Lecture Notes in Mathematics Editors: J.-M. Morel, Cachan F. Takens, Groningen B. Teissier, Paris
Laure Saint-Raymond
Hydrodynamic Limits of the Boltzmann Equation
Laure Saint-Raymond Département de Mathématiques et Applications Ecole Normale Supérieure 45 rue d’Ulm 75005 Paris France
[email protected]
ISBN: 978-3-540-92846-1 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-92847-8
e-ISBN: 978-3-540-92847-8
Lecture Notes in Mathematics ISSN print edition: 0075-8434 ISSN electronic edition: 1617-9692 Library of Congress Control Number: 2008943981 Mathematics Subject Classification (2000): 76-02, 76P05, 82C40, 35B40, 35A99 c 2009 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilm or in any other way, and storage in data banks. Duplication of this publication or parts thereof is permitted only under the provisions of the German Copyright Law of September 9, 1965, in its current version, and permission for use must always be obtained from Springer. Violations are liable to prosecution under the German Copyright Law. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. Cover design: SPi Publisher Services Printed on acid-free paper springer.com
The material published in this volume comes essentially from a course given at the Conference on “Boltzmann equation and fluidodynamic limits”, held in Trieste in June 2006. The author is very grateful to Fabio Ancona and Stefano Bianchini for their invitation, and their encouragements to write these lecture notes. The aim of this book is to present some mathematical results describing the transition from kinetic theory, and more precisely from the Boltzmann equation for perfect gases to hydrodynamics. Different fluid asymptotics will be investigated, starting always from solutions of the Boltzmann equation which are only assumed to satisfy the estimates coming from physics, namely some bounds on mass, energy and entropy. In particular the present survey does not consider convergence results requiring further regularity. However, for the sake of completeness, we will give in the first chapter some rough statements and bibliographical references for these smooth asymptotics of the Boltzmann equation, as well as for the transition from Hamiltonian systems to hydrodynamics. Our starting point in the second chapter is some brief presentation of the Boltzmann equation, including its fundamental properties such as the formal conservations of mass, momentum and energy and the decay of entropy (for further details we refer to the book of Cercignani, Illner and Pulvirenti [31] or to the survey of Villani [106]). We then introduce the physical parameters characterizing the qualitative behaviour of the gas, and we derive formally the various hydrodynamic approximations obtained in the fast relaxation limit, i.e. when the collision process is dominating. We finally introduce the main existing mathematical frameworks dealing with the Cauchy problem for the Boltzmann equation, which can be useful for the study of hydrodynamic limits : we will particularly focus on the notion of renormalized solution defined by DiPerna and Lions [44], which will be used in all the sequel. The third chapter is devoted to some technical results which are crucial tools for the mathematical derivation of hydrodynamic limits. Note that the general strategy to rigorously justify the formal asymptotics is to proceed by v
analogy, that is to recognize the structure of the expected limiting hydrodynamic model in the corresponding scaled Boltzmann equation. These tools will therefore not be equally used in all fluid regimes. The first point to be discussed is the implications of the entropy inequality, which provides some bound on the (relative) entropy, as well as some control on the entropy dissipation, and possibly some estimates on a boundary term known as the Darroz`es-Guiraud information, depending on the scaling to be considered. The second point is to understand how these bounds, especially that on the entropy dissipation, allow to control the relaxation mechanism, and which consequences this implies on the distribution function. Note that, for fluctuations around a global equilibrium, such a study goes back to Hilbert [65] and Grad [59]. The last point to be investigated is the balance between this relaxation process due to collisions, and the other important physical mechanism, namely the free transport : in viscous regime the global structure of the scaled Boltzmann equation is actually of hypoelliptic type, and one can exhibit some regularizing effect of the free transport (extending for instance the velocity averaging lemma due to Golse, Lions, Perthame and Sentis [53]). The incompressible Navier-Stokes limit, studied extensively in the fourth chapter, is therefore the only hydrodynamic asymptotics of the Boltzmann equation for which we are actually able to implement all the mathematical tools presented in Chapter 3, and for which an optimal convergence result is known. By “optimal”, we mean here that this convergence result - holds globally in time; - does not require any assumption on the initial velocity profile; - does not assume any constraint on the initial thermodynamic fields; - takes into account boundary conditions, and describes their limiting form. We start by recalling some basic facts about the limiting system, in particular its weak stability established by Leray [70]. We then explain the general strategy used to establish the convergence result of the renormalized solutions to the suitably scaled Boltzmann equation (which is very similar to the weak compactness argument of Leray), as well as the main difficulties to be overcomed. The moment method, introduced by Bardos, Golse and Levermore [5] requires indeed to understand how one recovers the local conservation laws in the limit, and to determine the asymptotic behaviour of the flux terms, especially of the convection terms which are quadratic functions of the moments. In order to do so, the moments are actually proved to be regular with respect to the space variables x by a refined version of the velocity averaging result due to Golse and the author [56]. Furthermore the high frequency oscillating parts of the moments, known as acoustic waves, are filtered out by a compensated compactness argument due to Lions and Masmoudi [76]. One therefore gets a global weak convergence result ([54] or [55]) which does not require a precise study of the relaxation or oscillation phenomena. In the case of a domain with boundaries, one has further to take into account the interactions between the gas and the wall, which leads to a braking
condition if the kinetic condition is a diffuse reflection, and a slipping condition if the kinetic condition is a specular reflection. The state of the art about the incompressible Euler limit, which is the main matter of the fifh chapter, is not so complete as for the incompresible Navier-Stokes limit. Due to the lack of regularity estimates for inviscid incompressible models, the convergence results describing the incompressible Euler asymptotics of the Boltzmann equation require additional regularity assumptions on the solution to the target equations. Furthermore, the relative entropy method leading to these stability results controls the convergence in a very strong sense, which imposes additional conditions either on the solution to the asymptotic equations (“well-prepared initial data”), or on the solutions to the scaled Boltzmann equation (namely some additional non uniform a priori estimates giving in particular the local conservation of momentum and energy). Under these additional a priori estimates, it is indeed possible to improve the relative entropy method, so as to take into account the acoustic waves and the Knudsen layers. The last chapter of this survey is devoted to the compressible Euler limit, and is actually a series of remarks and open problems more than a compendium of results. The main challenge is of course to understand how the entropy dissipation concentrates on shocks and discontinuities, which should be studied in one space dimension. Paris, France November 2008
Laure Saint-Raymond
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.1 The Sixth Problem of Hilbert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.1.1 The Mathematical Treatment of the Axioms of Physics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.1.2 From Microscopic to Macroscopic Equations . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.2 Formal Study of the Transitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.2.1 Scalings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.2.2 Hydrodynamic Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.3 The Probabilistic Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1.3.1 The Euler Limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1.3.2 The Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations . . . . . . . . . . 7 1.4 The Analytic Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1.4.1 Formal Derivations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1.4.2 Convergence Proofs Based on Asymptotic Expansions . . 9 1.4.3 Convergence Proofs Based on Spectral Results . . . . . . . . 10 1.4.4 A Program of Deriving Weak Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
The Boltzmann Equation and its Formal Hydrodynamic Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1 Formulation and Fundamental Properties of the Boltzmann Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.1 The Boltzmann Collision Integral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.2 Local Conservation Laws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.3 Boltzmann’s H Theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Orders of Magnitude and Qualitative Behaviour of the Boltzmann Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.1 Nondimensional Form of the Boltzmann Equation . . . . . 2.2.2 Hydrodynamic Regimes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.3 Corrections to Hydrodynamic Approximations . . . . . . . . 2.2.4 Taking into Account the Boundary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
13 15 15 19 21 22 22 24 27 29
2.3 Mathematical Theories for the Boltzmann Equation . . . . . . . . . 2.3.1 Perturbative Framework : Global Existence of Smooth Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3.2 Physical Framework : Global Existence of Renormalized Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3.3 Further Results in One Space Dimension . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Mathematical Tools for the Derivation of Hydrodynamic Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1 Physical a Priori Estimates : Definition of Suitable Functional Spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1.1 The Entropy Bound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1.2 The Darroz`es-Guiraud Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1.3 The Entropy Dissipation Bound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Properties of the Collision Operator : Relaxation Towards Equilibrium and Regularization in v Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.1 Some Results in the Non Perturbative Framework . . . . . 3.2.2 Coercivity of the Linearized Collision Operator . . . . . . . . 3.2.3 Improving Integrability with Respect to the v Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 Properties of the Free Transport Operator : Dispersion and Averaging Lemmas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.1 L2 Averaging Lemmas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.2 Dispersive Properties of the Free-Transport Operator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.3 L1 Averaging Lemmas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.4 The Case of a Spatial Domain with Boundaries . . . . . . .
30 30 33 43
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The Incompressible Navier-Stokes Limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 4.1 Convergence Result : From the Boltzmann Equation to the Incompressible Navier-Stokes-Fourier System . . . . . . . . . . 79 4.1.1 Mathematical Theories for the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 4.1.2 Analogies with the Scaled Boltzmann Equation . . . . . . . 84 4.1.3 Statement of the Result . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 4.2 The Moment Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 4.2.1 Description of the Strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 4.2.2 Convergence of the Conservation Defects . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 4.2.3 Decomposition of the Flux Term . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 4.3 Study of the Convection and Diffusion Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 4.3.1 Spatial Regularity Coming from Averaging Lemmas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 4.3.2 Filtering of Acoustic Waves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 4.3.3 Convergence of the Nonlinear Convection Term . . . . . . . 105 4.3.4 Convergence of the Diffusion Term . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
4.4 Taking into Account Boundary Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 4.4.1 A Priori Estimates Coming from the Inside . . . . . . . . . . . 112 4.4.2 A Priori Estimates Coming from the Boundary . . . . . . . . 115 4.4.3 The Limiting Boundary Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 5
The Incompressible Euler Limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 5.1 Convergence Result : From the Boltzmann Equation to the Incompressible Euler System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 5.1.1 Mathematical Theories for the Incompressible Euler Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 5.1.2 Analogies with the Scaled Boltzmann Equation . . . . . . . 126 5.1.3 The Convergence Results for “Well-Prepared” Initial Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 5.1.4 The Convergence Result for General Initial Data . . . . . . 129 5.2 The Relative Entropy Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 5.2.1 Description of the Strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 5.2.2 The Stability Inequality in the Framework of Renormalized Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 5.2.3 The Stability Inequality Under the Additional Integrability Assumption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 5.3 The Case of “Well-Prepared” Initial Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 5.3.1 Control of the Flux Term . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 5.3.2 Proof of Theorem 5.1.8 and Corollary 5.1.9 . . . . . . . . . . . 143 5.4 Taking into Account Acoustic Waves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 5.4.1 Construction of Approximate Solutions by a Filtering Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 5.4.2 Control of the Flux Term and Proof of Convergence . . . 151 5.5 Taking into Account the Knudsen Layer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155 5.5.1 The Refined Stability Inequality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 5.5.2 Construction of An Approximate Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 5.5.3 Control of the Flux Term and Proof of Convergence . . . 160
The Compressible Euler Limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163 6.1 Mathematical Theories for the Compressible Euler System . . . . 163 6.1.1 Local Smooth Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164 6.1.2 Weak and Entropic Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 6.1.3 Global Entropic Solutions in One Spatial Dimension . . . 165 6.2 Some Perspectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 6.2.1 Convergence Towards Smooth Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 6.2.2 Convergence Towards Weak Solutions in One Space Dimension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 A Some Consequences of Egorov’s Theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 A.1 The Product Limit Theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 A.2 An Asymptotic Result of Variables Separating . . . . . . . . 170
Classical Trace Results on the Solutions of Transport Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 B.1 Definition of the Trace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 B.2 Free Transport with Reflection at the Boundary . . . . . . . 172 Some Consequences of Chacon’s Biting Lemma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 C.1 From Renormalized Convergence to Chacon’s Convergence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 C.2 A Result of Partial Equiintegrability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
1 Introduction
1.1 The Sixth Problem of Hilbert 1.1.1 The Mathematical Treatment of the Axioms of Physics The sixth problem asked by Hilbert in the occasion of the International Congress of Mathematicians held in Paris in 1900 is concerned with the mathematical treatment of the axioms of Physics, by analogy with the axioms of Geometry. Precisely, it states as follows : “Quant aux principes de la M´ecanique, nous poss´edons d´ej` a au point de vue physique des recherches d’une haute port´ee; je citerai, par exemple, les ´ecrits de MM. Mach [81], Hertz [64], Boltzmann [14] et Volkmann [107]. Il serait aussi tr`es d´esirable qu’un examen approfondi des principes de la M´ecanique fˆ ut alors tent´e par les math´ematiciens. Ainsi le Livre de M. Boltzmann sur les Principes de la M´ecanique nous incite ` a ´etablir et ` a discuter au point de vue math´ematique d’une mani`ere compl`ete et rigoureuse les m´ethodes bas´ees sur l’id´ee de passage ` a la limite, et qui de la conception atomique nous conduisent aux lois du mouvement des continua. Inversement on pourrait, au moyen de m´ethodes bas´ees sur l’id´ee de passage ` a la limite, chercher ` a d´eduire les lois du mouvement des corps rigides d’un syst`eme d’axiomes reposant sur la notion d’´etats d’une mati`ere remplissant tout l’espace d’une mani`ere continue, variant d’une mani`ere continue et que l’on devra d´efinir param´etriquement. Quoi qu’il en soit, c’est la question de l’´equivalence des divers syst`emes d’axiomes qui pr´esentera toujours l’int´erˆet le plus grand quant aux principes.” The problem, suggested by Boltzmann’s work on the principles of mechanics, is therefore to develop “mathematically the limiting processes [. . . ] which lead from the atomistic view to the laws of motion of continua”, namely to obtain a unified description of gas dynamics, including all levels of description. In other words, the challenging question is whether macroscopic concepts such as the viscosity or the nonlinearity can be understood microscopically.
L. Saint-Raymond, Hydrodynamic Limits of the Boltzmann Equation, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1971, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-92847-8 1, c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009
1 Introduction
1.1.2 From Microscopic to Macroscopic Equations Classical dynamics for systems constituted of identical particles are characterized by a Hamiltonian N
H(x, v) =
X 1X |vi |2 + V (xi − xj ) 2 i=1 i6=j
with V a two-body potential. The corresponding Liouville equation is ∂t fN (t, x, v) + LfN (t, x, v) = 0
where fN is the density with respect to the Lebesgue measure of the system at time t, and the Liouville operator is given by N X ∂H ∂ ∂H ∂ − L= . ∂vi ∂xi ∂xi ∂vi i=1 For a given configuration ω(t) = (x(t), v(t)) the empirical density and momentum (which rigorously speaking are measures) are then defined by Rω (X) =
Qω (X) =
N 1 X δ(X − xi ) N i=1 N 1 X vi δ(X − xi ) N i=1
Macroscopic equations such as the Euler equations or the Navier-Stokes equations (which have been historically derived through a continuum formulation of conservation of mass, momentum and energy) are then expected to be obtained as some asymptotics of the equations governing these observable quantities.
1.2 Formal Study of the Transitions The microscopic versions of density, velocity, and energy should actually assume their macroscopic, deterministic values through the law of large numbers. Therefore, in order the equations describing the evolution of macroscopic quantities to be exact, certain limits have to be taken, with suitably chosen scalings of space, time, and other macroscopic parameters of the systems. So the first step in the derivation of such equations is a choice of scaling.
1.2 Formal Study of the Transitions
1.2.1 Scalings Denote coordinates by (x, t) in the microscopic scale, and by (˜ x, t˜) in the macroscopic scale. Let ρ = N/L3 be the typical density in the microscopic unit, i.e. the number of particles per microscopic unit volume. Then, if ε is the ratio between the microscopic unit and the macroscopic unit, there are typically three choices of scalings : • the Grad limit ρ = ε, (˜ x, t˜) = (εx, εt); (The typical number of collisions per particle is finite.) • the Euler limit ρ = 1, (˜ x, t˜) = (εx, εt); (The typical number of collisions per particle is ε−1 .) • the diffusive limit ρ = 1, (˜ x, t˜) = (εx, ε2 t); (The typical number of collisions per particle is ε−2 .) The Euler and diffusive limits will be referred to as hydrodynamic limits.
Fig. 1.1. Transitions between the different levels of description
1.2.2 Hydrodynamic Limits To obtain hydrodynamic equations, we then differentiate the scaled empirical density and momentum and more precisely their integral agasinst any test function ϕ :
1 Introduction
Z ϕ(˜ x)Rω(t˜/ε),ε (˜ x)d˜ x= Z ϕ(˜ x)Qω(t˜/ε),ε (˜ x)d˜ x=
N 1 X ϕ(εxi (t˜/ε)), N i=1
N 1 X ˜ vi (t/ε)ϕ(εxi (t˜/ε)). N i=1
We get for instance N N N 1 X −1 1 X ∂H d 1 X ˜ ∂H vi (t/ε)ϕ(εxi (t˜/ε)) = − ε ϕ(εxi ) + vi ∂i ϕ(εxi ) ˜ N i=1 ∂xi N i=1 ∂vi dt N i=1
N N X xi − xj 1 X xi − xj 1X =− ∇ϕ(εxi ) · ∇V + vi ⊗ vi ∇ϕ(εxi ) + O(ε) 2N i=1 ε ε N i=1 i6=j
using Taylor’s formula for ϕ, and symmetries to discard the main term. In order to obtain the conservation of momentum in the Euler equations we then need to show that the microscopic current N X xi − xj 1 X xi − xj − ∇ϕ(εxi ) · ∇V 2N i=1 ε ε i6=j
converges to some macroscopic current P = P (R, Q, E) depending on the macroscopic density, momentum and internal energy, in the limit ε → 0. This convergence has to be understood in the sense of law of large numbers with respect to the density fN (solution to the Liouville equation) Z X X 1 xi − xj xi − xj fN (t, ω) ∇ϕ(εxi ) · ∇V − P (R, Q, E) dω → 0 N ε ε i i6=j
(1.2) The key observation, due to Morrey [86], is that (1.2) holds if we replace fN by any Gibbs measure with Hamiltonian H, or more generally if “locally” fN is a Gibbs measure of the Hamiltonian H. The point is therefore to establish that “locally” fN (t) is a equilibrium measure with finite specific entropy. The conclusion follows then from the ergodicity of the infinite system of interacting particles : the translation invariant stationary measures of the dynamics such that the entropy per microscopic unit of volume is finite are Gibbs (exp(−βH)). The Navier-Stokes equations are the next order corrections to the Euler equations. In order to derive them one needs to show that the microscopic current is well approximated up to order ε by the sum of the macroscopic current P = P (R, Q, E) and a viscosity term εν∇Q (in the sense of law of large numbers).
1.3 The Probabilistic Approach
Since there is an ε appearing in the viscosity term, proving such an asymptotics requires to understand the next order correction to Boltzmann’s hypothesis. This difficulty, recognized long time ago by Dobrushin, Lebowitz and Spohn, has been overcome recently for simplified particle dynamics : the mathematical interpretation is indeed given by the fluctuation-dissipation equation which states N X xi − xj xi − xj 1 X ∇ϕ(εxi ) · ∇V − 2N i=1 2ε ε (1.3) i6=j = P (Rω,ε , Qω,ε , Eω,ε ) + εν∇Qω,ε + εLgω,ε + o(ε) for some function gω,ε , where L is the Liouville operator. In other words, the expected asymptotics is correct only up to a quotient of the image of the Liouville operator. The image of the Liouville operator is understood as a fluctuation, negligible in the relevant scale after time average : for any bounded function g Z t ε dsfN (s, ω)(εLg)(ω)dω = ε2 (fN (t, ω) − fN (s, ω))g(ω)dω = O(ε2 ) 0
and is thus negligible to the first order in ε. In order to avoid the difficulties of the multiscale asymptotics, we may turn to the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations which are invariant under the incompressible scaling (x, t, u, p) 7→ (λx, λ2 t, λ−1 u, λ2 p) under which the fluctuation-dissipation equation becomes N X xi − xj xi − xj 1 X ∇ϕ(εxi ) · ∇V − 2N i=1 ε ε i6=j
= P (Rω,ε , Qω,ε , Eω,ε ) + ν∇Qω,ε + Lgω,ε + o(ε) where both the viscosity ν and the functions g are unknown. Notice that the solution to the fluctuation-dissipation equation requires inversion of the Liouville operator. In the following two sections, we intend to describe briefly the different mathematical approaches which allow to obtain rigorous convergence results for these asymptotics. These results will be stated in a rather unformal way in order to avoid definitions and notations. We refer to the quoted publications for precise statements and proofs.
1.3 The Probabilistic Approach The most natural approach for the mathematical understanding of hydrodynamic limits consists in using probabilistic tools such as the law of large
1 Introduction
numbers and some large deviations principle. Nevertheless the complexity of the problem is such that there is still no complete derivation of fluid models starting from the full deterministic Hamiltonian dynamics. 1.3.1 The Euler Limit Concerning the derivation of the Euler equations, what has been proved by Olla, Varadhan and Yau [89] is the following result. Theorem 1.3.1 Consider a general Hamiltonian system with superstable pairwise potential, and the corresponding stochastic dynamics obtained by adding a noise term which exchanges the momenta of nearby particles. Suppose the Euler equation has a smooth solution in [0, T ]. Then the empirical density, velocity and energy converge to the solution of the Euler equations in [0, T ] with probability one. The strength of the noise term is of course chosen to be very small so that it disappears in the scaling limit. The proof consists of two main ingredients. The first point is to establish the ergodicity of the system, and more precisely the following statement : if, under a stationary measure, the distribution of velocities conditioned to the positions is a convex combinations of gaussians, then the stationary measure is a convex combination of Gibbs. Noise is therefore added to the system in order to guarantee such information on the distributions. The second point is to prove that there is no spatial or temporal meso-scale fluctuation to prevent the convergence (1.2). It is based on the relative entropy method, so-called because the fundamental quantity to be considered is the relative entropy defined by Z H(f |g) = f log(f /g)dω for any two probability densities f and g. If fN is the solution to the Liouville equation (1.1) and ψt is any density, we have the following identity Z ∂t H(fN (t)|ψt ) = − fN (t) ψt−1 (L − ∂t )ψt dω . From Jensen’s inequality, we then deduce that Z ∂t H(fN (t)|ψt ) ≤ H(fN (t)|ψt ) + log ψt ψt−1 (L − ∂t )ψt dω . Thus, if we have 1 log N
ψt ψt−1 (L − ∂t )ψt dω → 0
1.3 The Probabilistic Approach
the relative entropy can be controlled on the relevant time scale. The remaining argument can be summarized as showing that a weak version of (1.5) holds if and only if ψt is a local Gibbs state with density, velocity and energy chosen according to the Euler equations : ∂t R + ∇x · (RU ) = 0, ∂t (RU ) + ∇x · (RU ⊗ U + P ) = 0, ∂t (RE) + ∇x · (REU − U P ) = 0. This is therefore a dynamical variational approach because the problem is solved by guessing a good test function. 1.3.2 The Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations Equation (1.4) is very difficult to solve as it requires inversion of the Liouville operator. It has been first studied by Landim and Yau [68] for the asymmetric exclusion process. The rigorous derivation of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations from particle systems has then been obtained in the framework of stochastic lattice models which are more manageable. Esposito, Marra and Yau [46] have established the convergence when the target equations have smooth solutions : Theorem 1.3.2 Consider a 3D lattice system of particles evolving by random walks and binary collisions, with “good” ergodic and symmetry properties. Suppose the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations have a smooth solution u in [0, t∗ ]. Then the rescaled empirical velocity densities uε converge to that solution u. Quastel and Yau [91] have then been able to remove the regularity assumption : Theorem 1.3.3 Consider a 3D lattice system of particles evolving by random walks and binary collisions, with “good” ergodic and symmetry properties. Let uε be the distributions of the empirical velocity densities. Then uε are precompact as a set of probability measures with respect to a suitable topology, and any weak limit is entirely supported on weak solutions of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations satisfying the energy inequality. The method used to prove this last result differs from the relative entropy method, insofar as it considers more general solutions to the target equations, but - as a counterpart - gives a weaker form of convergence. One main step of the proof is to obtain the energy estimate for the incompressible NavierStokes equations directly from the lattice gas dynamics by implementing a renormalization group. A difficult point is to control the large fluctuation using the entropy method and logarithmic Sobolev inequalities. It is important to note that such a derivation fails if the dimension of the physical space is less than three, meaning in particular that the 2D NavierStokes equations should be relevant only for 3D flows having some translation invariance.
1 Introduction
1.4 The Analytic Approach Here we will adopt a slightly different approach since our starting point will be the Boltzmann equation, which is the master equation of collisional kinetic theory. In other words, we will focus on the transition from the mesoscopic level of description to fluid mechanics indicated by the boldtype arrow in Figure 1.1. Note that this will give a partial answer to Hilbert’s problem insofar as Lanford [69] has proved the convergence of the hard core billiards to the Boltzmann equation in the Grad limit. Lanford’s result, which is the only rigorous result on the scaling limits of many-body Hamiltonian systems with no unproven assumption, is however restrictive as it considers only short times (which will be not uniform in the hydrodynamic scalings) and perfect gases (low density limit). For the sake of simplicity, we will consider in this section the only case when the microscopic interaction between particles is that of a hard sphere gas. We refer to the next chapter for a discussion on collision cross-sections. 1.4.1 Formal Derivations The first mathematical studies of hydrodynamic limits of the Boltzmnn equation are due to Hilbert [65] on the one hand, and to Chapman and Enskog [33] on the other hand. Note that, in both cases, the derivations are purely formal. Hilbert’s method consists in seeking a formal solution to the scaled Boltzmann equation 1 ∂t f + v · ∇x f = Q(f, f ) ε with small variable Knudsen number ε, in the form f (t, x, v, ε) =
∞ X
εn fn (t, x, v).
Identifying the coefficients of the different powers of ε, we then obtain systems of equations for the successive approximations f0 , f0 + εf1 , ..... Chapman-Enskog’s method is a variant of the previous asymptotic expansion, in which the coefficients fn are functions of the velocity v and of the hydrodynamic fields, namely the macroscopic density R(t, x, ε), the bulk velocity U (t, x, ε) and the temperature T (t, x, ε) associated to f . For details, we refer to the next chapter. Both methods allow to derive formally the Euler equations, as well as the weakly viscous Navier-Stokes equations. Let us mention however that, at higher order with respect to ε, one obtains systems of equations such as the Burnett model, the physical relevance of which is not clear. Moreover, these
1.4 The Analytic Approach
asymptotic expansions do not converge in general for fixed ε, and thus can represent only a very restricted class of solutions to the Boltzmann equation. Grad [59] has proposed another, much simpler, method to derive formally hydrodynamic limits of the Boltzmann equation. This method, also called moment method can be actually compared to Morrey’s analysis in the framework of particle systems. The first step consists in writing the local conservation laws for the hydrodynamic fields, namely the macroscopic density R(t, x, ε), the bulk velocity U (t, x, ε) and the temperature T (t, x, ε) associated to f . The problem is then to get a closure for this system of equations, i.e. a state relation based on the hypothesis of local thermodynamic equilibrium. 1.4.2 Convergence Proofs Based on Asymptotic Expansions Many of the early justifications of hydrodynamic limits of the Boltzmann equation are based on truncated asymptotic expansions. For instance, Caflisch [24] gave a rigorous justification of the compressible Euler limit up to the first singular time for the solution of the Euler system, which is the counterpart of the result in [89] for particle systems : Theorem 1.4.1 Suppose the Euler equations have a smooth solution (R, U, T ) in [0, t∗ ]. Then there exists a sequence (fε ) of Boltzmann solutions 1 Q(f, f ) ε the moments (Rε , Uε , Tε ) of which tend to (R, U, T ) as the mean free path ε tends to zero. ∂t f + v · ∇x f =
Later Lachowicz [66] completed Caflisch’s analysis by including initial layers in the asymptotic expansion, thereby dealing with more general initial data than in Caflish’s original paper. By the same method, DeMasi, Esposito and Lebowitz [42] justified the hydrodynamic limit of the Boltzmann equation leading to the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Like Caflisch’s, their proof holds for as long as the solution of the Navier-Stokes equations is smooth, which is also reminiscent of the difficulty encountered in the framework of particle systems [46]. Theorem 1.4.2 Suppose the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations have a smooth solution u in [0, t∗ ]. Then there exists a sequence (fε ) of Boltzmann solutions 1 1 ∂t f + v · ∇x f = 2 Q(f, f ) ε ε which is close to the Maxwellian M(1,u,1) with unit density and temperature, and bulk velocity εu, in some appropriate function space. Besides the solution of the Boltzmann equation so constructed that converges to a local equilibrium governed by the Navier-Stokes equation fail to be nonnegative. It could be that this problem can be solved by the same method as in Lachowicz’s paper; however there is no written account of this so far.
1 Introduction
1.4.3 Convergence Proofs Based on Spectral Results Many other rigorous results have been obtained in a perturbative framework, using the spectral properties of the linearized collision operator at some Maxwellian equilibrium. Let us mention for instance the result by Nishida [88] which was the first mathematical proof of the compressible Euler limit of the Boltzmann equation. His argument used the description of the spectrum of the linearized Boltzmann equation by Ellis and Pinski [45], together with an abstract variant of the Cauchy-Kovalevski theorem due to Nirenberg and Ovsyannikov. The more striking result based on such a spectral analysis is probably the one by Bardos and Ukai [7] concerning the incompressible Navier-Stokes limit of the Boltzmann equation. Although in the same spirit as Nishida’s result, it puts less severe restrictions on the regularity of the target hydrodynamic solutions. Indeed Nishida’s analysis considered analytic solutions of the compressible Euler system, and therefore was only local in time; on the contrary, the work of Bardos and Ukai considered global solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations, corresponding to initial velocity fields that are small in some appropriate Sobolev norm. Theorem 1.4.3 Let M be a global thermodynamic equilibrium (for instance the reduced centered Gaussian), and g0 be some fluctuation of small norm in some appropriate weighted Sobolev space. Then, for any ε ∈]0, 1] there exists a unique global solution fε = M (1+εgε ) to the scaled Boltzmann equation 1 1 ∂t fε + v · ∇x fε = 2 Q(fε , fε ), ε ε fε|t=0 = M (1 + εg0 ) . R Furthermore the bulk velocity M gε vdv converges uniformly to the unique strong solution of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. The perturbative method employed to prove that result uses the existence of classical solutions for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations in the Sobolev space H l for l > 32 with initial data small enough. The main idea by Ukai [103] is to prove that a similar theory holds for the Boltzmann equation in diffusive regime. The derivation of the Navier-Stokes limit relies then on a rigorous proof of the relation between these two theories. The point to be stressed is that exactly the same type of assumptions are made on the initial data. The Bardos-Ukai statement results then from sharp bounds on the linearized collision operator. 1.4.4 A Program of Deriving Weak Solutions The main restrictions in the previous results are the regularity and smallness conditions on the initial data (the second assumption being possibly replaced
1.4 The Analytic Approach
by some restriction on the time interval on which one can prove the validity of the approximation). Such assumptions are not expected to be necessary, working with Leray solutions of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations and with renormalized solutions to the Boltzmann equation. That is why Bardos, Golse and Levermore [4, 5] have proposed - at the beginning of the nineties - a program of deriving weak solutions of fluid models from the DiPerna-Lions solutions of the Boltzmann equation. Their ultimate goal was to obtain a theorem of hydrodynamic limits that should need only a priori estimates coming from physics, i.e. from mass, energy and entropy bounds. In spite of significant difficulties linked to our poor understanding of renormalized solutions, this program has achieved important successes, especially in the diffusive scaling limit for which a complete convergence result is now established. The goal of the present volume is to present an overview of these relatively recent results, and some challenging questions that remain open in that field.
2 The Boltzmann Equation and its Formal Hydrodynamic Limits
The kinetic theory, introduced by Boltzmann at the end of the nineteenth century, provides a description of gases at an intermediate level between the hydrodynamic description which does not allow to take into account phenomena far from thermodynamic equilibrium, and the atomistic description which is often too complex. For a detailed presentation of the various models and their derivation from the fundamental laws of physics, we refer to the book of Cercignani, Illner and Pulvirenti [31] or to the survey on the Boltzmann equation by Villani [106]. Here we will just recall some basic facts which are useful for the understanding of the problem of hydrodynamic limits. Kinetic theory aims at describing a gas (or a plasma), that is a system constituted of a large number N of electrically neutral (or charged) particles from a microscopic point of view. The state of the gas is therefore modelled by a distribution function in the particle phase space, which includes both macroscopic variables, i.e. the position x in physical space, and microscopic variables, for instance the velocity v. In the case of a monatomic gas, f ≡ f (t, x, v),
t > 0, x ∈ Ω, v ∈ R3 .
meaning that, for all infinitesimal volume dxdv around the point (x, v) of the phase space, f (t, x, v)dxdv represents the number of particles, which at time t, have position x and velocity v. The function f is of course nonnegative, it is not directly observable but allows to compute all measurable macroscopic quantities which can be expressed in terms of microscopic averages, namely the local density R, the local bulk velocity U or the local temperature T Z Z R(t, x) = f (t, x, v)dv, RU (t, x) = f (t, x, v)vdv, Z (2.1) R(|U |2 + 3T )(t, x) = f (t, x, v)|v|2 dv.
L. Saint-Raymond, Hydrodynamic Limits of the Boltzmann Equation, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1971, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-92847-8 2, c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009
2 The Boltzmann Equation and its Formal Hydrodynamic Limits
The distribution function f can actually be seen as the one-particle marginal of some probability density f (N ) on the space (Ω × R3 )N of all microscopic configurations. Of course such a statistical description makes sense only if the number N of particles is sufficiently large so that the gas can be considered as a continuous medium. Kinetic equations are thus obtained in the thermodynamic limit, i.e. as N tends to infinity. From Newton’s principle we can deduce a linear partial differential equation for f (N ) , the so-called Liouville equation, and then, if we neglect the interactions between particles, we obtain the following free transport equation for f : ∂t f + v · ∇x f = 0, (2.2) meaning that particles travel at constant velocity, along straight lines, and that the density is constant along characteristic lines dx = v, dt
dv = 0. dt
The operator v · ∇x is the classical transport operator. Its mathematical properties are much subtler than it would seem at first sight and will be discussed later. Complemented with suitable boundary conditions, equation (2.2) is the right equation for describing a classical gas of noninteracting particles. Many variants are possible. For instance, in the relativistic case, v should be replaced p in (2.2) by p/ m2 + (p/c)2 , where c is the speed of light and m is the mass of elementary particles. Now, if the microscopic interactions between particles are described through a very long-range potential (namely in the case of electromagnetic interactions), it is enough to consider only the global effect on each particle of the interaction forces exerted by all other particles, and we get mean field models of the following type ∂t f + v · ∇x f + F · ∇v f = 0, (2.3) where the force F can be computed in terms of the distribution function f . For instance, in the electrostatic approximation, F is proportional to the electric R field, which is itself obtained from the density ρ = f dv by the Poisson equation. In the case when microscopic interactions are described by some shortrange potential, it is not possible to evaluate the effects of the interacting forces in a global way, using only some averaged quantities. The interactions are indeed very sensitive to the exact positions and velocities of the particles : considering for instance a system of hard spheres, i.e. of particles which collide bounce on each other like billiard balls, it is indeed easy to see that changing slightly the position of one particle may modify strongly the dynamics of the system (see Figure 2.1). The derivation of collisional kinetic models requires therefore very strong assumptions to guarantee some “statistical stability” of the dynamics.
2.1 Formulation and Fundamental Properties of the Boltzmann Equation
v1 + x1
v2 + x2
x2 +
Collision in the future (exchange of particles 1 and 2)
No collision in the future
In a statistical description (which does not distinguish particles), such a perturbation has a weak effect on the binary collision.
Fig. 2.1. Instability of trajectories
2.1 Formulation and Fundamental Properties of the Boltzmann Equation 2.1.1 The Boltzmann Collision Integral The Boltzmann equation is obtained in the thermodynamic limit N → ∞ under the following conditions : • particles interact via binary collisions, meaning that the gas is dilute enough that the effect of interactions involving more than two particles can be neglected. Furthermore, collisions are localized both in space and time, meaning that the typical duration and impact parameter of the interacting processes are negligible compared respectively to the typical time and space scales of the description. More precisely, the system has to satisfy the scaling assumption, known as Boltzmann-Grad scaling N d3 << L3 ,
N d2 = O(L2 ),
where d denotes the typical range of microscopic interactions, and L is the typical macroscopic length scale. • collisions are elastic, meaning that momentum and kinetic energy are preserved in the microscopic collision process. Denoting by v 0 , v∗0 the velocities before collision, and by v, v∗ the velocities after collision, the following equations have to be satisfied v 0 + v∗0 = v + v∗ ,
|v 0 |2 + |v∗0 |2 = |v|2 + |v∗ |2 ,
2 The Boltzmann Equation and its Formal Hydrodynamic Limits
Fig. 2.2. Parametrization of elastic collisions
so that v 0 and v∗0 can be parametrized by σ ∈ S 2 as shown in Figure 2.2 v0 =
v + v∗ |v − v ∗ | + σ, 2 2
v∗0 =
v + v∗ |v − v ∗ | − σ 2 2
Note that, as the microscopic dynamics is time-reversible, the probability that (v, v ∗ ) are changed into (v 0 , v∗0 ) in a collision process is the same as the probability that (v 0 , v∗0 ) are changed into (v, v∗ ). • collisions involve only uncorrelated particles, meaning in particular that particles which have already collided are expected not to re-collide in the future. Such a chaos assumption (which implies an asymmetry between the past and the future) allows to consider that the joint distribution of velocities of particles which are about to collide is given by a tensor product (in velocity space) of f with itself. It has been proved by Lanford in 1978 [69] that chaos is asymptotically propagated in the Boltzmann-Grad limit (at least for small times), pro(N ) vided that the initial probability density fin is sufficiently close to a ⊗N tensor product (fin ) . The Boltzmann equation reads therefore ∂t f + v · ∇x f = Q(f, f )
where Q is a quadratic operator acting only on the v variable (first assumption), and involving tensor products (third assumption). It is given by Z Z ∗ Q(f, f ) = dv dσB(v − v∗ , σ)(f 0 f∗0 − f f∗ ) (2.7) R3
where we have used the standard abbreviations
2.1 Formulation and Fundamental Properties of the Boltzmann Equation
f 0 = f (v 0 ),
f∗0 = f (v∗0 ),
f∗ = f (v∗ )
with (v 0 , v∗0 ) given by (2.5) (second assumption). The Boltzmann collision operator can therefore be split into a gain term and a loss term Q(f, f ) = Q+ (f, f ) − Q− (f, f ). The loss term counts all collisions in which a given particle of velocity v will encounter another particle, of velocity v ∗ , and thus will change its velocity leading to a loss of particles of velocity v, whereas the gain term measures the number of particles of velocity v which are created due to some collision between particles of velocities v 0 and v∗0 . The collisional cross-section B ≡ B(z, σ) is a nonnegative function depending only on |z| and the scalar product z · σ (because of the microreversibility assumption), which measures in some sense the statistical repartition of post-collisional velocities given the pre-collisional velocities. It depends crucially on the nature of the microscopic interactions. If the particles are assumed to interact via a given potential Φ, the postcollisional velocities and especially the deviation angle θ defined by cos θ =
v − v∗ ·σ |v − v∗ |
can be computed in terms of the impact parameter b and relative velocity z = v −v∗ as the result of a classical scattering problem (see [28] for instance) : Z θ(b, z) = π − 2 0
du q 1 − u2 − |z|4 2 Φ
b u
where s0 is the positive root of 1−
b2 Φ(s0 ) = 0. −4 s20 |z|2
Then the cross-section B is implicitly defined by B(|z|, cos θ) =
b db |z|. sin θ dθ
It can be made explicit in the case of hard spheres B(|z|, cos θ) = a2 |z|, where a is the (scaled) radius of the spheres, and in the case of Coulomb interaction where B is given by Rutherford’s formula. In the important model case
2 The Boltzmann Equation and its Formal Hydrodynamic Limits
of inverse-power law potentials, the cross-section cannot be computed explicitly, but one can show that B(|z|, cos θ) = b(cos θ)|z|γ where γ depends on the power occurring in the potential, and b is a locally smooth function with a nonintegrable singularity at θ = 0. The case of Maxwellian molecules corresponds to the situation when γ = 0, which is not physically relevant but enables one to do many explicit calculations in agreement with physical observations. The nonintegrable singularity in the angular cross-section b is an effect of the huge amount of grazing collisions, i.e. of collisions with a very large impact parameter so that colliding particles are hardly deviated. Such a singularity appears as soon as the forces are of infinite range, no matter how fast they decay at infinity. By the way, it seems strange to allow infinite-range forces, while we assumed interactions to be localized. Anyhow, in all the sequel we shall tame the singularity for grazing collisions and replace the cross-section by a locally integrable one, which is referred to as cut-off process. More precisely, following Grad [59], we will assume 3 β 2 0 < B(|z|,Zσ) Z ≤ Cb (1 + |z|) a.e. on R ×S , with β ∈ [0, 1] 1 |z| a.e. on R3 . B(z, σ)dσ ≥ Cb 1 + |z| S2
In the case of a spatial domain Ω ⊂ R3 with boundaries, the Boltzmann equation has to be supplemented with boundary conditions which model the interaction between the particles and the frontiers of the domain ∂Ω. These boundary conditions have to be prescribed only on incoming trajectories, that is on the set Σ− = {(t, x, v) ∈ R+ × ∂Ω × R3 / v · n(x) < 0}
where n(x) stands for the outward unit normal vector at x ∈ ∂Ω. The most natural boundary condition is the specular reflection f (t, x, Rx v) = f (t, x, v),
Rx v = v − 2(v · n(x))n(x),
x ∈ ∂Ω.
Such a condition expresses the fact that particles bounce back on the wall with a post-collisional angle equal to the pre-collisional angle. The wall is therefore considered as a perfect solid with a regular surface whose direction is precisely known. In particular, the atomistic nature of the solid and the fine details of the gas-surface interaction are not taken into account. An alternative consists in modelling the statistical effects of the boundary irregularities, using a scattering kernel K (see [28] for further details on this topic) : Z K(v 0 , v)f (t, x, v 0 )dv 0 ,
f (t, x, v) = v 0 ·n(x)>0
on Σ− ,
2.1 Formulation and Fundamental Properties of the Boltzmann Equation
A particular case is the Maxwellian reflection ! Z f (t, x, v 0 )dv 0
f (t, x, v) =
MW (v),
on Σ− ,
v 0 ·n(x)>0
where MW is some fixed normalized gaussian distribution depending on the temperature of the wall. In this model, particles are absorbed and then reemitted according to the distribution MW , corresponding to a thermodynamic equilibrium between particles and the wall. Of course one can combine the above conditions, which leads to more realistic models. It is important to note that the set of characteristics relying on the singular set Σ0 = {(t, x, v) ∈ R+ ×∂Ω × R3 / v · n(x) = 0} is of zero Lebesgue measure, so that it is not necessary to define the distribution function on it. (We refer for instance to the results - based on Sard’s Theorem - established by Bardos in [3].) 2.1.2 Local Conservation Laws The pre-postcollisional change of variable (v 0 , v∗0 , σ) 7→ (v, v∗ , σ) is involutive (since the collisions are assumed to be elastic) and has therefore unit Jacobian. Furthermore, as a consequence of microreversibility, it leaves the cross-section invariant. Then, if ϕ is an arbitray continuous function of the velocity v Z Q(f, f )ϕ(v)dv 3 Z RZ dvdv∗ dσB(v − v∗ , σ)(f 0 f∗0 − f f∗ )ϕ = 2 SZ RZ3 × R3 1 dvdv∗ dσB(v − v∗ , σ)(f 0 f∗0 − f f∗ )(ϕ + ϕ∗ ) = 2 ZR3 × R3 2 S Z 1 dvdv∗ dσB(v − v∗ , σ)(f 0 f∗0 − f f∗ )(ϕ + ϕ∗ − ϕ0 − ϕ0∗ ) = 4 R3 × R3 S2 provided that f satisfies convenient integrability conditions. As an immediate consequence, whenever ϕ satisfies the functional equation ϕ(v) + ϕ(v∗ ) = ϕ(v 0 ) + ϕ(v∗0 )
∀(v, v∗ , σ) ∈ R3 × R3 ×S 2
then, at least formally Z Q(f, f )ϕ(v)dv = 0. R3
2 The Boltzmann Equation and its Formal Hydrodynamic Limits
An important result in the theory of the Boltzmann equation asserts that all measurable a.e. finite functions satisfying (2.13) are linear combinations of the collision invariants 1, v1 , v2 , v3 , |v|2 . The proof of this result is far from obvious; see for instance [28]. This leads to the formal conservation laws for the Boltzmann equation. Proposition 2.1.1 Let f ≡ f (t, x, v) be a solution of the Boltzmann equation (2.6) that is locally integrable and rapidly decaying in v for each (t, x). Then the following local conservation laws hold : Z Z ∂t f dv + ∇x · vf dv = 0, R3
Z vf dv + ∇x ·
∂t R3
Z ∂t R3
v ⊗ vf dv = 0,
1 2 |v| f dv + ∇x · 2
Z R3
1 2 |v| vf dv = 0, 2
respectively the local conservation of mass, momentum and energy. Yet, to this date, no mathematical theory has been able to justify these simple rules at a sufficient level of generality. Even the corresponding global conservation laws in the absence of boundaries are not established. The problem is of course that too little is known about how well behaved are the solutions to the Boltzmann equation. With the notations of the introduction for the thermodynamic fields, namely the local density R, the local bulk velocity U and the local temperature T Z Z R(t, x) = f (t, x, v)dv, RU (t, x) = f (t, x, v)vdv, Z 2 R(|U | + 3T )(t, x) = f (t, x, v)|v|2 dv, and the following definition of the pressure tensor Z P (t, x) = (v − U )⊗2 f (t, x, v)dv these continuity equations are ∂t R + ∇x · (RU ) = 0, ∂t (RU ) + ∇x · (RU ⊗ U + P ) = 0, ∂t (R|U |2 + tr(P )) + ∇x · U (R|U |2 +tr(P )) +Z 2P · U ) = −∇x ·
(v − U )|v − U | f dv ,
where tr(P ) denotes the trace of the pressure tensor. Note that these equations are very similar to the Euler equations for compressible perfect gases.
2.1 Formulation and Fundamental Properties of the Boltzmann Equation
2.1.3 Boltzmann’s H Theorem The other very important feature of the Boltzmann equation comes also from the symmetries of the collision operator. Without caring about integrability issues, we plug ϕ = log f into the symmetrized integral obtained in the previous paragraph, and use the properties of the logarithm, to find Z def D(f ) = − Q(f, f ) log f dv Z 1 f 0 f∗0 = dvdv∗ dσB(v − v∗ , σ)(f 0 f∗0 − f f∗ ) log ≥0 4 R3 × R3 ×S 2 f f∗ (2.15) The so-defined entropy dissipation is therefore a nonnegative functional, and it can be proved that its minimizers (in the class of locally integrable functions rapidly decaying and such that log f has at most polynomial growth as |v| → ∞) are Maxwellian densities, i.e. distribution functions of the following form |v − U |2 R exp − (2.16) MR,U,T (v) = 2T (2πT )3/2 for some R, T > 0 and U ∈ R3 . This result is an easy consequence of the characterization of the collision invariants provided that f is continuous. In the general case, it can be proved by a nice argument due to Perthame (see [16] for instance) using the Fourier transform of the functional equation on f . This leads to Boltzmann’s H theorem, also known as second principle of thermodynamics, stating that the entropy is (at least formally) a Lyapunov functional for the Boltzmann equation : Proposition 2.1.2 Let f ≡ f (t, x, v) be a solution of the Boltzmann equation (2.6) that is locally integrable and such that f is rapidly decaying in v and log f has at most polynomial growth as |v| → ∞ for each (t, x). Then the following local entropy inequality holds : Z Z ∂t f log f dv + ∇x · vf log f dv = −D(f ) ≤ 0. (2.17) Again this differential inequality is formally reminiscent of the LaxFriedrichs criterion that selects admissible solutions of the compressible Euler equations. In particular, it demonstrates that the Boltzmann model has some irreversibility built in. However a considerable difference with the theory of hyperbolic system of conservations laws is that Boltzmann’s H theorem provides an expression for the entropy dissipation rate in terms of the distribution function, which is local in (t, x).
2 The Boltzmann Equation and its Formal Hydrodynamic Limits
2.2 Orders of Magnitude and Qualitative Behaviour of the Boltzmann Equation The aim of this section is to give an overview of the dynamics associated with the Boltzmann equation, depending on the relative sizes of the various physical parameters. Roughly speaking, the convection phenomena are governed by the transport operator, whereas the diffusion phenomena are ruled by the collision operator. The main features of the macroscopic flow should then depend on the balance between these two terms, and especially of the ratio between the various typical length (or time) scales arising in the system. 2.2.1 Nondimensional Form of the Boltzmann Equation Choose some observation (macroscopic) length scale lo and time scale to , and a reference temperature To . This defines two velocity scales : • one is the speed at which some macroscopic portion of the gas is transported over a distance lo in time to , i.e. lo ; to • the other one is the thermal speed of the molecules with energy 32 kTo , where k is the Boltzmann constant; in fact, it is more natural to define this velocity scale as r 5 kTo c= 3 m m being the molecular mass, which is the speed of sound in a monatomic gas at the temperature To . Define next the dimensionless variables involved in the Boltzmann equation, i.e. the dimensionless time, space and velocity variables as t t˜ = , to
x ˜=
x v , and v˜ = . lo c
Define also the dimensionless number density 3 l3 c3 def c f˜(t˜, x ˜, v˜) = o f (t, x, v) = f (t, x, v), N Ro
where N is the total number of gas molecules in a volume lo3 , meaning that Ro is the average macroscopic density. Finally, since the Boltzmann kernel B has units of the reciprocal product of density by time, it determines a timescale τ by Z N M(Ro ,0,To ) (v)M(Ro ,0,To ) (v∗ )B(v − v∗ , σ)dσdv∗ dv = 3 . lo τ
2.2 Qualitative Behaviour of the Boltzmann Equation
The finiteness of the above integral is ensured by Grad’s cutoff assumption (2.8) on B, so that 0 < τ < +∞. This is the scale of the average time that particles in the equilibrium density M(R0 ,0,T0 ) spend traveling freely between two collisions, the so-called mean free time. It is related to the length scale of the mean free path λ λ = cτ. ˜ by the relation Define the dimensionless Boltzmann kernel B ˜ v − v˜∗ , σ) = R0 τ B(v − v∗ , σ) B(˜ and set the corresponding dimensionless collision operator to be ZZ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ v − v˜∗ , σ)(f˜∗0 f˜0 − f˜∗ f˜). Q(f , f ) = dv∗ dσ B(˜ Then, the Boltzmann equation ∂t f + v · ∇x f = Q(f, f ), can be reformulated in terms of dimensionless variables lo ˜ ˜ ˜ lo f , f ). ∂t˜f˜ + v˜ · ∇x˜ f˜ = Q( cto λ The factor multiplying the collision integral is the inverse Knudsen number Kn =
λ , lo
while the factor multiplying the time derivative is the kinetic Strouhal number St =
lo cto
(by analogy with the notion of Strouhal number used in the dynamics of vortices). Hence the dimensionless form of the Boltzmann equation is (dropping all tildas) St∂t f + v · ∇x f =
1 Q(f, f ). Kn
Before discussing the qualitative behaviour of the solution to the Boltzmann equation in terms of the relative sizes of the parameters Kn and St, let us comment a little bit on the choice of the reference scales, and introduce another dimensionless parameter which allows to compensate the arbitrariness of this choice. A rather natural thing to do is to choose the length, time and temperature scales lo , to , To in a way that is consistent with the geometry of the domain where the gas motion takes place, the time necessary to observe significant
2 The Boltzmann Equation and its Formal Hydrodynamic Limits
gas motion, and the distribution function at the initial instant of time. In this case, the ratio lo /to corresponds to the bulk velocity uo of the flow and the Strouhal number is nothing else than the Mach number Ma =
uo . c
However, considering small fluctuations around some reference flow, it may happen that the bulk velocity uo to be studied is very small compared to the ratio lo /to (which leads to some “linearized” hydrodynamics), so it makes sense to consider situations such that Ma << St. 2.2.2 Hydrodynamic Regimes All hydrodynamic limits of the Boltzmann equation correspond to situations where the Knudsen number Kn satisfies Kn << 1 . Indeed, in view of Boltzmann’s H theorem, one expects the distribution function to resemble more and more a local Maxwellian when Kn → 0. In other words, the collision mechanism holds on a time scale which is very small compared to the observation time scale, so that one can consider that local thermodynamic equilibrium is reached almost instantaneously. This means that the Knudsen number Kn governs the transition from kinetic theory to hydrodynamics. But there is no universal prescription for the Strouhal number in this context; as we shall see below, various hydrodynamic regimes can be derived from the Boltzmann equation by appropriately tuning the Strouhal number St. The Compressible Euler Limit is the easiest of all hydrodynamic limits of the Boltzmann equation at the formal level, as can be expected from the previously mentioned analogy between the system of conservation laws (2.14) associated with the Boltzmann equation, and the compressible Euler system. Indeed, as Kn → 0, solutions of the Boltzmann equation behave as local Maxwellians, namely R(t, x) |v − U (t, x)|2 f (t, x, v) ∼ exp − 2T (t, x) (2πT (t, x))3/2 for some R(t, x), T (t, x) > 0 and U (t, x) ∈ R3 .
2.2 Qualitative Behaviour of the Boltzmann Equation
Therefore, passing to the limit in the local conservation laws (2.14), we get St∂t R + ∇x · (RU ) = 0, St∂t (RU ) + ∇x · (RU ⊗ U + RT Id) = 0, St∂t (R|U |2 + 3RT ) + ∇x · U (R|U |2 + 5RT ) = 0,
which are the equations of hydrodynamics for perfect gases, satisfying in particular the state relation P = RT Id. That there is no excluded volume in this state relation is strongly linked with the Boltzmann-Grad scaling assumption N d3 << lo3 , which expresses the fact that the volume occupied by the particles is negligible compared with the volume of the domain. Furthermore, taking limits in the local entropy inequality (2.17), we obtain R R (2.20) St∂t R log 3/2 + ∇x · RU log 3/2 ≤ 0, T T which is exactly the Lax admissibility condition, characterizing among the solutions of (2.19) those which are physically relevant, i.e. which satisfied the second principle of thermodynamics. In other words, we expect the moments of the solution f to the Boltzmann equation to be approximated at order O(Kn) by the solution to the compressible Euler equations. A natural question is then to determine higher order hydrodynamic corrections to the compressible Euler system. Higher Order Hydrodynamic Approximations can be obtained by using asymptotic expansions of the distribution function in terms of the Knudsen number Kn, or in other words by seeking solutions of the scaled Boltzmann equation (2.18) as formal power series in Kn X f (t, x, v) = (Kn)k fk (t, x, v), k≥0
with coefficients fk that are smooth in (t, x, v) and rapidly decaying as |v| → ∞. Of course the leading order approximation f0 is expected to be the limiting hydrodynamic distribution function, that is the local Maxwellian with thermodynamic fields satisfying the compressible Euler equations (2.19), while the successive corrections fk account for finite Knudsen effects. Note that, depending on the exact form of the Ansatz, this process will lead to different hierarchies of PDEs.
2 The Boltzmann Equation and its Formal Hydrodynamic Limits
Hilbert’s expansion
X f (t, x, v) = f0 (t, x, v) 1 + (Kn)k gk (t, x, v) k≥1
is historically the older and goes back to Hilbert’s fundamental paper [65] on the kinetic theory of gases. Plugging this Ansatz in the scaled Boltzmann equation (2.18), and balancing the resulting coefficients of the successive powers of Kn, one gets, as compatibility conditions to solve the hierarchy, that at each order k ≥ 1, the hydrodynamic part of gk satisfies the linearized compressible Euler equations (with source terms depending on gk−j , for j = 1, ..., n − 1). It seems then natural to collect all the contributions to the local thermodynamic equilibrium at leading order. Such a variant of Hilbert’s expansion was found independently by Chapman and Enskog, and is known today as Chapman-Enskog’s expansion [33] X f (t, x, v) = Mf (t, x, v) 1 + (Kn)k g˜k (t, x, v) k≥1
where Mf is the local Maxwellian with same moments as f |v − U (t, x)|2 R(t, x) exp − , Mf (t, x, v) = (2πT (t, x))3/2 Z Z 2T (t, x) R(t, x) = f (t, x, v)dv, RU (t, x) = vf (t, x, v)dv, Z 2 R(|U | + 3T )(t, x) = |v|2 f (t, x, v)dv,
and the fluctuations g˜k are functions of v depending on (t, x) through R(t, x), U (t, x) and T (t, x) and their partial x-derivatives evaluated at (t, x). Note that, at variance with Hilbert’s expansion, Chapman-Enskog’s Ansatz requires knowing in advance that the successive corrections to the compressible Euler system (2.19) within any order in Kn are systems of local conservation laws. The first correction to the compressible Euler equations is then given by St∂t Mf + v · ∇x Mf = −Mf LMf (˜ g1 ), or equivalently 1 3 1 3 |v − U |2 + ∇x log R − log T − |v − U |2 ·v St∂t log R − log T − 2 2T 2 2T = −LMf(˜ g1 ), where LMf denotes the linearization of the collision operator at the local Maxwellian Mf . Then, using the properties of the linearized collision operator LMf (to be studied in the next chapter), namely the fact that it is a
2.2 Qualitative Behaviour of the Boltzmann Equation
Fredholm operator, one obtains the compressible Navier-Stokes system with O(Kn) dissipation terms : St∂t R + ∇x · (RU ) = 0, St∂t (RU ) + ∇x · RU ⊗ U + RT Id) = Kn∇x · (µ(R, T )DU ) + O(Kn2 ), St∂t (R|U |2 + 3RT ) + ∇x · U (R|U |2 + 5RT ) = Kn∇x · (κ(R, T )∇x T ) +Kn∇x · (µ(R, T )DU · U ) + O(Kn2 ), (2.22) where DU denotes the traceless part of the deformation tensor 1 1 (∇x U + (∇x U )T ) − (∇x · U ) Id, 2 3 and the diffusive coefficients, namely the viscosity µ ≡ µ(R, T ) and the heat conductivity κ ≡ κ(R, T ), are defined in terms of the linearized collision operator LMf . DU =
We then deduce formally that the solution to the Navier-Stokes equations is close to the moments of the solution f to the Boltzmann equation at order O(Kn2 ). Such a process can be iterated in order to get further corrections to the Navier-Stokes system, which leads to a hierarchy of hydrodynamic models (note however that their well-posedness requires a convenient truncation algorithm, as that proposed recently by Bobylev and Levermore [13]). The Main Qualitative Features of the Hydrodynamic Flows governed by the Boltzman equation can therefore be characterized in terms of the nondimensional parameters introduced at the beginning of this section, namely the Knudsen, Strouhal and Mach numbers Kn, St and Ma. The previous results are summarized in Figure 2.3. 2.2.3 Corrections to Hydrodynamic Approximations Furthermore we are also able to estimate by how much the solutions to the scaled Boltzmann equation deviate from their hydrodynamic approximations, at least inside the domain Ω (see Figure 2.4). The adiabaticity of the gas is indeed measured in terms of the Knudsen number Kn. In a gas close to local thermodynamic equilibrium, the deviation from the hydrodynamic approximation is given by an entropic relaxation on a time scale of order Kn. The compressibility of the fluid is then measured in terms of the Mach number Ma. In a weakly compressible fluid, the deviation from the incompressible approximation is given by compression/decompression waves, also called acoustic waves, oscillating on a period of order Ma. The viscosity of a perfect gas is measured in terms of the Reynolds number Re = Ma/Kn. In a weakly viscous fluid, the deviation from the hyperbolic approximation is given by a√small diffusion which smoothes the shock profiles on length scales of order 1/ Re.
2 The Boltzmann Equation and its Formal Hydrodynamic Limits Scaled Boltzmann equation
FAST RELAXATION LIMIT Kn<<1 compressible Euler equations (+ viscous correction O(Kn))
Kn~Ma incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
incompressible Euler equations
Fig. 2.3. Hydrodynamic models for rarefied gases
Ma Kn
Fig. 2.4. Corrections to hydrodynamic approximations
2.2 Qualitative Behaviour of the Boltzmann Equation
2.2.4 Taking into Account the Boundary It remains then to understand what happens in the vicinity of the boundaries ∂Ω, which can be either exterior boundaries or obstacles. Let us first recall that, at the microscopic level, the interaction between the gas and the boundaries is modelized phenomenologically by Maxwell’s condition. If the boundary is perfectly smooth, the reflection is specular. If the boundary is rough, one further introduces some diffusion by a scattering operator, which is a relevant approximation when considering large length scales compared to the boundary irregularities. The roughness of the boundary is then measured by a supplementary non-dimensional parameter α ∈ [0, 1], called the accommodation coefficient. More precisely the balance between the outgoing and incoming part of the trace of f states f|Σ− = (1 − α)Lf|Σ+ + αK(f|Σ+ )
on Σ−
where we recall that the outgoing/incoming sets Σ+ and Σ− at the boundary ∂Ω are defined by Σ± = {(x, v) ∈ ∂Ω × R3 ,
±n(x) · v > 0}
denoting by n the outward normal on ∂Ω. The local reflection operator L is given by Lf (x, v) = f (x, Rx v)
where Rx v = v − 2(v · n(x))n(x) is the velocity before the collision with the wall. The diffuse reflection operator K is given by Z Kf (x, v) = MW (v) f (x, v 0 ) (v 0 · n(x))dv 0 (2.26) v 0 .n(x)>0
where MW is some Maxwellian distribution characterizing the state of the wall and such that Z Z (v · n(x))MW (v)dv = |v · n(x)|MW (v) dv = 1, v.n(x)>0
which expresses the conservation of mass at the boundary. At the macroscopic level, one can obtain two types of behaviours at the boundary : either a braking (represented by the Dirichlet boundary condition) or a slipping (represented by the Navier boundary condition), or a combination of these two phenomena (expressed by some mixed Robin boundary condition). This behaviour will depend of course on the nature of the boundary, but also on the viscosity of the fluid. If the fluid is viscous, one can characterize the fluid/boundary interaction in terms of the ratio α/Ma (full braking if α/Ma → +∞, perfect slipping if α/Ma → 0).
2 The Boltzmann Equation and its Formal Hydrodynamic Limits
If the fluid is inviscid, the braking condition is not mathematically admissible. This means that the flow inside the domain will not depend (at least formally) on the nature of the boundary. √ The fluid/boundary interaction appears only on a thin layer (of size 1/ Re), called Prandtl layer. Nevertheless this layer is generally unstable (see [61] for instance) and may give rise to turbulent effects (reflected back inside the domain).
2.3 Mathematical Theories for the Boltzmann Equation In this section, we will introduce the main existing mathematical frameworks dealing with the Cauchy problem for the Boltzmann equation, which can be useful for the study of hydrodynamic limits. In particular, we will discuss neither the numerous results concerning the spatially homogeneous Boltzmann equation, nor the local existence results. Let us first describe briefly the most apparent problems in trying to construct a general, good theory. In the full, general situation, known a priori estimates for the Boltzmann equation are only those which are associated to the basic physical laws, namely the formal conservation of mass and energy, and the bounds on entropy and entropy dissipation. Note that, when the physical space is unbounded, the dispersive properties of the free transport operator allow to further expect some control on the moments with respect to x-variables. Yet the Boltzmann collision integral is a quadratic operator that is purely local in the position and time variables, meaning that it acts as a convolution in the v variable, but as a pointwise multiplication in the t and x variables : thus, with the only a priori estimates which seem to hold in full generality, the collision integral is even not a well-defined distribution with respect to x-variables. This major obstruction is one of the reasons why the Cauchy problem for the Boltzmann equation is so tricky, another reason being the intricate nature of the Boltzmann operator. 2.3.1 Perturbative Framework : Global Existence of Smooth Solutions Historically the first global existence result for the spatially inhomogeneous Boltzmann equation is due to Ukai [103], who considered initial data that are fluctuations around a global equilibrium, for instance around the reduced centered Gaussian M : fin = M (1 + gin ). He proved the global existence of a solution to the Cauchy problem for (2.6) under the assumption that this initial perturbation gin is smooth and small enough in a norm that involves derivatives and weights so as to ensure decay for large v.
2.3 Mathematical Theories for the Boltzmann Equation
The convenient functional space to be considered is indeed Hl,k = {g ≡ g(x, v) | kgkl,k = sup(1 + |v|k )kM 1/2 g(·, v)kHxl < +∞} . v
Theorem 2.3.1 Assume that the collision kernel satisfies Grad’s cutoff assumption (2.8) for some β ∈ [0, 1]. Let gin ∈ Hl,k for l > 3/2 and k > 5/2 such that kgin kl,k ≤ a0 (2.27) for some a0 sufficiently small. Then, there exists a unique global solution f = M (1 + g) with g ∈ L∞ (R+ , Hl,k ) ∩ C(R+ , Hl,k ) to the Boltzmann equation (2.6) with initial data g|t=0 = gin . Remark 2.3.2 The classical theory of the Boltzmann equation close to equilibrium, started with the works of Ukai, has been developed in the framework of hard potentials. Many such existence results, based on linearization and spectral estimates, have been proved, considering initial data which are small and very smooth perturbations of a global (Maxwellian) equilibrium. Using some “nonlinear energy method” instead of the spectral study of the linearized problem, and the decomposition of the solution into a “hydrodynamic” part and a “purely kinetic” part, Guo [62] was then able to extend the theory of Boltzmann’s equation close to equilibrium, to cover basically all the physically meaningful range of decays of the cross-section. Sketch of proof of Theorem 2.3.1. Such a global existence result is based on Duhamel’s formula and on Picard’s fixed point theorem. It requires a very precise study of the linearized collision operator LM defined by LM g = −
2 Q(M, M g), M
and more precisely of the semi-group U generated by 1 1 v · ∇x + LM . St StKn • The first step consists actually in reducing the Boltzmann equation to the integral equation g = N [g], (2.28) where the functional N is defined by N [g](t) = U (t)gin + ψ[g, g](t) , Z t 1 1 ψ[g, g](t) = U (t − s) Q(M g, M g)(s)ds . Kn 0 M
The global well-posedness of the Cauchy problem for (2.6) will then be established by proving that N is a contraction in a ball of L∞ (R+ , Hl,k ) ∩ C(R+ , Hl,k ).
2 The Boltzmann Equation and its Formal Hydrodynamic Limits
• The second step is to prove the continuity of the linear semi-group U . Using its spectral representation and spectral estimates due to Ellis and Pinsky [45], one obtains the continuity of U in Hxl (L2 (M dv)). In order to obtain refined estimates, and especially to gain integrability with respect to the v-variable, one has to use more about the structure of the linearized collision operator, namely the following decomposition due to Hilbert [65] (see also section 2 in Chapter 3) LM = ν − K where the frequency part satisfies the lower bound ν(|v|) ≥ ν− > 0 , and the integral part K improves integrability in the v variable (as proved by Caflisch [23]) : K : Hxl (L2v ) → Hl,0 , and K : Hl,k → Hl,k+1 . ¯ generated by From the explicit formula for the semi-group U 1 1 v · ∇x + ν St StKn and Duhamel’s formula ¯ (t) + U (t) = U
1 StKn
¯ (t − s)KU (s)ds , U
we deduce that Z t ν ν − − t kgkY +CX→Y exp − (t − s) kU (s)ukX ds kU (t)gkY ≤ exp − StKn StKn 0 where K maps X into Y . Iterating the process shows that, if k > 32 , there exists a nonnegative constant C1 (depending on l and k) such that kU (t)gkl,k ≤ C1 kgkl,k . • The continuity of the bilinear operator ψ is obtained in a very similar way. Standard continuity estimates for Q shows that
−1 1
+ 1 Q(M g, M h) Q(M g, M h) ≤ Ckgkl,k khkl,k .
1 M M l,k L (dx,(L2 (M dv)) for k > 3/2, l > 3/2.
2.3 Mathematical Theories for the Boltzmann Equation
Then, starting from the spectral estimates on U and using Hilbert’s decomposition to gain integrability in the v variable as previously, we obtain the expected continuity property, namely kψ[g, h]kl,k ≤ C2 kgkl,k khkl,k , where C2 is a nonnegative constant depending on l and k, provided that Hl,k ⊂ νHxl (L2 (M dv)), or equivalently k > 5/2. • Equipped with these preliminary results, we get immediately the global existence of a unique solution to (2.6). Indeed, we have kN [g]kl,k ≤ C1 kgin kl,k + C2 kgk2l,k and kN [g] − N [h]kl,k ≤ C2 (kgkl,k + khkl,k ) kg − hkl,k Choosing a0 and a1 such that 2C2 a1 < 1 and C1 a0 + C2 a21 ≤ a1 , we get that N is a contraction on the ball of radius a1 as soon as kgin kl,k ≤ a0 , We then conclude by Picard’s fixed point theorem.
t u
The first disadvantage inherent to that strategy is the need for a deep result of spectral theory. In particular, this approach fails to provide a real understanding of the coupling between relaxation and hydrodynamic modes in the full nonlinear Boltzmann equation. For the purpose of deriving incompressible hydrodynamic limits, it would seem that Ukai’s result is exactly what is needed. The difficulty is that it cannot be used as a black box, because of the potential lack of uniformity with respect to the Knudsen number Kn on the critical size of the initial perturbation that guarantees global existence. Let us mention however that Bardos and Ukai [7] have obtained the first mathematical derivation of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations in that framework. Nevertheless one cannot expect to extend such a result to classes of initial data with less regularity. 2.3.2 Physical Framework : Global Existence of Renormalized Solutions For those reasons, we will use a global existence theory for the Boltzmann equation that holds for physically admissible initial data of arbitrary sizes. This theory goes back to the late 80s and is due to DiPerna and Lions [44]. For the sake of completeness, we shall sketch here the main arguments leading
2 The Boltzmann Equation and its Formal Hydrodynamic Limits
to that result, most of which will be detailed in the next chapter since they are also fundamental tools to study hydrodynamic limits. Our presentation of the subject incorporates later developments of the theory of renormalized solutions : - we will indeed consider solutions of the Boltzmann equation that converge at infinity to some uniform Maxwellian, for instance the reduced centered Gaussian M (following Lions in [73]); - we will further present a simplification of the original proof based on compactness properties of the gain term in the collision operator (established by Lions in [72]); - we will give moreover a weak version of the global conservation of energy and of the local conservation of momentum, involving some defect measure which characterizes the possible loss of energy at large velocities in the approximation scheme (introduced by Lions and Masmoudi in [75]); - we will also take into account the boundary effects (modelized by Maxwell’s boundary condition) (using some refined results of functional analysis due to Mischler [84][85]). The DiPerna-Lions theory does not yield solutions that are known to solve the Boltzmann equation in the usual weak sense. Rather, it gives the existence of a global weak solution to a class of formally equivalent initial-value problems. Definition 2.3.3 A renormalized solution of the Boltzmann equation(2.6) (2.23) relatively to the global equilibrium M is a function f ∈ C(R+ , L1loc (Ω × R3 )) which satisfies in the sense of distributions 1 0 f f Γ = Q(f, f ) M St∂t + v · ∇x Γ M Kn M 3 f|t=0 = fin ≥ 0 on Ω × R ,
on R+ ×Ω × R3 ,
(2.30) √ for any Γ ∈ C 1 (R+ ) such that |Γ 0 (z)| ≤ C/ 1 + z. ¯ × R3 ) and every [t1 , t2 ] ⊂ R+ , We further require that for every ϕ ∈ Cc1 (Ω we have Z Z Z Z f f St M ϕΓ (t2 , x, v)dvdx − St M ϕΓ (t1 , x, v)dvdx M Ω Z Z Z M Ω t2 f (t, x, v)dvdxdt − M (v · ∇x ϕ)Γ M t Ω Z 1t2Z Z f + M ϕΓ (t, x, v)(v.n(x))dvdσx dt M Z tt12Z ∂ΩZ 1 f = ϕΓ 0 Q(f, f )(t, x, v)dvdxdt Kn t1 Ω M (2.31)
2.3 Mathematical Theories for the Boltzmann Equation
with the renormalized boundary condition ! √ R f|Σ− (1 − α)L(f|Σ+ ) + α 2πM f|Σ+ (v · n(x))+ dv Γ =Γ M M
on Σ− . (2.32)
With the above definition of renormalized solution relatively to M , the following existence result holds : Theorem 2.3.4 Assume that the collision kernel satisfies Grad’s cutoff assumption (2.8) for some β ∈ [0, 1]. Given any initial data fin satisfying Z Z fin def H(fin |M ) = − fin + M (x, v) dv dx < +∞, (2.33) fin log M Ω there exists a renormalized solution f ∈ C(R+ , L1loc (Ω × R3 )) relatively to M to the Boltzmann equation (2.6)(2.23) with initial data fin . Moreover, f satisfies - the continuity equation Z Z St∂t f dv + ∇x · f vdv = 0; (2.34) - the momentum equation with defect measure Z Z St∂t f vdv + ∇x · f v ⊗ vdv + ∇x · m = 0
where m is a Radon measure on R+ ×Ω with values in the nonnegative symmetric matrices; - the entropy inequality Z tZ Z 1 D(f )(s, x)dsdx H(f |M )(t) + tr(m)(t) + StKn 0 Ω Z tZ (2.36) α + E(f |M )(s, x)dsdσx ≤ H(fin |M ) St 0 ∂Ω where tr(m) is the trace of the nonnegative symmetric matrix m, the entropy dissipation D(f ) is defined by (2.15) and the boundary term E(f |M ), referred to as the Darroz`es-Guiraud information is defined by Z f − f + M (v · n(x))dv E(f |M )(s, x) = f log v·n(x)>0 Z M Z √ − f (x, v) (v · n(x))+ dv log f (x, v) 2π(v · n(x))+ dv (2.37) Z +
1 f (x, v) (v · n(x))+ dv − √ 2π
2 The Boltzmann Equation and its Formal Hydrodynamic Limits
Sketch of proof of Theorem 2.3.4. We recall here the main arguments leading to that existence result, following the presentation of Golse and the author in [58] for the convergence of the approximation scheme inside the domain Ω, and the proof of Mischler in [85] for the convergence at the boundary. Because our goal is to point out similarities between these arguments and those used in the framework of hydrodynamic limits, we focus on the weak stability of sequences (fn ) of renormalized solutions to (2.6), and do not present the underlying approximation scheme. Note that, in any case, the parameters Kn and St are fixed. Step 1 : weak compactness results. We have first to obtain some weak compactness on (fn ) using the (physical) a priori bounds. From the uniform bound on the relative entropy sup H(fn |M )(t) ≤ C, t∈R+
we deduce by Young’s inequality (see (3.4) in Chapter 3) and pointwise estimates that fn is bounded in L∞ (dt, L1loc (dx, L1 (M (1 + |v|2 )dv))), M (2.38) fn 1 is weakly compact in Lloc (dtdxdv) M (see Lemma 3.1.2 in Chapter 3 for a detailed proof of that statement), and fn 1 fn − log 1 + δ → 0 in L∞ (R+ , L1loc (dx, L1 (M dv))) uniformly in n M δ M (2.39) as δ → 0. In particular, for fixed δ > 0, − Q (fn , fn ) is weakly compact in L1loc (dtdxdv). 1 + δfn /M Then, from the uniform bound on the entropy dissipation Z +∞ Z D(fn )(t, x)dxdt ≤ C, 0
we deduce, using a convenient splitting of the integral according to the tail of 0 (fn fn∗ )/(fn0 fn∗ ), that for fixed δ > 0, Q(fn , fn ) is weakly compact in L1loc (dtdxdv). (2.40) 1 + δfn /M In particular, the sequence δ1 log(1 + δ fMn ) (which is uniformly bounded in L∞ (R+ , L2loc (dx, L2 (M (1 + |v|)dv))) by the relative entropy bound) satisfies
2.3 Mathematical Theories for the Boltzmann Equation
1 fn 1 Q(fn , fn ) M (St∂t + v · ∇x ) log 1 + δ = = O(1)L1loc (dtdxdv) . δ M Kn 1 + δfn /M (2.41) By interpolation (see [74] for instance), we eventually arrive at 1 fn log(1 + δ ) is relatively compact in C([0, T ], w − L2loc (dxM dv)), δ M which, coupled with (2.38) and (2.39), leads to fn * f weakly in L1loc (dx, L1 (dv)) locally uniformly in t as n → ∞ (2.42) modulo extraction of a subsequence. Step 2 : strong compactness results. In order to take limits in the renormalized Boltzmann equation, we have further to obtain some strong compactness, which is the matter of the second step. The crucial idea here is to use the velocity averaging lemma due to Golse, Lions, Perthame and Sentis [53] (and detailed in the third section of Chapter 3), stating that the moments in v of the solution to some transport equation are more regular than the function itself. From the uniform bound on δ1 log(1 + δ fMn ) and the estimate (2.41) on the transport, we deduce in particular that, for all ϕ ∈ C 1 (R3 ) with subquadratic growth at infinity, Z 1 fn M log 1 + δ ϕ(v)dv is strongly relatively compact in L1loc (dtdx), δ M and thus by (2.39) that Z fn ϕ(v)dv is strongly relatively compact in Lploc (dt, L1loc (dx)).
This convergence statement allows to take limits in the Boltzmann collision integral, once it is renormalized by some convenient macroscopic quantity. This average renormalization is here only to guarantee that all the quantities considered are at least locally integrable. Using a variant of Egorov’s Theorem (namely the Product Limit theorem established in [44] and recalled in Appendix A), we are actually able to establish that, modulo extraction of a subsequence, for all φ ∈ Cc (R+ ×Ω × R3 ) Z Z Q± (fn , fn ) Q± (f, f ) R R φdv → φdv in L1loc (dtdx). (2.44) 1 + fn dv 1 + f dv Step 3 : limiting macroscopic equations. From the previous steps, one can easily obtain the entropy inequality and the variants of the conservation laws satisfied by f .
2 The Boltzmann Equation and its Formal Hydrodynamic Limits
By (2.38), we have Z Z fn dv * f dv Z Z weakly in L1loc (dtdx) fn vdv * f vdv which allows to take limits in the local conservation of mass. Furthermore, by the Banach-Alaoglu theorem, up to extraction of a subsequence, for each i, j Z fn vi vj dv * µij weakly-* in L∞ (R+ , M(Ω)). (2.45) By monotone convergence, one can then prove that Z µij = f vi vj dv + mij , where mij is a nonnegative symmetric element of L∞ (R+ , M(Ω, M3 (R))). Taking limits in the local conservation of momentum leads then to (2.35). By weak limits fn * f in L1loc (dtdx, L1 ((1 + |v|)dv) Z
fn |v|2 dv *
f |v|2 dv + tr(m) in L∞ (R+ , M(Ω))
fn fn∗ f f∗ R R * in L1loc (dtdx, L1 (Bdvdv∗ dσ)) 1 + δ fn dv 1 + δ f dv 0 fn0 fn∗ f 0 f∗0 R R * in L1loc (dtdx, L1 (Bdvdv∗ dσ)) 1 + δ fn dv 1 + δ f dv
(obtained similarly as (2.44)), using the convexity of the functionals defining the relative entropy and the entropy dissipation, we get Z H(f |M )(t) + tr(m)(t) ≤ lim inf H(fn |M )(t), n→∞ Z tZ Z tZ (2.46) D(f )(s, x)dxds ≤ lim inf D(fn )(s, x)dxds 0
thus passing to the limit in the entropy inequality leads to (2.36) in the absence of boundary. Step 4 : limiting renormalized kinetic equation. The most technical step of the proof is then to take limits in the renormalized equation (2.30). With the information at our disposal, and although
2.3 Mathematical Theories for the Boltzmann Equation
the previous step provides useful information on the nonlinear term, this convergence is not trivial, in particular because the only source of compactness in the problem, i.e. velocity averaging, does not give any information on the distribution fn itself. z and on its derivative, we • Using pointwise estimates on Γδ (z) = 1+δz deduce from the weak compactness statements established in Step 1 that, for all δ > 0, fn M Γδ * fδ weakly-* in L∞ (R+ ×Ω × R3 ), M (2.47) fn + 3 ± 0 ± 1 Γδ Q (fn , fn ) * Qδ weakly in Lloc (R ×Ω × R ). M Furthermore, from the relative entropy bound and the uniform convergence (2.42) we deduce that fn fn (t) − Γδ (t) → 0 in L1loc (dx, L1 (dv)) uniformly in t, n as δ → 0, M M and thus that fδ → f as δ → 0 in L1loc (dx, L1 (dv)) uniformly in t, and a.e. on R+ ×Ω × R3 .
The idea is then to take limits in
fδ M (St∂t + v · ∇x ) log 1 + M fδ|t=0 = Γδ (fin ).
− 1 Q+ δ − Qδ , Kn 1 + fδ /M
• By the strong compactness statements (2.43) established in Step 2, and the Product Limit theorem, we have, for all δ > 0, ZZ Q− (fn , fn ) fn = fn∗ Bdv∗ dσ 2 (1 + δfn /M )2 (1 + Z Zδfn /M ) * f˜δ f∗ Bdv∗ dσ in L1loc (R+ ×Ω × R3 ) with f˜δ ≤ fδ and f˜δ → f as δ → 0 in L1loc (dx, L1 (dv)) uniformly in t, and a.e. on R+ ×Ω × R3 , using the same arguments as for (2.48). We then obtain the convergence of the loss term (up to extraction of a subsequence) ZZ Q− f δ → f∗ Bdv∗ dσ as δ → 0 a.e. on R+ ×Ω × R3 (2.49) 1 + fδ /M 1 + f /M
2 The Boltzmann Equation and its Formal Hydrodynamic Limits
and thus in L1loc (R+ ×Ω × R3 ) by Lebesgue’s theorem. • The convergence of the gain term is more complicated to establish. Starting from + + fn Q (fn , fn ) fn Q (fn , fn ) R R Γδ0 ≤ M 1 + fn dv M 1 + fn dv then integrating against some φ = φ(v) ≥ 0 and taking limits as n → ∞, we get + 3 + Q+ δ ≤ Q (f, f ) a.e. on R ×Ω × R using the convergence (2.44) obtained in Step 2, and the Product Limit theorem. Then, introducing some suitable decomposition according to the tail of 0 (fn0 fn∗ )/(fn fn∗ ), and using the convergence (2.44) and the Product Limit theorem, we establish that, for all λ > 0, Q+ (f, f ) Q+ (fn , fn ) R R * weakly in L1loc (R+ ×Ω × R3 ). 1 + λ fn∗ dv∗ 1 + λ f∗ dv∗ Starting from a refined decomposition, and using the convergence of the entropy dissipation in the vague sense of measures, we then obtain that, for all λ > 0, Q+ (f, f ) R ≤ lim inf Q+ δ. δ→0 1 + λ f∗ dv∗ Finally, we get Q+ Q+ (f, f ) δ → as δ → 0 a.e. on R+ ×Ω × R3 1 + fδ /M 1 + f /M
and thus in L1loc (R+ × Ω × R3 ) by Lebesgue’s theorem. • Combining all results leads to f 1 Q+ (f, f ) − Q− (f, f ) M (St∂t + v · ∇x ) log 1 + , = M Kn 1 + f /M with initial condition f|t=0 = fin (since the convergence is uniform in t). It remains then to check that the same identity holds for any admissible renormalization Γ f 1 0 f M (St∂t + v · ∇x )Γ = Γ (Q+ (f, f ) − Q− (f, f )), (2.51) M Kn M −1 which is done by composition if |Γ 0 (z)| p ≤ C(1 + z) , and else by approximation, using the fact that Q(f, f )/ 1 + f /M is controlled by the entropy dissipation and the relative entropy (see the proof of Proposition 4.3.1 in Chapter 4 for an analogous result).
2.3 Mathematical Theories for the Boltzmann Equation
Step 5 : limiting boundary conditions. In the case of a spatial domain with boundary, it remains then to take limits in Maxwell’s boundary condition. This requires powerful tools of functional analysis, which are consequences of Chacon’s Biting Lemma and are stated in Appendix C. Let us first note that the boundary term obtained formally in the entropy inequality Z tZ Z fn|Σ + − fn|Σ + + M (s, x, v)(v · n(x))+ dvdσx ds fn|Σ + log M 0 Z ∂Ω Z tZ fn|Σ − fn|Σ − log − − fn|Σ − + M (s, x, Rx v)(v · n(x))+ dvdσx ds M 0 ∂Ω controls the Darroz`es-Guiraud information Z tZ E(fn )(s, x)dσx ds α 0
defined by (2.37) (by a simple convexity argument), and so we start from a sequence (fn ) such that the Darroz`es-Guiraud information E(fn ) is uniformly bounded in L1 (R+ ×∂Ω). The trace is then defined by some Green’s formula written on the renormalized equation. The main difficulty to take limits in the renormalized form (2.32) of Maxwell’s boundary condition, is therefore the lack of an a priori bound on the trace, giving in particular some local equi-integrability in v. • We first establish the following renormalized convergence (see Appendix C for a precise definition of this notion) fn|∂Ω → f∂Ω in renormalized sense on R+ ×∂Ω × R3 ,
using the a priori estimates coming from the inside, and the weak formulation (2.31) of the renormalized Boltzmann equation. Starting from (2.31) with ϕ(x, v) =
v · n(x) χ(x) 1 + |v|2
¯ which where χ ∈ Cc∞ (R3 , R+ ) and n denotes some vector field of W 1,∞ (Ω) coincides with the outward unit normal vector at the boundary, we get Z t2Z Z fn|∂Ω (v · n(x))2 χ(x) M Γ (t, x, v)dvdσx dt 1 + |v|2 t1 ∂Ω M Z Z (v · n(x))χ(x) fn = St M Γ (t1 , x, v)dvdx 2 1 + |v| M Z ΩZ (v · n(x))χ(x) fn −St M Γ (t2 , x, v)dvdx (2.53) 2 1 + |v| M Ω Z Z t2Z (v · n(x))χ(x) fn + M (v · ∇x ) Γ (t, x, v)dvdxdt 2 1 + |v| M t1 ZΩ Z Z t2 1 (v · n(x))χ(x) 0 fn + Γ Q(fn , fn )(t, x, v)dvdxdt. Kn t1 Ω 1 + |v|2 M
2 The Boltzmann Equation and its Formal Hydrodynamic Limits
Thus from the uniform bounds obtained in Step 1 and Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, we deduce that fn|∂Ω MΓ is weakly compact in L1loc (dtdσx , L1 (|v · n(x)|dv)) . M Using the convergence results stated in Step 4, we can take limits as n → ∞ in the right-hand side of (2.53), and then identify the limit writing Green’s formula for the limiting kinetic equation (2.51). We thus obtain fn|∂Ω f|∂Ω MΓ * MΓ weakly in L1loc (dtdσx , L1 (|v · n(x)|dv)). M M which implies the renormalized convergence (2.52). Note that, up to extraction of a subsequence, we also get the pointwise convergence fn|∂Ω → f|∂Ω a.e. on R+ ×∂Ω × R3 . • Then, using the uniform bound on the Darroz`es-Guiraud information, we prove that Z fn|∂Ω (v · n(x))+ dv → f˜|∂Ω in renormalized sense on R+ ×∂Ω, (2.54) for some measurable, almost everywhere finite function f˜|∂Ω . Indeed, remarking that Z 1 |z − y|2 dτ (z log z − z + 1) − (y log y − y + 1) − (z − y) log y = − τ )y 0 τ x + (1 √ √ 2 ≥ z− y and that Z Z Z √ fn − 2πM fn (v · n(x))+ dv log fn (v · n(x))+ dv (v · n(x))+ dv = 0 we get Z
fn − M
√ fn 2π(v · n(x))+ dv
!2 M (v · n(x))+ dv ≤ 2E(fn |M )
which, coupled with the uniform bound on the Darroz`es-Guiraud information, shows that sZ r √ fn − fn 2π(v · n(x))+ dv is weakly compact in L2 (dt(v ·n(x))+ dσx M dv), M (2.55)
2.3 Mathematical Theories for the Boltzmann Equation
and thus converges a.e. on Σ+ up to extraction of a subsequence. Therefore, from the decomposition sZ sZ r r √ √ fn fn fn 2π(v · n(x))+ dv = fn 2π(v · n(x))+ dv − + M M the renormalized convergence (2.52) and the weak compactness (2.55), we deduce that (2.54) holds up to extraction of a subsequence. • It remains then to characterize the limit f˜|∂Ω in terms of f|∂Ω , which requires a variant of Chacon’s Biting Lemma giving some partial equiintegrability on fn|∂Ω with respect to the v variables. From (2.54) and the uniform bound on the Darroz`es-Guiraud information, we deduce by Proposition C.4 in Appendix that for every ε > 0 and every compact K ⊂ R+ ×∂Ω, one can find some A ⊂ K with Z dtdσx < ε and fn|∂Ω * f|∂Ω weakly in L1 (A × R3 , dt(v · n(x))+ dσx dv). K\A
In particular, f˜|∂Ω =
Z f|∂Ω (v · n(x))+ dv on every such A,
and thus a.e. on R+ ×∂Ω. We are then able to take limits in the renormalized form of Maxwell’s boundary condition (2.32), which leads to f|Σ− (1 − α)L(f|Σ+ ) + αK(f|Σ+ ) =Γ on Σ− . Γ M M Furthermore, using the convexity of the Darroz`es-Guiraud information (also established in Proposition C.4), we get Z tZ Z tZ E(f |M )(s, x)dσx ds ≤ lim inf E(fn |M )(s, x)dσx ds, 0
which concludes the proof of the entropy inequality (2.36) studied in Step 3, in the case of a spatial domain with boundary. t u 2.3.3 Further Results in One Space Dimension In the one spatial dimensional case, the previous result has actually been improved by Cercignani [29], who established the global existence of weak solutions to (2.6) satisfying in particular the global conservation of energy. The key idea of that theory is to introduce the weak form of the collision term, and the corresponding suitable notion of weak solution. For the sake of simplicity, we will restrict our attention to the case of a spatial domain without boundary, for instance the periodic box T.
2 The Boltzmann Equation and its Formal Hydrodynamic Limits
Definition 2.3.5 A weak solution to the one-dimensional Boltzmann equation (2.6) is a function f ∈ C(R+ , L1 (T × R3 )) such that, for every test function ϕ ∈ Cc1 (R+ × T × R3 ) which is twice differentiable as a function of v with second derivatives uniformly bounded with respect to x and t, we have ZZZ ZZ f (St∂t ϕ + v1 ∂x ϕ)(t, x, v)dxdvdt + fin ϕ(0, x, v)dxdv Z Z Z Z Z 1 f f∗ (ϕ + ϕ∗ − ϕ0 − ϕ0∗ )B(v − v∗ , σ)dvdv∗ dσ (t, x)dxdt = 2Kn (2.56) With the above definition of weak solution, the following existence result holds : Theorem 2.3.6 Assume that the collision kernel B is bounded and satisfies Grad’s cutoff assumption (2.8) as well as Z Z (1 + cos θ)B(v − v∗ , σ)dσ ≥ r B(v − v∗ , σ)dσ (2.57) S2
for some r > 0. Given any initial data fin ∈ L1loc (T × R3 ) satisfying ZZ fin def fin log H(fin |M ) = − fin + M (x, v) dv dx < +∞, M
there exists a weak solution f ∈ C(R+ , L1 (T × R3 )) to (2.6) with initial data fin . Furthermore this solution satisfies the continuity equation (2.34), the momentum equation (2.35) without defect measure and the entropy inequality (2.36) without defect measure, as well as the energy conservation ZZ ZZ f (t, x, v)|v|2 dvdx = fin (x, v)|v|2 dvdx. Sketch of Proof of Theorem 2.3.6. The idea is to use the knowledge that there is a renormalized solution in the sense of DiPerna-Lions, and to establish estimates which entail that this solution is indeed a weak solution in the sense defined above. As usual these estimates will be obtained by formal computations, which can be justified for approximate solutions to the Boltzmann equation (2.6), and then established for any renormalized solution by passing to the limit.
2.3 Mathematical Theories for the Boltzmann Equation
The crucial tool to establish these estimates, which is specific to the onedimensional case, is the functional ZZ ZZ def I(f )(t) = (v1 − v1∗ )f (t, x, v)f (t, y, v∗ )dv∗ dvdxdy (2.59) x
which extends the potential for interaction introduced by Bony in the onedimensional discrete velocity context. No functional with similar pleasant properties is known, at this time, in more than RR one dimension. Note indeed that, because ofRRthe bounds on the total mass f (t, x, v)dvdx and on the total momentum f (t, x, v)v1 dvdx in x-direction, we have the following control over the functional I(f )(t) ∀t ∈ R,
|I(f )(t)| ≤ Cin ,
where Cin is a constant depending only on the initial data. • The first step of the proof consists then in using that bound to establish the following basic estimates Z t Z ZZ (v1 − u1 (s, x))2 f (s, x, v)f (s, x, v∗ )dv∗ dvdxds ≤ Cin , 0
Z t Z ZZ
|v − v∗ |2 f (s, x, v)f (s, x, v∗ )B(v − v∗ , σ)dσdv∗ dvdxds ≤ Cin
(2.60) where Cin is as previously some constant depending only on the initial data, and u1 is the bulk velocity defined by R v1 f (s, x, v)dv . u1 (s, x) = R f (s, x, v)dv A short calculation with proper use of the collision invariants of the Boltzmann collision operator shows that Z t Z ZZ I(f )(t) − I(f )(0) = − (v1 − v1∗ )2 f (s, x, v)f (s, x, v∗ )dv∗ dvdxdt. 0
which immediately gives the first estimate in (2.60), remarking that Z Z (v1 − v1∗ )2 f (s, x, v∗ )dv∗ ≥ (v1 − u1 )2 f (s, x, v∗ )dv∗ . From the weak form of the Boltzmann equation, we deduce using the conservation of mass and momentum that ZZ ZZ 2Kn f v12 dvdx − 2Kn fin v12 dvdx = Z tZZZZ 0 f f∗ ((v1 − u1 )2 +(v1∗ − u1 )2 − (v10 − u1 )2 − (v1∗ − u1 )2 )Bdvdv∗ dσdxdt 0
2 The Boltzmann Equation and its Formal Hydrodynamic Limits
The loss term is bounded because of the bound on the collision frequency and the first estimate in (2.60), and the left hand side is bounded because of the energy bound. We therefore deduce that the gain term is also bounded. Then by explicit computations based on symmetries and assumption (2.57), we get the second estimate in (2.60). • Equipped with these preliminary estimates, we are now able to prove that the integral defining the weak form of the collision operator is bounded in terms of constants depending on the initial data, for any test function ϕ ≡ ϕ(t, x, v) which is twice differentiable as a function of v with second derivatives uniformly bounded with respect to x and t. The result follows from Taylor’s formula at second order, remarking that the expression multiplying the first derivatives is zero because of momentum conservation. We indeed have, using the second estimate in (2.60), Z Z Z Z Z f f∗ |ϕ + ϕ∗ − ϕ0 − ϕ0∗ |B(v − v∗ , σ)dvdv∗ dσ dxdt ZZZZZ ≤C f f∗ |v − v∗ |2 + |v − v 0 |2 + |v − v∗0 |2 B(v − v∗ , σ)dvdv∗ dσdxdt ZZZZZ ≤ 6C f f∗ |v − v∗ |2 B(v − v∗ , σ)dvdv∗ dσdxdt ≤ 6CCin which shows that the weak form of Q(f, f ) is well-defined.
t u
Remark 2.3.7 The present result can actually be extended to slightly more general situations. • Easy modifications, presented for instance in the paper [30] by Cercignani and Illner, allow to deal with the case of different boundary conditions, namely to consider the case of a slab with diffusive boundary conditions. • Let us now discuss the assumptions on the collision kernel B. In principle, solutions for inverse power potentials might be considered without introducing Grad’s cutoff (2.8) : this would require considering approximate solutions of the Boltzmann equation without cutoff, and study precisely the convergences, instead of using the knowledge that there is a renormalized solution. On the other hand, the present version of the result does not allow a growth for large values of the relative velocity |v − v∗ |, i.e. excludes hard spheres and potentials harder than the inverse fifth power. This is an important simplification, which perhaps might be removed by much harder work. This particular structure of the Boltzmann equation in one space dimension is reminiscent of the specificity of the one dimensional hyperbolic systems of conservation laws. In particular the functional referred to as the potential for interaction, and obtained by doubling the space variable, has to be compared with Glimm’s functional for systems of conservation laws, which could be a track to investigate the compressible hydrodynamic limits.
3 Mathematical Tools for the Derivation of Hydrodynamic Limits
In all existing works on the subject, the general strategy to derive hydrodynamic limits is to proceed by analogy, that is to recognize the structure of the expected limiting hydrodynamic model in the corresponding scaled Boltzmann equation. This explains for instance why all hydrodynamic limits are not equally understood. The aim of this chapter is therefore to detail these analogies, focusing our attention on the point of view of functional analysis.
3.1 Physical a Priori Estimates : Definition of Suitable Functional Spaces Let us first recall from the previous chapter, that, in a general setting, the only a priori bounds we dispose of for the solutions to the scaled Boltzmann equation are those coming from physics, namely from the global conservation of mass and energy, and from Boltzmann’s H theorem. Considering the case of a gas which is at Maxwellian equilibrium M at infinity (or which is confined in a domain with diffuse reflection according to the distribution M at the boundary), all these physical estimates lead to the unique scaled relative entropy inequality ZZ Z tZ f −M 1 Mh (t, x, v)dxdv + D(f )(s, x)dxds M KnSt Z t Z0 α E(f |M )(s, x)dxds + St Z Z 0 ∂Ω fin − M def ≤ Mh (x, v)dxdv = Hin . M (3.1) where h is the convex function defined on ]−1, +∞[ by h(z) = (1 + z) log(1 + z) − z, L. Saint-Raymond, Hydrodynamic Limits of the Boltzmann Equation, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1971, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-92847-8 3, c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009
3 Mathematical Tools for the Derivation of Hydrodynamic Limits
and D and E are respectively the entropy dissipation defined by (2.15) and the Darroz`es-Guiraud information defined by (2.37). We thus expect the appropriate functional framework for the study of hydrodynamic limits to be defined in terms of these three functionals, namely the relative entropy, the entropy dissipation, and the Darroz`es-Guiraud information. 3.1.1 The Entropy Bound The relative entropy bound ∀t ≥ 0,
H(f |M )(t) =
f −M M
(t, x, v)dxdv ≤ Hin
controls the distance of the distribution function f to the background Maxwellian M , in a sense to be precised. In the General (Non Perturbative) Framework, that is in the situation when Hin = O(1), the entropy bound leads to the following macroscopic bounds : Lemma 3.1.1 Let f be a (nonnegative) distribution function such that ZZ f −M Mh (t, x, v)dxdv ≤ Hin , M where M is the global Maxwellian of density R0 , bulk velocity U0 and temperature T0 . Then, the corresponding macroscopic fields R, U , T defined by Z Z R(t, x) = f (t, x, v)dv, RU (t, x) = f (t, x, v)vdv, Z 2 R(|U | + 3T )(t, x) = f (t, x, v)|v|2 dv. satisfy the bounds
Z R0 h Z
R − 1 (t, x)dx ≤ Hin , R0
1 R|U − U0 |2 (t, x)dx ≤ Hin , 2TZ0 3 T T R − log − 1 (t, x)dx ≤ Hin . 2 T0 T0
3.1 Physical a Priori Estimates : Definition of Suitable Functional Spaces
Proof. Such a result is proved very easily using the explicit formula for ZZ Mf − M def H(Mf |M )(t) = Mh (t, x, v)dxdv M where Mf is the local Maxwellian of same moments as f defined by (2.21), i.e. |v − U (t, x)|2 R(t, x) exp − Mf (t, x, v) = , 2T (t, x) (2πT (t, x))3/2 and the fundamental inequality H(Mf |M ) ≤ H(f |M ) expressing the fact that the Maxwellian distribution minimizes the entropy for fixed density, bulk velocity and temperature. Indeed Z f − f + M (t, x, v)dxdv H(f |M )(t) = f log M Z f = f log − f + Mf (t, x, v)dxdv Mf Z Mf − Mf + M (t, x, v)dxdv + Mf log M Z Mf + (f − Mf ) log (t, x, v)dxdv M = H(f |Mf )(t) + H(Mf |M )(t) using the fact that f and Mf have the same moments up to order 2, and that log(Mf /M ) (considered as a function of v) is nothing else than a linear combination of 1, v and |v|2 . t u This implies in particular that the functional setting for the study of the compressible Euler limit is very intricated, which is not surprising in view of the few stability results established for this system. For Fluctuations around the Global Maxwellian State M , that are functions of the form f = M (1 + Ma g), or more precisely for solutions of the Boltzmann equation such that ZZ Hin = M h (Ma gin ) (x, v)dxdv = O(Ma2 ),
3 Mathematical Tools for the Derivation of Hydrodynamic Limits
the functional spaces defined asymptotically as Ma → 0 by the relative entropy are flat spaces with hilbertian structure. Without loss of generality, we will assume in all the sequel that M is the reduced centered Gaussian |v|2 1 exp − M (v) = , 2 (2π)3/2 meaning that R0 = T0 = 1, and U0 = 0, which can be obtained by a rescaling process and a galilean change of coordinates. The implications of the relative entropy bound that we shall discuss here are straightforward consequences of pointwise inequalities satisfied by the nonlinearity h that defines the relative entropy. Recall that ZZ H(f |M ) = h(Mag)M dvdx ; since
1 2 z as z → 0 , (3.3) 2 one could think that the relative entropy bound is more or less equivalent to a L2 estimate of the type ZZ Hin |g(t, x, v)|2 M dvdx ≤ 2 . Ma2 h(z) ∼
However, this is not entirely correct, since g can take values that are very large compared with 1/Ma, for which replacing h(z) by 12 z 2 is not justified. Instead of (3.3), we must use global properties of h. First, h satisfies Young’s inequality pz ≤ h∗ (p) + h(z) ,
∀p, z ≥ 0 ,
where h∗ is the Legendre dual of h: h∗ (p) = ep − p − 1 . Notice that h∗ is super-quadratic (as can be seen from the Taylor series that defines h∗ ): in other words h∗ (λp) ≤ λ2 h∗ (p) ,
∀p ≥ 0 , ∀λ ∈ [0, 1] .
Also, notice that h(|z|) ≤ h(z) ,
∀z > −1 .
Putting all these inequalities together, we arrive at the following improvement of Young’s inequality above: p|z| ≤ λh∗ (p) +
1 h(z) , λ
∀p ≥ 0 , ∀z ≥ −1 , ∀λ ∈ (0, 1] .
3.1 Physical a Priori Estimates : Definition of Suitable Functional Spaces
Lemma 3.1.2 For each sequence Man → 0, let (fn ) be a sequence of measurable, a.e. nonnegative distribution functions such that ∀t ≥ 0,
H(fn |M )(t) ≤ CMa2n .
Then, the sequence of fluctuations (gn ) defined by fn = M (1 + Man gn ) is weakly relatively compact in L1loc (dtdx, L1 (M (1 + |v|2 )dv)). Proof. Pick η ∈ (0, 1|; Young’s inequality (3.4) implies that, for each n such that Man ∈ (0, η), i.e. for all but a finite number of n’s, one has 4 ∗ 1 + |v|2 4η h(Ma g ) + h (1 + |v|2 )|gn | ≤ n n η 4 Ma2n by taking z = Man gn ,
1 Man Man (1 + |v|2 ) and λ = . 4 η η
Consider first the case η = 1; hence, for each measurable set E ⊂ Ω of finite measure Z Z Z 1 2 (1 + |v| )|gn (t)|M dvdx ≤ 4C + 4|E| exp( (1 + |v|2 ))M dv . 4 E Hence (1 + |v|2 )gn is bounded in L∞ (dt; L1loc (dx : L1 (M dv))) . For general η ∈ (0, 1), for each n such that Man < η Z Z Z 1 4 (1 + |v|2 )|gn (t)|M dvdx ≤ 4ηC + |E| exp( (1 + |v|2 ))M dv . η 4 E Choosing η = |E|1/2 shows that Z Z (1 + |v|2 )|gn (t)|M dvdx ≤ C|E|1/2 E
for each n such that Man < |E|1/2 , i.e. for all but a finite number of n’s. This shows that the sequence (1 + |v|2 )gn is uniformly integrable on Ω × R3 uniformly in t ≥ 0. By Dunford-Pettis’ criterion, this implies the announced weak compactness for the sequence (gn ) of fluctuations. t u
3 Mathematical Tools for the Derivation of Hydrodynamic Limits
The formal argument given at the beginning of this paragraph suggests however that, in the vanishing Mach limit Ma → 0, the limiting fluctuation belongs to L2 (M dvdx) uniformly in t. Hence the weighted L1 -bound given by Lemma 3.1.2 is certainly not optimal. We propose therefore to consider the following renormalized fluctuation ! r f 2 −1 , (3.5) gˆ = Ma M instead of the fluctuation g=
1 Ma
f −1 . M
The advantage of this renormalized fluctuation over the original one is explained in the next lemma. Lemma 3.1.3 For each sequence Man → 0, let (fn ) be a sequence of measurable, a.e. nonnegative distribution functions such that ∀t ≥ 0,
H(fn |M )(t) ≤ CMa2n .
Then, the family of renormalized fluctuations (ˆ gn ) defined by (3.5) is bounded in L∞ (R+ ; L2 (M dvdx)). Proof. The elementary inequality √ 1 h(z) ≥ ( 1 + z − 1)2 , 2
∀z > −1
implies that ZZ
gˆn2 (t, x, v)M (v)dxdv ≤
2 H(fn |M )(t) ≤ 2C , Ma2n t u
which is the announced result. A natural application of this refined a priori estimate is to decompose 1 g = gˆ + Maˆ g2 . 4
Therefore, we see that the fluctuation g is bounded in L2 (M dvdx), up to a remainder of order Ma in L1 (M dvdx), uniformly in t ≥ 0.
3.1 Physical a Priori Estimates : Definition of Suitable Functional Spaces
3.1.2 The Darroz` es-Guiraud Information The bound on the Darroz`es-Guiraud information Z Z α +∞ E(f |M )(t, x)dσx dt ≤ Hin St 0 ∂Ω is expected to give some control on the trace of the distribution function f on the boundary ∂Ω, or more precisely on the variation (with respect to the v variable) of the trace Z √ f|∂Ω − M f|∂Ω 2π(v · n(x))+ dv on Σ+ . We have indeed the following estimate Lemma 3.1.4 Let (fn ) be a sequence of measurable, a.e. nonnegative distribution functions such that Z tZ Stn ∀t > 0, E(f |M )(s, x)dσx ds ≤ CMa2n . αn 0 ∂Ω Then the family of renormalized trace variations (ˆ ηn ) defined by s ! r r Z √ fn|∂Ω 2 αn fn|∂Ω 2π(v · n(x))+ dv ηˆn = 1Σ − Ma n Stn + M
is uniformly bounded in L2loc (dt, L2 (M (v · n(x))+ dσx dv)). Proof. Denoting by h·i∂Ω the average of any quantity defined on the boundary Z √ hgi∂Ω = M g|∂Ω 2π(v · n(x))+ dv, we get αn Ma2n Stn
D √ fn|∂Ω − M fn − M E h −h dσx ds ≤ C 2π. M M ∂Ω ∂Ω ∂Ω
Z tZ 0
By Taylor’s formula, D fn − M E fn − M −h h M M ∂Ω 2 ∂Ω Z Df fn|∂Ω D fn E fn|∂Ω 1 1 n 00 = − h τ + (1 − τ ) −1 dτ 2 0 M M ∂Ω M M ∂Ω ∂Ω because the term of first order cancels D E fn|∂Ω D fn E fn − h0 = 0. M M ∂Ω M ∂Ω ∂Ω
3 Mathematical Tools for the Derivation of Hydrodynamic Limits
Then Z 1 0
2 Df E fn|∂Ω D fn E fn|∂Ω n 00 h τ −1 dτ − + (1 − τ ) M M ∂Ω M M ∂Ω ∂Ω 2 Man Stn =O αn L1 (dtdσx ) (3.9)
Besides we have r rD E ! r fn|∂Ω fn 2 αn ηˆn = 1Σ − Ma n Stn + M M ∂Ω rD E !−1 r r fn|∂Ω fn|∂Ω D fn E αn fn 2 = 1Σ − + Ma n Stn + M M ∂Ω M M ∂Ω and Df E fn|∂Ω 1 n h00 τ + (1 − τ ) −1 = . M M ∂Ω τ fn|∂Ω /M + (1 − τ )hfn /M i∂Ω Therefore, 4αn Ma2n Stn
2 Df E fn|∂Ω D fn E fn|∂Ω n 00 − + (1 − τ ) h τ − 1 ≥ ηˆn2 . M M ∂Ω M M ∂Ω
Plugging this inequality in (3.9) leads to the expected L2 estimate on ηˆn . t u 3.1.3 The Entropy Dissipation Bound Because of Boltzmann’s H theorem, we expect the entropy dissipation bound Z tZ 1 D(f )(s, x)dxds ≤ Hin ∀t ≥ 0, StKn 0 to control the distance between the distribution function f and the set of all Maxwellian distributions. In the Absence of Further Estimates on the distribution function f , the relaxation mechanism for the (homogeneous) Boltzmann equation is however not sufficiently well understood to deduce from this dissipation bound a precise estimate on the distance between f and Mf . This is another reason why the compressible Euler limit has (at present time) no mathematical justification in full generality.
3.1 Physical a Priori Estimates : Definition of Suitable Functional Spaces
In the Perturbative Framework, the results by Hilbert [65] and Grad [59] on the linearized collision operator allow to control the distance between the fluctuation g defined by (3.2) (or the renormalized fluctuation gˆ defined by (3.5)) and its projection on hydrodynamic modes. Those results are the matter of the next section. In Both Situations, a consequence of pointwise inequalities satisfied by the nonlinearity which defines the entropy dissipation is the following estimate on the renormalized collision kernel : Lemma 3.1.5 Let (fn ) be a sequence of measurable, a.e. nonnegative distribution functions such that Z tZ ∀t ≥ 0, D(fn )(s, x)dxds ≤ CMa2n Knn Stn . 0
Then, the family of renormalized collision terms (ˆ qn ) defined by qˆn =
p p 1 1 √ Q( M fn , M fn ) Man Stn Knn M
is bounded in L2 (ν −1 M dvdxdt), where ν is the collision frequency defined by ZZ ν(v) = M∗ B(v − v∗ , σ)dv∗ dσ. Proof. By Cauchy-Schwarz’ inequality, we have Z Z p p 1 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 qˆ ≤ ( M M∗ f f∗ − M M∗ f f∗ ) B(v − v∗ , σ)dv∗ dσ 2 M M∗ Ma ZStKn Z 1 2 M B(v − v∗ , σ)dv∗ dσ × M M∗Z ∗Z p p 1 ν 2 0 0 ≤ ( f f∗ − f f∗ ) B(v − v∗ , σ)dv∗ dσ Ma2 StKn M From the elementary inequality (x − y) log
√ x √ ≥ 4( x − y)2 , y
we then deduce that Z t ZZ qˆ2 (s, x, v)ν −1 M (v)dxdvds ≤ 0
which is the announced result.
1 Ma2 StKn
x, y > 0
Z tZ D(f )(s, x)dsdx ≤ C , 0
t u
3 Mathematical Tools for the Derivation of Hydrodynamic Limits
3.2 Properties of the Collision Operator : Relaxation Towards Equilibrium and Regularization in v Variables 3.2.1 Some Results in the Non Perturbative Framework Let us start by informally discussing some features which may help the trend to equilibrium, or on the contrary make it more difficult, both from the physical and from the mathematical points of view. First of all the distribution tails are usually at the origin of the worst difficulties. By distribution tails, we mean how fast the distribution function decreases as |v| → ∞, or |x| → ∞. This is not only a technical point; Bobylev has shown that large tails could be a true obstacle to a good trend to equilibrium for the Boltzmann equation. More precisely, he proved the following result [11]. Consider the spatially homogeneous Boltzmann equation with Maxwell cross-section ∂t f = Q(f, f ) f|t=0 = fin
and fix the mass, momentum and energy of the initial datum fin . Let M be the corresponding equilibrium state. Then, for any ε > 0 one can construct an initial datum fε,in such that the associated solution fε ≡ fε (t, v) of the homogeneous Cauchy problem (3.11) satisfies ∀t ≥ 0,
kfε (t) − M kL1 (R3 ) ≥ Kε e−εt ,
Kε > 0.
Note however that most of the discrepancy between fε and M is located at very high velocities. This illustrates the general fact that precise “experimental” information about rates of convergence to equilibrium is very difficult to have, if one wants to take into account distribution tails. Next, it is clear that the more collisions there are, the more likely convergence is found to be fast. This is why the size of the cross-section does matter, in particular difficulties arise in the study of hard potentials because of the vanishing of the cross-section at zero relative velocities. However studies of the linearized operator ([65],[59]) show that in principle, one could expect an exponential decay to equilibrium for the spatially homogeneous Boltzmann equation with hard potentials (under strong control on the distribution tails). In order to derive rigorously hydrodynamic limits of the Boltzmann equation, we need to understand the effects of the relaxation process, especially to establish quantitative variants of the mechanism of decreasing of the entropy. More precisely, one would like to prove an entropy-entropy dissipation inequality : this is a functional inequality of the type D(f ) ≥ Θ(H(f |M )) where H 7→ Θ(H) is some continuous function, strictly positive when H > 0. Such an inequality, coupled with Boltzmann’s H theorem would indeed imply
3.2 Properties of the Collision Operator : Relaxation and Regularization in v
that any solution to the spatially homogeneous Boltzmann equation satisfies H(f |M )(t) → 0 as t → +∞, and one would be further able to compute an explicit rate of convergence. An old conjecture of Cercignani, formulated at the beginning of the eighties, was that the spatially homogeneous Boltzmann equation would satisfy a linear entropy-entropy dissipation inequality D(f ) ≥ 2λ(f )H(f |M )
for some λ(f ) depending on f only via some estimates of moments, Sobolev regularity, lower bound. Bobylev and Cercignani [12] have actually disproved this conjecture, by considering distributions close to the equilibrium M , with a very tiny bump at large velocities. However, Mouhot [87] has recently established that the exponential trend to equilibrium which should be implied by (3.12), namely kf (t) − M kL1 ≤ Ce−µt
holds true in the particular case of hard spheres (and for more general hard potentials with cut-off, under a very strong decay condition). The idea of the proof is to combine linear and nonlinear techniques : quantitative estimates of exponential decay on the evolution semi-group associated to the linearized collision operator (to be detailed in the next paragraph) are used to estimate the rate of convergence when the solution is close to equilibrium (where the linear part of the collision operator is dominant), whereas the existing nonlinear entropy method, combined with some L1 a priori estimates, is used to estimate the rate of convergence for solutions far from equilibrium. Such a method should open new perspectives in the field of compressible hydrodynamic limits, for which the understanding of the nonlinear relaxation process is crucial. Of course, this would suppose to obtain pointwise estimates on the moments of the solution to the spatially inhomogeneous Boltzmann equation, which remains an outstanding problem. In order to avoid this additional difficulty, in all situations requiring some control on the nonlinear relaxation process, we will consider the BGK equation instead of the Boltzmann equation, namely 1 (Mf − f ), St∂t f + v · ∇x f = Kn R(t, x) |v − U (t, x)|2 Mf (t, x, v) = exp , − 3/2 2T Z (2πT (t, x)) Z (t, x) R(t, x) =
f (t, x, v)dv, RU (t, x) = Z 2 R(|U | + 3T )(t, x) = |v|2 f (t, x, v)dv,
vf (t, x, v)dv,
which is the simpler relaxation model associated with the Boltzmann equation.
3 Mathematical Tools for the Derivation of Hydrodynamic Limits
3.2.2 Coercivity of the Linearized Collision Operator The perturbative framework is again much more propicious for a mathematical study. Considering indeed some fluctuation f around a global equilibrium state M f = M (1 + Mag), it is easy to see that the relaxation process is governed by the linearized collision operator LM defined by 2 def LM g = − Q(M, M g) Z M Z = dv ∗ dσM∗ B(v − v ∗ , σ)(g + g∗ − g 0 − g∗0 ), R3
which has been extensively studied by Hilbert [65], then Grad [59] and Caflisch [23]. Because of the translation and scaling invariance of the collision kernel, we will actually restrict our attention in the sequel to the case where M is the reduced centered Gaussian |v|2 1 exp − . M (v) = 2 (2π)3/2 Indeed, if τw and mλ denote respectively the translation and scaling isometries on L1 (R3 ) defined by τw f (v) = f (v − w),
(mλ f )(v) = λ−3 f (λ−1 w)
one has Q(τw f, τw f ) = τw Q(f, f ) ,
Q(mλ f, mλ f ) = λmλ Q(f, f ) .
We then deduce that LMR0 ,U0 ,T0 (φ) = (R0
p T0 )τU0 m√T0 LM (m1/√T0 τ−U0 φ) .
Hilbert’s Decomposition In order to establish the coercivity of the linearized collision operator LM , the first step is to introduce Hilbert’s decomposition [65], showing that LM is just a compact perturbation of some multiplication operator : Proposition 3.2.1 Assume that B satisfies Grad’s cut-off assumption (2.8) for some β ∈ [0, 1]. Then the linearized collision operator LM defined by (3.15) can be decomposed as LM g(v) = ν(|v|)g(v) − Kg(v)
3.2 Properties of the Collision Operator : Relaxation and Regularization in v
dv’ v’
Fig. 3.1. Carleman’s parametrization
where K is a compact integral operator on L2 (M dv) and ν = ν(|v|) is a scalar function called the collision frequency that satisfies, for some C > 1, 0 < ν− ≤ ν(|v|) ≤ C(1 + |v|)β . Sketch of proof of Proposition 3.2.1. The method is based on a clever change of variables sometimes called “Carleman’s collision parametrization” although it goes back to Hilbert [65]. One changes variables in the integrals defining ν and K, by using the transformation (see Figure 3.1) (v∗ , σ) ∈ R3 ×S 2 7→ (v 0 , v∗0 ) ∈ C, where C = {(v 0 , v∗0 ) ∈ R3 × R3 / (v − v∗0 ) · (v 0 − v) = 0}. This transformation sends the measure |(v − v∗ ) · σ|dv∗ dσ on the measure dv 0 dS(v∗0 ), where dS is the surface element on the plane orthogonal to (v 0 − v) passing through v. With this change of variables, we obtain exact and convenient form for the function ν ZZ ν(v) = 2π B(|v − v∗ |, cos θ)M (v∗ ) sin θdθdv∗ As for the integral operator K, one first computes its integral kernel k. More precisely, one further splits the operator K as K = −K1 + K2 , where Z Z K1 g(v) = dv∗ dσM∗ B(v − v∗ , σ)g∗ , R3
3 Mathematical Tools for the Derivation of Hydrodynamic Limits
Z K2 g(v) =
Z dv∗
dσM∗ B(v − v∗ , σ)(g 0 + g∗0 ) .
The integral kernels k1 and k2 are therefore defined by Z k1 (v, w) = 2π B(|v − w|, cos θ)M (w) sin θdθ, 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 exp − |w| + |v| − |v − w| k2 (v, w) = |v − w|2 4 4 8 − 12 ! Z 2 1 |η| 2 2 1/2 M η + (v + w) dη × B |v − w| + |η| ) , 1 + |v − w|2 2 η⊥(w−v) That K1 and K2 are self-adjoint is easily seen on these formulas. That K1 is compact on L2 (M dv) is obvious; that K2 is also compact on L2 (M dv) follows from observing that K24 is in the Hilbert-Schmidt class on L2 (M dv). To see (4) this, one computes from k2 the integral kernel of K24 , say k2 , and observe that M (v)1/2 (4) (v, w) 7→ k2 (v, w) M (w)1/2 belongs to L2 (R3 × R3 ; dvdw).
t u
The Relative Coercivity Estimate With the above preliminary results, we then establish the main property of the linearized collision operator LM , i.e. that it satisfies the Fredholm alternative in some weighted L2 space. Proposition 3.2.2 Assume that B satisfies Grad’s cut-off assumption (2.8) for some β ∈ [0, 1]. Then the linear collision operator LM defined by (3.15) is a nonnegative unbounded self-adjoint operator on L2 (M dv) with domain D(LM ) = {g ∈ L2 (M dv) | νg ∈ L2 (M dv)} = L2 (R3 ; νM (v)dv) and nullspace Ker(LM ) = span{1, v1 , v2 , v3 , |v|2 } . Moreover the following coercivity estimate holds: there exists C > 0 such that, for each g ∈ D(LM ) ∩ (Ker(LM ))⊥ Z gLM g(v)M (v)dv ≥ Ckgk2L2 (M νdv) . Sketch of Proof of Proposition 3.2.2. • The first step consists in characterizing the nullspace of LM . It must contain the collision invariants since the integrand in
3.2 Properties of the Collision Operator : Relaxation and Regularization in v
ZZ LM g =
(g + g∗ − g 0 − g∗0 )B(v − v∗ , σ)M∗ dv∗ dσ
vanishes identically if g(v) = 1, v1 , v2 v3 or |v|2 . Conversely, the same symmetries of the collision integral as in section 1 of Chapter 2 imply that Z ψLM gM dv = ZZZ 1 (ψ+ψ∗ −ψ 0 −ψ∗0 )(g+g∗ −g 0 −g∗0 )B(v − v∗ , σ)M∗ dv∗ dσ . 4 Letting g = ψ implies that LM is a nonnegative self-adjoint operator on the weighted space L2 (M νdv). In particular, if g belongs to the nullspace of LM , ZZZ 1 (g + g∗ − g 0 − g∗0 )2 B(v − v∗ , σ)M∗ dv∗ dvdσ = 0 , 4 so that, for almost all (v∗ , σ) ∈ R3 ×S 2 g + g∗ = g 0 + g∗0 . In other words, g is a collision invariant, which entails that g is a linear combination of 1, v1 , v2 , v3 and |v|2 . • Next we prove the coercivity estimate. First the multiplication operator g 7→ νg is self-adjoint on L2 (R3 ; M νdv) and has continuous spectrum which consists of the numerical range of ν, i.e. ν(R+ ) ⊂ [ν− , +∞) where ν− = inf 3 ν(|v|) > 0. v∈R
By Weyl’s theorem, as K is self-adjoint and compact on L2 (R3 ; M dv), the spectrum of LM consists of ν(R+ ) and of a sequence of eigenvalues in the interval [0, ν− ] with ν− as only possible accumulation point. In particular, there exists a smallest positive element λ1 of the spectrum of LM , called the spectral gap, and one has Z gLM g(v)M (v)dv ≥ λ1 kgk2L2 (M dv) for each g ∈ D(LM ) ∩ (Ker(LM ))⊥ . The identity Z Z Z gLM gM (v)dv = g 2 νM (v)dv − gKgM (v)dv together with the continuity of K and the coercivity estimate above imply the stronger, weighted estimate announced in the statement of Proposition 3.2.2. t u
3 Mathematical Tools for the Derivation of Hydrodynamic Limits
Remark 3.2.3 Because LM is a Fredholm operator, one can define L−1 M on the orthogonal complement (KerLM )⊥ of KerLM , especially on the following quantities 1 1 Φ(v) = v ⊗ v − |v|2 Id, Ψ (v) = v(|v|2 − 5), 3 2 which are the kinetic versions of the momentum flux and heat flux, and therefore play a fundamental role in the study of hydrodynamic limits. Note that, using some invariance properties of LM (due to the isotropy of the collision process), one can obtain some additional information on the structure of −1 ˜ Φ˜ = L−1 (3.17) M Φ and Ψ = LM Ψ, already mentioned in the works of the physicists Chapman and Cowling [33]. Desvillettes and Golse [43] have then proved that there exist two scalar functions ϕ and ψ such that ˜ Φ(v) = ϕ(|v|)Φ(v) and Ψ˜ (v) = ψ(|v|)Ψ (v). Golse and the author have further established [57] a polynomial growth estimate on both functions ϕ and ψ. This additional structure explains in particular why the viscosity µ and heat conductivity κ obtained in (2.22) are nonnegative scalar fields. Control of the Relaxation in Perturbative Regimes Consider, as in the previous section, solutions of the Boltzmann equation such that ZZ Hin = M h (Magin ) (x, v)dxdv = O(Ma2 ), and define the corresponding renormalized fluctuations by (3.5) ! r f 2 −1 , gˆ = Ma M so that
ZZ ∀t ≥ 0,
M |ˆ g |2 (t, x, v)dxdv ≤
2Hin = O(1). Ma2
We also recall that the fluctuation g = gˆ +
Ma 2 gˆ 4
1 is therefore bounded in L∞ t (L (M dvdx)). Then, the entropy dissipation bound, coupled with the coercivity estimate stated in the previous paragraph, provides the following control on the relaxation :
3.2 Properties of the Collision Operator : Relaxation and Regularization in v
Lemma 3.2.4 For each sequence Man → 0, let (fn ) be a sequence of measurable, a.e. nonnegative distribution functions such that ∀t ≥ 0, and
Z tZ ∀t ≥ 0,
H(fn |M )(t) ≤ CMa2n ,
D(fn )(s, x)dxds ≤ CMa2n Knn Stn .
Then, the family of fluctuations (ˆ gn ) defined by ! r 2 fn gˆn = −1 , Man M satisfies p gn k2L2 (M dv) , kˆ gn − Π gˆn kL2 (M dv) ≤ O( Knn Stn )L2t,x + O(Man )kˆ
where Π denotes the orthogonal projection on KerLM . Proof. In order to simplify the presentation, we first introduce some fictitious ˜ obtained from LM and Q by replacing the collision integrals L˜M and Q, original cross-section B with ˜ − v∗ , σ) = B(v
B(v − v∗ , σ) . B(v − v∗ , σ)M∗ dv∗ dσ
Note that the corresponding collision frequency ZZ ˜ − v∗ , σ)dv∗ dσ ν˜(v) = M∗ B(v is therefore bounded from up and below. Start then from the elementary formula p Man ˜ 2 ˜ p M L˜M gˆn = Q(M gˆn , M gˆn ) − Q( M fn , M fn ) 2 Man
Mutiplying both sides of this equation by gˆn and using the coercivity estimate stated in Proposition 3.2.2 leads to kˆ gn − Π gˆn kL2 (M dv)
CMan 1 ˜
≤ Q(M gˆn , M gˆn ) + 2C Stn Knn k˜ qn kL2 (M dv)
2 M L2 (M dv) where q˜n denotes the renormalized collision integral q˜n =
p 1 1 ˜ p √ Q( M fn , M fn ). Man Stn Knn M
3 Mathematical Tools for the Derivation of Hydrodynamic Limits
The same arguments as in the proof of Lemma 3.1.5 show that Z t ZZ Z tZ 1 q˜n2 (s, x, v)M (v)dxdvds ≤ D(fn )(s, x)dsdx. Ma2n Stn Knn 0 0 By the continuity properties of the quadratic collision operator (see [59] for instance), we further have
≤ Ckˆ gn k2L2 (M dv) . g ˆ , M g ˆ ) n n
2 L (M dv) Combining both estimates leads to kˆ gn − pΠ gˆn kL2 (M dv) ≤ C Stn Knn k˜ qn kL2 (M dv) + CMan kˆ gn k2L2 (M dv) t u
which is the expected inequality. 3.2.3 Improving Integrability with Respect to the v Variables
An important consequence of the previous control on the relaxation is to provide further integrability with respect to v-variables on the (renormalized) fluctuation gˆn . We have indeed the following lemma : Lemma 3.2.5 Let (Man ), (Knn ) and (Stn ) be sequences such that Man → 0,
Knn Stn ≤ Ma2n .
Let (fn ) be a sequence of measurable, a.e. nonnegative distribution functions such that ∀t ≥ 0, H(fn |M )(t) ≤ CMa2n , and
Z tZ ∀t ≥ 0,
D(fn )(s, x)dxds ≤ CMa2n Knn Stn .
Then, the family of fluctuations (ˆ gn ) defined by ! r 2 fn gˆn = −1 , Man M is such that ((1 + |v|)p M |ˆ gn |2 ) is uniformly integrable in v on [0, T ] × K × R3 for each T > 0, each compact K ⊂ Ω and each p < 2, meaning that ! Z Z Z T
lim sup
η→0 n
(1 + |v|)p M |ˆ gn |2 (t, x, v)dv dtdx = 0.
sup 0
3.2 Properties of the Collision Operator : Relaxation and Regularization in v
Proof. The crucial idea behind this result is to decompose gˆn according to gˆn = (ˆ gn − Π gˆn ) + Π gˆn . 2
• From the L bound on gˆn and the explicit formula for Π gˆn we deduce that 1 r for r < 2. gˆn (1 + |v|)p Π gˆn = O(1)L∞ t (Lx (L (M dv)))
• It remains then to estimate (1 + |v|)p (ˆ gn − Π gˆn )ˆ gn for p < 2, using the control on the relaxation provided by Lemma 3.2.4. By Young’s inequality, we have for each δ > 0 (1 + |v|)p δ 2 fn (1 + |v|)p gˆn2 ≤ − 1 2 M 2 Man δ 2 (3.21) 2 δ fn δ (1 + |v|)p ≤ h − 1 + exp M δ2 Ma2n Ma2n so that for each q < +∞ p/2
(1 + |v|)
2 gˆn = O(δ)L∞ +O t (L (M dvdx))
Cp,q,δ Man
q L∞ t,x (L (M dv))
where Cp,q,δ is some nonnegative constant depending only on p, q and δ. We therefore have p/2 2 (M dvdx)) (1 + |v|) (1 + |v|)p (ˆ gn − Π gˆn )ˆ gn = O(δ) (ˆ gn − Π gˆn ) t (L L∞ Cp,q,δ (1 + |v|)p/2 (ˆ gn − Π gˆn ) +O Man L∞ (Lq (M dv)) t,x (3.22) from which we deduce that Z 1/2 Z p p 2 2 (1 + |v|) |(ˆ gn − Π gˆn )ˆ gn |M dv = O(δ)L∞ (1 + |v|) |ˆ gn | M dv t (Lx ) A Z A 1/2 p 2 2 +O(δ)L∞ (1 + |v|) |Π g ˆ | M dv n t (Lx ) A Z 1/q˜ p Cp,q,δ ˜ gn k2L2 (M dv) + M (1 + |v|)pq/2 dv O( Knn Stn )L2t,x +O(Man )kˆ Man A (3.23) with 1/q + 1/˜ q = 1/2. • Plugging (3.20) and (3.23) together, we get Z (1 +|v|)p |ˆ gn |2 M dv A Z 1− r1 Z 1/2 p 2 ∞ 2 2 = M dv O(1)L∞ + O(δ) (1 + |v|) |ˆ g | M dv n Lt (Lx ) t (Lx ) A Z A 1/q˜ p Cp,q,δ ˜ 1) O( Knn Stn )L2t,x + O(Man )L∞ + M (1 + |v|)pq/2 dv (L x t Man A
3 Mathematical Tools for the Derivation of Hydrodynamic Limits
Choosing δ small enough, and using Cauchy-Schwarz’ inequality to master the second term in the right-hand side, we obtain the expected local equiintegrability with respect to v. t u Remark 3.2.6 In the general non perturbative framework, the entropy dissipation bound is also expected to give some further integrability with respect to v variables on the distribution fn . Of course it is not clear that the second term in the decomposition fn = Mfn + (fn − Mfn ) can be controlled by the entropy dissipation. However, instead of using the local Maxwellian Mfn in the above decomposition, one can consider the local pseudo-equilibrium 1 ˜+ Q (fn , fn ) Afn = ρn R ˜ + is the gain part of some fictitious collision operator where ρn = fn dv and Q ˜ Q. ˜ one expects Af − fn to be controlled by the For a suitable choice of Q n entropy dissipation and thus to be small in the fast relaxation limit, whereas Afn should have further integrability in the v variables due to the compactness ˜ + (shown by Lions [72] or Bouchut and Desvillettes [15]). properties of Q
3.3 Properties of the Free Transport Operator : Dispersion and Averaging Lemmas According to our principle that the structure of the limiting hydrodynamic system should be recognized in the corresponding scaled Boltzmann equation, we expect further regularity estimates to hold, at least in the hydrodynamic regime leading to the incompressible Navier-Stokes system. In such a viscous regime, the entropy dissipation bound gives actually a control on the collision term, which can be considered as a source term for the free transport equation. It remains then to understand the smoothing process leading to these regularity estimates. The fundamental operator in kinetic theory is the advection or freetransport operator St∂t + v · ∇x which is the prototype of hyperbolic operators. It expresses that a particle of velocity v is advected of a distance dx = vdt during the infinitesimal time interval dt. The solution of the advection equation St∂t f + v · ∇x f = 0 is actually given by the method of characteristics
3.3 Dispersion and Averaging Lemmas
f (t, X(t, x, v), V (t, x, v)) = fin (x, v) or equivalently f (t, x, v) = fin (X(−t, x, v), V (−t, x, v)) where
dX dV = V, = 0, (X, V )(0, x, v) = (x, v) dt dt (possibly supplemented with boundary conditions). A consequence of that formula is that singularities of the initial or boundary data are propagated at finite speed |v|/St inside the domain where the equation is posed. In particular, one cannot hope to gain regularity or compactness on the distribution function f itself. With a view towards hydrodynamic limits we then anticipate that only macroscopic variables, i.e. moments in v of the distribution function of the type Z f (t, x, v)ϕ(v)dv R3
for some test function ϕ, should be regular or compact. This is precisely the essence of the class of results known as “velocity averaging”, to be described below. Let us first concentrate on the case of the whole space x ∈ R3 . 3.3.1 L2 Averaging Lemmas The first regularity results bearing on moments of the solution of a transport equation were obtained in the L2 setting. Indeed, the key idea of the proof of such results is a kind of reduction to the one dimensional case, which is especially simple when expressed in terms of Fourier variables. The regularity of the averages is actually due to the ellipticity of the symbol of the free transport operator St∂t + v · ∇x outside from a small subset of the velocity space R3v . In Fourier variables, one has indeed i(Stτ + v · ξ)Ff (τ, ξ, v) = FS, where S denotes some source term : this seems to indicate that Ff should have good decay properties with respect to the ξ variables. If |Stτ + v · ξ| > α, one obtains some regularity on the corresponding part of the solution (all the more that α is large). If |Stτ + v · ξ| ≤ α, the contribution of the corresponding part of the solution to the average is small (all the smaller that α is small). See Figure 3.2. Translating the previous argument into a precise mathematical statement, and choosing α to optimize the resulting estimate leads to the following by now classical proposition (obtained independently by Golse, Lions, Perthame, Sentis [53] and Agoshkov [1]).
3 Mathematical Tools for the Derivation of Hydrodynamic Limits v2
|St +v. | <
|St +v. | >
Ellipticity of the symbol v1 |St +v. | > Ellipticity of the symbol
Small contribution to the average
Fig. 3.2. Symbol of the free transport operator
Proposition 3.3.1 Let f ∈ L2 (Rt × R3x × R3v ) be the solution of the freetransport equation St∂t f + v · ∇x f = S. Then, for all compactly supported test function ϕ ∈ L∞ (R3v ), the following regularity estimate holds
1/2 1/2
f ϕ(v)dv ≤ Ckf kL2 (Rt × R3 × R3 ) kSkL2 (Rt × R3 × R3 )
L2 (R,H 1/2 (R3 ))
for some nonnegative constant C depending only on ϕ. Proof. Let us introduce as previously the time and space Fourier variables (τ, ξ). The Fourier transform of the moment is therefore Z Ff (τ, ξ, v)ϕ(v)dv. As explained above, the estimate is obtained by splitting this integral into two contributions Z Z Ff (τ, ξ, v)ϕ(v)dv ≤ 1 |Stτ +v·ξ|≤α |Ff (τ, ξ, v)ϕ(v)|dv Z + 1|Stτ +v·ξ|>α |Ff (τ, ξ, v)ϕ(v)|dv .
3.3 Dispersion and Averaging Lemmas
By Cauchy-Schwarz’ inequality, we then get Z Z 12 12Z 2 2 Ff (τ, ξ, v)ϕ(v)dv ≤ |Ff (τ, ξ, v)| dv 1|Stτ +v·ξ|≤α |ϕ(v)| dv 12 Z 21 Z 1|Stτ +v·ξ|>α 2 2 |ϕ(v)| dv |FS(τ, ξ, v)| dv + |Stτ + v · ξ|2 1/2 1/2 α 1 ≤ CkFf kL2 (R3v ) + CkFSkL2 (R3v ) |ξ| α|ξ| where C is some nonnegative constant depending only on kϕk∞ and of the support of ϕ. Thus, using Plancherel’s identity and choosing the truncation parameter α = kFSkL2 /kFf kL2 leads to the optimal estimate. t u Remark 3.3.2 This fundamental result can be extended in several directions : • a refined estimate shows that on can also gain some regularity with respect to the scaled time variable t/St; • the same compactness result still holds for generalized advection operators St∂t + a(v) · ∇x (up to some loss in the regularity exponent), provided that they satisfy a non concentration condition of the following type ∀R > 0, lim sup {v ∈ R3 / |v| ≤ R and |a(v) · e| ≤ ε} = 0. ε→0 e∈S 2
In particular this p condition is satisfied for the relativistic free transport operator a(v) = v/ 1 + |v|2 . • more generally, if f and S belong to Lp (R × R3 × R3 ), one has the similar regularity estimate
f ϕ(v)dv ≤ C(kf kLp (Rt × R3x × R3v ) + kSkLp (Rt × R3x × R3v ) )
Lp (R,W s,p (R3 ))
where s = min(1/p, 1/p0 ) (see [53] for the detailed interpolation argument). In particular, if p = 1 or +∞, there is no general velocity averaging result. That velocity averaging fails in L1 and L∞ is not due to some technical deficiency in the proof, but rather to a real difficulty linked with concentration phenomena, as shown by the following counterexample taken from [53]. Let Sn ≡ Sn (t, x, v) be a bounded sequence in L1 (R × R3 × R3 ) such that Sn → Stϕ0 (t)δx−St−1 v t ⊗ δv−v0 0
for some test function ϕ ∈ Cc∞ (R), where v0 6= 0. Let fn ≡ fn (t, x, v) be the sequence of solutions of the transport equation
3 Mathematical Tools for the Derivation of Hydrodynamic Limits
St∂t fn + v · ∇x fn = Sn ,
(t, x, v) ∈ R × R3 × R3 .
The method of characteristics provides Z t Sn (s, x − St−1 v(t − s), v)ds fn (t, x, v) = St−1 −∞ 3
and thus, for each φ ∈ Cc (R ) Z Z φ(x) fn (t, x, v)dv dx R3
R3 −1
Sn (s, z, v)φ(z + St−1 v(t − s))dvdzds
= St
R3 × R3
→ ϕ(t)φ(St−1 v0 t)
as n → +∞. Hence Z fn dv converges to some density carried by the half plane R × R+ v0 R3
in the weak sense of measures as n → +∞. In particular Z fn dv is not relatively compact in L1loc (R × R3 ) R3
although kfn kL1 (R × R3 × R3 ) ≤ C, kSt∂t fn + v · ∇x fn kL1 (R × R3 × R3 ) ≤ C. This counterexample suggests in particular that one should try by all means to control concentration effects. 3.3.2 Dispersive Properties of the Free-Transport Operator A first remark is that it is actually sufficient to control the concentration effects in the v variables, the non concentration in the x variables arising then as a consequence of some dispersion properties of the free transport operator. These dispersion properties are linked with the propagation of the volumes in the phase space. Indeed, by the free transport, the domains of the phase space become stretched in the x direction, according to the scheme represented in Figure 3.3. A set of “small measure in x” is changed into a set of “small measure in v”, which can be referred to as a mixing property of the free transport operator. More precisely, using the exact representation of the solution to the free transport equation, and an appropriate change of variables, Castella and Perthame have obtained the following gain of integrability with respect to x variables [26] :
3.3 Dispersion and Averaging Lemmas
v (t-s)v E(s) E(t)
Fig. 3.3. Dispersion by the free transport operator
Proposition 3.3.3 Let χ be the solution of the free-transport equation ∂s χ + v · ∇x χ = 0 on R × R3x × R3v , χ|s=0 = χ0 on R3x × R3v . Then, for all pair (p, q) ∈ [1, +∞] with p ≤ q, the following pointwise estimate holds −3 1 − 1 ∀t ∈ R∗ , kχ(s)kLqx (Lpv ) ≤ |s| ( p q ) kχ0 kLpx (Lqv ) . Proof. In the absence of external force and source term, the solution χ is given by χ(s, x, v) = χ0 (x − sv, v), which immediately leads to −3
1 kχ(s)kL∞ ≤ |s| x (Lv )
kχ0 kL1x (L∞ , v )
and more generally to −3/p
p ≤ |s| kχ(s)kL∞ x (Lv )
kχ0 kLpx (L∞ . v )
On the other hand, the conservation of the Lp norm gives kχ(s)kLpx,v = kχ0 kLpx,v . Thus, by interpolation, − p3 (1− p q)
kχ(s)kLqx (Lpv ) ≤ |s| which is the expected estimate.
kχ0 kLpx (Lqv ) , t u
3 Mathematical Tools for the Derivation of Hydrodynamic Limits
Remark 3.3.4 • The extension of such a result to the relativistic case is not so trivial : due to the Jacobian of the change of variables v v 7→ √ 1 + v2 the resulting dispersion estimate will involve moments of the initial data, which has however no consequence in the context of hydrodynamic limits. • This result will be indeed used to transfer some local equiintegrability from v variables (coming from the control on the relaxation) to x variables, meaning that in all proofs we will restrict our attention to a bounded set of velocities. 3.3.3 L1 Averaging Lemmas Combining both techniques, we are then able to improve the velocity averaging results, extending them in the L1 setting under an additional condition of equiintegrability with respect to v, to be recalled now. We say that a bounded sequence (ψn ) of L1x,v is uniformly equiintegrable with respect to v if ! Z Z lim sup sup |ψn (x, v)|dv dx = 0. η→0 n
As a consequence of Proposition 3.3.3, we indeed establish, using DunfordPettis’ criterion, that the uniform integrability in v is a L1 weak compactness criterion for the solutions to the free transport equation. Proposition 3.3.5 Let (fn ) be a bounded sequence in L∞ (R+ , L1 (R3 × R3 )) such that (St∂t fn + v · ∇x fn ) is bounded in L1 (R+ × R3 × R3 ), (fn ) is uniformly equiintegrable in v. Then the sequence (fn ) is uniformly equiintegrable (in all variables), and thus weakly compact by Dunford-Pettis’ criterion. Proof. This result was stated and proved in [56], extending an earlier remark by the author [92]. It relies on Proposition 3.3.3, coupled with Green’s formula. Without loss of generality, we assume that fn is nonnegative, and that all the fn ’s are supported in the same compact K of R × R3 × R3 . • The first step consists in splitting any “small” measurable subset A of K in three subsets A0 , A1 and A2 which are “small” respectively in the t, x and v variables. In order to do that, we define ZZ A0 = {(t, x, v) ∈ A / 1A (t, x, v)dxdv > |A|1/2 },
3.3 Dispersion and Averaging Lemmas
Z A1 = {(t, x, v) ∈ A \ A0 /
1A (t, x, v)dv > |A|1/4 },
and A2 = A \ (A0 ∪ A1 ). From the Bienaym´e-Tchebichev inequality |{x/|χ(x)| ≥ y}| ≤
1 y
Z |χ(x)|dx,
we therefore deduce the following estimates k1A0 kL1t (L∞ ≤ |A|1/2 , x,v ) 1 ∞ ≤ |A|1/4 , k1A1 kL∞ t (Lx (Lv )) 1 k1A2 kL∞ ≤ |A|1/4 . t,x (Lv )
In particular, from the uniform equiintegrability in the t and v variables, we get that the first and third terms in the decomposition ZZZ ZZZ fn (t, x, v)dtdxdv fn (t, x, v)dtdxdv = A Z ZAZ0 + fn (t, x, v)dtdxdv Z Z ZA1 + fn (t, x, v)dtdxdv A2
go to zero as |A| → 0. It remains then to transfer some of the equiintegrability in the v variables on the x variables, to establish that the second term goes also to zero as |A| → 0. • The second step relies then crucially on the mixing properties of the free transport operator. We start by introducing an additional parameter s∗ , to be optimized in the sequel. We therefore consider the solution χ ≡ χ(s, t, x, v) of the free transport equation ∂s χ + St∂t χ + v · ∇x χ = 0 , s > 0 , (t, x, v) ∈ R × R3 × R3 , χ(0, t, x, v) = 1A1 (t, x, v) , (t, x, v) ∈ R × R3 × R3 . Clearly, χ(s, t, x, v) = 1A1 (t−Sts, x−sv, v). A slight adaptation of Proposition 3.3.3 and the second estimate in (3.25) imply that 1 kχ(s∗ , ., ., .)kL∞ ≤ t,x (Lv )
1 |A|1/4 ∞ (L1 (L∞ )) ≤ k1 k A L 1 x v t |s∗ |3 |s∗ |3
Applying Green’s formula to the integral Z s∗ Z Z ds dtdxdvfn (t, x, v)(∂s + St∂t + v · ∇x )χ(s, t, x, v) 0
3 Mathematical Tools for the Derivation of Hydrodynamic Limits
leads then to ZZZ ZZZ fn (t, x, v)dtdxdv = fn χ(s∗ , t, x, v)dtdvdx A1 Z s∗ Z Z Z K − χ(s, t, x, v)(St∂t + v · ∇x )fn (t, x, v)dsdtdxdv 0
(3.27) From the uniform L1 bound on (St∂t fn + v · ∇x fn ) we deduce that the second term in the right side of (3.27) tends to zero as |s∗ | → 0. Furthermore, using the equiintegrability of (fn ) with respect to v and the estimate (3.26) shows that the first term tends to zero as |A|1/4 /|s∗ |3 → 0. Therefore, choosing for instance |s∗ | = |A|1/24 , we get that ZZZ fn (t, x, v)dtdxdv → 0 as |A| → 0, A1
which, coupled with the previous results, leads to the expected equiintegrability. t u Equipped with this preliminary result, we can now state the main L1 velocity averaging result, to be used in the context of the incompressible NavierStokes limit of the Boltzmann equation. Theorem 3.3.6 Let (fn ) be a bounded sequence in L∞ (R+ , L1 (R3 × R3 )) such that (St∂t fn + v · ∇x fn ) is bounded in L1 (R+ × R3 × R3 ), (fn ) is uniformly equiintegrable in v. Then, for all compactly supported test function ϕ ∈ L∞ (R3v ), the sequence R ( fn ϕ(v)dv) is strongly compact with respect to the x variables, in the sense ˜ of R+ × R3 , that, for all compact subset K Z Z Z Z fn (t, x, v)ϕ(v)dv − fn (t, x + η, v)ϕ(v)dv dxdt = 0. lim |η|→0
˜ K
Proof. Without loss of generality, we again assume that fn is nonnegative. • The first step consists in establishing the compactness statement assuming that both families (fn ) and (St∂t fn + v · ∇x fn ) are weakly compact in L1 , which has been done in the original paper by Golse, Lions, Perthame and Sentis [53]. Define φn = fn + (St∂t + v · ∇x )fn and for all λ > 0 φλ,+ = φn 1φn >λ , n
φλ,− = φn 1φn ≤λ . n
3.3 Dispersion and Averaging Lemmas
We also denote by fnλ,+ and fnλ,− the solutions to φλ,+ = fnλ,+ + (St∂t + v · ∇x )fnλ,+ , n
φλ,− = fnλ,− + (St∂t + v · ∇x )fnλ,− . n
From the explicit formula of the resolvent R = (Id +St∂t + v · ∇x )−1 Z +∞ Rφ(t, x, v) = e−σ φ(t − Stσ, x − σv, v)dσ 0
we deduce that (fnλ,− ) and ((St∂t + v · ∇x )fnλ,− ) are uniformly bounded in L2t,x,v by the L2 -norm of φλ,− n , i.e. by a constant depending only on λ. Applying the L2 averaging lemma leads then to
fnλ,− ϕ(v)dv ≤ Cλ .
L2t (Hx )
On the other hand, the same explicit formula for the resolvent R shows that kfnλ,+ kL1t,x,v ≤ kφλ,+ n kL1t,x,v and thus converges to 0 as λ → +∞ by the equiintegrability assumption. In particular, for all compact K ⊂ [0, T ] × R3 and for all δ > 0, there exists λ such that Z Z Z fnλ,+ (t, x, v)ϕ(v)dv dxdt ≤ δ. K
Then, choosing η sufficiently small, Z Z Z Z fnλ,− (t, x, v)ϕ(v)dv − fnλ,− (t, x + η, v)ϕ(v)dv dxdt ≤ δ. ˜ K
Combining both estimates leads to the expected regularity result. • The second step consists in extending this result in the case when (St∂t fn + v · ∇x fn ) is only assumed to be bounded in L1 . To do that, we introduce another truncation parameter, as follows. For each µ > 0, set Rµ = (µ Id +St∂t + v · ∇x )−1 . Using the explicit formula Z Rµ φ(t, x, v) =
e−µσ φ(t − Stσ, x − σv, v)dσ,
one easily checks that, for each p ∈ [1, +∞], kRµ φkLpt,x,v ≤
kφkLpt,x,v µ
3 Mathematical Tools for the Derivation of Hydrodynamic Limits
Write fn = Rµ µf + Rµ (St∂t + v · ∇x )fn = fnµ,1 + fnµ,2 so that Z
Z fn ϕ(v)dv =
fnµ,1 ϕ(v)dv +
fnµ,2 ϕ(v)dv,
with fnµ,1 = µRµ fn and fnµ,2 = Rµ ((St∂t + v · ∇x )fn ). Since (St∂t + v · ∇x )fn is uniformly bounded in L1t,x,v , the second term on the right hand side of the equality above can be made arbitrarily small in L1t,x,v for some µ > 0 large enough : for all δ > 0, there exists µ such that Z Z Z fnµ,2 (t, x, v)ϕ(v)dv dxdt ≤ δ. K
For such a µ, the first term on the right hand side of the equality above satisfies : Z Z Z Z fnµ,1 (t, x, v)ϕ(v)dv − fnµ,1 (t, x + η, v)ϕ(v)dv dxdt ≤ δ ˜ K
provided that η is sufficiently small (depending on δ and µ). Combining both estimates leads to the expected regularity result. Note that these two first steps rely actually on the following simple characterization of relatively compact sets : K relatively compact ⇔
∀ε > 0,
∃Kε compact, d(K, Kε ) ≤ ε.
• The final step consists then in relaxing the equiintegrability assumption on (fn ), assuming only that (fn ) is uniformly equiintegrable in the (t, v) variables. This follows directly from Proposition 3.3.5. t u 3.3.4 The Case of a Spatial Domain with Boundaries In the case of a spatial domain with boundaries, the boundary conditions do not allow in general to get an explicit formula for the characteristics, and therefore for the solution of the free transport equation. Nevertheless, a simple localization argument allows to extend all the previous results, starting for instance from the a priori estimates obtained in Appendix B.
3.3 Dispersion and Averaging Lemmas
The fundamental averaging result states : Proposition 3.3.7 Let Ω be some smooth open domain of R3 . Let f ∈ L2loc (Rt ×Ωx × R3v ) be the solution to the free-transport equation St∂t f + v · ∇x f = S, for some S ∈ L2loc (Rt ×Ωx × R3v ). Then, for all compactly supported test function ϕ ∈ L∞ (R3v ), all T > 0 and all compact subset Kx of Ω, the following regularity estimate holds
f ϕ(v)dv ≤C
L2 ([−T,T ],H 1/2 (Kx ))
for some nonnegative constant C depending only on ϕ, T and Kx . Sketch of proof of Proposition 3.3.7. We will not give extensive proof of that result, insofar as it is essentially based on the same arguments as in the case of the whole space. Let us just explain how we introduce the truncation, and what are the main subsequent modifications. Let Ω be some smooth open domain. Then, for any compact K ⊂ R ×Ω, ˜ ⊂ R ×Ω and some C ∞ function χ1 (see Figure there exist some compact K 3.4) such that ˜ χ1 ≡ 1 on K, and χ1 ≡ 0 outside from K. In the same way, we can truncate large velocities |v| ≥ R (far from the support of ϕ) by some smooth function χ2 ∈ Cc∞ (R3v ). We then denote χ = χ1 χ2 . For any f ∈ L2loc (R+ ×Ω ×R3v ), we define f χ on R+ ×Ω ×R3v , then extend it to R+ ×Ω × R3v by 0. We then have kf χkL2 (R+ × R3 × R3 ) ≤ Ckf kL2 (K×B . ˜ R) In the same way, St∂t (f χ) + v · ∇x (f χ) = Sχ + f (St∂t χ + v · ∇x χ) , so that
3) k(St∂t + v · ∇x )(f χ)kL2 (R+ × R3 × R ≤ C kSkL2 (K×B + kf kL2 (K×B ˜ ˜ R) R)
We then apply Proposition 3.3.1, from which we deduce that the moment Z Z f χϕdv = χ1 f ϕdv belongs to L2 (R+ , H 1/2 (R3 )). We obviously have the same regularity on the subdomain K on which f χ1 = f . t u
3 Mathematical Tools for the Derivation of Hydrodynamic Limits
Fig. 3.4. The truncation function χ1
The same procedure allows actually to extend any averaging result on smooth domains, even in the L1 case. Note indeed that the so-called “dispersion property” used to obtain the L1 result is not really a global result in the sense that it does not use the decay estimate as time tends to infinity, but rather a short time estimate. Combined with Gronwall’s lemma, it gives in fact a (local) mixing property with respect to x and v. That is why it can be extended to bounded domains : Theorem 3.3.8 Let Ω be some smooth open domain. Let (fn ) be a bounded + 3 1 sequence in L∞ loc (R , Lloc (Ω × R )) such that (St∂t fn + v · ∇x fn ) is bounded in L1loc (R+ ×Ω × R3 ), (fn ) is locally uniformly equiintegrable in v. Then, for all compactly supported test function ϕ ∈ L∞ (R3v ), the sequence R ( fn ϕ(v)dv) is strongly compact with respect to x variables, in the sense that, for all compact subset K of R+ ×Ω, Z Z Z Z lim fn (t, x, v)ϕ(v)dv − fn (t, x + η, v)ϕ(v)dv dxdt = 0. |η|→0
4 The Incompressible Navier-Stokes Limit
At the present time, the incompressible Navier-Stokes limit is the only hydrodynamic asymptotics of the Boltzmann equation for which an optimal convergence result is known (and for which we are actually able to implement all the mathematical tools presented in the previous chapter). By “optimal”, we mean here that this convergence result - holds globally in time; - does not require any assumption on the initial velocity profile; - does not assume any constraint on the initial thermodynamic fields; - takes into account boundary conditions, and describes their limiting form.
4.1 Convergence Result : From the Boltzmann Equation to the Incompressible Navier-Stokes-Fourier System 4.1.1 Mathematical Theories for the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations Before giving the precise mathematical statement of this convergence result, let us first recall some basic facts about the homogeneous incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. The first equation expresses the incompressibility constraint ∇ · u = 0, and the second equation is the local conservations of momentum ∂t u + (u · ∇x )u + ∇p = µ∆u, where the macroscopic density R and the viscosity µ of the gas are assumed to be constant, and the pressure p is the Lagrange multiplier associated with the incompressibility constraint. The diffusion operator is expected to have a smoothing effect, which is linked to the fact that informations propagate with L. Saint-Raymond, Hydrodynamic Limits of the Boltzmann Equation, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1971, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-92847-8 4, c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009
4 The Incompressible Navier-Stokes Limit
an infinite speed, or in other words to the fact that the bulk velocity of the gas is negligible compared to the speed of sound. The fundamental estimates for the study of hydrodynamic models are those coming from physics, namely the conservations of total mass and energy, as well as the possible decrease of entropy. In the case of homogeneous incompressible fluids, these estimates provide bounds of L2 type on the velocity field. They are formally obtained by a simple computation of hilbertian analysis, remarking that the scalar product of a gradient field by a divergencefree vector field (with zero mass flux at the boundary) is zero : Proposition 4.1.1 Let u ≡ u(t, x) be a solution of the incompressible NavierStokes equations ∂t u + (u · ∇x )u + ∇p = µ∆u,
∇x · u = 0,
u|t=0 = uin ,
(4.1) (4.2)
that is sufficiently smooth (for instance in C(R+ , H 1 (Ω))) and satisfies the zero mass flux condition at the boundary n · u|∂Ω = 0, where n is the outward unit normal to ∂Ω. Then the following energy estimate holds : Z t Z tZ 2 2 ku(t)kL2 (Ω) + 2µ k∇u(s)kL2 (Ω) ds + 2 Σ : n ⊗ u(s, x)dσx ds (4.3) 0 0 ∂Ω = kuin k2L2 (Ω) where Σ is the stress tensor defined by Σ = µ(∇u + (∇u)T ) − p Id, and σx the surface measure on ∂Ω. Another important property which is useful for the study of this type of models is the scaling invariance, namely the fact that for any solution u to (4.1), and any λ > 0, the function uλ defined by uλ (t, x) = λu(λ2 t, λx) is still a solution to (4.1). Although this property has no physical meaning, it allows on the one hand to determine critical functional spaces, in which one can expect to establish global existence of solutions with small data (see for instance the work by Cannone, Meyer and Planchon [25]), and on the other hand to study qualitative properties of the solutions (for instance their large time behaviour, using self-similar solutions to (4.1) [49]).
4.1 Convergence Result
Weak Solutions “` a la Leray” By using only the L2 energy estimate, Leray [70] has proved the global existence of weak solutions to (4.1)(4.2). Indeed the additional regularity coming from the dissipation term in the energy inequality allows to take weak limits in some approximation scheme. This argument is reminiscent from the gain of spatial regularity on the moments of the Boltzmann equation, obtained from the entropy dissipation bound by the averaging lemma : the presence at some position x ∈ Ω of particles with different velocities leads to some friction, and consequently to some correlation between the bulk velocities at adjoining positions. We will see later in this chapter a more precise mathematical formulation of this analogy. Theorem 4.1.2 Let uin ∈ L2 (Ω) be a divergence free vector field. Then there exists (at least) one global weak solution u ∈ L2loc (R+ , H 1 (Ω)) ∩ C(R+ , w − L2 (Ω)) to the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations (4.1)(4.2) supplemented by boundary conditions, either the Dirichlet boundary condition u|∂Ω = 0,
n · u|∂Ω = 0 and n ∧ (Σ · n − λu)|∂Ω = 0
or the Navier boundary condition
It further satisfies the energy inequality Z t ku(t)k2L2 (Ω) + 2µ k∇u(s)k2L2 (Ω) ds ≤ kuin k2L2 (Ω)
in the Dirichlet case, and Z t Z tZ ku(t)k2L2 (Ω) + 2µ k∇u(s)k2L2 (Ω) ds + 2λ 0
|u|2 (s, x)dσx ds ≤ kuin k2L2 (Ω)
(4.7) in the Navier case. As mentioned in the previous paragraph, the Leray solutions to the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations are built by taking weak limits in some convenient approximation scheme, for instance the so-called Friedrichs scheme. - Approximate equations are obtained by projecting (4.1) on suitable Hilbert spaces of finite dimension, generated by eigenmodes of the Stokes operator (with convenient boundary conditions). These ordinary differential equations can be solved by using the Cauchy-Lipschitz theory, which further provides some regularity estimates. - From the uniform energy bound, on can then obtain spatial regularity estimates on the approximate solutions, and thereby some control on their
4 The Incompressible Navier-Stokes Limit
time derivatives. By interpolation, one thus gets some strong compactness on the sequence of approximate solutions. - Taking limits in the weak formulation of (4.1)(4.2), and in the energy inequality provides then the expected result. Remark 4.1.3 Note that such a method does not allow in general to obtain further regularity or stability results. • In two space dimensions, it happens however that the functional spaces 2 2 ˙1 defined by the energy bounds, namely L∞ t (Lx ) and Lt (Hx ), are scaling invariant. One can then prove, using methods of harmonic analysis (to be sketched in the next paragraph) that the solution is unique, and depends Lipschitz continuously on the initial data. • In three space dimensions, functional spaces which are scaling invari˙ 1/2 ant involve more regularity or more integrability (for instance L∞ t (Hx ) and 3/2 L2t (H˙ x )), and thus do not correspond to (global) physical a priori estimates. Refined results due to Leray [70] and to Caffarelli, Kohn and Nirenberg [22] allow to improve regularity estimates for weak solutions, namely to prove that the Leray solutions to (4.1)(4.2) are smooth outside from small time sets (of zero Hausdorff measure), but this is not enough to obtain stability and uniqueness. Smooth Solutions 1/2
2 ˙ ˙ In 3D, considering the scaling invariant functional space L∞ t (Hx )∩Lt (Hx ), Fujita and Kato [48] have established the global existence and uniqueness of solutions under a suitable smallness assumption on the initial data, and the local existence and uniqueness of solutions for general initial data. Their result has then be extended to more general scaling invariant functional spaces ([25],[27]). For the sake of simplicity, we restrict here our attention to the case of the whole space, which avoids to determine the suitable formulation of boundary conditions (compatible with the required regularity).
Theorem 4.1.4 Let uin ∈ H 1/2 (R3 ) be a divergence free vector field. Then there exists a unique maximal solution u ∈ C([0, t∗ ), H 1/2 (R3 )) with ∇u ∈ L2loc ([0, t∗ ), H 1/2 (R3 )) to the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations (4.1)(4.2). Furthermore, if t∗ < +∞, Z 0
k∇u(t)k2H˙ 1/2 (R3 ) dt = +∞.
The key argument in the proof is the stability estimate established by Serrin [99], stating that all weak solutions to (4.1)(4.2) must coincide with the strong solution if the latter does exist.
4.1 Convergence Result
- The first step consists actually in establishing the global existence and uniqueness of the solution for any initial data in a subset of the critical space (here a small ball of H˙ 1/2 (R3 )). For such solutions, the precised energy estimate allows to obtain a global a priori bound in the critical space. This regularity estimate, coupled with the stability argument, implies the uniqueness. - One can then prove the local existence and uniqueness of the solution for any initial data in the critical space, by splitting this solution as the sum of a solution of the corresponding Stokes equation, and a small remainder in H˙ 1/2 (R3 ) (which can be dealt with as in the first step). Strong-Weak Stability The uniqueness of the solution is therefore essentially based on a stability result, which is obtained as an energy estimate Proposition 4.1.5 Let u and u ˜ be two Leray solutions to the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations (4.1) with respective initial data uin , u ˜in ∈ L2 (R3 ). ∗ ∞ ∗ Assume that, for some nonnegative t > 0, u ˜ belongs to L ([0, t ], H 1/2 (R3 ))∩ 3 2 ∗ 3/2 ∗ L ([0, t ], H (R )). Then, for all t ≤ t , Z t C k∇˜ u(s)k2H˙ 1/2 (R3 ) ds , (4.8) ku(t)−˜ u(t)k2L2 (R3 ) ≤ kuin −˜ uin k2L2 (R3 ) exp µ 0 for some nonnegative constant C. In particular, u = u ˜ on [0, t∗ ] × R3 if uin = u ˜in . Proof. In order to obtain the stability estimate, the first step consists in writing the equation satisfied by w = u − u ˜: ∂t w + u · ∇w − µ∆w = −∇p − w · ∇˜ u, from which we deduce the formal L2 estimate : kw(t)k2L2 (R3 ) − kwin k2L2 (R3 ) Z tZ Z ≤ −2 (u · ∇)w · w(s, x)dxds + 2µ ∆w · w(s, x)dxds Z 0t Z +2 (w · ∇)˜ u · w(s, x)dxds 0Z Z tZ t ≤ −2µ k∇w(s)k2L2 (R3 ) ds + 2 (w · ∇)˜ u · w(s, x)dxds 0
because u and w are divergence free vector fields. (In order to justify this formal computation one should of course proceed by approximation, namely establish similar inequalities for the smooth approximate solutions to (4.1)(4.2), then take limits using the regularity of u ˜ and the uniform a priori bounds coming from the energy estimate).
4 The Incompressible Navier-Stokes Limit
By H¨older’s inequality, we have Z (w · ∇)˜ u(s)kL3 (R3 ) kw(s)kL6 (R3 ) , u · w(s, x)dx ≤ kw(s)kL2 (R3 ) k∇˜ and thus, by Sobolev’s embeddings, Z ≤ Ckw(s)kL2 (R3 ) k∇˜ (w · ∇)˜ u(s)kH˙ 1/2 (R3 ) k∇w(s)kL2 (R3 ) . u · w(s, x)dx From Cauchy-Schwarz’ inequality we then deduce that Z t k∇w(s)k2L2 (R3 ) ds kw(t)k2L2 (R3 ) − kwin k2L2 (R3 ) + 2µ Z t Z 0 C2 t k∇w(s)k2L2 (R3 ) ds + ≤µ kw(s)k2L2 (R3 ) k∇˜ u(s)k2H˙ 1/2 (R3 ) ds . µ 0 0 t u
We conclude by Gronwall’s lemma. 4.1.2 Analogies with the Scaled Boltzmann Equation
• The Leray energy inequality (which allows to define global weak solutions to the incompressible Navier-Stokes equation (4.1)(4.2)) ku(t)k2L2 (R3 ) + 2µ
Z 0
k∇u(s)k2L2 (R3 ) ds ≤ kuin k2L2 (R3 )
and the DiPerna-Lions entropy inequality (which allows to define global renormalized solutions to the Boltzmann equation (2.18)) 1 1 2 H(f |M )(t) + Ma KnStMa2
Z tZ D(f )(s, x)dxds ≤ 0
1 H(fin |M ) Ma2
are actually very similar objects. More precisely, it was proved by Bardos, Golse and Levermore in [5] that the Leray energy inequality is the limiting form of the DiPerna-Lions entropy inequality in incompressible viscous hydrodynamic regime Kn = Ma = St = ε → 0, since any limiting point g of the sequence of renormalized fluctuations gˆε (defined by (3.5)) satisfies ZZ 1 1 M |g|2 (t, x, v)dxdv ≤ lim inf 2 H(fε |M )(t) , ε→0 ε 2
4.1 Convergence Result
and Z t ZZ
M ν −1 |v · ∇x g|2 (s, x, v)dsdxdv ≤ lim inf ε→0
1 ε4
Z tZ D(fε )(s, x)dsdx . 0
The second bound, coupled with velocity averaging lemma established in the previous chapter, provides spatial regularity on the moments of g, as does the dissipation term in the Leray energy inequality. This confirms the view expressed by Lions (see [74]) : “[...] the global existence result of [renormalized] solutions [...] can be seen as the analogue for Boltzmann’s equation to the pioneering work on the Navier-Stokes equations by J. Leray”. Note that this analogy can be extended when considering domains with boundary (see [82]). The dissipation due to the interaction with the boundary in the case of a slipping condition arises indeed as the limiting form of the boundary term in the entropy inequality : ZZZ λ M (v · n)(g − hgi∂Ω )2 (s, x, v)dvdσx ds Σ+ Z tZ fε|Σ− fε|Σ+ 1 dσx ds −h ≤ lim inf √ h ε→0 M M 2πε3 0 ∂Ω ∂Ω where hgi∂Ω is defined as the average √ Z hgi∂Ω (s, x) = 2π M (v · n)+ g(s, x, v)dv . Note that the Darroz`es-Guiraud information is asymptotically equal to one half of the boundary term, so that we only have ZZZ 1 λ M (v · n)(g − hgi∂Ω )2 (s, x, v)dvdσx ds 2 Σ+ Z Z αε t ≤ lim inf 3 E(fε |M )(s, x)dσx ds ε→0 ε 0 ∂Ω • Similarities also appear in the framework of smooth solutions, which is the fundamental idea in the pioneering work by Bardos and Ukai [7] on the Navier-Stokes limit of the Boltzmann equation. They have indeed proved that, for small enough initial data, the scaled Boltzmann equation (2.18) with Kn = Ma = St = ε has global classical solutions in the weighted Sobolev space Hl,k (for l > 3/2, k > 5/2) defined by Hl,k = {f = M (1 + εg) / sup (1 + |v|k )kM 1/2 gkH l (R3x ) < +∞.} v∈R3
4 The Incompressible Navier-Stokes Limit
Their derivation of the Navier-Stokes limit relies then on a rigorous proof of the relation between such a well-posedness result for the Boltzmann equation and the Fujita-Kato theory of the Navier-Stokes equation. The point to be stressed is that exactly the same type of assumptions are made on the initial data. Nevertheless, as mentioned in the introduction, this result requires sharp estimates on the linearized collision operator LM , and overall regularity and smallness conditions on the initial data (which have no physical meaning). We have therefore decided not to explain it in details in this survey. It would be however possible to consider the hybrid case, namely the asymptotics of renormalized solutions to the Boltzmann equation leading to some smooth solution to the incompressible Navier-Stokes equation, which is the counterpart at kinetic level of the strong-weak uniqueness principle stated in Proposition 4.1.5. In [52], Golse, Levermore and the author have actually established a stability inequality of the following type Z Z 1 t 1 H(fε |M1,εu,1 )(t) + 4 D(fε )(s, x)dsdx ε2 ε 0 Z t C ≤ 2 H(fε,in |M1,εuin ,1 ) exp C k∇u(s)kL∞ ∩L1 (R3 ) ds . ε 0 as long as u is sufficiently smooth. This means in particular that one can expect to establish a strong convergence result for well-prepared initial data, provided that the limiting system has a (unique) strong solution. The relative entropy method leading to such a result will be detailed in the next chapter, in the framework of the inviscid incompressible limit of the Boltzmann equation, for which the weak compactness method fails. Note that the strong convergence result, stating that the relative entropy 1 H(fε |M1,εu,1 )(t) → 0, ε2 holds actually under the only assumption that the limiting Navier-Stokes system has a unique solution, satisfying the energy equality (see [5] for instance). 4.1.3 Statement of the Result The weak compactness method initiated by Bardos, Golse and Levermore in [5] consists in getting the asymptotic hydrodynamic equations by taking limits in the local conservation laws associated with the Boltzmann equation, as proposed by Grad in the framework of the compressible Euler limit. In such an approach we are therefore interested only in the macroscopic parameters, and will neglect completely all problems due to initial or boundary layers, where the gas could be far from local thermodynamic equilibrium. Theorem 4.1.6 Let (fε,in ) be a family of initial fluctuations around a global equilibrium M , i.e. such that
4.1 Convergence Result
1 H(fε,in |M ) ≤ Cin , ε2
and satisfying further the weak convergences Z Z 1 1 1 (fε,in − M )( |v|2 − 1)dv * θin , P fε,in vdv * uin , ε ε 5 in L1loc (Ω), where P denotes the Leray projection onto divergence free vector fields. Let (fε ) be a family of renormalized solutions to the scaled Boltzmann equation 1 ε∂t fε + v · ∇x fε = Q(fε , fε ) on R+ ×Ω × R3 , ε fε (0, x, v) = fε,in (x, v) on Ω × R3 , Z √ fε (t, x, v) = (1 − αε )fε (t, x, Rx v) + 2παε M (v) (v 0 · n)+ fε (t, x, v 0 )dv 0 on Σ− (4.10) where Q is the collision operator defined by (2.7) associated with some collision kernel B satisfying Grad’s cut off assumption (2.8), and where the accommodation coefficient αε is assumed to satisfy the scaling assumption α √ ε → λ ∈ [0, +∞]. 2π ε Then the family of fluctuations (gε ) defined by fε = M (1+εgε ) is relatively weakly compact in L1loc (dtdx, L1 ((1 + |v|2 )M dv)), and any limit point g of (gε ) is an infinitesimal Maxwellian g = Πg = ρ + u · v + θ
|v|2 − 3 2
where Π is the projection on the kernel of the linearized collision operator LM . Furthermore the moments of the limiting fluctuation satisfy the NavierStokes Fourier system, namely ∂t u + u · ∇x u + ∇p − µ∆x u = 0, ∇x · u = 0 on R+ ×Ω, ∂t θ + u · ∇x θ − κ∆x θ = 0, ∇x (ρ + θ) = 0 on R+ ×Ω, u|t=0 = uin , θ|t=0 = θin on Ω
supplemented either by the Navier boundary condition if λ < +∞ (µ(∇u + (∇u)T ) · n − λu) ∧ n = 0, ∂θ 4 κ − λθ = 0 on R+ ×∂Ω, ∂n 5
u · n = 0 on R+ ×∂Ω, (4.12)
or by the Dirichlet boundary condition if λ = +∞ u = 0,
θ = 0 on R+ ×∂Ω.
4 The Incompressible Navier-Stokes Limit
Remark 4.1.7 (i) The solution u to the Navier-Stokes equations obtained at the limit is not necessarily a Leray solution to (4.1)(4.2) since it is not known to satisfy the energy inequality in the form (4.6) or (4.7). (ii) Once a weak solution u ∈ L2loc (R+ , H 1 (Ω)) ∩ C(R+ , w − L2 (Ω)) of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations (4.1)(4.2) is known, it is easy to see that the Fourier equation ∂t θ + u · ∇θ − κ∆θ = 0 supplemented with some initial data θin ∈ L2 (Ω) and convenient boundary conditions, has a unique weak solution θ ∈ L2loc (R+ , H 1 (Ω)) ∩ C(R+ , w − L2 (Ω)) satisfying further the L2 estimate Z t kθ(t)k2L2 (Ω) + 2κ k∇θ(s)k2L2 (Ω) ds ≤ kθin k2L2 (Ω) . 0
Note that the quantities involved here do not clearly come from physics, in particular they do not correspond to the internal part of the global energy. They actually arise when linearizing the entropy functional for fluctuations around a global equilibrium. As mentioned in the previous paragraph, this weak convergence result can be strengthened in a strong convergence result, if there is no acoustic waves and provided that the limiting system has a unique solution satisfying the energy estimate. In order to state this convergence result, we need the notion of entropic convergence introduced by Bardos, Golse and Levermore in [5]. Definition 4.1.8 The family of fluctuations (gε ) is said to converge entropically of order δε to g ∈ L2 (dxM dv) if and only if gε * g weakly in L1loc (dxM dv), ZZ 1 1 H M (1 + δ g )|M → M g 2 (x, v)dxdv. ε ε δε2 2
With this definition, we have the following result : Theorem 4.1.9 Let (fε,in ) be a family of initial fluctuations around a global equilibrium M , i.e satisfying (4.9). Assume that (gε,in ) converges entropically (of order ε) to the infinitesimal Maxwellian gin defined by gin (x, v) = uin (x) · v + θin (x)
|v|2 − 5 2
4.2 The Moment Method
for some given (uin , θin ) ∈ L2 (Ω) such that ∇ · uin = 0 in Ω,
n · uin = 0 on ∂Ω.
Let (fε ) be a family of renormalized solutions to the scaled Boltzmann equation (4.10) where Q is the collision operator defined by (2.7) associated with some collision kernel B satisfying Grad’s cut off assumption (2.8), and the accommodation coefficient αε is assumed to satisfy the scaling assumption α √ ε → λ ∈ [0, +∞]. 2πε Assume that the Navier-Stokes Fourier system (4.11) supplemented either by the Navier condition (4.12) if λ < +∞, or by the Dirichlet condition (4.13) in the opposite case, admits a (unique) weak solution (u, θ) satisfying the energy equality. Then, for almost all t > 0, the family of fluctuations (gε (t)) defined by fε = M (1 + εgε ) converges entropically to the infinitesimal Maxwellian g(t) given by |v|2 − 5 . g(t, x, v) = u(t, x) · v + θ(t, x) 2
4.2 The Moment Method 4.2.1 Description of the Strategy Our goal here is to establish the convergence of appropriately scaled families of solutions to the Boltzmann equation towards solutions of the incompressible Navier-Stokes (Fourier) equations, without restrictions on the size, regularity or well-preparedness of the initial data. This means in particular that, given the state of the art about the Boltzmann equation, we consider renormalized solutions to (4.10). Note however that the method we present here could apply without important simplifications to any solution of the Boltzmann equation, since the uniform estimates come mainly from the entropy inequality. The first results in this framework are due to Bardos, Golse and Levermore for the time independent case [5], and to Lions and Masmoudi for the time dependent problem [76]. The principle of the derivation is as follows : • In terms of gε , the Boltzmann equation (4.10) becomes 1 1 ε∂t gε + v · ∇x gε + LM gε = Q(M gε , M gε ), ε M
where LM denotes as previously the linearization of Boltzmann’s collision operator at the Maxwellian state M . Therefore, multiplying (4.15) by ε and letting ε → 0 suggests that (gε ) converges in the sense of distributions
4 The Incompressible Navier-Stokes Limit
to some infinitesimal Maxwellian g (see Proposition 3.2.2 in the previous chapter) 1 g(t, x, v) = ρ(t, x) + u(t, x) · v + θ(t, x)(|v|2 − 3). 2 • Passing to the limit in the local conservations of mass and momentum leads then to the constraints Z Z ∇x · M gvdv = 0 and ∇x M g|v|2 dv = 0, or equivalently ∇x · u = 0 and ∇x (ρ + θ) = 0, known as the incompressibility and Boussinesq relations. • Recast finally the formal momentum and energy equations as Z Z Z 1 1 2 M gε Φ(v)dv + ∇x M gε |v| dv = 0, ∂t M gε vdv + ∇x · ε 3ε Z Z 1 1 ∂t M gε (|v|2 − 5)dv + ∇x · M gε Ψ (v)dv = 0 2 ε where Φ and Ψ are the momentum flux tensor and heat flux function defined by (3.17). By Remark 3.2.3 in the previous chapter and (4.15), one thus has Z Z ˜ ∂t P M gε vdv + P ∇x · (Q(M gε , M gε ) − v · ∇x M gε ) Φ(v)dv = O(ε), Z ∂t
M gε
|v|2 − 5 dv + ∇x · 2
(Q(M gε , M gε ) − v · ∇x M gε ) Ψ˜ (v)dv = O(ε)
so that, using the relaxation gε ∼ Πgε where Π denotes as previously the L2 orthogonal projection onto Ker(LM ), and the identity Q(M Πg, M Πg) =
1 M LM (Πg)2 , 2
we can identify in both equations the convection and diffusion terms, and get in the limit ε → 0 the motion and heat equations in (4.11). In [5] or [76], such a formal process was justified assuming : (i) the local conservations of momentum and energy, which are not guaranteed for the renormalized solutions of the Boltzmann equation; (ii) some nonlinear estimate, namely (1 + |v|2 )
gε2 relatively weakly compact in L1loc (dtdx, L1 (M dv)) 1 + ε2 gε
4.2 The Moment Method
which provides both a control on large velocities v, and some equiintegrability with respect to space variables x. In [51], Golse and Levermore have developed (in the framework of the Stokes asymptotics) an argument based on the study of the conservation defects, in order to establish that the local conservation laws hold asymptotically and to remove completely assumption (i). Such a method can be extended to the Navier-Stokes asymptotics under assumption (ii) for instance. Hence, verifying (ii) remained the main obstruction to derive the NavierStokes (Fourier) equations from the Boltzmann equation. In the framework of the BGK equation (which is the relaxation model associated to the Boltzmann equation), a weak variant of (ii), which is actually sufficient to obtain a rigorous derivation of the Navier-Stokes limit, has been established by the author in [92]. It uses in a crucial way the dissipation control given by the H Theorem, namely the fact that fε − Mfε = O(ε2 ), combined with dispersive properties of the free-transport operator leading to L1 velocity averaging (see Proposition 3.3.5 in the previous chapter). This argument has then been extended to the case of the Boltzmann equation for Maxwell molecules (corresponding to some bounded cross-section B) by Golse and the author [54], considering some pseudo-equilibrium Afε , defined in terms of the gain part of the collision operator, instead of the local Maxwellian Mfε fε − Afε = O(ε2 ). The proof can actually be simplified and generalized to all hard potentials with cut off (see [55]), by using the renormalized fluctuation gˆε ∈ L∞ (R+ , L2 (dxM dv)) defined by (3.5), and the hilbertian structure of the domain of LM , which allow in particular to establish in a simple way gˆε − Π gˆε = O(ε), (see Proposition 3.2.4 in the previous chapter). The suitable functional framework to study the Navier-Stokes Fourier asymptotics is therefore that defined in the previous chapter, starting from the scaled entropy inequality, and using both the properties of the linearized collision operator LM and the properties of the free transport operator (ε∂t + v · ∇x ). Let us then recall the notations and basic estimates obtained for the scaled Boltzmann equation (4.10). Two important quantities are the renormalized fluctuation gˆε and the renormalized collision integral qˆε defined by ! r p p fε 1 1 2 − 1 , qˆε = 2 Q( M fε , M fε ) (4.17) gˆε = ε M ε M
4 The Incompressible Navier-Stokes Limit
for which the relative entropy and the entropy dissipation give the following L2 bounds kˆ gε k2L∞ (R+ ,L2 (M dvdx)) ≤ 2Cin ,
kˆ qε k2L2 (dtdxν −1 M dv) ≤ Cin .
By Lemmas 3.2.4 and 3.2.5 we further have the following relaxation bound and integrability estimate with respect to v kˆ gε − Π gˆε kL2 (M dv) = O(ε)L2t,x + O(ε)kˆ gε k2L2 (M dv) ,
and (1 + |v|p )M |ˆ gε |2 is uniformly integrable in v on [0, T ] × K × R3 ,
for all p < 2, all T > 0 and all compact K ⊂ Ω. From these estimates, we can easily deduce that any limiting fluctuation g ∈ L∞ (R+ , L2 (dxM dv)) is an infinitesimal Maxwellian, i.e. 1 g(t, x, v) = Πg(t, x, v) = ρ(t, x) + u(t, x) · v + θ(t, x) (|v|2 − 3), 2 and that its moments ρ, u and θ satisfy the incompressibility and Boussinesq constraints. In the sequel, we will therefore focus on the derivation of the motion and temperature equations. 4.2.2 Convergence of the Conservation Defects Start from the scaled Boltzmann equation (4.10) renormalized relatively to M with the nonlinearity Γ (z) = (z − 1)γ(z) where γ is a smooth truncation such that C γ ∈ C ∞ (R+ , [0, 1]), γ|[0,3/2] ≡ 1, γ(z) ≤ (4.21) 1+z With the notations γε for γ(fε /M ) and γˆε for Γ 0 (fε /M ), this equation is 1 1 1 ∂t (gε γε ) + v · ∇x (gε γε ) = 3 γˆε Q(fε , fε ). ε ε M Multiplying each size of the equation above by ϕ(v)1|v|2 ≤Kε with Kε = K| log ε| for some K to be fixed later and ϕ some collision invariant, then averaging with respect to M dv leads to Z Z 1 ∂t M gε γε ϕ1|v|2 ≤Kε dv + ∇x · M gε γε ϕ1|v|2 ≤Kε vdv ε Z 1 = 3 γˆε Q(fε , fε )ϕ1|v|2 ≤Kε dv. ε
4.2 The Moment Method
Below we use the notations Z 1 Fε (Φ) = M gε γε Φ1|v|2 ≤Kε dv, ε
Fε (Ψ ) =
1 ε
Z M gε γε Ψ 1|v|2 ≤Kε dv (4.22)
for the fluxes (where Φ and Ψ are the kinetic momentum and energy fluxes defined by (3.17)), and Z 1 γˆε Q(fε , fε )v1|v|2 ≤Kε dv, Dε (v) = 3 ε Z (4.23) 1 1 1 Dε γˆε Q(fε , fε ) (|v|2 − 5)1|v|2 ≤Kε dv (|v|2 − 5) = 3 2 ε 2 for the corresponding conservation defects. The Navier-Stokes motion equation is then obtained by passing to the limit as ε → 0 modulo gradient fields in Z ∂t M gε γε 1|v|2 ≤Kε vdv + ∇x · Fε (Φ) + ∇x pε = Dε (v) , (4.24) while the temperature equation is obtained by passing to the limit in Z 1 1 (|v|2 − 5) . (4.25) ∂t M gε γε 1|v|2 ≤Kε (|v|2 − 5)dv + ∇x · Fε (Ψ ) = Dε 2 2 The first step of the proof is then to establish the vanishing of conservation defects : Proposition 4.2.1 Under the same assumptions as in Theorem 4.1.6, one has 1 Dε (1) → 0, Dε (v) → 0 and Dε (|v|2 − 5) → 0 in L1loc (dtdx) as ε → 0. 2 Proof. In order to establish the previous proposition, we will introduce a convenient decomposition of Dε (ϕ) for any collision invariant ϕ, then estimate the different terms using the bounds (4.18), (4.19), and (4.20), as well as the following equiintegrability statement (1 + |v|p )M |ˆ gε |2 is uniformly integrable on [0, T ] × K × R3 ,
for all T > 0, K ⊂⊂ Ω and p < 2, coming from Proposition 3.3.5, and which will be proved later (see Proposition 4.3.1). The decomposition to be used is as follows ZZZ p p 1 0 − γˆε 1|v|2 ≤Kε ( fε0 fε∗ Dε (ϕ) = 3 fε fε∗ )2 ϕB(v − v∗ , σ)dvdv∗ dσ ZZZ ε p p p 2 0 − + 3 γˆε 1|v|2 ≤Kε ( fε0 fε∗ fε fε∗ ) fε fε∗ ϕB(v − v∗ , σ)dvdv∗ dσ ε
4 The Incompressible Navier-Stokes Limit
or equivalently ZZZ p p 1 0 − γˆε 1|v|2 ≤Kε ( fε0 fε∗ Dε (ϕ) = 3 fε fε∗ )2 ϕB(v − v∗ , σ)dvdv∗ dσ ZZZ ε p p p 2 0 − fε fε∗ ) fε fε∗ ϕB(v − v∗ , σ)dvdv∗ dσ − 3 γˆε 1|v|2 >Kε ( fε0 fε∗ ε ZZZ p p p 2 0 − + 3 γˆε (1 − γˆε∗ )( fε0 fε∗ fε fε∗ ) fε fε∗ ϕB(v − v∗ , σ)dvdv∗ dσ ε ZZZ p p p 2 0 0 − γˆε γˆε∗ (1 − γˆε0 γˆε∗ )( fε0 fε∗ + 3 fε fε∗ ) fε fε∗ ϕB(v − v∗ , σ)dvdv∗ dσ ε ZZZ p p 1 0 0 − γˆε γˆε0 γˆε∗ γˆε∗ fε fε∗ )2 (ϕ + ϕ∗ )B(v − v∗ , σ)dvdv∗ dσ − 3 ( fε0 fε∗ 2ε def 1 = Dε (ϕ) + Dε2 (ϕ) + Dε3 (ϕ) + Dε4 (ϕ) + Dε5 (ϕ) (4.27) where we have used that ϕ is a collision invariant to symmetrize the last term. • That the term Dε1 (ϕ) vanishes for ϕ(v) = O(|v|2 ) as |v| → +∞ is easily seen as follows
f 0 f 0 − √f f 2 ε ε∗
ε ε∗ 1 kDε (ϕ)kL1t,x ≤ Cεkˆ γε 1|v|2 ≤Kε ϕkL∞
ε2 L (dtdxBdvdv∗ dσ)
= O(ε| log ε|) because of the entropy dissipation bound. • The second term Dε2 (ϕ) is controlled by the following estimate on the tails of Gaussian distributions : r Z 2 (p+1)/2 −R/2 p |v| M (v)dv ∼ R e (4.28) π |v|2 >R We have indeed, because of the upper bound on the collision cross-section in (2.8) |Dε2 (ϕ)|
0 − p fε fε∗ 2
fε0 fε∗
2 >K ϕ ≤ γ 1 f f
2 ε ε ε∗ |v| ε
2 ε ε2 L (Bdvdv∗ dσ) L (Bdvdv dσ) ∗
r r √
0 − fε fε∗ 2 fε0 fε∗ fε fε
ε ε M ∞ M 2 β L (Bdvdv∗ dσ)
L ((1+|v|) M dv)
×k1|v|2 >Kε ϕkL2 ((1+|v|)β M dv) where β is the parameter arising in Grad’s cut-off assumption (2.8). estimate on √ Thus, using the entropy dissipation bound, some pointwise 1 zγ(z), the Gaussian decay estimate (4.28) and the L∞ (L (dx, L1 (M (1 + t loc 2 |v| )dv))) bound on the fluctuation coming from Young’s inequality (see Lemma 3.1.2), we get for all ϕ(v) = O(|v|2 ) as |v| → +∞
4.2 The Moment Method
kDε2 (ϕ)kL2t (L1x ) = O(εK/2−1 | log ε|(β+5)/2 ) → 0 as soon as K > 2. • The last term Dε5 (ϕ) is mastered using the same tools. For high energies, i.e. when |v|2 + |v∗ |2 > K| log ε|, we use a variant of the estimate (4.28) on the tails of Gaussian distributions, namely ZZ (|v|2 + |v∗ |2 )p/2 M (v)M (v∗ )dvdv∗ ∼ CR(p+4)/2 e−R/2 , |v|2 +|v∗ |2 >R
to obtain, using Grad’s cut off assumption (2.8), |Dε5> (ϕ)|Z Z Z p p def 1 0 0 2 0 0 γˆε γˆε γˆε∗ γˆε∗ 1|v|2 +|v∗ |2 >Kε ( fε fε∗ − fε fε∗ ) (ϕ+ϕ∗ )Bdvdv∗ dσ = 3 2ε
2 2 fε 2
kˆ ≤ 3 γε kL∞ k1|v|2 +|v∗ |2 >Kε (ϕ + ϕ∗ )kL1 (M M∗ Bdvdv∗ dσ) γ ˆ ε ε M ∞ ZZ L C ≤ 3 (|v|2 + |v∗ |2 )1+β/2 M (v)M (v∗ )dvdv∗ ε |v|2 +|v∗ |2 >Kε so that = O(εK/2−3 | log ε|(β+6)/2 ) → 0 kDε5> (ϕ)kL∞ t,x for all ϕ(v) = O(|v|2 ) as |v| → +∞, as soon as K > 6. For moderated energies, i.e. when |v|2 + |v∗ |2 ≤ K| log ε|, the entropy dissipation bound provides (as in the first step above) kDε5< (ϕ)kL1t,x = O(ε| log ε|) for ϕ(v) = O(|v|2 ) as |v| → +∞. • To handle Dε3 (ϕ) requires the additional equiintegrability statement (4.26). For each T > 0 and each compact K ⊂ Ω, one has by Cauchy-Schwarz’ inequality
f 0 f 0 − √f f ε ε∗
ε ε∗ 3 kDε (ϕ)kL1 ([0,T ]×K) ≤ C kϕkL2 ((1+|v|)β M dv)
2 ε2 Lr (dtdxBdvdv ∗ dσ)
fε fε
γε ) × γˆε
M ∞ ε M 2 L L ([0,T ]×K,L2 ((1+|v|)β M dv))
ε (1 − γˆε )(1 + 2 gˆε ) 2 L ([0,T ]×K,L2 ((1+|v|)β M dv)) Because of the condition on the support of 1 − γ 1 |1 − γˆε |(1 + ε|ˆ gε |) ≤ 3|1 − γˆε ||ˆ gε | ε
4 The Incompressible Navier-Stokes Limit
In particular, from (4.26) and the fact that 1 − γˆε is bounded in L∞ and converges a.e. to 0, we deduce by the Product Limit Theorem (stated in Appendix A) that for any p < 2 1 (1 − γˆε )(1 + ε|ˆ gε |) → 0 in L2 ([0, T ] × K, L2 ((1 + |v|p )M dv)). ε Therefore kDε3 (ϕ)kL1 ([0,T ]×K) → 0 as ε → 0.
• A similar argument provides the convergence of the remaining term Dε4 (ϕ). For each T > 0 and each compact K ⊂ Ω, one has by Cauchy-Schwarz inequality
r 2
f 0 f 0 − √f f fε ε ε∗
ε ε∗ γ ˆ kDε4 (ϕ)kL1 ([0,T ]×K) ≤ C
ε 2
ε M ∞ L2 (dtdxBdvdv∗ dσ) L
× (1 − γˆε γˆε∗ )ϕ L2 ([0,T ]×K,L2 (M M∗ Bdvdv∗ dσ))
ε (1 − γˆε ) 2 p L ([0,T ]×K,L (M dv))
for any p > 2. Using again the pointwise estimate 1 |1 − γε | ≤ 3|ˆ gε ||1 − γε | ε ≤ 3(|Π gˆε | + |ˆ gε − Π gˆε |)|1 − γε | with (4.19), we obtain that for all p < +∞ 1 − γε 2 p = O(1)L∞ + O(ε)L1loc (dtdx,L2 (M dv)) t (L (dx,L (M dv))) ε On the other hand, 1 1 − γε 1 − γε ∞ = O(1)Lt (L2 (dxM dv)) and =O ε ε ε L∞ t,x,v
Thus, for all p < 4 1 − γε = O(1)L2loc (dtdx,Lp (M dv)) . ε Using (4.29), we then get 1 − γε → 0 in L2loc (dtdx, Lp (M dv)) ε
for all p < 4. We therefore conclude that kDε4 (ϕ)kL1 ([0,T ]×K) → 0 as ε → 0. Plugging all estimates in (4.27) leads to the expected convergence.
t u
4.2 The Moment Method
4.2.3 Decomposition of the Flux Term We have then to characterize the asymptotic behaviour of the flux terms : Proposition 4.2.2 Under the same assumptions as in Theorem 4.1.6, one has Z Z 1 ˜ → 0, M (Π gˆε )2 Φdv + 2 M qˆε Φdv Fε (Φ) − 2 Z Z 1 Fε (Ψ ) − M (Π gˆε )2 Ψ dv + 2 M qˆε Ψ˜ dv → 0, 2 in L1loc (dtdx) as ε → 0. Proof. Let us first recall from the formal derivation that the flux term should be decomposed according to a convection term and a diffusion term, using the fact that the distribution fε is expected to be well approximated by the corresponding local thermodynamic equilibrium : fε = Mfε + (fε − Mfε ). However, we have seen in the previous chapter that such an ingenuous method fails because the entropy dissipation is not known to control the quantity (fε − Mfε ) in some suitable norm. The convenient alternative is actually to consider the linearized version of this decomposition gˆε = Π gˆε + (ˆ gε − Π gˆε ) where Π is the L2 orthogonal projection on KerLM , and gˆε is the renormalized fluctuation (which can be studied in the framework of the linear hilbertian theory). • The first step consists therefore in introducing a suitable decomposition of the flux term, well adapted to the structure of the collision operator. Z Z 1 1 M gˆε2 γε ζ1|v|2 ≤Kε dv + M gˆε γε ζ1|v|2 ≤Kε dv Fε (ζ) = 4Z Z ε 1 1 = M (Π gˆε )2 ζdv + M gˆε ζdv 4Z ε Z 1 1 M (ˆ gε2 −(Π gˆε )2 )γε 1|v|2 ≤Kε ζdv + M (γε 1|v|2 ≤Kε −1)(Π gˆε )2 ζdv + 4Z 4 1 + M gˆε (γε 1|v|2 ≤Kε − 1)ζdv ε Z Z 1 def 1 = M (Π gˆε )2 ζdv + M gˆε ζdv + Fε1 (ζ) + Fε2 (ζ) + Fε3 (ζ) 4 ε By (4.19), (4.26) and (4.29) the remainder terms Fε1 (ζ), Fε2 (ζ) and Fε3 (ζ) are expected to converge to 0. It remains then to determine the asymptotic behaviour of the second term in the right hand side of the previous identity.
4 The Incompressible Navier-Stokes Limit
The crucial remark here is that ζ belongs to (KerLM )⊥ so that there exists a (unique) element ζ˜ ∈ L2 (νM dv) ∩ (KerLM )⊥ such that LM ζ˜ = ζ. By Proposition 3.2.2 and the identity M L˜M gˆε =
p 2˜ p ε˜ Q(M gˆε , M gˆε ) − Q( M fε , M fε ) 2 ε
one has therefore Z Z 1 1 ˜ M gˆε ζdv = M LM gˆε ζdv ε εZ Z 1 ˜ − 2 M qˆε ζdv ˜ Q(M gˆε , M gˆε )ζdv = 2Z Z 1 ˜ − 2 M qˆε ζdv ˜ = Q(M Π gˆε , M Π gˆε )ζdv 2Z 1 ˜ + Q M (ˆ gε − Π gˆε ), M (ˆ gε + Π gˆε ) ζdv 2 Z Z def 1 ˜ − 2 M qˆε ζdv ˜ = Q(M Π gˆε , M Π gˆε )ζdv + Fε4 (ζ) 2 Combining both equalities and using identity (4.16), we finally deduce that Z Z 1 ˜ M (Π gˆε )2 ζdv + 2 M qˆε ζdv Fε (ζ) − (4.31) 2 = Fε1 (ζ) + Fε2 (ζ) + Fε3 (ζ) + Fε4 (ζ) so that proving Proposition 4.2.2 comes down to establish the convergence to zero of the four remainder terms Fε1 (ζ), Fε2 (ζ), Fε3 (ζ) and Fε4 (ζ). • The first term Fε1 (ζ) requires a careful treatment because of the weight ζ(v) = O(|v|3 ) as |v| → +∞. By the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, for each T > 0 and each compact K ⊂ Ω
gε + Π gˆε )γε ζ1|v|2 ≤K| log ε| L2 ([0,T ]×K,L2 (M dv)) kFε1 (ζ)kL1 ([0,T ]×K) ≤ (ˆ ×kˆ gε − Π gˆε kL2 ([0,T ]×K,L2 (M dv)) By (4.26) and the relaxation bound (4.19), one easily establishes, using Lebesgue’s theorem, that for any q < 2 kˆ gε − Π gˆε kL2 ([0,T ]×K,L2 ((1+|v|q )M dv)) → 0 as ε → 0. It remains then to obtain a suitable control on large velocities. By (4.18), one has for all p < +∞ 2 p Π gˆε = O(1)L∞ t (Lx (L (M dv))) so that 2 p gˆε = O(1)L∞ + O(ε)L1loc (dtdx,L2 (M dv)) t (L (dx,L (M dv)))
4.2 The Moment Method
On the other hand, gˆε γε2
2 and = O(1)L∞ t (L (dxM dv))
gˆε γε2
1 =O ε L∞
Thus, for all p < 4 (ˆ gε + Π gˆε )γε = O(1)L2loc (dtdx,Lp (M dv)) Plugging this last estimate in the inequality leads to Fε1 (ζ) → 0 in L1loc (dtdx) as ε → 0. • The term Fε2 (ζ) is easily disposed of, using the equiintegrability statement (4.26) which implies in particular that M (Π gˆε )2 (1 + |v|p ) is uniformly integrable on [0, T ] × K × R3 , for each T > 0, each compact K ⊂ Ω and each p < +∞. Then, by the Product Limit Theorem (stated in Appendix A), as (γε 1|v|2 ≤Kε − 1) is bounded in L∞ and converges a.e. to 0, Fε2 (ζ) → 0 in L1loc (dtdx) as ε → 0. • In order to get the convergence of Fε3 (ζ), we use both the estimate (4.28) on the tails of Gaussian distributions, and the convergence (4.30) obtained in the previous paragraph. One indeed has, by (4.28),
2 − 1)ζdv M g ˆ γ (1 ε ε |v| ≤Kε
∞ 2 L (L (dx)) 1/2 Zt 1 2 ∞ ∞ 2 2 ≤ kγε kL kˆ ≤ CεK/4−1 | log ε|7/4 gε kLt (L (dxM dv)) M 1|v| >Kε ζ dv ε since ζ 2 (v) = O(|v|6 ) as |v| → +∞. On the other hand, by (4.30)
ε M gˆε (γε − 1)ζdv 2 L ([0,T ],L1 (K))
γε − 1
2 ≤ kˆ gε kL∞ → 0.
ζ ε 2 t (L (dxM dv)) L ([0,T ]×K,L2 (M dv)) Thus, Fε3 (ζ) → 0 in L1loc (dtdx) as ε → 0.
4 The Incompressible Navier-Stokes Limit
• The continuity of Q
Q(M g, M g) ≤ CkgkL2 (M dv) kgkL2 (M (1+|v|)β dv)
2 L (M ν −1 dv) implies that, for each T > 0 and each compact K ⊂ Ω, ˜ L2 (νM dv) kˆ kFε4 (ζ)kL1 ([0,T ]×K) ≤ Ckζk gε − Π gˆε kL2 ([0,T ]×K,L2 ((1+|v|)β M dv)) ×kˆ gε + Π gˆε kL2 ([0,T ]×K,L2 ((1+|v|)β M dv)) . Therefore Fε4 (ζ) → 0 in L1loc (dtdx) as ε → 0. Combining all results leads to the expected convergence.
t u
4.3 Study of the Convection and Diffusion Terms Let us first recall that the strategy used here to obtain the Navier-Stokes Fourier equations consists in taking limits in (4.24) (modulo gradients) and (4.25), namely in Z ∂t M gε γε 1|v|2 ≤Kε vdv + ∇x · Fε (Φ) + ∇x pε = Dε (v) , Z ∂t
1 M gε γε 1|v|2 ≤Kε (|v|2 − 5)dv + ∇x · Fε (Ψ ) = Dε 2
1 (|v|2 − 5) . 2
Therefore, in view of the results established in the previous section, our main task now is to determine the asymptotic behaviour of the convection terms Z Z 1 1 2 M (Π gˆε ) Φdv and M (Π gˆε )2 Ψ dv, 2 2 and of the diffusion terms Z Z ˜ and 2 M qˆε Ψ˜ dv. 2 M qˆε Φdv Explicit computations show that the convection terms can be expressed in terms of the moments of Π gˆε (which are equal by definition to those of gˆε ). We have indeed (see [5] p. 71 for instance) Z 1 1 2 M (Π gˆε )2 Φdv = u⊗2 ε − |uε | Id, 2 3 Z 1 5 M (Π gˆε )2 Ψ dv = uε θε , 2 2
4.3 Study of the Convection and Diffusion Terms
where uε and θε are the bulk velocity and temperature associated with gˆε . The difficulty is therefore to obtain enough strong compactness on the moments of gˆε to establish the convergence of the previous quadratic quantities. Dealing with the diffusion terms is less difficult, in the sense that it involves only weak compactness arguments. The only point is to characterize the weak limit of the sequence (ˆ qε ). 4.3.1 Spatial Regularity Coming from Averaging Lemmas The first step is then to study the spatial regularity of the renormalized fluctuation gˆε , and of the corresponding moments, which is based on the properties of the free transport operator stated in the previous chapter, namely the dispersion and velocity averaging results. Proposition 4.3.1 Under the same assumptions as in Theorem 4.1.6, one has for all p < 2, all T > 0 and all compact K ⊂ Ω • the family ((1 + |v|p )M |ˆ gε |2 ) is uniformly integrable on [0, T ] × K × R3 , • for any ϕ ∈ L2 (M dv)
M gˆε (t, x + y, v)ϕ(v)dv− M gˆε (t, x, v)ϕ(v)dv
→ 0 as |y| → 0.
L ([0,T ]×K)
Proof. Starting from the uniform equiintegrability in v stated in (4.20), we expect these estimates to be obtained thanks to the mixing and velocity averaging properties of the free transport operator described in the previous chapter. • The first requirement is therefore to get a control on the source term. As the squareroot renormalization is not admissible for the Boltzmann equation (because of the singularity at 0), we introduce some modified renormalized fluctuation p fε /M + εa − 1 , ε for some a > 0 to be chosen later, and compute p fε /M + εa − 1 (ε∂t + v · ∇x ) . ε We will prove that p fε /M + εa − 1 (ε∂t + v · ∇x ) ε = O(ε2−a/2 )L1 (dtdxM dv) +O(1)L2 (dtdxν −1 M dv) + O(ε)L1loc (dtdx,L2 ((1+|v|)−β M dv)) (4.32) Renormalize the√Boltzmann equation (4.10) relatively to M by the nonlinearity Γε (z) = ε1 ( z + εa − 1)
4 The Incompressible Navier-Stokes Limit
fε /M + εa − 1 (ε∂t + v · ∇x ) ε Z Z p 2 p 1 1 0 − √ = 2√ fε0 fε∗ fε fε∗ B(v − v∗ , σ)dσdv∗ 2ε fε √ + εa M MZ Z p p p 1 fε 0 − √ + 2√ fε0 fε∗ fε fε∗ fε∗ B(v − v∗ , σ)dσdv∗ ε fε + ε a M M def 1 = Qε + Q2ε (4.33) The L2 bound (4.18) on qˆε implies that the first term in the right hand side satisfies 1 kQ1ε kL1 (dtdxM dv) ≤ Cin ε2−a/2 . 2 2 The weigthed L bound (4.20) on gˆε implies that r fε∗ = 1 + O(ε)L2loc (dtdx,L2 (M∗ (1+|v∗ |)β dv∗ )) , M∗ from which we deduce that the second term in the right hand side of the free transport equation satisfies Q2ε = O(1)L2 (dtdxν −1 M dv) + O(ε)L1loc (dtdx,L2 ((1+|v|)−β M dv)) . Combining both estimates leads to (4.32). • Combining this estimate on the source term with the L2 bound on gˆε , and applying Proposition 3.3.5 of the previous chapter, we are then able to establish the equiintegrability of the following quantity !2 !! p p fε /M + εa − 1 fε /M + εa − 1 δ γ εδ , φε = ε ε where γ is a smooth truncation. Using a decomposition according to the tail of fε /M , one first proves that p fε /M + εa − 1 − gˆε = O(εa−1 )L∞ + O(εa/2 )L2loc (dtdx,L2 (M (1+|v|p )dv)) t,x,v ε for p < 2, which coupled with the L2 bound (4.18) on gˆε leads to !2 p fε /M + εa − 1 − gˆε2 = O(εa−1 )L2loc (dtdx,L2 ((1+|v|p )M dv)) ε a/2
+ O(ε
)L2loc (dtdx,L1 ((1+|v|p )M dv)) .
In particular, by (4.20) φδε = O(1)L1loc (dtdx,L1 ((1+|v|p )M dv)) , φδε is uniformly integrable in the v variables.
4.3 Study of the Convection and Diffusion Terms
On the other hand, from (4.32) one deduces that 1 (ε∂t + v · ∇x )φδε = O δ L1 (dtdxM dv)
provided that 1 < a < 2. Indeed !! p p a−1 f /M + ε fε /M + εa − 1 1 ε δ (ε∂t +v ·∇x )φε = γ˜ δ (ε∂t +v ·∇x ) δ ε ε Thus, using (4.32), (4.20) and pointwise estimates on γ˜ (z) = 2zγ(z) + z 2 γ 0 (z), we get (4.36). By (4.35), (4.36) and Proposition 3.3.5, we finally get that, for all T > 0 and all compact K ⊂ Ω, φδε is uniformly integrable on [0, T ] × K × R3 . • A simple comparison allows then to obtain the first statement in Proposition 4.3.1. Indeed, we have !2 p a δ fε /M + ε − 1 C fε φε − ≤ ε2 M 1fε /M >1/δ2 ε so that, by the entropy inequality, !2 p fε /M + εa − 1 1 δ φε − , =O ε | log δ| L∞ (L1 (dxM dv))
uniformly in ε. Combining (4.34), (4.37) and the equiintegrability statement for φδε leads then to M |ˆ gε |2 locally uniformly integrable on R+ ×Ω × R3 , and we conclude using the weighted L2 bound (4.20). • It remains then to establish the second statement, namely the spatial compactness of the moments, which is done using again some approximation of the fluctuation and applying Theorem 3.3.6 of the previous chapter. The estimate (4.34) shows that one can replace gˆε by p fε /M + εa − 1 Γε (fε /M ) = ε with a > 1 in the equicontinuity statement to be proved. By (4.32) and the local equiintegrability of Γε2 (fε /M ) obtained in the previous step, we obtain the equicontinuity statement in L1loc (dtdx). It remains then to prove that the same convergence holds in L2loc (dtdx), which is achieved by using a suitable decomposition of the integral and the equiintegrability of Γε2 (fε /M ) (see [54] for instance). t u
4 The Incompressible Navier-Stokes Limit
4.3.2 Filtering of Acoustic Waves It remains to obtain compactness with R respect to the time variable. As we shall see, the Rsolenoidal part of uε = M gˆε vdv and the linear combination 3θε − 2ρε = M gˆε (|v|2 − 5)dv are strongly compact, but their orthogonal complement (relatively to the incompressibility and Boussinesq constraints) are not because of high frequency oscillations in t, known as acoustic waves. Nevertheless Lions and Masmoudi [76] have developed a compensated compactness argument, inspired of the filtering method found independently by Schochet [96] and Grenier [60], which allows to prove that these acoustic waves do not occur in the limiting system. Proposition 4.3.2 Consider two families πε and ∇ψε uniformly bounded in + 2 L∞ loc (R , L (Ω)), which satisfy the following equicontinuity statement : for all compact K ⊂ Ω and all T > 0, there exists some continuity modulus ω ∀δ sufficiently small,
kτδ πε − πε kL2 ([0,T ]×K) ≤ ω(|δ|), kτδ ∇ψε − ∇ψε kL2 ([0,T ]×K) ≤ ω(|δ|)
where τδ denotes the spatial translation of δ. Assume that 1 1 ∂t πε + ∆x ψε = Sε , ε ε 5 1 ∂t ∇ψε + ∇x πε = Sε0 , 3ε ε
where Sε , Sε0 → 0 in L1loc (R+ , W −s,1 (Ω)) for some s > 1. Then, denoting by P the Leray projection onto divergence free vector fields, P ∇x · ((∇ψε )⊗2 ) → 0,
and ∇x · (πε ∇ψε ) → 0
in the sense of distributions on R+ ×Ω. Proof. First we introduce the following regularization : let χ ∈ Cc∞ (R3 , R+ ) be such that Z χ(x) = 0 if |x| ≥ 1, and χ(x)dx = 1, and define χδ (x) = δ −3 χ
x δ
Denoting by πεδ = χδ ∗ πε and ∇ψεδ = χδ ∗ πε , one has by (4.39) ε∂t πεδ + ∆x ψεδ = Sεδ , 5 δ ε∂t ∇ψεδ + ∇x πεδ = Sε0 , 3 δ
s (Ω)) for all s > 0. with Sεδ , Sε0 → 0 in L1loc (R+ , Hloc
4.3 Study of the Convection and Diffusion Terms
In particular, from the elementary computations ∇x · ((∇ψεδ )⊗2 ) 1 = ∇x (|∇x ψεδ |2 ) + ∇x ψεδ ∆x ψεδ 2 1 = ∇x (|∇x ψεδ |2 ) + ∇x ψεδ (Sεδ − ε∂t πεδ ) 2 5 1 δ 2 δ δ δ δ δ δ 0δ = ∇x (|∇x ψε | ) + ∇x ψε Sε − ε∂t πε ∇x ψε + πε Sε − ∇x πε 2 3 1 5 δ 2 δ δ 2 δ δ δ δ = ∇x |∇x ψε | − (πε ) − ε∂t πε ∇x ψε + ∇x ψε Sε + πεδ Sε0 2 3 and ∇x · (πεδ ∇x ψεδ ) = πεδ ∆x ψεδ + ∇x πεδ · ∇x ψεδ
3 δ = πεδ (Sεδ − ε∂t πεδ ) + ∇x ψεδ · (Sε0 − ε∂t ∇x ψεδ ) 5 3 3 ε δ = − ∂t (πεδ )2 + |∇ψεδ |2 + πεδ Sεδ + ∇x ψεδ · Sε0 2 5 5
we deduce that, for all fixed δ > 0 P ∇x · ((∇ψεδ )⊗2 ) → 0,
and ∇x · (πεδ ∇ψεδ ) → 0
in the sense of distributions, as ε → 0. It remains then to get rid of the regularization, which is done using the equicontinuity statement (4.38). Note that, once again, we actually use the characterization of relatively compact sets (3.28): K relatively compact ⇔
∀δ > 0,
∃Kδ compact, d(K, Kδ ) ≤ δ.
Indeed, for all compact K ⊂ Ω and all T > 0, k∇x ψεδ − ∇x ψε kL2 ([0,T ]×K) ≤ C sup ω,
kπεδ − πε kL2 ([0,T ]×K) ≤ C sup ω.
Therefore P ∇x · ((∇ψεδ )⊗2 − (∇x ψε )⊗2 ) → 0,
and ∇x · (πεδ ∇ψεδ − πε ∇ψε ) → 0
in L1loc (dtdx) uniformly in ε as δ → 0. Combining both convergence statements concludes the proof.
t u
4.3.3 Convergence of the Nonlinear Convection Term Equipped with the previous results, we are now able to characterize the limiting convection terms.
4 The Incompressible Navier-Stokes Limit
Proposition 4.3.3 Under the same assumptions as in Theorem 4.1.6, one can extract a subsequence of renormalized fluctuation (ˆ gε ) such that gˆε * g weakly in L2loc (dt, L2 (dxM dv)). Denote then by uε and θε the bulk velocity and temperature associated with the renormalized fluctuation gˆε and by u and θ the bulk velocity and temperature associated with g. Then, 1 2 ⊗2 P ∇x · (u⊗2 ε − |uε | Id) → P ∇x · (u ), 3 ∇x · (uε θε ) → ∇x · (uθ), in the sense of distributions. Proof. As suggested in the previous paragraph, the convergence of the convection terms is obtained using a suitable decomposition of the moments uε and θε in a strongly compact part, and a high frequency oscillating part. However, because the square-root renormalization of the Boltzmann equation is not admissible, we are not able to control directly the time derivatives of the moments of gˆε . R • We start by approximating uε , θε and ρε = M gˆε dv by the moments of gε γε 1|v|2 ≤Kε : Z Z ˜ε = M gε γε 1|v|2 ≤Kε vdv ρ˜ε = M gε γε 1|v|2 ≤Kε dv, u 1 and θ˜ε = 3
M gε γε 1|v|2 ≤Kε (|v|2 − 3)dv.
Observe that gε γε 1|v|2 ≤Kε
1 − gˆε = gˆε 2
r γε 1|v|2 ≤Kε
fε +1 M
! −2
Using the equiintegrability statement (4.26) established in Proposition 4.3.1 and the fact that the second factor in the identity above is bounded in L∞ and converges a.e. to 0, we obtain by the Product Limit theorem that gε γε 1|v|2 ≤Kε − gˆε → 0 in L2loc (dtdx, L2 (M dv)).
In particular ρε − ρ˜ε → 0,
uε − u ˜ε → 0, and θε − θ˜ε → 0 in L2loc (dtdx) as ε → 0. (4.41)
Furthermore, by Proposition 4.3.1, one has for all T > 0, all compact K ⊂ Ω and all ϕ ∈ L2 (M dv)
4.3 Study of the Convection and Diffusion Terms
M gˆε (t, x + y, v)ϕ(v)dv − M gˆε (t, x, v)ϕ(v)dv
L ([0,T ]×K)
as |y| → 0 uniformly in ε. From (4.41), we then deduce that there exists some continuity modulus ω such that, for all δ and for all ε sufficiently small kτδ u ˜ε − u ˜ε kL2 ([0,T ]×K) ≤ ω(δ), kτδ θ˜ε − θ˜ε kL2 ([0,T ]×K) ≤ ω(δ) and kτδ ρ˜ε − ρ˜ε kL2 ([0,T ]×K) ≤ ω(δ) .
Finally, starting from (4.24), (4.25) and the analogous renormalized conservation of mass Z Z 1 ∂t M gε γε 1|v|2 ≤Kε dv + ∇x · M gε γε 1|v|2 ≤Kε vdv = Dε (1) , ε Z Z 1 ∂t M gε γε 1|v|2 ≤Kε vdv+∇x · Fε (Φ)+ ∇x M gε γε 1|v|2 ≤Kε |v|2 dv=Dε (v) , 3ε Z 1 1 2 ∂t M gε γε 1|v|2 ≤Kε (|v| − 5)dv + ∇x · Fε (Ψ ) = Dε ( (|v|2 − 5)) . 2 2 then using Propositions 4.2.1 and 4.2.2 and the L2 bound (4.18) on qˆε , we obtain 1 ∂t ρ˜ε + ∇x · u ˜ε = Dε (1) , ε 1 (4.43) ρε + θ˜ε ) = Dε (v) − ∇x · Fε (Φ) , ∂t u ˜ε + ∇x (˜ ε 1 1 ∂t (3θ˜ε − 2˜ ρε ) = Dε (|v|2 − 5) − ∇x · Fε (Ψ ) , 2 2 −1,1 where the source terms are bounded in L1loc (dt, Wloc (dx)).
• In the second step, we deal with the compact components of the moments u ˜ε and θ˜ε , namely 1 Pu ˜ε and (3θ˜ε − 2˜ ρε ). 2 The equicontinuity statement (4.42) together with the fact that P is a pseudo-differential operator of order 0 implies that ˜ε − P u ˜ε kL2 ([0,T ]×K) → 0
kτδ P u
1 1
τδ (3θ˜ε − 2˜ ρε ) − (3θ˜ε − 2˜ ρε ) →0
2 2 2 L ([0,T ]×K)
uniformly in ε as δ → 0. On the other hand, the conservation laws (4.39) imply that 1 ∂t (3θ˜ε − 2˜ ρε ) = O(1)L1loc (dt,W −1,1 (dx)) 2 and
Z ∂t Ω
Pu ˜ε · ξdx = O(1)L1loc (dt)
4 The Incompressible Navier-Stokes Limit
for each compactly supported, solenoidal vector field ξ ∈ H 3 (Ω). Also, u ˜ε = O(1) in L∞ (R+ ; L2 (dx)) From (4.44) and (4.45) we deduce by interpolation (using for instance Aubin’s lemma [2]) that 1 ˜ (3θε − 2˜ ρε ) is strongly compact in L2loc (dtdx), 2 and we can identify its limit using the Boussinesq relation 1 ˜ (3θε − 2˜ ρε ) → θ strongly in L2loc (dtdx). 5 For the solenoidal part of the velocity, the argument is more intricated because of the Leray projection. Since the class of C ∞ , compactly supported solenoidal vector fields is dense in that of all L2 solenoidal vector fields (see Appendix A of [74]), these estimates imply that Pu ˜ε is relatively compact in C(R+ ; w-L2 (Ω)) . As for the L2loc (dtdx) compactness, observe that (4.44) implies that Pu ˜ε ? χδ is relatively compact in L2loc (dtdx) where (χδ ) designates any mollifying sequence. Hence Pu ˜ε · P u ˜ ε ? χδ * P u · P u ? χ δ weakly in L1loc (dtdx) as ε → 0. By (4.44), Pu ˜ ε ? χδ → P u ˜ε in L2loc (dtdx) uniformly in ε as δ → 0. With this, we conclude that |P u ˜ε |2 → |P u|2 in w-L1loc (dtdx) which implies in view of the incompressibility constraint that Pu ˜ε → u strongly in L2loc (dtdx). In particular, one has P ∇x · ((P u ˜ε )
) → P ∇x (u
) and ∇x ·
1 ˜ (3θε − 2˜ ρε )P u ˜ε 5
→ ∇x · (θu) (4.47)
in the sense of distributions. • It remains then to prove that acoustic waves do not occur in the limiting equations, which is based on Proposition 4.3.2. Define indeed
4.3 Study of the Convection and Diffusion Terms
∇x ψε = u ˜ε − P u ˜ε and πε =
3 (˜ ρε + θ˜ε ). 5
From the L2 estimates (4.18) and (4.41), and the incompressibility and Boussinesq relations, we deduce that ∇x ψε * 0,
πε * 0 weakly in L2loc (dtdx).
In particular P ∇x· (˜ uε ⊗ ∇x ψε + ∇x ψε ⊗ u ˜ε ) → 0, 2 1 ˜ (3θε − 2˜ ρε )∇x ψε + πε u ˜ε → 0 ∇x · 5 3
in the sense of distributions. By (4.42) and (4.44), ∇ψε and πε satisfy assumption (4.38) in Proposition 4.3.2. On the other hand, from (4.43), we deduce that ∇ψε and πε “almost satisfy” assumption (4.39) : there is actually a difficulty due to the fact that the Leray projection is non local. For a detailed treatment of that point (which requires additional regularizations), we refer to the original paper by Golse and the author [55]. Then, 2 πε ∇ψε → 0 (4.49) P ∇x · ((∇ψε )⊗2 ) → 0 and ∇x · 3 in the sense of distributions. Combining (4.47), (4.48) and (4.49) leads to P ∇x · ((˜ uε )⊗2 ) → P ∇x (u⊗2 ) and ∇x · θ˜ε u ˜ε → ∇x · (θu) which, coupled with (4.41), gives the expected convergences for the convection terms. t u 4.3.4 Convergence of the Diffusion Term This paragraph is devoted to the last step in the proof of convergence inside the domain Ω, namely to the characterization of the limiting diffusion terms. Proposition 4.3.4 Under the same assumptions as in Theorem 4.1.6, if we denote by g and q any joint limit points of the sequences (ˆ gε ) and (ˆ qε ) defined by (4.17), one has q=
1 1 v · ∇x g = (Φ : ∇x u + Ψ · ∇x θ) 2 2
where u and θ are the bulk velocity and temperature associated with the limiting fluctuation g, Φ and Ψ are the kinetic fluxes defined by (3.17), and Φ˜ and Ψ˜ are their pseudo-inverses under LM .
4 The Incompressible Navier-Stokes Limit
In particular the following weak L2 convergences hold for the diffusion terms Z Z ˜ → ∇x u : M Φ ˜ ⊗ Φdv = µ(∇x u + (∇x u)T ), 2 M qˆε Φdv Z Z 2 M qˆε Ψ˜ dv → ∇x θ : M Ψ˜ ⊗ Ψ dv = κ∇x θ, Proof. The second statement is easily deduced from the first one, using the weak compactness of (ˆ qε ) coming from (4.18), and the structure of the kinetic ˜ and Ψ˜ (see Remark 3.2.3). flux functions Φ and Ψ and their pseudo-inverses Φ Let us then focus on the proof of the first statement. Start from the square-root renormalization of the scaled Boltzmann equation (4.33) p fε /M + εa − 1 (ε∂t + v · ∇x ) ε Z Z p 2 p 1 1 0 − √ = 2√ fε0 fε∗ fε fε∗ B(v − v∗ , σ)dσdv∗ 2ε fε √ + εa M MZ Z p p p fε 1 0 − √ fε0 fε∗ fε fε∗ fε∗ B(v − v∗ , σ)dσdv∗ + 2√ ε fε + ε a M M def 1 = Qε + Q2ε By the weighted L2 estimate (4.20), one has for all p < 2 r fε → 1 in L2loc (dtdx, L2 ((1 + |v|p )M dv)) as ε → 0. M Furthermore the entropy dissipation bound shows that p 1 p 0 f f − f f is weakly compact in L2loc (dtdx, L2 (Bdvdv∗ dσ)), ε∗ ε ε∗ ε ε2 so that, up to extraction of a subsequence such that qˆε * q, Z Z p p p 1 1 0f0 − √ f f f fε∗ B(v − v∗ , σ)dσdv∗ * q ε ε∗ ε ε∗ ε2 M √ √ weakly in L1loc (dtdx, L1 (M dv)). Since on the other hand fε / fε + εa M is bounded in L∞ and converges a.e. to 0, by the Product Limit theorem, we conclude that Q2ε * q weakly in L1loc (dtdx, L1 (M dv)). On the other hand, 1 Cin ε2−a/2 . 2 Then using the comparison estimate (4.34) and taking limits in (4.33) leads to 1 v · ∇x g = q, 2 which concludes the proof. t u kQ1ε kL1 (dtdxM dv) ≤
4.4 Taking into Account Boundary Conditions
4.4 Taking into Account Boundary Conditions Taking limits in the boundary conditions requires that some additional difficulties be overcome : • for the renormalized solutions to the Boltzmann equation, the trace is indeed defined in a very weak sense; • the only uniform bound, i.e. the bound on the Darroz`es-Guiraud information, gives a control rather on the quantity (gε|∂Ω − hgε i∂Ω ) where √ Z hgε i∂Ω = 2π gε|∂Ω M (v · n(x))+ dv than on the total trace gε|∂Ω . In order to get rid of the first difficulty, a natural idea is to take limits in the weak formulation (2.31) and to prove that the moments u and θ satisfy asymptotically the weak formulation of the Navier-Stokes Fourier equations, which will be done in the case of the Navier boundary condition. In the case of the Dirichlet boundary condition, it is actually possible to take limits directly in Maxwell’s boundary condition. In both cases, the strategy initiated by Masmoudi and the author in [82] to derive the limiting boundary conditions is very similar to the one used to establish the asymptotic inside the domain. First, we check that, up to extraction of a subsequence, the traces converge in a sense to be made precise. Then, using the classical theory of traces for the transport equation recalled in the previous chapter, we show that the limiting trace is of the form 2 |v| − 5 . g|∂Ω = u|∂Ω · v + θ|∂Ω 2 The last and most difficult step is to take limits in Maxwell’s boundary condition, either in a weak or in a strong form depending on the scaling. In this method, a priori estimates and convergence results on the traces come both from results established inside the domain and from the boundary term in the entropy inequality. This means that, given the asymptotic behaviour of the fluctuation gε inside the domain Ω, the possibility of deriving the limiting boundary conditions depends only on the scaling of the freetransport operator. We point out in particular that such a method cannot be applied in the Euler scaling since there is no bound on the spatial derivatives of the fluctuation, which is consistent with the longstanding problem of Prandtl layers. In all the sequel, we consider a subsequence of renormalized fluctuations gˆε (still denoted gˆε ) such that gˆε → g weakly in L2loc (dt, L2 (dxM dv)) qˆε → q weakly in L2 (dtdxM dv)
4 The Incompressible Navier-Stokes Limit
4.4.1 A Priori Estimates Coming from the Inside The first type of control obtained on the trace gε|∂Ω is inferred from the bounds on gε and (ε∂t + v · ∇x )gε inside the domain R+ ×Ω × R3 . Proposition 4.4.1 Under the same assumptions as in Theorem 4.1.6, the trace of the limiting fluctuation g|∂Ω ∈ L1loc (dtdσx ; L1 (M |v · n(x)|dv)) satisfies the identity g|∂Ω = u|∂Ω · v + θ|∂Ω
|v|2 − 5 2
Furthermore, for all p > 0, and all smooth truncation γ ∈ C ∞ (R+ ) such that C γ|[0,3/2] ≡ 1, |γ(z)| + z|γ 0 (z)| ≤ 1+z we have the following convergences : (gε γε )|∂Ω → g|∂Ω weakly in L1loc (dtdσx ; L1 (M (1 + |v|p )|v · n(x)|dv)) (4.52) εgε|∂Ω → 0 a.e. on R+ ×∂Ω × R3
Proof. Proposition 4.4.1 is based on classical properties of the traces of solutions to the free transport equation (which can be found for instance in [38] and are recalled in Appendix B). • Inside the domain Ω, we have 1 g = v · u + (|v|2 − 5)θ in L2loc (dt, L2 (M dvdx)), 2 v · ∇x g = 2q = (Φ : ∇x u + Ψ · ∇x θ) in L2loc (dt, L2 (M dvdx)). Then, g, u and θ have traces in the classical sense, and identity (4.51) holds in L1loc (dtdσx , L1 (M |v · n(x)|dv)). • We have then to establish the weak compactness of the sequence (gε γε )|∂Ω . We recall that for any q < 2 1 gε γε = O(1)L2loc (dtdx,L2 ((1+|v|q )M dv)) and gε γε = O ε L∞ t,x,v
coming from the L2 estimate (4.18) on gˆε and some pointwise estimate on √ zγ(z). Furthermore, we have
4.4 Taking into Account Boundary Conditions
(ε∂t + v · ∇x )M (gε γε )2 2 = 2 gε γε γˆε Q(fε , fε ) ε ZZ p p 2 0 − = 2 gε γε γˆε ( fε0 fε∗ fε fε∗ )2 B(v − v∗ , σ)dv∗ dσ ε ZZ p p p 4 0 − gε γε γˆε fε ( fε0 fε∗ + 2 fε fε∗ )B(v − v∗ , σ)dv∗ dσ ε ZZ p 1 p p p 4 0 − εgε γε γˆε fε ( fε∗ − 1)( fε0 fε∗ fε fε∗ )B(v − v∗ , σ)dv∗ dσ + 2 ε ε where we denote as previously fε γˆε = γˆ with γˆ (z) = γ(z) + (z − 1)γ 0 (z). M Thus using the entropy dissipation bound, we get (ε∂t + v · ∇x )M (gε γε )2 = O(ε)L1 (dtdxdv) + O(1)L1loc (dtdx,L1 (dv)) . The smoothness assumption made on the boundary implies the existence of 1,∞ ¯ a vector field n(x) which belongs to Wloc (Ω) and coincides with the outward unit normal vector at the boundary. Then, Z t2 Z Z (v.n(x))2 χ(x) M |(gε γε )|∂Ω |2 (t, x, v) dv dσx dt 2 1+ t1 Z ∂ΩZ Z |v| Z =ε M ϕ|gε γε |2 (t1 , x, v)dvdx − ε M ϕ|gε γε |2 (t2 , x, v)dvdx Ω Z tΩ Z Z 2 2 + M (v · ∇x ϕ)|gε γε | (t, x, v)dvdxdt Zt1t2 ZΩ Z M ϕ(ε∂t + v · ∇x )(gε γε )2 (t, x, v)dvdxdt + t1
v.n(x)χ(x) (1 + |v|2 ) ∞ ¯ for any localization function χ ∈ Cc (Ω, [0, 1]). From the uniform bounds on (gε γε )2 and (ε∂t + v · ∇x )(gε γε )2 , we deduce that Z t2 Z Z (v.n(x))2 χ(x) M |(gε γε )|∂Ω |2 (t, x, v) dv dσx dt ≤ C (4.54) 1 + |v|2 t1 ∂Ω ϕ(x, v) =
The weak compactness asserted in (4.52) follows directly by H¨older’s inequality. Indeed, for all A ⊂ [t1 , t2 ] × (∂Ω ∩ K) × R3 , and all p < +∞, ZZZ M (γε gε )|∂Ω (1 + |v|p )v.n(x) dvdσx dt ZA t2 Z Z 1/2 2 2 (v.n(x)) 1K (x) dvdσx dt ≤ M |(gε γε )|∂Ω | (4.55) 1 + |v|2 t1 Z Z 1/2 Z × M (1 + |v|2 )(1 + |v|p )2 dvdσx dt . A
4 The Incompressible Navier-Stokes Limit
Then, using (4.54), we obtain (γε gε )|∂Ω is equiintegrable in L1loc (dtdσx ; L1 (M (1 + |v|p )|v · n(x)|dv)) and thus relatively weakly compact by Dunford-Pettis theorem. • Then we have to identify the limiting points of (gε γε )|∂Ω . From the ¯× limiting Boltzmann equation (4.50) we deduce that for all ϕ ∈ C 1 ([0, T ] × Ω R3 ) Z t2 Z Z M ϕg|∂Ω (v.n(x))dvdσx dt t1Z ∂Ω Z t2 Z Z (4.56) t2 Z Z M ϕqdvdxdt M (v · ∇x ϕ)gdvdxdt + 2 = t1
On the other hand, by (2.31) we have, Z t2 Z Z M ϕ(gε γε )|∂Ω (v · n(x))dvdσx dt t1 Z ∂ΩZ Z Z =ε M ϕgε γε (t1 )dvdx − ε M ϕgε γε (t2 )dvdx Ω Z tΩ Z Z 2 + M (v · ∇x ϕ)(gε γε )(t, x, v)dvdxdt Zt1t2 ZΩ M ϕ(ε∂t + v · ∇x )(gε γε )dvdxdt + t1
with M (ε∂t + v · ∇x )(gε γε ) 1 = 2 γˆε Q(fε , fε ) ε ZZ p p 1 0 − γˆε ( fε0 fε∗ = 2 fε fε∗ )2 B(v − v∗ , σ)dv∗ dσ ε ZZ p p p p 2 0 − + 2 γˆε ( fε fε∗ −1)( fε0 fε∗ fε fε∗ )B(v−v∗ , σ)dv∗ dσ + 2M γˆε qˆε ε def = 2M γˆε qˆε + O(ε)L1loc (dtdx,L1 (dv)) Then, taking limits in (4.57) and identifying with (4.56), we obtain (gε γε )|∂Ω → g|∂Ω weakly in L1loc (dtdσx , L1 (M (1 + |v|p )|v · n(x)|dv)). • It remains to establish the pointwise convergence of the trace of gε γε . By definition of the trace fε|∂Ω , for any admissible renormalization Γ , (Γ (fε ))|∂Ω = Γ (fε|∂Ω ). In particular, (gε γε )|∂Ω = gε|∂Ω γ 1 + εgε|∂Ω
Then, by (4.52), ε(gε γε )|∂Ω = εgε|∂Ω γ 1 + εgε|∂Ω → 0 almost everywhere on R+ ×∂Ω × R3 , which concludes the proof.
t u
4.4 Taking into Account Boundary Conditions
4.4.2 A Priori Estimates Coming from the Boundary Let us first recall from Chapter 3 that the uniform bound on the scaled Darroz`es-Guiraud information Z Z αε t E(fε |M )(s, x)dσx ds ≤ H(fε,in |M ). (4.58) ε 0 ∂Ω allows to control the renormalized trace variation ηˆε defined by r rD E ! r 2 αε fε fε ηˆε = 1Σ+ − ε ε M M ∂Ω
where h.i∂Ω denotes as previously the average (with respect to v) of any quantity defined on the boundary √ Z hgi∂Ω = 2π M g|∂Ω (v · n)+ dv. We have indeed kˆ ηε kL2 (dtdσx M (v·n)+ dv) ≤ Cin . In the case where
α √ ε → λ ∈]0, +∞], 2πε
this estimate, combined with the convergence studied in Proposition 4.4.1, allows to identify the limiting trace. Proposition 4.4.2 With the same notations and assumptions as in Theorem 4.1.6, define ∆ε = 1Σ+ gε|∂Ω − hgε i∂Ω . (4.61) Assume that
√ αε → 2πλ ∈]0, +∞]. ε
Then, γε|∂Ω ∆ε * 1Σ+ g|∂Ω − hgi∂Ω
weakly in L1loc (dt, L1 (M |v · n(x)|dσx dv)). Proof. In order to establish that result, we have to identify the weak limit using both the convergence coming from the inside and the convergence coming from the boundary. • Start from the identity r ε2 2 ε p ηˆε h1 + εgε i∂Ω + ηˆ . ∆ε = αε 4αε ε
By Proposition 4.4.1, γε|∂Ω is bounded and converges pointwise to 1 and
4 The Incompressible Navier-Stokes Limit
1 + εgε|∂Ω → 1 in L2loc (dtdσx ; L2 (M (1 + |v|)p (v · n(x))+ dv))
Therefore, by the L2 estimate on ηˆε and the Product Limit Theorem, r p p ε ε 1Σ+ γε|∂Ω h1 + εgε i∂Ω = 1Σ+ γε|∂Ω 1 + εgε − ηˆε (4.63) 2 αε → 1Σ+ in L2loc (dtdσx , L2 (M (v · n)+ dv)) Using again the Product Limit theorem and the L2 estimate on ηˆε we then deduce that, up to extraction of a subsequence, γε|∂Ω ∆ε converges weakly in L1loc (dtdσx , L1 (M (v · n(x))+ dv)).
On the other hand, using the definition (4.61) of ∆ε and the definition of the trace gε|∂Ω , we get γε|∂Ω ∆ε = 1Σ+ (gε γε )|∂Ω − γε|∂Ω hgε i∂Ω . From the convergence statement (4.52) obtained from the inside and the convergence (4.64) coming from the boundary term in the entropy inequality, we deduce that γε|∂Ω hgε i∂Ω converges weakly in L1loc (dtdσx , L1 (M (v · n(x))+ dv)).
• It remains then to identity the limit of this averaged part. We first prove that it is of the form 1Σ+ ρ for some ρ ∈ L1loc (dtdσx ). Indeed define ρε = hgε i∂Ω γε|Σ+ + L(γε|Σ+ ) where L denotes - as in Chapter 2 - the local reflection operator. Hence, by (4.65), there exists ρ ∈ L1loc (dtdσx , L1 (M |v · n(x)|dv)) such that ρε → ρ
1Σ+ γε|∂Ω hgε i∂Ω = 1Σ+ ρε → 1Σ+ ρ
weakly in L1loc (dtdσx , L1 (M |v · n(x)|dv)). Because hgε i∂Ω depends only on t and x, and (γε|Σ+ + L(γε|Σ+ )) is bounded and converges a.e. to 1 on R+ ×∂Ω×R3 , we deduce from a result of variables separating, which is actually a variant of the Product Limit theorem (see Proposition A.2 in Appendix A) that ρ ≡ ρ(t, x). Gathering all results together, we thus have γε|∂Ω ∆ε * 1Σ+ (g|∂Ω − ρ) in L1loc (dtdσx , L1 (M (v · n(x))+ dv)).
4.4 Taking into Account Boundary Conditions
We also point out that there is no possible mass going to infinity in the v-variable since r r p ε ε ε2 2 ∆ε = ηˆε + ηˆε h1 + εgε i∂Ω − 1 + ηˆ αε αε 4αε ε is the sum of a term bounded in L2loc (dt, L2 (M (v · n(x))+ dvdσx )) and terms going strongly to 0 in L1loc (dt, L1 (M (v · n(x))+ dσx dv)). Then, because h∆ε i∂Ω = 0, ρ = hgi∂Ω , (4.66) t u
which concludes the proof. 4.4.3 The Limiting Boundary Conditions
Using the results of the two previous paragraphs, we can now pass to the limit in the boundary conditions. We start with the Dirichlet boundary condition, which turns out to be easier because we recover it directly. The Limiting Dirichlet Boundary Condition If we assume that αε /ε → +∞, then the uniform L2 estimate on ηˆε shows that r ε2 2 ε p ηˆε h1 + εgε i∂Ω γε|∂Ω + ηˆ γε|∂Ω γε|∂Ω ∆ε = αε 4αε ε converges to 0 strongly in L1loc (dtdσx , L1 (M (v · n(x))+ dv)). Proposition 4.4.2 implies then that 1Σ+ (g|∂Ω − hgi∂Ω ) = 0. Finally, by (4.51), we have necessarily u|∂Ω = 0 and θ|∂Ω = 0.
The Limiting Navier Boundary Condition • The condition of zero mass flux n · u|∂Ω = 0 (which corresponds to the incompressibility constraint inside the domain Ω) is obtained in a very simple way, using only the weak compactness statement and the pointwise convergence established in Proposition 4.4.1.
4 The Incompressible Navier-Stokes Limit
The renormalized form (2.32) of Maxwell’s boundary condition reads indeed (gεγε )|Σ−
(1 − αε )L(gε|Σ+ ) + αε hgε i∂Ω γ 1 + ε (1 − αε )L(gε|Σ+ ) + αε hgε i∂Ω .
Then, assuming that αε = O(ε) and passing to the limit in the sense of distributions, or, more precisely, weakly in L1loc (dtdσx , L1 (M |v · n(x)|dv)), we get that g|Σ− = Lg|Σ+ , from which we deduce easily that n · u|∂Ω = 0. • The main difficulty is (as for the inside) to take limits in the conservation laws written in weak form. Start from the weak forms of (4.24) and (4.25), namely Z Z Z Z w · M 1|v|2 ≤Kε vgε γε (t2 , x, v)dvdx − w · M 1|v|2 ≤Kε vgε γε (t1 , x, v)dvdx ΩZ Z t2 Z Ω t2 Z − ∇x w : Fε (Φ)(t, x)dxdt − w · Dε (v)(t, x)dxdt t1 Z Ω Z Ω t1 Z t2 1 w · M 1|v|2 ≤Kε vgε γε (t, x, v)(v · n(x))dvdσx dt , =− ε t1 ∂Ω and Z
2 Z |v| ϕ M 1|v|2 ≤Kε − 1 gε γε (t2 , x, v)dvdx ΩZ 5 2 Z |v| − ϕ M 1|v|2 ≤Kε − 1 gε γε (t1 , x, v)dvdx 5 Ω 2 Z t2 Z Z Z 2 t2 |v| ∇x ϕ · Fε (Ψ )(t, x)dxdt − ϕDε − − 1 (t, x)dxdt 5 t1 Ω 5 2 t1 Ω Z Z Z 1 t2 |v| =− ϕ M 1|v|2 ≤Kε − 1 gε γε (t, x, v)(v · n(x))dvdσx dt , ε t1 ∂Ω 5
¯ with n · w|∂Ω = 0, and all for all divergence free vector field w ∈ Cc∞ (Ω) ¯ Then taking limits in the flux terms and conservation defects as ϕ ∈ Cc∞ (Ω). in the previous section leads to Z Z w · u(t2 , x)dx − w · u(t1 , x)dx + lim Bε (w · v) Z
Ω t2 Z
∇x w : u ⊗ u − µ(∇x u + (∇x u)T ) (t, x)dxdt t1 Ω 2 Z Z |v| and ϕθ(t2 , x)dx − ϕθ(t1 , x)dx + lim Bε ϕ −1 ε→0 5 Ω Ω Z t2 Z = ∇x ϕ · (uθ − κ∇x θ) (t, x)dxdt =
4.4 Taking into Account Boundary Conditions
where Bε (ζ) =
1 ε
Z M 1|v|2 ≤Kε ζgε γε (t, x, v)(v · n(x))dvdσx dt.
Next, in order to obtain the limiting boundary conditions, we have to compute the limits of Bε (w·v) and Bε ϕ |v|2 /5 − 1 . We start by expressing Bε (ζ) in terms of the controlled quantities. The crucial remark here is that Lζ = ζ a.e. on ∂Ω × R3 (using the zero mass flux condition n · w|∂Ω = 0). We therefore have Z M 1|v|2 ≤Kε ζgε γε (v · n(x))dvdσx dt Z = M 1|v|2 ≤Kε ζ(1Σ+ gε γε − L(1Σ− gε γε ))(v · n(x))+ dv Using Taylor’s formula, we get gε γε − L(1Σ− gε γε ) = gε γ(1 + εgε ) − (1 − αε )gε + αε hgε i∂Ω γ 1 + ε ((1 − αε )gε + αε hgε i∂Ω ) Z 1 = αε (gε − hgε i∂Ω ) γˆε,τ dτ 0
where we denote γˆε,τ = γˆ (1 − τ αε )(1 + εgε ) + τ αε h1 + εgε i∂Ω with γˆ (z) = γ(z) + (z − 1)γ 0 (z). Therefore αε Bε (ζ) = √ 2πε
Z ∂Ω
E D 1|v|2 ≤Kε ζ∆ε γˆε,τ
As we have assumed that αε /ε → further have γˆε,τ ≤
(t, x)dτ dσx dt
2πλ < +∞, for ε sufficiently small, we
C 2C ≤ . 1 + (1 − τ αε )(1 + εgε ) + τ αε h1 + εgε i∂Ω 3 + εgε
- If λ = 0, by (4.62), the decomposition in (4.63) together with Proposition 4.4.1 and the L2 estimate on ηˆε shows that r r p αε αε γˆε,τ h1 + εgε i∂Ω = O ε ε L2 (dtdσx ,L2 ((1+|v|)p (v·n(x))+ M dv)) loc +O(ε)L2loc (dtdσx ,L2 ((v·n(x))+ M dv))
4 The Incompressible Navier-Stokes Limit
We then have r αε αε ∆ε γˆε,τ = O ε ε L1 (dtdσx ,L1 ((1+|v|)p (v·n(x))+ M dv)) loc +O(ε)L1loc (dtdσx ,L1 ((v·n(x))+ M dv)) from which we deduce, using the L∞ bound on ζ1|v|2 ≤Kε , that Bε (ζ) → 0. - If λ ∈]0, +∞[, using both the identity (4.62) and the decomposition in (4.63), we get r p ε ∆ε γˆε,τ = ηˆε γˆε,τ 1 + εgε + O(ε)L1loc (dtdσx ,L1 ((v·n(x))+ M dv)) . αε The first term in the right-hand side is uniformly bounded in L2loc (dtdσx , L2 ((v · n(x))+ M dv)), and we can identify its weak limit using Proposition 4.4.2 : r p ε ηˆε γˆε,τ 1 + εgε → 1Σ+ (g|∂Ω − hgi∂Ω ). αε We then conclude, using again the L∞ bound on ζ1|v|2 ≤Kε , that Z
Bε (ζ) → λ t1
D E ζ(g − hgi∂Ω )
(t, x)dσx dt.
Because u and w satisfy the zero mass flux condition, we can use (4.51) to compute both limits in terms of u|∂Ω and θ|∂Ω . We then obtain the weak form of the Navier-Stokes Fourier system with Navier boundary conditions : Z Z Z t2 Z w · u(t2 , x)dx − w · u(t1 , x)dx + λ w · u(t, x)dσx dt Ω Ω t1 ∂Ω Z t2 Z = ∇x w : u ⊗ u − µ(∇x u + (∇x u)T ) (t, x)dxdt t1 Ω Z t2 Z Z Z 4 ϕθ(t, x)dσx dt and ϕθ(t2 , x)dx − ϕθ(t1 , x)dx + λ 5 t1 ∂Ω Ω Ω Z t2 Z = ∇x ϕ · (uθ − κ∇x θ) (t, x)dxdt, t1
which concludes the proof.
t u
5 The Incompressible Euler Limit
The aim of this chapter is to describe the state of the art about the incompressible Euler limit of the Boltzmann equation, which is not so complete as the incompresible Navier-Stokes limit presented in the previous chapter. Due to the lack of regularity estimates for inviscid incompressible models, the convergence results describing the incompressible Euler asymptotics of the Boltzmann equation require additional regularity assumptions on the solution to the target equations. Furthermore, the relative entropy method leading to these stability results controls the convergence in a very strong sense, which imposes additional conditions either on the solution to the asymptotic equations (“well-prepared initial data”), or on the solutions to the scaled Boltzmann equation (namely some additional non uniform a priori estimates giving in particular the local conservation of momentum and energy).
5.1 Convergence Result : From the Boltzmann Equation to the Incompressible Euler System 5.1.1 Mathematical Theories for the Incompressible Euler Equations Before giving the precise mathematical statement of the convergence result, let us first recall some basic facts about the limiting system. The incompressible Euler equations govern the velocity field u ≡ u(t, x) of an inviscid incompressible homogeneous fluid. They are ∂t u + (u · ∇x )u + ∇x p = 0,
∇x · u = 0.
The first equality in (5.1) states that the fluid preserves the volume, and is referred to as the incompressibility condition; the second equality expresses Newton’s law of dynamics for an infinitesimal volume of fluid. L. Saint-Raymond, Hydrodynamic Limits of the Boltzmann Equation, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1971, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-92847-8 5, c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009
5 The Incompressible Euler Limit
Note that (5.1) can be formally obtained from the incompressible NavierStokes equations (4.1) in the vanishing viscosity limit, so taking µ = 0. In particular the fundamental energy estimate becomes: Proposition 5.1.1 Let u ≡ u(t, x) be a solution of the incompressible Euler equations (5.1) on R+ ×Ω that is sufficiently smooth (which belongs for instance to C(R+ , H 1 (Ω))) and satisfies the zero mass flux condition n · u|∂Ω = 0, where n denotes as previously the outward unit normal to ∂Ω. Then the following energy estimate holds : ku(t)k2L2 (Ω) = kuin k2L2 (Ω) .
The crucial difference with the energy estimate (4.3) obtained for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations is that (5.2) does not provide any spatial regularity on the velocity field u. This lack of a priori estimates induces many difficulties when dealing with the Cauchy problem for (5.1). Local Smooth Solutions The first result concerning the Cauchy problem (5.1) has been obtained by Lichtenstein [71] in the framework of C 1,1 initial data. It has been later improved by many authors. In particular, Beale, Kato and Majda [10] have established the following sharp persistence criterion involving the vorticity : Theorem 5.1.2 Let uin ∈ H s (Ω) for s > 5/2 be a divergence free vector field. Then there exists a unique maximal solution ∗ s u ∈ L∞ loc ([0, t ), H (Ω))
to the incompressible Euler equations (5.1) with initial data uin and supplemented by the boundary condition n · u|∂Ω = 0,
which satisfies in addition Z
krot x u(t)kL∞ (Ω) dt = +∞ .
The local existence of such a smooth solution is obtained using a standard approximation scheme, and some a priori bounds based on trilinear estimates of the following type : hw, (u · ∇x )wiH s (R3 ) ≤ Ckwk2H s (R3 ) kukH s (R3 )
5.1 Convergence Result
for divergence free vector fields. That determines in particular the critical regularity s0 = 5/2 required on the initial data. The extension of such trilinear estimates to the case of domains with boundaries requires elliptic estimates and composition theorems which can be found for instance in the paper [20] by Br´ezis and Bourguignon. The study of persistence is based on some precised energy inequalities very similar to (4.8) which show that the propagation of the H s norm on [0, t] is controlled by the quantity k∇x u + (∇x u)T kL1 ([0,t],L∞ (Ω)) . A refined study using crucially the fact that u is a divergence free vector field, shows that the propagation of the H s norm on [0, t] is actually controlled by the vorticity krot x ukL1 ([0,t],L∞ (Ω)) (we refer to [10] for the proof of the refined blow-up condition (5.4)). Remark 5.1.3 Note that such a local existence result can be improved in two space dimensions. First of all the critical regularity becomes s0 = 2. Furthermore the vorticity ω = ∂2 u1 − ∂1 u2 satisfies the transport equation ∂t ω + u · ∇x ω = 0,
so that, assuming that the initial vorticity ωin is bounded in L∞ (Ω), Theorem 5.1.2 provides a global existence result. Strong-Weak Stability Blow up criteria are therefore based on propagation results, which are obtained as energy estimates : Proposition 5.1.4 Let u ∈ L∞ ([0, t∗ ], L2 (Ω)) ∩ C([0, t∗ ], w − L2 (Ω)) be a weak solution to the incompressible Euler equations (5.1)(5.3) with initial data uin satisfying the energy inequality ∀t ∈ [0, t∗ ],
ku(t)k2L2 (Ω) ≤ kuin k2L2 (Ω) .
Let u ˜ ∈ C([0, t∗ ], L2 (Ω)) be a strong solution to (5.1)(5.3) with initial data u ˜in such that Z t∗ k∇x u ˜ + (∇x u ˜)T (t)kL∞ (Ω) dt < +∞. 0
Then the following stability inequality holds for all t ≤ t∗ , Z t 2 2 T k(∇˜ u + (∇˜ u) )(s)kL∞ (Ω) ds . ku(t) − u ˜(t)kL2 (Ω) ≤ kuin − u ˜in kL2 (Ω) exp 0
(5.6) In particular, u = u ˜ on [0, t∗ ] × Ω if uin = u ˜in .
5 The Incompressible Euler Limit
Proof. In order to obtain the stability estimate, we start by writing the equation satisfied by w = u − u ˜: ∂t w + u · ∇w = −∇p − w · ∇˜ u, from which we deduce the formal L2 estimate : kw(t)k2L2 (Ω) − kwin k2L2 (Ω) Z tZ Z tZ (w · ∇)˜ u · w(s, x)dxds (u · ∇)w · w(s, x)dxds − 2 ≤ −2 0 Z t Z0 k(∇˜ u + (∇˜ u)T )kL∞ (Ω) kwk2L2 (Ω) (s)ds ≤ 0
because u and w are divergence free vector fields and satisfy the zero mass flux condition (5.3). (In order to justify this formal computation one should of course proceed by approximation). We then conclude using Gronwall’s lemma. t u Weak Solutions In two space dimensions, because of the special structure of the vorticity equation (5.5), one has a global unique smooth solution to (5.1) as soon as ωin ∈ L∞ (Ω). Furthermore one can build global weak solutions requiring much less regularity on the initial data : see for instance the results by Yudovitch [110] in the case uin ∈ L2 (R2 ), ωin ∈ Lp (R2 ) with p > 1, and those by Delort [41] in the case of vortex sheets uin ∈ L2 (R2 ),
ωin ∈ M+ (R2 ).
Nevertheless, we have no uniqueness for these solutions. In a recent paper [40], De Lellis and Sz´ekelyhidi have indeed studied various admissibility criteria that could be imposed on weak solutions of Euler, and they have shown that none of these criteria implies uniqueness for general L2 initial data. More precisely, they have proved the following Proposition 5.1.5 There exist bounded and compactly supported divergencefree vector fields uin for which there are • infinitely many weak solutions of (5.1) satisfying both the strong energy equality ku(t)k2L2 = ku(s)k2L2 for every pair (s, t) with s < t,
and the local energy equality ∂t |u|2 + ∇x · (u(|u|2 + 2p)) = 0;
5.1 Convergence Result
• weak solutions of (5.1) satisfying the strong energy inequality ku(t)k2L2 ≤ ku(s)k2L2 for every pair (s, t) with s < t,
but not the energy equality (5.7); • weak solutions of (5.1) satisfying the weak energy inequality ku(t)k2L2 ≤ ku(s)k2L2 for almost every pair (s, t) with s < t,
but not the strong energy inequality (5.9). Their examples display a very wild behavior, such as dissipation of the energy and amplitude of high-frequency oscillations. Dissipative Solutions In three space dimensions the question of the global continuation of solutions (even in weak sense) remains completely open. As an alternative, starting from (5.6), Lions [74] has proposed the following very weak notion of solution : Definition 5.1.6 A dissipative solution on [0, t∗ ) to (5.1)(5.3) with initial data uin is a function u ∈ L∞ ([0, t∗ ), L2 (Ω)) ∩ C([0, t∗ ), w − L2 (Ω)) satisfying ∇ · u = 0 and u|t=0 = uin in the sense of distributions and such that Z t 2 2 T ∞ ku(t) − u ˜(t)kL2 (Ω) ≤ kuin − u ˜in kL2 (Ω) exp k(∇˜ u + (∇˜ u) )(s)kL (Ω) ds Z 0t Z tZ T + A(˜ u) · (˜ u − u)(s, x)dx exp k(∇˜ u + (∇˜ u) )(τ )kL∞ (Ω) dτ 0
(5.11) for all t ∈ [0, t∗ ) and all test functions u ˜ ∈ C([0, t∗ ] × Ω) such that ∇·u ˜ = 0,
n·u ˜|∂Ω = 0,
(∇˜ u + (∇˜ u)T ) ∈ L1 ([0, t∗ ], L∞ (Ω)),
A(˜ u) = ∂t u ˜ + (˜ u · ∇)˜ u ∈ L1 ([0, t∗ ], L2 (Ω)). Such solutions always exist, they are not known to be weak solutions of (5.1) in conservative form, but they coincide with the unique smooth solution with same initial data as long as the latter does exist. Indeed the stability principle stated in Proposition 5.1.4 can be extended as follows Proposition 5.1.7 Let u ∈ L∞ ([0, t∗ ], L2 (Ω)) ∩ C([0, t∗ ), w − L2 (Ω)) be any dissipative solution to the incompressible Euler equations (5.1)(5.3) with initial data uin , and u ˜ ∈ C([0, t∗ ], L2 (Ω)) be a strong solution to (5.1)(5.3) with initial data u ˜in such that
5 The Incompressible Euler Limit
Z Z0
k∇x u ˜ + (∇x u ˜)T (t)kL∞ (Ω) dt < +∞, t
k∂t u ˜ + (˜ u · ∇)˜ ukL2 (Ω) dt < +∞. 0
Then the following stability inequality holds for all t ≤ t∗ , Z t T 2 2 k(∇˜ u + (∇˜ u) )(s)kL∞ (Ω) ds . ku(t) − u ˜(t)kL2 (Ω) ≤ kuin − u ˜in kL2 (Ω) exp 0
(5.13) In particular, u = u ˜ on [0, t∗ ] × Ω if uin = u ˜in . Note that the notion of dissipative solution has been introduced especially to investigate the inviscid limit of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations, and then used to study various asymptotics such as the gyrokinetic or quasineutral limits of the Vlasov-Poisson equation [17]. 5.1.2 Analogies with the Scaled Boltzmann Equation As mentioned in Chapter 4 in the framework of the Navier-Stokes limit, a possibility to describe the incompressible hydrodynamic limits of the Boltzmann equation is to get some counterpart at kinetic level of the strong-weak uniqueness principle stated in Proposition 5.1.7. The functional which measures the stability for the scaled Boltzmann equation is obtained naturally from the relative entropy ZZ fε − fε + M dvdx H(fε |M ) = fε log M which is a nonnegative Lyapunov functional for the Boltzmann equation (see Boltzmann’s H theorem in Chapter 2), and controls the size of the fluctuation in incompressible regimes (see Lemmas 3.1.2 and 3.1.3 in Chapter 3). The idea of using the notion of relative entropy for this kind of problems comes actually from the notion of entropic convergence developed by C. Bardos, F. Golse and C.D. Levermore in [5], and on the other hand from Yau’s elegant derivation of the hydrodynamic limit of the Ginzburg-Landau lattice model [108]. The modulated entropy is then defined for each test field (R, U, T ) ∈ Cc∞ (R+ ×Ω) by ZZ fε def H(fε |M(R,U,T ) ) = fε log − fε + M(R,U,T ) dvdx M(R,U,T ) ZZ R |v|2 |v − U |2 (5.14) = H(fε |M ) + − log 3/2 + − fε dvdx 2T 2 T ZZ − fε − M(R,U,T ) dvdx
5.1 Convergence Result
Our goal here will be therefore to establish a stability inequality on the modulated entropy of the same type as (5.1.7), in the scaling leading to the incompressible Euler limit, i.e. for R = exp(ερ), U = εu, T = exp(εθ). Note that, because of a poor understanding of the limiting system, we are not able at the present time to develop alternative strategies, leading for instance to weak convergence results, nor to consider spatial domains with some diffuse reflection at the boundary. 5.1.3 The Convergence Results for “Well-Prepared” Initial Data Let us first recall from Chapter 2 that, at the present time, the mathematical theory of the Boltzmann equation is not really complete, insofar as there is no global existence and uniqueness result for general initial data with finite mass, energy and entropy. We have therefore at our disposal either strong solutions with higher regularity which require smoothness and smallness assumptions on the initial data, or very weak solutions satisfying only a family of formally equivalent equations and thus called renormalized solutions. These renormalized solutions, built by DiPerna and Lions [44], exist globally in time without restriction on the size of the initial data but are not known to be unique, neither to satisfy the local conservations of momentum and energy. In the framework of renormalized solutions, the strategy presented in the previous paragraph will not be completely effective, since the stability inequality for the modulated entropy relies crucially on the local conservation laws. We will thus restrict our attention to the particular case when the initial data is well-prepared, i.e. when ρin = θin = ∇ · uin = 0. The approximate solution in (5.14) will therefore satisfy T ≡ 1 and we will not need anymore the local conservation of energy. Theorem 5.1.8 Let (fε,in ) be a family of initial fluctuations around a global equilibrium M , i.e. satisfying 1 H(fε,in |M ) ≤ Cin , ε2
and converging entropically at order ε to gin (x, v) = uin (x) · v 1 H(fε,in |M1,εuin ,1 ) → 0 as ε → 0, ε2
for some given divergence-free vector field uin ∈ L2 (Ω). Let (fε ) be a family of renormalized solutions to the scaled Boltzmann equation
5 The Incompressible Euler Limit
1 Q(fε , fε ) on R+ ×Ω × R3 , εq fε (0, x, v) = fε,in (x, v) on Ω × R3 , fε (t, x, v) = fε (t, x, Rx v) on Σ−
ε∂t fε + v · ∇x fε =
for some q > 1, where Q is the collision operator defined by (2.7) associated with some collision kernel B satisfying Grad’s cut off assumption (2.8). R Then the family of scaled bulk velocities (uε ) defined by uε = ε1 fε vdv is relatively weakly compact in L1loc (dtdx), and any limit point u of (uε ) is a dissipative solution to the incompressible Euler equations (5.1)(5.3). If the limiting initial data uin is smooth and such that (5.1) has a (unique) smooth solution u, the stability result above can be strengthened as follows, using the notion of entropic convergence defined in Chapter 4 : Corollary 5.1.9 Let (fε,in ) be a family of initial fluctuations around a global equilibrium M , converging entropically at order ε to gin (x, v) = uin (x) · v for some given uin ∈ H s (Ω) (s > 5/2). Let (fε ) be a family of renormalized solutions to the scaled Boltzmann equation (5.17) for some q > 1, where Q is the collision operator defined by (2.7) associated with some collision kernel B satisfying Grad’s cut off assumption (2.8). Assume that the incompressible Euler equations (5.1) admit a strong solu∗ s tion u ∈ L∞ loc ([0, t ], H (Ω)) such that Z
k∇x u + (∇x u)T kL2 ∩L∞ (Ω) (t)dt < +∞.
Then, for almost all t ∈ [0, t∗ ], the family of fluctuations (gε (t)) defined by fε = M (1 + εgε ) converges entropically to the infinitesimal Maxwellian g(t) given by g(t, x, v) = u(t, x) · v. Note that (5.16) is a very strong assumption on the family of initial data, meaning that well-prepared initial data has to be understood in the following sense. • We first require that the initial distribution has a velocity profile close to local thermodynamic equilibrium ρin + uin · v + θin
|v|2 − 3 , 2
in order that there is no relaxation layer. • We then ask the asymptotic initial thermodynamic fields to satisfy the incompressibility and Boussinesq constraints ∇ · uin = 0,
∇(ρin + θin ) = 0 ,
5.1 Convergence Result
which ensures that there is no acoustic wave. We further require that the initial temperature fluctuation (and thus mass fluctuation) is negligible ρin = −θin = 0 . We therefore expect the temperature fluctuation to remain negligible. • We finally need some spatial regularity on the limiting bulk velocity, more precisely we require some Lipschitz continuity. We are thus able to consider very general initial data (satisfying only the physical estimate (5.15)), but in the vicinity of a small set of asymptotic distributions. A natural question is then to know whether or not it is possible to get rid of these restrictions on the asymptotic distribution. In the proof that we will give in Sections 5.2 and 5.3, we will see that the first two assumptions come from the poor understanding of the Boltzmann equation, in particular from the fact that renormalized solutions to the Boltzmann equation are not known to satisfy the local conservation of energy (the heat flux is not even defined), whereas the last assumption concerning the regularity of the limiting distribution is inherent to the modulated entropy method. Considering solutions to the Boltzmann equation satisfying rigorously the basic physical properties, we can actually expect to control the energy flux and extend the convergence result to take into account acoustic waves. In order to also deal with the relaxation layer, we further need to understand the dissipation mechanism, which can be done by slight modifications of the method. On the contrary, relaxing the regularity assumption requires new ideas : the stability in energy and entropy methods is indeed controlled by the Lipschitz norm of the limiting field. In 3D, the incompressible Euler equations are not known to have weak solutions, so that we do not expect to extend our convergence result for distributions with lower regularity. In return, in 2D, the mathematical theory of the incompressible Euler equations is much better understood and singular solutions such as vortex patches are known to exist globally in time : it should be then relevant to study the hydrodynamic limit of the Boltzmann equation in this setting. By analogy with the compressible Euler equations, we would expect the spatial discontinuities to dissipate entropy, or in other words to create layers where the distribution is far from local thermodynamic equilibrium. The difficulty should be to split the space-time domain according to these layers. 5.1.4 The Convergence Result for General Initial Data The second result we will state here answers the previous question in the case of smooth limiting fields. Considering a stronger notion of solution for the Boltzmann equation (5.17), for instance using the classical solutions built by
5 The Incompressible Euler Limit
Guo [62], we can prove the convergence to the incompressible Euler equations for general initial data. We indeed recall that nonlinear energy methods allow to build global smooth solutions to the Boltzmann equation for small data (see [62]) : Proposition 5.1.10 Consider the collision cross-section B of hard spheres. Given any initial data fin satisfying
(1 + |v|)1/2 Dxs fin√− M ≤δ
2 3
M L (R × R3 ) for s ≥ 4 and δ sufficiently small, there exists a unique classical solution f to the Boltzmann equation (5.17) with initial data fin (such that the previous norm remains bounded for all time). In particular it satisfies the local conservation laws as well as the local entropy inequality. Note that, for our asymptotic study, we do not need so much regularity : we will only require that the solutions of the Boltzmann equation to be considered satisfy the non uniform nonlinear estimate 2 Z 1 fε − M C M dv ≤ 2 a.e. on R+ × Ω 2 ε M ε The previous proposition just ensures that such solutions exist. Theorem 5.1.11 Let (fε,in ) be a family of nonnegative functions on Ω × R3 satisfying the scaling condition (5.15) 1 H(fε,in |M ) ≤ Cin . ε2 Without loss of generality, we further assume that the fluctuations (gε,in ) defined by fε,in = M (1 + εgε,in ) converge entropically (of order ε) to some gin : ZZ 1 1 2 M gin dvdx. (5.18) H(f |M ) → ε,in ε2 2 Let (fε ) be some family of solutions to the scaled Boltzmann equation (5.17) with q > 1, satisfying further 2 Z fε − M M dv ≤ C a.e. on R+ ×Ω . (5.19) M Then, up to extraction of a subsequence, the family of fluctuations (gε ) defined by fε = M (1 + εgε ) converges weakly to u · v + 12 θ |v|2 − 5 , where (u, θ) is the Lipschitz solution to the incompressible Euler equations ∂t u + u · ∇x u + ∇x p = 0, ∇x · u = 0 on R+ ×Ω, ∂t θ + u · ∇x θ = 0 on R+ ×Ω, 1 u(0, x) = P uin (x), θ(0, x) = (3θin − 2ρin ) on Ω, 5 as long as the latter does exist.
5.2 The Relative Entropy Method
Furthermore the difference gε − g behaves asymptotically in L1 as t t 1 2 gosc ( , x, v) = (ρosc , uosc , θosc )( , x) · 1, v, (|v| − 3) ε ε 2 where (ρosc , uosc , θosc ) is the solution of the acoustic system (5.45) stated in Section 5.4.1. Note that the purely kinetic part does not appear in that convergence statement since its contribution to the L1 norm is negligible. The entropic convergence we will establish is actually stronger.
5.2 The Relative Entropy Method 5.2.1 Description of the Strategy Our goal here is to establish the convergence of appropriately scaled families of solutions to the Boltzmann equation towards solutions of the incompressible Euler equations. The first result in the framework of renormalized solutions is due to Golse [16], and is based on the relative entropy method, which can be sketched as follows : • In terms of gε , the Boltzmann equation (5.17) become 1 1 Q(M gε , M gε ), εq ∂t gε + εq−1 v · ∇x gε + LM gε = ε M
where −LM denotes as previously the linearization of Boltzmann’s collision integral at the Maxwellian state M . Therefore, multiplying (5.21) by ε and letting ε → 0 suggests that gε converges in the sense of distributions to some infinitesimal Maxwellian g (see Proposition 3.2.2 in Chapter 3) : 1 g(t, x, v) = ρ(t, x) + u(t, x) · v + θ(t, x)(|v|2 − 3). 2 • Passing to the limit in the local conservations of mass and momentum leads then to ∇x · u = 0 and ∇x (ρ + θ) = 0, known as incompressibility and Boussinesq relations. • The core of the proof is therefore to establish a stability inequality on the modulated entropy of the same type as (5.11) :
5 The Incompressible Euler Limit
Z tZ 1 1 H f |M (t) + D(fε )dsdx ˜ ε (exp(ερ),ε ˜ u,exp(ε ˜ θ)) ε2 εq+3 0 Z tZ 1 1 ∂t exp(ε˜ ρ)dxds ≤ 2 H fε,in |M(exp(ερ˜in ),εu˜ in ,exp(εθ˜in )) + 2 εZ Z Z ε 0 t 2 1 1 |v − ε˜ u| ˜ − −3 fε 1, e−εθ (v − ε˜ u), ˜ ε θ ε 0 2 e ˜ ·Aε (˜ ρ, u ˜, θ)dvdxds Z ZZ 1 ˜ 1 t − 2 fε ∇x u ˜ : Φε + e 2 εθ ∇x θ˜ · Ψε dxdvds ε 0 denoting by Aε (ρ, u, θ) the acceleration operator (which differs from the incompressible Euler equations with temperature (5.20) by some penalization describing the acoustic waves), and by Φε and Ψε the kinetic momentum and energy fluxes - which are scaled translated variants of 1 Φ = v ⊗2 − |v|2 Id , 3 1 2 Ψ = v |v| − 5 . 2 We conclude then the proof of Theorem 5.1.8 by remarking that the rel2 ative entropy ε−2 H(fε |M(exp(ερ),ε ˜ ) controls asymptotically the L ˜ u,exp(ε ˜ θ)) ˜ norm of (ρ − ρ˜), (u − u ˜) and (θ − θ). • In the case when the incompressible Euler equations admit a smooth solution u, we have further 1 H fε |M(exp(ερ),εu,exp(εθ)) → 0 ε2 just by choosing ρ˜ = ρ, u ˜ = u and θ˜ = θ in the previous stability inequality, and thus the expected entropic convergence. In [16], the convergence of renormalized solutions of the scaled Boltzmann equation to solutions of the incompressible Euler equations is established assuming (i) the initial data to be well-prepared ρin = θin = ∇ · uin = 0, and thus choosing only test fields such that ρ˜ = θ˜ = ∇ · u ˜ = 0; (ii) some nonlinear estimate, namely (1 + |v|2 )
gε2 relatively weakly compact in L1loc (dtdx, w − L1 (M dv)) 1 + ε2 gε
which provides both a control on large velocities v, and some equiintegrability with respect to space variables x; and
5.2 The Relative Entropy Method
(iii) the local conservation of momentum which is not guaranteed for renormalized solutions of the Boltzmann equation — see Chapter 2 for a discussion of this particular point. Assumption (iii) was removed by Lions and Masmoudi in [75]; their argument uses the local conservation of momentum with matrix-valued defect measure satisfied by renormalized solutions of the Boltzmann equation (see Theorem 2.3.4 in Chapter 2). That this defect measure vanishes in the incompressible Euler limit will follow from the strong convergence result to be proved. Another, more serious difficulty is to circumvent the need for assumption (ii). Indeed we cannot hope to establish such a statement since, in incompressible inviscid regime, even at formal level, we have no control on the transport (ε∂t + v · ∇x )gε , and therefore no spatial regularity (as for the target equations). The idea is to introduce a suitable decomposition of the momentum flux, and to estimate each term in that decomposition either by the modulated entropy, or by the entropy dissipation. In other words, the argument is based on loop estimates instead of a priori estimates, and the conclusion follows from Gronwall’s inequality. This strategy based on Gronwall’s inequality has been first used in the framework of the BGK equation [93], and then adapted to the original Boltzmann equation [94] using refined dissipation estimates from [54] and [55] discussed in Chapter 3. Assumption (i) has been removed by the author in [95] under an additional integrability condition on the solutions to the scaled Boltzmann equation. It will be discussed in the last two sections of this chapter. In Section 5.4, we will indeed describe the (fast oscillating) acoustic waves arising when the thermodynamic fields are not well-prepared, i.e. when the incompressibility and Boussinesq constraints ∇ · u = 0,
∇(ρ + θ) = 0
are not satisfied initially. In Section 5.5, we will then deal with the relaxation layer arising when the initial velocity profile is not close to local thermodynamic equilibrium, i.e. when 1 H(fε,in |M(exp(ερin ),εuin ,exp(εθin )) ) ε2 does not converge to 0. In both cases, we will build refined approximate solutions such that the modulated entropy converges strongly to 0. Let us however point out that the convergence proof, in particular the estimate on the flux terms, requires some additional integrability condition on the solutions to the scaled Boltzmann equation. The suitable functional framework to study the Euler asymptotics is therefore slightly different from that defined in the previous chapters. Instead of defining the fluctuation relative to the global equilibrium M , we will consider the fluctuation relative to the local equilibrium
5 The Incompressible Euler Limit def
Mε = M(exp(ερ),ε ˜ ˜ u,exp(ε ˜ θ)) occuring in the modulated entropy, and use the properties of the linearized collision operator Lε defined by Lε g = −
2 Q (Mε , Mε g) , Mε
which can be easily deduced from the properties of LM by translation. Let us therefore introduce the suitable corresponding notations and basic estimates obtained for the scaled Boltzmann equation (5.17). Two important quantities are the renormalized fluctuation g˜ε and the renormalized collision integral q˜ε defined by ! r fε 2 −1 , g˜ε = ε Mε (5.23) p p 1 1 Q( Mε fε , Mε fε ) q˜ε = (q+3)/2 Mε ε for which the modulated entropy and the entropy dissipation give the following L2 bounds 2 k˜ gε k2L∞ (R+ ,L2 (Mε dvdx)) ≤ 2 H(fε |Mε ), ε ZZ 1 k˜ qε k2L2 (dtdxν −1 M dv) ≤ q+3 D(fε )(t, x)dtdx ≤ Cin ε ε ε
By some variant of Lemma 3.2.4 we further have the following relaxation bound k˜ gε − Πε g˜ε kL2 (Mε dv) = O(ε(q+1)/2 )L2t,x + O(ε)k˜ gε k2L2 (Mε dv) ,
where Πε denotes the orthogonal projection on the kernel of Lε . 5.2.2 The Stability Inequality in the Framework of Renormalized Solutions In order to establish the stability inequality leading to the entropic convergence stated in Theorem 5.1.8, the starting point is the derivation of the modulated entropy : Proposition 5.2.1 For any divergence free vector-field u ˜ ∈ Cc∞ (R+ ×Ω) such that n · u ˜|∂Ω = 0, denote def
Mε = M(1,εu,1) ˜ .
5.2 The Relative Entropy Method
Then, under the same assumptions as in Theorem 5.1.8, one has Z Z tZ 1 1 1 D(fε )(s, x)dxds H(f |M )(t) + tr(m )(t) + ε ε ε ε2 ε2 εq+3 0 Z Z tZ 1 1 A(˜ u) · (ε˜ u − v)fε (s, x, v)dvdxds ≤ 2 H(fε,in |Mε,in ) + ε Z Z ε 0 Z t 1 − 2 (∇x u ˜ + (∇x u ˜)T ) : mε (s) + (v − ε˜ u)⊗2 fε (s, x, v)dvdx ds 2ε 0 (5.26) with A(˜ u) = ∂t u ˜ + (˜ u · ∇x )˜ u. (5.27) Proof. Let us first recall the entropy inequality with defect measure (2.36) satisfied by renormalized solutions of the scaled Boltzmann equation (5.17) with specular reflection at the boundary: Z Z tZ 1 H(fε (t)|M ) + tr(mε )(t) + q+1 D(fε )(s, x)dsdx ≤ H(fε,in |M ) ε R3 0 (5.28) where mε ∈ L∞ (R+ , M(Ω, M3 (R))) is the momentum defect measure. By definition of the modulated entropy (5.14), we then have Z
H(fε |Mε )(t) +
Z tZ
D(fε )dsdx tr(mε )(t) + q+1 0 Z t ZZ ε d 1 2 2 ≤ H(fε,in |Mε,in ) + (ε u ˜ − 2εv · u ˜)fε (s, x, v)dvdxds 2 0 dt R3
From the continuity equation Z Z 1 ∂t fε dv + ∇x · vfε dv = 0 , ε and the conservation of momentum with defect measure Z Z 1 1 ∂t vfε dv + ∇x · v ⊗ vfε dv + ∇x · mε = 0 , ε ε we deduce that Z
Z tZ
H(fε |Mε )(t) + tr(mε )(t) + q+1 D(fε )dsdx 3 ε 0 ZR Z Z t ≤ H(fε,in |Mε,in ) + ε∂t u ˜ · (ε˜ u − v)fε (s, x, v)dvdxds Z Z tZ 0 1 2 − ε˜ u (s, x)∇x · vfε (s, x, v)dv dxds 2 0 Z Z tZ + u ˜ · ∇x · v ⊗ vfε (s, x, v)dvdx + mε (s, x) ds 0
5 The Incompressible Euler Limit
Integrating by parts (using the zero mass flux condition on u ˜ and the specular reflection for fε ), we get Z tZ Z 1 D(fε )dsdx H(fε |Mε )(t) + tr(mε )(t) + q+1 3 ε 0 Z Z ZR t ε∂t u ˜ · (ε˜ u − v)fε (s, x, v)dvdxds ≤ H(fε,in |Mε,in ) + Z Z t Z0 ε∇x u ˜:u ˜⊗ vfε (s, x, v)dv dxds + 0 Z Z tZ v ⊗ vfε (s, x, v)dvdx + mε (s, x) ds ∇x u ˜: − 0
This clearly implies Z tZ Z 1 H(fε |Mε )(t) + tr(mε )(t) + q+1 D(fε )dsdx ε R3 0 Z t ZZ ≤ H(fε,in |Mε,in ) + ε∂t u ˜ · (ε˜ u − v)fε (s, x, v)dvdxds 0 Z Z tZ − ∇x u ˜: (v − ε˜ u) ⊗ vfε (s, x, v)dvdx + mε (s, x) ds 0
or equivalently Z tZ 1 D(fε )dsdx tr(mε )(t) + q+1 ε 0 R3 Z Z Z t ≤ H(fε,in |Mε,in ) + ε∂t u ˜ · (ε˜ u − v)fε (s, x, v)dvdxds 0 Z Z tZ ⊗2 − ∇x u ˜: (v − ε˜ u) fε (s, x, v)dvdx + mε (s, x) dxds Z Z0 t Z − ε∇x u ˜: (v − ε˜ u) ⊗ u ˜fε (s, x, v)dv ds Z
H(fε |Mε )(t) +
Introducing the acceleration operator A(˜ u) leads therefore to the expected inequality. t u 5.2.3 The Stability Inequality Under the Additional Integrability Assumption Under the assumption (5.19) of Theorem 5.1.11, the previous modulated entropy inequality can be extended as follows : Proposition 5.2.2 Denote by Mε the fluctuation of Maxwellian defined by def
Mε = M(exp(ερ),ε ˜ ˜ u,exp(ε ˜ θ)) ˜ ∈ C ∞ (R+ ×Ω). for any (˜ ρ, u ˜, θ) c
5.2 The Relative Entropy Method
Then, any solution to the scaled Boltzmann equation (5.17) such that (5.19) holds, satisfies the following modulated entropy inequality Z tZ 1 D(fε )dsdx H (fε |Mε )(t) + q+1 ε 0Z Z t ∂t exp(ε˜ ρ)dxds ≤ H(fε,in |Mε,in ) + 0 Z t ZZ 1 −εθ˜ ˜ ˜ fε 1, e−εθ (v − ε˜ u), −ε e |v − ε˜ u|2 − 3 · Aε (˜ ρ, u ˜, θ)dvdxds Z Z2 Z t0 Z Z 1 ˜ fε ∇x u ˜ : Φε dxdv + fε e 2 εθ ∇x θ˜ · Ψε dxdvds − 0
(5.31) ˜ to be defined by (5.35). for some acceleration operator Aε (˜ ρ, u ˜, θ) Proof. Start from the entropy inequality satisfied by the solution of the scaled Boltzmann equation with specular reflection at the boundary: Z tZ 1 D(fε )(s, x)dsdx ≤ H(fεin |M ) (5.32) H(fε (t)|M ) + q+1 ε 0 By definition of the modulated entropy and of the approximate solution Mε , we then have Z tZ 1 D(fε )dsdx H (fε |Mε )(t) + q+1 ε 0Z Z Z t (5.33) ≤ H(fε,in |Mε,in ) + ∂t Mε dv dxds ZZ 0 Z t 3 1 1 d ˜ ε ρ˜ − θ˜ − e−εθ |v − ε˜ u|2 + |v|2 fε dvdxds − 2 2 2 0 dt with
Z Mε dv = exp(ε˜ ρ).
Now, let us point out that, under assumption (5.19), fε satisfies the local conservation laws. Then, using the continuity equation Z Z 1 ∂t fε dv + ∇x · vfε dv = 0 , ε the conservation of momentum Z Z 1 ∂t vfε dv + ∇x · v ⊗ vfε dv = 0 , ε and the conservation of energy Z Z 1 2 1 1 2 ∂t |v| fε dv + ∇x · |v| vfε dv = 0 , 2 ε 2
5 The Incompressible Euler Limit
as well as the boundary condition on Σ− fε (t, x, v) = fε (t, x, v − 2(v · n(x))n(x)) , and integrating by parts, we obtain ZZ 1 d 3 1 1 ˜ ε ρ˜ − θ˜ − e−εθ |v − ε˜ u|2 + |v|2 fε dvdx ε dt 2 2 2 ZZ 3˜ 3˜ 1 3˜ = fε ∂t ρ˜ − θ + (˜ u · ∇x ) ρ˜ − θ + (v − ε˜ u) · ∇x ρ˜ − θ dvdx 2 2 ε 2 ZZ 1 −εθ˜ + fε e (v − ε˜ u) · ∂t u ˜ + (˜ u · ∇x )˜ u + (v − ε˜ u) · ∇x u ˜ dvdx ε ZZ 1 1 −εθ˜ 2 ˜ ˜ ˜ fε e |v − ε˜ u| ∂t θ + (˜ u · ∇x )θ + (v − ε˜ u) · ∇x θ dvdx + 2 ε provided that u ˜ · n = 0 on ∂Ω. Let us then introduce the kinetic momentum and energy fluxes 1 ˜ u|2 Id , Φε = e−εθ (v − ε˜ u)⊗2 − |v − ε˜ (5.34) 3 1 − 3 εθ˜ ˜ 2 (v − ε˜ u) |v − ε˜ u|2 − 5eεθ Ψε = e 2 and recall that Φε and Ψε belong to the orthogonal complement of the kernel KerLε where Lε is the linearized collision operator at Mε . We have 1 ˜ ˜ ˜|v − ε˜ u|2 e−εθ ∇x u ˜ : (v − ε˜ u)⊗2 = ∇x u ˜ : Φε + e−εθ ∇x · u 3 1 ˜ 1 −εθ˜ ˜ 5 e ∇x θ · (v − ε˜ u)|v − ε˜ u|2 = e 2 εθ ∇x θ˜ · Ψε + ∇x θ˜ · (v − ε˜ u) 2 2 so that ZZ 3 1 1 1 d ˜ ε ρ˜ − θ˜ − e−εθ |v − ε˜ u|2 + |v|2 fε dvdx ε ZdtZ 2 2 2 3˜ 3˜ = fε ∂t ρ˜ − θ + (˜ u · ∇x ) ρ˜ − θ dvdx 2 2 ZZ 1 ˜ 5 ˜ 3 ˜ + fε e−εθ (v−ε˜ u)· ∂t u ˜ + (˜ u · ∇x )˜ u + eεθ ∇x ρ˜ − θ˜ + eεθ ∇x θ˜ dvdx ε 2ε 2 ZZ 2 1 −εθ˜ 2 fε e |v − ε˜ u| ∂t θ˜ + (˜ u · ∇x )θ˜ + ∇x · u ˜ dvdx + 2 ZZ 3 ZZ 1 ˜ 1 1 + fε ∇x u ˜ : Φε dxdv + fε e 2 εθ ∇x θ˜ · Ψε dxdv ε ε It is then natural to define the acceleration operator 1 ∂t ρ + (u · ∇x )ρ + ∇x · u ε εθ e −1 1 Aε (ρ, u, θ) = ∂ u + (u · ∇ )u + ∇ (ρ + θ) + ∇ (ρ + θ) x x x t ε ε 2 ∂t θ + (u · ∇x )θ + ∇x · u 3ε (5.35)
5.3 The Case of “Well-Prepared” Initial Data
so that the inequality can be recasted in suitable form ZZ 1 d 3˜ 1 −εθ˜ 1 2 2 ε ρ˜ − θ − e |v − ε˜ u| + |v| fε dvdx ε ZdtZ 2 2 2 1 ˜ ˜ −εθ 2 −εθ ˜ e |v − ε˜ u| − 3 · Aε (˜ ρ, u ˜, θ)dvdx = fε 1, e (v − ε˜ u), 2 ZZ ZZ 1 ˜ 1 1 + fε ∇x u ˜ : Φε dxdv + fε e 2 εθ ∇x θ˜ · Ψε dxdv ε ε Plugging this last inequality in (5.33) leads to the announced result. Note that the acceleration operator defined by (5.35) differs from the previous one (5.27) (defined for well-prepared initial data) by some penalization forcing the weak limit to satisfy the constraints ∇x · u = 0,
∇x (ρ + θ) = 0. t u
5.3 The Case of “Well-Prepared” Initial Data We first focus on the case of “well-prepared” initial data. In that case, we have only to consider test Maxwellians Mε = M(exp(ερ,ε ˜ = θ˜ = ∇ · u ˜ = 0. ˜ with ρ ˜ u,exp(ε ˜ θ)) We have then, considering any renormalized solution to (5.17) Z Z tZ 1 1 1 D(fε )(s, x)dxds tr(m )(t) + H(f |M )(t) + ε ε ε ε2 ε2 εq+3 0 Z tZ Z 1 1 ≤ 2 H(fε,in |Mε,in ) + A(˜ u) · (ε˜ u − v)fε (s, x, v)dvdxds ε Z Z ε 0 Z t 1 (∇x u ˜ + (∇x u ˜)T ) : mε (s) + Φε fε (s, x, v)dvdx ds − 2 2ε 0 with
1 Φε (v) = (v − ε˜ u)⊗2 − |v − ε˜ u|2 Id . 3
5.3.1 Control of the Flux Term We expect to deduce from that inequality the convenient stability inequality, provided that we are able to deal with the flux term, namely with Z t ZZ 1 − 2 (∇x u ˜ + (∇x u ˜)T ) : Φε fε (s, x, v)dvdxds 2ε 0
5 The Incompressible Euler Limit
Passing to the limit directly in the flux term requires a priori estimates that control the effect of large velocities v and entail equiintegrability with respect to x variables. Such a method fails therefore with this type of scaling since no uniform spatial regularity is known to hold a priori. The key idea is then to estimate the flux in terms of the modulated entropy and of the entropy dissipation, and then to conclude by Gronwall’s lemma. We have Proposition 5.3.1 Under the same assumptions as in Theorem 5.1.8, for all ¯ solenoidal vector field u ˜ ∈ Cc∞ ([0, t∗ ] × Ω), Z t ZZ 1 (∇x u ˜ + (∇x u ˜)T ) : Φε (fε − Mε )(s, x, v)dvdxds − 2 2ε Z 0 C t ≤ 2 k(∇x u ˜ + (∇x u ˜)T )kL2 ∩L∞ (Ω) H(fε |Mε )(s)ds + o(1) ε 0
Proof. The main idea behind this result is that the local thermodynamic equilibrium Mfε is expected to give a good approximation of the distribution fε in the fast relaxation limit, at least if the moments remain bounded. Now, for Maxwellian distributions, i.e. if fε = Mfε , the flux term can be computed explicitly in terms of the moments and estimated by the modulated entropy H(Mfε |Mε ) which is more or less equivalent to the L2 norm of the moments of Mfε − Mε : Z Z 1 H(Mfε |Mε ) = h (Rε − 1) (t, x)dx + Rε |Uε − ε˜ u|2 (t, x)dx 2 Z 3 Rε (Tε − log Tε − 1) (t, x)dx + 2 The difficulty to apply this strategy is to obtain a control on the relaxation to local Maxwellians. Indeed, in the case of the Boltzmann equation, the entropy production is not known to measure the distance between fε and Mfε in some suitable sense (see Chapter 3 for a brief discussion on that point). • The first step consists therefore in introducing a suitable decomposition of the flux term (as in the case of the Navier-Stokes limit), well adapted to the structure of the collision operator : Z Z 1 1 2 1 Φ (f − M )(t, x, v)dv = Φ M g ˜ + g ˜ (t, x, v)dv ε ε ε ε ε ε ε2 εZ 4 ε Z ˜ε Mε 1 Lε g˜ε (t, x, v)dv + 1 Φε Mε g˜ε2 (t, x, v)dv = Φ ε 4 ˜ε is the pseudo-inverse by Lε of Φε , which can be obtained from Φ ˜ where Φ defined in Remark 3.2.3 by translation.
5.3 The Case of “Well-Prepared” Initial Data
Then, using the identity p 1 2 p 1 Mε Lε g˜ε = − 2 Q( Mε fε , Mε fε ) + Q(Mε g˜ε , Mε g˜ε ) ε ε 2
which is the translated variant of (3.19) used in Chapter 3, we eventually arrive at the following decomposition Z Z 1 (q−1)/2 Φ (f − M )(t, x, v)dv = −2ε Φ˜ε Mε q˜ε (t, x, v)dv ε ε ε ε2 Z 1 + Φ˜ε Q(Mε g˜ε , Mε g˜ε )(t, x, v)dv 2Z (5.38) 1 + Φε Mε g˜ε2 (t, x, v)dv 4 def = I1 + I2 + I3 The term I1 measures in some sense the relaxation of fε to the manifold of local Maxwellians, and is controlled by (5.24) : ˜ε kL2 (ν M dv) , kI1 kL2 (dtdx) ≤ 2ε(q−1)/2 k˜ qε kL2 (dtdxνε−1 Mε dv) kΦ ε ε from which we conclude that I1 = o(1)L2 (dxdt)
Estimating the term I2 requires to obtain some further integrability (with respect to v) on g˜ε . Indeed, using the continuity of the collision operator, namely
≤ Ck˜ g kL2 (Mε dv) k˜ g kL2 (Mε (1+|v|)β dv) ,
Mε Q(Mε g˜, Mε g˜) 2 L (Mε νε−1 dv) we have kI2 (t)kL1 (dx) ≤ CkΦ˜ε kL2 (νε Mε dv) k(˜ gε )2 (t)kL1 (dx(1+|v|)β Mε dv) . Controlling the term I3 requires still further integrability (with respect to v) since Φε = O(|v|2 ) as |v| → ∞. kI3 (t)kL1 (dx) ≤ Ck(˜ gε )2 (t)kL1 (dx(1+|v|)2 Mε dv) . • We will obtain this additional integrability using the same arguments as in Lemma 3.2.5, namely the relaxation estimate (5.25) k˜ gε − Πε g˜ε kL2 (Mε dv) = O(ε(q+1)/2 )L2t,x + O(ε)k˜ gε k2L2 (Mε dv) , together with Young’s inequality. The crucial point is of course the fact that, by definition of Πε g˜ε , for all p < +∞
5 The Incompressible Euler Limit
(Πε g˜ε )2 = O
1 H(f |M ) . ε ε ε2 L1 (dx,Lp (Mε dv))
We first introduce some truncation fε γ˜ε = γ Mε where γ ∈ Cc∞ (R+ , [0, 1]) satisfies γ|[0,2] ≡ 1, so that 1 1/2 ε˜ γε g˜ε = O(1)L∞ , k˜ γε g˜ε kL2 (dxMε dv) = O H(fε |Mε ) . t,x,v ε For moderated tails, we have g˜ε − Πε g˜ε + γ˜ε g˜ε Πε g˜ε γ˜ε g˜ε2 = ε˜ γε g˜ε ε 1 H(fε |Mε ) + o(1)L2 (dtdxMε dv) =O ε2 L∞ (L1 (Lp (Mε dv)) t
for all p < 2. In particular 1 γ˜ε g˜ε2 (1 + |v|2 ) = O + o(1)L2 (dtdx,L1 (Mε dv)) H(f |M ) ε ε ε2 1 L∞ t (L (dxMε dv)) (5.40) On the other hand, by Young’s inequality, we have (1 + |v|)2 10 fε (1 + |v|)2 g˜ε2 (1 − γ˜ε ) ≤ 2 (1 − γ˜ε ) − 1 ε M ε 10 (5.41) (1+|v|)2 10 fε 10 ≤ 2h − 1 + 2 (1 − γ˜ε )2 e 10 ε Mε ε The first term in the right-hand side is controlled by the modulated entropy, whereas the second one is dealt with using again the relaxation estimate. We have indeed
1 − γ˜ε 1 1/2
= O H(f |M ) , (1 − γ˜ε ) = O(1)L∞ , ε ε
ε 2 t,x,v ε L (dxMε dv)
and 1 − γ˜ε ≤ (1 − γ˜ε )˜ gε ≤ (1 − γ˜ε )(˜ gε − Πε g˜ε ) + (1 − γ˜ε )Πε g˜ε ε 1 + o(ε)L2 (dtdxMε dv) =O H(fε |Mε ) ε 1 (dx,L2 (M dv)) L ε 1 +O H(fε |Mε ) ε2 L2 (dx,Lp (Mε dv)) for any p < +∞, from which we deduce that 2 (1+|v|)2 1 − γ˜ε 1 10 e =O H(fε |Mε ) + o(1)L2 (dtdx,L1 (Mε dv)) ε ε2 1 L∞ t (L (dxMε dv)) (5.42)
5.3 The Case of “Well-Prepared” Initial Data
• By (5.40), (5.41) and (5.42), we get finally 1 |I2 | + |I3 | = O H(fε |Mε ) + o(1)L2 (dtdx) ε2 L1 (dx)
Combining (5.38) with (5.39) and (5.43) leads then to Z 1 1 Φ (f − M )(t, x, v)dv = O H(f |M ) + o(1)L2 (dtdx) ε ε ε ε ε ε2 ε2 L1 (dx) which completes the proof of Proposition 5.3.1.
t u
5.3.2 Proof of Theorem 5.1.8 and Corollary 5.1.9 We deduce from (5.26) and (5.36) that Z Z tZ 1 1 1 H(f |M )(t) + tr(m )(t) + D(fε )dxds ε ε ε ε2 ε2 R3 εq+3 0 1 ≤ 2 H(fε,in |Mε,in ) + o(1) εZ t Z 1 1 H(f |M ) + tr(m ) (s)ds +C k∇x u ˜ + (∇x u ˜)T kL2 ∩L∞ ε ε ε ε2 ε2 Ω Z0t Z Z 1 + A(˜ u) · (ε˜ u − v)fε (s, x, v)dvdxds ε 0 Integrating next this differential inequality leads to Z Z tZ 1 1 1 H(f |M )(t) + tr(m )(t) + D(fε )dxds ε ε ε ε2 ε2 Ω Z εq+3 0 t 1 k∇x u ˜ + (∇x u ˜)T kL2 ∩L∞ (s)ds + o(1) ≤ 2 H(fε,in |Mε,in ) exp C 0 Z t ZZ Zε t v + exp C k∇x u ˜ + (∇x u ˜)T kL2 ∩L∞ (τ )dτ A(˜ u) · (˜ u − )fε dvdxds ε 0 s (5.44) ˜|∂Ω = 0. for any divergence free vector-field u ˜ ∈ Cc∞ (R+ ×Ω) such that n · u • In the general case, we will then deduce that any limit point of the sequence of scaled bulk velocities (uε ) is a dissipative solution to the incompressible Euler equations (5.1)(5.3). Let us first recall that, by Lemma 3.1.2 in Chapter 3, up to extraction of a subsequence, we have the convergences Z 1 uε = fε vdv * u weakly in L1loc (dtdx), ε Z Rε = fε dv → 1 strongly in L1loc (dtdx).
5 The Incompressible Euler Limit
Furthermore, taking limits in the local conservation of mass Z Z 1 ∂t fε dv + ∇x · fε vdv = 0 ε shows that ∇x · u = 0. In order to prove that u is a dissipative solution to the incompressible Euler equations (5.1)(5.3), it remains then to check that it satisfies the stability inequality (5.11). Denote as previously by Mfε the local Maxwellian having the same moments as fε . Simple computations give 1 1 1 H(fε |Mε ) = 2 H(Mfε |Mε ) + 2 H(fε |Mfε ) 2 ε ε ε Z 1 1 (uε − Rε u ˜)2 ≥ 2 H(Mfε |Mε ) ≥ dx , ε 2 Rε By convexity of the functional (R, u) 7→
(u − R˜ u)2 , R
since Rε → 1 and uε → u in the vague sense of measures, Z 1 1 (uε − Rε u ˜)2 ku − u ˜k2L2 (Ω) ≤ lim inf dx. ε→0 2 2 Rε Combining these inequalities with (5.44) leads then to 1 k(u − u ˜)(t)k2L2 (Ω) 2 Z t 1 T k∇x u ˜ + (∇x u ˜) kL2 ∩L∞ (s)ds ≤ lim inf 2 H(fε,in |Mε,in ) exp C ε→0 ε 0 Z Z Z t
k∇x u ˜ + (∇x u ˜)T kL2 ∩L∞ (τ )dτ
exp C 0
A(˜ u) · (˜ u − u)(s)dxds.
Then, from (5.16) and the identity ZZ 1 1 1 H(fε,in |Mε,in ) = 2 H(fε,in |M(1,εuin ,1) ) + fε,in (uin − u ˜in )2 dvdx ε2 ε 2 ZZ 1 + fε,in (v − εuin ) · (uin − u ˜in )dvdx ε 1 1 ˜in k2L2 (Ω) = 2 H(fε,in |M(1,εuin ,1) ) + kuin − u ε 2 ZZ 1 + (fε,in − M(1,εuin ,1) )(uin − u ˜in )2 dvdx 2 ZZ 1 + (fε,in − M(1,εuin ,1) )(v − εuin ) · (uin − u ˜in )dvdx ε
5.4 Taking into Account Acoustic Waves
we deduce, using Young’s inequality, that 1 1 H(fε,in |M(1,εu˜ in ,1) ) = kuin − u ˜in k2L2 (Ω) + o(1). ε2 2 Therefore 1 k(u − u ˜)(t)k2L2 (Ω) 2 Z t 1 ≤ kuin − u k∇x u ˜ + (∇x u ˜)T kL2 ∩L∞ (s)ds ˜in k2L2 (Ω) exp C 0 Z Z Z2 t
k∇x u ˜ + (∇x u ˜)T kL2 ∩L∞ (τ )dτ
exp C 0
A(˜ u) · (˜ u − u)(s)dxds.
for any divergence free vector-field u ˜ ∈ Cc∞ (R+ ×Ω) such that n · u ˜|∂Ω = 0. By a standard density argument, the previous inequality can be extended to any divergence free vector-field u ˜ ∈ L∞ ([0, t∗ ], L2 (Ω)) ∩ L1 ([0, t∗ ], H 1 ∩ W 1,∞ (Ω))) such that n·˜ u|∂Ω = 0. We conclude that u is a dissipative solution to (5.1)(5.3). • In the case where the incompressible Euler equations (5.1)(5.3) have a unique smooth solution u on [0, t∗ ] with initial data uin , we know of course that any dissipative solution of (5.1)(5.3) will coincide with u. In particular, the sequence of scaled bulk velocities (uε ) converge to u. We have furthermore the entropic convergence of the sequence (gε (t)) defined by fε = M (1 + εgε ) for all t ∈ [0, t∗ ]. Indeed, by the assumption (5.16) on the initial data, we see that 1 H(fε |M(1,εu,1) )(t) → 0 as ε → 0 . ε2
5.4 Taking into Account Acoustic Waves The proof of Theorem 5.1.11 requires some improvements of the relative entropy method developed previously. The main idea is that, in domains where the distribution is expected to present rapid variations, the formal hydrodynamic approximation is not relevant, and that correctors have to be added in order to obtain the convenient asymptotics. The point is indeed to obtain a refined decription of the asymptotics taking into account both the relaxation in the initial layer and the acoustic waves. Taking into account acoustic waves (and the heat equation) does not modify strongly the method since they only contribute to the hydrodynamic part of the distribution. We indeed recall from Section 5.2 that, under the addi˜ ∈ C ∞ (R+ ×Ω), denoting tional assumption (5.19), for any (˜ ρ, u ˜, θ) c
5 The Incompressible Euler Limit def
Mε = M(exp(ερ),ε ˜ , ˜ u,exp(ε ˜ θ)) we have the following modulated entropy inequality Z tZ 1 D(fε )dsdx H (fε |Mε )(t) + q+1 ε 0Z Z t ∂t exp(ε˜ ρ)dxds ≤ H(fε,in |Mε,in ) + 0 Z t ZZ 1 −εθ˜ −εθ˜ 2 ˜ fε 1, e (v − ε˜ u), −ε e |v − ε˜ u| − 3 · Aε (˜ ρ, u ˜, θ)dvdxds 2 0 ZZ Z t ZZ 1 ˜ fε ∇x u ˜ : Φε dxdv + fε e 2 εθ ∇x θ˜ · Ψε dxdvds − 0
for any solution to the Boltzmann equation satisfying the conservation laws. 5.4.1 Construction of Approximate Solutions by a Filtering Method We then have to construct a sequence of approximate solutions to the systems Aε (ρ, u, θ) = 0, or in other words to the systems 1 ∂t ρ + (u · ∇x )ρ + ∇x · u = 0, ε εθ e −1 1 ∂t u + (u · ∇x )u + ∇x (ρ + θ) + ∇x (ρ + θ) = 0, ε ε 2 ∂t θ + (u · ∇x )θ + ∇x · u = 0 3ε
More precisely, we will require that Aε (ρε , uε , θε ) → 0 in L2 (dtdx) as ε → 0.
One of the difficulty here (in comparison with classical penalization problems) is that we further need that these approximate solutions conserve the total mass at higher order Z 1 ∂t exp(ερε )dx → 0 in L1 (dt) as ε → 0. (5.47) ε2 (Note that, for exact solutions, the total mass is exactly conserved.) Such a construction is done by a filtering method (see [60] or [96] for instance), i.e. considering the family W εt (ρ, u, θ) where W is the semigroup generated by the linear penalization operator W defined by 2 W (ρ, u, θ) = ∇x · u, ∇x (ρ + θ), ∇x · u . 3
5.4 Taking into Account Acoustic Waves
The first order approximation is then obtained by taking (strong ) limits in the filtered system. Nevertheless, because of the high frequency oscillations, we do not expect the error in this first order approximation to converge strongly to 0. We therefore have to add some correctors (i.e. the second and third order approximations) in order to establish the convergence statements (5.46)(5.47). More precisely, we have the following Proposition 5.4.1 Let (ρin , uin , θin ) belong to H s (Ω) for some s > 52 . Then N N there exist some t∗ > 0, and some family (ρN ε , uε , θε ) satisfying the uniform bound N N sup lim k(ρN (5.48) ε , uε , θε )kL1 ([0,t∗ ],H s (Ω)) ≤ C N ∈N ε→0
and such that the following convergences hold as ε → 0 then N → ∞ : N N s (ρN ε,in , uε,in , θε,in ) → (ρin , uin , θin ) in H (dx),
N N 2 Aε (ρN ε , uε , θε ) → 0 in L (dtdx), Z 1 1 ∂t exp(ερN ε )dx → 0 in L (dt). ε2
(5.50) (5.51)
Proof. Since the proof of that proposition is very technical, we will only sketch the main arguments here, and refer to [95] for the details. Let us first introduce some notations to recast the system Aε (ρ, u, θ) = 0 in a suitable form. For any V = (ρ, u, θ) we define the symmetric bilinear form B by (u · ∇x )ρ B(V, V ) = (u · ∇x )u + θ∇x (ρ + θ) (u · ∇x )θ We are therefore interested in the (approximate) solutions to 0 1 ∂t V + W V + B(V, V ) = − ε1 (eεθ − 1 − εθ)∇x (ρ + θ) ε 0 which are also approximate solutions (in the sense of (5.50)) to 1 ∂t V + W V + B(V, V ) = 0 ε provided that V is uniformly bounded in L∞ ([0, t∗ ], W 1,∞ ∩ L2 (Ω)). Let us also recall that we further need that these approximate solutions satisfy some global conservation of mass (5.51).
5 The Incompressible Euler Limit
• We first conjugate the system by the semi-group W εt generated by W t t ∂t W V +W B(V, V ) = 0, ε ε or equivalently t t ˜ t ˜ B W − V ,W − V =0 (5.52) ε ε ε denoting by V˜ the filtered field V˜ = W εt V . We therefore expect the solutions (and approximate solutions) to (5.52) to have a very different behaviour depending on the nature of the spectrum of W . In the case when Ω is a smooth bounded domain, (Id − ∆)−1 is a compact operator with discrete spectrum, from which we deduce that W has discrete spectrum. The (formal) limit system depends therefore on the resonances between acoustic modes. In the case when Ω is an exterior domain, the Laplacian has continuous spectrum and one can prove using dispersion properties that the corresponding acoustic waves converge strongly to 0. For the sake of simplicity, we will focus here on the case of bounded domains (or of the torus T3 ). We will denote by (iλk ) the sequence of eigenvalues of W corresponding to the boundary condition of Neumann type ∂t V˜ + W
u · n = 0 on ∂Ω, and by Πλ the projection on Ker(W − λId). • At leading order, we then obtain ∂t V˜0 + BW (V˜0 , V˜0 ) = 0. denoting by BW the limiting quadratic operator defined by X X BW = Πλk B(Πλk1 ·, Πλk2 ·).
k λk1 +λk2 =λk
An algebraic computation (which is the basic argument in the compensated compactness method, see [77] or Proposition 4.3.2 in the previous chapter) shows that, for all λ, µ 6= 0 Π0 B(Πλ V˜0 , Πµ V˜0 ) = 0. Indeed we have the following formula for Π0 3θ − 2ρ 2ρ − 3θ , P u, . Π0 (ρ, u, θ) = 5 5
5.4 Taking into Account Acoustic Waves
Then, with the notations Πλ V˜0 = (ρλ , uλ , θλ ) and Πµ V˜0 = (ρµ , uµ , θµ ), we get (uλ · ∇x )ρµ +(uµ · ∇x )ρλ 1 Π0 B(Πλ V˜0 , Πµ V˜0 ) = Π0 (uλ · ∇x )uµ +(uµ · ∇x )uλ + 52 θµ ∇x θλ + 25 θλ ∇x θµ 2 (uλ · ∇x )θµ +(uµ · ∇x )θλ (uλ · ∇x )(2ρµ − 3θµ ) + (uµ · ∇x )(2ρλ − 3θλ ) 1 5P ((uλ · ∇x )uµ + (uµ · ∇x )uλ ) = 10 (u · ∇ )(3θ − 2ρ ) + (u · ∇ )(3θ − 2ρ ) λ x µ µ µ x λ λ 0 1 = P (∇x (uλ · uµ ) − uµ ∧ (∇x ∧ uλ ) − uλ ∧ (∇x ∧ uµ )) 2 0 (5.55) since ∇x ∧ uλ = 0 and 3θλ − 2ρλ = 0. In other words the equation governing the non-oscillating part can be decoupled from the rest of the system ∂t Π0 V˜0 + Π0 B(Π0 V˜0 , Π0 V˜0 ) = 0, which can be rewritten ¯ = 0, ∂t ρ¯ + (¯ u · ∇x )¯ ρ = 0, ∇x (¯ ρ + θ) ∂t u ¯ + (¯ u · ∇x )¯ u + ∇x p = 0, ∇x · u ¯ = 0,
¯ = Π0 V˜0 = Π0 V0 . Note in particular that where (¯ ρ, u ¯, θ) Z ∂t ρ¯dx = 0. A classical study based on harmonic analysis allows to prove that (5.53) has ∗ s s a unique strong solution V0 ∈ L∞ loc ([0, t ), H (Ω)) provided that Vin ∈ H (Ω) 5 for s > 2 . The point is to check that X kV k2H s (Ω) ∼ kΠ0 V k2H s (Ω) + (1 + λ2k )s kΠk V k2L2 (Ω) k
which comes from the fact that the acoustic operator acts as a derivation on the orthogonal complement of its kernel. For that solution, we also have a uniform bound on the time derivative ∗ s−1 ∂t V˜0 ∈ L∞ (Ω)). loc ([0, t ), H Remarking that, for all λ 6= 0, Z Z Z 1 1 (∇x · uλ )dx = uλ · ndσx = 0, ρλ dx = iλ iλ ∂Ω we get, denoting (ρ0 , u0 , θ0 ) = V0 = W − εt V˜0 , Z Z ∂t ρ0 dx = ∂t ρ¯dx = 0.
5 The Incompressible Euler Limit
Furthermore, denoting by JN the projection on the N first eigenmodes, 1,∞ ∗ s ∗ s−1 V˜0 − JN V˜0 → 0 as N → ∞ in L∞ (Ω)), loc ([0, t ), H (Ω)) ∩ Wloc ([0, t ), H
ρN 0 dx
Z =
ρ0 dx.
Note however that V˜0 (and consequently V˜0N = JN V˜0 ) is not an approximate solution to (5.52) in the sense of (5.50). We have indeed t ˜N t ˜N t B W − V0 , W − V0 ∂t V˜0N +W ε ε ε ˜0 , V˜0 ) + BW (V˜0N − V˜0 , V˜0N + V˜0 ) = (Id−JN )B ( V W t ˜N t ˜N t B W − V0 , W − V0 − BW (V˜0N , V˜0N ) +W ε ε ε where the last term is expected to be an oscillating term, that is to converge weakly but not strongly to 0. We therefore need to add some correctors. • The second order approximation V1N is defined by X exp itε (λk − λk1 − λk2 ) V˜1N = JN Πλk B(Πλk1 V˜0N , Πλk2 V˜0N ) i(λk1 + λk2 − λk ) λk1 +λk2 6=λk
From the bounds on V˜0 (which are clearly inherited by V˜0N ) and the definition of B, we deduce that, for all N > 0 and all σ > 0 ∗ σ V˜1N in L∞ loc ([0, t ), H (Ω))
(with an estimate depending on N ), and that, for all t < t∗ sup lim kV˜0N + εV˜1N kL∞ ([0,t],H s (Ω)) ≤ CkV˜0 kL∞ ([0,t∗ ],H s (Ω)) .
N ∈N ε→0
It remains then to check that V˜0N + εV˜1N is an approximate solution to (5.52) in a strong sense. −t ˜ N −t ˜ N t N N N N ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ B W (V0 + εV1 ), W (V0 + εV1 ) ∂t (V0 + εV1 ) + W ε ε ε N = (Id − JN )BW (V˜0 , V˜0 ) + BW (V˜0N − V˜0 , V˜0 + V˜0 ) X t +(Id − JN ) exp i (λk − λk1 − λk2 ) Πλk B(Πλk1 V˜0N , Πλk2 V˜0N ) ε k1 +λk2 6=λk λ t ˜N t t N N ˜ ˜ B W − V1 , W − (2V0 + εV1 ) +εW ε ε ε it X exp − ε (λk1 + λk2 − λk ) −2εJN Πλk B(Πλk1 ∂t V˜0N , Πλk2 V˜0N ) i(λk − λk1 − λk2 ) λk1 +λk2 6=λk
5.4 Taking into Account Acoustic Waves
From the uniform bound on V˜0N and the convergence V˜0N → V˜0 we deduce that the first three terms in the right-hand side of the previous identity go to zero as N → ∞. For fixed N , using the (non-uniform) estimates on V˜0N and V˜1N and the bound from below on |λk − λk1 − λk2 |, we obtain that the three other terms go to zero as ε → 0. We conclude that t t t B W − (V˜0N + εV˜1N ), W − (V˜0N + εV˜1N ) ∂t (V˜0N + εV˜1N ) + W ε ε ε ∗ s−1 goes to zero in L∞ (Ω)) as ε → 0 then N → ∞. loc ([0, t ), H
In other words (V˜0N +εV˜1N ) is an approximate solution to (5.52) in the sense of (5.50). However it does not satisfy the (approximate) global conservation of mass (5.51). Indeed we have proved that the oscillating modes have zero total mass (see (5.57)) and that the equation governing the non-oscillating part of V˜0 is conservative, from which we deduce that the first three terms in the righthand side of (5.58) have no contribution to the variation of the total mass. But the last two terms are expected to give some variation of the total mass of order ε, which is not admissible for (5.51) to hold. • We therefore have to build some third order approximation V˜2N , which is done by the same process, using the fact that the only contribution to the total mass comes from the non-oscillating part. We skip that part of the construction and refer to [95] for the details. Defining t N N (ρN , u , θ ) = W − (V˜0N + εV˜1N + ε2 V˜2N ) ε ε ε ε we then check easily that the uniform bound (5.48) and the convergences (5.49)(5.50) and (5.51) are satisfied. t u 5.4.2 Control of the Flux Term and Proof of Convergence The conclusion is then very similar to the “well-prepared” case. We start by estimating the momentum and energy fluxes in terms of the modulated entropy and entropy dissipation : Proposition 5.4.2 Under the same assumptions as in Theorem 5.1.11, for ˜ ∈ C ∞ ([0, t∗ ] × Ω) ¯ such that n · u any (˜ ρ, u ˜, θ) ˜|∂Ω = 0, c Z t ZZ Z t ZZ 1 ˜ 1 1 − 2 fε ∇x u ˜ : Φε dxdvds − 2 fε e 2 εθ ∇x θ˜ · Ψε dxdvds ε 0 ε 0 Z (5.59) C t ˜ ≤ 2 kDx (˜ u, θ)(s)kL2 ∩L∞ (Ω) H(fε |Mε )(s)ds + o(1) ε 0 ˜ where the constant C depends only on the L∞ norm of (˜ ρ, u ˜, θ).
5 The Incompressible Euler Limit
Proof. The proof relies on the same type of decomposition of the fluxes : Z Z 1 (q−1)/2 Φ (f − M )(t, x, v)dv = −2ε Φ˜ε Mε q˜ε (t, x, v)dv ε ε ε ε2 Z 1 + Φ˜ε Q(Mε g˜ε , Mε g˜ε )(t, x, v)dv 2Z 1 Φε Mε g˜ε2 (t, x, v)dv , + 4 and 1 ε2
Z Ψε (fε − Mε )(t, x, v)dv = −2ε(q−1)/2 Ψ˜ε Mε q˜ε (t, x, v)dv Z 1 + Ψ˜ε Q(Mε g˜ε , Mε g˜ε )(t, x, v)dv 2Z 1 + Ψε Mε g˜ε2 (t, x, v)dv . 4
The difficulty comes from the fact that Ψε = O(|v|3 ) as |v| → ∞, and that moments of order 3 cannot be controlled by the modulated entropy via Young’s inequality. Instead of the controls (5.41) on large velocities, we will therefore use the additional (non uniform) a priori estimate (5.19) on large tails. We have indeed for all p < 1 1/(1−p) !1−p 2p Z 2 p Z Z fε Mρ fε dv dv dv ≤ Mε Mε M M2p−1 ε ≤ Cp provided that ε is sufficiently small (depending on p), since the moments of Mε differ from those of M by quantities of order ε. We then have 4p 4p ε˜ gε = O(1)L∞ and thus ε(˜ gε − Π g˜ε ) = O(1)L∞ . t,x (L (Mε dv)) t,x (L (Mε dv))
On the other hand, the relaxation estimate states q+1 1 1 1/2 + εO g˜ε − Πε g˜ε = ε 2 O D(f ) H(f |M ) ε ε ε q+3 ε2 ε 2 L2 (Mε dv) L1x (L2 (Mε dv)) Coupling both estimates leads finally to the following control on large velocities g˜ε2
D(fε )
L 2p+1 (Mε dv)
1 +O 2 H(fε |Mε ) 4p ε L1 (dx,L 2p+1 (Mε dv))
From that weighted L2 estimate on g˜ε and the bound on q˜ε coming from the entropy dissipation, we finally deduce that
5.4 Taking into Account Acoustic Waves
1 ε2
Z Φε (fε − Mε )(t, x, v)dv = ε
1/2! D(fε )dx
ε(q+3)/2 1 +O 2 H(fε |Mε ) , ε L1 (dx)
L2 (dx)
and 1 ε2
Ψε (fε − Mε )(t, x, v)dv = ε(q−1)/2 O
ε(q+3)/2 1 +O 2 H(fε |Mε ) . ε L1 (dx)
1/2! D(fε )dx L2 (dx)
which is the convenient form to apply Gronwall’s lemma. Note that the condition (5.19) is actually a very strong assumption, which could be relaxed since we only need to control the third moment of the distribution. t u We then establish the convergence result stated in Theorem 5.1.11 in the case of well-prepared velocity profiles 1 gin = ρin + uin · v + θin (|v|2 − 3) 2
by the same arguments as in paragraph 5.3.2. • Combining (5.31) and (5.59), and integrating the resulting differential inequality, we get by Gronwall’s lemma Z tZ 1 1 H(fε |Mε )(t) + q+3 D(fε )dxds ε2 ε 0 Z t 1 ˜ k∇x u ˜kL2 ∩L∞ +k∇x θkL2 ∩L∞ ds +o(1) ≤ 2 H(fε,in |Mε,in ) exp C 0 Z t Zε t ˜ − exp C k∇x u ˜kL2 ∩L∞ + k∇x θkL2 ∩L∞ dτ 0 ZZ s 1 −εθ˜ 2 −εθ˜ ˜ ε dvdxds e |v − ε˜ u| − 3 · Aε (˜ ρ, u ˜, θ)f 1, e (v − ε˜ u), 2 (5.62) ˜ ∈ C ∞ (R+ ×Ω) such that n · u for any (˜ ρ, u ˜, θ) ˜ = 0. |∂Ω c N N • Plugging the approximate solution (ρN ε , uε , θε ) built in Proposition 5.4.1 in Gronwall’s inequality (5.62) N N MN ε = M(exp(ερN ε ),εuε ,exp(εθε ))
5 The Incompressible Euler Limit
leads then to 1 ∞ ∗ H(fε |MN ε ) → 0 in Lloc ([0, t )) as ε → 0 then N → ∞. ε2
We first prove that the first term in the right-hand side of (5.62) converges to 0 as ε → 0 then N → ∞. Denoting Mε,in = M(exp(ερin ),εuin ,exp(εθin )) we have the identity N H(fε,in |MN ε,in ) = H Z Z(fε,in |Mε,in )+H Mε,in |Mε,in Mε,in dvdx + (fε,in − Mε,in ) log MN ε,in We therefore obtain (5.63) from the assumptions on the initial data (5.18) (5.61) and the convergence statement (5.49) N N (ρN ε,in , uε,in , θε,in ) → (ρin , uin , θin )
which implies in particular that 1 H Mε,in |MN ε,in → 0 . 2 ε The convergence of the two other terms in the right-hand side of (5.62) is obtained by combining the uniform bound (with respect to ε and N ) N kDx (uN ε , θε )kL∞ ([0,t],L2 ∩L∞ (Ω)) ≤ C
with the convergence statements (5.50) and (5.51) : Z 1 N N ∂t exp(ερN Aε (ρN ε )dx → 0, ε , uε , θε ) → 0. ε2 • From the entropic convergence (5.63) we deduce the convergence of the moments stated in Theorem 5.1.11 by the same type of functional inequalities as in paragraph 5.3.2. We indeed recall that, by Lemma 3.1.2 in Chapter 3, up to extraction of a subsequence, we have the convergences Z 1 1 ρε = (fε − M )dv → ρ weakly in L∞ loc (dt, Lloc (dx)), ε Z 1 1 uε = fε vdv * u weakly in L∞ loc (dt, Lloc (dx)), ε
5.5 Taking into Account the Knudsen Layer
1 1 (fε − M )(|v|2 − 3)dv * θ weakly in L∞ loc (dt, Lloc (dx)). 3ε Furthermore, taking limits in the local conservations of mass and momentum Z Z 1 ∂t fε dv + ∇x · fε vdv = 0 ε Z Z 1 ∂t fε vdv + ∇x · fε v ⊗2 dv = 0 ε shows that ∇x · u = 0, ∇x (ρ + θ) = 0. θε =
We further have 1 1 H(fε |Mε ) ≥ 2 H(Mfε |Mε ) ε2 Zε N ≥ exp(ερN ε )h Rε exp(−ερε ) − 1 (t, x)dx Z N 1 2 + Rε e−εθε |Uε − εuN ε | (t, x)dx 2Z 3 + Rε Tε exp(−εθεN ) − log(Tε exp(−εθεN )) − 1 (t, x)dx 2 with Rε = 1 + ερε ,
Uε = εuε + O(ε2 ) and Tε = 1 + εθε + O(ε2 ).
We therefore have ∞ 1 ρε − ρN ε → 0 strongly in Lloc (dt, Lloc (dx)), ∞ 1 uε − uN ε → 0 strongly in Lloc (dt, Lloc (dx)), 1 θε − θεN → 0 strongly in L∞ loc (dt, Lloc (dx)). N N Moreover, by construction of (ρN ε , uε , θε ), we know that it converges weakly ¯ to the solution (¯ ρ, u ¯, θ) of the incompressible Euler equations (5.56). This concludes the proof in the case when the initial data is close to thermodynamic equilibrium (5.61), i.e. in the case when there is no relaxation layer.
5.5 Taking into Account the Knudsen Layer For general initial data, the purely kinetic part of the solution to the Boltzmann equation is expected to converge to 0 exponentially in time, in 1 particular in L1loc (dtdxdv), but not in L∞ loc (dt, Lloc (dxdv)). In order to consider the relaxation process in the relative entropy method, one thus has to construct a refined approximation fapp , and then to introduce it in the modulated entropy inequality (5.31). This requires in particular to also modulate the entropy dissipation.
5 The Incompressible Euler Limit
5.5.1 The Refined Stability Inequality Proposition 5.5.1 Denote by fapp some smooth function on [0, t∗ ] × Ω × R3 satisfying the boundary condition fapp (t, x, v) = fapp (t, x, v − 2(v · n(x))n(x)) on Σ − . Then, any solution to the scaled Boltzmann equation (5.17) such that (5.19) holds satisfies the following modulated entropy inequality Z tZ 1 in D(fε |fapp )dsdx ≤ H(fεin |fapp ) H(fε |fapp )(t) + q+1 ε 0 Z t ZZ 1 1 g˜ε ∂t fapp + v · ∇x fapp − q+1 Q(fapp , fapp ) dvdxds −ε ε ε 0 Z tZ Z Z Z 1 0 0 0 0 + q−1 (˜ gε g˜ε1 − g˜ε g˜ε1 ) fapp fapp1 − fapp fapp1 Bdvdv1 dσdxds 4ε 0 (5.64) where g˜ε denotes the fluctuation g˜ε =
1 fε − fapp , ε fapp
and D(fε |fapp ) is the modulated entropy dissipation defined by ! ZZ 0 fapp fapp1 1 fε0 fε1 0 0 D(fε |fapp ) = (fε fε1 − fε fε1 ) log 0 f0 4 fε fε1 fapp app1 −
0 0 fapp fapp1
− fapp fapp1
! 0 fε0 fε1 fε fε1 Bdvdv1 dσ. − 0 f0 fapp fapp fapp1 app1 (5.65)
Remark 5.5.2 Note that the integrand arising in the definition of the modulated entropy dissipation is always nonnegative, which is crucial to get some stability. We have indeed 0 0 0 ZZZ 0 fapp fapp1 1 fε fε1 D(fε |fapp ) = fε fε1 k −k 4 fapp f0 ε f0 ε1 0 fapp1 0 0 0 fapp fapp1 fε fε1 fapp fapp1 − − k0 Bdvdv1 dσ fε fε1 fapp fapp1 fapp fapp1 where k is the convex function defined by k(z) = (z − 1) log z. This has naturally to be compared with the definition (5.14) of the modulated entropy ZZ H(fε |fapp ) = fapp (h(fε − 1) − h(fapp − 1) − (fε − fapp )h0 (fapp − 1)) dvdx with h(z) = (1 + z) log(1 + z) − z.
5.5 Taking into Account the Knudsen Layer
Proof. Start from the entropy inequality (5.32) satisfied by the solution of the scaled Boltzmann equation with specular reflection at the boundary: Z tZ 1 D(fε )(s, x)dsdx ≤ H(fε,in |M ) H(fε (t)|M ) + q+1 ε 0 By definition of the modulated entropy (5.14), we then have H (fε |fapp )(t) +
Z tZ
D(fε )dsdx εq+1Z 0 Z Z t 1 log fapp ∂t + v · ∇x fε dvdxds ≤ H(fε,in |fapp,in ) − 0 ε Z t ZZ fε 1 − −1 ∂t + v · ∇x fapp dvdxds fapp ε 0
using the specular reflection on the boundary for fε and fapp . Now, for solutions of the Boltzmann equation satisfying (5.19), the collision term Q(fε , fε ) makes sense, and the kinetic equation (5.17) holds in the sense of distributions. We thus have Z t ZZ 1 − log fapp ∂t + v · ∇x fε dvdxds 0 Z t ZZ ε 1 = − q+1 (log fapp )Q(fε , fε )dvdxds ε 0 ! Z Z Z ZZ t 1 f f app app1 0 = − q+1 (fε0 fε1 − fε fε1 ) log Bdvdv1 dσdxds 0 f0 4ε fapp 0 app1 using the classical symmetries of the collision integrand. In the same way, we have Z t ZZ fε 1 − −1 ∂t + v · ∇x fapp dvdxds fapp ε 0 Z t ZZ 1 fε − fapp 1 =− ∂t fapp + v · ∇x fapp − q+1 Q(fapp , fapp ) dvdxds fapp ε ε 0 Z t ZZZZ 1 0 0 + q+1 fapp fapp1 − fapp fapp1 4ε 0 ! 0 fε0 fε1 fε fε1 + 0 − − Bdvdv1 dσdxds 0 fapp fapp1 fapp fapp1 Z t ZZ fε − fapp 1 1 =− ∂t fapp + v · ∇x fapp − q+1 Q(fapp , fapp ) dvdxds ε ε 0 Z Z Z ZfZapp t 0 1 0 0 0 + q fapp fapp1 −fapp fapp1 (˜ gε +˜ gε1 −˜ gε −˜ gε1 )Bdvdv1 dσdxds 4ε 0
5 The Incompressible Euler Limit
Plugging both identities in (5.66) leads then to Z tZ 1 D(fε |fapp )dsdx ≤ H(fε,in |fapp,in ) H (fε |fapp )(t) + q+1 ε 0 Z t ZZ fε − fapp 1 1 − ∂t fapp + v · ∇x fapp − q+1 Q(fapp , fapp ) dvdxds ε ε 0 ZZ Z tZ Zfapp 1 0 0 0 + q+1 fapp fapp1 − fapp fapp1 (˜ gε g˜ε1 − g˜ε0 g˜ε1 )Bdvdv1 dσdxds 4ε 0 t u
which is the expected inequality. 5.5.2 Construction of An Approximate Solution
The next step is to construct suitable approximate solutions fapp . Let us recall that, in the initial layer, the dominating process is expected to be the relaxation, so that the transport can be neglected in first approximation. We thus solve the homogeneous equation ∂t f =
1 εq+1
Q(f, f ), (5.67)
f (x)|t=0 = fin (x). using a fixed point argument in some functional space with exponential time decay (see [59] for the well-posedness of (5.67) and Appendix B2 of [95] for the suitable relaxation estimate). One of the difficulty here is that we further need to control the dependence with respect to the spatial variable x, to get some uniform bound on Z 1 τε kv · ∇x log fapp (s)kL∞ (Ω,Lp0 (fapp dv)) ds ε2 0 for some τε characterizing the size of the initial layer and some p0 > 2 to be determined later. What can be proved is the following Proposition 5.5.3 Let (fε,in ) be some sequence of initial data such that the sequence of fluctuations (gε,in ) defined by fε,in = M (1 + εgε,in ) converges entropically to some gin ∈ L2 (M dvdx), i.e. such that ZZ 1 H(fε,in |M ) → M (gin )2 dxdv. (5.68) ε2 Then there exists some family (fεN ) of nonnegative functions satisfying approximatively the homogeneous Boltzmann equation as ε → 0 then N → ∞ ∂t fεN −
1 εq+1
Q(fεN , fεN ) → 0 in L2 (dtdx, Lp (fεN dv))
5.5 Taking into Account the Knudsen Layer
with suitable initial data 1 N H(fε,in |fε,in ) → 0. ε2 It furthermore satisfies the relaxation estimate
Z t
f N 0f N 0
ε ε,1
− 1
∞ εq+1 0 fεN fε,1 p0 N N
ds → 0,
and the regularity estimate
v · ∇x log fεN 2 ≤ Cε uniformly in time, L (dx,Lp0 (f N dv))
(Ω,L (fε fε,1 Bdvdv1 dσ))
for some p0 > 4. Sketch of the Proof of Proposition 5.5.3. The proof of the previous result is very technical and can be found in [95]. We just give here the main ideas. In order to build the approximate solution we need, we start from the solution of the homogeneous Boltzmann equation (5.67) with some smooth initial data, then truncate the contribution of large velocities to get a Maxwellian bound from below on fεN . • The first step consists therefore in choosing some suitable initial data. In order that the solution to (5.67) has good decay properties with respect to v and a smooth dependence with respect to x (which is now a simple parameter), it is enough to impose such conditions on the initial data. N The approximate initial data fε,in is therefore obtained by some spatial regularization and some truncation of large velocities, such that 1 N H(fε,in |fε,in ) → 0 as ε → 0 then N → ∞. ε2 Standard results on the collision operator ensure then that the regularity in x, and decay in v are propagated, and that the corresponding solution f˜εN of (5.67) tends exponentially in (t/εq+1 ) to local equilibrium. • In order to have a bound from below on fεN , we then need to truncate large velocities fεN = (f˜εN − Mf˜N )1|v|2 ≤K| log ε| + Mf˜N . ε
For ε sufficiently small, we can prove that the approximate solution fεN satisfies N N fε,in = f˜ε,in and satisfies both (5.71) and (5.72). However the homogeneous Boltzmann equation (5.67) is no longer satisfied : it remains then to check that (5.69) holds. The conclusion follows from standard estimates on the tails of Maxwellian distributions and a suitable choice of the truncation parameter K. t u
5 The Incompressible Euler Limit
5.5.3 Control of the Flux Term and Proof of Convergence The previous estimates on the sequence of approximate solutions to the homogeneous Boltzmann equation (5.67) should allow to control the different terms in the entropy inequality (5.64) provided that the fluctuation g˜ε defined by g˜ε =
1 fε − fεN , ε fεN
can be estimated in terms of the scaled relative entropy ε−2 H(fε |fεN ) in a suitable norm. • Because fεN is bounded from up and below by some Maxwellians, the same arguments as in the proof of Proposition 5.4.2 show that, under the assumption (5.19), for all p < 43 , there exists Cp > 0 such that k˜ gε k2L2 (Ω,Lp (fεN dv)) ≤
Cp H(fε |fεN ) + o(1). ε2
Equipped with these preliminary results, we are now able to achieve the proof of Theorem 5.1.11 in the general case. Actually we will prove that on a thin time layer, the distribution becomes close to local thermodynamic equilibrium in the following sense 1 H(fε (τε )|Mε,in ) → 0 for some τε → 0 as ε → 0, ε2 where Mε,in is the initial local thermodynamic equilibrium Mε,in = M(exp(ερin ),εuin ,exp(εθin )) . Then, we will use the results of the previous section, combined with the continuity with respect to time of the solutions to the system (5.45), to obtain the convergence on the time interval [τε , t∗ ). • Combining Proposition 5.5.1 and estimate (5.73) leads to the following inequality Z tZ 1 1 1 N N H(f |f D(fε |fεN )dsdx ≤ 2 H(fε,in |fε,in )(t) + ) ε ε ε2 εq+3 0 ε Z ZZ 1 t 1 1 − g˜ε ∂t fεN + v · ∇x fεN − q+1 Q(fεN , fεN ) dvdxds ε 0 ε ε
Z t N0 N 0
Cp 1
fε fε,1
+ q+1 H(fε |fεN )(s)ds
N 0 N − 1 2
∞ 2ε ε 0 fε fε,1 0 p N N L
(Ω,L (fε fε,1 Bdvdv1 dσ))
5.5 Taking into Account the Knudsen Layer
Integrating next this differential inequality leads to Z tZ 1 1 N D(fε |fεN )dvdxds H(fε |fε )(t) + q+3 ε2 ε 0 1 N ) exp χN ≤ 2 H(fε,in |fε,in ε (0, t) εZ ZZ 1 t 1 1 N N N N N + exp χε (s, t) g˜ε ∂t fε + v · ∇x fε − q+1 Q(fε , fε ) dvdxds ε 0 ε ε (5.74) where χN is the function defined by ε
Z t
f N 0f N 0
ε ε,1
N ds. χε (s, t) = q+1
N 0 N − 1
∞ 2ε f f s ε ε,1 p0 N N L
(Ω,L (fε fε,1 Bdvdv1 dσ))
Using the estimates on fεN established in Proposition 5.5.3 leads then to 1 H(fε |fεN )(t) → 0 2 t∈[0,τε ] ε sup
for any τε such that
εq+1 τε → 0. → 0 and τε ε Indeed the first term in the right-hand side of (5.74) is proved to converge to 0 as ε → 0 using the convergence of the initial data (5.18) and the uniform bound (5.71) : 1 N H(fε,in |fε,in ) exp (χε (0, t)) → 0. ε2 The convergence of the other term in the right-hand side of (5.74) is obtained by combining the uniform bound (5.71) with the convergence statement (5.69) and the regularity estimate (5.72) Z ZZ 1 t 1 N N N N exp χε (s, t) g˜ε ∂t fε − q+1 Q(fε , fε ) dvdxds → 0, ε Z0 ε ZZ t 1 1 exp χN g˜ε v · ∇x fεN dvdxds → 0. ε (s, t) ε 0 ε • We choose for instance τε = εq as the upper bound for the relaxation layer. Inside the relaxation layer, we use the previous arguments which prove that fε remains close to fεN . In particular, for t = τε , the distribution is close to thermodynamic equilibrium, meaning that it satisfies (5.61). Outside from the relaxation layer, we are then brought back to the situation when the velocity profile is well-prepared, situation we have dealt with in Section 4.4. We therefore define Mε on [τε , t∗ ) by
5 The Incompressible Euler Limit N N MN ε = M(exp(ερN ε ),εuε ,exp(εθε ))
with the following continuity condition for the moments N N N N N (ρN ε , uε , θε )(τε ) = lim (ρε , uε , θε )(t). t→τε−
N N ∗ Defining (ρN ε , uε , θε ) on [τε , t ) as in Proposition 5.4.1, we then have Z tZ 1 1 N D(fε )dxds H(f |M )(t) + ε ε ε2 εq+3 τε Z t 1 N N N kDx (uε , θε )kL2 ∩L∞ ds + o(1) ≤ 2 H(fε |Mε )(τε ) exp C ε τε Z t Z t N N kDx (uε , θε )kL2 ∩L∞ dτ exp C − s ZτZε N 1 −εθεN N 2 N N 1, e−εθε (v − εuN ), e |v − εu | −3 ·Aε (ρN ε ε ε , uε , θε )fε dvdxds 2 (5.76) from which we deduce that 1 ∗ sup 2 H(fε |MN (5.77) ε ) → 0 for all t < t , ε s∈[τε ,t]
provided that the first term in the right-hand side converges to 0 as ε → 0 then N → ∞. It remains therefore to check that 1 H(fε |MN ε )(τε ) → 0 ε2 which results from the estimate obtained in the first step. We indeed have 1 H(fε |fεN )(τε ) → 0 ε2 and, by Proposition 5.5.3, τ fεN ε (τε ) = 1 + O ε exp − q+1 , N Mε ε L∞ from which we deduce that 1 1 1 N H(fε |MN ε )(τε ) = 2 H(fε |fε )(τε ) + 2 ε2 ε ε
ZZ fε log
fεN (τε )dxdv → 0 MN ε
as ε → 0 then N → ∞. • The entropic convergences (5.75)(5.77) imply the strong convergence of ∗ 1 the fluctuation g˜ε in L∞ loc ([0, t ), L (M dxdv)) as ε → 0 then N → ∞. Finally, using the fact that the purely kinetic part of the approximate solution is equal to 0 on [τε , t∗ ) and converges to 0 in L1loc ([0, t∗ ), L1 (dxdv)), we get the following convergences as ε → 0 : ∗ 1 1 ∗ 1 gε − g − gosc → 0 in L∞ loc ((0, t ), L (dxdv)) ∩ Lloc ([0, t ), L (dxdv)).
6 The Compressible Euler Limit
The last chapter of this survey is devoted to the compressible Euler limit, and is actually a series of remarks and open problems more than a compendium of results. We will discuss some perspectives regarding the mathematical treatment of this asymptotics. Slight adaptations of the modulated entropy method presented in the previous chapter should give likewise the local convergence towards smooth solutions to the compressible Euler equations under some integrability assumption on the solutions to the Boltzmann equation. We further hope that suitable improvements of the modulated entropy method (including the modulation of the entropy dissipation) should provide the global convergence of weak solutions to the Boltzmann equation towards entropic solutions to the Riemann problem in one space dimension. The main challenge is of course to understand how the entropy dissipation concentrates on shocks and discontinuities.
6.1 Mathematical Theories for the Compressible Euler System Let us first recall that the compressible Euler equations constitute a system of conservation laws ∂t R + ∇x · (RU ) = 0, ∂t (RU ) + ∇x · (RU ⊗ U + RT Id) = 0, ∂t (R|U |2 + 3RT ) + ∇x · U (R|U |2 + 5RT ) = 0,
insofar as the density R, momentum RU and energy 21 (R|U |2 + 3RT ), which characterize the state of the fluid, are conserved, and that their fluxes
L. Saint-Raymond, Hydrodynamic Limits of the Boltzmann Equation, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1971, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-92847-8 6, c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009
6 The Compressible Euler Limit
depend only on the state of the fluid (in particular, microscopic dissipative effects are neglected). Denoting by V the five-components vector field V = (R, RU, R|U |2 + 3RT ), we can therefore recast the system (6.1) in the abstract form ∂t V + ∇x · F (V ) = 0 . That system is hyperbolic since the flux matrix DF (V ) · ω is diagonalizable in R3 for any ω ∈ R3 .
Because (6.1) admits an entropy, namely log(R/T 3/2 ), the system is further symmetrizable, meaning that there exists some positive definite matrix A0 (V ) depending smoothly on V such that A0 DF (V ) · ω is symmetric for any ω ∈ R3 .
This property, coming from an observation of Friedrichs [35] is actually much stronger than the hyperbolicity condition (6.2). The goal of this first part is to give briefly an idea of the mathematical tools used to study such hyperbolic systems. For more details, we refer to text books such as [101], [36] or [97]. 6.1.1 Local Smooth Solutions The results by Friedrichs [35] show actually that all hyperbolic systems are locally well-posed. Theorem 6.1.1 Let (Rin , Uin , Tin ) ∈ H s (R3 ) (s > 52 ) be some given initial density, bulk velocity and temperature with Rin and Tin bounded from below. Then there exists some t∗ > 0 and some (R, U, T ) ∈ C 0 ([0, t∗ ), H s (R3 )) such that (R, U, T ) is a strong solution of (6.1) on [0, t∗ ). Except for very particular initial data, the maximal time t∗ of existence of such a smooth solution is finite (see [100] for instance). In general, the blow-up corresponds to the apparition of a discontinuity (also called singularity). Note that, in the case of the Euler equations, since the hyperbolicity of the system is lost for instance if the density vanishes (cavitation), there could be other sources of blow-up. Remark 6.1.2 The previous result can be extended without difficulty to the torus T3 , or even to domains with boundaries provided that the boundary conditions are smooth and satisfy some compatibility conditions (only incoming fluxes can be prescribed).
6.1 Mathematical Theories for the Compressible Euler System
6.1.2 Weak and Entropic Solutions If one allows solutions to be discontinuous (considering for instance fields in L∞ satisfying (6.1) in the sense of distributions), then there is no more uniqueness, nor stability of solutions with respect to initial data. More precisely, one can find sequences of solutions to (6.1) converging in w ∗ −L∞ towards functions which do not satisfy the equations. In order to retrieve the stability of solutions, one has therefore to impose additional conditions on the weak solutions. Definition 6.1.3 An entropic solution to the compressible Euler equations (6.1) is a field (R, U, T ) ∈ L∞ ([0, t∗ ) × R3 ) satisfying (6.1) in the sense of distributions, as well as the entropy inequality R R ∂t R log 3/2 + ∇x · RU log 3/2 ≤ 0. T T That entropy condition introduces some irreversibility, and is expected to ensure the stability. Nevertheless, in dimension higher than 1, it is not sufficient to define a suitable mathematical framework, and to obtain a global existence and uniqueness theorem. The only results about the existence of multidimensional discontinuous solutions known at the present time give the existence of shock profiles under some conditions (see [97], [98] or [47] for instance). Regarding the uniqueness, as a byproduct of their analysis concerning weak solutions to the incompressible Euler equations, De Lellis and Sz´ekelyhidi [40] have obtained a negative result for some hyperbolic system of conservation laws, in particular for the p-system of isentropic gas dynamics ∂t R + ∇x · (RU ) = 0, ∂t (RU ) + ∇x · (RU ⊗ U + P (R)Id) = 0.
They have indeed proved that in dimension higher than 1, for any given function P , there exist bounded initial data (Rin , Uin ) with Rin ≥ c > 0 for which there are infinitely many bounded admissible solutions (R, U ) of (6.4) with R ≥ c > 0. 6.1.3 Global Entropic Solutions in One Spatial Dimension In one spatial dimension, a good framework to study hyperbolic systems is the space of functions with bounded total variation, i.e. of L∞ functions with derivatives in the space of bounded measures. In that framework, if the hyperbolic system under consideration admits an entropy, then one has a theorem giving the global existence of entropic solutions for initial data with small total variation. In the particular case of the compressible Euler equations, the result can be stated as follows (see [78]).
6 The Compressible Euler Limit
Theorem 6.1.4 Let R0 , T0 be some nonnegative constants, and (Rin , Uin , Tin ) be some perturbation with bounded variation of the constant state (R0 , 0, T0 ). Then if the total variation T V (Rin , Uin , Tin ) is sufficiently small, the compressible Euler equations (6.1) admits a global entropic solution (R, U, T ) on R+ × R3 . Sketch of proof. That result is established by methods - based on numerical schemes - which describe approximatively the discontinuities and the way they propagate. The pioneering works in that direction are due to Glimm [50]. Alternative schemes have been given for instance by Bressan and Colombo [21]. • The first remark is that the Riemann problem, i.e. the Cauchy problem for initial data of the type Vin (x) = V− if x < 0,
Vin (x) = V+ if x > 0
admits a solution (which can be computed almost explicitely) under the only condition that kV+ − V− k∞ is sufficiently small [67]. In order to obtain that solution, one has to study the Rankine-Hugoniot curves, i.e. the curves representing the states connected to V− by a single wave (shock wave, or rarefaction wave, or contact discontinuity), then to prove that they provide a system of suitable coordinates, or in other words a good covering of the state space in the vicinity of V− , using some local inversion theorem. • The proof of the theorem relies then on four main arguments. One starts by building approximate solutions by gathering together elementary solutions of Riemann’s problems. Then, for each one of these approximate solutions, one has to estimate the interactions between waves coming from two different Riemann’s problems. These estimates on the potential for interaction allow to get compactness on that sequence of approximate solutions. The last step consists in proving that the limit points of this sequence are solutions to the original Cauchy problem. • Actually the proof of Theorem 6.1.4 presents an additional difficulty related to the possible cavitation. Indeed, we recall that, when the density vanishes, the system (6.1) is no more hyperbolic so that the previous methods cannot be applied. One has therefore to check that the density remains bounded from below everywhere. That problem has been dealt with by Liu [78]. t u Note that the front tracking algorithm developed by Bressan and Colombo [21] (which is a variant of the previous approximation process) gives the uniqueness of solutions as well as their L1 stability with respect to initial data (see [19]).
6.2 Some Perspectives
6.2 Some Perspectives At the present time, the mathematical derivation of the compressible Euler equations from Boltzmann’s kinetic theory remains an outstanding open problem. The only rigorous results have been proved by Nishida [88] and Ukai and Asano [105], then improved by Liu and Yu [79], [80] and can be stated roughly as follows : as long as the compressible Euler equations have a smooth solution (R, U, T ), one can construct a sequence of smooth solutions to the scaled Boltzmann equation the moments of which converge to (R, U, T ). The method consists in deriving local strong a priori estimates (inherited from the propagation of regularity), and concluding by some fixed point argument, which is very similar to the proof of well-posedness for hyperbolic systems by Friedrichs [35]. Some works in progress by M´etivier and Zumbrun [83] should further improve these results insofar as they also consider weak (viscous) shocks. 6.2.1 Convergence Towards Smooth Solutions A first direction to extend that result would be to establish some strongweak stability principle, i.e. to prove the convergence of any sequence of the appropriately scaled Boltzmann equation to the solution of the compressible Euler equations, as long as the latter does exist. In other words, this would be the counterpart of Theorem 5.1.10 that holds in incompressible regime. A natural idea to do that is to derive some modulated entropy inequality, insofar as • it involves only physical quantities (entropy, entropy dissipation, mass, momentum and energy); • it looks very similar to the strong-weak uniqueness principle for symmetrizable hyperbolic systems (see [36] for instance). As in the previous chapter, the difficulty will be to control the energy flux which is defined by a moment of third order - in terms of the modulated entropy and entropy dissipation. This indeed requires to have a L∞ bound with respect to the spatial variables, which is not known to hold for renormalized solutions to the Boltzmann equation. Considering for instance the classical solutions built by Guo [62] allows to get rid of that problem, but it is then not clear that it improves the result by Liu, Yang and Yu [80]. 6.2.2 Convergence Towards Weak Solutions in One Space Dimension Another track would be to consider only the one dimensional case, for which the structure of hyperbolic systems is much better understood, exploiting in
6 The Compressible Euler Limit
particular the similarities between the weak solutions to the Boltzmann equation built by Cercignani [29], and the entropic solutions to the compressible Euler system built by Glimm [50]. Indeed the key arguments leading to the global existence result in both cases are • the entropy inequality choosing among elementary solutions the one which satisfies some causality principle; • the a priori bound on some quantity, referred to as the potential for interaction, controlling the effect of the nonlinearity; • the specificity of the one dimensional problem, due to the very particular properties of the scalar product. Note that, in the absence of additional conditions, solutions of both equations are not known to be unique, so that we cannot expect to obtain a strong convergence statement. The idea is therefore to obtain suitable a priori estimates on the moments of the scaled Boltzmann equation combining the bound on the potential for interaction together with some suitable micro-macro decomposition. The conclusion would then follow from some standard moment method (see the study of the incompressible Navier-Stokes asymptotics in Chapter 4). Another approach would be to search for additional conditions which guarantee the uniqueness and some strong stability, such as the one given by Bressan and Colombo [21] for hyperbolic systems, which consists in restricting the attention to solutions obtained by front tracking methods. The idea is therefore to define a similar algorithm of approximation for the solutions to the Boltzmann equation, and to prove that, for such solutions, there exists some functional controlling the stability and therefore the convergence to the compressible Euler equations. Note that other attempts to obtain stability criteria for hyperbolic systems have been made for instance by Bardos and Pironneau [8] considering the linearized version of the equations in the vicinity of shocks. But for the moment we have no idea on possible use of these ideas in the context of hydrodynamic limits.
A Some Consequences of Egorov’s Theorem Let us first recall the statement of Egorov’s theorem : Theorem A.1 Let (X, µ) be some measure space with finite positive measure. Consider a sequence (gn ) such that gn → g almost everywhere. Then, for each ε > 0, there exists a measurable E ⊂ X such that µ(X \ E) < ε
and gn → g uniformly on E.
A.1 The Product Limit Theorem We now give a corollary of Egorov’s theorem, established by DiPerna and Lions [44], which is used repeatedly for the study of the Boltzmann equation and its hydrodynamic limits. Proposition A.2 Let (X, µ) be some measure space with finite positive measure. Consider two sequences of real-valued measurable functions defined on X, denoted (fn ) and (gn ). If (gn ) is bounded in L∞ (X) such that gn → g almost everywhere, and fn * f weakly in L1 (X) then fn gn * f g weakly in L1 (X). Proof. Without loss of generality, we can assume that g = 0. Let δ be any fixed nonnegative constant. The sequence (fn ), being relatively weakly compact in L1 (X), is equiintegrable. Thus, by picking α > 0 sufficiently small, one has for every measurable set A such that µ(A) < α, Z |fn − f |(x)dµ(x) < δ uniformly in n. (A.1) A
Fix such a constant α. By Egorov’s theorem, as (gn ) is bounded in L∞ (X), and gn → 0 almost everywhere, there exists a measurable set A such that µ(A) < α and 169
gn → 0 as n → ∞ uniformly on X \ A. Fix such a set A. Then, Z Z Z |(fn − f )gn |dµ = |(fn − f )gn |dµ + A
|(fn − f )gn |dµ
By (A.1) the first term in the right-hand side satisfies Z Z |(fn − f )gn |dµ ≤ kgkL∞ (X) |fn − f |dµ ≤ kgkL∞ (X) δ, A
whereas by (A.2) the second term converges to 0 as n → ∞ : Z |(fn − f )gn |dµ ≤ sup kfn − f kL1 (X) kgn kL∞ (X\A) → 0. n
Finally Z lim
|(fn − f )gn |dµ ≤ kgkL∞ (X) δ,
but δ was arbitrary, whence Proposition A.2 holds.
t u
A.2 An Asymptotic Result of Variables Separating For the study of boundary conditions, we also need the following variant of the Product Limit theorem, which has been proved in [82] : Proposition A.3 Let (X, µX ) and (Y, µY ) be two measure spaces of finite measures. Consider a family of nonnegative functions (χε ) uniformly bounded in L∞ (X × Y ) converging almost everywhere to 1 on X × Y , and a family (ρε ) of nonnegative functions of L1 (X) such that (χε ρε ) is relatively weakly compact in L1 (X × Y ) Then any limit point ρ of (χε ρε ) belongs to L1 (X), namely does not depend on y ∈ Y . Before giving the proof, let us notice that if (ρε ) were supposed to be relatively weakly compact in L1 (X × Y ) then the conclusion of the lemma would be straightforward. Proof. Consider a subsequence of (χε ρε ) (still denoted (χε ρε )) converging to ρ as ε → 0. Let δ be any fixed nonnegative constant. As χε converges almost everywhere to 1, there exist A ⊂ X × Y with |X × Y \ A| ≤ δ, and ε0 > 0 such that 1 ∀ε ≤ ε0 , χε |A ≥ 2
B Classical Trace Results on the Solutions of Transport Equations
By the Product Limit theorem, as
1A χε
is bounded in L∞ (X × Y ) ε≤ε0
and converges a.e. to 1A , ρε 1A = ρε χε
1A * ρ1A weakly in L1 (X × Y ). χε
Z µY (Y ) x ∈ X / 1A (x, y)dµY (y) ≥ . 2 From Bienaym´e Tchebichev’s inequality R 2 1A (x, y)dµY (y) 1AX (x)ρε (x) ≤ 1AX (x)ρε (x) µY (Y ) Z 21AX ρε (x)1A (x, y)dµY (y) = µY (Y ) AX =
we deduce that (1AX ρε ) is weakly compact in L1 (X). Then, up to extraction of a subsequence, 1AX ρε * ρ˜ weakly in L1 (X) By the Product Limit theorem, as (χε ) is bounded in L∞ (X × Y ) and converges a.e. to 1, 1AX ρε χε * ρ˜ weakly in L1 (X × Y ) from which we deduce that ρ1AX = ρ˜ ∈ L1 (X)
On the other hand, if x 6∈ AX , Z Z µY (Y ) 1X×Y \A (x, y)dµY (y) = (1 − 1A )(x, y)dµY (y) ≥ 2 Then, R Z Z 2 1X×Y \A (x, y)dµY (y) 1X\AX (x)dµX (x) ≤ 1X\AX (x) dµX (x) µY (Y ) (A.5) 2 δ ≤ µY (Y ) As there exists AX satisfying (A.4) and (A.5) for all δ > 0, ρ depends only on the variable x, and thus ρ ∈ L1 (X). t u
B Classical Trace Results on the Solutions of Transport Equations In order to deal with kinetic equations involving reflection conditions at the boundary, we need the following fundamental result due to Cessenat [32] following Bardos [3] and Ukai [104], which allows to define the trace of any weak solution to the free-transport equation in a very general setting.
B.1 Definition of the Trace Proposition B.1 For any smooth subset Ω of R3 , denote by W p (Ω) the functional space {f ∈ Lp (R ×Ω × R3 ) / (St∂t + v · ∇x )f ∈ Lp (R ×Ω × R3 )}. Then the trace operator γ : f ∈ W p (Ω) 7→ f|∂Ω ∈ Lp (R ×∂Ω × R3 , dtdσx |v · n(x)|2 (1 + |v|)−1 dv) is continuous. Proof. Without loss of generality, we can restrict our attention to nonnegative functions. ¯ × R3 ), By Green’s formula, we have for any bounded function ϕ ∈ C 1 (Ω ZZZ p ϕ(x, v)f p−1 (St∂t + v · ∇x )f (t, x, v)dtdxdv ZZZ + (v · ∇x )ϕ(x, v)f p (t, x, v)dtdxdv (B.6) ZZZ = ϕ(x, v)f p (t, x, v)(v · n(x))dtdσx dv ¯ As Ω is assumed to be smooth, there exists some vector field n ∈ W 1,∞ (Ω) which coincides with the outward unit normal at the boundary. Thus, choosing ϕ(x, v) =
(v · n(x)) (1 + |v|2 )1/2
we get
f|∂Ω p L (dtdσx |v·n(x)|2 (1+|v|)−1 dv) ≤ C kf kLp (dtdxdv) + k(St + v · ∇x )f kLp (dtdxdv) ,
(B.7) t u
which concludes the proof. B.2 Free Transport with Reflection at the Boundary
In order to extend regularity and dispersion results to free transport with reflection at the boundary, we have then to establish a priori estimates on the incoming flux (which is defined in terms of the outgoing flux). Proposition B.2 Let Ω be any smooth subset of R3 , and f ∈ L1 (R ×Ω×R3 ) be a solution to the free-transport equation St∂t f + v · ∇x f = S supplemented with Maxwell’s boundary condition
B Classical Trace Results on the Solutions of Transport Equations
f|Σ− = (1 − α)Lf|Σ+ + αKf|Σ+
on Σ−
where the outgoing/incoming sets Σ+ and Σ− at the boundary ∂Ω are defined by Σ± = {(x, v) ∈ ∂Ω × R3 , ±n(x) · v > 0}, the local reflection operator L is given by Lf (x, v) = f (x, v − 2(v · n(x))n(x)), and the diffuse reflection operator K is given by Z Kf (x, v) = Mw (v) f (x, v 0 ) (v 0 · n(x))dv 0 v 0 .n(x)>0
for some normalized Maxwellian distribution Mw characterizing the state of the wall. Then, there exists some nonnegative constant C (depending on the Lipschitz norm of n) such that ZZZ C f|Σ |v · n(x)|dvdxdt ≤ (kf kL1 (R ×Ω×R3 ) + kSkL1 (R ×Ω×R3 ) ). α Proof. The smoothness assumption made on the boundary implies the exis¯ and coincides with the tence of a vector field n which belongs to W 1,∞ (Ω) outward unit normal vector at the boundary. Therefore, multiplying the transport equation by (n(x)·v)/(1+|v|) and integrating with respect to all variables, we get ZZZ ZZZ v · n(x) v · n(x) (v · ∇x )f dvdxdt = Sdvdxdt 1 + |v| 1 + |v| Then, using Green’s formula, we get ZZZ (v · n(x))2 f|Σ dvdσx dt ≤ C(kf kL1 (R ×Ω×R3 ) + kSkL1 (R ×Ω×R3 ) ). 1 + |v| In particular ZZZ (v · n(x))2 α Kf|Σ+ dvdσx dt ≤ C(kf kL1 (R ×Ω×R3 ) +kSkL1 (R ×Ω×R3 ) ). 1 + |v| v·n<0 By definition of K, we have the spreading condition Z Z (v · n(x))2 f|Σ+ (v · n(x))dv ≤ κ0 Kf|Σ+ dv. 1 + |v| v·n(x)>0 v·n(x)<0 We then deduce that ZZZ Cκ0 f|Σ+ (v · n(x))dvdσx dt ≤ (kf kL1 (R ×Ω×R3 ) + kSkL1 (R ×Ω×R3 ) ). α v·n(x)>0
On the other hand, the normalization condition on Mw implies Z Z − f|Σ (v · n(x))dv = f|Σ (v · n(x))dv. v·n(x)<0
We therefore have ZZZ 2Cκ0 f|Σ |v · n(x)|dvdσx dt ≤ (kf kL1 (R ×Ω×R3 ) + kSkL1 (R ×Ω×R3 ) ). α which is the expected inequality.
t u
Remark B.3 Note that, in the case of a purely specular reflection, we do not obtain such a bound on the trace. Nevertheless, because the specular reflection is completely transparent in the weak formulation of the transport equation (by obvious symmetry properties), the study is actually much easier (very similar to the case when there is no boundary). We refer to the work [63] by Hamdache for a careful treatment of that case.
C Some Consequences of Chacon’s Biting Lemma Let us first recall the statement of Chacon’s Biting Lemma [21]: Theorem C.1 Let (X, µ) be some measure space with finite positive measure. Consider a sequence (gn ) bounded in L1 (X). Then, there exists a subsequence (gn0 ) of (gn ) and some function g ∈ L1 (X) such that gn0 → g in the sense of Chacon, meaning that for each ε > 0, there exists a measurable E ⊂ X such that µ(X \ E) ≤ ε and gn0 → g in L1 (E). C.1 From Renormalized Convergence to Chacon’s Convergence We now give an extension of Chacon’s Biting Lemma to the space of measurable and almost everywhere finite functions, established by Mischler [85] to study the traces of kinetic equations in the framework of renormalized solutions. This requires the following definition of renormalized convergence (see [85] and the references therein for basic results concerning renormalized convergence) : Definition C.2 A sequence (gn ) of measurable and almost everywhere finite functions is said to converge in renormalized sense to some measurable and almost everywhere finite function g, if for any increasing sequence ΓM ∈ C ∩ L∞ (R+ ) converging simply to Id| R+ as M → ∞, and any subsequence (gn0 ) of (gn ), there exists a sequence γM and a subsequence (gn00 ) of (gn0 ) such that ΓM (gn00 ) * γM weakly-* in L∞ (X) and γM → g a.e. in X.
C Some Consequences of Chacon’s Biting Lemma
We have then the following relation between renormalized convergence and convergence in the sense of Chacon (see [85]) : Proposition C.3 Let (X, µ) be some measure space with finite positive measure. Consider a sequence (gn ) of measurable and almost everywhere finite functions, such that gn → g in renormalized sense, where g is some measurable and almost everywhere finite function. Then, lim sup µ({gn ≥ M }) = 0,
M →+∞ n
and there exists a subsequence (gn0 ) of (gn ) such that gn0 → g in the sense of Chacon. Proof. Without loss of generality, we can restrict our attention to nonnegative functions. • We first prove the L0 bound, arguing by contradiction. Since g is a measurable and almost everywhere finite function, for any arbitrary ε > 0, there exists E ⊂ X such that µ(X \ E) < ε and g ∈ L1 (E). If there is no m such that sup µ({gn ≥ m}) < ε n
there exists an increasing sequence (nm ) such that ∀m ∈ N,
µ({gnm ≥ m}) ≥ ε.
Therefore, for any l ∈ N and any m ≥ l, Z Γl (gnm )dµ ≥ lε, E
where Γl is some smooth version of the truncation x 7→ min(x, l). Passing to the limit m → ∞ leads to Z Z gdµ ≥ γl dµ ≥ εl, E
by definition of the renormalized convergence. Thus Z gdµ ≥ lim εl, E
which gives the expected contradiction. • We have then to prove the convergence in the sense of Chacon. Given ε > 0, one can choose E ⊂ X such that µ(X \ E) < ε and g ∈ L1 (E).
We construct a first subsequence (nl ) such that Z Z 1 Γl (gnl )dµ ≤ gdµ + . l E E Then, for any m ≤ l, Γm (gnl ) ≤ Γl (gnl ) so that g = lim sup γm ≤ lim sup lim inf Γl (gnl ), m→∞
where the lim inf is taken in the sense of Chacon. By Fatou’s lemma and the definition of the renormalized convergence, we also have Z Z Z ∀A ⊂ X, lim sup Γl (gnl )dµ ≤ lim sup Γl (gnl )dµ ≤ gdµ. A
Combining all these results show that Γl (gnl ) → g in the sense of Chacon on E. In other words, there exists E 0 such that µ(E \ E 0 ) < ε and Γl (gnl ) * g weakly in L1 (E 0 ). Furthermore, since (gn ) is bounded in L0 , one can choose a second subsequence (still denoted (gnl )) such that the sets ZL defined by ZL = {∃l ≥ L / gnl 6= Γl (gnl )} satisfy µ(ZL ) ≤
µ({gnl > l}) → 0 as L → ∞.
Finally, choosing L large enough such that µ(ZL ) < ε, and setting E 00 = E 0 \ ZL , we obtain µ(X \ E 00 ) < 3ε and gnl * g weakly in L1 (E 00 ). We conclude thanks to a diagonal process.
t u
C.2 A Result of Partial Equiintegrability In order to characterize the limiting incoming flux in Maxwell’s boundary condition, we also need the following variant of the previous result, also established in [85]. Proposition C.4 Let (X, µX ) be some measure space with finite positive measure, and (µY (x)) R x∈X a family of probability measures on the space Y , and denote hgiY = gdµY .
C Some Consequences of Chacon’s Biting Lemma
Let h ∈ C(R+ , R+ ) be some convex function of class C 2 (R+ ∗ ) with superlinear growth at infinity, and such that H(s, t) ≡ (h(t) − h(s))(t − s) is convex. Consider a sequence (gn ) of measurable nonnegative and almost everywhere finite functions on X × Y , such that Z hh(gn )iY − h (hgn iY ) dµX ≤ C, (C.8) hgn iY → g¯ in renormalized sense on X Then there exists g ∈ L1 (X × Y, dµX (x)dµY (x, y)) and a subsequence (gn0 ) of (gn ) such that, for every ε > 0, one can find some E ⊂ X with µX (X \ E) < ε and gn0 * g weakly in L1 (E × Y ). In particular, g¯(x) = hgiY almost everywhere. Furthermore Z hh(g)iY − h (hgiY ) dµX ≤ C. Proof. The point to be understood here is how the (convex) functional which generalizes the Darroz`es-Guiraud information allows to gain some equiintegrability with respect to y, and thus to establish the convergence of some integral quantities. • By Proposition C.3, we deduce from the renormalized convergence in (C.8) that, up to extraction of a subsequence, hgn iY → g¯ in the sense of Chacon. In particular, for any ε > 0, there exists A ⊂ X such that and hgn iY → g¯ weakly in L1 (A).
µX (X \ A) < ε
Thanks to Dunford-Pettis’ lemma, there is therefore a (nonnegative increasing) convex function Φ with superlinear growth at infinity such that Φ(0) = 0, Φ0 (0) > 0 and Z Φ(hgn iY )dµX ≤ C1 . A
We are then able to build some (nonnegative increasing) convex function Ψ with superlinear growth at infinity such that Ψ (0) = 0, Ψ 0 (0) > 0 and Ψ ≤ Φ, h − Ψ is convex. Jensen’s inequality, written for the function h − Ψ , combined with the uniform bound in (C.8), gives therefore
and thus
hΨ (gn )iY − Ψ (hgn iY ) dµX ≤ C,
ZZ Ψ (gn )dµY dµX ≤ C + C1 . A×Y
By Dunford-Pettis’ lemma, we obtain that (gn ) belongs to a weak compact subset of L1 (A × Y ). We conclude, by a diagonal process, that there is a function g in L1 (X × Y ) and a subsequence of (gn ) which converges to g in the sense stated in Proposition C.4. In particular, for any ε > 0, there exists A ⊂ X such that µX (X \ A) < ε
and hgn iY → hgiY in L1 (A).
Identifying the limit leads to g¯ = hgiY for almost every x ∈ X. • It remains then to take limits in the uniform bound in (C.8). We start by proving that, for all x ∈ X, 1 E : g ∈ L (Y ) 7→ E(g) = h(g) − h hg(y)iY Y
is a convex functional. We proceed indeed by approximation replacing h by hε : z 7→ h(z + ε) − h(ε). As hε ∈ C 2 (R+ ), 0 0 DEε (g1 ) · g2 = hε (g1 ).g2 − hε hg1 iY hg2 iY . Y
Therefore, by Jensen’s inequality, we have for g1 , g2 ∈ L∞ (Y ) DEε (g1 ) − DEε (g2 ) · (g1 − g2 ) = H(g1 , g2 ) − H hg1 iY , hg2 iY ≥ 0, Y
so that DEε is monotone and Eε is convex on L∞ (Y ). Passing to the limit ε → 0, we then obtain that E is convex on L∞ (Y ) : ∀t ∈ [0, 1],
E(tg1 + (1 − t)g2 )) ≤ tE(g1 ) + (1 − t)E(g2 ).
Now let g1 , g2 ∈ L1 (Y ). If h(g1 ) or h(g2 ) does not belong to L1 (Y ) the convex inequality obviously holds. In the other case, we choose two sequences (g1ε ) and (g2ε ) of L∞ (Y ) such that g1ε % g1 and g2ε % g2 almost everywhere, and passing to the limit ε → 0 in the convex inequality written for g1ε and g2ε , we get by Lebesgue’s theorem and Fatou’s lemma that ∀t ∈ [0, 1],
E(tg1 + (1 − t)g2 )) ≤ tE(g1 ) + (1 − t)E(g2 ).
C Some Consequences of Chacon’s Biting Lemma
Now, if g1 , g2 ∈ L1 (X × Y ), then g1 (x, .), g2 (x, .) ∈ L1 (Y ) for almost all x ∈ X and, integrating the previous convex inequality, we obtain that the functional Z 1 g ∈ L (X × Y ) 7→ E(g)dµX is convex. Furthermore, by Fatou’s Lemma, this functional is lower semicontinuous. From the convergence stated in Proposition C.4 and established previously, we then deduce that Z hh(g)iY − h (hgiY ) dµX ≤ C, which concludes the proof.
t u
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a priori estimates, 47 accommodation coefficient, 29 acoustic waves, 27, 104 adiabaticity, 27 asymptotic expansion Chapman-Enskog’s expansion, 26 Hilbert’s expansion, 26 asymptotic expansions Chapman-Enskog’s expansion, 8 Hilbert’s expansion, 8 Bienaym´e-Tchebichev inequality, 73 Boltzmann’s H theorem, 21 Boltzmann-Grad limit, 15 boundary condition Dirichlet boundary condition, 29, 81 Maxwellian reflection, 19 Navier boundary condition, 29, 81 Robin boundary condition, 29 specular reflection, 18 bulk velocity, 24 Carleman’s parametrization, 59 Chacon’s Biting Lemma, 41, 174 chaos assumption, 16 coercivity estimate, 61 collision invariants, 20, 60 collisional cross-section, 17 compensated compactness, 148 compressibility, 27 conservation defects, 93 conservation laws, 20, 80
constraints Boussinesq constraint, 90, 131 incompressibility constraint, 90, 131 continuity of the collision operator, 64, 141 convexity, 38 Darroz`es-Guiraud information, 35, 53 dispersion properties, 70 dissipative solution, 125 Dunford-Pettis criterion, 51, 72 Egorov’s Theorem, 169 elastic collisions, 15 entropic convergence, 88 entropic solution, 165 entropy dissipation, 21, 36, 54 entropy-entropy dissipation inequality, 56 equiintegrability with respect to v, 72 ergodicity, 4 filtering method, 146 free transport averaging lemma, 67 dispersion, 70 mixing property, 70, 78 friction, 81 gain term, 17, 40 Grad’s cut-off assumption, 18 Grad’s moment method, 9 grazing collisions, 18 187
harmonic analysis, 149 Hilbert’s decomposition, 58 infinitesimal Maxwellian, 87, 131 kinetic models collisional models, 14 free transport, 14 mean-field models, 14 Knudsen number, 23 law of large numbers, 2 linearized collision operator, 31, 58 loss term, 17, 39 Mach number, 24 mean free path, 23 mean free time, 23 modulated entropy, 126 moment method, 89 potential for interaction, 166 potential for interaction, 45 Product Limit theorem, 37, 169 Rankine-Hugoniot curves, 166 relative entropy, 36, 48 relative entropy method, 6, 86, 131 relaxation layer, 27
renormalized convergence, 175 fluctuation, 52 solution, 34 trace variations, 53 scaling invariance, 80 singularity, 164 spectral gap, 61 speed of sound, 22 state relation, 25 stochastic lattice models, 7 strong-weak stability, 83, 123 Strouhal number, 23 system of conservation laws, 163 hyperbolic, 164 symmetrizable, 164 thermal speed, 22 velocity averaging, 37, 67 viscosity, 27 weak compactness method, 86 weak solution, 44 well-prepared initial data, 128 Young’s inequality, 50
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