GENETIC DIAGNOSIS OF ENDOCRINE DISORDERS Edited by Roy E. Weiss, MD, PhD, FACP, FACE Rabbi Morris I. Esformes Professor Chief of Adult and Pediatric Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism
Samuel Refetoff, MD Frederick Rawson Professor Departments of Medicine and Pediatrics, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA
Academic Press is an imprint of Elsevier 32 Jamestown Road, London NW1 7BY, UK 30 Corporate Drive, Suite 400, Burlington, MA 01803, USA 525 B Street, Suite 1900, San Diego, CA 92101-4495, USA First edition 2010 Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Except chapter 18 which is in the Public Domain No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher Permissions may be sought directly from Elsevier’s Science & Technology Rights Department in Oxford, UK: phone (44) (0) 1865 843830; fax (44) (0) 1865 853333; email: permissions@ Alternatively, visit the Science and Technology Books website at www.elsevierdirect. com/rights for further information Notice No responsibility is assumed by the publisher for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions or ideas contained in the material herein. Because of rapid advances in the medical sciences, in particular, independent verification of diagnoses and drug dosages should be made.
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Benjamin A. Alman, MD, Division of Orthopaedic Surgery and Program in Developmental and Stem Cell Biology, Hospital for Sick Children, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Koen M.A. Dreijerink, MD, Department of Internal Medicine, University Medical Center, Utrecht, The Netherlands Beatrice Dubern, MD, PhD, INSERM UMRS U872 Nutriomique, University Pierre et Marie Curie, Cordelier Research Center, and Gastroenterology and Nutrition Department, ArmandTrousseau Hospital, Paris, France
Valerie A. Arboleda, BS, Department of Human Genetics, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA Andrew Arnold, MD, Center for Molecular Medicine and Division of Endocrinology & Metabolism, University of Connecticut School of Medicine, Farmington, CT, USA
Alexandra Dumitrescu, MD, PhD, Department of Medicine, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA
Graeme I. Bell, PhD, Department of Medicine, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA
David A. Ehrmann, MD, University of Chicago, Depart ment of Medicine, Chicago, IL, USA
Albert M. Beckers, MD, PhD, Department of Endo crinology, University of Liege, Belgium
Sian Ellard, PhD, Professor of Human Molecular Genetics, Peninsula Medical School, Exeter, United Kingdom
Xavier Y. Bertagna, MD, INSERM U567, Institut Cochin, Université Paris Decartes, Paris, France
Douglas B. Evans, MD, The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA
Jerome Bertherat, INSERM U567, Université Paris Decartes, Paris, France
James A. Fagin, MD, Department of Medicine and Human Oncology and Pathogenesis Program, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, USA
Jane H. Christensen, MSc, PhD, Department of Pediatrics, Aarhus University Hospital, Skejby, Aarhus and Department of Human Genetics, Aarhus University, Denmark
Alice A. Fleming, PhD, Department of Human Genetics, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Karine Clément, MD, PhD, Professor, INSERM UMRS U872 Nutriomique, University Pierre et Marie Curie, Cordelier Research Center, and Endocrinology and Nutrition Department, Pitié-Salpêtriére Hospital, Paris, France
Helmut Grasberger, MD, Department of Medicine, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA Siri A. Greeley, MD, PhD, Department of Pediatrics, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA
Shelly A. Cummings, MS, Department of Medicine, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA
Lionel Groussin, INSERM U567, Institut Cochin, Université Paris Decartes, Paris, France
Adrian F. Daly, MD, PhD, Department of Endocrinology, University of Liege, Belgium
David J. Halsall, PhD, Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Trust, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge, UK
Manuela Dittmar, DSc, Professor, Department of Human Biology, Zoological Institute, Christian-Albrechts-University, Kiel, Germany and Department of Medicine I, Johannes GutenbergUniversity Medical Center, Mainz, Germany
Andrew T. Hattersley, MD, Professor of Molecular Medicine, Peninsula Medical School, Exeter, United Kingdom
Leslie Hoffman, MD, University of Chicago, Department of Medicine, Chicago, IL, USA Michael F. Holick, PhD, MD, Department of Medicine, Section of Endocrinology, Nutrition and Diabetes, Vitamin D, Skin and Bone Research Laboratory, Boston University Medical Center, Boston, MA, USA Jo W.M. Höppener, PhD, Department of Metabolic and Endocrine Diseases, University Medical Center, Utrecht, the Netherlands and Netherlands Metabolomics Center, Utrecht, The Netherlands Vivian Hwa, PhD, Research Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Oregon Health & Science University, Oregon, USA Camilo Jimenez, MD, The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA
Joachim Pohlenz, MD, Pediatric Endocrinology, Depart ment of Pediatrics, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany Kenneth S. Polonsky, MD, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO, USA Kenan Qin, MD, Department of Pediatrics and Medicine, University of Chicago, Department of Medicine, Chicago, IL, USA Sally Radovick, MD, Division of Pediatric Endocrinology, Department of Pediatrics, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA Samuel Refetoff, MD, Frederick Rawson Professor, Departments of Medicine, Pediatrics and the Committees on Genetics and Molecular Medicine, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA
Loren Joseph, MD, Director, Molecular Diagnostics Lab oratory, Associate Director, Clinical Chemistry Laboratory, University of Chicago Medical Center, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA
Thereasa A. Rich, MS, CGC, The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA
George J. Kahaly, MD, Professor, Department of Medicine I, Johannes Gutenberg-University Medical Center, Mainz, Germany
Christopher J. Romero, MD, Division of Pediatric Endocrinology, Department of Pediatrics, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA
Kelly Lauter, BA, Center for Molecular Medicine and Division of Endocrinology & Metabolism, University of Connecticut School of Medicine, Farmington, CT, USA Lawrence C. Layman, MD, Section of Reproductive Endo crinology, Infertility, & Genetics; Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology; Developmental Neurobiology Program, The Institute of Molecular Medicine and Genetics; Neuroscience Program; Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, GA, USA Rosella Libe, MD, INSERM U567, Université Paris Decartes, Paris, France
Cornelius J.M. Lips, MD, PhD, Department of Clinical Endocrinology, University Medical Center, Utrecht, The Netherlands Rob B. Van de Luijt, PhD, Department of Medical Genetics, University Medical Center, Utrecht, The Netherlands Nicholas Mitsiades, MD, PhD, Department of Medicine, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, USA Rinki Murphy, MD, The University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand Bernadette P.M. van NesselrooIJ, MD, Department of Medical Genetics, University Medical Center, Utrecht, The Netherlands Maria I. New, MD, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, New York, NY, USA Saroj Nimkarn, MD, Weill Correll Medical College, Department of Pediatrics, New York, NY, USA Stephen O’Rahilly, MD, FRS, Metabolic Research Laboratories, University of Cambridge Institute of Metabolic Science, Cambridge, UK Louis H. Philipson, MD, PhD, Professor and Director of the Kovler Diabetes Center, Departments of Medicine and Pediatrics, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA
Soren Rittig, MD, Department of Pediatrics, University Hospital, Skejby, Aarhus, Denmark
Ron G. RosenfeLd, MD, Professor and Chair (Emeritus) of Pediatrics and of Cell and Developmental Biology, Oregon Health & Sciences University, Oregon, USA David B. Savage, MD, Metabolic Research Laboratories, University of Cambridge Institute of Metabolic Science, Cambridge, UK Robert K. Semple, PhD, MRCP, Metabolic Research Laboratories, University of Cambridge Institute of Metabolic Science, Cambridge, UK Julie StÖy, MD, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark Constantine A. Stratakis, MD, D(med)Sci, Section on Endocrinology & Genetics, Program on Developmental Endocrinology & Genetics, (PDEGEN), Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), National Institutes of Health (NIH), Bethesda, MD, USA Bernard S. Strauss, PhD, Professor Emeritus, Department of Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA Patrick Tounian, MD, PhD, Professor, INSERM UMRS U872 Nutriomique, University Pierre et Marie Curie, Cordelier Research Center and Gastroenterology and Nutrition Department, Armand-Trousseau Hospital, Paris, France Eric Vilain, MD, PhD, Department of Human Genetics, Pediatrics, and Medical Genetics Urology, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA Guy Van Vliet, MD, Endocrinology Service and Research Center, Sainte-Justine Hospital and Department of Pediatrics, University of Montreal, Quebec, Canada Roy E. Weiss, MD, PhD, FACP, FACE, Rabbi Morris I. Esformes Professor; Chief of Adult and Pediatric Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, Departments of Medicine and Pediatrics, The University of Chicago, Chicago IL, USA
Imagine the skepticism of a physician of the 1950s or 1960s if told that genetic testing would be used to diagnose specific complex endocrine disorders. Until relatively recently major abnormalities of the endocrine system were diagnosed, treated and monitored with clinical assessment only. It was the clinical acumen of the astute physician that enabled correct diagnosis and determined which gland was responsible for producing too much or too little of a given hormone. The clinically pertinent markers of endocrine diseases were physiological measurements of basal metabolic rates, body weight and urine output, which we now term the “physiologic” era of endocrinology. Despite the discovery of insulin by Banting, Best, Macleod and Collip in 1921 and its use for humans in 1923, it was only with Rosalyn Yalow and Salomon Berson’s seminal report on the immunoassay of endogenous plasma insulin in 1960 that the “assay” period of endocrinology was introduced. This momentous methodological breakthrough enabled the endocrinologist to assay hormones previously impossible to measure at physiologically or pathologically relevant levels. The competitive protein-binding assay facilitated measurement of nanomolar or picomolar concentrations of hormones in plasma and tissues. Adaptation for other compounds further extended the field until 20 years ago, when “molecular” or “genetic” endocrinology evolved with the discovery of genes for insulin and growth hormone. Despite Paul Wermer’s 1954 publication of the first clearly inherited endocrine disease “familial adenomatosis” (American Journal of Medicine, 1954, pp. 363–371), it is only with access to the genetic tools of the new millennium that the clinician can now precisely identify the genetic defects causing a disease and apply rational therapy. In Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders we present to the clinician a straightforward, clinically relevant review of important genetic tests currently in use for the diagnosis of
endocrine disorders, and practical information as to where these tests are performed. Some endocrine disorders follow familial patterns of inheritance, while others may represent sporadic mutations. In both cases, identification of the mutation associated with the particular disease ideally allows the physician to test other family members, who may be asymptomatic. For example, in the case of a mutation with potential for adverse outcome such as medullary thyroid cancer. Physician and patient can now consider prophylactic thyroidectomy, for harboring such a gene prior to actual presentation of clinical disease; an approach possible only with the endocrine “genetic” revolution. Correlation of phenotype and genotype is frequently concordant, though in some instances the same genotype may cause different subtle or obvious phenotypes. An example would be patients with resistance to thyroid hormone who, despite identical mutations in the thyroid hormone receptor gene, may present with different phenotypes. The contrary example would be where the same phenotype may be due to different genotypes, as is occasionally the case in adrenal hyperplasias. Even in “truly” monogenic diseases, the genetic background of affected individuals may substantially modulate the phenotype. Thus, while genetic diagnosis is a critical part of the armamentarium of the modern-day Banting and Best, correlation of the genetic abnormality with its physiological manifestations remains crucial. Knowledge of which genetic tests to order must be supported by a full understanding of the genetic information they provide. The health care team responsible for diagnosis and follow-up, should ensure inclusion of the patient’s family/primary care physician and a genetic counselor. Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders was initially conceived for purely selfish reasons. For our own use we needed a comprehensive clinical practice handbook for the ix
genetic diagnoses of endocrine diseases. We therefore invited world experts to summarize the full range of currently available genetic endocrine diagnoses for our text. Initially we had to justify to ourselves taking time from our research to edit yet another endocrine book. However, the real advantage of editing this compilation of excellent reviews by renowned experts is the knowledge we have acquired in doing so. We hope that the reader will as well. Our many thanks to those who have so graciously contributed to Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders as
well as to Fay, Heather and our children who have been unswerving in their support of our careers. We would also like to acknowledge the support of the National Institute of Health (grants DK15070, DK07011, DK20595 and RRO4999), the Abrams and Esformes Endowments and the Sherman family. Roy E. Weiss, MD, PhD, FACP, FACE Samuel Refetoff, MD, PhD
C hap ter
Mechanisms of Mutation Bernard S. Strauss Department of Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637, USA
complicate the attempt to determine which changes are sig nificant [2]. An additional complexity comes from the dis coveries that differences in sequence statistically associated with different diseases are often found to be located in gene deserts, regions in which there are no known genes [3]. Although only about 25,000 protein coding genes have been recognized, these account for less than 5% of the total DNA. However, it appears that almost half (50%) of the total DNA is transcribed. At least some of these tran scripts have a function. Up to one thousand are processed into small (20–23 nucleotide) sequences called microRNA (miRNA) with key roles in regulating a variety of cell func tions. The key players in this regulation are nucleotides 2 to 8 of the miRNA, the so-called “seed region” [4, 5]. Insofar as the sequences coding these miRNAs have a physiological effect on the organism, they need to be consid ered as genes in the same sense as protein coding genes. The DNA giving rise to these miRNAs is subject to mutation by the same mechanisms for base change discussed in the chap ter. In addition, “RNA editing” changes the pairing specifi city of sequences by conversion of particular adenosines (A) to inosine (I) by deamination. It is conceivable that alter ations in the editing system could result in major changes in the function of particular miRNAs. Recently two point mutations in the seed region of one of the miRNA genes, miR-96, have been shown to segregate in a Mendelian way and to be responsible for a form of deafness [6]. It is likely that single base changes in other miRNA genes will be iden tified with other cases of inherited disease. The total amount of DNA involved in coding for micro RNAs is small, even though the initial transcripts before processing are several kilobases long. Even 1000 several kilobase genes would only constitute about 0.1% of a total genome of 3.3 109 bases. However, we may yet find out that the 45% or so of transcribed DNA not accounted for, but mutable as a result of the processes described above, has some function. We are still at the beginning of our understanding of the structure of the human genome.
Mutation is a sudden, inheritable change in the genome [1]. The change needs to be sudden, that is, the change must be present in one cellular generation but not in the preceding generation. Mutations were originally defined as necessa rily involving the gametes, but somatic mutations are now recognized as an important process. The phenomenon of recombination will often couple two sequences to give a molecule with such novel properties that it appears to have been a mutation, but geneticists have not usually classi fied such events as mutations. As will be seen in the dis cussion of chromosome aberrations (below) this separation between recombination and mutation is not clear-cut. The change also needs to be transmitted. An alteration in the DNA structure that prevents its replication is an inactivation, but not a mutation. On the other hand there are reversible changes possible in the structure, but not the coding prop erties of the nucleotides, for example, cytosine or adenine methylation. These changes can be inherited, but since the pairing properties of the nucleotide are not altered they are considered as epigenetic change, notwithstanding the large effect such modifications can have on function. Mutations may involve single nucleotides, in which case we speak of point mutations. A few or many nucleotides may be added or deleted. Whole genes or groups of genes may be deleted, duplicated or moved to other chromosomes, or whole chro mosomes may be added or lost as a result of errors in cell division. All such changes may have drastic effects on the life of the organism. On the other hand, many changes in the DNA have no discernible effect on function. As long as the interest of geneticists concentrated on Mendelian traits (or phenotypes), attributable to the action of a single gene, it was relatively simple to distinguish functionally significant mutations. The discovery that humans may dif fer at approximately one nucleotide in every thousand or, given a genome size of about three billion, at three million possible sites, the single nucleotide polymorphisms or SNPs Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
Point mutations We know more about the mechanisms by which point muta tions occur and of their effects than any of the other changes (Table 1.1). The original association of a single point muta tion with a particular disease was the discovery that sickle cell anemia was, in Pauling’s words, a “molecular disease” since all of its signs can be traced to a substitution of a glutamic acid by a valine in the hemoglobin molecule. This change was later shown to be due to a change from GAG (glutamic acid) to GTG (valine) [7]. The association of genetic change with a particular disease dates back at least a century to Garrod’s discovery of the Mendelian inherit ance of alkaptonuria, but Garrod had no idea of the nature of the genetic change. The second reason is methodological. Before the age of PCR and of DNA sequencing, mutations were most easily studied in the bacteria and the bacterial viruses. Ernst Freese and Seymour Benzer first systema tized the possible single base changes. These investigators and their co-workers coined the terms “transition” to denote the change from one purine to another or of one pyrimidine to another. The four possible transitions are cytosine (C) to thymine (T) and its reverse, and adenine (A) to guanine (G) and its reverse. Freese and Benzer defined “transversions” as changes from a purine to a pyrimidine or the reverse. So a change from an A or a G to a C or a T, and the reverse C or T to A or G were defined as transversions. Shortly afterwards, Brenner pointed out that some of the putative transversions were actually additions or deletions of one or two nucleotides [8]. These were later called frameshifts, because of the discovery that the genetic code was formed of triplets, groups of three nucleotides read together to specify a particular amino acid. The addition (or deletion) of any number of nucleotides not divisible by three would result in a change in the reading “frame” of three nucle otides at a time, thereby changing the amino acid composi tion of all amino acids downstream of the coding change. The details of the genetic code, as elucidated in the 1960s, also indicated that such frameshifts might not only result in major changes in the amino acid composition of a protein but might also produce unexpected termination codons as a result of the shift. Point mutations that resulted in protein terminations were at first termed “nonsense” mutations as opposed to missense mutations that resulted in the substi tution of one amino acid for another. The nonsense muta tions did not make “sense”, i.e. did not specify any amino acid. There are three such codons, now called termination (ter) codons: UAA, UAG, and UGA. Since messenger RNA is the molecule that is actually read by the protein synthesizing machinery, the code is an RNA code with U(racil) substituted for T(hymine). One of the stop codons, UGA, is read as tryptophan in mitochondria and the mito chondrial code includes a few other variations: AGG and AGA are mitochondrial stop codons instead of coding for arginine, and AUA codes for methionine instead of
isoleucine. There are 64 possible codons but only 20 (natu ral) amino acids and the code is degenerate, or redundant, in that several codons can specify the same amino acid. Point mutations within genes that do not change the mean ing (amino acid coded) of the codon are termed synony mous or “silent” as opposed to non-synonymous changes. Although there was some initial confusion about the neces sity of punctuation between the triplet codons, it was real ized that if reading of the code began at a fixed site, and if the reading “frame” was designed to read three nucleotides at a time, the correct sequence of amino acids would auto matically be produced. This terminology was developed before it was realized that there were large amounts of non-coding DNA. Even though it was (is) used, “frameshift” has no meaning for mutations within such non-coding regions. A more recent term for small insertions or deletions, regardless of their physiological effect is “indel”. Notwithstanding, or because of the universal nature of the code, there still remain some mysteries. The codon AUG specifies methionine and it also signals “start”, but not always. UGA specifies stop but some UGA codons specify the 21st amino acid, selenocysteine. The recoding of UGA is determined by the surrounding sequence, a characteristic stem loop located in the 3-end of mammalian mRNAs.
Mutagenic agents It was first assumed that the fidelity of normal replica tion stemmed from the stability of the A:T and G:C base pairs resulting from hydrogen bonding. The success of the early workers on the molecular nature of mutations came from their ability to account for the specificity of a vari ety of mutagenic base analogs and other mutagenic agents. They were able to draw acceptable alternative base pair ings resulting from the incorporation of these compounds into DNA, or by their distortion of the replication machin ery. For a number of years research on mutational mecha nisms consisted largely of formulations of how changes in DNA structure resulting from treatment with, or incorpora tion of, mutagenic chemicals could change the base pairing properties of the replicating DNA so that mistakes were made. The supposition by Bruce Ames that “Carcinogens are Mutagens” [9] (which did not, it turned out, mean that all carcinogens are mutagens) prompted chemists to study the changes in DNA structure produced by reaction with chemical and physical mutagens. Alkylating agents such as methyl nitrosourea and the chemotherapeutically active mustard gas derivatives were shown to react with individ ual nucleotides to produce multiple changes. Production of O6 methyl guanine by agents such as methyl nitroso urea or methyl nitronitrosoguanidine was shown to promote mistaken base pairing, making understandable the highly
C h a p t e r 1 Mechanisms of Mutation l
Table 1.1 Definitions Base excision repair (BER) Copy number variation (CNV) Deletion DNA glycosylase Frameshift mutation Hoogsteen base pair
Indel Insertional mutagenesis Inversion L1 element Missense mutation Nonsense mutation Point mutation Proofreading Recombination Retrotransposon Slippage
Synonymous/silent mutation Termination codon Translocation Transposition Transition Transposon Transversion Ubiquitin
Unequal crossing over Watson–Crick base pair
A repair mechanism in which single nucleotide bases are removed and replaced by a patch of one or at most a few nucleotides. Altered number of copies of a gene present in the genome. A loss of genetic material from a chromosome, often used to refer to a loss extensive enough to be cytologically visible. An enzyme which recognizes and removes specific bases from DNA without breaking the backbone chain. The addition or deletion of a number of nucleotides not divisible by 3, properly speaking in a coding region of a gene. Largely replaced by the term “indel”. An alternative form of base pairing in which the purines rotate from the anti to the syn configuration and form base pairs as follows: A(syn) C6(NH2), N7 with T (anti) C4(O), N3(H); G (syn) C6(O), N7 with C (anti) C4(NH2), N3(H). Insertion or Deletion of a small number of nucleotides in the DNA structure. Mutation by insertion of one or more nucleotides. Often used to denote inactivation of the genes by insertion of large transposable elements. A rearrangement of the chromosome so that the order of the nucleotides is reversed: if the normal order is ABCDEF, the order AEDCBF would constitute an inversion. A common retrotransposon found in the human genome. A change in a gene which results in a change in the meaning of a codon: e.g. the change from GAA (glutamic acid) to GUA (valine). A mutation which results in one of the termination codons UAA, UAG or UGA. A mutation involving one or a few nucleotides as distinguished from insertions, deletions and duplications involving hundreds, thousands or more nucleotides. In DNA synthesis the process where an exonuclease checks a newly inserted nucleotide for goodness of fit. Sometimes referred to as editing. Processes which result in splicing together of portions of different DNA molecules. A transposable element which can shift its position in DNA via an RNA intermediate. In DNA replication, the addition or deletion of nucleotides as a result of movement of repeated bases in either the template or newly synthesized strand during synthesis resulting in either repeated replication of the same segment or loss of one or more of the repeats when slippage occurs in the template. A nucleotide change that does not change the meaning of a codon, e.g. the change from GGU (glycine) to GGA (glycine). A triplet which does not specify a particular amino acid and is used to signal the termination of a peptide chain. UGA, UAA, and UAG are termination (ter) codons. Attachment of a segment of one chromosome to a different (non-homologous) chromosome. The movement of a transposable element from one position in the genome to another. The mutational change from a purine to another purine or a pyrimidine to another pyrimidine. G← → A and C← → T are the possible transitions. A DNA sequence able to move from one position to another within the genome. Movements are generally rare and are catalyzed by special enzymes coded for by the transposon. The mutational change from a purine to a pyrimidine or a pyrimidine to a purine. A← → T, G← → T, C← → G, C← → A are possible transversions. A conserved small (76 amino acids in human) protein which, when covalently added to proteins in single or multiple copies, serves as a signal for processes such as degradation and/or changes in conformation. Recombination between homologous chromosomes that are not precisely paired resulting in an unequal exchange of material. Usually occurs in regions of duplicated genetic material. Base pairs found in the double helical structure of DNA. G and C pairs both in the anti configuration are held together by hydrogen bonding between C2(NH2), N1 (H) and C6(O) of guanine and C2(O), N3 and C4(NH2) of cytosine. A and T pairs are held together by hydrogen bonding between N1 and C6(NH2) of A and N3 and C4(O) of T.
mutagenic characteristics of such compounds. A major development was the discovery that metabolic systems in the host activated ingested compounds making it possi ble for them to react with DNA. Carcinogenic polycyclic
hydrocarbons and aflatoxins are converted to epoxide derivatives with the participation of the cytochrome p450 system. These epoxides react directly with DNA produc ing mutagenic adducts. The Ames assay, a bacterial test for
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
mutagenic activity, was modified to account for such acti vation by the incorporation of a liver extract to media on which presumptive mutagens were tested [9]. We live in an environment that is essentially 55.6 Molar water. Given the law of mass action, hydrolytic reactions are inevitable. It has been estimated that we lose about 18,000 bases in every 24-hour period as a result of hydroly sis of the glycosidic bond [1]. The abasic sites so created are intrinsically mutagenic and organisms have devised a set of enzymes to survey and repair the damage. However, the most reactive mutagen in our environment is undoubt edly oxygen. Breathing, however unavoidable, is inherently dangerous! The electron transport chain by which ATP is generated results in the generation of reactive oxygen spe cies (ROS) that produce the hydroxyl radical OH. When formed in proximity to DNA this species produces a vari ety of oxidation products, of which a guanine with a satu rated imidazole ring (8-oxoguanine) is the most important. It is so important that enzymes utilizing different tactics are produced to overcome the effects [10]. The first, OGG1, is a glycosylase that removes the damaged base and sets off the base excision repair sequence. 8-oxoguanine in a DNA template strand has an increased probability of pairing with adenine resulting in G:C→T:A transversions. The human enzyme MYH (bacterial mutY homolog) removes As inserted opposite such damaged Gs. Base excision repair then occurs. Most of the time, the correct C will be inserted, but if not, the cycle can be repeated until an apoptic reac tion ensues. Some mutagenic changes, particularly those close to repeated sequences, seem to defy the specificity rules. Studies of the influence of the surrounding sequence on mutation permitted the deduction, supported by evidence with in vitro models, that what at first appeared to be base substitution mutagenesis might actually be the result of slip page errors in DNA replication [11]. Frameshifts (indels) are also likely to occur at regions of repeated sequence and the models account for such changes as a result of misalign ments of either template or newly synthesized strand as a result of “slippage” during replication. Dissociation and reassociation of DNA strands occurs repeatedly and when there are repeated sequences, the reassociation may occur so that some of the repeated sequences in the newly synthe sized strand “loop out” of the structure making addition of extra bases possible.
Specificity rules Most (early) considerations of mutational specificity and frequency focused on considerations of hydrogen bond ing and on the base pairs suggested by Watson and Crick. Occasionally, an alternative pairing, the Hoogsteen base pair, was suggested to account for particular cases of
specificity [12]. Notwithstanding the ability of such mod els to account for the data, it is not at all clear that hydro gen bonding is critical for successful DNA synthesis [13]. A non-polar thymine analog, (2,4 difluorotoluene) unable to form hydrogen-bonded base pairs can be incorporated selectively opposite adenine or an equivalent non-polar analog. The results obtained with such non-polar analogs depend on the polymerase used for the study. For some enzymes shape of the substrate is the determining factor; for others hydrogen bonding remains an important feature. Such studies with different polymerases indicate that the chemical nature of the substrate nucleotide is not the sole determinant of mutagenic specificity. A favorite subject for study has been an abasic site, a point in the sequence at which a base has been removed without breaking the backbone DNA chain. In the absence of a base to serve as template, one might suppose that if replication were to proceed it would do so with bases added at random. In fact, this is not how it works [14]. Although the abasic site is a barrier to normal synthesis, some polymerases are able to insert bases opposite such sites and to extend DNA chains past the lesion. Bacterial replicative enzymes tend to insert As opposite abasic sites and there are structural studies to indicate why this should be the preferred result. Yeast will insert a C or an A. Yeast, it turns out, contains a special protein (rev1), essentially a nucleotidyl transferase, that inserts Cs at the end of grow ing chains and will insert a C opposite an abasic site. Mammalian cells are likely to insert Gs or As. The muta genic specificity in different organisms turns out to be due to the specificities of their polymerases. The surprising finding, particularly in view of the emphasis on base pair ing in the 1980s, is that both the frequency and specificity of the errors are determined by the particular polymerase used for replication [15, 16]. There are some rules that apply to most of the polymer ases. Particular mutagens do react with DNA to produce products with unique pairing properties that predict the type of mutation to be obtained. The important guanine modifi cations have an increased propensity to pair with adenine, leading to G:C→T:A transversions. Guanine also reacts with many of the metabolically activated polycyclic hydro carbon derivatives implicated as carcinogens and the result ing products when replicated also appear to give primarily G→T transversions followed by G→C transversions. In contrast, most “spontaneous” mutations at sites of G are transitions, explained as the conversion by deamination of methylC in G(methyl)C pairs to G:T which replicates to give a G(methyl)C→A:T transition. Survey of genes for the types of mutation observed, so-called mutational spectra, can give clues as to the origin of the mutations observed. So, for example, the prevalence of G→T mutations in lung cancers is taken as evidence for the role of tobacco related polyaromatic hydrocarbons and nitrosoamines as mutagens [17]. Unfortunately, such mutagenic spectra cannot identify
C h a p t e r 1 Mechanisms of Mutation l
the precise lesion or agent involved. In the case just cited either oxidation of guanine or the addition of a polyaromatic hydrocarbon group lead to the same mutational change.
Mutagenic polymerases The conclusion that organisms evolve their own mutation rate and, by providing variation, their own rate of evolution comes from the discovery of mutations in bacteria and in yeast that make the organisms “mutagen stable”. For exam ple, treatment with ultraviolet light will kill such mutant organisms, but the mutation frequency will not increase among the survivors. An interpretation of the finding is that mutation requires that an altered DNA be replicated and that during replication past the lesion produced by the mutagen, an error occurs. If the DNA lesion induced by the treatment ordinarily blocks replication, then what is termed “trans lesion synthesis” (TLS) is required in order for muta tion to occur. The finding of “mutagen stable” mutants indi cated that proteins different from those used for replication were required for TLS. In the 1990s it was discovered that Escherichia coli, yeast, humans and other organisms code for a set of DNA polymerases distinct from the replicative polymerases and with specificities inherent in their struc ture. One polymerase, polymerase eta (the polymerases are assigned Greek letter names) is adept at bypassing pyrimi dine dimers produced by ultraviolet radiation. Such dimers are major products of exposure to sunlight and polymerase eta synthesizes past the T^T lesion without error, inserting two As. A deficiency in this enzyme results, in humans, in the variant form of xeroderma pigmentosum, a disease characterized by the induction of numerous skin tumors. In the absence of polymerase eta, a second enzyme, prob ably polymerase iota takes over, but this enzyme does make errors (mutations) when synthesizing past pyrimidine dim ers. There are about 16 different human DNA polymerases known (Table 1.2) and these enzymes have been classi fied into different groups based on structural homologies [15, 16]. Polymerase eta is a member of the Y family of polymerases which includes Pol (iota), Pol (kappa), and Rev1 (terminal deoxycytidyl transferase). Polymerase zeta is a member of the B family of polymerases that also includes the major replicative polymerases. The Y family of polymerases is characterized by a relaxed specificity. Structural studies show that the pockets, which in replicative polymerases fit tightly around the incoming nucleotides, are relaxed permitting “wrong” bases to be incorporated. The enzyme REV-1 pairs an incoming C with an arginine in the protein sequence rather than with the ostensible templating base [18]! On occasion, the incorporation of incorrect bases is apparently preferred by mammalian cells as a survival mechanism, since blocked replication forks lead to lethal double strand breaks in DNA.
One characteristic of replicative DNA polymerases in vivo is their processive nature when part of the replicative complex. That is, the polymerase remains attached to the DNA growing point after incorporation of a nucleotide, poised for the addition of the next base. Damaged nucleo tides in the template block this progression. In order for the Y family polymerases to promote TLS, they must in some way displace the replicative polymerase from the growing point. This is accomplished via the sliding clamp, PCNA (proliferating cell nuclear antigen) which encircles the DNA at the replication fork [19]. Addition of ubiquitin to the clamp serves as a signal for combination of the Y fam ily polymerases which can then rotate into the active site as the replicative polymerase falls off [20]. These error-prone polymerases are not processive and after addition of a few nucleotides they fall off. The details of polymerase action at growing points containing damaged nucleotides are an object of active research at the present. Its practical sig nificance lies in the possibility of interrupting the action of such auxiliary polymerases, thereby diminishing the overall mutation rate.
Mutation modifiers In spite of the explanations given in many elementary texts, the free energy differences between correct and incorrect base pairs are very small, at most 0.4 kcal/mol. This means that in a water solution, in which there is much competitive hydrogen bonding, a correct base pair is only about twice as likely to form as is a mismatch. The major contribu tion to specificity is clearly the replicative polymerases: the structural nature of the pockets into which incoming nucleotides fit and the kinetic interactions between elon gation of the chain and reversal of the reaction accounting for this specificity. The free energy differences between correct and mismatched bases for a reaction catalyzed by a replicative polymerase (Drosophila melanogaster polymer ase alpha) indicated a difference of 4.9 kcal/mol, equiva lent to a discrimination factor of about 1 in 3000 [21]. The in vitro measured error frequency of the different polymer ases (Table 1.2) varies from a low of about 1 in 100,000 for the different B family replicative polymerases to more than 3.5 per 100 for human polymerase eta [15]. However, the mutation rate in organisms is likely to be between 108 and 109 per nucleotide per generation [22, 23], a value four to five orders of magnitude lower. Organisms attain this high level of fidelity by two major processes contributing to specificity consequent to replication: proofreading and mismatch repair (MMR). DNA synthesis can be considered as a series of steps in which the growing chain is elongated and then the newly inserted base is checked, or proofread, to determine if it meets built in pairing specifications (Fig. 1.1). Terminal
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders Table 1.2 Human DNA polymerases
Exo activity
Pol G () PolQ () PolN ()
PolA () Pol D () Pol E () Pol Z ()
Error rate 105 Single base
1 base Indel Comments (suggested function)
4.5 240 350
1.7 140 17
JBC 276:38555(2001) NAR 36: 3847 (2008) DNA Repair 6: 213 (2007)
5 0.425 1.1 130
3.1 1.79 0.5 4.4
Pol B (ß) Pol L () Pol M () TdT
18 90 150 Non-templated
Pol H () Pol I (i)
3500 72,000
1.5 450 42,000 Terminal transferase 240
Pol K () REV1
500. 3000 (CvsA)
Mitochondrial replication TLS, SHM T opposite template G Bypass thymine glycols Replication (calf thymus) replication (calf thymus) replication (yeast) extends mismatch Gap filling, BER NHEJ, BER, Meiosis NHEJ
SHM G opposite template T No known function, BER?
Biochemistry 30: 11751 Biochemistry 30: 11751 Biochemistry 30: 11751 (1991) Cell Res 18:174 (2008) NAR 34: 4731 (2006) JBC 274: 3642 (1999) JBC 278: 34685 (2003) Mol. Cell. Biol. 21:7995 (2001)
JMB 312:335 (2001) Science 291:2156 (2001)
JBC 275:39678 (2000) Error rate of 12,000 for C FEBS Lett. 520:88 (2002) opposite Abasic sites Telomerase reverse transcriptase Nuc. Ac. Symp. Ser 333: 137 (1995)
TLS, trans lesion synthesis; BER, base excision repair; SHM, somatic hypermutation, NHEJ, non-homologous end joining; hTERT, human telomerase terminal transferase; JBC, Journal of Biological Chemistry; NAR, Nucleic Acids Research; JMB, Journal of Molecular Biology.
Figure 1.1 Schematic outline of the competition between extension and proofreading in DNA synthesis.
C h a p t e r 1 Mechanisms of Mutation l
bases that do not fit are removed by exonucleolytic action. The requisite 3→5 nuclease activity is either built into the structure of B class polymerases or exists as a separate but closely associated protein(s). Y family polymerase mem bers are devoid of exonuclease activity. Exonucleolytic proofreading results in about a hundred-fold increase in the fidelity of replication. Mutations in either the exonucle ase or exonuclease domains have mutator properties, pro ducing additional mutations in every round of replication. Organisms can “fine tune” their proofreading, and mutants (of bacterial viruses) have been isolated in which the rate of spontaneous mutation is lowered because of an increase in the efficiency of proofreading. Such an increase comes at a cost in energy since the ATPs required to provide the pyrophosphates required for polymerization are wasted. Even replication events with normal bases involve proof reading. About 6 to 13% of the polymerization events result in an excised (proofread) base [24]. The replication process can be depicted as a competition between proofreading and further elongation [14] since once the chain has been elon gated five or six nucleotides beyond a mismatch it appears immune to proofreading. The elongation step is distinct from the initial addition opposite any particular base (Fig. 1.1). Some of the enzymes of the Y series are relatively effi cient in the addition of a nucleotide opposite a non-pairing template but are unable to elongate the resulting product. It has been suggested that polymerase zeta, a B family polymerase, has as a function the elongation of mismatched bases inserted by iota and other error prone polymer ases [16, 25]. The events in trans lesion synthesis can be described as follows: the replicative complex recognizes a mismatch or altered base. This triggers ubiquitination of the PCNA clamp which in turn results in dissociation of the replicative complex from the DNA and allows access of a Y family polymerase to the growing point [20]. A deoxy nucleotide is added, and before the replicative complex and its associated proofreading activity can access the mis match, polymerase zeta replaces the Y family polymerase and elongates for a few nucleotides. Polymerase zeta then falls off and is replaced by the normal replication complex. Ubiquitination of PCNA plays a critical regulatory role in the process [20]. A variation of this scenario suggests that replication proceeds asynchronously until the next initia tion sequence, leaving a gap which is subsequently “filled in” by a process similar to that described. Superimposed on these events must be the availability of the different deoxy nucleotides used for synthesis. Alterations in the pool size of the different DNA constituents can affect the selection of bases and altering relative pool sizes can be mutagenic [26]. Whatever the sequence of events, the result of any particular elongation attempt will be determined by the various com petitions for access to the nucleotide at the growing point. The result of any single specific replication event cannot be predicted.
Mismatch repair Newly synthesized DNA in humans and other organisms is subject to yet another inspection by the set of proteins con stituting the mismatch repair (MMR) system. These proteins detect mismatches in the DNA: both base pair mismatches and mismatches due to small additions or deletions. In bac teria, in which the process was studied first, the detection is carried out by a single protein acting as a homodimer, the mutS protein, which when bound to the mismatch recruits a second protein dimer, mutL. In the enteric bacteria this ATP dependent complex activates the endonuclease activity of a third protein, mutH, which makes a single stranded break in the error-containing strand. The nicked strand is unwound by a helicase encoded by the UvrD gene and the displaced strand is degraded by an exonuclease. The resulting sin gle stranded gap is then filled by the replicative polymer ase. The key to the successful operation of this scheme is making sure that the newly synthesized strand including the “error” is the one removed. In Escherichia coli this trick is accomplished by a special methylation mechanism. Adenines at GATC sites are methylated on both strands but the methylation of the newly inserted adenine is accom plished only after replication. Immediately after replica tion the newly synthesized strand is unmethylated. It is this hemi-methylated DNA which is the substrate for mismatch repair and it is the unmethylated, i.e. newly synthesized, strand which is removed [1]. Eukaryotic cells have a more complex, although clearly similar, mismatch repair mechanism [27]. Instead of a single mutS protein, eukaryotes have five, three of which (MSH2 [MutS homolog], MSH3 and MSH6) form dimers with slightly different specificities. There are four MutL homo logues (MLH1, MLH2, PMS1 [post meiotic segregation protein]), and PMS2 which also function as heterodimers. The MSH2:MSH6 heterodimer recognizes base–base mis matches and small insertions or deletions, the MSH2:MSH3 complex specializes in recognition of larger insertions and deletions. As the names indicate, certain of these proteins also play an important role in meiosis. There is no MutH analog. The adenine methylation recognition mechanism appears confined to enteric bacteria. In vitro reconstructions of the eukaryotic mismatch repair system use a free 3OH end (i.e. a nick in the DNA) to identify the newly synthe sized strand and it appears likely that in vivo it is the grow ing point of the DNA (or an unligated Okazaki fragment) that provides the MMR signal. Eukaryotic MMR is more closely tied to replication as compared to the enteric bacte ria. The MSH proteins have been shown to bind to PCNA which locates them at the site of the DNA growing fork [19]. Organisms deficient in their ability to make one of the mismatch repair proteins have increased mutation rates. The medical interest in MMR dates from the discovery that an inherited colon carcinoma syndrome can be traced
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to a deficiency in the MMR proteins [28, 29]. The most frequent culprits are the hMLH1 (human mutL homolog) and hMSH2 genes, followed by hPMS2 and hMSH6. Analyses of tumor tissue show that the promoters of these MMR genes are frequent targets of epigenetic inactivation by methylation [30]. The absence of a functional MMR system is often signaled by an increase in microsatellite instability. The “microsatellites” are regions of mono-, or di-nucleotide repeats (e.g. CACACACACA) that are poly morphic, i.e. in which the actual number of repeat units at a particular location differs among individuals. The number of repeat units at each locus is inherited and is the basis of much DNA “fingerprinting”. “Instability” is observed as a detectable increase in the number of such repeats, easily demonstrated by gel electrophoresis. Individuals deficient in MMR may have thousands of microsatellite instabili ties throughout the genome but a panel of five selected loci is generally used for testing. Instability at two loci serves as a positive signal [31]. Bound MMR proteins may also serve as a signal for apoptosis. Organisms deficient in the O6-methylguanine methyltransferase protein are exquisitely sensitive to killing by methylating agents. The cells become much less sensitive when made MMR defective, possi bly because of a loss of a signal from the MMR proteins combined at the O6methylG:T mismatch. The mechanism is important because MMR deficient cells with mutagenic lesions that should be signals for apoptosis, survive, repro duce and propagate mutations [32]. One of the unexpected discoveries of the 1990s was the finding that about 30 mostly neurodegenerative diseases, including Fragile X syndrome, Huntington chorea, myo tonic dystrophy and Friedrich’s ataxia are due to expansions of simple repeats in the genome [33]. For example, a CAG sequence which occurs from 6 to about 35 times in nor mal individuals expands to up to 100 repeats in individu als affected with Huntington’s chorea. In Friedrich’s ataxia, a normal GAA sequence occurring from 7 to 22 times in an intron may expand to 200 to 1700 units. The origin of these mutations is mysterious. Model systems have been developed in which the influence of slippage during repli cation has been studied. It seems that there is a role for the mismatch repair system [34] but exactly what sets off these changes is a mystery.
Mutation outside the replication cycle Although it is simplest to consider mutation as a conse quence of DNA replication, DNA turnover is not limited to the S phase. Insofar as DNA repair processes involve excision and reconstitution of the excised region, there is a chance for mutation during the repair process, particularly if an error prone polymerase is recruited to fill in the gap. Such
an error will create a mismatch, but correction of such mis matches during interphase might occur using either strand as a template and resulting in “fixation” of such mutations. This sequence seems to account for the phenomenon of somatic hypermutation during the immune response: per haps the only instance in which mutations are an essen tial part of a normal biological process [35]. The first step, which depends on transcription of the immunoglobin gene, involves activation of a single strand specific cytidine deam inase (activation-induced cytidine deaminase, AID). This enzyme converts cytidine to uracil creating a U:G mismatch. The mismatch is recognized either by the MMR pathway or by uracil glycosylase. During the ensuing repair processes, involving polymerase eta and the rev1 cytidine terminal transferase protein, mutations are generated. It has not been determined whether somatic hypermutation occurs during the S phase, but there is no reason why it should be limited to this period. Somatic hypermutation is limited to portions of the immunoglobulin gene, in particular cells at only limi ted stages of their differentiation. It is not clear what gives the process its specificity. Its interest lies not only in the importance of the immune phenomenon itself, but in the possibility that under particular circumstances something similar might occur, say, in tumorigenesis. This possibility is highlighted by the discovery of somatic hypermutations in the BCL6 and CD95 genes [36].
Spontaneous mutation and tumorigenesis Mutations are clearly important in tumorigenesis and it is clear that natural selection, in the sense of selection of the clones fittest for reproduction in the host’s environ ment, plays a major role. A first question is whether tumors are hypermutable or whether the accumulation of muta tions in tumors can be accounted for solely by selection. Hypermutability is an old suggestion put in modern terms in a series of papers by L. Loeb [37]. A parallel series of papers, summarized by W. Bodmer [38], argues that the spontaneous human mutation rate is sufficient to account for the mutations observed. Mismatch repair deficiency and its associated increased mutation rate is certainly associated with a sub-class of colon carcinomas. However, such defi ciency accounts for only about 15% of colon carcinomas and the tumors have properties (e.g. a relatively stable kary otype) that distinguish them from other solid tumors. It is also (now) clear that tumor DNA is separated from normal tissue by many mutations. When analyzed by methods that sequence DNA derived from tumors and neighboring sur rounding tissue, the tumors show many more mutations than the surrounding normal tissue. In one study in which 274 megabases of tumor DNA was screened for point mutations in exons of protein kinase genes the investigators detected
C h a p t e r 1 Mechanisms of Mutation l
1007 mutations: 921 single base changes, 54 nonsense muta tions and 219 silent mutations [39]. Assuming an average nucleotide size of 1500 bases per gene this finding implies a mutation frequency of about 0.5% (0.005), or about one new mutation for every 200 genes. One of the obser vations in this, and similar studies, is that no two tumors have precisely the same pattern of mutation – there is little overlap in the mutations observed although some mutations, e.g. in TP53, do tend to recur. Since we expect that each of us inherits about three new mutations in 50,000 genes (two sets of 25,000) this seems to show that the tumors must be highly mutable. The adherents of the “selection is sufficient” school argue that this need not be so. Direct measurements of the somatic mutation rate in human cells are rare but a recent measurement gives a value of 1.06 106 muta tions per cell division for the PIG-A gene [22]. There are 249 amino acids in this gene coded for by 747 nucleotides, which gives a mutation rate of 1.4 109 per nucleotide per generation. (For comparison, an estimate of the aver age mutation rate for 20 genes involved in Mendelian dis ease is 1.8 108 per nucleotide per generation [23].) The adult human has approximately 5 1013 to 1014 cells (this number is at best a guess by pathologists). Since the number of divisions required to produce a population of N cells is N–1; this means that there are 1.41 109 2 3 109 nucleotides (the number of nucleotides in a diploid genome) 1014 divisions or 8.5 1014 new mutations pro duced during development. Only about 5% or less of these will be in the genes, but even so this means 4 1013 muta tions distributed throughout 25,000 genes. This is about equal to the number of cells, so that most cells will have at least one new mutation in their genes. Based on the Poisson distribution, many cells will have no mutations but others will have two, three, four or more. If, as seems to be indi cated by recent whole genome association studies, the “nongenic” region of the genome is not as devoid of information as we suppose, the number of effective mutations will be even higher. Even in the absence of a mutator activity the selectionists argue that there will be sufficient genetic vari ation to drive tumor progression. The experimental obser vations are that mutations in genes affecting DNA repair, and therefore mutation rate, are, as a class, frequently found mutated in tumors. The debate has practical consequences. The common observation that cancers arise in the elderly is often interpreted as indicating that there needs to be an accumulation of individual (mutational) changes before an overt tumor develops. Many estimates suggest that five or six changes need to accumulate. Even a slight decrease in mutation rate would raise the age of incidence to greater than the average life span. If cancers have a mutator phe notype, it is argued that it may be easier to find drugs to counteract this phenotype and thus increase the age of first incidence to greater than the average life span! The frequent occurrence of new mutations in all somatic cells makes it important to distinguish between mutations
that are important in the etiology of a condition being inves tigated and those present by accident. For example, con sider two cells spatially separated in a tissue. Both will have accumulated a different complement of neutral mutations during their separate development. Collection of the tissue and sequencing by standard methods will not reveal any of these new mutations because sequences that represent less than about 10% of the genome are dismissed as noise in standard sequencing. Suppose now that one of these cells develops a new mutation that leads to proliferation. Cells of this new clone will all contain the new mutation but in addition, they will contain all of the mutations that have occurred in that particular cell during its develop ment. Sequencing of a tumor derived from that clone will reveal not only the mutation responsible for the selection (the “driver”), but also all of the others (the “passengers” or “hitchhikers”) that have accumulated previous to the transformation. The evidence for this theoretical formulation comes from an examination of the types of mutation observed. If mutation is random and if there is no selection, then about 25 to 30% of all mutations, depending on the codon usage of the gene being studied, should be silent or synonymous, resulting in no amino acid change. Demonstrating that the proportion of silent mutations is what would be expected for random mutation is a sign that such mutations have not been selected. In the data set referred to above [17], 219 out of 1007 mutations or about 20% were silent, close to, but slightly below the expected value for pure random muta tion. The investigators conclude that some of the mutations are indeed “drivers” and functionally significant, but it takes both sophisticated statistics and biological insight to deter mine which [40].
The role of DNA structure Although the Human Genome Project was officially com pleted in 2003, a 2008 paper [41] concludes that what was sequenced may actually represent only a minor allele! Continued advances in techniques for the analysis of DNA coupled with analysis of the genomes of a wider range of individuals confirms the findings that not only are there large numbers of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) but that structural variations including insertions, deletions and inversions of the DNA sequence may involve more base pairs than are found in the SNPs. Changes in copy number have been associated with both Mendelian and complex human traits [42]. The repeated elements in our genome promote instability by at least two major mechanisms, transposition and unequal crossing over, and it may be that these mechanisms are at least as likely to be responsible for mutagenic change (as defined phenotypically) as are any of the point mutational mechanisms. One of the startling
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
revelations of the year is the observation that a group of identical twins display mosaicism in the copy number of their genes [43]. Copy number variation was observed in twins both concordant and discordant for particular traits. A deletion associated with MLL was found in one twin pre viously diagnosed with the disease. The genetic identity of monozygotic twins has been a given in genetic research for years. The report suggests that recombination events can occur during mitotic development of individuals and that such variations may have medical relevance. Aberrant recombination of repeated elements in the genome can result in duplication, deletion or inversion of large regions of the genome (Fig. 1.2). Insertional mutagen esis due to the introduction of a transposed element into a gene can result in disruption of the gene product. The most prevalent transposable elements are the SINES (short inter spersed nuclear elements) and the LINES (long interspersed elements). Full sized LINE elements are about 6.1 kb in size and contain coding sequences for gene products essen tial for their transposition within the genome. Humans may have 200,000 to 500,000 of these elements in their genome, of which the most frequent is the L1 (LINE-1). Only a few
such elements retain their capacity to catalyze movement [44]. The others have suffered a variety of sequence changes in the course of history resulting in their inactivation. The SINE elements, of which the most prevalent are the Alu sequences of about 300 bases, may be present in approxi mately 1,000,000 copies throughout the human genome. These elements cannot catalyze their own movement but can apparently transpose by utilizing some of the enzy matic machinery produced by LINE elements. Transposons are recognizable by the target site duplications (TSD) that are found at either end of the insertion sites. Such duplica tions of about 2 to 10 bases occur as a result of the insertion mechanism, which at one point involves making a staggered nick in the double helix somewhat similar to the staggered cuts made by restriction enzymes, although there seems to be no specific sequence recognition for the insertion sites. Well over 30 pathological conditions have been associ ated with new insertions of Alu sequences and about 11 with insertion of L1 elements [45]. Eight of the L1 elements are reported on the X chromosome and 9 of the Alu sequence are X-linked. This unexplained excess on the X does not seem to be accounted for by the bias derived from the necessary
a. DUPLICATIONS: Unequal Crossing Over A B B’ C
a (homology
; crossover
a D
A/a C
a/A D
Figure 1.2 Cartoon showing how repeated elements in the genome can lead to chromosomal aberrations. (a) Duplication due to unequal crossing over. During meiosis recombination of homologous chromosomes containing displaced repeated elements can result in one recombinant obtaining an extra copy of the repeated element and the second chromosome losing a copy. (b) Deletion due to two trans posable (repeated) elements inserted in the same chromosome in the same orientation. Pairing of the homologous regions of the duplicated transposable elements followed by recombination results in a daughter chromosome in which the genetic material between the chromo somes has been deleted. The loop including a copy of the transposon and of the genes intervening is presumed to be lost in replication. Recombination between non-homologous chromosomes containing such repeated sequences can lead to translocations. (c) Inversion due to two transposable elements inserted into the same chromosome in opposite orientations. As shown in the diagram, recombination will result in inversion of the chromosome order.
C h a p t e r 1 Mechanisms of Mutation l
dominance of all mutations in males. It has been estimated that there is a new Alu transposition about once in every 20 births and that the ratio of disease producing transpositions as compared to single nucleotide changes is 1 in 2000. The actual process of retrotransposition is estimated to account for only about 15% of the events leading to struc tural variation, possibly because most of the elements are no longer active [44]. Most of the structural aberrations occur as a result of recombination events between repeated sequences [41]. Unequal crossing over (Fig. 1.2) can produce both addition and deletion of particular sequences. The production of deletions and inversions depends on whether the repeated sequences occur in the same or inverted orientation (Fig. 1.2b,c). Recombination between repeats in different chromosomes can result in transloca tions. Our current understanding of the structure of the genome therefore indicates it to include numerous sources of instability. Most such changes will be eliminated when they occur at meiosis because they result in abnormal devel opment. Changes occurring in somatic cells may result in pathological change and we are only beginning to under stand such instability. The numerous repeats and retroviral like elements in our genome act as potential mutagens.
References Note: The volume by Friedberg et al. (ref 1) is the most comprehensive overall reference for research on point mutations. 1. E.C. Friedberg, G.C. Walker, W. Siede, et al., DNA Repair and Mutagenesis, ASM Press, Washington, D.C., 2006. 2. K.A. Frazer, D.G. Ballinger, D.R. Cox, et al., A second generation human haplotype map of over 3.1 million SNPs, Nature 449 (2007) 851–861. 3. C.G. Mathew, New links to the pathogenesis of Crohn disease provided by genome-wide association scans, Nat. Rev. Genet. 9 (2008) 9–14. 4. J. Winter, S. Jung, S. Keller, et al., Many roads to maturity: microRNA biogenesis pathways and their regulation, Nat. Cell Biol. 11 (2009) 228–234. 5. C. Zhang, MicroRNomics: a newly emerging approach for disease biology, Physiol. Genomics 33 (2008) 139–147. 6. A. Mencia, S. Modamio-Hoybjor, N. Redshaw, et al., Mutations in the seed region of human miR-96 are responsi ble for nonsyndromic progressive hearing loss, Nat. Genet. 41 (2009) 609–613. 7. V.M. Ingram, Sickle-cell anemia hemoglobin: the molecular biology of the first “molecular disease” – the crucial impor tance of serendipity, Genetics 167 (2004) 1–7. 8. S. Brenner, L. Barnett, F.H.C. Crick, et al., The theory of mutagenesis, J. Mol. Biol. 3 (1961) 121–124. 9. B.N. Ames, W.E. Durston, E. Yamasaki, et al., Carcinogens are mutagens: a simple test system combining liver homoge nates for activation and bacteria for detection, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 70 (1973) 2281–2285.
10. S.S. David, V.L. O’Shea, S. Kundu, Base-excision repair of oxidative DNA damage, Nature 447 (2007) 941–950. 11. T.A. Kunkel, A. Soni, Mutagenesis by transient misalign ment, J. Biol. Chem. 263 (1988) 14784–14789. 12. R.E. Johnson, L. Prakash, S. Prakash, Biochemical evidence for the requirement of Hoogsteen base pairing for replication by human DNA polymerase iota, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 102 (2005) 10466–10471. 13. A.T. Krueger, E.T. Kool, Model systems for understanding DNA base pairing, Curr. Opin. Chem. Biol. 11 (2007) 588–594. 14. B.S. Strauss, The “A” rule revisited: polymerases as determi nants of mutational specificity, DNA Repair (Amst.) 1 (2002) 125–135. 15. S.D. McCulloch, T.A. Kunkel, The fidelity of DNA synthesis by eukaryotic replicative and translesion synthesis polymer ases, Cell Res. 18 (2008) 148–161. 16. S. Prakash, R.E. Johnson, L. Prakash, Eukaryotic translesion synthesis DNA polymerases: specificity of structure and func tion, Annu. Rev. Biochem. 74 (2005) 317–353. 17. H. Davies, C. Hunter, R. Smith, et al., Somatic mutations of the protein kinase gene family in human lung cancer, Cancer Res. 65 (2005) 7591–7595. 18. D.T. Nair, R.E. Johnson, L. Prakash, et al., Rev1 employs a novel mechanism of DNA synthesis using a protein template, Science 309 (2005) 2219–2222. 19. G.L. Moldovan, B. Pfander, S. Jentsch, PCNA, the maestro of the replication fork, Cell 129 (2007) 665–679. 20. A.R. Lehmann, A. Niimi, T. Ogi, et al., Translesion synthesis: Y-family polymerases and the polymerase switch, DNA Repair (Amst.) 6 (2007) 891–899. 21. J. Petruska, M.F. Goodman, M.S. Boosalis, et al., Comparison between DNA melting thermodynamics and DNA polymerase fidelity, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 85 (1988) 6252–6256. 22. D.J. Araten, D.W. Golde, R.H. Zhang, et al., A quantitative measurement of the human somatic mutation rate, Cancer Res. 65 (2005) 8111–8117. 23. A.S. Kondrashov, Direct estimates of human per nucleotide mutation rates at 20 loci causing Mendelian diseases, Hum. Mutat. 21 (2003) 12–27. 24. A.R. Fersht, J.W. Knill-Jones, W.C. Tsui, Kinetic basis of spontaneous mutation. Misinsertion frequencies, proofreading specificities and cost of proofreading by DNA polymerases of Escherichia coli, J. Mol. Biol. 156 (1982) 37–51. 25. R.E. Johnson, M.T. Washington, L. Haracska, et al., Eukaryotic polymerases iota and zeta act sequentially to bypass DNA lesions, Nature 406 (2000) 1015–1019. 26. M. Meuth, The molecular basis of mutations induced by deoxyribonucleoside triphosphate pool imbalances in mam malian cells, Exp. Cell Res. 181 (1989) 305–316. 27. J. Jiricny, The multifaceted mismatch-repair system, Nat. Rev. Mol. Cell. Biol. 7 (2006) 335–346. 28. F.S. Leach, N.C. Nicolaides, N. Papadopoulos, et al., Mutations of a mutS homolog in hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer, Cell 75 (1993) 1215–1225. 29. R. Fishel, M.K. Lescoe, M.R. Rao, et al., The human mutator gene homolog MSH2 and its association with hereditary non polyposis colon cancer, Cell 75 (1993) 1027–1038. 30. F.V. Jacinto, M. Esteller, Mutator pathways unleashed by epi genetic silencing in human cancer, Mutagenesis 22 (2007) 247–253.
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
31. W.M. Abdel-Rahman, J.P. Mecklin, P. Peltomaki, The genet ics of HNPCC: application to diagnosis and screening, Crit. Rev. Oncol. Hematol. 58 (2006) 208–220. 32. B. Kaina, M. Christmann, S. Naumann, et al., MGMT: key node in the battle against genotoxicity, carcinogenicity and apoptosis induced by alkylating agents, DNA Repair (Amst.) 6 (2007) 1079–1099. 33. S.M. Mirkin, Expandable DNA repeats and human disease, Nature 447 (2007) 932–940. 34. C.T. McMurray, Hijacking of the mismatch repair system to cause CAG expansion and cell death in neurodegenerative disease, DNA Repair (Amst.) 7 (2008) 1121–1134. 35. V.H. Odegard, D.G. Schatz, Targeting of somatic hypermuta tion, Nat. Rev. Immunol. 6 (2006) 573–583. 36. H.M. Shen, A. Peters, B. Baron, et al., Mutation of BCL-6 gene in normal B cells by the process of somatic hypermuta tion of Ig genes, Science 280 (1998) 1750–1752. 37. L.A. Loeb, J.H. Bielas, R.A. Beckman, Cancers exhibit a mutator phenotype: clinical implications, Cancer Res. 68 (2008) 3551–3557 discussion 3557. 38. W. Bodmer, Genetic instability is not a requirement for tumor development, Cancer Res. 68 (2008) 3558–3560.
39. C. Greenman, P. Stephens, R. Smith, et al., Patterns of somatic mutation in human cancer genomes, Nature 446 (2007) 153–158. 40. C. Greenman, R. Wooster, P.A. Futreal, et al., Statistical analysis of pathogenicity of somatic mutations in cancer, Genetics 173 (2006) 2187–2198. 41. J.M. Kidd, G.M. Cooper, W.F. Donahue, et al., Mapping and sequencing of structural variation from eight human genomes, Nature 453 (2008) 56–64. 42. S.A. McCarroll, D.M. Altshuler, Copy-number variation and association studies of human disease, Nat. Genet. 39 (2007) S37–S42. 43. C.E. Bruder, A. Piotrowski, A.A. Gijsbers, et al., Phenotypically concordant and discordant monozygotic twins display different DNA copy-number-variation profiles, Am. J. Hum. Genet. 82 (2008) 763–771. 44. R.E. Mills, E.A. Bennett, R.C. Iskow, et al., Which transpos able elements are active in the human genome? Trends Genet. 23 (2007) 183–191. 45. V.P. Belancio, D.J. Hedges, P. Deininger, Mammalian non LTR-retrotransposons: For better or worse, in sickness and in health, Genome Res. 18 (2008) 343–358.
C hap ter
Genetic Testing in Diabetes Mellitus: A Clinical Guide to Monogenic Diabetes* Louis H. Philipson1, Rinki Murphy2, Sian Ellard3, Andrew T. Hattersley3, Julie Støy4, Siri A. Greeley1, Graeme I. Bell1 AND Kenneth S. Polonsky5 1
The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA The University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand 3 Peninsula Medical School, Exeter, UK 4 Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark 5 Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO, USA 2
common polymorphism (Glu23Lys–E23K) leads to a small increase in risk (1.15 per allele) of type 2 diabetes in adults [10]. Finally, patients with the same mutation can differ with respect to clinical parameters such as age-at-onset and clinical features of the disease due to the effects of unidentified environmental factors and modifier genes, as well as epigenetic factors (e.g. paternal or maternal inheritance of the mutation). There are little data on the prevalence of monogenic forms of diabetes. It has been suggested that collectively they may account for up to 1–2% of all cases [5]. In the United States, where the total number of cases of diabetes in 2007 was estimated to be 24 million [11], there could be 240,000 individuals with a monogenic form of diabetes [5]. The challenge is to identify those individuals whose diabetes is monogenic in origin. In some cases it may be familial, whereas in others it may be sporadic; i.e. a result of a de novo mutation. However, in those individuals whose diabetes is due to a de novo mutation, they are now carriers and diabetes will be familial in subsequent generations. In general, the genes that are associated with monogenic diabetes encode proteins that play a key role in beta-cell function. Examples include the glycolytic enzyme gluco kinase (GCK), various transcription factors, the ATPsensitive potassium channel subunits (KATP channel, encoded by ABCC8 and KCNJ11), a kinase that regulates translation, as well as the insulin gene itself (Table 2.1). Decreased levels or absence of the normal protein as well as gain-of-function of the mutant protein can result in beta cell dysfunction ranging from altered patterns of glucosestimulated insulin secretion to cell death. In other instances
This chapter is a guide to the clinical diagnosis of monogenic forms of diabetes mellitus. We briefly review specific clinical situations from the point of view of the clinical presentation focusing on sporadic and inherited forms of neonatal diabetes, persistent impaired fasting glucose, young adults with diabetes and a strong family history, and rare syndromic and non-syndromic forms of diabetes. Several reviews have discussed the genetics of neonatal diabetes and other forms of monogenic diabetes and they can be consulted for more detailed information [1–6]. In addition, several excellent websites are continually updated and will provide new information about the diagnosis and management of monogenic forms of diabetes, including www.,, and http:// Monogenic diabetes is a diverse group of disorders with different clinical presentation and genetic causes (Table 2.1). Moreover, different mutations in the same gene can have a very dramatic effect on the clinical presentation. For example, mutations in the insulin gene (INS) can either cause mild hyperglycemia presenting later in life [7, 8] or severe insulin deficiency presenting as permanent neonatal diabetes [9]. Severe activating mutations in KCNJ11 which encodes the Kir6.2 subunit of the ATP-sensitive potassium channel can cause permanent neonatal diabetes, while a *Abbreviations: HbA1c, hemoglobin A1c; MODY, maturityonset diabetes of the young; PNDM, permanent neonatal diabetes; TNDM, transient neonatal diabetes.
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.
Gene name; gene symbol (in italics)
Protein name
ATP-sensitive potassium channel; Inwardly-rectifying potassium channel subunit ATP-sensitive potassium channel; Sulfonylurea receptor 1 subunit Transcription factor
Permanent neonatal diabetes mellitus (PNDM) Potassium channel, inwardly Kir6.2 rectifying, subfamily J, member 11; KCNJ11 ATP-binding cassette, subfamily SUR1 C, member 8; ABCC8 Insulin; INS
ATP-sensitive potassium channel; Inwardly-rectifying potassium subunit channel ATP-sensitive potassium channel; Sulfonylurea receptor 1 subunit Hormone
Glucokinase; GCK
Maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY) Hepatocyte nuclear factor HNF-4 4-alpha; HNF4A (MODY1)
Spontaneous (80%) and autosomal dominant
Approximate number of cases to date
Other features
Low birth weight; macroglossia (23%) and umbilical hernia
Low birth weight; developmental delay (20%) and epilepsy (6%); responsive to high doses of sulfonylureas Low birth weight; responsive to high doses of sulfonylureas Renal and genitourinary abnormalities; atrophy of the pancreas
Spontaneous (80%) and 20 autosomal dominant Spontaneous and autosomal 2 dominant Spontaneous (80%) and autosomal dominant
Glycolytic enzyme
Spontaneous (80%) and autosomal dominant Spontaneous (80%) and autosomal dominant Autosomal recessive
Parents have impaired fasting glucose – GCK MODY
Transcription factor
Autosomal dominant
High birth weight and transient hypoglycemia at birth; sensitive to low dose sulfonylureas Reduced birth weight Sensitive to low dose sulfonylureas
Glucokinase; GCK (MODY2) HNF1 homeobox A; HNF1A (MODY3) Insulin promoter factor 1; IPF1 (MODY4) HNF1 homeobox B; HNF1B (MODY5)
Glucokinase HNF-1
Glycolytic enzyme Transcription factor
Autosomal dominant Autosomal dominant
250 350
Transcription factor
Autosomal dominant
Transcription factor
Autosomal dominant
Neurogenic differentiation 1; NEUROD1 (MODY6) Carboxyl-ester lipase; CEL (MODY7)
Transcription factor
Autosomal dominant
Bile salt dependent lipase
Autosomal dominant
Low birth weight; developmental delay (20%); epilepsy (6%); responsive to high doses of sulfonylureas Low birth weight; responsive to high doses of sulfonylureas Low birth weight
Renal and genitourinary abnormalities; abnormal liver function tests; pancreatic atrophy and exocrine pancreas insufficiency; reduced birth weight
Exocrine pancreas insufficiency; pancreatic atrophy; loose stools
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
Transient neonatal diabetes mellitus (TNDM) Abnormalities of chromosome 6q24 including DNA methylation Potassium channel, inwardly Kir6.2 rectifying, subfamily J, member 11; KCNJ11 ATP-binding cassette, subfamily SUR1 C, member 8; ABCC8 HNF1 homeobox B; HNF-1 HNF1B
Protein function
Table 2.1 Genetic basis of monogenic diabetes
Syndromes that include diabetes mellitus Maternally-inherited diabetes Mitochondrial and deafness (m.3243A G) leucine tRNA
Protein synthesis
Mitochondrial mutation – maternal inheritance
Various mitochondrial mutations have been associated with diabetes and deafness, the most common being m.3243A G in the leucine tRNA gene Only males affected; severe immune dysregulation; chronic diarrhea with villus atrophy (95%); pancreatic and thyroid autoantibodies (75%); thyroiditis (20%); eczema (50%); anemia (30%); often die before 1 year Epiphyseal dysplasia (90%); osteopenia (50%); acute liver failure (75%); developmental delay (80%); hypothyroidism (25%); exocrine pancreatic dysfunction (25%)
Transcription factor
Wolcott–Rallison syndrome/ epiphyseal dysplasia, multiple, with early-onset diabetes mellitus; eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2-alpha kinase 3; EIF2AK3 Diabetes mellitus, permanent neonatal, with pancreatic agenesis, congenital; insulin promoter factor 1; IPF1 Diabetes mellitus, permanent neonatal, with cerebellar agenesis; pancreas transcription factor 1, alpha subunit; PTF1A Diabetes mellitus, neonatal, with congenital hypothyroidism; GLIS (GLI (glioma-associated oncogene)-similar) family zinc finger protein 3; GLIS3 Wolfram syndrome/diabetes insipidus and mellitus with optic atrophy and deafness; WFS1 Thiamine-responsive megaloblastic anemia syndrome; TRMA; solute carrier family 19 (thiamine transporter), member 2; SLC19A2
Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2-alpha kinase 3; EIF2AK3
Kinase involved in regulation of translation
Autosomal recessive
Transcription factor
Autosomal recessive
Pancreatic agenesis; parents have IPF1 MODY
Transcription factor
Autosomal recessive
Pancreatic and cerebellar agenesis
Transcription factor
Autosomal recessive
Congenital hypothyroidism, glaucoma, liver fibrosis and cystic kidney disease
Membrane glycoprotein
Autosomal recessive
Diabetes insipidus and mellitus with optic atrophy and deafness
Thiamine transporter
Transports thiamine across the plasma membrane
Autosomal recessive
Thiamine-responsive megablastic anemia with diabetes mellitus and sensorineural deafness
C h a p t e r 2 Clinical Guide to Monogenic Diabetes
Immunodysregulationpolyendocrinopathy, and enteropathy, X-linked; IPEX; Forkhead box P3; FOXP3
The table shows the known causes of monogenic diabetes, giving the gene name, protein name and function, and inheritance. The genes are listed according to the approximate number of cases to date. Prominent other features are described with references in the text. Adapted from [2, 50] and other references cited in the text.
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
such as the abnormalities of chromosome 6q24 associated with transient neonatal diabetes (TNDM), the molecular basis for the beta-cell dysfunction is not yet well understood [12], and for mutations in CEL encoding the exocrine pancreatic protein carboxylester lipase, diabetes may be due to cross-talk between the acinar and endocrine cells of the pancreas [13]. By starting with the clinical presentation, this guide will assist the clinician in determining the priority with which diabetes genes should be evaluated by genetic analysis (e.g. DNA sequencing for point mutations or analysis for deletion of all or parts of a gene) (Fig. 2.1). Since recognition of the specific monogenic form of diabetes may have a major impact on treatment, genetic testing is critical for appropriate management. It is also necessary to guide genetic counseling even when treatment is not affected. Mutations in several different genes can cause permanent neonatal diabetes (PNDM), but mutations in just two of these genes (KCNJ11 and ABCC8) may cause a form that is treatable with pills (e.g. sulfonylureas such as glyburide), replacing intensive insulin treatment [14, 15]. It is transformational for the patient, the family and the treating physician to identify these individuals and to refer them to centers with expertise in this very rare form of diabetes. It is important to note that less than 50% of all cases of PNDM may be responsive to oral agents, so obtaining the correct genetic diagnosis is absolutely essential before any attempt to discontinue insulin and substitute sulfonylureas is attempted. Patients with monogenic diabetes due to mutations in the transcription factor genes HNF1A and HNF4A may be best treated, at least initially, with low doses of oral sulfonylureas, as the beta-cells in these patients are particularly sensitive to these agents. Individuals with glucokinase (GCK) mutations have a stable form of impaired fasting glucose with few if any complications, and they do not usually require any special treatment. A correct diagnosis means that the patient may be spared treatment either with multiple oral agents or intensive insulin regimens, as is often the case. For most patients with a GCK mutation, no specific treatment is usually necessary to achieve HbA1c levels within an acceptable range [16]. In the following sections, we briefly describe the clinical presentations of different forms of monogenic diabetes, the genes associated with each, and recommended treatment. The term MODY (maturity-onset diabetes of the young) has been used to describe a monogenic form of non-insulin dependent diabetes presenting usually before age 25 years [17–19]. Since MODY now includes at least seven separate subtypes [5] which differ as to presentation, treatment and associated conditions, we will follow the suggestions of Fajans et al. [1] and Murphy et al. [5] and describe them based on their gene names.
Monogenic forms of diabetes mellitus Figure 2.1 provides a flow-sheet that may be useful in studying patients with monogenic forms of diabetes and prioritizing analyses. Genetic testing involves sequencing the gene of interest in the proband including the promoter, protein coding regions, splice acceptor and donor sites, and sites of RNA processing (e.g. polyadenylation). A list of laboratories that carry out clinical genetic testing for monogenic forms of diabetes can be found at In addition to sequencing, analyses to detect deletions of the gene or parts of the gene may be necessary [20, 21].
Glucokinase and familial fasting hyperglycemia: GCK diabetes Clinical features A history of stable asymptomatic mild fasting hyperglycemia or impaired fasting glucose (100–125 mg/dl; 5.6–7 mM) in an individual of normal weight. Other features include dominant inheritance and HbA1c level in the range of 5.5–7% (median 6.3%). While usually stable, hyperglycemia may sometimes progress especially in obese individuals. Most carriers will not present to the medical profession, as the condition is rarely associated with symptoms. The diagnosis is easiest to make in children where other causes of hyperglycemia are rare, and in this situation GCK mutations account for approximately 50% of incidental hyperglycemia [22]. Female carriers are often identified during routine oral glucose tolerance testing for gestational diabetes having elevated glucose levels. The treatment of individuals with GCK mutations before a genetic diag nosis can vary from intensive insulin therapy to diet alone, with the HbA1c values usually not significantly altered by any specific treatment. Once the genetic diagnosis is made, drug therapy can usually be withdrawn. In those families in which diabetes progresses, there is usually another cause such as co-existing obesity or other cause of insulin resistance. Patients with diabetes due to a mutation in HNF1A or HNF4A may also present with mild fasting hyperglycemia, so careful attention to the family history is critical, and a search for other causes (or referral) is indicated if DNA sequencing does not reveal any mutations that would alter the function of GCK. Gene to test: GCK [23–25] Therapy Diet and exercise is a general approach to management but will not make a significant impact on glycemic control. Identification of a GCK mutation indicates to the clinician
C h a p t e r 2 Clinical Guide to Monogenic Diabetes l
Diabetes Mellitus
Neonatal Diabetes (diabetes diagnosed before 6 months of age; both sporadic [usual] and familial)
Familial, mild fasting hyperglycemia
Onset at birth; nonprogressive; complications rare; stable HbA1c, 5.5- 7.0
Test for chromosome 6q24 abnormalities, and, if negative, ABCC8 and KCNJ11
Transient insulin
Observe for relapse
Test KCNJ11, INS and ABCC8
KCNJ11 and ABCC8
High dose oral sulfonylurea
Familial (autosomal dominant), onset before 25 years of age
Onset in adolescence or young adulthood; progressive hyperglycemia with typical diabetic complications
Diabetes diagnosed after 6 months of age; no family history; presence of antibodies to insulin and other beta-cell proteins; specific HLA haplotypes
Diabetes associated with obesity; onset in middle age; familial aggregation; insulin independent
Type 1 diabetes
Type 2 diabetes
Test GCK
Test HNF1A, then HNF4A, and if renal features, HNF1B
No productive genetic tests
No productive genetic tests
No treatment in most cases; may need insulin in pregnancy
Low dose oral sulfonylurea
Diet and exercise; oral hypoglycemic agents; Metformin; GLP1R agonists; DPPIV inhibitors
If parents have impaired fasting glucose, consider GCK
Figure 2.1 Approach to the diagnosis of monogenic diabetes mellitus. The flow chart is a summary of the text comparing various forms of monogenic diabetes with type 1 and type 2 diabetes included on the right. Adapted from Murphy et al., 2008.
that therapy with oral agents or insulin is usually unnecessary. Lifetime monitoring of occasional blood sugars and HbA1c is required, as obesity or other conditions leading to increased insulin resistance may require more aggressive treatment if overt type 2 diabetes develops. Glucokinase activators are currently being evaluated in clinical trials and if this class of drugs were to be approved, they might represent a relatively specific treatment for GCK diabetes [26]. Pregnancy is the one circumstance where insulin therapy should be considered, specifically when a mother with a GCK mutation carries a child without a mutation who does then have increased fetal growth and evidence of macrosomia. On the other hand, a child with a GCK mutation has reduced intrauterine growth likely due to reduced fetal insulin secretion [27]. GCK mutations can also have negative effects on placental weight [28]. Early delivery is one possible approach, however, this remains a complex issue. Genetic implications GCK diabetes is an autosomal dominant trait so will be transmitted to 50% of offspring. Testing of other family
members is strongly recommended, and screening fasting blood glucose can readily facilitate this. Predictive genetic screening may then not be necessary unless there is ambiguity concerning whether the subject has GCK or type 2 diabetes.
Transcription factors and familial early-onset diabetes, including: HNF1A, HNF4A, HNF1B, IPF1 and NEUROD1 diabetes Clinical features The key features of transcription factor diabetes are: onset in childhood, adolescence or young adults, familial with autosomal dominant inheritance, absence of autoimmunity, subjects are usually not obese, and there is usually detectable C-peptide. Progression does occur with all of the known complications of diabetes. Since these genes have a wide expression in many tissues, extrapancreatic features are found. These include developmental abnormalities of the kidney and other organs in patients with HNF1B mutations.
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
Gene(s) to test The most frequent causes of transcription factor diabetes in most series are mutations in HNF1A, followed by HNF4A [29]. Kidney involvement such as congenital abnormalities or cysts should lead to analysis of HNF1B [29]. In addition to missense and nonsense mutations, small insertions, deletions and exon duplications as well as complete or partial gene deletions and large genomic rearrangements have been reported for HNF1B and at lower frequency in HNF1A and GCK that may be missed by conventional screening methods [20, 21, 29]. If significant mutations are not found in HNF1A or HNF4A, consideration can then be given to the more rare causes such as mutations in IPF1 and NEUROD1.
diagnosis then made in a catastrophic setting with marked hyperglycemia with ketoacidosis and a high morbidity. A genetic cause should be suspected if diabetes is diagnosed within the first six months [30]. Certain features, such as birth weight below the 10th percentile (especially in the absence of maternal diabetes), also suggest a genetic cause. Additional features may also include, depending on the gene and the precise mutation, developmental delay, learning disorders, speech disorders, muscle weakness especially with regard to climbing stairs, and seizures. Some children have also been diagnosed with attention deficit disorder. About 80% of neonatal diabetes cases are sporadic in origin but occasionally it may segregate in a family usually in an autosomal dominant fashion [2, 31].
Therapy Patients with HNF1A and HNF4A mutations show particular sensitivity to low dose oral sulfonylurea therapy. Some patients report that such therapy was tried and discontinued due to hypoglycemia, but careful low-dose therapy with these oral agents has significant advantages over insulin therapy. Older patients may no longer respond to sulfonyl ureas necessitating the initiation of insulin. Since these patients are not usually insulin resistant, insulin sensitizers are unlikely to be of benefit. The efficacy of incretin agonists or dipeptidylpeptidase IV inhibitors has not yet been evaluated in these patients. Insulin may be the best therapy for patients with mutations in HNF1B. Mutations in IPF1 and NEUROD1 are very rare causes of monogenic diabetes and so few patients have been described that they should probably be treated as one would treat patients with type 2 diabetes with low insulin secretion and carefully monitoring their response.
Gene(s) to test The most common causes of TNDM are abnormalities of chromosome 6q24 (paternal uniparental isodisomy of chromosome 6q24 [UDP6]), as well as methylation defects in this region of the chromosome and duplication of the paternal allele [32]. TNDM may also result from mutations in ZFP57 [32], mutations in ABCC8 and even less commonly KCNJ11. When patients are referred in the first weeks of life before TNDM can remit, simultaneous testing for UPD6, KCNJ11, INS and ABCC8 allows information to be available as soon as possible for possible oral medication to be introduced. PNDM is most often caused by activating mutations in KCNJ11 and ABCC8 that encode the two subunits Kir6.2 (an inwardly rectifying potassium channel) and SUR1 (the sulfonylurea receptor 1), respectively, of the ATP-sensitive potassium channel (KATP channel). As a consequence of these mutations, the channel does not close at physiolog ical glucose levels leading to hypoinsulinism and hyperglycemia. This causes severe low or absent C-peptide diabetes with ketosis in the first few days or weeks of life. Most but not all of the mutations in ABCC8 and KCNJ11 can be treated by high-dose sulfonylurea therapy (in off-label use in patients under 18 years of age in all countries) [15]. Mutations in ABCC8 and KCNJ11 that cause the opposite condition, decreased KATP channel function, are a cause of hyperinsulinemia with hypoglycemia [3, 33, 34]. Interpretation of new mutations as opposed to polymorphisms must be compared with mutations associated with both conditions. Gain-of-function mutations in the insulin gene (INS) can also result in PNDM. They are also a rare cause of MODY as well as antibody-negative type 1 diabetes [9, 35–37].
Genetic implications As for GCK diabetes, transcription factor forms of diabetes are inherited in an autosomal dominant fashion and the risk to offspring of carriers is 50%. Presymptomatic genetic testing and counseling to identify those at risk so that therapy can be initiated at the earliest signs of hyperglycemia is recommended.
Transient and permanent neonatal diabetes These include chromosome 6q24 abnormalities, mutations in the KATP channel subunit Kir6.2 (KCNJ11), insulin (INS) mutations and KATP channel subunit SUR1 (ABCC8), and several more rare causes including homozygous mutations. Clinical features Newborns with diabetes may have either TNDM or PNDM. The onset of diabetes is often undetected and the
Therapy As mentioned above and now well described in the literature, many but not all patients with PNDM due to a mutation in KCNJ11 and ABCC8 can be treated with high-dose
C h a p t e r 2 Clinical Guide to Monogenic Diabetes l
sulfonylurea therapy. However, the transition from insulin therapy to high-dose sulfonylurea should only be done after a mutation has been documented by genetic testing, as the protocol involves daily increases in sulfonylureas in some cases to relatively high doses (0.8–2.3 mg/kg/day), administered in two to four divided doses per day together with gradual insulin withdrawal to stimulate beta-cell function. Collaboration with or referral to a center with experience in this treatment is highly encouraged. There is currently no established therapy for either 6q24 abnormalities or INS mutations other than insulin replacement in the manner used for the treatment of type 1 diabetes. Genetic implications Although the most common forms of PNDM due to mutations in KCNJ11, ABCC8 and INS are due to de novo mutations, these individuals now are carriers and there is a 50% chance of their transmitting the disease to their children, who should be monitored accordingly. Moreover, given the rarity of this condition it is important to follow patients for the long term. To facilitate this, a registry for neonatal diabetes in the United States is underway and can be accessed at, and additional information for the United Kingdom and other countries can be found at
Rare syndromic disorders including diabetes Clinical features A number of rare syndromes that include diabetes mellitus have been described (Table 2.1). These include: maternallyinherited diabetes and deafness due to mutations in mitochondrial DNA; Wolcott–Rallison syndrome or epiphyseal dysplasia with early-onset diabetes mellitus due to mutations in EIF2AK3; X-linked immunodysregulation, polyendocrinopathy and enteropathy due to mutations in FOXP3; neonatal diabetes and congenital hypothyroidism due to mutations in GLIS3; permanent neonatal diabetes and pancreatic agenesis due to mutations in IPF1; permanent neonatal diabetes and cerebellar agenesis due to mutations in PTF1A; Wolfram syndrome 1 or diabetes insipidus and mellitus with optic atrophy and deafness due to mutations in WFS1; thiamine-responsive megaloblastic anemia due to mutations in SLC19A2; and autosomal dominant earlyonset diabetes with exocrine pancreatic dysfunction due to mutations in CEL (MODY7). Gene(s) to test The gene to test is indicated by the phenotypic features as noted above. Therapy Insulin is the mainstay of treatment in these conditions.
Antibody-negative type 1 (type 1b) diabetes Clinical features The majority of cases of type 1 diabetes are characterized by the presence of autoantibodies to islet proteins including insulin, GAD65 and IA-2 amongst others. Eisenbarth and colleagues introduced the term type 1b diabetes to describe diabetes associated with low or absent C-peptide and ketosis but without detectable antibodies [38]. An increasing percentage of such cases are also in the low risk HLAsubgroups, with the HLA-protective allele, DQB1*0602, increased in autoantibody-negative patients. While nonketotic diabetes in such children is increasingly associated with presumably polygenic diabetes, some cases are clearly associated with monogenic causes, especially when the patient is non-obese and there is a significant family history of various kinds of diabetes. Gene(s) to test In such patients, when testing of multiple antibodies is negative, HLA typing might be pursued but this is not readily available at the time of writing. Careful evaluation of the family history could help to determine if diabetes could be due to transcription factor or INS gene mutations.
Distinguishing polygenic from monogenic diabetes Clinical features Type 2 diabetes mellitus and presentations such as gestational diabetes are common and increasing in incidence, especially in minority populations. Polygenic diabetes is associated with obesity, a family history of type 2 diabetes, and a personal or family history of polycystic ovary syndrome [39, 40]. However, given the standard use of oral glucose tolerance tests (OGTT) in early pregnancy, some of these patients with abnormal OGTTs may have monogenic causes of diabetes. Careful review of previous fasting blood sugars, family history and associated conditions will help focus attention on stable conditions such as GCK mutations, or transcription factor diabetes. In some cases, anti-GAD65 or other antibodies will be positive, indicative of type 1 diabetes.
Approach to the family with apparent mixed type 1 and type 2 diabetes Clinical features Occasionally families are encountered where some members are treated with insulin, and others with various oral agents. These families may represent combinations of autoimmunity with obesity-associated diabetes, but also could represent one of the monogenic diabetes entities described above. A careful evaluation of anti-GAD65 and
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
anti-IA2 antibodies, determination of history of ketosis and patterns of inheritance will help to determine if monogenic causes could underlie all the cases in the pedigree.
Severe insulin resistance syndromes and diabetes Clinical features Three rare monogenic causes of insulin resistance are also associated with diabetes. They are only briefly mentioned due to their rarity or appearance as a syndrome. These are mutations in the insulin receptor, lamin A/C and the peroxisome proliferator activated receptor (PPAR). Gene(s) to test Mutations in the insulin receptor gene (INSR) can cause severe type A insulin resistance, leprechaunism, and the Rabson–Mendenhall syndrome [41, 42]. Mutations in the lamin A/C gene LMNA are associated with autosomal dominant lipoatrophy (familial partial lipodystrophy of the Dunnigan type (FPLD2)), recessive forms of congenital generalized lipoatrophy (Siep–Berardinelli syndrome) and other syndromes as well. These are important to recognize because of the possibility of treatment with thiazoladine diones [43–46]. Familial type 2 diabetes of early onset with insulin resistance may be caused by mutations in the gene encoding the nuclear receptor PPAR (PPARG). These rare mutations can cause severe insulin resistance, partial lipodystrophy, type 2 diabetes and hypertension [47, 48], and may be treatable with leptin [49].
Conclusions and summary The majority of cases of monogenic diabetes are undiagnosed despite more than 15 years having passed since the first gene for this form of diabetes was discovered. Determining the cause of diabetes can have dramatic implications for treatment, prognosis and genetic counseling. In the case of neonatal diabetes, the correct diagnosis can lead to a simple therapy that gives near normal control of blood sugars and minimal hypoglycemia. A history and presentation-based approach to genetic testing will allow the clinician to choose the most appropriate genes to test in the order of prevalence. Additional genes associated with monogenic diabetes remain to be identified. Referral of cases and families to the appropriate academic centers will facilitate correct interpretation of genetic studies and identification of new cases, as well as further understanding of the natural history of specific mutations. In the future, testing for genetic variants associated with type 1 and 2 diabetes may help the patient and clinician assess risk
and institute life-style modifications and medical prevention therapy for these forms of diabetes.
References 1. S.S. Fajans, G.I. Bell, K.S. Polonsky, Molecular mechanisms and clinical pathophysiology of maturity-onset diabetes of the young, N. Engl. J. Med. 345 (2001) 971–980. 2. A. Hattersley, J. Bruining, J. Shield, et al., ISPAD Clinical Practice Consensus Guidelines 2006–2007. The diagnosis and management of monogenic diabetes in children, Pediatr Diabetes 7 (2006) 352–360. 3. L. Aguilar-Bryan, J. Bryan, Neonatal diabetes mellitus, Endocr. Rev. 29 (2008) 265–291. 4. S. Ellard, C. Bellanne-Chantelot, A.T. Hattersley, Best practice guidelines for the molecular genetic diagnosis of maturityonset diabetes of the young, Diabetologia 51 (2008) 546–553. 5. R. Murphy, S. Ellard, A.T. Hattersley, Clinical implications of a molecular genetic classification of monogenic beta-cell diabetes, Nat. Clin. Pract. Endocrinol. Metab. 4 (2008) 200–213. 6. M. Vaxillaire, P. Froguel, Monogenic diabetes in the young, pharmacogenetics and relevance to multifactorial forms of type 2 diabetes, Endocr. Rev. 29 (2008) 254–264. 7. H. Tager, B. Given, D. Baldwin, et al., A structurally abnormal insulin causing human diabetes, Nature 281 (1979) 122–125. 8. D.F. Steiner, H.S. Tager, K. Nanjo, et al., Familial syndromes of hyperproinsulinemia and hyperinsulinemia with mild diabetes, in: The Metabolic Basis of Inherited Disease, seventh ed., vol. 1, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1995, pp. 897–904. 9. J. Stoy, E.L. Edghill, S.E. Flanagan, et al., Insulin gene mutations as a cause of permanent neonatal diabetes, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 104 (2007) 15040–15044. 10. C.M. Lindgren, M.I. McCarthy, Mechanisms of disease: genetic insights into the etiology of type 2 diabetes and obesity, Nat. Clin. Pract. Endocrinol. Metab. 4 (2008) 156–163. 11. CDC, US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National diabetes fact sheet, 2007, US Dept. of Health & Human Services, Atlanta, GA, 2008. 12. I.K. Temple, J.P. Shield, Transient neonatal diabetes, a disorder of imprinting, J. Med. Genet. 39 (2002) 872–875. 13. H. Raeder, S. Johansson, P.I. Holm, et al., Mutations in the CEL VNTR cause a syndrome of diabetes and pancreatic exocrine dysfunction, Nat. Genet. 38 (2006) 54–62. 14. A.L. Gloyn, E.R. Pearson, J.F. Antcliff, et al., Activating mutations in the gene encoding the ATP-sensitive potassiumchannel subunit Kir6.2 and permanent neonatal diabetes, N. Engl. J. Med. 350 (2004) 1838–1849. 15. E.R. Pearson, I. Flechtner, P.R. Njolstad, et al., Switching from insulin to oral sulfonylureas in patients with diabetes due to Kir6.2 mutations, N. Engl. J. Med. 355 (2006) 467–477. 16. A.L. Gloyn, S. Ellard, Defining the genetic aetiology of monogenic diabetes can improve treatment, Exp. Opin. Pharmacother. 7 (2006) 1759–1767. 17. R.B. Tattersall, S.S. Fajans, A difference between the inheritance of classical juvenile-onset and maturity-onset type diabetes of young people, Diabetes 24 (1975) 44–53.
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18. S.S. Fajans, Heterogeneity of insulin responses in maturityonset type diabetes (MOD) and in maturity-onset type diabetes of young people (MODY), Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 119 (1979) 171–175. 19. S.S. Fajans, Maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY), Diabetes Metab. Rev. 5 (1989) 579–606. 20. C. Bellanne-Chantelot, S. Clauin, D. Chauveau, et al., Large genomic rearrangements in the hepatocyte nuclear factor-1beta (TCF2) gene are the most frequent cause of maturity-onset diabetes of the young type 5, Diabetes 54 (2005) 3126–3132. 21. S. Ellard, K. Thomas, E.L. Edghill, et al., Partial and whole gene deletion mutations of the GCK and HNF1A genes in maturityonset diabetes of the young, Diabetologia 50 (2007) 2313–2317. 22. E. Feigerlova, S. Pruhova, L. Dittertova, et al., Aetiological heterogeneity of asymptomatic hyperglycaemia in children and adolescents, Eur. J. Pediatr. 165 (2006) 446–452. 23. P. Froguel, H. Zouali, N. Vionnet, et al., Familial hyperglycemia due to mutations in glucokinase – definition of a subtype of diabetes mellitus, New Engl. J. Med. 328 (1993) 697–702. 24. K.L. Thomson, A.L. Gloyn, K. Colclough, et al., Identification of 21 novel glucokinase (GCK) mutations in UK and European Caucasians with maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY), Hum. Mutat. 22 (2003) 417. 25. G. Velho, P. Froguel, A. Gloyn, et al., Maturity onset diabetes of the young type 2, in: F.M. Matschinsky, M.A. Magnuson (Eds.), Glucokinase and Glycemic Disease, Karger, Basel, 2004, pp. 42–64. 26. F.M. Matschinsky, M.A. Magnuson, D. Zelent, et al., The network of glucokinase-expressing cells in glucose homeostasis and the potential of glucokinase activators for diabetes therapy, Diabetes 55 (2006) 1–12. 27. G. Spyer, A.T. Hattersley, J.E. Sykes, et al., Influence of maternal and fetal glucokinase mutations in gestational diabetes, Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 185 (2001) 240–241. 28. B.M. Shields, G. Spyer, A.S. Slingerland, et al., Mutations in the glucokinase gene of the fetus result in reduced placental weight, Diabetes Care 31 (2008) 753–757. 29. E.L. Edghill, C. Bingham, S. Ellard, et al., Mutations in hepatocyte nuclear factor-1beta and their related phenotypes, J. Med. Genet. 43 (2006) 84–90. 30. E.L. Edghill, R.J. Dix, S.E. Flanagan, et al., HLA genotyping supports a nonautoimmune etiology in patients diagnosed with diabetes under the age of 6 months, Diabetes 55 (2006) 1895–1898. 31. S. Ellard, S.E. Flanagan, C.A. Girard, et al., Permanent neonatal diabetes caused by dominant, recessive, or compound heterozygous SUR1 mutations with opposite functional effects, Am. J. Hum. Genet. 81 (2007) 375–382. 32. D.J. Mackay, J.L. Callaway, S.M. Marks, H.E. White, C.L. Acerni, S.E. Boonen, P. Dayanikli, H.V. Firth, J.A. Goodship, A.P. Haemers, J.M. Hahnemann, O. Kordonouri, A.F. Masoud, E. Oestergaard, J. Storr, S. Ellard, A.T. Hattersley, D.O. Robinson, I.K. Temple, Hypomethylation of multiple imprinted loci in individuals with transient neonatal diabetes is associated with mutations in ZFP57, Nat. Genet. 40(8) (2008) 949–951. 33. A.P. Babenko, M. Polak, H. Cave, et al., Activating mutations in the ABCC8 gene in neonatal diabetes mellitus, N. Engl. J. Med. 355 (2006) 456–466. 34. J. Bryan, A. Munoz, X. Zhang, et al., ABCC8 and ABCC9: ABC transporters that regulate K() channels, Pflugers Arch. 453 (2007) 703–718.
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C hap ter
Obesity Beatrice Dubern1,2, Patrick Tounian1,2 AND Karine Clément1,3 1
INSERM UMRS U872 (Eq7) Nutriomique, University Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris 6, Cordelier Research Center, Paris, France Gastroenterology and Nutrition Department, Armand-Trousseau Hospital, 75012 Paris, France 3 Endocrinology and Nutrition Department, Pitié-Salpêtriére Hospital, 75013 Paris, France 2
make minor contributions in determining phenotype (i.e. polygenic obesities) [3].
Background, Incidence, Prevalence Clinical Presentation
According to the World Health Organization (http://www., there are an estimated 1 billion adults who are overweight (body mass index 25 kg/m2), and 300 million of these are considered clinically obese (body mass index 30 kg/m2). The prevalence of pediatric overweight and obesity is also increasing and is now estimated between 15.5% and 37% [1]. Obesity, marked by an excess fat mass, is characterized by a high phenotype heterogeneity linked most notably to differences in the stages of weight evolution. However, it is now well accepted that the development of obesity stems from the interaction of multiple environmental factors (overeating and/or reduction in physical activity) with genetic factors. Numerous epidemiological and intervention studies carried out in different cohorts (twins brought up together or separately, adopted children, nuclear families, etc.) have recognized the role of individual genetic and biological susceptibilities in response to the current weight-gain promoting environment [2] with a synergistic relationship between genes and environment. The severity of obesity will be determined by environmental conditions on a background of the individual’s genetic predisposition. Individuals with a high genetic predisposition to obesity and living in an “obesogenic” environment will gain the most weight. In an environment that does not favor obesity, these individuals would still be overweight. While obesity was first thought to be a disease that obeys the rules of Mendelian inheritance, new technologies paint a far more complicated picture of this metabolic disease. Obesity due to a single, naturally occurring dysfunctional gene (i.e. monogenic obesity) is both severe and rare (from 1% to 2–3% depending on gene) when compared to the more common form of obesity, in which numerous genes
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
Several clinical presentations are described in obesity depending on the genes involved: (a) Monogenic obesity described as rare and severe earlyonset obesity associated to endocrine disorders. These are mainly due to mutations in genes of the leptin- melanocorin axis involved in food intake regulation (genes of leptin and its receptor, proopiomelanocortin, proconvertase 1). (b) Melanocortin 4 receptor-linked obesity characterized by the variable severity of obesity and the absence of additional phenotype. They are responsible for 2–3% of obesity in adults and children. (c) Syndromic obesity corresponding to obesity associated with other genetic syndromes, as reviewed elsewhere [4]. Patients are clinically obese, and additionally distinguished by mental retardation, dysmorphic features, and organ-specific developmental abnormalities. (d) Polygenic obesity, which is the more common clinical situation. Here each susceptibility gene, taken individually, would only have a slight effect on weight. The cumulative contribution of these genes would become significant only in an “obesogenic lifestyle”. This type will not be developed in this chapter.
Genetic pathophysiology Monogenic Obesity At least 200 cases of human obesity have been associated with a single gene mutation. These gene mutations all lie 27
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Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
Figure 3.1 The leptin/melanocortin pathway. Neuronal populations propagate the signaling of various molecules (leptin, insulin, ghrelin) to control food intake and satiety. POMC-neurons in the arcuate nucleus are activated by leptin and insulin and produce the -melanocyte stimulating hormone (-MSH), which then activates the MC4R receptor in the paraventricular nucleus resulting in a satiety signal. The downstream roles of SIM1, BDNF and TKRB are currently being explored. A separate group of neurons expressing NPY and AGRP produce molecules that act as potent inhibitors of MC4R signaling. Several mutations of those genes involved in the leptin/melanocortin pathway are responsible for early-onset and severe obesity. POMC, proopiomelanocortin, LepR; leptin receptor; ISR, insulin receptor; GHR, ghrelin receptor; NPY, neuropeptide Y; AGRP, agouti-related protein; SIM1, single-minded 1; BDNF, brain-derived neurotropic factor; TRKB, tyrosine kinase receptor; PC1 and 2, proconvertase 1 and 2.
in one of eleven genes, reinforcing the rarity of monogenic forms of obesity [5]. Unlike syndromic obesity, the reason why excess body fat mass develops in these subjects is understood, since the genetic anomalies affect key factors related to the leptin and the melanocortin pathways (Fig. 3.1). This hypothalamic pathway is activated following the systemic release of the adipokine leptin (LEP) and its subsequent interaction with the leptin receptor (LEPR) located on the surface of neurons of the arcuate nucleus region of the hypothalamus. The downstream signals that regulate satiety and energy homeostasis are then propagated via proopiomelanocortin (POMC), cocaine-and-amphetaminerelated transcript (CART), and the melanocortin system [6]. While POMC/CART neurons synthesize the anorectic peptide -melanocyte stimulating hormone (-MSH), a separate group of neurons express the orexigenic neuropeptide Y (NPY) and the agouti-related protein (AGRP), which acts as a potent inhibitor of melanocortin 3 (MC3R) and melanocortin 4 (MC4R) receptors. The nature of the POMC derived peptides depends on the type of endoproteolytic
enzyme present in the specific brain region. In the anterior pituitary the presence of the proconvertase-1 (PC1) enzyme produces ACTH and -lipotropin peptides, while the combined presence of PC1 and PC2 in the hypothalamus controls the production of -, -, -MSH and -endorphins. Mutations in human genes coding for LEP [7, 8], LEPR [9], POMC [10], and PC1 [11, 12] lead to severe obesity occurring soon after birth (Table 3.1). Patients carrying mutations show a rapid and dramatic increase in weight, as illustrated by the weight curve of LEPR deficient subjects (Fig. 3.2). In individuals carrying a mutation in the LEP- and LEPRgene, hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism and thyrotropic insufficiency completely prevents puberty. Insufficient somatotrophic secretion is also described in some patients with a LEPR mutation as a high rate of infection associated with a deficiency in T cell number and function [13, 14]. In some individuals with leptin deficiency either due to LEP or LEPR mutations, there is evidence of spontaneous pubertal development (K Clément, unpublished
C h a p t e r 3 Obesity l
Table 3.1 Rare monogenic forms of human obesity Gene [References]
Mutation type
Leptin [8, 65]
Homozygous mutation
Leptin receptor [9]
Homozygous mutation Homozygous or compound heterozygous
Proopiomelanocortin (POMC) [10, 66] POMC but in the MSH coding region [67, 68] Single-minded 1 (SIM1) [17] Neurotrophic tyrosine kinase receptor type 2 (NTRK2) [22]
Heterozygous non-synonymous mutations Translocation between chr 1p22.1 and 6q16.2 in the SIM 1 gene De novo heterozygous mutation
observation). The follow-up of the initially described LEPR deficient sisters revealed the normalization of thyroid mild dysfunction at adult age (K Clément, unpublished observation). Additionally, subjects have impulsive patterns of eating behavior and food seeking disorders similar to that observed in patients with Prader–Willi syndrome. Evaluating body composition in some LEPR mutation carriers shows a large amount of total body fat mass (50%) and resting energy expenditure is related to the level of corpulence. Measurement of circulating leptin may help in the diagnosis: it is undetectable in LEP mutation carriers; correlated to fat mass or extremely elevated in LEPR mutation carriers [8, 9, 14]. Thus, LEPR gene screening might be considered in subjects with the association of severe obesity with endocrine dysfunctions such as hypogonadism but with leptin related to corpulence level [14]. Obese children with a complete POMC deficiency have ACTH deficiency which can lead to acute adrenal insufficiency from birth. These children display a mild central hypothyroidism that necessitates hormonal replacement [10]. The reason for hypothyroidism is unknown even if the role of melanocortin peptides in influencing the hypothalamic pituitary axis has been proposed. Children have ginger hair due to the absence of -melanocyte stimulating hormone (MSH), which activates the peripheral melanocortin receptor type 1 (involved in pigmentation). Several observations suggest that the skin and hair phenotype might vary according to the ethnic origin of POMC mutation carriers [15, 16]. Patients who are carriers of a PC1 mutation have, in addition to severe obesity, postprandial hypoglycemic malaises and fertility disorders. The delayed postprandial malaises are explained by the accumulation of proinsulin through lack of PC1, which is involved in the synthesis of mature insulin from proinsulin. The absence of POMC maturation due to PC1 mutation causes a dysfunction in
Obesity Severe, from the first days of life Severe, from the first days of life Severe, from the first month of life
Severe obesity occurring in childhood Severe obesity occurring in childhood Severe from the first months of life
Associated phenotypes Gonadotropic and thyrotropic insufficiency Gonadotropic, thyrotropic and somatotropic insufficiency ACTH insufficiency Mild hypothyroidism and ginger hair if the mutation leads to the absence of POMC production Rapid size growth – Developmental delay Behavioral disturbance Blunted response to pain
the melanocortin pathway and explains the obese phenotype [11]. In patients suffering from a congenital PC1 deficiency, severe diarrhea due to small intestinal dysfunction is described [12]. The processing of prohormones – progastrin and proglucagon – is altered explaining, at least in part, the intestinal phenotype and suggesting a role for PC1 in absorptive functions in the intestine. These studies have played an important part in confirming the critical role of the leptin and melanocortin pathways in controlling food intake and energy expenditure, as well as their strong implication in controling several endocrine pathways. Furthermore, these studies encouraged the pursuit of screens for genes encoding proteins acting both upstream and downstream of the G-protein coupled receptor MC4R factors (Table 3.1 and Fig. 3.1). Several additional genes have been found to cause monogenic obesity. Single-minded 1 (SIM1) was identified in a girl with earlyonset obesity and a de novo chromosomal translocation [17]. She had a rate of early weight gain comparable to the weight curve of LEP and LEPR-deficient children. SIM1 is present in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, has a role in the melacortin signaling pathway and appears to regulate feeding rather than energy expenditure [18, 19]. Secondly, a decreased expression of the brainderived neurotropic factor (BDNF) was found to regulate eating behavior [20]. BDNF and its associated tyrosine kinase receptor (TRKB) are both expressed in the ventromedial hypothalamus and have been attributed a role downstream of MC4R signaling [21]. A de novo heterozygous mutation in the NTRK2 gene was also described in an 8-year-old boy with early onset obesity, mental retardation, developmental delay and anomalies of higher neurological functions such as the impairment of early memory, learning and nociception [22]. In vitro studies of some, but not all, mutations have suggested that mutations could impair hypothalamic signaling processes [23].
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders 70 68 66 64 62 60 58 56 54 52 50 48
BMI (kg/m2)
46 44 42 40 38 36 34 32 30 28
P97 P90 P75 P50 P25 P5
26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Age (yrs)
P90 P25
P75 P5
Null MC4R
LepR 1
LepR 2
Heterozygous MC4R
Obese controls
Figure 3.2 BMI curves of two homozygous null LEPR mutants (LEPR 1 and 2), 1 homozygous null MC4R patient, 6 heterozygous MC4R carriers and 40 non-mutated obese controls [29]. The reference curves are the standard French/Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale percentile curves.
Melanocortin 4 Receptor-Linked Obesity Considering the pivotal role of the melanocortin pathway in the control of food intake, the MC4R gene is a major candidate gene in human obesity (Fig. 3.1). Since 1998, its genetic evaluation revealed that MC4R-linked obesity is the most prevalent form of monogenic obesity identified to date. Its represents approximately 2 to 3% of childhood and adult obesity with more than 90 different mutations described in different populations (European, North American and Asian) [24]. They include frameshift, inframe deletion nonsense and missense mutations located throughout the MC4R gene (Fig. 3.3). In addition, the frequency of such heterozygous carriers in non-obese controls or in the general population is about 10-fold lower than in the cohorts of obese patients [25, 26].
In contrast with rare monogenic obesities, even a meti culous clinical analysis does not easily detect obesity stemming from MC4R mutations because of the lack of additional obvious phenotypes. In families with MC4Rlinked obesity, obesity tends to have an autosomal dominant mode of transmission, but the penetrance of the disease can be incomplete and the clinical expression variable, underlying the role of the environment and other potentially modulating genetic factors [25, 26]. Homozygous or compound heterozygous carriers of MC4R mutations are very rare. Four carriers of homozygous null mutations in the MC4R have been detected [27, 28, 29] and as expected from a dominant condition, such patients have a very early onset of more severe obesity than heterozygous carriers, but do not display any additional unrelated phenotypes. In heterozygous MC4R mutations carriers, the onset and severity of
C h a p t e r 3 Obesity
25 S
15 S R N W L H L
30 S G K G 35 Y S D X M
G G C 40 Y
10 H M
Y V*
I S F Y I N H L 260 F L P F 290 A C W V S* V V F S 253 G L I T I 249 L T Q I G A L 242 K N M A G Q S I R 235 A E G C T
V S I 195 120 D E 42 A I 185 V F L Q L C I N I N S V L L I N D L F 105 T I V M T L P S V G I F I I D L E R 127 S V 201 179 V S T F T I T M V V F V E 100 I C L C S 131 A A G T L N D A P W 174 M L 55 G S S F V A 97 S V S I C I L L C S L S T L S I S A I Y L V V 211 L I I R C M E I 137 H V K D M I N S G 168 216 A 63 V 90 L L L F I A V K R I V L A M V 163 A I S L R S L S 145 V S T A I A I C D V F T Y R K 70 H F N N Q W T F 80 Y M M I X I 151 C P V K M I F S T K N Y N L H I X H A R L Q Y L G I A V L P D D P S N T L
F 281 M X H S F L N P L Y L I I C M H S N S I I D 298 L P T Y I
312 T I L D T L F I R 305 S R K C Q K E C 320 Y E W P 308 K X L G K T G L C L D F S S
FIGURE 3.3 Localization of human MC4R mutations including polymorphisms described in adults and children. Red circles: mutations responsible for intracellular retention of the mutated receptor or frameshift. Orange circles: polymorphisms. Yellow circles: mutation with functional consequence (altered α-melanocyte stimulating hormone production, impaired basal activity…). Green circles: any known or described functional effect. See plate section.
obesity vary and are related to the severity of the functional alteration caused by the mutation. The phenotype of MC4R mutation carriers has been debated. Many authors agree that MC4R mutations facilitate early-onset obesity. MC4R mutations carriers display increased linear growth, in particular in the first five years of life [27] but do not appear to be taller as adults [25, 30]. This trend is often observed in overweight and obese children. Assessment of body composition in these patients demonstrates increase in both fat and lean mass [31]. One study performed in English children with MC4R mutations has suggested that bone mineral density and size increase [27]. This potential increase of bone density may be explained, at least in part, by a decrease in bone resorption, as illustrated by decreases in bone resorption markers in the serum of patients with MC4R homozygous and heterozygous mutations [32, 33]. Obese children carrying MC4R mutations have a marked hyperphagia that decreases with age when compared to their siblings [31], while in both children and adults, no evidence has been found for a decreased metabolic rate in these patients. Meanwhile, the association between “binge eating” disorder and MC4R gene sequence changes [34] has not been confirmed [25].
Adult MC4R mutation carriers do not have an increased prevalence of diabetes or other obesity complications [25]. In UK children, fasting insulinemia was found to be significantly elevated in MC4R mutation carriers, particularly before the age of 10 years when compared to age, sex and BMI matched controls [27]. This hyperinsulinemia has not consistently been observed in children [28, 29] or in adults [25, 35]. Finally, with respect to endocrine function, hypothalamo–pituitary axis and reproductive axis [27, 28, 29, 30] as well as thyroid function are normal in MC4R mutation carriers. The role of MC4R mutations in cases of human obesity relies on two main arguments based on the frequency of MC4R mutations in different populations and their in vitro functional consequences. Firstly, MC4R mutations are more abundant in obese populations. Indeed, functional mutations have also been reported in non-obese subjects but at a significantly lower frequency [26]. Secondly, investigating the molecular mechanisms by which loss-of-function mutations in MC4R cause obesity has suggested a range of functional anomalies: abnormal MC4R membrane expression; defect to the agonist response; and a disruption in the intracellular transport of this protein. Normally, after ligand
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
binding, MC4R activation stimulates G-protein, leading to a subsequent increase in cAMP levels; however, the production of intracellular cAMP in response to MSH peptides demonstrated a broad heterogeneity in the activation of the different MC4R mutants in response to MSH, ranging from normal or partial activation to a total absence of activation [24, 30]. The intracellular transport defect of the mutated receptor, by intracytoplasmic retention, has been described for the majority of MC4R mutations found in childhood obesity [36], and also in adults [25, 26]. This mechanism explains the impaired response to agonists. In addition, MC4R has a constitutive activity, meaning a basal activity not necessitating the presence of a ligand, for which agouti related peptide (AGRP) acts as an inverse agonist [37]. In the absence of the ligand, MC4R has an inhibitory action on food intake. The systematic study of basal activity of some mutations has shown that an alteration in this activity may be the only functional anomaly found, in particular for mutations located in the N-terminal extra-cytoplasmic part of the receptor [38]. A tonic satiety signal, provided by the constitutive activity of MC4R could be required in the long-term regulation of energy balance. It is accepted that MC4R mutations cause obesity by a haploinsufficiency mechanism rather than a dominant negative activity. While the roles of homo and hetero-dimerization in G-protein synthesis and maturation are emphasized, some dominant negative effects of MC4R mutations might not be excluded. This form of obesity, which resembles common forms of early onset obesity, is therefore a non-syndromic, oligogenic obesity that can be placed between the exceptional forms of monogenic obesity with complete penetrance and the polygenic forms of common obesity.
Obesity Syndromes There are between 20–30 Mendelian disorders in which patients are clinically obese, yet are additionally distinguished by mental retardation, dysmorphic features, and organ-specific developmental abnormalities. These syndromes arise from discrete genetic defects or chromosomal abnormalities and are both autosomal and X-linked disorders. The most common disorders known are Prader–Willi and Bardet–Biedl, but many others have been reported (Table 3.2) [4]. The Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man database provides access to their clinical descriptions (OMIM; The most frequent of the obesity syndromes (1 in 25,000 births) is the Prader–Willi syndrome (PWS), which is characterized by obesity, hyperphagia, neonatal hypotonia, mental retardation, and hypogonadism. It is due to physical (microdeletion) or functional (uniparental maternal disomy) absence of the paternal chromosomal segment 15q11.2-q12. Several genes are localized in the PWS chromosomal region [39]. The region SNURF-SNRPN (Small Nuclear Ribonucleoprotein Polypeptide N Upstream Reading Frame–Small Nuclear Ribonucleoprotein polypeptide N) located in 15q11.2-q12 encoded for several proteins implicated in the imprinting center or alternative splicing. The gene necdin implicated in axonal outgrowth is also present in this region. Most of the genes of region SNURF-SNRPN are expressed in the hypothalamus and may be involved in common obesity. The genetic basis of hyperphagia remains undefined, in part due to the fact that none of the currently available PWS mouse models have an obese phenotype [40]. One genetic candidate that may mediate the obese
Table 3.2 Principal obesity syndromes Syndrome Autosomal dominant Prader–Willi syndrome (PWS) Albright hereditary osteodystrophy Autosomal recessive Bardet–Biedl syndrome (BBS)
Alström syndrome Cohen syndrome X-linked Borjeson–Forsmman– Lehman syndrome Fragile X syndrome
Clinical features in addition to obesity
Neonatal hypotonia, mental retardation, facial dysmorphy, hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism, short stature Short stature, skeletal defects, facial dysmorphy, endocrine anomalies
Lack of the paternal segment 15q11.2-q12 (microdeletion or maternal disomy) 20q13.2
Unknown SRNPN region GNAS1
Mental retardation, dysmorphic extremities, retinal dystrophy or pigmentary retinopathy, hypogonadism, kidney anomalies (structural abnormalities or functional renal impairment) Retinal dystrophy, neurosensory deafness, diabetes Prominent central incisors, dysmorphic extremities, ophthalmopathy, microcephaly, cyclic neutropenia
1q13 (BBS1), 16q21 (BBS2), 3p13 (BBS3), 15q22 (BBS4), 2q31 (BBS5), 20p12 (BBS6), 4q27 (BBS7), 14q32 (BBS8)…. 2p13 8q22
Mental retardation, hypogonadism, facial dysmorphy with large ears Mental retardation, hyperkinetic behavior, macroorchidism, large ears, prominent jaw
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phenotype and disrupt the control of food intake is the gastric hormone ghrelin [41], via its regulation of hunger and stimulating growth factor hormone (GH) secretion [13]. Indeed, patients suffering from PWS have high ghrelin levels [41]. Ghrelin’s implication in PWS is additionally reinforced by the positive findings that GH supplementation is capable of reversing several dysfunctional processes associated with PWS [42, 43]; however, in the absence of a suitable experimental model, identifying the genetic components of this syndrome is challenging. Bardet–Biedl syndrome (BBS) (1 in 100,000 births, with an increased prevalence in Arab and Bedouin populations – 1 in 13,500 births) is characterized most notably by obesity, retinal dystrophy (pigmentary retinopathy), malformed extremities (syndactily, polydactily), kidney diseases and eventually mental disabilities. BBS was first considered as a monogenic disease; however, large scale molecular screening in families revealed that BBS is associated with at least twelve different chromosomal locations with several mutations identified within some of these locations (BBS1 on 11q13; BBS2 on 16q21; BBS3 on 3p13; BBS4 on 15q22.3; BBS5 on 2q31; BBS6 on 20p12; BBS7 on 4q27; BBS8 on 14q32.11; BBS9 on 7p14; and BBS10 on 12q21.2; BBS11 on 9q33.1, BBS12 on 4q27) [44, 45, 46, 47]. While BBS was considered to be autosomal-recessive, it has been hypothesized that the clinical symptoms of certain forms of BBS are due to recessive mutations on one of the BBS loci associated with a heterozygous mutation on a second locus; this finding prompted for the first time the hypothesis of a triallelic mode of transmission [44, 48]. However, it seems that the triallelic transmission is present only in some families. Six genes are characterized in BBS, although their functions remain enigmatic. For the BBS6 loci, positional cloning identified the MKKS gene, which codes for a chaperone protein. Mutations identified in MKKS result in a shortened chaperone protein and represent 5–7% of all BBS cases; however, the links between MKKS, its eventual target proteins and the BBS clinical traits are largely unknown. A newly identified locus, BBS10, has recently been found to code for C12orf58, a vertebrate-specific chaperone-like protein, which was found mutated in 20% of the cohorts examined from various ethnic backgrounds [45]. Unlike BBS6 and BBS10, the genes implicated in BBS1, BBS2 and BBS4 are very different from MKKS and C12orf58 genes, but it is conceivable that they code for protein substrates of these chaperones [49]. Recently the E3 ubiquitin ligase TRIM32 was identified as the eleventh loci associated with BBS, suggesting that the list of genetic components for this syndrome may yet be incomplete [47]. Fascinating functional studies performed in single cell organisms have shown that certain BBS genes are specific to ciliated cells [50]. These cells have a role in mammalian development, where they contribute to right/left symmetry and enable the organs (heart, liver, lungs) to be correctly positioned within the biological system. Such dysfunction in the processes
affecting the ciliated cells may contribute to alterations in pigmentary epithelia and to structural anomalies noted with certain organs such as the kidney [51]. Alström syndrome is a very rare autosomal recessive disease which, apart from obesity, associates several phenotypes reminiscent of BSS-like retinal cone dystrophy. Patients with Alström disease also develop dilated cardiomyopathy, sensorineural deafness but no polydactyly. Mutations in the ALMS1 gene were found. This gene encodes a protein with ubiquitous expression, the function of which remains to be discovered. Because of its particular localization in the centrosome and basal bodies, which resembles the pattern of protein expression for some BBSlinked genes, it has been suggested that Alström syndrome could also belong to a class of cyliopathy [51]. Cohen syndrome is characterized by late-onset obesity (after the age of 10 years) associated with moderate mental retardation, typical craniofacial features (downwards slanting and wave shaped palpebral fissures, short philtrum, heavy eyebrows, thick hair and prominent nasal base), progressive pigmentary retinopathy appearing at midchildhood, early onset and severe myopia and intermittent neutropenia. It is an autosomal recessive disorder with variability in the clinical manifestations. Mutations in the gene COH1 located in chromosome 8q22 and encoding a transmembrane protein presumably involved in intracellular protein transport, are described [52, 53]. The OMIM database ( entrez/Query.fcgi?db OMIM) provides access to clinical descriptions and genetic anomalies for all the obesity syndromes.
Diagnosis, genetic testing and interpretation Monogenic Obesity In case of a clinical situation suggesting monogenic obesity (severe early-onset obesity associated to endocrine anomalies and consanguineous parents), direct sequencing of the candidate gene (LEP, LEPR or POMC) is necessary for diagnosis. It will detect homozygous or compound heterozygous mutation responsible for an interruption of leptin– melanocortin axis. Family members need to be tested for segregation analysis and to evaluate the risk of recurrence. A few genetics laboratories routinely perform those analyses which usually are part of research programs: UF nutrigenetique (Pitié Salpêtrière hospital). Contact: B. Dubern or K. Clément. Address: Endocrinology and Nutrition Department, Pitié-Salpêtriére hospital, boulevard de l’hôpital, 75013 PARIS. Email: beatrice.
[email protected];
[email protected]; Tel: 33 (0) 14234 8936; Fax: 33 (0) 4051 00 57; Web site: http://
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
S. O’Rahilly’s team (University of Cambridge). Contact: S. Farooqi or S. O’Rahilly. Address: Department of Clinical Biochemistry, University of Cambridge, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 2QR. Email:
[email protected]; Tel: 44 (0) 1223 336792. Fax: 44 (0) 1223 330598; Web site:
Melanocortin 4 Receptor-Linked Obesity Direct sequencing of the MC4R gene (1 exon) leads to the detection of MC4R mutations. To date it is questionable to perform in routine systematic detection of MC4R mutations in obese subjects with a strong obesity familial history. Although knowing the biological reason (i.e. altered melanocortin pathway) leading to an increased susceptibility to obesity might be of interest in some individuals, no specific therapy is available and the severity of phenotype is highly variable within MC4R mutation carrier families. It may, however, become necessary in a few years in the case of development of specific drugs such as MC4R agonists in order to detect patients which may be eligible for such treatments.
Obesity Syndromes In PWS, genetic analysis is crucial to assess the absence of the paternal chromosomal segment 15q11.2-q12 and to evaluate the risk of recurrence even if the vast majority of PWS cases occur sporadically. The investigation of DNA methylation of SNRPN is now the gold standard and will be completed by the exact mechanism of exploration (microdeletion, maternal uniparental disomy, translocations…). For the other few genes or loci identified in obesity syndromes, direct sequencing of the candidate gene (for example the COH1gene in Cohen syndrome) or specific genetic tests (FISH to detect microdeletions…) are indicated in order to diagnose those syndromes.
Treatment Monogenic Obesity Leptin-deficient children and adults benefit from subcutaneous injection of leptin, resulting in weight loss, mainly of fat mass, with a major effect on reducing food intake and on other dysfunctions including immunity as described previously [54]. A detailed microanalysis of eating behavior of three leptin-deficient adults before and after leptin treatment revealed reduced overall food consumption, a slower rate of eating and diminished duration of eating of every meal in the three subjects after leptin therapy. This study supports a role of leptin in influencing the motivation to eat before each meal [56]. In a separate study, hormonal and metabolic
changes were evaluated before and after leptin treatment [55]. Leptin treatment was able to induce aspects of puberty even in adults, as illustrated by the effect of leptin treatment in one 27-year-old adult male with hypogonadism [55]. In two women between 35–40 years, leptin treatment led to regular menstrual periods and hormonal peaks of progesterone evoking a pattern of ovulation. Although cortisol deficiency was not initially found in leptin-deficient patients, eight months of leptin treatment modified the pulsatility of cortisol with a greater morning rise in cortisol. Leptin could have a previously unsuspected impact on human hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal function in humans. Metabolic parameters of leptin-deficient patients improved in parallel with weight loss. Because of a non-functional LEPR, leptin treatment is useless in LEPR-deficient subjects. Factors that could possibly bypass normal leptin delivery systems are being developed but are not yet currently available for the treatment of these patients. The ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) is nevertheless one of these candidate molecules. CNTF activates downstream signaling molecules such as STAT-3 in the hypothalamus area that regulates food intake, even when administered systemically. Treatment with CNTF in humans and animals, including db/db mice, induced substantial loss of fat mass [57]. The neurotrophic factor, Axokine, an agonist for CNTF receptor, is under development by the Regeneron Company for the potential treatment of obesity and its metabolic associated complications [58]. Unfortunately contacts between the physicians and the pharmaceutical company did not succeed in setting up a therapeutic test in LEPR-deficient girls (K. Clement, unpublished data). It is also possible that side effects of CNTF, a molecule possibly acting in the immune function, might be expected [59]. In children with a complete POMC deficiency, a three month trial using a MC4R agonist with a low affinity was inefficient on weight or food intake [10]. POMC-deficient families might benefit from the development of new MC4R agonists if such drugs become available.
Melanocortin 4 Receptor-Linked Obesity To date, no specific management is necessary for MC4R mutation obese patients except for a well-balanced diet and physical activity. However, interestingly, physical activity may have a specific role for modulating the obese phenotype in case of MC4R anomalies. In MC4R / mice, regular physical activity is described as more efficient for limiting the weight gain during life when compared to wild type mice [60]. Those findings are also observed in some patients with MC4R mutation in clinical practice (B. Dubern, unpublished data). It suggests a specific role in the management of MC4R mutation related obesity and possibly the prevention of weight gain in relatives with MC4R mutation. In addition, due to its important role in obesity,
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MC4R is becoming an attractive candidate drug target, suggesting that identification and design of ligands or peptides may rescue the phenotype of the particular molecular mechanistic defect. Several synthetic ligands from the classical NDP-MSH peptides to the multiple tetrapeptides and small molecule MC4R agonists have been tested in vitro with variable results [61, 62]. But they have to face normal concerns of targeting GPCRs and specific difficulties of possible side effects due to the widespread expression of MC4R in the brain and the already demonstrated role of MC4R in erectile function [61, 62]. In the long term, this type of treatment should be evaluated in heterozygous patients for MC4R mutations with impaired MSH activity, in specific clinical investigation protocols in order to provide effective anti-obesity treatment, probably in combination with other approaches such as diet and physical activity.
Obesity Syndromes Any specific therapeutic is described in obesity syndromes except for their global management (diet and physical activity, psychomotricity, hormone substitution…). In PWS, treatment by growth hormone must be discussed. Studies had shown that GH therapy with doses of GH typically used for childhood growth improves growth, body composition, physical strength and agility, and fat utilization in children with PWS [63, 64]. In addition, in the case of hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism, hormonal substitution is necessary.
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66. H. Krude, H. Biebermann, W. Luck, et al., Severe earlyonset obesity, adrenal insufficiency and red hair pigmentation caused by POMC mutations in humans, Nat. Genet. 19 (1998) 155–157. 67. H. Biebermann, T.R. Castaneda, F. van Landeghem, et al., A role for beta-melanocyte-stimulating hormone in human body-weight regulation, Cell Metab. 3 (2006) 141–146. 68. Y.S. Lee, B.G. Challis, D.A. Thompson, et al., A POMC variant implicates beta-melanocyte-stimulating hormone in the control of human energy balance, Cell Metab. 3 (2006) 135–140.
25 S
G 35 Y S
15 S R N W L H L
30 G K
10 H M
G G C 40 Y
I S F Y I N H L 260 F L P F 290 A C W V S* V V F S 253 G L I T I 249 L T Q I G A L 242 K N M A G Q S I R 235 A E G C T
V S I 195 120 D E 42 A I 185 V F L Q L C I N I N S V L L I N D L F 105 T I V M T L P S V G I F I I D L E R 127 S V 201 179 V S T F T I T M V V F V E 100 C L C I S 131 A A G T L N D A P W 174 M L 55 G S S F V A 97 S V S I C I L L C S L S T L S I S A I Y L V V 211 L I I R C M E I 137 H V K D M I N S G 168 216 A 63 V 90 L L L F I A V K R I V L A M V 163 A I S L R S L S 145 V S T A I A I C D V F T Y R K 70 H F N N Q W T F 80 Y M M I X I 151 C P V K M I F S T K N Y N L H I X H A R L Q Y L G I A V L P D D P S N T L
F 281 M X H S F N L P L Y L I I C M H S N S I I D 298 L P T Y I A
312 T I L D T L F I R 305 S R K C Q K E C 320 Y E W P 308 K X L G K T G L C L D F S S
FIGURE 3.3 Localization of human MC4R mutations including polymorphisms described in adults and children. Red circles: mutations responsible for intracellular retention of the mutated receptor or frameshift. Orange circles: polymorphisms. Yellow circles: mutation with functional consequence (altered α-melanocyte stimulating hormone production, impaired basal activity…). Green circles: any known or described functional effect.
C hap ter
Syndromes of Severe Insulin Resistance and/or Lipodystrophy Robert K. Semple1, David B. Savage2, David J. Halsall3 AND Stephen O’Rahilly4 1,2
Metabolic Research Laboratories, University of Cambridge Institute of Metabolic Science, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge CB2 0QQ Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Trust, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge CB2 0QQ 4 Metabolic Research Laboratories, University of Cambridge Institute of Metabolic Science, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge CB2 0QQ, UK 3
Clinical Presentation
Although IR is normally thought of in terms of reduced ability of insulin to lower blood glucose, insulin is a highly pleiotropic hormone with a plethora of different metabolic and mitogenic effects, and this complexity is reflected in the clinical presentation of syndromes of severe IR. At least some of the features of these appear to be a due to preserved or enhanced signaling stimulated by very high insulin levels, either through the type 1 IGF receptor, which has some ability to bind insulin, or via the insulin receptor through preserved arms of the intracellular insulin signaling network. The commonest presentation of monogenic severe IR is the “type A insulin resistance syndrome”, so named in the 1970s to discriminate it from anti-insulin receptor antibody-mediated – or “type B” – extreme IR [2]. The cardinal features of this syndrome are severe acanthosis nigricans, which is nearly a sine qua non of all forms of severe IR, ovarian hyperandrogenism, which may be severe, and oligo- or amenorrhea with a BMI 30 kgm2. By far the commonest reason for seeking medical advice is cosmetically distressing hirsutism and/or menstrual disturbance. Partly for this reason, a large preponderance of presenting patients are female. The “HAIR-AN” syndrome, another commonly used label [3], denotes “hyperandrogenism, IR and acanthosis nigricans”, and is thus essentially identical to the type A IR syndrome except that it has come to be used by convention only in women with BMI 30 kgm2. This distinction is of some use, as there is a great enrichment of monogenic disease in lean very insulin resistant patients relative to their obese counterparts; however there is considerable overlap between the two groups, and so the labels should not be dogmatically applied.
Background, Incidence, Prevalence Prospective studies have established that systemic insulin resistance (IR) is the earliest detectable abnormality in those who go on to develop type 2 diabetes [1], and consequently there is major interest in teasing out its genetic and molecular pathology. In the face of the burgeoning prevalence of obesity IR is also increasing, and this may sometimes be severe. However, a small minority of patients have severe IR without obesity, with a failure of adipose tissue development, or with qualititative abnormalities in adipose tissue distribution or function, and for several of these conditions a single genetic defect has been defined. They are thus the focus of this chapter. IR only produces diabetes in conjunction with beta-cell decompensation, which may take decades to occur. Thus, although it is most commonly brought to clinical attention as a failure adequately to control hyperglycemia despite large doses of insulin, the majority of patients are unrecognized in the prediabetic phase. Coupled to a common failure to appreciate the significance of the clinical signs of IR even once hyperglycemia has supervened, this means that the syndrome is significantly underdiagnosed. This problem is compounded by the arbitrary nature of diagnostic criteria for severe IR. In some syndromes characteristic clinical features permit diagnosis without reference to biochemical criteria (see below), while in others the degree of hyperinsulinemia is critical. One set of operational diagnostic criteria is shown in Box 4.1. Because of these complexities no accurate prevalence figures for severe insulin resistance exist, though cumulative experience in one center suggests that it affects in the order of 0.5% of patients with type 2 diabetes. Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
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Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
Box 4.1 Suggested criteria for the diagnosis of severe insulin resistance A: Non-diabetic and BMI 30 kg/m2 Fasting insulin above 150 pmol/l OR peak insulin on oral glucose tolerance testing above 1500 pmol/l B: Absolute insulin deficiency and BMI 30 kg/m2 Exogenous insulin requirement 3 U/kg/day.
Thus, monogenic severe IR most commonly presents as an aggressive form of polycystic ovary syndrome in young, lean women associated with acanthosis nigricans. Diabetes is often diagnosed on oral glucose tolerance testing during the diagnostic work-up on the basis of hyperglycemia after the glucose challenge, but commonly fasting glucose may be low. Indeed a very common but under-recognized early feature of severe IR is spontaneous and symptomatic postprandial hypoglycemia which may be severe and require medical intervention. Only later in the natural history of severe IR does refractory hyperglycemia become the dominant problem, usually manifest as poor metabolic control despite very large doses of exogenous insulin. Because it often takes many years for beta-cells to decompensate even in the face of severe IR, this may not occur until the 4th or 5th decade of life. Men are more likely to present at this stage than women. The degree of IR in an individual with a monogenic defect is not invariant, and physiological or pathological influences that lead to IR often synergize with the inherited defect to exaggerate the clinical problem. Thus puberty and the later stages of pregnancy, as well as intercurrent infection or illness, may in some cases lead to an increase in acanthosis nigricans and hyperandrogenism, and/or hyperglycemia which is resistant even to huge doses of exogenous insulin. The above observations are true for all forms of severe IR. However, in some cases specific syndromic features are present which give a strong clue to the underlying single gene defect. Severe Insulin Receptor Defects Although inherited defects in the insulin receptor most commonly present as type A IR, the most severe defects present in early childhood or infancy. By virtue of their historical descriptions, which long antedated identification of the insulin receptor, the resulting constellations of clinical features are often classified either as Donohue syndrome (formerly leprechaunism; OMIM #246200) or
C: Partial beta cell decompensation and/or BMI 30 kg/m2 Insulin levels are difficult to interpret in the context of obesity, although comparison with sex and BMI-adjusted normal ranges is of use. Furthermore in diabetes glucotoxicity, impairing islet function, and mixtures of endogenous and exogenous insulin in the circulation confuse the biochemical picture. In these settings the clinical history and features such as acanthosis nigricans assume particular importance in making a diagnosis of likely monogenic severe IR.
Rabson–Mendenhall syndrome (OMIM#262190), though in truth there is a spectrum of clinical defects of which these two descriptions are arbitrary snapshots. In fact the clinical features of Donohue and Rabson–Mendenhall syndromes are remarkably similar, differing essentially only in the relative prominence of particular components of the syndromes. Features of the syndromes are summarized in Table 4.1. The consequences of severe loss of insulin receptor function can be grouped into metabolic and growth defects. Metabolism is characterized by severe hyperinsulinemia (1–3 orders of magnitude higher than the reference range) with initial preprandial hypoglycemia and postprandial hyperglycemia eventually degenerating into sustained hyperglycemia. Infants appear to be protected from ketoacidosis, although this becomes a major and refractory problem in older children. Leptin levels are usually low or undetectable, while adiponectin is paradoxically elevated after infancy. Growth defects include impaired linear growth and poor development of adipose and muscle tissue, which heavily rely on insulin-stimulated glucose uptake, contrasting with pseudoacromegaloid overgrowth of many other soft tissues, with additional features such as hypertrichosis. Particularly prominent is exaggerated growth of androgen-dependent tissues, which is a consequence of the ability of extreme hyperinsulinemia to synergize with gonadotrophin actions on the gonads even in the absence of the insulin receptor. Lipodystrophy Lipodystrophic syndromes encompass a heterogeneous group of conditions characterized by partial or complete absence of adipose tissue [4]. They may be genetic or acquired, and are further classified according to the anatomical distribution of the lipodystrophy. IR is a feature of most, but not all, of these disorders and may be severe. Where it complicates lipodystrophy it presents as acanthosis nigricans and dysglycemia in prepubertal children, and has the same clinical features as described for the type A IR syndrome in postpubertal patients. As with all forms of
C h a p t e r 4 Syndromes of Severe Insulin Resistance and/or Lipodystrophy l
Table 4.1 Clinical features of Donohue and Rabson–Mendenhall syndromes Donohue
Prognosis Metabolic abnormalities
Death in infancy Postprandial hyperglycemia Fasting hypoglycemia Extreme hyperinsulinemia No ketoacidosis
Linear growth impairment
Low birthweight Postnatal growth retardation Severe failure to thrive Paucity of adipose tissue Low muscle mass Elfin facies Large, low-set ears Prominent eyes Wide nostrils Thick lips Gingival hyperplasia Large mouth Acanthosis nigricans Large hands and feet Dysplastic nails Hypertrichosis Abdominal distention Nephromegaly Hepatomegaly, cholestasis, hepatic fibrosis Nephrocalcinosis Islet of Langerhans hyperplasia Breast hyperplasia (female) Prominent nipples Cystic ovaries Juvenile ovarian granulosa cell tumor Leydig cell hyperplasia Large penis Large clitoris Frequent infections Decreased lymphatic tissue Delayed bone age
Death at 5–20 years Postprandial hyperglycemia Fasting hypoglycemia Later refractory hyperglycemia Extreme hyperinsulinemia Late ketoacidosis Low birthweight Postnatal growth retardation Short stature, low weight Paucity of adipose tissue Low muscle mass Coarse facies Prognathism Large, fissured tongue Gingival hyperplasia Dental dysplasia Premature eruption of teeth Acanthosis nigricans Dry, lichenified skin Onychauxis Hypertrichosis Pineal hypertrophy Abdominal distention Nephromegaly Hepatomegaly Nephrocalcinosis Islet of Langerhans hyperplasia Large penis Large clitoris Cystic ovaries
Impaired development of tissues with high insulin-dependent glucose uptake Soft tissue overgrowth
Visceral abnormalities
Overgrowth of sex hormonedependent tissues
IR the clinical expression is more pronounced in women. Clinical and biochemical features of each subtype are summarized in Table 4.2. Congenital Generalized Lipodystrophy (CGL) Also known as Berardinelli–Seip congenital lipodystrophy (BSCL) [5, 6], CGL is characterized by a generalized absence of adipose tissue from birth. Children with the condition have increased appetite due to leptin deficiency [7], accelerated growth and advanced bone age. Skeletal muscles, peripheral veins and the thyroid gland are particularly prominent due to the paucity of subcutaneous fat. Hyperinsulinemia is present from early childhood and leads to organomegaly and acromegaloid features as well as acanthosis nigricans. Diabetes tends to develop in the second decade. Hepatomegaly is often prominent and
Frequent infections Motor developmental delay Precocious puberty
caused by severe non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) which generally progresses to non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) and even cirrhosis (believed to be the most common cause of death). In addition to the biochemical features of severe insulin resistance, these disorders are frequently characterized by severe hypertriglyceridemia which may be complicated by eruptive xanthomata and pancreatitis. This is a clinically useful way of distinguishing lipodystrophic syndromes from insulin receptoropathies. Serum leptin and adiponectin concentrations are extremely low due to the lack of adipose tissue [7]. Familial Partial Lipodystrophies (FPLD) FPLD is classified into three subtypes: FPLD1 (Kobberling type; MIM 608600), FPLD2 (Dunnigan type; MIM 151660) and FPLD3 (MIM 603637). All three of these conditions are
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders Table 4.2 Clinical and biochemical features of inherited lipodystrophies Congenital generalized lipodystrophy
Familial partial lipodystrophy
Subtype Defective gene Clinical onset
BSCL1 AGPAT2 Soon after birth
BSCL2 BSCL2 Soon after birth
FPLD2 LMNA Puberty
Fat distribution
Generalized absence
Generalized absence
Cutaneous features
Acanthosis nigricans and skin tags; hirsutism common in women Acromegaloid features common
Acanthosis nigricans and skin tags; hirsutism common in women Acromegaloid features common
Severe Severe associated with pancreatitis Severe early onset 20 years
Severe Severe associated with pancreatitis Severe early onset 20 years
Loss of limb and gluteal fat; typically excess facial and nuchal fat; trunk fat often lost Acanthosis nigricans and skin tags; hirsutism common in women Frequent muscle hypertrophy; some have overlap features of muscular dystrophy Yes Yes, may be severe
Common Mild mental retardation possible
NAFLD Dyslipidemia Insulin resistance Diabetes onset Hypertension Other
most readily detectable in postpubertal women where the loss of gluteal fat is particularly visually striking. They are very difficult to detect clinically in men. FPLD1 is characterized by loss of limb fat with preserved and frequently increased truncal fat. Whilst some of these patients do have affected family members, many do not, suggesting that not all cases are inherited, and clinical observation suggests that additional factors such as the menopause and hyperandrogenism may be contributory. FPLD2 is a face-sparing lipodystrophy which usually becomes apparent during puberty, although careful study of children known to harbor the underlying genetic defect in the LMNA gene suggests that fat distribution may also be subtly abnormal during childhood. The lipodystrophy predominantly affects the limbs and gluteal fat depots with variable truncal involvement but with normal or excess fat on the face and neck and in the labia majora [8]. Metabolic abnormalities range from asymptomatic impaired glucose tolerance and mild dyslipidemia to severe insulin resistance with T2DM and severe dyslipidemia complicated by eruptive xanthomata and pancreatitis. As in the generalized forms of lipodystrophy, NAFLD/NASH is a common complication. Hypertension and accelerated atherosclerotic vascular disease have been reported in some kindreds [9]. FPLD3 is another disorder characterized by a paucity of limb and gluteal fat. It differs from FPLD2 in that abdominal fat is generally preserved and facial fat is often normal. Insulin resistance and lipodystrophy may be apparent in young children with this disorder, although the
Severe Variable; generally later in men than women Common
FPLD3 PPARG Usually puberty, but may present in younger children Loss of limb and gluteal fat; preserved facial and trunk fat
Acanthosis nigricans and skin tags; hirsutism common in women Nil specific
Yes Yes, may be severe Severe; early onset in some Variable; generally later in men than women Very common
lipodystrophy more commonly only becomes clinically discernible during puberty in girls. Affected individuals are typically severely insulin resistant and manifest all the features of the metabolic syndrome including hypertension. Indeed, the very high prevalence of early onset hypertension discriminates FPLD3 from FPLD2 to some extent. NAFLD/NASH is almost universal and some patients manifest severe hypertriglyceridemia [10]. In addition to these conditions where lipodystrophy and its complications are the dominant clinical manifestations of the underlying genetic defect, there exist a group of more complex and debilitating syndromes which feature some degree of lipodystrophy and metabolic derangement. These include mandibulo-acral dysplasia (MAD), a rare disorder featuring short stature, mandibular and clavicular hypoplasia, dental abnormalities, acro-osteolysis, stiff joints, skin atrophy, alopecia and mottled pigmentation, as well as partial lipodystrophy and some forms of progeria [11]. These are beyond the scope of this chapter, although several of the laboratories listed offer genetic testing for these disorders also.
Genetic pathophysiology Known INSR Mutations and Specific Phenotypes The insulin receptor functions as a transmembrane dimer. The constituent monomers consist of disulphide-bonded alpha and beta subunits derived from the same allele, and
C h a p t e r 4 Syndromes of Severe Insulin Resistance and/or Lipodystrophy l
the monomers in turn are also linked by disulphide bonds (Fig. 4.1). The alpha subunit contains the insulin binding domain, while the intracellular beta subunit contains the tyrosine kinase domain which autophosphorylates as a consequence of binding of insulin to the alpha subunit, thereby triggering a complex network of intracellular signaling events. The first pathogenic mutations in the insulin receptor were described in 1988 [12, 13], and since then over 100 different mutations have been described including missense, nonsense and splice site mutations, insertions and deletions. Collectively, published studies suggest that the clinical syndrome resulting from an insulin receptor mutation depends on the overall loss of receptor function, but beyond this there appears to be little specific genotype–phenotype relationship. However, there is no single in vitro assay which gives an entirely reliable global index of insulin receptor function, and consequently it is not possible to project clinical phenotype with complete confidence from commonly undertaken cellular studies. Furthermore, several reports have illustrated the potential of both genetic and environmental modifiers to influence the severity of the phenotype [14]. Table 4.3 shows examples of mutations which have been reported as associated with Donohue, Rabson–Mendenhall and type A IR syndromes, while Fig. 4.1 illustrates the approximate distribution of known naturally-occurring mutations. It should be noted that the insulin receptor has a 27 amino acid signal peptide which is cleaved during processing, and published reports variably number residues either according to the sequence of the mature receptor (N) or according to the transcriptional start site (i.e. N 27). In this chapter all numbering refers to the mature receptor. Further numbering confusion may arise in the
β subunit (exon 12-22)
α subunit (exon 1-12)
Premature Terminations
27 (43%)
10 (43%)
154 155
Cys-rich domain
312 313
Leu-rich domain (L2)
428 736
9 (15%)
8 (35%)
26 (42%)
5 (22%)
Tyrosine kinase domain 1257
literature because of the existence of two splice variants of the insulin, one containing 12 extra amino acids (first residue at position 745 in the mature receptor) in the alpha subunit due to the inclusion of exon 11, which is omitted in the other isoform.
Pathophysiology of Genetic Insulin Receptoropathies Normal function of the insulin receptor dimer involves its correct synthesis, assembly and trafficking to the plasma Table 4.3 Examples of INSR mutations with associated clinical phenotypes Syndrome
Homozygous entire INSR gene deletion R86P, R114W, K121X, Y134X, E124X, L133P, H209R, del Val335, W412S, N431D R786X, R890X
1 large deletion 10 subunit 2 subunit (both extracellular)
Heterozygous Nil 19 in compound heterozygous form Rabson– Mendenhall
Homozygous P193L, S323L R735S R1092Q
2 subunit 1 at cleavage site 1 subunit
Heterozygous Nil 10 in compound heterozygous form
Leu-rich domain (L1)
Fnlll domains
Missense Mutations
Figure 4.1 Structure of the insulin receptor with distribution of known naturally-occurring missense and premature termination mutations (nonsense and frameshift).
Homozygous I119M, R252H, R252C, F382V Heterozygous del exon 3, C225S, S610N del Leu999, del TK domain, del exon 14, Y864X, G996V, A1028V, A1048D, R1131Q, A1134T, A1135E, D1150H, M1153I, R1155G, R1174Q, P1178L, E1179D, W1193L, W1200S, P1209A 11 in compound heterozygous form
4 subunit 3 subunit 18 subunit
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
membrane, its ability to bind insulin co-operatively and to transmit this to activation of its intracellular tyrosine kinase activity, its internalization after insulin binding and either degradation or recycling to the plasma membrane from endosomes [15]. Disruption of any one of these steps may lead to clinical syndromes of severe IR, although more commonly more than one aspect of receptor function is affected by mutations. These observations lead Taylor and colleagues to classify insulin receptor mutations according to the resulting functional deficit [15], as shown in Table 4.4, with examples of each type of mutation. Both Donohue and Rabson–Mendenhall syndromes almost invariably show autosomal recessive inheritance, commonly featuring functionally null alleles (e.g. alpha subunit nonsense mutations; Table 4.3). Although not systematically reported, limited published evidence and cumulative clinical experience suggest that heterozygotes for such functionally null alleles may have subtle evidence of IR and be at increased risk for diabetes (e.g. [16]), however this is heavily dependent on other factors such as obesity, and they are more commonly clinically silent. In contrast, heterozygosity for missense mutations in the tyrosine kinase domain of the receptor is the commonest cause of type A IR, which is usually autosomal dominant in inheritance. The penetrance of this type of mutation may be variable, depending on gender and BMI in particular. This in vivo difference between those carrying heterozygous tyrosine kinase domain missense mutations and heterozygous null alleles is thought to be evidence for a dominant negative function of tyrosine kinase mutations – that is, the mutant allele has the capacity to cross-inhibit the co-expressed wild type allele. This phenomenon has been confirmed in heterologous transfection systems [17, 18], and most likely reflects loss of signaling activity of heterodimeric receptors carrying one mutant and one wild type receptor monomer (Fig. 4.2). Assuming equal expression, this would be anticipated to lead to 75% loss of receptor function. The metabolic components of the insulin receptoropathy phenotypes described above are generally easy to account for in terms of loss of insulin action, though the
Figure 4.2 Mechanism of dominant negative action of INSR beta subunit mutations. Activation of the insulin receptor dimer on insulin binding requires autophosphorylation of the constituent monomers, which requires co-operation between two beta subunits of the dimer (1). An inactivating or truncating mutation in the beta subunit abolishes or severely impairs this activation both in homodimers (2) and heterodimers (3, 4). If expression, trafficking, dimerization and internalization of the mutant species were normal, this would reduce total receptor activity by 75%. In practice, mutant receptors are often inefficiently or abnormally processed, although this is often offset by prolonged residency at the cell surface due to impaired internalization.
Decreased levels of INSR mRNA
R897X , W133X, R1000X
Impaired post-translational processing/transport Defective insulin binding Impaired receptor tyrosine kinase activity Mutations that accelerate receptor degradation
G31R, H209R, L93Q, W412S, G359S, N431D, A1135E R735S, R86P, S323L, R252C G996V, A1048D, R1131Q, R1174Q, P1178L, K460E, N462S, E1179D, W1193L
Many examples of low mRNA levels due to nonsense-mediated decay or splicing defects. Cis-acting promoter mutations have been inferred from low mRNA levels with no abnormal INSR sequence, but no mutations proven. Commonly combined with other defects in receptor function
Table 4.4 Functional classification of INSR mutations with examples
Commonest class of mutation in type A IR
C h a p t e r 4 Syndromes of Severe Insulin Resistance and/or Lipodystrophy l
B Figure 4.3 Distribution of naturally occurring mutations in (A) AGPAT2 and (B) BSCL2 genes in congenital generalized lipodystrophy.
B Figure 4.4 Distribution of naturally-occurring mutations in (A) LMNA and (B) PPARG genes in familial partial lipodystrophy.
protection from ketoacidosis in the first year or two of life remains perplexing. The growth perturbation is more difficult to account for precisely, however. It is most likely a result of extensive endocrine and paracrine disturbances of IGF1 and GH signaling, accounted for by loss of insulin receptor-mediated regulation of GH and IGF1 receptors in at least some tissues, derangement of levels of IGF binding proteins, and the ability of extremely elevated insulin concentrations to exert significant actions via the type 1 IGF1 receptor.
Known AGPAT2 and BSCL2 Mutations and Specific Phenotypes BSCL CGL/BSCL is genetically heterogenous, consisting of at least three different autosomal recessive conditions. BSCL1 is caused by homozygous or compound heterozygous mutations in 1-acylglycerol-3-phosphate O-acyltransferase 2 (AGPAT2) [19, 20], while BSCL2 is due to biallelic mutations in a gene of previously unknown function, named seipin [21]. Variants in both genes have been found in
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
multiple ethnic groups. Nonsense and splice site variants, expected to completely abolish protein function, account for most of the identified pathogenic AGPAT2 and BSCL2 mutations (Fig. 4.3A and B). It is currently not possible to distinguish BSCL1 and 2 confidently on clinical grounds; however adipose tissue loss in mechanical fat pads such as the palms, soles, orbits, scalp and periarticular regions has been reported as a specific feature of BSCL2 [22].
Pathophysiology of Congenital Generalized Lipodystrophy AGPAT2 is an essential enzyme in glycerophospholipid and triacylglycerol synthesis. Following acylation of glycerol3-phosphate at the first carbon (sn-1 position), AGPAT2 catalyses acylation at the second carbon (sn-2) to form phosphatidic acid, an essential precursor to diacylglycerol and ultimately triacylglycerol. On the basis of this critical role in triacylglycerol biosynthesis it is not surprising that genetic deficiency in AGPAT2 activity leads to a failure of development of lipidated adipose tissue. Early in vitro studies suggest that genetic variants associated with lipodystrophy significantly reduce AGAPT2 enzyme activity [23]. In contrast, the structure of seipin gives few clues to the pathogenesis of the severe global lipodystrophy associated with defects in its function. Recent data, however, suggest that seipin is highly expressed in white adipose tissue where it appears to be essential for adipogenesis [24]. Seipin is also expressed in the brain, which may account for the reportedly higher prevalence of intellectual impairment in BSCL2 than in BSCL1. Intriguingly, heterozygous BSCL2 mutations which appear to affect protein glycosylation and subsequent folding have been identified in two autosomal dominant motor neuron diseases (distal hereditary motor neuropathy type V [OMIM%182960] and Silver syndrome [OMIM#270685]). The aberrant folding is thought to precipitate endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress-mediated cell death [25]. Although mutations in AGPAT2 and BSCL2 are reported to account for the vast majority of cases of BSCL [26], the genetic etiology of some cases remains unclear. A recent report has reported homozygous loss of function mutations in the gene encoding caveolin 1 (CAV1), which is a critical component of plasma membrane caveoli, as a cause of BSCL in a single kindred [27].
Known LMNA Mutations and Specific Phenotypes LMNA encodes lamin A/C, a structural component of the nuclear lamina which is nearly ubiquitously expressed. Remarkably mutations in this gene have been convincingly linked to several different disorders including muscular dystrophy, dilated cardiomyopathy, Charcot–Marie–Tooth neuropathy, premature aging syndromes (Hutchison Gilford Progeria syndrome [HGPS] and Werner’s syndrome), restrictive dermopathy and various overlapping syndromes. The vast
majority of LMNA mutations associated with the “classical” FPLD2 phenotype are heterozygous missense variants clustered in exon 8, which encodes part of the globular carboxy terminal portion of lamin A and C (Fig. 4.4A). Although nearly all the FPLD2 mutations affect codon 482, these appear to be recurrent mutations, as there is no evidence for common ancestry in reported families [28]. FPLD-associated LMNA mutations are shown in Fig. 4.4A. There is significant heterogeneity in clinical phenotype even within FPLD2; for example, the S583L mutation is associated with a milder phenotype, and this has been attributed to its location in exon 10, which is specific to lamin A, whereas most of the other mutations affect both lamin A and C (lamin C lacks a C-terminal region found in lamin A) [29]. A homozygous mutation (R527H) in lamin A/C is responsible for some cases of mandibulo-acral dysplasia [30]. Heterozygous members of these kindreds were reportedly entirely normal. In addition to this genetic heterogeneity, there is considerable clinical phenotypic variability within and among kindreds with the same mutation, including reports of cardiac abnormalities and myopathic features in LMNA R482W kindreds [31].
Pathophysiology of LMNA-Associated Lipodystrophy Detailed understanding of the mechanisms underlying the tissue-selective phenotypes associated with LMNA mutations is lacking, but proposed abnormalities include the following: (1) structural defects in the nuclear envelope; (2) altered binding of the nuclear lamina to chromatin and subsequent effects on the regulation of gene transcription; (3) altered binding of the nuclear lamina to transcription factors, e.g. SREBP1. FPLD2-associated LMNA mutations are clustered in the globular carboxy terminal domain of lamin A/C, where they are not expected to alter three-dimensional protein structure, but are more likely to affect interactions with other proteins.
Known PPARG Mutations and Specific Phenotypes PPAR is a nuclear hormone receptor most highly expressed in adipose tissue where it is essential for adipocyte differentiation [32]. To date, all of the mutations (Fig. 4.4B) described were heterozygous, many displaying dominant negative activity in vitro. Mutations associated with partial lipodystrophy have been identified in the DNA and ligand binding domains [10, 33]. A single heterozygous variant in the PPAR4 promotor has also been reported in a kindred with central obesity, limb lipodystrophy and insulin resistance [34].
Pathophysiology of PPARG-Associated Lipodystrophy Of all the genes in which variants are associated with lipodystrophy, PPARG is arguably the most predictable
C h a p t e r 4 Syndromes of Severe Insulin Resistance and/or Lipodystrophy l
candidate. It is a nuclear hormone receptor, most highly expressed in adipose tissue, where it is essential for adipocyte development and function. Over-expressing human dominant negative PPAR mutants in pre-adipocyte cell lines inhibits differentiation, whereas adding chemical PPAR agonists to cell media significantly enhances pre-adipocyte differentiation in vitro and increases fat mass in vivo. Thiazolidinediones, which are currently widely used as insulin sensitizers in the management of type 2 diabetes, are PPAR agonists. Whether their considerable insulin sensitizing properties and the severe insulin resistance noted in people with PPAR mutations are solely attributable to the effects of PPAR on adipocyte biology, or whether PPAR expression in other insulin sensitive tissues such as muscle and liver is also biologically relevant remains unclear in humans.
Diagnosis, genetic testing and interpretation 1. Which Tests are Best to Order in Whom? INSR gene sequencing should be requested in children and infants with clinical features of Donohue or Rabson– Mendenhall syndromes and biochemical proof of severe hyperinsulinemia (in these settings this is usually at least one order of magnitude above the top of the resting range even in the fasting state, though it may be lower if late in the disease course and significant beta-cell decompensation has occurred). The vast majority of patients with monogenic severe IR present later, however, usually in the first 5 years following puberty. Only a minority of these patients will have monogenic disease, so targeting of genetic testing only to the subsets most likely to harbor defects in the relevant gene is critical. For patients with partial lipodystrophy this can be achieved by a careful assessment of the distribution of fat loss; however patients with insulin receptoropathies present no such clinical clues. It has recently been shown, however, that accurate triage may be achieved instead by biochemical testing: unlike other patients with severe IR, patients with insulin receptor defects have preserved or even elevated serum levels of adiponectin, a highly abundant and stable fat cell-derived hormone [35]. Similarly, many patients with receptoropathy have preserved or elevated SHBG and IGFBP1, in contrast to severely insulin resistant controls [36]. This observation has been developed using ROC analysis to generate suggested diagnostic cutoffs for these markers in severe IR [36]. For example, using one particular adiponectin immunoassay, an adiponectin level below 5 mg/l has a 97% negative predictive value for an insulin receptor defect, while a level above 7 mg/l has a 97% positive predictive value. It should be noted, however, that these precise diagnostic cut-offs are dependent on the assay used [36]. AGPAT2 and BSCL2 sequencing should be requested in patients with congenital generalized lipodystrophy. As well
as often having severe IR, such patients are usually severely dyslipidemic, and often have accelerated early childhood growth and a somewhat pseudoacromegalic appearance. The clinical distinction between FPLD2 and FPLD3 can be somewhat difficult to discern, particularly in lean patients and men. Pragmatically, bearing in mind this clinical overlap as well as the relatively much higher prevalence of LMNA than PPARG mutations, we suggest that any patient with facesparing lipodystrophy should have exons 8 and 11 of LMNA sequenced in the first instance, proceeding to sequencing of PPARG and the remainder of LMNA where no pathogenic mutation is detected. However, where the adipose distribution is clearly more in keeping with FPLD3 than FPLD2, or where early onset hypertension is noted, proceeding straight to PPARG sequencing is justified. It should be noted that both FPLD2 and FPLD3 are characterized by preservation of adipose tissue in the head and neck, and are thus quite distinct from acquired partial lipodystrophy, in which adipose tissue loss usually follows a craniocaudal sequence, usually arresting at or before the level of the umbilicus [37]. These observations are summarized in the proposed algorithm for the assessment of patients with severe IR shown in Fig. 4.5.
2. Labs Available for Testing R: research service; C: clinically accredited genetic diagnostic service; CV: clinical validation of results from a research lab; PND: prenatal diagnosis. INSR Dr Robert Semple Metabolic Research Laboratories, Institute of Metabolic Science University of Cambridge, Addenbrooke’s Hospital Cambridge CB2 0QQ, UK Tel: 44-1223-769-035 Email:
[email protected] (R, C, CV, PND, research service for novel candidates) Dr Olivier Lascols Unité de biologie et génétique moléculaires – Pôle de Biologie Imagerie CHU Hôpital Saint-Antoine, 184 rue du Faubourg Saint-Antoine 75571 Paris Cedex 12, France Tel: 33-(0)1-49-28-28-09 Email:
[email protected] (C, CV, PND) Prof Nicola Longo University of Utah 2C412 SOM, 50 N Medical Drive, Salt Lake City UT 84132 Tel: 801-585-2457 Email:
[email protected]
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
Figure 4.5 Suggested algorithm for the genetic investigation of syndromes of severe insulin resistance and/or lipodystrophy.
(Clinically accredited INSR service being developed. Insulin binding to cultured skin fibroblasts available as a surrogate for genetic testing in Donohue/ Rabson–Mendenhall syndromes: http://www. Prof Robert A. Hegele Blackburn Cardiovascular Genetics Laboratory, Robarts Research Institute 406-100 Perth Drive, London, Ontario N6A 5K8, Canada Tel: 519-663-3461 Email:
[email protected] (R)
Lipodystrophy Dr David Savage Metabolic Research Laboratories, Institute of Metabolic Science University of Cambridge, Addenbrooke’s Hospital Cambridge CB2 0QQ, UK Tel: 44-1223-769-023 Email:
[email protected] (R for LMNA and novel candidates)
Prof V.K.K. Chatterjee Metabolic Research Laboratories, Institute of Metabolic Science University of Cambridge, Addenbrooke’s Hospital Cambridge CB2 0QQ, UK Tel: 44-1223-330191 Email:
[email protected] (R for PPARG) Dr Olivier Lascols, Unité de biologie et génétique moléculaires – Pôle de Biologie Imagerie CHU Hôpital Saint-Antoine, 184 rue du Faubourg SaintAntoine 75571 Paris Cedex 12, France Tel: 33-(0)1-49-28-28-09 Email:
[email protected] (C, CV, PND for LMNA, PPARG, AGPAT2, BSCL2) Prof Sian Ellard Department of Molecular Genetics Royal Devon & Exeter NHS Foundation Trust Barrack Road, Exeter EX2 5DW, UK Tel: 44-1392-402-910 Email:
[email protected] (C, CV for LMNA)
C h a p t e r 4 Syndromes of Severe Insulin Resistance and/or Lipodystrophy l
Prof Abhimanyu Garg Contact: Sarah Gilmore University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Dallas Lipodystrophy Laboratory, 5323 Harry Hines Blvd., K5-214 Dallas, TX 75390-8537 Email:
[email protected] Tel: (214) 648-0549 (R for AGPAT2, BSCL2, CAV1, LMNA, PPARG) Prof Robert A. Hegele MD Blackburn Cardiovascular Genetics Laboratory, Robarts Research Institute 406-100 Perth Drive, London, Ontario N6A 5K8, Canada Tel: 519-663-3461 Email:
[email protected] (R for AGPAT2, BSCL2, CAV1, LMNA, PPARG) Additional clinically-accredited laboratories may be identified via the GeneTests ( and Orphanet ( websites.
3. Lists of Consultants and Resources Prof Stephen O’Rahilly/Dr Robert Semple/Dr David Savage Metabolic Research Labs, Institute of Metabolic Science University of Cambridge, Addenbrooke’s Hospital Cambridge CB2 0QQ, UK Tel: 44 1223 336855/769035/767923 Email:
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (Specialized clinical and genetic consultation on insulin resistance and/or lipodystrophies) Prof Jacqueline Capeau/Dr Corinne Vigouroux/Dr Jocelyne Magré INSERM UMR_S893 Faculté de Médecine Pierre et Marie Curie 27 rue Chaligny 75571 Paris Cedex 12, France Tel: 33-(0)1-40 01 13 32 Email:
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (Genetic counseling on insulin resistance and/or lipodystrophy) Dr Corinne Vigouroux Endocrinology Department Saint-Antoine Hospital, Paris 33 1 49 28 24 09
[email protected] (Specialized consultation on insulin resistance and/or lipodystrophies)
Prof Abhimanyu Garg MD UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas 5323 Harry Hines Blvd., K5-214, Dallas, TX 75390-8537 Tel: 214-648-2895 Email:
[email protected] (Specialized clinical and genetic consultation on lipodystrophies) Dr Phillip Gorden MD Molecular and Cellular Physiology Section Investigator Clinical Endocrinology Branch, NIDDK, NIH Building 10, CRC 6-5940, Bethesda, MD 20892-1770 Tel: 301-496-4658 Email:
[email protected] (Specialized consultation on insulin resistance and/or lipodystrophies) Prof Robert A. Hegele MD Blackburn Cardiovascular Genetics Laboratory, Robarts Research Institute 406-100 Perth Drive, London, Ontario N6A 5K8, Canada Tel: 519-663-3461 Email:
[email protected] (Specialized genetic consultation on lipodystrophies and/or insulin resistance) Prof Nicola Longo MD PhD University of Utah 2C412 SOM, 50 N Medical Drive, Salt Lake City UT 84132 Tel: 801-585-2457 Email:
[email protected] (Specialized genetic consultation on insulin resistance) Dr Elif Arioglu Oral University of Michigan, Department of Internal Medicine Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism 3920 Taubman Center, Box 0354 1500 East Medical Center Drive Ann Arbor, MI48109-0354 Tel: 734-615 7271 Email:
[email protected] (Specialized consultation on lipodystrophies)
4. Predictive Value of Test INSR Even when new mutations are discovered, the availability of a large research literature on the structural determinants of insulin receptor function allied to crystal structures for both extracellular and intracellular domains means that assessment of likely pathogenicity of mutations is often relatively easy. Extrapolation to clinical consequences may be more complicated due to the important environmental modifiers which influence phenotypes between individuals
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
and kindreds with the same mutation, but some general rules apply: Inheritance of two functionally null or nearly null alleles will lead to Donohue or Rabson–Mendenhall syndromes. Inheritance of a single null or functionally null allele is unlikely to be clinically expressed beyond a mild predisposition to diabetes and insulin resistance in later life, though this has not been extensively reported. Heterozygosity for an allele with dominant negative properties (usually a missense or truncating mutation in the beta subunit of the receptor) is usually expressed as severe insulin resistance, although the clinical problems this poses will depend in turn upon environmental factors such as exercise and weight gain.
Lipodystrophy A large majority of mutations causing BSCL are functionally null alleles, while no clear heterozygous phenotype has been reported for any of these BSCL-causing mutations. Penetrance of lipodystrophy in homozygotes or compound heterozygotes is effectively 100%, although the severity of metabolic complications varies markedly between individuals, as discussed. Penetrance of heterozygous mutations in PPARG or LMNA is much more variable, and depends significantly on gender, lifestyle and genetic modifiers. Furthermore, new mutations continue to be discovered and evaluated, and reporting of the natural history of the associated disease is incomplete. Nevertheless it is likely that most patients inheriting a loss-of-function mutation in LMNA or PPARG will clinically express FPLD to some extent, and at the very least inheritance of such an allele should be regarded as a potent genetic risk factor for metabolic disease when counseling patients.
5. Significance of Negative Test The vast majority of cases of Donohue, Rabson– Mendenhall and BSCL are accounted for by mutations in the INSR, AGPAT2 and BSCL2 genes, while most cases of FPLD2 and 3 are accounted for by mutations in the LMNA or PPARG genes. In contrast, only a minority of cases of type A insulin resistance are caused by mutations in the INSR gene. Nevertheless a large proportion of remaining cases of each of these syndromes in which no mutations of the relevant genes are discovered are likely to harbor defects in other genes. In these cases research studies looking for alterations in novel candidate genes should be considered. Laboratories with an interest in such studies are indicated above.
6. Should Family Members be Tested? Donohue, Rabson–Mendenhall and BSCL are usually caused by homozygous or compound heterozygous loss-of-function
mutations. In most cases there is little or no phenotype in heterozygotes, although for some insulin receptor mutations there may be increased risk of diabetes and insulin resistance in later life. Because there are numerous different mutations in the INSR, AGPAT2 and BSCL2 genes, and because the carrier frequency in the general population is very low, it is generally not necessary to screen family members in these settings. This may have to be reviewed in kindreds or populations in which there are high levels of consanguinity, and in which prenatal testing may be desirable. Type A insulin resistance, FPLD2 and FPLD3, however, show autosomal dominant inheritance. Although penetrance is variable and greatly influenced by factors such as gender, age, food intake and activity levels, it is likely that most carriers of mutations will express some clinical consequences of the mutation. A common scenario for each of these conditions is the identification of a pathogenic mutation in a peripubertal female proband, followed by diagnosis of older, often male, relatives with clinically silent severe insulin resistance or diabetes. As for all forms of type 2 diabetes, there is often a long period between the development of frank hyperglycemia and diagnosis of diabetes, during which time complications can accrue, and for this reasons we believe that genetic testing of family members of patients with these conditions is desirable.
Treatment 1. How Does Genetic Information Affect Treatment? The principles of managing severe insulin resistance include early and intensive use of insulin sensitizing agents, and lifestyle modification to include as much aerobic exercise as reasonably possible. In lipodystrophies close adherence to a low fat diet is also crucial in preventing or delaying dyslipidemia and diabetes. More recently adjunctive use of subcutaneous leptin in patients who have secondary leptin deficiency due to lack of adipose tissue has proved highly effective, and recombinant IGF1 or composite preparations have some utility in severe insulin resistance. Nevertheless, these therapies should be introduced based on clinical and biochemical criteria, and establishment of the genetic defect should not influence therapeutic decision making significantly. The FPLDs are minor exceptions to this: first, it is logical to suppose that use of potent thiazolidinedione PPAR agonists in patients with PPARG mutations may be particularly efficacious; however despite some limited evidence for this in the case of particular mutations and novel agonists [38], this requires further study. Secondly, in the case of LMNA-associated FPLD2, it also now appears that there may be some overlap with other laminopathies, and that clinically silent myopathy and cardiomyopathy may be
C h a p t e r 4 Syndromes of Severe Insulin Resistance and/or Lipodystrophy l
detected on careful screening, which should thus be considered in patients with LMNA mutations [31].
2. Genetic Counseling and Prenatal Testing As discussed, the clinical expression of almost all single gene defects in insulin action or adipose tissue function is strongly dependent on environmental and behavioral factors. Thus, while some patients with BSCL may suffer devastating clinical sequelae of unrestrained hyperglycemia and dyslipidemia including microvascular complications of diabetes and recurrent pancreatitis, others – especially males – may have a fairly benign clinical course when they are adherent to a low fat diet and habitually undertake large amounts of aerobic exercise. Prospects are further enhanced with the advent of leptin therapy in those with severe secondary leptin deficiency [39]. Similar observations can be made for those with type A insulin resistance due to insulin receptor mutations. Severe insulin receptoropathies and those laminopathies where lipodystrophy occurs as part of a more severe multisystem syndrome such as mandibuloacral dysplasia present a different prospect, however, with death in infancy or childhood most common. Moreover, as previously noted, even Donohue and Rabson–Mendenhall syndromes represent arbitrary points on a clinical spectrum of disease, with evidence of genetic and environmental modifiers of clinical severity even in these rare and extreme conditions. This clinical spectrum of disease, encompassing rare and severe recessive conditions, and less severe autosomal dominant conditions, and the close interplay of environmental factors with the single gene defects, must be borne in mind when counseling patients or parents [14].
9. 10.
15. 16.
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C hap ter
Functioning Pituitary Adenomas Albert Beckers AND Adrian F. Daly Department of Endocrinology, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Liège, University of Liège, Domaine Universitaire du Sart-Tilman, 4000 Liège, Belgium
gene (PRKAR1A) on chromosome 17q22-24 [11]. Acromegaly occurs in the setting of CNC, although infrequently. Most patients have evidence of abnormal growth hormone (GH), insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) or prolactin levels. A MEN1-like syndrome (MEN4) has been reported recently in rats and in humans, and relates to mutations in the CDKN1B gene that encodes p27kip1 [12, 13]. To date only one family with acromegaly, hyperparathyroidism, and renal and testicular cancer has been reported and a further sporadic case with Cushing’s disease, a cervical carcinoid tumor, and hyperparathyroidism has been reported [14]. Isolated pituitary adenomas also occur in an inherited setting in the absence of MEN1 and CNC. Familial isolated pituitary adenomas (FIPA; 2 pituitary adenoma patients occurring in related members of the same kindred in the absence of MEN1, MEN4 or CNC) have been described in about 150 families since 1999. Within FIPA patients may have pituitary adenomas of any functional or non-functional type and different tumor types may occur within different members of the same family. Previous studies on familial cases of acromegaly pointed to a region of chromosome 11q13.1-q13.3 as being involved [15, 16, 17]. Subsequently, mutations in the aryl hydrocarbon receptor interacting protein gene (AIP) were noted to occur in association with familial acromegaly/prolactinoma kindreds [18]. AIP muta tions account for about 15% of FIPA families and 50% of familial acromegaly kindreds, indicating that other genetic factors remain to be described. AIP mutations are also associated with larger/more aggressive pituitary tumors that occur at an earlier age than non-AIP mutated cases; a relatively high frequency of AIP mutations appear to occur in sporadic (non-familial) cohorts with acromegaly or other pituitary adenomas with a young age at onset and an aggressive clinical history.
Many molecular genetic abnormalities have been rec ognized in the setting of anterior pituitary adenomas. However, pituitary adenomas with heritable genetic causes are rare and have been described most often in the set ting of an endocrine tumor syndrome, such as multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) (see Chapter 23) and Carney complex (CNC). MEN1 is an autosomal dominant condition that is associated with the occurrence of para thyroid, enteropancreatic and anterior pituitary tumors [1]. Endocrine-inactive tumors, such as lipomas and angiofibro mas are also frequently seen in MEN1 patients. The MEN1 gene on chromosome 11q13 [2] encodes the nuclear pro tein, menin [3]. MEN1 appears to act as a tumor suppres sor gene, and recent data suggest that menin can potentially interact with thousands of genes, 3 sites and in chromatin [4, 5]. To date, over 500 different individual mutations in the MEN1 gene have been described [6], most of which predict a truncated menin protein. However, in 20–30% of cases suggestive of MEN1 clinically, the MEN1 sequence is normal. About 40% of patients with MEN1 have pituitary adenomas, and 17% of cases present with a pituitary tumor [7, 8]. Patients with pituitary tumors present earlier than patients presenting with other MEN1 tumors. In families with MEN1, pituitary tumors are more frequent than in spo radic MEN1. From a clinical perspective, MEN1-associated pituitary adenomas are more aggressive and less responsive to treatment than sporadic non-MEN1 tumors. CNC is rare, with about 500 cases reported to date [9]. CNC, usually familial, consists of patients with a complex of skin pigmentation, cardiac myxomas, endocrine hypersecre tion and schwannomas [10]. The primary genetic cause of CNC is mutation of the protein kinase A regulatory subunit 1 A
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
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Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
Genetic pathophysiology of pituitary adenomas Most pituitary adenomas arise as a clonal expansion from a single mutated anterior pituitary cell, which can be accom panied by a wide variety of genetic and molecular altera tions in adenomatous pituitary tissue. At the tissue level, however, the picture can be somewhat complicated, as a single pituitary can contain multiple tumors or hyperplas tic areas, each with its own clonal origin, and specific pat tern of growth, apoptosis and pathological features. The development of a pituitary adenoma is dependent on a vari ety of tumor suppressor genes and oncogenes (Table 5.1). The most important oncogene involved in sporadic pitu itary tumorigenesis is gsp, which encodes the Gs sub unit, a stimulatory guanine binding protein that regulates hypothalamic GH-releasing hormone (GHRH) effects in somatotropes. Biallelic expression of mutated gsp can lead to endogenous activation of adenylate cyclase and ele vated levels of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP). Mutations in gsp have been most closely associated with somatotropinomas, and they are found to occur in up to 40% of these tumors. The oncogene ras has also been implicated in pituitary tumorigenesis, although in a very small number of cases. Mutations in ras appear to be asso ciated with high levels of tumor aggression and have been noted to occur among rare pituitary carcinomas [19, 20]. Pituitary tumor transforming gene (PTTG) is a gene that is usually poorly expressed in normal pituitary, but is upregu lated in most pituitary tumor types [21, 22]. Mutations in tumor suppressor genes have been identi fied in the setting of pituitary adenomas and tumorigenesis.
The best known among these is the gene MEN1 that is responsible for multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) which is discussed in detail below, as it may lead to inherited disease and is relevant for screening. Heterozygotic retinoblastoma gene (Rb) mutation status is associated with the development of pituitary adenomas in mice [23]. However, in humans the role of Rb is less cer tain. Somatic Rb loss may occur in occasional pituitary adenomas, while Rb promoter hypermethylation has also been reported [24, 25]. Cell cycle regulators have also been implicated in pituitary tumorigenesis and development. Cyclin D1, which regulates the transition from G1 to S-phase is overexpressed in nearly 40% of somatotropinomas (and 70% of non-functional pitu itary adenomas). CCND1 genotypes are related to tumor grades seen in pituitary adenomas [26, 27]. In pituitary adenomas, the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p16 is heavily downregulated due to gene promoter hypermethyla tion [28, 29]. The cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor, p27kip1 appears to play an important role in pituitary tumorigenesis, as evidenced by data from a knockout mouse that show the development of specific patterns of pituitary adenomas and other abnormalities [30]. The relevance of mutations in the CDKN1B gene that encodes p27kip1 are discussed below as they may be rarely associated with inherited endocrine tumors, including pituitary adenomas. The protein ZAC is normally expressed at high levels in healthy pituitary tissue. In pituitary adenomas (predomi nantly non-secreting tumors), ZAC expression is strongly reduced. The somatostatin analog, octreotide, functions in somatotropinomas in part via ZAC as it increases the expression of the gene Zac1 [31, 32]. Fibroblast growth
Table 5.1 Germline and somatic genetic abnormalities associated with pituitary adenomas Gene
Cyclin D1 Gsp
Overexpression in non-secreting adenomas and somatotropinomas Somatic activating mutations in up to 40% of somatotropinomas Mosaicism in McCune–Albright syndrome (somatotropinoma, somatomammotropinoma, and Cushing’s syndrome in association with precocious puberty, hyperthyroidism and dermal and bony lesions) Truncation mutations in Carney’s complex leading to somatolactotrope hyperplasia and adenomas Alternative transcription initiation in pituitary adenomas Increased expression in more aggressive pituitary tumors Diminished expression in prolactinoma Promoter methylation in non-secreting adenomas, prolactinomas and somatotropinomas Promoter methylation in non-secreting adenomas and gonadotropinomas Inactivating mutations in all pituitary adenoma types Point mutations in invasive pituitary adenomas Promoter methylation in pituitary adenomas Germline heterozygous nonsense mutation in MEN4, a novel, rare MEN1-like syndrome Promoter methylation in pituitary adenomas Promoter methylation in non-functioning adenomas Germline mutations and loss of heterozygosity in 15% of FIPA cases. Seen in familial/sporadic somatotropinomas, somatolactotrope adenomas, prolactinomas, non-secreting adenomas and Cushing’s disease (sporadic only)
PRKAR1A Pdt-FGFR4 PTTG BMP-4 GADD45G MEG3a MEN1 PKC p16 CDKN1B (p27Kip1) Retinoblastoma ZAC AIP
C h a p t e r 5 Functioning Pituitary Adenomas l
factor receptors (FGFR) play a role in the growth and development of many tissues. A truncated pituitary tumorderived form of FGFR4 has been identified in humans and was reported be associated with invasive pituitary tumori genesis in a transgenic mouse model [33]. MEG3 appears to play a role as a growth suppressor in pituitary tissue; a pituitary-derived variant is absent from both functional and non-secreting pituitary adenomas, potentially due to promoter hypermethylation [34, 35]. Expression of the growth arrest and DNA damage-inducible gene (GADD45G) is decreased in somatotropinomas, prolactinomas and NS-adenomas [36]. Bone morphogenetic protein-4, which may indirectly stimulate c-myc expression, is overexpressed in prolactinomas as compared with other tissues [37]. While a wide variety of genetic mutations and molecu lar abnormalities have been implicated in tumorigenesis in functioning pituitary adenomas, only a handful are of clini cal relevance for genetic screening and testing (Table 5.2). These clinically relevant genes for human screening are associated with a variety of presentations of pituitary ade nomas in combination with other tumors, or occasionally as isolated pituitary adenomas. The status of these conditions from a screening perspective is also heterogeneous, as some are relatively recent discoveries over the last few years, while others have been recognized for more than a decade and have consensus guidelines.
Genetic screening in functioning pituitary adenomas Currently, genetic screening for specific mutations in patients with functioning pituitary adenomas is limited to
a minority of cases in which suggestive pathological fea tures are present. Pituitary adenomas that occur in a famil ial setting account for no more than 4–5% of all pituitary adenomas. Scheithauer et al. estimated that 2.7% of pitu itary adenomas were due to multiple endocrine neoplasia type I (MEN1) [38]. Our data suggest that a further 2% of pituitary tumor cases have family links. Widespread genetic screening is, therefore, not warranted in the vast majority of patients with sporadic (i.e. non-familial) pitu itary adenomas that do not have associated endocrine/ non-endocrine tumors in the same patient or in their fam ily. This is particularly relevant from a healthcare resource utilization perspective, as clinically active pituitary adeno mas are not rare, and occur with a prevalence of approxi mately one in every 1000 of the population in developed countries [39].
MEN1 The history of pituitary tumors in the setting of multiple endocrine neoplasia dates back to as early as 1903, with the description by Erdheim of a patient with adenomas in the parathyroid and pituitary [40]. Later in the 1950s, Wermer described a family with four sisters affected with pituitary adenomas (one had acromegaly), hypercalcemia, and adenomatosis of the pancreas and gut [41]. Further investigation revealed that the father had evidence of mul tiple pancreatic and gut tumors on autopsy. After analyzing this and many isolated cases, Wermer correctly posited an autosomal dominant mode of inheritance for this condition, which would later be termed MEN1. For further informa tion on MEN1, see Chapter 23.
Table 5.2 Familial pituitary adenoma syndromes Condition
Molecular pathology
Pituitary tumor
MEN1 (Ch11q13)
Decreased menin expression/function
CDKN1B (Chr 12p13) PPKR1A (Ch17q22-24) ? (Ch2p16)
Decreased p27 levels in tumor
All pituitary tumor types (prolactinomas, non-secreting adenomas and GH-secreting adenomas most frequent) Associated with only acromegaly and Cushing’s disease in two patients to date GH and GH/prolactin secreting adenomas
AIP (Ch11q13.32) in 15% of cases (50% of familial acromegaly) Other genes?
Decreased protein kinase A regulatory subunit Ia expression/ function Decreased mRNA and protein in some mutated tissues. ?Altered regulation of AhR or phosphodiesterase function
All pituitary adenoma subtypes involved; AIP mutation associated cases include somatotropinomas, prolactinomas, mixed GH/ prolactin tumors, non-secreting adenomas.
AIP, aryl hydrocarbon receptor interacting protein; CNC, Carney complex; FIPA, Familial isolated pituitary adenoma; MEN1, multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1; PRKAR1A, protein kinase A type I regulatory subunit I.
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
MEN1-Related Pituitary Tumors About 40% of patients with MEN1 have pituitary adenomas [42, 43, 44] and this was the presenting tumor in about 17% of cases in one large series [7]. Such patients that presented with a pituitary adenoma did so 7 years before patients presenting with enteropancreatic lesions. Among famil ial MEN1 cases, pituitary disease was significantly more frequent than in non-familial MEN1 cases (59% versus 34% respectively). Females with MEN1 have a somewhat increased chance of having a pituitary adenoma. The char acteristics and features of MEN1 and non-MEN1 related pituitary tumors are outlined in Table 5.3. Prolactinomas predominate among both MEN1 associated and non-MEN1 pituitary adenomas, and the proportions of prolactinomas, GH-secreting, ACTH-secreting, non-secreting and co-secreting adenomas are similar between the MEN1 and non-MEN1 patients. MEN1-related prolactinomas are predominantly macroadenomas (84%) and higher rates of invasion are seen than in non-MEN1 prolactinomas. The response of MEN1-related prolactinomas to dopamine ago nists is poor, with only 44% of patients being normalized. Pituitary tumors in MEN1 appear to be larger and more aggressive than in patients without MEN1 [8], with mac roadenomas being present in 85% of the former, compared with only 42% of the sporadic cases. MEN1-associated pituitary tumors are significantly more likely to cause signs due to tumor size and have a significantly lower rate of hor monal normalization than non-MEN1 pituitary tumors. Mutations of the MEN1 gene are not an important factor in the tumorigenesis of non-MEN1 sporadic pituitary adeno mas [45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52]. Theodoropoulou et al.
Table 5.3 Pituitary tumor characteristics in MEN1 and non-MEN1 patients Pituitary adenoma
Age (yr) Mean follow-up (yr) Adenoma type Prolactinoma GH-secreting ACTH-secreting Co-secreting Non-secreting Tumor size Micro (n, %) Macro (n, %) Clinical signs due to tumor size (n, %) Normalization of pituitary hypersecretion (n, %)
38.0 15.3 11.1 8.7
36.2 14.6 10.0 6.3
85 12 6 13 20
68 15 7 2 18
19 (14%) 116 (85%) 39 (29%)
64 (58%) 46 (42%) 15 (14%)
0.001 0.01
49 (42%)
83 (90 %)
Micro, microadenomas; macro, macroadenoma.
found that menin was detectable in 67 of 68 sporadic nonMEN1 pituitary tumors [53]. There is no recognized rela tionship between the site or type of genetic mutation in the MEN1 gene and the expressed MEN1 disease phenotype [16], although disease clustering and variations in severity have been recognized [54]. Such clusters include the “pro lactinoma variant” seen in kindreds from the Burin penin sula in Canada (MEN1BURIN) [55, 56].
Recommendations for Testing in MEN1 As MEN1 has been recognized clinically and genetically for some time, consensus guidelines for its investigation and management have been developed [57]. These guidelines were developed over the period 1999–2001 and advances in the availability of and access to DNA testing may allow for some practical simplification. Assessment of which patients to test for MEN1 germline mutations depends on their meeting the criteria for the disease (practically, two of the three constituent major affected tissues: parathyroid, enteropancreatic or pituitary tumors). Assessment of family history is also useful to detect previously unrecognized con tributory information, however, it is often practically diffi cult to exclude a familial case of MEN1 in small kindreds with few living relatives. For index cases in which MEN1 is suspected as a cause for their pituitary tumor, germline DNA analysis of the MEN1 gene would be recommended. In cases that are negative for mutations on first screening, the potential for further testing for large gene deletions in an investigational laboratory could be considered. In the case where a MEN1 mutation is found, then full fam ily screening for clinical features and biochemical abnor malities (particularly hypercalcemia) is a good first step. However, as MEN1 is an autosomal dominant disease, it may be more cost effective to construct a genealogy and undertake genetic screening for the particular mutation dis covered. This has the advantage of definitively identifying carriers quickly, and focusing resources and time on assess ing their potential tumor expression. Also, mutation nega tive individuals and their descendents can be excluded from unnecessary further work-up. Carriers should be followed closely with regular biochemical, endocrine and appropri ate radiological screening for nascent tumors. In familial MEN1, screening of potential carriers of a known mutation should not be age limited, as MEN1 can occasionally present in the pediatric setting or occult dis ease can be present for some time in some individuals. Again, DNA sequencing for the specific familial muta tion, while potentially more expensive, is more definitive than biochemical or other clinically based methods and allows non-carriers to be excluded from further follow-up. Completion of MEN1 genealogies may benefit from sourc ing and testing of relevant stored surgical pathological material in deceased members.
C h a p t e r 5 Functioning Pituitary Adenomas l
Carney complex (CNC) J. Aidan Carney described a complex of myxomas, spotty pig mentation and endocrine over-activity that included pituitary adenomas causing acromegaly in four of a total of 40 cases in his original series [58]. This condition, termed Carney complex (CNC), is rare and has been described in about 500 people in the largest database [9]. CNC is familial in 70% of cases, occurs in all racial groups and has a slight female preponderance [59]. Two gene loci have been identified, one on chromosome 17q22-24 [60]; the other is on chromosome 2p16 [61]. The former is associated with the gene encoding the protein kinase A regulatory subunit I (PRKAR1A); muta tions in PRKAR1A have been identified in up to 60% of CNC patients [62]. Most PRKAR1A mutations lead to mRNA insta bility, decreased or absent protein expression and PRKAR1A haploinsufficiency in CNC tumors [63]. Loss of heterozygos ity (LOH) at 17q22-24 and allelic loss have been shown in CNC tumors, while the loss of PRKAR1A function enhances intracellular response to cAMP in CNC tumors [64]. In knockout mouse models, the Prkar1a/ state is lethal in embryonic life [65, 66]. In heterozygous Prkar1a/ mice, no typical CNC features are encountered. However, a transgenic mouse with an antisense PRKAR1A exon 2 construct devel ops multiple endocrine abnormalities similar to CNC.
CNC-Related Pituitary Tumors The main endocrine abnormalities seen in CNC are primary pigmented nodular adrenocortical disease (PPNAD), thy roid tumors and nodules, testicular tumors (large cell calci fying Sertoli cell tumor (LCCSCT), Leydig cell tumors) and acromegaly due to a pituitary adenoma [67]. Acromegaly itself is uncommon in CNC (10% of cases), but about 75% of patients exhibit asymptomatic elevations in GH, IGF-1 or prolactin levels, or abnormal responses to dynamic pituitary testing. A histologic analysis of pituitary tumors in CNC patients with acromegaly reported that all tumors were prolactin and GH positive, while a minority also stained for thyroid-stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone or alpha-subunit [68]. A distinguishing feature of CNC-related acromegaly is multifocal hyperplasia of somatomammo tropic cells that included non-adenomatous pituitary tissue within the tumors of CNC patients. The zones of hyperpla sia were not well demarcated and exhibited increased cellu larity and altered reticulin staining that merged with normal pituitary tissue. No consistent genetic abnormalities were seen on comparative genome hybridization. Electron micro scopy showed that tumors from acromegalic patients with CNC demonstrate heterogeneous intracellular structure [69]. Acromegaly in CNC develops insidiously and may begin in apparently normal somatomammotrope tissue that under goes multifocal hyperplasia to form GH/prolactin-secreting adenomas. As in MEN1, sporadic pituitary tumors do not exhibit mutations the PRKAR1A gene [70].
Recommendations for Testing in CNC The diagnosis of CNC is clinical in the first instance and patients displaying two or more of the following are gen erally considered to have CNC: PPNAD, cardiac myxoma, cutaneous myxoma, lentigines, blue naevi, LCCSCT, thy roid nodules/tumor, ovarian cysts, acromegaly, melanotic Schwann cell tumor and osteochondromyxoma. In patients that meet these criteria for CNC, germline DNA testing for mutations in the PRKAR1A gene should be undertaken. In familial cases, patients with a diagnosed close relative with CNC and even one of the above manifestations can be considered as having CNC. Based on current experience it is expected that half to two-thirds of patients with clini cal CNC will have a germline PRKAR1A mutation in the heterozygous state. Up to 80% of those with familial CNC will have a PRKAR1A mutation. On diagnosing a new inci dent case of CNC, kindred clinical assessment should be undertaken, but as with the case in MEN1 described above, it may be more cost-effective to undertake DNA screening. A detailed genealogical tree may allow for targeted test ing for a known PRKAR1A mutation beginning with firstdegree relatives. This permits resource allocation to those identified as carriers and allows those with a wild type genotype to avoid costly and repetitive endocrine and car diac interventions. Genetic and clinical studies should begin as early as possible and in infancy in at-risk individuals as the disease can manifest at a young age. Accurate and early diagnosis is important mainly due to the threat of sudden death caused by cardiac myxoma (potentially multiple, and occurring in any cardiac chamber), rather than by endocrine manifestations. Carriers of a PRKAR1A mutation should be screened clinically, hormonally and/or with imaging studies at least yearly for all manifestations of CNC. With respect to the pituitary, patients should have GH, IGF-I and pro lactin secretion assessed on a yearly basis as a minimum. A baseline pituitary MRI should be undertaken, but the timing of repeat imaging should be based on clinical pro gression, or the appearance of new hormonal alterations. Diagnosis and management of acromegaly in the setting of CNC is the same as for sporadic non-CNC related disease, with transsphenoidal neurosurgery and medical therapy (somatostatin analogs, dopamine agonists) representing the mainstream forms of treatment.
Multiple endocrine neoplasia 4 (MEN4) A MEN-like syndrome (MENX) that occurred spontane ously in the rat was reported between 2002 and 2004 [71, 72]. The rat phenotype consisted of multiple neuroendo crine cancers that included pheochromocytoma, medullary thyroid cell neoplasia, parathyroid adenomas, paraganglio mas, pancreatic hyperplasia and pituitary adenomas. These
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
were preceded by the development of early cataracts within a few weeks of life. MENX was initially mapped to a chro mosome 4 locus and was later revealed to occur due to a mutation in the cyclin dependent kinase n1b (cdkn1b) gene [73]. In humans the corresponding CDKN1B gene (which codes for p27kip1) is on chromosome 12 and Pellagata et al. identified a nonsense mutation in the CDKN1B gene in a German family exhibiting acromegaly, primary hyperpara thyroidism, renal angio-myolipoma and testicular cancer among various members. A Dutch patient with a pituitary adenoma (Cushing’s disease), a cervical carcinoid tumor, hyperparathyroidism and no MEN1 mutation was found to have a CDKN1B mutation [74]. A study of a population with parathyroid and pituitary tumors and no MEN1 muta tion noted no abnormalities in CDKN1B [75]. Although it appears to be a very rare syndrome, given the multiple endocrine neoplastic features of CDKN1B mutations in the human, it has been proposed to call this condition MEN4.
Recommendations for Testing in MEN4 MEN4 is a very rare condition and testing remains in the investigational setting. Testing of MEN1 mutation negative families and cohorts with clinical disease highly suggestive of MEN1 has shown that CDKN1B mutations occur only in exceptional cases. Currently there are no specific clinical features that would indicate a greater likelihood of the pres ence of MEN4.
Familial isolated pituitary adenomas (FIPA) Pituitary tumors of all types can occur in multiple members of a single kindred in the absence of MEN1/CNC, a con dition termed familial isolated pituitary adenomas (FIPA). To date we have identified 130 FIPA kindreds in our col laborative series and FIPA families have also been reported by separate research groups [76, 77, 78]. Mutations in the aryl hydrocarbon receptor interacting protein gene (AIP) in familial acromegaly kindreds has explained the pathophysi ology of a proportion of cases. FIPA is not limited to the phenotype of acromegaly, and represents a clinical frame work for further genetic study. In FIPA, pituitary tumors of the same type can present in all affected family members (homogeneous presentation), or affected members can have different types of tumors (hetero geneous presentation). In an international study performed from 2000 to 2005, we identified a total of 64 FIPA families [79]. To date, FIPA kindreds with up to four affected mem bers (i.e. subjects with pituitary tumors) have been described. The cohort is comprised equally of families with homoge neous and heterogeneous tumor types in affected mem bers. The frequencies of the various different tumor types
in FIPA are: prolactinoma (41%), somatotropinoma (30%), non-secreting tumor (13%), somatolactotropinoma (7%), gonadotropinoma (4%), Cushing’s disease (4%) and thyro tropinoma (1%). First-degree relationship between affected members within families occurs in approximately 75% of FIPA families. FIPA patients present with pituitary tumors 4 years earlier than their sporadic counterparts. In families with multiple affected generations, the children/grandchil dren presented significantly earlier (20 years) than their par ents/grandparents. Macroadenomas are seen in 63% of cases in FIPA kindreds. In terms of specific tumor types, prolac tinomas in FIPA are mainly microadenomas occurring in women, while males invariably have macroadenomas, which largely reflects the characteristics of sporadic prolactinomas [80]. Prolactinomas in heterogeneous FIPA have higher rates of extension and invasion as compared with sporadic cases. In somatotropinoma patients from FIPA families, half occur as homogeneous acromegaly (familial acromegaly) families, and 50% in combination with other tumor types (heteroge neous families). Non-secreting pituitary tumors occur in het erogeneous FIPA families and are diagnosed 8 years earlier and have a higher rate of extension/invasion than sporadic tumors. Gonadotropinomas and Cushing’s disease can occur rarely in a homogeneous FIPA setting. In 2006, Vierimaa et al. reported the results of a compre hensive genetic study that identified mutations in the aryl hydrocarbon receptor interacting protein (AIP) gene as being associated with the familial presentation of somato tropinomas and prolactinomas [18]. Loss of heterozygos ity at the AIP locus in tumor samples indicated that these tumors had lost the function of the normal allele in a “sec ond hit” according to the Knudson model. Other families tested negative for AIP mutations. In the FIPA cohort we studied 73 FIPA families from nine countries, and 15% of the cohort had germline mutations in AIP [81]. Ten separate mutations were found, one of which (R304X) was found in a FIPA family that is apparently unrelated to a family from the same country (Italy) with the same mutation reported by Vierimaa et al. Patients with AIP mutations were signifi cantly younger at diagnosis (12 years) than FIPA patients without AIP mutations. Tumors were larger in the AIP mutation-positive groups versus the remainder of the cohort. Only 50% of those with homogeneous acromegaly had AIP mutations. Importantly, kindreds with strong familiality for pituitary tumors (3 or 4 affecteds) can be negative for muta tions in AIP (and CDKN1B), which indicates strongly that other genes may be involved in the causation of FIPA. Further analysis of the disease characteristics of FIPA patients with AIP mutations indicates that tumor and hor monal data are heterogeneous. Over 60% of AIP mutation positive patients with somatotropinomas had increased GH/ IGF-I only and the remaining 38% also had elevated prol actin. Somatotropinoma patients with AIP mutations can be immunohistochemically positive for GH alone (59%), GH and prolactin (33%), or GH and FSH (8%).
C h a p t e r 5 Functioning Pituitary Adenomas l
(e.g. R271W) involve highly conserved amino acids, which may alter AIP function in other ways. Whether various mutated versions of AIP are actually expressed or undergo mRNA degradation is unknown at this time. A variety of cellular effects are potentially related to AIP activity, of which modulation of phosphodiesterase PDE4A5 and phosphodiesterase PDE2A activities are of interest [93, 94]. Leontiou and colleagues found that over-expression of wild type AIP in HEK 293, human embryonic lung fibro blast (TIG 3) and the rat somatomammotroph (GH3) cell lines led to marked reductions in measures of cell prolif eration [78]. When a variety of mutated forms of AIP were expressed in the cell lines (including a number of mutations described in the setting of FIPA), suppression of cell pro liferation was negated. Also protein–protein interactions between AIP and PDE4A5 were disrupted by mutations in AIP. Immunohistochemical data revealed that in nor mal pituitary, AIP co-localized only with GH and prolactin secreting cells and was found in association with secretory granules. In sporadic tumors AIP protein is expressed in all tumor types, however, it was only expressed in cytoplasm in prolactinomas, non-functioning and Cushing disease tumors; AIP appeared to co-localize with secretory gran ules in somatotropinomas. Study of Aip knockout models
Since these initial studies, many AIP mutations have been described in the FIPA setting (Fig. 5.1). FIPA families with AIP mutations have also been reported by other groups [82, 83]. A Q14X mutation, although found with high fre quency in Finland, was not found in populations of sporadic adenomas from across the world, indicating it is a founder mutation [84]. Sporadic pituitary tumor patients infre quently have AIP mutations, although they are not entirely absent [85]. Overall, sporadic pituitary tumor patients with AIP mutations seem to present at a young age and mainly with somatotropinomas, although other pituitary tumor types do occur [86]. Cazabat et al. reported that in a total of 154 sporadic patients with acromegaly, five patients (3.2%) demonstrated AIP mutations. Studies in other tumors have revealed no firm evidence of germline AIP mutations as a potentially causative or contributory factor [87]. The manner by which AIP mutations cause pituitary adenomas in FIPA and apparently sporadic cases is largely unknown. Many AIP mutations described to date would involve truncations of the AIP protein, with the loss of a tetratricopeptide repeat domain and the carboxy terminal that are important for interactions with the other proteins such as heat shock protein 90 (hsp90) and the aryl hydrocar bon receptor [88, 89, 90, 91, 92]. Other missense mutations c.286_287delGT
hsp90 and AhR binding sequence
c.919insC c.40C>T
c.66-71delAGGAGA c.241C>T c.70G>T c.47G>A
c.-270-269CG>AA c.-220G>A
c.542delT c.517521delGA AGA
c.854_857 delAGGC
AIP Promoter Region
c.910C>T c.911G>A
Figure 5.1 Mutations in the aryl hydrocarbon receptor interacting protein gene (AIP) reported in FIPA and sporadic pituitary tumor patients. FKBP-PPI, FK506 binding protein-type peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase; TPR, tetratricopeptide repeat domain; hsp90, heatshock protein 90; AhR, Aryl hydrocarbon receptor.
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
is at an early stage and no specific information on pituitary status has been reported [95, 96]. Given the important role of AhR in mediating the biological effects on dioxin, the potential for pituitary tumorigenesis having its roots in environmental toxins has been suggested. Data from one of the most exhaustively studied industrial accidents involv ing dioxin exposure would argue otherwise. Pesatori et al. studied the incidence of pituitary tumors in the Seveso population exposed to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-paradioxin after an accident in 1976 [97]. They found no sig nificant increase in the incidence of pituitary tumors in this region, although given the often indolent nature of pitui tary adenoma formation this may require longer follow-up. Furthermore, a more intensive study of patients with very high clinical exposure to dioxins (e.g. those with chloracne and high dioxin titers) may be useful to finally discount the link between environmental dioxin exposure and increased rates of pituitary tumorigenesis.
Recommendations for AIP Mutation Testing in FIPA and Sporadic Pituitary Adenomas Patients with FIPA are negative for MEN1 and PRKAR1A mutations; CDKN1B mutations causing MEN4 are exceed ingly rare. The study of FIPA and its molecular and genetic characteristics has progressed rapidly over the past dec ade. From a clinical perspective, it should be emphasized that clinically relevant pituitary adenomas are more com mon that previously thought (1:1000) and occur in a famil ial setting in about 5% of cases overall. Therefore, careful questioning regarding family history of pituitary disease should be part of the work-up of all patients with pitu itary adenomas. The discovery linking mutations in AIP to pituitary tumors occurring in a family setting has provided particularly important impetus, but molecular pathophysiol ogy remains very unclear. Families bearing AIP mutations have more aggressive pituitary tumors in affected members, and are often seen at a much younger age than is usual in the sporadic setting. Genetic screening for AIP mutations in patients with sporadic pituitary adenomas and in rela tives of those bearing AIP mutations requires careful con sideration. There remains divergence about the penetrance of pituitary adenomas among kindreds with AIP mutations, making the true risk of disease in mutation carriers unclear. We suggest that the penetrance of pituitary disease in AIP mutation-bearing FIPA kindreds may be relatively high, at least 33% in the largest kindreds [98]. For newly recog nized FIPA families we would recommend initial sequenc ing of the full length of the AIP gene in at least one affected individual. This remains an investigational study that is not offered commercially at this time, although the relatively short length of the AIP gene makes sequencing relatively uncomplicated. Sequencing of the AIP gene from somatic DNA in patients that have undergone pituitary neurosurgery is somewhat more complex but has led to the identification
of AIP mutations using the multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification analysis (MLPA) methodology [88]. MLPA of germline DNA is also useful for the initial iden tification of large genetic deletions of the AIP gene or more extensive deletions including the AIP gene [99]. In the case of relatives of patients with AIP mutation-related pituitary adenomas, we suggest constructing a careful genealogical tree and undertaking targeted germline AIP screening to identify carriers. As tumors in individuals with AIP muta tions are more aggressive and occur at an earlier age, there is potential value in identifying carriers for the purpose of performing MRI and hormonal testing; the ultimate aim would be to diagnose tumors at as small a size as possible in order to permit potentially curative pituitary neurosurg ical resection. In the absence of a tumor on MRI, follow-up of mutation carriers can be performed on a regular basis (yearly), relying predominantly on clinical symptoms and basal hormonal tests (IGF-I and prolactin). Widespread AIP screening in unselected patients with sporadic pituitary adenomas is not warranted at this time. Young patients with aggressive pituitary tumors are also more likely to carry AIP mutations, and testing for AIP mutations among apparently sporadic populations should at this time be limited to such young cases. Immunohistochemistry for AIP itself has been suggested as a useful diagnostic tool in pituitary tumor banks and in routine pathological practice. However, while the absence of AIP protein is likely with early truncating mutations, it is less clear how strongly other mutated forms of AIP are expressed at the protein level in pituitary tumors. In a recent study, Jaffrain-Rea et al. reported that cytoplasmic AIP was detected by immunohistochemistry in 84% of pituitary adeno mas, with the highest AIP expression being observed in soma totropinomas and non-secreting pituitary adenomas [100]. In somatotropinomas, significantly lower AIP immunostaining was seen in invasive as compared with non-invasive adeno mas. Crucially, AIP expression was abolished in a minor ity of pituitary adenomas from patients with germline AIP mutations (including FIPA families). In general, immuno histochemistry is a poorly sensitive tool for screening for AIP mutations and the field would benefit from the design of new antibodies with a range of epitopes that are appro priate for detecting a range of mutated AIP proteins.
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C hap ter
Diabetes Insipidus Soren Rittig1 AND Jane H. Christensen1,2 1
Pediatric Research Center, Department of Pediatrics, Aarhus University Hospital, Skejby, Denmark Department of Human Genetics, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark
DI is characterized by extreme thirst and excretion of abnormally large volumes of dilute urine (for recent reviews, see [1–3, 8, 36]). DI is defined clinically by the following two criteria:
Disorders of water balance are common and practicing physicians are often met with complaints of increased urination and thirst. Only a minority of such patients, however, have the disease “diabetes insipidus” (DI), and in even fewer patients are the symptoms caused by genetic defects in one of the genes involved in maintaining water homeostasis. Nevertheless, such patients should be identified and subjected to proper clinical and genetic testing in order to secure correct diagnosis and treatment. The clinical differential diagnosis of diabetes insipidus can be challenging and there are multiple examples of misdiagnosis, especially when the disease presents in a partial form. Although familial forms of DI were recognized more than 150 years ago the genetic background has only been revealed in detail during the last decade and genetic testing now represents an important tool in the differential diagnosis of DI. This chapter aims to provide a brief overview of the definition, clinical and genetic types, and differential diagnosis of DI and to provide information about the indications and practicalities of genetic DI tests available today.
1. 24-hour urine production on ad-libitum fluid intake exceeding 3.5 L or 50 ml/kg b.w. (in children 75– 100 ml/kg b.w. due to higher water content in their food). 2. Low urinary osmolality (300 mosmol/kg).
Clinical types of diabetes insipidus DI can be divided into four different types (Fig. 6.1): (1) pituitary, central, neurogenic or neurohypophyseal DI is the most common type which results from inadequate secretion of the antidiuretic hormone, arginine vasopressin (AVP); (2) nephrogenic DI, is caused by renal insensitivity to the antidiuretic effects of AVP, most commonly due to impairment of the renal vasopressin V2 receptor or the aquaporin-2 protein; (3) primary polydipsia is due to excessive fluid intake. It can be subdivided into two categories: dipsogenic DI, caused by an abnormal thirst mechanism [22, 31], and psychogenic DI, which appears to be due to a psychological impairment [7, 16]; and (4) gestational DI, due to increased metabolism of AVP by placental enzymes during pregnancy. Complete DI is defined by persistently low urine osmolality (300 mosmol/kg) during a fluid deprivation test providing plasma osmolality rises above 295 mosmol/kg. Partial DI is defined by a subnormal increase in urine osmolality (300–600 mosmol/kg) during a fluid deprivation test with the same rise in plasma osmolality. No clinical definitions of complete and partial DI exist based upon measurements of plasma AVP although the normal response to an osmotic stimulus has been reported [23, 32].
Definition The term diabetes insipidus is derived from the Greek “diabainein” meaning to pass through and from Latin “insipidus” meaning tasteless. The disease was first described in the literature as early as 1664 where the disease was distinguished from diabetes mellitus by the famous taste test of Willis [38]. The prevalence is not clearly established but has been estimated to be approximately 1:25,000, with an annual incidence of approximately 0.01%. Of these, less than 10% is hereditary [14]. Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
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Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
Familial types of diabetes insipidus Familial DI exists in two hereditary forms, familial neurohypophyseal DI (FNDI) and congenital nephrogenic DI (NDI or CNDI) caused by mutations in one of the three genes encoding proteins involved in antidiuresis, i.e. the preprohormone of AVP (causing FNDI), the renal vasopressin V2 receptor (causing NDI), and the renal water channel protein aquaporin-2 (causing NDI) (Fig. 6.1 and Tables 6.1 and 6.2).
FNDI FNDI – Genetic Aspects Until now, FNDI has been reported in at least 97 kindreds worldwide and in 95 of these (98%), the disease has been Central/ neurohypophyseal AVP
Other DI types: Primary polydipsia Gestational
FIGURE 6.1 Clinical types of DI. The pituitary form is caused by a deficiency of the antidiuretic hormone (AVP) and the nephrogenic form by renal insensitivity to the antidiuretic action of AVP. A third type is caused by high fluid intake (primary polydipsia) and a fourth is caused by placental degradation of AVP in pregnant women. The pituitary and nephrogenic type of DI exist in familial forms. AVPR2, renal vasopressin V2 receptor; AQP2, aquaporin-2 (renal water channel). See plate section.
linked to mutations in the gene encoding the AVP preprohormone (the AVP gene; Entrez GeneID 551). With only a few well-documented exceptions, FNDI is transmitted by autosomal-dominant inheritance (adFNDI) and appears to be largely, if not completely, penetrant [9]. In one kindred, the transmission of DI is consistent with autosomal-recessive inheritance (arFNDI) [37]. Since the report in 1945 by Forssman [12, 18] it has been registered in most genetic databases (e.g. OMIM [Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man], entry number 304900) that an X-linked recessive form of FNDI existed (xrFNDI). However, a recent reinvestigation including genetic and clinical studies on descendants of the original patients revealed a partial NDI phenotype, and consistent with the clinical phenotype, the patient carried a mutation in the AVPR2 gene (g.310C T, p.R104C). On the other hand, in another rare report of xrFNDI, the clinical phenotype in one kindred clearly is consistent with that of neurohypophyseal DI and although the disease seems to be linked to the same chromosomal location as the AVPR2 gene associated with NDI, namely Xq28, mutations were neither found in this gene nor in the AVP gene [17, 18]. Until now, FNDI has been associated with 63 different mutations in the AVP gene [8]. All but one of these mutations (g.19191delG) are located in the coding region of the AVP gene. In concordance with the inheritance pattern of the disease, they affect only one allele in the autosomal-dominant form and two alleles in the recessive [37]. Almost all the mutations identified are single base substitutions (55 of 63) and except for two dinucleotide substitutions the remaining mutations are deletions of either one or three nucleotides. There is no real prevalent adFNDI mutation in the AVP gene but one mutation is nonetheless more frequent than all others, namely the g.279G A substitution (predicting an A19T amino acid substitution), which has been identified in nine kindreds with no known relationship to each other. It has been suggested that adFNDI mutations exert a dominant-negative effect by the production of a mutant hormone precursor that fails to fold and/or dimerize properly in the endoplasmatic reticulum (ER) and, as a consequence, is retained by the ER protein quality control resulting in cytotoxic accumulation of protein in the neurons that produce AVP (i.e., a misfolding-neurotoxicity hypothesis) [8].
Table 6.1 Hereditary forms of DI Disease
Autosomal dominant (98%) or recessive1 Autosomal dominant X-linked recessive X-linked recessive (90%) Autosomal dominant or recessive
20p13 20p132 Xq283 Xq28 12q12-q13
AVP Unknown2 Unknown3 AVPR2 AQP2
63 –2 –3 193 39
95 1 1 307 –
[8] [39] [17] [5] [24]
The clinical characteristics of the autosomal recessive form differ significantly from those of classic FNDI. Linkage to a 7-cM interval on chromosome 20p13. Mutations searched in the coding region, the promoter, the introns and enhancer regions of the AVP gene, in the coding region of the nearby UBCE7IP5 gene, as well as in the AQP2 gene. 3 Linkage to the same chromosomal location as the AVPR2 gene (Xq28). Mutations searched in the coding region of the AVP and AVPR2 genes. 2
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The genetic basis of FNDI remains unknown in two reported kindreds (Table 6.1) [17, 18, 39]. In the first one reported, FNDI appears to be transmitted in an xrFNDI mode and preliminary linkage analysis suggests that the disease gene is located at the end of the long arm of the X-chromosome (Xq28) [17, 18]. In the second one, a Chinese family with adFNDI, it has been reported that the disease showed linkage to a 7-cM interval on chromosome 20p13 containing the AVP gene; however, unexpectedly no mutations could be detected in the coding region, the promoter, or the introns of the AVP gene [39]. adFNDI – Clinical Aspects The familial occurrence of severe polyuria and polydipsia in adFNDI (up to 28 L/24 h), which segregates in an autosomal-dominant pattern and responds readily to exogenous dDAVP, shows several intriguing features that separate it from other familial forms of DI (Table 6.2): the affected family members show a completely normal water balance at birth and during early infancy but develop progressive symptoms of excessive drinking at some point during childhood (several months–6 years) [18]. In the few cases in which it has been studied by repetitive fluid-deprivation tests, AVP secretion is normal before the onset of FNDI but diminishes progressively during early childhood [10, 25, 27]. Once fully developed, the DI phenotype with severe thirst, polydipsia and polyuria (8–20 L/day) are similar to other forms of complete DI, with the exception that in some middle aged patients, symptoms decrease markedly without treatment and with preserved glomerular filtration. The mechanism of these remissions is currently unexplained. Although not fully clarified, consistently with the loss of AVP producing hypothalamic neurons, the bright signal in the posterior pituitary disappears on T1 weighted MRI images of adFNDI patients. However, the same lack of signal can be found in patients with NDI [34], questioning the usefulness of this investigation in the differential diagnosis. The clinical characteristics of the rare arFNDI variant differ significantly from those of adFNDI because, for
this reason among others, affected individuals do not have abnormally low levels of plasma AVP during fluid deprivation tests [37].
NDI NDI – Genetic Aspects NDI, which apart from the DI phenotype is characterized by renal insensitivity to the antidiuretic effect of AVP, is either X-linked recessive (app. 90% of NDI cases) and caused by mutations in the gene encoding the vasopressin V2 receptor (the AVPR2 gene; Entrez GeneID 554) or autosomaldominant or recessive (app. 10% of NDI) and caused by mutations in the gene encoding the renal aquaporin-2 water channel (the AQP2 gene; Entrez GeneID 359) (Fig. 6.1 and Tables 6.1 and 6.2). Furthermore, some genetic defects in other renal tubular transporter genes are associated with a disturbance of the inner medullary concentration mechanism and result in polyuria and polydipsia together with characteristic electrolyte disturbances, e.g. Bartter syndrome [21]. xrNDI – Genetic Aspects The X-linked and most prominent form of congenital NDI is caused by loss-of-function mutations in the AVPR2 gene, encoding the renal vasopressin V2 receptor, which is a member of the family of G-protein-coupled receptors. Currently, 193 putative disease-causing mutations in the AVPR2 gene have been identified in 307 families with a history of NDI [5]. The molecular mechanism underlying the renal AVP insensitivity, however, differs among mutants. Thus, AVPR2 mutations have been divided into five different classes according to the cellular fate of the encoded protein [30]. In vitro studies show that most mutations in the AVPR2 gene (50%) result in vasopressin V2 receptors that are trapped intracellularly and are unable to reach the plasma membrane (class II mutations) [29]. In contrast, a few mutated vasopressin V2 receptors reach the cell surface, but cannot bind vasopressin or properly trigger an increase in intracellular cyclic AMP (class IV mutations) [28].
Table 6.2 Different clinical features of familial DI forms Clinical feature
Affected gene Gender differences
AVP Male:female 1:1
AQP2 Male:female 1:1
Debut of symptoms Plasma AVP during thirst Decrease of symptoms at middle age Antidiuretic response to dDAVP Extrarenal response to dDAVP (e.g. factor VIII) Posterior pituitary bright signal on MRI
6 months to 6 years Low/undetectable Yes, in some 50% increase in U-osm Normal Lacking
AVPR2 Only males (females may have mild DI symptoms) From birth* High No 50% increase in U-osm Reduced Lacking
In xrNDI with partial (mild) DI phenotype debut has been reported later in life. In adNDI, debut usually occurring from the second half of the first year or later.
From birth** High No 50% increase in U-osm Normal ?
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
xrNDI – Clinical Aspects The clinical characteristics of NDI attributable to mutations in the AVPR2 or AQP2 gene, regardless of the mode of inheritance or genetic mutation, include hypernatremia, hyperthermia, mental retardation and repeated episodes of dehydration if patients cannot obtain enough water. In contrast to adFNDI, the urinary concentration defect is present at birth, and newborns and infants are especially prone to dehydration. Furthermore, the clinical picture of dehydration is often difficult to interpret at this age (e.g. failure to thrive) and therefore at this age severe cases of prolonged dehydration are seen. Mental retardation was prevalent in 70% to 90% of the patients reported in the original studies of NDI and was thought to be part of the disease [35]. However, early recognition of NDI based on genetic screening in at-risk children and early treatment of the disease permit these children to have normal physical and mental development [28] and suggest that the mental retardation reported in the original studies probably resulted from repeated episodes of severe dehydration rather than from the genetic mutation. Heterozygous females usually are asymptomatic but may have variable degrees of polyuria and polydipsia because of skewed X-chromosome inactivation [28]. Recent reports of families carrying AVPR2 mutations but initially suspected of having FNDI due to in some cases an impressive antidiuretic response to exogenous AVP [11] have emphasized the importance of genetic testing and added to the complexity of clinical differential diagnosis in DI. Of interest, non-peptide vasopressin V2 receptor antagonists were recently found to increase urine osmolality and to facilitate the folding of mutant vasopressin V2 receptors in patients with several different mutations in the AVPR2 gene [4]. This finding is very important because it suggests that it may be possible to find pharmacologic agents that will enable mutant but partially functional vasopressin V2 receptors to move to the membrane and restore partial vasopressin responsiveness and water reabsorption capability to the collecting duct.
Autosomal NDI Autosomal recessive or autosomal dominant modes of inheritance occur in approximately 10% of the families with congenital NDI who have been studied. These families generally have mutations in the AQP2 gene (located in chromosome region 12q12-q13), which codes for the vasopressin-sensitive aquaporin-2 water channel (Fig. 6.1). Currently, 39 putative disease-causing AQP2 mutations in families with a history of NDI have been identified, mostly in children of consanguineous parents [24]. In vitro studies show that misfolding of mutant aquaporin-2 proteins and subsequent degradation in the ER is the major mechanism underlying autosomal recessive NDI [24]. Autosomal dominant inherited mutations in the AQP2 gene primarily affect
the carboxy-terminus of aquaporin-2, causing misrouting of both mutant and wild type aquaporin-2 proteins [19] and some of these result in a partial DI phenotype [26].
Other genetic defects that cause nephrogenic polyuria An essential part of the urinary concentrating mechanism is the medullary osmotic gradient built up by the loop of Henle. The high interstitial osmolality is generated by selective permeability of specific renal tubular segments to water and by electrolyte transporters in the tubular epithelium, especially in the thick ascending limb. Mutations in genes encoding such transporter proteins (e.g. the KCNJ1, SLC12A1, CLCNKB and BSND genes) result in a concentrating defect and thereby polyuria together with excessive loss of potassium, chloride, sodium and calcium (Bartter syndrome) [6, 21]. The electrolyte disturbances, however, clearly distinguish these conditions from genuine DI. Furthermore, urea transport in the inner medullary segment plays a role for maintenance of the medullary osmotic gradient, and mutations in the gene encoding the urea transporter B result in a mild form of partial nephrogenic DI [33].
Clinical Diagnosis Differentiating between the types of DI is relatively easy if the patient has a severe deficiency in either the secretion or renal action of AVP. In either condition, dehydration induced by fluid deprivation fails to result in concentration of the urine. Because this result excludes primary polydipsia, measuring the urinary response to a subsequent injection of AVP or dDAVP will differentiate nephrogenic DI from the neurohypophyseal and gestational forms. Neurohypophyseal and gestational DI can be distinguished on clinical grounds. If fluid deprivation results in concentration of the urine, other tests are necessary to determine whether the patient has primary polydipsia or a less severe (“partial”) deficiency in the secretion or action of AVP [32]. The most reliable way to make this distinction is to measure plasma AVP and to relate the results to the concurrent plasma and urine osmolality during a fluid deprivation and/ or hypertonic saline infusion test. A satisfactory alternative is to monitor closely changes in fluid balance during a therapeutic trial of dDAVP. For a more detailed description of the fluid deprivation test protocol, see http://www.diabetes In addition to the renal vasopressin V2 receptor, which mediates the antidiuretic effect of AVP and dDAVP, there is evidence for an extrarenal vasopressin V2 receptor, which mediates extrarenal effects such as an increase in factor VIII, von Willebrand factor and tissue-type plasminogen
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activator [20]. Although rarely necessary, a dDAVP infusion test can be used to distinguish NDI caused by AVPR2 mutations from other causes (Table 6.2).
Genetic Testing Genetic Tests Available The three genes associated with DI are the AVP gene (autosomal dominant and recessive FNDI), the AVPR2 gene (X-linked NDI) and the AQP2 gene (autosomal dominant and recessive NDI). The AVP gene has three exons covering a 2.2 kb genomic region at chromosome 20p13, the AVPR2 gene has three exons and two small introns covering a 2.3 kb genomic region at chromosome Xq28; and the AQP2 gene which has four exons covering a 8.1 kb genomic region at chromosome 12q12-q13. As all three genes involved in DI are small genes with few exons, the most common genetic test performed is sequence analysis of the entire coding region of the gene in question. Deletion/duplication analysis is commercially available for the AVP gene ( and deletion analysis has been performed on a research basis also for the AVPR2 gene (e.g. [13]). Targeted mutation analysis, prenatal diagnosis and carrier testing is also available for all three genes either commercially or on a research basis. Which Gene to Test? Genetic testing of patients with clinical characteristics in accordance with FNDI usually involves sequence analysis of the entire coding region of the AVP gene as the large majority of cases (98%) carry mutations in this gene. If no mutations are found, it should be considered whether the clinical characteristics and the inheritance of the disease in the family is in accordance with partial NDI [11], indicating sequence analysis of either the AVPR2 or the AQP2 genes. Since most NDI is caused by AVPR2 mutations, molecular genetic testing of a symptomatic individual, male or female, usually starts with sequencing of the entire coding region of the AVPR2 gene. If no mutations are found, sequencing of the coding region of the AQP2 gene is performed. In affected children (male or female) from consanguineous parents, AQP2 sequencing is performed first, followed by AVPR2 sequencing if no mutation in AQP2 is identified. Diagnostic Testing There are several reasons why all patients with a congenital form of DI should be properly diagnosed genetically. As mentioned earlier, there are now multiple examples where genetic testing resolved the differential diagnosis and changed treatment options. Furthermore, confirming a mutation in the AVP gene in patients suspected for FNDI relieves the physician from further exploration of the cause of DI, e.g. searching for a hypothalamic lesion/tumor, testing anterior pituitary function, etc. In NDI, early diagnosis
in newborns is essential to ensure prompt treatment in order to reduce morbidity from hypernatremia, dehydration and dilation of the urinary tract. Therefore, in all patients with familial occurrence of DI symptoms regardless of age and the results of clinical tests, genetic testing should be performed. Also, genetic testing should be considered in all patients with nephrogenic DI without an identifiable clinical cause, regardless of family history, as de novo mutations are not uncommon. It has not been clear whether patients with idiopathic neurohypophyseal DI should be tested genetically for de novo mutations in the AVP gene. These patients constitute a relatively large proportion of neurohypophyseal DI cases (20%–50%) and some occur during childhood [15]. In our experience approximately 5% of these have abnormalities in the AVP gene [9] and therefore we suggest that patients with neurohypophyseal DI occurring during childhood, without a family history, and without an identifiable cause (e.g. thickening of the pituitary stalk) should be tested genetically. Pre-symptomatic Diagnosis in FNDI Once the molecular diagnosis is established in FNDI kindreds, it is relatively easy to screen other family members for the mutation. This is particularly relevant in infants at risk of inheriting the mutation because pre-symptomatic diagnosis is thereby possible, relieving years of parental concern about the carrier status of their offspring. Usually, the parents already request a genetic test when the children are newborn. Carrier Testing In all recessive forms of DI (arFNDI, xrNDI and arNDI) testing of at-risk relatives is available if the mutation has been identified in the proband. This is particularly useful in xrNDI both to explain possible mild DI symptoms in female carriers and for genetic counseling. In contrast, carrier testing is not very relevant in adFNDI except for presymptomatic screening as mentioned above as this DI form is fully penetrant. Prenatal Diagnosis – adFNDI Because FNDI is associated with very few symptoms and with a normal quality of life at least when treated appropriately, and because there is little risk of severe central nervous system complications compared with NDI, prenatal diagnosis seems not to be indicated. Prenatal Diagnosis – xrNDI In conditions such as NDI that do not affect intellect and have treatment available, requests for prenatal testing are not common. Prenatal testing is available for pregnancies at increased risk if the AVPR2 mutation has been identified in an affected family member. The usual procedure is
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
to determine fetal sex by performing chromosome analysis on fetal cells obtained by chorionic villus sampling at about ten to 12 weeks’ gestation or by amniocentesis usually performed at about 15–18 weeks’ gestation. If the karyotype is 46,XY, DNA from fetal cells can be analyzed for the known disease-causing mutation. Prenatal Diagnosis – arNDI Prenatal diagnosis is available for pregnancies at increased risk. Analysis of DNA extracted from fetal cells obtained by amniocentesis is usually performed at about 15–18 weeks’ gestation or chorionic villus sampling (CVS) at about 10 to 12 weeks’ gestation. Both disease-causing alleles of an affected family member must be identified before prenatal testing can be performed. Differences in perspective may exist among medical professionals and in families regarding the use of prenatal testing, particularly if the testing is being considered for the purpose of pregnancy termination rather than early diagnosis. Although most centers would consider decisions about prenatal testing to be the choice of the parents, careful discussion of these issues is appropriate. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) may be available for families in which the disease-causing mutation(s) has been identified.
Available laboratories and resources Below are listed a few contact addresses for laboratories that for a long period of time have been actively involved in describing the molecular background behind DI and where analysis of the AVP, AVPR2 and AQP2 genes can be performed. Additional contacts and more details can be found at Soren Rittig, MD Pediatric Research Center, Skejby Department of Pediatrics Aarhus University Hospital, Skejby Brendstrupgaardsvej 100 DK-8200 Aarhus N Denmark Email:
[email protected] Daniel G. Bichet, MD Departments of Medicine and Physiology Centre de Recherche et Unite de Recherches Cliniques Hopital du Sacre-Coeur de Montreal 5400 Blvd. Gouin Ouest Centre de Recherches Montreal, Quebec H4J 1C5 Canada Email:
[email protected]
Peter M.T. Deen, PhD Department of Physiology Nijmegen Center for Molecular Life Sciences Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Center PO Box 9101, Nijmegen 6500, HB The Netherlands Email:
[email protected] Important DI resources are the NDI Foundation and the Diabetes Insipidus Foundation, Inc. that have been formed to support education, research, treatment and cure for DI. Their contact details are: NDI Foundation Main Street PO Box 1390 Eastsound WA 98245 Phone: 888-376-6343 Fax: 888-376-6356 Email:
[email protected] Diabetes Insipidus Foundation, Inc c/o Mike Gandrud 1232 24th Street Ames IA 50010 Phone: 706-323-7576 Email:
[email protected]
References 1. A.P. Abbes, H. Engel, E.J. Bruggeman, et al., Gene symbol: AVP. Disease: Diabetes insipidus, neurohypophyseal, Hum. Genet. 118 (2006) 783, Accession #Hm0558. 2. A.P. Abbes, H. Engel, A.A. Franken, Gene symbol: AVP. Disease: Diabetes insipidus, neurohypophyseal, Hum. Genet. 118 (2006) 783, Accession #Hm0559. 3. A.P. Abbes, H. Engel, C. Klomp, et al., Gene symbol: AVP. Disease: Diabetes insipidus, neurohypophyseal, Hum. Genet. 118 (2006) 784, Accession #Hm0561. 4. V. Bernier, M. Lagace, M. Lonergan, et al., Functional rescue of the constitutively internalized V2 vasopressin receptor mutant R137H by the pharmacological chaperone action of SR49059, Mol. Endocrinol. 18 (2004) 2074–2084. 5. D.G. Bichet, Vasopressin receptor mutations in nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, Semin. Nephrol. 28 (2008) 245–251. 6. D.G. Bichet, T.M. Fujiwara, Reabsorption of sodium chloride – lessons from the chloride channels, N. Engl. J. Med. 350 (2004) 1281–1283. 7. S. Chitturi, M. Harris, M.J. Thomsett, et al., Utility of AVP gene testing in familial neurohypophyseal diabetes insipidus, Clin. Endocrinol. (Oxf.) 69 (2008) 926–930. 8. J.H. Christensen, S. Rittig, Familial neurohypophyseal diabetes insipidus – an update, Semin. Nephrol. 26 (2006) 209–223. 9. J.H. Christensen, C. Siggaard, T.J. Corydon, et al., Six novel mutations in the arginine vasopressin gene in 15 kindreds with autosomal dominant familial neurohypophyseal diabetes
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Central/ neurohypophyseal AVP
Other DI types: Primary polydipsia Gestational
FIGURE 6.1 Clinical types of DI. The pituitary form is caused by a deficiency of the antidiuretic hormone (AVP) and the nephrogenic form by renal insensitivity to the antidiuretic action of AVP. A third type is caused by high fluid intake (primary polydipsia) and a fourth is caused by placental degradation of AVP in pregnant women. The pituitary and nephrogenic type of DI exist in familial forms. AVPR2, renal vasopressin V2 receptor; AQP2, aquaporin-2 (renal water channel).
C hap ter
States of Pituitary Hypofunction Christopher J. Romero AND Sally Radovick Division of Pediatric Endocrinology, Department of Pediatrics, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD 21287, USA
Genetic pathophysiology
Hypopituitarism is a condition that presents clinically with one or more hormone deficiencies from the adenohypophysis, neurohypophysis or both. The annual incidence rate has been estimated as 4.2 cases per 100,000 of the population, along with a prevalence rate of 45.5 per 100,000 in a 2001 population study from Spain [1]. The etiology of this disorder can be attributed to several causes including head injury, neurosurgical sequelae, infiltrative disorders and cranial radiotherapy; however, many diagnoses are often labeled idiopathic or congenital as the etiology for hormone deficiency cannot be identified. The advancements in understanding hypothalamic–pituitary development through the use of animal models have helped identify several developmental factors necessary for proper pituitary function. Mutations in these factors found in both animal models and affected patients have been identified and linked to the development of hypopituitarism. Pituitary hormone deficiency may present acutely in neonates as an adrenal crisis or may be insidious in children presenting with a poor growth velocity. The clinical presentation will also often depend on the deficient hormone(s) and may be relatively nonspecific; these symptoms include increased lethargy, cold intolerance, poor weight gain, decreased appetite or abdominal pain. An evaluation in the newborn period typically takes place in the setting of persistent hypoglycemia or electrolyte imbalance. In addition, infants noted to have midline defects and male infants with micropenis should be evaluated for possible pituitary deficiency. In children and adolescents, poor growth or delayed puberty is often an indicator for care providers to evaluate the pituitary for possible deficiencies. Although the evaluation of some patients may initially reveal a single pituitary hormone deficiency, follow-up evaluations are required, as further pituitary hormone deficiencies may develop over time.
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
The development of the pituitary occurs early during embryogenesis by the coordinated spatial and temporal expression of signaling molecules and transcription factors. Initially, the primordial Rathke’s pouch develops by the thickening and invagination of the oral ectoderm that comes into contact with the ventral diencephalon. Proliferation of the cells through expression of various signaling factors drives oral ectoderm closure and forms a detached rudimentary gland. The expression of Sonic hedgehog (Shh) from the oral ectoderm and downstream effectors, such as those in the Gli family, are important in helping orchestrate the proliferation and formation of the gland [2]. In addition, the Wnt family of signaling molecules and bone morphogenetic protein, BMP4, among others also have suggested roles in guiding gland proliferation and specification of pituitary cell types [3]. The mature anterior pituitary gland ultimately contains five cell types regulated by trophic hormones produced by the hypothalamus, as well as positive and negative feedback from peripherally secreted hormones. The cell types and hormones they secrete include: somatotrophs (GH), thyrotrophs (TSH), lactotrophs (PRL), gonadotrophs (LH, FSH) and corticotrophs (ACTH). The development of these pituitary cell types is regulated through the expression of transcription factors including Hesx homeobox 1, LIM homeobox protein 3 (Lhx3) and paired-like homeodomain 1 (Pitx1) [3, 4]. These factors and several others play significant roles in the coordinated temporal and spatial development of specific pituitary cell types (Fig. 7.1). Several of the pituitary cell types require common factors for their development, and thus, early disruption in the cascade of events ultimately can affect several cell types. This disruption can lead to loss of pituitary gene expression as well as the structural development of the pituitary gland.
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Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
Figure 7.1 Overview of major transcription factors involved in pituitary development. Early signaling factors regulate the development of the primordium pituitary through contact of the ventral diencephalon and oral ectoderm. The expression of transcription factors in an orchestrated temporal and spatial sequence leads to the development of Rathke’s pouch and ultimately five mature pituitary cell types. This figure illustrates some of the major transcription factors involved in a cascade leading to the mature pituitary and represents the relative temporal appearance of these factors. The disruption of many of these factors has been associated with the development of hypopituitarism.
Although a large part of our knowledge regarding pitu itary organogenesis is based on nonhuman studies, careful clinical investigations of patients with hypopituitarism have yielded important insights into pituitary development. For example, murine studies of the Ames dwarf mouse, which has a mutation in the PROP1 gene, revealed a hypocellular anterior pituitary generally lacking somatotrophs, lactotrophs and thyrotrophs [5, 6]. These investigations led to the study of patients with similar phenotypic hypopituitarism and the identification of human mutations in the PROP1 gene [7, 8]. Two other naturally occurring murine models, the Jackson and Snell dwarf mice, illustrated the importance of POU1F1 (Pit1) in normal pituitary development [9]. Human mutations in the POU1F1 gene were soon thereafter identified in patients and further studies have
shown how recessive, as well as heterozygous point mutations, ultimately affect pituitary function [10, 11]. Over the last two decades, several research laboratories have shown that mutations in specific transcription factors can disrupt the balanced orchestration of pituitary development and ultimately the expression and function of the five pituitary cell types. This progress has resulted in the genetic characterization of hypopituitarism in many patients whose condition had been labeled as idiopathic or “congenital”. Mutations in several of these factors lead to multiple pitu itary hormone deficiencies, whereas mutations in others may only lead to a single hormone loss [12, 13]. Table 7.1 contains an outline of several genetic factors that have importance in anterior pituitary development. For each factor, a brief description of its function, the pituitary cell types
Table 7.1 Genetic factors important in anterior pituitary development Factor
Gene function
One or more pituitary hormone deficiencies Hesx1 [14, 15, 16] Paired-like homeobox gene Early marker for pituitary primordium found in oral ectoderm of Rathke’s pouch Requires Lhx3 for maintenance and PROP1 for repression l l
Lhx3 (Lim3, P-LIM) [17, 18, 19]
Affected cell types Somatotrophs, thyrotrophs, gonadotrophs (Posterior pituitary may also be affected)
Somatotrophs, lactotrophs, thyrotrophs, gonadotrophs, possibly corticotrophs
Paired-like homeodomain transcription factor required for Pit1 expression Co-expressed with Hesx1
Somatotrophs, lactotrophs, thyrotrophs, gonadotrophs, corticotrophs (delayed)
Isolated GH deficiency or multiple hormone deficiency (including diabetes insipidus) Puberty may be unaffected or delayed Associated with septo-optic dysplasia Abnormal MRI findings: pituitary hypoplasia, ectopic posterior pituitary, midline forebrain abnormalities Patients may present with rigid cervical spine causing limited neck rotation Hypoplastic anterior/intermediate pituitary lobe
Mode of inheritance AD, AR
l l l
Member of LIM-homeodomain (LIM-HD) family of gene regulatory proteins Required for survival/ proliferation of Rathke’s pouch cells Binds and activates -GSU promoter Acts with Pit-1 to activate TSH- gene promoter 3 isoforms: Lhx3a, Lhx3b, M2-Lhx3 A LIM protein with close resemblance to Lhx3 important for proliferation and differentiation of cell lineages May have overlapping function with PROP1 and POU1F1 Member of the SIX/sine oculis family of homeobox genes Expressed early in hypothalamus, later in Rathke’s pouch, neural retina and optic chiasma Bicoid-related homeobox gene Expressed early in the nascent Rathke’s pouch Importance in maintaining expression of Hesx1 and Prop1
Clinical phenotype
l l l
Lhx4 [20, 21, 22]
Somatotrophs, lactotrophs, thyrotrophs, gonadotrophs, corticotrophs
Somatotrophs, gonadotrophs
l l l
Prop1 (prophet of Pit 1) [7, 26, 27]
Somatotrophs, lactotrophs, thyrotrophs, reduced expression of gonadotrophs
Bilateral anophthalmia pituitary hypoplasia associated with deletion at chromosome 14q22-23
Associated with RIEGER syndrome: anterior chamber eye anomalies, dental hypoplasia, a protuberant umbilicus, mental retardation, pituitary dysfunction
Combined pituitary deficiency (GH, TSH, PRL and late onset ACTH reported) Gonadotropin insufficiency or normal puberty with later onset of deficiency Several mutations noted in non-consanguineous families
Ptx2 (RIEG1) [24, 25]
C h a p t e r 7 States of Pituitary Hypofunction
Six6 (Optx2) [23]
Combined pituitary hormone deficiencies with predominant GH deficiency Severe anterior pituitary hypoplasia, ectopic neurohypophysis
Table 7.1 (Continued) Factor
l l
Affected cell types
A member of the POU transcription factor family Important for activation of GH1, PRL and TSH genes
Somatotrophs, lactotrophs, thyrotrophs
Bicoid-type homeodomain gene required for forebrain and eye development Antagonizes Fgf8 and Shh expression May have importance in activation of Hesx1
Somatotrophs, thyrotrophs, corticotrophs and probable gonadotrophs
Member of SOXB1 subfamily as Sox1 and Sox3 expressed early in development
Somatotrophs, gonadotrophs and in animal models thyrotrophs
Clinical phenotype GH deficiency along with PRL and TSH dysregulation (TSH secretion may initially be normal) Pituitary hypoplasia Severe ocular malformation including anophthalmia Combined pituitary hormone deficiencies Anterior pituitary hypoplasia with ectopic posterior pituitary Hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism Anterior pituitary hypoplasia Bilateral anophthalmia/microphthalmia Midbrain defects including corpus callosum and hippocampus Sensorineural defects Esophageal atresia and learning difficulties Duplications of xq26-27 in affected males (female carriers unaffected) Variable mental retardation Hypopituitarism with abnormal mri Anterior pituitary hypoplasia Infundibular hypoplasia Ectopic/undescended posterior pituitary Abnormal corpus callosum Murine studies suggest sox3 dosage critical for normal pituitary development
Mode of inheritance AD, AR
Otx2 [29, 30]
l l
SOX2 [31, 32]
l l
De novo
l l l
l l
SOX3 [33]
Member of SOX (SRY-related high mobility group [HMG] box) Developmental factor expressed in developing infundibulum and hypothalamus
Somatotrophs and/ or additional anterior pituitary cell types
l l l l l l l
Isolated hormone deficiency GLI2 [34] Member of the Gli gene family; transcription factors that mediate Sonic Hedgehog signaling l
Heterozygous loss of function mutations in patients with holoprosencephaly Penetrance variable Pituitary dysfunction accompanied by variable craniofacial abnormalities
l l
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
POU1F1 (Pit1) [11, 28]
Gene function
GHRHr [35]
Encodes GHRH receptor
l l
GH1 [36, 37]
Encodes GH peptide Several heterozygous mutations shown to affect GH secretion or function
Encodes protein anosmin-1 Important in migration of both olfactory and GnRH neurons Encodes fibroblast growth factor receptor
Encodes GnRH receptor in gonadotroph
l l
KAL-1 [38, 39]
l l
FGFR-1 (KAL-2) [40]
l l l l
GnRHR1 [41]
l l
TBX19 (TPIT) [42, 43]
Member of T-box family of transcription factors that contain a homologous DNA binding domain (the T-box) Specific role in differentiation of POMC lineage Several types of identified mutations leading to loss of function Encodes for peptide proopiomelanocortin (POMC)
Short stature Anterior pituitary hypoplasia Short stature Abnormal facies Presentation includes bioinactive GH (Kowarski syndrome) Failed or arrested puberty Anosmia Renal abnormalities Failed or arrested puberty; typically less severe impairment of gonadotropin secretion vs KAL-1 mutations Associated with Pfeiffer syndrome Causes broad range of reproductive phenotypes May account for large proportion of familial and sporadic cases No defects in olfaction Neonatal isolated ACTH deficiency
AR AR, AD or X-linked
l l
POMC deficiency syndrome: severe early-onset obesity, adrenal insufficiency, red hair
C h a p t e r 7 States of Pituitary Hypofunction
POMC [44, 45]
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
affected by its disruption, a brief summary of the clinical features noted in patients with mutations and the mode of inheritance are listed. Several of these factors are associated with syndromes or are affected as a result of chromosomal abnormalities; thus, hypopituitarism may be one of the clues suggesting a genetic etiology. Finally, many of these factors appear not only crucial to pituitary development, but also important for pituitary cell survival; therefore, the initial clinical phenotype in some patients may progress over time to additional pituitary hormone deficiencies. Numerous mutations associated with hypopituitarism have been found in several of these factors; hence, the listing of all mutations would be cumbersome for this book. Thus, references to specific studies that have characterized one or more mutations for the specific gene are noted. These references, many of which are reviews, provide further characterization of specific gene disruptions and the clinical phenotypes. Currently, genetic screening of patients with idiopathic hypopituitarism from several research groups continues to identify and characterize new mutations in the factors listed in Table 7.1. In addition, many of these laboratories have conducted extensive research to elucidate the mechanisms by which mutations lead to hypopituitarism. Consequently, a complete up-to-date listing of transcription factor mutations is not possible, as this field continues to evolve. Furthermore, researchers continue to identify novel factors that contribute to pituitary development.
Diagnosis, genetic testing and interpretation Currently, the notable presence of a genetic mutation in one of the developmental factors associated with pituitary hormone deficiency is rare. In a recent study, genetic mutations in five of the more commonly known factors among 195 patients diagnosed with pituitary hormone deficiency revealed only 13.5% of patients to have a mutation [46]. The prevalence, however, increased to 52.4% when the authors considered 21 familial cases. Most often, affected patients participate in studies conducted at academic institutions with institutional review board (IRB) approval. Consequently, the results of these studies may not be available to study subjects. Given the small number of patients who are found to have mutations and the wide spectrum of phenotypes that may be associated with mutations in pituitary developmental factors, testing does not necessarily include the comprehensive list included in this chapter and thus provides a low predictive value. There have been efforts to stratify which factors to test using the patient’s clinical phenotype and results from biochemical and radiological testing [46]. In addition, various syndromes have been noted to be associated with hypopituitarism and potentially guide investigators toward appropriate genetic screening. Figure 7.2 presents an algorithm to
help identify the most commonly affected genes based on clinical presentation and laboratory evaluation in patients with idiopathic hypopituitarism. Although the clinical and biochemical evaluation of hypopituitarism can often help guide the clinician to pursue genetic evaluation of a particular developmental factor in order to provide a genetic basis for hormone deficiency, the spectrum of phenotypes seen with hypopituitarism at diagnosis make it extremely difficult to construct a linear algorithm. The evident overlapping expression patterns of the pituitary developmental factors make it difficult to selectively identify a specific factor for study. Finally, the paucity of well-defined phenotype–genotype studies in the literature contributes to the difficulty in assigning a specific phenotype to mutation in a specific factor. As seen in Fig. 7.2, patients presenting with isolated hormone deficiencies may be targets for specific developmental factors, however, over time reassessment of the pituitary may illustrate further hormone deficiencies and thus, other developmental factors which need to be considered in the genetic evaluation. Consequently, the clinical endocrinologist or geneticist as well as the researcher are left without clear targets for genetic evaluation and phenotypic correlation. Thus, in our laboratory, as well as in many similar laboratories, screening of several of these genetic factors in patients with hypopituitarism is routinely performed. There is currently very limited commercial testing available to patients with hypopituitarism. We identified two testing sites, Athena diagnostics (www.athenadiagnostics. com) and Gene Tests ( that currently offer commercial testing for factors HESX1, PROP1, POU1F1, LHX3, LHX4 and growth hormone receptor (GHr). It is unclear to us how information from this testing is presented to the patient or how it is interpreted. Although mutations in pituitary developmental factors may be inherited, especially with consanguineous unions, the ability to predict the phenotype associated with hypopituitarism is usually limited. This is primarily due to the wide spectrum of phenotypes seen in patients with hypopituitarism and the fact that pituitary deficiency may develop over time. The documentation of a mutation, however, theoretically places a patient at higher risk for developing pituitary hormone deficiencies and therefore, may alert clinicians to consider screening for additional hormone deficiencies and potentially limit morbidity in affected patients. Furthermore, although only rare instances have been reported of maternal transmission of mutations, identification of newborns at risk for hypoglycemia and other severe sequelae may also affect mortality.
Treatment Regardless of the etiology of hypopituitarism, hormone replacement therapy is the mainstay of treatment. Currently there are various modes of delivery for replacement therapy including oral, injectable or topical. For some deficiencies, such as growth hormone deficiency, only a single route of
C h a p t e r 7 States of Pituitary Hypofunction l
FIGURE 7.2 A proposed algorithm intended to assist identifying the most likely developmental factor(s) to be affected based on phenotypic presentation of hypopituitarism along with clinical and/or radiological pathology. Isolated, as well as multiple, pituitary hormone deficiencies have been outlined in this figure. In clinical practice, however, the patient evaluation may not necessarily coincide with one of the proposed deficiency scenarios outlined in the legend. At the time of evaluation, certain hormone deficiencies may have not yet manifested. Therefore, a developing phenotype may raise suspicion to more than one developmental factor and it may be appropriate to investigate for abnormalities in several factors. See plate section.
delivery is available to the patient. Patients with gonadotropin deficiency, however, may have the option to choose replacement from all three types. Replacement therapy is available for growth hormone using recombinant growth hormone, whereas thyrotropin and ACTH deficiency is treated by replacing their target hormones, levothyroxine and hydrocortisone, respectively. Gonadotropin deficiency is replaced with the appropriate supplement, testosterone or estrogen for male and females, respectively. Replacement therapy for prolactin deficiency is not required. Many patients may initially be diagnosed with one pituitary hormone deficiency, but over time may develop additional deficiencies; this phenomenon emphasizes the importance of appropriate follow-up and retesting of pitu itary function despite initial results suggestive of normal secretion. Growth hormone deficiency usually manifests at
around two to three years of age with short stature or the deceleration of growth velocity as noted on a growth curve. The dramatic exception for using growth hormone at an earlier age or before the deceleration of growth is seen in those patients, usually newborns, who present with persistent hypoglycemia. In this scenario, growth hormone replacement therapy is required for metabolic homeostasis. Patients with gonadotropin deficiency present with the phenotype of delayed or absent pubertal development that would not manifest until late childhood, at which time testing and replacement with sex steroids is initiated. Given the fact most genetic screening of patients with hypopituitarism occurs in the context of research protocols in academic institutions, the use of genetic counseling is negligible. More importantly, the benefits of genetic counseling to predict either morbidity in the affected patient or
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
the risk for future affected siblings are quite limited, unless there is a family history of hypopituitarism. Not surprisingly, the probability of familial transmission of a mutant pituitary developmental factor is rare and often not discovered unless a family is enrolled in a research study. Despite our advancements in understanding pituitary development, the benefits are arguable in disclosing genetic findings to parents and patients, as this information will not necessarily change the mode of treatment or the sequelae of hypopituitarism. In contrast to this view, since possible morbidity and mortality are associated with hypopituitarism, especially in neonates, recognizing that pituitary dysfunction may be of genetic etiology will heighten the awareness of physicians who care for families with a history of hypopituitarism. Ultimately, this may guide physicians to evaluate pituitary function more promptly and potentially initiate appropriate treatment, avoiding the complications that may result from pituitary hormone deficiency. Finally, another hope is that educating providers of patients with hypopituitarism will allow them to recognize the need to further study these patients at the genetic level. The ongoing advancements of genetic manipulation and the abilities to target specific developmental factors will continue to further elucidate the complexities of pituitary development and offer us mechanisms to explain the pathology in affected patients. In the long term, the anatomic accessibility of the pituitary may provide the option for gene therapy in patients with hypo pituitarism. This goal, however, will require a highly sophisticated level of understanding of pituitary gene expression in normal children, as well as those with defined mutations, in order for genetic interventional therapies to be considered.
References 1. M. Regal, C. Paramo, S.M. Sierra, et al., Prevalence and incidence of hypopituitarism in an adult Caucasian population in northwestern Spain, Clin. Endocrinol. (Oxf.) 55 (2001) 735–740. 2. R. Burgess, V. Lunyak, M. Rosenfeld, Signaling and transcriptional control of pituitary development, Curr. Opin. Genet. Dev. 12 (2002) 534–539. 3. K.M. Scully, M.G. Rosenfeld, Pituitary development: regulatory codes in mammalian organogenesis, Science 295 (2002) 2231–2235. 4. D. Kelberman, M.T. Dattani, Hypothalamic and pitu itary development: novel insights into the aetiology, Eur. J. Endocrinol. 157 (Suppl. 1) (2007) S3–S14. 5. P.J. Gage, A.C. Lossie, L.M. Scarlett, et al., Ames dwarf mice exhibit somatotrope commitment but lack growth hormone-releasing factor response, Endocrinology 136 (1995) 1161–1167. 6. P.J. Gage, M.L. Brinkmeier, L.M. Scarlett, et al., The Ames dwarf gene, df, is required early in pituitary ontogeny for the extinction of Rpx transcription and initiation of lineage-specific cell proliferation, Mol. Endocrinol. 10 (1996) 1570–1581.
7. W. Wu, J.D. Cogan, R.W. Pfaffle, et al., Mutations in PROP1 cause familial combined pituitary hormone deficiency, Nat. Genet. 18 (1998) 147–149. 8. J. Deladoey, C. Fluck, A. Buyukgebiz, et al., “Hot spot” in the PROP1 gene responsible for combined pituitary hormone deficiency, J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 84 (1999) 1645–1650. 9. S. Li, E.B. Crenshaw 3rd, E.J. Rawson, et al., Dwarf locus mutants lacking three pituitary cell types result from mutations in the POU-domain gene pit-1, Nature 347 (1990) 528–533. 10. K. Tatsumi, K. Miyai, T. Notomi, et al., Cretinism with combined hormone deficiency caused by a mutation in the PIT1 gene, Nat. Genet. 1 (1992) 56–58. 11. J.P. Turton, R. Reynaud, A. Mehta, et al., Novel mutations within the POU1F1 gene associated with variable combined pituitary hormone deficiency, J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 90 (2005) 4762–4770. 12. D. Kelberman, M.T. Dattani, Hypopituitarism oddities: congenital causes, Horm. Res. 68 (Suppl. 5) (2007) 138–144. 13. A.A. Toogood, P.M. Stewart, Hypopituitarism: clinical features, diagnosis, and management, Endocrinol. Metab. Clin. North Am. 37 (2008) 235–261. 14. M.T. Dattani, J.P. Martinez-Barbera, P.Q. Thomas, et al., Mutations in the homeobox gene HESX1/Hesx1 associated with septo-optic dysplasia in human and mouse, Nat. Genet. 19 (1998) 125–133. 15. M.T. Dattani, I.C. Robinson, HESX1 and Septo-Optic Dysplasia, Rev. Endocr Metab. Disord. 3 (2002) 289–300. 16. D.E. McNay, J.P. Turton, D. Kelberman, et al., HESX1 mutations are an uncommon cause of septooptic dysplasia and hypopituitarism, J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 92 (2007) 691–697. 17. I. Netchine, M.L. Sobrier, H. Krude, et al., Mutations in LHX3 result in a new syndrome revealed by combined pitu itary hormone deficiency, Nat. Genet. 25 (2000) 182–186. 18. J.J. Savage, C.S. Hunter, S.L. Clark-Sturm, et al., Mutations in the LHX3 gene cause dysregulation of pituitary and neural target genes that reflect patient phenotypes, Gene 400 (2007) 44–51. 19. R.W. Pfaeffle, J.J. Savage, C.S. Hunter, et al., Four novel mutations of the LHX3 gene cause combined pituitary hormone deficiencies with or without limited neck rotation, J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 92 (2007) 1909–1919. 20. R.D. Mullen, S.C. Colvin, C.S. Hunter, et al., Roles of the LHX3 and LHX4 LIM-homeodomain factors in pitu itary development, Mol. Cell. Endocrinol. 265–266 (2007) 190–195. 21. L.T. Raetzman, R. Ward, S.A. Camper, Lhx4 and Prop1 are required for cell survival and expansion of the pituitary primordia, Development 129 (2002) 4229–4239. 22. K. Machinis, J. Pantel, I. Netchine, et al., Syndromic short stature in patients with a germline mutation in the LIM homeobox LHX4, Am. J. Hum. Genet. 69 (2001) 961–968. 23. L.D. Nolen, D. Amor, A. Haywood, et al., Deletion at 14q22-23 indicates a contiguous gene syndrome comprising anophthalmia, pituitary hypoplasia, and ear anomalies, Am. J. Med. Genet. A. 140 (2006) 1711–1718. 24. R. Perveen, I.C. Lloyd, J. Clayton-Smith, et al., Phenotypic variability and asymmetry of Rieger syndrome associated
C h a p t e r 7 States of Pituitary Hypofunction l
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FIGURE 7.2 A proposed algorithm intended to assist identifying the most likely developmental factor(s) to be affected based on phenotypic presentation of hypopituitarism along with clinical and/or radiological pathology. Isolated, as well as multiple, pituitary hormone deficiencies have been outlined in this figure. In clinical practice, however, the patient evaluation may not necessarily coincide with one of the proposed deficiency scenarios outlined in the legend. At the time of evaluation, certain hormone deficiencies may have not yet manifested. Therefore, a developing phenotype may raise suspicion to more than one developmental factor and it may be appropriate to investigate for abnormalities in several factors.
C hap ter
Congenital Defects of Thyroid Hormone Synthesis Helmut Grasberger1 AND Samuel Refetoff1,2 1
Department of Medicine, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA Pediatrics and Committee on Genetics, University of Chicago, MC3090, Chicago, IL60637, USA
each particular hormone synthesis defect are outlined in the following section, it should be noted that early genetic screening might be justified even without complete etiologic classification. Other than providing useful information for genetic counseling, there are additional benefits to a definite genetic diagnosis. One is the potential impact on treatment. For instance, patients with specific defects may be efficiently treated with iodide supplementation rather than L-T4. Another benefit is in the identification of a subset of patients with transient CH due to partial hormonogenesis defects. Even if euthyroid at a particular point in time, increased demand for thyroid hormone synthesis may precipitate hypothyroidism. An early molecular diagnosis predicts the necessity for life-long hormone replacement therapy. Finally, some genetic defects may not manifest at birth but produce hypothyroidism later in life. The definitive diagnosis of an index case will enable early identification of subsequent cases in the same family and help to avoid the negative consequences on mental development associated with delayed diagnosis and treatment of hypothyroidism.
With a prevalence of 1 in 3000–4000 newborns, congenital hypothyroidism (CH) is the most common inborn endocrine disorder and one of the most common preventable causes of mental retardation. While most cases are sporadic and associated with abnormalities of thyroid gland development and migration (thyroid dysgenesis), approximately 15–20% are caused by inherited defects in one of the steps of thyroid hormone synthesis (thyroid dyshormonogenesis) (Fig. 8.1). When the synthesis defect results in reduced hormone secretion, the ensuing diminished negative feedback on the anterior pituitary thyrotrophs leads to an increase in thyrotropin (TSH) secretion stimulating the thyroid. Consequently, patients are born with an enlarged thyroid gland (goiter) or develop goiter postnatally, especially when diagnosis and treatment with levothyroxine (L-T4) are delayed. With the exceptions indicated below, these defects are inherited in an autosomal recessive fashion and are amenable to detection by newborn screening for CH. The etiological classification of CH is based on clinical and biochemical evaluation. Useful tests are measurement of serum TSH, thyroxine [T4], triiodothyronine [T3] and thyroglobulin [TG]; thyroid ultrasound and scintigraphy, using 99mTc or, preferably, 123I [1] and when indicated, the perchlorate [ClO4] discharge test. Often infants with CH, confirmed by the TSH and T4 values, are started on thyroid hormone replacement without detailed etiologic diagnosis. The later is relegated to later years, usually 2 or 3 following a one-month withdrawal of L-T4 replacement. With the identification of the key steps involved in thyroid hormone synthesis, a molecular genetic diagnosis should be feasible for the vast majority of patients with dyshormonogenesis. A complete diagnostic work-up facilitates the selection of the most likely candidate gene(s) for genetic confirmation. While the distinguishing features of Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
Pathophysiology and genetics of specific dyshormonogenesis defects Defect in Thyroidal Iodide Trapping Gene: SLC5A5 (NIS) The sodium-iodide symporter (NIS; official gene symbol: SLC5A5) is a 13-transmembrane domain glycoprotein that mediates the uptake of iodide through the basolateral membrane of follicular thyroid cells (Fig. 8.1). Iodide is actively concentrated into these cells by the electrogenic symport of Na (2 Na for 1 I) down the electrochemical gradient maintained by the activity of Na/K-ATPase. NIS is also 87
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Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
FIGURE 8.1 Schematic drawing of a follicular thyroid cell illustrating the key players involved in thyroid hormonogenesis and iodide metabolism. The distinct steps comprise (1) the active uptake of iodide from the blood circulation via the sodium–iodide symporter (SLC5A5); (2) the facilitated efflux of iodide into the colloid via an apical anion channel (SLC26A4); (3) iodination of tyrosine groups of thyroglobulin (TG) catalyzed by thyroid peroxidase (TPO); (4) subsequent coupling of iodinated tyrosines (mono- or diiodinated; MIT, DIT) within TG via ether-bond formation to iodothyronines; steps 3 and 4 require hydrogen peroxide as co-substrate, which is provided by a hydrogen peroxide generating NADPH-oxidase constituted by dual oxidase 2 (DUOX2) and its maturation factor (DUOXA2); (5) following endocytosis, iodothyronines (T4 T3) are liberated by lysosomal degradation of the TG matrix protein; (6) concomitantly released iodotyrosines are dehalogenated by iodotyrosine deiodinase (IYD) allowing “recycling” of iodide for further hormone synthesis. See plate section.
expressed, but not regulated by TSH, in several other differentiated epithelia, notably salivary glands, lachrymal glands, gastric mucosa, choroid plexus and lactating mammary glands. All these tissues can concentrate iodide, but do not retain it because they lack the ability to bind it to a protein matrix. The first congenital iodide transport defect (ITD) was found in a child, born to consanguineous parents, with inability to concentrate iodide in the thyroid, salivary glands and gastric mucosa [2]. In 1997, a mutation in the gene encoding NIS (SLC5A5) [3] was found to cause autosomal recessive ITD [4]. The incidence is probably very low given the quite characteristic clinical findings in iodide trapping defects and the small number of reported mutations. It should be noted, however, that unless TG is measured, the lack of thyroidal iodide uptake could lead to the erroneous diagnosis of athyreosis. Since 1997, 14 families
(8 Japanese, 1 Brazilian, 1 Hispanic-Mexican, 1 Hutterite, 1 Spanish, 1 Italian and 1 African from the Cameroon) with IDT have been genetically studied. Affected individuals were found to be homo- or compound heterozygous for 12 different SLC5A5 inactivating mutations (V59E [5], G93R [6], R124H [7], Q267E [8], C272X [9], G395R [10], T354P [4], fs515X, Y531X [8], M143-Q323 [11], A439-P443 [12], and G543E [6]). The age of onset of hypothyroidism is variable (neonatal, infancy, childhood) and seems to correlate with the residual in vitro activity of the mutant NIS [7]. Scintigraphy reveals blunted or absent radioactive iodide uptake (RAIU) in a normally located thyroid gland. The RAIU is a direct measure for NIS activity in vivo. RAIU in ITD is 0–5% (normal 10–40%) and imaging may suggest an absent thyroid gland (apparent athyreosis), especially when goiter is not prominent. Since the loss of NIS function is
C h a p t e r 8 Congenital Defects of Thyroid Hormone Synthesis l
generalized, it also involves reduced salivary glands and gastric parietal cell uptake of iodide. Hence, there is little or no early 123I uptake resulting in the absence of salivary glands or stomach images during scintillation scanning. A simple and reliable test is the measurement of radioactivity in equal volumes of saliva and plasma obtained one hour after the oral administration of 5 Ci of 125I. A salivary-to-plasma ratio close to unity (normal 20) is pathognomonic of an NIS defect. The presence of TSH receptor blocking antibodies acquired transplacentally from a mother with autoimmune thyroid disease or inactivating mutations in the TSH receptor (causing resistance to TSH) will not affect the test or salivary gland and stomach imaging. Ultrasound examination further helps to distinguish defects in SLC5A5 from other conditions with reduced iodide uptake as it shows, characteristically, a normally located enlarged thyroid gland, excluding athyreosis and thyroid gland hypoplasia due to TSH receptor defects. Although mutations in SLC5A5 appear to be a rare cause of dyshormonogenesis, genetic screening should be considered in all patients with permanent goitrous hypothyroidism in conjunction with low or absent RAIU. Without RAIU results, patients with goitrous hypothyroidism associated with high serum TG are better first evaluated for defects in TPO and DUOX2. Apart from establishing a definite diagnosis, finding SLC5A5 mutations has further implications. Identification of an index case will allow subsequent prenatal diagnoses of other cases in the same family. The latter is critical, since patients with delayed onset of CH in ITD already had signs of developmental delay at time of diagnosis [7]. Concerning treatment options, iodide supplementation can improve thyroid function in patients with residual NIS activity and should be considered, either alone or as adjunctive therapy together with L-T4 replacement.
Defect in Efflux of Iodide Across the Apical Thyroid Cell Membrane Gene: SLC26A4 (PDS) SLC26A4 is a member of the multifunctional SLC26 transporter family facilitating the passive efflux of iodide across the apical thyrocyte membrane into the follicular lumen (Fig. 8.1). In the inner ear, chloride/bicarbonate exchange by SLC26A4 is crucial for acid–base homeostasis of the endolymphatic fluid. Biallelic inactivating mutations of SLC26A4 are a cause of Pendred syndrome (PDS) [13]. First described in 1896 [14], it is clinically defined by congenital bilateral sensorineural hearing loss (associated with vestibular dysfunction) combined with diffuse or multinodular goiter. The latter usually develops in late childhood or early adolescence, and is the consequence of a partial iodide organification defect consistent with the function of SLC26A4 as an apical iodide efflux channel in thyrocytes. However, about half of patients with SLC26A4 defects do not manifest thyroid abnormalities (designated non-syndromic hearing loss
with familial enlarged vestibular aqueduct or DFNB4). Nutritional iodide intake is an important modifier of the thyroid phenotype in PDS. High iodide intake may even completely prevent thyroid enlargement. With sufficient iodide in their diet, about 90% of patients are clinically and biochemically euthyroid. In the remaining 10% with elevated TSH level, goiter is always present [15]. Based on data for an English population, the incidence of SLC26A4 mutations causing isolated hearing loss or complete PDS can be estimated at 1:60,000 [16]. Note that in a substantial number of patients with clinically suspected PDS no SLC26A4 mutations were found, presumably because of genetic heterogeneity and phenocopies. Both goiter (particularly in iodine deficient regions) and congenital hearing loss of other causes are quite common. PDS is rarely detected by neonatal screening for congen ital hypothyroidism [17]. Rather, patients present because of severe-to-profound congenital deafness. The finding of thyroid enlargement or a family history indicative of PDS would justify screening for SLC26A4 mutations. In the absence of goiter, children with suspected autosomal recessive non-syndromic hearing loss should first be evaluated for mutations in the GJB2 (encoding gap junction connexin 26) gene, which account for up to 50% of all cases (SLC26A4 mutations: up to 4%) [18, 19]. In the case of negative GJB2 screening, either computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging of the temporal bones should be considered. About 80% of patients with bilateral dilatation of the vestibular aqueduct and/or Mondini dysplasia were subsequently shown to have SLC26A4 mutations [20]. There seems to be little additional diagnostic value in performing a perchlorate discharge test, which has a relatively high false-negative rate (5%) in demonstrating partial iodide organification defect (PIOD; 10–90% radioiodide discharge) in patients with SLC26A4 mutations. The perchlorate (ClO4) discharge test is based on the following physiological and pathologic considerations. Iodide transported into the follicular lumen is immediately covalently bound to TG (organified) and therefore does not normally require the concentrating activity of NIS for its retention. The test involves the administration of radio iodide, the uptake of which is measured by counting over the neck using a Geiger counter. Two hours later, ClO4 is given which blocks further iodide uptake by competitive inhibition of NIS. While bound iodine is retained, any inorganic iodide remaining in the thyroid gland is discharged and detected over the ensuing hour by falling counts over the gland. This occurs only if there is an organification defect, as in PDS, or other causes affecting protein binding of iodide. Before systematic mutation scanning, targeted screening for the most common, recurrent mutations can be considered. L236P, T416P and IVS8 1G A account for 50% of known SLC26A4 mutations in Caucasians of northern European descent [20, 21], whereas H723R represents 53% of reported mutant alleles among Japanese [22]. It has been suggested that, in the absence of a direct functional
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
assessment in vitro, the pathogenicity of novel SLC26A4 mutations can be confidently predicted in cases of addition or omission of proline or a charged amino acid [23].
Defect in the Follicular Matrix Protein Providing Tyrosyl Groups for Iodide Organification Gene: TG Thyroglobulin (TG), a glycoprotein homodimer of 660 kDa, is the most abundantly expressed protein in the thyroid gland. It is secreted into the follicular lumen where it functions as matrix for hormone synthesis providing tyrosyl groups, the non-iodide component of thyroid hormone (Fig. 8.1). Iodinated TG constitutes the storage pool for thyroid hormone and iodide. Although the existence of congenital TG defects was known in 1959 [24] a demonstration of TG gene defect was first reported in 1991 [25]. Since that report, at least 40 distinct inactivating TG gene mutations have been described (see ref. [26] for a recent list of published mutations). Defects in TG as cause of CH have been most extensively studied in Japanese, for whom the estimated incidence is 1:67,000 [27] equivalent to 1⁄4 to 1⁄3 of all cases with thyroid dyshormonogenesis. Patients with biallelic TG gene defects typically manifest elevated serum TSH levels detectable on neonatal screening. As in other forms of dyshormonogenesis, free T3 levels are usually disproportionately high compared to the low free T4 serum concentrations, which has been explained by an increased intrathyroidal type 2 iodothyronine deiod inase activity converting T4 to T3 [28]. Mild TG secretion defects can manifest as compensated hypothyroidism (isolated hyperthyrotropinemia). Goiters are often remarkably large, although early treatment of mild TG defects would prevent goitrogenesis. More revealing, serum TG is undetectable or very low in relation to the elevated serum TSH. Scintigraphy shows high uptake (due to induction of NIS expression by TSH stimulation) in a typically enlarged thyroid gland. Since the iodide organification process is not affected, there is, usually, no discharge after administration of ClO4. In the absence of TG iodide is covalently bound to other proteins, such as albumin. Collectively, screening for TG gene mutations may be justified when an absent or unexpectedly low serum TG level is found in a CH patient presenting with normal-sized or enlarged thyroid gland.
Defects in the Enzymes Required for Iodide Organification Defect in the Key Enzyme Catalyzing the Iodination and Coupling of Tyrosyl Moieties Gene: TPO Thyroid peroxidase (TPO) is a thyroid-specific heme peroxidase anchored via a C-terminal transmembrane domain
at the apical membrane surface of follicular thyroid cells (Fig. 8.1). Using hydrogen peroxide as oxidative equivalents, TPO catalyzes the iodination of tyrosyl residues in TG and the subsequent phenoxy ether bond formation between pairs of iodotyrosines to generate iodothyronines (T4 and, to a lesser degree, T3 and reverse T3). The first case of CH due to failure of iodide organification in the presence of hydrogen peroxide was reported in 1950 by Stanbury et al. [29]. Four decades later, the human TPO gene was cloned [30], followed shortly after by the description of a TPO mutation in a patient with CH [31]. Inactivating biallelic defects in the TPO gene appear to be the most frequent cause of inherited dyshormonogenesis with permanent CH [32, 33] and the culprit in essentially all patients with permanent total iodide organification defects (TIOD; 90% ClO4 discharge) [34]. Bakker et al. estimated the incidence of TIOD owing to biallelic TPO defects at 1:66,000 for a Dutch population [34]. In about 20% of cases with TIOD only monoallelic defects of TPO are found, presumably due to unidentified cryptic mutations in unexamined intronic or regulatory regions of the gene. Indeed, in a patient with TIOD and single allele mutation, TPO mRNA analysis of thyroid tissue obtained at surgery revealed monoallelic expression of only the mutant allele indicating an unidentified defect on the other allele [35]. Although heterozygous TPO mutations do not directly result in abnormal thyroid function, such monoallelic defects may play a role as genetic susceptibility factors in transient hypothyroidism. In a Chinese population, heterozygosity for a common TPO founder mutation (2268insT) is 16 times more common in babies with transient neonatal hypothyroidism compared to normal babies [36]. TPO is the indisputable candidate gene in patients with permanent TIOD. In contrast, non-syndromic PIOD is heterogeneous including defects in the hydrogen peroxide generator driving TPO activity. When ClO4 discharge test is not available, screening for TPO mutations is still reasonable. For instance, 10 of 53 unrelated patients from Portugal with permanent CH, orthotopic thyroid gland and elevated serum TG levels were found to harbor TPO defects [32]. In an Eastern European population with unusually high frequency of dyshormonogenesis (34% of CH), 18 of 39 apparently unrelated patients with permanent CH, normal or enlarged gland in situ, and normal or high serum TG were found to have TPO mutations. In 12 only a single heterozygous mutation (1273_1276dupGGCC) was detected [33]. Finding of TPO mutations in a neonate with CH indicates that the patient will require life-long treatment with thyroid hormone and that future pregnancies should be carefully monitored for the presence of fetal goiter. The latter can be detected by ultrasonography and treated by a single intra-amniotic injection of L-T4 to prevent goiter-related dystocia and improve neurological development [37].
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Defect in the NADPH-oxidase Providing Hydrogen Peroxide for TPO Gene: DUOX2 (THOX2) Dual oxidases (DUOX1 and DUOX2; formerly known as thyroid oxidases or THOX) are NADPH oxidases expressed at the apical membrane of follicular thyroid cells (Fig. 8.1) [38, 39]. They provide hydrogen peroxide, the essential electron acceptor for the TPO-catalyzed iodination and coupling reactions. DUOX2 is also expressed at high levels in other epithelia, particularly in the gastrointestinal tract and salivary glands, and is proposed to function in a host defence mechanism. Since the 2002 description of DUOX2 mutations in patients with CH [40], 24 different mutations have been reported [40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46]. About half of these are nonsense, frameshift or splice site mutations predicting a dysfunctional enzyme lacking the C-terminal NADPH oxidase domain (G201fs, W414X, Y425X, R434X, L479fs, K530X, K628fs, Q686X, R701X, R842X, S965fs, Q1023X, Q1026X, g.IVS19-2A C). Of the missense mutations (Q36H, Y475C, A649E, H678R, E879K, R885Q, R110Q, D506N, R376W), three have been studied in vitro and shown to cause either complete or partial defect in trafficking of DUOX to the cell surface [47]. Although most dyshormonogenesis defects are inherited in an autosomal recessive fashion, a single defective DUOX2 allele suffices to cause CH. When these patients were reevaluated at three years of age after withdrawal of L-T4, they often have normal thyroid function tests, indicating that the CH was transient [40]. In addition, adult heterozygotes in these and other families with DUOX2 gene defects all had normal serum TSH concentrations. Since no evidence was found for dominant negative effects of the mutant DUOX2 proteins [47], these patients appear to have DUOX2 haploinsufficiency with manifestation limited to the neonatal period when thyroid hormone synthesis requirements are highest (from about 10 g T4/kg/day progressively decreasing to around 3 g T4/kg/day after the first year of life). Several studies have linked biallelic DUOX2 defects to permanent CH with PIOD. Based on the type of mutations (nonsense, frameshift) or the in vitro study of missense mutations found in homozygous or compound heterozygous state in these patients, most are predicted to express no residual DUOX2 activity. In contrast to the complete inactivation of TPO, which consistently leads to TIOD, a complete loss of DUOX2 activity does not completely abrogate the ability to synthesize thyroid hormone. Of all the patients with biallelic DUOX2 defects only one reportedly had TIOD. However, the results of the ClO4 discharge test in this patient are doubtful since L-T4 treatment had not been discontinued [40]. Indeed, a recent case report from Japan describes several patients with complete loss of DUOX2 activity due to biallelic frameshift mutations, who all presented with only transient CH and normal thyroid
function tests in childhood [45]. Limited iodide organification in these patients is likely maintained by the activity of DUOX1, which is also expressed in thyrocytes, albeit at a lower level compared to DUOX2. With the increasing number of reported cases, phenotype– genotype correlations have become more complex than initially anticipated. The expressivity of DUOX2 defects is likely influenced by genetic background (e.g. DUOX1) and may, at least in part, depend on the iodide intake. Since iodination by TPO requires both iodide and hydrogen peroxide, a diet containing excessive amounts of iodide, common in Japan, would lead to better utilization of hydrogen peroxide provided by DUOX1. Further credence to an important role of iodide intake in expressivity of DUOX2 defects is provided by a report of two siblings compound heterozygous for the same DUOX2 mutations. In one sibling, perinatal iodine overload produced completely normal TSH levels in the early postnatal period [41] indicating compensation of the defect. This is opposite to the situation in normal infants in whom such iodine overload induces a physiological organification blockade (Wolff–Chaikoff effect). The incidence of DUOX2 mutations in CH has not been determined. Certainly, DUOX2 mutations are frequent in patients with PIOD. For instance, seven of 20 such unrelated patients from Italy were found to have pathogenetic DUOX2 mutations [46]. Screening of DUOX2 is therefore recommended in patients with non-syndromic PIOD. In those with suspected non-syndromic organification defect (normal sized to enlarged thyroid gland with high serum TG concentration) not confirmed by ClO4 discharge test, TPO should be screened first especially in cases where CH is profound. Concerning follow-up, patients with transient CH due to DUOX2 haploinsufficiency are likely at risk for recurrent hypothyroidism at times of increased hormonogenesis requirements, such as pregnancy. With regard to treatment after the neonatal period, we would advocate assessment of iodide supplementation as an alternative to potentially life-long L-T4 replacement therapy.
Defect in the DUOX2 Cofactor Gene: DUOXA2 Two novel genes, called DUOX maturation factors (DUOXA1 and DUOXA2) were recently identified in the DUOX1/ DUOX2 intergenic region [48]. These genes are oriented head-to-head to the DUOX genes and, thus, form bidirectional transcriptional units with their corresponding dual oxidase genes. This arrangement ensures co-expression of DUOXA2 with DUOX2 (and DUOXA1 with DUOX1). The DUOXA genes encode integral membrane proteins essential for the endoplasmic reticulum-to-Golgi transition, maturation, and translocation to the plasma membrane of functional DUOX enzymes [48] (Fig. 8.1). In 2008, the first mutation in DUOXA2 was described in a Chinese patient with PIOD and mild, permanent CH [49].
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
The patient was homozygous for an Y246X nonsense mutation that resulted in a complete loss of DUOXA2 function in vitro. Heterozygous carriers of this mutation had normal thyroid function tests including negative neonatal screening for CH. Accordingly, the loss of a single DUOXA2 allele does not lead to haploinsufficiency, in contrast to mono allelic DUOX2 mutations. Apart from the intact DUOXA1/ DUOX1 system, an additional mechanism for maintaining adequate hydrogen peroxide supply in patients with DUOXA2 deficiency is the partial activation of DUOX2 by DUOXA1, as demonstrated in vitro [49]. Since DUOXA2 defects lead to secondary deficiency of functional DUOX2 enzyme, one can anticipate that expressivity will be similarly modulated by nutritional iodide as described for DUOX2 defects.
Defect in Iodide Recycling with Secondary Iodide Deficiency Gene: IYD (DEHAL1) The lysosomal proteolysis of endocytosed iodinated TG liberates the iodothyronines (T4 T3). However, most iodide contained in TG is released as uncoupled mono- and diiodotyrosines (MIT, DIT). MIT and DIT are subject to NADPH-dependent reductive deiodination by iodotyrosine deiodinase (IYD, or dehalogenase) leading to formation of free iodide and tyrosine, both of which can be reutilized in hormone synthesis (Fig. 8.1). IYD contains an N-terminal membrane anchor, a less conserved intermediate domain, and a C-terminal domain resembling enzymes of the bacterial NADH oxidase/flavin reductase superfamily [50]. The protein is predominantly localized at the apical thyroid cell membrane and in subapical, endosomal compartments, with the catalytic domain facing outside the cell or into the endosomal lumen, respectively [51]. In addition to the thyrocyte, the enzyme is expressed in liver and kidney. The expression in the latter tissue serves for the execution of a pathognomonic in vivo test. A congenital defect in iodotyrosine deiodination was first described in 1953 in a consanguineous group of Scottish itinerant tinkers [52]. In 2008, molecular defects in IYD underlying impaired intrathyroidal dehalogenation were described in four unrelated consanguineous families [53, 54]. Six affected individuals were homozygous for either a missense mutation (R101W, I116T, or A220T) or a combined missense/deletion mutation c.315delCAT (resulting in replacement of both F105 and I106 by leucine at position 105). All mutations map to the flavin-binding domain and virtually abolished the capacity of IYD to dehalogenate MIT and DIT in vitro. Notably, one heterozygous carrier of A220T developed non-autoimmune goitrous hypothyroidism at 15 years of age, pointing to a possible dominant behavior of the mutation in some individuals [54].
Loss of IYD activity prevents the normal intrathyroidal iodide “recycling” and leads to excessive urinary secretion of MIT and DIT. Since the resulting iodide deficiency does not manifest at birth, patients with biallelic IYD mutations tested normal at neonatal screening for CH. They subsequently came to medical attention at 1.5 to 8 years of age because of sequelae of hypothyroidism. On scintigraphy, a very rapid and high initial uptake of 123I in the enlarged thyroid is observed, followed by a relatively rapid spontaneous decline of the accumulated iodine without the administration of ClO4. A pathognomonic finding is the intact excretion in urine of intravenously administered MIT or DIT, without removal of the iodine. The detection of high urinary MIT and DIT by tandem mass spectroscopy may become a useful diagnostic test. The incidence of IYD mutations is unknown. Although not a viable candidate gene for CH, a potential role for IYD variants in susceptibility to endemic goiter remains to be investigated. We suggest that screening of IYD may be considered in patients developing “idiopathic” diffuse or multinodular goiter between the neonatal period and adolescence, while early and late images during 123I scintigraphy are compatible with IYD defects. However, deficient nutritional iodide intake, as in areas of endemic goiter, dietary goitrogens and autoimmune thyroid disease have to be excluded. An autosomal recessive inheritance pattern of the disorder, as well as consanguinity of the parents, would likely increase the yield of mutation screening. Anecdotal evidence indicates that iodine supplementation (Lugol’s solution) is an effective alternative to L-T4 treatment [55, 56].
Availability of genetic testing The following commercial laboratories currently provide genetic testing for selected genes involved in dyshormono genesis: TG, TPO, DUOX2, DUOXA2, IYD (Analysis of entire coding region) Academic Medical Centre, University of Amsterdam DNA Diagnostic Laboratory Amsterdam, The Netherlands SLC5A5 (analysis of entire coding region) Kyoto University School of Medicine Department of Clinical Genetics Kyoto, Japan SLC26A4 (Either mutations scanning or targeted mutation analysis, carrier testing, prenatal diagnosis) Screening for SLC26A4 defects is widely available in medical genetics laboratories. The reader may refer to GeneTests
C h a p t e r 8 Congenital Defects of Thyroid Hormone Synthesis l
( for an up-to-date list of available facilities. In addition to commercial testing facilities, we and other individuals interested in research on these conditions could provide assistance in genetic studies. These include, among others, Gilbert Vassart (Brussels, Belgium), Joachim Pohlenz (Mainz, Germany), Massimo Tonacchera (Pisa, Italy), Akira Nishinuma (Tochigi, Japan) and Hector Targovnik (Buenos Aires, Argentina).
Conclusion This chapter provides a succinct outline of the pathophysiology and genetics of thyroid dyshormonogenesis. We are aware that tests most crucial for an etiologic diagnosis (e.g. scintigraphy) are frequently not performed since the exact classification is widely assumed not to be essential for the management of CH. We have tried to take this situation into account by basing our recommendations for rational genetic screening on the incidence of the underlying defects and readily obtainable information (thyroid gland size and serum TG level). For the clinician treating patients with thyroid dyshormonogenesis, a practical implication of a genetic diagnosis is the identification of those patients in whom the defect can likely be compensated by iodide supplementation avoiding life-long L-T4 replacement therapy. Iodide supplementation should improve hormonogenesis in all defects that; (1) only partially diminish vectorial iodide transport across thyrocytes (all SLC26A4 defects and partial SLC5A5 defects); (2) produce secondary iodide deficiency (all IYD defects); or (3) partially reduce the efficiency of iodide organification (all DUOX2 and DUOXA2 defects). While requiring L-T4 replacement for CH in the neonatal period, we expect that many of these patients may eventually be managed with iodide alone. On the other hand, except for rare partial deficiency alleles, TPO or TG defects are not compensated by increased dietary iodide.
Acknowledgment This work was supported in part by grants RR04999, DK15070 and DK 20595 from the National Institutes of Health.
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C h a p t e r 8 Congenital Defects of Thyroid Hormone Synthesis l
the recycling of iodide close to the thyroglobulin iodination site, Faseb. J. 18 (2004) 1574–1576. 52. E.M. McGirr, J.H. Hutchison, Radioactive-iodine studies in non-endemic goitrous cretinism, Lancet 1 (1953) 1117–1120. 5 3. J.C. Moreno, W. Klootwijk, H. van Toor, et al., Mutations in the iodotyrosine deiodinase gene and hypothyroidism, N. Engl. J. Med. 358 (2008) 1811–1818. 54. G. Afink, W. Kulik, H. Overmars, et al., Molecular characterization of iodotyrosine dehalogenase deficiency in patients
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FIGURE 8.1 Schematic drawing of a follicular thyroid cell illustrating the key players involved in thyroid hormonogenesis and iodide metabolism. The distinct steps comprise (1) the active uptake of iodide from the blood circulation via the sodium–iodide symporter (SLC5A5); (2) the facilitated efflux of iodide into the colloid via an apical anion channel (SLC26A4); (3) iodination of tyrosine groups of thyroglobulin (TG) catalyzed by thyroid peroxidase (TPO); (4) subsequent coupling of iodinated tyrosines (mono- or diiodinated; MIT, DIT) within TG via ether-bond formation to iodothyronines; steps 3 and 4 require hydrogen peroxide as co-substrate, which is provided by a hydrogen peroxide generating NADPH-oxidase constituted by dual oxidase 2 (DUOX2) and its maturation factor (DUOXA2); (5) following endocytosis, iodothyronines (T4 T3) are liberated by lysosomal degradation of the TG matrix protein; (6) concomitantly released iodotyrosines are dehalogenated by iodotyrosine deiodinase (IYD) allowing “recycling” of iodide for further hormone synthesis.
C hap ter
Developmental Abnormalities of the Thyroid Joachim Pohlenz1 AND Guy Van Vliet2 1
Pediatric Endocrinology, Department of Pediatrics, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz D-55101, Germany Endocrinology Service and Research Center, Sainte-Justine Hospital and Department of Pediatrics, University of Montreal, Montreal, H3T 1C5, Quebec, Canada
is not compatible with simple Mendelian inheritance [6]. However, the major argument against Mendelian mechanisms is the observation that at least 92% of monozygotic twin pairs are discordant for this condition [7]. This suggests that early post-zygotic mutations or epigenetic modifications account for the vast majority of cases. A two-hit model integrating the discrepant observations of a higher-thanexpected percentage of familial cases and the almost universal discordance of monozygotic twins has been proposed [8] but remains speculative at this stage. Therefore, the remainder of this chapter reviews the single gene disorders that have been shown to cause CH from thyroid dysgenesis, but the reader should be aware that these only account for a small proportion of cases. Mutations that activate the TSH receptor are also briefly reviewed, since one of their modes of presentation is congenital hyperthyroid goiter. Before embarking on a description of these single-gene disorders, the reader should also be aware that thyroid dysgenesis is a heterogeneous condition. Because ultrasound examination generally fails to reveal its most common form (ectopic thyroid, see below) [9], the gold standard for differentiating between the various forms of thyroid dysgenesis remains radionuclide scintigraphy with 99msodium pertechnetate or 123iodine. In 50 to 80% of the cases, this will reveal only a small round mass of ectopic thyroid tissue, usually at the base of the tongue, suggesting an arrest in thyroid migration during embryogenesis. In the remainder, no uptake of isotope will be detectable. In this situation, an undetectable plasma thyroglobulin documents true athyreosis (a term to be preferred to agenesis, because there may have been a thyroid at some point during embryogenesis, that later disappeared). We have suggested describing the situation in which there is no detectable uptake but a measurable thyroglobulin
Permanent primary congenital hypothyroidism (CH), as estimated from systematic biochemical screening of newborns, occurs in about one in three thousand births, making it the most common congenital endocrine disorder. Approximately 80 to 90% of the cases are due to abnormalities in the development of the thyroid gland during organogenesis (which are collectively called thyroid dysgenesis); the remainder are due to functional disorders (thyroid dyshormonogenesis) [1]. Although pseudodominant inheritance has been reported [2], thyroid dyshormonogenesis is typically inherited in an autosomal recessive fashion and is accordingly more common in populations with a high degree of consanguinity [3]. By contrast, the mechanisms underlying CH from thyroid dysgenesis remain largely unknown and the proportion of patients for whom a genetic cause has been identified remains extremely small. Indeed, this condition was traditionally considered as sporadic until a systematic survey in France revealed that 2% of patients identified by neonatal screening had an affected relative [4]. This figure is 15-fold higher than what would be predicted by chance alone and clearly suggests a genetic mechanism in those cases. However, it should not be construed as evidence that there is a genetic component in all patients with CH from thyroid dysgenesis, i.e. the 2% with a positive family history and the 98% without may be two discrete populations. It is also noteworthy that a positive family history does not always imply a common genetic mechanism, as illustrated by a pedigree with two athyreotic individuals only one of whom had mutations inactivating the TSH receptor [5]. The fact that CH from thyroid dysgenesis has a marked female predominance Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
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Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
as “apparent athyreosis” [5]. In only a small proportion of cases (less than 5%) will imaging reveal a small thyroid gland in the normal location and with the normal bilobed shape (“orthotopic” hypoplasia), and in an even smaller proportion the absence of one thyroid lobe (generally the left) and sometimes of the isthmus. It is ironic that, after more than a decade of intensive research, the monogenic defects described below have been mostly documented in patients with the rarest variant of thyroid dysgenesis, i.e. orthotopic thyroid hypoplasia, and that most cases of the commonest variant, ectopic thyroid, remain unexplained. We give here an overview of the mutations in genes which have an impact on thyroid development. For molecular analysis of a potentially affected patient, the clinician should contact individual research groups (see references) or consult
TSH receptor gene mutations (lossof-function) Mutations resulting in inactivation of the TSH receptor (TSHR) were first reported in 1995 by Sunthornthepvarakul et al. in three sisters with asymptomatic hyperthyrotropinemia and a thyroid gland of normal size and normal radioiodide uptake [10]. Since then, many different inactivating TSHR gene mutations have been reported (http:// Detailed information on the characteristics of the TSHR gene and of all the other genes discussed in this chapter is given in Table 9.1. Heterozygotes are either strictly normal or may have a very slight elevation in plasma TSH [11]. The phenotype of homozygotes and compound heterozygotes is very variable, ranging from asymptomatic hyperthyrotropinemia, as in the three sisters described originally, to severe congenital hypothyroidism with “apparent athyreosis” as defined above. Careful ultrasonography reveals a small thyroid in the normal position and of normal
shape. The contrast between the small amount of thyroid tissue and the elevated plasma thyroglobulin which has been observed in the affected neonates is thought to be due to “leakage” of thyroglobulin from disorganized follicles [5, 12], as seen in the hyt/hyt mouse with a naturally occurring mutation that inactivates Tshr [13]. Sequencing of TSHR should therefore be considered in patients with the phenotypes described above, especially if there is parental consanguinity or a family history suggestive of autosomal recessive transmission.
PAX8 gene mutations PAX8 is a transcriptional factor which is essential for the thyroid gland development and function. It plays an important role in the initiation of thyrocyte differentiation and maintenance of the follicular cell [14]. Containing a highly conserved 128 amino acid paired domain, PAX8 regulates the expression of thyroglobulin (TG), thyroperoxidase (TPO) and the sodium iodide symporter (NIS) by binding to their promoter regions. Furthermore, PAX8 and the thyroid transcription factor 1 (TTF1) synergistically activate the promoter of human TG [15]. Whereas PAX8 deficient mice have hypoplastic thyroid glands with absent follicular cells, mice heterozygous for targeted disruption of PAX8 do not display an obvious thyroid phenotype [16]. In humans, heterozygous PAX8 loss-of-function mutations can be associated with thyroid dysgenesis, thyroid hypoplasia or no overt structural abnormality of the thyroid gland [17–25]. The functional status of affected individuals is very variable even within the same family ranging from severe hypothyroidism to compensated hypothyroidism to euthyroidism [19]. This extreme variability supports the hypothesis that many factors modulate the phenotypic expression of PAX8 gene mutations. So far, 11 different mutations in the PAX8 gene have been reported [17–25]. The majority are located in the
Table 9.1 Characteristics of the genes that have been studied in CH from thyroid dysgenesis
Gene (abbreviation) Thyrotropin receptor (TSHR) Paired box gene 8 A (PAX8) Thyroid transcription factor 1 (TTF1, TITF1, NKX2.1 or T/EBP) Thyroid transcription factor 2 (TTF2, TITF2, FOXE1 or FKHL15) GLIS3 NKX2.5
Transcript length (nt) starting at the “A” of the first ATG
Amino acids
9p24.3-p23 5q34
328 3
10 2
2328 975
775 324
Chromosomal location
Genomic size (in kb)
C h a p t e r 9 Monogenic Causes of Thyroid Dysgenesis l
paired domain (R31C, R31H, Q40P, S48F, R52P, S54G, C57Y, L62R, R108X). With the exception of S48F, which has a normal binding affinity to DNA but an impaired capacity to recruit the general co-activator p300 and a dominant negative effect [20], these mutants result in severe reduction of the DNA-binding activity of PAX8, and the mechanisms underlying disease expression in the presence of inactivation of only one allele are unknown [17, 18, 21, 22, 24, 25]. The mutations (del989-992AAAC and T225M) outside the paired domain have a normal DNA binding ability in vitro [19, 23]. Whereas del989-992AAAC is truncated and transcriptionally inactive [19], an impaired synergistic effect of p300 on T225M mediated transactivation has been described [23]. Except for two patients with de novo PAX8 gene mutations [22], dominant inheritance with widely variable penetrance is the rule. The initial report of a patient with an ectopic thyroid and a PAX8 mutation [22] was not based on scintigraphy and this patient likely had orthotopic hypoplasia, as have the vast majority of the cases studied since. In a few patients normal thyroid volumes have been found and in some, cystic thyroid rudiments have been reported on ultrasound [22, 24]. It is of particular interest that one patient with a heterozygous PAX8 gene mutation was phenotypically normal at birth but his thyroid became hypoplastic post-natally, probably because of deficient post-natal growth of the gland [17]. Therefore, even an unremarkable neonatal screening result for congenital hypothyroidism and a normally developed and located thyroid gland at birth does not rule out the possibility of a PAX8 gene deficiency. It should be noted that one individual with a heterozygous PAX8 loss-of-function mutation had a positive perchlorate discharge test. This phenomenon, which might lead to the erroneous diagnosis of dyshormonogenesis, can be explained by the fact that TPO transcription is dependent on PAX8. Thus, impaired PAX8 function can cause reduced TPO expression and consequently partial organification defect [25]. PAX8 is also expressed in the kidney, and right kidney agenesis has been reported in one case [25]. Given the extreme variability of the thyroid phenotype in patients with mutations in the PAX8 gene, it is difficult to define in which patients these should be looked for. However, these mutations appear to be quite rare and we would suggest to only screen patients with a family history suggestive of dominant transmission of dominant or earlyonset congenital hypothyroidism and an in situ gland of normal or reduced size.
TTF1 gene mutations The role of TTF1, a member of the homeobox domain type of transcription factors, in the development of the thyroid
gland and of other organs was clearly shown by the observation that Ttf12/ 2 mice had complete absence of follicular and parafollicular cells as well as agenesis of lung parenchyma, ventral forebrain and anterior and posterior pituitary [26]. Subsequently, the role of its human homolog, TTF1, in the pathophysiology of CH was suggested by the observation of patients with CH who had chromosomal deletions encompassing the TTF1 locus [27], including in a sibling pair [28]. Next, point mutations in the TTF1 gene confirmed its implication in the phenotype [29, 30] which includes CH with a thyroid gland in place associated with respiratory distress syndrome and with neonatal hypotonia followed by choreoathetosis or ataxia. Most mutations in the TTF1 gene occur de novo, but some cases of dominant transmission have been reported [31]. Indeed, dominantly inherited TTF1 gene mutations have now been found in a syndrome which was known clinically as “benign hereditary chorea” [32]. The severity of the three components of the “brain–thyroid–lung” [33] syndrome is very variable [34]. Thyroid insufficiency is generally the least severe of the three, the neurological phenotype intermediate and the lung phenotype the most severe. Indeed, neonatal death from lung hypoplasia has been described [35]. Heterozygous TTF1 mutations lead to a phenotype likely through haploinsufficiency. Indeed, reexamination of Ttf1/ 2 mice, initially reported to be normal [26], revealed a mild thyroid and neurological phenotype [29], demonstrating that “half a loaf is not enough” [36]. Studies trying to correlate the severity of the thyroid and lung phenotypes with the effect of the mutation on organ-specific reporter genes in vitro have yielded conflicting results [37]. So far, TTF1 gene mutations have only been found in patients with a multi-organ phenotype (Table 9.2); searching for TTF1 gene mutations in patients with isolated CH from thyroid dysgenesis has yielded negative results [38, 39].
TTF2 (FOXE 1 or FKHL15) gene mutations The thyroid transcription factor 2 (TTF2, FOXE1 or FKHL15) regulates transcription of TG and TPO. TTF2 is a member of the forkhead/winged helix domain protein family and binds to specific regulatory DNA sequences in the promoter regions through its highly conserved forkhead domain [14]. Ttf22/ 2 mice embryos have cleft palate and athyreosis or an ectopic sublingual gland, whereas heterozygous Ttf2 knockout mice are phenotypically normal [16]. So far, only three TTF2 gene mutations have been identified in humans, all homozygous and in consanguineous families [40–42] . In the first report of a human TTF2 mutation, two Welsh boys with athyreosis, cleft palate, spiky hair, bilateral choanal atresia and hypoplastic bifid epiglottis (so called Bamforth–Lazarus syndrome) were identified
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders Table 9.2 Monogenic causes of thyroid dysgenesis Thyroid phenotype
Other features
From apparent athyreosis to normally appearing gland From apparent athyreosis to normal gland, usually mild ↑ TSH
RDS Developmental delay/hypotonia Ataxia/choreoathetosis Cysts within a hypoplastic thyroid Unilateral kidney agenesis Cleft palate Choanal atresia Kinky hair Bifid epiglottis IUGR Permanent neonatal diabetes Congenital glaucoma Hepatic fibrosis Polycystic kidneys Defect in heart septation
De novo or AD
AD or de novo
From apparent athyreosis to normally appearing gland (one case with ectopy [23]) True athyreosis
Apparent athyreosis
Ectopic thyroid (?, no scintigraphy)
RDS, respiratory distress syndrome; IUGR, intrauterine growth retardation; AR, autosomal recessive; AD, autosomal dominant.
to have a homozygous TTF2 gene mutation (A65V) which is located in the highly conserved forkhead DNA-binding domain. In vitro studies showed that this mutant TTF2 protein had an impaired DNA binding and no transcriptional function [40]. Interestingly, one of the parents had unilateral choanal atresia [43]. In the second family, two affected individuals of Tunisian origin with athyreosis, cleft palate and spiky hair, but neither choanal atresia nor bifid epiglottis were described. Both boys were also homozygous for a mutation in the forkhead domain of TTF2 (S57N), but in vitro studies of the mutant protein showed only partial loss of DNA binding and retained some transcriptional activity, which might explain the milder phenotype without midline defects in these patients [41]. The third patient with a known TTF2 gene mutation (R102C) is of Turkish origin. She presented with CH and also had cleft palate, bilateral choanal atresia and spiky hair. Her mutation is located in the forkhead, DNA-binding domain of TTF2 and encodes a defective TTF2 which has negligible DNA binding and transcriptional activity. Neck ultrasound and CT examination showed hyperechoic, soft, non-enhancing tissue at the site of the normal thyroid lobes. However, 123I uptake was negligible and plasma TG was very low. It is therefore likely that the structures seen on ultrasound and CT are the ultimobranchial bodies [44] and that, in spite of the authors’ claim to the contrary [42], the thyroid phenotype was true athyreosis, as in the two previously reported pedigrees. Carré, Castanet and coauthors have suggested a different mechanism whereby TTF2 may play a role in thyroid dysgenesis [45]. They found that the lengths of the polyalanine
tract within the TTF2 gene differed between patients and controls. However, the length of the polyalanine tract was the same in the affected and unaffected twin of four discordant monozygotic pairs. These seemingly contradictory observations underscore the complexity of the genetic and epigenetic mechanisms involved in thyroid dysgenesis. Given the extreme rarity of mutations in TTF2, it seems reasonable to restrict the search for mutations in this gene to patients with at least three elements of the Bamforth– Lazarus syndrome. Indeed, sequencing of the TTF2 gene in patients with “only” CH and cleft lip/palate has yielded negative results [6, 46].
GLIS3 gene mutations In patients with permanent neonatal diabetes and CH, in association with intrauterine growth retardation, congenital glaucoma, hepatic fibrosis and polycystic kidneys in some, mutations in GLIS3, the gene encoding the transcription factor GLI similar three, have recently been identified in a total of six individuals from three pedigrees. In the initial family, a consanguineous family from Saudi Arabia, the responsible gene was found by genome-wide linkage scanning of all family members available and a homozygous insertion (2067insC) was found in the affected, leading to a frameshift and a truncated protein (625fs703STOP). In the other two families (also consanguineous, one from Saudi Arabia and the other French Gypsy), distinct homozygous deletions in GLIS3 were found. The thyroid phenotype was apparent athyreosis [47].
C h a p t e r 9 Monogenic Causes of Thyroid Dysgenesis l
NKX2.5 gene mutations Aside from the rare syndromes described above, thyroid dysgenesis is typically isolated except for an increased incidence of mild congenital heart malformations, mostly septation defects [4, 6, 48]. Dominantly transmitted mutations in the NKX2.5 gene causing heart conduction defects have been known for a decade [49]. NKX2.5 has therefore been proposed as a candidate gene for thyroid dysgenesis and sequence variants have been found in four of 241 patients with CH, some of whom had cardiac anomalies. Unfortunately, the imaging modality used to establish the etiology of CH in these four patients was not specified. Furthermore, these sequence variants were transmitted by one of the parents, who did not have CH and only one of whom had a heart defect [50]. The involvement of NKX2.5 in CH in humans therefore remains to be confirmed.
Syndromes associated with CH from thyroid dysgenesis Of the many dysmorphic syndromes said to be associated with CH, the best studied and commonest syndromes are trisomy 21, Di George syndrome and Williams syndrome. The studies of van Trotsenburg et al. have clearly shown that patients with trisomy 21 present a mild form of CH associated with orthotopic thyroid hypoplasia [51]. In Di George syndrome (which results from a deletion of chromosome region 22q11), a case of severe CH has been reported but without scintigraphic diagnosis [52]. We are following a 6-year-old girl with Di George syndrome and CH with normal thyroid morphology on technetium scan (unpublished observation). In Williams syndrome (which results from a deletion of the elastin gene on 7q11.23), hypothyroidism is usually so mild that it is not detected by neonatal TSH screening. It is generally associated with orthotopic thyroid hypoplasia [53] but single cases of Williams syndrome with sublingual thyroid ectopy on technetium scanning [54] or with hemiagenesis on ultrasound and scintigraphy [55] have been reported. In Di George syndrome, a candidate gene is TBX1 and the postulated mechanism a disruption in the development of the arterial supply, which is essential for stabilization and growth of the thyroid lobes [56, 57]. In trisomy 21 and Williams syndrome, the link between the chromosomal lesion and thyroid dysgenesis is unknown.
somatic. Activating TSHR gene germline mutations results in congenital hyperthyroidism and goiter. This was first reported by Duprez et al. (1994) who reported two families in which hyperthyroidism without signs of autoimmunity was observed [58]. Since then more than 12 different activating TSHR germline mutations have been described ( and characterized in vitro. These mutations can be transmitted in a dominant fashion [59], leading to persistent hyperthyroidism of variable severity, or occur de novo [60], in which case hyperthyroidism is usually severe so that definite treatment is required. Interestingly, activating mutations in the TSHR gene can also result in hyperemesis gravidarum. This was shown in a mother and her daughter who had a mutation in the TSHR gene in a highly conserved region which encodes parts of the extracellular N-terminal domain of the TSHR. Their TSHR gene mutation in codon 183 (K183R) resulted in a higher sensitivity of the TSHR to human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) compared to TSH. As a consequence, both women had thyrotoxicosis and hyperemesis gravidarum during pregnancy but were clinically euthyroid when not pregnant [61]. In addition to germline mutations, somatic TSHR gene mutations account for about 80% of “hot” nodules causing non-autoimmune hyperthyroidism of adult or childhood onset [62, 63]. In one case, fetal tachycardia suggested prenatal onset of hyperthyroidism [64].
Conclusions Although hundreds of patients with CH due to thyroid dysgenesis have been investigated at the molecular level, only a few cases have been elucidated. In such cases, the genetic finding provides useful information for genetic counseling of the patient and the family. When there are features other than CH, mutational screening of candidate genes is perhaps more likely to be successful (see Table 9.2). The existence of familial cases in which the genes discussed above have been excluded by linkage analysis suggests that other genes that are important for the development of the thyroid gland remain to be discovered [65]. However, the main reason for normal results of sequencing candidate genes in leukocyte DNA is that CH from thyroid dysgenesis is predominantly non-Mendelian. Possible non-Mendelian mechanisms are currently being investigated.
References TSH receptor mutations (gain-offunction) Activating or “gain-of-function” mutations in the TSH receptor (TSHR) gene can occur in the germline or can be
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C hap ter
Syndromes of Reduced Sensitivity to Thyroid Hormone Roy E. Weiss1‚2, Alexandra M. Dumitrescu1 AND Samuel Refetoff1‚2‚3 1
Department of Medicine, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA Department of Pediatrics, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA 3 Committee on Genetics, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA 2
of the outer ring iodine (5'-deiodination) to form T3, or inactivate T4 and T3 by inner ring (5-deiodination) to form L-3,3',5'-triiodothyronine or reverse T3 (rT3) and L-3,3'diiodothyronine (T2), respectively (Fig. 10.1). Changing concentrations of deiodinases in various cell types allows an additional local regulation of hormone supply [2]. Finally, the presence and abundance of TH receptors (TRs), through which TH action is mediated, determines the type and degree of hormonal response. Action takes place in the cytosol as well as in the nucleus [3]. The latter, known as the genomic effect, has been more extensively studied [4, 5] (Fig. 10.1). TRs are transcription factors that are associated with the DNA of genes whose expression they regulate. The syndromes of reduced sensitivity to thyroid hormone include a group of disorders with apparent discordance between serum TSH and TH levels. Resistance to thyroid hormone (RTH), a syndrome of reduced end-organ responsiveness to thyroid hormone (TH), was identified in 1967 [6]. With the recognition of TR gene mutations [7, 8] the term RTH become synonymous with defects in TR [9]. Recent discoveries of genetic defects that reduce the effectiveness of TH through altered cell membrane transport [10, 11] and metabolism [12] broadened the definition of resistance to TH to include all defects that interfere with the biological activity of an authentic hormone secreted in normal amounts. It is suggested that use of the acronym RTH be limited to the syndrome produced by reduced intracellular action of the active TH, T3. Reduced sensitivity to TH (RSTH) is used to describe impaired effectiveness of TH in the broader sense. While the clinician considers these defects when confronted with thyroid function tests that show a discordance of serum TH and TSH concentrations, each defect has its own constellation of test abnormalities and different clinical presentation.
Thyroid hormone (TH) synthesis and release is under feedback regulation from the hypothalamic input to the pituitary via thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) releasing hormone (TRH). Clinicians generally diagnose thyroid disease based on the serum levels of the THs (L-3,3',5-triiodothyronine [T3] and L-3,3',5,5'-tetraiodothyronine thyroxine, [T4]) in conjunction with the measurement of serum TSH. Patients with hypothyroidism have low serum THs and high TSH serum concentrations. This is usually a result of reduced production of TH due to gland destruction (such as in autoimmune thyroid disease) or impaired biosynthesis of thyroid hormone (such as in organification defects). On the other hand, hyperthyroidism is usually diagnosed when the T4 and T3 are high and the TSH is low. The latter is commonly seen in autoimmune hyperthyroidism or autonomous TH secreting nodules of the thyroid. When there is loss of the inverse relationship between TH levels and TSH concentrations or when T4 and T3 levels are markedly different (for example high T3 and low T4 in a TH transporter defect, see below), the clinician must consider a broad differential diagnosis. Correct diagnosis can be made from clinical observations and confirmed by appropriate genetic testing, as discussed in this chapter. The correct diagnosis will lead to a rational therapy avoiding inappropriate thyroid gland ablation or TH supplementation. It is important to appreciate that the centrally regulated system described above, is not affected by TH demands in cells not directly involved in the feedback control. Local requirement for TH is adjusted through additional mechanisms. One such system is the control of TH entry into the cell through active transmembrane transporters [1]. Another is the activation of the precursor T4 by removal
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
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Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
FIGURE 10.1 Regulation of TH transport, metabolism and genomic action. (A) Transport of TH into the cell via thyroid hormone transporter, MCT8. (B) Intracellular metabolism of TH, regulating TH bioactivity. (C) Genomic action of TH. For details see text. T4, 3,3',5,5'-tetraiodothyronine (thyroxine, T4); T3, 3,3',5-triiodothyronine (T3); rT3 3,3',5'-triiodothyronine (reverse T3, rT3); T2, 3,3'-dioidothyronine; 5’D, deiodination by removal of an iodine from the 5' position of iodothyronine; 5D, 5-deiodination; T2, 3,3'-dioidothyronine; TR, TH receptor; RXR, retinoid X receptor; CBP/P300, cAMP-binding protein/general transcription adaptor; TFIIA and TFIIB, transcription intermediary factor II, A and B; TBP, TATA-binding protein; TAF, TBP-associated factor. See plate section.
Overview of described and putative defects in syndromes of reduced sensitivity to thyroid hormone Thyroid Hormone Cell Transport Defect (THCTD) Reduced intracellular accumulation of hormone can be caused by mutations in cell membrane hormone transport proteins (Fig. 10.1). These molecules belong to different families of solute carriers, organic anions, amino acids and monocarboxylate transporters (MCT). A defective gene may fail to synthesize a protein, form a molecule that may not reach the cell membrane, or be defective in its ability to transport the hormone. In all these instances there is a lack of or insufficient hormone in cells dependent on the specific hormone transporter. A defect in one such transporter, MCT8, presents elevated serum concentrations of T3 and low levels of T4 and rT3 accompanied by severe psychomotor deficit [10].
Thyroid Hormone Metabolism Defect (THMD) T4, the major product secreted by the thyroid gland, is a prohormone requiring activation through its conversion to T3 (Fig. 10.1). Defects in any of the factors involved in this enzymatic reaction can cause a diminished production of T3 and thus, reduced sensitivity to the hormone. Defects may include abnormalities in the synthesis or degradation of the various deiodinases. One such defect has been recently identified reducing the synthesis of selenoproteins, a family of proteins to which deiodinases belong [12]. Patients present low serum T3 and high T4 and rT3 concentrations.
Abnormal Hormone Transfer to the Nucleus The main and best-studied TH effect requires the translocation of the hormone into the nucleus where it interacts with the TR (Fig. 10.1). Putative defects in transfer of hormone
C h a p t e r 1 0 Syndromes of Reduced Sensitivity to Thyroid Hormone l
and/or its receptor to the nucleus are expected to reduce the hormonal action at the genomic level.
Thyroid Hormone Receptor Defect Resulting in RTH Nuclear, also known as genomic, action of TH is mediated through the TRs (Fig. 10.1, see “C”). Mutant TR proteins have reduced ability to bind cognate ligand or protein cofactors and possibly DNA. Patients with TR gene mutations have persistent elevations of all three serum iodothyronines with non-suppressed TSH.
Abnormal Cofactors or Interfering Substances Nuclear hormone receptors express the hormone-mediated activity by forming a complex that involves accessory and modulatory proteins as well as the ligand (Fig. 10.1C). Putative defects in cofactors that normally stabilize the hormone-receptor complex or cofactors that repress or activate function could be responsible for reduced hormone sensitivity. Patients without TR gene mutations but presenting a phenotype indistinguishable from this in the presence of a mutation, are believed to belong to this category of abnormalities.
“Non-Genomic” Abnormalities Recent work has established that TH can also act at the level of the cytosol through non-genomic mechanisms [3]. It is anticipated that impairment of such activity would result in yet unrecognized disease states.
Resistance to thyroid hormone (RTH) Background, Incidence, Prevalence RTH is an inherited syndrome characterized by reduced responsiveness of target tissues to TH. It is first suspected by the findings of high serum concentrations of free T4 and usually also free T3, accompanied by normal or slightly high serum TSH concentration [9, 13]. Expression of TH effects requires the presence in the cell of a sufficient amount of the active hormone, T3. The beststudied effect involves the translocation of T3 into the nucleus where it interacts with TRs to regulate (activate or repress) transcription of target genes [4]. There are two TRs, and , which are encoded by separate genes located on chromosomes 17 and 3, respectively. The receptors have structural and sequence similarities and exist as different isoforms with DNA-binding and T3-binding domains (Fig. 10.2A). Other regions of the molecules are involved in dimerization with another TH receptor (homodimerization) or another type of nuclear receptor (heterodimerization), and in binding corepressor and coactivator protein cofactors [14]. Dimers of unliganded (without T3) receptors bind to TH-response elements (TRE), resulting in inhibition of
the expression of genes that are positively regulated by T3 through association with corepressor proteins. T3-binding to the receptors produces a stearic change of the TR mole cule that results in release of the corepressor protein, dissociation of the dimers, and formation of heterodimers of TR and retinoid X receptors that then bind coactivator proteins (Fig. 10.1). These changes promote gene expression and ultimately increase the synthesis of specific proteins. RTH has been detected in 1 of 40,000 live births [15, 15a], and it occurs with equal frequency in both sexes. With the exception of a single family, it is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait. In the past, RTH was subdivided into generalized, isolated pituitary and isolated peripheral tissue resistance. This classification, based upon clinical findings alone, has no genetic basis, as the former two can occur in individuals with the same mutation [13]. The latter represents the development of tolerance to the ingestion of excess TH. Current published cases surpass 1000 and 183 of the 372 families with RTH (50%) were investigated in the authors’ institution. Of the latter, 27 families (15%) had no TR gene mutations and 43 (28%) of the mutations occurred de novo. These commonly occur in CpG dinucleotide hot spots or in guanine or cytosine reach areas [16] (Fig. 10.2B).
Clinical Features The hallmark of RTH is the paucity of symptoms and signs of thyroid dysfunction despite the presence of high serum T4 and T3 concentrations. Affected individuals may have variable symptoms or signs of hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. Growth retardation, delayed bone maturation, learning disabilities, mental retardation, sensorineural deafness and nystagmus are compatible with hypothyroidism, while tachy cardia, hyperactivity and increased basal metabolic rate are suggestive of hyperthyroidism. Overt hypothyroidism is more common in those patients who, because of erroneous diagnosis of hyperthyroidism, received treatment to decrease thyroid secretion [9, 13, 17]. There is a high prevalence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and learning disabilities [9, 17, 18]. Hearing loss may be due in part to recurrent ear infections, which are more common in the patients with RTH [17], but sensorineural deafness is typical of RTH due to TR gene deletion in humans [19]. In mice, absence of TR1 is sufficient to cause hearing loss [20]. Among all clinical findings, goiter is by far the most common (65 to 95%), followed by hyperactivity (33 to 68%) and tachycardia (33 to 75%). It is these abnormalities that usually lead to evaluation of thyroid function. The subsequent finding of high serum T4 and T3 concentrations often results in the erroneous diagnosis of hyperthyroidism.
Laboratory Findings and Differential Diagnosis In the untreated subject, a high serum free T4 concentration and non-suppressed TSH are sine qua non requirements for
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
Figure 10.2 Location of mutations in the TR molecule causing RTH. TOP PORTION: Schematic representation of TR and its functional domains for interaction with TREs (DNA-binding), with hormone (T3-binding), with activating [70], repressing [71–73] cofactors and with nuclear receptor partners (dimerization) [74–76]. Note their relationship to the three clusters of natural mutations. BOTTOM PORTION: The T3-binding domain and distal end of the hinge region, which contain the three mutation clusters, are expanded and show the positions of CpG dinucleotide which are mutational “hot spots” in the TR gene. The location of 124 different mutations detected in 343 unrelated families (published and our unpublished data) are each indicated by a symbol. Identical mutations in members of unrelated families are indicated vertically by the same color and symbol. “Cold regions” are areas devoid of mutations associated with RTH. Amino acids are numbered consecutively starting at the amino terminus of the TR1 molecule according to the consensus statement of the First International Workshop on RTH [77]. TR2 has 15 additional residues at the aminoterminus. AF2, Hormone-dependent activation function (12th amphipatic helix) [78, 79]; RBE, corepressor-binding enhancer; RBI, corepressor-binding inhibitor [78]; SSD, silencing subdomain [71]; NucL, nuclear localization [80]; SigM, signature motif [81]. (Reproduced from Chapter 16D in, with permission.) See plate section.
the diagnosis of RTH. Serum levels of T3 and rT3 are usually also high. Thyroglobulin concentration tends to be high, reflecting the level of TSH induced thyroid gland hyperactivity. The response of TSH to TSH-releasing hormone
is normal or exaggerated, depending on the baseline TSH level. The suppressive effect of administered TH on TSH, cholesterol and creatine kinase, and the stimulatory effect on sex-hormone binding globulin and ferritin are attenuated.
C h a p t e r 1 0 Syndromes of Reduced Sensitivity to Thyroid Hormone l
Table 10.1 Conditions associated with reduced sensitivity to thyroid hormone Thyroid function tests Defect Abnormal binding protein ↑TBG ↑TTR1 FDH Reduced sensitivity to TH RTH TSHoma2 THCTD THMD
FT4 direct
FT4 dialysis
↑ ↑ ↑
↑ N ↑ or N
↑ ↑ ↑
N N ↑↑
1:100 males 1:10,000 1:600
↑ ↑ ↓
↑ or N ↑ ↑↑
↑ ↑ ↓↓
sl↑ or N sl↑ or N sl↑ or N
↑ ↑ ↑
↑ ↑ ↑
↑ or N
1:40,000 unknown unknown 39 families unknown 5 families
sl, slight; ↑, increased; ↓, decreased; N, normal. TBG, T4-binding globulin; TTR, transthyretin; FDH, familial dysalbuminemic hyperthyroxinemia; TSHoma, TSH-producing pituitary adenoma; THCTD, thyroid hormone cell transport defect; THMD, thyroid hormone metabolism defect. 1 Refers to TTR with increased affinity for T4 and rT3. 2 To distinguish between RTH and TSHoma please see text. In brief response to TRH stimulation, lower TSH value, lower alpha subunit, family history and present of mutation are consistent with RTH.
All causes of high serum T4 and T3 concentrations in association with normal to high serum TSH levels should be considered in the differential diagnosis, after the abnormalities are confirmed by repeat measurements several weeks later (Table 10.1). The next step is to measure serum free T4 and T3, preferably by equilibrium dialysis; normal values suggest a defect of TH transport in serum, not RTH. The demonstration of similar abnormalities in serum T4 and TSH concentrations in first-degree relatives obviates the need to exclude a TSH-producing pituitary adenoma (TSHoma). A high ratio of alpha subunit to whole TSH is pathognomonic of TSHoma. The latter disorder is associated with a similar TH profile as RTH but most, if not all, patients are hyperthyroid [21]. The ability to identify mutations in the TR gene provides a means to confirm the diagnosis, to obtain prenatal diagnosis and to prevent inappropriate anti-thyroid treatment of patients with high serum levels of free TH.
Genetic Pathophysiology RTH is caused by mutations in the TR gene, located on chromosome 3. Tissues in patients with RTH are resistant to action of T3 to the extent this gene is expressed in cells involved. In the majority of cases, mutations have been found in the carboxyl terminus of the TR covering the ligand-binding domain and adjacent hinge domain [22–24] (Fig. 10.2). They are contained within three clusters rich in CG “hot spots”, separated by areas devoid of mutations (cold regions). The latter are located between codons 282 and 310, and with the exception of 383, codons 353 and 429. No mutation has been reported upstream of codon 234. As cold regions are not devoid of “hot spots”, the
lack of mutations reflects the observation that mutations in the second cold region does not impair TR function and therefore, is not expected to produce a phenotype [25]. TR gene defects have been identified in 344 families comprising 124 distinct mutations. The authors have found mutations in 148 families and a partial listing is available from Though mostly missense, nucleotide deletion and insertions producing frameshifts have created nonsense proteins with two additional amino acids in five instances. In four instances single nucleotide deletions have produced truncated receptors. In only one family complete TR gene deletion resulted in recessively inherited RTH [19]. The following mutations have been identified in more than 10 unrelated families, often the consequence of de novo mutations: R243Q (15 families); A317T (29 families); R338W (30 families); R438H (17 families); P453T (17 families); and P453S (12 families) (Fig. 10.2). The mutant TR molecules have either reduced affinity for T3 [22, 23] or impaired interaction with one of the cofactors involved in the mediation of thyroid hormone action [23, 26–29]. As TR mutants are still able to bind to TREs on DNA and dimerize with normal TRs or the RXR partner, they interfere with the function of the normal TRs, explaining the dominant mode of inheritance. Therefore, it is not surprising that in the single family reported with a deletion of all coding sequences of the TR gene, only homozygotes manifest the phenotype of RTH [19]. A family with two de novo TR gene mutations occurring in the same nucleotide has been reported [30]. The proposita with apparent de novo missense mutation (GTG to GGG) in codon 458 of the TR gene (V458G), transmitted this mutation to her affected son. The mutant allele
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
underwent another de novo mutation transferred to her affected daughter as GAG (V458E). This apparent attempt at repair is more likely the result of the creation of a mutagenic three guanines sequence by the first mutation. A poorly understood feature of RTH is the variable severity of hormonal resistance in different tissues in the same patient and among different patients having the same mutation. Studies of transgenic mice bearing TR gene mutations and gene deletions have provided some insight into these differences [31]. As an example, the tachycardia that occurs in patients with RTH is due to the unopposed activation of the TR alpha by the high serum T4 and T3 concentrations in the heart that expresses predominantly this TR isoform [32]. The variable manifestations of RTH among affected siblings with the same mutation is unexplained, but they likely result from genetic variability of cofactors involved in thyroid hormone action [24, 33, 34]. TRα abnormalities No mutations in the TR alpha gene have been identified in humans. Gene manipulations in mice indicate that mutations of this gene do not produce a RTH phenotype [35–37]. Non TR gene mutations Non TR-RTH refers to the occurrence of the RTH in the absence of a TR gene mutation. It is clinically and biochemically undistinguishable from RTH with TR gene mutations. In several of these families, inheritance is autosomal dominant and mutations in both TR and TR genes have been excluded by the absence of genetic cosegregation, thus ruling out mosaicism. Based on observations in mice [29, 38] and studies in humans [39] mutations of one of the cofactors that interact with the receptors may be responsible for the resistance in these families [39, 40].
Treatment There is no treatment that will correct the defect of TR function in subjects with RTH. Fortunately, in most patients, the hyposensitivity to TH seems to be adequately compensated by the increase in secretion of T4 and generation of T3. Thus, treatment is usually not needed. This is not the case in patients with limited thyroid reserve due to prior destructive therapy directed to the thyroid gland. These patients should be treated with a sufficient amount of levothyroxine (L-T4) to reduce their serum TSH concentrations to normal or near normal. In some patients with RTH, several peripheral tissues may be relatively more resistant than the thyrotrophs. Thus, the compensation for the hormonal resistance in these tissues is incomplete and judicious administration of a dose of L-T4 higher than that needed to restore TSH secretion to normal may be indicated. The dose must be individually determined by assessing tissue responses. In children,
this should be done by regular assessment of growth, bone maturation and mental development. L-T4 should be given in incremental doses, and the basal metabolic rate, nitrogen balance and serum sex hormone-binding globulin should be measured after treatment for four to six weeks before the dose is changed; bone age and growth should be followed on a longer term basis. Development of a catabolic state is an indication of overtreatment. Management of TH levels during pregnancy in a mother with RTH or a normal mother carrying a fetus with RTH is not straightforward. A retrospective study of a large family with RTH demonstrated that the adverse effect of thyroid hormone on the fetus was independent of that on the pregnant woman who, because of the resistance, is protected from the metabolic effect of the hormone [41]. The prevalence of early pregnancy loss was increased by five-fold in affected mothers, but not in couples with an affected father and unaffected mother. Two-thirds of their infants carried the TR mutation, which suggests that nearly all miscarried fetuses had no mutation and thus, a normal response to TH. Furthermore, unaffected infants born to affected mothers had lower birth weights and suppressed serum TSH concentrations when compared to affected infants. These results are in agreement with the finding that infants with excess thyroid hormone caused by gainof-function TSH receptor mutations are born prematurely and have low birth weights [42]. Therefore, management of pregnancies in mothers with RTH, carrying unaffected fetuses, may warrant judicious use of anti-thyroid medication depending on the wellbeing of the fetus. Further studies are needed before general recommendations can be made.
Thyroid hormone cell transporter defect (THCTD) Background, Incidence, Prevalence One form of THCTD was identified in 2004 [10]. It is caused by MCT8 (SLC16A2) gene mutations, producing an X-chromosome linked syndromic defect combining severe psychomotor deficiency and abnormal thyroid function tests. The early hallmarks are hypotonia and high serumT3 levels. TH is transported across cell membranes by several mole cules with different kinetics and substrate preferences [43]. These proteins belong to different families of solute carriers, organic anions, amino acids and monocarboxylate transporters (MCT). Differences in cell distribution and kine tics, as well as transport of other ligands, provide them with distinctive roles in the cell-specific delivery of TH [11]. Presumably, defects in each molecule would result in distinct phenotype, the nature of which may be predicted by the generation of mice deficient in a specific transporter. The incidence is not known. A sex-linked form of mental retardation with motor abnormalities was described in 1944
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[44] and subsequently named the Allan Herndon Dudley syndrome. Its etiology was recognized in 2004, when the same defect, associated with characteristic thyroid function test abnormalities, was found to be caused by MCT8 gene mutations [10, 11]. In the ensuing four years, approximately 150 individuals belonging to 39 families with MCT8 gene defects were identified [45–48] (and personal observations), suggesting that this syndrome is more common than initially suspected. Spontaneous MCT8 gene mutations can be maintained in the population because carrier females are asymptomatic, thus no negative selection takes place.
Clinical Features Male patients present during infancy or early childhood with neurodevelopmental abnormalities. A single female patient with a phenotype identical to that of males, had a de novo balanced translocation at the MCT8 gene site [45]. Early signs, manifesting in the first few weeks of life, are hypo tonia and feeding difficulties. Though variable in severity, the clinical presentation is very similar, with consistent thyroid test abnormalities. Gestation and delivery are normal and infants have normal length, weight and head circumference. With advancing age, weight gain lags behind, leading to microcephaly, while linear growth proceeded normally. Although truncal hypotonia persisted, there is progressive development of limb rigidity often resulting in spastic quadriplegia. Muscle mass is diminished and there is generalized muscle weakness with typical poor head control. Purposeless movements and characteristic paroxysms of kinesigenic dyskinesias are common. These are usually triggered by somatosensory stimuli. The attacks, lasting a few minutes or less, consist of body extension, opening of the mouth and stretching or flexing of the limbs [49]. True seizures can also occur. Most affected children are never able to sit by themselves or walk, and have no speech. Affected individuals present stigmata of TH deficiency as well as excess. In fact, the psychomotor abnormalities are due to hormone deficiency, and the hypermetabolic state and difficulty to maintain weight, to hormone excess. As demonstrated in MCT8 deficient mice [50, 51], this coexistence of TH deficiency and excess in the same individual is due to cell specific differences in the expression of the various TH transporters. Although early death has occurred in some families, some individuals live beyond the age of 70 years. Female carriers do not manifest any of the psychomotor abnormalities described above. However, intellectual delay and frank mental retardation have been reported [10, 52].
Laboratory Findings All have the characteristic high serum T3 and low rT3 concentrations. T4 has the tendency to be low and TSH levels are normal or slightly elevated. Heterozygous female
Figure 10.3 Location of 28 different mutations in the MCT8 gene of 32 families. Their type is indicated as follows: M, missense; X, nonsense; I, insertion; D, deletion.
carriers have serum TH concentrations intermediate between affected males and unaffected family members. Diagnosis is confirmed by sequencing the MCT8 gene in the affected individuals (Fig.10.3). Though brain magnetic resonance imaging has been reported as normal, atrophy of the cerebrum, thalamus and basal ganglia can occur [46, 47, 53, 54]. A more common feature is dysmyelination and increased brain levels of choline and myoinositol [55]. For comparison to the other two syndromes of reduced sensitivity to thyroid hormone see Table 10.2.
Genetic Pathophysiology MCT8 is a specific transporter of T4 and T3 into cells [56]. It is believed that TH deprivation, particularly in the brain during embryonic and early postnatal life, is responsible for the clinical manifestations. In fact, there appears to be a correlation between the degree of functional impairment of the mutant transporter and the severity of the psychomotor retardation [57]. Loss-of-function is the consequence of reduced protein expression, impaired trafficking to plasma membrane or reduced substrate affinity. Given the variability in the severity of the disease we searched for correlations between phenotypes and genotypes. A comparison of the clinical picture in the families with identical mutations would have been helpful in determining if such correlations exist. Unfortunately, detailed clinical information is not available. However, early deaths were reported in the two families with a truncated MCT8 molecule (S448X). In one family two affected males died at age 13 and 39 years, and in the other, deaths occurred at 20, 22 and 30 years. Early death was reported in subjects harboring the following mutations: S448X, P537L, 404 frameshift 416X, F230D, S194F and frameshift with 64 amino acid carboxylterminal extension. The cause of death in 4 of 14 was aspiration pneumonia. Functional analysis, in terms of T3 uptake, examined in 20 of the 35 known different mutations [58], revealed
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
Table 10.2 Comparison of phenotypes and diagnostic genetic testing in syndromes of reduced sensitivity to TH Syndrome
Other major phenotypic manifestations Gene
Number of Prenatal testing Relevant lab reported mutations reported contacts (phone/fax)
Should family members be tested
ADD, tachycardia, goiter
NonTR RTH ADD, tachycardia, goiter Severe psychomotor THCTD1 impairment THMD Growth delay
?? ?? MCT8 32 SBP2
Yes [69]
?? Yes (Personal data) No
Quest Diagnostics, San Juan Capistrano, CA; Authors Authors Authors
Yes Yes
THCTD, thyroid hormone transport defect; THMD, thyroid hormone metabolism defect; sl, slight; ↑, increased; ↓, decreased; N, normal. 1 Males.
no activity in 10 mutations all producing truncated molecules due to deletions or stop codons. In four, also caused by deletions, uptake was from 2.4 to 5%. In the remaining five, T3 uptake ranged from 8.6 to 33% that of the wild type MCT8. All five harbored missense mutations (S194F, V235M, R271H, L434W and L598P). Using available clinical, chemical and in vitro information, there is no clear relation between the degree of impairment of T3 transport by the mutant MCT8 molecules and the level of serum T3. This is probably due to the important role played by perturbations in the metabolism of iodothyronines on the production of T3 [50]. Furthermore, except for early death, no other clinical consequence appears to significantly correlate with the degree of functional or physical disruption of the MCT8 molecule. Genetic factors, variability of tissue expression of MCT8 and other iodothyronine cell membrane transporters could be at the basis of this lack of phenotype/genotype correlation. However, the possibility that MCT8 is involved in the transport of other ligands has not been excluded. Replication of the thyroid function test abnormalities in recombinant mice deficient in MCT8 [50, 51] provided some understanding of the mechanisms responsible for the thyroid phenotype [59]. Depending on redundancy in TH transmembrane transporters, tissues such as the liver had high, and brain low, T3 concentration. The resulting increase in liver type 1 deiodinase and brain type 2 deiodinase, enhances the generation of T3, has a consumptive effect on T4 and the impaired T3 uptake in some tissues increases its accumulation in serum. These tissue-specific differences in TH content and their effect on TH metabolism are in part responsible for the unusual clinical presentation of mixed TH deprivation and excess [60].
Treatment Current treatment options for patients with MCT8 gene mutations are limited to supportive measures including the use of braces to prevent contractures that may require orthopedic surgery. Diet is adjusted to prevent aspiration and dystonia is treated with anticholinergics, L-DOPA
carbamazepine and lioresol. Drooling might be improved with glycopyrolate or scopolamine. Seizures are treated with standard anticonvulsants. Treatment of the low serum T4 concentration with physiological doses of L-T4 has been ineffective, presumably because of the impaired uptake of the hormone in MCT8-dependent tissues. Treatment with higher doses of L-T4 together with propylthiouracil have been effective in improving nutrition in one case, by reducing the amount of T3 generated [61]. Administration of L-T4 together with propylthiouracil during pregnancy and the efficacy of several TH analogs that may bypass the molecular defect by using alternative transporters, have therapeutic potential that are being tested in Mct8-deficient mice [62].
Thyroid hormone metabolism defect (THMD) Background, Incidence, Prevalence While acquired changes in TH metabolism, as those producing the “low T3 syndrome” of non-thyroidal illness are common [63], until recently no inherited defect was known. Predicted phenotypes based on gene manipulations of mice vary depending on the type of deiodinase deficiency [64]. A defect of selenocysteine insertion sequence-binding protein 2 (SECISBP2, in short SBP2), one of the 12 known genes involved in deiodinase synthesis and degradation, was identified in humans [12]. It produces a global deiodination defect which gives rise to a low T3 and high T4 and rT3. Intracellular iodothyronine metabolism satisfies the vary ing requirements of TH depending on tissue, cell type and time. Through hormone activation and inactivation by sitespecific monodeiodination, it provides the proper amount of active hormone at its site of action. Deiodinases are selenoproteins requiring a selenocysteine at the active center of enzymatic activity. Type 1 and 2 deiodinases (D1 and D2) catalyze the activation of TH by 5' denominations that convert T4 to T3. Type 3 deiodinase (D3) inactivates T4 and T3 by 5-deiodination, leading to the generation of rT3 and T2, respectively.
C h a p t e r 1 0 Syndromes of Reduced Sensitivity to Thyroid Hormone l
SBP2 gene, located in chromosome 9, is expressed at low level in all tissues and at high level in testis [65]. SBP2 binds to the selenocysteine insertion sequence (SECIS) located in the 3' non-coding sequence of selenoprotein mRNAs. SBP2 then recruits an elongation factor specific for selenocysteine (eEFSec), which in turn brings the tRNASec to recode a stop codon (UGA) for the incorporation of selenocysteine in the protein nascent chain. The incidence of inherited defects of metabolism is unknown The first three mutations in the SBP2 gene were reported in 2005 [12]. Two more families were found subsequently. The inheritance is recessive, homozygous or compound heterozygous (personal observations). Two of the families are of African origin.
Clinical Features Three of the propositi came to medical attention during childhood because of short stature and delayed bone age, which prompted thyroid function testing, leading to identification of abnormalities. Infertility was the presenting symptom in one adult male [66]. Pregnancy and birth are normal but neonatal screen in one of the children showed an elevated TSH level with high normal T4. Development proceeded normally but puberty was delayed. The single adult male is azoospermic.
Laboratory Findings and Differential Diagnosis Typical laboratory findings are high T4, low T3, high rT3 and normal or slightly elevated serum TSH. No other hormonal abnormalities have been detected and serum IGF1 concentrations are normal despite delayed growth. Affected individuals require larger doses of L-T4 but not L-T3 to suppress their serum TSH concentration [12]. Skin fibro blasts have low D2 enzymatic activity but normal mRNA content, reflecting a defect in selenoenzyme synthesis. The concentration of other selenoproteins, such as glutathione peroxidase and selenoprotein P, are also reduced [12]. For comparison to the other two syndromes of reduced sensitivity to thyroid hormone see Table 10.2.
Genetic Pathophysiology Although the defect causes generalized deficiency of selenoproteins, the phenotype is mild. This is most likely because the deficiency is not complete and due to the hierarchical preservation of selenoproteins [67, 68]. Affected individuals had a phenotype similar to mice with combined D1 and D2 genes targeted disruptions (personal observation). These mice have abnormalities in thyroid function that are similar to humans with SBP2 gene mutations as well as early growth delay. However, in contrast to mice, humans have normal hearing.
Treatment No specific treatment is available. Administration of up to 400 mcg of selenium normalized the serum selenium concentration but had no effect on D2 activity and glutathione peroxidase concentration, nor did it produce changes in the abnormalities of serum iodothyronine levels [82]. Administration of L-T3 can speed up growth [83].
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63. 64.
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Target cell
(C) (A)
T3 5D
T3 T4
T2 5′D
5D rT3 rT3
P/P 30 vati 0 o RNA Unknown T3 Poly II RXR TR TFIIB TAFs TFIIA TBP
FIGURE 10.1 Regulation of TH transport, metabolism and genomic action. (A) Transport of TH into the cell via thyroid hormone transporter, MCT8. (B) Intracellular metabolism of TH, regulating TH bioactivity. (C) Genomic action of TH. For details see text. T4, 3,3,5,5tetraiodothyronine (thyroxine, T4); T3, 3,3,5-triiodothyronine (T3); rT3 3,3,5-triiodothyronine (reverse T3, rT3); T2, 3,3-dioidothyronine; 5’D, deiodination by removal of an iodine from the 5 position of iodothyronine; 5D, 5-deiodination; T2, 3,3-dioidothyronine; TR, TH receptor; RXR, retinoid X receptor; CBP/P300, cAMP-binding protein/general transcription adaptor; TFIIA and TFIIB, transcription intermediary factor II, A and B; TBP, TATA-binding protein; TAF, TBP-associated factor.
FIGURE 10.2 Location of mutations in the TRβ molecule causing RTH. TOP PORTION: Schematic representation of TRβ and its functional domains for interaction with TREs (DNA-binding), with hormone (T3-binding), with activating [70], repressing [71–73] cofactors and with nuclear receptor partners (dimerization) [74–76]. Note their relationship to the three clusters of natural mutations. BOTTOM PORTION: The T3-binding domain and distal end of the hinge region, which contain the three mutation clusters, are expanded and show the positions of CpG dinucleotide which are mutational “hot spots” in the TRβ gene. The location of 124 different mutations detected in 343 unrelated families (published and our unpublished data) are each indicated by a symbol. Identical mutations in members of unrelated families are indicated vertically by the same color and symbol. “Cold regions” are areas devoid of mutations associated with RTH. Amino acids are numbered consecutively starting at the amino terminus of the TRβ1 molecule according to the consensus statement of the First International Workshop on RTH [77]. TRβ2 has 15 additional residues at the aminoterminus. AF2, Hormone-dependent activation function (12th amphipatic helix) [78, 79]; RBE, corepressor-binding enhancer; RBI, corepressor-binding inhibitor [78]; SSD, silencing subdomain [71]; NucL, nuclear localization [80]; SigM, signature motif [81]. (Reproduced from Chapter 16D in, with permission.)
FIGURE 10.3 Location of 28 different mutations in the MCT8 gene of 32 families. Their type is indicated as follows: M, missense; X, nonsense; I, insertion; D, deletion.
C hap ter
Molecular Genetics of Thyroid Cancer: Pathogenetic Significance and Clinical Applications Nicholas Mitsiades1 AND James A. Fagin2 1
Department of Medicine, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, USA Department of Medicine and Human Oncology and Pathogenesis Program, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY 10021, USA 2
for the clinical management of thyroid cancer, are relatively common, or are associated with potential therapeutic opportunities (summarized in Table 11.1). Our discussion will follow a gene-based order, rather than the more frequently used histology-based approach.
Many of the genetic events associated with sporadic and familial thyroid carcinogenesis have been identified. Of these, the clinical significance of germline RET and PTEN mutations, in the context of MEN2 and Cowden syndromes, respectively, is well established. Analysis of these genes in the germline is crucial for screening at-risk individuals to identify those predisposed to thyroid cancer (and other manifestations of the respective syndromes), with significant implications for clinical management. Significant progress has also been made in establishing the genetic basis of sporadic thyroid cancers, with the elucidation of the roles of RET, RET/PTC, NTRK1, BRAF, RAS, PIK3CA, PTEN, AKT1, TP53, CTNNB1 and PPARG, in the initiation and/or progression of various forms of thyroid carcinomas. Several of these gene products also represent promising therapeutic targets. The role of genetic information in the management of sporadic thyroid carcinomas is currently limited, but the clinical development of multikinase inhibitors could allow the use of such information for the selection of personalized targeted anticancer therapies. Therefore, due to limited available space, we will discuss only those genetic events that are currently of importance
The RET oncogene in medullary and papillary thyroid cancer RET Gene, Protein and Function The RET gene is localized on chromosome 10q11.2, is approximately 55,000 bp in size, contains 21 exons [4], and encodes a single-pass transmembrane receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) that is mainly expressed in precursor cells of the neural crest and urogenital tract [4]. Ret is essential for the early development of the sympathetic, parasympathetic and enteric nervous systems, the kidney and spermatogenesis [4]. In the normal thyroid gland, Ret is expressed at high level in parafollicular (calcitonin producing) C-cells but not in follicular cells [18]. Ret contains four extracellular Ca2-dependent cell adhesion (cadherin)-like domains that participate in conformational changes needed for interaction with its ligands and co-receptors, and an extracellular juxtamembrane cysteine-rich region that is responsible for the tertiary structure and ligand-induced formation of dimers [4]. The importance of this cysteine-rich domain for Ret function is highlighted by the fact that 27 of the 28 cysteine (Cys) residues in this domain are conserved among species. The intracellular region encompasses two tyrosine kinase subdomains (TK1 and TK2, separated by a 27
NOTE: Due to significant limitations in space and number of references, we were unfortunately obliged on many occasions to cite review articles instead of the primary literature. We apologize to all authors whose work was not appropriately cited or cited indirectly. Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders Table 11.1 Summary of genetic events involved in thyroid carcinogenesis
Tumor histology
RET (point mutations) RET (point mutations) RET rearrangements
MTC (hereditary) MTC (sporadic) PTC
[1–3] [3–6] [3, 4, 7, 8]
BRAF mutation
Germline: 95% Somatic: 50%, up to 80% in some reports Sporadic: 20% Radiation-associated: 50–80% 29–69% 0–15% 10–35% Sporadic: 1% Radiation-associated: 11% 10% 45% 20–35% Up to 50–60% Sporadic: 5–13% Radiation-associated: 3% 10–30% 25–45% 8–10% 6% 0–5% 0–9% 20–25% 60–70% 0–25% Up to 65% 25–60%
BRAF rearrangement RAS mutation
NTRK1 rearrangement PIK3CA point mutation or amplification PTEN loss or point mutation TP53 loss or point mutation
CTNNB1 point mutation PPARG rearrangement
[8, 9]
[3, 8, 10] [3, 8, 11]
[3, 8, 12] [3, 13] [3, 14] [3, 8, 11, 15]
[3, 8, 16] [3, 8, 11, 17]
The table gives a general range of the prevalence of these events reported in the available literature. However, the actual rate detected in various studies is influenced by sample size, demographic and geographic factors, history of exposure to radiation, detection method used, etc. Moreover, the activity of several proteins can be influenced by additional events, such as epigenetic mechanisms (e.g. decreased expression of PTEN and E-cadherin due to promoter hypermethylation), or modified by other signaling cascades, leading to a higher rate of oncogenic defects in these pathways.
amino acid residue insertion) that are involved in the activation of numerous intracellular signal transduction pathways. There are at least three RET mRNA variants, derived from alternative splicing of the 39 region, generating 3 protein isoforms that contain 9 (RET9), 43 (RET43) and 51 (RET51) amino acids in the carboxy-terminal tail downstream from glycine 1063. RET9 and RET51, consisting of 1072 and 1114 amino acids, respectively, are the main isoforms in vivo [4]. RET9- and RET51-associated signaling complexes are significantly different, suggesting that alternative splicing leads to RET isoforms that can exert different physiological functions. The fully glycosylated 170 kDa RET protein is the mature form of the receptor on the cell membrane [4]. The 150 kDa form is a maturation intermediate which lacks glycosylation and is present only intracellulary [4]. The Ret protein serves as a common receptor for the glial-cell-line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) family of ligands (GDNF, neurturin, artemin and persephin) [4]. These GDNF-family ligands (GFLs) interact with a multi meric receptor complex composed of Ret and high-affinity
glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol (GPI)-linked co-receptors [4, 19]. Four GPI-linked coreceptors have been reported: GDNF-family receptors (GFR) 1–4, that promote the dimerization and activation of Ret. A preferential interaction of GDNF, neurturin, artemin and persephin has been reported with GFR1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively, although some crosstalk between the ligands and co-receptors occurs [19, 20]. Upon ligand binding, Ret is induced to dimerize, resulting in activation of the intracellular kinase domain, autophosphorylation at selected tyrosine residues, and triggering of intracellular signaling through interaction of intracellular effectors with specific tyrosine-phosphorylated domains of the receptor [4, 19]. Ret amino acid residue Tyr1062 is crucial for signaling, as it serves as a multidocking site for Shc, ShcC, IRS1/2, FRS2, DOK1/4/5 and Enigma [21]. Ret activates several intracellular signaling pathways involved in cellular proliferation and survival [4, 19], including the Ras/Raf/MEK/ERK pathway, the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt pathway (Fig. 11.1), the Src/JAK/STAT3 Pathway, the Jun NH2-terminal protein kinase (JNK), p38MAPK and PLC.
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Figure 11.1 Receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs), such as Ret, activate several intracellular signaling cascades involved in cellular proliferation and survival, including the Ras/Raf/MEK/ERK pathway and the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt pathway. When ligand-activated RTKs dimerize and become autophosphorylated on selected tyrosine residues within their cytoplasmic region, they serve as high affinity docking sites for proteins containing Src homology 2 (SH2) domains, such as Grb2, which are in turn linked to Sos proteins that activate Ras by exchange of GDP for GTP. The Raf proteins are recruited to the plasma membrane by GTP-bound Ras, leading to their phosphorylation and activation. Raf then phosphorylates and activates MEK, leading to phosphorylation and activation of ERK1/2 (MAPK), which signals downstream for cellular proliferation, gene expression, cytoskeletal rearrangements and metabolism. Ligand-bound RTKs can also recruit PI3K to the cell membrane. Upon relocalization to the cell membrane, PI3K catalyzes the conversion of phosphatidylinositol4,5-diphosphate (PIP2) to the lipid second messenger phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-triphosphate (PIP3), which then contributes to the cell membrane recruitment and activation of a wide range of downstream targets, including the serine-threonine protein kinase Akt/PKB. Akt/protein kinase B (PKB) is a serine/threonine protein kinase that plays a crucial role in promoting cell survival and growth. The dual function lipid and protein phosphatase PTEN (phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted on chromosome ten) converts PIP3 back to PIP2 and shuts off PI3K/Akt signaling.
Role of RET in Thyroid Carcinogenesis Gain-of-function alterations within the RET proto-oncogene are present in medullary, as well as a subset of PTCs. MTC is associated with RET activating point mutations, whereas some PTCs harbor chromosomal inversions or translocations that cause recombination of the RET kinase domain with heterologous genes, thereby generating the RET/PTC chimeric oncogenes. MTC can occur sporadically (75% of cases) or as a component of the familial cancer predisposition syndrome
multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 (MEN2) (25% of cases). Sporadic MTCs harbor somatic RET protooncogene mutations (the reported rates vary between 40–80%) [4–6], while up to 95% of the familial cases harbor germline RET protooncogene mutations [1, 2]. The various MEN2-associated RET mutations have a wide spectrum of transforming potential, and identifying the specific germline RET mutation in each MEN2 patient has significant clinical implications, including choosing the optimal time for total thyroidectomy. A consensus statement resulting from the Seventh International MEN Workshop held in 1999 classified mutations based on their risk for aggressive MTC and provided guidelines for management of MEN2 [22]. Recently, updated guidelines have been published by the American Thyroid Association Guidelines Task Force [23]. MEN2 was first described in 1961 [24] and found to be caused by germline RET mutations in 1993 [25, 26]. MEN2 comprises three clinical variants, which are caused by germline point mutations in RET that are inherited in an autosomal dominant manner: MEN2A, MEN2B and familial medullary thyroid carcinoma (FMTC) [4]. MEN2A or Sipple syndrome accounts for approximately 80% of MEN2, and is characterized by medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) or its precursor, C cell hyperplasia (CCH), pheochromocytoma and hyperparathyroidism [4]. Pheochromocytoma and parathyroid hyperplasia are present in about 50% and 15–30%, respectively, of MEN2A cases. Rarely, MEN2A can be associated with cutaneous lichen amyloidosis (a pruritic and pigmented papular lesion of the skin on the upper back) or Hirschsprung’s disease [4]. MEN2B is characterized by MTC, pheochromocytoma (~50% of cases), mucosal ganglioneuromatosis and a distinct marfanoid habitus [4, 22]. The average age of onset of MTC in MEN2B is 10 years earlier than in MEN2A [22]. An interesting MEN2B-related phenotype is the presence of thickened nerves, including corneal nerves that are a frequent physical exam finding, and recurrent laryngeal nerves, making the latter very prominent and easy to discern during neck surgery. FMTC is, by definition, characterized by MTC or CCH alone, without other manifestations of MEN2. FMTC is considered the least aggressive of the three MEN2 syndromes. However, the distinction between MEN2A and FMTC can be difficult to make, especially in small families. Due to the 50% or lower penetrance of para thyroid and adrenal medullary neoplasias, what appears to be FMTC could really be MEN2A, disguised and difficult to diagnose due to incomplete family history. To avoid the risk that a small MEN2A kindred with only MTC present could be incorrectly designated as FMTC (with a resulting danger that pheochromocytoma will not be considered in the future), the following rigorous criteria have been proposed: presence of only MTC in a kindred with more than 10 carriers, multiple carriers or affected members over the age of 50 years, and an adequate medical history, particularly in older members [22]. These conservative criteria
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
deliberately misclassify small FMTC kindreds into the MEN2A category [22], with resulting increased monitoring for pheochromocytoma and hyperparathyroidism. In the spirit of this conservative approach, and taking into consideration the overlap between RET codons mutated in MEN2A and those associated with FMTC, as well as the reports of eventual development of clinical features of MEN2A in some families once thought to have FMTC, more recent guidelines view FMTC as a phenotypic variant of MEN2A with decreased penetrance for pheochromocytoma and hyperparathyroidism, rather than a distinct entity [23]. The clinical implications of this approach are significant, as it considers mutation carriers formerly classified as FMTC to be always at risk for subsequent development of pheochromocytoma and hyperparathyroidism, and therefore in need of appropriate screening indefinitely. MEN2A mutations cause amino acid substitutions of the extracellular cysteines at codons 609, 611, 618, 620 (exon 10), 630 or 634 (exon 11) [4]. Mutation of codon 634 accounts for 85% of all mutations identified in MEN2A, and a single cysteine to arginine substitution at that site (C634R) is found in more than one-half of kindreds with MEN2A [27]. The C634R mutation has never been found in FMTC [4], suggesting that its transforming activity is powerful enough to always cause at least one of the other components of MEN2A. A few MEN2A cases have been described with mutations in the tyrosine kinase domain at codon 790 or 804. MEN2B is associated with mutations that affect the intracellular tyrosine kinase domain, usually at codons 918, 883 or 922, and account for 3–5% of all RET mutations. Among MEN2B mutations, ~95% are M918T and 3–4% are A883F [20]. The remainder of the mutations are uncommon. Extracellular cysteine-rich domain mutations other than codon 634 (i.e. codon 609, 611, 618 and 620 RET mutations), as well as codon 768 and V804M mutations have been found with FMTC. The remainder of the known mutations are sufficiently uncommon that genotype–phenotype correlations, while described, should be interpreted with caution. The syndromes of the MEN2 family are characterized by variable penetrance and expressivity among and within affected families, suggesting that the nature of the RET mutation and/or the presence of other modifying genetic events play a role in the aggressiveness of the syndrome and the course of its component malignancies. It appears that C cells are more susceptible to (oncogenic) Ret activation than adrenal medullary or parathyroid cells. This may explain why some of the less potently transforming RET mutations are associated with FMTC only, or with uncommon occurrence of pheochromocytoma or hyperparathyroidism. Also, some of the mutations with the weaker transforming capacity lead to MTC/MEN2 only when present in the homozygous state, which may be due to a second germline or somatic mutation, or when other additional genetic events have occurred
[4]. On the other hand, the very potently transforming codon 634 mutation C634R causes the full MEN2 phenotype and has never been found in FMTC [4].
Mechanism of Ret Activation by Point Mutations in MTC: Genotype–Phenotype Associations MEN2A is associated mainly with gain-of-function, germline mutations at the extracellular cysteine-rich region at codons 609, 611, 618, 620 and 634 [20]. Codon 634 is most frequently affected (85%), mostly by a C634R substitution (50% of cases). In the wild type Ret extracellular domain, these cysteines likely form intramolecular disulfide bonds [4]. Substitution of one partner cysteine by another amino acid residue results in an unpaired cysteine, which becomes available to link with its counterpart in an adjacent Ret molecule, thus forming a covalent intermolecular bridge that has a constitutive, ligand-independent activating effect by mimicking the ligand-induced dimerization of the receptor. This leads to an enduring trans-autophosphorylation of intracellular tyrosine residues, resulting in enhanced oncogenic signaling [4]. Based on their cellular and biochemical effects after transfection in fibroblasts, it appears that codon 609, 611, 618 and 620 Ret mutants have weaker transforming capacity than codon 634 mutants [20]. Codon 634 mutant Ret has a higher propensity for dimerization and greater efficiency of maturation into the fully glycosylated 170-kD receptor, with higher expression on the cell surface [20]. This may explain why codon 634 mutations, in particular C634R, are associated with the full MEN2A phenotype [4], whereas the other extracellular cysteine-rich domain mutations are frequently associated with FMTC only. MEN2B is associated with mutations in the tyrosine kinase domain of Ret that cause ligand-independent constitutive activation of the receptor without requirement for dimerization. The most frequent MEN2B mutation (M918T) increases the basal kinase activity and also modifies the catalytic core of the Ret, resulting in conformational changes that may lead to altered substrate specificity and a different pattern of Ret-generated intracellular signals. Furthermore, Ret-MEN2B autophosphorylation sites differ from those of wild type Ret and of Ret-MEN2A, and RET-MEN2B transcriptional profile differs from those of wild type Ret and of Ret-MEN2A. The amino acid residue corresponding to Ret Met918 is conserved in all RTKs, whereas cytoplasmic protein tyrosine kinases have a threo nine in that position. This residue maps in the pocket of the kinase and is involved in substrate selection. Therefore, it has been proposed that the M918T Ret kinase shows an increased affinity toward classical substrates of cytoplasmic protein tyrosine kinases. However, this hypothesis has been contested by more recent studies demonstrating that the primary effects of the M918T mutation may be to
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enhance the intrinsic kinase activity of MEN2B-Ret and its affinity for ATP, partially release kinase autoinhibition, and facilitate ligand-independent phosphorylation of Ret [28]. Although the M918T mutation is located in the substrate binding region of the receptor, distant from the ATP binding cleft, it may change the Ret conformation in a way that causes a 10-fold increase in ATP binding affinity and leads to a more stable receptor–ATP complex [28]. MEN2B kinase activity can be further enhanced by the ligand [29], and this probably results in a stimulation that is stronger than that caused by the MEN2A mutation. The combinations of these mechanisms of MEN2B activation may thus explain why MEN2B is the most aggressive form of MEN2. Interestingly, in addition to accounting for 95% of MEN2B mutations, codon 918 is also the most frequently affected codon in sporadic cases. In summary, the most potent RET mutation is M918T, as it confers the highest transforming activity in vitro. The extracellular cysteine-rich region mutations at codons 609, 611, 618, 620 and 634 result in an intermediate transforming activity, while mutations in codons 768, 790, 791, 804 and 891 lead to a weaker transforming activity. Somatic RET mutations have been found in sporadic MTCs and, rarely, in pheochromocytomas. The most common mutation in sporadic MTCs is M918T, which has been reported to be present in up to 80% of cases [6], although other reports give more conservative rates, in the 40–50% range [4, 5]. Polyclonality with intratumoral genetic heterogeneity has been reported in sporadic MTCs, potentially explaining these differences [6], and suggesting that M918T is not an early event in sporadic MTC but may have arisen during clonal evolution [6]. In support of its role as a “second hit”, M918T has been reported as a somatic mutation in an MTC from a MEN2A patient with a germline codon 634 mutation [6]. As M918T is the RET mutation with the highest transforming activity in vitro, it is not surprising that sporadic MTC has a worse prognosis [30] than its MEN2A-associated counterparts. Somatic mutations at codons 630, 634, 639, 641, 768, 883, 922 and deletions including codons 630 and 634 have also been described in sporadic MTCs, but are rare [5, 6, 31]. The presence of activating RET mutations in MEN2 and many sporadic MTCs highlights the role of Ret as a therapeutic target in these diseases. Multikinase inhibitors that have activity against Ret kinase are currently being tested clinically in patients with familial and sporadic MTC, and the early results are very encouraging (see below, “Ret as a therapeutic target in thyroid carcinoma”). It is possible that patients with sporadic MTCs harboring a RET mutation may be found to respond better to a Ret kinase inhibitor than patients with a wild type RET (although at the time this chapter is being written, this question has not yet been formally addressed in a clinical trial). If this proves to be correct, tumor genotyping may be important in the future before initiating treatment.
Ret Mutations in Genetic Diagnosis and Management of MEN2 Patients who present with apparently sporadic MTC or primary C-cell hyperplasia should undergo genetic screening for germline RET mutations because the likelihood of an unsuspected MEN2 component is relatively high (2.5 to 7% in apparently sporadic MTC [1]). The likelihood of MEN2 is higher if the MTC occurred at a young age and/ or was multifocal. Appropriate genetic counseling should be offered both before and after testing, and should include information about the implications of a positive result for the individual and his/her family members, the meaning of a “negative” result, the likelihood of a false negative, the risk of errors in genetic testing, the potential for genetic discrimination, the availability of prenatal testing and preimplantation genetic diagnosis, and the psychosocial consequences of the knowledge by the patients and their relatives of their own genetic status [23]. Genetic testing should be performed by exon sequencing on germline DNA (e.g. from peripheral blood), not from the tumor tissue, as mutations can occur somatically in sporadic MTC [22]. Overall, almost all known clinically relevant RET mutations are located in exons 10, 11, 13, 14, 15 and 16, which simplifies screening and decreases cost [20]. Currently, RET genetic testing in the US is performed automatically for these six exons (details on clinical laboratories providing RET genetic testing are available on and summarized in Table 11.2). However, if resources are limited, a more step-wise, targeted screening strategy for prioritization of exon sequencing has been proposed [20]: a single codon, 634 (exon 11) accounts for 80% of hereditary MTC and should be tested first [20]. If negative, then focus should be turned to exon 10 (codons 609, 611, 618, 620) and exon 16 (codon 918). If there are clinical features suggesting MEN2B, then exon 16 (codon 918) should be tested first. If exons 10, 11 and 16 are wild type, then the next step is sequencing exons 13, 14 and 15 [20]. If no mutations are found in exons 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, or 16, and there is suspicion for MEN2, the remaining 15 exons should be sequenced. This latter analysis is currently available only in select laboratories (Table 11.2). It remains unclear what degree of clinical suspicion for MEN2 is required to trigger this more detailed work-up [32]. If this extended RET mutation testing is negative in the index case of a family with strong suspicion for MEN2 and undiscovered RET mutation, then haplotype or genetic linkage testing to the RET locus could be considered (available only in research laboratories) [22]. In cases where MEN2 carrier state is strongly suspected, but unconfirmable, periodic tumor screening should be performed, as incorrect exclusion of the diagnosis would be unacceptable. Biochemical testing remains helpful in these unusual situations [22]. If FMTC is suspected, then it is important to pay particular attention to exons 13, 14 and 15, because mutations in
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
Table 11.2 Summary of clinical laboratories offering RET genetic testing (from, accessed 8/03/09). For full details, including contact information, the reader is directed to Laboratories offering clinical testing
Aarhus University Hospital Skejby, Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory, Aarhus, Denmark All Children’s Hospital, Molecular Genetics Laboratory, St. Petersburg, FL Amplexa Genetics A/S, Amplexa Genetics, Odense, Denmark ARUP Laboratories, Molecular Genetics Laboratory, Salt Lake City, UT Athena Diagnostics Inc, Reference Lab, Worcester, MA Center for Human Genetics, Bioscientia GmbH, Ingelheim, Germany Centogene GmbH, Institute of Molecular Diagnostics, Rostock, Germany CGC Genetics, Porto, Portugal Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Molecular Genetics Laboratory, Philadelphia, PA Comprehensive Genetic Services, SC, Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory, Milwaukee, WI Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics, Molecular Genetics, Nicosia, Cyprus Diagenom GmbH, Medical Genetics Laboratory, Rostock, Germany Emory University School of Medicine, Emory Molecular Genetics Laboratory, Atlanta, GA GeneDx, Gaithersburg, MD GENOMA – Molecular Genetics Laboratory, Rome, Italy Henry Ford Hospital, DNA Diagnostic Laboratory, Detroit, MI Huntington Medical Research Institutes, Cancer Genetics Laboratory, Pasadena, CA HUSLAB, Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, Helsinki, Finland Institut Gustave Roussy, Service de Genetique, Villejuif, France Institute of Endocrinology, Molecular Endocrinology Laboratory, Prague, Czech Republic Karolinska University Hospital, Department of Clinical Genetics, Stockholm, Sweden
Analysis of the entire coding region: sequence analysis
Sequence analysis of select exons
Analysis of the entire coding region: mutation scanning
Targeted Linkage Deletion/ Prenatal mutation analysis duplication diagnosis analysis analysis
C h a p t e r 1 1 Molecular Genetics of Thyroid Cancer
Table 11.2 (Continued) Laboratories offering clinical testing
Analysis of the entire coding region: sequence analysis
Kyoto University School of Medicine, Department of Clinical Genetics, Kyoto, Japan Labor für Humangenetik, MVZ Humane Genetik, München, Germany LabPLUS, Auckland City Hospital, Molecular Genetics Laboratory (Diagnostics Genetics), Auckland, New Zealand London Health Sciences Centre, Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory, London, Ontario, Canada Mayo Clinic – Minnesota, Molecular Genetics Laboratory, Rochester, MN Medizinisch Genetisches Zentrum, Munich, Germany Memorial University of Newfoundland, Molecular Genetics Laboratory, St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada National University Hospital, Molecular Diagnosis Centre, Singapore, Singapore Oxford Medical Genetics Laboratories, Oxford Genetics Laboratories, Oxford, Oxon, United Kingdom Quest Diagnostics Nichols Institute – California, Molecular Genetics Laboratory, San Juan Capistrano, CA Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital, Department of Molecular Genetics, Exeter, United Kingdom Samsung Medical Center, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Genetics, Seoul, South Korea Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust, Sheffield Molecular Genetics Service, Sheffield, United Kingdom Sistemas Genomicos, Medical Genetics Unit, Paterna, Comunidad Valenciana, Spain The Ohio State University, Molecular Pathology Laboratory, Columbus, OH University Medical Center Utrecht, Genome Diagnostics Laboratory, Utrecht, Netherlands
Sequence analysis of select exons
Analysis of the entire coding region: mutation scanning
Targeted Linkage Deletion/ Prenatal mutation analysis duplication diagnosis analysis analysis
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders Table 11.2 (Continued)
Laboratories offering clinical testing
Analysis of the entire coding region: sequence analysis
University of Calgary, Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory, Calgary, Alberta, Canada University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Division of Molecular Diagnostics, Pittsburgh, PA University of Roma Tor Vergata, Servizio di Genetica, Rome, Italy Washington University School of Medicine, Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory, St. Louis, MO Yale University School of Medicine, DNA Diagnostics Laboratory, New Haven, CT
Sequence analysis of select exons
Analysis of the entire coding region: mutation scanning
Targeted Linkage Deletion/ Prenatal mutation analysis duplication diagnosis analysis analysis
Note: Grid is blank for laboratories with a GeneTests Laboratory Directory status of Not Current (laboratory failed to provide annual review/verification,
these exons are most likely to cause MTC with a low prevalence of pheochromocytoma and, therefore, more likely to be misdiagnosed as sporadic MTC [22]. If this testing is negative, the entire coding sequence should be examined. If no germline RET mutation is found, a small risk of hereditary MTC remains, which may be as high as 12% for FMTC kindreds [22, 27]. Before genetic screening was available, early diagnosis of C-cell hyperplasia and MTC relied on regular biochemical monitoring of MEN2 kindreds with basal and pentagastrin- or calcium-stimulated calcitonin testing. Although the need for biochemical testing is significantly reduced in the genetic era, it can still be occasionally used to fine tune the treatment plan. For example, if there is an elevated basal or stimulated calcitonin value prior to surgery, central lymph node dissection should be considered in addition to total thyroidectomy [22]. Periodic screening with stimulated calcitonin testing, if negative, can also be helpful to support a decision to delay thyroidectomy until later in childhood (age 10 years) in “intermediate-risk” (level 1) or ATA Level A mutation carriers (see below for classification) [20, 23]. Calcium stimulation has also been used as a dynamic calcitonin test, but the normative values are not well validated. There is general agreement that provocative calcitonin testing continues to have a place in the diagnosis and surveillance of at-risk MEN2 patients. Unfortunately, pentagastrin, although used in Europe, is no longer available in the US. It would be highly desirable for some entity to make it available, or, alternatively, for research groups to consider developing rigorous standards for an alternative approach to provocative calcitonin testing.
Overall, more than 95% of MEN2 families have RET mutations found. Mutations in RET were detected in 97– 100% of MEN2A families, 95% of MEN2B families and 88% of FMTC families. However, there remains a small proportion of MEN2 or MEN2-like families, in which RET mutations have not been identified, suggesting that other genes may contribute to the MEN2 phenotype in these individuals. Alternatively, there may be low-penetrance RET mutations in exons that are not routinely screened. This important caveat should be part of the pretesting counseling. Monitoring with stimulated calcitonin testing could be of value in these kindreds.
Decision Making Based on Specific RET Mutation MTC has nearly 100% penetrance in MEN2 syndromes and FMTC, but the aggressiveness and clinical course differ between the different types of MEN2. The only currently available treatment that can prevent metastatic MTC in MEN2 carriers is prophylactic thyroidectomy at an appropriate age. Delaying thyroidectomy till puberty or later carries a high risk of allowing MTC to develop and metastasize. The choice of the optimal timing for surgery is frequently based on age cut-offs determined by the youngest child harboring metastatic disease with each specific RET mutation as reported in the literature. The need to intervene before the development of metastatic disease is tempered by the fact that surgery is technically more difficult in smaller children, and the risk of iatrogenic hypoparathyroidism is greater [23]. Based on the clinical aggressiveness of the associated clinical MEN syndrome, and supported by
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in vitro data regarding their transforming potential, specific RET mutations were stratified into three groups, levels 1 to 3, in a consensus statement resulting from the Seventh International MEN Workshop held in 1999 [22]: Highest-risk mutations (level 3): Patients with MEN2B have the most aggressive MTCs (mutations in codon 918, 883 or 922), in agreement with the very high transforming potential of this type of mutation [27]. Based on the very early onset of MTC in these patients and the high risk of lymph node metastases, prophylactic total thyroidectomy and central compartment lymph node dissection are recommended to be performed within the first year and preferably within the first six months of life. Presence of MTC had been reported in the thyroid of patients with germline M918T mutation even younger than six months, such as a 9-week-old patient, and some authors have proposed thyroidectomy within the first month of life [22, 33], however the technical difficulties of surgery at such a young age should be carefully considered. High-risk mutations (level 2): Patients with MEN2A/ FMTC-related level 2 mutations (codon 611, 618, 620, 630, 634) are at high risk for metastatic MTC, and prophylactic thyroidectomy, preferably with central compartment lymph node dissection, is recommended before the age of five years. This is based on the finding of metastatic MTC in two children with codon 634 mutations at age five and six [34]. It would be reasonable to screen carriers annually with pentagastrin- or calcium-stimulated calcitonin testing until the age of six, to identify patients who may need surgery earlier [20]. Intermediate-risk mutations (level 1): Patients with RET codon 768, 790, 791, 804 and 891 mutations are classified as having the least risk for early development and growth of aggressive MTC, in agreement with the lower transforming capacity of these oncoproteins in vitro. Prophylactic thyroidectomy is recommended before age 5–10 years. The biological behavior of MTC in patients with the latter mutations is variable, but, in general, MTC grows more slowly and develops at a later age compared to those with the high risk mutations. It should be emphasized that the experience with patients harboring level 1 RET mutations is considerably smaller than that with other groups and is insufficient to make definitive recommendations. A conservative approach would be to treat level 1 mutation carriers as high-risk carriers, although in some cases an argument can be made to delay thyroidectomy until later in childhood (age 10 years), as long as the physical exam, neck ultrasound and annual screening with pentagastrin- or calcium-stimulated calcitonin testing is negative [20]. Biochemical monitoring with calcitonin stimulation testing may better define the window of opportunity for cure and refine the treatment plan in patients with less frequent mutations, where clinical experience is more limited.
There is no “low-risk” category, reflecting the fact that MTC has nearly a 100% penetrance in MEN2. Codon 609 mutations have been classified either as level 1 [22] or level 2 [4] by various authors. As a conservative measure, we would favor classification as level 2 (see also next paragraph). Recently, updated guidelines have been published by the American Thyroid Association Guidelines Task Force, that recognize the more aggressive potential of the 634 mutation among the level 2 mutations [20], with younger age of onset and higher rate of hyperparathyroidism and pheochromocytoma [23]. The updated guidelines also address other ambiguities, such as the classification of codon 609 mutations [23]. The ATA categorization system classifies mutations now in four groups, A–D (D being the most aggressive): ATA Level D mutations include codons 883 and 918 and carry the highest risk for MTC, associated with the youngest age of onset and highest risk of metastases and disease specific mortality. Infants with ATA level D mutations (MEN2B) should undergo prophylactic total thyroidectomy as soon as possible and within the first year of life in an experienced tertiary care setting [23]. ATA Level C mutations include most codon 634 mutations, such as C634R. They carry a lower risk of aggressive MTC than codon 918 mutations, yet still quite high. Patients should undergo prophylactic total thyroidectomy before age five in an experienced tertiary care setting [23]. They were formerly grouped together with the other extracellular cysteine-rich region mutations as level 2 risk, but in the new classification they represent a separate group in recognition of their relatively more aggressive potential [23]. ATA Level B mutations include codons 609, 611, 618, 620 and 630, and carry a relatively lower risk for aggressive MTC mutations [23]. ATA Level A mutations include codons 768, 790, 791, 804 and 891, and carry the “least high” risk. Compared to ATA Level B mutation carriers of the same age, these children have lower serum calcitonin levels, lower tumor stage and a higher rate of biochemical cure when they undergo prophylactic thyroidectomy at age 4 years old [23].
The recommendations for the timing of prophylactic thyroidectomy in patients with ATA Level A and B RET mutations are less stringent than those for Levels C and D, and surgery can be delayed beyond age five if the family so desires, as long as careful monitoring shows normal annual basal / stimulated serum calcitonin, normal annual neck U/S and the family history indicates less aggressive MTC behavior [23]. Delaying surgery is safer in ATA Level A than Level B mutations. However, even within the ATA Level A group, there is significant phenotypical heterogeneity as far as age of onset and aggressiveness of MTC, which is further complicated by the rarity of several of these mutations, which leads to limited clinical experience [23].
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
Table 11.3 ATA Risk Level classification of RET mutations and summary of recommendations for testing and timing of prophylactic thyroidectomy, reproduced with permission and adapted from [23]. For full details, please see [23] ATA Risk Level
Age of RET testing
Age of required first US
Age of required first Serum Ct
M918T, A883F, Some V804M double mutation carriers C634R/G/F/S/W/Y Most 609, 611, 618, 620, 630, 631, 633 mutations and lower risk 634
ASAP and within the 1st year of life
ASAP and within the 1st year of life
6 months, if surgery ASAP and within the 1st year not already done of life
3–5 years 3–5 years
3–5 years 3–5 years
3–5 years 3–5 years
Most other mutations, including codons 321, 531, 532, 533, 600, 603, 606, 635, 636, 649, 666, 768, 777, 790, 791, 804 (when it is the only mutation), 819, 833, 844, 866, 891, 912
3–5 years
3–5 years
3–5 years
Patient management in an experienced tertiary care setting is recommended. The ATA Risk Level classification of RET mutations and recommendations for testing and timing of prophylactic thyroidectomy [23] are summarized in Table 11.3.
Role of ret in the molecular pathophysiology of PTC Ret is not expressed in normal follicular thyroid cells. However, many papillary and a small minority of poorly differentiated thyroid carcinomas express illegitimate chimeric Ret molecules that originate from the fusion of the Ret TK domain with an N-terminal fragment donated by a partner gene. To date, 12 different fusion partner genes have been found in PTCs (Table 11.4) [4, 7, 18, 35]. Due to variable breakpoints, as many as 18 different resulting Ret chimeric oncoproteins have been reported [4, 35]. These RET/ PTC oncogenes result from chromosomal rearrangements that bring the 3 part of the RET gene next to the 5 part of the partner gene. Virtually all breakpoints in the RET gene occur within intron 11, leaving intact the TK domain of the receptor and enabling the RET/PTC oncoprotein to bind SHC via Y1062 and activate the RAS-RAF-MAPK cascade. This genetic event has major consequences that lead to constitutive Ret activation: first, the Ret tyrosine kinase is brought under the regulation of the promoter of the partner gene, which, contrary to Ret, is constitutively expressed
Age of prophylactic surgery
Before age 5 years Consider surgery before age 5. May consider delaying surgery beyond age 5 years as long as normal annual basal / stimulated serum Ct, normal annual neck US, less aggressive MTC family history, and family preference. May consider delaying surgery beyond age 5 years as long as normal annual basal / stimulated serum Ct, normal annual neck US, less aggressive MTC family history, and family preference.
in thyrocytes. Secondly, because the protein products of the PTC partner genes tend to homodimerize (most have coiled-coil homodimerization motifs, with the exception of PTC2, which contains cysteine residues that are involved in the formation of disulphide bonds), they bring together the fused Ret TK domains, allowing them to transphosphorylate each other in a ligand-independent fashion. As a result, the RET/PTC rearrangements lead to the inappropriate, constitutive expression of a constitutively active Ret kinase, which initiates the downstream intracellular signaling that drives tumorigenesis. Furthermore, the RET/PTC recombination deletes the extracellular and transmembrane domains of RET. It is possible that the juxtamembrane region of Ret may contain domains with inhibitory activity and that its deletion may further increase the mitogenic properties of the rearranged Ret. Moreover, RET/PTC oncoproteins are no longer attached to the cell membrane, and are presumably free to relocate in the cytoplasm, perhaps capable of phosphorylating a different set of cytosolic substrates. Therefore, their kinase activity is not only ectopic and constitutive, but also topologically abnormal. Finally, it remains unclear whether the gene products arising from the rearranged partner genes have an independent involvement of their own in the transformation process. RET/PTC1 and RET/PTC3 are the most common rearrangements. RET/PTC1 is formed by a paracentric inversion of the long arm of chromosome 10 leading to fusion of RET with a gene named H4/D10S170. Although the RET and H4 loci are about 30 megabases apart in the linear map
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Table 11.4 RET/PTC rearrangements found in papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) (reproduced from [35] with permission) No.
RET/PTC type
Partner gene
Chromosomal positions
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
inv10(q11.2;q21) t(10;17)(q11.2;q23) inv10(q11.2;q10) t(10;14)(q11.2;q32) t(7;10)(q32–34;q11.2) t(1;10)(p13;q11.2) t(10;12)(q11.2;p13.3) t(10;14)(q11.2;q22.1) t(10;18)(q11.2;q21–22) t(8;10)(p21-22;q11.2) t(6;10)(p21;q11.2) t(8;10)(p11.21;q11.2)
of chromosome 10, they frequently juxtapose in nuclei of thyroid cells (but not in other cell types), thereby enabling illegitimate recombination [36]. RET/PTC3 is also a result of an intrachromosomal rearrangement and is formed by fusion with the RFG/ELE1 gene. In unselected patient populations, RET/PTC is found in 20–30% of adult sporadic papillary carcinomas, although its prevalence is highly variable. It is found more frequently (40–70%) in sporadic papillary carcinomas from children and young adults [18], and it is also found in microcarcinomas, suggesting that RET/PTC may be an early genetic change in PTC development. Radiation exposure has been implicated in the development of the RET/PTC chromosomal rearrangements, possibly related to the fact that thyrocytes respond to ionizing radiation by increasing DNA end-joining activity, unlike other cell types. Among papillary carcinomas from children affected by the Chernobyl nuclear accident, RET/PTC was found in up to 80% of tumors removed 5–8 years after the accident and 50–60% of those removed 7–11 years after exposure [18]. Moreover, in vitro and in vivo irradiation can induce the formation of RET/PTC [37]. Expression of RET/PTC proteins is not sufficient to transform thyroid follicular cells in vitro [38]. However, transgenic animals with thyroid-specific expression of RET/ PTC develop PTCs, possibly due to cooperation with additional genetic events and signaling pathways. Mice expressing RET/PTC3 develop solid variant PTC [39], whereas those expressing RET/PTC1 develop tumors with a more classic PTC architecture [40], mimicking their human counterparts. Interestingly, these PTCs do not progress to poorly differentiated carcinomas unless crossed with p53/ mice [41, 42], again in agreement with the natural history of their human counterparts. RET/PTC3-induced activation of ERK phosphorylation requires BRaf-mediated signaling [43]. Activation of RET/PTC in cultured thyroid cells results in downregulation of expression of thyroid-specific genes, such
as thyroglobulin and sodium iodide symporter, and cell dedifferentiation. Conditional expression of RET/PTC3 in rat thyroid cells potently upregulated a cluster of genes involved in the immune response. Genes regulating innate immune responses, such as granulocyte macrophage colonystimulating factor (GM-CSF), the macrophage chemokines MCP-1 and MCP-3, and the chemokine receptor CCR1, were upregulated in a BRaf-dependent manner. By contrast, the large majority of genes in the immune response cluster did not require the presence of BRaf for activation by RET/ PTC3 and consisted primarily of genes involved in antigen presentation and in the IFN signaling pathway [44]. The precise contribution of innate and acquired immunity to thyroid cancer progression is not known, but these data suggest the role may be quite significant. Furthermore, the chemo kine receptor CXCR4 is also upregulated by RET/PTC. In addition, conditional RET/PTC1 or RET/PTC3 expression in PCCL3 thyroid cells also markedly induced the prosta glandin E2 (PGE2) biosynthetic enzymes microsomal prostaglandin E2 synthase-1 (mPGES-1) and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) through Shc-Ras-MEK-ERK and shunted prostanoid biosynthesis toward PGE2 [45]. COX-2 activity is important for colorectal tumor development, where COX-2 inhibitors may decrease the burden of polyps in susceptible individuals. However, a therapeutic clinical trial with celecoxib in unselected patients failed to show significant activity in metastatic differentiated thyroid carcinoma [46].
Ret as a therapeutic target in thyroid carcinoma Several groups have succeeded in reverting the neoplastic phenotype of MTC and RET/PTC PTC in vitro and in vivo by inhibiting Ret [47–49], establishing Ret as a therapeutic target in a significant portion of human thyroid carcinomas.
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
Recently, data from early clinical trials of several multi kinase inhibitors that also target Ret point to significant clinical activity in aggressive thyroid cancer. It must be emphasized that most of these inhibitors have a broad spectrum of kinase inhibitory activity, including against VEGF receptors, and therefore it is difficult to attribute their in vivo effects to one particular target, yet their Ret inhibitory activity appears quite promising. Vandetanib (ZD6474, Zactima), an orally bioavailable inhibitor of Ret, VEGFR and EGFR, has in vitro activity against the kinases encoded by RET/PTC translocations, at least the most prevalent RET/PTC1 and RET/PTC3, and exerts direct anti-proliferative activity against cell lines expressing them [49]. In MTC, most RET mutations found in sporadic tumors or tumors associated with MEN2A, MEN2B or FMTC lead to constitutively active kinases sensitive to vandetanib [50]. The RET V804 mutant is resistant to vandetanib in vitro, likely due to steric hindrance [51]. In a phase II trial in patients with hereditary MTC and a RET germline mutation treated with vandetanib, 20% of patients had a partial response (PR) and another 30% of patients experienced stable disease (SD) [52]. XL184 is an orally bioavailable inhibitor of Ret, VEGFR2 and MET. XL184 strongly inhibits cell proliferation in TT cells, a MTC cell line harboring activated Ret. Pharmacodynamic studies showed substantial inhibition of Ret and Met phosphorylation in TT xenograft tumors. In a phase I dose-escalation study of XL184, 53% of evaluable MTC patients (9 of 17) experienced PR, while the disease control rate (PRSD) was 100% [53]. In a multicenter phase II study of motesanib diphosphate (AMG706, an oral inhibitor of VEGF, PDGF, Kit receptors and Ret) in patients with advanced thyroid cancer, objective tumor response rate (ORR) was 14% and disease stability was observed in 67% of patients [54]. Other orally bioavailable TK inhibitors with activity against Ret that have shown promising results in phase II clinical studies in advanced thyroid cancer include sunitinib (SU11248, Sutent) and sorafenib. Despite the poor specificity of these kinase inhibitors, and the difficulty of attributing their in vivo effects to one particular kinase target, the collective in vitro and in vivo data support Ret as an important target for the treatment of aggressive PTC and MTC. The above-mentioned early clinical data offer hope for personalized targeted therapies for aggressive forms of thyroid carcinoma [55].
BRaf and its role in cancer RAF proteins belong to a family of serine–threonine protein kinases that function as intracellular effectors of the Ras/ Raf/MEK/MAPK signaling cascade and include three members: ARaf, BRaf and CRaf. CRaf is expressed ubiquitously,
whereas BRaf is expressed at higher levels in hemopoietic cells, neurons and testis, and is also the predominant isoform in thyroid follicular cells (Zhang L, Fagin J, unpublished). BRaf is the family member with the highest basal kinase activity, the most potent activator of MEK, and the most frequently activated by mutation in cancer. The Raf proteins are recruited to the plasma membrane by GTP-bound Ras, leading to their phosphorylation and activation. Raf then phosphorylates and activates MEK, leading to phosphorylation and activation of ERK1/2 (MAPK), which signals downstream for cellular proliferation, gene expression, cytoskeletal rearrangements and metabolism. A single amino acid substitution of valine by glutamate at position 600 of the protein (V600E: was originally reported as position 599 until, in 2003, an omission of three nucleotides from the first exon in the sequence of the human BRAF gene in NCBI was identified and corrected) accounts for the vast majority (85%) of BRAF mutations reported in cancer [56]. The Raf kinase domain contains two regions important for kinase activity: the activation segment and the negatively charged regulatory region (N-region). Hydrophobic interactions (in the case of BRaf, between residues G596-V600 in the activation loop and residues G464-V471) result in a structure that does not allow binding of ATP or substrate, keeping the kinase in an inactive conformation [57]. Phosphorylation of two key residues (T599 and S602 for BRaf) within the activation segment disrupts these hydrophobic interactions, destabilizes the inactive conformation and leads to Raf kinase activation [56, 58]. The V600E mutation is thought to mimic T599/S602 phosphorylation, rendering BRaf constitutively active [56]. The N-region contains a SSYY motif (S338SYY in CRaf and S298SYY in ARaf), which also must be phosphorylated on the first serine and last tyrosine residues for activation. However, in the respective domain of BRaf, the corresponding serine residue S446 is constitutively phosphorylated, and instead of tyrosine residues, aspartic acids (D448 and D449) are present, carrying a constitutive negative charge and mimicking phosphorylated tyrosines. As a result, BRaf is more primed for activation, explaining its higher steady-state kinase activity [56], and why BRaf is the only Raf protein to be frequently mutated in cancer. Indeed, no ARAF mutations have been identified so far and CRAF mutations are very rare in human cancers. BRAF mutations were first identified in human cancers in 2002 [59] and appear to be present in about 7% of all cancers [56, 59], compared with activating RAS mutations that are present in approximately 15–30% of cancers [56]. BRAF mutations are most frequent in melanomas (27–70%) and thyroid carcinomas (36–53%), and less common in colonic (5–22%) and serous ovarian carcinomas (~30%), but they also occur at a low frequency (1–3%) in a wide variety of other cancers [56, 59]. The overwhelming majority of these mutations are single nucleotide thymine-toadenine (T→A) transversions at nucleotide 1799 resulting in the V600E substitution. Most of the reported mutations,
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including BRAFV600E, display increased kinase activity relative to the wild type protein and have transforming capacity in vitro [59]. Interestingly, three mutants found in cancer (BRAFG466E, BRAFG466V and BRAFG596R) have decreased endogenous kinase activity, yet are capable of inducing ERK phosphorylation through heterodimerization with wild type CRaf [57].
The Role of BRaf in Thyroid Cancer BRaf is the predominant Raf isoform in thyroid follicular cells. BRaf gain-of-function missense point mutations are the most common genetic alteration in PTCs, and in thyroid cancer in general [9]. They are almost exclusively V600E and are restricted to PTCs and anaplastic or poorly differentiated carcinomas arising from PTCs. They can occur early in tumor development, and they can be present in papillary microcarcinomas. With very rare exceptions, BRAF mutations, RAS mutations and RET/PTC rearrangements are mutually exclusive in thyroid carcinomas, indicating that just one activating event in the RET/PTC-Ras-Raf-MEKMAPK pathway is sufficient to drive tumorigenesis [9]. In agreement, BRaf is the key mediator of RET/PTC-induced ERK phosphorylation in thyroid cells [43]. Conditional expression of BRAFV600E in rat thyroid PCCL3 cells induces DNA synthesis, dedifferentiation, chromosomal instability [60], preferential induction of matrix metalloproteinases (MMP), particularly MMP3, MMP9 and MMP13, and greater invasion into Matrigel, compared to cells conditionally expressing RET/PTC3 [44]. Thyroid-specific expression of BRAFV600E in transgenic mice induces goiter and PTCs that closely recapitulate the properties of BRAFV600E-positive human PTCs (i.e. classic PTC architecture, tall-cell features and high potential for invasiveness), which later transition to poorly differentiated carcinomas [61]. Knockdown of BRaf expression by siRNA [62, 63] or inhibition of its kinase activity by smallmolecule inhibitors [63, 64] has anticancer activity in thyroid carcinoma cell lines, confirming the role of BRaf in thyroid tumorigenesis and its value as a therapeutic target in thyroid cancer. As mentioned previously, BRAF mutations in thyroid cancer are almost exclusively BRAFV600E. A different type of BRAF mutation (K601E) has been detected in a single case of follicular adenoma and in four out of 54 cases of the follicular variant of PTC (7%) [65]. Two additional mechanisms of BRAF activation in thyroid cancer have been reported. One is through an intrachromosomal rearrangement of BRAF via paracentric inversion of chromosome 7q resulting in an in-frame fusion between exons 1–8 of the AKAP9 gene and exons 9–18 of BRAF. The resulting fusion protein contains the kinase domain and lacks the autoinhibitory N-terminal portion of BRaf. It has elevated kinase activity and transforms NIH3T3 cells [10]. This rearrangement represents a unique example of activation via recombination
of an intracellular MAPK pathway mediator in human cancer and was found in 3 of 28 patients whose thyroid cancers developed 5–6 years after exposure to radiation from the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear accident [10], but only in 0–1% of tumors without radiation history or those that developed 9–12 years after exposure [10]. Thus, AKAP9-BRAF is found primarily in tumors associated with a recent history of radiation exposure. Furthermore, increased BRAF gene copy number has been reported in 16–45% of follicular tumors of conventional and oncocytic (Hurthle cell) types, caused by amplification of the gene or gain of one or more copies of chromosome 7. Interestingly, these BRAF copy number gains did not overlap with RAS mutations in follicular tumors. By Western blotting, the tumors carrying four copies of the gene revealed higher expression of BRaf protein, suggesting that copy number gain may represent another mechanism of BRaf activation in thyroid tumors [66].
Clinical Implications of BRAFV600E in Thyroid Cancer Diagnosis As BRAFV600E is found only in PTCs and PDTC or ATC derived from PTC, and is absent from follicular adenomas and nodular goiters, the presence of BRAFV600E in a fineneedle aspirate can help in the preoperative evaluation of a thyroid nodule by confirming the diagnosis of malignancy in nodules that were otherwise considered either indeterminate or insufficient [67]. Treatment Thyroid-specific expression of BRAFV600E suppresses thyroid peroxidase, sodium iodine symporter and thyroglobulin mRNA levels [61], while glucose transporter type 1 (Glut1) levels are increased [68]. BRAFV600E PTCs are, therefore, more likely to be radioiodine-refractory and FDG-avid [68]. This raises the concern that BRAFV600E PTCs may recur earlier after radioiodine-based therapy. It remains unclear what the appropriate treatment for these tumors is, and one can argue that higher doses of radio iodine would be predicted to be ineffective and unnecessarily toxic, or, alternatively, that higher doses may be required to overcome their intrinsic refractoriness to the isotope. However, prospective studies are required before making any recommendations. Instead, a more rational targeted approach would be to inhibit BRaf itself, either by small-molecule kinase inhibitors [63, 64] or by inhibiting downstream (MEK) signaling [69]. Solit et al. have demonstrated that tumor cells harboring BRAF mutations exhibit enhanced and selective sensitivity to MEK inhibition when compared to either “wild type” cells or cells harboring a RAS mutation [69]. This MEK dependency was observed in BRAF mutant cells regardless of tissue lineage, and also applies to thyroid
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cancer cells [70], suggesting that targeted therapies based on tumor genotype for these cancers may be feasible.
RAS mutations The RAS superfamily of GTP (guanosine triphosphate) hydrolysis-coupled signal transduction relay proteins can be subclassified into RAS, RHO, RAB and ARF families, as well as the closely related G family. Three RAS genes are important in cancer pathogenesis: HRAS, KRAS and NRAS. These proteins are plasma membrane GTPases that transduce activation signals from growth factor-stimulated cell-surface tyrosine kinase receptors to downstream effectors, including the Raf-MEK-ERK, PI3K/AKT and Ral/ GDF pathways, which then promote cell proliferation and survival. The rate-limiting step in Ras activation is the exchange of bound GDP for GTP. In wild type Ras, this is a very slow reaction, but it is facilitated by guanine nucleo tide exchange factors (GEFs) such as the Sos proteins. When ligand-activated tyrosine kinase receptors dimerize and become autophosphorylated on selected tyrosine residues within their cytoplasmic region, they serve as high affinity docking sites for proteins containing Src homology 2 (SH2) domains, such as Grb2, which are in turn linked to Sos proteins that activate Ras by exchange of GDP for GTP. GTP-bound Ras is inactivated by hydrolysis of GTP to GDP, which is dependent on its intrinsic GTPase activity and on interaction with GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs). In the GTP-bound state, Ras displays a binding surface with high affinity for downstream effector proteins such as Raf [71]. As a result, activation of Ras leads to the activation of the Raf kinases, which then transmit the signal to the MEK/ MAPK pathway, thus linking the ligand-stimulated cell surface receptors to critical intracellular targets regulating cell growth and proliferation. Point mutations within RAS that inactivate its GTPase function and/or GAP responsiveness, or enhance guanine nucleotide exchange and increase protein affinity for GTP, can permanently switch the protein to the “on” position and are a very common genetic event in human cancer (up to 30% of all human tumors), making RAS the most widely mutated human proto-oncogene [72]. The mammalian H-, N- and KRAS genes are expressed ubiquitously, although they clearly have discrete functions both under normal conditions and in cancer pathogenesis. Many tumors are associated with a predilection for mutations in one RAS family member. KRAS mutations are found in 95% of pancreatic cancers, 50% of colorectal and 15–20% of non-small cell lung carcinomas.
RAS Mutations in Thyroid Carcinomas Mutations of all three RAS oncogenes have been reported in thyroid neoplasms, but contrary to other solid malignancies,
the prevalence is NRAS (6.9%) HRAS (3.6%) KRAS (3.2%) (, August 2009). Among well-differentiated cancers, RAS mutations are more prevalent in follicular than in papillary tumors [73]. The presence of RAS mutations in both follicular adenomas and carcinomas has been taken as evidence that Ras activation may be an early step in thyroid carcinogenesis. This is also supported by the fact that the disease can be recapitulated in mice with targeted overexpression of N-RASQ61K [74]. Among PTCs, RAS mutations are more common in the follicular variant of PTC [75], suggesting an association with follicular phenotype. There is evidence that PTCs with RAS mutations have a lower frequency of locoregional lymphatic metastases [75]. Some studies have reported that PTCs with RAS mutations have a higher frequency of distant metastases and worse prognosis [76]. In poorly differentiated carcinomas and anaplastic carcinomas, there is a high (up to ~60%) prevalence of RAS mutations [77–79]. Thus, in addition to a role in early stages of human thyroid tumor development, RAS mutations may play a separate role in promoting aggressiveness in the poorly differentiated/anaplastic setting.
NTRK1 chromosomal rearrangements in thyroid cancer The NTRK1 gene (also known as TRKA), located on chromosome 1q21-22, consists of 17 exons, and encodes a 140 kDa transmembrane nerve growth factor (NGF) receptor. Following NGF binding, NTRK1 undergoes dimerization and autophosphorylation of five tyrosine residues (Y490, Y670, Y674, Y675 and Y785), which act as phosphorylation-dependent binding sites for Shc, GRB2, FRS2, PI3K and PLC, and activate the Ras/MAPK and PI3K signaling cascades. Chromosomal rearrangements involving the NTRK1 gene have been found in PTCs and exhibit several similarities to the RET/PTC rearrangements, although the former are less frequent. They result from the genetic fusion of the 3 end of NTRK1 to the 5 end of different partner genes. The first reported partner gene was an isoform of nonmuscle tropomyosin (TPM3) that maps to chromosome 1q22-23 and is fused to NTRK1 via a paracentric inversion of chromosome 1q. Another paracentric inversion of chromosome 1 joins the 3 end of NTRK1 to the 5 end of the TPR (translocated promoter region) gene, that maps to chromosome 1q25 [12]. Three variants exist, TRK-T1, TRK-T2 and TRK-T4, representing different rearrangements involving the same two genes [80]. Lastly, TRK-T3 results from a translocation of chromosomes 1 and 3 that fuses NTRK1 to TFG (TRK fused gene) leading to a chimeric 68 kDa cytoplasmic protein [80, 81]. Similarly to RET/ PTC, the NTRK1 partner genes contain domains promoting
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protein dimerization/multimerization that cause the constitutive, ligand-independent tyrosine kinase activity of TRK oncoproteins. For example, TFG contains a coiled-coil domain that is necessary for oligomerization and the constitutive, ligand-independent kinase activation and transforming potential [82]. Similarly to RET, NTRK1 chromosomal rearrangements have been attributed to the effects of ionizing radiation. The two loci for NTRK1 and its gene partner TPR are closer in thyrocyte nuclei than in peripheral blood lymphocytes, supporting the notion that spatial proximity may favor gene rearrangements [83], in a manner similar to the proximity of the RET and H4 (PTC1) loci in thyroid interphase nuclei [36].
Biochemistry and biological properties of the PI3K/Akt/PTEN pathway Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) is a major signaling mediator downstream of cell surface RTKs that plays a crucial role in the regulation of various cellular processes, such as proliferation, growth, apoptosis and cytoskeletal rearrangement [84, 85]. PI3K is a heterodimeric lipid kinase composed of the p85 regulatory and p110 catalytic subunits. The p85 regulatory subunit is encoded by one of three genes, , and , which are also subject to alternative splicing. The p110 catalytic subunit is also encoded by three genes, , and , all of which contain distinct domains responsible for interaction with p85 and Ras, a C2 domain that might be important for membrane anchoring, and a kinase domain [86]. Ligand-bound RTKs can recruit PI3K to the cell membrane via specific phospho-tyrosine residues on the activated receptor or on associated adaptor proteins, which serve as docking sites for the Src-homology 2 (SH2) domain of p85. Ras can also directly bind, recruit and activate p110 [85]. Upon relocalization to the cell membrane, PI3K catalyzes the conversion of phosphatidyl inositol-4,5-diphosphate (PIP2) to the lipid second messenger phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-triphosphate (PIP3), which then contributes to the cell membrane recruitment and activation of a wide range of downstream targets, including the serine-threonine protein kinase Akt/PKB. Akt/protein kinase B (PKB) is a serine/threonine protein kinase that plays a crucial role in promoting cell survival and growth. In mammalian cells, there are 3 Akt isoforms: Akt-1, -2 and -3, which are broadly expressed, although expression of specific isoforms may vary between tissues [86]. Akt contains a pleckstrin homology (PH) domain at its amino-terminal end, a central catalytic domain, and a short carboxy-terminal regulatory domain [86]. Phosphorylation of two key amino acid residues, Thr308 and Ser473, is necessary for activation of Akt. Akt is activated through direct contact of its PH domain with PIP3, leading to recruitment
to the cell membrane, where it is phosphorylated at Thr308 by PDK1. Additional phosphorylation at serine 473 in the carboxy-terminal regulatory domain of Akt results in its full activation. The dual function lipid and protein phosphatase PTEN (phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted on chromosome ten), also known as MMAC1 (Mutated In Multiple Advanced Cancers 1), encoded by a gene localized to 10q23.3, converts PIP3 back to PIP2 and shuts off PI3K/Akt signaling [87, 88]. It is difficult to find a cellular process that is not, in some way, affected by the Akt downstream signaling cascade. Akt plays a cardinal role in regulating cell survival, proliferation, drug-resistance, bio-energetics and angiogenesis/response to hypoxia, via a broad constellation of downstream effectors [85, 86]. Although the list will be incomplete, we will mention a few crucial downstream substrates: Akt activates an anti-apoptotic program by phosphorylating Forkhead, Bad and procaspase-9 (thereby inhibiting their pro-apoptotic activities), by activating IKK (which then stimulates the anti-apoptotic transcription factor NF-B), by phosphorylating MDM-2 (which counteracts the activity of p53), and by influencing cell type-specific biological effects (for example, in prostate cancer cells it can promote ligand-independent transcriptional activity of the androgen receptor) [86]. Phosphorylation of GSK3, PFK-2 or mTOR regulates glucose uptake and metabolism, as well as protein translation [86]. Akt also modulates cell proliferation via mechanisms involving suppression of p21 levels and increase of cyclin D levels, and activates telomerase, to maintain the limitless proliferative capacity of tumor cells [86]. Akt activates HIF-1 transcriptional activity and VEGF secretion in tumor cells, and plays a pro-angiogenic role in the endothelial cell itself [86].
Role of the PI3K/Akt/PTEN Pathway in Cancer Pathophysiology There is abundant evidence implicating the activation of the PI3K/Akt/PTEN pathway as a key participant in tumor cell growth and survival (reviewed in [85, 86]). Somatic activating mutations and gene amplification of the PIK3CA gene, which encodes the p110 catalytic subunit of PI3K, have been detected in various cancers [89], including thyroid cancer [13]. More recently, a somatic mutation of the AKT1 gene was reported in human breast, colorectal and ovarian cancers, which results in a glutamic acid to lysine substitution at amino acid 17 (E17K) in the lipid-binding pocket of Akt1, localization of the mutant kinase to the plasma membrane, with consequent stimulation of downstream signaling and cell transformation [90]. Somatic inactivating mutations, deletions and gene silencing due to promoter hypermethylation have been described for PTEN in various malignancies (reviewed in [86]), including thyroid (see below), with the highest frequencies in endometrial carcinomas, glioblastomas and prostate cancer [91]. In addition,
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PTEN was identified as the susceptibility gene for two hamartoma syndromes: Cowden disease and Bannayan– Riley–Ruvalcaba (BRR) syndrome. Cowden disease is an autosomal dominant inherited cancer predisposition syndrome caused by germline loss-of-function mutations of PTEN [92] that leads to hamartomas of the skin, intestine, breast and thyroid, and increased risk of developing breast, thyroid and endometrial carcinomas [91]. Benign and malignant thyroid lesions occur in 50–75% of patients affected by the syndrome [93], with an up to 10% life-time risk of thyroid cancer and up to 50% life-time risk of breast cancer in affected females. The Bannayan–Riley–Ruvacalba (BRR) syndrome, a related congenital hamartoma syndrome characterized by macrocephaly, lipomatosis, hemangiomas and speckled penis, is also associated with germline PTEN mutations. PTEN is normally expressed at high levels in the skin, thyroid and central nervous system, i.e. tissues known to be involved in Cowden disease and BRR. Collectively, these findings establish the role of PTEN as a tumor suppressor gene that functions by suppressing PI3K/ Akt signaling [87, 88]. In addition to mutational activation of genes encoding effectors in the pathway, including those of oncoproteins that signal further upstream (EGFR, RET, NRTK, RAS, among many others), PI3K/Akt signaling is engaged in cancer cells by growth/survival factors and cytokines via their respective cell surface receptors. These data highlight the role of PI3K/Akt as a therapeutic target in human cancers.
Role of the PI3K/Akt/PTEN Pathway in Thyroid Cancer Pathophysiology There is substantial evidence linking the dysregulation of the PI3K/Akt/PTEN pathway with thyroid cancer pathophysiology. Mice with thyroid-targeted homozygous inactivation of PTEN develop diffuse euthyroid goiter, marked thyroid cell hyperproliferation, and, in the long term, adenomatous nodules or follicular adenomas, but not cancer [94]. Thyrocyte mitotic activity was not further increased by goitrogens, suggesting that TSH and constitutive PI3K/ Akt signaling may use common, rather than parallel, effector pathways. The evidence that PI3K/Akt/PTEN pathway activation leads to increased thyrocyte proliferation, but not cancer development, indicates that other cooperating genetic events are required for malignant transformation. In human thyroid carcinomas, somatic activating PIK3CA mutations within the helical (exon 9) and the kinase (exon 20) domains were found in 23% of ATCs, 8% of well-differentiated follicular, and 2% of welldifferentiated papillary carcinomas [13]. In ATC cases showing a co-existing focus of differentiated carcinoma, the PIK3CA mutations were restricted to the ATC component [13], suggesting that they were acquired late in the natural history of the tumor and played a role in tumor progression. Moreover, copy number gains of PIK3CA and PIK3CB
have been reported in FTCs and ATCs. AKT1 mutations have also recently been reported in thyroid cancer [79]. In human thyroid tissue, increased levels of total and phosphorylated Akt, compared with normal tissue, were identified in FTCs [95] and PTCs [96], with higher pAkt immunoreactivity in regions of capsular invasion [96]. These findings suggest that PI3K/Akt activity may be particularly important for thyroid cancer invasiveness and disease progression. Accordingly, increased Akt activity was associated with increased metastatic potential in a mouse model of FTC [97]. In addition to Cowden’s syndrome, where germline inactivating mutations in PTEN confer predisposition to follicular thyroid carcinomas, loss of PTEN activity plays a role in sporadic thyroid carcinomas as well. Intragenic PTEN mutations are rare, particularly in well-differentiated thyroid cancers, yet loss of heterozygosity (LOH) at the PTEN locus is seen in up to one fourth of follicular adenomas [98]. Furthermore, decreased expression of the PTEN protein, possibly occurring through promoter hypermethylation, is common in ATCs and less frequent in FTCs and PTCs samples [14]. Also, inappropriate subcellular compartmentalization of PTEN, favoring cytoplasmic sequestration instead of nuclear localization, may interfere with its activity. In summary, based on genetic evidence, overactivation of PI3K/Akt appears to be an early event in FTCs, while it occurs later in PTC and ATCs [79, 99]. Loss of PTEN appears to be mutually exclusive with PIK3CA mutations or amplification in sporadic thyroid carcinomas [14, 100], in a way that is reminiscent of the mutual exclusiveness of RET/ PTC, RAS and BRAF genetic events [9]. This finding indicates that one genetic event along the PI3K/Akt/PTEN pathway is probably adequate to provide the cancer cell with the benefits of an activated pathway. However, mutations of genes encoding PI3K/Akt/PTEN proteins frequently coexist with RET/PTC-RAS-BRAF-MEK-MAPK pathway activating mutations, suggesting that these two major signaling cascades can cooperate in thyroid carcinogenesis.
Role of the PI3K/Akt/PTEN Pathway in Clinical Management of Thyroid Cancer Cowden Disease In patients with Cowden disease, the projected lifetime risk of thyroid carcinoma is 10% [101], while the risk of benign thyroid adenomas is even higher, up to 75% [93]. It is not known if these carcinomas have a different prognosis or appear at a younger age in Cowden disease than in the general population. As a result, there are no published guidelines for management of a thyroid nodule in Cowden disease, and, presumably, it should be the same as for a sporadic nodule. However, due to multicentricity and the increased risk of recurrence or progression to follicular carcinoma, total thyroidectomy has been advocated even for those nodules that are known to be adenomas [102]. This
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recommendation was based on expert opinion, as there are no clinical trials addressing this issue. Although no specific recommendations for thyroid cancer surveillance in patients with known Cowden disease have been published, a baseline thyroid ultrasound at age 18 has been proposed, to be repeated every 1 to 2 years or as symptoms warrant [101, 102]. Again, this recommendation is based on expert opinion only. Moreover, although no specific guidelines for screening for Cowden disease in patients with thyroid cancer have been published, it would be reasonable to consider this possibility in young patients with apparently sporadic FTC, especially if multifocal, even in the absence of family history or other syndromic components, and refer for genetic counseling. PI3K/Akt Pathway Inhibitors As the PI3K/Akt pathway plays a very important role in cancer pathophysiology and progression, there are intense ongoing preclinical and clinical research efforts to identify inhibitors of this pathway that can be applicable as anticancer agents. Approaches under investigation include direct PI3K or Akt enzymatic inhibitors, inhibitors of heat shock protein-90 (Hsp90; a molecular chaperone that interacts with a wide range of client proteins, including Akt, and is critical for maintenance of proper Akt conformation and function), and inhibitors of downstream signaling, such as the mTOR inhibitors rapamycin (sirolimus), CCI-779 (temsirolimus) and RAD001 (everolimus) [86]. Temsirolimus has demonstrated activity against advanced renal cell carcinoma and is approved by FDA for this indication. The mTOR pathway is a very important, albeit only one of many, downstream effector of Akt signaling, and it is encouraging that interfering with just one Akt effector is enough to yield anticancer activity. Interestingly, mTOR has been reported to be the key effector of PI3K/Akt signaling in the thyroid follicular epithelium [103], further supporting its importance as a therapeutic target in thyroid carcinoma.
p53 The “guardian of the genome” p53 (encoded by the TP53 gene on chromosome 17p53) is a pleiotropic stress sensor that normally induces cell cycle arrest, senescence and/or apoptosis, via transcriptional and non-transcriptional mechanisms, in response to diverse noxious stimuli. Somatic TP53 mutations disrupting its activity are present in 50% of human tumors. However, it has been proposed that most human cancer cells harbor a defect in the p53 pathway, such as dysregulation of upstream regulators or downstream targets [104]. A defective p53 pathway can contribute to carcinogenesis, disease progression and resistance to anticancer therapy. In thyroid carcinomas, p53 mutations are rare or completely absent (0–9%) in well-differentiated carcinomas
[15], including those that are radiation-related, but very common in poorly differentiated (17–38%) and anaplastic carcinomas (67–88%) [8, 15]. Therefore, it appears that in the course of thyroid carcinogenesis, TP53 mutations are a late event and are associated with tumor progression and a more aggressive phenotype. Introduction of a wild type p53 expression vector in undifferentiated thyroid carcinoma cell lines harboring endogenous p53 mutations results in re-expression of thyroid peroxidase, thyroglobulin and TSHR [105], growth arrest, apoptosis and increased sensitivity to chemotherapeutic agents, highlighting the opportunity for p53-based therapy for poorly differentiated and anaplastic thyroid carcinomas in the future.
-catenin and the APC pathway The -catenin protein, encoded by CTNNB1 on chromosome 3p22-21.3, functions in both cell adhesion and transcription. It binds to the intracellular domain of cadherins, which are single-transmembrane calcium-dependent adhesion receptors and, via -catenin, links them to actin and the cytoskeleton to form adherens junctions (AJ). -catenin is also a key component of the Wnt signaling pathway, which is crucial during embryonal development and also activated in various human cancers. It can also serve as a co-activator of the lymphoid enhancer factor (LEF)/TCF family of transcription factors in the nucleus [106], through which it can induce expression of several transcripts involved in cell proliferation, such as cyclin D1 and myc [107, 108]. The expression and transcriptional activity of -catenin is constitutively down-regulated by proteasomal degradation. A multicomponent complex, containing APC (encoded by the Adenomatous Polyposis Coli gene, which is inactivated in familial adenomatous polyposis [FAP]) and axin, binds -catenin and recruits two kinases, glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK) and casein kinase I, that phosphorylate -catenin on N-terminal serines and a threonine, targeting it for polyubiquitination and degradation by the proteasome. The Wnt signaling pathway stabilizes -catenin by inhibiting its phosphorylation by GSK-3 and its subsequent proteosomal degradation, allowing -catenin to translocate to the nucleus and function as a Wnt effector [109]. In normal cells, -catenin is mostly bound to cell membrane cadherins at adherens junctions, thus fulfilling its essential role in cell adhesion, and remaining sequestered away from the nucleus and its growth-promoting role. The small free cytoplasmic -catenin pool is prevented from entering the nucleus via rapid degradation by the proteasome with the help of the GSK3–axin–APC complex, unless protected via Wnt signaling. The nuclear localization and transcriptional growth-promoting activity of -catenin can be enhanced when its binding to cadherin is abolished (e.g. due to decreased cadherin expression), or when GSK3–axin–APC-mediated
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targeting for degradation is defective (e.g. by inactivating mutations in APC, or by -catenin mutations that disrupt phosphorylation sites and lead to protein stabilization), or by an overactive Wnt pathway [106]. Germline mutations in the APC gene are responsible for familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) and its variant, Gardner syndrome (which includes phenotypic variants of FAP with additional extracolonic symptoms, such as mandibular osteomas, desmoid tumors, epidermoid cysts, subcutaneous fibromas, duodenal tumors and, rarely, thyroid carcinomas) [110]. E-cadherin expression is high in normal thyroid tissue, but decreased in undifferentiated thyroid carcinomas [111], possibly due to gene promoter methylation and silencing. -catenin mutations, leading to nuclear localization of the protein, are present in poorly differentiated (up to 25%) and anaplastic (up to 65%) carcinomas but not in well-differentiated tumors [8, 16, 112]. Thus, both loss of E-cadherin expression and acquisition of -catenin mutations appear to be associated with thyroid carcinoma dedifferentiation and disease progression [8]. Mutations of APC in sporadic thyroid carcinomas are rare [113], and the role of germline APC mutations in thyroid carcinogenesis remains undetermined. Papillary thyroid carcinomas have been reported to occur in FAP/Gardner syndrome with a 100- to 160-fold higher relative risk, at least in women, than in unaffected individuals [114]. The tumors are often multicentric, bilateral and occur preferentially in young females. They have peculiar histological features, described as the cribriform-morular variant of papillary carcinoma [8, 114]. It is unclear whether the cribriform-morular variant can exist in a sporadic form or is always associated with germline APC mutations. PTCs from patients with FAP have a higher frequency of somatic RET/PTC mutations [115]. This is of interest in view of the recent demonstration that Ret activation is associated with -catenin nuclear localization [116], pointing to a possible mechanism whereby co-existing germline APC defects may cooperate with somatic RET mutations to promote tumorigenesis. Despite the markedly increased incidence of thyroid carcinoma in patients with FAP/Gardner syndrome, there are currently no guidelines recommending regular screening, other than physical exam, for thyroid carcinoma in these patients. However, it is reasonable to make recommendations for the reverse scenario, i.e. the diagnosis of an apparently sporadic cribriform thyroid carcinoma in a young patient should be followed by a colonoscopy and referral to a genetics counselor for evaluation for possible FAP/Gardner syndrome [110].
PPAR Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (encoded by the PPARG gene, located on chromosome 3p25) is a nuclear receptor involved in adipose cell differentiation
and function, glucose and lipid metabolism, inflammation, cell cycle control and apoptosis [117], and is the major functional receptor for the thiazolidinedione class of insulin-sensitizing drugs [117]. A chromosomal rearrangement t(2;3)(q13;p25), resulting in expression of a fusion protein consisting of the DNA binding domain of the thyroid transcription factor PAX8 to the majority of the coding sequence of PPAR has been identified in a subset of human thyroid follicular carcinomas (~50%), follicular thyroid adenomas (FTAs) and follicular variant PTCs (FVPTCs) [17]. The incidence appears to be higher in follicular carcinomas from patients with a history of radiation exposure. The PAX8-PPARG rearrangement results in a chimeric gene product that inhibits thiazolidinedione-induced transactivation by wild type PPAR in a dominant negative manner [17] and has oncogenic properties. However, a subsequent study has challenged this mechanism of action, and instead showed that PAX8-PPAR disrupts normal transcriptional regulation of genes regulated by wild type PAX8, as well as PPAR, but does so in a context dependent fashion, so that some genes are regulated by the fusion protein, whereas others are not [118]. This is supported by expression profiling studies of human thyroid cancers with the PAX8-PPAR translocation, in which several transcriptional targets of PPAR were found to be upregulated compared to FTC not harboring the rearrangement [119]. There is in vitro evidence that treatment with thiazolidinediones can induce redifferentiation, growth arrest and/or apoptosis in thyroid carcinoma cells [120]. However, so far there is no clinical data supporting a direct anticancer activity of thiazolidinediones in patients with thyroid carcinoma. The thiazolidinedione rosiglitazone has been reported to induce radioiodine uptake in some patients with radioiodinenegative differentiated thyroid cancer, although the actual clinical benefit from this remain to be established [121].
Concluding remarks The clinical value of genetic screening for individuals at risk for development of MEN2 is firmly established, and represents one of the major triumphs of genetic medicine. There are no clear guidelines and insufficient data to make recommendations for the timing and the overall appropriateness of surveillance and/or screening tests for thyroid cancer in other genetic diseases associated with an increased predisposition to develop this disease, such as Cowden’s disease and FAP/Gardner’s syndrome. The genotyping of cancers for somatic mutations is feasible, and can be done rapidly and economically. Although there is as yet no established clinical role for this in thyroid cancer, in our view this is likely to change in the near future, in light of the evidence that tumors with specific oncogenic defects respond preferentially to certain anticancer drugs.
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C hap ter
Genetics of Hyperparathyroidism Including Parathyroid Cancer Andrew Arnold AND Kelly Lauter Center for Molecular Medicine and Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, University of Connecticut School of Medicine, Farmington, CT 06030-3101, USA
hyperplasia, is found (10–20%). More rarely, primary hyperparathyroidism is attributed to other causes such as parathyroid carcinoma (1%) or ectopic secretion of PTH from non-parathyroid tumors. Generally speaking, the large majority of patients with sporadic primary hyperparathyroidism are not known to carry a strong genetic predisposition, and with the exception of sporadic parathyroid carcinoma genetic diagnosis has no current role in this setting. Familial hyperparathyroidism is rare in comparison to sporadic disease; less than 10% of primary hyperparathyroidism is linked to heritable genetic causes [1, 2]. However, the genetic basis for several of these familial syndromes has been identified, and in these instances genetic testing can make important (and at times life-saving) contributions to patient/family management. In this chapter, we will focus on the following familial hyperparathyroid syndromes: hyperparathyroidism-jaw tumor syndrome (HPT-JT), familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia (FHH), neonatal severe hyperparathyroidism (NSHPT) and familial isolated hyperparathyroidism (FIHP). Two other important hyperparathyroid syndromes, multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) types 1 and 2, are the subjects of separate chapters. A summary of hyperparathyroid disorders and the genes known to be involved, either through acquired or germline mutation, is provided in Table 12.1.
The parathyroid glands function to maintain calcium homeostasis through secretion of parathyroid hormone (PTH). Parathyroid cells express a calcium-sensing receptor, CaSR, which has the ability to detect minute deviations in the extracellular concentration of ionized calcium, and trigger a corrective response in the amount of PTH released. For example, in defending against a lowering of serum calcium PTH secretion is increased, and the hormone acts in concert on multiple target organs to increase serum calcium. PTH increases bone turnover including resorption, releasing calcium into the circulation. PTH acts on the kidney to increase tubular reabsorption of calcium, and to increase phosphate loss. PTH also increases the activity of renal alpha-1-hydroxylase, which hydroxylates 25-OH-vitamin D to form 1-25-(OH)2-vitamin D, the active form of the vitamin. Active vitamin D induces increased calcium uptake in the intestine, and acts in a feedback loop with the parathyroid glands to decrease PTH synthesis and secretion. In primary hyperparathyroidism PTH secretion is increased and is no longer appropriately regulated by ambient calcium levels, resulting in hypercalcemia. Patients with this disorder may suffer from symptoms of hypercalcemia, and may manifest consequences of excessive PTH action including bone pain, increased bone resorption, osteopenia, fractures, hypercalciuria and nephrolithiasis. However, in the US and other parts of the world where serum calcium measurement is part of routine laboratory screening, the diagnosis is often made in individuals who have few symptoms or are actually asymptomatic. Primary hyperparathyroidism is typically caused by abnormal proliferation of one or more parathyroid glands. A solitary benign parathyroid adenoma is the most common pathologic basis for the biochemical diagnosis (85%), and less frequently multigland disease, i.e. primary parathyroid Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
Hyperparathyroidism-jaw tumor syndrome (HPT-JT), HRPT2 and parathyroid carcinoma Introduction Hyperparathyroidism-jaw tumor syndrome (HPT-JT) is an autosomal dominant condition which results from mutation of the HRPT2 (CDC73) tumor suppressor gene [3]. HPT-JT 141
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Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders Table 12.1 Genetics of sporadic and familial hyperparathyroidism
Parathyroid disorder
Gene(s) involveda
Sporadic parathyroid adenoma Sporadic parathyroid carcinoma
Cyclin D1; MEN1 [somatic] HRPT2 [somatic and germline] MEN1 CDKN1B RET HRPT2 CASR; unidentified genes linked to 19p and 19q
MEN1 MEN4 MEN2 HPT-JT Familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia (FHH) and Neonatal severe hyperparathyroidism (NSHPT) Familial isolated hyperparathyroidism (FIHP)
MEN1; HRPT2; CASR; unidentified gene linked to chr2p13.3-14
Germline mutations unless otherwise indicated.
includes a predisposition to parathyroid tumors, ossifying fibromas of the jaw, renal lesions such as bilateral cysts, harmatomas, or Wilms’ tumors and possibly uterine adenomas [1, 2]. Hyperparathyroidism occurs with about 80% penetrance in HPT-JT. All parathyroid cells are at risk for tumor development over the individual’s lifespan, and tumors might arise in multiple glands simultaneously, or asynchronously in one gland at a time over many years. Other distinctive features of the hyperparathyroidism in carriers of HRPT2 germline mutations include a tendency to develop cystic parathyroid adenomas [4] and, importantly, a markedly increased risk of parathyroid carcinoma (10–20%). Parathyroid carcinoma can be difficult to distinguish from benign adenoma on purely histological grounds, and its unequivocal diagnosis requires the presence of local invasion into surrounding tissues and/or distant metastasis [5–7]. Histologic features frequently present in parathyroid carcinoma, but insufficient for its diagnosis, include cytologic atypia, nuclear pleomorphism, capsular invasion, fibrous bands and mitoses. Early surgical treatment by en bloc resection is necessary to cure parathyroid carcinoma, since metastatic disease is very difficult to control and usually results in death from hypercalcemia and metabolic complications. As described below, the association of parathyroid carcinoma with HPT-JT led to the discovery of the role of HRPT2 mutation in sporadic, as well as familial, parathyroid carcinoma.
Genetic Pathophysiology The HRPT2 gene, located on chromosome region 1q25-q32, encodes a 531 amino acid nuclear protein termed parafibromin. A nuclear localization signal resides at amino acids 136–139 [8, 9]. Human parafibromin has homology to the
yeast cdc73 protein, and has been shown to have an analogous function, interacting with Paf1, Leo1, Ctr9 and RNA polymerase II in the Paf1 complex to play a role in transcript elongation and 3' end processing [10]. Parafibromin downregulation promotes the S phase of the cell cycle, consistent with its role as a tumor suppressor gene [11, 12]. Despite these insights, precisely how the loss of parafibromin function leads to parathyroid cell transformation and the other manifestations of HPT-JT remains to be understood. Most germline mutations in HPT-JT kindreds are predicted to inactivate or eliminate parafibromin, and examples of inactivating somatic mutations in the remaining allele were found in HPT-JT-associated tumors [3]. This pattern of biallelic inactivating mutation suggested a classical tumor suppressor function for HRPT2, consistent with Knudson’s two-hit model [13]. HRPT2 mutations have been detected in about 70% of kindreds with HPT-JT, typical of a tumor suppressor syndrome, the assumption being that most if not all the remaining families have mutations in the same gene but escape detection because the usual sequencing strategy is limited to the coding exons. No HPT-JT families are known to show linkage to loci other than the 1q region in which HRPT2 lies. In addition, typical for a tumor suppressor and reflecting the numerous ways in which a gene can become inactivated, mutations are dispersed throughout HRPT2 without any specific hot spot. The familial predilection to parathyroid carcinoma in HPT-JT led to investigation of the hypothesis that acquired (somatic) mutation of the HRPT2 gene might participate in the pathogenesis of sporadic, non-familial parathyroid carcinomas. Not only were somatic HRPT2 gene mutations found in sporadic carcinomas [14, 15], indicating that they confer a strong selective advantage leading to parathyroid cell malignancy, but these mutations were detected with an impressively high frequency of 75% [14–16]. Again, because many tumors would be expected to harbor HRPT2 gene mutations that would have been missed with the current sequencing strategies, it is likely that virtually all para thyroid carcinomas are driven by HRPT2 mutation. Importantly, a subset of patients with apparently sporadic parathyroid carcinoma were unexpectedly found to harbor germline, heritable mutations in HRPT2 gene [14]. Such patients may have de novo mutations or otherwise represent newly discovered but phenotypically classical HPT-JT, or they may represent a distinct phenotypic variant with unknown penetrance of parathyroid carcinoma. This discovery that relatives of patients with apparently sporadic parathyroid carcinoma can themselves be at risk for parathyroid malignancy by inheriting an HRPT2 gene mutation has provided a new indication for genetic testing.
Diagnosis Genetic Testing and Interpretation Direct sequencing of the full coding region of the HRPT2 gene is the standard approach to DNA mutational testing.
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Typical for a tumor suppressor gene, there is no focused hot spot for detectable mutations within the gene, and therefore, the entire gene must be analyzed when the mutation is not already known. As noted above, a negative result in a potential proband is not conclusive, given that even among typical HPT-JT kindreds a false-negative rate of about 30% exists. Thus, in the setting of a negative DNA sequencing result a search for relevant phenotypic traits (e.g. using jaw imaging, renal ultrasound) can be especially valuable, and appropriate surveillance for development of hyperparathyroidism should receive consideration taking pretest likelihood into account. A negative test result provides more valuable information in an asymptomatic relative in a family with a known mutation, since the absence of that specific mutation would indicate that the individual did not inherit the predisposing allele. A list of resources and laboratories that perform HRPT2 DNA testing is available at HRPT2 gene sequencing can be considered in probands with known or suspected familial HPT-JT or familial isolated hyperparathyroidism (described below), as well as patients who present with apparently sporadic carcinoma. Testing of the latter is indicated in most instances because of the known presence of otherwise unsuspected germline mutations in a substantial minority of these individuals [14]. Knowledge that an individual bears a germline mutation of HRPT2 has important implications. In a phenotypically classical HPT-JT kindred, identification of the proband’s mutation, enables family members to be easily and less expensively genotyped for the presence or absence of that specific mutation, since only that region must be sequenced to determine if the diseased allele was inherited. Asymptomatic relatives found not to carry the mutation can be spared ongoing surveillance for parathyroid malignancy. Asymptomatic, normocalcemic relatives who do carry the mutation can be monitored in a surveillance program that includes regular testing for the development of biochemical primary hyperparathyroidism, directing early surgical treatment to cure or prevent malignant parathyroid neoplasia. Similar considerations apply in the situation of suspected or clear familial isolated hyperparathyroidism in which an HRPT2 gene mutation is uncovered, or in relatives of mutation-positive patients with sporadic parathyroid carcinoma. Additionally, in the latter two settings, treatment of a proband already affected with hyperparathyroidism can be altered by a positive genotype as described below, related to the recognition that all parathyroid tissue in such individuals remains at increased risk for new tumor development. Prenatal or preimplantation testing is possible in the setting of a known familial HRPT2 gene mutation. However, issues related to this possibility – including the likelihood that mortality from parathyroid cancer in mutation carriers could be largely eliminated by surveillance and early surgery – would need to be factored into these considerations. There
are no reports of such testing to date, and its use appears to be rare. Another potential role for HRPT2 DNA testing would be in the diagnosis of parathyroid carcinoma, particularly in sporadic presentations. In this instance the idea would be to examine parathyroid tumor tissue for somatic mutations, which are highly specific to parathyroid cancer as opposed to sporadic benign adenomas [17]. In practical terms, the value of such testing would likely be primarily for so-called “atypical parathyroid adenomas” which are diagnostically equivocal, containing some cancer-associated features while failing to meet the strict criteria for diagnosis of carcinoma. This possibility requires further study before its clinical utility can be said to be established. Similarly, studies have been directed at using immunohistochemical assessment of parafibromin expression as a surrogate marker for HRPT2 gene mutation, for the same diagnostic purpose [18–20]. Again, the clinical utility of this approach remains under investigation.
Treatment A positive test which uncovers a germline mutation in the HRPT2 gene in a normocalcemic, phenotypically unaffected member of an HPT-JT or FIHP kindred, or relative of a patient with sporadic parathyroid carcinoma, would indicate the need for steps to prevent mortality from para thyroid carcinoma. The best ways to accomplish this are under discussion, but most would agree with a recommendation of careful surveillance by monitoring PTH and calcium levels every 6–12 months. It should be emphasized that in the interpretation of such surveillance testing, a low threshold should be maintained for acting upon biochemical results that suggest the development of primary hyperpara thyroidism, and a low threshold for moving to parathyroid surgery if such results are confirmed. The reported presence of biochemically nonfunctional parathyroid carcinoma in a family with an HRPT2 gene mutation has led to consideration of whether diagnostic imaging studies should also be part of a surveillance program [21]. Surgical treatment must be thorough given the malignant potential of parathyroid neoplasms in individuals with HRPT2 germline mutation, the fact that all parathyroid tissue is at risk, and that initial complete resection offers the best chance to prevent mortality from metastatic disease. However, the approach should also take into account that most parathyroid tumors in HPT-JT are benign. Therefore, the recommended approach to parathyroid surgery in HRPT2 gene mutation-positive patients is quite different from that often taken for typical sporadic hyperparathyroidism. For the latter group, in which a solitary benign adenoma is the most common finding, a focused minimally invasive parathyroidectomy is often used. In contrast, mutation-positive patients should have a bilateral neck exploration, with the goal of identifying all parathyroid glands. Any gland that appears abnormal should be removed,
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
en bloc. Whether to also resect normal-appearing glands, which all carry the genetic potential to give rise to parathyroid cancers in the future, has been the subject of some discussion. At this time, we favor leaving the normal glands in situ, possibly tagging them to facilitate identification in a subsequent operation. This suggestion is influenced by: (a) the well known difficulties faced by patients contending with currently available lifelong replacement therapy for hypoparathyroidism; (b) the fact that the majority of mutation-positive individuals would not be expected to ever develop metastatic parathyroid disease; and (c) the likelihood (still to be proven) that an ongoing program of careful surveillance and, when needed, repeat surgery, would continue to identify tumors early enough to effectively prevent death from parathyroid malignancy. As discussed above, a negative DNA mutation result in a proband does not rule out the condition, so the same approach to surveillance and surgery can be appropriate when there is sufficient clinical suspicion of an HRPT2 gene mutation, even if a mutation was not detected or if DNA testing was not performed. Genetic counseling for those with HRPT2 gene mutations should focus on the potential for malignant parathyroid carcinoma, while also reassuring the individual that benign adenoma is the more common pathology in HPT-JT. When appropriate, the importance of continued monitoring of serum calcium and PTH levels to diagnose parathyroid disease promptly and minimize the potential for metastatic spread should be emphasized. Involvement of an experienced endocrinologist and endocrine surgeon is strongly advised.
Familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia (FHH) and neonatal severe hyperparathyroidism (NSHPT) Introduction In the parathyroid glands, CaSR detects extracellular calcium, responding to low levels by signaling to increase PTH release. Alternatively, when serum calcium is high, increased CaSR activation signals to diminish PTH secretion. Inactivating mutation of CASR is the primary cause of familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia (FHH) and neonatal severe hyperparathyroidism (NSHPT) [22, 23]. Activating mutations of CASR are responsible for autosomal dominant hypoparathyroidism (or autosomal dominant hypo calcemia). Interestingly, CASR gene mutations have been documented as playing a role in a small fraction, on the order of 10%, of familial isolated hyperparathyroidism cases (see discussion below). One such case revealed a mutation in the cytoplasmic tail of CaSR that resulted in a syndrome with hypercalcemia, hypercalciuria and large parathyroid glands, removal of which effectively treated the hypercalcemia [24]. Due to its major role in FHH and
NSHPT, the CASR gene has been examined in parathyroid adenomas, carcinomas and hyperplasias, and the lack of observed somatic mutations implies that it doesn’t commonly drive tumorigenesis in these disorders [25]. FHH is an autosomal dominant condition involving elevated serum calcium levels, lower than expected urine calcium levels and elevated or inappropriately non-suppressed PTH levels. The fractional excretion of calcium, determined by the ratio of calcium clearance to creatinine clearance, is typically less than 1%. In one population, the prevalence of FHH was measured to be 1 in 78,000 [26]. Typically, individuals with FHH do not have notable symptoms of hypercalcemia. This is probably indicative of the fact that CaSR plays a role in many other organ systems, and that its inactivation leads to decreased sensitivity to the hypercalcemic state. Also, the syndrome does not generally share the same pathology, e.g. in bone, as found in typical primary hyperparathyroidism. Importantly, parathyroid surgery is not beneficial in most cases of FHH, given the benign nature of the syndrome, combined with the fact that hypercalcemia will persist after subtotal parathyroidectomy; in addition, permanent hypocalcemia, itself an undesirable outcome, will occur if all parathyroid tissue is removed. NSHPT is characterized by highly elevated serum calcium and PTH. In marked contrast to FHH, NSHPT is typically lethal or has devastating developmental consequences if treatment with total parathyroidectomy is not performed early in life. NSHPT results from homozygosity for inactivating mutations of the CASR gene, or rarely, mutation of one allele which plays a dominant negative role.
Genetic Pathophysiology Inactivating mutation of the CASR gene causes impairment of the parathyroid glands’ ability to sense serum calcium. Therefore, PTH levels are inappropriately normal or slightly elevated at high concentrations of calcium. Similar insensitivity at the level of the kidney leads to increased calcium reabsorption and relative hypocalciuria. The calcium sensing receptor is a seven-transmembrane domain G-protein coupled receptor which can sense extracellular calcium levels and signal to influence cellular activity. CaSR has three main domains, a hydrophilic extracellular domain with glycosylation sites, a seven transmembrane domain and a cytoplasmic hydrophilic domain at the C-terminus [23]. Acidic amino acids in the extracellular domain are suspected to interact with calcium ions. The cytoplasmic domain contains three apparent protein kinase C phosphorylation sites. CaSR is expressed in many tissues and cell types, including the parathyroid glands, kidney, gastrointestinal tract, placenta, pancreas, brain, osteoblasts and osteoclasts. Numerous CASR mutations have been documented throughout the gene. A list of known CASR mutations is maintained at In FHH and
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NSHPT, CASR is inactivated by the respective gene mutations; types of mutations documented include nonsense, insertion, deletion, missense and splice site changes. Because of the diverse nature of the mutations, genetic testing involves sequencing of all six coding exons and splice sites of the gene. Autosomal dominant hypocalcemia can be conceptualized as the opposite of FHH and NSHPT, since it results from activating mutation in the CASR gene, and is briefly addressed below.
Diagnosis Genetic Testing and Interpretation DNA testing for CASR gene mutations is often unnecessary since the diagnosis of FHH can usually be made clinically. However, in some unusual presentations, it can be useful to have knowledge of the mutational status of the CASR gene. FHH may be diagnosed in a family based on testing for the pattern of hypercalcemia among multiple adults and children. The degree of hypercalcemia in FHH is similar to that observed in typical primary hyperparathyroidism. Diagnosis of FHH is aided by the high penetrance of hypercalcemia, essentially 100%, in all age groups including neonates. Hypercalcemia in the first decade of life is routinely present in FHH, while its presence in other forms of familial hyperparathyroidism is exceedingly rare. Assessment for relative hypocalciuria in hypercalcemic individuals is important in the clinical diagnosis, especially when few family members (and no children) are affected or available for testing. This assessment is best performed by calculating the ratio of calcium clearance to creatinine clearance, which is usually less than 0.01 in FHH but greater than 0.01 in typical primary hyperparathyroidism. However, the discrimination of this cutoff value is imperfect [27, 28] and subject to overlap. False positive values can also result from other causes of hypercalcemia with relative hypocalciuria, such as use of lithium or thiazide diuretics. Mutation of CASR is the molecular basis in most families with FHH, evidenced by detectable mutations and/or linkage to chromosome 3q [23]. Mutation in at least two other genes, still unidentified, can also cause the FHH phenotype, albeit rarely, evidenced by linkage in these families to chromosome 19p or 19q. Even among FHH kindreds linked to 3q, CASR gene mutations are not detected in about 30%. This false negative rate is substantial but not unexpected, because inactivating mutations would be anticipated to occur occasionally in the non-coding regions, which are not usually included in clinical DNA testing; large DNA deletions encompassing one CASR allele would also often escape detection. Thus, the use of CASR gene mutation testing is limited because of its expense, the success of clinical diagnosis in many instances, and its substantial false negative rate. Settings where CASR gene testing can be particularly useful include individuals with features suggestive of FHH (e.g. young age, hyperparathyroidism with relative hypocalciuria) but without adequate family members
available for assessment and familial isolated hyperparathy roidism (see next section), in which a CASR gene mutation can sometimes be found to cause atypical presentations of FHH. The main utility of genetic testing in FHH is that proper diagnosis enables parathyroid surgery to be avoided, but again, the diagnosis can often be made without mutation testing. Prenatal testing for CASR gene mutations is technically possible, but its potential utility is quite limited and reports of its use are scarce. A list of laboratories that perform CASR DNA testing is available at
Treatment As described above, the major treatment implication of FHH is that surgical parathyroidectomy should generally be avoided. Even in individuals and families with atypicallypresenting CASR gene mutation, such as isolated primary hyperparathyroidism without relative hypocalciuria, the same cautionary note regarding the futility of parathyroid surgery appears to be relevant. Exceptions include rare cases in which the CASR gene mutation exists in the context of familial hyperparathyroidism and hypercalciuria; in such instances, parathyroidectomy can correct the biochemical abnormalities [24]. NSHPT is a clinical diagnosis that mandates parathyroidectomy in the first few weeks of life, and DNA testing would usually not be central to immediate management. Genetic counseling regarding CASR gene mutation testing should include the relative value of clinical versus DNA testing, noting the false negative rate of about 30%. Additionally, genetic counseling should include conversation about NSHPT, and the fact that it can arise from homozygosity for a CASR gene mutation, usually in the setting of consanguinity although compound heterozygotes have been reported [29].
Autosomal dominant hypoparathyroidism Although obviously not a form of hyperparathyroidism, autosomal dominant hypoparathyroidism (ADH) is briefly discussed here because of its conceptual and molecular identity as the inverse of FHH. Accordingly, individuals with ADH have heterozygous activating mutations of CASR, causing heightened parathyroid cell sensitivity to extracellular calcium and impaired renal calcium reabsorption [29]. This results in mild or moderate hypocalcemia, which is often asymptomatic, and serum PTH levels that are inappropriately normal or low. A strong tendency toward hypercalciuria exists, and urinary calcium excretion can be high despite the low filtered load. If the filtered load is increased by treating such individuals with calcium
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
and vitamin D, marked hypercalciuria can result with the risk of nephrolithiasis or nephrocalcinosis. Thus, an important therapeutic corollary is to reserve such treatment for symptomatic ADH, and keep dosages to the minimum needed for symptom relief rather than necessarily attempting to normalize serum calcium levels. Genetic testing for CASR mutation is an important consideration in evaluating patients with isolated hypoparathyroidism, especially given the heightened risk of renal complications from calcium/ calcitriol therapy in ADH. A negative mutation test does not, however, rule out ADH.
Familial isolated hyperparathyroidism Introduction Familial isolated hyperparathyroidism (FIHP) accounts for about 1% of all cases of primary hyperparathyroidism [1, 2]. FIHP is applied to familial syndromes of hyperparathyroidism that lack specific characteristics of the currently recognized syndromes, such as MEN1 or 2 A, HPT-JT, or FHH. Thus, it can be considered a diagnosis of exclusion. FIHP can occasionally represent a variant presentation of one of these recognized syndromes, but primarily FIHP appears to result from mutation in one or more still-unidentified genes, distinct from MEN1, RET, HRPT2, or CASR.
Genetic Pathophysiology FIHP can occasionally be a variant presentation of a recognized familial hyperparathyroid syndrome, evidenced by the detection of mutations in MEN1, CASR, or (more rarely) HRPT2 genes in minorities of FIHP kindreds [30–33]. Germline RET gene mutation virtually never presents as FIHP. The likelihood that the HRPT2 gene is responsible for FIHP is markedly increased when parathyroid tumors in the kindred have atypical or malignant features. Linkage analysis has identified a region of chromosome 2p13.3-14 which appears to be conserved amongst individuals in multiple Australian FIHP kindreds [33]. Two candidate genes in this region, PPP3R1 and PKR1, were sequenced, but mutations were not uncovered. Therefore, a putative FIHP predisposition gene on 2p remains to be identified. While the existence of genetic heterogeneity in FIHP is already clear, the number of causative genes awaiting identification is unknown.
Diagnosis Genetic Testing and Interpretation FIHP is a clinical diagnosis with underlying genetic heterogeneity. The development or recognition of a syndrome-associated condition in the kindred, for example pancreatic endocrine tumor or ossifying fibroma, can
change the presumptive diagnosis from FIHP to another syndrome such as MEN1 or HPT-JT. Often, however, there are few or no clinical hints to suggest one of the recognized syndromes. Because FIHP can be an occult presentation of MEN1, CASR, or HRPT2 gene mutation, testing for mutation of these genes can reasonably be considered or recommended given the potential differing management implications for index patient and family. In the large majority of families, however, no mutation will be found, and the expense of testing is substantial. Clinical or biochemical findings in an individual or family that suggest a known syndrome but are insufficient for its diagnosis can sometimes be used to prioritize or inform the order in which these genes are examined for mutations. For individuals or families with isolated hyperparathyroidism, features that might increase the likelihood of finding a syndromal mutation include multigland parathyroid disease, parathyroid cancer and early age of onset, e.g. in the first two decades. When a mutation is found in a proband, one benefit of DNA testing can be the ability to definitively rule out the disorder in clinically unaffected relatives and release them from the potential need for ongoing surveillance. A role for prenatal testing in FIHP has not been described, and will be quite limited given the factors described above. A list of resources and laboratories which perform genetic testing for the various genes currently recognized as involved in FIHP is available at
Treatment The treatment for FIHP should address the pathogenic parathyroid gland(s), typically through parathyroidectomy except in most cases of a CASR gene mutation. Special issues related to treatment of specific syndromes, variants of which can present as FIHP, are described above or in the separate chapter on MEN1. Appropriate follow-up will take into account the fact that all remaining parathyroid tissue bears the causative or predisposing germline mutation. Additionally, patients and physicians should be aware of the non-parathyroid components of the syndromes involving familial parathyroid disease.
Summary A small but important portion of cases of primary hyperparathyroidism are familial and associated with highly penetrant mutations. The target genes for these mutations, HRPT2, CASR, MEN1 and RET, have been implicated in causing HPT-JT, sporadic parathyroid carcinoma, FHH, NSHPT, MEN1 (discussed separately) and MEN2A (discussed separately). HRPT2, CASR and MEN1mutations can occasionally present as FIHP. RET gene testing in MEN2
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is a crucial and proven modality for preventing death from medullary thyroid carcinoma, although its role in managing hyperparathyroidism is much less important. Mutational testing for HRPT2, CASR and MEN1 genes can yield information important to clinical management which may improve morbidity and mortality in specific circumstances.
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31. J. Warner, M. Epstein, A. Sweet, et al., Genetic testing in familial isolated hyperparathyroidism: unexpected results and their implications, J. Med. Genet. 41 (3) (2004) 155–160. 32. W.F. Simonds, C.M. Robbins, S.K. Agarwal, et al., Familial isolated hyperparathyroidism is rarely caused by germline mutation in HRPT2, the gene for the hyperparathyroidism-jaw
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C hap ter
Genetic Diagnosis of Skeletal Dysplasias Benjamin Alman Division of Orthopaedic Surgery and Program in Developmental and Stem Cell Biology, Hospital for Sick Children, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
diagnostic laboratories for many of the skeletal dysplasias. The laboratories and the tests they perform are listed on a website funded in part by the NIH (http://www.geneclinics. org/). Clinical and radiographic findings are still the primary modalities to diagnose skeletal dysplasias, and molecular diagnostic tests are used to confirm the diagnosis. Skeletal dysplasia can be broadly classify by the function of the defective gene product disorders into genes that encode for proteins which play a role in regulating the normal developmental processes of growth plate chondrocytes and those that encode for matrix components [10].
There are hundreds of disorders in which there can be skeletal abnormalities. Skeletal dysplasias are a distinct group of these disorders in which the skeletal abnormality is caused by an intrinsic derangement in bone development. There are hundreds of additional disorders involving endocrine regulation which can affect the skeleton due to an extrinsic factor, such as in rickets, and the genetic diagnosis of these disorders are considered elsewhere in this book. Nearly 300 disorders are classified as skeletal dysplasia, most of which are single gene heritable disorders that are relatively rare. The large number of rare disorders has made classifications problematic. A working group developed an international classification to help define the clinical characteristics of the specific dysplasia and to aid in research into the genetic etiology of specific conditions. The classification has been modified to take the genetic etiology into account, as new knowledge was generated additional information about disease etiology. This classification is based primarily on clinical findings and relies heavily on radiographic features [1]. Over the last decades there have been substantial advances in understanding the underlying genetic abnormalities responsible for the majority of skeletal dysplasias [2]. The genetic cause for many of these disorders can be broadly grouped by the function of the protein product of the causative gene [3]. This type of classification is clinically useful, as many of the disorders caused by genes whose protein products have similar functions also share clinical characteristics. Grouping the skeletal dysplasias into such categories helps to narrow down the dysplasia into a limited number of working diagnoses. Despite advances in molecular etiology, clinical and radiographic findings can be used to make the diagnosis in many cases, or can be used to narrow the diagnosis to a small number of dysplasias. Molecular genetic tests are available from a number of Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
Growth plate chondrocyte regulatory genes The long bones form from a cartilaginous template that is replaced by bone, but until skeletal maturity cartilage persists at the ends of bone in the growth plate that is responsible for longitudinal bone growth. Many of the genes mutated in skeletal dysplasias encode proteins that play critical roles in the growth plate. An understanding of the role in growth plate function gives important clues into the molecular pathology of the skeletal dysplasia, and makes it easy to understand how a certain mutation causes a particular phenotype, as well as gives clues to the types of genes that might be mutated to cause a skeletal dysplasia phenotype [4]. During normal development, cells proliferate, differentiate, move and even undergo programmed cell death in a coordinated manner to allow proper patterning to ultimately form a normal adult. The limbs form from buds of mesoderm surrounded by ectodermal cells. The mesodermal cells differentiate to form the cartilaginous template of the long bones. Blood vessels invade the central portion 149
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Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
of the cartilaginous template and a primary ossification center forms. Secondary ossification centers form on each end of the bone, leaving cartilage at the ends of the bones that ultimately becomes the articular cartilage, and cartilage between the ossification regions that becomes the growth plate [5, 6]. Growth plate chondrocytes undergo a coordinated differentiation process, where cells on the epiphyseal side proliferate, and undergo hypertrophy and terminal differentiation. Terminal differentiation is associated with the expression of type X collagen, and cell death. New mesenchymal cells are brought adjacent to the metaphyseal side of the growth plate by blood vessels, producing new bone. It is through this process that bones that form by enchondral ossification increase in length. A variety of cell signaling pathways and matrix molecules play crucial roles in these developmental processes [7, 9]. As such, it is easy to see how mutations in the genes encoding for proteins that regulate this differentiation process would disrupt normal growth plate function and cause skeletal dysplasias. There are a number of genes whose protein products play crucial roles in cell differentiation or patterning. One way to categorize these genes is by the stage of growth plate chondrocyte development their protein product primarily regulates. While these factors may play roles in a variety of stages of growth plate chondrocyte development, they still have a predominant role in one region of the growth plate. This organization relates the specific gene function with its effect on the growth plate. Mutations in these genes that cause skeletal dysplasias can thus be linked to the changes noted in the growth plate in each specific disorder. Such an organization helps to determine the phenotype associated with a specific genotype (Fig. 13.1). A few representative genes will be discussed.
Early in limb development there are a number of factors required for the mesenchymal cells in the limb bud to transform to chondrocytes. One such factor is the transcription factor SOX-9 that is expressed in mesenchymal cells as they transform to chondrocytes. Studies in knockout mice show that this transcription factor is necessary for pleuripotential mesenchymal cells to become chondrocyte precursors. SOX-9 activates the expression of a variety of genes important in chondrocyte function, such as type two collagen. Fibroblast growth factor signaling plays an important role in a variety of growth plate chondrocyte functions, but has a major role regulating chondrocyte proliferation. There are a variety of fibroblast growth factor ligands and receptors expressed in the developing chondrocytes and the growth plate, suggesting that this signaling pathway is crucial to chondrocyte function. As the growth plate chondrocytes mature, parathyroid hormone related protein and Indian hedgehog act in a feedback loop regulating chondrocyte differentiation. Cells in the pre-hypertrophic zone of the growth plate express the secreted protein Indian hedgehog [11–13]. In the chick, where much of the work elucidating the feedback loop was performed, Indian hedgehog diffuses to the perichondrial cells surrounding the growth plate, resulting in the expression of parathyroid hormone related protein (PTHrP). PTHrP diffuses back to the growth plate chondrocytes, where it slows terminal differentiation and decreases the expression of Indian hedgehog. In this way, this pathway acts to tightly regulate the rate of growth plate chondrocyte development [8, 14]. There are a number of genes that play a role in the terminal differentiation of chondrocytes, the regulation of blood vessels in the metaphyseal side of the growth plate and the function of osteoblasts. One such gene, RUNX2, encodes a transcription factor which is critical for osteoblast function. Mice in which RUNX2 is knocked-out do not develop bone, and this transcription factor regulates the expression of a variety of genes important in osteoblast function, such as alkaline phosphatase. However, it also is expressed by chondrocytes, where it plays a role regulating terminal differentiation.
Figure 13.1 A diagrammatic representation of the growth plate and genes that play a role in growth plate chondrocytes and skeletal dysplasia. The proliferative zone is at the top, the hypertrophic zone is in the center and the zone of terminal differentiation of the growth plate at the bottom. Genes expressed in the various growth plate zones are listed on the left, while the associated skeletal dysplasia caused by a mutation in this gene is listed on the right.
Campomelic dysplasia is caused by mutations in SOX-9 [20]. In this condition, the bones are short and curved [21]. As predicted from the function of SOX-9 regulating early chondrocyte development, there is hypoplasia of all cartilage elements, resulting in small, misshapen bones (Fig. 13.2). The overall growth plate structure is grossly normal, but as expected, the size is smaller than anticipated. Interestingly, campomelic dysplasia is associated with sex reversal, in which the female external genitalia do not match the male genotype. SOX9 is also important in testis
C h a p t e r 1 3 Genetic Diagnosis of Skeletal Dysplasias l
Figure 13.2 Radiographic appearance of campomelic dysplasia. Typical radiographic appearance of the femur and tibia of a patient with campomelic dysplasia, showing short, curved, small bones.
development, and the mutation results in the default development of female genitalia. A heterozygous mutation is sufficient to cause the disease, thus making this a dominant mutation, despite earlier reports suggesting that campomelic dysplasia is a recessive disorder. Diagnostic tests are available for campomelic dysplasia from molecular labs and this can be used to confirm the diagnosis.
FGF-receptor Hypochondroplasia, achondroplasia and thanatophoric dysplasia are part of the achondroplasia group of disorders. Thanatophoric dysplasia has the most severe phenotype, being lethal within the first few hours of life. Despite the variability in severity, these are all caused by mutations in the fibroblast growth factor type three receptor [22]. Depending on the location of the mutation, a different severity of dysplasia is apparent. Interestingly, within each individual disorder, most patients have the same mutation. Achondroplasia is usually caused by a gly380-to-arg substitution, while in thanatophoric dysplasia there is a lys650-toglu substitution and in hypochondroplasia an asn540-to-lys substitution [23]. The fibroblast growth factor signaling pathway plays a role in chondrocyte proliferation, the phenotype is associated with changes consistent with deficient chondrocyte cell growth. The more severe phenotypes are associated with more severe disruption of FGF receptor function. Structures in which chondrocyte proliferation plays a greater role in development are more affected, giving rise to the typical rhizomelic shortening. These disorders are caused by a heterozygous mutation, and are thus dominant
Figure 13.3 Radiographic appearance of the pelvis in achondroplasia. Radiographic appearance of the pelvis showing a narrowing of the interpediculate distance of the caudal spine, and notch-like sacroiliac groove.
conditions [24]. Since the tibia normally grows more than the fibula, as such it is affected to a greater extent, causing the characteristic bowing deformity. Parts of the central skeleton that derive from cartilage are also preferentially affected, thus explaining the small foramen magnum (as the base of the skull develops from cartilage) and the progressively smaller distance between pedicles in the lumbar spine, as there is normally a larger cartilage template associated with more chondrocyte proliferation in the lower lumbar spine (Fig. 13.3). Molecular diagnostic tests for these disorders are available from several laboratories.
PTHrP-receptor The metaphyseal dysplasias are caused by mutations dysregulating the parathyroid hormone related protein receptor, or other genes encoding for proteins which regulate terminal differentiation of chondrocytes. Activating mutations of the receptor cause the Jansen form, while inactivating mutations cause the Blomstarnd form [25–28]. Mice deficient in the parathyroid hormone related receptor, PTHR1, demonstrate premature maturation of chondrocytes and accelerated bone formation, while mice expressing an activated receptor demonstrate decelerated conversion of proliferative chondrocytes into hypertrophic, with a prolonged presence of hypertrophic chondrocytes with delay of vascular invasion (Fig. 13.4). In both cases there is an expected alteration in the proportion of cells in the hypertrophic zone. Patients with Jansen metaphyseal dysplasia exhibit growth plate changes that are nearly identical to those in hyperparathyroidism, consistent with parathyroid hormone’s activation of
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
Matrix components
Figure 13.4 Radiographic appearance of the knees in metaphyseal dysplasia. Radiographic appearance showing an enlarged metaphysis and widened cupped physis. In a young, four-year-old, patient this is similar to rickets (A), while changes in the metaphysis in a 12-year-old show more distinctive changes (B).
the PTHR1 receptor. Both types of metaphyseal dysplasias are caused by dominant mutations in the receptors. Another related condition, multiple enchondromatosis (or Ollier disease) is also caused by a mutation in PTHR13. However, in this case, it results in portions of the growth plate cartilage being left behind in the metaphyseal portion of the bone, which go on to become enchondromas, with a relatively normal appearing growth plate architecture. Other genes whose protein products also regulate terminal differentiation can cause a metaphyseal dysplasia phenotype. Molecular genetic tests for the metaphyseal dysplasias are available.
RUNX2 Cleiodocranial dysplasia is caused by a mutation in the RUNX2 gene [29]. This is a transcription factor critical for osteoblast differentiation [30]. Genetically engineered mice deficient in RUNX2 also show a decreased number of hypertrophic chondrocytes, and have defects in mineralization of chondrocytes, showing a critical role in the terminal differentiation of chondrocytes [31]. The most obvious clinical feature of cleiodocranial dysplasia is the lack of formation of midline bones such as the clavicles. However, growth plate changes are also evident clinically, especially at the hip. Given the defect in terminal differentiation, it is not surprising that these patients develop coxa-vara, a condition that also arises in metabolic disorders altering growth plate chondrocyte terminal differentiation, such as primary hypoparathyroidism. In this condition, the growth plate “slips” through the zone of terminal differentiation, causing the typical radiographic manifestation of coxa-vara.
Given the importance of matrix components such as collagens in maintaining the mechanical properties of the cartilaginous portions of bones, it is not surprising that a mutation in a gene encoding one of these structural components could cause a skeletal dysplasia. The severity of the phenotype results in a site of mutation, with more severe phenotypes developing if the disruption produces a more abnormal protein product. Genes whose protein products play a role processing extracellular components can produce a similar phenotype as a mutation in an extracellular component itself. Type two collagen is a major collagen component of the extracellular matrix produced by chondrocytes [15–17]. It forms a triple helix network, with other smaller molecules interacting with the type two collagen fibers. Type nine collagen is one of these smaller molecule proteins that helps the type two collagen fibers form an appropriate threedimensional structure. Other proteins, such as cartilage oligomeric protein also are important in the organization of collagens. Cartilage oligomeric protein interacts with the collagen fibers, and may play a role in the propagation of fibrillogenesis. These proteins maintain type two collagen in its normal alignment and contribute to the ability of cartilage to withstand shear forces [18, 19] (Fig. 13.5). There are a large number of disorders classified as spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia. Several disorders in this group, including spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenital, Kniest dysplasia, Stickler syndrome and achondrogenesis are caused by mutations in type two collagen. As the primary structural collagen produced by chondrocytes, it is easy to see how this would produce a failure of growth plate function, and as such cause a skeletal dysplasia. Other structures, in which type two collagen is present, such as in the eye, can also show abnormalities. The degree of severity of the phenotype depends on the functional implication of the specific mutation, with mutations producing mild disruption of the protein structure producing a mild phenotype [32, 33]. Only one of the alleles of type two collagen needs to harbor the mutation to cause disease, and thus, these are autosomal dominant disorders. Although the genetic causes of other forms of spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia have been found, the precise role of the mutated gene product in normal function is not yet known. For example, a mutation in the SEDL gene causes X-linked spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia tarda. The function of the protein product of the SEDL gene is not yet known, but its subcellular localization suggests that it plays a role in intracellular trafficking. Individuals harboring a mutation in the SEDL gene inherit the condition in an X-linked manner. Type two collagen maintains the compressive forces in cartilage. As such, conditions associated with mutations in type two collagen have defects in the compressive forces cartilage can withstand. This explains the characteristic hip deformity in
C h a p t e r 1 3 Genetic Diagnosis of Skeletal Dysplasias l
Figure 13.5 Radiographic appearance of patients with mutations in type two collagen. There are a variety of appearances related to disease severity. In achondrogenesis in a stillborn infant (A) there is a lack of bone formation. Radiographs of the lower extremities in spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia (B) show broad metaphyses and epiphyses, especially of femurs and proximal tibias. Stickler syndrome (C), shows similar findings, but less severe.
This is an oligomeric protein that is also present in the cartilage extracellular matrix, and may play a similar role as other smaller extracellular matrix molecules. Only one of the alleles needs to be mutated in these genes to cause disease, and thus these are inherited in a dominant manner. Type nine collagen plays a role linking type two collagen fibers in the matrix, and maintaining the shear forces of cartilage. This explains the phenotype of early degenerative changes due the decreased ability of articular chondrocytes to withstand shear forces.
References Figure 13.6 Typical radiographic findings of multiple epiphyseal dysplasia. This shows delayed ossification of the epiphyses of the long tubular bones resembling bilateral Perthes’ disease, showing ivory (very dense) epiphyses.
which there is a varus femoral neck, and failure of the dens in the upper cervical spine to withstand compressive forces. Multiple epiphyseal dyplasia (Fig. 13.6) can be caused by mutations in the smaller matrix components such as type nine collagen and cartilage oligomeric protein. These molecules act to integrate the type two collagen fibers to produce their three-dimensional structure. Mutations in these genes result in a protein with loss of these functions. In general, the phenotype does not result in as widespread changes as for type two collagen mutations, presumably as these smaller molecules are not required to the same extent in all cartilaginous structures in the body. The gross appearance of the growth plate is normal. Recently, matrilin-3 has also shown to be mutated in multiple epiphyseal dysplasia.
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C hap ter
Vitamin D Disorders Michael F. Holick Department of Medicine, Section of Endocrinology, Nutrition, and Diabetes, Vitamin D, Skin and Bone Research Laboratory, Boston University Medical Center, Boston, MA, USA
of vitamin D. Vitamin D2 comes from the UVB irradiation of yeast. Vitamin D3 is made from 7-dehydrocholesterol obtained from sheep’s lanolin. Physiologic doses of vitamin D2 and vitamin D3 are equally effective in maintaining vitamin D status (D represents either D2 or D3) [2]. Vitamin D is biologically inert and requires hydroxylation on carbon 25 by vitamin D-25-hydroxylase to form the major circulating form of vitamin D, 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] (Fig. 14.1). This metabolite is also biologically inert and requires further activation in the kidneys on carbon 1 by the 25-hydroxyvitamin D-1-hydroxylase (cyp27B1; 1-OHase) to form 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D [1,25(OH)2D]. Vitamin D2 and vitamin D3 are metabolized in the liver and kidneys in a similar manner. 1,25(OH)2D interacts with its nuclear receptor, the vitamin D receptor (VDR), in the small intestine to increase the efficiency of intestinal calcium absorption. In a vitamin D deficient state the small intestine is able to absorb passively about 10–15% of dietary calcium. Vitamin D sufficiency enhances the absorption of calcium to 30–40% [1, 3]. 1,25(OH)2D also plays an important role in phosphorus metabolism by enhancing the efficiency of phosphorus absorption in the jejunum and ilium. The small intestine passively absorbs about 60% of dietary phosphate and vitamin D sufficiency increases it to about 80%. When there is adequate calcium and phosphorus in the diet, vitamin D is able to maintain serum calcium in a normal range of 8.6–10.2 mg/dl and the serum phosphorus level at 2.5–4.5 mg/dl. 1,25(OH)2D interacts with its receptor in the kidneys to enhance calcium and phosphate reabsorption. It is the calcium–phosphate product in the circulation and in the extravascular space that is critically important for the mineralization of osteoid laid down by osteoblasts. When dietary calcium is inadequate to maintain extracellular calcium concentrations 1,25(OH)2D interacts with its VDR in osteoblasts to increase the expression of receptor
Vitamin D is essential for bone health. It is responsible for maintaining calcium and phosphorus metabolism that results in the development and maintenance of a healthy skeleton. Genetic defects in the metabolism and recognition of vitamin D lead to alterations in calcium, phosphorus and bone metabolism. The severity of the bone disease associated with these genetic defects depends on the severity of the consequences of the genetic defect on calcium and phosphorus metabolism. In children there is often poor mineralization of the bone leading to classic rachitic changes in the skeleton. The skeletal deformities often progress throughout adulthood. The goal of this chapter is to provide a perspective on the causes and consequences of these genetic defects on calcium, phosphorus and bone metabolism and to provide treatment strategies.
Calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D metabolism Vitamin D is recognized as the “sunshine vitamin” because it is made in the skin during exposure to sunlight [1]. During exposure to sunlight the ultraviolet B photons are absorbed by 7-dehydrocholesterol in the epidermis and dermis resulting in the production of previtamin D3 (Fig. 14.1). Once formed in the plasma membrane of the skin cell it rapidly isomerizes to vitamin D3. Vitamin D3 is ejected out of the plasma membrane into the extracellular space where by diffusion it enters the dermocapillary bed for transport on the vitamin D binding protein (DBP) to the liver. Vitamin D coming from the diet is incorporated into the chylomicrons and absorbed into the lymphatic system which then enters into the venous blood supply. There are two forms Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
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Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
Figure 14.1 Schematic representation of the synthesis and metabolism of vitamin D for regulating calcium, phosphorus and bone metabolism. During exposure to sunlight 7-dehydrocholesterol in the skin is converted to previtamin D3. PreD3 immediately converts by a heat dependent process to vitamin D3. Excessive exposure to sunlight degrades previtamin D3 and vitamin D3 into inactive photoproducts. Vitamin D2 and vitamin D3 from dietary sources is incorporated into chylomicrons, transported by the lymphatic system into the venous circulation. Vitamin D (D represents D2 or D3) made in the skin or ingested in the diet can be stored in and then released from fat cells. Vitamin D in the circulation is bound to the vitamin D binding protein which transports it to the liver where vitamin D is converted by the vitamin D-25-hydroxylase to 25hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D]. This is the major circulating form of vitamin D that is used by clinicians to measure vitamin D status (although most reference laboratories report the normal range to be 20–100 ng/ml, the preferred healthful range is 30–60 ng/ml). It is biologically inactive and must be converted in the kidneys by the 25-hydroxyvitamin D-1-hydroxylase (1-OHase) to its biologically active form 1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D [1,25(OH)2D]. Serum phosphorus, calcium fibroblast growth factors (FGF-23) and other factors can either increase () or decrease () the renal production of 1,25(OH)2D. 1,25(OH)2D feedback regulates its own synthesis and decreases the synthesis and secretion of parathyroid hormone (PTH) in the parathyroid glands. 1,25(OH)2D increases the expression of the 25-hydroxyvitamin D-24-hydroxylase (24-OHase) to catabolize 1,25(OH)2D to the water soluble biologically inactive calcitroic acid which is excreted in the bile. 1,25(OH)2D enhances intestinal calcium absorption in the small intestine by stimulating the expression of the epithelial calcium channel (ECaC) and the calbindin 9 K (calcium binding protein; CaBP). 1,25(OH)2D is recognized by its receptor in osteoblasts causing an increase in the expression of receptor activator of NFB ligand (RANKL). Its receptor RANK on the preosteoclast binds RANKL which induces the preosteoclast to become a mature osteoclast. The mature osteoclast removes calcium and phosphorus from the bone to maintain blood calcium and phosphorus levels. Adequate calcium and phosphorus levels promote the mineralization of the skeleton. Copyright Holick 2007, reproduced with permission. See plate section.
activator of NFkB ligand (RANKL). This sets into motion the ability of the osteoblast to dock with the RANK receptor on the pre-osteoclast resulting in the formation of a multi-nucleated mature osteoclast (Fig. 14.2). The mature osteoclast releases HCl and collagenases resulting in the destruction of the mineral and matrix, releasing calcium and phosphorus into the circulation [1, 4]. The interaction of 1,25(OH)2D with its VDR in osteo blasts also results in the expression of osteocalcin and alkaline phosphatase which play an important role in bone metabolism. However 1,25(OH)2D does not appear to play
a direct role in the mineralization process. It is known in both rodents and humans that vitamin D is not necessary for the mineralization of osteoid matrix. This was demonstrated when vitamin D deficient rats were either infused with calcium and phosphorus to maintain a normal calcium–phosphorus product in the circulation or when they received a high calcium lactose, high phosphorus diet that maintained a normal serum calcium–phosphorus product. [5, 6]. In both studies bone development and mineralization occurred in a normal manner similar to animals that were vitamin D sufficient.
C h a p t e r 1 4 Vitamin D Disorders l
Genetic causes of rickets – osteomalacia: disorders in vitamin D metabolism and recognition Vitamin D-25 Hydroxylase Deficiency There are at least four different hepatic enzymes found in the mitochondria and microsomes that are capable of meta bolizing vitamin D to 25(OH)D [8]. This is the likely reason why there have only been rare reports of a 25-hydroxylase deficiency causing rickets in children [9]. Figure 14.2 Both 1,25(OH)2D and PTH stimulate the mobilization of calcium from the skeleton by interacting with their respective receptors on osteoblasts, which induces expression of receptor activator of NF-B (RANK) ligand (RANKL). The RANK on the immature osteoclast’s plasma membrane binds to RANKL, causing it to mature and coalesce with other osteoclast precursors to become mature multinuclear osteoclasts. Osteoprotogerin (OPG) is a soluble decoy of RANK that binds to RANKL to inhibit osteoclastogenesis. (Reproduced with permission. Holick copyright 2004.)
Vitamin D deficiency and rickets Vitamin D deficiency is the most common cause of rickets and osteomalacia. Because vitamin D plays such an important role in maintaining serum calcium it was assumed that the mechanism by which vitamin D deficiency causes a mineralization defect of the osteoid is due to hypocalcemia. However, the body maintains its serum calcium in the normal range in order to maintain a wide variety of metabolic functions and neuromuscular activity, and thus most patients who are vitamin D deficient have a normal serum calcium due to the increased bone calcium mobilization by 1,25(OH)2D and parathyroid hormone (PTH) (Figs 14.1 and 14.2). In a vitamin D deficient state ionized calcium declines causing an immediate stimulus to the calcium sensor in the parathyroid glands resulting in an increase in the expression and production of PTH [7]. PTH increases tubular reabsorption of calcium in the kidneys, increases the expression of RANKL in osteoblasts resulting in an increased number of osteoclasts which remove precious calcium stores from the skeleton and increases the kidneys production of 1,25(OH)2D. PTH also causes the internalization of the sodium-dependent phosphate cotransporter (NaPi-2 A) resulting in loss of phosphate into the urine. This results in a lowering of the serum phosphorus level causing an inadequate calcium–phosphorus product needed for matrix mineralization. Thus, the major cause of osteomalacia and rickets is due to secondary hyperparathyroidism and low–normal or low serum phosphorus level.
Vitamin D Dependent Rickets Type I: Pseudovitamin D Deficiency Rickets (PDDR) Before the discovery that vitamin D needed to be metabolized in the liver and kidneys before it could carry out its biologic actions on calcium and phosphorus metabolism it had been reported that there were children who had rickets and who did not respond to physiologic doses of vitamin D. The children had hypocalcemia, hypophosphatemia, elevated alkaline phosphatase, elevated PTH and severe rachitic changes on X-ray. However, many of these children responded to very large pharmacologic doses of vitamin D. As a result these children received the diagnosis of vitamin D dependent rickets because of their need for much higher amounts of vitamin D to treat their rickets. With the revelation that vitamin D needed to be metabolized in the kidneys to its active form it was speculated that vitamin D dependent rickets was caused by a mutation of the 1-OHase resulting in either inadequate production of 1,25(OH)2D or the lack of production of 1,25(OH)2D. The first insight into the cause of this disorder was when 1,25(OH)2D3 was chemically synthesized and provided to these patients [10]. Within several months there was a dramatic improvement in their serum calcium and phosphorus level, with a decrease in alkaline phosphatase and PTH. Thus it was concluded that vitamin D dependent rickets was caused by a hereditary defect in the 1-OHase. The cloning of the 1-OHase gene led to the identification of inactivating mutations that confirmed the hypothesis for the cause of rare genetic disorder [11]. A variety of other mutations have been identified that helps explain why some patients have low circulating levels of 1,25(OH)2D, while others have undetectable levels (Fig. 14.3) [12]. Patients with PDDR present in their first year of life with severe hypocalcemia that can cause seizures and carpal pedal spasms, hypophosphatemia, elevated alkaline phosphatase and PTH. Their blood level of 25(OH)D is usually normal and treating them with physiologic doses of vitamin D has little effect on correcting their abnormal biochemistries. The hallmark for making the diagnosis is a low or undetectable blood level of 1,25(OH)2D. If these patients are not appropriately treated with replacement doses of 1,25(OH)2D3 they will show the same
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
IVS3+ 1g
958∆G Q65H
W433X R389G R389H
7bp DUPL. 2bp DUPL. V478G P497R
E189L E189G
R429P R335P
1984∆C IVS2+ 1g
T409I L343F
Figure 14.3 Mutations detected in PDDR patients and obligate heterozygotes. A schematic representation of the 1-hydroxylase gene is shown. The dark-shaded boxes correspond to the nine exons of the gene, and the light-shaded boxes at either ends represent the 5- and 3-nontranslated regions. Mutations are presented above and below the gene map. Numbers refer to amino acid residues. : deletion; gggcg → cttcg: deletion of gggcg and substitution of cttcg beginning at nucleotide 897 in exon 2; IVS2 or IVS3 1g → a: splice site mutation in intron (intervening sequence) 2 or 3; 7 or 2bp.DUPL.: 7 or 2 basepairs duplication. (Reproduced with permission; reference 12)
Figure 14.4 (A) Sister (left) and brother (right) aged 10 months and 2.5 years with the enlargement of the ends of the bones at the wrist, carpopedal spasm and a typical “Taylorwise” posture of rickets. Sister (left) and brother (right) aged 10 months and 2.5 years with the enlargement of the ends of the bones at the wrist, carpopedal spasm and a typical “Taylorwise” posture of rickets. (B) Children with classic rickets with inward or outward bowing of the legs. (Reproduced with permission. Holick copyright 2006.)
skeletal deformities seen in children with severe vitamin D deficiency (Fig. 14.4). These include global poor mineralization of the skeleton and skeletal manifestations in areas of rapid bone growth including the long bones, epiphyses and costochondral junctions. Classic clinical manifestation of rickets is usually observed between the ages of 4 and 12 months. The first skeletal deformities that are observed are the classic rachitic rosary due to hypertrophy of the costochondral junctions leading to beading along both sides of
the sternum. There is also involution of the ribs and protrusion of the sternum (pigeon chest), and recession of the costochondral junctions and traverse depressions causing Harrison’s groove. Chondrocyte hypertrophy is disrupted and as a result there is uncontrolled chondrocyte hypertrophy leading to expansion of the epiphyseal plates that appears as widening of the wrists and ends of the other long bones. Once the child begins to stand, gravity pushing on the lower limbs results in an inward (genu valgum) or outward (genu
C h a p t e r 1 4 Vitamin D Disorders
varum) bowing of the tibia and femur. Poor mineralization of the skull in the occipital region causes rachitic cranio tabes, enlarged sutures and fontanelles, delayed closing of fontanelles and occipital or parietal flattening causing squaring of the cranium and frontal bossing. Tooth development and eruption is impaired and delayed, and the hypoplasia of the enamel leads to early dental caries [13]. Extraskeletal manifestations associated with hypocalcemia lead to tetany, seizures, laryngospasm and hypo calcemic myocardiopathy and death. These children have a delay in motor development causing severe muscle weakness, especially of the proximal muscles and thoracic muscles. The combination of poor thoracic muscular function and softening of the rib cage leads to poor ventilation increasing the risk of upper respiratory tract infections and respiratory obstruction [13, 14]. These patients respond well to replacement doses of 1–2 mcg of 1,25(OH)2D3 (calcitriol) along with adequate calcium intake. The serum calcium levels begin to rise
within 24 hours and radiologic healing is observed by three months [12, 13].
Vitamin D Dependent Rickets Type II: Hereditary Vitamin D Resistant Rickets (HVDRR) Children who had severe biochemical abnormalities and skeletal abnormalities associated with vitamin D deficiency rickets and who did not respond to physiologic doses of vitamin D and only rarely responded to pharmacologic doses of vitamin D were considered to have vitamin D dependent rickets. However, unlike children with PDDR who had a low or undetectable blood level of 1,25(OH)2D these children had a markedly elevated blood level of 1,25(OH)2D [13, 15]. It was assumed that these children must have a genetic defect causing a lack of responsiveness to the calcium and bone metabolism effects of 1,25(OH)2D. The most likely cause was a defective or absent recognition of 1,25(OH)2D due to a mutation of the VDR. These
Table 14.1 Properties of Mutant VDRs causing HVDRR Adapted from [16] Mutation
Ligand binding
DNA binding
RXR binding
Coactivator binding
Arg30stop Gly33Asp His35Gln Cys41Tyr Lys45Glu Gly46Asp Phe47Ile Phe48frameshift Splice site defect Arg50Gln Arg73stop Arg80Gln Arg80Gln Leu141Trp142Ala143 Insertion/substitution Gln152stop Glu92frameshift Splice site defect Arg121frameshift 366delC Leu233frameshift Splice site defect Lys246 Phe251Cys Gln259Pro Leu263Arg Ile268Thr Arg274Leu Trp286Arg Tyr295stop His305Glu Ile314Ser Gln317stop Glu329Lys Val346Met Arg391Cys Arg391Ser Tyr401stop Insertion/duplication Glu420Lys
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No
() present: graded to ; () absent.
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
patients had variable responses to replacement doses of 1,25(OH)2D3. There have been a multitude of point mutations of the VDR identified causing disruption of hormone binding or DNA-binding leading to partial resistance to 1,25(OH)2D3 replacement therapy [13, 16], (Table 14.1). In some cases these patients respond to pharmacologic doses of 1,25(OH)2D3. However, some patients have a point mutation that prevents the production of VDR or prevents the VDR from either binding 1,25(OH)2D or permitting the VDR-RXR-1,25(OH)2D complex from binding to its responsive element within the DNA. These patients often are resistant to both physiologic and pharmacologic doses of 1,25(OH)2D3 [12, 17]. These patients have all of the biochemical and clinical manifestations of PDDR with the exception of often having a low blood level of 25(OH)D and a markedly elevated level of 1,25(OH)2D. Another clinical manifestation that is not seen in PDDR patients is that some patients develop progressive alopecia beginning the first year of life and progressing to alopecia totalis [16] (Fig. 14.5).
Vitamin D Dependent Rickets Type III There has been one reported case of vitamin D resistant rickets that is caused by the abnormal expression of hormone responsive element-binding protein that binds to the
vitamin D responsive element thus preventing VDR-RXR1,25(OH)2D complex from binding to its responsive element. This patient had a normal VDR expression and was completely resistant to 1,25(OH)2D3 [18].
Treatment Strategies for Vitamin D Resistant Rickets Children with these vitamin D resistant syndromes often suffer from severe bony deformities and more marked hypocalcemia than in children with vitamin D deficiency rickets. Treatment depends on the cause and severity of the vitamin D resistance. Children have responded to pharmacologic doses of vitamin D, physiologic and pharmacologic doses of 1,25(OH)2D3 and its analog 1-hydroxyvitamin D3. Those children who have a complete resistance to vitamin D and 1,25(OH)2D3 can respond to intravenous infusions of calcium and phosphorus [1, 13, 19].
Genetic causes of rickets: hypophosphatemic disorders These disorders are caused by a decrease in tubular reabsorption of phosphorus in the kidneys resulting in hypophosphatemia. These patients usually have normal serum 25(OH)D, PTH and calcium with an elevated alkaline phosphatase and very low serum phosphorus levels. The blood level of 1,25(OH)2D is usually low or low normal which is considered to be pathologic since normal patients with a low serum phosphorus have a high normal or elevated level of 1,25(OH)2D. Thus the low or low–normal 1,25(OH)2D is considered to be inappropriate for the degree of hypophosphatemia and is considered to be a key biochemical feature
FIGURE 14.5 (A and B): Both of these patients have biochemical abnormalities and skeletal deformities for vitamin D resistant rickets. The only difference is that the child (A) does not have alopecia totalis as is seen in patient (B). See plate section.
Figure 14.6 Child with X-linked hypophosphatemic rickets.
C h a p t e r 1 4 Vitamin D Disorders l
of these disorders [13, 20–23]. Despite the fact that these patients often have a normal serum calcium level they often have very severe rachitic skeletal deformities (Fig. 14.6).
X-linked Hypophosphatemic Rickets (XLH) Children with severe hypophosphatemia were thought to have a genetic mutation of the renal phosphate transporter. However, it is now recognized that a major factor(s) that controls phosphorus metabolism in the kidneys are phosphatonins including fibroblast growth factor 23(FGF 23), matrix extracellular phosphoglycoprotein and frizzledrelated proteins 4 [24]. FGF 23 and the other phosphatonins are made in osteoblasts and osteocytes. FGF 23 causes the internalization of the sodium–phosphate co-transporter in both the kidneys and intestine causing phosphate loss in the urine and reducing intestinal phosphate absorption. FGF 23 also inhibits the renal 1-OHase (Fig. 14.7). Originally it was thought that these patients had a genetic defect that caused an increase in the production of
FGF 23 and other phosphatonins which could easily explain all of the biochemical abnormalities seen in this disorder. However, studies in mice that have the same biochemical abnormalities suggested an alternative explanation, i.e. that there was a defect in the enzymatic destruction of FGF 23 and other phosphatonins. These studies have led to the identification of the PHEX (phosphate-regulating gene with homologies to endopeptidases on the X-chromosome) located at XP 22.1–22.2. This gene encodes a membranebound endopeptidase primarily expressed in osteoblasts and osteocytes. Thus it is believed that many patients with XLH have a defect in the metabolism of FGF 23 and other phosphatonins because of a mutation of the PHEX gene. Many of these patients have elevated blood levels of FGF-23 but some do not suggesting that there may be other causes for this disorder [24].
Autosomal Dominant Hypophosphatemic Rickets (ADHR)
Figure 14.7 Biochemical changes in calcium and phosphorus metabolism due to vitamin D or calcium deficiency, vitamin D resistant syndromes or hypophosphatemic syndromes that causes rickets or osteomelacia. Vitamin D and/or calcium deficiency leads to a decrease in the level of ionized calcium (Ca2), resulting in an increase in PTH. PTH increases tubular reabsorption of calcium to correct the serum calcium into the normal range. However, in severe calcium and vitamin D deficiency, the serum calcium is below normal. In addition, PTH causes phosphorus loss via the urine, resulting in a decrease in serum HPO42–. An inadequate calcium–phosphorus product (Ca2 HPO42) leads to a defect in bone mineralization that causes rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults. There are various inherited and acquired disorders that can disrupt calcium and phosphorus metabolism that can also result in defective mineralization of the skeleton. There are three inherited disorders that cause vitamin D resistance. Vitamin D-dependent rickets type 1 (DDR-1) is due to a mutation of the 1-OHase. A mutation of the VDR gene results in an ineffective recognition of 1,25(OH)2D, causing DDR-2. A genetic defect that results in the overproduction of hormone response element-binding protein (HRBP) eliminates the interaction of 1,25(OH)2D with its VDR, resulting in DDR-3. There are also inherited and acquired disorders that cause severe hypophosphatemia and decrease renal production of 1,25(OH)2D. The acquired disorders X-linked hypophosphatemic rickets (XLH) and autosomal dominant hypophosphatemic rickets (ADHR) are caused by the increased production or decreased destruction, respectively, of phosphatins that include FGF-23. Reproduced with permission, Molick copyright 2006.
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
Patients with autosomal dominant hypophosphatemic rickets have a mutation in the FGF-23 gene that prevents or reduces FGF-23 metabolic breakdown leading to elevated FGF-23 levels. These patients present both biochemically and clinically similar to patients with XLH.
Treatment Strategies The major cause of the skeletal deformities in these hypophosphatemic syndromes is inadequate calcium– phosphorus product causing a mineralization defect of the skeleton. Thus correcting hypophosphatemia with phosphate replacement has been the mainstay of treatment along with physiologic or pharmacologic doses of 1,25(OH)2D3 [24]. Phosphate supplementation can be provided either in liquid or in tablet form. High doses of phosphate can cause diarrhea and also cause one of the complications of the treatment of this disease which is secondary and tertiary hyperparathyroidism due to the chronic lowering of ionized calcium as a result of the phosphate treatment. K-phosphate preparations are preferred since the sodium phosphate provides a high sodium load causing calciuria. Another complication of giving high doses of phosphate is nephrocalcinosis. Curiously these patients often have normal or even elevated bone mineral density which may be due to the chronic elevation in PTH. This can lead to the formation of osteophytes on vertebral bodies causing encroachment of nerves exiting the spinal cord resulting in severe peripheral neuropathies. Thus treatment needs to be monitored carefully with routine measurements of kidney function, serum PTH levels and urine calcium/creatinine ratio.
References 1. M.F. Holick, Vitamin D Deficiency, N. Engl. J. Med. 357 (2007) 266–281. 2. M.F. Holick, R.M. Biancuzzo, T.C. Chen, et al., Vitamin D2 is as effective as Vitamin D3 in maintaining circulating concentrations of 25-hydroxyvitamin D, J. Clin. Endo. Metab. 93 (2008) 677–681. 3. R.P. Heaney, M.S. Dowell, C.A. Hale, et al., Calcium absorption varies within the reference range for serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D, J. Am. Coll. Nutr. 22 (2) (2003) 142–146. 4. S. Khosla, The OPG/RANKL/RANK system, Endocrinology 142 (12) (2001) 5050–5055. 5. H. DeLuca, Overview of general physiologic features and functions of vitamin D, Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 80 (Suppl.) (2004) 1689S–1696S. 6. M.E. Holtrop, K.A. Cox, D.L. Carnes, et al., Effects of serum calcium and phosphorus on skeletal mineralization in vitamin-D-deficient rats, Am. J. Physiol. 251 (1986) E234–E240.
7. E.M. Brown, G. Gamba, D. Riccardl, et al., Cloning and characterization of an extracellular Ca2-sensing receptor from bovine parathyroid, Nature 366 (1993) 575–580. 8. G. Jones, Expanding role for vitamin D in chronic kidney disease: Importance of blood 25-OH-D levels and extra-renal 1-hydroxylase in the classical and nonclassical actions of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3, Seminars in Dialysis 20 (4) (2007) 316–324. 9. S.J. Casella, B.J. Reiner, T.C. Chen, et al., A possible defect in 25-hydroxylation as a cause of rickets, J. Pediatr. 124 (1994) 929–932. 10. D. Fraser, S.W. Kooh, H.P. Kind, et al., Pathogenesis of hereditary vitamin-D-dependent rickets. An inborn error of vitamin D metabolism involving defective conversion of 25-hydroxyvitamin D to 1 alpha,25-dihydroxyvitamin D, N. Engl. J. Med. 289 (1973) 817–822. 11. S. Kitanaka, K.I. Takeyama, A. Murayama, et al., Inactivating mutations in the human 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 1-hydroxylase gene in patients with pseudovitamin D-deficient rickets, N. Eng. J. Med. 338 (1998) 653–661. 12. F.H. Glorieux, Vitamin D pseudo deficiency, in: Vitamin D, second ed., Elsevier Academic Press, Boston, 2005, pp. 1197–1205. 13. M.F. Holick, Resurrection of vitamin D deficiency and rickets, J. Clin. Invest. 116 (2006) 2062–2072. 14. A.F. Hess, Collected Writings, Charles C. Thomas, Illinois, Vol 1. 1936‚ 669–719. 15. M.H. Brooks, N.H. Bell, L. Love, et al., Vitamin-D-dependent rickets type II: Resistance of target organs to 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D, New Engl. J. Med. 298 (1978) 996–999. 16. P.J. Malloy, J.W. Pike, D. Feldman, Hereditary 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D resistant rickets, in: Vitamin D, second ed, Elsevier Academic Press, Boston, 2005, pp. 1207–1237. 17. D. Feldman, T. Chen, C. Cone, et al., Vitamin-D resistant rickets with alopecia: cultured skin fibroblasts exhibit defective cytoplasmic receptors and unresponsiveness to 1,25(OH)2D3. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 55 (1982) 1020–1022. 18. H. Chen, M. Hewison, B. Hu, et al., Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) binding to hormone response elements: A cause of vitamin D resistance, PNAS‚ 100 (2003) 6109–6114. 19. S. Balsan, M. Garabedian, M. Larchet, et al., Long-term nocturnal calcium infusions can cure rickets and promote normal mineralization in hereditary resistance to 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D, J. Clin. Invest. 77 (1986) 1661–1667. 20. M.K. Drezner, Clinical disorders of phosphate homeostasis, in: Vitamin D, second ed, Elsevier Academic Press, Boston, 2005, pp. 1159–1187. 21. M.J. Econs, Disorders of phosphate metabolism: autosomal dominant hypophosphatemic rickets, tumor induced osteomalacia. Fibrous dysplasia, and the pathophysiological relevance of FGF23, in: Vitamin D, second ed, Elsevier Academic Press, Boston, 2005, pp. 1189–1195. 22. A.A. Portale, B.P. Halloran, M.M. Murphy, et al., Oral intake phosphorus can determine the serum concentration of 1,25dihyroxyvitamin D by determining its production rate in humans, J. Clin. Invest. 77 (1986) 7–12.
FIGURE 14.1 Schematic representation of the synthesis and metabolism of vitamin D for regulating calcium, phosphorus and bone metabolism. During exposure to sunlight 7-dehydrocholesterol in the skin is converted to previtamin D3. PreD3 immediately converts by a heat dependent process to vitamin D3. Excessive exposure to sunlight degrades previtamin D3 and vitamin D3 into inactive photoproducts. Vitamin D2 and vitamin D3 from dietary sources is incorporated into chylomicrons, transported by the lymphatic system into the venous circulation. Vitamin D (D represents D2 or D3) made in the skin or ingested in the diet can be stored in and then released from fat cells. Vitamin D in the circulation is bound to the vitamin D binding protein which transports it to the liver where vitamin D is converted by the vitamin D-25-hydroxylase to 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D]. This is the major circulating form of vitamin D that is used by clinicians to measure vitamin D status (although most reference laboratories report the normal range to be 20–100 ng/ml, the preferred healthful range is 30–60 ng/ml). It is biologically inactive and must be converted in the kidneys by the 25-hydroxyvitamin D-1α-hydroxylase (1-OHase) to its biologically active form 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D [1,25(OH)2D]. Serum phosphorus, calcium fibroblast growth factors (FGF-23) and other factors can either increase () or decrease () the renal production of 1,25(OH)2D. 1,25(OH)2D feedback regulates its own synthesis and decreases the synthesis and secretion of parathyroid hormone (PTH) in the parathyroid glands. 1,25(OH)2D increases the expression of the 25-hydroxyvitamin D-24-hydroxylase (24-OHase) to catabolize 1,25(OH)2D to the water soluble biologically inactive calcitroic acid which is excreted in the bile. 1,25(OH)2D enhances intestinal calcium absorption in the small intestine by stimulating the expression of the epithelial calcium channel (ECaC) and the calbindin 9 K (calcium binding protein; CaBP). 1,25(OH)2D is recognized by its receptor in osteoblasts causing an increase in the expression of receptor activator of NF B ligand (RANKL). Its receptor RANK on the preosteoclast binds RANKL which induces the preosteoclast to become a mature osteoclast. The mature osteoclast removes calcium and phosphorus from the bone to maintain blood calcium and phosphorus levels. Adequate calcium and phosphorus levels promote the mineralization of the skeleton.
FIGURE 14.5 (A and B): Both of these patients have biochemical abnormalities and skeletal deformities for vitamin D resistant rickets. The only difference is that the child (A) does not have alopecia totalis as is seen in patient (B).
C hap ter
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia Saroj Nimkarn1 AND Maria I. New2 1
Weill Cornell Medical College, Department of Pediatrics, New York, NY 10065, USA Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, New York, NY 1002, USA
to occur less frequently [11], but remains more common in Moroccan Jews than in other populations. 17-hydroxylase deficiency is found to be common in Mennonite descendants of Dutch Frieslanders and the Brazilian population [12, 13]. The disease incidence of congenital lipoid adrenal hyperplasia is shown to be common in Japan and Korea [14]. The other forms are considered rare diseases and the incidence is unknown in the general population. A very rare form of CAH not included in this table is cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase deficiency (POR gene defect). It is characterized by an apparent combined P450C17 (17-hydroxylase) and P450C21 (21-hydroxylase) deficiency. Affected girls are born with ambiguous genitalia, indicating intrauterine androgen excess. Virilization does not progress after birth. The 17-OH progesterone levels are elevated, as in 21-hydroxylase deficiency, while androgen levels are low; cortisol may be normal but is poorly responsive to adrenocorticotropic hormone. Conversely, affected boys are sometimes born undermasculinized. Boys and girls can also present with bone malformations, resembling a pattern seen in patients with Antley–Bixler syndrome. Findings of biochemical investigations of urinary steroid excretion in affected patients have shown the accumulation of steroid metabolites, indicating impaired C17 and C21 hydroxylation.
Background, Incidence, Prevalence Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) refers to a group of autosomal recessive disorders in which genetic enzyme deficiencies impair normal steroid synthesis. The production of cortisol in the zona fasciculata of the adrenal cortex occurs in five major enzyme-mediated steps, and deficiency in one of these gives rise to CAH. The most common form is 21-hydroxylase deficiency (21-OHD) which accounts for over 90% of CAH cases. The common feature of impaired cortisol synthesis in CAH leads to chronic elevations of ACTH and overstimulation of the adrenal cortex resulting in adrenal hyperplasia. Impaired enzyme function at each step of adrenal cortisol biosynthesis leads to an increase in precursors and deficient products. The clinical findings in five forms of CAH and the recently described POR form of CAH are summarized in Table 15.1 [1]. This chapter will focus on CAH owing to 21-OHD, the most frequent form of CAH. Data from close to 6.5 million newborn screenings worldwide for 21-hydroxylase deficiency indicate that classical CAH occurs in 1:13,000 to 1:15,000 live births [2]. Nonclassical 21-OHD CAH (NC21-OHD) is more common. The incidence of NC21-OHD in the heterogeneous population of New York City is 1 in 100, making NC21-OHD one of the most frequent recessive disorders in humans [3]. NC21-OHD is particularly frequent in Ashkenazi Jews, in whom 1 in 3 are carriers of the allele, and 1 in 27 are affected with NC 21-OHD [3–5]. Steroid 11-hydroxylase deficiency (11-OHD) is the second most common cause of CAH, accounting for 5–8% of all cases [6]. It occurs 1 in 100,00 live births in the general population [7, 8] and is more common in some populations of North African origin [9]. In Moroccan Jews, for example, the disease incidence of 11-OHD was initially estimated to be 1 in 5000 live births [10]; subsequently, it was shown Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
Steroid 21 Hydroxylase Deficiency (21-OHD) CAH owing to 21-OHD is divided into classical and nonclassical forms. Patients affected with the classical form have more severe symptoms of hyperandrogenism, including virilization of the female genitalia that begins in utero. Females are born with genital ambiguity termed “46XX, disorder of sex development” [15]. The precursors to the 21-hydroxylase enzyme defect are shunted into the androgen pathway at early stage of development in utero. The androgens then cause the virilization of external genitalia. Males do not have sexual ambiguity because the major 165
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Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders Table 15.1 Enzyme deficiencies resulting in congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) [1]
% of CAH Deficient enzyme Steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (STAR) 3-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3-HSD) 17-hydroxylase 90%
Substrate – Pregnenolone, 17-OH pregnenolone, DHEA Pregnenolone Progesterone Progesterone 17-OH progesterone Deoxycorticosterone
Mediates cholesterol transport across mitochondrial membrane Progesterone, 17-OHP, 4androstenedione 17-OH pregnenolone 17-OH progesterone (17-OHP) Deoxycorticosterone (DOC) 11-deoxycortisol Corticosterone
Mineralo-corticoid 1
Males are undervirilized at birth. Associated with salt wasting. 3 Associated with hypertension. 4 Females are virilized at birth or later. 2
source of androgens in males is the testes, not the adrenal. Classical CAH is further divided into salt-wasting (SW) or simple-virilizing (SV) forms. The SW form is the most severe form of CAH and is characterized by inadequate aldosterone synthesis, which places patients at risk for salt-wasting crises, whereas the SV form is distinguished by the ability to conserve salt [16]. Both the SW and SV forms result in genital ambiguity in the female. The milder NC form of CAH causes postnatal symptoms of hyper androgenism that may present any time after birth, including adulthood [17]. Table 15.2 summarizes main clinical characteristics of all forms of 21-OHD CAH. In all three forms of 21-OHD CAH, both affected males and females continue to experience the effects of postnatal hyperandrogenism unless treatment intervenes. These hyperandrogenic symptoms include premature development of pubic and axillary hair, frontal hair loss in females, severe acne, advanced somatic and epiphyseal maturation and induced central precocious puberty (a condition in which puberty develops unusually early or rapidly). Nonclassical 21-OHD CAH is caused by partial enzyme deficiency, therefore milder symptoms of androgen excess develop later in life. Synthetic ACTH stimulation test can differentiate 21-OHD from other forms of CAH. A logarithmic nomogram was developed to provide hormonal standards for diagnosis and further assignment of the 21-OHD type by relating baseline to ACTH-stimulated serum concentrations of 17-OHP [18] (see Fig. 15.1) [19].
Genetic pathophysiology Hormonally and clinically defined forms of 21-OHD CAH are associated with distinct genotypes characterized by varying enzyme activity demonstrated through in vitro expression studies. The gene encoding 21-hydroxylase is
Table 15.2 Clinical features in individuals with classic and nonclassic 21-hydroxylase deficiency [1] Feature
Classic 21-OHD
Nonclassic 21-OHD
Prenatal genital virilization Postnatal hyperandrogenic signs Salt wasting
Present in females
Males and females
Usually present
75% of all individuals Present
Cortisol deficiency
a microsomal cytochrome P450 termed cytochrome P450, family 21, subfamily A, polypeptide 21 (CYP21A2 [20]; previously called P450c21B, CYP21B or CYP21) (Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man [OMIM] database number 201910) mapped to the short arm of chromosome 6, at locus 6p21 within the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) complex (see Fig. 15.2) [21]. CYP21A2 and its homolog, the pseudogene CYP21A1P (previously called CYP21P, CYP21A), alternate with two genes, C4B and C4A, that encode the two isoforms of the fourth component of the serum complement system [22, 23]. More than 100 mutations have been described including point mutations, small deletions, small insertions and complex rearrangements of the gene [24]. About 20% of the mutant alleles are meiotic recombinations deleting a 30 kb gene segment [25] that encompasses the 3 end of the CYP21A1P pseudogene, all of the adjacent C4B complement gene, and the 5 end of CYP21A2, producing a nonfunctional chimera. Gene conversion causes mutations through transfer of deleterious mutations from the pseudo gene to the active gene. De novo mutations in the active gene can also occur, but account for a small percentage
C h a p t e r 1 5 Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia l
17OHP 60’ Stimulated (ng/dl) log10
Classical CAH
Nonclassical CAH
Pathophysiology of Mutations In recessive disorders, the less severe mutation of the two alleles are expressed which results in the phenotype. Classical 21-OHD is most often caused by two severe allelic mutations. In contrast to the classical form, patients with nonclassical 21-OHD are predicted to have mild mutations on both alleles or one severe and one mild mutation (compound heterozygosity) of CYP21A2. The severity of each mutation is characterized by the percentage of the remaining enzyme activity found by in vitro expression studies. Table 15.3 demonstrates degree of impairment of 21-hydroxylase activity in the common mutations.
Heterozygotes: CL21OHD
** *
Diagnosis genetic testing and interpretation
NC21OHD *Genetically unaffected
* * *Genetically unaffected
10 1
17OHP Baseline (ng/dl) log10
Figure 15.1 17-OHP nomogram for the diagnosis of steroid 21-hydroxylase deficiency (60-minute cotrosyn stimulation test). The data for this nomogram were collected between 1982 and 1991 at the Department of Pediatrics, the New York HospitalCornell Medical Center, New York [19].
C4 Bf C2
TNF a b
Figure 15.2 Gene map of CYP21A2 on human chromosome 6p. Class I, II, III refer to the HLA genes. C4 refers to the complement genes (2). TNF, tumor necrosis factor [23].
of mutations in CYP21A2 [24]. These mutations result in complete or partial insufficiency of 21-hydroxylase activity based on in vitro expression studies [26]. The common mutations in CYP21A2 are summarized in Table 15.3 [17]. Approximately 95% to 98% of the mutations causing 21-OHD have been identified through molecular genetic studies of gene rearrangement and point mutations arrays [27–29]. Some mutations are particularly prevalent in certain ethnic groups, indicating a high ethnic specificity [30].
CYP21A2 analysis in the probands provides confirmation of clinical and hormonal diagnosis. In the majority of cases, phenotypic disease severity can be predicted from genotypic findings. This phenotype–genotype correlation can provide a significant guide for short- and long-term management of the patients. Clinical uses for family genetic testing include determining carrier status, prenatal diagnosis and treatment and the future use of pre-implantation diagnosis. The available laboratories providing clinical testing are listed in Table 15.4. Molecular genetic testing of the CYP21A2 gene for a panel of common mutations (target mutation analysis) and gene deletions detects about 80–98% of disease-causing alleles in affected individuals. Dr Maria New’s lab located in New York detects 95% of mutations. The variability depends on the method used and the population studied. The mutations arise as a result of gene conversion or unequal crossing over between CYP21A2 and its adjacent pseudogene CYP21A1P, which contains multiple deleterious mutations. Entire gene sequencing may detect rarer alleles in affected individuals in whom the panel of nine common mutations and southern blot analysis identify large gene (30 kb) deletion or gene conversion. A minisequencing technique to detect the most common mutations was recently developed and has become available for clinical use [31]. The majority of individuals from heterogeneous populations with 21-OHD are compound heterozygotes.
Interpretation of Test Results Complexity of the Active Genes and their Nearby Pseudogenes A large scale gene conversion can transfer sequences containing more than one mutation from the pseudogene to the active gene. In this instance, targeted mutation analysis that aims to screen for common mutations may detect multiple mutations. The method will not distinguish whether the
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders Table 15.3 Common gene mutations of the 21-hydroxylase gene CYP21A2 [17]*
Mutation type
1. Nonclassical mutations Exon 1 Missense mutation Exon 7 Missense mutation Exon 8 Missense mutation Exon 10 Missense mutation 2. Classical mutations Deletion 30 kb Deletion Intron 2 Aberrant splicing of Intron 2 Exon 3 Eight-base deletion Exon 4 Missense mutation Exon 6 Cluster mutations Exon 8 Exon 8 Exon 10
Nonsense mutation Missense mutation Missense mutation
Severity of enzyme defect (% enzyme activity) References
P30L V281L R339H P453S
Mild (30–60%) Mild (20–50%) Mild (20–50%) Mild (20–50%)
Tusie-Luna, 1991 Speiser, 1988 Helmberg, 1992 Helmberg, 1992; Owerbach, 1992
– 656 A/C-G
Severe (0%) Severe (ND)
White, 1984 Higashi, 1988
G110 8nt I172N I236N, V237E, M239K Q318X R356W R483P*
Severe (0%) Severe (1%) Severe (0%)
White, 1994 Amor, 1988; Tusie-Luna, 1990 Amor, 1988; Tusie-Luna, 1990
Severe (0%) Severe (0%) Severe (1–2%)
Globerman, 1988 Chiou, 1990 Wedell, 1993
*Full references for this table are listed in [17].
Table 15.4 List of laboratories for CYP21A2 analysis in the US* [1] Laboratory
Genetic counselor
Contact information
Mount Sinai Laboratory of Pediatric Endocrinology, New York, NY
Robert Wilson, PhD
Dr Maria New, MD
Perkin Elmer Genetics, Inc, Bridgeville, PA
Joseph M. Quashnock, Stacy Lloyd, MS PhD
Quest Diagnostics, Nichols Institute SJC, San Juan Capistrano, CA
Raymond Fenwick, PhD
Wendy Conlon, MS
Esoterix Molecular Endocrinology, Calabasas, Hills, CA
Samuel H. Pepkowitz, MD
Athena Diagnostic Inc, Reference Lab, Worcester, MA Emory Molecular Genetics Laboratory, Atlanta, GA
Sat Dev Batish, PhD
Elizabeth Couchon, MS
[email protected] Phone 212 241 7847 Fax 212 241 5405 You may contact Dr New who is an expert in CAH for interpretation of results and recommendation of treatment regimen
[email protected] Phone 866 463 6436 ext 135 Fax 412 220 0785
[email protected] Phone 800 642 4657 ext 4077 Fax 949 728 4874 Frank K. Fujimura, PhD
[email protected] Phone 800 444 9111 ext 3504 Fax 818 880 1048
[email protected]
Madhuri Hegde, PhD
Alice Tanner, PhD
[email protected] Phone 404 778 8469 Fax 404 778 8559
The information was obtained from a public domain; which contains a full list of laboratories and their details [31].
mutations lie on the same allele representing only one mutant allele or the mutations lie on both alleles. To avoid such potential errors, studying both parents as well as the proband is recommended to confirm the mutations and to determine if they are in the cis configuration or the trans configuration. Another potential cause of misdiagnosis is duplication of the CYP21A2 gene. This could affect the screening of individuals who are not known carriers. A person carrying
a functional gene and a copy with a mutation on the same chromosome may be incorrectly labeled a carrier [1]. Phenotype–Genotype Correlation It is not always possible, however, to accurately predict the phenotype on the basis of the genotype – such predictions have been shown to have a 79–88% accuracy rate overall
C h a p t e r 1 5 Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia l
[32, 33]. In nonclassical CAH, only 1% demonstrated geno type–phenotype nonconcordance. Among these groups of patients, a majority of them had a genotype predicted to be more severe than the actual clinical phenotype [17]. In the context of prenatal diagnosis, it is important to distinguish classical and nonclassical genotypes in order to determine the necessity of prenatal treatment. In our series of publications on prenatal diagnosis [34, 35], we divided the genotypes into mutation identical groups. The Exon 7 V281L mutation is known to cause a nonclassical phenotype, and therefore should not indicate prenatal dexa methasone treatment. However, in approximately 5% of our prenatal diagnoses, the homozygous Exon 7 V281L mutation resulted in a newborn with classical disease. We have also found the P30L mutation to cause nonconcordance, but less frequently than the V281L mutation [36–38]. In our recent review of 723 patients from mixed ethnic backgrounds [30], the classical versus nonclassical phenotype could be predicted from genotypes in most cases. However, rare exceptions existed when patients carried the V281L and P30L mutations. These mutations conferred the classical phenotype in less than 3% of the patients when a nonclassical phenotype was expected [39].
Prenatal Diagnosis and Treatment of 21-OHD CAH In utero virilization puts female patients with classical 21-OHD CAH at risk for sex misassignment to male. Females may have to undergo surgical reconstruction of their clitoris and vagina. Prenatal treatment for 21-OHD CAH reduces female genital ambiguity and its consequences include sex misassignment and gender identity confusion. Further, the controversies about the appropriate time and technique for feminizing surgery in virilized females [40, 41] are avoided. CAH is one of the few genetic disorders for which prenatal treatment is able to improve postnatal phenotypic outcome. An algorithm has been developed for prenatal diagnosis and treatment for fetuses at risk for classic 21-OHD as demonstrated in Figure 15.3 [42]. Prenatal diagnosis in pregnancies at risk for classic 21-OHD has been performed for several decades, and prenatal treatment with dexamethasone to reduce the virilization of affected females and thus to reduce their need for clitoroplasty and/or vaginoplasty has been used successfully since 1984 [43, 44]. Dexamethasone administration begins as early as the eighth week of gestation, the treatment is blind to the disease status and sex of the fetus. If the fetus is later determined upon karyotype to be a male, or an unaffected female upon DNA analysis, treatment is discontinued. Because the male fetus does not carry a risk of ambiguous genitalia in this disorder, prenatal dexamethasone treatment is not indicated. Both males and females receive partial and unnecessary treatment until fetal genetic
diagnosis is established. Treatment is continued to term in the affected female fetus. The optimal dosage and timing is 20 g/kg/day of dexamethasone per maternal prepregnancy body weight, in three divided doses, starting as soon as pregnancy is confirmed. Treatment must begin before the 9th week of gestation for prevention of genital ambiguity in the female [42, 45, 46]. In general, prenatal diagnosis and treatment of subsequent pregnancy is unnecessary if the proband in the family has the nonclassical form of the disease. Situations do, however, exist in which a nonclassical index case may inherit one severe mutation and one mild mutation. The parent who passed on the mild mutation may be an asymptomatic, unrecognized nonclassical patient who is a compound heterozygote with a mild and a severe mutation. The affectation status of the nonclassical parent in this case is recognized only by genetic analysis during family evaluation, as symptoms of androgen excess tend to wax and wane in this mild form of 21-hydroxylase defect. If both parents pass on severe mutations to their subsequent children, these children are at risk of the classical disease, despite the proband having the nonclassical form.
Treatment The Effect of Genetic Information in Treatment Decision In most of the cases, genotypic characteristic provides information to confirm or exclude diagnosis of 21-OHD CAH. This has a significant impact on the clinical decision of lifetime glucocorticoid replacement, and in the salt wasting form of CAH, mineralocorticoid replacement. Unnecessary long-term exposure to medications that are not clearly indicated can therefore be avoided if the patients prove not to have 21-OHD CAH. This benefit of confirming diagnosis becomes more evident when a universal neonatal screening program for CAH is considered. Newborn screening uses hormonal assays of a blood spot on filter paper. The test only detects the classical form of CAH. Thus, nonclassical 21-OHD is not detected; though the child may require treatment for hyperandrogenism. In many circumstances, temporal hormonal confirmation cannot practically be performed before initiation of glucocorticoid replacement. Once the patient, especially newborns, received glucocorticoid, hormonal testing with or without synthetic ACTH can give a misleading result. DNA analysis for CYP21A2 in a reliable laboratory is the test of choice and can be conducted after and during treatment to confirm the diagnosis. In prenatal diagnosis and treatment of 21-OHD CAH, genetic analysis of the fetus, his/her parents and affected siblings is crucial in determining sex and affectation status of the fetus. This in turn dictates the necessity of prenatal treatment.
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
Confirmation of pregnancy:
Dexamethasone orally to mother: 20 µg/kg pre-pregnancy weight per day (divided in two or three doses) beginning before the 9th week of gestation
Chorionic villus sampling (CVS): (at 10-12 wk GA)
DNA analysis
5 wk
If male sex If unaffected female
Amniocentesis (15–18 wk GA): 15 wk
If male sex If unaffected female
20 wk DNA analysis
25 wk
30 wk
Gestational Age (GA)
35 wk
40 wk Term Neonatal confirmation/Postnatal follow-up (all treated and untreated cases): 1. CLINICAL – Recording of birth weight, birth length, head circumference, developmental assessment and other pertinent physical findings. 2. HORMONAL – Measurement of 17-hydroxyprogesterone levels (cord blood; post-72 hr blood sample, either (dried blood spot on) filter paper or whole blood (serum); electrolytes and plasma renin activity (PRA) for affected infants. 3. MOLECULAR – Blood sample (peripheral blood) for DNA analysis.
Figure 15.3 Algorithm of treatment, diagnosis and decision-making for prenatal treatment of fetuses at risk for 21-hydroxylase deficiency congenital adrenal hyperplasia [42].
Genetic Counseling CAH is transmitted as an autosomal recessive trait. Usually, the parents of a proband are obligate heterozygotes with one normal allele and one mutated allele. Heterozygotes are asymptomatic but may have slightly elevated 17-OHP levels when stimulated with ACTH, as compared to individuals with two normal alleles. A very small percentage of mutations occur de novo (approximately 1%). In some instances, a parent who was previously not known to be affected may be found to have the nonclassic form of 21-OHD. It is appropriate to evaluate both parents of a proband with molecular genetic testing and hormonal profiling to determine if either has two allelic mutations and is therefore an undiagnosed patient. Among other immediate family members, each sibling of a proband has a 25% chance of inheriting both mutant alleles and being affected, a 50% chance of inheriting one altered allele and being an unaffected carrier, and a 25% chance of inheriting both
normal alleles and being unaffected. If the family study revealed that one parent of a proband is heterozygous and the other has 21-OHD, each sibling has a 50% chance of inheriting both mutant alleles and being affected and a 50% chance of inheriting one mutated allele and being a carrier.
Risk for the Offspring of a Proband Given the high carrier rate for 21-OHD, it is appropriate to offer molecular genetic testing of the CYP21A2 gene to the reproductive partner of a proband. If the reproductive partner is determined to be heterozygous for an identified mutation, the risk to each child of being affected is 50%. In the process of counseling, it is important to know that the ability to predict the phenotype based on genotype is imperfect, but is more reliable within the same family. Secondly, mutation analysis does not detect 100% of mutant alleles; there is a slight residual risk that the reproductive partner may carry a mutant allele that is not
C h a p t e r 1 5 Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia l
detected. This risk becomes significantly less if the entire gene is sequenced. Thirdly, the optimal time for determination of genetic risk, clarification of carrier status, and discussion of the availability of prenatal testing and treatment is before pregnancy so that the risk of having a child with CAH can be explained. The other family members of the probands can also be carriers. Siblings of the proband’s obligate heterozygous parents are at 50% risk of also being carriers. Carrier testing using molecular genetic testing of the CYP21A2 gene is recommended to at-risk relatives when one or both diseasecausing mutations have been identified in the proband.
Recommendation for Diagnosis and Treatment As patients with both classical and nonclassical CAH have normal intelligence and normal development when properly treated, early correct diagnosis and treatment should be carried out. Continued care by an experienced pediatric endocrinologists is recommended. Some children with CAH may suffer from a low final height (when the average of the parent’s height is considered). Those with a poor height prediction (usually owing to an advanced bone age) may need treatment with growth hormone and a luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH) analog or an aromatase inhibitor to delay puberty and thus permit a longer duration of growth before epiphyseal fusion [47].
Resources CARES (Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia Research, Education and Support) Foundation, Inc. 2414 Morris Ave, Suite 110, Union, NJ 07083 Phone: 866-227-3737 Email:
[email protected] Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia Due to 21-Hydroxylase Deficiency: A guide for patients and their families CAH printable booklet National Library of Medicine Genetics Home Reference 21-Hydroxylase deficiency NCBI Genes and Disease Congenital adrenal hyperplasia Genereviews 21-Hydroxylase-deficient congenital adrenal hyperplasia – GeneReviews – NCBI Bookshelf
References 1. S. Nimkarn, M. New, in GeneReviews at GeneTests: Medical Genetics Information Resource (online database), University of Washington, Seattle, 2006. 2. S.Y. Pang, M.A. Wallace, L. Hofman, et al., Pediatrics 81 (1988) 866–874.
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C hap ter
Genetics of Adrenocortical Tumors (ACT) and Hypersecretory Syndromes Rossella Libé, Lionel Groussin, Jérôme Bertherat AND Xavier Bertagna INSERM U567, CNRS UMR8104, Institut Cochin, Université Paris Decartes, Paris, France; Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Paris, Hôpital Cochin, Department of Endocrinology, Reference Center for Rare Adrenal Diseases, Reference center for Adrenal Cancer INCa COMETE Network, and European Network for the Study of Adrenal Tumors (ENS@T)
and advanced staging. Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) at 17p13 has been consistently demonstrated in ACC but not in adrenocortical adenoma (ACA). LOH at 17p13 was recently reported to occur in 85% of ACC and only in 30% of ACA. Increased prevalence of LOH at 17p13 is correlated with higher Weiss score – an index of pathological alterations used to determine the malignancy of ACT. It has therefore been suggested that 17p13 LOH could be used as a molecular marker of malignancy in ACT: in a large prospective study of ACT patients, 17p13 LOH was demonstrated to be an independent variable predictive of recurrence after complete surgical removal of localized ACT [6]. The discrepancy between the frequencies of TP53 mutation and 17p13 LOH may be accounted for by the existence of another tumor suppressor gene in this region. More recently, a common minimal region of loss on 17p13 in ACCs is identified, whereas no minimal region of loss in ACAs could be demonstrated. A significant down-regulation of two genes which map in this region, ACADVL and ALOX15B, in ACCs compared with ACAs was demonstrated, suggesting that the ACADVL and ALOX15B expression are good discriminators between ACCs and ACAs [7].
Considerable advances toward understanding the molecular mechanisms of ACT development have recently been made. The study of rare genetic syndromes associated with ACT has greatly facilitated progress and has increased our understanding of sporadic adrenal tumors (Table 16.1). Furthermore, several observations have demonstrated that genetic alterations are frequent in both benign and malignant ACT.
The Li–Fraumeni Syndrome: TP53 and Locus 17p13 Germline mutations in tumor suppressor gene TP53 are present in 70% of families with Li–Fraumeni syndrome (LFS). This syndrome displays dominant inheritance and confers susceptibility to breast carcinoma, soft tissue sarcoma, brain tumors, osteosarcoma, leukaemia and adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC) [1]. Other possible tumors include melanoma, gonadal germ cell tumors and carcinoma of the lung, pancreas and prostate. These tumors have an early onset, affecting mostly children and young adults. Germline mutations in TP53 have been observed in 50–80% of children with apparently sporadic ACC in North America and Europe [2]. The incidence of paediatric ACC is about 10 times higher in Southern Brazil than in the rest of the world, and a specific germline mutation has been identified in exon 10 of the TP53 gene (R337H) in almost all cases [3]. In sporadic ACC in adults, somatic mutations of TP53 are found in only 25% of ACC cases and are located in four “hot spot regions” within exons 5 and 8, as reported in a recent review [4]. More recently, Libé et al. [5], by sequencing the entire TP53 coding region, reported TP53 mutation in 33% of ACT, which is associated with a more aggressive Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
The Beckwith–Wiedemann Syndrome: IGF-II (Insulin-like Growth Factor II) and 11p15 Alterations The 11p15 region is organized into two different clusters: a telomeric domain including the IGF-II gene, H19 and a centromeric domain including CDKNIC ( p57kip2) [8]. The IGF-II gene encodes an important fetal growth factor, is maternally imprinted and is therefore expressed only from the paternal allele [8]. The H19 mRNA is not translated and this gene may modulate IGF-II expression. The p57kip2 173
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Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders Table 16.1 Summary of the genetics of adrenocortical tumors
Gene and chromosomal localization
Genetic disease
Tumors and associated manifestations Sporadic tumors
Li–Fraumeni syndrome (LFS)
Soft tissue sarcoma, breast cancers, brain tumors, leukemia, ACC
CDKN1C (p57kip2) mutation KCNQ10T (epigenetic defect) H19 (epigenetic defect) 11p15 locus alterations IGF-II overexpression Menin (11q13)
Beckwith–Wiedemann syndrome (BWS)
Omphalocele, macroglossia, macrosomia, hemihypertrophy, Wilms’ tumor, ACC
Multiple endocrine neoplasia type1 (MEN1)
Parathyroid, pituitary, pancreas tumors Adrenal cortex: adenoma, hyperplasia, rare carcinoma
PRKAR1A (17q22-24) Other loci? (2p16)
APC (5q12-22)
GNAS 1 (20q13)
CYP21 (6p)
MC2-R (18p11)
Aberrant receptor (GIP-R, adrenergic R, LH/hCG-R, 5-HT4, AT1R) Other genes (?)
TP53 germline mutation in pediatric ACC TP53 somatic mutations in sporadic ACC 17p13 LOH in sporadic ACC 11p15 LOH IGF-II overexpression
Very rare menin gene mutations in sporadic adrenocortical tumors Frequent 11q13 LOH in ACC Sporadic PPNAD: germline Carney complex (CNC) PPNAD, GH- and PRL-secreting de novo PRKAR1A mutation tumors, thyroid tumors, testicular Secreting ACA: somatic tumors (LCCSCT), ovarian cysts, PRKAR1A mutation lentiginosis, cardiac myxomas Sporadic ACA and ACC: 17q22-24 LOH Transcritome analysis shows Familial adenomatous polyposis Multiple adenomatous polyps and Wnt-signaling activation in (FAP) cancer of the colon and rectum ACC Extracolic manifestations: thyroid catenin somatic mutations tumors, hepatoblastoma, rare ACCs, in ACT ACAs, multiples or bilateral ACA A few GNAS1 mutations McCune–Albright syndrome Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia, café in sporadic adrenocortical (MAS) au lait spots, precocious puberty, tumors hyperfunction of endocrine glands (thyroid, adrenal glands, pituitary gland) GNAS1 mutation in AIMAH without MAS features CYP21 gene mutation in ACA Congenital adrenal hyperplasia Adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) Classical form: early onset (virilization of externa genitalia in females, hypocortisolism, precocious puberty in both sexes) Non classical form: late onset Hereditary isolated glucocorticoid Inactivating mutations Activating mutation of MC2-R deficiency syndrome Glucocorticoid deficiency in AIMAH 18p11 LOH in ACC ACTH independent macronodular Rare cause of endogenous Cushing’s Aberrant expression of ectopic adrenal hyperplasia syndrome receptor in AIMAH Familial cases of AIMAh (AIMAH) with an autosomal dominant pattern of transmission Familial ACTH independent macronodular adrenal hyperplasia (AIMAH)
This table describes genetic diseases responsible for adrenocortical tumors and other tumoral and non-tumoral manifestations. The molecular alterations in the genes responsible observed in sporadic adrenocortical tumors (mostly at the somatic level) are listed in the “sporadic tumors” column. PPNAD, primary pigmented nodular adrenocortical disease; ACC, adrenocortical carcinoma; ACA, adrenocortical adenoma; LOH, allelic loss.
C h a p t e r 1 6 Genetics of Adrenocortical Tumors l
gene encodes a cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor involved in the G1/S phase of the cell cycle. The H19 and p57kip2 genes are paternally imprinted and are therefore expressed from the maternal allele only. Genetic or epigenetic changes in the imprinted 11p15 region resulting in increases in IGF-II expression and these alterations have been implicated in Beckwith–Wiedemann syndrome (BWS). This overgrowth disorder is characterized by macrosomia, macroglossia, organomegaly and developmental abnormalities (in particular abdominal wall defects with exomphalos). It predisposes patients to the development of embryonal tumors – such as Wilms’ tumor – ACC [9], neuroblastoma and hepatoblastoma. IGF-II mRNA is efficiently translated and malignant tumors contain large amounts of IGF-II protein, some of which is in the prohormone form. The insulin-like growth factors system is involved in the development and maintenance of differentiated adrenocortical functions and its role has been largely documented in ACTs [6]. Many studies have demonstrated that IGF-II is often strongly overexpressed in malignant adrenocortical tumors, with such overexpression observed in approximately 90% of ACC [10, 11]. Transcriptome analysis of ACT has demonstrated that IGF-II is the gene most overexpressed in ACC by comparison with ACA or normal adrenal glands [12, 13]. The mechanism underlying IGF-II overexpression is paternal isodisomy (loss of the maternal allele and duplication of the paternal allele) or, less frequently, loss of imprinting with maintenance of both parental alleles but a paternal-like IGF-II gene expression pattern [11]. The mitogenic effect of IGF-II is dependent on the IGF-I receptor, as reported by Logié et al. [14], who demonstrated that IGF-II is involved in NCI H295R cell line proliferation and acts via the IGF-I receptor. IGF-II effects are restricted to tumors and plasma IGF-II concentrations are usually in the normal range. In ACC, only the maternal H19 allele is expressed, so expression of this gene is abolished in most ACC displaying paternal isodisomy [11]. Expression of p57kip2 is also abolished in ACC [15], but the precise role of the product encoded by this gene in the cell cycle machinery and tumorigenesis requires confirmation. Like 17p13 LOH, 11p15 LOH is associated with a higher risk of tumor recurrence, is more frequent in ACC than in ACA (78.5 vs. 9.5%) and correlates with Weiss score [6]. These genetic abnormalities generate a mosaic-like pattern in some tumors, suggesting that the tumor is made up of different subpopulations of cells. Thus, 11p15 alterations could be used as a biological marker for predicting ACC malignancy after surgical removal of the tumor [6]. However, 11p15 LOH seems to have a lower predictive value than 17p13 LOH.
Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1: The Menin Gene and Locus 11q13 The menin gene, located at the 11q13 locus, is thought to be a tumor suppressor gene. A heterozygous inactivating
germline mutation of menin is found in about 90% of families affected by multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1). This is an autosomal dominant syndrome with high penetrance and an equal sex distribution. The principal clinical features include parathyroid (95%), endocrine pancreas (45%) and pituitary (45%) tumors, thymic carcinoids and thyroid adenomas [16]. Adrenocortical tumors and/or hyperplasia are observed in 25–40% of MEN1 patients [17, 18]. In most cases, they are non-functional ACA that can be managed conservatively with radiological/hormonal follow-up. ACC has rarely been reported in MEN1 patients. Somatic mutation of the menin gene is very rare; as reported in a recent series [4] one mutation was identified in a series of 41 ACA in one study and one mutation in a series of ACC was found in another. By contrast, LOH at 11q13 was identified in more than 90% of informative ACC, whereas it has been reported in less than 20% of informative adenomas [17]. However, LOH in ACC involves almost the entire 11q domain, suggesting that an as yet unidentified tumor suppressor gene located on the long arm of the chromosome is involved in ACC formation. For more details, please see Chapter 26.
The Carney Complex: PRKAR1A Gene and Locus 17q22-24 The regulatory R1A subunit of protein kinase A (PRKAR1A) is a key component of the cAMP signaling pathway that has been implicated in endocrine tumorigenesis [4]. This gene maps to 17q22-24, a locus that has been implicated, by linkage analysis, in a dominantly multiple neoplasia inherited syndrome with many clinical and pathological manifestations, the Carney complex (CNC) [19]. Heterozygous inactivating germline mutations of PRKAR1A have been demonstrated in about 45% to 65% of CNC families [20, 21]. LOH at 17q22-24 is observed in tumors from CNC patients, suggesting that PRKAR1A is a tumor suppressor gene. The main features of CNC include spotty skin pigmentation (lentiginosis), endocrine overactivity and cardiac myxomas [22]. The tumors observed in CNC patients include growth hormone (GH)-secreting pituitary adenoma, thyroid adenomas or carcinomas, testicular tumors (large-cell calcifying Sertoli cell tumors), ovarian cysts, melanocytic schwannomas, breast ductal adenomas and adrenocortical lesions. ACTH-independent Cushing’s syndrome caused by primary pigmented nodular adrenocortical disease (PPNAD) is observed in 25–30% of patients with CNC. PPNAD is caused by a primary bilateral adrenal defect and may occur in patients with no other CNC features and no family history of CNC. ACTH-independent Cushing’s syndrome is often atypical in PPNAD; it may be cyclic, associated with a paradoxical increase in cortisol concentration after dexamethasone administration and may be found in patients with normal CT scans. The frequency of PRKAR1A mutations is about 80% in CNC patients with
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
Cushing’s syndrome, suggesting 17q22-24 defects are more likely to be found in families with PPNAD [23]. Moreover, patients with isolated PPNAD and no family history of CNC may present de novo germline mutation of PRKAR1A [24]. Somatic mutation of PRKAR1A can occur in PPNAD, inactivating the wild type allele in a patient already presenting a germline mutation [24]. Somatic PRKAR1A mutations have also been demonstrated in sporadic secreting ACA, with clinical, hormonal and pathological characteristics similar to those of PPNAD [25]. LOH at 17q22-24 has also been observed in sporadic ACA and seems to be restricted to the PRKAR1A locus, suggesting the possible involvement of this tumor suppressor gene. By contrast, LOH seems to affect a large part of 17q in ACC, suggesting that PRKAR1A alteration may play only a minor role in malignant ACT growth. Recently, a whole-genome association study led to the discovery of a new actor of the cAMP pathway involved in adrenal cortex tumorigenesis, the phosphodiesterase 11A4 (PDE11A) gene. PDE11A inactivating mutations have been reported in a subgroup of patients with Cushing’s syndrome due to micronodular adrenal hyperplasia (MAH) [26]. Moreover, two functional missense substitutions were identified, suggesting a role of PDE11A as a genetic predisposition factor. These results has been confirmed by Libé et al. [27] in a large cohort of ACT (ACA, ACC and AIMAH); in fact a higher frequency of missense variants were found in particular in the AIMAH group and a higher frequency of synonymous polymorphisms were found in ACC.
Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (FAP) and the -catenin Gene Genetic alterations of the Wnt signaling pathway were initially identified in familial adenomatous polyposis coli and have been extended to a variety of cancers [28]. Adrenocortical tumors have been observed in some case reports of patients with familial adenomatous polyposis coli [29]. Furthermore, familial adenomatous polyposis coli patients with germline mutations of the APC (adenomatous polyposis coli) gene that lead to an activation of the Wnt signaling pathway, may develop ACTs [30]. Molecular studies have suggested that somatic mutations of APC could occur in these tumors in patients already having a germline defect. The Wnt signaling pathway is normally activated during embryonic development. -catenin is a key component of this signaling pathway. It has a structural role in cell–cell adhesion, and is a transcription co-factor with T cell factor/lymphoid enhancer factor (TCF/LEF) mediating transcriptional activation of target genes of the Wnt signaling pathway. Interestingly, gene profiling studies in various types of ACTs have shown the frequent activation of Wnt signaling target genes; in ACC a microarray approach has shown that Ectodermal–Neural Cortex one (ECN-1) was up-regulated [12]. In both benign and malignant ACT, -catenin accu mulation can be observed. These alterations seem very
frequent in ACC, consistent with an abnormal activation of the Wnt-signaling pathway. This is explained in a subset of adrenocortical tumors by somatic mutations of the ß-catenin gene altering the glycogen synthase kinase 3- (GSK3-) phosphorylation site [31]. GSK3- is implicated in the regulation of -catenin. In the absence of Wnt signaling, the level of -catenin is low; -catenin is phosphorylated at critical NH2-terminal residues by the GSK3- bound to a scaffolding complex of axin and adenomatous polyposis proteins (APC) and subsequently the phosphorylated protein is degraded by the ubiquitin–proteasome system. Wnt stimulation leads to the inactivation of GSK3-beta and thereby the stabilization of beta-catenin in the cytoplasm.
The McCune–Albright Syndrome: GNAS1 Gene The trimeric G-protein (, , subunit) is responsible for transmembrane signal transduction following ligand activation of a G-protein-coupled seven-transmembrane domain adrenocorticotropin receptor (ACTH-R). Somatic activating mutations of the GNAS1 gene (mutant Gs protein, termed gsp) responsible for excess activity of the cyclic AMP (cAMP) signaling pathway have been reported in McCune– Albright syndrome (MAS) [32]. This disease is characterized by polyostotic fibrous dysplasia, café au lait spots, precocious puberty and hyperfunction of multiple endocrine glands (thyroid, adrenal glands, pituitary gland). Hypercortisolism occurs in 5% of patients and is due to ACTH-independent macronodular adrenocortical hyperplasia (AIMAH) [32]. In MAS, the gsp mutation occurs during embryonic development, as demonstrated by its mosaic pattern of distribution in various tissues. Few somatic GNAS mutations have been found in ACTs, as reported in a recent review [33]. Two different gsp mutations have been reported in three patients with Cushing’s syndrome due to AIMAH without MAS features [34]. The authors speculated as to whether these patients presented a disease in the spectrum of MAS, with a late somatic mutation leading to a single defect, or whether they were the first reported cases of isolated AIMAH with gsp mutations involved in molecular pathogenesis [34].
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is one of the most frequent genetic endocrine diseases, inherited as an autosomal recessive trait. It is caused by the loss of or severe decrease in activity of one of the steroido genic enzymes involved in cortisol biosynthesis (mostly 21-hydroxylase (21-OH), 11-hydroxylase (11-OH) and 3-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase). Deficiencies in 21-hydroxylase (CYP21) are the most common causes of CAH, accounting for 90 to 95% of cases. All the known biochemical defects impair cortisol secretion, resulting in the stimulation of pituitary corticotrophs, leading to compensatory hypersecretion of ACTH resulting in hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex. In the past, both homozygous
C h a p t e r 1 6 Genetics of Adrenocortical Tumors l
and heterozygous patients with CAH have been reported to have substantially enlarged adrenal glands and a prevalence of adrenal incidentalomas [35]. No mutation in CYP21 was detected in a study of leukocyte DNA from a series of 27 patients, whereas two heterozygous CYP21 mutations were found in adrenal tumor DNA [36]. By contrast, in another series, a higher frequency of classic CAH carriers (16%) and of manifest CAH (2%) was reported among patients with adrenal adenomas than in the general population [37]. For more details, please see Chapter 18.
Glucocorticoid-Remediable Aldosteronism (GRA) Glucocorticoid-remediable aldosteronism (GRA) was the first described familial form of hyperaldosteronism. This disorder is characterized by the chronic regulation of aldo sterone secretory function by ACTH. Aldosterone hypersecretion can therefore be chronically blocked by exogenous glucocorticoids, such as dexamethasone. This autosomal dominant disorder has been shown to be caused by a hybrid gene formed by crossover between the ACTH-responsive regulatory portion of the 11-hydroxylase (CYP11B1) gene and the coding region of the aldosterone synthase gene (CYP11B2). Adrenal tumors, together with micronodular and homogeneous hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex, have been observed in the familial cases [38].
ACTH Receptor (ACTH-R) Gene ACTH-R belongs to a subgroup of five receptors of the G-protein-coupled receptors superfamily. This subgroup consists of ACTH-R (or MCR-2), MSH-R (MCR-1) and three other receptors (MCR3 to 5). It is encoded by an intron-less gene on chromosome 18p11.2. Inactivating mutations in ACTH-R have been identified in several families with hereditary isolated glucocorticoid deficiency [39]. Screening for ACTH-R mutations in a variety of adrenal tumors has identified no somatic activating mutations to date [40]. Swords et al. [41] reported the functional characterization of a potential activating germline mutation of ACTH-R and demonstrated that it displays high levels of basal activity due to a defect in receptor desensitization. ACTH-R LOH has also been investigated in ACA and ACT; it was observed in two of four informative cancers, but not in 15 hyperfunctioning adenomas, suggesting a role for ACTH-R in cellular differentiation [42].
ACTH Independent Macronodular Adrenal Hyperplasia (AIMAH) ACTH-independent macronodular adrenal hyperplasia (AIMAH) is a rare cause of endogenous Cushing’s syndrome (CS), in which clinical features usually become apparent only after several decades of life. The pathophysiology of this entity is heterogeneous and has been intensely
explored in recent years. Several G-protein coupled receptors aberrantly expressed in the adrenal cortex have been implicated in the regulation of steroidogenesis and in the initial cell proliferation in AIMAH [43], such as the gastric inhibitory polypeptide receptor (GIP-R), adrenergic receptors, vaspopressin (V2-V3) receptors, serotonin (5-HT7) receptor and probably angiotensin II receptor (AT1R). Increased expression or altered activity of eutopic receptors such as those for vasopressin (V1) receptor, luteinizing hormone/human chorionic gonadotropin (LH/hCG-R), sero tonin (5-HT4) receptor and leptin receptor [43]. The molecular mechanisms leading to the abnormal expression of eutopic and ectopic receptors in the adrenal glands of patients with AIMAH and less commonly in ACAs remains incompletely understood. The GIP-R is the more extensively characterized ectopic receptor in the adrenal CS [44–46]. It was unclear whether aberrant hormone receptors are a primary phenomenon responsible for the pathogenesis of AIMAH or adenomas, or an epiphenomenon resulting from cell proliferation and dedifferentiation; there are now several evidences in favor of the former hypothesis. Initially reported cases of AIMAH appeared to be sporadic; more recently, first-degree relative screening identified several familial cases with an autosomal dominant pattern of transmission. Up to now, the genetic basis of these familial forms has not been extensively studied. Moreover, the potential presence of aberrant receptors was evaluated only in the recently studied families. As reported in a recent review [47], some aberrant receptors have been identified so far: V1-vasopressin and -adrenergic in one family; -adrenergic in a second one; V1-V2 and V3-vasopressin in another family, and combined 5HT4 and V1-V2-vasopressin in a further family. A systematic clinical screening of a family with hereditary cortisol-secreting -adrenergic responsive AIMAH revealed unsuspected subclinical Cushing’s syndrome and aberrant -adrenergic regulation of cortisol in all familial cases studied with subclinical CS.
Conclusion Studies of hereditary neoplasia syndromes have led to the identification of various loci or chromosomal regions and genes responsible for ACT development. The same molecular defects are observed in the germline DNA in cases of hereditary disease and as somatic defects in tumor DNA in cases of sporadic ACT. For a given genetic defect, the tumor phenotype observed in sporadic tumors displays some similarities to the tumor phenotype observed in familial diseases. This may have important clinical implications as the molecular study of tumor DNA could provide important information for diagnostic and/or prognostic purposes. Interestingly, in sporadic tumors, there is almost no overlap between the genetic alterations observed in cancers
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
and those found in adrenal adenomas. For instance, LOH at 17p13 or 11q15, mutations of p53 or PRKAR1A, or loss of CREB expression are observed in cancers but not in adenomas [48]. Conversely, GNAS mutations or ectopic expression of GIP-R have been identified to date only in secreting adrenocortical adenomas and ACTH-independent macro nodular adrenal hyperplasia. No molecular defect has been identified that would be consistently present in both benign and malignant tumors. The development of tumors in other tissues, such as the digestive tract, is thought to be based on the accumulation of numerous molecular defects, resulting in progression from benign polyp to colon cancer. Some rare tumors in which a malignant and a benign zone are associated within the same adrenal gland are consistent with this model. However, from what we have learned so far from the genetics of ACT, it would seem premature to suggest that such a model could be applied to the adrenal cortex. However, it is tempting to speculate that genetic defects might stimulate the growth of some benign cortisol-secreting tumors with such a level of cellular differentiation that progression toward a malignant dedifferentiated tumor would be prevented. This is illustrated by the various cellular and molecular defects activating the cAMP signaling pathway that have been observed in benign hyperplasia or tumors causing Cushing’s syndrome. Nevertheless, this hypothesis is consistent with an apparently benign adenoma with a lower level of differentiation, not responsible for overt cortisol secretion, being able to progress toward a malignant tumor. However, the high frequency of such adenomas, which are usually discovered by chance, contrasts with the rarity of adrenal cancer, suggesting that this multistep progression from benign to malignant tumors might be very rare. Clearly, despite progress in studies of the genetics of ACT, much remains to be done if we are to identify the many molecular alterations involved.
Acknowledgments This work was supported in part by the Plan Hospitalier de Recherche Clinique to the COMETE network (AOM 02068), the Ligue Nationale Contre le Cancer (04-7571) and the GIS-INSERM Institut des Maladies Rares for the Carney Complex network and the European Network for the study of Adrenal Tumors (ENSAT).
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C hap ter
Hereditary Pheochromocytoma and Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 2 (MEN2) Thereasa A. Rich, Camilo Jimenez AND Douglas B. Evans The University of Texas, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Texas, USA
Pheochromocytomas are rare neural crest-derived tumors of the adrenal medulla. By definition, a pheochromocytoma results in hypersecretion of catecholamines, which can cause headache, palpitations, elevated blood pressure (hypertension) and excessive perspiration, as well as many other nonspecific symptoms. Pheochromocytomas have an incidence of approximately 1 in 100,000–300,000 in the general population. Although most pheochromocytomas are benign, they can cause major morbidity and death due to uncontrolled hypertension precipitated by stressful events such as anesthesia or pregnancy. Extra-adrenal pheochromocytomas are referred to as paragangliomas. They are histologically identical, but occur outside of the adrenal medulla anywhere in the sympathetic or parasympathetic paraganglia. Paragangliomas arising from the sympathetic paraganglia commonly hypersecrete catecholamines and are located mainly in the chest, abdomen and pelvis. Parasympathetic paragangliomas are typically located within the head and neck (particularly the carotid body) and usually do not secrete excess catecholamines. Parasympathetic paragangliomas generally do not present symptomatically unless there is a mass effect causing a visible or palpable neck mass, headaches, vocal cord disturbance, or cranial nerve deficit such as tongue weakness, shoulder drop, hearing loss, tinnitus, or problems with balance. The terms pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma are often used interchangeably in the medical literature; however, genetic risk assessment is different for pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma. In addition, terms such as ectopic pheochromocytoma, chemodectoma, nonchromaffin tumor and glomus tumors are being phased out as these are anatomically nonspecific. The preferred terminology, which is used in this chapter, is pheochromocytoma for intra-adrenal tumors, and paraganglioma for extra-adrenal tumors in addition to specifying the anatomic location (e.g. carotid body paraganglioma). Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
Pheochromocytomas have historically been referred to as “the 10% tumor” given previous estimates that the rates of extra-adrenal location, malignancy and heredity were each 10%. However, recent evidence suggests that the rate of an underlying hereditary condition may be closer to 30% if one includes patients with a familial presentation as well as those with an occult germline mutation with an apparently sporadic (nonfamilial) presentation, which may account for up to half of all hereditary cases [1, 2, 3, 4]. The hereditary causes of pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma most commonly include multiple endocrine neoplasia types 2 A and 2B (MEN2A/2B), von Hippel–Lindau syndrome (VHL), the familial paraganglioma/ pheochromocytoma syndromes (due to germline mutations of the succinate dehydrogenase subunits B [SDHB], C [SDHC] and D [SDHD]), and neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1). Pheochromocytoma has rarely been reported in patients with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) [4]. In addition, a proportion of familial cases of pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma have no known underlying genetic basis, suggesting the existence of additional susceptibility loci and/or limitations in current molecular genetic testing techniques [5].
Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 (MEN2) is characterized by a very high life-time risk of developing medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC), which occurs in more than 95% of untreated patients. Pheochromocytoma is associated with two of the clinical subtypes of MEN2, MEN2A and MEN2B, but rarely in the third subtype, familial MTC (FMTC), which is clinically defined as four or more family members with MTC and the absence of additional endocrinopathies [6]. In addition to MTC and pheochromocytoma, 181
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Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
MEN2A is also associated with risk for primary hyperparathyroidism, and rarely individuals can develop a pruritic skin lesion (cutaneous lichen amyloidosis) or Hirschsprung disease. MEN2B is associated with a distinct physical appearance which includes enlarged lips, a “bumpy” tongue and eversion of the eyelids resulting from mucosal neuromas, as well as long, flexible limbs and joints, often referred to as a “Marfanoid” body habitus. The prevalence of MEN2 has been estimated at 1 in 35,000 individuals [7]. MEN2 is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner, meaning that a person with MEN2 has a 50% chance of passing the condition on to their children with each pregnancy, with males and females having an equally likely chance to be affected. Most cases of MEN2A are inherited (approximately 10% of patients are the first affected person in their family, i.e. de novo), whereas the majority of MEN2B patients do not have an affected parent and represent spontaneous or de novo mutations. A definitive diagnosis of MEN2 in cases of apparently sporadic medullary thyroid cancer or pheochromocytoma and in patients with an equivocal family history usually depends on the identification of a germline mutation in the RET (REarranged during Transfection) proto-oncogene. RET is a 21-exon proto-oncogene located on chromosome 10q11.2 and encodes a receptor tyrosine kinase. The RET receptor interacts with the glial-derived neurotrophic factor family of ligands. Ligand binding induces receptor dimerization, autophosphorylation of intracellular tyrosine kinase residues, and activation of signaling cascades that ultimately lead to promotion of cell growth and survival. All MEN2associated RET mutations are missense mutations which cause constitutive activation of the RET receptor leading to unregulated cell growth and survival [8]. MEN2-associated
mutations are almost always located in exons 10, 11, or 13–16 of the RET proto-oncogene, although mutations in exons 5 and 8 have been reported on rare occasions [9, 10]. Strong genotype–phenotype correlations exist such that the codon in which the mutation occurs can be used to predict MEN2 subtype, risk for pheochromocytoma and hyperparathyroidism, and age at onset and aggressiveness of MTC. Mutations in the extracellular, ligand-binding domain (exons 5 and 8) and the first intracellular tyrosine kinase domain (exons 13 and 14) are mainly associated with low risk for pheochromocytoma and lower penetrant and less aggressive medullary thyroid cancer. Mutations in the extracellular cysteine-rich domain which mediates dimerization (exons 10 and 11) are mainly associated with MEN2A and have a moderate aggressiveness of medullary thyroid cancer. Finally, the two specific mutations causing MEN2B, A883F and M918T are located in the second intracellular tyrosine kinase domain and cause the earliest onset and most aggressive form of MTC (Table 17.1). Pheochromocytomas occur in up to 50% of individuals with MEN2A and MEN2B. Pheochromocytomas occur most commonly with codon 634 (MEN2A) and codon 918 (MEN2B) RET proto-oncogene mutations, and with lesser frequency in kindreds with mutations of codons 609, 611, 618, 620, 768, 790, 791, 804, 883 and 891. Pheochromocytomas have not been found in kindreds with mutations of codons 532–534, 630, 777 and 912. Because pheochromocytomas are more commonly seen in association with the high risk mutations for MTC, the presence of a pheochromocytoma may imply a more aggressive MTC. Pheochromocytomas tend to develop after MTC is identified; however, there are well-documented examples of MEN2-related pheochromocytomas presenting before MTC is found as the initial manifestations of this syndrome. Less
Table 17.1 Genotype-phenotype correlations in MEN2 [14, 16] Level
RET codon
Associated clinical subtypes
Relative risk for pheochromocytoma
Relative risk of hyperparathyroidism
Age of prophylactic thyroidectomy
Usually FMTC
May be delayed*
Usually FMTC
Consider by age 5, but may be delayed*
High High
High No increased risk
By 3–5 years 6 months
790 791 804 891 609 611 630 618 620 634 883 918
*Thyroidectomy can be delayed as long as: l Annual calcitonin level is not elevated l Annual thyroid ultrasound is normal l MTC is not aggressive in the family l Patient preference.
C h a p t e r 1 7 Hereditary Pheochromocytoma and MEN2 l
than 3% of cases of apparently sporadic pheochromocytoma occurring before age 50 years are due to germline mutations of the RET proto-oncogene [1, 4]. The pattern of catecholamine production in MEN2 differs from that seen in other hereditary forms of pheochromocytoma. MEN2-related pheochromocytomas secrete epinephrine/metanephrines and may or may not secrete noradrenergic catecholamines [11]. This biochemical phenotype results in an early clinical presentation characterized by attacks of palpitations, nervousness, anxiety and headaches, rather than the more common pattern of hypertension seen with sporadic or other hereditary tumors. Bilateral pheochromocytomas occur in approximately half of patients with MEN2 with high risk RET mutations; their development is frequently asynchronous, with separation by as much as 15 years. Malignant pheochromocytomas and paragangliomas are extremely rare in MEN2. Malignant pheochromocytomas are generally found with large tumors. There have been reports of sympathetic paragangliomas in MEN2, although most of these have been found in the adrenal region and may actually represent a tumor that has developed in an adrenal rest, recurrence of a previously excised adrenal medullary tumor, or seeding from a malignant pheochromocytoma. Therefore, young patients presenting with apparently sporadic adrenergic pheochromocytoma should be offered testing for RET mutations, whereas patients with entirely noradrenergic pheochromocytomas, paragangliomas, or malignant tumors are unlikely to benefit from RET testing. MEN2-associated pheochromocytomas are often detected by routine biochemical screening or present symptomatically due to hypertension, palpitations, headache, tachycardia, or sweating. Plasma free metanephrines have the highest sensitivity and specificity for detecting pheochromocytoma, particularly for those with hereditary syndromes, and are the preferred method of surveillance. However, measurement of 24-hour urine catecholamines and metanephrines, and serum catecholamines are also frequently used [12, 13]. Importantly, biochemical screening for pheochromocytoma should occur before any type of surgical intervention or pregnancy in patients with MEN2; the consequences of an undiagnosed pheochromocytoma in these situations can be life-threatening. For MEN2 patients with biochemical evidence or convincing symptoms of pheochromocytoma, imaging studies such as CT or MRI are useful for determining whether one or both adrenal glands are involved. Patients with a pheochromocytoma should be treated with alpha- and sometimes beta-blockade before undergoing surgery. The typical age at onset of MEN2-associated pheochromocytomas is in the third decade of life, which is approximately 10–20 years younger than the typical age of sporadic pheochromocytoma development. Surgery is the treatment modality of choice, and due to the high frequency of bilateral tumors, bilateral adrenal surgery is often required at some point. Bilateral total adrenalectomy renders the patient dependent on replacement doses of corticosteroid drugs for
life and at risk for acute adrenal insufficiency (Addisonian crisis), and so a cortex-sparing adrenalectomy should be considered for patients with bilateral disease. Patients who do undergo bilateral total adrenalectomy should wear medical alert bracelets that indicate that hydrocortisone could be life-saving in emergency situations. Because nearly all MEN2 patients eventually develop MTC, patients with a germline RET mutation are generally recommended to undergo early intervention for medullary thyroid cancer. For the highest risk mutations, early detection of MTC is difficult and the treatment options for locally advanced and metastatic disease are limited. Given the acceptably low morbidity and mortality associated with thyroidectomy, prophylactic thyroidectomy has become widely accepted as standard of care. Guidelines are available to determine the earliest age at which prophylactic thyroidectomy would be appropriate in mutation carriers [49]. Mutations associated with the least aggressive forms of medullary thyroid cancer are level A mutations and occur in RET codons 768, 790, 791, 804, or 891. Medullary thyroid cancer associated with these codons is typically later onset, less aggressive with rare reports of MTC-related death, and may not be fully penetrant. However, there are rare cases of more aggressive MTC occuring with mutations in these codons. Genetic testing and initiation of MTC screening for RET mutation carriers is still recommended by 3–5 years of age; however, thyroidectomy can be delayed as long as thyroid ultrasound and measurement of serum levels of calcitonin are performed on at least a yearly basis remain without evidence of MTC, the MTC in other family members is not aggressive, and the patient prefers to delay surgery. Level B mutations (codons 609, 611, 618, 620, 630) are associated with a slightly more aggressive MTC. Thyroidecomy should be considered by age five years, but may be delayed. Level C mutations (codon 634) are associated with moderately aggressive MTC and thyroidectomy is recommended by age five years. Level D mutations are associated with the most aggressive form of MTC and include the MEN2B-related mutations (codons 918 and 883). Individuals with level D mutations should undergo prophylactic thyroidectomy by six months of age, with some experts advocating for even earlier surgery (Table 17.1). However, this rarely occurs as babies that young do not have the phenotypic appearance of MEN2B and the mutation is spontaneous in almost all affected infants.
von Hippel–Lindau syndrome (VHL) In addition to MEN2, VHL is a common cause of hereditary pheochromocytoma and should be one of the first syndromes to consider, particularly if the patient is very young (VHL accounts for nearly half of pheochromocytomas presenting before age 20 years), or if the tumor has noradrenergic catecholamine secretion. Overall, VHL accounts for
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
approximately 11% of apparently sporadic pheochromocytomas [1]. Most VHL-associated pheochromocytomas are benign and intra-adrenal, however extra-adrenal paragangliomas and malignant tumors can occur [11, 17, 18]. VHL is also inherited in an autosomal dominant manner, has a prevalence of about 1 in 36,000 with an estimated 20% of cases being de novo mutations. In addition to pheochromocytoma, VHL is characterized by hemangioblastomas in the retina and central nervous system, renal cysts and renal cell carcinoma, pancreatic cysts and pancreatic endocrine tumors, endolymphatic sac tumors, and papillary cystadenomas of the epididymis and broad ligament, though some families with VHL only develop pheochromocytomas and/or paragangliomas. In fact, VHL is classified into two main types, based on the risk for pheochromocytoma. VHL type 1 is characterized by a low risk of pheochromocytoma, whereas VHL type 2 is characterized by a high risk of pheochromocytoma. Type 2 is further divided based on risk for renal cell carcinoma; type 2 A is associated with a low risk of renal cell carcinoma, type 2B is associated with a high risk of renal cell carcinoma. Finally, type 2C is defined as pheochromocytoma occurring without other manifestations of VHL disease (Table 17.2) [19, 20]. VHL is highly variable, both within and between different families, in terms of the age at onset, number and types of tumors, and severity of the disease. VHL is thought to be fully penetrant by age 60, although the typical age at onset is in the second to third decade of life [21]. Like MEN2, VHL-associated tumors are often detected on routine biochemical screening (preferably through measurement of free plasma metanephrine and normetanephrine) or due to symptoms, and are often bilateral. Diagnosis and treatment of VHL-associated pheochromocytoma is similar to that of MEN2-associated pheochromocytomas; however, the possibility of extra-adrenal tumors (i.e. paragangliomas) must be considered in patients with VHL. VHL is caused by germline inactivating mutations of the VHL tumor suppressor gene, which is comprised of
Table 17.2 VHL subtypes and genotype–phenotype correlations
VHL subtype Type 1 Type 2A Type 2B Type 2C
Associated tumor types HB
Most common gene Pheo mutation type
Deletions, truncations Missense (Y98H, Y112H) Missense Missense (L188V, V84L, S80L)
HB, hemangioblastoma (retinal or central nervous system); RCC, renal cell carcinoma (clear cell); PHEO, pheochromocytoma/paraganglioma.
three exons and is located on chromosome 3p25. The most well-defined role of the VHL protein is its participation in the regulation of the hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) pathway. Normally, HIF is active in hypoxic states to promote oxygenindependent ATP synthesis and angiogenesis, and its alpha subunit is degraded in normoxic states. VHL, in complex with elongins B and C, is involved in proteolytic degradation of the HIF1 and HIF2 alpha subunits [22]. Mutations of the VHL gene result in reduced or abnormal function of the VHL protein, thus permitting increased HIF1 and HIF2 activity. VHL’s involvement in the HIF pathway likely contributes to the highly vascular nature of VHL-associated tumors. However, failure to properly degrade HIF does not seem to be an important mechanism in the development of VHL-associated pheochromocytomas [23, 24]. Sequencing and large deletion testing, usually by southern blot or MLPA, detects nearly 100% of VHL-associated mutations making genetic testing the most definitive and cost-effective method to diagnose or rule out VHL syndrome in patients presenting with VHL-related diseases such as phaeochromocytoma [20]. Unlike MEN2, in which a few recurring mutations account for the majority of the disease, over 500 VHL mutations have been described and there is considerable variation in the number, location and types of mutations involved. Despite this, there are genotype-phenotype correlations in VHL, and there are a limited number of recurring mutations that occur either in hypermutable sequences (delPhe76, N78S/H/T, P86L, R161Ter, C162Y/F/W, R167Q/W and L178P) or as a founder mutation, such as the Black Forest Y98H mutation in German families [25]. The majority (96%) of VHL patients with pheochromocytoma (i.e. type 2 VHL) have missense mutations whereas 95% of null or truncating mutations do not cause VHL-associated pheochromocytoma (i.e. type 1 VHL) [20, 26, 27]. Mutations at codon 167 are responsible for approximately 46% of VHL type 2 families [20]. Four mutations, L188V, V84L, S80L and R161Q have been associated with the pheochromocytoma-only subtype (type 2C), and three mutations, L128F, S111C and R161Q, have been associated with a risk of pheochromocytoma without renal cell carcinoma (i.e. type 2 A) (Table 17.2) [20, 25]. Importantly, not all laboratories offer both sequencing and large deletion testing for VHL. Large deletion testing is necessary to achieve a 100% mutation detection rate. If a diagnosis of VHL is confirmed, the patient should be referred for appropriate tumor surveillance studies. The recommended surveillance strategy varies depending on patient age and whether there are any symptomatic complaints, but typically involves: (1) ophthalmologic evaluation at least yearly and biannually during puberty; (2) annual abdominal ultrasound of the kidneys starting around 10 years of age and switching to MRI abdominal surveillance around age 20; (3) baseline MRI of the brain and spine starting around puberty and repeating every 1–3 years; and (4) annual audiology exam to monitor hearing. Surveillance
C h a p t e r 1 7 Hereditary Pheochromocytoma and MEN2 l
for pheochromocytoma in type 2 families involves annual measurement of free plasma metanephrines. Families who appear to be type 1 based on family history and genetic test results may not need to undergo as rigorous screening for pheochromocytoma as type 2 families; however, screening should be performed prior to any surgical procedure or pregnancy/delivery.
Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) Neurofibromatosis type 1 is also associated with hereditary pheochromocytoma; however, genetic testing is generally not necessary to establish a diagnosis of NF1. Patients with NF1 will have manifestations that are obvious on physical examination, most commonly including café au lait macules, neurofibromas, and axillary and inguinal freckling by the time they are at risk for the development of pheochromocytoma [28]. The NIH diagnostic criteria for NF1 include a patient with two or more of the following clinical features: (1) six or more café au lait macules measuring at least 5 mm in prepubertal individuals and at least 15 mm in postpubertal individuals; (2) two or more neurofibromas; (3) a plexiform neurofibroma; (4) axillary or inguinal freckling; (5) optic glioma; (6) more than one Lisch nodule; (7) sphenoid dysplasia or tibial pseudoarthrosis; (8) a parent, sibling, or child with NF1 [29]. By 8 years of age, 97% of NF1 patients meet these criteria, and all do so by 20 years of age [30]. Pheochromocytomas only rarely develop in NF1 (approximately 1% risk) and tend to behave in a similar manner as sporadic pheochromocytoma [31]. The average age at onset is in the fourth decade, but can occur in childhood. There are rare examples of multigenerational pheochromocytomas. Most pheochromocytomas in NF1 produce mainly norepinephrine and therefore most commonly present with hypertension and noradrenergic symptomatology. However, 22% of pheochromocytomas have no symptoms related to excessive catecholamine secretion. Approximately 11–12% of tumors are malignant, 10% are bilateral and over 94% are located intra-adrenal [31, 32].
Familial paraganglioma syndromes For individuals diagnosed with a paraganglioma, mutations of the SDHB, SDHD and SDHC genes should be considered first unless there is clinical suspicion for VHL. Germline mutations of these genes cause familial paraganglioma syndromes, characterized by susceptibility to multiple paragangliomas of the head and neck, thoracic and abdominal paraganglia as well as pheochromocytoma. Most cases of
familial paragangliomas and 8–50% of apparently sporadic, young onset, paragangliomas are due to a mutation in one of the three SDH genes [33, 34]. SDHB and SDHD are the most common genes responsible for familial paraganglioma, whereas SDHC gene mutations have only been observed in a handful of families. The typical age at tumor development in patients with the familial paraganglioma syndromes is in the late 20s to early 30s; however, a wide range of ages of onset have been reported, and penetrance is incomplete [35]. Each of the three genes is distinguished by the most common location of tumor development, risk for malignancy and the inheritance pattern. In SDHB gene mutation carriers, paragangliomas develop most frequently in the abdomen followed by head and neck locations, and less commonly in the chest or adrenal gland [35, 36]. SDHB-related paragangliomas are also associated with a high rate of malignancy (the largest series reported a malignancy rate of almost 38%) [36]. Similar to sporadic paragangliomas, SDHB-associated paragangliomas that develop in abdominal locations tend to secrete catecholamines, whereas those that develop in the head and neck tend to be nonfunctioning. Tumors present with either the characteristic symptoms associated with catecholamine excess such as hypertension, headache, excessive perspiration and palpitations, or they may be nonfunctional. Approximately 10% of tumors are biochemically silent and cause symptoms related to mass effect, such as abdominal or back pain, abdominal discomfort or distention, urinary abnormalities, deep vein thrombosis, or weight loss. The lack of symptoms of catecholamine excess is likely why SDHB-associated tumors tend to be larger than sporadic tumors [2, 37, 38]. The majority of functional tumors secrete noradrenergic catecholamines and frequently secrete dopamine [37]. The age-related penetrance of tumor development in SDHB mutation carriers is estimated to be 30–50% by age 30–35 years, 45% by age 40 years and 77% by age 50 years. The earliest reported diagnosis of a paraganglioma in a SDHB mutation carrier was age 10 years [35, 37]. Many (approximately 72%) SDHB mutation carriers develop only a single tumor and the majority have an apparently sporadic presentation although the percentage of patients with a de novo mutation has not yet been wellestablished [37]. SDHB mutations are inherited in an autosomal dominant manner. Germline SDHB mutations have recently been found to be an independent predictor of poor prognosis in individuals with a malignant pheochromocytoma or paraganglioma. SDHB mutation carriers have a significantly lower five-year survival rate and a shorter metanephrine excretion doubling time than patients with sporadic malignant tumors [39]. In fact, an SDHB germline mutation is the only independent predictor of malignancy in pheochromocytomas and paragangliomas at this time. This observation, in combination with the high rate of malignancy of tumors in SDHB
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
mutation carriers, indicates that SDHB mutation carriers should have close and aggressive tumor surveillance and treatment. At present, evidence-based guidelines on the diagnosis, surveillance and management of SDHB-associated tumors are not available. Based on available natural history data, it is reasonable to recommend annual plasma or urinary fractionated metanephrine measurement in addition to functional or cross-sectional imaging studies every 1–2 years. Imaging studies such as CT or MRI have a high sensitivity for detecting pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma in general, however functional imaging modalities such as 123I-labeled meta-iodobenzylguanide scintigraphy (MIBG), which has a lower sensitivity but higher specificity, or newer functional studies such as 6-[18F]-fluorodopamine, [18F]-dihydroxyphenylalanine, [11C]-hydroxyephedrine, or [11C]-epinephrine PET scans may also be helpful in selected situations. One recent study determined that [18F]-FDG-PET had a sensitivity of almost 100% for the detection of SDHBrelated paraganglioma metastases and may also be useful for staging and surveillance. Sequencing of the coding region (exons 1–8) and intron– exon junctions as well as large deletion/rearrangement analysis are clinically available for SDHB. The detection rate using the testing methodologies is currently unknown. Large deletions are now believed to occur in a significant proportion of cases. For example, one study found three SDHB deletions in 24 (12.5%) patients who had either familial, multifocal, extra-adrenal or young age at onset (age 35 years and younger) of disease and who had previously tested negative for point mutations in RET, VHL, SDHB, SDHD and SDHC [40]. No large deletions of SDHD or SDHC were discovered. Paragangliomas in SDHD gene mutation carriers tend to develop most often in the head and neck; however, abdominal and thoracic paragangliomas and adrenal pheochromocytoma are also observed at a lower frequency [35, 36]. The vast majority of paragangliomas in SDHD mutation carriers are benign, though some can be locally invasive and rarely can metastasize [41]. The age-related penetrance of tumors in SDHD mutation carriers is estimated at 50% by age 31 years and 86% by age 50 years. Most (approximately 75%) have multifocal tumors such as bilateral carotid body tumors. The earliest reported age of paraganglioma development in a SDHD mutation carrier was five years. SDHD mutations are inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern with parent of origin effects [42]. While any person with an SDHD mutation is at 50% risk of passing the mutation on to each of their children, the gender of the transmitting parent determines whether the child is at risk for tumor development. Individuals who inherit an SDHD gene mutation from their father are at risk for paraganglioma development; those that inherit a mutation from their mother are not at risk for paraganglioma development. However, the finding of a paraganglioma in a patient who inherited an SDHD mutation from his mother has prompted some to
question whether all maternally transmitted SDHD mutation carriers should undergo tumor surveillance [43]. The rate of de novo mutations has not yet been established. There are no consensus guidelines for surveillance of SDHD mutation carriers. As the majority of tumors are nonfunctional and develop primarily in head and neck locations, imaging modalities such as ultrasound, CT, or MRI will usually be necessary to detect tumors. However, because functioning abdominal pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma can also occur, annual biochemical screening using urinary or plasma fractionated metanephrine levels is also recommended. Whether thoracic and abdominal imaging in the absence of biochemical evidence of a functioning pheochromocytoma or paraganglioma is warranted is unclear. SDHC mutations are rare and have been identified in only a handful of families, most of which presented with benign tumors of the head and neck, although abdominal and intra-adrenal tumors have also been observed [44, 45]. SDHC mutations are inherited in an autosomal dominant manner; the rate of de novo mutations has not yet been established. SDHB, SDHC and SDHD encode proteins that comprise three of the four subunits that make up the succinate dehydrogenase enzyme, which comprises mitochondrial complex II. Mitochondrial complex II is involved in both of the primary mechanisms of ATP synthesis within the mitochondria; the electron transport chain and the Krebs’ cycle. Succinate dehydrogenase is responsible for oxidizing succinate to fumerate within the Krebs’ cycle. The SDHC and SDHD subunits are responsible for anchoring the succinate dehydrogenase enzyme to the mitochondrial membrane, and SDHB (along with the fourth subunit, SDHA) forms the enzyme’s catalytic core. Germline mutations of SDHB, SDHD, or SDHC are thought to result in disassembly of the succinate dehydrogenase enzyme causing reduced enzymatic function leading to accumulation of succinate and oxaloglutarate within the cell. In addition to being key intermediaries of the Krebs’ cycle, succinate and oxaloglutarate are also co-factors of the polyhydroxylase enzymes, which are involved in HIF degradation. Therefore, the downstream effect of abnormal SDHB, SDHD, or SDHC subunit function is an increase in available HIF, thus leading to a similar mechanism of tumorigenesis as is seen in VHL [3]. Interestingly, germline mutations of the gene encoding the SDHA subunit are not associated with risk to develop pheochromocytoma or paraganglioma, but homozygous germline mutations cause Leigh syndrome, a severe neurodegenerative disorder. Recently, germline SDHB mutations have been identified in four (44%) of nine families with both gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) and paragangliomas, referred to as the Carney–Stratakis dyad [46]. Two other such families were found to have a germline mutation of SDHC and one had a germline mutation of SDHD. Loss of heterozygosity
C h a p t e r 1 7 Hereditary Pheochromocytoma and MEN2 l
of the SDHx locus was observed in GIST tissue, thus providing evidence that GIST may be a component tumor in at least a subset of the familial paraganglioma syndromes. Other tumor types have also been reported in SDHx mutation carriers, including three individuals from two independent families with a SDHB mutation with earlyonset renal cell carcinoma, and all tumors showed loss of heterozygosity of the SDHB locus [47]. In addition, SDHB mutations have been found in 4.4% of patients with apparently isolated familial or bilateral renal cell carcinoma [50]. Two patients with papillary thyroid cancer have been observed including a 14-year-old SDHB mutation carrier and a 26-year-old SDHD mutation carrier [35, 47].
Genetic risk assessment in patients with apparently sporadic pheochromocytoma In patients presenting with an apparently sporadic pheochromocytoma or paraganglioma, defined as a patient with a single tumor without a family history or overt clinical evidence suggestive of a particular syndrome, one should consider the known inherited endocrinopathies including VHL, MEN2 and the SDH-related syndromes. Several retrospective studies have assessed the frequency of germline mutations associated with these conditions in patients with apparently sporadic pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma, the largest of which identified a germline mutation in 24–27% of patients [1, 2]. However, when one considers the age at diagnosis, tumor location and focality, and biology (malignant vs. benign) the mutation prevalence ranged from less than 2% to 70% [1, 4, 33]. The patients most likely to have an underlying germline mutation are those with multifocal tumors (approximately 81% for RET, VHL and SDHD mutations combined), age of onset 18 years and younger (approximately 56% have a mutation in VHL, SDHB, or SDHD), and malignant extra-adrenal paraganglioma (almost 50% have a mutation in SDHB) [1, 34, 48]. Patients presenting with a single benign tumor after age 20 have a mutation prevalence of 10–20% with the prevalence dropping below 2% after 50 years of age. Mutation rates overall are slightly higher for extra-adrenal tumors [1, 33]. Therefore, all individuals with a newly diagnosed pheo chromocytoma or paraganglioma at a young age (aged 40– 50 and under), more than one tumor, a malignant tumor, a family history of a pheochromocytoma or paraganglioma, or with suggestive features for a syndromic condition should be offered genetic counseling and testing. The genetic risk assessment can provide crucial information on the patient’s future risk for additional tumors and the assessed risk to their family members. In addition, as with most other neuroendocrine tumors, the presence or absence of a malignant pheochromocytoma cannot be predicted reliably based on tumor histology alone, and is generally identified only by
the presence of metastatic disease. Therefore, the presence or absence of a particular gene mutation can provide information regarding the risk of metachronous metastases. For example, a patient with an SDHB mutation has a higher risk of having synchronous or metachronous metastases than does a patient with an SDHD mutation, a VHL mutation, or a sporadic pheochromocytoma. Genetic testing for pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma is complicated by the fact that there are multiple candidate genes with overlapping clinical phenotype. It is expensive and it may not be feasible to evaluate each patient for all of the known genes discussed above. As above, a careful clinical assessment in addition to considering the age at onset, tumor location (adrenal, extra-adrenal head/neck or abdominal), presence or absence of malignancy and the tumor biochemical phenotype can help target genetic testing. In addition, the clinical utility of testing should also be considered, for example, if there is an approximately equal likelihood of detecting an SDHB mutation as an SDHD mutation, SDHB should be considered first as the consequences of a missed SDHB mutation may be more clinically significant than a missed SDHD mutation. Similarly, the clinical utility of testing for RET and VHL is also very high given that individuals with these syndromes are at risk for multiple tumor types and benefit from surveillance and early detection including the need for prophylactic surgery in the case of MEN2. Ideally all patients younger than 50 years of age should be considered for genetic screening. However, for the SDH-related syndromes, the benefit of identifying at-risk family members is unclear, as family members may never develop disease. The inherent anxiety and stress, the potential for genetic discrimination, the elevated costs of surveillance (annual CT scans, PET, etc) and genetic testing need strongly to be considered when indicating genetic testing.
Authors’ Recommended Genetic Testing Strategy for Patients with Apparently Sporadic Pheochromocytoma/Paraganglioma A list of commercial laboratories offering clinical genetic testing for RET, VHL, SDHB, SDHD and SDHC is found in Table 17.3. Syndromic features: the most important first step in assessing risk for hereditary pheochromocytoma in an individual patient is to collect an accurate family and medical history to determine whether there are any obvious indicators of MEN2, VHL and NF1. For example, with MEN2, it is important to consider whether there is a history of thyroid cancer or a thyroid nodule, an elevated calcium, sudden death (a complication of pheochromocytoma), or visible signs of MEN2B. The clinician should assess whether there are any obvious features of VHL in a patient or their family, such as retinal tumors/sudden onset of blindness, central nervous system tumors, or
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders Table 17.3 Laboratories in the US offering clinical testing for hereditary pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma syndromes* Gene(s)
Sequence analysis
Large deletion testing
Testing for known mutation
Prenatal diagnosis
ARUP Laboratories Molecular Genetics Laboratory 500 Chipeta Way Salt Lake City, UT 84108-1221 Tel: (800) 242-2787
All Children’s Hospital Molecular Genetics Laboratory 801 6th St. South St. Petersburg, FL 33701 Tel: (727) 767-8985
Athena Diagnostics Inc 4 Biotech Park 377 Plantation Street Worcester, MA 01605 Tel: (508) 756-2886
Yes Yes
N/A No
No No
No No
Baylor College of Medicine Medical Genetics Laboratories One Baylor Plaza, NAB 2015 Houston, TX 77030 Tel: 1-800-411-4363
Yes Yes Yes Yes
No No No Yes
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Boston University Center for Human Genetics 715 Albany St. W-4th Floor Boston, MA 02118 Tel: (617) 638-7083
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes Yes
GeneDx, Inc 207 Perry Parkway Gaithersburg, MD 20877 Tel: 301-519-2100
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Harvard Medical School Laboratory for Molecular Medicine 65 Landsdowne Street Cambridge, MA, 02139 Tel: (617) 768-8500
Henry Ford Hospital DNA Diagnostics Laboratory 2799 W.Grand Blvd. Detroit, MI 48202 Tel: (313) 916-7681
Huntington Medical Research Institutes Molecular Oncology and Cancer Genetics Laboratory 99 North El Molino Avenue Pasadena, California 91101 Tel: (626) 795-4343
Johns Hopkins Hospital DNA Diagnostic Laboratory CMSC 1004 600 N. Wolfe St. Baltimore, MD 21287 Tel: (410) 955-0483
C h a p t e r 1 7 Hereditary Pheochromocytoma and MEN2 l
Table 17.3 (Continued) Gene(s)
Sequence analysis
Large deletion testing
Testing for known mutation
Prenatal diagnosis
Mayo Clinic Molecular Genetics Laboratory 3050 Superior Drive NW Rochester, MN 55901 Tel: (800) 533-1710
Yes Yes
N/A Yes
Yes Yes
No No
Quest Diagnostics Nichols Institute Molecular Genetics Laboratory 33608 Ortega Highway San Juan Capistrano, CA 92690-6130 Tel: (800) 642-4657
The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Molecular Genetics Laboratory Abramson Research Center, Room 714G 3615 Civic Center Blvd Philadelphia, PA 19104 Tel: (215) 590-4404
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
No No No No No
The Ohio State University Molecular Pathology Laboratory 680 Ackerman Road, Room 449 Columbus, OH 43202 Tel: (614) 366-4557
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Division of Molecular Diagnostics Room S780 Scaife Hall 3550 Terrace St. Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Tel: (412) 648-8519
Yes Yes Yes Yes
N/A No No No
Yes Yes Yes Yes
No No No No
Washington University School of Medicine Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Barnes-Jewish Hospital, North Campus, Rm 2320 Mail stop 90-35-709 216 South Kings Highway St. Louis, MO 63110 Tel: (314) 454-8685
Yale University School of Medicine DNA Diagnostics Laboratory Department of Genetics SHM-I321 333 Cedar St. New Haven, CT 06520-8005 Tel: (203) 785-5745
* There are now more labs offering testing: Ambry Genetics, Comprehensive Genetic Services, and Emory are now doing RET. Correlagan Diagnostics Inc, The University of Alabama and Emory are offering VHL.
kidney cancer. In addition, most patients with a pheochromocytoma will have undergone abdominal CT or MRI imaging, which allow for evaluation of renal or pancreatic cysts. Importantly, some patients with VHL develop only pheochromocytomas or paragangliomas and not the other features of VHL; thus, the absence of extra-adrenal
features of VHL, even in an older patient, cannot by itself exclude this diagnosis. Age at onset: all patients younger than 20 years of age should be offered genetic testing/counseling. VHL should be the first diagnosis to be considered, followed by SDHB. SDHD could also be considered, though, as above, the utility of SDHD testing is less than that of
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
VHL and SDHB. Pheochromocytomas are rare in children with MEN2 and therefore, RET testing should be considered when patients under the age of 20 are found to have intra-adrenal, non-metastatic tumors that produce epinephrine/metanephrines. Tumor location Pheochromocytomas: RET should be considered first for patients with epinephrine/metanephrine-producing tumors. VHL should be considered first for patients with noradrenergic tumors, particularly those occurring at a young age. SDHB followed by SDHD testing should then be considered in that order. Abdominal, thoracic and pelvic sympathetic paragangliomas: SDHB should be considered first followed by VHL (especially if the tumor produces noradrenaline). SDHD could also be considered if the above testing is negative. Head and neck paragangliomas: for individuals with multifocal tumors, SDHD should be considered first as this is the most likely gene to be involved, followed by SDHB and SDHC. For individuals with a single tumor, the likelihood of an SDHB mutation is approximately equal to that of an SDHD mutation, and therefore SDHB testing should take preference given the higher clinical utility [5, 44]. SDHC genetic testing can also be considered if a mutation in the above genes is not detected. Malignancy: the presence of a malignant tumor should prompt SDHB testing. VHL can also be considered for patients who test negative for SDHB and who have a norepinephrine-producing tumor. Patients with a single benign tumor presenting after 50 years of age and a negative family history are unlikely to have a mutation, and genetic testing is generally not indicated. l
Summary Recent studies of the genetics of pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma have identified a high rate of underlying hereditary conditions, even in patients with seemingly sporadic tumors. Clinicians should be able to recognize the need for a genetic evaluation in such patients to allow for proper medical management. The most important inherited genetic conditions to consider include VHL and MEN2 (given the risk for additional tumors and the proven reduction in morbidity and mortality from surveillance protocols) and SDHB-associated mutations given their high risk of malignancy. In addition to the healthcare management of the proband, the risk of disease in relatives must also be adequately addressed.
1. H.P. Neumann, B. Bausch, S.R. McWhinney, et al., Germline mutations in nonsyndromic pheochromocytoma, N. Engl. J. Med. 346 (2002) 1459–1466. 2. L. Amar, J. Bertherat, E. Baudin, et al., Genetic testing in pheochromocytoma or functional paraganglioma, J. Clin. Oncol. 23 (2005) 8812–8818. 3. A.P. Gimenez-Roqueplo, N. Burnichon, L. Amar, et al., Recent advances in the genetics of phaeochromocytoma and functional paraganglioma, Clin. Exp. Pharmacol. Physiol. 35 (2008) 376–379. 4. C. Jimenez, G. Cote, A. Arnold, et al., Review: Should patients with apparently sporadic pheochromocytomas or paragangliomas be screened for hereditary syndromes? J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 91 (2006) 2851–2858. 5. B.E. Baysal, J.E. Willett-Brozick, E.C. Lawrence, et al., Prevalence of SDHB, SDHC, and SDHD germline mutations in clinic patients with head and neck paragangliomas, J. Med. Genet. 39 (2002) 178–183. 6. C. Eng, D. Clayton, I. Schuffenecker, et al., The relationship between specific RET proto-oncogene mutations and disease phenotype in multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2. International RET Mutation Consortium Analysis, Jama 276 (1996) 1575–1579. 7. R.A., DeLellis, R.V. Lloyd, P.U. Heitz, C. Eng (Eds.), Pathology and Genetics of Tumours of the Endocrine Organs. World Health Organization Classification of Tumours, IARC Press, Lyon, 2004. 8. M. Santoro, F. Carlomagno, R.M. Melillo, et al., Dysfunction of the RET receptor in human cancer, Cell Mol. Life Sci. 61 (2004) 2954–2964. 9. S. Dvorakova, E. Vaclavikova, J. Duskova, et al., Exon 5 of the RET proto-oncogene: a newly detected risk exon for familial medullary thyroid carcinoma, a novel germ-line mutation Gly321Arg, J. Endocrinol. Invest. 28 (2005) 905–909. 10. A.M. Da Silva, R.M. Maciel, M.R. Da Silva, et al., A novel germ-line point mutation in RET exon 8 (Gly(533)Cys) in a large kindred with familial medullary thyroid carcinoma, J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 88 (2003) 5438–5443. 11. G. Eisenhofer, M.M. Walther, T.T. Huynh, et al., Pheochromocytomas in von Hippel–Lindau syndrome and multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 display distinct biochemical and clinical phenotypes, J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 86 (2001) 1999–2008. 12. J.W. Lenders, K. Pacak, M.M. Walther, et al., Biochemical diagnosis of pheochromocytoma: which test is best? Jama 287 (2002) 1427–1434. 13. A.M. Sawka, R. Jaeschke, R.J. Singh, et al., A comparison of biochemical tests for pheochromocytoma: measurement of fractionated plasma metanephrines compared with the combination of 24-hour urinary metanephrines and catecholamines, J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 88 (2003) 553–558. 14. M.L. Brandi, R.F. Gagel, A. Angeli, et al., Guidelines for diagnosis and therapy of MEN type 1 and type 2, J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 86 (2001) 5658–5671. 15. O. Gimm, J. Ukkat, B.E. Niederle, et al., Timing and extent of surgery in patients with familial medullary thyroid carcinoma/ multiple endocrine neoplasia 2A-related RET mutations not affecting codon 634, World. J. Surg. 28 (2004) 1312–1316.
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16. A. Machens, J. Ukkat, M. Brauckhoff, et al., Advances in the management of hereditary medullary thyroid cancer, J. Intern. Med. 257 (2005) 50–59. 17. M.T. Hull, L.M. Roth, J.L. Glover, et al., Metastatic carotid body paraganglioma in von Hippel–Lindau disease. An electron microscopic study, Arch. Pathol. Lab. Med. 106 (1982) 235–239. 18. M.M. Walther, W.M. Linehan, Von Hippel–Lindau disease and pheochromocytoma, Jama 275 (1996) 839–840. 19. H.P. Neumann, O.D. Wiestler, Clustering of features of von Hippel–Lindau syndrome: evidence for a complex genetic locus, Lancet 337 (1991) 1052–1054. 20. C. Stolle, G. Glenn, B. Zbar, et al., Improved detection of germline mutations in the von Hippel–Lindau disease tumor suppressor gene, Hum. Mutat. 12 (1998) 417–423. 21. E.R. Maher, L. Iselius, J.R. Yates, et al., Von Hippel–Lindau disease: a genetic study, J. Med. Genet. 28 (1991) 443–447. 22. K.M. Lonergan, O. Iliopoulos, M. Ohh, et al., Regulation of hypoxia-inducible mRNAs by the von Hippel–Lindau tumor suppressor protein requires binding to complexes containing elongins B/C and Cul2, Mol. Cell. Biol. 18 (1998) 732–741. 23. S.C. Clifford, M.E. Cockman, A.C. Smallwood, et al., Contrasting effects on HIF-1alpha regulation by diseasecausing pVHL mutations correlate with patterns of tumourigenesis in von Hippel–Lindau disease, Hum. Mol. Genet. 10 (2001) 1029–1038. 24. M.A. Hoffman, M. Ohh, H. Yang, et al., von Hippel–Lindau protein mutants linked to type 2C VHL disease preserve the ability to downregulate HIF, Hum. Mol. Genet. 10 (2001) 1019–1027. 25. F.M. Richards, Molecular pathology of von Hippel–Lindau disease and the VHL tumour suppressor gene, Expert. Rev. Mol. Med. 2001 (2001) 1–27. 26. F. Chen, T. Kishida, M. Yao, et al., Germline mutations in the von Hippel–Lindau disease tumor suppressor gene: correlations with phenotype, Hum. Mutat. 5 (1995) 66–75. 27. P.A. Crossey, F.M. Richards, K. Foster, et al., Identification of intragenic mutations in the von Hippel–Lindau disease tumour suppressor gene and correlation with disease phenotype, Hum. Mol. Genet. 3 (1994) 1303–1308. 28. D.H. Gutmann, A. Aylsworth, J.C. Carey, et al., The diagnostic evaluation and multidisciplinary management of neurofibromatosis 1 and neurofibromatosis 2, Jama 278 (1997) 51–57. 29. Neurofibromatosis, Conference statement, National Institutes of Health Consensus Development Conference, Arch. Neurol. 45 (1988) 575–578. 30. K. DeBella, J. Szudek, J.M. Friedman, Use of the national institutes of health criteria for diagnosis of neurofibromatosis 1 in children, Pediatrics 105 (2000) 608–614. 31. B. Bausch, W. Borozdin, H.P. Neumann, Clinical and genetic characteristics of patients with neurofibromatosis type 1 and pheochromocytoma, N. Engl. J. Med. 354 (2006) 2729–2731. 32. G. Opocher, P. Conton, F. Schiavi, et al., Pheochromocytoma in von Hippel-Lindau disease and neurofibromatosis type 1, Fam. Cancer 4 (2005) 13–16. 33. A.P. Gimenez-Roqueplo, H. Lehnert, M. Mannelli, et al., Phaeochromocytoma, new genes and screening strategies, Clin. Endocrinol. (Oxf.) 65 (2006) 699–705.
34. F.M. Brouwers, G. Eisenhofer, J.J. Tao, et al., High frequency of SDHB germline mutations in patients with malignant catecholamine-producing paragangliomas: implications for genetic testing, J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 91 (2006) 4505–4509. 35. H.P. Neumann, C. Pawlu, M. Peczkowska, et al., Distinct clinical features of paraganglioma syndromes associated with SDHB and SDHD gene mutations, Jama 292 (2004) 943–951. 36. D.E. Benn, A.P. Gimenez-Roqueplo, J.R. Reilly, et al., Clinical presentation and penetrance of pheochromocytoma/ paraganglioma syndromes, J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 91 (2006) 827–836. 37. H.J. Timmers, A. Kozupa, G. Eisenhofer, et al., Clinical presentations, biochemical phenotypes, and genotype–phenotype correlations in patients with succinate dehydrogenase subunit B-associated pheochromocytomas and paragangliomas, J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 92 (2007) 779–786. 38. T.H. Pham, C. Moir, G.B. Thompson, et al., Pheochro mocytoma and paraganglioma in children: a review of medical and surgical management at a tertiary care center, Pediatrics 118 (2006) 1109–1117. 39. L. Amar, E. Baudin, N. Burnichon, et al., Succinate dehydrogenase B gene mutations predict survival in patients with malignant pheochromocytomas or paragangliomas, J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 92 (2007) 3822–3828. 40. A. Cascon, C. Montero-Conde, S. Ruiz-Llorente, et al., Gross SDHB deletions in patients with paraganglioma detected by multiplex PCR: a possible hot spot? Genes Chromosomes Cancer 45 (2006) 213–219. 41. B. Havekes, E.P. Corssmit, J.C. Jansen, et al., Malignant paragangliomas associated with mutations in the succinate dehydrogenase D gene, J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 92 (2007) 1245–1248. 42. B.E. Baysal, Genomic imprinting and environment in hereditary paraganglioma, Am. J. Med. Genet. C. Semin. Med. Genet. 129 (2004) 85–90. 43. P. Pigny, A. Vincent, C. Cardot Bauters, et al., Paraganglioma after maternal transmission of a succinate dehydrogenase gene mutation, J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 93 (2008) 1609–1615. 44. F. Schiavi, C.C. Boedeker, B. Bausch, et al., Predictors and prevalence of paraganglioma syndrome associated with mutations of the SDHC gene, Jama 294 (2005) 2057–2063. 45. M. Peczkowska, A. Cascon, A. Prejbisz, et al., Extra-adrenal and adrenal pheochromocytomas associated with a germline SDHC mutation, Nat. Clin. Pract. Endocrinol. Metab. 4 (2008) 111–115. 46. B. Pasini, S.R. McWhinney, T. Bei, et al., Clinical and molecular genetics of patients with the Carney–Stratakis syndrome and germline mutations of the genes coding for the succinate dehydrogenase subunits SDHB, SDHC, and SDHD, Eur. J. Hum. Genet. 16 (2008) 79–88. 47. S. Vanharanta, M. Buchta, S.R. McWhinney, et al., Earlyonset renal cell carcinoma as a novel extraparaganglial component of SDHB-associated heritable paraganglioma, Am. J. Hum. Genet. 74 (2004) 153–159. 48. C.C. Boedeker, H.P. Neumann, W. Maier, et al., Malignant head and neck paragangliomas in SDHB mutation carriers, Otolaryngol. Head. Neck. Surg. 137 (2007) 126–129.
C hap ter
Genetic Conditions Associated with Congenital Adrenocortical Insufficiency or Glucocorticoid and/or Mineralocorticoid Resistance Constantine A. Stratakis Section on Endocrinology and Genetics, Program on Developmental Endocrinology and Genetics, (PDEGEN), Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), National Institutes of Health (NIH), Bethesda, MD 20892, USA
mineralocorticoid resistance and familial pseudohypoaldo steronism). Genetic causes of autoimmunity that affect the adrenal gland are also included here, as these patients often present with AI at an early age [2]. A brief outline of adrenal embryonic development precedes nosology, as the genetics of the latter can only be understood in the context of the former.
Hippocrates wrote that “… glands rarely become ill, but when they do, they give their disease to the rest of the body”¶. One would think that he was writing about congenital adrenocortical insufficiency (AI) but, actually, the adrenal glands were unknown at the time. In 1716, the Academy of Bordeaux offered a prize for the answer to the question “what is the purpose of the adrenal glands” but the contest produced no winners! Only a century later, in 1865, and only 16 years after Dr Addison’s report of three patients with anemia and adrenal disease on autopsy, the Neapolitan anatomist De Crecchio reported “... un caso di apparenze virili in una donna”, the first patient with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), a disease that was not officially recognized until the 1950s [1]. In the last 30 years, an unprecedented production of new knowledge about the adrenal glands has led to sub-specialization in the field: this chapter will not cover CAH but instead will focus on other congenital causes of AI that are mostly associated with hypoplasia of the glands. I also discuss disorders that do not alter the development of the adrenal glands but affect aspects of adrenal function at a young age (e.g. glucocorticoid and
Genetics of embryology and function of the adrenal glands The human adrenal cortex forms at the 4th week of embryonic development; on the 25th gestational day (embryonic day 10 in the mouse), a blastema of undifferentiated cells of mesodermal origin forms from the medial part of the urogenital ridge as a condensation of coelomic epithelial cells or from mesoderm that is intermediate between the mesonephros and the coelomic cavity [3]. During the 5th embryonic week, the adrenogonadal primordium cells (that express steroidogenic factor 1, SF1) proliferate and invade the underlying mesenchyme; the adrenocortical primordium is separate from the gonads by 33 days post-conception. A second wave of mesodermal cells then penetrates and surrounds the original cell mass by the 6th–8th week, forming the first evidence for zonation. The latter cells are smaller than those of the first migration and form what has
Hippocrates “Glands” (“ V”) Edited and translated by P. Potter, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1995, pp. 109.
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
The contents of this chapter are in the Public Domain
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
been called the definitive zone (DZ), whereas the former mesothelial cells develop into the fetal zone (FZ). These processes are to some extent under the control of fetal adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH, or corticotrophin) and cortisol is being made for the first time at about the 6th week, reaching a peak between the 8th and 9th week of development; cortisol secretion at this early stage is from the rapidly growing FZ and is necessary to protect female sexual development from excess ACTH-driven adrenal androgen production [4]. An additional cell type takes origin from the mesonephron and seems to arise from the region of Bowman’s capsule. The transitional zone (TZ) is a thin layer of cells between the small outer DZ and the much bigger FZ; although cortisol synthesis at the early phase is from the FZ [4], gradually aldosterone and cortisol are being made from the DZ and TZ cells, whereas the FZ produces primarily DHEA and DHEAS that support estrogen production through the fetal–placental unit [5]. Thus, adrenal cortex derives from three embryologically distinct mesodermal cells, two from the celomic epithelium and one from the mesonephron [1, 3, 5]. By the 9th week, the now encapsulated adrenal accepts migrating neural crest cells that will form the adrenal medulla. It is not until after birth and after the involution of the FZ that a clear separation exists at the cortico–medullary junction between steroid hormone-producing and catecholamine-secreting cells [3]. During fetal life, medullary cells are intermingled with cortical cells of the FZ; examples of that intermingling between neuroendocrine and cortical cells remain visible even in the adult adrenal gland, and are important regulators of cortico–medullary coordination of adrenal function [6]. Between the 9th and 12th embryonic week sinusoidal vascularization of the glands forms the framework for the zonation of the adult cortex [3]. By the 4th month, the fetal adrenal attains its maximum size and becomes actually larger than the kidney, most of its volume occupied by the FZ; after the 4th month, the FZ starts receding, very gradually, at least at the beginning (despite some original evidence for massive collapse and hemorrhagic necrosis), while the thin DZ and TZ start expanding and will gradually give rise to the adult zona glomerulosa (ZG) and zona fasciculata (ZF), respectively [3, 5]. At birth, a dramatic reduction in adrenal mass occurs as a result of rapid degeneration of the FZ. It is not clear what initiates the process of degeneration of the fetal zone; it happens in anencephalic infants, although in the absence of propiomelanocortin (POMC) or ACTH regression of the FZ is even faster [5, 7]. By the end of the first year post partum, a transition zone between adult and FZ is still present, FZ at this time being primarily fibrous tissue between the adult cortex and the medulla. The first evidence for an anatomically distinct zona reticularis (ZR) appears shortly thereafter, but immunohistochemical evidence of steroidogenic activity is not present until the age of three–five years [8], concomitant with the onset of adrenarche. It is not clear when the adult adrenal cortex reaches maturity;
estimates vary from as early as eight years of age to as late as after mid-puberty (11 years of age) [5, 8–10].
Genetic defects causing CAI: an overview and a comment on treatment As one would expect from its complex developmental biology, several genes work together in parallel as well as vertical networks orchestrating adrenocortical organogenesis [1, 3]. They were discovered mostly over the last 20 years from mouse models, as well as the cloning of genes responsible for unique human disorders affecting the adrenal gland [3]. In a recent Canadian cohort with experience of treating children with CAI defects over 20 years (1981–2001), CAH was the most frequent etiology (71.8%) and non-CAH etiologies accounted for 28.2%, of which 55% were nonautoimmune in etiology [2]. Many of the genetic disorders affecting adrenocortical development and causing CAI have not been molecularly elucidated. Among the non-elucidated syndromes, IMAGe (intrauterine growth retardation, metaphyseal dysplasia, adrenal hypoplasia, genitourinary anomalies) is probably the best known [11, 12], but it is not the only one [13]. Cases of chromosomal anomalies, such as one with a 5p defect and CAI are useful potential indicators of new genetic loci involved in adrenal development and/or function [14]. Finally, rare associations, such as the one of CAI and CHARGE syndrome (coloboma of the eye; heart anomaly; atresia; choanal; retardation of mental and somatic development; microphallus; ear abnormalities and/or deafness) that is caused by mutations in the chromodomain helicase DNA-binding protein-7 (CHD7) gene may point to new functions of already identified genes [15, 16].
CAI Associated with Hypothalamic–Pituitary– Adrenal (HPA) Axis Defects As presented above, sufficient levels and function of ACTH and its receptor (MC2R) are essential for normal adrenocortical growth and differentiation [17]. Genetic diseases affecting the pituitary (mutations of the HESX1, LHX3, LHX4, SOX3 and TPIT genes), homozygote or compound heterozygote genetic defects of the proopiomelanocortin (POMC) gene (the ACTH precursor), its processing enzyme (prohormone convertase 1 or PC1, the product of the proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 1 [PCSK1] gene), the MC2R gene or the genes providing its accessory molecules (AAAS, MRAP for definition of the abbreviation see later) all lead to CAI [2, 18–21]. Defects that lead to hypopituitarism (ACTH deficiency in combination with other defects) [18], and POMC and PC1 gene mutations that cause, among other symptoms, pediatric obesity [19, 20] are
C h a p t e r 1 8 Genetic Conditions Associated with Congenital Adrenocortical Insufficiency l
discussed elsewhere in this book, so in this chapter I discuss further CAI due to TPIT (isolated ACTH deficiency), MC2R, AAAS and MRAP (ACTH resistance) gene defects.
CAI Associated with Primary Adrenocortical Development Defects The development of the adrenogonadal primordium from the urogenital ridge is dependent on normal function and interplay between the transcriptional factors SF1 and DAX-1 (for definition of the abbreviation see later) [3, 22]. Mice that are knock-outs (KO) for Sf1 have complete absence of the adrenal glands, whereas mice KO for Dax1 have developmental defects in their adrenal glands (but they are not adrenally insufficient) [1, 3]. Humans with heterozygous SF1 (coded by the NR5A1 gene) mutations have AI and gonadal abnormalities but this defect is a very rare cause of CAI [23]. On the other hand, X-linked DAX-1 (the NR0B1 gene) defects cause the most common form of CAI in humans, adrenal hypoplasia congenita (AHC) [24, 25]; out of 117 patients with mostly CAI (and some adults with AI), DAX-1 gene mutations were found in 37 (58%) 46,XY phenotypic boys referred with adrenal hypoplasia and in 8 boys with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism and a family history of male-only CAI. SF1 gene mutations were found in only two patients who also had 46,XY gonadal dysgenesis [26]. Since adrenocortical development is tightly linked to that of the gonads and other structures derived from the urogenital ridge, genes encoding proteins such as Wilms’ tumor 1 (WT1), a transcriptional regulator that is mutated in Denys– Drash and Frasier syndromes [27, 28], and WNT4 and WNT11, both involved in signaling via the frizzled receptor family, are important for normal adrenocortical formation. Mice that are KO for Wt1 and Wnt4 have hypoplastic adrenals [29] but the adrenocortical function of patients with Denys–Drash and Frasier syndromes has not been studied extensively; mild functional defects in adrenarche and pubertal anomalies may be present but not CAI [28]. A female with 46,XY karyotype associated with a 1p31-p35 duplication including the WNT4 gene was described [30]; recently, a missense substitution of the WNT4 gene [31] was found in an autosomal recessive syndrome designated SERKA (female-to-male Sex Reversal and Kidney, Adrenal, and Lung dysgenesis). The defect reduced WNT4 mRNA levels and thus down-regulated WNT4-dependent inhibition of the degradation of beta-catenin, a process essential for adrenal and other organ development. The above suggest that DAX-1 (NR0B1) defects remain the most common form of AHC leading to CAI in humans; I discuss AHC further below.
CAI Associated with Metabolic Disorders There are a few metabolic disorders that affect adrenocortical function in early life and can, thus, cause CAI.
Wolman’s disease (familial xanthomatosis) may cause CAI and is occasionally associated with adrenal calcification, too [32, 33]. This rare metabolic disorder is caused by lysosomal acid cholesteryl ester hydrolase defects [33]. Smith–Lemli–Opitz syndrome (SLOS), a disorder of cholesterol biosynthesis associated with developmental delay, dysmorphic features and male undervirilization and/or hypogonadism, is often cited as one frequently associated with CAI [3, 34]. Rare cases of SLOS may present with adrenal crisis [35], but in my experience, most SLOS patients have mostly compensated adrenocortical dysfunction and not CAI, consistent with prior reports of functional abnormalities of the fetal-placental unit in this condition [36]. X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD) [37] is by far the most common metabolic disorder causing CAI and is discussed further below.
CAI Associated with Adrenal Calcifications and/or Hemorrhage: Genetic Factors Adrenal hemorrhage, a well-recognized obstetrical complication of the newborn is now a rare cause of CAI due to the improvements in care during labor and delivery. The adrenal glands often become calcified (Fig. 18.1) and the classic presentation is that of an infant in adrenal crisis with calcifications in the adrenal fields, usually bilaterally [38]. Risk factors, besides difficulties in labor and delivery, include genetic disorders of the newborn [32], such as macrosomia and related syndromes, coagulation defects, metabolic
Figure 18.1 Bilateral adrenal calcifications in a patient who presented with congenital adrenal insufficiency caused by bilateral adrenal hemorrhage most likely linked to a complicated labor and delivery or an in utero insult.
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
disorders, congenital masses including hemorrhagic and teratomatous cysts, ganglioneuromas, pheochromocytomas, neuroblastomas and adrenocortical cancer [38].
CAI Associated with Genetic Defects Leading to Autoimmunity Autoimmune polyglandular failure, involving the adrenal glands, usually presents after the first two years of life along with other autoimmune diseases in the form of two genetic syndromes: multiple endocrine abnormalities types-1 and -2 (MEA-1 and MEA-2) [39]. In the Canadian cohort of primary AI, the most frequently encountered autoimmune CAI was the autoimmune polyendocrinopathy–candidiasis–ectodermal dysplasia (APECED) syndrome. Patients with APECED presented with adrenal insufficiency four years earlier than those with non-autoimmune disease [2]. AI in APECED occurs in association with chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis and/or acquired hypoparathyroidism, chronic active hepatitis, malabsorption, juvenile onset pernicious anemia, alopecia and primary hypogonadism, whereas insulin-dependent diabetes and/or autoimmune thyroid disease are infrequent. AI in the context of MEA-2 is associated with insulin-dependent diabetes and/ or autoimmune thyroid disease, has a later but variable age of onset, and occurs predominately in females. The association of HLA-B8, -DR3 and -DR4 with MEA-2, but not with MEA-1, further confirms the different clinical and genetic nature of these two syndromes, which account for almost all pediatric and approximately 50% of adult cases of autoimmune AI [40]. MEA-1 or APECED is a genetic disorder inherited in an autosomal recessive manner and caused by mutations in the autoimmune regulator (AIRE) gene [41]. Although technically not a congenital form of AI, I discuss it briefly below because of its frequency among young pediatric patients with AI [2] (for details see Chapter 27). I do not discuss here MEA-2, a syndrome that affects mostly older children and adults and has no known single gene as a cause (see Chapter 27).
Treatment All disorders leading to AI, whether primary (peripheral or due to adrenal defects) or secondary (central, due to hypothalamic or pituitary defects) require treatment with adequate glucocorticoid coverage, most commonly with hydrocortisone at the usually recommended dose of 10–12 mg/m2/ day. The dose schedule varies but most patients do well with a twice-a-day administration of 2⁄3 the total dose in the morning and 1⁄3 in the early evening hours. The usual stress coverage dosing recommendations also apply. It is important to note that the ACTH levels of patients with primary AI vary widely and should not be routinely monitored, as this often leads to increased glucocorticoid administration
with detrimental long-term effects. Titration of coverage should be done by careful clinical examination and consideration of the patient’s overall well being and not aim at suppressing ACTH levels. Mineralocorticoid replacement is usually not necessary in disorders associated with secondary (central) AI. It is also rarely needed in patients with ACTH resistance syndromes (see below). On the other hand, most patients with primary AI due to an adrenal developmental defect require mineralocorticoid replacement: the usual dose is 0.1 mg fludrocortisone per day; salt may also be given in these patients.
Specific genetic conditions associated with CAI Congenital Isolated ACTH Deficiency TPIT (or TBX19) is a transcription factor, member of the T-box gene family that is required for expression of the POMC gene in the differentiating pituitary corticot rophs. All members of the T-box gene family encode an N-terminal DNA-binding domain (the T-box) and are important for development of several, mostly mesodermal, tissues in the human and mouse embryo. Holt–Oram ulnar-mammary and DiGeorge syndromes are all caused by mutations in a member of this family of transcription factors [42]. TPIT gene mutations are associated with autosomal recessive CAI [43]. Most patients with CAI and TPIT mutations presented with neonatal hypoglycemia, seizures and occasionally death; all patients had very low (but not necessarily undetectable) ACTH and cortisol levels. Patients with isolated ACTH deficiency and CAI have a high likelihood of having TPIT mutations [2], but patients that have either late onset AI or other pituitary and/or developmental defects should generally not be tested for defects of this gene [2, 44, 45].
ACTHR Defects (Familial Glucocorticoid Deficiency 1, FGD-1) Hereditary resistance to ACTH action (RACTH) or familial glucocorticoid deficiency (FGD) type 1 (FGD-1) is an autosomal recessive disorder [21] that is caused by defects of the ACTH receptor (ACTHR) (the MC2R gene) [46]. The MC2R gene, with only one coding exon, is on chromosome 18 (18p11). The presentation of the disease is quite variable with little genotype–phenotype correlation. Patients can present in infancy with severe AI, hypoglycemia and seizures, or later in childhood with a milder form of AI. The occasional patient may require mineralocorticoid replacement [47], but most require only glucocorticoid replacement; ACTH levels can vary from slightly above the normal range to several fold higher. Finally, patients with MC2R
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defects tend to be taller than their expected (by genetic target) height, a phenotype that is largely unexplained [48]. Inactivating MC2R gene mutations in FGD-1 are responsible for 25–40% of FGD cases [49]. Thus, for genetic counseling purposes, one needs to know that the chance of MC2R gene mutation(s) in a patient with isolated ACTHR defects (with no other health or developmental problems) appears to be significantly less than 50%, with only few of the remaining patients bearing mutations in a known gene (e.g. MRAP, see below). Recently, disruption of Mc2r in mice led to neonatal lethality in most but not all animals, in agreement with the variability of the phenotype in humans [50]. Mice that survived had small adrenal glands with atrophic ZF confirming the role of ACTH and ACTHR in the development of the mature (adult) adrenal cortex [50].
MRAP Gene Mutations: A Cause of Familial Glucocorticoid Deficiency Type-2 Recently, it was discovered that at least some of the non ACTHR-mutant FGD cases (FGD-2) have mutations in the gene encoding an accessory protein required for ACTH signaling, the MC2 receptor accessory protein (MRAP) [51]. Lack of functional MRAP gene defects, like MC2R gene defects, causes RACTH and severe glucocorticoid deficiency that can be fatal if the condition is not recognized and treated. MRAP exists as a homodimer and is essential for the cell surface expression of the MC2R. In the absence of MRAP, MC2R is trapped in the endoplasmic reticulum, but with MRAP, MC2R is glycosylated and can be present in the plasma membrane for proper ACTH signaling [21]. MRAP gene mutations are an overall rare cause of RACTH; other genes are continuously sought, including genes that confer an AI phenotype in mice: a gene (acd) responsible for the urogenital and caudal dysgenesis and adrenocortical dysplasia in mice was investigated in patients with FGD-2 and no mutations were found [52]. It is expected that more genes responsible for FGD-2 will be found in the future.
Allgrove or Triple A Syndrome Allgrove or triple A syndrome (AAAS) is an autosomal recessive condition characterized by RACTH and AI, reduced or absent tearing (alacrima) (Fig. 18.2) and achalasia [53]. Patients can also exhibit other signs of autonomic dysfunction such as ocular abnormalities, an abnormal reaction to intradermal histamine, abnormal sweating, orthostatic hypotension and heart rate disturbances leading some to suggest the name “4 A syndrome” [53–55]. Both static and progressive neurological abnormalities – including microcephaly, mental retardation/learning disabilities, bulbospinal amyotrophy, dysarthria/nasal speech, optic atrophy, ataxia, muscle weakness, dementia, hyper-reflexia,
Figure 18.2 Bilateral hypoplasia of the lacrimal glands in a patient with triple A syndrome and an AAAS mutation; alacrima (deficient tearing) usually precedes the development of AI in patients with this condition.
Parkinsonian features and sensory impairment – have been reported. Palmar and plantar keratosis is a frequent dermatologic manifestation [53]. Thus, AAAS is a multi-system disorder with endocrine, gastrointestinal, ocular and neurologic manifestations. The “classic” presentation reported in the literature is that of a child born healthy who doesn’t make tears when crying, develops ACTH-resistant adrenal insufficiency in the first decade of life and goes on to have achalasia some time in the first or second decade of life. My experience, however, is that AAAS is clinically a heterogeneous disorder with highly variable severity of presentation [55]. For example, it is well-recognized that, while most children are born healthy and normal, a small percentage appear to have developmental abnormalities such as microcephaly and mental retardation/developmental delay. AI due to RACTH may present in a dramatic fashion (e.g. hypoglycemic seizures, adrenal crisis) or may be mild and not require pharmacologic replacement of glucocorticoids until teenage years or later. I encountered a case who did not present with AI until age 13, despite being a compound heterozygote for two AAAS mutations. The pituitary may appear hypoplastic on MRI, despite clear evidence of RACTH being the cause of adrenal insufficiency. While adrenal failure is generally limited to glucocorticoid deficiency, mineralocorticoid deficiency has also been reported. However, in at least one case, an intact ZG was reported on autopsy consistent
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
with the low incidence of mineralocorticoid deficiency [53]. Achalasia may also have a variable – often insidious – presentation. Dysphagia may be present for years before a diagnosis of achalasia is made and may present as gastroesophageal reflux. In my experience, surgical intervention is usually successful. However, anesthesiologists should be warned about the possible proclivity of peripheral neuropathy in these patients and should take appropriate, intra-operative precautions. The autopsy case presented by Allgrove showed muscular hypertrophy, loss of ganglion cells and a paucity of small nerves in the distal esophagus of an affected patient. Ocular abnormalities may be the most invariable and present the earliest [53, 54]. The loss of basal and reflex tearing (which is under parasympathetic control) likely stems from disease of the autonomic nervous system, and may result in corneal punctate epitheliopathy, melting and/or scarring. The main lacrimal gland appears small to absent on neuroimaging (Fig. 18.2), either because of primary hypoplasia or secondary denervation atrophy. Autonomic dysfunction may also result in pupillary abnormalities and/or accommodative spasms. Optic nerve pallor, generally described in the literature as “optic nerve atrophy” with either delayed timing or reduced amplitude on visual-evoked potential testing, has been reported in several cases. It is unclear from most reports whether these optic nerve changes are secondary to episodes of hypoglycemia from adrenal insufficiency or represent a primary, progressive neurodegenerative process. The most concerning and least treatable manifestations of AAAS are related to central and peripheral neurodegeneration [55]. While symptoms may present early in life, they are not invariably present. Polyneuropathy (sensory, motor and autonomic components), Parkinsonian features, and dementia, bulbospinal amyotrophy and selective ulnar nerve involvement in patients with peripheral motor neuropathy and amyotrophy have all been reported in separate case reports. Counseling pre-symptomatic, mutation-proven patients regarding neurologic prognosis is difficult, as it is currently unclear if all patients with AAAS go on to develop significant neurologic deterioration. Mutations in the AAAS gene on 12q13 [55], which codes for a 546 amino acid protein called ALADIN (for alacrimaachalasia-adrenal insufficiency neurologic disorder), have been described in several individuals [56–58]. A splicing mutation, the IVS14 1G A change is the most common AAAS gene mutation [55]. The frequent presence of this mutation appears to be the result of a founder effect. New mutations have also been found, however, in ethnically diverse or mixed populations. There is little, if any, genotype–phenotype correlation. More information on the effect of the individual genetic defects will have to wait until the function of the AAAS gene is fully clarified. ALADIN, the AAAS protein, belongs to the WD-repeat family of regulatory proteins that have functions ranging from transmembrane signaling and transcription to cell division and intracellular trafficking [58, 59]. While the precise function
of ALADIN is unknown, it appears to be a protein in the nuclear core complex of cells; a variety of missense, nonsense and splicing mutations in ALADIN cause the protein to mislocalize to the cytoplasm. Because microscopic analysis of cells from an AAAS patient showed no morphologic abnormalities in the nuclei, nuclear envelope, or nuclear pore complexes, it has been suggested that most missense AAAS mutations result in a functional, rather than a structural, abnormality in the nuclear pore complex [58]. Interestingly, Aaas deficient mice failed to replicate the human phenotype [59]. Is AAAS a genetically homogeneous disorder? Some of the studied patients, although they clinically had unequivocally AAAS, did not have mutations in both alleles of the AAAS gene [55, 60]. In addition, AAAS gene mutations cannot be identified in a number of patients with the triple A syndrome. These findings raise the possibility of mutations in regulatory or deeper intronic sequences of the AAAS gene, and/or of genetic heterogeneity with mutations expected to be found in molecules that are functional partners of the ALADIN protein.
Adrenal Hypoplasia Congenita (AHC) AHC is a disease that has at least two major histologic types: the “cytomegalic” form and the “miniature” form. The cytomegalic form typically presents in infancy with adrenal insufficiency; these children who are typically male, ultimately fail to undergo puberty because of hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. The inheritance is X-linked recessive, although genetic heterogeneity may exist. The gene for the X-linked cytomegalic AHC was cloned in 1994: it was called DAX-1, for dosage-sensitive sex-reversal [and] adrenal hypoplasia congenital [on the] X chromosome [24–26]. DAX-1 is an orphan nuclear receptor that is expressed in the adrenal gland, gonads, ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH) and the pituitary gonadotropes [18]. Most DAX1 gene mutations introduce frameshifts and/or cause premature termination of the protein. Relatively few missense mutations have been described and most are located within the carboxy-terminal half of the protein [18]. Functional assays show that AHCassociated DAX-1 mutations abrogate the ability of this gene to act as a transcriptional repressor of SF-1. There are “mild” missense DAX-1 gene mutations but, in general, genotypephenotype correlation is not as strong as one might expect. Hypogonadropic hypogonadism, for example, appears to be particularly variable among, patients both in its severity and age of onset [18]. The Dax-1 KO mice show an important role of this gene in testis development and spermatogenesis, abnormalities that are also present in humans [3, 18, 22]. The miniature form of AHC appears to be autosomal recessive (it has been reported in both males and females) and is much less common than the cytomegalic form. It is often associated with other developmental defects including abnormalities of the pituitary gland and the central nervous system. When these defects are present, the clinical course
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is ominous and diagnosis is often made in infancy. The disease may be genetically heterogeneous. Targeted mutagenesis of Sf1 in mice (the FtzF1 gene) prevents gonadal and adrenal development and causes maleto-female sex-reversal [3, 18, 22]. Several naturally occurring mutations have been previously reported and reviewed [1, 23, 26]. At first, a heterozygous loss-of-function human SF1 gene mutation (G35E) in the first zinc finger of the DNA binding domain was described in a patient with adrenal insufficiency and 46,XY sex reversal. A second patient, a 46,XX prepubertal female with adrenal insufficiency was otherwise phenotypically normal; she had a heterozygous mutation of the SF1 gene in the hinge region corresponding to the AF-1 domain. Another mutation caused sex reversal but had no effect on adrenal function, whereas the newest SF1 mutation, in an infant with homozygosity for the R92Q genetic SF1 change, both adrenal insufficiency and sex reversal were present. In functional assays, this mutant SF1 protein exhibited partial loss of DNA binding and transcriptional activity when compared with the more severe G35E P-box mutant. The parents of the patient and a heterozygote sibling were all unaffected, suggesting that overall SF1 gene mutations can present with a recessive or a dominant inheritance, depending on the defect [1, 18, 26].
X-linked Adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD) X-ALD is the most common inherited peroxisomal disorder, affecting 1:15,000–20,000 males in the Caucasian population [37]. The disease is characterized by progressive demyelination of the white matter and by AI, although the latter is rarely congenital. In X-ALD, peroxisomal 5-oxidation of unbranched saturated very-long-chain fatty acids (VLCFA) is defective or absent, depending on the molecular defect. The phenotype can vary widely from severe ALD and CAI (less than half of the patients) to only adrenomyeloneuropathy (one quarter of the patients) or only AI (in a tenth of the patients). The remaining male carriers of pathogenic defects have no detectable disease until later in life or none at all, indicating that there are other, perhaps environmental, factors that determine disease expression. The gene for X-ALD encodes a peroxisomal membrane transporter that belongs to the “ATP-binding cassette” superfamily of membrane proteins [37].
APECED (MEA-1) APECED is a rare autosomal recessive disorder [1, 40, 41] that is also extensively discussed in Chapter 27. APECED patients usually have at least two out of three main symptoms: Addison’s disease, hypoparathyroidism and chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis. Patients may also develop other organ-specific autoimmune disorders leading to gonadal failure, pancreatic (-cell) deficiency, gastric (parietal cells) dysfunction, hepatitis and thyroiditis. Other, less common, clinical manifestations include ectodermal dystrophy,
affecting the dental enamel and nails, alopecia, vitiligo and corneal disease (keratopathy). MEA-1 usually occurs in early childhood but new, tissue-specific symptoms may appear throughout the life-time [40]. Immunologically, the main finding in APECED patients is the presence of autoantibodies against the affected organs, including those against steroidogenic enzymes (P450scc, P450c17 and P450c21) in patients with Addison’s disease, glutamic acid decarboxylase in patients with diabetes, and the enzymes aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase and P4501A2 in patients with liver disease [40]. Mucocutaneous candidiasis, hypoparathyroidism and AI usually present in this order in pediatric patients with APECED. As with the other manifestations of the syndrome, there is a wide variability of age of onset, from 6 months to 41 years with a peak around 13 years of age. AI is usually one of the reasons these patients end up being diagnosed with MEA-I; it develops in 60–100% of patients with APECED and may be preceded by months or years of detectable adrenal cortex autoantibodies [40]. APECED is more common in certain genetically isolated populations. In Finland, the incidence has been estimated to be 1:25,000 and in Iranian Jews 1:9,000 [1, 41]. APECED is also relatively common among Sardinians (1:14,400) and in Northern Italy. Based on linkage analysis in Finnish APECED families, the locus for APECED gene was mapped to chromosome 21q22.3 and recently the gene responsible for this disease was cloned. It encodes a predicted 545 amino acid protein, which was named AIRE (autoimmune regulator). It contains two plant homeodomain (PHD)-type zinc finger motifs and a newly described putative DNAbinding domain SAND, a proline rich region, and three LXXLL motifs, all suggestive of a transcription regulator [41]. AIRE is expressed in thymus, lymph node and fetal liver, tissues that have an important role in the maturation of the immune system and development of immune tolerance. These findings together with the immunologic deficiency in APECED patients suggest that AIRE may have an important role in the control of immune recognition and may function as a transcription factor or as a transcriptional coactivator. To date, several mutations in the AIRE gene have been described in APECED patients: a common Finnish mutation, R257X, was shown to be responsible for 82% of Finnish APECED cases, whereas a deletion of 13 nucleotides (10941106del) has been detected in several patients of different ethnic origin and another nonsense mutation, R139X, is the major mutation among Sardinian APECED patients [41].
Genetic conditions associated with resistance to glucocorticoids or mineralocorticoids These disorders do not affect the development of the adrenal glands but affect adrenal function at a young age, some
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times as early as in infancy. The prototype of these disorders is glucocorticoid resistance, but the field has expanded in the last two decades with description of defects in the mineralocorticoid receptor (MR, the NR3C2 gene) and epithelial sodium channel (ENaC), and subunit genes (SCNN1A, SCNN1B and SCNN1G, respectively) in the autosomal dominant and recessive forms of pseudo hypoaldosteronism type-I (PHA-I) (see below). Pseudohypoaldosteronism type II or Gordon syndrome (and its variants) is not an aldosterone resistance syndrome, but rather a familial form of hyperkalemic hypertension caused by mutations of the WNK1 and WNK4 (and likely additional) genes. This condition is not reviewed here.
Primary Familial or Sporadic Generalized Glucocorticoid Resistance Primary familial or sporadic generalized glucocorticoid resistance (FGR or GGR, respectively) is a rare hereditary disorder characterized by hypercortisolism and the absence of stigmata of Cushing syndrome [61–65]. Glucocorticoids are crucial regulators of affect and behavior, metabolism, cardiovascular function, inflammation and immunity and, thus, complete inability of glucocorticoids to exert their effects on target tissues would be incompatible with life in primates [66]. Thus, only syndromes of partial or incomplete glucocorticoid resistance exist and are caused by defects of the ubiquitous, classic glucocorticoid receptor (GR, the NR3C1 gene), which mediates most glucocorticoid (GC) actions. GGR was the penultimate nuclear hormone resistance syndrome to be described, as late as 1976 [61], and to date has been reported in several unrelated kindreds and in individual subjects [62–65, 67, 68]. The daily production of GC is tightly controlled by an elaborate feedback system in which GC exerts negative feedback on hypothalamic secretion of corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) and arginine vasopressin (AVP) and on pituitary secretion of ACTH [67]. In states of resistance, this complex system is insensitive to concentrations of cortisol considered normal for the general population and the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis is reset to a higher level because of compensatory increases of ACTH and cortisol secretion [65, 67]. Since the defect of the receptor is partial, adequate compensation for the end-organ insensitivity appears to be achieved by the elevated circulating cortisol; however, the excess ACTH secretion results in increased production of adrenal steroids with salt-retaining or androgenic activity [65, 66]. Because in GGR the peripheral tissues are presumably normally sensitive to mineralocorticoids and androgens, the clinical characteristics of the condition reflect the increased production of these hormones. Corticosterone, deoxycorticosterone and even cortisol, through their interaction with the mineralocorticoid receptor, cause symptoms and signs of mineralocorticoid excess, such as hypertension and/or hypokalemic alkalosis [61–64]. The
excess androgens, such as 4-androstenedione, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and DHEA-sulfate (DHEA-S), on the other hand, lead to signs and symptoms of hyperandrogenism [64]. The latter, in women, include cystic acne, hirsutism, male pattern baldness, menstrual irregularities, oligo- and amenorrhea, anovulation and infertility [68]. In children, the excessive and early prepubertal adrenal androgen secretion can cause sexual precocity [64]. Finally, the interference of adrenal androgens with the regulation of pituitary secretion of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and/or ACTH-induced intratesticular growth of adrenal rests appear to be responsible for abnormal spermatogenesis and infertility in men with GGR. These clinical manifestations were not reported in all patients with FGR or GGR, and presentation varied even within families, including asymptomatic members. The diagnosis of GGR is made by demonstrating a high cortisol production rate, i.e. high plasma total and free cortisol, elevated 24-hour urinary free corticol (UFC) or 17-OH-corticosteroid excretion, resistance to dexamethasone suppression, and maintenance of the circadian and stress induced patterns of GC secretion, albeit at higher levels, along with absence of Cushing syndrome stigmata [61–68]. The presentation varies from hypertension and hyperandrogenism in both adult males and females to isosexual precocious puberty in young boys with GR mutations. Patients with FGR are easily managed with high doses of synthetic glucocorticoids with no mineralocorticoid activity, such as dexamethasone, which should be carefully titrated per individual, obtaining a “graded” dexamethasone suppression test [69]. Thereafter, monitoring of clinical and biochemical parameters is essential to avoid glucocorticoid excess; patients with FGR or GGR may be at increased risk for forming ACTH-producing adenomas of the pituitary gland [70].
Pseudohypoaldosteronism (type-I) Cheek and Perry first reported pseudohypoaldosteronism (PHA) in an infant with a severe salt-wasting syndrome in 1958 [71]. The syndrome was subsequently reported in several patients [72, 73]. Approximately one fifth of these cases were familial, and although the disease was inherited in an autosomal recessive manner mostly, dominant inheritance was also demonstrated in several pedigrees, pointing to at least two clinically distinct forms of the disease [72, 73]. Both these forms of the syndrome are referred to as PHA type-I (OMIM 264350) in order to be distinguished from Gordon syndrome or hyporeninemic hypoaldosteronism (PHA-type II, OMIM 145260), which is characterized by renal tubular unresponsiveness to the kaliuretic, but not sodium and chloride, reabsortive effect of aldosterone. PHA-II is also inherited in an autosomal dominant manner. Type-I PHA is manifested early in infancy with salt wasting, vomiting and feeding difficulties that lead to severe dehydration and death if untreated [71–74]. Hyponatremia, hyperkalemia and acidosis are present despite marked renin
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excess and hyperaldosteronemia, and normal 17-ketosteroid excretion. Unresponsiveness to aldosterone may be limited to the renal tubule or generalized, in which case sodium excretion is increased not only in the urine, but also in sweat, saliva and stool. The sweat chloride test is positive [75]. The symptoms improve with age and older patients with PHA require smaller doses of salt supplements and salt-retaining steroids [72]. The human mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) was cloned in 1987 and its chromosomal locus was mapped to chromosome 4q31.1-2 [76]. A number of reports in the 80s and early 90s suggested that quantative and/or qualitative defects of the MR might be responsible for PHA, based on studies that reported absent or decreased [3 H]-aldosterone binding to circulating leucocytes from patients with the disorder [77]. However, mutations of the coding and 5regulatory regions of the MR gene were not identified until relatively recently [78] and do not appear to be responsible for the majority of cases of type-I PHA; to date about 50 MR gene mutations have been reported [79, 80]. Most patients with this disease appear to be carriers of epithelial sodium channel (ENaC), and subunit gene (SCNN1A, SCNN1B and SCNN1G, respectively) mutations [81–84]. Patients with type-I PHA are aggressively treated in early infancy with salt supplementation (0.5 to 1.5 g/kg/day in four to six divided doses). Close monitoring of the sodium balance is needed especially during infancy, when plasma renin activity is not useful because of the large variation of this parameter in the first year of life. After the age of two years, the reduction of sodium supplement is often possible with gradual improvement of the symptoms and decrease of the dehydration crises. Carbenoxolone, an inhibitor of 11-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity has also been used successfully in the treatment of type-I PHA [85]. Patients with systemic disease are more difficult to treat due to respiratory, renal and other complications [86].
Acknowledgments This work is supported by the US National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development intramural project Z01-HD-000642-04 (PI: Dr C.A. Stratakis).
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C hap ter
Genetic Considerations in the Evaluation of Menstrual Cycle Irregularities Leslie Hoffman AND David A. Ehrmann Department of Medicine University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA
Ovarian disorders Premature Ovarian Failure
Normal menstrual cycling results from a complex and integrated process that requires the temporal coordination of hormonal secretion and signaling within the hypothalamic– pituitary–ovarian axis. Disruption of these signals at any point in the axis can manifest clinically as amenorrhea (the absence or abnormal cessation of menstrual cycles), or as oligomenorrhea (less than nine menstrual cycles a year). Primary amenorrhea refers to the failure to menstruate by age 15 years in the presence of normal secondary sexual development, or within five years of breast development, if that occurs before age 10 years [1]. Secondary amenorrhea refers to amenorrhea that occurs after menarche. The causes of oligomenorrhea and both primary and secondary amenorrhea are similar, and the differential diagnosis is extremely broad. Causes can be generally divided into genetic (covered here) and non-genetic. The latter include psycho-social disorders (e.g. anorexia nervosa) as well as infectious, autoimmune and metabolic conditions. Chromosomal and genetic causes are becoming increasingly appreciated as important and complex contributors to menstrual cycle abnormalities. Genetic disorders leading to defects in hypothalamic–pituitary regulation of the menstrual cycle, such as hypogonadotropic hypogonadism and Kallman’s syndrome, as well as mutations of the luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) receptors are covered elsewhere in this book (see Chapter 20). This chapter will therefore focus on genetic causes of oligo-amenorrhea that primarily affect ovarian and/ or adrenal function. Specific attention will be given to the most common etiologies: premature ovarian failure; polycystic ovary syndrome; and non-classic congenital adrenal hyperplasia.
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
Premature ovarian failure (POF) refers to the cessation of ovarian function (i.e. ovulation and menstrual cycling) before the age of 40 years. The term primary ovarian insufficiency (POI) has also been suggested to emphasize that these disorders are intrinsic to the ovary and not the result of defects elsewhere in the hypothalamic–pituitary–ovarian axis. The diagnosis of POF is typically based on the presence of oligo- or amenorrhea in conjunction with circulating FSH levels that are in the menopausal range (usually above 40 IU/L) detected on at least two occasions a few weeks apart. The condition affects approximately 1% of women, occurring in 10–28% of women with primary amenorrhea and 4–18% of those with secondary amenorrhea [2–3]. Although the majority of cases of POF are idiopathic, several familial cases have been identified. The overall prevalence of familial POF ranges from 4 to 31%. This wide range is likely due to variation regarding inclusion criteria and the detail sought in assessment of families [4]. Pedigree analyses in affected families have identified global X-chromosome abnormalities, as well as specific mutations with autosomal dominant sex-linked inheritance or X-linked inheritance with incomplete penetrance [5]. X Chromosome Abnormalities Both familial and sporadic X-chromosome abnormalities have been described in women with premature ovarian failure. These include the complete absence of one X chromosome, as seen in Turner’s syndrome, Trisomy X, as well as partial X-chromosome defects including deletions and balanced autosome translocations [6].
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Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
Turner’s Syndrome Classic Turner’s syndrome is characterized by the absence of one X-chromosome. Clinical features (see Table 19.1) are variable and at birth, newborns may present with low birth weight, lymphedema of the upper and lower extremities (in 30% of Turner babies) and a webbed neck (pterygium colli).
Additional dysmorphic features may include low set prominent ears, low posterior hairline, micrognatia, high-arched palate, epicanthal folds, hypoplastic nail beds, and/or hypoplastic 4th and 5th metacarpals. At adolescence, the most common presentation is one of short stature, amenorrhea and lack of secondary sex characteristics, although the latter
Table 19.1 Genetic causes of oligo-amenorrhea Clinical disorder
Historical features
Physical examination findings
Turner’s syndrome
At birth: low birth weight, lymphedema of the upper and lower extremities, webbed neck, low set prominent ears, low posterior hairline, micrognatia, high-arched palate, epicanthal folds, hypoplastic nail beds, and/ or hypoplastic 4th and 5th metacarpals At adolescence: short stature, amenorrhea and variable lack of secondary sex characteristics Renal anomalies, coarctation of the aorta, and hearing loss may be present
X chromosome deletions/ translocations FMR1
Family history of mental retardation or fragile X tremor/ataxia syndrome
Bone morphogenetic protein 15 Blepharophimosis– ptosis–epicanthus inversus syndrome (BPES) Inhibin Galactosemia Proximal symphalangism
Polycystic ovary syndrome
Nonclassic congenital adrenal hyperplasia Kallman’s syndrome* FSH receptor mutation* *
Not covered in this chapter.
Eyelid malformations, short nasal bridge, ptosis
Oligomenorrhea since puberty, family or personal history of diabetes, impaired glucose tolerance, dyslipidemia Mediterranean, Hispanic, Yuogoslavian, Askenazi Jewish ethnicity Anosmia
Hepatomegaly, jaundice Ankylosis of the proximal interphalangeal joint, fusion of the carpal and tarsal bones, brachydactyly, conductive deafness Hirsuitism, acne, temporal balding, obesity
Acne, hirsuitism
Synkinesis, high arched palate, renal agenesis
Laboratory findings
Genetic testing
FSH ↑, E2↓
Abnormal karyotype (45,X or mosaic)
FSH ↑, E2↓
FSH ↑, E2↓
FMR1 gene premutation
FSH ↑, E2↓
FSH ↑, E2↓
FSH ↑, E2↓ FSH ↑, E2↓ FSH ↑, E2↓
INH alpha, G769A GALT NOG
FSH↔, E2 ↔/↓, androgens↑
FSH↔, E2↔, CYP21A2 androgens↑, 17-OH Progesterone↑ FSH↓, LH↓, E2↓ KAL1 FSH ↑, E2↓
C h a p t e r 1 9 Menstrual Cycle Irregularities l
is variable and depends upon the extent of gonadal dysgenesis. Finally, the diagnosis of Turner syndrome should prompt a search for renal anomalies (incidence between 30– 50%), increased frequency of cardiovascular disease such as coarctation of the aorta and hearing loss. Thirty percent of patients with Turner’s syndrome have the classic 45,X karyotype, and the remaining have a mosaic form where a 45,X cell line is associated with another cell line such as 46,XX or 46,XY. Of note, patients with mosaic forms of Turner’s syndrome can lack the classic phenotypic features, and usually are not diagnosed until presenting with POF later in life. While one X chromosome in females is inactivated for dosage compensation, several genes escape inactivation and are essential for normal function of the X chromosome [7]. The phenotypic traits of Turner’s syndrome, including POF, have been mapped to a critical region in Xp11.2-p22.1 which escapes X inactivation, and contains the 18 candidate genes that have been reported [8, 9]. The loss of one X chromosome leads to an accelerated loss of ovarian follicles prior to birth. Many patients with Turner’s syndrome lose all of their follicles prenatally, and some lose their remaining germ cells during childhood. Accordingly, such patients will present with primary amenorrhea. Less than 15% of Turner’s patients will lose their germ cells before or after puberty, and may even have enough germ cells for regular cycles before presenting with secondary amenorrhea. Rarely, some patents with Turner’s syndrome will even achieve pregnancy prior to developing ovarian failure [10]. Once the germ cells are depleted from the ovaries, the residual gonads consisting only of connective stroma are called “streak gonads”. Patients with a Y cell line Turner’s syndrome have an increased risk of development of gonadoblastoma and malignant germ cell tumors. Consequently, it is recommended that streak gonads be surgically removed. Trisomy X Trisomy X affects 1 in 900 women and is rarely associated with POF. Its prevalence is not known; in one series, 2 of 52 (3.8%) of patients with POF had trisomy X [11]. The underlying mechanism is not clear, but may be similar to that observed among patients with Klinefelter’s syndrome [12]. Deletions Deletions on an X chromosome leave a portion of the normal X unpaired, and can lead to oocyte atresia. Although deletions more often involve the short arm of the X chromosome (Xp), deletions associated with POF more commonly involve the Xq13-25 region [13]. Deletions at Xp11 result in both primary and secondary amenorrhea, whereas deletions at Xq13 usually lead to primary amenorrhea. It has also been noted that more proximal deletions are associated with ovarian failure while distal deletions appear to be innocuous [11]. However, it remains unclear why large deletions that
remove the whole critical region for POF, in Xq21, are not associated with ovarian failure [14]. Translocations Balanced X/autosomal translocations, while rare, often lead to POF and have been reported in more than 100 post-pubertal women. Breakpoints that fall between Xq13 and Xq26 are associated with ovarian failure. Thus, it has been proposed that this is a critical region for normal ovarian function [15]. The most frequent breakpoints involve two specific POF regions: POF1 Xq26-qter [16] and POF2 Xq13.3-Xq21.1 [17]. The chromosome in this region may be particularly sensitive to structural changes that ultimately lead to oocyte apoptosis. Distal deletions involving the POF1 locus are typically associated with POF at ages 24–39 years, whereas translocations involving the POF2 locus cause POF at an earlier age of 16–21 years. POF Genes on the X Chromosome Multiple candidate genes for POF have been proposed, although actual mutations have been identified in less than 10% of cases [18]. Because the functions of many of these genes are not known, they are not used as genetic markers for POF [11]. Fragile X Metal Retardation (FMR1) Gene The most common form of inherited mental retardation, the fragile X syndrome is associated with expansion of a CGG triplet repeat in the 5 untranslated region of the FMR1 gene located in Xq27.3, outside the Xq POF critical region. Four types of alleles have been identified based on the number of repeats: normal (6–40), grey-zone (41–60), premutated (61–200) and fully mutated (200). The overall prevalence of the fragile X premutation ranges from 1:259 in a nonselected population of over 10,000 French Canadian women [19] to 1:100 in a population of Israeli women [20]. Women who carry the fragile X premutation (61–200 repeats) are at risk for having a child with fragile X syndrome. In addition, the association between fragile X premutation carrier status and premature ovarian failure has been well-documented. The results of an international study examining premature menopause in 760 women from families with fragile X syndrome showed that 16% of the 395 premutation carriers experienced menopause prior to the age of 40, compared with none of the 238 full mutation carriers and one (0.4%) of the 237 controls [21]. Early menopause, however, is only one end of a spectrum of the ovarian dysfunction that occurs, since some women may have elevated serum FSH levels, but maintain regular menstrual cycles. Collectively, premutation carriers experience earlier menopause by approximately five years [22]. The mechanism underlying the association between the fragile X premutation and premature ovarian failure,
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
however, remains unclear. The FMR1 gene is expressed in oocytes and encodes an RNA-binding protein involved in translation. Few functional studies of the FMR1 protein have been performed with premature ovarian failure in view. Rather, theories are based on studies using neurons and lymphocytes from patients with a late-onset neuro degenerative disorder also associated with the fragile X premutation, termed fragile X tremor/ataxia syndrome. Premutation carriers are known to produce transcripts with large CGG repeat tracks. In the presence of the full fragile X mutation, however, the FMR1 gene is methylated and its transcription is blocked. Since ovarian failure has not been demonstrated among women with the full mutation, it cannot be attributed to a lack of the FMR protein. Rather, it has been proposed that the large tracks of rCGGs act in a toxic manner through increased mRNA levels or the unusual structural features of the large repeat tracts in the transcripts. Such structures could bind other important proteins in the cell, rendering them inactive or targeting them for degradation [23]. Alternatively, proteins or transcription factors that bind to the CGG repeats may be unable to perf orm their normal functions [24]. Since the fragile X premutation is one of the few genetic causes of premature ovarian failure that can be tested for, it is of particular importance to document the mutation for diagnostic purposes and for assessing the risk of bearing offspring of fragile X mental retardation. Bone Morphogenetic Protein 15 Gene (BMP15) Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) are extracellular signaling proteins belonging to the transforming growth factor- superfamily that also includes growth/differentiation factors (GDFs). BMP15 is an oocyte-specific GDF that stimulates folliculogenesis and granulosa cell growth and is expressed in oocytes during early folliculogenesis. The BMP15 gene is located within the POF critical region on Xp11.2 [25]. In 2004, Di Pasquale et al. reported a heterozygous mutation in the BMP15 gene in two sisters with primary amenorrhea. The mutation involved an A to G transition at nucleotide 704 of the BMP15 gene produce Y235C. The father was unaffected as a hemizygous carrier and the mother had only wild type BMP15 coding sequence [26]. The mutation was not found in 210 alleles from 120 ethnically matched controls. Autosomal Genes Blepharophimosis–Ptosis–Epicanthus Inversus Syndrome (BPES) BPES is an autosomal dominant condition characterized by eyelid malformations, low nasal bridge and ptosis of the eyelids with (type I) or without (type II) POF. Both types map to 3q22-q23 [27] and are associated with a mutation in the FOXL2 gene, which encodes a winged helix/forkhead transcription factor that plays an important role in development,
present mostly in the craniofacial region, the pituitary gland and ovary [28]. Gene mutations leading to a truncated protein tend to produce BPES type I, whereas elongated proteins typically lead to BPES type II. In the human ovary, FOXL2 is expressed initially in cells of the female genital ridge prior to sex determination, and through adulthood is highly expressed in granulosa cells and to a lesser extent in theca and stromal cells [29]. Ovarian failure may be caused by either a decreased number of follicles forming during development or an increased rate of follicle loss. In addition, since FOXL2 is also expressed during pituitary organogenesis, mutations that affect the hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal axis may also play a role in ovarian failure. Because the FOXL2 gene is the first human autosomal gene in which dominant mutations have been linked to ovarian function, its potential role in non-syndromic POF has also been a subject of investigation. However, sequence analysis of the FOXL2 gene in a total of 290 nonsyndromic POF patients from five different studies found only one mutation potentially responsible for the POF [30]. Thus, the role of FOXL2 gene mutations in non-syndromic POF remains unclear. Inhibin (INH) Gene Inhibin is a gonadal protein that inhibits the synthesis and secretion of FSH from the pituitary, and has been proposed as a strong candidate gene in POF. Low serum inhibin levels have been documented in women with POF [31]. One variation of the INH alpha gene, G769A, has been associated with POF, the prevalence of which may vary in different populations from 0–11% [32, 33]. Galactose-1-Phosphate Uridyltransferase (GALT) Gene Galactosemia is a rare autosomal recessive disorder associated with an impairment in GALT metabolism and consequent excessive galactose levels. Intracellular accumulation of galactose or its metabolites may cause follicular damage or decrease the number of oogonia formed initially, therefore leading to POF. The GALT gene maps to chromosome 9p13, and female patients with galactosemia have a 60–70% prevalence of POF [34]. Women can present with primary amenorrhea, although the majority develop POF shortly after puberty [35]. NOG Gene Mutations Causing Noggin Deficiency Proximal symphalangism (SYM1) is an autosomal dominant disorder characterized by ankylosis of the proximal interphalangeal joint, fusion of the carpal and tarsal bones, brachydactyly and conductive deafness [36]. It is caused by haploinsufficiency of the NOG gene on 17q22 encoding Noggin. NOG is also expressed in the ovary and acts as an antagonist for bone morphogenic proteins (BMPs),
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including BMP 4 and BMP 7, which play an important role in ovarian function [37]. POF has been reported in one female with SYM1 and a documented NOG gene suggesting increase in the susceptibility to POF by disrupting the function of BMPs [38]. Estrogen Receptor The estrogen receptor (ER) exists primarily in two isoforms (ERalpha and ERbeta) with specific tissue and cell patterns of expression. The ER gene has been mapped to 6q25.1 and its product is a ligand-activated transcription factor. Variants in the ER have been associated with differences in the clinical expression of risk for breast carcinoma [39], bone mineral density [40] (primarily in men) and age at menopause [41]. In one large study of 900 postmenopausal women [41] genetic variation in the ESR gene contributed to the variability in the onset of menopause. The ESR genotypes (PP, Pp and pp) were assessed by PCR using the PvuII endonuclease to detect an anonymous intronic RFLP. Compared with women carrying the pp genotype, homozygous PP women had a 1.1 year (P 0.02) earlier onset of menopause. Furthermore, an allele dose effect was observed, corresponding to a 0.5 year (P 0.02) earlier onset of menopause per copy of the P allele. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome In contrast to the relatively rare genetic disorders discussed above, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is among the most common hormonal disorders in women, and accounts for a large majority of women presenting with menstrual irregularities. PCOS is characterized by irregular menstrual cycles and androgen excess, with symptoms typically emerging late in puberty or shortly following. After exclusion of other causes (hyperprolactinemia, nonclassic congenital adrenal hyperplasia [see below], Cushing’s syndrome) diagnosis requires at least two of the following to be present: (1) oligoovulation or anovulation, typically presenting as oligo-amenorrhea or amenorrhea; (2) hyperandrogenemia without or with clinical manifestations of androgen excess including acne, hirsutism and/or hair thinning in a male pattern; and (3) polycystic ovaries on ultrasonography [42]. Although not included in the formal definition, PCOS is also associated with a variety of metabolic abnormalities including obesity, impaired glucose tolerance, type 2 diabetes, hyperlipidemia and obstructive sleep apnea [43]. Multiple etiologic factors, at all levels of the hypothalamic– pituitary–ovarian axis, have been implicated in the pathogenesis of PCOS that ultimately lead to increased ovarian androgen biosynthesis. For instance, there is an increased frequency of hypothalamic gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) pulses that favor the production of LH over FSH. The relative increase in pituitary secretion of LH leads to an increase in androgen production by ovarian theca cells [44]. Both in vivo and in vitro studies have confirmed that ovarian theca cells in women with PCOS are more efficient
than normal theca cells at converting androgenic precursors to testosterone [45]. Insulin also plays an important role in the pathogenesis of PCOS by acting synergistically with LH to enhance androgen production by theca cells. In addition, insulin increases the proportion of biologically active testosterone by inhibiting the hepatic synthesis of sex-hormone binding globulin, the key circulating protein that binds testosterone. In PCOS, menstrual dysfunction reflects chronic anovulation and is characterized by irregular and infrequent bleeding. There is a broad spectrum of menstrual patterns seen among women with PCOS; 5–10% may even have normal or near-normal menstrual function, whereas approximately 20% will have the complete absence of menses [45]. Multiple studies suggest that PCOS is heritable. For instance, a prospective study of the relatives of 195 consecutive PCOS patients found that 35% of mothers and 40% of sisters of patients with PCOS had PCOS themselves [46]. In addition, a Dutch twin study demonstrated that concordance of PCOS was greater among monozygotic than in dizygotic twins [47]. The metabolic complications associated with PCOS are also familial. Women with PCOS have an increased likelihood of having at least one first degree relative with type 2 diabetes [48] and mothers of women with PCOS have increased total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels, as well as increased prevalence of the metabolic syndrome [49]. The mode of inheritance for PCOS is difficult to define due to clinical heterogeneity and lack of a male phenotype, but our current understanding suggests that PCOS is a complex multigenic disorder. Over the past decade a large number of case-control and family-based association studies have been performed to search for candidate genes in PCOS. The most obvious genes to consider include those that may regulate the hypothalamic–pituitary–ovarian axis, as well as those responsible for insulin resistance and its sequelae. A recent review by Urbanek documented over 60 studies on the genetic contribution of more than 70 genes to the etiology of PCOS [50]. With a few exceptions, the results of these studies have been ambiguous or lacked replication, a finding attributed to the clinical heterogeneity of PCOS and limited sample sizes. In some instances, single gene mutations can give rise to the PCOS phenotype, as has been documented in three patients with cortisone reductase deficiency, in whom mutations of the genes for 11-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 and hexose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase were found [51]. The inability to convert cortisone to cortisol, as seen with cortisone reductase deficiency, leads to the accumulation of adrenocorticotrophin-mediated androgens and mimics the phenotype of PCOS. CYP11A Gene One ideal functional candidate gene for PCOS is CYP11A since it encodes the enzyme that cleaves the side chain of
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cholesterol p450, the rate limiting step in androgen biosynthesis. In 1997, Gharani et al., showed evidence for linkage between the CYP11A gene and PCOS [52]. Although additional studies demonstrated further evidence for an association between a polymorphism at the CYP11A promoter and PCOS [53], a subsequent large case-control study found no associations between the promoter polymorphisms in CYP11A and either polycystic ovary morphology or testosterone levels [54]. Similarly conflicting results have been found in studies of other genes, where larger follow-up studies failed to confirm initially reported associations with the insulin VNTR gene (a regulator of transcription of the insulin) and the CAPN10 gene (involved in insulin secretion and action). Chromosome 19p13.2 PCOS Susceptibility Locus (D19S884) One locus that has been consistently associated with PCOS is on chromosome 19p13.2, at the dinucleotide repeat marker D19S884, which maps 800 kilobases centromeric to the insulin receptor (INSR) gene and is thought to be in the region of the fibrillin 3 (FBN-3) gene [55]. In addition to a structural role in connective tissue, fibrillins are also believed to regulate the activity of members of the TGF family. Their role in PCOS remains to be determined. Nevertheless, genetic analysis in 1723 individuals from 412 families further demonstrated that the most likely PCOS susceptibility locus is on chromosome 19p13.2 D19S884 allele 8 (A8), within intron 55 of the FBN-3 gene [56]. A8 was also associated with higher levels of fasting insulin homeo stasis model assessment for insulin resistance in women with PCOS. The role of both fibrillin 3 and its potential interactions with INSR remains an area of active research. The Androgen Receptor Gene The androgen receptor (AR) gene and the role of X-inactivation have also received increasing attention as possible epigenetic contributors to the PCOS phenotype. The AR gene contains a CAG repeat encoding the polyglutamine tract in the N-terminal transactivation domain. In vitro studies have demonstrated an inverse relationship between the length of the CAG repeat and receptor activity, and suggest that the length of the CAG repeat could affect androgen sensitivity [57]. Genetic studies of the role variation in the CAG repeat, however, have not been consistent [58–60]. Since the AR gene is X-linked, other studies have found that the pattern of X-inactivation could influence AR activity and PCOS. One study looking at the pattern of X-inactivation in 88 sisters of women with PCOS found that sisters with the same AR CAG repeat genotype and the same clinical presentation (both unaffected or both with PCOS) more frequently showed the same pattern of X-inactivation than did sisters with different clinical presentations (85% vs. 16%) [61]. Thus, this study adds further
support to the hypothesis that the AR CAG repeat number has an effect on PCOS phenotype. Although clinical studies point to a strong heritable factor in the predisposition to PCOS, the genetic details remain poorly understood. Although the search for candidate genes will continue, the key to better understanding of complex multigenic disorders may be in expensive and large genome-wide association studies, such as those successfully applied in type 2 diabetes.
Adrenal disorders Nonclassic Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia Another genetic disorder that can lead to oligo- or amenorrhea is nonclassic congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) due to 21-hydroxylase (P450c21) deficiency. The CYP21A2 gene encodes P450c21 and is responsible for the conversion of 17-hydroxyprogesterone to 11-deoxycortisol. P450c21 deficiency results in decreased cortisol synthesis and therefore increased ACTH secretion and consequent increased production of androgens. Different mutations compromise enzyme activity to varying degrees. In patients with the nonclassic form, enzymatic activity is reduced but sufficient to maintain normal glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid production, but with excessive androgen production. The most severely affected individuals with classic CAH present during the neonatal period and early infancy with adrenal insufficiency (with or without salt wasting), and in females, genital ambiguity. Nonclassic or “late-onset” P450c21 deficiency, however, often presents in adolescent and adult females with acne, hirsutism and menstrual irregularity. A study of 220 adolescent and adult females examined the presenting clinical features in this disorder and demonstrated primary amenorrhea in 4% and oligomenorrhea in 54% [62]. Most patients with the nonclassic form will not be identified by the neonatal screening studies, which rely on detection of very high levels of 17-hydroxyprogesterone [63]. The nonclassic form of CAH is one of the most common autosomal recessive diseases and the frequency is ethnicityspecific. Among whites, the prevalence may be as high as 1 in 1000 to 1 in 100, with the prevalence being even higher among Mediterraneans, Hispanics and Eastern European Jews [64]. P450c21 deficiency is an autosomal recessive disorder, and accordingly both CYP21A2 alleles must be affected to produce a clinical phenotype. Humans have two CYP21A genes, a non-functional pseudogene (CYP21A1) and the active gene (CYP21A2), both located in a 25 kilobase region of chromosome 6p21.3 within the major histocompatibility locus. The two CYP21A genes are more than 90% homologous, which facilitates recombination events during meiosis. Large or unequal cross-over exchanges can
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result in a large deletion of the active gene leading to severe enzyme deficiency (0–5% of native enzyme activity); patients who are homozygous for such mutations present with the classic form of CAH. If smaller amounts of material are exchanged, hybrid CYP21A1/CYP21A2 gene products can result with reduced but not absent enzyme activity (preserving about 20% of native enzyme activity), and can lead to the nonclassic form of CAH with either mild-mild combinations or mild-severe combinations. Women who are compound heterozygotes for two different CYP21A2 gene mutations usually have the phenotype associated with the less severe of the two genetic defects [65]. Obligate heterozygote carriers (with one normal allele) may have mild biochemical abnormalities with no important clinical sequelae [66]. The diagnosis of 21-OH deficient nonclassic CAH is basal or ACTH stimulated 17-hydroxyprogesterone level greater than 10 ng/mL. The diagnosis can be confirmed by genotyping, although it should be noted that not all mutations can be readily identified if they are new and unknown or rare and not included in screening assays.
Clinical and laboratory evaluation The differential diagnosis for both genetic and non-genetic causes of oligo-amenorrhea is extremely broad. Patients presenting with menstrual cycle abnormalities require a thorough evaluation with attention to the many potential causes. However, the history and physical examination can provide clues that a genetic etiology is involved, and a detailed family history for menstrual disorders is a critical component of the initial evaluation. A family history of metabolic disorders such as type 2 diabetes or dyslipidemia is also relevant, as this may be indicative of a predisposition to PCOS. Ethnic background is also important, and can help narrow the diagnostic considerations. For instance, non-classic CAH is rarely found among African–American women. Physical examination should include assessment for signs of hyperandrogenism including acne, hirsutism, temporal balding, or even frank virilization. A thorough evaluation of external and internal genitalia is particularly important in the evaluation of primary amenorrhea. A blind or absent vagina with breast development can indicate Müllerian agenesis or androgen insensitivity syndrome. An abdominal ultrasound may be useful to confirm the present of a uterus. Initial laboratory investigation should include tests to exclude pregnancy along with measurement of appropriate sex-steroids, prolactin, TSH and FSH concentrations. If FSH concentration is elevated, indicating gonadal failure, and the patient is less than 40 years of age, a karyotype should be done to identify chromosomal abnormalities. A screen for the fragile X premutation is also important, and
is the only mutation that currently can be screened for in routine clinical practice. If serum FSH concentration is normal or low, the most likely cause is PCOS, nonclassic CAH, or hypothalamic amenorrhea. Details of appropriate testing are outlined in Table 19.1.
Conclusion A variety of disorders with a genetic basis deserve consideration in the evaluation of oligo-amenorrhea. It is remarkable that diseases with defects that range from a single gene mutation to entire chromosome abnormalities to complex multigenic disorders can present with a common phenotype. We are clearly still in the early phases of understanding these disorders. As genetic techniques become more sophisticated and efficient, so that larger numbers of individuals can be included in research protocols, our understanding of the genetic basis of menstrual abnormalities is sure to expand and allow for more careful diagnosis, evaluation, and treatment of these disorders.
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58. T. Auranen, A. Nummenmaa, M.S. Hamalainen, et al., Andr ogen receptor gene CAG length polymorphism in women with polycystic ovary syndrome, Fertil. Steril. 83 (2005) 1724–1728. 59. A. Mifsud, S. Ramirez, E.L. Yong, Androgen receptor gene CAG trinucleotide repeats in anovulatory infertility and polycystic ovaries, J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 8 (2000) 3484–3488. 60. M. Mohlig, A. Jurgens, J. Spranger, et al., The androgen rece ptor CAG repeat modifies the impact of testosterone in insulin resistance in women with polycystic ovary syndrome, Eur. J. Endocrinol. 155 (2006) 127–130. 61. T.E. Hickey, R.S. Legros, R.J. Norman, Epigenetic modification of the X chromosome influences susceptibility to polycystic ovary syndrome, J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 91 (2006) 2789–2791. 62. R. Azziz, L.A. Sanchez, E.S. Knochenhauer, et al., Androgen excess in women: experience with over 1000 consecutive patients, J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 89 (2004) 453. 63. F. Votava, D. Torok, J. Kovacs, et al., Estimation of the falsenegative rate in newborn screening for congenital adrenal hyperplasia, Eur. J. Endocrinol. 152 (2005) 869. 64. P.C. White, P.W. Speiser, Congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency, Endocr. Rev. 21 (2001) 245. 65. S. Lajic, S. Clauin, T. Robins, et al., Novel mutations in CYP21 detected individuals with hyperandrogenism, J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 85 (2002) 4562. 66. E. Charmandari, D.P. Merke, P.J. Negro, et al., Endocrinologic and psychologic evaluation of 21-hydroxylase deficiency carriers and matched normal subjects; evidence for physical and/ or psychologic vulnerability to stress, J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 89 (2004) 2228.
C hap ter
Genetic Diagnosis of Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism and Kallmann Syndrome Lawrence C. Layman Section of Reproductive Endocrinology, Infertility and Genetics, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, GA 30912, USA
follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) test will provide information about the level of the defect – hypothalamic, pituitary, or gonadal. For females, it is a little more complicated since low serum estradiols may not always be easy to distinguish from early follicular phase levels. If a female does not have any breast development (Tanner 1), there is little additional value in obtaining a serum estradiol. If adult breast development is present, assessing the vaginal maturation index (parabasal cells indicate hypoestrogenism whereas superficial cells signify eugonadism) and the adequacy of withdrawal bleeding following a progestin test will help determine if hypoestrogenism is present. If hypoestrogenic, then serum gonadotropins should be obtained.
Patients with idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (IHH) manifest absent or impaired pubertal development due to low sex steroid levels and low serum gonadotropin levels once other known causes are excluded. If IHH is associated with the inability to smell (anosmia) or decreased olfaction (hyposmia), Kallmann syndrome (KS) is present. Normally, these are irreversible conditions, but there have been cases described where spontaneous reversal has occurred. The molecular basis has been described for 25–30% of these patients, often with clinical implications. In this chapter, the evaluation of delayed puberty, the diagnosis of IHH and KS, as well as the molecular basis for known and suspected genes causing these entities is discussed. The laboratories performing diagnosis of IHH and KS are indicated. Hopefully, the clinician will acquire the basic tools to make the diagnosis of IHH/KS, and have a general understanding of how to proceed with the molecular diagnosis of these disorders.
The diagnosis of hypogonadism If the patient is hypogonadal and serum gonadotropins are elevated, the diagnosis is gonadal failure (hypergonadotropic hypogonadism). Chromosome analysis should be performed to rule out 47,XXY or 46,XX karyotype in a male or a 45,X cell line with or without mosaicism, a 46,XY cell line, or partial deletion of X in a female [1, 2]. The evaluation, genetic diagnosis, and treatment can be found elsewhere [1]. If the hypogonadal patient has low serum gonadotropin levels (or normal gonadotropin levels in the presence of hypogonadism), then the diagnosis is hypogonadotropic hypogonadism due to hypothalamic or pituitary causes. Reversible causes, such as extreme weight loss, strenuous exercise, or undue stress should be excluded. Patients should be submitted to imaging of the brain to exclude a pituitary tumor, which may have extra-sellar extension. An MRI of the brain with and without contrast will determine the presence of a prolactinoma or a craniopharygioma. The MRI will also assess
Delayed puberty If a girl has not had breast development by age 13 or menses by age 15, she should be seen by a physician. Similarly, if boys have no signs of puberty by age 14, they too should be evaluated [1, 2]. The details of the diagnostic algorithm for delayed puberty have been published elsewhere and will only be briefly summarized here [1, 2]. At the initial visit, serum prolactin and thyroid function tests (thyroid stimulating hormone [TSH] and thyroxine [T4]) should be performed on all patients. At this visit, a careful history and physical exam should provide important clues to the potential diagnosis. For males, a serum testosterone, Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
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Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
the presence of the olfactory bulbs. Once patients are 17 (girls) or 18 (boys) years of age, then the cause is likely to be “irreversible” and is termed idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (IHH). Should puberty occur on its own, prior to these ages, then the most likely diagnosis is constitutional delay of puberty (CDP). It is wise to exclude other pituitary diseases by obtaining an 8:00 AM cortisol and an IGF-1 level (TSH, T4, prolactin, FSH and LH would have already been obtained). Although it is possible to perform a triple test (insulin induced hypoglycemia, GnRH and TRH stimulation, and measure hormone levels at baseline, and every 15 minutes for 1–2 hours – TSH, prolactin, cortisol, LH, FSH and growth hormone), the test is expensive and has a very low yield except in patients who have extreme short stature, which could suggest pituitary failure. If the patient has a height below the 5th percentile, particularly with a family history of pituitary failure, then combined pituitary hormone deficiency (CPHD) should be considered. Genetic counseling and testing for mutations in genes such as PIT1, PROP1, HESX1, LHX3, or LHX4 should be considered in these patients [3].
The molecular basis of idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism/ Kallmann syndrome Uncovering the molecular basis of IHH and KS may help in the management of these patients. Both chromosomal abnormalities and single gene mutations have been identified in patients with IHH and KS (reviewed in Kim et al. [3]). The prevalence of cytogenetic abnormalities is unknown in patients with IHH/KS unless they have additional features suggesting a contiguous gene deletion syndrome that may be detectable by karyotyping. We reported three karyotype abnormalities of 76 patients studied (3.9%) – two chromosomal translocations and one pericentric inversion [4]. The reported chromosomal abnormalities in IHH/ KS patients are shown in Table 20.1, and may provide a clue to the location of causative genes. Our laboratory has been interested in identifying breakpoints and screening these candidate genes for mutations. The process requires considerable effort at no insignificant cost. However, karyotyping individuals with IHH/KS is usually reserved for those with unusual phenotypes or perhaps if they are negative for mutations in the most common candidate genes. The genes known to be involved in IHH/KS are shown in Table 20.2 [3]. Common genes for which there is solid experimental and clinical evidence for their involvement include KAL1, FGFR1 and GNRHR (Table 2.2). Clinical testing for some of these genes is reasonable, and commercial clinical laboratories will perform these analyses. These genes will be discussed first, along with the basis for clinical testing. Many are studied at no cost by research
Table 20.1 Reported chromosomal abnormalities with IHH/KS Chromosomal rearrangement
t(3; 9)(9;12) (q13.2;q21.2;p13;q15) t(13;16)(q14.11;q24)
Best et al., 1991 [31] Guioli et al., 1992 [32] Casamassima et al., 1993 [33] Kikuchi et al., 1993 [34] Elbistan et al., 1994 [35] Schinzel et al., 1995 [36] Kroisel et al., 2000 [37]
t(4;12)(q25;q24.2) t(1;10) (q44;q26) 46,XY,inv(3) (q24q26.32),t(3;13;18) (q26.32;q21.2;q12.2) del8p11.2 46,XY, inv(10) (p15.2q11.22).ish inv(10)(p15.2q21.3) (p15 3),(q21 3) (p15conq21 2) (X)(p11.4q11.2) 46,XY, t(7;8) (p12.3;p11.2) 46,XY, t(10;12) (q26.3;q13.1) 46,XY/46,X,inv(Y) (p11.2q11.2) 46,XY,mos t(3;12) (p13;p13)[18]/46,XY[3]
IHH Probable Hypogonadism KS KS
KS; spherocytosis Vermeulen et al., 2002 [38] IHH Helszer et al., 2003 [39]
IHH IHH KS IHH IHH and cerebellar ataxia
Talaban et al., 2005 [40] Kim et al., 2005 [41] Bhagavath et al., 2006 [4] Bhagavath et al., 2006 [4] Bhagavath et al., 2006 [4]
laboratories – usually those groups that have published the genotype–phenotype studies. In many laboratories, including ours, blood is requested from the affected individual, parents, as well as other affected and unaffected family members (if available). First, consent forms approved by the institutional review board are emailed to patient or physician. Blood is drawn and mailed to the laboratory at room temperature, 10 mL collected in an EDTA for DNA extraction and 10 mL in a heparin or ACD type A tube for the creation of immortalized lymphoblastoid cell lines, which will yield a long-term supply of DNA, RNA and protein. Complete phenotypic information including the age at diagnosis, the presence or absence of anosmia/hyposomia, associated anomalies, breast Tanner staging and testis size in mL, laboratory studies, and a detailed pedigree are invaluable in the interpretation. The identification of a mutation in a candidate gene optimally requires the demonstration of the mutation in the affected individual, its absence in unaffected family members and
C h a p t e r 2 0 Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism and Kallmann Syndrome
Table 20.2 Genes that when defective cause IHH/KS, their phenotype, inheritance pattern and frequency Gene
Gene/ cDNA (kb)
Protein (AA)
Protein type
Frequency 5–10%; 30–70% familial 10% 6%
GnRH neuron migration KAL1
Neural cell adhesion molecule
8p12 8q12.2
57.7 188.1
822 2997
Growth factor receptor Chromodomain binding protein Growth factor receptor
AD AD, sporadic AD
G-protein coupled receptor Ligand Single-transmembrane-domain receptor of the cytokine receptor family Steroid nuclear receptor
IHH Obesity, IHH Obesity, IHH
Low Low Low
Adrenal hypoplasia congenita and IHH Obesity, IHH
Hypothalamus GPR54 LEP LEPR
19p13.3 7q31.3 1p31
45.6 16.3 216.5
398 167 1165
4q25 8p21-p11.2
130.3 5.8
465 92
Subtilisin-like proprotein convertase family Tachykinin receptor 3 (Neurokinin B) Neurokinin B receptor Hypothalamic releasing factor
Unknown 0.3–0.8%
328 129 141
G-protein coupled receptor Glycoprotein -subunit Glycoprotein -subunit
IHH Isolated FSH deficiency Isolated LH deficiency
3–5% Rare Rare
Septo-optic dysplasia, CPHD Short stature, hypothyroid, CPHD CPHD CPHD Microphthalmia/midline CNS defects, CPHD Midline CNS anomalies, CPHD
AR AD AD, sporadic XLR
Low Low 2–3%
Pituitary gonadotropin deficiency GNRHR FSHB LHB
4q21.2 11p13 19q13.3
18.7 4.3 8.1
Combined pituitary deficiency HESX1
9q34.3 1q25 3q26.3-q27
8.9 44.8 2.5
397 390 317
PROP paired-like homeobox 1 LIM homeobox 3 LIM homeobox 4 SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 2 SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 3
Putative genes NELF
3p21.1 20p13
13.6 12.3
129 384
Nasal embryonic luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone factor Prokineticin 2 Prokineticin receptor 2
Unknown Unknown
1–2% 5%
NROB1 has hypothalamic and pituitary effects. FGFR1 and CHD7 gene defects cause both normosmic IHH and KS. CPHD, combined pituitary hormone deficiency; XLR, X-linked recessive; AD, autosomal dominant; AR, autosomal recessive.
several hundred controls, genotype segregation, and in vitro confirmation by in silico and experimental methods. Reasons to test patients for gene mutations in IHH/KS include: (1) alteration of patient management; (2) diagnosis for genetic testing of other family members, some of whom might be too young to know if they will develop
pubertal delay; (3) preconceptional counseling; (4) secure the diagnosis if uncertain by biochemical studies; (5) the presence of a large family with multiple affected members; (6) in rare circumstances, prenatal diagnosis when IHH/ KS may be associated with severe anomalies – midfacial clefting, cerebellar ataxia, mental retardation, deafness and
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
coloboma and/or unilateral renal agenesis. Many of these anomalies may occur with CHD7 gene mutations, in which IHH/KS may be a mild allelic variant of autosomal dominant CHARGE syndrome.
KAL1 gene mutations It is reasonable to consider testing for KAL1 gene mutations in male patients with classic Kallmann syndrome, i.e. IHH and anosmia or hyposmia. KAL1 gene mutations result in X-linked recessive disease, so any male with KS could be considered for mutation analysis, particularly if they have other male siblings or affected males inherited through possible carrier females. If these patients have KS along with any additional findings such as mental retardation or ichthyosis, karyotyping may well identify a deletion large enough to be detected cytogenetically. In this case, KS is probably part of a contiguous gene deletion or an unbalanced chromosome rearrangement (such as a translocation or inversion). For patients who have KS without other abnormalities, FISH could be performed to determine if there is a KAL1 gene deletion. If the result is negative, mutation detection by PCR-based DNA sequencing could be performed. There are not many studies that have analyzed the frequency of KAL1 deletions in anosmic males, but in our recent study [5], we found 12% of 33 KS males and none of 21 normosmic IHH patients had deletions detected by multiplex ligation probe dependent amplification (MLPA), a technique for identifying intragenic deletions or insertions. Three of these deletions could have been detected by FISH or southern blot hybridization, while the other was a single codon deletion. The prevalence of KAL1 point mutations depends upon the family history. In clear X-linked recessive families, KAL1 gene mutations account for 33–70% of familial cases of KS (reviewed in Bhagavath et al. [6]). If there is no family history of KS, the frequency of apparently sporadic point mutations ranges from 3.1–27.8%. In our series of 138 IHH/KS patients (109 males and 29 females) four hemizygous mutations were found in 109 males (3.7%) [6]. All four mutations were in anosmic/hyposmic men making the prevalence 4/63 (6.3%) in this group. No mutations were found in the 29 female patients or normosmic males. Reported KAL1 gene mutations include small deletions, missense and frameshift mutations scattered across this large gene. Thus, PCR of the coding exons along with the splice junctions must be performed [6]. Although FISH is performed by commercial laboratories, DNA sequencing is usually carried out by research labs. Others (total of 34 from across the world at the time of this writing) may be found at the NIH-funded Gene Tests website ( under KAL1.
There are clinical implications regarding patients with KAL1 gene mutations. Up to half of all males with KAL1 mutations have unilateral renal agenesis [7]. Therefore, a renal ultrasound is recommended. Associated neurologic abnormalities such as synkinesia (mirror movements) or cerebellar dysfunction may also occur in KS. Normosmic patients or females with KS may not require testing for KAL1 gene mutations since to date all mutations have been identified in anosmic/hyposmic males with IHH [6]. We are not aware of any females or any normosmic patients (male or female) with KAL1 gene mutations. Whether this is universal needs to be confirmed. There also may be intrafamilial variability in the severity of affected individuals with KAL1 mutations. Some investigators have suggested that the phenotype of patients with KAL1 gene mutations is more severe than that with mutations in other IHH/KS genes [8, 9]. Severity was defined by the presence of cryptorchidism, absent LH pulses and lack of response to exogenous GnRH [8, 9]. KAL1 gene mutations reported to date and their relation to the protein structure are reviewed elsewhere, and include deletions, missense and frameshift mutations [6]. Although three different missense mutations were tested for their effect on GnRH neuronal cells (NLT cell), none showed reduced migration in vitro [10]. This in vitro assay does provide a possible method to test the functional significance of KAL1 gene mutations.
FGFR1 mutations Mutations in the FGFR1 (KAL2) gene have been identified in about 10% of IHH patients, whether anosmic or normosmic, making it the first gene recognized to cause normosmic IHH and KS [11, 12]. We did not identify any intragenic deletions in 100 IHH/KS patients by MLPA, although several deletions and apparently balanced translocations in KS patients aided the positional cloning of this causative gene [11]. Inactivating FGFR1 gene mutations cause autosomal dominant IHH/KS, while activating mutations cause Pfeiffer syndrome (MIM#101600), also known as acrocephalosyndactyly type V, and Jackson–Weiss syndrome (MIM#123150), which consists of craniosynostosis, midfacial hypoplasia and foot abnormalities. Associated findings in IHH/KS patients with FGFR1 gene mutations include cleft lip/palate, dental agenesis and synkinesia [11, 12]. Unlike patients with KAL1 gene mutations, patients with FGFR1 mutations have not been reported to have unilateral renal agenesis. Reduced penetrance and variable expressivity are features of autosomal dominant diseases, and certainly FGFR1gene mutations in IHH/KS follow this axiom. For example, some families may have a member affected with KS and cleft palate, while another first degree relative may
C h a p t e r 2 0 Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism and Kallmann Syndrome l
only have anosmia (variable expressivity) and another may have no phenotype (reduced penetrance) [11, 12]. However, some families with similarly severe phenotypes without variable expressivity have also been reported. Although two cases of digenic disease have been reported in patients with IHH/KS who had FGFR1 gene mutations and mutations in another gene (either GNRHR or NELF) [13], it is not currently clear how applicable this is to clinical management. Perhaps it could explain some of the variable expressivity in IHH/KS patients. Point mutations produce frameshift, missense and splice defects. No particular mutation is common thus, sequencing of all exons and splice junctions is necessary to identify mutations. Laboratories, including our own, tend to perform sequencing on a research basis, while three different laboratories offer testing at cost (see FGFR2 at
CHD7 gene Chromodomain helicase DNA-binding protein 7 gene mutations have been found to cause CHARGE syndrome. It is a multisystem autosomal dominant or sporadic disorder consisting of Coloboma of the eye, Heart defects, choanal Atresia, Retardation of growth and development, Genito-urinary anomalies and Ear abnormalities (vestibular and auditory) [14]. CHARGE syndrome and KS share some phenotypic similarities, including anosmia, abnormal olfactory bulbs by MRI and hypogonadism, although most patients reported have been prepubertal. Recently a female affected with CHARGE syndrome due to a CHD7 gene mutation had a KS-like phenotype [15]. We hypothesized that KS might be an allelic form of CHARGE syndrome, and that CHD7 mutations would be present in IHH/KS patients without the CHARGE phenotype. In our study of 101 IHH/KS patients without a CHARGE phenotype, 6% had mutations in the CHD7 gene, in both normosmic and anosmic IHH [16]. Our findings indicate that CHD7 is the second gene to cause both normosmic and anosmic IHH, similar to that found in FGFR1 gene defects. The mutations we identified were all sporadic, but it is possible that those who seek fertility treatment could transmit the mutation in an autosomal dominant fashion. CHD7 has now been designated KAL5 in OMIM.
GNRHR gene mutations Mutations in the gonadotropin releasing hormone receptor (GNRHR) gene cause autosomal recessive, normosmic IHH. In fact, the GNRHR gene was the first recognized to be involved in autosomal recessive IHH [17, 18]. To date, all mutations have been in normosmic patients, most of whom are compound heterozygous for point mutations [19].
Intragenic deletions are uncommon, as we found none by MLPA in 100 IHH patients [5]. The prevalence of GNRHR gene mutations is approximately 3–5% of all normosmic IHH patients [19]. Associated anomalies that patients with FGFR1 or KAL1 gene mutations have are generally not present in patients with GNRHR mutations. Genetic testing is usually restricted to research laboratories. Interestingly, two different point mutations comprise most of the affected alleles, but since the gene is small (3 exons), complete DNA sequencing can easily be accomplished [19]. The GNRHR gene does not have a KAL designation at Gene Tests. If a couple has a child with IHH, it is possible that both parents are carriers and the risk of having another affected child is 25%. Identifying a GNRHR gene mutation would confirm the diagnosis, as well as the mode of inheritance. If a patient with IHH has autosomal recessive disease due to GNRHR gene mutations, all children will be carriers, provided fertility treatment is instituted. It would be wise to test the partner by DNA sequencing following preconceptional counseling, although risk for an unaffected person to be a carrier is likely to be small (unless there is consanguinity within the family). Therefore, the risk of having an affected child is very low (the exact prevalence of the mutant GNRHR alleles in the general population is not known). However, if the partner is a carrier, there is a 50% chance of transmitting the mutant allele and thus of having an affected child. If a couple has one child with normosmic IHH, and the child does not have GNRHR gene mutations, then other genes will need to be considered.
Other genes associated with IHH/KS Other important genes also may cause IHH, such as NROB1 (encoding DAX1), KISS1R, which encodes GPR54 (G-protein coupled receptor [54]), LEP (leptin), LEPR (leptin receptor) and PSCK1 (prohormone convertase, subtilisin/kexin, type 1). We are aware of only one PSCK1 gene mutation in a patient with IHH, obesity, hypocortisolism and abnormal glucose homeostasis (high pro-insulin, low insulin and elevated pro-opiomelanocortin). This will not be discussed further. Recently mutations in FGF8 were identified in patients with either normosmia or anosmia, while mutations in TACR3 and its ligand TAC3 were demonstrated in consanguineous families with normosmic IHH. Finally, mutations in the GNRH1 gene, the ligand for the GnRH receptor, were demonstrated in normosmic IHH. The prevalence, however, is low.
NROB1 gene mutations Mutations of NROB1 gene cause X-linked recessive adrenal hypoplasia congenita, and if the patients are treated with
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
corticoids and live to pubertal age, they develop hypogonadotropic hypogonadism [20]. This gene contains a single exon important in the embryologic development of the adrenal, hypothalamus and pituitary. Thus, dysfunction at any of these levels may occur. Mutation analysis of NROB1 gene should be considered whenever adrenal failure and IHH occur in the same pedigree. Almost all mutations have been identified in males, but occasional mutations have been found in females due to skewed X-inactivation. Genetic analysis of 106 patients with IHH and CDP without adrenal failure failed to identify any NROB1 gene mutations, suggesting they are uncommon without adrenal failure [21].
kiss1r gene mutations Mutations in the KISS1R gene were identified by two groups utilizing positional cloning methods [22, 23]. These patients have autosomal recessive, normosmic IHH, with normal hypothalamic amounts of GnRH (as determined in knockout mice). Although GPR54 is tremendously important for normal puberty, and it may be involved in the positive feedback of the LH surge in females, the clinical relevance in testing is currently unclear. No KISS1R gene deletions were found in 100 IHH/KS by MLPA [5], and the prevalence of point mutations is low – probably less than 1%. Similar to GNRHR mutations, other than understanding the molecular basis of IHH, the identification of GPR54 gene mutations probably will not add to the clinical management of these patients.
LEP and LEPR gene mutations Mutations in either the LEP (ligand) or the LEPR (receptor) genes may cause normosmic IHH and extreme obesity. Thus, the prevalence of these gene defects in patients with IHH must be very low. Genetic analysis could be considered in extremely obese patients with very low serum leptin level (LEP gene) or elevated leptin (LEPR gene), but the yield will be low (reviewed in Kim et al. [3]). Unfortunately, in obese patients with elevated leptin levels, the serum level did not predict which ones would have a LEPR gene mutation.
Putative IHH/KS genes In addition to the genes discussed above, there is also evidence that PROKR2 (prokineticin receptor 2), PROK2 (prokineticin 2) and NELF (nasal embryonic luteinizing hormone releasing hormone) genes are involved in IHH/ KS, although the clinical details are less clear than for the previously mentioned genes. PROKR2 (KAL3) and PROK2 (KAL4) have one laboratory listed on
NELF gene Nasal embryonic LHRH factor (NELF) was cloned and characterized from migrating GnRH neurons [24] and is also present on olfactory neurons, which suggested that NELF may play an important role in GnRH neuron migration, puberty and reproduction. A NELF gene mutation and an FGFR1 mutation were reported in a family, which together produced KS [13], but not NELF by itself. Further studies need to be performed, but this gene is currently under active investigation.
PROK2 and PROKR2 genes Mice lacking the prokineticin receptor demonstrate impaired development of the olfactory bulbs and GnRH neurons. Genes for the ligand prokineticin 2 (PROK2) and its receptor PROKR2 have been studied in patients with IHH/KS [25]. Although putative mutations were identified in both the ligand and the G-protein coupled receptor, the inheritance patterns and functional significance of these genes in IHH/KS need to be evaluated. Families with PROKR2 mutations may have variable expressivity with regard to anosmia or normosmia. One patient of 100 (1%) studied for mutations in the gene for the ligand – PROK2 – had a homozygous frameshift deletion that segregated within the family, whose affected members could have either normosmic IHH or KS.
Pituitary gene mutations Mutations causing gonadotropin deficiency (FSHB, LHB) other than the GNRHR gene are very rare [3]. FSHB gene mutations cause isolated FSH deficiency, while LHB gene mutations cause isolated LH deficiency, as suggested by endocrine studies. Individual genes causing combined pituitary deficiency are shown in Table 20.2. This is usually defined as growth hormone deficiency and at least one other pituitary hormone. These disorders are summarized in a recent review by Kim et al. [3] and also detailed in and in OMIM (NCBI).
New genes reported to cause normosmic IHH Since the completion of this chapter, mutations in four new genes have been identified – FGF8 [26] TACR3 [27] TAC3 [27] and GNRH1 [28, 29]. Four of 461 (1.3%) of patients screened, some normosmic and others anosmic, had heterozygous mutations in FGF8, demonstrating the
C h a p t e r 2 0 Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism and Kallmann Syndrome
importance of FGF8 signaling in pubertal development. Using genome-wide SNP analysis in consanguineous families, deletions of common regions were identified that lead to the discovery of a ligand and its receptor, TAC3 (encoding neurokin B) and TACR3 (encoding neurokin B receptor) [27]. Homozygous mutations were identified in both genes, indicating autosomal recessive disease [27], but currently the prevalence of mutations in these genes is unknown. Lastly, autosomal recessive mutations in the GNRH1 gene, encoding the ligand GnRH1, have been identified in humans. This was the first gene suspected to cause IHH many years ago, with the discovery of a naturally occurring Grhn1 deletion in the mouse [30]. However, 23 years later these rare mutations were found in 1/146 (0.8%) in one study [28] and 1/310 (0.3%) in another study [29].
normosmic males or females (Fig. 20.1). It should be noted that this algorithm is a suggested one based upon the available literature, not a prospective study. Laboratories that perform genetic analyses can be found on or our Molecular Reproductive Endocrinology Laboratory at the Section of Reproductive Endocrinology, Infertility, and Genetics, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, The Medical College of Georgia, 1120 15th Street, Augusta, GA 30912-3360. Certainly, research for mutations in any of the above mentioned genes or new candidate genes is a worthwhile undertaking. Many laboratories, including our own, are actively seeking to identify new genes involved in IHH/ KS, which will then increase our understanding of normal puberty and reproduction.
About 30% of IHH/KS patients have a definable molecular etiology. The frequencies of the mutations for each gene have been summarized. A karyotype should be considered if additional, presumed unrelated, anomalies are also present, which could indicate a contiguous gene deletion sequence or possibly a translocation. In Table 20.3, the three most well-studied of the IHH/KS genes are summarized with their corresponding phenotypes. It is reasonable to identify mutations in these three genes for clinical management, particularly KAL1 and FGFR1 genes. It is quite possible that the CHD7 and PROKR2 gene might also become amenable to practical laboratory testing, but these require future studies. It seems reasonable to test for FGFR1 mutations first since they cause normosmic IHH or KS. If mutation screening is negative, proceed with the sequencing of the KAL1 gene in anosmic males and GNRHR gene in
Lynn Chorich, Research Lab Manager, and molecular geneticist Hyung-Goo Kim are thanked for their outstanding efforts, and support for this work is acknowledged from NIH grants HD33004 and HD040287.
Table 20.3 Approach to the molecular basis of IHH/KS for the three genes for which there is the most clinical and experimental evidence Males
Anosmia Normosmia Anosmia Normosmia
Yes Yes No
All IHH/KS patients
No Yes Yes
No Yes No
No Yes Yes
Only KS males in family or renal agenesis
FGFR1 sequencing (Consider CHD7 sequencing) (Consider karyotype) IHH/KS & MCA
Negative Normosmic males/females GNRHR sequencing
Anosmic male
KAL1: sequencing
Figure 20.1 A proposed algorithm for analyzing the three best studied genes for IHH/KS. Identifying KAL1 and FGFR1 gene mutations are probably more important because of associated anomalies in genetic counseling. CL/CP cleft lip/cleft palate; MCA multiple congenital anomolies.
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
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C hap ter
Disorders of Sex Development Valerie A. Arboleda1, Alice A. Fleming1 AND Eric Vilain2 1
Department of Human Genetics, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA Department of Human Genetics, Pediatrics, and Urology, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA 2
Disorders of sex determination
“Is it a boy or girl?” is probably the most frequently asked question to a new mother. To this apparently simple question, the answers can become rather complicated. First, one could try to define precisely what “boy or girl” entails. In other words, how do we define sex? Although common sense would dictate that the appearance of the external genitalia should define what sex really is, biological complexity suggests otherwise. Many biological parameters are crucial to precisely delineate the sex of an individual: chromosomal constitution (XX or XY), sex determining genes (presence or absence of Sry), gonadal histology (testis or ovary), hormonal output (testosterone or estradiol), sex of internal reproductive organs (uterus, Fallopian tubes or prostate, epipidymis, vas deferens). Each of these parameters can be disrupted in disorders of sex development (DSD), defined as “congenital conditions in which development of chromosomal, gonadal or anatomical sex is atypical” [1]. DSD are typically categorized in disorders of sex determination and disorders of sex differentiation (see Fig. 21.1). In the former, the development of the gonads is disrupted, and leads to either gonadal dysgenesis, or the development of ovotestis. In the latter, the development of the gonads is normal, but the fetus develops either more virilized than typical for an XX individual (in the case of CAH for instance, see below), or more feminized than a typical XY individual (for example, in the case of androgen insensitivity syndrome). The goal of this chapter is to help the physician navigate the complexities of atypical sex development and identify rapid tools to diagnose patients with DSD.
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
46,XY Disorders Gonadal Dysgenesis In 46,XY gonadal dysgenesis (GD), testes fail to undergo normal development. XY GD can be isolated or syndromic (see Table 21.1), and can be pure, partial, or mixed (Table 21.2). Pure XY GD is characterized by intra-abdominal bilateral fibrous streak gonads that fail to produce AMH and testosterone, resulting in an unambiguous female phenotype (formerly Swyer syndrome), with an occasionally hypoplastic but typically well-formed uterus and fallopian tubes, and female external genitalia. Partial XY GD entails varying amounts of testicular dysgenesis and ambiguous genitalia. Approximately 15% of pure and partial XY GD is attributable to mutations in Sry [2, 3–5], a transcription factor that targets another male-determining gene, SOX9 [6]. Over 50 mutations of the SRY open reading frame (ORF) have been identified in XY GD, and deletions of Yp, a region of the Y chromosome containing SRY, have also been implicated [3, 4, 7]. Most known mutations in SRY disrupt the high mobility group (HMG) box, which results in reduced nuclear import of SRY protein [8], or impaired binding or bending of target gene DNA by SRY [5, 9]. Another 15% of pure and partial XY GD is due to mutations in SF1 (NR5A1), an orphan nuclear receptor required for testis and adrenal development [10]. SF-1 interacts with transcription factors GATA-4 and FOG2 to regulate SRY expression in developing testes [11, 12]. In turn, SF1 and Sry co-regulate Sox9 transcription [6]. XY GD due to SF1 haploinsufficiency can be isolated [10] or syndromic (Table 21.1). Very rarely, pure and partial XY GD result from duplications of putative “anti-testis”
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Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
Figure 21.1 Sex determination is the process by which genetic sex determines gonadal sex, the testis or ovary. Sex differentiation follows and is the process by which the now determined gonads and their respective hormones direct the differentiation of the internal and external genitalia.
genes (Rspondin1, WNT4, DAX1), or mutations in genes necessary for testes organogenesis (XH2, SOX9, WT1, DHH) [13–15], and are usually syndromic (Table 21.1). Together, these genetic factors account for only about 30% of pure and partial XY GD, indicating that additional, as yet unknown, genes are required for human testis determination. Mixed XY GD refers to asymmetric gonadal development resulting in asymmetric virilization of the external and/or internal genitalia and unilateral cryptorchidism. One gonad is an abdominally located, fully dysgenic streak with no ipsilateral virilization. The contralateral testis appears normal to partially dysgenic, and its level of activity determines its location and the extent of virilization on that side. Typically, the etiology of mixed XY GD is 45,X/46,XY mosaicism [16], causing a range of asymmetric patterns of male-determining gene expression and consequent phenotype. The proportion of Y chromosomal material in the gonad appears to correlate with the amount of testicular tissue and of phenotypic maleness [17, 18]. Presentation and Diagnosis Pure 46,XY GD should be considered when an adolescent presents as a phenotypic female with delayed puberty
and primary amenorrhea. Pure XY GD patients may be of normal to tall stature and have normal to small Müllerian structures, bilateral streak gonads and no Turner stigmata. Rarely, they may present with a detectable abdominal or pelvic gonadoblastomal mass. Patients with partial or mixed XY GD typically present much earlier than those with pure XY GD – as infants or in early childhood – with ambiguity of internal and/or external genitalia. Patients with 45,X/46/ XY mosaicism, in particular, can present with a wide range of phenotypes [19]. When the presumptive diagnosis suggests gonadal dysgenesis, and there are no indications of syndromic involvement (Table 21.1), further criteria may strengthen the diagnosis of isolated XY GD (Table 21.2 and Fig. 21.2A). The karyotype of peripheral leukocytes will show 46,XY for pure and partial GD, and, frequently, 45,X/46,XY mosaicism for mixed GD. Pelvic ultrasound may show bilateral atrophic [streak?] gonads with a normal to hypoplastic uterus in the case of pure to partial XY GD, but a unilateral streak gonad with asymmetric Müllerian and Wolffian structures in mixed GD. Diagnostic biochemical criteria are listed in Table 21.2, and include elevated FSH and LH. Although only about 30% of 46,XY GD is due to mutations
C h a p t e r 2 1 Disorders of Sex Development l
Table 21.1 Syndromes associated with ambiguous genitalia Syndromes associated with ambiguous genitalia Phenotype Syndromes associated with gonadal dysgenesis
Syndromes associated with small penis and/or cryptorchidism
XY gonadal dysgenesis with adrenal hypoplasia. Gonadal dysgenesis due to SF1 mutations can also be isolated. Denys–Drash XY gonadal dysgenesis, early diffuse mesangial sclerosis of kidneys, Wilms’ tumor. Frasier XY gonadal dysgenesis, early adolescent development of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, gonadoblastoma. Campomelic dysplasia Ambiguous genitalia, congenital bowing of long bones, hypoplastic scapulae and thoracic vertebrae pedicles. GD with neuropathy XY gonadal dysgenesis with associated minifascicular neuropathy (one of 4 cases). X-linked alpha-thalassemia/ Hemoglobin H disease, mental retardation, mental retardation dysmorphic facies, genital abnormalities. Palmoplantar hyperkeratosis Variable degrees of XX sex reversal, with squamous cell palmoplantar keratoderma, squamous cell carcinoma and XX sex carcinoma, congenital bilateral corneal reversal opacities, onychodystrophy and hearing impairment. Blepharophimosis–ptosis– Blepharophimosis, ptosis and epicanthus epicanthus inversus inversus syndrome, either with or without syndrome type I premature ovarian failure. VACTERL/VATER Vertebral defects, anal atresia, tracheoesophageal fistula with esophageal atresia, radial dysplasia, limb anomalies. Goldenhar syndrome Unilateral deformity of the external ear (hemifacial microsomia) and small ipsilateral half of the face with epibulbar dermoid and vertebral anomalies. Smith–Lemli–Opitz Multiple congenital malformation and mental syndrome (SLOS) retardation syndrome. Pallister–Hall syndrome Hypothalamic hamartoblastoma, postaxial (PHS) polydactyly and imperforate anus. Robinow syndrome Mesomelic limb shortening associated with facial and genital abnormalities. Prader–Willi syndrome Obesity, muscular hypotonia, mental retardation, short stature, hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. Kallmann syndrome Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism and anosmia. Holoprosencephaly Craniofacial dysmorphology.
15q12, 15q11-q13
Malpeuch facial clefting syndrome
21q22.3, 2q37.1-q37.3 Unknown
Gonadal dysgenesis with adrenal hypoplasia
Najjar syndrome Varadi–Papp syndrome
Juberg–Marsidi syndrome
Short stature, hypertelorism, eye anomalies, facial clefting, hearing loss, urogenital abnormalities, mental retardation. Genital anomaly, mental retardation and cardiomyopathy. Big toes, hexadactyly, cleft lip/palate or lingual nodule, and somatic and psychomotor retardation. Some showed absent olfactory bulbs and tracts, cryptorchidism. Cleft lip/palate with abnormal thumbs and microcephaly.
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders Table 21.1 (Continued) Syndromes associated with ambiguous genitalia Phenotype
Syndromes associated with small penis and/or cryptorchidism
Johanson–Blizzard syndrome
Borjeson–Forssman– Lehmann syndrome Torticollis, keloids, cryptorchidism, renal dysplasia Hypertelorism with esophageal abnormality and hypospadias Faciogenitopopliteal syndrome Dubowitz syndrome
Noonan syndrome
Aarskog syndrome (faciogenital dysplasia) Cornelia de Lange syndrome
Rubinstein–Taybi syndrome Seckel syndrome
Miller–Dieker syndrome Lenz–Majewski hyperostosis syndrome Lowe syndrome Syndromes associated with Müllerian malformation
MURCs Mayer–Rokitansky–Kuster– Hauser syndrome (MRKH) McKusick–Kaufman syndrome (MKKS)
Aplasia or hypoplasia of the nasal alae, congenital deafness, hypothyroidism, postnatal growth retardation, malabsorption, mental retardation, midline ectodermal scalp defects and absent permanent teeth. Severe mental defect, epilepsy, hypogonadism, hypometabolism, marked obesity. Torticollis, keloids, cryptorchidism, renal dysplasia.
Laryngotracheoesophageal cleft; clefts of lip, palate and uvula; swallowing difficulty and hoarse cry; genitourinary defects, mental retardation; congenital heart defects. Cleft palate and webbing of intercrural pterygium. Short stature, microcephaly, mild mental retardation with behavior problems, eczema and distinctive facies. Hypertelorism, a downward eye slant and low-set posteriorly rotated ears, short stature, webbed neck, cardiac anomalies. Embryonic ocular hypertelorism, anteverted nostrils, broad upper lip and peculiar penoscrotal relation. Low anterior hairline, anteverted nares, maxillary prognathism, long philtrum (“carp” mouth), in association with prenatal and postnatal growth retardation, mental retardation. Mental retardation, broad thumbs and toes, facial abnormalities. Growth retardation, microcephaly with mental retardation and a characteristic “bird-headed” facial appearance. Microcephaly and a thickened cortex with 4/6 layers. High palate, short, yellow, carious teeth, progeroid appearance, short, increased venous pattern of the forehead and thorax. Ophthalmic, cataract, mental retardation, vitamin D-resistant rickets, amino aciduria. Müllerian duct aplasia, renal aplasia and cervicothoracic somite dysplasia. Müllerian duct aplasia.
16p13.3, 22q13 3q22-q24
WNT4 in subset with hyperandrogenism Unknown
Unknown; 1p35
Hydrometrocolpos, congenital heart malformations, post-axial polydactyly.
C h a p t e r 2 1 Disorders of Sex Development
Table 21.2 Diagnostic criteria for disorders of sex development DSD Disorders of sex determination 46,XY 46,XY pure/ Disorders partial/mixed gonadal dysgenesis
46,XX Disorders
Biochemical changes
Differentiating features
Genetic diagnostic criteria
Pure/Partial/Mixed ()FSH, LH Nml to () AMH No () with hCG Pure ( ) T, DHT, E2 ( ) AMH Partial/Mixed () T, DHT, E2
Presence of partial testicular function (T, AMH) points towards partial or mixed GD. However, histological examination of testes after prophylactic gonadectomy can differentiate between pure, partial and mixed GD. There is little genotype– phenotype correlation, but the presence of mosaicism 45,X/46,XY is often associated with mixed GD. Testicular and ovotesticular DSD are at different ends of a phenotypic spectrum. The only way to definitively differentiate between 46,XX testicular and ovotesticular DSD is through complete gonadal histological examination looking for the presence of ovarian tissue.
Sequencing for SF1 and SRY mutations; if no mutation is found CGH should be performed to look for copy number variants as a source for XY gonadal dysgenesis. If partial/mixed GD suspected, patient should be tested for mosaicism. Testicular DSD: FISH for presence of SRY or SOX9. If clinical phenotype appropriate, sequence RSPO1 gene. If no molecular diagnostic is successful, CGH should be performed. Ovotesticular DSD: Search for XX/ XY mosaicism and sequencing for SRY mutation. For cases of isolated 46,XX GD, sequencing for FSH mutations can be performed If clinical presentation matches, sequence FOXL2 mutation. CGH can also be done to identify causative duplications or mutations.
XX testicular/ ovo-testicular DSD
() FSH, LH () T, DHT Nml AMH No () with hCG
XX gonadal dysgenesis
() FSH, LH No () with hCG No AMH
Full female phenotype with amenorrhea and lack of secondary sex development.
()Renin () Aldo () K () Na () All adrenal hormones () 17OH-P
Presence of lipid vacuoles in adrenals on histology. P450scc deficiency does present with enlarged adrenals. No HTN and hyperkalemia differentiates from CYP 17 deficiency. Baseline and ACTH-stimulated ratios of 5-17-pregnenolone:cortisol consistently distinguished between patients affected and non-affected patients.
Presence of lipid filled vacuoles on histology; sequencing of the StaR or CYP11A1 genes and presence of a mutation in either one gives definitive diagnosis. Sequencing of the HSD3B2 gene.
Hypertension and hypokalemic alkalosis in the presence of low 17-OH progesterone.
Sequencing of the CYP17 gene.
Hypertension in the presence of elevated 17OH-P. Occasionally presence of Antley–Bixler skeletal malformations.
Sequencing of CYP450 Oxidoreductase.
Differentiate from 5-reductase type 2 by levels and ratios of serum androgens.
Sequencing of the HSD17B3 gene for deletions, insertions and point mutations. Sequencing of the LHCHR gene for deletions, insertions and point mutations.
Disorders of sex differentiation Disorders of StAR deficiency androgen (StAR); P450scc synthesis deficiency and action (CYP11A1) 3HSD type II (HSD3B2)
17hydroxylase/ 17,20-lyase (CYP17)
P450 oxidoreductase
17HSD type 3 (HSD17B3) Leydig cell hypoplasia
() Renin; () Aldo, F () K, () Na () ratio 5-17pregnenolone: F () A, T () Renin () Aldo, F () 17OH-P () LH, FSH () Progesterone, DOC, B () Na () K () DHEA-S, A, T; no response to hCG stim () 17OH-P () Progesterone () F, DHEA-S () A, T Nml to ↑ A () ratio A/T (15) () T, DHT () LH Nml FSH () AMH () T, DHT, E2 () hCG response Nml A/T ratio
To differentiate LCH from GD, AMH is used as a marker of testicular function.
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders Table 21.2 (Continued) DSD
Biochemical changes
Differentiating features
Genetic diagnostic criteria
5-reductase type 2
Nml FSH, LH Nml T, E2; () DHT () ratio T/DHT (30)
Sequencing of the SRD5A2 gene.
Androgen receptor
Nml FSH, LH (PAIS) () FSH, LH (CAIS) Nml to () AMH Nml A, T, DHT () hCG response Nml hormonal profile
Development of male secondary sex characteristics in puberty with fine and sparse facial hair. Unlike HSD17B3 and AIS, no gynecomastia during puberty. Female phenotype with breast development at puberty, with sparse pubic and axilla hair.
Disorders of androgen excess
21-hydroxylase () Renin () Aldo, DOC, F (CYP21) () K; () Na () 17OH-P () DHEA-S, A, T 11HSD1 () Aldo, F, Renin (HSD11B1) () DOC () K, () Na () 17OH-P () DHEA-S, A, T P450 aromatase () 16OH-A (maternal) (CYP19) () FSH, LH, A, T () Estrone, E2
Presence of both Müllerian and Wolffian derivatives usually discovered incidentally. 17-OH progesterone elevated in the absence of hypertension, which is typical in HSD11B1 deficiency. Differentiate from CYP21 deficiency by presences of hypertension and hypokalemic alkalosis.
The presence of maternal virilization during pregnancy and XX virilization which stops after delivery.
Sequencing of AR gene looking for single amino acid substitutions, which account for 90% of reported cases.
Sequencing of CYP21 gene gives definitive diagnosis and can inform parents about genetic counseling in future pregnancies. Sequencing of the HSD11B1 gene.
Sequencing of CYP19 gives definitive diagnosis.
FSH, follicle stimulating hormone; Aldo, aldosterone; 17OH-P, 17OH-progesterone; DOC, deoxycorticosterone; A, androsteindione; LH, luteinizing hormone; T, testosterone; hCG, human chorionic gonadotropin; AMH, anti-Müllerian hormone; DHT, dihydrotestosterone; F, cortisol; Nml, normal; DHEA, dehydroepiandrosterone.
or deletions of SRY or SF1 [4, 5, 10, 20], sequencing the ORF of these genes is appropriate. Mutations in the HMG box of SRY tend to be associated with pure XY GD, while those outside the HMG box are more typical of partial XY GD. In addition, fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) can be used to detect SRY or Yp. If neither SRY nor SF1 are implicated by these approaches, comparative genomic hybridization (CGH), a higher resolution protocol, can be used to detect relatively small deletions or duplications in any of the known sex-determining genes. Ultimately, the most definitive diagnosis is through biopsy of the gonads. Bilateral streak gonads are seen in pure, bilateral dysgenic testes in partial, and a unilateral streak gonad with contralateral normal to dysgenic testis in mixed XY GD. The risk of otherwise undetected gonadoblastoma in XY GD patients is high, and prophylactic or therapeutic gonadectomy is therefore often indicated when XY GD is diagnosed.
46,XX Disorders Testicular and Ovotesticular DSD There is a range of 46,XX DSD in which gonadal tissues are sex-reversed. XX testicular and XX ovotesticular DSD
are likely to be part of the same phenotypic spectrum. Ultimately, differentiating the two can only be done with gonadal biopsy, which is not always performed; therefore, an exact diagnosis cannot always be made. In XX testicular DSD, with an approximate incidence of 1:20,000, varying amounts of testicular (but no ovarian) tissue are present. About 85% of XX testicular DSD patients are phenotypic males with unambiguous male genitalia at birth, and are not diagnosed until puberty fails to proceed normally [21, 22]. There can be similarities with Klinefelter (XXY), including diminished secondary sex development, gynecomastia, small testes and azoospermia [23]. Typically, however, cognitive ability is normal, stature is normal to short, and ejaculation and sexual function are normal. Approximately 90% of these patients carry an Xp:Yp translocation that contains SRY. The remaining 15% of XX testi cular DSD individuals have ambiguous genitalia, and ectopic presence of SRY accounts for only a minority of these cases [22, 24]. In addition, disruption of R-spondin1 (RSPO1), a female-determining gene, results in a recessive syndrome that includes complete XX sex reversal [25] (Table 21.1), but the etiology of many XX testicular DSD remains unclear. In ovotesticular DSD (formerly true hermaphroditism), both ovarian and testicular tissues (defined by the
Figure 21.2 Diagnostic flow chart for 46,XY(A) and 46,XX(B) individuals with ambiguous genitalia.
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
presence of follicles or seminiferous tubules) are present. Approximately 50% of cases have an ovary and an ovotestis, 30% have two ovotestes, and 20% have an ovary and a testis [26], resulting in variable development of internal and external genitalia. The ipsilateral predominance of ovarian or testicular tissue typically correlates with the location of each gonad and the degree of Müllerian- and/or Wolffianderived development on that side. About 7–10% of ovotesticular DSD are actually 46,XY; mutations in SRY have been found in two such patients [4, 26, 27]. An estimated 30–33% of ovotesticular DSD are mosaics – including 46,XX/46,XY – with some Yp involvement [26, 27]. The majority – approximately 60% – of ovotesticular DSD are 46,XX. Of these, a minority are SRY-positive [4, 20, 28–30], placing these patients on a phenotypic continuum with XX testicular DSD. As with some XX testicular DSD, the etiology can be an Xp:Yp translocation [23, 24, 31]. There is evidence based on genotyping of peripheral lymphocytes that translocation of Yp onto the active X in a majority of cells can result in 46,XX testicular DSD, while translocation onto the inactive X in most cells may cause inactivation to spread into the Yp region and result in the more ambiguous phenotype of 46,XX ovotesticular DSD [23, 24, 27]. Syndromic 46,XX ovotesticular, as well as testicular, DSD has been attributed to a mutation in RSPO1 [25]. A duplication containing the male-determining gene Sox9 has been implicated in XX sex reversal of one patient [32], but without a gonadal biopsy it is not clear whether the diagnosis for that patient is XX testicular or XX ovotesticular DSD. It does appear, however, that an additional dose of Sox9 can, without Sry, masculinize an XX individual. Presentation and Diagnosis Most patients with XX testicular DSD have “de la Chapelle syndrome” with an unambiguous male phenotype that is unassociated with other disease diagnoses, and present in adolescence with delayed puberty or infertility. Although patients do occasionally present in childhood with undervirilized genitalia, SRY (found in the majority of XX testicular DSD) is often correlated with relatively high virilization of the genitals, and fewer than 20% of XX testicular DSD patients present as pre-adolescents. In XX testicular DSD, analysis of the semen typically shows a normal volume with azoospermia. Karyotyping of peripheral blood cells shows 46,XX in the majority of cases. FISH for SRY is positive in 90% of patients; if negative, FISH for SOX9 microduplications can be performed, and CGH can be done if molecular etiology is still needed. XX testicular DSD patients may have hypergonadotropic hypogonadism with elevated FSH and LH, decreased T, DHT, less than two-fold increase in response to the hCG-stimulation test, and no uterus, as determined by pelvic ultrasound (refer to Table 21.2 and Fig. 21.2B). The majority of patients with ovotesticular DSD present with ambiguous genitalia in infancy or early childhood.
Unlike patients with XX testicular DSD, those with ovotesticular DSD often have some normal ovarian function. Hormonal levels (Table 21.2) correlate with the relative amounts of testicular and ovarian tissue; FSH, LH, E2, T, DHT and 4 A can be in the normal female range. Hormonal levels in turn correlate with the degree of genital ambiguity. The karyotype for the majority of patients with ovotesticular DSD will be 46,XX, but approximately one third will be mosaic (including 46,XX/46,XY), or, rarely, 46,XY. Syndromic effects of SOX9 duplications or RSPO1 mutations (Table 21.1) will suggest appropriate tests for these criteria, but results will not differentiate between XX testicular and ovotesticular DSD. The biochemical marker for Sertoli cells is a serum AMH level greater than 75 nmol/L, which is unequivocal evidence of functional testicular tissue, and suggests either XX testicular or ovotesticular DSD [33], but again, does not distinguish between the two. Ultimately, a thorough biopsy of both gonads remains the basis for a definitive differential diagnosis: the presence of any ovarian tissue distinguishes ovotesticular from XX testicular DSD. In addition, as SRY expression has been detected in gonads of patients who are otherwise SRY-negative [21, 34, 35], tests for karyotype, cryptic mosaicism and SRY can be performed in gonadal tissue, if indicated.
Sex Chromosome Disorders Sex chromosome DSD result from having an abnormal number of sex chromosomes. Errors in paternal meiosis are the cause in a majority of these disorders. Turner Syndrome Turner syndrome is a disorder affecting females in which all or a part of one X chromosome is missing. The majority of Turner syndrome patients are 45,X; the rest are 46,XX with X chromosome deletions or mosaics with various combinations of sex chromosome number or content. 45,X Turner is relatively common in the population, and while less than 3% of Turner zygotes survive to term [36], approximately 1 in 2000 newborn phenotypic females are 45,X [37]. Most Turner females are short in stature due to lack of one copy of the homeobox gene SHOX, which is located in the pseudoautosomal. They possess streak gonads, with fewer and less well developed follicles in utero [38]. Girls form a normal number of eggs, but through unknown mechanisms, these then disappear [39]. Given the reduced number of follicles, Turner patients have less estrogen secretion, resulting in delayed puberty. Presentation and Diagnosis Turner syndrome should be considered if prenatal ultrasound reveals short femur, total body lymphangiectasia,
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large septate cystic hygromas, nuchal thickening, and/or cardiac defects. Turner newborns may present with low birth weight, lymphodema of the upper and lower extremities (in 30% of Turner babies), a webbed neck (pterygium colli) and dysmorphic features: low set prominent ears, low posterior hairline, micrognatia, high-arched palate, epicanthal folds, hypoplastic nail beds, and/or hypoplastic 4th and 5th metacarpals [40]. Turner adolescents present most frequently with short stature, amenorrhea and lack of secondary sex characteristics, although (depending on the amount of gonadal dysgenesis) approximately 30% do have some spontaneous puberty [41]. Additional characteristics of Turner syndrome may include: renal anomalies (incidence between 30–50%), increased frequency of cardiovascular disease such as co-arctation of the aorta, hearing loss, shield-like chest and higher carrying angle of the arms (cubitus valgus). If a patient’s presentation suggests Turner, karyotyping should be done to detect 45,X Turner. If this assay is normal, FISH or CGH should be done to detect possible cryptic deletions in the SHOX-containing pseudoautosomal region of an X chromosome in a 46,XX patient. Klinefelter Syndrome Klinefelter syndrome, or 47,XXY, males have a normal number of primordial germ cells in utero, which degenerate through childhood probably due to a fault of communication between Sertoli and germ cells [42]. Roughly 50% of Klinefelter occurrence is of paternal origin [43] with a possible increase in XY sperm frequency as paternal age increases [44]. Presentation and Diagnosis The phenotype of Klinefelter syndrome is often not obvious and as such remains primarily undiagnosed in the general population [45]. Behavioral disorders, abnormally small testes and legs disproportionately long compared to upper extremities may be seen in Klinefelter boys. A patient’s IQ may be somewhat lower than siblings, though typically still in the normal range [46]. In adolescence, most Klinefelter patients present with small, firm testes and hypogonadism with some degree of androgen deficiency [47]. Later, males may present at infertility centers with azoospermia. Diagnosis of Klinefelter syndrome is performed by karyotype of lymphocytes. Some mosaic cases will only be detected by karyotype of skin fibroblasts and occasionally of testicular biopsy.
Disorders of Sex Differentiation The presence of a functional testis causes the development of male internal and external genitalia. Therefore, the
testis actively governs sexual differentiation (see Fig. 21.1). Hormones secreted from testes are essential to the development of male internal and external genitalia. Normally developed testes have both Sertoli cells and testicular cords. Sertoli cells secrete AMH causing Müllerian (paramesonephric) duct regression. At the same time, Leydig cells, the steroidogenic cells of the testes, secrete testosterone and INSL3 (insulin-like factor 3), to promote development of Wolffian structures (epididymis, vas deferens and seminal vesicles) and mediate transabdominal descent of the testes to the internal inguinal ring, respectively [48]. To mediate the development of the male external genitalia, testosterone is converted to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a more potent androgen, by the enzyme 5-reductase (Fig. 21.1). Except for phallic growth and inguinoscrotal descent in the third trimester, male sexual differentiation is essentially complete by week 14. After this point, defects in labioscrotal fusion and urogenital sinus growth cannot be affected by high doses of androgens. In the absence of testis secreted hormones, such as testosterone, dihydrotestoterone and anti-Müllerian hormone, Wollfian ducts regress and the Müllerian ducts develop into female genitalia. Defects in steroidogenic enzymes and in androgen receptor action can result in conditions ranging from full XY sex reversal, virilized XX individuals and undervirilized XY individuals.
Disorders in Testosterone Biosynthesis Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia Depending on the enzyme implicated, congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) can cause either 46,XY DSD or 46,XX DSD. Mutations in 21-hydroxylase (CYP21) deficiency account for over 90% of CAH and represent the most common etiology of ambiguous genitalia in the XX newborn [168–170]. The disease frequency in the general population is 1:15,000 people, but is much higher in certain ethnic groups, including Hispanics and Ashkenazy Jews [49]. The mechanism of excess androgen production is through blockage of both aldosterone and cortisol biosynthetic pathways. Therefore early precursors are shunted towards androgen biosynthesis, resulting in virilization of XX fetuses and, in some XX newborns, excess virilization. Mutations in 11hydroxylase (CYP11B1) account for another 5% of virilizing CAH [50, 51]. Rarely, CAH with ambiguous genitalia occurs in XY individuals. Mutations in 3-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 2 (HSD3B2) or 17-hydroxylase/17,20-lyase deficiency (CYP17) can cause CAH and ambiguous genitalia in XY individuals. Mutations in HSD3B2 affect the biosynthesis of three major adrenal steroid hormones: cortisol, aldosterone and testosterone. The resulting phenotype is adrenal insufficiency in XX and XY patients and genital ambiguity only in XY patients. Mutations in CYP17 results in decreased cortisol and androgen biosynthesis, which shunts
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
steroidogenic precursors to a mineralocorticoid precursor causing hypertension with adrenal insufficiency and ambiguous genitalia. Cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase (POR) deficiency is a recently characterized cause of CAH that affects the enzymatic activity of all microsomal P450 enzymes, including the steroidogenic enzymes CYP17, CYP21 and CYP19 [52–55]. POR causes partial enzymatic activity in multiple enzymes, presents with a wide range of phenotypes, and is particularly difficult to diagnose using serum hormone levels. Additionally, it can cause ambiguous genitalia in both XX and XY individuals. In mothers carrying a fetus with a POR mutation, virilization of the mother can occur. This virilization is due to decreased fetal aromatase activity which causes excess testosterone to be present in the bloodstream of both the fetus and mother. Presentation and Diagnosis Among both XX and XY fetuses, there is a wide range of potential phenotypes resulting from the multitude of genes which can be involved in CAH. For CYP21 and CYP11B1 mutations, XX fetuses can present at birth with ambiguous genitalia, while XY fetuses do not exhibit any degree of undervirilization. CAH can present in classical salt-wasting, simple virilizing or in the nonclassical form, which presents with hyperandrogenism and precocious puberty with normal genitalia. The biochemical diagnoses for the different genes involved in CAH are outlined in Table 21.2. CYP21 deficiencies are often not detected in the newborn period, unless accompanied by a salt-wasting crisis. XY patients often present with premature masculinization and accelerated physical development. If left untreated, there is premature fusion of epiphyses resulting in short stature. Diagnosis of CYP21 deficiency can initially be ascertained by elevated 17-OH progesterone. Biochemical changes are outlined in Table 21.2. Clinically CYP11B1 deficiency can be differentiated from CYP21 deficiency by the presence of hypertension with hypokalemic alkalosis. Molecular diagnosis can be ascertained by sequencing of the disease gene. Congenital Lipoid Adrenal Hyperplasia Congenital lipoid adrenal hyperplasia is a rare form of CAH in which lipoid vacuoles accumulate in steroidogenic tissues, specifically the adrenal glands. Congenital lipoid adrenal hyperplasia results from mutations in enzymes involved in early steroidogenesis, primarily steroidogenic acute regulatory (StAR) protein, which transports cholesterol across the inner and outer mitochondrial membranes of steroidogenic cells, and cytochrome P450 side chain cleavage (CYP11A1) [56, 57]. Mutations in these genes result in global silencing of adrenal and gonadal steroidogenesis. On histology, patients with mutations in StAR
protein or CYP11A1 have lipid vacuoles in adrenals due to the accumulation of cholesterol in the adrenals and gonads. This lipid accumulation results in primary adrenal and gonadal failure [58]. Presentation and Diagnosis The majority of newborns with mutations in StAR or CYP11A1 present with a salt-wasting adrenal crisis at birth that is usually fatal if not immediately diagnosed and treated. All XY patients present with a genital phenotype with adrenal insufficiency, while XX patients only exhibit the features of adrenal insufficiency at birth. 46,XY patients have testes, no Müllerian structures due to the presence of AMH, partial or absent Wolffian derivatives due to a lack of testosterone biosynthesis, and a blind vaginal pouch. The spectrum of external genital phenotype ranges from ambiguous to fully feminized. Testes can be located in the abdomen, inguinal canal, or labia. Clinically, infants with intrauterine glucocorticoid deficiency can present with generalized hyperpigmentation at birth as a result of elevated ACTH levels. 46,XX patients with partial deficiency of StAR protein experience spontaneous puberty, menarche and anovulatory menses because their ovaries are able to produce estrogen through StAR-independent pathways [58–60]. Since the ovaries do not produce steroids until puberty, they are spared from the cholesterol-induced damage that occurs from birth in the adrenals [60]. At puberty, however, XX females develop multiple cysts in their ovaries, possibly from anovulation. Definitive diagnosis of congenital lipoid adrenal hyperplasia is done by sequencing of StAR or CYP11A1. Characteristic biochemical abnormalities are outlined in Table 21.2. Another distinguishing characteristic is adrenal enlargement, which has only been found in patients with StAR mutations.
Defects in 5-Reductase Type 2 Steroid 5-reductase deficiency results from a defect in the enzyme converting testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT is responsible for the differentiation of male external genitalia. Peripheral conversion of testosterone to DHT is an irreversible reaction catalyzed by the two iso enzymes of 5-reductase, SRD5A1 and SRD5A2. During puberty, the SRD5A1 isozyme is active in skin fibroblasts. During fetal development, SRD5A2 isozyme is expressed in the genital skin tissue and male accessory sex organs. Mutations in SRD5A2 result in undervirilized external genitalia, such as micropenis and perineal hypospadias. Internal genitalia consist of fully differentiated Wolffian ducts, no Müllerian structures, and a blind vaginal pouch [61, 62]. Adrenal and gonadal steroid biosynthesis remains normal.
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Presentation and Diagnosis In 46,XY infants with recessive mutations in SRD5A2, the degree of ambiguity ranges from isolated hypospadias to severe undermasculinization, complete with perineal hypospadias, micropenis, bifid scrotum and hypoplastic prostate [63]. At puberty, 46,XY patients experience a surge of testosterone, which can cause development of male secondary sex characteristics, such as male body habitus, deepening of the voice and penile enlargement. However, these individuals have unusually fine upper lip hair. Due to the underdevelopment of the prostate and seminal vesicles, their semen is highly viscous and their ejaculate volume is extremely low (0.5–1 ml). Despite the low ejaculate volume, sperm counts are normal. Patients who are unambiguously female at birth often present in puberty with complaints of amenorrhea, a deepening voice, clitoromegaly and increased musculature. In contrast to patients with androgen insensitivity syndrome, mutations in SRD5A2 do not develop gynecomastia during puberty. 46,XX females with SRD5A2 deficiency have normal sexual differentiation and fertility, but delayed puberty and sparse pubic hair. Diagnosis of SRD5A2 deficiency can be made during early infancy and puberty based on an elevated ratio of testosterone to DHT (normal 30:1), either with or without hCG stimulation [61, 64]. DHT is low in infants but can reach near-normal levels during adolescence without treatment, presumably by peripheral SRD5A1 activity. If the diagnosis is suspected during pre-pubertal childhood or during adolescence, hCG stimulation should be used to obtain diagnostic hormone levels. Affected females are phenotypically normal, but have the same biochemical abnormalities (Table 21.2) as affected males. Mutational analysis of the SR5A2 gene can be performed, and mutations have been reported in all five exons. To date, over 50 mutations in SR5A2 have been found, ranging from point mutations to deletions but the genotype– phenotype correlations are poor.
Defects in Androgen Activity Complete and Partial Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome In the presence of normal gonads and steroid biosynthesis, mutations in the steroid hormone receptors can mute the effects of circulating steroid on specific tissues. Mutations in the androgen receptor (AR), which is located on the X-chromosome, result in androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS). Both testosterone and DHT can activate AR, and when AR is bound to either steroid hormone, it can activate transcription of specific genes. The AR plays important roles in the differentiation of male internal and external genitalia and in the maintenance of spermatogenesis. Currently, there is an estimated incidence of 1 per 20,400 liveborn XY individuals in which more than 300 mutations have been identified.
AIS is characterized by a range of phenotypes in 46,XY individuals, from unambiguous females, termed complete AIS (CAIS), to phenotypic males, termed minimal AIS (MAIS). In CAIS, the only manifestations are infertility and amenorrhea which present in puberty [65, 66]. At the other extreme is MAIS in which phenotypically male patients often present with infertility, gynecomastia and/or hypo spadias. Patients who exhibit various degrees of XY ambiguity are referred to as partial AIS (PAIS). All known forms of AIS are caused by disruption of androgen receptor activity. CAIS is generally associated with a complete absence of androgen binding and AR activation. Beyond this, there is almost no correlation between residual AR activity and genital phenotype [67]. This suggests that there exist other genetic modifiers which modulate the phenotype. Even within families, the phenotype resulting from a given mutation can vary between PAIS and CAIS [68, 69]. The majority of mutations resulting in AIS are due to single amino acid substitutions, which account for approximately 90% of the cases. Mutations are spread throughout the gene, and there is no single mutation that appears to be prevalent over others [70]. Interestingly, exon 1 rarely possesses a causative mutation [70]. The majority of cases are inherited, but 30% of all AIS cases are de novo mutations, in which the risk of recurrence in future offspring is low. In familial PAIS, and in both familial and sporadic CAIS, mutations in AR exonic sequences are found in 85–90% of cases [69, 70]. In contrast, detectable mutations in AR account for only 10–15% of sporadic cases with hormonal profile and clinical presentation suggestive of de novo PAIS [69], and the molecular defect in these cases is unknown. While the genotypes causing CAIS are consistent in phenotypic presentation, in PAIS there is phenotypic variability among affected individuals carrying the same mutation. Presentation and Diagnosis The phenotype of patients with PAIS is extremely heterogeneous. Patients present in infancy or childhood with variable degrees of virilization such as micropenis, cryptorchidism and perineoscrotal hypospadias. Infants and children may present with unilateral or bilateral inguinal hernias. Testes are present and functional, producing high levels of testosterone and AMH resulting in variable development of Wolffian derivatives and regression of Müllerian structures in most patients [71]. In patients presenting at puberty, breast development and sparse pubic hair are suggestive of PAIS, and help differentiate it from SRD5A2. CAIS usually presents at puberty with primary amenorrhea. Physical exam reveals a short, blind vagina, absent uterus, and sometimes palpable inguinal or labial testes. Testosterone-dependant Wolffian derivatives and prostate are absent or vestigial. Additionally, height, bone maturation and breast development are normal, but pubic and
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
axillary hair, an androgen-mediated feature, is absent or sparse. Patients’ identity and behavior are feminine without gender dysphoria [72]. Less commonly, CAIS may present in infancy with phenotypic female genitalia and inguinal or labial masses representing testes. Diagnostic criteria for serum hormone levels are outlined in Table 21.2. In prepubertal children, basal LH and testosterone may be normal, but hCG stimulation elicits an exaggerated androgen response (a tripling instead of a doubling of testosterone and DHT). Exam and pelvic ultrasound reveal abdominal testes and the absence of Müllerian structures. Molecular genetic testing of the AR gene detects mutations in more than 95% of probands with CAIS. Molecular testing has been shown to be more consistent than biochemical assays of AR function, which has been discredited based on a high degree of variation due to biopsy site and testing laboratory [73]. PCR-based sequencing of AR exons 2–10 can be routinely performed [74], as well as sequencing of the much longer exon 1, and some intronic and promoter regions. Prenatal testing by mutation analysis is available for families in which the AIS-causing allele has been identified in an affected family member [69].
Gonadotropin and Gonadotropin Receptor Defects Leydig Cell Hypoplasia/Agenesis Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and luteinizing hormone (LH) activate a shared G protein-coupled receptor, luteinizing hormone chorionic gonadotopin receptor LHCGR. In utero, placental hCG stimulates Leydig cells to produce testosterone, resulting in male internal and external genitalia. LH takes over during the third trimester of gestation and neonatal life to complete Leydig development and continue testosterone production. The importance of the LHCGR in male testicular development is underscored by mutations in this receptor, which lead to Leydig cell hypoplasia (LCH) in XY males. Inactivating mutations LHCGR result in impaired Leydig cell differentiation and testosterone production. Over 20 inactivating mutations of LHCGR have been identified scattered throughout the gene [75, 76], which cause variable degrees of loss of receptor activity. More severe mutations resulting in truncation, decreased surface expression, or decreased coupling efficiency are usually associated with an unambiguous female phenotype. Partial inactivating mutations often result in an undervirilized phenotype such as micropenis or hypospadias [77]. One specific mutation highlights the differential binding sites of hCG and LH to the same receptor. A splicing variant resulting in the absence of exon 10 was described in an 18-year-old male who presented with a normal male phenotype, pubertal delay, small testicles and delayed bone age [78]. The receptors’ response to hCG was normal, inferred from normal sex
differentiation. However, LHCGR was not activated by LH, resulting in delayed puberty and bone age (see Fig. 21.2). In females, the LHCGR is important in maintenance of the menstrual cycle and pregnancy. Presentation and Diagnosis Severe inactivating mutations in LHCGR in XY patients are often missed at birth and present in puberty with amenorrhea. Partially inactivating mutations present at birth, with undervirilization of the external genitals (e.g. micropenis, hypospadias and cryptorchidism). In XX individuals, pelvic ultrasound demonstrates absence of uterus and fallopian tubes. To distinguish LCH from patients with XY gonadal dysgenesis, AMH is used as a marker of testicular Sertoli cell function and is normal-to-high in LCH patients and low-to-undetectable in XY GD patients [33]. Histological analysis of the testis shows normal Sertoli cells and hyalinized seminiferous tubules, without mature Leydig cells or spermatogenesis. In rare patients with partially inactivating mutations, there may be early signs of spermatogenesis but no viable sperm produced. Therefore, patients have potential for fertility using assisted reproductive technology. Biochemical changes are outlined in Table 21.2. Definitive diagnosis requires sequencing of the LHCGR gene for deletions, insertions and point mutations. LHCGR Mutations in XY Precocious Puberty Constitutively active mutations of LHCGR can be due to amino acid substitution, and cause a 12-fold increase in the basal level of cAMP. The increased levels of cAMP cause transduction of the signal without binding of LH or hCG to the receptor [79, 80]. Presentation and Diagnosis XY patients with precocious puberty present before eight years old. Formal evaluation requires a complete medical history and physical examination to stage physical development, reviewed in [81]. Furthermore, a bone-age test should be done to confirm the diagnosis. Specific diagnosis of LHCGR mutations can be done through sequencing of the gene. LHCGR Mutations in XX Patients Presentation and Diagnosis Inactivating LHCGR mutations result in hypergonadotropic hypogonadism, or primary hypogonadism. The major symptoms are primary amenorrhea or oligoamenorrhea, cystic ovaries and infertility [82–84]. However, XX females will undergo spontaneous breast and pubic hair development. There has been one reported case of a splicing mutation in LHCGR, in which an XX female experienced regular menstrual cycles but was infertile [85]. Inactivating mutations in LHCGR and FSHR are reviewed in [86].
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FSHR Mutations in Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS) Constitutively active mutations in the follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) receptor occur in the regions that are responsible for specificity to FSH. These mutations change the receptor-ligand binding site, thereby decreasing receptor specificity. During pregnancy, the FSH receptor is stimulated by endogenous hCG resulting in OHSS [87–89]. Presentation and Diagnosis These patients typically present during a spontaneous pregnancy, with multiple ovarian cysts due to multiple follicular development. More serious complications include acute fluid shifts out of the intravascular space, resulting in hypovolemia and hemoconcentration. OHSS is an acute condition that can ultimately result in renal failure, acute respiratory distress syndrome and even death. Diagnosis of an FSHR mutation can be done through sequencing of the entire gene. FSHR Mutations in 46,XX Ovarian Dysgenesis A rare inactivating mutation in FSHR decreases the action of the FSH receptor by limiting its translocation to the cell surface [90], resulting in decreased folliculogenesis. The ala189val mutation is found at a frequency of 0.96% in the Finnish population, which has a frequency of 1:8300 of ovarian dysgenesis [90]. However, this same mutation has not been identified in North American or French populations [91]. In affected patients, the follicles are able to develop until the antral stage, but do not progress any further, indicating the essential role for FSH in terminal maturation of the follicle. Other genetic causes of premature ovarian failure and ovarian dysgenesis are reviewed in [92].
attained with exogenous FSH administration. Mutations can be detected through direct sequencing of the FSH gene.
Disorders of Anti-Müllerian Hormone or AntiMüllerian Hormone Receptor Persistent Müllerian Duct Syndrome During the critical time in male sex differentiation, between weeks 10 and 12 of gestation, testicular AMH causes the regression of the Müllerian derivatives. With persistent Müllerian duct syndrome (PMDS), inactivating mutations in primarily anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) and antiMüllerian hormone receptor 2 (AMHR2) can cause failure of this regression, resulting in both male and female internal genitalia, but normal male external genitalia. Presentation and Diagnosis The diagnosis of PMDS is commonly made incidentally during abdominal imaging studies or surgical exploration of the abdomen [94]. XY patients with PMDS are phenotypically male. Aside from having a uterus and fallopian tubes in addition to the male external genitalia, they often have no clinical abnormalities. Therefore the true prevalence of PMDS is difficult to ascertain. The vast majority of cases of PMDS have found mutations in either the AMH or AMHR2, and in approximately equal proportions [95–97]. Inheritance is autosomal recessive for both loci. Boys present with cryptorchidism (20%) or with an inguinal hernia [97] containing Müllerian structures, but normal virilization [96, 98]. The increased likelihood of abdominal testis in PMDS causes an increased incidence of gonadoblastoma [99].
Androgen Excess: Fetoplacental Causes
Presentation and Diagnosis Patients with FSHR mutations present with primary amenorrhea. This distinguishes these patients from the majority of POF patients, who often experience regular menstrual cycles before the diagnosis of POF. Diagnosis of an FSH mutation can be done through sequencing of the entire gene.
P450 Aromatase Deficiency Aromatase (CYP19A1) catalyzes the conversion of androgens to estrogen. Mutations that affect aromatase activity have effects in both male and females. Estrogen is required for spermatogenesis in males and for the development of secondary sex characteristics in females.
FSH Inactivating Mutations FSH is a required protein for ovarian folliculogenesis and for Sertoli cell proliferation in the testis. Inactivating mutations in FSH result in delayed puberty and hypogonadism in XX and XY individuals.
Presentation and Diagnosis The initial manifestation of aromatase deficiency is in utero, when the mother carrying a child with a CYP19A1 mutation presents with maternal virilization [100–102]. The elevated levels of androgenic precursors in the maternal and fetal blood result in virilization of the mother and XX fetuses. Biochemical findings are outlined in Table 21.2. CAH is the major differential diagnosis considered and can be ruled out with ACTH-stimulation test showing increase in adrenal hormones and not androgens. XX patients fail to undergo spontaneous puberty, and often have polycystic ovaries, increased virilization and
Presentation and Diagnosis In XY males, FSH mutations result in delayed puberty and hypogonadism. In XX females, FSH mutations present with primary amenorrhea with normal LH levels [93]. However, in these patients, ovulation and normal pregnancy can be
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
amenorrhea, without breast development [100, 103, 104]. XY males experience normal puberty but are infertile due to the lack of estrogen [102, 105, 106]. Neither XX nor XY patients experience a growth spurt during puberty, but are considered tall as a result of linear growth. Skeletal maturity is delayed and osteoporosis develops early [102, 107]. Patients often complain of bone pain [102]. P450 Oxidoreductase Deficiency POR is a rare cause of ambiguous genitalia in 46,XX and 46,XY infants. Pathophysiology and presentation is described in detail in the 46,XY DSD section.
Androgen Excess: Maternal Etiologies Maternal ingestion of androgens is a potential cause of virilization of XX newborns. However, present-day progestin-containing oral contraceptives are not highly androgenic and this cause of XX virilization is therefore rare [108–110]. Hormonally active tumors, such as luteomas are another uncommon cause of maternal virilization and ambiguous genitalia in an XX baby [111]. Rare cases of hyperreactio luteinalis, a cystic ovarian condition associated with virilization of the mother and fetus is associated with XX virilization in 15% of cases [111]. While CAH causes the majority of cases of XX virilization, one should always consider oncologic and iatrogenic causes of maternal and fetal virilization.
Conclusion Although DSD are complex to decipher, advances in genetics have made their diagnosis easier, and most importantly, quite rapid. Aside from diagnostic issues that have made considerable progress in the past decade, management strategies have remained controversial. In particular, the question of early genital surgery remains in dispute, with little outcome data to support either early surgical intervention versus later decision by the patient him or herself. The question of disclosure – that is, whether to inform the child or adolescent about his or her diagnosis and genital surgery, if applicable – also remains contentious, with many physicians (and parents) supporting a model of non-disclosure in order to prevent gender identity confusion. The challenging view is that non-disclosure reinforces secrecy and shame, and full information adjusted to the cognitive and psychological development of the child will enhance psychosocial adaptation.
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C hap ter
Genetic Defects of Androgen Resistance Kenan Qin Department of Pediatrics and Medicine, University of Chicago, 5841 S. Maryland Ave, MC5053, Chicago, IL60637, USA
individuals with AR mutations have a spectrum of poorly differentiated Wolffian ducts and poorly developed prostate. At birth, phenotypic females are often raised as girls and individuals with obvious undervirilization, e.g. hypospadias, micropenis, or complete ambiguous genitalia, are often raised as boys. Clinical features and differential diagnosis of androgen resistance are outlined in Chapter 21; this chapter aims to provide insights of molecular genetic information and the diagnoses of these disorders. Other than providing useful information for genetic counseling, an additional benefit to a definite genetic diagnosis is the impact on treatment. For instance, patients with 5-reductase type 2 (5RD2) deficiency may be effectively treated with androgens and are raised as boys; a subset of patients with AR mutations should be raised as girls because of female identity and poor response to androgen treatment. Another benefit is that carrier detection and prenatal diagnosis will enable early identification of subsequent cases in the same family and help to avoid the negative consequences on psychosocial development associated with delayed diagnosis and treatment of these disorders.
Androgens are important steroid hormones for initiation and maintenance of male phenotype. Two of the most important androgens in this respect are testosterone and 5-dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Testosterone is the primary androgen synthesized and secreted by the testes; DHT, converted from testosterone by 5-reductase (5RD) isozymes, is the most potent androgen to mediate androgen action via the androgen receptor (AR) [1]. AR is a member of the steroid/nuclear receptor superfamily and is a liganddependent nuclear transcription factor. Testosterone and DHT form a complex with AR, producing different biological effects, such as initiation of male sexual differentiation, development and maintenance of secondary male characteristics, and the initiation and maintenance of spermatogenesis (Fig. 22.1). More specifically, in early fetal development testosterone is crucial for the development and differentiation of Wolffian duct derived structures such as the epididymis, seminal vesicles and vas deferens, whereas DHT triggers the development and differentiation of male urogenital structures such as male external genitalia, urethra and prostate. Androgen resistance is a congenital genetic disorder that results from the dysfunction of pre-receptor conversion of testosterone to DHT or defects of AR [2]. The condition affects only males with normal testicular function; therefore, individuals with androgen resistance have normal adrenal and gonadal steroid biosynthesis and absence of Müllerian structures. Because of androgen resistance, they are undervirilized or totally lack virilization. The individuals can present with normal male external genitalia, ambiguous genitalia, or completely female external genitalia with a short, blind vaginal pouch [3, 4]. Individuals with a defect in the conversion of testosterone into DHT have fully differentiated Wolffian ducts but poorly developed prostate; Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
Genetic pathophysiology of androgen resistance Defect in Conversion to Potent Androgen in Target Organs Gene: SRD5A2 5-reductase type 2 (5RD2) is encoded by SRD5A2, which is mapped to the short arm of chromosome 2p23 [5]. 5RD2 is a microsomal protein expressed at high levels in androgen-sensitive tissues such as external genitalia, prostate and seminal vesicles [6]. Human SRD5A2 has five 245
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Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
Figure 22.1 Schematic diagram of testosterone metabolism and action in male. The major androgen actions of androgens mediated by testosterone and DHT; each androgen has its own specific role during male sex differentiation and development, as indicated. Testosterone secreted by the testis enters androgen-target tissues and either binds to the AR in cell nuclei or is converted by 5-alpha reductase to dihydrotestosterone or by aromatase to estradiol.
exons and four introns and encodes a highly hydrophobic 259 amino acid protein with a molecular weight of approximately 29.5 kilodaltons [5, 7, 8]. 5RD2 converts testosterone into DHT which is the most potent natural ligand for the AR and has a Kd 1011 M for this receptor, thereby amplifying the androgen signal [1]. 5RD2 deficiency causes androgen resistance by reducing or eliminating DHT production and preventing its action in genital skin and fibroblasts; this action is necessary for the development of normal male genital anatomy in the fetus. 5RD2 deficiency is an autosomal recessive disorder (OMIM 607306) and sex-limited; homozygous males are affected and homozygous females are asymptomatic [8, 9]. Individuals with this enzymatic deficiency often present with ambiguous genitalia at birth. At puberty, individuals often experience virilization. This may include descent of the testes, hirsutism and deepening of the voice. Individuals with 5RD2 deficiency do not experience malepattern baldness and rarely present with gynecomastia. At puberty, the occurrence of partial virilization in 5RD2 deficient boys may be due to a rise in testosterone levels sufficient to generate DHT by the action of 5RD1 [10]. Patients with 5RD2 deficiency were first reported by Walsh et al. and by Imperato-McGinley et al. in 1974 [11, 12]. The first molecular genetic mutation of the gene was demonstrated by Anderson et al. 20 years later [7]. The carrier frequency and number of individuals with this disorder has not been established, although increased frequency is reported in the Dominican Republic, some highland
tribes in New Guinea and in Turkey [9, 13, 14]. The high frequency in these areas represents founder-effect and consanguinity in the affected kindreds. To date, more than 50 different mutations scattered through the gene have been described in people with clinical and biochemical evidence of the enzyme deficiency (Table 22.1). 5RD2 deficiency is often caused by compound mutations. Most of the mutations result from point mutations producing amino acid substitutions (missense mutations) or premature stop codons (nonsense mutations); however, nucleotide insertions or deletions leading to a frameshift and premature termination, complete or partial gene deletions, or uniparental disomy of the gene have also been reported [8, 15, 16]. Some are recurrent de novo mutations among various ethnic groups, whereas others presumably reflect a founder effect [9, 13, 14]. In addition, polymorphic variations at codons 49 (p.A49T) and 89 (p.L89V) have been identified [17]. Because most patients with 5RD2 deficiency are compound heterozygous, the clinical phenotype is generally related to the less severely mutated allele and consequently, to the residual 5RD2 activity. The clinical picture caused by most mutations is quite variable, even within the same family [9, 13, 14]. Gene: SRD5A1 5-reductase type 1 (5RD1) is encoded by SRD5A1, which maps to the short arm of chromosome 5p15 [18] and is expressed in the adult liver, non-genital skin and some brain
C h a p t e r 2 2 Genetic Defects of Androgen Resistance l
Table 22.1 Mutations identified in 5-reductase type II deficiency Patients
Mutation location and status 1st allele/2nd allele
Assigned sex at birth
Final sex assignment
Exon 1 p.Q6X/p.Q6X p.Q6X/p.G203S p.L20P/p.G183S p.Y26X/R227Q p.G34W/p.G115D p.G34R/p.G34R p.G34R/p.R227Q p.G34R/p.R171S p.W35X/p.235F p.W53X/p.Y235F p.L55G/p.L55G p.L55G/R171S p.L55G/p.Q56R p.Q56R p.E57Q/p.G85D p.A62E/p.A62E c.217_218insC/c.217-218insC p.G85D/G115D
1 1
1 1
1 1 2 1 1
1 1 18* 1
1 3 1 1
1 2
[76, 77] 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 1
1 2 1 1
[77] [78] [8] [8, 78, 79]
[80] [80, 81] [8, 14, 82, 83]
[8] [84] [85] [86] [87]
[14, 88]
Exon 2 Intron1 G A /Intron 1 G A Intron 1 G A/p.P181L p.R111X/ p.R111X p.L112A/p.G126R p.L113V/ p.L113V p.G115D/p.G115D p.G115D/p.G203S p.G115D/p.R246W p.G115D/p.S210F c.359del TC/R171S p.G123R/p.G123R p.Q126R/p.Q126R p.Q126R/c.418del T p.Q126R/G158R p.Q126R/p.D164V p.Q126R/Intron3 G A
2 1 1 1 1 1
3 1
1 1 1
p.C133G/p.133G c.418del T p.R145W
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 1
1 2 1 2 1 1
1 2 1 1 1
2 1
[89] [15] [90] [79, 84, 87, 91, 92]
[8] [93] [8, 15, 86, 94, 95]
[81] [86] [96]
Exon 3 p. 157del M/p.157del M p.157del M/p.H231R p.G158R p.N160D p.R171S p.P181L/p.P181L p.G183S/p.G183S p.183S/p.P212X IVS3 1G A
3 3
1 7 1
2 3
1 4 1
[14, 82] [15] [86] [97] [14] [88, 96] [77, 84, 86, 88, 91] [86]
Exon 4 p.G196S/p.G196S p.G196S/p.H231R
5 3
3 3
8 1
[8, 15, 80, 81, 86, 96, 98, 99] (Continued)
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders Table 22.1 (Continued) Patients
Mutation location and status 1st allele/2nd allele p.G196S/p.S255X p.E197D/p.P212R p.E200L/p.E200L p.G203S/p.G203S p.G203S/p.L224H p.A207D/p.A207D p.A207D/p.R246Q p.S210F p.P212R/p.212R p.P212X c.642del T c.665del T/c.665del T c.655del T/R227Q p.L224H p.L224P/p.L224P p.R227Q/c.656del T p.R227Q/p.R227Q p.A228T/p.A228T p.H231R/p.H231R p.F234L p.Y235F/p.Y235F p.S245Y Ex4/In4 splice junction (G T)/ Ex4/In4 splice junction (G T)
Assigned sex at birth
Final sex assignment
1 1 1 1 3
1 1 1 3
3 1 5
8 3 1 2
[16] [100] [76, 77] 3 1
2 1
2 1
1 1 2
1 1 1
9 3 2
[8, 76, 79, 81, 86] [84] [16, 79] [84] [86] [101, 102] [76] [8] [9, 15, 76, 78, 82, 87, 101, 103] [15, 82, 98] [8, 90, 94, 104] [76] [80, 96] [87] [8]
Exon 5 p.246W/p.246W p.R246W/p.G115D p.R246Q/p.R246Q c.753del A/c.753del A p.S255X Large gene deletion Total
2 9 1
49* 1 3
50* 10 1
1 1 2
[9, 76, 86, 91, 92] [8, 76, 87, 96, 103, 105, 106] [107] [96] [8]
Clusters of patients are found in specific kindreds due to founder-effect.
areas. Human SRD5A1, similar to SRD5A2, has five exons and four introns and encodes a 259 amino acid protein with a molecular weight of approximately 29.5 kilodaltons [5, 7, 8]. Although both isozymes catalyze the 5-reduction of testosterone to DHT, the two enzymes differ in their properties and expression patterns. 5RD1 has low affinity for steroid substrates and a high expression in the liver [19]. One missense polymorphism (p.G24D) and two silent polymorphisms have been reported in SRD5A1 (codon positions 30 and 116); the clinical significance of these poly morphisms remains unclear [20]. Genomic analysis of the SRD5A1 and SRD5A2 in a subgroup of patients with hypospadias and an elevated testosterone/DHT ratio failed to detect a particular mutation in the genes [21]. Furthermore,
male mice with a null mutation in the SRD5A1 virilized normally and appeared to suffer no adverse consequences from loss of this gene. Therefore, a mutation in SRD5A1 is unlikely a cause of androgen resistance in males. However, SRD5A1 may play an important role in the female reproductive system and phenotype. Female mice with a null mutation in the SRD5A1 suffered from a decrease in fecundity and difficulty in parturition; these mice presented with excess levels of estrogens generated by the increased availability of aromatizable androgens due to lack of 5RD enzymatic activity [19]. The silent SRD5A1 polymorphisms have been associated with less severe hirsutism in patients with polycystic ovarian syndrome [22], but this association has not been supported by others [20, 23].
C h a p t e r 2 2 Genetic Defects of Androgen Resistance l
10-25 Gly Normal range 11-35 Gln Normal range 38-75 Gln a causative AR mutation for Kennedy’s disease - Transaction domain
- DNA-binding domain
- Ligand binding domain
- untranslated region
FIGURE 22.2 Genomic organization of human androgen receptor. The AR gene is more than 90 kb long and two alternatively spliced variants encoding distinct isoforms have been described. The functioning AR protein is encoded by eight exons and consists of transaction domain, DNA-binding domain, and androgen-binding domain. AR also contains two polymorphic trinucleotide repeat segments that encode polyglutamine and polyglycine tracts in the N-terminal transactivation domain of its protein. Expansion of the polyglutamine tract causes spinal bulbar muscular atrophy (Kennedy’s disease). See plate section.
Defect in Androgen Action Gene: Androgen Receptor (AR) A single gene copy encoding human AR is located on Xq11-12 and spans about 90 kb [24–26]. Two forms of the AR transcript exist (Fig. 22.2) [27]. The short form seems to be nonfunctional [28]. The long form, whose open reading flame comprises at least 2750 nucleotides, consists of 8 exons which code for an AR protein of at least 919 amino acid residues [29]. AR belongs to a nuclear receptor superfamily which shares features of functional domains [30]. However, AR also has unique features including two homopolymeric tracts of amino acids within the transaction domain (Fig. 22.2). AR is expressed not only in primary and secondary sexual organs, but also in nonreproductive organs including the nervous system, skeletal muscle, skin, adrenal gland and kidney, suggesting the far-reaching influence of androgens on a variety of mammalian tissues. In the central nervous system, AR is expressed at relatively high levels in spinal and brainstem motor neurons. Mutations of the AR cause end-organ resistance to androgens that has been designated androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS). This end-organ resistance impairs all aspects of androgen action, including phenotypic sex differentiation and maturation at puberty (Fig. 22.1); furthermore, individuals with AIS present with enhanced estrogen effects due to the generation of this hormone by aromatization of testosterone and lack of androgen effects (Fig. 22.1). The degree of clinical impairment depends on the severity of receptor dysfunction or cell-specific AR mutations. Recent researches have demonstrated that testicular cellspecific AR knockout mice presented with specific gonadotropin and testosterone profiles and various spermatogenic and fertile abilities [31]; therefore, it is probably true that somatic testicular cell-specific AR mutations may contribute to subtypes of mild AIS or male infertility.
Lawson Wilkins first demonstrated androgen resistance in a 46,XY female patient who failed to show signs of virilization when given a daily course of methyl testosterone in 1950 [32]. In 1953 John Morris first fully characterized how resistance to androgens manifests clinically [33]. Since then, the clinical phenotypes of AIS have been classified into three main categories: complete (CAIS or testicular feminization, OMIM 300068), partial (PAIS, OMIM 300068) and mild (MAIS or Reifenstein syndrome, OMIM312300) form. These designations reflect the severity of androgen resistance [34, 35]. The first proof that AIS was caused by AR mutations was published in 1989 [26]. Since then, 389 mutations in the AR gene have been identified; 193 mutations are associated with CAIS, 89 are associated with PAIS, 19 are associated with MAIS, and the remainder are associated with disorders of androgen hypersensitivity, such as prostate cancer or hirsutism in females ( The majority of the AR mutations are due to a single base substitution, although partial or complete gene deletions as well as splice donor or splice acceptor site mutations have been described (http:// [35]. All splice donor sites in the AR gene contain a consensus splice donor site sequence GTAAG. The reported mutations in donor splice sites are all substitutions either at position 1 (G A or G T) or at position 3 (A T) and result in defective splicing with the consequence of one or more exons spliced out, or the use of a cryptic splice donor site within the preceding exon. There is no specific mutational “hot spot”, although certain locations (such as exon 5) are affected more frequently. Despite exon 1 being the largest of the eight exons, mutations in this region are relatively infrequent. This region of the gene is GC-rich and difficult to replicate by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and to sequence, so it is possible that the distribution of mutations in the transaction domain is under-represented. Two highly polymorphic CAG and GGN trinucleotide repeat sequences that code for a polyglutamine (polyQ) tract and a polyglycine (polyG) tract in exon 1 of the AR gene are difficult to PCR and sequence, yet are clinically relevant. A particular combination of the polyQ/polyG polymorphisms may be linked to androgen resistance, presenting as cryptorchidism or idiopathic male infertility [36–38]. However, fewer data are available on the function or clinical significance of the polyG tract, in part because the polyQ tract shows very little variation in length in the population [38, 39]. In contrast, the length of polyQ tract is highly polymorphic in the normal population, and usually ranges from 11 to 35, with an average size of 21–22 [38–40]; in rare cases, the polyQ length can be found expanded beyond 35, even up to 70 [41, 42], or contracted to 8 [43]. The functions of the polyQ tract are still largely unknown. It is generally assumed that the polyQ tract may have a repressive function for the AR activity, since its size is inversely correlated to the functions of AR: (1) reduced
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
polyQ numbers have been associated with clinical features similar to that observed with increased androgenic function, such as androgenic alopecia, hirsutism, acne [44], prostate cancer, or polycystic ovary syndrome; (2) increased, but still in the normal range, polyQ numbers have been linked to androgen resistance, such as cryptorchidism [37], gynecomastia, idiopathic male infertility [36, 45], higher testosterone level in men [46], or male-to-female transsexualism [47]. Moreover, the expansion of the polyQ numbers in the human AR gene over the threshold of 38 is the causative AR mutation in spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy (SBMA or Kennedy’s disease, OMIM 313200). Kennedy’s disease was named after W.R. Kennedy, a neurologist who in 1968 described the clinical, genetic and pathological features of 11 patients from two families with neurodegenerative findings [48]. It is now well-known that Kennedy’s disease is an X-linked neurodegenerative disorder in which only males are fully affected and females are rarely affected; age of onset and severity of manifestations in affected males vary from adolescence to old age, but most commonly develop between 30 and 50 years. The clinical features are characterized by progressive proximal and bulbar muscle weakness; atrophy and fasciculation of limb and facial muscles; speech, swallowing and walking difficulties; and mild sensory deficits. In addition to these neurological manifestations, Kennedy’s disease is often associated with signs of partial androgen resistance that typically begin in adolescence with gynecomastia, testicular atrophy associated with oligospermia/azoospermia and reduced fertility [48–50]. Testosterone levels are often elevated in Kennedy’s disease [50]. The pathological feature of muscle atrophy that is due to motor neuron death is mostly in the anterior horns of the spinal cord and in the bulbar region of the brainstem. The genetic defect responsible for Kennedy’s disease was identified through a combination of positional cloning and a candidate gene approach. Kennedy’s disease was initially linked to genetic markers on the proximal long arm of the X chromosome [51]. AR became a candidate gene because of this linkage analysis and the clinical manifestations of partial androgen resistance [51]. When the AR gene was sequenced in samples from patients with Kennedy’s disease, no abnormality was found except in a repeated CAG sequence in the first exon of the gene [52]. The control samples had an average repeat number of 21 2, with a range of 17 to 26; in the patients with Kennedy’s disease, the repeats were roughly doubled (40 repeats) [52]. The 100% concordance between the disease occurrence and these expanded CAG repeats provided strong evidence that the cause of Kennedy’s disease had been identified [52]. Further analyses revealed that there is an inverse correlation between repeat length and age of onset: the longer the repeat length, the earlier the onset of symptoms [50, 51]. The molecular pathogenesis of neurodegeneration
in Kennedy’s disease remains largely unclear, but it is not related to androgen resistance. Patients have been identified with mutations in other parts of the receptor gene, including some who have lost function of the entire AR, and they have a different syndrome (AIS) without the weakness and motor neuron degeneration of Kennedy’s disease. Therefore, the partial androgen resistance in Kennedy’s disease is associated with a loss-of-function of the AR; the neurological symptoms are not linked to reduced AR function, but rather to a gain-of-neurotoxic function of the AR carrying the expanded CAG repeats. This gain-of-neurotoxic function of mutant AR causes motor neuron cell death [40]. Although it is currently not defined, the mechanism is likely mediated by androgen-dependent translocation of the mutant AR protein from the cytoplasmic compartment, where the unliganded receptor predominates, into the nucleus where pathogenesis is triggered [53]. In fact, women who are heterozygous or homozygous for expanded CAG repeats in the AR gene are asymptomatic, or they only show abnormal electromyograms and the appearance of occasional muscle cramps and tremors in advanced age [54–56]. Prepubertal boys with Kennedy’s disease lack neurological symptoms; the signs of androgen resistance do not emerge until puberty and the neurological symptoms often present in middle age [50]. Furthermore, androgens exacerbate the neurological symptoms in the patient [57] or animal models carrying the expanded CAG repeats in the AR gene [53]. Therefore, women and prepubertal boys are “protected” from manifesting the disease in part because they have much lower levels of circulating androgens than that of pubertal boys and men. Kennedy’s disease is now considered a member of a new class of trinucleotide repeat expansion related inherited neurological disorders [42, 58]. These neurodegenerative diseases are divided into two subclasses based on the location of trinucleotide repeats. Kennedy disease, along with Huntington’s disease, spinal-cerebellar ataxias 1, 2, 3 (or Machado-Joseph disease), 6, 7 and 17, dentatorubral and pallidoluysian atrophy, result from an expansion of CAG repeat (translated into a polyQ) located in the coding region of a given gene; this group of diseases has been described as polyQ-expansion disease. The pathogenesis of polyQexpansion disease is due to a gain of new and toxic function from the polyQ-expansion [40, 42, 53]. In contrast, Fragile X syndrome (CGG repeat), Friederich ataxia (GAA repeat), myotonic dystrophy (CTG repeat), and spinocerebellar ataxia 8 (CTA/CTG repeat) and 12 (CAG repeat), suffer from the expansion of trinucleotide repeats located in the non-coding region of an involved gene [42]. Estimates of incidence of CAIS vary from 1 in 20,000 to 1 in 64,000, where the incidence of PAIS is 1 in 30,000 individuals with a 46,XY karyotype [35]. The incidence of AR mutations in men with unexplained infertility has not been established. The incidence of Kennedy’s disease in the United States is approximately 1 case in 40,000 men [40].
C h a p t e r 2 2 Genetic Defects of Androgen Resistance l
Diagnosis genetic testing and interpretation Based on the pathogenesis of this disorder, androgen resistance has been divided into two broad categories: deficiency in 5RD2 and defects in AR [2]. The diagnosis and differential diagnosis should dependent on clinical findings, biochemical evaluation and family history (see Chapter 21). Useful tests are LH, FSH, testosterone, DHT, Müllerian inhibitor factor (AMH), activin, pelvic ultrasound, chromosomal analysis and molecular genetic testing. Genital fibroblast enzymatic and receptor studies are also useful, but are only available in research laboratories. A high index of suspicion and a careful history and physical examination are necessary for the early diagnosis of Kennedy’s disease. Kennedy’s disease is a unique neuroendocrine disorder with an adult-onset and slowly progressive phenotype. Classical clinical hallmarks include onset in the third decade of life, proximal muscle weakness, atrophy, and fasciculations; sensory-motor abnormalities [40, 48, 59]; and partial androgen resistance such as gynecomastia, testicular atrophy, erectile dysfunction and decreased fertility [49, 60, 61]. Serum creatine kinase levels are elevated in the majority of patients. Hyperlipidemia, liver dysfunction and glucose intolerance are also detected in some patients [62]. Idiopathic elevations of serum transaminases and creatine kinase can be detected a decade in advance of their classic symptomatic onset [63]. Histological assessments of skeletal muscle biopsies typically show progressive atrophy of all three muscle fibers (types 1, 2a and 2b) and replacement with adipose tissue [41]. Genetic testing is useful not only for diagnosis, carrier detection and prenatal diagnosis, but also for decision making in medical interventions. PCR amplification and sequencing of all exons of the genes should be the first option for genetic testing since there is no specific region of the gene that harbors the majority of mutations that cause androgen resistance. This is a standard technique for diagnosis of Kennedy’s disease in symptomatic individuals or presymptomatic individuals with a known family history [64]. The genetic diagnosis of Kennedy’s disease is based on sizing of the CAG repeat region in the AR gene. The genetic diagnosis is important for prognosis and for genetic counseling for families, since Kennedy’s disease is an X-linked recessive disorder and the patients with this disorder can have a normal life-span [53]. This is also an important consideration for the differential diagnosis in patients presenting with progressive lower motor neuron weakness, even in the absence of the classical signs and symptoms. However, the genetic screening in patients diagnosed with sporadic motor neuron disease is likely to have a low diagnostic yield [65]. Genetic Counseling for 5a-Reductase 2 Deficiency 5RD2 deficiency is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner. Most parents are heterozygous. The incidence of
de novo mutations is unknown. If the parents of a proband are heterozygous, each sibling has a 25% chance of inheriting both mutant alleles and being affected, a 50% chance of inheriting one mutant allele and becoming an unaffected carrier and a 25% chance of inheriting both normal alleles. Prenatal testing is available but prenatal treatment is not. Genetic Counseling for AR Receptor Mutations AIS is inherited in an X-linked recessive manner. The father of a proband is not affected and the mother is often a carrier. Female carriers transmit the mutant allele to half of their male offspring and daughters. Siblings with a 46,XY karyotype who inherit the AR mutation will be affected. Siblings with a 46,XX karyotype who inherit the AR mutation will be carriers. Unlike 5RD2 deficiency, the incidence of de novo AR mutations is quite high, accounting for approximately 30% of cases. The de novo AR mutations could occur by either germline mutation or somatic mutation. If the proband’s disease-causing mutation cannot be detected in the DNA of the mother and the proband is the only affected individual in the family, the risk to siblings is low but greater than that of the general population because of the possibility of germline mosaicism. Kennedy’s disease is an X-linked spinal-bulbar muscle atrophy syndrome associated with polyQ-expansion in the AR gene. Most male patients with this disease are partially androgen resistant and fertile. The mode of inheritance of Kennedy’s disease is identical to AIS. Sons of affected males will be unaffected, while daughters will be carriers, with a 50% chance of passing the abnormal gene to their offspring. Heterozygous female carriers or homozygous women of the CAG repeats can display subclinical manifestations of neurodegenerative phenotype [54]. The expanse of CAG repeats is unstable and shifts in length as it is passed from one generation to the next [66]. Thus, genetic analysis of Kennedy’s disease for presymptomatic individuals with a known family history is an important but also sensitive issue because there is no effective treatment.
Management Gender Assignment The sex assignment of infants and children with androgen resistance must be based on the correct diagnosis and response to androgen treatment [4]. This complex process requires timely assessment by a multidisciplinary team in consultation with the family. Aside from purely anatomical and surgical considerations, the specific gene mutation is useful in deciding if hormone treatment could be effective and if male sex should be assigned. The choice of a male sex-of-rearing demands a therapeutic trial with
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
pharmacologic doses of testosterone. This approach not only predicts potential androgen responsiveness at puberty, but also facilitates reconstructive surgery.
5RD2 Deficiency In the past, many affected children with 5RD2 deficiency were raised as girls until or after puberty when they changed their sexual identity to male and lived as men [9, 13, 14]. Of those individuals with 5RD2 deficiency who were assigned the female gender at birth, more than half of them changed their gender from female to male (Table 22.1). The others were raised as females and underwent gonadectomy before or after puberty to avoid virilization. More recently, with increasing recognition of the syndrome, the majority of affected individuals have been raised as boys from birth and live as men. Individuals with 5RD2 deficiency have an AR that functions normally and often have male identity; they should be treated with short-term androgens during infancy and avoid gonadectomy. They may require urologic surgery such as orchiopexy and hypospadias repair. Estrogen replacement therapy is necessary only for individuals who had gonadectomy and are raised as girls, to initiate puberty, maintain feminization and avoid osteoporosis.
Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (CAIS; Testicular Feminization) Individuals with CAIS have normal female external genitalia and often have female sexual identity and orientation. They typically present during infancy and as toddlers with masses in the inguinal canal that are subsequently identified as testes, or at puberty with primary amenorrhea and sparse to absent pubic or axillary hair. Breasts and female adiposity develop normally. A common practice is to remove the testes after puberty when feminization of the affected individual is complete, since feminization fully occurs by aromatization of testosterone to estradiol (Fig. 22.1). The rationale for postpubertal gonadectomy is the potential risk of testicular malignancy, which seldom occurs before puberty. Prepubertal gonadectomy is indicated if inguinal testes are physically or aesthetically uncomfortable. In this event, estrogen replacement therapy is necessary. Additional treatment for CAIS may include vaginal dilatation to avoid dyspareunia.
Partial AIS (PAIS) With Predominantly Female External Genitalia Patients with this degree of androgen resistance present in a manner similar to CAIS; however, affected individuals have signs of external genital masculinization including clitoromegaly or posterior labial fusion. Treatment of PAIS in individuals with predominantly female genitalia is similar to treatment of CAIS but is more likely to include prepubertal gonadectomy to help avoid increasing clitoromegaly
at the time of puberty. Those individuals with PAIS who are raised as females and who undergo gonadectomy after puberty may need combined estrogen and androgen replacement therapy, the latter to maintain libido. Those individuals with PAIS who are raised as males may undergo urologic surgery such as orchiopexy and hypo spadias repair. However, the role of long-term androgen pharmacotherapy in individuals with PAIS who are raised as males remains unclear. Gynecomastia that develops in puberty eventually requires reduction mammoplasty.
Partial AIS with Ambiguous Genitalia or Predominantly Male Genitalia (PAIS; Reifenstein Syndrome) Determining the sex-of-rearing may be an issue for children with frank genital ambiguity. Individuals with PAIS and predominantly male genitalia are often raised as males. Gynecomastia at puberty and impaired spermatogenesis occur in all individuals with PAIS. Pubic hair is usually moderate; facial, body and axillary hair are often reduced.
Mild AIS (MAIS; Reifenstein Syndrome or Undervirilized Male Syndrome) Individuals with MAIS are unambiguously male. In infancy, they present with microphallus and at puberty they usually present with gynecomastia, sparse facial and body hair, and small penis. Spermatogenesis may or may not be impaired [4]. Therefore, MAIS could explain some idiopathic male infertility. A trial of androgen pharmacotherapy may help improve virilization in infancy, puberty and during adulthood. Males with MAIS may require mammoplasty for gynecomastia.
Kennedy’s Disease Individuals with Kennedy’s disease are also unambiguously male. Partial androgen resistance occurs during puberty and neurological symptoms begin between the ages of 30 and 50 years. It is a devastating neurodegenerative disorder, although Kennedy’s disease does not usually compromise longevity. There is currently no effective treatment; therefore, overall management of Kennedy’s disease is directed at maintaining maximal function in the presence of this slowly progressive disease and physical rehabilitation is the main approach of the treatment. Treatment with testosterone has produced controversial results; however, increasing evidence argues against testosterone pharmacotherapy [53]. Earlier theories of testosterone pharmacotherapy for the treatment of this disease arose from the fact that Kennedy’s disease patients have androgen resistance and androgens have trophic effects on skeletal muscle growth and strength [41]. This knowledge led to the notion that neurodegeneration could be related to partial loss of AR functions and, therefore, testosterone pharmacotherapy was considered a viable
C h a p t e r 2 2 Genetic Defects of Androgen Resistance l
treatment to compensate for this loss [67, 68]. Perhaps one of the most significant evidences arguing against testosterone pharmacotherapy is the advances in our understanding of the molecular pathogenesis of Kennedy’s disease [42, 53]. In addition, several studies have now provided compelling evidence that androgens exacerbate the pathogenesis of Kennedy’s disease in animal and cell models [42, 53, 69–71], as well as in humans [57]. Transgenic male mice carrying expanded CAG repeats of AR had a severe phenotype under normal conditions that was almost completely rescued upon castration, and the females usually developed only a few symptoms which markedly deteriorated upon testosterone treatment [69]. Testosterone deprivation by gonadotrophin-releasing hormone analog (GnRHa) also reverses the motor dysfunction and abnormal histopathologic findings in these transgenic mouse models [69, 72, 73] and in patients with Kennedy’s disease [74, 75]. Flutamide, a nonsteroidal anti-androgen, did not reverse the motor dysfunction, pathological features, or nuclear localization of the expanded CAG repeats of AR in male transgenic mice [72]. These data suggest that androgen deprivation interrupts the pathogenic process of Kennedy’s disease; however, large-scale clinical trials are necessary to verify the clinical benefits of this approach. The adverse effects of long-term androgen ablation would have a number of detrimental effects including impaired muscle strength, osteoporosis, decreased libido and mood effects.
Prenatal Testing Genetic counseling and prenatal testing should be provided to the family with genetic androgen resistance. Prenatal testing is performed by chromosome analysis on fetal cells obtained by chorionic villus sampling (CVS) at about 10 to 12 weeks’ gestation or by amniocentesis usually performed at about 15 to 18 weeks’ gestation. If the karyotype is 46,XY, DNA from fetal cells should be analyzed for the mutations. Prenatal treatment is not available.
Conclusion Androgen resistance has been divided into two broad categories: deficiency in 5RD2 and defects in AR. 5RD2 deficiency is a rare autosomal recessive disorder of androgen resistance due to a pre-receptor enzymatic defect. AIS is an X-linked recessive disorder with end-organ androgen resistance. The syndromes of androgen resistance present with a range of phenotypes due to a variable degree of androgen inaction. The treatment is dependent on the clinical and genetic diagnosis, as well as the response to testosterone treatment. There is a risk of developing testicular tumors, although the incidence is less common. Gonadectomy should not be performed in genetic 5RD2
deficient patients and should be delayed until adulthood in AIS, thus allowing spontaneous puberty to develop from endogenous androgen or estrogen. Management decisions can then be made in consultation with the patient. Kennedy’s disease results from expanded CAG repeats in the AR gene. Neurodegenerative symptoms are predominant and androgen resistance is mild. Effective treatments to slow or halt the progression of Kennedy’s disease in humans are still unavailable. Androgens appear to be the key molecules in the pathogenesis of Kennedy’s disease and the main therapeutic targets of treatment. Recent basic and clinical research has provided beneficial information for future clinical therapeutic trials of this disease.
Availability of genetic testing information and support groups Addenbrooke’s Hospital Molecular Genetics Laboratory Cambridge, United Kingdom All Children’s Hospital Molecular Genetics Laboratory St. Petersburg, FL Center for Genetic Testing at Saint Francis Genetics Laboratory Tulsa, OK Karolinska University Hospital Department of Clinical Genetics Stockholm, Sweden National University Hospital Molecular Diagnosis Centre Singapore, Singapore Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust Sheffield Molecular Genetics Service Sheffield, United Kingdom University of Colorado Denver School Medicine DNA Diagnostic Laboratory AIS Support Group Australia Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome Support Group (AISSG) Androgen Receptor Gene Mutations Database Intersex Society of North America (ISNA) 979 Gold Course Drive #282 Rohnert Park CA 94928
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
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10-25 Gly Normal range 11-35 Gln Normal range 38-75 Gln a causative AR mutation for Kennedy’s disease - Transaction domain
- DNA-binding domain
- Ligand binding domain
- untranslated region
FIGURE 22.2 Genomic organization of human androgen receptor. The AR gene is more than 90 kb long and two alternatively spliced variants encoding distinct isoforms have been described. The functioning AR protein is encoded by eight exons and consists of transaction domain, DNA-binding domain, and androgenbinding domain. AR also contains two polymorphic trinucleotide repeat segments that encode polyglutamine and polyglycine tracts in the N-terminal transactivation domain of its protein. Expansion of the polyglutamine tract causes spinal bulbar muscular atrophy (Kennedy’s disease).
C hap ter
Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1 (MEN1) Cornelis J.M. Lips1, Koen M.A. Dreijerink2, Rob B. van der Luijt3, Bernadette P.M. van Nesselrooij3 AND Jo W.M. Höppener4,5 1
Department of Clinical Endocrinology, University Medical Center, Utrecht, The Netherlands Department of Internal Medicine, University Medical Center, Utrecht, The Netherlands 3 Department of Medical Genetics, University Medical Center, Utrecht, The Netherlands 4 Department of Metabolic and Endocrine Diseases, University Medical Center, Utrecht, The Netherlands 5 Netherlands Metabolomics Center, University Medical Center, Utrecht, The Netherlands 2
targeted clinical examination to identify MEN1-associated lesions at a presymptomatic stage. In this chapter, the recent developments concerning the etiology of MEN1, as well as the current diagnostic and therapeutic options, are presented. Furthermore, guidelines for MEN1 gene mutation analysis and periodic clinical monitoring are provided.
Background, Prevalence Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) is an autosomal dominantly inherited syndrome. MEN1 is characterized by the occurrence of tumors of the parathyroid glands, the pancreatic islets, the anterior pituitary gland and the adrenal glands, as well as neuroendocrine tumors, in the thymus, lungs and stomach, often at a young age. Non-endocrine manifestations of MEN1 include angiofibromas, collagenomas, lipomas, leiomyomas and meningiomas (Table 23.1). The prevalence of MEN1 is 2–3 per 100,000, and is equal among males and females. MEN1 and multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 (MEN2) are two distinct syndromes. In MEN2, patients frequently develop medullary thyroid carcinoma and adrenal medullary tumors (pheochromocytoma).
Clinical Presentation, Diagnosis and Treatment According to the MEN consensus published in 2001, a practical definition of a MEN1 patient is a patient with at least two of the three main MEN1-related endocrine tumors (i.e. parathyroid adenomas, entero-pancreatic endocrine tumors and a pituitary adenoma) [5]. Familial MEN1 is similarly defined as at least one MEN1 case plus at least one first degree relative with one of those main MEN1 tumors. Alternatively, because parathyroid and pituitary adenomas occur relatively frequently in the general population, a MEN1 patient can be defined more precisely as a patient with three or more of the five major MEN1-associated lesions (i.e. besides the three tumor types mentioned, adrenal gland tumors and neuroendocrine tumors in the thymus, lungs, and stomach). A MEN1-suspected patient is defined as having at least two major MEN1-associated lesions, multiple lesions within one MEN1-related organ, and/or a MEN1-associated lesion at a young age (35 years) [6]. Such a patient may be considered for DNA-analysis (see under MEN1 gene mutation analysis). Below, for each tumor type, the clinical presentation and the diagnostic and therapeutic options are listed.
Natural History From family studies in the past, it appeared that if no treatment is given, life expectancy is considerably shortened. In MEN1 the median life expectancy for patients with a malignant islet cell tumor is 46 years; for peptic ulcer disease 56 years; for malignant carcinoid 53 years; for hypercalcemia/uremia 42 years; the overall median age at death for MEN1 is 47 years [1–3]. MEN1 is caused by germline mutations of the MEN1 gene [4]. Since the discovery of the gene in 1997, DNA diagnosis has become available. Carriers of a MEN1 gene germline mutation can be monitored periodically by Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
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Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
Table 23.1 The variable expression of MEN1. Percentages of MEN1-gene germline mutation carriers that develop a MEN1-associated tumor A. Endocrine lesions Parathyroid adenomas Pancreatic islet cell tumours Gastrinomas Insulinomas No clear clinical picture (including PP-, SS-producing tumors) Other (VIP, GHRH, etc.) Pituitary adenomas Prolactinomas Non-functioning (i.e. not producing hormone) ACTH producing GH producing Adrenal cortical adenomas NETs Thymus Lungs Stomach B. Non-endocrine lesions Skin lesions Angiofibromas Collagenomas Lipomas Leiomyomas Meningiomas
75–95% 55% 45% 10% 10% 2% 47% 30% 10% 1% 3–6% 20% 18% 8% 8% 5% 80% 75% 5% 30% 5% 25%
ACTH, adrenocorticotrophic hormone; GH, growth hormone; GHRH, growth hormone releasing hormone; NETs, neuroendocrine tumors; PP, pancreatic polypeptide; SS, somatostatin; VIP, vasoactive intestinal peptide.
Pancreatic islet cell tumours: • multicentric • potentially malignant
Biochemical screening from the age of 5: biannual Hormonal syndromes • ZES, • Hypoglycaemia • Glucagonoma • WDHA/VIPoma • Cushing syndrome (CRH) • Acromegaly (GHRH)
MRI imaging from the age of 15: once every 2 years Small tumours ( <3 cm) non invasive encapsulated expectative attitude Progression ( >3 cm)
Surgery: preoperatively: gastroduodenoscopy endoscopic ultrasound Peroperatively: palpation ultrasound Based on outcome: • enucleation • distal pancreatectomy • duodenotomy (gastrinomas) • lymphadenectomy
Pituitary adenomas multicentric benign
Biochemical screening from the age of 5: biannual
Hormonal syndromes Prolactin Dopamine agonists
Imaging (MRI) from the age of 15: once every 2 years Macroadenoma ( >10 mm, mostly NFPA)
Visual field defect
Medical failure
In Figure 23.1A and B, flow charts are shown for diagnosis and therapy of MEN1-associated tumors of the pancreatic islets and pituitary adenoma. Parathyroid Adenoma Parathyroid adenomas are often the first manifestation of MEN1. About 75–95% of MEN1 patients develop para thyroid adenomas [2]. Usually, parathyroid adenomas in MEN1 are multiple and benign. Other forms of familial hyperparathyroidism are found in familial isolated hyperparathyroidism (FIHP), caused by inactivating mutations in the parafibromin gene on chromosome 1 (1q31.2), and in MEN2A, caused by activating mutations in the RET protooncogene on chromosome 10 (10q11.2). MEN1 genotyping appears worthwhile in FIHP families, as the finding of mutation(s) in this gene predicts possible involvement of other organs [7]. The increased production of parathyroid hormone causes hypercalcaemia. Symptoms and signs of hypercalcaemia include fatigue, depression, constipation, nausea, symptoms
Figure 23.1 Recommendations for diagnosis and management of pancreatic islet cell tumours (A), and pituitary adenomas (B) in MEN1 patients. ACTH, adrenocorticotrophic hormone; CT, computed tomography; GH, growth hormone; NFT, non-functioning tumor; NFPA, non-functioning pituitary adenoma; PRL, prolactin; PTH, parathyroid hormone; SA, somatostatin analogs; TS-surgery, transsphenoidal surgery; VIP, vasoactive intestinal peptide; WDHA, watery diarrhea, hypokalemia, achlorhydria; ZES, Zollinger–Ellison syndrome.
caused by nephrolithiasis or nephrocalcinosis, bone pain, myalgia and arthralgia, as well as hypertension. Diagnosis Laboratory investigation consists of measurement of (ionized) calcium, chloride, phosphate and parathyroid hormone in blood. In addition to this, the 24-hour calcium excretion
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in the urine is measured. Bone densitometry can be used to detect bone mass reduction. Preoperative localization is useful, because adenomas may be situated in or behind the thyroid lobes. Parathyroid adenomas can be effectively localized by ultrasound (US), supplemented with computed tomography (CT). To confirm the location, a nuclear scan can be made with Tc-99m sestamibi that is retained selectively by parathyroid adenomas. Tumors of the Endocrine Duodenum and Pancreatic Islets Definition Neuroendocrine Tumors In the past, the classical term “carcinoid” was well-established in medical terminology, however at present, it is not adequate to cover the entire spectrum of neuroendocrine neoplasms. In 2000, the term neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) was suggested by the World Health Organization (WHO) in the new classification of tumors which differ in their morphological and functional features [8]. Divergence in gene-expression patterns in the development of tumors from the gastroenteropancreatic (GEP) system (divided in NETs of jejunum and ileum and pancreaticoduodenal endocrine tumors [PETs]) was identified, when they were examined at a molecular level. On the basis of gene expression profiles, neuroendocrine lesions of jejunum and ileum and PETs need to be considered as two distinct entities within the group of NETs [9]. PETs develop in about 55% of MEN1 patients [10, 11]. Multicentric microadenomas are present in 90% of MEN1 patients [12]. Symptomatology Hormonal syndromes often occur late and indicate metastases in 50% of patients with this stage of functioning PETs [13]. Prospective screening with biochemical markers and endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) is therefore recommended. Prospective endoscopic ultrasonic evaluation reveals that the frequency of non-functioning PETs is higher (55%) than previously thought (34%) [14]. Diagnosis (see Fig. 23.1A) Laboratory investigation includes determination of fasting plasma levels of glucose, insulin, C-peptide, glucagon, gastrin, pancreatic polypeptide and chromogranin A. Pancreatic islet cell tumors can be visualized by US, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), somatostatin receptor scintigraphy (SRS), CT and F-Dopa positron emission tomography (F-Dopa-PET). EUS is useful for early detection of PETs and will allow early surgery before metastases have developed [11, 13]. EUS is a more sensitive technique than CT or transabdominal US for the detection and localization of potentially malignant lesions in patients with MEN1 [15].
Specific Syndromes Zollinger–Ellison Syndrome (ZES) Gastrinomas are the most common pancreatic tumors in MEN1. The elevated levels of ectopic gastrin cause excessive gastric acid production. If untreated, this can lead to Zollinger–Ellison syndrome (ZES): ulcerations of the digestive tract, diarrhea and mucosal hypertrophy. Before treatment with proton pump inhibitors became available, Zollinger–Ellison syndrome was a frequent cause of death in MEN1 patients. Gastrinomas are still an important threat to MEN1 patients, because they are often multicentric and are able to metastasize to the lymph nodes and liver [2]. The diagnosis is delayed by the widespread use of proton pump inhibitors. MEN1 patients frequently develop ZES. About 25% of all ZES patients have MEN1. Esophageal reflux symptoms are common, resulting in strictures and Barrett’s esophagus (BE). The frequency of severe peptic esophageal disease, including the premalignant condition BE, was higher in MEN1 patients with gastrinomas than in patients with sporadic gastrinomas. This higher incidence of severe esophageal disease in MEN1/ZES was due to delay of diagnosis, more frequent and severe esophageal symptoms, more frequent hiatal hernias, more common pyloric scarring, higher basal acid output and underdiagnosed hyperparathyroidism [16]. Other Functioning Pancreatic Islet Cell Tumors Insulinomas occur in about 10% of all MEN1 patients. They may present with symptoms of hypoglycemia such as confusion or abnormal behavior due to central nervous system dysfunction at times of exercise or fasting. Infrequently occurring syndromes are glucagonoma (1.6%), VIPoma (0.98%) and somatostatinoma (0.65%). Glucagonomas can cause skin lesions, whereas tumors producing vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), VIPomas, can cause the Verner–Morrison syndrome, also mentioned is watery diarrhea–hypokalemia–achlorhydria (WDHA) syndrome [11]. Surgical excision of insulinomas, glucagonomas and VIPomas is usually curative. Tumors producing pancreatic polypeptide are common (80% of PETs), but only rarely cause symptoms and therefore do not normally require treatment. Growth Hormone-Releasing Hormone (GHRH)Producing Tumors Acromegaly may be caused by growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) produced by pancreatic islet cell tumors. GHRH may cause acromegaly indirectly through stimulation of growth hormone (GH) production by the pituitary gland. In more than 50% of MEN1 patients with acromegaly, a GHRH-producing pancreatic tumor is the cause of the disease [39]. In MEN1 patients, acromegaly can also be caused by adenomas in the pituitary gland primarily producing GH
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and neuroendocrine tumors in the thymus gland producing GHRH. Pituitary Adenomas Evidence of MEN1 is found in approximately 2.7% of patients with pituitary adenomas. In addition, somatic mutations in the MEN1 gene do not play a prominent role in the pathogenesis of sporadic forms of pituitary adenoma (3.7%). Pituitary tumors in MEN1 are larger in size and more aggressive than sporadic tumors. MEN1 must be considered in all children with tumors of the pituitary gland [17, 18]. The most frequently occurring pituitary tumors in MEN1 are prolactinomas. Prolactinomas occur in approximately 30% of patients with MEN1, and in this setting they may be more aggressive than their sporadic counterparts [19]. A MEN1 variant shows more frequent prolactinoma and less frequent gastrinoma than typical MEN1 [20]. Non-functioning tumors, growth hormone, or adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) producing tumors and mixed tumors are seen less frequently. Symptomatology (Fig. 23.1B) Elevated levels of prolactin may cause amenorrhea, galactorrhea and lack of libido in females, and hypogonadism in males. Acromegaly, caused by a GH-producing tumor, is observed in 3–6% of MEN1 patients. Patients present with enlarged hands or feet, coarse facial features or soft-tissue growth. Patients with acromegaly have an increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease and malignancy. Non-functioning pituitary adenomas may grow large without symptoms. Due to compression of the surrounding tissues by the expanding tumor, complaints of visual field defects, headache, or an impairment of other pituitary functions may develop. Gonadotroph tumors occur infrequently but may cause ovarian hyperstimulation [21]. Diagnosis The diagnosis is confirmed by determining plasma levels of prolactin (prolactinoma), midnight cortisol (Cushing disease), or insulin like growth factor I (IGF-I) and by an oral glucose tolerance test to demonstrate absence of suppression of growth hormone production (acromegaly). Pituitary adenomas can be detected visually by MR imaging with gadolinium contrast. Adrenal Tumours About 20% of MEN1 patients develop adrenal tumors. These tumors are often detected early by imaging of the upper abdomen every two years. Like sporadic incidentalomas of the adrenals, these tumors usually do not produce hormones and are mostly benign.
Neuroendocrine Tumours (NETs) of Thymus, Lungs and Stomach In MEN1, NETs arise from cells that are derived from the embryonic foregut. NETs in MEN1 can develop in the thymus (mostly in males), in the lungs (mostly in females), and in the stomach, duodenum or the pancreas (PETs). They do not cause symptoms until at an advanced stage. As these tumours are capable of infiltrating surrounding tissues and metastasizing, and treatment is very difficult, early detection of these tumours is vital (Fig. 23.2) [11]. NETs produce a vast spectrum of amines, peptides and prostaglandins. NETs in MEN1 do not release serotonin (5HT), but do produce 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP), the precursor of serotonin. The 5-HTP is partially converted into serotonin in the kidneys. Levels of platelet serotonin and chromogranin A are useful markers. The level of 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) in the 24-hour urine of MEN1 patients with NETs usually is not elevated. Imaging Tumors can be detected using MRI, Somatostatin Receptor Scintigraphy or CT-scintigraphy, and endoscopy.
Figure 23.2 Menin is a dual regulator of gene expression by interconnecting modification of histone proteins with regulation of transcription. In normal cells, menin inhibits cell division and preserves the differentiated state by acting as: (A) co-activator on transcription of target genes, e.g. P18 and P27; (B) co-repressor on transcription of other target genes, e.g. Jun D and TERT. In MEN-1 tumor cells, inactivating mutations in the MEN1 gene result in: (A) co-activator function on a.o. P18 and P27 being defective; (B) corepressor function on a.o. JunD/c-Jun and hTERT being defective. NR, nuclear receptor; HRE, hormone responsive element; PTFs, proliferation transcription factors; hTERT, human telomerase gene.
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Thymus Thymic NETs in MEN1 are associated with a very high lethality. Nearly all thymus carcinoid patients are male and smokers. Therefore, prophylactic thymectomy should be considered at neck surgery for primary hyperparathyroidism in male MEN1 patients, especially for smokers, and, due to the frequent familial clustering of this pathology, in subjects with affected relatives presenting this feature. In 22 separate MEN1 families with thymic carcinoids, all but two (91%) have mutations coding for a truncated menin protein. There is clearly a high prevalence of truncating mutations in MEN1-related thymic carcinoids. Although, when compared with the prevalence of truncating mutations among all reported MEN1 mutations, it is not significantly higher in MEN1 families with thymic NETs (P 0.39) [22]. In foregut neuroendocrine neoplasms such as small cell lung carcinomas, X chromosome allelic loss is associated with malignancy. This phenomenon may explain the male preponderance of thymus carcinoid [23]. Screening every patient affected with a neuroendocrine thymic neoplasm for MEN1 syndrome is recommended. Association occurs in approximately 25% of patients [24]. Cushing’s syndrome due to ACTH-producing thymic carcinoid should also be considered as one phenotype of the MEN1 spectrum [25]. Lung Bronchopulmonary NETs are relatively uncommon, occurring in approximately 5% of MEN1 patients. Hypergastrinemia was significantly more common in patients with pulmonary nodules. No deaths or distant metastases occurred among these patients despite long-term follow-up. They did not appear to predict a poor prognosis in the majority of affected patients [26]. Stomach In MEN1 patients, gastric NETs have their origin in enterochromaffine-like (ECL) cells. Longstanding tumours may become symptomatic, and demonstrate aggressive growth. Patients may have the Zollinger–Ellison syndrome. With increased long-term medical treatment and life expectancy, these tumors will become an important determinant of survival. They require surgical treatment before they metastasize to the liver [27]. Signet ring cell carcinomas may develop by gradual dedifferentiation from ECL cells [28].
Genetic Pathophysiology of MEN1 Known Mutations and Specific Phenotypes MEN1 is caused by inactivating germline mutations of the MEN1 gene, which is located on chromosome 11 (11q13) [4]. The MEN1 gene is a tumour suppressor gene. Biallelic
inactivation of the MEN1 gene is required for the development of a tumour cell. Loss of the wild type allele (loss of heterozygosity) is observed frequently in MEN1-associated tumours in MEN1 patients. Since the discovery of the gene, more than 400 (459) different germline mutations have been identified in MEN1 families. These mutations are found scattered throughout the gene [29]. Also in sporadic MEN1-associated tumors, mutations of the MEN1 gene have been identified, which suggests that inactivation of the MEN1 gene contributes to the development of these tumors. No clear genotype–phenotype correlation has been established. The expression of the disease is variable, even within families. However, some MEN1 gene mutations seem to be causing familial isolated hyperparathyroidism or a variant MEN1 that is characterized by the frequent occurrence of prolactinoma [20]. Thus, additional genetic events may play a role in MEN1-associated tumorigenesis.
Pathophysiology of Mutations (How They Cause the Disease) The MEN1 gene encodes the menin protein. Menin is expressed ubiquitously, and performs its tasks predominantly in the nucleus (Fig. 23.2). Recent observations indicate that normal menin functions in the regulation of gene transcription. This function is linked to modification of histones, cores of proteins wrapped in DNA wound in a double loop. In this capacity, intact menin has a dual function and may serve either as a co-repressor or as a co-activator of gene expression. Co-repressors and co-activators serve as adaptors between nuclear receptors and the general transcription machinery (see Fig. 23.2). Interaction of nuclear receptors with co-activators or co-repressors takes place through LXXLL motifs (where L leucine and X any amino acid) present in the co-activator or LXXXIXXXL motifs (where I isoleucine) present in the co-repressor, respectively. Menin interacts with the AP1-family transcription factor JunD, changing it from an oncoprotein into a tumor-suppressor protein, putatively by recruitment of histone deacetylase complexes. Recently, the telomerase (hTERT) gene was identified as a menin target gene. The ends of chromosomes in a cell, the telomeres, shorten after DNA replication. Eventually, after several cell divisions, the DNA loses its stability and the cell is subjected to apoptosis. Telomerase is an enzyme that maintains the length of the telomeres. Telomerase is not expressed in normal cells, but it is active in stem cells and tumor cells. Menin is a suppressor of the expression of the telomerase gene (see Figure 23.2B). Possibly, inactivation of menin could lead to cell immortalization by telomerase expression, which could allow a cell to develop into a tumor cell. Besides this co-repressor function, intact menin suppresses transforming growth factor -mediated signal
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
transduction involved in division of parathyroid hormoneand prolactin-producing cells. Menin is an integral component of mixed lineage leukemia 1/2 (MLL1/MLL2) histone methyltransferase complexes. In this capacity menin is a co-activator of expression of p18INK4C and p27Kip1 cyclin-dependent-kinase inhibitors (see Fig. 23.2A). These proteins usually act as tumour suppressors by causing arrest of the cell cycle, i.e. inhibition of cell division. Furthermore, menin serves as a co-activator of steroid receptor-mediated transcription, as illustrated by recruiting histone H3K4 methyltransferase activity to the estrogen-responsive TFF1( pS2) gene promoter (see Fig. 23.2A) [30, 31]. Menin links histone-modification pathways to transcription-factor function. Evolutionary conservation indicates that menin plays a role in integrating multiple cellular stimuli at critical transcriptional loci during fundamental developmental processes. Null mutant animals have indicated that menin is essential for viability. Inactivating mutations in both MEN1 alleles disturb the tight link between chromatin modification and gene expression and are crucial for MEN1 tumorigenesis. Further insight into the mechanisms that underlie MEN1-associated tumorigenesis may provide opportunities for new therapeutic strategies.
MEN1 Mutation Analysis Methods for MEN1 Mutation Analysis Germline mutations identified in families with MEN1, which include all types of sequence alterations, appear scattered throughout the entire 1830-bp coding region and splice-sites of the MEN1 gene. The heterogeneous nature of the mutation spectrum in the MEN1 gene reflects the inactivating character required for disease-associated mutations in tumor suppressor genes: virtually any position within the MEN1 sequence can be subject to a mutation, as long as the mutation leads to a loss of menin protein function. For this reason, mutation analysis of the entire coding region and the flanking intronic sequences must be performed to determine the family-specific MEN1 mutation. Although several sensitive mutation scanning methods have been developed over the past decades, direct DNA sequence analysis remains the method of choice in most clinical diagnostic laboratories and is considered as the “golden standard”. Large deletions encompassing one or more MEN1 exons usually escape detection by DNA sequencing. Although several studies have indicated that gross deletion in the MEN1 gene is a relatively uncommon cause of MEN1, clinical mutation testing should include an assay to detect such alterations. The multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) method is a rapid, specific and sensitive assay to detect large deletions in human disease genes [32].
MLPA has been adapted for use in many hereditary disorders, including MEN1. Compared with the “classic” method for deletion detection in genomic DNA (southern blot analysis) MLPA is simpler, requires much smaller amounts of DNA, allows non-radioactive signal detection and is suitable for high-throughput analysis.
Interpretation of Results of Mutation Analysis MEN1 mutations predicting a loss-of-function of menin due to the introduction of premature stop codons in the protein-coding region (i.e. by protein truncation) as well as gross gene deletions invariably regarded as disease-causing. Protein-truncating mutations include nonsense mutations, frameshift mutations due to small deletions and insertions, and mutations at conserved splice donor and acceptor sequences. However, if a missense mutation (i.e. amino acid substitution), an intronic change not affecting the most highly conserved parts of intron–exon junctions, an in-frame deletion or insertion or a synonymous codon change (i.e. a change in the DNA sequence that does not alter the corresponding amino acid) is found, it is crucial to discriminate such variants from neutral variants or normal polymorphisms which also occur in the MEN1 gene. Sequence changes in human disease genes with an unknown clinical relevance are usually referred to as “unclassified variants” (UVs). For many changes detected in the human genome, the clinical relevance is unknown and additional evidence is required to support their classification as being either disease-causing or inconsequential. Functional analysis of UVs by studying their effect on protein–protein interactions and biochemical activity in model systems (cell culture, genetically modified organisms) is not applicable in a clinical diagnostic setting. Supporting evidence in favor of causality (or neutrality) of a sequence change must therefore be obtained by genetic studies (co-segregation analysis in families, analysis of loss-of-heterozygosity in tumorderived DNA, analysis of the MEN1 transcript), by computational analysis of functional and structural aspects of such variants and by literature/database searches. An integrated statistical approach using genetic data in combination with evolutionary conservation analysis, amino acid properties, location in functional domain(s) has successfully been applied to the assessment of missense UVs in the breast cancer susceptibility genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 [33]. A similar approach may be helpful in the case of UVs detected in the MEN1 gene. The assessment of UVs in disease genes has proven difficult, and for many genetic variants, definitive classification is not yet possible. However, predictive testing in unaffected family members of an index patient can only be offered after the disease-causing nature of the sequence change in this index patients has been unequivocally established. Such an extended analysis must be performed whenever an unknown, non-protein truncating MEN1 gene mutation is encountered in a patient.
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Selection of Individuals Eligible for Men1 Mutation Testing Who is considered to be a candidate to undergo genetic testing: what is the actual risk for close relatives and what is the optimal timing for genetic testing? In a family, a sample from one subject already known to be affected should be tested (first) in order to determine the specific mutation for that family. If a pathogenetic mutation is identified within a family, family members at risk for carrying this mutation can opt for predictive DNA testing. Predictive DNA testing will be performed after genetic counseling, informing a person at risk about the advantages and disadvantages of testing, enabling an informed choice to be made. Since the screening for MEN1 symptoms starts at the age of five, the parents of a child at risk for carrying the mutation can decide whether the child’s DNA will be tested or not. Other first degree family members, parents, brothers and sisters of a patient, share half of their genes with the proband and have an actual risk of 50% of carrying the disease gene. Second and third degree relatives share ¼ and 1⁄8 of their genes with the proband, respectively, and have a risk of 25 and 12.5%. Thus also here due to the involved risk, more extensive family investigation is indicated. With regard to new case-finding, unfortunately, only a small percentage in non-selected patients with apparently sporadic MEN1-associated tumors turn out to be carriers of a MEN1 gene germline mutation (at most 5%). To increase the sensitivity and specificity (cost-effectiveness) for mutation detection and to be able to identify all these MEN1 patients, without screening the entire group of patients with apparently sporadic tumors, the criteria for MEN1-suspected patients have been defined. In 60% of such MEN1-suspected patients a germline mutation of the MEN1 gene has been found [6]. Criteria for MEN1 gene mutation analysis are given in Table 23.2. Guidelines for periodical clinical monitoring are given in Table 23.3. The earliest manifestation of MEN1 reported is a pituitary adenoma in a five-year-old boy. Therefore, in principle, mutation analysis should be performed before the age of five [18].
Laboratories Available for Testing A directory of US and international clinical laboratories offering in-house molecular genetic testing for MEN1 can be found at the National Institutes of Health funded GeneTests Website ( Information on laboratory contact details, test methodology, staff and laboratory certification in GeneTests is provided by laboratory staff and is updated regularly.
Prenatal Testing Prospective parents planning or carrying a pregnancy at risk for hereditary endocrine cancer syndromes face different options.
Table 23.2 Criteria for MEN1 gene mutation analysis MEN1-gene mutation analysis is offered to: Clinically proven MEN1 patients: patients with three of the five major MEN1-associated lesions: parathyroid adenomas, pancreatic islet cell tumors, pituitary adenomas, adrenal adenomas, neuroendocrine tumors. MEN1-suspected patients: patients with two of the five major lesions, two MEN1-associated tumors within one organ and/or a MEN1-associated lesion at a young age (35 years). Relatives from MEN1 patients with a confirmed MEN1gene germline mutation, after risk estimation and genetic counseling. Relatives from a patient with clinically proven or highly suspected MEN1, however without an identified germline mutation or who declined mutation analysis, after risk estimation and genetic counseling.
Table 23.3 Guidelines for periodic clinical monitoring Eligible for periodic clinical monitoring are: MEN1 patients MEN1 gene germline mutation carriers and MEN1-suspected patients without a confirmed mutation Periodical screening includes: From the age of five, biannual clinical examination: laboratory investigation including measurement in blood of ionized calcium, chloride, phosphate, parathyroid hormone, glucose, insulin, c-peptide, glucagon, gastrin, pancreatic polypeptide, prolactin, insulin-like growth factor 1, platelet serotonin and chromogranin A. From the age of 15: once every two years: MRI of the upper abdomen MRI of the pituitary with gadolinium contrast MRI of the mediastinum in males MRI, magnetic resonance imaging.
The couple may choose not to know until after the child is born and accept the 50% risk of having a child that carries the same MEN1 gene mutation as the affected parent. After genetic counseling, some couples choose prenatal diagnosis. DNA analysis can be performed utilizing a sample obtained by amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling. Some couples wish to know the carrier status prior to birth in order to prepare, while others may elect to terminate a pregnancy if the fetus is affected. This last decision may have far-reaching ethical, emotional and psychological consequences. If prenatal genetic testing is not performed, then all atrisk children should be offered DNA testing in order to determine whether or not the hereditary endocrine cancer syndrome surveillance regimen is required (see Table 23.3). Prospective parents should also be provided with information about reproductive technologies that greatly lower
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
their risk of having a child with hereditary endocrine cancer syndromes, such as sperm or oocyte donation (depending on which parent is affected), and preimplantation genetic diagnosis. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis involves testing embryos fertilized in vitro for the familial mutation, usually on a single cell of a blastocyst, and selecting unaffected embryos for implantation. The various reproductive options available to prospective parents require thoughtful discussion and genetic counseling.
Treatment Based on Genetic Information: How does it Affect Treatment? MEN1 patients and their family members have to be monitored periodically. The clinical investigation is aimed at identification of MEN1-associated lesions and includes, besides the patient’s history and physical examination, biochemical screening and imaging. The protocol for periodic clinical monitoring is shown in Table 23.3.
Predictive Value of Testing Genetic Screening in Apparently Sporadic Tumors MEN1 gene germline mutations have been identified in patients with apparently sporadic MEN1-related tumors. However, at most 5% of patients with apparently sporadic primary hyperparathyroidism, pituitary adenomas, or insulinomas turn out to be MEN1 patients [6]. MEN1 gene germline mutations are found in 25% of patients with thymic carcinoid [34]. About 22% of patients with ZES had MEN1 [35]. ZES was the initial clinical manifestation of MEN1 in 40% [36]. Significance of a Negative Test Although MEN1 is considered as a genetically homogeneous disorder, in some families fulfilling the clinical criteria no MEN1 germline mutation can be found, even if testing for gross deletions is included. It is likely that some families may harbor mutations in regions of the gene not investigated on a routine basis, such as regulatory sequences. For this reason, in a MEN1-affected patient with a normal MEN1 gene test result, the presence of a mutation cannot be completely excluded, and the test should be considered as non-informative. Only after a pathogenic mutation has been identified in an index case, can the result of carriership analysis in unaffected family members be interpreted with a virtual 100% reliability. Several families with a MEN1-like disorder have been reported to carry germline mutations in genes other than the MEN1 gene itself. These include AIP gene mutations in pituitary adenoma predisposition (PAP) [37] and mutations of the CDKN1B (p27Kip1) gene in patients with MEN type 3 and 4 [38 and OMIM: 610755]. The latter mutations appear to be extremely rare (at least in MEN1-like conditions), and the full phenotypic spectrum of CDKN1B mutations is probably not yet established. However, because some of these families were initially considered as possible MEN1 kindreds, mutational analysis of the AIP and CDKN1B genes should be considered in (a subset of the) MEN1 gene mutation negative families.
Genetic Counseling As in all genetic tests, the advantages and disadvantages of DNA analysis should be discussed before actually performing the test. Also, when the test is performed in an index patient (a symptomatic test) this patient should be informed, preferably before the analysis so they have the opportunity of accepting or declining the DNA test or knowledge of the result afterwards. Not only personal arguments will be discussed in the counseling, but also the consequences for family members. The medical intervention possibilities and their limitations have to be discussed, but also the psychosocial aspects. For example, the issues of obtaining a (life) insurance after knowing test result:- division of families into two camps, the carriers and the non-carriers; and the impact of these subjects for personal development and family life have to be discussed. After genetic counseling, a person can take a carefully considered decision about his testing. In the process of genetic counseling or the period after disclosure of the DNA result psychosocial care has to be available. This is even more so, when predictive DNA testing (performing DNA analysis when there are no clinical signs of MEN1) is considered. Since the screening for early symptoms starts preferably from the age of five years, parents should be given counseling in the process of considering the test for their child. In subsequent children the counseling should be a moment of reflection: “What happened after the uncertainty about the previous child was elucidated? What is your perception or prediction in this child?” Especially when the predicted status differs from the actual DNA result, it will take time to come to terms with the test result. Support by a psychosocial worker may be a valuable part of the counseling.
Conclusions MEN1 is an inherited disorder with a variable presentation, often already present at a young age. The initial symptoms of MEN1-associated lesions may be very general. By using stringent criteria, MEN1 patients can be identified efficiently. Mutation analysis enables MEN1 disease
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gene carriers to be identified. Gastrinomas and other NETs have malignant potential. Periodic clinical monitoring makes presymptomatic detection and treatment of MEN1associated tumors possible. This is beneficial for both life expectancy and quality of life of MEN1 patients.
Acknowledgment Koen Dreijerink is supported by the Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development (ZonMw; AGIKO-stipendium).
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C hap ter
Genetics of Polyglandular Failure Manuela Dittmar1,2 AND George J. Kahaly1 1
Department of Medicine I, Johannes Gutenberg-University Medical Center, Mainz, Germany Department of Human Biology, Zoological Institute, Christian-Albrechts-University, Kiel, Germany
isolated populations who are Finnish (1:25,000; [12]), Iranian Jews (1:9,000; [13]) and Sardinians (1:14,000, [14]). Prevalence in other populations is 1:43,000 in Slovenia [15], 1:80,000 in Norway [16] and 1:129,000 in Poland [17]. The adult type APS2/3 is more common, but is still a rare syndrome. Its prevalence is 1:20,000 [18]. It occurs more frequently in women. The male-to-female ratio is 1:3. The incidence of this syndrome peaks at ages 20–60 years, mostly in the third or fourth decade.
Background, Incidence, Prevalence Background The autoimmune polyglandular failure syndromes (APS, PAS, PGA), also known as multiple endocrine abnormalities (MEA), define the autoimmune induced failure of at least two glands. They comprise a wide spectrum of autoimmune disorders [1, 2]. They encompasse a rare juvenile type (APS1) and more frequent adult types (APS2 and APS3) [3]. The juvenile type APS1 is also known as autoimmune polyendocrinopathy candidiasis ectodermal dystrophy (APECED), because it is formed by three main disorders, which are chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis, autoimmune hypoparathyroidism and autoimmune Addison’s disease [2, 4, 5]. Contrary to APS1, APS2 and APS3 primarily manifest in adult age. APS2 is defined as the association between autoimmune Addison’s disease and either autoimmune thyroid disease or type 1 diabetes mellitus, or both [1, 4, 6, 7]. APS3 is defined by the presence of autoimmune thyroid disease and autoimmune disorders other than Addison’s disease and hypoparathyroidism [8]. In contrast to APS1, chronic candidiasis is not present in APS2 and APS3. Further autoimmune endocrine and nonendocrine component disorders may be manifest in APS1, APS2 and APS3. Due to the tremendous overlap of phenotypes in APS2 and APS3, for daily use, it is clinically relevant to differentiate the more common adult type encompassing both APS2 and APS3 from the rare juvenile type APS1 [9, 10] (see also Chapter 21).
Clinical Presentation Clinically, APS1 is characterized by three major symptoms [1, 2, 4]. These are chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis (chronic susceptibility to candida yeast infection), autoimmune hypoparathyroidism (parathyroid gland failure which affects calcium metabolism including nails and tooth enamel) and Addison’s disease (autoimmune adrenal failure). Other autoimmune diseases may be associated. At least one of the three component diseases typically manifests before age ten, and two or three are usually apparent by age 20. The first manifestation occurs in infancy or early childhood. It is typically mucocutaneous candidiasis. The second manifestation is hypoparathyroidism around age 7 years and the third manifestation is Addison’s disease around age 13 years [2, 6]. The clinical presentation of the diseases may vary and comprise further endocrine and nonendocrine minor component disorders [4, 12, 19]. These include autoimmune endocrinopathies (hypogonadism, type 1 diabetes, latent hypothyroidism), gastrointestinal manifestations (intestinal malabsorption, pernicious anemia, chronic active hepatitis), autoimmune disorders of the skin (vitiligo, alopecia), ectodermal dysplasia (dental enamel hypoplasia, nail dystrophy) and keratoconjunctivitis. The minor components of the disorder will manifest until the fifth decade of life [4]. The clinical diagnosis of APS1 requires the presence of two of the three major component
Incidence, Prevalence The juvenile type APS1 manifests in infancy or early childhood. The female-to-male ratio approximates 1. Prevalence of APS1 is generally rare (2–3:1,000,000 in Great Britain, [11]), but it occurs more frequently in three genetically Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
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Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
diseases: Addison’s disease, and/or hypoparathyroidism, and/or chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis. Most patients show about four disease manifestations. Patients may also display up to ten component diseases. Some patients have the full constellation of diseases, while others do not [20]. However, in some patients, hypoparathyroidism was the only manifestation [13]. APS2 is characterized by the presence of autoimmune adrenalitis (Addison’s disease) and at least one other autoimmune disorder [3, 4]. The second disease component may be either autoimmune thyroid disease (AITD; Graves’ disease and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis) or type 1 diabetes (DM1), or both. According to Betterle [2, 7], Addison’s disease and AITD are obligatory component diseases, whereas DM1 is optional. Further endocrine (hypogonadism, hypoparathyroidism, autoimmune hepatitis) and non-endocrine component diseases (pernicious anemia, alopecia, vitiligo, malabsorption and myasthenia gravis) may be present [6, 8]. The associated minor autoimmune diseases are less frequent than in APS1. APS2 mostly occurs in adulthood during the third and fourth decades. About half of patients with APS2 present initially DM1 [21]. These patients may develop APS2 in the future. In adults, the manifestation of one autoimmune endocrine disorder increases the risk of developing other autoimmune disorders. Many years may separate the onset of different component diseases [22]. All diseases resulting in autoimmune tissue destruction appear to have a prolonged phase of cellular loss preceding overt autoimmune glandular disease. Silent autoantibodies are prevalent in families with APS2. Therefore, antibody screening may be predictive for the development of future autoimmune endocrine diseases. Annual screening of ACTH is recommended for such patients. APS3 is defined by the presence of AITD and autoimmune disorders other than Addison’s disease and hypopara thyroidism [8]. Endocrine and non-endocrine component diseases include DM1, chronic autoimmune gastritis, pernicious anemia, vitiligo and alopecia. Further component disorders may be myasthenia gravis, hypogonadism, Sjögren syndrome, systemic lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis. The most frequently observed disease combination is between AITD and DM1. AITD peaks in the fourth decade (Graves’ disease) or fifth and sixth decades (Hashimoto’s thyroiditis). The simultaneous occurrence of R257X
hypothyroidism (Hashimoto’s thyroiditis) and DM1 is often accompanied by hypoglycemia due to decreased insulin requirement and increased insulin sensitivity. Glucose intolerance accompanies hyperthyroidism in 50% of patients. In contrast to patients with APS1, patients with APS2/3 do not develop mucocutaneous candidiasis. Also, hypopara thyroidism is very rare in APS2/3. Hypoparathyroidism in childhood is indicative of APS1. In APS2/3, circulating organ-specific autoantibodies are present in each of the component diseases. Occasionally, antibodies will crossreact with more than one gland (e.g. all steroid-producing cells). Anti-thyroid peroxidase and antiparietal cell antibodies are prevalent in healthy relatives of patients. Antibodies may precede clinical disease by many years, but in contrast to anti-islet antibodies, anti-thyroid antibodies can be present for decades without progression to overt disease. Antibodies against steroidal enzymes [e.g. 21-hydroxylase (21-OH)] are of high prognostic value. They will aid in identifying patients at risk of developing Addison’s disease [23, 24].
Genetic pathophysiology Known Mutations and Specific Phenotypes APS1 is a monogenic disease due to a defect in a single gene. Haplotype analyses suggest that APS1 is caused in different populations by a number of different mutations in a single gene [25]. This gene is the autoimmune regulatory (AIRE) gene on chromosome 21 (location: 21q22.3 [26]). The gene was identified in 1997 by positional cloning [27, 28]. The AIRE gene is approximately 13 kb in length and the coding sequence comprises 14 exons. Until now, more than 50 different mutations in the AIRE gene causing APS1 have been detected [14, 15, 27–42]. These mutations are distributed over the whole coding region of the gene (Fig. 24.1). They comprise point mutations (nonsense and missense mutations), insertions and deletions, resulting in frameshifts and splice site mutations. Most frequent mutations are R257X (exon 6) [27, 28] and 967-979del13bp (also nominated in the literature as 1094–1106del13bp) (exon 8) [29]. The R257X mutation is characterized by a C→T substitution at position 769 of the AIRE gene resulting in a TGA codon (stop codon) instead of CGA (coding 13bpdel
11 12 13 14
Figure 24.1 Mutations in the AIRE gene on chromosome 21 causing APS1. The AIRE gene comprises 14 exons which are shown as rectangles. Lines indicate known mutations in the AIRE gene causing APS1. Most frequent mutations are R257X (exon 6) and 967-979del13bp (exon 8).
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for arginine), and therefore, leading to a truncated regulator protein. It is present in 83% of Finnish APS1 patients [34] and predominates in Italian [30] and Polish APS1 patients [17]. Also, it has been found in APS1 patients in other European countries (Great Britain, Germany, France, Sweden, The Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia), Russia, the USA (Caucasians), and New Zealand [37, 38]. It was detected in patients of different countries on different chromosomal haplotypes suggesting different mutational origins. The frequent 13-bp deletion accounted for 70% of British and 53% of North American (Caucasian) PAS1 alleles, but also occurred in Finland, Sweden, Norway, The Netherlands, Germany, Italia, Hungary, Canada, New Zealand, Russia and other countries [29, 32, 37, 38]. Thus, both R257X and 967979del13bp have been noted in patients of different geoethnic origins, and both were associated with multiple different haplotypes using closely flanking polymorphic markers showing likely multiple mutation events [30]. The mutations causing APS1 are inherited in an autosomal recessive way [27, 43]. One mutation (G228W) in the AIRE gene observed in an Italian family has dominant inheritance [36]. In this family, only one heterozygous mutation has been found in the entire coding sequence of the AIRE gene in the patient. In contrast to APS1, APS2/3 are genetically complex and multifactorial syndromes. Several genetic loci possibly interact with environmental factors. Other than APS1, APS2/3 are strongly associated with certain alleles of the human leucocyte antigen (HLA) genes within the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). APS2 frequently clusters in families. Several generations are often affected by one or more component diseases [1]. The inheritance pattern seems to be autosomal-dominant with incomplete penetrance in some patients [6]. Two genes have been shown to be associated with APS2. These are human leucocyte antigene (HLA) genes on chromosome 6 and the cytotoxic T lymphocyte antigen (CTLA-4) gene on chromosome 2 (location: 2q33). Of these, HLA appears to have the strongest gene effect [4]. Many APS2 component disorders are associated with an increased frequency of the HLA haplotype A1, B8, DR3, DQA1*0501, DQB1*0201 [44]. Addison’s disease is strongly associated with DR3 and DR4 [45]; the observed relative risks are 6.0, 4.6 and 26.5 for DR3, DR4 and DR3/DR4, respectively. Addison’s disease is also correlated with DQ2/DQ8 with DRB1*0404, both as a single disease as well as within APS2 [46]. DM1 is positively associated with DR4-DQB1*0302, DRB1*04DQA1*0301-DQB1*0302 or DRB1*03-DQA1*0501DQB1*0201 (DR3-DQ2), and negatively associated with DRB1*15-DQA1*0102-DQB1*0602 [47, 48]. In APS2 patients without islet cell autoimmunity, only the haplotype DR3-DQB1*0201 occurred more frequently [44]. The DRB1*04-DQB1*0301 haplotype increases the risk of developing Hashimoto’s thyroiditis [49].
The CTLA-4 gene is assigned to chromosome 2 (location: 2q.33). It comprises 4 exons and encodes a protein which acts as an important modifier of T cell activation with down-regulatory properties. An A49G substitution in exon 1 of the CTLA-4 gene with more G alleles has been associated with Graves’ disease in Caucasians and Asians [50–55] and with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis [56]. With respect to Graves’ disease, family studies give evidence for an increased transmission of the G allele from heterozygous parents to affected offspring compared to unaffected offspring [57]. A 3microsatellite (AT)n repeat of the CTLA-4 gene may also be important. The 106 bp allele of the AT repeat was more frequently observed in Caucasian patients with GD than in healthy controls [54]. CTLA-4 alleles have been mainly linked to AITD, and to a weaker extent to DM1. Addison’s disease was also associated with CTLA-4 alleles, particularly in a subgroup showing HLADQA1*0501. Data indicate interactions between HLA and CTLA-4 genes, further unidentified genes and environmental factors. APS3 is also characterized by a complex inheritance pattern. With respect to the combination of DM1 and AITD, at least three genes are involved as major susceptibility genes: HLA class II, CTLA-4 and PTPN22. HLA class II is a potential gene locus for combined susceptibility to DM1 and AITD as has been shown in Caucasians and Asians (e.g. [44, 58–63]). Most family studies gave evidence that the haplotype HLA-DR3-DQB1*0201 is the primary haplotype conferring susceptibility to both DM1 and AITD within families (62). Here, DR3 seems to be the primary allele conferring risk to both DM1 and AITD, whereas DQB1*0201 seems to be of secondary significance [62]. Many population studies indicate that both HLA haplotypes DR3-DQB1*0201 and DR4-DQB1*0302 contribute to the APS3 variant of combined DM1 and AITD [44, 62, 64, 65]. The causative CTLA-4 gene polymorphism for autoimmunity may be located in the 3UTR (untranslated region) of the CTLA-4 gene [66]. Here, a (AT)n microsatellite poly morphism occurs with longer and shorter repeats of AT. The longer repeats are associated with decreased inhibitory function of CTLA-4 [67]. Longer repeats were correlated with a shorter half life of the CTLA-4 mRNA than shorter repeats [68]. Further candidate polymorphisms may be also affect disease, to be investigated in future studies. The protein tyrosine phosphatase non-receptor type 22 (PTPN22) gene maps on chromosome 1 (location: 1p13) [69]. This gene encodes the lymphoid tyrosine phosphatase (LYP) protein. Alternative splicing of this gene results in two transcript variants encoding distinct isoforms of the protein. A single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the PTPN22 gene, an 1858C→T transition, results in an arg620to-trp (R620W) substitution in the LYP protein [70]. The minor T allele was found to be associated with DM1 [70], AITD [71] and other autoimmune diseases. This is involved
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
in altered T lymphocyte activation. In Asian patients, a novel SNP in the promoter region of the PTPN22 gene, G1123C, has been recently identified and associated with DM1 and AITD [72]. Therefore, the promoter SNP is a further possible causative variant for autoimmunity. Additional candidate polymorphisms may also be causative [73].
Pathophysiology of Mutation APS1 The AIRE gene is expressed in tissues which are involved in the maturation of the immune system such as thymus, lymph nodes and fetal liver. It is mainly expressed in epithelial antigen-presenting cells in the thymus where it is possibly involved in the central induction of self-tolerance. Thus, the AIRE gene is an important mediator of central tolerance. AIRE may regulate negative selection of organspecific T cells [74]. The AIRE gene encodes a 545-amino acid protein of 57.5 kDA which comprises several domains which may be involved in nuclear transport, DNA binding, homomultimerization and transcriptional activity [75]. It shows several motifs indicative of a transcription factor. It includes two zinc fingers. It up-regulates the transcription of certain organ-specific self-antigens in medullary thymic epithelial cells. Also, it plays a role in the negative selection of organ-specific thymocytes. At least three splice variant mRNAs products have been described [76] including one which results in a premature stop codon in the AIRE protein and a transcript predicted to be a candidate for nuclearmediated decay (NMD). The mutated AIRE gene results in defective AIRE proteins which cause autoimmune destruction of target organs by disturbing the immunological tolerance of the patients [75]. Many AIRE mutations alter the nucleus-cytoplasm distribution of AIRE, thereby disturbing its association with nuclear dots and cytoplasmatic filaments [75]. The R257X mutation results in a stop codon instead of CGA (coding for arginine), and therefore, leads to a truncated regulator protein. Because APS1 patients homozygous for R257X display a considerable phenotypic disease variation, further genetic or environmental factors may determine the manifestation of the syndrome. APS2/3 The gene products of the HLA class II genes are involved in immune reactions. The different HLA class II alleles are characterized by different affinities for peptides. As a consequence, some autoantigenic peptides may be recognized by T lymphocyte receptors, whereas others may not [77]. The CTLA-4 gene encodes a negative regulator of T-cell activation which is expressed on the surface of activated T lymphocytes. It is involved in the interaction between T lymphocytes and antigen presenting cells (APCs) [78]. APCs present an antigenic peptide bound to an HLA class II protein to the T lymphocyte receptor on the cell surface.
In this way, APCs activate T lymphocytes. For T lymphocyte activation, a co-stimulatory signal which is given by APCs or other cells is necessary. Co-stimulatory signals on the surface of APCs interact with receptors (e.g. CTLA-4) on the surface of CD4 T lymphocytes during antigen presentation [78]. CTLA-4 down-regulates T lymphocyte activation [79]. CTLA-4 polymorphisms are associated with several autoimmune disorders, particularly with AITD but also with Addison’s disease. In contrast, findings are inconsistent with respect to the association of CTLA-4 and DM1 suggesting only a weak effect [50, 66, 81–83]. A 3UTR (AT)n microsatellite polymorphism with longer and shorter repeats of AT may be related to autoimmunity. The longer repeats are associated with decreased inhibitory function of CTLA-4 [67]. Longer repeats were correlated with a shorter half life of the CTLA-4 mRNA than shorter repeats [68]. The CTLA-4 AT repeat affects the inhibitory function of CTLA-4 in that the long AT repeat allele is associated with a reduced control of T cell proliferation in patients with Graves’ disease [67]. The PTPN22 gene encodes the lymphoid tyrosine phosphatase (LYP) which is expressed primarily in lymphoid tissues. It is expressed in both immature and mature B and T lymphocytes. This enzyme associates with the molecular adapter protein CBL and may be involved in regulating CBL function in the T-cell receptor signaling pathway. LYP inhibits the T lymphocyte antigen receptor signaling pathway [84]. It binds to the protein kinase (Csk), thereby limiting the response to antigens [85]. A mutation in PTPN22 causing a tryptophan for arginine substitution in the LYP protein (R620W) has been reported to be associated with autoimmune disorders including DM1, AITD and vitiligo [80, 85–87]. In contrast, Addison’s disease is not associated with PTPN22 [87]. With respect to AITD, the PTPN22 variant is associated with Graves’ disease as well as with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis [53, 71, 88]. The association with Graves’ disease seems to be stronger than with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.
Diagnosis, genetic testing and interpretation Genetic testing may identify patients with APS1, but not those with APS2/3. For APS2/3, only susceptibility genes which increase the risk for developing autoimmune diseases might be identified, but must not be causative for the disease. Therefore, the following narrative applies to genetic testing for APS1. APS1 Clinical diagnosis of APS1 is based on the presence of at least two of the three primary component diseases and is often delayed until severe complications associated with an endocrinopathy have developed. The diagnosis can
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be confirmed early by genetic testing. Genetic testing for APS1-associated sequence variants in the AIRE gene can provide the diagnosis of APS1 when only one of the characteristic component diseases has manifested. Also, in a child without clinical manifestations, a predisposition for APS1 before any symptoms appear may be detected.
Laboratories Available for Genetic Testing APS1 Clinical laboratories available for genetic testing for identifying mutations in the AIRE gene related to APS1 are summarized in Table 24.1. Different tests are provided by these laboratories: Sequence analysis of the entire coding region of the AIRE gene provides the order and nature of the nucleotide bases in the AIRE gene. Thus, pathogenic sequences reported in the literature as well as DNA sequence alteration predicted to be pathogenic but not reported in the literature may be identified. Mutation scanning of the entire coding region is applied when sequence analysis would be excessively timeconsuming due to the size of a given gene. It identifies variant gene regions. This method is often applied when mutations are distributed throughout a gene and when families display different mutations.
Which Tests are Best to Order in Whom Serological and Functional Testing Serological tests include autoantibodies against 17 and 21 hydroxylase, and autoantibodies against calcium sensing receptor for early testing of autoimmune induced hypogonadism, adrenal failure and hypoparathyroidism. Definitive diagnosis of glandular failure is obtained by measurement of gonadotropins, male (testosterone) or female (estradiol) hormones, baseline cortisol, parathormone and finally the serum electrolyte.
Table 24.1 Clinical laboratories available for genetic testing of the AIRE gene causing APS1
Address of laboratory Europe Amplexa Genetics Odense, Denmark HUSLAB Laboratory of Molecular Genetics Helsinki, Finland path1;28;824;2049;2265;2264;3663;4582 Oxford Medical Genetics Laboratories Oxford, United Kingdom email:
[email protected]
Sequence analysis of entire AIRE coding region
Targeted mutation analysis
Prenatal diagnosis
DNA carrier testing
Israel Wolfson Medical Center Molecular Genetics Laboratory Holon, Israel email:
[email protected] USA Athena Diagnostics Inc Reference Lab Worcester, MA Baylor College of Medicine Medical Genetics Laboratories Houston, TX Correlagen Diagnostics, Inc. Waltham, MA GeneDx, Inc Gaithersburg, MD
Mutation scanning of entire AIRE coding region
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
Targeted mutation analysis (allele-specific mutation analysis) means testing for the presence of common AIRE mutations found in most, or a high proportion of, individuals with APS1. Carrier testing is based on simple blood tests. It allows detection of recessive AIRE mutations. Often, abnormal recessive AIRE genes are passed from generation to generation without causing any problems. Normally, subjects who are carriers of recessive genes are not ill, but under some circumstances, they could have a child with APS1. This may be the case if both parents have the same negative AIRE recessive gene. Some parents desire this kind of information to assist their planning for children.
Most laboratories perform sequence analysis of the entire AIRE gene (Oxford UK, Worcester MA, Houston TX, Waltham MA, Gaithersburg MD; Table 24.1). For example, the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, TX, fully sequences the AIRE gene in both directions. All 14 exons of the AIRE gene are amplified by a PCR-based assay. The clinical sensitivity is approximately 80% and the analytical sensitivity over 98%. Also, an analysis of at-risk family members for identified mutations can be performed here. Correlagen Diagnostics Inc. in Waltham (MA) analyzes 59 pathogenic variants (known, possibly and probably pathogenic variants) in the AIRE gene. Indications for testing are chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis, two or more autoimmune manifestations of APS1 and a family history of APS1 or chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis. The Amplexa Genetics laboratory in Odense, Denmark, performs mutation scanning of the AIRE gene. It scans the AIRE coding region for mutations. Targeted mutation analysis is performed in Helsinki (Finland) and Holon (Israel). Carrier testing is done in Helsinki (Finland), Oxford (UK), Holon (Israel), Houston (TX), Waltham (MA) and Gaithersburg (MD).
Prenatal Testing APS1 Prenatal testing for mutations in the AIRE gene related to APS1 is carried out in laboratories in Oxford (UK), Holon (Israel), Houston (TX) and Gaithersburg (MD). These laboratories are listed in Table 24.1. The Medical Genetics Laboratories at Baylor College of Medicine (Houston, TX) perform prenatal diagnosis with respect to known mutations in the AIRE gene.
Lists of Consultants and Resources Consultants Prof. Yaron Tomer, Mount Sinai Hospital, NYC, NY USA Prof. George S. Eisenbarth, Denver, Colorado, USA
APS1 Resources National Adrenal Diseases Foundation (NADF) 505 Northern Boulevard, Great Neck NY 11021 Phone: 516-487-4992, Email:
[email protected], Web: National Foundation for Ectodermal Dysplasias (NFED) 410 East Main PO Box 114, Mascoutah IL 62258-0114 Phone: 618-566-2020, Fax: 618-566-4718, Web: http://
Predictive Value of Test APS1 Genetic testing for mutations in the AIRE gene associated with APS1 should be done when there is a highly likely presumption of APS1. Genetic testing may identify APS1 and permits fast and accurate diagnosis of APS1 after only one of the primary component diseases of APS1 has developed. It may inform patients and physicians of the risk of developing other manifestations of APS1 and will support genetic counseling. Also, mutational analysis of the AIRE gene may help to identify patients with atypical phenotypes resembling APS1. Early diagnosis of APS1 by genetic testing may facilitate an early intervention because new autoimmunities may develop. Also, it may help to prevent severe complications.
Significance of Negative Test APS1 In some laboratories, patients can only be tested for known mutations in the AIRE gene. Therefore, a negative test may not exclude APS1. Also, it has been shown that an AIRE mutation may occur de novo [29]. Further, pathogenic mutations may also occur in the promotor and intronic regions of the AIRE gene, but some genetic tests are restricted to the coding region of the AIRE gene. In the AIRE promotor region, methylation patterns and regulatory elements have been detected indicating that the expression of the AIRE gene may be modulated through modifications in chromatin methylation and acetylation [89]. This will not be detected by actual genetic testing.
Should Family Members be Tested? APS1 For family members of APS1 patients, the possibility of genetic diagnosis seems of importance because it avoids unnecessary follow-up of family members, if AIRE mutations are not present. Genetic testing for mutations in the AIRE gene can identify APS1-associated mutations in relatives of APS1 patients before any symptoms develop allowing early intervention and helping to prevent potentially
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fatal complications from untreated endocrine insufficiencies. Children below the age of 10 years with monoglandular autoimmune disease, e.g. autoimmune primary hypogonadism, autoimmune adrenal disease, or autoimmune hypoparathyroidism, should be tested for AIRE mutation. In the case of a positive mutation of the AIRE gene, the risk for developing polyglandular failure is extremely high. This also should be discussed during genetic counseling of the families.
Treatment How does the Genetic Information Affect Treatment, if at All? APS1 The treatment of APS1 is based on treatment of the component diseases. It is directed at replacing the various hormones that are in short supply, treating the yeast infections, etc. Immunosuppressive therapy may be indicated in severe cases of APS1. However, there is no known cure for APS1. The prognosis depends on whether the infections can be successfully controlled, and whether the critical hormone deficiencies are remedied. APS2/3 Each of the component disorders is characterized by several stages beginning with active autoimmunity and followed by metabolic abnormalities with overt disease. Circulating organ-specific autoantibodies are observed in the various component diseases of APS2/3. The presence of such antibodies may precede clinical disease by many years. Therefore, such antibodies may be predictive for the development of future autoimmune polyglandular diseases and relatives of affected patients should be regularly screened. Several endocrine component disorders can be adequately treated with hormonal replacement therapy if the disease is recognized early. Regular follow-up of patients with mono glandular autoimmune disease, most specially those with Addison’s disease, DM1, and to a lesser degree Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is warranted, since a second autoimmune glandular disease may occur between one and twenty years after the manifestation of the first glandular failure. Furthermore, serological screening of the first-degree relatives of patients with APS2/3 is recommended due to the high prevalence of various autoantibodies in these kindreds. Presence of organ autoantibodies in these relatives should be followed by functional diagnosis of an eventual glandular dysfunction.
Genetic Counseling APS1 Genetic counseling is recommended for families and kindreds of patients with APS1 since we are dealing with a
monogenetic disease. Counseling should be done before performing genetic testing of the AIRE gene. APS2/3 For the adult APS type encompassing APS2 and APS3, genetic counseling is optional in the adult type of the syndrome, as several genes as well as environmental factors may be involved in the pathogenesis, contributing to the loss of immune self-tolerance. Based on a genetic predisposition, external factors such as pathogens (viral or bacterial infections [90]) and psychosocial factors might induce autoimmune reactions. Counseling of the adult type should emphasize the rationale for a regular follow-up of the kindreds and first-degree relatives of these patients.
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C hap ter
Genetic Diagnosis of Growth Failure Ron G. Rosenfeld1 AND Vivian Hwa2 1
Professor and chair (Emeritus) of Pediatrics, and of Cell and Developmental Biology, Oregon Health and Sciences University, Oregon, USA 2 Research Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Oregon Health and Science University, Lucile Packard Foundation, Palo Alto, CA 94301, USA
of other typical signs or symptoms. Similarly, when short stature is associated with dysmorphic features and/or intrauterine growth failure, the possibility of a chromosomal defect should be excluded. Any evidence of disproportionate short stature raises the question of an inborn skeletal dysplasia. In the 2006 revision of the International Nosology and Classification of Genetic Skeletal Disorders, 372 conditions, divided among 37 groups, were defined by molecular, biochemical and/or radiographic criteria [3] ( html?ISDSStatutesGuidelines.html). Some of these con ditions result in drastic growth failure, and, frequently, early mortality. Others can be relatively subtle and may not be evident without careful ascertainment of skeletal proportions, as well as radiologic evaluation of the long bones, spine, extremities and skull. While specific mutations have now been identified for many of these conditions, and diagnostic tests are increasingly available, a discussion of skeletal dysplasias is beyond the scope of this chapter. An International Skeletal Dysplasia Registry has been created, and the reader is directed to an excellent review by Rimoin and colleagues [4] and to the website, skeletaldysplasia. Disturbances in each of two hormonal systems may result in profound growth failure. Chronic hypothyroidism, either primary or secondary, may lead to severe stunting of growth and all children with significant growth failure should have their thyroid status evaluated. Growth hormone (GH) deficiency, on either a hypothalamic or pituitary basis, can also result in dramatic postnatal growth failure, and is the subject of Chapter 7 (States of Pituitary Hypofunction). This chapter focuses on genetic defects of the GHinsulin-like growth factor (IGF) axis, distal to the production of bioactive GH. As such, it encompasses defects of the GH receptor (GHR), the GH signaling cascade, the
Background, Incidence, Prevalence For starters, short stature is not a disease, nor, for that matter, is growth failure. However, one chooses to classify short stature, it is, ultimately, a statistical definition, based (probably fallaciously) on the assumption that stature follows a perfect Gaussian distribution. Accordingly, 3% of children (or adults) fall below the 3rd percentile of stature, and approximately 1.2% fall below 2.25 standard deviations, the FDA-approved definition of “idiopathic short stature” [1, 2]. It is stated above that stature is not likely to follow a perfect bell-shaped curve, because it is clear that there are many more pathological conditions that result in growth failure than in overgrowth. Many chronic diseases of childhood (e.g. chronic renal failure, inflammatory bowel disease, cystic fibrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, immunodeficiency states, chronic infection, etc.) are characterized by growth failure. The alert clinician recognizes that short stature may be an important symptom of underlying diseases outside of the endocrine system and, when appropriate, short patients should be evaluated for such conditions. Additionally, many chromosomal disorders are characterized by short stature, as commonly observed in Turner syndrome (45,X or various abnormalities of the short arm of the X chromosome) and trisomies 21, 13 and 15. To such conditions, one may add a wide range of chromosomal deletions, inversions or translocations. These pathologic states are characterized, generally, by distinct dysmorphic features, which will help steer the clinician in the direction of a chromosomal anomaly, but short stature may, at times, be the presenting sign. A good general rule, consequently, is that any female with unexplained short stature warrants a karyotype to rule out Turner syndrome, even in the absence Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
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Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
genes for IGF-I and IGF-II, the IGF binding proteins, the IGF-I receptor (IGF1R) and the structurally related insulin receptor (IR), and signaling defects of either (or both) the IGF1R and the IR [5, 6]. The combination of targeted animal gene knock-out studies and human mutational analysis has unequivocally demonstrated the critical and major roles that the IGF system plays in mammalian growth. In murine models, approximately two-thirds of total prenatal and postnatal growth is IGF-dependent and the preponderance of the growth-promoting actions of GH is attributable to its stimulation of IGF-I gene transcription. In light of the central role of IGF-I in mammalian postnatal growth, and by analogy with other pituitary-based endocrine systems, it is logical to divide IGF deficiency (IGFD) into secondary and primary forms: “Secondary IGFD” encompasses IGF deficiency resulting from a failure of production or secretion of bioactive GH on either a hypothalamic or pituitary basis (see Chapter 7); “Primary IGFD” encompasses IGF deficiency, existing in the presence of normal or elevated GH production or serum concentrations (see Table 25.1). The prevalence of primary IGFD is difficult to assess; as is often the case, ascertainment bias, a significant factor in dealing with the phenotype of short stature, enters into the picture. To date, the total number of reported cases of the conditions listed in Table 25.1 is approximately 300–400, with the majority reflecting genetic abnormalities of GHR. It is apparent, however, that such cases are likely to represent the tip of the iceberg. It has been estimated, for example, that 25–40% of children with short stature (defined as heights less than 2.25 SD for age) have serum concentrations of IGF-I below 2 SD. The molecular basis for these observations is unclear at this time, although it is the subject of active investigation. Homozygous disruption of IGF1R in mice resulted in severe intrauterine growth failure and early demise. To date, one patient has been identified with compound heterozygous mutations of IGF1R and several heterozygous Table 25.1 Molecular defects resulting in primary IGF deficiency 1. Mutations or deletions of GHR resulting in defective binding of GH 2. Mutations or deletions of GHR resulting in defective receptor dimerization 3. Mutations or deletions of GHR resulting in defective receptor anchoring in the cell membrane 4. Mutations or deletions of GHR resulting in defective signal transduction 5. Mutations in Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription (STAT)5b resulting in defective GH signaling 6. Mutations of Acid Labile Subunit (ALS) resulting in rapid IGF clearance 7. Deletions of IGF-I 8. Mutations of IGF-I resulting in bioinactive IGF-I
patients have also been reported. While such patients should not be described as IGF deficient, their growth failure further confirms the critical role of the IGF axis in prenatal and postnatal growth failure. The IGFD Research Center, established in 2006 and located in Portland, Oregon, has served as a worldwide referral center for patients with unexplained growth failure and potential molecular defects resulting in primary IGFD or IGF resistance. The Center has received approximately 100 cases annually, from over 25 different countries, and has identified novel molecular defects at all levels of the GH-IGF axis described in the sections below. Plans are in place for the development of coordinated international registries and websites for these molecular defects by 2009. For further information, please contact the authors.
Clinical Presentation Short stature is the defining characteristic, naturally, but defining short stature can be challenging. When growth failure commences in utero, intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) occurs, resulting in newborns who are small for gestational age (SGA). Intrauterine growth failure must be differentiated from postnatal growth failure, as the two conditions may or may not accompany one another. As in the case of GH deficiency, GH insensitivity, either at the level of the GHR [7] or the post-receptor GH signaling cascade [8], is characterized, typically, by relatively normal intrauterine growth, but severe postnatal growth failure, commencing within the first few months of life. Mutations or deletions of the IGF-I gene [9], or mutations affecting IGF1R [10], on the other hand, combine intrauterine growth retardation with poor postnatal growth. Thus, while GH does not appear to be essential for intrauterine growth, IGF-I, itself, is critically involved in both prenatal and postnatal growth. Presumably, IGF-I production in utero is largely GH-independent, but switches to profound GH-dependence sometime near birth. Defects of IGF-I are also characterized by microcephaly, developmental delay and, in some cases, sensori-neural deafness. In addition to postnatal growth failure, patients with GHR defects have infantile facies, cephalo-facial disproportion, truncal adiposity, bluish sclerae and delayed dentition and skeletal maturation, much as is commonly observed in GH deficient children. A tendency to fasting hypoglycemia is observed in patients with either GHD or GHI, presumably reflecting the loss of counter-regulatory actions of GH in glucose metabolism. Table 25.2 displays characteristic biochemical findings of patients with defects of the GH–IGF axis. The combination of clinical phenotype and biochemical findings generally can help direct the clinician towards the most appropriate molecular diagnoses to consider.
C h a p t e r 2 5 Genetic Diagnosis of Growth Failure l
Table 25.2 Biochemical characteristics
Clinical and biochemical characteristics of various molecular causes of primary IGFD. GHRec, mutations/ deletions affecting the extracellular domain of the GHR; GHRtm, transmembrane domain of GHR; GHRic, intracellular domain of the GHR, IGFdel, IGF gene deletion; IGFbi, bioinactive IGF-I; HT, height; SGA, small for gestational age (birth size); imm, immunological defects.
Genetic pathophysiology Known Mutations and Specific Mutations Mutations/Deletions of GHR Abnormalities of the GHR constitute both the earliest and the most prevalent identified molecular defects resulting in primary IGFD. Although the original genetic abnormalities reported were large deletions of GHR, involving exons 3, 5 and 6 (we now know that exon 3 may be spliced out in approximately one-third of the normal population), the majority of gene abnormalities have turned out to be point mutations (Fig. 25.1) [11]. The reported deletions of exons 5 and 6 lead to a frameshift, with a consequent premature translational stop signal in exon 7 and a resultant aberrant protein lacking both the transmembrane and intracellular domains. At least 70 mutations of GHR have been identified to date, including missense, nonsense, frameshift and splicing defects (Fig. 25.1, as well as Fig. 25.2A, which shows homozygous and compound heterozygous mutations of GHR identified in the IGFD Research Center). Approximately 90% of these involve the extracellular, GH-binding domain of the GHR and almost all of these are characterized by reduced serum concentrations of GH binding protein (GHBP). Of, perhaps, greater interest are the rarer cases of abnormalities involving the transmembrane or intracellular domains of the GHR, as these patients have normal or, even, elevated serum concentrations of GHBP and may not, consequently, be initially identified as having GHR abnormalities. Two splice-site mutations in exon 9 have been reported to behave in a dominant negative
manner. This has been attributed to the production of truncated GHR molecules (GHR 1-277), lacking most of the intracellular domain, but retaining extracellular and transmembrane domains, allowing them to dimerize with normal GHR molecules and, thereby, perturb GH signaling. Three deletions in exon 10 have been identified: 309delC results in GHR 1-330; a 22 bp deletion results in GHR 1-449; and 1776delG leads to a GHR molecule with the first 560 amino acids, followed by a nonsense sequence from 560 to 581. A number of polymorphisms and potential heterozygous missense mutations of the intracellular domain have been identified, but their functional significance remains uncertain at this time. Indeed, the issue of clinical significance of heterozygous mutations of GHR remains a matter of debate. While it appears that some mutations are capable of behaving in a dominant negative manner (see above), heterozygosity for most missense mutations does not appear to be associated with a clinical phenotype of growth failure. Reports describing heterozygous mutations of GHR in short children often lack adequate functional studies of the mutations to convincingly prove clinically meaningful resistance to GH action [12]. On the other hand, there are several reports where the combination of modest growth failure and in vitro studies consistent with GHR dysfunction has supported an effect of heterozygosity on growth [13]. At this point, it seems fair to say that such reports should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, and that genotype–phenotype data on family members, as well as functional studies, are necessary to support any claim of heterozygous effect. Figure 25.2B shows a number of heterozygous mutations of GHR identified at the IGFD Research Center.
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
Signal peptide (18aa)
Extracellular domain (246 aa)
Amino acid -18
Transmembrane domain (24 aa)
8 245
Intracellular domain (350 aa)
9 275
10 298
Mutation type C38S S40L E42K W50R R71K
Missense M-18L
Nonsense W-15X W16X C38X
R43X Q65X
P131Q V144D D152H D152G I153T Q154P V155G R161C Y178S
Y208C R211G S226I D244N
W80X C83X
L141X W157X E183X
R217X E224X
36delC 46delT T 67delT T G/A 266+1 G/A71+1
Y86D F96S V125A
G/A 70+1
230delT 230delT T
309del C (GHR 1- 330)
1776delG (GHR 1-581)
G/C 440-1 G/T 619 -1 G/T785-1 G/C 876-1 G/C 130-1 G223G R274T G/A 946+1 E180S G236S IVS6 pseudoexon activation
Partial exon 5 Complete exon 5 Exon 5 and 6 deletion
22bp exon 10 (GHR 1-449)
13bp exon 9 (nt910-933)
FIGURE 25.1 Structure of GHR and mutations and deletions reported. GHR contains nine coding exons, which code for the signal peptide, the extracellular, GH-binding domain, transmembrane domain and the intracellular domain of the GHR protein. This figure includes mutations reported through 2007. Missense and nonsense mutations are numbered by position of amino acid change, frameshift mutations by the position of the nucleotide change [11]. See plate section.
Signal 2 3
Extracellular 4
TM Intracellular 6
10 Extracellular
Signal C94S
2 3 6ψ
TM Intracellular 7
E180X E180sp
FIGURE 25.2 Mutations identified in GHR at the IGF Deficiency Research Center, Portland, Oregon. (A) Homozygous and compound heterozygous mutations. Exons are colored, to correlate to the protein domains they encode: blue, signal peptide (18 amino acid residues); green, extracellular domain (246 amino acid residues); red, transmembrane domain (24 amino acid residues); yellow, intracellular domain (350 amino acid residues). Mutations (missense, nonsense, frameshift, splice, deletion) are as indicated. The GHR protein domains are indicated above the schematic of the GHR gene, TM, transmembrane domain. Mutations listed in like colors and encircled or boxed, indicate compound heterozygous mutations; all others are homozygous mutations. Splicing mutations (mRNA nucleotide numbering) are in italics; 6ψ, a single nucleotide change in intron 6 that results in an aberrant splicing event with subsequent in-frame insertion of 108 nucleotides (36 amino acid residues) [25]. (B) Heterozygous mutations identified at the IGFD Research Center, Portland, Oregon. See plate section.
C h a p t e r 2 5 Genetic Diagnosis of Growth Failure l
Mutations of STAT5b Patients with homozygous mutations of STAT5b were identified through their clinical and biochemical resemblance to patients with GH insensitivity resulting from GHR abnormalities [8, 14]. Clinically, they have normal or near-normal size at birth, but early in life manifest dramatic growth failure, with reported heights between 5.6 and 9.9 SD. When treated with GH, no growth response has been observed and serum IGF-I concentrations fail to rise. All cases identified to date have had evidence of immune compromise, with histories of chronic infections (especially pulmonary) in most, but also with unexplained arthritis; presumably, this reflects
the use of the JAK-STAT signaling pathway by multiple cytokines. As in cases of GHR mutations, serum concentrations of IGF-I, IGFBP-3 and ALS are markedly low, despite normal-elevated serum GH concentrations. GHBP concentrations, however, are normal, as is sequencing of GHR. Six different mutations have been identified in the seven reported patients (one mutation is shared by siblings from Kuwait) (Fig. 25.3A). One mutation is in the CCD domain of STAT5b, two are in the DBD domain, one is in the L domain and two are in the SH2 domain. At this point, clinical and molecular experience is too limited to permit meaningful genotype–phenotype correlations.
Figure 25.3 Mutations identified downstream of GHR. Exons encoding for specific protein domains are as indicated. (A) Mutations of STAT5b. All mutations are homozygous, and include missense (A630P, F646S), nonsense (R152X) and frameshifts due to nucleotide deletion (1680delG) or insertion (1191insG, 1103insC). ND, N-terminal domain; CCD, coiled-coiled domain; DBD, DNA binding domain; L, linker; SH2, src-homology 2 domain; TAD, transactivating domain. (B) Mutations of IGF1. The IGF-I gene is comprised of 6 exons and 5 introns, spanning 100 kb of chromosomal DNA. The presence of two functional promoters and alternative splicing events, results in multiple mRNA variants encoding different signal peptides (exon 1 or 2), E domain variants that are post-translationally removed (exon 5 or 6), and 3 untranslated region (exon 5 or 6). The mature IGF-I protein, encompassing domains designated B, C, A and D, is encoded by part of exon 3 and exon 4. Mutations identified to date are indicated. (C) IGFALS gene consists of only 2 exons, spanning 3.3 kb of chromosomal DNA, with the mature protein encoded solely by exon 2. The protein domains include 20 LRR and a cysteine-rich region. Both homozygous (in black) and compound heterozygous (like colors, encircled) mutations have been identified. (D) A cartoon depiction of the 2 ß2 IGFIR structure with protein domains (right strand) and corresponding exons (left strand), as indicated. The signal peptide (not shown) is encoded by exon 1. All mutations identified to date are heterozygous, and only one compound heterozygous mutation (R108Q/K115N) has been reported. Mutations indicated in purple are unpublished (Hwa and Rosenfeld). L1, L2, leucine-rich domains; CR, cysteine-rich, furin-like, domain; FN1,2,3, fibronectin type III; TM, transmembrane domain; TK, tyrosine kinase catalytic domain; CT, carboxy-terminal tail.
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
Mutations/Deletions of IGF-I To date, only three convincing homozygous mutations of IGF-I have been reported (Fig. 25.3B). All three cases are characterized by the combination of prenatal and postnatal growth failure, microcephaly and developmental delay; two of the three cases also have sensorineural deafness. Woods and colleagues [15] reported a 15-year-old male with a homozygous deletion of exons 4 and 5 of IGF-I, resulting in a mature IGF-I peptide truncated from 70 to 25 amino acids, followed by an additional nonsense sequence of eight residues. Walenkamp et al. [16] identified a 55-year-old male homozygous for a V44M mutation of IGF-I. The resulting protein had a 90-fold lower affinity for the IGF-I receptor. Nine of 24 relatives studied were heterozygous for this mutation and were found to have lower birth weights, adult heights and head circumferences than family members who were noncarriers, although only one heterozygote had an adult height below 2 SD. More recently, a child with IUGR, postnatal growth failure and microcephaly was shown to be homozygous for a R36Q mutation, resulting in a 2–3-fold lower affinity for the IGF-I receptor [17]. Mutations of IGFALS ALS (acid-labile subunit) is an 85 kDa protein that, together with IGFBP-3 (and to a lesser extent, IGFBP-5), forms a ternary complex with a molecule of IGF-I or IGF-II for transport in serum. This complex acts to greatly extend the half-life of IGF molecules in the circulation and modulates IGF bioavailability by serving as a reservoir for IGF in serum. ALS belongs to the leucine-rich repeat (LRR) superfamily of proteins; the LRR domain in human ALS encompasses 75% of the protein and includes 20 LRRs, which form a donut-shaped, closed structure. To date, 15 cases, involving 10 families, have been reported of homozygous or compound heterozygous mutations of ALS (Fig. 25.3C) [18–20]. Growth impairment has been, in general, much milder than in other molecular causes of IGFD, with most heights in the 2 to 3 SD range, but with some affected individuals with heights within the normal range. Some short children with ALS mutations have exhibited delayed puberty, with attainment of normal adult stature, despite short stature in childhood. The natural history of ALS mutations is difficult to determine, however, as ascertainment bias is clearly evident, since serum IGF-I (and ALS) concentrations are rarely measured in individuals of normal stature. Patients have been identified, typically, when evaluation of growth failure has demonstrated low serum concentrations of IGF-I and IGFBP-3, despite normal GH levels. Upon administration of GH, serum levels of neither IGF-I nor IGFBP-3 rise significantly. Serum ALS levels, either by assay or by immunoblot analysis, are markedly reduced. While it is presumed that serum concentrations of free
IGF-I are relatively normal in a situation of reduced serum IGFBP-3 and ALS (hence, the near normal growth), assays for free IGF-I are not sufficiently reliable to confirm this hypothesis. Most of the mutations reported to date involve the portion of ALS that encodes the LRR section of the protein. No genotype–phenotype correlations have been identified, so far, probably reflecting the straightforward physiological implications of greatly reduced or nonfunctional ALS concentrations in serum. Mutations of IGF1R Knockout of both IGF1R genes in the mouse resulted in dramatic intrauterine growth retardation and, typically, early death from respiratory failure. To date, no homozygous mutations of IGF1R have been reported in humans. Abuzzahab et al. [10] described a child with compound heterozygous mutations of IGF1R, who presented with moderate IUGR and postnatal growth failure. All of the other cases described are heterozygotes (Fig. 25.3D). As described with mutations of GHR, rigorous confirmation of the significance of heterozygous mutations of IGF1R requires functional in vitro studies and, where, possible, genotype–phenotype correlations in family members. Of particular interest are the three reported mutations affecting the tyrosine kinase domain of the IGF1R: missense mutations E1050K and G1125A, and 3346-3364dup, which results in a frameshift with premature protein termination [21]. The clinical presentation, in general, involves a combination of prenatal and postnatal growth failure, although, almost certainly, this reflects ascertainment bias issues. Serum concentrations of IGF-I are normal or high. Data are inadequate at this time to address issues concerning intellectual development, glucose intolerance, osteoporosis and other features which might reflect resistance to IGF-I action.
Diagnosis: genetic testing and interpretation Testing for molecular defects of the GH–IGF axis is not commercially available at the current time. There are a number of academic laboratories that perform DNA sequencing studies and molecular analysis of the GH gene, as well as pituitary transcription factors (see Chapter 7). Similarly, molecular analysis of the GHR, JAK-STAT, IGFI, IGFALS and IGF1R genes is not commercially available. These investigations are available, on a caseby-case basis, at the IGF Deficiency Research Center at Oregon Health and Science University in Portland, Oregon. Interested parties should contact the authors by letter, telephone or email.
C h a p t e r 2 5 Genetic Diagnosis of Growth Failure l
Which Tests are Best to Order in Whom The defining characteristics of primary IGFD are growth failure, low serum IGF-I and a normal or elevated serum GH concentration. In the case of defects at the level of the IGF1R, however, serum concentrations of IGF-I may be normal or even elevated, consistent with presumptive IGF resistance. Each of the molecular causes of IGFD or IGF resistance has a characteristic clinical and biochemical phenotype (Table 25.2). Often the clinical presentation and family history, combined with serum studies, can dictate the priority and hierarchy of molecular tests to be performed. The absence of intrauterine growth failure in a child with postnatal growth retardation suggests a defect at the level of GHR, STAT5b, or, possibly, IGFALS. The combination of prenatal and postnatal growth failure, on the other hand, suggests that the defect might be at the level of IGFI or IGF1R. Measurement of serum concentrations of GHBP is of value, as low levels are highly suggestive of a molecular defect impacting the extracellular, GH-binding domain of the GHR. The presence of normal (or even increased) serum concentrations of GHBP does not, however, exclude the possibility of a mutation or deletion of GHR. Normal serum concentrations of IGFBP-3, despite very low serum IGF-I, suggests the possibility of a defect of IGF1. Extremely low serum concentrations of IGFBP-3, on the other hand, are consistent with a defect of IGFALS, especially if the growth failure is modest. An IGF generation test is often of value in cases of primary IGFD [22, 23] In such tests, GH is administered daily for 4–7 days, and serum concentrations of IGF-I and IGFBP-3 measured before and after GH. Failure of serum IGF-I and IGFBP-3 to rise supports a diagnosis of GH resistance, and is consistent with molecular defects at the level of GHR, STAT5b, IGFI and IGFALS.
Predictive Value of Test DNA sequencing of candidate genes should be relatively definitive. As discussed, however, results should be evaluated, ideally, within the context of family history and in vitro functional studies.
Significance of Negative Test The GH–IGF axis involves a complex cascade of molecular and biochemical events, which we are just beginning to understand. While negative tests provide important information, they can only be used to interpret those genes (and those portions of the genes) that are sequenced. If this is limited to the coding exons, important genetic information may be missed and abnormalities overlooked. It is important to note, additionally, that we are limited currently to those candidate genes which have been demonstrated to be relevant to GH–IGF action. There are many components of the GH and IGF signaling cascade that remain poorly understood and are legitimate candidates for harboring functionally significant mutations and/or deletions. Thus, the absence of identifiable mutations of the candidate genes described above cannot rule out the possibility of a molecular abnormality of the GH–IGF axis.
Should Family Members be Tested Ideally, family members should be tested. For starters, identified mutations in the patient of interest can best be understood in the context of genotype–phenotype correlations with other family members. We have begun to appreciate that even within a nuclear family, members harboring the same mutations may have a range of phenotypic expression. Additionally, for many of the autosomal recessive disorders described above, the issue of heterozygous expression remains unsettled and additional data should prove to be invaluable.
Laboratories Available for Testing For further information concerning molecular analysis of patients with IGF deficiency or resistance, please contact the IGF Deficiency Research Center at Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, Oregon: Ron Rosenfeld, M.D. Tel: 650-724-6930 Fax: 650-498-2619 Email:
[email protected]
Prenatal Testing Prenatal testing has not been performed for the specific disorders described in this chapter, but should be feasible. The majority of the disorders described are transmitted in an autosomal recessive manner and should be amenable to prenatal testing, as well as family counseling.
Treatment Based on the Genetic Information, How does that Affect Treatment, if at All? Differentiation between secondary IGFD (i.e. secondary to GHD) and primary IGFD is critical in identifying optimal therapy [24]. For patients with secondary IGFD, the initial treatment of choice is almost always GH, although patients who prove to be poorly responsive to GH warrant reevaluation and consideration of alternative therapeutic approaches. For patients with primary IGFD, the relative benefits and likelihood of success of GH vs. IGF-I therapy need to be considered. In situations of severe primary IGFD, especially with documented molecular abnormalities of GHR, STAT5b or IGFI, IGF-I therapy would be the
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
treatment of choice. In cases of mutations of IGFALS, we have inadequate data at this time to determine whether either GH or IGF-I therapy is likely to be of benefit.
Genetic Counseling Genetic counseling should be made available to patients and families with identified molecular defects of the GH–IGF axis. As stated above, most of the conditions identified to date are transmitted in an autosomal recessive manner, but heterozygous expression and dominant negative mutations have also been observed for some of these genetic defects.
References 1. R.G. Rosenfeld, P. Cohen, Disorders of growth hormone/ insulin-like growth factor secretion and action, in: M.A. Sperling (Ed.), Pediatric Endocrinology, third ed., Saunders, Philadelphia, 2006, pp. 254–334. 2. E.O. Reiter, R.G. Rosenfeld, Normal and aberrant growth, in: P.R. Larsen, H.M. Kronenberg, S. Melmed, K.S. Polonsky (Eds.)‚ Williams Textbook of Endocrinology, eleventh ed., Elsevier, Philadelphia, 2007, pp. 849–968. 3. A. Superti-Furga, S. Unger, Nosology and classification of genetic skeletal disorders: 2006 revision, Am. J. Med. Genet. 143 (2007) 2082–2083. 4. D.L. Rimoin, D. Cohn, D. Krakow, et al., The skeletal dysplasias: clinical–molecular correlations, Ann. N.Y. Acad. 1117 (2007) 302–309. 5. R.G. Rosenfeld, The molecular basis of idiopathic short stature, Growth Horm. IGF Res. 15 (Suppl. A) (2005) S3–S5. 6. R.G. Rosenfeld, Molecular mechanisms of IGF-I deficiency, Horm. Res. 65 (Suppl. 1) (2006) 15–20. 7. R.G. Rosenfeld, A.L. Rosenbloom, J. Guevara-Aguirre, Growth hormone (GH) insensitivity due to primary GH receptor deficiency, Endocr. Rev. 15 (1994) 369–390. 8. R.G. Rosenfeld, A. Belgorosky, C. Camacho-Hubner, et al., Defects in growth hormone receptor signaling, Trends Endocrinol. Metab. 18 (2007) 134–141. 9. M.J. Walenkamp, J.M. Wit, Genetic disorders in the growth hormone – insulin-like growth factor-I axis, Horm. Res. 66 (2006) 221–230. 10. M.J. Abuzzahab, A. Schneider, A. Goddard, et al., N. Engl. J. Med. 349 (2003) 2211–2222. 11. K. Woods, R.G. Rosenfeld, Abnormalities of growth hormone action, in: C. Kelnar, P. Saenger, C. Cowell, M. Savage (Eds.)‚ Growth Disorders, Hodder Arnold, London, 2007, pp. 446–460. 12. A.D. Goddard, R. Covello, S.M. Luoh, et al., Mutations of the growth hormone receptor in children with idiopathic short stature. The Growth Hormone Insensitivity Study Group, N. Engl. J. Med. 333 (1995) 1093–1098.
13. P. Fang, S. Riedl, S. Amselem, et al., Primary growth hormone (GH) insensitivity and insulin-like growth factor deficiency caused by novel compound heterozygous mutations of the GH receptor gene: genetic and functional studies of simple and compound heterozygous states, J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 92 (2007) 2223–2231. 14. E.M. Kofoed, V. Hwa, B. Little, et al., Growth hormone insensitivity associated with a STAT5b mutation, N. Engl. J. Med. 349 (2003) 1139–1147. 15. K.A. Woods, C. Camacho-Hubner, M.O. Savage, et al., Intrauterine growth retardation and postnatal growth failure associated with deletion of the insulin-like growth factor 1 gene, N. Engl. J. Med. 335 (1996) 1363–1367. 16. M.J. Walenkamp, H.J. van der Kamp, A.M. Pereira, et al., A variable degree of intrauterine and postnatal growth retardation in a family with a missense mutation in the insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor, J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 91 (2006) 3062–3070. 17. I. Netchine, S. Azzi, M. Houang, et al., Partial IGF-I deficiency demonstrates the critical role of IGF-I in growth and brain development, Horm. Res. 65 (Suppl. 4) (2006) 29. 18. H.M. Domene, S.V. Bengolea, A.S. Martinez, et al., Deficiency of the circulating insulin-like growth factor system associated with inactivation of the acid-labile subunit gene, N. Engl. J. Med. 350 (2004) 570–577. 19. V. Hwa, G. Haeusler, K.L. Pratt, et al., Total absence of functional acid labile subunit, resulting in severe insulin-like growth factor deficiency and moderate growth failure, J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 91 (2006) 1826–1831. 20. O. Fofanova-Gambetti, V. Hwa, S. Kirsch, et al., Three novel IGFALS gene mutations resulting in total ALS and severe circulating IGF-1/IGFBP-3 deficiency in children of different ethnic origins. Horm. Res. 71 (2009)‚ 100–110 . 21. P. Fang, M.A. Derr, B. Johnson, et al., Familial short stature caused by a dominant-negative mutation of the insulin-like growth factor-I receptor, (2008). Abstract P2-554, p. 535, 90th Annual Meeting of the Endocrine Society. 22. C.K. Buckway, J. Guevara-Aguirre, K.L. Pratt, et al., The IGF-I generation test revisited: a marker of GH sensitivity, J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 86 (2001) S176–S183. 23. K.A. Selva, C.K. Buckway, G. Sexton, et al., Reproducibility in patterns of IGF generation with special reference to idiopathic short stature, Horm. Res. 60 (2003) 237–246. 24. M.O. Savage, C. Camacho-Hubner, A. David, et al., Idiopathic short stature: will genetics influence the choice between GH and IGF-I therapy? Eur. J. Endocrinol. 157 (Suppl. 1) (2007) S33–S37. 25. L.A. Metherell, S.A. Akker, P.B. Munroe, et al., Pseudoexon activation as a novel mechanism for disease resulting in atypical growth hormone insensitivity, Am. J. Hum. Genet. 69 (2001) 641–646.
Signal peptide (18aa)
Amino acid -18
Extracellular domain (246 aa)
3 7
4 29
5 72
Transmembrane domain (24 aa)
6 130
7 189
8 245
Intracellular domain (350 aa)
9 275
10 298
Mutation type Missense M-18L
C38S S40L E42K W50R R71K
Nonsense W-15X W16X C38X
R43X Q65X
G/A 70+1
36delC 46delT T 67delT T G/A 266+1 G/A71+1
Y86D F96S V125A
P131Q V144D D152H D152G I153T Q154P V155G R161C Y178S
Y208C R211G S226I D244N
W80X C83X
L141X W157X E183X
R217X E224X 230delT 230delT T
309del C (GHR 1- 330)
G/C 440-1 G/T 619 -1 G/T785-1 G/C 876-1 G/C 130-1 G223G R274T G/A 946+1 E180S G236S IVS6 pseudoexon activation
Partial exon 5 Complete exon 5 Exon 5 and 6 deletion
13bp exon 9 (nt910-933)
1776delG (GHR 1-581)
22bp exon 10 (GHR 1-449)
FIGURE 25.1 Structure of GHR and mutations and deletions reported. GHR contains nine coding exons, which code for the signal peptide, the extracellular, GH-binding domain, transmembrane domain and the intracellular domain of the GHR protein. This figure includes mutations reported through 2007. Missense and nonsense mutations are numbered by position of amino acid change, frameshift mutations by the position of the nucleotide change [11].
Signal 2
Extracellular 3
TM 6
Intracellular 9
H150Q C422F/P561T
E180X E180sp (A) Signal 2
D152H Extracellular 3
TM Intracellular 7
R368C Y314C
FIGURE 25.2 Mutations identified in GHR at the IGF Deficiency Research Center, Portland, Oregon. (A) Homozygous and compound heterozygous mutations. Exons are colored, to correlate to the protein domains they encode: blue, signal peptide (18 amino acid residues); green, extracellular domain (246 amino acid residues); red, transmembrane domain (24 amino acid residues); yellow, intracellular domain (350 amino acid residues). Mutations (missense, nonsense, frameshift, splice, deletion) are as indicated. The GHR protein domains are indicated above the schematic of the GHR gene, TM, transmembrane domain. Mutations listed in like colors and encircled or boxed, indicate compound heterozygous mutations; all others are homozygous mutations. Splicing mutations (mRNA nucleotide numbering) are in italics; 6ψ, a single nucleotide change in intron 6 that results in an aberrant splicing event with subsequent in-frame insertion of 108 nucleotides (36 amino acid residues) [25]. (B) Heterozygous mutations identified at the IGFD Research Center, Portland, Oregon.
C hap ter
Genetic Counseling Shelly Cummings University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA
[3, 4]. In the past 20 years, efforts have focused on mapping and cloning the genes for over 1000 human genetic disorders. This has led to the development of comprehensive services for prenatal diagnosis, carrier testing and presymptomatic testing of Mendelian disorders such as cystic fibrosis and the muscular dystrophies [5]. Although these discoveries have been important to families affected by these diseases, it has had a limited effect on public health in general. All this could change if knowledge of 2.9 gigabases of the human genome sequence allows us to identify genes that predispose for common diseases such as diabetes, asthma and certain forms of cancer. It may also lead to the identification of genetic variations that influence a person’s response to medications. If even a fraction of the promises of the genome sequence is fulfilled, the next several years will see genetics spreading rapidly beyond the confines of specialty centers to impact on the diagnosis and management of common disorders in the primary care setting. It is essential that all health care professionals be competent in genetics since all diseases are related to an underlying genetic component [6]. Genetic conditions include many of the health, growth or developmental problems seen at birth while others may not be noticed until later in childhood, adolescence or even adulthood. Over 6000 known conditions that affect growth, development and health are due to a change in just one of the 20,000 or so genes that make up the human body. There are over a hundred syndromes known to be due to a chromosomal change. There is a growing number of genetic conditions identified due to an interaction between a genetic susceptibility (predisposition), environmental factors or other influences on the expression of the genes (epigenetics), many of which cause common health problems. Normal processes in the cell control switching the genes on and off by “modifying” the DNA. This epigenetic process does not change the sequence of letters in the genetic code, but stops the information being read by the cell.
The beginning of the twentieth century brought new awareness and scientific information about the chances of an apparently hereditary disorder in families. Observational reports in families such as the Talmudic proscription against circumcising brothers of bleeders occasionally led to the correct interpretation of inheritance patterns. As early as 1866, Brocca reported the dominant pattern of transmission of breast cancer through five generations in his wife’s family [1]. The diagnosis of a condition, no matter what the cause, can be very difficult. The diagnosis of a disease can be even more devastating when it is inherited, since the entire family can be affected. The shock of this diagnosis can elicit a multitude of questions from spouses, partners, extended family members and friends. They may wonder what it is. How did it happen? Where did it start? How many other people have this condition? What causes it? Will it get worse? Is there a cure? Will it cause an early death? Is there testing to see if someone has the condition before they show signs or symptoms? How will it affect my health or my life insurance? Will I lose my job if my employer finds out? Genetic counseling can help individuals and their families understand and adjust to the diagnosis of a hereditary syndrome, make decisions about genetic testing (whether pre-symptomatic, predictive or prenatal), consider reproductive choices and other aspects that might affect their life and future. Genetic counseling can make a difference for families whether it is a one-time visit or multiple sessions over a long period [2].
How common are genetic conditions? The publication of a draft sequence of 90% of the human genome heralds an exciting era in human genetics research
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
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Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
The most obvious difference with inherited diseases versus other conditions is that the diagnosis can have significant implications for the family and not just the individual with the diagnosis. Someone with chronic bronchitis is the only person affected with that condition and the treatment and medical management is handled exclusively between the client and their health care provider. In contrast, if the individual has an inherited disorder, then the whole family, siblings, parents, children, grandparents and more extended relatives become the patient. This expansion of the definition of who is the actual patient complicates the communication process and may present challenges for medical management (e.g. the ideal person for genetic testing in the family is the sister of the client in front of you who is not your patient, but whose results could influence your client’s health care). We also have to take into account the privacy and confidentiality of other at-risk individuals while balancing the duty to inform. Frequently, we solicit the help of the client to begin the discussion of risk assessment and possibly genetic testing with their family members and encourage them to contact a genetic specialist. In many autosomal dominant conditions, testing an affected person first can be more informative before presymptomatic testing can be offered to unaffected relatives. Many families are very proud of their heritage and identify themselves by their ancestry. You will hear members of families say, “I’m Irish Catholic” or “I’m Jewish”. This pride is evident by the millions of people worldwide conducting genealogy research in order to trace their family background. Many websites now offer the promise of “discovering your family history through DNA, and will assist in which DNA test will help discover the client’s paternal or maternal lineage” [7]. Some population groups are more at risk for developing particular genetic conditions than others. A number of genetic conditions occur more frequently in some population groups and in people with a particular ancestry, for example 21-OH-ase deficiency has a higher prevalence among Ashkenazi Jewish women. One of the most frequently stated barriers to genetic testing is fear of discrimination [8]. However, there is little evidence proving that the magnitude of this intense fear is warranted based on factual cases [9, 10]. Clients and their families may worry about health and life insurance discrimination, being stigmatized based on their genetic status, or the fear of being labeled in their community. Not only can these fears make them not participate in potentially lifesaving genetic testing but also they are wary about participating in clinical research studies to assist in furthering understanding of the disorder. In extreme situations, the fear may be so significant that clients withhold information from their health care providers. Most states have laws protecting against discrimination and some state laws even define penalties for each infraction. There is great variability in these state laws and grassroots efforts have taken place to have
a protective federal law that goes beyond the protection of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) [11, 12]. The latest federal venture into providing protection against both employment and health discrimination is The Genetic Nondiscrimination Act of 2007 (GINA) which was passed in the US House of Representatives, by a vote of 420–423 and was signed by President Bush into law in May 2008. GINA prohibits the use of an individual’s genetic information in setting eligibility or premiums or contribution amounts by group and individual health insurers. However, it does not prohibit medical underwriting based on current health status or mandate coverage for any particular medical tests or treatments. It prohibits health insurers from requesting or requiring an individual to take a genetic test. It also does not interfere with the ability of a treating health care professional to request that an individual or family member undergo a genetic test. Nor does it limit the authority of a health care professional who is employed by or affiliated with a health care plan or issuer from notifying an individual about genetic tests or providing information about a genetic test as part of a wellness program. It does prohibit the use of an individual’s genetic information by employers in employment decisions such as hiring, firing, job assignments and promotions. This provision does not subject employers to remedies and procedures that are any different from those in other civil rights laws such as the American with Disabilities Act. GINA also prohibits employers from requesting, requiring, or purchasing genetic information about an individual employee or family member. However, it does not prohibit workplace collection of genetic information for toxic monitoring programs, employer-sponsored wellness programs, administration of federal and state Family and Medical Leave laws, and certain cases of inadvertent acquisition of information. However, genetic information may not be used or disclosed by the employer [13]. These protections are intended to encourage Americans to take advantage of genetic testing as part of their medical care. Providers should be aware of the laws in their state and federal legislation so they can adequately address client concerns and provide reassurance.
The role of genetic counselors in the health care provider team The practice of advising people about inherited traits began around 1906, shortly after Bateson named this new medical and biological study of hereditary “genetics” [14]. However, it was not until Sheldon Reed coined the term “genetic counseling” in 1947 that the mechanism for translating the advances in genetics to clients had a name [15]. Scientists and the public were becoming fascinated by the idea that this new science might identify hereditary elements contributing not only to medical disorders, including
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metal retardation, but also to social and behavioral conditions such as crime and mental illness. This enthusiasm took an awful turn when the eugenics (Greek term meaning “well-born”) movement took hold and sought to institute “agencies under social control to improve or impair racial qualities of future generations, either physically or mentally” [16]. These governmental agencies not only collected data on human traits but sometimes provided that information to affected families, usually with the intent of convincing them not to reproduce. In many cases, the data were scientifically unsound or tainted by political or social agendas. The power that this movement had was so enormous that by 1926, twenty-three out of forty-eight states had laws that mandated sterilization of people considered “mentally defective”, resulting in over 6000 individuals being involuntarily sterilized [16]. The United States were not the only ones practicing sterilization. As recently as the 1960s and 1970s, some Scandinavian countries continued this practice [17]. The granddaddy of all atrocities was the legalization of euthanasia for the “genetically defective” in Germany in 1939. This led to the deaths of over 70,000 people with hereditary disorders, in addition to the hundreds of thousands of Jews and others killed in the Holocaust [18]. It is through these early history lessons that the art of “nondirective” counseling grew and is the approach instilled in every practicing genetic counselor today. Genetic counselors are health care professionals with specialized education, training and experience in medical genetics and counseling that help people understand and adapt to the implications of genetic contributions to disease [19]. The responsibilities of a genetic counselor are threefold: (1) to provide expertise in clinical genetics; (2) to provide guidance and communicate with clients on matters of clinical genetics; and (3) to provide genetic counseling services in accordance with professional ethics and values [20]. Genetic counselors interact with clients and other health care professionals in a variety of clinical and non-clinical settings, including, but not limited to, university-based medical centers, private hospitals, private practice and industry settings. In addition to their training in medical genetics, counselors are trained in psychology and psychosocial issues, and the ethical and legal issues of genetic medicine. Most genetic counselors have a master’s degree from an accredited genetic counseling training program. The first class of genetic counselors graduated from Sarah Lawrence College in 1971. There are over 2700 genetic counselors in the United States, Canada, and Australia and throughout Europe. Most are women under the age of 40, but the field is becoming more diverse. Genetic counselors are board-certified by the American Board of Genetic Counseling. Board eligibility or certification is required for employment in many positions, and some states are beginning to license genetic counselors. The National Society of Genetic Counselors, Inc. (NSGC)
was incorporated in 1979 and is the only professional society dedicated solely to the field of genetic counseling. Its mission is “to promote the genetic counseling profession as a recognized and integral part of health care delivery, education, research, and public policy” [11]. The role of the genetic counselor has evolved greatly since 1971. Initially, genetic counselors worked almost exclusively in the clinical setting under physician supervision, seeing clients who had been diagnosed as having a genetic disorder, were at risk for developing a genetic disorder, or were at risk for having a child with a genetic disorder. They would assess genetic risk, provide information, discuss available testing options and provide appropriate supportive counseling. The variety of clients and the information and testing options offered by genetic counselors was greatly restricted by the limited technology and genetic knowledge of the time. Today, because of the Human Genome Project and other advances, genetic counselors are now able to offer a wider array of services and options. They are able to specialize in a particular area of interest, such as cancer, prenatal, pediatric, assisted reproduction, and metabolic or neurogenetic disorders to name a few. Most genetic counselors (84%) still work in the clinical setting, either in a hospital or in private practice [21]. However, advances in genetics have enabled genetic counselors to work in a variety of other settings including research, public health, education, private practice and industry. Genetic counselors serve as client advocates by remaining informed of ethical and legal issues regarding the use of genetic testing, and incorporate pertinent information into the counseling session. For example, the decision to undergo genetic testing may involve controversial issues, such as prenatal diagnosis for an adult onset condition or sex selection. Depending on the type of test and the disorder present, testing will most likely have implications for other family members, insurance eligibility or coverage, employment and quality of life. One of the most important roles of the genetic counselor is to ensure that clients are aware of concerns relevant to their situation and to help them make decisions that fit their lifestyle and belief system. Genetic counselors are specifically trained to handle the range of scientific and psychosocial issues that are involved with a genetic diagnosis and testing for families with a hereditary endocrine disease. Given the complexity of endocrine disorders, a multi-disciplinary approach with coordination of care with multiple health care specialists is the ideal medical management scenario. Families with genetic disease often need support that is outside the realm of the heath care provider. Genetic counselors can facilitate this process and offer individuals the option of support groups so that they will have an opportunity to speak to others who are grappling with the same situation as themselves or pair them up with other clients they know in their practice who are willing to speak one-on-one. The
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
Genetic Alliance is a coalition of more than 600 advocacy organizations serving 25 million people affected by 1000s of conditions. The organization not only serves as a resource for families with genetic diseases, but also is very active in educating policymakers and working with genetics leaders in the community to serve as a collective voice for individuals living with genetic conditions [22]. The majority of people in this country seek their medical care in the community and not in an academic medical center, therefore providers will increasingly need to be aware of the advances in genetics to better serve and counsel their clients. In the not too distant future, it is likely that the more complicated genetic cases will be the ones that will require a genetic counselor or person specialized in genetics while the routine cases will be conducted in the primary care doctor’s office. Other health care professionals are trained to provide genetic counseling services including medical geneticists and clinical nurse specialists trained in genetics. Table 26.1 lists organizations and their websites for locating professional genetic experts.
The genetic counseling process The genetic counseling process can take place anywhere along the continuum of life. Counselors can conduct preconception counseling and prenatal diagnosis, to the diagnosis of a genetic condition in a newborn or toddler, and the diagnosis of presymptomatic or predisposition testing for inherited conditions that do not present themselves until adulthood like many hereditary endocrine disorders. Typically, the approach to genetic counseling involves assessing the family history, personal medical and reproductive history and environment exposures (e.g. embryonic
Table 26.1 How to find a genetic expert Organization
American Board of Genetic Counseling American College of Medical Genetics Canadian Association of Genetic Counselors GeneClinics Genetic Centers in the British Isles International Society of Nurses in Genetics March of Dimes National Cancer Institute
National Society of Genetic Counselors genetics_services
teratogens or occupational hazards) and lifestyle habits (e.g. smoking, excessive alcohol use, illicit drug use). This information will aid in determining the risk of disease; help in identifying a hereditary condition; assist in whether genetic testing is appropriate; offer diagnosis and disease prevention and management; and offer emotional and psychological support and ethical guidance to help clients make well informed, autonomous health care decisions and reproductive choices. Traditionally, genetic counselors have operated under the tenet not to give direct advice to clients and to be conscious that they are not influencing decision-making, particularly regarding reproductive options, and exhibiting a strong respect for client autonomy. Typically, genetic counselors provide information in a non-directive way that leaves the decision-making up to the client after they have been fully informed of all the factual information regarding the condition; however, this model has been under some scrutiny [23, 24]. While individuals or families typically come to a genetic counseling session hoping to learn information, their emotional state needs to be evaluated and considered as well. In most cases, individuals cannot effectively process or act on what they learn until they have dealt with the strong reactions that this information can invoke. Therefore, an integral part of the genetic counseling process is the exploration of clients’ past experiences, emotional responses, goals, cultural and religious beliefs, financial and social resources, family and interpersonal networks and coping styles. This more interactive process not only educates individuals about risk, but also helps them with the complex task of exploring issues related to the disorder in question and making decisions about reproduction, genetic testing, and medical management that are consistent with their own needs and value system.
The pedigree: medicine and art The fascination with family links and origins has been of interest since biblical times. It is believed that the pedigree was developed in the fifteenth century as a tool for illustrating ancestry [25]. However, the pedigree was not used to demonstrate the inheritance of disease and traits until the mid-nineteenth century, when Pliny Earle described the inheritance of colorblindness. In 1912, Pearson stated, “a complete pedigree is often a work of great labor, and in its finished form is frequently a work of art” [26]. The pedigree has taken many forms, styles and symbols, reflecting differences in individual preferences, training and interests. There was concern among the genetic counseling community about the inconsistencies in the use of pedigree symbols and nomenclature. If pedigrees cannot be interpreted, then the value of the family history in establishing an accurate diagnosis and risk assessment is diminished. To address
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these inconsistencies, a universal set of standardized human pedigree nomenclature was developed and is now used internationally [27, 28]. Standard symbols are used to draw pedigrees. For example, males are represented by squares and females by circles. The individual who brought the family to the attention of the medical professional is called a “proband” and is identified on the pedigree by an arrow pointing towards the symbol representing that individual. The proband usually has the disorder of interest. The informant is the individual who was interviewed to obtain the pedigree. The informant may or may not be the same person as the proband. The name of the informant, date the pedigree is drawn and interviewer
Figure 26.1 Example pedigree.
are also noted on the pedigree. So, too, is the founder of the pedigree, who is the first family member known to have had the disorder. Pedigrees are hand-drawn or created using special computer software. The standard pedigree typically includes at least three generations, with each generation arranged horizontally and connected to the other generations by lines. Family members who have the genetic disorder in question are colored-in or shaded. Unique symbols represent carriers, miscarriages, people of unknown sex, twins and other categories of individuals. Furthermore, different patterns within the pedigree symbol may represent variable expression (variation in symptoms of individuals with the same disorder). For example, Figure 26.1
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
is a pedigree using standardized nomenclature suggestive of MEN2A (multiple endocrine neoplasia, type 2), with a shaded quadrant of the symbol representing high blood pressure, thyroid problems or other features indicative of the suspected syndrome, while a shaded symbol represents medullary thyroid cancer. An important aspect of the genetic counseling session is the collection of the family medical history or pedigree. The pedigree is a diagram that records family history information, the tool for converting information provided by the client and/or obtained from the medical record into a standardized format. It demonstrates biological relationships in the family by using specific symbols, lines and abbreviations. The completed pedigree serves as a quick visual depiction of the family history structure and allows the genetic counselor to assess more accurately the client’s risk of disease. Pedigree analysis aids in deciphering if there is a pattern of inheritance indicative of a hereditary disease and may provide information in making a diagnosis. The pedigree is also pivotal in identifying family members who are at increased risk of developing a disorder and for estimating risk of recurrence in other relatives including future offspring. Sometimes the pedigree can reveal other conditions present in the family that might require an evaluation or counseling by a specialist. In addition to the medical information obtained through pedigree construction, one can get a glimpse of the social dynamics and relationship of the client with other family members. Information about divorce, adoption, fertility, pregnancy loss and death of family members are all recorded as part of the collection process for constructing a pedigree. Building the pedigree is an exercise of give-andtake with the client since the information collected is contingent on them actively obtaining and sharing some of the most intimate family details with a total stranger. Before collecting the family history information, it is helpful to let the client know why you need this information and how it will be used. If people know that this information is essential to determine whether there is an inherited syndrome in the family or if their condition is related to an altered gene, they may be more forthcoming when asked to answer a series of rather personal questions. Many individuals enjoy the process, as they feel dynamically involved in their health care since they are actively working with the health care provider, which is somewhat different from traditional medical care. One can uncover family myths and beliefs of how disease occurs, who gets it and who does not, as well as traditions and cultural mores. The assembly of the pedigree is typically done either over the telephone before the client’s appointment or at the beginning of the office visit. This interaction is the initial rapport builder between the client and the counselor and as the pedigree emerges so will the family relationships which may highlight sensitive issues that might be of concern for the client or their family.
Pedigree analysis and risk perception The purpose of drawing the pedigree is to identify inheritance patterns that may aid risk analysis and clinical diagnosis (e.g. distinguish a sporadic thyroid cancer from a case that is part of a hereditary syndrome). Some of the common patterns of inheritance and variables that can disguise recognition of these patterns are reviewed in Table 26.2. It is critical for the health care provider to evaluate carefully the pedigree and all associated findings (e.g. history of high blood pressure, benign tumors and glandular dysfunction). Three important considerations in pedigree interpretation are reduced penetrance, variable expressivity and the value of a negative family history.
Penetrance Penetrance refers to the proportion of people with a particular genetic change (such as a mutation in a specific gene) who exhibit signs and symptoms of a genetic disorder. If some people with the mutation do not develop features of the disorder, the condition is said to have reduced (or incomplete) penetrance. Reduced penetrance often occurs with familial cancer syndromes. For example, many people with a mutation in the MEN1 gene will develop cancer during their lifetime, but some people will not. Doctors cannot predict which people with these mutations will develop cancer or when the tumors will develop. Reduced penetrance probably results from a combination of genetic, environmental and life-style factors, many of which are unknown. This phenomenon can make pedigree analysis challenging, but it is important to recognize and understand this concept. It is also important to remember that the penetrance of some disorders is age dependent and ages of family members should be considered in the risk assessment process.
Expressivity Although some genetic disorders exhibit little variation, most have signs and symptoms that differ among affected individuals. Variable expressivity refers to the range of signs and symptoms that can occur in different people with the same genetic condition. For example, the features of multiple endocrine neoplasia, type 2 (MEN2A) vary widely – some people have only mild symptoms (such as benign parathyroid tumors or high blood pressure), while others also experience potentially life-threatening pheochromo cytomas and thyroid cancer. Although the features are highly variable, most people with this disorder have a mutation in the same gene (RET). In diseases with variable expressivity, affected individuals always express some of the symptoms of the disease and vary from very mildly affected to very severely affected. In autosomal dominant diseases with incomplete penetrance, the person either expresses the
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Table 26.2 Examples of features for recognizing patterns of inheritance and variables that can disguise those patterns Inheritance pattern Autosomal dominant (AD)
Autosomal recessive (AR)
X-linked dominant (XLD)
Mode of transmission
Pedigree features
50% risk of disease to each offspring
Presence of condition in successive generations Both females and males affected See male-to-male transmission Often variability in disease severity Homozygotes might be more severely affected Homozygous state may be lethal Usually one generation 25% risk of disease to each Females/males affected offspring 50% risk of passing on carrier Often seen in newborn, infancy, childhood state to each offspring Frequently inborn errors of Parents are carriers – not metabolism affected by disease and no May be more common in symptoms certain ethnic groups Parental consanguinity No male-to-male transmission Heterozygous women are Often lethal in males so see affected and their daughters few males in pedigree have a 50% chance of being May see multiple miscarriages affected/sons have a 50% (due to male fetal lethality) chance of being affected Females usually have milder (lethal) symptoms of disease than males
X-linked recessive (XLR)
Sons of female carriers have a 50% chance of being affected Daughters of female carriers have a 50% chance of being carriers
No male-to-male transmission Males affected Females may be affected but often milder and/or with later onset than males
Increased risk for trisomy seen with advanced maternal age Risk for affected fetus depends on specific chromosomal rearrangement (ranges from 1–15% or greater)
Suspect if individuals has 2 major birth defects or 3 minor birth defects Fetus with structural anomalies Unexplained mental retardation especially with dysmorphic features Unexplained psychomotor retardation Ambiguous genitalia Lymphodema or cystic hygroma in newborn Couples with 3 pregnancy losses Unexplained infertility Individuals with multiple congenital anomalies and family history of mental retardation
Confounding factors
Examples of disorders
Reduced penetrance Missed diagnosis in mildly affected relatives New mutations may be mistaken for sporadic disease if limited family structure or size
Tuberous sclerosis (60% are due to new mutations) Von Hippel–Lindau syndrome Multiple endocrine neoplasia, type 2 (2A & 2B)
May look like AD if carrier frequency is high Can be mistaken as sporadic if family size is small
Wilson disease Cystic fibrosis Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
Small family size
Hypophosphatemic or vitamin D resistant rickets
May be missed if few females in family Symptoms in female carriers thought to be caused by imbalance of X-inactivation (lyonization)
Fabry disease Fragile X syndrome Kennedy’s disease or X-linked spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy (SBMA) Trisomy 21 (Down’s syndrome) Trisomy 18 Turner syndrome (45, X) Chromosomal translocations
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders Table 26.2 (Continued)
Inheritance pattern
Mode of transmission
Pedigree features
Confounding factors
Examples of disorders
Mitochondrial encephalopathy with ragged-red fibers (MERRF) Mitochondrial encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, strokes (MELAS)
Empiric risk estimates
Only maternal transmission to offspring, no male transmission Highly variable clinical expression Often central nervous disorders Females and males affected, often in multiple generations Females and males affected No clear pattern of inheritance Skips generations Few affected family members
May be single gene disorder
Epilepsy Diabetes Obesity
Table 26.3 Endocrine system – benign and malignant tumors Tumor site
Cancer syndrome
Adrenal gland
Adenoma Adrenal hemangioma Adrenocortical carcinoma
Multiple endocrine neoplasia, 1 von Hippel–Lindau syndrome Beckwith–Wiedemann syndrome Li–Fraumeni syndrome CARNEY Complex Multiple endocrine neoplasia, 2 Neurofibromatosis, 1 von Hippel–Lindau syndrome Birt–Hogg–Dube syndrome
multiple endocrine neoplasia, 1 multiple endocrine neoplasia, 2
Pituitary gland
Carcinoma Adenoma
Thyroid gland
Unspecified carcinoma Adenoma Follicular carcinoma Medullary carcinoma Papillary carcinoma
disease phenotype or does not. Since conditions may present diversely in families, the provider should inquire about the presence of physical features or conditions associated with the condition in other family members, in an effort to compile data that would support or refute the presence of the suspected condition. Table 26.3 demonstrates several cancer
Multiple endocrine neoplasia, 1 CARNEY Complex Multiple endocrine neoplasia, 1 NAME syndrome Wilm’s tumor NAME syndrome Tuberous sclerosis Cowden syndrome Familial adenomatous polyposis Multiple endocrine neoplasia, 2 Cowden syndrome Familial adenomatous polyposis
syndromes associated with benign and malignant tumors of the endocrine system. Incomplete penetrance and variable expressivity are phenomena associated only with dominant inheritance, never or very rarely with recessive inheritance. As with reduced penetrance, variable expressivity is probably caused by a
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combination of genetic, environmental and life-style factors, most of which have not been identified. If a genetic condition has highly variable signs and symptoms, it makes the diagnosis very challenging.
Negative Family History An extended family history demonstrating no features or signs of the condition in question can be just as informative as a history of a genetic disorder in multiple relatives throughout several generations. Some conditions are the result of new mutations (de novo) in which case the pedigree does not demonstrate any other cases or suggestive findings of that condition in the family. Specifically, multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2B (MEN2B) which is characterized by medullary thyroid carcinoma, pheochromocytomas, mucosal neuromas, ganglioneuromas, and skeletal and ophthalmic abnormalities has been observed as both an inherited and sporadic disease, with an estimated 50% of cases arising de novo [29]. Such a history provides valuable information in establishing an estimate of risk for the proband and for other members of the family. The concept of risk is a challenging component of the genetic counseling process. Clients have limited understanding of the meaning of risk figures and therefore these values may have little value to them [30]. This lack of understanding can affect their decision to undergo genetic testing, comprehension of the chance of recurrence and even their screening practices. One person may consider a 10% risk to be very high while another person may feel that is an insignificant risk. It is imperative that the health care provider not display any personal bias as to whether they consider this risk high or low as that will influence the client. Risk figures should be stated as fact and not couched with judgment statements like, “The risk is only…”. It is not the actual number that is important to explore with the client, but rather their perception of this risk. Typically, clients may have a difficult time adjusting to their risk if it is very different from their preconceived notion of whether their risk was high or low. This preconceived notion can be strongly influenced by their personal and family history, prior experiences with the condition, and their social, religious and cultural views [31]. Communicating the concept of risk is one of the many roles where genetic counselors excel. While risk communication to clients is challenging even for the genetic counselors, they are uniquely trained to explain the meaning of risk in multiple ways that are the most effective means for assisting client understanding. Counselors may use diagrams, pictures and bar graphs to demonstrate relative risk, absolute risk, five-fold increase and general population risk. Using multiple points of view allows counselors to frame the magnitude of risk in a way that is meaningful to the client. A client might understand that they have a one in two chance of passing the MEN1 gene associated with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 to each of
their offspring rather than stating a 50% risk for this autosomal dominant condition. In this example, the counselor should also state that there is a 50% chance that the altered gene WILL NOT be passed down. While this is implied, it is important from a psychosocial aspect to emphasize the possibility of not passing the altered gene down, as well as the possibility of passing it down.
Summary The ultimate goal of genetic counseling is to facilitate client decision-making to promote informed choices and help them adapt to the condition. In order for genetic counselors to accomplish this goal, they must succeed at managing many aspects of the client–counselor interaction. Genetic counseling involves obtaining and accurately interpreting the family pedigree, educating how genetics plays a role in disease, explaining inheritance patterns and risk to other individuals, explaining the option of genetic testing and medical management, discussing disease prevention and risk reduction, reproductive options, ethical, legal and social issues, discussing research opportunities, serving as a resource and being a patient advocate. Genetic counseling is the process of helping individuals come to grips with the medical, legal, ethical, religious, psychological and familial implications of having a genetic disease or being at risk for one. This multifaceted medical profession not only includes the provision of accurate risk of disease occurrence or recurrence to individuals, but also how a genetic diagnosis, genetic testing and the results of genetic testing can have on a person’s/family’s life. A careful discussion both before and after genetic testing is an important component in aiding the patient understanding of the condition and how genetic testing may influence medical management for them as well as for their family members. The interpretation of the genetic test results must be discussed in the context of the medical and family history and it should be emphasized that it is only one component of risk assessment. Ultimately, the client’s decision whether it is in accordance with the counselor’s belief system should be supported in the context of that client’s individual values, beliefs and goals. Genetic counselors are experts at serving as resources for families, professional societies and other health care providers due to their wide breadth of knowledge and expertise and are specifically trained to provide psychological support, guidance and care for individuals and their families who are faced with many complex issues surrounding a genetic diagnosis.
References 1. P. Broca, Traite de Tumeurs 1, P, Asselin, Paris, 1866. 2. R.L. Bennett, H.L. Hampel, J.B. Mandell, et al., Genetic counselors: translating genomic science into clinical practice, J. Clin. Invest. 112 (2003) 1274–1279.
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3. I.H.G.S. Consortium, Initial sequencing and analysis of the human genome, Nature 409 (2001) 860–921. 4. J.C. Venter, M.D. Adams, E.W. Myerss, et al., The sequence of the human genome, Science 291 (2001) 1304–1351. 5. C. Mathew, DNA diagnostics: goals and challenges, Br. Med. Bull. 55 (1999) 325–339. 6. N. C. o. H. C. P. i. Genetics, Genetic Core Competencies. (2005). 7. 8. S.C. Lee, B.A. Bernhardt, K.J. Helzlsouer, Utilization of BRCA1/2 genetic testing in the clinical setting, Cancer 94 (2002) 1876–1885. 9. K. Pollitz, B. Peshkin, E. Bangit, et al., Genetic discrimination in health insurance: current legal protections and industry practices, Inquiry 44 (2007) 350–368. 10. M.A. Hall, S.S. Rich, Laws restricting health insurers’ use of genetic information: impact on genetic discrimination, Am. J. Hum. Genet. 66 (2000) 293–307. 11. NSGC website. 2008. 12. Institute, N. H. G. R. Vol, 2008. 13. G. I. N. A. Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act, GINA 2008. 14. W. Bateson, Materials for the Study of Variation: Treated with Special Regard to Discontinuity in the Origin of Species, Macmillan and Company, London, 1894. 15. S. Reed, Counseling in Medical Genetics, Saunders, Philadelphia, 1955. 16. A. Carr-Sanders, Eugenics. 14th edit. The Encyclopedia Britannica, 8, Encyclopedia Britannica Company, London, 1929. 17. A. Wooldridge, Eugenetics: The secret lurking in many nations’ past. In Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles, 1997. 18. J. Neel, Physician to the Gene Pool. Genetic Lessons and Other Stories, Wiley, New York, 1994.
1 9. N.D.o.G. Counseling, J Genet Couns (2006) 77–82. 20. J.S. Diane Baker, W. Uhlmann, A Guide to Genetic Counseling, first ed, Wiley-Liss, Inc, New York, 1998. 21. S. D. V. M. Parrott, NSGC Professional Issues Committee, National Society of Genetic Counselors, Inc. Professional Status Survey 2006 In: National Society of Genetic Counselors, (2007). 22. Genetic Alliance edit., Vol. 2008. 23. W. Gerhard, C. Jung, Nondirectiveness and genetic counseling, J. Gene. Couns. 4 (1995) 3–25. 24. A.E. Raz, M. Atar, Nondirectiveness and its lay interpretations: the effect of counseling style, ethnicity and culture on attitudes towards genetic counseling among Jewish and Bedouin respondents in Israel, J. Gene. Couns. 12 (2003) 313–332. 25. R. Resta, The crane’s foot: The rise of the pedigree in human genetics, J. Genet. Couns. 2 (1993) 235–260. 26. K. Pearson (Ed.), The Treasure of Human Inheritance (Parts I and II), Dulau and Company, London, 1912. 27. R.L. Bennett, S.K. Gupta, S.B. Uhrich, et al., Recommendations of standardized human pedigree nomenclature, Am. J. Hum. Genet. 56 (1995) 745–752. 28. R.L. Bennett, K. Steinhaus, S.B. Uhrich, et al., Recommendations of Standardized Human Pedigree Nomenclature, J. Genet. Couns. 56 (1995) 745–752. 29. K.M. Carlson, J. Bracamontes, C.E. Jackson, et al., Parent-oforigin effects in multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2B, Am. J. Hum. Genet. 55 (1994) 1076–1082. 30. F.M. Walter, J. Emery, “Coming down the line”– patients’ understanding of their family history of common chronic disease, Ann. Fam. Med. 3 (2005) 405–414. 31. L. d’Agincourt-Canning, The effect of experiential knowledge on construction of risk perception in hereditary breast/ ovarian cancer, J. Genet. Couns. 14 (2005) 55–69.
C hap ter
Setting up a Laboratory Loren J. Joseph Director, Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory, Associate Director, Clinical Chemistry Laboratory, University of Chicago Medical Center, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637, USA
to regularly calibrate pipettes; for a clinical laboratory IT IS (in effect) THE LAW.
Calvin: Hmph. Where are the flying cars? … You call this the future?? HA! Hobbes: I’m not sure people have the brains to manage the technology they’ve got.
The Sources of Regulation Concerns about test quality led to the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988 (CLIA ’88), regulations overseeing all aspects of testing in most clinical laboratories (Veteran’s Administration Hospitals, for example, have other regulations). These regulations are authorized under the Public Health Service Act: Sec. 353. Subpart 2 – Clinical Laboratories. The regulations were developed by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) over years of hearings. The “Final Rule” was published in 2003 in the Code of Federal Regulations Title 42 Section 493, available online (http:// Representative section headings give an indication of content:
Flying cars are not yet a reality, but the accelerating technological progress in human genetics is plausibly aiming at a “$1000 genome”, in which an individual’s entire genome is rapidly sequenced [1]. Attainment of this goal will still leave formidable unresolved questions in medicine, ethics and even genetics. This goal is still more than an order of magnitude away in cost and time; nonetheless, at present a molecular genetics laboratory can identify any specific alteration in a subject’s genome.
Regulations for clinical laboratory testing
Subpart A – 493.5 Categories of tests by complexity Subpart K – 493.151 Quality systems for Nonwaived Testing/Procedure Manual Subpart M – 493.1443 Standard; Laboratory director qualifications
The personnel, equipment and analytical methods can be identical for the laboratory engaged in clinical genetics research and the laboratory engaged in clinical genetics diagnosis; one laboratory can engage in both. However, if a result is to be used in determining treatment or in advising physicians, the laboratory must comply with a thicket of federal and state regulations. Physician-researchers, accustomed to federal regulation in health care, might still be surprised to learn that the US Congress, in the Code of Federal Regulations, specifies the acceptable coefficient of variation for measurement of serum sodium. Regulations do not yet extend in this detail to molecular genetics laboratories; however many regulations do apply. Many requirements seem onerous, requiring meticulous documentation, but all share a goal: to minimize errors. For example, for a research laboratory it is a good idea Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
CLIA regulations vary in detail. Most provide a general goal such as requiring that each assay run includes positive and negative controls, but leave it to the laboratory to determine the nature and number of controls. All genetic testing is classified as “high complexity” so a clinical genetic laboratory must hold a CLIA license.
Responsibility for Enforcement of Regulations To oversee compliance the DHHS granted “deemed” status to several organizations; the College of American Pathology (CAP) is dominant in academic and reference laboratories. 303
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Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
The states of New York and Washington have their own regulations which, by legislation, take precedence. The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospital Organizations, which inspects all hospitals, includes regulations for laboratories but usually defers to CAP. CAP maintains lengthy “checklists” of good practices. One checklist, Laboratory General, applies to all labs. There are additional checklists by specialty including Molecular Genetics. Compliance with these checklists should en passant ensure compliance with CLIA regulations. All checklists are available on-line (
Inspections According to CLIA, a clinical lab must undergo inspection every two years. CAP organizes a team of inspectors, usually laboratorians, from a single institution outside the catchment area of the laboratory. The inspection is unannounced, but is constrained to a several month window around the anniversary date. One or two individuals inspect each laboratory, working from the checklists, usually over a single day. CAP inspector training emphasizes that inspection is an educational rather than an adversarial proceeding, but it can have significant consequences. The process ends with a summation conference. CAP provides a process for correction. Cited deficiencies must be remedied or, occasionally, appealed. Supplying documentation of corrections is often sufficient, but re-inspection is a possibility.
Proficiency Testing According to CLIA, the laboratory must engage in proficiency testing for every analyte for which testing is offered. The CAP offers proficiency testing for numerous analytes including for genetics, but at present MEN2A is the only specifically endocrine genetic test offered. There are several challenges per year, but the number of challenge samples vary. If there is no proficiency testing offered by CAP, or another organization, the laboratory must have a written policy detailing an alternative, preferably a sample exchange with one or more laboratories. If an exchange is either not feasible or not possible, it is acceptable to have a written policy to implement blinded retesting of prior samples and for correlation with other clinical indicators. Proficiency test results reported to CAP are scored. Unacceptable results must be evaluated by the laboratory and corrective action undertaken and documented.
Laboratory Developed Tests The FDA recognizes several categories of manufacturer developed diagnostic “kits” and reagents: FDA-approved, FDAcleared, Research Use Only (RUO), Investigational Use Only (IUO) and Analyte Specific Reagent (ASR). Familiarity with these terms is important for the laboratorian, but because
endocrine genetic disorders are uncommon and the testing complex, the genetic test will almost certainly be what the FDA designates as a “Laboratory Developed Test” (LDT), also known as a “home-brew” test. Such a test may combine diverse reagent kits and instruments, for example, a commercial kit for DNA preparation and a kit for real time PCR DNA amplification. The result report for an LDT must carry the following specific disclaimer (the font size is not specified): “This test was developed and its performance characteristics determined by (the name of the laboratory). It has not been cleared or approved by the US Food and Drug Administration.” As stated this disclaimer could cause concern among clinicians or patients. The report can contain additional information from the laboratory documenting the performance of the assay.
HIPAA The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act includes provisions for ensuring privacy of all patient information, including test results. Endocrinology laboratories affiliated with hospitals are already required to comply with hospital HIPAA policies. Aspects will include limiting access to the laboratory and the laboratory computer system, as well as prohibiting copying or removing patient specific information. Maintaining patient information on an internetconnected laboratory computer is problematic. Patient information should be kept on a password protected computer, ideally one which provides an audit trail of usage. The molecular genetics laboratory must have its own written policy limiting availability of results whether over the phone, by faxed report or by e-mail. Usually the result should only go to the ordering physician by formal signed report.
Intellectual Property The diagnostic genetics laboratory which charges for its results is liable in turn for charges inhering to intellectual property rights. The most common charge, until recently, was for the polymerase chain reaction. A patent is still in force for real-time PCR. The patent holder negotiates with each laboratory the percentage of the charge to the patient which is to be paid. The charge to the patient should not be confused with the cost of performing the test. The fraction of charges collected will not necessarily be considered. In addition to patents on processes, there are patents on the diagnostic testing of many pathological genetic alterations, such as in the BRCA1 gene. In some cases a commercial diagnostic kit price includes royalty payment; usually it is incumbent on the diagnostic laboratory to determine patent requirements. When a commercial manufacturer or
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a large diagnostic laboratory offers testing for a genetic disorder, it is a likely indicator that a patent exists; however, there is a lag time, from report of a discovery to commercialization, in which patents will already exist. Whether or not a gene or a mutation should be patentable is controversial, but patents have been approved. Klein et al. [2] note that there are no recorded cases of patent-holders enforcing patents in genetics, leaving the viability of such patents uncertain, but they note anecdotally that threats of lawsuits have been successful.
Space Space Considerations to Reduce Contamination by PCR Amplicons One design issue is specific to molecular genetics laboratories: minimizing the risk of contamination by amplicons from the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). PCR can be conceptualized as involving three spatially separate phases: processing the specimen, setting up the PCR reaction mastermixes, and performing the assay. The PCR mastermixes are brought into the specimen processing area, the samples added, and the completed reaction mixtures taken to the instrumentation room with the thermocycler. Ideally the PCR reaction/analysis room should have a separate ventilation system to prevent contamination of the set up by PCR amplicons. Although one does not want to undercut an argument for a lab with at least three rooms, several measures permit reduction to two or to one room. Pipettes, filtered pipette tips, tubes and glove boxes for PCR set up must be kept segregated from those for sample addition and those for sample processing. Once the master mixes are set up, they can be taken to a different area of open benchtop for sample addition. Both phases could be performed on open benches in the same laboratory, but the use of PCR hoods (laminar flow is not necessary) for set up and for sample addition reinforces the need for strict segregation of tools and consumables. If one is looking for low levels of mutation (for example, mosaicism) PCR hoods should be strongly favored. If the laboratory will be limited to real-time PCR for specific mutations, the entire operation could be implemented in a single room. PCR reactions tubes are not opened after the reaction is complete, so there should be no risk of contamination with amplicons; however, tubes pop open and capillaries break, so the risk of contamination is never absent. A supplemental technique for reducing PCR amplicon contamination – the use of dUTP and uracil-N-glycosylase (UNG) in PCR reaction mastermixes (see below) – should be considered regardless of spatial precautions. PCR reactions, pipettes, reagents and solutions from the PCR analysis should NEVER be brought into the other two
areas. Color-coded labcoats are also recommended so that coats from the analysis room are never worn into the set up areas. Amplicons probably adhere well to labcoats, but this remains a common policy.
Space Considerations for Radioactivity There is a small and decreasing role for traditional applications of radioactivity: DNA sequencing, southern blot analysis and northern blot analysis. Single capillary electrophoresis instruments, pre-owned if necessary, for fluorescent (or infrared) sequencing are almost a commodity item. Southern blot and northern blot analysis can be performed by non-radioactive methods similar to widely used methods for Western blot analysis but which, perhaps because of tradition, are much less widely used. “Long-range” PCR (50–100,000 base) methods could replace some southern blot applications but are rarely reported (suggesting optimization is not as easy as suppliers advertise).
The testing process Clinical laboratorians conceptualize the testing process into three phases: Pre-analytical – all steps prior to testing such as sample collection. Analytical – the test process. Post-analytical – all steps after completion of the test such as reporting.
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For all phases valuable information can be obtained from several sources: CLSI (now a logo, previously an acronym for Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute) ( publishes a series of standards and guidelines for many clinical laboratory activities, including assay validation, nucleic acid extraction and DNA sequencing. American College of Medical Genetics (ACMG). On-line standards and guidelines for clinical genetics laboratories are available on-line ( These are briefer than CLSI publications but provide excellent overviews. Several detailed position papers for testing in specific genetic disorders can serve as models, at present none are for primarily endocrine disorders. Association for Molecular Pathology (AMP) (http:// AMP has a modest on-line library of educational materials and publishes an excellent journal, Journal of Molecular Diagnostics, focused on diagnostics. Membership includes access to an active listserver which can provide rapid responses to questions about laboratory issues.
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
Sample handling (pre-analytic) Sample Types Blood Lavender top tubes, a standard hospital tube type, are optimal: they contain EDTA to inhibit coagulation. EDTA, by chelating cations, also inhibits DNAses. Heparin tubes can cause significant inhibition of PCR reactions. If only serum or plasma are available some DNA can still be extracted. DNA can be recovered from lavender top tubes after at least two weeks of refrigeration. mRNA can be isolated after at least three days of refrigeration. Buccal swabs Buccal swabs are useful for offsite collection, both for ease of collection and sample stability. Much of the DNA recovered is often bacterial so quantitation is of limited utility. Tissues Fresh tissue provides dramatically higher quality DNA and RNA than does formalin fixed paraffin embedded tissue (FFPE). Cell suspensions and thin tissue sections fixed in 100% ethanol, stored at 20°C are also satisfactory. For FFPE a microtome is necessary to “cut sections”. If the cell(s) of interest predominate in the sample, sections can be transferred into microfuge tubes for processing. If the cells of interest are a minor component, sections must be prepared on glass slides. The first and last slides should be stained (typically H&E) to serve as a guide and to ensure the region of interest is still present. If the region of interest is contiguous and visible to the unaided eye, use a scalpel to scrape up the regions of interest and transfer into a microfuge tube. If the cells of interest are interspersed, laser capture microdissection is necessary. FFPE is suitable for recovery of DNA and miRNA, but amplicons are usually less than 400 base pairs for DNA, often less than 200 base pairs. Amplifying RNA is a demanding exercise. Chorionic Villi Sampling, Amniotic Fluid Maternal cell contamination is a constant threat and must be monitored. The significance of contamination varies depending on the genetic alteration and the transmitting parent. Cells are usually also cultured to provide a backup source of genetic material.
Requisition Requisition must include a minimum amount of information: First and last name. Unique patient identifier (hospital medical record number, social security number). Ordering physician name. Test requested.
Date of specimen collection. Type of specimen if other than blood. There is no official requirement for informed consent. If consent is required by state or new Federal legislation, it is the responsibility of the ordering physician (or other authorized party) to obtain appropriately informed consent. For genetic testing it is important but not required to also have relevant family genetic history and medical information in order to better assess the significance of any results. Lack of information may limit the confidence with which a result can be interpreted. Lack of critical information must be noted and assessed in the report.
Specimen handling Specimen Acquisition If specimens are sent from outside collection sites, they should be packed and shipped in compliance with postal and Department of Transportation regulations. From the laboratory standpoint blood and tissue samples are best sent on cold packs in puncture proof bags by an expedited shipping service. It is important to ensure that the shipper will handle such products and that such samples are clearly labeled as diagnostic specimens. If the cold pack has lost its shape from warming, this should be noted in the specimen log. The time from collection to delivery to the laboratory, whether from offsite or on-site is a quality measure which should be monitored.
Specimen Identification and Log-in The specimen must be labeled with the patient’s first and last name, the unique patient identifier and the time of collection. Often the specimen will include an additional identifier which ties it to the test requisition. Each specimen should be given a unique laboratory identifier which will facilitate labeling derived sample tubes [3, 4].
Specimen processing Pre-extraction Nucleated cells can be isolated from RBC in whole blood by ficoll-hypaque gradient separation or pelleted after RBC have been osmotically lysed. Fresh tissue must be minced or homogenized (ultrasonic or motorized). FFPE sections must be dewaxed in serial xylene baths, then rehydrated with graded ethanol washes, then incubated in a protease lysis buffer for up to several days.
DNA “Home-brew” procedures are inexpensive even when scaled up but usually include toxic organic chemicals (phenol,
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chloroform) and can produce such high molecular weight DNA that getting it to dissolve can be difficult. Commercial kits typically forgo toxic organic chemicals in favor of small spin columns or suspensions of charged magnetic particles which reversibly bind nucleic acids. The reproducibility and labor saving of kits generally outweighs the additional cost over laboratory developed methods [5].
RNA RNA is dramatically more susceptible to degradation than DNA. Manual purification methods are similar to those for DNA; however, lysis buffer typically also includes guanidinium isothiocyanate, a toxic denaturant. The use of plastic consumables and commercial reagents (and kits) make preparation of RNA feasible for the laboratory which does not want to prepare RNAse free reagents.
miRNA Commercial kits are available: some co-purify miRNA with total RNA, some recover fractions separately, some recover only small RNAs (miRNA, tRNA, snoRNA and others).
Claims for RNA or DNA (as opposed to total nucleic acid) yield and specificity should be verified.
Analyte quality assessment DNA (RNA) Quantitation UV spectrophotometry UV spectrophotometry is the standard method for quantification of DNA/RNA. The absorption at 260 nm correlates with the concentration of nucleotides. Absorption at 280 nm gives a measure of residual protein. The A260/A280 ratio is a measure of purification; it should fall in the range 1.8– 2.0. A 260/280 ratio greater than 2.0 does NOT indicate the presence of especially high quality DNA, it most often reflects residual contaminants, such as phenol. The A260 can be used to quantitate DNA/RNA but if the A280 is high accuracy is limited. Compact UV spectrophotometers with low volume cuvettes designed specifically for molecular genetics are available. The current epitome is the Nanodrop TM Spectrophotometer. Each reading requires one l of sample applied directly to the analysis surface (no cuvette). Preparation for the next sample consists of applying a tissue to the reading surface to remove the prior sample.
Automated Extractors Reagent costs for automated extractors are higher per extraction than for the corresponding manual commercial methods. The cost-effectiveness of labor saving depends on the work load and work flow. Current compact systems can process any number of samples from a minimum of one to the maximum (6 to 16, depending on the model). Reagents typically come in prepackaged sealed unit strips which are placed directly into the instrument. Turn-around time is 20–45 minutes. Automated methods have limited options for maximal sample volume and for the elution volume. Yields are not as high as manual methods but a single extraction should be sufficient for most applications. Most instruments use magnetized particles, typically silica coated, to bind and release nucleic acids in response to the solution (binding, washing, elution). One instrument automates the use of spin columns. Before purchasing an automated extractor, verify that the resulting DNA will work in the intended assay. In our experience, a magnetic bead instrument provided DNA satisfactory for PCR but refractory for the Invader Assay. With another automated instrument the resulting DNA, satisfactory for PCR, gave unacceptable “noise” when used for comparative genomic hybridization arrays. In both cases manual spin column procedures generated DNA which performed satisfactorily. Most automated procedures do NOT include an RNase step for DNA purification or a DNase step for RNA purification.
Picogreen/Ribogreen Picogreen and Ribogreen are fluorescent DNA-specific and RNA-specific dyes. Fluorescence is proportional to nucleic acid concentration and can be measured with either UV ELISA readers or real-time PCR instruments. These assays are an order of magnitude more sensitive than UV spectrophotometric analysis. Unlike spectrophotometric assays these dye based assays do NOT detect individual nucleotides or oligonucleotides. The Fluorodrop TM is the counterpart of the Nanodrop for this assay.
Nucleic Acid Integrity High molecular weight (intact) DNA (and RNA), degraded DNA and nucleotides all absorb at 260 nm with similar efficiency. High quality genomic DNA from any sample except FFPE should be high molecular weight (at least 10–20 kB). This is most easily checked by agarose gel electrophoresis. This step is essential for southern blot analysis. For other assays it is dispensable but could be helpful for troubleshooting. RNA integrity for mRNA and miRNA was traditionally assessed with noxious formaldehyde containing gels. Microchip capillary analyzers such as the BioAnalyzer 2000 (Agilent) offer a radical improvement. Toxic chemicals are not required. These analyzers can also assess miRNA.
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
Sample storage Primary Samples Remaining sample should be retained until analysis is complete. Consider freezing an aliquot of whole blood, or spotting on filter paper and storing indefinitely, in case a mix-up of processed samples ever becomes an issue. Extracted Samples All analytes (DNA/RNA/miRNA) should be stored in buffer, most commonly 10 mM of 1 mM Tris pH 8.0, supplemented with 0.1 mM or 1 mM EDTA. DNA can be stored at room temperature for hours, at 4°C for weeks to months, indefinitely at 20°C. RNA should be stored at 80°C. miRNA is stable in whole blood at 37°C for several days (unpublished observations), and indefinitely at 20°C. Samples for clinical genetic testing must be stored for at least 20 years.
Analytic phase Assay Validation Validation is a requirement but most details are at the director’s discretion. An assay for a specific variant must be shown to detect that variant in at least one “positive” test sample and not in any “negative” samples. The designation of a test sample as “positive” (or negative) is ideally based on prior analysis by a second diagnostic laboratory, preferably using a different method. If no other laboratory offers the testing your laboratory can either validate results by a second method, if reasonably available, or perform “blinded” retesting of a set of samples including variant and “normal” samples. With sequencing assays which could detect any variant in the region of interest, “normal” sequences can be verified by matching to a reference sequence. Sequence on both strands is one form of confirmation for a variant. At least one of all possible variants should be confirmed either by a second lab, an alternative method, or by repeat sequencing.
Procedure Manual A written procedure must be in place not only for each assay, but also for all phases of testing such as specimen log-in, sample storage, computer usage for result reporting, responding to inquiries and safety. CLSI provides an excellent guideline [6]. All staff trained to performed a given task must be formally evaluated (documented) and must read, sign and date the corresponding protocol. The laboratory director must annually review and sign all protocols, documenting any changes.
Reagents The lab must track all lots of all reagents such as primers and enzymes including the date when put into service. Assay worksheets should indicate if a new lot of a reagent has been introduced. Prior to introducing ANY new reagent lot, you should perform and document cross-over validation for at least one known sample in one assay
Controls Every run of every assay should include a “positive” and a “negative” control. Assays using PCR should also include a “No Template Control” to detect contamination with amplicons from previous reactions. How to apply these “common sense” rules is not always obvious. For specific sequence variant assays, every variant should have a separate control set. For mutation scanning and for sequencing assays it is not feasible to run every possible mutation. One approach is to have a set of mutation samples and rotate usage with every run. Sequencing a “negative” control is NOT usually performed; however, the PCR reactions which generate amplicons for sequencing should include a No Template Control.
Confirmation of Assays Our laboratory processes 10–20 samples at a time for clinically significant point mutations. A “positive” result often leads to lifelong anti-coagulation, a therapy with significant risks. Our policy is to process and test a second aliquot of blood from the original stock tube, confirming that the mutation is present in the subject initially identified as “positive”. For multi-exon sequencing it would be sufficient to retest the single exon. This is NOT a required policy but is also recommended by the ACMG Guidelines. It does NOT address the risk of false negatives. Data retention and storage “Data” and reports must be kept for 10 years. This includes primary data files, not only print-outs. Each print-out should be initialled and dated by the reviewer and the laboratory director or designee.
Software A variety of commercial, shareware and freeware programs are available, such as DNA Strider 2.0 and Amplify 3.0 for the Mac, and BioEdit for the PC for general purpose analysis. Primer 3, developed for the Human Genome Program, is widely used for PCR primer design. Shareware programs are available for reading sequence but a clinical laboratory should rely on clinically oriented, usually commercial, software which can provide quality scores for each base “called” by the software, compare the sequence to a reference sequence, and provide an audit trail of who has accessed the file (adjustment of parameters can influence the sequence calling).
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Post-analytic phase Review and Interpretation All controls must have performed satisfactorily. If not, the director (or designee) must annotate the worksheet indicating troubleshooting measures and whether or not the failed control precludes analysis. Some sequencing software includes sophisticated quality indicators for every base, but “manual” (really “visual”) inspection of sequencing chromatograms, especially if mutations are identified, is strongly recommended. Similarly, review of real-time PCR curves can be done rapidly and can pick up anomalies missed by software. A potential pitfall in any PCR based assay is the presence of an unexpected mutation or deletion on one chromosome which abolishes priming by one or both primers. In some cases a deletion can abolish much or all of a gene. The PCR primers will still generate an amplicon from the other chromosome. This can result in the appearance of homozygosity. Often this will only be suspected if family genetic information indicates the subject should be an obligate heterozygote. Methods to detect this are discussed below.
Reporting Like a posse, a report is not something you “just throw together”; it is organized. A CAP resource committee publication provides a detailed template with explanatory comments [7]. Recommended features include: unambiguous identification of the subject AND the specimen a description of assay methodology an analytical result a meaningful interpretation integrating clinical and family genetic information where appropriate limitations of the assay a suggestion for genetic counseling, where appropriate the signature of the reporting laboratorian.
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The description of the genetic variation found should follow internationally accepted rules of nomenclature [8]. If family planning or prenatal testing is involved, it might be helpful (but not required) for one person signing or at least reviewing the report to be board certified or experienced in medical genetics and counseling. The CAP standard usefully distinguished between an analytical report and an interpretive report. An analytical report must be careful to indicate limitations of testing methodologies, whether the result is normal or abnormal, but this is a straightforward process. An interpretive report should help guide the clinician with respect to the significance of the finding. Penetrance and expressivity of a given mutation can be highly variable. Discussion with the ordering clinician, if possible, is almost always helpful to all discussants: what
might be “obvious” to someone immersed in genetics might be opaque to an otherwise expert clinician [9, 10]. Sequencing often uncovers unreported mutations or reported mutations for which the functional consequences are uncertain. The report can help focus the clinician’s thinking. For example, if the mutation affects an amino acid conserved across the animal kingdom it is likely to be significant; however the report must indicate that this is still an educated guess.
Reimbursement If you direct an independent reference laboratory your position is simpler, because you are typically charging another laboratory at a clear contracted rate, rather than an insurer or the government. An increasing number of CPT codes specific for molecular genetic testing and interpretations have become available as technologies have expanded, but this is an ever-changing target.
Analytical testing strategies Single Nucleotide Variants If the laboratory focus is on specific known sequence variants there is a large variety of methods among which to choose: many ingenious, many impractical, some both. Most, but not all, use PCR. If the focus is on detecting all variants, known or novel, DNA sequencing is essential. Methods for Detecting Specific Sequence Variants Assays can be classified as target amplification or signal amplification methods. PCR is the protypical target amplification method. The Invader Assay [11] and the Nanosphere Microarray Assay [12] are signal amplification methods; the amplification step is broadly similar to that in an ELISA assay. The major advantage of signal amplification is that the signals are physically transient, unlike PCR amplicons; however, real-time PCR methods also minimize the risk of contamination. The capacity for multiplexing becomes important as the laboratory’s scope expands. The simplest approach is to run many assays in parallel: for example real-time PCR assays for different targets can be performed in different wells of a 96or 384-well microtiter plate by manual or automated methods. Arrays are an alternative for multiplexing. Arrays can be created on a variety of surfaces including chips, slides and beads. Epic scale SNP arrays (for example 600,000 SNPs) are useful for detecting copy number variation [13] and possibly isodisomy [14] but they are NOT currently useful for genotyping a small number of genes. With the exception of the Nanosphere, all current arrays, including bead arrays, require generation and processing of PCR amplicons prior to the assay.
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
Methods for detecting any Sequence Variant The dominant sequencing method uses fluorescent Sanger sequencing and analysis by capillary electrophoresis. It is flexible – the user can readily design primers to sequence any region. It is also robust – one can sequence amplicons of up to 1000 base pairs. Capillary arrays and sequencing reaction reagents represent the major costs for consumables. An advantage of using capillary electrophoresis for sequencing is that the same instrument can be used for “fragment analysis”, sizing PCR products with single base resolution. This is very useful for microsatellite analysis and for direct detection of insertions/deletions of several hundred base pairs. Pyrosequencing is a “sequencing by synthesis” method distinct from Sanger sequencing [15]. It can sequence typically 25–60 base pairs. It is much more quantitative and sensitive than Sanger sequencing for detection of low level variants, often down to 1%. It is especially suitable for methylation studies, and for genotyping or sequencing short regions of interest such as HLA alleles. Sequencing by array presents considerable start-up costs both for instrumentation and for chip customization. This method is often referred to as “re-sequencing”: because the array design is fixed it cannot be used to analyze novel sequences. If a lab is interested in identifying all variants in several large multi-exon genes, perhaps all genes involved along some endocrine axis, a single chip could encode all the exons and a large swathe of the introns. Processing of sample is more complex than for Sanger sequencing or pyrosequencing. If the chip works AND all the genes have clinical utility, this could be a cost-effective strategy. It does require either purchase of or access to an array hybridization station and analysis software. If the instrumentation is in a core facility, the genetics laboratory will have to develop, document and follow a policy for making use of the system compliant with CLIA regulations. Mutation scanning If the lab analyzes genes with many exons or must analyze many samples an all-sequencing strategy can generate a larger volume of work than can be effectively managed. Several PCR based methods “scan” samples for the presence of variants, without being able to identify the specific alteration (see below). Sequencing is then limited to those samples which demonstrate atypical profiles. “Small” Insertions/Deletions Insertions/deletions of a single nucleotide up to a size slightly smaller than that of the PCR amplicon can be detected by sequencing: at the site of an insertion or deletion the chromatogram will suddenly show two overlapping traces. Insertions/deletions can also be identified by PCR fragment size analysis. Variation in the size of “triplet repeats” occurs in numerous genetic disorders such
as androgen insensitivity syndrome. Deletions or amplifications which encompass the entire amplicon OR affect a primer binding site pose significant pitfalls. Suspicion is only raised if family genotyping data are available and indicates that the subject should be an obligate heterozygote for the region. Such “hidden” insertions and deletions can be suggested by several methods: microsatellite analysis (fragment size analysis), Multiple Primer Ligation Assay (MPLA) 16 using fragment size analysis, and quantitative “copy number” PCR for multiple individual exons; however the first step is to design additional primers to exclude the possibly of a primer binding site mutation. “Large” deletions and Copy Number Variation (CNV) Although data had been available for several years, it was not realized until 2004 that apparently healthy individuals can have multiple deletions on the megabase scale, which are stably inherited [13]. Such deletions affect one chromosome of each pair, and usually do not include gene-rich regions, but certainly can include many functional genes. If those genes are genotyped, the subject appears homozygous by most assays. The CNV profiles of various populations are being mapped. The medical significance remains to be determined. CNV for specific regions can be detected by several methods, including quantitative PCR, MLPA and a cytogenetic procedure fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). Translocations Until recently these were thought to be limited to hemato poietic malignancies. A recurring translocation has been found in papillary thyroid carcinoma [17]. The significance remains to be determined. Translocation breakpoints most often occur in a specific intron, but the specific site is so variable over a large region, that PCR analysis of genomic DNA is not feasible. Reverse-transcription PCR can detect and quantitate such translocations. FISH cytogenetic probes are superior for FFPE tissue. miRNA expression Commercial pre-designed quantitative PCR assays are available for many miRNAs. Small scale arrays of several hundred miRNAs are also available. The clinical utility of miRNA analysis remains to be defined.
Methylation/imprinting Methylation of specific dCTP bases in a promoter can reduce or silence gene transcription from the corresponding allele. In imprinting only one of two alleles is expressed, often associated with methylation of the promoter on that strand. Imprinting typically silences the allele in most tissues. In neoplasia methylation occurs in some or all of the neoplastic cells, presumably as a clonal or subclonal process [18].
C h a p t e r 2 7 Setting up a Laboratory l
Imprinting has been shown in a very few endocrine related genes [19]. To confirm an effect on transcription, one can genotype at the cDNA level, assuming RNA is available from an appropriate tissue and if an informative SNP is present in the RNA. Bisulfite treatment of DNA converts non-methylated dCTP nucleotides in genomic DNA into dUTP; subsequent sequencing can then determine which dCTP nucleotides were methylated (unaltered). An alternative method uses methylation sensitive restriction enzymes to cleave genomic DNA non-methylated residues, preventing PCR amplification of unmethylated regions. All methods use PCR to amplify the region of interest (up to several hundred base pairs) which is then sequenced. The level of methylation can vary widely. Pyrosequencing and mass spectrometric analysis are superior to Sanger sequencing because of their sensitivity and ability to quantitate. Real-time PCR methods to assess methylation at a specific site can detect at least to the 0.1% level [20]. Uniparental isodisomy (UPD) In uniparental isodisomy two copies of a gene or chromosomal region are inherited from one parent, none from the other, as a result of replication error. UPD has been described in several endocrine genetic disorders [21]. If the region is large, this can be demonstrated by microsatellite analysis or SNP genotyping across the region in samples from the parents (when available) and the patient. In the absence of isodisomy the patient should inherit one microsatellite or SNP from each parent at each locus. Because parents may be identical by chance for several markers, it is necessary to test a panel of markers. If family data for the patient is not available, the presence of homozygosity for multiple microsatellite or SNP markers across a large region is suggestive of isodisomy. However, because linkage disequilibrium in parts of the genome is strong, it is possible that in such regions, identity for a few markers will imply identity for many consecutive markers over a large region [14]. UPD has been described in numerous tumors; the significance is unclear. Mosaicism Mosaicism is the presence of more than one genetically distinct cell line in a single organism. The genetic variant can arise at different stages of embryogenesis, leading to variable patchy expression in cells and tissues of the adult. Examples in endocrinology include mosaicism for a mutation in the thyroid hormone receptor beta [22]. A “somatically acquired” mutation is a variant which arises in the adult organism and is most often studied in the context of cancer. Analysis of mosaicism is challenging: it requires a sample from the affected tissue and, because the cell population of the tissue can be heterogeneous, it must be able to pick up a low level of the variant. If the mutation is known, several of the PCR methods described below can pick up a
low level of mutation. If the specific mutation is not known, Sanger sequencing will NOT detect a low level of mutation. Pyrosequencing and mass spectrometric sequencing can detect at the 1% level, but each sequence read is significantly shorter than for Sanger sequencing.
Notes on analytical methods Analytical Methods to Minimize PCR Amplicon Contamination Substitution of dUTP for a portion of dTTP in the dNTP mix for PCR makes the resulting amplicons susceptible to cleavage by the enzyme uracil-N-glycosylase (UNG). By incorporating UNG in every reaction mastermix, any prior amplicon contaminating a new sample or reaction mastermix should be destroyed when the UNG is activated during a pre-incubation of the PCR reactions. “Regular” UNG retains activity despite multiple PCR thermal cycles and can destroy new PCR amplicons, so the more expensive heat-labile UNG is strongly preferable.
Real-time PCR In real-time PCR a fluorescent signal is detected in “realtime” through the tubes or microtiter plates or capillaries. In this way the accumulation of amplicons can be monitored in each cycle without stopping the reaction. Because the tubes/plates are not opened, there is minimal risk of contamination by PCR amplicons.
Double Stranded DNA Dyes This is the least expensive method to detect and quantify PCR amplicons. This is of particular value for gene expression assays. This method can be adapted to assays for specific sequence variants, but the main utility for genotyping is in mutation scanning (see below). Certain dyes, after binding to any double stranded DNA, fluoresce when excited at an appropriate ultraviolet wavelength. As more amplicons are generated in each cycle, more dye is bound at the end of each synthesis step. The higher the level of input target, the earlier the cycle in which fluorescence signal is detected. SybrGreen (Invitrogen), the most widely used, has excitation/emission spectra similar to that for FAM and is suitable for all real-time PCR instruments. Newer dyes such as LCGreen II (IdahoTechnology, USA) and BOXTO (TAATAA, Finland) offer improved performance characteristics.
Melt-curve Analysis Sequence non-specific dyes do NOT distinguish between the intended amplicon and irrelevant amplicons which are incidentally generated, such as primer dimers. Gel
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
electrophoretic analysis or “melt-curve analysis” can confirm the presence of appropriate and spurious amplicons. A melt-curve profile is generated after the last cycle of a realtime PCR program. The temperature is lowered to permit the amplified DNA to reanneal. The dye will bind and generate a large signal. The temperature is then raised steadily to a temperature at which all duplexes will have dissociated. The fluorescence is monitored at every temperature increment. When the temperature reaches the melting point for the desired amplicon there is a sharp decrease (Tm) in signal as the duplexes come apart, releasing dye. The presence of additional amplicons will result in additional inflection points in the melt-curve. Genotyping by melt-curve analysis “high resolution melting” is a scanning technique in which shifts in Tm can detect the presence of any variant sequence in an amplicon of up to 400 nucleotides [23]. 99% of single nucleotide variants in amplicons of up to 400 base pairs can be detected by this method. In some cases where a difference is NOT seen, one can mix equimolar amounts of the sample PCR with a PCR amplicon of a known genotype, denature and renature. Heteroduplexes and homoduplexes should not be easily distinguished. A refinement can be used for specific genotyping. This is a very inexpensive technique suitable for several real-time PCR instruments.
Hydrolysis Probes These are often referred to by the more colorful but trademarked term “TaqMan” probes (derived from an early schematic in which the polymerase is depicted as a PacMan icon munching fluorescent molecules off probes). The PCR reaction includes a probe, a DNA oligonucleo tide complementary to the region of interest. The probe will have a fluorescent reporter molecule at one end and a “quencher” at the other end. When excited by light of the appropriate wavelength, the fluor will normally emit light shifted to a longer wavelength. When a “quencher” (or reporter) is present nearby, it absorbs energy from the fluor by a quantum mechanism (fluorescent energy resonance transfer, FRET), preventing emission (OR emitting at a third wavelength). During the extension phase of PCR, when the polymerase reaches the probe, it cleaves the fluor from the probe. Free in solution fluorescence is no longer blocked. With each cycle, more free fluors accumulate. Hydrolysis probes cannot generate melting curves, but BOXTO dye can be combined with FAM labeled hydrolysis probes. Hydrolysis probes can be used for measuring gene expression and for genotyping. By designing two probes, usually differing by a single nucleotide at the position of the nucleotide variant of interest AND each bearing a different fluor, a real-time PCR assay can simultaneously detect the normal sequence and the variant sequence. It can detect a variable level of a minority component at least to 1%.
Hybridization Probes These are often referred to by the trademarked name “LightCycler Probes”. In addition to PCR primers, each assay has two probes: a long oligonucleotide, the “Anchor Probe” and a short oligonucleotide, the “Sensor Probe”. Typically a fluor is at the 3 end of the anchor probe and a reporter is at the 5 end of the sensor. The anchor and sensor are designed to bind to the target with only a few nucleotides separating the fluor and the reporter. When they are bound to the target, and the fluor is excited, the energy is transferred to the reporter which emits at a wavelength distinct from that expected for the fluor. Unlike hydrolysis probes, the design is such that the polymerase does NOT destroy the probes. As the temperature increases in each cycle, the probes come off the target. The fluor is no longer in proximity to the reporter so the signal decreases. As a result, hybridization probes can give signals like hydrolysis probes, but can also be used to generate melting curves. The sensor is short so that at a low annealing temperature it can bind to either the wild type sequence or to the variant sequence. The temperature at which the sensor probe comes off depends on the target sequence and can vary by as much as 8–10 ° for a single nucleotide variant. It can also serendipitously detect unexpected variants which fall within the recognition site of the sensor domain.
Quantitative PCR This is can be adapted to quantitating mRNA transcripts, miRNA, gene copy number, acquired or mosaic variants and methylation levels at specific nucleotides. It requires the same equipment as any real-time PCR assay, but also requires calibrators and appropriate quantitative analysis.
Invader Assay This is a signal amplification assay which works by a clever but complex application of FRET, oligonucleotides probes and the archebacterial enzyme cleavase [11]. The ratio of two fluorescent signals at the end of the isothermal incubation is used to infer the genotype. The Invader assay can be multiplexed by making all the probes for normal variants use one fluor, all the probes for variants use another fluor; however one has no way of knowing if each individual probe has performed satisfactorily. The complex format notwithstanding, the assay is robust and equipment is widely available. Nanosphere Microarray There are numerous array based genotyping methods; all but the Nanosphere system require PCR amplification of the target, before hybridization. With Nanosphere hybridization of naked eye [12]. Clinical assays are available for
C h a p t e r 2 7 Setting up a Laboratory l
a small number of, at present, non-endocrine related gene targets. Genotyping Arrays Several companies offer genotyping arrays for large-scale (over 500,000 high frequency SNPs) surveys but mutations by definition are rare so these arrays are not clinically useful for clinical genotyping. They can be used to good effect for CNV detection and for detection of UPD. It is anticipated that some combinations of common SNPs could be associated with disease predisposition, but clinical utility remains to be demonstrated.
the instrument cost and throughput. If one has a 16 capillary instrument and is only running one reaction, all 16 capillaries must still be filled with polymer and “run”, using capillary lifetime. If you anticipate doing both sequencing and fragment size analysis it will be preferable to have a system in which the arrays (and polymer) do not have to be switched. Every time one switches the array, one incurs significant set up time and the risk that the array is not installed properly.
Instrumentation Robotics
Mass Spectrometric Genotyping A PCR amplicon encompassing the region of interest is generated. Different protocols permit sequencing of short regions (typically 25 base pairs), quantitative genotyping of specific nucleotide variants, and quantitative detection of all methylation sites over a region of several hundred base pairs. MALDI-TOF is the usual format. By using primers of different sizes, genotyping assays can be multiplexed. The overall process for each “reaction” is in the order of seconds. Automation permits a very high throughput. This turn-around time is hard to match, but taking advantage of this high-throughput complex instrument is not cost effective except for very large scale studies [24].
Mutation Scanning Techniques If sequencing every exon (and intronic regions of interest) is not feasible, the laboratory can screen samples by one of several PCR based methods [25]. Nucleotide variants can alter several properties of the amplicon such as the melting temperature of the duplex or the concentration of a denaturing chemical at which the amplicon strands separate. Single stranded PCR products of identical size can show differences in gel mobility, potentially reflecting nucleotide variants which affect secondary structure. The older methods (temperature gradient gel electrophoresis, denaturing gradient electrophoresis and single-stranded conformational polymorphism) are laborious and imprecise, and are typically detected by use of radioactivity or silver stain. In denaturing HPLC (dHPLC) amplicons migrate through a temperature controlled HPLC column which offers excellent sensitivity and precision, but requires complex equipment and has low throughput. Real-time PCR based scanning described above offers comparable sensitivity, comparable cost, higher throughput and can use real-time PCR instruments [23].
Sequencing The key decision will concern the capacity of the instrument; the number of capillaries is directly associated with
Capable, flexible, programmable instruments are available which can set up multiple reactions for multiple samples, in particular PCR reactions, including sequencing. The costbenefit analysis will vary by laboratory. Some instruments also perform nucleic acid extraction. Although the idea of having an instrument go from sample processing to reaction set up is appealing, and might minimize sample identification errors, the complexity of the instrument significantly increases the risk of failure. Nucleic acid extractors are widespread, reliable and much faster than PCR robots, so an all-in-one instrument also presents a risk of creating a bottle neck.
Real-time PCR Instrumentation Plate based instruments typically excite the fluors and detect the resulting UV signal through the top of each tube or plate. The commonest format uses a CD detector to image the entire plate at once. Heating and cooling samples is typically done by some combination of Peltier effect, thermoelectric heating and forced air cooling. The Lightcycler (Roche) and RapidCycler (IdahoTech) use capillary tubes, resembling the capillary tubes used for finger sticks. The tubes are mounted in a carousel which rotates rapidly within a cylindrical chamber, which is heated/ cooled by forced air. This format provides somewhat greater temperature uniformity than in plate based systems, but the functional significance is unclear. Excitation and detection is accomplished by a signal system in the base of the instrument which irradiates the bottom tip of each capillary as it passes over. Loading capillary tubes requires more care than loading tubes and plates. Capillary tubes are glass, and occasionally they break, posing a PCR contamination hazard. The Rotorgene (Corbett) uses a microcentrifuge and provides intrinsic temperature uniformity. The SmartCycler (Cepheid) uses hard-to-describe very flat crimped tubes. The most notable feature of the SmartCycler is that each sample holder can be individually programmed. This is helpful for optimizing reaction conditions, but the conditions are not necessarily generalizable to other instruments.
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders
Most real-time PCR instruments will perform most basic analyses satisfactorily. In selecting an instrument one significant difference to consider is the ability to use hybridization probes. Hybridization probes are appealing because they can provide melting curve information, but the dyes are proprietary, and not all instruments can detect them. If mutation scanning by high resolution melting is required, the temperature uniformity and ramping speed is critical. Performance varies widely [24]. Other performance characteristics to consider include the ease of sample data entry and analysis software features.
Summary More and fancier instrumentation can improve throughput and turn-around time, and facilitate translational research, but a full-service molecular genetics endocrinology laboratory can be set up with a small number of instruments. The commonest configuration, a real-time PCR thermocycler and a capillary electrophoresis system will enable diagnosis of most endocrine genetic disorders defined to date. Regardless of the methodological sophistication, the most important component is regular and full communication among clinicians, laboratorians and genetic couselors.
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Page numbers in bold type indicate tables; those in italics indicate figures
A 4A syndrome, 197 AAAS gene mutations, 198 Aarskog syndrome, 230 Acanthosis nigricans, 39, 40 Achalasia, 197, 198 Achondrogenesis, 152, 153 Achondroplasia, 150, 151, 151 Acid-labile subunit (ALS), 288 Acromegaly, 55, 59, 60, 61, 263–4, 264 ACTH independent macronodular adrenal hyperplasia (AIMAH), 174, 176, 177 ACTH receptor (ACTH-R) gene, 177 Activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID), 10 Addisonian crisis, 183 Addison’s disease, 271, 272, 273, 274, 277 Adenine methylation recognition, 9 Adenomatous polyposis, familial (FAP), 133, 134, 174, 176, 300 Adenomatous polyposis coli (APC), 176 Adiponectin, 47 Adrenal calcifications, CAI associated with, 195–6, 195 Adrenal cortex, embryonic development, 193–4 Adrenal disorders, 212–13 Adrenal gland, tumors, 300 Adrenal hemorrhage, CAI associated with, 195–6 Adrenal hyperplasia, see Congenital adrenal hyperplasia Adrenal hypoplasia, gonadal dysgenesis (GD) with, 229 Adrenal hypoplasia congenita (AHC), 195, 198–9 Adrenal insufficiency, acute, 183 Adrenal tumors, 264 medullary, 261 Adrenalectomy, 183 Adrenocortical adenomas (ACAs), 173, 175, 176 Adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC), 173, 175, 176 Adrenocortical development defects, CAI associated with, 195
Adrenocortical disease, primary pigmented nodular (PPNAD), 175–6 Adrenocortical insufficiency (AI), congenital (CAI), 193 genetic conditions associated with, 196–9 genetic defects causing, 194–6 treatment, 196 Adrenocortical tumors (ACT), 173–9 Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), 197 congenital isolated deficiency, 196 fetal, 194 hereditary resistance to action of (RACTH), 196–7 levels in primary AI, 196 receptor (ACTHR), 196–7 Adrenoleukodystrophy, X-linked (X-ALD), 195, 199 Aflatoxins, 5 Agouti related peptide (AGRP), 32 AGPAT2 mutations, 45–6, 45 AIP gene mutations, 55, 60–1, 61 testing, recommendations for, 62 AIRE gene laboratory testing, 275 mutations, 196, 199, 272–3, 272 Alacrima, 197, 197 ALADIN (alacrima-achalasia-adrenal insufficiency neurologic disorder), 198 Albright hereditary osteodystrophy, 32 Alkaline phosphatase, 156 Alkaptonuria, 4 Allan Herndon Dudley syndrome, 111 Allgrove syndrome, 197–8 Alopecia, 159 Alpha-thalassemia X-linked mental retardation syndrome, 229 Alström syndrome, 32, 33 Alu sequences, 12–13 Amenorrhea, 39, 207, 209, 211, 212 causes, 207 American Board of Genetic Counseling, 295
American College of Medical Genetics (ACMG) laboratory guidelines, 305, 308 American Thyroid Association (ATA), 183 guidelines, 119, 125 Ames assay, 5–6 AMH/AMHR, diagnostic criteria, 232 Amino acids, codons specifying, 4 Amyloidosis, cutaneous lichen, 182 Androgen(s), 245 defects in action, 237–8, 249–50 synthesis and action, disorders of, diagnostic criteria, 231–2 Androgen excess disorders of, diagnostic criteria, 232 fetoplacental causes, 239–40 maternal etiologies, 240 Androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS), 237–8, 249 categorization, 249 complete (CAIS), 250, 252 mild (MAIS), 252 partial (PAIS), 250, 252 Androgen receptor (AR), 245, 249–50, 251 diagnostic criteria, 232 gene, 212 mutations, 249 Androgen resistance, defects of, 245 categorization, 251, 253 diagnostic genetic testing, 251 gender assignment, 251–2 genetic counseling, 251 genetic pathophysiology, 245–50 genetic testing facilities, 253 management, 251–3 prenatal testing, 253 support groups, 253 Anemia, thiamine responsive megaloblastic, 23 Anosmia, 217, 223 Anti-Müllerian hormone disorders, 239 Anti-Müllerian hormone receptor disorders, 239 Antidiuresis, 68, 69, 70
Antley-Bixler syndrome, 165 AR gene, 212 mutations, 249 ARAF mutations, 128 Arginine vasopressin (AVP), 67, 68, 70 antidiuretic effect, 70 P450 aromatase deficiency, 239–40 diagnostic criteria, 232 Artemin, 118 Association for Molecular Pathology (AMP), 305 Ataxias, spinocerebellar, 250 Athyreosis apparent, 98, 100 true, 97, 100, 100 Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, 108 Autoimmune polyendocrinopathy–candidiasis– ectodermal dystrophy (APECED) syndrome, 196, 199, 271 Autoimmune polyglandular failure syndromes (APS, PAS, PGA), 271–80 APS1 (juvenile type), 271–2, 272–3, 274–7 diagnosis and testing, 274–7, 275 genetic counseling, 277 laboratory testing, 275–6, 275 mutation, 274 prenatal testing, 276 presentation, 271–2 treatment, 277 APS2/3 (adult types), 271, 272, 273 genetic counseling, 277 genetic testing, 274 mutation, 274 presentation, 272 treatment, 277 background, 271 CAI associated with, 196 incidence/prevalence, 271 pathophysiology, 272–4 presentation, 271–2 Autoimmune thyroid disease (AITD), 272, 273–4 Autoimmunity, genetic defects leading to, 196 Autosomal dominant (AD) inheritance pattern, 299 Autosomal dominant hypoparathyroidism (ADH), 145–6 Autosomal genes, 210–11 Autosomal recessive (AR) inheritance pattern, 299 Axokine, 34 Azoospermia, 235
B Bacteria adenine methylation recognition, 9 mismatch repair (MMR), 9 Bacterial replicative enzymes, 6 Bamforth–Lazarus syndrome, 99, 100 Bannayan–Riley–Ruvalcaba (BRR) syndrome, 132 Bardet–Biedl syndrome (BBS), 32, 32, 33 Barrett’s esophagus (BE), 263 Bartter syndrome, 69, 70 Base excision repair (BER), definition, 5
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (BWS), 173–5, 174, 300 Berardinelli–Seip congenital lipodystrophy (BSCL), 41, 45–6 testing, 50 Beta cell decompensation, 39, 47 Binge eating disorder, 31 Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome, 300 Blepharophimosis-ptosis-epicanthus inversus syndrome (BPES), 208, 210 type I, 229 Blood, sample handling, 306 BMP15 gene mutation, 210 Bone morphogenetic protein 15 (BMP15), 208, 210 Bones, matrix components and, 152–3 Borjeson-Forssman-Lehmann syndrome, 32, 230 BRaf, role in thyroid cancer, 129 BRAF mutations, 118, 128–9 BRAFV600E in thyroid cancer diagnosis, 129 treatment, 129–30 Brain-derived neurotropic factor (BDNF), 29 Brain–thyroid–lung syndrome, 99 BSCL mutations, 45–6, 45 Buccal swabs, for sample handling, 306
C Calcitonin, 183 Calcium, vitamin D metabolism, 155–7, 156, 157, 160 Campomelic dysplasia, 150, 150, 151, 229 Cancer tobacco related, 6–7 see also individual cancers/carcinomas Candidiasis, mucocutaneous, 271, 272 Carbenoxolone, 201 Carcinogenic polycyclic hydrocarbons, 5 Carcinoma, see individual carcinomas Carney complex (CNC), 55, 57, 59, 174, 175–6, 300 CNC-related pituitary tumors, 59 genetic cause, 55 testing, recommendations for, 59 Carney–Stratakis dyad, 186 CASR gene mutations, 144–5 test laboratories, 145 Catecholamines, 183, 185 -catenin, 133–4, 176 CHARGE syndrome, 194, 220, 221 CHD7 gene mutations, 220, 221 Chemodectoma, 181 Chernobyl nuclear accident, 127, 129 Chondrocytes, growth plate, 150–2 Chorea, benign hereditary, 99 Chromosomal inheritance pattern, 299 Chromosomal translocations, 299 Ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF), 34 Cirrhosis, 41 Cleidocranial dysplasia, 150, 152 Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA ‘88) (USA), 303 Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) guidelines, 305
Cocaine-and-amphetamine-related transcript (CART), 28 Code of Federal Regulations, 303 Codons, termination (ter) codons, 4, 5 Cohen syndrome, 32, 33, 34 Collagen, 152, 153 College of American Pathology (CAP), 303–4 Colon carcinoma, 9–10, 10 Combined pituitary hormone deficiency (CPHD), 218 defective genes causing IHH/KS, 219 Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), 165–72, 174, 176–7, 193, 194, 235–6, 299 background, 165 child’s height, 171 congenital lipoid adrenal hyperplasia, 236 diagnosis genetic testing, 167–8 enzyme deficiencies resulting in, 166 familial ACTH independent macronodular adrenal hyperplasia (AIMAH), 174 forms of, 165–6 genetic counseling, 170–1 incidence/prevalence, 165 nonclassic, 208, 211, 212–13 resources, 169 treatment, 169–71 Congenital adrenal hypoplasia (adrenal hypoplasia congenita - AHC), 195, 198–9 Congenital adrenocortical insufficiency (CAI), 193 genetic conditions associated with, 196–9 genetic defects causing, 194–6 treatment, 196 Congenital generalized lipodystrophy (CGL), 41, 42 genetic testing, 47 mutations in, 45 pathophysiology, 46 Congenital hypothyroidism (CH), 87, 90, 91, 97 classification, 87 genes, 98 syndromes associated with, 101 tests, 87 see also Thyroid dyshormonogenesis Congenital lipoid adrenal hyperplasia, 236 Congenital spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia, 152 Copy number variation (CNV), definition, 5 Cornelia de Lange syndrome, 230 Corticosterone, 200 Corticotrophin, see Adrenocorticotropic hormone Corticotrophs, 75, 76, 77–9 Cortisol, 194, 200 Counseling, genetic, 293–302 congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), 170–1 insulin resistance, 51 organizations, 296 process, 296 role of counselors, 294–6 see also under individual disorders Cowden disease (Cowden’s syndrome), 132, 132–3, 134, 300 Coxa-vara, 152 CRAF mutations, 128 Cryptorchidism, syndromes associated with, 229–30
Index CTLA-4 gene, 273, 274 CTNNB1 gene, 118 Cushing’s disease, 60, 61 Cushing’s syndrome (CS), 175, 176, 177, 200, 211, 265 Cutaneous lichen amyloidosis, 119 Cyclin D1, 56 CYP deficiencies, 235–6 CYP11A gene, 211–12 CYP21A genes, 212–13 CYP21A2 gene, 166–7, 167 duplication of, 168 genetic testing, 167–8, 171 mutations, 168 phenotype-genotype correlation, 168–9 testing laboratories, 168 Cystic fibrosis, 299 Cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase deficiency, 165
D DAX-1 gene mutations, 198 DDAVP, 70 antidiuretic effect, 70 De la Chapelle syndrome, 234 Deafness (hearing loss), 3, 89, 108 maternally-inherited, 19, 23 Deamination, 3 Dehalogenase, 92 Dehydration, 70, 71 Deiodinases, 107, 112 Deletion, 12, 13 definition, 5 Dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy, 250 Denys–Drash syndrome, 229 Deoxycorticosterone, 200 Dexamethasone, 169, 177 Di George syndrome, 101 Diabetes, 300 Diabetes insipidus (DI), 67–73 clinical diagnosis, 70–1 clinical types, 67, 68 complete, 67 congenital nephrogenic (NDI/CNDI), 68, 68, 69, 71 autosomal NDI, 70 genetic aspects, 69 X-linked (xrNDI), clinical/genetic aspects, 69, 69, 70, 71, 71–2 definition, 67 familial neurohypophyseal (FNDI), 68, 68, 69 autosomal-dominant inheritance (adFNDI), 68, 69, 69 autosomal-recessive inheritance (arFNDI), 68, 69, 69 genetic aspects, 68–9 X-linked (xrFNDI), 68 familial types, 68, 68 genetic testing, 71–2 gestational, 70 idiopathic neurohypophyseal, 71 laboratories, 72 neurohypophyseal, 70 partial, 67 preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), 72 prenatal diagnosis, 72
prevalence, 67 recessive forms, 71 support organizations, 72 Diabetes mellitus antibody-negative type 1 (type 1b), 23 mixed type 1 and type, 2, 23–4 monogenic, see Diabetes mellitus, monogenic below polygenic vs monogenic, 23 type 1 (DM1), 272, 273–4, 277 Diabetes mellitus, monogenic, 17–25 conclusions, 24 diagnosis, 21 genetic basis, 17–20, 18–19 glucokinase (GCK) diabetes, 20 clinical features, 20 genes to test, 20 genetic implications, 21 therapy, 20–1 insulin resistance syndromes, 24 maturity onset diabetes of the young (MODY), 18, 20, 22, 23 permanent neonatal diabetes mellitus (PNDM), 18, 20, 23 clinical features, 22 genes to test, 22 genetic implications, 23 therapy, 22–3 vs polygenic, 23 prevalence, 17 syndromes including, 19 clinical features, 23 genes to test, 23 therapy, 23 transcription factor diabetes clinical features, 21 genes to test, 22 genetic implications, 22 therapy, 22 transient neonatal diabetes mellitus (TNDM), 18, 20 clinical features, 22 genes to test, 22 genetic implications, 23 therapy, 22–3 websites, 17, 20, 23 DiGeorge syndrome, 196 Dihydrotestosterone, 235, 236 5-dihydrotestosterone (DHT), 245 Dimers, pyrimidine, 7 DNA abasic sites, 6 mismatch repair (MMR) system, 9 quantitation, 307 repair processes, 10 sample storage, 308 specimen processing, 306–7 structure, 11–13 synthesis, 7–9, 8 tumor DNA, 10–11 DNA glycosylase, definition, 5 Donohue syndrome (leprechaunism), 24, 40, 43, 43, 44, 50 clinical features, 41 genetic testing, 47, 50
Dopamine, 185 Down’s syndrome, 299 Dual oxidases (thyroid oxidases) (DUOX1/2), 88, 91 DUOX maturation factors, 91–2 Dubowitz syndrome, 230 Duplication, 12 target site duplication (TSD), 12 Dysglycemia, 40 Dyslipidemia, 42 Dysplasia campomelic, 150, 150, 151, 229 cleidocranial, 150, 152 faciogenital, 230 Jansen metaphyseal, 151–2 Kniest, 152 mandibulo-acral (MAD), 42 metaphyseal, 150, 151–2 multiple epiphyseal, 153, 153 skeletal, 149–54 spondyloepiphyseal, 152, 153 thanatophoric, 151
E Eating behavior, 29 E-cadherin, 134 Ectopic thyroid, 97, 99, 100 Elongation, 8, 9 Enchondromatosis, multiple, 152 Endocrine duodenum tumors, 263 Enzymes bacterial replicative, 6 MYH, 6 Epigenetics, 293 Epilepsy, 300 Epinephrine, 183, 190 Epoxides, 5 Escherichia coli, 7, 9 Estrogen receptor (ER), 211 Eukaryotic cells, mismatch repair (MMR), 9 Expressivity, 298–301 Extension, 8
F Fabry disease, 299 Faciogenital dysplasia, 230 Faciogenitopopliteal syndrome, 230 Factor VIII, 70 Familial ACTH independent macronodular adrenal hyperplasia (AIMAH), 174 Family history, 294 negative, 301 see also Pedigree Fatty liver disease, non-alcoholic (NAFLD), 41, 42, 42 FGFR1 (KAL2) gene mutations, 218, 220–1 Fibrillins, 212 Fibroblast growth factor (FGF), 150 fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF 23), 159–60 receptors (FGFR), 56–7, 151 Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), 232, 234, 235 FMR1 gene, 209, 210 Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) inactivating mutations, 239 receptor (FSHR) mutations, 239
Follicular carcinoma, 134 Formalin fixed paraffin embedded tissue (FFPE), 306, 307 Fragile X mental retardation (FMRI), 208, 209–10 Fragile X syndrome, 10, 32, 209, 250, 299 Fragile X tremor/ataxia syndrome, 210 Frameshift mutation definition, 5 insulin receptor, 43 Frameshifts, 4, 6 Frasier syndrome, 229 Friedrich’s ataxia, 10, 250 FSH receptor mutation, 208
G Galactosemia, 208, 210 GALT gene, 210 Gardner syndrome, 134 Gastric inhibitory polypeptide receptor (GIP-R), 177 Gastrinomas, 263 Gastroenteropancreatic (GEP) system, 263 Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs), 186–7 GDNF-family ligands (GFLs), 118 Gene deserts, 3 Gene Tests website, 220, 221, 222 Genes, protein coding, 3 Genetic Alliance, 296 Genetic conditions, frequency of, 293–4 Genetic counseling, see Counseling, genetic Genetic Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) (USA), 294 Genitalia, ambiguous, syndromes associated with, 229, 252 GHR gene mutations/deletions, 285, 286, 289 Ghrelin, 33 Glial-cell-line derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF), 118 GLIS3 gene mutations, 100 Glomus tumors, 181 Glucagonoma, 263 Glucocorticoid deficiency, familial type 1 (FGD-1), 196–7 type 2 (FGD-2), 197 Glucocorticoid resistance conditions associated with, 199–201 primary familial (FGR), 200 sporadic generalized (GGR), 200 Glucocorticoid-remediable aldosteronism (GRA), 177 Glycosidic bond, hydrolysis of, 6 Glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol (GPI)-linked coreceptors, 118 GNAS1 gene mutations, 176 GnRH neuron migration, defective genes causing IHH/KS, 219 GNRHR gene mutations, 218, 221 Goiter, 87, 89, 90, 92, 108, 129 congenital hyperthyroid, 97 Goldenhar syndrome, 229 Gonadal dysgenesis (GD), 227–32 with adrenal hypoplasia, 229 diagnostic criteria, 231
with neuropathy, 229 presentation and diagnosis, 228–32 syndromes associated with, 229 Gonadotrophs, 75, 76, 77–9 Gonadotropin defects, 238–9 deficiency, 222 receptor defects, 238–9 Gonadotropinoma, 60 Gordon syndrome, 200 GPR54 gene mutations, 222 Graves’ disease, 272, 273, 274 Growth factor hormone (GH), 33, 35 Growth failure, 283–90 background, 283–4 clinical presentation, 284, 285 diagnosis/testing, 288–9 genetic counseling, 290 incidence/prevalence, 284 laboratory testing, 289 mutations, 285–8, 286–7 pathophysiology, 285–8 prenatal testing, 289 treatment, 289–90 Growth hormone (GH), 55 deficiency, 81, 283 Growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH)-producing tumors, 263–4 Growth plate chondrocyte regulatory genes, 149–52, 150 zones, 150 Gsp mutations, 56 Guanine, 6
H HAIR-AN (hyperandrogenism, insulin resistance and acanthosis nigricans) syndrome, 39, 43, 43 Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, 272, 273, 274, 277 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) (USA), 294, 304 Hearing loss, see Deafness Hemangioblastomas, 184 Hemorrhage, adrenal, CAI associated with, 195–6 Hepatomegaly, 41 Hereditary isolated glucocorticoid deficiency syndrome, 174 Hereditary vitamin D resistant rickets (HVDRR), 158–9 Hirschsprung disease, 119, 182 Histones, 265 Holoprosencephaly, 229 Holt-Oram ulnar-mammary syndrome, 196 Hoogsteen base pairs, 6 definition, 5 Hormone replacement therapy, 80 HRPT2 gene, 142–4 mutations, 142–4 genetic counseling, 144 17HSD type 3, diagnostic criteria, 231 11HSD1, diagnostic criteria, 232 Human Genome Project, 11, 295 Huntington chorea (Huntington’s disease), 10, 250
Hydrocortisone, 196 Hydrogen bonding, 6, 7 in Watson-Crick base pair, 5 Hydrogen peroxide, 91 Hydrolysis, 6 17-Hydroxyprogesterone, 212 17-Hydroxylase, diagnostic criteria, 231 21-Hydroxylase deficiency (21-OHD), 165–6, 212 clinical features, 166 diagnosis, 166, 167 genetic pathophysiology, 166–7 mutations causing, 167 prenatal diagnosis/treatment, 169, 170, 170 21-Hydroxylase, diagnostic criteria, 232 Hyperactivity, 108 Hyperaldosteronism, 177 Hyperandrogenemia, 211 Hyperandrogenism, 40, 165 hyperandrogenism, insulin resistance and acanthosis nigricans (HAIR-AN) syndrome, 39, 43, 43 postnatal, 166 Hypercalcemia, 58, 145, 262 familial hypocalciuric (FHH), 142, 144–5 diagnosis/testing, 145 genetic pathophysiology, 144–5 treatment, 145 Hyperemesis gravidarum, 101 Hypergastrinemia, 265 Hyperglycemia, 39, 40 Hypergonadotropic hypogonadism, 238 Hyperinsulinemia, 40, 41 genetic testing, 47 Hypermutability, of tumors, 10 Hypernatremia, 70, 71 Hyperparathyroidism, 119, 125 eonatal severe hyperparathyroidism (NSHPT), treatment, 145 familial, 141, 142 familial isolated (FIHP), 142, 146, 262 diagnosis/testing, 146 genetic pathophysiology, 146 test laboratories, 146 treatment, 146 neonatal severe (NSHPT), 142, 144–5 diagnosis/testing, 145 genetic pathophysiology, 144–5 primary, 141, 143, 145, 182 sporadic, 142 Hyperparathyroidism-jaw-tumor syndrome (HPT-JT), 141–2, 142 diagnosis/testing, 142–3 genetic pathophysiology, 142 treatment, 143–4 Hyperplasia parathyroid, 119 see also Congenital adrenal hyperplasia Hyperprolactinemia, 211 Hypertelorism, 230 Hypertension, 42 Hyperthermia, 70 Hyperthyroidism, 105, 107, 108 non-autoimmune, 101 Hypertriglyceridemia, 41
Index Hypocalciuric hypercalcemia, familial (FHH), 142, 144–5 diagnosis/testing, 145 genetic pathophysiology, 144–5 treatment, 145 Hypochondroplasia, 151 Hypoglycemia, 40 Hypogonadism, diagnosis, 217–18 Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, 28, 35, 198, 207 idiopathic (IHH), 217, 218 chromosomal abnormalities, 218 genes associated with, 218–23, 219 laboratories performing genetic analyses, 223 molecular basis, 218–20 normosmic, genes causing, 220, 221, 222, 222–3, 223 Hypoparathyroidism, in childhood, 271, 272 Hypophosphatemic disorders, 159–61 treatment, 161 Hypopituitarism, 75–83 congenital, 76 diagnosis, 80 genetic testing, 80 hormone replacement therapy, 80 idiopathic, 76, 80, 81 incidence/precedence, 75 mutations, 80 testing laboratories, 80 treatment, 80–2 Hypoplasia orthotopic thyroid, 98, 99, 101 see also Congenital adrenal hypoplasia Hyposmia, 217 Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis defects, CAI associated with, 194–5 Hypothalamus, defective genes causing IHH/ KS, 219 Hypothyroidism, 29, 105, 107, 108 chronic, 283 congenital (CH), see Congenital hypothyroidism Hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF), 184, 186
I IGF-I gene mutations/deletions, 284, 287, 289 IGF1R gene mutations, 284, 288, 289 IGFALS gene mutations, 288, 289 IGFD Research Center, 284, 288, 289 IMAGe (intrauterine growth retardation, metaphyseal dysplasia, adrenal hypoplasia, genitourinary anomalies), 194 Imaging studies, familial paraganglioma syndromes, 186 Immunodysregulation-polyendocrinopathy and enteropathy, X-linked (IPEX), 19, 23 Indels, 4, 6 definition, 5 Inheritance patterns, 299–300 dominant vs recessive, 300 Inhibin, 208, 210 Insertional mutagenesis, definition, 5 Insulin in PCOS pathogenesis, 211
receptor, see Insulin receptor resistance, see Insulin resistance Insulin-like growth factor (IGF), 283 deficiency (IGFD), 284 laboratory testing, 289 primary, 284, 284, 285 secondary, 284 Insulin receptor defects, 40–1 Donohue syndrome (leprechaunism), 40, 41, 43, 43, 44, 47, 50 Rabson–Mendenhall syndrome, 40, 41, 43, 43, 44, 47, 50 mutations, 42–3, 44 functional classification, 44 pathophysiology, 43–7 structure, 43 Insulin resistance (IR) (severe), 42 clinical presentation, 39–42 diagnostic criteria, 40 genetic counseling, 51 genetic investigation algorithm, 48 genetic pathophysiology, 42–7 genetic testing laboratories, 47–50 HAIR-AN (hyperandrogenism, insulin resistance and acanthosis nigricans) syndrome, 39, 43, 43 insulin resistance syndrome, type A, 39, 43, 43 IR-AN (insulin resistance and acanthosis nigricans) syndrome, 43 monogenic, 39–40 prenatal testing, 51 treatment, 50–1 Insulinemia, 31 Insulinomas, 263 International Skeletal Dysplasia Registry, 283 Intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR), 284 Inversion, 12, 13 definition, 5 Iodide metabolism, 88 Iodine/iodide supplementation, in thyroid dyshormonogenesis, 92, 93 Iodotyrosine deiodinase (IYD), 88, 92 IR-AN (insulin resistance and acanthosis nigricans) syndrome, 43
J Jackson–Weiss syndrome, 220 Jansen metaphyseal dysplasia, 151–2 Johanson-Blizzard syndrome, 230 Juberg-Marsidi syndrome, 229
K KAL1 gene mutations, 218, 220 KAL2 (FGFR1) gene mutations, 220–1 Kallmann syndrome (KS), 207, 208, 217, 229 chromosomal abnormalities, 218 genes associated with, 218–23, 219 laboratories performing genetic analyses, 223 molecular basis, 218–20 Karyotyping, IHH/KS, 218, 220 Kennedy’s disease, 250, 251, 252–3, 299 Ketoacidosis, 40 Klinefelter syndrome, 209, 232, 235
Kniest dysplasia, 152 Krebs’ cycle, 186
L L1 element, definition, 5 Laboratories offering testing facilities see also under individual disorders Laboratory testing analyte quality assessment, 307 DNA/RNA, 307 nucleic acid integrity, 307 picogreen/ribogreen, 307 analytic phase, 308 analytical methods, 311–13 CLIA license, 303 extractors, automated, 307 inspections of, 304 instrumentation, 313–14 intellectual property, 304–5 post-analytic phase, 309 proficiency testing, 304 radioactivity, 305 regulations, 303–4 enforcement responsibility, 303–4 reimbursement, 309 reporting, 309 sample handling (pre-analytic), 306 sample storage, 308 setting up, 303–14 space considerations, 305 specimen handling, 306 specimen processing, 306–7 testing process, 305 testing strategies, 309–11 tests, laboratory-developed, 304 see also under individual disorders Lactotrophs (PRL), 75, 76, 77–8 Learning disabilities, 108 Lenz-Majewski hyperostosis syndrome, 230 LEP gene mutations, 222 LEPR gene mutations, 222 Leprechaunism, see Donohue syndrome Leptin (LEP), 28–30, 29, 40, 41, 50 deficiency, 28–9 leptin/melanocortin pathway, 28, 29 receptor (LEPR), 28–9, 29, 30, 34 treatment, 34 Levothyroxine (L-T4), 110, 112 Leydig cells, 235 agenesis, 238 hypoplasia, 238 diagnostic criteria, 231 Li-Fraumeni syndrome (LFS), 173, 174, 300 Lines (long interspersed nuclear elements), 12 Lipodystrophy, 40–2 Berardinelli–Seip congenital (BSCL), 41, 45–6 testing, 50 congenital generalized (CGL), 41, 42 genetic testing, 47 mutations in, 45 pathophysiology, 46 familial partial (FPLD), 41–2, 42, 47 genetic testing, 47 laboratories available for testing, 47–9 mutations in, 45
Lipodystrophy (continued ) negative tests, 50 treatment, 50–1 genetic investigation algorithm, 48 genetic testing laboratories, 48–9, 50 LMNA-associated, 45, 50 pathophysiology, 46 PPARG-associated, 45, 50 pathophysiology, 46–7 LMNA mutations, 46, 47 Loop of Henle, 70 Lowe syndrome, 230 Lugol’s solution, 92 Lungs, neuroendocrine tumors (NETs), 264, 265 Luteinizing hormone chorionic gonadotropin receptor (LHCGR), 238 mutations, 238
M McCune–Albright syndrome (MAS), 174, 176 Machado-Joseph disease, 250 McKusick-Kaufman syndrome (MKKS), 230 Macroadenomas, 58, 60 Malpeuch facial clefting syndrome, 229 Mandibulo-acral dysplasia (MAD), 42 Marfanoid habitus, 119 Matrix components, bones and, 152–3 Matrix metalloprotinases, 129 Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome (MRKH), 230 MC2R gene mutations, 196–7 Medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC), see under thyroid cancer/carcinoma Melanocortin system, 28 MEN-like syndrome (MENX), 59–60 MEN1 gene, 56, 265 mutations, 55, 58, 60 Menin, 55, 58, 264, 265–6 Menin gene mutations, 175 Menstrual cycle irregularities, 207–15 Mental retardation, 70 X-linked alpha-thalassemia mental retardation syndrome, 229 Metabolic disorders, CAI associated with, 195 Metanephrine, 183, 186, 190 Metaphyseal dysplasia, 150, 151–2 Methyl nitrosourea, 4 Microadenomas, 60 Micronodular adrenal hyperplasia (MAH), 176 MicroRNA (miRNA), 3 Microsatellites, 10 instability, 10 Microsomia, hemifacial, 229 Miller-Dieker syndrome, 230 Mineralocorticoid receptor (MR), 201 replacement, 196 resistance, conditions associated with, 199–201 MiR-96 gene, 3 MiRNA expression, 310 nucleic acid integrity, 307 sample storage, 308 specimen processing, 307 Mismatch repair (MMR), 7, 9–10
DNA, 9 eukaryotic cells, 9 Missense mutations, 4 definition, 5 insulin receptor, 43 Mitochondrial encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, strokes (MELAS), 300 Mitochondrial encephalopathy with ragged-red fibers (MERRF), 300 Mitochondrial inheritance pattern, 300 Mosaicism, 311 Motesanib diphosphate, 128 MR gene mutations, 201 MRAP gene mutations, 197 Mucosal ganglioneuromatosis, 119 Müllerian duct syndrome, persistent (PMDS), 239 Müllerian malformation, syndromes associated with, 230 Multifactorial inheritance pattern, 300 Multiple enchondromatosis (Ollier disease), 152 Multiple endocrine abnormalities (MEA), 196, 199, 271 Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1), 55, 56, 142, 174, 175, 300 apparently sporadic tumors, 268 background, 261 definition of patient, 261 endocrine lesions, 262 familial, 58, 261 genetic counseling, 268 genetic pathophysiology, 265–6 life expectancy, 261 MEN1 gene, 56, 265 mutations, 55, 58, 60 mutation analysis, 266–8 criteria for, 267 individuals eligible for, 267 interpretation of results, 266 laboratories, 267 methods, 266–7 negative test, 268 periodic monitoring guidelines, 267 predictive value of testing, 268 prenatal testing, 267–8 mutations and phenotypes, 265 non-endocrine lesions, 262 pathophysiology, 265–6 patient, definition, 261 presentation, diagnosis, treatment, 261–5 prevalence, 261 prolactinoma variant, 58 syndromes, 263–4 testing, recommendations for, 58 treatment, 268 tumors associated with, 57–8, 57, 58, 261–5, 262, 262 Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 (MEN2), 119–21, 142, 181, 181–3, 187, 261, 299, 300 catecholamine production, 183 clinical variants, 119 genotype-phenotype correlations, 182 guidelines for management of, 119 and medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC), 183 Ret activation by point mutation, 120–1
screening, 134 Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 4 (MEN4), 55, 57, 59–60, 142 testing, recommendations for, 60 Multiple epiphyseal dysplasia, 153, 153 MURCs, 230 Mustard gas derivatives, 4 Mutagenic polymerases, 7 Mutants, mutagen stable, 7 Mutation mechanisms of, 3–14 missense mutation, definition, 5 modifiers, 7–9 mutagenic agents, 4–6 nonsense mutations, 4, 5 outside the replication cycle, 10 point mutations, 3, 4, 5 somatic, 3 somatic hypermutation, 10 specificity rules, 6–7 spontaneous, 10–11 synonymous (silent) mutation, 4 definition, 5 Mutational spectra, 6 Myotonic dystrophy, 10, 250
N Najjar syndrome, 229 NAME syndrome, 300 National Society of Genetic Counselors (NSGC), 295 NELF gene mutations, 222 Nervous systems, 117 Neuroendocrine tumors (NETs), 263 of thymus, lungs, stomach, 264–5 Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1), 181, 185, 300 diagnostic criteria, 185 Neurotrophic tyrosine kinase receptor type 2 (NTRK2), 29 Neurturin, 118 NKX2.5 genes, 98 mutations, 101 NOG gene mutations, 210–11 Noggin deficiency, 210–11 Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), 41, 42 Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), 41, 42 Nonchromaffin tumor, 181 Nonsense mutations, 4 definition, 5 insulin receptor, 43 Noonan syndrome, 230 Norepinephrine, 185 Normosmia, 220, 221, 222, 222–3, 223 NROB1 gene mutations, 221–2 NS-adenomas, 57 NTRK1 (TRKA) gene, in thyroid cancer, 118, 130–1 Nucleotides, triplets, 4 Nucleotide variants, 309–11
O Obesity, 27–37, 300 development of, 27
Index incidence, prevalence, 27 laboratory testing, 33–4 melanocortin 4 receptor (MCR4)-linked clinical presentation, 27 diagnosis, 34 genetic pathophysiology, 30–2 treatment, 34–5 monogenic, 27 clinical presentation, 27 diagnosis, 33–4 genetic pathophysiology, 27–30 genetics laboratories, 33–4 rare forms, 29 treatment, 34 obesogenic environment, 27 polygenic, 27 clinical presentation, 27 syndromes, 32 diagnosis, 34 genetic pathophysiology, 32–3 Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) database, 32, 33 treatment, 35 syndromic, clinical presentation, 27 Ocular abnormalities, in triple A syndrome, 198 Oligo-amenorrhea, 207, 211 causes, 208 clinical and laboratory evaluation, 213 Oligomenorrhea, 212 causes, 207 Ollier disease, 152 Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) database, 32, 33 Orthotopic thyroid hypoplasia, 98, 99, 101 Osteocalcin, 156 Osteomalacia, genetic causes, 157–9, 160 Osteoprotogerin (OPG), 157 O6 methyl guanine, 4 Ovarian disorders, 207–12 Ovarian dysgenesis, FSHR mutations in, 239 Ovarian failure, premature (POF), 207 POF genes on the X chromosome, 209 Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS), FSHR mutations in, 239 Ovotesticular DSD, 232–4 diagnostic criteria, 231 presentation and diagnosis, 234 P450 oxidoreductase deficiency, 240 diagnostic criteria, 231 Oxygen, 6
P P53, 133 Pallister-Hall syndrome (PHS), 229 Palmoplantar hyperkeratosis with squamous cell carcinoma and XX sex reversal, 229 Pancreatic islet cell tumors in MEN1 patients, 263 diagnosis and management, 262 Pancreaticoduodenal endocrine tumors (PETs), 263 Papillary thyroid cancer, 187 Parafibromin, 142 Paraganglioma(s), 181, 183
apparently sporadic, 187–90 causes, 181 parasympathetic, 181 SDHB-related, 185, 186 syndromes, see Paraganglioma syndromes terminology, 181 Paraganglioma syndromes familial, 181, 185–7 age of onset, 185 causes, 185 imaging studies, 186 laboratories for clinical testing, 188–9 Parathyroid adenomas, 262–3 sporadic, 142 Parathyroid carcinoma, 142 diagnosis/testing, 142–3 genetic pathophysiology, 142 sporadic, 142 treatment, 143–4 Parathyroid hormone (PTH), 141, 144, 156, 157 Parathyroid hormone related protein (PTHrP), 150 Parathyroid hormone related receptor (PTHR), 151–2 Parathyroid hyperplasia, 119 Parathyroid tumors, 300 PAX8, 134 PAX8 genes, 98 mutations, 98–9 Pedigree, 296–301 Pendred syndrome (PDS), 89 Penetrance, 298 Penis, small, syndromes associated with, 229–30 Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR), 134 Persephin, 118 Pfeiffer syndrome, 220 Pheochromocytoma(s), 125, 181, 182–3, 184 apparently sporadic, 183, 187–90 causes, 181 ectopic, 181 extra-adrenal, 181 incidence, 181 laboratories for clinical testing, 188–9 malignant, 183 MEN2-related, 119, 120, 183, 261 age of onset, 183 multigenerational, 185 screening, 183 terminology, 181 PHEX gene, 160 Phosphate, complications from high doses of, 161 Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), 131 Phosphorus, vitamin D metabolism, 155–7, 156, 160 PI3K/Akt/PTEN pathway, 131–3 in cancer pathophysiology, 131–2 in clinical management of thyroid cancer, 132–3 PI3K/Akt pathway inhibitors, 133 in thyroid cancer pathophysiology, 132 PIK3CA gene, 118 Pituitary adenomas, 55–65 abnormalities associated with, 56 familial isolated (FIPA), 55, 57, 60–2 testing, recommendations for, 62
genetic pathophysiology, 56–7 genetic screening, 57 in MEN1 patients, 264 diagnosis and management, 262 sporadic, testing, recommendations for, 62 Pituitary gene mutations, 222 Pituitary gland anterior, 75 cell types, 75, 76 genetic factors in development of, 77–9 development, transcription factors, 76 genetic pathophysiology, 75–80 hormone deficiency, 75, 80, 81 hypofunction, see Hypopituitarism murine studies, 76 mutations, 80 tumors, 300 Pituitary gonadotropin deficiency, defective genes causing IHH/KS, 219 Point mutations, 3, 4 definition, 5 Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), 208, 211–12 susceptibility locus, 212 Polydipsia, 69, 70 Polyglandular failure, see Autoimmune polyglandular failure syndromes (APS, PAS, PGA) Polymerase chain reaction (PCR), 304, 309–11, 311–13 amplicons, 305, 309, 311, 313 instrumentation, 313–14 quantitative, 312–13 Polymerases, 6 human DNA, 7, 8 mutagenic, 7 PolyQ-expansion disease, 250, 251 Polyuria, 69 genetic defects causing, 70 PPARG gene, 118 PPARG mutations, 46, 47 Prader–Willi syndrome (PWS), 29, 32–3, 32, 34, 35, 229 Precocious puberty, 166 LHCGR mutations in, 238 Premature ovarian failure (POF), 207, 210 POF genes on the X chromosome, 209 Premature termination mutations, insulin receptor, 43 Prenatal testing, insulin resistance, 51 Primary ovarian insufficiency (POI), 207 Primary pigmented nodular adrenocortical disease (PPNAD), 59 Primary tumor transforming gene (PTTG), 56 PRKARIA gene mutations, 59, 175–6 Probands, 297 Proconvertase-1 (PC1), 28, 29 Progastrin, 29 Progeria, 42 Proglucagon, 29 PROK2 gene mutations, 222 PROKR2 gene mutations, 222 Prolactinomas, 57, 58, 60, 264 Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), ubiquitination, 7, 9
Proofreading, 7–9, 8 definition, 5 exonucleolytic, 9 Proopiomelanocortin (POMC), 28, 29 deficiency, 29, 34 Prostrate, 245 Protein coding genes, 3 Proximal symphalangism (SYM1), 208, 210–11 Pseudohypoaldosteronism (PHA) type I, 200–1 treatment, 201 type II, 200 Pseudovitamin D deficiency rickets (PDDR), 157–8 PTEN gene, 118 Puberty constitutional delay of (CPD), 218 delayed, 217 precocious, 166 LHCGR mutations in, 238 Public Health Service Act (USA), 303 Putative genes, defective genes causing IHH/KS, 219, 222 Pyrimidine dimers, 7
R Rabson–Mendenhall syndrome, 24, 40, 43, 43, 44, 50 clinical features, 41 genetic testing, 47, 50 RAF proteins, 128–9 RANK ligand (RANKL), 156, 156, 157 RANK receptor, 156, 156, 157 Ras gene mutations, 56, 118, 130 in follicular tumors, 129 in thyroid carcinoma, 130 Rathke’s pouch, 75, 76 Receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs), 119 Recombination, 3, 12, 13 definition, 5 5-reductase type 1 (5RD1), 246–8 5-reductase type 2 (5RD2), 245–6 defects in, 236–7 deficiency, 246, 252 mutations identified in, 247–8 diagnostic criteria, 232 Reifenstein syndrome, 249, 252 Replication, 9 RET protein, 118 intracellular pathways activated, 118 role in papillary thyroid cancer (PTC), 126–8, 127 role in thyroid carcinogenesis, 119–20 test laboratories, 122–4 RET gene, 117–18, 118 genetic testing laboratories, 121, 122–4 mutations, 118, 119, 121, 121–4, 182, 183 decision making and treatment based on, 124–6 risk level classification, 125–6, 126 somatic, 121 Retransposition, 13
Retrotransposon, definition, 5 Rickets, 156, 158, 159 autosomal dominant hypophosphatemic (ADHR), 160 genetic causes, 159–61 hereditary vitamin D resistant (HVDRR), 158–9 hypophosphatemic, 299 pseudovitamin D deficiency (PDDR), 157–8 vitamin D dependent, Types I-III, 157–9 vitamin D resistant, 159, 299 X-linked hypophosphatemic (XLH), 159–60, 160 RNA editing, 3 quantitation, 307 sample storage, 308 specimen processing, 307 Robinow syndrome, 229 Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome, 230 RUNX2 gene, 150, 150, 152
S Scintigraphy, 97 Sclerosis tuberous, 299 SDHB gene mutations, 185–7 SDHC gene mutations, 186 SDHD gene mutations, 186–7 Seckel syndrome, 230 SEDL gene mutations, 152 Seed region, 3 Seip-Berardinelli syndrome, 24 Selenoproteins, 107, 112, 113 Sertoli cells, 234, 235, 238, 239 Sex chromosome disorders, 234–5 Sex determination, disorders of, 227–35 Sex development, disorders of (DSD), 227–43, 233 categorization, 228 diagnostic criteria, 231–2 Sex differentiation, disorders of, 235–40 diagnostic criteria, 231–2 SF1 gene mutation, 199 Sickle cell anemia, 4 Silent (synonymous) mutation, 4 definition, 5 Sines (short interspersed nuclear elements), 12 Alu sequences, 12–13 Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), 3, 11 Single-minded 1 (SM1), 29 Sipple syndrome, 119 Skeletal dysplasias, 149–54 testing laboratories, 149 Slippage, 6 definition, 5 Small Nuclear Ribonucleoprotein polypeptide N (SNRPN), 32, 34 Upstream Reading Frame (SNURF), 32 Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome (SLOS), 195, 229 SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms), 3, 11 Sodium-iodide symporter (NIS), 87–9, 88 Somatic hypermutation, 10 Somatolactotropinoma, 60 Somatostatinoma, 263 Somatotrophs, 75, 76, 77–9
Somatotropinomas, 56, 57, 60, 61, 62 Sonic hedgehog (Shh), 75 Sorafenib, 128 SOX9 gene, 150–1, 150 SOX9 transcription factor, 150 Spectrophotometers, 307 Spinocerebellar ataxias, 250 Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia, 152, 153 congenital, 152 SRD5A1 gene, 246–8 SRD5A2 gene, 245–6 SRY open reading frame (ORF), 227 StAR deficiency, diagnostic criteria, 231 STAT5b gene mutations, 287, 289 Stature, short, 283, 284 Steatohepatitis, non-alcoholic (NASH), 41, 42 Sterilization, 293 Stickler syndrome, 152, 153 Stomach, neuroendocrine tumors (NETs), 264, 265 Sulfonylureas, 20, 22, 23 Sunitinib, 128 Swyer syndrome, 227 Symphalangism, proximal (SYM1), 208, 210–11 Synonymous (silent) mutation, 4 definition, 5
T T-box, 196 Tachycardia, 108 Target site duplication (TSD), 12 Telomerase, 265 Termination (ter) codons, 4 definition, 5 Testicular DSD, 232–4 diagnostic criteria, 231 presentation and diagnosis, 234 Testicular feminization, 252 Testicular tumors, 59 Testosterone, 245, 252–3 biosynthesis disorders, 235–6 metabolism and action in male, 246 Thanatophoric dysplasia, 151 Thiamine-responsive megaloblastic anemia syndrome (TRMA), 19, 23 Thiazolidinediones, 134 Thymus, neuroendocrine tumors (NETs), 264, 265 Thyroglobulin (TG), 88, 90 Thyroid developmental abnormalities, 97–104 ectopic, 97, 99, 100 radioactive iodide uptake (RAIU), 88–9 tumors, 59 Thyroid cancer/carcinoma, 117–38 genetic events involved in, 118 medullary (MTC), 119, 120–1, 125, 128, 181, 183 familial (FMTC), 119–20, 121, 124, 181–2 hereditary, 124 metastatic, 125 sporadic, 119, 121, 128 NTRK1 (TRKA) gene in, 130–1 papillary (PTC), 119, 129
Index follicular variant (FVPTC), 130, 134 role of RET in, 126–8, 127 RET role in carcinogenesis, 119–20 Thyroid dysgenesis, 87, 97 genes studied, 98 monogenic causes, 100 monozygotic twins, 97 TTF2 role, 100 Thyroid dyshormonogenesis, 87–92, 97 DUOX2 cofactor defect, 91–2 follicular matrix protein defect, 90 genetic testing laboratories, 92–3 iodide efflux defect, 89–90 iodide organification defect, 90 iodide recycling defect, 92 iodide transport defect (ITD), 88–9 iodide trapping defect, 87–9 NADPH-oxidase defect, 91 testing laboratories, 92–3 Thyroid gland, tumors, 300 Thyroid hormone (TH) abnormal cofactors, 107 abnormal transfer to the nucleus, 107 cell transport defect (THCTD), 106–7, 109, 110–12, 112 background, 110–11 clinical features, 111 genetic pathophysiology, 111–12 incidence/prevalence, 111 laboratory findings, 111 treatment, 112 hormonogenesis, 88 metabolism defect (THMD), 107, 109, 112 background, 112–13 clinical features, 113 differential diagnosis, 113 genetic pathophysiology, 113 incidence/prevalence, 113 laboratory findings, 113 treatment, 113 non-genomic abnormalities, 107 receptors (TRs), 105 receptor defect, 107 regulation of transport, metabolism, genomic action, 106 resistance to (RTH), 105, 107–10, 109, 112 background, 107 clinical features, 107–8 differential diagnosis, 108–9 genetic pathophysiology, 109–10 incidence/prevalence, 107 laboratory findings, 108–9 nonTR RTH, 110, 112 treatment, 110 syndromes of reduced sensibility to, 105–15 conditions associated with, 109 defects in, 106–7 synthesis defects, 87–95 synthesis and release, 105 Thyroid oxidases (THOX), see Dual oxidases Thyroid peroxidase (TPO), 88, 90–1 Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), 105 see also Thyrotropin Thyroid stimulating hormone releasing hormone (TRH), 105 Thyroid transcription factor 1 (TTF1)
genes, 98 mutations, 99 Thyroid transcription factor 2 (TTF2) genes, 98 mutations, 99–100 polyanine tract lengths, 100 Thyroidectomy, 183 prophylactic, 124–6 Thyrotrophs, 75, 76, 77–8, 110 Thyrotropic insufficiency, 28 Thyrotropin (TSH), 87 receptor (TSHR), 89 mutations, 98, 101 see also Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) Thyrotropinoma, 60 Tissues, for sample handling, 306 Torticollis, 230 TP53 gene, 118 TPIT gene mutations, 196 TPO transcription, 99 TR gene mutations, 110 Trans lesion synthesis (TLS), 7, 9 Transcription factor SOX-9, 150 Transition, 4 definition, 5 Translocation, definition, 5 Transposition, definition, 5 Transposons, 12 definition, 5 Transversions, 4 definition, 5 TR gene mutations, 108, 109–10, 110 Triple A syndrome (AAAS), 197–8 Trisomy, 18, 299 Trisomy, 21, 101, 299 Trisomy X, 207, 209 TRKA (NTRK1) gene, in thyroid cancer, 118, 130–1 TTF1 gene mutations, 98, 99 TTF2 gene mutations, 98, 99–100 polyalanine tract lengths, 100 Tuberous sclerosis, 300 Tumor suppressor gene mutations, 56 Tumorigenesis, 10–11 Tumors, 300 hypermutability, 10 thyroid, 59 Turner syndrome, 207, 208–9, 208, 234–5, 283, 299 Twins, 12 discordant for thyroid dysgenesis, 97 Tyrosine kinase mutations, 44 receptor (TRKB), 29
U Ubiquitin, definition, 5 Unclassified variants (UV), 266 Undervirilized male syndrome, 252 Unequal crossing over, 12, 13 definition, 5 Unilateral choanal atresia, 99 Uniparental isodisomy (UPD), 311 Urinary tract, dilation, 71
V VACTERL, 229 Vandetanib, 128
Varadi-Papp syndrome, 229 Vasopressin V2 receptors, 69 antagonists, non-peptide, 70 VATER, 229 Verner-Morrison syndrome, 263 VHL gene mutations, 184 VIPomas, 263 Vitamin D deficiency, 156 25 hydroxylase deficiency, 157 see also Rickets disorders, 155–61 receptor (VDR), 155 synthesis and metabolism, 155–7, 156 Von Hippel–Lindau syndrome (VHL), 181, 183–5, 187, 189, 190, 299, 300 causes, 184 classification, 184, 184 genotype-phenotype correlations, 184 tumor surveillance, 184–5 Von Willebrand factor, 70
W Watery diarrhea-hypokalemia-achlorhydria (WDHA) syndrome, 263 Watson-Crick base pairs, 6 definition, 5 Williams syndrome, 101 Wilms tumor, 300 Wilson disease, 299 Wolcott-Rallison syndrome, 19, 23 Wolffian ducts, 236, 245 Wolff–Chaikoff effect, 91 Wolfram syndrome, 19, 23
X X chromosome abnormalities, 207–9 deletions, 208, 209 POF genes on, 209 translocations, 208, 209 X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD), 195, 199 X-linked dominant (XLD) inheritance pattern, 299 X-linked recessive (XLR) inheritance pattern, 299 X-linked spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy (SBMA), 299 Xeroderma pigmentosum, 7 XL184, 128 XX patients, LHCGR mutations in, 238 46,XX disorders, 232–4 diagnostic criteria, 231 46,XY disorders, 227–32 diagnostic criteria, 231
Y Yeast, 6, 7
Z ZAC protein, 56 Zactima, 128 Zollinger-Ellison syndrome (ZES), 263, 265, 268