hats gloves scarves easy desiqner kn its for fami ly an d friend s
Louisa Harding
Introduction 6 how to use this book 8 techniques and materials 10 details
hats gloves scarves
38 78 102
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a<: "now~l s
Introduction There IS somethmg very comfortmg about bemg
wrapped up against the winter elements. As a child you were told to wrap up warm. winding scarves round and round, pulling hats over ears and tugging on gloves or mittens on strings, hardly able to breathe with ailihe layers. Once outside and battling against a chill wind, kicking up autumn leaves or throwing snowballs, you felt grateful for all the fuss. Now. alii o-I",y fam 1 readylOvef'ltur• .,ul, I, 'Iy' \Ofl'l"os. I too malt, them ,.,"'lID An" ,I .s .... th an added .flN 01 set sfdIC! on 'ro ... '>g lila! tile hat$. glo •••• "d SCa"",S the1 are pull ng on Il>avl mad~ lor I!>,,",. envelop ng them ,1'1 oorgeous yarns 10 keep them wa'm W I~ ",ry handknolled $1 t~h. lam PIIss'''gon my alleel,on and \o,a. The .,m of thll boo< '5 to olfer II collecloon 01 des".ble t\andkn'tted 1ICC"5 "'... Whe1l>er)Ot.l kn t them for yoorsell or tor roor 0:>Yed one$. I hope roo"''' I,nd a ptO!"Ct IQ ,nWlre roo I wanted tt. des."", to be modet 'Iyl"" and I"n; II'. palletn$. easy, apptOlOCllable and q.; ,~to~" 1 A ,,",pie ~_'edge 01 tne mos1 bas«; ~n !! fig So. Is os all yOU need to ~ • tP'le P'OIKts trw pem pem ICarl on page 100""""",'t reQUl" y«i.o to 1>'<" yp 11o.~ ~~ ng ~and ....... an
I .....~'nc: tcornelUP"".. y~to<;al~ I V'f,.....:"~tl'«tFP .. halon page 68. ... ", 1 _ _ lor...-y~of\!'ltlam y tile fun twre IS 10 custom I •. t(, SU t I8CIl ,roo .. ,dua.! There are alto "'''11['4; 'M'lfked '" beeoJ' f" lu."rIOUS yamS t.... a IoQi, at the ~OCiIt" lacy Itarl ,n ",. aroo mo/lIOr on page 112, an ondulgent treat ,hn t~ed lor yourself. and the man 'f c Yla'O!<e moss st,tc~ scarf on page 12'2. the ,deal gift lor your beio;oed I ""va added tradlt,,,,,., extr8·long r,bbed scarves and lunky tweedy gklV"" ",~.I' updated ctassoc& .e the rIbbed hal. str,py SUlrf and pteny m'ttel'lS C¢r'I'Ipltte II .. e< 1oIctlOf'
How to use this book
The prOjects in this book have been designed to appeal to a wide range of knitters. from those just picking up their needles for the f irst t ime to more experienced kni tter s looking for the
I " 1)I'O»r1deoi:l
1 d" , 1I'd I
two or more varial ions. and I have used a rang e of different
knitted edgings, finishing details and embellishments to add
interest and ensure that there is somet hing for everyone! Techniques T~
ba. ; ' n~!~IIE ~ .... Ix.;+. lI.e e' pla <>ed on I)6gM 1~ TIll' '~p'~' a sc ~( ude5 ,~fonnEiOn on yarns. 1\,)", 10 ~ n't I,,,,,, II C~or'I, ar>d II It v! t.... aDbrev at QnS used In I... ~n"", .. Fl I Instruct ()(IS are p'ovlded on D'HllnO your compleled'n 11 no and ho" to ........ IoLD yo,1f P'OJect for II perfe<:t I, sII.
The 100Iow no (:~apl'" ISH pa~ »-7) e. pla,ns how to crNte pam pama, taSMIs. hlng no and cords. piuS an ."., of p'elty .~,tted aM emb'o,dtr.-d trIOl Is 11111. ' : \ldeta stllatw 'Ove)" e<:t's
Using the patterns
11 .en '" tre pe'~er:
=-ttlan ,!;oled n tile t.r'Isoon cIeta,la_ W(;' ''' S-1()mcn _ : Whf!n YOU' te....", squa'lI .. comptete. illy
\ on a f at
place. "" I
rnea .... re hot,zo<>ta y 1C'(41 tt>t ~n n nO I~d countthll numD\!< of .!,!,~ .. \0 10 cm{4 ,n) Th<~ should \!Q~J I..... numbe' o! SI ~c,... staled ,n the tensoon ""en lor lhll P/lllern 3 Place the measure vert cally and count t~e oumbl!rol '0"'$ \0 10cm {4 ,~) Th,. should eQua' the number 01 'o .. s 5111ed .n th, tens"", g,.en lor tn, panllrn • If you lIa"e too ma~y $\ !e l'IISI,ows 10 fO C' {4 n). kM anclne
same uS noa I,,,,, .edit
"I,pIIOld< III
1 ,Nn! ""II rot It Belore you st~rt • ., tt no),< , ~t. check YOU' t.,..soon as 101 '''1:
Scmeoft.... pattemsore . '"«I b. te.!~red patte<·) Of ""th cabta. " " (lIt' eo 1:0 measu'e thl! ten i"O o! t~ pen""", as t~ are meant to """" an lI'ast e I,t ThI! PlItt"'" w,1I specet ..... lh\I ten$lOO1 ' .. alct should be knitted .n PIIltern Of ' loc' ,ng st,t~h.
)'OUfiensoon reg 11~1 as you . n t ,.our P' ect - as)'<.l<.J be<»'" mo<' O\lI1I,1 w th yf".N< ~~'l1'ng, your tel'lSlOll ma~ Cl\angl! Ctoec~
pems. t ..' ....
1I!t. you,
Winter warmer
ICI I 'truel" !ormaJ<,nguptnese 111'11 g ,en on PiI(leS :30-7.
L,sls th~ ." II ,no fI••'cHes used 10 ma. e Ihe pr 'le<:I The ''''811~ ne-tdles are usually I'd !or ed\l CO' ;}If fibs. the ja,O'!' needlel I 'I~ rna b<xIy lab'lC. You may need to I' I. of needles used. o:Iepe<>d ng In
has '"" ': S\' ( \ OM t!>at you ",'dloHowCBrlll" y.t" F otIlII"III )(l PilQe 64 also lias. e ~art to '"'0" f,om _ pe(le 28 lor ltd_ ce on ~ ~ tt,"G If"'" a tllartl
EI( "
I Us og t cas:! on 5-10 motll $'
", "
ultimate hat. glove or scarf pattern . Many of the designs have
led. nthelllJo1nftes )'OIj' chosen P'Of8C1
SizB$ TI">
" mate. as the I t
of the hats
"_aM ;arves orelliiso d 1Ie
---- - -' -... • .- -- ' -- • ---.-- -
Tension thl!
Making instructions Pre.
)f\sfo< ~ nt!not!.
Abbreyilltion. r, I tt aboo ...1 <)(II uwd ,n the
Finishing instructions
""Ie a
E. pl. 1>0... to aod thl! fln,sh
.' )pe(le29).andmay,nctuoe a •• at on IpP ocable to t ~al 1
Designe,', note u<,lts t PI and h,nts, ~omments on the
go. yarn and d/!Ia '''no used, suggest""" tOf .a"a!,onlllnd 'U'lab".ly !Of beg,nners.
The purpose of this chapter is to provide a beginner's guide t o knitting. With a basic knowledge of the simplest st itches, and of
Holding the yarn
the other techniques described here, you will be able to create your own hats, gloves and scarves using the patterns in this book.
Hold ing the need es Before you cast on, get used to holding the yarn and t he needles. They will feel awkward at first, but the more you try, the easier it will get. Don't forget to move your arms and your elbows when you knit. if you only move your wrists. you will find knitting really difficult.
Holding the right needle
Holding the left needle Holding the yarn There are many w8ysof hold,ng the yarn.n the right hand. The way shown >S the one most commonly used, but as you get more Huen\. you w,1I find the ~st method fO!' you, Theooly th,ng you need to bear ,n m,nd ,s that the yarn needs to be abte to move lIu>dly through your Iongers and hand ",>thout gettong toed UP or caught. or the evenness of your knott,no ",>11 suffer and you w II neverobta,n the "ght tens,oo.
The "ght needle ,s held ,n the same way as a penCil. When cast,ng 00 and wOorl"ng the forst few rows. the kn.tted piece rests ~tween the thumb and the Inde. f,nger. As the kn.tt>ng grows. let the thumb sl,de under the kn,tted p>ece and hold the needle from below.
The left needle ,s held hgll\ly OOIet1he lop. The thumb and .nde< finger cootr'" the t,p of the needle
Pass the yarn under your littte longer. over your third f,nger. under your m,ddle finger and over your ,ndex finger. The .ode. f,nger '5 used to pass the yarn around the Itp of the left needle when kMtlng. The tens,oo and 110,," of the yarn '5 controlled by gropp>no the yarn In the crool< of the Ittle finger.
If you find It dlff,cult to control the ten soon. then pass the yarn around Ihe fingers In the same way. but pass ,t under and around the h\tle finger before pass>ng II CNe< the tturd f,nger. The yam COfCled around lhe tlt1l& f>nger crea~es the ter\$!O(I to keep the kn>\tlng even.
Tip It 's ,mDOf1ant to re'a.< ",hen you are kn.ttlOg. If you are tense and s,ttlng uncomfortabty. It w,1I show ,n your kn.tMg, howevere'pert you 00c0me.
Casting on This is the term used to describe making the first row of stitches, which forms the foundation for each piece of knitting. The 'cable cast-on' method shown here uses two needles and produces a firm. neal finish. It is very important that you achieve an even cast-on to avoid a wavy edge to your knitting. and this may require some practice.
F,'st ma'.~" slip knot Wind the ~arn ~round
two f,ngers as shown.
Insert a knitting needl. over the f,rsl strand and under t~e second strand. USIng the ne
IS rest,ng 00 the needle t~fOugh \0 the
Holding the loose ends of the yarn ,'"tn your lefl hand, PUll the needle
upwards. 10 IlgM!en the I<not. Pull
ball end 01 the yarn 8ija,n to 1'lInte" the knot onto the needle.
The SlID knot should be about t5 em (6 In)from t he loose end of the yarn, thiS IS now the first SIItch, HOld the needle on your left hand_
Insert the point of the flgh\.h8nd needle from front to baCK through the Slip knof_ Pas.s the yarn from the ball end o.er tne po,nt 01 the "ghthand needle.
Brong the POOt, pulhng the yarn to make a lP_
Insert the p< nt of the left·hand needle through th,s loop and 'emo.e the nght,hand needle, lea.-ng the loop - Of second stitch. as It now IS . on the left-hand needle . Gently pull the y~'n to t'ghten the stitch,
Insert the point of the ngnt·hMd needle between lhef'r5t Md second slotches On the left-hand needle, W,nd the yam 0"'-'" the p<: 1t of the "ght ·hand needle,
Pult the 1009 through and ptace ,t ~n the Ie/t,hand needle_ Repeat steps 7 and a unl,1 the reqUired number 01 siliches has been cast on.
front to form alQ ljI. I,"'h
ancjm '
Knit The knit stitch is the easiest to learn. By knitting every row, you create garter stitch and the simplest of all knitted fabrics.
8"ng the PO,nloi the right-hand ~Ie
""II> the yam
the stitch. pllliong thfOO\lh lllOOjI
which makes .. new SMeh 00 the "ghlhand needle.
hand needle. keePing the new stitCh on Ihe fOght-hand needle, Pull
Ihe yarn eod to tighten the stItch onto the needle.
5 Hold Ihe needle w,\h the c~sl-Qn Shtcnes ,n your Iell hand and the loose yarn al the back ollne worI<.
po,nt oIlhe nohH'and
needle from Jeft 10 r'oht through the front of the f'rst shieh on Ihe lefthand needle.
Pass the yarn from '<11t to "Oh1 o,er the point 01 the
flohl-hand needle.
SliP the orIginal stitch off Ihe left-
Repeat steps 1-4 ()(ICe
01 the stItches 01'1 the lefU.and needle. until all the oroom,,1 SMches h8~ been dropped and 8111he new stitches are on the roght·hand needle. Yoo h8 .. e now kMie
Turn the ~Ies 8roond SO that 'fOU are r>(NI h<.>d,ng Ihe needle with all the sMches 00 It .n 'fOU' left hand and the empty ~Ie on 'fOU' "ght hand. read1 to woo1< the ne.t row In the same wa1.
The pur l stitch is a litt le more complicated to master. Using a combination of kn it and purl st itches together forms the base of most knitted fabrics. The most
common fabric knitted is stocking stitch, created when
you knit 1 row, then purl 1 row. Working alternate knit and purl stitch (1 or 2 of each) within a row creates rib. an elastic stitch used in t his book for scarves, hat turnback and the wr ists of gloves.
Pass the ~arn trom "oht to left o_er the po,nt 0/ the "ght·hand
H<,!ld the needle ""th Ihe cast·on
anng Ihe po.nt 01 the f,ght·hand needle w,\h Ihe yarn ~c. through the SloIch, pul l!'l\ g through a lOOP wh,ch ma.es a new stitch on the "ght· hand needle.
SI,p the orlg,nal stitch off t he lefthand needle, keep,ng the new st,tch on lhe roght-hand needle, Pull the ~arn end to t,ghten the stitch ooto the needte.
Repeat steps 1--.4 once ,nto each o! the stitches on the le!1 ,hand needle, untol all the ong'n~1 stitches have been dropped 8m! all the new stitches are on the r,ght -hand needle_ You have now purled one row.
Turn the needles around so that you are now holding the need le With all the stitches on ,t ,n your left hand and the emply """die In your "ght hand. fead~ to wor1< the ne. t row ,n e. actly the SlIme way.
st,tches ,n ~our lett hand, ,..,\h Ihe loose y~rn at Ihe 1'0<'11 at the worI<. Insert Ihe point of the noM·hand noodle from flgllt to lett through Ihe
front 01Ihe '"SI st,tch on the left· hand needle.
Joining in a new yarn
Decreasing crown on hats. In conjunct ion with a 'yarn over', it is
A new ball of yarn can be joined in on either a right·
also used to create eyelets (holes) in lace patterns,
Decreasing is used in this book mainly to shape the
side or a wrong-side row, but to give a neat finish it is important that you do t his at the start of a row. This method is also used for working stripes.
Decreasing on a knit row (K2tog)
Decrea sing on a pori row (P2tog )
Insert t~e "gilt-hand needle from left to fight through two sMclles at the samet.me ."stead 01 one. then kn,1 them togethe' as ,j the1 W
Insert the "ghl ·hand needle trom fight 10 lelt through two S"lches at the same I,me Instead dl one. then purl them logelher as ,I they ",ere one SNeh_
'tlteh. When ,,"'ng thIs method lor wori\'ng
T() lOin ,n a new yarn. Simply drop the Old yarn. start knln,no wIth the new ball. and then after a fe .. stitches I.e the IW(I em:ls together In 81emPO'8ry
st ripes. when an even numbef 01 str,ped rows's to be kn,Ue-d don"t ellt the old yarn· ,t can becarroed up the
knot. These ends are then se ..... n mto
"'de of Ihe kn,tMg unl,1 you need It
the knlll,ng at the <mIk'ng-up stage (see P8ge25).
8{1a,n. hut make Sure you don't pull ,t too much or you'll distort your kn,IMg.
sl1 , K1 , puo
yarn over
TM olhe.- method 01 decreaSing used ,n Ih,s boo!< ,nvolves a comb,nat,on nl act,ons When youcome to Ihls abbrevo8t,on. to,SI shp the """xt st,tch onto the fight-hand needle (sll). kM the next SNeh (Kll. and Ihen pass the SI,pped SI,tch ave' Ihe kMled st,teh (pssa). Th,s ma,es one sHeh trom two. ""h.ch Sl9nlS to the lett.
T0 ma~e eyelets Iho .s), docreas,ng can be used on conlunctlon ""th H'e yarn <:wer ()
Casting off
This neal method of Increasing the number of stitches
This is the term used to describe securing t he st itches
in a row - called 'make l' (M l) - is used for shaping,
at the top of your knitted fabric. II is important that the
especially in the glove patt erns.
cast-off edge is elastiC. like the rest of your knitting. If you find that your cast -off is too tlght.lry using a larger needle. You can cast off knitwise. purlwise. or in a combination of stitches. such as rib - t he met hod described below is for casting off knit wise.
W,th the "oht-hand needle, ,ft the
1 strand
of ~a'n that runs between
the st,tch j'
Put the strand onto the lell-hand
needle and then kM ,1 8S 'f It were
II normal st,tch. Thlscan leave a small
hole, solhe hfted stitch '$ usually IWis~ed by work'ng ,nlo Ihe bad 01 ,I. but don'l wor"111 you c~n'l do Ih,s.
KM thef"st two sl'lchesas ,I wor1<,ng a normal kn,1 'Ow, Us,ng the PO,nl 01 the lell·h~nd noodle, I,ll the f"st st,tch !We.- the second st,tch and then drop ,t off the needle, Knot the ne.t shieh and aga,n use the needle PO,nt to I.ft the t.,st st,lch o.e' the second st,teh. ConMue to do th,s until only one Shieh 'emalns on the "ght'hand needle.
The procedure ,s e, aetty the same on II purl row. W,th the "ght·hand needle, 1,1t the suand 01 yarn that funs between the S!l1<;h you've Just purled and the
next one on the teh-hand needle. Put the strand onlo Ihe left -hand needle and then purl 'nlothe bac~Qf ,t by >mrert'ng the po,nt of the right-hand needle from bad to front. SI,p the
()fl0.nat loop ofl 1M needle.
Cut the yarn at least :!Oem (8 ,n) from the Shieh. thread the end through the SNell and then sl,p ,I off the needle, Oraw up the yarn f"mly to lasten off,
Finishing tech nlques
Making up
When you have spent many hours knit ting. it is
Matt ress st itch IS a met hod of sewing your knitted
essent lallhat you complete your project correc t ly.
pieces toget her from the right side of t he fabrtc and is
Follow the simple Instruct ions provided here to achieve
ideal for matchmg stripes accurat ely.
a beautif ully f inished accessor y. Pr.ssiog
,. II
,t .
~ ceforema.- ng ." to hot!) I'I\8tf'wr t ......'lI4I " to pre I your"' ""e I P' >'_a lol"ng j,nisl
Mattress stiteh
W,Tt, , .... ,O' 'II "d.. 01 t .... fan'l(; lac,,,,, up. ptn c.ul eac~ ' Mted p.IICI ...,."ng boo,d US'"g I~' - !ISU'emet\1I o,..en. It SPeC,he muso,_t, _ I'lOl ptOv,1Mod 10' Y"'" PtO!Kt. P'" oot JOU' ~ ~'tt,n" nea~11 ... ,tr.o.;t O,e
Back stitch
.tl,· '~I'r," ' "" ,. -tdhllc d,,,,,I"
As eac~ yar" '5 (M/e<et1l refer to t ~e ball band and ptess )'OYf I
Sewing in ends OnCfyoul Ine danger of ,,"'avel '0 all )'01.0' ' MtonO·
n".-cI a da,~ '"0 .--dIe .... ,In 1M II)OR end of yarn .....ea,e lMe need~ alonO aboYt 5 oI,lc,," on the """"II side 01 tnt labrlC end pul, ' .... IMead Ir-..Q". W $~ '::ties. pul: Int t! ,ead l~rooOh WId utoHlhe_, II~yamneatl~.
Sa:o ,\:c .anotl\e<' u-'u\ method 01 ,. '0 ,1"" I,me""""OO I"""lhe
'I ofll'lekn,I', lac '~il. lay I.... P,KeS tu oe ~ edoe te edge. Inle<1 a blu~! I,p()ed r'lHdle from tM ""ong SIde betw, tM edge stotc t, and Int ItCO'Id st,tch. h ke Ihe yarn Ie IheoPPOMe piece. Inse" Ihe n"dle t,om Ihe I'ont betw"n the edge st,tch and Ihe second st'lch, pass Ina needle unde' t~e loops of 2 '0"". and bfl '0 II back t!, "(1M to the IrC!1t.
n e<1t· i!'r·...:jI. ,d.g I )t 10 alOng Int ~m. Iak {j mlU0I11 '''' '
I""" cat.,
P. t' ~ar: to theMam, e<' rafte<..,hat,on ~'~",a 11''''''' T. . e.,.notIOpU "lOCI t hi", .. ,tlOOIOOM• • t .... _
w po ., .
,I lhe 'n.tled fabrlC_
P, It" poeces to be piled ....Ih " hI, lea looether, Insert a bluntt, ed roeedle Inlo lhe knltt'llij at lhe .nd, 1 51,tch or rOoNf,om the edge. lhen l&I<e 1M "",,Ie around lhe IWO edges t< HCure lhem and brong It back up Ihrough Ihe tabrlC_ Inse" the needle onlO tM 19bflc JUSI behond ",here the p'e"ous SI,tch came out and make a n",Shtch,
RE ,n .<1lheneedle .... here lhe pre. stitch started end bronO ,I , 10 "",. ~ a longer st.tch . Re"nsert In ' ",~e'e the prevIOUS SI,tch .. ,j.Repeatlolheend.W,nocare Ie rr..t 'any ~lte
Choosing yarns It is now possible to purchase yarns in two different ways: from yarn shops, or via the Internet (search for
'knitting yarns' ). Both offer a huge range of yarns and other products such as needles, buttons. beads and
other accessories. " you are a ~nl\l'nll rI(>Il~e, .1 's a \lOOd Idea to \I,M 8 yarn shop. where you ",,11 be amazed at the \last array of yarns available. You w,1I be able to touch the different balls of yarn and e
Internet 5,1'1 .s a fantast" resource, 100:
""II display the wOOIe spectrum 01 CoklUfS
tn a yarn range or ranges. and prov.de plenty of useful knotting
,n/ofmat,on. You ""II
be able to order shade cards. wh.ch w,lI help you oet a feel for the yams 81rl1,lable.
Woo l and cotton m i. saQOOd compro<mse. offering the soltness of cotton comboned With the elast,c,ly and heal·retaln,nll properties of ....·001 II '5 generally treated to ma.e '1 machine ",aShable. ThiS yarn 's .ery Qood fo< ch Idren as It <s not ,tchy. W oot and cuhmere mi. feelS wonder/ul to touch and towea,- Cashmere ,s a lu xury fibre and purecashmere yamsClln be expensIVe. so many SPinners comb,ne e<:I' and can cause an allergic reactIOn .
The problem comes ,n dec,dlng wh,ch yams to choose/rom the multitude on offerlln the knl!!lnll patterns ,n th,s book. I haV
A lpaca S a luxury yam spun from the I,"e woolly haors of llamas found on BoI,,,a and Peru . II has a $Oft feel w |
Substituting yarns
I ha.e des
sa,d ail Ih,s. ,t can be fun to subs\ltule yarns and start th
about to and no shaping's "'''''I.ed.
.... andmatenal.
Knitting from a chart
Abbreviat ion s
The Falrisle hal pattern on page 64 includes both
written instructions and a chart. To write out the whole
pattern would be very complicated: It is easier to as a picture. 'painting' with coloured yarns.
Reed ng t .... thart 0& . .. ~ ,I J'OU "''''~ ". 1 as troe , ot>l SlOe o! II lI",e oh.~ 11 g .....O<~ og I,om tha 10" .... edge to 1.... tcp Each SQ...arec~ t .... ehart ....,.."..,,~ ,1 T,~ ...:f> , .... 01 SQua'Hreo<e.nts I 'Ow O' ,n t:,~g WC4o'I W(" ng trom tr. Chart reed Odd numbe<ed ,,, ... s 1. 3. 5 etc, :' o~t SIde of labnc) "om .ght t I~'t. and e.en numbered ro",s 2.•. 6 elC (",'ong side 0111l1)"C:) !'om left to roo~t Eac.h vatn colour 111«1 '$ Q .... II lena "'the patte-no ",~o;l'l CONeID(' ld$ ... 'In, s¥mbol ,tilt Cf\er1. n S IS II )o'o'n tile ~e~ 1M! accompanlft tile t \art
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.·.. . . . .......·....... . .·...... . , ........... . . ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . ~
" ..
mOst t t
~· ·
, .,
·V~ · ...-,....
visualize your knitting as the chart and begin to treat II
K •. , 1
K2tO Il
. ev 51'51
)1 fat>
In this book I have aimed to provide as much extra
interest as possible by adding a wide range of f in ish -
I Cut I~ngthsol ~arn as re{lulred. fOld the strands In ha I and dla" the folded end through an eYE et {to e) or ttoecentre of a st tch ,n the hem cI the 'nott ng,
ing details to the basic designs and their variations. The techniques used are expla ined in this chapter.
2 Draw the loose ends of yarn through the loop. and pull I rmly to form a knot. 3 When the '"nge >S complete. trom the ends.
Pom poms, tass els and cords Porn poms I D
Tassels 1 Cut a rectangle ot card as ""de as the re{lulred length ot the finIshed tassel, W,nd the yarn around the card unt,1 you reach the reqUIred th.c~ness. 2 8reak the yarn. thread through a se"'"g Illledle alld pass the needle under all lhe loops, Donot ramo_ethe Ileadle. Tie the end I.rmly around the loops. ret\"lOVe the card and cut the loops at the Q9po$l\e end to t he kno!. 3 W,nd t he end of the yarn around all the toops toelow the fold and fasten securely, Pass the needle through the top 01the tassel and use the end to sew ,t .nto place. Tr,m the endsot the tassel neatly.
Knitted cord 1 Us,ng strands of the same colour ya"', c~st Oil 1 stitch, Kn,t th.s stotch (K 1). 1urn. K1. lurn, Th.s ",II create a kn,t!ed chain (cord) - repeat unt'l you reach the reQuored length ot cord. 2 Lea,e two Jong tailS of yarn at each end of the cord w,th wh.ch to at!ach pam pams and tassels to ~our ~""t,ng,
Twisted cord 1 Cut three 3 m (lOft) lengthsot yarn and knot the strands together at each end . A\1ach OIle end to a hoof< or door handle and ,nsert a knltt,ng needle through the other end. TWIS! the need'e: the loghter the tWlslong, the former the fln.shed cord w,1I be. 2 Hold the cord ,II thecentre ,, |
Curly cord edging
1 To make t hiS fun edg.ng at the Oeg",ning of a p,ece ot knlt""\l. you Illled to work a curly cord cast on. Us.ng your chosen colour, worI< as follows' cast on 2.J sts. cast otf 2.J SIS. 1 st 011 LH Ileed Ie. ' cast 011 24 SIS. cast off 2.J sts (5 sts on LH needle). cont to W<)rI< from ' unt" the desIred number of st,tches ha,e been cast on. 2 Th.s call toe used at the base 01 a scarf. hat or m,ttens . If you are knll\lllg a scarf. then 10U W' I need toworl< a curl~cord castofi to hnlsh. us,ng your chosen colour : K t. turn and cast 011 2.J sts, cast off 24 sts knltw,se", work from " to " unhl all stsare cast off.
Embroidery LalY daisy stitch Til
..... oO""
..:I, III haJntldcheSIO foo'npo;-!al Tt>. til :»foupedlooethe
French knoh e""O Ihe needle hom the back to the !ront of Ihe kMMQ and ""nd the yarn $(/'o'er.' times IIroond the needle. accord,ng 10 the $"& 01 knot ftqu,r&d. Take the needl' block through the same place and d'8w the yarn tl\'""gh, for ... n.g • SITIlIII knoC on the "oht
doe 01 the fabroc.
Swiss darning Sw,OiS dafn'ng a form 04 embroode
The above embr",dery slotches IIlove boon used ,n Ih'$ boooI<. Bu!lhere lire a mull,tude 01 d,ffe<ent embroode
Embe Iishments :!" .tw yo! • Ie ... I) I Y'" r ~ belc,. "'''''''0 up tilt tl ..... 01' PAge 84. I se .. ed on IeClU n. """ ",a(l$ rat'd')m!y fig $01 .... thr.aG f.S .... ell as emb,~ de....'Q ".., ...... pe. Ul.lng 8 'eally bas..: paH8fn II<>Ch lSI,.,. Cus:O<'" led h~1 on Pllge 46. and add ng tJutto s." SPf8y ol le~H", end, "f!I~ b~tterl y. I h~,e glvet' '\ a .ery d,ff~fenlIQd ()r1
By sew,ng thlnQS onto)'OUr knlthng you can really 0'''' you' pro eel an h oe 1 me to IndIvIdual f.-l. m.~' ,nO ,\ truly un ique to yay and t"e search th(O\lQ~ ~~b9rda~hery shops 0< the famIly bull00 box 10 Cfeal~ a
.f 01
'N' ,.." 0"'''
)'OU \(
lMI you can us. In
l utur •. I~ eo
,nsp re
Knitted flowera Tf> I
elll Ii<.. a<e. ~Ted bycasl ng on tt~hoK..nd thtf> cast "0 pff on I~ ' \ row. You can ~n I !!\em ng OCI 1t"t-,oIylfn 8~d
by",,. no 0< '" 1~ II button 1 ye'~ .. r.d al)p'CP"~te , ~ :MQ ne«l1a. ca5t
Rowl : Kl, toff 4 r" Isonneedle (1'2 ~t, '" '" T~'ead yarn l'
· Kl.casloH~.r.plfal'!' · to.nd_
Lace knitting Tilt lact Pf.ltarns In lhls book are ach,e,ed b~ USIOO lht tytlet (yarn o,er) melhod of ,nC_Slno_ n"s III usually wori<ed ,n conJunct,on "'In a decrease. ) 10atlne numb+' of s\,\cl>es ,,,,,,,,,,ns C""'I~nt al the end of each row (see Pf. "I) $oMo PII\\
Ih'efid 11
a lact pa11ern bylh'e6Cling tn.n nbbon I tSa1lOp05Slbleonastatldard k, :!edfabnc
n I
e 5\ !clles.
1l'1li ply
French beret Frame your face with t his elegant beret. Knit it in one colour for classic vintage chic, or add a
contemporary twist with stripes
bright colours. Sizes
Mat.,ials • St,iPfll "ret 0....' gl lib
• One &'le (10 f t "Ro"'an4pl~SofIt
urs:Ap,n'(3nw-"I.Cbefry{374H 8"d D aQ~~ ( , :. Splash); and on. 25 \I (1 0:) Dell <;>t Ro .. an YO,'.h"B T"' .... 6 4_ply ,n each of 1M lo!lov"nll eOI()Ur ),
B bordaau . (275 Foxy) ~nd E k,,", (272 Butterscotch) Pa .e12 15mm (US 2) ~nllhng neeolts Pa 1'\ """ (US 3) kMMg needl"
••, . adlillemale hNd)
Tension 26 sis . 38 '0""$ to 10 em (. In) SQuare melIs~red o.e.- usmg 3.25 mm (US 3) kn.U.no n edlll
Abbreviations 1011(. , le)w '0): K kM: M1 make 1 "a~ P pc r PZ'l OIl p, 12 st.tches to!let~ .am .ema ~ I~) •• p .et; ,I >IV I t-It r_sed stoc~ "0 "lch RH r ht r 1 RS r ,!, I t(l) "tehles WS "'
"'0 beg n .t tc~' LH efl
• PI.in beret T...
g(1011bo 01 Rowan Y, '5 t1-.,,,, " " (2~ Rad ant) p, )/ '2 '" (US'l)"fl:! "'IIIWe'(IIH POI "3~" (US.!'~ttl"O'MdI"
Designe.'s note W~ pre.
·'0 y< ,r bo.t
.1' u
of card appro>. m~III'Y
21 em (11 ,er pte<, 'I ,t\IIdt t~1I beret and P'"' accord no to \1» lruel onion the bell band of the yarn ....d. Th,S"" I h Ip to ma nle "I the shape of the Oe'el.
The hats
to make
Striped beret US,flO 2.75mm (US 2) kMMg needles and ~arn A. cas! on 14f.i sIS
Change to ~a'n B. R ow 1 (RS): K2. [P.!. K2J [0 end.
Row 2: P2. (K2. P2J to end. Work a furth...- 7 rowS'1l fib as sIs set Row 10 (WS): Rib 2. [MI, rib2)to end
P la;n bere t Us,ng 2.75 mm (US 2) kn'ltong needles, work p,cot cast·on as foils: ' CaSlon 5 sts. cast off 2 SIS. slop SI em RH needle b~ckonto LH needle" (3sls nowon LH needlel. rep from · 10 · unl,ll44 sts on needle. cast on 2 SIS, 146 sts Now complete as fo< St"ped beret. work,ng ,n one colour On11·
21851S Change 10325 mm (US 3) needles. BI).g ""th
a purl 'ow. won. 20 rows ,n fev 51-sl strIPE' paltern as foils :
2rows C, 2 rows A. 1 row D. 1 'OW S, 1 'OW A. trow E, 2 rows B. 1 rowE. 1 rewA. 1 rowe, 1 row D. '2 rows A. 2 rows C, 2 rows B. KeelN'Q 2()-fOW rev $1-sl st"PE' paUern corre<:\ throughout. woO< a further 8 rows. 28 rows rev 51-51 worked m a
Shape e.own Nut row ( RS): [P4, ??tog] to laSI 2 sIs. P2 182 sls_ Work 13 rows In pattern,
Ne d . ow: (P3. P:>tog] to last 2 sIs. 1'2. 146s15.
Worle 5 rows In pauern. Nu t rOw: [P:? P'2tog] to last '2 SIS. P2. 110sts, Work 3 rows '" patlern.
Nut row: [Pl. P2togj to laSI '2 SIS. P'2 14 sIs. Work 3 rows ", pattern, Nut row: [PZ, P2tog) 10 I~SI st. P2 56 SIS Won. I row ,n pattern. Nut rOw : [P2tog) 10 laSI sl. 28 SIS, Work I row ,n pauern. Nut row: [P2tog)lo end, 14 sIs. Break off yarn. run ~arn through rem sIs, draw UP ~nd faslen off . To match str,pes neal11. sew up seam us,ng mattress SI,lch.
Winter warmer Out for a walk on a snowy day. your outfll is not
complete wit hout a traditional ribbed hat. Add some fabulous pom pams and lei the snowballs fly. Siles
Materials • Blue hat Two' II (20') t:... sol Jaeger Ma~chm"''''' M",
• Small (to II d II~ 5 up...ar("l) 46 em (18 ,n) c '~.J""~ftt'>C.
) Aran
• Me
'"1 (77"" Plio' 01 •. 5 mm (US 71 kn'llong needles Two 4,5 em (1~ In) and I"e 3.5 em (I. on) POI" porns made
Tension 24 sis. 26 rowS It 10 em (4 In) $(lUll'. measured over rob
uSing one 50 II (2 Ol) ball al Jaege' MatChmaker Me"!\( ArBn In navy(629Manoer)
4,5mm (US 7)
ng needles
Abbreviations • Ca mel hat : 12ol) ba 501 Jaegef Malchmaler Mt'O no Af
' -'"
Phog pc
2 sis I(
(7E6 Solt Ca
014"'""" (US 7)on
d.., <.Ie<,:ff!lls(e)(,(lg); K ~ !. 1<21011 knot 2 sl,tches loqelhe< ;
r RS "lIht s.>oje 11(.)
ng need . .
Designer's not• To use "p meonh )lya 11 ~~! ....auld al50 Io;JoO. ,eal y ,ed WIpe$. TI>e pam pam5 ~ute I<M!ed flefen! ,I s,zesand coIours_ COuld tl> ,be we '~d a faf
Working insbllction5 P~tt
's w"uen to, small Slle I".t with med,um $"8
The hats
to make
USing 4 5 rnm (US 1) kMI,ng needles. cast on 1'1:)(9'2) sis.
Rib rOw I (R 5 ): K I. (K4, P2J 13(15) t,mes.
Rib . ow 2: Kl, (K2. P4) 12(15) times. KL These 2 fQWSset the rob sts. WoO< these2 rows unlll wort< meaSures 18(21) em (7(8!) on) from caSI-on. end,n\! WIth a WS row.
Sh a p e c.own Nut tOW (dee) : Kl. (K4, P2togjl3(15) I'mes. K1. 67(77) sts, Work 3 rows as sts set
Ne .1 row (de c) : Kl. [K L KZtog. K1. PI] 13(15) t.mes. K1. 54(6:2) SIS.
Wort< I '<:N/. Ne xt ' o w (de c ): K1. [Kl. K2Iog, PI) 13(15) limes. Kl 41(41) sis. Wo'" 1 row. Nu ' rOw (d et): Kl, [K2'log. Pljl3(15j times, K1. 28(32) SIS. Wo'" 1 row N e xt .ow (dee): Kl. (K2'logjl3(15) tomes, Kl.15(l7)sts. won.. 1 row.
N ut row (dec ): [K2tog) to last st. K I. 8(9) sis. S'ea~
off yarn. 'un yarn through rem SIS.
draw up and fasten off. USing knit SNCh selvedge as II QUlde. $O!w seam uSing maUress stitch (or back stitch It preferred), re.ers.ng seam for botlom 5 cm (2 ,n) for hat turn-back.
t o fin ish Make Ihe PO'" PO"'S as described on page 32. USing the photograph as a guode. decorate the hal w,th PO'" poms. For the blue hat, make 7 kn,lted or crochet cords (see paGe 33). Atlach one end 01 one cord to a pam PO'" and the other end 01 the cord 10 the topol the hat.
Sitting prett y Glamorous. simple and stylish are the words that define these three hats. Knillhe one thai best suits
your style· whichever It is, you'll be sitting pretty. Materials
• Laea·edged hat T.. '1oz)ba aofOeDb,eB uCaah....,.A,."
• On.
,1011 •
~a'r QI4
mm (US 7) kll,:t,ng
2Osls.26ro ... s!Ol( I' SQUfltemeasuredoYefS!-&l us,ng 4.5 mm (US 7) kn,tMg '" !dle$
• Embroidered hal Tw< 50 g (2 Ol) b/I sol Debbie 810ss CasIlme<1! Aran .. rry(611) p.,,, of 4 S mm IUS 7') kn
al t a1ternat< (onl 101 ).. ( .,no K "
n,ng need.
\.at- red de" ng needle
hand P purl. ,em r
T", -)0(2 il b!llls'lfDebbeBI.c.sr ....-.Arar
:e ......, Pa r )1 •. 5mm (US 7) kMMO needles 1 m (1;.-yd) vel.et r,bbon. 7,5mm ,n) ""de 11 omall m
'10 p ..o PftS$ shpped St
rep """'lIl. RH ~I • '~h f l(f) " ell II-It " ill'
,0 • CUllomized hal
'I" (eK,ng). dac decreaS/e)(,nlOl loll KltOlP ' 1 ,~,~cheSlooethef: LH eft· tt~
AS , yn) s de: sl l ,I,D 1 <'~, WS ... ,.,O,
Designe,'s note T~
00"'; Pill! .. ,1 tP ~ at ~ .,"'" e - tlete I tIa .... o .en ,I I'" '-ry I !fe'eN I • • W~y nol e>cpe
The hats
to make
Lace _edged hat USing 4.5 mm (US 1) kn,ttlng r>I edles. cast on 128$15.
Row 1 (RS) (dec ): Kl,[K5. sll. K2'Iog. PP. so. K6]9 times. K I _ 110 Sl~ Row2: KM.
Row 3 (de c ): Kl. (K4, sll, K2toij. pssa. K5] 9 [Imes. K1, 92 St5, Row.: Kn,t Row 5: K 1, [yo. s'1. K \. psso] tWice. K 1. [K2tog. yO]lwlce. K 19 t,mes, K t.
Row Sand every WS row: K1. Ptp ,ast $1. Kl Row 7, KI, [K1. yQ. sil. K 1. PSSO. yQ. $11, K2tog. psso. yo. K2tog. y
K2tog. psso. yo. K2tog. yo. K2 JIHImes. K1. Row 13: K 1, [K2. '/0. sll, K 1, psso. K l. K2tog. yo. K3]911mes, Kl.
Row 15: K1. [K3. yo. sl1. K2tog. OS&). yo. K4] gllmes . K1. Row 17: Kn,t. Row 18: Kl, P to last S1. Kl. Rep las12 rows until hal measures 13cm (5 ,n). endlno With a WS row. See page 52 to< shap,ng cro",n Instruct,ons.
Embroidered hat USing ~ . 5mm (US 7) ~nlthng needles. woO; p,cot cast·on as lolls: ' Cast on "sts, caSI oft '2 SIS, slip st on RH noodle back onto lH noodle' [3 sts 00", on lH needle). rep/rom · to · until 00 stson nOOdle. cast on '2 SIS. 9'2 sts.
Row. 1.... : Kn,t. Row S: KM. Row 6: Kl. P 10 last st, Kl. Rep lasl '2 rows unt,1 hat measures 13 cm (S ,n). ending w,lh a WS row. See page 52 tor shapIng crown InstructIons.
C ust o mi zed hat Us,ng 4.5 mm (US 7) kr 'tl
All hats Shape crown Row 1 ( RS): KI.[K7. K2togl to times. KI. 62 sts Row 2 and eve.y alt ' o w : K l. P to last sl.
Row l: K I, [K6. K2t"llJ 10 t,mes. K 1. 72 sts. Row 5: K 1. [K5. K2t"ll1 10 tomes. K 1. 62 SIS. ConI to dec as aOO,e on e,ery alt row uohl 12 sts rem. Break off ~arn. fUn ~arn through.em sts. d'aw up and fasten off . Us,n(l kn
to fini sh Embroidered hal Us,n(l a lal(le·eyed da,n,ng needle. won. sell·eojoured lal~ daiSy and F'ench knot embro,dery around the edge 01 the hal. Customi~ed
hat Thread "boon through the e'lelets (holes) and secure "",th a OOw on the left -hand Side. Sew on buttons l)etween the eyelets. Decorate With feathers and II bu1!erlly as shown ,n the phot"ll'aph. secuflng ,n place "",th small st,tches on the /everse of the hat.
Streamlined sporty On your marks, get set... go! Starl those needles clicking and create the perfect hal for an afternoon
Jog in the park - or perhaps just a leisurely stroll. Malerials
• Pla;n hal T"" ')g(201)~150IJaeoere.1raF "Me'" lIec~ (974 Tabby) Pa" of 3.25 mm (US 3) kn'tMg nee
(to 1,1 an averall" adult lemale htNtd)
56cm (22 In) C.cumlerenee
• Large (to f,t an a,erageadull male head) 61 ~m (24
,n) ~"eumtereoce
Paor of ( mm (US 6) kn'U,ng noo<:lles
Ten sion
n sts •
rewa to 10 em (4 In) IQ!J,lIre measured 0'0'8( st, st uSIng' mm (U$6) kMMg needles
• Lady ', narr ow. striped hal One ,.) II (2 01) ba )! Jaege< E,lflI F,ne Menno In each ~I th~
Ie 0>0 ng COlours: A
(9132 Rc Ie Petal) B be
Abbreviations It
973 8,,,, u nand C blue (940 Ocean) PI!' 013.25 mm IUS 3) kn :t,ng ~ es Par'Olf'mm(US6)'n.nng Ies
a ll 111 note. cont ""Mu(e~,ng); dK decreas(e)('ng) loll 10 ",( '~g); Inc 'r"lCreas(e~,~g) K kn,\. M Oil kn,12 511Cnes logel~ P PI. , a m rl:"fIoII"'Ij'ngl .. p repeat RS r'ght SIde; , tC.) ! Ie II . I_tt \e:< "II 51 lell lbi through bacI< 01 lOOpS. WS .., 'II
De signer's note • Man ', wide_.triped hal () g(Zol)biI)!Ja< E-"aF,roeMenno n .... 01 tr lo .. ->g A:>u'I" y(944EIded
945B,,( · c~"ant)
Pa r oll2S mf:' (US 3
Pa' 014 mm(US6) · -
':: "lI noted es "II r>eed~
.. !r8( Iy mple: try ~n't1,ng It for.
'>al "8(1
Wo rk in g ins tru c ti o ns
Shap e crown Nut rOw' K7(81. (K2tQ~tb. K1. K2tog. K l
Pallern ,,,,,'!!en lor me;:I,um 'le (na" Wipe) Illst w tl> large s,ze (Wide striPE) ,n brackets. Work tl>ePla,n hat 1 the apPrQII"3te _ ze bUI on On(!~, }\Of t hroughout.
Work 3
'0' "'
N ut rOw : K6(7). (K2tog tbl. Kl. K2tog. K 1'21 \4)15 t.mes. K210g tbl. K I. K21og. K6(7).
The hat s
Wor>. 3 rov.s. N,xt rOw : K5(6). (K2tog tbl. Kl. K2tog.
make USing 3.25 mm (US3) kn ttlng needles and ~arn C(A). cast on 114( 126) sts ChanlJf! to (keep) yarn A and won. "b as lOlls: R ow 1 ( RS): KJ, P3 toend. Ro w 2: K3. P3to end. TI>ese'2 rows sel tl>e fib SIS. Work lhese '2 rows 4 tJmes more. Change t04 mm (US6) knl:t,ng noodles. Starl,ng Wltl> a K row. work In st·st following chosen slrope paaern: N arrow stri !>e 2 rows B. 2 rows C. 2 rows AW id . 51ripe 12 rows B. 12 rows ACont until "'0'" measures 10 cm (4 ,n) from cast-on.
K 10(1'2)] 5 t meso K2tog tbl. K 1. K21og. K5(6). 78(90) stS. Wort. 3 rows. N , x t . o w : K4(5). (K2tog tbl. K 1. K2tog. K8( 10)) 5 times. K210g tbl. K t, K2tog. K4(5). 66(78) sts. Work 1(3) row(s). N . Ow : K3(4). (K2tog tbl. K 1. K2\og. K6(8)] 51,mes. K210g tbl. K 1. K21og. K3(4) 54(66) sts. Wo'" 1 row. Cont to dec as aoo--eon e.ery all row untl 18 sIs rem. ending ""\h a RS rOw. Nu l row ( W S): (P3tog)6 times. 6 SIS. Break oil yarn. run yarn through rem sIS draw UP ~nd lasten oil. USing the ~nlt stitch sel'lE'dge as a gUide. >t!w seam us,ng mattress stitch (or back ~tl!ch d preferred) .
Keeping stripe seQuence ~orrec\. ""'''' shaping lor cro .. n.
• •
Cute in cable Pull on this cute cabled hat. look out from under the generous brim and watch all the attention turn to you - not the dog you're walking. Materials • Orange hal 00_ '. I II (2 Ol) (627 J"'~11
Tension 17 ' ,?~ro .. st(l10cm(4 n'~QuarerneasuredO\ll'fSI'SI b~
Ioi Rowan K,d ClaSSIC ,n range
ul ng 5 m (US
1<M',ng needles
PliO( 01, mrr (US 8) ~n'tI.ng needles
.11 alternale: du dE cre.o.sle)(.ng) 1011(_) loHow(S)(IIlO). inc ,ncr\!3'(e)(mg) K knit MI ma~e 1 51 P purl. P2tog purl 2
• Purple hat On. 50 II (2 0') 0,,11 of Rowan K.d ClaSoSlc ,n purple n)!; R01al,
,iSlogeth r PUO 1)1155 sl,pPf!(l stitch over rem rema,n{,ng); , e p '81*11 AS "Il"t ,.dE . n p \ Siotch; 11(1) stltch(es): I I-tt SIC '.,ng S! let WS .... rooQ s,d .. Sp.cial abbr. v lat ion : C6F cable 610fWard, shp 3 sis onto abl,,, ,I> d at Iront. K:, tl>en K31r<:>m cable needle
Pa r 015 mm (USa) 1
Designer's not.
" Si,.s " C>o
"0111,, hatyouco~ld.n'l the"b,na '~f. I II you Brelet> no fNllyconl'denl. you coold ;. try k" t! ''II t"~ cables ,n I d fferenlcclour thIS woutd
Te . "
'" ,t~ f t ell Id aged g ~e¥1. UP 10 an 8,QI'age a" I
'e I nle more .. t and h
lePll"ate baI
tt nO In vertlClt SI"pes u~nO oj y.,.n fOf each CQIou,
"1:1-2'2 In} Clrcum'erene.
The hat s
to make
USIng 5 mm (USS) !o.n,!1 ng nE ~dlA C~Sl on
82 SIS_
R ib .ow 1 ( RS ): Kl. [1'14. P4~ '0 limes. Kl R ib row 2: Kl. [1'14, P4]1O j m... I'll. ThE
2 rows set!M fll:I SIS WC'k thew 2
rows unt, I ",ork measures 6 em (2 In) from cast -on. ending", lh /I WS rOw Now wor!< cable pattern as lOllS:
Row 1: Kl.[PI2. K4j5t,mes. I'll. Row 2: Kl.[P4, KI2j5t,mes. I'll. Row 3 (inc): I'll, [P12. K1. M1. K2. Ml. 1'(1)5
hmes. K1. 92 sts Row ( and ev •• y foil alt rOw' K1. (P(>. Kl2J5tlmes.Kl. Row 5: K1, [P12. K5] 5 t,mes. Kl. Row 1: K 1, [P12. C6F) 5 t'mes. K 1.
Row 9: K1, [PI2. 1'16[5 limes. KI. Row 11: K 1. [P12. K515 times. K'.
Row 13: K1. [PI2. K5] 5 times. K1. Row 14: K1, [PI>, K12]5 t'mes. K1. Rep rows 1-14 tWice mor",.
5ha.,e crOwn Nu l row (RS) (de c) : K1. [P2 te ~, PS. P2tOO.C6Fj51m( K1. 1:!2 SIs N.". rOw: K1. [PI>. K10) 5 hmes. K 1. Nut rOw (dec) : Kl. [P?tog. 1'6, P2tog, K6] :'t,me,. Kl, 72sts Hut row: Kt. [1'6. K6) ~ t mes, Kt. Hext rOw (dec): K\. [P2 tog, P4, P2tog, K6] 5 times. KI_ 62 sts_ H ut row: Kt. [1'6, K6]51 mes, Kt. H ut row (dec): Kl. [P2 tog, P2. P2tog, K6) " times. K1_ 52 sts_ Hext row : KI, [1'6, K4]:'t,mes. Kt. Hut row (dec): KI, [P2 tog, P2tog, C6I']5 tomes. K t. 42 sts_ N, .t rOw : K I. [1'6. K2)5 t,mes. KI. N ext row (dec): K 1, [P2, K 1. Sil. Kl. ps~ K2tog_ Kl]5 t,mes. K 1. 32 sts, N. . t row : Kl. [P4_ K2)" times. K I_ N . _1 rOw (dec): K 1, [pZ, 51\. K 1. psso K2tog] 5 trrnes, K 1, 22 SIs, Nex l . ow: K t. [P? K2] "t,mes, K t_ N.. t row (dec): K 1, [K2tog]10 times. K 1. 12 sts_ Nexl ' ow: Kl, purl te last Sl. K1. Break off yam. run yam through rem sts. dr~w UP and f~sten oft. Us,ng kn,t stitch setvedoe asa gu,de, se .... seam us,ng m~tt'ess st,tCII (01' back st,lch ,I plelerred). revels,ng seam l or bottom 6 em (2; on) for hat turn-bac'.
t o fill ish Make the tassel as descnl>ed 00 P'lge 32, Us,ng the photograph as ~ gUide. att~ch the tassel lothe top of the h~t
Fancy Fai ri sle Whether promenading city streets or returning from the slopes for apres-ski, this hat will keep your head warm while you look extremely cool. Material,
• Blue hat
24 5~S' 26rc •• ,
11(2 Ol) tlall of J~e, MaK :':'\iIker OK ,1\ tae )/ 11 f( )"""11 COlOur$: A bllJf! (889 Pac,toe·. B aqua (Ill'!'> Sea ~04rnl, C red (656 C~erry), 0 "'hy (2346 M,d N~"Y). E I 1f!Yi Hop) and f m,d·blue (629 M."",I) p~" of 3.25 mm (US 3) knitting flH(j1e,
P8"ol (5 mm (US 7) ' '',tMg need ..
to pan uSIng 4.5 m
"lUll'''' measured O'>'ef f a"
IS 7)'~ 11 ng need~
A bbreviations d. ( decfeas<e)(,oOJ uartl< 11 1>!I"e. 51'leh: K ~n't K2toU
kn,t 2 sl'teh~s together P purl 'Im rema ,n(,no): RS r'olli ,de: I I(t ) ~1'ICh(") W S wrooo ,de
• 5 ern 1 on) PO!" po;rn
D esigner's not. Th ~al pa!1f.-- Ion ~ted, ""~oc . ,II ~ All • Red hat iii t~ f J,.
!t>e-. ~... n) baol ,I JiteOe'< M..1(
",)1( '" Me 01
A br..:: _ (816C"'a) B camel 865 . C Ofange {901 R., s'y 0 b
Scll< b gunoy (~BlKgundyl 80d F red IfUChIofry)
"325mm(US31 . nn,ng~,"
Pa r If 45 mm (US 1) ~n t1 ng
~O t~
~ It
fa. " Ie technlQue_ ,5 '"'portanl to fol )w
0 Fa nsle; • Wt>en on It no Iw,,, Y'~ fOSSa row, !it.and tile ~att nol on uselooMly beIIlfId 'r·-. ~Ino""""ed, • SprN(j your .. l~htt .u yOU ••e ,r ,n 00 Ie keep V.. lat>r ela,,: Tt 5 tec~n'Que laI
t'" "
beau! lul .... 1 eo f.o,stfod_
SillS . ",
(10 1,1 ch.ld al)ed \lyell's. ~p to an .,erag" Bd~ I I "'d15 T-56 em (20-2'2 In) eIre. mf\!fence
The hats
f til'"
Us '0325 mm (US ,or It \I' toIdl., and yarn F. cas! 1 s" C~an~e to yarn E II' "'" ga
as Ie
Row 1 ( R S): Kn I Row t: )(n 1 'II, ,.4 more ",
a'c F r II
to finish Blue hal
CI\arI{/e 104.5""'" (US 7) ~r W
h 'em sis
and fasten :Jf1 'IrKS S' ,
t o ma ke
om yllrr 1 r
III np UI'U.rld
atta:e the
nFa 5lepr.1em/fom(1lafI
. . . '*'" ..,
n nil or, IOOd b<eaIo II elf ,
Shap" ,rOwn R ow 1 ( RS) (du): 11(9. K2'<)Q]!O I, ....... )(1 ..smg Yam A 101 sts
R ow 2: PO,I .s "'II Ya" A R ow3: [K6,~OOJ!O! ....
1<1 sanoYamE
91 SIS
Row 4: [PI us,ng yam 0. PI us,ng yam BJ 10 end.
Row 5: (K7. 1<21001 101''''"- 1<1 us,ng Ya,n C. 81 sis. Row &: Purl uS nO Yarn C. Row 7: [K5. 1<21001 10 t,~S, K1 U$.ng Yarn
F.71sls ROw ': Purl us,ng Yarn F. Ro w 9: [K5. K2Ioo) 101,me&. K 1 us,ng Yarn A. 61 SI$. Row 10: Purl us,ng Yarn A. R ow 11 : _11:4, K2tog)) 1011mes. 1<1 .... ,nO Yarn S, 51 SIS.
Row 12: -PI usmO yam D. PI
\II'"" y8'" C)
toe<>d Row 13: . 1<.3. K21og) 10 t,mn., K1 uI,ng ran A. 41 SIS.
Row": Pu, I u nO Yarn A Row l S' -K2.K2tog)10t ....... Klu F31 sis. Row IS: p"rl" 1'111 Ya'" F
Row17: KI.K2IoglIOI....s.KI ..
C 21 Sl ~
Row I I: Purl U5"'1I Ya'" C Row l !t: K2I" 10tmes,KI_IlYa,n[ 11 SIS
Row 20: Pu,1 us'''1I Yarn E. MIS
Bean ie for a I You can knit this hat for alilhe fam ily. customlzmg
It to suit the individual or creatmg a matching sel in one favourite colour. Materials • Sh;~d hal : )baloIRo ... anWooICotto· ~eaehQ/t I" rs A oa'1 (iX!! F'ene~ N~vy). B aQua
• Plain hilll with 'azy daisy .mbroid.ry T..... " bI oIRo,,-,,'W, Ccaon,nraspbefry
Pa"ol- .• mm(US ')kr tlno""
\949 A, ,~)_ C g'N" (955 Ship Shape) Pa' of (US 3) kn,i"1Q Ree(lIK Pa r of 4 m (US 6)~, t1 '0 needles
Pa"of 4,' Small an
• Plain hat T..... v (2 Ol) balls of Rowan W'JOl CoI10f0 In gre1 r M .Iy) Pair 01 3.(5mm (US 3)
,ot of p nk yfl lor lelV dalsyembro<dery
eyed dam,no needle
Sile, 8<
o E. tra mall.c6c
• Mea uf" 56em (:22 r) ~
• a'gtl61.
PII • of 3.J5 mm US 3; , " '! "0 _ ItS P•• of' mm (US6 '~!' "0 flMdles
I'l5:' H ss) BrOOCh 11«.
14'"'->II'e~w.edove<st -sl
!' 'Or
T",," lJOwetS. k
• Small 51 em (20 "'1 c,,~,
Tension t • 11'0" '1 • Pillin hilt with flowe. corsage Two!ill" ('! Ol) bel $ QI ROMn ""XII C<;!!:>n
Rov..." 1'0'001 0: T',."
a!. conI
K. , !Uto,, ) RS • st(s, "
•• m
foll(s' S!on'!th - P pur 'c st -st stoo. f\Q
10 fini sh
Working instructions T~ wr torl"e
, '" "
Plain hal with flow •• cQrug. 4 )S6) , ' ·"gneoo .•1es. I
The hats Striped hal Us ng 3.2!>mn (US I kMI"'g needles and yarnA. 'I( 9'2{10'2,112In)~I .. Row I (RS): KM Row2: KI.PI '51 KI
.. se C~ ~"\i~ 'M><1I
IV j"-
>d on pa.,e36 s... ... ) atla<;h to tile ,'~ th 'Ow 'T' bo ads. p" It
Plain hal with luy daisy IImbroidery U· ~g a larQII'I)1Id darn,ng needle and
to make
contrut yarn shade. work lazy daiSy embroider)' afound the hat as snown tn !~ ph :ttoofap~.
10. ",m USI5) k
nMCI.... and
SI' "" (!aHem .10 "
4 ......$8.4' _C.4,rw.-sA Keo '(~ t eel ~, pa:1 'T "-V " "c,~,·:)Il"14.'I5) 14(4,56 ,tr' ,..-,th.WSrow. Shap. c.own Rowl (RSl(dec), KI,[K7 .g,1 K21og] 10h~ KI,82t9'2.IC ,11Z)5t Row 2 . nd .very . It row , Kl, P to lasl SI.
Row 1 ( RS) (d,c)' K1, 1K6(7.8 9) K21og] 10 II KI. 9'2.1 ,15 Row.( RS) (dec): KI IK £) K2Ioo] 10 '~KI62 'iYl' L
" 'em. a'eak ~ 'f
a. ~a,".
'un 18' Ir
ot> rem ~I$•
... ~~ al'lCl fa!lt II off
Us ng )atn Ih'Wd Ihrough
• :">ea,l!l4ke a ~~ I!e-d cord /lPP'O' ..... 1 y. em (I n)long Form ,nlO a small lQ(lp II ctntre of !>at and sew n place btl\ll'e II tchlng up (Opt onal) Us ng kOil stitch MI,lIdgeas a "",de. lie"" seam us,ng maltress Sllch (\II' tlad ~htCh ,I prelerrlld). re ....,ng -.'" 1<>< bouom 4 em (I
In) for
Brimming with st ye One simple pattern and one very chic yarn
complete th is stylish yet understated hatbut you will certamly not go unnoticed. Designer'S note
Material s 000<.(1)1:><
T~ $
yP"t nb"wn
~, .....
be great
T1ed n a b"'OI>l mao1 Jd I><,nl yarn. Of rou could comb,ne OIS of 1 net· we'ohi )a" Ii to~et ..... 10 rna.a a really th,ck one. The lab"c ,s kn,tted ,n a I,rm mea lil'tch. so the hat w, ma'nt~'n ,ts shape doronO wea"no bot ,s Ile.. ble enouoh to lold op and PlOCk ,n a hMdbaO. ~~
) P,lI Per<>f6m
kMMg need es
Sizes • Or
Itollana,erlll)elldu t femal,head) ,mle'f8'ICe
Tension I. ,1<.24 >g6'
... I' ,n) 5qL>llfe ,~,.•' " " " . , _ nngneed
Abbreviations _Il ell. na •• con i )nMu{e)(.og) die decre~II.(e)( K it, 1. K2Ioll on t 2 ~t,tches tooethef; mon ,I mo 5\'~( r l H eft hand, P purl; ram lema'n(ong) rIp 'epeat: RS "lint ,de . ' (1' $hle (es) WS w,ong sode
Spe cial a bb'Avlallon: wrap , t Map ne.! st,tch 'P r.e. t ," take yllrn 10 OIllX' ,Ie SIde 01",0<1\ tlel",een nHdIH. Shp .1 bac~ OfllO lH nee<.lle: when working backl\(;rt)$$ Wf. Jped ,! WO'" 01> and SI "'lIde t~hoer as on. .t. tun
The hat to make Bri m (W{ 'ked
U, ng6. n(US! 21 sts
.... a's
kn1tMgneed es.caSI ,
Row 1 (RS), :Kl. P1]1) times. KI
Row2: Rowl: Row4: Row 5: Row 6:
.Kl,Plj5tl ,KJ.[P!.Kl]4t,mes. :K1.Plj4t, ,w,ap~t.hrn, 'Pl,Klj4j, .K!. PIIIOI me$. K1. :Kl, Plj5 times. K3. [Pl. Kl]4 t,mes.
The last 6 rc-.... S form thl! moss s\ pattern, Rep theseS 'OwS un!" WOf. measures46 em ,18 In) on s~ot1O!1" edge from casl-on, end,ng Yo
lh a WS row.
Cast off ,mo. st. Shape crown
W,tM WS lac.ng and us,ngS mm (US 10) ne&lles. and wo.k ng, st In alO<'lO shorter s,de lenllth of bnrn, pOCk up and kM 72 sts, H • • I .ow (RS) : Kn,t. H. xI rOW : Kl, P \0 laS1 S1. K1. N ,xt rOw (RS) (dec): Kl, [K5. K2tOOJ10
Imes,Kl,6:/S\s Nut .ow and every a ll 'ow: Kl, PIc lasl st,Kl. Next rOw: K1. 1M, K210gj 101 mes K1. 5251, COnI to de<; 8S above on every all row unhl 12
rem. N, .I,o w: Kl. P to last st. Kl. N ut ' OW: : K2tog] 10 end, 6 sts Brea~ 011 yarn. run yarn I~roug rem sIs draw UP and fasten off. USing knit stitch sel.edge on crown asa gu,de, sew seam usong back 51 Ict>.
Frivolous fingers Tap them, wiggle them. wave them: you can let your f ingers do the talking in these fun and elegant f logerless gloves. Tension
Mat.,ial. • Stand.rd glo"..
II (I 1) Da of Rowan KId S " Hale A JI Pu'pl, 1(0) Oe .... herry)· and one 50 II ('2 01) baI 01 RVe CUhm,no OK '01 COlour B gre~ (51B ThuMer) ' TII 5 ~a'n 15 used double tllrOOllhoul PM of 4 mm (US6) ~Mllng needles
7,>slSxJQro",H( 1 'lI· mm (US61'
I M.-oul PI,01' ..... IUS6) ~~ ",,,,, need1n m
y<:I) ....l'\rbDOfl.7.5mm(;l,n) ••"
,f! '
"'uf'''~.o"red".,.,..st -sl
11 nil '"
Abbreviations e ont coni nu(e){,ng). dee d 'ftas(,)(.nlll loll(s)
1c lw{s)(mg): ine ,ncreas(e)(,ngi K ~n't K2tog kn,12 sllcheslogether lH eft·hand Ml rT\IIke 1 Sllch: P purl .em rema,n(,nol: ta p re~al RH t'ohl ·"and RS "OM s.de. t l (t) SlIICh(e!
• Edra-Iong glov,. 2!1 il"l)b<. oIRo",anK,dS • Kill'
Sl -tl
'><;""0 sllch: Ibl t -
"Oh bac:kof
WS .... "'0 SOde
Designer's note
. IO'>~
are 10.. !led "0'('" $ 1.. n5 .. k and "" . . _and a cas' .e • end ... ..,.'" !led I~hef ,to I' ,'r.pec:omtlnat I' ..,feelreall1 ,,,",,,,,, •. ll>lrve IhreMed a "tlboo I .~ Ihek::rtoo g~ for a ·teI.o· f~ Alte
Sizes • One Slle (10 I, t an
adu' female hand)
The gloves to make Standard glo..... right glove
an ,arn
., "~' •. ' ,_,1 ',sT' pltOl'i'fH ~~ 1»<;. O<'to LH _ • 3ata no ... 01' LHneede).replro ") • ,!, Jfi !.on n e<Jle. cast on 1 ~t. 17 Its. A,...·
UsongyamA: Row I: Kn,t. Row 2: Kl. P to last st. 11.1. These 2 rows set tile p~Hefn, Now....:>tll ,n strope pal!e
...... been""".
Standard gloYfls I,ft glolle Worl
• t ••
Exlra.long glo"e. right glo .... Us,ng4mm{US6)kn,\t,ngn A. cast on 41 SIS.
Us,ng yarn A Row I: Kn,\ Row 2, 11.1, P to last s1. Kl These 2 rows se1 the pel! ,- New W()f~ ,n
st"pe panem as lolls: 2 fO ... ~ A. 2 ro'" 8 Keep,"O Slope seQuence C()frer1. -II In pane
Exlra.long gloves left glove WorI
B oth ,ight glovu Sh.pethumb Row t (RS): II. TQ, M!, K3, MI. Kl5. J9 s\<;. W" " ' J).'Il1ern Row 5 ( RS): 11.19. M\. K5 MI. K15 41 <1 ... We • 'J).'I'·ern. C1 >lle vi '" "'l ' 1 '0'" and_rr Ie 4m"wlo47,!< N . .. 'ow: PlJr Knltlhumb Nu l .ow ( RS) : K32. IlJrn, N .~ I ' ow: P13. Working on these 13 stsonly. wo'" 9 ,<)y>S ,n $t"pe pantm Casl off .M.... ,y, Join tMlJ"'~ 'e~r W \11 RS lac,~O, '~c.n )lim. pocl< UP and knl12 sts I,,,,,, ba$II of tllumb and K to end. 36 $b Nt" .ow: Purl Wo'" 8 '0"5 I ''''De 1)II:"."m, Knit l i..1 finge, Nul 'oW ( R S): 11.23. lu,n. cast on 1 SI N,.t .ow: PI 1. tum east on , Sl. 12 SIS, WO,"lng on 11 se 12 $1$ onlt. wor1< 9 rows .n strope pattern, Ca$t off kn.tw,se, Join I,ngef ~m, Knit .. cond l ing., W,th RS facing, re,o,n ~arn. pick ~P ~nd ~M 2 $1.1,,,,,, ba~ ol flnge'. 11.4 SIS. tum. cast o 1 $1
Ne".ow: Pll tum.caS!onlst.12sts. W".ng .,It 'I"~
pan NI. u.5t oil h 1", nfn .... _am I(nil th ird ling •• W'I~ RS lac ng, flfC n y/lNl. pock UP and 'M 2 sts Irnm OaSof of I,nge', K4 sts. tu,n, cast on I st. N edrow, Plt.tu'nc~ston1st 12sts, Wo,~.ng on t~ese 12 stsonly. wor1< 9 row$ on sl"Pt pane'" Cast off 'n,tw,..
Knit fou rth fing_' 'II m RS facIng, re,. n Y'" to <wrm St-. PI(. up Ind ~n,! 2 SIS /""" base 01 I no-, K toend Nut.ow: Kl. P10, Kt. 12 SIS. W, ,. ng on t~HtI 12 $\5 only . .... 0'. 1 '0"'$ ,n ,~. De pa:tern. u.sl olf . ~,t", sa. Us,ng onol ~t,tcl> selved ... as a grt.. de. sew I,nge' ~nd s.de ~m$ ~$,ng man,", $t,tch on RS to matc~ str'PH nHtly (or back st,tel'! II p.eferred).
Botl'! left gloves Shape t humb Row t (R S): K1 5. MI. K3. Ml, Ktil. J9 sts WorI< 3 rows ,n SI.,pe pattlll'n. Row S (RS): K15. MI. KS. MI, K19 '1 Its Won 3 rows 1n std e-.e" R 1>1 g _ 10 f ini s h £d'II.long gloves Th'Hd "bbon from tile Side $Hm Ih'Oo. a ,root It the Side se~m.
Cosy mitten s These mittens will keep your hands warm and look fabulous. Add beads and sequins to dazzle, fabulous flowers for little girls and pink hearts to say I love you. Malerials • Customi.ed millens 0.. Ill) ba I of ROwan K d CIassoC
Siles ..' -
s, ,~Iur.o, fo< knoll ng and embro,dery P."oI4.5 mm (US 1) kOitMII noodles C I' glas.s tIe.ds and ""a<:tlon of siver HQu,ns
da!;led5-TJ)'NfS) • Medium (10 M." avef'~ adult female hand) o
Tension 20 sts • 28 rows t( 10 em (4 ,n) squars mMsured over sl -st us ng 4,5 mm (US 7) kOltMg". dies
A bbreviations
• Two-colou. mittens t
g 11 II; ,., 0'
of Ro ..an Kid CIIlUIC
e ll "tefl'l8tec conI C( nl,nu(e~ ~) dec ojecreas(e)(,ng),ng: loll(s) 10U<,""'($ ,ne Inc .... .~,ng K kn 1; Kltog kn,) 2s~~cl>es\( ,e:1' MI ..... 1 I' P purl. ,em remIIlo"iI n RS r 1 11(. ) t lC (II'S st·s! sto<;k,ng ,ttc tbt ·· bo,.ol)l) WS ",' noSlde
Designer's nole Th
• Plain mittln. On,- 50 II (2 Ol) ball of Ro",an K,d ClaSSIC ,n rid
(847 Chlrry Rf!'d) '1Io",e, PI" 014 5
an ,dell'
:tlorebe,.;J,nrw astlot'n!'$ooly
the t~umb to "'Of~ These m'lIen. a', 10 QU>C~ to kn,t you Yo I have tMm hnoshf!'d and 1M ... el"ng them ,n not,me. To keep your m'lI,n& s,,11 (and t hl$ .$ I'IOt just for ch,ld'enl) maoe a length of Iw stf!'d cord I,om any leftover yam (see page 33). attach a mitten 10 each end and Ihread through coat slee\lf!lI..
Working in str uction s Pallem IS w"nen for the Custom,zed mittens ,n two sizes: small sIZe f'rst w:h med,um size ,n brac~ets. Forthe TW'H:olour ml1tens. work roght hand ,n pink and left hand ,n purple. Won< the Pla,n m,ttens ,n one colour throughout.
The gloves
to make
Cu stomized mittens right glove Usmg 4.Smm (US 7) knltttng needles and Sllv<1r lure •. cast on 34(38) SIS . R ib ro .... 1: [KZ, PZJ to last 2 sts, K2, R ib rO .... 2: [1'2. K2J 10 last 2 sts, 1'2. These 2 ro",s lorm the fib pattern. Change 10 ma,n shade and work a further t4{t8) rows ,n fib. Next ' oW ( RS) : Kn't . Ne d . ow; Purl, These last 2 rOWS form st·st . Wor. a further 2(4) rOWS In st·st •• Shape th umb Row 1 ( RS ): KI1(t9). M1. K3. Ml, KI4(16), 36(40) sts, Wo"," 3 rows ,n sl ·sl. Row SI RS ): K17(19). MI. K5. Ml, KI4(16), 38(42) SIS,
Ne xl row; Purl, COtll 10 Inc as above Otl ne,1 row and every loll all row t0 42(48) SIS N ext .ow; Purl.
Knit thumb Nex t row ( RS ): K28(32). turn. N , d .ow: Pll(13), ··· Wor\<,ng Otl these 11 (13) sts only, work 10(12) rows ,n st·st . Nex l row (dec): K 1, K2 tog to end. 6(7) sts. Break off yarn, run yarn through rem sts, draw up and fasten off. Jo,n thumb seam. W,lh RSfac,ng, reJO,n yarn, pick upand K2 sIsal base of Ihumb. then K tOef'd, 33(37) sts N ext.ow : PurL Wo"," 16(22) rows ,n sl ·st
Sh;t pe top Row I ( RS) (du): K K2'< Klil" Row 2::: Pu' R ow 3 ( RS ) (dec): I( 1('
Kilt ...
to f inish
CU l tomized mittenl >I' • • , lll1gM '
, [K~
.U r>g!'-
og!DI 1(gc:1t)
"d II
Row 4: Pur
0' ~t to d-e~:-"I
. , ,e
"ly Sos.-
! .....
Ie 11 st!
f b. ;. st'
C stoff. WOf~ liS
fOl" Right hand t{ •• Sh;tp. thumb
Row 1 (RS): 1(1 4(161. MI. 1(3. M1 KI7(19)
:l6(40' ,
c:.t't'81 ,I t( MtJ von ""'Ie<
Work 3 ,o-,s ':·'1 Row5( RS ): KI4(1 . M1 K5 MI. 1(11{19)
k42, • Wc,.I,t>W n$\·l O:~t Ie ,ne lIS ab< •
.rw:t ." 1~
,W,,_It. """'" , Sewtt
8Itro.. lo42(481 ;1' N ut . ow: Pu"
No .... complele BS '0' RlgN
" prefer'ed)
Two · colour mittens W,tll I ~e b.lc k 01 tlw "ght·hand m,tten fac,ng and u', ng the opPOa le colour y8fn, embro,de, hea" mot, fs us,ng the S,," daon,ng 1e<;t1n'Que (~PlIQe 34). S!a't al II.
Customized miltenllelt glove
, f,om •••
, ,
..., or I' elett han m,n", n Ie' ~'e lett ·haonc m :1<11'1
ng ma:t'es5 ,I preferred)_
Plain mitt e n. Se .... t~ , · e~ms to etM' uSing mallr." st,tch ~ y back st 'Ich " prefeffed)_ Us,ng •. 5 mm (US 7) needles and contrast '8I1e. ""'~e h_o ~",:ted ''''wet's as 'bed "PlIQI)6. Sew seam. togelher , Id s' ' All milten. Add I
ro ... s UP work IIIe mol t .a<\1(rlhengtll -lwIrw,l
'~e, ~$
Kn it thumb N e.t ' o w ( RS ): K~29J. turn N u t .ow: 1'11(13).
2-colour mittens
left-hand mitten
Toast y t wee d Whether in funky stripes or manly tweeds, these gloves will stop you f reezing in winter, Wrap your hands around a steaming drink for extra warmt h. Mater ial s • Stripy glo ..... Or 'IOkol)M lfRowanYorkshreT ... eoedDK ne.; llihe lol;o,""ng« oo.s; A red (3014 $carlet). B purple (3012 Re-eIJ. C I,me Cl4!1Frooi. 0 pink (350 Fro cland E aQUII (347 S~,p) Palf 013.75 mm (US5) 1<Mlmg needles Palf 01 4 mm (US 6) kn,thng needles
Ten sio n Z2S!sx3.)r,,,,stol[
I" us,ng 4 mm (US 6)., T II
Abbreviation s co ni conhnu(e)(,ng) dec d8Creas(e)(,ng): 1011(.) 10 ow(S)(ong) inc ,r.creas(e)(,ngi K IIn,j; 1(2109 11",12
,I tches togel~er: Ml rna,. 1 s','c~; P purl:
• PI.in glo ... . T..
De si gner's no t e h· .11'.re 1'" 1 "'tht.... "n~s~~tted'n
Pa f 013 75 mm(USS}_ .. ",ng needles PII , of • """ (U$6) kn It no needles
d fle<enl ( Yw , e, Ih your OW~ coIooJl "'b nat 00, perf\aps v r 'Otll 01 or. snade such as fed. ~nd p, ..... ,. blUft and gl", Youeoutd even ">elude dlfe<en!~'I~ .. sot~~r bee,C*' ..,t81
)11\. Cllbl! sofRowanYor',I".Tweec OK ~'Y (loI6 Champ,on)
'* .,""'! ...
Sites • Mad,um (tol'l an a,.rage adult female hand) • Laroe (to / I an a,.rage adult "'IIle hand)
• '4:1 - 'C"$. Nexl rOw (dee): K (K7'()Q) ': end
Working instructions ~
Ie ""."
'I, '1/
' IC P'
'II 1
A, cas! on 38(42, sr.
Rib .ow 1: : K2, P'2] I( lasl 7 'h. K2 Rib tOW 2: K2] 1< ~'I 'l ,I 1"2
_It' " !)a1l..-, ...
rII) W '1'1 a
Hexl tOW (WS) (d.c ): P2 K~ K2to 1"2. r 10 .. ,;:1 ,I ,
9' t " - .
Wo'k 21(251 m
n st"pe patt
toaf)d ot
aseoltll ...... b ..."K
pattern, keeplno
N e~l,ow: PII(!
141 '
!O ~r D a"d. """. ng on t_ 1. "" , , 20(22) 'Ow$. Nexl row (dee) [K2'I()Qlloe>'d 6(1). oil yllrr 1/1'" III I.)
B,.., ..-1 ,
2 to ..... s B. 1 row A, 1 row D. 3ro .... s A. I row C. 2 rO .... 5 E. 2 rows D, 1 row B, 1 ro .... A. 1 row C. 2 rows D. 2 ro ..... A, 1 row E. 2 '0 .... , B, 1 row D, 2 rows C, 2 ro .... s A Beo,nn.ng "',Ih II K f<.Jw, W<:J
K" II .econd fi n"e. W.I ~ RS I. 0 and, ,no yarn A. r\!lOln yarn. p,c~ up lind ~"'I 2 sIs from N5e ot longe', K4j~) S". lurn. cas! on 1 SI . N .~lrow: PIHI sIS. lurn. cas! on 1 51 12(14) ,I Cha~ !oyll' E and ..... 0" no on .....1Ie
12(1.) "
Cont,n<Je'" s:" pa't. Ro w I (R S)! KIll( M' K):I) MI
Nexl 'Ow (dec):
2 rows B. 1 row A. 2 row, C. 1 row 0, 1 'OW E.
KI5(18 1 39((3 , W,'><310",_ - ,I'
Row5 (R S): KI Kl5(18) 4'(45) , WC'k 3 'o"'s." W pe
,M' KS(3) MI.
Cont 10 ,ncliS abootd W' • ng on , _
yam D. Ie
H"juenci correct. K"I I fl,.1 Nexl rOw (RS): U ng yll,n A.
RSrow Cha~
to Ned rOw' Pc Wo,k !C) rows
to m ak e Str ipy gloves righ t glove
n .se 2 rJ'"
10 t d, 4~
The gloves ~arn
1,"'( ' k NI2Ill 'cw$. [K?"c~l!o
eM 6(1' ..... B' ~'! y r y n tll,OUyr ,em. w I las,,, eff
Knillh lrd f ln"e , Wt~RSII 0 dyllrn A,rl!fo
to yarn C and, .... orI
Nul rOw (dee)' [K2t()Q] to end 6(7) 51., Br otl y .'" 111'n t~rou,,~ 'em sIs. 'WI ,;:11,1 ndf.
Shipy gl o" .. I, tt glove W f R' .1, "
K ni! fourtll finger W~~RSf >Q 11 UP lind . ,.~.
I . . . .,
Sh .~thumb
Row I (RS): 1<'
Hut .ow: PI M( POI Cllan to 0 <11'>0" 'Q o~ 12(14) sl, y. wo" 14( r_
N ext row (dec): •K2tog] to e<>d 6(1) its Brt!a' oil yare rU1 yllrn tl>(OOllh rem SIS. drll .... UP and fB~len oft.
" Aow5( RS): K'
.MI.tI: 1 Ml ,,~
.Ml.K5(3) Ml
st, ,t"De pattern,
COn\1 as abOve on n",
Sew I nge. and SIde IInm, uSing mattress stitch on RS 10 m~len w.pes neali1 (or bloc.
Nut . o w : PurL
stitch I! preferred).
Nut .aw ( RS) : Us,ng y~rn D. K2IJ(3:2l. t .... caS! on 1111 51. Nut rOw: PIZ(I~I. turn. cast on 1(1) SI. C~ 10 yam E and . ....orio noon 11_
Kn;! Illumb
y .... o<~ 14j18)f()'lo$.
Nu t rOW (dec): Kt. I K2togj 10 end
• un yarn t hfOOJglI fl!M sts. j'aw up ar>d I... If' off.
0'1 y.!I"
r 1~"mD "1l1m
W Ih RS lac "'II and ~arn D, reJOIn yam. poe. m a"d k"'1 2 SIS from base 01 thumb and K ') .nd. 38(42) st$. N . d rOW: Purl. Work 8(tO) rows ," strope patte",. keep'''1t str,pe 5e
C assic elegance Inspired by a golden vi ntage era when lad ies always wore gloves, these classic styles show that elegance never goes out of fa shion. Mate, ials
• l .c:••• dged gloves T"" 'Vo (20l) t>/Iis of Jaeoer Matcllma~er Mar.no' ply on soft 0'"" (71~ Thyme) De" of 2. 7~ mm (US 2) ~n't1'ng needles
32 SIS . 40 rows to 10 em (4 ,n) sq ... 'e ",",sured ave< 51 ·S! US ng 2.7!>mm (US 2) kMtong .-...dIes
• Plai n g lo..... Tw,,!SO g balll (2 az) It Jaeget Matchmal<er M."no , .1'1 y ,n 10ft b1u1 (148 Dewberry)
Abbreviations conI cOOMu(e)(,ng): d ie decreas(ej( ,ng). foll{t) /Q1IQ'Wjs)(ing), inc In(;~ K kM. K 2tog kn,t 2 st,tc hes toge1he;-. LH lelHlllnd; MI ~" 1 st,tch: P purl: Pltog purl 2 stItches togethet re m rema,n(,ng) . a p repQ1. RH nght· hand RS nght s,de . t(l) 5\,lcl>(es . t·. t stock,ng stitch: Ibl lhrougll bllck 01I00I) WS w'OI"g "cIe: ~ o yarn C1W!f
Pa,' ol2~mm (US2) ~ n It ng oeedle'
Designer's note Tt>ne gloves""\1 ,,"'pi, "'QlllnI Ilia .. kMted them ,n a sofI menno " -ply, b .... t 1"-1 could be ~ Mlt
Size. o
On. ,zeUoflanave
a paca. casllmete. angora 0< $ '" The gloves w,1I rna.e a bea .... t,' .... , add,loOn 10 a w nler wardrobe. ",1Ie1her 10< your$e~ orasag,ft.
Both ,ight glov..
The gloves
SlIape th umb Row 1 (RS):
to make lace-edged glove. ,;gh l glo...
t cas'
, ",
!Ole. Clist (
156 S~< '"
Row I: KM Row 2: Knot Row 3 (dec): K \. (K?tog tbl. K9. K2I0015
\,mes. K 1. 57st, Row': Purl
Row7(inc) : KI. [K2Iogtbl yo,Kl I y.: _K2to< t "" K 1 67 01 Row'! )4;" t
)n( '~'c:4'e
Work row 3 .""~. 57st, Nu t 'ow (WS) (dec): P27, PZt, 1. P28 56 SIS. R ib rOw 1 ( ft 51: (K2. P2J to end Rib .ow 2: (K2, P2jlo end Wor';. 28 more ro .... s ,n fib Startmg w.tl> a ,,,,I row, w<>,"' 8 ro ..s ,n Sf ., ••
, ",
Ne Kl tow, Pl
W,. '.
' SI
Nu t row (RS) (dec ), K2. (K2!c II 11.2)"
WC'k last 6 '0 ...
lo68sls Wi"~ (>v's st t Kn it Ihumb Ne KI rOw (RS), K4(;. tUfn. cast 'ln 2 SIS. Nut 'ow : P?O. tUfn. cast on 2 Sis, Z1 st .. ··· Work,ng C" the Z1 SlS OOly. W<)tk 20 i .... S
Row S(dec ): K1. [K2!og tbl K1. K2togJ 5 t ""!,,. K1. 47 R ow4: Pufl
" "
Knil IlIi.d lingt. OS,
, "
., ,
Row5( RS): II?\I M' K6 M' II.
, nee<.ie ~k ') lH . • to • " LH needle!. (~ ,
,Nut tOW, " P
,',' ,astQl'!
lS ;'
I 51
y, .... "24ro",s n
\1 5'
Nul.ow (RS) (dec) ; K2 IK . K~14 I me 14 st>. NeKI 'ow: Purl, Next 'ow (dec): [K2tog) to en(!, 7 sIs Break off ~arn. fun ~arn tllrgUlih fem sts. dfa .... UP and fa'ten off. .. n I,nge' am Knit 10"l1h ling" WthR$f"",ng.,..
Nul.ow(dec), Kl,:K2!, ]Ioer>d lists. B< >tf y' r t" "-'1I"'eM -d fa'" )1' Jo
f)oC~~p ""'t~sb
~ r
4 "5 I."", baseof lr 'el I, Next 'ow: P, We • ng on thr.
. II. loend 1~''''Ofk20ro''Sln
st·s· Nut 'oW (RS) (dec): [K2t ,11.2).\ mes. 12 s\~ Ned .ow: Pur Nut tOW (dec): [K2TogJ to .... d, 8 sts Brea. off ~a.n. ,un yarn thro~gh rem sts, d.aw up and lasten off. Sew finger and ,da seams us,nll rfl-IIUfe&S st,tch (or hac~. l'\Ch ,I p'eferr..:!),
Nul row (RS) (dec): K2. [K2tog. K2)
Lace-edged glo".. 1,,1t glo .... W"'" as 10f u.c . "Q"I
P lain glove.lefl glov.
Ne .t .ow: Pu.1 Ned .ow (dec): :K2togl toend, 7 ~t" B., 'f 111' yllm thfOOgll rem Ila. '''''' If.':1f Jo" I ~ger ......... Kn it ..cond flnge. wmRSI '11-'" n1I1m,P>C'~p,~n,t2,~. I , bu. <)/ f r K7 SIS. turn, casl 00 1 51. N e ~ 1 'ow: P17. lu. Cllst on 1 st. 18 sts W", nil on tilt .... 18 SIS only. w'lrk 28 rowS ,n
Worl< as lor PI~ln glo.n 1~f1 glo •• to "
'I 'I.
Plain gloll" ,ight glo ... \J5,no2.15mrn JS )'~,nno ",5(lSis TI>
Ie In
edged 01 •
NUl tOW (RS) (dec): 11.2, [K2Tog. K2)4 1
Bolh left gIOY. . Shape th"mb Row I (RS): K<: MI. K. MI. K2i 56s~s W,·~J,QY.-' nS1SI Row 5 (RS); K73 MI, 11.6. MI. K:l'9 8lsts. W,r'o;3ro ... ,nsr. , ConI to ,roc M abc, Gn ,1 ro .. and e.ery Ie 14th row 10685t, Wort< J ro ... , ,n st· <, Knit thumb Nu t 'oW (RS): 11.40, tu,n, CUI on 2 st:;. NU l .ow, P20. tu,n. cast on 2 (22 SIS) Complete 10 malch Righi 1110.-. ff""' '''
Nut ' Ow: P, r NU l 'ow (dec): :K2togl t'lend. 7 51$. ~fI ya" 'un ylm thfOOgn rem .1"
Rainbow rib Wrap these extra·long scarves round and round to keep you snug and warm as you battle windy winter mornings. Materials
• Striped Ica,f Two 100 g 14 01)
the tal ",., II C
1151 .. '6, II m
IS of Rc,.,an eh '"y PfI"l , , each 01 rs: A be,g. n Natove) 8nd B bro."
,4, '··"'r" JS111~~U II'"
,:6) Pol)
Pa"of 8 mm (US 11) kn1thng need'.
con i Coni" . I)(,ng) foU(I' to klw(sl(lng) K knit P purlRS "ghl de t l( I ' lot< ., . I·st 'e c~,ng stitch
Oeslgner', not. • Plain Icarl Th!l'O! 100 II (4 01) i)al
01 Rowa~ Chunky PMt, fed
mefll0~ S .."zzle)
Sile. · "'" n
• 200 em (ih 79 In) appro,
'1 '"
,'E!'dc I have made ! e. ,ra· '10 llhat ,t ~e~ be"" ,<,I round and round \0 k JIm 'InebUe, .Iet .BelnYl'ntl.ew,thyour .. _' .,.,," to' It",' """ se up oddments 01 ~arn, II yOU c~ y h81'1! t ne y., us. uS/' tWI)O< m:.>re 51'II<>(1S 01 !'p,.nt 'S I !Jet II t<;! W ".
Working instruction. .,., tt ! , It 51' VYc,m P_ r! I~ The patte.
tearl ~
The scarves
to make Striped sc.u'
yarn A.
gn ,;:;ll S/lnd
on 27 ,1,
Work ,n rib. sett,ng sis as loll.
Row 1 ( RS): KIl. [P!>. K5] tw,ce, Kl, Row 2: KI, [~ K5j t.. 'ce. ps, Kl These 2 rows form trle' b palle;-n Work 8 more rc,,!
C~ange!o~a'nB Wo'~
10 fO<Ws n riC. These 20 ~ ' ''"'' the fib Ind .trlpe p/ll1e;-n. Cont to WO<1<.n 20 'OoN It De 'epeat unt scarlmeasuraaDQro ' m.Me4y2COcm
(19 on). end,,,,, .. t~ <::Ost olf on rob,
Pom pom party The pom poms on these scarves lake on a life and
movement of their own, almost as If dancingwatch out. or you'll be boogie-log at the bus slop! Materials
• Ribb |
01 Jaeger MalC;"",,,~'" M.., no OK
'tam (662 Cream) Pt,roll mm CUS6) kn,tt,ng needles
Ten 4Scm (1,1" ,nl POmPOl'l'lS
'l2sts.3'Jro"st< I (I '···.8'e_uredO_51·sl ng4mm(U56)" tt, II""
Abbreviations cont conMu(e 'ng) 10 1i(1) 10 )"Is)(.ng) K knit P purl: RS roght s.de . t-tl ,,()(Iung Slleh
Designer's note • Porn porn Icarl Or 5Og( o,)bII oriOetlb,eBI'$SDKoneachollho t
'''' 'Q( rb I) >db,~t. ::VII
(201).redOOO).p "(;'03).or
) POfT'POmS ,n NCr.-:oIou
ThiS scarl palla .... t." \.. , ''''Y d fleren! OPI ons. One IS II 8SSer'$ a salrf mac ..." ,.Iy I,,,,, pam porn$JO.r>e<,l Iogoether
B" .deal
beg.""""•• P'
Size. o Ribbed Icar l 20 . l"Ocm (e . $' ,n) appro.. mately
• Pom porn learl 7 . 125 em (:l i • 49 In) apprOXi mately
The scarves
to make Ribbed acari
Us,n\l4 mm (US 6) ~n.t\ ng needles. C~Sl on
46 sIs. Work ,n fib.
to fini sh R ibbed sca.f Make len 4.5cm (2 ,n) porn porn. as
descrotled on page 32 and attach I,ve \0 each end of the scarf With a kn,tted cOfd.
sethng .Isas foils:
Row 1 ( RS ): K 1 1P2. K5) 6 times. P2, Kl. Ro w 2: K1 [K2. PSI6 limes. K3. These 2 rows set the fib pattern. Coni to wo,," ,n rob unt' I searf meaSureS appro • •maleI1140 em (55 In).
Casloff.n fib. P orn porn S<;8rf Ma ke a 7 em (3,n) porn PO'" as descnbed 00
page 32. Secure w,lh a knitted cord. lea."'11 Iheends loose. ' Make the nexl7 em (3 on) pOrn porn and
secure USlllg Ihe ends from Ihe I,rsl knitted cord. Jo,n ,n aMIlle' kn,\ted COfd . leaVing Ihe ends kx>l;e. Repeat from ' 13 mo<e lome. to rna"" a scarf of 15 porn porns lomed tooethe<.
Di vine lace Whether you are nine or ninety, this is the prettiest of scarves. Delicate, wispy lace stitches envelope you in soft yarns, making you feel truly divine. Ma t eria r, • Harrow Ica ri TiltH
, II (1 0') bal s of Ro .. an yc',$I\If' Tweed 4· ply I
b .' ~>(I1 ShM r P~" 015 mm (US 9) ~nI!tong needles
• Wid, n • •1 1 .... 025g (1 0') 0811501 Rowan KId S,lk Haze 'p,nk (606 DI~
jy G 11)
POI 014,
Tens ion • Yorksh"'T .... eld.·ply 2'251$.24 rows to 10 em (4 'I'lJ SCiUllr, mea&u,ed ave< laee
pattern uSing 5 mr (US 8) kn,lhng needles • Kid 5, k. Ha" 2'2 sts • 28 ro-.s to TO em (' In) SQllare mMSU,ed Over lace pattem USing 4 mm (USS) kMMg needles
Abbreviation. foll(., fOIiOwls)(,ngl; oatta,.t )afleo- stItch K 1u1,1, K2tog
kn 12 sNches 10 ,etllef LH ft·hand P p"rl p ..o pass S 'pped 51 tell 0_. '.p ,_at RH flol'lt-hand AS "Ol'lt ooOe. t il Shp 1 51 'r t l (t) ~I iell( tb! tl'l'ough bacJ< of J9 ,o yam~
Siz•• Na' 0... arl15.100cm(6.63'n)appro~mo\eI1 • WIdE !Carl h 160cm(1h63,n)appro"mlltely o
Designer's not. The", d. lacy sc.. rf'~ lied, < end moll .. " leels labulous ,.e "'Nr,ng e IH1"~' Tl'le t",eeoj varn '5 kn lied on a blO{/el' needle than ,,,,,al SO lhat I~ scerf groo.os (f!4111 QUiCkI1· If Il'1e ''''Hd IHI5 a 1,lIIe ~"C.11. hand wa$l'llhe f,n.shed scarf ,n some fab'.c cond,tlone,. Th,s wilt not onty make Il'1e scarf $011 b"t w. I allOlelt Ihe lab"c slightly. mak ng 11 fXl'e snug.
Working in s truc tion s The patlern " ",,,nen for Ihe Na" :,w scarf first w lh thp W,d. scarf on bracl<ets
The scarves to make USing 5(4) mm (US &;6)) ~n,U ng needles, wor~ p,cot cast ·on as foils: ' Cast on 5StS, caSl off 2 SIS. slip SIan RH ne
RowS, K2, [N . Kl ,nlof,rstyo. PI .nto20d yo.P4)3(6)tomes , K2 Row 7: K2, IK2. yo. sl \. K 1. psso. K2. K2tOO, yo. K2J 3(6) limes, K2, Row S, K2, P30(OO). K2. Row 9: K2, [K3. yo. sl \. K 1. psso, K2TOO. ~o, K3]3(6)t,mes. K2, Row 10: K2. P30(OO). K2, Rep these 10 rows of tace pattern unt, I work mNsuresapprox l00cm (63 In) from start, ending w,th row2of lace pattern, Kn,t ~ rows (oarter st), WOfI< p.cot cast-off 9S lotls: Cast off 3 sis, ' slip st on RH needle ba<:~ onl0 LH needle. cast on 2 sis usong c~ble method. then cast off 5 sts, rep from · to end.
• "'......
On the fringe This all-over fringed scarf is a playful design, and a dramatic entrance is guaranteed. For a subtler effect. add fringes at each end only. Materials
Te n,ion
• Scarl with all.over fringing
16 h.20'ows)oIOcm(4 $Qullfemeasu'edovers\-st uS ng 6mm (US 10) kn.tl ng needles
Til'", f£ _] (! oll
sof Jaeger Extra F,ne Me"I'IOCl>unky
r blue (01" Blue B,'d) and tW(l 50 II (2 Ol) bill s ollne same yarn m blue marl (013 Blue Fan), for/rong,ng Pa,rol6 mm{US 10) kn,ttlng ~Ies
A bbrevia tions <:on l cont,nu(. '"0) l o ll (s) f 10"'(5)('"0) K knit. P purl:
re p repeat R S "gil) $,de , 1(.) stltch(es) s l-I t stock'nl) sNeh W S WfOng de
DelJigner'. not e
• Scarf with Iringe edging Fou. )g(1 )l)bII
)fJae{lerExlraF,neMe""",Chun . y
"Y ma" (OIQG'a,e Palf 16mm(USlr,~n:lngneed~s
Si,es •
Til I an has bien d 'Oned )"sho", how II. class,.: pallern can bo. Iran,1ormi'd lust by add,ng tnng.ng ,n d,fferenl way5 I "a•• mad one VO!rS,on really fun by add,ng I"ng,ng gll\ewt ~1~oflhe$Carl ThS'" I· keep you e><1Q1 .... a'm perhaps an 'deal kart lor Ihal .,,,"ter SI<"no trrp?
The scarves t o m ake Us ng 6 rnm (US 1(:, ~n,tl ng needle., cast, 29S1' Work ,n rr>QSS 51. sen ng SIS as lolls: Row 1 (R S) : {Kl. PIIIO last st. Kl. Row 2: _Kl, PI] to last SI. Kl Work:> more rOw5.n moss st.
Now work 20·'0"" paHern (ep 8S Ie 15 Row I: K1. PI K25. PI. KI. Row 2: K1. PI. K1. P23. K1. P1. Kl.
Work these:> rows 71,m<:'s more. R owl1: AsrO>Nl. Row 18: [Kl, PI] to lastst. Kl, Wort 2 more rows on moss SI.
Coni to w<)rI< OI,2I).'OW pattern rep onl,1 scarf measures appro"mately 140 em (55 ,n). ending w
Work 1 more ,ow ,n moss st. Cast off kn'lw'5eon WS.
t o fin ish Scarf wilh all-over fringing Cui 10 em (~ ,n) lengths of ~arn, With the reverse SIde of the scarf facIng and us,ng the ohotO{,lraph as a \)u,de. thread a Single 1'111010 through every olher reve'se stitch along Ihe w'dth of tile scarl on rows 1 and:>
of the moss stitch after lhe cast-on. and then on every rows 18 and 1901 the2O·row panern repe~t When half the scarf '5 complete. repe~t the I"ng,ng. starting at the other end of the scarl . When the I"nge is complete. tom the ends. Sea" with frin ge edging For ea<:h I"nge. cut three 20 em (6 ,n) lengths of ~arn . Fold a strand ,n half and draw the folded end through a 5t tch at the \)oll(llTl edge 01 t he scarf. Ora", the loose ends 01 the yarn through the loop and pull hrmly to lorm a ~not . Repeat along the w'dth ot the scarl. When the I,,"ge is complete. t"m the ends. Make another /'mge ,n the same way along thll top edgll 01 t he scarl.
Ju st for him This scarf uses the finest ingredients. mixing a classic stitch with a beautiful cashmere yarn. Just add a dashing man. Materials
Pit" 01 1 m
. 0,
)! [)ebb,,,.B $lCa
'" (US IC ) k~ltMg need'"
Tension • .20 "
" ,
'vSIt>g 1 m
a. 51 ,n)app' ox ""'It y
red "'Ie<
Abbrey;ations f;o nl contonL e 19) I< . ep (epeat: RS "oht
.Size' ", re
mOil" "" OS st,lch; P purl; 'I(s) ~!,tch(e al·.t stOCkin g
ws ... ' ng
Designer's not • T" :arlhas "1 mn, T, n.. a ~
""In., TO
, ! I
':SolIe. ' .... 10'
• d cl> .......y y.n /III add I(
k' otted • '10"'. the
1t1! sc'tesl 01
The scarf to make Usng7
(US Ie )~. 11 r 1 n
odllls ast
WOfk rw sl. e:t,ng 5b - toll$ Row 1 (RS) : :K1. PI] 10 las! SI. 1'<1. Row 2: IKt. Pl]IO last st. K1.
Coni to work I~ "'css s' tc~ unt, scarf measures appro, mat< Iy l):)cm (51 ,n), end ng '" In a RS 'ow. Cast at! ~M,'''se (In WS.
se .......
Pockets of charm ThiS is the perfect scarf for windy days, when you want to keep your hands bare for kite flying or eating hot chestnuts in the park, Materials
• Conlra.l.colour scarf
II I. (: I blI of Ro .. a~ B II W on If. oranQl! P'I ,dlh,eel00g14ol)bI!lI$(>IIr._yBfn" e,~ marl (128 BoI!ern'an) PI!" 01 10 mm (US 15) ~ntt1 ng needles
• Slrip*d .carf Or HX {4 :'ba JlRo .. anBgW I
"'" II 61
P ..,ol
n . .htlill " A '/ IIl26B1coeYel...11 Bt>!..,.
de -'I1,),(Ul2 Rasca I
no' m
(4 !'
Abbreviations co nt coni nu(e~ "0) 1011(1' Ie )w(s ~,ng); K knit; mon .1 mossst,tCh P Pl" RS flg~t 'de 11(1) Sllch(es) 11·.1 stock,ng sl tel> WS "'f< "0 d
Designer's not. II you want a petle.1 (,I Ie "" rey<
!"we baocl; ""
rl, 1JO!t8 l.,\\'r'ICI t()
to I rQ t ... '" .gth from the tot •• tpoly< noddle I nger
Yel'" .. y
I"I-P,( _nllOgveyou
Working instructions Size. r II, fllchlldaged5-!O~ars) 16, l40cm (7,55 ,n) apprOJ"malely large (to hi an average adult female)
• '-'led
.5.176, n(9 .OO,n)appro<'maiely
Pal!'r' ",,,It< lor m , b,,,,'~ts
II! 1"SI ""
Ia'ge searl
Row 5: K P' 1<.13(17) PI. 1<.1 Row " I<. PI I<. ,Pl1(\5).I<.I,PI 1<.1 I 1 pa~,.,n,W""'l
The scarves
to make
• W
Contrast-eolour .earf Make first pocket I
A, :as1
, "
We'. '''' It I R ow t ( RS): I'll PI) IlneS,KI Row2 : K1.Pl War.. these 2 .0 .... 5 ,ee mo'e. Aow 5: K 1. PI. K 13( H)_ K 1RowS: K1. PI. KI, P\1(\5). KI. PI, K,_ T~se 2 1'0"" I( r 1 tile pett.,n WOf~ a I~rther 14(201 ro",' end fig'" ~~ a WS fly" W(r'3row_ ".f' "11""- RSro ... N . .. tow: Kn \ If Work the scarf (RS'" pc • >!I no ..... beQorr II
WSof scan) Aowl( W5 ): K1.PI,IO,Pl1(1.
"Row2(RS): Kl,Pl.K13(17
PI,Kl Change loyarn Bend ecome. WS 01 pi clo~!)
oWS, aRS,:lW
HaKI tow: I<.~ ~ f Wo,klhascarl RSe1pa;toel' w _ , 12 WSot Row ! (WS) : 1<1, PI I<.I.Pl1(15), 1<.1.PI. 1<1. R ow 2 ( 1'1 5): 1<.1. PI. I<. 13( 17). PI. 1<.1. Wo,k a lurln ,21)( 12)
1Ie"- enIl"ll .... t'aW5row Make ..cond pockatl.ont RSo! -carl .. Do W5 <"If '" ' . ell HaK I 'ow: P I'e d WDt~ SI.endOO-" aRS
'ow. W()(k. rows 1m( Ca.t off~, t"",
". end,ng -..Ith a RS row.
N ut .ow: P~fllfold nel
tlffid"O"',aRSr)w. Row 5: K 1. PI, K 13(17~ PI. 10 Row': til PI. K1.PI1 '~I KI, PI. 1'11.
RS,ow Work.rows 1m( Cas! off ~n t ..
Striped ,carl Ma ke l i, t t pockatl,ont USing 10 mm (US 1$) kMMg nell and yarn A, casl on 17(21) SIS. Wor. ,n moss SI as Ie' Row ! (1'15): [1<.1. PI] ..(10) IlmelO 1<.1 Row2: (I<.I.Pl)8( )1 nel,I<.1. We'" the 2'~ M(lo'e
to f inis h Conlr,.t·t010u"tarf F od Ir I \ PC • _II, ,..,t bac' 0fI10 the IUIrt 51 ~C' ~'opIaceR5.-.g .11 Ie d
,11Ch.n 1,C<'t\ I~ edoe
Sbiped Ica,f R Ilcrl )tid pc ; ' el I'onl . F, Dwtt -I" .I ns lor Ihe Contrast, c( our "ert.
Beautifully beaded This elegant scarf will shimmer in the winter sun· shine. You'll look glamorous throughout the day and
sparkle well into the night. Malerials
Tensi on
F,.. 50 II (2 oll balls of Jaeger MatchrJ'\8~\l'r MIlnno Aran .n lac: (7n Cio,er)
19 Sis ~ 25 rows to II,) em (4 ,nl square rne«sure
APPfox,matelV 1400 elm" glass beads Pal' 01 .,5 mm (US 1) knitting needles
Sizes o
One s,ze 18 • ao em (7 • 55 ,n) approx.mately
K kM LH leU·hand: P purl: RS light s,de; 11(1) sl.leh(es); at·,t !Iocl<,ng strleh, WS wrong s'de Spacl • • • bb,.~I.tlon 61 Bead one - place II bead b~ b"ng,ng yam to front (RS) 01 wor\< and sl'PO,ng a lIead UP ne.t to $\ lust woflo.e(I. slip 5t puriw,se f,om lH needle to RH nMdI. and ta'lI yarn to bad (WS)of won. leay,ng bead s n ng ,n fron! of SI,pPf(l 51 on RS.
Designer', note T~I$ '$ II bellu"ful,
e-legant so;.art thllt s,h'm ...... s. Worte ,I'" INauOh 1M, 1000. Thread a beed onto the _ "0 Ih'Nd end 11"'" 1 slide II alonOonlOj,n n,ng yam. Cor! _ on thIS ""Y un! I you have the 'eQu"ed numberol btld$ tn'eaded on 11M ,am
The scarf
10 make
Us II 4.5 mm (US 1) .",ttinO """dies. caSI In JS sts_ Row 1 ( RS ): Kn.l. Row 2: Kn.l.
R ow3: :KI.B1H< laslstKl Row' and e ve.y aU rO"": K2. P31. K2. Row 5: Kl. [Kl. ell Ie last 2 sts. K2. R ow 7: [KI. Bl) 10 last $1. Kl, R ow 9: K2. [81. K9]3 times, 81. K2. Row 11: K3. [Bt. K7. 81. Kl] 31 meso K2 Row 13: )0(4, [81. K5. 81. K3]3 I,mes. K t.
Row IS: K5, [Bl. K3, 81. K5]3 M"les. Row 17: K6. [8 \. K 1. 81. K7J ty"ce. 81, Kl. 81,K6. Row 19: K7,[81. K9jt ..,ee. 81, K7. Row20: K2, P31. K2. The last 12 rO"5 (row 9 to rcw20) fOfm the
beaded chevron pattern. Rep these 12 rows 31 times more. endIng wilhaWSrow. Ne xt rOw : [Kl, 81) to last 51. Kl.
Hut 'ow : K2. P3\. K2. N ext 'ow : Kl. (K 1, 81 J to last 2 sts, K2. Nu t .ow: K2. P31. K2. N ext rOw : [K 1, 81 J to last st Kl. Hut,o w ; Knit.
Nut'ow : Knit. Cast off kn,twlseon WS.
to finish For each '..nge. cut one t5 em (6 In) length of y~m ~nd thread on lour beads. SI,p two beads to each end and t ea knot. Fold the strand on half and draw the fOlded end through a st,tch at the bollom edgeo! the scarl. draw the loose ends of the yarn through the loop and pull f"mly to form 8 ~not_ Repe~t along the w.dth of the scarl to complete the frrnge. Ma.ea beaded Innge ,n the same "'8y along the top edge 01 the scarl.
Snuggle scarf Wrap yourself and your loved ones in one of these gorgeously snug scarves and really enjoy those cold, crrsp. frosty mornings. Materials
• Three-colour sea rf
• Sma (FOur-c< 14.5.130cm
T",e.;(lg(. nlblll ofRowanCaln'IMlneachotlMe r, o.."nllC< )ura.Abe rnm (US 8) kMt>n(j needles
ur Karl)
11 . 130 em (6~ . 51 ,n) 8Pp.o>,maleI1 Large (3-coJoor scarf) 17 . 100cm (6)' x 7\ on) appfQ., m~lely
Tension • Pl ain .carl T~,
0:) ba
Ro,.,an Calmer
"11'1 «("/9 51
21 sIS. 30 rows t( 1( C'TI I~ ,~\ SQuare mHwre
Pa,Di!> ..... (US ,. nt1ngnee<.!les
Abbreviat ions 1011(.) 101...... ( no lII.rt. , II ,art.. , 5t te'" I( ' n T lH lefth./ir>d: P pUrl; ,e p rero I RS r t . t( t) $I,teh(es) I t_tt ,tOCk no $1 ". WS Wf "'g cH ¥
• Four-colour s"at f with curly edging On . )01 "l)ba "'RowanClolmer,neac nltrl. Ie ,,,,no, oufs:Ai)lIbyp,nk(41OFllIm,nQO,BI (46<: eMI",,). C '"1 (<163 Calmet) and 0 I me (464laUf.1 P~.
ol5mm (US 8) kOithnO needles
Designer's not. Th.S ,$ the ,de~1 kn.tt,ng pr oct for a beg nne<. The Simple PIIttern .s great tor practls ng ~o~. stiTches and JO,nong .n new eoloors . and you Will be S.... rproled how qu.dl1 the scarf gro"""" t have used a be~utl'ulty soft cctton·m .. y~m. so O:IVen lhe most senSitIVe 5~ Ins ean "'rap UP snugly ,n th,s sc~rf_
The scarves to make Three.colou, s carf GilrIe. It I tripe ..que n ce Rowl : Krt A Row:: Kr ! A R ow3: l\:r t
Row. : Knt
~ ..
Row S: Kn,t
"0 ~8 ,C
R ow 6: Kn,1
nil ~~" I C
Rep the 6 'ow, St-. t Itri pe .. quenn Row 1: Kn,1
nO ~8 ,A
Row2: K2.P31.K2
" t......
Row 11: Kn 1~' r~J.rn B
Row 12: 11.2 ?31 11:2 K~ yam B WQ<~ 8
Rep these 30 ro .... ,
USing 5mm (US needlnand yar" A. cast )n35st,;. ··Wo,~ 20 em (8 '0) at 0-5\ 51, pe. Wor!< 30 em (12 ,n) of ~t· s\ Wipe. Wo,," 10em (4 ,n)oI II Sl SIt pe,
WOI.l0cm14 n}of~tSlstrpe W~,~ :Dcm (12 "lot II sl ,t"". WOt'< IOcm (. n)oI.l sl,... <:to W'J'~20cm(l n)oIgMI! pt: ' . W,'~30c.m(!2 ~Ioh! 51 !, pe Wv • .. 20cm{8 n of .1" pe . ..,.,ng ... aRSro ....
C&st (If!.~ t ... , Plain le;o..1 USlng5mm(US8)neec ...
Wo"',,,o,no",,<:< oolourScarf lrom -" rcw. Cast off knl(... ,se.
",en ng ... ,thaWS
Four·c olour s car' Garter I I Itri.,. "quence Rowl : Kn\ A Ro w 2: Kt\ A Rowl: Ktl B Row 4: Kt ! yatn B Row S: Kt ! yarnc. OyarnC Row&: Knl Row 7: Knt ~O~ ,0 Row l: KM. ,noy ,,0 Rep IheSO! 8 rov., $1·, 1 , trip . .. quan,,, Row 1: Kntt u"nO ~arn A Row 2: K2. P:/5. K2. us,no yarn A. Woo 4 mora rov., uS no yam A. Row 7: Kntl u' no yarn B, Row I : K2. P:/5, K2. '-""'0 yam B Woo 4 more rov., u""O yarn B Row 13: Kn I \OS ng yarn C Row U : 1<2, P2!:. 1<2. u$lnO~"'" C W0f\I4 more rc ... 011"0 ~am C Row 19: Kn t oS "0 yarn O. Row20: K2, P'25_ K2. \,I$Ino ya'" 0 Woo 4 more rOM Rep Ihese 26 ,,)w, USing 5mm (US 8) knttl no needl,sand y~rn A. work Picot cut·OII a, toll$: Casl on 20 Sis, casl olf 20 sU. \ 51 on lH needle. °cast on 24 SIS. CUI olf 20 SIS- (5 sIs on LH needle), WOf. from 0 IQ 0 6 I mH rr.;:,re (29sls) Won n04·C<:!"<)~r W ~.WOfkas . 0\ -. ,endng ... ,lh lOt 3-<:010...' Se,01 I,
aRS""" WoO; poco! ca$l-')Il Nut rOw (WS) : Kl. lut 'and · ,ast on 20 s~$.casldt2'
t .c~ ...
unl,1 all sIs a,e cast off.
"'C'~lfom - lo
Usefu informat ion UK and US knitt i ng t e r minol o gy Most tert' O~~ '" UK ~nd )$., ,n ' (j pat1l''' s are It Til 'm( st, ,m, ddtere. ,Ie I ,e.
arne. b ... t a If-ware d,t'! ,,,,,to
Index cast ng on 14 15
lazy da,sy st,ter 34
cl>aln siltch 34
porn POms32
abb"".,at..lnS 9. 29
cl>arts. ,n,Wng Irom 28
choldren, s,"lable ya1lls
5",,1$ dan n{l34
bInd 1f1
$11, K1, PS$(> 21
, st,tch
st~ :~'n~:le
'!OC'"ng Sh\C tenSIon ~arn
a_e, needle
acce$$O"" 26
CI>OO$,no y8" $ 26--7
acryl,c 24
Class,c el"\lance lOla;
yarn over (~,
Alpaca 21
yarn (yo) yarn over (~
Angora 27
yllrn fo<ward ~arn round needle
Angora 1/001
O.. ,ne lace (scarl) 112-15 narrow 1t3. 114
Wide 113. 114
98- WI
double knllt,ng yarns 27
pla,n 99. 100- I
Knitting needle conversion chart
Angora rabb,127
CoIou.--. yarns 26
edging. curly cord 33
ThIS Chart showS you t Ow the d,fferent ''',IMg needie-sile system compare.
Aran yar"s 27
embel shment536
Metric 'mm 2~mm 2~mm
3mm 3)mm 3~mm
'mm 4'mm 'mm 5tmm 'mm
6Jmm 'mm 1Imm 'mm 'mm
US s izes
,, ,, ,, , "" 0
Supplier information
"" " ""
Rowan Yarns and Jaeger Handknlts +44 (0) 1484 681881.'.44 (0) 1484 6OC()5O w woN. kn 'ttOwan_con1
"" ", ,"
,, , • ,, 3
0 00
B bac k 'l,lel> 25 beads 26. 34 BeaM! for all (ha1) 6S-73
69. 71
S1r'ped 00. 10
Beautdully beaded (scarf)
'ace kn,lI,ng 36
tw,sted 33
nbbons36 embro,dery 34
lmlled 85, 86_88. 89
French knots34
pla,n 85, 86. 89
lazy da,sy stitch 34
two-colou - 85. 00. 89
Sw,ss darning 34
cotton 26 C10$S
shteh 34
curly cord edging 33 Cute In caole (hatlilO--3 ,
ends. sew,ng.n 24 eyelels21
F lab"e ""hener 26 Fa."sle hat 28
blanket 51'lel> 34
dec'eas,ng 21
Botany ... 00126
des,gner's notes 9
B"mm,ng ",,1M slyle (Mat)
des'gns. oanat,ons 8
Fancy 18'''5Ie (hat) 64-7 blue6!i.67
detaols 9_ 32-7
,~" l,nlOOlng onstruct,ons 9
buttons 26
/,nlsh,ng !echn'Ques 24
embell"hments 36
embro,dery 34
Debb'e BI'~ Desogllllr Yams ltd
cashmere 21
+44{O) 1$35004222
caSl,ng olf 23
www.debb.ebl.S5(M.l1 ,ne.co.u k
kn,tled 33
pla,n ... ,lM flo",er, :>r$llge
,n,tted 110"'ers 36
C, 5y m'ltens (gIO~S) 84-·9
pla,n ",,1M lazy da'sy
curly cord edl,o,no 33
Jeret (hat) 4O---J
F reneh knots 34
pla,n 41_ 43
'rlng,ng 33
str,ped 41. 42
kn,tted Ilowe's36
Frenc kMts 34 ind..
I"ngmg 33 Fr,,,oIous I nge<s (glOvE
0l-3 e><~ra, long 81. 82, 83 S!an~rd81.
Ra,nbow r
• • ,.
~. ,
• ~t ~
kn'lIed! wers36
garte< SI,tch t6
ya,nl 26 7
ul1flgB Poc . 1/tI of e~arm (SUn)
. 0'" 18-101
Class,c eleg
lace kMMg 36
cont,ut·col"", 121, 128, 129
laCe patterns 21
W,ped \21. 128--9
Fnvolous l,nge<5 ro-3
'arge nte
Pom POm party (scari)
TOlIsty tweed 9:)...6
'aly da.Sy st,tch 34 k'/tnl'tdlt12 Iamas21
H hill'd ....ash,ng 26 halS «)-n Bean e for all 68-73 B',Mmlng ... ln Slyte 7'
pom poma J2
p<essong 24
p,.... ~IT(
marl'""., washable yarns 26
Fancy fa,"sle 64-7
make 1 IM1); 22
F'ench be'et ~
mak.ng InstrlJCt.OfIs9 mak.ng UP 2!i
SltMg p'etty d8-63 St'eamhned sporty 54 7 W,nte< warme'
10&-11 POmPOmlC9,110 flDbeClli)g'1().111
100M ends 24
R Ra.nbo .... fib
'l"ped 106. 106
hold,ng needles'2
r ",te"aI59. 26-1
telax,ng 13
holding yarn'3
"b 18
slolch 2!i M< ,,~~ w, 26
I .ne,eas.ng 22. 36
n"'uc;ttOns Iln.lOtl,ng9
J ""n,ng ne .... ya'n 20 Jus, lor him (scan) '22-5
tIold.ng 12
.... x
I,nlsl 'g 24
garte< :\I'lel\ ItS
-~ chOOSIng 26-
SO" ~
Inc'eastng Z2
SltMg pretly (hall d8-63
I'''n>ng"., .... yarn 20 kn,t stitch 16-11, 18
cotton 26 embro,dery 34
cuslom'led 49. 52 emb'o<dered 49. &I, 52
join,ng new 20
maUr_ st.'c~?,I purl :\1,+ 1&--19
manufaclu''''S ,ns,ructoons 24
111,1<.1, paso21
fib 18
II p
lace edged 49. &I
On the !nnge (scarl) 116-19 all·ove, '"ng,ng 117. \ 18 l..no- Hlg,ng 117. 118
,.....-1134 <;I !OU'·e:oIou' ... ,m c"rly
On the I"n~ 116-'9 Poe . .. ts of che,,,, ,26-{j
Porn POm pef1y 100-11
tenSlOfl 9 chtc~
subSl,t"j, ng 21
ng B
synlhet,c 21 ... e'ghts 27
substltutrng ya,n$ 21
-'" "
Toasly tweed (glOves) ~ p la,n91,92-5 Wlpy91.92-6
,:,Xklng st,tcn \8
1.... ,Sled cord 33
St'eeml,ned SPorty IlIatl
lady, narno .. s'"ped 55.
·,,,PtoII'20 ut)sl,tutong ya
S.... 'M darnlng:J,ol yntl\et, : yarns 27
.. "
shade ClI,ds 26
CQfl1foll,ng 13
pla,n 135, 136 three·colou' 135. 136 stafl, yarn stlops 26
$t tell 18
""Pft 20
edging 13S.. 138
Just lor h,m 122-5
holding 13
<mIk,ng UP 2!i
Beaut,lully beaded 1:l()..3
2 "
man's ....
D,.,ne lace 112-15
lI'IIde aon:Is. )ar", 26
!learvE Itt' 19
5 buy,ng 26
cas' ng 0f1 , .....
.... 0'(11 ,9
ma ~ tng9
Internet 26
pla.n I~. 106
yarn 24
....... lneedles9
. , 8.
_'''0 , ends N
:'N5 ng 21 ,ne'eas,nQ 22
manufsclurer', .nSlructlons,
e searl 134--9 tubst Ie' g \ ... .s 21
tied cord 13
104 1
and cashmere m"
wool and cotton m,x 27
,dftlgns 8
w wasil, g
ylrnl26 we'ght&. ya" I 21 W,nte< "'aTmtr (~a') .u ·1 blue~
wool and ClSllme'. m" 'Z7 WOOl and cotton m,x 'l7 Inde.
Acknowledgements Eo,:O:K.reT, , _" P"'~e , 0 p, 'He 0, E.<,<, "".., Art Eo 1'0'.'" UHg" P~:.'·:.~r.p".~ Van ..... l,n~"ood
"'usirato, Koo Kong C,50, ,Pro • 'Co '
Ha,,, . :_,
Lou, .. "~.: od p1a<erneol at Ro".n o.,.~". ,~
F.,- '" Te" toll1
uo: ,'''',,,, UK. A re._ ',0 ,0 Ihe p~bl,c.'on of two of ...... ""'y
,he RQ ... , Mall,,,,n", Aft", Q'aduot,on, .he H,eltO
101$10", a ~.on·'"'! O~,
'l",f.n '-"'''11 up I'll< .... d,·'e· .. @.\rCOlltcbon,em lie< re'y,", lo",... ~ on , n . _
us In.CAN . . . .