes and improvement/integration issues, across functions.
Growing cross-functional operation across departments at ‘coal face’ levels.
High personal bonding, as a necessary preliminary to diverse professional collaboration.
So-called ‘bubble’ organization represents a natural transition from wellestablished but organically evolving ‘Matrix’ organization (see Figure 22 below). In effect, such working when widespread and taking place at several levels, as well as company-wide and across different functions, creates, at times, what appears to be a ‘boundary-less’ organization – a phenomenon which was first defined and explored by Hirshorn and Gilmore and mentioned in Chapter 2.
Project ‘A’
Project ‘B’
Project ‘C’
Project ‘D’
Project ‘E’
Systems Sales and IT and Mktg
Product Dev
KEY: X = Member seconded from function FIGURE 22: ‘MATRIX’ AND PRODUCT ORGANIZATION
‘Organic’ management of boundaries and new connections As walls, boundaries and functional barriers are pierced, bent, broken down, or simply discarded, so more organic collaborative and dynamic modes of working emerge – both strategically and operationally across the organization. New coalitions, alliances and working partnerships emerge that represent fundamental departures from the previous ‘insulated’ functional working relationships. As a Sales Director of a major pharmaceuticals group1 said: “You just wouldn’t believe the transformation that has occurred, in collaboration between people from sales and marketing, product development and production. People who never spoke to one another before and rarely sent memos – except under sufferance – now spend time actually talking. In about 20 months, this company has changed out of all recognition. It’s become an exciting place to work. In 16 years with the group, I’ve never known such changes.” Interestingly, in that company it was the purchase of almost 300 PCs which triggered massive data generation and information flow – the cross-functional benefits of which became rapidly apparent, as people began comparing notes and talking about software applications to one another. The speedy, essentially ‘organic’ nature of the burgeoning interdepartmental relationships quickly led to a series of major restructures and the emergence of a typical flatter organization, where the informal processes became not only legitimized, but were actively stimulated and encouraged as the previous formal boundaries progressively disappeared. In the case of the pharmaceuticals group, the breaking down of traditional boundaries and barriers was achieved by a successful combination – and subsequent intelligent orchestration – of: 1.
The initial ‘organic’ growth precipitated by what quickly became a critical mass of managers and professionals who, literally, just began to cross established inter-departmental boundaries and wandered, initially somewhat self-consciously, into one another’s offices, in order to compare notes and check understanding, as
the benefits of linked up information technology rapidly became apparent. 2.
An effective ‘reading’ of developments by top management, on site, who progressively capitalized upon the ‘natural’ turn of events, by sensitively appropriate re-organization and re-structuring of the business. Conscious organization renewal, in turn, led naturally to the emergency and growth, through new-found necessity, of a multiplicity of cross-functional project-driven teams, ‘new thinking’ groups and multi-disciplinary coalitions. These task – and change – focused alliances have further eroded, or even completely removed, the old territorial attitudes and parochial practices.
Effective professional interventions, initiated by the Human Resources function, in conjunction with all levels in the business and working closely with a small consultancy, specializing in organization change and development have done much to: •
Maintain the impetus and commitment of energy to the new order of things.
Create a more questioning attitude of open constructive dissatisfaction aimed at continually challenging the status quo.
Open up – and sustain – the necessary continuity of learning, to enhance awareness, understanding and competence, in both initiating and leading requisite change, development and growth, across the business as a whole.
The business process re-engineering approach to boundaries and new connections Another approach to reducing traditional blockages to effective operations, especially the supply chain, has been the emergence of ‘BPR’, or ‘business process re-engineering’, which has gained ground on both sides of the Atlantic during the last 15 years or so. Business process reengineering, a term coined by Michael Hammer, former Professor of Computer Science at MIT2, is a structured approach to rethinking and redesigning a business ‘system’ in both fundamental and radical ways.
In a major client of the authors – a privatized former public utility3, a small team of senior people has been set up to introduce BPR throughout the operations and supply chain, in order to re-organize the business around work processes. The progressive breaking down of old barriers, boundaries and inefficiencies is being achieved by the team working within and across functions covering the following: •
Job/role design in relation to work outcomes, rather than the tasks themselves.
Organization structures and the work processes that require cross-functional synergy and interaction to produce requisite results.
Management information systems and how these facilitate work output.
The BPR team, under a senior manager, works closely with functions, at all levels – as appropriate – in order to bring about essential change and improvement in the end results of the business at day-to-day levels, as well as in the areas of major strategic response. A key element in this organization’s approach to using BPR to ‘re-invent’ and transform its business is the strong use of teams and teamworking across traditional lines of functional demarcation and territorial boundaries. Frequently ‘mirroring’ the multi-disciplinary and eclectic approach of the BPR change-agent team itself, the newly-constituted cross-functional teams are dramatically transforming the business, and the ways in which people, at all levels, perceive and respond to issues of transformation and growth. Preoccupation with the internal life of the business may mean, however, that broader issues may become temporarily ignored. Key problems that typically remain and require revisiting, follow up and follow through in major BPR exercises include:
Giving sufficient ‘airing’ and prominence to matters of the highest strategic importance, such as potential take over, stakeholder partnerships, innovative/anticipatory competitive advantage and customer focus.
Ensuring that parties to BPR are themselves sufficiently involved in – and hence have ownership of – the changes, change processes and intended outcomes of such far reaching projects.
The ‘team’ approach to boundaries and new connections In three further client companies4, the author and his associates are assisting the respective managements to develop and use team working, as the principal means of opening up effective cross-functional thinking and activity, throughout the business. The key priorities for improvement and change are identified and talked through, initially, with the top team as a whole and then subsequently with the rest of the organization, using the team approach cross-functionally, wherever possible. At successive team workshops, business visions are articulated, crystallized and confirmed, and classical SWOT analyses are used to match perceived strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats within the business and its operating environment, to the aspirations, intentions and goals underpinning the vision. Both during – and obviously between – the team building workshops, real issues of major significance are identified and dealt with within the context of the business itself and its operating environment. Another advantage of the structured team approach is that learning itself becomes a team process, with consequent growing mutual awareness, understanding and competence between team members, on currently ‘live’ work issues. Key problems with the team approach to boundary – and other – issues are as follows: •
How to create the right atmosphere and conditions for ‘hidden agenda’ to emerge and be dealt with fully and honestly.
How to crystallize and work through ‘difficult’ issues that are raised and move successfully to the first actionable steps to deal with them.
How best to take understanding and necessary learning outside the team, up, down and across the rest of the organization.
A leadership process for effective boundary management The classical simplistic model of a ‘business’ – be it a company in its entirety, or a functional unit producing outputs in one shape or another – may be depicted like this:
Suppliers and customers
CONVERSION (Leader and team responses)
‘Inputs’ might be, for example, castings while the consequent ‘outputs’, following the processes of ‘conversion’ could well be, therefore, machined components. Yet again, ‘inputs’ could be a collection of different parts and sub-units which after ‘conversion’ could be complex assemblies such as a bicycle, electric cooker or motor car. Frequently, however, ‘inputs’ represent data or information in one form while the ‘outputs’ are facts, figures and information in another, ‘converted’ form. The most obvious ‘boundaries’ to be managed are those that exist between the ‘conversion unit’ – be it a small section, major function, division or even entire business – and its environment. For example, ‘inputs’ come from suppliers, which may be internal, further up the line, within the company, or multi-sourced external providers. ‘Outputs’ involve relationships with customers, clients – internal and/or external – as well as regulatory bodies, environmental and ecological monitors, and agents, or subcontractors.
Further ‘boundary’ relationships requiring differing leadership roles and competencies, include those within the team itself and, therefore, the dynamics of the roles, tasks, intra group relationships and performance levels of the ‘conversion unit’ – whatever that happens to be (see Figure 20). Apart from relationships with suppliers and customers, there are other external boundaries and interactions to be managed. Typical of these ‘outward’ relationships are those with: •
Specialist/support colleagues
Other stakeholders, including external professionals.
What emerges thus far, is a need for at least two different, but complementary leadership roles, as Figure 23 shows, that is: 1.
‘Inwards’ – focused leadership which concentrates upon the ‘internal life’ of the team, for example: •
Fulfilling the three functions of leadership identified in John Adair’s action-centred leadership model(s) (see Chapter 2).
Focusing on follower functional maturity (Hersey-Blanchard5) parameters and therefore the levels of ‘skill and will’ of team members.
‘Outwards’ – focused leadership, which relates the team (or business) to its wider operating environment and network of external relationships, as identified above.
A model of leadership based upon this idea was developed, originally as far back as the 1940s by Professor T T Paterson6 who used it to good effect in the RAF to help raise falling morale amongst aircrew, who experienced something akin to collective post-coital tristesse, after the stimulus of their ‘Battle of Britain’ victory. Paterson concluded that the ‘inward’ and ‘outward‘ leader roles formed key relationships in a wider concept of complementary leadership roles and relationships which he termed a ’Methectic theory of organization‘7 (from the Greek Methectikos – participation). In addition to the inward and outward leader
functions, which he termed ’Indominus‘ and ’Exdominus‘ – no doubt enriching, but taxing the average manager’s grasp of the classical languages, and understanding of just what the model was all about – Paterson saw two further leadership roles, namely those of: 1.
Exemplar, who operates predominantly from the logical left lobe of the brain and who serves to: •
Monitor the group’s progress against norms and objectives.
Get back to basics and keep the team on track.
Work to first principles.
Act as ‘keeper of the king’s conscience’ to the team and sets an example to the others.
2. Eccentric, who acts as a countervailing force to the ‘Exemplar’, by operating predominantly from the right side of the brain and so introducing into the team: •
Creative, innovative thinking.
Unorthodoxy and departures from tradition or convention.
‘Eureka’ type thinking and, therefore, ‘quantum leap’, or significant step changes in ideas.
Provocative stimulating and inspirational ideas.
Challenges to established ways of going about work, making decisions and producing results.
Figure 24 (opposite) shows the potential for interplay of the four leadership roles as the input-conversion-output process.
Suppliers and customers
CONVERSION (Leader and team responses)
APPROPRIATE LEADERSHIP NEEDED AT ALL STAG ES 1. Inward leadership 2. Outward leadership 3. Exemplar 4. Eccentric 5. Committed supporter FIGURE 24: LEADERSHIP ROLES – PROFESSOR TOM PATERSON’S MODEL
In keeping with certain more recent writers on leadership, Paterson also focused on followership and introduced the role of the supportive follower, as a fifth key player in his overall theory, to which he gave the name ‘Mimetic’. Somewhat sadly, his model remains largely unknown or forgotten – possibly because of the rather improbable and esoteric mixed Greek and Latin terminology he used, which most likely distanced from busy, practical people what is essentially a pragmatic and relevant concept of leadership and team leader roles. Anglicised and updated, the four key leader and one supporter roles look like this, in action: 1. ‘Inward Leader’ •
Focuses the members’ attention on both the task and ‘process’ of the team (goals, roles, intra-team relationships) and internal group dynamics.
Concentrates upon the ‘internal life’ of the team.
Focuses on task performance.
Thinks – and acts – ‘we’ and ‘us’.
Crystallizes the team’s vision, values and direction.
2. ‘Outward leader’ •
Manages the external boundaries and relationships of the team.
Networks outside the team, but on its behalf, e.g. builds important alliances.
Manages suppliers and providers.
Focuses team effort on customer/client needs.
Manages ‘upwards’ effectively.
Represents the team and its needs, or interests, in external arenas, e.g. – as PRO, ‘sponsor’, or external ‘enabler’.
Monitors changes in the team’s ‘external world’ and relates the team’s roles, goals and activities to such trends and developments, i.e. contextual updating.
3. ‘Exemplar’ (‘left brain’ thinker)
Re-affirms norms, standards and values of the team or group.
Continually reviews fundamentals and essentials as basic work/task criteria.
Reminds the group of ‘base 1’ and original goals/purpose/ direction, whenever it loses – or looks like losing its way.
Pulls the team ‘back on track’.
Uses incremental logic.
Relies upon conventional wisdom.
Values the status quo and relies upon logical evolution – not revolution.
4. ‘Eccentric’ (‘right brain’ thinker) •
The creative innovator.
Introduces new ideas and ways of doing things.
The deviant thinker.
Unorthodox, unconventional – the ‘maverick’ revolutionary/ radical who provokes and stimulates the team to move out of its ‘comfort zones’.
Sees the possibilities and opportunities in situations.
A ‘holistic’ thinker.
Uses intuition, ‘gut feel’ and imagination (‘emotional IQ’).
Initiates change.
Provides necessary wake-up calls.
5. ‘Supportive follower’ •
High functional maturity.
Takes ownership of own role, accountabilities and performance.
Gives overt, demonstrable support to the achievement of the team’s goals and needs, whatever the ‘arena’, and to the particular leader role most needed at that time.
Positive, constructive and collaborative.
Alert to changing demands, needs and priorities and ‘flexes’/ adjusts accordingly.
A ‘consensus’ operator.
Acts as team’s ‘dipstick’, or barometer.
Usually, the formal leader of the team or group tends to play the two ‘structural authority’ roles of inward and outward leader. Normally at least two other members of the group will tend to play, naturally – according to temperament, mindset and competencies – either the roles of examplar or eccentric. However, situations tend to throw up the immediately necessary form of leadership – and hence appropriate leader – so that the four leadership roles tend to be taken up by those best equipped and most suited
to deal with them. Developing a critical mass of committed, supportive followers would seem to be a major task for team leaders to build up the requisite level of functional maturity (‘can do’, ‘will do’ and ‘DO do’) within the team. What Paterson’s original research and our consultancy experiences constantly confirm is that, if any of the five roles – but especially the four leader roles – are lacking, then the team’s morale, development and performance will all suffer, at different times. For a team to operate with optimum effectiveness, all roles need to be active, when needed. In team building workshops and in acquiring a mastery of leadership, within a leader role itself, the model serves to give important definition to people’s development needs, to the effective building of the team and to both individual and group potential.
Summary Chapter 6 has focused upon boundaries, blockages and likely barriers to the effective operation of a work group or team. The other side of the coin, however, is that many of the so-called boundaries, especially, provide enormous opportunities for developing the effectiveness of a team and also for both expanding and enhancing its internal and external relationships. Identifying – and developing – the many connections, potential alliances and coalitions that effective cross-functional boundary management offers are key leader activities – particularly in today’s flatter, ‘de-layered’ organization structures. Although having its origins in the early 1940s, Paterson’s typology and model – when anglicised – lend themselves admirably to boundary management in today’s world. Clearly, these are fundamental, or ‘core’ leadership roles, and many other functions of leadership need to be built onto, or integrated into, the roles of ‘inward’ leader, ‘outward’ leader, ‘exemplar’, ‘eccentric’ and ‘supportive follower’. Boundaries as a phenomenon of organized (and disorganized!) group activity will always exist, in one form or another, especially within hier-
archical and differentiated structures. Most organizations are a cocktail of people, power and politics, where the structured functional boundaries of role, task, status and authority are overlaid, or interspersed with, psychological, moral and instrumental boundaries, such as ‘territory’, tribal allegiances, culture, ethics and politics. Mastering the role, functions and processes of leadership presupposes levels of awareness, understanding, skill and experience to mediate across and work through those complex, often contradictory and ill-defined boundaries. In Chapter 7, we look in more detail at the socio-emotional and psychological boundaries – and ‘minefields’ that leaders need to be able to negotiate, traverse and capitalize upon, in order to take their areas of the business forward.
SOME POINTS FOR REFLECTION AND DISCUSSION 1. Currently, how much of your time, as a leader-manager, would be taken up with – or hampered by other people’s – ‘silo’ management styles? How dramatic has been the shift into crossfunctional managing over the last three years? What are the characteristics of the mindset and which competencies do you – and your people – need to develop, to capitalize further upon the opportunities and greater scope offered by cross-functional working? 2. Of the nine boundaries listed, at the beginning of Chapter 6, which give you: a) Most problems? b) Most opportunities? Are there any major actions you need to take to handle (a) and (b) more productively for your team and the business? What would be your strategy for dealing with them? Which are the main self-imposed constraints or boundaries that impede your effectiveness and/or that of your team?
3. Think about your role as a team leader. In the context of managing the boundaries of the ‘input-conversion-output’ process: •
Which of the Paterson leader roles do you perform most naturally and effectively? Why is that?
Which of the leadership roles are not covered by you and your team?
What is the impact on the team’s morale performance and image, because of a lack of sufficient role expertise in the weaker areas?
How will you best develop the necessary competence and/or confidence?
4. Professor Tom Paterson’s model of leadership is over 60 years old and has largely remained in obscurity for much of that time – particularly where business management and leadership are concerned. It is, however, both practical and relevant as a basis for developing effective approaches to managing relationships across so many boundaries. Identify how you would use it and, in particular, the sequence of action steps you would initiate to implement the model as a series of practices across the boundaries you have to manage. 5. Prepare role descriptions (not job descriptions) for both ‘inward’ and ‘outward’ leader roles for yourself, identifying the contributions each should make to increasing the effectiveness and internal/external relationships for your team. Identify how you would progressively pursue those roles with your teams.
Who can, who will, who does?
Who can, who will, who does?
“At the end of the day you bet on people, not strategies.” LARRY BOSSIDY, CEO, ALLIEDSIGNAL
In Chapter 6 we looked at some of the wide range of boundaries that confront leaders, managers and those who work with them, within typical business (and other) organizations. In addition to the role, structural and hierarchical boundaries, are the clashes between the ‘authority’, or ‘systems’ boundaries. These, so often, become the principal sources of challenge and conflict – arising out of human initiative and enterprise – between the ‘establishment’ and the forces, for change. As Lawrence J. Peter1 puts it so succinctly, “Bureaucracy defends the status quo long past the time when the quo has lost its status.” A common problem amongst leaders – in all walks of life – is that while many have developed intellectually and vocationally, they have not grown emotionally, at the same rate. As a consequence, their leadership under pressure, especially, appears professionally immature and counterproductive. With relatively poor emotional literacy, they tend to behave in dysfunctional ways, with authoritarianism and the dubious support of bureaucracy, as two of their main, but frequently inappropriate props. Most who have worked in the hierarchical and traditional compartmentalized structures typical of so many organizations will be only too aware of the stifling hand of bureaucracy. Both individual and team initiatives deemed to be too radical by the establishment are ‘killed’, or frustrated by ignorance, misconception or obstructions which have their roots in fear, prejudice or simply outdated beliefs, hallowed by little more than the passage of time. Many organizations, it seems, have more than their fair share of destructive ‘PPOs’ (Project Prevention Officers!) who wage unrelenting warfare on creativity, innovation and progress. The business world is not alone
on this score. Neither the police, nor the armed forces, it would appear, are free from the ‘Buron’ (bureaucratic moron) scourge, as officers, who should be out on the beat or policing, with the aid of modern technologies and logistics, are confined to police stations under a welter of mandatory paperwork. The Royal Navy, Army and Royal Airforce, currently top heavy with admirals, generals and air marshals, and ‘directed’ by remote politicians, or Civil Service ‘mandarins’, many of whom have never worn uniform, similarly suffer from excessive red tape and bureaucracy, which impedes the execution of their primary tasks. It is in such stultifying environments that at least three of Gifford Pinchot’s ‘Intrapreneur’s Ten Commandments’2 offer some hope to the courageous, enterprising and visionary: No.2
‘Circumvent any orders aimed at stopping your dream.’
‘Work underground as long as you can – publicity triggers the corporate immune mechanisms.’
‘Remember, it is easier to ask for forgiveness than for permission.’
By Pinchot’s definition, an ‘intrapreneur’ is a ‘dreamer who does’. He, or she, is someone who takes responsibility for necessary creative initiatives and innovation within their organization, and who finds resourceful but practical ways to turn dreams and ideas into profitable reality. Although written in 1985, his text, Intrapreneuring should still be made compulsory reading for anyone in a leadership role, within a business, or anywhere where creative enterprise and courage are crucial to success. The conflicts between bureaucratic authoritarianism and innovative enterprise, or between territorial imperative and would-be ‘boundary buster’, inevitably lead to delineation and testing out of the boundaries, between what is seen as mandatory and what is believed to be discretionary, by those involved. Even in the absence of serious conflicts between, on the one hand authority, task and role boundaries and the challenge of professional insight, aspiration and entrepreneurial (or intrapreneurial) endeavour,
on the other, there needs to be adequate realistic clarification between what is mandatory and what is discretionary. In effect, the differentiation should be primarily about what people must, can, or cannot do, for the organization and its infrastructure to preserve – and develop – its functioning and coherence as a ‘work system’. Ultimately, such ‘boundary’ issues so often create the toughest coaching and mentoring challenges for leaders. Figure 25 illustrates the ‘boundary’ between mandatory and discretionary tasks, activities and decisions. Frequently (but by no means, always) in leadership and management, the mandatory issues are about the ‘what’ of a role, task or project, while the discretionary elements are often matters of ‘how’, or ‘how best to’. Accountability/Ownership
The organization/boss
Job holder
DISCRETIONARY (HOW it may be done)
MANDATORY (WHAT is to be done)
Events and others make decisions and take control
High autonomy and self-determination on decisions and control
The primary distinctions between the mandatory and discretionary elements of a role or task are essentially about who:
Refers – or reports – to whom.
Has the necessary power and authority to make what needs to happen, happen.
Seeks – or gives – permission.
Makes which decisions.
Takes action.
Has ownership and accountability.
Exercises control.
The mandatory vs discretionary distinction is a practical basis for identifying the extent to which an individual both gives and receives empowerment – and in which areas of their work. Distinguishing between what is mandatory and what is discretionary helps both the job holder and others to determine, realistically, how much scope for initiative, innovation and enterprise exists within both the role itself – and the role relationship, between that individual and his or her manager. This basis of differentiation when analyzed, highlights significant boundary issues of ‘territory’, power, pecking order and competency, between those involved. The positive implications of the mandatory – discretionary model include: •
Identifying and building on the perceived congruence role and competence.
Providing a practical and realistic basis for both delegation and empowerment (which themselves are necessarily complementary processes).
Establishing a relevant basis for learning, coaching and development, as the individual matures and moves progressively into the realms of discretionary decision-making and action.
Providing a valid basis for performance management, in terms of autonomy, accountability and initiative (or, conversely, lack of them).
Giving focus and meaning to individual roles and their significance in both collaborative and solo commitment and achievement, which may be especially important in multi-disciplinary project assignments and cross-functional working.
Some negative outcomes of the mandatory-discretionary differentiation include:
Possible loss of flexibility and the use of superiors or ‘power’ figures as alibis for not getting things done (which really represents a psychological shift from ‘can’t do’ to ‘won’t do’ or ‘don’t want to do’).
It may, paradoxically, provide the basis to a ‘tyrant’s charter’, in some more traditional, autocratic organizations, by reinforcing the areas of demarcation. Increasingly (and thankfully) however, such cultures are becoming something of an endangered species with the growth of ‘flatter’ more interdependent organization structures, with their stronger emphasis upon cross-functional working.
The deceptive simplicity of the model may lead some people to want to complicate the distinction between ‘mandatory’ and ‘discretionary’ with frequently reiterated qualifying exceptions, ‘yes, buts’ and statements like – ‘life isn’t as simple as that’.
Figure 26 is intended to convey something of the polarization between, on the one hand, restrictive, de-energizing and de-motivating ‘micro managing’ and, on the other, stimulating, encouraging and empowering leadership. The implications of such polarization on leaders’ respective coaching styles is only too obvious. ‘Micro management’
Empowering leadership
The high degree of often arbitrary rules, constraints and autocratic management of the ‘micro manager’ runs completely counter to the internationally consistent results obtained in the exercise on personal effectiveness, motivation and productivity quoted in Chapter 3. The very consistency in the pattern of responses confirms that a significant majority of people in organizations make their most substantial and relevant contributions to the business, when given adequate freedom and autonomy to do so. Equally, the results would seem to suggest that it is encouraging, supportive leadership styles – where there is a shift from authoritarianism to authoritative competence, on the part of the leader – that lead to greater commitment and initiative of those being managed. Figure 26 (‘Empowering’ leadership) illustrates leadership styles – where there is high emphasis upon the competencies of ‘enabling’ and ‘facilitating’ approaches to coaching others – and which is increasingly coming to be seen as current leadership ‘best practice’, throughout both Europe and the United States. One of the principle aims of such ‘catalyzing’ leadership and management styles is to confirm, release and use contributive talent, by delegating, authorizing and empowering. Principally, such styles derive from the belief that leadership is fundamentally about: •
Providing or initiating what people are not yet doing for themselves.
Helping to generate and embed appropriate visions, values and behaviours, within the team or organization – and hence a sense of purpose and direction.
Giving as much attention to issues of ‘process’ and HOW people are working – or not working – and why, as well as to the achievement of objectives and results.
Engendering a stronger sense of ownership and personal accountability amongst people for self-development, personal accomplishment and continuous improvement.
As we saw in Chapter 2, from the work of Hersey & Blanchard3, leaders’ styles must reflect the functioning maturity of the team or individuals involved. Managers also need to lead and manage within the wider
context of currently accepted societal norms. For example, people today have increasingly higher expectations for influence, personal growth and fulfilment, and these need to be reflected in leaders’ styles, as well as in the evolving cultural norms of the organization of which they happen to be members. In global organizations, this is especially the case, where what is considered to be normative behaviour can vary dramatically from region to region. Today, the role of leader, involves the courage, perceptiveness and readiness to underwrite the talents, energy and commitment of others, in order to put talent where it can be used to optimum timely effect. The processes of empowering others and taking action to enable them to succeed in their initiatives, requires styles of coaching management that tend to reflect Lafayette’s4 philosophy of leadership (see Chapter 1). Essentially, this is a style of leading, coaching and mentoring which both encourages people to take initiatives and personal ownership of the results of exercising discretionary power. It also seeks to identify what they need from the leader – and others – to continue to work, in an appropriately empowered way. The best of current leaders acknowledge that, on occasions, in order to gain influence, much of formal authority has to be abandoned. In this way, the leader’s role shifts to that of ‘servant’ , or primus inter pares. The questions, ‘What, exactly, do people need from me, in order to be more effective?’, and ‘What do I need to do in order to trigger learning, ownership and development in my people?’ – represent a more appropriate and realistic contemporary managerial style than do unilateral demands and exhortations to ‘do more’, or ‘do better’. The bottom line is a critical measure of success, but its achievement needs to be the result of intelligent, well-led engaged accountability and motivated commitment, not grudging compliance – or, worse, time-filling indifference. Obviously, financial measures are crucial, but in too many organizations, ‘numbers’ are given an over-riding sanctity, which tends to preclude other yardsticks of – growth, improvement, raised capability and the in-built desire to excel. Moreover, as we increasingly see, the so-called bottom line is now developing as a ‘quadruple bottom line’,
as far wider moral, societal and legal imperatives impact upon businesses, their Boards of Directors and their managements, i.e.: 1.
The traditional financial bottom line.
Responsible environmental and ‘planet’ awareness.
Social responsibility to employees and other people.
Cultural sensitivity, as societies – and business, itself – become increasingly multi-ethnic.
‘Young guard’ vs ‘old guard’ – the classic paradigm conflict A major source of boundary conflict – and hence trigger for focused management with active leadership ‘radar screens’ – is that of perceived ‘rebellion’ against the establishment, when pressure for a new order of thinking, working and managing emerges within a business, and the status quo (and its protagonists) comes under challenge, or attack. By no means the sole prerogative of younger newcomers to an organization, there is, nevertheless, frequently a marked correlation between relative youth and the quest for experimentation and change – especially when there is a critical mass of younger people, already in key positions of influence, or power, in the organization. Undoubtedly, the extent of formal power, roles and positions, as well as the acumen and capabilities, of the adversarial factions, are crucial matters in any struggle for ascendancy. In such battles, what is at stake is much more than comfort zones. Precedents, values, ideologies and territory – including ‘territorial rights’ – all become issues to be challenged, defended and fought over by the antagonists, who may well come to see such conflicts as fights for political and career survival. In one client company (a public utility, undergoing transition to the private sector) matters came to a head when the old guard attempted a ‘reactionary palace revolution’, in an effort to preserve the status quo and to suppress the growing movement, within the business, to up-date, transform and so respond more appropriately – and commercially – to the changing market conditions.
On the very obvious basis that they were so much more in tune with the reality of the new market place, the younger change agents inevitably came out on top, but the battle was long, painful and tainted with recrimination, counter-charges and a good deal of rancour, leaving a bitter taste for a considerable time afterwards. Victory was assured, when sufficient formal, hierarchical power and ‘clout’ were added to those responding to the changing environment and, therefore, more likely to secure the future of the business. The arrival of both a new Chief Executive and a new Chairman, together with the rapid appointment of more effective key players in strategic and pivotal roles, quickly gave a new coherent sense of purpose, identity – and direction – to the business. An organization-wide identification of requisite competencies through a series of development centres, in-depth interviews and corporate executive succession discussions, established the requisite strength, in depth, of key positions throughout the business. The progressive re-engineering of organization structure, processes and roles meant that appropriate strengths and talent, already identified by the development centres, were gradually slotted into the emerging new teams. At the same time, identified development needs and the new competencies required to push forward and exploit necessary change became the focus for a programme of coaching, provided, for key players, especially, to lead the organization forward. Led by the new Chief Executive and the HR function, and assisted by two external consultants, a progressive, much needed congruence developed between the commercial responsiveness of the transforming organization and the demands of a radically changed, highly competitive, market place. The process of transformation, led by a progressively self-strengthening and, by now, well coached ‘young guard’, the stages of successful transformation took the form of the ‘Mechanics of Change’ model, described in Chapter 2, i.e.: 1.
The significant pressure, or need for change, was only too obvious.
A clear, shared and well-communicated vision of requisite transformation, i.e. shared by the ‘young guard’ initially and gradually transmitted down and across the organization.
Recognition of the capability to bring about necessary change – and of the allies to be won over and battles to be fought.
Energetic, well stage-managed mobilization and alignment of ‘friendly forces’.
Clear perception of the first – and subsequent sequence – of actionable steps need to begin to implement and integrate changes as widely and rapidly as possible.
Effective follow-up and follow-through strategies to consolidate and continue to build upon changes – and their resultant successes.
Moreover, the sequence was not simply linear, with one stage being completed before the next began, but rather was led and managed as a series of overlapping activities, in parallel, so that the process of transformation could be better integrated and co-ordinated.
Boundary ‘busting’ – a civilized approach Understanding something of the dynamics of group behaviour and the processes underlying transactions between people, is fundamental to effective leadership – and to relevant coaching. There are no panaceas or cure-alls, but informed awareness of what is really going on, in behavioural terms, within and between groups helps to give managers – and others – a clearer idea of how to handle relationship issues in more productive ways.
In practical terms, the leader’s role is frequently a matter of taking the time to: • Determine what the issue on the table really is •
Confirm the implications
Distinguish between ‘I can’t’, from ‘I want’, or ‘I don’t want to’
Identify who and/or what is causing the problem
Establish who owns the problem/issue and is accountable for its resolution
Establish how best to resolve matters and who will do what, by when and why
Build personal ‘bonds’ with the other person, wherever possible, i.e. connect emotionally, as well as intellectually
Get agreement to each point. Agree with the person(s) involved: 1. What they will do 2. What they need others to do to support them
Add to the above approach by not slipping too quickly into judgmental mode – and certainly not before exhausting facts, logic, interpretation and reason. Logically, the stages involved in exploring an issue take the following pattern:
Get the relevant facts and an objective DESCRIPTION, free from ‘colouring matter’. Check the details for error, omissions, contradictions and inconsistencies.
Get understanding, by INTERPRETATION, of the facts and the description. Establish what the information means. What is its significance? What are the implications?
NOW explore the issue, exercising JUDGMENT. Is it good, bad, right or wrong? Evaluate the issue and its implications in terms of ‘fittingness’ and appropriateness.
Too often, people who are only ‘half listening’ hear just a part of a story, miss the context and possibly a key fact and rush into judgmental mode, which may come across as over-parental, over-critical, or too intent on redressing what the listener perceives to be a ‘wrong’. They then feel justified in opting for ‘punishment’ or ‘retribution’, instead of dealing with the real (often psychological) issue and solving the problem, jointly, with those also involved. What is more, in such circumstances, it is all too easy to mix up the ‘crime’, with someone who is now viewed as a ‘criminal’ – this can be especially so where sensitive territorial rights, fragile egos, or proprietary bounderies represent the hidden agenda in the discussion. The inverse ratio of competence to ego is an all too common example of emotional immaturity amongst what might otherwise be effective leaders. In talking through such sensitive issues, the ‘Hierarchy of Communication’ (Figure 18, Chapter 5) can be a useful tool for raising the level and ‘quality’ of joint exploration in appropriately non-threatening , non-recriminatory ways.
Summary In the first part of Chapter 7, we looked at the ‘boundaries’ that exist between – and so help to define – a role or task, in terms of what is considered to be mandatory, and what can be seen as discretionary. Though these are frequently necessary and legitimate boundaries, they can, nevertheless, be a root cause in clashes between the demands of the system – and, in particular, ‘the Establishment’ – and the forces for change which seek to move on from the status quo. The boundaries may also help to identify where necessary creativity, innovation, energy and enterprise are being stifled, under the pretext of requisite order, ‘structure’ and cohesion, by those who are unwilling to move out of entrenched comfort zones, i.e. the ‘PPOs’. The mandatory-discretionary model may also serve to define – realistically and appropriately – the distinction between ‘what’ and ‘why’, on the one hand and ‘how’, on the other.
Undoubtedly, one of the key tenets of ‘new paradigm’ thinking in business is that of increasing and enhancing the discretionary areas of a role, task or project, in order to give people, via empowered delegation, greater opportunities for initiative, decision-taking and, hence, accountable ownership in their jobs. The clash between ‘Old Guard’ and ‘Young Guard’ represents another set of psychological and – managerial – boundary issues in so many organizations and, clearly, there are many links between conflicts over ‘young’ versus ‘old’ ideas and the mandatory-discretionary boundaries. There are very few worthwhile ‘quick fixes’ in these particular arenas of conflict and essentially the problem involves:
Careful examination and exploration of the differences and their causes.
The creation of adequate opportunities for free dialogue and debate.
The development of challenging opportunities, to encourage and allow new ideas to be put to the test, with adequate backup and resources – as opposed to ‘mission impossible’ where, in reality, there is a very high risk of failure.
Opportunities for ‘Young Guard’ to assume viable leadership roles – both within their existing domains, but especially in positions which allow them to operate cross-functionally and where they are able to ‘raise their game’ in strategic thinking and activity.
‘Eyes-and-ears-on’, but ‘hands-off’ management on the part of superiors – especially where they happen to be of the ‘Old Guard’ and where they, together with external and other internal cocoaches, act in mentoring roles to their younger colleagues (coaching forms the major theme of Chapter 7).
Maximum joint accountability for initiating leading and managing change, with Old and Young Guard working together, sharing ownership of projects and their outcomes.
The final set of boundaries identified in Chapter 7 are those that differentiate the pursuit and fulfilment of task needs, as against the psychological and personal needs of the people involved in the task. These are fundamental and intrinsic to both the work ‘system’ and human nature and, in many respects, provide one of the toughest testing grounds for managers and leaders. They will always be with us and there are no permanent cures, but essentially a constant requirement for perceptive, aware leadership, where there is a well developed sense of when and how best to intervene for optimum impact. The internal world of the individual and the dynamics of both intra and inter-group activity are endless sources of study and, at best, managers and leaders must work at keeping their learning open. That is, they need to recognize that in a life-time we can never hope to understand more than a fraction of what makes up human personality, behaviour, transactions and motivations. However, a willingness to keep learning and trying to understand what behaviour may mean, in any one situation, – as an expression of hopes, fears and needs – still represents a core aspect of leadership ‘best practice’.
SOME POINTS FOR REFLECTION AND DISCUSSION 1. Taking the ‘mandatory-discretionary’ model as a guide, identify relevant areas within your own role, as a manager-leader, where you believe you can substantially increase the discretionary element. In which specific – as well as general – areas of activity and accountability could (and should) you really be taking more initiatives and ‘raising your own game’? How will you discuss this with your superior(s)? 2. Do the same for one or more of your own staff. How will you present the suggestion, or proposal to them to achieve maximum ‘buy-in’? 3. Given your own experience – directly, or indirectly – of the classical ‘Old Guard vs Young Guard’ clash of goals, values and ideologies, consider how they are/were resolved and how, in your organization, they could be managed more intelligently to achieve more rapid effective outcomes. 4. On the question of ‘civilized’ boundary busting behaviour, what are the key issues that you face, as a leader, on a more or less day-to-day basis? What proactive interventions/actions can you take to reduce predictable disruptions and counter-productive behaviours within the areas and relationships closest to you? 5. Think about the matter of ’boundary’ issues within the areas that you manage and lead. What other ‘boundaries’ not mentioned in Chapters 6 and 7 exist within your function/organization? What are their effects on efficient, productive working and how will you best confront the issues and what will be the most effective way of dealing with them?
Managing today, in order to shape the organization’s tomorrow
Managing today, in order to shape the organization’s tomorrow
“We are here to invent our organization’s future – not simply accept passively what is happening around us. It is up to us to start managing tomorrow, now.” BUPA SEMINAR EXECUTIVE, ‘INVENTING OUR FUTURE’ CONFERENCE
Contextual awareness and the developed ability to identify significant trends is fundamental to success as a strategic leader. Ensuring continuity of transformation of an organization, in the most appropriate directions involves regular, informed scenario building and evaluation, while uncertainty and speculative opportunism represent the inevitable paradoxes in trying to read the future. The more logical and structured aspects of the predictive paradox include continual scanning, assessment and monitoring of the business, its market place and the changing socio-political, technological and economic parameters of the organization’s external world. Continuous, relevant transformation involves, too, the articulation, frequent re-visiting and re-defining, or re-affirmation, of the organization’s beliefs, values and – hence – vision. These should, as a necessary minimum, represent the essential crystallized aspirations and ambitions of both those who lead and those who are members of an organization. They lie at the root of people’s engagement with their roles and with the business. As Professor Robert Quinn of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor says, “Being closed to external stimuli keeps us on task, but it also allows us to ignore signals that suggest a need for change.” Developing a cogent and coherent vision is not simply a matter of cobbling together a few pious hopes – and then repeating them parrot-fashion,
like some secular chant. Much more, it is a complex process which can involve intuition, reflection and integrative thinking in order to: 1.
Create an intelligible picture of a desired future organizational state of affairs.
Identify the most likely paths to the attainment of that set of conditions.
Evolve the most effective ways of communicating and sharing the vision, in order to mobilize, motivate and empower people in the attainment of the desired and visualized future state of the business.
In Beyond Leadership Bennis, Parikh and Lessem1 made the telling point that the new paradigm manager is essentially in the role of a transformational leader (not a developer) and a revolutionary, rather than an evolutionary. The leader, in such a role, then assumes the mantle of explorer or, more likely, adventurer – not that of merely a traveller – and so commits to a dramatic journey of ‘truly heroic proportion’. A clearly articulated vision, in effect, represents the next foreseeable destination in that heroic journey. Tom Peters2 has described vision as, “…aesthetic and moral – as well as strategically sound. Visions come from within – as well as from outside. They are personal – and group – centred. Developing a vision is a messy, artistic process. Living it consciously is a passionate one, beyond any doubt.” In his book, Selling the Dream, Guy Kawasaki3 writes, “Vision… acts as a lantern, an anchor and at times, a conscience.” Much more, therefore, than a mere ‘jumble of superlatives’ a vision needs to develop out of a feel for an organization’s roots and current circumstances, as well as the requisite or desired future state and shape of the business. But, without doubt, in some organizations, there is a fine line between vision and hallucination, as self-deception, pious hopes and sheer fantasy, exercise their seductive effect on the less discerning – or less capable – around the boardroom table.
Moreover, much of the vision may be based upon metaphor, myth and symbolism, not simply down-to-earth, factual practicalities and measures. These latter parameters are far more the stuff of objectives and strategies – the specific, realistic and time-bounded phased consequences of an agreed vision. The announced, desired shape of an organization’s ‘tomorrow’ needs to draw its definition, scope and ‘shape’ from at least the following sources and parameters:
Crystallizing a vision, sharing it, determining the most appropriate paths to its attainment, and taking the decisions to fulfil it, do, in reality, justify the description ‘heroic journey’ – particularly so in conditions where uncertainty remains paramount.
Stimulating, engaging and aligning the willing commitment of people requires of the leader fittingness of style and high competence in the use of language which will strike the right chords in others. To do that effectively, the leader must: •
Have a sound understanding of the context in which he or she is operating, and the nature of the significant forces and imperatives within it.
Recognize – and acknowledge – what people expect, want and hope for, along the journey, and as the result of reaching the destination (recognizing that ‘arrival’ itself is only a transient state since the process of journeying in business is essentially one of permanent transition).
Inevitably demonstrate readiness for personal risk, discomfort and even sacrifice, as leader, if he or she is to retain credibility – and the support of the followers.
Be prepared to abandon some formal authority, in order to gain real influence.
Act as a role model, where necessary, but without highjacking situations or ownership, so that others may remain feeling engaged, central and essential to the success of the journey which they see as shaping their organization.
Rarely do marginalized people and those on the periphery of events feel the same surge of adrenalin and commitment to bringing about success, as do those who are given pivotal status and whose contributions are not only acknowledged, but actually enhanced by sensitive, intelligent leadership. More than ever, therefore, the hallmarks of leadership necessary to mobilize talent, energy and commitment, in order both to create and capitalize upon identified opportunities for success, include: •
The ability to articulate relevant, realistic vision and inspire people.
Intelligent anticipation and the ability to convey a unifying sense of direction.
Skill in energizing people and mobilizing necessary synergy.
Integrative competence and the ability to create a strong sense of interdependence.
Courage to overcome fear of failure and risk aversion.
The personal credibility that comes from integrity, as well as competence.
Figure 27 illustrates the significance of vision as the precursor to both the defining of business objectives and strategies, on the one hand, and the development of core values and talent and, hence, leadership and ‘moral’ strategies, on the other. The interplay and integration of the two is crucial, since they represent, respectively, the capability and the integrity of the organization and the conduct of its business. Feedback from both the organization’s operating results and the two component managerial functions of ‘business strategy’ and ‘leadership strategy’ provide much of the learning necessary for mentoring, coaching, people’s self-development and personal growth.
(Aspirations & ambitions )
1. Business & commercial strategies 2. Need for talent
Business goals
1. Leadership & moral strategies 2. Talent management
Values & culture
Recognizing the value of learning – as opposed to knowing – confirms the crucial importance of a seventh key leadership skill: the capacity to identify, develop and manage people’s current skills and abilities in ways which grow the mindsets and competencies needed to take the business forward and so secure its future, that is – talent management. The successful development and growth of organizations has always been determined, to a very large extent, by the competence, expertise and drive of their people – well led by their key players. In effect, such organizations, functions or teams develop as successful élites of competence – where the emphasis is upon outstanding achievement, self-renewal and self-regenerating ability, rather than upon mere élitism per se. Where the radical is becoming more commonplace and where evolution is so often more of the pace, nature and form of revolution, the key operational competencies needed to take businesses forward, emerge as:
Specialist knowledge, skills and expertise.
Self-direction and self-management.
Innovation and entrepreneurial resourcefulness.
The drive to create and add significant value, wherever possible.
The ability to mediate across disciplines and functions.
The ability to recognize – and manage – paradox and to identify areas of productive uncertainty.
The capacity to take ownership of problems, opportunities, systems, solutions – and results.
Such people represent the new breed of knowledge workers whom Tom Cannon identifies as the key players who not only take pride in their knowledge, expertise and contributive competence, but also in its continual upgrading and enhancement. His book Welcome to the Revolution4 is another text that should become compulsory reading for directors, managers and professionals, within the world of business. It is in people’s roles, in their contribution and in the continual development of their competence, especially, that managers need to be investing significance, as well as energy, time and money, if the process of learning is to remain active, focused and central to companies’ growth and ensured success.
Transforming organizations – changing career patterns As so many organizations become flatter and as emphasis upon crossfunctional activity increases, so career patterns are also changing. Career, now, is coming to be seen as a series of experiences, where ‘progression’, based upon different roles and functions is a more realistic description than the more traditional criterion of ‘promotion’. In less hierarchical structures, people are likely to spend longer in a particular overall role, than hitherto, but they will also most probably take on a proliferation of transient adjunct, or specialist roles which have a finite life, such as: •
Project Leader of project ‘X’.
Co-ordinator, added value, customer services.
Team Leader, business development, products ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’ & ‘J’.
Business Manager, territory ‘Y’.
Such subsidiary roles normally presuppose: •
The existence of specific talents and expertise.
Capacity for leadership.
Organizational skills.
Political acumen.
Entrepreneurial acuity.
Skill in team working.
Innovative resourcefulness.
Strong sense of ‘ownership’ and personal accountability.
Lawrence Handy5 working with Ashridge Management College, identified what he termed the emergence of new ‘Compass Points’ in career development, which reflect a growing need to handle a multiplicity of temporary roles, and where the emphasis is upon lateral, rather than simply vertical, progression. Handy’s most useful original model is shown below, in modified form, based upon currently identified needs and career trends. Figure 28 illustrates the paradox apparent in the various skill sets identified by Handy, but which nevertheless represents the growing reality of ‘both-and’, as opposed to traditional ‘either-or’, ranges of competency.
Develop Quality expertise and specialist competency. Create new ideas, new practice and new value.
High ability as a business unit manager and project director: Systems and technology orientation Managerial mindset to get the best out of talent
High ability as a team player and supportive colleague Collegial mindset creating and building team synergy
Develop High competency in mediating and influencing across different functions, ‘silos’, boundaries and cultures Create x-functional integration and synergy
For example, on the ‘North-South’ axis, the polarized competence clusters reflect an often necessary capacity to be both an expert with specialist competencies while, at the same time, possessing sufficient understanding personal credibility and ‘clout’ to be able to reconcile and integrate the disparate priorities, goals and contribution of a range of different functions. Similarly the ‘East-West’ axis identifies the need for ‘ownership’ and a readiness to run a business, as a unilateral decisionmaker, while, in other arenas, being competent as a supportive, collegial ‘team-player’. As both mentor and coach – and the difference between the two complementary roles is largely a question of the timescales involved – a manager needs to understand how career patterns have changed over the last few years. On a direct comparative basis, the shifts can probably best be illustrated by ‘old’ versus ‘new’ paradigm definitions.
The leader as a coach The role of coaching leader, increasingly, emerges as a critical one in management. As Kelly Fairweather, Director of Sport of the International Olympic Committee states, “The most difficult part of coaching is picking the right coaches.” Strategic alliances, partnering and cross-functional working are increasingly the norm for most organizations. Consequently, common understanding, active collaboration and commitment to co-ordinated action become paramount behaviours – at both strategic and operational levels. However, within the necessary ‘managerial choreography’ a challenge emerges. The combination of increasing uncertainty and need for greater cross-functionalism and multi-disciplinary responses, characteristic of business activity, require both the following: 1.
Transformation-orientated behaviours6, i.e: •
Intuitive and innovation generating behaviours.
Empowered and risk-producing activities.
Stability-orientated behaviours, i.e: •
Certainty producing and systemizing behaviours.
Security generating and controlling activities.
The role of the visionary leader involves identifying which combination of behaviours is likely to produce the most effective results within changing conditions of high uncertainty – but also, comparably high opportunity. Such a task, too, inevitably takes the leader into the role of coach to his or her people, in helping them to develop not only requisite competencies, but also the versatility and acuity necessary to predict, ‘read’ and respond to the changing scenes and needs of the business and its market place. To a large degree, the visionary leader, to be effective and successful, also has to become the ‘learning leader’. Coaching has been likened to the process underlying the Chinese proverb which states: ‘Give a person a fish and you help to feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you give him the means of feeding himself for life.’
In less symbolic terms, coaching is essentially about: •
Unlocking and developing a person’s potential, in order to maximize his or her performance – and growth.
Helping someone to help themselves and learn by doing so. Coaching is not instruction – it is about helping people to see and do things differently and more effectively.
Building relationships of partnership and mutual trust, between the leader and the team.
Creating a sense of awareness and responsibility within the individual, so that he or she will take ownership of a problem – and, hence, its solution.
Coaching, therefore, is a matter of dialogue, ‘connectivity’ and engagement between coach and coachee. Its primary aim is to help people to think – and act – differently. The opportunities for coaching and performance development are virtually limitless, and while the majority must, inevitably, be directly related to the immediate role and/or project, examples taken from directors and managers, in client organizations, include the following: 1.
Sharing learning, ie: experiencing new insights and developing new skills as a pair, or as a small, dedicated team.
Adapting to and capitalizing upon change and transformation within the business.
Building upon and enhancing the opportunities afforded by changing organization structures and roles.
Bench-marking the best comparative businesses, as well as those of competitors.
Learning from acquisitions, mergers and multi-stakeholder, or strategic alliances.
Unlearning old skills and work methods, in order to learn, adopt and develop new ones.
Using the idea of the ‘plus person’ and the ‘plus job’7, based upon the related processes of developing the individual and,
wherever practicable, concurrently enriching their role – against agreed timescales. While ‘ultimate’ potential is usually impossible to define realistically, setting ‘horizons’ in potential, against a time-line enables both attainable ‘plus person’ and ‘plus job’ development goals to be agreed, for each individual, as in Figures 30 and 31. To meet these development targets, specific actions can then be agreed and jointly implemented by the manager and the job-holder. A simple coaching model, developed by Nick Oblensky, of the Vth Dimension Partnership, using the acronym K.I.S.S., gives useful structure to the identification of development goals, i.e.: K
what competencies and attributes need to be Kept?
which need to be Increased and/or improved?
what should the individual Stop doing?
what should he/she Start doing?
‘HORIZONS’ in POTENTIAL … With younger people, especially, it can be difficult to predict their ‘ultimate’ potential realistically and accurately, for many reasons. A far more realistic way to focus on people’s potential is to set short/medium term TIME ‘HORIZONS’, of approximately 12 to 18 months, against which to measure their evolving and emerging potential.
Ultimate Potential??
Horizon 1
Horizon 2
Horizon 3
This approach provides a framework within which to keep potential, talent and continuing job enrichment under periodic review. FIGURE 29: COACHING TALENT AND POTENTIAL
To start the process, the manager asks one of his/her team to: 1.
Describe themselves as they believe they are NOW, in terms of a) STRENGTHS and b) DEVELOPMENT NEEDS. Each strength and development need is further defined as both SKILL and WILL, i.e. competence and confidence.
Identify what that person sees as their attainable ‘PLUS ME’, that is the person that they could become, by the agreed time ‘horizon’, in terms of:
New/greater STRENGTHS (increased skill and will)
Reduced/overcome weaknesses (areas for development).
Agree how best to: •
Capitalize further upon, or add value to existing skills
Develop new competencies and greater confidence
Meet identified development needs (competency and confidence)
Within the same ‘horizon’ time frame
Figure 30 illustrates how this process can be matched to the comparable development of a ‘PLUS JOB’, which provides the opportunity for the manager and job holder to agree how a job, or role might be ‘enriched’, to create more opportunities (within the same job or role) to: •
Do more of the things that the person excels at
Do more of the things that the person enjoys doing
Experience more/greater challenges
Within the same ‘horizon’ time frame
1. Describing the ‘Me-as-I-am-right-now’ and the ‘Plus-me’ – and agreeing development actions 2. Defining ‘My-job-as-it-is-right-now’ and possible ‘Plus-jobs’ – derived through job/role enrichment
My ‘Plus Job’ ‘Me’ by next ‘horizon’ date
2. My major areas for development (Skills and Will)
My job, as I see it right now. 1. Things that I do well 2. Things that I really enjoy 3. Challenges that ‘stretch’ me
Job/role ‘stock-take’
Me, as I believe I am, right now. 1. My key strengths (Skills and Will)
With intelligent talent-management, the ‘Plus-me’ and the ‘Plus-job’, together, provide an ideal basis for planning and implementing improved performance and personal growth
More of items 1, 2 and 3
Personal ‘stock-take’
My ‘Plus Me’
} Personal and professional career ‘stock-take’
The significance of the mentoring or coaching role of the leader is further underlined by the major changes in both career progression and working patterns identified here. Less hierarchical structures and more crossfunctional operations have led to:
Far more diverse and enriched lateral, as well as vertical, work experiences.
Work becoming significantly more multi-disciplinary and project focused.
Contributive/specialist competencies and expertise becoming increasingly essential, as determinants of career progression.
Career progression, as such, is no longer a series of logical steps.
Being employable becoming more fundamental to personal security, than being employed.
The greater scope, wider opportunities and increased dynamism of such working arenas places higher emphasis on learning and development as continuous processes – and hence the need for more coaching and mentoring – than in the more relatively stable, ‘steady state’ and functionally focused work processes of the past.
Coaching – some key behaviours To be effective, coaching depends on the behaviour of both the coach and the person being developed – and, hence, the relationship that develops between them. Taken from direct experience of the coaching process from the perspectives of both the coach and the person being coached, 12 key coaching behaviours emerge as crucial towards success: •
Give time to each other. Rushed coaching is often little better than useless.
Give people a chance to talk – and LISTEN to them. Demonstrate that you are listening by both body language and verbal responses. Avoid the ideas killer, “Yes, but…”
Give focused, specific feedback, e.g. “I liked the way you dealt with the buyer at Rutherford Adams & Partners. Let’s build on that approach.”
Show (and encourage) initiative and innovation – explore ways to do things differently and to do different things.
Ask for and offer help. Some people are reluctant to offer help and can also be embarrassed about receiving it from others.
Recognize and manage individual differences. Remember! People have one great thing in common – they are all different.
Start from where people are, not from where you want them to be.
Process issues/differences within the group – don’t let them ‘fester’ and don’t try to ‘sweep them under the carpet’.
Question, clarify and check for understanding. Use ‘open’ questions that encourage the other person to think – and respond – beyond ‘yes’ or ‘no’.
Reflect on how things are going – ask how the other person sees progress in the discussion.
Create and develop – build – don’t knock down.
When you take action – do things on time. Remember! If you say you will take action, make sure you take it (or explain why you cannot).
Different people generate different coaching needs and problems, and following are six distinctive human ‘types’ that frequently emerge within the leader’s experience as a coach. Obviously, there are many more personality types, but the following six are very representative and occur regularly in consultancy assignments with clients.
The emotional individual
Essentially your task is to shift the individual from emotion to logic, in the role of coach, but give the person time to express and explore feelings, before moving into a more objective mode:
Listen attentively – ask ‘open’ questions. Don’t be ‘clever’.
Do NOT argue, however logical you believe you are being.
Let him ‘blow off’ steam – it won’t hurt you – it may help him.
Stay objective – and positive – and DON’T be drawn into battle.
Focus on the ‘crime’ not the ‘criminal’. Don’t ‘score points’.
Let him know that showing feelings is not a permanent ‘black mark’ – don’t patronize.
Keep your mind open to FACTS but DON’T agree, just to avoid unpleasantness.
The hostile or manipulative individual
In dealing with ‘negative’ people like these, as a coach:
Listen attentively – ask ‘open’ questions. Check facts for accuracy. Accept facts AND feelings – DON’T accept abuse.
Check on the extent to which they are engaged in their job/ role.
Ask for evidence. Ask the person to be specific.
Stay OBJECTIVE. Keep cool.
Use ‘assertion’ techniques, i.e.: –
‘Negative assertion’ and ‘negative enquiry’.
‘Time out’, or ‘broken record’.
Move to workable agreement – aiming for ‘win win’ outcomes.
Consider and explore options.
Agree follow-up action.
The confused and the chaotic
To deal effectively with these:
Set CLEAR objectives and make SPECIFIC requests – check their understanding of what YOU want from them. Brief CLEARLY.
Anticipate and take avoiding/pre-emptive action, wherever possible, to reduce your frustration, or disappointment.
Involve them in setting parameters, systems and goals on an ‘early warning’ basis for CONTROL.
Get them to take ownership of problems and their solution.
Coach wherever you can, but essentially to be forewarned is to be forearmed with such people.
The minimalist and the malevolent
In handling these two types: •
Keep to facts – DON’T moralize.
Clarify, confirm goals and expected outcomes, in specific terms.
Spell out options and consequences. Remind them of the ground rules.
Check on the extent to which they feel engaged in their job/ role.
Use assertion techniques, e.g. “broken record” and “Are you saying you can’t, or you won’t…?”
Be matter of fact, NEVER emotional, about what action you will take.
If you mention, or intend tough action – TAKE IT, DO NOT make empty threats.
Learn to anticipate non-compliance, laziness, or indifference, and take avoiding/pre-emptive action, i.e. reduce YOUR need to react.
Listen very carefully and reflect back to check what you heard them say.
The young, bright, brash ‘PITA’ (‘pain-in-the-arse’)
To deal, effectively, with these individuals:
Listen attentively – ask REFLECTIVE questions.
Explore, challenge and jointly develop ideas and solutions.
Open up and evaluate options and alternatives.
Use the best of his/her suggestions and ideas.
Empower and give as much ‘ownership’ as is feasible.
Actively acknowledge and give credit for new thinking and/or bright ideas.
Be prepared to say ‘no’ but always explain why, giving facts, context and perspective.
Give up some formal authority in order to gain influence, i.e. be authoritative but egalitarian, rather than authoritarian.
Question your own risk – aversion.
The older individual
There may well be a range of issues and complex problems here so consider the following in the role of coach: •
May be genuinely ‘past it’ and so is in need of real help.
May be a case of ‘died at 39, but retires at 65’. May be in the wrong job.
May simply be in need of updates.
Build on and develop their good ideas – give recognition, but NEVER patronize.
Share your own ideas and actively involve the older person in them. What switches them on?
Draw on their extensive experience, wherever relevant – this may be much more relevant than pushing new skills at them.
Are they becoming a ‘square peg in a round hole’ as a result of changed markets or technology or organization changes? If so, you may need to help them to move into another role, given coaching support and/or training and development.
Does the ‘plus person’ – ‘plus job’ exercise help here? This model applies to the older employee just as much as it is relevant to younger people, although the question of potential might be more difficult to accommodate.
Would a modified supportive infrastructure help them to operate more effectively in a different collaborative role set?
Coaching for performance – a coaching structure Having created the opportunity for dialogue, the coach’s task is to develop the coaching process in ways which provide an appropriate basis for the individual’s continuing self development. Figure 31 shows the sequence of seven distinct but related stages of coaching and supportive activity necessary to ensure that relevant learning, development and performance improvement will take place.
Primarily, the coaching structure8 is aimed at: 1.
Creating awareness and stimulating reflection about an issue.
Crystallizing responsibility and accountability for results.
Triggering the generation and exploration of ideas, options and likely solutions.
Prompting risk, benefit and outcome evaluation.
Determining delegated boundaries (‘freedom, within a framework’).
Encouraging commitment to the first actionable steps to be taken.
Leading people to take ownership of issues and their intended outcomes.
The seven sequential activities look like this in more detail:
Stage 7 Action
Act recap review
6 Review
Empower & authorize
5 Power
Delegate Agree parameters
4 Parameters
3 Options
Stimulate commitment to action & followthrough
Stimulate autonomy, ownership & commitment
Promote discovery: Listen, probe & discuss Stimulate experimentation & new thinking
2 Goals
Identify goals & objectives Stimulate responsibility
1 Issues
Agree issue/task to be improved Stimulate reflection & awareness FIGURE 31: THE COACHING STRUCTURE
Coaching in action Using six typical problem or developmental areas to exemplify the process, possible coaching tactics and strategies together with likely developmental projects and activities are suggested below:
Improving written and oral communication Coaching and developmental action. Coach encourages the individual to: •
Summarize findings, conclusions and actions orally or in writing, as appropriate, from discussions, meetings and interviews.
Deputize for and present the coach’s views and contributions at selected meetings.
Run selected meetings and receive feedback from the other members on his/her performance.
Make formal presentations at as many different and/or regular meetings as possible, and receive feedback wherever practicable.
Accept feedback on his/her ability to marshall thoughts in both oral and written communication.
Write regular reports and memos and give direct feedback on style, quality, impact and cogency.
Prepare outline/structures of all formal written communication, e.g. letters and reports, before writing them. Give evaluative feedback.
Critically evaluate the coach’s written and oral communications and give specific feedback.
Seek out as much feedback, from as many different sources as possible, on his/her oral and written communication.
Interpersonal skills Coaching and developmental action. Coach encourages the individual to:
Recognize his/her impact on others by feedback.
Understand how to develop ‘win-win’ outcomes and solutions using specific, coached examples.
LISTEN and respond positively.
Understand, rather than merely criticize or judge, others.
Handle irate customers, clients, suppliers, colleagues and staff, followed by feedback from the other individuals and/or the coach.
Act himself/herself in a coaching role to others, with feedback on style, reactions and outcomes.
Become involved in project teams and interfunctional activities where conflict and ‘boundary issues’ are likely and to act as a mediator catalyst in conflict resolution.
Develop interpersonal skills, through direct experience in leadership roles, task force co-ordination, and acting as an arbitrator.
Take the role of counsellor, in problem-solving with others.
Understand the coach who will act as a role model and lead by example.
Attend carefully selected training programmes in inter-personal skills with follow-up and feedback in the job.
Self management Coaching and developmental actions. Coach encourages the individual to:
Keep a daily work diary and discuss it regularly with the coach – and a secretary, if available.
Attend regular (e.g. weekly) planning meetings with the coach.
Produce reports identifying how tasks/assignments/projects will be planned, organized, co-ordinated and executed to schedule.
Review and forecast work activities regularly and discuss with the coach, e.g. daily, weekly and/or monthly.
Agree clear cut target dates and work schedules which will be adhered to.
Present to the coach how he/she will set, work towards and achieve priorities.
Understudy the coach who will act as a role model in selfmanaging.
Attend appropriate training programmes in planning and organizing work.
Follow-up and follow through Coaching and developmental action. Coach encourages the individual to: •
Accept projects and assignments which require regular monitoring, checking and follow-up.
Agree with the coach regular review dates and attend followup discussions on project/task progress.
Take on the responsibility for submitting regular reports and up-dates to the coach.
Ensure that he/she structures tasks and projects, together with target dates and other measurable criteria, in writing and discusses them with the coach, before embarking on the assignments.
Make effective and consistent use of diaries and routine scheduling pro formas, and to discuss these regularly with the coach.
Maintain a ‘things to do’ note pad and review it daily.
Understand the coach who will act as a role model and exemplify requisite practices in self-management.
Creative problem-solving Coaching and development action. Coach encourages individual to: •
Develop ideas and present as a report ways to change: –
work methods and procedures
work systems and work flow.
Initiate change projects and implement them with contributions from others, e.g. lead a multi-disciplinary or cross-functional project from conception to completion.
Develop and propose innovative, new solutions to old problems.
Take ownership of a task or project and work in an independent, empowered way (having been delegated an assignment, with clear-cut parameters).
Initiate and run ‘brainstorming’ and other forms of creative problem-solving groups.
Learn how to use – and implement with others – ‘mind-mapping’ techniques.
Read, put into practice and critique, techniques in Edward de Bono’s books on ‘lateral thinking’ and ‘the six thinking hats’.
Understudy the coach who will act as a role-model in creative/ innovative change management and problem-solving.
Attend training programmes in creativity and innovative problem-solving.
Developing strategic awareness and competence Coaching and developmental action. Coach encourages individual to:
Prepare, in conjunction with colleagues, a SWOT analysis on their function.
Do the same for the company/division.
Make recommendations for taking the business forward in terms of competitive advantage, customer relations and profitability.
Describe in detail the function/company culture, identifying plusses and minuses.
Identify strategies for developing personal political strength and ‘clout’ in terms of increasing his/her centrality, relevance and influence within the business, across different functions.
Give an appraisal of the political impact, in different functions and at different levels of the business of two recent major policy decisions/changes.
Describe how he/she sees the image of their own function within the wider corporate context of the business.
Estimate how they are viewed by their own colleagues, subordinates and/or key players from other functions.
Give the coach feedback on his/her public image within the company.
Attend training programmes in political awareness and acumen.
Coaching – the conditions for learning In Chapter 2, the responses to the invitations to identify when the respondent was: •
Highly effective and producing good results
Well motivated, with the adrenalin flowing
Life and you both felt good
show that, consistently, irrespective of nationality, over 80% of respondents confirmed it was when their boss acted in the role of coach and gave encouragement. The relatively simple questions, “When, during your career, has your learning been at its greatest?” and “What conditions existed, at the time, when you were experiencing your most intense learning?” have consistently produced very similar responses, largely irrespective of nationality and status within company hierarchies. A sample of almost
two thousand directors, managers and professionals from the US, Canada, much of Western and Eastern Europe, including Ireland and the UK, has produced the following data:
The work I was doing at the time was significant to the success of my function and/or the business
The work was personally challenging and testing
I was in a leadership role, early in my career
I held significant responsibility at the time and was able to act with considerable autonomy
I was operating largely cross-functionally
The work was fun
Not only do these findings appear to be congruent with the results of the earlier ‘classical’ writers on motivation and learning – McGregor, Herzberg, Likert and McClelland – but they also seem to be consistent with identifying current best practices in leadership, management and coaching. What is interesting is that in the last eight years, since the first edition of this book appeared, all percentages have increased. Three critical assumptions about people and human motivation seem to be endorsed by the findings:
People want responsibility, challenge and the opportunity to leave legacies.
People want to build identity, engagement and self-esteem into their work and work roles with the organization to which they belong.
People are motivated to do their best when they can choose to take ownership and exercise autonomy in fulfilling their commitments.
The coach’s style Dr John Nicholls 9 draws attention to the significance, in coaching for results, of the relationship between empowerment and delegating. His very relevant model, similarly, demonstrates congruence with both the empirical results of the author’s work as well as with current and classical motivational theories, i.e.: Leader style (power, influence & acumen)
Counterfeit coach
True coach
Micro manager
Anxious delegator
‘Meddling Managers’ more than any other are likely to be guilty of ‘micro managing’ and so stifle enthusiasm, willingness to take responsibility, personal autonomy and opportunities for learning, development and growth. The ‘Anxious Delegator’ lacks the confidence to let go, so that others can get going and thus frustrates those who have a feel for opportunities and the potential for initiative, by holding them back. ‘False (Counterfeit) Coaches’ are particularly demoralizing, since they often create illusions of freedom and autonomy, which are not based upon the reality of clear-cut goals, objectives and parameters – nor well-defined boundaries of what is mandatory and what is discretionary, in roles and tasks. EIGHT MANAGING TODAY, IN ORDER TO SHAPE THE ORGANIZATION’S TOMORROW
The leader’s ‘style’ as a coach can also be a crucial determinant of both the quality of the relationship between boss and subordinate, and therefore the responding ‘receiving’ style of the person being coached. To a large extent, there will be a complementary response on the part of the subordinate. The following table shows the typical ‘receiving’ style that a leader’s approach to coaching is likely to elicit:
Coach’s style
Receiving style
Receptive (or malevolently compliant)
Self-reliant and empowered
Collaborative and responsive
Informative and constructive
Reciprocating (or calculative)
Particularly within the empowerment – delegation nexus, initiating leader styles and reciprocal subordinate receiving styles may emerge as determinants of the success – or otherwise – of the coaching process as a means of stimulating learning and enhancing performance, i.e.:
Leader style
Receiving style
Confident communicator
Impressionable listener
Rapport builder
Trusting colleague
Culture custodian
Custom keeper
Boundary buster
Resourceful adapter
Keen amateur
Hopeful believer
Decision winner
Decision maker
What John Nicholls labels the ‘True Coach’, in his model, is the person who clearly spells out the criteria and parameters, ignored or avoided by the ‘false coach’, as well as agreeing optimal empowerment and learning opportunities with his or her people. As the results of responses to the two sets of questions – in Chapter 2, as well as in this chapter – confirm, the coaching leader who both acknowledges and stimulates people’s motivation and learning – as well as helping them to develop requisite competencies – is likely to be far more effective, in the longer term, than those who ignore the crucial importance of adrenalin that flows from a fulfilled sense of responsibility, self-esteem and achievement.
Summary Chapter 8 continues the core leadership themes of envisioning and transforming, and develops them in relation to the processes of mentoring and coaching. Developing, sharing and communicating visions – as aspirational pictures of an organization’s desired future shape – are seen as key functions of the leader’s role. Moreover, they are also presented in this chapter as significant aspects of the context in which coaching and development need to take place. Followership emerges as being a crucial factor – especially that of the so-called ‘knowledge workers’ much of whose continuing development is a matter of self-regeneration – but nevertheless stimulated, influenced and sanctioned to a substantial degree by leaders acting as coaches. The visionary leader is largely a ‘learning leader’, responsible for promoting or enabling others’ self-development and for initiating, jointly with subordinates, appropriate learning experiences, via the coaching. New challenges mean new organizational styles, structures and responses if businesses are to succeed in to-day’s uncertain, unpredictable, but opportunity-laden world. The traditional challenges of: •
have been overtaken – though not eliminated – by new imperatives and forces, which include: •
Complexity and radicalism
Contributive competence and confidence
Transformation, transience and transition.
These new challenges demand new strengths and competencies. They also emphasize the critical importance of mature, accountable and selfdetermining followership – as well as intelligent, aware and empowering leadership. In the role of both ‘coach’ (specific to a project or short period of time) and ‘mentor’ (focusing on the longer term development and growth of individuals and work groups), the leader is a critical influence in stimulating the continuity of learning that is essential to keep pace with the continuous transformation and re-shaping characteristic of today’s organizations. The leader’s approach to coaching and his or her personal ‘style’ may also be major determinants of the resultant learning development and contributive performance of those being coached. That style is so often the determining factor in the extent to which people feel engaged with their job and with the organization. Evidence suggests that coaching is a powerful cocktail of:
Re-positioning or re-renewing thinking, commitment and action.
Seeking and stimulating initiatives from those being coached.
Inviting and prompting option generation.
Clarifying goals, parameters and required outcomes on a ‘mandatory – discretionary’ basis.
Prompting ownership and personal responsibility via empowerment aligned to delegated authority.
Leader credibility and day-to-day example.
Investing people’s learning, development and personal growth with significance is every bit as important as investing money and training in their performance improvement. So often, the necessary outcomes of coaching and mentoring include the following: •
Securing and building commitment to organizational goals and the actions necessary to achieve them.
Linking goal achievement to personal ambition and aspiration.
Emotional alignment and motivated engagement with the business.
Continuous application of knowledge, skill and learning to the evolving growth of the job (or role) and good of the business.
Maximizing relevant interaction and engagement with the outside world.
Hence the need for effective coaching, based upon style, delegation and appropriate empowerment. The recognition that transforming a business is something of an ‘heroic journey’ explicitly and implicitly acknowledges the key role of leadership in today’s world as a determinant of success, in an organization’s transformation, progression and development. The quality of that leadership is itself largely determined by the leader’s effectiveness as a coach and mentor who can grow the skills and confidence in others, necessary to shape tomorrow’s businesses, organizations and successes.
SOME POINTS FOR REFLECTION AND DISCUSSION 1. Using Figure 27, in Chapter 8, as your basis, draw up, in conjunction with three or four of your team members, a vision which captures the aspirations and ambitions of your function/ department. If an articulated vision exists for your company or division, relate yours to the wider, corporate context of the current vision for the business. Would you modify the corporate one? If so, how? How would you communicate that concern to the most senior levels in the organization? 2. Taking the information on new thinking in career patterns (Figure 28) draw up a career progression plan for – and in conjunction with – each of your direct reports. Invite them to do the same, afterwards, with each of their people. 3. Ask the questions about their most effective learning periods at work of each member of your team – and/or conduct a function or division-wide survey within your company. Develop a strategic approach to improving learning within your department/ organization. 4. Develop and implement your own coaching structure for use with each of your team members. Follow up with personal development plans for each.
Decisions – that’s what leaders are paid for…
Decisions – that’s what leaders are paid for…
“Where you see success, someone once made a courageous decision.” PETER DRUCKER
Probably more than any other, decision-making is the core activity in leadership and management. In the role of leader we operate somewhere between absolute autonomy and complete powerlessness. Many of our critical decisions have to be made on a basis of: •
Insufficient information and knowledge
Inadequate resources
Inconsistent backing and direction
– and frequently so, in conditions of contradiction, conflict and confusion. The leader’s task, therefore, is to make sense of, impose some control or influence over, and manage what amounts to ‘imperfection’. That is the reality of leading and managing – there is no other, ‘tidier’ alternative. As a decision-maker, then, the leader’s role is to create relevant order, coherence and commitment to success, through others, over events frequently outside his or her direct control – and in operating environments where little certainty exists. Essentially, this has been the lot of leaders since organized human endeavour first began – though the pace, magnitude and complexity of those variables have all increased dramatically during the last 100 years. Similarly, new technological influences and social forces are changing the styles and primary contributions of leaders, in relation to their ‘followers’, colleagues and superiors, as well as the professional context, within which they must lead.
What is also changing – markedly, it seems – are the values, expectations and aspirations of people in today’s world, which reflect new paradigm, revolutionary thinking. Hand in hand with that ‘revolution’, is a general reaffirmation of the need for the essential, ‘classical’ leadership capabilities, but driven by mindsets matching the demands of a 21st context. Increasingly, people are coming to value informed awareness, integrity, moral courage and leading-edge competence, as crucial determinants of the decisions they look to leaders to make. The traditional leader concerns with power, rank and status – and all that goes with positional authority – are today valued less and less and, consequently, receive scant respect from people who expect higher levels of egalitarianism, empowerment and professional autonomy from their managers. In the armed services, the classical example is the difference between the traditional authoritarianism of some conventional corps and regiments, and the authoritative competence which has long typified the command structure and work ethic of Special Forces, of which the British SAS, SBS and 14th Intelligence, inter alia, are amongst the world’s best. In the world of business, the emerging new paradigm thinkers, equally, regard ‘macho’ decision-making and autocratic or arbitrary action, as anachronistic and a completely unacceptable substitute for consummate professionalism, in leadership. The age of paradox, uncertainty and unreason also demands of leaders that they are far more engaged with opportunity identification and exploitation, than they are preoccupied with risk analysis and fear of failure. Von Clausewitz, Chief of the Prussian General Staff 1 during the Napoleonic Wars, described war as, ‘an option of risks’. More than ever before business, too, fits that description, and a reluctance to accept constant risk as an inevitability and an inescapable reality of leadership, all too frequently leads to:
Preservation of the status quo not
initiative and action
Cost cutting
the intelligent USE of money
growth or development
timely opportunism
Today, especially, leaders earn their money when their decisionmaking is far more influenced by the demonstrated belief – ‘always assume you have the authority of the Chief Executive, until proved otherwise’, rather than a veneration of a – ‘clean nose and a low profile’, as being the ideal, politically correct executive style to pursue. As June Singer2 states, “Different types operate from different premises. They will see things one way and be quite convinced that they are correct. While we see things in another way and are just as convinced. There can never be any reconciliation between opposing views unless there is first a recognition that matters may be seen in terms other than that of correctness and error.” To recognize that differences between people are largely issues seen from varying viewpoints may be the beginning of mutual understanding. It might also result in more honest and less politically ‘contaminated’ decision-making. In strategic decision-making, where the radical rather than simply the normative and traditional, is coming to be the new order of things, intelligent courage emerges as far more important than tactics, manoeuvring and manipulation. So often, in the role of consultant, for example, the most appropriate recommendation to clients that one can give, is: “It’s staring you in the face – go and do the obvious and stop wasting my time and your money.”
The move from ‘either-or’ to ‘both-and’ thinking, in problem analysis and decision-making, so typical of visionary leadership, reinforces the requirement for leaders to function as the ‘natural option stimulators’. Options and alternatives, reflecting resourcefulness and adaptability – especially in conditions of uncertainty and change – are the life blood of effective decision-making. In traditional ‘topdown’ approaches to management, option generation has tended to be seen largely as the prerogative of leaders, managers and ‘bosses’ generally. In new paradigm thinking, option generation knows no such exclusivity and the creation and exploration of innovative, viable alternative goals, decisions, strategies and actions are seen as the contribution of team members, as well as their leaders. An essential part of the Wellstream Company3 philosophy and practice is: ‘The upward flow of ideas from our employees is one of our greatest strengths.’ The leader’s contribution to such empowered decision-making then becomes principally one of providing context, perspective, stimulus and challenge, to enable willing synergy to function with maximum effect and hence produce maximum creative output, within a team or group. The leader role then becomes, variously, one of ‘enabler’, coach and supporter. In a world where ‘as one door closes, another one slams shut, in your face’, adaptable, innovative resourcefulness and intelligent initiative become paramount in maintaining competitive advantage. When well managed and well led, both can provide the life-blood of sustainable competitive advantage. In Chapter 10, we will explore innovative leadership, more fully. It is, in any case, the way of the enterprise, rather than that of the ‘corporation’ and, therefore, the style of both leadership decision inputs and empowered group working, that reflect true new paradigm thinking and action.
Decision-making – personal horizons In Chapter 1, reference was made to Richard Leider’s3 term – ‘the land of I don’t know’, which represents the unknown stages on a journey into the uncertainty of the future. In terms of ‘from here to there’, and the distance likely to be travelled before reaching terra incognita, there will always be some subjective element since levels of predictive competence, ‘map reading’ and ‘route finding’ will vary from one individual leader to another, as will the leader’s transformation, integrative and mobilizing skills. In other words, the individual manager’s conceptual and strategic horizon – as well as his or her readiness to move out of their existing comfort zones – will be a significant determinant of problem analysis and decision-making capacity. Two measures of that capacity are: 1.
The timescale of the individual’s thinking and their ability to consider decisions and solutions in longer term implications – what Eliot Jaques4 called the ‘time span of discretion’. Put another way, this is the time it takes for leaders’ decisions to catch up with them, e.g. within an hour, a day, a month, a year – or five years.
The leader’s capacity to see their organization holistically, as a series of interdependent and integrated parts, i.e. their capacity to think, appropriately, at micro, macro and meta organization levels – strategically or operationally.
Figure 33 uses these two axes of horizon definition and in the example shown, this particular manager tends to operate at very little beyond a parochial, departmental level of thinking and acting (vertical axis) – and with a time span of a little over one month ahead. The combined low strategic organizational awareness and relative ‘short termism’ means that this leader’s intellectual and operational ‘swamp’ (where, mentally and managerially, he or she will be struggling to survive) is really that of traditional old paradigm junior/middle management. In this leader’s particular case, the ‘land of I don’t know’ will, indeed, be a very large area of remote and unknown territory. Their ‘swampy’ route through it will be substantially a hit-and-miss journey of ignorance,
confusion and anxiety – with rather too many ‘alligators’ around their rear end! By contrast, where a manager and his or her team have jointly pushed back the ‘swamp’, by operating across many boundaries, or arenas and to an informed visionary, or strategic timescale of, say, up to two years ahead, then their areas of ignorance or confusion would be relatively minimal, in practical terms, and essentially confined to the universal ‘don’t knows’, typically characteristic of much of today’s uncertainty.
‘The swamp’ – ‘The land of I don’t knows’ Global
t just…
h We mig
Breadth of perception
If on RISK ly… Possib ly…
It’s u
If only…
We c a
We intend to
Personal horizon and comfort zone
y We’ll tr
In the future , we could…
s… Perhap … I probably will… ’t n We ca I should like to… l RISK tel ill Don’t w e ask m I hope… e! Tim
Group Company
Limited Today
2 Years
Time span of thinking
5 Years
Long term
In Chapter 4, we explored the concept of ‘mastery’ in leadership and, in particular, the phenomenon of ‘flow’ – when the individual is at one with his or her task or role. In decision-making, flow, defined as a balance between task demands and the leader’s personal capacity and competence, is crucial in terms of delivery and, therefore, pay-off to the team and/or business. Flow also serves as a critical ‘barometer’ of a manager’s capability, especially in the role of a leader. It is the tangible,
demonstrated track record of managing, decision-making and achieving results that determines the credibility – or otherwise – of a leader.
The realities of problem analysis and decision-making Management has been described as ‘Murphy’s Law, 25 hours a day’. Experience shows time and time again that stone cold certainties are rarities in business. Indeed, the pace and nature of change today suggest that they are not just an endangered species, but are rapidly approaching extinction in many arenas. Undoubtedly, appropriate tools and techniques help in the process of making effective appropriate decisions, but it is principally the areas of intellectual strength, preferred modes of interpreting situations and making decisions, emotional intelligence and decision congruence that we shall explore in Chapter 9. In any business, decisions may be less than effective – and even counterproductive – because of, at least, the following factors:
Poor or inadequate problem definition.
Failure to distinguish causes from effects – hence an inappropriate focus on symptoms.
Lack of clear objectives and confusion over requisite outcomes.
Failure to take into account all the critical data.
Inappropriate priorities (or absence of them).
Prejudice or ‘halo’ effect – and, hence, lack of objective, unbiased analysis.
Over-reliance on past experience, where new thinking is required.
Impulsive/irrational behaviour, e.g. ‘Ready, shoot – aim’!
An exaggeratedly high need to prove oneself.
Over consideration of personal whims and fancies, e.g. subjective, not objective analysis.
Uncritical pursuit of issues (absence of systematic method and/ or rigorous analysis).
Jumping to the solution before the problem has been confirmed and defined.
Opting out or going for the ‘soft option’ to avoid hassle, or discomfort.
Poor anticipation and/or absence of appropriate ‘antennae’.
Fear of failure and, hence, strong risk aversion.
Egos, ‘territory’ and personal mythology.
One important aspect of this representation is acknowledgement of the significance of both cognitive and emotional contributions in problem analysis and in the consequent planning and taking of decisions to deal with those challenges. The model shown in Figure 34 illustrates and legitimizes the role of crucial socio-emotional behaviours in decision-making, including: •
Intuition and ‘gut feel’
Determination and resolve
Sense of timing
Opportunistic ‘flair’.
Summarized, the cognitive AND emotional behaviours, which typically emerge at each stage of problem analysis and decision-making – awareness, direction and action – look like this (see over)5:
Decision-making behaviour
Decision process
Decision-making behaviour
Cognitive-rational responses (Left brain activity)
Stages in making decisions
Emotional/intuitive responses (Right brain activity)
Awareness (situational analysis)
Concerns Information Scope
– Searching – Examining – Probing – Analyzing – Defining – Classifying Diagnosis
Direction (setting purpose – mission)
– Assessing – Weighing – Clarifying – Crystallizing – Simplifying – Prioritizing
Problems and barriers Priorities and goals
Action (Execution)
– Foreseeing – Predicting – Preparing – Over-viewing – Progressing – Following through – Following up
Opportunities Threats Consequences and outcomes
– Intuiting – Generating ideas – Exploring – Synthesizing – Scanning – Creating options Drive – Insisting – Persisting – Resisting – Being resolute – Building purpose – Being determined Pace – Sense of timing – Varying pace – Adjusting response – Pre-empting – Recognizing the right conditions – Taking opportune action
Readers familiar with the ‘classical’ military approach to decision-making will see similarities between the decision-making stages of the above model (AWARENESS – DIRECTION – ACTION, i.e. context – mission
– execution) and the ‘SITUATION – MISSION – EXECUTION’ framework long used by the Royal Navy, army and R.A.F. The model shown in Figure 34 adapts the near-universal, traditional formula to allow for the important distinctions between ‘rational’ and ‘emotional’ styles of problem analysis and decision-making, at each of the three stages in the overall process. Against each stage, the outer left and right columns identify the principal behaviours which appear to characterize both predominantly ’left-brain’ and largely ‘right-brain’ decision-making.
Different personalities – different leadership – different decisions… The well-known Myers Briggs type inventory6 which seeks to identify and confirm people’s particular personality ‘type’, developed from the original constructs and theories of Carl Jung, the Swiss psychoanalyst7, clearly confirms the existence of many different approaches to problem analysis and decision-making. These differences – sometimes polarized – but nevertheless equally valid or apposite, reflect the fundamental intellectual and temperamental variations between different people, identified in the model above. Myers Briggs typology represents human personality ‘types’ – and their characteristic distinguishing behavioural patterns – as deriving substantially from four fundamental dimensions of personal preference:
1. Extraversion (E)_________vs ___________Introversion (I) 2.
Sensing (S) ______________vs ___________Intuition (N)
Thinking (T) _____________vs ___________Feeling (F)
Judging (J) ______________vs ___________Perceiving (P)
In most cases, individuals possess something of both opposing characteristics, of each dimension, in their make up, but will tend to prefer
operating, most naturally, in one mode rather than the other. For example, the extraversion-intraversion continuum is essentially about where people draw their energy from and, therefore, how they constantly reenergize and ‘re-charge’ the physical emotional and intellectual ‘batteries’. Extraverts typically draw energy from contact and interaction with others, while introverts normally recharge their batteries by solo reflection, and by using ‘territory’ and ‘space’ to escape, temporarily, from the pressures and intrusions of others. Many extraverts for instance, though their preferred mode of re-energizing is to engage in activities with others, will still nevertheless, on occasions, ‘escape’ for a while to reflect by themselves in order to re-charge, before coming back into the social fray, once again. For practical purposes, the definitions of behaviour used on the Myers Briggs enable us to think of ourselves – and others – as decision-makers and leaders, in the following recognizable ways:
Extraversion gives breadth and action to our decision-making.
Introversion provides us with the wherewithal for introspection, reflection and therefore depth to our decisions.
Sensing helps the decision-maker to focus on ‘what is’ and to draw upon previous experience, past precedent and what is known or proven – and hence ‘reality’ in decisions.
Intuition, by contrast, enables us to think in terms of ‘what might be’, and hence focuses on the opportunities and possibilities in situations.
Thinking lends objectivity and logic to our problem analysis and decision-making. ‘Thinking’ types typically make their decisions from their ‘heads’.
Feeling enables us to consider the rights and wrongs of decisions and how our decisions are likely to impact upon others. ‘Feeling’ types typically make decisions from the ‘heart’.
Judging is about planning, organizing and structuring, in order to decide and act in a prepared, orderly and disciplined way, against schedules and timescales.
Perceiving – the opposite of judging – represents individuals’ differing preferred capacities for generating, exploring and keeping open options and often coming to a decision, at the eleventh hour plus, once they have gathered all the information they can.
The richness of variation indicated by the above lists, in human personality, styles, preferences and derived competencies show how important it is to recognize – and learn how to use – the differing strengths that we and others possess, as both leaders and followers. The diversity of talent that the Myers Briggs definitions indicate, so succinctly, reinforces the need to use the potential breadth and depth of ability available to so many leaders. Readers who know the Myers Briggs model will see many similarities between ‘S-T-J’ combinations of leadership behaviour and the behavioural descriptors in the left-hand column of the model, while typical ‘NFP’ and ‘NTP’ ‘personalities’ are very evident from the behaviours listed in the right-hand column. Both the AWARENESS-DIRECTION-ACTION structure and Myers Briggs (MBTI) ‘types’ confirm, yet again, that there is no one ‘right’ way of doing things in management and leadership and no ‘only’ way of making decisions. Both also underline the need for complementary clusters of competencies and their accompanying mindsets. So many critical decisions are made, ultimately, as a result of a courageous – or desperate – intuitive leap into the dark, after much prolonged analysis and painstaking deliberation. That is – right-brain ‘sixth sense’, following left-brain logical calculation. decision-making is every bit as much an art as it is a disciplined sequential set of intellectual activities. Moreover, it is not a process which is the sole prerogative of any one level, or function, within an organization. As Stuart Hampson, Chairman of John Lewis Partnership says, “The successful business does not result just from brilliance in the boardroom. It depends on every employee fulfilling his task well, using his wit and imagination to do his job better.” And some might add – “If only we could see a glimpse of brilliance in the board room, first…”
Undoubtedly, however, there is the practical issue of appropriateness in decision-making – and different situations call for different approaches. The lists of characteristics shown are meant to be neither definitive nor absolute – but rather to serve as a basis for reflection about strengths and weaknesses and how: 1.
Existing recognized competencies can be further developed, built upon and made more use of, in problem analysis and decision-making.
Weaknesses can be countered, if not overcome, or nullified, by team decision processes and/or changes to roles and role scope, thus allowing the people best equipped to make – or influence – decisions to do so.
In terms of leader problem analysis and decision-making, the Awareness – Direction – Action model and the MBTI typology, together, emphasize the importance of reviewing decision-making style, preference and competence – as well as looking for new tools and techniques. Like charity, development and improvement largely begin at home. It is in this way that the combination of varied talents and styles, plus appropriate systems, tools and techniques, is likely to prove the best platform on which to build more effective and appropriate decisionmaking strengths within teams and organizations. Figure 35, below, shows the management style typology developed in some relevant recent research (Miller and Williams) conducted in the US, into decision-making. Their succinct descriptions of the executive behaviours, under the different headings, provide some useful style comparisons. Interestingly, the high proportion of respondents labelled ‘Followers’ suggests a good deal of conservative risk-averse leaders within the statistically respectable sample.
25% of executives polled. Easily intrigued and fascinated by new ideas. Experience teaches them to make final decisions on a balance of information and passion.
11% of respondents. Often the toughest to influence or persuade. Impressed by arguments well supported by data. May be risk averse.
19% of sample. Suspicious of data – especially if it challenges their worldview. Aggressive and combative. The only ones in step.
36% of those polled. They make decisions based on past, proven practices, or how other executives make them. Tend to be risk averse and cautious.
9% of sample. They hate uncertainty and ambiguity. They focus on tangibles and facts that they can understand and make sense of. They need time to make decisions.
Enthusiastic, captivating, talkative, energetic and dominant.
Cerebral, intelligent, rational and logical. Think before deciding.
Demanding, disruptive, destructive and disagreeable. Rebels.
Responsive, careful, brand –driven. Look for ‘bargains’ in deals.
Logical, practical, driven by fears and insecurities, sensible, detailoriented.
Use words to them like – Results, proven, actions, clear, focus, easy, show, win-win.
Use words to them like – Quality, expertise, think, plan, intelligent, numbers, proof.
Use words to them like – Power, feel, grasp, action, suspect, trust, demand, disrupt.
Use words to them like – Similar to, previous, safe, expertise, solid, dependable, expedite.
Use words to them like – Reason, facts, detail, logic, reason, practical, physical, just do it.
In influencing them – Fight the urge to join in their excitement. Focus the discussion on results and outcomes. Appeal to their visual sense and opportunism.
Influence them by – lots of data and information. Have evidence from surveys, research and cost-benefit analyses. Give perspectives.
You will need lots of clout and credibility. Gain endorsements from those whom the sceptic respects and trusts.
You need references and testimonials to show that others have succeeded in similar circumstances. Focus on what is proven.
Your argument must be logical and structured, with well presented detail. Don’t appear pushy, but let them convince themselves of the value of your proposals.
FIGURE 35: FIVE STYLES OF DECISION-MAKING* *Miller-Williams Survey, conducted in the US, 199-2001 (n = 1684)
Some tools and techniques 1. The ‘classical’ problem analysis and decision-making process Most approaches to rational, purposive decision-making function on a basis of the following stages: 1. Awareness or recognition (a signal) that a problem exists. 2. Definition of the problem, or issue (deviation from expectations, or from the norm). 3. Agreement of remedial/change goals (what outcomes people want to achieve and avoid). 4. Explanation of possible optional courses of action – and their respective likely consequences. 5. Evaluation, deliberation – and decision on course of action. 6. Follow-up – follow through – with revision if necessary. Figure 36 (opposite) shows one typical variation of the traditional or conventional perception of problem-solving and decision-making.
The key stages: 2. The problem
1. The situation
• What are the symptoms? • What is the problem? • How is it a problem? • What causes it? – Likely causes? – Essential cause?
• What is happening? • What is NOT happening? • What concerns me? • What outcomes do I want?
3. The decision • What are my objectives? • What options do I have? • What are the risks? • Which decision? – make it!
4. Follow through • What puts my decision at risk? • What could go wrong now? • How do I protect my decision? – Prevention? – Contingent actions?
5. Outcome Problem solved? YES?
Such conventional models are essentially logical and sequential and, consequently, lend both order and structure to the process of analyzing situations, identifying problems, clarifying objectives and deciding courses of action.
What they normally don’t make equally explicit is the value and relevance in decision-making of competencies such as: •
Intuition and emotional intelligence.
Inspirational leadership of engaged and empowered people.
High sensitivity to rapidly changing contexts and situations.
New paradigm thinking about paradox and uncertainty.
Giving direction and stimulating pathfinding in situations where neither the problems, nor their outcomes, are known and, more important, understood.
Adaptive resourcefulness, insight and courage that reflect the inner strengths of an individual.
The capacity to accept, work with and capitalize upon ‘messy’ situations and messy processes which are increasingly becoming reality today, e.g. the philosophy8 which says, ‘If life gives you lemons – make lemonade’!
2. ‘Brainstorming’ and creative thinking The left and right-hand sides of the brain function, at times, like a ‘mixer’ tap. Typically, we tend to make far more use – often inappropriately of the ‘cold tap’ by using logic, analysis and judgement too much and too early in our thinking and decision-making. Traditionally, much teaching places too high a store by logic and evaluation, so that we start to analyze, evaluate and judge a problem and its solution before we have: •
Really established what the problem is – or could be.
Identified the possibilities and opportunities in the situation.
Identified and explored appropriate options and alternatives.
Essentially, ‘brainstorming’ is a technique which enables us to make more appropriate use of both sides of the brain. It allows us to get the best out of both our imagination and our use of logic, by ensuring that they are employed in the right sequence and combination, for maximum creativity (see Figure 37, below).
Left Hemisphere
Right Hemisphere
HOT ‘Taps’ control balance between judgement vs creativity
• Intuition • Feelings • Insights (GBO’s) • Experimentation • Possibilities • ‘Free-wheeling’ • ‘Holistic’ thinking
• Logic • Facts • Analysis • Filtering and selection • Past experience • Existing knowledge • Incremental thinking
(Suspend criticism and judgement)
(Exercise criticism and judgement) RISK ANALYSIS Ideas… COLD?
Vs or just TEPID?!
Typically, the process works like this: 1.
Simply let the ‘hot tap’ (ideas, imagination, sense of possibilities, intuition) run freely. Keep the ‘cold tap’ closed, i.e. suspend analysis, criticism, evaluations and judgement at this ‘free-wheeling’ stage.
Generate a quantity of ideas – record them. Allow the zany, ‘crackpot’ and weird, as well as those that seem sensible – withhold all judgement and evaluation (‘quality’ has a better chance of arising out of sheer quantity).
Use association of ideas to: • Trigger insights and ‘GBO’s’ (‘glimpses of the bloody obvious’).
Identify similar/related ideas.
Expand, enlarge, add, synthesize, combine.
Reduce, minimize, subtract, separate out, select.
Adapt, build-on, complement, change – as ideas emerge and are recorded.
When you think your list is ready, identify which ideas you like, or which appeal to you, as ‘possibles’.
Now apply logic, criticism and evaluation to your list of ‘likes’ and ‘possibles’.
Develop a short-list, or final choice for your decision.
The above list defines the brainstorming process, in principle, while Figure 38, below, describes the ‘mechanics’ of running a typical brainstorming session to arrive at a ‘best’ decision to deal with a problem or challenge:
Typically small groups of 4-8 (or larger groups – split into several sub-groups).
Brief on techniques and on ground rules that anything goes during the ‘brainstorming’ – logic and evaluation come later.
Define problem/issue accurately to focus minds (‘cold tap’)
Suspend all criticism and judgement
No evaluation!
Generate QUANTITY of ideas
Record them
Take a ‘breather’ – then ask for at least 1 more idea from each person
Go through and pick those you like
Generate another round of ‘brainstorming’
Review and reflect
Now use ‘left brain’ (logic/rational evaluation) (‘cold tap’)
‘hot tap’
Select ‘possibilities, evaluate and draw up a short-list of ‘probables’ (‘cold’ and ‘hot taps’)
‘Brainstorm’ to add value – then go for the ‘best’…! (‘cold’ and ‘hot taps’)
3. Mind maps’ or ‘spider diagrams’ Mind mapping is a technique to help you express your thoughts in a way in which the brain tends to operate naturally. Instead of simply listing factors in ‘menu’ form, ‘mindmaps’ identify related and contingent thoughts, developments and extensions to ideas, or concepts. Essentially, they work on our visual senses and allow us to ‘see’ ideas so that we can add or subtract related information and build up a ‘picture’ of our analyses, plans and decisions. HOW TO PRODUCE A ‘MIND MAP’
Identify your key issue and put a ring round it, e.g. ‘Leadership’, or ‘My Management Style’.
Then, think about that concept and write down the KEY words that come into your head, as a series of main ‘branches’.
Next, take each ‘branch’ and write down each element or extension of that particular topic, theme or idea as a series of subbranches.
Make the ‘map’ as simple or as complex as appropriate, as in the example below, where the core theme being explored is ‘Managing Talent’.
Attracting them Bench-mark organizations Likely sponsors Sanctions
Rewards First steps
Measures Identifying the ‘best’
Make a corporate priority Taking risks Major projects ‘Stretch’ roles
Intelligent use
Promote early & often Scope Using?
External sources? Retaining them How to develop it Internal sources? Models? Top Key supporters – down? Evolution or Talent management revolution? mindset Tools & Techniques
Getting the best out of the best...
Who? Potential
Development Market rates
Where next?
Quality feedback
Rewards Giftedness
Valid measures?
‘Total’ packages
Succession planning Differentials Meritocracies System?
Who can, who will, who does? Long-term development
The work of Tony Buzan9 represents some of the most relevant and helpful texts on ‘mind mapping’ and, in particular, his books Use Your Head (BBC Publication) and Make the Most of Your Mind’ (Pan) are extremely useful and entertaining texts for explaining this technique in depth. As an aid to decision-making – particularly at the clarification and exploratory stages of problem analysis – mind mapping is a simple, practical and relevant tool.
4. Transforming, integrating and mobilizing – decision-making for synergy Taking a business (or function) forward in the right direction, integrating the constituent parts, fully engaging key players and mobilizing the necessary willing, collaborative effort, presupposes at least two fundamental decision-making strengths in a leader: 1.
That leader is aligned with the vision, mission and core goals of the business, and is ‘embedded’ in the power structure of the organization.
He or she is able to operate at an appropriate level of competence, confidence and hence managerial maturity.
In Figure 40, the integrated, aligned and functionally mature manager is identified as the ‘Master Leader’. Such an executive is capable of envisioning a future for the business in realistic, strategic and – where appropriate – operational terms. They are also able to identify the appropriate routes to achieving the associated goals and objectives, and have the wherewithal to generate the necessary willing synergy. The ‘Operator’ is primarily a ‘technician’ or ‘doer’ who follows instructions, essentially works ‘hands-on’ and whose time-frame is largely ‘here and now’. The Operator’s perception of his or her role and basis of contribution is governed largely by personal experience, common sense empiricism and often uncritical and uninformed observation. The ‘Custodian’ is someone who may be well integrated into the business, but lacks the intellectual sophistication, leader competence and new paradigm mind set of the Master Leader. Though aligned with the business, the Custodian generally focuses on preservation of the status quo and is more concerned with conservation than transformation. ‘Mavericks’ are often highly intelligent, ‘clever’ people whose restless intellectual energy and sense of dissatisfaction provide the stimulus for their need to change the established order. A Maverick can be a powerful change agent and may use both ‘vinegar’ and ‘honey’, according to the situation, in order to bring about what he or she considers to be necessary change.
In relatively stable and conservative environments, the Maverick is often seen as an ‘irritant’, ‘young Turk’ or enfant terrible. Generally anti-establishment and ready to confront the status quo, Mavericks represent a constant challenge to established order and, in particular, to the ‘Custodians’. Generally, they lack the leadership capacity – and organizational ‘horse power’ – to effect the necessary strategic integration and mobilization that successful major change and transformation typically require.
Leader alignment with the business
HIGH CUSTODIAN Controls Protects Preserves Conserves Administrates
OPERATOR Follows orders Works ‘hands on’ Limited horizons Low influence Marginalized
Upholds the status quo
Operates way below his role in the business
MASTER LEADER Models the way Inspires Transforms Integrates Mobilizes
MAVERICK Irritant Breaks the rules Boundary ‘buster’ Initiator Non-conformist
Shapes the business Creates and adds value
Change agent for better, or worse
Leader mindset, development and competence
Extent to which leaders are professionally mature and aligned with the core goals and direction of the business
The sorts of organizational worlds that the more effective Master Leaders, Custodians, Operators and Mavericks create, by their decisions and actions, are those shown in Figure 5, in Chapter 2, that is:
Dynamic, adaptive organization renewal (Master Leader).
Gentlemen’s club (Custodian).
Organized, conservative parochialism (Operator).
Organized innovative chaos (Maverick).
Their less effective, or less experienced counterparts, who lack the key competencies associated with mobilizing willing collaborative effort, tend to generate environments such as those at the ‘front’ of the threedimensional model. At this level of functioning and decision-making, the top right-hand box is not occupied by a less experienced ‘master’, as such, but rather a developing manager or ‘journeyman leader’. Essentially, the organizational and operational world created by leaders will be largely determined, qualitatively, by the relevance and nature of the decisions they take: 1.
Within the interplay of the three major functions of transforming, integrating and mobilizing the areas of the business that they lead and manage.
In managing cross-functional relationships and alliances between their domains and those of others with whom they need to collaborate – and create productive synergy.
In aligning goals with the mission of the business and ensuring a matching or balance between those goals and the competence of the individuals, or teams, charged with achieving them.
A key aspect of the leader’s decision-making style, in bringing about productive synergy, is the ability to create opportunities for dialogue and shared reflection with others which lead to joint ownership of problems, solutions and decisions. Levels of ‘peak’ communication, discussed in Chapter 4, are crucial in the natural development of synergy and, unfortunately, we cannot ‘peak’ to order – or simply because it happens to be 8.40am and time for our regularly raised visibility and morning walk round the plant, or office. However, simple techniques such as the use of open-ended questions can help to strengthen rapport as a necessary preliminary to peak communication, e.g.: •
‘How could we do that better?’
‘What would be a viable option that would give us ‘x’ but would avoid doing ‘y’?’
‘What would you really like to see happen here?’
‘What would you do?… What would you do next?… and then?’
‘How could we make £100,000 saving on the first stage of project ABC?’
‘Let’s take your idea of starting with product development – then let’s see it from marketing’s perspective, before we commit to a decision.’
‘I like your proposal – let’s build on that and see if we can improve on Graham’s target.’
The asking of ‘open’ questions, in a non-threatening, non-judgmental way, with appropriate attendant body language, e.g. nodding, ‘mirroring’ posture and gesture, reinforcing and adding to the other’s contributions – are simple, but essential techniques for giving positive messages of approval and encouragement. A demonstrable shift from authoritarian to supportively authoritative style is normally necessary, before peak communication, synergy and ‘flow’ – indicating personal authenticity in decision-making – can come about between people, with the resultant mutual trust and shared pay-offs. Natural ‘solo-players’, who are generally to be found amongst the ranks of specialist professionals and some functional managers, are often more inclined to act unilaterally and independently, than do their more gregarious ‘team playing’ colleagues. Typically, plans are laid and decisions are taken, independently, without discussions, in order to: •
Save time or meet a tight deadline.
Avoid hassle and/or escape time pressures.
Push a decision through, before opposition ‘gels’.
Gain tactical advantage.
Secure ‘political’ ends.
Demonstrate autonomy and independence.
Meet a personal, or ‘hidden’ agenda.
However, in the interests of both operational synergy and cross-functional interdependence, so-called ‘private intending’ in decision-making needs to function at a level which reconciles the need for fast, adapt-
able individual initiative, on the one hand, with necessary collaborative responses, on the other. As organizations reduce, hierarchically, and become flatter structures, with greater emphasis upon project team working, so decision-making needs to be considered increasingly, as a natural team process, as well as an individual role prerogative – particularly as critical end results come more and more to depend, ultimately, upon willing and accountable collaborative effort. Implicit throughout this chapter is the belief, based upon evidence from innumerable consultancy projects that decision-making, increasingly, has to be, at times, a shared process. It is, however, a process of sharing ownership and accountability, within a context of the mandatory-discretionary boundaries identified in Chapter 6 – a way of organizational life which Binney and Williams refer to as ‘freedom, within a framework’. What is not being advocated here is the universal adoption of ‘bottomup’ philosophies, policies and practices, and the progressive elimination of ‘top-down’ management. For any business to be successful, there has to be the appropriate ‘mix’ of both approaches, so that there is continuous development, release and use of talent mobilized via both the day-to-day and strategic decision-making processes. Initiatives that identify, make increased use of – and develop – talent need to come from all levels within an organization. Only in this way can there be a realistic appreciation and release of human potential within a company. All the talent in a business cannot possibly reside within one individual – or within one stratum of the hierarchy. Essential to the art of effective leader decision-making, therefore, is the preparedness to devolve and delegate as much opportunity, as well as accountability and power, to the levels where decisions are most appropriately made. In practical terms, this means at operational levels, where the action is. Strategic context and direction – not merely ‘umbrellas’ – need to be provided by more senior leaders, in order to focus and integrate multifunctional effort. The various contributive competencies and inputs of both individuals and teams, necessarily require, from time to time, the catalyzing stimulus, collective sense of direction and ‘gate-opening’ support that,
normally, more senior management and others who operate across the boundaries can – and should – provide. In other words – leadership by example. As Sir John Harvey-Jones states10, “The more I see of these sorts of businesses, the more I realize that, in the final analysis, it is the aspiration, drive and determination of the people at the top that is the winning factor in the success of the businesses. These qualities have to be matched by the involvement and commitment of all others in the business if things are to work out, but the scale of the success for which they aim must be set from the top.” More and more, the decision-making activities of managers are coming to be focused upon ‘process’, as well as ‘task’, issues within organizations – and in the interface boundary activities that link them to their operational environments. That is, leadership is becoming as much concerned with understanding the ‘mechanics’ of motivation and the dynamics of both intra – and inter – team processes as it is with meeting work objectives and improving task performance and, ultimately, profitability. In the past it could get away with paying lip service to so-called ‘soft’ issues. The imperatives in new paradigm thinking and working make this a prerogative of a dying breed and, almost on a daily basis, reinforce the need for leadership competence, as a sine qua non, at all levels of management. There has probably never been a more exciting and challenging period in organizational management and leadership than that which exists today – and is likely to continue into the foreseeable future. Imperatives which pressure leaders to make decisions, within the context of crucial tactical, as well as strategic, ambiguity cannot be ignored lightly. Moreover, complex paradox, especially, cannot be most effectively managed by solo decision makers, acting unilaterally. Rather, it requires a co-ordinated response and mobilized collective effort, where there are varied talents, preparedness to take initiative and high personal accountability. There is thus, the need for leaders’ decision-making to encompass both a unifying direction and context, while, at the same time, stimulating
and encouraging intelligent, responsive autonomy, in order to achieve collective goals and unified, cohesive outcomes. As Tom Cannon11 points out, in Welcome to the Revolution, long-term success depends upon the ability of the manager and the organization to turn each paradox into a new unity. In a sense, this reflects, yet again, the Hegelian concept of achieving synthesis (the ‘new unity’) out of two apparently opposing ideologies, philosophies, or practices (paradox) which was referred to in Chapter 1. Typical of the paradoxes that leaders need to recognize, understand and manage – strategically as well as operationally – and begin to unify, or ‘synthesize’ as new exploitive opportunities are: 1.
Have a clear, crystallized vision and be prepared to go into the unknown, and uncertain.
Recognize the adaptability ‘small’ – but think and deliver ‘big’.
Specialize and do in depth – think and act cross functionally, in breadth.
Get more and more out of less and less.
Abandon the role of ‘macho hero’ – but make ‘heroic’ journeys.
Take action today, in order to shape tomorrow.
Give up some formal authority, in order to lead intelligently.
It is in making sense of managing and capitalizing upon these apparent contradictions that new competencies, new approaches and new styles of leading and managing will develop, that will better reflect and respond to the imperatives of the new paradigm business world. The role of leaders and leadership competence will undoubtedly remain central to the success of managerial decision-making, but both the context and the nature of decisions and decision-making will change significantly, demanding greater acuity, understanding and flexibility, as well as more process-focused styles on the part of those in leadership roles.
Summary Problem analysis and decision-making are fundamental leadership activities. Rarely are there any dead certainties in the world of business – especially in the current and foreseeable climate of uncertainty, ambiguity and paradox. Fear of failure, consequent risk-aversion and reluctance to move very far from ‘safe ground’ or comfort zones can severely limit the quality relevance and nature of decisions taken by those in managerial and leadership roles. Similarly, the breadth and level of individual leader’s conceptual ‘horizons’ will determine the scope, range and timescale of his or her decisions. What is referred to as the ‘swamp’ is the area of personal ignorance, confusion and doubt in an individual’s problem analysis and decision-making, which is characterized by lack of real ‘know-how’. This is often in areas of their job where it would be reasonable to expect them to show competence in perception, analysis, diagnosis and prescription. Beyond each person’s individual ‘swamp’ of confusion and ignorance is a more or less universal terra incognita defined, variously, by uncertainty, speculation, challenge and potential opportunity. In the processes of continuous learning and personal development, the ‘swamp’ should be constantly pushed back as the individual leader learns to raise his or her game on a basis of greater: •
Understanding of the longer term implications and ramifications of decisions.
Awareness of the organization as a whole, and its broader relationships to its operational and strategic environments.
The ‘Awareness – Direction – Action’ model of problem analysis and decision-making seeks to legitimize intuitive behaviour as being as important, at times, as is rational, cognitive analysis in arriving at appropriate solutions to problems. Such strengths as insight, drive, persistence, resolve, a sense of timing, adaptability and opportunism, all have a crucial role to play in a maturing manager’s growing repertoire of leadership competencies and behaviours, especially in the area of decisionmaking.
Equally helpful, as a way of exploring both individual and common patterns of information gathering, problem solving, decision-making and action behaviours, is the Jungian typology of personality ‘structures’, which forms the basis of the well-known Myers Briggs psychometric profile. Essentially this framework helps us to identify the natural preferences that people have in the ways they: •
Re-energize the ‘batteries’ both emotionally and intellectually.
Set out to acquire information and so develop awareness of what is going on around them.
Make decisions, on a basis of subjectivity and feeling or objectively, based upon principles and fairness.
Choose to live their lives either in a planned, structured, orderly way, or in ways which allow them to keep their options open and so make their minds up at the last minute.
In Chapter 9 we looked briefly at some tools and techniques of problem solving and decision-making, including: •
Classical approaches
Beyond tools and techniques, we return to a core theme of this book – the transforming, integrating and mobilizing roles of leaders, and how decision-making competence (or lack of it) in any of these leader functions is likely to be a significant determinant of the operating culture of an enterprise, ie: •
‘Master Leaders’ tend to create environments where there is dynamic, adaptive organization renewal and a high achievement ethic.
‘Custodians’ preserve the status quo by mobilizing traditional attitudes, resources and skills.
‘Operators’ who are essentially ‘mechanics’ maintain organized, conservative parochialism or ‘solo player’ comfort zones.
‘Mavericks’ produce change via innovative, resourceful chaos and radical interventions.
SOME POINTS FOR REFLECTION AND DISCUSSION 1. Think about your decision-making style and that of your team where decisions are arrived at collectively. How strong a factor is fear of failure? To what extent does it inhibit decision-making within the areas for which you are responsible? How, exactly, would you make decision-making less risk averse, more opportunistic and more entrepreneurial within your function? 2. Taking the ‘Awareness-Direction-Action’ model in Chapter 9 and considering problem analysis and decision-making, in your area, under each of the six headings – Inquiry, Insight, Drive, Diagnosis, Planning and Pace – where are you: a. Strong individually? Weak individually? b. Strong as a team? Weak as a team? What specific actions will you take to: •
Capitalize upon and further develop strengths?
Improve upon weaknesses and shortcomings?
3. Do the same with the Myers Briggs types – especially the relationship to problem analysis and decision-making of: •
Sensing and intuition
Thinking and feeling
Judging and perceiving
4. Look at the ‘Swamp’ model and think about its implications for you and your team. What represents the current typical ‘swamp’ for you? What do you need to do to raise the time-span of your decision-making and so push the swamp significantly further back? How will you go about that for yourself – and for the team you lead? 5. Within the area you control, how can you enhance the interplay of ‘top-down’ and ‘bottom-up’ decision-making? Working with your team, use both ‘brainstorming’ and ‘mindmapping’ to arrive at an improvement action plan.
Taking the business forward – leading the innovative team
Taking the business forward – leading the innovative team
“Competence, community and the courage to make a difference constitute the new trinity of competitiveness.” DR. JONAS RIDDERSTRÅLE, VISITING PROFESSOR, ASHRIDGE BUSINESS SCHOOL
In Chapter 1 the point was made that excellence, though essential, merely puts a business on the starter’s list. What takes an organization forward and gives it a chance of sustainable competitive advantage are intelligent anticipation and focused innovation. The leader’s role then becomes one of forward thinker, explorer and inventor, or catalyst, for these crucial activities. Thinking ahead, reading the critical indicators (guessing others) and anticipating probabilities and possibilities – including potentially productive uncertainties – become critical functions of the leader’s professional ‘radar’ and ‘early warning systems’. Mobilizing and directing the best of ‘collective intelligence’ (as opposed to ‘managing’ knowledge) then becomes the critical response priority to deal with what the various early warnings indicate. Fundamental to both anticipation and response are the strength, relevance and viability of resourceful inventiveness and innovative talent that the organization can muster and bring to bear on the threat – and opportunities – appearing on the radar screens. Well managed and well led talented people, working within a climate where there is active encouragement to excel, by experimenting and taking intelligent risks, generate the inventive resourcefulness that so often marks out the winner from the ‘also-rans’. In commercially successful organizations like GE, Ideo and Intuit in the US, Toyota globally, Tesco and Topps Tiles in the UK, there is much evidence of innovative technology and entrepreneurial flair that is managed and led by risk-taking top managements, and that produces results far more impressive than those of their competi-
tors. The short-list of companies cited may seem a somewhat improbable collection, but the selection is intended to emphasize the critical role of leadership and to demonstrate that it is this factor – not just the field of business that a company happens to be in – that generates success. As the author1 states in Leadership for Leaders, a companion Thorogood publication, ‘The exercise of choice of response is, itself, frequently more rationalized than rational, as fear, anxiety and indecision exert greater influence than objectivity and courage.’ So often glaring opportunities to generate success, through the potential for creativity and innovation, already under management’s nose, are lost to business because a key executive or board as a matter of course: •
Was too risk averse and lacked the courage to give the ‘go-ahead’ to experiment.
Lacked the drive and determination to push great ideas through to the market place. This lack of ‘cutting edge’ and ‘condition of ease’2 may, over a period of time, turn much of the organization into a haven of ‘reverse-Darwinism’ (survival of the weakest) as talented, would-be high achievers progressively vote with their feet.
Possessed insufficient vision and imagination to see the commercial possibilities, so eventually creating something of a sterile, over-conventional environment, populated by too many of ‘yesterday’s people’.
Suffered from a binary ‘either-or’ mindset and relegated a great idea to the back-burner, in favour of some administrative or bureaucratic issue deemed to be an ‘urgent’ priority.
Has fostered an organization culture where, day-to-day (the real cultural barometer) conformity, compliance and over-dependency on formal permission have become, by default, the behavioural norms. Frequently hallowed by little more than the passage of time, these become the norms – even ‘sanctities’ – of the organization’s culture and its work ethic. Equally, a culture where ‘bean counting’ dominates may also constrain creativity and innovation.
Has grown ‘silo’ organization structures that are too ‘tightly’ compartmentalized and where there is insufficient ‘slack’ or flexibility between departments to generate the necessary crossfunctional synergy between the best creative minds in the company.
Has simply not considered – effectively mobilized and USED – the creative talent and potential available to them.
Experience, both as a consultant to many organizations and as a member of a Board of Directors confirms the deadening effect, upon much needed creative resourcefulness, of such inadequate leadership and over-controlling, unimaginative management. Frequently – and largely due to a lack of inspirational leadership – lack of creativity and innovative drive within a team progressively takes on the form of self-imposed limits to innovation, as Figure 41 suggests. Lack of leader stimulus and an absence of demonstrated belief in the team’s resourcefulness and readiness to break new ground act as major ‘switch-offs’. The team tends to remain within the dubious comfort of rationalized levels of self-belief, often significantly lower than their true potential.
Current conditioned or rationalized perception
Aspiration or accountability
What we believe we are able to do
What we want to do or should do
High Low
Believed potential capability
What we think we can do, given the right leadership and self-confidence
Low Self-imposed limits
Acting variously in the role of motivator, ‘enabler’ who removes obstacles and facilitates purposeful action, or as mentor to the team, the manager provides the leadership necessary to raise the team’s self-belief via guided innovative initiatives. In reinforcing the need for creative energy and innovative mindsets, within a team, the personal style of the leader is a critical motivational factor, with high levels of ‘peak’ communication as his/her natural approach (Figure 18, Chapter 5). It is, too, a style of leadership that actively seeks to strengthen people’s belief in themselves by encouraging them to reach heights that they previously considered to be unattainable or unrealistic – what Dr Donna
Ladkin3 of the Centre for Leadership Studies at Exeter University so aptly describes as ‘beautiful leadership’. Critical to the actions that underpin the leader’s role in facilitating outstanding performance in others is that he/she remains the catalyst and does not hijack the credit for success under the guise of false modesty. It is essentially the team’s moments of triumph, or glory – not the leader’s – that are the real motivators. One obvious sign of mastery in leadership is the extent to which the leader encourages – and ensures – the full engagement of team members, individually and collectively in their roles and the task on hand. In Leadership for Leaders4 the author takes this aspect of what he terms ‘close-quarter leadership’ further, by emphasizing the importance of challenging, but attainable, ‘stretch’ objectives and the psychological benefits that such objectives can confer, when well managed and aligned with the business: •
Engaging people’s talents and strengths.
Giving people something worth striving for.
Providing them with stimulus, excitement and a sense of adventure – and so starting their adrenalin flowing.
Integrating them closely with key activities, or the progress, of the business.
Providing them with the opportunities to ‘raise their game’, excel and achieve outstanding results.
Allowing them to leave a legacy, or at least some footprints, in their organization.
All of which can provide almost limitless opportunities for: •
Exercising passion, acquiring kudos and visibility and challenging learning.
Leader feedback, direction-setting (and re-calibration) and coaching opportunities.
Many, if not most, ‘stretch’ objectives necessarily demand some innovation, boundary ‘busting’ and breaks with the past. In addition to giving scope to ‘passion’ challenging, innovative objectives, like transformation itself, encourage and develop people’s capacity to switch adaptively,
between a range of cognitive styles and competencies. What a well managed and well led team can offer, to capitalize upon such creative strengths, is the focused synergy necessary to bring inspiration to fruition. While creativity may be seen as the process of ‘thinking new ideas’, innovation is the process of ‘delivering new ideas in usable form’. Ultimately, for many businesses (and other organizations) the strap line for staying relevant and surviving is ‘Innovate – or become history’. Experience in most fields of endeavour, but especially so in business, indicates six critical facets of creativity and innovation that are a vital part of remaining relevant: Fluency – and the sheer number of ideas that generate a continuous flow of creativity. As the point was made in the last chapter, about brainstorming, quality has a better chance of coming out of quantity, where ideas are concerned. Timing – which is the time-sensitive launch of new ideas and innovations, for example, break-throughs, products and services, so preempting and forestalling competitors’ attempts to reach tomorrow first. Originality – which is the degree of uniqueness and exclusivity of creativity and innovation. Unorthodoxy – represents the unconventional nature of the creative thinking and innovation. ‘When they expect you to come in by the door and you burst in through the wall, it concentrates their minds somewhat’ – an old saying in the SBS. Intuition – especially the quality of insight and perceptiveness behind the intuition, including contiguity and ‘GBOs’. Determination – the drive, the will and the persistance to push through new ideas, especially in the face of adversity, indifference, or tough opposition. “Never, never, never, never give up – that is leadership,” Sir Winston Churchill5. Many psychologists – and others – have long sought to define the significant cognitive skills that are likely to generate creativity and innovation and especially so, where there are natural opportunities for productive synergy as, for example, in both intra- and inter-team working.
The model shown in Figure 42, plots different cognitive innovative behavioural patterns and where they appear to fit, within the dimensions of: •
Risk-taking (high or low).
The degree of motivation for creativity (high or low).
The cognitive styles – ‘Critic’, ‘modifier’, ‘copycat’, ‘synthesizer, ‘innovator’, dreamer’ and so on, are definitions coined by Guastello, Shissler, Driscoll and Hyde6 in their most useful paper, Are some cognitive styles more creative than others? Roles offering the greatest immediate potential for credible innovation High
Motivation for Creativity
*Source: (Adapted) S.J. Guastello, J. Shissler, J. Driscoll and T. Hyde
Ranging along the dimensions of Risk-taking and Motivation for creativity, are 8 cognitive styles…
Within the context of team – and cross-functional – innovative output, four roles are of particular interest, especially in the regular delivery of credible creative ideas and innovation likely to pay-off: 1. The Innovator who is prepared to take high risks in order to create new, exciting and sometimes unconventional, or unorthodox outputs
and outcomes. Their innovations and creations either succeed dramatically – or they fail disastrously. Leading and managing such inventive gifted people, in ways which channel, rather than constrain, their minds presents a major leadership challenge. They need the headroom and freedom to develop ideas, but with low profile, timely guidance and coaching to prevent them from creating dismal, costly failures. Frequently, the most appropriate form of leadership for their agile, restless minds and innovative talents is one of ‘eyes and ears on, but hands off’, with clear indications of the autonomy allowed and the frameworks within which to work. 2. The Synthesizer possesses the rare gift of being able to create new services, products or processes out of diverse or disparate component ideas. At their best, synthesizers create new unity from seemingly irreconcilable paradoxes and contradictions. Not great risk takers, they are nevertheless highly talented people who can sometimes deliver spectacular breakthrough results. Because of the often unique nature of their skills and mindsets, they need leaders who understand and value their creative talents and who are prepared to support their often ‘Eureka’type solutions. Synthesizers usually have a great capacity for creating and adding value. 3. The Pragmatist is usually not particularly creative nor original in his/her thinking, but will take calculated risks, when they believe that there is a good chance of success. In more conservative arenas, the pragmatists have a higher chance of acceptance, because their ideas, which lack the flair of those of the innovator, are less threatening and give the impression of thorough analysis and sound common sense. 4. The Modifier is a marginal inclusion here. Neither very creative, but at best ‘ingenious’, nor a risk-taker, they also give the impression of ‘solid citizens’, who periodically improve what may be established, but in need of practical modification. In conservative or traditional organizations they bring about improvements, without ‘rocking the boat’, or pushing the reluctant out of their comfort zones. In more creative arenas, they would tend to be in support roles, looking after routines, ‘nuts and bolts’ and low impact activities.
The value of team working In their research, conducted over a period of six years at London Business School, Goffee and Hunt7 focused on high achieving managers and, essentially, identified five significant distinguishing characteristics which differentiated such people from the less effective: 1.
The ‘best’ managers are neither ‘perfect’, nor perfectionists in their demands of others.
They quickly learn to buy in skills which they do not possess personally.
They see management as essentially a team effort.
They strive endlessly for improvement – to them, the game is not over until it’s over.
They admit their weaknesses and learn from their mistakes, but differentiate themselves from the less successful.
Factors 2 and 3 are given emphasis here, since they expressly represent team leadership activities. Similarly, at least seven of the 13 behavioural factors that constitute personal power and credibility among managers, identified by Kouzes and Posner8 and referred to in Chapter 3, are concerned directly, or indirectly, with team working and the effectiveness of work teams: •
Inspiring shared visions.
Enlisting the support of others through networking and dialogue.
Enabling others to act effectively.
Strengthening others and building on their contributions.
Fostering collaboration, through coalitions and alliances.
Celebrating team accomplishments.
Recognizing other’s contributions.
Much of Kouzes and Posner’s work focuses on the need for ‘top-down’ interventions, on the part of a ‘leader’, in order to mobilize necessary collaborative effort in the pursuit of tasks and goals. The comparable findings of Nadler and Tushman9 also cited in Chapter 3, identify at
least six out of 12 behaviours of effective managers, as being concerned directly, or indirectly, with the importance of leadership interventions and influencing skills in relation to other people, as key means of ensuring success in business. Four factors that add to the findings of the Kouzes and Posner and Goffee and Hunt research, identified by Nadler and Tushman, are that effective managers, as leaders: •
Bring energy into their role and so energize others.
Express personal support and commitment to others.
Empathize with others.
Express confidence in others.
By doing all of the above they demonstrate an active belief in their people. Approaching the issue of personal (and interactive) effectiveness from a slightly different angle, three of the seven habits of highly effective people identified in his best-seller of the same name are grouped by Stephen Covey10 under the heading, ‘Managing Others’, namely: 1.
Think ‘win-win’ (as opposed to ‘I win – you lose’, ‘I lose – you win’ or ‘I lose – you lose’).
Seek first to understand – then be understood. (Ask others and listen to them first, before YOU tell them what you want or expect.)
Synergize. (Develop ‘peak communication’ and ‘flow’ with others and so build on their ideas, in your transactions with them.)
Throughout history, teamwork has been essential to the success of human enterprise, in so many fields of endeavour – industrial, commercial, military, technological, social and spiritual. Over recent years, more and more study and research into team working reflects a growing concern with its relevance in business – particularly as a crucial process in operational and strategic organizational life.
Versatile and adaptive leadership Flatter structures, the increasing emphasis upon cross-functional and project group working and the growing tendency to form coalitions and alliances, for one reason or another, all highlight the increasing role and significance of effective teamwork. Achieving and maintaining competitive edge are phenomena which, necessarily, depend upon a growing multiplicity of contributive talents, and have long ceased to be the prerogative, or role, of one or two high performing ‘solo players’. Undoubtedly, ‘stars’ are always likely to add necessary value to enterprise, but stardom, in today’s business environment, is increasingly about know-how in deploying, co-ordinating and mobilizing the diverse talents of so many other people, at different levels and across diverse disciplines, in the collective pursuit of success. Time and again, despite this need, consultancy assignments and experience in so many organizations confirm that, while there is rarely a dearth of talent – or potential – within businesses, there is still a disturbing lack of ability or real concern to develop, use and effectively manage that potential. As with so many issues in management and leadership, there is no one ‘right’ answer, and team working is not a cure-all for all the problems, challenges and paradox that companies face – and will continue to have to cope with – as a matter of course, in the pursuit of success in today’s markets. Here again, the philosophy and practice of ‘both …and’ apply. In certain situations, especially those involving sudden and dramatic change – which may create major stress, confusion and anxiety amongst people – strong individual leaders are so often essential to move matters forward, and to serve as a vital focal or rallying point. In such conditions, the leader’s role is essentially about crystallizing vision, setting direction and injecting purpose and pace into an organization, to galvanize people into necessary rapid, coordinated action. In bringing about and fostering the required committed synergy, quickly, the leader takes on the combined roles of enthuser, choreographer and conductor. As conditions stabilize and the group acquires functional maturity, through experience of working together, the quality of its teamwork is likely to become self-generative and self-sustaining. The leader’s role then becomes more that of enabler and coach, so providing
necessary support and guidance. That is, the leader’s style shifts from being largely authoritative to a predominately coaching one. In the initial stages of a crisis or major change, however, it is leadership which provides context, perspective and hope of solution, through a perceived combination of personal competence, confidence and ‘clout’. Effective ‘followership’ and sound teamwork then become essentially the result of strong, individual leadership. As Professor Michael Useem, of Wharton School of Management, Pennsylvania, currently rated the world’s leading Business School, says, ‘Organizational leadership matters most during periods of stress and crisis.’ In a recent Fortune Top 500 study of 48 firms, the researchers concluded that when businesses face uncertainty, major change, or stress, top executives need to provide crucial team leadership and, in particular: •
Define visions and goals with a clear sense of direction.
Show strong confidence in themselves and others.
Communicate high performance expectations and standards.
Demonstrate personal sacrifice, determination, resolve and courage, i.e. lead by example.
What distinguishes successful, high achieving teams? 1
Effective leadership
As Talleyrand once said, “I’d rather face a pride of lions led by a sheep, than a flock of sheep led by a lion.” Clearly, a major contributory factor in bringing about the necessary skill level, focus, drive and accountable synergy that characterize effective teams, is competent leadership. Key facets to that leadership include the core element of executive professionalism, which in his definition of ‘The Professional’, Professor Arnoud de Meyer of INSEAD, implicitly acknowledges as: “The executive who effectively combines and uses traditional analytical skills, such as finance, marketing and strategy, along with integrative competencies, like leadership, team building, networking and empowerment…”
What de Meyer’s definition encapsulates are two of the fundamental influencing functions of the executive or managerial role, where competence is critical to work group success, i.e. Manager and Leader. The roles of ‘Manager’ and ‘Leader’ are complementary, and serve to fulfil differing, but related functions in bringing about the development and success of an enterprise, project, department, or work team. For any business, or team, to remain effective and successful, an appropriate balance and interplay, of both functions, needs to be maintained by those in leadership roles. For example, an exaggerated leader role without sufficient ‘manager’ function to back it up and underpin it, may well lead to: •
Visions at variance with the real needs of a team or business.
High adrenalin and commitment (for a time) but an absence of structure, system and organization.
Firefighting, ‘ad hocery’ and misdirected effort.
Strategies, paths and activities which lack focus planning, budgeting and adequate resources.
Inconsistency, confusion, disillusion and frustration.
Lack of order, unnecessary chaos and poor achievement.
In-fighting, ‘scapegoating’ and lowered morale.
By contrast, too high a focus on ‘managing’ where there is insufficient ‘leadership’ is likely to lead to:
Increased bureaucracy, rules and formalization.
More territoriality and ‘silo’ thinking.
Greater rigidity and reluctance to adapt.
Fear of failure, more risk aversion and less readiness to innovate and experiment.
Less initiative and more preservation of the status quo.
More compliance, but less commitment and synergy.
Less personal ownership and commitment to the team or enterprise.
Therefore, in order to live up to the definition, ‘Leadership is about providing what the group cannot provide for itself’ 11, anyone seeking mastery in a leadership role needs to operate, appropriately, both as ‘leader’ and as ‘manager’. In The Business of Winning, Robert Heller12 makes the point that how managers organize their time and the work done within it, is the biggest single determinant of their success. An analysis of their utilization of time inevitably leads them to an examination of how they use others’ time and talents, via delegation and empowerment. It begs the question, too , ‘What more could I be handing over to others, in order to free up more of my time, to act as coach, catalyst and enabler, and so enhance learning, development and real teamwork?’ There is no doubt that most managers could organize their time, energies and work much more effectively than they do. A good deal of time is wasted or, at best, used inefficiently, in practically every day of their working life. Identifying how we waste other people’s time and how others waste our working day, not only confirms how much potentially productive time is lost, but focuses attention on how well-led teamwork could make so much better use of time, by: 1.
Raising the level of productive, contributive effort.
Enabling people to operate at the right level, appropriate to their role and expertise.
Creating more occasions for coaching and stimulating learning, within the team.
Increasing opportunities for ‘flow’, role enrichment and personal job satisfaction, via 1, 2 and 3 above.
Team culture
Another indicator of team effectiveness is the team’s ‘culture’, frequently defined as ‘The way we do things, around here’. Within the scope of that definition are principally three distinct, but related, factors, i.e.: 1.
The team TASK, i.e. what has to be done by the team to achieve its legitimate work objectives.
The team VALUES, that is, what the team members believe, believe in and believe in doing, to maintain team coherence, cohesiveness and continuity.
The team PREFERENCES, which are what members of the team really like doing and feel psychologically congruent with.
In more detail, these indicators, or ‘barometers’ of team effectiveness look like this: TEAM TASK
Is essentially about requisite outputs and outcomes.
Is heavily dependent upon ‘work behaviour’, as opposed to emotional ‘baggage’ and ‘hidden agenda’.
Is consistently influenced by reality.
Relies upon task focused interdependence from team members.
Requires committed ownership, as well as competence and confidence, from all members of the team.
Typically, the ‘task behaviour’ of high achieving teams is characterized by:
Clarity about goals and end results.
Readiness to confront obstacles and challenges.
High proactive, anticipatory reading of situations.
Preparedness to generate and explore options.
Clear understanding of one another’s roles, contributive talents and needs for support.
Adaptability in rapidly changing or emerging situations.
Consensus working and commitment to goals once decisions have been made.
Effective communication – a briefing within the group and with its stockholders.
Timely follow-up and follow through.
Are usually congruent with general social and cultural values, or norms.
Reflect unique and specific expectations about behaviour that team members see as being crucial to the continuity, ‘health’ and successful functioning of the team.
May be based upon shared stereotypes and ‘group think’, e.g. ‘second best don’t wear the green beret’, or ‘If you ain’t cavalry, you ain’t’.
Teams may find it impossible to dispense with and reject even obviously destructive values, so deeply can they become ingrained in a particular team’s psyche. Because of this, they may deviate from generally accepted norms, yet will remain central to a particular group’s behavioural code.
Increasingly, it seems, organizations are crystallizing and articulating their values and behavioural norms – usually starting with those of the top team, so that the lead can be set at the most senior levels of leadership and management. Some encountered by the author and his colleagues, identified with successful, high achieving teams, include: •
We will always work to support one another’s successes.
We will consciously contribute to each others’ learning and development.
With any proposed change or transformation, we will always start with the end in mind, then look back from that future point, at the present, to identify more clearly the obstacles and blockages to progress.
We will always encourage people who say ‘I don’t know’ and seek to build their understanding.
Look at WHAT went wrong – not who was wrong.
On a scale of 1-10, if your assessment is 8, or less, go back to the beginning and check again.
‘Trying’ is a noisy way of avoiding doing what should be done.
Essentially functions to serve team members’ socio-emotional needs.
Is primarily ‘non-work’ behaviour, e.g. part of the ‘fright-flightfight’ process, but may masquerade as ‘as if…’ behaviour, i.e. behaviour where the primary task is about meeting people’s socio-emotional needs, but it looks like work behaviour (and so deceives some people – including team members, themselves).
Is usually a direct expression of instinctive or early learned behaviour.
Can frequently run counter to, or transgress the team’s implicit or declared values.
Is often destructive or counter-productive and involves ‘hidden agenda’ or ‘private’ intentions.
May function to release stress or tension, by humour, ‘war stories’, banter or simply avoiding/deviating from the real task.
‘Driver’ behaviour – its significance in teamwork Some major manifestations of psychological ‘preferences’ are so-called drivers, which can be identified through psychometric profiles, but are also recognizable from observed behaviour. People’s behavioural and, therefore, work styles evolve and develop over many years as the result of learning, often from a rich variety of job and role experiences, which may be positive or negative. However, at the root of anyone’s style of working and their behaviour in work roles there are many psychological influences which stem from that individual’s early life – especially their need as a child to feel ‘good’ about
themselves. ‘Drivers’, as they are known in psychology, are forms of behaviour that we engage in – often routinely or unconsciously – in order to feel ‘OK’. Essentially, there are five such drivers: •
Hurry Up.
Please People.
Be Strong.
Be Perfect.
Try Hard.
In managerial and leadership behaviour they typically emerge, positively and negatively, as follows: HURRY UP
People with a high ‘Hurry Up’ often: •
Work quickly and respond well to deadlines.
Think, speak and move quickly.
Jump from one idea to another very rapidly.
Sum situations up – and move to the action stage very quickly.
BUT – they frequently miss, or overlook detail, make silly mistakes and are often impatient people, who rarely have time to listen to others properly. They tend to gloss over things that they don’t consider too important and can be very dismissive, or abrupt, in their style. PLEASE PEOPLE
People who have a need to ‘Please People’ are often: •
Friendly, accommodating and spontaneously helpful.
Socially adaptable and make good members of teams, or good support staff.
Intuitive and empathic and so ‘read’ the feelings of others well.
BUT – they may frequently find it impossible to say ‘No’ and in trying to please too many people, take on too much and end up pleasing nobody. They can prove to be unreliable, because of broken promises, failed
commitments and a tendency to let others down. They often make excuses for ‘non-delivery’, which frustrates and exasperates others. BE STRONG
Those with a ‘Be Strong’ driver may come across as: •
Conscientious and uncomplaining.
Good under pressure and well controlled.
Self-reliant, or independent.
‘Tough’ and resilient.
BUT – they may appear unfeeling, remote or even ‘cold’. They rarely ask for help and may expect the same self-sufficiency and resolve from those around them. They hate to admit ignorance, failure or defeat and sometimes try to bluff their way through things, pretending that they are on top of events. They are the classic ‘stiff upper lip’ stereotype. BE PERFECT
People who have high ‘Be Perfect’ needs are usually: •
Anticipatory and proactive (in order to get things right).
Accurate – even painstaking, over detail.
Well organized, in areas of activity that are important to them.
Are rarely satisfied and want to keep improving things.
Need to ‘win’, or be ‘perfect’, or be ‘the best’ types.
BUT – they can be pernickety ‘nit-picker’ and can be destructively critical – both of themselves and others. They may go into too much detail and focus on ‘perfection’, rather than performance, by gilding the lily, or being unrealistic in their standards. TRY HARD
‘Try Harders’ typically:
Love new ideas and projects and are natural enthusiasts.
Are creative and take initiatives.
Can be persistent and follow up on things.
BUT – they frequently fear failure and quickly lose interest in projects, or leave tasks unfinished as new jobs take their interest. They often make life unnecessarily complicated and frequently worry too much about the ‘what– ifs’, in situations. Using the ‘Drivers’ profile at the end of this chapter, together with direct observation, the impact of ‘preferences’ upon task performance can both be seen to be a direct influence upon a team’s achievement, and also a source of frustration to the members themselves. Among many team effectiveness evaluations conducted by the author and his colleagues over the last 28 years, the limiting effect of exaggerated ‘driver’ and dispositional behaviour upon team effectiveness has been found to be considerable. Of particular concern have been the counter-productive effects of the emotional baggage, associated with high ‘Driver’ scores on the instrument offered at the end of this chapter. Typical of the problems – both with individual behaviour and those between team members have been as follows: •
Inappropriate sense of urgency and even ‘panic’ responses (at the expense of ‘quality’ of delivery) – part of the need to be thought of by others as ‘industrious’, or always ‘busy’.
Over-concern to appease, or please, people and so failures to be firm and take necessary ‘tough’ decisions, i.e. the need to be ‘liked’, or to be ‘popular’.
Pre-occupation with presenting a ‘hard man’ (or woman) image, for fear of appearing ‘weak’ and the need to live up to childhood messages about not asking for help from others.
The exaggerated need to do – or, be – ‘perfect’. ‘Good enough’ (a practical measure of acceptance) is just NOT good enough to perfectionists.
An excessive fear of failure – and being seen to fail, hence a need to make excuses and/or avoid putting oneself in situations where failure is a distinct possibility.
Essentially, what an exploration and assessment of ‘Driver’ behaviour does, is to focus on some of the basic – yet often less obviously recognized – causes of less than high achievement. Clearly more conventional
barometers also need to be considered in pinpointing the causes of ‘high’ or, conversely, ‘average’ and ‘low’ achievement, in teams, for example: Their readiness and ability to be creative and to innovate, including the following: •
The volume and variety of the ideas that they generate and the range of areas of activity in which they frequently come up with new proposals or solutions.
The originality and inorthodoxy that characterizes their ideas – that is, their readiness to resort to and propose the unusual or unconventional.
The quality of their insight and their curiosity, perceptiveness, awareness and general readiness to explore new possibilities.
Their determination and drive to implement new ideas and hence organizational ‘horsepower’ in persisting, in order to make things happen by bringing about necessary change.
Their ‘power competence’ and ability to influence people and, hence, events within their operational environment. This factor in high achievement, is covered in Chapter 5, but particularly includes the team’s competence as ‘networkers’, who are able to secure commitment and support, by lobbying and direct oral communication, with key sponsors, power figures and appropriate stakeholders – both inside and outside the organization. Power competence – particularly for successful work teams – may also include that team’s ability to extend:
Its range of current contacts and also the scope of activity and achievement with existing and intended contacts.
Its goals and spheres of operation, by ‘boundary busting’ and moving into new territories.
The team’s capacity to adapt and develop, as a work group.
Both experience and direct observation of successful, high achieving teams suggest that such groups: •
Develop the capacity and willingness to increase their openness and, in particular, their receptivity to increasing channels of feedback.
Are prepared to modify their existing values, norms, work methods and techniques in the light of experience and new evidence from their results and other imperatives from their working environment.
Can integrate new members into the team and transmit to them the group’s culture and competencies.
Are able to crystallize the team’s experience and learning, and make use of it both currently and retrospectively, at some future date.
Recognize the need – and possess the capacity – to transform themselves as a work group, in the light of changing organizational, social and commercial imperatives.
The above are essentially growth – not merely survival – behaviours and, therefore, are more characteristic of successful, high-achieving work teams. Survival behaviour, by contrast, is much more concerned with boundary, goal and structure preservation, not expansion, transformation and development. Teams in a state of transformation and growth cut through and extend their boundaries and show high confidence both in integrating newcomers and in spawning new groups, or subgroups, without losing their core values, and sense of identity. What is more, high achieving groups, generally, demonstrate both greater capacity, and increased willingness to pass on their learning in intelligible form to others. Team development, transformation and growth – and consistent high achievement – are not matters of happenchance, or conditions which arise automatically. Rather, they come about as the result of effectively managed, well-led individuals who are, in turn, capable of personal growth and who commit to the development and success of the team.
What represents ‘success’, or ‘high achievement’, always needs to be viewed in the context of the operational environment and climate. It is only by understanding something of the imperatives of the wider, external arena, for example, competitive pressure, socio-economic changes and technical developments, that one can begin to make sense of, and therefore influence, what pushes, pulls and drives a team to become successful. This contextual role represents one of the key areas of learning, interpretation and intervention of the leader. It is here, especially, that the process of defining vision – as a shift from the current to the requisite state of affairs – really takes place. It is where, too, the effective leader begins to clarify, articulate and share the goals of necessary transformation with his or her team, and so commence and build upon the tasks of integrating and mobilizing talent, ambition, energy and aspiration in the collective pursuit of vision.
Drivers – and the use of the profile The ‘Drivers’ profile or questionnaire (see page 243) is offered here as a tool for helping team leaders and their teams to explore areas of contributive behaviour not normally recognized and defined in ‘driver’ terms. Identification of drivers, within a team or work group, may provide useful insights into both facilitating and inhibiting behaviours that could exist within the group.
What are ‘Drivers’? In transactional analysis (see Woollams and Brown, TA – The Total Handbook of Transactional Analysis, Spectrum 1979) negative restrictive messages we receive from our parents – or other early authority figures – may generate within us forms of equally restrictive behaviour called ‘DRIVERS’. Drivers contain socially acceptable moral judgements and value statements that parents would be willing to tell their friends and relatives about, i.e. superficially, driver behaviour LOOKS good. There are five groupings of drivers:
Be Perfect
Hurry Up
Try Hard
Please Others
Be Strong
A response to one of these ‘internal’ directives will please the ‘Parent’ in us (or our own ‘conscience’) and so result in good feelings. When these are repeated, the person comes to assume ‘I’M OK if...’, e.g. ‘I’M OK, if I please others’. Identification with such an assumption can eventually become exclusive in the sense of ‘I’M OK only if I please others’. The implication behind each driver demonstrates the negative aspect and restrictive message initially internalized by the individual. A
Hurry Up
‘You will never be on time.’
Please Others
‘You must not be yourself.’
Be Strong
‘Don’t allow yourself any feelings’ (especially involving ‘weakness’).
Be Perfect
‘Whatever you do isn’t good enough.’
Try Hard
‘Because you won’t succeed.’
We learn to use emotional energy in driver behaviour to gain the recognition or approval of others. To some extent this is a means of coping with the world around us, ourselves, rather than giving ourselves permission to have feelings, please ourselves, take our time, make mistakes sometimes and, above all, be authentic and BE ourselves. Too much energy in drivers is associated with psychological games and results in ‘not OK’ feelings rather than the ‘OK-ness’ which we need for effective performance. Most people are absorbed in driver behaviour for much of their time. Each person has one or two predominant drivers which relate to their ‘life script’, i.e. the way they unconsciously react to situations according to fixed responses, whether healthy or unhealthy, determined very early in life – usually as a result of the parental ‘programming’ referred to above. The ‘Driver profile’ will indicate the prevailing drivers and show where too much, or too little, emotional energy is being used. The significance
of this is that it may well inhibit effective job performance and, hence, successful team working. This information is helpful in guiding people to ‘give themselves permissions’ and take more charge over his or her life. It will also help in predicting likely clashes or problems in team, or leadership relationships, by indicating congruence or conflict in predominant drivers.
The Driver’s profile This originated in the 1970s and has now been developed, modified and thoroughly validated, by Michael Williams & Partners in the US, Canada, the UK, Ireland and both eastern and western Europe, from the original work of Gabrielle Ferreira and Rose Krause, two Brazilian psychologists.
Scoring When you have completed the profile, return to the first question 1A, and read the column number at the top of the page corresponding with your tick for this question. Write this number in box 1A on the score sheet. Continue in a like manner to question 12E, then total the numbers in each column. The columns indicate the following drivers: Average score (managerial and professional norms) A
Hurry Up
Please Others
Be Strong
Be Perfect
Try Hard
Score below 21 for any driver and you probably need to put more energy into this behaviour. Score above 28 and you are putting much more unproductive energy into this behaviour than may be necessary. N.B. In the case of Factor ‘E’ (Try hard) the norm range is 19-26.
The questionnaire may be used for development purposes where followup, in the form of coaching and/or team building workshops, is available. None of the information obtained from psychometric profiles such as the Driver’s profile is definitive and absolute. It is primarily relative and indicative. That is, the data relates to established norms and may also suggest areas of behaviour for further careful exploration by, and within, a team in order to help it to learn more about itself and how it might continue to develop and grow as a work group.
Summary Teams and teamworking have been fundamental social and work phenomena throughout the history of human enterprise. Not only are teams an essential means of optimizing talent and energy, in the pursuit of task objectives they are also a primary source of support, succour and psychological nourishment to people – especially the team members. The current emphasis upon flatter, less hierarchical organization structures, with the increasing tendency for cross-functional and project group working, is seeing the development of teamwork – and especially inter-team working, on a scale not previously experienced in traditionally structured companies. Innovation, the means of beating the competition to tomorrow, is increasingly coming to be the result of team synergy – as well as the prerogative of a few gifted individuals. Typically, creativity and innovation take one, or more of four forms: 1.
Normative – problem solving by objectives and the use of logical, rational thinking.
Intuitive – ‘sixth sense’ and ‘gut-feel’ responses.
Exploratory – solutions through defined opportunity.
Serendipity – creativity by accident, or good fortune (the ‘Eureka’ phenomenon).
Currently, too, there is growing widespread concern to use people’s talents more, through the medium of teamworking but, at the same time, develop individual competence in fulfilling an increasing number
of different roles within widening spheres of team activity, e.g. leader of this project; head of that task group; member of this team and/or coordinator of that working party. As the scope of team working expands – with emerging forms of organization structure and companies’ needs to deploy talented people more flexibly, to retain competitive advantage – so the need for more versatile team leadership will similarly grow. Leading teams effectively involves recognizing the signals and indications of teams’ distinctive cultures and also the expectations and aspirations of team members in their behavioural arenas that constitute team culture and, therefore, provide clues about the team’s achievement potential: •
The team TASK, i.e. what is expected of the team, in terms of outputs and goal achievement.
The team’s VALUES and what members consider to be behaviours appropriate to the success, survival and development of the team, as a functioning unit.
The team members’ PREFERENCES, that is, the forms of preferred behaviour that they really want to engage in, even though they may cut across the team’s values and impair its effective performance as a work group.
One key set of predispositions, which represent potentially counterproductive and wasteful or inhibitive behaviour are so-called ‘drivers’. Stemming from our early childhood, these are behaviours we are likely to engage in, in order to feel ‘OK’. (Conversely when we don’t behave according to the psychological and judgemental dictates of our drivers, we may feel ‘not OK’ and, therefore, guilty, embarrassed, ashamed, selfrecriminatory and annoyed with ourselves.) The five drivers that people are variously influenced by – but typically by at least two – are:
Hurry Up
– I feel ‘OK’ when I hurry up, set impossible schedules, or am active/busy.
Please People
– I’m ‘OK’ when I am nice to people, or please them.
Be Strong
– I’m ‘OK’ when I hide my feelings and don’t show weakness.
Be Perfect
– I’m OK so long as I do things very accurately/precisely.
Try Hard
– I’m OK whenever I avoid failure.
While there is a positive side to all these behaviours, they are largely dysfunctional or potentially so – and so may impede intelligent, effective and creative effort within a team. They may also be an unnecessary source of conflict between team members. One feature of high achieving teams is their innovative creativity and ability to break new ground, or find new solutions to old problems. Innovation and creation have many facets to them, including: •
Fluency – and the frequency or quantity of new ideas generated.
Variety – which is the range and versatility of a team’s creativity.
Originality – and the team’s capacity for unusual, novel or unconventional thinking and action.
Insight – which is the team’s capacity to see things – sometimes obvious – but which others may not see.
Determination – that is, the team’s persistence and resolve in pushing forward its ideas to the implementation stage.
Highly successful teams don’t just ‘happen’. Success comes about as a result of managing, teaching, stimulating and encouraging. These are the conscious activities that stimulate people’s motivation, sense of ownership and personal accountability for success. It is the leader’s insight, perceptiveness, ‘power competence’, energy and communicated confidence in the team, that act as triggers to members’ preparedness to develop, grow and perform as an effective, high achieving team. High achievement is not the exclusive prerogative – and result – of ‘top down’ interventions. It comes about as the result of the interplay of both ‘top down’ and ‘bottom up’ initiatives, commitment and focused energy, interacting together in the leadership-followership relationship, within the team.
One key hallmark of high achieving teams which maintain their effectiveness, in conditions of stress and change, is that initiatives come equally from the membership as from the leaders. Effective adaptability cannot function optimally where the majority of a group, project or team are waiting on one person to act as sole saviour, rescuer, or problem-solver. Adaptive solutions and initiatives, for maximum impact and effectiveness, need to be owned and committed to by the team as a whole, especially in longer term transition or where change is fundamental. Directive leadership has its place in situations requiring a rapid, unified focus. Here, the individual who appears to be the one who can best define the requisite solution – and provide the practical and intellectual wherewithal to solve it – usually emerges as ‘leader’. Longer term, however, it is shared accountability for the learning, development and progressive transformation of the team that generally creates the conditions for sustained high achievement. Success comes, too, from the very richness of competence and perception, provided by having people of complementary – rather than identical – skills. Rather like the Chinese Yin and Yang symbol, the ‘pushers’, activists and achievement driven people need to be complemented by the ‘reflectors’ and ‘testers’ who introduce more considered thinking into the group, to match and balance the action orientation of their results focused colleagues.
SOME POINTS FOR REFLECTION AND DISCUSSION 1. Complete the Drivers’ questionnaire on page 243 for yourself and each team member. Using the norm ranges and average scores, together with the examples in this chapter, of high achieving and less effective teams’ Driver profiles, identify, with your team: •
Where the team, as a whole, scores high, average, or low?
What the impact of high and low scoring individuals is upon the functioning of the team and relationships within it?
What the implications are, for the team (and you as a team leader) of the results of the two analyses above?
What modifications to behaviour would be most helpful and productive to the team?
Run a small (say, half-day) workshop with your team to explore these issues and produce an action plan, to capitalize upon your findings. (As an alternative, run this process in with the larger, suggested team development workshop format indicated in 2 below.)
2. Run a team building workshop with your team – ideally with a competent human resources professional, acting as catalyst/ ‘process’ consultant. Agree the agenda for your workshop, with your team, but if possible, include a ‘SWOT’ analysis, i.e.: S (trengths)
These are the things we do well as a team…
W (eaknesses)
This is where we still need to develop as a team…
O (pportunities) These are the opportunities for growth and further development, open to us, as a team… T (hreats)
These are areas where we are vulnerable, at risk, as a team…
With the outcomes of the SWOT analysis, set up an action plan, specifying ‘what’, ‘who’ and ‘by when’ the actions that will be taken to capitalize upon the team’s strengths and opportunities, and what will be done to deal effectively with its weaknesses and threats to its well-being.
If the workshop does run over one working day, then make sure it is a residential programme, to derive maximum ‘welding’ plus team bonding from the experience. 3. As a quick alternative to the above workshops, simply ensure each individual in the team has a flip chart sheet on which is written the sentence: ‘Our team would be more effective, if we…’ Let each complete this individually, as pre-work, then bring the group together, display the flip charts (posted on the workshop room walls with masking tape) and agree a derivative list of improvement actions, identifying who will lead on each, and by when it will be completed/reported back on. Agree follow-up review and further action dates in diaries at this initial event. 4. Consider the team values illustrated in this chapter. What, do you believe, are the sorts of values that you and your team need to crystallize and ‘live’, on a day-to-day basis? How would you, as a team, go about establishing, consolidating and using these? Run a half day workshop and agree no more than five or six core values that you will live out and adhere to as a basis to your working together as a team. 5. Visualize your team in, say, two year’s time: –
What will it look like?
What will it be doing then?
Run a short (half-day) visionary workshop with your team to identify an aspirational vision of the team.
Imagine yourselves living and working that vision in two year’s time, then, as a group, look back to today and identify the problems, barriers and obstacles you need to overcome to fulfil your collective ambitions and vision.
Set up an action programme to remove these impediments to enable you to begin working towards that vision.
Drivers’ Profile – a way of describing behaviour… Completing the questionnaire This is not a test – it is simply a questionnaire, so there are no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ answers. For each of the behaviours identified on the left of the pages, please put a tick in the right-hand columns, under the heading (4, 3, 2, 1, 0) which most closely represents the extent to which you adopt that particular behaviour. SCORING KEY: 4 – ‘Always’, 3 – ‘Frequently’, 2 – ‘Sometimes’, 1 – ‘Rarely’, 0 – ‘Never’ Add together your scores from all the As, Bs and so on, and total them up at the end of the questionnaire.
4 1A
I tend to do things as quickly as possible.
I feel responsible for making others feel good, especially if I’m doing something that affects them.
I try to hide my feelings in front of others.
Whenever I do something, I demand perfection from myself, even if I have to spend a lot of time doing it.
I experience more problems in getting things done than a lot of people I know.
I speak quickly, and people have some difficulty in following what I’m saying.
It is difficult for me to say ‘no’ when I’m asked to do something I don’t really want to do.
I endure things quietly, without complaining.
I try to use words correctly without making careless mistakes.
Life has not been easy and success requires a lot of hard work.
I just don’t have enough time to do the things I want to do.
Since I was small, I have tended to put other people first.
When I’ve made a decision, I really hate to have to change my mind.
When I pass on information, I do it with great care, so that people will understand exactly what I want to say and won’t need to alter the meaning of my words.
When I’m talking or involved in something, I do find it difficult to remain objective and give direct answers.
I leave everything to the last minute and then I start to get panicky as time runs out on me.
I have a strong need to be loved or liked by people.
I don’t believe in asking for help – I prefer to be self-sufficient.
Even when I do something well, I still think I could have done better.
It’s all too easy to simplify matters. Most things are more complicated than they appear at face value.
When I’m doing something I find I’m already thinking about what I have to do next.
4 5B
I am concerned about what people will say or think whenever I’m doing something.
When everybody gets excited I keep cool to give them support.
When I really do try to be positive I find I end up being negative.
It is difficult to complete things because there are always so many alternative solutions.
I believe in arriving early for meetings and appointments.
I expect people to understand when I need something, without having to ask them for it.
I hate to be protected.
I hate to see things out of place and I can’t stand untidy clothing.
I really do try very hard and yet things still don’t turn out the way I want.
I get impatient waiting for other people to finish their tasks, so I end up doing the job myself.
I like folks to care for me. I expect other people to make me feel good.
When somebody gets emotional, I either become impatient with them or joke about it.
I don’t find it easy to tolerate other people’s mistakes, or accept excuses.
I really value those things which are attained through great effort.
While others are talking or doing something,I find it hard to remain still and I tend to fidget or become agitated.
I find I do look away from people when I’m answering their questions.
The more a person can endure, the more they are worthy of my admiration.
I find it necessary to correct people because they are careless or have got the story wrong.
I find I need to repeat my point several times to make sure that people really understand me.
I do have a tendency to interrupt people and complete their words, or sentences, for them.
I try to anticipate what others need in order to meet their wishes.
Duty and discipline come first in life.
Both in my studies and in my work, I need to be number one.
I don’t believe in the ‘quick and easy’ way.
When I ask for something I expect a quick response. I can’t stand slow people.
I don’t accept ‘no’ for an answer, even if my request is not really important.
One has to show strength, even when feeling completely ‘shattered’ or ‘destroyed’ inside.
4 10D
I demand from others (children, employees, colleagues, family) the maximum effort in their studies and work.
I expect people to try hard and put a lot of effort into whatever they do.
When listening to people I find it hard to keep looking at them.
When someone talks to me I tend to nod my head.
When someone tells a joke, I simply smile.
I would rather do things myself to be sure they are done well.
On the whole, there are far more obstacles than there are opportunities in life.
Wherever I go, I tend to walk quickly.
When I ask somebody a favour, I do tend to make my request in an over-polite or apologetic way.
I don’t believe in exposing my feelings to people; my feelings are my concern.
My doodlings quickly turn into perfect geometrical shapes.
However hard I try, I have to leave things unfinished.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 YOUR TOTALS
Leading in a brave new world
Leading in a brave new world
“Do not go where the path may lead – go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” RALPH WALDO EMERSON
We’ve almost reached the end of this particular part of the journey towards mastery in leadership. The point was made in Chapter 4 that there is no ‘final’ destination in this particular journey because mastery itself is something of a moving target. Where we are now is perhaps at a ‘staging post’ in our journey which will, hopefully, be just one of many. Such a staging post is intended to provide both an opportunity and a challenge. The opportunity is to take time out and reflect on just how we act as leaders of others, what seems to work well – and why and how we might continue to build on those strengths. It is also an occasion to reflect on those aspects of our leadership that are neither good, nor successful and decide what we need to do differently, to get nearer to mastery. The challenge is to identify and develop the new paradigm mindset that puts you at the leading edge of leadership in your working environment and its changing context. Just as there are new styles of organization emerging, so there is a new breed of leader coming on to the scene. The two are obviously not entirely unconnected. As businesses – and other arenas – change dramatically so, too, are the arts of leading and managing, within such transforming organizations. Major shifts in the market place, emerging new technologies, as well as the changing aspirations and expectations of people, mean that the new role of leaders is essentially a dual one: 1.
In order for the organization to survive, in the short-term, leaders have to run the business, day-to-day, mobilizing people in the most efficient and effective ways they are able.
In order to develop and grow the business in the longer term, those same leaders are concurrently leading and managing the transformation of the organization and its journey towards a successful tomorrow.
Mastering leadership, while fulfilling this dual function, involves leaders in constantly re-thinking and re-evaluating: •
Their roles, accountability and influence as a leader/manager.
How they must best go about fulfilling these roles with optimal impact on people and results.
How they can achieve the personal and professional congruence between who they are, what their life’s values are – and what they do in practice.
The world is changing more dramatically than ever, and the level of uncertainty is likely to increase rather than diminish, as far as we can see. Somewhat akin to moving into previously unmapped territory, we are already into a major revolution where not only do we not know the outcomes, but we don’t know if or when the revolution will come to an end. What is likely is that before it does run out of steam, several other revolutionary changes will already be underway, in what is essentially a perpetually transforming society. The very nature of so much of current and foreseeable change is that it is generated by paradigm shifts and discontinuity from what has gone before. Things, on so many fronts, will never be the same again for most of us – unless we choose to insulate ourselves from reality, play the ostrich, or opt for the spurious sanctuary of cloud cuckoo land. We are now well and truly on a course for ‘territory’ where, to survive – let alone succeed – we are going to have to do things and act in ways which we previously could avoid doing. Smaller, more focused and hierarchically reduced organizations mean that there are now far fewer places to hide. The breakdown of ‘silo’ management, the rapid growth of cross-functional coalitions and projects, and the emergence of empowered
working, remove much of the camouflage, cover and constraint of yesteryear. In unwieldy management structures it was relatively easy to use the next level up, as an ‘acceptable’ alibi, or rationalization, for not getting things done. As a variation, another safe option was the calculated ambiguity that managers – and others – could use to good account, because of the confused communication and lack of clear accountability between different parochial functions. Sales could always blame Operations (and vice versa). Production Control could typically lay conveniently shifted responsibility at Purchasing’s door, while Accounts and HR both became traditional repositories for everybody else’s vented spleens and frustration – and, at times – each others. By contrast, the new paradigm organization both champions and relies upon focused synergy, explicit ownership and visible commitment for success. Bureaucratic, risk-averse, ‘set-piece’ thinking and behaviour cannot and will not be allowed to survive in today’s world. Fear of failure, misplaced expectations of certainty and unrealistic hopes of sustained organizational stability are the antithesis of today’s leadership mindsets, values and professional competencies. Necessarily, today’s business leaders are visionaries giving aspirational and opportunistic definition to their longer term goals and recognizing that there are few, if any, guarantees about the intended outcomes of their visions, plans and strategies. Because of this, today’s leaders recognize – and accept – the need to be risk-takers and entrepreneurs who are prepared to reject the rules, methods and self-protective caution of their ‘establishment’ colleagues. Being visionaries, with bolder interpretations of potentially productive uncertainty, also means that they must accept the inevitable challenges of transformation, exploration and regular journeys into the unknown. Previously, reference has been made in this book to so-called ‘post-heroic’ leadership, and the move to ‘new age’ management. The reality is that anyone who is going to be – and remain – effective in today’s operating environments, is hardly likely to be some over-politically correct wimp, who is terrified of putting a foot wrong, for fear of upsetting people, in the belief that his career is on the line.
Rather the converse is true. New paradigm leaders can only function effectively in the roles demanded of them, by constantly displaying intelligent initiative of a high order, taking decisions which require courage and being prepared to accept and exercise command, in order to move those initiatives and decisions forward. Both vision – and consequent transformation – are founded upon constructive dissatisfaction, that urge to improve, to change and to make a better world, or at least that part of the world over which they have influence and for which they feel personally and professionally accountable. Successful transformation, too, depends upon the leader’s competence in concentrating, mobilizing and deploying talent and resources in the areas of the business where they are most needed. Fundamental to this is leaders’ ability to engage people’s hearts, as well as their minds, in the effective, willing collective pursuit of goals, visions and – yes – sometimes, dreams. Achieving and sustaining competitive advantage in an age where it is not really possible to predict tomorrow’s outcomes requires leaders who can build effective, talented management teams not merely ‘followers’, who are capable of the following: 1.
Recognizing and adapting to the prevailing societal changes and pressures as they impact upon the world of business. Within organizations, such pressures are reflected in the new freedoms, changing aspirations and expectations that people seek to fulfil through work. Career outlets within flatter organization structures pose managements with challenges to stimulate motivation and reward performance, in ways that did not exist just five years ago in most companies. Cultural, racial and gender respect, so long absent in our organizations – reflecting the wider, anachronistic norms of society – are all issues demanding urgent and fundamental re-thinking, by those in leadership roles, and positions of influence. Outwith the organization, changing social imperatives demand adaptive responses from management in the market place, in areas of social responsibility and in new thinking about the safeguarding of the environment.
Developing strategic responses aligned to the changing social, as well as commercial, imperatives that impinge upon the business. The ability to envision change and the adaptive responses needed to meet the demands of that change is crucial to the success of transformational leadership. Vision possesses the aspirational element that helps to crystallize the responses necessary to link the ‘what’ and ‘how’ to the ‘why’ of an organization’s strategies. More than ever, visionary ability is coming to be one of the cornerstones of leader effectiveness and influence. Particularly, this is the case in the seemingly increasing conditions and arenas where conventional forecasting and planning lack the adaptive flex and responsiveness to cope with the turbulence, contradiction and inconsistency that is so much of today’s scene.
Integrating both resources and functions, in order to create sufficient critical mass impetus to take necessary action. Essentially, these are the competencies of selecting, assembling and deploying the right people, the right tools and the requisite funding, rapidly and appropriately, to establish and sustain competitive advantage. It is the commercial equivalent of the military philosophy of a highly successful Confederate States General in the American Civil War, who attributed his victories to the practice of, ‘Get there fastest, with the mostest’. Today, one might add, ‘and with the bestest’.
Focusing and mobilizing the adrenalin that gives one group of mobilized, deployed people the edge over their equally organized, but less enthused, less inspired competitors. The collective ‘flow’ and synergy that results from such inspiration is exemplified in a report by James Mossop, which appeared in The Sunday Telegraph some years ago, ‘They had been out-fought and out-played by men of desire and defiance; men who had overcome the loss of their Captain… and were forced to reshuffle and adopt new tactics and who had sailed through the challenge… anyone who saw this match will never forget their
day at Saltergate, Chesterfield’ – Report on Chesterfield’s 1-0 victory over Notts Forest (F.A.Cup 5th round). Specifically, this area of leadership skill includes:
Allowing and encouraging people to do things that they are good at and enjoy doing.
Eliminating bureaucratic constraints and impediments, wherever practicable.
Helping people to enjoy work as ‘quality’ time – not simply 12 hour or more ‘marathons’.
Stimulating and facilitating learning and the development – and testing out – of increasingly wider ranges of skills by role enrichment (see Chapter 7).
Making work fun, wherever possible.
Communicating on ways which hit the right note with people – what White, Hodgson and Crainer1 call ‘Resonant simplicity’. An example of such communication, taken this time from rugby union, is the quiet but gritty inspirational style of Phil Bennett, the great Welsh player, turned coach, who addressed his team just before they played against England in an international match, “They’ve taken our land, our coal and our water – and our self respect. They’ve raped our women… And that, lads, is who you’re playing this afternoon!” An important facet to this art is the constant preparedness to put oneself into other people’s shoes when communicating with them. It is also about starting from where people are – not where we want them to be in their levels of skill, understanding, confidence and commitment. It involves communicating on a basis of: •
What do they know/understand already?
What do they want to hear – what is important to them?
What do I need them to do with the information?
What is likely to trigger negative responses in them in my message (and medium)?
How do I help them to buy into this message?
How do I best follow up and follow through, in order to consolidate the message and its implementation?
In times of stress, uncertainty and change, people frequently ‘listen to themselves’. They may be preoccupied with their inner thoughts, fears, priorities and expectations. Because of this, delivering a message just once is often not much better than not delivering it at all. There is, therefore, the issue of how best to repeat and reinforce communication, when there is the likelihood of emotion taking over from logic and objectivity. Feelings can so easily distort the message or impair people’s ability to receive it and understand it, in context. The old maxim, ‘Say what you mean and mean what you say’ still has a place in current business communication. Leaders’ messages have to reflect and be compatible with their values, otherwise communication can come across as compulsory insincerity, manipulation, or sheer dishonesty. Equally, what leaders say has to be congruent with what they do – otherwise credibility as a leader is on the line. Recently, there have been many examples of this in the political world (so what’s new?!). Perhaps, above all, however, the really effective leaders will be those who seek to communicate face-to-face, at every practicable opportunity. Out on the shop floor, in the warehouse, on the erection site, or in somebody’s office, they see their role as going out to influence, encourage, stimulate and motivate, by direct oral communication whenever they can. At the other end of the communication spectrum and crucial to the process of generating, transmitting and processing information and data, is IT. Both a watershed and a paradigm shift in social history, the relationship between people and IT continues to develop and change dramatically. The benefits and consequences of that relationship are consequently themselves in a state of more or less continuous change, and
managements need to ensure that the pace of learning and understanding at least keep pace with the impact of IT upon organizational design, leadership style and the management of information. Just as the equipment, systems and techniques of IT are constantly being developed and upgraded, so, too, must those in management and leadership roles regularly upgrade their understanding. Otherwise the full potential for competitive advantage that effectively used management information systems offer, will not be fully and intelligently exploited. 6.
Constantly transforming the organization itself, as a responsive, adaptable organism that retains competitive advantage, by continual development. Tom Cannon2 describes this as getting to the future first – before the competition does. Organizational transformation of this scale, continuity and depth, involves the competencies identified in 1-5 (above) but it depends, too, upon: •
A sense of excitement and passion, where people want to be engaged in growth and change – and success.
Non-prescriptive, voluntary learning stimulated – not dictated – by coaching, dialogue and personal networking, that is, guided discovery and personal growth.
The encouraged and ‘sponsored’ exercising of choice, where people feel ownership of opportunities, challenges and the development of those identified possibilities for growth – including areas of risk taking, i.e. intelligent focused empowerment.
The collaborative development and exploration of longer term visions and less preoccupation with little more than next week’s sales figures. These are important, obviously, but in the transforming organization, they must be kept in context, so that a balance is maintained between short-term growth and ‘jam tomorrow’.
An evolving culture, where it is ‘OK’ to make mistakes and admit to ignorance or a lack of competence.
Expanding and evolving contacts with stakeholders and the formation of transient (and longer term) alliances for knowledge exchange, to share learning, widen the opportunities for developing ‘collective intelligence’ and – contributive synergy.
Opportunistic approaches to lateral fast-tracking and career progression within juxtaposition of projects, task groups and multi-disciplinary activities, characteristic of less hierarchical, more adaptive organizations.
Transformation – the pathways to tomorrow Caught up in the seemingly endless turbulence and lack of definitive prescription that are the touchstones of organizational transformation, we may sometimes forget that the responses and pathways to change largely lie within the potential and talent already in the business. The key task, then, facing leaders is that of identifying, deploying and building upon the ability, experience and wisdom that exist within the organization. Mobilizing the necessary synergy involves seeking out, giving definition to and aligning the opportunities and key challenges of transformation with people’s capacities for achieving, learning and developing. It is such conscious alignment, where there is optimal opportunity for initiative and the exercise of talent, that is likely to provide the most relevant and effective form of growth for the business. How are leaders likely to fulfil these roles, and what is evidence of ‘mastery’ as a leader, in establishing the pathways and ‘do how’ of transformation? First and foremost, mastery involves understanding and committing to the new paradigm thinking about leadership – especially overcoming fear of failure and risk aversion, in an age of uncertainty and turbu-
lence. Next, mastery depends upon the leader’s active acknowledgement of the critical importance of talent – and its continuous identification, development and appropriate use, day-to-day. This is fundamental, since it represents the essential mindset and attitudes that need to underpin the competencies of leading transformation. Unless there is the active recognition and acceptance that this is the way the world of business is going to be, into at least the foreseeable future, then the acquisition of skills – however appropriate – will be like building a beautiful house, without sound foundations, on quicksand. Given that necessary shift in thinking and understanding, then the other evidence of mastery (bearing in mind that mastery is an ever-moving target) must include: 1.
The capacity to ‘model’ the way forward, based upon an appropriate aspirational vision with an understanding of the new unities to be created out of paradox.
Ensuring ‘buy in’ to the vision, at all levels, by networking, informing, lobbying and coaching, as appropriate, in order to build up: •
Mutual confidence
Full engagement
Commitment and ‘ownership’.
Developing effective management teams, built around complementary contributory strengths, where people can – and be seen to – excel, for at least 75% of their working lives.
Placing high emphasis upon strategic competence, as well as operational know-how, based upon a sophisticated and professional understanding of the contribution and potential of IT at both levels. Increasingly effective software, rather than micro-managing is coming to be a real framework with which people can exercise intellectual and professional freedom.
Building appropriate coalitions and alliances both within and outside the business, to ensure optimal deployment of talented people and resources – particularly among key stakeholders.
Maintaining an informed and continually updated societal perspective and contextual awareness.
Keeping the learning process open and ensuring that the pace and quality of learning at least match the speed of external challenges and the transformational response of the enterprise itself. Here the acid test is when teams themselves – from the lowest levels, upwards – identify their own learning needs and take initiatives to meet them.
Some learning initiatives for leaders… Two sources of learning, apart from coaching, mentoring and formal training programmes are offered here, as practical, relevant forms of development for both experienced and new leaders. The first one consists of an imaginary ‘Personal Board of Directors’3. This is represented by an imaginary boardroom table, around which sit the key people in your life who, directly, or indirectly, have given you significant messages about leadership and leading. You sit at the head of the ‘table’ surrounded by the 12 or so individuals who have passed on (or continue to pass on) the most relevant and important messages that currently influence how you lead others. Against each identified person is the critical message that he/she gave you. To add to these messages, the ‘table top’ provides space for other fundamental and summarized learning about leadership that remains critical for you, as shown in the actual example in Figure 43, opposite.
[ME] My ‘Directors’ and the key leadership messages they each gave me
My ‘Directors’ and the key leadership messages they each gave me Wife, Brenda Don’t judge – there’s always another side to a story. Be loyal, be loving, be kind
Key messages about living and leading It’s really up to me – no one owes me a living
Daughter, Susie Life is for real – live it. Don’t compromise on standards Blood is thicker than water
Live life – you get out of it what you put in to it Son, Jonathan Tolerance. Egalitarianism. Balance and perspective. “You can always look at it this way!”
Don’t waste time, talent and effort I’ll find a way – or we’ll make one
Father If a job’s worth doing – it’s worth doing properly. A love of things Celtic and Gaelic
Focus on the ‘crime’ – not the ‘criminal’ Mother It’s ok to have fun and to laugh at yourself. Live life each day at a time
You’re only as good as your next job Bite the bullet and go for it!
Grandfather, from Tipperary Be caring and gentle. Never be cruel. There is so much to life – so look for it
Quality and professionalism are the ‘musts’ Troop Commander, Don Never give in – go that extra step. It’s ok to take tough decisions. Go for it!
Russian teacher, Colonel Yevgenny Galko Don’t just talk about it – go there! Do it and get it right
Life-long friend, Roy Try new things. Experiment, innovate. Be resourceful and adaptable. Enthusiasm!
You never, never stop learning ( if you do – you’re dead) Adapt and innovate they’re a key to success. Try looking at things differently – it won’t hurt! Hard and tough are ok – harsh and unjust are unacceptable It’s ok to ask for help – teamwork wins! In a bad situation, a sense of humour is a great asset. Laughter is one of the best medicines In the worst situations be polite, stay calm and hit very hard
School bully, Geoffrey Fight back and always fight to win. Never tolerate injustice, or bullying
IMD colleague, Anne Don’t start stopping and don’t stop starting. People grow old by deserting their ideals
Boss, Dennis Sensitivity to and awareness of others. Listen to people. Ask ‘why?’ and ‘why not?’
FIGURE 43: MY ‘BOARDROOM TABLE’ Source (updated): Michael Williams, Leadership for Leaders, Thorogood 2005
Questions that might be asked about your ‘board of directors’ are: 1.
How well do I ‘live’ these important messages, day-to-day?
Do I need to ‘refresh’ some of these and their impact upon me and my leadership style?
Should I dispense with any of these messages?
What new messages now seem critical to me and should I be applying the learning of these, to the ways in which I lead people?
Where I am still able, should I spend some learning time with some of these ‘directors’, to reinforce my learning and development?
How can I take some of these messages forward and continue to build on them?
What ‘empowering beliefs’ have I acquired, that enable me to be successful?
What ‘restricting beliefs’ still hold me back, unnecessarily, that I need to bin – and move on from And…
Of the people whom you know, who do you think might put YOU on their ‘board’ – and why?
Another useful aid to continuous development is a simple, yet powerful tool developed by Ian McMonagle, a highly talented and successful consultant and coach based in Tynemouth. This approach to initiating and maintaining learning involves setting up a personal support ‘network’ of people that you will go to for the best coaching, advice and help. This is shown in Figure 44, below:
WHO do YOU go to for Challenge? Fun?
Confidential counsel?
Nous and perspective?
Wisdom? Pioneering? FIGURE 44: YOUR PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT NETWORK Source: The McMonagle Partnership (adapted)
This book doesn’t offer a definitive answer, or panacea to the many challenges that the world of business appears at times to launch at those leading organizations and functional teams. It is, rather, an offering based upon experience, observation and research which, it is hoped, will provide both those in leadership roles – and those charged with helping and advising them – some perspectives and ‘thought starters’, for the next stage of their journey towards mastery as a leader – whatever the arena, in which they happen to be leading… Initiating change can be hard enough, but at the outset of transformation most leaders’ self belief and self confidence carry them through the initial phase of a change programme. The real test of the transformational leader’s art and skill is being able to sustain motivation and impetus after things have started to go wrong.
Coping effectively with the downside of transformation and change – the disappointments, reversals and resistance – is another hallmark of mastery. So, too, is the ability to re-stimulate aspiration, drive and adrenalin, after the achievement of a major stage in transformation, when people may be inclined to rest on their laurels and ‘free wheel’, in the belief that they’ve earned a respite or break. As Richard H. Brien says in The Managerialization of Higher Education: “At some time in the life cycle of virtually every organization, its ability to succeed in spite of itself runs out.” It is perhaps this reality that both justifies and reinforces, so strongly, the need for professional leaders who possess the wisdom to pursue learning and understanding, the resolve to persist with what seems right, and who have the courage, as well as intellect, to break through constraining boundaries and move into the new areas of productive uncertainty, and immeasurable opportunity. Aristotle captured the essence of this when he said, “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” Although leadership styles and initiatives must adapt to changing sociopolitical, technological and commercial imperatives – of global, as well as local dimensions – the personal credibility of leaders will remain based upon the example they set and the demonstrated values by which they lead their people, day by day. In a slim but powerful volume, The Fred Factor,4 author Mark Sanborn develops the theme of example, in the degree to which Fred, his hero, will always go the extra mile in his job. Passion and professional commitment raise average performance to extraordinary levels – whatever the job or role. In leadership, outstanding performance impacts upon the results of those being led creating a ‘multiplier’ effect. Such is the contribution and function of leadership by example. Inescapably, this will always be the essence of the leader’s pathway towards mastery.
Go well and remember Ralph Waldo Emerson’s words at the beginning of this chapter – and leave a trail behind you, as you make your journey…
SOME POINTS FOR REFLECTION AND DISCUSSION 1. Considering major changes in your company’s market place and developments in associated technology and competitor activity, what do you see as the likely pattern of effective, transformation and adaptive response for your organization? Establish that as the context and then, working in conjunction with your team, develop a strategic transformational response for the function(s) you lead. 2. Taking the responses you may have made to questions 1, 2 and 3 at the end of Chapter 4, does your diagnosis of the issues in question 1 (above) modify what you planned for your own development, as a ‘master leader’? 3. Look ahead at the vision you are crystallizing for your own function, in question 1 above. Visualize yourself there, with the members of your team, and then look back at the present from that imagined point ‘x’ months or years from now. What currently, is likely to prevent you from fulfilling your vision? How will you and your colleagues most effectively deal with these issues/challenges? 4. Assume that you do fulfil that vision by bringing about the necessary transformation. What would you be most proud of/ satisfied with in that transformation? 5. Accepting the fundamental importance of learning – at all levels – in the process of transformation and development of your business/function, what would be your strategy for developing the areas you lead and manage as a ‘learning organization’?
How would you create the necessary pressure and commitment?
How would you structure and organize the process of developing as a learning organization?
What would be your first actionable steps?
What monitoring/review processes would you introduce to ensure that what you say will happen, is actually implemented and taken on further?
6. Map out for yourself a personal leadership development programme, based upon the needs that you, your boss and team identify for you and include: •
A schedule of planned learning, covering formal training, coaching and mentoring – identify areas of necessary new paradigm learning.
A personal ‘board of directors’ and how you will use it (give action steps).
A network of people to whom you can go for learning, guidance and support (give action steps and tentative timescales).
Chapter 1 1.
Ladkin, D, Leading Beautifully: A Path Towards Inspirational Leadership, Leadership Matters, January, 2006. (Journal) University of Exeter, Centre for Leadership Studies
Leider, R & Shapiro, D, Repacking Your Bags, quoted in White, R P Hodgson, P & Crainer, S, The Future of Leadership, A White Water Revolution, Pitman Publishing, London 1996
Handy, C, The Age of Reason, Harvard Business School Press, Cambridge, Mass. 1992
White, R P, Hodgson, P & Gainer, S, ibid
Pascale, R, Quoted, proceedings, MCE Global Annual HR Conference, Seville, April 2004
Obolensky, N., Vth Dimension, Proceedings, Generali Senior Management Prog, Mogliano Veneto, May 2005
Khan, O, Proceedings, Leadership Trust 8th Annual Conference, September, 2005
Slim, Field Marshal Sir W, Defeat into Victory
Marquis de Lafayette, 1757-1834, Major General, Continental Army, America, 1777-81
10. Kotter, J, P, Corporate Culture and Performance, Free Press, 1992 11. Kotter, J, P, ibid 12. Buckingham, M, The One Thing You Need to Know…, Simon & Schuster, 2005
Chapter 2 1.
Kendal, N, CEO Ecko Packaging, Author interview
Naisbitt, J & Aburdene, P, Re-inventing the Corporation, Future Publications, London, 1986
Hirschorn, L & Gilmore, T, The New Boundaries of the‘Boundaryless’ Company, Harvard Business Review, May-June 1992
Mintzberg, H, Power In and Around Organisations, New Jersey, Prentice Hall 1983
Jaques, E, described in Brown, W, Exploration in Management, Heinemann, London
Hastings, C, The New Organisation, McGraw Hill, Maidenhead, 1996
Hamel, G, Proceedings, MCE Global Annual HR Conference, Seville, April 2004
Hegel, G W F, Phenomenology of the Mind, 1807.
Rensing, V, CEO, Quest, Proceedings, IMD Mobilizing People Programme, 1997
Chapter 3 1.
Revans, R, W, The ABC of Action Learning, Bland and Briggs, London 1979
Adair, J, Effective Leadership, Gower, 1983
Author interview
Author interview
Edmund Burke 1729 -1797
Author acting as programme director, The Leadership Trust
Krause, D, G, Sun Tzu – The Art of War for Executives, Nicholas Brealey, London, 1996
Cummings, T, Proceedings, Senior Management Programme, ABN Amro Bank
Proceedings, IMD Mobilizing People Programme, 1996, onwards
10. Kouzes, J, M, & Posner, B, Z, quoted in Useem, M, Do Leaders Make a Difference? Mastering Management, Financial Times Guide, London, 1996 11. Nadler, D, A, & Tushman, M, L, quoted in Useem, M, ibid 12. Adair, J, ibid 13. Neeson, E, The Civil War in Ireland 1921 – 1923, Mercier, Cork, 1966 14. Baddeley, S & James, K, The Power of Innocence: from Politeness to Politics, Management Education & Development, Vol 22, Part 2, 1991
Chapter 4 1.
Ladkin, D, ibid
Goleman, D, Emotional Intelligence, Bloomsbury, London, 1996
De Bono, E, Six Thinking Hats, Penguin, London, 1987
Honey, P, & Mumford, A, The Manual of Learning Styles, Ardingley House, Maidenhead, 1982
Kolb, D, A, et al, Organisational Psychology, Prentice-Hall, New Jersey, 1979
Argyle, M, Learning to be Happy, British Airways in-flight magazine, High Life, 1997
Chapter 5
A key element in the Rover Company’s active philosophy and practices as a dedicated ‘learning company’ and which makes the company’s eventual demise even more poignant
Lunn T, formerly Personnel Director, Joshua Tetley, quoted in The Sunday Times article on Management, 1980s
Adair, J ibid; Kanter, R M, When Grants Learn to Dance, Simon and Schuster, New York & London, 1989; Kotter, J P & Heskett, J L, Corporate Culture & Performance, Free Press, 1992
Gilbert-Smith, D & Gilbert-Smith, J, The Leadership Trust, working sessions, 1981/82
Nonaka, I & Takeuchi, H, The Knowledge-Creating Company: How Japanese Companies Create the Dynamics of Innovation, OUP, 1995
Egri C, Proceedings, IMD Mobilizing People programme, 1986
Machiavelli, N, (1469 -1527) The Prince
Buchanan, D & Boddy, D, The Expertise of the Change Agent, Prentice Hall, Hemel Hempstead, 1992
Zuboff S, In the Age of the Smart Machine, Heinemann, London, 1988
10. Ladkin, D, ibid
Chapter 6 1.
Author interview
Hammer, M & Champy, J. Reengineering the Corporation, Harper Collins, New York, 1993
Author consultancy project
Author consultancy project
Hersey, P & Blanchard, K, H, Management of Organizational Behavior, Prentice-Hall, 1977
Paterson, T,T, A Theory of Methectic Organisation, in Glasgow Unlimited (out of print)
Paterson, T, T, ibid
Chapter 7 1.
Peter, L, J, Author of, The Peter Principle
Pinchot, G (III) Intrapreneuring, Harper & Row, 1985
Hersey, P, & Blanchard, K, H, ibid
Marquis de Lafayette, ibid
Chapter 8 1.
Bennis, W, Parikh, J & Lessem, R, Beyond Leadership, Blackwell, Cambridge, Mass. 1994
Peters, T, Liberation Management, Alfred P Knopf, New York 1992
Kawasaki, G , Selling the Dream
Cannon T, Welcome to the Revolution, Pitman, London 1996
Handy, L Proceedings, programme Ashridge College 1995
White, R P, Hodgson, P & Crainer, S ibid
Author’s model
Pheysey, D, PhD research thesis, University of Aston, Birmingham 1971
Nicholls, J, Management Consultant, based in Northamptonshire
Chapter 9
Von Clausewitz, Vom Krieg 1832 (posthumous publication)
Singer, J, Boundaries of the Soul
Leider, R, & Shapiro, D ibid
Jaques, E, in Brown, W ibid
Williams, M, R, The Management Decision Profile, Michael Williams and Partners 1989
Myers Briggs, MBTI Pschometric Inventory
Jung, C G, Psychological Types, Princeton University Press, Princeton, N J 1971
Binney, G, & Williams, C, Leaning into the Future, Nicholas Brealey, 1995
Buzan, T, Use Your Head, BBC Publications, 1974
10. Harvey-Jones, Sir J, Troubleshooter, BBC Books, London 1990 11. Cannon, T ibid
Chapter 10 1.
Williams, M, R, Leadership for Leaders, Thorogood, London, 2005
Tichy, N, M, with Cohen, E, The Leadership Engine, Harper Business, 1997
Ladkin, D, ibid
Williams, M, R, ibid
Churchill, Sir W, talk on leadership delivered at Harrow School
Guastello, Shissler, Driscoll, & Hyde, Are Some Cognitive Styles More Creative Than Others?, in Journal of Creative Behavior, vol 32, 1998
Goffee, R & Hunt, J research project conducted at London Business School
Kouzes, J M & Posner, B Z ibid
Nadler, D A, & Tushman, M L ibid
10. Covey, S, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Simon and Schuster, New York 1989 11. Blanchard K, Carew, D & Carew, E P, The One Minute Manager Builds High Performing Teams, Harper Collins, London 1990 12. Heller R, The Business of Winning, Guild Publishing, London, 1980
Chapter 11
White, R,P, Crainer, P, & Hodgson, S ibid
Cannon, T. ibid
Williams, M.R. ibid
Sanborn, M. The Fred Factor, Doubleday, 2004