Introduction to Graph Theory Fourth edition
Introduction to Graph Theory Fourth edition Robin J. Wilson
Addison Wesley Longman Limited Edinburgh Gate, Harlow, Essex CM20 2JE, England and Associated Companies throughout the world. © R o b i n Wilson 1972, 1996 A l l rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without either the prior written permission of the Publishers or a licence permitting restricted copying in the United Kingdom issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd., 90 Tottenham Court Road, London W1P 9HE. First published by Oliver & Boyd, 1972 Second edition published by Longman Group Ltd, 1979 Third edition, 1985 Fourth edition, 1996 Reprinted 1998
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN 0-582 24993-7
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress
Set by 8 in 10 on 12pt Times Produced through Longman Malaysia. PP
Preface to the fourth edition 1
Introduction 1 What is a graph? Definitions and examples 2 Definition 3 4
Paths 5 6 7 8
Examples Three puzzles and cycles Connectivity Eulerian graphs Hamiltonian graphs Some algorithms
8 17 21
26 31 35 38
Trees 9 Properties o f trees 10 Counting trees 11 M o r e applications
43 47 51
Planarity 12 Planar graphs 13 Euler's formula 14 Graphs on other surfaces 15 Dual graphs 16 Infinite graphs
60 70 73 77
Colouring graphs 17 18 19 20 21
Colouring vertices Brooks' theorem Colouring maps Colouring edges Chromatic polynomials
81 86 88 92 96
Digraphs 22 Definitions 23 Eulerian digraphs and tournaments 24 Markov chains
100 105 109
Matching, marriage and Menger's theorem 25 H a l l ' s ' m a r r i a g e ' t h e o r e m 26 Transversal theory
112 115
27 28 29 9
Applications o f Hall's theorem Menger's theorem Network flows
Matroids 30 Introduction to matroids 31 Examples o f matroids 32 Matroids and graphs 33
Matroids and transversals
118 122 126
132 135 139 143
Solutions to selected exercises
Index of symbols
Index of definitions
Go forth, my little book! pursue thy way! Go forth, and please the gentle and the good. W i l l i a m Wordsworth
Preface to the fourth edition
I n recent years, graph theory has established itself as an important mathematical tool i n a wide variety o f subjects, ranging from operational research and chemistry to genetics and linguistics, and from electrical engineering and geography to sociology and archi tecture. A t the same time i t has also emerged as a worthwhile mathematical discipline in its o w n right. I n view o f this, there is a need for an inexpensive introductory text on the subject, suitable both for mathematicians taking courses i n graph theory and also for nonspecialists wishing to learn the subject as quickly as possible. I t is my hope that this book goes some way towards filling this need. The only prerequisites to reading i t are a basic knowledge o f elementary set theory and matrix theory, although a further knowledge o f abstract algebra is needed for more difficult exercises. The contents o f this book may be conveniently divided into four parts. The first o f these (Chapters 1-4) provides a basic foundation course, containing definitions and examples o f graphs, connectedness, Eulerian and Hamiltonian paths and cycles, and trees. This is followed by two chapters (Chapters 5 and 6) on planarity and colouring, w i t h special reference to the four-colour theorem. The third part (Chapters 7 and 8) deals w i t h the theory o f directed graphs and w i t h transversal theory, w i t h applications to critical path analysis, Markov chains and network flows. The book ends w i t h a chap ter on matroids (Chapter 9), which ties together material from the previous chapters and introduces some recent developments. Throughout the book I have attempted to restrict the text to basic material, using exercises as a means for i n t r o d u c i n g less important material. O f the 250 exercises, some are routine examples designed to test understanding o f the text, w h i l e others w i l l i n t r o d u c e y o u to n e w results and ideas. Y o u s h o u l d read each exercise, whether or not y o u w o r k through i t i n detail. D i f f i c u l t exercises are indicated by an asterisk. I have used the symbol // to indicate the end o f a proof, and bold-face type is used for definitions. The number o f elements i n a set S is denoted by LSI, and the empty set is denoted by 0 . A substantial number o f changes have been made i n this edition. The text has been revised throughout, and some terminology has been changed to f i t i n w i t h current usage. I n addition, solutions are given for some o f the exercises; these exercises are indicated by the s y m b o l next to the exercise number. Several changes have arisen as s
Preface to the fourth edition
a result o f comments by a number o f people, and I should like to take this opportunity of thanking them for their helpful remarks. Finally, I wish to express m y thanks to m y former students, but for w h o m this book w o u l d have been completed a year earlier, to M r W i l l i a m Shakespeare and others for their apt and witty comments at the beginning o f each chapter, and most o f all to m y wife Joy for many things that have nothing to do w i t h graph theory. RJ.W. May 1995
The Open University
The last thing one discovers in writing a book is what to put first. Blaise Pascal
I n this introductory chapter we provide an intuitive background to the material that we present more formally i n later chapters. Terms that appear here i n bold-face type are to be thought o f as descriptions rather than as definitions. Having met them here i n an informal setting, you should find them more familiar when you meet them later. So read this chapter quickly, and then forget all about i t !
is a
W e begin by considering Figs. 1.1 and 1.2, which depict part o f a road map and part o f an electrical network.
Fig. 1.1
Fig. 1.2
Either o f these situations can be represented diagrammatically by means o f points and lines, as i n F i g . 1.3. The points F , Q, F , S and T are called vertices, the lines are called edges, and the whole diagram is called a graph. Note that the intersection o f the lines PS and QT is not a vertex, since i t does not correspond to a cross-roads or to the meeting o f two wires. The degree o f a vertex is the number o f edges w i t h that ver tex as an end-point; it corresponds i n Fig. 1.1 to the number of roads at an intersection. For example, the degree o f the vertex Q is 4. P
Fig. 1.3 The graph i n Fig. 1.3 can also represent other situations. For example, i f F , 2 , F , S and T represent football teams, then the existence o f an edge might correspond to the playing o f a game between the teams at its end-points. Thus, i n Fig. 1.3, team F has played against teams Q, S and T, but not against team F . I n this representation, the degree o f a vertex is the number o f games played by the corresponding team. Another way o f depicting these situations is by the graph i n F i g . 1.4. Here we have removed the 'crossing' o f the lines PS and QT by drawing the line PS outside the rect angle PQST. The resulting graph still tells us whether there is a direct road from one intersection to another, how the electrical network is w i r e d up, and w h i c h football teams have played which. The only information we have lost concerns 'metrical' prop erties, such as the length o f a road and the straightness o f a wire. Thus, a graph is a representation o f a set o f points and o f how they are joined up, and any metrical properties are irrelevant. F r o m this point o f view, any graphs that represent the same situation, such as those o f Figs. 1.3 and 1.4, are regarded as the same graph. P
Fig. 1.4 More generally, two graphs are the same i f two vertices are joined by an edge i n one graph i f and only i f the corresponding vertices are j o i n e d by an edge i n the other. Another graph that is the same as the graphs i n Figs. 1.3 and 1.4 is shown i n Fig. 1.5. Here all idea o f space and distance has gone, although we can still tell at a glance which points are joined by a road or a wire.
What is a graph?
Fig. 1.5 I n the above graph there is at most one edge j o i n i n g each pair o f vertices. Suppose now, that i n F i g . 1.5 the roads j o i n i n g Q and 5, and S and T, have too much traffic to carry. Then the situation is eased by building extra roads j o i n i n g these points, and the resulting diagram looks like Fig. 1.6. The edges j o i n i n g Q and S, or S and 7, are called multiple edges. If, i n addition, we need a car park at F , then we indicate this by draw ing an edge from P to itself, called a loop (see F i g . 1.7). I n this book, a graph may contain loops and multiple edges. Graphs w i t h no loops or multiple edges, such as the graph i n F i g . 1.5, are called simple graphs. G
Fig. 1.6 Q
Fig. 1.7
The study o f directed graphs (or digraphs, as we abbreviate them) arises from making the roads into one-way streets. A n example of a digraph is given i n Fig. 1.8, the directions o f the one-way streets being indicated by arrows. ( I n this example, there w o u l d be chaos at T, but that does not stop us from studying such situations!) W e dis cuss digraphs i n Chapter 7. M u c h of graph theory involves 'walks' o f various kinds. A walk is a 'way o f getting from one vertex to another', and consists o f a sequence o f edges, one following after another. For example, i n Fig 1.5 P —» Q —» R is a walk o f length 2, and P —> S —> Q —> T —> S —> R is a walk o f length 5. A walk i n which no vertex appears more than once is
Introduction Q
Fig. 1.8 called a path; for example, p T S —> F is a path. A walk o f the form Q —» S —» T —> Q is called a cycle. M u c h o f Chapter 3 is devoted to walks w i t h some special property. I n particular, we discuss graphs containing walks that include every edge or every vertex exactly once, ending at the initial vertex; such graphs are called E u l e r i a n and Hamiltonian graphs, respectively. For example, the graph i n Figs 1.3-1.5 is Hamiltonian; a suitable walk is F — > Q - $ R - ^ S - $ T - ^ P . I t is not Eulerian, since any walk that includes each edge exactly once (such asP-^Q-^R-^S-^T-^P-^S-^Q-^T) must end at a ver tex different from the initial one. Some graphs are i n two or more parts. For example, consider the graph whose ver tices are the stations o f the L o n d o n Underground and the N e w Y o r k Subway, and whose edges are the lines joining them. I t is impossible to travel from Trafalgar Square to Grand Central Station using only edges o f this graph, but i f we confine our attention to the London Underground only, then we can travel from any station to any other. A graph that is i n one piece, so that any t w o vertices are connected by a path, is a con nected graph; a graph i n more than one piece is a disconnected graph (see Fig. 1.9). W e discuss connectedness i n Chapter 3.
Fig. 1.9
Fig. 1.10
What is a graph?
W e are sometimes interested i n connected graphs w i t h only one path between each pair of vertices. Such graphs are called trees, generalizing the idea o f a family tree, and are considered i n Chapter 4. As we shall see, a tree can be defined as a connected graph containing no cycles (see Fig. 1.10). Earlier we noted that F i g . 1.3 can be redrawn as i n Figs 1.4 and 1.5 so as to avoid crossings o f edges. A graph that can be redrawn without crossings i n this way is called a planar graph. I n Chapter 5 we give several criteria for planarity. Some o f these involve the properties of 'subgraphs' o f the graph i n question; others involve the funda mental notion o f duality. Planar graphs also play an important role i n colouring problems. I n our 'road-map' graph, let us suppose that Shell, Esso, BP, and G u l f wish to erect five garages between them, and that for economic reasons no company wishes to erect two garages at neigh bouring corners. Then Shell can build at P, Esso can build at g , BP can build at S, and G u l f can build at 7, leaving either Shell or G u l f to build at R (see Fig. 1.11). However, i f G u l f backs out o f the agreement, then the other three companies cannot erect the garages i n the specified manner.
Fig. 1.11
Fig. 1.12 W e discuss such problems i n Chapter 6, where we try to colour the vertices o f a simple graph w i t h a given number o f colours so that each edge of the graph joins ver tices o f different colours. I f the graph is planar, then we can always colour its vertices i n this way w i t h o n l y four colours - this is the celebrated f o u r - c o l o u r t h e o r e m . Another version o f this theorem is that we can always colour the countries of any map w i t h four colours so that no t w o neighbouring countries share the same colour (see Fig. 1.12). I n Chapter 8 we investigate the celebrated m a r r i a g e p r o b l e m , which asks under what conditions a collection of girls, each o f whom knows several boys, can be married
so that each g i r l marries a boy she k n o w s . This p r o b l e m can be expressed i n the language o f 'transversal theory', and is related to problems o f finding disjoint paths connecting two given vertices i n a graph or digraph. Chapter 8 concludes w i t h a discussion o f network flows and transportation prob lems. Suppose that we have a transportation network such as i n Fig. 1.13, i n which P is a factory, R is a market, and the edges o f the graph are channels through which goods can be sent. Each channel has a capacity, indicated by a number next to the edge, rep resenting the m a x i m u m amount that can pass through that channel. The problem is to determine how much can be sent from the factory to the market. Q
Fig. 1.13
W e conclude with a chapter on matroids. This ties together the material o f the pre vious chapters, while satisfying the m a x i m 'be wise - generalize!' Matroid theory, the study o f sets w i t h 'independence structures' defined on them, generalizes both linear independence i n vector spaces and some results on graphs and transversals from earlier in the book. However, matroid theory is far from being 'generalization for generaliza tion's sake'. On the contrary, i t gives us deeper insight into several graph problems, as well as providing simple proofs o f results on transversals that are awkward to prove by more traditional methods. Matroids have played an important role in the development of combinatorial ideas i n recent years. W e hope that this introductory chapter has been useful i n setting the scene and describing some o f the treats that lie ahead. We now embark upon a formal treatment of the subject. Exercises 1 1.1
Write down the number of vertices, the number of edges, and the degree of each vertex, in: (i) the graph in Fig. 1.3; (ii) the tree in Fig. 1.14. P A
Fig. 1.14
F Fig. 1.15
What is a graph? 1.2
Draw the graph representing the road system in Fig. 1.15, and write down the number of vertices, the number of edges and the degree of each vertex. s
Figure 1.16 represents the chemical molecules of methane (CH ) and propane ( C H ) . (i) Regarding these diagrams as graphs, what can you say about the vertices repre senting carbon atoms (C) and hydrogen atoms (H)? (ii) There are two different chemical molecules with formula C H . Draw the graphs corresponding to these molecules. 4
i— C— \
Fig. 1.16 John
Jill Bill
Fig. 1.17 1.4
Draw a graph corresponding to the family tree in Fig. 1.17.
Draw a graph with vertices A,. . . , M that shows the various routes one can take when tracing the Hampton Court maze in Fig. 1.18.
/ / /
Fig. 1.18 s
John likes Joan, Jean and Jane; Joe likes Jane and Joan; Jean and Joan like each other. Draw a digraph illustrating these relationships between John, Joan, Jean, Jane and Joe.
Snakes eat frogs and birds eat spiders; birds and spiders both eat insects; frogs eat snails, spiders and insects. Draw a digraph representing this predatory behaviour.
Definitions and examples
/ hate definitions! Benjamin Disraeli
I n this chapter, we lay the foundations for a proper study of graph theory. Section 2 for malizes some of the basic definitions o f Chapter 1 and Section 3 provides a variety o f examples. I n Section 4 we show how graphs can be used to represent and solve three problems from recreational mathematics. M o r e substantial applications are deferred until we have more machinery at our disposal (see Sections 8 and 11).
A simple graph G consists o f a non-empty finite set V(G) o f elements called vertices (or nodes), and a finite set E(G) o f distinct unordered pairs o f distinct elements o f V(G) called edges. W e call V(G) the vertex set and E(G) the edge set o f G. A n edge {v, w} is said to join the vertices v and vv, and is usually abbreviated to vvv. For example, Fig. 2.1 represents the simple graph G whose vertex set V(G) is {w, v, w, z } , and whose edge set E(G) consists o f the edges uv, uw vw and wz. 9
Fig. 2.1
I n any simple graph there is at most one edge j o i n i n g a given pair o f vertices. However, many results that hold for simple graphs can be extended to more general objects i n which t w o vertices may have several edges j o i n i n g them. I n addition, we may remove the restriction that an edge joins two distinct vertices, and allow loops edges joining a vertex to itself. The resulting object, i n which loops and multiple edges are allowed, is called a general g r a p h - or, simply, a g r a p h (see Fig. 2.2). Thus every simple graph is a graph, but not every graph is a simple graph.
Fig. 2.2 Thus, a graph G consists o f a non-empty finite set V(G) o f elements called ver tices, and a finite family E(G) o f unordered pairs o f (not necessarily distinct) elements of V(G) called edges; the use o f the word ' f a m i l y ' permits the existence o f multiple edges ". We call V(G) the vertex set and E(G) the edge family o f G. A n edge {v, w} is said to join the vertices v and w, and is again abbreviated to vw. Thus i n Fig. 2.2, V(G) is the set {u, v, w, z} and E(G) consists o f the edges u\\ vv (twice), vw (three times), uw (twice), and wz. Note that each loop vv joins the vertex v to itself. Although we some times have to restrict our attention to simple graphs, we shall prove our results for general graphs whenever possible. 1
The language o f graph theory is not standard - all authors have their o w n terminol ogy. Some use the term 'graph' for what we call a simple graph, or for a graph w i t h directed edges, or for a graph w i t h infinitely many vertices or edges; we discuss digraphs in Chapter 7 and infinite graphs i n Section 16. A n y such definition is per fectly valid, provided that it is used consistently. In this book, all graphs are finite and
undirected, with loops and multiple edges allowed unless specifically excluded.
Isomorphism T w o graphs G and G are isomorphic i f there is a one-one correspondence between the vertices of G , and those of G such that the number of edges j o i n i n g any t w o vertices o f G is equal to the number o f edges j o i n i n g the corresponding vertices o f G . Thus the t w o graphs shown i n F i g . 2.3 are isomorphic under the correspondence u <-> /, v <-> m, w <—> n, x <-> p, y <—> q, z <—> r. For many problems, the labels on the vertices are unnecessary and we drop them. W e then say that two ' unlabel led graphs' are isomorphic i f we can assign labels so that the resulting 'labelled graphs' are {
Fig. 2.3
We use the word 'family' to mean a collection of elements, some of which may occur several times; for example, {a, b, c} is a set, but (a, a, c, b, a, c) is a family.
Definitions and examples
Fig, 2.4 isomorphic. For example, the unlabel led graphs i n F i g . 2.4 are isomorphic, since we can label the vertices as i n F i g . 2.3. The difference between labelled and unlabel led graphs becomes more apparent when we try to count them. For example, i f we restrict ourselves to graphs w i t h three vertices, then there are, up to isomorphism, eight different labelled graphs but only four unlabel led ones (see Figs 2.5 and 2.6). It is usually clear from the context whether we are referring to labelled or unlabelled graphs.
A A A A A A AA A A m
Fig. 2.5
Fig. 2.6 Connectedness We can combine two graphs to make a larger graph. I f the two graphs are G = ( V ( G ) , £ ( G , ) ) and G = ( V ( G ) , E(G )), where V(G ) and V(G ) are disjoint, then their union G, u G is the graph with vertex set V(G ) u V(G ) and edge family E(G ) u E(G ) (see Fig. 2.7). x
b+ G-\
y •
b< u G2
Fig. 2.7 Most all the graphs discussed so far have been ' i n one piece'. A graph is connected i f it cannot be expressed as the union o f t w o graphs, and disconnected otherwise. Clearly any disconnected graph G can be expressed as the union o f connected graphs.
each o f which is a component o f G. For example, a graph w i t h three components is shown i n Fig. 2.8.
ft ft
Fig. 2.8
When proving results about graphs i n general, we can often obtain the corresponding results for connected graphs and then apply them to each component separately. A table of all the connected unlabelled graphs w i t h up to five vertices is given i n Fig. 2.9.
'A "j 'A A XA X A V A; ,A X v A A. A: K A 8
ft ft ft ft
ft ft
c >9
F/g. 2.9
Definitions and examples
Adjacency W e say that two vertices v and w o f a graph G are adjacent i f there is an edge vw j o i n ing them, and the vertices v and w are then i n c i d e n t w i t h such an edge. Similarly, two distinct edges e a n d / a r e adjacent i f they have a vertex i n common (see Fig. 2.10).
v >
w «c
adjacent vertices
f^#K > - ^ - * r adjacent edges
Fig. 2.10 The degree o f a vertex v o f G is the number o f edges incident w i t h v, and is written deg(v); in calculating the degree o f v, we usually make the convention that a loop at v contributes 2 (rather than 1) to the degree o f v. A vertex of degree 0 is an isolated ver tex and a vertex of degree 1 is an end-vertex. Thus each of the two graphs i n Fig. 2.11 has two end-vertices and three vertices o f degree 2, while the graph i n Fig. 2.12 has one end-vertex, one vertex o f degree 3, one o f degree 6 and one o f degree 8. The degree sequence o f a graph consists o f the degrees written i n increasing order, w i t h repeats where necessary. For example, the degree sequences o f the graphs i n Figs. 2.11 and 2.12 are ( 1 , 1,2, 2, 2) and ( 1 , 3, 6, 8).
Fig. 2.11 u
Fig. 2.12
Note that in any graph the sum of all the vertex-degrees is an even number - in fact, twice the number o f edges, since each edge contributes exactly 2 to the sum. This result, due essentially to Leonhard Filler in 1736, is called the h a n d s h a k i n g l e m m a . It implies that i f several people shake hands, then the total number o f hands shaken must be even - precisely because just two hands are involved i n each handshake. A n imme diate corollary of the handshaking lemma is that in any graph the number of vertices of
odd degree is even. Subgraphs A s u b g r a p h o f a graph G is a graph, each o f whose vertices belongs to V(G) and each of whose edges belongs to E{G). Thus the graph i n Fig. 2.13 is a subgraph of the graph in Fig. 2.14, but is not a subgraph o f the graph i n F i g . 2.15, since the latter graph contains no 'triangle'.
Fig. 2.13
Fig. 2.14
Fig. 2.15
W e can obtain subgraphs of a graph by deleting edges and vertices. I f e is an edge of a graph G, we denote by G - e the graph obtained from G by deleting the edge e. M o r e generally, i f F is any set o f edges i n G, we denote by G - F the graph obtained by deleting the edges i n F. Similarly, i f v is a vertex o f G, we denote by G - v the graph obtained from G by deleting the vertex v together with the edges incident with v. M o r e generally, i f S is any set o f vertices i n G, we denote by G - S the graph obtained by deleting the vertices i n S and all edges incident w i t h any o f them. Some examples are shown i n F i g . 2.16. v
Fig. 2.16
W e also denote by G V the graph obtained by taking an edge e and contracting i t removing it and identifying its ends v and w so that the resulting vertex is incident with those edges (other than e) that were originally incident w i t h v or w. A n example is shown in Fig. 2.17.
Definitions and examples
Matrix representations Although it is convenient to represent a graph by a diagram o f points joined by lines, such a representation may be unsuitable i f we wish to store a large graph i n a com puter. One way o f storing a simple graph is by listing the vertices adjacent to each vertex o f the graph. A n example o f this is given i n Fig. 2.18.
w u: v: w: x: y:
v,y u,w,y v,x,y w,y u,v,w,x
Fig. 2.18 Other useful representations involve matrices. I f G is a graph w i t h vertices labelled { 1 , 2 , . . . , w(, its adjacency matrix A is the n x n matrix whose ij-th entry is the number o f edges j o i n i n g vertex i and vertex j . I f , i n addition, the edges are labelled { 1 , 2 , . . . , m], its incidence matrix M is the n x m matrix whose //-th entry is 1 i f ver tex i is incident to edge /, and 0 otherwise. Figure 2.19 shows a labelled graph G with its adjacency and incidence matrices.
0 10 1 10
10 M:
0 10
0 10 1
0 110
0 0
Exercises 2 2.1 Write down the vertex set and edge set of each graph in Fig. 2.3. 2.2
Draw (i) a simple graph, (ii) a non-simple graph with no loops, (iii) a non-simple graph with no multiple edges, each with five vertices and eight edges.
11 0 0
1 1 1 1
Fig. 2.19
Definitions 2.3
(i) (ii)
By suitably labelling the vertices, show that the two graphs in Fig. 2.20 are isomorphic. Explain why the two graphs in Fig. 2.21 are not isomorphic.
Fig. 2.20
Fig. 2.21 2.4
Classify the following statements as true ox false: (i) any two isomorphic graphs have the same degree sequence; (ii) any two graphs with the same degree sequence are isomorphic.
(i) (ii) s
( w - 1 ) / 2
Show that there are exactly 2 " labelled simple graphs on n vertices, How many of these have exactly m edges?
Locate each of the graphs in Fig. 2.22 in the table of Fig. 2.9.
Fig. 2.22
Write down the degree sequence of each graph with four vertices in Fig. 2.9, and verify that the handshaking lemma holds for each graph.
(i) (ii)
Draw a graph on six vertices with degree sequence (3, 3, 5, 5, 5, 5); does there exist a simple graph with these degrees? How are your answers to part (i) changed if the degree sequence is (2, 3, 3,4,5, 5)?
If G is a simple graph with at least two vertices, prove that G must contain two or more vertices of the same degree. s
Which graphs in Fig. 2.23 are subgraphs of those in Fig. 2.20?
Definitions and examples
n o o
a Fig. 2.23 2.11
Let G be a graph with n vertices and m edges, and let v be a vertex of G of degree k and e be an edge of G. How many vertices and edges have G -e,G-v and GV? s
Write down the adjacency and incidence matrices of the graph in Fig. 2.24. 1
Fig. 2.24 r
1 1 2 0^ 1 0 0 0 1
1 1
2 0 1 0
1 1 0
Fig. 2.25 r
0 1 1 1 1 1 0^
0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
10 J
1 0
1 0
1 0
1 0 0 0 1 0 0^
Fig. 2.26 2.13
(i) (ii)
Draw the graph whose adjacency matrix is given in Fig. 2,25. Draw the graph whose incidence matrix is given in Fig. 2.26.
I f G is a graph without loops, what can you say about the sum of the entries in (i) any row or column of the adjacency matrix of G? (ii) any row of the incidence matrix of G? (iii) any column of the incidence matrix of G?
I f G is a simple graph with edge-set E{G), the vector space of G is the vector space over the field Z of integers modulo 2, whose elements are subsets of E(G). The sum E + F of two subsets E and F is the set of edges in E or F but not both, and scalar multiplication is defined by IE = E and 0E = 0 . Show that this defines a vector space over Z , and find a basis for it. 2
Examples 3
I n this section we examine some important types o f graphs. Y o u should become familiar w i t h them, as they w i l l appear frequently i n examples and exercises. Null graphs A graph whose edge-set is empty is a null graph. W e denote the null graph on n ver tices by N \ N is shown i n Fig. 3.1. Note that each vertex o f a n u l l graph is isolated. N u l l graphs are not very interesting. n
Fig. 3.1
Complete graphs A simple graph i n w h i c h each pair o f distinct vertices are adjacent is a complete graph. W e denote the complete graph on n vertices by K ; K and K are shown i n Fig. 3.2. Y o u should check that K has n(n-\)/2 edges. n
Fig. 3.2
Cycle graphs, path graphs and wheels A connected graph that is regular o f degree 2 is a cycle graph. W e denote the cycle graph on n vertices by C . The graph obtained from C by removing an edge is the path graph on n vertices, denoted by P . The graph obtained from C _ by j o i n i n g each vertex to a new vertex v is the wheel on n vertices, denoted by W . The graphs C , P and W are shown i n F i g . 3.3. n
Fig. 3.3
Definitions and examples
Regular graphs A graph i n which each vertex has the same degree is a regular graph. I f each vertex has degree r, the graph is regular of degree r or r-regular. O f special importance are the cubic graphs, which are regular o f degree 3; an example o f a cubic graph is the Petersen graph, shown i n F i g . 3.4. Note that the n u l l graph N is regular o f degree 0, the cycle graph C is regular o f degree 2, and the complete graph K is regular o f degree n-l. n
Fig. 3.4 Platonic graphs O f interest among the regular graphs are the Platonic graphs, formed from the vertices and edges o f the five regular (Platonic) solids - the tetrahedron, octahedron, cube, icosahedron and dodecahedron (see Fig. 3.5).
Fig. 3.5
Bipartite graphs I f the vertex set o f a graph G can be split into two disjoint sets A and B so that each edge o f G joins a vertex o f A and a vertex o f B, then G is a bipartite graph (see F i g . 3.6). Alternatively, a bipartite graph is one whose vertices can be coloured black and white i n such a way that each edge joins a black vertex (in A ) and a white vertex (in B). A complete bipartite graph is a bipartite graph i n which each vertex i n A is joined to each vertex i n B by just one edge. W e denote the bipartite graph w i t h r black vertices and s white vertices by K . ; K , K , K and K are shown in Fig. 3.7. Y o u should check that K has r + s vertices and rs edges. f s
Examples A
B Fig. 3.6
Fig. 3.7
Cubes O f special interest among the regular bipartite graphs are the cubes. The A-cube Q is the graph whose vertices correspond to the sequences (a a , •. • , a ), where each a- 0 or 1, and whose edges j o i n those sequences that differ i n just one place. Note that the graph o f the cube is the graph Q (see Fig. 3.8). Y o u should check that Q has 2 ver tices and k2 edges, and is regular o f degree k. k
Fig. 3.8
Fig. 3.9
Definitions and examples
T h e complement of a simple graph I f G is a simple graph with vertex set V(G), its complement G is the simple graph with vertex set 1(G) in which two vertices are adjacent i f and only i f they are not adjacent in G. For example, Fig. 3.9 shows a graph and its complement. Note that the comple ment o f a complete graph is a null graph, and that the complement o f a complete bipartite graph is the union o f two complete graphs. Exercises 3 3.1 Draw (i) (ii) (in) (iv) (v) s
(il)K ;
(iii) Q ;
(iv) W ; 8
(v) the Petersen graph?
How many vertices and edges has each of the Platonic graphs? s
In the table of Fig. 2.9, locate all the regular graphs and the bipartite graphs. Give an example (if it exists) of each of the following: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)
How many edges has each of the following graphs: (i)K ;
the following graphs: the null graph N ; the complete graph K ; the complete bipartite graph K ; the union of K and W ; the complement of the cycle graph C .
a bipartite graph that is regular of degree 5; a bipartite Platonic graph; a complete graph that is a wheel; a cubic graph with 11 vertices; a graph (other than K , K 4
Draw all the simple cubic graphs with at most 8 vertices. }
The complete tripartite graph K . consists of three sets of vertices (of sizes r, s and i), with an edge joining two vertices i f and only i f they lie in different sets. Draw the graphs AT? 2 * ^ 3 3 2 * d the number of edges of K . A simple graph that is isomorphic to its complement is self-complementary. (i) Prove that, if G is self-complementary, then G has 4k or 4k+1 vertices, where k is an integer. (ii) Find all self-complementary graphs with 4 and 5 vertices. (iii) Find a self-complementary graph with 8 vertices. a n c
s t
1 1n
or Q ) that is regular of degree 4.
4 4
3 4
The line graph L(G) of a simple graph G is the graph whose vertices are in one-one correspondence with the edges of G, two vertices of L(G) being adjacent i f and only if the corresponding edges of G are adjacent. (i) Show that K and K have the same line graph. (ii) Show that the line graph of the tetrahedron graph is the octahedron graph. (iii) Prove that, i f G is regular of degree k, then L(G) is regular of degree 2 k—2. (iv) Find an expression for the number of edges of L(G) in terms of the degrees of the vertices of G. (v) Show that L(K ) is the complement of the Petersen graph. 3
x 3
An automorphism 9 of a simple graph G is a one-one mapping of the vertex set of G onto itself with the property that (p(v) and cp( vv) are adjacent whenever v and w are. The automorphism group F(G) of G is the group of automorphisms of G under composition.
Three puzzles (i) (ii) (iii)
Prove that the groups T(G) and T(G) are isomorphic. Find the groups T(K ), T(K ) and T(C ). Use the results of parts (i) and (ii) and Exercise 3.9(v) to find the automorphism group of the Petersen graph. n
In this section we present three recreational puzzles that can be solved using ideas relating to graphs. I n each puzzle, note how the use of a graph diagram makes the prob lem much easier to understand. The eight circles problem Place the letters A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H into the eight circles in Fig. 4.1, in such a way that no letter is adjacent to a letter that is next to it in the alphabet.
Fig. 4.1
First note that trying all the possibilities is not a practical proposition, as there are 8! = 40 320 ways o f placing eight letters into eight circles. W e therefore need a more systematic approach. Note that: (i) (ii)
the easiest letters to place are A and / / , because each has only one letter to which it cannot be adjacent (namely, B and G, respectively); the hardest circles to fill are those in the middle, as each is adjacent to six others.
This suggests that we place A and H in the middle circles. I f we place A to the left of / / . then the only possible positions for B and G are as shown in Fig. 4.2.
Fig. 4.2
Definitions and examples
The letter C must now be placed on the left-hand side o f the diagram, and F must be placed on the right-hand side. I t is then a simple matter to place the remaining letters, as shown i n Fig. 4.3.
Fig. 4.3 Six people at a party Show that, in any gathering of six people, there are either three people who all know each other or three people none of whom knows either of the other two. T o solve this, we draw a graph i n which we represent each person by a vertex and j o i n two vertices by a solid edge i f the corresponding people know each other, and by a dotted edge i f not. W e must show that there is always a solid triangle or a dotted triangle. Let v be any vertex. Then there must be exactly five edges incident w i t h v, either solid or dashed, and so at least three o f these edges must be o f the same type. Let us assume that there are three solid edges (see Fig. 4.4); the case o f at least three dashed edges is similar. v
y Fig. 4.4
Three puzzles
Fig. 4.6 I f the people corresponding to the vertices w and x know each other, then v, w and x form a solid triangle, as required. Similarly, i f the people corresponding to the ver tices w and y, or to the vertices x and y, k n o w each other, then we again obtain a solid triangle. These three cases are shown i n F i g . 4.5. Finally, i f no two o f the people corresponding to the vertices w, x and y know each other, then w, x and y form a dotted triangle, as required (see Fig. 4.6). T h e four cubes problem W e conclude this section with a puzzle that has been popular under the name of Instant Insanity. Given four cubes whose faces are coloured red, blue, green and yellow, as in Fig. 4.7, can we pile them up so that all four colours appear on each side of the resulting 4x1 stack?
R cub e 1
cub e 2
cub e 3
cub e 4
Fig. 4.7 Although these cubes can be stacked i n thousands o f different ways, there is essen tially only one way that gives a solution. W e solve this problem by representing each cube by a graph w i t h four vertices, R, B , G and Y , one for each colour. I n each o f these graphs, t w o vertices are adjacent i f and only i f the cube i n question has the corresponding colours on opposite faces. The graphs corresponding to the cubes o f Fig. 4.7 are shown i n Fig. 4.8. B
Y cube 1
Fig. 4.8
G cube 2
G cube 3
Y cube 4
Definitions and examples W e next superimpose these graphs to form a new graph G (see F i g . 4.9).
Fig. 4.9
A solution o f the puzzle is obtained by finding two subgraphs H and H o f G. The subgraph H tells us which pair o f colours appears on the front and back o f each cube, and the subgraph H tells us which pair o f colours appears on the left and right. To this end, the subgraphs / / , and II have the following properties: {
(b) (c)
each subgraph contains exactly one edge from each cube; this ensures that each cube has a front and back, and a left and right, and the subgraphs tell us which pairs o f colours appear on these faces. the subgraphs have no edges in common; this ensures that the faces on the front and back are different from those on the sides. each subgraph is regular of degree 2; this tells us that each colour appears exactly twice on the sides o f the stack (once on each side) and exactly twice on the front and back (once on the front and once on the back).
The subgraphs corresponding to our particular example are shown in Fig. 4.10, and the solution can be read from these subgraphs as in Fig. 4.11.
front and back
left and right
Fig. 4.10
cube 4
cube 3
cube 2
cube 1
Fig. 4.11
Three puzzles
Exercises 4 4.1 Find another solution of the eight circles problem. s
Show that there is a gathering of five people in which there are no three people who all know each other and no three people none of whom knows either of the other two.
Find a solution of the four cubes problem for the set of cubes in Fig. 4.12.
cut e 1
cub e2
cub e 3
cub e 4
Fig. 4.12 4.4
Show that the four cubes problem in Fig. 4.13 has no solution. B
R cube 1
cube 2
cube 3
b cube 4
Fig. 4.13
Prove that the solution of the four cubes problem in the text is the only solution for that set of cubes.
Paths and cycles
. . . So many paths that wind and wind, While just the art of being kind Is all the sad world needs. Ella Wheeler Wilcox
N o w that we have a reasonable armoury o f graphs, we can look at their properties. T o do this, we need some definitions that describe ways o f ' g o i n g from one vertex to another'. W e give these definitions i n Section 5 and prove some results on connec tivity. I n Sections 6 and 7 we study t w o particular types o f graphs, those w i t h trails containing every edge, and those w i t h cycles containing every vertex. W e conclude this chapter, in Section 8, with some applications o f paths and cycles.
Given a graph G, a walk in G is a finite sequence o f edges o f the form VQV], Vji'2, . . . , v
also denoted by VQ —> v j —> V2 —> * " • —> v , in which any t w o consecutive m
edges are adjacent or identical. Such a w a l k determines a sequence o f vertices v , v 0
. . . , v . We call VQ the initial vertex and v m
l 5
the final vertex o f the walk, and speak o f
a walk from v to v . The number o f edges i n a walk is called its length; for example, 0
i n F i g . 5 . 1 , v — > w — > x — > y — > z — » z — > y — > w i s a walk o f length 7 from v to w. x
Fig. 5.1
The concept o f a walk is usually too general for our purposes, so we impose some restrictions. A walk in which all the edges are distinct is a trail. I f , in addition, the ver tices V(), v i , . . . , v
are distinct (except, possibly, VQ = v ) , then the trail is a path. A m
path or trail is closed i f VQ = v , and a closed path containing at least one edge is a cycle. Note that any loop or pair o f multiple edges is a cycle. m
To clarify these concepts, consider Fig. 5.1. W e see that v—> w —> x y —> z z —» x is a trail, v - > w — > x ^ y - ^ z is a path, v w —> x —> y —> z ^ x —> v is a closed trail, and v—>w—>x—> y v is a cycle. A cycle o f length 3, such as v —» w —> x —> v, is a triangle. Note that a graph is connected i f and only i f there is a path between each pair o f vertices (see Fig. 5.2). v
Fig. 5.2 Note also that G is a bipartite graph i f and only i f each cycle o f G has even length. W e prove one half of this result here, leaving the proof o f its converse to you (see Exercise 5.3). T H E O R E M 5.1. If G is a bipartite graph, then each cycle ofG has even length.
Proof. Since G is bipartite, we can split its vertex set into two disjoint sets A and B so that each edge o f G joins a vertex o f A and a vertex o f B. Let VQ —> v\ —> " " ' —» v —> VQ be a cycle i n G, and assume (without loss o f generality) that VQ is i n A. Then v i is i n B, v is i n A, and so on. Since v must be i n B, the cycle has even length. // m
We now investigate bounds for the number of edges of a simple connected graph on n vertices. Such a graph has fewest edges when i t has no cycles, and most edges when it is a complete graph. This implies that the number o f edges must lie between n - 1 and n(n - 1 )/2. I n fact, we prove a stronger theorem that includes this result as a special case. T H E O R E M 5.2. Let G be a simple graph on n vertices. IfG has k components, the number m of edges of G satisfies n-k<m<(n-k)(n
Proof. W e prove the lower bound m>n-~ k by induction on the number of edges of G, the result being trivial i f G is a null graph. I f G contains as few edges as possible (say mo), then the removal o f any edge o f G must increase the number o f components by 1, and the graph that remains has n vertices, k + 1 components, and m - 1 edges. I t follows from the induction hypothesis that m - 1 > n - (k + 1), giving m > n - k, as required. 0
Paths and cycles
To prove the upper bound, we can assume that each component o f G is a complete graph. Suppose, then, that there are two components Q and Cj with n and fij vertices, respectively, where /*,- > nj > 1. I f we replace Cj and Cj by complete graphs on /?,- + 1 and nj — 1 vertices, then the total number o f vertices remains unchanged, and the number o f edges is changed by t
{(m + 1 H -
- 1) }/2 - {rijirij - \ ) - ( n
l)(nj - 2) }/2 = n t
rij + 1,
which is positive. It follows that, in order to attain the maximum number of edges, G must consist o f a complete graph on // - k + 1 vertices and k - 1 isolated vertices. The result now follows. //
C O R O L L A R Y 5.3. Any simple (n - 1)(/? - 2)/2 edges is connected
Another approach used in the study o f connected graphs is to ask 'how connected is a connected graph?' One interpretation o f this is to ask how many edges or vertices must be removed i n order to disconnect the graph. W e conclude this section w i t h some terms that are useful when discussing such questions. A disconnecting set i n a connected graph G is a set of edges whose removal dis connects G. For example, i n the graph o f Fig. 5.3, the sets {e\, en, } and {^3, e^ e-j, eg} are both disconnecting sets o f G; the disconnected graph left after removal of the second is shown i n Fig. 5.4. 5
Fig. 5.3
Fig. 5.4
We further define a cutset to be a disconnecting set, no proper subset o f which is a disconnecting set. I n the above example, only the second disconnecting set is a cutset. Note that the removal o f the edges i n a cutset always leaves a graph w i t h exactly t w o components. I f a cutset has only one edge e, we call e a bridge (see Fig. 5.5).
Fig. 5.5 These definitions can easily be extended to disconnected graphs. I f G is any such graph, a disconnecting set of G is a set o f edges whose removal increases the number of components of G , and a cutset of G is a disconnecting set, no proper subset o f which is a disconnecting set. I f G is connected, its edge connectivity X(G) is the size o f the smallest cutset in G . Thus X(G) is the m i n i m u m number o f edges that we need to delete in order to discon nect G . For example, i f G is the graph o f Fig. 5.3, then X(G) = 2, corresponding to the cutset {e e }. We also say that G is A>edge connected i f X(G) > k. Thus the graph o f Fig. 5.3 is 1 -edge connected and 2-edge connected, but not 3-edge connected. We also need the analogous concepts for the removal o f vertices. A. separating set in a connected graph G is a set o f vertices whose deletion disconnects G ; recall that when we delete a vertex, we also remove its incident edges. For example, in the graph of Fig. 5.3, the sets { w , x) and {vr, .v, y } are separating sets o f G ; the disconnected graph left after removal o f the first is shown in Fig. 5.6. I f a separating set contains only one vertex v, we call v a cut-vertex (see F i g . 5.7). These definitions extend immediately to disconnected graphs, as above. h
Fig. 5.6
Fig. 5.7
I f G is connected and not a complete graph, its (vertex) connectivity K ( G ) is the size o f the smallest separating set in G . Thus K ( G ) is the m i n i m u m number o f vertices that we need to delete in order to disconnect G . For example, i f G is the graph o f Fig. 5.3, then K ( G ) = 2, corresponding to the separating set {w, x } . W e also say that G is ^-connected i f K ( G ) > k. Thus the graph o f Fig. 5.3 is 1 -connected and 2-connected, but not 3-connected. It can be proved that, i f G is any connected graph, then K ( G ) < UG).
Paths and cycles
Finally, we remark that there are striking and unexpected similarities between the properties o f cycles and cutsets. To see this, look at Exercises 5.11, 5.12, 5.13, 6.8 and 9.10. The reason for this is revealed i n Chapter 9, when all w i l l become clear! Exercises 5 5.1 In the (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) s
Petersen graph, find a trail of length 5; a path of length 9; cycles of lengths 5, 6, 8 and 9; cutsets with 3, 4 and 5 edges.
The girth of a graph is the length of its shortest cycle. Write down the girths of (i) K ; (ii) K j\ (iii) C ; (iv) W ; (v) Q ; (vi) the Petersen graph; (vii) the graph of the dodecahedron. 9
Prove the converse of Theorem 5.1 - that i f each cycle of a graph G has even length, then G is bipartite. s
Prove that a simple graph and its complement cannot both be disconnected.
Write down K ( G ) and X{G) for each of the following graphs G : (i) C ; (ii)W ; (iii) ^4,7; (iv) Q .
(i) (ii)
(i) (ii)
Show that, i f G is a connected graph with minimum degree k, then X(G) < k. Draw a graph G with minimum degree k for which K ( G ) < X(G) < k. Prove that a graph is 2-connected i f and only i f each pair of vertices are con tained in a common cycle, Write down a corresponding statement for a 2-edge-connected graph.
Let G be a connected graph with vertex set {V], v , . . . , v }, m edges and t triangles. (i) Given that A is the adjacency matrix of G , prove that the number of walks of length 2 from v,- to vj is the //-th entry of the matrix A . (ii) Deduce that 2m = the sum of the diagonal entries of A . (iii) Obtain a result for the number of walks of length 3 from v/ to vy, and deduce that 6t = the sum of the diagonal entries of A . 2
In a connected graph, the distance d{\\w) from v to vv is the length of the shortest path from v to vv. (i) If d(v, vv) > 2, show that there exists a vertex z such that d{\\ z) + d(z, vv) = d(v, vv). (ii) In the Petersen graph, show that d(v, w) - 1 or 2, for any distinct vertices v and w.
Let G be a simple graph on 2k vertices containing no triangles. Show, by induction on k, that G has at most k edges, and give an example of a graph for which this upper bound is achieved. (This result is often called Turdn's extremal theorem.) 2
(i) (ii)
(i) (ii)
Prove that, if two distinct cycles of a graph G each contain an edge e, then G has a cycle that does not contain e. Prove a similar result with 'cycle' replaced by 'cutset'. Prove that, i f C is a cycle and C * is a cutset of a connected graph G , then C and C* have an even number of edges in common, Prove that, if S is any set of edges of G with an even number of edges in common with each cutset of G , then S can be split into edge-disjoint cycles.
A set E of edges of a graph G is independent if E contains no cycle of G . Prove that:
Eulerian graphs
(i) (ii)
any subset of an independent set is independent; i f / and / are independent sets of edges with l/l > l/l, then there is an edge e that lies in / but not in / with the property that / u \e \ is independent. Show also that (i) and (ii) still hold if we replace the word 'cycle' by cutset'.
A connected graph G is E u l e r i a n i f there exists a closed trail containing every edge o f G. Such a trail is an E u l e r i a n trail. Note that this definition requires each edge to be traversed once and once only. A non-Eulerian graph G is semi-Eulerian i f there exists a trail containing every edge o f G. Figs 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3 show graphs that are Eulerian, semi-Eulerian and non-Eulerian, respectively.
Fig. 6.1
Fig. 6.2
Fig. 6.3
Problems on Eulerian graphs frequently appear in books on recreational mathemat ics. A typical problem might ask whether a given diagram can be drawn without lifting one's pencil from the paper and without repeating any lines. The name 'Eulerian' arises from the fact that Euler was the first person to solve the famous Kdnigsberg bridges problem which asks whether you can cross each o f the seven bridges i n Fig. 6.4 exactly once and return to your starting point. This is equivalent to asking whether the graph i n Fig. 6.5 has an Eulerian trail. A translation o f Euler's paper, and a dis cussion o f various related topics, may be found in Biggs, L l o y d and Wilson [11].
Fig. 6.4
Fig. 6.5
Paths and cycles 4
One question that immediately arises is can one find necessary and sufficient condi tions for a graph to be Eulerian?' Before answering this question in Theorem 6.2, we prove a simple lemma. L E M M A 6.1. IfG is a graph in which the degree of each vertex is at least 2, then G contains a cycle. Proof. I f G has any loops or multiple edges, the result is trivial. W e can therefore sup pose that G is a simple graph. Let v be any vertex o f G. We construct a walk v —> v\ —> v —» " * " inductively by choosing v\ to be any vertex adjacent to v and, for each / > 1, choosing v to be any vertex adjacent to v, except v -_i; the existence of such a vertex is guaranteed by our hypothesis. Since G has only finitely many vertices, we must eventu ally choose a vertex that has been chosen before. I f v is the first such vertex, then that part o f the walk lying between the two occurrences o f is the required cycle. //
z + 1
T H E O R E M 6.2 (Euler 1736). A connected graph G is Eulerian
if and only if the
degree of each vertex of'G is even. Proof =^> Suppose that P is an Eulerian trail o f G. Whenever P passes through a ver tex, there is a contribution o f 2 towards the degree o f that vertex. Since each edge occurs exactly once in P, each vertex must have even degree. <= The proof is by induction on the number o f edges o f G. Suppose that the degree of each vertex is even. Since G is connected, each vertex has degree at least 2 and so, by Lemma 6.1, G contains a cycle C. I f C contains every edge o f G, the proof is com plete. I f not, we remove from G the edges o f C to form a new, possibly disconnected, graph H with fewer edges than G and in which each vertex still has even degree. By the induction hypothesis, each component o f hi has an Eulerian trail. Since each compo nent o f H has at least one vertex in common w i t h C, by connectedness, we obtain the required Eulerian trail o f G by following the edges o f C until a non-isolated vertex o f H is reached, tracing the Eulerian trail of the component of H that contains that vertex, and then continuing along the edges o f C until we reach a vertex belonging to another component o f / / , and so on. The whole process terminates when we return to the initial vertex (see F i g . 6.6). // This proof can easily be modified to prove the following t w o results. We omit the details.
Fig. 6.6
C O R O L L A R Y 6.3. A connected graph is Eulerian be split up into disjoint
if and only if its set of edges can
C O R O L L A R Y 6.4. A connected graph is semi-Eulerian two vertices of odd degree.
if and only if it has exactly
Note that, i n a semi-Eulerian graph, any semi-Eulerian trail must have one vertex o f odd degree as its initial vertex and the other as its final vertex. Note also that, by the handshaking lemma, a graph cannot have exactly one vertex o f odd degree. We conclude our discussion of Eulerian graphs with an algorithm for constructing an Eulerian trail i n a given Eulerian graph. The method is known as Fleury's algorithm.
T H E O R E M 6.5. Let G be an Eulerian graph. Then the following construction is always possible, and produces an Eulerian trail ofG. Start at any vertex u and traverse the edges in an arbitrary manner, subject only to the following rules: (i) (ii)
erase the edges as they are traversed, and if any isolated vertices result, erase them too; at each stage, use a bridge only if there is no alternative.
Proof. W e show first that the construction can be carried out at each stage. Suppose that we have just reached a vertex v. I f v ^ w, then the subgraph H that remains is connected and contains only t w o vertices o f odd degree, u and v. To show that the construction can be carried out, we must show that the removal o f the next edge does not disconnect H - or, equivalently, that v is incident w i t h at most one bridge. But i f this is not the case, then there exists a bridge vw such that the component K o f / / - vw containing w does not contain u (see Fig. 6.7). Since the vertex w has odd degree i n K. some other vertex o f K must also have odd degree, giving the required contradiction. I f v = w, the proof is almost identical, as long as there are still edges incident w i t h u.
Fig. 6.7
Paths and cycles
It remains only to show that this construction always yields a complete Eulerian trail. But this is clear, since there can be no edges o f G remaining untraversed when the last edge incident to u is used, since otherwise the removal o f some earlier edge adja cent to one o f these edges w o u l d have disconnected the graph, contradicting (ii). // Exercises 6 Which of the following graphs are Eulerian? semi-Eulerian? 6.1 (i) the complete graph K ; (ii) the complete bipartite graph K ^; (hi) the graph of the cube; (iv) the graph of the octahedron; (v) the Petersen graph. s
In the table of Fig. 2.9, locate all the Eulerian and semi-Eulerian graphs. (i) (ii) (hi) (iv) (v)
For which values of n is K Eulerian? Which complete bipartite graphs are Eulerian? Which Platonic graphs are Eulerian? For which values of n is the wheel W Eulerian? For which values of k is the A-cube Qa- Eulerian? n
L e t G be a connected graph with k (> 0) vertices of odd degree. (i) Show that the minimum number of trails, that together include every edge of G and that have no edges in common, is k/2. (ii) How many continuous pen-strokes are needed to draw the diagram in Fig. 6.8 without repeating any line?
Fig. 6.8 6.5
Use Fleury's algorithm to produce an Eulerian trail for the graph in Fig. 6.9. u
Fig. 6.9
(i) (ii)
Show that the line graph of a simple Eulerian graph is Eulerian. I f the line graph of a simple graph G is Eulerian, must G be Eulerian?
An Eulerian graph is randomly traceable from a vertex v if, whenever we start from v and traverse the graph in an arbitrary way never using any edge twice, we eventually obtain an Eulerian trail. (i) Show that the graph in Fig. 6.10 is randomly traceable.
Hamiltonian graphs
Fig. 6.10 (ii) (iii) 6.8*
Give an example of an Eulerian graph that is not randomly traceable. Why might a randomly traceable graph be suitable for the layout of an exhibition?
Let V be the vector space associated with a graph G (see Exercise 2.15). (i) Use Corollary 6.3 to show that, i f C and D are cycles of G, then their sum C + D can be written as a union of edge-disjoint cycles. (ii) Deduce that the set of such unions of cycles of C forms a subspace W of V (the cycle subspace of G), and find its dimension. (iii) Show that the set of unions of edge-disjoint cutsets of G forms a subspace W* of V (the cutset subspace of G), and find its dimension.
I n the previous section we discussed whether there exists a closed trail that includes every edge o f a given connected graph G. A similar problem is to determine whether there exists a closed trail passing exactly once through each vertex o f G. Note that such a t r a i l must be a cycle, except when G is the graph N\. Such a cycle is a Hamiltonian cycle and G is a Hamiltonian graph. A non-Hamiltonian graph G is semi-Ham iltoni an i f there exists a path passing through every vertex. Figs 7 . 1 , 7.2 and 7.3 show graphs that are Hamiltonian, semi - Ham i 1Ionian and non-Hamiltonian, respec tively.
Fig. 7.1
Fig. 7.2
Fig. 7.3
The name 'Hamiltonian cycle' arises from the fact that Sir W i l l i a m Hamilton investi gated their existence i n the dodecahedron graph, although a more general problem had been studied earlier by the Rev. T.P. K i r k m a n . Such a cycle is shown i n F i g . 7.4, w i t h heavy lines denoting its edges.
Paths and cycles
Fig. 7.4 In Theorem 6.2 and Corollary 6.3 we obtained necessary and sufficient conditions for a connected graph to be Eulerian, and we may hope to obtain similar characteriza tions for Hamiltonian graphs. As it happens, the finding o f such a characterization is one o f the major unsolved problems o f graph theory! I n fact, little is k n o w n i n general about Hamiltonian graphs. Most existing theorems have the form, ' i f G has enough edges, then G is Hamiltonian'. Probably the most celebrated o f these is due to G.A. Dirac, and known as D i r a c ' s theorem. We deduce it from the following more general result o f O. Ore.
T H E O R E M 7.1 (Ore, 1960). IfG is a simple graph with n (> 3) vertices, and if deg(v) + deg(vv) > n for each pair of non-adjacent
vertices v and w, then G is
Proof. We assume the theorem false, and derive a contradiction. So let G be a nonHamiltonian graph with n vertices, satisfying the given condition on the vertex degrees. B y adding extra edges i f necessary, we may assume that G is ' o n l y j u s t ' nonHam iltonian, in the sense that the addition o f any further edge gives a Hamiltonian graph. (Note that adding an extra edge does not violate the condition on the vertex degrees.) It follows that G contains a path v\ —> v —> • * * —» v passing through every vertex. But since G is non-Hamiltonian, the vertices v\ and v are not adjacent, and so deg(\'i) + deg(v„) > n. It follows that there must be some vertex v adjacent to v\ w i t h the property that v/_] is adjacent to v (see F i g . 7.5). But this gives us the required contradiction since 2
v -> v - » {
- » v„ - » * V i ~>
z + 1
->v ~^v l
is then a Hamiltonian cycle. //
Fig. 7.5
C O R O L L A R Y 7.2 (Dirac, 1952). IfG is a simple graph with n (> 3) vertices, and if deg(v) > nil for each vertex v. then G is Hamiltonian.
Hamiltonian graphs
Proof. The result follows immediately from Theorem 7.1, since deg(v)+deg(w) > n for each pair o f vertices v and w, whether adjacent or not. // Exercises 7 7.1 Which of the following graphs are Hamiltonian? semi-Hamiltonian? (i) the complete graph K$; (ii) the complete bipartite graph K j: (iii) the graph of the octahedron; (iv) the wheel W ; (v) the 4-cube Q . s
In the table of Fig. 2.9, locate all the Hamiltonian and semi-Hamiltonian graphs. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)
For which values of n is K Hamiltonian? Which complete bipartite graphs are Hamiltonian? Which Platonic graphs are Hamiltonian? For which values of n is the wheel W Hamiltonian? For which values of k is the /c-cube Q Hamiltonian? n
Show that the Grotzsch graph in Fig. 7.6 is Hamiltonian.
Fig. 7.6 7.5
(i) (ii)
Prove that, i f G is a bipartite graph with an odd number of vertices, then G is non-Hamiltonian. Deduce that the graph in Fig. 7.7 is non-Hamiltonian.
Fig. 7.7 (iii)
Show that, i f n is odd, it is not possible for a knight to visit all the squares of an nx n chessboard exactly once by knight's moves and return to its starting point.
Give an example to show that the condition 'deg(v) > n/2', in the statement of Dirac's theorem, cannot be replaced by 'deg(v) >{n-\ )/2\ (i) (ii)
Let G be a graph with n vertices and [in - \ ){n~ 2)/2] + 2 edges. Use Theorem 7.1 to prove that G is Hamiltonian. Find a non-Hamiltonian graph with n vertices and \ {n - !)(// - 2)/2] + 1 edges.
Paths and cycles
Prove that the Petersen graph is non-Hamiltonian.
Let G be a Hamiltonian graph and let S be any set of k vertices in G. Prove that the graph G - S has at most k components.
(i) (ii)
Find four Hamiltonian cycles in Kg, no two of which have an edge in common, What is the maximum number of edge-disjoint Hamiltonian cycles in K k+\l 2
Most important advances i n graph theory arose as a result o f attempts to solve parti cular practical problems - Euler and the bridges o f Konigsberg (Section 6), Cayley and the enumeration o f chemical molecules (Section 11), and K i r c h h o f f ' s w o r k on electrical networks (Section 11), to name but three. M u c h present-day interest i n the subject is due to the fact that, quite apart from being an elegant mathematical discipline in its o w n right, graph theory is applied i n a wide range o f areas (see the Preface). W e cannot discuss a large number o f these applications i n a book o f this size. Y o u should consult Berge [ 6 ] , B o n d y and M u r t y [ 7 ] , Deo [ 1 3 ] , Tucker [20] and W i l s o n and Beineke [21 ] for a wide range o f practical problems, often with algorithms or flow charts for their solution. I n this section we briefly describe three problems that relate to the present chapter the shortest path problem, the Chinese postman problem and the travelling salesman problem. The first o f these can be solved by an efficient algorithm - that is, a finite step-by-step procedure that quickly gives the solution. The second problem can also be solved by an algorithm, but we consider only a special case here. For the third problem, no efficient algorithms are known; we must therefore choose between algorithms that take a long time to carry out and heuristic algorithms that are quick to apply but give only an approximation to the solution. T h e shortest path problem Suppose that we have a 'map' o f the form shown i n F i g . 8.1, i n which the letters A-L refer to towns that are connected by roads. I f the lengths of these roads are as marked, what is the length o f the shortest path from A to L? Note that the numbers in the diagram need not refer to the lengths o f the roads, but could refer to the times taken to travel along them, or to the costs o f doing so. Thus, i f
Fig. 8.1
Some algorithms
we have an algorithm for solving this problem in its original formulation, then this algorithm can also be used to give the quickest or cheapest route. Note that an upper bound for the answer can easily be obtained by taking any path from A to L and calculating its length. For example, the path A—>B-^D—>G—>J -> L has total length 18, and so the length o f the shortest path cannot exceed 18. In such problems our 'map' can be regarded as a connected graph in which a nonnegative number is assigned to each edge. Such a graph is called a weighted graph, and the number assigned to each edge e is the weight of e, denoted by w(e). The prob lem is to find a path from A to L with m i n i m u m total weight. Note that, i f we have a weighted graph i n which each edge has weight 1, then the problem reduces to that o f finding the number o f edges i n the shortest path from A to L . There are several methods that can be used to solve this problem. One way is to make a model o f the map by knotting together pieces o f string whose lengths are pro portional to the lengths o f the roads. To find the shortest path, take hold o f the knots corresponding to A and L - and pull tight! However, there is a more mathematical way o f approaching this problem. The idea is to move across the graph from left to right, associating with each vertex V a number /(V) indicating the shortest distance from A to V. This means that, when we reach a vertex such as K i n Fig. 8.1, then l(K) is either 1(H) + 6 or /(/) + 2, whichever is the smaller. T o apply the algorithm, we first assign A the label 0 and give B, E and C the tem porary labels 1(A) + 3,1(A) + 9 and 1(A) + 2 - that is, 3, 9 and 2. We take the smallest of these, and write 1(C) = 2. C is now permanently labelled 2. W e next look at the vertices adjacent to C. W e assign F the temporary label 1(C) + 9 = 1 1 , and we can lower the temporary label at E to 1(C) + 6 = 8. The smallest tem porary label is now 3 (at B), so we write 1(B) = 3. B is now permanently labelled 3. N o w we look at the vertices adjacent to B. We assign D the temporary label 1(B) + 2 = 5, and we can lower the temporary label at E to 1(B) + 4 = 7. The smallest tem porary label is now 5 (at D), so we write 1(D) - 5. D is now permanently labelled 5. Continuing i n this way, we successively obtain the permanent labels 1(E) = 7,1(G) = 8, 1(H) = 9, 1(F) = 10, /(/) = 12, / ( / ) = 13, l(K) = 14, l(L) = 17. I t follows that the shortest path from A to L has length 17. It is shown i n Fig. 8.2, with circled numbers representing the labels at the vertices.
Fig. 8.2
© D
Paths and cycles
I n Section 22 we see how this algorithm can be adapted to yield the longest path i n a digraph, and we illustrate its use i n critical path analysis. T h e Chinese postman p r o b l e m In this problem, discussed by the Chinese mathematician M e i - K u K w a n , a postman wishes to deliver his letters, covering the least possible total distance and returning to his starting point. He must obviously traverse each road i n his route at least once, but should avoid covering too many roads more than once. This problem can be reformulated in terms o f a weighted graph, where the graph corresponds to the network o f roads, and the weight o f each edge is the length o f the corresponding road. In this reformulation, the requirement is to find a closed walk o f m i n i m u m total weight that includes each edge at least once. I f the graph is Eulerian, then any Eulerian trail is a closed walk o f the required type. Such an Eulerian trail can be found by Fleury's algorithm (see Section 6). I f the graph is not Eulerian, then the problem is much harder, although an efficient algorithm for its solution is known. To illustrate the ideas involved, we look at a special case, in which exactly two vertices have odd degree (see Fig. 8.3).
Fig. 8.3 Since vertices B and E are the only vertices o f odd degree, we can find a semiEulerian trail from B to E covering each edge exactly once. In order to return to the starting point, covering the least possible distance, we now find the shortest path from E to B using the algorithm described above. The solution of the Chinese postman prob lem is then obtained by taking this shortest path E —> F A —» B, together with the original semi-Eulerian trail, giving a total distance o f 13 + 64 = 77. Note that, i f we combine the shortest path and the semi-Eulerian trail, we get an Eulerian graph (see Fig. 8.4). e
Fig. 8.4 A fuller discussion o f the Chinese postman problem can be found i n Bondy and Murty [7].
Some algorithms
The travelling salesman problem In this problem, a travelling salesman wishes to visit several given cities and return to his starting point, covering the least possible total distance. For example, i f there are five cities A, B, C, D and E, and i f the distances are as given i n Fig. 8.5, then the short est possible route is A B —> D -> E —> C -> A, giving a total distance o f 26, as can be seen by inspection. A
Fig. 8.5 This problem can also be reformulated i n terms of weighted graphs. I n this case, the requirement is to find a H a m i l t o n i a n cycle o f least possible total w e i g h t i n a weighted complete graph. Note that, as i n the shortest path problem, the numbers can also refer to the times taken to travel between the cities, or the costs involved i n doing so. Thus, i f we could find an efficient algorithm for solving the travelling salesman problem i n its original formulation, then we could apply the same algorithm to find the quickest or the cheapest route. One possible algorithm is to calculate the total distance for all possible Hamiltonian cycles, but this is far too complicated for more than about five cities. For example, i f there are 20 cities, then the number o f possible cycles is (19!)/2, which is about 6 x 1 0 . Various other algorithms have been proposed, but they take too long to apply. On the other hand, there are several heuristic algorithms that quickly tell us approximately what the shortest distance is. One o f these procedures is described i n Section 11. 16
Exercises 8 8.1 Use the shortest path algorithm to find a shortest path from A to G in the weighted graph of Fig. 8.6. s
6 \
Fig. 8.6
Paths and cycles
Use the shortest path algorithm to find the shortest path from L to A in Fig. 8.1, and check that your answer agrees with that given in Fig. 8.2.
Show how the shortest path algorithm can be adapted to yield the longest path from A to L i n Fig. 8.1.
Find the shortest path from S to each other vertex in the weighted graph of Fig. 8.7. A
Fig. 8.7 8.5
Solve the Chinese postman problem for the weighted graph of Fig. 8.1 A
Fig. 8.1 8.6
Solve the travelling salesman problem for the weighted graph of Fig. 8.9. A
Fig. 8.9 8.7
Find the Hamiltonian cycle of greatest weight in the graph of Fig. 8.5.
Chapter 4
A fool sees not the same tree that a wise man sees.
William Blake W e are a l l familiar w i t h the idea o f a family tree. I n this chapter, we study trees i n general, w i t h special reference to spanning trees i n a connected graph and to Cayley's celebrated result on the enumeration o f labelled trees. The chapter concludes with some further applications.
A forest is a graph that contains no cycles, and a connected forest is a tree. For exam ple, Fig. 9.1 shows a forest w i t h four components, each of which is a tree ". Note that trees and forests are simple graphs. 1
Fig. 9.1
I n many ways a tree is the simplest non-trivial type of graph. As we shall see, it has several 'nice' properties, such as the fact that any two vertices are connected by a unique path. I n trying to prove a general result for graphs, it is sometimes convenient to start by trying to prove i t for trees. In fact, several conjectures that have not been proved for arbitrary graphs are k n o w n to be true for trees. The following theorem lists some simple properties o f trees.
The last tree i n Fig. 9.1 is particularly w e l l k n o w n for its bark.
T H E O R E M 9.1. Let T be a graph with n vertices. are (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi)
Then the following
equivalent: T is a tree; T contains no cycles, and has n—1 edges; T is connected, and has n-1 edges; T is connected, and each edge is a bridge; any two vertices of'T are connected by exactly one path; T contains no cycles, but the addition of any new edge creates exactly one cycle.
Proof I f n = 1, all six results are trivial; we therefore assume that n > 2. (i) => (ii). Since T contains no cycles, the removal o f any edge must disconnect T into two graphs, each o f which is a tree. It follows by induction that the number o f edges in each of these two trees is one fewer than the number o f vertices. W e deduce that the total number of edges o f T is n - 1. (ii) => ( i i i ) . I f T is disconnected, then each component o f T is a connected graph with no cycles and hence, by the previous part, the number o f vertices i n each compo nent exceeds the number of edges by 1. I t follows that the total number o f vertices o f T exceeds the total number of edges by at least 2, contradicting the fact that T has n - I edges. (iii) => (iv). The removal o f any edge results i n a graph with n vertices and n - 2 edges, which must be disconnected by Theorem 5.2. (iv) => (y). Since T is connected, each pair o f vertices is connected by at least one path. I f a given pair of vertices is connected by two paths, then they enclose a cycle, contradicting the fact that each edge is a bridge. (v) => (vi). I f T contained a cycle, then any two vertices i n the cycle w o u l d be con nected by at least two paths, contradicting statement (v). I f an edge e is added to T, then, since the vertices incident w i t h e are already connected i n T, a cycle is created. The fact that only one cycle is obtained follows from Exercise 5.11. (vi) => (i). Suppose that T is disconnected. I f we add to T any edge j o i n i n g a vertex of one component to a vertex in another, then no cycle is created. //
C O R O L L A R Y 9.2. If G is a forest with n vertices and k components, n - k edges.
then G has
A p p l y Theorem 9.1 (iii) above to each component o f G. //
Note that, by the handshaking lemma, the sum of the degrees o f the n vertices o f a tree is equal to twice the number o f edges (= 2n - 2). It follows that if n > 2, any tree on n vertices has at least two end-vert ices. Given any connected graph G, we can choose a cycle and remove any one o f its edges, and the resulting graph remains connected. We repeat this procedure with one o f the remaining cycles, continuing until there are no cycles left. The graph that remains is a tree that connects all the vertices o f G. It is called a spanning tree o f G. A n exam ple of a graph and one o f its spanning trees appears in F i g 9.2.
of trees
Fig. 9.2 M o r e generally, i f G is an arbitrary graph w i t h n vertices, m edges and k compo nents, then we can carry out this procedure on each component o f G. The result is called a spanning forest, and the total number of edges removed i n this process is the cycle rank of G, denoted by y(G). Note that y(G) = m - n + k, which is a non-negative integer by Theorem 5.2. I t is convenient also to define the cutset rank of G to be the number o f edges i n a spanning forest, denoted by £(G). Note that f;(G) = n-k. Some properties o f the cutset rank are given i n Exercise 9.12. Before proceeding, we prove a couple of simple results concerning spanning forests. I n this theorem, the complement o f a spanning forest T of a (not necessarily simple) graph G is the graph obtained from G by removing the edges o f T.
T H E O R E M 9.3. IfT is any spanning forest of a graph G, then (i) each cutset ofG has an edge in common with T; (ii) each cycle of G has an edge in common with the complement of P. Proof,
(i) Let C* be a cutset of G, the removal of which splits a component of G into two subgraphs H and K. Since T is a spanning forest, 7 must contain an edge j o i n i n g a vertex o f H to a vertex o f K, and this edge is the required edge. (ii) Let C be a cycle o f G having no edge i n common with the complement of T. Then C must be contained i n T, which is a contradiction. //
Closely linked w i t h the idea o f a spanning forest T o f a graph G is that of the funda mental set o f cycles associated w i t h T. This is formed as follows: i f we add to T any edge o f G not contained i n T, then by Theorem 9.1(vi) we obtain a unique cycle. The set o f all cycles formed i n this way, by adding separately each edge o f G not contained in T, is the fundamental set of cycles associated with T. Sometimes we are not inter ested i n the particular spanning forest chosen, and refer simply to a fundamental set of cycles of G . Note that the number o f cycles i n any fundamental set must equal the cycle rank o f G. Figure 9.3 shows the fundamental set o f cycles o f the graph shown i n Fig. 9.2 associated w i t h the given spanning tree. v
x Fig. 9.3
v V
I n the light o f our remarks at the end o f Section 5, we may hope to be able to define a fundamental set o f cutsets o f a graph G associated w i t h a spanning forest T. This is indeed the case. B y Theorem 9.1 (iv), the removal o f any edge o f T divides the vertex set of T into two disjoint sets V\ and Vi. The set o f all edges o f G joining a vertex o f V\ to one o f V is a cutset of G, and the set o f all cutsets obtained i n this way, by remov ing separately each edge o f T, is the fundamental set of cutsets associated with T. Note that the number o f cutsets i n any fundamental set must equal the cutset rank o f G. The fundamental set o f cutsets o f the graph i n F i g . 9.2 associated w i t h the given span ning tree is {e e }, {e , e , e , e$}, {e , e , e , e%] and {e , e , e%}. 2
Exercises 9 9.1 In the table of Fig. 2.9, locate all the trees. s
Show, by drawing, that there are (up to isomorphism) six trees on 6 vertices and eleven trees on 7 vertices. (i) (ii)
Prove that every tree is a bipartite graph. Which trees are complete bipartite graphs?
Draw all the spanning trees in the graph of Fig. 9.4.
Fig. 9.6 9.6
Find the fundamental sets of cycles and cutsets of the graph in Fig. 9.6 associated with the spanning tree shown. Find the cycle and cutset ranks of (i) K ; (ii) K \ (iii) W : (iv) N ; (v) the Petersen graph. 5
Let G be a connected graph. What can you say about (i) an edge of G that appears in every spanning tree? (ii) an edge of G that appears in no spanning tree? If G is a connected graph, a centre of G is a vertex v with the property that the maximum
Counting trees
of the distances between v and the other vertices of G is as small as possible. By succes sively removing end-vertices, prove that every tree has either one centre or two adjacent centres. Give an example of a tree of each type with 7 vertices. 9.10*
(i) (ii)
Let C* be a set of edges of a graph G. Show that, i f C* has an edge in common with each spanning forest of G, then C* contains a cutset, Obtain a corresponding result for cycles.
Let T\ and 7? be spanning trees of a connected graph G. (i) I f e is any edge of T\, show that there exists an edge / o f 7? such that the graph (Tj - {c}) u { / } (obtained from T on replacing e by f) is also a spanning tree. (ii) Deduce that T can be 'transformed' into T by replacing the edges of T\ one at a time by edges of T in such a way that a spanning tree is obtained at each stage. x
Show in the (i) (ii) (iii)
Let V be the vector space associated with a simple connected graph G, and let T be a spanning tree of G. (i) Show that the fundamental set of cycles associated with T forms a basis for the cycle subspace W. (ii) Obtain a corresponding result for the cutset subspace W*. (iii) Deduce that the dimensions of W and W* are y(G) and ^(G), respectively.
that if H and K are subgraphs of a graph G, and if H u K and H n K are defined obvious way, then the cutset rank £, satisfies: 0 < 1(H) < \E(H)\ (the number of edges o f / / ) ; i f / / i s a subgraph of K, then < ^(K); ^(HuK) + ^(HnK)< ^(H) +
The subject o f graph enumeration is concerned with the problem o f finding out how many non-isomorphic graphs possess a given property. The subject was initiated i n the 1850s by Arthur Cayley, who later applied it to the problem of enumerating alkanes C H +2 with a given number o f carbon atoms. As he realized, and as you w i l l see in Section 11, this problem is that o f counting the number of trees in which the degree o f each vertex is either 4 or 1. n
Many standard problems o f graph enumeration have been solved. For example, it is possible to calculate the number of graphs, connected graphs, trees and Eulerian graphs with a given number o f vertices and edges; corresponding general results for planar graphs and Hamiltonian graphs have, however, not yet been obtained. Most o f the known results can be obtained by using a fundamental enumeration theorem due to Poly a, a good account o f w h i c h may be found i n Harary and Palmer [ 3 0 ] . Unfortunately, in almost every case i t is impossible to express these results by means of simple formulas. For tables o f some k n o w n results, see the Appendix. This section is devoted primarily to two proofs of a famous result, usually attributed to Cayley, on the number o f labelled trees w i t h a given number o f vertices. To see what is involved, consider Fig. 10.1, which shows three ways o f labelling a tree with four vertices. Since the second labelled tree is the reverse o f the first one, these two labelled trees are the same. O n the other hand, neither is isomorphic to the third labelled tree, as you can see by comparing the degrees o f vertex 3. Thus, the reverse o f any labelling does not result i n a new one, and so the number o f ways o f labelling this
tree is (4!)/2 = 12. Similarly, the number of ways o f labelling the tree in Fig. 10.2 is 4, since the central vertex can be labelled in four different ways, and each one determines the labelling. Thus, the total number o f non-isomorphic labelled trees on four vertices is 12 + 4 = 16. 1
• — m — • — •
Fig. 10.1
Fig. 10.2 We now prove C a y ley's theorem, which generalizes this result to labelled trees with n vertices. 2
T H E O R E M 10.1 (Cayley, 1889). There are tf~ distinct labelled trees on n vertices. Remark. The f o l l o w i n g proofs are due to Priifer and Clarke; for other proofs, see M o o n [31]. First proof. W e establish a one-one correspondence between the set o f labelled trees o f order n and the set o f sequences (a\, a ,.. . , a _j), where each a is an integer satisfy ing 1 < a < n. Since there are precisely n such sequences, the result follows imme diately. W e assume that // > 3, since the result is trivial i f //. - 1 or 2. I n order to establish the required correspondence, we first let T be a labelled tree of order n, and show how the sequence can be determined. I f by is the smallest label assigned to an end-vertex, we let ci\ be the label o f the vertex adjacent to the vertex b\. We then remove the vertex b\ and its incident edge, leaving a labelled tree o f order n - 1. We next let b be the smallest label assigned to an end-vertex o f our new tree, and let a be the label o f the vertex adjacent to the vertex b . We then remove the ver tex b and its incident edge, as before. W e proceed in this way until there are only t w o vertices left, and the required sequence is (a , a , . . . , a _ ). For example, i f T is the 2
f l 2
Fig. 10.3
Counting trees labelled tree i n F i g . 10.3, then b\ — 2, a\ - 6; b = 3, a - 5; b = 4, a = 5; Z?5 = 5, a = 1. The required sequence is therefore (6, 5, 6, 5, 1). 2
= 6; b = 6,
T o obtain the reverse correspondence, we take a sequence (a\, . . . , a _ ), let /?[ be the smallest number that does not appear i n i t , and j o i n the vertices ay and by. W e then remove ay from the sequence, remove the number by from consideration, and proceed as before. I n this way we build up the tree, edge by edge. For example, i f we start w i t h the sequence (6, 5, 6, 5, 1), then b\ = 2, b = 3, £> = 4, b = 6, b = 5, and the corre sponding edges are 62, 53, 64, 56, 15. W e conclude by j o i n i n g the last t w o vertices not yet crossed out - i n this case, 1 and 7. I t is simple to check that i f we start with any labelled tree, find the corresponding sequence, and then find the labelled tree corre sponding to that sequence, then we obtain the tree we started from. We have therefore established the required correspondence, and the result follows. // w
Second proof. Let T(n, k) be the number o f labelled trees on n vertices i n which a given vertex v has degree k. We shall derive an expression for Tin, A), and the result follows on summing from k - 1 to k = n - 1. Let A be any labelled tree i n which deg(v) = k - 1. The removal from A o f any edge wz that is not incident with v leaves two subtrees, one containing v and either w or z {w. say), and the other containing z. I f we n o w j o i n the vertices v and z, we obtain a labelled tree B i n which deg(v) = k (see Fig. 10.4). W e call a pair (A, B) o f labelled trees a linkage i f B can be obtained from A by the above construction. Our aim is to count the possible linkages (A, B).
Fig. 10.4 Since A may be chosen i n T(n, k - 1) ways, and since B is uniquely defined by the edge wz which may be chosen i n (n - 1) - (A - 1) = n - k ways, the total number o f linkages (A, B) is (n - k)T{n, k - 1). On the other hand, let B be a labelled tree i n which deg(v) = k, and let T . . . , T be the subtrees obtained from B by removing the vertex v and each edge incident w i t h v. Then we obtain a labelled tree A with deg(v) = k - 1 by removing from B just one o f these edges (vw -, say, where w lies i n 7/), and j o i n i n g w to any vertex u o f any other subtree T (see Fig. 10.5). Note that the corresponding pair (A, B) o f labelled trees is a linkage, and that all linkages may be obtained in this way. h
Since B can be chosen in T(n, k) ways, and the number o f ways o f joining w to ver tices i n any other Tj is (n - 1) - n where n is the number o f vertices o f T the total number o f linkages (A, B) is t
T(n, k){(n-
1 - n ) + •• • + {n- 1 - n )} = (n - 1)(A - l)T(n, x
since n\ + ••• + % = n - 1. We have thus shown that in - k)T(n, k-
1) = (n - l)(k-
/ w \T
Fig. 10.5
On iterating this result, and using the obvious fact that T(n, n - 1) = 1, we deduce immediately that
O n summing over a l l possible values o f k, we deduce that the number T(n) o f labelled trees on n vertices is given by
= {(n-l)+
\} -
n ~ .//
C O R O L L A R Y 10.2. The number of spanning trees of'K
is if ~.
Proof. To each labelled tree on n vertices there corresponds a unique spanning tree o f K . Conversely, each spanning tree o f K gives rise to a unique labelled tree on n ver tices. // n
W e conclude this section by stating an important result that can be used to calculate the number o f spanning trees i n any connected simple graph. I t is called the matrix-tree theorem and its proof may be found i n Harary [ 9 ] .
T H R O R E M 10.3. Let G be a connected simple graph with vertex set {v\ v },and let M = Uriy) be the n x // matrix in which m,j = deg(v/), nijj = - 1 ifv,- and v- are adjacent, and m = 0 otherwise. Then the number of spanning trees of G is equal to the cofactor of any element ofM. /7
More applications
Exercises 10 10.1 Verify directly that there are exactly 125 labelled trees on 5 vertices. s
In the first proof of Cayley's theorem, find: (i) the labelled trees corresponding to the sequences (1, 2, 3, 4) and (3, 3, 3, 3); (ii) the sequences corresponding to the labelled trees in Fig. 10.6. 5* 3
Fig. 10.6 10.3
(i) (ii)
Find the number of trees on n vertices in which a given vertex is an end-vertex. Deduce that, if n is large, then the probability that a given vertex of a tree with n vertices is an end-vertex is approximately e~ . l
How many spanning trees has
Let T(G) be the number of spanning trees in a connected graph G . (i) Prove that, for any edge e, x(G) = T(G - e) + T(GV). (ii) Use this result to calculate x(K ^). 2
Use the matrix-tree theorem to prove Cayley's theorem.
Let T(n) be the number of labelled trees on n vertices. (i) By counting the number of ways of joining a labelled tree on k vertices and one on n - k vertices, prove that
2(n - l)T(n) (ii)
= jj^
k(n ~ k)T(k)T(n
- k).
Deduce the identity
In Section 8 we considered three problems that arise i n operational research - the short est path problem, the Chinese postman problem and the travelling salesman problem. In this section we consider four further graph theory applications, taken from opera tional research, organic chemistry, electrical network theory and computing, and each involving the use o f trees.
T h e minimum connector problem Let us suppose that we wish to build a railway network connecting n given cities so that a passenger can travel from any city to any other. If, for economic reasons, the total amount o f track must be a m i n i m u m , then the graph formed by taking the n cities as vertices and the connecting rails as edges must be a tree. The problem is to find an efficient algorithm for deciding which of the n ~ possible trees connecting these cities uses the least amount o f track, assuming that the distances between all the pairs o f cities are known. As before, we can reformulate the problem in terms o f weighted graphs. We denote the weight o f the edge e by w(e), and our aim is to find the spanning tree T with least possible total weight W(T). Unlike some o f the problems we considered earlier, there is a simple algorithm that provides the solution. I t is k n o w n as a greedy algorithm, and involves choosing edges o f m i n i m u m weight i n such a way that no cycle is created. For example, i f there are five cities, as shown i n Fig. 11.1, then we start by choosing the edges AB (weight 2) and BD (weight 3). W e cannot then choose the edge AD (weight 4), since it would create the cycle ABD, so we choose the edge DE (weight 5). We cannot then choose the edges AE or BE (weight 6), since each would create a cycle, so we choose the edge BC (weight 7). This completes the tree (see Fig. 11.2). n
Fig. 11.1 A
C Fig. 11.2
More applications
The algorithm is described i n general i n the following theorem. T H E O R E M 11.1. Let G be a connected graph with n vertices. Then the following construction gives a solution of the minimum connector problem: (i) let e\ be an edge ofG of smallest weight: (ii) define e , e?>, . . . , e _\ by choosing at each stage a new edge of smallest possible weight that forms no cycle with the previous edges e . The required spanning tree is the subgraph TofG whose edges are . . . . e _\. 2
Proof. The fact that T is a spanning tree o f G follows immediately from Theorem 9.1(h). I t remains only to show that the total weight of T is a m i n i m u m . I n order to do this, suppose that S is a spanning tree o f G such that W(S) < W(T). I f e is the first edge i n the above sequence that does not lie i n S, then the subgraph of T formed by adding e to S contains a unique cycle C containing the edge e . Since C contains an edge e lying in S but not i n T, the subgraph obtained from S on replacing e by e is a spanning tree S'. B u t by the construction, w{e ) < w(e), and so W(S') < W(S), and S' has one more edge i n common w i t h T than S. I t follows on repeating this procedure that we can change S into 7, one step at a time, w i t h the total weight decreasing at each stage. Hence W(T) < W(S), giving the required contradiction. // k
W e now apply the greedy algorithm to obtain a lower bound for the solution o f the travelling salesman problem. This is useful, since the greedy algorithm is an efficient algorithm, whereas no efficient general algorithms are k n o w n for the travelling sales man problem. I f we take any Hamiltonian cycle i n a weighted complete graph and remove any vertex v, then we obtain a semi-Hamiltonian path, and such a path must be a spanning tree. So any solution of the travelling salesman problem must consist o f a spanning tree of this type together w i t h two edges incident to v. I t follows that i f we take the weight o f a minimum-weight spanning tree (obtained by the greedy algorithm) and add the two smallest weights o f edges incident w i t h v, then we get a lower bound for the solution o f the travelling salesman problem. For example, i f we take the weighted graph o f Fig. 11.1 and remove the vertex C, then the remaining weighted graph has the four vertices /\, B, D and E. The m i n i m u m weight spanning tree j o i n i n g these four vertices is the tree whose edges are AB, BD and DE, w i t h total weight 10, and the two edges o f m i n i m u m weight incident w i t h C are CB and CA (or CE) w i t h total weight 15 (see Fig. 11.3). Thus, the required lower bound for the travelling salesman problem is 25. Since the correct answer is 26, we
Fig. 11.3
see that this approach to the travelling salesman problem can yield surprisingly good results. Enumeration of chemical molecules One o f the earliest uses o f trees was i n the enumeration o f chemical molecules. I f we have a molecule consisting only o f carbon atoms and hydrogen atoms, then we can represent it as a graph i n which each carbon atom appears as a vertex o f degree 4, and each hydrogen atom appears as a vertex o f degree 1. The graphs o f n-butane and 2-methyl propane are shown i n F i g . 11.4. A l t h o u g h they have the same chemical formula C4H10, they are different molecules because the atoms are arranged differently w i t h i n the molecule. These two molecules form part o f a general class o f molecules k n o w n as the alkanes, or paraffins, w i t h chemical for mula C H „ + 2 , and it is natural to ask how many different molecules there are with this formula. W
H— C — H
/ H
C \
/ H H
\ H
Fig. 11.4
Fig. 11.5
To answer this, we note first that the graph o f any molecule with formula CH 2 is a tree, by Theorem 9.1 (iii), since it is connected and has n + (2n + 2) = 3n + 2 ver tices and j An + (In + 2 ) } / 2 = 3n + 1 edges. Note also that the molecule is determined completely once we know how the carbon atoms are arranged, since hydrogen atoms can then be added in such a way as to bring the degree o f each carbon vertex to 4. W e can thus discard the hydrogen atoms, as in Fig. 11.5, and the problem reduces to that o f finding the number o f trees with n vertices, each o f degree 4 or less. This p r o b l e m was solved by Cayley i n 1875, by counting the number o f ways in which trees can be built up from their centre(s) (see Exercise 9.9). The details o f this argument are too complicated to describe here, but may be found i n Biggs, L l o y d and Wilson [11]. Much o f Cayley's work has been superseded by G. Polya and others, with the result that many chemical series have been enumerated by graph-theoretical techniques. n
Electrical networks Suppose that we are given the electrical network in Fig. 11.6, and that we wish to find the current i n each wire.
More applications V
Fig. 11.6
Fig. 11.7
T o do this, we assign an arbitrary direction to the current i n each wire, as i n Fig. 11.7, and apply Kirchhoff s laws: (i) (ii)
the algebraic sum o f the currents at each vertex is 0 ; the total voltage i n each cycle is obtained by adding the products o f the currents i and resistances R i n that cycle. k
A p p l y i n g K i r c h h o f f s second law to the cycles VYXV, VWYV and VWYXV, we obtain the equations i\R\ + i R 2
— E;
iR 3
+ iR 4
- iR
= 0;
i\R\ + i R + i R 3
= E.
The last o f these three equations is simply the sum of the first two, and gives us no further information. Similarly, i f we have the Kirchhoff equations for the cycles VWTV and WZYW, then we can deduce the equation for the cycle VWZYV. It w i l l save a lot o f work i f we can find a set o f cycles that gives us the information we need without any redundancy, and this can be done by using a fundamental set of cycles (see Section 9). I n this example, taking the fundamental system o f cycles i n Fig. 9.3, we obtain the following equations: for for for for
the the the the
cycle cycle cycle cycle
iR iR iR iR {
+i R + iR + iR - iR
+ iR + iR + iR 6
+ iR 7
= = = =
E, 0, 0, 0.
The equations arising from K i r c h h o f f s first law are: for the vertex X , for the vertex V, for the vertex W, for the vertex Z,
~h h- ~i - - i + i h- -i - ~i h- -k- -i 2
These eight equations can now be solved to give the eight currents /q, . . . , i . For 7
example, i f £ = 12, and i f each wire has unit resistance (that is, Rj = 1 for each /), then the solution is as given in Fig. 11.8.
Fig. 11.8 Searching trees In many applications, the trees that we consider have a hierarchical structure, with one vertex at the top (called the r o o t ) , and the other vertices branching d o w n from it, as in Fig. 11.9. For example, a computer file or a library classification system is often organized in this way, w i t h information stored at the vertices.
Fig. 11.9
I f a particular piece o f information is required, we need to be able to search the tree in a systematic way. This often involves examining every part o f the tree until the desired vertex is found. We should like to find a search technique that eventually visits all parts o f the tree without visiting any vertex too often. There are two w e l l - k n o w n search procedures - depth first search and breadth first search. Both methods visit all the vertices, but i n a different order. N o rule can be given for which method should be used for a particular problem - each has its advan tages. For example, a breadth first search is used i n the shortest path algorithm (Section 8), whereas a depth first search is used for finding network flows (Section 29). In breadth first search, we fan out to as many vertices as possible, before penetrat ing deeper into the tree. This means that we visit all the vertices adjacent to the current vertex before proceeding to another vertex. For example, consider the tree i n Fig. 11.9. In order to perform a breadth first search, we start at vertex a and visit the vertices b and c that are adjacent to a. We then visit the vertices d and e adjacent to b, and the ver tices/, g and h adjacent to c. Finally we visit the vertices /, / and k adjacent to d, and / adjacent t o / . This gives us the labelled tree i n Fig. 11.10, where the labels correspond to the order in which the vertices are visited.
More applications
Fig. 11.10
In depth first search, we penetrate as deeply as possible into a tree before fanning out to other vertices. For example, consider again the tree i n Fig. 11.9. I n order to per form a depth first search, we start at vertex a and move down to b, d and i. Since we cannot penetrate further, we backtrack to d and then go down to j . We must then back track again, and go to k. W e now backtrack via d to b, from which we can go down to e. Backtracking to a then takes us to c, /'and /, and eventually to g and // before return ing to a. This gives us the labelled tree i n Fig. 11.11, where the labels correspond to the order i n which the vertices are visited.
Fig. 11.11
Exercises 11 11.1 Use the greedy algorithm to find a minimum-weight spanning tree in the graph in Fig. 11.12. s
Fig. 11.12 11.2
Find a minimum-weight spanning tree in the graph in Fig. 11.13.
Fig. 11.13 11.3
Show that i f each edge of a connected weighted graph G has the same weight, then the greedy algorithm gives a method for constructing a spanning tree in G.
(i) (ii)
In applying the greedy algorithm to the travelling salesman problem in the text, what lower bounds do you get if you remove each of the vertices A,B,D and E, instead of C?
Show that, for each value of n, the graph associated with the alcohol C^Hi^+iOH is a
How would you adapt the greedy algorithm to find a maximum-weight spanning tree'? Find a maximum-weight spanning tree for each of the weighted graphs in Figs. 11.1 and 11.12.
tree (the oxygen vertex has degree 2). 11.7 11.8
Draw the chemical molecules with the formulas C5H12 and C H . 6
j 4
Perform a breadth first search and a depth first search on the tree in Fig. 11.14.
Fig. 11.14
Perform a breadth first search and a depth first search on the tree in Fig. 11.15.
Fig. 11.15
More applications 11.10
Verify the currents in Fig. 11.8, by applying Kirchhoff's laws to the fundamental cycles associated with the spanning tree with edges VX, VW, WZ and YZ.
11.11* Write down and solve Kirchhoff's equations for the network of Fig. 11.16, in which the numbers are resistances. 3
Fig. 11.16
Chapter 5
Flattery will get you nowhere. Popular saying
W e now embark upon a study o f topological graph theory, i n which graphs become tied up with topological notions such as planarity, genus, etc. In particular, we investi gate when a graph can be drawn in the plane and on other surfaces. In Section 12, we discuss planar graphs, prove that some graphs are not planar, and state Kuratowski's characterization of planar graphs. In Section 13, we prove Euler \s formula relating the numbers o f vertices, edges and faces o f a graph drawn in the plane, and generalize i t to graphs drawn on other surfaces in Section 14. In Section 15 we study duality, and the chapter concludes, in Section 16, with some material on infinite graphs.
A planar graph is, a graph that can be drawn i n the plane without crossings - that is, so that no two edges intersect geometrically except at a vertex to which both are incident. Any such drawing is a plane drawing. For convenience, we often use the abbreviation plane graph for a plane drawing of a planar graph. For example, Fig. 12.1 shows three drawings of the planar graph ./Q, but only the second and third are plane graphs.
Fig. 12.1 The right-hand drawing in Fig. 12.1 leads us to ask whether every planar graph can be drawn in the plane so that each edge is represented by a straight line. A l t h o u g h loops or multiple edges cannot be drawn as straight lines, it was proved independently by K . Wagner in 1936 and I . Fary in 1948 that every simple planar graph can he drawn with straight lines; see Chartrand and Lesniak [8] for details. Not all graphs are planar, as the following theorem shows: 60
Planar graphs 61
T H E O R E M 12.1. #33 and K are 5
Remark. W e give t w o proofs o f this result. The first one, presented here, is construc tive. The second proof, which we give i n Section 13, appears as a corollary o f Euler's formula. Proof. Suppose first that K is planar. Since K has a cycle u —>v —» w —> x —> y -> z —> u o f length 6, any plane drawing must contain this cycle drawn in the form of a hexagon, as i n Fig. 12.2. 33
FiQ- 12.2
Fig. 12.3
N o w the edge wz must lie either w h o l l y inside the hexagon or w h o l l y outside i t . W e deal w i t h the case i n which wz lies inside the hexagon - the other case is similar. Since the edge ux must not cross the edge wz, i t must lie outside the hexagon; the situation is now as i n Fig. 12.3. I t is then impossible to draw the edge vy, as i t w o u l d cross either ux or wz. This gives the required contradiction. N o w suppose that K is planar. Since K has a cycle v — » w > — » x — > y — » z — > v o f length 5, any plane drawing must contain this cycle drawn in the form of a pentagon, as i n Fig-. 12.4. 5
y Fi9- 12.4
Fig. 72.5
N o w the edge wz must lie either wholly inside the pentagon or wholly outside it. W e deal w i t h the case i n which wz lies inside the pentagon - the other case is similar. Since the edges vx and vy do not cross the edge wz, they must both lie outside the pentagon; the situation is now as i n Fig. 12.5. But the edge xz cannot cross the edge vy and so must lie inside the pentagon; similarly the edge wy must lie inside the pentagon, and the edges wy and xz must then cross. This gives the required contradiction. //
Note that every subgraph o f a planar graph is planar, and that every graph with a non-planar subgraph must be non-planar. It follows that any graph with or K as a subgraph is non-planar. In fact, as we shall see, these t w o graphs are the ' b u i l d i n g blocks' for non-planar graphs, in the sense that every non-planar graph must 'contain' at least one o f them. 5
To make this statement more precise, we define two graphs to be homeomorphic i f both can be obtained from the same graph by inserting new vertices of degree 2 into its edges. For example, any t w o cycle graphs are homeomorphic, as are the graphs o f Fig. 12.6.
Fig. 12.6 Note that the introduction o f the term 'homeomorphic' is merely a technicality, as the insertion or deletion o f vertices o f degree 2 is irrelevant to considerations o f planarity. However, it enables us to state the f o l l o w i n g important result, k n o w n as Kuratowski's theorem, which gives a necessary and sufficient condition for a graph to be planar. T H E O R E M 12.2 (Kuratowski, 1930). A graph is planar if and only if it contains no subgraph homeomorphic to K or K . 5
The proof o f Kuratowski's theorem is long and involved, and we omit it; see Bondy and Murty [7] or Harary [9] for a proof. We shall, however, use Kuratowski's theorem to obtain another criterion for planarity. T o do so, we first define a graph H to be contractible to K or K i f we can obtain K or K 3 by successively contracting edges o f / / . For example, the Petersen graph is contractible to K , as we can see by contracting the live 'spokes' joining the inner and outer 5-cycles (see Fig. 12.7). 5
Fig. 12.7
T H E O R E M 12.3. A graph contractible to K$ or K . 33
is planar
if and only if it contains
Planar graphs
Sketch of proof. <= Assume first that the graph G is non-planar. Then, by Kuratowski's theorem, G contains a subgraph H homeomorphic to Ks or A 3 3 . On successively con tracting edges o f H that are incident to a vertex o f degree 2, we see that H is contractible to K or A 3 3. 5
=> N o w assume that G contains a subgraph H contractible to K , and let the vertex v o f i T 3 arise from contracting the subgraph I I o f / / (see Fig. 12.8). 3?3
Fig. 12.8 The vertex v is incident i n A 3 3 to three edges c j , ei and e . When regarded as edges of / / , these edges are incident to three (not necessarily distinct) vertices v v and v o f My. I f V], v and v are distinct, then we can find a vertex w o f If and three paths from w to these vertices, intersecting only at \\\ (There is a similar construction i f the vertices are not distinct, the paths degenerating in this case to single vertices.) It follows that we can replace the subgraph II by a vertex w and three paths leading out of it. I f this con struction is carried out for each vertex o f A 3 3. and the resulting paths joined up with the corresponding edges o f A 3 3, then the resulting subgraph is homeomorphic to A 3 3. It follows from Kuratowski's theorem that G is non-planar (see Fig. 12.9). 3
1 ?
Fig. 12.9 A similar argument can be carried out i f G contains a subgraph contractible to Ac. Here the details are more complicated, as the subgraph we obtain by the above process can be homeomorphic to either K or A 3 ; see Chartrand and Lesniak [8]. // W e conclude this section by introducing the 'crossing-number* o f a graph. I f we try to draw K or A 3 on the plane, then there must be at least one crossing o f edges, since these graphs are not planar. However, we do not need more than one crossing (see Fig. 12.10), and we say that A and A 3 3 have crossing number 1. 5
More generally, the crossing number cr(G) of a graph G is the m i n i m u m number of crossings that can occur when G is drawn in the plane. Thus, the crossing number
Fig. 12.10 can be used to measure how 'unplanar' G is. For example, the crossing number o f any planar graph is 0, and cr(K ) - cr(K ) = 1. Note that the word 'crossing' always refers to the intersection of just two edges; crossings o f three or more edges are not permitted. 5
Exercises 12 12.1 Show, by drawing, that the following graphs are planar: (i) the wheel W ; (ii) the graph of the octahedron. s
Show how the graph of Fig. 12.11 can be drawn in the plane without crossings.
Fig. 12.11 s
Three unfriendly neighbours use the same water, oil and treacle wells. In order to avoid meeting, they wish to build non-crossing paths from each of their houses to each of the three wells. Can this be done?
Which complete graphs and complete bipartite graphs are planar?
12.4 12.5
(i) (ii)
For which values of k is the A-cube Q planar? For which values of r, s and t is the complete tripartite graph K k
Prove that the Petersen graph is non-planar (i) by using Theorem 12.2; (ii) by using Theorem 12.3. (Hint for part (i): remove the two 'horizontal' edges.) s
Give an example of (i) a non-planar graph that is not homeomorphic to AT or K^; (ii) a non-planar graph that is not contractible to K or K . Why does the existence of these graphs not contradict Theorems 12.2 and 12.3? 5
Eider $ formula
Given that two homeomorphic graphs have /?,- vertices and m, edges (/ = 1, 2), show that m\-n\ —m2~ n-2-
A graph G is outerplanar if G can be drawn in the plane so that all of its vertices lie on the exterior boundary. (i) Show that K4 and K13 are not outerplanar. (ii) Deduce that, i f G is an outerplanar graph, then G contains no subgraph homeo morphic or contractible to K4 or Kij. (The converse result also holds, yielding a Kuratowski-type criterion for a graph to be outerplanar.)
Show that K ^ and the Petersen graph each has crossing number 2. 4
12.11* Given that r and s are both even, prove that cr(K )
12.12* Let G be a planar graph with vertex set { v j , . . . , v }, and letp\,. . . , p be any n distinct points in the plane. Give a heuristic argument to show that G can be drawn in the plane in such a way that the point p, represents the vertex v„ for each /. n
12.13* By placing the vertices at the points (1, I , l ) , (2, 2 , 2 ), (3, 3 , 3 ) , . . . , prove that any simple graph can be drawn without crossings in Euclidean three-dimensional space so that each edge is represented by a straight line. 2
I f G is a planar graph, then any plane drawing o f G divides the set o f points o f the plane not lying on G into regions, called faces. For example, the plane graphs i n Figs 13.1 and 13.2 have eight faces and four faces, respectively. Note that, i n each case, the face/4 is unbounded; i t is called the infinite face.
Fig. 13.1
Fig. 13.2
There is nothing special about the infinite face - i n fact, any face can be chosen as the infinite face. To see this, we map the graph onto the surface of a sphere by stereographic projection (see F i g . 13.3). W e now rotate the sphere so that the point o f pro jection (the north pole) lies inside the face we want as the infinite face, and then project the graph down onto the plane tangent to the sphere at the south pole. The chosen face is now the infinite face.
Planarity N
Fig. 13.3
Fig. 13.4 Figure 13.4 shows a representation of the graph o f Fig. 13.2 in which the infinite face \s j \ . We now state and prove E u l e r ' s f o r m u l a that tells us that whatever plane drawing of a planar graph we take, the number of faces is always the same and is given by a simple formula. A n alternative proof is outlined in Exercise 13.11. T H E O R E M 13.1 (Euler, 1750). Let G be a plane drawing of a connected planar graph, and let n, m and f denote respectively the number of vertices, edges and faces ofG. Then n-m + / = 2 . Remark. A n example o f this theorem is given by Fig. 13.2, where n = 11, m - 13, / = 4, and n - m + / = 1 1 - 1 3 + 4 = 2. Proof. The proof is by induction on the number o f edges o f G. I f m = 0, then n - \ (since G is connected) and / = 1 (the infinite face). The theorem is therefore true i n this case. Now suppose that the theorem holds for all graphs w i t h at most m - 1 edges, and let G be a graph with m edges. I f G is a tree, then m - n - 1 a n d / = 1, so that n-m+f = 2, as required. I f G is not a tree, let e be an edge i n some cycle o f G. Then G - e is a connected plane graph with n vertices, m - 1 edges, a n d / - 1 faces, so that n - (m - 1) + ( / ' - 1) = 2, by the induction hypothesis. I t follows that n-m +f= 2, as required. // 4
This result is often called Euler's polyhedron formula', since it relates the numbers of vertices, edges and faces of a convex polyhedron. For example, for a cube we have // = 8, m = 1 2 , / = 6, and // - m + / = 8 - 1 2 + 6 = 2 (see Fig. 13.5).
Euler's formula
Fig. 13.5
T o see the connection i n general, project the polyhedron out onto its circumsphere, and then use stereographic projection (as i n Fig. 13.3) to project it down onto the plane. The resulting graph is a 3-connected plane graph i n which each face is bounded by a polygon - such a graph is called a p o l y h e d r a l g r a p h (see Fig. 13.1). For convenience, we restate Theorem 13.1 for such graphs.
C O R O L L A R Y 13.2. Let G be a polyhedral n - m + / = 2.
graph. Then, with the above
Euler's formula can easily be extended to disconnected graphs: C O R O L L A R Y 13.3. Let G be a plane graph with n vertices, m edges, ffaces components. Then n-m+f=k+ 1.
and k
Proof. The result follows on applying Euler's formula to each component separately, remembering not to count the infinite face more than once. // A l l the results mentioned so far i n this section apply to arbitrary plane graphs. W e now restrict ourselves to simple graphs. C O R O L L A R Y 13.4. (i) If G is a connected simple planar vertices and m edges, then m < 3n - 6. (ii) If in addition, G has no triangles, then m < In ~ 4.
graph with n (> 3)
Proof, ( i ) W e can assume that we have a plane drawing o f G. Since each face is bounded by at least three edges, i t follows on counting up the edges around each face that 3f< 2m; the factor 2 appears since each edge bounds t w o faces. W e obtain the required result by combining this inequality w i t h Euler's formula, (ii) This part follows i n a similar way, except that the inequality 3f< 2m is replaced by 4 / < 2m. II Using this corollary, we can give an alternative proof o f Theorem 12.1. C O R O L L A R Y 13.5. K and K 5
Proof I f K is planar then, applying Corollary 13.4(i), we obtain 10 < 9, which is a contradiction. I f K is planar then, applying Corollary 13.4(h), we obtain 9 < 8, which is also a contradiction. // 5
Planarity We use a similar argument to prove the f o l l o w i n g theorem, which w i l l be useful
when we study the colouring o f graphs.
T H E O R E M 13.6. Every
a vertex
of degree
Without loss o f generality we can assume the graph to be connected, and to
have at least three vertices. I f each vertex has degree at least 6, then, with the above notation, we have 6n < 2m, and so 3n < m. It follows immediately from Corollary 13.4(i) that 3/z < 3/7 - 6, which is a contradiction. / / We conclude this section w i t h a few remarks on the 'thickness' o f a graph. In elec trical engineering, parts o f networks arc sometimes printed on one side o f a non-con ducting plate, and are called 'printed circuits'. Since the wires are not insulated, they must not cross and the corresponding graphs must be planar (see F i g . 13.6). / b o o o
o o o c T n
Fig. 13.6 For a general network, we may need to k n o w how many printed circuits are needed to complete the entire network. T o this end, we define the thickness f(G) o f a graph G to be the smallest number o f planar graphs that can be superimposed to form G. Like the crossing number, the thickness is a measure o f how 'unplanar' a graph is; for example, the thickness o f a planar graph is 1, and o f K
and K
is 2. Figure 13.7 shows that
the thickness o f K is 2. 6
As we shall see, a lower bound for the thickness o f a graph is easily obtained from Euler's formula. Surprisingly, this trivial lower bound frequently turns out to be the
Fig. 13.7
Euler s formula
correct value, as we can verify by direct construction. I n deriving this lower bound, we use the symbols b d and [x] to denote respectively the largest integer not greater than x and the smallest integer not less than x; for example, |_3j = [3~\ - 3; b i J = 3; \n\ = A.
T H E O R E M 13.7. Let G be a simple graph with n(>3) the thickness t(G) ofG satisfies the inequalities
vertices and m edges. Then
t(G) > [m/(3n - 6 ) 1 and t(G) > l(m + 3n ~ 1)1 (hn - 6)1 Proof. The first part is an immediate application of Corollary 13.4(i), the brackets aris ing from the fact that the thickness must be an integer. The second part follows from the first by using the easily proved relation [a/b] = [_{a + b - 1)//?_), where a and b are positive integers. // Exercises 13 13.1 Verify Euler's formula for (i) the wheel W ; (ii) the graph of the octahedron; (iii) the graph of Fig. 13.1; (iv) the complete bipartite graph K j. s
Redraw the graph of Fig. 13.2 with (i) fi as the infinite face; (ii) f as the infinite face. 2
Use Euler's formula to prove that, i f G is a connected planar graph of girth 5 then, with the above notation, m < 5(n - 2)/3. Deduce that the Petersen graph is non-planar. Obtain an inequality, generalizing that in part (i), for connected planar graphs of girth r.
Let G be a polyhedron (or polyhedral graph), each of whose faces is bounded by a pentagon or a hexagon. (i) Use Euler's formula to show that G must have at least 12 pentagonal faces. (ii) Prove, in addition, that i f there are exactly three faces meeting at each vertex, then G has exactly 12 pentagonal faces.
Let G be a simple plane graph with fewer than 12 faces, in which each vertex has degree at least 3. (i) Use Euler's formula to prove that G has a face bounded by at most four edges. (ii) Give an example to show that the result of part (i) is false i f G has 12 faces.
Let G be a simple connected cubic plane graph, and let (p be the number of A-sided faces. By counting the number of vertices and edges of G, prove that 3cp + 2 9 4 + q> - 9 7 - 2cp - • • • = 12. Deduce that G has at least one face bounded by at most five edges. k
(ii) 13.7
Let G be a simple graph with at least 11 vertices, and let G be its complement. (i) Prove that G and G cannot both be planar. (In fact, a similar result holds i f 11 is replaced by 9.) (ii) Find a graph G with 8 vertices such that G and G are both planar.
70 13.8
Planarity s
Find the thickness of (i) the Petersen graph; (ii) the 4-cube Q . 4
(i) (ii)
Show that the thickness of K satisfies t(K ) > l(n + 7)/6_|. Use the results of Exercise 13.7 to prove that equality holds i f n = 8, but not i f n = 9 or 10. (In fact, equality holds for all n other than 9 or 10.)
Use Corollary 13.4(h) to prove that f(K, J >[rs/{2r +2s~4)1 and verify that equality holds for t(K ). Given that r is even, show that t(K ) !(K J = r/2 i t \ v > ( / - - 2 ) / 2 . 33
= r, and deduce from part (i) that
13.11* Let G be a polyhedral graph and let W be the cycle subspace of G. (i) Show that the polygons bounding the finite faces of G form a basis for W. (ii) Deduce Corollary 13.2.
on other
In the previous two sections we considered graphs drawn i n the plane or (equivalently) on the surface o f a sphere. W e now consider drawing graphs on other surfaces - for example, the torus. I t is easy to see that K and K can be drawn without crossings on the surface o f a torus (see F i g . 14.1), and i t is natural to ask whether there are analogues o f Euler's formula and K u r a t o w s k i ' s theorem for graphs drawn on such surfaces. 5
Fig. 14.1 The torus can be thought of as a sphere w i t h one 'handle'. More generally, a surface is o f genus g i f it is topological ly homeomorphic to a sphere w i t h g handles. I f you are unfamiliar with these terms, just think o f graphs drawn on the surface o f a dough nut with g holes i n it. Thus the genus o f a sphere is 0, and that o f a torus is 1. A graph that can be drawn without crossings on a surface of genus g, but not on one o f genus g - 1, is a graph of genus g. Thus, K and K are graphs of genus 1 (also called toroidal graphs). The following result gives us an upper bound for the genus o f a graph. 5
T H E O R E M 14.1. The genus of a graph does not exceed the crossing
Graphs on other surfaces
Proof. W e draw the graph on the surface of a sphere so that the number of crossings is as small as possible, and is therefore equal to the crossing number c. A t each crossing, we construct a 'bridge' (as i n Fig. 1.1) and run one edge over the bridge and the other under it. Since each bridge can be thought o f as a handle, we have drawn the graph on the surface o f a sphere with c handles. I t follows that the genus does not exceed c. // There is currently no complete analogue o f Kuratowski's theorem for surfaces o f genus g, although N . Robertson and P. Seymour have proved that there exists a finite collection o f 'forbidden' subgraphs o f genus g, for each value o f g, corresponding to the forbidden subgraphs K$ and K for graphs of genus 0. I n the case o f Euler's formula we are more fortunate, since there is a natural gener alization for graphs o f genus g. I n this generalization, a face of a graph of genus g is defined i n the obvious way. 33
T H E O R E M 14.2. Let G be a connected graph o f genus g with n vertices, m edges and/faces. Then n - m + / = 2 - 2g. Sketch of proof W e outline the main steps i n the proof, omitting the details. W i t h o u t loss o f generality, we may assume that G is drawn on the surface o f a sphere w i t h g handles. W e can also assume that the curves A at which the handles meet the sphere are cycles o f G, by shrinking those cycles that contain these curves i n their interior. W e next disconnect each handle at one end, i n such a way that the handle has a free end E and the sphere has a corresponding hole / / . W e may assume that the cycle cor responding to the end o f the handle appears at both the free end E and at the other end, since the additional vertices and edges required for this exactly balance each other, leaving n-m + / u n c h a n g e d (see Fig. 14.2).
Fig. 14.2 W e complete the proof by telescoping each of these handles, leaving a sphere w i t h 2g holes i n it. This telescoping process does not change the value o f n - m + / . But for a sphere, n - m + / = 2, and hence for a sphere w i t h 2g holes i n it, n - m + / = 2 - 2g. The result follows immediately. // C O R O L L A R Y 14.3. The genus g(G) of a simple graph G with n (>4) and m edges satisfies the inequality g(G) > \(m- 3n)/6 + l ] .
Proof. Since each face is bounded by at least three edges, we have (as i n the proof o f Corollary 13.4(i)) 3 / < 2m. The result f o l l o w s on substituting this inequality into Theorem 14.2, and using the fact that the genus o f a graph is an integer. // Just as for the thickness o f a graph, little is k n o w n about the genus o f an arbitrary graph. The usual approach is to use Corollary 14.3 to obtain a lower bound for the genus, and then to try to obtain the required drawing by direct construction. One case o f particular historical importance is that o f the genus o f the complete graphs. Corollary 14.3 tells us that the genus o f K satisfies n
g(K )>[{n(n^l)/2~3n}/6+l~] n
or, after a little algebraic manipulation, g(K )>l(n-3)(n~4)/12J. fl
Percy Heawood asserted i n 1890 that the inequality just obtained is an equality, and this was proved in 1968 by Ringel and Youngs after a long and difficult struggle. T H E O R E M 14.4 (Ringel and Youngs, 1968). g(K„) = \{n - 3)(n - 4)/12l. Remark. We do not prove this here; see Ringel [35] for a discussion and proof o f this theorem. Further results concerning the drawing o f graphs on these surfaces, as well as on 'non-orientable' surfaces (such as the projective plane and the Mobius strip), can be found in Beineke and Wilson [27] or Gross and Tucker [29]. Exercises 14 14.1 The surface of a torus can be regarded as a rectangle in which opposite edges are identified (see Fig. 14.3). Using this representation, find drawings of K and #33 on the torus. s
Fig. 14.3 14.2 14.3
Using the representation of Exercise 14.1, show that the Petersen graph has genus 1.
(u) 14.5
(i) (ii)
(i) (11)
Calculate g(K ) and g(K ). Give an example of a complete graph of genus 2. 7
Use Theorem 14.4 to prove that there is no value of n for which g(K ) = 7. What is the next integer that is not the genus of any complete graph? n
Give an example of a plane graph that is regular of degree 4 and each face of which is a triangle. Show that there is no graph of genus g > 1 with these properties. Obtain a lower bound, analogous to that of Corollary 14.3, for a graph containing no triangles. Deduce that f>(K,J > f(r - 2)(s - 2)/4] . (Ringel has shown that this is an equality.)
Dual graphs 14.7*
(i) (ii)
Let G be a non-planar graph that can be drawn on a Mobius strip. Prove that, with the usual notation. // - rn +f= 1. Show how K and /T can be drawn on the surface of a Mobius strip. 5
3 3
I n Theorems 12.2 and 12.3 we gave necessary and sufficient conditions for a graph to be planar - namely, that it contains no subgraph homeomorphic or contractible to K or K 3. We now discuss conditions of a different kind, involving the concept of duality. Given a plane drawing o f a planar graph G, we construct another graph G*, called the (geometric) dual o f G. The construction is in two stages: 5
(i) (ii)
inside each f a c e / o f G we choose a point v* - these points are the vertices o f G*; corresponding to each edge e of G we draw a line e* that crosses e (but no other edge o f G), and joins the vertices v* in the faces /'adjoining e - these lines are the edges o f G*.
Fig. 15.1
This procedure is illustrated i n Fig. 15.1. The vertices v* o f G* are represented by small squares, the edges e o f G by solid lines, and the edges e* of G * by dotted lines. Note that an end-vertex or a bridge o f G gives rise to a loop o f G*, and that i f two faces o f G have more than one edge i n common, then G * has multiple edges. The geometric idea o f duality is very o l d . For example, the 'fifteenth book o f E u c l i d ' , written about A D 500-600, remarks that the dual of a cube is an octahedron, and that the dual o f a dodecahedron is an icosahedron (see Exercise 15.2). Note that any two graphs formed from G in this way must be isomorphic; this is why we called G* 'the dual o f G ' instead o f a dual o f G\ On the other hand, i f G is isomorphic to H, it does not necessarily follow that G * is isomorphic to / / * ; an example that demon strates this is given i n Exercise 15.5. I f G is both plane and connected, then G * is plane and connected, and there are simple relations between the numbers o f vertices, edges and faces o f G and G*. L E M M A 15.1. Let G be a plane connected graph with n vertices, m edges andf faces, and let its geometric dual G * have n* vertices, m* edges andf* faces. Then /7* = / , m* = m andf* = n. Proof. The first two relations are direct consequences o f the definition o f G*. The third relation follows on substituting these t w o relations into Euler's formula, applied to both G and G*. //
Since the dual G * of a plane graph G is also a plane graph, we can repeat the above construction to f o r m the dual G * * o f G * . I f G is connected, then the relationship between G** and G is particularly simple, as we now show. T H E O R E M 15.2. IfG is a plane connected graph, then G * * is isomorphic to G. Proof. The result follows immediately, since the construction that gives rise to G * from G can be reversed to give G from G*; for example, i n Fig. 15.1 the graph G is the dual o f the graph G*. We need to check only that a face o f G * cannot contain more than one vertex of G (it certainly contains at least one), and this follows immediately from the relations « * * = / * - n, where //** is the number o f vertices of G**. // I f G is a planar graph, then a dual o f G can be defined by taking any plane drawing and forming its geometric dual, but uniqueness does not always hold. Since duals have been defined only for planar graphs, it is trivially true to say that a graph is planar i f and only i f it has a dual. On the other hand, we cannot tell from the above whether a given graph is planar. It is obviously desirable to find a definition o f duality that gen eralizes the geometric dual and enables us i n principle to determine whether a given graph is planar. One such definition exploits the relationship under duality between the cycles and cutsets o f a planar graph G. We now describe this relationship and use it to obtain the definition we seek. A n alternative definition is given in Exercise 15.11.
T H E O R E M 15.3. Let G he a planar graph and let G * he a geometric dual ofG. Then a set of edges in G forms a cycle in G if and only if the corresponding set of edges of G* forms a cutset in G*. Proof. We can assume that G is a connected plane graph. I f C is a cycle in G, then C encloses one or more finite faces o f C, and thus contains in its interior a non-empty set S o f vertices o f G*. it follows immediately that those edges o f G* that cross the edges o f C form a cutset o f G * whose removal disconnects G * into t w o subgraphs, one w i t h vertex set S and the other containing those vertices that do not lie in S (see Fig. 15.2). The converse implication is similar, and is omitted. //
• Fig. 15.2
Dual graphs
C O R O L L A R Y 15.4. A set of edges of G forms corresponding Proof
a cutset in G if and only if the
set of edges of G* forms a cycle in G*.
The result follows on applying Theorem 15.3 to G* and using Theorem 15.2. //
Using Theorem 15.3 as motivation, we can now give an abstract definition o f dual ity. Note that this definition does not invoke any special properties of planar graphs, but concerns only the relationship between t w o graphs. W e say that a graph G * is an abstract dual o f a graph G i f there is a one-one correspondence between the edges o f G and those o f G*, w i t h the property that a set of edges o f G forms a cycle in G i f and only i f the corresponding set of edges of G* forms a cutset i n G*. For example. Fig. 15.3 shows a graph and its abstract dual, with corresponding edges sharing the same letter.
Fig. 15.3 It follows from Theorem 15.3 that the concept of an abstract dual generalizes that of a geometric dual, in the sense that i f G is a plane graph and G* is a geometric dual o f G, then G* is an abstract dual of G. W e should like to obtain analogues for abstract duals o f some results on geometric duals. We present just one of these here - the ana logue for abstract duals o f Theorem 15.2. T H E O R E M 15.5. / / ' G * is an abstract dual of'G
then G is an abstract dual
Note that we do not require that G should be connected.
Proof. Let C be a cutset o f G and let C* denote the corresponding set o f edges of G*. W e show that C* is a cycle o f G*. By the first part o f Exercise 5.12, C has an even number of edges i n common with any cycle o f G, and so G* has an even number o f edges i n common w i t h any cutset o f G*. It follows from the second part of Exercise 5.12 that G* is either a cycle in G* or an edge-disjoint union o f at least two cycles. But the second possibility cannot occur, since we can show similarly that cycles in G* correspond to edge-disjoint unions of cutsets in G, and so C would be an edge-disjoint union o f at least t w o cutsets, rather than a single cutset. // Although the definition of an abstract dual may seem strange, it turns out to have the properties required of it. W e saw in Theorem 15.3 that a planar graph has an abstract dual (for example, any geometric dual). We now show that the converse result is true - that any graph w i t h an abstract dual must be planar. This gives us an abstract defini tion o f duality that generalizes the geometric dual and characterizes planar graphs. I t turns out that the definition o f an abstract dual is a natural consequence o f the study of duality in matroid theory (see Section 32). T H E O R E M 15.6. A graph is planar if and only if it has an abstract
Remark. There are several proofs o f this result. W e outline a p r o o f that uses Kuratowski's theorem. Sketch of proof. As mentioned above, it is sufficient to prove that i f G is a graph with an abstract dual G*, then G is planar. The proof is i n four steps. (i) W e note first that i f an edge e is removed from G, then the abstract dual o f the remaining graph may be obtained from G* by contracting the corresponding edge e*. On repeating this procedure, we deduce that, i f G has an abstract dual, then so does any subgraph o f G. (ii) W e next observe that i f G has an abstract dual, and G is homeomorphic to G, then G' also has an abstract dual. This follows from the fact that the insertion or removal i n G o f a vertex o f degree 2 results i n the addition or deletion o f a 'multiple edge' i n G*. (iii) The third step is to show that neither K nor K 3 has an abstract dual. I f G * is a dual of A3 3, then since A3 3 contains only cycles of length 4 or 6 and no cutsets w i t h two edges, G* contains no multiple edges and each vertex o f G * has degree at least 4. Hence G * must have at least five vertices, and thus at least (5 x 4)/2 = 10 edges, which is a contradiction. The argument for A5 is similar, and is omitted. (iv) Suppose, now. that G is a non-planar graph with an abstract dual G*. Then, by K u r a t o w s k i ' s theorem, G has a subgraph H homeomorphic to K or A 3 3. I t follows from (i) and (ii) that / / . and hence also A5 or A3 3, must have an abstract dual, contradicting ( i i i ) . // /
Exercises 15 15.1 Find the duals of the graphs in Fig. 15.4 and verify Lemma 15.1 for these. s
Fig. 15.4 15.2
Show that the dual of the cube graph is the octahedron graph, and that the dual of the dodecahedron graph is the icosahedron graph.
15.3 15.4
Show that the dual of a wheel is a wheel. s
Use duality to prove that there exists no plane graph with five faces, each pair of which share an edge in common.
Show that the graphs in Fig. 15.5 are isomorphic, but that their geometric duals are not isomorphic.
(i) (ii)
Give an example to show that, if G is a disconnected plane graph, then G** is not isomorphic to G. Prove the result of part (i) in general.
Infinite graphs
Fig. 15.5 15.7
Dualize the results of Exercise 13.4.
Prove that, i f G is a 3-connected plane graph, then its geometric dual is a simple graph.
Let G be a connected plane graph. Using Theorem 5.1 and Corollary 6.3, prove that G is bipartite i f and only i f its dual G* is Eulerian.
(i) (ii)
Give an example to show that, if G is a connected plane graph, then any spanning tree in G corresponds to the complement of a spanning tree in G*. Prove the result of part (i) in general.
15.11* A graph G* is a Whitney dual of G if there is a one-one correspondence between E(G) and E(G*) such that, for each subgraph H of G with V(H) = V(G), the corresponding subgraph 7/* of G* satisfies y(H) + UH*) = £(G*), where H* is obtained from G* by deleting the edges of //*, and y and q are defined as in Section 9. (i) Show that this generalizes the idea of a geometric dual. (ii) Prove that, i f G* is a Whitney dual of G, then G is a Whitney dual of G*. (In 1932, H. Whitney proved that a graph is planar i f and only i f it has such a dual.)
In this section we show h o w some o f the definitions i n previous sections can be extended to infinite graphs. A n infinite graph G consists of an infinite set V(G) o f ele ments called vertices, and an infinite family E(G) o f unordered pairs o f elements of V(G) called edges. I f V(G) and E(G) are both countably infinite, then G is a count able graph. We exclude the possibility o f V(G) being infinite but E(G) finite, as such objects are merely finite graphs together w i t h infinitely many isolated vertices, or o f E(G) being infinite but V(G) finite, as such objects are essentially finite graphs but with infinitely many loops or multiple edges. M a n y o f our earlier definitions ('adjacent', 'incident', 'isomorphic', 'subgraph', 'connected', 'planar', etc.) extend immediately to infinite graphs. The degree o f a ver tex v o f an infinite graph is the cardinality o f the set o f edges incident to v, and may be finite or infinite. A n infinite graph, each o f whose vertices has finite degree, is locally finite; two important examples are the infinite square lattice and the infinite triangular lattice, shown in Figs. 16.1 and 16.2. We similarly define a locally countable infinite graph to be one i n which each vertex has countable degree. W e can now prove the following simple, but fundamental, result. T H E O R E M 16.1. Every connected locally countable infinite graph is a countable
A — — A
Fig. 16.1
Fig. 16.2
Let v be any vertex o f such an infinite graph, and let ,4] be the set o f vertices
adjacent to v, A
be the set o f all vertices adjacent to a vertex o f A j , and so on. B y
hypothesis, A\ Is countable, and hence so are A , A 3 , . . . , since the union o f a countable 2
collection o f countable sets is countable. Hence { v } , A
1 ?
A , . . . is a sequence o f sets 2
whose union is countable and contains every vertex o f the infinite graph, by connec tedness. The result follows. // C O R O L L A R Y 16.2. Every
locally finite infinite graph is a
graph. We can extend the concept o f a walk to an infinite graph G. There are essentially three different types o f walk in G: (i) (ii)
a finite walk is defined exactly as in Section 5; a one-way infinite walk w i t h initial vertex v is an infinite sequence o f edges o f 0
the form VQV\, v\V , . . . ; 2
a two-way infinite walk is an infinite sequence o f edges o f the form v
• • • > V-2 -h V_4V , V V V ] \ ' , 0
One-way and t w o - w a y infinite trails and paths are defined analogously, as are the length o f a path and the distance between vertices. The f o l l o w i n g result, k n o w n as K o n i g ' s l e m m a , tells us that infinite paths are not difficult to come by.
T H E O R E M 16.3 ( K o n i g , 1927). Let G be a connected locally finite infinite
Then, for any vertex v of'G, there exists a one-way infinite path with initial vertex v. Proof.
For each vertex z other than v, there is a non-trivial path from v to z. It follows
that there are infinitely many paths in G with initial vertex v. Since the degree o f v is finite, infinitely many o f these paths must start with the same edge. I f vvj is such an edge, then we can repeat this procedure for the vertex Vj and thus obtain a new vertex y and a corresponding edge v\V . By carrying on i n this way, we obtain the one-way 2
infinite path v
v\ —> v —> • • • . // 2
The importance o f Konig's lemma is that it allows us to deduce results about infinite
Infinite graphs
graphs from the corresponding results for finite graphs. The following theorem may be regarded as a typical example.
T H E O R E M 16.4. If G be a countable planar, then G is planar.
graph, every finite subgraph
of which is
Proof. Since G is countable, its vertices may be listed as v\, v , v , . . . . We now con struct a strictly increasing sequence G\ a G a G c • • • of subgraphs o f G, by taking G to be the subgraph whose vertices are vj v and whose edges are those edges of G joining t w o o f these vertices. Since G, can be drawn in the plane in only a finite number m(i) o f topo logic ally distinct ways, we can construct another infinite graph H whose vertices w j (/ > 1, 1 <j < /?/(/)) correspond to the drawings of the graphs G . and whose edges join those vertices Wjj and w for which k - i + 1 and the plane draw ing corresponding to w i extends the drawing corresponding to w j. Since H is clearly connected and locally finite, it follows from Konig's lemma that H contains a one-way infinite path. Since G is countable, this infinite path gives the required plane drawing o f G.H 2
I f we assume further axioms o f set theory, such as the uncountable version o f the axiom o f choice, then various results such as the one just proved can be extended to infinite graphs that are not necessarily countable. We conclude this digression on infinite graphs with a brief discussion on infinite Eulerian graphs. It seems natural to call a connected infinite graph G E u l e r i a n i f there exists a two-way infinite trail that includes every edge o f G; such an infinite trail is a two-way E u l e r i a n t r a i l . Note that these definitions require G to be countable. The fol lowing theorems give further necessary conditions for an infinite graph to be Eulerian.
T H E O R E M 16.5. Let G be a connected countable graph which is Eulerian. Then (i) G has no vertices of odd degree; (ii) for each finite subgraph H of G, the infinite graph H obtained by deleting from G the edges ofH has at most two infinite connected components; (iii) if, in addition, each vertex of H has even degree, then H has exactly one infinite connected component. Proof,
(i) Suppose that P is an Eulerian trail. Then, by the argument given in the proof o f Theorem 6.2, each vertex o f G must have either even or infinite degree. (ii) Let P be split up into three subtrails P_, PQ and P in such a way that PQ is a finite trail containing every edge o f / / , and possibly other edges as we 11, and P_ and P are one-way infinite trails. Then the infinite graph K formed by the edges o f P_ and F+, and the vertices incident to them, has at most two infinite components. Since H is obtained by adding only a finite set of edges to K, the result follows. +
(iii) Let the initial and final vertices of PQ be v and w. We wish to show that v and w are connected i n H. I f v = w, this is obvious. I f not, then the result follows on applying Corollary 6.4 to the graph obtained by removing the
Planar ity edges o f H from P this graph having exactly two vertices (v and w) o f odd degree, by hypothesis. // {h
The conditions given in the previous theorem are not only necessary but also suffi cient. We state this result formally in the f o l l o w i n g theorem. Its proof lies may be found in Ore [10]. T H E O R E M 16.6. If G is a connected countable graph, then G is Eulerian only if the conditions (i), (ii) and (iii) of Theorem 16.5 are satisfied. Exercises 16 16.1 Give an example (i) an infinite (ii) an infinite (iii) an infinite (iv) an infinite (v) an infinite (vi) an infinite s
if and
of each of the following: graph with infinitely many end-vertices; graph with uncountably many vertices and edges; connected cubic graph; bipartite graph; non-planar graph: tree.
Give an example to show that the conclusion of Konig's lemma is false i f we omit the condition that the infinite graph is locally finite. Show that an infinite graph G can be drawn in Euclidean 3-space i f 1(G) and E{G) can each be put in one-one correspondence with a subset of the set of real numbers. (i) (ii)
Find an Eulerian trail in the infinite square lattice S. Verify that S satisfies the conditions of Theorem 16.5.
Repeat Exercise 16.4 for the infinite triangular lattice.
Show that the infinite square lattice has both one-way and two-way infinite paths pass ing exactly once through each vertex.
Chapter 6
Colouring graphs
With colours fairer painted their foul ends. William Shakespeare (The Tempest)
In this chapter we investigate the colouring o f graphs and maps, w i t h special reference to the four-colour theorem and related topics. I n Sections 17 and 18, we colour the vertices o f a graph so that each edge joins vertices of different colours. Section 19 describes the connection between these vertex colourings and the colouring o f maps, and in Section 20 these are related to colouring the edges o f a graph. A l l this material is qualitative, asking whether graphs can be coloured with a given number of colours. In Section 2 1 , on chromatic polynomials, we discuss in how many ways the colouring can be done.
I f G is a graph without loops, then G is ^-colourable i f we can assign one of k colours to each vertex so that adjacent vertices have different colours. I f G is ^-colourable, but not (A-l)-colourable, we say that G is /achromatic, or that the chromatic number of G is k, and write %(G) = k. For example, Fig. 17.1 shows a graph G for which %(G) = 4; the colours are denoted by Greek letters. I t is thus A-colourable i f k > 4. W e shall assume that all graphs here are simple, as multiple edges are irrelevant to our discus sion. We shall also assume that they are connected. It is clear that %(K ) = n, and so there are graphs w i t h arbitrarily high chromatic number. A t the other end o f the scale, %(G) = 1 i f and only i f G is a null graph, and n
5 Fig. 17.1 81
Colouring graphs
%(G) - 2 i f and only i f G is a n o n - n u l l bipartite graph. Note that every tree is 2-colourable, as is any cycle graph w i t h an even number o f vertices. It is not known which graphs are 3-chromatic, although i t is easy to give examples of such graphs. These examples include the cycle graphs or wheels w i t h an odd num ber o f vertices and the Petersen graph. The wheels w i t h an even number o f vertices are 4-chromatic. There is little that we can say about the chromatic number o f an arbitrary graph. I f the graph has // vertices, then its chromatic number cannot exceed /?, and i f the graph contains K as a subgraph, then its chromatic number cannot be less than r, but these results do not take us very far i n general. I f , however, we know the degree of each ver tex, then we can make progress. T
T H E O R E M 17.1. If G is a simple graph with largest vertex-degree
A, then G is
(A+\)-colourable. Proof
The proof is by induction on the number o f vertices o f G. Let G be a simple
graph w i t h n vertices. I f we delete any vertex v and its incident edges, then the graph that remains is a simple graph w i t h // - 1 vertices and largest vertex-degree at most A (see Fig. 17.2). By our induction hypothesis, this graph is (A+l)-colourable. A ( A + l ) colouring for G is then obtained by colouring v with a different colour from the (at most A) vertices adjacent to v. / /
Fig. 17.2 B y more careful treatment we can strengthen this theorem a l i t t l e to give the following result, known as B r o o k s ' t h e o r e m . Its proof is given i n the next section.
TF1EOREM 17.2 (Brooks, 1941). IfG is a simple connected graph which is not a complete graph, and if the largest vertex-degree of G is A ( > 3), then G is A-colourable.
Both o f these theorems are useful i f all the vertex-degrees are approximately the same. For example, by Theorem 17.1, every cubic graph is 4-colourable, and by Theorem 17.2, every connected cubic graph, other than i T , is 3-colourable. On the 4
other hand, i f the graph has a few vertices o f large degree, then these theorems tell us very little. This is well illustrated by the graph K\ ; Brooks' theorem asserts that this is s
5-colourable, but it is i n fact 2-colourable for any s. There is no effective way o f avoid ing this situation, although there are techniques that help a little. This rather depressing situation does not arise i f we restrict our attention to planar
Colouring vertices
graphs. I n fact, we can easily prove the rather strong result that every simple planar graph is 6-colourable. T H E O R E M 17.3. Every simple planar graph is
Proof. The proof is similar to that of Theorem 17.1. We prove the theorem by induc tion on the number o f vertices, the result being trivial for simple planar graphs with at most six vertices. Suppose then that G is a simple planar graph with n vertices, and that all simple planar graphs with n-l vertices are 6-colourable. By Theorem 13.6, G contains a vertex v o f degree at most 5. I f we delete v and its incident edges, then the graph that remains has n - l vertices and is thus 6-colourable (see F i g . 17.3). A 6-colouring o f G is then obtained by colouring v with a colour different from the (at most five) vertices adjacent to v. //
Fig. 17.3 As w i t h Theorem 17.1, this result can be strengthened by more careful treatment. The result is called the five-colour theorem.
T H E O R E M 17.4. Every simple planar graph is
Proof. The proof is similar to that o f Theorem 17.3, although the details are more complicated. We prove the theorem by induction on the number of vertices, the result being trivial for simple planar graphs with fewer than six vertices. Suppose then that G is a simple planar graph w i t h n vertices, and that all simple planar graphs with n - l vertices are 5-colourable. B y Theorem 13.6, G contains a vertex v o f degree at most 5. As before, the deletion o f v leaves a graph w i t h n - l vertices, w h i c h is thus 5-colourable. Our aim is to colour v with one o f the five colours, so completing the 5-colouring o f G. I f deg(v) < 5, then v can be coloured with any colour not assumed by the (at most four) vertices adjacent to v, completing the proof in this case. We thus suppose that deg(v) = 5, and that the vertices v j , . . . , v$ adjacent to v are arranged around v in clock wise order as i n Fig. 17.4. I f the vertices V], . . . , V5 are all mutually adjacent, then G contains the non-planar graph K$ as a subgraph, which is impossible. So at least two of the vertices Vj (say, v i and V3) are not adjacent. We now contract the t w o edges vv\ and W 3 . The resulting graph is a planar graph w i t h fewer than n vertices, and is thus 5-colourable. We now reinstate the two edges, giving both v\ and V3 the colour originally assigned to v. A 5-colouring o f G is then obtained by colouring v with a colour different from the (at most four) colours assigned to the vertices v . // t
It is natural to ask whether this result can be strengthened further, and this leads to
Colouring graphs
Fig. 17.4 what was formerly one o f the most famous unsolved problems in mathematics - the 'four-colour problem'. This problem, in an alternative formulation (see Section 19), was first posed in 1852, and was eventually settled by K . Appel and W . Haken in 1976. T H E O R E M 17.5 ( A p p e l and Haken, 1976). Every
simple planar
graph is 4-
colourahle. Their proof, which took them several years and a substantial amount o f computer time, ultimately depends on a complicated extension o f the ideas in the proof o f the fivecolour theorem. Further information about this proof can be found in Saaty and Kainen [36], or in Beineke and Wilson [27]. We conclude this section with a simple application o f vertex colourings. Suppose that a chemist wishes to store five chemicals a, /?, c, el and e in various areas o f a ware house. Some o f these chemicals react violently when in contact, and so must be kept in separate areas. In the following table, an asterisk indicates those pairs o f chemicals that must be separated. H o w many areas are needed? a a b c d e
* *
To answer this, we draw the graph whose vertices correspond to the five chemicals, w i t h two vertices adjacent whenever the corresponding chemicals are to be kept apart (see Fig. 17.5). I f we now colour the vertices, as shown by the Greek letters, then the
of (8) Fig. 17.5
Colouring vertices
colours correspond to the areas needed. In this case, the chromatic number is 4, and so four areas are needed. For example, chemicals a and e can be stored in area a, and chemicals b, c and d can be stored in areas (3, y and 8, respectively. Exercises 17 17.1 Find the chromatic number of each graph in Fig 17.6. s
Fig. 17.6 17.2
Find the chromatic number of each graph in Fig. 17.7.
Fig. 17.7 17.3
In the table of Fig. 2.9, locate all the 2-chromatic, 3-chromatic and 4-chromatic graphs. What (i) (ii) (iii)
is the chromatic number of each of the Platonic graphs? the complete tripartite graph K the A-cube Q l
r s l
Compare the upper bound for the chromatic number given by Brooks' theorem with the correct value, for (i) the Petersen graph; (ii) the A-cube Q . k
A lecture timetable is to be drawn up. Since some students wish to attend several lec tures, certain lectures must not coincide. The asterisks in the following table show which pairs of lectures cannot coincide. How many periods are needed to timetable all seven lectures? I a
86 17.7
Colouring graphs s
Let G be a simple graph with // vertices, which is regular of degree d. By considering the number of vertices that can be assigned the same colour, prove that %(G) > n/(n - d).
Let G be a simple planar graph containing no triangles. (i) Using Euler's formula, show that G contains a vertex of degree at most 3. (ii) Use induction to deduce that G is 4-colourable. (In fact, it can be proved that G is 3-colourable.)
Generalize the results of the previous exercise to the cases where (i) G has girth /": (ii) G has thickness /.
17.10* Try to prove the four-colour theorem by adapting the above proof of the five-colour theorem. At what point does the proof fail? 17.11* A graph G is ^-critical if %(G) = k and i f the deletion of any vertex yields a graph with smaller chromatic number. (i) Find all 2-eritical. and 3-critical graphs. (ii) Give an example of a 4-critical. graph. (iii) Prove that, i f G is A-crilical, then (a) every vertex of G has degree at least k - 1; (b) G has no cut-vertices. 17.12* Let G be a countable graph, each finite subgraph of which is /c-colourable. (i) Use Konig's lemma to prove that G is A-colourable. (ii) Deduce that every countable planar graph is 4-colourable.
In order to avoid disturbing the continuity, we deferred the proof o f Brooks' theorem (Theorem 17.2). This proof w i l l now be given. T H E O R E M 17.2 If G is a simple connected graph which is not a complete and if the largest vertex degree of'G is A (> 3), then G is A-colour able.
Proof. The proof is by induction on the number o f vertices o f G. Suppose that G has n vertices. I f any vertex o f G has degree less than A, then we can complete the proof by imitating the proof o f Theorem 17.1. W e may thus suppose that G is regular o f degree A. I f we delete a vertex v and its incident edges, then the graph that remains has n - 1 vertices and the largest vertex degree is still at most A. B y our induction hypothesis, this graph is A-colourable. Our aim is now to colour v w i t h one o f the A colours. W e can suppose that the vertices Vj, . . . , v adjacent to v are arranged around v i n clock wise order, and that they are coloured w i t h distinct colours c . . . , c , since otherwise there would be a spare colour that could be used to colour v. We now define H j (i ^ /, 1 < /". j < A) to be the subgraph o f G whose vertices are those coloured c or Cj and whose edges are those j o i n i n g a vertex coloured q and a vertex coloured c I f the vertices V/ and v lie i n different components o f /7 -, then we can interchange the colours o f all the vertices i n the component o f H j containing v A
1 ?
Brooks' theorem
(see F i g . 18.1). The result o f this recolouring is that v,- and v both have colour enabling v to be coloured c W e may thus assume that, given any / and j , V; and v are connected by a path that lies entirely i n ////. W e denote the component of H,, contain ing v- and VJ by C . }
Fig. 18.1
I f V/ is adjacent to more than one vertex w i t h colour c then there is a colour (other than Cj) that is not assumed by any vertex adjacent to Vj. I n this case, v can be recoloured using this colour, enabling v to be coloured with colour c I f this does not happen, then we can use a similar argument to show that every vertex of C (other than v and v ) must have degree 2. For, i f w is the first vertex o f the path from v to Vj w i t h degree greater than 2, then w can be recoloured w i t h a colour different from c or Cj, thereby destroying the property that v/ and Vj are connected by a path lying entirely in Cjj (see F i g . 18.2). W e can thus assume that, for any / and j , the component C con sists only of a path from v - to v,-. r
Fig. 18.2 W e can also assume that two paths of the form Q and C / (where i ^ /) intersect only at v , since any other point of intersection x can be recoloured w i t h a colour dif ferent from q , Cj or Q (see Fig. 18.3), contradicting the fact that V/ and v are connected by a path. ;
Fig. 18.3
(cjj +(cft
Colouring graphs
To complete the proof, we choose two vertices v - and vy that are not adjacent, and let y be the vertex with colour cj that is adjacent to 17. i f Cu is a path (for some / ^ / ) , then we can interchange the colours o f the vertices in this path without affecting the colour ing of the rest of the graph (see Fig. 18.4). But i f we carry out this interchange, then y would be a vertex common to the paths Cjj and Cy/, which is a contradiction. This con tradiction establishes the theorem. // z
Fig. 18.4
The four-colour problem arose historically in connection with the colouring o f maps. Given a map containing several countries, we may ask how many colours are needed to colour them so that no t w o countries with a boundary line in common share the same colour. Probably the most familiar form o f the four-colour theorem is the statement that every map can be coloured with only four colours. For example. F i g . 19.1 shows a map that has been coloured w i t h four colours.
Fig. 19.1 In order to make this statement precise, we must explain what we mean by a 'map'. Since the two colours on either side of an edge must be different, we need to exclude maps containing a bridge (see Fig. 19.2). W e also exclude vertices o f degree 2, as they can easily be eliminated (see Fig. 19.3). To cover these, and similar cases, we define a m a p to be a 3-connccted plane graph; thus a map contains no cutsets with 1 or 2 edges, and in particular no vertices of degree 1 or 2. As we shall see, the exclusion of bridges here corresponds to the exclusion of loops in Section 17.
Fig. 19.2
Fig. 19.3
Colouring maps
W e n o w define a map to be &-colourable(f) i f its faces can be coloured w i t h k colours so that no t w o faces w i t h a boundary edge i n common have the same colour. To avoid confusion, we use A>colourable(v) to mean ^-colourable i n the usual sense. For example, the map i n Fig. 19.4 is 3-colourable(f) and 4-colourable(v).
5 Fig. 19.4 The f o u r - c o l o u r theorem for maps is thus the assertion that every map is 4colourable(f). I n Corollary 19.3 we prove the equivalence o f the two forms o f the fourcolour theorem. I n the meantime, we investigate the conditions under which a map can be coloured w i t h two colours. These conditions take a particularly simple form. T H E O R E M 19.1. A map G is l-colourable(f)
if and only if'G is an Eulerian graph.
First proof. => For each vertex v o f G, the faces surrounding v must be even i n number, since they can be coloured w i t h t w o colours. I t follows that each vertex has even degree and so, by Theorem 6.2, G is Eulerian. <= I f G is Eulerian, we colour its faces i n two colours as follows. Choose any face F and colour i t red. Draw a curve from a point x i n F to a point i n each other face, passing through no vertex o f G. I f such a curve crosses an even number o f edges, colour the face red; otherwise, colour i t blue (see F i g . 19.5). This colouring is w e l l defined, as can be seen b y t a k i n g a ' c y c l e ' o f t w o such curves and p r o v i n g that it crosses an even number o f edges o f G, using the fact that each vertex has an even number o f edges incident w i t h it. //
Fig. 19.5 A simpler p r o o f o f Theorem 19.1 involves translating the p r o b l e m into one of colouring the vertices o f the dual graph. W e first justify this procedure, and then illustrate i t b y g i v i n g our alternative p r o o f o f Theorem 19.1 and by p r o v i n g the equivalence o f the t w o forms o f the four-colour theorem.
T H E O R E M 19.2. Let G be a plane graph without loops, and let G * be a geometric dual of'G. Then G is k-colourable(v)
if and only if'G* is
Colouring graphs
Proof. => We can assume that G is simple and connected, so that G* is a map. I f we have a A-colouring(v) for G, then we can ^-colour the faces o f G * so that each face inherits the colour o f the unique vertex that it contains (see Fig. 19.6). No two adjacent faces o f G* can have the same colour because the vertices o f G that they contain are adjacent in G and so are differently coloured. Thus G* is £-colourable(f).
Fig. 19.6 <= Suppose now that we have a A-colouring(f) o f G*. Then we can A-colour the vertices o f G so that each vertex inherits the colour o f the face containing it. No t w o adjacent vertices o f G have the same colour, by reasoning similar to the above. Thus G is A-eolourable(v). // It follows that we can dualize any theorem on the colouring o f the vertices o f a planar graph to give a theorem on the colouring o f the faces o f a map. and conversely. As an example of this, consider Theorem 19.1. T H E O R E M 19.1. ,4 map G is 2-colourahle(f)
if and only ifG is an Eulerian
Second proof. By Exercise 15.9, the dual o f an Eulerian planar graph is a bipartite planar graph, and conversely. I t is therefore sufficient to note that a connected planar graph without loops is 2-colourable(v) i f and only i f i t is bipartite. // We can similarly prove the equivalence o f the two forms o f the four-colour theorem. C O R O L L A R Y 19.3. The four-colour colour theorem for planar graphs.
theorem for maps is equivalent to the four-
Proof. => We may assume that G is a simple connected plane graph. Then its geo metric dual G* is a map, and the 4-colourability(v) of G follows immediately from the fact that this map is 4-colourable(f), by Theorem 19.2. Conversely, let G be a map and let G * be its geometric dual. Then G * is a simple planar graph and is therefore 4-colourable(v). I t follows immediately that G is 4-colourable(f). // Duality can also be used to prove the f o l l o w i n g theorem. T H E O R E M 19.4. Let G be a cubic map. Then G is 3-co!ourable(f) i f and only i f each face is bounded by an even number o f edges.
Colouring maps
Proof. => Given any face F o f G, the faces o f G that surround F must alternate in colour. Thus there must be an even number o f them, and so each face is bounded by an even number o f edges (see F i g . 19.7).
a Fig. 19.7
Fig. 19.8
<= W e prove the dual result, that i f G is a simple connected plane graph in which each face is a triangle and each vertex has even degree (that is. G is Eulerian), then G is 3-colourable(v). We shall denote the three colours by a, (3 and y. Since G is Eulerian, it follows from Theorem 19.1 that its faces can be coloured with two colours, red and blue. The required 3-colouring o f the vertices o f G is then obtained by colouring the vertices o f any red face so that the colours a, (3 and y appear in clockwise order, and colouring the vertices of any blue face so that these colours appear in anti-clock wise order (see Fig. 19.8). This vertex colouring can be extended to the whole graph, thus proving the theorem. // In the above theorem, we assumed that the map is cubic. This need not be a severe restriction, as the following theorem shows.
T H E O R E M 19.5. In order to prove the four-colour that each cubic map is 4-colourable(f).
theorem, it is sufficient to prove
Proof B y Corollary 19.3, it is sufficient to prove that the 4-colourability(f) of every cubic map implies the 4-colourability(f) o f any map. Let G be any map. I f G has any vertices o f degree 2, then we can remove them without affecting the colouring. I t remains only to eliminate vertices o f degree 4 or more. But i f v is such a vertex, then we can stick a 'patch' over v, as in F i g . 19.9. Repeating this for all such vertices, we obtain a cubic map that is 4-colourable(f) by hypothesis. The required 4-colouring o f the faces of G is then obtained by shrinking each patch to a single vertex and reinstat ing each vertex of degree 2. //
Fig. 19.9
Colouring graphs
Exercises 19 19.1 Consider the map in Fig. 19.10, in which the countries are to be coloured red, blue, green and yellow. (i) Show that country A must be red. (ii) What colour is country Bl
Fig. 19.10 s
Find the minimum number of colours needed to colour the faces of each of the Platonic graphs, so that neighbouring faces are coloured differently.
Give an example of a plane graph that is both 2-colourable(f) and 2-colourable(v).
19.3 19.4 19.5
The plane is divided into a finite number of regions by drawing infinite straight lines in an arbitrary manner. Show that these regions can be 2-coloured. s
By dualizing the proof of Theorem 17.3. prove the six-colour theorem for maps.
By dualizing the proof of Theorem 17.4, prove the five-colour theorem for maps.
Let G be a simple plane graph with fewer than 12 faces, and suppose that each vertex of G has degree at least 3. (i) Use Exercise 13.5 to prove that G is 4-colourable(v). (ii) Dualize the result of part (i).
(i) (ii)
Prove that, if a toroidal graph is embedded on the surface of a torus, then its faces can be coloured with seven colours, Find a toroidal graph whose faces cannot be coloured with six colours.
In this section we colour the edges of a graph. As we shall see, the four-colour theorem for planar graphs is equivalent to a theorem concerning edge colourings o f cubic maps. A graph G is fc-colourable(e) (or A-edge colourable) i f its edges can be coloured w i t h k colours so that no t w o adjacent edges have the same colour. I f G is kcolourable(e) but not (k - l)-colourable(e), we say that the c h r o m a t i c index o f G is k, and write %'(G) = k. For example, Fig. 20.1 shows a graph G for which %'(G) = 4.
Fig. 20.1
Colouring edges
Note that, i f A is the largest vertex degree o f (7, then %'(G) > A. The f o l l o w i n g result, known as V i z i n g ' s theorem, gives very sharp bounds for the chromatic index o f a simple graph G. Its proof can be found in Bondy and Murty [7] or Fiorini and Wilson [28]. T H E O R E M 20.1 ( V i z i n g , 1964). IfG is a simple graph with largest A,thenA< '(G)
+ 1.
It is not known which graphs have chromatic index A and which have chromatic index A + 1. However, the results for particular types o f graphs can easily be found. For example, %\C ) - 2 or 3, depending on whether n is even or odd, and %'(W ) = n - 1 i f n>4. n
W e now determine the corresponding results for complete graphs. T H E O R E M 20.2. %\K ) = n ifn is odd (n * 1), and %\K ) = n - \ ifn is even. n
Proof. The result is trivial i f n - 2. We therefore assume that n > 3. I f n is odd, then we can //-colour the edges of K by placing the vertices o f K in the f o r m o f a regular /z-gon, colouring the edges around the boundary w i t h a different colour for each edge, and then colouring each remaining edge with the colour used for the boundary edge parallel to i t (see F i g . 20.2). The fact that K is not (n - 1 ) colourable(e) follows by observing that the largest possible number o f edges o f the same colour is (n - l ) / 2 , and so K has at most (n - 1 )/2 x %\K ) edges. n
FiQ- 20.2
Fig. 20.3
I f n is even, then we first obtain K by joining the complete graph K _\ to a single vertex. I f we now colour the edges of K _\ as above, then there is one colour missing at each vertex, and these missing colours are all different. W e complete the edge colouring of K by colouring the remaining edges with these missing colours (see Fig. 20.3). // n
W e now show the connection between the four colour theorem and the colouring of the edges o f a graph. This connection accounts for much o f the interest in edge colourings.
T H E O R E M 20.3. The four-colour = 3 for each cubic map G.
theorem is equivalent to the statement
Colouring graphs
Proof. => Suppose that we have a 4-colouring o f the faces o f G, where the colours are denoted by a = ( 1 , 0), (3 = (0, 1), y = ( 1 , 1) and 5 = (0, 0). We can then construct a 3colouring o f the edges o f G by colouring each edge e w i t h the colour obtained by adding together (modulo 2) the colours o f the t w o faces adjoining e. For example, i f e adjoins two faces coloured a and y, then e is coloured (3, since ( 1 , 0) + ( 1 , 1) - (0, 1). Note that the colour 5 cannot occur i n this edge colouring, since the two faces adjoin ing each edge must be distinct. Moreover, no t w o adjacent edges can share the same colour. W e thus have the required edge colouring (see Fig. 20.4).
y Fig. 20.4
<= Suppose now that we have a 3-colouring o f the edges o f G. Then there is an edge o f each colour at each vertex. The subgraph determined by those edges coloured a or (3 is regular o f degree 2, and so, by an obvious extension o f Theorem 19.1 to dis connected graphs, we can colour its faces with t w o colours, 0 and 1. In a similar way, we can colour the faces o f the subgraph determined by those edges coloured a or y w i t h the colours 0 and 1. Thus, we can assign to each face o f G two coordinates (x, y ) , where each o f x and y is 0 or 1. Since the coordinates assigned to two adjacent faces o f G must differ i n at least one place, these coordinates ( 1 , 0), (0, 1), ( 1 , 1), (0, 0), give the required 4-colouring o f the faces o f G. // We conclude this section w i t h a theorem of Denes K o n i g on the chromatic index o f a bipartite graph.
T H E O R E M 20.4 (Konig 1916). IfG is a bipartite graph with largest A, thenx'(G) = A.
Remark. The method o f proof is similar to that given in Section 18 - we consider a two-coloured subgraph IIand interchange the colours. Proof. We use induction on the number o f edges o f G, and prove that i f all but one o f the edges have been coloured w i t h at most A colours, then there is a A-colouring o f the edges o f G. So suppose that each edge o f G has been coloured, except for the edge vw. Then there is at least one colour missing at the vertex v, and at least one colour missing at the vertex w. I f some colour is missing from both v and w, then we colour the edge vw with this colour. I f this is not the case, then let a be a colour missing at v, and (3 be a colour missing at w, and let H $ be the connected subgraph o f G consisting o f the ver tex v and those edges and vertices o f G that can be reached from v by a path consisting entirely o f edges coloured a or (3 (see F i g . 20.5). a
Colouring edges
Fig. 20.5 Since G is bipartite, the subgraph H $ cannot contain the vertex w, and so we can interchange the colours a and (3 in this subgraph without affecting w or the rest of the colouring. The edge vw can now be coloured (3, thereby completing the colouring o f the edges of G. // a
C O R O L L A R Y 20.5. %'(K J)
= max(r, s).
Exercises 20 20.1 Find the chromatic index of each graph in Fig. 20.6. s
Fig. 20.6 20.2
Find the chromatic index of each graph in Fig. 20.7.
Fig. 20.7 20.3
In the table of Fig. 2.9, locate all the graphs with chromatic index 2, 3 and 4.
Compare the lower and upper bounds for the chromatic index given by Vizing's theorem with the correct value, for (i) the cycle graph C ; (ii) the complete graph Kg; (iii) the complete bipartite graph K .
What is the chromatic index of each of the Platonic graphs?
By exhibiting an explicit colouring for the edges of K , give an alternative proof of Corollary 20.5. rs
Prove that i f G is a cubic Hamiltonian graph, then %{G) - 3.
Colouring graphs
(i) (ii)
Let G be a simple graph with an odd number of vertices. Prove that i f G is regular of degree A, then %'(G) = A + 1.
(i) (ii)
By considering the possible 3-colourings of the outer 5-cycle, prove that the Petersen graph has chromatic index 4. Using part (i) and Exercise 20.7, deduce that the Petersen graph is non-Hamiltonian.
Let G be a simple graph which is not a null graph. Prove that %'(G) - %(L(G)), where L(G) is the line graph of G. By combining part (i) with Brooks' theorem, prove Vizing's theorem in the case A = 3.
We conclude this chapter by returning to vertex colourings. I n this section we associ ate w i t h each graph a function that tells us, among other things, whether or not the graph is 4-colourable. By investigating this function, we may hope to gain useful information about the four-colour theorem. Without loss o f generality, we restrict our attention to simple graphs. Let G be a simple graph, and let P(}(k) be the number o f ways o f colouring the ver tices o f G with k colours so that no t w o adjacent vertices have the same colour. P is called (for the time being) the c h r o m a t i c f u n c t i o n o f G. For example, i f G is the tree shown in Fig. 21.1, then P(;{k) - k(k - I ) , since the middle vertex can be coloured i n k ways, and then the end-vertices can each be coloured in any of k - 1 ways. This result can be extended to show that, i f T is any tree with n vertices, then P (k) = k(k - 1 ) ~ . Similarly, i f G is the complete graph i n F i g . 21.2, then Po(k) = k(k - 1 )(k - 2). This can be extended to Pcfk) = k(k - \)(k - 2) • • • (k - n + 1) i f G is the graph K . G
Fig. 21.1
Fig. 21.2
It is clear that if k < %(G), then P (k) = 0, and that ifk> %{G), then P (k) > 0. Note that the four-colour theorem is equivalent to the statement: if'G is a simple planar graph, then Pc{4) > 0. I f we are given an arbitrary simple graph, i t is usually d i f f i c u l t to obtain its chromatic function by inspection. The following theorem and corollary give us a system atic method for obtaining the chromatic function o f a simple graph i n terms o f the chromatic functions of null graphs. G
T H E O R E M 2 l . l . Let G he a simple graph, and let G - e and Gle be the graphs obtained from G by deleting and contracting an edge e. Then
Chromatic polynomials
CD w
Fig. 21.3
F/g. 27.4
For example, let G be the graph shown i n F i g . 21.3. The corresponding graphs G - e and G/e are shown i n F i g . 21.4, and the theorem states that k(k-
= [k(k-
l)(k - 2 ) ] - [All- - \)(k-
Proof. Let e = vw. The number o f ^-colourings of G - e i n which v and w have differ ent colours is unchanged i f the edge e is drawn joining v and w, and is therefore equal to Pcj(k). Similarly, the number o f ^-colourings o f G - e in which v and w have the same colour is unchanged i f v and w are identified, and is therefore equal to P(^(k). The total number PQ_ (k) o f ^-colourings o f G - e is therefore Pc(k) + P(^(k), as required. // e
C O R O L L A R Y 21.2. The chromatic function
of a simple graph is a
Proof W e continue the above procedure b y choosing edges i n G - e and G V and deleting and contracting them. W e then repeat the procedure for these four new graphs, and so on. The process terminates when no edges remain - i n other words, when each remaining graph is a null graph. Since the chromatic function of a null graph is a poly nomial (= k \ where r is the number o f vertices), it follows by repeated application of Theorem 21.1 that the chromatic function of the graph G must be a sum of polynomials, and so must itself be a polynomial. // }
A worked example that illustrates this procedure is given later i n the section. I n practice, we do not need to reduce each graph to a n u l l graph. I t is enough to reduce each graph to graphs whose chromatic functions we already know, such as trees. In the light o f Corollary 21.2, we can now call PQ(JC) the c h r o m a t i c p o l y n o m i a l of G. Note from the above proof that, i f G has n vertices, then Pg(k) is o f degree ru since no new vertices are introduced at any stage. Since the construction yields only one null graph on n vertices, the coefficient of k is 1. We can also show (see Exercise 21.6) that the coefficients alternate i n sign, and that the coefficient of k is -m, where m is the n
Colouring graphs
Fig. 21.5 number o f edges o f G. Note that we cannot colour a graph i f no colours are available, and so the constant term o f any chromatic polynomial is 0. We now give an example to illustrate the above ideas. We use Theorem 21.1 to find the chromatic polynomial o f the graph G o f Fig. 21.5 and then verify that this polyno 4
mial has the form P - Ik
+ ak - bk + ck, where a, b and c are positive constants, as
expected from the previous paragraph. It is convenient at each stage to draw the graph itself, rather than write its chromatic polynomial. For example, instead o f writing = PQ (k) - P \,(k), c
P (k) G
where G, G - e and G V are the graphs o f Figs. 21.3 and 21.4, we
write down the 'equation' in Fig. 21.6.
Fig. 21.6 W i t h this convention, and ignoring multiple edges as we proceed, we have
•(vV-H)-(N-A)-A Thus P (k) G
= k(k-l) 5
3k(k - I ) + 2k(k - I ) + k(k - l)(k - 2) 4
= k - Ik
+ 18A: -20^ + 8L 5
Note that this result has the required form k - Ik
+ ak - bk + ck, where a, b and c
are positive constants. W e conclude this chapter by recalling from Exercise 17.6 how vertex colourings
Chromatic polynomials
are related to timetabling problems. Suppose that we wish to arrange the times at which certain lectures are to be given. Some pairs o f lectures cannot be given at the same time, since there may be students who wish to attend both. I n order to construct a timetable, we construct a graph whose vertices correspond to the lectures and whose edges j o i n pairs o f lectures that cannot be scheduled at the same time. I f we associate a colour w i t h each time available for lectures, then a colouring o f the vertices corre sponds to a timetabling o f the lectures. The chromatic number o f the graph tells us the number o f lecture periods needed, and the chromatic polynomial tells us how many ways there are o f timetabling the lectures. Exercises 21 21.1 Write down the chromatic polynomials of (i) the complete graph (ii) the complete bipartite graph K\ . In how many ways can these graphs be coloured with 7 colours? s
(i) (ii)
Find the chromatic polynomials of the six connected simple graphs on four vertices, Verify that each of the polynomials in part (i) has the form 4
k - mk + ak - bk, where m is the number of edges, and a and b are positive constants. 21.3
Find the chromatic polynomials of (i) the complete bipartite graph K ^\ 2
(ii) 21.4*
the cycle graph C5. Prove that the chromatic polynomial of K _ is 2
k(k-l) (ii)
Prove that the chromatic polynomial of C is n
(-l) (k-l).
Prove that, if G is a disconnected simple graph, then its chromatic polynomial PQ{1C) is the product of the chromatic polynomials of its components. What can you say about the degree of the lowest non-vanishing term?
Let CJ be a simple graph with n vertices and m edges. Use induction on m, together with Theorem 21.1, to prove that (i) the coefficient of k ~ is - m ; (ii) the coefficients of P(j{k) alternate in sign. n
Use the results of Exercises 21.5 and 21.6 to prove that, i f p (k) = k(k~ir, then G is a tree on n vertices, Find three graphs with chromatic polynomial G
k -4k
+ 6k -4k
+ t
Chapter 7
By indirections find directions out. William Shakespeare (Hamlet)
This chapter and the following one deal with digraphs and their applications. I n Section 22 we give some basic definitions, and discuss whether we can 'direct' the edges o f a graph so that the resulting digraph is strongly connected. This is followed by a brief discussion o f critical path analysis, and, i n Section 23, by a discussion o f Eulerian and Hamiltonian trails and cycles, with particular reference to tournaments. We conclude the chapter by studying the classification o f states o f a M a r k o v chain.
A directed graph, or digraph, D consists o f a non-empty finite set V(D) o f elements called vertices, and a finite family 'A (D) o f ordered pairs o f elements o f V(D) called arcs. W e call V(D) the vertex set and A(D) the arc family o f D. A n arc (v, w) is usu ally abbreviated to vw. Thus i n Fig. 22.1, V(D) is the set {u, v, w, z} and A(D) consists of the arcs z/v, vv, vw (twice), wv, wu and zw, the ordering o f the vertices i n an arc being indicated by an arrow. I f D is a digraph, the graph obtained from D by 'remov ing the arrows' (that is, by replacing each arc o f the form vw by a corresponding edge vw) is the underlying graph o f D (see Fig. 22.2). u
Fig. 22.1
v Fig. 22.2
D is a simple digraph i f the arcs o f D are all distinct, and i f there are no 'loops' (arcs of the form vv). Note that the underlying graph o f a simple digraph need not be a simple graph (see F i g . 22.3).
v Fig. 22.4
Fig. 22.3
We can imitate many o f the definitions given i n Section 2 for graphs. For example, two digraphs are isomorphic i f there is an isomorphism between their underlying graphs that preserves the ordering o f the vertices i n each arc. Note that the digraphs i n Figs. 22.1 and 22.4 are not isomorphic. T w o vertices v and w o f a digraph D are adjacent i f there is an arc i n A(D) o f the form vw or wv. The vertices v and w are incident to such an arc. I f D has vertex set { v j , . . . , v }, the adjacency matrix o f D is the nxn matrix A = (a^), where ciy is the number o f arcs from V / to Vj. n
There are also natural generalizations to digraphs o f the definitions o f Section 5. A walk i n a digraph D is a finite sequence o f arcs o f the form VQVJ, V I V , . . . , v -\V . W e sometimes write this sequence as v —> v —>•••—> v , and speak of a walk from VQ to v . I n an analogous way, we can define directed trails, directed paths and directed cycles or, simply, trails, paths and cycles, i f there is no possibility o f confusion. Note that, although a trail cannot contain a given arc vw more than once, it can contain both vw and wv; for example, i n Fig. 22.1, z —> w —» v —> w —> u is a trail. W e can also define connectedness. The t w o most useful types o f connected digraph correspond to whether or not we take account of the direction o f the arcs. These defini tions are the natural extensions to digraphs o f the definitions o f connectedness given i n Sections 2 and 5. A digraph D is connected i f it cannot be expressed as the union o f t w o digraphs, defined i n the obvious way. This is equivalent to saying that the underlying graph of D is a connected graph. D is strongly connected if, for any two vertices v and w o f D, there is a path from v to w. Every strongly connected digraph is connected, but not all connected digraphs are strongly connected; for example, the connected digraph o f Fig. 22.1 is not strongly connected since there is no path from v to z. 2
The distinction between a connected digraph and a strongly connected one becomes clearer i f we consider the road map o f a city, all o f whose streets are one-way. I f the road map is connected, then we can drive from any part o f the city to any other, ignor ing the direction o f the one-way streets as we go. I f the map is strongly connected, then we can drive from any part o f the city to any other, always going the 'right way' down the one-way streets. Since every one-way system should be strongly connected, it is natural to ask when we can impose a one-way system on a street map i n such a way that we can drive from any part o f the city to any other. I f , for example, the city consists o f two parts con nected only by a bridge, then we cannot impose such a one-way system on the city, since whatever direction we give to the bridge, one part o f the city must be cut off. I f , on the other hand, there are no bridges, then we can always impose such a one-way system. This result is stated formally i n Theorem 22.1.
Colouring graphs
For convenience, we define a graph G to be orientable i f each edge of G can be directed so that the resulting digraph is strongly connected. For example, i f G is the graph shown in Fig. 22.5, then G is orientable, since its edges can be directed to give the strongly connected digraph of Fig. 22.6.
Fig. 22.5
Fig. 22.6
Note that any Eulerian graph is orientable, since we simply follow any Eulerian trail, directing the edges in the direction o f the trail as we go. W e now give a necessary and sufficient condition (due to I I . E. Robbins) for a graph to be orientable. T H E O R E M 22.1. Let G be a connected graph. Then G is orientable if and only if each edge ofG is contained in at least one cycle. Proof. The necessity o f the condition is clear. To prove the sufficiency, we choose any cycle C and direct its edges cyclically. I f each edge of G is contained i n C, then the proof is complete. I f not, we choose any edge e that is not in C but which is adjacent to an edge of C. By hypothesis, e is contained i n some cycle C" whose edges we may direct cyclically, except for those edges that have already been directed - that is, those edges o f C' that also lie i n C. It is not difficult to see that the resulting digraph is strongly connected; the situation is illustrated in Fig. 22.7, with dashed lines denoting edges o f C'. We proceed i n this way, at each stage directing at least one new edge, until all edges are directed. Since the digraph remains strongly connected at each stage, the result follows. //
Fig. 22.7 W e conclude this section by discussing a 'critical path' problem relating to the, scheduling of a series o f operations. Suppose that we have a j o b to perform, such as the building of a house, and that this j o b can be divided into a number o f activities, such as laying the foundations, putting on the roof, doing the wiring, etc. Some o f these activities can be performed simultaneously, whereas some may need to be completed before others can be started. Can we find an efficient method for determining which activities should be performed at which times so that the entire j o b is completed i n minimum time?
Fig. 22.8 In order to solve this problem, we construct a 'weighted digraph', or activity net work, i n which each arc represents the length o f time taken for an activity. Such a net work is given i n Fig. 22.8. The vertex A represents the beginning o f the job, and the vertex L represents its completion. Since the entire job cannot be completed until each path from A to L has been traversed, the problem reduces to that o f finding the longest path from A to L . This is accomplished by using a technique k n o w n as programme evaluation and review technique (PERT), which is similar to that we used for the short est path problem in Section 8, except that as we move across the digraph from left to right, we associate with each vertex V a number l(V) indicating the length o f the longest path from A to V. So for the digraph o f Fig. 22.8, we assign: to vertex A , the number 0; to vertex B, the number 1(A) + 3 - that is, 3: to vertex G, the number 1(A) + 2 - that is, 2; to vertex D, the number 1(B) + 2 - that is, 5; to vertex £ , the number max {1(A) + 9,1(B) + 4,1(C) + 6} - that is, 9; to vertex F, the number 1(C) + 9 - that is, 11; to vertex G, the number max {1(D) + 3,1(E) + 1 } - that is, 10: to vertex / / , the number max {1(E) + 2,1(F) + 1 } - that is, 12; to vertex / , the number 1(F) + 2 - that is, 13; to vertex ./, the number max {1(G) + 5,1(H) + 5} - that is. 17: to vertex K, the number max {1(H) + 6, /(/) + 2} - that is, 18; to vertex L , the number max {1(H) + 9, / ( / ) + 5, l(K) + 3} - that is, 22. As in the shortest path problem, we keep track o f these numbers by writing each one next to the vertex it represents. Note that, unlike the problem that we considered i n 4
Section 8, there is no zig-zagging', since all arcs are directed from left to right. Thus, the longest path has length 22, and is given i n Fig. 22.9. The j o b cannot therefore be completed until time 22. This longest path is often called a critical path, since any delay in an activity on this path creates a delay in the whole j o b . In scheduling a j o b , we therefore need to pay particular attention to the critical paths. W e can also calculate the latest t i m e by w h i c h any given operation must be completed i f the w o r k is not to be delayed. W o r k i n g back from L , we see that we must reach K by time 22 - 3 = 19, J by time 22 - 5 = 17, H by time m i n { 1 7 - 5 , 2 2 - 9 , 1 9 - 6 } = 12, and so on.
Colouring graphs
Fig. 22.9
Exercises 22 22.1 Two of the digraphs in Fig. 22.10 are isomorphic. Which two are they? s
Let D be a simple digraph with n vertices and rn arcs. (i) Prove that if D is connected, then n - 1 < m < n(n - 1). (ii) Obtain corresponding bounds for m if D is strongly connected. 22.3
Write down adjacency matrices for the digraphs in Figs 22.1 and 22.6. The converse D of a digraph D is obtained by reversing the direction of each arc of D. (i) Give an example of a digraph that is isomorphic to its converse. (ii) What is the connection between the adjacency matrices of D and D?
(i) (ii) (iii)
Without using Theorem 22.1, prove that every Hamiltonian graph is orientable. Show, by rinding an orientation for each, that K„ (n > 3) and K (r, s>2) are orientable. Find orientations for the Petersen graph and the graph of the dodecahedron. rs
In the above scheduling problem, calculate the latest times at which we can reach the vertices G, E and B. Find the longest path from A to G in the network of Fig. 22.11. B
Fig. 22.11
Eulerian digraphs and tournaments 23
I n this section we obtain digraph analogues o f some results o f Sections 6 and 7. I n particular, we study Hamiltonian cycles i n a type o f digraph called a tournament. A connected digraph D is E u l e r i a n i f there exists a closed trail containing every arc o f D. Such a trail is an E u l e r i a n trail. For example, the digraph i n Fig. 23.1 is not Eulerian, although its underlying graph is an Eulerian graph. u
Fig. 23.1 Our first aim is to give a necessary and sufficient condition, analogous to the one in Theorem 6.2, for a connected digraph to be Eulerian. Note that a necessary condition is that the digraph is strongly connected. W e need some preliminary definitions. The out-degree o f a vertex v o f D is the number o f arcs o f the form vw, and is denoted by outdeg(v). Similarly, the in-degree of v is the number o f arcs of D o f the form wv, and is denoted by indeg(v). Note that the sum o f the out-degrees of all the vertices o f D is equal to the sum o f their in-degrees, since each arc o f D contributes exactly 1 to each sum. We call this result the hand shaking dilemma! For later convenience, we define a source o f D to be a vertex with in-degree 0, and a sink o f D to be a vertex w i t h out-degree 0. Thus, in Fig. 23.1, v is a source and w is a sink. Note that any Eulerian digraph w i t h at least one arc has no sources or sinks. We can now state the basic theorem on Eulerian digraphs. T H E O R E M 23.1. A connected digraph is Eulerian
if and only if for each vertex v of
D outdeg(v) = indeg ( v ) .
The proof is entirely analogous to that o f Theorem 6.2 and is left as an exercise. //
W e leave i t to y o u to define a semi-Eulerian digraph, and to prove results analogous to Corollaries 6.3 and 6.4. The corresponding study o f Hamiltonian digraphs is, as may be expected, less suc cessful than for Eulerian digraphs. A digraph D is Hamiltonian i f there is a cycle that includes every vertex o f D. A non-Hamiltonian digraph that contains a path passing through every vertex is semi-Hamiltonian. L i t t l e is k n o w n about H a m i l t o n i a n digraphs, and several theorems on Hamiltonian graphs do not generalize easily, i f at all, to digraphs. It is natural to ask whether there is a generalization to digraphs o f Dirac's theorem (Corollary 7.2). One such generalization is due to Ghouila-Houri; its proof is con siderably more difficult than that o f Dirac's theorem, and can be found in Bondy and Murty [7].
Colouring graphs
T H E O R E M 23.2. Let D he a strongly connected digraph with n vertices. outdeg(v) 5 nil and indeg(v) > nil for each vertex v, then D is Hamiltonian.
It seems that such results w i l l not come easily, and so we consider instead which types o f digraph are Hamiltonian. I n this respect, the tournaments are particularly important, the results i n this case taking a very simple form. A tournament is a digraph i n which any two vertices are joined by exactly one arc (see Fig. 23.2). Such a digraph can be used to record the result o f a tennis tournament, or any other game in which draws are not allowed. I n Fig. 23.2, for example, team z beats team vv, but is beaten by team v, and so on. V
Fig. 23.2 Because tournaments may have sources or sinks, they are not i n general Hamiltonian. However, the following theorem, due to L . Redei and P. Camion, shows that every tournament is 'nearly Hamiltonian'. T H E O R E M 23.3. (i) Every non-Hamiltonian (ii) every strongly connected tournament is
tournament is Hamiltonian.
Proof, (i) The statement is clearly true i f the tournament has fewer than four vertices. We prove the result by induction on the number o f vertices, and assume that every non-Hamiltonian tournament on n vertices is semi-Ham i 11 o nian. Let T be a non-Hamiltonian tournament on n + 1 vertices, and let T be the tourna ment on n vertices obtained by removing from T a vertex v and its incident arcs. B y the induction hypothesis, V has a semi-Hamiltonian path v —> v —> • • ' —> v . There are now three cases to consider: r
i f VV] is an arc in T, then the required path is V->V! -> v • • • -> v . 2
i f vv\ is not an arc in 7, which means that Vj v is, and i f there exists an / such that vv, is an arc in J , then choosing / to be the first such, the required path is (see Fig. 23.3) Vj —» V? —» ' ' ' —> V/. ]—» V —> V/ —» • • • —» v . /7
i f there is no arc i n T o f the form vv , then the required path is z
V [
V 2
_> . • • _> v - > v. /7
Eulerian digraphs and tournaments
Fig. 23.3
Fig. 23.4
(ii) W e prove the stronger result that a strongly connected tournament T on n ver tices contains cycles of length 3, 4 , . . . , n. T o show that 7 contains a cycle of length 3, let v be any vertex of T, and let W be the set o f all vertices w such that vw is an arc in T, and Z be the set o f all vertices z such that zv is an arc. Since T is strongly connected, W and Z must both be non-empty, and there must be an arc in T of the f o r m w V , where w' is i n W and z is in Z (see Fig. 23.4). The required cycle o f length 3 is then v —> w - > z ' - > V. f
It remains only to show that, i f there is a cycle o f length /v. where k < /?, then there is one of length k + 1. Let vj —> • • • —> —> vj be such a cycle. Suppose first that there exists a vertex v not contained i n this cycle, such that there exist arcs i n 7 of the form vv/ and o f the form vyv. Then there must be a vertex v, such that both v _\v and vv are arcs i n T. The required cycle is then (see Fig. 23.5) t
v i - » v - » • • ' - > V/_!-^ v - > \v - > • • • - > v . 2
I f no vertex exists with the above-mentioned property, then the set o f vertices not contained i n the cycle may be divided into two disjoint sets W and Z, where W is the set of vertices w such that v w is an arc for each /', and Z is the set of vertices z such that zv is an arc for each i. Since T is strongly connected, W and Z must both be non-empty, and there must be an arc i n T o f the form w Y , where w is i n W and z is i n Z. The required cycle is then (see Fig. 23.6) t
V\ —> w'
Z —> V —>•••—> V —> V]. // 3
Exercises 23 23.1 Verify the handshaking dilemma for the tournaments of Figs. 23.2 and 23.7. s
Fig. 23.7
d tournament of Fig. 23.7, find cycles of length 3, 4 and 5; an Eulerian trail; a Hamiltonian cycle.
In the (i) (ii) (iii)
Prove that a tournament cannot have more than one source or more than one sink.
Let T be a tournament on n vertices. If X denotes a summation over all the vertices of T, prove that (i) X outdeg(v) = X indeg(v); (ii) X outdeg(v) = X indeg(v) . 2
Let D be the digraph whose vertices are the pairs of integers 11, 12, 13,21,22, 23,31,32, 33, and whose ares join // to Id if and only if / - k. Find an Eulerian trail in D and use it to obtain a circular arrangement of nine Is, nine 2s and nine 3s in which each of the 27 possible triples (111, 233, etc.) occurs exactly once. (Problems of this kind arise in com munication theory.)
A tournament T is irreducible if it is impossible to split the set of vertices of T into two disjoint sets V\ and V so that each arc joining a vertex of V\ and a vertex of V is directed from Vj to VS. (i) Give an example of an irreducible tournament. (ii) Prove that a tournament is irreducible i f and only if it is strongly connected. 2
A tournament is transitive if the existence of arcs uv and vw implies the existence of the arc uw. (i) Give an example of a transitive tournament. (ii) Show that in a transitive tournament the teams can be ranked so that each team beats all the teams which follow it in the ranking. (iii) Deduce that a transitive tournament with at least two vertices cannot be strongly connected.
The score of a vertex of a tournament is its out-degree, and the score sequence of a tournament is the sequence formed by arranging the scores of its vertices in nondecreasing order; for example, the score-sequence of the tournament in Fig. 23.2 is (0, 2, 2, 2, 4). Show that i f (s . . . , s ) is the score-sequence of a tournament 7, then (i) s + • • - K = / / ( / / - D/2; (ii) for each positive integer k < n, si + • • • + s > k(k - 1 )/2, with strict inequality for all k if and only if T is strongly connected; (iii) T is transitive if and only if s = k - 1 for each k. h
V / /
Markov chains 24
As you have already seen, digraphs turn up in a variety o f practical situations. In this section we describe a simple application o f digraphs to the study o f finite M a r k o v chains. Another application - the study o f flows in networks - is discussed i n the next chapter. For further applications, see Deo [ 13] or Wilson and Beineke [21]. The study o f Markov chains has arisen i n a wide variety o f areas, ranging from genetics and statistics to computing and sociology. For ease o f presentation, we con sider a rather trivial problem, that o f the drunkard standing directly between his t w o favourite pubs, 'The Markov Chain' and 'The Source and Sink' (see Fig. 24.1).
Markov Chain
Source and Sink
(y\ P —
m—— • —
Fig. 24.1 Every minute he either staggers ten metres towards the first pub (with probability i ) ) or towards the second pub (with probability §) or he stays where he is (with probabil ity | ) - such a procedure is called a one-dimensional random w a l k . W e assume that the two pubs are 'absorbing', in the sense that i f he arrives at either o f them he stays there. Given the distance between the t w o pubs and his initial position, we can ask which pub he is more likely to reach first, and how long he is likely to take getting there. Let us suppose that the t w o pubs are 50 metres apart, and that our friend is initially 20 metres from 'The Source and Sink'. I f we denote the places at which he can stop by E\,
. . . , £ 5 , where E\ and £ 5 are the t w o pubs, then his initial position £ 4 can be
described by the vector x = (0, 0, 0, I , 0, 0), i n which the /th component is the proba bility that he is initially at E- Furthermore, the probabilities o f his position after one r
minute are given by the vector (0, 0,1, §, §, 0), and after t w o minutes by (0, J, | , Jf, k I)It is awkward to calculate directly the probability o f his being at a given place after k minutes, and a more convenient way o f doing this is to introduce the transition matrix. Let Pij be the probability that he moves from E,- to Ej in one minute; for example, p 3 2
= 1 andP24 = 0. These probabilities /;,/ are called the transition probabilities, and the 6 x 6 matrix P = ( p ) is the transition matrix (see F i g . 24.2). /;
p 0
0 1 6 1 2 0
0 1 3 1 6 1 2 0
1 2 0
Fig. 24.2
0 1 3
1 3 1 6 0
0 1 3
1 2 0
Note that each entry o f P is non-negative and that the sum o f the entries i n each row is 1. I f x is the initial row vector defined above, then the probabilities o f his posi tion after one minute are given by the row vector xP, and after k minutes by the vector x P . In other words, the /th component o f xP* represents the probability that he is at after k minutes have elapsed. A
In general, we define a p r o b a b i l i t y vector to be a row vector whose entries are all non-negative and have sum 1, and a t r a n s i t i o n m a t r i x to be a square matrix, each o f whose rows is a probability vector. W e then define a finite M a r k o v c h a i n (or simply, a chain) to consist o f an // x n transition matrix P and a 1 x n row vector x. The posi tions E are the states o f the chain, and our aim is to describe ways o f classifying them. W e are mainly concerned w i t h whether we can get from a given state to another state, and i f so, how long it takes. For example, i n the above problem, the drunkard can get from £ to E in three minutes and from £ to £ i n two minutes, but cannot get from to / : . because the pub E\ is 'absorbing'. Thus, our main concern is not w i t h the actual probabilities p, but w i t h when they are non-zero. To decide this, we repre sent the situation by a digraph whose vertices correspond to the states and whose arcs tell us whether we can go from one state to another i n one minute. Thus, i f each state E, is represented by a vertex v , then we obtain the required digraph by drawing an arc from v, to Vj i f and only i f p ^ 0. Alternatively, we can define the digraph i n terms o f its adjacency matrix by replacing each non-zero entry of the matrix P by 1. We refer to this digraph as the associated d i g r a p h of the Markov chain. The associated digraph o f the above problem is shown in Fig. 24.3. l
Fig. 24.3 As a further example, i f we are given a M a r k o v chain whose transition matrix is the matrix o f Fig. 24.4, then its associated adjacency matrix and digraph are as shown in Fig. 24.5.
Fig. 24.4
Fig. 24.5
Note that we can get from a state £ / to a state Ej i n a M a r k o v chain i f and only i f there is a path from v to v i n the associated digraph, and the least possible time to do so is the length o f the shortest such path. A M a r k o v chain i n which we can get from any state to any other is called an i r r e d u c i b l e chain. Clearly a M a r k o v chain is irrez
Markov chains
ducible i f and only i f its associated digraph is strongly connected. Note that neither o f the M a r k o v chains described above is irreducible; for example, i n the second chain there is no path from v to any other vertex. 2
I n investigating these matters further, we distinguish between those states to which we keep on returning however long we continue, and those that we visit a few times and then never return to. M o r e formally, i f on starting at E the probability o f returning to E, at some later stage is 1, then E is a persistent state: otherwise E is transient. For example, i n the drunkard problem, E\ and E are persistent and the other states are transient. I n complicated examples, the calculation o f the relevant probabilities can be tricky, and i t is often easier to classify the states by analysing the associated digraph o f the chain. I t is easy to see that a state E, is persistent i f and only i f the existence o f a path from v to v- i n the associated digraph implies the existence of a path from v to Vj. I n F i g . 24.5 there is a path from v i to v but no path from v to Vj. Thus E is transient, as is £ , whereas £ , £ 4 , £ 5 and £ are persistent. A state, such as £ , from which we can get to no other state is an absorbing state. A n alternative way o f classifying states is i n terms of their periodicity. A state E of a Markov chain is periodic o f p e r i o d t (t 1) i f i t is possible to return to E only after a period o f time that is a multiple o f t: i f no such t exists, then £ , is aperiodic. Note that every state E for w h i c h p - ^ 0 is aperiodic; for example, every absorbing state is aperiodic. I n the drunkard problem, the absorbing states E\ and £ are not the only aperiodic states - in fact, every state is aperiodic. I n the second example, the absorbing state £ is the only aperiodic state, since E\ and £ 3 are periodic of period 2 and £ , £ 5 and Eft are periodic o f period 3. I n digraph terms, a state £ , is periodic of period t i f and only i f i n the associated digraph the length of each closed trail containing v is a m u l t i ple o f t. Finally, a state is ergodic i f i t is both persistent and aperiodic, and i f every state is ergodic then the chain is an ergodic chain. For many purposes, ergodic chains are the most important and desirable chains to deal with. A n example of such a chain is given in Exercise 24.2. l
Exercises 24 24.1
(ii) 24.2
Suppose that, in the drunkard problem, the right-hand pub ejects him as soon as he gets there. Write down the resulting transition matrix and its associated digraph, and re-classify the states, How would your answers to part (i) be changed i f both pubs eject him?
A game is played with a die by five people around a circular table. If the player with the die throws an odd number, he passes the die to the player on his left; if he throws a 2 or 4, he passes it to the player on his right; if he throws a 6, he keeps the die and throws again. (i) Write down the corresponding transition matrix and its associated digraph. (ii) Show that each state is persistent and aperiodic, and deduce that the correspond ing Markov chain is ergodic.
(i) (ii)
Prove that, i f P and Q are transition matrices, then so is PQ. What is the connection between the associated digraphs of P and Q and that of PQ?
(i) (ii) (iii)
Prove that every finite Markov chain has at least one persistent state. Deduce that, i f a finite Markov chain is irreducible, then each state is persistent. Show how infinite Markov chains can be defined, and construct one in which each state is transient.
Chapter 8
Matching, marriage and Menger's theorem
They drew all manner of things— everything that begins with an M—. Lewis Carroll
The results o f this chapter are more combinatorial than those o f the preceding chapters, although we shall see that they are closely related to graph theory. We begin with a dis cussion o f Hall's "marriage* theorem in several different contexts, including its appli cations to the construction of latin squares and timetabling problems. I n Section 28 we present a theorem o f Menger on the number o f disjoint paths connecting a given pair o f vertices in a graph or digraph. In Section 29 we give an alternative formulation o f Menger's theorem, known as the max-flow min-cut theorem, which is o f fundamental importance in connection with network flow problems.
The marriage theorem, proved i n 1935 by Philip Hall, answers the following question, known as the m a r r i a g e p r o b l e m : if there is a finite set of girls, each of whom knows several hoys, under what conditions can all the girls marry the hoys in such a way that each girl marries a hoy she knows? For example, i f there are four girls g , £3, £ 4 ) and five boys {b b , b$, b^ b$}, and the friendships are as shown i n Fig. 25.1, then a possible solution is for gi to marry /? , g to marry b\, #3 to marry b , and g to marry b . 2
Hall's 'marriage' theorem
This problem can be represented graphically by taking G to be the bipartite graph in which the vertex set is divided into t w o disjoint sets V and VS, corresponding to the girls and boys, and where each edge joins a girl to a boy she knows. Fig. 25.2 shows the graph G corresponding to the situation o f Fig. 25.1. {
A complete matching from V] to V in a bipartite graph G(V V ) is a one-one correspondence between the vertices in V\ and a subset o f the vertices i n V , such that corresponding vertices are joined. The marriage problem can then be expressed i n graph-theoretic terms i n the form: if G = G(V\, V ) is a bipartite graph, when does there exist a complete matching from V\ to V in G? Returning to 'matrimonial terminology', we note that, for the solution o f the mar riage problem, every k girls must know collectively at least k boys, for all integers k satisfying 1 < k< nu where m denotes the total number o f girls. W e refer to this con dition as the marriage condition. It is a necessary condition because, i f i t were not true for a given set o f k girls, then we could not marry the girls in that set, let alone the others. Surprisingly, the marriage condition also turns out to be sufficient. This is the con tent of Hail's 'marriage' theorem. Because o f its importance, we give three proofs; the first is due to P. Halmos and H.E. Vaughan. 2
T H E O R E M 25.1 (Hall, 1935). A necessary and sufficient condition for a solution of the marriage problem is that each set of k girls collectively knows at least k boys, for 1 < k < m. Remark. Although this theorem is couched in the frivolous terms of the marriage prob lem, it also applies to more serious problems. For example, it gives a necessary and sufficient condition for the solution o f a j o b assignment problem i n which applicants must be assigned to jobs for which they are variously qualified. A n example of such a problem is given i n Exercise 25.2. Proof. A s noted above, the condition is necessary. To prove that it is sufficient, we use induction on nu and assume that the theorem is true i f the number o f girls is less than m. Note that the theorem is true i f m - 1. Suppose now that there are m girls. There are t w o cases to consider. (i)
I f every k girls (where k < m) collectively know at least k + 1 boys, so that the condition is always true ' w i t h one boy to spare', then we take any girl and marry her to any boy she knows. The original condition then remains true for the other m - 1 girls, who can be married by induction, completing the proof i n this case. I f now there is a set o f k girls (k < m) w h o collectively know exactly k boys, then these k girls can be married by induction to the k boys, leaving m - k girls still to be married. But any collection o f h o f these m - k girls, for h < m - k, must know at least h o f the remaining boys, since otherwise these h girls, together w i t h the above collection of k girls, w o u l d collectively know fewer than h + k boys, con trary to our assumption. I t follows that the original condition applies to the m-k girls. They can therefore be married by induction i n such a way that everyone is happy and the proof is complete. //
W e can also state H a l l ' s theorem i n the language of complete matchings i n a bipar tite graph. Recall that the number o f elements i n a set S is denoted by LSI.
1 14
Matching, marriage and Menger s theorem
C O R O L L A R Y 25.2. Let G = G(V\, V ) be a bipartite graph, and for each subset A ofV], let (p(A) be the set of vertices ofV that are adjacent to at least one vertex of A. Then a complete matching from V to V exists if and only if /A/ £ /(p(A)/,for each subset A ofV\. 2
Proof The proof o f this corollary is a translation into graph terminology o f the above proof. // Exercises 25 25.1 Suppose that three boys a, h, c know four girls w, x, y, z as in Fig 25.3: s
girls known by boy
Fig. 25.3 (i) (ii) (iii) 25.2
Draw the bipartite graph corresponding to this table of relationships. Find five different solutions of the corresponding marriage problem. Check the marriage condition for this problem.
A building contractor advertises for a bricklayer, a carpenter, a plumber and a toolmaker, and receives five applicants - one for the job of bricklayer, one for carpenter, one for bricklayer and plumber, and two for plumber and toolmaker. (i) Draw the corresponding bipartite graph. (ii) Check whether the marriage condition holds for this problem. Can all of the jobs be filled by qualified people? s
Explain why the graph in Fig. 25.4 has no complete matching from V\ to V . When does the marriage condition fail? 2
Fig. 25.4 25.4
(The ' harem problem') Let B be a set of boys, and suppose that each boy in B wishes to marry more than one of his girl friends. Find a necessary and sufficient condition for the harem problem to have a solution. (Hint: replace each boy by several identical copies of himself, and then use Hall's theorem.)
Transversal theory 25.5
1 15
Prove that, i f G = GO'], V ) is a bipartite graph in which the degree of each vertex in V is not less than the degree of each vertex in V , then G has a complete matching. 2
Use the marriage condition to show that i f each girl has r (> 1) boy friends and each boy has r girl friends, then the marriage problem has a solution, Use the result of part (i) to prove that, if G is a bipartite graph which is regular of degree r, then G has a complete matching. Deduce that the chromatic index of G is r. (This is a special case of Theorem 20.4.)
Suppose that the marriage condition is satisfied, and that each of the m girls knows at least t boys. Show, by induction on w, that the marriages can be arranged in at least t\ ways i f t < nu and in at least /!/(/ - /?/)! ways if / > m.
This section is devoted to an alternative proof o f Hall's theorem, given in the language of transversal theory. W e leave the translation of this proof into matching or marriage terminology as an exercise. Recall from our example in the previous section (see Fig. 25.1) that the sets of boys known by the four girls were {h /? , h }, {/?]}, {/? , ^3, h } and { h , b ], and that a solution o f the marriage problem was obtained by finding four distinct /?s, one from each o f these sets of boys (see Fig. 26.1). u
Fig. 26.1 In general, i f £ is a non-empty finite set, and i f <J- (S\,. . . , S ) is a family o f (not necessarily distinct) non-empty subsets o f E. then a transversal o f f is a set o f m distinct elements of E, one chosen from each set S,. N o w suppose that E = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 } , and let m
5! = 5 = { 1 , 2 } , S 2
= S = {2,3},S 4
= { 1.4,5,6}.
Then it is impossible to find five distinct elements o f E, one from each subset Sf, in other words, the family f= (S\, . . . , S5) has no transversal. However, the subfamily J - (Si, S , ^ 3 , ^ 5 ) has a transversal - for example, { 1 , 2, 3, 4 } . We call a transversal of a subfamily o f J a partial transversal o f J. In this example, 'J has several partial transversals, such as { 1 , 2, 3, 6 } , { 2 , 3, 6 } , { 1 , 5 } , and 0 . Note that any subset o f a partial transversal is a partial transversal. (
It is natural to ask under what conditions a given family o f subsets o f a set has a transversal. The connection between this problem and the marriage problem is easily seen by taking E to be the set of boys, and 5/ to be the set o f boys known by girl g for h
Matching, marriage and Menger s theorem
1 < / < m. A transversal in this case is then simply a set o f m boys, one corresponding to, and known by, each girl. It follows that Theorem 25.1 gives a necessary and suffi cient condition for a given family o f sets to have a transversal. We restate Hall's theorem in this form, and give an alternative proof due to R. Rado. The beauty o f this proof lies in the fact that essentially only one step is involved, in contrast to the Halmos-Vaughan proof which involves two separate cases. It is, how ever, more awkward to express this proof in the intuitive and appealing language o f matrimony! T H E O R E M 2 6 . 1 . Let E be a non-empty finite set, and let T = (S] S ) be a family of non-empty subsets ofE. Then Jhas a transversal if and only if the union of any k of the subsets Sj contains at least k elements (1
Proof The necessity o f the condition is clear. To prove the sufficiency, we show that i f one o f the subsets (S\, say) contains more than one element, then we can remove an element from S without altering the condition. By repeating this procedure, we even tually reduce the problem to the case in which each subset contains only one element, and the proof is then trivial. It remains only to show the validity o f this 'reduction procedure'. So, suppose that S\ contains elements x and y, the removal o f either o f which invalidates the condition. Then there are subsets A and B of j 2, 3, . . . , m} with the property that LP I < 1/41 and \Q\ <\B\, where {
L M - u ^ - M )
and Q=
U^uC^-ly}). jsA
Then \PuQ\
Sj u 5 j I and \PuQ\>\
Sj I
The required contradiction now follows, since \A\
+ \B\^\P\
+ \Q\
=\ PuQ\ >
Sjus \+ {
+1)+ I A n B I (by Hall's condition)
= 1 Al+ l/il+l.// Before proceeding to some applications o f Hall's theorem, we state two corollaries that w i l l be needed i n Section 33. In marriage terminology, the first of these corollaries gives us a condition under which at least t girls can marry boys known to them.
C O R O L L A R Y 26.2. If E and J are as before, then f has a partial transversal of size t if and only if the union of any k of the subsets 5 ; contains at least k + t-m elements. Z
Transversal theory
Sketch of proof. The result follows on applying Theorem 26.1 to the f a m i l y J ' = (Si u D,..., S u D), where D is any set disjoint from E and containing m -1 elements. Note that J has a partial transversal o f size t i f and only i f T' has a transversal. // m
C O R O L L A R Y 26.3. If E <m4 Jare as before, and if'X is any subset of E, then X contains a partial transversal of f of size t if and only if, for each subset A of {1
Sketch of proof. f =(S nX,...,S nX).// x
The result follows on applying the previous corollary to the family
Exercises 26 26.1 Decide which of the following families of subsets of E= f 1 , 2, 3,4, 5 j have transversals, list all the transversals of those that have transversals, and list all the partial transversals of those that have no transversal: (i) ({!},(2,3),{1,2},{1,3},{1,4,5}); (ii) ( { 1 , 2 } , { 2 , 3 } , { 4 , 5 } , { 4 , 5 } ) ; (hi) ( { 1 , 3 } , { 2 , 3 } , { 1 , 2 } , {3}); (iv) ({1,3,4},{1,4,5},{2,3,5},{2,4,5}). s
Repeat Exercise 26.1 for the set {G, R, A, P, H, S}: (i) ({R},{R,G} {A,P},{A,H},{R,A}); (ii) ({/?}, {R,G},{A,G},{A,R}); (iii) ({G,R},{R,P,H},{G,S}, {/?,//}); (iv) ({R,P},{R,P},{R,G},{R}). s
Let E be the set of letters in the word MATROIDS. Show that the family [STAR, ROAD, MOAT, RIOT, RIDS, DAMS, MIST) of subsets of E has exactly eight transversals.
Let E be the set { 1 , 2 , . . . , 50}. How many distinct transversals has the family ( { 1 , 2 } , {2,3},{3,4},...,{50,1})?
Verify the statements of Corollaries 26.2 and 26.3 when E = {a, b. c, d, e} and J = ({a, c,e}, {b,d}, {b,d}, {b, d}), andX = {a, b,c}. s
L e t E - { • , ¥ , * , * . * } and : / " = ( { • . ¥ , 4 } , { * , * } . { * } . { * } , { • , ¥ , * } ) . (i) List all the subfamilies of [F for which the marriage condition is not satisfied. (ii) Verify the statement of Corollary 26.2.
Rewrite (i) the statements of Corollaries 26.2 and 26.3 in marriage terminology; (ii) the Halmos-Vaughan proof of Hall's theorem in the language of transversal theory.
Let E and .'Fhave their usual meanings, let T\ and T be transversals of .7. and let x be an element of T\. Show that there exists an element y of T such that {T\ - {x}) u {y} (the set obtained from T on replacing x by >') is also a transversal of 'f. Compare this result with Exercise 9.11. (This result will be needed in Chapter 9.) 2
Matching, marriage and Menger s theorem
The rank r(A) of a subset A of is is the number of elements in the largest partial transversal of J contained in A. Show that (i) 0 < r(A) < IAI; (ii) if A c B c E, then r(A) c r(B); (iii) if A, B czE, then r(A uB) + r(A n B) < r(A) + r(B). Compare these results with Exercise 9.12. (This result will also be needed in Chapter 9.)
26.10* Let 7 be a family consisting of m non-empty subsets ofE, and let A be a subset of /:. By applying Hall's theorem to the family consisting of 7 together with \E\ - m copies of E - A, prove that there exists a transversal of J containing A i f and only if (i) 7 has a transversal; (ii) A is a partial transversal of 7". (A simpler proof, using matroids, is given in Section 33.) 26.11* Let /: be a countable set, and let 7" = S , . . .) be a countable family of non-empty finite subsets of E. (i) Defining a transversal of 7" in the natural way, show, by Konig's lemma (Theorem 16.3), that 7 has a transversal i f and only if the union of any k subsets S, contains at least k elements, for all finite k. (ii) By considering E = {1, 2, 3,. . . }, Si = E, S = {1 },S = {2}, S = { 3 } , . . . , show that the result of part (i) is false if not all of the S are finite. 2
of Hall's
I n this section we apply H a l l ' s theorem to problems concerning the construction o f Latin squares, the elements o f a (0, l)-matrix, and the existence o f a common trans versal o f two families o f subsets o f a given set. The last o f these applications is o f relevance in timetabling problems. L a t i n squares A n m x n latin rectangle is an m x // matrix M = ( w ^ ) whose entries are integers satisfying: (i) 1 < m < //; (ii) no t w o entries in any row or in any column are equal. lf
Note that (i) and ( i i ) i m p l y that m < n. I f m - //, then the latin rectangle is a latin square. For example. Figs 27.1 and 27.2 show a 3 x 5 latin rectangle and a 5 x 5 latin square.
fl 1
1 5
5 3
4 ^
Fig. 27.1
Fig. 27.2
Applications of Hall's theorum
Given an m x n latin rectangle with m < n, when can we adjoin n - m new rows so that a latin square is produced? Surprisingly, the answer is 'always'!
T H E O R E M 27.1. Let M be an m x n latin rectangle with m < n. Then M can be extended to a latin square by the addition of n - m new rows. Proof. We prove that M can be extended to an {m + 1) x n latin rectangle. By repeat ing the procedure involved, we eventually obtain a latin square. Let £ = { 1 , 2 , . . . , n } and 'J- (Sj, . . . , S ), where S is the set consisting of those elements o f E that do not occur in the ith column of M . I f we can prove that J lias a transversal, then the proof is complete, since the elements i n this transversal form the additional row. By Hall's theorem, it is sufficient to show that the union o f any k of the Sj contains at least k distinct elements. But this is obvious, since such a union contains (n - m)k elements altogether, including repetitions, and i f there were fewer than k dis tinct elements, then at least one o f them would have to appear more than n-m times. Since each element occurs exactly n - m times, we have the required contradiction. // n
(0, l ) - m a t r i c e s A n alternative way o f studying transversals o f a family J- (S\,.. . , S ) o f non-empty subsets o f a set E = { c j , . . . , e } is to study the incidence m a t r i x o f the family - the mxn matrix A = (a j) i n which a = 1 i f e e S and a = 0 otherwise. We call such a matrix, in which each entry is 0 or 1, a (0, l ) - m a t r i x . I f the t e r m r a n k of A is the largest number o f 1 s o f A , no two of which lie in the same row or column, then f has a transversal i f and only i f the term rank o f A is m. Moreover, the term rank of A is precisely the number o f elements in a partial transversal of largest possible size. As a second application o f H a l l ' s theorem, we prove a famous result on (0, 1)-matrices known as the K o n i g - E g e r v a r y theorem. m
T H E O R E M 27.2 ( K o n i g - E g e r v a r y , 1931). The term rank of a (0, \)-matrix
A is
equal to the minimum number p of rows and columns that together contain all the
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Remark. As an illustration of the theorem, consider the matrix of Fig. 27.3 which is the incidence matrix o f the family J- (S S , 5 , S , S ) of subsets of E = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 } , where 5, =S = { 1 , 2 } , S = S = {2, 3 } , S = { 1 , 4 , 5, 6 } . Clearly the term rank and u are both 4. h
«i e 1
e 0
e 0
% 0
s s 5
s Fig. 27.3
Matching, marriage and Menger s theorem
Proof. It is clear that the term rank cannot exceed p . To prove equality, we can sup pose that all the Is of A are contained in r rows and s columns, where r + s = u , and that the order o f the rows and columns is such that A contains, i n the bottom left-hand corner, an (m - r) x (n - s) submatrix consisting entirely o f 0s (see F i g . 27.4).
n -s
O \
Fig. 27.4 If / < r, let Sj be the set of integers j
We have just proved the Konig-Egervary theorem using H a l l ' s theorem. It is even easier to prove Hall's theorem using the Konig-Egervary theorem (see Exercise 27.5). It follows that these two theorems are, in some sense, equivalent. Later in this chapter we prove Menger's theorem and the max-how min-cut theorem, each o f which is also equivalent to Hall's theorem. Common transversals We conclude this section with a brief discussion o f common transversals. I f £ is a non empty finite set and f= (S\, . . . , S ) and Q = (T . . . , T ) are two families o f non empty subsets of E, it is o f interest to know when there exists a common transversal for 7 and Q - that is, a set o f m distinct elements o f E that forms a transversal of both 7 and Q. In timetabling problems, for example, E may be the set o f times at which lec tures can be given, the sets S,- may be the times that m given professors are w i l l i n g to lecture, and the sets T may be the times that m lecture rooms are available. Then the finding o f a common transversal o f 'f and Q enables us to assign to each professor an available lecture room at a suitable time. m
In Theorem 27.3 we can in fact give a necessary and sufficient condition for two families to have a common transversal. Note that it reduces to Hall's theorem i f Tj = E for 1 < j < m.
T H E O R E M 27.3. Let E be a non-empty finite set, and let J = (S . . . , S ) and (j = ( T i , . . . , T ) be two families of non-empty subsets ofE. Then f and Q have a common transversal if and only if, for all subsets A and B of { 1 , 2 , . . . , m}, h
Applications of Hair s theorem Sketch of proof.
Consider the family X= { X / j o f subsets o f E u { 1 , . . . , m], assuming
that E and { 1 , . . . , m) are disjoint, where the indexing set is also E u { 1 , . . . , m) and where X; = 5/ i f i e { 1 , . . . , m) and X/ = {/} u { j : / e T;} i f / e £ . It is not difficult to verify that 'J and Q have a common transversal i f and only i f X has a transversal. The result follows on applying H a l l ' s theorem to the family X // It is not known when there exists a common transversal for three families o f subsets of a set, and the p r o b l e m o f finding such conditions seems to be difficult. M a n y attempts to solve this problem use matroid theory. I n fact, as we see in the next chap ter, several results in transversal theory, such as those o f Exercise 26.10 and Theorem 27.3,
become much simpler when looked at from this viewpoint. Further results in
transversal theory may also be found in Bryant and Perfect [25J. Exercises 27 27.1 Give an example of a 5 x 8 latin rectangle and a 6 x 6 latin square. s
Find two ways of completing the following latin rectangle to a 5 x 5 latin square:
(i) (ii)
1 2
5> 4
Use the result of Exercise 25.7 to prove that, i f m < n, then an rn x n latin rectan gle can be extended to an (m + 1) x n latin rectangle in at least (n - /??)! ways, Deduce that the number of n x n latin squares is at least /?!(// -1)! . . . 1!.
Verify the Konig-Egervary theorem for the following matrices: 0
0 1
1 1
0 0
0 1
0 1^
(0 and
0 0
1 1
0 1
By regarding a (0, l)-matrix as the incidence matrix of a family of subsets, show how the Konig-Egervary theorem can be used to prove Hall's theorem.
Let E = {a, h, c, d,e},f=({a, c,e], {a,b}, { c , ^ } ) a n d g=({d], (i) Find a common transversal of '/ and Q. (ii) Verify the condition of Theorem 27.3.
Repeat Exercise 27.6 for the families '/= ({a,b,d}, {b,c,e}).
Let G be a finite group and H be a subgroup of G. Use Theorem 27.3 to show that, if
{c, e}, {a. e}) and g= ({c\d}.
G = x \ H u x H u • • • u x H = Hyi u Hy u • • • u Hy 2
are left and right coset decompositions of G with respect to / / . then there exist elements zj, . . . , z in G such that m
G = zd'f u z H u • • • u z H - Hz ] u Hz u • • • u Hz . 2
Matching, marriage and Menger s theorem
We now discuss a theorem that is closely related to H a l l ' s theorem and has far-reach ing practical applications. This theorem, due to K . Menger, concerns the number o f paths connecting two given vertices v and w in a graph G. We may ask for the m a x i m u m number o f paths from v to w, no t w o o f which have an edge in common - such paths are called edge-disjoint paths. Alternatively, we may ask for the m a x i m u m number o f paths from v to vv, no t w o o f which have a vertex i n common, except, o f course, v and w - these are called vertex-disjoint paths. For example, i n the graph o f Fig. 28.1, there are four edge-disjoint paths and t w o vertex-disjoint ones. p
Fig. 28.1 i n order to investigate these problems, we need some further definitions. W e shall assume that G is a connected graph and that v and w are distinct vertices o f G. A vwdisconnecting set o f G is a set E o f edges o f G such that each path from v to w includes an edge o f E: note that a vw-disconnecting set is a disconnecting set o f G. Similarly, a VH'-separating set o f G is a set S o f vertices, other than v or w, such that each path from v to w passes through a vertex o f S. In F i g . 2 8 . 1 , the sets E\ = {ps, qs, ty, tz] and E=
{inw xw, vw, zw} are vw-disconnecting sets, and Vj = j\v, t] and V = {p, q, y, z J
are vw-separating sets. In order to count the edge-disjoint paths from v to w, we note first that, i f £ is a vwdisconnecting set with k edges, then the number o f edge-disjoint paths cannot exceed k, since otherwise some edge in E would be included in more than one path. I f E is a vwdisconnecting set o f m i n i m u m possible size, then the number o f edge-disjoint paths is actually equal to /c, and there is exactly one edge o f E in each such path. This result is known as the edge form o f Menger's theorem; it was first proved in this form by Ford and Fulkerson in 1955. T H E O R E M 28.1. The maximum number of edge-disjoint paths connecting two dis tinct vertices
v and w of a connected
edges in a vw-disconnecting Remark.
graph is equal to the minimum
Our proof is non-constructive, i n that i t does not provide us w i t h a systematic
way o f obtaining k edge-disjoint paths, or even o f finding the value o f k. A n algorithm that can be used to solve these problems is given in the next section. Proof
As we have just pointed out, the m a x i m u m number o f edge-disjoint paths con
necting v and w cannot exceed the m i n i m u m number o f edges i n a vw-disconnecting
Menger's theorem
set. We use induction on the number o f edges o f the graph G to prove that these num bers are equal. Suppose that the number o f edges of G is rtu and that the theorem is true for all graphs with fewer than m edges. There are two cases to consider. (i) Suppose first that there exists a vw-disconnecting set E o f m i n i m u m size A\ such that not all o f its edges are incident to v, and not all are incident to vv. For example, in Fig. 28.1, the above set E\ is such a vw-disconnecting set. The removal from G of the edges i n E leaves t w o disjoint subgraphs V and W containing v and w, respectively. We now define two new graphs G\ and Gi as follows: G\ is obtained from G by con tracting every edge of V (that is, by shrinking V down to v), and Gi is obtained by simi larly contracting every edge o f W: the graphs G\ and Gi obtained from Fig. 28.1 are shown in Fig. 28.2, with dashed lines denoting the edges o f E\. Since G\ and Gi have fewer edges than G, and since E is a vu'-disconnecting set o f m i n i m u m size for both G\ and G , the induction hypothesis gives us k edge-disjoint paths i n G\ from v to w, and similarly for G . The required k edge-disjoint paths in G are obtained by combining these paths in the obvious way. 2
(ii) N o w suppose that each vw-disconnecting set of m i n i m u m size k consists only o f edges that are all incident to v or all incident to w; for example, in Fig. 28.1, the set E is such a vw-disconnecting set. W e can assume without loss o f generality that each edge o f G is contained in a vw-disconnecting set o f size k, since otherwise its removal w o u l d not affect the value o f k and we could use the induction hypothesis to obtain k edge-disjoint paths. I f P is any path from v to w, then P must consist o f either one or two edges, and can thus contain at most one edge o f any vw-disconnecting set o f size k. By removing from G the edges o f F, we obtain a graph with at least k - 1 edge-disjoint paths, by the induction hypothesis. These paths, together with F , give the required k paths in G. II 2
W e turn now to the other problem mentioned at the beginning of the section - to find the number o f vertex-disjoint paths from v to w. It was actually this problem that Menger himself solved, although his name is usually given to both o f Theorems 28.1 and 28.2. The proof o f Theorem 28.1 goes through with only minor changes, mainly involving the replacement o f such terms as 'edge-disjoint' and 'incident' by vertexdisjoint' and 'adjacent'. We now state the vertex form o f Menger's theorem - its proof is omitted.
Matching, marriage and Menger's theorem
T H E O R E M 28.2 (Menger. 1927). The maximum number of vertex-disjoint paths connecting two distinct non-adjacent vertices v and w of a graph is equal to the minimum number of vertices in a vw-separating set. Using Theorems 28.1 and 28.2, we immediately deduce the f o l l o w i n g necessary and sufficient conditions for a graph to be ^-connected and A'-edge-connected:
C O R O L L A R Y 28.3. A graph G is k-edge-connected if and only if any two vertices ofG are connected by at least k edge-disjoint paths.
C O R O L L A R Y 28.4. A graph G with at least k + 1 vertices is k-connected if and only if any two distinct vertices of G are connected by at least k vertex-disjoint
The above discussion can be modified to give the number o f arc-disjoint paths from a vertex v to a vertex vv in a digraph; i n this case, we can take v to be a source and w to be a sink. The resulting theorem is similar to Theorem 28.1, and the proof goes through almost word for word. Note that, in a digraph, a vw-disconnecting set is a set A of arcs such that each path from v to w includes an arc in A.
T H E O R E M 28.5. The maximum number of arc-disjoint paths from a vertex v to a vertex w in a digraph is equal to the minimum number of arcs in a v'w'-disconnecting set. For example, i f the digraph is as shown in Fig. 28.3, then there are six arc-disjoint paths from v to vv. A corresponding vw-disconnecting set consists o f the arcs vz, xz, yz (twice) and xw (twice).
z Fig. 28.3 These diagrams become very cumbersome as the number of arcs j o i n i n g pairs o f vertices increases. To overcome this, we draw just one arc and write next to it the num ber of arcs there should be (see Fig. 28.4). This seemingly innocent remark is funda mental to the study of network flows, w h i c h we discuss i n the next section.
Menger s theorem
z Fig. 28.4 W e end this section by deducing Hall's theorem from Menger's theorem. W e prove the version o f H a l l ' s theorem that appears i n Corollary 25.2. T H E O R E M 28.6. Menger s theorem implies Hall's
Proof. Let G = G(V VV) be a bipartite graph. We must prove that, i f \A\ < \q>(A)\ for each subset A o f V j , then there is a complete matching from V) to VV To do this, we apply the vertex form o f Menger's theorem (Theorem 28.2) to the graph obtained by adjoining to G a vertex v adjacent to every vertex i n Vj and a vertex w adjacent to every vertex i n V ( Fig- 28.5). h
s e e
Fig. 28.5 Since a complete matching from V\ to VV exists i f and only i f the number of vertexdisjoint paths from v to w is equal to the number o f vertices i n Vi (= k, say), it is enough to show that every vw-separating set has at least k vertices. So, let S be a vwseparating set consisting o f a subset A o f Vi and a subset B o f V . Since A u B is a vw-separating set, no edge can j o i n a vertex of Vj ~ A to a vertex o f V - B, and hence (p(Vj -A) follows that 2
Wi-A\<\y(y -A)\<\B\, l
and so LSI = \A\ + \B\ > IVV = £, as required. // Exercises 28 28.1 Verify Theorems 28.1 and 28.2 for each graph in Fig. 28.6. s
Verify Theorems 28.1 and 28.2 for the Petersen graph in the two cases: (i) when v and w are adjacent vertices; (ii) when v and w are not adjacent.
Matching, marriage and Menger's theorem
Fig. 28.6 28.3 28.4
Prove Theorem 28.2 in detail. s
Verify Corollary 28.3 for each of the following graphs: (i) W ; (ii) K - (iii) Q . 5
Verify Corollary 28.4 for each of the following graphs: (i) ^ 3 5 ; (ii) A3 3 3: (iii) the graph of the octahedron.
Verify Theorem 28.5 for each digraph in Fig. 28.7.
Fig. 28.7
Our society today is largely governed by networks - transportation, communication, etc. - and the mathematical analysis o f such networks has become o f fundamental importance. In this section we indicate that network analysis is essentially the study o f digraphs. A computer manufacturer wishes to send several computers to a given market. There are various channels through which the boxes can be sent, as shown in Fig. 29.1, with v representing the manufacturer and w the market. The number next to each arc refers to the m a x i m u m load that can pass through the corresponding channel. The manufacturer wishes to find the m a x i m u m number o f boxes -that can be sent through the network without exceeding the permitted capacity o f any channel. Figure 29.1 can also describe other situations. For example, i f each arc represents a one-way street and the number next to each arc is the m a x i m u m possible flow o f traf fic along that street, in vehicles per hour, then we may ask for the greatest possible number of vehicles that can travel from v to vv in one hour. Alternatively, i f the diagram x
Fig. 29.1
Network flows 127 depicts an electrical network, we may ask for the maximum current that can safely be passed through the network, given the currents at which individual wires burn out. Using these examples as m o t i v a t i o n , we define a n e t w o r k N to be a weighted digraph - that is, a digraph to each arc a o f which is assigned a non-negative real num ber \\f(a) called its capacity. The out-degree outdeg(x) o f a vertex x is the sum o f the capacities o f the arcs o f the form xz, and the in-degree indeg(x) is similarly defined. For example, in the network of Fig. 2 9 . 1 , outdeg(v) = 8 and indeg(.r) = 1 0 . Note that the handshaking dilemma now takes the form: the sum of the out-degrees of the ver tices of a network is equal to the sum of the in-degrees. W e assume that the digraph has exactly one source v and one sink w. The general case o f several sources and sinks, corresponding to more than one manufacturer and market, is easily reduced to this special case (see Exercise 29.5). A flow in a network is a function cp that assigns to each arc a a non-negative real number cp(#), called the flow in #, in such a way that (i) for each arc a, (p(a) < \\f(a): (ii) the out-degree and in-degree o f each vertex, other than v or vv, are equal. Thus, the flow in any arc cannot exceed its capacity and the 'total flow' into each vertex, other than v or w, is equal to the 'total flow' out o f it. Figure 29.2 gives a pos sible flow for the network o f Fig. 29.1. Another flow is the zero flow in which the flow in every arc is 0; any other flow is a non-zero flow. A n arc a for which (p(a) = \\f(a) is called saturated. In F i g . 29.2, the arcs vz, xz, yz, xw and zw are saturated, and the remaining arcs are unsaturated. x
Fig. 29.2 I t follows from the handshaking dilemma that the sum o f the flows in the arcs out of v is equal to the sum o f the flows in the arcs into w; this sum is called the value of the flow. Prompted by our earlier examples, we are mainly interested in flows whose value is as large as possible - the maximum flows. Y o u can easily check that the flow of F i g . 29.2 is a m a x i m u m flow for the network o f F i g . 2 9 . 1 , and that its value is 6. Although a network can have several different maximum flows, their values must be equal. The study o f maximum flows i n a network is closely tied up with the concept o f a cut, which is a set A of arcs such that each path from v to w includes an arc in A. Thus, a cut i n a network is a vw-disconnecting set i n the corresponding digraph D. The capacity of a cut is the sum o f the capacities o f the arcs i n the cut. We are concerned mainly with those cuts whose capacity is as small as possible, the so-called minimum cuts. I n Fig. 29.3, a m i n i m u m cut consists of the arcs vz, xz, yz and xw, but not the arc zx; the capacity o f this cut is 2 + 2 + 2 = 6.
Matching, marriage and Menger's theorem x
Fig, 29.3 Note that the value o f any flow cannot exceed the capacity o f any cut, and so the value o f any maximum flow cannot exceed the capacity o f any minimum cut. It turns out that these last two numbers are always equal. This famous result, k n o w n as the max-flow m i n - c u t theorem, was first proved by Ford and Fulkerson i n 1955. W e pre sent t w o proofs. The first shows that the max-flow min-cut theorem is equivalent to Menger's theorem; the second is a direct proof. T H E O R E M 29.1 (Max-flow min-cut theorem). /// any network, the value of any maximum flow is equal to the capacity of any minimum cut.
Remark. When applying this theorem, it is often simplest to find a flow and a cut such that the value of the flow equals the capacity o f the cut. I t follows from the theorem that the flow must be a maximum flow and that the cut must be a m i n i m u m cut. I f all the capacities are integers, then the value o f a m a x i m u m flow is also an integer; this turns out to be useful in certain applications of network flows. First proof. Suppose first that the capacity o f each arc is an integer. Then the network can be regarded as a digraph D whose capacities represent the number o f arcs con necting the various vertices (as in Figs. 28.3 and 28.4). The value o f a m a x i m u m flow is the total number o f arc-disjoint paths from v to w i n D , and the capacity o f a m i n i m u m cut is the m i n i m u m number o f arcs i n a vw-disconnecting set o f D. The result now follows from Theorem 28.5. The extension o f this result to networks i n which the capacities are rational numbers is effected by multiplying these capacities by a suitable integer d to make them inte gers. W e then have the case described above, and the result follows on dividing by d. Finally, i f some capacities are irrational, then we approximate them as closely as we please by rationals and use the above result. B y choosing these rationals carefully, we can ensure that the value o f any m a x i m u m flow and the capacity o f any m i n i m u m cut are altered by an amount that is as small as we wish. Note that, in practical exam ples, irrational capacities rarely occur, since the capacities are usually given i n decimal form. // Second proof. Since the value o f any m a x i m u m flow cannot exceed the capacity o f any minimum cut, it is sufficient to prove the existence o f a cut whose capacity is equal to the value o f a given m a x i m u m flow. Let (p be a maximum flow. We define t w o sets V and W o f vertices o f the network as follows. I f G is the underlying graph o f the network, then a vertex z is contained i n V i f and only i f there exists in G a path v = VQ —> v\ —» v —»•••—» v _\ —> v = z, such that 2
Network flows 129 each edge v / v corresponds either to an unsaturated arc 1717+1, or to an arc v v / that carries a non-zero flow. The set W consists o f all those vertices that do not lie in V. For example, i n Fig. 29.2, the set V consists o f the vertices v, x and y, and the set W consists o f the vertices z and w. Clearly, v is contained in V. W e now show that W contains the vertex w. I f this is not so, then w lies i n V, and hence there exists in G a path v —> v\ —> v —>•••—» v _ —> vv o f the above type. W e now choose a positive number 8 that does not exceed the amount needed to saturate any unsaturated arc v v i, and does not exceed the flow in any arc v / v / that carries a non-zero flow. I t is now easy to see that, i f we increase by 8 the flow in all arcs o f the first type and decrease by 8 the flow in all arcs o f the second type, then we increase the value o f the flow by 8, contradicting our assumption that (p is a m a x i m u m flow. It follows that w lies in W. T o complete the argument, we let E be the set o f all arcs o f the form xz, where x is in V and z is in W. Clearly E is a cut. Moreover, each arc xz o f E is saturated and each arc zx carries a zero flow, since otherwise z would also be an element o f V. It follows that the capacity o f E must equal the value o f (p, and that E is the required m i n i m u m cut. // z+1
The m a x - f l o w m i n - c u t theorem provides a useful check on the m a x i m a l ity or otherwise o f a given flow, as long as the network is fairly simple. I n practice, the networks we have to deal with are large and complicated, and it is usually difficult to find a m a x i m u m f l o w by inspection. Most methods for f i n d i n g a m a x i m u m f l o w involve determining flow-augmenting paths from v to w. These are paths consisting entirely o f unsaturated arcs xz and arcs zx that carry a non-zero flow. For example, consider the network of Fig. 29.4.
Fig. 29.4 Starting w i t h the zero flow, we can construct the flow-augmenting paths v - > s —> t —> w along which the value o f the flow can be increased by 2, v—» x —> z —> w along which the value of the flow can be increased by 2, and v —»w—>z—>x—>y—>w along which the value o f the flow can be increased by 1. The resulting flow o f value 5 is as follows.
u Fig. 29.5
Matching, marriage and Menger s theorem
Since the network has a cut of capacity 5, the above flow is a m a x i m u m flow and the cut is a m i n i m u m cut. In this section we have been able only to scratch the surface o f this very diverse and important subject. I f you wish to pursue these topics, see Lawler [17]. Exercises 29 29.1 Consider the network of Fig. 29.6. (i) List all the cuts in this network, and find a minimum cut. (ii) Find a maximum flow, and verify the max-flow min-cut theorem. s
Fig. 29.6 29.2
Repeat Exercise 29.1 for the network of Fig. 29.7.
Fig. 29.7 29.3
Verify the max-(low min-cut theorem for the network of Fig. 22.8. Find a flow with value 20 in the network of Fig. 29.8. Is it a maximum flow? 6
Fig. 29.8
Show how the analysis of the flows in a network with several sources and sinks can be reduced to the standard case by the addition of a new 'source vertex' and 'sink vertex'. Illustrate your answer to part (i) with reference to the network in Fig. 29.9.
Network flows 131
Fig. 29.9
How would you reduce to the standard case a network problem in which some arcs are replaced by edges with a flow in either direction, and some vertices are assigned 'capacities' indicating the maximum flow permitted through those vertices? Illustrate your answers to part (i) with reference to the network in Fig. 29.10.
Fig. 29.10
29 J*
Show how the max-flow min-cut theorem can be used to prove (i) Hall's theorem; (ii) Theorem 27.3 on common transversals.
Chapter 9
The first of earthly blessings, independence. Edward Gibbon
In this chapter we investigate an unexpected similarity between certain results in graph theory and their analogues in transversal theory, as illustrated by Exercises 9.11 and 26.8, or Exercises 9.12 and 26.9. To do this, we introduce the idea o f a matroid, first studied in 1935 in a pioneering paper by Hassler Whitney. As we shall see, a matroid is a set with an 'independence structure' defined on it, where the notion o f indepen dence generalizes that o f independence i n graphs, as defined in Exercise 5.13, and o f linear independence in vector spaces. The link with transversal theory is provided by Exercise 26.8. In Section 32 we define duality in matroids in such a way as to explain the similar ity between the properties of cycles and cutsets in a graph. The unintuitive definition o f an abstract dual o f a graph i n Section 15 then arises as a natural consequence o f matroid duality. In the final section, we show how matroids can be used to give 'easy' proofs o f results in transversal theory, and we conclude with matroid proofs o f two deep results in graph theory. Throughout this chapter we state results without proof, where convenient. The omitted proofs may be found i n Ox ley [34] or Welsh [37].
In Section 9 we defined a spanning tree in a connected graph G to be a connected sub graph o f G that contains no cycles and includes every vertex of G. Note that a spanning tree cannot contain another spanning tree as a proper subgraph. We also saw i n Exercise 9.11 that, i f B\ and B are spanning trees o f G and e is an edge of B\, then there is an edge / in B such that (By - {}) u { / } (the graph obtained from By on replacing e by /*) is also a spanning tree o f G. Analogous results hold in the theory o f vector spaces and in transversal theory. I f V is a vector space and i f By and B are bases o f V and e is an element o f B y, then we can f i n d an e l e m e n t / o f B such that {By - {e}) u { / } is also a basis o f V. The cor responding result in transversal theory appears in Exercise 26.8. 2
Using these examples as motivation, we now give our first definition o f a matroid. (
A m a t r o i d M consists o f a non-empty finite set E and a non-empty collection B o f subsets o f £ , called bases, satisfying the following properties:
Introduction to matroids 'B(i)
no base properly contains another base;
'B(ii) i f B\ and B are bases and i f e is any element o f B\, then there is an e l e m e n t / 2
of B such that (B\ - {e}) u { / } is also a base. 2
B y repeatedly using property 'B(ii), we can easily show that any t w o bases o f a matroid M have the same number o f elements (see Exercise 30.5). This number is called the rank o f M . As we indicated above, a matroid can be associated w i t h any graph G by letting E be the set o f edges o f G and taking as bases the edges o f the spanning forests o f G. For reasons that w i l l appear later, this matroid is called the cycle matroid o f G and is denoted by M ( G ) . Similarly, i f E is a finite set o f vectors i n a vector space V, then we can define a matroid on E by taking as bases all linearly independent subsets o f E that span the same subspace as E. A m a t r o i d obtained i n this w a y is called a vector matroid. W e consider such matroids later. A subset o f E is independent i f i t is contained i n some base o f the matroid M . For a vector matroid, a subset o f E is independent whenever its elements are linearly inde pendent as vectors i n the vector space. For the cycle matroid M ( G ) o f a graph G, the independent sets are those sets o f edges o f G that contain no cycle - that is, the edge sets o f the forests contained i n G. Since the bases o f M are the maximal independent sets (that is, those independent sets contained i n no larger independent set), a matroid is uniquely defined by specify ing its independent sets. I t is natural to ask whether there is a simple definition o f a matroid i n terms o f its independent sets. One such definition is as follows. A proof o f the equivalence o f this definition and the one above is given i n Welsh [37]. A matroid M consists o f a non-empty finite set E and a non-empty collection I of subsets o f E (called independent sets) satisfying the following properties: /(i) any subset o f an independent set is independent; / ( i i ) i f I and / are independent sets w i t h > l / l , then there is an element c, con tained in / but not in / , such that / u [e j is independent. W i t h this definition, a base is defined to be a maximal independent set. Property /(ii) can then be used repeatedly to show that any independent set can be extended to a base. I f M = (£", / ) is a matroid defined i n terms o f its independent sets, then a subset o f E is dependent i f i t is not independent, and a m i n i m a l dependent set is called a cycle. I f M ( G ) is the cycle matroid o f a graph G, then the cycles o f M ( G ) are precisely the cycles o f G. Since a subset o f E is independent i f and only i f it contains no cycles, a matroid can be defined in terms o f its cycles. One such definition, generalizing to matroids the result o f Exercise 5.11, is given in Exercise 30.7. Before proceeding to some examples o f matroids, we give one further definition o f a matroid. This definition, in terms o f a rank function r, is essentially the one given by Whitney. I f M = (£", / ) is a matroid defined in terms o f its independent sets, and i f A is a sub set o f E, then the rank o f A, denoted by r(A), is the size o f the largest independent set contained in A. Note that the previously defined rank o f M is equal to r(E). Since a subset A o f E is independent i f and only i f r(A) = LAI, we can define a matroid in terms o f its rank function.
T H E O R E M 30,1. A matroid consists of a non-empty finite set E and an valued function r defined on the set of subsets ofE, r(i)
0 < r(A) < /A/, for each subset A
if A czBczE,
for any A,BczE.
then r(A) < r(B); r{A u B) + r(A n B) < r(A) + r(B).
This theorem extends to matroids the results o f Exercises 9.12 and 26.9.
Proof. We assume first that M is a matroid defined in terms o f its independent sets. We wish to prove properties r(\)~r{in). Clearly, properties r ( i ) and r ( i i ) are trivial. To prove /*(iii), we let X be a base (a maximal independent subset) of A n B. Since X is an independent subset of A, X can be extended to a base Y of A, and then (in a similar way) to a base ZofAuB. Since X u (Z - Y) is clearly an independent subset o f B, it follows that r(B)
>r(Xu{Z-Y)) = \X\ + IZI - \Y\ = r(A n B) + r(A u B) - r(A),
as required. Conversely, let M - (£, r) be a matroid defined in terms o f a rank function r, and define a subset A of E to be independent i f and only i f r(A) -\A\. It is then simple to prove property /(i). To prove /(ii), let / a n d / be independent sets w i t h l / l > l/l, and suppose that /*(/ u { e } ) = k for each element e that lies in ./ but not in / . I f e a n d / a r e two such elements, then r(I u [e] u { / } ) < r(I u {e}) + r(I u { / } ) - r(I) = k. It follows that r(I u (e} u { / } ) = k. W e now continue this procedure, adding one new element of J at a time. Since at each stage the rank k, we conclude that r(I uJ) = k, and hence (by r(ii)) that r(f) < k, which is a contradiction. It follows that there exists an ele m e n t / t h a t lies i n / but not i n / , such that r(I u { / } ) = k + 1. // We conclude this section with two further definitions. A loop o f a matroid M is an element e of E satisfying r( {e}) = 0, and a pair o f parallel elements o f M is a pair { c , / J o f elements o f E that satisfy r({e,f}) = 1 and are not loops. Note that, i f M is the cycle matroid o f a graph G, then the loops and parallel elements o f M correspond to loops and multiple edges o f G. Exercises 30 30.1 Let E = {a, b, c, d, e}. Find matroids on E for which (i) E is the only base; (ii) the empty set 0 is the only base; (iii) the bases are those subsets of E containing exactly three elements. For each matroid, write down the independent sets, the cycles (if there are any) and the rank function. (This question is answered in the next section.) s
Let G\ and Gi be the graphs shown in Fig. 30.1. Write down the bases, cycles and inde pendent sets of the cycle matroids M{G\) and M(G ). 2
Examples of matroids
Fig. 30.1
Let M be the matroid on the set E = {a, h, c d] whose bases are {a, h}. {a, c], {a, d}, {b, c], {b, d\ and {c, d}. Write down the cycles of M , and deduce that there is no graph G with M as its cycle matroid. 7
Let E = { 1 , 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} and<J=(S S , S , S , S ), where h
5 I = 5 = { 1 , 2 } , 5 3 = 5 4 = { 2 , 3 } , 5 = {1,4, 5 , 6 } . 2
(i) (ii)
Write down the partial transversals of 'fand check that they form the independent sets of a matroid on E. Write down the bases and cycles of this matroid. (
Use properties $(i) and B(ii) to prove that (i) (ii)
any two bases of a matroid on a set E have the same number of elements; if A c: E, then any two maximal independent subsets of A have the same number of elements.
Show how the definition of a fundamental system of cycles in a graph can be extended to matroids.
Show that a matroid M can be defined as follows: a matroid consists of a non-empty finite set £ , and a collection C of non-empty subsets of E (called cycles) satisfying the following properties: C{\) no cycle properly contains another cycle; CX'u) i f Cj and Ci are two distinct cycles each containing an element e, then there exists a cycle in C\ u C that does not contain e. 2
(i) (ii)
Use the result of Exercise 5.11 to show that the cutsets of a graph satisfy condi tions C{\) and C(ii) of Exercise 30.7. Write down the bases of the corresponding matroids for the graphs of Fig. 30.1.
State and prove a matroid analogue of the greedy algorithm (Theorem 11.1).
I n this section we examine several important types of matroid. T r i v i a l matroids G i v e n any non-empty finite set £ , we can define on it a m a t r o i d whose only independent set is the empty set 0 . This matroid is the trivial matroid on E, and has rank 0.
Discrete matroids A t the other extreme is the discrete matroid on E, i n which every subset o f E is inde pendent. Note that the discrete matroid on E has only one base, E itself, and that the rank o f any subset A is the number o f elements in A. Uniform matroids The previous examples are special cases o f the ^-uniform matroid on E, whose bases are those subsets o f E with exactly k elements; the trivial matroid on E is 0-uniform and the discrete matroid is I El-uniform. Note that the independent sets are those subsets o f E with not more than k elements, and that the rank o f any subset A is either L4I or k, whichever is smaller. Before developing the examples described in the previous section, we define two matroids My and M to be isomorphic i f there is a one-one correspondence between their underlying sets Ey and E that preserves independence. Thus, a set of elements o f Ey is independent in My i f and only i f the corresponding set o f elements o f E is inde pendent in M . For example, the cycle matroids o f the three graphs in Fig. 31.1 are all isomorphic, Note that, although matroid isomorphism preserves cycles, cutsets and the number of edges in a graph, it does not necessarily preserve connectedness, the number of vertices, or their degrees. 2
Fig. 31.1
Using this deli nit ion o f isomorphism, we can define graphic, representable and transversal matroids. G r a p h i c matroids As we saw in the previous section, we can define a matroid M(G) on the set o f edges of a graph G by taking the cycles o f G as the cycles o f the matroid. M(G) is the cycle matroid o f G and its rank function is the cutset rank ^ (see Exercise 9.12). I t is natural to ask whether a given matroid M is the cycle matroid of some graph; in other words, does there exists a graph G such that M is isomorphic to M(G)1 Such matroids are called g r a p h i c matroids, and a characterization o f them is given in the next section. For example, the matroid M on the set { 1 , 2 . 3 } whose bases are { 1 , 2 } , and { 1 , 3 } is a graphic matroid isomorphic to the cycle matroid o f the graph in Fig. 31.2. A simple example o f a non-graphic matroid is the 2-uniform matroid on a set o f four elements (see Exercise 30.3).
Examples of matroids
Fig. 31.2 Cographic matroids Given a graph G, the cycle matroid M (G) is not the only matroid that can be defined on the set o f edges o f G. Because o f the similarity between the properties of cycles and o f cutsets in a graph, we can construct a matroid by taking the cutsets of G as cycles o f the matroid. W e saw in Exercise 30.8 that this construction defines a matroid, and we call it the cutset matroid o f G, denoted by M * ( G ) . Note that a set o f edges o f G is inde pendent i f and only i f it contains no cutset o f G. W e call a matroid M cographic i f there exists a graph G such that M is isomorphic to M * ( G ) . The reason for the name 'cographic' is given i n the next section. Planar matroids A matroid that is both graphic and cographic is a planar matroid. In the next section, we indicate the connection between planar matroids and planar graphs. Representable matroids Since the definition o f a matroid is partly motivated by linear independence in vector spaces, i t is o f interest to investigate those matroids that arise as vector matroids asso ciated with some set o f vectors in a vector space. Given a matroid M on a set £ , we say that M is representable over a field F i f there exist a vector space V over F and a map (p from E to V, such that a subset A of E is independent in M i f and only i f cp is one-one on A and (p(A) is linearly independent in V. This amounts to saying that, i f we ignore loops and parallel elements, then M is isomorphic to a vector matroid defined in some vector space over F. For convenience, we say that M is a representable matroid i f there exists some field F such that M is representable over F. It turns out that some matroids are representable over every field (the regular matroids), some are representable over no field, and some are representable only over a restricted class o f fields. O f particular importance are the b i n a r y matroids, representable over the field o f integers modulo 2. For example, i f G is any graph, then its cycle matroid M(G) is a binary matroid. T o see this, we associate with each edge of G the corresponding row of the incidence matrix o f G, regarded as a vector with components 0 or l . Note that, i f a set o f edges o f G forms a cycle, then the sum (modulo 2) o f the corresponding vectors is 0. A binary m a t r o i d that is neither graphic nor cographic is the Fa no m a t r o i d , described at the end o f this section. Transversal m a t r o i d s Our next example provides the link between matroids and transversal theory. Recall from Exercises 26.8, 26.9 and 30.4 that, i f E is a non-empty finite set and i f J- (5 j , . . . , S ) is a family of non-empty subsets o f £ , then the partial transversals o f Tcan be taken as the independent sets o f a m a t r o i d on £ . denoted by M( J) or M(5j, . . . , S ). A n y matroid obtained in this way (for suitable choices o f E and f) is a t r a n s v e r s a l m a t r o i d . For example, the above graphic matroid M is a transversal matroid on the set { 1 , 2, 3 } , since its independent sets are the partial transversals of the l
family T = S )> where S\ = {1} and S = {2, 3 }. Note that the rank o f a subset A o f E is the size of the largest partial transversal contained i n A. A n example o f a nontransversal matroid is given i n Exercise 31.5. It can be proved that every transversal matroid is representable over some field, but is binary i f and only i f it is graphic. Further results on transversal matroids are dis cussed in Section 33. 2
Restrictions and contractions In graph theory we often investigate the properties o f a graph by looking at its sub graphs, or by considering the graph obtained by contracting some o f its edges. We now define the corresponding notions for matroids. I f M is a matroid defined on a set E, and i f A is a subset of E, then the restriction o f M to A, denoted by M x A , is the matroid whose cycles are precisely those cycles o f M that are contained i n A. Similarly, the contraction of M to A , denoted by M . A , is the matroid whose cycles are the minimal members of the collection { Q n A } , where Q is a cycle o f M. (A simpler definition is given in Exercise 32.7.) Y o u can verify that these are indeed matroids, and that they correspond to the deletion and contraction o f edges in a graph. A matroid obtained from M by restrictions and/or contractions is called a minor o f M. Bipartite and Eulerian matroids We next define bipartite and Eulerian matroids. Since the usual definitions of bipartite and Eulerian graphs, given in Sections 3 and 6, are unsuitable for matroid generaliza tion, we must use alternative characterizations o f these graphs. I n the case of bipartite graphs, we use Exercise 5.3, and define a bipartite matroid to be a matroid i n which each cycle has an even number of elements. For Eulerian graphs we use Corollary 6.3 and define a matroid on a set E to be an E u l e r i a n matroid i f E can be written as a union o f disjoint cycles. In the next section we see that Eulerian matroids and bipartite matroids are dual concepts, in a sense to be made precise, as we might expect from Exercise 15.9. T h e F a n o matroid The F a n o matroid F is the matroid defined on the set E - { 1 , 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 } , whose bases are all those subsets of /: w i t h three elements, except { 1 , 2, 4 j , { 2 , 3, 5 } , {3, 4, 1
Fig. 31.3
Matroids and graphs
6 } , { 4 , 5, 7 } , { 5 , 6, 1 } , { 6 , 7, 2} and { 7 , 1, 3 } . This matroid can be represented geo metrically by Fig. 31.3; the bases are precisely those sets o f three elements that do not lie on a line. I t can be shown that F is binary and E u l e r i a n , but is not graphic, cographic, transversal or regular. Exercises 31 31.1 Let E = {a, b}- Show that there are (up to isomorphism) exactly four matroids on E, and list their bases, independent sets and cycles. s
Let E = {a,b, c}. Show that there are (up to isomorphism) exactly eight matroids on E, and list their bases, independent sets and cycles.
Let E be a set of n elements. Show that, up to isomorphism, (i) the number of matroids on E is at most 2 "; (ii) the number of transversal matroids on E is at most 2 . 2
Let G\ and G be the graphs of Fig. 30.1. (i) Are M{G\) and M{G ) transversal matroids? (ii) Are M* (G\) and M* (GY) transversal matroids? 2
31.5 31.6
Show that M{K ) is not a transversal matroid. 4
31.7 31.8 31.9
Show that every uniform matroid is a transversal matroid. Show that the graphic matroids M(K ) and M{K ) 5
are not cographic.
Describe the cycles of the Fano matroid. Let M be a matroid on a set f , and let A c 5 c £ Prove that (i) (MxB)xA = MxA: (ii) (M.B).A=M.A.
*31.10 Prove that, if M satisfies any of the following properties, then so does any minor of M: (i) graphic; (ii) cographic; (iii) binary; (iv) regular.
We now study duality in matroids. Our aim is to show how some of our earlier results seem more natural when looked at in this light. W e shall see, for example, that the rather artificial definition o f an abstract dual o f a planar graph in Section 15 arises as a direct consequence o f the corresponding definition o f a matroid dual. Indeed, not only do concepts in matroid theory generalize their counterparts i n graph theory, but they sometimes simplify them as well. Recall that we can form a matroid M * (G) on the set of edges of a graph G by tak ing as cycles o f M * ( G ) the cutsets o f G. I n view o f Theorem 15.3, it is sensible to define a matroid dual so as to make this matroid the dual o f the cycle matroid M (G). This is achieved as follows: i f M is a matroid on a set E, defined in terms of its rank function, we define the d u a l m a t r o i d M * o f M to be the matroid on E whose rank function r* is given by the expression r * ( A ) = IAI + r(E - A) - r ( E ) , for A cz E.
W e first verify that r * is the rank function o f a matroid on E.
T H E O R E M 32.1. M* = (E. r*) is a matroid on E.
Proof. W e verify the properties r{\) and r ( i i i ) o f Section 30, for the function r*; the proof o f / (ii) is equally straightforward (see Exercise 32.3). To prove r ( i ) , note that r(E - A) < r(E), and hence that r*(A) < IA I. Also, by r ( i i i ) applied to the function r, we have r(E)
+ r ( 0 ) < r(A ) +
and hence r(E)-r(E-A) 0. To prove / ( i i i ) , we have, for any A,BczE, r*(A u 5 ) + r*(A nB)
= \A u B\ + \AnB\
+ r(E-
(A u B))
+ r(E-(Ar\B))-2r(E) = 1AI + l# I + r{(E - A ) n (E - B)) + r ( ( E - A ) u (E-B)) - 2r(£) < L4I + 151 + r(E-A) + r(E-B)2r(E) (by r ( i i i ) , applied to r ) = r*(A) + r*(B), as required. // Although the above definition may seem contrived, it turns out that the bases o f M * can be described very simply i n terms o f those o f M , as we now show.
T H E O R E M 32.2. The bases of M* are precisely ofM.
the complements
of the bases
This result is often used to define M * . :]
Proof W e show that, i f B* is a base o f M \ then E - B * is a base o f M: the converse result is obtained by reversing the argument. Since is independent i n M * , 15*1 = /•*(#*). and hence /•(/:"- B*) = r{E). I t remains only to prove t h a t E - 5 * is independent in M . But this follows immediately from the fact that /•*(/?*) = /•*(£), on using the above expression for r*. // It follows from the above definition that, unlike the duality o f planar graphs, every matroid has a dual and this dual is unique. I t also follows immediately from Theorem 32.2 that the double-dual M * * is equal to M. As we shall see, this trivial result is the natural generalization to matroids o f the non-trivial Theorems 15.2 and 15.5. W e now show that the cutset matroid M * ( G ) o f a graph G is the dual o f the cycle matroid M(G).
Matroids and graphs
T H E O R E M 32,3. IfG is a graph, then M*(G) =
Proof. Since the cycles o f M*(G) are the cutsets o f G, we must check that C* is a cycle o f ( M ( G ) ) * i f and only i f C* is a cutset of G. Suppose first that C* is a cutset of G. I f C* is independent in ( M ( G ) ) * , then G* can be extended to a base B* o f ( M ( G ) ) * , and so C * n ( £ - B*) is empty. This contra dicts the result o f Theorem 9.3(1), since E - B* is a spanning forest o f G. Thus, C* is a dependent set in ( M ( G ) ) * , and therefore contains a cycle o f ( A / ( G ) ) * . If, on the other hand, D * is a cycle o f ( M ( G ) ) * , then D * is not contained i n any base o f (M(G))*. It follows that D * intersects every base o f M(G) - that is, every spanning forest o f G. Thus, by the result o f Exercise 9.10(1), D* contains a cutset. The result follows. // Before proceeding further, we introduce some more terminology. W e say that elements o f a matroid M form a cocycle o f M i f they form a cycle o f M * . Note that, in view o f Theorem 32,3, the cocycles o f the cycle matroid of a graph G are precisely the cutsets o f G. W e similarly define a cobase o f M to be a base o f Af*, w i t h cor responding definitions for corank, co-independent set, etc. We also say that a matroid M is cographic i f and only i f its dual M * is graphic. I n view o f Theorem 32.3, this definition agrees with the one given i n the previous section. The reason for introducing this co-notation' is that we can now restrict ourselves to a single matroid M , without having to b r i n g in M * . T o illustrate this, we prove the analogue for matroids o f Theorem 9.3. 4
T H E O R E M 32.4. Every cocycle of a matroid intersects every base.
Proof. Let C* be a cocycle o f a matroid M , and suppose that there exists a base B of M w i t h the property that C* n B is empty. Then C* is contained in E- B, and so G* is a cycle o f M* which is contained i n a base o f M * . This contradiction establishes the result. //
C O R O L L A R Y 32.5. Every cycle of a matroid intersects every Proof.
A p p l y the result o f Theorem 32.4 to the matroid M * . //
From a matroid point o f view, the t w o results i n Theorem 9.3 are dual forms of a single result. Thus, instead o f proving two results for graphs, as we had to in Section 9, it is sufficient to prove a single result for matroids and then use duality. Not only does this represent a saving of time and effort, it also gives us greater insight into several o f the problems you met earlier in the book. One example o f this is the similarity between the properties o f cycles and cutsets. Another is a deeper understanding o f duality in planar graphs. As a further example o f the simplifications introduced by matroids, let us return to Exercise 5.11. A straightforward proof o f this result involves two separate proofs one for cycles and a different one for cutsets. I f , however, we prove the matroid
analogue of the result for cycles, as stated i n Exercise 30.7, then we simply apply it to the matroid M * ( G ) to deduce the corresponding result for cutsets. Conversely, we can use duality to deduce the result for cycles from the result for cutsets. We now turn our attention to planar graphs, and show how the definitions o f a geo metric dual and an abstract dual of a graph arise as consequences of matroid duality. The Whitney dual o f a graph, introduced in Exercise 15.11, is also a consequence o f matroid duality, since the equation given in that exercise is simply a restatement o f the expression for r* at the beginning of this section. We start with the abstract dual. T H E O R E M 32.6. IfG*
is an abstract dual of a graph G, then M(G*) is
Proof Since G* is an abstract dual o f G, there is a one-one correspondence between the edges o f G and those o f G * such that cycles in G correspond to cutsets in G*, and conversely. It follows immediately that the cycles o f M(G) correspond to the cocycles of M ( G * ) . Thus, by Theorem 32.3, M ( G * ) is isomorphic to M * ( G ) . // C O R O L L A R Y 32.7. IfG* M(G*)
is isomorphic
is a geometric
dual of a connected plane graph G, then
This follows immediately from Theorems 32.6 and 15.3. //
As remarked before, a planar graph G can have several different duals, whereas a matroid can have only one. The reason for this is that, i f we have two (possibly nonisomorphic) duals o f G, then their cycle matroids are isomorphic matroids. We conclude this section by answering the question, under what conditions is a given matroid M graphic?' It is not difficult to find necessary conditions. For example, it follows from our discussion o f representable matroids i n Section 31 that such a matroid must be binary. Furthermore, by Exercise 31.10 and our discussion o f the Fano matroid F , M cannot contain as a minor any o f the matroids M*(K$), M*(K 3), F or F * . It was shown by W . T . Tutte that these necessary conditions are sufficient. The proof o f this result is too difficult to be given here (see Welsh [37]). 4
T H E O R E M 32.8 (Tutte 1958). A matroid M is graphic if and only if it is binary and contains no minor isomorphic to M*(K ), M*(K j), F or F * . 5
On applying Theorem 32.8 to M * , and noting that the dual o f a binary matroid is binary, we obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for a matroid to be cographic. C O R O L L A R Y 32.9. A matroid M is cographic if and only if it is binary and con tains no minor isomorphic to M(K$). MfK^), F or F*.
Tutte also proved that a binary matroid is regular if and only if it contains no minor isomorphic to F or F * . B y c o m b i n i n g this result w i t h those o f Theorem 32.8 and
Matroids and transversals
C o r o l l a r y 32.9, we immediately deduce the f o l l o w i n g m a t r o i d analogue o f Kuratowski's theorem (Theorem 12.2). T H E O R E M 32.10. A matroid is planar if and only if it is regular and contains no minor isomorphic to M(K$), M(K ) or their duals. 33
Exercises 32 32.1 (i) Show that the dual of a discrete matroid is a trivial matroid. s
(ii) 32.2
What is the dual of the A-uniform matroid on a set of // elements?
Find the duals of the eight matroids on the set E = {a, h. c }, obtained in Exercise 31.2.
Verify property r(ii) of Section 30 for the function r*.
Verify the result of Theorem 32.3 for the graph K . 3
What are the cocycles and cobases of (i) the 3-uniform matroid on a set of 9 elements? (ii) the cycle matroids of the graphs in Fig. 30.1? (iii) the cycle matroid of the graph in Fig. 31.2? (iv) the Fano matroid? Give an example to show that the dual of a transversal matroid need not be a transversal matroid.
Show that the contraction matroid M . A is the matroid whose cocycles are precisely those cocycles of M that are contained in A.
Given that C is any cycle and C* is any cocycle in a matroid, show that \C n C*l ^ 1. (This is the generalization to matroids of Exercise 5.12.)
Let M (i) (ii) (iii)
be a binary matroid on a set E. Prove that, if M is an Eulerian matroid, then M * is bipartite. Use induction on IEI to prove the converse result. By considering the 5-uniform matroid on a set of 11 elements, show that the word 'binary' cannot be omitted. (This result generalizes Exercise 15.9.)
I n the previous section, we illustrated the close connections between matroids and graphs. We now describe the connections between matroids and transversals. Our first aim is to simplify the proofs o f some earlier results on transversal theory by taking a matroid point o f view. Recall that, i f E is a non-empty finite set and
(S\, . . . , S ) is a family o f non m
empty subsets o f £ , then the partial transversals o f J e a n be taken as the independent sets o f a matroid M(S\,...,
S ) on E. I n this matroid, the rank o f a subset A of £ is the m
size o f the largest partial transversal o f J contained i n A. Our first example o f the use o f matroids i n transversal theory is a proof o f the result (
of Exercise 26.10, that a family Jof subsets o f E has a transversal containing a given subset A i f and only i f
(i) 'F has a transversal; (Ii) A is a partial transversal of TIt is clear that these conditions are necessary. To prove that they are sufficient, we observe that, since A is a partial transversal o f }\ A is an independent set i n the transversal matroid M determined by }\ and so can be extended to a base o f M. Since T has a transversal, every base of M must be a transversal o f j\ and the result follows immediately. I f you have worked through Exercise 26.10, you w i l l realize how much simpler this argument is. (
Before showing how matroids can be used to simplify the proof of Theorem 27.3 on the existence of a common transversal o f two families o f subsets of a set E, we prove a matroid extension of H a i r s theorem. Recall that, i f J is a family of subsets o f E, then H a i r s theorem gives a necessary and sufficient condition for J t o have a transversal. I f we also have a matroid structure on £ , then it is natural to ask whether there is a cor responding condition for the existence o f an independent transversal - that is, a transversal of Tthat is also an independent set i n the matroid. The following theorem, known as Rado's theorem, answers this question. (
T H E O R E M 33.1 (Rado, 1942). Let M be a matroid on a set E, and let 7 = {S{, . . . , S ) be a family of non-empty subsets of E. Then f has an independent transversal if and only if the union of any k of the subsets Sj contains an independent set of size at least k,for 1
Remark. I f M is the discrete matroid on £ , then this theorem reduces to Hall's theorem, as stated in Theorem 26.1. Proof. We imitate the proof o f Theorem 26.1. As before, the necessity o f the condition is clear. To prove the sufficiency, we show that i f one o f the subsets (S\, say) contains more than one element, then we can remove an element from S\ without altering the condition. By repeating this procedure, we eventually reduce the problem to the case in which each subset contains only one element, and the proof is then trivial. It remains only to show the validity o f this 'reduction procedure'. So, suppose that S\ contains elements x and y, the removal of either o f which invalidates the condition. Then there are subsets A and B of { 2 , 3, . . . , m) with the property that r(P) < \A I and r(Q) <\B I, where P = IJ S y u t f i - M ) jeA
G= U
Then r(PuQ)
= r(
The required contradiction now follows, since IA \+\B\>r(P) + r{Q) >r{PuQ) + >l
U jeAuB
S y U ^ I + l
[J Sj\ jeAnB
> (IA u £ l + 1) + \AnB\ = \A\ + \B\ + I . II
(by H a l l ' s condition)
Matroids and transversals
By i m i t a t i n g the p r o o f o f Corollary 26.2, we immediately obtain the f o l l o w i n g result. C O R O L L A R Y 33.2 With the above notation, F has an independent partial transversal of size t if and only if the union of any k of the subsets Sj contains an independent set of size at least k + t-m. W e can now give a matroid proof o f Theorem 27.3 on the existence o f a common transversal o f t w o families o f subsets o f a given set.
T H E O R E M 27.3. Let E be a non-empty' finite set, and let f = (S\, . . . , S ) and Q = (T\, . . . , T ) be rwo families of non-empty subsets of E. Then T and Q have a common transversal if and only if for all subsets A and B of {1,2, m}, m
Proof Let M be the matroid whose independent sets are precisely the partial transver sals o f the family T- Then 'J and g have a common transversal i f and only i f g has an independent transversal. By Theorem 33.1, this is so i f and only i f the union of any k of the sets Tj contains an independent set of size at least k, for 1 < k < m - that is, i f and only i f the union o f any k o f the sets T, contains a partial transversal o f 'J of size k. The result now follows from Corollary 26.3. // We conclude w i t h some results on the union o f matroids. I f M\, M , • • • , M are matroids on the same set E, then we can define a new matroid M\ u M u • • • u M called their u n i o n , by taking as independent sets all possible unions o f an independent set in M ] , an independent set in M , . . . , and an independent set in M . The rank of this matroid is given by the following theorem, whose proof may be found in Welsh [37 j . 2
T H E O R E M 33.3. If M\. . . . . . M are matroids on a set E with rank r , then the rank function r of Mi u . . . u M is given by r(X) = min {r (A) + • • • + r (A) + / A - A I } , where the minimum is taken over all subsets A ofX. k
This result has the following useful corollaries. C O R O L L A R Y 33.4. Let M be a matroid. Then M contains k disjoint bases if and only if, for each subset A ofE, kr(A)
Proof M contains k disjoint bases i f and only i f the union of k copies of the matroid M has rank at least kr{E). The result n o w f o l l o w s immediately from Theorem 33.3.//
C O R O L L A R Y 33.5. Let M he a matroid. Then E can be expressed as the union of k independent sets if and only if, for each subset A of E, kr(A) > /A/.
Proof. I n this case, the union o f k copies o f the matroid M has rank I F i. I t follows immediately from Theorem 33.3 that kr(A) + I F - A I > IE I, as required. // I f we apply these last corollaries to the cycle matroid M(G) o f a graph G, we easily obtain the following necessary and sufficient conditions for G to contain k edge-disjoint spanning forests, and for G to split into k forests. Since these results are not easy to obtain by more direct methods, we have thus again demonstrated the power o f matroids in solving problems in graph theory. T H E O R E M 33.6. A graph G contains k edge-disjoint spanning forests if and only if, for each subgraph H of'G, k($(G)-$(H))<m{G)-m(H), where m(H) and m(G) denote the number of edges ofH and G,
T H E O R E M 33.7. A graph G splits into k forests if and only if, for each subgraph H ofG,kc(H)>m(H). '
Exercises 33 33.I Verify R ado's theorem whenM is the Fano matroid, and 'J- (j 1 (, { 1 , 2 } , {2, 4, 5}). 33.2 Verify Corollary 33.4 when M is the 3-uniform matroid on a set of 8 elements. 33.3 Verify Corollary 33.5 when M is the 4-uniform matroid on a set of 9 elements. 33.4* By modifying the H a 1 m o s- Va ugh a n proof of Hall's theorem, give an alternative proof of Theorem 33.1. 33.5 Prove that a matroid M is a transversal matroid if and only if M can be expressed as the union of matroids of rank 1. 33.6 Dualize the results of Theorems 33.6 and 33.7 to obtain two further results in graph theory. s
This table lists the number o f graphs and digraphs of various types with n vertices, for n = 1, . . . , 8. Numbers greater than one m i l l i o n are given to one significant figure. 1
Simple graphs
Connected simple graphs
Eulerian simple graphs
Hamiltonian simple graphs
Types of graph
12 346
11 117
Labelled trees
16 807
262 144
Simple digraphs
~ 2 x 10
Connected simple digraphs
Strongly connected simple digraphs
~ 2 x 10
~1 x 10
~ 2 x 10
~ 9 x 10
~ 2 x 10
~7 x 10
~ 2 x 10
~9 x 10
Of making many hooks there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh.
Ecclesiastes Although we have almost reached the end of this book, we have by no means reached the end o f the subject. We hope that you w i l l wish to continue your study o f graph theory, and for this reason, we suggest possible directions for further reading. Other books at an introductory level are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
G. Chartrand, Introductory Graph Theory, Dover, 1985. J. Clark and D . A . H o i ton, A First Look at Graph Theory, W o r l d Scientific Publishing, 1991. F. Harary, R. Z . Norman and D. Cartwright, Structural Models, W i l e y , 1965. O. Ore, Graphs and their Uses, 2nd edn. N e w Mathematical L i b r a r y 10, Mathematical Association o f America, 1990. R. J. Wilson and J. J. Watkins, Graphs: An Introductory Approach, W i l e y , 1990.
Standard texts in graph theory include: 6.
C. Berge, Graphs, North-Holland. 1985.
J. A . Bondy and IJ. S. R. M u r t y , Graph Theory with Applications, American Elsevier, 1979. G. Chartrand and L . Lesniak, Graphs & Digraphs, 2nd edn, Wads w o r t h & Brooks/Cole, 1986. F. Harary, Graph Theory, Addison-Wesley, 1969. O. Ore, Theory of Graphs, A m e r i c a n M a t h e m a t i c a l Society C o l l o q u i u m Publications X X X V I I I , 1962.
8. 9. 10.
A historical approach to the subject, including translations o f many original sources, is given i n : 11.
N . L . Biggs, E. K . L l o y d and R. J. W i l s o n , Graph Theory 1736-1936, Oxford, 1986.
2nd edn,
Applications o f graph theory, and the use o f algorithms, are discussed i n : 12.
G. Chartrand and O. R. Oellermann, Applied M c G r a w - H i l l , 1993.
and Algorithmic
Bibliography 13.
N . Deo, Graph Theory with Applications Prentice-Hall, 1974.
A . K . Dolan and J. Aldous, Networks and Algorithms: An Introductory Approach, Wiley-Interscience, 1993. S. Even, Graph Algorithms, Computer Science Press, 1979. A . Gibbons, Algorithmic Graph Theory, Cambridge, 1985. E. L . L a w l e r , Combinatorial Optimization. Networks and Matroids, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1976. F. S. Roberts, Discrete Mathematical Models, with Applications to Social, Biological and Environmental Problems, Prentice-Hall, 1976. M . N . Swamy and K . Thulasiraman, Graphs, Networks and Algorithms, Wiley, 1981. A . Tucker, Applied Combinatorics, 2nd edn, W i l e y , 1984. R. J. Wilson and L . W . Beineke (eds.), Applications of Graph Theory, Academic Press, 1979.
15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.
to Engineering
and Computer
Introductory books on combinatorics and transversal theory are: 22. 23. 24. 25.
I . Anderson, A First Course in Combinatorial Mathematics, 2nd edn. Oxford, 1989. N . Biggs, Discrete Mathematics, 2nd edn, Oxford, 1993. V . Bryant, Aspects of Combinatorics, Cambridge, 1993. V . Bryant and I I . Perfect, Independence Theory in Combinatorics, Chapman and H a l l , 1980. J. H . van L i n t and R. M . W i l s o n , A Course in Combinatorics,
Cambridge, 1992.
Specialist texts on some o f the topics in this book are: 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37.
L . W . Beineke and R. J. Wilson (eds.). Selected Topics in Graph Theory 1,2,3, Academic Press, 1978, 1983, 1987. S. F i o r i n i and R. J. W i l s o n , Edge-Colourings of Graphs, Research Notes in Mathematics 16. Pitman Publishing. 1977. J. L . Gross and T. W . Tucker, Topological Graph Theory. Wiley-Interscience, 1987. F. Harary and E. M . Palmer, Graphical Enumeration, Academic Press. 1973. T. R. Jensen and B . Toft, Graph Coloring Problems, Wiley-1nterscienee, 1995. J. W . M o o n , Counting Labelled Trees, Canadian Mathematical Congress, 1970. J. W . M o o n , Topics on Tournaments, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1968. J. G. Oxley, Matroid Theory, Oxford, 1992. G. Ringel, Map Color Theorem, Springer-Verlag, 1974. T. L . Saaty and P. C. Kainen, The Four-Color Problem, 2nd edn, Dover, 1986. D . J. A . Welsh. Matroid Theory, Academic Press, 1976.
Sooner or later, you may need to refer to mathematical journals rather than to books. There are a large number of journals that are devoted to graph theory and related fields, such as the Journal of Graph Theory, the Journal of Combinatorial Theory, the European Journal of Combinatorics, Ars Combinatoria, and Discrete Mathematics.
Solutions to selected exercises
Chapter 1.1
1 (i) (ii)
(i) (ii)
There are 5 vertices and 8 edges; vertices P and T have degree 3, vertices Q and S have degree 4, and vertex R has degree 2. There are 6 vertices and 5 edges; vertices A , B, E and F have degree 1 and vertices C and D have degree 3. Each carbon atom vertex has degree 4 and each hydrogen atom vertex has degree 1. The graphs are as follows: H H I
c—c—c—c H
H— C— H I H
/C H
A suitable digraph is as follows: Jane
Chapter 2.1
2 V(G) - {//, \\ vv, .v, y, z } , E(G) = {ux, uy, uz, vx, vy, vz, wx, wy, wz}; V{G) = {/, m, //, /?, / • } , E(G) = {//?, /<:/, //% mp rnq, m\\ np, nq, nr}. y
We can label the vertices as follows:
Solutions to selected exercises
I n the first graph, no vertices o f degree 2 are adjacent; i n the second graph they are adjacent i n pairs. Since isomorphism preserves adjacency of vertices, the graphs are not isomorphic. graph 12; (ii) graph 27; (iii) graph 30.
degree sequence (1, 1, 1,3): degree sequence (1, 1, 2, 2) degree sequence (1, 2, 2, 3) degree sequence (2, 2, 2, 2) degree sequence (2, 2, 3, 3) degree sequence (3, 3, 3, 3) I n each case, the sum of the degrees
The cycles w i t h 5 and 6 vertices.
graph 5 graph 6 graph 7 graph 8 graph 9 graph 10:
sum of degrees = 6, sum of degrees = 6, sum of degrees = 8, sum of degrees = 8. sum of degrees =10, sum of degrees =12, is twice the number
0 1 0 0 1'
1 1 0 0 0 0 0"!
1 0
0 1 1 0
1 0
0 1 0
2 0
0 0 2 0 1 1 1 0
1 0
1 0
number of edges - 3 number of edges = 3: number of edges = 4: number of edges = 4: number of edges = 5: number of edges = 6 o f edges.
0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1
1 0
1 1 0
0 0
(i) 45; (ii) 35; (iii) 32; (iv) 14; (v) 15.
Regular graphs: 1, 2, 4, 8, 10, 18, 3 1 ; bipartite graphs: 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 11, 12, 13, 17, 23.
There are eight such graphs:
Solutions to selected exercises
There are several possible solutions, all of them modifications o f the solution in the text. One of these is as follows:
The following diagram illustrates such a gathering, w i t h solid and dotted edges used as in the text.
Using the method described i n the text, we obtain the following graphs: 4
cube 1
Y cube 2
cube 3
the graph G
Solutions to selected exercises A pair o f subgraphs H\ and H
and a corresponding solution are as follows;
there are several other solutions.
front and back
left and right
(i) (ii) (iii)
a - » b —> c —> d - » £ —» j ; a—^b-^c—^d—^e—^j-^h a-^b->c->d->e-~>ct;
—>./'—> i —» g; a - » & —» c —» d —» / —» / —» a;
a —>b —> c —i>d-^e —»y —>/? —>/—>a; a-^b-^c—>d—>e-^j-^g—>i (iv) 5.2 5.4
{a/?, a, a / } , 3:
(ii) 4;
( i i i ) 8;
a/, d, £/'}, {a/?, of, a i , <://, /}. (iv) 3;
(v) 4;
(vi) 5;
(vii) 5.
Let G be disconnected, and let v and w be vertices o f G. I f v and w lie i n dif ferent components o f G, then they are adjacent i n G. I f v and w lie in the same component o f G and z lies i n another component, then v —> z —» iv is a path i n G. I n either case, any two vertices can be connected by a path i n G, and hence G is connected.
k = A, = 2; (ii) k = A. = 3; ( i i i ) k = X = 4; ( i v ) k = X = 4.
Eulerian; ( i i ) semi-Eulerian: ( i i i ) neither; (iv) Eulerian; (v) neither.
Eulerian graphs: 1, 4, 8, 18, 2 1 , 25, 3 1 ; semi-Eulerian graphs: 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 13, 14, 16, 17. 19, 22, 23, 26, 28, 30.
A t least k/2 trails are needed, so as to 'use u p ' a l l k vertices o f odd degree. I f we now add k/2 edges to G and j o i n these vertices i n pairs, then we obtain an Eulerian graph G. We obtain the required k/2 trails by w r i t i n g down an Eulerian trail for G' and then omitting the added edges,
Solutions to selected exercises
There are many possible solutions; for example, traverse the edges i n the order indicated by the following diagram:
(i) Hamiltonian; ( i i ) semi-Hamiltonian; ( i i i ) Hamiltonian; ( i v ) Hamiltonian; (v) Hamiltonian.
Hamiltonian: 1, 4, 8, 9, 10, 18, 22, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 3 1 ; semi-Hamiltonian: 2, 3, 6, 7, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 2 1 , 23, 24, 25.
The permanent labels are, successively, 1(A) = 0, 1(B) = 30,1(D) = 36, 1(C) = 48, 1(F) = 58, 1(E) = 69, 1(G) = 77, and the shortest path, o f length 77, is A-^B-^D-^C-^F-^E-^G.
2) u
i f n is even: K
, i f n is odd.
Doubling the edges along the path B-^D-^E-^A-^C w i t h total weight 24.
The required Hamiltonian cycle is / 4 - > 5 - > C - > £ - > D - > A , w i t h total weight 14.
Chapter 9.1
yields a solution
4 The trees are 1 , 2 , 3 , 5 , 6 , 11, 12, 13.
9.2 r
^ m m m—m6 vertices^
m—m—m m m m # +7 vertices^
m m m #•
m m m
! I
• • m m • • • ^ T .
Solutions to selected exercises 9.6
Cycles: abcdea, abca, abcda, cdc; cutsets: { a h . ac, ad, ae), \ac, ad, ae, be), {ad, ae, cd, cd}. \ae,
9.8 10.1
(i) It is a bridge; ( i i ) it is a loop. There are three unlabelled trees on 5 vertices.
The first tree can be labelled i n (5! )/2 - 60 ways; the second tree can be labelled in 5 x 4 x 3 = 60 ways, corresponding to the 60 possible choices for //, v and w; the third tree can be labelled i n 5 ways, corresponding to the 5 possible choices for z. The total number is therefore 60 + 60 + 5 = 125. (i)
(4, 4, 4, l ) a n d (4, 2, 2, 4).
Each spanning tree i n K contains one o f the two edges uv and V , H \ for each /, together w i t h one extra edge. The number o f spanning trees is therefore 2 .sl2 = s2 -K 2s
W e obtain either o f the following weighted trees w i t h total weight 13:
vertex A: 15 + (2 + 4) = 2 1 ; vertex D: 15 + ( 3 + 4 ) = 22;
The graph is a connected graph w i t h n + (2n + 1) + 1 + 1 = 3// + 3 vertices and {4/7 + (2/i + 1) + 2 + 1 }/2 = 3/2 + 2 edges, and is therefore a tree, by Theorem 9.1 ( i i i ) .
W e obtain the following labelled trees, where the labels correspond to the order in which the vertices are visited:
vertex B: 17 + (2 + 3) = 22; vertex E: 12 + (5 + 6) = 23.
Solutions to selected exercises
10 11.10
The fundamental cycle equations are: VWZYXV: i\ + z - i + i = 12; VWZV: i + i + i = 0; VWZYV: - i + / - i + z = 0; WZYW: - i - i + i = 0. The vertex equations are: V: i + i = i + z ; W: z = z + i ; X: i = i \ Y: i + i = i + / ; Z: z = / + / . These equations have the solution i = i = 8, z = 4, z = z = 2, z = z = - 2 , z = 0. 3
depth first search
breadth first search
No, s i n c e K
The complete graph K is planar i f n < 4. The complete bipartite graph A^. . (r < .v) is planar i f r = 1 or 2, as shown by the following plane drawings:
3 3
is non-planar. n
2 K
12 J
(i) and (ii)
Solutions to selected exercises
Although these graphs are not homeomorphic or contractible to K or JT , each contains a subgraph homeomorphic or contractible to K or K . 5
Petersen graph
The following drawings show the graphs drawn with two crossings. Some exper imentation should convince you that no drawing is possible with just one crossing.
(0 (ii) (iii) (iv)
Since G has girth 5, we have 5 / < 2m. Combining this with Euler's for mula n - m + f = 2 gives the required inequality. I f the Petersen graph were planar, then this inequality w o u l d be 15 < 40/3, w h i c h is false. Thus, the Petersen graph is non-planar.
I f G has girth r, then rf< 2m. Combining this w i t h Euler's formula gives the inequality m < r(n - 2)1 {r - 2).
Since the Petersen graph is non-planar, its thickness is at least 2. But the Petersen graph can be obtained by superimposing t w o planar graphs, such as the outer pentagon and the 'spokes', and the inner pentagon. So the Petersen graph has thickness 2. Q is not planar, as can be seen by applying Corollary 13.4(h). So its thickness is at least 2. B u t Q can be obtained by superimposing t w o planar graphs as follows.
n n n n
= 8, = 6, = 9, = 9,
m m m m
= = = =
14,/= 12,/= 15,/= 14,/=
8, 8, 8, 7,
and and and and
14 12 15 14
+ + + +
8 8 8 7
= = = =
2; 2; 2; 2.
So Q has thickness 2. 4
g(K ) = [ ( 7 - 3)(7 - 4 ) / 1 2 l = 1; g(K ) = T(l 1 - 3)(11 - 4 ) / 1 2 l = T56/12] = 5. K , as g(K%) = f(8 - 3)(8 - 4 ) / 1 2 l = f 2 0 / 1 2 l = 2. 7
158 14.5
Solutions to selected exercises (i) (ii)
the octahedron graph. For such a graph, 4n = 2m = 3f. I t f o l l o w s f r o m Theorem 14.2 that m/2 - m + 2m/3 = 2- 2g, and so rn = 12(1 - g), which is non-positive. This contradiction shows that no such graph can exist.
n* = / = 6, m* = m = 1 0 , / * = n = 6, 15.4
n* = / = 7,
11 J *
= 6.
I f such a plane graph existed, then its dual w o u l d be a plane graph w i t h five mutually adjacent vertices. Since K is non-planar, this is impossible. 5
The above labelling shows that the given graphs are isomorphic. In the dual graphs the vertex-degrees are all 3 or 5 on the left and 3 or 4 on the right, so these duals cannot be isomorphic. 15.7
I f G is a simple plane graph i n which each vertex has degree 5 or 6, then G has at least 12 vertices of degree 5; if, i n addition, each face is a triangle, then G has exactly 12 vertices o f degree 5.
I f G is 3-connected, then G has no vertices o f degree 1 or 2, and hence G * has no loops or multiple edges.
I f G is bipartite, then each cycle o f G has even length, and thus each cutset o f G * has an even number o f edges; i n particular, each vertex o f G * has even degree, and thus G* is Eulerian. The reverse implication is obtained by revers ing the argument. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi)
A n 'infinite star', obtained by j o i n i n g the origin to infinitely many points on the unit circle; the complete graph with vertex set {x: 0 <[ x £ 1 } ; the infinite hexagonal lattice; an infinite star, or an infinite path; the graph obtained by adjoining an infinite path to a vertex o f K ; an infinite star, or an infinite path.
Consider the infinite star o f Exercise 16.1(i).
Solutions to selected exercises Chapter
2 and 4.
2-chromatic: 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 11, 12, 13, 17, 23; 3- chromatie: 4, 7, 9, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 2 1 , 22, 25, 26, 27, 29; 4- chromatic: 10, 24, 28, 30.
Upper bound = 3, chromatic number = 3;
upper bound = k, chromatic number = 2.
I f Cj is the number o f vertices coloured /, for 1 < / < % (G), then c,
d. Thus,
- <:/), and so %(G) > /7/()z - <:/).
Tetrahedron: 4; octahedron, 2; cube, 3; icosahedron, 3; dodecahedron, 4.
A n y cycle graph w i t h an even number o f vertices; for example, C .
W e prove the result by induction on the number of countries, the result being
trivial for maps with at most six countries. Let G be a map with n countries, and assume that all maps w i t h n - 1 countries are 6-colourable(f). B y Euler's theorem, G contains a country F bounded by at most 5 edges. I f we shrink F to a p o i n t , then the r e m a i n i n g graph has n -
1 countries, and is thus 6-
colourabie(f). A 6-colouring o f the countries of G is then obtained by colouring F w i t h a different colour from the (at most 5) faces surrounding F. Thus, G is 6-colourable(f). 20.1 20.3
4 and 3. Chromatic index 2: 3, 6, 8, 13; chromatic index 3: 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 22. 23; chromatic index 4: 11, 14, 19, 2 1 , 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29.
Lower bound 2, upper bound 3, actual value 3;
lower bound 7, upper bound 8, actual value 7:
lower bound 6, upper bound 7, actual value 6.
Assume that r > s and that K is drawn as shown below, with the s vertices below the r vertices. N o w successively colour the edges using the colours { 1 , 2 , . . . , / • } , { 2 , 3, . . . , r , 1 } , . . . , { . v , . . . , r , 1 , . . . , a - 1 } . rs
Since G is regular o f degree 3, we have %'(G) > 3. To obtain a 3-colouring o f the edges o f G, we colour the edges o f a Hamiltonian cycle alternately red and blue, and then colour the remaining edges green.
Solutions to selected exercises
(i) (ii)
\){k\ )\
K can be coloured i n = 5040 ways; K can be coloured i n 7 x 6 = 54 432 ways. 6
I f vertices a and b have the same colour, then there are k(k - I ) colourings; i f they have different colours, then there are k(k - 1 )(k - 2 ) colourings. Thus, P (k) = k(k - I ) + k(k -l)(k~ 2)-\ (ii) We have, by Theorem 2 1 . 1 , 5
1 ) - / : ( / : - 1 ) ( F - 3^ + 3) = k(k- l ) ( F - 4 F + 6 A - - 4 ) . 4
= 21.7
Since / : ( / : - l ) ^ = k - (/? - l ) / : " - + • • • + (-ly'" /.-, G has /7 vertices, /7 - 1 edges, and 1 component. I t follows from Theorem 9.1 (iii) that G is a tree on n vertices. 4
Since Pc(k) = k(k - I ) , G must be a tree on 5 vertices - that is,
<:-x Chapter 22.1 22.2
7 The first and last digraphs. (i)
Since the underlying graph o f D is connected, we have n - 1 < m, by Theorem 5.2. The upper bound is attained only by the digraph i n which each pair o f vertices is joined by two oppositely oriented arcs.
n < m < n(n - 1); the upper bound remains unchanged, and the lower bound follows since a cycle can be strongly connected, but no 'directed tree' can be. 0 10 0
"1 0 0 0 0 0^
0 12 0
0 0 0 0 0 1
1 1 0
0 10
1 1 0
0 0 0 0 1 0
10 0
0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0
G, 12; E, 10; B, 6.
Solutions to selected exercises
sum o f out-degrees = 4 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 2 = number o f arcs = 1 0 ; sum o f in-degrees = 0 + 2 + 2 + 4 + 2 = number o f arcs = 1 0 . 23.2
(i) (ii) (iii)
I f v and w are both sources, then vw and wv must both be arcs o f the tourna ment, w h i c h is impossible; thus, no tournament can contain more than one source. The proof for sinks is similar.
aeda, edcbe, aecbda; aedabdcbeca; aecbda.
Ei is persistent; all other states are transient.
Solutions to selected exercises Co
2 0
6 1 2
1 3 1 6 1 2 0
A l l states are persistent. 24.2
Numbering the players clockwise around the table, we have: r
i i
B y inspection, each state is persistent. S i n c e p ^ 0 for each /, each state is aperiodic. Hence the chain is ergodic. u
(ii) (iii)
cm\ hx. cy; aw, hz, cx: aw, hz, cy; ay, bz, cx; az, bx, cy. A 0 \A I 0 Icp(A) 0 Thus A 1 <
a b c ab 1 1 1 2 3 2 2 4 1 cp(A)l for each subset
ac be a be 2 2 3 4 3 4 A o f a, b, c } .
Solutions to selected exercises 25.3
The first, third and fourth vertices in V are collectively joined to only two ver tices o f V , and hence the marriage condition fails. x
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
no transversal - the partial transversals are 0 , 1, 2. 3, 4, 5. 12, 13, 14, 15. 23, 24, 25, 35, 123, 124, 125, 134, 135, 234. 235, 1234 and 1235. transversal - for example, { 1 , 2, 4, 5 } . no transversal - the partial transversals are 0 , 1, 2, 3, 12, 13, 23 and 123. transversal - for example, { 1 , 4 , 2 , 5 } .
B y inspection, we can find eight transversals, each omitting just one o f the eight letters i n the w o r d MATROIDS. For example, omitting M, we successively choose the letters 5, R, 0 , /, D , A, T.
There is only one transversal - namely, { 1 , 2 , . . . , 5 0 } .
Let the sets i n ^Fbe S\, . . . , S . Then the marriage condition fails for {S , S ) and { 5 , 5 , S }. The union o f any k o f the subsets contains at least 1 element if k - 1 or 2, at least 2 elements i f k = 3, at least 4 elements i f k = 4, and 5 elements i f k = 5, and so contains at least k - 1 elements for any value o f k. But t = 4. m- 5, so k + t - m = & - .1, as required. 5
^1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8^
4 7 6 8 1 3 5 2 . 5 8 2 7 3 4 1 6^
2 3 4 5 6
2 3 4 5 6 1
2 5 8 3 6 1 4 7 3 6 1 5 2 7 8 4
3 4 5 6 1 2 4 5 6 1 2 3 5 6 1 2 3 4 .6 1 2 3 4 5
"1 2 3 4 5^
1 2 3 4 5
5 3 12 4
5 3 12 4
2 14
5 3
2 4 5 3 1
3 4 5 1 2
3 5 4 1 2
4 5 2 3 1
4 12
5 3
For both matrices, the term rank and p are both equal to 4.
(i) (ii)
edge form: the result is true with k = 2 for both graphs; vertex form: the result is true with k = 2 for both graphs.
(i) and (ii) It is straightforward to verify that in each case there are exactly three disjoint paths j o i n i n g any given pair o f vertices.
[a, /?, d}\ We check one case: I ( { c , e) u {a, h, d}) n {/?, c, c}i = l{/?, c, c}l = 3. and 3 > 2 + 1 - 3.
Solutions to selected exercises
28.4 29.1
The appropriate value o f £ is 3 for each graph. (i)
The cuts are { IY/, vb}, {vet, ba, bd\, {va, cvi, d w } , { v b , ba, etc j { r/?, da, a/, cvv}, {ac, bd), {ac, cd, dw j , { M , cd, cw} and {cw, dw}. The unique m i n i m u m cut is { M , cd, cw} with capacity 6. A corresponding m a x i m u m flow w i t h value 6 is as follows:
A cut w i t h capacity 8 is {BD, EG, EH, FH, A flow w i t h value 8 is as follows: e
2 w
2 p*
0 3 — —
W" 3 C
W 1
A d d a new source vertex v* joined to ail the sources v,- with arcs v*v,- o f infinite capacity, and a new sink vertex w* j o i n e d to all the sinks w, with arcs w w* o f infinite capacity. t
Chapter 30.1
9 (i) (ii) (iii)
Each subset o f E is independent, there are no cycles, and r(A) = iAi for each subset A o f E; this is the discrete matroid. The only independent set is the empty set. The cycles are {a}, {b}, {c}, {d\, {e}, and the rank function is identically 0; this is the trivial matroid. The independent sets are those subsets o f E with 0, 1, 2 or 3 elements, the cycles are those subsets with 4 elements, and i f A is a subset o f E, then r(A) = m i n {1/41, 3 } ; this is the 3-uniform matroid.
Solutions to selected exercises 30.2
M(G\) has bases abd, acci and bed; cycle a be; and independent sets 0 , a, d, ab, ac, ad, be, bd, cd, abd, acd and bed.
M(G ) has basespqs,pqt,prt, pst, qrs, qrt, qst and prs; cycles pqr, rst andpqst; and independent sets 0 , /?, r, s, t, pq, pr, ps, pt, cp\ qs, qt, rs, rt, st, pqs, pqt, prt, pst, qrs, qrt, qst and prs. 2
The partial transversals are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16. 23, 24, 25, 26, 34, 35, 36, 123, 124, 125, 126, 134, 135, 136, 234, 235 and 236. These partial transversals are the independent sets o f the matroid M(G), where G is the f o l l o w i n g graph: 1
The bases are 123, 124, 125, 126, 134, 135, 136, 234, 235 and 236; the cycles are 1234, 1235, 1236, 45, 46 and 56. This f o l l o w s immediately f r o m Exercise 5.1 1 and the definition o f a cutset. graph G\.a,b and c; graph G : pr, ps, pt, qr, qs, qt, rs and rt. 2
U p to isomorphism, the four matroids on [a,b] are:
(i) (ii)
a a, b ab
cycles a,b
0, a,b 0, a, b, ab
b ab
Yes: with the notation o f Exercise 30.2, M ( G , ) = M(ab, be, d), M ( G ) = M(pq, qrs, st). Yes: M*(G ) = M(abc), M * ( G ) = M(pqr, rst). 2
I f M is a A-uniform matroid on E, then M - M (.70, where ^consists o f k copies ofE.
The cycles o f the Fano matroid are the lines, such as { 1 , 2 , 4 } , and the com plements o f the lines, such as { 1 , 2, 3, 6 } . (i) (ii)
The only base o f a discrete matroid on £ is £ itself, so the only base o f its dual is 0; the dual matroid is thus the trivial matroid on E. The (n - A)-uniform matroid on the same set o f n elements.
166 32.4
Solutions to selected exercises The bases for M(K ) are ab, ac, be, so the bases o f (M(K ))* M{K *) is isomorphic to (M(K ))*. 3
(i) (ii)
(iii) (iv)
are a, b, c. Thus,
The cocycles are the subsets o f cardinality 7; the cobases are the subsets of cardinality 6. M(G ) has cocycles ab, ac, be, d, and cobases a, b, c. M(Gi) has cocycles pq, prs, prt, qrs, qrt, st, and cobases pr, ps, pt, qr, qs, qt, rs, rt. The cocycles are 1, 23, and the cobases are 2, 3. The cocycles are 1236, 1257, 1467, 1345, 2347, 2456 and 3567, and the cobases are all subsets o f four elements containing a line, such as 1247. {
It is sufficient to note that { 1 , 2 } and { 1 , 2, 4, 5} have ranks 2 and 3, respec tively. A n independent transversal o f 5 is { 1 , 2 , 5 } .
I f M - M(S . . . , S ) is a transversal matroid on E, then M = M , u . . . u M where M is the matroid on E whose bases are just the singleton subsets o f S . Conversely, i f M , . . . , M are matroids o f rank 1, then their union M = M u * • • u M is the transversal matroid on the sets S . . . , S , where S is the union o f the independent sets i n M . h
m ?
Index o f s y m b o l s
I've got a little list. W. S. Gilbert
A A(D)
adjacency matrix arc-family o f D base o f M cycle graph crossing-number o f G digraph degree o f v non-empty finite set edge set o f G number o f faces Fano matroid genus graph
B C cr(G) D deg(v) E E(G) f F g G G G* G(V
complement o f G dual o f G bipartite graph union o f graphs
V) 2
/ k K
L(G) m M M* M. A MxA M(G) M(S . .. ,S) h
independent set of M number o f components complete graph complete bipartite graph complete tripartite graph line graph o f G number o f edges matroid dual matroid contraction matroid restriction matroid cycle matroid transversal matroid
number of vertices null graph
chromatic polynomial of G path graph ^-cube rank function of M rank function of A/* thickness o f G tree
P„ QK r
KG) T U, V, W, 1
~> v
V(D) V(G) W W W a, (3, y 1(G) n
T(G) A K(G) X(G) £>(G) X(G) X'(G)
vertices of G walk vertex set o f D vertex set o f G cycle subspace of G cutset subspace of G wheel colours cycle rank o f G automorphism group of G largest vertex degree of G connectivity of G edge-connectivity o f G cutset rank o f G chromatic number of G chromatic index o f G bases o f M cycles o f M family o f subsets independent sets o f M
Index of definitions Only a little more I have to write, Then Til give o'er And hid the world Robert Herri ck
Absorbing state, 111 Abstract dual, 75 Activity network, 103 Adjacency matrix of digraph, 101 Adjacency matrix of graph, 14 Adjacent, 12, 101 Algorithm, 38, 52, 103 Alkane, 54 Aperiodic state, 111 Appel, K., 84 Applications, 38, 51, 99, 103, 118 Arc, 100 Arc family, 100 Assignment problem, 114 Associated digraph, 110 Automorphism, 20 Automorphism group, 20
Base of matroid, 132 Binary matroid, 137 Bipartite graph, 18 Bipartite matroid, 138 Bridge, 28 Brooks' theorem, 82, 86
Camion, P., 106 Capacity of an arc, 127 Capacity of a cut, 127 Cayley, A., 47 Cayley's theorem, 48 Centre of a graph, 46 Chain, Markov, 109 Chemical molecule, 9, 54 Chinese postman problem, 40 Chromatic function, 96 Chromatic index, 92 Chromatic number, 81 Chromatic polynomial, 97 Clarke, L.E., 48 Closed path, 27 Cobase, 141 Cocycle, 141 Cographic matroid, 137, 141
Co-independent set, 141 Coloured cubes, 23 Colouring a graph, 81 Colouring a map, 88 Colouring edges, 92 Colouring vertices, 81 Common transversal, 120 Complement of a graph, 20, 45 Complete bipartite graph, 18 Complete graph, 17 Complete matching, 113 Complete tripartite graph, 20 Component, 11 Connected digraph, 101 Connected graph, 4, 10, 27 Connectivity, 29 Contractible, 62 Contracting an edge, 13 Contraction matroid, 138 Converse digraph, 104 Corank, 141 Countable graph, 77 Counting graphs, 47, 147 Critical graph, 86 Critical path, 103 Critical path analysis, 103 Crossing number, 63 Cube, 19 Cube graph, 18 Cubic graph, 18 Cut, 18 Cutset, 28, 29 Cutset matroid, 137 Cutset rank, 45 Cutset subspace, 35 Cut-vertex, 29 Cycle, 4, 27, 133 Cycle graph, 17 Cycle matroid, 133, 136 Cycle of a digraph, 101 Cycle of a graph, 27 Cycle of a matroid, 133, 135 Cycle rank, 45 Cycle subspace, 35
Index of definitions Degree of a vertex, 2, 12, 77 Degree sequence, 12 Deleting an edge, 13 Dependent set, 133 Depth first search, 56 Digraph, 3, 100 Dirac's theorem, 36 Directed graph, 3, 100 Disconnected graph, 4,10 Disconnecting set, 28, 29, 122 Discrete matroid, 136 Disjoint paths, 122 Distance in a graph, 30 Dodecahedron graph, 18 Doughnut, 70 Dual graph, 73 Dual matroid, 139
Edge, 2, 8, 9, 77 Edge-connectivity, 29 Edge-contraction, 13 Edge-deletion, 13 Edge-disjoint paths, 122 Edge family, 9 Edge set, 8 Eight circles problem, 21 Electrical networks, 54 End-vertex, 12 Enumeration, 47, 147 Ergodic chain, 111 Ergodic state, 111 Euclid, 73 Euler, L . , 12,31 Eulerian digraph, 105 Eulerian graph, 4, 31 Eulerian infinite graph, 79 Eulerian matroid, 138 Eulerian trail, 31,79, 105 Euler's formula, 66 Extremal theorem, 30
Face of a graph, 65, 71 Family, 9 Family of subsets, 115 Family tree, 7 Fano matroid, 138 Fary, I . , 60 Final vertex, 26 Finite Markov chain, 109 Finite walk, 78 Five-colour theorem, 83 Fleury's algorithm, 33 Flow in a network, 127 Flow-augmenting path, 129 Ford, L.R., 128 Forest, 43 Four-colour theorem, 5, 84, 91 Four-cubes problem, 23 Fulkerson, D. R., 128 Fundamental set of cutsets, 45 Fundamental set of cycles, 46
General graph, 8 Genus of a graph, 70 Geometric dual, 73 Ghouila-Houri, A., 105 Girth, 30 Graph, 2, 8, 9 Graphic matroid, 136 Greedy algorithm, 52 Grotzsch graph, 37 Group of a graph, 20
Haken, W., 84 Hall's theorem, 113 Halmos, P.R., 113 Hamilton, W. R., 35 Hamiltonian cycle, 35, 105 Hamiltonian digraph, 105 Hamiltonian graph, 4, 35 Handshaking dilemma, 105 Handshaking lemma, 12 Harem problem, 114 Heawood, P. J., 72 Homeomorphic graphs, 62 Hydrocarbons, 54
Icosahedron graph, 18 Incidence matrix, 14, 119 Incident, 12, 101 In-degree. 105, 127 Independent edges, 30 Independent set, 133 Independent transversal, 144 Index, chromatic, 92 Infinite face, 65 Infinite graph, 77 Infinite square lattice, 77 Infinite triangular lattice, 77 Infinite walk, 78 Initial vertex, 12 Instant insanity, 23 Irreducible Markov chain, 110 Irreducible tournament, 108 Isolated vertex, 12 Isomorphic digraphs, 101 Isomorphic graphs, 9 Isomorphic labelled graphs, 47 Isomorphic matroids, 136
Join, 8, 9
^-chromatic, 81 ^-colourable, 81 A-colourable(e), 92 A-eolourable(f), 89 A-eolourable(v), 89 ^-connected, 29 A-critical. 86 £-cube, 19 ^-edge-colourable, 92 /.•-edge-connected, 29 Kirchhoff s laws, 55
Index of definitions
Kirkman, T.P., 35 Konig-Egervary theorem, 119 Konigsberg bridges problem, 31 Konig's lemma, 78 Konig's theorem, 94 ^-uniform matroid, 136 Kuratowski's theorem, 62
Label, 47 Labelled graph, 47 Labelling, 47 Latin rectangle, 118 Latin square, 118 Lattice, square, 77 Length of a walk, 26 Line graph, 20 Linkage, 49 Locally countable graph, 77 Locally finite graph, 77 Longest path problem, 103 Loop, 3,8 Loop of a matroid, 134
Map, 88 Map colouring, 88 Markov chain, 109, 110 Marriage problem, 5,112 Marriage theorem, 113 Matching, 113 Matrix of a graph, 14 Matrix-tree theorem, 50 Matroid, 132, 133 Matroid duality, 139 Max-flow min-cut theorem, 128 Maximum flow, 127 Maze, 7 Mei-Ku Kwan, 40 Menger's theorem, 122 Minimum connector problem, 52 Minimum cut, 127 Minor, 138 Mobius strip, 72 Multiple edges, 3,8
Network, 103, 127 Network flow, 127 Node, 8 Null graph, 17
Octahedron graph, 18 One-way infinite walk, 78 Ore's theorem, 36 Orientable graph, 102 Out-degree, 105, 127 Outerplanar graph, 65
Parallel elements, 134 Partial transversal, 115 Path, 4, 26 Path graph, 17 Periodic state, 111 Persistent state, 111 Personnel assignment problem, 114 PERT, 103 Petersen graph, 18 Planar graph, 5. 60 Planar matroid, 137 Plane graph, 60 Platonic graphs, 18 Poiya, G., 54 Polyhedral graph. 67 Polyhedron formula, 66 Printed circuit, 68 Probability vector, 110 Problem of cubes, 23 Program Evaluation and Review Technique, 103 Pi-Lifer. H., 48
Rado, R.,116 Rado's theorem, 144 Random walk, 109 Randomly traceable graph, 34 Rank, 45 ,118, 133 Rank function, 133 Rank of a matroid, 133 Redei, L., 106 Regular graph, 18 Regular matroid, 137 Representable matroid, 137 Restriction matroid, 138 Ringel-Youngs' theorem, 72 Robbins, H.E., 102 Root, 56
Saturated arc, 127 Score, 108 Score sequence, 108 Searching trees, 56 Self-complementary graph, 20 Semi-Eulerian graph, 31 Semi-Hamiltonian digraph, 105 Semi-Hamiltonian graph, 35 Separating set, 29, 122 Shortest path problem, 38 Simple digraph, 100 Simple graph, 3, 8 Sink, 105 Six people at a party, 22 Six-colour theorem, 83 Source, 105 Spanning forest, 45 Spanning tree, 44 Square lattice, 77
Index of definitions State of Markov chain, 110 Strongly-connected digraph, 101 Subgraph, 12
Union of graphs, 10 Union of matroids, 145 Unsaturated arc, 127
Table of graphs, 11, 147 Term rank, 119 Tetrahedron graph, 18 Thickness, 68 Timetabling problems, 85, 99, 120 Topology, 60 Toroidal graph, 70 Torus, 70 Tournament, 106 Trail, 26 Transient state, 111 Transition matrix, 109, 1 10 Transition probabilities, 109 Transitive tournament, 108 Transversal, 115 Transversal matroid, 137 Travelling salesman problem. 41, 53 Treacle, 64 Tree, 5, 43 Triangle, 27 Triangular lattice, 77 Trivial matroid, 135 Turan's extremal theorem. 30 Tutte's theorem, 142 Two-way infinite walk, 78
Value of a flow, 127 Vaughan, H.E., 113 Vector matroid. 133 Vector space of a graph, 16 Vertex. 2,8,9,77, 100 Vertex-connectivity, 29 Vertex-disjoint paths, 122 Vertex set, 8, 9, 100 Vi zing's theorem. 93 vw-disconnecting set, 122 vw-separating set, 122
Underlying graph, 100 Uniform matroid, 136
Zero flow, 127 Zero-one matrix, 14, 119
Here is my journey s end. W i l l i a m Shakespeare (Macbeth)
Wagner, K., 60 Walk. 3, 26, 101 Walk, random, 109 Weight of an edge, 39 Weighted digraph, 103 Weighted graph, 39 Wheel. 17 Whitney, H., 77 Whitney dual. 77
Youngs, J.W.T., 72