Five limes a flay, doss 10 a billion people turn ro The Ka'aba in submission to Allah/God In The HWfiTh century C.E.. (...
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Five limes a flay, doss 10 a billion people turn ro The Ka'aba in submission to Allah/God In The HWfiTh century C.E.. (he religion of Islam was revealed to [he Prophet Mohammad Through The Holy Koran. Since than, Islam has spread To every corner of the world from Jerusalem TO Sydney, and iron* Dakar lo London and Detroit, lilam has shown continuity with creative versatility. Tnts book presents the hrsiort: beginnings of Islam, the growth and contribution of its dvlluelion, and the •-. •• of Islam m meeting, the chaitange of tne modern world-
+ The meanings of the Holy Koran t h a t will appear in t h e t e x t are taken from t h e t r a n s lations by Ahmad Ali, A r t h u r J . Arberry, A. J . Oawood, and Marmaduke Pickthall. The q u o t a t i o n s from Hadith are taken from a t r a n s l a t i o n of specific selections from Muslim and Bukhari. • Whenever t h e name of the Prophet Mohammad appears, i t shall be followed by I t o represent t h e Arabic word&, "May t h e blessings and peace of God be upon Him" which always come a f t e r t h e Prophet's t name.
For facility, all d a t e s in t h i s t e x t will refer t o
t h e Common Era (C.E.). To convert to the Muslim Hijra calendar, see page 2 3 below.
islamic t r a d i t i o n condemned
the pictorial
depiction of t h e Prophet > and of t h e family of t h e Prophet I in all a r t i s t i c expressions. I t f u r t h e r discouraged t h e representation of Iivin0 creatures for fear t h a t such represent a t i o n would lead t o pagan or polytheistic worship. A s a result, Muslim artiste
did n o t
i m i t a t e t h e external world, but conveyed
inherent meaning through t h e arabesque and geometric
Whenever they chose t o
draw living creatures, they produced flat, dimensional
illustrations t h a t were deliberately
unrealistic, with no illusion of depth. • This book uses t h e multiple media of narrative, line drawing, calligraphy, and photograph. In all t h e line drawings, the i l l u s t r a t o r has abided by t h e above criteria of Islamic a r t .
Table of Contents
Ai- Fatiha, The Opening
Arabia and t h e Beginnings of islam
The Koran, t h e Holy Text of Islam
The Sunna and the Hadith
Islamic Worship
The Mosque Kufa:
Sects Law and Theological Schools Alchemy
Islamic Science 1:
M a t h e m a t i c s and Medicine Cordova:
Islamic Philosophy
Sufism and Music
Islamic Science
Astronomy and Geography
The Islamic City
Islamic Africa
Islamic Power
The Impact on Europe Agra:
Islamic India
S o u t h e a s t Asia
Central and South America
United 5 t a t e s
Muslim Countries of t h e World
Islam in t h e Post-Colonial Phase
Four Models In Search of t h e
S t r a i g h t Path
Acknowledgements and Sources
The nameı of God and Mohammad • in Arabic.
To Ibrahim, H a d y a n d Seri.
M-fatiha (The
In the name ofQod, the Merciful, the Compassionate. (Praise Belongs to Qod, the Lord of all 'Being, the Ad-merciful, the Ail-compassionate, the Master of the (Day of (Doom. Ihee only toe serve; to Thee alone ive pray for succor. Quide us in the straight path, the path of those whom Ihou hast Blessed, not of those against -whom Ihou art xvrathful, nor of those toho are astray.' HQran
The above verses constitute the first chapter of the Koran and are the most widely Invoked words in the world of Islam.
O n c e a year, n o m a d poets g a t h e r e d in t h e market t o w n of 'Ukaz, east of t h e city, t o recite their verse.
M o s t importantly, i t was a religious center.
The Ka'aba w a s a house of (Sods.
Once a year, A r a b t r i b e s went t h e r e on pilgrimage.
In M e c c a s t o o d t h e K a ' a b a a w o o d e n structure encasing a circular b l a c k stone. Inside a n d a r o u n d It were 360 deities b r o u g h t b y pilgrims from across t h e peninsula.
• 6
Those deities originated in Graeco-Roman
logy and m o s t of them tvere female. Manat was one of t h e oldest goddesses and was believed t o control Al-Lat
human fortune.
was t h e sun deity and was widely popular,
Her name meant "The Goddess".
The Goddess Al-Lat
The Lion of Al-Lat
Al-Uzza, t h e "Mighty One", was favored by the Meocans, along with t h e Goddess Hubal, t h e t u t e l a r y goddess
of the Ka'aba.
t h e s e deities involved animal
The worship of
There were, however, followers of monotheism in Mecca, as In t h e r e s t of Arabia. • There were Jews who were well-established in Yathrib, a rival city t o Mecca. Their chief tribes lived both within t h e city and in Khaybar, north of it. The Jews were p a r t of t h e c u s t o m , language and nomenclature of Arabia. •
So were t h e Christians
who Inhabited
and Hira in t h e north of the peninsula, Najran in t h e south and t o a lesser extent, the Hijaz area. Christians were either Monophysites (Christ has one divine nature) or Nestorians (Christ is man born God). EJoth groups were persecuted by t h e Byzantine church and in t h e next century supported Islam because i t offered them toleration. • There were also ai-Hanafiyyeen, monotheism of t h e patriarch
followers of t h e Abraham (Ibrahim).
Ibrahim al-l\halee!, "the friend of God",
f a i t h in one universal God and In celebration, with his son Ismail, t h e Ka'aba, the Holy ary. But after his death, into a place of idols.
• a
p o i y t h e i s t s turned
built, Sanctuit
Kuralsh was o n e of t h e M e c c a n tribes profiting from t h e pilgrims t o t h e K a ' a b a . The Kuralshltes were d o m i n a n t In M e c c a ' s p l u t o c r a c y a n d were unrivalled merchants in Western A r a b i a .
In 5 7 0 C.E., Ai;r/i!r i al-Aohi ,im, the; Kin,i of <-: :irr. i i t t - " " ^ ' ^ ,Miv:c\-3 b-'^-^lLJr^i"- th<: City
Wi\<:- rr\v\
>r,') !', ;i
t r i ^ r with ^io uJpit^l SiJN:i'^. We uftfV ;in rir;pii .m ttranoportfi.1 from Abys&inia which fn£>htrrvy; Lhr ;
nwe:r Gf-iii ouch ;-m inirn,'ii in w.-n f. t
B u t God struck t h e invaders with "floe'is of birds and destroyed them. That year was named by the Meccans "YEAR OF THE ELEPHANT".
In August of t h a t year, a b o y w a s born in M e c c a a n d given t h e n a m e M o h a m m a d I (praiser), a n u n c o m m o n n a m e a t t h e time. His father, A b d a l l a h , a Kuralshite of t h e c l a n of Hashem, h a d recently d i e d . The child's mother was c a l l e d A m l n a a n d she t o o d i e d a f e w years later. ,
Little is known a b o u t M o h a m m a d » in his early m a n h o o d except that he participated in M e c c a n politics a n d helped in the rebuilding of t h e K a ' a b a after it was destroyed by a flood. At the a g e of 25, he married Khadija, a rich Kuraishite widow, a n d prospered as a trader b e t w e e n Damascus, Busra, M e c c a a n d Yemen,
Throughout his life, Mohammad • had t h e t i t l e of Abul Qassim,
Before his f o r t i e t h year, Mohammad > had often seclude himself in meditation, In Ramadan (July) 610 C,E., as he sa in a cave in M o u n t Hira ' , two miles n o r t h of Mecca, Allah (th name of God in Arabic) revealed His words to Mohammad through t h e Angel Gabriel. That night of revelation is known as "the Night of Glory". •
These are the first words t h a t were revealed to him. M o h a m m a d was a n unlettered Prophet*, a n d w h a t he recited were the wondrous verses of G o d (ayat ulLah), not m a n - m a d e words.
V 0^>
torn r
7 b tie name o/
w *
- •» - * • *
- _
I-L-j; (T)
tie Compassionate, the Merciful,
(Rgcite in the name of your Lord who created Created man from clots of Blood. Incite! Jour Cordis the Most "BountifulOne, Who By the pen taught man what he did not k&ozo.' •Kpran 96:1-5
The revelation of t h e Koran (recited text) h a d b e g u n , a n d w o u l d continue until t h e d e a t h of t h e Prophet». ISLAM (submission t o G o d ) , t h e last revelation in monotheism, was born.
H o w d o I become a M u s l i m ?
! !
You should witness t o t h e following: "There is no d e i t y b u t God, and Mohammad ) is H i s P r o p h e t . "
The Koran has o n e overpowering t h e m e :
GOO has no associate,
no rival, no like. In
HIM Is the beginning of t h e creation,
and Its
end; to HIM t h e human soul should t u r n ; by HIM t h e universe continues until t h e " L a s t Scream" of Judgement Day. GOD is above human reasoning and imagination, whatever mankind thinks about HIM, HE is ALLAH-U AKBAR
beyond and greater, transcendent y e t imminent, infinite y e t as close t o man a s his 'Jugular vein".
In t h e Koran, God speaks
in HIS own voice and
words to humanity: HE reminds and guides and corrects,
forgives and punishes. M o s t
emphatically, HE is the compassionate, the merciful' (Rahman) (Raheem)
Every Surah (chapter) in t h e Koran opens
t h e s e words: "In t h e Name of God t h e Compassionate,
Merciful" These words, known a s t h e Bismillah, remind mankind t h a t
This message of islam was a c c e p t e d a t first by only a handful of M e c c a n s : • t h e Prophet's) wife, • t h e Prophet's I friend A b u Bakr known as The Believer, • a n d t h e Prophet's I cousin, Ali bin Abi Talib But within a f e w years, t h e faithful b e c a m e n o t i c e a b l e by their prayers a n d rejection of idols. The Kuraishites f e a r e d that the monotheistic revelation w o u l d undermine the lucrative pilgrima g e t r a d e , a n d they b e g a n a w a v e of persecution. As a result, some of t h e Muslims fled t o Ethiopia where they m e t t h e Christian Negus (ruler),
" » w » » » » WHAT İS I5LAM ?
These are t h e words w h i c h h a d b e e n revealed t o t h e Prophet M o h a m m a d » a b o u t Jesus a n d w h i c h t h e emigrants r e p e a t e d :
"'Whereupon he (Jesus) spotig and said: 'I am the servant of Qod. He has given me the 'Book, and ordained me a prophet. His blessing is upon me wherever I go, and He has commanded me to Be steadfastinprayerandtogivealmstothepooraslong as I shall live. He has e^ortedtne to honor my mother and has purged me of vanity and wickedness. I was Blessed on the day 1 was Born, and Blessed I shall Be on the day of my death; andmay peace Be upon me on the day when I shall Be raised to life.' Such was Jesus, the son of Mary.' %pran 19:30-34
• •
The Koran views Jesus as a Prophet born of G o d ' s Spirit but without a n y divine characteristics. Thus he was not crucified, but only a p p e a r e d t o have b e e n . (Koran 4:155-169) The Koran honors t h e Virgin Mary as a m o d e l of chastity. There is a c h a p t e r In t h e Koran n a m e d after her (Surah 19), a n d m a n y verses praise t h e purity a n d d e v o t i o n of her life. "And of Mary, daughter oflmran who guarded her chastity, so that We Breathed into her a life from Us, andshe Believed the words of her Lord and His 'Boo^s, and was among the obedient." Koran 66:12
In Jerusalem, a n d o n a rock n o w inside al-Haram a-Shareef (Dome of the Rock), M o h a m m a d I p r a y e d a n d w a s lifted t o t h e s e v e n h e a v e n s w h e r e h e r e c e i v e d a vision of t h e Prophets o f monotheism: A d a m , Jesus (Isa) a n d J o h n t h e Baptist (Yahya), Joseph (Yusuf). Enoch (Idris), Aaron (Haroon), Moses (Moosa) a n d A b r a h a m .
F l a n of t h e D o m e o f t h e Rock, J e r u s a l e m .
Whether mystical or physical (on t h e horse "Boraq", as t h e Prophet himself r e c o u n t e d ) , t h e experience of al-Mi'raj remains a mystery of G o d . Because of It, Jerusalem is the third holiest city in Islam.
A s Meccan h o s t i l i t y c o n t i n u e d , t h e P r o p h e t ft decide leave his b i r t h place f o r Y a t h r i b where t h e Koranic t e , ings h a d been well received. On t h e n i g h t o f his flight l e a r n t o f a plot by t h e M e c c a n s t o kill h i m : he aekec c o u s i n Ali t o sleep in his bed s o he could slip away cooperated and v A V ^ Prophet I with Abu E3akr X^^rf ^ guide t h e 275-mile jour^ weetwarc (
n e
n e
Y a t h r i b . When t h e up
' ^ g *
sought shelter ^ E inside a cave. T Suddenly, i b r o u g h t f o r t h a miracle: a cobweb, t h i c k t r e e bran< a n d n e s t i n g d o v e s c o v e r e d t h e m o u t h o f t h e cave. Sfi how u n d i s t u r b e d t h e c a v e w a s , t h e p u r s u e r s t h o i it was empty. Inside, Abu Bakr had feared, but P r o p h e t ft assured him o f G o d ' s help.
In the cave fie said to his companion: ' 'Do not despair, Qodis -with us.' Qod caused'J(istranquillity to descend upon him and sent to bis aid invisible warriors, so that he routed the unbelievers and exalted the Word of Qod. Qod is mighty and wise.' •Koran 9:40
This emigration/flight took p l a c e In t h e summer of 622 C.E. It is t h e HIJRA w h e n c e t h e Muslim c a l e n d a r begins.
These are t h e months of t h e Muslim year: Muharram, Safar, Rabee' Awal, Rabee' Thani, Jamadi Awal, Jamadi
Thani, Rajab, Sha'aban, Ramadan, Shawwal, Dhui
Qi'da and Phul Hijra. Because t h e year was measured by t h e lunar cycle, t h e crescent became t h e symbol of Islam. The lunar year is shorter than i t s solar c o u n t e r p a r t by about 11 days.
• 26
To convert from C o m m o n Era t o Hljra, I (C.E. - 622) x 33/32 = H
In Yathrib, the Prophet ft was welcomed by t w o groups of believers: t h e earlier emigrants Mecca and the local
Henceforth, Yathrlb became known as medlnat
Nabiyy, "City of t h e Prophet", MEDINA. It is t h e second
holiest city for Muslims a f t e r
• In Medina, the Koran revealed
t h e Holy Law of t h e Islamic Theocracy.
The religious, social and legal teachings
of Shari'a,
in t h e i r essentials, have guided Muslims into present
firm w »
The Arabs were a tribal p e o p l e whose group b o n d was kinship. After t h e believers were separ a t e d f r o m their relatives in M e c c a , a n e w p r i n c i p l e of cohesion was n e e d e d , God revealed t h e principle of Umma w h e r e t h e g r o u p b o n d does not d e p e n d o n b l o o d b u t o n faith in Him.
Such a b o n d was evident around t h e Prophet > himself: there was the M e c c a n a n d the Yathriblte, t h e Persian a n d the African, t h e c o n v e r t e d Christian a n d t h e c o n v e r t e d Jew, t h e freed slave a n d the noble clan leader. AH c o n s t i t u t e d t h e u m m a because they worshipped Allah.
• 30
^ J L a d B H
Before Islam, t h e b l o o d - f e u d prevailed: w h e n a m e m b e r of a g r o u p was Injured or killed by a person from another g r o u p , t h e first g r o u p h a d t h e right of vengeance, atoothfora tooth, a life for a life. The Koran praised t h e Muslim who a c c e p t e d a penalty on t h e criminal w h i c h was less t h a n t h e a c t penalized, or w h o forg a v e altogether (Koran 5:45, 16:126-127). Futhermore, t h e Koran distinguished in a novel w a y b e t w e e n deliberate a n d Involuntary killing: If a believer deliberately killed another, he w o u l d b e punished in hell: if accidentally, he would pay blood money,
Justice was p a r a m o u n t , not v e n g e a n c e .
31 •
The Koranic principle of t h e b r o t h e r h o o d of believers w a s instrumental in extending compassion t o all w e a k a n d d e p e n d e n t persons, particularly t o t h e slaves. The Koran m i t i g a t e d slavery by urging the Muslims t o free t h e slave o n c e t h e latter a c c e p t e d Islam: 'Serve Qodandassociate none withHim. Show kindness to parents and kindred, to orphans and to the destitute, to near and distant neighbours, to those that keep company with you, to the traveller in need, and to the staves you own.
Qod does not love arrogant and
boastful men, who are themselves niggardly and enjoin others to be niggardly; who conceal the riches which Qod of His bounty has bestowed upon them." Koran 4:36
Not only in A r a b i a , but in m a n y neighboring civilizations, infanticide was c o m m o n l y p r a c t i c e d , P a g a n Arabs killed their u n w a n t e d daughters by burying t h e m alive after birth. The Koran prohibited this murder: "you shall not kill your children for fear of want.
We wilt provide for
them and for you. To kill them is a great sin.' %pran 17:31
In order t o regulate family life, the Koran instituted marriage as a legal a g r e e m e n t , not a sacrament. The Koran g r a n t e d t h e w o m a n rights t h a t h a d previously b e e n d e n i e d her. In marriage, t h e w o m a n w a s t o receive t h e d o w r y herself, t o inherit her h u s b a n d , t o o w n property, a n d t o e n g a g e In financial affairs. The Koran prohibited Muslim w o m e n from marrying outside Islam, but it a l l o w e d Muslim men t o marry Jewish a n d Christian w o m e n . Those wives c o u l d retain a n d p r a c t i c e their faith, b u t their children were to b e raised Muslim. In order t o protect o r p h a n e d girls a n d widows, t h e Koran p e r m i t t e d polygyny (Koran 4:3), but this was a n o p t i o n , not a n injunction, a n d was strictly p r e d i c a t e d o n t h e individual's ability to b e just,
1J i n
A Turkoman "asmalyk' used to decorate the bride's camel.
55 •
Call to Prayer The Muslims used t o assemble a r o u n d t h e Prophet I for prayer, As their numbers grew, there was n e e d to call t h e m together, a n d the Prophet • chose as t h e first muezzin (caller t o prayer) a slave from Africa, Bilal, w h o h a d b e e n freed after a c c e p t i n g Islam, c l i m b e d t h e roof of a house near t h e mosque w h i c h t h e Prophet > h a d h e l p e d build, a n d recited t h e Adhan. To t h e present d a y , t h e muezzin uses these words in his c a l l t o prayer:
Rttah u Aftfar. Qod is greater. Qodis greater. I witness that there is nogi But Qod. I witness that Mohammad the prophet of Qod. %ise to prayer. O^ise to felicity. Qod is greater. Qod is greater. There is no god But Qod.
P f f l 1«
<1 Direction of Prayer At the beginning of t h e revelation, Muslims were Invoked t o turn in t h e direction of Jerusalem d u r i n g prayer. But In M e d i n a , t h e Koran turned t h e believers towards t h e K a ' a b a in M e c c a (Koran 2:144). The reason for this c h a n g e in Qibla w a s t h e opposition of t h e Jews t o t h e Prophet I a n d t o t h e K o r a n l c m e s s a g e . Hereafter, Islamic d e v o t i o n w o u l d focus on t h e "Sacred Mosque" wherein the Ka'aba is l o c a t e d .
3 A prayer rug.
37 •
Still t h e Koran prescribed toleration t o the People of the Book- t h e Jews a n d t h e Christians. The Koran sanctified God's p r o p h e t i c revelation t o these t w o communities In t h e Torah a n d the New Testament, but a c c u s e d Jews a n d Christians of straying from the Straight Path. The People of the Bookwere part of t h e U m m a a n d were t o b e p r o t e c t e d in their religious f r e e d o m , rights a n d properties. Because they w e r e not a l l o w e d to particip a t e In t h e military, they were t o p a y a n extra tax, "There shaft Be no compulsion in religion.' Koran 2:256 In 635 C.E,, t h e Caliph O m a r d e c l i n e d a n offer by t h e Bishop of Jerusalem t o pray inside t h e Church of t h e Holy Sepulchre lest Muslims build a mosque o n that site. He p r a y e d outside where t h e Mosque of O m a r n o w stands.
The Koran prohibited Muslims from g a m b l i n g , drinking alcoholic beverages a n d eating pork.
As these a n d other laws were b e i n g r e v e a l e d In M e d i n a , t h e eyes of t h e Muslims w e r e set o n M e c c a , mother of t h e cities Cum al-qura, Koran 6:93). Battles broke o u t b e t w e e n the Muslims a n d t h e polytheists of M e c c a . In 630 C,E., t h e city finally surrendered a n d the Prophet I triumphantly returned t o his birthplace, showing clemency t o his former enemies, all of w h o m now submitted t o G o d ,
The Prophet • t h e n p r o c e e d e d t o t h e K a ' a b a a n d destroyed t h e idols while reciting t h e Koranic verse: "Say: Truth has come and falsehood has Seen overthrown,
falsehood was bound to Be discomfited." Xpran 17:81
Two years later, t h e Prophet I went t o Mecca with over 10,000
This was his l a s t pilgrimage and from M o u n t A r a f a t , he gave his farewell a d d r e s s t o t h e Muslims, ending i t with t h e s e words: / am leaving you with the 3ook of God ar\d the Sunnah of hie Prophet. 0 men, harken well to my words, learn one
the Muslims
• The Prophet
to Medina, but
in June of t h a t year, 6 3 2 C.E., he fell ill, and in t h e a r m s of his wife Aisha, daughter of his best friend Abu Bakr, t h e l a s t of t h e Prophets of God died. He was 6 3 y e a r s old.
was buried under t h e floor of Aisha's room in Medina. A mosque now s t a n d s above t h a t spot. Because his life was steeped in t h e history of Arabia, Mohammad I has t h e m o s t accurately documented biography among all t h e Prophets of monotheism. Indeed, t h e historical context of his life underscores
the revelation of t h e HOLY KORAN. 43
UtlimarTs Mushflf (another name for the Koran) is t h e taxi; still uefld today. It r,one l & t ^ 6 f 1 l 4 surahs
in a c c o r d a n c e w i t h
PVophet'e & guidance: t h e longer are a t t h e beginning and
the f nd
shorter. MK^Jina n
revelations are sometime* intermingled, although the forms? Bmphastes tUo theo¬ logical t h e m e * while t h e l a t t e r focus on legislation.
T I T : P nljn •
Lav c - 1
The titles of t h e surahs derive from domino nf i m a g es or motifs, a nd a few c ha piers o p e n w i t h a l p h a b e t i c a l letters t h a t remain a divine mystery.
The Koran is a n e x a c t c o p y of t h e words of G o d which are inscribed in the Celestial Plate. It is thus Inerrant.
Although the Koran is in t h e tradition of other divinely rev e a l e d books (Torah, Psalms, Gospels), it supersedes t h e m b e c a u s e It w a s not c o r r u p t e d b y m a n : i n d e e d , only the Koran was c o l l e c t e d so promptly a n d m e t i c u lously after its p r o p h e t i c c o m p l e t i o n .
Koran is t h e miracle of Islam. imitated.
It c a n n o t b e
The Koran is a revelation in Arabic, but its message is universal.
The Koran provides Muslims a t all times a n d in alt p l a c e s w i t h d i r e c t i o n in religious a n d civil duties. It guides t h e m t o t h e
STRAIGHT PATH. (Koran 1:5)
"He has revealed to you the (Boof^with the Truth, confirming the scriptures which preceded it; for He has already revealed the Torah and the Çospetfor the guidance of men, and the distinction Between right and wrong.' Koran 3:3
"Say: 'The Holy Spirit brough tit('Koran) down from yourLordin
truth to reassure the faithful,
guidance and good news to those that surrender themselves.'" Koran 16:102
'Say: "if men and jinn combined to write the like of this Kpran, they would surely fail to compose the tike, though they helped one another as best they could. " Koran 17:88
"We have revealed the Koran in the Arabic tongue that you may understand its meaning. It is a transcript of the eternal Bookjn Our keeping, suBlime and full of wisdom.' Koran 43:2-4
WITNESS: "SHAHADAH" The essence of Islam is submission t o God and
admission t h a t Mohammad I is His
The Shohadah in geometric Kufic calligraphy (see page 82 below).
The Muslim prays five times a day a t sunrise, midday, afternoon, sunset and evening. Before prayer, the Muslim prepares
by t h e washing of
t h e head, hands and feet. Prayer is adoration
and gratitude
to God. I t is
for all men and women and can be performed in any unpolluted place facing Mecca. can pray alone or with others,
although t h e
Friday midday prayer is better Prayer involves prostration touches t h e ground. acknowledgement
The Muslim
in community.
where t h e forehead
is in
of t h e majesty of God.
ALMS: "ZAKAT" Zakat is prescribed alms. In t h e K.oran, i t is always associated
with the observation
of worship since
f a i t h in God is expressed through good deeds. Once a year, the Muslim pays 21/2% of his or her capital as alms to t h e needy.
i «^Ur 4*4 U l j l A i (•bill 4fi|»
i f j - y "'J*—* i - ^ f » j t f
4 Jtfjtfcll
. '41AI
An advertisement In a Saudi newspaper asking for donations to help Muslim refugees and emigrants In Somalia, Afghanistan and Turkey. Islam (submission) to God enjoined social responsibllty to mankind.
FASTING: "SAWM The Muslim f a s t s for the whole of the month of Ramadan. The f a s t begins a t sunrise ("when a
white thread is
barely distinguished from a black £ £ » thread") and ends a t sunset. Throughout, t h e f a s t e r neither eats, drinks, smokes, nor indulges
sexual activity. Children and old cused, while t h e sick and the travelmum with pregnant women, can
t h e i r f a s t until they are f i t . The f a s t teaches discipline t o the soul and recalls for the believer t h e month in which t h e f i r s t verses of the Koran were revealed. The f a s t ends on t h e f i r s t •
day of
Shawwal when Muslims celebrate Bid
In many parts of the Middle East, ai-musahharati roams the streets an houi before the dawn fast begins. By beating on a small drum he awakens people to have their last meal before the fast. The daily fast ends o n c e the muezzin calls for evening prayer.
PILGRIMAGE: "HAJJ" Once in a lifetime a t least, t h e Muslim should go on pilgrimage t o t h e Ka'aba In Mecca.
In t h a t
pilgrimage, which is Abrahamic in origin and which s t r e t c h e s between t h e 7 t h and t h e 10th of t h e month of Phul Hijja, t h e l a s t in t h e Muslim calendar, the believer focuses on t h e one point in space and time wherein t h e whole Islamic world acknowledges t h e might and oneness of God.
The black stone of the Ka'aba, now encased in silver, has no special properties whatsoever. Muslims salute it only because the Prophet I himself had done so on his final pilgrimage.
55 •
During t h e Hajj, pilgrims wear a seamless to emphasize
human equality before God.
The Hajj involves the following •
The tawaf. seven counterclockwise circuits around the
The pilgrim then offers
two prostrations
the Site of Abraham and goes to the Weil of Zamzam (which God had shown t o Hajar and her son Ishmael in t h e d e s e r t ) . •
Afterwards, in recollection of Hajar's and perseverance,
the pilgrim crosses between
t h e two mountains of Safa and Marwa.
"Lubaika, Ailahuma, lubaika", words which the pilgrim repeats: "I obey you Lord, I obey".
He/She then joins t h e multitude towards t h e Plain of A r a f a t and r e s t s there before continuing t o Mina t o c a s t stones a t three pillars symbolizing the devil.
Finally, an animal (sheep or camel) is sacrificed and t h e pilgrim returns t o perform t h e farewell tawaf of t h e Ka'aba. The meat of t h e sacrifices Is distributed
to the
poor of t h e umma.
The pilgrimage ends with the Feast of Bid al-Adha. Prophet's
The pilgrim then visits the
I t o m b in Medina.
The Muslim pilgrimage is t h e largest annual assembly of people on e a r t h . In 1991, nearly t w o million men and women fulfilled t h e pilgrimage to Mecca.
The Koran provides a complete vision of God and of human life. During the Prophet's
life and after, however, t h e Muslims turned t o t h e words, deeds and assents
of the
P r o p h e t * himself for f u r t h e r guidance on matters
alluded to In the
All t h a t t h e Prophet I said, did or consented t o c o n s t i t u t e s t h e SUNNA (the Right Way).
The Sunna is essential Muslim life: •
for the fulfillment of
for instance, the Koran s t i p u l a t e s ablution and prayer, but i t does not describe how t h e a c t of ablution is t o be conducted.
observed t h e Prophet ft ablute and then prostrate
himself in prayer, the earlytvlus-
lims imitated
him in his SUNNA.
61 •
The SUNNA remains a
The S U N N A
source of instruction t o
Muslims today.
All the
I immutabli
SUNNA. is recorded in t h e
B u t i t is cate-
Books of HADITH (Tradi-
gorically d i s t i n c t frorr
t i o n s of t h e Prophet I).
t h e KORAN which is t h i WORD OF GOO.
The KORAN and t h e
SUNNA c o n s t i t u t e al-ASL, t h e foundation of I5LAM.
All who believe in ONE UNIVERSAL GOV revealed in t h e KORAN
and follow t h e SÜNNA of THE PROPHET
will be rewarded at the day of judgement
PARADISE. All who disobey will be punished in HELL.
mankind! We created youfrom a single
souC, mate and female, and made you into nations and triées, so that you may come to know one another. Truly, the most honored ofyou in Çod's sight is the greatest of you in piety.
Çod is JZlt-OQiozLfing, Mt-Mtvare." %pran 49:13
• The spread of Islam was so
within a
century after the death of the Prophet ft ( 6 3 2 ) , t h e Muslim-faith extended from Spain t o China. Islam was
religion t h a t wasexpressed in Arabic, t h e
by God for
As a result, t h e
Muslim relied on Arabic for reciting
children, decorating a vase, i l l u m i n a t i n g a book, or embellishing a dagger-hilt.
The confession of faith in the shape of a boat. ARABIC HEADS FROM RIGHT
Knowledge of Arabic is indispensable t o Muslim theologians.
• 60
of Islam The Byzantine, Persian, Berber/African, Turkish, and Indian civilizations.
• S A M A R K A N D
(Damascus The blossoming of Islamic civilization occurred in • DAMASCUS probably t h e oldest
"JV^ f
city in t h e world. The city was the capital of t h e Umayyad Dynasty between 661-749. Today, Damascus
is t h e capital
of Syria.
"Damascus is a city intersected by streams and begirt with trees... Nowhere else will be seen such magnificent hot baths, nor such beautiful fountains, nor people more worthy of consideration." The 10th-century traveller Al-Maqdisi.
i s s
A damascene wooden jewelry box inlaid with mother-of-pearl.
Khalid i b n al-Walid,the m o s t capable military s t r a t e g i s t in early Islamic history, entered Damascus in 6 3 5 , a f t e r the capitulation of t h e city.
• The inhabitants of Damascus t h e Muslim conquerors; them against
did n o t r e s i s t
rather, they
t h e Byzantine rulers, indeed, t h e
Bishop of t h e c i t y regularly brought food t o Khalid, t h e "5word of Allah." The l a t t e r responded with a benevolent t r e a t y :
In the name of God the merciful, the compassionate. This is what Khalid would grant the inhabitants of Damascus when he enters it He shall grant them security for their lives, properties and churches. Their city wall shall not be demolished, neither shall any Muslim be quartered in their homes. So long as they pay poll-tax, nothing but good shall befall them. Trans. Philip Hitti.
Islam was putting t o practice the toleration coexistence
which t h e Koran preached:
">lttrf if the if incline to peace, incline you too to it, and trust in tjod. Lot 'Jte is the'Jiearer,the %nower.' •Koran S:hl
As Damascus ruled the Muslim world, Islamic culture moved closer to t h e Heilenized Mediterranean and away from the desert.
n Damascus,
t h e Islamic i n s t i t u t i o n
gave rise t o the
The courtyard
of t h e Prophet's I house in
Medina served as the f i r s t mosque, the concept
of which developed over the years
include additional
These can be
found in t h e UmayyadMosque in Damascus,
fine example of the C O M M U N I T Y MOSQUE • With t h e spread of Islam, mosques adapted to indigenous traditional architecture, resulting in a variety of styles. Whether Arabic or Iranian, Turkish, Indian or African, a Muslim House of Worship will always share the principles of t h e Umayyad Mosque.
The Umayyad Mosque, Damascus, built 706-715. In Islam, the building of a mosque is an act of great merit. The Prophet > said in the Hadith: "Whoever builds a mosque, desiring thereby God's pleasure, God builds for him the like of it in paradise."
The mosque is designed to create a space of serenity, rather than exaltation.
Plan of the Umayyad Mosque, Damascus.
Islam discouraged
the portrayal of human
and animal forms for fear of Idolatry. Muslims turned their artistic towards
the abstract,
mosques with geometrical
their ara-
and the calligraphy (beautiful
handwriting) of Koranic
verses. 75
During prayer, worshippers form long rows facing t h e Qibla wall. The • MIHRAB • refuge
a niche within t h a t wall, emphasizes t h e direction
of Mecca.
although a central
The mihrab,
in t h e
mosque, is n o t sacred; i t is t h e d i r e c t i o n i t expresses which is sacred.
There is no processionalworship in I s l a m .
of t h e Prayer Hall fulfills t h e
worshippers' need t o pray as close t o the Qibla wall (hence, Mecca) as possible. Neither are there any priests in Islam: holiness resides solely in God and t h e Koran, and not in any special individual or class of persons.
Even the Prophet I is viewed as j u s t a
simple human being, with no supernatural qualities [Koran 3:144-145).
• 76
To t h e right of t h e mihrab s t a n d s the • MINBAR • pulpit which c o n s i s t s of narrow s t e p s enclosed by hand-rails and leading t o a platform often covered bya canopy. I t is from t h i s minbarthat the Friday noon sermon is delivered, Friday being Islam's holy day (Koran 6 2 : 9 ) .
When t h e Imam (leader
prayer) to preach,
he never occupies t h e t o p step of t h e
minbar. That is always left empty in recognition of t h e Prophet's ft pre-eminence.
Because there is no separation
between secular
religious life in Islam, t h e sermon addresses political, international and doctrinal
and social,
77 +
A fundamental
of the moec\ue Is the
-COURTYARDwhlch precedes the prayer hall and accommodates the overflow of worshippers. The removal of shoes Is required prior to entering the mosque precinct; the worshipper then performs the ablution ritual at the fountain generally located in the courtyard. Devotional and ordinary activities yard of t h e mosque.
meet In the
There the community can pray,
while s t u d e n t s can learn, travellers chants
can negotiate
can rest,
and the weary can find peace In God.
I n the larger m o s q u e s , the c o u r t y a r d m a y be s u r r o u n d e d by a n arcade, riwaq in A r a b i c . T h i s w o r d literally m e a n s " c o m p o s u r e " for c o n t e m p l a t i o n a n d learning. The > — r h y t h m i c arcades h e l p {/ V ! bring the scale of the l a r g e U \ * J J p r a y e r h a l l s d o w n to a h u - ^ ' man level. In the shade of the riwaq, m a n y a teacher i n I s l a m h a s taught the p r i n c i p l e s of faith, for the mosque is a place of w o r s h i p , of sanctuary a n d of s t u d y . s
• 70
The • MINARET • allows t h e muezzin t o call t h e believers t o prayer. In small communities, he c h a n t s t h e words himself; in large cities, loudspeakers are used and t h e call is synchronized among all t h e mosques. In nearly all Islamic countries, t h e call t o prayer is in Arabic.
The structure
of t h e
often reveals the
location of t h e mosque:
minaret is square in Spain and North Africa, round with a conical cap In Turkey, composite in Egypt, and octagonal
and capped with a
dome in India.
When t h e muezzin recites t h e Koran, he follows established melodic cadences
known as
• TATWEED » Tajweed or chanting Into the affective
Wings Gods
experience of t h e believer.
The Koran is t o be felt as well as
yd zakanyyo
hu' 'mna nubaisuuka
iahu miin)
bi gulamim
S a y x M u b a r a m a d Rjf'at, Q u i
Say-x M u f a i m m a d S i d d i q a l M i o i a w i , Qui
Two different recitations of Koranic verses by contemporary sheikhs in Egypt.
The Koran is chanted at funerals, on feast days and at the call to prayer. reciters
know all the Koran by heart ( 6 , 2 3 6
verses) and some are so famous t h a t recordings of their interpretations worldwide.
are sold
• WOMEN • t h e spiritual equals of men (K.oran4:1),also worship a t t h e
Decency, however, dic-
T h e Prophet I i n v o k e d men to be gentle to their spouses: "The most perfect in faith amongst believers is he ivho is best in manner ami kindest to his wife."
t a t e s a private q u a r t e r for t h e m , and when such
a q u a r t e r is not found,
were always active in
women pray in rows be-
communal and military
hind men. A t t h e mosque,
a s well a s
Prophet's I wife Aisha
women cover
In 6 5 6 ,
took p a r t in t h e
the Battle
t h e i r heads and arms.
of the Camel (so named
The facial veil found in
because the b a t t l e cen-
some Muslim countries
tered around the
is not a Koranic injunc-
she rode).
t i o n , but a local c u s t o m .
Aisha was
Umayyad mosque. Women
• One of the ihidiths of the Prophet I stated:
were also intellectually active:
Aisha was well-
versed in Arabic poetry "Do not prohibit the handmaids of God from attending the mosques of God."
and genealogy. A f t e r t h e death of t h e Prophet I , she became an a u t h o r i t y on t h e Sunna, so much so, t h a t over 200
Hadiths to her.
uta Calligraphy and theological
studies in Islam
focus on t h e Koran. The f i r s t calligraphic
style (XufiJ and
t h e foundations of legal studies were begun in • KUFA a city in Iraq.
"If you seek elegance, go to Kufa." The 10th-century writer al-Jahiz.
To t h e Muslims, copying t h e Koran, t h e w r i t t e n Word of God,
is an a c t
devotion, for in Islam, a r t is not separate from f a i t h . The Kufi script, which borrows i t s name from t h e c i t y of Kufa, is angular, geometric
monumental. TheNaakhi
graphic style, a rounded,
easily legible script, was later Introduced.
These are but
two of t h e numerous styles of calligraphy t h a t developed as a reflection of t h e geographical diversity of t h e Islamic peoples.
S 3 *
• B y expanding outside its Arabian bound aries, Islam faced new social, legal and reli gious issues t h a t had not earlier challenged it. To resolve these issues, • FOUR SCHOOLS OF L A W • fiqh
appeared, representing different approaches to Ijtihad: Theological Reasoning.
1. H A I M A F l S C H O O L
Founded by A b u Hanifa (699¬ 767) who lived and died in Kufa. H e urged that free reason serve as the principal c o n d u i t to I s l a m i c inter pretation. Thus his became
the School
2. M A L İ K İ S C H O O L
Founded by M a l i k ibn Anas (710-795 ) who lived in Medina. H e rejected free reason and emphasized that the Tradi tions of the Prophet I (Hadith) should alone guide the Mus lim. H i s became the School of Tradition.
3. S H A F J ' I S C H O O L
F o u n d e d by M o h a m m a d i b n Idris al-Shafi'i (767-820) w h o s e major w o r k Risala established for Sunni Islam the Foundations of Jurisprudence. If there is a legal problem, the Muslim should try to solve it by first referring to the Koran; if there is no definite answer, he should turn to the Sunna; if there is still no answer, turn to the concensus of the whole community; and as a final recourse, draw an analogy with the Koran. For instance: alcoholic beverage is prohibited in the Koran, but there is no mention of hard drugs. Since alcohol is prohibited because of its intoxicating effect, and since hard drugs generate a similar effect, then by analogy, hard drugs are also prohibited.
4. H A N B A L 1 S C H O O L
Ahmad i b n Hanbal (780-855) lived and lectured in Baghdad. For h i m only the Koran and the Sunna guided the Muslim.
Muslim calligraphers turned words into shapes: fruits (apples and pears) and animals (birds and lions) infused language with visual impact.
These Schools of Law have moulded t h e intellectual life of Islam. There has never been a conflict between them because they fully accept
each other's
rules and
practices. Followers of these
legal schools c o n s t i t u t e nearly &b%
of the Muslim umma.
They are the • SUNNIS • (followers of the Sunna in the Books of Hadith).
The compilation of Hadith was undertaken
by t h e
Persian j u r i s t al-Bukhari (Ô10-Ô70) who produced Definitive (Sahih) edition. Out of t h e 600,000 ings that
he gathered
{and partly memorized),
identified only 7,275 as authentic
the say-
Prophetic sayings.
On Charity, the Prophet I srtirf: "The man who exerts himself on behalf of the widow and the poor one is like the one who struggles in the way of God, or the one who keeps awake at night for prayer and fasts during the day."
A Selection from al-Bukhari's
On Faith: "None of you has faith unless he loves for his brother what he loves for himself." On Work:
"No one cats better food than that, which he eats out of the work of, his hands." On
"A man should accompany his guest to the door of the house.'
On Knowledge:
"The learned ones are the heirs of the Prophets- they leave knowledge as their inhrritance; he who inherits it inherits a great fortune." 67 4-
The • SHI'ITES • were the Party (shi'a) of AH bin A b i Taleb
t h e f o u r t h Caliph t o rule t h e Muslim community (fi. 6 5 6 - 6 6 1 ) . His 5hi'a believed t h a t he should have been t h e f i r s t Caliph; they also believed t h a t a f t e r him came eleven Imams, t h e l a s t of whom went into occultation in Ô74, b u t would appear again at t h e end of t i m e as t h e Mahdi ( t h e chosen one) t o bring j u s t i c e t o t h e world. Each of t h e twelve Imams had divine powers which made him infallible in legal judgement; t h u s t h e Imam alone could rule t h e Umma.
The lion was the symbol of Ali. This is a calligraphic rendering of a prayer of praise to Ali.
Although Ali played a chief role in Shi'ite spirituality, the t w o Imams who formulated Shi'ite law were Mohammad Baqir ( 6 7 7 - 7 3 3 ) and Ja'far as-Sadik ( 7 0 2 - 7 6 5 ) .
• Ali was murdered in Kufa in 661, and his followers called upon his eldest son Hasan, the second Imam, to become Caliph. He was l a t e r succeeded by his brother Hussein, a s t h e t h i r d Imam, As Hussein marched from Medina t o Kufa, he and his family were c u t down by t h e Umayyad Ruler Yazid in t h e field of Karbala, n o r t h w e s t of Kufa. Every 10th of Moharram, the Shi'ites mourn the death of Hussein and l a m e n t t h e i r f a i l u r e t o a s s i s t him.
The names of the twelve Imams.
From Shi'ism many s e c t s emerged that are today.
They include: t h e Zaidis, Ismailis, Agha Khanis,
Druzes, and Alawites.
Both Sunnis and Shi'ites recognize the primacy of the Koran and the Sunna. I n deciding matters outside those sources, however, the Sunnis depend on community concensus while the Shi'ites rely on the infallibility of the Imams.
The m e t i c u l o u s scholarship used in t h e collection of t h e Koran and of t h e Had/t/i produced
a number of theological sciences crucial t o Islamic • TAFSEER • Exegesis
1. The Science of the Contexts o: Revelation: This science focused on the his torical circumstances
in whicl
the verses of the Koran were revealed.
To master
t h i s science
j u r i s t s had t o learn t h e exact dialect of Arabic used by KuraisK t h e Prophet's > tribe.
2. The Science o f Meccan and Medinan Verses (Historical Criticism):
The j u r i s t s studied the gradua stages
of Koranic revelation. This
science examined
3. The Science of Abrogation: In the Koran, God abrogated
commande. For example, wine was condemned and prohibited
2:219; 5:90), J u r i s t s had t o learn t h e reasons governing the divine
4. The Science of the Reputation of Transmitters: Because t h e compilation of t h e Koran and later of the Hadith depended on oral and written transmissions, there was need to verify t h e reliability of transmitters in order to arrive at an accurate t e x t and pronunciation. Thus t h e s t u d y of t h e transmitters' reputation, biography and genealogy.
In Kufa lived the first
Arab alchemist.
• JABIR B I N H U N A Y N • (fl. 7 6 0 - & 1 5 ) known in t h e West as Geber, "King of t h e Arabs". Aichemy had a special place in islamic because
It used experimentation t o t e s t t h e
theories on t h e nature
of t h e
universe. In so doing, alchemists shared t h e concerns
of theologians
who sought t o dis-
cover t h e divine order In the
Jabir's writings and experiments, along with t h e work of his disciples, t r a n s m i t t e d t h e knowledge of t h e mineral acids to t h e Western World. From the Arabic word f o r "alc h e m y Gflma tho wnrd "chemistry".
A 15lh-centuiy German illustration c
In t h e 9th and 10th centuries, t h e g r e a t e s t city in Islam and t h e world's center
of learning
was • BAGHDAD It was built in 7 6 2 by t h e Caliph al-Mansurand became the capital
of t h e Abbasid Dynasty.
Baghdad is t h e capital
of Iraq,
"Among the cities of the world, Baghdad stands out as the professor of the community of islam." The geographer Yaqut in 1228.
The circular plan of the city demonstrated the centralization of power in the hands of the ruler. N o n e o f the structures below survived the Mongol invader Hulako in 1258.
I t was in Baghdad t h a t Islam came in
with t h e civilizations of Persia, India and China.
The Muslims learned t h e a r t of Paper Production f r o m Chinese papermakers
In a
f o u g h t in 751. Less t h a n half a century later, t h e Barmicide family built t h e f i r s t paper mill in 3aqhdad. Only in the 13th century did theEuropeans learn the
the Abbasid era.
The Muslim developed a unique sensitivity f o r ink colors. A handbook by an 11th-cent u r y Tunisian writer l i s t s ruby-red, purple, green, and yellow colors along with shades of peacock-hue, rose, pistachio, and apricot.
Muslims, Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians,
Sabaeans and Hindus harmoniously cooperated in research at the "House". Translations from Persian, Greek, Syriac and Sanskrit led t o the coining and Arabization of new words, many of which have found their way into t h e English language. Words of purely Arabic origin have also enriched t h e English vocabulary, among t h e m :
In Spanish, there are nearly 6 , 5 0 0 words of Arabic/Persian derivation.
Medical terms alcohol camphor soda syrup talisman
carat cipher hazard
**** 9 9 *
In t h e House
of Wisdom, the f i r s t original
t r e a t i s e on Algebra was w r i t t e n by a Zoroast r i a n scientist
who had converted
• A L - K H A W A R I Z M I <• (750-550) The word "algebra" which entered the English language In the 1500's derives from t h e Arabic at-jabr, which was Khawarizmi's operation and ...
of "binding together"
The binding of bones, from a medical text of the 14th century.
Al-Khawarizmi was the f i r s t mathematician t o use numerals instead of letters. The translation
of his work into Latin in t h e 12th
century introduced t h e "Arabic" numerals and t h e Zero (from Arabic s/fr) t o t h e West and made possible the beginnings of European mathematics.
The Muslims adopted
• N U M E R I C A L SYSTEMS • from India. The f i r s t was used in t h e western p a r t of t h e Islamic Empire and remains in use t o d a y in t h e Arab world:
The second was used In the eastern The Muslims referred to these "Indian"; upon their adoption
numbers as in Europe, they
became known as Arabic numerals.
Islam advocated t h e study of arithmetic,
and physics because
helped the
In relating human
motivation and action the divine will.
Science clarified the mysteries of Cod's creation.
The greatest
physician of t h e medieval world was • AR-RAZI • (365-952) known in Latin as Rhazes.
A f t e r living in Baghdad, he returned to his native city of Rayy, in Persia, and headed the hospital thereLong before t h e discovery of bacteria, the Importance
of hygiene: t o choose
a site for a
hospital in Baghdad, he hung pieces of meat a t various points around
city. He recommended
the hospital be built a t the location where t h e meat had putrefied the slowest.
Surgical instruments used in the 10th century.
Muslims were encouraged towards
medicine by t h e em-
phasis on ritual purity and physical cleanliness Koran and the
In t h e
From Isfahan, e a s t of Baghdad, came
Persian doctor, the "Prince of Physicians", • IBN SINA • Avicenna
(930-1037) He was a precocious boy who had memorized all the Koran by t h e time he was t e n . In close t o 1,000,000
words, Ibn Sina's Canon of
Medicine systematized t h e medical sciences Egyptians,
of t h e
t h e Greeks, t h e Romans, t h e Persians, t h e
Indians, and t h e Arabs. From t h e 1 2 t h t o t h e 17th century, i t was t h e chief t e x t used in European
R O M AE. [n Typography Medina. M.D.XCIU.
IbnSina wroteabout surgery, but i t was in Muslim Spain, where religious authorities permitted
Islamic surgery reached highest
The Canon published in Rome, 1593.
that its
standard. 103
Cordova Many physicians were philosophers and t h e Muslim university curriculum listed medicine and philosophy under t h e single heading of hikma (wisdom). The great center of wisdom in t h e West was • CORDOVA in
(the Muslim name of Spain).
"Hegrants wisdom to -whom He pleases; and fie to whom wisdom isgranted receives indeed a Benefit overflowing." 'Koran 2:269
Cordova i n the 12th century P O P U L A T I O N : 500,000 (Paris
M O S Q U E S : 700 B A T H S : 300 (Englishmen
their use as pagan.)
L I B R A R I E S : 70 U N I V E R S I T Y H O L D I N G S : 400,000 books. (The
of Paris had one tenth that
S T R E E T S : Paved. (Oxford
ivaded in mud.)
RELIGIONS: I s l a m , Christianity and Judaism. (Nowhere
else in Europe was
there similar
• Islam encouraged philosophical speculation within t h e limits of religious f a i t h . Muslims examined t h e place of t h e rational thinker in a society ruled by divine law and revelation, and t h e relationship of theology t o philosophy. Ever since t h e days of Damascus,
Muslim philoso-
phers had been studying Greek sources, particularly Plato and A r i s t o t l e . Indeed, it was through t h e Muslims of Andalusia t h a t t h e writings of Aristotle entered Christian Europe.
imiPfTCTicoRVM ritiNciPis D£ A N I M A I t 111. K r i U M V S .
Cum is4ttcrrms Qurduhcnfts 1VMM«
(1126-1196) oversaw the translation
A r i s t o t l e from Greek into
In Pn'm.i ptoponirni nobiimi,df difim/ui/timfn
Arabic and wrote over 3 6
inS(omJ4 A'mquontm ( U I M J I rw opinion ndr AniV rru rffmnj. In TmiJ « d i ropiA'J'i"" ol'inionn: AiUxrwilKr^t iionJmU* nitd Aninumimtrin qi#/lioifi.
on the Greek
A f t e r their
5*mnw Prinf Cjp"t Pnmurn.Qiiiii o6
From Aristotle's treatise on the soul with the commentary of Averroes (16th century).
t r a n s l a t i o n into Latin, Ibn Rushd's writings so dominated the medieval Scholasticism of Europe t h a t in 1223, the University of Paris ba n ned "Ave rro i s m" fro m i t s curriculum.
Few heeded the ban since, t o t h e medieval student, Ibn Rushd was "The Commentator' on Aristotle "The Philosopher".
"The School of Athens", by Raphael, the Italian Renaissance painter. Ibn Rushd is in the turban.
Ibn Rushd believed t h a t Aristotelian philosophy and Koranic theology were "twin s i s t e r s " - a view which Muslim later firmly
One of Ibn Rushd's disciples was the Jewish thinker • MUSA IBN M A Y M O O N • Maimonides
who introduced Averroism into
Like other Jewish writers in Andalusia, Ibn Maymoon wrote in Arabic and closely f o l lowed t h e teachings of his mentor. I t is i n M u s l i m Spain that the Jews produced their greatest poetry, philosophy and sciences since the first century C.E.
Although Aristotelian philosophy was suppressed by religious orthodoxy,
^ i i
philosophy as "Wisdom of Illumination"
tinued in Persia.
instead of dealing with the classical subjects of form and matter, t h e philosophers turned t o theosophy and Sufism.
In the Andalusia of philosophers, • ARABESQUE A N D GEOMETRIC • PATTERNS attained great beauty. Arabesque patterns are based on highly-stylized vegetal motifs, while geometric patterns rely on the j u x t a p o s i t i o n of regular polygons (triangles, squares and hexagons). These abstract elements are repeat e d infinitely t o create a uniform field of decoration. Whether embellishing a bowl, carving a wooden m'mbar or tiling a mosaic floor, arabesque patterns,
in their harmony and unity, convey t h e
infinity and indivisibility of God.
is man's discovery of God. That is why
t h e Muslim artist
never signed his work, whether on
stone, tile, wood, plaster, metal, textile, or miniature.
İsfahan Muslim philosophers often crossed p a t h s and pens with mystics and Sufis. The Sufi poet Jalal u l - D i n ar-Rumi (1207-1273) lived for a few years in t h e city of ISFAHAN in Iran.
/ sought a soul in the sea, And found a coral there; Beneath the foam for me An ocean was all laid bare. Into my heart's night Along a narrow way I groped: and lo! the light, An infinite land of day. Trans. A.J. Arberry.
In t h e 16th century, Isfahan became t h e capital
of t h e Safavid Empire.
The g r e a t e s t poets of Sufism in islam were Persian and t h e m o s t famous among them came from Isfahan, Shiraz, Tibriz, and Naisapur. Typical of their social mobility was Rumi: born a Persian in Balkh (Afghanis t a n ) , he travelled t o Aleppo (Syria), lived briefly In Isfahan then s e t t l e d in K,onya (Turkey) where he died. He was buried in t h e garden of t h e Sultan who was one of his disciples.
• The word "Sufi" probably derives from t h e Arabic Suf which means wool. Sufis
wore wool In order t o demon-
s t r a t e t h e i r rejection of luxury. The Prophet I had said:
"Do not wear silk or silk brocade, and do not drink in vessels of gold and silver, and do not eat in bowls made of them; for they are for them in this life and for us in the next."
Through t h e exercise of silence,
and wakefulness, Sufis attained of God. tated
the gnosis
They also medion t h e
Mohammad > as t h e "Divine Light of Illumination". Thus t a u g h t the Andalusian Sufi I b n Arabi (1165-1240), known as the "Great Rumi in
• 112
Master", who met Damascus.
A wandering Sufi. (17th century)
Rumi spent 4 0 y e a r s composing his poem, t h e Methnawi. He opened i t with a reference t o t h e Nay (Flute), t h e musical i n s t r u m e n t which symbolizes t h e soul a f t e r i t s separation from God.
The followers of Rutni's Tariga (Sufi p a t h ) used music and dance in their q u e s t of divine oneness. They are t h e W h i r l i n g Dervishes. (Dervish is Persian for "poor").
Pivoting on one foot as they circle—righthand facing heaven, left hand facing earth— the dancers symbolize spinning planets revolving about God.
Two of t h e g r e a t e s t theoreticians of music in Islam were A b u l Faraj al-Isfahani (who came from Isfahan) and his contemporary, the Turkish Sufi • AL-FARABI • (370-950) Al-Farabi is credited with t h e invention of t h e viol and the development o f t h e Babylonian i n s t r u m e n t ,
From Islam, t h e West developed t h e rebec from t h e rabab the timbel t
from t h e label and the lute from al-oud (Arabic for wood).
Although the Koran has no explicit pronouncements on music, some jurists condemned it as frivolous and sinful. The Sufis, however, emphasized that i n an appropriate context, music served as a vehicle for spiritual illumination. "Listening to music has a divine effect that moves the heart to Allah. He who listens to it spiritually attains to Him, but he who listens sensually falls into heresy. "
The Sufi writer Dhu'l Noon (d. 860).
• 114
to the
Sufis was the
Koran with i t s
Imagery of light (24: 4 - 5 ) and of the 'Veil" which separates God's splendor from the eyes of man. The life of t h e Prophet > and t h e Hijra also Inspired t h e Sufis who saw their own q u e s t of God as a journey ending with t h e beatific vision. One of the earliest
Sufis in Islam was a woman
from Basra, Rabi'a al-'Adawiyya (d. ¿301) who wrote t h e following prayer: "O God! Ifl worship You in fear of Hell, burn me in it; if I worship You in hope of Paradise, exclude me from it; ifl worship You for Your own being, do not withhold from me Your everlasting beauty."
I n the 16th century, the Sufi followers 0 of R u m i constructed clocks in order to regulate m the time of prayer; they also used the Rosary in (|k their meditations. From Mecca to Samarkand, the Sufis used the 99-bead rosary to recite the 99 names of G o d in the Koran. 115 •
Samarkand 2
SAMARKAND t h e Mongolian king Timurlane(Timurthe lame) built a c i t y "whose shining turrets dismayed the heavens and cast the fame of llion '$ tower to hell" (Christopher Marlowe, English playwright.)
Samarkand is in t h e heart of Asia and became t h e cultural center of Eastern Islam a f t e r t h e fall of Baghdad.
Timurlane pushed Islam westward towards Moscow and eastward towards t h e Indian Ganges river. His grandson, Ulugh Beg, built one of t h e f i n e s t observatories (1420¬ 1437) in Islamic history.
The observatory had a large arc with which the of the celestial be
bodies could
'It zoos He that gave the sun his Brightness and the moon her fight, ordaining her phases that you may (earn to compute the seasons and the years'
Xprm 10:5
C 117
In Islam, the study of nature is pari of religious life, and there is no contradiction between faith and scientific inquiry.
• Muslims specifically studied astronomy and charted constellations in o r d e r t o identify t h e direction of t h e û i b l a , t h e beginning of t h e lunar year and the time of prayer. Their research was inspired by the Koran's many references t o astronomy.
The constellation Acrab, from the Arabic for "scorpion".
Omar Khayyam (d. 1123), famous for his poems, t h e Rubahn/at. was more renowned in Islamic history as an astronomer, head of the observatory
in t h e Persian
of Rayy and produced a solar calendar
more accurate
than i t s Gregorian
p a r t used in t h e Christian West. •
he was
I Astronomy was also useful t o t r a ders. Samarkand was a t t h e cent e r of t h e "silk route" t h a t linked I t h e Eastern Mediterranean with China, a land which t h e Muslims had partly conquered in the early ôth century. Between then and the 16th century, t h e Indian Ocean was exclusively a Muslim basin.
Combination of Chinese and Arabic calligraphy.
There is no tension
Islam between devotion and business affairs:
H tSJSfc'fc
'Oyowwko Believe!Squandernot your zoealtft among yourselves in vanity, except it Be a trade By mutual consent.' Kpran 4:29
pilgrims t o Mecca
selves by t r a d e and relied in their travels the detailed
maps of the world produced by
Muslims. 119 •
These maps helped t h e Muslims determine t h e i r location with respect t o Mecca for prayer and pilgrimage, identify
mentioned in t h e Koran and in t h e
and locate religious sites associated with t h e Prophet > and t h e f i r s t four Caliphs.
Al-Idrisi's map - translated into English. In keeping with Muslim geographic tradition, the map places the South at the top of the page.
# AL-IDRISI # (1100-1166) studied in Cordova and lived in Palermo, Sicily, where he prepared for King Roger II The Book of Roger with an A t l a s (from t h e Arabic word for "smooth") of t h e world, based on collected •
empirical d a t a .
To the Far East
and to the European West, Muslim
silks and textiles.That is why many
* TEXTILES # derive t h e i r
Textile products were used extensively by Muslims: until today, the carpet remains the principal furnishing in the mosque. A s for the traditional Islamic house, where loose furniture is practically nonexistent, one finds an abundance of carpets, mattresses and cushions. The designs of textile products also influenced tile and mosaic patterns found in Islamic architecture. To Muslims, there is no separation between religious art and secular craft. 121
Cairo 2 Throughout i t s development, Islam was an urban civilization, Indeed, many verses in t h e Koran draw on city life for their Imagery. A fine example of t h e Islamic c i t y is
Misr (Egypt)... is extensive in its territories and buildings, unequalled in its beauty and splendor. It is the resting place of weary travellers and the marketplace of rich and poor alike. Ibn Battuta, 13th-century traveller.
The spine of t h e Islamic c i t y was the • MARKETPLACE • souq
(bazaar in Persian). Within t h e market were the bathe, street fountains, schools, khans, houses, and mosques. The market is subdivided into separate units specializing in different commodities and crafts.
T h e sotuf c o m e s a l i v e each
day with
s m e l l s o f s p i c e s , the colors
of f r u i t s a n d
the s o u r i d s o f the c o p persmiths'pounding.
The • PUBLIC B A T H • hammam
was an i n s t i t u t i o n inherited from t h e Romans.
The Muslims, however,
did n o t use i t for social interaction and pleasure; for
t h e bath was s t r i c t l y
is a sign
Traditionally, separate were provided
• T h e distinctive s o u n d i n s i d e the bath
men and women,
is t h e clatter o f the Quhqab ( w o o d e n
s l i p p e r s w h i c h protect f r o m the h e a t e d
with the
A f t e r c h a n g i n g , b a t h e r s relax
i n t h e s t e a m r o o m , s t r e t c h o u t for a
sharing t h e same
v i g o r o u s r u b - d o w n , t h e n - p r o c e e d to a
f e r e n t times.
d o w n before e n t e r i n g the cold
cool room
to s p l a s h i n w a t e r . T h e y t h e n e n j o y a c u p of tea or coffee as the
If your skin is soft, lufa sunlight fillers through no. 1 is used; if your skin the p i e r c e d d o m e a b o v e . is hard, the choice is the rougher lufa no. 3. You are then so scrubbed even "your wife won't recognize you when you leave." *>
With t h e long days spent in t h e
came t h « need f o r • STREET F O U N T A I N S • sabeel These fountains, socially useful and a r t i s t i cally appealing, were generally endowed by benefactors.
The Koran encouraged charity:
'(Do good; for Qod Coves those who do good.' %gran 39:9 An inscription on the fountain would hear a Koranic verse, the date of construction, and the name of the benefactor. The latter would payfor the water to be brought from the Nile and hire an employee to regulate the taps at specific times.
Near many of these fountains, madrasas (schools) w e r e e n dowed for the instruction of the youth. The s i s t e r of S a l a d i n ,
known as Sit al-Sham (Lady of Damascus), founded two schools for religious education located n e a r fountains.
The largest • MADRASA • religious school
in Egypt is t h a t of Sultan Hasan ( 1 3 5 6 - 1 3 6 3 ) . I t is 5 5 , 1 0 0 square f e e t and c o n s i s t s of a school, a mosque, and a mausoleum for t h e Sultan. The 15th-century historian al-Maqrizi considered i t an architectural wonder. This madraea is typical of Islamic architecture in combining t h e public function (teaching) with the private function (burial). Four large hails oyen onto a central courtyard (5ahn).
The /wans
are for instruction in each of t h e Four Schools of Sunni Islam. M o s t schools followed t h i s four-fold division. G r a m m a r , philosophy a n d n a t u r a l sciences were also taught. The Koran had encouraged the pursuit of learning:
Madrasa of Sultan Hasan, Plan- Cairo.
'Are those who know equal with those who know not?' lípran 2:195
Visitors t o the city stayed in the • KHAN • Inn
a t w o - s t o r e y complex overlooking a central courtyard. The lower storeys provided stables and storage space, while t h e upper served as apartments. A famous khan in Cairo was K h a n al-Khaleeli, t h e "khan of t h e man from Hebron", built in the 15th century. Today, the name designates the largest touristic
in Egypt. Many
of t h e novels of Nobel Prize winner Najeeb Mahfouzare s e t in t h i s area of Cairo where t h e author
still lives.
J The surface treatment, I p r o p o r t i o n , a r t i c u l a t i o n off forms, a n d c o m p a r t m e n t a l i z a t i o nI of spaces allowed even the largest buUdingsinlslam to be human in scale.
Outside t h e city was t h e • CARAVANSERAI • Road Inn "where travellers alight with their beasts. At each caravanserai is a public watering-place and a shop at which they buy what they need for themselves and their beasts." The traveller Ibn Battuta on the road from Egypt via Palestine to Syria in 1326.
Islamic architecture is unrivaled i n its control of l i g h t i n g and ventilation.
wind catchers
If t h e traveller
had relatives
or friends In
the city, he would stay In their house. The • I S L A M I C HOUSE • was Inward-looking and consisted of an Interior square or rectangular courtyard surrounded by t h e living quarters. The courtyard provided privacy, ventilated the house, and allowedforoutdooractivities awayfrom s t r e e t d u s t and heat.
Plan of a courtyard house, Egypt.
A n interesting architectural feature in the Islamic city, seen particularly in housing, is the musharabiyya. A delicate turned-wood screen, the musharabiyya filters sunlight, admits air and permits those inside to look out w i t h o u t being seen.
i ftTi.Ti.Tjl I riTATj.1 • ETiTATJ
\ vxri.Ti.1 ;••
• i ftTi.Tj.Ti
The indirect entrance a c t s as a visual
eound buffer and psychological break between "out" and "in". In a crowded city, the The courtyard house is unique in its energy-conserving use of internal climate.
of t h e mosque
also provides t h e tion space
main facade which aligns with t h e s t r e e t , and t h e Qibla axis which d i c t a t e s
Tradirionalry,exterior house faca des are kept sedate, without any display of wealth. Onlyafterentering the house can the visitor recognize the host's social standing in the community.
t h e internal orientation (see plan page 127).
Arches, vaults and domes
are dominant f e a t u r e s in Islamic architecture. The
variety of styles and building materials reflects t h e geographical diversity of t h e Islamic people. It was through Islam t h a t t h e pointed arch and vault were Introduced
to Europe.
The focus of t h e Islamic city was t h e Community Mosque. In Cairo, t h e oldest community mosque is • AL-AZHAR • builtin 9 7 0 , one year a f t e r t h e foundation of t h e city, and probably named after the Prophet's daughter, fatlma az-Zahra'. Al-Azhar is one of t h e g r e a t e s t i n s t i t u t i o n s for Islamic learning and t h e oldest continuously functioning university in t h e western hemisphere. B u t since Islam has no religious hierarchy, no i n s t i t u t i o n , however prestigious, has a u t h o r i t y over t h e f a i t h of believers.
It w a s in Mamluke Cairo that the crescent first decorated the cuppola (from Arabic Qubba) of the mosque. Nearly every mosque now has a crescent.
• 132
In Cairo is buried t h e f a t h e r of t h e sciences of anthropology and economics, t h e historiographer I b n Khaldoon (1332-1406)
For Ibn Khaldoon, t h e basic form of civilized society was t h e city: because man in t h e city was sophisticated and open-minded, he was less prone t o war and ultimately weaker t h a n t h e Bedouin. With his strong tribal bond (a&abiyya),
successfully invaded and prevailed over t h e city; but within four generations, he would be corrupted by t h e city and defeated by a new generation of
Ibn Khaldoon's Al-Muqaddima applied structured
reasoning to history and pro-
posed a theory of civilization t h a t is w i t h o u t parallel in ancient or medieval writings.
From Cairo, and the neighboring city of Kalrawan in Tunisia, Islam spread t o North and Central Africa and reached •
DJENNE in Mali whose empire flourished between t h e 13th and 16th Islam
was successful in gaining
because proclaimed
t h e preachers and t r a d e r s who i t were akin t o t h e
population in culture and skin color,
because the message of Islam affirmed racial equality.
In a Hadith, the Prophet I declared: "People: God is One and your Father is One. Arabs are not superior to non-Arabs, nor are non-Arabs superior to Arabs; nor is the black superior to the red, nor the red to the black except in piety." Prophetic Hadith
a . •
The eastern facade of the Djenne mosque in Mali points to Mecca. As with other mosques in Africa- known as the Sudanic mosques— the governing architectural principle is simplicity. In a Hadith, the Prophet I advised: "I have not been commanded to decorate the mosques."
In 1352, t h e traveller
Ibn B a t t u t a visited
Mali in Central Africa and wrote about Muslim
"The black people possess some admirable qualities. They are seldom unjust and have a greater abhorrence of injustice than any other people. There is complete security in their country. Neither traveller nor inhabitant in it has anything to fear from robbers or men of violence. They do not confiscate the property of any white man who dies in their country, even if it be uncounted wealth. They are careful to observe the hours of prayer, and assiduous in attending them in congregations and in bringing up their children to them." Trans. H.A.R. Gibb.
For hundreds of years, schola r s f r o m as f a r as Baghdad and Cordova travelled to the African mosquee
theology and mysticism.
The capital of the Mali Empire was • TIMBUCTOO • a c i t y t h a t had grown around i t s mosques.
Tf m b u cto o boa s t e d exte n s iVe
Thus Arabic appears
private libraries, and
Hausaand Swahili languages;
Indeed, t h e word Swahili de-
south of the Sahara.
From i t
rives from t h e Arabic word
as the
missionaries Ghana,
t h e Ivory
Guinea and other and
in t h e
schools that continue
In Africa evolved Sufi
whose blood bore
families barakat
(miraculous blessings). From the
Nigeria t o Morocco, t h e coun-
social greatness
of Central
tryside is d o t t e d with shrines
of t h e Marabouts
The i n t e l l e c t u a l coincide
growth of Islam.
From the
Nile t o the Niger, and from
(holy per-
sons) whose invocation could result in
t h e 8>th to the 13th century, powerful cultures emerged In Songhai, Kanem-Bornu and Benin t h a t were rooted in t h e language and Imagination
137 •
Istanbul A t t h e beginning of the 16th century, all North Africa fell t o t h e new Muslim power of the Ottoman Turks whose capital was •
ISTANBUL once Constantinople (the name was officially changed in 1930). From t h e 14th until t h e 16th century, t h e Ottomans had the m o s t powerful army in t h e world. Even a f t e r i t s decline, it was still remembered for i t s m i g h t a n d its marching music. Thus Mozart's
March". By t h e early ISOO's, American
styleinstruments like t h e t e n o r d r u m , bass d r u m , cymbal, and crescent.
A Turkish Janissary.
Both European and American bands of the 18th and 19th centuries included instrumentalists dressed in Janissary costume.
Muslim armies had a central elite corps that was surrounded
bya multi-racial soldiery. Thefamous
fighting force of t h e Ottoman
army was
Janissary ( t h e "new soldiers"). They were Christian
raised from childhood in military discipline, Koranic
and celibacy. I t is through them that
(Sabre) became sociated
with Islam.
• The Koran did not prohibit war, but limited i t s application to particular conditions. War was n o t t o be waged f o r t e r r i t o rial gain, n o r f o r racial superiority, nor for power. War was for t h e establishment of f a i t h and social j u s t i c e and for t h e eradication of evil.
A 16th-century woodcut from Germany. Contrast the Turkish horsemen (right) in their light armor and the ponderous Christian cavalry.
Women and children, t h e religious and t h e aged, were not t o be harmed.
Those who died In
b a t t l e were t o be remembered as m a r t y r s of f a i t h :
'9{cvcr think that those u Ho were stain in tfie cause of iiod arc dead. 'Tticiiarc alive, and will IK provided for By their Lord. 'Koran .1:169
• 140
The Janissaries extended Islam into t h e heart of Europe and reached Vienna, where no Muslim had ever fought.
The Janissaries reached their height under • S U L E Y M A N THE L A W M A K E R • (fi. 1520-1566) Roads and caravanserais were built, t r a d e s and c r a f t s flourished, and social services were so extended t h a t the Muslim Empire became a welfare s t a t e with all t h e benefits of an efficient bureaucracy and legal system. Thus t h i s poem by Suieyman: To i>e charitable and kind is the glory of the throne. Remember, O Suieyman, and make these qualities your crown in counting your subjects to make them happy. Do not think to be better than the least of them and know that many of them are better than yourself. Every man is a brother and as a brother you must love him. For a true Muslim, O Suieyman, this precept is sacred. ^-rtr^-^^A
The Tughra, or calligi phic emblem, bearinji Suleyman's name.
In Süleyman, power was not divested from piety. •
Under Suieyman, t h e population grew: a f t e r Jews were expelled from Catholic Spain in 1492, they found refuge in the Muslim Empire. A n o t h e r reason f o r g r o w t h was t h e conversion of European and Eastern Christ i a n s t o Islam.
A Jewish merchant by a 16th-century French traveller.
"Seeing how many daily go from us to them," wrote the English traveller Henry Blount in 1636, "and how few of theirs to us, it appears of what consequence the prosperity of Islam is to draw men upon it."
Still, from the beginnings of Islam u n t i l today, Christians have remained and prospered i n Musl i m lands. I n contrast, the Christian Reconquest i n 15th-century Spain left few Muslims and fewer mosques.
One of t h e m o s t famous converts
to Islam was
• SINAN • (b. 1491), the court
Born in Anatolia, he rose through t h e Janissary system t o design 3 3 4 buildingsfor Suieyman and his successor. In 1 5 6 0 , Sinan completed the Sulaymaniyya Complex in Istanbul.
It consisted
of a mosque
surrounded by seven colleges, a hospital and an asylum, a b a t h , a soup kitchen, schools, t a i n s , wrestling grounds, shops, and the
of Suieyman all covered by 5 0 0 domes. In t h i s mosque, Sinan proved t h a t he could surpass
the greatest
architecturewas his
design In
S t . Sophia. The Sulaymaniyya
The Ottomans
The coffee bean had long been used in Yemen, and the first coffee-house The concept
In Aleppo, Syria.
of the coffee-house then
from Istanbul t o Vienna and the r e s t of t h e world. Tulips (from t h e Persian word for "Turban") were also introduced t o Europe during t h e reign of Suleyman. In t h e 17th century, England, Holland and France
"Tulipomania", when
tulip bulbs were worth 2 5 0 sheep. In t h e 1S>th century, Sultan Ahmad I I I turned his rule into t h e Reign of t h e Tulip. Every April, when the moon was full, t h e Sultan would organize a Tulip Festival in which t u r t l e s with candles
on their backs lit up t h e tulip gar-
dens. The tulip as an artistic
motif appears
Islamic a r t from Istanbul t o India. 145
ra Islam reached India in 711 and by the 16th century had culminated in t h e Mughal Empire with • AGRA as t h e capital. In 1635», i t was moved to Delhi, which remains India's
The height of the Mughal (from the word Mongol) Empire was between 1526 and 1707, The l a s t Mughal emperor was sent into exile by t h e British in 15>5S>.
The palace administration
and court life of
t h e Mughals included poetry
musical recitals and Chess. Through t h e Muslims of India, and from t h e 5 t h century on, chess spread to the rest
t h e wor\d. The language of the Mughal court was Persian, and "Check mate" derives from t h e Fersian words Shah mat (the king is dead).
• Although India was under Islamic rule, Muslims represented only a minority of t h e population, t h e prevailing religion being Hinduism. Hindus, with their indigenously vibrant culture, had l i t t l e interaction with Muslims outside the urban centers of imperial power. To meet t h i s challenge of a minority ruling t h e majority, • AKBAR • (1542-1605) one of t h e g r e a t e s t Muslim kings of India, instituted toleration. INDIA H 160S
Akbar reconciled
and Hinduism: he introduced a fair s y s t e m of revenue
and appointed
a Hindu
as his imperial minister. He also removed t h e extra t a x which Islam Imposed
on Hindus, replaced the lunar with the solar
dar and ordered Muslims not to slaughter
Akbar had sensitive a r t i s t i c t a s t e . He is accredited with the beginning of Mughal Painting and Miniature. Akba r brought a r t i s t s from the Safavid cou r t in Isfahan t o supervise his studio, known a s K/tab Khaneh. Over a hundred painters, many of them Hindu, illustrated Arabic, Persian and Indian manuscripts.
Realism marked the work of Mansur, "Wonder of the Age", during the reign of Akbar's son, Jahangir, who brought Persian mores and manners to court.
The g r e a t e s t of Indo-lslamic a r t s was archit e c t u r e , which prospered under Shah Jahan, Akbar's grandson. When his wife Mümtaz Mahal died in 1631, he decided t o build for her in Agra t h e supreme garden tomb, t h e • TAJ M A H A L •
Over 22,000
expert craftsmen
from India,
Asia and Europe were employed for 2 2 years (1632-1654) in the building of t h i s "miracle of miracles, the final wonder of the world".
worked on t h e project, including
t h e Emperor himself.
The Taj Mahal fuses both t h e Muslim and Hindu style. The pointed the onion-shaped
arch, dome
and t h e arabesque are Muslim-inspired.
Hindu Influence is apparent in the white marble, t h e perforated
grills and
t h e emphasis on geometrical
within t h e building (the overall plan is typical of other Mughal t o m b s in Delhi and Sikandra).
151 •
ia From India, Islam spread to the neighboring islands of Sri Lanka and t h e Maldives, and then to Southeast Christians
A t a t i m e when
were colonizing America,
were converting the peoples of Malaysia, Southern Philippines and Indonesia. and Arab teachers
preached Islam and
peacefully overpowered the strong
Buddhist culture with t h e clarity of t h e Koranic creed; they also social organization
by freeing t h e common
man from Hindu caste
• 152
A book stand for a large copy of the Koran.
Indonesia is 9 0 % Muslim and has the world's largest Muslim population ( 1 7 4 , 9 0 0 , 0 0 0 ) in any one country. Pakistan, which gained independence in 1947 t o establish an Islamic s t a t e (the word Pakistan means "Land of the Pure"), comes second.
Cintrai andSouth A f t e r India became a p a r t of t h e British Empire in t h e 19th century, many Muslims were sent t o t h e Caribbean Island of Trinidad and t o Guyana and Suriname a s indentured laborers. The Dutch also sent Muslim workers from Indonesia t o Central and South America. With t h e
of t h e s e former colonies, Muslims rose t o prominent
positions: Hamilton Green, t h e
prime minister of Guyana, is a Muslim; one of t h e m o s t successful business communit i e s in Panama consists of Indian Muslims.
. ^ . . p .
L E A G U E ,
erica A t t h e t u r n of t h i s century, thousands of Muslims emigrated from Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, Persia and other Middle Eastern countries, and settled In South America t o work as traders. Some Muslims adapted their names to Spanish as in t h e case of t h e president of Argentina, Carlos Menem (whose Syrian parents converted to Christ i a n i t y from Islam); others strengthened their community f a i t h by building mosques, often in t h e style of their Arabic or Iranian tradition.
Brazil h a s t h e l a r g e s t M u s l i m population (half a million) in South America. Argentina comes second
Muslims), but t h e small
country of Guyana boasts
the highest num-
ber of mosques-130 mosques for j u s t under 7 5 , 0 0 0 worshippers. There are about a million and a half Muslims in South America. C 155
United States In t h e United S t a t e s live nearly four million Muslims consisting
of converts and emi-
grants. The emigrants
came at t h e end of t h e 19th
century from Arab countries and built t h e f i r s t mosque in North America in Cedar Rapids
(1934). They also built the f i r s t all-
Muslim cemetery
in Mecca. In 1953. the soldier's
dogtag began to include " I " t o refer t o the American of Islamic f a i t h ; in June 1991. and for the f i r s t time, a Muslim Imam gave the invocation at the chamber of
The Muslims have found welcome in predominantlyChristian America: "The church and the Muslim community are related by history and by God as an expression and application of the covenant of Abraham, islam has its place in God's purpose in election and creation." The Reformed Church of America
• 156
Momentum t o Islam in t h e United States has come from African-Americans who have turned to the Isoranic teaching of racial equality with profound conviction. Although the early s t i r r i n g s of Islam included among them unorthodox elements, there was a return t o t h e doctrines of t h e Koran and the Sunna under t h e charismatic leadership of Malcolm X. Cassius Clay, a friend of Malcolm X, converted to Islam and changed his name to Muhammad Ali.
Mecca on pilgrimage, M a l c o l m X praised t h e a n t i racialism of Islam: "I remember one night," he wrote, "llayawake amid sleeping Muslim brothers and I learned that pilgrims from every land- every color and class and rank, high officials and beggars alike, all snored in the same language."
157 •
<Europe Iff Muslims from India and from other count r i e s of t h e Commonwealth emigrated
England. Today, Muslims c o n s t i t u t e nearly 4% of t h e population of t h e United Kingdom. The s i t u a t i o n is similar in France, where N o r t h African Muslims from t h e former French colonies of Algiers, Tunisia and Morocco
have settled.
In Germany, nearly
5% of t h e population consists "Visitor Workers".
of Muslim
. i
The oldest mosque in Germany.
Islam t o d a y is t h e second largest religion in Europe. There are significant Muslim populat i o n s of professionals, workers and s t u d e n t s in every region of Western
In t h e i r new European homes, Muslims have cherished t h e i r religious traditions,
with their distinctive cultural and mora! heritage. Whether in Holland or in Spain, they t u r n t o Mecca during prayer, give their children Koranic names and study master European
theology. religious and secular i n s t i t u t i o n s
have cooperated
with the Immigrants:
1973, t h e Vatican c i t y donated
land for the
c o n s t r u c t i o n of a mosque t o serve Italy's one million Muslims, and a year later, Belgium recognized Islamic Law as t h e legal code of i t s Muslim community.
In 1966, the Documents of Vatican II declared: "Upon the Muslims, too, the church looks zvithesteem. They adore one God, living and enduring, merciful and all-powerful, Maker of heaven and earth and Speaker to men... They prize the moral life, and give worship to God especially through prayer, almsgiving and fasting."
• In t h e i r attempts to sustain their religious -identity, however, Muslims have posed difficult challenges t o t h e European social and legal s y s t e m : should t h e Muslim teacher at state-run schools be allowed time for t h e five daily prayers? Should t h e sexes be separated In t h e classroom? Should girls be allowed their head cover at secular schools? Should t h e ritual slaughter of animals at t h e Adha f e a s t be permitted without government Inspection?
A Muslim in The Hague. Holland.
The differences which Muslims exhibit have led t o violent o u t b u r s t s against them. Unemployed laborers, Neo-Nazis and xénophobes have mistakenly linked t h e Immigrants to social and industrial failure. • 160
The victory of t h e extreme right-wing p a r t y in t h e recent French elections is proof of t h e rising t i d e of hatred and intolerance a g a i n s t Muslims in Europe. 161 •
• These are t h e countries in t h e world which have a Muslim majority or nearmajority (above 50%).
Afghanistan (Central Asia) Albania (Europe) Algeria (Mediterranean Basin) Brunei (Southeast Asia) Chad (Central Africa) Djibouti (East Africa) Egypt (Mediterranean Basin) Gabon (West Africa) Gambia (West Africa) Guinea (West Africa) Gunae-Bissau (West Africa) Indonesia (Southeast Asia) Iran (Central Asia) Iraq (West Asia) Jordan (West Asia) Kuwait (Persian Gulf) Lebanon (Mediterranean Basin) Libya (Mediterranean Basin) Malaysia (Southeast Asia) Maldives (Indian Ocean)
rfffffff Mali (West Africa) Mauritania (Northwest Africa) Morocco (Mediterranean Basin) Niger (North-Central Asia) Nigeria (West Africa) Oman (Persian Gulf) Pakistan (South Asia) Palestine (Mediterranean Basin) Qatar (Persian Gulf) Saudi Arabia (Southwest Asia) Senegal (West Africa) Sierra Leone (West Africa) Somalia (East Africa) Sudan (East Africa) Syria (Mediterranean Basin) Tunisia (Mediterranean Basin) Turkey (Mediterranean Basin) United Arab Emirates (Persian Gulf) Yemen (Red Sea)
In t h e former Soviet Union, Kazakhstan,
Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Taj iki s t a n a nd Ky rgyzsta nail have Muslim majorities. 163
Regardless of nationality or color, race or social status, sex or language, Muslims v i e w themselves as one c o m m u n i t y i n s u b m i s s i o n to G o d . A n d regardless of historic, geographic or cultural differences, Muslims share t h e l i g h t of G o d i n the Koran.
the tight of the heavens and the earth, ttfis
light may Be compared to a niche that enshrines a tamp, the tamp •within a crystalstar-lifce Brilliance. It is tit from a Blessed olive tree neither eastern or western.
Its very oil would almost shine forth,
though no fire touched it. Light upon tight; Qod guides to !His tight whom Jde wilt." •Koran 24:35
let there he a Body among you who may caCCto
the good, enjoin what is esteemed and forbid what is odious. They are those who willBe successful' Xoran 3:104
F3y the end of World War I in 191&, nearly all t h e lands of Islam were ruled by Britain, France, Holland, Russia, and Italy.
Capitals like Damascus and Baghdad
had never been conquered came under Western colonization, and in 1917, British forces led by General Allenby entered Jerusalem. Indicative of Britain's dismissive a t t i t u d e towards t h e inhabitants of Palestine, the Proclamation
was published in
English, French and Italian, but not in t h e native language of the people,
IM10CLAMATI0N O F MAltTIAL L A W IN JliltUSALKM. To the inhabitant* of Jerusalem Ihe Bleaaed and Ihe people dwelling in ita vicinity. The defeat inflicted upon the Turin by the troop* under my command ha* resulted in tha occupation of T O O T City by my forooa. I therefore here and now proclaim it to be under Martial Law. under which form of edminiatration it will remain eo long aa military oonaidarationa make it neoeaaary. However, teat any of you ahould be alarmed by naaon of yonr experience* at the hand* at the enemy who haa retired. I hereby inform you that it ia my deaire that every poreon abonld poraoe hi* lawful buainea* without fear of interruption. Furthermore, ainoe your (Sly ia regarded with affection by lh* adherent* or three of ihe trroel religion* of — a a d ita sou haa bean oonaeoraied by the prayera and pilgrimage* of davont people of Ihoae three religion* tor many oenturiea, therefore do I make known to yon thai every aaorad building, monument, holy *poi. •hrine. traditional aite. endowment, pioua bequMl or oualomary place of prayer, of whatsoever farm of the three religion*, will be maintained and protected according to lh* " " ' ' " g onatoma aad belieh of thoae to wboee butha Ibey are sacred. HllMdNU
£mat*j- III?.
H V N H 4 N
The only Muslim capital that was
was Istanbul. The Western countries exploited t h e resources
of Var-aHslam,
"Abode of Islam,"
and turned i t into a market for their exports.
In so doing, they divided t h e Muslim Umma into... 167*
On t h e newly emergent
a ruler who was pro¬
tective of their interests, and whowasculturallyand linguistically Westernized. The ruler governed of checks
w i t h o u t a system or balances
relied for his protection on a Western - trained
security system. He and t h e ruling elite lived affluently while t h e majority of t h e population remained poor, fearful and disenfranchised. The West which had installed him urged neither social nor political change: what was good in a Western democracy
was to be denied
the T h e S h a h of I r a n .
Muslim subjects.
Since the creation of the independent states, M u s l i m s have tried to identify the path towards political stability, modernization and religious continuity. • FOUR MODELS have been tried:
I. The Model of S E C U L A R I Z A T I O N
The model of
tion was ado pted c h i ef ly by Turkey.
leader Mustapha Kamal ( A t t a t u r k ) , t h e Turks changed their
Arabic t o t h e
alphabet, caliphate,
from Koman
abolished replaced
the Koranic
law with a legal system derived f r o m discarded
g e a r ( t h e f e z ) in favor of t h e hat.
In t h e 1930's and under Keza Shah, Iran also downplayed i t s Islamic character Islamic Sassanlan formulated
In favor of Its pre-
roots; in Indonesia, t h e s t a t e
a universalistic ideology, Fancasila,
five principles", which governed all social, political and educational •
• Secularization exclusively affected t h e urban centers and t h e ruling socio-economic groups: i t did not touch the lives of the majority of t h e people who viewed i t as an imposition from t h e West (Iran) or t h e Communist E a s t (Indonesia). As a result, t h e peoples reacted: in 1975, Iran became
Republic. Ayatullah
was influenced by t h e Pakistani t h e o l o g i a n M awlana Mawdudi ( 1 9 0 3 - 7 9 ) who argued f o r a s t a t e applying Shar/'a and ruled by one man a s s i s t e d by qualified Koranic interpreters.
Ayatollah Khomeini.
By circulating his sermons on c a s s e t t e , Khomeini could reach the disaffected both inside Iran and elsewhere among Muslims. From Nigeria t o Malaysia, Khomeini became the hero who woutd overturn secularism and defeat the West, "the great Satan".
II. The Model of H A R M O N Y
From t h e 16th century on, some Muslim theologians emphasized t h e harmony between Islam and t h e modem society of t h e West. Once t h e Koran was Interpreted in i t s rational meaning, they argued, there would be no apparent difference between i t s vision of human life under God and the challenges of technological and industrial society.
Democracy is equivalent t o the Koranic principle of Shura (consultation of t h e ruler with others), which King Fahd applied In Saudi Arabia in 1992;
P u b l i c o p i n i o n is consensus
Abortion is not allowed except in cases of danger
of the community;
to the mother on t h e basis of t h e
Koran's prohibition of murder;
• 172
A t t e n t i o n t o t h e environment is identified with God's role as creator and preserver of heaven and earth, and with man's d u t y t o respect God's workmanship;
Science is encouraged becausethe Koran, more than any other monotheistic t e x t , advocates research and inquiry.
The founder of t h i s harmonizing trend In Islam is t h e theologian
from Central Asia, Jamal al-Din al-Afghani
( 1 6 3 9 - 9 7 ) and his disciple Mohammad Abdu.
t a u g h t a t a l - A z h a r mosque in Cairo, and t h e i r teachings
the whole world of Islam.
Mohammad Abdu.
From Indonesia to Malaysia, and from Jordan, Syria, Morocco, to Mauritania and Nigeria (the largest Muslim state in Africa), the impact of this harmony has continued to the present:
Subjects live under a constitution derived from t h e West t h a t governs t h e s t a t e ' s International banking system shari'a law that
and trading agreements; governs
In civil affairs,
and under
ance, punishment and o t h e r personal
affairs, inherit-
Non-Muslim subjects of a Muslim
s t a t e follow t h e laws of their religious community.
III. The Model of SOCIALISM Recognizing t h a t t h e Koran preaches social equality, revolutions were launched t o remove rulers who had used capitalism and free market economy t o invite foreign investments. The famous proponent of socialism
was the
Egyptian leader Jamal abdul Nasser (1911-1970). His socialism
of foreign companies,
in t h e
the appropriation
land from feudal landlords and i t s redistribution among Egyptian peasants. Although Nasser presented socialism
In secular t e r m s ,
he still relied on religious j u s t i f i c a t i o n :
Nasser was so admired that upon his death over half a dozen people committed suicide in grief.
With t h e demise of Communism, t h e appeal
of the
socialist model has been largely diminished. F3ut like secularization and modernization, socialism has n o t addressed t h e chief challenge t o Islamic society:
how to cope with the impact of the technological and industrial West whose exports to Muslim countries permeate all aspects of life: from food and bottled water, to medicines, weapons, clothes, cars, and entertainment. C a n there be an authentic Islamic society when Muslim daily needs are provided by nonMuslim producers?
In t h e l a s t q u a r t e r of t h e 2 0 t h century, t h e answer
above challenge increasingly
the has drawn
on... I75#
IV. The Model of the K O R A N I C STATE of MEDINA, 623-632 C . E .
The Medirían followers reject
nationalism and want Islamic law t o guide t h e s t a t e . They seek t o apply Koranic rules to
women should always cover
arms and legs; t o sex s e g r e g a t i o n : women should be separated from men a t school, a t work and in t r a n s p o r t ; t o educational curricula: emphasis should be placed on t h e s t u d y of science and theology and on the correlation
between modern discoveries
and Koranic
revelation; to punishments: flogging, amputation decapitation;
• 176
and to economic
Thus ISLAMIC B A N K I N G . The Koran
usury {"riba"
An alternative
proposed society
where no prior
i n t e r e s t rate was t o be fixed, b u t where t h e lender
profit of an after
In the enterprise
An advertisement in Arabic from the Islamic Bank in Amman, Jordan, stating that:
" Halal
{Shari ii-approved) invest-
ment is what the Islamic Bank seeks."
i t s completion.
The Islamic organization
bank is an International consisting
of governments
financial that are
of the Organization of the Islamic Conference.
part Since
initiating i t s f i r s t major project In 1975, t h e Bank has established branches
In over 3 0 Islamic countries.
• The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, along with t h e neighboring t r u c i a l s t a t e s , has pursued goal of government
by Koranic law.
T h e flag of the Kingdom with the Shahada "There is no deity but G o d , and Muhammad is His Prophet". T h e state is God's.
In-1947, Pakistan became a s t a t e for Muslims with a c o n s t i t u t i o n t h a t confirmed: "Steps shall be taken to enable the Muslims of Pakistan individually and collectively to order their lives in accordance with the Holy Koran and the Shari'a." In Malaysia, consciousness
of an Islamic
identity grew into political opposition among the native Malayan.
• 175
The argument precedence. chased
for the Koranic state
Since alcohol cannot be legally pur-
In a Muslim state
because of Koranic
law, why should the other Koranic codes
not be
followed? One of the leading intellectuals advocating traditionalist
model Is the Sudanese
legal scholar
and philosopher, Or. Hasan Turabi. In his view, "Islam is the only force that can fill the vacuum left by the failures of Westerninspired socialism and nationalism.
It alone
can inspire the young and give them a vision, a sense of allegiance. "
In Jordan
and in Al-
geria, in
and in Kashmir, millions aspire t o fill t h e vacuum by bringing the political and social order underthe laws of t h e Koran. In 196>3, Turabi Introduced traditionalists
law to Sudan;
in 1934,
prevailed in p a r t s of Lebanon; In 1991,
they won the elections
In Algeria. In 1992, ? ? ? 179^
In t h e p a s t two decades, t h e Islamic simplicity and equality has attracted
Muslims in countries
where: •
a non-Islamic ideology was used by a nationalist government t o unify t h e people;
rapid urbanization
in polarizing
t h e rich and t h e poor; •
a ruling class was supported Islamic superpowers;
by non-
rapid economic growth brought
overwhelming technology of t h e West.
T h e s e factors have g i v e n rise to a small number of militant M u s l i m s w h o c a n cope w i t h this imported culture of high technology only by fighting it.
Hostile t o t h e West for i t s colonial past, these m i l i t a n t s oppose t h e process of civilization associated with Westernization. In so doing they seem t o ignore t h e v a s t intellectual and cultural t r a d i t i o n s of Islamic history, and t o view Islam as consisting solely of political and legal precepts. For t h e m , f a i t h is law, and law is ideology. Because t h e Prophet I kept a beard, so will they; because t h e Prophet I did n o t dress in t r o u s e r s b u t in a abaya, so will they.
T h e logo of a militant group in Egypt.
Opposition t o t h e West and t o Westernization offers a sense of historical identity and t h e promise of economic autonomy.
More significant in number and impact than the militants are the revivalist movements Muslims in India, Bangladesh
and elsewhere t h a t
focus more on community spirituality t h a n on politics. In Nigeria, the University of Nasr al-Islam
was founded in 1961 t o f o s t e r religious education; earlier in 1 9 5 0 , the Society of Usbat ul-Deen was
founded t o i n s t r u c t Nigerian Muslim women. South of Khartoum in Sudan, there is a Khilwa (a separate community) t h a t pursues t h e Koran while cultivating
the study
the land.
I n 1 9 8 0 , w h i c h coincided w i t h the beginning o f the 15th H i j r a century, the first Islamic village i n the U n i t e d States was designed by the E g y p t i a n architect, H a s s a n F a t h y . Located i n A b i q u i u , N e w M e x i c o , the village serves the religious and educational needs o f over 3 0 families.
• 1Ô2
Numerous Muslim organizations meet regularly t o examine t h e challenges facing t h e community. They offer help t o the poor and t h e displaced, send teachers to convert non-Muslims and finance medical and social facilities. Neither national, linguistic, ethnic nor social barriers affect their goals.
Ji.j•<•••• '.Hi • a ^ • J W J ' V - i ^ t — • ) J
fajkir U a - u r t M t i r i U i h h i i j I M t i AWfe (
Jt-rtP « * M <
A 1992 advertisement asking for donations to support Muslim missionaries. 163*
Since the 19th-century beginnings of Western colonization, Muslims have f o u g h t t o defend their faith and land. The Koran urges spiritual and physical
RESISTANCE t o tyranny.
Imams and Sufis, men and women have defied oppression with their lives and prayers. In t h e 19£>0's and 1990's, Islam has continued t o rally t h e community against occupation. Whenever t h e cause of t h e Koran is Muslims from all nationalities
"'Drive them out from the places from which they drove you. 'Koran
...the Mujahideen fought s u c c e s s f u l l y a g a i n s t Communist occupation i n Afghanistan... ...the Muslim m i n o r i t y has s t r u g gled f o r equal r i g h t s in the Philippines and i n B u l g a r i a . . . ..-Muslims i n Kashmir a r e striving for independence...
. . . a l t h o u g h Kuwait t u r n e d t o t h e w o r l d community f o r h e l p a g a i n s t the I r a q i o c c u p a t i o n , i t s i n t e r n a l r e s i s t a n c e r a l l i e d under t h e c a l l of Islam...
. . . I s l a m i c Resistance groups are f i g h t i n g a g a i n s t I s r a e l i o c c u p a t i o n i n South Lebanon...
..some l e a d e r s i n t h e intifada have s o u g h t Koranic guidance i n the s t r u g g l e t o establish the state of P a l e s t i n e , w i t h Jerusalem as c a p i t a l . . .
The Dome of t h e Rock in Jerusalem was built between 6&&-63Z
has been the target
Jerusalem of non-
Muslims since the Crusaders captured
the c i t y in t h e 11th
century C.E. The Crusaders were later expelled.
-.s Jerusalem a. n al-Quds Jerusalen s Jerusalem al-Quds J e t :rusalem al-Quds Jerusal? l-Quds Jerusalem a l - Q u d i dem al-Quds Jerusalem at* £-Quds Jerusalem al-Quds Jerusat rusalem al-Quds Jerusalem aJ.-jOuds Jerusalem al-Quds Jerusa Quds Jerusalem atjjUffol/ftpfpn al-Quds Jerusalem al-Qu em ^'^fJG^^sjOfSSnSXPivW-ißiSfri al-Quds Jerusalem usalem al-Quds Je m al-Quds Jerusa Jerusalem al-Qu
In 1967, Jerusalem
was again
by non-Muslims.
I So do not Cose heart or he grieved, for you witt surety prevail if you are Believers.'
! al-Quds Jerusaler erusalem al-Quds erusalem al-Quds 1-Quds Jerusalem Juds Jerusalem aldem al-Quds J e m %pran 3:139 ds Jerusalem a l - Q lem al-Quds Jems erusalem al-Quds al-Quds Jerusaler 1-Quds Jerusalem :r usalem al-Quds Walem al-Quds Jeru ^uds Jerusalem al em al-Quds Jerusalem al-Quds Jerusalem al-Quds Jerusalem al-Quds Jerusalem a l - Q al-Quds Jerusalem al-Quds Jerusalem^ Is Jerusalem al-Quds Jerusalem al-Quds :rusalem al-Quds Jerusalem al-( tuds Jerusalem al-Quds Jerusalem uds Jerusalem al-Quds Jerusalej . al-Quds Jerusalem al-Quds Jeru em al-Quds Jerusalem al-Quc rusalem al-Quds Jerusalem a l - Q al-Quds Jerusalem al-Quds, pm al-Quds Jerusalem al-Quds rusalem al-Quds Jerusalem i Jerusalem al-Quds Jerusalem uds Jerusalem al-Quds Jerusj -Quds Jerusalem al-Quds j e r u sm al-Quds Jerusalem^ 1-Quds Jerusalem a l - Q d-Quds J i ~|lem al-Quds rusalem al i Jerusalem jds Jerusaf 1-Quds Jeru im al-Qut rusalem a l - Q tl-Quds J( lem al-Quds usalem al i Jerusalem Jerusalem al-Quds j e r u ids Jerusalem al-i^uds Jerusal isalem al-Quds Jerusalem a l - Q m al-Quds Jerusalem al- Quds Jerusalej Jm al-Quds Jerusalem al-Quds 1-Quds Jerusalem al-Quds Jerusalem > Jerusalem al-Quds Jerusalem usalem al-Quds Jerusalem al-Quds J e n [ Quds Jerusalem al-Quds Jeru kds Jerusalem al-Quds Jerusalem al-Qu
• From Jerusalem
to Cedar
Rapids, and from Sudan to EJengladesh, Muslims seekto master
and i n d u s t r i a l c u l t u r e of modern life and t o develop i t in a creative fashion.
Throughout history, Muslim men and women successfully adapted to numerous civilizations and have played a crucial role in formulating the Judaeo-Christian-Zj^mzV world view.
• 166
Today, the challenge racing Muslims is to expand this adaptability towards Westernization without departing from the Straight Path of the Koran and the Sunna.
(^uide, us in the straight path, the path of those whom Ihou hast Blessed, not of those against -whom ihou art wrathful, 9{gr of those who are astray.' %gran
Select Bibliography of Books in English •
REVELATION The Life of Mohammad
Haykal, Muhammad Husayn
Watt, W . Montgomery Muhammad , Muhammad
Burton, John
at Mecca
at Medina
and Authorship
Studies in the
of Early Hadith
Stewart, Desmond Mecca (New York, Gabrieli, Francesco Muhammad
1976) 1981)
The Collection of the Quran
Juynboll, G . H . A . Muslim
and the Conquests
of Islam,
trans. Virginia Luling and Rosamund Linell (New York, 1968) Tritton, A.S.
The Caliphs and their Non-Muslim
(London, 1970) Endress, Gerhard An Introduction to Islam,
trans. Carole
Hillenbrand (New York, 1988)
Michell, George, ed. Architecture
of the hlnmic
(London, 1978 / rep. 1987) Burckhardt, Titus An of Islam
(World of Islam Festival, 1976)
Nelson, Kristina The Art of Reciting the
(Austin, Texas, 1985) Lings, Martin
The Quranic
Art of Calligraphy
(World of Islam Festival Trust, 1976) Walther, Wiebke Woman in Islam, trans. C . S . V . Salt
(London, 1981) O ' L e a r y , D e Lacy How
Greek Science Passed to the
(London, 1949) Khalidi, T a r i f
Golden Age
Classical Arab
(Princeton, N . J . ,
The Culture
and Heritage
of the
The Genius
of Arab
(Cambridge, M A ,
Ullmann, Manfred Islamic Medicine Watt, W . Montgomery A History
of Islamic
(Edinburgh, 1965) Pattern in Islamic Art
Wade, David
Arberry, A . J . Sufism: An Account
(New York,
of the Mystics
of Islam
, Introduction
to the History
Ibn Al-Arabi, Muhyiddin
of Sufism
The Turjuman
Reynold A. Nicholson (London, Blunt, Wilfrid Isfahan Abu-Lughod, Janet L .
(London, Cairo:
Years of the City
(Princeton, N . J . , 1971) The Muqaddimah,
Ibn Khaldoon
ed. N . J . Dawood
trans. Franz Rosenthal,
(Princeton, N . J . , 1969)
Clarke, Peter B .
West Africa and Islam (London,
Thubron, Colin
Lord Kinross
The Ottoman
Penzer, N . M .
The Harem
Coles, Paul
The Ottoman
(New York,
Culture in the Indian
Islam in Asia
1968) Environment
(New York and Oxford,
Marsh, Clifton E . From Black Muslims
to Muslims
Haddad, Yvonne Yazbeck The Muslims
Esposito, John L . , ed.
Gascoigne, Bamber The Great Moghuh
Impact on Europe
Ahmad, Aziz Studies in Islamic
of America
(New York and
STRAIGHT PATH The Struggle Within Islam (London,
Zakaria, Rafiq
Kimmens, Andrew C .
Islamic Politics and the Modern
1988) World
1991) Rodinson, Maxitne Islam and Capitalism, trans. Brian Pearce (Austin,
Texas, 1986) T i b i , Bassam
The Crisis of Modern
trans. Judith von Sivers
Lake City, 1988) Said, Edward
Covering Islam (New York,
Asali, K . J . Jerusalem in History
(New York,
1981) 1990)
Hirti, Philip K.
Islam and the West: A Historical
and Cultural
(London, 1962) Watt, W . Montgomery The Majesty that was Islam (London and New
York, 1974) Islam and the Arab World,
ed. Bernard Lewis (New York,
Robinson, Francis Atlas of the Islamic World
(New York,
1976) 1984)
Acknowledgements and Sources • REVELATION p.
Paccard, Andre
Architecture! p. 35 p. 36
Loges, Werner 1980)
Craft in
(France, 1980) p. 244 Tribal Rugs
p. 88
Illustration of muezzin inspired by 19th-century lithograph.
p. 46
Farouqui, I . and L . The Cultural Atlas of Islam
(Macmillan, 1986) p. 39 p. 51
Paccard, Andre
Islamic Craft in
(France, 1980) p. 315
p. 72
H i t t i , Philip K .
The Origin
of the Islamic State
York: Columbia Univ., 1916) pp. 186-187 p. 73
" A Special Luster" Aramco
World Magazine
Oct. 1981) pp. 2-3 p. 80
Nelson, Kristina The Art of Reciting the Our an (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1985) p. 129
p. 88
Bürge, T . K .
The Bektashi
Order of Dervishes
(London. 1952) p. 96
Writing Box: "Scheherezade in Paris" Aramco Magazine
(Sept.- Oct. 1985) p. 26
p. 97
Illustration inspired by 13th-century miniature.
p. 100
"Deriving Pleasure from Algebra and Alchemy" Wasahlan
- Saudi Arabian
(October 1983)
Vol.7, Issue 7, p. 38 p. 103
Ullmann, Manfred Islamic
(Edinburgh, 1978) p. 19 p, 107
Scala Museum, Florence, Italy,
p. 109
Paccard, Andre
Islamic Craft in
(France, 1980) p. 257
p. 110 p. 111
Arberry, A . J . Sufism
(London, 1950) p. 117
Brass Lamp: "Scheherezade in Paris" Aramco Magazine
(Sept.-Oct. 1985) p. 30
p. 112
Persian Miniatures,
(Moscow, 1968)
p. 113
Persian Miniatures,
(Moscow, 1968)
p. 115 Clock: "Topkapi's Turkish Timepieces" Aramco Magazine p. 116
(July- Aug. 1977) p. 10 World Magazine
(July-Aug. 1977) R e a r C o v e r .
T h e word "Allah" repeated eight times makes up this calligraphic star. p. 118 p. 119
Arab Bank Calendar
"Muslims in C h i n a - T h e History" Aramco Magazine
p. 120
Roland Michaud, Rapho, Paris World
(July- Aug. 1985) p. 14
Farouqui, I . and L . The Cultural Atlas of Islam
(Macmillan, 1986) map 25 p. 132
"Calligraphy: T h e Art of Islam- In the Name of G o d " Aramco
p. 135
World Magazine
(July-Aug. 1977)
"Djenne, Living Tradition" Aramco
p. 26
( N o v . - D e c . 1990) pp. 25-26 p. 136
Gibb, H . A . R . , trans. Ibn Battuta
(London, 1963)
pp. 329-330 Decorative Frieze: Paccard, Andre Traditional Craft in Moroccan
1 (France, 1980)
p. 137
Decorative Frieze: Refer to p. 136 above
p. 142
Quoted in: Zakaria, Rafiq The Struggle Within
Islamic p. 188
(London, 1989) p. 286 p. 146
Decorative Frieze: Paccard, Andre Craft in Moroccan
I (France, 1980)
p. 149
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
p. 152
Decorative Frieze: Refer to p. 136 above
p. 153
p. 154
Islamic p. 327
"Muslims in the Caribbean" Aramco
(Nov.- Dec. 1987) p. 6 195