Tremtiniø vaikai Vincas ir Bronius Pigagos 1953 m. Krasnojarsko sr., Jermakovo r. Tanþibëjus The Lithuanian deportees ...
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Tremtiniø vaikai Vincas ir Bronius Pigagos 1953 m. Krasnojarsko sr., Jermakovo r. Tanþibëjus The Lithuanian deportees children Vincas and Bronius Pigaga in Krasnoyarsk region, Ermakov district, Tankhibei in 1953
B00-051 Tarptautinë komisija naciø ir sovietinio okupaciniø reþimø nusikaltimams Lietuvoje ávertinti
Generolo Jono Þemaièio Lietuvos karo akademija
The General Jonas Þemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania The International Commission for the Evaluation of the Crimes of the Nazi and Soviet Occupation Regimes in Lithuania
Istorinë studija ir faksimiliniø dokumentø rinkinys
The Crimes of the Communist Regime in Lithuania in 1944-1953 The Role of the Political Bodies, their Local Subdivisions and Collaborationists of the Soviet Union in Committing Crimes in 1944-1953
Volume 2
A historical study and a set of documents in facsimile
Vilnius 2003
UDK 947.45.083 Ti88
Tarptautinës komisijos naciø ir sovietinio okupaciniø reþimø nusikaltimams Lietuvoje ávertinti (toliau Tarptautinë komisija) istorijos eksperto, Generolo Jono Þemaièio Lietuvos karo akademijos Redakcinio skyriaus vedëjo dr. Vytauto Tininio parengta mokslinë studija ir faksimiliniø dokumentø rinkinys yra skirta tiriantiems sovietinës okupacijos stalininá pokario laikotarpá. Leidinys parengtas ðios Tarptautinës komisijos uþsakymu. Studijos tema SOVIETØ SÀJUNGOS POLITINIØ STRUKTÛRØ, VIETINIØ JØ PADALINIØ BEI KOLABORANTØ VAIDMUO VYKDANT NUSIKALTIMUS 19441953 METAIS.
Mokslinis redaktorius Atsakingoji redaktorë
doc. dr. Arvydas Anuauskas dr. Audronë Petrauskaitë
doc. dr. Algirdas Jakubèionis, doc. dr. Bronius Puzinavièius Genovaitë Laugalienë ir Milda Mironaitë
Á anglø kalbà vertë
© Tarptautinë komisija naciø ir sovietinio okupaciniø reþimø nusikaltimams Lietuvoje ávertinti, 2003 © Generolo Jono Þemaièio Lietuvos karo akademija, 2003 © Vytautas Tininis, 2003
ISBN 9955-423-18-8 (2 dalis) ISBN 9955-423-17-X (bendras)
This scientific study and the set of documents in facsimile prepared by dr. Vytautas Tininis, an expert in history of the International Commission for the Evaluation of the Crimes of the Nazi and Soviet Occupation Regimes (further International Commission), the Head of the Editorial Department of the General Jonas emaitis Military Academy of Lithuania, is intended for researchers of the Stalinist post-war period of the Soviet occupation. The publication was commissioned by the aforementioned International Commission. The theme of the study is THE ROLE OF THE POLITICAL BODIES, THEIR LOCAL SUBDIVISIONS AND COLLABORATIONISTS OF THE SOVIET UNION IN COMMITTING CRIMES IN 1944-1953.
Science editor: Managing editor:
assoc. prof. dr. Arvydas Anuauskas dr. Audronë Petrauskaitë
Reviewed by:
assoc. prof. dr. Algirdas Jakubèionis, assoc. prof. dr. Bronius Puzinavièius Genovaitë Laugalienë and Milda Mironaitë
© The International Commission for the Evaluation of the Crimes of the Nazi and Soviet Occupation Regimes, 2003 © The General Jonas emaitis Military Academy of Lithuania, 2003 © Vytautas Tininis, 2003
2 DALIS Okupuotos Lietuvos politiniø struktûrø vaidmuo átvirtinant komunistiná reþimà ir vykdant nusikaltimus Turinys Sutrumpinimai ..................................................................................................................... 5 4. Pasiprieinimo sovietinei okupacijai slopinimas ...................................................... 7 5. Trëmimai ........................................................................................................................... 16 6. Prievartiniai rinkimai ...................................................................................................... 22 7. Rusinimas .......................................................................................................................... 26 8. Antisemitizmas ................................................................................................................. 30 Ivados ................................................................................................................................... 35 Dokumentø faksimilës ....................................................................................................... 73 Dokumentø sàraðas ............................................................................................................. 312 Pavardþiø rodyklë ............................................................................................................... 321 Lietuvos SSR sovietiniø pareigûnø sàraðai (anglø kalba) ........................................... 328
PART 2 THE ROLE OF THE POLITICAL BODIES OF THE OCCUPIED LITHUANIA IN ESTABLISHING THE COMMUNIST REGIME AND COMMITING CRIMES Content Abbreviations ....................................................................................................................... 6 4. Suppression of the Resistance to the Soviet Occupation ......................................... 39 5. Deportations ..................................................................................................................... 48 6. Forced Elections ............................................................................................................... 55 7. Russianization .................................................................................................................. 59 8. Anti-Semitism ................................................................................................................... 63 Conclusions .......................................................................................................................... 68 Documents in facsimile ...................................................................................................... 73 List of Documents ................................................................................................................ 316 Index of names ..................................................................................................................... 321 Lists and photographies of the Lithuanian SSR Administration officials ............... 328
Sutrumpinimai Ap. apyraas apskr. apskritis AT Aukðèiausioji Taryba B. byla CK Centro komitetas dok. dokumentas F. fondas gen. generolas Glavlitas Vyriausioji literatûros ir leidyklø reikalø valdyba (rus. Glavnoje upravlenije po delam literatury i izdatelstv Glavlit) KGB Valstybës saugumo komitetas (rus. Komitet gosudarstvennoj bezopasnosti) L. lapas LCVA Lietuvos centrinis valstybinis archyvas LYA Lietuvos ypatingasis archyvas LLKJS Lietuvos Lenino komunistinë jaunimo sàjunga LKP(b) Lietuvos komunistø partija (bolðevikø) LKT Liaudies komisarø taryba LSSR Lietuvos Sovietø Socialistinë Respublika ltn. leitenantas LTSR Lietuvos Tarybø Socialistinë Respublika mën. mënuo mjr. majoras MGB Valstybës saugumo ministerija (rus. Ministerstvo gosudarstvennoj bezopasnosti) MT Ministrø Taryba MVD Vidaus reikalø ministerija (rus. Ministerstvo vnutrennich del) NKGB Valstybës saugumo liaudies komisariatas (rus. Narodnyj komisariat gosudarstvennoj bezopasnosti) NKVD Vidaus reikalø liaudies komisariatas (rus. Narodnyj komisariat vnutrennich del) plk. pulkininkas pplk. papulkininkis RFVA Rusijos Federacijos valstybinis archyvas RNIDSTC Rusijos naujausiosios istorijos dokumentø saugojimo ir tyrimø centras RKRT Religiniø kultø reikalø taryba RKP(b) Rusijos komunistø partija (bolðevikø) sk. skyrius spec. specialusis SSKP Sovietø Sàjungos komunistø partija SSRS Sovietø Socialistiniø Respublikø Sàjunga TSKP Tarybø Sàjungos komunistø partija VKP(b) Visasàjunginë komunistø partija (bolðevikø) VLKJS Visasàjunginë Lenino komunistinë jaunimo sàjunga þr. þiûrëti
Acronyms and Abbreviations Ap. inventory (inv.) B. file (f.) CARC the Council of the Affairs of Religious Cults CK the Central Committee Col. colonel comsorg the Secretary of the Komsomol Organization doc. document f. file F. the stocks (stk.) Gen. general Glavlit the Central Directorate on Literature and Publishing Houses inv. inventory KGB the Committee of State Security L. page (p.) LYA the special Lithuanian Archives (SLA) LYCLL the Lenin Young Communist League of Lithuania ( the Komsomol of Lithuania) LYCLU the Lenin Young Communist League of the Union (the Komsomol) LKP(b) the Communist Party of Lithuania (the Bolsheviks) LSSR the Soviet Socialist Republic of Lithuania Lt. lieutenant Lt. Col. lieutenant colonel LTSR the Soviet Socialist Republic of Lithuania Maj. major Maj. Gen. major general MGB the Ministry of State Security MVD the Ministry of Internal Affairs NKGB the Peoples Commissariat of State Security NKVD the Peoples Commissariat of Internal Affairs p. page partorg the Secretary of the Party Organization SLA the Special Lithuanian Archives SRCDNHR the Storage and Research Center of the Documents of the Newest History of Russia SSKP the Communist Party of the Soviet Union SSRS the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics stk. the stocks VKP(b) the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (the Bolsheviks) Note: in the English text, Lithuanian names, surnames and first names are written using the letters of the Lithuanian alphabet, whereas Slavic surnames using those of the English language.
2 DALIS OKUPUOTOS LIETUVOS POLITINIØ STRUKTÛRØ VAIDMUO ÁTVIRTINANT KOMUNISTINÁ REÞIMÀ IR VYKDANT NUSIKALTIMUS 4. Pasiprieinimo sovietinei okupacijai slopinimas 19441953 m. lietuviø tauta ginklu gynë savo laisvæ ir sieká atkurti nepriklausomà valstybæ. Sovietø Sàjunga, naudodama karinæ jëgà, nuslopino ðá pasiprieðinimà. Kovai su ginkluotu ir neginkluotu pogrindþiu vadovavo VKP(b) CK ir SSRS represinës struktûros, pagal kuriø direktyvinius dokumentus buvo organizuojamas pasiprieðinimo slopinimas, koordinuojama vietose (respublikinio pavaldumo) partiniø, represiniø ir kitø struktûrø veikla. 1944 1946 m. VKP(b) CK priëmë tris nutarimus dël nepatenkinamo LKP(b) darbo kovojant su ginkluotu pasiprieinimu. LSSR KGB duomenimis, 19441954 m. buvo likviduotas 38 141 ginkluoto pogrindþio dalyvis, ið jø 20 138 uþmuðti, 18 003 suimti ir ákalinti. Dar 38 621 ginkluoto pogrindþio dalyvis buvo priverstas slapstytis, o vëliau legalizuotis. Ið viso 19441954 m. ginkluotam pogrindþiui priklausë 76 762 asmenys (dok. Nr. 4.1* ). Panai ginkluoto pogrindio statistika pateikiama ir kituose saugumo dokumentuose (dok. Nr. 4.2*, dok. Nr. 4.3* ). 1952 m. gruodþio mën. LSSR MGB ministro P. Kondakovo paþymoje nurodyta, kad 19441952 m. ið viso buvo nuþudyta, suimta ir legalizavosi 120 570 su sovietø valdþia kovojusiø ar vieðai jai nepritarusiø þmoniø (jie nepriklausë tremtiniø kategorijai), ið jø 62 tûkst. buvo suimti (tarp suimtøjø 14 850 neginkluoto pogrindþio dalyviø), 20 093 nuþudyti, 38 106 legalizavosi (dok. Nr. 4.2). A. Anuðausko skaièiavimais, ið viso 1944 1952 m. LSSR NKVD-MVD-MGB suimtø (kalintø ir paleistø, suðaudytø, mirusiø) bûtø apie 186 tûkst. (be tremtiniø).1 Tai buvo vienas didþiausiø komunistø partijos suorganizuotø ir ávykdytø nusikaltimø. NKGB-MGB teroro aukø statistika nëra tiksli. Kaip atskleidë Lietuvos istorikø tyrimai, atsiþvelgiant á to meto politinæ konjunktûrà ar Maskvos virðininkø uþgaidas, ðie duomenys buvo keièiami padidinami ar sumaþinami. Pavyzdþiui, nuþudytus beginklius vyrus represiniø struktûrø darbuotojai daþnai vadindavo banditais (t.y. partizanais). Tikslus represuotø pasiprieðinimo dalyviø ar taikiø civiliniø gyventojø skaièius bus nustatytas ateityje. Svarbiausias genocido organizatoriø ir vykdytojø personalijas tvirtino VKP(b) CK. Antai 1946 m. spalio 26 d. SSRS MVD ministras S. Kruglovas raðë, kad jis teikë VKP(b) Centro komitetui tvirtinti LSSR MVD Kovos su banditizmu valdybos virðininko pav. pplk. B. Burylino kandidatûrà. Mano siûlymu VKP(b) CK patvirtino Jus einamoms pareigoms, raðë S. Kruglovas. Jûs privalote pateisinti parodytà pasitikëjimà (dok. Nr. 4. 4).* * Dok. Nr.4.1. 1954 m. gruodio 30 d. LSSR MVD 4-osios valdybos 2-o skyriaus virininko kpt. Martusevièius paþyma apie 19441954 m. nuþudytus ir suimtus ginkluotojo pogrindþio dalyvius. LYA. F.K-1. Ap.3. B.530. L.38. * Dok. Nr. 4.2. 1952 m. gruodþio mën. LSSR MGB ministro gen. mjr. P. Kondakovo paþyma Apie Lietuvos SSR MGB organø darbo rezultatus kovojant su nacionalistiniu pogrindiu ir jo gaujomis 1944 07 151952 12 15. LYA. F. K-1. Ap.3. B.407. L.264265. * Dok. Nr. 4.3. 1953 m. spalio 25 d. LSSR MVD 4-osios valdybos virðininko mjr. P. Raslano paþyma Apie Lietuvos SSR MVD organø darbo rezultatus ir nacionalistinius ipuolius 1944 07 151953 10 25 . LYA. F. K-1. Ap.3. B.441. L.12. * Dok. Nr. 4.4. 1946 m. spalio 26 d. SSRS MVD ministro gen. plk. S. Kruglovo ratas LSSR MVD Kovos su banditizmu valdybos virininko pav. pplk. B. Burylinui. LYA. F.K-1. Ap.3. B.216. L.12.
Visà pokará LKP(b) partizaniná karà stengësi vaizduoti kaip klasiø kovà, taèiau patys partijos vadovai gerai þinojo, jog taip nëra. 1946 m. geguþës 28 d. V. Ðèerbakovui ir A. Snieèkui pateikti MVD karinio tribunolo pirmininko A. Chaliavino duomenys apie socialinæ nuteistøjø rezistentø sudëtá rodo, kad 19441946 m. pogrindþio veikloje daugiausia dalyvavo (pagal sovietinæ terminologijà V.T.) vidutiniai ir maþaþemiai valstieèiai bei inteligentai (dok. Nr. 4.5).* 19441953 m. LKP(b) CK, vykdydama VKP(b) CK ir VKP(b) CK Lietuvos biuro nurodymus, priëmë nemaþai nusikalstamo ir antihumaniðko pobûdþio politiniø nutarimø, rezoliucijø ar direktyvø. VKP(b) vadovybë reikalavo, anot M. Suslovo, ávykdyti svarbiausià ið svarbiausiø uþdaviniø kuo greièiau likviduoti banditizmà (1945 m.). Maskva ignoravo bet kokius galimus politinius kontaktus su pogrindþiu, galinèius bent kiek suðvelninti karinæ konfrontacijà. Partizanai, okupacinës valdþios vadinami banditais, turëjo bûti sutriuðkinti ginkluota jëga, be jokiø kompromisø, kad ir kiek tai kainuotø gyvybiø abiem pusëms. O tie, kurie rëmë partizanus arba buvo susijæ su jais giminystës ryðiais, privalëjo bûti represuoti. Antipartizaniniø dokumentø rengimo iniciatyva kildavo represinëse ir komunistø partijos struktûrose. Pavyzdþiui, 1944 m. lapkrièio mënesá LSSR prokuroras M. Baliasnikovas praðë SSRS prokuroro K. Gorðenino legalizuoti pasiprieðinimo dalyviø ðeimø trëmimus (dok. Nr.4.6* ). 1944 m. lapkrièio 13 d. laikinai einantis LSSR prokuroro pareigas F. Girko taip pat praðë imtis represiniø priemoniø prieð partizanø ðeimas (dok. Nr.4.7).* Ðie siûlymai bûdavo átraukiami á VKP(b) CK Lietuvos biuro, LKP(b) CK biuro ar LKP(b) CK plenumø nutarimus. LKP(b) CK nuolatos deklaruodavo, kad politiðkai bûtina greitai sutriuðkinti pogrindá, ir ëmësi tai ágyvendinti. Lietuvos partinë organizacija veikë dviem kryptimis: pirma, padëjo organizuoti visos Lietuvos mastu Maskvai pavaldþiø represiniø struktûrø veiklà, stengësi joms vadovauti, antra, kûrë ir stiprino sau pavaldþius ginkluotus vienetus stribø bûrius ir ginkluotas partinio-sovietinio aktyvo grupes, kitas struktûras (trejetus, ketvertus, penketus). 1944 m. liepos 24 ir gruodþio 3 d., 1947 m. lapkrièio 14 d. LKP(b) CK priëmë nutarimus dël istrebiteliø (naikintojø, stribø, liaudies gynëjø) bûriø sudarymo ir jø stiprinimo (1945 m. juose buvo 10 314 þmoniø, vëliau jø skaièius sumaþëjo).2 Anot B. Kobulovo, naikintojø batalionai tai bûsimasis Lietuvos komunistø kovinis branduolys.3 LKP(b) CK biuras reikalavo, kad á ðiuos batalionus bûtinai bûtø átraukti partorgai ir komsorgai, o jø organizavimo ir komplektavimo klausimai bûtø svarstomi miestø ir apskrièiø partijos komitetø ir NKVD skyriuose. Bataliono vado pavaduotojas politiniams reikalams privalëjo eiti ne þemesnes nei apskrities partijos komiteto skyriaus vedëjo pareigas. Stribams komunistø partija skyrë materialinæ ir socialinæ paramà (dok. Nr. 4.8).* 1945 m. rugsëjo mën. buvo pradëtas sovietinio-partinio aktyvo apginklavimas (dok. Nr. 4.9* ). 1950 m. buvo apginkluoti 7 245 þmonës, taèiau per trëmimus jø skaièius iðaugdavo iki 1214 tûkst.4 Aktyvà sudarë visø lygiø partijos komitetø sekretoriai ir vykdomøjø komitetø pirmininkai, partorgai, komsorgai, ávairiø kaimo ástaigø ir organizacijø administracijos darbuotojai, eiliniai komunistai, komjaunuoliai ir kt. Partizanai nukovë jø 1 924, o daugumà ið * Dok. Nr. 4.5. 1946 m. geguþës 28 d. LSSR MVD karinio tribunolo pirmininko pplk. A. Chaliavino aiðkinamasis raðtas VKP(b) CK Lietuvos biuro pirmininkui V. Ðèerbakovui ir LKP(b) CK I sekretoriui A. Snieèkui apie nuteistus Lietuvos rezistentus. LYA. F.1771. Ap.9. B.269. L.7375. * Dok. Nr. 4.6. 1944 m. lapkrièio mën. LSSR prokuroro M. Baliasnikovo papildomas praneðimas SSRS prokurorui K. Gorðeninui dël partizanø ðeimø iðtrëmimo. LYA. F.1771. Ap.7. B.92. L.43. * Dok. Nr. 4.7. 1944 m. lapkrièio 13 d. laikinai einanèio LSSR prokuroro pareigas F. Girko raðtas SSRS prokurorui K. Gorðeninui Dël kovos su kontrrevoliuciniais nusikaltimais Lietuvos SSR. LYA. F.1771. Ap.7. B.92. L.3542. * Dok. Nr. 4.8. 1944 m. liepos 24 d. LKP(b) CK nutarimas Dël NKVD naikintojø batalionø sudarymo ið vokiðkøjø faðistiniø grobikø iðlaisvintoje Lietuvos Sovietø Socialistinës Respublikos teritorijoje. LYA. F.1771. Ap.7. B.36. L.1. * Dok. Nr. 4.9. 1945 m. rugsëjo 15 d. gen. mjr. P. Kapralovo telegrama visiems NKVD-NKGB Ukmergës, Zarasø, Ðvenèioniø ir Utenos skyriø virðininkams dël sovietinio-partinio aktyvo apginklavimo. LYA. F.K-1. Ap.18. B.39. L.168.
345 paimtø á nelaisvæ ar dingusiø be þinios partiniø aktyvistø taip pat galima priskirti prie þuvusiøjø.5 Aktyvistai, kuriuos patvirtindavo apskrièiø partijos komitetai, savo brutaliu elgesiu neretai pranokdavo net stribus. Dauguma jø buvo vietos gyventojai lietuviai. Kartu su stribais jie tapo svarbiausiu LKP(b) propagandiniu argumentu kalbant apie komunistinës valdþios átvirtinimà kaime. Jø dalyvavimo faktu remiantis vëliau buvo sukurtas mitas, kad pati lietuviø tauta nugalëjo burþuazinius nacionalistus ir jø ginkluotas gaujas. Represiniø operacijø ar teroro akcijø operatyvumui bei slaptumui uþtikrinti 19451947 m. daþniausiai valsèiø partijos komitetuose buvo steigiami trejetai (troikos), o apskrièiø penketai (piatiorkos), visiðkai slapti partiniø-sovietiniø ir represiniø struktûrø vadovø pasitarimai, apie kuriø veiklà ðiandien maþai þinoma (plaèiau apie tai J. Starkausko straipsnyje).6 Kiek þmoniø turëjo bûti aukðèiausioje apskrities jungtinëje partinëje-represinëje struktûroje, kuri vadovavo kovai su pasiprieðinimu, trys, keturi, penki lëmë vietinës aplinkybës. Oficialiø duomenø apie jø ásteigimà nëra. 1945 m. rugpjûèio 23 d. LKP(b) CK plenume Trakø apskrities partijos komiteto pirmasis sekretorius M. Afoninas teigë, kad troikas, kurias sudarë valsèiaus partorgas ar partijos sekretorius, NKVD (MVD) valsèiaus poskyriaus virðininkas ir NKGB valsèiaus ágaliotinis, ásteigë VKP(b) CK Lietuvos biuras. Ðiame plenume M. Suslovas teigë: Tikslinga, kad partijos komitetø pirmasis ir antrasis sekretoriai bei NKVD ir NKGB virðininkai kasdien arba blogiausiu atveju kas antrà dienà susirinktø trumpai aptarti politinæ padëtá apskrityse ir numatytø operatyvines kovos su banditizmu priemones. Antai 1947 m. rugpjûèio 27 d. LKP(b) Panevëþio apskrities komiteto biuras priëmë nutarimà Dël politinës padëties Ðeduvos valsèiuje (dok. Nr. 4.10).* Dokumente nurodyta, kad valsèiaus partijos komitetas po kiekvieno partizanø iðpuolio nerengë troikos pasitarimo. Valsèiø troikos savo pasitarimø ar nutarimø protokolø neraðë arba jie neiðliko. Jø veikla minima partijos komitetø protokoluose. Trejetø ar kokiø nors specialiø komisijø, skirtø vadovauti kovai su pogrindþiu, steigimui nepritarë SSRS NKGB komisaro pavaduotojas B. Kobulovas. 1945 m. rugpjûèio mën. LKP(b)CK VII plenume jis paragino glaudþiau bendradarbiauti vietos NKVD-NKGB skyriø virðininkus ir partijos komitetø sekretorius.7 Sudarant troikas kai kurie partijos apskrièiø komitetai savo iniciatyva jas papildydavo kariuomenës águlos atstovu, kitø sovietinës valdþios institucijø vadovaujanèiais darbuotojais. Ðie pasitarimai neoficialiai buvo vadinami ketvertais (èetviorkos). Antai 1945 m. rugpjûèio mën. Birþø apskrities partijos komitetas parengë partizanø likvidavimo Birþø apskrityje planà (dok. Nr. 4.26* ). Kiekvienam valsèiui paskirti keturi pareigûnai turëjo bûti atsakingi uþ pogrindþio sutriuðkinimà. Antrasis plano paragrafas skelbë: Pavesti aukðèiau iðvardytiems draugams dar kartà patikrinti ir patikslinti gaujoje esanèius asmenis, áspëti juos per jø ðeimas, kad pasitrauktø [ið gaujos]. Paskui nusavinti visà jø þemæ, gyvulius, turtà, inventoriø, derliø ir pastatus. Penketus sudarë apskrities partijos komiteto pirmasis ir antrasis sekretoriai, NKVD ir NKGB skyriø virðininkai bei vykdomojo komiteto pirmininkas. Ðios struktûros slaptuose pasitarimuose ne reèiau kaip kartà per mënesá partijos komitete aptardavo reikalus, susijusius su kovos su partizanais ir represavimo politika.8 Pavyzdþiui, 1946 m. liepos 22 d. vadovaujant LKP(b) Këdainiø apskrities partijos komiteto pirmajam sekretoriui J. Piligrimui ávykæs visiðkai slaptas penketo pasitarimas (dalyvavo 4 þmonës). Nutarta pavesti apskrities MVD virðininkui G. Èachavai surengti liepos 22-osios naktá pasalà partizanams. Operacijoje turëjo daly-
* Dok. Nr. 4.10. 1947 m. rugpjûèio 27 d. LKP(b) Panevëþio apskrities komiteto biuro nutarimas Dël politinës padëties Ðeduvos valsèiuje. LYA. F.801. Ap.801-15. B.1. L.4546. * Dok. Nr. 4.26. 1945 m. rugpjûèio mën. LKP(b) Birþø apskrities komiteto patvirtintas planas Nr. 100 Dël buoþiniø-nacionalistiniø gaujø Birþø apskrityje likvidavimo. LYA. F.1093. Ap.1093-27. B.1. L.5357.
vauti apie 400 MVD kariø ir vietinës partinio aktyvo jëgos (dok. Nr. 4.11).* 1947 m. kovo 1 d. LKP(b) Prienø apskrities komiteto piatiorka sprendë vietiniø MGB ir MVD turto dalybø klausimus (dok. Nr. 4.27*). Vadinamosios troikos, èetviorkos ir piatiorkos, bûdamos maþesnës ir labiau specializuotos sudëties, galëjo þymiai operatyviau spræsti visiðkai slaptus kovos su pasiprieðinimu klausimus nei LKP(b) apskrièiø komitetø biurai. Ðie partiniai-represiniai dariniai taip pat prisidëdavo prie komunistinio teroro prieð taikius gyventojus stiprinimo (gyventojø trëmimo, partizanø ðeimø ar rëmëjø turto konfiskavimo, nepageidaujamø elementø ið ástaigø ir mokyklø ðalinimo ir kt.). Pagrindinë jëga, slopinusi ginkluotàjá pasiprieðinimà, buvo NKVD-MGB karinës-represinës struktûros, o ne LKP(b) suburti ginkluoti bûriai. NKVD-MGB kariuomenë neretai veikdavo pakankamai savarankiðkai ir savo kariniø operacijø nederindavo su þemutinëmis partinëmis institucijomis. Tai sukeldavo tam tikrø prieðtaravimø, todël LKP(b) vadovybë nuolatos deklaruodavo, kad kovai su partizanais turi vadovauti komunistø partija. Ðiuo klausimu LKP(b) CK pokario metais priëmë deðimtis nutarimø, ápareigojanèiø partines ir represines struktûras imtis ávairiø priemoniø prieð pogrindá, ið kuriø ypatingà reikðmæ teikë ne tiek ginkluotos jëgos panaudojimui, kiek nusikalstamoms akcijoms prieð beginklius þmones partizanø gimines ir artimuosius, kurie kaip politiniai ákaitai buvo tremiami, ákalinami, þudomi. Pagrindinis politiniø represijø smaigalys buvo nukreipiamas ne tik á sunkiai surandamus partizanus, bet ir á jø ðeimø narius ar gimines kalbama apie jø trëmimà ið Lietuvos, turto konfiskavimà ar net jø gyvybæ. Partizanai turëjo rinktis: legalizuotis arba rizikuoti savo ðeimomis. Sovietø valdþia paskelbë ne vienà partizanø amnestijà, kuriose ultimatyvia forma buvo grasinama pasiprieðinimo dalyviø ðeimoms. Pavyzdþiui, 1946 m. vasario 15 d. LSSR NKVD komisaro J. Bartaðiûno ásakymas skelbë: 5. Banditø ir burþuaziniø nacionalistø organizacijø dalyviø, nepasidavusiø Vidaus Reikalø Liaudies Komisariato ástaigoms, eimas suimti ir itremti (parykinta autoriaus). 1947 m. sausio 18 d. J. Bartaðiûnas nurodë, kad artimais giminëmis laikomi þmona, tëvas, motina, brolis, sesuo. Kiti kartu gyvenantys giminaièiai (uoðvë, seneliai, tetos ir t. t.) turëjo bûti tremiami, jeigu jie buvo partizano ðeimos iðlaikomi. Tam árodyti uþtekdavo valsèiaus vykdomojo komiteto paþymos.9 Ði amorali represijø politika (ákaitø grobimo) ið dalies pasiteisino ir tapo vienu ið svarbiausiø bûdø pasiprieðinimui palauþti. 1945 m. liepos mën. I. Tkaèenka konstatavo, kad dël iðkeldinimo (trëmimo V. T.) pastarosiomis dienomis suaktyvëjo banditø ir nelegalø legalizacija. Jis pateikë pavyzdþiø, rodanèiø, kad net tëvai versdavo savo sûnus legalizuotis (dok. Nr. 5.4).* 19441945 m. legalizavosi 36 557 þmonës (dok. Nr. 4.2 ir Nr. 4.3). Iki 1947 m. pavasario kovai su partizanø sàjûdþiu ir pogrindþio organizacijomis tiesiogiai vadovavo VKP(b) CK Lietuvos biuras (plaèiau apie tai raðyta skyrelyje VKP(b) CK Lietuvos biuras). LKP(b) atliko tik organizacines funkcijas, nors neretai VKP(b) CK ar M. Suslovas visà kaltæ dël kovos su pogrindþiu nesëkmiø ir neveiklumo suversdavo LKP(b) CK ir vietos partinëms struktûroms. 19441946 m. ðiuo klausimu svarbiausius direktyvinius nutarimus priëmë VKP(b) CK Lietuvos biuras, kurio posëdþiuose dalyvaudavo ir LKP(b) vadovybë. Tad atsakomybë uþ partizanø ir beginkliø þmoniø þudynes, masinius areðtus ir ákalinimus tenka abiem pusëms. Ðiuo laikotarpiu LKP(b) CK biuras vykdë VKP(b) CK Lietuvos biuro nutarimus, kuriuos ið karto siøsdavo savo þemesnëms struktûroms. LKP(b) CK plenumuo-
* Dok. Nr. 4.11. 1946 m. liepos 22 d. LKP(b) Këdainiø apskrities partijos komiteto I sekretoriaus J. Piligrimo vadovaujamo penketo pasitarimo Dël politinës padëties apskrityje protokolas. LYA. F.749. Ap.749-8. B.1. L.23. * Dok. Nr. 4.27. Itrauka i 1947 m. kovo 1 d. LKP(b) Prienø apskrities komiteto piatiorkos posëdþio. LYA. F.739. Ap.739-10. B.2. L.1. * Dok. Nr. 5.4. 1945 m. liepos 23 d. SSRS NKVD-NKGB ágaliotinio Lietuvoje gen. ltn. I. Tkaèenkos praneðimas apie trëmimus Utenos ir Vilniaus operatyviniuose sektoriuose. LYA. F.K-1. Ap.10. B.22. L.98102.
se priimtos politinës rezoliucijos ápareigodavo visas Lietuvos SSR partines ir valstybines institucijas vykdyti VKP(b) CK ir VKP(b) CK Lietuvos biuro nutarimus. VKP(b) CK Lietuvos biuro vadovavimo laikotarpiu A. Snieèkus kartu su represiniø struktûrø vadais á Maskvà pasiøstuose raðtuose praðë pritarti represijø stiprinimui, rengë specialias direktyvas (instrukcijas), kurios savo reikðme prilygo LKP(b) CK biuro nutarimams. 1944 m. gruodio 28 d. LKP(b) CK IV plenumo rezoliucijoje buvo suformuluota viena ið pirmøjø politiniø direktyvø be teismo sprendimø taikyti represines sankcijas partizanø ðeimoms: Plenumas ápareigoja partinius ir tarybinius organus greitai ir ryþtingai vykdyti visos þemës ir turto konfiskavimà tuose ûkiuose, kuriø ðeimø nariai dalyvauja burþuazinëse nacionalistinëse gaujose... (dok. Nr. 4.12).* Iki 1945 m. spalio 20 d. buvo konfiskuoti 2 424 partizanø ir jø rëmëjø ûkiai 21 351 ha (dok. Nr. 4.13).* Tai buvo áþanga á 1945 m. prasidëjusias represijas (trëmimus ir kalinimus) prieð partizanø ðeimas, t. y. þmones, kuriø dauguma rëmë partizanus materialiai, palaikë dvasiðkai, taèiau asmeniðkai nedalyvavo pasiprieðinime, nekovojo su okupacine valdþia, tad, formaliai þiûrint, niekuo jai nenusikalto. 1945 m. birelio 4 d. po pasitarimø su M. Suslovu ir LKP(b) vadais B. Kobulovas, A. Apolonovas ir I. Tkaèenka parengë L. Berijai tarnybiná praneðimà Dël kovos priemoniø su banditizmu ir antisovietiniu pogrindþiu Lietuvos SSR sustiprinimo, kuriame siûlë iðtremti ið Lietuvos 20 000 partizanø ðeimø nariø.10 Pagal 1945 m. birþelio 16 d. SSRS NKVD direktyvà buvo iðveþta 6 320 þmoniø.11 1945 m. rugsëjo 20 d. M. Suslovas ir A. Snieèkus raðte L. Berijai ir V. Merkulovui praneðë, kad kraðte dar liko neiðveþtø ðeimø ir siûlë jas iðtremti. Rugsëjo 29 d. L. Berija kreipësi á I. Stalinà ir nurodë, kad, remiantis 1945 m. rugpjûèio 15 d. VKP(b) CK ir 1945 m. rugpjûèio 24 d. LKP(b) CK VII plenumo nutarimais, 300 partizanø vadø ðeimø turtas konfiskuotas, o jø savininkus reikia iðtremti: Su ðiuo pasiûlymu sutinka VKP(b) CK Lietuvos biuro pirmininkas drg. Suslovas ir Lietuvos KP(b) CK sekretorius drg. Snieèkus. Praðome Jûsø sutikimo. Sutikimas buvo gautas. 1946 m. vasario mën. buvo deportuoti 2 082 þmonës.12 Rezistentus tremtinius ir jø ðeimø narius komunistinë valdþia skirstë á 5 grupes: banditai ir nacionalistai, banditø ir nacionalistø ðeimø nariai, banditø rëmëjai, rëmëjø ðeimø nariai, buoþës nacionalistai ir jø ðeimos. Ðie þmonës tremtyje buvo iðlaikyti ilgiausiai (iki 1958 m. pabaigos). Jø bylos buvo formaliai perþiûrimos ir praðymai paleisti ið tremties atmetami. 1946 m. lapkrièio 23 d. LKP(b) CK XI plenume VKP(b) CK Lietuvos biuro pirmininkas V. Ðèerbakovas nurodë, kad partizanai turi bûti sutriuðkinti iki 1947 m. vasario mën. A. Snieèkus ir V. Ðèerbakovas pripaþino, jog Lietuvoje pagyvëjo partizanø veikla.13 1946 m. gruodþio 7 d. A. Snieèkus ir SSRS MVD-MGB ágaliotinis Lietuvoje I. Tkaèenka parengë direktyvà LKP(b) apskrièiø komitetø sekretoriams, LSSR MVD ir MGB apskrièiø skyriø virðininkams. Joje, be amoraliø politiniø nurodymø (partizanø artimøjø bei kunigø verbavimo), buvo numatytos represinës priemonës: Bûtina visiðko (partizanø ûkiø V.T.) konfiskavimo sàlyga suaugusiø ðeimos nariø, ypaè vyrø, areðtas, kad jie neiðeitø á gaujas. [...] Konkreèiø ðios direktyvos vykdymo priemoniø planus apsvarstyti uþdaruose LKP(b) apskrièiø komitetø biurø, dalyvaujant MVD-MGB apskrièiø skyriø virðininkams, posëdþiuose (dok. Nr. 4.14, 10 punktas).* 1947 m. kovo mën. panaikinus VKP(b) CK Lietuvos biurà, partizanø pasiprieðinimo slopinimo politinio organizavimo funkcijos perëjo tiesioginën LKP(b) CK þinion. 1947 m. balandþio 14 d. LKP(b) CK biuras priëmë nutarimà Dël kovos priemoniø su burþuaziniu nacio-
* Dok. Nr. 4.12. Itrauka i 1944 m. gruodio 30 d. LKP(b) CK IV plenumo rezoliucijos. LYA. F.1771. Ap.7. B.9. L.9. * Dok. Nr. 4.13. 1945 m. spalio mën. LSSR NKGB mjr. N.Jermakovo paþyma apie iki 1945 m. spalio 20 d. partizanø ir jø rëmëjø konfiskuotus ûkius LYA. F.K-1. Ap.10. B.21. L.257. * Dok. Nr.4.14. 1946 m. gruodþio 7 d. LKP(b) CK I sekretoriaus A. Snieèkaus ir SSRS MVD-MGB ágaliotinio Lietuvoje I. Tkaèenkos direktyva LKP(b) apskrièiø komitetø sekretoriams, LSSR MVD ir MGB apskrièiø skyriø virðininkams dël priemoniø ir metodø likviduojant partizaniná sàjûdá. LYA. F.1771. Ap.9. B.241. L.7981.
nalistiniu pogrindþiu ir jo ginkluotomis gaujomis sustiprinimo. Dokumente konstatuota, kad antroje kovo pusëje daugiausia partizanø iðpuoliø bûta Ukmergës, Rokiðkio, Birþø, Tauragës, Lazdijø, Marijampolës, Raseiniø ir Panevëþio apskrityse. Siekdamas greièiau palauþti pasiprieðinimà, Biuras nutarë taikyti buoþiø ekonominio apribojimo priemones, suaktyvinti katalikø dvasininkijos skaldymo darbà, kurti ginkluotas partinio-sovietinio aktyvo grupes, sustiprinti MGB lietuviais. Nutarimas ápareigojo apskrièiø partijos komitetø sekretorius ir MGB skyriø virðininkus 1947 m. balandþio mën. visuose valsèiuose atskleisti pogrindþio organizacijas ir jas likviduoti (dok. Nr. 4.15).* Baigësi nustatyti terminai, o Lietuvos partizanø sàjûdis, kad ir patyræs skaudþiø nuostoliø, nebuvo sutriuðkintas. 1947 m. gruodþio 12 d. buvo priimtas naujas antipartizaninis 27 punktø A. Snieèkaus pasiraðytas dokumentas Dël kovos su burþuaziniu nacionalistiniu pogrindþiu ir jo ginkluotomis gaujomis suaktyvinimo. Nutarimo tikslas toks kaip ir ankstesniøjø pasiekti, kad artimiausiu metu bûtø likviduotas burþuazinis nacionalistinis pogrindis. Taèiau nuo kitø dokumentø jis skyrësi tuo, jog atskleidë LKP(b) vadovybës sieká MGB kariuomenës karà prieð partizanus pavaizduoti kaip klasiø kovà, sudaryti regimybæ, kad su partizanais kovoja patys lietuviai.14 Tuo tikslu partijos komitetai buvo ápareigoti kartu su MGB ir MVD apskrièiø skyriais bei valsèiø poskyriais ið prosovietiðkai nusiteikusiø vietos gyventojø organizuoti ginkluotas grupes, kurioms vadovauti turi partijos komitetø sekretoriai ar partorgai bei vietos MGB skyriø virðininkai. Visø Lietuvos ginkluoto aktyvo grupiø vadovais paskirti LKP(b) CK antrasis sekretorius A. Trofimovas ir LSSR MGB ministras D. Jefimovas. Uþ pogrindþio likvidavimà asmeniðkai tapo atsakingi apskrièiø ir miestø partijos komitetø pirmieji sekretoriai. Nutarime Maskvos buvo praðoma bent ið dalies sulietuvinti MGB aparatà ir leisti kurti MGB vidaus kariuomenës lietuviðkus dalinius. 18 nutarimo punktas skelbë: [...] atsakant á ávykdytus teroristinius aktus, 1947 m. gruodþio mën. iðtremti uþ Lietuvos SSR ribø maksimalø kieká banditø ir gaujø rëmëjø buoþiø ðeimø (dok. Nr. 4.16).* 1947 m. gruodþio 22 d. ir 1948 m. kovo 28 d. buvo iðtremti 3 938 þmonës (dok. Nr. 5.1).* Remiantis 1953 m. spalio 25 d. LSSR MVD 4-osios valdybos virðininko mjr. P. Raslano paþyma, 19441953 m. buvo suimta 12 259 partizanø rëmëjai, o atsakant á teroro aktus, t. y. partizanø iðpuolius, iðtremta 7 499 nacionalistø ðeimos (dok. Nr. 4.3).* Visø ðiø þmoniø vienintelë kaltë jie buvo artimiausi partizanø giminës. Ne visi nutarimo punktai buvo ágyvendinti (pvz., neleista steigti lietuviðkø MGB kariuomenës daliniø), taèiau trëmimai ir ákalinimai, kaip sudedamoji komunistinio teroro dalis, ir toliau liko viena ið ginkluoto pogrindþio likvidavimo priemoniø. 19451947 m. iðtremta apie 11 tûkst., 1948 m. 41 136, 1949 m. 33 500 þmoniø. Ið viso per antràjá ginkluotojo pasiprieðinimo etapà (19471949 m.) buvo iðtremta per 80 tûkst., o lageriuose ákalinta apie 54 tûkst. Lietuvos gyventojø.15 Visuose LKP(b) CK dël trëmimø priimtuose dokumentuose akcentuojamas partizanø ðeimø ir jø rëmëjø buoþiø prievartinio iðsiuntimo ið Lietuvos bûtinumas, kaip viena ið pagrindiniø ginkluoto pasiprieðinimo likvidavimo sàlygø. Ðiose genocido akcijose dalyvavo didelë LKP(b) dalis pradedant vadovybe, kuri organizavo trëmimus, baigiant eiliniais nariais (plaèiau apie tai skyrelyje Trëmimai). 1948 m. sausio mën. A. Snieèkus ataskaitoje VKP(b) CK sekretoriui A. Þdanovui suformulavo pagrindines LKP(b) kryptis likviduojant ginkluotàjá pogrindá: 1. komunistinës propagandos stiprinimas, ðmeiþiant partizanus, nie* Dok. Nr. 4.15. 1947 m. balandþio 14 d. LKP(b) CK biuro nutarimas Dël kovos priemoniø su burþuaziniu nacionalistiniu pogrindiu ir jo ginkluotomis gaujomis sustiprinimo. LYA. F.1771. Ap.190. B.5. L.9599. * Dok. Nr. 4.16. 1947 m. gruodþio 12 d. LKP(b) CK biuro nutarimas Dël kovos su burþuaziniu nacionalistiniu pogrindþiu ir jo ginkluotomis gaujomis suaktyvinimo. LYA. F. 1771. AP.190. B.5. L.179187. * Dok. Nr. 5.1 1988 m. geguþës 12 d. LSSR KGB paþyma LKP CK apie 19411952 m. iðtremtus Lietuvos gyventojus. LYA. F.3377. Ap.58. B.916. L.13. * Dok. Nr. 4.3. 1953 m. spalio 25 d. LSSR MVD 4-osios valdybos virininko mjr. P. Raslano paþyma Apie Lietuvos SSR MVD organø darbo rezultatus ir nacionalistinius iðpuolius 1944 07 151953 10 25. LYA. F. K-1. Ap.3. B.441. L.1.
kinant Katalikø baþnyèià ir pateisinant trëmimus; 2. kaimo aktyvo apginklavimas, t. y. vietos gyventojø átraukimas á ginkluotà kovà (visuomenës suprieðinimo politika); 3. tolesnis gyventojø trëmimas; 4. represinio aparato stiprinimas (pageidautina lietuviais) (dok. Nr. 4.17).* 1948 m. birþelio 18 d. LKP(b) CK biuras priëmë dar vienà antipartizaniná nutarimà Dël politinio darbo su gyventojais stiprinimo ir burþuaziniø nacionalistiniø gaujø likuèiø likvidavimo. Dokumente konstatuota, kad trëmimai þymiai pakirto pogrindþio bazæ, taèiau kai kuriose apskrityse burþuaziniai nacionalistiniai elementai dël vietiniø MGB-MVD organø nuolaidþiavimo þudo vietos gyventojus. Dël to kaltos ir daugelis partiniø organizacijø, kurios, nepaisydamos daugkartiniø LKP(b) CK nurodymø, vis dar nesuprato, kad kovos su banditizmu sëkmë priklauso nuo to, kaip sëkmingai suderinamos operatyvinës èekistø priemonës ir kasdieninis politinis darbas su gyventojais. 11 punktas ápareigojo apskrities partijos komitetus ir MGB organus kovojant su partizanais panaudoti ginkluoto aktyvo grupes, jas steigti kolûkiuose, tarybiniuose ûkiuose ir MTS (dok. Nr. 4.18).* Patikrinti, kaip vykdomi Biuro nutarimai, á apskritis ir valsèius buvo siunèiamos LKP(b) CK brigados ar atstovai. Pavyzdþiui, vos tik pasirodþius minëtam nutarimui, 1948 m. liepos mën. tikrintojø brigada konstatavo, kad Varënos apskrityje apleistas politinis darbas su gyventojais ir prastas MGB ir MVD organø èekistø darbas
Uþ amoralø elgesá, sovietiniø ástatymø nepaisymà buvo kritikuoti stribai (Rûdnios valsèiaus stribø vado padëjëjas Ignatenka grasino gyventojams, girtavo), Merkinës ir Varënos valsèiø partijos komitetø sekretoriai, kurie persekiojo legalizavusiuosius partizanus, ir kt. (dok. Nr. 4.19).* 19481949 m. LKP(b) pastangos likviduoti ginkluotàjá pogrindá baigësi nesëkme (nepadëjo masiniai trëmimai, èekistø operacijos ir prievartinë kolektyvizacija). 1949 m. birþelio 1 d. ávyko svarbiausiø partiniø ir represiniø þinybø vadovø pasitarimas (dalyvavo 24 asmenys), kuriame buvo aptartos priemonës pasiprieðinimui likviduoti. Pavyzdþiui, P. Vetrovas siûlë stambinti karinius vienetus (dok. Nr. 4.20).* Po io pasitarimo 1949 m. birþelio 6 d. LKP(b) CK biuras priëmë dar vienà antipartizaniná nutarimà Dël kovos su banditizmo ir burþuazinio nacionalistinio pogrindþio likuèiais stiprinimo ryðium su kolûkiø kûrimu respublikoje (dok. Nr. 4.21).* Èia ir vël buvo raginama MGB greièiau sunaikinti partizanus, sustiprinti pasø reþimà, visuose kolûkiuose, tarybiniuose ûkiuose, apylinkëse ir MTS kurti ginkluotas aktyvo grupes, kiekvienà partizanø iðpuolá svarstyti apskrities partijos komiteto biuro posëdþiuose, MGB sustiprinti lietuviais ir kt. Remiantis ðio nutarimo 16 punktu 1949 m. liepos 9 d. turëjo ávykti visø LKP(b) apskrièiø partijos komitetø pirmøjø sekretoriø ir MGB-MVD apskrièiø skyriø virðininkø pasitarimas (dokumentø apie ðá pasitarimà nerasta V.T.). Be bendrø nutarimø, aprëpianèiø visø apskrièiø partines struktûras, LKP(b) CK biuras daug kartø svarstë konkreèiø apskrièiø partijos komitetø darbà kovojant su pogrindþiu. Faktið-
* Dok. Nr. 4.17. Iðtrauka ið 1948 m. sausio mën. LKP(b) CK I sekretoriaus A.Snieèkaus ataskaitos VKP(b) CK sekretoriui A.danovui. LYA. F.1771. Ap.11. B.215. L.917. * Dok. Nr. 4.18. 1948 m. birþelio 18 d. LKP(b) CK biuro nutarimas Dël politinio darbo su gyventojais stiprinimo ir burþuaziniø nacionalistiniø gaujø likuèiø likvidavimo. LYA. F.1771. Ap.190. B.6. L.6468. * Dok. Nr. 4.19. 1948 m. liepos mën. LKP(b) CK inspekcinës brigados (Urazovo, Butnevièiaus ir Stasiûno) paþyma LKP(b) CK II sekretoriui A. Trofimovui Dël LKP(b) Varënos apskrities komiteto darbo vykdant 1948 m. birþelio 18 d. LKP(b) CK biuro nutarimà Dël politinio darbo su gyventojais stiprinimo ir burþuaziniø nacionalistiniø gaujø likuèiø likvidavimo. LYA. F.1771. Ap.190. B.6. L.127130. * Dok. Nr. 4.20. Iðtrauka ið 1949 m. birþelio 1 d. partiniø ir represiniø struktûrø vadovø pasitarimo Dël priemoniø likviduojant nacionalistinio pogrindþio ir gaujø likuèius vykstant kolektyvizacijai protokolo. LYA. F.1771. Ap.190. B.7. L.3946. * Dok. Nr. 4.21. 1949 m. birþelio 6 d. LKP(b) CK biuro nutarimas Dël kovos su banditizmo ir burþuazinio nacionalistinio pogrindþio likuèiais stiprinimo ryðium su kolûkiø kûrimu respublikoje. LYA. F.1771. Ap.190. B.7. L.2228.
kai per 19441953 metus buvo svartyti visø apskrièiø partijos komitetai, o kai kurie ið jø ir po kelis kartus (atsiþvelgiant á partizanø aktyvumà). Pavyzdþiui, 1946 m. geguþës 14 d. Biuras nagrinëjo LKP(b) Panevëþio apskrities komiteto darbà ir konstatavo, kad partijos ir represiniø struktûrø vadovai leido atsirasti nusikalstamam nerûpestingumui ir nusiraminimo nuotaikoms. Biuras ápareigojo juos per trumpiausià laikà likviduoti ginkluotàjá pogrindá (dok. Nr. 4.22).* LKP(b) CK specialûs inspektoriai nuolat informuodavo CK biurà apie vietos komunistø veiklà kovojant su partizanais. Praneðimuose pakankamai kritiðkai bûdavo nuðvieèiama politinë padëtis apskrityse ir valsèiuose. Vëliau vietos komunistus LKP(b) CK daþniausiai kritikuodavo dël politinio pasyvumo, blogo darbo organizavimo likviduojant pogrindá, revoliucinio teisëtumo paþeidimø (nusikaltimø) ir amoralaus elgesio. Antai 1946 m. geguþës 8 d. A. Snieèkui buvo praneðta, kad Lazdijø apskrities partijos komitetas 1946 m. tik vienà kartà svarstë kovos su partizanais (banditizmu) klausimà ir vienà kartà revoliucinio teisëtumo paþeidimus, taèiau jokiø kovos priemoniø su ðia blogybe nenumatë (dok. Nr. 4.23).* Iðtrëmus ir ákalinus aktyviausius partizanø rëmëjus, susilpnëjo pogrindþio socialinë bazë, materialinë parama. Nuo 1950 m. smarkiai sumaþëjo ir kovotojø skaièius. Todël LKP(b) CK specialiai daugiau neberengë antipartizaniniø bendro pobûdþio nutarimø, ypatingà dëmesá skyrë konkreèioms apskritims, kuriose aktyviausiai reiðkësi rezistentai. Be to, LKP(b) tapo labai neparanku, kad MGB kariuomenë kaimo vietovëse demonstravo jëgà. Atsiþvelgdamas á tai, 1951 m. rugpjûèio 31 d. P. Kapralovas ápareigojo savo pavaldinius kariniø operacijø metu maksimaliai slëpti savo veiksmus, o ne vieðai juos demonstruoti, kaip, pavyzdþiui, darë MGB Daugø baudëjai. P. Kapralovas atkreipë dëmesá, kad dël to kyla ávairûs gandai ir nesveikos nuotaikos (dok. Nr. 4.24).* 1953 m. gruodþio 31 d. priimtas paskutinis antipartizaninio pobûdþio nutarimas Dël kovos su nacionalistinio pogrindþio ir gaujø likuèiais priemoniø sustiprinimo respublikoje jau neturëjo ypatingos politinës reikðmës (dok. Nr. 4.25).*
* Dok. Nr. 4.22. 1946 m. geguþës 14 d. LKP(b) CK biuro nutarimas Dël 1945 m. rugpjûèio 15 d. VKP(b) CK nutarimo Dël kovos su burþuaziniu nacionalistiniu pogrindþiu ir jo ginkluotomis gaujomis ir 1945 m. spalio 26 d. LKP(b) CK biuro nutarimo ðiuo klausimu vykdymo Panevëþio apskrityje. LYA. F. 1771. Ap. 190. B.4. L.4244. * Dok. Nr. 4.23. 1946 m. geguþës 8 d. LKP(b) CK inspektoriaus Petrovo paþyma LKP(b) CK I sekretoriui A.Snieèkui apie politinæ padëtá Lazdijø apskrityje. LYA. F.1771. Ap.190. B.4. L.58. * Dok. Nr. 4.24. 1951 m. rugpjûèio 31 d. LSSR MGB ministro gen. mjr. P.Kapralovo ásakymas Vilniaus, Kauno, Ðiauliø, Klaipëdos srièiø MGB valdybø virðininkams ir LSSR MGB rajonø skyriø virðininkams dël kariniø operacijø slëpimo nuo vietos gyventojø. LYA. K-1. Ap.3. B.390. L.25. * Dok. Nr. 4.25. Iðtrauka ið 1953 m. gruodþio 31 d. LKP CK biuro nutarimo Dël kovos su nacionalistiniu pogrindþiu ir gaujø likuèiais priemoniø sustiprinimo respublikoje. LYA. F.1771. Ap.190. B.9. L.3641.
Literatûra ir ðaltiniai 182.
1. Truska L., Anuðauskas A., Petravièiûtë I. Sovietinis saugumas Lietuvoje 19401953 metais. Vilnius, 1999. P.
2. Pocius M. Antisovietinis ginkluotas pasiprieinimas Lietuvoje 19441953 m.: represiniø struktûrø nuostoliai ir civiliø gyventojø netektys // Lietuvos istorijos metraðtis 1997 metais. Vilnius, 1998. P. 204 (toliau Pocius M. Antisovietinis pasiprieðinimas). 3. LYA. F. 1771. Ap. 8. B. 14. L. 153. 4. Starkauskas J. Ginkluotas sovietinis partinis aktyvas ir sukarinti daliniai // Genocidas ir rezistencija. 1999. Nr. 1. P. 42, 59. 5. Pocius M. Antisovietinis pasiprieinimas. P. 221. 6. Starkauskas J. Apie dar vienà stalininio laikotarpio teroro organà troikas ir petiorkas // Genocidas ir rezistencija, 2002. Nr. 1. P. 95109. 7. LYA. F.1771. Ap.8.B. 14. L. 78, 53, 153. 8. Starkauskas J. Ginkluotas sovietinis partinis aktyvas ir kiti sukarinti dariniai // Genocidas ir rezistencija. 1999. Nr. 1. P. 52. 9. Grunskis E. Lietuvos gyventojø trëmimai // Kn.: Lietuvos gyventojø trëmimai 19401941, 19441953 metais sovietinës okupacinës valdþios dokumentuose. Dokumentø rinkinys. 1995. P. 65, 68. 10. Ðadþius H. 19441945 metai: sovietinë prievartos maðina prieð ginkluotà pogrindá Lietuvoje // Lietuvos rytas, 1994 03 12. P. 19. 11. Grunskis E. Lietuvos gyventojø trëmimai 19401941, 19451953 metais. Vilnius, 1996. P. 72 toliau Grunskis E.). 12. Grunskis E. P. 7274. 13. Truska L. Antipartizaninë 1946 m. gruodþio 7 d. Snieèkaus ir gen. Tkaèenkos direktyva // Darbai. 1996. Nr.2. P. 117120. LYA. F.1771. Ap.9.B. 19.L. 224, 226, 230231. 14. Truska L. Lietuvos komunistø partijos pastangos likviduoti partizanø sàjûdá // Genocidas ir rezistencija. 1998. Nr .1. P. 107114. 15. Anuauskas A. Lietuviø tautos sovietinis naikinimas 19401958 metais. Vilnius, 1996. P. 283284.
5. Trëmimai Vienas svarbiausiø komunistø partijos nusikaltimø buvo trëmimai prievartinis ir masinis Lietuvos þmoniø perkëlimas ið jø nuolatiniø gyvenamøjø vietø á tolimuosius SSRS ðiaurës ir rytø regionus. Trëmimais buvo siekiama paðalinti aktyviausias, sàmoningiausias, opozicines gyventojø grupes ir iðtisus socialinius sluoksnius, atimti ir uþvaldyti jø turtà, ábauginti lietuviø tautà ir uþgniauþti bet koká pasiprieðinimà okupaciniam reþimui.1 Iki 1988 m. prasidëjusio Lietuvos Atgimimo LKP ir KGB vadovybë pakankamai patikimai saugojo visas su trëmimais susijusias paslaptis. LKP CK netgi pasistengë atsiriboti nuo dalyvavimo stalininëse represijose, nors ne kartà oficialiai pripaþino, kad buoþijos kaip klasës likvidavimas ir laikinas ginkluotojo pogrindþio dalyviø ðeimø iðkëlimas uþ respublikos ribø buvo sovietø valdþios ypatingosios priemonës, kurios teigiamai paveikë politiná ir gamybiná darbo valstieèiø aktyvumà.2 Visi Lietuvos gyventojø trëmimai buvo þiaurûs, vykdomi staigiai ir klastingai. LSSR MGBKGB duomenimis, 19451953 m. buvo iðkeldinta 106108 tûkst. þmoniø, arba 29 230 ðeimø (dok. Nr. 5.1*, dok. Nr. 5.2*, dok. Nr. 5.3,* dok. Nr. 4.2*, dok. Nr. 4.3* ). Lietuvos istorikø skaièiavimais, ðie duomenys nëra tikslûs, taèiau saugumo dokumentai akivaizdþiai liudija sovietø valdþios ávykdytà nusikaltimà. Ið viso 19451953 m. ávyko 34 didesni ar maþesni Lietuvos gyventojø veþimai á SSRS gilumà.3 Tikslus tremtiniø skaièius bus nustatytas paskelbus tremtiniø vardinius sàraðus. 19451953 m. trëmimus Lietuvoje organizavo Sovietø Sàjungos partinës, vyriausybinës ir represinës struktûros. Pokario deportacijos vykdytos remiantis direktyviniais VKP(b) CK, SSRS LKT (MT) ir SSRS NKVD-MGB nutarimais. Juose buvo nurodyta, kokios gyventojø grupës turi bûti iðtremtos, tremiamøjø skaièius, tremties ir þmoniø prievartinio ádarbinimo vietos. 19451948 m. gyventojai buvo veþami remiantis SSRS NKVD ir SSRS MGB direktyvomis. Nuo 1948 m. atitinkamus sprendimus dël deportacijø pagal SSRS vyriausybës ir SSRS represiniø struktûrø nutarimus priimdavo LKP(b) CK ir LSSR MT. Taigi atsirado Maskvos direktyvø patvirtinimo respublikinë procedûra, kurià pirmiausiai aprobuodavo LKP(b) CK biuras. Trëmimus kartu su NKVD (MGB) organizavo, jiems vadovavo ir uþ juos asmeniðkai buvo atsakinga ne tik LKP(b) CK vadovybë, bet ir visi Lietuvos miestø ir apskrièiø bei valsèiø partijos komitetø sekretoriai (dok. Nr. 5.22*). Pavyzdþiui, 1950 m. LKP(b) Ignalinos rajono komiteto sekretorius Beliakovas pasiraðë iðtremtø þmoniø sàraðà (dok. Nr. 5.13).* Deportacijoms organizuoti ir vykdyti á Lietuvà buvo siunèiami SSRS NKVD ir MGB pareigûnai. Antai 1945 m. liepos 23 d. SSRS NKVD-NKGB ágaliotinis Lietuvoje gen. I. Tkaèenka praneðë L. Berijai, V. Merkulovui, B. Kobulovui, M. Suslovui ir A. Snieèkui, kad Utenos ir * Dok. Nr. 5.1. 1988 m. geguþës 12 d. LSSR KGB paþyma LKP CK apie 19411952 m. iðtremtus Lietuvos gyventojus. LYA. F.3377. Ap.58. B.916. L.13. * Dok. Nr. 5.2. 1958 m. geguþës 13 d. LSSR MT pirmininko pav. K. Preikðo paþyma LKP CK I sekretoriui A. Snieèkui apie tremtinius. LYA. F.1771. Ap.190. B.11. L.122130. * Dok. Nr. 5.3. 1953 m. balandþio 14 d. SSRS MVD 1-osios vyr. valdybos 8-ojo skyriaus virðininko gen. ltn. Þukovo paþyma Dël iðkeldintøjø ið Lietuvos SSR 19451953 m. kontingento LYA. F.K-1. Ap.3. B.439. L.247249. * Dok. Nr. 4.2. 1952 m. gruodþio mën. LSSR MGB ministro gen. mjr. P. Kondakovo paþyma Apie Lietuvos SSR MGB organø darbo rezultatus kovojant su nacionalistiniu pogrindþiu ir jo gaujomis 1944 07 151952 12 15. LYA. F. K-1. Ap.3. B.407. L.264265. * Dok. Nr. 4.3. 1953 m. spalio 25 d. LSSR MVD 4-osios valdybos virðininko mjr. P. Raslano paþyma Apie LSSR MVD organø darbo rezultatus ir nacionalistinius iðpuolius 1944 07 151953 10 25. LYA. F.K-1. Ap.3. B.441. L.12. * Dok. Nr. 5.22. 1948 m. birþelio mën. Lietuvos SSR LKP(b) miestø ir apskriðiø komitetø pirmieji sekretoriai. LYA. F. 1771. Ap. 190. B. 6. L. 63. * Dok. Nr. 5.13. 1950 m. LKP(b) Ignalinos komiteto sekretoriaus Beliakovo pasiraðytas iðtremtø Vilniaus srities, Ignalinos rajono buoþiø ðeimø sàraðas //Lietuvos genocido aukø muziejus. Vilnius.
Vilniaus operatyviniuose sektoriuose (7 apskritys) 1945 m. liepos 17 d. gyventojø trëmimai buvo gerai organizuoti, netikëti ir slapti (dok. Nr. 5.4* ). Trëmimus vykdë SSRS vidaus, pasienio ir konvojinës kariuomenës daliniai, vietos stribai, milicija, aktyviai dalyvavo ir daug iniciatyvos rodë visos Lietuvos komunistø partijos struktûros ir joms pavaldþios valdþios institucijos. Deportacijø iðvakarëse LKP(b) CK ir LSSR LKT (MT) priimdavo specialius visiðkai slaptus nutarimus ir instrukcijas dël tremtiniø turto perëmimo. Pavyzdþiui, 1948 m. geguþës 18 d. LKP(b) CK ir LSSR MT priëmë nutarimà Dël priemoniø iðkeldinant banditø ir gaujø rëmëjø buoþiø ðeimas (dok. Nr. 5.5).* Lietuvoje parengtus svarbiausius trëmimø dokumentus pasiraðydavo þymiausi LKP(b) vadovai: LKP(b) CK pirmasis sekretorius A. Snieèkus, LSSR MT pirmininkas M. Gedvilas ir já laikinai pavaduojantis LSSR MT pirmininko pavaduotojas K. Preikðas. Tai tipiðki kolaboravimo, ásiteikimo Maskvai istoriniai liudijimai. Taèiau bene labiausiai èia pasiþymëjo A. Snieèkus. Stengdamasis pakelti savo bendraþygiø kovos dvasià, jis ávairiuose partiniuose susirinkimuose atvirai ir dràsiai kalbëjo apie ryþtingas priemones, taikytinas pogrindþio ir klasiniams prieðams. 1949 m. LKP(b) VI suvaþiavime A. Snieèkus pabrëþë, kad 1948 m. buoþiø iðkeldinimas atliko teigiamà vaidmená.4 1949 m. LKP(b) CK IV plenume, turëdamas galvoje 1949 m. deportacijas, A. Snieèkus priminë komunistams, jog kovos su burþuaziniais nacionalistais sëkmë visada priklausë ir dabar priklauso nuo visø kovos formø politiniø, administraciniø, represiniø ir kt., derinimo.5 1948 m. geguþës 25 d. jis iðsiuntë VKP(b) CK, SSRS MGB ministrui V. Abakumovui ir jo pavaduotojui S. Ogolcovui LKP(b) CK biuro nutarimà, kuriame konstatuojama, jog MGB teisingai atrinko ir organizuotai iðtrëmë 12 tûkst. ðeimø (dok. Nr.5.6)*. 1949 m. kovo 29 d. A. Snieèkus dëkojo SSRS MGB uþ didelæ pagalbà atliekant ðá darbà (dok. Nr. 5.7).* 1951 m. rugsëjo 28 d. jis pasiraðë LKP(b) CK biuro nutarimà, kuriame LSSR MGB nurodë iðtremti 4 000 buoþiø su ðeimomis (dok. Nr. 5.8).* A. Snieèkus taip pat praðë Kremliaus iðtremti rezistentø ðeimas (þr. sk. Pasiprieðinimo sovietinei okupacijai slopinimas). Kiekvienai apskrièiai, ið kurios turëjo bûti veþami þmonës, buvo skiriamas specialus LKP(b) CK ir LSSR LKT (MT) patvirtintas ágaliotinis (dok. Nr. 5.9).* Paprastai tai bûdavo aukðtas pareigas einantys LKP(b) centro komiteto ir liaudies komisariatø pareigûnai, pavyzdþiui: Joniðkio apskrièiai buvo paskirtas teisingumo ministras J. Blieka (dok. Nr. 5.10),* Pasvalio Partinës kolegijos prie LKP(b) CK atsakingasis sekretorius V. Petraitis (dok. Nr. 5.11),* Birþø Aukðèiausiojo Teismo pirmininkas K. Didiulis (dok. Nr. 5.12)* ir kt. Jie kartu su apskrièiø partijos komitetø sekretoriais ir vykdomøjø komitetø pirmininkais buvo asmeniðkai * Dok. Nr. 5.4. 1945 m. liepos 23 d. SSRS NKVD-NKGB ágaliotinio Lietuvoje gen. ltn. I. Tkaèenkos praneðimas apie trëmimus Utenos ir Vilniaus operatyviniuose sektoriuose. LYA. F.K-1. Ap.10. B.22. L.98102. * Dok. Nr. 5.5. 1948 m. geguþës 18 d. LSSR MT ir LKP(b) CK nutarimas Dël priemoniø iðkeldinant banditø ir gaujø rëmëjø buoþiø ðeimas. LYA. F.1771. Ap.190. B.6. L.3637. * Dok. Nr. 5.6. 1948 m. geguþës 25 d. LKP(b) CK biuro nutarimas dël 12 tûkstanèiø ðeimø iðtrëmimo. LYA. F.1771. Ap.190. B.6. L.60. *Dok. Nr. 5.7. 1949 m. kovo 29 d. LKP(b) CK biuro nutarimas dël 1949 m. kovo 2528 d. gyventojø trëmimo ið Lietuvos rezultatø. LYA. F.1771. Ap. 190. B.7. L.21. *Dok. Nr. 5.8. 1951 m. rugsëjo 28 d. LKP(b) CK biuro nutarimas Dël buoþiø ir jø ðeimø iðkeldinimo ið Lietuvos SSR teritorijos. LYA. F.1771. Ap.190. B.8. L.139. * Dok. Nr. 5.9. 1948 m. LSSR MT ir LKP CK aukðèiausiøjø pareigûnø ágaliotiniø apskrityse sàraðai. 1 egz. LYA. F.1771. Ap.190. B.6. L.5354. *Dok. Nr. 5.10. 1948 m. birþelio 5 d. LSSR teisingumo ministro, LKP(b) CK ir LSSR MT ágaliotinio J. Bliekos ataskaita LKP(b) CK I sekretoriui A. Snieèkui apie trëmimø rezultatus Joniðkio apskrityje. LYA. F.1771. Ap.11. B.257. L.58.* * Dok. Nr. 5.11. 1948 m. sausio 6 d. LKP(b) CK atstovo V. Petraièio ir LKP(b) Pasvalio apskrities komiteto I sekretoriaus M. Mikalausko politinë informacija LKP(b) CK Dël iðkeldinimo ið mûsø apskrities banditø ðeimø ir jø pagalbininkø. LYA. F.1771. Ap.11. B.237. L.1415. * Dok. Nr. 5.12. 1945 m. liepos 19 d. LSSR Aukðèiausiojo Teismo pirmininko, LSSR LKT ir LKP(b) CK ágaliotinio K. Didþiulio ataskaita LKP(b) CK I sekretoriui A. Snieèkui apie Trakø apskrities gyventojø trëmimà. LYA. F.1771. Ap.8. B.194. L.81.
atsakingi uþ partinio aktyvo dalyvavimà trëmimo akcijose ir turto konfiskavimà, jie padëdavo sudaryti tremtinø þmoniø sàraðus, organizuodavo iðveþtø þmoniø palikto turto suraðymà ir perëmimà (konfiskavimà). Ágaliotiniai kartu su vietos represiniø struktûrø atstovais instruktuodavo vietos partiná-sovietiná aktyvà, kaip elgtis trëmimo metu. Ágaliotiniai buvo ápareigoti rûpintis tremtiniø turto perëmimu ir paskirstymu. Keturiø penkiø apskrièiø ágaliotiniø grupei 1948 m. vadovavo aukðèiausieji LSSR administracijos pareigûnai: LKP(b) CK kadrø sekretorius D. Ðupikovas priþiûrëjo Këdainiø, Prienø, Kaiðiadoriø ir Kauno apskrièiø ágaliotinius, LSSR MT pirmininko pavaduotojas M. Ðumauskas Alytaus, Lazdijø, Marijampolës, Vilkaviðkio, Ðakiø, LSSR MT pirmininko pavaduotojas P. Olekas Telðiø, Klaipëdos, Kretingos, Plungës, Maþeikiø ir kt. (dok. Nr. 5.9).* Ðiai vadovaujanèiai grupei taip pat priklausë kiti LSSR MT pirmininko pavaduotojai: E. Ozarskis, A. Sokolovas, K. Liaudis ir K. Preikðas. Dauguma jø dar buvo ir LKP(b) CK biuro nariai. 1950 m., pasikeitus Lietuvos administraciniam padalijimui, uþ trëmimus tapo atsakingi keturi LKP(b) srièiø komitetø pirmieji sekretoriai: Vilniaus D. Ðupikovas, F. Bieliauskas, Kauno E. Ozarskis, Ðiauliø M. Ðumauskas, Klaipëdos K. Liaudis. Trëmimø metu ágaliotiniai paskirtose apskrityse laikinai tapdavo aukðèiausia vietos administracine valdþia. Jiems buvo pavaldûs ne tik pirmieji sekretoriai ir vykdomøjø komitetø pirmininkai, bet ir NKVD-NKGB (MGB) skyriø virðininkai (formaliai). 1945 m. LKP(b) CK Tarybiniø ûkiø skyriaus instruktorius V. Sakalauskas ataskaitoje LKP(b) CK praðë á Raseiniø apskritá atsiøsti ágaliotiná, kad sutramdytø NKVD karius: nutrauktø iðtremtøjø turto grobstymà (dok. Nr. 5.14).* Taèiau vagystëse dalyvavo ne tik saugumieèiai, bet ir komunistai, komjaunuoliai, stribai ir kt. (dok. Nr. 5.15).* Tokiø dokumentø daug. Ypatingà statusà ðiose antihumaniðkose akcijose turëjo ginkluotas miesto ir kaimo vadinamasis partinis-sovietinis aktyvas. Pavyzdþiui, 1948 m. sausio 8 d. LKP(b) Kupiðkio apskrities partijos komiteto pirmasis sekretorius P. Grigënas praneðë A. Snieèkui, kad 1947 m. gruodþio 29 d. partijos komitetas ir MGB-MVD atsakingi darbuotojai surengë uþdarà valsèiø vadovø, aktyvo ir MGB-MVD darbuotojø susirinkimà. Tà paèià dienà 135 þmoniø aktyvas buvo apginkluotas ir nusiøstas á valsèius tremti þmoniø (dok. Nr. 5.16).* LKP(b) Këdainiø apskrities partijos komiteto pirmasis sekretorius J. Piligrimas informavo A. Snieèkø, kad 1948 m. geguþës 21 d. mieste ir visuose valsèiuose ávyko partinio-sovietinio aktyvo pasitarimai. Operacijoje dalyvavo 162 aktyvistai (dok. Nr. 5.17).* Kaip geriau þinantys vietos sàlygas ir gyventojus, jie padëjo vykdyti trëmimus, o po jø inventorizuoti konfiskuotà turtà. Á kaimà taip pat buvo siunèiamas miesto aktyvas. Antai 1948 m. geguþës 8 d. LKP(b) Klaipëdos miesto partijos komitetas pasiuntë 330 aktyvistø (dok. Nr. 5.18).* Trëmimø planai ir jø organizavimo detalës buvo laikomi didþiausioje paslaptyje. Apie juos þinojo tik aukðèiausia LKP(b) vadovybë. Apie operacijos pradþià eiliniai partieèiai ir aktyvas buvo informuojami paskutiniu momentu. 1945 m. CK ágaliotinis J. Stimburys informavo LKP(b) CK, kad Ðiauliø apskrityje partinis aktyvas nebuvo informuotas apie trëmimà
* Dok. Nr. .5.14. 1945 m. LKP(b) CK Tarybiniø ûkiø skyriaus instruktoriaus V. Sakalausko ataskaita LKP(b) CK apie trëmimà Raseiniø apskrityje. LYA. F.1771. Ap.8. B.194. L.80. * Dok. Nr. 5.15. 1948 m. birþelio 24 d. LKP(b) Radviliðkio apskrities komiteto sekretoriaus Goriunovo ataskaita LKP(b) CK I sekretoriui A.Snieèkui apie trëmimà Radviliðkio apskrityje. LYA. F.1771. Ap.11. B.257. L.64. * Dok. Nr. 5.16. 1948 m. sausio 8 d. LKP(b) Kupiðkio apskrities komiteto I sekretoriaus P. Grigëno ataskaita LKP(b) CK I sekretoriui A. Snieèkui apie trëmimà Kupiðkio apskrityje. LYA. F.1771. Ap.11. B.236. L.102104. * Dok. Nr. 5.17. 1948 m. geguþës 21 d. LKP(b) Këdainiø apskrities komiteto I sekretoriaus J. Piligrimo ataskaita LKP(b) CK I sekretoriui A. Snieèkui apie trëmimà Këdainiø apskrityje. LYA. F.749. Ap.749-8. B.1. L.111112. * Dok. Nr. 5.18. 1948 m. geguþës 8 d. LKP(b) Klaipëdos miesto komiteto sekretoriaus A. Smirnovo informacija LKP(b) CK apie partinio-sovietinio aktyvo dalyvavimà trëmimuose. LYA. F.1771. Ap.11. B.235. L.2122.
(dok. Nr. 5.19).* 1948 m. geguþës 27 d. Joniðkio apskrities partijos komiteto pirmasis sekretorius P. Kunèinas raðë A. Snieèkui, kad valstieèiai neátartø, jog vyks trëmimai, á valsèius nusiøstas partinis aktyvas buvo ápareigotas spræsti gyvulininkystës produktø pristatymo valstybei spartinimo klausimus.6 A. Snieèkus ið pavaldiniø reikalaudavo á LKP(b) CK siøsti neiðtremtø (tuo metu nebuvusiø namuose ar pabëgusiø) þmoniø vardinius sàraðus. Buvo norima konkreèiai ásitikinti, kokie gyventojai liko nerepresuoti. Antai 1948 m. geguþës 28 d. LKP(b) Kauno miesto pirmasis sekretorius K. Gabdankas A. Snieèkui atsiuntë 57 tokiø þmoniø sàraðà (dok. Nr. 5.20).* Po trëmimø kiekviename valsèiuje buvo atliekamas platus aiðkinamasis darbas: prievarta suvaryti á mitingus þmonës klausydavo ágaliotiniø bei vietos valdþios atstovø kalbø apie trëmimø reikalingumà ir teisingà komunistø partijos ir vyriausybës politikà. Vëliau ataskaitose ágaliotiniai ar apskrièiø partijos komitetø sekretoriai ciniðkai meluodavo, kad pagrindinë gyventojø masë pritaria veþimams, taip pat pateikdavo pavyzdþiø, kad vietos þmonës dþiaugësi buoþiø ir banditø ðeimø iðkeldinimu. Antai 1945 m. liepos mën. LKP(b) CK Tarybiniø ûkiø skyriaus vedëjo pavaduotojas V. Poliakus raðë, kad Maþeikiø apskrityje po trëmimø bendra valstieèiø nuotaika gera (dok. Nr. 5.21).* Iðgàsdinti þmonës, matyt, norëdami pasirodyti paklusnûs ir lojalûs sovietinei santvarkai, stengësi vykdyti visus valdþios nurodymus. 1948 m. geguþës 28 d. LKP(b) Këdainiø apskrities komiteto pirmasis sekretorius J. Piligrimas gyrësi A. Snieèkui, kad ið karto po trëmimø privalomieji þemës ûkio produktø pristatymai valstybei iðaugo 35 kartus, o priëmimo punktai nespëja atlikti savo darbo (dok. Nr. 5.17). Teisingumo ministras J. Blieka 1948 m. birþelio 5 d. informavo A. Snieèkø, kad Joniðkio apskrityje pastebimas noras stoti á kolûkius ir tà progà reikia iðnaudoti (dok. Nr. 5.10). Kad á tremiamøjø sàraðus nepakliûtø artimi partijos ir sovietiniø funkcionieriø giminaièiai, 1949 m. kovo 5 d. A. Snieèkus ir LSSR MGB ministras N. Gorlinskis pasiraðë potvarká, kuriame partijos apskrièiø komitetø sekretoriams nurodë, kad, pakliuvus á tokius sàraðus atsakingø sovietiniø, mokslo ir kitø nusipelniusiø darbuotojø artimiems giminaièiams, kiekvienu atskiru atveju reikia spræsti atskirai ir pateikti Lietuvos KP(b) CK sankcionuoti.7 Ðiuo potvarkiu pasinaudojo þinomi genocido vykdytojø K. Didþiulio, D. Rociaus ir kt. giminës. Ið dalies identifikuotø 1948 m. aukðèiausiøjø LSSR administracijos pareigûnø LSSR MT ir LKP(b) CK apskrièiø ágaliotiniø sàraðas (dok. Nr. 5.9)* Aleknavièius Stasys ? Andriatis Kazimieras (Andrijaitis) LSSR maisto pramonës (komisaras) ministras1944 1953 m. Augustinaitis Vladas LSSR gyvulininkystës ministras 19461950 m., þemës ûkio ministras 19501956 m., LKP(b) CK narys Bachmetjevas P. LKP(b) CK atsakingasis organizatorius 1947 m. Baranauskas Boleslovas LSSR profsàjungø respublikinës tarybos pirmininkas 1945 1958 m. * Pastaba. is nedatuotas, A. Snieèkaus ranka taisytas dokumentas (1 egz.) buvo saugomas Lietuvos ypatingojo archyvo 1948 m. LKP(b) CK slapèiausiø dokumentø Ypatingojoje byloje ( (Osobaja papka). Keletas LSSR MT ir LKP(b) CK ágaliotiniø ataskaitø (pvz., dok. Nr. 5.10, Nr. 5.11, Nr. 5.12 ir kt.), manyèiau, ið esmës patvirtina ðiame dokumente iðvardytø asmenø ryðá su trëmimais. * Dok. Nr. 5.19. 1945 m. liepos 30 d. LKP(b) CK ágaliotinio J. Stimburio ataskaita apie trëmimà Ðiauliø apskrityje. LYA. F.1771. Ap.8. B.194. L.92. * Dok. Nr. 5.20. 1948 m. geguþës 28 d. LKP(b) Kauno miesto I sekretoriaus K. Gabdanko praneðimas LKP(b) CK I sekretoriui A. Snieèkui apie neiðtremtus þmones. LYA. F.1771. Ap.11. B.235. L.79. * Dok. Nr. 5.21. 1945 m. liepos 31 d. LKP(b) CK Tarybiniø ûkiø skyriaus vedëjo pavaduotojo V. Poliakaus praneðimas LKP(b) CK apie trëmimà Maþeikiø apskrityje. LYA. F.1771. Ap.8. B.194. L.26.
Bilevièius Elijas LKP(b) CK sekretoriaus pavaduotojas 19441949 m., LKP(b) CK skyriaus vedëjas 19491951 m.,LSSR þuvø pramonës ministras 19511953 m. Bylinskis V. LKP(b) CK atsakingasis organizatorius 1947 m. Blieka Jurgis LSSR teisingumo ministras 19461951 m. Didiulis (Grosmanas) Karolis LSSR Aukèiausiojo Teismo pirmininkas 19471958 m., LKP(b) CK narys Drobnys Aleksandras LSSR finansø ministras 19441957 m. Gailevièius Alfonsas Religiniø kultø tarybos prie SSRS MT ágaliotinis Lietuvos SSR 19441948 m., LSSR MGB ministro pav. 19481953 m. Junèas-Kuèinskas Mykolas LKP(b) CK kadrø sekretorius 19441947 m., LSSR AT Prezidiumo pirmininko pavaduotojas 19471959 m. Kulyginas LKP(b) Vilniaus miesto komiteto sekretorius 1947 m. ? Karaliûnas Povilas LSSR tarybiniø ûkiø ministro pav. 19461953 m. Kurys Povilas LSSR vietinës pramonës ministras 19471949 m., miðko ir popieriaus pramonës ministras 19491951 m., miðko ir popieriaus pramonës ministras 19511957 m. Liaudis Kazimieras LSSR þemës ûkio ministras ir LSSR MT pirmininko pav. 19471950 m., LKP(b) Klaipëdos srities komiteto pirmasis sekretorius 19501953 m. Liubimcevas Nikolajus LSSR statybiniø medþiagø pramonës ministras 19461953 m. Macijauskas Jonas Lietuvos respublikinio karinio komisariato Politinio skyriaus virininkas 19461950 m., LSSR karinis komisaras 19501962 m. Mickevièius Vaclovas LSSR þuvø pramonës ministras 19491951 m. Moskvinovas Anatolijus LKP(b) CK sekretorius 19501952 m., LKP(b) Vilniaus srities komiteto antrasis sekretorius 19521953 m. Murauskas Petras LKP(b) Tauragës apskrities komiteto pirmasis sekretorius 19441947 m., Þemës ûkio kooperacijos organizavimo biuro pirmininkas 19471949 m., Ðiauliø srities vykdomojo komiteto pirmininko pav. 19501951 m., LSSR mësos ir pieno pramonës ministro pav. 19511953 m. Naèas Eduardas Kultûros ir ðvietimo ástaigø komiteto pirmininkas 19441951 m. Niunka Vladas LSSR MT pirmininko pav. 19441948 m., LKP(b) CK sekretorius 1948 1961 m., LKP CK biuro narys 19441961 m. Olekas Pranas LSSR MT pirmininko pav. 19471950 m. Ozarskis Eduardas LKP(b) CK sekretorius 19461950 m., LKP(b) Kauno srities komiteto pirmasis sekretorius 19501953 m. Penkauskas, Penkovskis, Bronislavas LSSR sveikatos apsaugos ministras 19471957 m. Petraitis Vladislovas Partinës kolegijos prie LKP(b) CK atsakingasis sekretorius 19471953 m. Pletkus Vincas LKP(b) Këdainiø ir Kauno apskr. komitetø pirmasis sekretorius 1944 1951 m. Poliakus V. LKP(b) CK Tarybiniø ûkiø skyriaus vedëjo pavaduotojas 1945 m. Ponomariovas Aleksandras LSSR miðko pramonës ministras 19461948 m., LSSR miðko ir popieriaus pramonës ministras 19481949 m. Preikas Kazys LKP(b) CK sekretorius 19401948 m., LSSR MT pirmininko pav. 1948 1960 m., LKP CK biuro narys 19401954 m. Priluckij ? Savèenka S. LKP(b) CK atsakingasis organizatorius 1947 m. Sièkarèiukas P. LKP(b) CK sekretoriaus pavaduotojas 1947 m. Skardis Antanas Respublikinës partinës mokyklos prie LKP(b) CK direktorius 19451954 m. Sokolovas Aleksandras LSSR MT pirmininko pavaduotojas 19461954 m. Sorokinas Michailas LKP(b) Panevëþio apskrities komiteto antrasis sekretorius 1947 m. Svisèiovas Jakovas LSSR komunalinio ûkio ministras 19461957 m. Stimburys Juozas LSSR socialinio aprûpinimo ministras 19461960 m.
umauskas Motiejus LSSR MT pirmininko pav. 19461950 m., LKP(b) CK Ðiauliø srities komiteto pirmasis sekretorius 19501953 m. upikovas Danijilas LKP(b) CK kadrø sekretorius 19471950 m., LKP(b) Vilniaus srities komiteto sekretorius 19501952 m. Terioinas Fiodoras LSSR lengvosios pramonës ministras 19461953 m. Tirkunovas A. LKP(b) CK sekretoriaus pavaduotojas 1947 m. Volfas ? Papildomas LKP(b) CK ir LSSR LKT (MT) ágaliotiniø sàraðas8 Artemjevas P. ?, ágaliotinis Kelmës apskrièiai 1949 m. balandþio mën. Braþûnis Leonardas LSSR MT Reikalø valdybos kadrø skyriaus virðininkas, ágaliotinis Lazdijø apskrièiai 1947 m. gruodþio mën. Èipkus ágaliotinis Kauno apskrièiai 1945 m. liepos mën. Dubininas P. LSSR þemës ûkio liaudies komisaro pavaduotojas, ágaliotinis Alytaus apskrièiai 1946 m. vasario mën. Fedorenko Nikita LKP(b) Vilniaus apskrities komiteto sekretorius, ágaliotinis Vilniaus apskrièiai 1945 m. Girdvainis Juozas LSSR MT pirmininko M. Gedvilo padëjëjas, ágaliotinis Kretingos apskrièiai 1947 m. gruodþio mën. Gorochovas Timofejus LSSR prekybos ministro pavaduotojas, ágaliotinis Panevëþio apskrièiai 1947 m. gruodþio mën. Kabanov ágaliotinis Ðvenèioniø apskrièiai 1945 m. Malyginas Aleksandras Vyriausiosios literatûros ir leidyklø reikalø valdybos prie LSSR MT virðininkas, ágaliotinis Radviliðkio apskrièiai 1947 m. gruodþio mën. Pacevièius Petras LKP(b) CK aparato darbuotojas 19441945 m., ágaliotinis Telðiø ir Ukmergës apskritims 1945 m. Paplauskas Juozas LKP(b) Panevëþio apskrities komiteto pirmasis sekretorius, ágaliotinis Panevëþio apskrièiai 1945 m. liepos mën. Petryla Danielius LSSR MT reikalø valdytojo pavaduotojas, ágaliotinis Plungës apskrièiai 1948 m. sausio mën. Rimelis P. ?, ágaliotinis Birþø ir Zarasø apskritims 1945 m. liepos mën. Sakalauskas V. LKP(b) CK Tarybiniø ûkiø skyriaus instruktorius, ágaliotinis Raseiniø ir Lazdijø apskritims 1946 m. vasario mën. Senkevièius T. ?, ágaliotinis Plungës apskrièiai 1949 m. balandþio mën. Solovjovas P. ?, ágaliotinis Jurbarko apskrièiai 1948 m. Literatûra ir ðaltiniai 1. Grunskis E. Lietuvos gyventojø trëmimai 19401941, 19451953 metais. Vilnius, 1996. P. 78 (toliau Grunskis E.). 2. Lietuvos komunistø partijos istorijos apybraiþa. T. 3. Vilnius, 1985. P. 342. 3. Lietuvos gyventojø trëmimai 19401941, 19441953 metais sovietinës okupacinës valdþios dokumentuose. Vilnius, 1995. P. 53 (toliau Lietuvos gyventojø trëmimai). 4. LYA. F.1771. Ap. 51. B. 215. L. 106. 5. LYA. F. 1771. Ap. 51. B. 262. L. 65. 6. LYA. F. 1771. Ap. 11. B. 236. L. 2729. 7. Grunskis E. P. 95. 8. Lietuvos gyventojø trëmimai. P.7478, 254, 260261, 267, 282, 288, 296, 407, 503,524.
6. Prievartiniai rinkimai Komunistø partija skyrë ypatingà dëmesá sovietinës valdþios legitimumui Lietuvoje tariamam jos teisëtumui, ypaè rengdama pirmuosius pokario metø rinkimus. Siekiant sudaryti regimybæ, jog valstybinë valdþia yra atstovaujama darbo þmoniø, arba liaudies masiø, beveik kasmet buvo organizuojami prievartiniai rinkimai á aukðèiausiuosius SSRS ir LSSR valstybinës ir vietos valdþios organus. Rinkimai á LSSR Aukðèiausiàjà Tarybà bei miestø, apskrièiø, miesteliø, valsèiø ir apylinkiø darbo þmoniø deputatø tarybas buvo sudedamoji Lietuvos sovietinimo politikos dalis. Jais komunistø partija stengësi pabrëþti SSRS politinës sistemos demokratiná pobûdá, o tariamai aktyvus lietuviø tautos dalyvavimas rinkimuose turëjo rodyti pritarimà sovietinei santvarkai ir Lietuvos savanoriðkam buvimui SSRS. Rinkimai turëjo ir praktinës svarbos komunistø partija savo narius ir ðalininkus ðitaip oficialiai átraukdavo á valstybines valdþios struktûras. Visi komunistø partijos suorganizuoti rinkimai á visø lygiø tarybas (sovietus) buvo nedemokratiðki, prievartiniai, fiktyvûs, diskriminaciniai ir nusikalstamo pobûdþio. Þmonës, kurie agituodavo balsuoti prieð ar ið viso nebalsuojantys uþ komunistus, buvo laikomi sovietinës santvarkos prieðais. Jie patirdavo arba galëjo patirti represijas, tapdavo saugumieèiø persekiojimo objektais vziat v razrabotku (rus. k.). Pavyzdþiui, 1945 m. gruodþio 17 d. LSSR NKGB komisaras D. Jefimovas SSRS NKGB vadovams praneðë apie kai kuriø Lietuvos gyventojø reiðkiamà nepasitenkinimà á SSRS AT organizuojamais rinkimais. Vienas ið jø, Kauno operos teatro solistas Romanas Marijoðius, savo kolegoms prasitarë, kad prieð rinkimus bolðevikai Sovietø Sàjungos darbininkams ir valstieèiams þada neegzistuojanèiø gërybiø. Uþ tokias kalbas R. Marijoðius pakliuvo á saugumo akiratá (dok. Nr. 6.1. L.63).* Pagal 1940 m. LSSR Konstitucijos 113 str. komunistø partijai rengiant rinkimus buvo suteiktas monopolinis vaidmuo: kelti kandidatus buvo leidþiama tik komunistinëms partinëms bei kitoms visuomeninëms organizacijoms profesinëms sàjungoms, kooperatyvams, jaunimo organizacijoms, kultûrinëms draugijoms, kurias irgi kontroliavo komunistø partija. Propagandiniais sumetimais Centrinës rinkimø komisijos pirmininku buvo skiriamas gerai Lietuvoje þinomas þmogus. 1946 m. spalio 11 d. LKP(b) CK biuras juo paskyrë þymø raðytojà Petrà Cvirkà, taèiau realiai visus reikalus tvarkë ðios komisijos sekretorius E. Ozarskis LKP(b) CK kadrø sekretorius, kuriam pagal pareigas priklausë rûpintis kadrø, t. y. visø deputatø, politinio patikimumo klausimais (dok. Nr. 6.3).* Partija reguliavo partiniø ir nepartiniø deputatø procentines proporcijas (nepartiniø turëjo bûti ne maþiau kaip 2025 proc.), vyrø ir moterø skaièiø (moterys turëjo sudaryti ne maþiau kaip 30 proc.) (dok. Nr. 6.4).* Be partiniø komitetø sutikimo në vienas SSRS pilietis negalëjo tapti deputatu. Visi rinkimai vyko neiðkëlus alternatyviø kandidatûrø. Buvo ðiurkðèiai paþeidþiamos pilieèio teisës. Ne visi þmonës buvo lygûs pagal ástatymus, ið anksto á balsuotojø sàraðus nebuvo átraukiamos tam tikros þmoniø kategorijos, nors Rinkimø á SSRS Aukðèiausiàjà Tarybà nuostatø 2 str. deklaravo, kad visi 18 metø sulaukæ TSRS pilieèiai, neþiûrint rasinës ir tautinës priklausomybës, lyties, tikybos, mokslo cenzo, sëslumo, socialinës kilmës, turtinës padëties ir praeities veikimo, turi teisæ dalyvauti deputatø á SSRS Aukðèiausiàjà Tarybà rinkimuose.1 * Dok. Nr. 6.1. Itraukos i 1945 m. gruodio 17 d. l.e. LSSR NKGB komisaro pareigas gen. mjr. D. Jefimovo paymos SSRS NKGB komisarui V. Merkulovui, SSRS NKGB 2-osios valdybos virðininkui gen. ltn. P.Fedotovui, SSRS NKGB komisaro pav. S. Ogolcovui dël antisovietinës veiklos ir agentûriniø-operatyviniø priemoniø rengiantis rinkimams á SSRS Aukðèiausiàjà Tarybà. LYA. F.K-1. Ap.10. B.23. L.55. * Dok. Nr. 6.3. 1946 m. spalio 15 d. LKP(b) CK biuro nutarimas dël LSSR centrinës rinkimø komisijos pirmininko P. Cvirkos ir sekretoriaus E. Ozarskio paskyrimo rengiant rinkimus á LSSR Aukðèiausiàjà Tarybà. LYA. F.1771. Ap.190. B.4. L.118. * Dok. Nr.6.4. 1946 m. lapkrièio 14 d. LKP(b) CK biuro nutarimas dël kandidatø á LSSR Aukðèiausiosios Tarybos deputatus. LYA. F.1771. Ap.190. B.4. L.122.
1945 m. lapkrièio 11 d. VKP(b) CK Lietuvos biuras svarstë klausimà dël kai kuriø Lietuvos SSR gyventojø grupiø neátraukimo á rinkëjø sàraðus ir nusprendë iðbraukti visas uþregistruotas partizanø, nuþudytø ir suimtø þmoniø ðeimas, naciø okupacijos metais politinëse struktûrose dirbusius asmenis ir jø ðeimø narius, pasiturinèius valstieèius (buoþes), netekusius dalies ar visos þemës (dël sovietinës þemës reformos), vokieèiø tautybës asmenis ir jø ðeimas bei uþsiraðiusiøjø repatrijuoti á Lenkijà ðeimas. Ið viso nuo rinkimø buvo nuðalinta apie 300 tûkst. þmoniø.2 1945 m. lapkrièio 12 d. M. Suslovas ir A. Snieèkus praðë G. Malenkovo patvirtinti jø sprendimà (dok. Nr. 6.5).* VKP(b) CK patvirtinus M. Suslovo parengtà nutarimà, LKP(b) CK vykusiuose pasitarimuose A. Snieèkus ir LSSR AT Prezidiumo sekretorius S. Pupeikis nurodë neáraðyti á rinkimø sàraðus antisovietiðkai nusiteikusiø asmenø.3 Viskas buvo laikoma didþiausioje paslaptyje. 1945 m. gruodþio 67 d. ávykusiame LKP(b) CK VIII plenume Dël partiniø organizacijø uþdaviniø ryðium su rinkimais á SSRS Aukðèiausiàjà Tarybà apie tai, kad kai kurios gyventojø grupës neátrauktos á rinkëjø sàraðus, net neuþsiminta. Pasirengimas rinkimams vykdavo nedemokratinëmis, ðiurkðèios prievartos sàlygomis. LKP(b) Zarasø apskrities komiteto pirmosios sekretorës E. Kasnauskaitës þiniomis, Zarasø miesto agitatorë mokytoja P. rinkëjams aiðkino: Kokie èia rinkimai? Visa tai daroma dël akiø. Uþ iðkeltà kandidatà verèia balsuoti ginklu. Imbrado valsèiaus Kadagikiø kaimo agitatorius A. Novikovas, kalbëdamasis su kaimo þmonëmis, nurodë, kad balsavimo metu galima uþeiti á kabinà ir uþbraukti tarybø valdþios iðkeltø deputatø pavardes. E. Kasnauskaitës nuomone, ðie þmonës skleidë antitarybines nuotaikas.4 Informacijoje LKP(b) CK sekretoriui K. Preikui nurodoma, kad Rokikio apskrities Kamajø valsèiaus mokytoja rinkimams skirtame susirinkime kalbëjo: Rinkite komunistus, nelieskite nepartiniø. Valstietis K. Baèiulis ið Kamajø valsèiaus sakë: Rusai mus okupavo, tegul rusai ir vadovauja.5 Rinkimø organizavimo problemas kiekvienà kartà spræsdavo LKP(b) CK plenumai. Juose partijos miestø ir apskrièiø vadovams buvo duodamos politinës direktyvos. Antai 1947 m. LKP(b) CK XV plenume K. Preikðas, perskaitæs praneðimà apie pasirengimà rinkimams á vietines tarybas, pabrëþë, kad partiniø organizacijø darbas rinkimuose bus vertinamas pagal atvykusiø rinkëjø skaièiø, pagal rinkimø rezultatus.6 Tai buvo rimtas áspëjimas ir aiðkus nurodymas siekti geresniø rezultatø. Rinkimø rezultatø falsifikavimas pagrindinis komunistiniø rinkimø bruoþas. Jø niekas nekontroliuodavo, kadangi nebuvo politiniø oponentø ar visuomeniniø stebëtojø. Rinkimø komisijø nariai buvo paèiø partijos komitetø paskirti, todël rinkimø dienos pabaigoje nepanaudoti balsavimo biuleteniai neretai atsidurdavo balsadëþëse. Taip buvo pasiekiama norimo rezultato, kuris daþnai siekdavo beveik 99100 proc. Pavyzdþiui, 1947 m., vykstant rinkimams á LSSR AT, Zarasø apskrityje balsuoti atvyko ir kandidatus palaikë 99,9 proc. rinkëjø. Bene nesëkmingiausi rinkimai á SSRS AT ávyko 1946 m. Oficialiais LKP(b) CK duomenimis, rinkimuose dalyvavo 91,78 proc., o balsavo uþ komunistø kandidatus 95,4 proc. rinkëjø (dok. Nr. 6.6* ). Sprendþiant ið galutiniø rezultatø, rinkimø falsifikavimas vyko rinkimø apylinkëse ir LKP(b) Centro komitete, kuris keitë pirminius duomenis. Pavyzdþiui, Marijampolës apskrityje, CK duomenimis, balsavo 75,5 proc. rinkëjø, o pagal NKVD kariuomenës ðtabo, kurio þmonës ne tik saugojo rinkimø apylinkes, bet ir dalyvavo skaièiuojant biuletenius, suvestines 54 proc. á rinkëjø sàraðus átrauktøjø, atitinkamai Alytaus apskrityje 83,7 proc. ir 32 proc., Lazdi-
* Dok. Nr. 6.5. 1945 m. lapkrièio 12 d. VKP(b) CK Lietuvos biuro pirmininko M. Suslovo ir LKP(b) CK I sekretoriaus A. Snieèkaus raðtas VKP(b) CK sekretoriui G. Malenkovui Dël kai kuriø LSSR gyventojø grupiø neátraukimo á rinkëjø sàraðus. LYA. F.1771. Ap.190. B.3. L.128129. * Dok. Nr. 6.6. Iðtrauka ið 1947 m. LKP(b) CK ataskaitos VKP(b) CK dël 1946 m. spalio 5 d. VKP(b) CK nutarimo Dël Lietuvos KP(b) CK darbo ágyvendinimo. LYA. F.1771. Ap.9. B.242. L.47.
jø apskrityje 84,5 proc. ir 38 proc.7 (dok. Nr. 6.7* ). I. Tkaèenka LKP(b) CK IX plenume aiðkino, kad þmonës, bijodami partizanø kerðto, nëjo á rinkimus, todël Alytaus, Lazdijø ir Marijampolës apskrityse 18 val. balsavo tik 2030 proc. rinkëjø. Buvo skirta 90 automobiliø, kuriais rinkimø komisijos atvykdavo pas gyventojus á namus. Dël to rinkëjø skaièiø pavyko padidinti 6075 proc. (dok. Nr. 6.2* ). J. Paleckis demagogiðkai tvirtino, kad lietuviø tauta dar kartà, kaip ir 1940 bei 1941 m. rinkimuose, pareiðkë savo tvirtà pasiryþimà eiti tarybiniu keliu.8 Apskritai visi ðie skaièiai yra nepatikimi, taèiau manipuliavimas jais rodë, jog sovietø valdþia pirmà kartà susidûrë su nemaþos visuomenës dalies atviru rinkimø boikotu. Nepavykus nuslëpti rinkimø falsifikavimo faktø Alytaus apskrityje, 1946 m. kovo 5 d. LKP(b) CK biuras nubaudë rinkimø komisijos vadovus J. Mataèinskà ir K. Lydá, skirdamas jiems atitinkamai papeikimà ir grieþtà papeikimà su áraðymu á asmens bylà. K. Lydis buvo atleistas ir ið komiteto propagandos sekretoriaus pareigø (dok. Nr. 6.8).* Dabar neaiðku, uþ kà buvo bausta, gal uþ tai, kad Alytaus komunistai elgësi per daug sàþiningai ir nepadarë taip kaip Vilniaus, Joniðkio, Klaipëdos apskrièiø, Vilniaus, Ukmergës, Ðvenèioniø, Rokiðkio miestø partijos komitetai, kurie pasiekë, kad rinkimuose dalyvautø 100 proc. rinkëjø. 1947 m. rinkimø á LSSR AT metu tokiø ekscesø ir nesusipratimø nebepasitaikë. Partijos komitetai gerai suprato, kaip reikia balsuoti: vëliau rinkimuose dalyvaudavo ir balsuodavo 9899 proc. rinkëjø. Svarbià funkcijà rengiant rinkimus atlikdavo agitatoriai, kurie, apsilankæ namuose, privalëjo uþtikrinti jiems priskirtø rinkëjø atvykimà. Nors buvo skelbiama, kad rinkimai slapti, taèiau rinkimø apylinkëse á árengtas balsavimo kabinas retas kuris uþeidavo. 1945 m. LKP(b) CK VIII plenume LSSR AT Prezidiumo pirmininkas J. Paleckis apskrièiø partiniams vadovams nurodë, kad rinkëjai vengtø naudotis ðiomis kabinomis: Visiðkai neabejojantis þmogus paims biuletená ir nueis tiesiai prie balsadëþës, o á kabinà uþeis tik tas, kuris nori iðbraukti.9 1946 m. rinkimuose vis dëlto tokiø þmoniø, iðdrásusiø iðbraukti kandidatus, oficialiais duomenimis, buvo daugiau kaip 54 tûkst.10 Lietuvos kaime vyravo vienkiemiai. Kaimo þmonës vengë tokiø rinkimø, todël rinkimø komisijø nariai, lydimi stribø ir enkavëdistø, su balsavimo urnomis patys vaþiuodavo á pavienes sodybas. Taigi atsisakyti balsuoti ar iðbraukti kandidato pavardæ tokiomis sàlygomis buvo neámanoma. Iki pat ginkluotosios rezistencijos pabaigos në vienam komunistø organizuotam renginiui nebuvo taip stipriai prieðinamasi kaip rinkimams. Visi gerai suprato politinæ ðios akcijos svarbà. 1946 m. viename partizanø dokumente raðoma: Kadangi ðie rinkimai nesutampa su demokratizmo principais ir yra pasityèiojimas ið þmogaus teisiø, mûsø uþduotis yra kaip galima stipriau pakenkti ir trukdyti rinkimø kampanijai.11 Partizanai ávairiais bûdais ragino nebalsuoti, uþpuldavo arba apðaudydavo rinkimø apylinkes, naikindavo sàraðus ir kt. Vien tik per 1946 m. rinkimø kampanijà þuvo 667 partizanai. Atsiþvelgdama á tai, LKP(b) organizavo ðiø apylinkiø karinæ apsaugà, uþ kurià buvo atsakingi NKVD-MGB daliniai, stribai ir partinis-sovietinis aktyvas. Rinkimus kontroliavo LSSR NKVD-MGB kariuomenës operatyvinis ðtabas. Jam buvo pavaldûs iki 20 tûkst. kariø, kurie, pasiskirstæ po 812, saugojo visas rinkimø apylinkes.12 Rengiantis rinkimams karinës dalys mums teikia neblogà pagalbà, tvirtino Tauragës apskrities partijos komiteto pirmasis sekretorius P. Murauskas. Taèiau jis iðreiðkë susirûpini-
* Dok. Nr. 6.7. 1946 m. vasario 10 d. LSSR NKVD kariuomenës vyriausiojo karinio virðininko gen. mjr. P. Vetrovo ir operatyvinio ðtabo virðininko Pankino praneðimas LSSR NKVD komisarui gen. mjr. J. Bartaðiûnui apie rinkimø á SSRS Aukðèiausiàjà Tarybà rezultatus. LYA. F.K-1. Ap.3. B.104. L.5354. * Dok. Nr. 6.2. Iðtrauka ið SSRS NKVD-NKGB ágaliotinio Lietuvoje I. Tkaèenkos kalbos 1946 m. balandþio 4 d. LKP(b) CK IX plenume. LYA. F.1771. Ap.9. B.5. L.65. * Dok. Nr. 6.8. 1946 m. kovo 5 d. LKP(b) CK biuro nutarimas Dël rinkimø á SSRS Aukðèiausiàjà Tarybà nuostatø paþeidimø Alytaus apskrityje. LYA. F.1771. Ap.190. B.4. L.29.
mà, jog, parenkant rinkimø komisijø narius komunistus, paaiðkëja, kad dauguma jø yra NKVD ir NKGB darbuotojai.13 Rengiant vëlesnius rinkimus, kariuomenës skaièius buvo maþinamas. 1951 m. rinkimø á LSSR AT metu priedangà sudarë 13 064 kariai (dok. Nr. 6.9).* Visi pokario rinkimai vyko ginkluotos kovos, politinës prievartos ir teroro sàlygomis. Eiliniai Lietuvos þmonës susidûrë su komunistinës valdþios grasinimais, sovietø karinës jëgos demonstravimu, represiniø struktûrø akcijomis. Kita vertus, partizanø buvo nuolat raginami boikotuoti rinkimus. Bet kokie tokiomis sàlygomis surengtø rinkimø rezultatai negalëjo bûti teisingi. VKP(b) vadovybei rinkimai (á SSRS AT 1946 m., á LSSR AT 1947 m. ir á vietines tarybas 1948 m.) buvo svarbûs dviem politiniais aspektais. Pirma, formaliai buvo uþbaigtas Lietuvos sovietinimo etapas, antra, Maskva dabar galëjo pasauliui demonstruoti, jog lietuviai po karo patys pasirinko Sovietø Sàjungos globà ir jos politinæ santvarkà. Vëlesniais metais vykæ pakartotiniai rinkimai á ðias tarybas nebeteko politinës svarbos, palaipsniui komunistø partija atsisakë specialiøjø politiniø ir fizinio spaudimo priemoniø. Þmonës, iðgàsdinti raudonojo teroro, atvirai neprieðtaraudavo ir dalyvaudavo prievartiniuose rinkimuose.
Literatûra ir ðaltiniai 1. Tiesa, 1945 10 13. 2. adius H. VKP(b) CK Lietuvos biuro veikla organizuojant tautinio pasiprieinimo slopinimà // Lietuvos istorijos metraðtis 1997 metais. V., 1998. P. 246; Anuðauskas A. Lietuviø tautos sovietinis naikinimas 19401958 metais. Vilnius, 1996. P. 267. 3. Lietuvos partizanø kovos ir jø slopinimas MVD-MGB dokumentuose 19441953 metais. Kaunas, 1996. P. 31 (toliau Lietuvos partizanø kovos). 4. LYA. F. 913. Ap. 913-2. B. 4. L. 62. 5.LYA. F. 1771. Ap. 1771-60. B. 3. L. 158, 160. 6. LYA. F. 1771. Ap. 10. B. 33. L. 19. 7. Lietuvos partizanø kovos. P. 31. 8. Tiesa, 1946 02 27. 9. LYA. F. 1771. Ap. 8. B. 19. L. 108. 10. LVA. F. R-348. Ap. 1. B. 48. L. 152154. 11. Lietuvos partizanø kovos. P. 31. 12. Ten pat. P. 33. 13.LYA. F. 1771. Ap .8. B. 19. L. 5354.
* Dok. Nr. 6.9. 1951 m. vasario 16 d. LSSR MGB 2-osios valdybos 2-ojo skyriaus virðininko G. Èachavos paþyma apie kariniø jëgø iðdëstymà Lietuvoje rengiant rinkimus á LSSR Aukðèiausiàjà Tarybà. LYA. F.K-1. AP.3. B.387. L.103.
7. Rusinimas Po karo VKP(b) savo veikloje vadovavosi ne tik vadinamàja marksizmo-leninizmo ideologija, bet ir rusiðkuoju didþiavalstybiniu ðovinizmu. Bolðevikø vidaus ir uþsienio politika, pridengta komunistinëmis idëjomis, rëmësi senàja Rusijos imperine tradicija. Stalino kuriamos valstybës modelis buvo galinga komunistinë valstybë, kurioje neva visos tautos lygios, bet joms vadovauja didþioji rusø tauta. Jau 1937 m. gruodþio 1 d. VKP(b) CK Politinis biuras priëmë keletà nutarimø: Dël tautiniø mokyklø, Dël nacionaliniø rajonø ir kaimo tarybø likvidavimo ir Dël rusiðkø laikraðèiø leidybos Ukrainoje, kuriuose buvo ribojamos nacionaliniø maþumø teisës (dok. Nr. 7.1).* 1938 m. kovo 13 d. VKP(b) CK ir SSRS LKT priëmë nutarimà Dël privalomo rusø kalbos mokymosi nacionalinëse respublikose ir srityse. Vienas ið nutarimo punktø skelbë, kad nuo 1938 m. rugsëjo 1 d. ávedamas privalomas rusø kalbos mokymas visose Sovietø Sàjungos mokyklose nuo antros arba treèios klasës (dok. Nr. 7.2).* Po karo ðis reikalavimas buvo perkeltas á Lietuvos ðvietimo sistemà. 1944 m. sausio 1 d. Stalinas patvirtino naujà SSRS himnà, kurio þodþiai: Laisvøjø respublikø sàjungà amþiams subûrë tvirtai didi Rusø tauta, tapo sovietø imperinës galybës ir rusinimo simboliu. 1944 m. sausio 7 d. LKP(b) CK biuras patvirtino poeto A. Venclovos á lietuviø kalbà iðverstà ðio himno tekstà, kuris tapo oficialiu Lietuvos SSR himnu (dok. Nr. 7.3).* Stalininë pokario VKP(b) politika uþtikrino rusø ar rusakalbiø visoje Sovietø Sàjungoje privilegijuotumà. Lietuvos visuomenei Rusija buvo vaizduojama kaip vienas pagrindiniø europinës civilizacijos ðaltiniø, teigiant, kad ji nuolat patirdavusi jai prieðiðkø kaimyniniø tautø uþpuolimus, nors visada ðioms padëjusi plëtoti kultûrà, ðvietimà ir iðsivaduoti ið engëjø priespaudos. Lietuvoje rusinimas vyko planingai ir keliomis kryptimis: per kadrø politikà, pasitelkiant mokslo, ðvietimo sistemà (jaunuomenë nuo pat vaikystës turëjo privalomai mokytis rusø kalbos), kultûros ástaigas (teatrus, kino teatrus, bibliotekas ir kt.) bei ðaukiant vyrus á sovietinæ kariuomenæ. Svarbiausi rusinimo þidiniai Lietuvoje buvo LKP(b) CK aparatas (ypaè Agitacijos ir propagandos skyrius), Glavlitas, represinës struktûros, respublikinis karinis komisariatas, sàjunginio pavaldumo þinybos, ámonës ir organizacijos. Rusinimas tapo socialistinës kultûrinës revoliucijos sudedamàja dalimi, nors nebuvo áteisintas kokiais nors dokumentais ar nutarimais. Komunistø partija rusinimà ávardijo proletariniu internacionalizmu: SSRS visos tautos lygios, bet lygiausia ið visø yra rusø tauta, vyresnysis brolis, teikiantis kitoms nesavanaudiðkà pagalbà. Rusø kalba brovësi á Lietuvos vieðàjá gyvenimà ne tik kaip kanceliarinë, bet ir kaip bendrinë, antroji gimtoji, kalba. Kritiðkai vertinti rusinimo politikà, juo labiau jai prieðintis, buvo grieþtai draudþiama. Dël to þmonës, netgi vadovaujantys darbuotojai lietuviai komunistai, buvo kaltinami burþuaziniu nacionalizmu, o tai galëjo tapti papildomu kaltinimu. Antai 1951 m. LSSR MGB rinko ákalèius prieð buvusá LSSR ðvietimo ministrà (19431948 m.) komunistà J. Þiugþdà, kurio neva nurodymu Lietuvoje pirmaisiais pokario metais rusø kalbos dëstymui buvo skiriama þymiai maþiau laiko nei kitose sàjunginëse respublikose (dok. Nr. 1.52). 1951 m. suimtas Respublikinio pedagoginio kabineto direktorius A. Ieðmanta buvo kaltinamas nacionalizmu, rusø tautos pagalbos Lietuvai ignoravimu ir kt. (dok. Nr. 1.49).
* Dok. Nr. 7.1. 1937 m. gruodio 1 d. VKP(b) CK Politinio biuro nutarimai Dël tautiniø mokyklø, Dël nacionaliniø rajonø ir kaimo tarybø likvidavimo ir Dël rusiðkø laikraðèiø leidybos Ukrainoje. RNIDSTC. F.17. Ap.3. B.983, 994, 1004. * Dok. Nr. 7.2. Itrauka i 1938 m. kovo 13 d. VKP(b) CK ir SSRS LKT nutarimo Dël privalomo rusø kalbos mokymosi nacionalinëse respublikose ir srityse. RNIDSTC. F.17. Ap.3. B.998. * Dok. Nr. 7.3. Iðraðas ið 1944 m. sausio 7 d. LKP(b) CK biuro nutarimo Dël Sovietø Sàjungos himno vertimo á lietuviø kalbà. LYA. F.1771. Ap.7. B.20. L.110.
Pokario metais visose Lietuvos aukðtesnëse valdþios ástaigose labai greitai ásigalëjo rusø kalba. Atvykæ á Lietuvà partiniai funkcionieriai aiðkino lietuviams, kad rusø tauta yra vadovaujanti Sovietø Sàjungos jëga. Laikraðèio Sovietskaja Litva redaktoriaus A. Fedotovo nuomone (1945 m. LKP(b) CK VII plenumas), Lietuvos inteligentija nesupranta istorinës rusø tautos misijos: Tarp visø mûsø ðalies tautø visuotiná pripaþinimà pelnë rusø tauta, kaip vadovaujanti Sovietø Sàjungos jëga.[...] Ðá pripaþinimà rusø tauta iðkovojo nepaliaujama pagalba, kuri buvo teikiama visoms kitoms tautoms [...] Kaip vyresnysis brolis sovietiniø tautø ðeimoje, ji padëjo savo broliams kurti naujà gyvenimà, plëtoti kultûrà (dok. Nr. 7.4).* A. Fedotovas apgailestavo, kad Vilniuje neáamþintas rusø karvedþiø M. Kutuzovo, A. Suvorovo, poeto A. Puðkino atminimas. Po ðios kalbos greitai Vilniuje atsirado ne tik Suvorovo gatvë, Kutuzovo aikðtë ir Puðkino paminklas Gedimino kalno papëdëje, bet ir buvo áamþinti kitø rusø kultûros veikëjø vardai. Tuo pradëta rûpintis ir visoje Lietuvoje. LKP(b) CK biuras kasmet svarstydavo þymiø rusø ir lietuviø veikëjø gimimo ar mirties jubiliejø privalomo ðventimo planus ir programas. Pavyzdþiui, 1944 m. buvo nutarta surengti raðytojo I. Krylovo, 1945 m. M. Kutuzovo, po du kartus V. Lenino, pedagogo K. Uðinskio, taip pat lietuviø partinio veikëjo V. Kapsuko ir raðytojos Þemaitës respublikinio lygio minëjimus. Pagerbtas buvo ir sovietinis generolas I. Èerniachovskis. 1951 m. birþelio 6 d. LKP(b) CK biuras nutarë Lietuvoje áamþinti raðytojo M. Gorkio atminimà: Vilniuje pastatyti paminklà, jo vardu pavadinti gatves Vilniuje bei Kaune ir Ðiauliø mokytojø institutà (dok. Nr. 7.5).* Formuojantis átarumo atmosferai, vadovaujantieji ðvietimo ir kultûros darbuotojai baiminosi, kad lietuviø tautos ir kultûros tradicijose rusakalbiai áþvelgs nacionalizmo apraiðkø arba istorijos faktai sukels neigiamø asociacijø. Glavlitas uþdraudë skelbti V. Kudirkos satyras, Tautiðkà giesmæ, o istorikams (J. Jurginiui, J. Þiugþdai) Þeèpospolitos padalijimas ir Lietuvos prijungimas prie Rusijos tapo pozityviais istorijos reiðkiniais. 1952 m. LKP(b) VII suvaþiavime J. Þiugþda pabrëþë, kad istorijos faktø analizë rodo, [
] kaip veikiama daug aukðtesnës rusø tautos kultûros plëtojosi lietuviø tautos kultûra. [
] Lietuvos prijungimas prie Rusijos, nepaisant þiauraus carizmo jungo, sudarë visas prielaidas [
] konsoliduotis lietuviø nacijai, formuotis lietuviø nacionalinei kalbai (dok. Nr. 7.6).* Buvo siekiama, kad rusø kalba taptø antràja gimtàja kalba. Gimnazijose buvo ávestas privalomas rusø kalbos mokymas: 1944/1945 m. m. skirta tiek pat valandø kiek ir lietuviø kalbos mokymui 1176 val. Tiek pat atitinkamai rusø mokyklose turëjo bûti mokoma lietuviø kalbos (dok. Nr. 7.7* ), taèiau rusakalbiai lietuviðkai taip ir neiðmoko. Rusø kalbos mokymas buvo ávestas net pradþios mokyklose, nors tuo metu nebuvo rusø kalbos mokytojø. 19471948 m. ðiose mokyklose rusø kalbai mokyti (pradedant antràja klase) buvo skirta 16 savaitiniø pamokø, gimtajai lietuviø kalbai 38.1 Pokario metais ið SSRS á Lietuvà atvyko apie 130 tûkst. þmoniø, daugiausia rusakalbiø.2 Ypaè aktyviai rusinimo politika buvo vykdoma daugiatauèiame Lietuvos pietryèiø regione, kur itin sunkiai sekësi steigti lietuviðkas mokyklas, Vilniaus ir Klaipëdos miestuose. Nuo 1950 m. lenkø bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose pradëta dëstyti rusø kalba. Lietuvos visuomenë, ypaè inteligentija, skaudþiai iðgyveno spartø Lietuvos rusinimà, taèiau, priblokðta valstybinio teroro politikos ir represijø, neturëjo jëgø prieðintis ðiam procesui.
* Dok. Nr. 7.4. Iðtrauka ið 1945 m. rugpjûèio 23 d. LKP(b) CK VII plenume pasakytos laikraðèio Sovietskaja Litva atsakingojo redaktoriaus A. Fedotovo kalbos. LYA. F.1771. Ap.8. B.14. L.6971. * Dok. Nr. 7.5. 1951 m. birelio 6 d. LKP(b) CK biuro nutarimas Dël priemoniø didþiojo proletarinio raðytojo M.A. Gorkio 15-osioms mirties metinëms paminëti. LYA. F.1771. Ap.112. B.75. L.4344. * Dok. Nr. 7.6. Iðtrauka ið 1952 m. rugsëjo 22 d. LSSR mokslø akademijos viceprezidento J. Þiugþdos kalbos LKP(b) VII suvaiavime. LYA. F.1771. Ap.131. B.1. L.497.
Kad Lietuva yra rusinama, slaptuose partiniuose posëdþiuose ar susirinkimuose pripaþindavo aukðti LSSR administracijos pareigûnai J. Paleckis ir M. Gedvilas. Pastarasis 1953 m. LKP CK plenume kalbëjo: Beveik visose ástaigose, á kurias jam (lietuviui V.T.) tekdavo kreiptis sostinëje, apskrities ir net ið dalies valsèiaus centre, pareigûnai atsakydavo nelietuviðkai.3 J. Paleckis ir M. Gedvilas këlë ðá klausimà LKP(b) vadovybei, taèiau buvo apkaltinti lietuviðkuoju nacionalizmu ir nutildyti (dok. Nr. 1.36). 1953 m. LKP CK V plenume (L. Berijos politinës átakos laikotarpiu) A. Snieèkus buvo priverstas pripaþinti, kad politiniame masiniame darbe daþnai ignoravome gimtàjà kalbà.4 Á jø vietas Maskva siuntë savo þmones, daþniausiai rusø tautybës ar rusakalbius, neretai prieðiðkus Lietuvai. Iki 1945 m. balandþio 1 d. su VKP(b) CK kelialapiais á Lietuvà atvyko 6 116 darbuotojø (dok. Nr. 7.8),* o iki 1947 m. rudens SSRS ástaigos bei þinybos atsiuntë 12 258 ávairiø srièiø darbuotojus.5 Atvykusieji eidavo vadovaujamas pareigas, taip pat tapdavo lietuviø vadovø pavaduotojais. Jø nurodymai buvo privalomi ir nesvarstytini. Toks specialus vadovaujanèiø darbuotojø internacionalizavimas sudarë sàlygas geriau kontroliuoti vietos valdininkus, didinti jø tarpusavio nepasitikëjimà ir vykdyti visos Lietuvos okupacinës administracijos rusinimà. Dël tokios kadrø politikos labai surusëjo valstybinës ástaigos, kuriose lietuviai sudarë apie pusæ darbuotojø (plaèiau apie tai sk. Partinë nomenklatûra ir kadrø valymai). Taèiau tas santykis buvo nevienodas: 1951 m. rajonø valdþios ástaigose lietuviai sudarë 59,3 proc., miestø 45,8 proc., o respublikinëse aukðèiausiosios valdþios institucijose 40,8 proc. visø ten dirbusiø vadovaujanèiø darbuotojø.6 Ið respublikiniø valdþios ástaigø lietuviðkiausias buvo LSSR AT Prezidiumas, kurio ne tik pirmininkas J. Paleckis, bet ir abu pavaduotojai bei sekretorius buvo lietuviai, taèiau ði ástaiga beveik nieko nesprendë. 6-ojo deðimtmeèio pradþioje net 3 ið 5 M. Gedvilo pavaduotojø buvo rusai. 1952 m. ið 54 aukðèiausiosios valdþios ástaigø vadovø lietuviø buvo 30, o ið 132 pavaduotojø tik 52. Rusai buvo skiriami ne tik pavaduotojais, bet ir ministrais, vyriausybës lygio valdybø ir komitetø pirmininkais. Pavyzdþiui, vietinës pramonës liaudies komisaru dirbo F. Terioðinas (19441945), S. Ðkodinas (19451947), N. Kaluginas (1949 1951), miðkø pramonës A. Ponamoriovas (19451948), þuvø pramonës A. Zasypkinas (1945 1949), statybiniø medþiagø N. Liubimcevas (19461953), statybos P. Ðeremetjevas (19461948), V. Kotovas (19481950), komunalinio ûkio J. Svisèiovas (19451957) ir t.t. Taèiau daugiausia rusø dirbo represinëse struktûrose, jø vadovais buvo skiriami tik rusai. 1945 m. LKP(b) CK VII plenume SSRS NKGB komisaro pavaduotojas B. Kobulovas aiðkino: Lietuvos respublika neturi tinkamø kadrø ir lietuviai negali vadovauti apskrièiø skyriams (saugumo V.T.).7 1945 m. nuðalinus nuo pareigø valstybës saugumo liaudies komisarà A. Guzevièiø, ðá postà iki 1953 m. uþëmë rusai generolai: D. Jefimovas (19451949), N. Gorlinskis (1949), P. Kapralovas (19491952), P. Kondakovas (19521953). LSSR MGB aparate ið 676 saugumieèiø lietuviø buvo 70, o ið 1 505 MVD darbuotojø 216.8 LSSR prokurorø pareigas ëjo M. Baliasnikovas (19441946), D. Salinas (19471948), G. Bacharovas (19481957). Labai stiprias pozicijas ið Maskvos atsiøstieji kadrai turëjo partinës valdþios ástaigose. 1944 m. ið 76 LKP(b) CK aparato darbuotojø 62 proc. buvo lietuviai, o 1952 m. ið 109 40 proc. Taèiau ið jø tik 20 proc. mokëjo lietuviø kalbà. 9 1944 m. balandþio 26 d. ir 1945 m. spalio 19 d. LKP(b) CK biuras priëmë nutarimus dël lietuviø kalbos mokymosi (dok. Nr. 7.9* ir Nr. 7.10* ). Juose buvo nurodyta atvykëliams iðmokti lietuviø kalbà, taèiau niekas ðiø nutarimø nevykdë. 49.
* Dok. Nr. 7.7. 1944/1945 mokslo metø lietuviø ir rusø gimnazijø mokymo planai. LYA. F. 1771.Ap.7. B.46. L. 47,
* Dok. Nr. 7.8. LKP(b) CK kadrø skyriaus paþyma apie 19441945 04 01 atvykusius á Lietuvà i SSRS darbuotojus. LYA. F.1771. Ap.8. B.272. L.1. * Dok. Nr. 7.9. Iðraðas ið 1944 m. balandþio 26 d. LKP(b) CK biuro nutarimo Dël Lietuvos SSR darbuotojø mokymosi lietuviø kalbos. LYA. F.1771. Ap.7. B.28. L.16. * Dok. Nr. 7.10. 1945 m. spalio 19 d. LKP(b) CK biuro nutarimas Dël komunistø mokymosi lietuviø kalbos. LYA. F.1771. Ap.8. B.118. L.28.
1946 m. rugsëjo 10 d. LKP(b) CK Mokyklø skyriaus vedëjo pavaduotojas V. Uogintas informavo A. Snieèkø, kad miestø ir apskrièiø partijos komitetai nekovojo dël ðio nutarimo ágyvendinimo, o CK aparate net 81 þmogus nemoka lietuviø kalbos (dok. Nr.7.11)* . Vëlesniais metais (iki 1953 m.) lietuviø kalbos mokymosi klausimas nebuvo daugiau aktualinamas. Rusakalbiai nesimokë, o lietuviai komunistai, pataikaudami ar bijodami bûti apkaltinti nacionalizmu, ðios problemos apskritai nekëlë. Nevieðas LKP(b) CK aparato reikalavimas gerbti rusakalbius greitai tapo áprastas visose LSSR centrinës administracijos ástaigose. Lietuvoje sparèiai vykusá rusinimo procesà nutraukë Stalino mirtis ir nauja L. Berijos politika, pradëta vykdyti 1953 m. vasarà. 10 metø rusinimo rezultatai buvo akivaizdûs. Didþioji dalis jaunuomenës ir vidutinio amþiaus þmoniø laisvai arba beveik laisvai kalbëjo ir raðë rusiðkai, daugumoje respublikinio pavaldumo valdþios ástaigø taip pat ásigalëjo rusø kalba (Vilniuje ir Klaipëdoje beveik visose ástaigose), miestuose ir kai kuriose kitose vietovëse informaciniai skelbimai ar reklaminiai uþraðai daþniausiai buvo tik rusiðki, rusø veikëjø vardais pervadintos daugelio miestø centrinës gatvës, statomi jø garbei paminklai ir kt. Atvykëliui ið pirmo þvilgsnio galëjo pasirodyti, kad Lietuva neatskiriama Rusijos dalis. Literatûra ir ðaltiniai 1. Kaðauskienë V. Lietuvos mokyklos sovietizacija ir prieinimasis jai 19401960 metais. Vilnius, 2002. P.78. 2. Truska L. Kodël sovietmeèiu Lietuva iðliko lietuviðka ? // Akiraèiai, 2000 kovo mën. P. 13. 3. Truska L. Lietuva 19381953 metais. Kaunas, 1995. P. 140 (toliau Lietuva 19381953 metais). 4. LYA. F. 1771. Ap. 131. B. 179. L. 3637. 5. Surblys K. Tarybø Lietuvos visuomenës socialinës klasinës struktûros raida. Vilnius, 1985. P. 116. 6. Lietuva 19381953 metais. P. 137. 7. LYA.F. 1771. Ap. 8. B. 14. L. 153. 8. Lietuva 19381953 metais. P. 139. 9. Ten pat. P. 138.
* Dok. Nr. 7.11. 1946 m. rugsëjo 10 d. LKP(b) CK Mokyklø skyriaus vedëjo pav. V. Uoginto paþyma LKP(b) CK I sekretoriui A. Snieèkui Dël 1945 m. spalio 19 d. LKP(b) CK nutarimo Dël nemokanèiø lietuviø kalbos komunistø mokymosi vykdymo. LYA. F.1771. Ap.9. B.243. L.68.
8. Antisemitizmas Po Antrojo pasaulinio karo Sovietø Sàjungos komunistø partija ágyvendino valstybinæ antisemitizmo politikà. 5-ojo deðimtmeèio pabaigoje6-ojo deðimtmeèio pradþioje VKP(b) CK kurstë politines ir ideologines antisemitines kampanijas, griebësi represijø. Antisemitizmas, oficialiai ávardytas kaip kova su sionizmu, kosmopolitizmu ir masonybe, prasidëjo 1949 m., nors jo iðtakos siekë 1939 m. (SSRS suartëjimas su faðistine Vokietija). Priekario Lietuvoje kai kurie þydai dël to prieðtaravo, todël buvo ðalinami ið komunistø partijos (dok. Nr. 8.1. L. 2).* Jau pirmaisiais pokario metais ëmë ryðkëti VKP(b) CK politinë linija riboti arba visai neleisti þydams dirbti partinëse ar sovietinëse valdþios struktûrose. VKP(b) CK Lietuvos biuro pirmininkas, vëliau tapæs SSKP CK sekretoriumi ideologijos klausimais, M. Suslovas visà laikà laikësi stalinistiniø ir antiþydiðkø nuostatø.1 19461948 m. VKP(b) CK sekretoriaus A. danovo kaltinimai inteligentijai dël keliaklupsèiavimo prieð Vakarus buvo vienas ið signalø pradëti antisemitinæ kampanijà. 1948 m. lapkrièio 21 d. Maskvoje buvo paleistas Antifaðistinis þydø komitetas. Þydams buvo inkriminuojami nebûti nusikaltimai, neleidþiama uþimti vadovaujamø postø, jie atleidþiami ið darbo, teisiami ir ákalinami, o kai kurie ir nuþudomi. Taèiau tai nebuvo rasistinë þydø tautos naikinimo politika. VKP(b) vadovybë stengësi iðstumti juos ið valstybës valdymo ir aktyvaus visuomenës gyvenimo. Þydø persekiojimas ir jø represavimas vyko visoje Sovietø Sàjungoje ir komunistinëse Rytø Europos ðalyse. Po karo dël holokausto ir kitø prieþasèiø þydø Lietuvoje liko nedaug (1946 m. pradþioje apie 10 tûkst.). Jie dirbo ávairiose partinëse, sovietinëse, represinëse, ûkinëse, kultûros ir kitose ástaigose bei organizacijose. Dalis jø LSSR administracijoje ëjo aukðtas pareigas (mokëjo lietuviø kalbà): G. Zimanas, E. Bilevièius, M. Bordonaitë, Ch. Aizenas, L. Ðausas, S. Gutmanas ir kai kurie kiti. Grupë vietos ir atsiøstø þydø dirbo represinëse struktûrose, Glavlite. Þinomiausi ið jø: A. Slavinas, N. Duðanskis, D. Todesas, M. Jofë ir kt. 1945 m. þydø komunistø buvo 238 (6,7 proc.), 1953 m. 2 055 (5,6 proc.).2 Kaip partijos nariai, dalyvaujantys represinëse akcijose prieð lietuvius, kitø tautybiø þmones ir net prieð paèius þydus, jie buvo sovietø valdþios aparato funkcionieriai, o ne þydø veikëjai. Faktiðkai ðie sovietiniai pareigûnai þydø gyvenime nedalyvavo ir jiems neatstovavo.3 Lietuvoje VKP(b) antisemitinæ politikà vykdë LKP(b) CK ir LSSR MGB. Pastaroji turëjo atskirà savo veiklos barà, kurio specializacija buvo þydø persekiojimas, jø agentûros formavimas (dok. Nr. 8.2).* Nuo 1945 m. rugpjûèio 15 d. iki 1946 m. rugpjûèio 15 d. uþ sionistinæ veiklà buvo suimta 111 þmoniø4, 19461948 m. 188 asmenys (dok. Nr. 8.3).* Jie buvo kaltinami pogrindine veikla, ryðiais su Vakarais, bandymu nelegaliai pabëgti ið SSRS ir tokiø pabëgimø organizavimu. Þydai, kaip ir visi Lietuvos gyventojai, po Antrojo pasaulinio karo liko uþ geleþinës uþdangos. Pergyvenæ holokaustà, karo baisumus ir patyræ komunistinio reþimo prievartà, nemaþai jø stengësi pabëgti ið SSRS. Pavyzdþiui, 1946 m. sausio mën. ties SSRS ir Lenkijos siena LSSR MGB sulaikë 96 þydus. Uþ bandymà patekti á Lenkijà su suklastotais dokumentais 19471948 m. LSSR MGB suëmë 39 þydus. 1948 m. gruodþio 24 d. MGB suëmë þymius Lietuvos þydø bendruomenës veikëjus Finkelðteinà ir A. Ðtukarevièiø. Jie Maskvoje susitiko su Izraelio ambasados darbuotojais ir praðë padëti iðvaþiuoti ið SSRS, papasako* Dok. Nr. 8.1. 1950 m. vasario 24 d. LKP(b) CK biuro nutarimas Dël Vilniaus valstybinio universiteto marksizmo-leninizmo pagrindø dëstytojo Fridmano B.Ch.. Itraukos i B. Fridmano bylos. LYA. F.1771. Ap.90. B.45. L.190, 95, 97. * Dok. Nr. 8.2. 1945 m. spalio 13 d. SSRS NKVD-NKGB ágaliotinio Lietuvoje I. Tkaèenkos ásakymas visiems operatyviniø sektoriø virðininkams per 3 dienas pateikti operatyvinius duomenis apie NKGB þydø agentûrà. LYA. F.K-1. Ap.18. B.40. L.118. * Dok. Nr. 8.3. 1949 m. sausio 26 d. LSSR MGB ministro gen. mjr. P. Kapralovo ataskaita LKP(b) CK I sekretoriui A. Snieèkui pagal LSSR MGB agentûrinius duomenis apie Lietuvos þydø pogrindinæ veiklà. LYA. F.K-1. Ap.10. B.62. L.7989.
jo jiems apie sunkià þydø padëtá (dok. Nr. 8.3. L. 82, 8485). 1951 m. vasario mën. LSSR MGB ministro pavaduotojas A. Leonovas praneðë Maskvai apie pogrindinæ organizacijà, uþsiimanèià þydø nelegaliu perkëlimu per Lenkijà á Palestinà ir Amerikà (dok. Nr. 8.4).* Antisemitiniø kampanijø metu ypaè uoliai stengësi laikytis partijos politinio kurso laikraðèio Sovietskaja Litva redakcija. Lietuvos ir atvykusiø ið SSRS á Lietuvà þydø persekiojimas sustiprëjo 19491953 m. Daugiausia á MGB akiratá pakliûdavo tie þydai, kurie nepriklausomoje Lietuvoje dalyvavo to meto legaliø visuomeniniø organizacijø veikloje, iðvykdavo á uþsiená, ten mokësi, turëjo giminiø ar draugø, plëtojo savo verslà, taip pat buvæ kariai, kovojæ uþ Lietuvos nepriklausomybæ, ir kt. Ði ankstesnë jø veikla, kaip ir lietuviø, tapdavo politiniø represijø pretekstu. 1950 m. vasario mën. P. Kapralovas nepritarë, kad Leizeris Davidzonas eitø Lietuvos respublikinës kino nuomos kontoros valdytojo pavaduotojo pareigas, nes jis prieð karà Kaune turëjo amerikietiðkus filmus platinusià kino firmà (dok. Nr. 8.5).* 1950 m. birþelio mën. buvo suimtas Laimos fabriko Planavimo skyriaus virðininkas Leonas Jofë, nes 19211940 m. raðë antisovietinius straipsnius, priklausë Þydø kariø sàjungai ir kt. (dok. Nr. 8.6).* 1950 m. liepos mën. kompromituojanti medþiaga buvo surinkta apie LSSR miðkø pramonës ministro pavaduotojà Chaimà Alperavièiø (buvæs sionistinës organizacijos narys, ministerijos aparate proteguoja þydø kadrus), skyriø virðininkus Samuilà Levinà (stambaus pirklio sûnus), Solomonà Kliackinà (átariamas kenkëjiðka veikla), Eltos direktoriaus pavaduotojà Leibà Ðausà (buvæs sionistinës organizacijos narys, jo pusbrolis Robinzonas Ðausas 1950 m. buvo suimtas), taip pat apie vadovaujanèius darbuotojus þydus Simonà Gutmanà, Solomonà Miliø, Dovydà Ðtarkà, Bendionà Brudinà, Vladimirà Ðverlingà (dok. Nr. 1.48 ).* LSSR MGB suëmë ir ákalino poetus H. Oðerovièiø ir J. Lacmanà, Vilniaus gelþbetonio dirbiniø gamyklos direktoriø Ð. Liubecká, net buvusá sovietiná partizanà, nepriklausomos Lietuvos þydø kariø sàjungos vadovà Peresà Padisonà (dok. Nr. 8.7. L. 246).* Já uþtarti bandë jo bendraþygiai B. Ðneideris, N. Endlinas, M. Rubinsonas, S. Goldbergas, sovietiniø partizanø bûrio Mirtis okupantams vadas Rodionovas, komisaras Parfionovas ir kiti, taèiau niekas nepadëjo.5 P. Padisonas buvo ákalintas (dok. Nr. 8.18)*. 1951 m. kai kurie þydai buvo atleisti ið LSSR radijo informacijos komiteto (dok. Nr. 8.8)* , ið ávairiø ástaigø Kaune (dok. Nr. 8.9)* , 1952 m. Panevëþyje (dok. Nr. 8.10)* ir kitur. Kaip buvæs faðistinës þydø partijos narys buvo suimtas Tuberkuliozës instituto gydytojas komunistas Rubinðteinas (dok. Nr. 8.11).* * Dok. Nr. 8.4. 1951 m. vasario 9 d. LSSR MGB ministro pav. A. Leonovo spec. praneðimas SSRS MGB 5-osios valdybos virðininkui plk. A. Volkovui dël atnaujintos agentûrinës bylos Nr. 973 Kompanionai. LYA. F.K-1. Ap.10. B..100. L.223225. * Dok. Nr. 8.5. 1950 m. vasario mën. LSSR MGB ministro gen. mjr. P. Kapralovo spec. praneðimas LKP(b) CK I sekretoriui A. Snieèkui dël L. Davidzono. LYA. F.K-1. Ap.10. B.102. L.61. * Dok. Nr. 8.6. 1950 m. liepos 12 d. LSSR MGB ministro gen. mjr. P. Kapralovo spec. praneðimas LKP(b) CK I sekretoriui A. Snieèkui dël L. Jofës. LYA. F.K-1. Ap.10. B.102. L.236237. *Dok. Nr.1.48. 1950 m. liepos 28 d. LSSR MGB ministro gen. mjr. P.Kapralovo spec. praneimas LKP(b) CK II sekretoriui A.Trofimovui Dël Lietuvos SSR ministerijø ir Mokslø akademijos kai kuriø vadovaujanèiø darbuotojø uþterðtumo. LYA. F.K-1. Ap.10. B.62.L.99115. * Dok. Nr.8.7. Iðtrauka ið 1953 m. balandþio 4 d. LKP(b) CK I sekretoriaus A. Snieèkaus kalbos LKP CK plenume. LYA. F.1771. Ap.131. B.172. L.246. * Dok. Nr. 8.18. 1953 m. kovo 24 d. LSSR MGB gen. mjr. P. Kondakovo paþyma LKP(b) CK pirmajam sekretoriui A. Snieèkui dël suimtojo P. Padisono. LYA. F.K-1. Ap.10. B.151. L.141146. * Dok. Nr. 8.8. 1951 m. kovo 30 d. l.e. LSSR MGB ministro pareigas plk. A. Leonovo spec. praneðimas LKP(b) CK II sekretoriui A. Trofimovui dël Radijo informacijos komiteto prie LSSR Ministrø Tarybos uþterðtumo socialiai svetimais ir politikai nepatikimais asmenimis. LYA. F.K-1. Ap.10. B.134. L.104106. * Dok. Nr. 8.9. 1951 m. birþelio 4 d. LSSR MGB ministro gen. mjr. P. Kapralovo praneðimas LKP(b) CK I sekretoriui A. Trofimovui dël þydø burþuaziniø nacionalistø grupës areðto Kauno mieste. LYA. F.K-1. Ap.10. B.134. L.287288. * Dok. Nr. 8.10. 1952 m. gruodþio 31d. LSSR MGB ministro pav. plk. L. Martavièiaus paþyma LKP(b) CK I sekretoriui A. Snieèkui Dël þydø klerikalø ir sionistø veiklos Panevëþyje. LYA. F.K-1. Ap.10. B.152. L.102106. * Dok. Nr. 8. 11. Iðtrauka ið LKP(b) CK I sekretoriaus A. Snieèkaus kalbos LKP(b) CK VII suvaþiavime 1952 m. rugsëjo 25 d. LYA. F.1771. Ap.131. B.1. L.541.
Saugumieèiai ëmë átarinëti ir persekioti net þydus komunistus, iðtikimus sovietinës valdþios ðalininkus. Ðitaip MGB siekë árodyti, kad þydai yra politiðkai nepatikimi ir prieð juos LKP(b) turi imtis veiksmø, kurie pagrástø politiná þydø represavimo bûtinumà. 1949 m. sausio mën. LSSR MGB ministras P. Kapralovas aiðkino A. Snieèkui, kad sionistinis pogrindis ypatingai vertina gerai besimaskuojanèius nacionalistus, turinèius partinius bilietus... 1947 m. uþ nelegalià nacionalistinæ veiklà buvo suimti 5 VKP(b) ir 4 VLKJS nariai, ið jø Vilniaus miesto valstybinio banko vyr. buhalterio pavaduotojas komunistas Moisiejus Epðteinas ir LKP(b) CK karinio skyriaus sekretorë komjaunuolë Chaja Kurickaitë (dok. Nr. 8.3. L. 86). 1950 m. vasario mën. MGB iðaiðkino, kad LKP(b) Vilniaus miesto Lenino rajono komiteto sekretorius Tuvija Gefenas 19251940 m. buvo sionistø organizacijos narys (dok. Nr. 8.12).* 1952 m. balandþio 17 d. LSSR MGB ministras P. Kapralovas praneðë A. Snieèkui apie Vilniaus srities laikraðèio Raudonoji þvaigþdë skyriaus vedëjà komunistà Mauðà Liubecká, kaip apie nepatikimà darbuotojà (dok. Nr. 8.13).* Uþ þydø burþuaziná nacionalizmà 1950 m. vasario 24 d. LKP(b) CK biuro posëdyje ið darbo ir VKP(b) nariø buvo paðalintas Vilniaus universiteto dëstytojas, Ekonomikos fakulteto partorgas B. Fridmanas (dok. Nr. 8.1).* LKP(b) vadai árodinëjo, kad kai kurie þydai sàmoningai kenkia ir trukdo kurti socializmà. Nors nuolat bendraudamas su þydais A. Snieèkus buvo iðsiugdæs pagarbos jiems jausmà, taèiau net jis puolë ieðkoti sionistø-masonø arba þydø nacionalistø. 1952 m. LKP(b) CK birþelio plenume A. Snieèkus sakë, kad þydø ir lietuviø nacionalistai, prasiskverbæ á vadovaujamus postus, apsistatydavo reikiamais þmonëmis, grobstydavo valstybiná turtà ir finansuodavo antisovietines grupes.6 1953 m. balandio 4 d. LKP CK plenume jis tvirtino, kad sionistai visada buvo ir yra pikèiausi liaudies prieðai, imperializmo agentai, amerikieèiø ðnipai (dok. Nr.8.17. L. 242).* Masiniai lietuviø trëmimai palietë ir þydus. 1950 m. vasario 4 d. LKP CK biuro posëdyje A. Snieèkus kritikavo tuos þydus komunistus, kurie buvo nepatenkinti Vilniaus ir Kauno þydø, iðeiviø ið burþuazijos, iðtrëmimu (dok. Nr. 8.1 .L. 197). Pokario Lietuvoje þydams buvo uþdrausta turëti savo mokyklas, spaudà, buvo persekiojama tikyba, uþdaromos sinagogos, pervardijamos þydø vardais pavadintos gatvës, naikinamos kapinës. 1949 m. buvo likviduotas Þydø muziejus. 1949 m. sausio 26 d. LSSR MGB ministras P. Kapralovas raðte A. Snieèkui aiðkino, kad 1948 m. Paneriuose, þydø þudyniø vietoje, pastatytas paminklas yra grynai religinio stiliaus ir nieko sovietiðko jis neatspindi (dok. Nr. 8.3. L.89). 1952 m. ðis paminklas buvo nugriautas, o holokausto aukos visur oficialiai ávardijamos kaip þuvæ sovietiniai pilieèiai. Atsiliepdama á antisemitinæ VKP(b) politikà, LSSR MGB stengësi politiðkai suaktualinti ðià problemà ir Lietuvoje. A. Snieèkui ir LKP(b) CK antrajam sekretoriui V. Aronovui LSSR MGB siuntë daug informacijos apie tarybinës liaudies nepasitenkinimà kenkëjiðka þydø veikla. Daugiausia tai buvo iðtraukos ið valstybës saugumo konfiskuotø laiðkø, agentø uþfiksuoti gyventojø antisemitiniai pokalbiai. 1953 m. pradþioje Maskvoje prasidëjusi gydytojø þudikø byla (tarp gydytojø buvo daugiausia þydø) greitai susilaukë atgarsio ir Lietuvoje. LSSR MGB vadovybë, norëdama dar labiau sureikðminti ðià bylà ir iðpûsti antisemitizmo problemà, vël siuntë A. Snieèkui ir V. Aronovui iðraðus ið slaptai perþiûrëtø laiðkø. Saugumieèiø tendencingai pateiktos iðtraukos tarsi rodë, kad Lietuvos gyventojai neapkenèia þydø ir pritaria Kremliaus antiþydiðkai kampanijai. 1953 m. sausio 21 d. raðte V. Aronovui buvo praneðta apie þmoniø nuotaikas po TASS-o praneðimo apie gydytojø kenkëjø grupës areðtà Maskvoje: Jeigu að galëèiau, tai visus þydus iðkarèiau; Jeigu að turëèiau * Dok. Nr. 8.12. 1950 m. vasario 16 d. LSSR MGB ministro P. Kapralovo spec. praneðimas LKP(b) CK I sekretoriui A. Snieèkui dël T. Gefeno. LYA. F.k-1. Ap.10. B.102. L.5960. * Dok. Nr. 8.13. 1953 m. balandþio 17 d. LSSR MVD ministro P. Kondakovo paþyma LKP(b) CK I sekretoriui A. Snieèkui Dël SSKP nario Liubeckio M. K.. LYA. F.k-1. Ap.10. B.151. L.181183. * Dok. Nr. 8.1. 1950 m. vasario 24 d. LKP(b) CK biuro nutarimas Dël Vilniaus valstybinio universiteto marksizmo-leninizmo pagrindø dëstytojo Fridmano B. Ch.. LYA. F.1771. Ap.90. B.45. L.190. * Dok. Nr.8.17. Itrauka i 1953 m. balandþio 4 d. LKP(b) CK I sekretoriaus A. Snieèkaus kalbos LKP CK plenume. LYA. F.1771. Ap.131. B.172. L.242.
teisæ, að iðþudyèiau ðiuos gydytojus kenkëjus paèiu neþmoniðkiausiu bûdu; Ið þydø nieko gero nelauk. Ne be reikalo vokieèiai juos naikino, bet ir rusai juos taip pat þudys (dok. Nr. 8.14).* 1953 m. vasario 27 d. A. Snieèkus gavo specialiàjà paþymà apie neva þydø uþnuodytus maisto produktus ir medikamentus: Pasakoja, kad þydai tuberkuliozës ir vëþio bacilomis nuodijo maisto produktus. Vilniuje visi keikia þydus ir sako, kad vokieèiai juos ðaudë, lietuviai padëjo, o rusai pribaigs; Visi þydai, kurie gyvena Sovietø Sàjungoje, uþsiima diversine veikla; Vilniuje, Antakalnio vaistinëje, dirba þydës ir visi vaistai buvo uþnuodyti. Mirë daug þmoniø. N. Vilnios kirpykloje, prie universalinës, dirbo þydë, kuri skusdama ápjaudavo, o po to uþtepdavo bakterijomis uþkrëstu kremu; Daug kenkëjø rasta maisto pramonëje, visi produktai, ypaè riebalai, uþnuodyti. Dabartiniu metu parduotuvëse nieko nëra
(dok. Nr. 8.15).* 1953 m. kovo 17 d. LSSR MVD ministro pavaduotojo L. Martavièiaus pasiraðytoje paþymoje Dël agentûrinio-operatyvinio darbo Lietuvos SSR medicinos ástaigose nurodyta, kad ðioje sistemoje dirba 10 178 medicinos darbuotojai, ið kuriø daugiau kaip apie 1000 LSSR MGB turi kompromituojanèios medþiagos, o 84 asmenys aktyviai sekami (dok. Nr. 8.16).* Èia nurodyta, kad 1953 m. vasará buvo suimtas gydytojas Leonas Koganas (buvæs prosovietinës vyriausybës narys, sveikatos apsaugos ministras 1940 0607). Jis buvo kaltinamas tuo, jog palaikë ryðius su Maskvoje suimtais garsiais medikais profesoriais Pletniovu ir Ðereðevskiu, teikë prioritetà Vakarø mokslui, blogai gydë partinius ir sovietinius darbuotojus. 1953 m. vasará atleistas ið sveikatos apsaugos ministro pavaduotojo pareigø Viktoras Micelmacheris buvo apkaltintas ryðiais su Vakarais, antisovietinëmis kalbomis. Panaðûs kaltinimai buvo pateikti kitiems gydytojams þydams Kazimierui Liuksemburgui, Jeui Ivanterui, Abraomui Arui, Chajai Dvoreckaitei-Vidzbergienei, lietuviams LSSR svaikatos apsaugos ministro pavaduotojui F. Lazutkai, buvusiam LSSR sveikatos apsaugos liaudies komisarui (19401945 m.) V. Girdzijauskui, gydytojams S. Janavièiui, L. Klumbiui, E. Doktoraièiui, J. Gaiveniui ir kt. Gydytojas karaimas K. Lopata buvo átariamas vaikø þudymu (numarinimu), nes 19491952 metais buvo didelis mirtingumo procentas. L. Martavièius atkreipë dëmesá, kad yra pagrindo átarti kenkëjiðka veikla kitus medicinos darbuotojus. Remdamasis agentûriniais duomenimis, jis átarë gydytojus 1947 m. prisidëjus prie ankstyvos raðytojo P. Cvirkos mirties (saugumieèiai P. Cvirkos mirtá siejo su netikëta A. Þdanovo mirtimi 1948 m. V.T.), kaltino dël didelio vaikø mirtingumo Kauno respublikinëje ligoninëje. L. Martavièius nurodë, kad Lietuvos medicinos ástaigose dirba tik 38 saugumo agentai, kuriø neuþtenka agentûriniam darbui organizuoti. Todël, norint pagerinti saugumieèiø darbo kokybæ demaskuojant prieðiðkus elementus tarp medikø, kovogeguþës mënesiais medicinos ástaigose bus sukurtas kvalifikuotas agentûrinis aparatas, o antisovietiniø elementø valymà turi organizuoti partiniai organai. Visa gydytojø kenkëjø byla Lietuvos þydams padarë didelæ moralinæ ir psichologinæ þalà. Taèiau pokario Lietuvoje antisemitizmo reiðkiniai neágijo tokiø mastø kaip Maskvoje ir Leningrade. 1953 m. nauja SSRS vadovybë, ið pradþiø L. Berija, vëliau N. Chruðèiovas, nutraukë Stalino inicijuotà þydø persekiojimà ir jø veiklos apribojimo valstybinæ politikà. Bet ir vëliau su komunistø partijos þinia buvo vis prisimenamas pokariniø antisemitiniø-antisionistiniø kampanijø patyrimas, daugiausia pasireiðkæs þydø atleidimu ið vadovaujamø postø, perkëlimu á þemesnes pareigas, trukdymu kilti karjeros laiptais, apskritai, jø átakos sovietiniame administraciniame aparate apribojimu. * Dok. Nr. 8.14. 1953 m. sausio 21 d. LSSR MGB ministro gen. mjr. P. Kondakovo spec. praneimas LKP CK II sekretoriui A. Aronovui apie Lietuvos gyventojø nuotaikas dël gydytojø kenkëjø bylos. LYA. F.K-1. Ap.10. B.152. L.135139. * Dok. 8.15. 1953 m. vasario 27 d. LSSR MGB ministro gen. mjr. P. Kondakovo spec. praneðimas LKP CK I sekretoriui A. Snieèkui dël þydø, nuodijanèiø gyventojus maisto produktais ir medikamentais. LYA. F.K-1. Ap.10. B.152. L.262268. * Dok. Nr. 8.16. 1953 m. kovo 17 d. LSSR MVD ministro pav. plk. L. Martavièiaus paþyma SSRS MVD 5-osios valdybos virðininko pav. plk. S. Cholevui Dël agentûrinio-operatyvinio darbo Lietuvos SSR medicinos ástaigose. LYA. F.K-1. Ap.10. B.149. L.187207.
Ðaltiniai ir literatûra 1. Tatarûnas L. Lietuvos þydø nacionalinis judëjimas uþ teisæ iðvykti á Izraelá // Genocidas ir rezistencija, 2002. Nr. 1. P.118. 2. Lietuvos komunistø partija skaièiais. Vilnius, 1976. P. 120121. 3. Atamukas S. Lietuvos þydø kelias. Vilnius, 1998. P. 292, 295296, 307. 4. LSSR MGB ministro D. Jefimovo paþyma apie LSSR MGB 1944 071946 08 15 suimtø þmoniø skaièiø // Lietuvos partizanø kovos. P. 232. 5. LYA. F. 1771. Ap. 133. B. 57. L. 17. 6. LYA. F. 1771. Ap. 131. B. 24. L. 38
Ivados 4. Pasiprieinimo sovietinei okupacijai slopinimas 1. Pokario Lietuvos ginkluotosios rezistencijos slopinimui vadovavo VKP(b) CK ir SSRS represinës struktûros Maskvoje, pagal kuriø direktyvius dokumentus buvo organizuojamos karinës operacijos ir agentûrinis darbas, koordinuojama vietose (respublikinio pavaldumo) partiniø, represiniø ir kitø struktûrø veikla. SSRS komunistinë vadovybë nepripaþino jokiø politiniø nuolaidø ir kompromisø. Rezistencija turëjo bûti nugalëta SSRS karine galia. Sovietø valdþios poþiûriu, partizanai galëjo tik kapituliuoti, t. y. legalizuotis. LSSR valstybës saugumo duomenimis, 19441953 m. buvo suimti ir ákalinti 62 tûkst. rezistentø, 20 tûkst. nuþudyta, o 38 tûkst. legalizavosi. Ið viso prievartà arba represijas patyrë 120 tûkst. sovietø valdþiai vieðai nepritarusiø ar su ja kovojusiø þmoniø. Istoriko A. Anuðausko skaièiavimais, ið viso 1944 1952 m. NKVD-MVD-MGB suëmë apie 186 tûkst. þmoniø (be tremtiniø). 2. Nuo 1944 iki 1947 m. pavasario kovai su pogrindiu tiesiogiai vadovavo VKP(b) CK Lietuvos biuras. LKP(b) atliko organizacines ir ið dalies vykdomàsias funkcijas. Nuo 1947 iki 1953 m. partizanø pasiprieðinimo slopinimo politinio organizavimo funkcijos tiesiogiai perëjo LKP(b) CK þinion. 19471949 m. ir 1953 m. LKP(b) CK biuras priëmë visiðkai slaptus, taikomus visai Lietuvai, antipartizaninius dokumentus, kurie ápareigojo visas partines ir represines struktûras visomis priemonëmis nuslopinti pasiprieðinimà sovietø valdþiai: represinëmis (karinëmis operacijomis ir trëmimais), ekonominëmis (didëjanèia mokesèiø naðta valstieèiams, prievartine kolektyvizacija), ideologinëmis (pasitelkiant masines informacijos priemones ðmeiþti Lietuvos pasiprieðinimo dalyvius ir Katalikø baþnyèià). Stengdamasi vadovauti kovai su pogrindþiu, LKP(b) CK organizavo partiniø ir represiniø struktûrø vadovø pasitarimus. Kovai su partizanais buvo sukurtos visiðkai slaptos specialios partinës-represinës struktûros: valsèiuose trejetai, apskrityse penketai. 3. Kovodama su pogrindþiu LKP(b) dëjo visas pastangas, kad suprieðintø lietuviø tautà. LKP(b) sukûrë specialias lietuviðkas partines ir ginkluotas struktûras stribø (liaudies gynëjø) bûrius, partinio-sovietinio aktyvo ginkluotas grupes bei joms vadovavo. 4. Svarbiausias LKP(b) kovos su pogrindþiu bûdas buvo ne ginkluota jëga (ji priklausë Maskvai pavaldþioms represinëms struktûroms), o antihumaniðkos priemonës: politinis ðantaþas ir partizanø ðeimiø nariø ar giminiø, niekuo neprasikaltusiø okupacinei valdþiai, trëmimo ir ákalinimo (ákaitø grobimo) bei jø turto konfiskavimo organizavimas. Ðie þmonës (visø Lietuvos socialiniø sluoksniø atstovai) sudarë atskirà politinæ tremiamø asmenø kategorijà. Tai prieðtaravo komunistø deklaruojamai klasiø kovos teorijai. LSSR MGB duomenimis, 1944 1953 m. ðiø asmenø buvo suimta 12 259, itremta 7 499 eimos. 5. Nuo 1950 m. (iðskyrus 1953 m.) LKP(b) CK neberengë antipartizaniniø nutarimø, taikomø visai Lietuvai, o ypatingà dëmesá skyrë konkretiems rajonams, kuriuose aktyviausiai reiðkësi rezistentai.
5. Trëmimai Vienas svarbiausiø komunistø partijos nusikaltimø buvo trëmimai prievartinis ir masinis þmoniø perkëlimas ið jø nuolatiniø gyvenamøjø vietø á tolimuosius SSRS ðiaurës ir rytø regionus. Trëmimais buvo siekiama paðalinti aktyviausias, sàmoningiausias, opozicines gyventojø grupes ir iðtisus socialinius sluoksnius, atimti ir uþvaldyti jø turtà, ábauginti lietuviø tautà ir uþgniauþti bet koká pasiprieðinimà okupaciniam reþimui. Komunistø partija masiniais gyventojø trëmimais siekë dvejopø tikslø sunaikinti pasiprieðinimo dalyviø socialinæ rëmëjø bazæ ir likviduoti ekonomiðkai nuo sovietø valdþios nepriklausomus stiprius ûkininkus, vadinamus buoþëmis, ir taip paruoðti Lietuvos kaimà prievartinei kolektyvizacijai. LSSR MGB-KGB duomenimis, 19451953 m. i Lietuvos buvo itremta 108 tûkst. þmoniø, arba 29 230 ðeimø. Tikslus tremtiniø skaièius bus nustatytas paskelbus tremtiniø vardinius sàraðus. 2. Trëmimai Lietuvoje buvo vykdomi remiantis SSRS aukðèiausiosios partinës ir valstybinës valdþios (VKP(b) CK, SSRS MT, SSRS NKVD-MGB, SSRS NKVD-MGB Ypatingojo pasitarimo) direktyviniais nurodymais. Deportacijoms organizuoti ir vykdyti buvo skirtos LSSR administracijos struktûros LKP(b) CK, LSSR MT, LSSR NKVD-NKGB-MGB ir jø padaliniai vietose. 19451948 m. trëmimai buvo vykdomi tiesiogiai vadovaujantis Maskvos nurodymais, o nuo 1949 iki 1953 m. atsirado direktyvø patvirtinimo respublikinë procedûra, kurià pirmiausiai aprobuodavo LKP(b) CK. Deportacijø iðvakarëse LKP(b) CK biuras priimdavo specialius visiðkai slaptus nutarimus ir instrukcijas dël trëmimø organizavimo ir tremtiniø turto perëmimo valstybës nuosavybën. 3. Lietuvoje parengtus svarbiausius trëmimø dokumentus pasiraðë þymiausi LKP(b) vadovai: A. Snieèkus, M. Gedvilas ir já laikinai pavaduojantis K. Preikðas. Siekdamas pakelti savo bendraþygiø kovos dvasià, A. Snieèkus ávairiuose partiniuose susirinkimuose stengësi trëmimus pateisinti klasiø kovos bûtinybe ir ragino dar labiau sugrieþtinti represijas kovojant su klasiniais prieðais. 4. Trëmimams vykdyti LKP(b) CK biuras kiekvienai apskrièiai skyrë specialø LKP(b) CK ir LSSR LKT (MT) ágaliotiná, o 45 apskrièiø ágaliotiniø grupei vadovavo LSSR administracijos pareigûnai, uþimantys aukðèiausius nomenklatûros postus. Ðie ágaliotiniai (nustatyta per 50 asmenø) trëmimø metu tapdavo aukðèiausia vietos valdþia, kuriai turëjo paklusti ir vietos valstybës saugumo virðininkai. Ágaliotiniams talkino vietos partinës struktûros, komjaunimo organizacijos, stribai bei partinio-sovietinio aktyvo ginkluotos grupës. 6. LKP(b) CK ir vietos partijos vadovai po kiekvienø trëmimø, slëpdami savo nusikalstamà veiklà, propagandiniuose prievarta suvarytø gyventojø susirinkimuose árodinëjo, kad trëmimai yra reikalingi, o ataskaitose aukðtesniajai valdþiai atvirai meluodavo, kad gyventojai pritaria trëmimams. 7. Bendra trëmimø tvarka nebuvo taikoma atsakingø sovietø valdþios darbuotojø artimiems giminëms.
6. Prievartiniai rinkimai 1. Visi Sovietø Sàjungoje komunistø partijos organizuoti rinkimai á visø lygiø tarybas (sovietus) buvo prievartiniai, nedemokratiðki, fiktyvûs, diskriminaciniai ir nusikalstamo pobûdþio. Prievartiniai rinkimai á SSRS AT 1946 m , á LSSR AT 1947 m. bei á vietines tarybas 1948 m. formaliai uþbaigë Lietuvos sovietinimo etapà. 2. Rinkimus galëjo rengti tik komunistø partija. Þmonës, kurie agituodavo balsuoti prieð
ar ið viso nebalsuojantys uþ komunistus, buvo laikomi sovietinës santvarkos prieðais. Jie patirdavo ar galëjo patirti represijas, tapdavo saugumieèiø persekiojimo objektais. 3. Komunistø partija rûpinosi deputatø politinio patikimumo reikalais, be partiniø komitetø sutikimo në vienas pilietis negalëjo tapti deputatu. 4. Ne visi þmonës buvo lygûs pagal sovietinius ástatymus. Ið anksto á balsuotojø sàraðus nebuvo átraukiamos tam tikros þmoniø kategorijos. 1945 m. nuo rinkimø buvo nuðalinti apie 300 tûkst. þmoniø. 5. Pagrindinis komunistiniø rinkimø bruoþas rinkimø rezultatø falsifikavimas. Jø niekas nekontroliuodavo, kadangi nebuvo politiniø oponentø ar visuomeniniø stebëtojø. LKP(b) vadovybë partiniø organizacijø darbà vertino pagal rinkimø rezultatus. Rinkimø dienos pabaigoje likæ balsavimo biuleteniai atsidurdavo balsadëþëse. Taip buvo pasiekiama norimo rezultato, kuris siekdavo 99100 proc. 6. Visi pokario rinkimai vyko ginkluotos kovos, politinës prievartos ir teroro sàlygomis. Eiliniai Lietuvos þmonës susidûrë su komunistinës valdþios grasinimais, sovietø karinës jëgos demonstravimu, represiniø struktûrø akcijomis. Kita vertus, partizanø buvo nuolat raginami boikotuoti rinkimus. Bet kokie tokiomis sàlygomis surengtø rinkimø rezultatai negalëjo bûti teisingi.
7. Rusinimas 1. Per visà savo veiklos laikotarpá Sovietø Sàjungos komunistø partija (RKP(b), VKP(b), SSKP) vadovavosi marksizmo-leninizmo ideologija ir rusiðkuoju didþiavalstybiniu ðovinizmu. Palaipsniui SSRS gyvenanèios tautos turëjo bûti asimiliuotos. 1938 m. rusø kalbos mokytis tapo privaloma visoje SSRS. Po karo ðis reikalavimas buvo perkeltas á Lietuvos ðvietimo sistemà. Komunistø partija rusinimà ávardijo proletariniu internacionalizmu: SSRS visos tautos lygios, bet lygiausia ið visø yra rusø tauta, teikianti kitoms nesavanaudiðkà pagalbà. 2. Rusinimas tapo socialistinës kultûrinës revoliucijos sudedamàja dalimi, nors nebuvo áteisintas kokiais nors dokumentais ar nutarimais. Lietuvoje rusinimas vyko planingai ir keliomis kryptimis: per kadrø politikà, pasitelkiant ðvietimo, mokslo ir kultûros ástaigas bei sovietinæ kariuomenæ. Svarbiausi rusinimo þidiniai Lietuvoje buvo LKP(b) CK aparatas (ypaè Agitacijos ir propagandos skyrius), Glavlitas, represinës struktûros, respublikinis karinis komisariatas, sàjunginio pavaldumo þinybos, ámonës ir organizacijos. 3. Aktyviausia rusinimo politika buvo vykdoma kadrø srityje. Motyvuojant nepakankama darbuotojø kvalifikacija arba kaltinant juos nacionalizmu, lietuviai buvo keièiami rusakalbiais (pokario metais á Lietuvà atvyko apie 130 tûkst. þmoniø). Atvykusieji eidavo vadovaujamas pareigas, taip pat tapdavo lietuviø vadovø pavaduotojais. 1951 m. ið 2,5 tûkst. vadovaujanèiø LSSR darbuotojø 54 proc. buvo lietuviai. Rajonø valdþios ástaigose lietuviai sudarë apie 60 proc., miestuose 41 proc. Labiausiai surusëjusios buvo LKP(b) ir represinës struktûros, áskaitant ir prokuratûrà. 4. 1944 ir 1945 m. LKP(b) CK biuras priëmë keletà nutarimø dël lietuviø kalbos, kurià turëjo iðmokti atvykusieji. Taèiau tai buvo formalûs sprendimai. Rusakalbiai nesimokë, o lietuviai komunistai, iðskyrus keletà, pataikaudami ar bijodami bûti apkaltinti nacionalizmu, ðios problemos iki Stalino mirties nekëlë. LKP(b) vadovybë oficialiai pritarë ir teigiamai vertino visus Kremliaus sprendimus dël rusø kalbos átvirtinimo Lietuvoje. 5. 10 metø rusinimo rezultatai buvo akivaizdûs. Rusø kalba ásibrovë á Lietuvos vieðàjá gyvenimà ne tik kaip kanceliarinë, bet kaip bendrinë ir antroji gimtoji kalba. Didþioji dalis jaunuomenës ir vidutinio amþiaus þmonës laisvai arba beveik laisvai kalbëjo ir raðë rusiðkai, daugumoje respublikinio pavaldumo valdþios ástaigø ásigalëjo rusø kalba (Vilniuje ir Klaipë-
doje beveik visose ástaigose), miestuose ir kai kuriose kitose vietovëse informaciniai skelbimai ir reklaminiai uþraðai daþniausiai buvo tik rusiðki, rusø veikëjø vardais buvo pervadintos daugelio miestø centrinës gatvës, statomi jø garbei paminklai ir kt.
8. Anisemitizmas 1. Po Antrojo pasaulinio karo Sovietø Sàjungos komunistø partija ágyvendino valstybinæ antisemitizmo politikà. Jau pirmaisiais pokario metais ëmë ryðkëti VKP(b) CK politinë linija riboti arba visai neleisti þydams dirbti partinëse ar sovietinëse valdþios struktûrose. VKP(b) CK Lietuvos biuro pirmininkas, vëliau tapæs SSKP CK sekretoriumi ideologijos klausimais, M. Suslovas visà laikà laikësi stalinistiniø ir antiþydiðkø nuostatø. 5-ojo deðimtmeèio pabaigoje VKP(b) pradëjo kurstyti politines ir ideologines antisemitines kampanijas, griebësi represijø. Antisemitizmas oficialiai buvo ávardytas kaip kova su sionizmu, kosmopolitizmu ir masonybe. Þydams buvo inkriminuojami nebûti nusikaltimai, neleidþiama uþimti vadovaujamø postø, jie atleidþiami ið darbo, teisiami ir ákalinami, o kai kurie ir nuþudomi. Taèiau tai nebuvo rasistinë þydø tautos naikinimo politika. VKP(b) vadovybë stengësi iðstumti juos ið valstybës valdymo institucijø ir aktyvaus visuomenës gyvenimo. Þydø persekiojimas ir represavimas vyko visoje SSRS ir komunistinëse Rytø Europos ðalyse. Pokario Lietuvoje þydams buvo uþdrausta turëti savo mokyklas, spaudà, buvo persekiojama tikyba, uþdaromos sinagogos, naikinamos kapinës ir kt. 1949 m. likviduotas Þydø muziejus. 1952 m. nugriautas holokausto aukø paminklas Paneriuose, apskritai ignoruojama holokausto problema. 2. Po karo dël holokausto ir kitø prieþasèiø þydø Lietuvoje liko nedaug. Jø bendruomenæ papildydavo atvykæ ið SSRS tautieèiai (1946 m. Lietuvoje gyveno apie 10 tûkst. þydø). Jie dirbo ávairiose institucijose, kai kurie jø ëjo aukðtas pareigas LSSR administracijos ástaigose, represinëse struktûrose. Pastarieji, kaip partijos nariai, dalyvaujantys represijose prieð lietuvius, kitø tautybiø þmones ir net prieð paèius þydus, buvo sovietinës Lietuvos, o ne þydø veikëjai. Faktiðkai ðie sovietiniai pareigûnai þydø gyvenime nedalyvavo ir jiems neatstovavo. 3. Lietuvoje antisemitinæ politikà vykdë LKP(b) CK ir LSSR MGB. LKP vadai árodinëjo, kad kai kurie þydai sàmoningai kenkia trukdo kurti socializmà. Partinis aparatas CK plenumuose ar kituose partiniuose susirinkimuose ruoðë politinæ antisemitizmo dirvà, taèiau plataus masto politiniø represijø nesiëmë. Labiausiai suaktualinti ðià problemà stengësi LSSR MGB. Saugumieèiai, norëdami iðpûsti ir sureikðminti antisemitizmo problemà, informuodavo LKP(b) vadovybæ apie tarybinës liaudies nepasitenkinimà kenkëjiðka þydø veikla. Daugiausia tai buvo iðtraukos ið MGB konfiskuotø laiðkø, agentø uþfiksuoti gyventojø antisemitiniai pokalbiai. Saugumieèiai ëmë átarinëti ir persekioti net þydø komunistus, iðtikimus sovietinës valdþios ðalininkus. Ðitaip MGB siekë árodyti, kad þydai politiðkai nepatikimi ir prieð juos LKP(b) turi imtis veiksmø, kurie pagrástø politiná þydø represavimo bûtinumà. 4. Didþiausià politiná atgarsá sukëlë 1953 m. gydytojø þudikø byla. LSSR MGB vadovybë, sekdama Maskvos pavyzdþiu, taip pat bandë árodyti, kad Lietuvos sveikatos apsaugos sistema uþterðta prieðiðkais elementais, daugiausia þydais. Visa gydytojø kenkëjø byla Lietuvos þydams padarë didelæ moralinæ ir dvasinæ þalà. 5. Pokario Lietuvoje antisemitizmo reiðkiniai neágijo tokiø mastø kaip Maskvoje ir Leningrade. Èia daug lëmë pakankamai nuosaikus LKP(b) vadovø lietuviø, ypaè A. Snieèkaus, poþiûris á ðià problemà. Nauja SSRS vadovybë 1953 m. nutraukë atvirà þydø persekiojimà, nors ir vëliau bûta þydø diskriminacijos.
PART 2 THE ROLE OF THE POLITICAL BODIES OF THE OCCUPIED LITHUANIA IN ESTABLISHING THE COMMUNIST REGIME AND COMMITING CRIMES 4. The Suppression of the Resistance to the Soviet Occupation* In 1944-1953, the Lithuanian nation bearing arms defended its freedom and the aspiration to restore the independent State. The Soviet Union suppressed this resistance by using military force. The fighting against the armed and unarmed underground was commanded by the CK of the VKP(b) and the repressive bodies of the SSRS. According to their directives, the suppression of the resistance was organized and activities of party, repressive and other bodies (of republican subordination) were coordinated locally. In 1944-1946, the CK of the VKP(b) adopted three decisions regarding the inadequate work of the LKP(b) in fighting against the armed underground. According to the data by the KGB of the LSSR, in 1944-1954, 38,141 members of the armed underground were liquidated, 20,138 of them were killed, 18,003 were arrested and imprisoned. 38,621 members of the armed underground were forced to be in hiding and later had to legalize themselves. According to the data by the State Security of the Lithuanian SSR, the total number of persons belonging to the armed underground in 1944-1954 was 76,762 (doc. No. 4.1* ). Similar statistics regarding the armed underground are presented in other documents of the State Security (doc. No. 4.2*, doc. No. 4.3* ). The note of December 1952 by the Minister of the MGB of the LSSR P.Kondakov indicates that in 1944-1952 the total of 120,570 people that fought against the Soviet power or publicly disregarded it were killed, arrested or obtained legality (they did not belong to the category of the deported), 62,000 of them were arrested (among the arrested were 14,850 members of the unarmed underground), 20,093 were killed, 38,106 legalized themselves (doc. No. 4.2). According to the calculations by the historian A. Anuauskas the total number of people that were arrested (imprisoned, released from prison or died in it, killed by shooting) by the NKVD-MVD-MGB of the LSSR in 1944-1952 would amount to 186,000 (deporties excluded). This was one of the colossal crimes organized and executed by the Communist Party. The statistics of the victims of the NKGB-MGB terror are not accurate. As has been revealed by the researches of Lithuanian historians, these data were doctored increased or decreased, taking into consideration the political conjuncture of the period or the whims of Moscow authorities. For instance, unarmed killed men were often called bandits (i.e. partisans) by the personnel of the repressive bodies. The exact number of repressed resistance fighters or peaceful civilian population will be determined in the future. * Literature and Sources page 15. * Doc. No. 4.1. A note of 30 December 1954 by the Head of the 2nd Division of the 4th Directorate of the MVD of the LSSR Capt. Martusevièius in regard to the killed and arrested members of the armed underground of Lithuania in 19441954. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 3. f. 530. p. 38. * Doc. No. 4.2. A note of December 1952 by the Minister of the MGB of the LSSR Maj. Gen. P. Kondakov On the Results of the Work of the MGB Bodies of the Lithuanian SSR in Fighting against the Nationalistic Underground and its Bands from 15 July 1944 to 15 December 1952. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 3. f. 407. p. 264-265. * Doc. No. 4.3. A note of 25 October 1953 by the Head of the 4th Directorate of the MVD of the LSSR Maj. P. Raslanas On the Results of the Work of the MVD Bodies of the Lithuanian SSR and Nationalistic Attacks from 15 June 1944 to 25 October 1953. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 3. f. 441. p. 12.
The names of the most important organizers and executors of the genocide were approved by the CK of the VKP(b). For instance, on 26 October 1946, the Minister of the MVD of the SSRS S.Kruglov wrote that he submitted the candidature of the Deputy Head of the MVD Directorate of the LSSR for Lt. Col. B.Burylin to the Central Committee of the VKP(b) for approval. On my suggestion, the CK of the VKP(b) approved you for the current position, wrote S.Kruglov. You must justify the confidence shown to you (doc. No. 4.4* ). Throughout the entire post-war period, the LKP(b) tried to portray the partisan war as class struggle, though party leaders themselves knew well that it was not so. The data on the social composition of the convicted resistance fighters submitted to V.Shcherbakov and A.Snieèkus on 28 May 1946 by the Chairman of the Military Tribunal of the MVD A.Khaliavin indicate that it was mostly middle class and poor peasants as well as the intelligentsia that participated in the activity of the underground in 1944-1946 (doc. No. 4.5* ) In 1944-1953, following the directives of the CK of the VKP(b) and the Lithuanian Bureau of the CK of the VKP (b), the CK of the LKP(b) adopted quite a few political decisions, resolutions or directives of criminal and anti-humane nature. According to M.Suslov, the authorities of the VKP(b) demanded to accomplish the most important of the most important tasks to liquidate banditism as soon as possible (1945).1 Moscow ignored any possible political contacts with the underground that could at least slightly mitigate the military confrontation. Partisans, called bandits by the occupation authorities, had to be annihilated by armed force, without any compromises, whatever the cost in human lives on both sides. Those who supported partisans or were associated with them by kindred relations had to be repressed. The initiative for drafting anti-partisan documents would arise in repressive and communist party bodies. For instance, in November 1944, the Prosecutor of the LSSR M.Baliasnikov requested the Prosecutor of the SSRS K.Gorshenin to legalize deportations of the families of resistance fighters (doc. No. 4.6* ). On 13 November 1944, the Acting Prosecutor of the LSSR F.Girko also requested to take repressive measures against partisan families (doc. No. 4.7* ). These suggestions used to be included into the plenum decisions of the Lithuanian Bureau of the CK of the VKP(b), the CK Bureau of the LKP(b) or the CK of the LKP(b). The CK of the LKP(b) constantly declared that politically it was necessary to shortly destroy the underground and started implementing that. The Lithuanian party organization operated in two directions: first, it helped organize the activity of the repressive bodies subordinate to Moscow throughout Lithuania and tried to command them; second, it established and strengthened armed units subordinate to it, that is, platoons of exterminators and armed groups of party Soviet activists and other bodies (the threes, the fours, the fives). On 24 July and 3 December 1944 and on 14 November 1947, the CK of the LKP(b) adopted decisions regarding the formation and reinforcement of the platoons of the istrebiteli (destroyers, exterminators, peoples defenders) (in 1945 there were 10,314 people in them, later the number decreased).2 According to B.Kobulov, the battalions of exterminators are the future combat nucleus of Lithuanian communists.3 The CK Bureau of the LKP(b) demanded that * Doc. No. 4.4. A letter of 26 October 1946 by the Minister of the MVD of the SSRS Col. Gen. S. Kruglov to the Deputy Head of the Directorate of the MVD of the LSSR for Fighting against Banditism Lt. Col. B. Burylin. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 3. f. 216. p. 12. * Doc. No. 4.5. An explanatory letter of 28 May 1946 by the Chairman of the Military Tribunal of the MVD of the LSSR Lt. Col. A. Khaliavin to the Chairman of the Lithuanian Bureau of the CK of the VKP(b) V. Shcherbakov and the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Snieèkus about the convicted resistance fighters of Lithuania. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 9. f. 269. p. 7375. * Doc. No. 4.6. An additional report of November 1944 by the Prosecutor of the LSSR M. Baliasnikov to the Prosecutor of the SSRS K. Gorshenin in regard to the deportation of partisan families. SLA. stk.1771. inv. 7. f. 92. p. 43. * Doc. No. 4.7. The letter of 13 November 1944 by the Acting Prosecutor of the LSSR F. Girko to the Prosecutor of the SSRS K. Gorshenin On Fighting against Counterrevoliutionary Crimes in the Lithuanian SSR. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 7. f. 92. p. 3542.
partorgs and komsorgs (secretaries of Komsomol organizations) without fail be included into these battalions and the issues of their formation and staffing be considered at the divisions of city and county party committees and the NKVD. The battalion deputy commander for political affairs had to hold the position not lower than that of the head of the division of the county party committee. The Communist Party allocated material and social support to the exterminators (doc. No. 4.8* ). In September 1945, the arming of the party-Soviet activists began (doc. No. 4.9* ). In 1950, 7,245 persons were armed, but during deportations their number amounted to 12,00014,000.4 The activists consisted of secretaries of all-level party committees, chairmen of the executive committees, partorgs, komsorgs, administration personnel from different institutions and organizations in the country, ordinary communists, Komsomol members, etc. Partisans killed 1,924 of them, but most of the 345 party activists that were captured or missing might as well be attributed to the killed ones.5 Sometimes, the activists that used to be approved by county party committees even surpassed exterminators by their brutal behaviour. Most of them were local Lithuanians. Alongside exterminators, they became the most important propaganda argument of the LKP(b) concerning the establishment of the communist power in the country. Later, on the grounds of their participation, the myth that the Lithuanian nation itself defeated the bourgeois nationalists and their armed bands was created. In order to make repression operations or actions of terror operational and secret, in 19451947, mostly in party committees of rural districts, the threes (troiki) and in those of counties the fives (piatiorki) were being formed; these were top secret conferences of the heads of party-Soviet and repressive bodies whose activity is little known about today (more about it in the article by J.Starkauskas).6 The number of people three, four, five in the highest joint party-repressive county body, that directed fighting against the resistance, was determined by local circumstances. Official information on their establishment is not available. On 23 August 1945, at the Plenum of the CK of the LKP(b), the First Secretary of the Party Committee of Trakai county M.Afonin claimed that the threes (troiki), which consisted of the rural district partorg or party secretary, the head of the county subdivision of the NKVD (MVD) and the commissioner of the rural district of the NKGB, had been founded by the Lithuanian Bureau of the CK of the VKP(b). At the aforementioned plenum, M.Suslov stated: It is expedient that the First and Second Secretaries of party committees as well as heads of the NKVD and the NKGB meet every day or, in the worst case, every other day to briefly discuss the political situation in the counties and foresee operational measures for fighting against banditism. For instance, on 27 August 1947, the Committee Bureau of Panevëþys county adopted the decision On the Political Situation in eduva Rural District (doc. No. 4.10).* The document points out that the county party committee did not organize a conference of the troika after each partisan attack. County troiki did not write protocols of their conferences or decisions or they did not survive. Their activity is mentioned in the protocols of party committees. The Deputy Commissar of the NKGB of the SSRS B.Kobulov did not approve of the establishment of the threes or any special commissions, intended to direct fighting against the underground. In August of 1945,
* Doc. No. 4.8. The decision of 24 July 1944 by the CK of the LKP(b) On the Formation of the Extermination Battalions of the NKVD in the Territory of the Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic Liberated from the German Fascist Invaders. SLA. stk.1771. inv. 7. f. 36. p. 1. * Doc. No. 4.9. A telegram of 15 September 1945 by Maj. Gen. P. Kapralov to all the Heads of the NKVD-NKGB Divisions of Ukmergë, Zarasai, Ðvenèionys and Utena on providing arms to the Soviet-party activists. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 18. f. 39. p. 168. * Doc. No. 4.10. The decision of 27 August 1947 by the Bureau of the Committee of the LKP(b) of Panevëþys county On the Political Situation in the Rural District of eduva. SLA. stk. 801. inv. 80115. f. 1. p. 45-46.
at the 7th Plenum of the CK of the LKP(b), he urged the heads of the divisions of the local NKVD-NKGB and party committee secretaries to cooperate more closely.7 While forming the troiki, some party county committees, on their own initiative, supplemented them with a representative of the Army garrison or the leading personnel of some other institutions of the Soviet power. These conferences were unofficially called the fours (chetviorki). For instance, in August 1945, the Party Committee of Birai county prepared a plan for the liquidation of partisans in the county of Birai (doc. No. 4.26* ). The four officials, assigned to each rural district were responsible for the destruction of the underground. The second paragraph of the plan read: To task the comrades named above to once more check and specify the persons belonging to the band, to warn them through their families to leave [the band]. Afterwards, to expropriate all their land, cattle, property, agricultural implements, crops and buildings. The fives made up of the First and Second Secretaries of the county party committee, the heads of the NKVD and the NKGB divisions and the chairman of the executive committee. In secret conferences at the party committee, not less than once per month, these bodies used to discuss matters pertaining to the fighting against partisans and the repression policy. For instance, on 22 July 1946, a top secret conference of the five chaired by the First Secretary of Këdainiai County Party Committee of the LKP(b) J.Piligrimas, took place. The decision was adopted to task the Head of the county MVD G.Chakhava to arrange an ambush for partisans on the night of 22 July. About 400 of MVD troops and forces of local party activists had to participate in the operation (doc. No.4.11).* On 1 March 1947, the five (piatiorka) of Prienai County Committee of the LKP(b) considered the issues regarding the division of the property of the local MGB and MVD (doc. No. 4.27* ). The so-called troiki, chetviorki and piatiorki, being smaller and more specialized in their composition, could more effectively solve top-secret issues of fighting against the resistance than the bureaus of the county committees of the LKP(b). These party-repressive elements would also contribute to the reinforcement of communist terror against peaceful population (deportation of the population, confiscation of the property belonging to partisan families or their supporters, dismissal of undesirable elements from institutions and schools, etc.). The main force suppressing the armed resistance was the military-repressive bodies of the NKVD-MGB, and not the armed platoons formed by the LKP(b). The NKVD-MGB troops would often act independently enough, without coordinating their military operations with lower party institutions. This caused certain contradictions; therefore, the authorities of the LKP(b) constantly declared that it was the Communist Party that had to direct fighting against partisans. During the post-war period, the CK of the LKP(b) adopted dozens of decisions on this issue obligating party and repressive bodies to take various measures against the underground, paying particular attention not to the employment of the armed force, but rather to criminal actions against defenceless people partisans relatives and members of their families, who, as political hostages, were deported, imprisoned and killed. The spearhead of political repressions was directed not only to the hard-to-find partisans, but also to the members of their families or relatives it meant their deportation from Lithuania, confiscation of their property and even loss of their lives. Partisans had to choose: to legalize themselves or risk their families. * Doc. No. 4.26. Plan No. 100 approved by the Committee of the LKP(b) of Birai county in August 1945 On the Liquidation of Kulak-Nationalistic Bands in the County of Birai. SLA. stk. 1093. inv. 1093-27. f. 1. p. 5357. * Doc. No. 4.11. The protocol of 22 July 1946 of the conference of the five (piatiorka) under the command of the First Secretary of the Party Committee of the LKP(b) of Këdainiai county J. Piligrimas On the Political Situation in the County. SLA. stk. 749. inv. 749-8. f. 1. p. 23. * Doc. No. 4.27. An extract from the sitting of the five (piatiorka) of Prienai County Committee of the LKP(b) on 1 March 1947. SLA. stk. 739. inv. 739-10. f. 2. p. 1.
The Soviet power declared more than one amnesty for the partisans in which, in the form of an ultimatum, the families of resistance fighters were threatened. For instance, the order of 15 February 1946 by the Commissar of the NKVD of the LSSR J.Bartaðiûnas stated: 5. To arrest and deport families of participants of bandit and bourgeois-nationalistic organizations that have not given in to the institutions of the Peoples Commissariat of Internal Affairs (bold print by the author). On 18 January 1947, J.Bartaðiûnas pointed out that close relatives are considered to be the wife, father, mother, brother and sister of the partisan. Other relatives living together (mother-in-law, grandparents, aunts, etc.) had to be deported if they were supported by the partisan family. To prove that, a note from the executive committee of the rural district sufficed.9 This immoral repression policy (capturing hostages) in part justified itself and became one of the most important means to break the resistance. In July 1945, I.Tkachenko stated that because of the displacement (deportation V.T.), legalization of bandits and illegals has lately become more active. He gave examples indicating that even parents made their sons legalize (doc. No. 5.4).* In 1944-1945, 36,557 persons legalized themselves (doc. No. 4.2 and No. 4.3.). Until the spring of 1947, the Lithuanian Bureau of the CK of the VKP(b) directly commanded the fighting against the partisan movement and underground organizations (more about it in the section Lithuanian Bureau of the CK of the VKP(b)). The LKP(b) performed only organizational functions, though frequently the CK of the VKP(b) or M.Suslov would lay all the blame for inactivity and failures in fighting against the underground on the CK of the LKP(b) and local party bodies. In 1944-1946, the most important directives on this issue were adopted by the Lithuanian Bureau of the CK of the VKP(b) in the sittings of which the LKP(b) authorities participated as well. Therefore, the responsibility for killings of partisans and defenceless people, mass arrests and imprisonments lies on both sides. During this period, the CK Bureau of the LKP(b) carried out the decisions of the Lithuanian Bureau of the CK of the VKP(b), by immediately sending them to its lower bodies. Political resolutions adopted at the plenums of the CK of the LKP(b) obligated all party and state institutions of the Lithuanian SSR to execute the decisions by the CK of the VKP(b) and the Lithuanian Bureau of the CK of the VKP(b). During the period under the command of the Lithuanian Bureau of the CK of the VKP(b), in letters sent to Moscow, in conjunction with the heads of the repressive bodies, A.Snieèkus requested to support the reinforcement of repressions and prepared special directives (instructions) that in their significance equaled the decisions adopted by the CK Bureau of the LKP(b). On 28 December 1944, in the resolution of the 4th Plenum of the CK of the LKP(b), one of the first political directives to apply repressive sanctions against partisan families without the court verdict was formulated: The Plenum obligates party and Soviet bodies to promptly and resolutely carry out confiscation of land and property of the farms the members of which participate in bourgeois-nationalistic bands
(doc. No. 4.12).* By 20 October 1945, 2,424 farms 21,351 hectares belonging to partisans and their supporters were confiscated (doc. No. 4.13).* This was an introduction into the beginning of repressions (deportations and imprisonments) in 1945 against partisan families, i.e. people most of whom aided partisans
* Doc. No. 5.4. A report of 23 July 1945 by the Commissioner of the NKVD-NKGB of the SSRS in Lithuania Lt. Gen. I. Tkachenko in regard to the deportations in the operational sectors of Utena and Vilnius. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 10. f. 22. p. 98102. * Doc. No. 4.12. An extract from the resolution of the 4th Plenum of the CK of the LKP(b) on 30 December 1944. SLA. stk.1771. inv. 7. f. 9. p. 9. * Doc. No. 4.13. A note of October 1945 by Maj. N. Ermakov of the NKGB of the LSSR in regard to the farms confiscated from partisans and their supporters by 20 October 1945. SLA. F.K-1. inv. 10. f. 21. p. 257.
materially, supported them spiritually, but personally did not participate in the resistance, did not fight against the occupation power, thus formally did not commit any crimes against it. On 4 June 1945, after conferences with M.Suslov and the authorities of the LKP(b), B.Kobulov, A.Apolonov and I.Tkachenko prepared the official report to L.Beria On the Reinforcement of Fighting Measures Against Banditism and the Anti-Soviet Underground in the Lithuanian SSR, in which they suggested that 20,000 members of partisan families be deported from Lithuania.10 According to the directive of 16 June 1945 by the NKVD of the SSRS, 6,320 persons were deported.11 On 20 September 1945, in their letter to L.Berija and V.Merkulov M.Suslov and A.Snieèkus reported that there still remained not deported families in the country and suggested their deportation. On 29 September, L.Beria addressed J.Stalin and pointed out that, on the grounds of the decisions adopted by the CK of the VKP(b) on 15 August 1945 and the 7th Plenum of the CK of the LKP(b) on 24 August 1945, the property of the families of 300 partisan commanders had been confiscated and it was necessary to deport their owners: The Chairman of the Lithuanian Bureau of the CK of the VKP(b) comrade Suslov and the Secretary of the CK of the Lithuanian KP(b) comrade Snieèkus agree with this suggestion. We ask for your approval. The approval was granted. In February 1946, 2,082 persons were deported.12 Communist authorities divided resistance fighters deportees and members of their families into 5 groups: bandits and nationalists, members of bandit and nationalistic families, bandit supporters, family members of the supporters, kulaks nationalists and their families. These people were kept at the sites of their deportation the longest (until the end of 1958). Their cases were reviewed formally and requests to release them from the deportation were rejected. At the 11th Plenum of the LKP(b) on 23 November 1946, the Chairman of the Lithuanian Bureau of the CK of the VKP (b) V. Shcherbakov pointed out that partisans had to be annihilated by February of 1947. A. Snieèkus and V. Shcherbakov admitted that partisan activity in Lithuania had intensified.13 On 7 December 1946, A. Snieèkus and the Commissioner of the MVD-MGB of the SSRS in Lithuania I. Tkachenko prepared a directive for the secretaries of the county committees of the LKP(b), the heads of the county divisions of the MVD and the MGB of the LSSR. Apart from immoral political instructions (recruitment of members of partisan families and priests), it provided for repressive measures: The indispensable condition for the complete confiscation (of partisan farms V. T.) is the arrest of all adult members of the family, particularly males, to prevent them from joining bands.[
] Specific action plans for the execution of this directive must be discussed at closed sittings of the bureaus of the county committees of the LKP(b) with the participation of the heads of county divisions of the MVDMGB (doc. No. 4.14, clause 10).* When the Lithuanian Bureau of the CK of the VKP(b) was disbanded in March 1947, the functions of political organization of the suppression of the partisan resistance came directly under the CK of the LKP(b). On 14 April 1947, the CK Bureau of the LKP(b) adopted the decision On the Reinforcement of Fighting Measures Against the Bourgeois Nationalistic Underground and its Armed Bands. The document stated that in the second half of March most of partisan attacks occurred in the counties of Ukmergë, Rokiðkis, Birþai, Tauragë, Lazdijai, Marijampolë, Raseiniai and Panevëþys. In order to sooner break the resistance, the Bureau
* Doc. No. 4.14. The directive of 7 December 1946 by the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Snieèkus and the Commissioner of the MVD-MGB of the SSRS in Lithuania I. Tkachenko to the Secretaries of the County Committees of the LKP(b) and the Heads of the County Divisions of the MVD and MGB of the SSRS On Measures and Methods in Liquidating the Partisan Movement. SLA. stk.1771. inv. 9. f. 241. p. 7981.
decided to apply means of economic restriction of the kulaks, to intensify the work of splitting the Catholic clergy, to form armed groups of party-Soviet activists, to reinforce the MGB with Lithuanians. The decision obligated the secretaries of the county party committees and heads of the MGB divisions to expose underground organizations in all rural districts and to liquidate them in April 1947 (doc. No. 4.15).* The deadline came to an end, yet the partisan movement in Lithuania, though having suffered painful casualties, was not destroyed. On 12 December 1947, a new antipartisan document consisting of 27 clauses and signed by A.Snieèkus On Intensifying the Fighting Against the Burgeois Nationalistic Underground and it Armed Bands was adopted. The objective of the decision was similar to the previous ones, that is, to ensure that the bourgeois-nationalistic underground is liquidated in the nearest future. However, it differed from other documents because it revealed the aspirations of the LKP(b) authorities to portray the war of the MGB troops against the partisans as the class struggle, to create the semblance that Lithuanians themselves were fighting against partisans.14 For this purpose, party committees alongside county divisions and subdivisions of rural districts of the MGB and the MVD were obligated to organize armed groups from the pro-Soviet local population. These groups had to be headed by the secretaries of party committees or partorgs as well as the heads of the local divisions of the MGB. The Second Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A.Trofimov and the Minister of the MGB of the LSSR D.Efimov were appointed commanders of all groups of armed activists in Lithuania. First secretaries of county and city party committees became personally responsible for the liquidation of the underground. In the decision, a request to Moscow was expressed to make the MGB apparatus at least partially Lithuanian and to allow the formation of Lithuanian units of the internal troops of the MGB. Clause 18 of the decision stated: [
] in response to the committed terrorist acts, in December of 1947, to deport a maximum number of kulak families supporting bandits and their bands (doc. No. 4.16).* On 22 December 1947 and 28 March 1948, 3,938 persons were deported (doc. No. 5.1).* On the basis of the note of 25 October 1953 by the Head of the 4th Directorate of the MVD of the LSSR Maj. P.Raslanas, in 1944-1953, 12,529 partisan supporters were arrested and, in response to the terrorist acts, i.e. partisan attacks, 7,499 nationalist families were deported (doc. No. 4.3).* The only fault of all these people was that they were the closest relatives of the partisans. Not all clauses of the decision were implemented (e.g. the permission to establish Lithuanian military units of the MGB was not granted); however, deportation and imprisonment, as a constituent part of communist terror, still remained one of the means in liquidating the armed underground. In 1945-1947 about 11,000 in 1948 41,136 and in 1949 33,500 people were deported. The number of people deported during the second phase of the armed resistance (1947-1949) totalled over 80,000, and 54,000 of Lithuanians were imprisoned in camps.15 All documents adopted by the CK of the LKP(b) in reference to the deportation emphasized the necessity to forcibly deport partisan families and their supporters kulaks from Lithuania as one of the main conditions in liquidating the armed resistance. A large part of the LKP(b) participated in these genocide actions, starting with the authorities that organized the deportation and finishing with ordinary members (more about it in the section Deportations). In * Doc. No. 4.15. The decision of 14 April 1947 by the Bureau of the CK of the LKP(b) On the Reinforcement of Measures in Fighting against the Bourgeois Nationalistic Underground and its Armed Bands. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 190. f. 5. p. 9599. * Doc. No. 4.16. The decision of 12 December 1947 by the Bureau of the CK of the LKP(b) On the Intensifying of Fighting against the Bourgeois Nationalistic Underground and its Armed Bands. SLA. stk. 1771. inv.190. f. 5. p. 179187. * Doc. No. 5.1. A note of 12 May 1988 by the KGB of the LSSR to the CK of the LKP about the deported people of Lithuania in 19411952. SLA. stk. 3377. inv. 58. f. 916. p. 1-3. * Doc. No. 4.3. A note of 25 October 1953 by the Head of the 4th Directorate of the MVD of the LSSR Maj. P. Raslanas On the Results of the Work of the MVD Bodies of the Lithuanian SSR and Nationalistic Attacks from 15 June 1944 to 25 October 1953. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 3. f. 441. p. 12.
January 1948, in his report to the Secretary of the CK of the VKP(b) A.Zhdanov, A.Snieèkus formulated the key directions in liquidating the armed underground: 1. intensifying communist propaganda in slandering partisans, despising the Catholic Church and justifying the deportation; 2. arming country activists, i.e. involving the local population into the armed struggle (the policy of inciting enmity in the society); 3. further deportating the population; 4. reinforcing the repressive apparatus (preferably by Lithuanians) (doc. No. 4.17).* On 18 June 1948, the CK Bureau of the LKP(b) adopted one more antipartisan decision On the Improvement of the Political Work with the Population and the Liquidation of the Remaining Members of Bourgeois Nationalistic Bands. The document stated that deportations had considerably undermined the base of the underground; however, due to the condescension of the local MGB-MVD bodies, in some counties, bourgeois-nationalist elements keep killing the local population. The blame should be shared by many party organizations, that in spite of multiple directives by the CK of the LKP(b) have not yet realized that success in fighting against the banditism depends on how efficiently the operational measures taken by the personnel of the Extraordinary Committees are coordinated with everyday political work with the population. Clause 11 obligated county party committees and bodies of the MGB to employ armed groups of activists in fighting against partisans and establish them in kolkhozes, sovkhozes and machine and tractor depots (doc. No. 4.18).* To check how the decisions of the Bureau were executed, brigades or representatives of the CK of the LKP(b) were sent to counties and rural districts. For instance, in July 1948, as soon as the aforementioned decision was adopted, a brigade of inspectors stated that in Varëna county political work with the population was neglected and the performance of the personnel of the Extraordinary Committee of the MGB and the MVD bodies was poor
Some exterminators were criticized for immoral behaviour and disregard of Soviet laws (deputy commander of the exterminators in the rural district of Rudnia Ignatenko threatened the population and abused alcohol), whereas the secretaries of the party committees in the rural districts of Merkinë and Varëna were criticized for the persecution of legalized partisans, etc. (doc. No. 4.19).* In 1948-1949, the efforts of the LKP(b) to liquidate the armed underground ended in failure (mass deportations, operations by the personnel of the Extraordinary Committee and forced collectivization were of no avail). On 1 June 1949, a conference of the most important heads of party and repressive agencies took place (24 persons participated), where measures for the liquidation of the resistance were discussed. For instance, P.Vetrov proposed to augment military units (doc. No. 4.20).* After this conference, on 6 June 1949, the CK Bureau of the LKP(b) adopted one more antipartisan decision On the Reinforcement of Fighting Against Banditism and the Remaining Members of the Bourgeois-Nationalistic Underground in Regard to the Establishment of Collective Farms in the Republic (doc. No. 4.21).* It again urged the MGB to sooner annihilate partisans, strengthen passport control, form armed groups of activists in all kolkhozes, sov* Doc. No. 4.17. An extract from the report of January 1948 by the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Snieèkus to the Secretary of the CK of the VKP(b) A. Zhdanov. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 11. f. 215. p. 917. * Doc. No. 4.18. The decision of 18 June 1948 by the Bureau of CK of the LKP(b) On the Reinforcement of Political Work with the Population and the Liquidation of the Remaining Members of the Bourgeois Nationalistic Bands. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 190. f. 6. p. 6468. * Doc. No. 4.19. The note of July 1948 by the inspection brigade (Urazov, Butnevièius and Stasiûnas) of the CK of the LKP(b) to the Second Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Trofimov On the Work of the Committee of the LKP(b) of Varëna County in Executing the Decision of 18 June 1948 by the Bureau of the CK of the LKP(b) On the Reinforcement of Political Work with the Population and the Liquidation of the Remaining Members of the Bourgeois Nationalistic Bands. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 190. f. 6. p. 127130. * Doc. No. 4.20. An extract from the conference of the heads of party and repressive bodies on 1 June 1949 On Measures in Liquidation the Remaining Members of the Nationalistic Underground and its Bands during the Collectivization. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 190. f. 7. p. 3946. * Doc. No. 4.21. The decision of 6 June 1949 by the Bureau of the CK of the LKP(b) On the Intensifying of Fighting against Banditism and the Remaining Members of the Bourgeois Nationalistic Underground in Reference to the Formation of Kolkhozes in the Republic. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 190. f. 7. p. 2228.
khozes, parts of rural districts and machine and tractor depots, consider each partisan attack at the sittings of the bureau of the county party committee, reinforce the MGB with Lithuanians, etc. Following Clause 16 of this decision, a conference of all First Secretaries of the county party committees of the LKP(b) and heads of the county divisions of the MGB-MVD had to be held on 9 July 1949 (documents about this conference have not been found V.T.). Apart from general decisions covering party bodies of all counties, the CK Bureau of the LKP(b) discussed the work of the party committees of specific counties in fighting against the underground. In fact, during the period of 1944-1953, party committees of all counties were discussed, and some of them even several times (depending on the activity of partisans). For instance, on 14 May 1946, the Bureau analyzed the work of Panevëþys County Committee of the LKP(b) and stated that heads of party and repressive bodies allowed the attitudes of criminal carelessness and complacency to emerge. The Bureau obligated them to liquidate the armed underground in the shortest time possible (doc. No. 4.22).* Special inspectors of the CK of the LKP(b) constantly informed the Bureau of the CK about the activity of local communists in fighting against partisans. The reports used to describe the political situation in counties and rural districts critically enough. Later, the CK of LKP(b) criticized local communists, mostly for political passiveness, bad organization of work in liquidating the underground, violations of the revolutionary law (crimes) and immoral conduct. For instance, on 8 May 1946, A.Snieèkus was informed that in 1946, the party committee of Lazdijai county only once considered the issue of fighting against partisans (banditism) and once the violations of the revolutionary law; moreover, no means of fighting against this evil were planned (doc. No. 4.23).* With the deportation and imprisonment of the most active supporters of partisans, the social base and material support of the underground became weaker. From 1950, the number of fighters considerably decreased. Therefore, the CK of the LKP(b) intentionally no longer prepared anti-partisan decisions of general nature and focused their attention on specific counties where resistance fighters were most active. Besides, it was no longer convenient for the LKP(b) that the troops of the MGB demonstrated force in the countryside. Taking this into consideration, on 31 August 1951, P.Kapralov obligated his subordinates to conceal their actions during military operations as much as possible, and not to demonstrate them publicly as, for example, members of Daugai punitive battalion of the MGB did. P.Kapralov pointed out that this gives rise to various rumours and unhealthy attitudes (doc. No 4.24).* The last decision of the antipartisan nature adopted on 31 December 1953 and called On the Reinforcement of Measures in Fighting Against the Nationalistic Underground and Remaining Members of Bands in the Republic did not have any special political significance (doc. No. 4.25).*
* Doc. No. 4.22. The decision of 14 May 1946 by the Bureau of the CK of the LKP(b) On the Decision of 15 August 1945 by the CK of the VKP(b) On Fighting against the Bourgeois Nationalistic Underground and its Armed Bands and on the Execution of the Decision of 26 October 1945 by the Bureau of the CK of the LKP(b) on this Issue in the County of Panevëþys. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 190. f. 4. p. 4244. * Doc. No. 4.23. A note of 8 May 1946 by an inspector of the CK of the LKP(b) Petrov to the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Snieèkus On the Political Situation in the County of Lazdijai. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 190. f. 4. p. 58. * Doc. No. 4.24. An order of 31 August 1951 by the Minister of the MGB of the LSSR Maj. Gen. P. Kapralov to the Heads of the MGB Directorates of Vilnius, Kaunas, Ðiauliai, Klaipëda counties and to the Heads of the Divisions of the MGB Districts of the LSSR about the concealment of military operations from the local population. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 3. f. 390. p. 25. * Doc. No. 4.25. An extract from the LKP decision of 31 December 1953 by the Bureau of the CK of the LKP(b) On the Intensifying of Measures in Fighting against the Nationalistic Underground and the Remaining Members of Bands in the Republic. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 190. f. 9. p. 36-41.
5. Deportations* One of the most important crimes of the Communist Party was deportations, that is, forced and mass displacement of Lithuanian people from their permanent places of living to the farthest northern and eastern regions of the SSRS. The purpose of the deportations was to remove the most active and rational opposition groups of the population and entire social layers, deprive them of their property and seize it, intimidate the Lithuanian nation and suppress any resistance to the occupation regime.1 Until the Revival of Lithuania that began in 1988, the authorities of the LKP(b) and the KGB closely guarded all secrets associated with the deportations. The CK of the LKP even tried to dissociate themselves from the participation in Stalinist repressions, though they more than once publicly admitted that the liquidation of the kulaks as a class and temporary displacement from the republic of the families of the members of the armed underground were the extraordinary measures of the Soviet power which positively affected the political and economic activity of the working peasantry.2 All deportations of the Lithuanian population were cruel, executed promptly and insidiously. According to the data of the MGB-KGB of the LSSR, in 1945 1953, 106,000 108,000 of people or 29,230 families were displaced (doc. No. 5.1*, doc. No. 5.2*, doc. No. 5.3*, doc. No. 4.2*, doc. No. 4.3* ). According to the estimations of Lithuanian historians, these data are not accurate, but the documents of the State Security clearly testify to the crime committed by the Soviet power. Major or minor deportations of the Lithuanian population to the depths of the SSRS in 1945 1953 total 34.3 The accurate number of the deported people will be determined after the name lists of the deportees are announced. In 1945 1953, deportations in Lithuania were organized by party, governmental and repressive bodies of the Soviet Union. Post-war deportations were executed on the basis of the directives and decisions of the CK of the VKP(b), the Council of Peoples Commissars (the Council of Ministers) of the SSRS and the NKVD-MGB of the SSRS. They instructed what groups of people had to be deported, indicated the numbers of the deportees, deportation and forced employment sites. In 1945 1948, people were deported on the basis of the directives by the NKVD of the SSRS and the MGB of the SSRS. Starting with 1948, appropriate decisions in reference to the deportation were taken by the CK of the LKP(b) and the Council of Ministers of the LSSR in compliance with the directives by the Government of the SSRS and the repressive bodies of the SSRS. Thus, a republican procedure for confirming Moscow directives emerged and the first body to approve them was the CK Bureau of the LKP(b).
* Literature and Sources page 21. * Doc. No. 5.1. A note of 12 May 1988 by the KGB of the LSSR to the CK of the LKP about the deported people of Lithuania in 19411952. SLA. stk. 3377. inv. 58. f. 916. p. 1-3. * Doc. No. 5.2. A note of 13 May 1958 by the Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the LSSR K. Preikas to the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP A. Snieèkus about the deported people. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 190. f. 11. p. 122 130. * Doc. No. 5.3. The note of 14 April 1953 by the Head of the 8th Division of the 1st Central Directorate of the MVD of the SSRS Lt. Gen. Zhukov On the Contingent of the Displaced People from the Lithuanian SSR in 19451953. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 3. f. 439. p. 247249. * Doc. No. 4.2. A note of December 1952 by the Minister of the MGB of the LSSR Maj. Gen. P. Kondakov On the Results of the Work of the MGB Bodies of the Lithuanian SSR in Fighting against the Nationalistic Underground and its Bands from 15 July 1944 to 15 December 1952. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 3. f. 407. p. 264-265. * Doc. No. 4.3. A note of 25 October 1953 by the Head of the 4th Directorate of the MVD of the LSSR Maj. P. Raslanas On the Results of the Work of the MVD Bodies of the Lithuanian SSR and Nationalistic Attacks from 15 June 1944 to 25 October 1953. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 3. f. 441. p. 12.
It was not only the authorities of the CK of the LKP(b) alongside the NKVD (MGB) that organized the deportations and were personally responsible for them, but all secretaries of party committees in cities, counties and rural districts of Lithuania (doc. No. 5.22)*. For instance, in 1950, the Secretary of the LKP(b) committee of Ignalina district Beliakov signed the list of the deported people (doc. No. 5.13).* Officials of the NKVD and the MGB of the SSRS were sent to Lithuania to organize and execute deportations. For instance, on 23 July 1945, the Commissioner of the NKVD-NKGB of the SSRS in Lithuania Gen. I.Tkachenko reported to L.Beria, V.Merkulov, B.Kobulov, M.Suslov and A.Snieèkus that in the operational sectors of Utena and Vilnius (7 counties), the deportation of the population on 17 July 1947 was well organized, unexpected and secret (doc. No. 5.4).* Deportations were executed by the internal, border and convoy military units, local exterminators and the militia. All bodies of the Lithuanian Communist Party and power institutions subordinated to them actively participated and showed much initiative. On the eve of the deportations, the CK of the LKP(b) and the Council of Peoples Commissars (the Council of Ministers) of the LSSR would adopt special top secret decisions and instructions on taking over the property of the deported people. For instance, on 18 May 1948, the CK of the LKP(b) and the Council of Ministers of the LSSR adopted the decision On Measures in Displacing Kulak Families Supporters of Bandits and their Bands (doc. No. 5.5).* The most important deportation documents prepared in Lithuania used to be signed by the best-known leaders of the LKP(b): the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A.Snieèkus, the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the LSSR M.Gedvilas and the temporarily substituting him Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the LSSR K.Preikas. This is typical historical evidence of collaborationism and ingratiation with Moscow. However, perhaps the most ardent in this was A.Snieèkus. At various party meetings, trying to raise the fighting spirit of his associates, he openly and boldly spoke about resolute measures to be applied in reference to the underground and class enemies. At the 6th Congress of the LKP(b) in 1949, A.Snieèkus emphasized that in 1948 the displacement of kulaks performed a positive role.4 At the 4th Plenum of the CK of the LKP(b) in 1949, having in mind the deportations of 1949, A.Snieèkus reminded communists that the success of fighting against bourgeois-nationalists has always depended and now depends on the coordination of all forms of struggle political, administrative, repressive, etc.5 On 25 May 1948, he sent the CK of the VKP(b), the Minister of the MGB of the SSRS V.Abakumov and his deputy S.Ogoltsov the decision of the CK Bureau of the LKP(b) which stated that the MGB correctly selected and in an organized manner deported 12,000 families (doc.No. 5.6).* On 29 March 1949, A.Snieèkus expressed his gratitude to the MGB of the SSRS for great assistance in carrying out this job (doc. No. 5.7).* On 28 September 1951, he signed the decision of the CK Bureau of the LKP(b) which ordered the MGB of the LSSR to deport 4,000 kulaks and their families (doc. No. 5.8).* A.Snieèkus also requested the Kremlin to deport families of resistance fighters (see the section Suppression of the Resistance to the Soviet Occupation). * Doc. No. 5.22. City and county First Secretaries of the LKP(b) of the Lithuanian SSR in June 1948. SLA. stk.1771. inv. 190. f.6. p.63. * Doc. No. 5.13. A list of Kulak families deported from Ignalina district of Vilnius county signed by the Secretary of the LKP(b) Committee of Ignalina Beliakov in 1950 // The stocks of the Museum of the Genocide Victims. Vilnius. * Doc. No. 5.4. A report of 23 July 1945 by the Commissioner of the NKVD-NKGB of the SSRS in Lithuania Lt. Gen. I. Tkachenko in regard to the deportations in the operational sectors of Utena and Vilnius. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 10. f. 22. p. 98102. * Doc. No. 5.5. The decision of 18 May 1948 by the Council of Ministers of the LSSR and the CK of the LKP(b) On Measures in Displacing Kulak Families, Supporters of Bandits and their Bands. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 190. f. 6. p. 3637. * Doc. No. 5.6. A decision of 25 May 1948 by the Bureau of the CK of the LKP(b) in reference to the deportation of 12,000 families. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 190. f. 6. p. 60. * Doc. No. 5.7. A decision of 29 March 1949 by the Bureau of the CK of the LKP(b) in regard to the results of the deportation of people from Lithuania on 2528 March 1949. LSA. stk. 1771. inv. 190. f. 7. p. 21. * Doc. No. 5.8. The decision of 28 September 1951 by the Bureau of the CK of the LKP(b) On the Displacement of Kulaks and their Families. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 190. f. 8. p. 139.
Special authorized persons approved by the CK of the LKP(b) and the Council of Peoples Commissars (the Council of Ministers) of the LSSR were assigned to each county from which people had to be deported (doc. No. 5.9).* Usually, they were officials holding high positions at the Central Committee of the LKP(b) and Peoples Commissariats. For instance, the Minister of Justice J.Blieka was assigned to Jonikis county (doc. No. 5.10),* the Managing Secretary of the Party College at the CK of the LKP(b) V.Petraitis to Pasvalys county (doc. No. 5.11)* , the Chairman of the Supreme Court K.Didiulis to Birai county (doc. No. 5.12)* , etc. Together with secretaries of county party committees and chairmen of executive committees they were personally responsible for the participation of party activists in deportations and confiscation of property, helped with the preparation of lists of the people to be deported, organized making the inventory of the property left behind by the deportees and the appropriation (confiscation). These authorized people alongside representatives of local repressive bodies briefed local party-Soviet activists on how to operate during deportations. The authorized people were responsible for the appropriation and distribution of the property of the deported people. In 1948, a group of authorized people from four or five counties was headed by the highest-ranking administration officials of the LSSR: the Personnel Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) D.Shupikov supervised the authorized people in Këdainiai, Prienai, Kaiiadorys and Kaunas counties, the Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the LSSR M.umauskas Alytus, Lazdijai, Marijampolë, Vilkavikis, akiai counties, the Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of LSSR P.Olekas Teliai, Klaipëda, Kretinga, Plungë, Maeikiai counties, etc. (doc.No. 5.9).* Other Deputy Chairmen of the Council of Ministers of the LSSR E.Ozarskis, A.Sokolov, K.Liaudis and K.Preikas also belonged to this commanding group. Most of them were also members of the CK Bureau of the LKP(b). With the change in the administrative division of Lithuania in 1950, the four First Secretaries of regional committees of the LKP(b) became responsible for deportations: D.Shupikov, F.Bieliauskas in Vilnius region, E.Ozarskis in Kaunas region, M.umauskas in iauliai region and K.Liaudis in Klaipëda region. During deportations, these authorized people would temporarily become the highest local administrative power in the counties assigned to them. Not only the first secretaries and chairmen of executive committees, but also heads of the divisions of the NKVD-NKGB (MGB) were responsible to them (formality). In 1945, in his report to the CK of the LKP(b), the instructor of the Sovkhozes Division of the CK of the LKP(b) V.Sakalauskas requested an authorized person to be sent to Raseiniai county in order to restrain troops of the NKVD from plundering the property of deportees (doc. No. 5.14).* However, it was not only State Security personnel
* Doc. No. 5.9. Lists of 1948 of commissioners in counties of the Council of Ministers of the LSSR and the CK of the LKP(b). SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 190. f. 6. p. 5354. 1 copy. * Doc. No. 5.10. An account of 5 June 1948 by the Minister of Justice of the LSSR, an official authorized by the CK of the LKP(b) and the Council of Ministers of the LSSR J. Blieka to the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Snieèkus about the results of the deportations in the county of Jonikis. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 11. f. 257. p. 58. * Doc. No. 5.11. Political information of 6 January 1948 by the representative of the CK of the LKP(b) V. Petraitis and the First Secretary of the Committee of the LKP(b) M. Mikalauskas to the CK of the LKP(b) On the Displacement of Bandit Families and their Supporters from our County. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 11. f. 237. p. 14-15. * Doc. No. 5.12. An account of 19 July 1945 by the Chairman of the Supreme Court of the LSSR, an official authorized by the Council of Peoples Commissars of the LSSR and the CK of the LKP(b) K. Didiulis to the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Snieèkus about the deportation of people from Trakai county. SL.A. stk. 1771. inv. 8. f. 194. p. 81. * Doc. No. 5.14. An account for 1945 by the instructor of the Division of Sovkhozes of the CK of the LKP(b) V. Sakalauskas to the CK of the LKP(b) about the deportations in the county of Raseiniai. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 8. f. 194. p. 80.
that participated in thefts, but also communists, Komsomol members, exterminators, etc. (doc. No. 5.15).* Such documents abound. The so-called party-Soviet armed activists in cities and in the country enjoyed a special status in these anti-humane acts. For instance, on 8 January 1948, the First Secretary of Kupikis County Party Committee of the LKP(b) P.Grigënas informed A.Snieèkus that on 29 December 1947, the Party Committee and the executives of the MGB-MVD held a closed meeting of heads of rural districts, activists and MGB-MVD personnel. The same day, a group of 135 activists was armed and sent to rural districts to deport people (doc. No. 5.16).* The First Secretary of Këdainiai County Party Committee of the LKP(b) J.Piligrimas informed A.Snieèkus that on 21 May 1948, conferences of party-Soviet activists were held in the city and all counties. 162 activists participated in the operation (doc. No. 5.17).* Being better familiar with local conditions and the population, they helped execute deportations and afterwards take inventory of the confiscated property. City activists also used to be sent to the country. For instance, on 8 May 1948, the Party Committee of Klaipëda city sent 330 activists (doc. No. 5.18).* Deportation plans and details of their organization were kept in utmost secrecy. Only the top command of the LKP(b) knew them. Ordinary party members and activists used to be informed about the beginning of the operation at the last moment. In 1945, the person authorized by the CK J.Stimburys informed the CK of the LKP(b) that party activists in iauliai county were not informed of the deportation (doc. No. 5.19).* On 27 May 1948, the First Secretary of Jonikis County Party Committee P.Kunèinas wrote to A.Snieèkus that in order to prevent peasants from suspecting that deportations would take place, party activists sent to the counties were obligated to settle issues pertaining to the acceleration of cattle-raising produce deliveries to the State.6 A.Snieèkus demanded that his subordinates send name lists of people that were not deported (were not at home at the time or had run away) to the CK of the LKP(b). Attempts were made to specifically ascertain what people had not been repressed. For instance, on 28 May 1948, the First Secretary of Kaunas city of the LKP(b) K.Gabdank sent A.Snieèkus a list of 57 such people (doc.No. 5.20).* After deportations, an extensive explanatory work was carried out in each rural district: people driven to meetings by force would listen to speeches made by the authorized people and representatives of local power about the necessity of deportations and the fair policy of the Communist Party and the Government. Later, in their reports, the authorized people or secretaries of county party committees would cynically lie that the main mass of the population approved of the deportations and would also supply examples of how the local population rejoiced at the displacement of kulak and bandit families. For instance, in July 1945, the Deputy Chief of the Sovkhozes Division of the CK of the LKP(b) V.Poliakus wrote that after the deportations in Maeikiai county, the overall mood of the peasantry was good (doc.No. 5.21).* * Doc. Nr. 5.15. An account of 24 June 1948 by the Secretary of the Committee of the LKP(b) of Radvilikis county Goriunov to the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A.Snieèkus about the deportations in the county of Radvilikis. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 11. f. 257. p. 64. * Doc. No. 5.16. An account of 8 January 1948 by the First Secretary of the Committee of the LKP(b) of Kupikis county P. Grigënas to the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Snieèkus about the deportations in the county of Kupiðkis. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 11. f. 236. p. 102104. * Doc. No. 5.17. An account of 21 May 1948 by the First Secretary of the Committee of the LKP(b) of Këdainiai county J. Piligrimas to the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Snieèkus about the deportations in the county of Këdainiai. SLA. stk. 749. inv. 749-8. f. 1. p. 111112. * Doc. No. 5.18. The information of 8 May 1948 by the Secretary of the Committee of the LKP(b) of Klaipëda city A. Smirnov to the CK of the LKP(b) about the participation of party-Soviet activists in the deportations. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 11. f. 235. p. 2122. * Doc. No. 5.19. An account of 30 July 1945 by an official authorized by the CK of the LKP(b) J. Stimburys about the deportations in the county of iauliai. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 8. f. 194. p. 92. * Doc. No. 5.20. A report of 28 May 1948 by the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) of Kaunas city K. Gabdank to the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Snieèkus about the people who were not deported. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 11. f. 235. p. 79. * Doc. No. 5.21. A report of 31 July 1945 by the Deputy Head of the Division of Sovkhozes of the CK of the LKP(b) V. Poliakus to the CK of the LKP(b) about the deportations in the county of Maeikiai. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 8. f. 194. p. 26.
The frightened people, apparently wanting to seem obedient and loyal to the Soviet system, tried to follow all the instructions of the authorities. On 28 May 1948, the First Secretary of Këdainiai County Committee of the LKP(b) J.Piligrimas boasted to A.Snieèkus that right after the deportations, mandatory deliveries of agricultural produce to the State grew 3 5 times and reception points could not cope with their work (doc. No. 5.17).* On 5 June 1948, the Minister of Justice J.Blieka informed A.Snieèkus that the desire to join collective farms is observed in the county and that this opportunity had to be taken advantage of (doc. No. 5.10).* To prevent close relatives of party and Soviet functionaries from being included in the lists of deportees, on 5 March 1949, A.Snieèkus and the Minister of the MGB of the LSSR N.Gorlinskiy signed a decree which pointed out that, when close relatives of important Soviet, scientific and other distinguished employees got onto the lists of the deportees, each individual case must be considered separately and submitted to the CK of the KP(b) of Lithuania to be sanctioned.7 Relatives of well-known executors of the genocide K.Didiulis, D.Rocius, etc. made use of this decree. The list of partially identified top-level officials of the LSSR administration (the Council of Ministers of the LSSR and persons in counties authorized by the CK of the LKP(b) in 1948 (doc.No. 5.9).* Aleknavièius Stasys ? Andriatis Kaziemieras (Andrijaitis) the Minister (Commissioner) of Food Industry in 19441953 Augustinaitis Vladas the Minister of Cattle-Raising of the LSSR in 1946 1950; the Minister of Agriculture in 1950 1956, a member of the CK of the LKP(b) Bakhmetyev P. the Managing Organizer of the CK of the LKP(b) in 1947 Baranauskas Boleslovas the Chairman of the Republican Council of the Trade Unions of the LSSR in 1945 1958 Bilevièius Elijas the Deputy Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) in 19441949, Head of division of the CK of the LKP(b) in 19491951, the Minister of Fishing Industry of the LSSR in 1950 1953 Bylinskiy V. the Managing Organizer of the CK of the LKP(b) in 1947 Blieka Jurgis the Minister of Justice of the LSSR in 1946 1951 Didiulis (Grosmanas) Karolis the Chairman of the Supreme Court of the LSSR in 1947 1958, a member of the CK of the LKP(b) Drobnys Aleksandras the Minister of Finance of the LSSR in 1944 1957 Gailevièius Alfonsas the Commissioner of the Council of Religious Cults at the Council of Ministers of the SSRS in the Lithuanian SSR in 1944 1948, the Deputy Minister of the MGB of the LSSR in 1948 1953
* Note. This undated document proofread by A. Snieèkus (1 copy) was kept in the Special Lithuanian Archives in the Extraordinary file (Osobaja papka) of the top-secret documents of the CK of the LKP(b) for 1948. I would think that several reports by commissioners of the CK of the LKP(b) and the Council of Ministers of the LSSR (e. g. doc. No. 5.10, No. 5.11, No. 5.12, etc.) confirm the relationship of the persons listed in this document with deportations. * Doc. No. 5.17. An account of 21 May 1948 by the First Secretary of the Committee of the LKP(b) of Këdainiai county J. Piligrimas to the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Snieèkus about the deportations in the county of Këdainiai. SLA. stk. 749. inv. 749-8. f. 1. p. 111112. * Doc. No. 5.10. An account of 5 June 1948 by the Minister of Justice of the LSSR, an official authorized by the CK of the LKP(b) and the Council of Ministers of the LSSR J. Blieka to the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Snieèkus about the results of the deportations in the county of Jonikis. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 11. f. 257. p. 58.
Junèas-Kuèinskas Mykolas the Secretary of personnel of the CK of the LKP(b) in 1944 1947, the Deputy Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the LSSR in 1947 1959 Kulygin the Secretary of Vilnius City Committee of the LKP(b) in 1947 (?) Karaliûnas Povilas the Deputy Minister of Sovkhozes of the LSSR in 1946 1953 Kurys Povilas the Minister of Local Industry of the LSSR in 1947 1949; the Minister of Forestry and Paper Industry in 1949 1951; the Minister of Forestry and Paper Industry in 1951 1957 Liaudis Kazimieras the Minister of Agriculture of the LSSR and theDeputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the LSSR in 1947 1950, the First Secretary of Klaipëda County Committee of the LKP(b) in 1950 1953 Liubimtsev Nikolai the Minister of Building Materials Industry of the LSSR in 1946 1953 Macijauskas Jonas the Head of the Political Division of the Republican Military Commissariat of Lithuania in 1946 1950; the Military Commissar of the LSSR in 1950 1962 Mickevièius Vaclovas the Minister of Fishing Industry of the LSSR in 1949 1951 Moskvinov Anatoliy the Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) in 1950 1952; the Second Secretary of Vilnius Region Committee of the LKP(b) in 1952 1953 Murauskas Petras the First Secretary of Tauragë County Committee of the LKP(b) in 1944 1947; the Chairman of the Bureau for the Organization of Agricultural Cooperation in 1947 1949; the Deputy Chairman of iauliai County Executive Committee in 1950 1951; the Deputy Minister of Meat and Dairy Industry of the LSSR in 1951 1953 Naèas Eduardas the Chairman of the committee of Cultural and Educational Institutions in 19441951 Niunka Vladas the Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the LSSR in 1944 1948; the Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) in 1948 1961; a member of the CK Bureau of the LKP(b) in 1944 1961 Olekas Pranas the Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the LSSR in 1947 1950 Ozarskis Eduardas the Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) in 1946 1950; the First Secretary of Kaunas County Committee of the LKP(b) in 1950 1953 Penkauskas, Penkovskiy, Bronislavas the Minister of Health Care of the LSSR in 1947 1957 Petraitis Vladislovas the Managing Secretary of the Party College at the CK of the LKP(b) in 1947 1953 Pletkus Vincas the First Secretary of Këdainiai and Kaunas County Committees of the LKP(b) in 19441951 Poliakus V. the Deputy Chief of the Division of Sovkhozes of the CK of the LKP(b) in 1945 Ponomariov Aleksandr the Minister of Forestry Industry of the LSSR in 1946 1948; the Minister of Forestry and Paper Industry in 1948 1949 Preikas Kazys the Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) in 1940 1948; the Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the LSSR in 1948 1960; a member of the CK Bureau of the LKP in 1940 1954 Prilutskiy ? Savchenko S. the Managing Organizer of the CK of the LKP(b) in 1947 Sichkarchuk P. the Deputy Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) in 1947 Skardis Antanas the Director of the Republican Party School at the CK of the LKP(b) in 1945 1954 Sokolov Aleksandr the Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the LSSR in 1946 1954 Sorokin Mikhail the Second Secretary of Panevëþys County Committee of the LKP(b) in 1947 Svischov Yakov the Minister of Communal Economy of the LSSR in 1946 1957 Stimburys Juozas the Minister of Social Security of the LSSR in 1946 1960
umauskas Motiejus the Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the LSSR in 1946 1950; the First Secretary of iauliai Region Committee of the CK of the LKP(b) in 1950 1953 Shupikov Danijil the Personnel Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) in 1947 1950; the Secretary of Vilnius Region Committee of the LKP(b) in 1950 1952 Terioshin Fiodor the Minister of Light Industry of the LSSR in 1946 1953 Tirkunov A. the Deputy Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) in 1947 Volf ? A supplementary list of the authorized people of the CK of the LKP(b) and the Council of Ministers of the LSSR8 Artemyev P. ?, the authorized person of Kelmë county in April 1949 Braþûnis Leonardas the Head of the Personnel Division of the Directorate of the Affairs of the Council of Ministers of the LSSR, the authorized person of Lazdijai county in December 1947 Dubinin P. the Peoples Deputy Commissar of the Agriculture of the LSSR, the authorized person of Alytus county in February 1946 Èipkus the Commissioner for Kaunas city in July 1945 Fedorenko Nikita the Secretary of Vilnius County Committee of the LKP(b), the Commissioner for Vilnius County in 1945 Girdvainis Juozas the Assistant to the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the LSSR M.Gedvilas, the authorized person of Kretinga county in December 1947 Gorokhov Timofei the Deputy Minister of Trade of the LSSR, the authorized person of Panevëþys county in December 1947 Kabanov the Commissioner for Ðvenèionys County in 1945 Malygin Aleksandr the Head of the Central Directorate on Literature and Publishing Houses at the Council of Ministers of the LSSR, the authorized person of Radvilikis county in December 1947 Pacevièius Petras an employee of the CK aparatus of the LKP(b) in 19441945, the Commissioner for Telðiai and Ukmergë Counties in 1945 Paplauskas Juozas the First Secretary of Panevëþys County Committee of the LKP(b), the Commissioner for Panevëþys County in July 1945 Petryla Danielius the Deputy Manager of the Affairs of the Council of Ministers of the LSSR, the authorized person of Plungë county in January 1948 Rimelis P. - ?, the authorized person of Birai county in July 1945 Sakalauskas V. the Instructor of the Sovkhozes Division of the CK of the LKP(b), the authorized person of Lazdijai county in February 1946 Senkevièius T. - ?, the authorized person of Plungë county in April 1949 Solovyov P. - ?, the authorized person of Jurbarkas county in June 1948
6. Forced Elections* The Communist Party paid special attention to the legitimacy of the Soviet power in Lithuania, to its ostensible legality, particularly during the preparation for the first post-war elections. In order to form an impression that the state power was represented by the working people or peoples masses, forced elections to the highest state organs of the SSRS and the LSSR as well as to local power bodies were arranged almost every year. Elections to the Supreme Soviet of the LSSR and the Soviets of working peoples deputies in cities, counties, towns, rural districts and parts of rural districts were a constituent part of the policy of Sovietization of Lithuania. By them, the Communist Party tried to emphasize the democratic character of the political system of the SSRS, whereas the ostensibly active participation of the Lithuanian nation in the elections had to demonstrate the approval of the Soviet system and the voluntary existence of Lithuania in the SSRS. Elections were of practical importance, too: in this way, the Communist Party officially included its members and supporters in power bodies of the state. All elections to different levels of Soviets, organized by the Communist Party, were antidemocratic, forced, fictitious, discriminatory and criminal in their character. People agitating to vote against or not voting for communists at all were regarded as enemies of the Soviet system. They sustained or could sustain repressions or became the targets of the persecution by State Security personnel shadowed by them (vziat v razrabotku Russ.). For example, on 17 December 1945, the Commissar of the NKGB of the LSSR D.Efimov informed the authorities of the NKGB of the SSRS about the discontent of certain Lithuanian people with the organization of the election to the Supreme Soviet of the SSRS. One of them, a solo singer of Kaunas Opera Theater Romanas Marijoius speaking with his friends made an uncautious remark that before the elections the Bolsheviks promise non-existing wealth to workers and peasantry of the Soviet Union. For such talks, R.Marijoius found himself under the observation of the State Security (doc.No. 6.1. p.63).* According to Clause 113 of the Constitution of the LSSR, in the preparation for the elections, the Communist Party was given a monopolistic role: only communist party and other public organizations trade unions, cooperatives, youth organizations, cultural societies, which were also under the control of the Communist Party, were given the right to announce candidacies. For propaganda reasons, a well-known person in Lithuania could be appointed the Chairman of the Central Election Commission. On 11 October 1946, the CK Bureau of the LKP(b) nominated the famous writer Petras Cvirka for this post; however, in fact, the Secretary of this commission E.Ozarskis was in charge of all affairs. He was the Personnel Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b), whose responsibilities included the issues of political reliability of the personnel, i.e. of all deputies (doc.No. 6.3).* The party regulated the percentage proportions of party and non-party deputies (non-party deputies had to make up not less than 20 25 per cent) as well as the number of men and women (women had to make up not less than 30 per cent) (doc.No. 6.4).* * Literature and Sources 25. * Doc. No. 6.1. Extracts from a note of 17 December 1945 by the Acting Commissar of the NKGB of the LSSR Maj. Gen. D. Efimov to the Commissar of the NKGB of the SSRS V. Merkulov, the Head of the 2nd Directorate of the NKGB of the SSRS Lt. Gen. P. Fedotov, the Deputy Commissar of the NKGB of the SSRS S. Ogoltsov in regard to the anti-Soviet activities and intellegence-operational measures in preparing for the elections to the Supreme Soviet of the SSRS. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 10. f. 23. p. 55, 6264. * Doc. No. 6.3. A decision of 15 October 1946 by the Bureau of CK of the LKP(b) in regard to the nomination of P. Cvirka as the Chairman and E. Ozarskis as the Secretary of the Central Election Commission of the LSSR in preparing for the elections to the Supreme Soviet of the SSRS. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 190. f. 4. p. 118.
Not a single citizen of the SSRS could became a deputy without the assent of party committees. All elections were held without nominating any alternative candidacies. The rights of citizens were brutally violated. Not all people were equal by law; certain categories of people were intentionally not included in the lists of voters, though Clause 2 of the Regulations of the Elections to the Supreme Soviet of the SSRS stated that all citizens of the USSR who are 18 years old, regardless of their race or nationality, sex, religion, educational qualification, permanent place of residence, social origin, property status or previous activity, shall be ensured the right to participate in the elections to the Supreme Soviet of the SSRS.1 On 11 November 1945, the Lithuanian Bureau of the CK of the VKP(b) discussed the issue of not including certain groups of the population of the Lithuanian SSR in the lists of voters and made a decision to exclude all the registered families of partisans, killed and arrested people, persons who had worked in political bodies during the Nazi occupation as well as their family members, well-off peasants (the kulaks), those dispossessed of all their land or part of it (as a result of the Soviet land reform), people of the German nationality and their families, also the families of those who had signed to repatriate to Poland. The number of people debarred from the election amounted to approximately 300,000.2 On 12 November 1945, M.Suslov and A.Snieèkus asked G.Malenkov to approve their decision (doc.No. 6.5).* After the decision, prepared by M.Suslov, was approved by the CK of the VKP(b), at conferences of the CK of the VKP(b), A.Snieèkus and the Secretary of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the LSSR S.Pupeikis ordered not to include persons with anti-Soviet attitudes in the lists of voters.3 Everything was kept in the utmost secrecy. At the 8th Plenum of the CK of the LKP(b) held on 6 7 December 1945 On the Tasks of Party Organizations with Regard to the Election to the Supreme Soviet of the SSRS, the fact that certain groups of people were not included in the lists of voters was not even mentioned. Preparation for the elections used to be performed under anti-democratic conditions and rough pressure. According to the information of the First Secretary of Zarasai County Committee of the LKP(b) E.Kasnauskaitë, an agitator of Zarasai town, teacher P. explained to her electors: What kind of election is this? Everything is done for the sake of appearance. People are forced to vote for the nominated candidate by weapon. Speaking with village people, the agitator of Kadagikiai village of Imbradas rural district A.Novikov instructed them that during the voting, you can go into the booth and cross out the names of the deputies nominated by the Soviet power. According to E.Kasnauskaitë, these people spread anti-Soviet attitudes.4 In the information to the Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) K.Preikas, it was reported that a teacher of Kamajai rural district of Rokikis county spoke at a meeting devoted to the election: Elect communists, leave non-party people be. The peasant K.Baèiulis from the rural district of Kamajai said: Russians occupied us, let Russians command.5 Each time, problems of the organization of elections used to be dealt with at the plenums of the CK of the LKP(b). Political directives to city and county party authorities were given at them. For example, at the 15th Plenum of the CK of the LKP(b) in 1947, having read the report on the preparation for the election to the local Soviets, K.Preikas pointed out that the work of party organizations in the election will be estimated by the number of voters who will come to the polls, by the results of the election.6 It was a serious warning and a clear instruction to seek better results. Falsification of election results was the main attribute of the communist elections. Nobody controlled them because there were no political opponents or public observers. The mem* Doc. No. 6.4. A decision of 14 November 1946 by the Bureau of the CK of the LKP(b) in regard to the candidates for the deputies to the Supreme Soviet of the LSSR. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 190. f. 4. p. 122. * Doc. No. 6.5. The letter of 12 November 1945 by the Chairman of the Lithuanian Bureau of the CK of the VKP(b) M. Suslov and the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Snieèkus to the Secretary of the CK of the VKP(b) G. Malenkov On the Exclusion of some Groups of the Population of the LSSR from the Lists of the Electors. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 190. f. 3. p. 128129.
bers of the election commissions were assigned by party committees themselves, therefore, at the end of the election day, the ballots that had not been used would quite often be put into the ballot boxes. Thus, the desired result would be achieved, which often reached almost 99 100 per cent. For example, in 1947, during the election to the Supreme Soviet of the LSSR, in the county of Zarasai, 99.9 per cent of voters came to vote and supported the candidates. Most probably the most unsuccessful election to the Supreme Soviet of the LSSR was in 1946. By the official data of the CK of the LKP(b), 91.78 per cent of voters participated in the election and 95.4 per cent voted for the communist candidates (doc. No. 6.6)* . Judging by the final results, falsification of elections was made in election districts and the Central Committee of the LKP(b) which would doctor the primary data. For example, according to the data of the CK, in the county of Marijampolë, 75.5 per cent of voters went to the polls, whereas according to the summary tables of the staff of the NKVD troops, whose people not only guarded election constituencies, but also participated in the counting of ballots, 54 per cent of those included in the electoral lists voted in the election; in Alytus county, 83.7 per cent and 32 per cent, and in Lazdijai county 84.5 per cent and 38 per cent respectively.7 (doc. No. 6.7)* . At the 9th Plenum of the CK of the LKP(b), I.Tkachenko explained that people did not go to the polls because they were afraid of partisans revenge, therefore, in the counties of Alytus, Lazdijai and Marijampolë only 20-30 per cent of electors had given their vote by 6 p.m. 90 vehicles were allocated to take election commissions to peoples homes. Due to this, the number of voters could be increased by 60-75 per cent (doc. No. 6.2)* . J.Paleckis demagogically claimed that once again, as in the elections of 1940 and 1941, the Lithuanian nation expressed its resolution to go the Soviet way.8 In general, all these figures are not reliable, but the manipulation of them was an indication that for the first time the Soviet power faced an open boycott of the elections by quite a considerable part of the society. Having failed to conceal the facts of falsification of the election in the county of Alytus, on 5 March 1946, the CK Bureau of the LKP(b) penalized the heads of the election commission J.Mataèinskas and K.Lydys, giving them a reprimand and a severe reprimand to be recorded into the personal records file respectively. K.Lydys was also dismissed from the position of the secretary of the propaganda committee (doc. No. 6.8)* . Now, it is not clear what for the penalty was perhaps communists of Alytus were too conscientious and did not act as party committees of Vilnius, Joniðkis and Klaipëda counties or Vilnius, Ukmergë, Ðvenèionys and Rokiðkis cities that achieved 100 per cent electors to participate in the elections. In 1947, in the election to the Supreme Soviet of the LSSR such excesses or misunderstandings did not occur any more. Party committees became well aware of how to vote; later, 98-99 per cent of electors participated and voted. In preparing for the elections, an important function was performed by agitators who had to visit electors at home and ensure the arrival of those voters who were assigned to them.
* Doc. No. 6.4. A decision of 14 November 1946 by the Bureau of the CK of the LKP(b) in regard to the candidates for the deputies to the Supreme Soviet of the LSSR. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 190. f. 4. p. 122. * Doc. No. 6.6. An extract from the account by the CK of the LKP(b) for 1947 to the CK of the VKP(b) in regard to the implementation of the decision of 5 October 1946 by the CK of the VKP(b) On the Work of the CK of the Lithuanian KP(b). SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 9. f. 242. p. 47. * Doc. No. 6.7. A report of 10 February 1946 by the Chief Military Commander of the NKVD troops of the LSSR Maj. Gen. P. Vetrov and the Head of the Operational Staff Pankin to the Commissar of the NKVD of the LSSR Maj. Gen. J. Bartaðiûnas about the results of the elections to the Supreme Soviet of the SSRS. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 3. f. 104. p. 5354. * Doc. No. 6.2. An extract from the speech of 4 April 1946 by the Commissioner of the NKVD-NKGB of the SSRS in Lithuania Lt. Gen. I. Tkachenko at the 9 th Plenum of the CK of the LKP(b). SLA. stk. 1771. inv.9. f. 5. p. 65. * Doc. No. 6.8. The decision of 5 March 1946 by the Bureau of the CK of the LKP(b) On the Violations of the Election Regulations to the Supreme Soviet of the SSRS in the County of Alytus. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 190. f. 4. p. 29.
Although it was declared that the ballot was secret, it was but a rare person who would go to the equipped voting booths in election constituencies. At the 8th Plenum of the CK of the LKP(b) in 1945, the Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the LSSR J.Paleckis directed county authorities that electors should avoid using these booths: A person having no doubts at all will take the ballot and go straight to the ballot box, and only the one who wants to cross out will go to the booth.9 Nevertheless, according to official data, in the election of 1946, those persons who dared to cross out candidates made up more than 54,000.10 Individual farms prevailed in Lithuanian country. Country people avoided such elections; therefore, members of election commissions themselves, escorted by exterminators and State Security personnel, used to go to individual farmsteads carrying ballot boxes. Therefore, under such conditions, to refuse to vote or cross out the candidate was impossible. To the very end of the armed resistance, not a single event organized by communists was so strongly opposed as elections. Everyone was well aware of the political significance of this action. In 1946, a partisan document said: Since these elections do not follow the principles of democracy and are a mockery of human rights, our task is to harm and hinder the election campaign as much as possible.11 By different means, partisans urged not to vote, used to attack election constituencies or fire upon them, destroy election lists, etc. During the election campaign of 1946 alone, 667 partisans were killed. Taking this into consideration, the LKP(b) organized military protection of these constituencies. Units of the NKVD-MGB exterminators and party-Soviet activists were responsible for this. The election was under the control of the operational staff of the troops of the NKVD-MGB of the LSSR. It was in charge of up to 20,000 military personnel who, divided into groups of 8 to 12, guarded all election constituencies.12 In preparing for the election, military units are of fairly good assistance to us, stated the First Secretary of Party Committee of Tauragë County P.Murauskas. However, he expressed concern that in selecting the members of the election commission communists it turned out that the majority of them were the personnel of the NKVD and the NKGB.13 Making preparations for later elections, the number of military personnel was being cut down. In 1951, during the election to the Supreme Soviet of the LSSR, the cover was provided by 13,064 military personnel (doc. No. 6.9)* . All post-war elections were going on under the conditions of armed struggle, political pressure and terror. Ordinary people of Lithuania faced threats by the communist power, demonstration of the Soviet military force and acts by repressive bodies. On the other hand, they were constantly urged by partisans to boycott the elections. No result of elections organized under such conditions, could be true. For the authorities of the VKP(b), the elections (to the Supreme Soviet of the SSRS in 1946, to the Supreme Soviet of the LSSR in 1947 and to the local Soviets in 1948) were important in two political aspects. First, the stage of Sovietization of Lithuania was formally completed. Second, Moscow now could demonstrate to the world that after the war Lithuanians themselves chose the guardianship of the Soviet Union as well as its political system. During later years, reelections to these Soviets lost their political significance, and the Communist Party gradually stopped employing special political means and physical pressure. Having been intimidated by the red terror, people openly did not object to and participated in forced elections.
* Doc. No. 6.9. A note of 16 February 1951 by the Head of the 2nd Division of the 2nd Directorate of the MGB of the LSSR G. Chakhava about the deployment of military forces in Lithuania in preparing for elections to the Supreme Soviet of the LSSR. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 3. f. 387. p. 103.
7. Russianization* In its post-war activity, the VKP(b) followed not only the so-called ideology of MarxismLeninism, but also the Russian super-state chauvinism. Under a veil of communist ideas, home and foreign policy of the Bolsheviks was based on the old imperial tradition of Russia. The model of the state pursued by Stalin was a powerful communist state where all nations were allegedly equal yet guided by the great Russian nation. As early as 1 December 1937, the Politburo of the CK of the VKP(b) adopted several decisions: On National Schools, On the Liquidation of National District and Country Soviets and On the Publishing of Russian Newspapers in the Ukraine that limited the rights of national minorities (doc. No. 7.1).* On 13 March 1938, the CK of the VKP(b) and the Council of Peoples Commissars of the SSRS adopted the decision On Mandatory Learning of the Russian Language in National Republics and Regions. One of the clauses of the decision stated that from 1 September 1938, mandatory teaching of the Russian language starting with the second and third forms was introduced in all schools of the Soviet Union (doc. No. 7.2).* After the war, this requirement was transferred to the education system of Lithuania. On 1 January 1944, Stalin approved the new anthem of the SSRS, the words of which The union of free republics has forever been firmly conjoined by the great Russian nation became the symbol of the Soviet imperial power and Russianization. On 7 January 1944, the CK Bureau of the LKP(b) approved the text of the Lithuanian translation of this anthem by the poet A.Venclova, and it became the official anthem of the Lithuanian SSR (doc. No. 7.3).* The post-war Stalinist policy of the VKP(b) guaranteed a privileged position of Russians and Russian-speaking people throughout the Soviet Union. For the Lithuanian public, Russia used to be portrayed as one of the principal sources of the European civilization, claiming that it had constantly experienced attacks by hostile neighbouring nations, though it had always assisted them in developing culture and education and in liberating them from the yoke of oppressors. Russianization of Lithuania was conducted according to the plan and in several directions: through the policy of the cadre, the system of science and education (young people had to compulsorily study Russian since childhood), cultural institutions (theatres, cinemas, libraries, etc.) and by calling men up to the Soviet Army. The most important sources of Russianization in Lithuania were the apparatus of the CK of the LKP(b) (particularly the Division of Agitation and Propaganda), the Glavlit, repressive bodies, Republican Military Commissariat, and also agencies, enterprises and organizations subordinated to the Union. Russianization became a constituent part of the socialist cultural revolution, though it was not legitimized by any documents or decisions. The Communist Party designated Russianization as proletarian internationalism: all the nations of the SSRS were equal, but the most equal of all was the Russian nation, the elder brother, rendering altruistic assistance to the others. The Russian language forced its way into the public life of Lithuania not only as the office language, but also as the common, second native language. * Literature and Sources page 29. * Doc. No. 7.1. The decisions of 1 December 1937 by the Politburo of the CK of the VKP(b) On National Schools, On the Liquidation of National District and Rural Councils and On the Publishing of Russian Newspapers in the Ukraine. SRCDNHR. stk. 17. inv. 3. f. 983, 994, 1004. * Doc. No. 7.2. An extract from the decision of 13 March 1938 by the CK of the VKP(b) and the Council of Peoples Commissars On the Mandatory Studying of the Russian Language in National Republics and Regions. SRCDNHR. stk..17. inv. 3. f. 998. * Doc. No. 7.3. An excerpt from the decision of 7 January 1944 by the Bureau of the CK of the LKP(b) On the Translation of the Anthem of the Soviet Union into the Lithuanian Language. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 7. f. 20. p. 110.
It was strictly forbidden to critically assess the Russianization policy, the more so, to oppose it. Because of that, people, even the leading Lithuanian communists, were accused of bourgeois nationalism and that could become an additional accusation. For instance, in 1951, the MGB of the LSSR were gathering evidence against the former Minister of Education of the LSSR (1943-1948) communist J.iugda under whose alleged instructions during the first postwar years in Lithuania much less time was allotted to teaching Russian than in other republics of the Union (doc. No. 1.52). In 1951, the Director of the Republican Pedagogical Office A.Iemanta was arrested and accused of nationalism, disregard for the assistance of the Russian nation to Lithuania, etc. (doc. No. 1.49). During the post-war years, the Russian language established itself in all higher power institutions of Lithuania very fast. Having come to Lithuania, party functionaries explained to Lithuanians that the Russian nation was the leading force of the Soviet Union. In the opinion of A.Fedotov, the editor of the newspaper Sovietskaja Litva (the 7th Plenum of the CK of the LKP(b) in 1945), the intelligentsia of Lithuania did not understand the historical mission of the Russian nation: Among all the nations of our country, the Russian nation, as the leading force of the Soviet Union, has earned universal acknowledgement.[
] This acknowledgement has been won by the Russian nation due to the incessant assistance which it rendered to all other nations [
]. As the elder brother in the family of Soviet nations, it helped its brothers to create new life and develop culture (doc. No. 7.4).* A.Fedotov regretted that the memory for the Russian military commanders M.Kutuzov, A.Suvorov and the poet A. Pushkin was not perpetuated. Soon after this speech, not only the street named after Suvorov, Kutuzov Square, and a memorial for Pushkin at the foot of Gediminas hill appeared, but the names of other officials of Russian culture were also perpetuated. This process was taken care of throughout Lithuania. The CK Bureau of the LKP(b) would annually consider plans and programs for the mandatory celebration of birth and death anniversaries of famous Russian and Lithuanian functionaries. For instance, a decision was made to arrange republican-level celebrations to the writer I.Krylov in 1944, to M.Kutuzov in 1945, twice to V.Lenin, and also to the pedagogue K.Ushinskiy, the Lithuanian party functionary V.Kapsukas and the writer Þemaitë. Tribute was also paid to the Soviet General I.Cherniakhovskiy. On 6 June 1951, the CK Bureau of the LKP(b) decided to perpetuate the memory of the writer M.Gorkiy in Lithuania: to erect a monument in Vilnius, to name streets in Vilnius and Kaunas, and iauliai Teachers Institute after him (doc. No. 7.5).* With the formation of the atmosphere pervaded by suspicion, the leading personnel in education and culture were afraid that Russian-speaking people would discern manifestations of nationalism in the traditions of the Lithuanian nation and culture or that historical facts would cause negative associations. The Glavlit forbade to publish satires and The National Hymn by V.Kudirka, whereas the division of the Polish-Lithuanian State and the annexation of Lithuania to Russia became positive historical phenomena for historians (J.Jurginis, J.iugda). At the 7th Congress of the LKP(b) in 1952, J.iugda emphasized that the analysis of historical facts demonstrates [
] how the culture of the Lithuanian nation developed under the influence of the much higher culture of the Russian nation. [
] The annexation of Lithuania to Russia, notwithstanding the cruel yoke of czarism, made all prerequisites [
] for the consolidation of the Lithuanian nation, for the formation of the national Lithuanian language (doc. No. 7.6).* * Doc. No. 7.4. An extract from the speech by the Editor-in-Chief of the Sovietskaya Litva newspaper A. Fedotov delivered at 7th Plenum of the CK of the LKP(b) on 23 August 1945. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 8. f. 14. p.6971. * Doc. No. 7.5. The decision of 6 June 1951 by the LKP(b) Bureau of the CK of the LKP(b) On Measures to Commemorate the 15th Death Anniversary of the Great Proletariat Writer M. A. Gorkiy. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 112. f. 75. p. 4344. * Doc. No. 7.6. An extract from the speech of 22 September 1952 by the Vice-President of the Academy of Sciences of the LSSR J. iugda at the 7th Congress of the LKP(b). SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 131. f. 1. p. 497.
It was aimed at making Russian the second native language. Mandatory teaching of Russian was introduced into gymnasiums: in the academic year of 1944/1945 it was allotted the same number of hours as the Lithuanian language 1,176. The corresponding number of hours had to be allotted to teaching Lithuanian at Russian schools (doc. No. 7.7* ); however, Russianspeaking people never learnt Lithuanian. Teaching of Russian was introduced even in primary schools, though there were no teachers of Russian at that time. In 1947-1948, the number of weekly lessons for teaching Russian in these schools (starting with the second form) was 16, and for the native Lithuanian language 38.1 During the post-war years, about 130,000 people, mostly Russian-speaking, arrived in Lithuania from the SSRS.2 The Russianization policy was particularly actively executed in the multinational southeastern region of Lithuania, where it was extremely difficult to establish Lithuanian schools, and in Vilnius and Klaipëda cities. From 1950, the Russian language came to be taught in Polish comprehensive schools. For the Lithuanian population, particularly the intelligentsia, the speedy Russianization of Lithuania was a painful experience, yet, terrified by the policy of state terror and repressions, they had no strength to oppose this process. At secret party sittings or meetings, the high-ranking officials of the administration of the LSSR J.Paleckis and M.Gedvilas admitted that Lithuania was being Russianized. At the CK Plenum of the LKP in 1953, M.Gedvilas said, In nearly all institutions in the capital, county and even, in some cases, rural district center that he (a Lithuanian V.T.) had to apply to, officials would reply not in Lithuanian.3 J.Paleckis and M.Gedvilas put this question to the authorities of the LKP(b), but were accused of Lithuanian nationalism and silenced (doc. No. 1.36).* At the 5th Plenum of the CK of the LKP in 1953 (during the period of the political influence of L.Berija), A. Snieèkus was forced to admit that we often ignored the Lithuanian language in the political mass work.4 Moscow sent its own people to these posts, mostly Russians or Russian-speaking personnel that were often hostile to Lithuania. By 1 April 1945, 6,116 employees came to Lithuania with the routing passes of the CK of the VKP(b) (doc. No. 7.8)* , and by the autumn of 1947, 12,258 persons from different areas were sent by institutions and agencies of the SSRS.5 The newcomers would take leading positions and would also become deputies of Lithuanian leaders. Their instructions were mandatory and beyond discussion. Such special internationalism of the leading personnel created conditions to better control local executives, increase distrust among them and carry out Russianization of the occupation administration of the entire Lithuania. Due to this policy of the cadre, state institutions in which Lithuanians made up about half of the employees became greatly Russianized (more about it in the section Party Nomenclature and the Cadre). However, this ratio was not the same: of 1951 in district power institutions Lithuanians made up 59.3 per cent, in city institutions 45.8 per cent, and in the republican highest power institutions 40.8 per cent of all the leading personnel working there.6 Among republican power institutions, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the LSSR was the most Lithuanian because not only the Chairman J.Paleckis, but both his deputies and the secretary were Lithuanians; however, this institution had almost no say in official matters. At the beginning of the 60s, even 3 out of 5 deputies of M.Gedvilas were Russians. In 1952, out of 54 leaders of the highest power institutions only 30 were Lithuanians, and out of 132 deputies only 52. Russians were appointed not only as deputies, but as ministers, chairmen of state* Doc. No. 7.7. The curricula of Lithuanian and Russian gymnasiums for the academic year 1944/1945. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 7. f. 46. p. 47, 49. * Doc. No. 5.7. A decision of 29 March 1949 by the Bureau of the CK of the LKP(b) in regard to the results of the deportation of people from Lithuania on 2528 March 1949. LSA. stk. 1771. inv. 190. f. 7. p. 21. * Doc. No. 7.8. A note by the Personnel Department of the CK of the LKP(b) about the employees who came to Lithuania from the SSRS from 1944 to 1 April 1945. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 8. f. 272. p. 1.
level directorates and committees. For instance, the Peoples Commissar of Local Industry was F.Terioshin (1944-1945), S.Shkodin (1945-1947), N.Kalugin (1949-1951); the Minister of Forestry was A.Ponamoriov (1945-1948), of Fish Industry A.Zasypkin (1945-1949), of Building Materials N.Liubimtsev (1946-1953) of Building P.Sheremetev (1946-1948), V.Kotov (1948-1950), of Communal Economy J.Svischiov (1945-1957), etc. However, the greatest number of Russians worked in repressive bodies; only Russians were appointed as their heads. At the 7th Plenum of the CK of the LKP(b), the Deputy Commissar of the NKGB of the SSRS B.Kobulov explained: The republic of Lithuania does not have suitable cadre and Lithuanians cannot direct county divisions (those of the State Security V.T).7 In 1945, with the dismissal of the Peoples Commissar of the State Security A.Guzevièius, till 1953, this post was taken by the Russian Generals: D.Efimov (1945-1949), N.Gorlinskij (1949), P.Kapralov (1949-1952), and P.Kondakov (1952-1953). In the apparatus of the MGB of the LSSR, out of 676 State Security personnel 70 were Lithuanians, and out of 1,505 MVD employees 216.8 The position of the LSSR Prosecutor was taken by M.Baliasnikov (1944-1946), D.Salin (1947-1948), G.Bakharov (1948-1957). The cadre sent from Moscow had particularly strong positions in party power institutions. In 1944, out of 76 functionaries of the CK apparatus of the LKP(b) 62 per cent were Lithuanians, whereas in 1952, 40 per cent out of 109. However, only 20 per cent of them knew the Lithuanian language.9 On 26 April 1944 and 19 October 1945, the CK Bureau of the LKP(b) adopted decisions about studying the Lithuanian language (doc. No. 7.9* and doc. No. 7.10* ). They pointed out that newcomers had to learn Lithuanian, however, nobody followed these decisions. On 10 September 1946, the Deputy Chief of the Schools Division of the CK of the LKP(b) V.Uogintas informed A.Snieèkus that city and county party committees did not fight for the implementation of this decision, and 81 persons within the CK apparatus did not know the Lithuanian language (doc. No. 7.11).* During later years (till 1953), the issue of studying Lithuanian was not made urgent any more. Russian-speaking personnel did not study it, and Lithuanian communists either ingratiating themselves or being afraid to be accused of nationalism, did not raise this issue at all. Private requirement of the CK apparatus of the LKP(b) to render respect to those speaking Russian soon became a custom in all central administration institutions of the LSSR. The demise of Stalin interrupted the speedy process of Russianization in Lithuania, and the new policy of the CK of the VKP(b) (that of L.Berija) began to be carried out in the summer of 1953. The results of the 10-year Russianization were obvious. The major part of young people and middle-aged population could speak and write Russian fluently or nearly fluently; the Russian language also established itself in most power institutions of republican subordination (in Vilnius and Klaipëda in almost all institutions); in cities and certain other places, information announcements or headings of advertisements were most often in Russian, central city streets were renamed after Russian public men, monuments were erected in their honour, etc. At first glance, Lithuania could seem for a newcomer an inseparable part of Russia.
* Doc. No. 7.9. An excerpt from the decision of 26 April 1944 by the Bureau of the CK of the LKP(b) On the Studying of the Lithuanian Language by Employees of the Lithuanian SSR. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 7. f. 28. p. 16. * Doc. No. 7.10. The decision of 19 October 1945 by the Bureau of the CK of the LKP(b) On the Studying of the Lithuanian Language by Communists. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 8. f. 118. p. 28. * Doc. No. 7.11. The note of 10 September 1946 by the Deputy Head of the School Division of the CK of the LKP(b) V. Uogintas to the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Snieèkus On the Execution of the Decision of 19 October 1945 by the CK of the LKP(b) On the Studying of the Communists who do not Know the Lithuanian Language. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 9. f. 243. p. 68.
8. Anti-Semitism* After WWII, the Communist Party of the Soviet Union implemented the state policy of antiSemitism. At the end of the 50s and the beginning of the 60s, the CK of the VKP(b) instigated political and ideological anti-Semitic campaigns, resorted to repressions. Anti-Semitism, officially designated as struggle against Zionism, cosmopolitism and Masonry, began in 1949, though its beginning goes back to 1939 (rapprochement of the SSRS with the fascist Germany). In pre-war Lithuania, some Jews objected to this and therefore were expelled from the Communist Party (doc. No. 8.1.p.2).* As early as the first post-war years, the political line of the CK of the VKP(b) began to materialize to limit or altogether deny Jews the possibility to work in party and Soviet power bodies. The Chairman of the Lithuanian Bureau of the CK of the VKP(b), who later became the Secretary of the CK of the SSRS for ideological issues, M.Suslov always followed Stalinist and anti-Jewish attitudes.1 The accusation of the CK Secretary of the VKP(b) A. Zhdanov in 1946-1948 against the intelligentsia for grovelling to the West was one of the signals to start an anti-Semitic campaign. On 21 November 1948, the Anti-fascist Committee of Jews was disbanded in Moscow. Jews were incriminated with non-existant crimes, prevented from taking leading posts, dismissed from work, tried or imprisoned and some even killed. However, it was not a racist policy of exterminating the Jewish nation. The authorities of the VKP(b) tried to exclude them from governing the State and active public life. Persecution of Jews and their repression went on throughout the Soviet Union and in communist countries of Eastern Europe. After the war, because of the Holocaust and other reasons, few Jews remained in Lithuania (at the beginning of 1946, about 10,000). They worked in various party, Soviet, repressive, economic, cultural and other institutions and organizations. Part of them had high positions in the administration of the LSSR (they knew the Lithuanian language): G.Zimanas, E.Bilevièius, M.Bordonaitë, Ch.Aizenas, L.Ðausas, S.Gutmanas and some others. A group of local and sent Jews worked in repressive bodies and the Glavlit. The best-known of them were A.Slavin, N.Dushanskiy, D.Todesas, M.Jofë, etc. In 1945, there were 238 communists Jews (6.7 per cent) in 1953 2,055 (5.6 per cent).2 As party members participating in repression actions against Lithuanians, people of other nationalities and even Jews themselves, they were the functionaries of the Soviet power apparatus, but not Jewish functionaries. Actually, these Soviet officials did not participate in the life of Jews and did not represent them.3 In Lithuania, the anti-Semitic policy of the VKP(b) was executed by the CK of the LKP(b) and the MGB of the LSSR. The latter had its separate field of activity and specialized in the persecution of Jews and the formation of their intelligence network (doc. No. 8.2).* From 15 August 1945 till 15 August 1946, 111 persons were arrested for Zionist activity4, in 1946-1948 188 persons (doc. No. 8.3).* They were charged with underground activity, relations with the West, attempts to illegally escape from the SSRS and organization of such escapes. After WWII, Jews, like all Lithuanian people, found themselves behind the iron curtain. Having survived the Holocaust, the atrocities of war, and having experienced the violence of the communist regime, quite a few of them tried to escape from the SSRS. For instance, in January 1946, at the border of the * Literature and Sources page 34. * Doc. No. 8.1. The decision of 24 February 1950 by the Bureau of the CK of the LKP(b) On the Lecturer on the Fundamentals of Marxism-Leninism of Vilnius State University B. Kh. Fridmanas SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 90. f. 45. p. 190. Extracts from B. Fridmanass case. ibid. p. 195, 197. * Doc. No. 8.2. An order of 13 October 1945 by the Commissioner of the NKVD-NKGB of the SSRS in Lithuania I. Tkachenko to all the Heads of the Operational Sectors to provide operational data on the Jewish agents of the NKGB in 3 days. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 18. f. 40. p. 118. * Doc. No. 8.3. An account of 26 January 1949 by the Minister of the MGB of the LSSR Maj. Gen. P. Kapralov to the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Snieèkus about the underground activities of the Lithuanian Jews based on the data of the agents of the MGB of the LSSR. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 10. f. 62. p. 7989.
SSRS and Poland, the MGB of the LSSR detained 96 Jews. In 1947-1948, for the attempt to get to Poland with forged documents, the MGB of the LSSR arrested 39 Jews. On 24 December 1948, the MGB arrested the famous functionaries of the Lithuanian Jewish community Finkelshtein and A.Shtukarevich. In Moscow, they met with the personnel of the Israeli Embassy and asked for the assistance to leave the SSRS, telling them about the difficult state of Jews (doc. No. 8.3. p. 82, 84-85).* In February 1951, the deputy Minister of the MGB of the LSSR A.Leonov informed Moscow about the underground organization dealing in illegal transfer of Jews to Palestine and America through Poland (doc. No.8.4).* During anti-Semitic campaigns, the editorial staff of the newspaper Sovietskaja Litva was particularly ardent in keeping to the party political course. The persecution of Lithuanian Jews and those who came to Lithuania from the SSRS increased in 1949-1953. It was mostly those Jews who had participated in the activity of legal public organizations of that time in the independent Lithuania, used to go abroad, studied, had relatives or friends there, developed their own business, as well as former military personnel who had fought for the independence of Lithuania, etc., that fell under the observation of the MGB. Their previous activity, like that of Lithuanians, would become the object of political repression. In February 1950, P.Kapralov was against Leizer Davidzons filling in the position of the Deputy Manager of the Republican Cinema Rent Office of Lithuania, because before the war he had a cinema firm in Kaunas that circulated American films (doc. No. 8.5).* In June 1950, the Head of the Planning Division of the plant Laima Leon Joffe was arrested because in 1921-1940 he wrote anti-Soviet articles and belonged to the Union of Jewish Warriors, etc. (doc. No. 8.6).* In July 1950, compromising material was collected about the Deputy Minister of Forest Industry of the LSSR Chaim Alperavèius (a former member of the Zionist organization, protected Jewish cadre within the Ministry apparatus), the heads of divisions Samuil Levin (son of a major merchant), Solomon Kliatskin (suspected of sabotage), Deputy Director of the ELTA (Lithuanian Telegram Agency) Leiba ausas (a former member of the Zionist organization; his cousin Robinzon ausas was arrested in 1950) as well as about the leading Jewish officials Simonas Gutmanas, Solomon Mil, David tarkas, Bendion Brudinas, Vladimir verlingas (doc. No. 1.48).* The MGB of the LSSR arrested and imprisoned the poets H.Oerovièius and J.Lacmanas, the Director of the reinforced concrete produce factory of Vilnius .Liubeckis, even the former Soviet partisan, the Chief of the Union of Jewish Warriors of the independent Lithuania Peres Padison (doc. No. 8.7. p. 246).* His brothers in arms B.neideris, N.Endlin, M.Rubinsonas, S.Goldbergas, the Commander of the Soviet partisan platoon Death to Invaders Rodionov, the Commissar Parfionov and others tried to intercede for him, but to no avail.5 P.Padison was imprisoned (Doc. No. 8.18)*. In 1951, certain Jews were dismissed from the Radio Information Committee of the LSSR (doc. No. 8.8)* and from various institu* Doc. No. 8.4. A special report of 9 February 1951 by the Deputy Minister of the MGB of the LSSR A. Leonov to the Head of the 5th Directorate of the MGB of the SSRS Col. A. Volkov in regard to reopening agent case No. 973 The Companions. SLA. stk. K-1. inv.10. f.102. p.61. * Doc.. No. 8.5. A special report of February 1950 by the Minister of the MGB of the LSSR Maj. Gen. P. Kapralov to the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Snieèkus in regard to L. Davidzon. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 10. f. 102. p. 61. * Doc. No. 8.6 A special report of 12 July 1950 by the Minister of the MGB of the LSSR Maj. Gen. P. Kapralov to the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Snieèkus in regard to L. Joffe. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 10. f. 102. p. 236237. * Doc. No. 1.48. The special report of 28 July 1950 by the Minister of the MGB of the LSSR Maj. Gen. P. Kapralov to the Second Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Trofimov On the Contamination of the Commanding Personnel of the Ministries and the Academy of Sciences of the Lithuanian SSR . SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 10. f. 62.p. 99115. * Doc. No. 8.7. An extract from the speech of 4 April 1953 by the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Snieèkus at the Plenum of the CK of the LKP(b). SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 131. f. 172. p. 246. * Doc. No. 8.18. A special report of 24 March 1953 by the Minister of the MGB of the LSSR Maj. Gen. P. Kondakov to the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Snieèkus in regard arrested P. Padison. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 10. f. 151. p. 142146. * Doc. No. 8.8. A special report of 30 March 1951 by the Acting Minister of the MGB of the LSSR Col. A. Leonov to the Second Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Trofimov in regard to the contamination of the Radio Information Committee at the Council of Ministers of the LSSR with socially alien and politically unreliable persons. SLA. stk. K1. inv. 10. f. 134. p. 104106.
tions in Kaunas (doc. No. 8.9)* in 1952, in Panevëþys (doc. No. 8.10)* and elsewhere. As a former member of the fascist Jewish party, the doctor of the Tuberculosis Institute communist Rubinshtein was arrested (doc. No. 8.11).* State Security personnel came to suspect and persecute even communists Jews, faithful supporters of the Soviet power. Thus, the MGB tried to prove that Jews were politically unreliable and that the LKP(b) had to take measures against them in order to base the necessity of the political repression against Jews. In January 1949, the Minister of the MGB of the LSSR P. Kapralov explained to A.Snieèkus that the Zionist underground particularly values well disguised nationalists bearing party tickets
In 1947, 5 members of the VKP(b) and 4 members of the LYCLU were arrested for illegal nationalistic activity, among them the Deputy Chief Accountant of Vilnius city State Bank communist Moisei Epshtein and the secretary of the Military Division of the CK of the LKP(b), a member of the Komsomol Chaja Kurickaitë (doc. No. 8.3. p. 86).* In February 1950, the MGB disclosed that the Secretary of Vilnius city Lenin district Committee of the LKP(b) Tuvija Gefenas was a member of the Zionist organization in 1925-1940 (doc. No. 8.12).* On 17 April 1952, the Minister of the MGB of the LSSR P.Kapralov informed A.Snieèkus about the Division Chief of the newspaper Raudonoji þvaigþdë communist Maua Liubeckis as an unreliable employee (doc. No. 8.13).* On 24 February 1950, at the sitting of the CK Bureau of the LKP(b), the teacher of Vilnius University, the partorg of the Economics Department B.Fridmanas was dismissed and expelled from the members of the VKP(b) for the Jewish bourgeois nationalism (doc. No. 8.1).* The leaders of the LKP(b) reasoned that some Jews consciously sabotaged and hindered the establishment of socialism. Though constantly communicating with Jews, A.Snieèkus had developed a sense of respect for them, even started fervently searching for Zionists-Masons or Jewish nationalists. In 1952, at the June Plenum of the CK of the LKP(b), A.Snieèkus said that Jewish and Lithuanian nationalists, having penetrated into the leading posts used to surround themselves with suitable people, steal state property and finance anti-Soviet groups.6 On 4 April 1953, at the Plenum of the CK of the LKP, he stated that Zionists have always been and are the most vicious peoples enemies, agents of imperialism, spies of the Americans (doc. No. 8.17. p. 242)* Mass deportations of Lithuanians had an impact on Jews too. On 4 January 1950, at the sitting of the CK Bureau of the LKP, A.Snieèkus criticized those communists Jews that were dissatisfied with the deportation of Jews, descendants of the bourgeoisie, from Vilnius and Kaunas (doc. No. 8.1. p. 197).* In the post-war Lithuania, Jews were forbidden from having their own schools and press, their religion was persecuted, synagogues were closed, streets named after Jews were rena* Doc. No. 8.9. A report of 4 June 1951 by the Minister of the MGB of the LSSR Maj. Gen. P. Kapralov to the Second Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Trofimov in regard to the arrest of a group of the Jewish bourgeois nationalists in Kaunas city. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 10. f. 134. p. 287288. * Doc. No. 8.10. The note of 31 December 1952 by the Deputy Minister of the MGB of the LSSR Col. L. Martavièius to the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Snieèkus On the Activities of the Jewish Clergymen and Zionists in Panvëþys. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 10. f. 152. p. 102106. * Doc. No. 8 11. An extract from the speech by the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Snieèkus at the 7th Congress of the CK of the LKP(b) on 25 September 1952. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 131. f. 1. p. 541. * Doc. No. 8.12. A special report of 16 February 1950 by the Minister of the MGB of the LSSR Maj. Gen. P. Kapralov to the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Snieèkus in regard to T. Gefenas. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 10. f. 102. p. 5960. * Doc. No. 8.13. The note of 17 April 1953 by the Minister of the MVD of the LSSR Maj. Gen. P. Kondakov to the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Snieèkus On the Member of the SSKP Liubeckis M.K. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 10. f. 151. p. 181183. * Doc. No. 8.1. The decision of 24 February 1950 by the Bureau of the CK of the LKP(b) On the Lecturer on the Fundamentals of Marxism-Leninism of Vilnius State University B. Kh. Fridmanas SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 90. f. 45. p. 190. Extracts from B. Fridmanass case. ibid. p. 195, 197. * Doc. No. 8.17. An extract from the speech of 4 April 1953 by the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A.Snieèkus at the Plenum of CK of the LKP(b). SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 131. f. 172. p. 242.
med and cemeteries were destroyed. In 1949, the Museum of Jews was liquidated. On 26 January 1949, in his letter to A.Snieèkus, the Minister of the MGB of the LSSR P.Kapralov explained that the monument erected at the site of the massacre of Jews in Paneriai in 1948 was of purely religious style and nothing Soviet is reflected in it (doc. No. 8.3. p. 89).* In 1952, this monument was pulled down, and the victims of the Holocaust were everywhere officially considered as killed Soviet citizens. In response to the anti-Semitic policy of the VKP(b), the MGB of the LSSR tried to make this issue politically urgent in Lithuania. The MGB of the LSSR sent A.Snieèkus and the Second Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) V.Aronov much information about the discontent of the Soviet people with the sabotage activity of Jews. It was mostly extracts from the letters confiscated by the State Security and anti-Semitic conversations of the population recorded by Security agents. The case of killer doctors (most of the doctors were Jews), that started in Moscow at the beginning of 1953, soon found repercussions in Lithuania. The authorities of the MGB of the LSSR, seeking to attach still more significance to this case and exaggerate the issue of anti-Semitism again, sent A.Snieèkus and V.Aronov excerpts from secretly censored letters. The excerpts, tendentiously presented by State Security personnel, supposedly demonstrated that the population of Lithuania hated Jews and approved of the antiJewish campaign of the Kremlin. The letter of 21 January 1953 informed V.Aronov about the mood of the population after the TASS (The Telegram Agency of the Soviet Union) press release on the arrest of a group of doctors saboteurs in Moscow: If I could, I would hang all Jews; If I had the right, I would murder these doctors saboteurs in the most inhumane way; Do not expect any good from Jews. It was not without purpose that Germans exterminated them, Russians will also kill them (doc. No. 8.14).* On 27 February 1953, A.Snieèkus received a special note about foodstuffs and medications that had allegedly been poisoned by Jews: They say that Jews poisoned foodstuffs with the germs of tuberculosis and cancer. In Vilnius, everybody curses Jews and says that Germans shot them, Lithuanians assisted and Russians will finish them off; All Jews living in the Soviet Union are engaged in subversive activity; In Antakalnis pharmacy in Vilnius, female Jews work, and all medicines were poisoned. A lot of people died. At the barbers, next to the department store in Naujoji Vilnia, a female Jew worked and she would make a cut while shaving and afterwards would put a coat of cream infected with bacteria; A lot of saboteurs have been found in food industry, all products, particularly fat, were poisoned. At present, there is nothing in the shops
(doc. No. 8.15).* The note On the Intelligence-Operational Work at Medical Institutions of the Lithuanian SSR signed by the Deputy Minister of the MVD of the LSSR L.Martavièius on 17 March 1953, pointed out that 10,178 medical employees worked in this system, and the MGB of the LSSR had compromising material on more than 1,000 of them and that 84 persons were actively spied upon (doc. No. 8.16).* The document also pointed out that the doctor Leon Moel Koganas (a former member of the pro-Soviet government, the Minister of Health Care from June till July 1940) was arrested in February 1953. He was charged with maintaining relations with the famous medical professors Pletniov and Shereshevskiy, who were arrested in Moscow, giving priority to the science of the West, rendering poor medical care to party and Soviet officials.
* Doc. No. 8.14. A. special report of 21 January 1953 by the Minister of the MGB of the LSSR Maj. Gen. P. Kondakov to the Second Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Aronov about the attitude of the Lithuanian population in regard to the case of the doctors saboteurs. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 10. f. 152. p. 135139. * Doc. No. 8.15. A special report of 27 February 1953 by the Minister of the MGB of the LSSR Maj. Gen. P. Kondakov to the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Snieèkus in regard to the Jews poisoning the population with food products and medicines. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 10. f. 152. p. 262268. * Doc. No. 8.16. The note of 17 March 1953 by the Deputy Minister of the MVD of the LSSR Col. L. Martavièius to the Deputy Head of the 5th Directorate of the MVD of the SSRS Col. S. Kholevo On the Intelligence-Operational Work in Medical Institutions of the Lithuanian SSR. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 10. f. 149. p. 187207.
Viktoras Micelmacheris was accused of relations with the West and anti-Soviet speeches and was dismissed from the position of the Deputy Minister of Health Care in February 1953. Similar charges were pressed against other doctors Jews Kazimir Liuksemburg, Jeþi Ivanter, Abraomas Arðas, Chaja Dvoreckaitë-Vidzbergienë and Lithuanians: the Deputy Minister of Health Care of the LSSR F.Lazutka, the former Peoples Commissar of Health Care of the LSSR V.Girdzijauskas (1940-1945), etc (S. Janavièius, L. Klumbys, E. Doktoraitis, J. Gaivenis). The doctor Konstantin Lopatto, Karaite by nationality, was suspected of killing children (causing their deaths), because in 1949-1952, the percentage of death rate was high. L.Martavièius pointed out that there were grounds to suspect other medical employees of subversive activity. On the basis of intelligence data, he suspected doctors of having contributed to the early death of the writer P.Cvirka in 1947 (State Security personnel associated the demise of P.Cvirka with the unexpected death of A.Zhdanov in 1948 V.T.) and charged them with high mortality rate of children in Kaunas Republican Hospital. L.Martavièius pointed out that only 38 security agents worked at Lithuanian medical institutions, and that their number was not sufficient to organize intelligence work. Therefore, in order to improve the quality of work performed by State Security personnel in disclosing adverse elements among medical people, a qualified intelligence apparatus would be established in medical institutions in the months of March-May, and that the cleansing of anti-Soviet elements had to be organized by party bodies. The case of doctors saboteurs caused great moral and psychological damage to Lithuanian Jews. However, the phenomena of anti-Semitism in the post-war Lithuania did not acquire the scope of those in Moscow and Leningrad. In 1953, the new authorities of the SSRS, initially L.Beria and later N.Khrushchiov, put an end to the state policy of the persecution of Jews initiated by Stalin as well as to the restriction of their activity. But even later, with the knowledge of the Communist Party, the experience of the post-war anti-Semitic and anti-Zionist campaigns that manifested themselves in dismissing Jews from leading posts, transferring them to lower positions, preventing them from making a career and, in general, limiting their influence on the Soviet administrative apparatus was recalled over and over again.
Conclusions 4. Suppression of the Resistance to Soviet Occupation 1. Suppression of the armed resistance in the post-war Lithuania was headed by the CK of the VKP(b) and repressive bodies of the SSRS in Moscow according to the directive documents of which military operations and intelligence work was organized, the activity of party, repressive and other bodies (of republican subordination) was coordinated locally. The communist authorities of the SSRS did not acknowledge any political concessions or compromises. The resistance had to be overcome by the military force of the SSRS. From the point of view of the Soviet authorities, partisans could only capitulate, i.e. legalize themselves. According to the data of the State Security of the LSSR, in 1944-1953, 62,000 resistance fighters were arrested and imprisoned, 20,000 were killed and 38,000 legalized themselves. Overall, 120,000 people that publicly disapproved of the Soviet power or fought against it suffered violence or repression. According to the calculations by the historian A. Anuauskas the total number of people arrested by the NKVD-MVD-MGB of the LSSR in 1944-1952 was about 186,000 (deporties excluded). This was one of the colossal crimes organized and executed by the Communist Party. 2. From 1944 to the spring of 1947, the Lithuanian Bureau of the CK of the VKP(b) directly commanded fighting against the underground. The LKP(b) performed organizational and partially executive functions. From 1947 to 1953, the functions of the political organization of the suppression of partisan resistance came directly under the CK of the LKP(b). In 1947-1949 and in 1953, the CK Bureau of the LKP(b) adopted top secret anti-partisan documents applied to the whole of Lithuania, which obligated all party and repressive bodies to suppress the resistance to the Soviet power by all means: repressive (military operations and deportations), economic (a growing burden of taxes for peasants, forced collectivization), ideological (slandering Lithuanian resistance fighters and the Catholic Church by employing mass media). Trying to lead the fighting against the underground, the CK of the LKP(b) organized conferences of the heads of party and repressive bodies. In order to fight against partisans, special top secret party-repressive bodies were established: the threes in rural districts and the fives in counties. 3. In fighting against the underground, the LKP(b) made great efforts to cause enmity among the Lithuanian nation. The LKP(b) established special Lithuanian party and armed bodies and commanded them exterminator platoons (peoples defenders), armed groups of party-Soviet activists. 4. The most important method of the LKP(b) in fighting against the underground was not armed force (it belonged to the repressive bodies subordinated to Moscow), but anti-humane measures: political blackmail and the organization of deportations and imprisonment (kidnapping hostages) of the members of partisan families and relatives that did not commit any crimes against the occupation authorities as well as confiscation of their property. These people (representatives of all social layers of Lithuania) made up a separate political category of persons to be deported. This contradicted the theory of class struggle declared by communists. According to the data of the MGB of the LSSR, in 1944-1953, 12,259 of these persons were arrested, and 7,499 families were deported. 5. From 1950 (except 1953), the CK of the LKP(b) did not prepare anti-partisan decisions to be applied to the whole of Lithuania, but paid special attention to specific districts where resistance fighters were the most active.
5. Deportations 1. One of the most important crimes of the Communist Party was deportations, that is, forced and mass displacement of people from their permanent places of residence to the farthest northern and eastern regions of the SSRS. The purpose of deportations was to remove the most active, rational opposition groups of the population and entire social layers, to appropriate and take possession of their property, to intimidate the Lithuanian nation and to suppress any resistance to the occupation regime. By mass deportations of the population, the Communist Party sought dual purposes: to annihilate the social base of the supporters of resistance fighters and to liquidate strong farmers, called the kulaks, that were independent of the Soviet power, and thus prepare the Lithuanian country for forced collectivization. According to the data of the MGB-KGB of the LSSR, in 1945-1953, 108,000 people or 29,230 families were deported from Lithuania. The accurate number of the deported people will be determined after the name lists of the deportees are announced. 2. Deportations in Lithuania were executed on the basis of the directives and instructions of the highest party and State bodies of the SSRS (the CK of the VKP(b), the Council of Ministers of the SSRS, the NKVD-MGB of the SSRS and the Extraordinary Conference of the NKVDMGB of the SSRS). These administrative bodies of the LSSR were appointed to organize and carry out deportations: the CK of the LKP(b), the Council of Ministers of the LSSR, the NKVDNKGB-MGB of the LSSR and their local sub-units. In 1945-1948, deportations were carried out under direct instructions from Moscow, but from 1949 till 1953, a republican procedure for the approval of the directives came into being. This procedure had to be first approbated by the CK of the LKP(b). On the eve of deportations, the CK Bureau of the LKP(b) would adopt special top secret decisions and instructions on the organization of deportations and appropriation of the property of the deported people. 3. The most important deportation documents prepared in Lithuania were signed by the best-known leaders of the LKP(b): A.Snieèkus, M.Gedvilas and K.Preikas, who was temporarily substituting him. At various party meetings, seeking to raise the fighting spirit of his associates, A.Snieèkus tried to justify deportations by the necessity of the class struggle and urged to make repressions in fighting with the class enemies still stricter. 4. The CK Bureau of the LKP(b) assigned each county a special commissioner of the CK of the LKP(b) and the Council of Peoples Commissars (the Council of Ministers) for the execution of deportations. Officials of the administration of the LSSR holding the highest nomenclature posts headed a group of commissioners from 4-5 counties. These commissioners (over 50 persons have been identified) would become the highest local power during deportations, and heads of local State Security bodies had to obey them. The commissioners were assisted by local party bodies, Komsomol organizations, exterminators and armed groups of party-Soviet activists. 5. After each deportation, at propagandistic meetings of the population driven there by force, the CK of the LKP(b) and local party leaders, while trying to conceal their criminal activity, attempted to prove that deportations were necessary. In their reports to higher authorities they openly lied that the population supported deportations. 6. The general order of deportations was not applied to close relatives of managing officials of the Soviet power.
6. Forced Elections 1. All elections to all levels of Soviets organized by the Communist Party in the Soviet Union were forced, anti-democratic, fictitious, discriminatory and criminal. Forced elections to the Supreme Soviet of the SSRS in 1946, to the Supreme Soviet of the LSSR in 1947 and to local Soviets in 1948 formally completed the stage of Sovietization of Lithuania. 2. Elections could be arranged only by the Communist Party. People who agitated to vote against communists or those who did not vote at all were considered enemies of the Soviet system. They suffered or could suffer repressions and used to become targets of the persecution by State Security personnel. 3. The Communist Party was concerned with the issues of political reliability of deputies; not a single citizen could become a deputy without the consent of the party committee. 4. Not all people were equal according to the Soviet laws, certain categories of people were in advance not included into the lists of voters. In 1945, 300,000 people were debarred from voting. 5. The main attribute of the communist elections was falsification of election results. Nobody controlled them because there were no political opponents or public observers. The authorities of LKP(b) assessed the work of party organizations according to election results. At the end of the election day, the remaining ballots would be put into the ballot boxes. Thus, the desired result reaching 99-100 per cent used to be achieved. 6. All post-war elections were held under conditions of armed struggle, political pressure and terror. Ordinary people of Lithuania faced threats of the communist power, demonstration of Soviet military force and actions of repressive bodies. On the other hand, they were constantly urged by partisans to boycott elections. No results of elections held under such conditions could be true.
7. Russianization 1. Throughout the period of its activity, the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (the RKP(b), the VKP(b), the SSKP) followed the ideology of Marxism-Leninism and Russian super-state chauvinism. Nations living within the SSRS had to be gradually assimilated. In 1938, learning of the Russian language became mandatory throughout the SSRS. After the war, this requirement was transferred to the education system of Lithuania. The Communist Party designated Russianization as the proletarian internationalism: all nations in the SSRS are equal, but the most equal of all is the Russian nation, rendering altruistic assistance to the others. 2. Russianization became a constituent part of the socialist cultural revolution, though it was not made legitimate by any documents or decisions. Russianization in Lithuania was conducted according to a plan and in several directions: through the policy of the cadre, by employing educational, scientific and cultural institutions and the Soviet Army. The most important hotbeds of Russianization in Lithuania were the CK apparatus of the LKP(b) (particularly the Division of Agitation and Propaganda), the Glavlit, the repressive bodies, the Republican Military Commissariat, agencies, enterprises and organizations of Union subordination. 3. The most active policy of Russianization was carried out in the area of the cadre. Lithuanians were replaced by Russian-speaking personnel (during the post-war years, about 130,000 persons came to Lithuania) on the basis of inadequate qualification of employees or accusing them of nationalism. The newcomers used to hold leading positions and would also become deputies of Lithuanian leaders. In 1951, out of 2,500 leading personnel of the LSSR, 54 per cent
were Lithuanians. Lithuanians made up about 60 per cent in district power institutions and 41 per cent in cities. The LKP(b) and repressive bodies, including the Prosecutors Office, were Russianized the most. 4. In 1944 and 1945, the CK Bureau of the LKP(b) adopted several decisions regarding the Lithuanian language, which was a must for the newcomers. However, these decisions were formal. Those speaking Russian did not study the language, and Lithuanian communists, with the exception of several, did not raise this problem until the demise of Stalin either toadying or fearing to be accused of nationalism. The authorities of the LKP(b) officially approved of and favourably estimated all decisions of the Kremlin in reference to the establishment of the Russian language in Lithuania. 5. The results of the ten-year-long Russianization were obvious. Russian encroached upon the public life of Lithuania not only as the clerical language, but also as the common and the second native language. Most young and middle-aged people could speak Russian fluently or nearly fluently and could write in it. Russian established itself in most power institutions of republican subordination (in Vilnius and Klaipëda in almost all institutions); information notices and advertisements in cities and in some other places were most often only in Russian, central streets in many cities were renamed after Russian functionaries, monuments were erected in their honour, etc.
8. Anti-Semitism 1. After WWII, the Communist Party of the Soviet Union implemented the state policy of anti-Semitism. As early as the first post-war years, the political line of the CK of the VKP(b) started to be discernible: to restrict the possibility for Jews to work in party or Soviet power bodies or eliminate this possibility altogether. The Chairman of the Lithuanian Bureau of the CK of the VKP(b), later the Secretary of the CK of the SSKP for ideological issues M.Suslov always followed Stalinist and anti-Jewish attitudes. At the end of the 50s, the VKP(b) began to instigate political and ideological anti-Semitic campaigns and resorted to repressions. AntiSemitism was officially designated as fighting against Zionism, cosmopolitism and Masonry. Jews were incriminated with non-existant crimes, not allowed to hold leading posts, dismissed from work, tried and imprisoned, and some of them even killed. However, it was not the racist policy of the extermination of Jews. The authorities of the VKP(b) tried to oust them from state governing institutions and active public life. Persecution and repression of Jews went on throughout the SSRS and in communist countries of Eastern Europe. In the postwar Lithuania, Jews were forbidden to have their schools, press, they were persecuted for their religion, synagogues were closed, cemeteries were destroyed, etc. In 1949, the Museum of Jews was liquidated. In 1952, the monument to the victims of the Holocaust in Paneriai was pulled down, and the issue of the Holocaust was being ignored altogether. 2. After the war, due to the Holocaust and other reasons, few Jews remained in Lithuania. Their community was supplemented by Jews coming from the SSRS (in 1946, about 10,000 Jews lived in Lithuania). They worked in various institutions, some of them held high positions in the administration institutions of the LSSR and repressive bodies. The latter, as party members participating in repressions against Lithuanians, people of other nationalities and even Jews themselves, were functionaries of the Soviet Lithuania, but not of Jews. In fact, these Soviet officials did not participate in the life of Jews and did not represent them. 3. In Lithuania, the anti-Semitic policy was carried out by the CK of the LKP(b) and the MGB of the LSSR. LKP leaders tried to prove that some Jews consciously committed acts of sabotage, that is, hindered the establishment of socialism. At CK plenums and other party mee-
tings, party apparatus laid political grounds for anti-Semitism. However, it did not resort to large-scale political repressions. It was the MGB of the LSSR that tried to make this issue urgent. State Security personnel, trying to exaggerate the issue of anti-Semitism and make it more urgent, used to inform the authorities of the LKP(b) of the discontent of the Soviet people with the sabotage activity of Jews. It was mostly extracts from the letters confiscated by the MGB as well as anti-Semitic conversations of the population recorded by intelligence agents. State Security personnel began to suspect and persecute even Jewish communists, loyal supporters of the Soviet power. Thus, the MGB tried to prove that Jews were politically unreliable and the LKP(b) had to take measures against them justifying the political necessity to repress Jews. 4. The greatest political repercussions were caused by the killer doctors case in 1953. The authorities of the MGB of the LSSR, following in Moscows footsteps, also tried to prove that the health care system was contaminated with hostile elements, mostly Jews. The case of killer doctors caused great moral and spiritual damage to Lithuanian Jews. 5. In the post-war Lithuania, anti-Semitic phenomena did not acquire the scope of those in Moscow and Leningrad. The moderate attitudes of the Lithuanian leaders of the LKP(b), particularly that of A.Snieèkus, to the issue of anti-Semitism had a great influence on that. In 1953, the new authorities of the SSRS put an end to the open persecution of Jews, though even later there were cases of discrimination of Jews.
DOKUMENTØ FAKSIMILËS Documents in facsimile
Dok. Nr.4.1. 1954 m. gruodþio 30 d. LSSR MVD 4-osios valdybos 2-o skyriaus virðininko kpt. Martusevièius paþyma apie 19441954 m. nuþudytus ir suimtus Lietuvos ginkluotojo pogrindio dalyvius. LYA. F.K-1. Ap.3. B.530. L.38. Doc. No. 4.1. A note of 30 December 1954 by the Head of the 2nd Division of the 4th Directorate of the MVD of the LSSR Capt. Martusevièius in regard to the killed and arrested members of the armed underground of Lithuania in 19441954. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 3. f. 530. p. 38.
Dok. Nr. 4.2. 1952 m. gruodþio mën. LSSR MGB ministro gen. mjr. P. Kondakovo paþyma Apie Lietuvos SSR MGB organø darbo rezultatus kovojant su nacionalistiniu pogrindþiu ir jo gaujomis 1944 07 151952 12 15. LYA. F. K-1. Ap.3. B.407. L.264265. Doc. No. 4.2. A note of December 1952 by the Minister of the MGB of the LSSR Maj. Gen. P. Kondakov On the Results of the Work of the MGB Bodies of the Lithuanian SSR in Fighting against the Nationalistic Underground and its Bands from 15 July 1944 to 15 December 1952. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 3. f. 407. p. 264-265.
Dok. Nr. 4.3. 1953 m. spalio 25 d. LSSR MVD 4-osios valdybos virðininko mjr. P. Raslano paþyma Apie Lietuvos SSR MVD organø darbo rezultatus ir nacionalistiniø iðpuoliø 1944 07 151953 10 25. LYA. F. K-1. Ap.3. B.441. L.12. Doc. No. 4.3. A note of 25 October 1953 by the Head of the 4th Directorate of the MVD of the LSSR Maj. P. Raslanas On the Results of the Work of the MVD Bodies of the Lithuanian SSR and Nationalistic Attacks from 15 June 1944 to 25 October 1953. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 3. f. 441. p. 12.
Dok. Nr. 4.4. 1946 m. spalio 26 d. SSRS MVD ministro gen. plk. S. Kruglovo ratas LSSR MVD Kovos su banditizmu valdybos virininko pav. pplk. B. Burylinui. LYA. F.K-1. Ap.3. B.216. L.12. Doc. No. 4.4. A letter of 26 October 1946 by the Minister of the MVD of the SSRS Col. Gen. S. Kruglov to the Deputy Head of the Directorate of the MVD of the LSSR for Fighting against Banditism Lt. Col. B. Burylin. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 3. f. 216. p. 12.
Dok. Nr. 4.5. 1946 m. geguþës 28 d. LSSR MVD karinio tribunolo pirmininko pplk. A. Chaliavino aiðkinamasis raðtas VKP(b) CK Lietuvos biuro pirmininkui V. Ðèerbakovui ir LKP(b) CK I sekretoriui A. Snieèkui apie nuteistus Lietuvos rezistentus. LYA. F.1771. Ap.9. B.269. L.7375. Doc. No. 4.5. An explanatory letter of 28 May 1946 by the Chairman of the Military Tribunal of the MVD of the LSSR Lt. Col. A. Khaliavin to the Chairman of the Lithuanian Bureau of the CK of the VKP(b) V. Shcherbakov and the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Snieèkus about the convicted resistance fighters of Lithuania. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 9. f. 269. p. 7375.
Dok. Nr. 4.6. 1944 m. lapkrièio mën. LSSR prokuroro M. Baliasnikovo papildomas praneðimas SSRS prokurorui K. Gorðeninui dël partizanø ðeimø iðtrëmimo. LYA. F.1771. Ap.7. B.92. L.43. Doc. No. 4.6. An additional report of November 1944 by the Prosecutor of the LSSR M. Baliasnikov to the Prosecutor of the SSRS K. Gorshenin in regard to the deportation of partisan families. SLA. stk.1771. inv. 7. f. 92. p. 43.
Dok. Nr. 4.7. 1944 m. lapkrièio 13 d. laikinai einanèio LSSR prokuroro pareigas F. Girko raðtas SSRS prokurorui K. Gorðeninui Dël kovos su kontrrevoliuciniais nusikaltimais Lietuvos SSR. LYA. F.1771. Ap.7. B.92. L.3542. Doc. No. 4.7. The letter of 13 November 1944 by the Acting Prosecutor of the LSSR F. Girko to the Prosecutor of the SSRS K. Gorshenin On Fighting against Counterrevoliutionary Crimes in the Lithuanian SSR. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 7. f. 92. p. 3542.
Dok. Nr. 4.8. 1944 m. liepos 24 d. LKP(b) CK nutarimas Dël NKVD naikintojø batalionø sudarymo ið vokiðkøjø faðistiniø grobikø iðlaisvintoje Lietuvos Sovietø Socialistinës Respublikos teritorijoje. LYA. F.1771. Ap.7. B.36. L.1. Doc. No. 4.8. The decision of 24 July 1944 by the CK of the LKP(b) On the Formation of the Extermination Battalions of the NKVD in the Territory of the Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic Liberated from the German Fascist Invaders. SLA. stk.1771. inv. 7. f. 36. p. 1.
Dok. Nr. 4.9. 1945 m. rugsëjo 15 d. gen. mjr. P. Kapralovo telegrama visiems NKVD-NKGB Ukmergës, Zarasø, Ðvenèioniø ir Utenos skyriø virðininkams dël sovietinio partinio aktyvo apginklavimo. LYA. F.K-1. Ap.18. B.39. L.168. Doc. No. 4.9. A telegram of 15 September 1945 by Maj. Gen. P. Kapralov to all the Heads of the NKVD-NKGB Divisions of Ukmergë, Zarasai, Ðvenèionys and Utena on providing arms to the Soviet-party activists. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 18. f. 39. p. 168.
Dok. Nr. 4.10. 1947 m. rugpjûèio 27 d. LKP(b) Panevëþio apskrities komiteto biuro nutarimas Dël politinës padëties Ðeduvos valsèiuje. LYA. F.801. Ap.801-15. B.1. L.4546. Doc. No. 4.10. The decision of 27 August 1947 by the Bureau of the Committee of the LKP(b) of Panevëþys county On the Political Situation in the Rural District of eduva. SLA. stk. 801. inv. 80115. f. 1. p. 45-46.
Dok. Nr. 4.11. 1946 m. liepos 22 d. LKP(b) Këdainiø apskrities partijos komiteto I sekretoriaus J. Piligrimo vadovaujamo penketo pasitarimo Dël politinës padëties apskrityje protokolas. LYA. F.749. Ap.749-8. B.1. L.23. Doc. No. 4.11. The protocol of 22 July 1946 of the conference of the five (piatiorka) under the command of the First Secretary of the Party Committee of the LKP(b) of Këdainiai county J. Piligrimas On the Political Situation in the County. SLA. stk. 749. inv. 749-8. f. 1. p. 23.
Dok. Nr. 4.12. Itrauka i 1944 m. gruodio 30 d. LKP(b) CK IV plenumo rezoliucijos. LYA. F.1771. Ap.7. B.9. L.9. Doc. No. 4.12. An extract from the resolution of the 4th Plenum of the CK of the LKP(b) on 30 December 1944. SLA. stk.1771. inv. 7. f. 9. p. 9.
Dok. Nr. 4.13. 1945 m. spalio mën. LSSR NKGB mjr. Jermakovo paþyma apie iki 1945 m. spalio 20 d. partizanø ir jø rëmëjø konfiskuotus ûkius LYA. F.K-1. Ap.10. B.21. L.257. Doc. No. 4.13. A note of October 1945 by Maj. N.Ermakov of the NKGB of the LSSR in regard to the farms confiscated from partisans and their supporters by 20 October 1945. SLA. F.K-1. inv. 10. f. 21. p. 257.
Dok. Nr. 4.14. 1946 m. gruodþio 7 d. LKP(b) CK I sekretoriaus A. Snieèkaus ir SSRS MVD-MGB ágaliotinio Lietuvoje I. Tkaèenkos direktyva LKP(b) apskrièiø komitetø sekretoriams, LSSR MVD ir MGB apskrièiø skyriø virðininkams dël priemoniø ir metodø likviduojant partizaniná sàjûdá. LYA. F.1771. Ap.9. B.241. L.7981. Doc. No. 4.14. The directive of 7 December 1946 by the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Snieèkus and the Commissioner of the MVD-MGB of the SSRS in Lithuania I. Tkachenko to the Secretaries of the County Committees of the LKP(b) and the Heads of the County Divisions of the MVD and MGB of the SSRS On Measures and Methods in Liquidating the Partisan Movement. SLA. stk.1771. inv. 9. f. 241. p. 7981.
Dok. Nr. 4.15. 1947 m. balandþio 14 d. LKP(b) CK biuro nutarimas Dël kovos priemoniø su burþuaziniu nacionalistiniu pogrindþiu ir jo ginkluotomis gaujomis sustiprinimo. LYA. F.1771. Ap.190. B.5. L.9599. Doc. No. 4.15. The decision of 14 April 1947 by the Bureau of the CK of the LKP(b) On the Reinforcement of Measures in Fighting against the Bourgeois Nationalistic Underground and its Armed Bands. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 190. f. 5. p. 9599.
Dok. Nr. 4.16. 1947 m. gruodþio 12 d. LKP(b) CK biuro nutarimas Dël kovos su burþuaziniu nacionalistiniu pogrindþiu ir jo ginkluotomis gaujomis suaktyvinimo. LYA. F. 1771. AP.190. B.5. L.179187. Doc. No. 4.16. The decision of 12 December 1947 by the Bureau of the CK of the LKP(b) On the Intensifying of Fighting against the Bourgeois Nationalistic Underground and its Armed Bands. SLA. stk. 1771. inv.190. f. 5. p. 179187.
Dok. Nr. 4.17. Itrauka i 1948 m. sausio mën. LKP(b) CK I sekretoriaus A. Snieèkaus ataskaitos VKP(b) CK sekretoriui A. Þdanovui. LYA. F.1771. Ap.11. B.215. L.917. Doc. No. 4.17. An extract from the report of January 1948 by the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Snieèkus to the Secretary of the CK of the VKP(b) A. Zhdanov. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 11. f. 215. p. 917.
Dok. Nr. 4.18. 1948 m. birþelio 18 d. LKP(b) CK biuro nutarimas Dël politinio darbo su gyventojais stiprinimo ir burþuaziniø nacionalistiniø gaujø likuèiø likvidavimo. LYA. F.1771. Ap.190. B.6. L.6468. Doc. No. 4.18. The decision of 18 June 1948 by the Bureau of CK of the LKP(b) On the Reinforcement of Political Work with the Population and the Liquidation of the Remaining Members of the Bourgeois Nationalistic Bands. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 190. f. 6. p. 6468.
Dok. Nr. 4.19. 1948 m. liepos mën. LKP(b) CK inspekcinës brigados (Urazovo, Butnevièiaus ir Stasiûno) paþyma LKP(b) CK II sekretoriui A. Trofimovui Dël LKP(b) Varënos apskrities komiteto darbo vykdant 1948 m. birþelio 18 d. LKP(b) CK biuro nutarimà Dël politinio darbo su gyventojais stiprinimo ir burþuaziniø nacionalistiniø gaujø likuèiø likvidavimo. LYA. F.1771. Ap.190. B.6. L.127130. Doc. No. 4.19. The note of July 1948 by the inspection brigade (Urazov, Butnevièius and Stasiûnas) of the CK of the LKP(b) to the Second Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Trofimov On the Work of the Committee of the LKP(b) of Varëna County in Executing the Decision of 18 June 1948 by the Bureau of the CK of the LKP(b) On the Reinforcement of Political Work with the Population and the Liquidation of the Remaining Members of the Bourgeois Nationalistic Bands. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 190. f. 6. p. 127130.
Dok. Nr. 4.20. Itrauka i 1949 m. birelio 1 d. partiniø ir represiniø struktûrø vadovø pasitarimo Dël priemoniø likviduojant nacionalistinio pogrindþio ir gaujø likuèius vykstant kolektyvizacijai. LYA. F.1771. Ap.190. B.7. L.3946. Doc. No. 4.20. An extract from the conference of the heads of party and repressive bodies on 1 June 1949 On Measures in Liquidation the Remaining Members of the Nationalistic Underground and its Bands during the Collectivization. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 190. f. 7. p. 3946.
Dok. Nr. 4.21. 1949 m. birelio 6 d. LKP(b) CK biuro nutarimas Dël kovos su banditizmo ir burþuazinio nacionalistinio pogrindþio likuèiais stiprinimo ryðium su kolûkiø kûrimu respublikoje. LYA. F.1771. Ap.190. B.7. L.2228. Doc. No. 4.21. The decision of 6 June 1949 by the Bureau of the CK of the LKP(b) On the Intensifying of Fighting against Banditism and the Remaining Members of the Bourgeois Nationalistic Underground in Reference to the Formation of Kolkhozes in the Republic. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 190. f. 7. p. 2228.
Dok. Nr. 4.22. 1946 m. geguþës 14 d. LKP(b) CK biuro nutarimas Dël 1945 m. rugpjûèio 15 d. VKP(b) CK nutarimo Dël kovos su burþuaziniu nacionalistiniu pogrindþiu ir jo ginkluotomis gaujomis ir 1945 m. spalio 26 d. LKP(b) CK biuro nutarimo ðiuo klausimu vykdymo Panevëþio apskrityje. LYA. F. 1771. Ap. 190. B.4. L.4244. Doc. No. 4.22. The decision of 14 May 1946 by the Bureau of the CK of the LKP(b) On the Decision of 15 August 1945 by the CK of the VKP(b) On Fighting against the Bourgeois Nationalistic Underground and its Armed Bands and on the Execution of the Decision of 26 October 1945 by the Bureau of the CK of the LKP(b) on this Issue in the County of Panevëþys. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 190. f. 4. p. 4244.
Dok. Nr. 4.23. 1946 m. geguþës 8 d. LKP(b) CK inspektoriaus Petrovo paþyma LKP(b) CK I sekretoriui A. Snieèkui Dël politinës padëties Lazdijø apskrityje. LYA. F.1771. Ap.190. B.4. L.58. Doc. No. 4.23. A note of 8 May 1946 by an inspector of the CK of the LKP(b) Petrov to the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Snieèkus On the Political Situation in the County of Lazdijai. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 190. f. 4. p. 58.
Dok. Nr. 4.24. 1951 m. rugpjûèio 31 d. LSSR MGB ministro gen. mjr. P. Kapralovo ásakymas Vilniaus, Kauno, Ðiauliø, Klaipëdos srièiø MGB valdybø virðininkams ir LSSR MGB rajonø skyriø virðininkams dël kariniø operacijø slëpimo nuo vietos gyventojø. LYA. K-1. Ap.3. B.390. L.25. Doc. No. 4.24. An order of 31 August 1951 by the Minister of the MGB of the LSSR Maj. Gen. P. Kapralov to the Heads of the MGB Directorates of Vilnius, Kaunas, Ðiauliai, Klaipëda counties and to the Heads of the Divisions of the MGB Districts of the LSSR about the concealment of military operations from the local population. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 3. f. 390. p. 25.
Dok. Nr. 4.25. Iðtrauka ið 1953 m. gruodþio 31 d. LKP CK biuro nutarimo Dël kovos su nacionalistiniu pogrindþiu ir gaujø likuèiais priemoniø sustiprinimo respublikoje. LYA. F.1771. Ap.190. B.9. L.3641. Doc. No. 4.25. An extract from the LKP decision of 31 December 1953 by the Bureau of the CK of the LKP(b) On the Intensifying of Measures in Fighting against the Nationalistic Underground and the Remaining Members of Bands in the Republic. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 190. f. 9. p. 36-41.
Dok. Nr. 4.26. 1945 m. rugpjûèio mën. LKP(b) Birþø apskrities komiteto patvirtintas planas Nr. 100 Dël buoþiniø-nacionalistiniø gaujø Birþø apskrityje likvidavimo. LYA. F.1093. Ap.1093-27. B.1. L.5357. Doc. No. 4.26. Plan No. 100 approved by the Committee of the LKP(b) of Birai county in August 1945 On the Liquidation of Kulak-Nationalistic Bands in the County of Birai. SLA. stk. 1093. inv. 1093-27. f. 1. p. 5357.
Dok. Nr. 4.27. Iðtrauka ið 1947 m. kovo 1 d. LKP(b) Prienø apskrities komiteto piatiorkos posëdþio. LYA. F.739. Ap.739-10. B.2. L.1. Doc. No. 4.27. An extract from the sitting of the five (piatiorka) of Prienai County Committee of the LKP(b) on 1 March 1947. SLA. stk. 739. inv. 739-10. f. 2. p. 1.
Dok. Nr. 4.28. 1946 m. balandþio 1 d. LSSR MVD ministro J. Bartaðiûno raðtas LKP(b) CK I sekretoriui A. Snieèkui dël MVD kariuomenës karininkø aprûpinimo butais Lietuvos miestuose. LYA. F. 1771. Ap.9. B.264. L.96. Doc. No. 4.28. A letter of 1 april 1946 by the Minister of the MVD of the LSSR J.Bartaðiunas to the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Snieèkus about providing officers of the MVD troops with accomodation in the cities of Lithuania. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 9. f. 264. p. 96.
Dok. Nr. 5.1 1988 m. geguþës 12 d. LSSR KGB payma LKP CK apie 19411952 m. itremtus Lietuvos gyventojus. LYA. F.3377. Ap.58. B.916. L.13. Doc. No. 5.1. A note of 12 May 1988 by the KGB of the LSSR to the CK of the LKP about the deported people of Lithuania in 19411952. SLA. stk. 3377. inv. 58. f. 916. p. 1-3.
Dok. Nr. 5.2. 1958 m. geguþës 13 d. LSSR MT pirmininko pav. K. Preikðo paþyma LKP CK I sekretoriui A. Snieèkui apie tremtinius. LYA. F.1771. Ap.190. B.11. L.122130. Doc. No. 5.2. A note of 13 May 1958 by the Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the LSSR K. Preikas to the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP A. Snieèkus about the deported people. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 190. f. 11. p. 122 130.
Dok. Nr. 5.3. 1953 m. balandþio 14 d. SSRS MVD 1-osios vyr. valdybos 8-ojo skyriaus virðininko gen. ltn. Þukovo paþyma Dël iðkeldintøjø ið Lietuvos SSR 1945 1953 m. kontingento LYA. F.K-1. Ap.3. B.439. L.247249. Doc. No. 5.3. The note of 14 April 1953 by the Head of the 8th Division of the 1st Central Directorate of the MVD of the SSRS Lt. Gen. Zhukov On the Contingent of the Displaced People from the Lithuanian SSR in 19451953. SLA. stk. K1. inv. 3. f. 439. p. 247249.
Dok. Nr. 5.4. 1945 m. liepos 23 d. SSRS NKVD-NKGB ágaliotinio Lietuvoje gen. ltn. I. Tkaèenkos praneðimas apie trëmimus Utenos ir Vilniaus operatyviniuose sektoriuose. LYA. F.K-1. Ap.10. B.22. L.98102. Doc. No. 5.4. A report of 23 July 1945 by the Commissioner of the NKVD-NKGB of the SSRS in Lithuania Lt. Gen. I. Tkachenko in regard to the deportations in the operational sectors of Utena and Vilnius. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 10. f. 22. p. 98102.
Dok. Nr. 5.5. 1948 m. geguþës 18 d. LSSR MT ir LKP(b) CK nutarimas Dël priemoniø iðkeldinant banditø ir gaujø rëmëjø buoþiø ðeimas. LYA. F.1771. Ap.190. B.6. L.3637. Doc. No. 5.5. The decision of 18 May 1948 by the Council of Ministers of the LSSR and the CK of the LKP(b) On Measures in Displacing Kulak Families, Supporters of Bandits and their Bands. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 190. f. 6. p. 3637.
Dok. Nr. 5.6. 1948 m. geguþës 25 d. LKP(b) CK biuro nutarimas dël 12 tûkstanèiø ðeimø iðtrëmimo. LYA. F.1771. Ap.190. B.6. L.60. Doc. No. 5.6. A decision of 25 May 1948 by the Bureau of the CK of the LKP(b) in reference to the deportation of 12,000 families. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 190. f. 6. p. 60.
Dok. Nr. 5.7. 1949 m. kovo 29 d. LKP(b) CK biuro nutarimas dël 1949 m. kovo 2528 d. gyventojø trëmimo ið Lietuvos rezultatø. LYA. F.1771. Ap.190. B.7. L.21. Doc. No. 5.7. A decision of 29 March 1949 by the Bureau of the CK of the LKP(b) in regard to the results of the deportation of people from Lithuania on 2528 March 1949. LSA. stk. 1771. inv. 190. f. 7. p. 21.
Dok. Nr. 5.8. 1951 m. rugsëjo 28 d. LKP(b) CK biuro nutarimas Dël buoþiø ir jø ðeimø iðkeldinimo ið Lietuvos SSR teritorijos. LYA. F.1771. Ap.190. B.8. L.139. Doc. No. 5.8. The decision of 28 September 1951 by the Bureau of the CK of the LKP(b) On the Displacement of Kulaks and their Families. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 190. f. 8. p. 139.
Dok. Nr. 5.9. 1948 m. LSSR MT ir LKP(b) CK ágaliotiniø apskrityse sàraðai. LYA. F.1771. Ap.190. B.6. L.5354. Doc. No. 5.9. Lists of 1948 of commissioners in counties of the Council of Ministers of the LSSR and the CK of the LKP(b). SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 190. f. 6. p. 5354. 1 copy.
Dok. Nr. 5.10. 1948 m. birelio 5 d. LSSR teisingumo ministro, LKP(b) CK ir LSSR MT ágaliotinio J. Bliekos ataskaita LKP(b) CK I sekretoriui A. Snieèkui apie trëmimø rezultatus Joniðkio apskrityje. LYA. F.1771. Ap.11. B.257. L.58. Doc. No. 5.10. An account of 5 June 1948 by the Minister of Justice of the LSSR, an official authorized by the CK of the LKP(b) and the Council of Ministers of the LSSR J. Blieka to the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Snieèkus about the results of the deportations in the county of Jonikis. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 11. f. 257. p. 58.
Dok. Nr. 5.11. 1948 m. sausio 6 d. LKP(b) CK atstovo V. Petraièio ir LKP(b) Pasvalio apskrities komiteto I sekretoriaus M. Mikalausko politinë informacija LKP(b) CK Dël iðkeldinimo ið mûsø apskrities banditø ðeimø ir jø pagalbininkø. LYA. F.1771. Ap.11. B.237. L.1415. Doc. No. 5.11. Political information of 6 January 1948 by the representative of the CK of the LKP(b) V. Petraitis and the First Secretary of the Committee of the LKP(b) M. Mikalauskas to the CK of the LKP(b) On the Displacement of Bandit Families and their Supporters from our County. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 11. f. 237. p. 14-15.
Dok. Nr. 5.12. 1945 m. liepos 19 d. LSSR Aukðèiausiojo Teismo pirmininko, LSSR LKT ir LKP(b) CK ágaliotinio K. Didþiulio ataskaita LKP(b) CK I sekretoriui A. Snieèkui apie Trakø apskrities gyventojø trëmimà. LYA. F.1771. Ap.8. B.194. L.81. Doc. No. 5.12. An account of 19 July 1945 by the Chairman of the Supreme Court of the LSSR, an official authorized by the Council of Peoples Commissars of the LSSR and the CK of the LKP(b) K. Didiulis to the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Snieèkus about the deportation of people from Trakai county. SL.A. stk. 1771. inv. 8. f. 194. p. 81.
Dok. Nr. 5.13. 1950 m. LKP(b) Ignalinos komiteto sekretoriaus Beliakovo pasiraðytas iðtremtø Vilniaus srities, Ignalinos rajono buoþiø ðeimø sàraðas // Genocido aukø muziejaus fondas. Vilnius. Doc. No. 5.13. A list of Kulak families deported from Ignalina district of Vilnius county signed by the Secretary of the LKP(b) Committee of Ignalina Beliakov in 1950 // The stocks of the Museum of the Genocide Victims. Vilnius.
Dok. Nr. 5.14. 1945 m. LKP(b) CK Tarybiniø ûkiø skyriaus instruktoriaus V. Sakalausko ataskaita LKP(b) CK apie trëmimà Raseiniø apskrityje. LYA. F.1771. Ap.8. B.194. L.80. Doc. No. 5.14. An account for 1945 by the instructor of the Division of Sovkhozes of the CK of the LKP(b) V. Sakalauskas to the CK of the LKP(b) about the deportations in the county of Raseiniai. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 8. f. 194. p. 80.
Dok. Nr. 5.15. 1948 m. birþelio 24 d. LKP(b) Radviliðkio apskrities komiteto sekretoriaus Goriunovo ataskaita LKP(b) CK I sekretoriui A.Snieèkui apie trëmimà Radviliðkio apskrityje. LYA. F.1771. Ap.11. B.257. L.64. Doc. Nr. 5.15. An account of 24 June 1948 by the Secretary of the Committee of the LKP(b) of Radvilikis county Goriunov to the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A.Snieèkus about the deportations in the county of Radvilikis. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 11. f. 257. p. 64.
Dok. Nr. 5.16. 1948 m. sausio 8 d. LKP(b) Kupiðkio apskrities komiteto I sekretoriaus P. Grigëno ataskaita LKP(b) CK I sekretoriui A. Snieèkui apie trëmimà Kupiðkio apskrityje. LYA. F.1771. Ap.11. B.236. L.102104. Doc. No. 5.16. An account of 8 January 1948 by the First Secretary of the Committee of the LKP(b) of Kupiðkis county P. Grigënas to the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Snieèkus about the deportations in the county of Kupikis. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 11. f. 236. p. 102104.
Dok. Nr. 5.17. 1948 m. geguþës 21 d. LKP(b) Këdainiø apskrities komiteto I sekretoriaus J. Piligrimo ataskaita LKP(b) CK I sekretoriui A. Snieèkui apie trëmimà Këdainiø apskrityje. LYA. F.749. Ap.749-8. B.1. L.111112. Doc. No. 5.17. An account of 21 May 1948 by the First Secretary of the Committee of the LKP(b) of Këdainiai county J. Piligrimas to the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Snieèkus about the deportations in the county of Këdainiai. SLA. stk. 749. inv. 749-8. f. 1. p. 111112.
Dok. Nr. 5.18. 1948 m. geguþës 8 d. LKP(b) Klaipëdos miesto komiteto sekretoriaus A. Smirnovo informacija LKP(b) CK apie partinio-sovietinio aktyvo dalyvavimà trëmimuose. LYA. F.1771. Ap.11. B.235. L.2122. Doc. No. 5.18. The information of 8 May 1948 by the Secretary of the Committee of the LKP(b) of Klaipëda city A. Smirnov to the CK of the LKP(b) about the participation of party-Soviet activists in the deportations. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 11. f. 235. p. 2122.
Dok. Nr. 5.19. 1945 m. liepos 30 d. LKP(b) CK ágaliotinio J. Stimburio ataskaita apie trëmimà Ðiauliø apskrityje. LYA. F.1771. Ap.8. B.194. L.92. Doc. No. 5.19. An account of 30 July 1945 by an official authorized by the CK of the LKP(b) J. Stimburys about the deportations in the county of iauliai. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 8. f. 194. p. 92.
Dok. Nr. 5.20. 1948 m. geguþës 28 d. LKP(b) Kauno miesto I sekretoriaus K. Gabdanko praneðimas LKP(b) CK I sekretoriui A. Snieèkui apie neiðtremtus þmones. LYA. F.1771. Ap.11. B.235. L.79. Doc. No. 5.20. A report of 28 May 1948 by the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) of Kaunas city K. Gabdank to the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Snieèkus about the people who were not deported. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 11. f. 235. p. 79.
Dok. Nr. 5.21. 1945 m. liepos 31 d. LKP(b) CK Tarybiniø ûkiø skyriaus vedëjo pavaduotojo V. Poliakaus praneðimas LKP(b) CK apie trëmimà Maþeikiø apskrityje. LYA. F.1771. Ap.8. B.194. L.26. Doc. No. 5.21. A report of 31 July 1945 by the Deputy Head of the Division of Sovkhozes of the CK of the LKP(b) V. Poliakus to the CK of the LKP(b) about the deportations in the county of Maeikiai. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 8. f. 194. p. 26.
Dok. Nr. 5.22. 1948 m. birþelio mën. Lietuvos SSR LKP(b) miestø ir apskriðiø komitetø pirmieji sekretoriai. LYA. F. 1771. Ap. 190. B. 6. L. 63. Doc. No. 5.22. City and county First Secretaries of the LKP(b) of the Lithuanian SSR in June 1948. SLA. stk.1771. inv. 190. f.6. p.63.
Dok. Nr. 6.1. Itraukos i 1945 m. gruodio 17 d. l.e. LSSR NKGB komisaro pareigas gen. mjr. D. Jefimovo paymos SSRS NKGB komisarui V. Merkulovui, SSRS NKGB 2-osios valdybos virðininkui gen. ltn. P.Fedotovui, SSRS NKGB komisaro pav. S. Ogolcovui dël antisovietinës veiklos ir agentûriniø-operatyviniø priemoniø rengiantis rinkimams á SSRS Aukðèiausiàjà Tarybà. LYA. F.K-1. Ap.10. B.23. L.55. Doc. No. 6.1. Extracts from a note of 17 December 1945 by the Acting Commissar of the NKGB of the LSSR Maj. Gen. D. Efimov to the Commissar of the NKGB of the SSRS V. Merkulov, the Head of the 2nd Directorate of the NKGB of the SSRS Lt. Gen. P. Fedotov, the Deputy Commissar of the NKGB of the SSRS S. Ogoltsov in regard to the anti-Soviet activities and intellegence-operational measures in preparing for the elections to the Supreme Soviet of the SSRS. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 10. f. 23. p. 55, 6264.
Dok. Nr. 6.2. Iðtrauka ið SSRS NKVD-NKGB ágaliotinio Lietuvoje I. Tkaèenkos kalbos 1946 m. balandþio 4 d. LKP(b) CK IX plenume. LYA. F.1771. Ap.9. B.5. L.65. Doc. No. 6.2. An extract from the speech of 4 April 1946 by the Commissioner of the NKVD-NKGB of the SSRS in Lithuania Lt. Gen. I. Tkachenko at the 9 th Plenum of the CK of the LKP(b). SLA. stk. 1771. inv.9. f. 5. p. 65.
Dok. Nr. 6.3. 1946 m. spalio 15 d. LKP(b) CK biuro nutarimas dël LSSR centrinës rinkimø komisijos pirmininko P. Cvirkos ir sekretoriaus E. Ozarskio paskyrimo rengiant rinkimus á LSSR Aukðèiausiàjà Tarybà. LYA. F.1771. Ap.190. B.4. L.118. Doc. No. 6.3. A decision of 15 October 1946 by the Bureau of CK of the LKP(b) in regard to the nomination of P. Cvirka as the Chairman and E. Ozarskis the Secretary of the Central Election Commission of the LSSR in preparing for the elections to the Supreme Soviet of the SSRS. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 190. f. 4. p. 118.
Dok. Nr.6.4. 1946 m. lapkrièio 14 d. LKP(b) CK biuro nutarimas dël kandidatø á LSSR Aukðèiausiosios Tarybos deputatus. LYA. F.1771. Ap.190. B.4. L.122. Doc. No. 6.4. A decision of 14 November 1946 by the Bureau of the CK of the LKP(b) in regard to the candidates for the deputies to the Supreme Soviet of the LSSR. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 190. f. 4. p. 122.
Dok. Nr. 6.5. 1945 m. lapkrièio 12 d. VKP(b) CK Lietuvos biuro pirmininko M. Suslovo ir LKP(b) CK I sekretoriaus A. Snieèkaus raðtas VKP(b) CK sekretoriui G. Malenkovui Dël kai kuriø LSSR gyventojø grupiø neátraukimo á rinkëjø sàraðus. LYA. F.1771. Ap.190. B.3. L.128129. Doc. No. 6.5. The letter of 12 November 1945 by the Chairman of the Lithuanian Bureau of the CK of the VKP(b) M. Suslov and the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Snieèkus to the Secretary of the CK of the VKP(b) G. Malenkov On the Exclusion of some Groups of the Population of the LSSR from the Lists of the Electors. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 190. f. 3. p. 128129.
Dok. Nr. 6.6. Iðtrauka ið 1947 m. LKP(b) CK ataskaitos VKP(b) CK dël 1946 m. spalio 5 d. VKP(b) CK nutarimo Dël Lietuvos KP(b) CK darbo ágyvendinimo. LYA. F.1771. Ap.9. B.242. L.47. Doc. No. 6.6. An extract from the account by the CK of the LKP(b) for 1947 to the CK of the VKP(b) in regard to the implementation of the decision of 5 October 1946 by the CK of the VKP(b) On the Work of the CK of the Lithuanian KP(b). SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 9. f. 242. p. 47.
Dok. Nr. 6.7. 1946 m. vasario 10 d. LSSR NKVD kariuomenës vyriausiojo karinio virðininko gen. mjr. P. Vetrovo ir operatyvinio ðtabo virðininko gen.mjr. Pankino praneðimas LSSR NKVD komisarui gen. mjr. J. Bartaðiûnui apie rinkimø á SSRS Aukðèiausiàjà Tarybà rezultatus. LYA. F.K-1. Ap.3. B.104. L.5354. Doc. No. 6.7. A report of 10 February 1946 by the Chief Military Commander of the NKVD troops of the LSSR Maj. Gen. P. Vetrov and the Head of the Operational Staff Maj. Gen. Pankin to the Commissar of the NKVD of the LSSR Maj. Gen. J. Bartaðiûnas about the results of the elections to the Supreme Soviet of the SSRS. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 3. f. 104. p. 5354.
Dok. Nr. 6.8. 1946 m. kovo 5 d. LKP(b) CK biuro nutarimas Dël rinkimø á SSRS Aukðèiausiàjà Tarybà nuostatø paþeidimø Alytaus apskrityje. LYA. F.1771. Ap.190. B.4. L.29. Doc. No. 6.8. The decision of 5 March 1946 by the Bureau of the CK of the LKP(b) On the Violations of the Election Regulations to the Supreme Soviet of the SSRS in the County of Alytus. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 190. f. 4. p. 29.
Dok. Nr. 6.9. 1951 m. vasario 16 d. LSSR MGB 2-osios valdybos 2-ojo skyriaus virðininko G. Èachavos paþyma apie kariniø jëgø iðdëstymà Lietuvoje rengiant rinkimus á LSSR Aukðèiausiàjà Tarybà. LYA. F.K-1. AP.3. B.387. L.103. Doc. No. 6.9. A note of 16 February 1951 by the Head of the 2nd Division of the 2nd Directorate of the MGB of the LSSR G. Chakhava about the deployment of military forces in Lithuania in preparing for elections to the Supreme Soviet of the LSSR. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 3. f. 387. p. 103.
Dok. Nr. 7.1. 1937 m. gruodio 1 d. VKP(b) CK Politinio biuro nutarimai Dël tautiniø mokyklø, Dël nacionaliniø rajonø ir kaimo tarybø likvidavimo ir Dël rusiðkø laikraðèiø leidybos Ukrainoje. RNIDSTC. F.17. Ap.3. B.983, 994, 1004. Doc. No. 7.1. The decisions of 1 December 1937 by the Politburo of the CK of the VKP(b) On National Schools, On the Liquidation of National District and Rural Councils and On the Publishing of Russian Newspapers in the Ukraine. SRCDNHR. stk. 17. inv. 3. f. 983, 994, 1004.
Dok. Nr. 7.2. Iðtrauka ið 1938 m. kovo 13 d. VKP(b) CK ir SSRS LKT nutarimo Dël privalomo rusø kalbos mokymosi nacionalinëse respublikose ir srityse. RNIDSTC. F.17. Ap.3. B.998. Doc. No. 7.2. An extract from the decision of 13 March 1938 by the CK of the VKP(b) and the Council of Peoples Commissars On the Mandatory Studying of the Russian Language in National Republics and Regions. SRCDNHR. stk..17. inv. 3. f. 998.
Dok. Nr. 7.3. Iðraðas ið 1944 m. sausio 7 d. LKP(b) CK biuro nutarimo Dël Sovietø Sàjungos himno vertimo á lietuviø kalbà. LYA. F.1771. Ap.7. B.20. L.110. Doc. No. 7.3. An excerpt from the decision of 7 January 1944 by the Bureau of the CK of the LKP(b) On the Translation of the Anthem of the Soviet Union into the Lithuanian Language. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 7. f. 20. p. 110.
Dok. Nr. 7.4. Iðtrauka ið 1945 m. rugpjûèio 23 d. LKP(b) CK VII plenume pasakytos laikraðèio Sovietskaja Litva atsakingojo redaktoriaus A. Fedotovo kalbos. LYA. F.1771. Ap.8. B.14. L.6971. Doc. No. 7.4. An extract from the speech by the Editor-in-Chief of the Sovietskaya Litva newspaper A. Fedotov delivered at 7th Plenum of the CK of the LKP(b) on 23 August 1945. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 8. f. 14. p.6971.
Dok. Nr. 7.5. 1951 m. birelio 6 d. LKP(b) CK biuro nutarimas Dël priemoniø didþiojo proletarinio raðytojo M. A. Gorkio 15-osioms mirties metinëms paminëti. LYA. F.1771. Ap.112. B.75. L.4344. Doc. No. 7.5. The decision of 6 June 1951 by the LKP(b) Bureau of the CK of the LKP(b) On Measures to Commemorate the 15th Death Anniversary of the Great Proletariat Writer M. A. Gorki. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 112. f. 75. p. 4344.
Dok. Nr. 7.6. Iðtrauka ið 1952 m. rugsëjo 22 d. LSSR mokslø akademijos viceprezidento J. Þiugþdos kalbos LKP(b) VII suvaþiavime. LYA. F.1771. Ap.131. B.1. L.497. Doc. No. 7.6. An extract from the speech of 22 September 1952 by the Vice-President of the Academy of Sciences of the LSSR J. iugda at the 7th Congress of the LKP(b). SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 131. f. 1. p. 497.
Dok. Nr. 7.7. 1944/1945 mokslo metø lietuviø ir rusø gimnazijø mokymo planai. LYA. F. 1771.Ap.7. B.46. L. 47,
Doc. No. 7.7. The curricula of Lithuanian and Russian gymnasiums for the academic year 1944/1945. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 7. f. 46. p. 47, 49.
Dok. Nr. 7.8. LKP(b) CK kadrø skyriaus paþyma apie 19441945 04 01 atvykusius á Lietuvà ið SSRS darbuotojus. LYA. F.1771. Ap.8. B.272. L.1. Doc. No. 7.8. A note by the Personnel Department of the CK of the LKP(b) about the employees who came to Lithuania from the SSRS from 1944 to 1 April 1945. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 8. f. 272. p. 1.
Dok. Nr. 7.9. Iðraðas ið 1944 m. balandþio 26 d. LKP(b) CK biuro nutarimo Dël Lietuvos SSR darbuotojø mokymosi lietuviø kalbos. LYA. F.1771. Ap.7. B.28. L.16. Doc. No. 7.9. An excerpt from the decision of 26 April 1944 by the Bureau of the CK of the LKP(b) On the Studying of the Lithuanian Language by Employees of the Lithuanian SSR. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 7. f. 28. p. 16.
Dok. Nr. 7.10. 1945 m. spalio 19 d. LKP(b) CK biuro nutarimas Dël komunistø mokymosi lietuviø kalbos. LYA. F.1771. Ap.8. B.118. L.28. Doc. No. 7.10. The decision of 19 October 1945 by the Bureau of the CK of the LKP(b) On the Studying of the Lithuanian Language by Communists. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 8. f. 118. p. 28.
Dok. Nr. 7.11. 1946 m. rugsëjo 10 d. LKP(b) CK Mokyklø skyriaus vedëjo pav. V. Uoginto paþyma LKP(b) CK I sekretoriui A. Snieèkui Dël 1945 m. spalio 19 d. LKP(b) CK nutarimo Dël nemokanèiø lietuviø kalbos komunistø mokymosi vykdymo. LYA. F.1771. Ap.9. B.243. L.68. Doc. No. 7.11. The note of 10 September 1946 by the Deputy Head of the School Division of the CK of the LKP(b) V. Uogintas to the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Snieèkus On the Execution of the Decision of 19 October 1945 by the CK of the LKP(b) On the Studying of the Communists who do not Know the Lithuanian Language. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 9. f. 243. p. 68.
Dok. Nr. 8.1. 1950 m. vasario 24 d. LKP(b) CK biuro nutarimas Dël Vilniaus valstybinio universiteto marksizmoleninizmo pagrindø dëstytojo Fridmano B.Ch.. Itraukos i B. Fridmano bylos. LYA. F.1771. Ap.90. B.45. L.190, 195, 197. Doc. No. 8.1. The decision of 24 February 1950 by the Bureau of the CK of the LKP(b) On the Lecturer on the Fundamentals of Marxism-Leninism of Vilnius State University B. Kh. Fridmanas SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 90. f. 45. p. 190. Extracts from B. Fridmanass case. ibid. p. 195, 197.
Dok. Nr. 8.2. 1945 m. spalio 13 d. SSRS NKVD-NKGB ágaliotinio Lietuvoje I. Tkaèenkos ásakymas visiems operatyviniø sektoriø virðininkams per 3 dienas pateikti operatyvinius duomenis apie NKGB þydø agentûrà. LYA. F.K-1. Ap.18. B.40. L.118. Doc. No. 8.2. An order of 13 October 1945 by the Commissioner of the NKVD-NKGB of the SSRS in Lithuania I. Tkachenko to all the Heads of the Operational Sectors to provide operational data on the Jewish agents of the NKGB in 3 days. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 18. f. 40. p. 118.
Dok. Nr. 8.3. 1949 m. sausio 26 d. LSSR MGB ministro gen mjr. P. Kapralovo ataskaita LKP(b) CK I sekretoriui A. Snieèkui pagal LSSR MGB agentûrinius duomenis apie Lietuvos þydø pogrindinæ veiklà. LYA. F.K-1. Ap.10. B.62. L.7989. Doc. No. 8.3. An account of 26 January 1949 by the Minister of the MGB of the LSSR Maj. Gen. P. Kapralov to the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Snieèkus about the underground activities of the Lithuanian Jews based on the data of the agents of the MGB of the LSSR. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 10. f. 62. p. 7989.
Dok. Nr. 8.4. 1951 m. vasario 9 d. LSSR MGB ministro pav. A. Leonovo spec. praneðimas SSRS MGB 5-osios valdybos virðininkui plk. A. Volkovui dël atnaujintos agentûrinës bylos Nr. 973 Kompanionai. LYA. F.K-1. Ap.10. B..100. L.223225. Doc. No. 8.4. A special report of 9 February 1951 by the Deputy Minister of the MGB of the LSSR A. Leonov to the Head of the 5th Directorate of the MGB of the SSRS Col. A. Volkov in regard to reopening agent case No. 973 The Companions. SLA. stk. K-1. inv.10. f.102. p.61.
Dok. Nr. 8.5. 1950 m. vasario mën. LSSR MGB ministro gen. mjr. P. Kapralovo spec. praneðimas LKP(b) CK I sekretoriui A. Snieèkui dël L. Davidzono. LYA. F.K-1. Ap.10. B.102. L.61. Doc.. No. 8.5. A special report of February 1950 by the Minister of the MGB of the LSSR Maj. Gen. P. Kapralov to the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Snieèkus in regard to L. Davidzon. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 10. f. 102. p. 61.
Dok. Nr. 8.6. 1950 m. liepos 12 d. LSSR MGB ministro gen. mjr. P. Kapralovo spec. praneðimas LKP(b) CK I sekretoriui A. Snieèkui dël L. Jofës. LYA. F.K-1. Ap.10. B.102. L.236237. Doc. No. 8.6. A special report of 12 July 1950 by the Minister of the MGB of the LSSR Maj. Gen. P. Kapralov to the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Snieèkus in regard to L. Joffe. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 10. f. 102. p. 236237.
Dok. Nr.8.7. Iðtrauka ið 1953 m. balandþio 4 d. LKP(b) CK I sekretoriaus A.Snieèkaus kalbos LKP CK plenume. LYA. F.1771. Ap.131. B.172. L.246. Doc. No. 8.7. An extract from the speech of 4 April 1953 by the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Snieèkus at the Plenum of the CK of the LKP(b). SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 131. f. 172. p. 246.
Dok. Nr. 8.8. 1951 m. kovo 30 d. l.e. LSSR MGB ministro pareigas plk. A.Leonovo spec. praneðimas LKP(b) CK II sekretoriui A. Trofimovui dël Radijo informacijos komiteto prie LSSR Ministrø Tarybos uþterðtumo socialiai svetimais ir politiðkai nepatikimais asmenimis. LYA. F.K-1. Ap.10. B.134. L.104106. Doc. No. 8.8. A special report of 30 March 1951 by the Acting Minister of the MGB of the LSSR Col. A. Leonov to the Second Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Trofimov in regard to the contamination of the Radio Information Committee at the Council of Ministers of the LSSR with socially alien and politically unreliable persons. SLA. stk. K1. inv. 10. f. 134. p. 104106.
Dok. Nr. 8.9. 1951 m. birþelio 4 d. LSSR MGB ministro gen. mjr. P. Kapralovo praneðimas LKP(b) CK II sekretoriui A.Trofimovui dël þydø burþuaziniø nacionalistø grupës areðto Kauno mieste. LYA. F.K-1. Ap.10. B.134. L.287 288. Doc. No. 8.9. A report of 4 June 1951 by the Minister of the MGB of the LSSR Maj. Gen. P. Kapralov to the Second Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Trofimov in regard to the arrest of a group of the Jewish bourgeois nationalists in Kaunas city. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 10. f. 134. p. 287288.
Dok. Nr. 8.10. 1952 m. gruodþio 31d. LSSR MGB ministro pav. plk. L. Martavièiaus paþyma LKP(b) CK I sekretoriui A. Snieèkui Dël þydø klerikalø ir sionistø veiklos Panevëþyje. LYA. F.K-1. Ap.10. B.152. L.102106. Doc. No. 8.10. The note of 31 December 1952 by the Deputy Minister of the MGB of the LSSR Col. L. Martavièius to the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Snieèkus On the Activities of the Jewish Clergymen and Zionists in Panvëþys. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 10. f. 152. p. 102106.
Dok. Nr.8 11. Iðtrauka ið LKP(b) CK I sekretoriaus A. Snieèkaus kalbos LKP(b) CK VII suvaþiavime 1952 m. rugsëjo 25 d. LYA. F.1771. Ap.131. B.1. L.541. Doc. No. 8 11. An extract from the speech by the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Snieèkus at the 7th Congress of the CK of the LKP(b) on 25 September 1952. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 131. f. 1. p. 541.
Dok. Nr. 8.12. 1950 m. vasario 16 d. LSSR MGB ministro P. Kapralovo spec. praneimas LKP(b) CK I sekretoriui A. Snieèkui dël T. Gefeno. LYA. F.K-1. Ap.10. B.102. L.5960. Doc. No. 8.12. A special report of 16 February 1950 by the Minister of the MGB of the LSSR Maj. Gen. P. Kapralov to the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Snieèkus in regard to T. Gefenas. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 10. f. 102. p. 5960.
Dok. Nr. 8.13. 1953 m. balandþio 17 d. LSSR MVD ministro gen. mjr. P. Kondakovo paþyma LKP(b) CK I sekretoriui A. Snieèkui Dël SSKP nario Liubeckio M. K.. LYA. F.K-1. Ap.10. B.151. L.181183. Doc. No. 8.13. The note of 17 April 1953 by the Minister of the MVD of the LSSR Maj. Gen. P. Kondakov to the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Snieèkus On the Member of the SSKP Liubetskis M.K. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 10. f. 151. p. 181183.
Dok. Nr. 8.14. 1953 m. sausio 21 d. LSSR MGB ministro P. Kondakovo spec. praneðimas LKP CK II sekretoriui A. Aronovui apie Lietuvos gyventojø nuotaikas dël gydytojø kenkëjø bylos. LYA. F.K-1. Ap.10. B.152. L.135139. Doc. No. 8.14. A. special report of 21 January 1953 by the Minister of the MGB of the LSSR Maj. Gen. P. Kondakov to the Second Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Aronov about the attitude of the Lithuanian population in regard to the case of the doctors saboteurs. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 10. f. 152. p. 135139.
Dok. 8.15. 1953 m. vasario 27 d. LSSR MGB ministro P. Kondakovo spec. praneðimas LKP CK I sekretoriui A. Snieèkui dël þydø, nuodijanèiø gyventojus maisto produktais ir medikamentais. LYA. F.K-1. Ap.10. B.152. L.262 268. Doc. No. 8.15. A special report of 27 February 1953 by the Minister of the MGB of the LSSR Maj. Gen. P. Kondakov to the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Snieèkus in regard to the Jews poisoning the population with food products and medicines. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 10. f. 152. p. 262268.
Dok. Nr. 8.16. 1953 m. kovo 17 d. LSSR MVD ministro pav. plk. L. Martavièiaus paþyma SSRS MVD 5-osios valdybos virðininko pav. plk. S. Cholevui Dël agentûrinio-operatyvinio darbo Lietuvos SSR medicinos ástaigose. LYA. F.K-1. Ap.10. B.149. L.187207. Doc. No. 8.16. The note of 17 March 1953 by the Deputy Minister of the MVD of the LSSR Col. L. Martavièius to the Deputy Head of the 5th Directorate of the MVD of the SSRS Col. S. Kholevo On the Intelligence-Operational Work in Medical Institutions of the Lithuanian SSR. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 10. f. 149. p. 187207.
Dok. Nr. 8.17. Itrauka i 1953 m. balandio 4 d. LKP(b) CK I sekretoriaus A. Snieèkaus kalbos LKP CK plenume. LYA. F.1771. Ap.131. B.172. L.242. Doc. No. 8.17. An extract from the speech of 4 April 1953 by the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A.Snieèkus at the Plenum of CK of the LKP(b). SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 131. f. 172. p. 242.
* Dok. Nr. 8.18. 1953 m. kovo 24 d. LSSR MGB gen. mjr. P. Kondakovo paþyma LKP(b) CK pirmajam sekretoriui A. Snieèkui dël suimtojo P. Padisono. LYA. F.K-1. Ap.10. B.151. L.141146. * Doc. No. 8.18. A special report of 24 March 1953 by the Minister of the MGB of the LSSR Maj. Gen. P. Kondakov to the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Snieèkus in regard arrested P. Padison. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 10. f. 151. p. 142146.
Dokumentø sàraðas 4. Pasiprieinimo sovietinei okupacijai slopinimas Dok. Nr.4.1. 1954 m. gruodþio 30 d. LSSR MVD 4-osios valdybos 2-o skyriaus virðininko kpt. L. Martavièiaus paþyma apie 19441954 m. nuþudytus ir suimtus Lietuvos ginkluotojo pogrindio dalyvius. LYA. F.K-1. Ap.3. B.530. L.38. Dok. Nr. 4.2. 1952 m. gruodþio mën. LSSR MGB ministro gen. mjr. P. Kondakovo paþyma Apie Lietuvos SSR MGB organø darbo rezultatus kovojant su nacionalistiniu pogrindþiu ir jo gaujomis 1944 07 151952 12 15. LYA. F. K-1. Ap.3. B.407. L.264265. Dok. Nr. 4.3. 1953 m. spalio 25 d. LSSR MVD 4-osios valdybos virðininko mjr. P. Raslano paþyma Apie Lietuvos SSR MVD organø darbo rezultatus ir nacionalistiniø iðpuoliø 1944 07 151953 10 25. LYA. F. K-1. Ap.3. B.441. L.12. Dok. Nr. 4.4. 1946 m. spalio 26 d. SSRS MVD ministro gen. plk. S. Kruglovo ratas LSSR MVD Kovos su banditizmu valdybos virininko pav. pplk. B. Burylinui. LYA. F.K-1. Ap.3. B.216. L.12. Dok. Nr. 4.5. 1946 m. geguþës 28 d. LSSR MVD karinio tribunolo pirmininko pplk. A. Chaliavino aiðkinamasis raðtas VKP(b) CK Lietuvos biuro pirmininkui V. Ðèerbakovui ir LKP(b) CK I sekretoriui A. Snieèkui apie nuteistus Lietuvos rezistentus. LYA. F.1771. Ap.9. B.269. L.7375. Dok. Nr. 4.6. 1944 m. lapkrièio mën. LSSR prokuroro M. Baliasnikovo papildomas praneðimas SSRS prokurorui K. Gorðeninui dël partizanø ðeimø iðtrëmimo. LYA. F.1771. Ap.7. B.92. L.43. Dok. Nr. 4.7. 1944 m. lapkrièio 13 d. laikinai einanèio LSSR prokuroro pareigas F. Girko raðtas SSRS prokurorui K. Gorðeninui Dël kovos su kontrrevoliuciniais nusikaltimais Lietuvos SSR. LYA. F.1771. Ap.7. B.92. L.3542. Dok. Nr. 4.8. 1944 m. liepos 24 d. LKP(b) CK nutarimas Dël NKVD naikintojø batalionø sudarymo ið vokiðkøjø faðistiniø grobikø iðlaisvintoje Lietuvos Sovietø Socialistinës Respublikos teritorijoje. LYA. F.1771. Ap.7. B.36. L.1. Dok. Nr. 4.9. 1945 m. rugsëjo 15 d. gen. mjr. P. Kapralovo telegrama visiems NKVD-NKGB Ukmergës, Zarasø, Ðvenèioniø ir Utenos skyriø virðininkams dël sovietinio partinio aktyvo apginklavimo. LYA. F.K-1. Ap.18. B.39. L.168. Dok. Nr. 4.10. 1947 m. rugpjûèio 27 d. LKP(b) Panevëþio apskrities komiteto biuro nutarimas Dël politinës padëties Ðeduvos valsèiuje. LYA. F.801. Ap.801-15. B.1. L.4546. Dok. Nr. 4.11. 1946 m. liepos 22 d. LKP(b) Këdainiø apskrities partijos komiteto I sekretoriaus J. Piligrimo vadovaujamo penketo pasitarimo Dël politinës padëties apskrityje protokolas. LYA. F.749. Ap.749-8. B.1. L.23. Dok. Nr. 4.12. Itrauka i 1944 m. gruodio 30 d. LKP(b) CK IV plenumo rezoliucijos. LYA. F.1771. Ap.7. B.9. L.9. Dok. Nr. 4.13. 1945 m. spalio mën. LSSR NKGB mjr. N. Jermakovo paþyma apie iki 1945 m. spalio 20 d. partizanø ir jø rëmëjø konfiskuotus ûkius LYA. F.K-1. Ap.10. B.21. L.257. Dok. Nr. 4.14. 1946 m. gruodþio 7 d. LKP(b) CK I sekretoriaus A. Snieèkaus ir SSRS MVD-MGB ágaliotinio Lietuvoje I. Tkaèenkos direktyva LKP(b) apskrièiø komitetø sekretoriams, LSSR MVD ir MGB apskrièiø skyriø virðininkams dël priemoniø ir metodø likviduojant partizaniná sàjûdá. LYA. F.1771. Ap.9. B.241. L.7981. Dok. Nr. 4.15. 1947 m. balandþio 14 d. LKP(b) CK biuro nutarimas Dël kovos priemoniø su burþuaziniu nacionalistiniu pogrindþiu ir jo ginkluotomis gaujomis sustiprinimo. LYA. F.1771. Ap.190. B.5. L.9599. Dok. Nr. 4.16. 1947 m. gruodþio 12 d. LKP(b) CK biuro nutarimas Dël kovos su burþuaziniu nacionalistiniu pogrindþiu ir jo ginkluotomis gaujomis suaktyvinimo. LYA. F. 1771. AP.190. B.5. L.179187. Dok. Nr. 4.17. Itrauka i 1948 m. sausio mën. LKP(b) CK I sekretoriaus A. Snieèkaus ataskaitos VKP(b) CK sekretoriui A. Þdanovui. LYA. F.1771. Ap.11. B.215. L.917. Dok. Nr. 4.18 1948 m. birþelio 18 d. LKP(b) CK biuro nutarimas Dël politinio darbo su gyventojais stiprinimo ir burþuaziniø nacionalistiniø gaujø likuèiø likvidavimo. LYA. F.1771. Ap.190. B.6. L.6468. Dok. Nr. 4.19. 1948 m. liepos mën. LKP(b) CK inspekcinës brigados (Urazovo, Butnevièiaus ir Stasiûno) paþyma LKP(b) CK II sekretoriui A. Trofimovui Dël LKP(b) Varënos apskrities komiteto darbo vykdant 1948 m. birþelio 18 d. LKP(b) CK biuro nutarimà Dël politinio darbo su gyventojais stiprinimo ir burþuaziniø nacionalistiniø gaujø likuèiø likvidavimo. LYA. F.1771. Ap.190. B.6. L.127130. Dok. Nr. 4.20. Itrauka i 1949 m. birelio 1 d. partiniø ir represiniø struktûrø vadovø pasitarimo Dël priemoniø likviduojant nacionalistinio pogrindþio ir gaujø likuèius vykstant kolektyvizacijai. LYA. F.1771. Ap.190. B.7. L.3946. Dok. Nr. 4.21. 1949 m. birelio 6 d. LKP(b) CK biuro nutarimas Dël kovos su banditizmo ir burþuazinio nacionalistinio pogrindþio likuèiais stiprinimo ryðium su kolûkiø kûrimu respublikoje. LYA. F.1771. Ap.190. B.7. L.2228. Dok. Nr. 4.22. 1946 m. geguþës 14 d. LKP(b) CK biuro nutarimas Dël 1945 m. rugpjûèio 15 d. VKP(b) CK nutarimo Dël kovos su burþuaziniu nacionalistiniu pogrindþiu ir jo ginkluotomis gaujomis ir 1945 m. spalio 26 d. LKP(b) CK biuro nutarimo ðiuo klausimu vykdymo Panevëþio apskrityje. LYA. F. 1771. Ap. 190. B.4. L.4244.
DOKUMENTØ SÀRAÐAS Dok. Nr. 4.23. 1946 m. geguþës 8 d. LKP(b) CK inspektoriaus Petrovo paþyma LKP(b) CK I sekretoriui A. Snieèkui Dël politinës padëties Lazdijø apskrityje. LYA. F.1771. Ap.190. B.4. L.58. Dok. Nr. 4.24. 1951 m. rugpjûèio 31 d. LSSR MGB ministro gen. mjr. P. Kapralovo ásakymas Vilniaus, Kauno, Ðiauliø, Klaipëdos srièiø MGB valdybø virðininkams ir LSSR MGB rajonø skyriø virðininkams dël kariniø operacijø slëpimo nuo vietos gyventojø. LYA. K-1. Ap.3. B.390. L.25. Dok. Nr. 4.25. Iðtrauka ið 1953 m. gruodþio 31 d. LKP CK biuro nutarimo Dël kovos su nacionalistiniu pogrindþiu ir gaujø likuèiais priemoniø sustiprinimo respublikoje. LYA. F.1771. Ap.190. B.9. L.3641. Dok. Nr. 4.26. 1945 m. rugpjûèio mën. LKP(b) Birþø apskrities komiteto patvirtintas planas Nr. 100 Dël buoþiniø-nacionalistiniø gaujø Birþø apskrityje likvidavimo. LYA. F.1093. Ap.1093-27. B.1. L.5357. Dok. Nr. 4.27. Iðtrauka ið 1947 m. kovo 1 d. LKP(b) Prienø apskrities komiteto piatiorkos posëdþio. LYA. F.739. Ap.739-10. B.2. L.1. Dok. Nr. 4.28. 1946 m. Balandio 1 d. LSSR MVD ministro J. Bartaðiûno raðtas LKP(b) CK sekretoriui A. Snieèkui dël MVD kariuomenës karininkø aprûpinimo butais Lietuvos miestuose. LYA. F. 1771. Ap. 9. B. 264. L.69.
5. Trëmimai Dok. Nr. 5.1 1988 m. geguþës 12 d. LSSR KGB paþyma LKP CK apie 19411952 m. itremtus Lietuvos gyventojus. LYA. F.3377. Ap.58. B.916. L.13. Dok. Nr. 5.2. 1958 m. geguþës 13 d. LSSR MT pirmininko pav. K. Preikðo paþyma LKP CK I sekretoriui A. Snieèkui apie tremtinius. LYA. F.1771. Ap.190. B.11. L.122130. Dok. Nr. 5.3. 1953 m. balandþio 14 d. SSRS MVD 1-osios vyr. valdybos 8-ojo skyriaus virðininko gen. ltn. Þukovo paþyma Dël iðkeldintøjø ið Lietuvos SSR 1945 1953 m. kontingento LYA. F.K-1. Ap.3. B.439. L.247249. Dok. Nr. 5.4. 1945 m. liepos 23 d. SSRS NKVD-NKGB ágaliotinio Lietuvoje gen. ltn. I. Tkaèenkos praneðimas apie trëmimus Utenos ir Vilniaus operatyviniuose sektoriuose. LYA. F.K-1. Ap.10. B.22. L.98102. Dok. Nr. 5.5. 1948 m. geguþës 18 d. LSSR MT ir LKP(b) CK nutarimas Dël priemoniø iðkeldinant banditø ir gaujø rëmëjø buoþiø ðeimas. LYA. F.1771. Ap.190. B.6. L.3637. Dok. Nr. 5.6. 1948 m. geguþës 25 d. LKP(b) CK biuro nutarimas dël 12 tûkstanèiø ðeimø iðtrëmimo. LYA. F.1771. Ap.190. B.6. L.60. Dok. Nr. 5.7. 1949 m. kovo 29 d. LKP(b) CK biuro nutarimas dël 1949 m. kovo 2528 d. gyventojø trëmimo ið Lietuvos rezultatø. LYA. F.1771. Ap.190. B.7. L.21. Dok. Nr. 5.8. 1951 m. rugsëjo 28 d. LKP(b) CK biuro nutarimas Dël buoþiø ir jø ðeimø iðkeldinimo ið Lietuvos SSR teritorijos. LYA. F.1771. Ap.190. B.8. L.139. Dok. Nr. 5.9. 1948 m. LSSR MT ir LKP CK ágaliotiniø apskrityse sàraðai. LYA. F.1771. Ap.190. B.6. L.5354. Dok. Nr. 5.10. 1948 m. birþelio 5 d. LSSR teisingumo ministro, LKP(b) CK ir LSSR MT ágaliotinio J. Bliekos ataskaita LKP(b) CK I sekretoriui A. Snieèkui apie trëmimø rezultatus Joniðkio apskrityje. LYA. F.1771. Ap.11. B.257. L.58. Dok. Nr. 5.11. 1948 m. sausio 6 d. LKP(b) CK atstovo V. Petraièio ir LKP(b) Pasvalio apskrities komiteto I sekretoriaus M. Mikalausko politinë informacija LKP(b) CK Dël iðkeldinimo ið mûsø apskrities banditø ðeimø ir jø pagalbininkø. LYA. F.1771. Ap.11. B.237. L.1415. Dok. Nr. 5.12. 1945 m. liepos 19 d. LSSR Aukðèiausiojo Teismo pirmininko, LSSR LKT ir LKP(b) CK ágaliotinio K. Didþiulio ataskaita LKP(b) CK I sekretoriui A. Snieèkui apie Trakø apskrities gyventojø trëmimà. LYA. F.1771. Ap.8. B.194. L.81. Dok. Nr. 5.13. 1950 m. LKP(b) Ignalinos komiteto sekretoriaus Beliakovo pasiraðytas iðtremtø Vilniaus srities, Ignalinos rajono buoþiø ðeimø sàraðas // Genocido aukø muziejaus fondas. Vilnius. Dok. Nr. 5.14. 1945 m. LKP(b) CK Tarybiniø ûkiø skyriaus instruktoriaus V. Sakalausko ataskaita LKP(b) CK apie trëmimà Raseiniø apskrityje. LYA. F.1771. Ap.8. B.194. L.80. Dok. Nr. 5.15. 1948 m. birelio 24 d. LKP(b) Radviliðkio apskrities komiteto sekretoriaus Goriunovo ataskaita LKP(b) CK I sekretoriui A.Snieèkui apie trëmimà Radviliðkio apskrityje. LYA. F.1771. Ap.11. B.257. L.64. Dok. Nr. 5.16. 1948 m. sausio 8 d. LKP(b) Kupikio apskrities komiteto I sekretoriaus P. Grigëno ataskaita LKP(b) CK I sekretoriui A. Snieèkui apie trëmimà Kupiðkio apskrityje. LYA. F.1771. Ap.11. B.236. L.102104. Dok. Nr. 5.17. 1948 m. geguþës 21 d. LKP(b) Këdainiø apskrities komiteto I sekretoriaus J. Piligrimo ataskaita LKP(b) CK I sekretoriui A. Snieèkui apie trëmimà Këdainiø apskrityje. LYA. F.749. Ap.749-8. B.1. L.111112. Dok. Nr. 5.18. 1948 m. geguþës 8 d. LKP(b) Klaipëdos miesto komiteto sekretoriaus A. Smirnovo informacija LKP(b) CK apie partinio-sovietinio aktyvo dalyvavimà trëmimuose. LYA. F.1771. Ap.11. B.235. L.2122. Dok. Nr. 5.19. 1945 m. liepos 30 d. LKP(b) CK ágaliotinio J. Stimburio ataskaita apie trëmimà Ðiauliø apskrityje. LYA. F.1771. Ap.8. B.194. L.92. Dok. Nr. 5.20. 1948 m. geguþës 28 d. LKP(b) Kauno miesto I sekretoriaus K. Gabdanko praneðimas LKP(b) CK I sekretoriui A. Snieèkui apie neiðtremtus þmones. LYA. F.1771. Ap.11. B.235. L.79.
Dok. Nr. 5.21. 1945 m. liepos 31 d. LKP(b) CK Tarybiniø ûkiø skyriaus vedëjo pavaduotojo V. Poliakaus praneðimas LKP(b) CK apie trëmimà Maþeikiø apskrityje. LYA. F.1771. Ap.8. B.194. L.26. Dok. Nr. 5.22. 1948 m. birþelio mën. Lietuvos SSR LKP(b) miestø ir apskriðiø komitetø pirmieji sekretoriai. LYA. F. 1771. Ap. 190. B. 6. L. 63.
6. Prievartiniai rinkimai Dok. Nr. 6.1. Itraukos ið 1945 m. gruodþio 17 d. l.e. LSSR NKGB komisaro pareigas gen. mjr. D. Jefimovo paþymos SSRS NKGB komisarui V. Merkulovui, SSRS NKGB 2-osios valdybos virðininkui gen. ltn. P. Fedotovui, SSRS NKGB komisaro pav. S. Ogolcovui dël antisovietinës veiklos ir agentûriniø-operatyviniø priemoniø rengiantis rinkimams á SSRS Aukðèiausiàjà Tarybà. LYA. F.K-1. Ap.10. B.23. L.55. Dok. Nr. 6.2. Iðtrauka ið SSRS NKVD-NKGB ágaliotinio Lietuvoje I. Tkaèenkos kalbos 1946 m. balandþio 4 d. LKP(b) CK IX plenume. LYA. F.1771. Ap.9. B.5. L.65. Dok. Nr. 6.3. 1946 m. spalio 15 d. LKP(b) CK biuro nutarimas dël LSSR centrinës rinkimø komisijos pirmininko P. Cvirkos ir sekretoriaus E. Ozarskio paskyrimo rengiant rinkimus á LSSR Aukðèiausiàjà Tarybà. LYA. F.1771. Ap.190. B.4. L.118. Dok. Nr.6.4. 1946 m. lapkrièio 14 d. LKP(b) CK biuro nutarimas dël kandidatø á LSSR Aukðèiausiosios Tarybos deputatus. LYA. F.1771. Ap.190. B.4. L.122. Dok. Nr. 6.5. 1945 m. lapkrièio 12 d. VKP(b) CK Lietuvos biuro pirmininko M. Suslovo ir LKP(b) CK I sekretoriaus A. Snieèkaus raðtas VKP(b) CK sekretoriui G. Malenkovui Dël kai kuriø LSSR gyventojø grupiø neátraukimo á rinkëjø sàraðus. LYA. F.1771. Ap.190. B.3. L.128129. Dok. Nr. 6.6. Iðtrauka ið 1947 m. LKP(b) CK ataskaitos VKP(b) CK dël 1946 m. spalio 5 d. VKP(b) CK nutarimo Dël Lietuvos KP(b) CK darbo ágyvendinimo. LYA. F.1771. Ap.9. B.242. L.47. Dok. Nr. 6.7. 1946 m. vasario 10 d. LSSR NKVD kariuomenës vyriausiojo karinio virðininko gen. mjr. P. Vetrovo ir operatyvinio ðtabo virðininko Pankino praneðimas LSSR NKVD komisarui gen. mjr. J. Bartaðiûnui apie rinkimø á SSRS Aukðèiausiàjà Tarybà rezultatus. LYA. F.K-1. Ap.3. B.104. L.5354. Dok. Nr. 6.8. 1946 m. kovo 5 d. LKP(b) CK biuro nutarimas Dël rinkimø á SSRS Aukðèiausiàjà Tarybà nuostatø paþeidimø Alytaus apskrityje. LYA. F.1771. Ap.190. B.4. L.29. Dok. Nr. 6.9. 1951 m. vasario 16 d. LSSR MGB 2-osios valdybos 2-ojo skyriaus virðininko G. Èachavos paþyma apie kariniø jëgø iðdëstymà Lietuvoje rengiant rinkimus á LSSR Aukðèiausiàjà Tarybà. LYA. F.K-1. AP.3. B.387. L.103.
7. Rusinimas Dok. Nr. 7.1: 1937 m. gruodþio 1 d. VKP(b) CK Politinio biuro nutarimai Dël tautiniø mokyklø, Dël nacionaliniø rajonø ir kaimo tarybø likvidavimo ir Dël rusiðkø laikraðèiø leidybos Ukrainoje. RNIDSTC. F.17. Ap.3. B.983, 994, 1004. Dok. Nr. 7.2. Iðtrauka ið 1938 m. kovo 13 d. VKP(b) CK ir SSRS LKT nutarimo Dël privalomo rusø kalbos mokymosi nacionalinëse respublikose ir srityse. RNIDSTC. F.17. Ap.3. B.998. Dok. Nr. 7.3. Iraas i 1944 m. sausio 7 d. LKP(b) CK biuro nutarimo Dël Sovietø Sàjungos himno vertimo á lietuviø kalbà. LYA. F.1771. Ap.7. B.20. L.110. Dok. Nr. 7.4. Iðtrauka ið 1945 m. rugpjûèio 23 d. LKP(b) CK VII plenume pasakytos laikraðèio Sovietskaja Litva atsakingojo redaktoriaus A. Fedotovo kalbos. LYA. F.1771. Ap.8. B.14. L.6971. Dok. Nr. 7.5. 1951 m. birþelio 6 d. LKP(b) CK biuro nutarimas Dël priemoniø didþiojo proletarinio raðytojo M. Gorkio 15-osioms mirties metinëms paminëti. LYA. F.1771. Ap.112. B.75. L.4344. Dok. Nr. 7.6. Itrauka i 1952 m. rugsëjo 22 d. LSSR mokslø akademijos viceprezidento J. Þiugþdos kalbos LKP(b) VII suvaþiavime. LYA. F.1771. Ap.131. B.1. L.497. Dok. Nr. 7.7. 1944/1945 mokslo metø lietuviø ir rusø gimnazijø mokymo planai. LYA. F. 1771.Ap.7. B.46. L. 47, 49. Dok. Nr. 7.8. LKP(b) CK kadrø skyriaus paþyma apie 19441945 04 01 atvykusius á Lietuvà ið SSRS darbuotojus. LYA. F.1771. Ap.8. B.272. L.1. Dok. Nr. 7.9. Iðraðas ið 1944 m. balandþio 26 d. LKP(b) CK biuro nutarimo Dël Lietuvos SSR darbuotojø mokymosi lietuviø kalbos. LYA. F.1771. Ap.7. B.28. L.16. Dok. Nr. 7.10. 1945 m. spalio 19 d. LKP(b) CK biuro nutarimas Dël komunistø mokymosi lietuviø kalbos. LYA. F.1771. Ap.8. B.118. L.28. Dok. Nr. 7.11. 1946 m. rugsëjo 10 d. LKP(b) CK Mokyklø skyriaus vedëjo pav. V. Uoginto paþyma LKP(b) CK I sekretoriui A. Snieèkui Dël 1945 m. spalio 19 d. LKP(b) CK nutarimo Dël nemokanèiø lietuviø kalbos komunistø mokymosi vykdymo. LYA. F.1771. Ap.9. B.243. L.68.
8. Antisemitizmas Dok. Nr. 8.1. 1950 m. vasario 24 d. LKP(b) CK biuro nutarimas Dël Vilniaus valstybinio universiteto marksizmo-leninizmo pagrindø dëstytojo Fridmano B.Ch.. Iðtraukos ið B. Fridmano bylos. LYA. F.1771. Ap.90. B.45. L.190, 195, 197. Dok. Nr. 8.2. 1945 m. spalio 13 d. SSRS NKVD-NKGB ágaliotinio Lietuvoje I. Tkaèenkos ásakymas visiems operatyviniø sektoriø virðininkams per 3 dienas pateikti operatyvinius duomenis apie NKGB þydø agentûrà. LYA. F.K-1. Ap.18. B.40. L.118. Dok. Nr. 8.3. 1949 m. sausio 26 d. LSSR MGB ministro gen mjr. P. Kapralovo ataskaita LKP(b) CK I sekretoriui A. Snieèkui pagal LSSR MGB agentûrinius duomenis apie Lietuvos þydø pogrindinæ veiklà. LYA. F.K-1. Ap.10. B.62. L.7989. Dok. Nr. 8.4. 1951 m. vasario 9 d. LSSR MGB ministro pav. A. Leonovo spec. praneimas SSRS MGB 5-osios valdybos virðininkui plk. A. Volkovui dël atnaujintos agentûrinës bylos Nr. 973 Kompanionai. LYA. F.K-1. Ap.10. B..100. L.223225. Dok. Nr. 8.5. 1950 m. vasario mën. LSSR MGB ministro gen. mjr. P. Kapralovo spec. praneðimas LKP(b) CK I sekretoriui A. Snieèkui dël L. Davidzono. LYA. F.K-1. Ap.10. B.102. L.61. Dok. Nr. 8.6 1950 m. liepos 12 d. LSSR MGB ministro gen. mjr. P. Kapralovo spec. praneðimas LKP(b) CK I sekretoriui A. Snieèkui dël L. Jofës. LYA. F.K-1. Ap.10. B.102. L.236237. Dok. Nr.8.7. Itrauka i 1953 m. balandþio 4 d. LKP(b) CK I sekretoriaus A.Snieèkaus kalbos LKP CK plenume. LYA. F.1771. Ap.131. B.172. L.246. Dok. Nr. 8.8. 1951 m. kovo 30 d. l.e. LSSR MGB ministro pareigas plk. A.Leonovo spec. praneðimas LKP(b) CK II sekretoriui A. Trofimovui dël Radijo informacijos komiteto prie LSSR Ministrø Tarybos uþterðtumo socialiai svetimais ir politiðkai nepatikimais asmenimis. LYA. F.K-1. Ap.10. B.134. L.104106. Dok. Nr. 8.9. 1951 m. birelio 4 d. LSSR MGB ministro gen. mjr. P. Kapralovo praneimas LKP(b) CK II sekretoriui A.Trofimovui dël þydø burþuaziniø nacionalistø grupës areðto Kauno mieste. LYA. F.K-1. Ap.10. B.134. L.287288. Dok. Nr. 8.10. 1952 m. gruodþio 31d. LSSR MGB ministro pav. plk. L. Martavièiaus paþyma LKP(b) CK I sekretoriui A. Snieèkui Dël þydø klerikalø ir sionistø veiklos Panevëþyje. LYA. F.K-1. Ap.10. B.152. L.102106. Dok. Nr.8 11. Iðtrauka ið LKP(b) CK I sekretoriaus A. Snieèkaus kalbos LKP(b) CK VII suvaþiavime 1952 m. rugsëjo 25 d. LYA. F.1771. Ap.131. B.1. L.541. Dok. Nr. 8.12. 1950 m. vasario 16 d. LSSR MGB ministro P. Kapralovo spec. praneðimas LKP(b) CK I sekretoriui A. Snieèkui dël T. Gefeno. LYA. F.K-1. Ap.10. B.102. L.5960. Dok. Nr. 8.13. 1953 m. balandio 17 d. LSSR MVD ministro gen. mjr. P. Kondakovo payma LKP(b) CK I sekretoriui A. Snieèkui Dël SSKP nario Liubeckio M. K.. LYA. F.K-1. Ap.10. B.151. L.181183. Dok. Nr. 8.14. 1953 m. sausio 21 d. LSSR MGB ministro P. Kondakovo spec. praneðimas LKP CK II sekretoriui A. Aronovui apie Lietuvos gyventojø nuotaikas dël gydytojø kenkëjø bylos. LYA. F.K-1. Ap.10. B.152. L.135139. Dok. 8.15. 1953 m. vasario 27 d. LSSR MGB ministro P. Kondakovo spec. praneðimas LKP CK I sekretoriui A. Snieèkui dël þydø, nuodijanèiø gyventojus maisto produktais ir medikamentais. LYA. F.K-1. Ap.10. B.152. L.262 268. Dok. Nr. 8.16. 1953 m. kovo 17 d. LSSR MVD ministro pav. plk. L. Martavièiaus paþyma SSRS MVD 5-osios valdybos virðininko pav. plk. S. Cholevui Dël agentûrinio-operatyvinio darbo Lietuvos SSR medicinos ástaigose. LYA. F.K-1. Ap.10. B.149. L.187207. Dok. Nr. 8.17. Iðtrauka ið 1953 m. balandþio 4 d. LKP(b) CK I sekretoriaus A. Snieèkaus kalbos LKP CK plenume. LYA. F.1771. Ap.131. B.172. L.242. Dok. Nr. 8.18. 1953 m. kovo 24 d. LSSR MGB gen. mjr. P. Kondakovo paþyma LKP(b) CK pirmajam sekretoriui A. Snieèkui dël suimtojo P. Padisono. LYA. F.K-1. Ap.10. B.151. L.141146.
List of Documents 4. Suppression of the Resistance to the Soviet Occupation Doc. No. 4.1. A note of 30 December 1954 by the Head of the 2nd Division of the 4th Directorate of the MVD of the LSSR Capt. L. Martavièius in regard to the killed and arrested members of the armed underground of Lithuania in 19441954. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 3. f. 530. p. 38. Doc. No. 4.2. A note of December 1952 by the Minister of the MGB of the LSSR Maj. Gen. P. Kondakov On the Results of the Work of the MGB Bodies of the Lithuanian SSR in Fighting against the Nationalistic Underground and its Bands from 15 July 1944 to 15 December 1952. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 3. f. 407. p. 264-265. Doc. No. 4.3. A note of 25 October 1953 by the Head of the 4th Directorate of the MVD of the LSSR Maj. P. Raslanas On the Results of the Work of the MVD Bodies of the Lithuanian SSR and Nationalistic Attacks from 15 June 1944 to 25 October 1953. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 3. f. 441. p. 12. Doc. No. 4.4. A letter of 26 October 1946 by the Minister of the MVD of the SSRS Col. Gen. S. Kruglov to the Deputy Head of the Directorate of the MVD of the LSSR for Fighting against Banditism Lt. Col. B. Burylin. SLA. stk. K1. inv. 3. f. 216. p. 12. Doc. No. 4.5. An explanatory letter of 28 May 1946 by the Chairman of the Military Tribunal of the MVD of the LSSR Lt. Col. A. Khaliavin to the Chairman of the Lithuanian Bureau of the CK of the VKP(b) V. Shcherbakov and the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Snieèkus about the convicted resistance fighters of Lithuania. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 9. f. 269. p. 7375. Doc. No. 4.6. An additional report of November 1944 by the Prosecutor of the LSSR M. Baliasnikov to the Prosecutor of the SSRS K. Gorshenin in regard to the deportation of partisan families. SLA. stk.1771. inv. 7. f. 92. p. 43. Doc. No. 4.7. The letter of 13 November 1944 by the Acting Prosecutor of the LSSR F. Girko to the Prosecutor of the SSRS K. Gorshenin On Fighting against Counterrevoliutionary Crimes in the Lithuanian SSR. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 7. f. 92. p. 3542. Doc. No. 4.8. The decision of 24 July 1944 by the CK of the LKP(b) On the Formation of the Extermination Battalions of the NKVD in the Territory of the Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic Liberated from the German Fascist Invaders. SLA. stk.1771. inv. 7. f. 36. p. 1. Doc. No. 4.9. A telegram of 15 September 1945 by Maj. Gen. P. Kapralov to all the Heads of the NKVD-NKGB Divisions of Ukmergë, Zarasai, Ðvenèionys and Utena on providing arms to the Soviet-party activists. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 18. f. 39. p. 168. Doc. No. 4.10. The decision of 27 August 1947 by the Bureau of the Committee of the LKP(b) of Panevëþys county On the Political Situation in the Rural District of eduva. SLA. stk. 801. inv. 80115. f. 1. p. 45-46. Doc. No. 4.11. The protocol of 22 July 1946 of the conference of the five (piatiorka) under the command of the First Secretary of the Party Committee of the LKP(b) of Këdainiai county J. Piligrimas On the Political Situation in the County. SLA. stk. 749. inv. 749-8. f. 1. p. 23. Doc. No. 4.12. An extract from the resolution of the 4th Plenum of the CK of the LKP(b) on 30 December 1944. SLA. stk.1771. inv. 7. f. 9. p. 9. Doc. No. 4.13. A note of October 1945 by Maj. N. Ermakov of the NKGB of the LSSR in regard to the farms confiscated from partisans and their supporters by 20 October 1945. SLA. F.K-1. inv. 10. f. 21. p. 257. Doc. No. 4.14. The directive of 7 December 1946 by the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Snieèkus and the Commissioner of the MVD-MGB of the SSRS in Lithuania I. Tkachenko to the Secretaries of the County Committees of the LKP(b) and the Heads of the County Divisions of the MVD and MGB of the SSRS On Measures and Methods in Liquidating the Partisan Movement. SLA. stk.1771. inv. 9. f. 241. p. 7981. Doc. No. 4.15. The decision of 14 April 1947 by the Bureau of the CK of the LKP(b) On the Reinforcement of Measures in Fighting against the Bourgeois Nationalistic Underground and its Armed Bands. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 190. f. 5. p. 9599. Doc. No. 4.16. The decision of 12 December 1947 by the Bureau of the CK of the LKP(b) On the Intensifying of Fighting against the Bourgeois Nationalistic Underground and its Armed Bands. SLA. stk. 1771. inv.190. f. 5. p. 179187. Doc. No. 4.17. An extract from the report of January 1948 by the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Snieèkus to the Secretary of the CK of the VKP(b) A. Zhdanov. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 11. f. 215. p. 917. Doc. No. 4.18. The decision of 18 June 1948 by the Bureau of CK of the LKP(b) On the Reinforcement of Political Work with the Population and the Liquidation of the Remaining Members of the Bourgeois Nationalistic Bands. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 190. f. 6. p. 6468. Doc. No. 4.19. The note of July 1948 by the inspection brigade (Urazov, Butnevièius and Stasiûnas) of the CK of the LKP(b) to the Second Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Trofimov On the Work of the Committee of the LKP(b) of Varëna County in Executing the Decision of 18 June 1948 by the Bureau of the CK of the LKP(b) On the Reinforcement of Political Work with the Population and the Liquidation of the Remaining Members of the Bourgeois Nationalistic Bands. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 190. f. 6. p. 127130.
LIST OF DOCUMENTS Doc. No. 4.20. An extract from the conference of the heads of party and repressive bodies on 1 June 1949 On Measures in Liquidation the Remaining Members of the Nationalistic Underground and its Bands during the Collectivization. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 190. f. 7. p. 3946. Doc. No. 4.21. The decision of 6 June 1949 by the Bureau of the CK of the LKP(b) On the Intensifying of Fighting against Banditism and the Remaining Members of the Bourgeois Nationalistic Underground in Reference to the Formation of Kolkhozes in the Republic. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 190. f. 7. p. 2228. Doc. No. 4.22. The decision of 14 May 1946 by the Bureau of the CK of the LKP(b) On the Decision of 15 August 1945 by the CK of the VKP(b) On Fighting against the Bourgeois Nationalistic Underground and its Armed Bands and on the Execution of the Decision of 26 October 1945 by the Bureau of the CK of the LKP(b) on this Issue in the County of Panevëþys. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 190. f. 4. p. 4244. Doc. No. 4.23. A note of 8 May 1946 by an inspector of the CK of the LKP(b) Petrov to the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Snieèkus On the Political Situation in the County of Lazdijai. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 190. f. 4. p. 58. Doc. No. 4.24. An order of 31 August 1951 by the Minister of the MGB of the LSSR Maj. Gen. P. Kapralov to the Heads of the MGB Directorates of Vilnius, Kaunas, Ðiauliai, Klaipëda counties and to the Heads of the Divisions of the MGB Districts of the LSSR about the concealment of military operations from the local population. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 3. f. 390. p. 25. Doc. No. 4.25. An extract from the LKP decision of 31 December 1953 by the Bureau of the CK of the LKP(b) On the Intensifying of Measures in Fighting against the Nationalistic Underground and the Remaining Members of Bands in the Republic. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 190. f. 9. p. 36-41. Doc. No. 4.26. Plan No. 100 approved by the Committee of the LKP(b) of Birai county in August 1945 On the Liquidation of Kulak-Nationalistic Bands in the County of Birai. SLA. stk. 1093. inv. 1093-27. f. 1. p. 5357. Doc. No. 4.27. An extract from the sitting of the five (piatiorka) of Prienai County Committee of the LKP(b) on 1 March 1947. SLA. stk. 739. inv. 739-10. f. 2. p. 1. Doc. No. 4.28. A letter of 1 april 1946 by the Minister of the MVD of the LSSR J.Bartaðiunas to the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Snieèkus about providing officers of the MVD troops with accomodation in the cities of Lithuania. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 9. f. 264. p. 96.
5. Deportations Doc. No. 5.1. A note of 12 May 1988 by the KGB of the LSSR to the CK of the LKP about the deported people of Lithuania in 19411952. SLA. stk. 3377. inv. 58. f. 916. p. 1-3. Doc. No. 5.2. A note of 13 May 1958 by the Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the LSSR K. Preikas to the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP A. Snieèkus about the deported people. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 190. f. 11. p. 122 130. Doc. No. 5.3. The note of 14 April 1953 by the Head of the 8th Division of the 1st Central Directorate of the MVD of the SSRS Lt. Gen. Zhukov On the Contingent of the Displaced People from the Lithuanian SSR in 19451953. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 3. f. 439. p. 247249. Doc. No. 5.4. A report of 23 July 1945 by the Commissioner of the NKVD-NKGB of the SSRS in Lithuania Lt. Gen. I. Tkachenko in regard to the deportations in the operational sectors of Utena and Vilnius. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 10. f. 22. p. 98102. Doc. No. 5.5. The decision of 18 May 1948 by the Council of Ministers of the LSSR and the CK of the LKP(b) On Measures in Displacing Kulak Families, Supporters of Bandits and their Bands. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 190. f. 6. p. 3637. Doc. No. 5.6. A decision of 25 May 1948 by the Bureau of the CK of the LKP(b) in reference to the deportation of 12,000 families. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 190. f. 6. p. 60. Doc. No. 5.7. A decision of 29 March 1949 by the Bureau of the CK of the LKP(b) in regard to the results of the deportation of people from Lithuania on 2528 March 1949. LSA. stk. 1771. inv. 190. f. 7. p. 21. Doc. No. 5.8. The decision of 28 September 1951 by the Bureau of the CK of the LKP(b) On the Displacement of Kulaks and their Families. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 190. f. 8. p. 139. Doc. No. 5.9. Lists of 1948 of commissioners in counties of the Council of Ministers of the LSSR and the CK of the LKP(b). SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 190. f. 6. p. 5354. 1 copy. Doc. No. 5.10. An account of 5 June 1948 by the Minister of Justice of the LSSR, an official authorized by the CK of the LKP(b) and the Council of Ministers of the LSSR J. Blieka to the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Snieèkus about the results of the deportations in the county of Jonikis. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 11. f. 257. p. 58. Doc. No. 5.11. Political information of 6 January 1948 by the representative of the CK of the LKP(b) V. Petraitis and the First Secretary of the Committee of the LKP(b) M. Mikalauskas to the CK of the LKP(b) On the Displacement of Bandit Families and their Supporters from our County. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 11. f. 237. p. 14-15. Doc. No. 5.12. An account of 19 July 1945 by the Chairman of the Supreme Court of the LSSR, an official
authorized by the Council of Peoples Commissars of the LSSR and the CK of the LKP(b) K. Didiulis to the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Snieèkus about the deportation of people from Trakai county. SL.A. stk. 1771. inv. 8. f. 194. p. 81. Doc. No. 5.13. A list of Kulak families deported from Ignalina district of Vilnius county signed by the Secretary of the LKP(b) Committee of Ignalina Beliakov in 1950 // The stocks of the Museum of the Genocide Victims. Vilnius. Doc. No. 5.14. An account for 1945 by the instructor of the Division of Sovkhozes of the CK of the LKP(b) V. Sakalauskas to the CK of the LKP(b) about the deportations in the county of Raseiniai. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 8. f. 194. p. 80. Doc. Nr. 5.15. An account of 24 June 1948 by the Secretary of the Committee of the LKP(b) of Radvilikis county Goriunov to the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A.Snieèkus about the deportations in the county of Radvilikis. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 11. f. 257. p. 64. Doc. No. 5.16. An account of 8 January 1948 by the First Secretary of the Committee of the LKP(b) of Kupiðkis county P. Grigënas to the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Snieèkus about the deportations in the county of Kupikis. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 11. f. 236. p. 102104. Doc. No. 5.17. An account of 21 May 1948 by the First Secretary of the Committee of the LKP(b) of Këdainiai county J. Piligrimas to the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Snieèkus about the deportations in the county of Këdainiai. SLA. stk. 749. inv. 749-8. f. 1. p. 111112. Doc. No. 5.18. The information of 8 May 1948 by the Secretary of the Committee of the LKP(b) of Klaipëda city A. Smirnov to the CK of the LKP(b) about the participation of party-Soviet activists in the deportations. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 11. f. 235. p. 2122. Doc. No. 5.19. An account of 30 July 1945 by an official authorized by the CK of the LKP(b) J. Stimburys about the deportations in the county of iauliai. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 8. f. 194. p. 92. Doc. No. 5.20. A report of 28 May 1948 by the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) of Kaunas city K. Gabdank to the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Snieèkus about the people who were not deported. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 11. f. 235. p. 79. Doc. No. 5.21. A report of 31 July 1945 by the Deputy Head of the Division of Sovkhozes of the CK of the LKP(b) V. Poliakus to the CK of the LKP(b) about the deportations in the county of Maeikiai. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 8. f. 194. p. 26. Doc. No. 5.22. City and county First Secretaries of the LKP(b) of the Lithuanian SSR in June 1948. SLA. stk.1771. inv. 190. f.6. p.63.
6. Forced Elections Doc. No. 6.1. Extracts from a note of 17 December 1945 by the Acting Commissar of the NKGB of the LSSR Maj. Gen. D. Efimov to the Commissar of the NKGB of the SSRS V. Merkulov, the Head of the 2nd Directorate of the NKGB of the SSRS Lt. Gen. P. Fedotov, the Deputy Commissar of the NKGB of the SSRS S. Ogoltsov in regard to the anti-Soviet activities and intellegence-operational measures in preparing for the elections to the Supreme Soviet of the SSRS. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 10. f. 23. p. 55, 6264. Doc. No. 6.2. An extract from the speech of 4 April 1946 by the Commissioner of the NKVD-NKGB of the SSRS in Lithuania Lt. Gen. I. Tkachenko at the 9 th Plenum of the CK of the LKP(b). SLA. stk. 1771. inv.9. f. 5. p. 65. Doc. No. 6.3. A decision of 15 October 1946 by the Bureau of CK of the LKP(b) in regard to the nomination of P. Cvirka as the Chairman and E. Ozarskis the Secretary of the Central Election Commission of the LSSR in preparing for the elections to the Supreme Soviet of the SSRS. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 190. f. 4. p. 118. Doc. No. 6.4. A decision of 14 November 1946 by the Bureau of the CK of the LKP(b) in regard to the candidates for the deputies to the Supreme Soviet of the LSSR. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 190. f. 4. p. 122. Doc. No. 6.5. The letter of 12 November 1945 by the Chairman of the Lithuanian Bureau of the CK of the VKP(b) M. Suslov and the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Snieèkus to the Secretary of the CK of the VKP(b) G. Malenkov On the Exclusion of some Groups of the Population of the LSSR from the Lists of the Electors. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 190. f. 3. p. 128129. Doc. No. 6.6. An extract from the account by the CK of the LKP(b) for 1947 to the CK of the VKP(b) in regard to the implementation of the decision of 5 October 1946 by the CK of the VKP(b) On the Work of the CK of the Lithuanian KP(b). SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 9. f. 242. p. 47. Doc. No. 6.7. A report of 10 February 1946 by the Chief Military Commander of the NKVD troops of the LSSR Maj. Gen. P. Vetrov and the Head of the Operational Staff Pankin to the Commissar of the NKVD of the LSSR Maj. Gen. J. Bartaðiûnas about the results of the elections to the Supreme Soviet of the SSRS. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 3. f. 104. p. 53 54.
LIST OF DOCUMENTS Doc. No. 6.8. The decision of 5 March 1946 by the Bureau of the CK of the LKP(b) On the Violations of the Election Regulations to the Supreme Soviet of the SSRS in the County of Alytus. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 190. f. 4. p. 29. Doc. No. 6.9. A note of 16 February 1951 by the Head of the 2nd Division of the 2nd Directorate of the MGB of the LSSR G. Chakhava about the deployment of military forces in Lithuania in preparing for elections to the Supreme Soviet of the LSSR. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 3. f. 387. p. 103.
7. Russianization Doc. No. 7.1. The decisions of 1 December 1937 by the Politburo of the CK of the VKP(b) On National Schools, On the Liquidation of National District and Rural Councils and On the Publishing of Russian Newspapers in the Ukraine. SRCDNHR. stk. 17. inv. 3. f. 983, 994, 1004. Doc. No. 7.2. An extract from the decision of 13 March 1938 by the CK of the VKP(b) and the Council of Peoples Commissars On the Mandatory Studying of the Russian Language in National Republics and Regions. SRCDNHR. stk..17. inv. 3. f. 998. Doc. No. 7.3. An excerpt from the decision of 7 January 1944 by the Bureau of the CK of the LKP(b) On the Translation of the Anthem of the Soviet Union into the Lithuanian Language. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 7. f. 20. p. 110. Doc. No. 7.4. An extract from the speech by the Editor-in-Chief of the Sovietskaya Litva newspaper A. Fedotov delivered at 7th Plenum of the CK of the LKP(b) on 23 August 1945. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 8. f. 14. p.6971. Doc. No. 7.5. The decision of 6 June 1951 by the LKP(b) Bureau of the CK of the LKP(b) On Measures to Commemorate the 15th Death Anniversary of the Great Proletariat Writer M. A. Gorki. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 112. f. 75. p. 4344. Doc. No. 7.6. An extract from the speech of 22 September 1952 by the Vice-President of the Academy of Sciences of the LSSR J. iugda at the 7th Congress of the LKP(b). SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 131. f. 1. p. 497. Doc. No. 7.7. The curricula of Lithuanian and Russian gymnasiums for the academic year 1944/1945. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 7. f. 46. p. 47, 49. Doc. No. 7.8. A note by the Personnel Department of the CK of the LKP(b) about the employees who came to Lithuania from the SSRS from 1944 to 1 April 1945. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 8. f. 272. p. 1. Doc. No. 7.9. An excerpt from the decision of 26 April 1944 by the Bureau of the CK of the LKP(b) On the Studying of the Lithuanian Language by Employees of the Lithuanian SSR. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 7. f. 28. p. 16. Doc. No. 7.10. The decision of 19 October 1945 by the Bureau of the CK of the LKP(b) On the Studying of the Lithuanian Language by Communists. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 8. f. 118. p. 28. Doc. No. 7.11. The note of 10 September 1946 by the Deputy Head of the School Division of the CK of the LKP(b) V. Uogintas to the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Snieèkus On the Execution of the Decision of 19 October 1945 by the CK of the LKP(b) On the Studying of the Communists who do not Know the Lithuanian Language. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 9. f. 243. p. 68.
8. Anti-Semitism Doc. No. 8.1. The decision of 24 February 1950 by the Bureau of the CK of the LKP(b) On the Lecturer on the Fundamentals of Marxism-Leninism of Vilnius State University B. Kh. Fridmanas SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 90. f. 45. p. 190. Extracts from B. Fridmanass case. ibid. p. 195, 197. Doc. No. 8.2. An order of 13 October 1945 by the Commissioner of the NKVD-NKGB of the SSRS in Lithuania I. Tkachenko to all the Heads of the Operational Sectors to provide operational data on the Jewish agents of the NKGB in 3 days. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 18. f. 40. p. 118. Doc. No. 8.3. An account of 26 January 1949 by the Minister of the MGB of the LSSR Maj. Gen. P. Kapralov to the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Snieèkus about the underground activities of the Lithuanian Jews based on the data of the agents of the MGB of the LSSR. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 10. f. 62. p. 7989. Doc. No. 8.4. A special report of 9 February 1951 by the Deputy Minister of the MGB of the LSSR A. Leonov to the Head of the 5th Directorate of the MGB of the SSRS Col. A. Volkov in regard to reopening agent case No. 973 The Companions. SLA. stk. K-1. inv.10. f.102. p.61. Doc.. No. 8.5. A special report of February 1950 by the Minister of the MGB of the LSSR Maj. Gen. P. Kapralov to the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Snieèkus in regard to L. Davidzon. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 10. f. 102. p. 61. Doc. No. 8.6 A special report of 12 July 1950 by the Minister of the MGB of the LSSR Maj. Gen. P. Kapralov to the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Snieèkus in regard to L. Joffe. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 10. f. 102. p. 236237. Doc. No. 8.7. An extract from the speech of 4 April 1953 by the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Snieèkus at the Plenum of the CK of the LKP(b). SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 131. f. 172. p. 246. Doc. No. 8.8. A special report of 30 March 1951 by the Acting Minister of the MGB of the LSSR Col. A. Leonov to the Second Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Trofimov in regard to the contamination of the Radio Information Committee at the Council of Ministers of the LSSR with socially alien and politically unreliable persons. SLA. stk. K1. inv. 10. f. 134. p. 104106. Doc. No. 8.9. A report of 4 June 1951 by the Minister of the MGB of the LSSR Maj. Gen. P. Kapralov to the Second
Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Trofimov in regard to the arrest of a group of the Jewish bourgeois nationalists in Kaunas city. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 10. f. 134. p. 287288. Doc. No. 8.10. The note of 31 December 1952 by the Deputy Minister of the MGB of the LSSR Col. L. Martavièius to the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Snieèkus On the Activities of the Jewish Clergymen and Zionists in Panvëþys. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 10. f. 152. p. 102106. Doc. No. 8 11. An extract from the speech by the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Snieèkus at the 7th Congress of the CK of the LKP(b) on 25 September 1952. SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 131. f. 1. p. 541. Doc. No. 8.12. A special report of 16 February 1950 by the Minister of the MGB of the LSSR Maj. Gen. P. Kapralov to the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Snieèkus in regard to T. Gefenas. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 10. f. 102. p. 5960. Doc. No. 8.13. The note of 17 April 1953 by the Minister of the MVD of the LSSR Maj. Gen. P. Kondakov to the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Snieèkus On the Member of the SSKP Liubetskis M.K. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 10. f. 151. p. 181183. Doc. No. 8.14. A. special report of 21 January 1953 by the Minister of the MGB of the LSSR Maj. Gen. P. Kondakov to the Second Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Aronov about the attitude of the Lithuanian population in regard to the case of the doctors saboteurs. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 10. f. 152. p. 135139. Doc. No. 8.15. A special report of 27 February 1953 by the Minister of the MGB of the LSSR Maj. Gen. P. Kondakov to the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Snieèkus in regard to the Jews poisoning the population with food products and medicines. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 10. f. 152. p. 262268. Doc. No. 8.16. The note of 17 March 1953 by the Deputy Minister of the MVD of the LSSR Col. L. Martavièius to the Deputy Head of the 5th Directorate of the MVD of the SSRS Col. S. Kholevo On the Intelligence-Operational Work in Medical Institutions of the Lithuanian SSR. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 10. f. 149. p. 187207. Doc. No. 8.17. An extract from the speech of 4 April 1953 by the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A.Snieèkus at the Plenum of CK of the LKP(b). SLA. stk. 1771. inv. 131. f. 172. p. 242. Doc. No. 8.18. A special report of 24 March 1953 by the Minister of the MGB of the LSSR Maj. Gen. P. Kondakov to the First Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) A. Snieèkus in regard arrested P. Padison. SLA. stk. K-1. inv. 10. f. 151. p. 142146.
Pavardþiø rodyklë Index of names Abakumov Viktor 17,49,170,171
Abaravièienë Emilija 185 Abaravièius Juozas, Adomo 185 Abaravièius Juozas, Juozo 185 Afonin Michail 9,41,330,335 Aizenas Chaimas 30,63 Aleknavièius Stasys 19,52,173,174 Aleksandras Pirmasis 224 Aleksandroviè (Aleksandrovich) 266 Alionèikas 142 Alperavièius Chaimas 31,64 Alperoviè Juda (Alperovich) 265 Ananjev (Ananyev) 188 Anders Wladyslaw 288 Andrejev Andrej (Andreyev) 218 Andrejev (Andreyev) 290 Andriatis-Andrijaitis Kazimieras 19,52,174,329,332 Andriuðienë Nijolë 336 Andriukevièius Povilas 199 Andriukevièius R. Antonaitis 141 Anuauskas Arvydas 2,3,7,15,25,35,39,336 Anukin Aleksandr (Anushkin) 119 Apolonov Arkadij 11,44 Arbit 142 Aronov Vasilij 32,66,273,315,320 Aras Abraomas 33,67,301 Artemjev P. (Artemyev) 21,54 Atamukas Solomonas 34 Augustinaitis Vladas 19,52,173,174,267,331,328 Azaravièiûtë 227
Bacharov Georgij (Bakharov) 28,62,124,133
Bachmetjev P. (Bakhmetyev) 19,52,173,174 Bachov (Bakhov) 195 Bachrar (Bakhrar) 291 Baèiulis K. 23,56 Bakevièius Steponas 330,335 Baliasnikov Michail 8,28,40,62,84,312,316 Baltënienë Marija 200 Baltranas 290 Banenytë Marcelë 199 Bannikov 195 Baranauskas Boleslavas 19,52,173,174,328,331 Barauskas Albertas 203,329,334 Barisevièius Petras 182 Bartaðiûnas Juozas (Josif) 10,24,43,57,101,102,109, 111,119,124,133,136,147,214,313,314,317,318 Basanavièius Jonas 228 Baèiulis Jurgis 202,329,334 Bazilevièius Jonas 199 Begun Solomon 258 Beliakov 16,49,182,186,313,318 Belik 142 Belikis V. 185 Belikova 142
Belinas 142 Beliukienë Marija 200 Beliukienë Elena 200 Beloglovis 289 Belov 78 Belskis Vladas 258 Berija Lavrentij (Beria Lavrenti) 11,16,28, 33,44,49,61,67,163 Berkoviè Benaminas (Berkovich) 301 Berman Alisa 258 Bieka Vladas 146 Bykovskij (Bykovskiy) 141 Bieliauskas Feliksas 18,50 Bilevièius Elijas 20,30,52,63,173,174 Bilevièiûtë Petronëlë 200 Bylinskij V. (Bylinskiy) 20,52,173,174 Birbilas 206 Blaþienë Paulina 184 Blaþienë Monika 184 Blaþinauskas Fortûnas 281 Blays Jonas 184 Blays Juozas 184 Blaþytë Bronë 184 Blieka Jurgis 17,19,20,50,52,119, 173176,313,317,328,331 Blium 271 Blonskis 289 Bogaèiov (Bogachiov) 85 Bogomolov 134 Bordonaitë Mira 30,63 Bosiakas 182 Botyras 258 Botyrienë Bronë 258 Braude 269 Braþûnis Leonardas 21,54 Breznik Leizer 260 Briks 146 Brudinas Bendionas 31,64 Bukënaitë Dangutë 185 Bukënaitë Vladë 185 Bukënas Algimantas 185 Bukënas Jonas 185 Bukënas Leonas 185 Bukienë Juzefa 185 Bukienë Genë 185 Bulganin Nikolaj 218 Burylin Boris 7,40,79,312,316 Burko 141 Burova 256 Butautienë Marijona 199 Butkienë Stefanija 199 Butnevièius 13,46,120,123,312,316 Butova 141 Butuleckij (Butuletskiy) 141
Calka 144
Calkienë 141 Carëkas Domas 164 Ceitelis Michelis 257
Cesevièius Dominykas 288 Cibulskij (Tsibulskiy) 308 Cilimov (Tsilimov) 195 Cion Naum (Tsion) 265 Cvirka Petras 22,33,55,67,209,298,299,314,318
Chadkevièius Ipolitas 199 Chaliavin Aleksej (Khaliavin) 8,40,81,83,312,316 Charitonov (Kharitonov) 142 Cholevo S. (Kholevo) 33,66,285,315,320 Cholodilin (Kholodilin) 187 Chruèiov Nikita (Khrushchov) 33,67 Chuchlov (Khukhlov) 188 Èachava Grigorij (Chakhava) 9,25,42,58,
90,91,217,314,319 Èeèurov (Chechurov) 141,144 Èeglienë Pranë 186 Èeglys Nikodemas 186 Èeglys Ksaveras 186 Èeglys Gvidonas 186 Èeglytë Lidija 186 Èeglytë Urðulë 186 Èekutienë Marija 183 Èekutis Adomas 182 Èekutytë Èesë 183 Èekutytë Vilë 183 Èerniachovskij Ivan (Cherniakhovskiy) 27,60 Èernienë 190 Èibiraitë Marcelë 183 Èibiraitë Vilë 183 Èibiras Adomas 183 Èibiras Albertas 183 Èibiras Jonas 183 Èibiras Petras 183 Èibirienë Nina 183 Èibirienë Ona 183 Èigas 141,144,145 Èipkus 21,54 Èistiakov Aleksej (Chistiakov) 108,124,329,333 Èmych (Chmykh) 122
Danievskij Mejer (Danishevskiy) 250252
Davidzonas Leizeris (Davidzon Leizer) 31, 64,253,315,319 Dembovskij (Dembovskiy) 244 Didþiulienë Ona 273 Didiulis 273,274 Didiulis (Grosmanas) Karolis 17,19,20, 50,52,173,174,179,181,313,318,328,332 Didiulis Karolis, Mato 199 Dilys 145 Diomin 141,143 Doktoraitis Eugenijus 33,67,288,303,304 Domaðaitë Leonora 186 Domaðienë Emilija 186 Domaius Juozas 186 Domaðûnas Leonas 186 Dondes Faivu (Faivush) 258
Dovydaitienë Julija 200 Drobnys Aleksandras 20,52,174 Druteikaitë Genë 185 Druteikaitë Stasë 185 Druteikienë Ona 185 Dubinin P. 21,54 Dudakov Grigorij 263,266 Duanskis Nachmanas (Dushanskiy) 30,63 Dvoreckaitë-Vidzbergienë Chaja 33,67,301
Eidukas 145 El-Registan 221 Endlinas N. (Endlin) 31,64,309,310 Eptein Moisej (Epshtein Moisei) 32,65,246,247 Erenburg Ilja 248 Erbðteinaitë Zlata 258 Fedorenko Nikita 21,54
Fedoroviè Piotr (Fedorovich), Federavièius Petras 202, 329,333 Fedotov A. 27,60,223,314,319 Fedotov P. 22,55,204,314,318 Filipavièius Stasys 133 Finkeltein (Finkelshtein) 30,64,245 Finkeltein (Finkelshtein) 167 Fridmanas B. 30,32,63,65,235237,315,319
Gabalis Jonas 330,335
Gabdank Konstantin 19,51,198,200,202,313,318,329,333 Gailevièius Alfonsas 20,52,124,174 Gaivenis Banys 300 Gaivenis Juozas 33,67,300 Galinauskas J. 188 Galinis 290 Garkavcev Vasilij (Garkavtsev) 276 Garmienë Marija 199 Gasioravièius (?) Jurgis 183 Gaka Ignas 233,234 Gediminas 27,60 Gedvilas Meèislovas 17,28,36, 49,61,69,108,109,111,119,124,133,140,169 Gefenas Tuvija 32,65,243,244,269,315,320 Gefen-Robinzonienë Sarra 268 Gefen Sonia 268 Gefen lioma 268 Gelienë 164 Gerasimenko 124 Girdvainis Juozas 21,54 Girdzijauskas Vytautas 33,67,292294 Girko Fiodor 8,40,85,86,312,316 Gladoðèiûnas Jonas 141 Goldbergas S. 31,64,309 Goldblat I. 309,310 Goldburg Samuil 243 Gonèarov (Goncharov) 143 Gorbunov 141 Gorfunkel Jakov 272 Goriunov 18,51,174,188,313,318 Gorkij Maksim (Gorkiy) 27,60,226,227,314,319
Gorlinskij Nikolaj (Gorlinskiy) 19,28,52,62,171 Gorochov Timofej (Gorokhov) 21,54 Gorenin Konstantin (Gorshenin) 8,40,84,85,312,316 Grainis 142,144 Graulis 122 Griauskienë Agota 199 Griauzdë Klemensas 195 Griciûnas Juozas 142,144,145,330,335 Gricius 143 Grigaitë 290 Grigaitis 290 Grigas Rimutis 185 Grigas Romualdas 185 Grigënas Petras 18,51,189,191,202,313,318 Grigienë Bronë 185 Grigonis Jurgis 330,335 Grigorenko 142 Grimoviè S. (Grimovich) 124 Grincevièius 89 Grincus-Grincevièius Jonas 199 Grinevièiûtë Viktorija 199 Gronovskaja (Granovskaya) 167 Grunskis Eugenijus 15,21 Gruðeckienë Juzafa 200 Gudienë Agota 199 Gureckas J. 202 Gurviè Simon (Gurvich) 258 Gutmanas Simonas 30,31,63,64 Guzevièius Aleksandras 28,62
Jermakov Nikolaj (Ermakov) 10,43,93,94,312,316 Joèytë Marija 199 Jodeikienë-Povilauskienë Magdalena 199 Joffë M. (Yoffe) 30,63 Joffë Leonas (Yoffe) 31,64,254,255,315,319 Jonikaitë Vanda 276 Jonikas Fabijonas 275 Jumakov (Yumakov) 91 Junèas-Kuèinskas Mykolas 20,53,173,174,328,332 Juranec Kazimir (Yuranets) 165 Juranec Stanislav (Yuranets) 165 Jurgaitis Jonas 140,202 Jurgaitis Jurgis 188 Jurginis Juozas 27,60 Jurkonis 195 Jukevièius 290 Juðkënas Edvardas 186
Kabanov 21,54 Kairelis 141 Kairys Steponas 292 Kalugin N. 28,62,7 Kalvelis Stasys 199 Kapralov Piotr 8,14,28,30,31,32,41,47,62,6466, 88,124,129,133,138,172,239,249,253,254,255,260,261,268,269, 312,313,315317,319,320 Kapsukas Vincas 27,60 Karaliûnas Povilas 20,53,174 Karaliûtë Graþina 275 Karesas 143 Karp 87 Iemanta Albinas 26,60 Kasnauskaitë Eugenija 23,56,329,333 Ignatenko 13,46,122 Kaðauskienë Vanda 29 Ignatov 142,143 Ivanter Jei, Kochanovskij Georgij (Kokhanovskiy) 33, Kavaliauskas Adomas 183 Kerbedienë Ona 200 67,293,295297 Keturakienë Antosë 199 Izraileviè E. (Izrailevich) 277 Kirka Adomas 192 Kirkaitë Anastasija 182 Jadogalvis Jonas 203,329,334 Kirkaitë Jadvyga 182 Jakovlev (Yakovlev) 87 Kirkaitë Malvina 182 Jakubèionis Algirdas 2,3 Kirkienë Adelë 182 Jakubënas 143 Kiulevienë 122 Janavièius S. 33,67,302,303 Kliackin Solomon (Kliatskin) 31,64 Janèaitytë Tatjana 330,335 Kleiman Izrail 264 Jankauskaitë 145 Kloc Salamon (Klots) 262,263 Janukënaitë Bronë 278 Klumbys Leonas 33,67,303 Janukevièius - 298 Knyva Albertas 133 Jarmuevièius Vaclovas 202 Kobulov Bogdan 8,9,11,16,28,40,41,44,49,62,163 Jasiukynienë Agota 200 Kockevièius Juozas 199 Jainskas P. 299 Kochanovskij Georgij (Kokhanovskiy)-Ivanter Jei 33,67, Jefimov Dmitrij (Efimov) 12,22,28,32, 293,295297 34,45,55,62,63,98,101,102,106109, Koganas Leonas-Moiðë 33,66,267,286,287,303 111,119,170,204,207,239,249,314,318 Kolcova (Koltsova) 267 Jegorov Piotr (Egorov) 184 Kondakov Piotr 7,16,28,31,33,39,48,62,64,66, Jegorov Semion (Egorova) 184 75,76,270,272,273,277,278,284,307,311,312,315,316,320 Jegorova (Egorova) Anna 184 Kopyrin 173,174 Jegorova Ksenija (Egorova) 184 Korsakas 142 Jegorova Pelagëja (Egorova) 184 Korièeva (Koricheva) 142 Jelin (Elin) 310 Kosov 190 Jelizarova-akirova (Elizarova-Shakirova) 256 Kotov V. 28,62
Krasauskas Bronislavas 202,330,335 Krastinis Fridis 124 Kremeznas V. 203 Kreðèiûnas (Kreðiûnas ?) Pranas 205 Krylov I. 27,60 Krinaitis 141 Krivickas 141 Krianovskaja (Krizhanovskya) 288 Krolikas 143 Kromplevskaja (Kromplevskaya) 288 Kromplevskij K. (Kromplevskiy) 283 Krubiè Pavel (Krubich) 296 Kruglov Sergej 7,40,79,80,140,312,316 Kuèinskas Leonas 329,334 Kudirka Vincas 27,60,228 Kudriavcev (Kudriavtsev) 134 Kuibyev Valerian (Kuibyshev) 278 Kulygin 20,53,173,174 Kumiðèienë Salemija 183 Kumièius Kazys 183 Kumièius Pranas 183 Kunèinas Petras 19,51,202,329,333 Kunkulienë Anelë 200 Kuolys Julius 301 Kurbatov 188 Kurickaitë Chaja 32,65,247 Kurys Povilas 20,173,174 Kurliancev (Kurliantsev) Boris 264 Kutka Petras 329,334 Kutraitë 144,145 Kutuzov Michail 27,60,223,224 Kuznecova (Kuznetsova) 122
Lacmanas J. (Latsman) 31,64 Laiter-Liubeckaja Bela (Liubetskaya) 271 Lapid 245 Lapinskas 141,144 Lapin (Lapshin) 141 Laucë 190 Laugalienë Genovaitë 2,3,336 Laupevièius 287 Lazutka Francas 33,67,287,288,289 Lebedev 141 Leidaitë Kristina 275 Lekeèinskienë Elena 199 Lenèiauskienë Gendrutë 199 Lenin Vladimir 27,32,60,65,112,221,222 Leonov Andrej 31,64,250,252,257,259,315,320 Letulis Aleksandras 119,124,133,140,171,203 Levin 237 Levin 244 Levinas Samuilas 31,64 Levit Semion 264 Levner Mejer 260 Liachovskij (Liakhovskiy) 297 Liaudis Kazimieras 18,20,50, 53,119,124,133,140,172,328,331 Lydys Kazimieras 24,57,216 Likas Albinas 202,329,333 Lisauskaitë Ona-Aldona 200
Lisauskas Konradas 209 Lysenko 198 Likauskas Pranas 164 Liubeckaja-Laiter Bela (Liubetskaya) 271 Liubeckaja Roza (Liubetskaya) 272 Liubeckij Kiva (Liubetski) 271 Liubeckis Lazar 271 Liubeckij Maks (Liubetski) 270 Liubeckis Maua 32,65,257,270,272,315,320 Liubeckij Mejer (Liubetski) 270 Liubeckij Roman (Liubetski) 271 Liubeckij merl (Liubetski) 271,272 Liubeckis . 31,64 Liubeckis Zelman 271 Liubimcev Nikolaj (Liubimtsev) 20,28, 53,62,173,174,328,332 Liuksemburg Kazimir 33,67,294,295 Liutkus Vincas 199 Livèiè (Livchich) 141 Lopata Bronislavas 202,329,334 Lopatto Konstantin 33,67 297 Lukaðevièius Vladas 330,335 Lukjanova (Lukyanova) 297 Luka 303 Lukðtienë Ramunë 336 Lurje (Lurye) 298 Lurje (Lurye) 265
Macas Bronys 281
Macijauskas Jonas 20,53,173,174 Machalov (Makhalov) 143 Makselytë Adelë 274 Maksimavièius Vacys 202,329,333 Malejev V. (Maleyev) 188 Malenkov Georgij 23,56,211,314,318 Malygin Aleksandr 21,54 Malinauskas Stanislovas 330,335 Mamajev Dmitrij (Mamayev) 133,267 Marcijonas Vytautas 259 Marijoius Romanas 22,55,206 Markaitis Klemensas 199 Markoviè (Markovich) 298,299 Markûnas 142 Martavièius Leonardas 31,33,65,66, 67,262,266,285,305,315,319,320 Martinkënas Augustas 185 Martusevièius 7,39,74,312,316 Mataèinskas Juozas 24,57,216 Matkevièius 287 Matolis Vilius 273 Matulevièienë Ona 258 Matulevièius 299,300 Meckevièius 204 Medutis Stepas 276 Mejeris Vladas 199 Mejerson (Meyerson) 248 Melamed 263 Melamed Samuil 263 Melèinienë Zofija 199 Meleka 206
Melinkas 166 Merkys Antanas 161 Merkys Gediminas 161 Merkys Marija (Merkienë) 161 Merkulov Vsevold 11,16,22,44,49,55,163,204,314,318 Mekenis 204 Micelmacheris Viktoras 33,67,291,292 Mickevièius Vaclovas 20,53,173,174 Michalkov (Mikhalkov) Sergej 221 Mikalauskas Meèislovas 17,50, 177,178,202,313,317,330,335 Mikðienë-Tamaðauskaitë Irena 199 Mil Solomon 31,64 Milukienë Albina 200 Mironaitë Milda 2,3,336 Misiûnienë Suzana 287 Mockevièius Jurgis 283 Molotov Viaèeslav (Viacheslav) 293 Monèiunskas Teofilijus 202,329,334 Mongirdienë Dominyka 200 Monter Stecalu 295 Moskvinov Anatolij 200,53,124,133,173,174,328,332 Munic Samuil (Munits) 264 Murauskas Petras 20,24,53,58,173,174
Panavaitë Zosë 182 Panavas Antanas 182 Panavas Jonas 182 Panavas Juozas 182 Panavas Kazys 182 Panavas Mykolas - 182 Panavienë Elena 182 Panavienë Teofilija 182 Pancermienë Juzefa 199 Pankin 214,215,314,318 Paplauskas Juozas 21,54,202,329,334 Paradauskas Antanas 202,329,334 Parfionov 31,64 Pastarnokaitë Z. 282 Pasulikas Albinas 275 Paukðtë Juozas 182 Paukðtienë Marijona 182 Paukðtienë Monika 182 Pavlov Nikolaj 274 Peisaèenko (Peisachenko) 277 Penkauskas, Penkovskij, Bronislavas 20,53, 173,174,288,328,332 Perov Michail 202,329,334 Petkevièienë Julija 200 Petraitis Vladislovas 17,20,50,53, 134,173,174,177,178,313,317,329,332 Naèas Eduardas 20,53,119,174,328,332 Petras Pirmasis 225 Naimavièius Stasys 146,202,329,334 Petrauskaitë Audronë 2,3,336 Nakienë Irena 199 Petravièiûtë Inga 15 Napoleonas 224 Petryla Danielius 21,54 Nekroðienë Zosë 199 Petrov 14,47,137,313,317 Nikitin 88 Petrov Aleksej 124 Niunka Vladas 20,53,85,133,140,173,174 Pigaga Bronius pirmas virelis Norkus 289 Pigaga Jonas 274 Novèiûnas (Naudþiûnas ?) 141 Pigaga Vincas pirmas virelis Novickas 122 Pilelis K. 202 Novikovas A. 23,56 Piligrimas Juozas 9,10,18,19,42,51, 52,91,192,193,202,312,313,316,318,329,333 Pisarev Vasilij 124 Odincova (Odintsova) 281 Ogolcov (Ogoltsov) Sergej 17,22,49,55,170,204,314,318 Pitkelytë Marijona 182 Pivariûnas 119 Okonev 91 Pletkus Vincas 20,53,174,328,332 Okulièienë E. 279 Pletniov 33,66,286 Olekas Juozas 173,174,203,329,333 Pocius Mindaugas 15 Olekas Pranas 18,20,50,53,173,174,328,331 Podsedlovskij 288 Olauskas A. 203 Poliakus V. 19,20,51,53,201,318,314 Oreèkin (Orechkin) Boris 255 Poliavièius 122 Orliè (Orlich) 296 Poluikis 141 Ponomariov Aleksandr 20,28,53,62,173,174,328,332 Orlovskaja (Orlovskaya) 97 Poðkytë 187 Oerovièius H. (Osherovich) 31,64 Pokus T. 202 Ovèarenko (Ovcharenko) 141,143 Povilaitis Antanas 166 Ozarskis (Ozarski) Eduardas 18,20,22, Preikas Kazys 16,17,18,20,23,36,48, 50,53,55,124,133,172,209,210,314,318,328,331 49,50,53,56,69,107,119,124,151,159,173,174,313,317,328,331 Priluckij (Prilutskiy) 173 Paberis Aidas 336 Proscevièienë Roþë 199 Pupeikis Stasys 23,56 Pacevièius Petras 21,54 Purënas Antanas 292 Padison Chona 309 Padisonas Peresas (Padison) 31,64,256307310,315,320Purlys Petras 202,330,335 Pukin Aleksandr (Pushkin) 27,60,225 Paleckis Justas 24,,28,61,57,58,119,124,228,267 Puzinavièius Bronius 2,3 Panavaitë Anelë 182 Panavaitë Marytë 182
Radionov 31,64
Skardþiuvienë Angelë 274 Skodius 190 Raguotis Antanas 101,124,133 Skurdickas 143 Raslanas Petras 7,10,12,16,39,45,48,77,78,312,316 Slanys 142,143 Ratnikas P. 202 Slavin Aleksandr 30,63 Reichman (Reikhman) 243 Smirnov Aleksandr 18,51,194,195,202, Rybakovienë 309,310 313,318,329,333 Rimkevièius Jonas 199 Snieèkus Antanas 8,10,11,12,1419,2833, Rimkus Viktoras 188 36,38,40,4352,56,6166,69,72,81,85,87,95,97, Rimðalienë 287 102,111,112,114,119,124,125,133,134,136,137,140,147,151, Rimalis - 287 163,169172,175,179,188,189,192,198,210,211,212,216, Rimelis P. 21,54 232,235,237,239,253,254,256,262,267,268,270,278,306, Robinzonas Benas 269 307,312320 Robinzonienë-Gefen Sarra 268 Sokolas 164 Rocius Domas 19,52 Sokolov 141 Roders (Rogers) 271 Sokolov 141 Rogalskij 296 Sokolov 144 Romanov 274 Sokolov Aleksandr 20,50,53,173,174,328,331 Romm Josif 250252 Sokolov N. 188 Rokov (Rozhkov) 141,142 Sokolovskij (Sokolovskiy) 124 Rubinson M. 31,64, 309 Soldonas 192 Rubintein (Rubinshtein) 31,65,267 Solovjov (Solovyov) 141,143,144 Rudnickij 246 Solovjov P. (Solovyov) 21,54 Rugenius Pranas 199 Sorokin Michail 20,53,134,173,174,328,331 Rukas Pranas 199 Stakauskas V. 282 Rukðënaitë Antanina 184 Stalin Josif 11,26,33,44,48,59,67,112,221,222,235 Rukðënaitë Elvyra 184 Stanionienë Elena 199 Rukðënaitë Ona 184 Staniulënas A. 185 Rukðënas Juozas 184 Staniulënas M. 185 Rukðënas Leonardas Stankeviè (Stankevich) Franc 165 Rukðënas Vaclovas 184 Starkauskas Juozas 9,15,41 Rukðënas Vladas 184 Stasenko 144 Rukðienë Ona 184 Stasiûnas 13,46,120,123,132,316 Rutkauskas 265 Statkevièienë Petronëlë 199 Rutkauskienë 265,266 Stepanov 256 Ruttein David (Rutshtein) 265 Stimburys Juozas 18,19,20,51,53, Ruzgys 303 173,174,196,197,313,318,328,331 Stonys 299,300 Sacharov (Sakharov) 272 Strazdas Viktoras 280 Sachjanova M. (Sakhyanova) 218 Streikus Arûnas 12,18,68 Sadaravièius Kazys 199 Stukas 190 Sadauskas 290 Stulgaitienë T. 279 Safronov 143 Stulginskis Aleksandras 161 Sakalauskas Vincas 18,21,50,54,187,202,313,318,329,333 Stumbras Antanas 275 Salin D. 119 Suboè (Suboch) Aleksandr 283 Samanin 141 Suboè (Suboch) S. 2283 Samulionis 143 Sueta B. 202 Savèenko S. (Savchenko) 20,53,173,174 Surblys Konstantinas 29 Sebastinas Vincas 258 Survilienë Jonë 199 Segal Mejer, lioma (Segal Meyer Shlioma) 263 Suslov Michail 8,10,11,16,23,30,40,41, Semjanov G. (Semyanov) 203 43,44,49,56,63,163,211,212,314,318 Senkeviè T. (Senkevich) 21,54 Suvorov 27,60,225 Sereiskij Maks (Sereiskiy) 271 Svirkas 205 Sièkarèuk P. (Sichkarchuk) 20,53,173,174 Svièiov (Svishchiov) Jakov 20,28,53,62,173,174,328,332 Sidorok G. 203 Simonaitienë Julija 199 adius Henrikas 15,25 Simonaitis 141 ausas Leiba 30,31,63,64 Sinicin Jakov (Sinitsin) 187 ausa Robinzonas 31,64 Sinickas Antanas 280 Ðatienë 289 Sinusov 288 èepin N. (Shchepin) 119 Skardis Antanas 20,53,173,174
èerbakov Aleksandr (Shcherbakov) 274,278 èerbakov Vladimir (Shcherbakov) 8,11,40,44,81, 312,316 eleiko (Sheleiko) 145 eras 266 eremetjev P. (Sheremetyev) 28,62 ereevskij (Shereshevskiy) 33,286 ermanas 309,310 evèenko (Shevchenko) 146 evelev (Shevelev) 89 ilingas Stasys 161 iller (Shiller) 296 ivickas Mykolas 192 Ðivickienë 192 kodin S. (Shkodin) 28,62 kolnikova (Shkolnikova) 289 lapikienë Stasë 199 Ðlivinskienë 192 neideris B. 31,64,309,310 pigelglazas Avram 257 pigelglazas Julius 257 tarkas Dovydas 31,64 teiman Semion (Shteiman) 264 tukareviè A. (Shtukarevich) 245 ulga Isak (Shulga) 252 ulman (Shulman) 276 umauskas Motiejus 18,21,50,54, 124,172,173,174,328,331 upikov Danijil (Shupikov) 18,21,50,54,108, 111,124,133,172,173,174,198,328,331 urkus Jonas 299,300 verlingas Vladimir 31,64
Tadauskienë-Obelenytë Anastazija 200
Tarasov 141 Taskajev (Taskayev) 142 Tatarûnas Linas 34 Telegin 195 Tendzegolskis Juozas 199 Teperienë R. 309,310 Terioin (Terioshin) Fiodor 21,28, 54,62,173,174,328,331 Timofejev (Timofeyev) 122 Tirkunov A. 21,54,173,174 Tiurkin 218 Tkaèenko Ivan (Tkachenko) 10,11,15,16, 17,24,30,43,44,49,57,63,95,97,163,167,208,238,312319 Todesas Danielius 30,63 Tumënas Adomas 183 Tumënas Norbertas 183 Tumënienë Veronika 183 Tumënytë Ona 183 Tonkûnas Juozas 161 Tupënas 141 Tranas Feliksas 330,335 Trofimov Aleksandr 12,13,31,45,46,64,106,111,115, 119,120,124,133,209,257,260,312,315,316,319,320 Truska Liudas 15,29
Uogintas Vytautas 29,62,234,314,319 Urazov 13,46,120,123,312,316
Urbanavièius 190 Uakov (Ushakov) 256 Uakov (Ushakov) 296 Uinskij K. (Ushinskiy) 27,60
Vackûnienë Ani 200
Vainauskas 190 Vaitekaitis 288 Valenta Andrius antras virelis Valentaitë Ona antras virðelis Valentaitë Veronika antras virðelis Valentienë Elena antras virðelis Valiukaitienë Elena 205 Valteris S. 281 Variakojis 142,144 Vasilevskij (Vasilevskiy) 274 Vaupðienë Stasë 200 Venclova Antanas 26,59,221 Vebrienë 190 Vegys (Viagys?) 142 Veicman (Veitsman) 265 Venevièius Jonas 275 Verakis 185 Vetrov Pavel 13,24,46,57,124,125,133,214,215,314,318 Vildþiûnas Vladas 90,202,329,334 Vilenèik Jakov (Vilenchik) 263,264,265 Vilkomirskij (Vilkomirskiy) 298 Vitkaitis Antanas 205 Vlasov 141 Volf 21,54,173,174 Volkov A. 31,64,250,315,319 Volodkevièienë Kotryna 199 Vorobjov (Vorobyov) 141,143 Vorobjov (Vorobyov) 141 Voronikov 146 Voziakov A. 219
Zabarauskienë D. 256
Zabulis Jonas 274 Zaicev F. 219 Zareckienë Anelë 200 Zasypkin A. 28,62 Zaskevièius 293 Zenkevièiûtë Leokadija 185 Zimanas Genrikas 30,63,119 Zinkus Jonas 119
danov (Zhdanov) 134
danov Andrej (Zhdanov) 12,30,33, 46,63,67,112,218,274,312,316 Þëèius Leonardas 202,329,333 Þemaitë 27,60 Þemaitienë Agota 186 Þilinskaitë I. 282 iugda Juozas 26,27,60,228,229,230,233,234,314,319 ivnys Jonas 86 uchovskij (Zhukhovskiy) 244 ukov (Zhukov) 16,48,160,162,313,317 ukovskij Michail (Zhukovskiy) 250252
Lists and photographies of the Lithuanian SSR Administration officials Officials of the Administration of the Lithuanian SSR the Council of Ministers of the LSSR and persons in counties authorized by the CK of the LKP(b) in 1948 umauskas Motiejus the Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the LSSR in 1946 1950; the First Secretary of iauliai Region Committee of the CK of the LKP(b) in 1950 1953 Olekas Pranas the Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the LSSR in 1947 1950 Preikas Kazys the Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) in 1940 1948; the Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the LSSR in 1948 1960; a member of the CK Bureau of the LKP in 1940 1954 Ozarskis Eduardas the Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) in 1946 1950; the First Secretary of Kaunas County Committee of the LKP(b) in 1950 1953 Liaudis Kazimieras the Minister of Agriculture of the LSSR and theDeputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the LSSR in 1947 1950, the First Secretary of Klaipëda County Committee of the LKP(b) in 1950 1953 Shupikov Danijil the Personnel Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) in 1947 1950; the Secretary of Vilnius Region Committee of the LKP(b) in 1950 1952 Sokolov Aleksandr the Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the LSSR in 1946 1954 Augustinaitis Vladas the Minister of Cattle-Raising of the LSSR in 1946 1950; the Minister of Agriculture in 1950 1956, a member of the CK of the LKP(b) Baranauskas Boleslovas the Chairman of the Republican Council of the Trade Unions of the LSSR in 1945 1958 Blieka Jurgis the Minister of Justice of the LSSR in 1946 1951 Stimburys Juozas the Minister of Social Security of the LSSR in 1946 1960 Terioshin Fiodor the Minister of Light Industry of the LSSR in 1946 1953 Didiulis (Grosmanas) Karolis the Chairman of the Supreme Court of the LSSR in 1947 1958, a member of the CK of the LKP(b) Naèas Eduardas the Chairman of the committee of Cultural and Educational Institutions in 19441951 Sorokin M. the Second Secretary of Panevëþys County Committee of the LKP(b) in 1947 Liubimtsev Nikolai the Minister of Building Materials Industry of the LSSR in 1946 1953 Svischov Jakov the Minister of Communal Economy of the LSSR in 1946 1957 Ponomariov Aleksandr the Minister of Forestry Industry of the LSSR in 1946 1948; the Minister of Forestry and Paper Industry in 1948 1949 Penkauskas, Penkovski, Bronislavas the Minister of Health Care of the LSSR in 1947 1957 Junèas-Kuèinskas Mykolas the Secretary of personnel of the CK of the LKP(b) in 1944 1947, the Deputy Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the LSSR in 1947 1959 Moskvinov Anatolij the Secretary of the CK of the LKP(b) in 1950 1952; the Second Secretary of Vilnius Region Committee of the LKP(b) in 1952 1953 Pletkus Vincas the First Secretary of Këdainiai and Kaunas County Committees of the LKP(b) in 19441951
Petraitis Vladislovas the Managing Secretary of the Party College at the CK of the LKP(b) in 1947 1953 Andriatis Kaziemieras (Andrijaitis) the Minister (Commissioner) of Food Industry in 19441953
First Secretaries of City and County Committees of the LKP(b) in 1948 Chistiakov Aleksei the First Secretary of Vilniaus City Committee Gabdank Konstantin the First Secretary of Kaunas City Committee Smirnov Aleksandr the First Secretary of Klaipëda City Committee Fedorovich Piotr (Fedaravièius Petras) the First Secretary of Ðiauliai City Committeethe Likas Albinas the First Secretary of Birai County Committee Kasnauskaitë Eugenija the First Secretary of Zarasai County Committee Kunèinas Petras the First Secretary of Joniðkis County Committee Piligrimas Juozas the First Secretary of Këdainiai County Committee Maksimavièius Vacys the First Secretary of Kretinga County Committee Þëèius Leonardas the First Secretary of Lazdijai County Committee Sakalauskas Vincas the First Secretary of Maeikiai County Committee Olekas Juozas the First Secretary of Marijampolë County Committee Paplauskas Juozas the First Secretary of Pagëgiai County Committee Vildþiûnas Vladas the First Secretary of Panevëþys County Committee Naimavièius Stasys the First Secretary of Prienai County Committee Monèiunskas Teofilius the First Secretary of Raseiniai County Committee Paradauskas Antanas the First Secretary of Rokikis County Committee Lopato Bronislavas the First Secretary of Alytus County Committee Baðèiulis Jurgis the First Secretary of Telðiai County Committee Perov Mikhail the First Secretary of Trakai County Committee Jadogalvis Jonas the First Secretary of Ukmergë County Committee Kutka Petras the First Secretary of Utena County Committee Barauskas Albertas the First Secretary of Jurbarkas County Committee Kuèinskas Leonas the First Secretary of Ðiauliai County Committee
First Secretaries of City, County, Region and District Committees of the LKP(b)
Afonin Michail (Mikhail) the First Secretary of Trakai County Committee in 19441946, and of iauliai region Committee in 19501953 Bakevièius Steponas the First Secretary of Marijampolës County Committee in 1946 1947 Gabalis Jonas the First Secretary of iauliai District Committee in 1950 Griciûnas Juozas the First Secretary of Birai County Committee in 19451947, and of Kalvarijos County Committee in 19491952 Grigonis Jurgis the First Secretary of Lazdijai County Committee in 19441947, and of Kaiiadoriai County Committee in 19491955 Janèaitytë Tatjana the First Secretary of akiai County Committee in 19451950 m., and of Kaunas Region Committee in 19501952 Krasauskas Bronislavas the First Secretary of Tauragë County Committee in 1948 Lukaevièius Vladas the First Secretary of Kaunas City Committee in 1950 Malinauskas Stanislovas the First Secretary of Ukmergë County Committee in 1949 1952 Mikalauskas Meèislovas the First Secretary of Pasvalys County Committee in 1948 Purlys Petras the First Secretary of Alytus County Committee in 1946, and of Anykðèiai County Committee in 19471951 m. Tranas Feliksas the First Secretary of Rokikis County Committee in 19441946
Lietuvos SSR administracijos pareigûnai LTSR MT ir LKP (b) CK apskrièiø ágaliotiniai 1948 m. (dok. Nr. 5.9)
Ðumauskas Motiejus LSSR MT pirmininko pav. 1946-1950 m., LKP(b) CK Ðiauliø srities komiteto pirmasis sekretorius 1950-1953 m.
Olekas Pranas LSSR MT pirmininko pav. 19471950 m.
Preikðas Kazys LKP(b) CK sekretorius 19401948 m., LSSR MT pirmininko pav. 19481960 m., LKP CK biuro narys 19401954 m.
Liaudis Kazimieras LSSR þemës ûkio ministras ir LSSR MT pirmininko pav. 19471950 m., LKP(b) Klaipëdos
Sokolov Aleksandr Ðupikov Danijil LKP(b) CK kadrø sekretorius LSSR MT pirmininko 1947-1950 m., LKP(b) pavaduotojas 19461954 m. Vilniaus srities komiteto sekretorius 1950-1952 m.
Augustinaitis Vladas LSSR gyvulininkystës ministras 19461950 m., þemës ûkio ministras 1950 1956 m., LKP(b) CK narys
Baranauskas Boleslovas LSSR profsàjungø respublikinës tarybos pirmininkas 19451958 m.
Blieka Jurgis LSSR teisingumo ministras 19461951 m.
Terioðin Fiodor LSSR lengvosios pramonës ministras 19461953 m.
Stimburys Juozas LSSR socialinio aprûpinimo ministras 19461960 m.
Ozarskis Eduardas LKP(b) CK sekretorius 19461950 m., LKP(b) Kauno srities komiteto pirmasis sekretorius 19501953 m.
Lietuvos SSR administracijos pareigûnai LTSR MT ir LKP (b) CK apskrièiø ágaliotiniai 1948 m. (dok. Nr. 5.9)
Didþiulis Karolis LSSR Aukðèiausiojo Teismo pirmininkas 1947-1958 m., LKP CKnarys 1927-1958 m.
Sorokin Michail LKP(b) Panevëþio apskrities komiteto antrasis sekretorius 1947 m.
Liubimcev Nikolaj LSSR statybiniø medþiagø pramonës ministras 19461953 m.
Svisèiov Jakov Ponomariov Aleksandr LSSR komunalinio ûkio LSSR miðko pramonës ministras 19461957 m. ministras 19461948 m., LSSR miðko ir popieriaus pramonës ministras 19481949 m.
Penkauskas Bronislavas (Penkovskij) LSSR sveikatos apsaugos ministras 19471957 m.
Junèas-Kuèinskas Mykolas LKP(b) CK kadrø sekretorius 19441947 m., LSSR AT Prezidiumo pirmininko pavaduotojas 19471959 m.
Moskvinov Anatolij LKP(b) CK sekretorius 19501952 m., LKP(b) Vilniaus srities komiteto antrasis sekretorius 19521953 m.
Petraitis Vladislovas Partinës kolegijos prie LKP(b) CK atsakingasis sekretorius 19471953 m., LKP CK narys 19411956 m.
Andriatis Kazimieras (Andrijaitis) LSSR maisto pramonës (komisaras) ministras 19441953 m.
Naèas Eduardas Kultûros ir ðvietimo ástaigø komiteto pirmininkas 19441951 m.
Pletkus Vincas LKP(b) Këdainiø, Kauno apskrièiø komitetø I sekretorius 19441951 m.
LKP(b) miestø ir apskrièiø komitetø pirmieji sekretoriai 1948 m. (dok. Nr. 5.22)
Èistiakov Aleksej Vilniaus miesto komiteto I sekretorius
Gabdank Konstantin Kauno miesto komiteto I sekretorius
Smirnov Aleksandr Klaipëdos miesto komiteto I sekretorius
Fedoroviè Piotr (Fedaravièius Petras) Ðiauliø miesto komiteto I sekretorius
Likas Albinas Birþø apskr. komiteto I sekretorius
Kasnauskaitë Eugenija Zarasø apskr. komiteto I sekretorë
Kunèinas Petras Joniðkio apskr. komiteto I sekretorius
Piligrimas Juozas Këdainiø apskr. komiteto I sekretorius
Maksimavièius Vacys Kretingos apskr. komiteto I sekretorius
Þëèius Leonardas Lazdijø apskr. komiteto I sekretorius
Sakalauskas Vincas Maþeikiø apskr. komiteto I sekretorius
Olekas Juozas Marijampolës apskr. komiteto I sekretorius
LKP(b) miestø ir apskrièiø komitetø pirmieji sekretoriai 1948 m. (dok. Nr. 5.22)
Paplauskas Juozas Pagëgiø apskr. komiteto I sekretorius
Vildþiûnas Vladas Panevëþio apskr komiteto I sekretorius
Naimavièius Stasys Prienø apskr. komiteto I sekretorius
Monèiunskas Teofilius Raseiniø apskr. komiteto I sekretorius
Paradauskas Antanas Rokiðkio apskr. komiteto I sekretorius
Lopato Bronislavas Alytaus apskr. komiteto I sekretorius
Baðèiulis Jurgis Telðiø apskr. komiteto I sekretorius
Perov Michail Trakø apskr. komiteto I sekretorius
Jadogalvis Jonas Ukmergës apskr. komiteto I sekretorius
Kutka Petras Utenos apskr. komiteto I sekretorius
Barauskas Albertas Jurbarko apskr. komiteto I sekretorius
Kuèinskas Leonas Ðiauliø apskr. komiteto I sekretorius
LKP(b) apskrièiø, miestø, srièiø, rajonø komitetø pirmieji sekretoriai
Afonin Michail LKP(b) Trakø apskr. komiteto pirmasis sekretorius 19441946 m., Ðiauliø sr. komiteto sekretorius 19501953 m.
Bakevièius Steponas LKP(b) Marijampolës apskr. komiteto pirmasis sekretorius 19461947 m.
Gabalis Jonas LKP(b) Ðiauliø rajono komiteto pirmasis sekretorius 1950 m.
Grigonis Jurgis LKP(b) Lazdijø apskr. 19441947 m., Kaiðiadoriø apskr. 19491955 m. komitetø pirmasis sekretorius
Janèaitytë Tatjana LKP(b) Ðakiø apskr. komiteto pirmoji sekretorë 19451950 m., LKP(b) Kauno sr. komiteto sekretorë 19501952 m.
Krasauskas Bronislavas Lukaðevièius Vladas LKP(b) Tauragës komiteto LKP(b) Kauno miesto pirmasis sekretorius 1948 m. komiteto pirmasis sekretorius 1950 m.
Malinauskas Stanislovas LKP(b) Ukmergës apskr., r. komiteto pirmasis sekretorius 19491952 m.
Mikalauskas Meèislovas LKP(b) Pasvalio apskr. komiteto pirmasis sekretorius 1948 m.
Purlys Petras LKP(b) Alytaus apskr. 1946 m., Anykðèiø apskr. 19471951 m. komitetø pirmasis sekretorius
Griciûnas Juozas LKP(b) Birþø apskr. 19451947 m., Kalvarijø apskr., r. 19491952 m. komitetø pirmasis sekretorius
Tranas Feliksas Rokiðkio apskr. komiteto pirmasis sekretorius 19441946 m.
336 VYTAUTAS TININIS Komunistinio reþimo nusikaltimai Lietuvoje 19441953 m. Istorinë studija ir faksimiliniø dokumentø rinkinys II TOMAS Mokslinis redaktorius doc. dr. Arvydas Anuðauskas Atsakingoji redaktorë doc. dr. Audronë Petrauskaitë Stilistë Nijolë Andriuðienë Vertëjos Genovaitë Laugalienë ir Milda Mironaitë Maketuotoja Ramunë Lukðtienë Virðelis Aido Paberþio NUOTRAUKOS IÐ LIETUVOS GENOCIDO AUKØ MUZIEJAUS. Iðleido Tarptautinës komisijos naciø ir sovietinio okupaciniø reþimø nusikaltimams Lietuvoje ávertinti uþsakymu Generolo Jono Þemaièio Lietuvos karo akademija, Ðilo g. 5 A, LT-2055, Vilnius 2003 03 17. Tiraþas 250 egz. Uþsakymas GP-52 Maketavo ir spausdino KAM Leidybos ir informacinio aprûpinimo tarnyba, Totoriø g. 25/3, LT-2001 Vilnius
VYTAUTAS TININIS The Crimes of the Communist Regime in Lithuania in 19441953 A historial study and a set of documents in facsimile Volume 2 Science editor: assoc. prof. dr. Arvydas Anuðauskas Managing editor: dr. Audronë Petrauskaitë Stylist Nijolë Andriuðienë Translators: Genovaitë Laugalienë and Milda Mironaitë Designer Ramunë Lukðtienë Cover Aidas Paberþis PHOTOGRAPHS FROM THE MUSEUM OF GENOCIDE VICTIMS OF LITHUANIA. The publication was commissioned by the International Commission for the Evaluation of the Crimes of the Nazi and Soviet Occupation Regimes. Published by the General Jonas Þemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania at Ðilo st. 5 A, LT-2055, Vilnius. Circulation: 250 copies Order GP-52 Designed and published by Publishing and Information Provision Service of the Ministry of National Defence, Totoriø str. 25/3, LT-2001 Vilnius.
Lietuviø tremtiniø Valentø ðeima: tëvas Andrius, motina Elena, dukterys Ona ir Veronika. Sibiras, Krasnojarsko sr., Ðirvinskio r., Chutoro gyvenvietë 1949 m. liepos mën. The Lithuanian deportees family Valenta the father Andrius, the mother Elena, daughters Ona and Veronika. Krasnoyarsk region, Shirvinski district, Khutor, Siberia in July 1949
Nyroblago kaliniai lietuviai 1954 m. Uralas, Nyrobas, prie Kamos upës The Lithuanian prisoners in Nyrob concentration camp (Nyroblag) at the river Kama (the Urals region) in 1954