Inverse Problems in the Mathematical Sciences
With 38 Illustrations
Contents 1
Introduction Inverse Problems Modeled by Integral Equations of the First Kind: Causation 2.1 2.2 2.3
Some Models
. .
. .
35 39
Parameter Estimation in Differential Equations: Model Identification 41 An Exponential Growth Model 3.2 A Problem in Hydraulics . . . . 3.3 Compartmental Analysis . . . . 3.4 Structural Dynamics . . . . . . 3.5 3.6 3.7
Diffusion Coefficients Forcing Terms . . . . Bibliographic Notes .
. .
. .
Mathematical Background for Inverse Problems 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4
Integral Equations of the First Kind Bibliographic Notes . . . . . . . . . .
A Function Space Precis . . . Some Operator Theory . . . . Ill-Posed Operator Equations Bibliographic Notes . . . . . .
. .
. .
Some Methodology for Inverse Problems 5.1 5.2 5.3
The Method of Regularization . Discretization Methods . . . . . Iterative Methods . . . . . . . .
5.4 TSVD
43 45 49 56 61 63 65 67 71 79 83
84 91 96 100 102 108
5.7 ART.. 112
5.5 5.6
The Maximum Entropy Method . The Backus-Gilbert Method . . .
5.8 5.9
Ouput Least Squares . Bibliographic Notes . .
. .
. .
An Annotated Bibliography on Inverse Problems Index
116 119
121 151
Introduction Is there a thing of which it is said, "See, this is new"? It has been already in the ages before us. Ecclesiastes 1:10
The study of inverse problems is very new - and very old. The latest high-tech medical imaging devices are essentially inverse problem solvers; they reconstruct two
or three-dimensional objects from projections. More than two thousand years ago, in book VII of his Republic, Plato posed essentially the same problem in his allegory of the cave, namely, he considered the philosophical implications of reconstructing "reality" from observations of shadows cast upon a wall. These notes are meant to provide a first look at inverse problems in the mathematical sciences. It would be nice at this point to be able to give a clear, crisp definition of an inverse problem in the same way that one defines "group" or "topological space". However, the situation is not quite so clear-cut for inverse problems because the posing of an inverse problem presupposes the statement of a direct problem. In trying to give a general definition of an inverse problem we find ourselves in a position akin to that experienced by Justice Potter Stewart who, in referring to pornography, said he couldn't define it, but he knew it when he saw it. An inverse problem is a problem which is posed in a way that is inverted from that in which most direct problems are posed. The type of direct problem we have in mind is that of determining the effect y of a given cause x when a definite mathematical model K is posited: Kx = y. For such direct problems we assume that the operator K is well-defined and continuous, therefore there is a unique effect y for each cause x and small changes in x result in small changes in y. But this direct problem is only one third of the story. Given a direct problem of the type just discussed, two inverse problems may be immediately posed. These are the inverse problems of causation (given K and y, determine x) and model identification (given x and y, determine K). In the direct problem existence, uniqueness and stability of solutions is assumed, but in inverse problems none of these qualities can be taken for granted and it is this that makes inverse problems challenging and mathematically interesting. Inverse problems in the physical sciences have been posed throughout the historical development of the subject as a mathematical discipline. Corresponding to the direct problem of determining the resistive force on a solid of revolution of specified shape moving through a fluid, Newton proposed the inverse problem of determining a shape giving rise to a given resistive force. Similarly, Huygens in his design of an isochronous pendulum clock, and Bernoulli in his study of paths leading to a given time of descent, studied problems which are inverse to the standard direct problem
of time of descent on a given curve. The inverse problems just mentioned had a profound influence on mathematics and led to the founding of a new field of study - the calculus of variations. Inverse problems have also led to major physical advances,
perhaps the most spectacular of which was the discovery of the planet Neptune after predictions made by Leverrier and Adams on the basis of inverse perturbation theory. In his 1848 book on the work of Leverrier and Adams, J.P. Nichol took a surprisingly modern, though overly optimistic, view of inverse theory relating to the figure of the Earth as deduced from the orbit of the moon: "Certain deviations are caused by the influence of our equatorial protuberance: and these deviations measured by our modern instruments, whose precision approaches to the marvelous - enables us; by inverse reasoning, to determine with undoubted exactness, how far the Earth deviates from a regular globe." A common feature of inverse problems posed in function spaces is their instability, that is, small changes in the data may give rise to large changes in the solution. The computational treatment of such problems requires some type of discretization to fashion an approximate problem in which there are only finitely many unknowns. Small finite dimensional problems are typically stable, however, as the discretization is refined to better model the original infinite dimensional problem, the number of variables increases and the instability of the original problem becomes apparent in the discrete model. Nichol was evidently unaware of the difficulty of instability in inverse problems, but other authors of the last century were remarkably prescient
of the issue of instability. Maxwell noted in 1873, "There are certain classes of phenomena ... in which a small error in the data introduces a small error in the result ... The course of events in these cases is stable. There are other classes of phenomena which are more complicated and in which cases of instability occur, the number of such cases increasing, in an extremely rapid manner, as the number of variables increases."
Around the turn of the century, Hadamard clearly formulated the concept of a well-posed problem. He took existence, uniqueness and stability of solutions to be the characteristics of a well-posed problem and expressed the view that physical situations always lead to well-posed problems. This view was echoed by Petrovskii
as lately as 1956 and we find in Courant and Hilbert the statement "... a mathematical problem cannot be considered as realistically corresponding to physical phenomena unless a variation of the given data in a sufficiently small range leads to an arbitrarily small change in the solution." Interestingly, only three pages on from this quotation, we find " `properly posed' problems are by far not the only ones which appropriately reflect real phenomena." Today we know that many interesting and important inverse problems in science lead to mathematical problems that are not well-posed in the sense of Hadamard. The major goal of this work is to introduce simple examples of such problems, consider the challenges they present, and introduce the basics of some methods designed to meet those challenges. The many important inverse problems arising in modern science and technology more than justify a greater role for inverse theory in the undergraduate curriculum. But more important than scientific applications is the need to teach students
1 Introduction
the value of "inverse thinking", irrespective of the particular field of investigation. Such thinking can lead to fresh perspectives and audacious ideas. We conclude this introduction with two examples of this type of thinking in fields far removed from mathematics. In studying insect populations, say moths, one is led directly to consider the food
source of the population. Charles Darwin, in 1862, turned this thinking around by predicting the existence, on Madagascar, of an unknown moth with an eleven inch proboscis. His prediction was based on the existence of a Madagascan orchid with a foot-long nectary. Some forty years later such a moth was discovered on Madagascar, dramatically confirming Darwin's prediction. The analogy with the discovery of Neptune is inescapable. Our final example comes from biblical archaeology. The story of the discovery
of the Dead Sea scrolls, beginning in 1947, is now familiar. What is not so wellknown is that a small group of scholars was given, by the Jordanian Department of Antiquities (with the acquiescence of the Israeli authorities after the 1967 war), exclusive rights to the source materials. The so-called International Committee routinely denied other scholars access to the materials while publishing its own results at an excruciatingly slow pace. The committee did, however, publish a concordance of the scrolls in the 1950's. This concordance (essentially a collection of "literary projections" of the scrolls) was readily available to all scholars. Two of the scholars, Ben-Zion Wacholder and his student Martin Ebegg, in their frustration at being denied access to the scrolls, conceived the bold idea of reconstructing the scrolls from the concordance - a kind of literary tomography. Using a computer they did just that. The result, though far from accurate, introduced enough instability into the political situation to break the monopoly on the scrolls and allow access by all scholars to the 2,000 year old mother lode. Inverse problems are very new and very old.
Inverse Problems Modeled by Integral Equations of the First Kind: Causation Pangloss could prove to everybody's satisfaction that there is no effect without a cause Voltaire, Candide
What causes a given effect? Often this question has no definitive answer. We may be able to suggest a number of distinct possible causes for an effect and sometimes we can find no reasonable cause at all that can account for a given effect (such an effect we call a mystery). Most disconcertingly, it may happen that highly disparate causes result in indistinguishable effects. In this chapter we investigate causation in a number of concrete physical situ-
ations. A cause will be a function x = x(t) and the effect y = y(s) of this cause is felt through a deterministic process K : y = Kx. Schematically, the cause-effect relationship is illustrated in Figure 2.1.
Figure 2.1
Very often the process, or our idealization of it, is linear, that is,
6 2 Inverse Problems Modeled by Integral Equations of the First Kind: Causation K(clxl + C2X2) = c1Kx1 + c2Kx2. Moreover, the details of a given effect often result from a combination of the details of the cause. A mathematical leap then leads us to the following form for the causeeffect relationship: b
y(s) = J k(s,t)x(t)dt
where the function k(., ) represents a (simplified) model of the process. If the linearity assumption is dropped, the process has the more general form b
y(s) = 1 k(s, t, x(t))dt a
where k(., , ) is a given function of three variables. We shall concentrate on equations of the form (2.1), which are called Fredholm integral equations of the first kind (k(., .) is called the kernel of the equation). When the variable t represents time and the past is unaffected by the future, then k(s, t) = 0 for s < t and (2.1) takes the form y (s) =
k(s, t)x(t)dt.
This special form of (2.1) is called a Volterra integral equation of the first kind and we shall see that such equations model many temporal and nontemporal physical situations. Sometimes the kernel in (2.2) exhibits a special translational invariance because it depends only on the difference of the arguments, that is, k(s,t) = k(s-t). In this case (2.2) becomes 3
y(s) = f k(s - t)x(t)dt
which is called a convolution equation. The Laplace transform is a standard tool for the analysis of convolution equations. Each of the four types of integral equations of the first kind introduced above will occur among the models in the next section.
Some Models
We now present a number of inverse problems in physical science arising in statics, dynamics, potential theory, heat transfer, hydraulics, imaging, radiation, diffusion and biochemical reactions. In each case the inverse problem will be modeled in terms of an integral equation of the first kind. For the most part, the models considered are linear and they therefore represent, as do all models, a simplified representation of physical reality. We begin by taking up a problem in statics.
2.1 Some Models
The Hanging Cable. Imagine a cable of variable density hanging between two horizontal supports. We assume that the tension T in the cable is constant and that the vertical deflection y of the cable at any point is small relative to the length of the cable. A somewhat exaggerated (remember, we assume small vertical deflections) illustration of the situation is:
/ 1
Figure 2.2 The inverse problem we wish to pose is this: what distribution of the variable mass of the cable causes the observed deflection mode y? We will call the weight density of the cable x(s) and we construct a model K for the weight-deflection relationship:
y=Kx. Consider the effect of a concentrated force F at the point t (see Figure 2.3). Balancing forces we find:
Tsinq + TsinO = F. Because of the small deflection assumption, we have sin 0 and hence we model the balance of forces by y(t) + y(t) t
1-t _
and therefore y(t) = ZF-.t(1 - t)
If s < t, then by similarity of the triangles
tan 0 and sin 0 ti tan
8 2 Inverse Problems Modeled by Integral Equations of the First Kind: Causation
Figure 2.3
= y(t) =
(1 - t}
y(s) =
Ts(1 - t)
Similarly, y(s) = 7FFt(1 - s) for s > t.
Hence we have y(s) = F k(s,t)
k(s,t) =
t(1-s)/T, 0
Consider now a continuous distribution of force produced by a weight density x = x(t). Taking into account the influence of all the infinitesimal forces on the deflection y(s) we arrive at n
y(s) = n-.oo lim E k(s, ti)x(ti)Ati i=1
2.1 Some Models
y(s) =
k(s, t)x(t)dt
which is a Fredholm integral equation of the first kind relating the density to the deflection.
Exercise 2.1: Show that if y satisfies (2.4), then y is a solution of the boundary value problem y"(s) + x(s) =
Y(O) = y(l)
0 < s < 1
Show that a small perturbation ye(s) = e(s - 1) sin(s/e)(e < 1) in the deflection y is accounted for by a large perturbation in x. Exercise 2.2: Consider a modification of the hanging cable model, namely the problem of a shaft rotating with angular velocity w in which loads result from centrifugal forces generated by small deflections of the center line of the shaft. Show that the deflection of the center line y(s) is related to the weight density x(t) by p1
y(s) = w2 J k(s,t)y(t)x(t)dt. 0
Geological Prospecting. The general problem of geological prospecting is to determine the location, shape and constitution of subterranean bodies from measurements at the earth's surface. We will treat a much simplified one-dimensional model. Namely, we suppose that on a horizontal line measurements are made of the vertical component of gravitational force due to a variable distribution of mass along a parallel line one unit below the surface. The situation is illustrated in Figure 2.4.
If the variable mass density x(t) is distributed along the t-axis for 0 < t < 1, and an instrument measures the vertical component of force y(s), then a small mass element x(t)Lt at position t gives rise to a vertical force Ay(s) at s given by
Dy(s) = 7
x(t)Lt (s - t)2 + 1
cos 0 = 7
x(t)At ((s - t)2 + 1)3/2
where -y is the gravitational constant. Therefore, taking into account all such elements At, we find that the vertical force y(s) at s is related to the density distribution x(t) by way of the following Fredholm integral equation of the first kind: 1
y(s) = 7 j((s - t)2 + 1)-3/2x(t)dt.
10 2 Inverse Problems Modeled by Integral Equations of the First Kind: Causation
1 1
t 0
Figure 2.4
Exercise 2.3: Show that (2.5) has at most one solution. (Hint: Extend x(t) to (-oo, oo) by setting x(t) = 0 for t (0, 1) and apply the Fourier transform.) Exercise 2.4: Show that the centrally directed force y(O) at a point 0 on the unit circle due to a variable mass density x(So) distributed over a concentric circle of radius 1/2 is given by Y(O) -
f 2" o
1 - 1/2 cos(O - cp) x (5/4 - cos(O - cp))3/2 (co)d
Exercise 2.5: Consider a two-dimensional version of the gravitation model in which a body SZ contained within the unit disk has variable density x(r). Show that the centrally directed force y(R) at a point R on the unit circle is given by
y(R) = y I (R - rl j:Rx(r)dA(r) 13 I
yR Vcp(R) where dA is an area element and co is the gravitational potential: cp(R) _
r 1 R Ix(-)dA().
2.1 Some Models
Exercise 2.6: Use Green's theorem to show that if f is a C2 function which vanishes along with its normal derivative on the boundary of Q, then
Jr-RI Of(1dA(rr = 0 1
where A f is the Laplacian of f . Conclude that the integral equation in Exercise 2.5 does not have a unique solution.
The Edge Effect. In this "flat earth" model we assume that the surface of the earth is a horizontal plane. Depth will be measured along a positive z-axis, pointing down, and we assume a stratified model in which the density p(z) is a function of z alone. We assume that the z-axis represents an edge between two laterally uniform structures with densities pl and P2, respectively, such as might exist at a continental margin:
x p (Z)
p (Z) 2
Figure 2.5
If we imagine a y-axis coming out of the page, then it is not difficult to compute
the vertical component of gravity g(x, s, z) at the point (x, 0, 0) on the surface engendered by the infinitely long "wire" (s, y, z), -oo < y < oo, at depth z. In fact g(x, s, z)
00 _ -YP(z, x)z 100 { (x - s)2 +
2'yp(z, x)z (x - s)2 -I- z2
12 2 Inverse Problems Modeled by Integral Equations of the First Kind: Causation where P(z,x)
x > 0.
Consider now the gravitational anomaly Ag(x, s, z) obtained by subtracting out the density p1 (z), that is,
Ag(x, s, z) _ (yAp z+) z2 , s > 0 where Ap(z) = p2(z)-pl (z). Integrating over s, we obtain the gravitational anomaly Ag(x, z) at x due to a semi-infinite horizontal plate at depth z: 00
= 27Ap(z)z J
Ag(x, z)
s)2 + Z2
= 27Ap(z)z (tan-1(2) + 7r/2)
ds .
Therefore the gradient of the anomaly, Og'(x, z) = a Ag(x, z), satisfies
og'(x, z) = 2y0P(z)z x2+z2 Finally, integrating over all such semi-infinite plates, we obtain the following integral equation relating the gradient of the gravitational anomaly and the density difference:
Ag'(x) =
J f°° Ap+z)2 dz. 0
Exercise 2.7: To simplify notation, write (2.6) as
f(x) = J1°°
x2 + z2
Show that forA>O,z>0, 00
e-'axdx = 7r eza.
x2 + z2
Conclude that if f is the Fourier transform of f, then for p > 0, A -P) = .e{7rcp(z)}(p)
where .£ is the Laplace transform. Therefore the integral equation may be formally inverted as follows: P(z) =
2.1 Some Models
Figure 2.6
Pressure Gauges. Consider a sealed vessel with an attached pressure gauge (Figure 2.6). We suppose that this pressure gauge is a simple spring-loaded piston which for simplicity we assume to be undamped. Let the mass of the piston be m and the spring constant be k. Suppose that the pressure in the vessel changes in time, due say to heating and cooling of the vessel, and take the cross-sectional area of the piston to be 1, so that force and pressure are equated. The displacement of the gauge above the equilibrium position, y(t), is then related to the internal dynamic pressure, x(t), by my"(t) + ky(t) = x(t). For simplicity we will assume the following initial conditions:
y'(0) = 0.
Y(O) = 0,
Applying the Laplace transform we obtain Y (P) =
X (P)
and hence, by the convolution theorem, s
1 J sinw(s - t)x(t)dt Y(S)= wm
14 2 Inverse Problems Modeled by Integral Equations of the First Kind: Causation where w = k/m. The effect given by the response of the pressure gauge is therefore related to the causing dynamic internal pressure by the convolution equation (2.7).
Exercise 2.8: Derive the integral equation relating the response y to the internal pressure x assuming that the motion is damped by a force proportional to the velocity y'.
Exercise 2.9: Given an arbitrarily small number e > 0, and an arbitrarily large number M > 0, show that there is a pair of functions yE and xE satisfying (2.7) with max I yE(s) (< e and max ( xE(t) 1> M.
The Vibrating String. The free vibrations of a nonhomogeneous string of length 1 and density distribution p(x) > 0, 0 < x < 1, may be modeled by the partial differential equation p(x)utt = Uga.
We take the ends of the string to be fixed and hence the boundary conditions
u(0,t) = 0,
u(1,t) = 0
are satisfied. The method of separation of variables is a standard technique for analyzing such partial differential equations, that is, a basic solution of the form
u(x,t) = y(x)r(t) is assumed. This leads to the ordinary differential equation (2.8)
/' + w2p(x)y = 0
for the spatial component and the boundary conditions y(0) = 0,
y(l) = 0.
The numbers w2 comprise a discrete sequence of eigenvalues corresponding to allowable frequencies of vibration of the string.
We imagine an observation of y at a given frequency w, say by employing a stroboscopic light. This observation will be deno ted y(.; w). From (2.8) we find IJoI y' (s; w)ds - y' (0; w) + w2 J0 i Jo s p(x) y(x; w)dxds = 0 or
JSY(8w)P(s)ds =
y' (o, w) w
2.1 Some Models
The inverse problem of determining the variable density p of the string then consists of finding a single positive function p which satisfies (2.9) for all allowable frequencies w. We now take up a couple of inverse problems involving the diffusion of heat.
Thermal Archaeology. Consider a uniform bar of length it (for simplicity) which is insulated on its lateral surface so that heat is constrained to flow in only one direction (the x-direction). With certain normalizations and scalings the temperature u(x,t) satisfies the partial differential equation
0<x<7r. We assume the ends of the bar are kept at temperature 0 and that the initial temperature distribution is a function f (x), 0 < x < r, that is, the boundary and initial conditions
u(0, t) = 0,
u(ir, t) = 0,
u(x, 0) = f (x)
A standard direct problem in applied mathematics is to find some subsequent temperature distribution, say at t = 1, from this information. If we call this later temperature distribution g(x) = u(x, 1), then the- situation is illustrated in Figure 2.7.
-> x
Figure 2.7
16 2 Inverse Problems Modeled by Integral Equations of the First Kind: Causation
The method of separation of variables leads to a representation of g(x) in terms of the eigenfunctions sin nx of the form ao
g(x) = E am sin nx where the coefficients are given by
an ---2it
f (u) sin nu du
_n 2.
Substituting this into the expression for g and interchanging the summation and integration we arrive at 7r
g(x) =
k(x, u)f(u)du
where G
k(x, u) = -
e-' sin nx sin nu.
Think now of the inverse problem, that is, the problem of determining the initial temperature distribution f (x) that gives rise to the later temperature distribution g(x). This is the problem of solving the heat equation "backward in time." Mathematically it is expressed as solving the integral equation (2.10) for f. It should be clear from the physical nature of the process that the detailed structure of the initial temperature distribution f is highly diffused at the later time t = 1 and hence recovering this detailed information from measurements of g will be exceedingly difficult. The mathematical basis for the difficult reconstruction problem is evident from the form of the kernel in (2.10). Specifically, high frequency components in f (i.e., components associated with sin nu for large n) are severely damped by the very small factor e-n 2, making their influence on g practically imperceptible. The next exercise makes these ideas concrete.
Exercise 2.10: Suppose f and g satisfy (2.10). Let e > 0 and M > 0 be given numbers (e arbitrarily small and M arbitrarily large) and let fm (u) = M sin mu. Show that an arbitrarily large perturbation fm in f leads, for m sufficiently large, to a perturbation of maximum amplitude less than e in g. Temperature Probes. Suppose a hostile environment is enclosed by a protective wall (the containment vessel of a nuclear reactor is a suitable mental image). It is desired to remotely monitor the internal temperature by passing a long (for our purposes we will assume infinitely long) bar through the wall and measuring the temperature at a point x = a on the safe side of the wall (see Figure 2.8). If we denote the temperature at the point x on the bar at time t by u(x, t), then the problem is to determine the internal temperature f (t) = u(0, t) from measurements
2.1 Some Models
g(t)=u(a, t)
Figure 2.8
of g(t) = u(a,t). We assume that the one-dimensional heat equation is satisfied, that the initial temperature of the bar is 0 and that the temperature is uniformly bounded. Then
Ut = U3 , 0<x<00
u(x,0) = 0 and hence, taking Laplace transforms with respect to the variable t, we arrive at the ordinary differential equation pU = U" where p is the Laplace transform variable, primes signify differentiation with respect
to x and U is the Laplace transform of u with respect to t. Bounded solutions of this equation have the form
U(x) =
where U(O)
= F'(p), and F(p) is the Laplace transform of At). Therefore, by the convolution theorem,
18 2 Inverse Problems Modeled by Integral Equations of the First Kind: Causation
where h is the inverse Laplace transform of e-V', that is [AS], x
h(x, t) =
Therefore at x = a, we have
g(t) =
It exp(-a2/4(t - T)) f(T)dT.
2 Jo
(t - 7)3/2
That is, the internal and external temperatures are related by a convolution equation.
Exercise 2.11: Show that if u(x,t) =
sin (nt +
2 x), then ut = u.,,, u(0, t) =
f (t), where f (t) = V l sin nt and u,(0, t) = g(t), where g(t) = cos nt + sin nt. Show that if e > 0 (arbitrarily small) and M > 0 (arbitrarily large), then for any fixed a > 0 there are functions f and g satisfying the above conditions with
maxj f(t) J<e,maxlg(t) 1<2andmaxlu(a,t)J>M. In many, perhaps most, modeling situations the geometrical configuration in which the process acts is assumed to be known. However, for a given physical process
changes in geometry can, and usually do, result in changes in effect. For example, the external gravitational field generated by a homogeneous body generally depends upon the shape of the body. In such instances we can think of the geometry as the cause of an observed or given effect. The inverse problem consists of finding this cause, i.e., geometry. The next three examples are very simple illustrations of some inverse problems modeled as integral equations of the first kind in which the solution is some geometrical curve. Horology. This example is perhaps the oldest instance of an integral equation. The roots of the problem are traced to Huygens and Bernoulli and its formulation as an integral equation is due to Abel in the early nineteenth century. The problem is to find the path in the plane along which a particle will fall, under the influence
of gravity alone, so that at each instant the time of fall is a given (or observed) function of the distance fallen. Suppose, as indicated in Figure 2.9, that the particle falls from height z and that the path of descent is parameterized by arclength s, that is, at time t the length of arc traversed is s(t) (s(0) = 0). Assuming that the particle starts from rest, we find by equating the gain in kinetic energy to the loss in potential energy that: i
Cdt) =g(z-y).
Integrating this, we find that the time of descent from z to the base line y = 0, T(z) is given by
2.1 Some Models
y= o
r(z) = ly =z
2g(z - y)
Setting a= -f(y), this gives y .f (y)
r(z) =
2g(z - y)
Exercise 2.12: The Abel transform is the integral transform A defined by (ASo)(z) =
Therefore (2.11) reads: r =
1 Iz V 7r
2y A f . Show that X
(A2cp)(x) = f (t)dt. 0
It follows that if D is the differentiation operator, then DA2cp = cp. Explain why the operator DA may be regarded as "differentiation of one-half order." 11 Exercise 2.13: Show that (2.11) can have at most one continuous solution.
20 2 Inverse Problems Modeled by Integral Equations of the First Kind: Causation Exercise 2.14 Huygens was interested in an inverse synthesis problem in horology, namely, the design of an isochronic pendulum clock in which the period is independent of the amplitude. In terms of equation (2.11), he wanted to find an f for which T(z) = T is independent of z. Show that if the time of descent T(z) is independent of z, then (A2f)(y) = aVz-, for some constant a and hence ddy
= -f(y)
= OlVY
for some constant 0. Show that this condition is satisfied by the cycloidal arc
y = a(l + cos cp),
Irrigation. In traditional agriculture fields are often watered from elevated irrigation canals by removing a solid gate from a weir notch. We suppose that the depth of water in the canal is h and that the notch is symmetric about a vertical center line as in Figure 2.10.
\ water
Figure 2.10
By Torricelli's law (see, e.g. Chapter 3), the velocity of the effluent at height y is 2g(h - y), therefore the volume of flow per unit time through the notch is 2
f 0
V 2g(h - y)f(y)dy
2.1 Some Models
where x = f (y) specifies the shape of the notch. Suppose that one wishes to design a notch so that this quantity is a given function cp(h) of the water depth in the canal (or equivalently, suppose one wants to determine the shape f from observations of the flow rate cp). One then is led to solve the convolution equation te
cp(h) =
2g(h - y) f (y)dy.
Exercise 2.15: Show that equation (2.12) has at most one continuous solution. Exercise 2.16: Solve equation (2.12) when cp(h) = 2h2.
The Shape of a Mass. We modify a previous example (geological prospecting) a bit in this example. Imagine an airplane in level flight 1 mile high. An instrument on
the plane measures the vertical component of the gravitational attraction of a hill of uniform density. The problem is to determine the shape cp of the hill, as pictured in Figure 2.11.
x 1
Figure 2.11
The contribution of a small mass element pLxLy at the location (x, y) to the vertical component of force at (s, 1) is
22 2 Inverse Problems Modeled by Integral Equations of the First Kind: Causation 7P (
1- y)
cos OAyox =
((s-x)2+ p(1 (1-
where p is the density and y is the gravitational constant. Hence the vertical force f (s) at (s, 1) is given by
!s = f( ) J
-YP(1 - y)
, ((s - x)2 + (1 - y)2)3/2 that is, the shape, cp, of the hill satisfies the nonlinear Fredholm integral equation of the first kind
f (s) = yp J k(s, x, cp(x))dx in0 where
k(s, x, z)
(1 - y) dy ((s - x)2 + (l - y)2)3/2 ((s - x)2 + (1 - z)2)-1/2 - ((s - x)2 + 1)-1/2.
Exercise 2.17: Consider a star shaped body with uniform density contained within the unit circle. Suppose the boundary of the body is described in polar coordinates by r = g(8), 0 < 0 < 2ir. Show that if the centrally directed gravitational force at a point ez`W on the unit circle is f (cp), then
f(0) = yP where 9, z)
k(co, 0, g(0))dO
rdr _ Jo (1 + r2 - 2r cos(cp -
We now take up three simple models involving imaging, that is, determining the internal structure of an object from external measurements, or reconstructing a degraded picture.
Simplified Tomography. For simplicity we consider a two-dimensional object (e.g., a simplified tumor) contained within a circle of radius R (a simplified skull).
The object is illuminated with radiation of known intensity 'o. As the beam of radiation traverses the object it is to some extent absorbed and the emergent beam is detected on the far side of the object (see Figure 2.12). We assume that the radiation absorption coefficient of the object, f (x, y), varies from point to point in the object. The physical composition of the object gives rise to this coefficient and hence a map of the coefficient would presumably give a useful profile of the object itself. The absorption coefficient governs the rate at which the radiation energy is absorbed and satisfies Bouger's law
2.1 Some Models
Ix detector
emi t ter I
Figure 2.12
where I is the intensity of the radiation. Indeed, we may take this equation as the definition of the absorption coefficient. We then have
I = Io exA
f (x, y)dy Y(r)
where y = V"rR2 - x2. Setting p(x) = ln(Io/II), we then have
f(x, y) dy.
Suppose now that f is circularly symmetric, that is, f (x, y) = f (r), where r = x2 -1- y2. Then the integral equation (2.13) becomes
p(x) =
r2 r x2 f (r)dr,
that is, the absorption coefficient is the solution of an integral equation of the first kind, in which the known term is the log-ratio of the radiation intensities.
24 2 Inverse Problems Modeled by Integral Equations of the First Kind: Causation Exercise 2.18: Show that the change of variables z = R2 - r2, r = R2 - x2, SO (Z)
f(\/ R2 - z), P(T) = p( R2 - T2) converts equation (2.14) in to the Abel integral equation dz. (z) r-z
P(T) = 10 T
Stellar Stereography. Ancient astronomers were aware of diffuse luminous spots in the night sky which remained fixed relative to the stars. After the invention of the telescope these nebulae were resolved and recognized to be star clusters. Consider such a cluster which is spherical in shape, that is, a globular cluster. When a globular cluster is observed through a telescope, what is seen is a projection of the three-dimensional structure onto the two-dimensional focal plane of the instrument. The problem of stellar stereography consists of attempting to reconstruct the threedimensional spherical structure of the cluster from the observed projection. Suppose that the density of stars, per unit volume, in the spherical cluster is x(r), where r is the distance from the center. Let y(s) be the density of observed stars, per unit area, at a distance s from the center of the projection. If R is the radius of the globular cluster, we find on referring to Figure 2.13, that R2_S2
y(s) =
2r Vr __S 2
which is the same integral equation derived in the previous example. Exercise 2.19: Suppose that x(r) represents the relative number of stars in the shell
of the globular cluster contained between the radii r and r + dr, and that y(s) represents the relative number of stars in the annulus between s and s + ds in the projection. Show that _
r2 - s2
Image Reconstruction. Most teachers are familiar, in an admittedly informal way, with the two-dimensional reconstruction problem associated with the common overhead projector. The projector consists of a light table on which a transparency is placed. Light is passed vertically through the transparency, collected by a lens arrangement and projected on an overhead screen. The light table, lens and screen may, together, be considered an instrument for the reconstruction of an object, the writing on the transparency.
2.1 Some Models
projection plane
Figure 2.13
We now consider a simple one-dimensional model of such an image reconstruction process. The incident light will be a monochromatic plane wave frequency w, which
is customarily represented in complex form: eiwt. The illuminated object (corresponding to writing on a transparency) is a function f (x), representing a density. The situation is illustrated in Figure 2.14. Light rays striking the object will be scattered at various angles. Consider for a moment those rays which are scattered at a fixed angle /3 to the horizontal. A ray scattered at point x has an optical path shortened by an amount As = x sin,3, which corresponds to a time shift of At = is/c, where c is the speed of light. The effect of a scattered ray at x is the shifted wave f(x)eiw(t-at) = f(x)eiw(t-as/0 = f (x)e-iuxeiwt
where u = wis/cx = (w sin /3)/c. Superimposing the effect of f (x) over all x, we find that the scattered wave in the direction /3 = sin-'(CU/W) is f (u)eiwt
where CO
AU) = f f (x)e-suxdx is the Fourier transform of f : f = Ff. (The notation and definition of the Fourier transform differs slightly among authors. We adopt the definition of [Pa]).
26 2 Inverse Problems Modeled by Integral Equations of the First Kind: Causation
T D0
f abject
Figure 2.14
A perfect image reconstruction instrument would therefore be a realization of the inverse Fourier transform.F-1 . However, any real instrument is capable of collecting scattered rays for only a limited range of angles /3, which corresponds to a limited
range for u, say -S2 < u < Q. The image g then formed by such an instrument is then modeled by
where Dn is the low-pass filter operator
D1h(u) = (1[-n,n]h)(u) =
(u), 1 u 1> Q.
Now, the inverse Fourier transform of the filter function 1,
1 U j<
1[-sz szl(u) _ { 0 , I U I> S2 is [Pa]
(Y-11[-ntn)(t)) =
Therefore, the convolution theorem for Fourier transforms,
g=Sf * f.
2.1 Some Models
If the object f is known to have support contained within [-a, a], i.e., if f (x) = 0 for I x J> a, we then have
g(y) =
7r(y - x)
We note that (2.16) models much more general situations than that modeled in our optical example. Suppose f is any signal with support contained in [-a, a], which is analysed in the frequency domain by consideration of its Fourier transform .T f . If this transform is available for only a limited range of frequencies, say [-S2, S2],
then the available data in the time domain is
g = F-1 Dn.Ff which is again (2.16).
Exercise 2.20: Show that as an operator on L2(-oo, oo),
< 1.
Our next two models are intended to show that inverse problems, phrased as integral equations of the first kind, occur (in fact, quite frequently) in the life sciences.
Immunology. We now develop a simple model in immunology relating to the reaction of antigens with antibodies in an equilibrium state. Our aim is to derive an integral equation of the first kind for the probability density of the equilibrium constant of the antigen-antibody reaction, which we take to be a random variable. Consider first the simplest case in which an antigen AG combines with an antibody AB to form a bound antigen-antibody complex AGAB: AG + AB
The dynamics of the reaction are governed by rate constants, an association rate k+ and a disassociation rate k_. The rate of association is taken to be proportional to the product of the concentrations of antigen and antibody, that is, the association rate is k+ [AG] [AB]
where the brackets indicate concentrations. Similarly, the disassociation rate is k_ [AGAB].
At equilibrium, we have k+ [AG] [AB] = k_ [AGAB]
and hence, if we define the equilibrium constant, x, by x = k+/k_, then
28 2 Inverse Problems Modeled by Integral Equations of the First Kind: Causation x [AG] [AB] _ [AGAR].
The total number of antibodies, ABt, consists of free antibodies AB and bound antibodies AGAB and the concentrations satisfy [ABt] = [AB] + [AGAB].
Substituting for [AB] in (2.17), we obtain x [AG] ([ABt] - [AGAB]) = [AGAR]
and hence [AGAB] [ABt]
x[AG] 1 + x[AG] '
(2 . 18)
The left hand side of this equation is the fraction of antibody molecules in the bound state. To simplify notation, we will denote the concentration of free antigen by h, i.e., h = [AG]. If we denote the number of antigen molecules bound per molecule of antibody by v(h), then, assuming the antibody molecules are n-valent (i.e., that each antibody molecule has n receptor sites at which antigen molecules attach), we have n[AGAB] = v(h)[ABt]
and hence by (2.18) xh
v(h) n
Finally, we suppose that the equilibrium constant x is actually a random variable
with probability density p(x), then, interpreting v(h) as the average number of bound antigen molecules per antibody molecule, we have J00
1 xh + xh
p(x)dx = y(h) n
This Fredholm integral equation of the first kind for the probability density p(x) is called the antigen binding equation. The quantity v(h) can be determined experimentally for various concentrations h and the goal is to find the density p(x). Note that, as a probability density, p must satisfy in addition (2.19) the constraints 0 < p(x) < 1,
p(x)dx = 1.
Exercise 2.21: Show that the change of variables h = e-S, g(s) = v(e-s)/n, x = et f (t) = etp(et) transforms equation (2.19) into the integral equation 00
(1 + exp(s - t))-1 f (t)dt = g(s). 00
2.1 Some Models
Permeable Membranes. We now take up a simple biologically motivated inverse problem concerned with transport across a permeable membrane. Consider a simplified one-dimensional model in which a membrane, x = 0, separates a compartment, x < 0, into which a chemical is injected, from another inaccessible compartment, x > 0. The concentration of the chemical, c(x, t), is assumed to depend only on the single space variable x and time t. The concentration is assumed to diffuse in the same manner as heat, that is, with suitable scalings and normalizations 82c
x < 0, 0 < t.
We assume that initially the region x < 0 is free of the chemical, i.e., c(x, 0) = 0 for x < 0, but that the concentration in the inaccessible region, x > 0, is some unknown function c+ (t). Finally, we suppose that the transport of chemical across the membrane satisfies a law analogous to Newton's law of cooling, that is, the concentration gradient is proportional to the difference of concentrations across the membrane: ax (0, t) = k(c+(t) - c(0, t))
where k is a permeability constant. The problem is to determine the function c+(t) from measurements of c(0, t) on the accessible side of the membrane. We will show that c+(t) satisfies a certain Volterra integral equation of the first kind. Let C(x, p) be the Laplace transform of c(x, t) with respect to variable t. From the diffusion equation and the initial condition we obtain
C" = pC
where, the primes indicate differentiation with respect to x. The gradient condition at the membrane gives
C'(0) = k(C+ - C(O)).
We assume that the concentration is bounded for all x < 0 and we find from (2.20)
that C has the form
C = A(p)ed' for p > 0. The condition (21) then gives A(p)Vp- = k(C+(p) - C(0,p))
and hence
C(x,p) = k(C+(p) - C(0, p))
Applying the Laplace transform and using the convolution theorem we obtain [AS]: C(x) t) =
f t(C+ (T) 0
- c(0, T))
30 2 Inverse Problems Modeled by Integral Equations of the First Kind: Causation
Letting x -* 0, we find that the concentration on the inaccessible side of the membrane, c+(t), satisfies the Volterra equation
C(O, t) - kk
I' C+(T )/tC(O, T) Y
We round out our collection of models by taking up a few simplified models of inverse problems connected with radiation in various contexts. Each of the models gives rise to a Fredholm integral equation of the first kind.
Fourier Spectroscopy. When sufficiently heated, a material incandesces and radiates energy in the form of heat and light. The power dissipated as incandescent radiation is distributed over a range of wavelengths and a spectrometer may be used to analyse the power spectrum, that is, the distribution of power over various wavelengths. Figure 2.15 is a simplified picture of a spectrometer based on an interferometer
fixed mirror
Figure 2.15
In the interferometer, a beam leaves the sample and strikes a beam-splitter (a pane of half-silvered glass) which sends part of the beam vertically and allows part to pass through. The vertical beam is reflected off a fixed mirror and the horizontal beam is reflected off an oscillating mirror (whose equilibrium position is such that its distance from the beam splitter is the same as the distance from the fixed vertical mirror to the beam splitter). The beams are recombined at the bottom of the splitter
2.1 Some Models
and the recombined beam enters a photocell where it is converted into an electrical signal. Suppose that the amplitude of the original beam is A0. If the oscillating mirror is
motionless and in its equilibrium position, then the split beams recombine in phase at the beam splitter and the amplitude of the received signal at the photocell is also A0. If the oscillating mirror is indeed in motion, then the recombined beams will generally be out of phase due to a difference bin the length of the path followed by the two parts of the split beam. Suppose that the original beam is monochromatic with wavelength A. The amplitude of the received signal will be a maximum when the path difference b is an integral multiple of .\ and the received signal may be represented by
A = Ao cos(2irb/a) = Ao cos(a-b)
where a = 27r/\ is the wave number. The intensities of the signals (I = A2) are then related as I = Io cos2(a-b) =
20 [1 + cos(2a-6)].
Now the path difference b is a function of time when the moveable mirror oscillates
(say by attaching it to an acoustical speaker and putting a pure tone through the speaker) and hence the intensity of the received signal is a function I(t) of time given by
1(t) =
20 [1
+ cos(2a-b(t))].
The constant Io/2 is a baseline which can be subtracted out by setting g(t) _ 2I(t) - lo and hence g(t) = Io cos(2o-b(t)).
Finally, consider the original beam to be composed of signals of (infinitely) many
wavelengths. The density per unit wave number, f (a), of the signal intensity is called the power spectrum and gives information on the distribution of the total power in the signal over the various wavelengths. From (2.22) we obtain 00
g(t) = J
f (a) cos(2a-b(t))da-. 0
Radiotherapy. In this example we consider the possibility of designing a radiation treatment for tumors by implanting a metal disk, doped with a radioactive isotope, to irradiate a tumor over a long term with low dose radiation. The simplified situation we treat is this: distribute the isotope over the disk of radius R in a radially symmetric fashion in such a way that the radiation dosage on a plane parallel to the disk and at a distance a > 0 from the disk has a specified distribution.
32 2 Inverse Problems Modeled by Integral Equations of the First Kind: Causation
Figure 2.16
We take the disk S2 to be the disk in the xy-plane centered on the origin with radius R. The desired density of isotope on the disk will be denoted by u(q), q E Q. The situation is illustrated in Figure 2.16. The dosage at point p on the plane has the form D(p) = -y
where 7 is a constant and dA is the area element in Q. Introducing variables as indicated in Figure 2.16, we find I p - q I2= a2 + r2 + p2 - 2rp cos(cp - 0)
and hence p)
u(r)drd8 ru(r)drdO r2 + p2 + a2 - 2rp cos(cp - 8)
r2 + p2 + a2 - 2rp cos(SO - 0)
JW-27r b - c cos a
where b = r2 + p2 + a2, c = 2rp.
Exercise 2.22: Show that f w"-2r b_ cdosa = 2ir/ b2 - c2 (Hint: Use residues).
2.1 Some Models
From the exercise we have J/p2n o
r2+p2+a2-2rpcos((p-g)--2 {(r2 + p2 + a2)2 -
and hence this synthesis problem is modeled by the following Fredholm integral equation of the first kind:
D(p) =
- 4r2 2}1/2'
Exercise 2.23: Show that the change of variables s = r2/R2, t = p2/R2, d = a2/R2 transforms equation (2.23) into an integral equation of the form 1
g(t) = 1 J (s + t + d)2 - 4st } -1/2 f (s)ds. 0
Black Body Radiation. A black body is an idealized physical object that absorbs all of the radiation falling upon it. When such a body is heated it emits thermal radiation from its surface at various frequencies. The distribution of thermal power, per unit area of radiating surface, over the various frequencies is called the power spectrum of the black body. The power radiated by a unit area of surface at a given frequency v depends on the absolute temperature T of the surface and is given in appropriate units by Planck's law:
P(v) =
exp(hv/kT - 1)
where c is the speed of light, h is Planck's constant and h is Boltzmann's constant. Suppose that different patches of the surface of the radiating black body are at different temperatures. If a(T) represents the area of the surface which is at temperature T, that is, a(.) is the area-temperature distribution of the radiating surface, then the total radiated power at frequency v, W(v), is given by
W(v) =
(exp(hv/kT - 1))-la(T)dT.
The inverse problem of black body radiation is to find the area-temperature distrithat is, to solve bution a(.) that can account for an observed power spectrum the integral equation (2.24). Exercise 2.24: Change variables in (2.24) by introducing u = h/kT (the "coldness") and let w(v) = C2W(v)/(2hv3). Show that (2.24) becomes
34 2 Inverse Problems Modeled by Integral Equations of the First Kind: Causation
w(v) =- 1)la(u)du. in
Show that w is formally the Laplace transform of
f (u) _ n=1
n a(u/n).
Atmospheric Profiling. The advent of artificial earth satellites in the late fifties afforded an unprecedented opportunity for detailed investigation of the atmosphere.
Of particular interest was the temperature profile of the atmosphere, that is, the variation of temperature with altitude. Currently, gaseous profiling, particularly the determination of the ozone distribution in the atmosphere, is a matter of some urgency. A remote sensing method of estimating the temperature profile of the atmosphere is based on a collection of microwave signals transmitted from a satellite. The physical basis for the method relies on the fact that the microwave radiation is absorbed
by molecules. The excited molecules then re-emit radiation, at a rate dependent upon the temperature, according to a known physical law (Planck's law). The idea of the method is to infer the temperature profile from measurements of the emergent intensity of radiation at the base of the atmosphere. Imagine a beam of microwave radiation at frequency v transmitted from a satellite at an angle 0 to the vertical (see Figure 2.17). Consider what transpires as the beam traverses a layer of the atmosphere of thickness Az at a depth z. If we assume a constant absorption coefficient k, then by Bouger's law (see the example on simplified tomography, above) the decrease in the beam intensity is given approximately by
kIOd = k IAz µ
where p = cos 8. The rate of emission of radiant energy, if the temperature in the layer is T = T(z), is given by Planck's law b(v, T) = av3/(ebv1T _ 1)
where a and b are constants. Combining the absorption and emission effects we have
-I -} B
k dz
where B = k b. Let kz = T and write I = I (v, T) to emphasize the dependence of I on frequency. From (2.25) we then obtain
I(v,T) = Io(v,O)e-T/ + 1 µ
2.2 Integral Equations of the First Kind
Figure 2.17
Assuming that the optical depth f is large enough, the first term on the right hand side of this equation is below the error threshold in measurement of the radiance I (v, T) and hence is commonly disregarded yielding T
I(v) = 1 1 B(v,T(r))e(T-T)lµdr. µ
This is a nonlinear Fredholm equation of the first kind for the temperature profile T(r). A great deal of work, involving both linearizations and nonlinear iterative methods for this equation, has been (and is being) carried out by the atmospheric sciences community.
Integral Equations of the First Kind
In this brief section we point out some peculiarities of integral equations of the first kind. Of course, this type of equation is the common mathematical model for all of the inverse problems introduced in the previous section and therefore the general features of such equations should be kept ever in mind in our coming discussions. For a basic introduction to integral equations of the first kind we can do no better than to recommend Wing's Primer [Wi]. Our aim is simply to call attention to the issues of existence, uniqueness and stability. We will have more to say on the subject in Chapter 4.
36 2 Inverse Problems Modeled by Integral Equations of the First Kind: Causation Consider a Fredholm integral equation of the first kind: 1
k(s, t)x(t)dt = y(s),
0 < s < 1.
The ranges of the variables are taken for convenience as other equations may be brought into this form by appropriate transformations. We also note that Volterra integral equations of the first kind have the form (2.26) where k(s, t) = 0 for t > s. Tricomi [Tr] has said "Some mathematicians still have a kind of fear whenever they encounter a Fredholm integral equation of the first kind." While mathematicians, as a group, are not known for their fearlessness, just what is it about (2.26) that could strike terror in their hearts? Perhaps it is that mathematicians, like many people, prefer for a problem to have three things: (a) a solution, (b) not more than one solution, and (c) a solution that changes only slightly with a slight change in the problem. In mathematical parlance these conditions are known as existence, uniqueness and stability, respectively, and a problem which possesses these three attributes is called well-posed, a notion first clearly enunciated by Hadamard (see e.g. [Had2]) around the turn of the century. The source of the mathematical anxiety associated with (2.26) is that, on all three counts, Fredholm integral equations of the first kind are ill-posed. We address the issue of existence of solutions first. Generally one would like a solution x of (2.26) of a specified type to exist for a fairly wide class of functions y. But it is clear that the function y in (2.26) depends not only on x but also inherits, throught the variable s, certain structural and qualitative properties of the kernel k. Therefore the form of k can place sever restrictions on the form of a function y for which a solution of (2.26) exists. This can become a real issue because in essentially all of the examples of the previous section y is either a measured function,
and therefore has a rather general form, or, in the case of synthesis problems, y is specified a priori without much regard to the form of the kernel. To take an extreme, yet trivial, case for illustration, suppose k(s, t) = 1 for all (s, t) E [0, l] x [0, 1]. Then an integrable solution of (2.26) exists only if the function y is a constant. Exercise 2.25: A kernel k(s, t) is called degenerate if it has the form n
k(s,t) =
Show that if k is degenerate, then (2.26) has no solution if y does not lie in the span of {S1i ..., 5,,,}.
Exercise 2.26: Suppose k(s,t) = est. Show that (2.26) does not have a bounded integrable solution if y(s) =1 s - 1/2 1, 0 < s < 1.
2.2 Integral Equations of the First Kind
What can we say about uniqueness of solutions of (2.26)? While several of the examples in the previous section have unique solutions, in general we can not expect
(2.26) to have a unique solution. Indeed, in our simplest example, i.e., k(s,t) = 1, it is evident that for each constant function y(s) there are infinitely many functions x(t) satisfying (2.26). Other spectacular examples of nonuniqueness are provided by well-known orthogonality relations. For example, if k(s, t) = sin irt, then each of the functions n = 2, 3,. x(t) = sin nirt, is a solution of the equation 1
I k(s,t)x(t)dt = 0. Exercise 2.27: Suppose that for 0 < t < 1, k(s, t) = 0 for 0 < s < 1/2 and k(s, t) = 1
for 1/2 < s < 1. Show that x(t) = 0 and x(t) = t - 1/2 are both solutions of fo k(s, t)x(t)dt = 0, 0 < s < 1. Finally, we point out that instability is a hallmark of Fredholm integral equations of the first kind. A number of instances of such instability have been pointed out in the examples of the previous section. That the instability is fundamental, and not just a consequence of some special form of the kernel, follows from the RiemannLebesgue lemma. This result states that if the kernel its square-integrable, then 1
t) sin ni tdt -+ 0 as n -+ oo
1 0
where the convergence is in the sense of the mean square norm. Therefore a significant (in the mean square sense) perturbation of the form sin n7rt to a solution x(t) of (2.26) leads, for large n, to an insignificant perturbation of the effect y(s). To put it another way, very small changes in the right hand side y(s) can be accounted for by large changes in the solution x(t).
Exercise 2.28: Let e > O, n be a positive integer and y(s) = e sin ns. Show that x(t) = een sin nt is a solution of
(Hint: Express sin nt as Imeint and use residues). The special form of the Volterra integral equation of the first kind does not materially simplify the difficulties associated with existence, uniqueness and stability, as the following exercises show.
38 2 Inverse Problems Modeled by Integral Equations of the First Kind: Causation
Exercise 2.29: Show that the equation fo x(t)dt = y(s) has an integrable solution only if y is absolutely continuous and y(O) = 0. Exercise 2.30: Show that for every real number c, x(t) = ct2 is a solution of
f (3s - 4t)x(t)dt = 0.
Exercise 2.31: Consider the equation fo x(t)dt = y(s). Assuming that y is absolutely continuous and y(O) = 0, the unique solution is x(t) = y'(t). In particular, x(t) = 0
if y(s) = 0. For a given f > 0, let yf(s) = esin(s/e2). Then I yf(s) j< e. Show that the solution x f(s) satisfies maxi I x,(t) 1> 1/f. We conclude by noticing that there is a type of Volterra equation, the Volterra integral equation of the second kind, which in an appropriate setting always has a unique, stable solution. This equation has the form x (s) = y(s) +
k(s, t)x(t)dt.
It is a standard result in the basic theory of integral equations (see e.g. [Lz]) that if k(s, t) is continuous for 0 < t < s < 1, and y(s) is continuous for 0 < s < 1, then (2.27) has a unique solution x(s) which is continuous for 0 < s < 1. Moreover, if { yn } is a sequence of continuous functions converging uniformly to y and {xm } is the corresponding sequence of continuous solutions of (2.27), then {xn} converges uniformly to x. Therefore, in the space of continuous functions, the equation (2.27) is well-posed in the sense of Hadamard. There is a standard technique for reducing certain Volterra integral equations of the first kind s
k(s, t)x(t)dt = y(s)
to Volterra integral equations of the second kind. In fact, if k(s, t) and as (s, t) are continuous for 0 < t < s< 1, y'(s) is continuous for 0 < s < 1 and k(s,s) j4 0 for 0 < s < 1, then we find on differentiating (2.28) with respect to s and dividing by k (s, s), that x(s) +
s ((st)/k(ss)) x(t)dt = y'(s)/k(s, s). Ts
By our previous remarks this equation is well-posed in the space of continuous functions. But note that the problem of instability persists because small changes in the right hand side of the original equation (2.28) can lead to large changes in the right hand side of equation (2.29) (see Exercise 2.31). Therefore the conversion of (2.28) to an equation of the second kind merely trades the original instability in (2.28) for the instability of the differentiation process.
2.3 Bibliographic Notes
Exercise 2.32: Let So(s) = fo x(r)dr. Apply integration by parts to (2.28) to obtain the Volterra integral equation of the second kind s
So(S) - j 0
((s,t)/k(ss)) So(t)dt = y(s)l k(s, s) ak
Does this circumvent the instability problem in (2.28)?
Bibliographic Notes
The hanging cable model can be found in many standard texts on integral equations, for example, [Tr]. Kellogg [Ke] is still an excellent source on direct problems relating to gravitational potential. For inverse problems of gravitational potential, see [LRS], [G] and [Z]. A little known paper of some historical interest, [Jo], treats the problem of determining an unknown law of attraction from knowledge of the total attractive force of a uniform linear density. The integral equation for the gravitational edge
effect is given in [D] (see also [P]) and essentially the same equation appears in another geophysical application [We].
For a discussion of the equation for the pressure guage see [Al] and [Bau]; the inverse problem for the vibrating string is treated in a number of sources, see for example, [Gl] and [PT]. The inverse heat conduction problem and lots of other inverse problems involving heat flow are taken up in [Ca], [BBC], [Mu]. Huygen's problem (Exercise 1.14) is a standard example of Abel's equation in texts on integral equations. An interesting historical perspective on the problem can be found in [L]. For more on Abel integral equations see [GV], [Lz], [FW] and [Wi]. The weir notch problem in irrigation comes from [Br] and the integral equation for the shape of a planar gravitating body (Exercise 1.17) is presented in [Iv] (see also [CB]). Another view of the simplified tomography problem, related to plasma diagnostics is given in [McW] (see also [CMMA] for an application to flame structures). For more
on tomography see, for example, [An], [Na] and [S3]. Wicksell [W] discusses the globular cluster problem (see also [CrB]) and some related problems concerning the determination of shapes of tumors from examination of tissue sections. The image reconstruction equation has been studied extensively, see for example [AMD], [N], [Ber], [Gro3] and the references cited in these works. For background on the Fourier spectroscopy equation see [Be]. A numerical method for the antigen binding equation in immunology is developed in [Ha]. The permeable membrane problem is adapted from [LLK]. The equation for the unknown concentration at the membrane is the same as that of determining the ambient temperature history from measurements of the surface temperature of a half-space. I am indebted to Dr. Bowen Keller of Rochester, New York, for bringing the radiotherapy problem to my attention; [Ma] is an early work on the corresponding direct problem.
40 2 Inverse Problems Modeled by Integral Equations of the First Kind: Causation The inverse black body radiation problem is introduced in [Bo], where the formal Laplace transform expansion of Exercise 1.24 is given (see also, [CrB], [CL] and [SJ]). The papers in the rather obscure reference [Col] are a good introduction to the atmospheric profiling problem (see also [FZ], [HTR] and [ZN]). There are many other linear inverse problems that may be modeled in terms of integral equations of the first kind. Among these we mention the inverse travel time problem of seismic waves [BB], [C], [GV]; problems in microscopy [Co]; inverse
scattering [CK]; various inverse problems in astronomy [Brw], [CrB], [JR]; polymer science [GW], [Lee]; sediment stratigraphy [Go]; radioactivity [He]; medicine [HB]; rheology [Ho]; fracture mechanics [McI]; elasticity [SP]; chemistry [TR] and transport theory [Dr].
Parameter Estimation in Differential Equations: Model Identification I am not talking about how I solved my problems, but how I posed them. U. Eco, Postscript to the Name of the Rose
Here is a problem that is fairly typical of those studied in the early weeks of an elementary differential equations course:
Groundwater, containing pollutants in a concentration of 5%, seeps at a rate of 2 gallons per hour into a 1,000 gallon cistern and the wellmixed water is drawn off at the same rate. If the initial concentration of pollutants in the cistern is 1%, what is the concentration of pollutants after five days?
Good students will dutifully set up the differential equation which models the process and, perhaps with a yawn, solve it and find the required concentration of pollutants at future times. This is a more or less standard problem in which the model is completely specified and the future effect of initial conditions is calculated a classic direct problem. But how are the concentration of the polluted water seeping
into the cistern and the rate of seepage determined? In the real world, the seepage rate and the concentration of pollution in the groundwater would probably be obtained by measurements of the state of the cistern itself. These parameters specify the model and in real applications it is often the model itself which is uncertain. If you want to get a student's attention, try posing the corresponding inverse problem:
Groundwater with an unknown concentration of pollutants seeps at an unknown rate into a cistern containing 1,000 gallons and the mixture leaks out at the same rate. Measurements show that the initial concentration of pollutants in the cistern is 1%. After one day the concentration of pollutants is 1.12% and after two days it is 1.23%. What is the concentration of pollutants in the groundwater and at what rate is the groundwater seeping into the cistern? In the inverse problem the challenge is to identify parameters which specify the model, given an initial cause and certain effects. Notice that we have specified just enough information to give a unique solution to the identification problem. However, if only one later concentration (instead of two) had been specified, the inverse problem would have infinitely many solutions (the problem is underdetermined), while
if more than two (inconsistent) later concentrations are specified (the problem is overdetermined), then there may be no solution at all.
3 Parameter Estimation in Differential Equations: Model Identification
In the inverse problem above, the parameters to be identified are a mere pair of numbers. However, it is quite often the case that the parameters are distributed, that is, they are not simple numbers, but rather functions of the independent and/or dependent variables. In some of the models below we will find that even in the case where the distributed parameters exist and are unique, they may be numerically unstable and hence small measurement errors can make the identification of the parameters a very difficult task. The general type of situation that we will consider in this chapter is represented schematically in the following figure. The input to the model may be many things,
cause or input
Model 7
effect or output
Figure 3.1
for example, initial or boundary conditions, external forcing, or even a geometrical configuration. The input is assumed to be accurately given (or generated) and the
output is then measured. On the basis of these data we wish to identify certain parameters which specify the model. Some issues arise immediately. Is there a model (in some class) that can account for the given data (existence)? Is there more than one such model (uniqueness)? Is the model overly sensitive to measurement errors in the data (stability)? How does one obtain stable, reliable values for the parameters which specify the model (approximation)?
In this chapter we will not deal with these issues in detail, nor will we propose general approaches to these problems. Our aim is rather to present some concrete inverse problems of parameter identification in differential equations in the simplest terms possible. In fact, we feel that the approach we take is elementary enough to present such problems, and discuss the issues which arise, at appropriate places in
3.1 An Exponential Growth Model
the undergraduate curriculum. We consider now some elementary models involving identification of parameters in differential equations.
An Exponential Growth Model
Perhaps the most familiar mathematical model involving a differential equation is the growth law du
dt =
Here u might represent the population of a colony of bacteria, where r is a growth constant, or u might represent the value of an investment which is being compounded continuously at a rate r. If r is a constant, then the direct problem has the solution
u(t) = uoert, where uo = u(O) and the parameter r may be determined by measuring one later value of u, say u(1):
r = ln(u(1)/uo). But what if r is a function oft (e.g., variable fecundity rate; variable interest rate)? The inverse problem of determining r(t) can be solved directly from the differential equation, namely
r(t) = dt /u = dt (In u).
So, to determine the distributed parameter r(t) we simply observe the quantity u (assumed positive) and apply (3.2). Simple - or is it? Remember that the quantity u(t) is measured and hence is subject to measurement errors. This can have unpleasant consequences for, as we have seen in Exercise 3.31, the process of differentiation can be quite unstable. Consider, for example, what would happen if u(t) were perturbed to u f(t). Then In u(t) would be perturbed to In u f(t) and if, for example, In u f(t) = In u(t) + a sin(t/e2).
where f is a small positive number, then the perturbation in In u(t) is quite small, but the perturbation in dt In u(t), namely 1 Cos(t/f2)
is very large. Such instability is typical of inverse problems involving identification of distributed parameters.
3 Parameter Estimation in Differential Equations: Model Identification
Let's have a look at the practical implications of this instability. How do we "observe" u? A simple way would be to take a sequence of measurements uo, u1, n2, ..., which are equally spaced, say with spacing h > 0. The measurement Uk then represents an approximation to the true value u(kh), k = 0, 1, 2, .... Setting f (t) = In u(t), we can find approximations to the rate coefficient r(t) by making an approximation to the derivative in (3.2), for example, d
f(kh) N f((k + 1)h) - f(kh)
Writing rk for an approximation to r(kh), we are led to the following approximation scheme for values of the distributed coefficient: Inuk+1 - Inuk
rk =
Assuming that u(0) > 0, the approximations are consistent in the sense that for any fixed t > 0, if h = t/k and if the measurements are exact, that is, uk = u(kh), then
lim rk
lnu(t) = r(t).
But what is the effect of inevitable measurement errors? Suppose that the actual measurements satisfy
I fk - f(kh) IS E where fk = Inuk and f (t) = In u(t). We then have for t = kh.
r(t) - rk
I f(t) - (fk+1 - fk)l h I
I f(t) - (f(t + h) - f(t))lh + I f ((k + 1)h) - fk+1 - f (kh) + fk I /h.
If we assume that f has a continuous second derivative, then by Taylor's theorem the first term in the upper bound for the error above is bounded (for t in a closed bounded interval) by a constant times h. We then say that the term is "order of h" and write it-as O(h). From (3.4), the second term is bounded by 2E/h. Therefore I r(t) - rk I < O(h) + 2E/h = O(11k) + kO(E)
where t = kh is fixed. This bound illustrates the classic stability dilemma: for a fixed error level c > 0, the first term (truncation error) goes to zero, but the second term (stability error) blows up, as k --> oo. The parameter k (or equivalently h) controlling the approximation process may not be chosen arbitrarily, but must be carefully tailored to the model and the errors in the observations. This is a theme that will recur frequently in our subsequent discussion of unstable inverse problems. Although it is not clear what a "best" choice of the discretization parameter h in this scheme would be, it is plain to see that a balancing of competing terms in (3.5)
would suggest a form h = c\. With such a choice we find that
3.2 A Problem in Hydraulics
I r(t) - rk 1= O(VE),
that is, the resolution we can expect in the computed values of the rate coefficient is on the order of the square root of the errors with this choice of the discretization parameter h. Exercise 3.1: Show that if f has a continuous third derivative and the approximation
fi(t) N f(t + h) - f(t -
is used, then a choice of discretization parameter of the form h = Cc1/3 leads to an approximation for the rate coefficient of order 0(f2/3) when the function values f (t) are subject to errors of order E. Exercise 3.2: Write a computer program to carry out the approximation scheme (3.3). As a test case, consider u(t) = exp(t2) on [0, 1], which satisfies (3.1) with r(t) = 2t and u(0) = 1. Run your program for various choices of the discretization h, using Uk = exp((kh)2) as data and compare the computed values rk with the true values r(kh) = 2kh. Then take a small positive number c and generate random perturbations in [-E, c], adding them to the uk. Calculate the approximations rk using these noisy measurements and compare with the true values for a range of mesh sizes h. Observe the effect of the instability in the process on the computed approximations. Exercise 3.3: Another algorithm for r(t) could be based on integrating equation (3.1) from tk to tk+1 and approximating the resulting right hand side by the trapezoidal rule, that is, 'uk+1 - Uk =
h 2
[rk'uk + rk+luk+1]
or equivalently,
rk+1 = [2(uk+1 - 2tk)/h - rknk] /nk+1 Of course, this method requires an initial approximation ro, which could be obtained
from (3.3). Write a computer program based on this algorithm. Use the program on the same test case as in the previous exercise and investigate the effect of noisy measurements on the calculations.
3.2 A Problem in Hydraulics In the previous example the unknown coefficient, r(t), depended only on the independent variable. We now consider a simple example of a one-dimensional coefficient
3 Parameter Estimation in Differential Equations: Model Identification
identification problem in which the distributed parameter is a function of the dependent variable. Imagine a vessel with irregular cross section containing water that is draining through a hole, of cross sectional area a, at its base.
Figure 3.2
If the shape, or in fact just the cross-sectional area profile A(y), of the vessel is known, then it is a relatively simple direct problem to predict the water level y as a function of time. The key to the analysis is an elementary energy balancing relation in the guise of Torricelli's Law, which gives the velocity of the effluent. Consider an infinitesimal volume slice V = A(y)Ay at the surface of the water which is drained away in time At. There is a consequent loss of potential energy of magnitude Vgy, where g is the gravitational constant (for convenience we have taken density of the water to be one). This loss of potential energy must be balanced by the kinetic energy of this volume element as it passes through the drain. If we denote the velocity of the effluent by v, then the kinetic energy is 2mv2 = 2Vv2
and equating this with the potential energy loss we have 2Vv2 = Vgy or
3.2 A Problem in Hydraulics
This is Torricelli's law. Consider now the total volume of water, V(y), contained in the vessel. If the water drains, with velocity v, through a hole with cross-sectional area a, then
(y) = -av(y) = -a
ddt,V (y) = V'(y) at = A(y) at and hence the water level y satisfies the differential equation A(y)
= -a
The direct problem consists of determining the water level y from this differential equation and knowledge of the cross-sectional area A(y) and the initial depth y(0). Exercise 3..: Find the water level history y(t) for the case where the vessel is: (i) A right circular cylinder of radius r; (ii) An inverted cone of height h and base radius r; (iii) A hemisphere of radius r.
Exercise 3.5: What is the shape of a vessel that gives a constant rate of decrease for the water level? Is such a vessel unique? How would one synthesize a vessel so as to produce a given monotone decreasing water level history y(t)? This exercise points to an equally interesting inverse problem associated with the draining vessel. Namely, suppose that the water level y can be measured, but the cross-sectional area A(y) is inaccessible. The situation is illustrated in Figure 3.3 (a sealed institutional coffee urn with unknown internal geometry is an appropriate visualization). The inverse problem of determining the cross-section A(y) from the water level history y(t) is then the problem of determining the distributed parameter A(y) in the differential equation (3.6). Under the reasonable assumption that y is monotone decreasing, dy/dt < 0, we can solve explicitly for A(y):
A(y) =
-a 2gy at
(note that in practice there is no region where = 0 and hence A(y) is in principle identifiable). Although (3.7) uniquely determines A(y), we see that practical determination of A(y) will be at the mercy of the instabilities inherent in the differentiation of the measured water level y(t). However, if y > b > 0 (why can this always be arranged?) and dy/dt < c < 0, then given inaccurate measurements Yk
I yk - y(kh) I
3 Parameter Estimation in Differential Equations: Model Identification
Figure 3.3
one can arrange for the approximations A(yk) given by: A(yk) =
yk -
h, A(y(O)) = A(yo)
to satisfy A(yk) --> A(y(t)) as k , oo, where t = kh > 0 is fixed and h is appropriately related to e. Exercise 3.6: Carry out the details of the convergence discussion given immediately above (see the discussion of the previous example).
Exercise 3.7: Write a computer program based on (3.8) to calculate values of the coefficient A(y) from measured values of y. Test your program, using "clean" data on the examples of Exercise 3.4 where y and A(y) are both known. Investigate the performance of the algorithm when the data yk are perturbed with random errors.
Exercise 3.8: Show that integrating both sides of (3.6) from tk to tk+1 and using the trapezoidal rule suggests the method
A(yk+1) = -a
Zg yk {
1h yk ^
3.3 Compartmental Analysis
Repeat the previous exercise using this method and compare results.
Compartmental Analysis
We now take up a class of inverse problems involving the determination of constant coefficients in systems of ordinary differential equations. To set the scene, consider the problem of coefficient identification in a linear algebraic system. Given a vector
x E R'a and the vector b = Ax in R"b, one wishes to determine the m x n matrix A. This is of course a severely underdetermined situation and no unique matrix A
Figure 3.4
can be identified satisfying these conditions. However, if we are allowed the luxury of specifying more inputs and observing the corresponding outputs, then A can be easily identified. For example, if we choose successively for x the n standard basis vectors, then the corresponding vectors b are the columns of A.
Exercise 3.9: Show that n linearly independent vectors x, and the corresponding vectors b, serve to identify the m x n matrix A. In the models to follow in this section, the identification problem is complicated by dynamic factors, that is, the appropriate quantities for identifying the system
3 Parameter Estimation in Differential Equations: Model Identification
are derivatives of measured data. Consequently, the stability problems associated with differentiation of measured data will in one way.or another make themselves known. Compartmental modeling is a powerful technique for analyzing biological and biochemical processes and structures. The process is represented by a system of first order ordinary differential equations with constant coefficients in which the coefficients represent structural parameters of interest and the solution is a vector of measurable dynamic quantities. Among the applications of compartmental analysis are studies of metabolism, chemical kinetics, renal function, tracer diagnostics and many other biological and physical processes. In compartmental analysis the system is investigated by lumping it into a finite number of distinct compartments which exchange material between one another (it is helpful to think of a compartment as a well-defined physical vessel, however, in general a "compartment" can consist of a conceptually distinct quantity of material without a well-defined geometry). The exchange of material between compartments may be driven by diffusion, thermal gradients, chemical or biological reactions or other mechanisms. Material within any given compartment is considered to be wellmixed and homogeneous. As a first example, consider a simple two compartment model for ingestion and metabolism of a drug. As compartments we choose the gastrointestinal tract (compartment 1) and the bloodstream (compartment 2). We assume that the drug is ingested at a rate i1 (t) and is exchanged between compartments (or eliminated in the environment) at rates which are proportional to the concentration of drug in a given compartment. The constants of proportionality are called transfer rates and it is these rates that are our primary concern. For example, if the two compartment model is represented as in Figure 3.5, then the governing system of differential equations is dxl
at dx2
= i1(t) - k21x1(t)
= k 21x1 (t) - k 02x2 (t)
where xi(t) represents a concentration and kji is a transfer rate from compartment i to compartment j. Note that in this example we are assuming a one-way transfer from compartment 1 to compartment 2. In matrix notation the system takes the form
i=Ax+u where
J, A=
[ k211
k02 J
and n=
0 0
and the dot indicates differentiation with respect to time. The inverse problem of compartmental analysis consists of determining the matrix of transfer rates A from knowledge of u and measurements of x.
3.3 Compartmental Analysis
Figure 3.5
Exercise 3.10: Find k21 and k02 in the above model if ii(t) = 3e2t, xl(t) = x2(t) _ e2t.
Exercise 3.11: Show that no coefficients k02, k21 exist which would result in the response x(t) = (e-t - 1)[1 , 1]T.
Exercise 3.12: In this exercise you are asked to develop a system of differential equations modeling transfer between two compartments separated by a permeable membrane, as in Figure 3.6. We assume that Fick's law governs transfer across the membrane, that is, the rate of transfer of material across the membrane is proportional to the product of the area of the membrane with the concentration difference of the compartments (see also the membrane model in Chapter I). We take the cross sectional area of the membrane to be 1 and denote the permeability coefficient for flow from compartment i to compartment j by kji. Then Fick's law for the amount of material yl in compartment 1 is dy1
= -k21C1 + k12C2
where ci (t) is the concentration of material in compartment i. Suppose that the (constant) volumes of compartments 1 and 2 are V1 and V2, respectively. Show that the system in Figure 3.6 is modeled by
3 Parameter Estimation in Differential Equations: Model Identification
Figure 3.6
Ay+u where
k21 k21
-k02 - k12
andu=[ii, i2]T In the examples above, and in much more complicated compartmental models, the dynamics of the system are described by a system of ordinary differential equations of the form
x(t) = Ax(t) + u(t) where A is an n x n matrix, u(t) = [ui(t), ..., un(t)]T is an input (or control) function and x(t) = [xi (t), ..., xn(t)]T is the solution or response function. In tracer diagnostics the input u(t) typically consists of a single or a few, controlled injections, that is,
u(t) = Bw(t) where w(t) = [wi(t), ..., wk(t)]T represents a small number, k, of inputs and B is an n x k input distribution matrix that represents how the inputs are distributed among the compartments of the system. Similarly, the response is sampled via an output
3.3 Compartmental Analysis
y(t) of the form y(t) = Cx(t), where C is a p x n output sampling matrix which determines which compartments are tapped for measurements. We will assume zero initial conditions. The dynamics of the compartmental system are then modeled by
i(t) = Ax(t) + Bw(t), t > 0 x(0)
and the response is sampled by
y(t) = Cx(t). For example, in the three compartmental model in Figure 3.7, measurements are
Figure 3.7
indicated by the gauge symbol and the output sampling function is
y(t) = Cx(t) where C =
The input function is
u(t) = Bw(t) where w = [i1 and the dynamics governed by
i2 ,
i3]T and B =
3 Parameter Estimation in Differential Equations: Model Identification
i=Ax+Bw where
k21 0
-k12 `" k32
-k23 - k03 , An explicit solution of (3.9) can be written in terms of a convolution of the input function and a matrix exponential, in fact k32
x(t) =1 eA(t-s)Bw(s)ds
and hence the output sampling function is given by CeA(t-s)Bw(s)ds
y(t) = / 0
or, in convolution notation: y = CeA(')B * w.
Exercise 3.13: Verify that the vector function x(t) given in (3.10) solves (3.9). The convolution formulation (3.11) immediately suggests the use of Laplace transform analysis. Indeed, applying the Laplace transform to (3.11), we find
Y = (PW
where the transfer function (P is given by
C(sI - A)-1B.
Exercise 3.14: Verify (3.13).
From (3.11-3.12) we see that the transfer function relates the inputs to the outputs
and hence it holds the key to system identifiability. If the inputs and outputs are known, then C, B, W and Y are known and hence we see from (3.13) that the system is identifiable if
Exercise 3.15: Show that the system described in Figure 3.8 is identifiable if k02 = 0, but not identifiable if k02 0 0. The transfer function can be used, as indicated above, to analyze the theoretical problem of identifiability of the model. But how can the model parameters, that is, the matrix A, be determined numerically? A general technique that is often used for this purpose is called output least squares. In this method, the outputs are measured Call these measured vectors y(1), y(2), Y("). If these at discrete times t1, t2s ..., measurements were exact, then we would have
3.3 Compartmental Analysis
k12 k01
Figure 3.8
y() =
CeA(ts)Bw(s)ds, i = 1, 2, ..., m
where A is an unknown n x n matrix. However, the measurements are not exact and in the output least squares method estimates for the unknown entries ai.9, i, j = 1, ..., n are obtained as the n2 values which minimize the least squares functional m
11 y(ti) - y(I)
112 .
The expression in (3.14) is a nonlinear function of the n2 variables ai9 and its minimization is typically accomplished by some Newton-like iterative scheme.
Exercise 3.16: Verify that for the compartmental model in Figure 3.9, the solution with x(O) = 0 is x1(t) x2(t)
= (1 - e-k21t)/k21 = (k02(1 - e-k21t) +
- 1))/k02(kO2 - k21).
If 50 measurements x(1), ..., x(so) are taken for the model, explain how the minimization of (3.14) leads to a system of two nonlinear equations for the transfer coefficients k21 and k02.
3 Parameter Estimation in Differential Equations: Model Identification
Figure 3.9
Structural Dynamics
The determination of structural parameters is big business. Even "rigid" structures vibrate when excited. In fact, the ability to vibrate is a necessary part of the design of earthquake-proof structures and knowledge of structural parameters is necessary to predict the type of excitation that can lead to destructive vibrations. Large static structures such as building and bridges, as well as smaller dynamic structures, such as helicopters or automobiles, require extensive vibration testing and analysis in the design and development stages. An important part of the process, the determination of structural parameters, involves solving an inverse problem for the coefficients in a system of differential equations. We begin with the simplest one-dimensional situation. Consider a body of mass m suspended on a stiff spring with Hooke's constant k. If the body is displaced from its equilibrium position and released, it will execute an oscillatory motion which we will assume is damped by a resistive force which is proportional to the velocity. The constant of proportionality, c, will be called the damping constant. The situation is illustrated in Figure 3.10. Newton's second law then gives
mi = -ct - kx or
3.4 Structural Dynamics
Figure 3.10
mi + cx + kx = 0,
and as initial conditions we take x(0) = xo, i(0) = xo. The standard direct problem in an elementary differential equations course is to find the response x, given the parameters in, c, and k. We are concerned with the inverse problem of determining the mass, damping constant and stiffness constant from observations of the response x. Of course, since (3.15) is homogeneous (i.e., unforced) the best we can hope for is to determine the ratios a = c/m and b = k/m in the equation
x + ai + bx = 0.
One way to proceed is to integrate the equation (3.16) twice using the initial conditions. This leads to
x(t) - xo - iot + a / t (x(s) - xo)ds + b /Ot x(s)(t - s)ds = 0, t > 0.
This is, of course, a severely over-determined system in that two parameters, a and b, are obliged to satisfy infinitely many conditions (one for each t > 0). Nevertheless, the true values of these parameters will do exactly this. However, in practice only measured values of the response will be known at a finite set of discrete times. Suppose that n measured values of x, corresponding to times h, 2h, ..., nh, are available. If we call the measured values x1, X2,..., x,, and if we approximate the integrals in (3.17) by, say, the trapezoidal rule, then for each k = 1, 2, ..., n we would like the quantity
3 Parameter Estimation in Differential Equations: Model Identification k
Ek(a,b) = xk - xo - xokh + a E xjh - xkh/2 - xokh (j=1
+b E xj (k - j)h2 + xokh2/2 (j=1
to be small. The method of least squares for estimating the parameters a, b accomplishes this by minimizing the quantity n
E(a, b) = E(Ek(a, b))2 k=1
Note that minimizing E(a, b) is equivalent to solving a system of two linear equations
for the least squares estimates of a and b.
Exercise 3.17: Solve (3.15) along with the initial conditions x(O) = 1, i(o) = -1, with m = 1, c = 2, k = 5. For tk = kh, where h > 0, generate noisy measurements xk = x(tk) + Ek, for tk < 1, where Ek is a uniformly distributed random number in [-c, c] and x(t) is the true solution. Write a program to estimate a = c/m and b = k/m by the least squares technique and compare the estimates with the true parameters a = 2, b = 5 for various choices of E. Investigate the stability of the method with respect to E. We now take up some problems with more than one degree of freedom, starting with a simple example in which no account is taken of damping. Consider two unit masses attached to a taut string and positioned as in Figure 3.11. We assume that the string is under uniform tension T, and for simplicity we take T = 1. If the masses are drawn from their equilibrium positions and released, they will execute vertical oscillations as indicated in the figure. The picture is exaggerated in the sense that we assume the amplitudes I xl I and I X2 I are small relative to a, b and c, and hence the angles a, i and y are small. The governing nonlinear differential equations are
= - sina - sinQ x2 = sinQ - sina x1
As we are assuming the angles are small, we have sina sinQ sin -y
ti (x1 - x2)/b ti x2/c.
Therefore the linearized equations of motion are
tana -_ x1/a and
3.4 Structural Dynamics
T i
1X 11
Figure 3.11
1 x1+x2
xl+(-C-1) x2 or
x = Ax,
where 1 b
lb c
and x = b
Imagine now that an observer, sighting along the axis of the string, can observe xl and x2i but is unaware of the distances a, b and b between the masses. The inverse problem of determining the distances is then the problem of determining the matrix A from observations of x. Exercise 3.18: Suppose that x satisfies (3.18), x(O) = [1 Show that
-1]T and x(0) = [0
rt x(t) = [1 , -1]T + A J x(s)(t - s)ds. 0
3 Parameter Estimation in Differential Equations: Model Identification
Devise a least-squares method for estimating the matrix A from observations x(l), ..., x(N) of x(h), x(2h),..., x(Nh), where h > 0. Implement your method as a computer program and test it on randomly perturbed observations of the true solution x generated by a given matrix A. Observe the sensitivity of the matrix entries to the size of the random perturbations.
As a final example of a multi-dimensional vibration problem, consider the pair of coupled, damped, vibrating masses in Figure 3.12. If the masses are excited by external forces fi(t) and f2(t), respectively, then the equations of motion are:
mlxi = -kixi + k2(x2 - x1) - Cix1 - C2(xl - x2) + h(t) m2i2 = -k2(x2 - xi) - C2(i2 - ii) + f2(t)
where it is assumed that the damping force is proportional to the velocity. x2
C1 ,
Figure 3.12
In matrix notation the system (3.19) may be written
Mi+Ci+Kx=F where
M= 1
C= '
C1 + C2
-C2 l C2
ki - k2 -k2
-k2 k2
3.5 Diffusion Coefficients
are called the mass, damping and stiffness matrices, respectively and the external force is given by the vector function
F(t) = [f, (t) f2(t)]T . The inverse problem of determining the matrices M, C, K is of considerable importance in the structural dynamics industry and serious investments in hardware, software and personnel have been made to solve it effectively. The methods are based on judicious choices of the forcing function F(t) ("shaking" the structure) and careful measurement and analysis of the response x.
Diffusion Coefficients
In the steady state, diffusive phenomena are modeled by the partial differential equation
where the function a is a diffusion coefficient and f represents a source term. For example, u(x) may represent the temperature at point x in a three-dimensional body,
a(x) would be a variable thermal diffusivity coefficient and f represents external heating. The partial differential equation (3.20) also models underground steady state aquifers in which the coefficient a(x) is the aquifer transmissivity coefficient and u(x) represent the hydraulic head. We will consider a one-dimensional version of (3.20) namely,
- (a(x)u'(x))' = f (x), 0 < x < 1
along with the boundary conditions a(0)u'(0) = b0,
a(1)u'(1) = b1.
This boundary value problem may be thought of as a model for one-dimensional steady state temperature distributions in an inhomogeneous bar with source terms and specification of heat flux at the ends of the bar. If we are willing to think of x as representing time, u as representing position, a as representing a variable mass and f as representing an external force, then the boundary value problem models the motion of an object with momentum specifications at times x = 0 and x = 1. The inverse problem we wish to consider briefly is that of estimating the coefficient
a(x) based on knowledge of u and f. Exercise 3.19: Suppose that
f(x) _
- {-4x+1, 0,
[0,1/2] x E [1/2,1]
x2 - x + 5/4, x E [0,1/2] 1, x E [1/2,1]
3 Parameter Estimation in Differential Equations: Model Identification
Show that for any differentiable function co on [1/2, 1] with co(l) = 0 and cp'(1/2) = 1 the coefficient
a(x) YO(x),
X E [1/2,1]
satisfies (3.21). Therefore, in this case the inverse problem has infinitely many solutions.
Exercise 3.20: Let f (x) = -1 for x E [0, 1] and let bo = 0, bl = 1. Show that if u(x) = x, then a(x) = x satisfies (3.21). Show that if u is perturbed to U,(x) = E sin(x/E2) + x
then (3.21) is satisfied with Ex/(E+ cos(x/EZ)).
Observe that, as c -> 0, uE -> u uniformly, but aE ---* 0 a. Hence the coefficient identification problem is unstable with respect to perturbations in the observation U.
Exercise 3.21: Let ua(x) be the solution of (3.21) with coefficient a and ub(x) be the solution of (3.21) when the coefficient is b. Show that a(x) - b(x) = bo(ub(x) - ud(x))(bo - jf(s)ds)/(n(x)i4(x)).
In what sense should deviations in u be measured in order that small deviations in u will lead to small deviations in the coefficient a? Finally, we indicate very briefly a possible approach to estimating the coefficient a(x). Suppose, for simplicity, that bo = 0. Given u and f satisfying (3.21), we may attempt to identify a by assuming as an approximation a piecewise linear form N h
ah =
where h = 1/N, for a given positive integer N and {cps }N o are the familiar "tent" functions, that is, cps is continuous and is linear on each interval [ih, (i + 1)h] and cps (ih) = 0 for i 0 j, cps (jh) = 1. These functions are pictured in Figure 3.13. Suppose that Uh is the solution of (3.21) using the coefficient ah from (3.22). In
Exercise 2.20 we noted that ah will be near a if uh is near u', therefore, we will attempt to choose the coefficients sense. Now,
so that the difference uh - u' is small in some
3.6 Forcing Terms
Figure 3.13
uh(x) _ (- l f (s)ds)/ah (x) 0
and hence
uh (xj) = (-
f (s)ds)/cjh)
where xj = jh. A least squares approach for choosing the coefficients then be based on minimizing the quantity N x
In practice, values of f and u will be subject to measurement error. Such errors in f will not cause serious instability in computing the integrals in (3.23), however, as we have observed repeatedly above, the numerical calculation of the derivatives of u called for (3.23) can, and will, lead to numerical instability.
Forcing Terms
The nonhomogeneous term in a differential equation typically represents an outside influence, such as an external force, acting on a system. It is common to refer to
3 Parameter Estimation in Differential Equations: Model Identification
such a term as a forcing or source term. The pressure gauge example in Chapter 2 involved finding such a forcing term, which depended on time but not space, given an observed response of the dynamical system. However, very often the forcing term is distributed, that is, it depends both on time and space. The determination of a distributed forcing term is then akin to the problem of identifying distributed coefficients in differential equations. In this brief section we pose the problem of finding a source term, f (x, t), in the one-dimensional heat equation. That is, we deal with the partial differential equation
ut=uXX+f(x,i), 0<x
The term f (x, t) represents a rate of production of thermal energy per unit time per unit length. For simplicity, we assume homogeneous boundary and initial conditions (see Exercise 3.22):
u(x,0) = 0, 0<x
The problem we pose is the determination of the source term f (x, t) from temperature measurements *,t) at an interior site a, where 0 < a < iv. To see the relationship between the source term and the interior temperatures, we will work formally with Fourier series. Suppose that f (x, t) has a Fourier sine expansion 00
f (x, t) _ E f,, (t) sin nx n_1
where the coefficients are given by 2
fn (t) =
f(x, t) sin nx dx.
tin(t) sin nx,
Assume a like expansion for u(x, t), u(x, t) n=1
we find on substituting into (3.24) and using the initial condition in (3.25) that the coefficients un(t) satisfy the nonhomogeneous linear initial value problems un + n2un =
un(0) =
fn 0.
A routine application of Laplace transforms solves (3.28) yielding t
un(t) = 1 e 0
_n 2(t-T)fn(T)dT.
3.7 Bibliographic Notes
We note at this point that, for each given positive integer n, the coefficient u, (t) is purely temporal, however the entire collection of coefficients {un(t)} contains all the spatial information in u(x, t) as reflected in (3.27). From (3.29) we then see that the action of the exponential term will severely damp details in fn(t) and hence the recovery of the source term f from information in u will generally be a very difficult task (see Exercise 3.23). To complete the analysis of the relationship between f and u, substitute (3.26) into (3.29) and use the result in (3.27). Interchanging the order of summation and integration and substituting the interior point x = a we find t
u(a,t) = 1 0
k(s,t - T)f(s,T)ds dT
w here
k(s, z) = V e-nzx sin na sin ns. 7r
Again we see an inverse problem phrased in terms of an integral equation of the first kind. Exercise 3.22: Show that if u satisfies heat equation with source term f, i.e., equation (3.24) and homogeneous boundary conditions (3.25) and if v satisfies the heat equation without a source term and nonhomogeneous boundary conditions, then u + v satisfies the heat equation with source term f and nonhomogeneous boundary conditions.
Exercise 3.23: Suppose that u(x, t) = n-3/2(2-e-net) sin nx and f (x) = 2\sin nx. Show that u and f satisfy (3.24) and that u(0, t) = u(ir, t) = 0. Also show that u(x,t)-+0 uniformly on [0,iv]x(0,oo)as n-+oo,but maxI f(x) f-Hooasn -+oo. 0
Bibliographic Notes
The first example, relating to laws of growth, was chosen for its simplicity and familiarity. Other inverse problems related to coefficient identification in laws of growth could, of course, be posed. [Sa] is an excellent introduction to mathematical laws of growth. For a fuller discussion of forward differences for approximating derivatives of functions with errors see [Gro 4]. The direct hydraulic problem of section 2 is treated in some elementary texts; the inverse problem was inspired by a visit to the sacrificial cenote at Chichen Itzi (see [Gro 6]). [A] is an excellent reference on compartmental analysis (see also [Bel], [God] and [Mi]). For more on inverse problems in vibration, see [GI).
3 Parameter Estimation in Differential Equations: Model Identification
The section on diffusion coefficients is based on [F] (see also [J]). For a related inverse problem involving the identification of an aquifer transmissity coefficient, see [AD]. [BK] is a very good source on identification of distributed parameters. For related information on numerical methods for nonlinear least squares problems, see [DS]. The section on forcing terms is based on chapter 19 of [Ca]. Exercise 3.23 comes from [Ru].
Mathematical Background for Inverse Problems
One of the most pervasive ideas in mathematics is that of geometrization D. Ruelle, Chance and Chaos
The inverse problems introduced in the previous chapters involve finding unknown
functions (including functions defined on finite sets, that is, vectors or matrices) given other functions which are transformed versions of the desired functions. It is therefore no surprise that an appropriate mathematical framework for the analysis of inverse problems turns out to be the theory of function spaces and the fundamentals of the theory of operators on such spaces. In this chapter we sketch the basics of the theory of linear spaces, particularly Hilbert space, and the corresponding operator theory. Our aim is to introduce terminology, notation and basic concepts. For the most part, proofs are omitted; they can be found in the usual sources. The issues of existence, uniqueness and stability of solutions of linear inverse problems are addressed within the context of ill-posed operator equations and generalized inverses
in the third section.
A Function Space Precis
We take for granted that the reader is familiar with the definition and basic properties of a linear space. Generally, we will deal with real normed linear spaces, that is, linear spaces for which the field of scalars is the field of real numbers and which are endowed with a real-valued function II II having the properties of length, that is,
IIfII>_0 and IIfII=0<*f=0 IIaf1I = Ial IIfII, a E R and IIf+911 <_ IIfII+I19II.
The space C[a, b] of continuous real-valued functions on the interval [a, b] with the norm
IIfII = amx
is a familiar example of a normed linear space.
4 Mathematical Background for Inverse Problems
Sometimes the norm 11 11 on a linear space H is engendered by an inner product,
that is, a real-valued, symmetric, definite, bilinear form < , >. In detail, < , >: H x H -- R is an inner product on H if
= and
=a< f,h>+,9, a,/3ER. The space C[a, b] with inner product b
< f,g > =
and the space C[a, b] of continuously differentiable functions on [a, b] with inner product
< f, g > = J f'(t)g'(t)dt + f (a)g(a), J.a are typical examples of inner product spaces. Each inner product < > gives rise to a norm 1) 11 defined by
Also, since the quadratic < f + tg, f + tg > in t E R is always nonnegative, its discriminant must be nonpositive. This leads to the following important result, known as the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality (4.2)
I < f, g > I < Ilfll IIgII. Exercise 4.1: Show that if 11 satisfies the parallelogram law -
is a norm generated by an inner product, then it
Show that C[a, b] with the norm 11 11. is not an inner product space.
A sequence If,,} in a normed linear space is said to converge (strongly) to f , denoted fn -* f, if
Ilfn-f11 -+0 as n -+oo. If < f" g > -+ < f , g > for each g in an inner product space, we say that U O} converges weakly to f. Weak convergence is denoted fn f. The Cauchy-Schwarz inequality shows that strong convergence implies weak convergence. The identity
4.1 A Function Space Precis
=llfnll2-2< fn,f> +11f 112
shows that fn -> f and I l fn I l --' I I f I I is equivalent to fn -+ f. A normed linear space is called complete if each Cauchy sequence in the space converges, that is, if ll f n - fn II - 0 as in, n -+ oo implies there is an f in the space with By a standard abstract construction (equivalence classes of Cauchy sequences) any normed linear space can be completed. The completion of a normed linear space is the smallest normed linear space containing the given space. A Hilbert space is a complete inner product space. The most familiar Hilbert space is the space L2[a, b] of all (equivalence classes of) Lebesgue measurable functions whose squares have finite integrals over [a, b]. L2[a, b] is the completion of C[a, b] with respect to
the inner product (4.1). The Sobolev space H' [a, b] is another important Hilbert space. H' [a, b] is the completion of the space of functions having m continuous derivatives on [a, b] for which the norm m
Ilfllm = (> j=0
is finite (II Il° is the L2-norm). The inner product associated with this norm is m
< f,g>rn =E < f0),g(j) > j=0
where < , > is the L2-inner product. Note that L2 [a, b] = H° [a, b]. A subset S of a normed linear space is called (strongly) closed if { fn} C S and f, -+ f implies f E S. If the same condition holds in an inner product space, with strong convergence replaced by weak convergence, then S is called weakly closed. Hilbert spaces enjoy a kind of weak Bolzano-Weierstrass property: every (norm) bounded sequence in a Hilbert space has a weakly convergent subsequence. From this follows a very important approximation property of weakly closed sets:
If C is a weakly closed set in a Hilbert space H and x° E H, then there is a y E C with Ily - x°11 = inf{IIw - x°11 : w E C}.
If, in addition, C is convex, then the proximal vector y is unique. To see why this is so, we may take x° = 0. Let d = inf{IIwII : w E C} and choose a sequence {yn} C C with Ilynll -+ d. Extract a weakly convergent subsequence with y E C. Then ynk IIyI12 = lim < Y, ynk > < IIyII lim IIynkII = Ilylld k
and hence IIyII = d, as required. If, in addition, C is convex and there is a vector w E C satisfying IIwI) = d and w 0 y, then, by Exercise 4.1,
4 Mathematical Background for Inverse Problems
II(w + y)/2II2 =
-14 l1w - y112 + 1(IIwI12 + 11y112) < d2, 2
a contradiction. We remark that if a subset C of a Hilbert space is strongly closed and convex, then (as a consequence of the Hahn-Banach theorem) it is also weakly closed. Two vectors, f and g, in an inner product space H are called orthogonal if < f, g > = 0. The orthogonal complement of a set S C H is the closed subspace
S-L={gEH:< f,g>=0 for allf ES}. A closed subspace S of a Hilbert space H engenders an orthogonal decomposition, H = S®S', meaning that each f E H can be written in a unique way as f = fi +f2, where fl E S and f2 E S1. The vector f1, is the projection of f onto S, that is, the unique vector in S satisfying
Ilf-fill =inf{Ilf-g11
It is then easy to see that f2 = f - fi, E Sl. A set of vectors { fa}aEA C H is said to be orthogonal if < f, fp > = 0 for a /3. If, moreover, 11 fall = 1 for each a E A, the set is called orthonormal. If { fa}aEA is an orthonormal set, then for any f E H only countably many of the numbers < f, fa > is nonzero and Bessel's inequality holds:
A complete orthonormal set is an orthonormal set { fa}aEA with the property that < f, fa >= 0 for all a E A only if f = 0. If {fa}aEA is a complete orthonormal set, then each f E H has a unique Fourier expansion
f = L < f, fa > fa aEA
and Parseval's identity is valid:
A Hilbert space is separable if it contains a countable complete orthonormal set. The set {sin nirx}°' i is a complete orthonormal set for the separable Hilbert space L2[0,1]
We close this section with a few words on compactness. A subset S of a normed linear space is called compact if each sequence in S has a subsequence which converges to an element of S. For example, a subset of Rn is compact if and only if it is closed and bounded. The Arzela-Ascoli Theorem characterizes compact sets in C[a, b]. It says that a closed set S in C[a, b] is compact if and only if it is bounded and equicontinuous, that is, given c > 0 there is a 6 > 0 such that for any f E S
4.2 Some Operator Theory
t,x E [a,b] and Ix-tl < S
If(x)- f(i)I < c.
A special case of the Sobolev Imbedding Theorem asserts that a set of the form
S={f E H1[0,1]: Ilf11,
f(x) = f(t) + it f'(s)ds t
and hence (integrating in t):
f f(t)dt + it I
f (x)
f(t)dt + f sf'(s)ds. 0
Therefore, by the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality (applied first on L2[0, 1] and then on
If(x)I <
I f f(t)dtl + In l sIf'(s)Ids 0 1
Ilfllo+IIf'IIo <- v"'2_IIfIII < v"'2-C.
Therefore, IIf 11,,. < /C, for all f E S, that is, S is bounded in C[O, 1]. Also, from (4.4), we have (thanks to'Cauchy-Schwarz) X
If(X) - f(t)1
< <
x - tI1t211f'IIo x-tI1121IfII1
and hence the functions in S are equicontinuous. Since S is closed in C[0, 1], it follows from the Arzela-Ascoli theorem that S is compact in C[O, 1].
Some Operator Theory
The term operator is used to describe a function defined on a subset of a linear space and taking values in another linear space. For example, the evaluation operator E0 defined on C[O,1] by Eo f = f (O)
4 Mathematical Background for Inverse Problems
is an operator from C[O, 1] to R, and the differentiation operator D defined on the subset V of C[0, 1] consisting of continuously differentiable functions by
Df = f' is an operator from D into C[0, 1]. Suppose D is a linear subspace of a linear space. An operator T defined on D and taking values in another linear space is called a linear operator if
T(af + /3g) = aTf +,3Tg
for any vectors f and g and any scalars a and P. Each of the operators Eo and D defined above is linear as are the operators on finite dimensional spaces represented by matrices (relative to given bases). If k(., ) E C([c, d] x [a, b]), then the integral
operator ( Kf)(s)
k(s, t) f (t)dt, s E [c,
is a linear operator from the space C[a, b] into the space C[c, d]. A linear operator defined on a linear subspace of a linear space and taking values in the scalar field is called a linear functional. For example, the evaluation operator Eo defined above is a linear functional on the space C[O, 1]. A linear operator T defined on a linear subspace D(T) of a normed linear space and taking values in another normed linear space is called bounded if there is a number M satisfying IITfII <_ MIIfII
for all f E D(T) (note that the same symbol has been used for the norm in both the domain and range space). If T is a bounded linear operator defined everywhere on a normed linear space, then the smallest value of M satisfying (4.5) is called the norm, IITII, of T, that is, IITII =s s#o III III
We will generally reserve the term bounded linear operator for an everywhere defined
linear operator with finite norm. The bounded linear operators on a normed linear space are precisely the everywhere defined continuous linear operators and the space of all bounded linear operators endowed with the norm (4.6) is itself a normed linear space. Bounded linear functionals on a Hilbert space have a particularly simple form. The Riesz Representation Theorem states that for each bounded linear functional G on a Hilbert space H there is a unique element g E H satisfying
G(f)= for all f E H. Moreover, IITII = IIghI.
4.2 Some Operator Theory
Integral operators provide typical examples of bounded linear operators on Hilbert space, while differential operators are the usual exemplars of unbounded linear op-
erators. For example, if k(., ) E L2([0,1] x [0, 1]), then the integral operator on L2[0,1] defined by 1
(Kf)(s) = f k(s, t) f (t) dt
satisfies, by the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality JIKfjlo < M11f(io
where (
l 1/2
M = { f f Jk(s,t)12dtds }
On the other hand, if D(T) = C1 [0, 1] C L2 [0, 1] and T : D(T) -+ L2 [0, 1] is defined by
Tf = f', then ft,(x) = sin nirx E D(T), 11 ft,11o = 1/V and
IITffIIo=n7rjV2- -*00 as n-*0o and hence T is unbounded.
If T : H1 - H2 is a bounded linear operator from a Hilbert space H1 into a Hilbert space H2, then the adjoint of T is the operator T* : H2 -+ H1 satisfying
=< f,T*g> for all f E H1 and g E H2. If H1 = H2 and T = T*, then T is called self-adjoint.
Exercise 4.2: Show that if T : H1 -+ H2 is a bounded linear operator, then the adjoint T* exists, is a bounded linear operator and satisfies: T** = T, (TS)* = IIT*II
=1ITh ,
E L2([0,1] x [0,1]). Show that if K is the operator Exercise 4.3: Suppose that defined on the real space L2[0, 1] by 1
(Kf)(s) = f k(s,t)f(t)dt, 0
(K*g)(t) = )
k(s, t)g(s)ds.
4 Mathematical Background for Inverse Problems
In particular, if the kernel is symmetric, that is, k(s,t) = k(t, s), then the operator K is self-adjoint. Also show that
(K*Kf)(s) =
k(s, t) f (t)dt
k(s, t) =
k(u, s)k(u, t) du.
Exercise 4.4: The nullspace N(T) of an operator T is the set
N(T)={xED(T):Tx =0}. Show that the nullspace of a bounded linear operator T : H1 -+ H2 is a closed subspace, that N(T*) = R(T)E-, where
is the range of T, and that N(T)1 = R(T*) (the bar indicates strong closures). A bounded linear operator K from a normed linear space X into a normed linear space Y is called compact if for each bounded set B in X, the set K(B) has compact closure in Y. For example, the Sobolev imbedding theorem, a special case of which was discussed in the previous section, guarantees that the imbedding operator K : H 1 [0, 1] --> C[0, 1] given by K f = f is a compact operator. It follows from the definition that bounded linear operators having finite dimensional range are compact. Also, any linear operator on a complete normed linear space which is the limit, in operator norm, of a sequence of compact operators is itself a compact operator, i.e., the space of compact operators is closed in the operator norm. E C([0, 1] x [0, 1]). Show that the operator K : C[0, 1] Exercise 4.5: Suppose C[0, 1] defined by (4.7) is compact.
If T : H --> H is a bounded linear operator on a Hilbert space, then the spectrum of T, or(T), is the set of complex numbers A for which the operator T - Al has no bounded inverse (I denotes the identity operator on H). The spectrum of a bounded linear operator T is a compact subset of the complex plane. If T is bounded and self-adjoint, then o(T) C R and the norm of T is equal to its spectral radius: IITII = max{()AI : A E c(T)}.
A number A is called an eigenvalue of T if
Tf = Af
4.2 Some Operator Theory
for some nonzero vector f (called an eigenvector associated with A). The spectral life of a compact self-adjoint linear operator T on a Hilbert space is fairly simple: a-(T) is nonempty and consists only of real numbers, every nonzero
member of a(T) is an eigenvalue of T and for each nonzero eigenvalue A, the eigenspace N(T - Al) is finite dimensional. Moreover, the nonzero eigenvalues of T may be arranged in a sequence J.11 > IA21 > ... which is finite if R(T) is finite dimensional and which satisfies An -+ 0 if R(T) is infinite dimensional. Finally, eigenvectors associated with distinct eigenvalues are orthogonal and the set of all eigenvectors associated with the nonzero eigenvalues is complete in R(T) = N(T)1. The spectral theorem for a compact self-adjoint operator then allows us to arrange the eigenvalues in a sequence A,, A2, A3, ... with (ai I > I \2 1 > ... and to construct a corresponding sequence v1, v2, v3, ... of orthonormal eigenvectors such that every vector w E H has an eigenfunction expansion 00
w=Pw+E <w,vj > vj j=1
where Pw is the orthogonal projection of w onto N(T). It then follows that 00
Tw = E Aj < w, vj > vj j=1
(if R(T) is finite dimensional, the sums above are finite). The spectral representation (4.9) allows us to define certain functions of the operator T. If, for example, f is a continuous real-valued function defined on a closed interval containing a(T) we can define the self-adjoint operator f (T) by
f(T)w = >'f(.j) < w,vj > vj The spectral mapping theorem then asserts that o(f (T)) = f (o(T)) and the spectral radius formula gives 11f(T)II = max{)f(.1)) : .1 E o(T)}.
Exercise 4.6: Let k(s,t) _ t(1 - s),
t < s < 1.
is a compact selfShow that the integral operator K on L2[0,1] generated by adjoint operator. Also, show that the eigenvalues of K are .1n = 1/(nir)2, n = 1, 2,... and that vn(x) = V2_ sin nirx are corresponding orthonormal eigenfunctions. (Hint: See Exercise 2.1 relating to the hanging cable model.)
4 Mathematical Background for Inverse Problems
A Fredholm integral equation of the second kind in L2[0, 1], 1
-A f(s) + f k(s, t)f(t)dt = g(s), 0
where A is a given nonzero number, can be translated into an operator equation
(K - AI) f = g
where K is the integral operator generated by k(., ). If k(., ) is symmetric and square integrable, then K is compact and self-adjoint and hence we may apply the spectral theory outlined above to the equation (4.10). In particular, we see that if A is not an eigenvalue of K, then (K - AI)-1 is a bounded linear operator. Therefore, equation (4.10) has, for each g E L2 [0, 1], a unique solution
f = (K -
in L2 [0, 1] which depends continuously on g. That is, (4.10) is a well-posed problem if A is not an eigenvalue of K.
On the other hand, if A is an eigenvalue of K all is not lost. In this case (4.10) has a solution if and only if
g E R(K - Al) = N(K - AI) 1 that is, if and only if g is orthogonal to all eigenvectors associated with the eigenvalue
A. Assuming this to be the case, any function of the form
C g'va > v-
Aj -A
A-'Pg +z b
where 0 is any function in the eigenspace N(K-AI), Pg is the orthogonal projection of g onto N(K) and the sum E' indicates that terms satisfying Aj = A are omitted, is a solution of (4.10) and all solutions of (4.10) have the form (4.11). In short, if A is an eigenvalue of K, then (4.10) has a solution only if g satisfies the additional condition that it is orthogonal to all eigenfunctions associated with A. If this is the case, then (4.10) has infinitely many solutions of the form (4.11). Note, however, that there is a unique solution (4.11) having minimum norm, namely
and this solution depends continuously on g. In this sense, the Fredholm integral equation of the second kind (4.10) with self-adjoint compact operator K, is a wellposed problem regardless of the (nonzero) value A. In the first chapter we saw several examples of ill-posed integral equations of the first kind. We will now consider such equations in an abstract setting, that is, we consider an equation of the form
4.2 Some Operator Theory
K f =g
where K : H1 --> H2 is a compact, linear (but not necessarily self-adjoint) operator from a Hilbert space Hl into a Hilbert space H2. Our analysis hinges on the behavior of the compact self-adjoint operators K*K : H1 --> Hl and KK* : H2 --> H2. It is easy to see that these two operators have the same eigenvalues and that the nonzero
eigenvalues are positive. Let A > A2 > ... be an enumeration of these positive eigenvalues and let V1, V2, ... be a sequence of associated orthonormal eigenvectors of K*K. Then {v1, v2, ...} is complete in R(K*K) = N(K)l. Let pj and
uj = ji 1Kvj. Then K*uj = µjvj
Kvj = µjuj.
KK*uj = pjKvj = p uj = .1juj and it is not hard to see that the orthonormal eigenvectors {uj } of KK* form a complete orthonormal set for R(KK*) = The system {vj, uj; pj} is called a singular system for the operator K and the numbers pj are called singular values of K. Any f E H1 has a representation 00
f =Pf+
< f,vj > vj j=1
where P is the orthogonal projector of Hl onto N(K) and hence 00
This representation of the operator K is called the singular value decomposition (SVD for short).
If the equation of the first kind (4.12) has a solution f, then g E R(K) and, by (4.14)
Aj 1 I < g, uj > 12 _ Aj 11 < Kf, pi 1Kvj > I2 = I < f, vj > 12
and hence, by Bessel's inequality 00 I2
Conversely, if g E R(K) = N(K*)l and if
4 Mathematical Background for Inverse Problems
78 00
then any function of the form
< g, uj >
vj + o
where cp E N(K) is, by (4.15), a solution of (4.12). Our discussion can to some extent be summarized by stating Picard's existence criterion: equation (4.12) has a solution if and only if g E R(K) and condition (4.16) holds. Exercise 4.7: Suppose K is compact and R(K) is not finite dimensional. Show that if (4.12) has a solution, then the solution with smallest norm is given by (4.17) with cp = 0. Show that the minimum norm solution does not depend continuously on g. (Hint: Consider perturbations to g of the form cu, where c > 0 is small and n is large.) Now some comments on unbounded operators. Suppose T : D(T) C H1 --+ H2 is a linear, but not necessarily bounded, operator, defined on a linear subspace D(T) of a Hilbert space H1. The graph of T is the subspace
G(T) = {(f,Tf) : f E D(T)} of the product space H1 X H2. The operator T is called closed if G(T) is a closed subspace of H1 X H2. Note that this is equivalent to the condition
{ fn }CD(T), fn -+ f and Tfn -; g
f E D(T) and T f = g.
A bounded linear operator is, of course, closed and a closed everywhere defined linear operator is bounded [RN]. If the domain of T, V(T), is dense in H1 we can define an adjoint T* : D(T*) C H2 -- H1, where D(T*) is the space of all vectors g E H2 such that for some h E H1,
=< f,h> for all f E D(T). This vector h is then uniquely determined and we define T*g = h. If T is a closed densely defined linear operator, then T* is likewise closed, densely defined and linear.
Exercise 4.8: Let D(T) be the space of all absolutely continuous functions f on [0, 1] satisfying f (0) = 0 and f' E L2(0,1]. Define T : V(T) C L2[0,1] --> L2[0, 1] by
T f = f'. Show that T is closed. Find the adjoint T* of T. Show that if f E D(T*T) and T*Tf = g, then
4.3 Ill-Posed Operator Equations
79 1
f (s) = f k(s, t)g(t)dt 0
k(s,t) = {
111-Posed Operator Equations
A common abstract framework for inverse problems can be constructed in terms of operator equations of the first kind, that is, equations of the form
Kx = y
where K : D(K) C X --> Y is an operator defined on a subset D(K) of a normed linear space X and taking values in a normed linear space Y. The equation (4.18) is well-posed if it has a unique solution x E D(K) for each y E Y (that is, the inverse operator K-'1 : Y -+ D(K) exists) and this unique solution depends continuously on y (that is, K-1 is continuous). If (4.18) is wellposed, then x is stable with respect to small changes in y. It is the stability issue that is of primary concern when attempting to solve (4.18) because, as we saw in many of the examples in the previous chapters, in practical circumstances y is often a measured quantity and therefore is subject to observational errors. Stability then simply means that small errors in y will lead to small errors in the solution x. A classical theorem of Tikhonov, which is now a standard exercise in most topology texts, gives a simple stability result when K is restricted to compact sets. Tikhonov's theorem states:
If K : D(K) --> Y is a continuous one-to-one operator and C C_ D(K) is continuous (KIC is a compact set, then the inverse operator denotes the restriction of K to C). (KIC)-1
Exercise 4.9: Prove the theorem above. To see how this result could apply to inverse problems, consider the hanging cable model of Chapter 1: 1
k(s,t)x(t)dt = y(s)
where k(s,t) _
s(1 - t)/T,
0 < s < i
t(1 - s)/T,
t < s < 1
4 Mathematical Background for Inverse Problems
x(t) represents the unknown density distribution of the hanging cable and y(s) is the observed sag of the cable at position s. If we consider the operator as acting on the space C[0, 1], and if we are willing to consider only densities satisfying an a priori bound of the type IIxIIi = IIxIIo + Ilx'IIo <_c
(note that this would disallow the densities xE specified in Exercise 2.1), then we are dealing (by way of the Sobolev imbedding theorem) with a compact set of densities
in C[0, 1]. Tikhonov's theorem then guarantees that the inverse of the operator K restricted to this class is continuous, that is, the inverse problem is stable for this class of densities. We now take up linear Fredholm integral equations of the first kind in a Hilbert space setting. Such equations may be phrased abstractly in the form
Kx = y
where K : H1 --f H2 is a bounded linear operator on a real Hilbert space H1, taking values in a real Hilbert space H2. Typically, these Hilbert spaces will be spaces of square integrable functions and the kernel will be a square integrable function of two variables, giving rise to a compact operator. A solution x of (4.19) exists if and only if y E R(K). Since K is linear, R(K) is a subspace of H2, however, it generally does not exhaust H2, as we have seen in many of the examples of Chapter 2. Therefore, a traditional solution of (4.19) will exist only for a restricted class of functions y. If we are willing to broaden our notion of solution, we may enlarge the class of functions y for which a type of generalized
solution exists to a dense subspace of functions in H2. This is accomplished by introducing the idea of a least squares solution. A function x E H1 is called a least squares solution of (4.19) if IIKx - yll = inf{IIKu - yll : u E Hl}.
This is equivalent to saying that Py E R(K), where P is the orthogonal projector of H2 onto R(K), the closure of the range of K. Now, Py E R(K) if and only if
y = Py + (I - P)y E R(K) + R(K)1.
Therefore, a least squares solution exists if and only if y lies in the dense subspace R(K) + R(K)1 of H2. By extending the notion of solution to the idea of least squares solution, we have guaranteed the existence of a generalized, i.e., least squares, solution of (4.19) for all y in a dense subspace of H2.
In taking up the issue of uniqueness, we note that (4.20) is equivalent to the condition
Kx - y E R(K)1 = N(K*), that is, K*Kx = K*y,
4.3 Ill-Posed Operator Equations
where K* is the adjoint of K. From (4.21) we see that there is a unique least squares solution if and only if
{0} = N(K*K) = N(K), and that the set of all least squares solutions is closed and convex. Therefore, there is a unique least squares solution of smallest norm, and it is this solution that we will adopt as our generalized solution of (4.19). The mapping Kt that associates with a given
y E D(Kt) = R(K) + R(K)1 the unique least squares solution having smallest norm, Kt y, is called the MoorePenrose generalized inverse of K.
Exercise 4.10: Suppose y E D(Kt). Show that Kty is the unique least squares solution in N(K)1 and that the set of all least squares solutions may be represented as Kty+N(K). Also show that if k represents the operator K restricted to N(K)1, then for any y E D(Kt), Kty = I 'Py, where P is the orthogonal projector of H2
onto R(K). 0 In our scheme Kt is then the mechanism which provides a unique (least squares) solution of (4.19) for any y E D(Kt). In this sense, Kt settles the issues of existence and uniqueness for generalized solutions of (4.19). The big issue remains. Namely, in order for (4.19) to be well-posed in the sense of Hadamard for generalized solutions it is necessary that Kt be continuous. The next result, which summarizes the basic properties of Kt,shows precisely when this is the case.
Kt : D(Kt) -> Hi is a closed densely defined linear operator which is bounded if and only if R(K) is closed.
To see this, note first that D(Kt) = R(K) + R(K)1 is evidently dense in H2. The linearity of Kt follows easily from (4.21) and Exercise 4.10. To see that Kt is closed, note that if
{y,,}CD(Kt), y,,-*y and Kty, -*x, then x E N(K)1, since Kt y,, E N(K)1, and that
K*yt, = K*KKtyt, -* K*Kx. But K *y, -* K*y and hence K*Kx = K* y, that is, x is a least squares solution lying
in N(K)1. Therefore we find y E D(Kt) and Kty = x, i.e., -Kt is closed. Suppose now that R(K) is closed, then D(Kt) = H2 and Kt is a closed everywhere defined linear operator, therefore Kt is bounded. On the other hand, if Kt is bounded and Kx, -> y, where {xn} C N(K)1, then x,a = Kt Kx,, -* Kt y and Kx,a --> KKty.
4 Mathematical Background for Inverse Problems
Therefore Y = KK t y E R(K), and R(K) is closed. Exercise 4.11: Let H1 = H2 = L2[0, 1] and define K : H1 ( Kx)(s)
H2 by
Show that R(K) = l y E L2 [0, 1] : y is absolutely continuous, y' E L2[0,1] and y(O) = 0},
and that Kt y = y' if y E R(K). Exercise 4.12: The definition of Kt given above for a bounded linear operator K extends naturally to the case when K is a closed densely defined linear operator. Provide the details. Let H1 = H2 = L2[0,1] and let
D(T) = {x E Hi : x is absolutely continuous, x' E H1, x(O) = x(1) = 0}, and define T : D(T) -+ H2 by Tx = x'. Show that D(Tt) = H2 and that
(Tty)(t) = 1 y(s)ds - t 1 y(s)ds. 0t
The great majority of integral equations of the first kind encountered in applications have square integrable kernels and hence generate operators on L2 which are compact. Solving such equations, in the generalized sense above, then involves the operator K I and the solution process is stable if and only if R(K) is closed. Now, it is easy to see that if K is compact, then R(K) is closed if and only if it is finite dimensional (see Exercise 4.12) and hence the only compact operators K for which Kt is bounded are those with finite dimensional range. In the context of integral equations this says that the only Fredholm integral equations of the first kind giving rise to well-posed problems on L2 are those whose kernels are degenerate.
Exercise 4.13: Suppose that K is compact and R(K) is closed. Show that R(K) contains no infinite complete orthonormal set. For compact linear operators K we can give a convenient representation for Kt in terms of the singular system {vj, uj; pj} discussed in the previous section. Indeed, if y E D(Kt), then y = y1 + y2, y1 E R(K) and Y2 E R(K)1.
Since uj E R(K), we then have < y, uj >_< yi, uj > for all j and hence the vector
4.4 Bibliographic Notes
83 00
< Yi, ui > _. -
< y, ui > vi
exists by Picard's criterion and satisfies Kx = yl and x E N(K )1. Thus x is a least squares solution lying in N(K)1, that is,
Kty =
vi .
This representation of Kty shows very clearly that Kt is unbounded if R(K) is infinite dimensional. Indeed, a perturbation in y of the form can gives a new right hand side of the form yE = y + cu,
satisfying IIy' - yll = c. Yet the generalized solutions satisfy C
as n -->oo. lIKty - Ktycll = --->oo Yn
Bibliographic Notes
The basic theory of linear spaces and linear operators can be found in many books; [RN] is particularly recommended. [K] is an excellent source on integral equations at a rather advanced level. For more on generalized inverses, see [BIG], [Ni], [Grol].
Some Methodology for Inverse Problems Calculations are plentiful while ideas are few Tony Rothman, Science it la Mode
There is a huge and growing literature on methods for approximating solutions of inverse problems. In an introductory work it is not possible to do justice to the wide range of ideas and techniques currently in use. We have therefore chosen to illustrate only a few main themes in this chapter. We concentrate on regularization methods, the Backus-Gilbert approach to estimation, the maximum entropy idea, algebraic reconstruction techniques and output least squares. Our aim in this chapter is to introduce the ideas behind the methods rather than to present the latest techniques for numerical solution of inverse problems. Our treatment is therefore rather theoretical and the hope is that it will provide the reader with the appropriate background for intelligent assessment of methods for solution of inverse problems.
The Method of Regularization
The idea of the method of regularization is to replace an ill-posed Fredholm integral equation of the first kind i
k(s,t)x(t)dt = y(s)
by a nearby well-posed Fredholm integral equation of the second kind. We will express equation (5.1) abstractly, as we did in the previous chapter, as an equation of the form
Kx = y
where K is a compact linear operator from a Hilbert space Hl into a Hilbert space H2. We have seen that generally equation (5.2) does not have a unique solution, therefore we seek a particular generalized solution, namely the least squares solu-
tion of minimum norm. That is, we assume that y E D(Kt) and our aim is to ,approximate Kt y. We know that, ignoring the trivial case in which the kernel k(., ) is degenerate, the generalized solution Kt y depends discontinuously on y, but we would like our approximations to depend continuously on y. That is, our scheme involves exchanging the ill-posed problem for the exact solution for a well-posed problem for an approximate solution.
5.1 The Method of Regularization
The generalized solution x = Kty of (5.2) is a least squares solution and therefore it satisfies the normal equations
K*Kx = K*y
where K* is the adjoint of K. Now, the self-adjoint compact operator K*K has nonnegative eigenvalues and therefore, for any positive number a, the operator K* K + al, where I is the identity operator on H1, has strictly positive eigenvalues. In particular, the operator K*K + al has a bounded inverse, that is, the problem of solving the equation
(K*K + aI)xa = K*y
is well-posed. The second kind equation (5.4) is called a regularized form of equation
(5.3) and its unique solution
xa = (K*K + al)-1 K* y
is called the Tikhonov approximation to Kty, the minimum norm solution of (5.3). The first order of business in studying these Tikhonov approximations is to show that they converge to Kty as a -* 0. This can be accomplished conveniently in terms of a singular system {vj, uj; µj } for K. Recall that {vj } is a complete orthonormal set for N(K)J-, {uj} is a complete orthonormal set for R(K), µj -* 0, and
Kvj = µjuj, K*uj = µjvj. From (5.4) we see that ax, = K*y - K*Kxa and hence x« E R(K*) C N(K)' . Therefore, we may expand xa in terms of the singular vectors {vj }: 00
< xa, vj > vj.
Similarly, 00
K* Y = ) ' < K*y, vj > vj =) ' < y, Kvj > vj j=1 00
Eµj < y,uj > vj j=1
and substituting these results into (5.4) we find (using (5.6))
(µj j=1
+ a) <xavj >vj
- j=1 µj < Y, uj >vj
5 Some Methodology for Inverse Problems
< x«, Vj >=
µj +a
< y, uj >
and hence 00
j=1 µ9
< y, uj > vj.
The true minimum norm least squares solution is, according to equation (4.22), 00
l K'y=> -vj. µj
E 0 Ilx« - Ktyll2 =
µj (µ2 -} a)
< y, U jj
Now, since
(+)2i 122 a
and 00
v 21 12=IIKtyll2
we may, in passing to the limit as a -> 0 in (5.7), interchange the limit and summation, giving limo llx« - Ktyl12 = 0.
The vectors {x«} are therefore bona fide approximations to Kty in the sense that
x« -* Kty as a--+ 0. Moreover, since for each fixed a > 0, the operator (K*K+aI)-1K* is bounded, we see that the Tikhonov approximation x« depends continuously on y, for each fixed
To summarize, in Tikhonov regularization, we approximate the minimum norm least squares solution Kty, which depends discontinuously on y, by a vector x, depending on a regularization parameter a > 0, which is a continuous function of y. To put it another way, an ill-posed problem is approximated by a family of nearby well-posed problems.
Exercise 5.1: Suppose that y = K*Kw, for some w. Use (5.7) to show that
Ilx« - xll = 0(a).
5.1 The Method of Regularization
Exercise 5.2: Let H1 = H2 = L2[0, 1]. Define K : Hi -` H2 by S
(Kx)(s) = 1 x(t)dt. 0
Suppose that y is absolutely continuous and y(O) = 0. Show that the Tikhonov approximation xa for the problem Kx = y is a solution of the boundary value problem
ax«(t) - x'«(t) = -y'(t), x«(l) = x'a(0) = 0. Solve this for xa and show that the solution depends continuously on y. 0
In our models in Chapter 2 we saw that the function y in (5.1) is typically a measured or observed quantity and hence in practice the true y is not at our disposal. The best we can hope for is some estimate yb of y satisfying (5.8)
I Iy - yb I I < b
where 6 is a known bound on the measurement error. Instead of forming (5.5) with the true y, we must make do with the estimated data yb and form the regularized approximations
x« = (K*K + aI)-1K*yb. (5.9) Now, we know that the approximations xa using "clean" data y converge to the minimum norm least squares solution K ty and therefore it is reasonable to compare
xa to xa:
x« - xa = (K*K + aI)-1K*(yb - y). From this we find (since (K*K + al)-1K * = K*(KK* + al)-')) 11X« - x«II2
= < K*(KK* +
_ < (KK* +
aI)-1(yb aI)-1(yb
- y), K*(KK* + - y), KK*(KK*
aI)-'(yb - y) > +aI)-1(yb
- y) >
But, by the spectral mapping theorem, II KK*(KK* +
al)-lII < 1 and II (K*K +
al)-l1I < 1/a,
and hence IIx« - x«II < 6/vIc-,
This inequality represents a stability bound for the approximation x«. It illustrates the classic dilemma in the analysis of ill-posed problems: for fixed 6 > 0, the bound blows up as a -* 0, mirroring the instability in the underlying problem. These considerations show that, for a fixed error level 6, letting the regularization parameter a approach zero generally results in an unstable process. Choosing a suitable regularization parameter, based on the error in the data, then becomes the crux of the matter. Following Tikhonov, we say that a choice a = a(6) leads to a regular algorithm for the ill-posed problem (5.2) if
5 Some Methodology for Inverse Problems
a(b) - 0 and xa(b) -> Kty as 6 --> 0. Since 114t(b) - K tyll
Ilxa(b) - xa(b)II + II xa(b) - Ktyll
b/ a(b) -+- Il xa(b) - Ktyll
and since we have shown that xa(b) -* Kty as a(b) , 0, we see that the condition
b2/a(b) -* 0 as 6 -* 0 is sufficient to ensure that Tikhonov's method gives a regular algorithm for (5.2).
Exercise 5.3: Show that if y E R(K*K) and a = C62/3 then II xa - Ktyll = O(62/3) for all y6 satisfying (5.8). (Hint: See Exercise 5.1). 0 Tikhonov's method also has a very important variational interpretation. Remem-
ber that the idea of the method is to approximate the generalized solution in a stable way. A reasonable way to attempt to do this is to minimize an augmented least squares functional
Fa(x) = II Kx -
+ allxll2
In this functional the first term, when small, guarantees that x is "nearly" a least squares solution, while the second term tends to damp out wild instabilities in x. Now, the functional Fa in (5.11) actually achieves a minimum on H1. The easiest way to see this is to note that if we define a norm I I on the Hilbert space H1 X H2 by {u, v}12 = IIvI12 + allull2
(check that this actually is a norm on the product space H1 X H2), then (5.11) measures the (squared) distance of the vector {0, yb} E Hl x H2 from the graph of K, which is a closed convex set in H1 X H2. Therefore, there is a vector x E H1 minimizing (5.11). Any minimizer z of (5.11) must satisfy dt{IIK(z+tw) -y6I12+allz+twll2}It=o = 0
for all w E H1. Expressing the squared norms in terms of the inner product and expanding the quadratic forms we find that (5.12) is equivalent to
+a=0 or
< (K*K + aI)z - K* yb, w >= 0
5.1 The Method of Regularization
for all w C- HI. That is
(K*K + aI)z = K*yb. We therefore see that the unique minimizer of the augmented least squares functional (5.11) is
xba = (K*K + aI)-1K*yb
which is the Tikhonov approximation discussed previously. The variational characterization of the Tikhonov approximation (5.13) as the minimizer of the Tikhonov functional (5.11) has important analytical and computational implications for Tikhonov's method. According to condition (5.10), any a priori choice a = a(b) of the regularization
parameter satisfying 62/a(b) -* 0 as b -* 0 leads to a regular algorithm for the solution of Kx = y. Although this asymptotic result may be theoretically satisfying,
it would seem that a choice of the regularization parameter that is based on the actual computations performed, that is, an a posteriori choice of the regularization parameter would be more effective in practice. One such a posteriori strategy is the discrepancy principle of Morozov. The idea of the strategy is to choose the regularization parameter so that the size of the residual IIKxa - ybll is the same as the errorw level in the data:
IIKxa - ybll = b.
The following exercise gives some insight into the choice of the regularization parameter by the discrepancy principle. Exercise 5.4: Show that if IIxII is a minimum subject to the constraint IIKx - yb II < 6, then II Kx - yb ll = b.
Assuming that the signal-to-noise ratio is larger than one, that is, Ilybll > 6, and that y E R(K), then it is not hard to see that there is a unique positive parameter a satisfying (5.14). To do this, we use the singular value decomposition: 2
IIKxa-ybil2=E Y3+a 2a j=1
where P is the orthogonal projector of H2 onto R(K)l. From (5.15) we see that the real function f(a) = II Kxa - yb II is a continuous, increasing function of a satisfying (since Py = 0) lim f (a) = II Pyb II = II Pyb - PyII <- II yb -- YII <- 6
a-. o+
5 Some Methodology for Inverse Problems
lim f a--.00
(a) = Ilyb II > b.
Therefore, by the intermediate value theorem, there is a unique a = a(b) satisfying (5.14). This choice of the regularization parameter is called the choice by the discrepancy method. We close this section by showing that the choice a(b) as given by the discrepancy
method (5.14) leads to a regular scheme for approximating Kty, that is X6CO)
_* Rty as 6 - 0.
To do this it is sufficient to show that for any sequence bn --> 0 there is a subsequence, which for notational convenience we will denote by {bk}, such that xa{bk) --* Kty.
We are assuming that y E R(K) and to simplify notation we set x = Kty. Then x is the unique vector satisfying Kx = y and x E N(K)1. From the variational characterization of the Tikhonov approximation we have a(b)(xa{b)) C
that is, 62
+ a(b)IIxa(b)II2
= IIKxa(b) - ybli2 + a(6)Ilxa(b)II2 <
Fa(b)(x) = IIy - yb 112 + a(b)IIx112
< b2 + a(b)IIx1i2 and hence Ilxa(b)II < IIxII. Therefore, for any sequence b,, -- 0 there is a subsequence bk
0 with xa{ak) -y z, for some z. Since xa(b) = K* (K K* + a(b)I)-1 yb E R(K*) C N(K)1
and N(K)1 is weakly closed, we find that z E N(K)1. Also, since l1Kxa(bk)
- ybk II -0
we see that K xatbk) -* y. But K is weakly continuous and therefore Kxa(ak) K z. It follows that Kz = y and z E N(K)1, i.e., z = x. Since Ilxa{bk)II < Ilxll, we then have Ilxll2 = k lye < xa(bk)) x >`; lim Ilxa(bk)ll ' llxll
and therefore is complete.
x and llxatbk)l) -' Ilxll and hence xa{bk) --+ x, and the proof
5.2 Discretization Methods
Discretization Methods
The computational solution of an integral equation of the first kind b
k(s, t)x(t)dt = y(s)
requires that the problem be discretized, that is, expressed in terms of finitely many unknowns. The simplest way to accomplish this is to apply some quadrature rule, like the midpoint rule, Simpson's rule, etc., to the integral. Applying a quadrature rule with weights {w}1 and notes {t j to (5.16) we obtain the approximate problem n
(s, tj )xj = y(s)
where the numbers xj are approximations to x(tj). Now (5.17) still represents an infinite system in that a constraint is specified for each of infinitely many values of s. Of course we can convert (5.17) into a finite dimensional problem by collocation, that is, by requiring (5.17) to hold at certain specified collocation points {si}T 1:
wjk(si,tj)xj = y(si), i= 1,...,m.
In this way the integral equation (5.16) is approximated by the m x n linear system Ax = b
where A is the m x n matrix with entries [wjk(si,tj)], x is now an n-vector which is meant to approximate [x(t1), ..., x(tn)]T
and b=
[y(s1),..., y(sm)]'.
In discretizing an ill-posed integral equation of the first kind an ill-conditioned linear system is produced. Generally, the finer the discretization, the closer the algebraic problem approximates the ill-posed continuous problem and hence the more ill-conditioned the algebraic problem becomes. We illustrate this with an example of Fox and Goodwin (see [B, p.665]):
I 0(s2 + t2)1/2f(t)dt = 1 [(1 + s2)3/2 -8
5 Some Methodology for Inverse Problems
This problem has the exact solution f (t) = t. Suppose we produce a simple discretization of (5.16) by applying the midpoint rule with gridsize h = 1/n to the integral and collocating at the midpoints, that is, n 1
(t1 -}-i3)112xj = bi, i = 1, ..., n
where tj = (2j - 1)/(2n), bi = [(1-}- ti )3/2 - ts], and xj 3 are then led to an n x n algebraic system
Ax =b
f (tj ), i, 7 = 1, .., n. We (5.21)
where aid = L(t +
As n increases, we expect that the matrix A will more closely represent the kernel in (5.16) and hence will become more ill-conditioned. In fact, MATLAB computations of the condition number of the matrix A yield the results in Figure 5.1, confirming our suspicions. n
1.9 x 1010
3.2 x 1017
3.3 x 1019
Figure 5.1
With such high condition numbers, we should expect that the computed solution: of (5.21) will approximate the true solution f (t) = t of (5.20) poorly, even though the error in b is attributable only to machine rounding. In fact, using n = 10 in the discretization we plot in Figure 5.2 the true solution of (5.20) (solid) along with the (interpolated) computed solution (dashed) of (5.21). With a well-posed problem, we are accustomed to getting better results as we refine the discretization. However, for an integral equation of the first kind, refining the discretization causes the discrete problem to more closely mirror the ill-posed nature of the continuous problem. For example, repeating the numerical experiment
of solving (5.21) with n = 20 gives the results in Figure 5.3. We see that the approximate solution is now quite "off the scale" and is of no use whatsoever in approximating the true solution f (t) = t. In trading the integral equation (5.20) for the linear system (5.21) we are still faced with a problem that may have no solution (if b V R(A)), may have more than one solution (if N(A) 0 {0}) and which is singular or ill-conditioned, with the degree of ill-conditioning increasing as the dimensions m and n increase. In solving (5.21) one then encounters essentially the same issues of existence, uniqueness and stability
5.2 Discretization Methods
Figure 5.2
discussed previously for infinite dimensional problems. Some type of regularization, for example, Tikhonov regularization, must then be applied to the discrete problem if we hope to get reasonable results. It is surprising how much a modest amount of regularization can help. To illustrate this we again consider the discretization (5.21)
of (5.20) using n = 20, but now we add (uniform) random errors ci to the right hand side with (cid < 6 = 10-4. In Figure 5.4 are plotted the true solution (solid), the solution obtained using Tikhonov regularization with a = 2.5 x 10-9 (*) and the solution obtained using Tikhonov regularization with regularization parameter chosen by the discrepancy method (dashed). The variational characterization of the Tikhonov approximations suggest another way to discretize the problem. Recall that xa has been characterized as the unique vector which minimizes the Tikhonov functional F.(u) _ (lKu - y5112 + aIIulI2
over the Hilbert space H1. To turn this into a finite dimensional problem, we might simply try to minimize (5.22) over a finite dimensional subspace of H1. For example, if Vn is an n-dimensional subspace of H1 spanned by the linearly independent vectors {v1, ..., vn}, then the vector u(n) E Vn minimizes Fly over Vn if and only if
5 Some Methodology for Inverse Problems
Figure 5.3
where the coefficients {xj} give a stationary point of the functional F. Exercise 5.4: Show that the vector u(n) in (5.23) minimizes Fa over Vn if and only if the vector TE
satisfies the equation
(A + aB)x = w where
w = [< Kvl, y6 >,..., < Kvn, y6 >]T,
the n x n matrix A has entries azj =< Kvz, Kvj >, i, j = 1, ..., n, and the matrix B has entries
5.2 Discretization Methods
Figure 5.4
bij =< vi, vj >, i,.7 = 1, ..., n. We might call this type of discretization of a "finite element" discretization because the computed numbers {xj} are coefficients of certain basis functions {vj}, which often will be taken as basic spline functions on some grid. For example, we might take the {vj} to be the piecewise linear "tent" functions pictured in Figure 3.13. Two remarks on this method are in order. First, in this method the discretization and regularization work hand-in-hand to produce the system (5.24), unlike in the previous method in which the discretization, by quadrature and collocation, takes place first and then the regularization is performed after the discretization is complete. Second, it is clear that the matrices in (5.24) are much more expensive to compute than the matrix A in (5.21). Indeed, the matrix A in (5.21) is computed by simply evaluating the kernel at certain points (and multiplying by appropriate weights). On the other hand, the matrices A and B (5.24) are generated by computing the inner products
< Kvi, Kvj > and < vi, vj > .
5 Some Methodology for Inverse Problems
This requires the more expensive operations of applying the operator K to certain functions and the computation of integrals (the inner-products). In practice these integrals would be computed by some high order quadrature rules, for example, Gaussian quadrature. We close this section by suggesting a third way in which Tikhonov regularization can be turned into a finite-dimensional problem. In this method the regularization is performed first. The regularized approximation xa, as discussed in the previous section, satisfies
(K*K + aI)xa = K*yb.
Now, as we saw in Exercise 4.3, K* K is itself an integral operator, 1
(K*Kx)(s) =
where the kernel k(s, t) is given by 1
k(s,t) = 1 k(u,s)k(u,t)du. 0
Suppose that we apply a quadrature rule to the integral defining the kernel
fk(u,s)k(u,t)duR > wjk(uj,s)k(uj,t). j.1
But the kernel )k(uj,t)
is a finite sum of products of functions of s and t alone, i.e. it is a degenerate kernel. Replacing K*K in (5.25) with the finite rank operator generated by the degenerate kernel (5.26) then results in a Fredholm integral equation of the second kind with degenerate kernel. Such an equation is equivalent to a finite dimensional linear system and hence may be solved by algebraic means (see [B]).
Iterative Methods
Iterative methods for solving equations are popular because they require only relatively simple operations to be performed repeatedly. There are many iterative methods that can be, and are, applied to ill-posed problems. In this section we treat only the simplest of these methods, Landweber-Fridman iteration.
Suppose that K is a compact linear operator and y E D(Kt). Recall that the generalized solution x = Kty that we seek is the unique vector in N(K)1 which satisfies the equation
5.3 Iterative Methods
K*Kx = K*y.
We take (5.27) as our starting point, multiply by a positive factor 0 (the role of /9 will become apparent later) and rewrite (5.27) as
x = x + /3(K* y - K*Kx). This suggests the iterative method xn+1 = xn + /3(K* y - K*Kxn).
Note that if we take xo = 0, then by (5.28) we have xn E R(K*) C N(K)1 for every n. Therefore, if {xn} converges to a vector x, then x E N(K)1 and x satisfies (5.27), that is, x = K t y. Therefore, it remains to find a condition on 0 that will guarantee
the convergence of {x}. Let x = Kt y and denote the error in the approximation xn by en: en = xn - X.
From (5.28) and (5.27) we obtain
en+1 = (I - PK* K)en where I is the identity operator. Therefore,
en = (I - /3K*K)neo.
Now let IIKII2 = a1 > A2 > ... be the nonzero eigenvalues of K*K and let {vj} be a corresponding system of orthonormal eigenvectors. Then {vj } is a complete
orthonormal system for N(K*K)l = N(K)1, and, since eo = -x E N(K)1, we may expand eo in terms of the eigenvectors {vj}. We then have from (5.29) 00
IIenII2=}J(1-/aj)2nI<eo,vj > I2.
Suppose that 0 is chosen so that 0 < ,3 < 2/a1. Then
I1-/ajl < 1 for all j and, by Bessel's inequality, CO
I < CO, vj > I2 <
Since 11 - /3aj I2n - 0 as n -+ oo, for each j, we see from (5.30) that IIenII2 --> 0, that is, xn -* Kt y.
Exercise 5.5: Show that for arbitrary xo, the Landweber-Fridman method (5.28) converges to the least squares solution of Kx = y which is nearest to x0.
5 Some Methodology for Inverse Problems
Since the eigenvalues {aj} of K*K converge to zero, we see from (5.30) that for larger values of j the damping factors (1 - /3aj)2n are close to I. Therefore, in the iteration process the components of the solution corresponding to low order eigenvectors are resolved first, while the higher order eigenvectors take much longer to make their effect known. In fact, the slow rate of convergence of the LandweberFridman method is its major drawback.
Exercise 5.6: Suppose x0 = 0 and Kty E R(K*K). Use (5.30) to show that
Il Xn - Ktyl l - On). o Consider now the influence of error in the data. Suppose that the available data is a vector ya satisfying Ily-y511<-b.
Using the vector y6 in the iterative method we generate the approximations x0 = 0,
xn+i = xn +,6(K* ya - K* Kxn ).
Our aim is to show that, in this iterative method, it is the parameter n that plays the role of the regularization parameter. That is, there is a choice of the "stopping value" n = n(b), with the property that, if the iteration is terminated at step n(b), then xn(b)-+Kty as 6 -->0. As with Tikhonov regularization, we establish this by estimating the stability error do = xn - xn.
From (5.28) and (5.31), we find do+i = (I - /3K* K)dn + /3K* (yb - y), do = 0. Since, by choice of 0, III - /3K* KII < 1, we have Ildn+1l1 < lldnli + /9IIKII6,
and hence lldnli
We therefore have
Ilxn - Ktyll
IIxn - Ktyll + Ilxn - xn II
Ilxn - Ktyll +O(nb).
5.3 Iterative Methods
But we have already shown that x, --> Kty and hence a sufficient condition for regularity of xn(b) is that the iteration number n = n(6) satisfy nS --+ 0 as 6 --+ 0.
Exercise 5.7: Show that if xo = 0, Kty E R(K*K) and n = [5-1/2], then Jjxn Kty11= OW-6). 0
In general, we expect that the Landweber-Fridman iteration method converges slowly, and if there is error in the data, then continued iteration past an appropriate stopping point only causes a magnification of the error components associated with small singular values. This is illustrated for the Fox-Goodwin example (5.20) in Figure 5.5. In the computations a twenty point mid-point rule discretization was taken and the right hand side was contaminated with 10% uniform random error. The figure shows the straight line true solution, the approximation solution computed using 100 iterations of Landweber's method (solid) and the solution computed using 10,000 iterations of Landweber's method (*).
Figure 5.5
It is easy to see from (5.28) that
5 Some Methodology for Inverse Problems
xn+l = Pn(K*K)K*y
where Pn()) is a certain polynomial of degree n. This raises the question of choosing
a polynomial Pn of degree n so as to optimize the iteration in some sense. One approach would be to construct a polynomial so that the residual
IIKxn+l - YII2
is as small as possible. Note that if y E R(K), then II Kxn+l - y112
= II KPn(K*K)K*Kx - Kx112 = < K*K(I - K*KPn(K*K))2x, x >
where x = Kt y. Therefore minimization of the residual (5.33) is equivalent to minimization of the expression (5.35). There is, in fact, an iterative method of the form (5.32) that minimizes (5.35) (see [Lu, p.247]). The method is called the conjugate gradient method. We will not discuss the conjugate gradient method and other methods of optimizing an iteration of the form (5.32), but some references for further reading are cited in the final section.
A straightforward approach to computing Kt y is to truncate the singular value decomposition (4.22): 00
We recall that the vectors {uj } form a complete orthonormal set for R(K), {vj } is
a complete orthonormal set for N(K)J-, µj , 0 and
Kvj = pjuj and K*uj = µjvj. That is, p,? are the nonzero eigenvalues of K*K with associated orthonormal eigenvectors {vj} and µj? are also the nonzero eigenvalues of KK* with associated orthonormal eigenvectors {uj}. If the expansion (5.35) is truncated at the level n to form the truncated singular value decomposition (TSVD) n
xn =, , < y,uj > vj, j=
then by (5.35), xn -* Kt y as n --* oo.
5.4 TSVD
Exercise 5.8: Show that if Kty E R(K*K), then Ilxn - K tyll = 0(µn+1) 0 Consider now the effect of error in the data. If the available data is y6 where ll y - y5ll < b and the TSVD approximation using the available data is n
y 6 'ui
> vj,
then n
We can then estimate the stability error as follows: n
Ilxn - xnII2
< y- yuj > vj, Y, µ
< y- y6,uj > Vj >
9= n
-2 n
> 12
2 -2 < y-y , uj>I
II xn - Ktyll < I ixn - Ktyll + bµ-1
and hence if n = n(b) is chosen so that bµn 1 --> 0 as b --+ 0, then xn --> Kty. That is, for appropriate choice of the truncation level, the TSVD method is a regularization method.
Exercise 5.9: Suppose that Kty E R(K*K) and that lly - y6ll < b. Show that if n = n(b) is chosen such that µn+1 < b < µn, then Ilxn - Ktyll = 0(v/b)- 0 As with any regulariztion method for ill-posed problems, the choice of the truncation level in the TSVD method is a delicate matter. For a fixed level of error in the data, however small, the TSVD approximations will begin to diverge if the truncation level is increased. The reason for this is again the fact that the higher the truncation level, the nearer the finite dimensional problem approaches the ill-posed continuous problem. This is illustrated in Figure 5.6.
5 Some Methodology for Inverse Problems
Figure 5.6
In this figure the results of applying the TSVD method to the twenty point midpoint rule discretization of the Fox-Goodwin example (5.20) are displayed. The only error in the right hand side is that due to machine rounding. The true solution x(t) = t is displayed as the solid line, the TSVD solution with n = 5 is displayed as `+' and the TSVD solution with n = 15 is displayed as Y.
The Maximum Entropy Method
The origins of the maximum entropy method for estimating solutions of inverse prob-
lems can be traced to the fundamental work of Boltzmann on statistical mechanics (the term eniropie was coined by Clausius in 1865). Boltzmann analyzed a large number N of gas molecules by subdividing phase space into s congruent cells. The statistical state of such a system was then given by a partitioning (N1, N2, ..., Ns) where
and Nk is the number of molecules in the kth cell. The number of such distributions given a specified state is then
5.5 The Maximum Entropy Method
103 N!
and the state with the greatest number of distributions is found by maximizing W, subject to the constraint (5.40). But note that W is a maximum if and only if N-1 In W is a maximum. Also,
1nW =1nN!-LlnNk! k=1
and by Sterling's approximation for n!, n!
Therefore, assuming N1, N2,..., NS are all large (remember, we are discussing gas molecules), we have
N(lnN-1)-J:Nk(InNk-1) k=1
= N1nN-LNklnNk k=1
Nk In (Nk IN). k=1
It follows that
N"1 In W -- - > Pk In Pk, k=1
where pk = Nk /N represents the probability that a molecule occupies the kth cell in phase space. It is this value Pk In Pk
that is called the entropy of the probability distribution (pi, p2, -,Ps). The distribution having maximum entropy then corresponds to the distribution of gas molecules having the maximum number of realizable microstates satisfying the constraint (5.40).
In general, the entropy function of a probability distribution measures the degree of uncertainty involved in trying to guess the exact state of a system having this distribution. Consider, for example, the simplest case in which there are two possible states with probabilities p and 1 - p, respectively. The entropy is given by
5 Some Methodology for Inverse Problems
If p = 0 or p = 1, then there is complete certainty and the entropy is 0 (we take 01n 0 = 0). On the other hand, if p = .5, then the probability distribution is uniform and the uncertainty is at a maximum in the sense that there is no reason to choose either state over the other. In this case H takes its maximum value of In 2. Exercise 5.10: Show that the finite discrete probability distribution (pl, p2i ..., pn) with maximum entropy is the uniform density pk = 1/n, for k = 1, 2,..., n.
Exercise 5.11: Show that the infinite discrete probability density (pl, p2i ...) with mean µ = Ek 00 1 kpk having maximum entropy is given by pk = u+1+1(-T)k
Our justification for using Boltzmann's entropy function as a measure of uncertainty was based on a use of Sterling's approximation. It turns out that this entropy measure is essentially unique in the sense that any uncertainty function satisfying certain "natural" axioms is essentially of the form (5.41). This axiomatic development of entropy was given by Claude Shannon in his monumental paper on information theory. Shannon assumed that any natural uncertainty function H(p1i..., pn) defined on a probability distribution should satisfy three conditions:
1. H is continuous 2. A(n) = H(n , ..., n) is an increasing function of n
3. H satisfies a natural partitioning property. The property (2) simply indicates that for uniform distributions the uncertainty of choosing a given state increases as the number of possible states increases. The partitioning property (3) refers to refinements of the slate space. For example, if there are two states (n = 2) with probabilities ql and q2, then the uncertainty is some value H(ql, q2). Suppose that the second state is refined into two substates with probabilities pi and P2 as in Figure 5.7. The refined system then has three states with associated probabilities qi, g2p1 and g2p2. The uncertainty of the refined system is assumed to satisfy H(q1, g2p1, g2p2) = H(qi, q2) + g2H(pl, p2).
This axiom conveys the meaning that, as the number of possible states is increased
by refining the states, the uncertainty in choosing a given state increases by a probability weighted average of the uncertainties of the subsystems. In general, if in an n state system with probabilities q1, ..., qn, the kth state is refined to mk states with probabilities p(,k), ...,p, then the resulting partitioned system with m1 + ... + Mk states has uncertainty function given by
g2pi2), ..., g2pm2 , ..., gnpin), ..., gnpmn) )
= H(gl,..., qn) + g1H(pil), ..., pll)
+ ... + gnH(11n), ..., pm).
5.5 The Maximum Entropy Method
q1 P1
Figure 5.7
Consider now the function H(q1 i ..., q,) where each of the qk is a rational number. We may then write n
qk = nk IN, N = E nk k=1
for some positive integers
ink}. From (5.42) we then find 1
H(qi, ..., gn) + > qj H( n , ..., n ) = H( ?=1
, ...,
H(ql i ..., qn) = A(N) - ) qj A(nj ).
Therefore, H is determined on rational values by the function A. Also, from (5.43),
we find that if nj = m for all j, then A(n) = A(mn) - A(m), that is, the continuous function A satisfies one of Cauchy's famous functional equations:
A(mn) = A(m) + A(n).
5 Some Methodology for Inverse Problems
Therefore, A(x) = k In x, for some constant k, which is positive by (2). From (5.43)
we see that H(q1 , ..., qn)
= k(In N -
kLgj(N-lnnj) j=1 n
= -k
qj in qj j=1
for rational values qj. Since H is continuous, it is determined by its values on the rationals and hence we find that any "uncertainty" functions satisfying (1), (2), (3) is a positive multiple of the entropy function. The discussion above shows that the entropy function (5.41) provides a meaningful measure of the disorder of a system, or equivalently, the uncertainty involved in choosing a given state for a system. The maximum entropy method for inverse problems exploits this idea by invoking a kind of principle of parsimony in trying to reconstruct a solution of the problem. Namely, if the solution is known to be nonnegative, and hence may be normalized so that it is essentially a probability distribution, one chooses the distribution satisfying the given constraints which is maximally uncommitted with respect to missing information. To put it another way, one chooses the distribution which satisfies the given constraints and has maximum entropy. In the next exercise, the reader is asked to work out and compare a minimum norm reconstruction of an inverse problem in which the only known information is the mean of the probability distribution.
Exercise 5.12: Suppose X is a random variable taking values 1, 2 and 3 and that
P(X = k) = pk, k = 1,2,3. Find the distribution p = (pl, p2, p3) having mean p = 2.3 for which the Euclidean norm 11P112 is a minimum. Compare this with the maximum entropy distribution with mean p = 2.3. Exercise 5.13: Suppose X is a discrete random variable taking values xi with probability pi, i = 1, ..., n. Suppose further that for m given functions fj the expected values
µj = Lpifj(xi) i=1
are known. Show that the probability distribution with maximum entropy satisfying these conditions is given by m
= exp (L .j fj (xi)) /Z (A) j=1
5.5 The Maximum Entropy Method
where Z(\) = EZ 1 of the system
I'1 )j ff (xi) and the. Lagrange multipliers are the solutions as In Z(A) = pj. 7
In attempting to solve inverse problems we try to incorporate as much prior information as possible about the solution in the reconstruction process. The maximum entropy method as presented so far assumes as little as possible about the unknown distribution. However the entropy definition may be easily modified to include con-
sideration of a "prior" distribution. The key to this modification is Shannon's inequality: n
Pi In pE > 0
where (p1, ..., pn) and (q1, ..., qn) are given probability distributions (we assume that qj > 0). This result follows immediately from Jensen's inequality
E[b(X)] > O(E[X])
where E is the expectation operator and b is a convex function. In fact if we let X be the random variable that takes on the value pi/qi with probability qj, then setting b(x) = x In x we have
i i In( i ) i=1
> (> pi)
giving (5.44). The modified entropy function, given a prior distribution (ql, ..., qn) is
H(p1, ..., pn) _
pi In( pa ). i=1
From (5.44) we see that this function is a maximum exactly when pi = qj for each i. Therefore, without additional constraints, the maximum entropy distribution is the prior distribution. Also note that our earlier notion of entropy simply took the prior to be the uniform distribution. The more general form of the maximum entropy method then consists of finding a distribution (pa, ..., pn) which maximizes (5.45) for a given prior and satisfies certain additional constraints dictated by measurements and observations. The maximum entropy idea is by no means limited to discrete distributions. A simple case of the method applied to continuous distribution is given in the following exercise.
Exercise 5.14: Suppose that p(t) represents a population a time t E [a, b] and for simplicity suppose that units are chosen so that
5 Some Methodology for Inverse Problems
108 b
p(t)dt = 1. a
Show that the population distribution p(t) whose entropy b
-L is a maximum given by the common exponential growth model p(t) = Cekt, for some positive constants C and k. Recently, the maximum entropy idea has been used to regularize solutions of integral equations of the first kind. As in Tikhonov regularization, the idea is to seek a function which combines the features of a least squares solution with the regularity of an additional constraint by minimizing an augmented least squares functional. In the Tikhonov theory the regularizing term has the job of damping some norm of the solution, while in maximum entropy regularization the goal is to choose an approximate solution that has large entropy, or equivalently, small negative entropy v(p)
p(t) In p(t)dt. a
In attempting to approximate a nonnegative maximum entropy solution of ( Ii
x){s) =
k(st)x(t)dt = g(s)
one minimizes the functional IlKx - g1l2 + av(x)
where b
v(x) = J x(t) Inx(t)dt and a > 0 is a regularization parameter. This is a much costlier procedure than Tikhonov regularization because the minimization of (5.46) requires the solution of a nonlinear problem in contrast to the linear problem which must be solved to obtain the Tikhonov approximation.
The Backus-Gilbert Method
Is it possible to form a reasoned estimate of inaccessible values of a function from a few indirect measurements? This is of course at the heart of inverse theory and the method of Backus and Gilbert is designed to provide such estimates.
5.6 The Backus-Gilbert Method
To illustrate the method, we consider a simple example. Imagine a solid impenetrable ball of radius 1 having variable density p(r) depending only on the distance r from the center. Suppose the mass µ1 of the ball can be measured. Then µ1 is the value of a linear functional g1 of p given by r1
j27r j7r
= 4 7- J p(r)r2dr < p, g1 >, where g1 (r) = 4irr2.
Furthermore, suppose that the moment of inertia µ2 of the ball about an axis through its center is known: ri
p(r)r3 sin3 cbdOdOdr
p(r)r3dr 10",
< P, 92 >, where g2(r) =
Given only the numbers it, and µ2, it is clearly impossible to determine the density
p(r) for 0 < r < 1. But is it possible to make a reasonable estimate of the values of p(r)? To be definite, suppose we wish to estimate p(.5), that is, the density half way between the center and the surface of the ball. It would seem that the best we could hope for is to estimate some averaged value of p, say /'1
1 0
where A is some averaging kernel satisfying
A(r)dr = 1.
If we want to estimate p(.5), then we would like
p(.5) ^ J0 A(r)p(r)dr
and hence we would like to "shape" the kernel A(r) like the delta function S(r - .5).
In particular, we would like A(r) to "peak" at r = .5. One way to arrange this peakedness is to force the quantity
5 Some Methodology for Inverse Problems
to be small. But how should A(r) be formed? The only information we have is 121 =< p, gi > and µ2 =< p, 92 > and hence it is not unreasonable to take an estimate of the form (5.50)
a1µ1 + a2P2
(aigi(r) + a292(r))p(r)dr.
In view of (5.48), we would then take
A(r) = aigi(r) + a292(r) where ai and a2 are chosen so that, to satisfy (5.47), a1 J 191(r)dr
+ a2 / 192(r)dr = 1.
To accomplish the peakedness criterion (5.49) we require that
[ai91(r) + a292(r)]2(r -.5)2 dr = min.
Therefore the unknown coefficients ai and a2 are required to minimize the quadratic functional (5.52) while satisfying the linear constraint (5.51). This constrained optimization problem may be routinely handled by the Lagrange multiplier method
yielding the coefficients ai and a2. The Backus-Gilbert estimate of p(.5) is then given by (5.51). Exercise 5.15: Consider a circular disk of radius 1 and density distribution p(r) _ 1(1 - r/2), 0 < r < 1. The mass of the disk is then /'
it, = 21r J p(r)rdr = in
and the moment of inertia about a perpendicular axis through the center of the disk is 1
[L2 = 27- 1 p(r)r3dr = .3. 0
Use these values it, and Jt2 to estimate p(.5) by the Backus-Gilbert method and compare with the true value. Sketch the graph of the kernel A(r). We now consider the Backus-Gilbert method in a bit more generality. Suppose n measurements, it,, ..., it,, are available which represent values of linearly independent
functionals gi,..., g,, on an unknown function p. The idea is to estimate p(s) by a linear combination
5.6 The Backus-Gilbert Method
ai(s)it 1 + ... + an(s)yn
by appropriately shaping the coefficients a1(s), ..., an(s). We then have n
j (s)µj
j=1 n
j(s) < P,gj > j=1
A(s, r)p(r)dr
where n
j (s)gj
We require that 1
I A(s, r)dr = 1
and that the peakedness condition
A(s, r)2(s - r)2dr = min
is satisfied. Let us denote by pn(s) the estimate given by (5.55), that is, Pn(s) = (a (s), p) where
is the euclidean inner product on Rn, u = [µ1, ..., µn]' and a(s) _
[a1(s), ..., an(s)]T . Furthermore, if we define the inner product < , >s by 1
f(r)h(r)(s - r)2dr
< f, h >3=
then we see from (5.57) that the peakedness condition is i
> aj(s)gj >S L
= (Ga(s), a(s)) = min where G = [< gi, gj >s]. The condition (5.56) is then (a (s), a) = 1 where U = [U1 i ..., Un]T with Uk =< 1, 9k >.
Therefore, the coefficients a(s) = [a1(s),..., an(s)]T of the Backus-Gilbert method satisfy:
5 Some Methodology for Inverse Problems
(Ga(s), a(s)) = minimum subject to: (a (s), a) = 1.
This is a standard quadratic minimization problem in Rn with linear constraints. The Lagrange multiplier method then provides a number A such that Ga(s) = A o- and (Ga(s), a(s)) =A. Therefore, we finally have
a(s) = G-la./(G-lo, a.)
where o _ [< 1,91 >,---,< 1,9n >]T and G-[< 9i, 9j >s] Exercise 5.16: For any given s E [0, 1], the peakedness condition (5.57) is meant to guarantee that fo A(s, r)p(r)dr approximates p(s) well. In this exercise we make this idea more precise. Consider the space Hs of all continuous functions on [0, 1] for which 11f 112
= (f(s))2 +
1 (f (s) Jo
rf (r)
dr < oo.
is a norm on HS and that the linear functional that evaluates at s, Show that Es p = p(s), is continuous on H,. Define the linear functional AS by 1
As (p) = 1 A(s, r)p(r)dr. 0
Show that the norm of the linear functional AS - ES is E811 =
f (A(s, r) )2(S - r)2dr. 0
5.7 ART ART, or the algebraic reconstruction technique, is a simple iterative method for reconstructing pictures from projections. By a picture we mean a fixed two dimensional array of pixels with a nonnegative number (representing, for example, a density or weight) assigned to each pixel. In this context a projection simply consists of the sum of the values of selected pixels. We illustrate this with an example. Consider the arrangement in Figure 5.8. The pixels are ordered as indicated and the value of the pixels is specified by a vector x = [xl, x2, ..., xg] T
The six views v(1), ..., v(6) indicated give rise to the functionals
5.7 ART
11i r{
2y i 0
{d ' 17
f 6
V(3) V (4)
to V
Figure 5.8
= =
(v(1), x) (v(2), x)
x2 +x5 +x8 =
(v(6), x)
xl + X3 x2 + x4
is the euclidean inner product and
= =
[1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]T
[0,1, 0, 0,1, 0, 0, 1]T
For example, the weights x = [1, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 1, 1, 2]T would give the results
(v('), x) = (v(2), x)
(v(6), x) =
2.5 3
The reconstruction problem consists of reconstructing the weights x given the views v(5) and the projections (0), x). Depending on the number of pixels and the number of views, this problem could be underdetermined, as in the example above, or overdetermined (although this is unlikely in a practical situation).
5 Some Methodology for Inverse Problems
Before presenting the basic ART algorithm, we establish some basic facts about projections onto hyperplanes. Consider the hyperplane
H= {x:=µ} in an inner product space, where v is a given nonzero vector and µ is a given scalar. The vector of smallest norm H is µv/IIv1I2 and it is easy to see that H = µv/II vII2 + v1
where v-L = {z :< v, z >= Q. Since H is closed and convex, for each x there is a unique vector Px E H with IIx - PxI) = min{Ijx - ylI : y E H}.
It follows that the function g(t) = IIx - (Px + tw)II2
has a minimum at t = 0 for each w with Px + tw E H. In view of (5.60), the minimum of g(t) is achieved at t = 0 for each w E v1. Setting g'(0) = 0, we find
<x-Px,w>=0 for all wEv1 and hence
x-PxEv11={av:aER}. Therefore Px = x - av, for some scalar a. Since Px E H, we find that
µ =< v, Px >=< v, x > -aIIvII2
that is,
Px = x +
/1- V
Exercise 5.17: Show that if P is the projection operator defined by (5.61), then for
anyzEH, II Py - z1I2 < IIy - zII2 - (µ- < v, y
From this it follows immediately that IIPy - PxII < IIy - xII for any x and y. We then say that the operator P is nonexpansive. Show, more generally, that if P is the projection operator onto a closed convex set in Hilbert space, then P is nonexpansive. 11
A more general reconstruction problem may be described as follows. Given certain
``view" vectors v(1), v(2), ..., v(-) and some scalars µl,µ2, ..., µ,n, find a vector x satisfying
5.7 ART
< v('), x >_ ft1, j = 1, ..., m.
If we denote by Ha the hyperplane determined by v(') and µ1, that is,
Hj ={x:=pj}, then we seek a vector x E C = fl m 1 HH. In its most primitive form, the algebraic reconstruction technique consists of successively projecting a given vector x(°) (we will take x(°) = 0) on the hyperplanes
Hj in a cyclic fashion. That is, x(°)
= P1x(°), X(2) = P2x(1),
... X(M) = pmx(m-1)
= pix(m), etc.
where Pj is the projector onto the hyperplane Hj. To put it another way, x(k+1)
= pj x(k)
< v(7), x(k) > v(9)
k = 0 1 2 ,... ,
where j = k(modm) + I. A fairly straightforward argument, based on Exercise 5.17, establishes the convergence of the ART method. Note that if in
SEC= =1
then by (5.64) and the exercise, we have 0 < IIx(k+l) _ tIl <_ Il x(k) _ xll
and hence (lx(k) - xll converges as k -+ oo. By Exercise 5.17, we then have
lira (µj- < v(j), x(k) >) = 0
where j = k(modm) + 1. Since {x(k)} is a bounded sequence in a finite dimensional
space, it has a cluster point x. We will show that x E C and x(k) --+x ask -+ oo. From (5.64) and (5.64) we find that IIx(k+1) -
x(k)II -+ 0
and hence Ilx(k+j)_x(k)II-, 0 as k -+oo
for j = 1, 2, ..., m. Now, if {x(kn)} is a subsequence with
x(kn)-->x as n -oo,
5 Some Methodology for Inverse Problems
then, from (5.66),
x(kn+j) -+ x as n -+ oo for j = 1, 2, ..., m. From this it follows that m
xEC= j=1
Finally, from (5.65) we obtain X(k)
-+ x as k -> oo.
We can say a bit more about the particular vector to which the ART method converges. Note that a solution x of (5.62) is just a solution of the m x n linear system Vx = b
where V is the matrix whose rows are the vectors v(j )T and b is the m-vector [µ1i ..., itm]T . Now, it is easy to see that since x(°) = 0, X(k) is in the space R(VT) =
N(V)l, for each k and hence x E N(V)-L, that is, assuming that c 0 0, x = Vtb, the minimum norm solution of (5.62). More generally, for any x(°), the ART method will converge to the solution of (5.62) which is nearest to x(°). In this way, a priori information, in the form of x(°), can be introduced into the reconstruction algorithm.
Exercise 5.18: In picture reconstruction problems we would presumably seek a solution x which has only nonnegative components. Show that if we set x(k) = max10 x(k)}
for each k, then this amounts, at each iteration, to projecting onto an additional convex set (the nonnegative vectors). Show that if x+°) = 0, then x+k converges to the nonnegative solution (assuming such exists) of (5.62) with minimum norm.
Exercise 5.19: Write a computer program implementing the ART method and test it on the example that was introduced at the beginning of this section.
Ouput Least Squares
Most of the inverse problems treated in Chapter 2 are linear problems. However, problems involving identification of coefficients in differential equations, even linear differential equations, lead to nonlinear inverse problems. To illustrate this, consider an extremely simple coefficient determination problem, namely the problem of determining the constant coefficient a in the initial value problem
5.8 Ouput Least Squares
y'-ay=f, y(O)=I,
from knowledge of the solution y. The nonlinear dependence of a on y is apparent when (5.67) is solved for a, but we would like to formulate the inverse problem in an implicit way. Given the initial condition, the forcing function f, and the coefficient a, the direct problem of finding y is a standard elementary exercise yielding:
y(t) =
1 e-as f(s)ds + 1. 0
Operationally, we would like to interpret this in terms of a coefficient-to-solution operator
F(a) = y
where the operator F is defined by t
(F(a))(t) = eat 1 e-as f(s)ds + 1.
The inverse problem of determining a from y in the linear problem (5.67) is now a nonlinear problem in a as reflected in (5.69). It is also clear that if a is a constant, then the inverse problem (5.68) is severely overdetermined in that (5.68) specifies a condition this single constant must satisfy for every t.
Exercise 5.20: Suppose that f is continuous and f (s) > c > 0 and let d = fo f (s)ds.
Consider the inverse problem of determining the constant a > 0 from a single measurement, y(l), of the solution. Suppose it is a measured value of y(l). Show that if it < d, then the problem F(a) = it has no solution, while if d < it, then F(a) = it has a unique solution. Exercise 5.21: Consider the initial value problem y' - ay = 1, y(O) = 2, where a is a variable coefficient. Let yn (t) = n sin nt + 2, n = 1, 2, .... Show that there is a unique continuous coefficient an (t) for which yn (t) is the solution of the initial value problem. Also show that yn --, 2 uniformly in t, but {an(t)} converges only for t = 0. We close with a few general remarks on methods for the nonlinear inverse problem
F(a) = y.
An often used method for solving such problems is called output least squares. The goal of this method is to find a least squares solution a* of (5.70). That is, if F is defined on some suitable class D(F) of parameters, one seeks a a* E D(F) such that
JIF(a*) - y!j = inf{JIF(a) - y!l
a E D(F)}
5 Some Methodology for Inverse Problems
assuming that such a function a* exists. As always, the function y is known only to within a certain tolerance S, that is, an approximation y6 satisfying 11y-y611 <6
is known and one therefore seeks an a* minimizing 1IF(a*) - y61I
The idea of the method is to start with an admissible ao E D(F), solve the forward problem F(ao) = yo and then update ao depending on how well yo matches y6 (in the petroleum industry, the idea is called history matching because y6 typically represents production history at a given set of wells). The updating procedure varies, but one standard technique is to assume that F is Frechet differentiable and employ the linearization
F(ao + h) = F(ao) + F'(ao)h + r(ao; h)
where the linear operator F'(ao) is the Frechet derivative of F at ao, that is, the remainder r(ao; h) satisfies IIr(ao; h)11 = o(1IhIl)
Since F(ao) = yo and we wish to choose an update h to ao so that F(ao + h) = y the remainder term in (5.71) is dropped and the update h is taken as the generalized solution of the linear operator equation
F'(ao)h = y6 - yo. Of course, this equation is generally ill-posed and hence Tikhonov regularization can be employed and h is taken as the solution of
(F'(ao)*F'(ao) + aI)h = F'(ao)*(y6 - yo) (in this context, the use of Tikhonov regularization is called the Levenberg-Marquardt method in the optimization literature). Once the correction h is determined, the estimate ao of the coefficient is updated to ao + h and the process is repeated until the output F(a0) is a sufficiently close match to the measured data y6. The output least squares method then consists of cycles of the following steps: forward-solve, linearize, regularize and update. The success of the method clearly depends on the availability of accurate direct problem solvers for the forward-solve step and good linearizations.
Exercise 5.22: Let F be the coefficient-to-solution operator, F(a) = y, for the initial value problem y' - ay = 1, y(O) = 2. Show that F'(a) is the linear integral operator
5.9 Bibliographic Notes
119 t
(F'(a)h)(t) = 1 k(t, r)h(r)dr where k(t, r) = ea(t) [ fo e-'
)ds + 2] and µ(t) = fo a(x)dx.
In the output least squares method the problem is linearized and then regularized. An alternative is to regularize first. This approach is called penalized least squares and can be regarded as Tikhonov regularization of a nonlinear problem. In penalized least squares one seeks a minimum in D(F) of the functional II F(a) - y6112 + alla112
where a > 0 is a regularization parameter. The minimization of the functional (5.72) requires a discretization scheme and the use of appropriate optimization software. However, the existence of minimizers of (5.72) is assured under mild assumptions
on F.
Exercise 5.23: Suppose that F : D(F) C Hl -, H2 is weakly closed, that is, the graph 9(F) of F is weakly closed in Hl x H2. Show that (5.72) has a (not necessarily unique) minimum in D(F).
One can also show under relatively mild assumptions that, if (5.70) has a least squares solution, then for any sequences S,, -* 0, a,, --} 0 with Sn /a,, bounded, then any sequence of minimizers of (IF(a) - y6" 112 + anllaI12,
where Ily - y6" 11 < 5n, has a strongly convergent subsequence and the limit of every such strongly convergent subsequence is a least squares solution of (5.70) (see [BE]). It is in this sense that the convergence theory of Tikhonov regularization carries over to the nonlinear problem (5.70).
Bibliographic Notes
Tikhonov's paper [Ti] is usually taken as the origin of the theory of regularization, however, it was preceded by the paper of Phillips [Ph] which contains the essential idea of regularization as well as an early version of the discrepancy principle ([Ck] is another early paper that is not often recognized). More recent monographs in English on the subject include [TA], [G], [Grog], [H], [LRS] and [Bau] (see also the German monograph [Lo]).
5 Some Methodology for Inverse Problems
The Landweber iteration method is developed in [La] (see [AMD] for applications and [Hnk] for some modern developments). The major drawback of the method is its slow convergence. Multigrid ideas are applied to the method to speed its convergence in [ZR] and [Kgl]. For information on the conjugate gradient method and variants, see [KN], [Brk], [Lol] and [Kg]. [BFMW] and [Hall are early efforts at applying the
TSVD method to solve Fredholm integral equations of the first kind numerically. For details on more recent work see [VI], [Vol and [Hns]. The plots in this chapter were produced with the help of [Hnsl]. There is a huge literature on the maximum entropy method. [Ri] is a good introduction. For the application of the maximum entropy idea to Fredhoim integral equations of the first kind, see [KS], [AH], [E], and [EL]. The Backus-Gilbert method [BG] is a standard tool of the geophysics community. For more information along the lines of our treatment, see [SB], [R] and [Maa]. [CH] (see also [Her]) is an excellent survey of iterative reconstruction methods,
including ART. The proof of the convergence of the ART algorithm given here follows [Mar 3] (see also [Tru]). For extensions to successive projections on closed convex sets, see [Yo]. [BK], [Vol] and [CER] contain good surveys of methods for nonlinear ill-posed problems. [Zhu] is an interesting news article on history matching
in the petroleum industry. A theoretical analysis of the penalized least squares method can be found in [BE].
An Annotated Bibliography on Inverse Problems Search the scriptures John v : 39
[AMD ] J.B. Abbiss, C. deMol and H. Dhadwal, Regularized iterative and noniterative procedures for object restoration from experimental data, Optica Acta 30(1983), 107-124.
An integral equation of the first kind arising in optics is solved by Tikhonov regularization and by an iterative method. Numerical illustrations of the procedures applied to real data are also provided. [AS ] A. Abramowitz and 1. Stegun (Eds.), Handbook of Mathematical Functions, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C., 1964. A valuable reference containing a wealth of information on special functions and much more.
[Al ] H. Allison, Inverse unstable problems and some of their applications, The Mathematical Scientist 4(1979), 9-30.
A first rate expository article. The author shows that inverse problems are widespread and physically meaningful and that classical notions of solution and conventional numerical methods are not generally applicable to such problems.
[AH ] U. Amato and W. Hughes, Maximum entropy regularization of Fredholm integral equations of the first kind, Inverse Problems 7(1991), 793-808. A well-posed problem, the solution of which approximates a nonnegative solution of a linear Fredholm integral equation of the first kind, can be formulated by minimizing a Tikhonov-like functional in which the usual quadratic regularization term is replaced by a negative "entropy" term. It is shown that under appropriate circumstances this procedure gives an approximation method that is regular in the sense of Tikhonov. [A ] D.H. Anderson, Compartmental Modeling and Tracer Kinetics, LNB 50, SpringerVerlag, New York, 1983. A well written treatment, with lots of examples, of the tracer kinetics problem and related issues.
[AHL ] R.S. Anderssen, F.R. deHoog and M.A. Lukas (Eds.), The Application and Numerical Solution of Integral Equations, Sijthoff and Noordhoff, Alphen an den Rijn, 1980.
6 An Annotated Bibliography on Inverse Problems
Proceedings of a seminar at Australian National University. The papers by Anderssen (Abel equations), deHoog (Fredholm equations of the first kind) and Lukas (regularization) are particularly recommended. [AD ] R.S. Anderssen and C.R. Dietrich, The inverse problem of aquifer transmissivity identification, in [EG], pp. 19-28. This paper surveys some of the methods proposed for identifying the transmissivity coefficient in an aquifer and examines the use of the linear functional strategy for estimating a piecewise constant approximation to the transmissivity coefficient.
[AN ] R.S. Anderssen and G.N. Newsam (Eds.), Special Program on Inverse Problems, Proceedings of the Centre for Mathematical Analysis, vol 17, Canberra, Australia, 1988. A collection of papers from a special year on inverse problems. Topics include numerical differentiation, regularization, algebraic inverse problems, inverse vibration problems, and identification problems for ordinary differential equations.
[Ang ] G. Anger, Inverse Problems in Differential Equations, Plenum Press, New York, 1990. A monograph on inverse source and coefficient problems for differential equations stressing inverse problems in potential theory. The book contains an interesting historical postscript and an extensive bibliography, particularly on eastern European work. [An ] Anonymous (Ed), Computed Tomography, Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics, vol. 27, American Mathematical Society, Providence, 1983.
Notes from an AMS short course on tomography. The historical paper by Cormack is particularly interesting. The notes also contain a reprint of Radon's 1917 paper.
[B G ] G.E. Backus and J.F. Gilbert, The resolving power of gross earth data, Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society 16(1968), 169-205.
The original paper in which the famous Backus-Gilbert method for estimating values of an unknown function by using a limited number of measured functional values is investigated.
[B ] C.T.H. Baker, The Numerical Treatment of Integral Equations, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1977. An encyclopedic source of information on numerical methods for integral equations, including methods for integral equations of the first kind.
[BFMW ] C.T.H. Baker, L. Fox, D. Mayers and K. Wright, Numerical solution of Fredholm integral equations of the first kind, The Computer Journal 7(1964), 141-147.
An early paper investigating the use of the truncated singular value decomposition for numerical solution of integral equations of the first kind. [Bak ] A.B. Bakushinskii, Iterative method for the solution of nonlinear ill-posed problems and their applications, in Ill-posed Problems in Natural Sciences (A.S. Leonov, et al., Eds.), VSP Science Publishers, Utrecht, 1992, pp. 13-17. A very succinct but clearly written account of regularized iterative methods for ill-posed nonlinear operator equations. The case of monotone operators and regularized Newton-like methods for operators satisfying certain differentiability conditions are considered. [BK ] H.T. Banks and K. Kunisch, Estimation Techniques for Distributed Parameter Systems, Birkhauser, Boston, 1989 A research monograph on approximational and computational aspects of inverse problems for infinite dimensional systems, specifically coefficient identification problems in partial differential equations. The mathematical concepts and techniques are introduced and motivated by models in biology and mechanics.
[Bau ] J. Baumeister, Stable Solution of Inverse Problems, Vieweg, Braunschweig, 1987.
Lecture notes for an advanced course on inverse and ill-posed problems. Chapter topics: ill-posed problems, regularization, SVD, Tikhonov methods, discretization, least squares problems, convolution, the final value problem, and parameter identification.
[BBC ] J.V. Beck, B. Blackwell, and C. St. Clair, Jr., Inverse Heat Conduction: Ill-posed Problems, Wiley, New York, 1985.
The topic of this book is the estimation of the surface heat flux history of a body from measurements taken in the interior of the body. Analytical and numerical methods are discussed and the ill-posed nature of the problem is emphasized. The book is intended as a text and contains many exercises, examples and references.
[BRRW ] J. Bednar, R. Redner, E. Robinson, and A. Weglein (Eds.), Conference on Inverse Scattering: Theory and Applications, SIAM, Philadelphia, 1983. This volume contains a long expository article on inverse scattering by R. Newton, followed by a number of shorter research papers on inverse scattering and related theoretical issues. [Be ] R.J. Bell, Introduction to Fourier Transform Spectroscopy, Academic Press, New York, 1972.
6 An Annotated Bibliography on Inverse Problems
An excellent source for the basics of the Fourier transform and its applications in spectroscopy. [Bel ] R. Bellman, Mathematical Methods in Medicine, World Scientific, Singapore, 1983.
The emphasis of this book is compartmental analysis and the motivating applications in pharmacokinetics. Model building, numerical methods, optimal dosages, tumor detection and radiotherapy are discussed.
[BIG ] A. Ben-Israel and T. Greville, Generalized Inverses: Theory and Applications, Wiley, New York, 1974. A standard text on generalized inverses of matrices which also includes a chapter on generalized inverses of operators in Hilbert space. The book contains a wealth of exercises and examples.
[BA ] B. Berkstresser, S. El-Asfouri, J. McConnell, and B. McInnis, Identification techniques for the renal function, Mathematical Biosciences 44(1979), 157-165. A study of the use of compartmental analysis to identify parameters related to renal blood flow. [Ber ] M. Bertero, Linear inverse and ill-posed problems, Advances in Electronics and Electron Physics 75(1989), 2-120. A detailed and well-written survey, from a physicist's perspective, of the theory of linear ill-posed operator equations. The monograph has chapters on linear inverse problems, linear inverse problems with discrete data, generalized solutions, regularization theory for ill-posed problems, inverse problems and information theory, and an extensive bibliography.
[BDV ] M. Bertero, C. DeMol and G. Viano, The stability of inverse problems, in Inverse Scattering Problems in Optics (H. Baltes, Ed.), Topics in Current Physics, vol.20, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1980, pp. 161-214. A survey of general mathematical techniques for ill-posed problems in physics. The fact that development of adequate stable computational methods requires certain prior knowledge of solutions (global bounds, smoothness, convexity,
statistical properties, etc.) is stressed. [BE ] A. Binder, H.W. Engi, et al., Weakly closed nonlinear operators and parameter identification in parabolic equations by Tikhonov regularization, Institutsbericht No. 444, University of Linz, 1991. A convergence analysis of the penalized least squares method for nonlinear ill-posed operator equations in Hilbert space with applications to coefficient identification in parabolic partial differential equations.
[Bi ] F. Bloom, Ill-posed Problems for Integrodifferential Equations in Mechanics and Electromagnetic Theory, SIAM, Philadelphia, 1981.
The emphasis of this monograph is stability and other qualitative properties of solutions of some ill-posed nonlinear evolution problems. The primary techniques are logarithmic convexity and concavity arguments. [Bo ] N.N. Bojarski, Inverse black body radiation, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 30(1982), 778-780. The inverse black body radiation problem is introduced in this note. An iterative solution method involving the computation of an inverse Laplace transform is suggested.
[Bol ] B.A. Bolt, What can inverse theory do for applied mathematics and the sciences?, Australian Mathematical Society Gazette 7(1980), 69-78. The text of a K.E. Bullen Lecture delivered at the University of Sydney. A plea is made for the teaching of inverse problems in the undergraduate curriculum.
Inverse problems relating to the earth's density, a particular interest of K.E. Bullen, are used as vehicles to introduce inverse theory. [Brw ] R.N. Bracewell, Strip integration in radioastronomy, Australian Journal of Physics 9(1956), 198-217. An early paper on tomography containing illustrations of Abel integral equations in inverse problems in astronomy.
[Brk ] H. Brakhage, On ill-posed problems and the method of conjugate gradients, in [EG], pp.165-176 Aspects of the theory of orthogonal polynomials are used to establish rates of convergence of the conjugate gradient method for bounded linear operator equations. The case of erroneous data is also considered.
[Br ] W.C. Brenke, An application of Abel's integral equation, American Mathematical Monthly 29(1922), 58-60.
A treatment of the weir notch problem in irrigation. [BB ] K.E. Bullen and B. Bolt, An Introduction to the Theory of Seismology, 4th Ed., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1985. A posthumous revision of Bullen's 1947 classic. Contains all necessary background material on seismology and a discussion of the inverse problem of seismic travel times and other geophysical inverse problems. [Bu ] R. Burridge, Some Mathematical Questions in Seismology, New York University, 1975. Lecture notes from a course at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences in 1974-75. The ninth chapter, on the Backus-Gilbert theory of the geophysical inverse problem, is particularly recommended.
6 An Annotated Bibliography on Inverse Problems
[CB ] H. Cabayan and G. Belford, On computing a stable least squares solution to the inverse problem for a planar Newtonian potential, SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics 20(1971), 57-61. The problem of determining the shape of an unknown planar gravitating body from external potential measurements is considered. The nonlinear Fredholm integral equation of the first kind is solved by Tikhonov regularization.
[Cp ] S. Campi, An inverse problem related to the travel time of seismic waves, Bolletino della Unione Matematica Italliana 17(Ser.B)(1980), 661-674. The problem is to determine the refractive index of the earth from measurements of the travel time of seismic waves from one point of the surface to another. The author casts the problem as a nonlinear integral equation and obtains existence and stability results.
[Ca ] J. Cannon, The One-dimensional Heat Equation, Addison-Wesley, Menlo Park, 1984. A comprehensive account of the classical theory of the one dimensional heat equation. The book is a particularly valuable reference for heat equations with source terms. It includes a hugh bibliography that is interestingly divided into time periods in the development of the subject.
[CaH ] J. Cannon and U. Hornung (Eds.), Inverse Problems, Birkhauser, Basel, 1986.
Proceedings of a conference held at the Mathematics Research Institute, Oberwolfach, Germany in 1986. Topics include inverse source problems, the linear functional strategy for inverse problems, inverse scattering theory, stereology, inverse potential theory, inverse problems for parabolic equations and approximate methods for abstract ill-posed problems.
[CH ] Y. Censor and G.T. Herman, On some optimization techniques in image reconstruction from projections, Applied Numerical Mathematics 3(1987), 365391. A very useful survey, with an extensive bibliography, of iterative optimization methods for approximating solutions of discretized versions of the problem of determining a function from certain of its line integrals.
[Ch ] M.T. Chahine, Determination of the temperature profile in an atmosphere from its outgoing radiance, Journal of the Optical Society of America 58(No.12) (1968), 1634-1637.
An iterative method is developed for the radiative transfer equation of atmospheric temperature profiles. [CMMA ] S. Chakravarty, M. Menguc, D. Mackovski, and R. Altenkirch, Application of two inversion schemes to determine the absoption coefficient distribution in flames, Proceedings of the ASME National Heat Transfer Conference, Houston, 1988.
The basic Abel equation model of simplified tomography is applied to the problem of determining the structure of a flame.
[CL ] N.-X. Chen and G.-Y. Li, Theoretical investigation of the inverse black body radiation problem, IEEE Tansactions on Antennas and Propagation, 38(No.8)(1990), 1287-1290.
Various methods for solving the inverse black body radiation problem are reviewed and a new method is suggested. [Co ] R. Coleman, Inverse problems, Journal of Microscopy 153(1989), 233-248. A survey of linear inverse problems expressed as integral equations of the first kind and methods of regularization.
[Col ] L. Colin (Ed.), Mathematics of Profile Inversion, NASA Technical Memorandum TM X-62-150, 1972. This relatively hard-to-find source is a collection of papers, some quite readable, from an early workshop on atmospheric remote sensing held at NASA's Ames Research Center in Moffet Field, California.
[CER ] D. Colton, R. Ewing and W. Rundell (Eds.), Inverse Problems in Partial Differential Equations, SIAM, Philadelphia, 1990. Proceedings of an AMS-SIAM Summer Research Conference. Topics include inverse scattering, impedance imaging, complexity of ill-posed problems, approximation techniques, and the Dirichlet to Neumann map. [CK ] D. Colton and- R. Kress, Integral Equation Methods in Scattering Theory, Wiley, New York, 1983.
A nice self-contained monograph on scattering theory for the Maxwell and Helmholtz equations. The necessary background material on integral equations is covered in the text and there is a chapter on improperly posed problems. [CK2 ] D. Colton and R. Kress, Inverse Acoustic and Electromagnetic Scattering Theory, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1992.
This substantial extension and update of [CK] emphasizes the nonlinear and ill-posed nature of the inverse scattering problem. Topics include direct scattering for Helmholtz and Maxwell equations, ill-posed problems, inverse acoustic and elctromagnetic obstacle scattering, acoustic and electromagnetic waves in an inhomogeneous medium, and the inverse medium problem.
[Ck ] B. Cook, Least structure solution of photonuclear yield functions, Nuclear Instruments and Methods 24(1963), 256-268. An early, and often overlooked, paper applying (Tikhonov-) Phillips regularization to a Fredholm integral equation of the first kind.
6 An Annotated Bibliography on Inverse Problems
[CKNS ] J. Corones, G. Kristensson, P. Nelson and D. Seth (Eds.), Invariant Imbedding and Inverse Problems, SIAM, Philadelphia, 1992. A collection of research papers dedicated to the memory of Robert Krueger. A central theme in transport theory is the determination of propagation characteristics from permitivity and conductivity profiles of an inhomogeneous medium. These papers treat the determination of such profiles from electromagnetic scattering data and related problems. [CrB ] I. Craig and J.Brown, Inverse Problems in Astronomy, Adam Hilger, Bristol, 1986.
Treats Fredholm and Volterra integral equations of the first kind occurring in astronomy. The physics is rough going, but the mathematics is comprehensible. [De ] A. Deepak (Ed.), Inversion Methods in Atmospheric Remote Sounding, Academic Press, New York, 1977. A collection of twenty one papers on inverse problems in atmospheric sounding. Topics include radiative transfer, mathematical theory of inversion methods, and inversion methods in thermal, gaseous and aerosol atmospheres. [DW ] L.M. Delves and J. Walsh (Eds.), Numerical Solution of Integral Equations, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1974. A collection of expository articles on numerical methods for integral equations. Of particular interest are the chapter by Baker on Volterra equations of the first kind and the chapter by Miller on Fredholm equations of the first kind.
[DS ] J,E. Dennis, Jr. and R.B. Schnabel, Numerical Methods for Unconstrained Optimization and Nonlinear Equations, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1983.
An excellent source of theory and algorithms for systems of nonlinear equations. [DH ] P. Deuflhard and E. Hairer (Eds.), Numerical Treatment of Inverse Problems in Differential and Integral Equations, Birkhauser, Basel, 1983. A collection of research papers covering inverse initial value problems, boundary value problems and eigenvalue problems in ordinary differential equations, inverse problems in partial differential equations and Fredholm integral equations of the first kind.
[Di ] P. Dive, Sur l'identite de deux corps possedent le meme potentiel newtonien dans une region interieure commune, Comptes Rendus des Seances de 1' Academie de Sciences (Paris) 195(1932), 597-599.
The uniqueness of the interior inverse problem of gravitational potential is established for convex bodies in which the density is an analytic function of position.
[D ] L.M. Dorman, The gravitational edge effect, Journal of Geophysical Research, 80(No.20)(1975), 2949-2950. The problem of determining the density difference between two adjacent lat-
erally uniform subterranean structures (such as at a continental margin) by measurements of the surface gravity anomoly is cast as a Fredholm integral equation of the first kind. [Dr ] K. Dressler, Inverse problems in linear transport theory, European Journal of Mechanics, B/Fluids 8(1989), 351-372. Some inverse problems in neutron transport theory, which in some cases give rise to an ill-posed Fredholm equation of the first kind, are investigated.
[E ] P.P.B. Eggermont, Maximum entropy regularization for Fredholm integral equations of the first kind , preprint, University of Delaware, 1991. A fairly complete Tikhonov-like convergence program is carried out for entropy-
regularized approximate solutions of Fredholm integral equations of the first kind.
[El ] L. Elden, Modified equations for approximating the solution of a Cauchy problem for the heat equation, in [EG], pp. 345-350. The idea is to regularize the inverse heat conduction problem by modifying the governing partial differential equation so as to change its type (from parabolic to hyperbolic). [EG ] H.W. Engl and C.W. Groetsch (Eds.), Inverse and Ill-posed Problems, Academic Press, Orlando, 1987. Papers presented at the Alpine-U.S. Seminar on Inverse and Ill-posed Problems held in St. Wolfgang, Austria in June, 1986. Topics include the theory of ill-posed problems, regularization methods, tomography, inverse scattering, source detection, inverse heat problems, Cauchy problems, and parameter estimation. [EKN ] H.W. Engl, K. Kunisch and A. Neubauer, Convergence rates for Tikhonov regularization of nonlinear ill-posed problems, Inverse Problems 5(1989), 523540.
Tikhonov regularization for nonlinear ill-posed problems is shown to be stable with respect to data errors and a convergence rate with respect to a bound for
the data error is provided. The paper also contains an interesting discussion of the connection between the ill-posedness of a nonlinear problem and its linearization. [EL ] H.W. Engl and G. Landl, Convergence rates for maximum entropy regularization, Report No. 445, Institute for Mathematics, University of Linz, Austria, 1991.
6 An Annotated Bibliography on Inverse Problems
Convergence rates for entropy-regularized approximations to the maximum entropy solution of a Fredholm integral equation of the first kind are proved by converting the entropy augmented least squares functional for the linear problem into a Tikhonov functional for an equivalent nonlinear problem. [FW ] V. Faber and G.M. Wing, The Abel integral equation, Report LA-11016-MS, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico, 1987. An example of a tomographic experiment leading to an Abel integral equation is provided and a numerical method based on the singular value decomposition is discussed. The results of several numerical experiments are reported.
[FWZ ] V. Faber, G.M. Wing and J. Zahrt, Inverse problems, SVD, and Pseudo SVD, in Invariant Imbedding and Inverse Problems (J. Corones, et al., Eds.) SIAM, Philadelphia, 1992, pp. 230-240.
The singular value decomposition is discussed as a tool for optimizing the condition number of discrete approximations to an unknown kernel appearing in a Fredholm integral equation of the first kind. [F ] R.S. Falk, Approximation of inverse problems, in [CER], pp.5-14. The author derives error estimates for a finite element method for approx mating a distributed coefficient in an elliptic partial differential equation. [FZ ] A.L. Fymat and V. Zuev,(Eds.), Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere: Inversion Methods and Applications, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1978.
A collection of papers on inverse problems related to remote sensing of the atmosphere. Topics include temperature sounding, composition sounding and particulate sounding. [GEZ ] J. Gal-Ezar and G. Zwas, Real-world models in the teaching of calculus, The UMAP Journal 13(1992), 93-100. The inverse problem of determining the density distribution with depth of a very simple model of the earth is proposed as an interesting application for the calculus classroom. [GW ] M. Gehatia and D.R. Wiff, Solution of Fujita's equation of equilibrium sedimentation by applying Tikhonov's regularizing functions, Journal of Polymer Science, A-2, 8(1970), 2039-2050.
The title says it all. [GI ] G.M.L. Gladwell, Inverse Problems in Vibration, Martinus Nijhoff, Dordrecht, 1986.
A largely self-contained treatment, at a relatively elementary level, of the inverse problem of determining a vibrating system from given spectral properties.
[G ] V.B. Glasko, Inverse Problems of Mathematical Physics, American Institute of Physics, New York, 1984.
The translation could be better, but this little monograph, by one of the pioneers in the field, gives a down-to-earth account, with some interesting examples, of some now classical work on the theory of regularization of inverse problems.
[God ] K. Godfrey, Compartmental Models and Their Application, Academic Press, London, 1983.
A good introduction to compartmental modelling and analysis. The main topics are identifiability of linear time-invariant systems, stochastic models, nonlinear models and many applications. There is a separate chapter on Laplace transform identifiability.
[Go ] T.I. Goreau, Quantitative effects of sediment mixing on stratigraphy and biochemistry: a signal theory approach, Nature 265(1977), 525-526. A convolution equation of the first kind is suggested as a model for the process of mixing of underwater sediments.
[GV ] R. Gorenflo and S. Vessella, Abel Integral Equations: Analysis and Applications, LNM 1461, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1991. A valuable and very readable source on the basic theory, applications, and numerical analysis of Abel integral equations.
[Grol ] C.W. Groetsch, Generalized Inverses of Linear Operators: Representation and Approximation, Marcel Dekker, New York, 1977. An introduction to the Moore-Penrose generalized inverse for bounded linear operators in Hilbert space. The emphasis is on general approximation methods for the Moore-Penrose inverse. [Grog ] C.W. Groetsch, The Theory of Tikhonov Regularization for Fredholm Equations of the First Kind, Pitman, London, 1984. Lecture notes from a special course on the theory of Tikhonov regularization
for compact linear operator equations of the first kind delivered in Kaiserslautern, Germany in 1983. The emphasis is on convergence theory. [Gro3 ] C.W. Groetsch, Remarks on some iterative methods for an integral equation in Fourier optics, in " Transport Theory, Invariant Imbedding and Integral Equations" (P. Nelson, et al., Eds.), Marcel Dekker, New York, 1989, pp. 313324.
An operator theoretic treatment of iterative methods for the image reconstruction problem.
6 An Annotated Bibliography on Inverse Problems
[Gro4 ] C.W. Groetsch, Differentiation of approximately specified functions, American Mathematical Monthly 98(1991), 847-850. A discussion of the optimal order of accuracy (with respect to the size of the perturbation) for difference approximations to the derivative of an approximately specified function.
[Gro5 ] C.W. Groetsch, Convergence analysis of a regularized degenerate kernel method for Fredholm integral equations of the first kind, Integral Equations and Operator Theory, 13(1990), 67-75. It is shown that under appropriate circumstances the Fredholm integral equation of the second kind with degenerate kernel which results when quadrature is applied to the Euler equation for the Tikhonov functional leads to a regularization method. [Gro6 ] C.W. Groetsch, Inverse problems and Torricelli's law, The College Mathematics Journal, to appear This paper discusses three inverse problems in elementary hydrodynamics suggested by Torricelli's law. The presentation is at the level of elementary algebra, calculus and differential equations and the notions of existence, uniqueness and stability of solutions are highlighted. [Gr ] M. Grosser, The Discovery of Neptune, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1962. A non-mathematical historical account of the independent efforts of Adams
and Leverrier to solve the inverse problem of planetary perturbations, the subsequent discovery of Neptune and the ensuing priority squabble. [Gru ] F.A. Grunbaum, An inverse problem in transport theory: diffuse tomography, in Invariant Imbedding and Inverse Problems (J. Corones, et al., Eds), SIAM, Philadelphia, 1992, pp. 209-215. The author treats the nonlinear algebraic inverse problem of determining transition probabilities ( as opposed to simply finding absorption coefficients in standard tomography) from input-output data for a two-dimensional array of pixels.
[Had ] J. Hadamard, Four Lectures on Mathematics, Columbia University Press, New York, 1915. A delightful sequence of four "saturday morning" lectures delivered at Columbia
University in 1911. Hadamard gives his views on "correctly set" boundary value problems and their relation to physical reality in the first lecture. The second lecture deals with integral equations. [Had2 ] J. Hadamard, Lectures on Cauchy's Problem in Linear Partial Differential Equations, Yale University Press, New Haven, 1923.
This book contains an early discussion of the notion of an improperly posed partial differential equation. [HH ] G. Hammerlin and K.-H. Hoffmann (Eds.),Improperly Posed Problems and Their Numerical Treatment, Birkhauser, Basel, 1983. Seventeen papers on inverse and improperly posed problems. Topics include regularization, parameter identification, inverse problems in differential equations and integral equations of the first kind.
[Hnk ] M. Hanke, Accelerated Landweber iterations for the solution of ill-posed equations, Numerische Mathematik 60(1991), 341-373. A detailed study of the use of linear semi-iterative methods for solving linear ill-posed operator equations of the first kind. In particular, a notion of optimal speed of convergence is investigated for semi-iterative methods, saturation and converse results are proved and a discrepancy principle for iterative methods is given. The results are illustrated in a variety of numerical examples. [HnkH ] M. Hanke and P.C. Hansen, Regularization methods for large-scale problems, Report UNIC-92-O , Technical University of Denmark, 1992. A very useful survey of theoretical and computational methods for ill-posed problems focusing on algorithmic aspects of methods for large-scale problems. The authors present as a numerical illustration of various methods the inverse helioseismology problem (determining the internal rotation of the sun from observations of surface oscillations).
[Hns ] P.C. Hansen, The truncated SVD as a method of regularization, BIT 27 (1987), 534-553.
The TSVD is investigated as a regularization method for the ill-conditioned systems which arise from Fredhoim integral equations of the first kind. Perturbation bounds are derived and TSVD is compared with Tikhonov regularization. [Hnsl ] P.C. Hansen,Regularization Tools: A MATLAB Package for Analysis and Solution of Discrete Ill-posed Problems, Danish Computing Center for Research and Education, Lyngby, Denmark, 1992, 98 pp. An exposition of the main issues and methods for discretized ill-posed problems as well as a tutorial and manual for an very useful package of user-friendly MATLAB routines for regularization. An extensive collection of test problems involving Fredhoim integral equations of the first kind is included.
[Hns2 ] P.C. Hansen, Numerical tools for analysis and solution of Fredhoim integral equations of the first kind, Inverse Problems 8(1992), 849-872. A very nice survey of the state of the art in numerical methods for the solution
of linear algebraic systems arising from discretization of Fredhoim integral equations of the first kind. The emphasis is on regularization and use of the singular value decomposition.
6 An Annotated Bibliography on Inverse Problems
[Ha ] R.J. Hanson, Integral equations of immunology, Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery 15(1972), 883-890. A computational method for constrained solutions to Fredholm integral equations of the first kind is presented. The method is applied to the hapten binding equation of immunology.
[Hal ] R.J. Hanson, A numerical method for solving Fredholm integral equations of the first kind using singular values, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 8(1971), 616-622.
A numerical method for Fredholm integral equations of the first kind based on discretization by quadrature and collocation and solution of the resulting linear system by TSVD is proposed and tested on a number of equations. [He ] W.L. Hendry, A Volterra integral equation of the first kind, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 54(1976), 266-278.
A pair of Volterra integral equations of the first kind is used to model the relationship between the density distribution of plutonium atoms in doped zirconium oxide spheres and the emission rate of a-particles. [Her ] G.T. Herman, Image Reconstruction from Projections: the Fundamentals of Computerized Tomography, Academic Press, New York, 1980. A handbook on numerical methods, mainly iterative, for recontruction of objects from projections. The main source of applications is medical imaging. [H ] B. Hofmann, Regularization for Applied Inverse and Ill-posed Problems, Teubner, Leipzig, 1986. Advanced notes with an extensive bibliography. Topics include mathematical modeling and optimization, regularization of deterministic discrete inverse problems, regularization of stochastic discrete inverse problems, and numerical approaches to nonlinear inverse problems.
[HB ] J.N. Holt and A.J. Bracken, First-kind Fredholm integral equation of liver kinetics: numerical solutions by constrained least squares, Mathematical Biosciences 51(1980), 11-24.
A Fredholm integral equation of the first kind relating the concentration of a substrate in input blood to the liver to the concentration of substrate in the output blood is studied. [Ho ] J. Honerkamp,Ill-posed problems in Theology, Rheologica Acta 28(1989), 363371.
The method of regularization and the maximum entropy method are applied to a linear integral equation of the first kind relating stress and shear rate in a polymeric fluid.
[HTR ] J.T. Houghton, F.W. Taylor and C.D. Rodgers, Remote Sounding of Atmospheres, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1984. A useful account of the technology, and some of the mathematics, of remote sensing of atmospheric profiles.
[I ] V. Isakov, Inverse Source Problems, American Mathematical Society, Providence, 1990.
An advanced research monograph on existence and uniqueness theory for inverse source problems in potential theory.
[Iv ] V.K. Ivanov, Integral equations of the first kind and an approximate solution for the inverse problem of potential, Soviet Mathematics Doklady 3(1962), 210-212.
A discussion of a general approximate method for nonlinear integral equations of the first kind with an application to the problem of determining the shape of a homogeneous planar mass which produces a given gravitational potential.
[JR ] W. Jeffrey and R. Rosner, On strategies for inverting remote sensing data, The Astrophysical Journal 310(1986), 463-472.
Various methods for Fredhoim integral equations of the first kind, including iterative techniques, Tikhonov regularization, the Backus-Gilbert method, and the maximum entropy method are surveyed. Illustrative examples are drawn from astronomy.
[Jo ] F. Joachimstahl, Uber ein Attractionsproblem, Journal fuer die reine and angewandte Mathematik 58(1861), 135-137.
A very early paper on an inverse problem modeled by an integral equation of
the first kind. Given a uniform distribution of mass on a line and the total attractive force as a function of the distance from the line, the unknown law of attraction is sought. [J ] B.F. Jones, Jr., Various methods for finding unknown coefficients in parabolic differential equations, Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 16(1963), 33-49.
The problem of determining a diffusion coefficient, which depends only on time, in the one-dimensional heat equation is considered. The problem is reduced to the study of a certain nonlinear integral equation.
[Kac ] M. Kac, Can one hear the shape of a drum?, American Mathematical Monthly 73(Part II)(1966), 1-23.
6 An Annotated Bibliography on Inverse Problems
A classic of mathematical exposition. This paper was also the subject of a film,
starring Kac, which unfortunately no longer exists. In the paper Kac gives a theoretical presentation of the inverse problem of determining the shape of a membrane fixed along its boundary (a plane curve) from knowledge of the frequencies of vibration. Recently it has been shown that the answer to Kac's question is "No."
[KN ] W.J. Kammerer and M.Z. Nashed, On the convergence of the conjugate gradient method for singular linear operator equations, SIAM Journal of Numerical Analysis 9(1972), 165-181. A convergence proof, with convergence rate estimate, is given for the conjugate gradient method for approximating the minimum norm least squares solution
of a linear operator equation of the first kind in Hilbert space.
[KIr ] J.B. Keller, Inverse problems, American Mathematical Monthly 83(1976), 107-118.
An engaging expository article concentrating on some inverse problems in potential theory,e.g., determining a potential from particle transit times, or determining a scattering potential from the differential scattering cross-section. [Ke ] O.D. Kellogg, Foundations of Potential Theory, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1929.
This classic book on potential theory is still an excellent source of basic information and examples. The treatment is physically motivated and the only prerequisite is a good course on calculus. [Kg ] J.T. King, A minimal error conjugate gradient method for ill-posed problems, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 60(1989), 297-304. The usual conjugate gradient method for a first kind operator equation is an iterative method in which at each step the residual is minimized over a certain Krylov subspace. In this paper a modified version of the conjugate gradient method is developed which minimizes the error, rather than the residual, at each step.
[Kgl ] J.T. King, Multilevel iterative methods for ill-posed problems, in Ill-posed Problems in the Natural Sciences (A.S. Leonov,et al., Eds.), VSP Scientific Publishers, Utrecht, 1992. A general theory of multilevel operators as preconditioners for iterative methods for ill-posed linear operator equations is developed. Bounds for error reduction factors are derived and the ideas are illustrated numerically on integral equations of the first kind arising in inverse heat conduction and image restoration.
[KS ] M. Klaus and R. Smith, A Hilbert space approach to maximum entropy reconstruction, Mathematical Methods in Applied Science 10(1988), 397-406.
The authors show that the maximum entropy regularization method for certain Fredholm integral equations of the first kind is stable. They also show that or certain reconstruction problems, the entropy-regularized approximations are piecewise constant. [K ] R. Kress, Linear Integral Equations, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1989. A thorough, rigorous and modern treatment of linear integral equations including related material on inverse and ill-posed problems and numerical methods.
[L ] D.S. Landis, Revolution in Time, Belknap Press of Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, 1983. A facinating historical account of the quest to measure time. Huygens is a major player; Newton, the Bernoullis and l'Hopital put in cameo appearances.
[La ] L. Landweber, An iteration formula for Fredholm integral equations of the first kind, American Journal of Mathematics 73(1951), 615-624. A landmark paper on an iterative method for Fredholm equations of the first kind which is now often called the "Landweber-Fridman" method. [Lng ] R.E. Langer, An inverse problem in differential equations, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 39(1933), 814-820. An early paper on the coefficient determination problem in differential equations. The problem involves the determination of the electrical resistivity of the earth's crust from measurements of the electric potential at the surface.
[LLK ] J. Larsen, H. Lund-Andersen, and B. Krogsaa, Transient transport across the blood-retina barrier, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 45(1983), 749-758. A discussion of a simplified model of an inverse problem related to transport of fluorescein across the retina. [LL ] R. Lattes and J.-L. Lions, The Method of Quasi-reversibility: Applications to Partial Differential Equations, American Elsevier, New York, 1969. The "method" is more in the nature of a general philosophy. The idea is to replace an improperly posed boundary value problem by a nearby properly posed problem. The book is a good source of examples of improperly posed partial differential equations. [Lav ] M.M. Lavrentiev, Some Improperly Posed Problems of Mathematical Physics, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1967. One of the early monographs on the subject. Covers the author's work on analytic continuation, inverse problems in potential theory and the wave equation.
[LRS ] M.M. Lavrent'ev, V.G. Romanov and S.P. Shishatskii, Ill-posed Problems of Mathematical Physics and Analysis, American Mathematical Society, Providence, 1986.
6 An Annotated Bibliography on Inverse Problems
After two good introductory chapters on models of ill-posed problems and basic concepts related to the theory of ill-posed problems, the book really takes off. Advanced chapters on analytic continuation, boundary value problems for differential equations, Volterrra equations, integral geometry and multidimensional inverse problems fill out the book.
[LRY ] M.M. Lavrent'ev, K.G. Reznitskaya and V.G. Yakhno, One-dimensional Inverse Problems of Mathematical Physics, American Mathematical Society, Providence, 1986.
An advanced monograph concentrating on inverse source problems for the wave equation. [LH ] C.L. Lawson and R.J. Hanson, Solving Least Squares Problems, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1974. A well-written, self-contained monograph on theory and numerical methods for least squares problems. The book covers orthogonalization methods, conditioning, generalized inverses, the singular value decomposition and perturbation analysis. Computer codes and some illuminating numerical examples are included.
[Lee ] D.A. Lee, On the determination of determination of molecular weight distributions from sedimentation-equilibrium data at a single rotor speed, Journal of Polymer Science (A-2) 8(1970), 1039-1056. A study of Fujita's integral equation of the first kind. [Leo ] A.S. Leonov, et al. (Eds.), Ill-posed Problems in Natural Sciences, VSP Science Publishers, Utrecht, 1992. The proceedings of a research conference held in Moscow in August, 1991,
during the second Russian revolution. The sixty four papers fall into three categories: theory and methods of solving ill-posed problems, inverse problems in mathematical physics, and applications.
[Lz ] P. Linz, Analytical and Numerical Methods for Volterra Equations, SIAM, Philadelphia, 1985. A very readable introduction to Volterra integral equations. Includes existence and uniqueness theorems, numerical methods for first and second kind Volterra equations and ill-posed Volterra equations.
[Lo ] A.K. Louis, Inverse and schlecht gestellte Probleme, Teubner, Stuttgart, 1989. Functional analysis based lectures on the theory of ill-posed problems suitable for a graduate seminar. Applications to tomography.
[Lol ] A.K. Louis, Convergence of the conjugate gradient method for compact operators, in [EG], pp.177-183.
The order of convergence of the conjugate gradient method for a compact linear operator equations of the first kind is derived based on certain smoothness assumptions on the data. [Lu ] D.G. Luenberger, Linear and Nonlinear Programming, Second Edition, AddisonWesley, Reading, MA, 1984. A standard text and reference book on methods and theory for mathematical programming and optimization.
[Maa ] P. Maaf3, Generalized Backus-Gilbert methods, in [S4], pp.440-449.
An abstract Backus-Gilbert method is formulated in Hilbert space and the peakedness condition is interpretted as a general problem of best approximation to the delta function in a Sobolev norm. [McBS ] J. MacBain and B. Secrest, Source determination in remote sensing, SIAM Review 33(1991), 109-113.
The problem of extracting the temporal component of a source term in the acoustic wave equation from observations of the pressure and its normal derivative on a contour is considered.
[Mar ] J.T. Marti, An algorithm for computing minimum norm solutions of Fredholm integral equations of the first kind, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 15(1978), 1071-1076.
A geometrically motivated algorithm, which is essentially Tikhonov regularization applied on a finite dimensional subspace with a discrepancy-like choice of the regularization parameter, is presented and analyzed.
[Mart ] J.T. Marti, Introduction to Sobolev Spaces and Finite Element Solution of Elliptic Boundary Value Problems, Academic Press, London, 1986. A very useful and well-organized introduction to the Sobolev space theory and related mathematics necessary for the study of finite element methods for numerical solution of elliptic problems.
[Mar3 ] J.T. Marti, On the convergence of the discrete ART algorithm for the reconstruction of digital pictures from their projections, Computing 21(1979), 105-111.
The author gives some relatively simple proofs of the convergence of the algebraic reconstruction technique based on nonexpansive mapping ideas and linear algebra techniques.
[Ma ] W.V. Mayneord, The distribution of radiation around simple radioactive sources, British Journal of Radiology 5(1932), 677-716. An early paper on the radiotherapy problem. The direct problem of determining dosage curves (curves of constant intensity) for simple radioactive objects, such as needles and rings, is considered.
6 An Annotated Bibliography on Inverse Problems
[MeW ] J. McGrath, S. Wineberg, G. Charatis and R. Schroeder, Inversion of first-kind integral equations as a plasma diagnostic, in " Transport Theory, Invariant Imbedding and Integral Equations," (P. Nelson, et al., Eds.), Marcel Dekker, New York, 1989. The problem of calculating radiation density from an x-ray image recorded on film is modeled by an Abel integral equation.
[McI ] M. McIver, An inverse problem in electromagnetic crack detection, IMA Journal on Applied Mathematics 47(1991), 127-145. A Fredholm integral equation of the first kind modeling the lower edge of a crack in a metal sheet is developed. [Me ] D.W. McLaughlin (Ed.), Inverse Problems, SIAM, Philadelphia, 1983. Papers from a conference held in New York in 1983. The three main areas of coverage are: geophysical inverse problems, tomography and inverse problems, mathematical inverse theory and the maximum entropy method.
[McL ] J.R. McLaughlin, Analytical methods for recovering coefficients in differential equations from spectral data, SIAM Review 28(1986), 53-72. A useful review of exact methods for recovering coefficients in second and fourth order linear differential equations from knowledge of the eigenvalues and other spectral data. [Me ] W. Menke, Geophysical Data Analysis: Discrete Inverse Theory, Academic Press, Orlando, 1984. A very accessible book on inverse theory intended for undergraduates in geophysics. From the outset all problems are modeled discretely as matrix equations. Random, as well as deterministic, problems are treated. [MH ] K. R. Meyer and G. R. Hall, Introduction to Hamiltonian Dynamical Systems and the N-Body problem, Springer, New York, 1992. This book has nothing to do with inverse problems.
[Mi ] J. Milstein, The inverse problem: estimation of kinetic parameters, in "Modelling of Chemical Reaction Systems" (K. Ebert, P. Deuflhard, and W. Jager, Eds.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1981, pp.92-101. Least squares methods for approximating coefficients in systems of nonlinear ordinary differential equations are developed. Performance of the methods on several inverse problems in chemical kinetics is reported.
[MIS ] S. Miyamoto, S. Ikeda, and Y. Sawaragi, Identification of distributed systems and the theory of regularization, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 63(1978), 77-95.
Tikhonov regularization for linear operator equations of the first kind, in which
the solution is constrained to lie in a given closed convex set, is applied to the problem of identifying distributed coefficients and source terms in certain parabolic problems.
[M ] V.A. Morozov, Methods for Solving Incorrectly Posed Problems, SpringerVerlag, New York, 1984.
A hard-to-read translation from the Russian summarizing the work, through 1974, of the leading school in the abstract theory of ill-posed problems.
[Mu ] D.A. Murio, The mollification method and the numerical solution of an inverse heat conduction problem, SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing 21(1981), 17-34.
The regularization approach to unstable inverse problems is to modify the operator to mitigate the effect of errors in the data. Another approach is to "mollify" the data by smoothing with a convolution operator. In this paper the mollification method is applied to the ill-posed inverse heat conduction problem.
[Mu2 ] D.A. Murio, Automatic numerical differentiation by discrete mollification, Computers and Mathematics with Applications 13(1987), 381-386. The instability of numerical differentiation is well-known. In this note stable numerical differentiation is achieved by smoothing the function with a "mollifier" and differentiating the result. A procedure is proposed to choose the radius of mollification by a discrepancy-like method.
[N ] M.Z. Nashed, Operator theoretic and computational approaches to ill-posed problems with applications to antenna theory, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation AP-29(1981), 220-231. A lucid survey of general operator theoretic methods (regularization, reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces, iterative methods, projection methods) for generalized inversion of ill-posed linear operator equations of the first kind. [N1 ] M.Z. Nashed (Ed.), Generalized Inverses and Applications, Academic Press, New York, 1976. This proceedings of a seminar held in 1973 is full of well-written papers containing a wealth of information on generalized inverses (and operators). Topics include the theory of generalized inverses, generalized inverses in analysis,
computational methods and approximation theory, and applications. [N2 ] M.Z. Nashed, On nonlinear ill-posed problems I: Classes of operator equations and minimization of functionals, in "Nonlinear Analysis and Applications" (V. Lakshmikantham, Ed.), Dekker, New York, 1987, pp.351-373. An informative survey, with an large bibliography, of nonlinear ill-posed operator equations and extremal problems.
6 An Annotated Bibliography on Inverse Problems
[N3 ] M.Z. Nashed, A new approach to classification and regularization of ill-posed operator equations, in [EG]], pp. 53-75. A study of the role of outer inverses as regularizers of ill-posed linear operator equations in Banach space.
[Na ] F. Natterer, The Mathematics of Computerized Tomography, Teubner, Stuttgart, 1986. A very professional treatment of the mathematics of the Radon transform and other transforms related to tomography. The book also contains a chapter on abstract ill-posed problems. [Nal ] F. Natterer, Numerical treatment of ill-posed problems, in [Ta]. pp. 142-167. A survey of numerical techniques for ill-conditioned linear systems which result from discretization of an ill-posed linear integral equation of the first kind. Topics discussed include generalized and regularized solutions, perturbation theory, the singular value decomposition, iterative methods and applications to tomography. [Ne ] A. Neubauer, Finite-dimensional approximation of constrained Tikhonov regularized solutions of ill-posed linear operator equations, Mathematics of Computation 48(1987), 565-583. A theory of Tikhonov regularization for best approximate solution of ill-posed linear operator equations, in which solutions are constrained to lie in a closed convex set, is developed.
[01 ] D.W. Oldenburg, An introduction to linear inverse theory, IEEE Transactions in Geoscience and Remote Sensing GE-22(NO.6)(1984), 665-674. An overview of some methods in linear inverse theory used by geophysicists, concentrating on the Backus-Gilbert method. [OS ] F. O'Sullivan, A statistical perspective on ill-posed inverse problems, Statistical Science 1(1986), 502-518. An interesting and very readable treatment of ill-posed problems from the statistical prospective. The author shows that successful application of statistical regularization methods requires estimates of the signal-to-noise ratio and methods of obtaining such estimates are discussed. The ideas are illustrated with some inverse problems arising in medicine, meteorology and geophysics. [P ] R.L. Parker, Understanding inverse theory, Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Science 5(1977), 35-64. An exposition of inverse theory from the point of view of a geophysicist. The author discusses linear and nonlinear problems and the paper has an extensive bibliography on the geophysical inverse theory literature.
[Pa ] A. Papoulis, The Fourier Integral and Its Applicatiw-Hill, New York, 1962.
A very readable treatment of the Fourier (and Laplam with engineering applications. [P ] L.E. Payne, Improperly Posed Problems in Partial Diffettions, SIAM, Philadelphia, 1975. A monograph, with an extensive bibliography, on ill-pms in partial differential equations concentrating on existence and dependence results for Cauchy problems.
[PL ] V. Petkov and R. Lazarov (Eds.), Integral Equation'se Problems, Longman, Harlow, U.K., 1991. A collection of research papers on integral equatioirse problems with emphasis on inverse scattering problems. [Ph ] D.L. Phillips, A technique for the numerical solutionntegral equations of the first kind, Journal of the Association fag Machinery 9(1962), 84-97.
This paper is historic. It barely predates Tikhonov'; is concerned with a method, closely resembling Tikhonov's methoing instabilities in approximate solutions for Fredholm integral e4he first kind. The method of regularization is often called "Tikhes" regularization because of this paper. [PT ] J. Poschel and E. Trubowitz, Inverse Spectral Theoic Press, New York, 1987.
A self-contained and masterful treatment of a singhsional inverse problem: the determination of the coefficient in thproblem for a simple second order linear ordinary differential equatowledge of the eigenvalues. The emphasis is on existence and unigry (isospectral sets of coefficients, characterization of eigenvalues),,ation.
[Pr ] R.T. Prosser, Can one see the shape of a surface? Mathematical Monthly 84(1977), 259-270.
Inspired by Kac's article [Kac], the author investiftent to which the shape of a closed surface is determined by the a>ehavior of the eigenfunctions of the exterior Dirichlet problem for an. [R ] A. Ramm, Optimal estimation of limited noisy datar Mathematical Analysis and Applications 125(1987), 258-266. A discussion of the convergence of the Backus-Gilb for the case of error-free data and some optimality properties of in the case of noisy data.
6 An Annotated Bibliography on Inverse Problems
[RN ] F. Riesz and B. Sz.-Nagy, Functional Analysis, Ungar, New York, 1955 (translation of the second French edition of 1952 by L. Boron). A classic text on linear operators that is as alive today as it was forty years ago.
[Ri ] E. Rietsch, The maximum entropy approach to inverse problems, Journal of Geophysics 42(1977), 489-506.
A lucid exposition of the maximum entropy method with an illustration of the use of the method to estimate the density distribution of a spherically symmetric earth from measurements of its radius, total mass and moment of inertia. [Ro ] G.F. Roach (Ed.),Inverse Problems and Imaging, Longman Scientific, Harlow, U.K., 1991
Proceedings of a research conference held at the University of Strathclyde. Topics include inverse scattering, electrical impedance tomography, inverse moving boundary value problems and inverse problems in plane-wave detection.
[Rob ] J.A. Roberts (Ed.), Indirect Imaging, Cambridge University Press, New York, 1984.
A collection of papers on remote sensing, primarily concerned with problems in radio astronomy. The book includes a chapter of six papers on the maximum entropy method.
[RW ] S. Rubinow and A. Winzer, Compartmental analysis: an inverse problem, Mathematical Biosciences 11(1971), 203-247.
A useful review paper on compartmental analysis.
[Ru ] W. Rundell, Determination of an unknown non-homogeneous term in a linear partial differential equation form overspecified boundary data, Applicable Analysis 10(1980), 231-242.
The problem of determining a forcing term in a parabolic equation, which is a product of a function of space with a function of time, given one of these functions and overspecified boundary data, is investigated. [RB ] B. Rust and W. Burrus, Mathematical Programming and the Numerical Solution of Linear Equations, American Elsevier, New York, 1972. A nice introduction to numerical methods based on mathematical programming techniques for the numerical solution of ill-conditioned linear systems arising from Fredholm integral equations of the first kind. [S1 ] P. Sabatier, Some Topics on Inverse Problems, World Scientific, Singapore, 1988.
The proceedings of an interdisciplinary workshop on inverse problems held in Montpellier, France in 1987. The twenty six papers emphasize inverse problems in physics, particularly inverse scattering theory and impedance tomography.
[S2 ] P. Sabatier (Ed.), Applied Inverse Problems, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1978. Proceedings of a physics conference on inverse problems. The topics of the individual papers include geophysical inverse problems, inverse scattering problems, problems in optics, and nonlinear inverse problems. [S3 ] P. Sabatier (Ed.), Basic Methods of Tomography and Inverse Problems, Adam Hilger, Bristol, 1987. Expository lectures on tomography and related inverse problems by G.T. Herman, H.K. Tuy, K.J. Langenberg and P.C. Sabatier.
[S4 ] P. Sabatier (Ed.), Inverse Methods in Action, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1990. Seventy four papers from a conference on inverse problems held in Montpelier, France in 1989. Topics covered include tomographic inverse problems, identification of distributed parameters, spectral inverse problems, inverse scattering, imaging, and nonlinear inverse problems.
[Sa ] R.L. Sandland, Mathematics and the growth of organisms - some historical impressions, The Mathematical Scientist 8(1983), 11-30. A excellent exposition of the development of the theory of mathematical growth laws.
[SPSH ] F. Santosa, Y.-H. Pao, W. Symmes and C. Holland (Eds.), Inverse Problems in Acoustic and Elastic Waves, SIAM, Philadelphia, 1984. Proceedings of an international conference on inverse problems for acoustic and elastic waves held at Cornell University in 1984. The volume contains twenty three papers with emphasis on inverse scattering, inverse problems in geophysics, mechanics and ocean acoustics. [STV ] D.H. Sattinger, C. Tracey and S. Venakides (Eds.), Inverse Scattering and Applications, Contemporary Mathematics, vol. 122, American Mathematical Society, Providence, 1991. Thirteen papers from an AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference held at the University of Massachusetts in 1990. Topics include inverse scattering problems, inverse problems in higher dimensions, inverse conductivity problems, and numerical methods. The volume contains a particularly useful survey, by Cheney and Isaacson, of inversion algorithms for impedance imaging.
[SB ] B. Schomburg and G. Berendt, On the convergence of the Backus-Gilbert algorithm, Inverse Problems 3(1987), 341-346.
6 An Annotated Bibliography on Inverse Problems
The convergence of the Backus-Gilbert method, with error-free data, is investigated under the assumption that the measurement functionals are linearly independent and complete in an appropriate Hilbert space.
[SP ] K.P. Singh and B. Paul, A method for solving ill-posed integral equations of the first kind, Computational Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2(1973), 339-348. The method of regularization is applied to obtain a numerical solution to a Fredholm integral equation of the first kind which models the contact pressure between two elastic surfaces. [Sq ] W. Squire, A simple integral method for system identification, Mathematical Biosciences 10(1971), 145-148. A method for estimating (constant) parameters in linear differential equations by integration by parts and least squares fitting is described.
[St ] H. Stark (Ed.), Image Recovery: Theory and Application, Academic Press, New York, 1987. A collection of expository papers on various mathematical and engineering aspects of the image recovery problem. Of particular interest to mathematicians
are the papers by Rushforth on functional analysis and Fredholm integral equations of the first kind and Youla on convex projections. [Str ] J.W. Strutt (Baron Rayleigh), The Theory of Sound, two volumes bound in one, Dover, New York, 1945 (reprint of the 1877 edition published by Macmillan). The pioneering work in acoustics. In it (p. 217) Lord Rayleigh suggests the inverse problem of determining the density of a string from its movements. [SJ ] X. Sun and D.L. Jaggard, The inverse black body radiation problem: a regularized solution, Journal of Applied Physics 62(No.11)(1987), 4382-4386. Tikhonov regularization is applied to solve the Fredholm integral equation of the first kind for the inverse black body radiation problem. [Ta ] G. Talenti (Ed.), Inverse Problems, LNM 1225, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1986.
A series of lectures given at a summer school on inverse problems held at Monte Catini Terme, Italy. Topics include inverse eigenvalue problems, regularization methods, tomography, numerical methods for ill-posed problems, and integral
equations arising in optics.
[Tar ] A. Tarantola, Inverse Problem Theory, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1987. This is both a textbook and a reference manual on methods for inverse problems. The first part of the book deals exclusively with discrete problems; continuous problems are taken up in part two. The applications are drawn mainly from geophysics.
[Ti ] A.N. Tihonov (Tikhonov), Solution of incorrectly formulated problems and the regularization method, Soviet Mathematics Doklady 4(1963), 1035-1038. The original paper that started an avalanche of activity in the theory of regularization. See also [Ph]. [TA ] AN. Tikhonov and V.Y. Arsenin, Solutions of Ill-posed Problems, Winston and Sons, Washington, 1977.
The first book in English on the general subject of ill-posed problems. It contains a number of annoying misprints and the translation is not the best, but it is still an important primary source. [TG ] A.N. Tikhonov and A.V. Goncharsky (Eds.), Ill-posed Problems in the Natural Sciences, MIR, Moscow, 1989. A collection of papers on ill-posed problems in the natural sciences (geophysics, electrodynamics, seismology, optics and image processing) modeled by inte-
gral equations of the first kind. The emphasis is on the use of regularization methods to obtain numerical solutions. [T ] S. Towmey, Introduction to the Mathematics of Inversion in Remote Sensing and Indirect Measurement, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1977. Twomey, an atmospheric physicist, is one of the pioneers in the theory of regularization for Fredholm equation of the first kind. The introduction contains a number of examples (mainly hard to understand for nonphysicists) of integral equations in atmospheric physics and other remote sensing situations. Linear algebra techniques are emphasized.
[TR ] I.R. Triay and R.S. Rundberg, Determination of selectivity coefficient distributions by deconvolution of ion-exchange isotherms, Journal of Physical Chemistry 91(1987), 5269-5274. The method of regularization is applied to a Fredholm integral equation of the first kind modeling the probability density function of the selectivity coefficient in an ion-exchange reaction.
[Tr ] F.G. Tricomi, Integral Equations, Interscience, New York, 1957. A classical (i.e., non-functional analytic) treatment of integral equations.
[Tru ] MR. Trummer, Reconstructing pictures from projections: on the convergence of the ART algorithm with relaxation, Computing 26(1981), 189-195. A proof of the convergence of the algebraic reconstruction technique, with relaxation parameters to improve convergence, is given.
[V ] J.M. Varah, A practical examination of some numerical methods for linear discrete ill-posed problems, SIAM Review 21(1979), 100-111.
6 An Annotated Bibliography on Inverse Problems
A study of numerical methods for the ill-conditioned linear algebraic systems which arise from the discretization of a Fredholm integral equation of the first kind. [V1 ] J. Varah, Pitfalls in the numerical solution of linear ill-posed problems, SIAM Journal of Scientific and Statistical Computing 4(1983), 164-176.
The numerical difficulties associated with ill-conditioned linear systems obtained from discretized Fredholm equations of the first kind are pointed out and the SVD method and the method of regularization are reviewed. Numerical examples involving inverse Laplace transforms are provided.
[Va ] V.V. Vasin, The stable evaluation of a derivative in the space C(-oo, oo), USSR Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 13(1973), 1624.
It is shown that the process of numerical differentiation may be stabilized by convolving the approximate function with the exact derivative of a certain mollifying kernel.
[Ve ] S. Vessella, Locations and strengths of point sources: stability estimates, Inverse Problems 8(1992), 991-917.
The problem of determining the locations and strengths of a (known) finite number of point sources in three-dimensional space from measurements of the potentials that the point sources generate is considered. The author shows that, relative to natural metrics, the locations and strengths are Lipschitz continuous with respect to the generated potentials. [Vo ] C.R. Vogel, Optimal choice of truncation level for the truncated SVD solution of linear first kind integral equations when the data are noisy, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 23(1986), 109-117. The truncated SVD method, with the level of truncation chosen by the gen-
eralized cross validation method, is investigated when the data consists of discrete values contaminated by white noise error. Convergence rates for the expected value of the square error are obtained under certain assumptions on the decay rates of the singular values. [Vol ] C.R. Vogel, An overview of numerical methods for nonlinear ill-posed problems, in [EG], pp. 231-245. A good survey of some optimization techniques for nonlinear ill-posed problems, including the Levenberg-Marquart method, penalized least squares and constrained least squares. [Wa ] G. Wahba, Spline Models for Observational Data, SIAM, Philadelphia, 1990.
A Fredholm integral of the first kind becomes, in the limiting case of a kernel which is a linear combination of delta functions, a problem of interpolation. If the interpolation problem is approached in a least squares sense, with additional smoothing imposed by a regularization term, one arrives at the concept of a smoothing spline. These issues and related statistical topics are discussed in this monograph.
[Wal ] G. Wahba, Practical approximate solutions to linear operator equations when the data are noisy, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 14(1977), 651667.
An important method for choosing the regularization parameter in Tikhonov regularization, the method of generalized cross validation, is introduced in this paper. The method is statistically based and relies on the actual values of the data, rather than the overall error level in the data. [We ] J. Weertman, Relationship between displacements on a free surface and the stress on a fault, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 55(1965), 946-953.
The problem of the title is modeled as a Fredholm integral equation of the first kind. It is essentially the same equation as that which models the gravitational edge effect (see [D]).
[W ] S.D. Wicksell, The corpuscle problem, Biometrica 17(1925), 84-99.
A discussion of the stellar stereography problem for globular clusters and related problems in biology.
[Wil ] J. Williams, Approximation and parameter estimation in ordinary differential equations, in "Algorithms for Approximation" (J. Mason and M. Cox, Eds.) Chapman and Hall, London, 1990, pp. 395-402. The problem of determining unknown parameters in systems of ordinary dif-
ferential equations by nonlinear least squares techniques is discussed. The emphasis is on the conditioning of the least squares problem with respect to the unknown parameters. [Wi ] G.M. Wing, A Primer on Integral Equations of the First Kind: The Problem of Deconvolution and Unfolding, SIAM, Philadelphia, 1992. An excellent introduction to linear integral equations of the first kind arising in inverse problems. The book assumes relatively little in the way of prerequisites and the style is informal and engaging. [Y ] M. Yamaguti, et al. (Eds.), Inverse Problems in Engineering Sciences, SpringerVerlag, Tokyo, 1991.
Research and survey papers from a satellite conference of the International Congress of Mathematicians held in Osaka in 1990. Topics include regularization theory, inverse scattering, inverse problems in synthesis and optimization, and mathematical theory of inverse problems.
6 An Annotated Bibliography on Inverse Problems
[Yo ] D.C. Youla, Mathematical theory of image restoration by the method of convex projections, in [St], pp.29-78. A survey, using methods of the theory of nonexpansive mappings in Hilbert space, of ART-type reconstruction algorithms applied to general projections on closed convex sets.
[ZS ] B.N. Zakhariev and A.A. Suzko, Direct and Inverse Problems: Potentials in Quantum Scattering, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1990. A well-written introduction to the direct and inverse theory relating scattering data and potential in the one-dimensional Schrodinger equation. The authors take the reasonable approach of discretizing the equation and presenting the direct and inverse problems in the context of algebraic equations. [Zhu ] J. Zhu, Using a hypercube to solve inverse problems in reservoir simulations, SIAM News, vol. 25, No.2, 1992.
A technical news article about the use of history matching to identify an unknown permeability coefficient in a working oil field.
[ZR ] K. Zhou and C.K. Rushforth, Image restoration using multigrid methods, Applied Optics 30(1991), 2906-2912.
When fine discretization is applied to an ill-posed Fredholm integral equation of the first kind, a large ill-conditioned linear system results. An SVD analysis of such a system is computationally expensive, while standard iterative methods applied to such systems may converge very slowly. In this paper the authors exploit a two level scheme in which an approximation on the fine grid is accomplished by inexpensive iterations on a courser grid. (See also [Kgl])
[Z ] D. Zidarov, Inverse Gravimetric Problem in Geoprospecting and Geodesy, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1990. In addition to the inverse gravimetric potential problem, this book also treats
the inverse gravimetric problem in geodesy, i.e., the determination of the earth's shape (the geoid) from gravity measurements. It also contains a good discussion of gravi-equivalent bodies, that is, distinct bodies producing the same exterior potential in a given region in space. [ZN ] V.E. Zuev and I.E. Naats, Inverse Problems of Lidar Sensing of the Atmosphere, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1982.
Lidar (laser radar) uses lasers in radar fashion to probe the atmosphere. The idea is to profile particulate concentrations or optical parameters by observing a backscattered laser beam as a function of range.
Index Abel transform 19 absorption coefficient 22 Adams, J.C. 3 adjoint 73 antigen binding equation 28 ART 112 Arzela-Ascoli Theorem 70 association rate 27 atmospheric profiling 34 Backus-Gilbert method 108 Bessel's inequality 70 black body 33 Boltzmann 102 Boltzmann's constant 33 Bouger's law 22 bounded operator 72 Cauchy-Schwarz inequality 68 Cauchy's functional equation 105 closed operator 78 collocation 91 compact operator 74 compartmental analysis 49 completion 69 control 52 convolution equation 6 convolution theorem 13
damping constant 56 damping factors 98 damping matrix 61 Darwin, C. 4 Dead Sea Scrolls 4 degenerate kernel 36 diffusion coefficient 61
discrepancy method 90 discretization method 91 dissociation rate 27 distributed parameters 42 edge effect 11
eigenspace 75 eigenvalue 74 eigenvector 75 entropy 103 equicontinuous set 70
equilibrium constant 27 exponential growth 43 108 Fick's law 51 finite elements 94 Fourier expansion 70 Fredholm integral equation of first kind 6
geological prospecting 9 globular cluster 24 graph 78 gravitational anomaly 12 gravitational potential 10 groundwater 41
Hadamard, J. 3 hanging cable 7 Hilbert space 69 history matching 118 Hooke's contant 56 horology 16 Huygens, C. 18 hydraulics 45
identifiability 54 ill-posed problem 36 image reconstruction 24 immunology 27 inner product 68 iterative method 96 interferometer 30 irrigation 20
Jensen's inequality 107 kernel 6
Landweber-Fridman method 96 Laplace transform 12 least squares 58 least squares solution 80 Levenberg-Marquardt method 118 Leverrier, U.J. 3 linear operator 5 72 linear space 67
mass matrix 61 maximum entropy 102 Maxwell, J.C. 3 Moore-Penrose inverse 81 Nichol, J.P. 3 nonexpansive operator 114 nonlinear integral equation 22 nullspace 74 numerical differentiation 44 orthogonal complement 70 orthogonal decomposition 70 orthonormal set 70 output least squares 54 116 overdetermined problem 41 parallelogram law 68 Parseval's identity 70 penalized least squares 119 permeable membranes 29 Picard's criterion 78 Planck's law 33 power spectrum 31 pressure gauge 13 principle of parsimony 106
radiotherapy 31 range 74 regular algorithm 87 regularization 84 regularization parameter 86 Riemann-Lebesgue lemma 37 Riesz Theorem 72 rotating shaft 9
sampling matrix 53 self-adjoint operator 74 Shannon, C. 104 singular system 77 singular value 77 Sobolev Imbedding Theorem 71 Sobolev space 69 source term 64 spectral mapping theorem 75 spectral radius 74 spectral theorem 75 spectroscopy 30 spectrum 74 stellar stereography 24 stiffness matrix 61 strong convergence 68 structural dynamics 56 SVD 77 symmetric kernel 74
tent functions 62 thermal archaeology 15 thermal probes 16 Tikhonov functional 88 Tikhonov's Theorem 79 tomography 22 Torricelli's law 46 transfer function 54 underdetermined problem 41
vibrating string 14 Volterra equation of the second kind 38 Volterra integral equation of the first kind 6
weak convergence 68 weakly closed set 69 weir notch 20 well-posed problem 36
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