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-v&MI' and thereby obtain the powerful identity:
I z - z'1 2 )exp[t (z*z' - zz'*»,
where g (z ,z') is the ordinary single-particle Grecn's function. 13 We see from (2) that the density matrix is short ranged with a characteristic scale giv~n by the magnetic length, just as occurs in superconducting films in a magnetic field. \4 The same result can be obtained within first quantization via the expression p(z,z') -
~fd 2z 2 • •• d 2zN9*(z,Z2, . .. ,zN)9
where Z is the nonn of 9" If the lowest Landau level has filling factor 0 -11m and tile interaction is a sbort-ranged repulsion, then in the lowelectron mass Iimit, 7 the exact ground-state wave function is given by Laughlin's expression: 9
n (z,-zj)"'exp (- i- ~IZA: 12)" A:
Laughlin's plasma analogy proves that the ground state is a liquid of uniform density so that Eq. (2) is valid. The rapid phase oscillations of the integrand in 0) cause p' to be short ranged. There is. nevertheless, a peculiar type of long-range order hidden in the ground state. For reasons which will become clear below. this order is revealed by considering the singular gauge field used in the study of'·anyons" 16• 17 :
markable result that both fermion and boson systems map into bosons in this singular gauge. Substituting (7) into (J) and using Laughlins's plasma analogy, 5 a little algebra shows that the singulargauge density matrix p can be expressed as
where fj=2/m, and ll/(z,z') is the difference in free energy between two impurities of charge m/2 (located at z and z') and a single impurity of charge m (with arbitrary location). 3ecause of complete screening of the impurities by the plasma. the free-energy difference tJ./(z.z') lapidl}, approaches aconstant as Iz -z'l - 00. This proves the ClC.lf:tence of ODlRO 18 cna!'3cterilc.d by .HI e'pc;Jcnt ,6 - I -m/2 equal \0 the:: J:lasma "temperatUI~" For m -I the asy;nptotic value of llf can be fo:,mc.J exactly~ !Jill_ - -0.01942. For o(her values of m. /J~f(; ,2 ') \:an be estimated ~ither by use of the iondisk approximation 2.lS or the static (linear response) susceptibility of the (classical) plasma calculated from the known static structolre factor 8 (see Fig, I), The rigorous and quantitative results we have obtained above are valid for the case of short-range repulsive interactions for which Laughlin's wave function is exact. We now wish to use these results for a qualitative examination of more general cases and to deepen our understanding of the ODLRO. We begin by noting that p can be rewritten in the ordinary gauge as
where <1»0 - he/I' is the quantum of flu \ and A is a constant. The addition of this vector potentiiJl to_the Hamil[Onian is not a I rue gauge transformation since a nux tube is attached t,) each particle. If. however. ;.-m ""here :t1 is :tn ir.tcg~r. toe nt t elT';t.:l is j'Jst ;) ctldngc in. the phase of lhe '1..1\':: fU"~'I\Oil: Vpe .. -exp
-,'m L 1m in(:, -:,) l't'o!d· I
Application of (6; to the Laughlin wave lunction (4) yields
which is purely real and is symanetric under particle exchange for both even and ode! m. Hence we have the re-
-11f d'z,
. t1'zNOXP [-; :c1.·dr' .,(,I.·u,z" ... ,ZN).U',Z,.... ,ZN),
where z and z' are vector representations of z ar.d z'. 'he line integral in (9) is multiple valued but its exponential is single valued because the ftux tubes are q~antized. The additional phases introduced by the singular gauge transformation will cancel the phases in ,., nearly everywhere, and produce ODLRO in p if and only if the zeros of., (whirh must necessarily be present because of the magnetic field '9) are bound to the particles. Thus ODLRO in p always signals a condensatiOG of the zeros onto the particles (independent of whether or not the composite-particle occupation of the lowest momentum state diverges' S ). Because the gauge field .A. depends on the positions of all the particles, p differs not just in the phase but in magnitude from p. This multipar~icle object, which explicitly exhibits ODLRO, is very reminiscent of the topolOSical order parameter in the XY modellO and related gauge modeIs 21 •22 and is intimately connected with the frustrated XY mode" which arises in the correlated-ring-exchange theory. 9 For short-range interactions, the zeros of., are directlyon the particla and the associated phase factors are exactly canceled by the gauge term in (9) Iscc Eq. (7»). As the range of the interaction increases, m - I of the zeros move away from the particles but remain nearby
1.0 --IDA
m=5 -------=I m=3 - - ----~ m= 1--·-·-----------
:t D."
,,----~--------~ m=5 -1.0 -1
In (r)
FIG. I. Plot of -/JA/Cz,z')/", VI ,.Iz -z'l for IDling factor II -1/"" LRA is IiDcar-raponse approximation, IDA is ion-disk approximation
58, Nl'MHER 12
and bound to them. 7•2l The gauge and wave function phase factors in (9) now appear in the form of the bound vortex-antivortex pairs. We expect such bound pairs not to destroy the ODLRO and speculate (based on our understanding of the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition 20 ) that the effect is at most to renormalize the eltponent of the power law in (8). As the range of the potential is increased still further, numerical computations 7 indicate that a critical point ;s reached at which· the gap rather suddenly collapses and the overlap between Lauc::h!in's ,tare and t h~ t,Ut: ground 5!ate drops q!Jickly to l.ero. \"e propost' tna! thiS gap collapse corresponds to the unbinding of the vr,rtices ar.d hence to the It)sS oi ODlRO and the onset O! short-range behavior of p(z.z'). Recall t~:\t the dlsfingui!'hi!'lg fe.wJr: of the FQHE s~ate is its iong w .. ·.;:lcll~~r. e'\citalioll gap. ,'I.l least willtin the singk-mode approltimation,' this gap can only eXI~t \I,I~~~ t~e ground state is h0rn~gen,!l)u,; and the tw~-poir.t C')~:·'!!'.i.:IGi' function exhibit.; p.err~d s~~ee'lin~:
In the analog plasnla problem, the zeros of '!' act like point charges seen by each pta, ticle and the M I sum rule implies that electrons see ~ach other as charge-em -Ill') objects; i.e., that m zeros are bound to each electron. Thus (within the single-mode r.pproximation) there is a one-to-one correspondence between the existence of ODLRO and the occurrence of the FQHE. The exact nature of the gap-collapse transition, which occurs when the range of th(. potential is increased,7 is not understood at present. However, it !:lS been proven 8 thot the M 1 sum rule is satisfio:d by every homogeneous and is.otropic state in the lowest Landau level. Hence the vortex unbinding should be a first-order transition to a state which breaks rotation symmetry (like the TaoThouless state 24 ) and/or translation symmetry ((ike the Wigner crj·staI 4•8 ). We know that as a function of tern~rat"re (for fixed interaction potential) there can be no S-
UI) This equation and the parameter 8, which determines the charge carried by an isolated vort~x, originally had to be chosen phenomenologically. 4 Now, however, it can be justifitd by examination of Eq. (5) which shows that the curl of A J is proportional to the density of particles. If
Kosterlitz-Thouless transition 20 since isolated vortices (quasiparticles) cost only a finite energy in this system 4•2S (see, however, Ref. 10). Further insight into the gap collapse can be obtained by considering the exceptional case of Laughlin's wave function with m > 70. In this case the zeros are still rigo&"ously bound to the particles so that the analog plasma contains long-range forces (and p exhibits ODLRO), but the plasma "temperature" has dropped below the freezing puinl. 2.15 If such a statc exhibits (suffki~ntly 10) long-rang~ p')sitional correlatiJns. the FQHE wOlJld be d~stroye<1 by a gapless Goldstone mode .tSSOciaicd with the broken tiansldtion symmetry. Hence in this exceptional case the normal connection between ODLRO ar.d the FQHE \I:auld ~ ~Eok~n b/ a gap r.ollapse due t(l positional ~rd.ef at a till:te wave vectur. The existence of ODLRO in p is the type or infrared prcperty which s;.;gg:;;ts that .l field-theo:-etic approach tc tl:e FQHE ","ouid be viab!e. It is clear from the [¢Sl.Llts presented here that the binding of the zeros of .., to tbe particles can be viewed as a condensation,I8 not of ordinary particles, but rather of composite objects consisting of a particle ami m flux tubes. (We emphasize that these are nOI real ftux tubes, but merely consequences of the singular gauge. The assumption that electrons can bind real ftux tubes 26 is easily shown to be unphysical. 27) The analog of this result for hierarchical daughter states of the Laughlin states 7• IS would be a condensation of composite objects consisting of n particlt!s anrf rn ftux tubes (cf. Halperin's "pair" wave functions I~ J. This seems closely analogous to the phenomenon of oblique confinement 22 and it ought to be possible to derive the appropriate neld theory from lirst principles by use of this idea. Since the singular gauge maps the ;oroblem onto interacting bosons. coherent-state path integration 28 may prove useful. A step in this direction has been taken recently in the form of a Landau-Ginsburg theory which was developed on phenomenological grounds. 4 In the static limit, the action has the "9 vacuum" form
f d1r I (-;V+a)~(r) 12+ i~(r)("'-., - 1) -i(9!8Jr,2H.V)(a+a)(V_),
where a is not the physical vector potential but an effective gauge field 4 representing frustration due to density deviations away from the quantized Laughlin density and , is a scalar potential which couples both to the charge density and the "flux" density. From (10) the equation of motion for a is (in the static case):
23 MARCH 1987
r we identify a in (10) and (II) as a-A.+A,
where A is the physical vector potential and we take If- If as the particle density relative to the density in the Laughlin state, then Eq. (II) follows from (5) with the 8 angle being given by 8-21flm. This yields 4 the correct charge of an isolated vortex (Laughlin quasiparticle) of q- -11m. The connection between this result and the Berry phase argument of AroYas el al.29 should be noted (sec also Semenoff and Sodano lO ). To summarize, it is the strong phase fluctuations induced by the frustration
associated with density variations [Eq.
1The Quantum Hall Effect, edited by R. E. Prange and S. M. Girvin (Springer-Verlag. New York. 1986). 2R. B. Laughlin, Phys. Rev. Lett. 50, 1395 (1983). lp. W. Anderson, Phys. Rev. B 21. 2264 (983). "S. M. Girvin, in Chap. 10 of Ref. l. SR. Tao and Yong-Shi WU,-Phys. Rev. B lG, 1097 (984). 6D. J. Thoulcss. Phys. Rev. B 31.8'05 (985). 7F. D. M. Haldane, in Chap. 8 of Ref. l. •s. M. Girvin, A. H. MacDonald, and P. M. Platzman, r-:,ys. Rev. Lett. 54, 581 (985), and Phys. Rev. B 33. 2481 (1986); S. M. Girvin in Chap. 9 of Ref. I. 'S. Kivelson. C. Kallin, D. P. Arovas. and J. R. Schricffer, Phys. Rev. Lett. 56,873 (1986). lOS. T. Chui, T. M. Hakim, and K. B. Ma, Pbys. Rev. B 33,
23 MARCH 1987
7110 (1986); S. T. Chui, unpublished. IIG. Baskaran, Phys. Rev. Lett. 56, 2716 (1986), and unpub-
lished. 12R. P. Feynman, Phys. Rev. 91, 1291 (953). IlS. M. Girvin and T. Jach, Phys. Rev. B 29,5617 (984). 14E. Brezin, O. R. Nelson, and A. Thiaville, Phys. Rev. B 31, 7124 (985).
ISR. B. Laughlin, in Chap. 7 of Ref. I. 16F. Wilczek, Phys. Rev. Leu. "9,957 (982). 17 0. P. Arovas. J. R. Schrieffer. F. Wilczek. and A. Zee, Nucl. Phys. 8151\ 117 (1985). "We refer to this as OOLRO or condensation because of the slo·.v power-law decay even thoulh the largest eigenvalue A=fd 1zp(z.z') of the density mat riA diverges only for m:S 4 (see C. N. Yang. Rev. Mod. Phys. 34. 694 (1162»). 19B. I. Halperin. Helv Phys. Acta 56. 75 (1983). 20 J. V
Jos~. l. P.
Phys. Re\·. B ". 1217 (1~71)_ llJ_ B- Koaut. Re\!. Mod. Phys. 51. 659 (lCn~). 22J. L. Cardy and E. ltabinOYici. NIICf. Pby~. B 1~, I (19~2): J L Cardy. Nucl. Phys. B 10!1. 11 (1ge2). 21 0. J. Yoshiob. Phys. Rev. B 29.6833 (1984) 24R. Tao and D. J. 'houless. Phys. Rev. B 28. 1142 (1983). The :.ymmel:ic guge version of this state eAhibits threefold rotalional symmetry. 2sA. M. Chang. in Chap. 6 in Pef. l. 26M. H. Friedman, J. B. Sokoloff. A. Widom, and Y. N. Srivastava, Phys. Rev. Lett. 51, 1587 (1984), and 53, 2592 (984). 27F. D. M. Halaane and L. Chen, Phys. Rev. Lett. 53, 2591 (984). lIL. S. Schulmall, Techniques and Applications 0/ Path integration (Wiley, New York. 198 U.
290. Arovas, J. R. Schrieffer, and F. Wilczek, Phys. Rev. Lett. 53. 722 (984). 100. Scmenoft" and P. Sodano, Phys. Rev. Lett. 57, 1195 (1986) . liF.
D. M. Haldane and E. H. Rczayi, Phys. Rev. Leu. 54,
237 (985), and Phys. Rev. B 31, 2S29 (985); F. C. Zhanl. V. Z. Vulovic, Y. Guo, and S. Das Sarma, Phys. Rev. B 32, 6920 (1985); G. Fano, F. Ortolani, and E. Colombo, Phys. Rev. B 34. 2670 (986).
Note added: E. H. Rezayi and F. D. M. Haldane have recently succeeded in computing the singular gauge den.:.ity matrix for a small number of particles on a sphere. The results are in complete accord with the discuwion in the penultimate paragraph of this paper. See: E. H. Rezayi and F. D. M. Haldane.Phys. Rn. Lett. Vol. 61 (1988) 1985.
R. B. LAUGHLIN L.~partment
of Physics. Stanford Universi ty
Stanford, California
National Laboratory
P. O. Box 808, Livermore, California 94550
In particular
the quantum hall there
is shown
effect are to exist a
unique Schrodinger representation for quasiparticles of charge e/m in which the equations of motion are the same as
the original problem.
the wavefunction acquires phase exp(i1T/m)
when particles are interchanged. was proposed by Halperin.
This behavior, which
accounts physically for
Haldane hierarchy and is consistent with experiment.
Introduction The purpose of
fractional quantum hall effect. my present view that fractional
to give a
thorough in
As many of you know, it is statistics also accurs in
temperature superconductivity.
This opinion is based to a
large.extent on the precedents established in studies of the fractional quantum hall problem and is therefore difficult to defend without first establishing the validity of those precedents.
In I ight of this problem. I have decided in
these lectures to concentrate on the quantum hall effect and to make as convincing a
case as
statistics is real. Part of the conft!3ion many people experience when trying to understand
statistics in the context of this
problem is due to the haphazard way it developed. much
Like so
discovered accidentally by the experimental is i:S.
I refer
specifically to the observation by Stormer et. at. (1983) of the subsidiary fractions 215 and 2/7 and the subsequent observations by other researchers (Chang. 1987) of fractions with denominators of 9 and 11. was made.
Shortly after this discovery
it was pointed out by Haldane (1983) that the
observed fractions could be understood as a hierarchy of quantum hall effects. the ground state at each level of the hierarchy being a condensate of elementary exci tations of the previous one.
The mathematics Haldane used to describe
the hierarchy led him to assert that the quasiparticles were bosons.
Somewhat later, it was pointed out by me (Laughlin.
1984) that this mathematics also applied to ordinary holes in an otherwise filled Landau level and thus should be construed as describing fermions. pointed
Halperin (1984)
physically was that of anyons (Wilczek.
then sense
1982). particles
whose wavefunction changes by a phase exp(i21r/q). where q is an integer.
when particles are interchanged.
theory proved difficult for most people to understand. and thus
to believe,
experiment However.
because was
relied unusually heavily on
essential correctness of Halperin's ideas. Arovas,
Berry phase associa ted wi th adiabatic q'.l~siparticles,
wavefunctions proposed by me.
that expected of connection proposed
in terchange
approxi~ated pl12S~
the Berry
was exactly
obeying fractional statistics.
In particular, investigated
discovered by me (Laughlin.
transformation I
found is the main subject of these lectures.
It has now
become clear that the bose. fermi and anyon descriptions are mathemati~ally
however. is physically correct. While
statistics in this system. it is appropriate to keep in mind the possibili ty that important new physical principles are at work.
The fractional quantum hall effect is the only
known case in which fractional quantization occurs in two or more spatial dimensions.
Since fractional
statistics can
exist only in two dimensions. it is perhaps an accident that this
statistics in nature.
However. another possibility is that
or its incarnation in one or three
fractionalization. charge
is a
necessary consequence of
It is a
that all lmown cases of anomalous
associated with interchange of the particles.
In two. apd
presumably more, dimensions, it is appropriate to think of these
between the particles.
These arise in the quantum hall
problem for the same reason that charge is fractionalized. That is, e/3
in order for a particle carrying electric charge exist,
is necessary
deposited at the sample boundary. the ground
state has a
information about
the charge That
boundary. this
2e/3 be
to be communicated
This can only happen if
peculiar kind of
constant particle's
fractional charge cO'.lld be a coincidence, but this seems unlikely to me. I shall first
These lectures are planned as follows.
review the elementary mathematics of electrons in magnetic fields
fractional quantum hall effect arises. the
exci ted
I shall then review
fractional quantum hall problem and discuss some of their properties.
In particular, I shall consider the preferred
nature of the ground state, the fractional quantization of quasiparticle charge. electrons
the similari ty of quasiparticles to
lowest Landau of
quasiparticle motion.
I shall then introduce a Schrodinger
representation for quasiparticles and show that it is the only possible such representation.
The general ization of
this representation to two or more particles will then lead in a unique way to a "fractional statistics" representation for quasiparticles in which the equations of motion are the same as Having
those of the electrons in the original problem. shown
such a
I shall then review Halperin's theory of the
fractional quantum hall hierarchy. and make the case that the experimental observation of the hierarchy consti tutes proof that fractional statistics occurs in this system. 2.
The Fractional Quantum Hall Hamiltonian Th~
mov i!1g
fractional quantum hall state pertains to electrons plane
in a
subject€:d to a magnetic field of
streqgth R perpendiculd.r to this plane.
n = 2 rl --21 179. j
~cejl~ n
V(r j
The Hamiltonian is
~ j
2 Irj-r e I
• (2.1)
V denotes the electrostatic potential generated by a
uniform neutralizing background.
The coulombic form of the
electron-electrorl interactions in this Hamil tonian is not particularly important.
The approximate vmvefunctions with
which we describe this system work even better when the range of the interactions is reduced. 3.
Landau Levels
We shall describe the magnetic field in symmetric gauge. for which the vector potential is B
(yx - xy)
In this gauge. the energy eigenstates of the s.ingle-electron Hamiltonian. given by
~o may be written
= -.!. I~ 2m 1 e
+ ~12 c
_ ~x2+y2) ka a] 2 ay) (ax - i ay)n e ' .
(ax +
with the magnetic length l. given by
set to unity.
The energy eigenvalues are given by
~o ~k In = (n
1 -2)hw c ·~k In .
where the cyclotron frequency w is given by c
eB --m c
The set of states with the same quantum number n is called the nth Landau level. 4.
Analytici ty of Wavefunctions
We shall consider the limi t
in which there are only
sufficiently many electrons to partially occupy the lowest Landau level.
that these electrons are spin-polarized (by
the Zeeman interaction), and that the cyclotron energy is much greater than the characteristic coulomb energy. i.e.
2 »~ c l
When these conditions are met, it is a good approximation to require the many-body wavefunction to be comprised solely of
268 single-electron wavefunctions
lying in the
lowest Landau
It is convenient to write these in the manner
where z
= x+iy
is a complex number describing the location
of the electron in the x-y plane.
This set of conditions is the
2.nalytic. 5.
Fractional Quantum Hall Ground State
The fractional quantum hall wavefunctions 1m), defined by 1m>
rr (z.-zk)m e
J·/k '-
are approximate variational descriptions of special ground states (Laughlin, 1983a) available to electrons Eqn. (2.1). apart
effectively while allowing that
They have the property of keeping the electrons
lowest Landau level. limit
They are exact ground states in the electron-electron
infinitely short-ranged. 6.
Analogy wi th Classical Plasma.
The state 1m> is a quantum liquid of density 1
am - 2mn
One lmows this to be the case because the square of the
269 wavefunction
distribution function of a classical statistical mechanics problem.
.~)12 = e
we obtain
the potential
energy of a
one-component plasma:
repel I ing
wi th
logarithmic interactions. the natural "coulomb" interaction in two dimensions. and being attracted "neutral tzing background" of
"charge" densi ty a
to a
= (21T) -1 .
The background ,is "coulombic" because
particles must arrange
However. them
background is l/m of a .
on the average so as to neutralizing
the particles carry "charge" m,
One lmows that
so the number of neutralize
the s ta te is a
liquid because the temperature of the equivalent plasma is sufficient to melt it. 7.
Odd-Denominator Fractionc; The
states pertinent
quantum hall
coordinates. since electrons are fermions. to be odd.
This requires m
The first nontrivial value of m. namely m=1.
corresponds to a full Landau level.
This may be seen by
expanding the Vandermonde determinant in the manner
= p2
.IT (z.-zk)
sgn(p) z (l)z (2)
wh.ere p denotes a permutation of N things and sgn(p) denotes 1 t3
The state m=l may thus be seen to be a single
Slater determinant in which the first N states described by Eqn. (4.2) are filled with electrons. state.
quantum hall
The next nontrivial
state at
discovered by Tsui. Stormer. and Gossard (1982).
filling The next
state in the sequence. m=5. was predicted by me and is now known to exist. is
belief (Lam and
the sequence becomes unstable to crystallization
near m=7. and that the quantum liquid states for m=9 and greater do not exist. B.
Fractionally Charged Quasiparticles
waverunction charge
± e/m.
They are described approximately (Laughlin.
19S3a) by the wavefunctions
_ ! }: Iz 12 S z' 1m>
4 I!
~ (z i -z ) 1
where z'
is a complex number locating the center of the
quasiparticle. adjoints
The each
S and st are hermitean
operators other.
fractionally charged particle because it corresponds to a "charge"
Squaring the wavefunction and interpreting the result as a statistical
I -2m22nlz.-zkl + I m, j
IZel2 - ~
2m enlz.-z·
I .
This is the same as before except the particles now see a phan tom of "charge" 1 I -:lea ted at z·. plasma.
Since this is a
accumulating equal and opposi te "charge" in its vicini ty. Since the "charge" carried by each electron is m. however. the number of electrons contained in the screening cloud Is exactly -l/m.
Similar reasoning (Laughlin. 1984b) works for
Eqn. (8.2). 9.
Exactness of Quasiparticle Charge
exci tations
follows generally from the existence of an energy gap.
lmow the state has a gap because the experiments make no sense
argument. we remark that Haldane and Rezayi (1985) have made a very convincing case that the m=3 state has a gap based on exact
calculations 1983b).
of been
Similar (Laughlin.
If a gap is lmown to exist the excitations may be
generated with the following thOUght experiment (Laughlin.
272 1987) :
One imagines piercing the plane of motion wi th a
thin magnetic
solenoid and adiabatically
this solenoid a quantum of magnetic flux. given by
f lux
continuously its
added. a~
= hee
the ground state wavefunction evolves
an eigen5tate of the changing Hamil tonian. eigenvalue
bei!'..g done on the system.
quantum has been added.
in respo:1se
to work
Bowever. after an el'.. tire flux
the Hamiltonian has. up to a gauge
transformation. returned to its original state.
into which the ground state finally evolves
excitation n~ntrivial
of in
The to
only if the ground state is nondegenerate.
notion of
arbitrarily low-lying excited states. example.
is an
Hamiltonian. is
does not possess
be Let
the presence of
A Wigner crystal. for
fractionally charged elementary
excitations because its grcund state is cegenerate. We know that the exci tations created in this way are fractioaally charged particles because the addition of flux through
solenoid generates gauge forces at
infini ty.
Let us assume for simplicity that the solenoid is located at The addi tion of flux ~ through the solenoid
the origin. then
single-body wavefunctions.
many-body wavefunction is constructed. to move over. in the manner
4' r
with r and 9 related to z by
If the ground state possesses
low-lying excitations, it
can only respond at infinity by moving over in the same way. thereby transporting electric charge in or out of the region of
in teres t .
Tbe amount of
transpor ted by
z.ddition of arl entire flnx quantum is the average charge ,er
state at infinity. or ± elm. A critically important corollary of this reasoning is that the quasiparticle charge must be exactly ie/m, for any Hamiltonian.
approximations we normally assume
properties of the system at infini ty.
To illustrate this
idea. let us imagi:le creating a quasiparticle in a system for which Eqn. (4.1) is not valid. so that the approximation of restriction to the appr~priate.
lowest Landau level
is no longer
We can then embed this system in a larger one. the approximation
£or example.
by making
This the
decrease slowly wi th distance from the origin.
If we now
insert flux through a solenoid placed at the origin,
charge of the excitation that results is still the average charge per state at infini ty. namely the ideal. value of
± elm.
the Hamiltonian
However. since the charge is accumulated near the
solenoid. it must actually be insensitive to the behavior at infini ty.
system is absent.
the charge is exact even if the larger This reasoning is valid so long as an
energy gap exists everywhere in the sample.
10. Shift Oper.ators S and Sf The
following manner.
S and st
We lmow that the action of the thought
experiment far away from the solenoid is to shift the ground state over.
Since we cannot lmow exactly what it doe3 near
the solenoid,
as this depends on the Hamiltonian. firs~
reasonable. as a
in this region too.
gues.s, to shift the ground state over
To accomplish this literally one needs
norm of
it is
each single-body crbi. tal.
example, if the solenoid is at the origin, we have
1 k ----z
~2k1r k!
---+ - - - - - -
mathematically. we substitute the slightly different mapping
- -1- zk+l ~2k1r k
- -1- - zk J2klr k! arguing solenoid
that and
two are
estimate in the first place. substitute st
equivalent was
far away only
This is the action of S.
the action cf
the We
reverse evolution.
---- z
~2k1r k!
--+ - - - - Z
st has
11 12 -4'z e
• (10.3)
275 annihilating any configurations containing any electron in the
evolution sends effectively
this state
the next Landau
computer calculations (Haldane. 1987) have now shown that S and S t
create extremely good approximations to the true
quasiparticle wavefunctions for m:.:3. 11.. Simi lari ty to Electrons in Lowest Landau Level
fractionally charged level.
may be
physically as
moving in their lowest Landau
Specifically, the state
_ ~lz'12 S z ,1m> Iz'> = e which describes a
located at posi tion z·.
analogous to the single-electron wavefunction 1
-pz' (z)
_~lzI2+lz'12] (11.2)
This latter is obviously a linear superposition of states of the
conclUSively that this analogy is reasonable we must show that the matrix elements of overlap and energy are the same in the two cases.
The former is necessary because the
states are overcomplete.
Part of this task is elementary.
It is clear by inspection that the expected energy of
does not depend on the quantum number z·. just as is the case wi th fJ • (z). This energy is essentially the coulomb z repulsion of the quasiparticle charge with itself. The rest
276 of
the demonstration requires
that we invoke plasma sum
rules and the analytic properties of Iz').
12. Overcompleteness and Analytic COntinuation Both
single-electron states 3..
.(z) are very overcomplete. It is z anique feature 0f this problem that a basis set of this
kind is easier to use th2,n the just-barely-complete basis
custumarily emplcyed in
The difficulty
of even con8tructing a traditional basis, particularly when
fractional statistics.
present, to
actually a
The penalty we pay for working with
an ove'rcomplete basis is the need to keep track of both the
Hamiltonian and the overlap matrix. two
For example, even if
equivalent unless their overlap matrices are the same as well.
The advantage t,o using this particular overcomplete
basis is that the off-diagonal matrix elements of both the Hami I tonian aild over lap matrices are related by analytic continuation to the diagonal matrix elements.
This enables
powerful and useful statements to be made about them. This useful
is an appropriate point
property of gaussian
to state the following
If F(z)
is any
polynomial and z' is any complex number. then
F(z) e
-.1.lzl2 2m
1 . * 2iji'Z z e
regardless of the value of m.
13. Analytic COntinuation of Overlap and Energy
(12.1 )
Let us now verify the equivalence of Iz') and ~z ,(z) by working out the matrix elements of overlap and energy. Let Z·
and z'
two different
posi tions.
(12.1). we have for the overlap of
Using Eqn. ~z.(z)
] 2'1 z .*Z e
- klz'12+lz'12] 4
2'1 Z' Z* ]
This resul t may. however. be obtained a simpler way.
observe that. but for the exponential factors this integral is analyti~ in the variables Z' and zeN.
We also observe
that its w.lue is a constant (unity) when Z' = z'.
means that the analytic part must equal exp( Iz'12/2) when
= z'.
Since this function has the unique continuation of
exp(Z'z' */2). the whole matrix element must have the form of Eqn. (13.1).
Let overlap.
For the diagonal matrix elements we have
2 2 rr Iz.-~ 1 d z1
2 d ~
= (010)
10) denotes the state wi th a quasiparticle at the
where origin.
This integral does not depend on the value of z'
because it is the probability to find a plasma particle of
1 at
location z'.
allowed to move. any
the particle
The particle has no a priori reason to be place
We now observe that, but for the
is in
z' and zIt we added in Eqn. (11.1) to make the norm constant. • t h_e over 1ap matrix' is ana 1ytic in Z ,M and z.
this analytically, we obtain
= <0 10)
- ~Iz' 12+lz'12] e
t7'*Z ,
which is equivalent to Eqn. (13.1).
Note that the
length is effectively larger in Eqn. (13.3) than it is in Eqn. (13.1) by the factor ~. exactly as one would expect of an electron of charge e/m moving in a magnetic field of strength H. The
continue in exactly the same way. so there is no need to work them out.
14. Cyclotron Motion of
The similari ty of quasiparticles to electrons
in the
lowest Landau level is exhibited even more dramatically when the quasiparticle is caused to execute cyclotron motion. This is accomplished by combinfng the states Iz') into an eigenstate
defined by Eqn. (4.2), in the manner
(,*)k z
_ ...!lz'12 Iz '> d 2 z, . e 4m
This is the quasiparticle analog of the expression
. (14.2)
The normalization integral cf the quasiparticle state is
(k Ik>
k+21 2
_ ~lz'12+lz"12]
z z u*)k e
(14.3) The orbit radius of the state may be practically defined as
(14.4) ~here
p(z) is the electron density operator. given by p(z)
= Ij
6(lz-z.l) oJ
Since. from homogeneity and isotropy of the plasma. we have
280 and since,
constant-screening sum rule of
plasma, we have
the mean square orbit radius is
1 _
(Z' *z·)k [Z I Z
l' J
(2 m) k+21i K.
+ 2 ]
The analogous value for ar~ electron in the state ~klz) is
J Izl
Thus, the cyclotron orbit is
z = 2k + 2
larger for the quasiparticle
than it is for the electron, exactly as would be expected of a pa:ticle of cha'rge e/m moving in a magnetj c
field of
slrength H.
15. SchrOdinger Representation for Quasiparticles In
electrons of charge e/m in the lowest l2uldau level, there is a
"wavefunction" 'iJ(Tl)
superposition of states of the form
representation for that
K -
IK) = - - - - - f l
J(2m)K+l1l' K! we associate a true electron wavefunction in the manner
WP6rc I~> is defined as in Eqn. (11.1). true electron wavefunc t ion
Similarly. to every
Iz') we assign a quasipar t icle
"wavefunction" 'iJ ,(11) in the manner z 1
2m z
. (15.3)
Since ~ maps back to Iz') under the action of Eqn. {15.2}, that is
these operations are inverses of one another. the
variable fl as
We interpret quasiparticle
"coordinate". 16. Uniqueness of SchrOdinger Representation
This particular Schrodinger representation is preferred because
In particular. for any Z' and z' we have
282 This is important because it causes the wavefunction have
wavefunction would have.
for example,
that we
V to the system and attempt to understand how the quasiparticle moves in the presence of V.
apply an external potential
If the description is physically correct, we will to be able to
quasiparticle effe::tively moves. and to correctly describe the motion by the solution of thp, equation
This will be the case provided that Eqn. (16.1) is true and
(16.3) for all Z' and z. a
reJ,Jresentation. same
This equation does not. in general. have However,
then both sides of the equation have the continuation properties
can write
equivalently (16.4) which always has a solution, at least formally.
Thus, the
preferred representation is really the only possibility.
17. Equivalence to Particle-Hole COnjugation When
Schrodinger :epresentation is
to particle-hole
operators S create fermions when m=1. this
even though they the
quasiparticle statistics. I shall discuss it in detail. Suppose we have N orthonormal orbitals x{r) into which we put spin-aligned electrons. the
If the vacuum is taken to be
occupied. with
occupied. i.e.
erN) .(17.1) peN)
with p a permutation of N things and sgn(p) its sign. particle-hole
conjugate of
!ttate with electrons
The in
orbitals jl' ...• jM and holes everywhere else. i.e.
is the state
(17.3) However,
determinant of the form of Eqn. (17.2). it is also true for any M-particle wavefunction Let us now consider conjugate vacuum is
lowest Landau
where X is a normalization constant.
If we now take
to be
a Slater determinant of the form
th IP'rJ(z) defined as in Eqn. (11.2), and evaluate ~ using Eqns. (17.3) and (12.1), we obtain wi
... ,rN)
t(rM+1 ,
X IT (11 -11R ) a<~
N fI
I N! (2_)M = ~M!(N-M)! ..
s ... S 1m>
where S 11
(z.-zk) e
}: Iz~ I
Thus, the shift operators S are exact in the limit of m=l and generate ordinary holes in an otherwise filled Landau level. 18. More 11lan One Quasiparticle
Let us now consider the case of two quasiparticles.
know that the state Iz'> defined in Eqn. (11.1) describes an isolated quasiparticle very well and that the quasiparticle
is about a magnetic length in size.
It must therefore be
true that a state containing two quasiparticles. one at z' and one at z". is described very well by the wavefunction
Iz' .z">
= (z'_z,,)l/m
_ ~ [lz'12+lz"12] 4m S ,S ,,1m> . (18.1) z z
provided that z' and z" are far apart. good wavE-function when z'
it is a
Whether this is a
z" are close is not clear. but
first guess.
Note that the prefactor in
this expression is a multiply-valued function of the quantum number
sense only
understood to .reside on a Riemann sheet. The proafactor (z'_z,,)l/m in Eqn. (18.1) is requi'red because it makes Iz' • z") analytic in z' and z". up to the gaussian factors. ":'~~ile
its normalization integral
limit z' and z" are far apart.
Both of these properties.
analyticity and uniformity. were required of the states Iz') in order that the single-quasiparticle problem admi t of a physically meaningful normalization separations
becomes. cons.tant
is a
representation. in
limi t
That the of
consequence of plasma sum rules.
observe that the normalization integral may be written z. z ")
= 11m 2
JJ ...
e -{» d zl· . . d zN
}: 2m ln Izj-z.. I - }: 2m In Izi-z' j
I - }:
2m In Izi-z" I
This is the potential energy of N particles of "charge" m and 2 particles of "charge" I interacting coulombically with each other and wi th a neutralizing background of "charge" densi ty a
= (2v)-I.
the normalization integral
probabili ty
particles at . locations z' and z". given that they can be anywh~re
in the sample.
This is constant except when the
particlt:::s come wi thin a
which is to say a magnetic The wavefunction
length of
each other,
Iz·. z")
ha.s a natural general ization to
M quasiparticles:
s 1m> nM
19. Fracticnal Statistics Representation We are now in a
pos i t ion to address the ques t ion of
quasiparticle statistics.
We shall do this by arguing that
the preferred representation for
two quasiparticles
Schrodinger representation in which we "wavefunction"
is a
with every
.n") in the lowest Landau level a true
electron wavefunction in the manner
wi th of
In' .n"> this
mul tiply
defined as in Eqn. (IS.1).
expression valued.
"'{n' ,n")
statistics wavefunction. that is.
Note the similari ty Since
necessarily take~
the form
11}' .1}")
F{T}' ,T}")
wavefunctions may be thought of a
representing particles
moving on a Riemann sheet. Let us now consider a particular fractional statistics wavefunction that we will need in making our case:
~ (z'*+z"*){T}'+T}") ~
[~ (7'*-z"*){T}'-T1',)]2n+l/m
2 I
,(19.3) T{2n + l/m + 1)
where T denotes
expression merely interpolates between sinh and cosh.
this Thus,
in the I imi t of m ~ 1, we have
x [ e
1 [z' * T}' +z" *T}"] 2m
1 [z' * T}"+z" * T}'] -2m.
- e
, (19.4)
which is readily recognized as the single Slater determinant
with m
~ 00
we have
as in Eqn. (11.2)
Similarly, in the limit of
] y,hich is a synunetric version of Eqn. wavefunction may od~i
ta Is (;entered at z
putting particles
and z" in a way that interpolates
between fermi and bose statistics. The
That is,
1 21T11l
.1.* ') 't'z' ,z" (TI' ',TI
to every
assign a
ITI ' ,TI")
(19.3) the
2 2 d TI , d TI " = Iz',z") .
true e lee tron waver .lne t ion
in Eqn.
,Z tt
we may
statistics "wavefunetion" to which it the states
Iz', zit) span the space of
two-quasjparticle states, Eqn. (19.3) defines an inverse to EGn.
(19.1), just as Eqn. (15.3) defines an inverse to £qn.
statistics representation is
the analog of the
transformation to the preferred Schrodinger
for a single quasiparticle. The fractional statistic$ representation has a natural generalization to M quasiparticles. statistics
wavefunction in the manner
To every fractional
we associate a
true electron
(19.8) with 1~I""'~M> defined as in Eqn. (18.5).
Similarly. to
every true electron wavefunction we assign a quasiparticle "wavefunction" in the manner
Iz 1 ···· JZ~> ;.'1
x a.
~ ~zl'··· ,zM(~l.···~M)
... (zMTl..) ,'M
(2-nn: )
* *
II [(z .-z.. )(~.-n. )] J K J 'K
x e
( 19.10)
Since ~ maps back to Izl •...• iM> und~r the action of Eqn. (19.9). these operations are inverses of one another.
was the case with a single quasiparticle. we interpret the totally ficticious variables 111 •...• ~M as the quasiparticle "coo"'dinates".
20. Uniqueness of Fractional Statistics Representation
The Schrodinger representation we choose for describing the M-quasiparticle problem is preferred because it uniquely preserves analytic continuation properties. with
M-quasiparticle desc~ibed
quasiparticle. energy
by solutions of the equation
or a reasonable approximation to it. validi ty
As was the case
Once we establish the will
fully. for this is the equation we have just
statistics. The
integral behaves properly.
1ba tis.
we need to rr.ake the
as we did with a single quasiparticle in Eqn. (16.1). of
Part by
Both Iz' .z") and ~, ,,(11' .11") are. up to the z .z gaussian factor. analytic in z' and z". The two overlap construction.
integrals therefore continue in the same way. and thus need only be compared on the diagonal. the identification
That is. we need to make
This, however, is relatively easy.
Since both normalization
integrals are functions of the difference coordinate Iz'-z"l solely, we need only find a function 0 such that
It Is always possible to do this, at overlap
fOimally. If
significantly from a constant ~ only when 1~'-n"1 is small. This
normalization integrals in Eqn.
is exactly
(20.3) become constant in
the limit that z' and z" are far apart. that
It is also the case
17'-7" l2/m
when m=1.
We mow from
numerical studies (Laughlin, 1987), which are reproduced for convenience in Fig. 1. that it is given approximately by
~ ce [1 ~ 0.5 e
11 .2 - -111 4m
when m::3. We must now show that the Hamiltonian behaves properly. However.
continuation properties as the overlap matrix. as well as the same translational invariance. this reduces to finding a function
such that
292 The behavior is "proper" if
However ,
t~1 is
tr i vially
make a
single quasiparticle.
the when
Numerical studies for m=3. also reproduced in Fig. 1, show it to be accurate to about 3%
small values of 11 as well
as large ones. This
representatton well behaved for two particles. for M quasiparticles proceeds along simil9.r final
resul t
The proof lines.
the M-quasiparticle eigenstates are
correctly described by solutions of the equation
where 0
is a constant
except when two or more
close together and where
.., ( T} 1 • .••
0 ( T} 1 • ..• ,11M) MA + ce J. "J.
I11j -llk I
21. The Hierarchical States: Haldane· s Theory
The primary experimental evidence that Eqns. (20.8) and (20.9)
quantum hall "hierarchical" states.
Before discussing the
originally due to Halperin, it is appropriate and necessary to review Haldane's ideas on this subject. was
first in
the way
Haldane (1983)
the subsidiary fractions due
the primary fractions were
condensations of electrons.
He outlined in broad terms how
this might occur and
an expression for the observed
In 1 ight of
fractions which we now know' to be correct. this.
the occurrence of the hierarchy ~~~ot be considered
proof that quasiparticles obey fractional statistics unless Haldane's derivation contai'ns an assumption about the way quasiparticles statistics.
Let us therefore consider Haldane's derivation I shall take the liberty of converting
of the hierarchy. Haldane's arguments
the disc geometry used
lectures from the spherical geometry used by him. Let us assume
theory of
correct, and that the effect of increasing or decreasing the occupancy of the lowest Landau level from v=l/m is to add posi tive or negative fractionally charged quasiparticles. Let us further assume that the added quasiparticles behave physically like electrons in the lowest Landau level, and in particular condense into a fractional quantum hall state of densi ty P2 quasiparticles per square centimeter. the radius of this condensate by
and the radius of the
sample by R , we have for N, the total number of electrons 1 in the system
(21.1) where
the upper
charged quasiparticles.
to addition
Since an electron a distance r from
the origin carries angular momentum r 2/2. we also have for the total angular momentum
(21.2) The net charge added to the region r
R2 may be expressed
in terms of the number of quasiparticles M in the manner C)
= P2
(21.1) and (21.3) may then be used to express the
total angular momentum in terms of M and N:
L =
-1 2m
(mN T M)2
± _1_ Jf
4vP2 m
quasiparticles to mean a wavefunction of the form
~ = J···Ja~~(n:~;)P F(lna-~~I) x S
1 M - _. }:In...,. I2 4m "Y
2 S 1m> d2111 ... d 11M 11M
~ = J. .. Jj~(na~~)P F(lna~~I)
1 M 2 --}:I11 I 4m "Y
t ... t I S m> d2111 ... d211M 111 ~
x S
where F is an arbitrary function, with p an even integer, as required by the conmutivity of the S's.
lbat p should be
even is the sense of Haldane's assertion that quasiparticles obey bose
such a
in the spherical geometry
and thus in some sense "allowed".
Eqns. (21.5) and (21.6)
wavefunction is that it is
give a secQnd expression for
the angular momentum of
form (21.7)
which, when equated with Eqn. (21.4) gives 1 1 P2 = 21r pm f 1
= iii1 ± 21rP2 = pm
f 1
With m=3 and p=2 this gives 215 and 2/7, which are the first states
or more precisely the angular momentum rule
derived from it,
that is equivalent to the assumption of
fractional statistics.
It should be pointed out that the
evenness of p does not imply that the quasiparticles are bosons in a physical sense.
For example, Eqn. (21.5) with
m=l, p=2, and (21.10) describes the particle-hole conjugate [cf. Eqn. Eqn.
wi th m=3.
ordinary holes particles
is a
(17.3)] of
condensation of
in an otherwise filled Landa1 l
in question are obviously fermions.
expression for the allowed fractions of the form
= --------------------m+ a
l PI + a 2
------+ a
m=1.3,5 .... ,
a.=±l. 1
Ir n
p.:2.4,6, ... ·1
expression is consistent with experiment.
Hal~rin' s
Let us now consider Halperin's theory (Halperin, 1984) of the fractional quantum hall hierarchy. based
that a
This theory is
otherwise described by Eqns. (20.8) and (20.9).
In light of
the discussion in Section 20, it should be clear that this assu~ption
can be deduced
from properties
operators S and is quanti tatively correct for quasihoies. It has not been proven correct
almos t cer tainly correc t for them as we 11 .
Let us first
consider the condensation of r.harge 1/m quasiholes with m=3. Given that the equations for quasihole motion are the same as those for electron motion, the quasiholes will condense into a state of the form
~ ~l'···'~M
M ) _ 11 (
~ ~n
1 M
-};I~ I 4m '"r '"r
true electron wavefunction
to which
corresponds via Eqn. (19.8) is Eqn. (21.5) with
(22.2) The assumption of fractional statistics is thus consistent wi th
Haldane' s theory.
Eqn. (21.8) wi th "+".
The corresponding filling factor is
By analogy with the original electron condensation.
TIle quasihole densi ty is given by
exci tation
approximately by the wavefunction
is a
missing. [pm+l]
quasiholes are
The electric charge of this particles is thus • or 117 for the case of p=2.
Halperin then assumes
that the statistics obeyed by this particle is its "charge" measured in quasiholes. or [p+l/m]-I= 317.
Note that this
is completely consistent with the discussions in Sections 19 and 20.
These particles therefore condense into a state
described by the'wavefunction
_ lIM (
'i'( 111 • ••. •n..) OM
1 M 2 - 4x7 ~ 111'1
which corresponds to the filling factor 21215 v = 7 - (7) 2+3n = 17
There is a minus sign in this expression because we have
added "holes of holes". is the following: characterize m
At level s of the hierarchy, we shall
electric charge q
The generalization of these ideas
v, s
of its quasiparticles, and the statistics
of these particles.
We shall give q
a sign so as to
keep track of the "holes of holes" problem.
The transition
to the next level of the hierarchy is characterized by an
even integer
s+ 1 and a sign a si 1"
The equations are
rn s+1 = p 5+1 - a 5+1 1m s
(22.6) (22.7)
and q
s+1 -- a s+1 q s 1ms+1
the is
assumption opposite
quasiholes at any level of the hierarchy.
These equations
are equivalent to Eqn. (21.11). and are thus consistent with experiment. Even though this theory is built on a number of unproven assumpti~~s.
little doubt
particularly in light of the discussions in Sections 19 and 20.
It is the only theory of the hierarchy that ascr i bes
the behavior to a physical property of the quasiparticles. It is also the only theory that makes quantative predictions as
predictions are based on the assumption that an equation of the form of Eqn.
(20.8) exists.
believe they are correct.
23. Berry Phases
there is good reason to
Before concluding,
is appropriate
I briefly
discuss the fractional Berry phases discovered by Arovas, Schrieffer, and Wilczek (1984).
I have deferred this to the
end because I find it difficul t to proceed logically from Berry phases to Halperin's wavefunctions.
Nevertheless, the
fractional Berry phase is a key concept in this subject and is demonstrably exhibited by quasiparticle motion.
let us imagine a Hamiltonian vector R. exterI~l
parameterized by some
This might, for example, locate the center of an potential localizing a quasipart:cle. in the nanner
1 ~(R) = IJ [2me I~ij + ~j 12 + V(rj-R) c
r.::-~2 . (23.1)
] + I I j
Let us further assume that for each value of R there exists a unique ground state
Iw(R» such that
= E(R)I~(R»
<w(R)lw(R» Ibis
state is arbitrary up to a phase factor exp(i').
The choice of a particular phase at every value of R is effectively a choice of gauge. evolve R along some path P.
Let us now adiabatically As the system evolves,
phase changes in a deterministic. manner that is in general different from the phase we picked.
In particular. if we
let I~(t»
-i E(R[tJ) t
-i;(t) e
in ~tl~(t}>
[E(R[t]} +
n ~(t}]I~(t» (23.5)
Taking the matrix element of this expression with <~(t)1 and
observing t:hat
(23.6) we obtain
(23.7) or
A~ = -
If P is a closed path. then A; has an absolute meaning and is referred to as the Berry phase (Berry. 1984). Let us now locd.lizes posit:on
R. so that
is a
Hamil tonian that
I~(R}> is given approximately by
(23.9) with
normalization constant.
H a
If z' is sufficiently far from the
origin. then H does not depend on z' and
The Berry phase associated wi th adiabatically evolving R around the origin is thus
= J[-1. + p 2m
1 ] mlRI2
[~ - ~].dR = vlRI2 + m
The first contribution is just the phase of a particle of
charge e/m moving in a uniform magnetic field. is
The second
the phase of a particle of charge elm moving around a
solenoid containing a flux quantum he/e. 24. Remarks
In light of the arguments I have presented it should be clear that the occurrence of fractional statistics in this system is established beyond doubt.
The most troublesome of
some loose ends. apparent
inabili ty
There are nevertheless
representation for
these is our
The most
likely source of this problem is the cumbersomeness of the shift operators
Another indication that these operators
may be inappropriate is that in Eqn.
may not be substituted for S
(22.3) wi thout destroying the analytici ty of the One
fractional statistics, like fractional charge, is robust, in the sense of Hamil tonian question
that how near
under any adiabatic change of the
preserves to
describe the
energy gap.
fractional transition
A related
charge and to
crystallization, when the size of the quasiparticles gets very
These and related subjects are appropriate
topics for future research.
This work was supported primari ly by the National Science Foundation under Grants No. DMR-85-10062 and DMR·-88-16217. and by the NSF-MRL program through the Center for Materials Research at Stanford Universi ty.
Addi tional support was
provided by the U.
of Energ;]
Depar trr.en t
through the
Lawrence Liv-ermore National Laboratory under Contract No. W-74.05-Eng-4B.
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1.4 -; .., 1.2 '2 ~ 1.0
-!. 0.8 Q.
-.: G,) 0
0.2 0
-...... ~
..!. ~ Q) c
0.10 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05
x (arb ui1its)
Fig.' 1:
Explici t evaluation of core corrections in the fractional statistics representation. Left: The function 0 (top) and ~/D (bottom), as defined in Eqns. (20.4) and (20.6). for two quasiholes as a function of the separation x = I~I/~. for m=3. The dashed curve indicates a bare coulomb potential. Right: Diagonal matrix elements evaluated from these compared wi th correct numerical values (solid line on top and dots on bottom) .
6. Chiral Spin States V. Kalmeyer and R. B. Laughlin, "Equivalence of the Resonating-Valence-Bond and Fractional Quantum Hall States", Phys. Rev. Lett. 59 (1987) 2095-2098 .......... 308
X.-G. Wen, F. Wilczek and A. Zee, "Chiral Spin States and Superconductivity", Phys. Rev. B39 (1989) 11413-11423 ........................................... 312
6. Chiral Spin States The following two papers indicate a possible mechanism leading to the occurrence of anyon quasi particles around the certain types of ordered spin states. Kalmeyer and Laughlin [1] construct an ingenious approximate mapping of the Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a triangular lattice onto a gas of repulsive bosons in an external magnetic field. For the latter problem one can plausibly adapt the successful trial wave functions used for the ordinary quantized Hall effect. Inverting the mapping t one a class of wave functions representing an interesting sort of spin ordering.
Went Wilczek, and Zee (2] attenlpt to extract the essence Qf the KalmeyerLaughlin idea in a more abstract and versatile form. They characterize the relevant. class of states, chiral ~pin, liquid~ in terms of their symmetry properties, show how they can emerge as the ground states of specific model Hamiltonians in some idealized limits t and discuss some properties of the quasiparticle excitations around them.
REFERENCES 1. V. Kalmeyer and R. B. Laughlin
2. X.-G. Wen, It'. Wilczek, and A. Zee
Rev. Lett. 59 (1987) 2095. *
Rev. 839 (1989) 11413. *
59, NUMBER 18
Equivalence of the Resonating-Valence-Bond and Fractional Quantum Hall States V. Kalmeyer Department of PIr.rsics, Stanford Unil'ersity, Stanford, California 94J05
and R. B. Laughlin D('I'arlm('1/I of Phi-sics. Stanford CI/i.'ersill'. Slul/ford. California 94J05. and Unil'" of Califomia. tu .... ·rl'nce U"erfl/or(' ,vat;o",,1 l.tJburutor)·, Lh'ermore. California 94550 (Rc,c.\cJ 24
.Iul~ 191(7)
We pn.:scn! c\"Idenct.: th;a! the grnund s!a!e llf Ihe frustrated Heisenberg antifcrromagnct i:l two dimenis ",<,1' 'l '~L'rihcd hy :t fr.\I:lional quantum lIall Wa\e flln.:tion for b,)sons. This is compalible with lhe rcs\lna!ing-\,.alenee·t>1.lOd concept of Aliderson in being a h4U1d with neutral sp;n- CIlcitatillns. Our ~i()n"
rc .. ult .. suggest ::tron~l~ Ihal Ihe rcsonati,,!!·valclic«:-b.,'nd "nJ '-raetio:\..I1 quantum Hal! Slates are the :':lIn.: thil\~. We .IIst. argllC th:lt Ihe ellCllalion 'ipcctrum h;ao; an energy gap. PA.CS IIUA1"o:r~: 7:' 10.J01
It ..... as r';cc!ltly poinl-..:d out to
Lind JO&.lnno-
p0l\k.'s' !hal. !hl: physics of the fractional quantum Hall
effect is vcry 10 tha! originally hypothesi£ed hy Anderson 2 to be operating in the two-dimensional Heisenberg antifcrromagnet on a triangular laltice. In DOth cases, the ground state is understood to be a nondegenerate quantum liquid 2- 4 with an energy gap. The existence of an energy gap is presently controversial. Anderson el al. S have recently claimed that the gap is zero, contrary to Anderson's original hypothesis, while KivellOll. Rokhsar, and Sethna 6 have argued that a gap exists. In this Leuer we show that t"e frlctic~:,,1 quantum Hall (FQH) slate at ",-2 confined to a triangular lattice has the same \'ariational energy as the Anderson resonating '"alenee-bond (RV8J wave function to within 2'-1,. We see this as strong evidence that the ground state and e,,citation spectrum, in particular the energy gap, survive under adiabatic evolution of the FQH Hamiltonian into that of the antiferromagnel. If this is the case, it necessarily implies I hat the ground state is a nondegenerate singlet, and that the elementary excitat;~ns are spinfcrmions with long-range interactions. The occurrence of FQH-type behavior in a system such as this is impor1;llIt I)ccau,~ il show, thai a magnetic liclJ is not e:.~c:n Hal to the physics. It is also a~ indication that su-:h beh.!vjor may be "blquitous in nature. We consider the antiferromagnetic Heisenberg Hamiltonian
where J> 0, the (unrestricted) sum is over all pairs of near-neighbor sites of the 20 triangular lattice, and SJ - t htlj is the spin operator at jth site. Following Lee and Joannopoulos, we now show that this Hamiltonian is equivalent to the FQH Hamiltonian for bosons on a lattice. The first step in this procedure is the Holstein-
I'rimaku/T transr()nn~ltion 7: One interprets the spin prohlem as a lallice gas by imagining an "atom" to be present on every sit~ wi!h an up spin. The atoms are then bosons with creation operat-.>rs a}- h -I (SJ + is!>. W rillen in terms of these, (I) (2a)
'H-T+V, where
t J r. (o1al +a/aj). (lj)
V-J'La}ala,aj+ tJNs -6Jr,a;tah
where N, is the number of spins or laUice siles. The boson kine::c energy operator T comes from the spinexchange or XY part of the Heisenberg interaction. The potential energy, which is a near-neighbor repulsion of hosons, comes from the Ising part. This Flamiltonianalso contains a de faCIO harti-core repulsion of the form H,
vo-u. r,
t. Qj
aj aja"
with 'J.- -, due to the fact that configurations with more than one boson on a site do not exist. The Holstein-Primakoff transformation is completed byaltering the Hamiltonian in the manner
'H- 'H+Vo, and treating the lattice particles as ordinary bosons. The second step is the identification in the Hamiltonian of a fictitious magnetic field. The kinetic energy T, as given by (2b), does not have the right free-particle form because the hopping matrix elements hj -J are positive. This makes the boson energy bands disperse down as one moves away from the center of the Brillouin zone. To
@) 1987 The American Physical Society
309 VOLUME 59, NUMBER 18
remedy this problem, we consider JIj to be matrix elements of the right sign, namely negative, in the presence of a fictitious vector potential. To make contact with the fQH problem. we change the signs of the kinetic energy couplings to produce the pattern shown in Fig. I. where solid line segments are positive (wrong) bonds and dashed lines are negative (right) bonds. This is a gauge transformation and has no effect on the physics. In the original gauge all lines would have been solid. We now observe that one obtains just such a bond conflguratiol' by assigning an arbitrary charge e· to the bosons and then roupling them to a fictitious vector potential
A- tS(xY-yi).
with a particular valuo: for B. This coupling introduces pha inlo the horping malrix eic:ments .I" in C~b) :lCcording te
J.J IJ.. - IJ
'ex') 12Ki -~ fJI A·d,
for Nb bosons: "'gs(z It
... • Ztv.)
- n (Zj-Zk)2expl--=.! ~ Iz;l2). 4/d j
where zj-xj+iYj is the complex la~tice coordinate of the jth particle. "'15 describes a state of density P2 -4Kld. which corresponds to t boson per unit cell. In other words. the number of up spins is equal to the number of down spins. We must emphasize that the only reason for considering such a wave function is the physical precedent of its success in describing the FQH states. We have.. evaluated the energy of the system in the ground stale (6) by :) semiclassical Monte Carlo method 4 For a half-filled buice. the eqUIValent ia~lice·gas Hamil1oni;1.n is
if -t+V,
where the kinetic and pot.ential terms are
where ~-hc/e· is the quantum of flux associated with bosons of charge e·. If we fix the magnitude of the fictitious B field in (3) by
~a~ -41r/~.
t- t !.jij(a}a,+QlQj). V-J!.Q1a,taiQj -1.5JNs '
where ao is the lattice constant and 10 - (e· B/ he) -1/2 is the magnetic !ength, then all phase factors in (4) are real, and we get the bond configuration of Fig. I. This choice of B corresponds to one fictitious flux quantum per spin of the original problem. Except for the presence of the lattice. this system is just a bosonic analog of the two-dimensional electron gas with short-range interartions in a real magnetic field. In light of our experience with the FQH effect. we expect this system either to crystallize or to form a nondegenerate quantum liquid .. The former cannot be ruled out categorically, but we feel it is unlikely for the same reasons Anderson· did. 2 If it is a liquid. :t should be describPd approximately by the m-2 FQH wave function)
We work in th~ cllindrical gauge (J). and so the hopping matrix elements J'j are as shown in fig. I. In fig. 2 we have plotted the kinetic and ~tential terms in the ground-state energy Ep-(~p 1111 ~p>l(~pl~"> for lattices of different sizes. Since the wave function ~p keeps the particles localized within a circular rc;gion of area P2Nb. we use free boundary conditions. The potential energy V15 contains a negative surface term which scales like (Ns ) -1/2, si'lce the bosons on the boundary have
~ -0.4 0: w Z w w -0.5
E-Q6 Cf)
~ ~
-0.7 -OB~
__ ____ __ ____ __ Q05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 ~
(Ns FIG. I. Distribution of silns of the couplings i ,} - ± J defined by (3)- (5). Positive (negative) bonds are shown as solid (dashed) line scgments. Open circle denotes the origin. 2096
r" 2
FIG. 2. Energy of the variationallround state (6). in units of NsJ, as a function of system size. 2N. -N, is the number of lattice sites. Kinetic enerlY (Xy modeO. lozenges; potential enerlY (Ising term). circles.
310 VOLUME 59, NUMBER 18
fewer near neighbors than in the bulk. Our results for the kinetic (XY) and total (Heisenberg) ground-state energies are Tls - -0.62±0.01 and £1'- -0.94 ± 0.02. in units of JNs . These values are 10% higher than extrapolated finite-lattice results of Oguchi. Nishimori. and Taguchi 8 who get Tls - -0.74. £IS- -1.05. in the same units. The potential (Ising) contribution to the energy. VIS - -0.32JNs agrees very well with finitelattice calculations. The agre~ment is siJrprisingly good. in view of the fact that OUi trial wave function ,,~s invl3i"es nc free par:.lmeters. For !he r~:i<Jila;;:1g-vaknce-!:lod (R \' B) siate. Anderson 2 estimated £R\"8 - -0.98 by extrapolation from latii.;cs '"jlh J. 8. 12. and 1(, siles. -"'h;h: Ogtl~hi. Nishimori. and T.Jguchi. working with lallicc!s of up to 20 sites. oblJ,n £IC.\"8 -- --0.95 0.02. in ur.!~.; of /.\"$. !t thus app~ar~ that ':i': R .... B and fra<.:tional GU':n~unl Hall w:we functions arc cl!uiv;.:lent variationally. We: ched the accuracy of Ihe Monle Carlo calcuia!ilm:; by ~om"u';l\g 'he rauiai di$tribulion function ancl the pot;:ntiai cne.-g}, of the ground state (6) using the hyp:rnetted chain (HNC) procedure.· The HNC result for the ground-~tate potential energy is V~NC - -O.30JNs • in excellent agreement with the extrapolated Monte Carlo value shown in Fig. 2. These numerical results strongly support the idea that the RVB and FQH states are in the following sense physically identical: One can imagine adiabatically transfol ming the FQH problem into the antiferromagnet problem. Tnis might be accomplishe<:, for example, by expressing the Hamiltonian in terms of the single-boson basis orbi~als
9.. (Z) -(II2K) 112 e:
1:.11+ t ::zJ, (@)
where z. is a lattice site. and then letting the off-diagonal matrix elements of the overlap matrix S.". given by
S.~- f':(z),~(z)d2z.
go to zero. On the basis of our experience with the FQH problem for fermions. we can say with some certainty that the: adiabatic evoilition starts from a system with a nondegcnerate ground state described ap~roximately by Eq. (6). an energy gap, and elementary excitations of "charge" t. Charge in this case means excess spin. If, during the evolution, the gap remains intact, which is not clear, the nondegeneracy of the ground state and fractional nature of the excitations almost certainly remain intact as we!!. If the gap col!apses during the evolution, on the other hand, the situation is less certain. The cxcitation spectrum could conceivably survive. A more likely outcome, in our opinion, is that antiferromagnetic order would ::et in. 9 For this reason we believe that the RVB state possesses an energy gap, and that the assertion of Anderson et al. S that the state is gapless is incorrect.
Our picture of the elementary excitation spectrum is in fact almost identical to that proposed by Kivelson. Rokhsar. and Sethna. 6 We have obtained a numerical estimate of the gap ~ using the FQH quasihole wave function l N,
'11:0 -
(Z,. - zo)
(Zj - Zk)2
xexp(_...L 11 11111. 4/d II-I
where =0 is a complell nllmber locating the quasihole center. Since the real excitation is necessarily an eigenSLate: of linear momentum. this estimate is for the center of mass of the quasiparticle band. It is a good e~timate rlH the: gap only if ttee band disperses very ~j~tle. which we believe to he the casc. Calculations or thi£ dispe.s;on are under way lind will be rep"rt~ in a tater publication. We find tha. ~ is minimized ·.vhen :0 is 0'1 a lattice sileo The potential energy ".ontribution to l1 is C'.t1culated using the generalized HNC algc,.·ithm," which is insensitive to boundary effects. The value we rind is ~V -0.211. il'ldependent of N s • The kinetic energy cost ~ T to create a quasihole is estimated as t~e difference in kinetic energy between states (6) and (10). Figure 3 shows the results of Montc Carlo calculations of ~T ror lattices of up to 400 sites. Extrapolation to the thermodynamic limit N s - 00 yields ~T- -O.04±O.IO in units of J. Th(. total energy required to create a localized spin- t excitation is thus finite and equal to ~-(O.17 ±O.IO) J. Several remarks are in order. We believe that the true ground state is a nondegenerate singlet even though it is nu. evident that this is the case for the wave fanction of Eq. (6). We note particularly that the true pound state I.O...----r--r---""""T"--r--""'T"-, 0.8
FIG. 1. Kinetic energy cost 4.T to create .. quuihole excitation, as a function of system size. The HNC rc:salt for 4" is 0.2IJ.
must be real, while the wave function (6) is not. at least for some configurations. This does not mean that the time-reversal symmetry of the Hamiltonian is spontaneously broken. In fact, the correlation functions we have so far been able to calculate for the variational wave function (6) are real in the thermodynamic limit. We also have some preliminary evidence that the groundstate Ansalz (6) is a spin singlet. The identification of the state (6) with the true grou.,d state of the frustrated antiferromagnet is, therefore. physically meaningful. Adopting this picture of the ground state as a quantum spin liquid with an energy gap, we conclude thal its elementary excitations are n~utral spin- objects. Their spin is the charge of the elemeotary excitations of the ~quivalent FQH st 0:. te. which. for a half-filled Landau level. is equal to ± t. The fraC!iona! charge quantization j", exact Civ~r. the uniqul!ne.~ of the; ground st"He and the existence ('f a gap. The underly!ng rotational symmetry of the Heisenberg Hamiltonian also guarantees that the quasiparticle a~d quasihole. which are equivalent to the spin-up and spin-down states of the same excitation. are degenerate. Like the elementary excitations of the FQH system, these excitations may be thought of either as fermion~ or as par:icles obeying fractional statistics. 4•10 The former approach leads to an intriguing situation where the quasiparticles interact via iong-range
forces while all interactions in the original Hamiltonian are short-ranged. This work was supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DMR-85-IOO62 and by the National Science Foundation-Materials Research Laboratories Program through the Center for Materials Research at Stanford University. We are indebted to D. H. Lee for providing the initial motivation for this work, and to P. W. Anderson for stimulating discussions.
H. Lee and J. D. Joannopoulos. private communication. 2p. W. Anderson. Mater. Res. Bull. 8. 153 (1913). JR. B. laughlin. Phys. Rev. lell. SC. 1395 (1983). 4R. B. laughlin. in Quantum Hall Eff~~I. edited by S. M. Gin'in ~nd R ~. Prange (Springcr-Vcrlilg. Nt\,\, Ycr". 1986). p.233. sp. W. Anderson. G. Baskaran. Z. Zoo. and T. Bsu. Phys. Rev. Lett. 58. 2190 (1187). liS. A.. Ki"elson. D. S. Rukhsar. ~'nd J. P. $;:Ihna. Phys. Rev. I D.
B lS. 8865 (1981). 'T. Holstcin and H. Primakoff. Phys. Rev. 58. 1098 (1940). IT. Oguchi, H. Nishimori. and Y. Taguchi. J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. SS, 323 (1986). 'S. M. Girvin, A. H. MacDonald. and P. M. Platzman. Phys. Rcv. B 33.2481 U9!6). IJB.I. Hal~rin. Phys. Rev. lett. S2, 1583 (1984).
I ruNE 1989
Chiral spin states and superconductivity X. G. Wen, Frank Wilczek: and A. Zee Institute for Theoretical Physics. University of California, Santa Barbara. California 93106 (Received 9 December 19881 It is shown that several different order parameters can be used to characterize a Iype of P- and Tviolating state for spin systems. that we call chiral-spin states. There is a closely related, precise nolion of chiral-spir.-liljl.iid states. We construct soluble models, based on P- and T-symmetric localspin Hamiltonian~, with chiral-spin ground states. Mean-field theories leading to chiral spin liquids are r-roposed. Frustration is essential in these states. The quantum numbers of quasipartides around th..: chiral spin liquids are anal}"lt"d. They grneraily obey fractional stalistics. Based on these ideas, it IS speculated that supercondu":ling slates ..... i!!. unusual values of the HUll: quantum may exist.
,hat play a crucial role ill the dynamics of highSuch speculuion has taken various forms. O••e suggestion is that there is transmulation of the hole statistics, which turn these 1uasipartiC\es into bosons.1J Superconductivity is then pictured as a Bose condensation. Another suggestion is based on approximat~ mappings of spin Hamiltonians onto the Hamiltonian of the quantized Hall effect. 14 Then much of the theory of the latter effect, including fractional statistic!!, carries over to spin systems. This idea, and closely related ideas concerning possible ..ftux phases"IS,16 in the Hubbard model, will be elaborated and sharpened below. Yet another suggestion is that at certain densities a lattice of quasiholes forms, and induces diamagnetic currents whose effect mimics that of a Chern-Simons interaction. \7 A common futule of several of these proposals, is that they escape the constraint mentioned above by invoking (implicity or explicitly) spontaneous macroscopic violation of the discrete symmetries P and T, but in such a way that PT symmetry remains unbroken. \8.19 There are prospects for direct experimental tests of this symmetry pattern. lO In tilis paper we do three thing~. First, we characterize the commol' essence of the proposed P- and T-violating states, which we call generically chiral spin states, in a precise way. We de this, by defining a local order parameter. We shall also be able, within this framework, to give one precise meaning to the notion of a spin Iiquid. 2l ,22 Basically, a spin liquid is a chiral spin state that supports a nonlocal extension of the order parameter. Second, we construct a family of spin Hamiltonians whose ground state may be found exactly, and is a chiral spin state. Our Hamiltonians, although local and simple in structure, are rather contrived. Nevertheless our construction provides an existence proof for chiral spin states. In the course of constructing our model ground states we shall learn some interesting lessons about the sorts of states that support chiral spin order, and derive some intuition about when such states are likely to be entemper3tt!r~ sup~rconductors.11.12
In two sptitial di.nensions new possibilities arise for quantum statistics. Indeed, it has gradually emerged that fractio~al statistics;-l and the related phenomena ofslatistical transmutation, are rather common features of quantum field theories in two space dimensions. They can occur in u models with Hopf terms, 2 or in gauge theories with Chern-Simons terms.) They also appear naturally in a variety of effective-field theories resulting from integrating out massive two
@1989 The American Phyaical SocietY
ergetically favorable. Unfortunately. the simple chiral spin states that diagonalize our toy Hamiltonians are not spin liquids. So. third. we formulate some models that are not exactly soluble but do plausibly seem tu have chiral spin-liquid ground states. These models contain a parameter n. such that for" =2 they are frustrated-spin models. while for large" they are tractable. in the sense that a mean-field theory description is accurate. In the mean-field approximation, we find chiral spin-:iquid states are energetically favorable for a wide range of couplings. We construct an effective·field theory for the low-energy eJtcilatlons around a sp.:cific chiral spin-liquid state, and characterize the charge. spin, and statistics of the quasiparticles. Spin-! neutral particks carrying half-fermion "tatistlcs are fo~nd, in agreement with Lau,hlin's .rgument~.2' W e c~)nclu(:C w:, h ~ome remarks on ,h.. pom,hle relationship btt·.... eeli chirai spin liquids and sl;pcrcQIl(luctivity, and put forward a speculation IhaC Ro.W'S Ilalu:-ally from this circle of ideas, and if true '."'ould dramatic experimental consequences.
electron occupies each site. so the states are gauge invariant. 24 . 2S Therefore, according to gener2.1 principles. a gauge-invariant object like Xij cannot acquire a nonzero vacuum expectation value. Rather, the simplest gaugeinvariant order parameters we can construct from X are of the general type (3)
or (3')
where the r'lI circle a dosed triangle or plaquette. And indeed. an expectation value of the latter type has been used HI characterize the f\U\ phase. Arc these plaquette order parameters related 10 'he spin ex~cl::li()n values F:' In fa~t simple c.llclJialions show ~ha: (bey ue. ~t'lecifically. we ha.c (4i
Part of the reason that the rer.ent literature on possible dynamical realizations of fractional ..t"tistics oRen appears so diffuse and confusing. is that the essential character of the proposed states can be stated in several apparently different ways. Here are four possibilities, appropriate to the context of Hubbard models. 6) As a s:raightforward spin orderiq, consider, in a model of spins t, the expectation value
E l2l == «(1 J .( (12 X (1l»
where 1,1,3 label lattice sites. P symmetry wou!d force Em to vanish (or depend on the poIition of 1.2,3 in tile latice-see below) because it reverses the orientation of the circuit 1-2-3, which changes the lip of'the triple product. (In two-dimen:;ional space, parity is of' course just reflection in one of the two spatial ues.) T symmetry would force E 123 to vanish. But a nonzero value of Em, necessarily real because it is the e,pectatioa value of an Hermitian operator, is consistent with PT symmetry. A nonvanishing, real expectation value E lll , correlated with the siz~ and orientation of the leian21e 123 but not its position on the lattice, is one characterization of chiral spin stales. (ii) Let us introduce electron creation operators CI~ on site i, (1, and the operaton X'j
These X operators have proved very cooveoieot in the mean-field theory of Gux phases. and we abaD . . them in this way below. But &nt, we wish to coasider a more abstract use of them, in fonnulating an order parameter. Under a local P!ge transformatioa. whereby an electron at site J acquires the phase e I'} , we have II',-'j) X'j-e
In the half-filled Hubbard model at infinite U, exactly one
Thus the chiral spin states are alternatively characterized by their supporting a difference between the expectation values for plaquettes traversed in opposite directions. This of course emphasizes their P-violating nature. An important formal advantage of this second definition of the chiral spin phase, since it uses the electron creation and annihilation operator rather than the spin operator, it may be usc:d aw", from half-filling,large-U limit. It allows us, ill other words, to step outside the framework of Heisenberg spin models. (iii) ~ a Berry phase,26 for transport of spins around a loop. Such phases are known to be a good way to characterize the FQHE. Specifically, consider the operator that transports the spins at 1,2,3 to sites 2,3,1. It is the permutation PlI2l1" Using simple mathematical identities relating cyclic permutations to interchanges. and interchanges to spin oper~tors, we find .fJ 12l
=(Pow) = (P'21l Pml) =~«(l +(12'0'3)0 +0','(7"2)
and hence easily
1J12l-1J m =i EI2l '
~ stated, this definition of 1J12l works only for spin models. In scocral, we may take (1 i ==CI~ G(jC11Jo where on the left-hand side (1 is an operator but on the right-hand side it is a numerical matrix, and use the last term of (S) as the definition of 1J12l• In this generality, however, it can no IonRer be interpreted as the expectation of a transport operation. There are other simple relations among the various order parameters E, fJl, and 1J, e.g., ; (7) ImfJl 11l -"4 Elll ,
. (iv) As a st~te, around which the low-energy excitatIons are deSCribed by a field theory with a Chern-Simons tl.:rm. This characterization of course is considerably more vague than the previous ones, Lut it is closely relat~d to the imme~iately preceding phenome!lon that phase I~ accumulaud In transport around loops. We shall make precise connection~ in a specific model below. . In slimmary. we find thaI there are several apparently dlfferenl, but in reality identical, characterizations of '.! spin staks. The chiral spin order parameter captures some, but not all, of t.he ~ro'perties we would like to postulate of a quantu~ "Pill lt4Uld. It ~as the desirable feature ofleaving rot3fl{'n and translation symm~try unbroken, but unfortunately :~ ducs net cai'ture ~he long-range cuherence we ~:c;p~~t is necc~5ari for an incllmpressi~le Iiquia. Inspired roy allalogy w!th the quantiZed HaU effect. however. we arc.' led to the following preliminary definition. We Sliy :hat W~ b\'1! a I,;.hiraI sP:1A ~i4"id. v.hen not only small triangles or plaqllettes, but also large loops are ordered, in such a way that products around consecutive links en· closing a loop obey (9)
Here f( y) is a positive real function of the geometry of the loop r (in our mean-field models it will be proportional to the length of y), but the crucial (eature is the phase term proportional to the area A (r) enclosed by the loop. Identifying (Xi/X)1c ••• Xli ) y loosely as a sort of Wilson loop. we can think of b A ( y) as the flux enclosed bv the loop y. Although we st!aU not attempt to prove it i~ this paper, we expect that the crucial properties of the :lipin liquid, and specifically the statistics of it~ quasiparticle excitations, are determined by the coefficient b. The mean-field theories we construct below support ground states with order of this type. Before concluding this section. it seems appropriate to address two questions that might cause confusion. First, in what precise sense ca" we distinguish the "macroscopic" violation envisaged in chiral spin Slates from, say. the T violatIon in antiferromagnetism? After all, staggered magnetization is T odd. The crucial difference is. that the combination of T with another symmetry of the Hamiltonian, namely translation through one lattice spacin~, leaves the antiferromagnetic ground-state in\'lriant. Since such a lattice translation is invisible :nacroscopically, the antiferromagnetic ground state is effectively T symmetric macroscopically. (In contrast, a ferromagnetic ground state does of course violate T macroscopi",a Ily.) Second, are flux phases necessarily P and T violating? Let us define this question more precisely. It is no surprise to find P and T violation in the FQHE. since there is a strong external magnetic field applied to the sample. Now we can bosely describe chiral spin states as characterized above, and the closely related flux phase states in the Iiteratur.:, by saying that a sort o( fictitious magnetic field has developed spontaneously. Indeed, the
effect of a magnetic field is precisely to modulate the phase of the wave function as a charged particle is transported around a loop, as in Hii) above. However, we mu&t not be too quick to infer P and T violation from this analogy. In particul2.r, in Refs. IS and 16 flux phases are constructed in which half a fluxoid of magnetic field pierces each plaquette of a square lattice, corresponding to 'P/ 12J4 = negative. But from this alone, we cannot infer P or T violation. Indeed, the action of P or T is to change the half-fluxoid per plaqueUe to minus one half-fluxoid . However, ei"=e -i", and this change is equivalent to adding a full negative fluxoid to the original configuratiun, which is merely a gaug\! transformallon. Hence, these symmetries should be maintained. Yet if we follow the authors of Refs. 14 1!ld 21 by approximating the lattice wave function, in an apparently natural way. by a continuum wave function, th~ etfective flux through a loop becomes proportion~1 to the area of the loop, and does generically show c.xnplcx pt,:l~, indicativf" of P and T violatllln. This ~ge to the continu:Jm anc! te an area law is necessary, if (he sute is to be a spin liquid in our se,\se (and, we suspect, in any reasonable sense.) It is not unreasonable, however, to be suspicious of an approximation that alters symmetry. The constructions which follow, were largely motivated by a desire to clarify this. issue. SOLUBLE MODEL
We have identified, and characterized in an abstract way, what we mean by I chii"al spin state. We will argue that the ground state o( a (rustrated Heisenberg antiferromagnet, treated in a mean-field approximation, m~y ~ a chiral spin state. however. the validity of the meanfield approximation in the present context is far from clear. Ideally, we woulc1lik.e to solve a realistic model exactly, and demonstrate that it possesses a chiral spin ilhase. In practice. this poses formidable problems at two levels-in formulating a realistic Hamiltonian, and in solving it. In this section we tak.e a ditferent~ more modest, approach_ We will presently construct a Hamiltonian, whose ground state can be explicitly identilied. and is a chiral spin state (although not a spin liquid). One purpose of this exercise is to furnish an existence proof: there exists at least one Hamiltonian whose ground state violates T and P. Another is to supply us with concrete wave functions to look at, so that intuitions may be formed and conjectures tried. To begin, consider (our spins_ These may be combined into a singlet in two different ways. Accordingly, the general wave function for a singlet may be written in tbe form (I +,,)\0 +() -,,)111) -21110
10=lrru)+lurr) , 11I)=lurO+llllt> , IIII) = Irut> + III U) ,
containing a parameter Y. The question arises: Is there any intrinsic way to separate the two-dimensional space of singlet states into one-dimensional subspaces? In fact we can think of three ways, all of which lead to the same separation. (i) We may demand, that the different spin configurations each have equal weight; that is, that the squares of their coefficients are all equal. This is the sort of situation we might expect in a liquid, wh~re there are frequent ftuctualions in the spins, but all preserving the overall spin-O character. It is easy to se..e. that equality of amplitude occurs ifand only if \.= ±i\l3. (ii) We may try to impose some symmetry rcquirt'tIlent. Whllc: olle quickly realizes that our tw('-dimensional space IS .rreducible 'Inder T or under the .:omrl"te group of permutalil'Jls. it is easy to check that il reduces under the ~r(\ll\, of ('/ ,.'1 rCrI1llllalio'ls. The '~'arian" c;ub~rdces, arc: spanllcJ by the sta:es with v= ±i \. 3 (iii) We may labd states by chiroli,y. This:r. the most useful for our immediate plJrp05e!o, and we I'OW spell it ,")ut ill detail. Consider again the Hermitian operator, (12) At this stage, we just have a problem of three spins, each with spin t. An easy computation shows that X2= -4(8. +8 2+83 )2+ IS ,
where 8;=u,12, and;= 1,2, and 3. Out of three t spins, we can form a spin-t multiplet, which we denote 6y Is = t,s,) and two different spin-t multiplets, which we We have, denote by Is = f,s, ) + and Is =
i,S, )-.
x21s =f,S, ) =0 ,
x2IS=t,sz )G= 12,
a= + or - .
Since IS=t,S,)G must be orthogonal to IS=f,S,), we can write down
(I S)
and by applying the spin-lowering operator IS=t,S,=-p+ = -
~(Ill f) +6111 r 1> +('i!l, 1 1)). \1'3
Here, tal denolb the ~ubc IOO! oi U'1!lY so that I +w+ol=o. Evidently. the other statcli IS = +.s,)are obtained from (l Sand 16) by replacing w by (112. The operator X rommutes with S and thus X. S, and S, can be simultaneously dialonalized. We find that IS=t,sz=P" is an eigenstate of X with eigenvalue 2i(",-",z)=-2V3. Evidently,IS= is an eigenvalue of X with eigenvalue U(",I_",)=2V3. Note that the time reversal operat('r T takes Is = t,s, = + into IS=t,S,=-t>-. Now we picture the three spins 8 1, 8 2, and 8 3 on three of the comers of a plaquette on a square lattice. Let us couple in the fourth spin 8 .. to form a total-spin singlet. From general principles. we know that two different spin singlets are possible, namely,
Then two S =0 states are thus, Is =0) + == 1f f 11 ) + III f f) +(&)1 f 1 f 1 ) +",Ilf It ) +(&)2Iu f 1) +",21 flU),
and Is=o)-, obtained from IS=O)+ by replacing ru'by ",2. By construction, these s:ates are eigenstates of X=UI'(U2Xu3)' where XIS=0)G=2V3aIS=0)G, a=±I.
is best described by referring to Fig. I. We select out of all the plaquettes on a square lattice a subset consisting of nontouching plac;uettes in such a way that the corners of these plaquettes cover all tbe sited on :he lattice. (These plaquettes are shown shaded in the figure.) We label the sites as in the figure. Now,let
H, =J[(8. +82+S)+8.. )z
+(8s +8,+87 +S.)Z+ ..• ] .
Thus we have arrived again at the same separation, as promised. Since our two states are invariant under even permutations of the four spins, i.e., under permutations in the classes (12), (34), and (1:), and go into each other under odd permutations, i.e., under permutations in the class (12) and (1234), they are also eigenstates of the other possible chirality operators, such as t=UI·(UZXU .. ), obtained from X by pe~uations. In particular,
Clearly, the ground state of this Hamiltonian IS reached by f.>rming the four spins on each shaded plaquette into a singlet. Namely, the ground state is given by an infinite direct product, denoted schematically,
Since on each plaqueue, we can take an arbitrary linear combination of Is=o)±, the ground state is infinitely degenerate. Let us now introduce an interaction bt:tween neighboring plaquettes by writing
Now we are ready to construct a Hamiltonian H that has a chiral spin state as ground state. The construction
nearest neighbor along a diagonal (NNN) couplings If:...:
+J ~ Sj·Sj +J' ~ S;·Sj , NN
FIG. 1. Tile: ~h:1d~d plaqueltcs art' Hamiltonian in Eq. (211.
~.:k..:l·:,f 1(1 .. ,lll ;(rU':l (h~
H: =K[.t fJZ3lX(S';7l+X(l231\,(9 \0 II!+ ...
i:c; the obvious on.:; by \:,(5671 we nican
and so on. Consider the Hamiltonian H=H.+H 2• Cle:arly. for small K, this describes an Ising system since on each shaded plaqueue the associated "Ising spin" can either;'e up (i.e., the four spins on that plaqueue form IS =0) +) or be down (i.e., the four spins form Is=O) -I. According to whether K is positive or negative, the Ising system is a:ntiferromagnetic or ferromagnetic. Evidently, the ground state of H for K <0 is two-fold degenerate and is a chiral spin state. T and P are spontaneously broken. Notice that at high temperatures, above the usual Ising phase transition, T and P are restored. Clearly, many other choices for the Hamillonian are possible. For instance, in addition to H 2' or instead of H 2' we can add Hi =K'[X( 124)X<S67)+X< 124)X<9 10 11)+ ...
For K' <0, Hi describes an "antiferromagnetic" Ising interaction. In this case, the expectation value of the order parameter X would have staggered values and macros~op· ically there would be no time reversal vinlation. A:c; we emphasized, our goal in this section ha:c; been to exhilJit speCific P and T invari.. n. s~;n Hamiltonaans who!le t;round state is a c.hiral spin state. The Hamiltonians we exhibited involve six spin interactions and are rather artificial. The ground-state wave functions are rather attractive, however. In forming them we are led to add together many different spin configurations with coefficients that are equal in magnitude. This certainly calls to mind a spin-liquid picture, although to induce the non local ordering necessary for a true spin liquid would require coupling the different squares together in a less trivial way.
where J and J' parametrize the strength of the nearestneighbor and next-nearest-neighbor couplings, respectively. It has been shown by lnui, Donachi, and Gabay2B that the diagonal coupling J' is induced by doping. In absen-:e of the NNN coupling computer simulations suggl'st that the ground state of the Heisenberg model is an an r ife:rr r )lI1agnefic (Neell state which violates neither T Ill)" P. nut 'he NNN coupling (J' > 0 ~ infroduced frusIration~ in Ihe Neel state. For large enough )', the Neel sf:lte j, :1(1 longer favored and the grouf1d state is expected to tl~ a disorderec! state. 29 We ",ill see later that such a ,li~."rdl·,~d state is quite likely to be a chiral spin state. 1 W(' \.:,lnsl.jcrallons suggest thai there is a dose relation ~~I\.eC'n the NNN coupling and the chiral-spln state. First. :1<; di"cus
=~Cjt(ia, )c/-H~ ;
Consider a two dimensional spin-t Heisenberg model on a square lattice with both nearest-neighbor and next-
~ao(i)(nj-l) ,
where n· =c~c. is the number of electrons on the ith site and the' La~r~nge multiplier term ~;ao(nl-l) is !ntroduced to enforce the constraint nl = 1. H~ in (26) IS obtained by replacing S; in (2S) by
and reads Hr =
l: 2Jcitaci~IOCja + l: NN
-2N(J+J') .
complex parameters. The nearest-neighbor hopping amplitudes Xij are p:uametrized by Xi' ; = I •... ,4 in the way described in Ref. 16. The next-nearest-neighbor hopping amplitudes are given by Xi,i+i+Y=XS+( -\
Xto •
The constant term - 2NIJt- J') is included for later con· venience. In the path-integral formali<;m the partition fun.:tillo is gh:en by
f Da!)[)(',Dc,·exp (i f L dt ) = f Da,~exp Ii f L.l'!'foold, 1,
--="l:' "'~IJ~ I!-j
/I H can be written as (34)
where L
In momentum
where: and
is a sumnl:llil'1I over half of the Brillouin zone
h" = 2ReJ/, + 2 RCJ/~r, + Re,,~r., + Im'hTz ' where Ie
k + Ie
71,=X,e • The energy of the approximate ground state, constructed in this way, is given by - Lef'(Qo) at the stationary point. From (26) it is nof difficult to sec that the mean-field energy -L~Qo) is equal to the vacuum energy of the Hamiltonian
k -l I
+X,:, • ' . (36)
711=XI/k.+Xie -ik'+X1e -'k·+x:e'k, . In (36) we have taken the lattice constant Q = 1. Now we can diagonalize H., The energy spectrum is given by
where the electron operators are now no longer subject to the constraint clci = 1. HI is stiU very difficult to solve. but since the coastraint ft, = I is removed we can easily use the variational method (i.e•• ecrcctively the HartreeFock approllimatioa) to find a state close to the true vacuumofH,. Here we are primarily interested in the spatially homogeneous stationary point Qo =const. The constant Qo acts like a chemical potential in (31). From (30) and (31) it is not hard to see that the stationary value of Qo is such that the total number of electrons in ground state of H, is equal to the number of the lattice sites N. This of course corresponds to our starting point. which was a model with one spin dqree of freedom per site. AJ our trial waV4; function for H I' let us first consider the bond state studied by Aftlcck and Marston. 16 The bond ~::1te is deIned as the ground state of the following quadratic Hamiltonian: H.=1:(t,jcJc, +H.c.)+ NN
with a total number of N electrons. We must vary the tlj to minimize the eacrgy the ground state. Following AftIeck and Manton. we win consider the I/J which break the symmetry under translation by one lattice spacing. but are invariant under translations by two lattice spacings. These tlj are parametrized by eight
E. =2Re"1I±[ 4(Re"12)2+ 1"1112]111 .
In the absence of th.:. diagonal hopping terms (xll,.s •...•• =O) the Fermi "surface" of E. (aC halffilling) consists of just the two isolated points at k =(1T n.1T n.) and k = ( 1T n. -1T n). The low-lying excitations around the Fermi "surface" correspond to two families of massless Dirac fermions in the continuum limit. Each family contains a spin-up an-:l a spin~own electron. However. the nonzero diagonal hopping terms with X6 = - X. = real open a gap at the Fermi "surface". Since genencally it is energetically favorable for fermion systems to open a gap at the Fermi surface, we expect X6 and X. to develop a nonzero value if I' is large enough. In the following we will show. in a mean-field approximation, this is exactly what happens. The ground state 1~. ) of H. can be obtained by fiUing aU neptive energy levels with electrons. Using I~.) we can obtain (cltCj) = X'j for nearest-neighbor and nextare again nearest-neighbor bonds. Those X'j (l8l'UDetrized by eight complex parameters X" i = I •.••• 8 corresponding one by one to the X. In fact the X, can be expressed as derivatives of the ground-state energy of H. with respect to the X,. In terms of the the expectation value of HI [see (31)] in the state I~.) can be written as
318 11419
Since the Xi are functions of the fi' we can adjust the fi to minimize the ~nergy E B • By computer search we find that there are two local minima which are potential ground states. One is a chiral spin state. characterized by
x, :'3 ........ =!e i ,,/4 • \',=X7=0.
-·r~.:. =g~O.
wher,. ! a~ld g are real constants. One ~;In easily check the flux lhrough the triangles is +17"12 (-17"/2) for r~= -X~= -t'g (-'g I. In this ~'at~, P'lnd T a:'e br:lbn. T~e chira! spin state exis:s (j;tly for J' /J ~ O. 5. When J' / J ~ C. 5, we lind g = () and the chiral spin state is bettered hy tl~e flux phase discussed in Refs. 15 and l6. P 3nj r are (lot brr.k::n in th!s flu\ rhase. Stili \\ :lh:n thl! framework of bond state:>. an(di:er local minimum is the dimer phase characterized by (40)
xil; ... =o.
The energy (per site) of the dimer phase is equal to -I. The energies of the chiral spin state, the flux phase, and the dimer state are plotted in Fig. 2. In addition to the bond states, another obvio;.Js meanfield state to consider is the Neel state, characterized by (c;tulc;)
=( -I); , (41)
and compute corrections to the corresponding saddle point, we shall find them to be huge. In order to have a context in which we can use the relatively tractable mean-field method, and yet have a con_rolled approximation, we can go to an appropriate large n limit, so that there are many indivduals contributing to the mean field. As is well known in ma'\y other contexts, in this limit the case of the mean-field approximation is at least selfconsistent, order by order in lin, A large-n limit appropriate to our problem can be achieved by considering the Hamiltonian, NN
\\:heu: a, b =~, ... ,n, In the ground state, Nfl contains liN 12 fermions For n = 2, H If reduc~ to HI in (31). We may repeat our previous calculations for the energies of bond states. The. energies of the chiral spin state and the dimer state are the same as before ex.cept for an overall factor ,.2/4. Now let us consider the staggered phase (corresponding to the Neel phase for,. = 2), characterized by
<4G1CI6)=ta:+(-1)'T: ,
where is traceless Hermitian r.l8t. ;x. "!":. ~ minimum or the energy is at
The energy of the Neel state is given by -2(/-1'). A second spin-ordered state, characterized by (ctu 3c;) =(
H. =21 JC,toC;bC?Cjll +2
-I );. ,
for n =even , -
X;j=O, I
also has low energy when J' is large. We will call this state the stripe Slate. The mean-field energy of the stripe slate il; - 2J'. Thus, in the Olean-field approximation either the Neel state (for 0 < J'I J < 0.5) or the stripe state (for 0.5 <J'IJ < 1) always has the lowest energy. But near J' 11=0.5, the chiral spin sta~e comes very close. Actually at I' IJ=0.5, Echinl= -G.918 and
(45) I
for n =odd , -1. 1
E Neel = E stripe = E dimer = -I .
Because of the expected large quantum fluctuations, the saddle-point or mean-field approximation is inadequate to determine which, if any, of the mean-field trial states actually describes the true ground state. However, the above calculation at least indicates that the chiral spin state is a serious candidate for the true ground state. As we have mentioned repeatedly, the mean-field approach to the spin-t Heisenberg model is not reliable. Specifically, if we take any of our trial states and 10 back
-t The minimal energy is given by (H) .. =-2NIJ-J'1
If I·
where [.x] is the integer part of .x. For the stripe state (and other "spin"-ordered states) the mean-field energy is also of order -O(n). Thus in the large-n limit the bond states are always favored, because their enerlies are of or-
Chirsl Spin
FIUl( -0.921 ...............•
Chiral Spin
o FIG. 3. Tht mean·field
FIG. 2 The: me:an·tic:ld
of the chiral "rin slate. the
1'0 rhas~
diagram or Ihe Hamillonian
(431 wilh an added lerm 1471.
nUl( stal~. alld the: diOlc:r stale.
~er - 01 n: /. Tlh:re are then only tWt) possit-Ie phast"S.
the chir:!1 !lpin ~,a(~ and 'he <.Iilncr slate, in th .. range 0< J'IJ <: l. eJlergy llf the chi~al spin stale i\ slightly highe~ tl:::!, 'ha~ of the dim'!r s:a:e. At J' If .~~ I we: gel Ec:hiral = -O.Q94J Ilnd Edimer = -J -the two energies arc
extremely close. Thus the chiral spin state is very likely to Ix a locally stable state. It is hard to imagine a path connecting the two states without encountering a potential barrier. There is an argument, relying on a result we will show later, that strongly suggests that such paths do not exist. That is, the effective action for low-energy excitation around the chiral spin contains a Chern-Simons tenn with int~ger coefficient while the efl'ective action for excitations around the dimer phase ('.ontains no ChernSimons tenn. The integer coefficient of the Cherr.Simons te!1l1 CIIn jump to another value only when the gap in the electron spectrum is closed. Therefore, for any path connecting the chiral spin state and the dimer state, there must be a state along the path for which the energy gap in the electrun spectrum closes. However, such a sapless state very likely has higher energy than the chiral spin state (with its gap). The gapless states, we conjecture, constitute a potential barrier between the chiral spin state and the dimer state. The chiral spin phase will definitely become the energetically favored possibility once we consider Hamiltonians containing an addiiional term of the form
- -; ~ G;G} . n
In (32) G; is the order parameter discussed before [see and (4)] and is given by
G; =i[(c;tcl+.i )(cjt+jc1+.i+ i )(c;t+.i+;c;)
the ground Slale. It lihould therefore be sensible to study the qU3siparlick cli..:itatillns arou'ld this ~latc. We also I~")ulld thai (he meJn·fidd encrgy of lhe "hirai-spin state is very close to thaI uf (i.h('r ordered ~ta:es. i.e., ,he Neel, slrirt'. a"d dim(:r ~'''It'! even for the original case of " = 2. This su~~e'its that Ille quanrunl ftuclual ion may "'ell melt the ordered pha.o;es, resulting in a chiral spin ground state. Even if this does not happen, the chiral spin state may appear as ground state of .. modified Heisehberg model. Hopping terms around the plaquette [see (47)] favor the chiral spin state. Furthermore, although ''Ie will not review it here, hopping terms of the simpler sort
also favor the chiral spin state. Altogether, we are encouraged to take seriously the possibility that order of this kind develops under rather general circumstances, in frustrated-spin ",odels. The chiral spin states defined hue are spin liquids, according to our definition. Indeed, in the larse-n meanfield theory the expectation value of products of X's around arbitrarily larse closed paths is merely the p-roduct of their nominal values on single links. Since the number of elementary triangular plaquettes enclosed by a closed path is proportional to the area enclosed, and each contributes the same constant to the imaginary part, the area law (9) is manifestly satisfied. Finally, let us remark that although we have made life easy for ourselves by going to mean-fi~1d theory, we have probably meode it hard for the spin liquid. After all, we expect the liquid to be stabilized, relative to say the dimer, precisely by ftuctu:ltions, and mean-field theory systematically minimizes ftuctuations. QUANTUM NUMBERS OF QUASIPARTICLES
Such a tenn does not change the enersy of the dimer phase because G; =0 in the dimer phase. But the added tenn lowen the energy of the chiral spin state if T> O. The mean-field phase di&gram is plotted in Fig. 3. In this section we have argued that the chiral spin state is very likely a locally stable state of the frustrated Heiser,~rg model, in the large-n mean-field approximation. For slightly modified Hamiltonians, it is plausibly
We now tum to discuss the quantum numbers of the quasiparticles, first qualitatively and then more fonnally. As we have seen the chiral spin phase is stabilized, relative to the dimer, by hopping. Very roughly, we may say that the dimer melts as the electrons become even ~Iightly free to wander. Presumably, this effect of including plaqueue i.enns or of increasing I oy hand also would be induced dynamically as a by-product of doping. Indeed, as one moves away from half-filling, vacant sites
CHIRAL SPIN STATES AND SUPERCONDUcnVITY become available, so the electrons begin to move. In any case, it seems sensible to think of the chiral spin pha')e as a quantum liquid. We expect it to be incompressible, due to strong Coulomb repulsion. In this context, the postulated-area law (9) acquires a simple physical interpretation. It means that the effective magnetic flux, introduced above as a Berry phase associated above with transport around fixed loops in phys:cal spac::, can instead be ascribed-much more rea!>onahly-to the transport of particles around one anu,I:·~r. [This ascription i~ possible, if (and only iO the ftlliJ is incompressible. For only then. are part ide (lUlw:r \\:u1in a loop. alid thl' are" of the loop, intert:h:J:ig ..·:lbL:.] In other words. tktitious fluxes and charges a;'~' l,\ be atlached to cadI particle, in slich a '.\ ;1\' that 'he n~rry phase is rcali7l'd a~ the phase accumulated accordi~e !,\ :11·- Ahar01l0\'-Boh", etfc~l for loan._port of litec;e fic!l!i\~us ch"rr,cs a~d fluxes :lrounJ "ll1e another. SQrhl~ti('a:l:d readers will recognil.e .here the appearall~e of 'it:tlisrj('al transmlJl:lti'.'r.. hd.:ed. th'! ana!:, ;;5 h<.'r'! i'i :!lHir'~I:- parallel t~1 a sim;\u t)lIe f()I' thl' FQiiE. l ef II~ d~t':rmine, fc!low:n& a slight:)' Ji1TcC1!1Il palh from the one laiJ down in that analysis, the relevant numbers. A defect in our fealure:ess singlet spin liquid can be introduced by constraining the spin on one site to be, say, up. The density of the liquid is then reduced, because the site in question can only be reached by neighboring electrons already spinning up. In effect, one-half a site-and therefore, by incompressibility, one-half an electronhas been removed. Sit:'ce the phase was e;fI per encircled electron, it becomes e "r/2 for encircling the defect_ Now we can expect that, upon our slowly delocalizing the constraint, the system will relax to an energy eigenstate with spin t· As long a~ there is a gap neither the total spin nor the phase accompanying transport around a loop far from the aefect can be altered by the relaxation, which is a local process. Thus we expect that the defect relaxes into a neutral, half-fermion quasiparticle. The conclusion of the preceding highly heuri~tic argument can ~ illustrated concretely in the continuum limit of our chiral srin phase. In the flux phase the Fermi "surface" consists of twe' isolated points. The low-t..lergy e.\.:itauons ,:orr~pond to t,~·o families of fermlons in continuum limit, wl . .)se propagation is described by the effective I.agr311~ian
i7aa r UU (}I£+al£+Al£h/'ao,
where a = ± labels spin up and spin down, A1£ is the electromagnetic gauge potential and y" is given by (5 !)
a" is the dynamically generated gauge potential discussed in Refs. 24 and 25_ ao comes from the Lagrange multiplier term used to enforce the constraint ";=1. a;I;_1.2 comes from the phase of the hopping amplitude Xmil ,
exp-if~ A·dxXmll=~lIexp
(if:.·dx) _
Here ~II denotes the ground-state expectation value of
in the chiral spin state. For exampl.e, in the meanfield approximation, X~" is specified as an Eq. (39). In other words, the effective statistical gauge potential a represents the fluctuation of Xmil away from its groundstate value. The electromagnetic gauge potential is included to make the right-hand side of (52) an electromagnetic gauge-invariant object. In the chiral spin phase the electron spectrum opens a gap at the Fermi surface. This corresponds to the fermion fields "'tla obtaining a mass term. We find that the mass terms obtained by and 1/!2u h\·c the same sign
SUl.!h a mass tel m breaks T a.ld P, which just retlecls the properties of the chiral spin pha~. PUlling :50i :'IIHt !~Jj l<"'
L Q~'
At half-lilling we can safely integrate out the massive fermions and obtain the following effective Lagrangian:
LcI"=41: 1 g~ (a" + A" )a..(al + Ad~ ..l
The factor of 4 results from the four fendions. Using the effective Lagrangian we may obtain the lowenergy properties of the chiral spin phase. First we would like to show that there is no zer~magnetic-field Hall effect in th: chiral spin phase (i.e., the conductance u =0), even though it is no longer forbidden by the (bi'okeni symmetries P and T. The electrical current is defined by
aL eal I m ...M....a..(al + JIl=--=--'-IC' t
~ )•
TIle equation of motion for a" reads
aL etr 1 m Aa ..(a .. + Ill" ~ ) 0=--=--1-1<1:' .,M ..
This implies that the electrical current vanish~ for a~y background electromagnetic field and the chlral span phase at half-filling is an insulator. This is.hardly shocking, since our effective theory !54) or (55) IS su~ to describe the Iow~nergy properties of the Hasenberg model (25), which contains no charge fluctuations. However, it was not completely otivious a priori in our meanfield approximation, which does allow charge fluctuations. Now let us consider the excitations in the chiral spin phase. The simplest excitation to consider is an exci~ed electron in the conduction band. We must emphasize that the IIppearance of an electron in the coOduction band does not correspond to introducing an electron into our system, because integrating out ao stiD enf?rce5 the constraint = 1. We will see that such an eXCited electron corresponds to a neutral spin-t particle. At low en-
ergy the excited electron can be regarded as a test particle. The effective Lagrangian in presence of such a particle can be written as
.L cff =
2~ I: 1E""A(a" + A" )a,.(aA + AA) (58)
where j" is the current of the (est particle. Now the electrical current and the equation of motion become
II'" I ..... q It'" ~
After integrating out the fermions we obtain a ChernSimon term as in (58) but with the factor of 4 replaced by 2q. The neutral spin-t excitations then acquire fractional statistics given by eil.,+mlJ/lmlql. This is exactly the same result, as would follow from our heuristic argument. CONCLUDING REMARKS
7he first tel'm ;n !SQI car. h\. reg;~..JcJ ~" Ih~ l'o.Itrit-;:ljnn to ekctrical charge lrising (mm the vacuum ,olari7..atior.. The equation of mOlicn implies thai Ih~ eiectflcal charge of the: excited ele~1 ron is .:ompklc.-l~· s..:rccncd by \';tCUUnl polarization. The screened electron behaves like g II~U tral particle. Because the chiral spin vacuum is a spin sin,let even wben a,. and A" are nonzero the vacuum p0larization cannot chanlJe the spin quantum numbel of the excited electron. Therefore, the screened electron is really a spin-! neutral particle. Due to the Chern-Simons term in (58). the statistics of the excited electron is also changed. From Refs. 5 and 31 we find the statistics are pven by a phase factor +-./2hll ll. Thus, the screened electron behaves like a half-fermion. The quantum numbers and the statistics of the screened electron are exactly the same as the spinon in tne JC ',uaneyer-Laughlin state. and of course the same as we obtained heuristically before. It may weD teem that there is no connection whatsoever. or even a mismatch, between oar heuristic araument and our formal argument. According to the former. the quantum statistics of the quasiparticle is determined by the ratio of fictitious lux density to particle density. According to the latter, it is determined by the number of points at which the energy gap closes, if the lux is turned 01'. Most remarkably, however. these two quantities are related by an index theorem. 32 We shall illustrate how this works, by considering a generalized f1uJ( phase. The construction of the chiral spin state given above was based OIl the particular flux phase such that the flux through each plaquette is equal to.. A similar constructioa of the cbinI spin state can be also done for ,eneralized flux phue where the lux throuah each plaquette is equal to 2.,/9, with q an even integer. It bas been shown that the Fermi ·"urface" of such a lux phase (at half-filling) consists of 9 isolated points, and that each point corresponds to a two-component massless Dirac: fermion in the continuum limit. Including propel' nonnearest-neighbor-hopping terms, we give each of the q pain of fenilions, C:OI"'ected by a perturbation at the appropriate wave vector, a mass. The mass for each family can be shown to have the same sign. Thus the generalized chiral spin state is described, in the continuum limit, by
e" ..
Now let us briefty discuss what all this might have to do with high-temperature superconductivity. A spinon of the type described above, carrying half-fermion statistics. plausibly binds to any introduced hoI'!, creating a ;pillles!> char~ed haIr-fermion ~omposilc. Two halffnllli",no; ~;III pair 10 ma!.:!;' a h}son. and s,;.:h b.)son pairs .If:.: ~ •.•od ~·andid;,;t:~. far J 'Url"I~(1I:dm:(1I1~ t:llllt~ensa!e. The p3iring IS t':lergetu.:ally d.: ..irablt. hecall~t: Ii pair of introduced lade ... gcn('ralc a tklliiulls Ihn whi.:h is all in-
tegral multiple vf Ih~ iUlid:irnentlil ftuxoicl. In other words a pair can pucefully cOC! with the chiral spin phase background. and therefore need not carry spinons along.J) The qualitative idea here is not altogether unlike that underlying "spin-bag,,14 or "spin-polaron" mechanisms. According to these pictures too, holes are associated with disordered patches, and so it is advantageous to minimize their effect by clumping them together. There is a significant diff~rence, however; the present mechanism does not require an antiferromagnetic Neel or spinwave background tf) play against. Another related argument for superconductivity in doped chiral-spin liquids. given by Laughlin,l2,lS is the following. It is known that fermions with arbitrarily weak attraction become superconducting at zero tcmperature. Now half-fermions can be considered as fermions with a special sort of long-range attraction. lbus, they mUSl condense at low temperature. We conclude with some philosophy and a speculatIon. The message of this paper, and of several others in the recent literature might be phrased roughly as follows. The success of the Laughlin wavefunctions in describing the incompressible quantum-liquid phases of the FQHE, shows that they ,>rovide an excellent way to reconcile the desire to order (in that context, order in real space is desired, to minimize Coulomb repubion) with the oifficulties introduced by frustration (in that case, by an external magnetic field). Roughty speaking. in the FQHE the electron by collective correlatioas, manufactures an el'ective magnetic field to cancel the raJ one. Now .. frustrated-spin system faces similar problems. ut us imagine attempting to find the ground state in the usual way, by evolving the system in imaginary time. We c::.n think of spin sampling various loops as it "decides" how to point, and in general getting confticting instructions_ By condensing into a chiral spin liq.uid, the spins introduce collective phases, that partially ameliorate the frustration. It is DO accident, then, that the sorts of dective-field theories and order parameters we find for chiral spin liquids, are so reminiscent of those Camilie" in the quantized Hall dect. Concretely, spinon excitations
around the chiral spin state near half filling, analyzed above, have the same statistics as one finds for the quasiparticles around the m = 2 Laughlin state. We believe this conclusion, originally derived by Laughlin from an approximate mapping of the Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a triangular lattice into a quantum Hall system, is much more robust; it follows generally for chiral spin liquid states having b = 1T"~ in the area law (9), where is the density of electrons. This circle of ideas strongly suggests a conjecture, that if truo! leads to a drama.tic consequence. It is quile concei', able that in difT.:rl'nt parameter regimes. or in the real mataials at diff~ren: doping IC':els, other pos~ibilities tluo In =2 occur Indeed. we ha"e bril"fty dic;cu'is"'Ci such possibilities before, ill iliustraling the consistency of our qualitative 'lnJ quar.ril3iive 2I'guments for frac[~onal ~Ialislic~ of SpiIlOHS. In mean-field theory, thes~ different pussibilities lead 10 gaps opening at dift'crer,1 plltc~. It sh{'uk1 be fa'o':")rahlc '.0 open a gap at the Fermi surfa~e. so t!11! <,ystcn; might swireh from nile phase hI .. noihl'r I!S the position of .his surface c!langes. And. of course. a w,",ole
menagerie of states has been observed in the FQHE. Now if, for instance, and m=4 chiral spin state were formed, holes doped into it might be expected to CORdense in quadruples, thus producing a ftuxoid unit h /4e. (This time, we are speaking of genuine magnetic ftux.) All this suggests that it would be worthwhile checking the unit of ftux 'luantization carefully in the new materials under various circumstances, not prejudging the uni':ersality of pairing. There may be surprises lurking at dilferent doping levels, pressures-or even simply at lower temperatures.
·Present address: Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ 08S44. IF. Wilczek, Phys. Rev. Leu. 49, 957 (1982). 2F. Wilczek and A. Zee, Phys. Rev. Lett. 51, 2250 (1980). )0. P. Arova:., R. Schrielfe r , F. Wilczek, and A. lee, Nuel. Phys. B251, 117 (1985). 4N. Redlich, Phys. Rev. 0 29,2366 (1984). SA. Goldhaber, R. MacKenzie. and F. Wilczek (unpublished). 60. W. Semo:nolf, P. Sodano. and Y. S. Wu. Phys. Rev. I.e{t. 62, 71S 1I9811). IJ. Frohlich and P. Marchetti, Commun. Math. Phys. 116, III (1988); Ill, 117 (11)89). 'The Quantum Hall Effect. edited by R. E. Prange and S. M. Girvin (Springer, New York. 1967). 90. Arovas, R. Schrierfcr, and F. Wilczek, Phys. Rev. Lett. 53, 722(984). lOS. I. Haperin. Phys. Re\,. B 15.2185 (1982): R. B. Laughlin, ibid. 13. 5632 d<Jt:IJ; F.D.M. Haldane, Phys. Re\. Leu. 51, 60~ (1983). lip. W. Andersor.. ill F"ontic:"s and Borderlinc's if! .\funy Particle Phps;c:s, edued by R. Schriefl'er and R. A. BroClia (NorthHolhlnd. Amslerdam, to be published). '~R. B. Laughlin, Science 242, 5H (l9g8). uS. A. Xivelson, D. S. Rokhsar. and J. P. Selhna. Phys. Rev. B 35,8865 1I987); see also I. Ozyaloshinkii, A. Polyakov, alld P. Wiegmann, Phys. Leu. 127, 112 (lQ88). 14y. Kalmeyer and R. B. Laughlin. Phys. Rev. Lett. 59, 2095 !1987). ISG. Kotliar, Phys. Rev. B 37,3664 (1988). 16 1. Aftleck and B. J. Marston, Phys. Rev. B 37, 3774 (1988).
17p. Wiegmann (unpublished). 18J. March-Russell and F. Wilczek, Phys. P.ev. I.e:t. 61, 2066
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We would like to thank B. I. Halperin, R. B. Laughlin, R. Schriefter, Q. Niu, S C. Zhang. and Z. Zou for helpfu~ di~u!'sions. Toil' rt'Search was S'lpported in part bv the National Science Foundation under Grant No. PHY82t 7853, sU[lpleme:l!ed by fund:; frem the National Acronautic~ anJ Space Administrar;on, at the Unive~:ty of California 8t Santa Barbara.
(1988). 19X. O. Wen and A. Zee (unpublished).
lOB. Halperin, J. March-Russell, and F. Wilczek (unpublished). lip. W. Andenoa, Science 235, 1196 (1987).
ZlS. Chakrrvaro/, B. :. 'tfalperin. and O. R. Nelson, !»hys. Rev. Lett. 60, 1051 (l988); Phys. Rev. 039,2344 (1989). 21R. B. Laughlin, Pbys. Rev. Lett. 60, 2677 (1988); and Ref. 12. 240. Baskaran and P. W. Anderson, Phys. Rev. B 37. 580 (1988). 151. AfIIeck. Z. Zou, T. Hsu, and P. W. Anderson, Phys. R.ev. B 38, 745 (l988)~ E. Dagotto, E. Fradkin, and A. Moree' ibid. 38, 2926 (1988). 26M. y. Berry, Proc. R. Soc. London, Ser. A 392, 45 (1984); A. Shapere and F. Wilczek, Geometric Phases in Physics (World-Scientific, Singapore, 1989). HZ. Zou, B. Doucot. and 8. S. Shastry, Phys. Rev. B (to be published). 11M. Inui, S. Donaehi, and M. Gabay, Phys. Rev. B 38, 6631 (lqSSI. l~p.
Chandra and B. DOUCOI, Phys. Rev. B 38, 9335 (1988). JOQ. Baskaran, Z. Zuu, and P. W. Anderson, Solid Slate Commun. 6J, 973 (1987). )1 X. G. Wen and A. Zee, J. Phys. (Paris) (to be published). 12X. G. Wen and A. Zee, Nuel. Phys. B (to be published). llX. G. Wen, Phys. Rev. B 39, 7223 (1989). . 14R. Schrieffer, X. G. Wen, and S. C. Zhang, Phys. Rev. Lett.
60, 944 (1988). lSA. L. Fetter, C. B. Hanna, and R. B. Laughlin (unpublished).
7. Anyon Superconductivity R. B. Laughlin, "The Relationship between High-Temperature Superconductivity and the Fractional Quantum Hall EfTect", Sc~nce 242 (1988) 525-533 .......................................................................................... 326 R. B. Laughlin, "Superconducting Ground State of Noninteracting Particles Obeying Fractional Statistics", Phys. Rev. utt. 60 (1938) 2677-2680 ....................................................................................................................... 335 A. L. Fatter, C. B. Hanna and R. B. Laughlin, -Random-Phase ApDroximation in the Fractional-Statistics Gas", Phys..Rev. B39 (1989) 9679-9681 ........................ 339 Y.-H. Chen, F. Wilczek, E. Witter and B. I. Halperin, "On Anyon Superconductivity", Int. J. Mod. Phys. B3 (1989) 1001-1067 ..................................... 342
7. Anyon Superconductivity Surely the most dramatic result of the study of anyon statistics mechanics has been the demonstration a new mechanism of superfluidity (and, for charged anyons, superconductivity). This superfluidity is quite a robust consequence of fractional quantum statistics at appropriate values of the fraction. It occurs even in the presence of other repulsive intera\:tions, and gives quite a large energy gap. For these reasons, together with the facts that it is essentially two-dimensional and plausibly associated with exotic spin ordering: it is terrlpting to speculate that thp. anyon mechanism of superconductivity will shed light on the copper oxide high temperature superconductor::. 'Nhether or not this s:->eculatioh works out, the mechanisnl is of considerable theoretical interest. and will undoubtedly play an important role in physics in the fut'..lre. The intuitions which led to the proposal of the mechanism are forcefully explained in a long paper [1] by Laughlin. Som~ formal arguments leading to the conclusion that the mechanism does indeed work were presented in brief papers by Laughlin [2] and by Fetter, Hanna, and Laughlin [3]. In their long paper [4] Chen and collaborators further distilled out the simple essence of the ideas, demonstrated the superfiuidity in a controlled approximation, and extracted the effective Lagrangian governing the low-energy phenomenology of anyon superconductivity.
REFERENCES 1. R. B. Laughlin Science 242 (1988) 525. *
2. R. B. Laughlin Phy,. Rev. Lett. SO (1988) 2677. *
:J. A. Fetter, C. Hanna, ;}.nd R. B. Laughlin.Phy,. Rev. B39 (1989) 9676. * 4. Y.-H. Chen, F. Wilczek, E. Witten, and B. I. Halperin Int. J. Mod. Phy,. B3 (1989) 1001. *
326 Reprinted with permission from: R B Laughlin, Science 242 (28 October 1988) 525 - 533. © 1988 by the AAAS
The Relationship Between High-Temperature Superconductivity and the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect R. B.
'111: case is made that the ~pin-liquid state of ~ Mott insuhtor. hypothesized to exist by Anderson and ickntined by him as tf1C' correct context fo:, dUcussing temperature 5Uperconducto~ occurs in thCS(' matcna!s and exhibits t;le principles of fractionaJ quantization identified in the fractional quannun Hall eft"ect.lhe most irr.p.:".... (,[ uf m~ is that particles carrying a fracuon of an elementary quantum number, in this case spin, attract one another by a powerful ga~ force, which can ~d to a new k.!nd of superconductiVity. The tempa:aturc scale for the'lctivitr is set by an energy gap in the spin-wave spcc:trum, which is also the fundamental measure of how "Jiquid" the spins are.
to our understandirg of the solid state thal it is implicit in
th~ voahul:f" W~ U~ :md prciudk~ the questions we ask. Th~ high·tanper~rurc superconductivity lireranu·c i~ fillec1 wilt. aprcs-
tcm~lt"ranlre supcr~ondul."tivity
sions such » ~fermi su:face," "density of ~~tes,·· "Pauli st.SCCprihil. itV." and "'c:learon·!'h0non inn:rxrion." aU of which require the ((\on:u nf a f~~i hquid even to mak.e sense. In ligh:: of !hc: O'·C"n\- helming empirical cvidcnl·e that aU mctais ar~ ~enni iiquiJs. it is 11< >t surprising dlat the resonating vaicnce bond concept. although widely respected. is not \\idely b--Jicvcd. This is unfOrtunate. for Allderson's reasons for thinking it to be "'t the bottom of high transition temperature (Te) superconductivity <'re compeUing (.~). Let me parapruasc these as I undctstand man: 1) High Te superconductivity occurs in a dass of systeaN, the Matt insuJators (4), that we have never understood. It is hard to understand how this could be a coincidence. There is probably some prcvtOusly unknown Pf(\perty of these systems that causes the effect. 2) The systems in question arc inherently magnetic. Stoichiometric LazCu04 is an ordered spin-1/2 antiferromagnct (5) and also an insulator. Doping the material (6) by substituting Sr for about 3% of the La destrOys the magnetic order cUld makes the material a "mew" in the 5ense of conducting el..:ctricity at 7.A:ro temperature. It i~ hard to understand how dopin~ at this Ic-;('/ cmdd rum: destroyed atl the spins. A morc r~3'iOnable gut·55 is that r:l~ c..'ttta holes make ordering more difficult. and that the spins art' still prcscm in some sort of "quantum spin liquid" sta~..:. 3) The only rotationally invariant spin-1I2 system for which we have an aact solution (7), the linear Heisenberg chain with nearneighbor in~ractions. possesses a disordered ground state that might well be termed a quantum spin liquid. It is reasonable to adopt this state as a paradigm for the putative spin-liquid $We in higher dimension. No one has proved that such states exist. but surely some Hamiltonians can be found in which quanaun ftuaua· ril.lll.~ prc\'CI~t ordering. After all, magnetic ordering is physicilly similar to crystalli7.:nion. and helium ha... both crysWlinc and ftuid
4) The elementary excitations of the Hels.:nberg chain are known (8) to be neuaal spin-1/2 particIcs poacssing a linear cacrgy. momentum relation. If the form of these acitations wae generic to spin-liquid states, one would c:xpc:ct the charpl excitluioas induced by doping to be very strange, at least within the conteD: fX mcr.aIs as we know them. For aampIe, one possible fate of a hole doped into the material would be to become anachcd to a nc:auaI spin-112 excitation to form a charged spin1css particle. Andmoo rGas to this object, which was invented by Kivdson, Rokhsar, and Scdma (9). as a "hoIon." He calls the neutral partic1e a "spinon." Bcause the hoIon is spinIcss. one would guess it to be a boson, in which case it might cause superconductivity by Bose condensing.
N THE FALL OF 1986, P. ANDERSON (1) MADE THE BOLD suggestion that superconductivity in La2CU04 and rdated materials might be caused by the occurrence in these rmterials of the "resonating ,·alcnce bond" state, a hypotheticaJ magnct;~ liquid state proposed by him (2) in the early 197vs. ~"hile ncidler the resonating v.lIen('e bond state nor the theory of high·t'('mpera· rure sapcn-unduah·lty it engenders is very weU defined at pr-:scnt. I am persuaded that the core of the idea, that the Fermi liquid principle fails in high-temperature superconductOrs, is ri~. This has led me to some: new pcrspectiv~ on mis subjel.'t, which it is the purpose of this .lnicle to discuss.
Fenni Liquids and the Resonating Valence Bond 111e most appropriate place to begin any discusmXl of high· is the Fenni liquid concept. A Fc:nni ;iquld is ~ definition any system with low-encrgy excitarions srmilar to mose of a nonintcracting Fermi sea. It is an empirical fact that all known substances, except" perhaps high-tanpcratwe superconductors, which arc metals in the sense of conducting eIcaricity at zero temperature, arc Fermi liquids. For this reason there is a deep-seated belief among solid-state physicisb that mcraIs should be Fami liquids tIS /I mIIlkr of priltcipl~, even though there is no prima facie thcomicaI evidcn:e for this. It is almost impossible to dcmonsttatc &om first principles that a given mataial is a Fermi liquid. The equations arc simply too complicatuf. So central is the Fami liquid
28 OCTOBEB. 1988
327 Experimental Properties of High-Temperature Superconductors There arc several significant ~torS reinforcing Ihc iUpticism toWard the resonating valence bond idea. One of them is the reluctance of most scientists to abandon thinking mat has served them well in the past unless it fails spectacularly. This mayor may not have occurred, depending on which Cltperimcnts one believes. It is regrcnably the case that all but a h;'\Rdfui of experimental properties of high Te superconductors can be understood qual itath'ely in terms of the traditional Fermi liquid meory of superconductors. Let me mention a few of (10): I) The spin susceptibility (It) is roughly \.-omistcnt with Pauli p3r:l1Ngnerism of a Fermi sea containil1[t the number of electronS bcliC"al from stoichi~' to ha\'e ~ dc.1JlC'd into thc material. This carrier density. in rum, is roughly consistent both with the DrucIe-like conduch\'ity (11) obscn'ed in the far infnred and the pl;l.~m.l oscillation induced by it at higher c:ncrg)'.Xbtcsnsisrenq' is onl\' rol'ldt bccall~ (he "'band" etfccth-c n~ of the eh"trullS is noc: knc;wn. -E.~timatc., t>a~d on c~rimcnt rll1~ from one to ten dC(Tro:1 .!' ,-\,'>Cs. ,\!temj'IS b' "ak:.alnc rhi:l m.a.~ \'-:; 1C1< .1'1' of st;m·I"rd h.ln<1 ~'~Nrl" '(:d\Oiqu("~ an:' di ....:uh II:> i:lfert'm ; I,':. Sr()~hi()mctri, Ll~CU04 conk' OUI to a met":. which it is Of", 2 i The ei«tn..'.11 n:~i ..'t.\"lt\; " ~41 aM'c 1~ L\ the ~;1.c opCl.'t~-d of a scmK:}f'\,·u~'tor d,,~ etf :0 ~hc approprilfc J:-."Ct. 3 ,I The traIlsiriun to supcn:onJuai\'ir)' is ~"Uted with ... spt:cit: ic heat anomaly (tl, rcLued in approxinwdy the right way to thc Pauli suscrpribiliry. Extra Row
S::: 1/2
Fractional Quantum HallSt~te
Fr:lCtionaily Charged Quasiparticle
Spin Liquid State
·.·,.:t!. ...·..· ...Spinon
FIg. 1. Ifa spin liquid exists, 10 should spinons. This is because a S)'SIaI1 with 'lit CYa1 number «spins (top 11ft) musr be a sinp:t. while a syIIan with an odd nwnbcr 0( spins (top right) annex be. Beaule me two syaems cannot be di~ ~ Ihcy ~ IarF. hoftvcr, Ihe Iaaa-IIlUIt be viewed as a ncuaaI spin-Ill excitation of the former. Idcmific:aaioa 0( the haIf-intqral Spin as a &actionaI quantum number sugaa that the spin-liquid pound state (oenIIIr Mel bottom right) is anafosous ID Ihc hctioriaI quannun Hall swe (center Mel bottom 11ft), and mar the spinan is maJosous to ill &aaionaUy cIwpI quasiparticle. SUI
4) Energy gaps have been observed in bach Ihc optical absorption (16) and runneling spectra (17). These gaps are roughly cq~ and related in roughly the right way to Te. Both gaps disappear
above Te. 5) The critical field (tB) He collapses continuously as Te is approached from below. There· is evidence (19) that the tunneling gap also coUapses continuously. 6) The zero tcmperatw"C London pmctration depth ). is roughly consistent (20) with the density of carriers induced by doping. Both ). and the coherence length ~ diverge (18, 21) at Te. 7) The ac Josephson efl'cct (22) observed in granular samples indicates the presence of a conventional chargc-2 order parameter. This is consistent with Cooper pairs but not: consistatt with Bose condrauarion of hoIans. lbc latta' would produce a charge-I order parameter. A related and somewhat distressing &aor is Ihc inability of the idea to credibly predict anything or, fOe that matter, even to account for tm supcrconducri\'ity. The most: concrete prediction of me approach, Iwndy, that the ord..r paramcttt should ha\'C charge 1, "'as rro\·aj fal5C within a few wcds ofia pn>posirinn. The siruation h.:I~ ~'I:()ni~ so grim thar nrcrimcnt2ii:;ts hJ\'c larp;~~''Ppcd hSlc!IIn~ to theorists.
The Mott Insulator Problem Br tar the most sttious impediment. however, is the unwillingof most solid-san: physi:ists to acttpt the fundamc-r1tal intcllccru;d problem a disordc:red Moo :nsuJator (4) presents. The m..>flOXides of iron, cobalt, and nickel arc insular'lfS with sintilar properties (23). However, COba!: oxide cannor possibly be an ordinary insulator bccau.K it has an odd number of cIcctrons per unit ccU. All three oxides are, in faq, Matt insulators, materials that insulate solely as a ~s\11t of Coulomb repulsions bctwccn electrOns, but only in cobalt oxide is this conclusion inescapable. Mort insulators are very poorly understood. One frustrating consequence of this is that there are no agreed-upon criteria for iderttifying than. Thus, evert though it is obvious to me thar hightemperature supcrcor.ducrors are Mort insulators, it is intpossible tu convince my disbelieving colleagues that this is the cast' on purely phcnomcnoIogical grounds. Lacking an understanding of Mott insulators, we usually assume thtm tn be saniconduaors, a weUunderstood class of maaiaIs that bcc:omc metals when doped, and wait for the cxpcrimcnts to tdI us otherwise. This would be a pcrfa:dy reasonable way to proceed if the c:xpcrimcntal results were more clear-cut, for good c:xpcrimcnts gcncraUy lead to Ihc bUth whcIhcr ideas motivating thcm are correct or not. However, it has been Ihc case historica.lly with Mott insulators, and is Ihc case prcscndy with high-tcmpcnturc supcrcooducrors, that the experirncnn ~ plagued \'lith materials problems and interpretation ambiguities. so that this strategy docs noc: wort well. There is, of course, no reason wha~'U to ~xf""CI a disordered Mutt insl1lator to be a semiconductor. It is certainly noc: true that Mort insulators arc dtmotulnJbly scmicondUClDrS (24) tkscribcd well by a commensurate spin density wave ground state. rtnlI
Analog,' with the Quantum HaD BWect Let us now ask why Ihc n:sonatiog valc:ncc bond idea, if it is so insightful, is having so much di8icuIty accounting for Ihc supcrconduaivity in these marcriaIs. The nDt obvious possibility is that there is a minor error somewhere in its logical dcvdopmcnt which has led us down a blind alley. Where could it be? The notion of a SCIBNCB, VOL 2+2.
328 spin-liquid state seems sound enough. It is an experimental fact that high-tempcrarurc supcrconducton have no magr.ctic order. It is hard to Wlcierstand how the spins could simply have vanished. There is certainly no reason to believe that quantum mechanical melting should occur only in one tfunension. The most likely source of the problem, thcrcforc, is the identification of the one-dimensional Heisenberg model as an appropriate paradigm. There arc a number of reasons to be suspicious of the Heisenberg chain as a model spin liquid. The most obvious one is that it cannot be ordered, just as a matter of principle, whereas higher dimensional S}'stems can. It is conceh'able, for example, mat the gaplessness of me spinon spccaum in one dimension simply reflects the system's kndc:ncy to be ordered and thus to ha\'e a gapless spin "'~\'e. Also, it is uniquch' the case in one dimension that bosons can be con\'ctted to tennions and vice \'crsa b\' means of canonical transfonnatioll ,b"). ThliS, C\'en if the excitations of the hig."er dime~ional spin iiquids arc analogous to thos.- of the Heisenberg ciuin, it is not clear ,nat ~tatistics to as~lgn t:acm. Even while suspecting the paradigm of me Heisenberg chain, one should probably belle\'! in srinor.s. :\..:cording to Dzyalosh~r.~!rji 1.?6} Landau -:onsidered the notion of a liquid $[;tte with spin· 1:2 exci~tions so ob\ious that he dicJ not bdin'e ordered antitCrrnmagrom existed. While it is not com~ICttly cbr wh~' h.: mought chi,. an oh:C'u~ rOSo<,bilicy is ilIllstr:mo:d ir Fig. I.. S':P:X>$C it is esrabli~L::d that the ground. State or some H.uniltol\ia.1 is a nondegeneratc spin Ii'lllid. rnen the ground state must ~ a singlet when the numt-er of spins is even and a doublet •...·hen the number of spins is odd. Since mere is no long-range order, however, me two systems must be physica1ly equivalent. Therefore the doublet must actually be a spinlJl excitation of me singlet ground state. The existence of spinons is
£ Magnetoroton
~ ~~~~:,?
\~'1 ...~~ Soft Mode
G/2 I I
I' I' I
E. \
'.' I
fig. a. Whahcr or DOl: fraaional quantizatioo oc:cun in the quantum HaD problem is dctamincd by me prcscocc or absence of an energy gap in ill coIIcaivc mode apccaum (top 11ft). This mode is a compressional sound waft in the &aaiOnal quantum Hall sate and praumabIy a spin wave in the ipin-Iiquid Ja.1hc Hamiltonian is c:~ II) induce a)'~ (top right) the ~ minimum of Ibis mode IOftaaa, leading II) a divapnt ~a-~ ra:iproaI Iaaia vcaor G of the crystal VICMd in the rcduc:cd zone schc:mc of me ayaal (bottom 11ft) this spearum is qu* similar II) mar of a ayDI (boaom right) c::m:pt fix the ,.acnc:c of a pp at the zone cam:r and the abecna: of a pp at me zone
CIdF· :II OCI'OBBB. 1988
on much sounder footing than the analogy with the Heisenberg chain would suggest. This brings me (0 what I believe very strongly to be the key idea missing from Andenon's vision of the resonating valence bond. If a spin-Itquid state exists, which it probably docs, it is expected to have ncuttal spin-1I1 excitations. But how could this be~ In the absence of interactions between the spins, the elementary excitations of the system consist of the aa of flipping a spin from down to up. These obviously have spin 1 and are bosolls. How could it be that these "elementary particles" of me problem could combine quantum mechanicallr to make spin-1I2 jtrm;t."IS? In one dimension this point is moot because bosons aud fennions cannot be disringuished. In higher dimension. however, me paradox is real. There arc (\':0 esrablished precedC'nts (27) for rurning bosons into fmnions in higher dimension. roth of which arc improbabll' in the conteXt of thi~ prublem. Olle in\"oh·es borrowing the half-imcgral spin repre' sentation from isospin degrees of freedom. The other in\'Olvn addin.; topological terms to th.: boson Lagrangian. The Ian.."!" amoun~ to changing the la\\'s of phrsi~ in a fundamental W2)'. Thus, given that spulOns occur in dincnloion ~rc3tCT than 1. ~ir cxiscence is propn-Iy con~idcrc,i m;racultlus. lc implin mM the elementary spin-l e~ciurions h3\'r been split In t\\'o. wim half the exc.rark,,' .lprcarirt~ in the ~aml"e in~or and half 1t the bounduJ'. Thl"re is on!" on~ i~.:nciti,j else ofbt-ha\'ior ofmis kili.J in nature of v.111ch I am aware: the fraaionalization of ele.:tric charge m~t ()(01B I~ me fractional quantum Hall effect (28). This beha\'ior :s so unusual that I find it hard to understand how there could be rwo distin~:t ph1SCS of matter ext:ibiring it. I therefore beliC\'e mat rhe fraaiO!1a1 quantum Hall state is me only possible correct paradigm for the spin-liquid state.
Properties of Incompressible Quantum Fluids Let us now explore ctte possibiUt'f that ~e spin-liquid state and me fractional quantum Hall state arr one and rhe same. Here arc the generic characteristics of the state as I see than (29): 1) A fearurdess liquid-like ground St3te that is nl)t degenerate. 2; ~emelltar)' ex(,i.tations above mis ground 5tate mat carry fra,rional charge. This ch.u"e is qU.lllrizcd to a particular \'alue d\a~"terist:i, of the state. 3) An energy 5ap for making either fractionally charged excitations or collective modes. The coUC\."ti\·e mode may be thought of either as a pair of fractionally charged particles or as a density Ruauation. Cltanges to the system's Hamiltonian that pmerve this gap also prescr\'e the fractional charge txactly. 4) Long-range gauge forces between the fractionally charged J,atticles. The~ appear in the fraaional quantum HaU literature as fractional statistics of the particles. They arc also prcsct'\'ed C"~acrly by changes in the Hamiltonian rhat preserve m(' gap. Ttw dlCSC arc acru.uly properties of the n=a1 fractional quantum Hill state is indi~~table. We !~now such a state exists ~I" because a H..uniItOnian has been found (30) for which the variational solurioo I proposed for the problem is exaa. We ~J1OW that excitations out of the state arc fractionally charged because we have wave functions fix these excitations that arc c:xact (30) in this limit and can prove that their charge is unaB'ccted by changes in +.e Hamiltonian that preserve the energy gap (29). We also know that the Hall conductance, which is a specaoscopic mea5lft of dais charge (Jl), is cuct to within c:xperimcntal unccnainty (J2). We know that these quasiparticles obey fraaional statistics bach because it can be dcduad &om their wave fimctions (29, JJ) and because me Hall conducanccs of the &actional quanaun Hall hierarchical stateS arc the correct w1ucs (34) to within cxpcrimcntal uncertainty. Al.nCUl$
329 Like any liquid, the fractional quantum Hall sta~ is dilicuJt to distinguish from a crystal. In particular, it posse.sscs a colle,tive mode (36) that may be thought of either as a compressional sound wave or as an exciton (37) formed when two charged quasiparticles bind. The dispersion relation of this mode is known to have the general form illustrated in Fig. 2. Its deep minimum, named the "magnetoroton" by Girvin, MacDonald, and Platzman (36), who discovered it, occurs at a wave vector corresponding to the interparticle spacing. This gap is a "measure" of how liquid the state is. If the Hamiltonian is tuned so as to induce crystallization, which we know must occur in certain limits, this gap should coUapse continuously (38), as appropriate for a second-order phase transition. This has not been proved to be the case, but it is very reasonabIe. and it has certainly not been c..>ntradicted by an~' experiments (39). Three things happen as the gap gets smaller: 1) The state gets increasingly susceptible at the crystallization wa\·e vector. This susceptibility diverges at the crystallization point. 2i The size of the quasiparticlcs grows. An apf"\J\Mogy Would be the growth of a Cooper pair that results from diminishing the gap of a 8a;"dccr;-Coopcr-Sdulcffi:r (BCS) superconductor. 3: ·;"he ene~· <:\ l';t to make 3 quasipan:de dinini~ltes. The ,""0$( is zero J[ the tr;anslri"l"I. 1be qu.ulpartide durgc l1\.1inra;.b its inte"iry ~ these t.'linp occur as k)n~ a~ the ~ap is non;xm (291. Let me emphasize again dlis hc:ha,·ior I~ expected ()lJ .\~. gwund\ ami, in particulu, is comptttcly IftSt.uitil1t t(l what tltt HllrniitOflWrI is. The large susceptibility, "ilich is pankularIy significant for systems on the verge of crystallizing, must lead to intense belastic scattering at the magn~roton wave vector. & iUusrrated in Fig. 2, this could easily be mistaken for B~ scaacring. Since the Goldstone mode of the crystal and its ground-sta~ degeneracy are really the same thing, the
di8"erence between liquid and crystal is simply the pracnce or absence of the energy gap. It is reasonable to expect all of these features of the fractional quantum Hall state to have analogs in the spin-liquid state. Thus, the analog of the fractionally charged quasiparticle is the spino", the anaIog of the compressional sound wave is an antiferromagnetic spits wavt, the analog ofWigner crystallization is atttifmom4gra«ic orrItri"g, and the analog of the magrietoroton gap is a m4glltticJlwctuatio" gap. The most obvious implication of the connection between these two states is that the spin-wave spectrum of the magnet must have a gap, as this is the measure of how "liquid" it is. Above this gap the ftuauations ~hould be indistinguishable &om those of an ordered antiferromagnct. Although the energy gap has not yet been seen experimentally, magnetic ftuauations similar to those in the ordered phase have been detectcJ in supen:onducting samples with magnetic Raman scattering by Lyons «al. (40). Similar magneDc 8uauations in insulating samples have been seen with indastic neutron scattering by Endoh tt at. (6). Since existing experiments do not have the r:solution to se": this gap. let us guess that it is comparable in size to me one mcasured in tunndang. or roughly 30 me\'. Raman cxpcri.."ents show dl{' maximum spin-wa,·c energy to bt- roughly 200 rile\'. The possibili~' that the Andcnon l"Cl'onaring valence bond stan: might oonsriNtc anotht:r c.ulllplc of fractionaJ quantum Hall bd\,·:ior was sugg:srcd to m!: ~. D. H. J cc an..i J. D. Joanoopoulos about a year before high-rempcnture superconductivity was disrovcred. V. Ka1meycr and I (JS) investigated this idea numerically and succeeded in making a "ery strong case that it makes 1CnSC. I must emphasize that we did not prove it to be true. Indeed, no one has conclusively proved that a spin-liquid state even c:D:1S in any dimension higher than 1. In light of the present experimental situation, however, it seems a bit silly to worry about this. For reasons I have ·w.ady stated I find the mere consistency of the idea adequate reason ror believing it true.
Fractional Statistics of HoioDS £
The most important conscqu.:ncc of !"be analogy between the &actior\al quantum Hall and resonating valcncc bond swa is the prediction of a powerful gauge force between the spinons. In the tiactiooaI quantum Hall c&a:t, this force, which CWSCI the quasiparticles to obey &aaionaI statistics (34), is known (29) to be a natural concomitant to the presence of fraaional charge. A particle carrying decaic charge lie mows dynamicaUy as though it carried with it a lOlenoid containing magnetic 8m WWt, flO NIter tItt Hamiltolli4tt is, proyided that this Hamiltonian can be adiabatically evolve.! into the "ideal'" Hamiltonian without dcsttoying the energy gap. The only thing aiFeaed by a change to the Hamiltonian is the size of the solenoid, or equivalently the size of the quasiparticle. Thus, given that the mechan:sm for quantwn number fractionalization in the magnet is the same as that in the haioaal quantum Hall e&"cct, such forces are MCaSfJrily an amibl.m of spinoos. FurtherID(ft., the fraction of the statistics must be III because the "charge" of the spinon (J5) is III A. FraaiooaI statistics only make sense in two dimcoaioos. It is DOt dear to me what would happen in a threc-dimeusioa spin liquid, assuming one exists, but a good guess is that the forces become 10 IttOIIg that they confine. Let us now consider the dwgcd dcpa oIhcdom (9). Whahcr or DOt ac:itations anaIogous 10 the holoo CIist in the &aa:iooaI quantum Hall dFa:t is not yet dear. The c:xperimcntaI discoYay (41) of the "S/l" state and the subecqucnt coafinnatioa (4Z) 01. ita magnetic characta' do danon..'":r.ttc that charge fraajonaljzarjon an
330 occur in systems possessing bodt dc:ctric and magnetic degrees of freedom. The quantization of the Hall conductancc shows that one of the excitations is a charge-Ill, spin-O quasipanicle (43). I believe that a charge-O, spin-I/2 quasiparticle also exists, but this has not ~:en demonstrated experimentally. The main reason to believe that holons exist, however, is that they make so much sense. In aying to conceptualize a charged excitation of a spin liquid, which we know exists because high Tc superconductors can be doped, one immediately runs into the following problem: In order to placc an additio... ~1 electron (hole) on a site it is rim nec·:ssary to make sure that thc electron (hole) already there has me opposite spin. Ho'\·cver. because the elC\."trOIl already there is ftu\.nl3ting quanmm mechanicallr between thc up and down statcs, this requires that Olle reach in and stop it trom ftul..-tuating. This could hc al:e:ompli!'hcd. fur example, by proiecting the ~und state om,! rh~ S~~ of state:s ',vith a t;iwn electron down. Ho\\,c\'cr, because d>i~ c!'Catl'S a 1J.!'gc disntrbancc in thc "vacuum," it should be more la',or.l'lk cnerg.:tically tu crc.ue a spinon, K.lImcyer .and I (35~ f(lwld this (0 rhe: Clse when we I'(sttd Mth ~t3tC!' using variarional wave: fll!l...ion!> ooml\\'ed trom the' fra.:[ional 'luanrw.l Hall pmblC'lll. So Ie:. u" m.lkc a spinv: .. With the" !-pill of the c:IC\.'t:,'UI\ in que.,rion t!ms
Sq 10>
Spin Wave
Density Wave
Fig. 5. In the presence of a holon condenme, the "elementary particlcs" of the: theory. spinons and holons, ".annoc be" isolated. The physically observable panidcs m\L~t therefore consist of pairs of mem. The: th~ pos.~ible pairings may be- thought of as the excitations S"lo>. p"IO), and c~IOi.
defined. it is possible to rc:mo"c the C'!cctron in an unambiguous way. thus crcatm~ a holon. The holon is spinless bccalL~ holding dIe clC'CtrOn down and [hen removing i[ is c:qui\'a!cm [0 holding it up :md then remo\'ing i[. The: particle: creatc:U in [his \':ay ob\'iously oL:\'s fra.crional'itatisti~ bc:cau.~ it is consml(:ted from a hole: and a ~pi'~)fl, Howc\·cr. on: .:al~ argtic nlor: ~cnerall~ Jut the ahs<'rpOon of the sj>ill of the' h..;1: b}' the vacuum C3'.'\ onl\' ha\': or.(.~n"Cd through (he fra"',,aliurion of the lIpin quantum number, and rh~ musr h:we gJ\'cn rise to :\ Iong-~ foxc.
Superconductivity from Gauge Forces The fractional sta[isrics obeyed by nolons has the capacity to cause superconductivity. Unlike the pairing forces in an ordinary superconductor, which arc by most measures weak and which have no cft'ect unless they are sufficiently strong to overcome Coulomb repulsions between e1ccaons, the gauge force to which fractional statistics corresponds is strong and leads to charge-2 supcrfluidity under very gqtcral circumstanCCS. 'The conclusion that fractional scarisrics causes superconduaivity is based on a n:cent theoretical study by me (44) of a gas of holons obeying 1/2 fractional statistics and described by the: frc:c:-particle H3I1liltnman (1)
where V is a pair potential, nominally a Coulomb repulsion. The starcmmt that an energy eigenstate 'iT of this Hamiltonian obeys v fractional statistics means that it takes the: form (45)
"'(Zit ... , z.v) =
n Iz) - z,11 -.
J< ~
fig. 4. H<'Ic:s (top 111ft) and panidcs (tap right) in me &aaiona.I statistics gas may be Ihought of as chargaI vonica. The velocity Iidd of me vortt:Il (lftiddle left) faUa oJf as I/r 31: IarJc cIi.sanca., as ~ lOr a quanaun ofcnndarion (I - 11)4. The size ofme VOlta core u t - [2w(1 - lI)pr"Z, when: p is me dcnsiry of me fluid. The aaion of chc density opc:ntor p.,. on me ground . . (middle right) l1li)' be daought ofcithcr. a~ IOUnd wave or as an aciton (boaDIn 11ft) tixmcd from two YOrUCa ofme opposite sign. The scpanbon of die vortica is ~ to me aciton momentum q and perpcndicuIar to it. The dispcnion rdaIion (bottom rtght) crosses over from linear to Ioprithmic behavior when me vorta separation becomes comparable to t. 28 OCI'OBEB. 1988
where 4» is a Fenni wave function and z = " + iy is the position of a partidc cxprc:s...:d .1.\ a complex number. When written in tmnS of 4», t!le c:quatiOAS of motion bccomc: dlOSC of fermions 1tlO\1ng in the " - y plane and carrying with them a magnetic solenoid containing (1 - v)lrel, of magnetic flux. A Hanrec-Fock solution of these equations (44) reduces the problem to a gas of nonintt:raeting fcrmions moving in a uniform magnetic field of strength hcp B= (1- v)7
where p denotes the particle density. As illustrated in Fig. 3, such a system possesses an mngy taP in its fmnionic excitation ~ whenever the particle density is an integral mulriple of the quanaty lre/tB, which occurs in this case when (1 - v) -I is an intega'. In the fractional statistics gas, this gap rums out (0 be logarithmically ARllCLBS
331 divergent with the sample size and thus dI'cctivdy infinite. The
energy grows logarithmically because adding a particle polarizes the surrounding fluid in a IIDIkX of circulation (1 - v)l. The condition that a gap exist is prccisdy the condition that an integral number of particles be bosons. The Hartrec-Fock solution thus indicates that the ground state of particles obeying v fractional statistics is a superftuid with a Charge-(1 - v)-I order parameter. This charge is 2, as appropriate for a superconductor, for v = III holons. The brokt:n symmetry characteristic of a superfluid is not manife:sdy present in the: Hartree-Fock solution. This is a well-known pathology of variational solutions, which is remedied (46) by h~'bridizing longitudinal collectivc modes inoo the ground state. This collective mode, which is physically tht same: as :0 compressional sound wave, appears formally in the HattrcC-Fod description as -Ul rxci,,,,, (37j funne:d. as iUu.urated in Fig. 4, truro a ho6e in the 'X(upicd Landau 1C\'cI ~nd a hl,lc in the lowest \lIlOQ:upicd one, II: is ph~'sic3I1y similar to the rurdy magnetic colkcti,'c mocJc ~n in t-=i~, 2. II: n\3~' ~ thought of a.- a vortc:x·anumattx" pair ~ a di~l:anu: (IUltiJ)., anJ possessing momentum "'1. The dispersion reution of this at"itat"iun i~ linear at kHlLl wavc/,·ngtit." The: fra'""tjon4l·sutl~~-s tta) will cca.\C to he.l "ircrlful.i ,,"hen tilt:nl:rrp.. rtidc ~U.'1(1'1 :' bc,-"UmCli t(lO SfRJf'@. tor thell ttl( !.xJ:tOr05 muo;( form a Wiper crysul, For C..:M1Iomb inrer:k"UOI\5 this is :bought to oc,-"Ur lor, "I: JcnNti~ (oJ!' ,,'h...h
A2('IrP)'1: ~ 100
It has been nottd by Peters and Alder (47) maL this expression is \"ely nearly an equWty at w minimwn doping density (31M») required to make LaZCU04 mctaIIic.
Gap Collapse and Confinemt;nt Having identified fractional statistics as a possible cause of superconductivity, one is placed in the awkward ?OSition ofhaving explained too much. The pairing of holons » a n:suIt of &actionaI statistics is inevitable provided that the spinon gap is nonzero. Thus, in a universe containing only hoIons, superfluidity would be lost through thct ..nal fluctuations the order parameter, the transition would look 5()I1'ICthing hke dk A-point of liquid hcliwn. and superconducring runocIing would be imposAbIc.. Since chis is ckarly not the c.uc expc:rimcntally, the dtcory can be axn:ct only if spinons are central to the spectroscopy and thermodynamics of dIcse materials. Let me now argue that this is expcaa1 to be the case. One of the most suiking fcatwa of the hip Tc cxpcrimcntaI phenomenology is how well it fia the BCS theory. It is hard not to be comforted by this, for it indicates &irIy saoogIy that much «the physics of hign-temperature superconductors is the same as that of ordinary superconductors. A momcnt's rd1caion. however. m~ mat this does not teU one very mudl, Most of the! propcrtic:s of a superconductor, such as I'hc: Meissner dIi:a. the Josepluo.l effect, and the relation between He and Te. ~ dirccL c:onscquc:nccs of the occurrcnce of spontanClOUS brokm synmcuy. Thus, aperimena which measure all these things are in some sense the same cxpcrimcnt. Similarly. the fact that the ~ Tc and the energy gap measured in tunnding or by opcicaI speaaoscopy are companhie in size and the faa: that He coUapses in a roupty mQu-fidd way as Tc is approached from below merely indicate that the dcstruaion «superconductivity is a gap-dosing transition. ~ is nodUng inconsistent in this. Even in ordinary superconduaon, IhcnnaI ftuauations «the order parameta" wiD destroy supcrmnductivit unIcss something else destroys it first. It is just an aa:idenr that the gaps ordinary superconduetors are so smaU that they
collapse at a relatively low temperatures. Now, given that the holon liquid has the properties I have asaibed to it, the only way to destroy ia superftuidity, other than by the thennal ftuctuation mechanism, is by destroying the fractional statistics. This, however, can only occur if one destroys the spino" gap. Thus the question we need to ask is whc:dter raising the temperature destroys this gap. Before addressing this question it is necessary to comider the physical meaning of the spinon gap in the presence of a holon fluid. An isolated spinon is expected to induce a vortex in the condensate exactly the wayan isolated holon docs, because a spinon is simply a holon with an electron added to it, center. This means that the energy to make an isolated spinon diverges logarithmically with the sample size, and chis means that making an isolated. spinon is impossible, One thcrerore has the sttange situation, similar to that occurring in baryoos, in which the fractionally charged particIcs of the Iheory. the: holons and spinons, cannot be isolated. The frcdy I"urag.ating, and thus spo.troscopically significant, excitations of die sysrC'm ctlflSist of pair( of them. As iUusttatcd in Fig. 5, there 5hould be three of these: J) A ~pin ""a'·c. consisting of two spinons. This is dlC aciution i1h~tr.ttat in fig. 2. 2) .\ ch:\~ C\lrrcnr. a»mistillf; of twu ilolon). My ~t undcntanJing j5 dut thIS should be analogous bl dK Ktion of me d-ns;ty ClIJICntC'l"oo an cllliillary supc;rconduc:tor. ,,'hich is a Iongiru" dan:u eXl'il~(:(JO th.u: Ioscs its id.:nti~· by h),bridi%ing lotn.mgly with
me GoldstOllC mode.
3) An elcctton, consisting of a halon "hole" and a spinon. This is thc excitation created in a runllelin~ experimcm, Each of these panicles should be characterized at low cnc:a-eY b)' a spin and total momentum, as approp~ fOr a tighdy bowld state of two panicles. Because the impossibility of isolating spinons is a property of the hoIon fluid and not of the underlying spin system, it docs not invalidate the concept of a spinon gap. It merely requires that one detect coUapse of the spinon gap through coUapse of the spin-wallt gap which is apcctcd to occur simultaneously.
c;;- 0.8
.!! >-
w 0.2
0.0 0
2 X
FIg. .. Hypothesized behavior «rnagnI:Dc CKimion s.iO> in a real high Tc supcrmnduaior. N«* the IimiIarity to Fis. 1. The CI1CIJY II r is aJIIIfIInbIc to dtc opcic:aI ....... «the IIII:ifcm:xnapa ordaaI--. The lIP 4. II r is aJmPIIII* to the auper-'JIIduains pp 14.. . SCIBNCB, VOL
332 Let us now consider the question of gap collapse. It is known that disorder, and thus pmwnably thcrmal1y excited coUective modes, can continuously collapse the magnctoroton gap in the fra:tional quantum HaD state to zero. This is known both from theoretical CXKlSiderations (38. 48) and from the experimental observation (39, 49) that increasing disorder lowers the activation energy for au continuously to zero and then destroys the fractional quantum Hal! effect entirely. Because of the na~ of self-consistent gap collapse, namely, that thermal excitation of particles across the gap lowers the gap, which aDows even more particles to be excired, which lowers the gap sriU further, and so forth. one can say without knowing any c:k.tails that the tempera~ of gap collapse must be comparable to the gap itself. Thus, for the superconductOrs we would have
where ~, denotes the spin-wave gap. The \'alue of 30 meV that I escim:lteu for .1s gives a \'3Iue f.'r this ~;uil.' of 3, which is qUite re.lsonable. It is therefore the.:ase that self·consisrent gap collapse of the t:l'lC n.:cessary to de;tro\. surcrtlulJil~ IS expected at a tanpcra· rufC mal i) about :-ighL
on me single-mode approximation. However, it is wdI known (SO) that quanmm fluctuations tend to linearize a mean-field dispersion relation of this kind in the limit that the gap is small. Let w thcrcforc guess that the dispersion relation ncar the minimwn is roughly of the form (6)
where v is an asymptotic spin-wave velocity. This dispersion relation and the density of states to which it corresponds arc shown in Fig. 7. Let us now consider the behavior of the "'electron." Whatever this excitation is, it should have a significant projection onto the srate ~$!O), where 10) denoteS the true ground stale of the system. Thus, to calculate its properties. one could either axnpute the timeordered Green's function Gu(T) = -;(OIT{4u(T')(~(O)}IO) or use the state ,:'!O) 1$ a variational anutt. Un1~ "elecrrons" and "holes" intera(.= \'c:rr anomahus!y, the Green') functions for spin and densin' 8uctuarions. namely, -i(OiI'{Sft.TiSk(O)}lO} and -,(O;T{PI&(T)PIo;(OrHO), with (7)
and Conseqnc:n~es
of Fractional Statistics Pairing
[n "Hier to p:('ceed further it \,,;ii IJe n(,cr"5~al'}' for me to make
=L'II. q.J(k.s
some Nucated guesses about the precise nature of me excitation spectra in a system of this kind. These "gedanken" calcul300n.s arc a poor substitute for real ones, particularly because most of the significant Ci'..1cstions about these materials arc quantitative, but it is the best any of us can do at present. Undopcd La1Cu04 is known (5) to be antifcrromagnctica1ly ordered along the rHOJ direction in the Cu-O planes. Accordingly, the spin-wave spcctrwn of the magnetic liquid state shouid look som.:thing like Fig. 6, with the gap As occurring at the M point in the BriUouih zone. This gap is physi.:ally analogous to the magnetorotOR minimwn shown !n Fig. 2. It is shown with a parabolic shape because this would be the OUtcol11C "If a variational calculation based
must have large spectral weight at the cnc:rgies of free ~earon hole pairs, 3S th~· do in ordinary superconductors. the pre!'CIlce of a soft spin wave at M implies that there arc also soft electron hole pair excitations with this momcDtum. Let US thcr-forc guess that the electron spectrum looks something like that depicted in Fig. 8, with a small gap 1l1e at the X point. This gap should be sIighdy greater than ~I or equal to it, according to whether the electron hole interaction is attractive or repulsive. The &ct that this gap is direct implies that it would produce a strong signa1 in optical reftcctivity, as is cxpcrimcntally the casco It should also be the gap observed in mODeling. I h3\'e a.~rumed the electron spa:num to ha··e its minimum ar a p(linf in the Brillouin zone because this is the I1lO5t likely ourcome of .1 \°:triJ.t! based on the "'a\'e function .:~!O) oc a t.rojc:
28 OCTOBIa. 1988
333 minimum depicted in Fig. 2 is negative. & illusttmd in Pig. 8, however, this excitation may also be viewed as a pair of spinons bound together. In the presence of the holon gas, the energy of this excitation, and thus ~, wiD be raised. If the separation of the spinons associa(ed with this excitation is assuf11CCl to be pGll. where the holon density and G is a reciprocal lattice vector, then the vortices in the hoJon fluid arc farther apart than their core size, and we may write, up to an unimportant logarithmic term, (9)
where 11~ is the (possibly negative) value of the gap at zero doping and a is a coefficient of o:der unity. This is precisely the type of doping dependence of the gap proposed by Anderson (3) and found phenomenoJogicaUy by Uemura tt Ill. (54). Assuming 2 value of 10 - 2 A-2 for p and a bare electron mass, one oIxains 40 meV for this increase, which is of the correct order. I would like finally to make a remark about gaplessness. It is a fact that the energy gap or gaps of high-temperature superconduaors arc extremely difficult to measure. It is commonly the case, for examp!e, that a tunnel junction (17) exhibits a smooth transfer -:haraaeristic with a small lImooth bwnp where the ;ap ~t to be. ~ a result. runncling s~"Opists cannot agree on the value of the tunneling gap ro within a factOr of 2. Some c!:ny that there CVOl is it gap. Similar!y. the value of the S3P determined from infrared absorption (16) varies from sample t(, sample and docs not agree \-ery weU with the value: determined from tunneling. It is not yet clear why these: difficulties occur. However. since gapless supcxon· duaors are known to exist and to be caused by magnetic impurities, and since defects in the stn'oure of materials with such low carrier densities are bound to be magnetic. it is quite conceiv:able that high· temperature superconduaors are C:UOIllCaUy gapless. In light of this possibility, it is important to make clear that gap1essnc:ss docs not invalidate the fractional statistics concept. Fractional quantum Hall systems arc always dirty and thus always in some sense "gap1c:ss."
Nevathdcss we know cxperimc:otaUy chat the quantum of Hall conductance, and thus the quasipartide charge. is exactly quantized so long as the dFcct is not destroyed entirely.
Conclusion The purpose of considering the cxperimcntal implications of the equivalence of the fraaionaI quantum Hall efFect and high-temperature superconductivity in this cursory way is not to prove it correct but rather to show that it is not obviously wrong. I am in agreement with Anderson that the mathematical tools required to accurately calculate propertic:s of this state probably do not yet exist. Before making the effort to invent them it is obviously a good idea to find out if the approach makeS sense. The cxistt:ncc of a spin-liquid state and the occurrence of charge fractionaIizari in such a state arc, in my opinion., on firm ground. The ability offraaional statistics or its thlTC-dimc:nsional anaJog to calUC supc:rconduaivi is less clear-cut, but probably right. Whether or DOt such things occur in real hightemperature superconductors is probIematia1. I am persuaded that ther do. but this mnains to be demonstrated
r. w. Andc:non., ~ 23". 1196 (1987).
Z. _ - . MtIur. Rts. Y. 8, 153 (1973). ill",.",..,. AI,.., J.lL SchricI"c:r and lL A. Bropa, U. (Nanh·~. Amstcnbm, mprat). 4. N. F. Moa, PttIc. R. 5«. ,..... Scr. A 6l, 414 (1919,; B. H. Brandow, AW. ""rs. leS, 651 (1977); I. Yu. romc:randudl.) AIrs. ( " - ) " 356 (I~I). 5. D. Vaknin II III., ""rs. Rn. Un. 58, ZI02 (1987); Y. J. Ucmun filii., ibW. &9, 1045 (1987); J. M. Tnnquada filii., w. 60. 156 ,i988). 6. G. Shirmc fI III., iIIiI. 59, 1613 (1987'1; Y. Endob II III.• AIrs. Rw. B. 37,7443 3. _ - . ill
(1988). 7. H. A. Babe, Z. ""rs. 71, lOS (1931). 8. L. D. FadeeY and LA. TalrJlajan, LffI. 85A, 315 (1981). 9. s. A. Kivdson, D. S. Ilokhsar, J. P. SedIna, PfIrs. Rw. B. 35,8865 (1987). 10. A good ~ ol* apaimcnaIliIaauR be bind T. H. GcbaBe and J. K. HuIm, ~ 239, 367 (1988). 11. B. Badog, A. P. Ramin:z, lL J. Can, lL B. VIII Doftr, E. A.1t.icanan, Rn. B 35, 5340 (1987). 12. J. Ormaan" III., iIIiJ. 36, 129 (1987); w. II III.,"'., p. 733. 13. L F. Mmbcisa, Pftrs. Rw. LffI. 58, 1028 (1987); J. Yu, A. J. FIUIIWl, J.·H. XU, ibW., p.l035. 14. M. C.urvitdllllld A. T. Fiery, ibW. 59, 1337 (1987). IS. S. E. filii., iWd. 60, 1178 (1988). 16. z. ScbIcainpr,lL T. CoIIinI, D. L lCaiIcr, F. HaIabq, W. 59, 1958 ('987).
unrdiabIc. Sec M. D. Kilt" III.• PIrp. Rw. 835.8850 (1987).
~:: ~·I~-;:~'r~s.!.1~ ffrrsim 140, 322 (1987).
::> ~
>. ~
c: W
20. w. J. KoaIcr II III., PfIrs. Rw. 8 35, 7133 (1987); G. AqIpIi" III., iWd., p. 7129. ll. B.·D. Oh II III., i6i-f. 3i, 7861 (1988). ll. J. S. Tui, Y. Kubo, J. Tabuchi, Pftp. Rw. LffI. II. 1919 (1987};},...). AppI. ""rs· 26,C701 (1987};J. Nianqcr .. III.• Z. PfIrs. 869,1 (1987}; D.&Icft~III., l:iInpIIrs. LffI. 3, 1237 (1987). 23. B. KoiIlc:r and L M. FaIicov,]. ""rs. C 7,199 (1974). 24. K. Tenbn, A. lL Williams, T. Oguchi, J. Kubler, AIrs. Rw. LtIt. 52, 1830 (1984). 25. E. H. Ucb IIIId D. C. Mattis, ~ Pfrt*s ill 0. DIiINIuNn: s-./r SoIII6It MOIItIs of".,.,." lWrida (Aadcmic Pres, New Ytd, 1966). Z6. I. DzyaloIhinsIW, A. PoIyUov, P. w~ Pftyr. LIII. 127, 112 (1988). 27. F. Wdc::zdt and A. Zec, ""rs. Rw. LIII. 51, l250 (1913),_ rdaaIca thaan. Addiban olal1lpOlasicalllCml is bMiI lOr IIIIIdl recall SCIrict wort. Sec A. M. p..1yakov (MM. AIrs. Un. A3, 325 (1988)J aDd P. 8. WIC~ (AIrs. Rw. Lm. 60,821 (1988)]. 28. lL B. LaupIin, Pftp. Rw. LffI. 50, 139S (1913). 29. _ - . m710r ~ HIIII E#rt,lL F PnIIF _ S. M. Girvin, Eds. (Sprinp,
-1.0 ~----~~~~
6 M
fig. 8. Hypothesized behavior of "c:Jcctronic" aciwions ~) and c..lO). The gap ~ is the one measured in runneling. The energy at r is axnparablc to the Fermi energy of a gas of dcarons at the hoIon density. Bcausc the Vp is din:ct, it may be obscrwd optically.
~.1~ ':,?3:;O1;...
30. 51,605 (1983). 31. ri~l~ Pftp. iff'. B lS, 211S (1912); lL I. I.IupIin. W. 23, 5632 32. G. S. Bocbinpr, A. M. Clang. H. L ~, D. C. TIIIi, W. 31, 4168 (1985). Alp. Rw. u.. 53, 7ll (1984).
:!:~. ~lLiWd~~~·
35. V. ~ aDd lL B. Laughlin, W. &9, lOPS (1987). 36. S. M. GUm, A. H. MacDonald, P. M.l'IIam., W. M, 581 (1985). SCIBNCB, VOL 24-2
334 31. YIL A. Bycbkov, S. V.1ordInIIdi, G. M. ~", .... Zh. Sap. T_. Rz. 33, 151 (1981) UETP lAo 33, loU (1981)]; c. ICaIIin aad B. L HaIpcrin, PIIys. Rw. B 30. 5655 (19M); IL B. Laughlin. PIIysitlJ 1268, 154 (1985). 38. R. B. Laughlin tf /I'., PIIys. Rw. B 31, 1311 (1985). 39. I. Kukuahkin, V. Timofcev. K. von lCJjaing, K. PIoog. FcsddIrprrpru6ltrM (Ad".
(19116); E. L PaIIDdt IIICI D. M. CcpcrIcy. PIrp. Rw. B 36, 8M3 (1987).
Solid S,,* PIIys.) lB. 11 (1988\. 40. K. B. Lyon&, P. A. FIcury. L. F. Schncancycr. J. V. Waszaak, PIIys. Rw. lAo 60. 731 (1988). 41. R. Willet «." .• i~. 59. 1776 (1987). 41. J. Eisenstein tf ."•• ihid. 61.997 (1988). 43. F. D. M. Haldane and E. H. Rc:zayi. i~. 60.956(1988). 44. IL B. Laughlin. ibid.• p. 1677. 45. F. WiIc:zck, iIIi4. "9.957 (1981); D. P. Arovu.IL SchricII'u. F. Wilczek, A. Zce, NMcI, PIIys. B lSI. 11i' (1985). -'6. E. Fcenbc:rg, n-,. oJo-- R,,;.u (Aadanic I'laJ, New York, 1969). p. 107. 47. O. PClI:n and B. Alder, in C"""""" S~ SfNMa ill CDfIIIttuol "1411" PIIylia: Rttnll DwtIoprtIffIu. D. P. Landau and H. B. SdlGdI:r. EdI. (Sprinp. Berlin, Hctdr-ibcrg, in pn:.csl; D. M. CepcrIcy a.'lCf 1::. L. Pollock, PIll'" RftI. L:tr. 56,351
c.1Ciftd, QuMfum n-y oJSoII4s (Wdcy, New York, 1963), p. 58.
51. 51. 53. 54. 55.
G. 1Codiar, Pfrys. Rw. B 37. 3664 (1988). P. W. ~ and Z. Zou, PIIys. R,... UtI. 60, 137 (1988). J. IL Schric:II'cr. '17Itory (Benjamin, New York, 1983). p. 116. Y. J. Ucmun d "'" PIIy•. Rw. B 38.909 (1988). I ~..udiilly acIcnowIaIge numerous helpful discussions wi!h S. ~, J. ScduIa, V. KaImeya, C. Hanna, L. SUIIkind, A. L. FctIa'. P. W. Andcnon, F. Wilczek, B. I. HaIpcrin. J. IL SduiefIU. T. H. GebaIIc, M. R. BcuIcy. and A. ICapW1nik.. 'Ibis wad; _ supporud primari1y by !he National ScicnR Poundatioa UDder DMR·85·10061 and by !he NSP·MlU. pmgnm !hr. die: CaIa:r b- Materials Raean:h ar Sanford Universiq·. Additional support was pcoI'idcd by !he U.S. DqIartmcnt of ~. dvough !he LaWmKe Uvcrmon: NItioaal Labomory IDda contnCt W·i405·Eng·48.
1606 (1985).
20 JUNE 1988
Superconducting Ground State of Noninteracting Particles Obeying Fractional Statistics R. B. Laughlin DeptJrllllenl of Ph)·sics. Sianford Unit'ersil),. Sianford. California 94305. and Unil'ersily of California. Lawrence Lil'ermore Nalional Laboralor)" Litoermore. California 94550 (Received 28 January 1988)
In a previous pap.:r, Kalmeyer and Laughlin argued that the elementary excitations of the original Anderson resonating-valence-bond model might obey fractional statistics. In this paper, it is shown that an ideal gas of such parlicle~ is a new kind of sUPt"rconductor. P:\CS numbers. 7-1.65.+n.
(l~ ~O.-d.1J7."O-",. :~.IO
In a recent Letter, I Kahnc:yer and I proposed that the ground state of the frustrated Heisenberg anliferromagn(\ in two diml."nsions and the ir;)c~i~r.31 qu.:rnlum Hal! Silt.: tor ht)~ons might b.: th( .. :>;lPle., .. in ,he sense: that ttle two S\'SlemS could be adlanaricalh' ev,'tvcd into one another ~ithQut c!,l}!;<;ing a phase ~o:J~da~' Whether or nOI (hi~ is the case is not presently clear. Indeed, the existence of a spin-liquid )latc of on)' spin- t antiferromagnet in two dimensions has not been demonstrated. Howeyer, the case for a phase boundary's not being crossed is sufficiently strong that it is app:ooriate to ask what the consequences would be if this occurred. Adiabatic evolution is a particularly useful concept in the study of fractional quantum Hadl "maUer." So long as the energy gap remains intact, the "charge" of its fractionally chargeJ excitations remains exact and the concomitant long-range forces between them, their fractiooal statistics. remain operative. This is why the fractional quantum Hall effect is so stable and reproducible. The ~r siste,lce of the gap under evolution of the fractional quantum Hall problem into the magnet problem would allow us to make exact statements about the magne~ without knowing allythillg about its Hamiltonian. In particular, the excitation spectrum of the magnet would be almost identical to that proposed by Kivelsoa. Rolthsar, and Sethna, 2 and completely within the spirit of the Anderson resonating-valence-bond idea, 1.4 except for one crucial detail: Both the chargeless spin- t excitations, the "spinons." and the charged spinless excilations, the ·'holons," would obey t fractional st:,~istl\"s, ~.6 The purpose of this Letter is to point out lhat tbis overlooked property may well account for high-temperature superconductivity. Kalmeyer and I found the mapetic analoa of the charge- t quasiparticle of the fractiooal quantum Hall effect to be a spin- t excitation, wdI described qualitatively a a spin~wn electron on lite J surrounded by an otherwise featureless spin liquid. 'Ibis particle is our version of the "spinon_" Like the quasiparticle of the fractional quantum Hall state. it carries a "charge." that is. its spin, that is in a deep and fuadameatal sease fractional. In the limit that the antifenomagnetic interactions are turned ~ff, the excitation spectrum of the magnet is
purely bosonic. Spin- t particles occur because these ··elementary" excitations arc fracti~naliled: Half the !>')SO!l is ciepolSited in toe ~ample interior and half at th: boundary. It was first pointed out by Halperin 6 thl:. in the quantum Hall effect. the fractionalization of tl·e electron charge ~ inlll the quasiparticle charge j e causes the quasiparticle to obey t fractional statics. That is, each quasiparticle acts as though it were a boson carrying a magnetic solenoid containing magnetic ftux t xhc/t. This fact, deduced by Halperin from the experimentally observed fractional quantum Hall hierarchical states, was later shown by me 1 to follow from the analytic properties of the quasiparticle wave functions. It arises physically be-:ause the states available to the multiquasiparticle system must be enumerated differently from those available to fermions or bosons. In other words. it comes from counting. Now, it is clea[ by inspection th&~ tne preferred nature of this representation does not care about the existence of a lattice. Thus the validity of our identification clearly predicts that spinons obey t statistics. Let us now imagine dopi", this lattice witl! boles. The most natural way to do this, in my opinion, is first to make a spinon, thus fixing the spin on sit~ j,.and then remove the electron possessing that spin. It is necessary to make the spinon first because an electron cannot be removed before its spin state is known. If one simply rii'S an "up" electron from site j, one tacitly projects the ground state onte the set of states with the jth spin up, thus creating an excitation with spin I. This may be lhoug;u of as a pair of 5pinons in close pro.(imity. Unless the interaction between spinons is attractive and suffici~ntly large (Kalmeyer aad I found it to be repulsive I), to make this "spin wave" will be more expensive energetically than to make an isolated spinon. Given that this occurs, the resulting spinless particle, the ""bolon," should also exhibit t fractional statistics because it is a composite of a spinon and a fermion. Assume now that we have a ga of such boIons obeying fractional statistics. What are its properties expected tc. be? This qUCltion was addressed to some extent by Arovas et aI., • who comPuted the second virial coefficient of an ideal gas of particles obeying fractional statistics as
C 1988 The American Physical Society
a function of the fraction v. Not surprisingly, they found a smooth interPolation between the case of fermions, which acts like a classical gas with repulsive interactions, and that of bosons, which acts like a classical gas with allraclit'e interactions. Thus, if we insist on thinking of these particles as fermions, we must conclude that there is an enormous attractive force between them. This is also evident when one considers the low-temperature rroperties. Fermions at density p have a large degeneracy p!"essure. and thus a large internal energy. while bosons have neither. Since fraclional-statistics particles are in between, they have, l'is-iI-vis fermlolls. attrac'ive forces comparal>le in scale to the Fermi energy. It is also important that spin less particles obeying f ract ional stali<;tics car.not undergo Bose condensation. T'l\'y arc not bosolls. tlowever. if the fraction is !. t"'cn pair.1 of partidcs are bosons. The,.: is thi!refore ~ood reJson to SUS~Cl that a gas of ra.r~iclc:s obeyi:lS I statistics mighL aCluJliy he a sUI'erconduct':', \\::h a chargc-2 order parameter. Let us :nvestigate this possibility by considering a gas of fractional-statistics particles described by the free-particle Hamiltonian N
J 2m
Any eigenstate of this Hamiltonian may be written in the manner
-[n (,ZJ-ZIJ,:jCZ>(zI, ... J
where Z j denotes the position of the jth particle in the x-y plane expressed as a complex number, v - t, and ~ is a Fermi wave function. This is the singular gauge transformation first discussed by Wilczek. S If we have an eigenstate'" satisfying 1(,.,-£., then 4> satisfi,..s
with (7)
in units of the equivalent cyclotron rrequency h{J)c - 21Cv(A 21m )P. where n. denotes the projector onto the 11th landau level, and a is a regulation parameter. cft'ectively the inverse of the sample radius. Since 1( HF preserves Landau-level index. the state we guessed is a true variational minimum. Note. however, the logarithmic divergence in the Lagrange-multiplier spectrum, im2678
20 JUNE 1988
11 ' - E where JY
11' -
~ 2m 'Pj + Aj '2,
Thus, ir. the Fermi representation, each particle appears to carry a magnetic solenoid with it as it moves around in the sample. The vector po!ential felt by a particle is then the ~um of the v~tor potentials generated by all the other PJrtides. Because particles obeying t stalistics behave like fermions. in the sense that they possess degeneracy pressure. let us att~mplt·) ~lve this prob;(m in the Hartrcc-Fock appn)ximaftoo: We make a variational wa\'e function thaI is a single Slater determinant con;tructed of orbital:, (lj{z) and minimize the e'
where 1( HF is the first "ariation of (1(') and Ai is a Lagrange multiplier. The latter t:3~ the physical sense of a partial derivati~e of the total energy with respect to occupanc~ of the jth orbital. Since, in the mean-field sense. each particle mu~t see a uniform density of magnetic solenoids ca;rying flux vhc I e, it is reasonable to guess the solution to be Landau levels, with the magnetic length ao related to the particle density p by al - (2Irvp) -I. Self-consistency is achieved when the lowest Ilv Laneau levels are filled. Thus, the fractioll~ v -I. t . t , ... are special ':'a5CS in which a gap opens up In the fermionic spectrum. Let us now test these equatiutlS in a case for which we know the answer, namely v-I, the noninteracting Bose gas. If the variational procedt!re describes this limit correctly, there is good reason to trust its predictions for v - t. Evaluating the self-consistent field with one Landau level filled, I obtain
plying that the cos~ to inject either a "particle" or an "antiparticle" is arbitrarily large. This is absolutely the co~ !'esult. The noninteracting Bose gas has no -Iowlying fermionic excitations. The fact that these divergences are logarithmic suggests that the relevant excitations are actually quantum vortices. nat this is. in fact, the case may be seen by our imagining an extra particle to be placed at the origin and calculating the expected current density (J(,». 1be current-denltity operator may be written J(r) -m -1(p+Aoacs+4A), where ~ is the vector potential in the absenCe of the extra partICle
20 JUNE 1988
c1e repulsion and the presence in the "unperturbed" Bose and !J.A is the vector potential generated by a solenoid at gas of a collective mooe dispersing quadratically with the the origin. Since (p+ Aold) -0, the current density must mass of the bare particles. In the present case, it is easy just be the particle density at r times !J.A, or a vortex of to see that the variational solution possesses a collective magnetic strength he/ t. mode that disperses quadratically. Since (1f')/N is proThe expected energy of the ground state state is N /4 portional to the particle density, the pressure is constant, in these units. This is considerably higher than the and thus the bulk modulus is zero. It is a straightforcorre~t answer or lero. This discrepancy is due to the ward matter to calculate the mass of this mode by the fa~t that tile wave runction is forced by its construction magne:toexciton procedure of Kallin and Halperin. 10 My to go to zero when th~ particle:;. come together. It is thus preliminary results give a value of approximately t the m~)re appropriate ror the description of real helium than nonintcr..acting hosons. It should also be noted that this bare mass. ~he precise value of this mass 'is not so imhcha\"ior is actu
n+ [
L fnl (_I)k [ I-k Lk 1.--1- 1+_3_ _ _1_ 1 k-llkJ 4 I 4k S(n+l) S(n+2) nil' II
Thus, we again have a true variational solutiof1 with vortexlike fermionic excitations. Repeating the arguments for v -I, I find that the ftux quantum to which the vortices correspond is he/2e, exactly as expected of a charge-2 superftuid. Once again, a soft collective mode will mix ir.IO the ground state to break the symmetry when repulsive interactions are introduced. Thus, the ground state is a superftuid very similar to liquid helium except that the charge of its order parameter is 2. While considerable work needs to be done to quantify this picture, some of its implications may be se:n at a glance. By far the most important is that a normalmetal state, in the ~nse of Fermi-liquid theory, does not exis~, just as Anderson 4 suggested. A corollary is that the occurrence of superconductivity does n(\t have any· thing to do with self-consistent opening of an energy gap in the tunneling spectrum, as occurs in the DeS theory. Indeed, I find th31 tunneling cannot even be understood outside the context of the creation of spinons by the tunneling event. It should be noted that this is also consistent with Anderson's views. II A critical prediction is that an energy gap must occur in the spin-wave spectrum, the spin analog of the: collective mode t2 of the fractional quantum Hall state. This is because the presence or absence of this gap is precisely the difference between the disordered and ordered states. In summary, it l:; possible that high-Tc superconductivity can be accounted for by the following simple idea: The force mediated by the spins of the Mott insulator is
not an attractive potential, but rather an attractive utepotential. I gratefdly acknowledge numerous helpful conversations with S. Kivelsoo, J. Sethna, \'. Kalmeyer, L. Susskind, A. L. Fetter, p, W. AnderS
IV. Kalmcycr and R. B. Laughlin, Phys. Rr.v. Lett. 59, 2095
(1987). 2S. Kivclson, D. Rokhsar, and J. Sethna, Phys. Rev. B 35, 8865 (1987). lp. w. Anderson, Mater. Res. Bull. I, IS) (197). 4p. W. Anderson, Science 136, 1196 (1987); P. W. Anderson, G. Bukcran, Z. Zou, and T. Hsu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 58,
2790 (1987). SF. Wilczek, Phys. Rev. Lett. 4', 957 (1982); F. Wilczek and A. Zce, Phys. Rev. Lett. 51, 2250 (1983). 6B. I. Halperin, Phys. Rev. Lett. 51, 1583 (1984). 7R. B. Laughlin, in The QUQntum Hall Effect, edited by
338 VOLUME 60, NUMBER 25
R. E. Prange and S. M. Girvin (Springer-Verlag, New York, 1987), p. 233. 10. P. Arovas, R. Schrielrer, F. Wilczek, and A. Zee, Nucl. Phys. B15IIFSIJI, 117 (1985). 9N. N. Bogoliubov, J. Phys. (Moscow) 11,23 (947); a good discussion of this may be found in A. L. Fetter and J. D.
20 JUNE 1988
Walecka, Quantum Theory of Many-Particle Systems (McGraw-Hili, New York, 1971), p. 313. 10C. Kallin and B. I. Halperin, Phys. Rev. B 30, S6SS (984). lip. W. Anderson, private communication. I2S. M. Girvin, A. H. MacDonald, and P. M. Platzman, Phys. Rev. Lett. 54, S81 (J 985).
339 VOLUME 39, NUMBER 13
I MAY 1989
RandoIII-pbase approxbaatlon Ia the fnetloaal-statisdcs gas A. L. Fetter and C. B. Hanna Department of Physics. Stanford Un/uersity. Stanford, California 94305
R. B. Laughlin Department of Physics. Stanford UniL-ersity. Stanford. Call/ornla 94305 and Unil'ersity of California. Lawrence Lil.'f!rnlore National Laboratory, P.O. Box 808, Lll.'f!rmore. (Aliferma 94550 (Received 24 October 1988; revised manuscript received 13 March 1989)
The random-phase approximation for a gas of particles obeying t fractional statistics. in the contexi of Feynman perturbation theory performed in the fermion representation, is shown to yield II gauge-invariant Meissner effect with full screening in the ground state, a coherence length comparable ""jth the in interpartide spacing. and a linearly dispersing undamped collective mode.
It was recerltly rroposed by one of us I that tlte chrre carriers in bish-tempcraturc supc;-conductors might obey v - t fractional statistics.. Z and that this mil'ht be the of the c~argc:-2 superftuidity. In this paper, we strengthen this point of view by explicitly calculating the lii.ear response of such a system to an applied external electromagnetic potential. The key itep in this calculation is the use of random-phase approximation (RPA) to account for lite long-range gauge potentials associated with the fractional statistics. The resulting response function exhibits II Meissner effect and also closes the gap in the unperturbed collcctive-mode spectrum, yielding a linear spectrum in the long-wavelength limit. This latter effect is the inverse of the "plasmonization" of low-lying collective modes in an electron gas. These results imply that the quantum-mechanical ground stale implicit in the random-phase approximation is a true supcrftuid, and in particular exhibits brok:n symmetry. In a first-quantizcd fermion representation, the manybody Hamiltonian takes the form 11
1 -1:1pj+Aj(rj)! 2. j 2m
length a-(h/B)112 and cyel:>tf.:.n frequency OJ,.-6/~. We usc this mean tield to defict. an UI:pertUrbed one-body
12 , 'No -~...!...I ~ 2 pj+A(rj) m
the eigenfunctions , jll (r ) and eigenvaluCi Bjll - (n + t )1& QJ" of which are those associated with the Landau levels in the field B.3 With this definition of 110. the analysis becomes an expansion in the perturbation Hamiltonian
11,-11-110 -I:.L[(Pj+Aj ). (A j -Aj)+ t IAj-Aj 121. j m
Note that the interaction:. implicit in 11, couple to the particles through the mean-field density and curren:density operators, defined by }0(r)-I:8(r-rj),
where r denotes a two-dimensional vcctor in the x-y plane and where ~ zxrj'
AJ(rj) -1&(1- v) ~
The physical density operator Jo is t.he same as jo, but tht physical current density
-1-12 • rjlr.
Here v characterizes the specific form of the fractional statistics: " -0 corresPQnds to a fermion representation of noninteracting bosons and v - t is the case of current interest. The syste!'!1 may be thought of physically as spinless fermions interacting throu.h long-range magnetic vector potentials, including three-bodr contributions ass0ciated with the terms proportional to LAj 12. We first consider the mean field A generated by the average density p of the particles. Replacing the sum in Eq. (2) by an integral. we find A(r)-p~l&(l-v)(zxr)-tBxr.
J(r)-I: j
differs from j(r) by an internal diamagnetic contribution. The problem of interest is the linear response to an external electromagnetic field, described by a potential A;Io'(r,t), where p runs over 0, x, and y for the time and space components. The perturbation Hamiltonian associated with this field is l!J.1I
Here B - 2~ph (I - v)i is an equivalent uniform mean magnetic field that defines the corresponding magnetic
t (pj+Aj(rj),8(r-rj)} ,
The linear response has two contributions,4.s a diamagnetic part' proportional to the density and a paramagnetic 9679
part proportional to the retarded correlation function of Ip and Iv: t\pv O,2) - -/(LipO )';v(2)])9(tl-t2).
In this expression, the angular brackets denote an average in the exact ground state, the caret denotes Heisenberg representation, and I denotes a space-time point rlt I. The linear response in Fourier space, defined by
4,r(Jp(q,CI)) - - K"v(q,CI)A: (q,CI)
K",,-pB... O -cS"o)+A"v(q,CI). The first step in obtaining all approximate expression for .1 is to introduce the unperturbed correlation function
using the usual Feynman rules of field theory. 6 The interaction HaMiltonian contains long-range potentials similar to those familiar from the electron gas. As in tha! C8U, the leading contributions at long wavelengths arise from the repeated ""bubble" diagrams (the RPA) in which the samo momentum transfer q appears on each interaction !ine. One of these lsee Fig. 1(a» arises from the ' (p+ A)' A term in 11 I. S~ this part of the interaction involves aU three components of A,., it couples the various components of 2>f". For example, the fim-order contribution to nOll involves both 2>8, and (we take q along i). The t:lree-body interactions lead to three RPA-like diagrams (Figs. • (b)-I (d», but only the first of these is divergent. The significant RPA-Iike contributions reduce to an expression for 2>" v of tbe fom.
1) -no+nOcyn,
(1-~)2Jr q
ated with 8J - J - j. In the long-wavelength limit, we obtain
0 0 [000
tI- (I - v)2" 0 0 0 . q
The final linear-response hrn...1 K/~ follows by combining Eqs. (12) anc! (1"). Given these expressions, it remains only to detennine the unperturbed matrix 1)0(q,Q). Specializing to the case of v and taking length and energy units for which II and hCl)r are both unity, we obtain
q 21:o
-Iq 0 0
and %-q2/2. We nute that the resulting Kf.,PA. is manifestly gauge invariant" because the three-compc~ent vector with elements (-m,q,O) is an eigenvector with zero eigenvalue. 1bc Meissner effect foUows from the static limit of the response function K(q) -K"(q,CI)-O). A direct expansion for q - 0 yields the relation
i q 2+0(q"»).
The fiDal step in the caic'llat;on is t~ correct the matrix is defined in terms of the meln-field currents j, by adding the "internal" diamagnetic contribution associ-
nO(q,Q) - ; qCl)1:o 0)21:0-1
[! ~ ~].
KRPA.(q) -pH -
1), which
where CV is the 3 x 3 Hermitian potential matrix
FlG. 1. First-order diagrams relevant ror RPA description. \a) Two-bt'Ciy te""" (b) three-body term that mUllt be retained, and (c:) and (d) tItRe-body terms that are oegJigible in compari&Oll witn that in (b).
where the subscript 0 denotes an expectathn -,alue in tbe unperturbed ground state. We then perform Eo perturb 11tic.n expansion fQr the mean-field correlation function
1)"v(t,2) - -;(Tlj,.(1 )j,,(2»),
is given specifically in terms of A by
1)2. (1,2) -
(2 I)
Here, the 1 is the diamagnetic contributiOn, and the remainder arises from the paramagnetic part. As in the usual BCS theory," the paramagnetic contribution van-
isha for long v.·avelengths, leaving a full Meissner effect. with atl the particles contributing to the effective superconducting density. Comparing the form of Eq. (21) with the corresponding result for the phenomenological Pi~ pard1kemel
we obtain a ZCIO-temperature cOherence length ~ of (1 S/8) 112a. which is comparable with the interparticle spacing. The collective modes usociated with density ftuctuations occur at the poles of the response function _ In
the present RPA. these arise from the zeros of the determinant, since the sinplarities at 0)-" cancel identically. Expanding for small q and 0), we obtain
where the sound speed v, is J2 in units of O)eG. This value agrees with that calculated from the total energy per particle 1£ - h 01(' of the unperturbed .ystem with two filled Landau levels, in the manner
The correspondiDg Hartrce-Fock energy is sa.aller by a factor 29/32. which implies that the Hartree-Fack. sound speed is sere smaUer tha" this value. Note that the pok in 400 is !lJarp. with no background Cl')nttlluum of tbe IOrt found in a Fermi liquid. Not~ also that the structure facto.. S(q) vanisbes linearly foc smaD q, as in the calC both in a Fenni liquid ilnd a Bose:: !''Jperftuid, ill cuntrast to the: quadratic behavior of the unperturbed structure factor. This diffcrcoc:e reflects the presence of superlluid density fiuctuatlons in the ground state iulplicit in the RP A. We note finally that the RPA Hall conductance, given
IR. B. Lau"hlin, Phys. Rev. Lett. 60, 2677 (988). e, 957 (1982); B. I. Halperin, Ibid. 52, 1583 (1983). JR. B. Laushlin, in The QuQlltum Hall Effect. edited by R. E. Prange and S. M. Girvin (Sprinpr-Verlas, New Yo:k, 1987), p.233. ~J. R. Schrielfer, Theory of SupercoNlue.I"lty (Benjamin,
2F. Wilczek, Phys. Rev. Lett.
at small q and .. by
RPA (S1l,
(v"q )2 0)2 _ (v"q)2 '
is almost certainly an artifact of the calculation, attributable to neglect of nonsinplar diagrams. A Hall conductance of this form also results for the case of v -0, which is a Bose gas. The PrelCllt paper has shown how Fcynman diagrams for the coupled density and current corrdation fcnctions of the fractional-statistics glS can be summed to yield physically seDlible results, and that these include the Meissner effect and presence of a sharp Goldstone mode. The same techniques should prove valuable in considering other ISpects of the problem, .uch as the dloct interparticle repulaions. This me.!Cb ba... been aupporttd in pa..'1 by the National Scieace Foundatioa under Granta No. DMR 84-18855 and No. DMR-8S-I0062 and by the Nationaf Scicn~ Fouodati~ Materiali RClClrch Laboratories Prusram through the Center for Materials RCIeIICb at Staniord. Additional support wu provicw.l by the U.s. Department of Eaeqy through the Lawrence LivermoR National Laboratory under Contract No. W -7405-&g-48.
RcadiDJ, MA, 1964), pp. 203-213. 5A. L Fetter and J. D. Walecka, QIIQlltum Theory of Mtllly· Particle SY8.ewu (McGraw-Hill, New Yark, 1971), Sec. 52. 6Fetter and Walecb, Ref. S, Sees. 7-9 and 12-16. 7Felter and Walecb, Ref. 5, Sec. 30. 'felter and W.lecb. Ref. 5, Sec. 49.
342 International Journal of Modern Physics 8 Vol. 3, No.7 (1989) 1001-1067 C World Scientific Publishing Company
ON ANYON SUPERCONDUCTIVITY VI-HONG CHEN FRANK WILCZEK· EDWARD WITTEN~ School of Natural Sci~nc~s, Institute for Adva~~d Study, Olden Lan2, PrinCelofl, N108540. USA
BERTRAND I. HALPERIN* Harvard Un;v~rsity.. Cambridg~, MA 02 J38, USA Receive~
29 May 1989
We investigate the statistical mechanics of a gas of fractional statistics particles in 2 + I dimensions. In the case of statistics very close to Ferm~ statistics (statistical parameter (J =-= n(1 - I/n), for lalge n). the effect of the statistics is a weak attractiol1. Building upon earlier RPA calculation of Fetter, Hanna, and Laughlin for the case n - 2, we argue that for large n perturbation theory is reliable and exhibits superfluidity (or superconductivity after coupling to electromagnetism). We attempt to describe the order puameter for this superconducting phase in terms of "spontaneous breaking ofcommutat\vity of translations" as opposed to the usual pairing order parameters. The vortices of the superconducting anyon eas are charged, and superconducting order parameters of the usual type vanish. We investigate the characteristic P dnd T violating phenomenology.
1. Introduction
Since the early days of quantum mechanics it has been appreciated that the behavior of assemblies of identical particles is influenced not only by conventional "forces" but also by the particle statistics. Indeed, the ideal Bose and Fermi gases are the points of departure for most studies of condensed matter at low temperature. It has been extremely useful to have these simple paradigms; for example such ubiquitous concepts as the Fermi sutface and Bose condensation were abstracted from their study. While Bose and Fermi statistics are the only logical possibilities in three spatial dimensions (and the whole notion of quantum statistics degenerates in one • Research supported in part by DOE contract DE-AC02-76ER02220. Research supported in part by NSF Grant 86-20266 and NSF Waterman Grant 88-17521. Research supported in part by NSF Grant DMR 88-17291.
34J 1002
Y.-H. Chen el al.
spatial dimension), in two dimensions the situation is more interesting. In two spatial dimensions, the possibilities for quantum statistics are not limited to bosons and fermions, but rather allow continuous interpolation between these extremes. The quantum statistics is defined by the phase of the amplitude associated with slow motion of distance particles around one another. If the phase e'o on interchanging the particles is + 1 the particles are bosons, if it is - 1 the particles are fermions; but other values of the phase are allowed, and give us generically anyons. It is a very attractive probh~m; to figure out the behavior of these new quantum ideal gases. The high temperature, low density behavior was addressed several years ago in a paper by Arovas, Schridfer, Wilczek, anc Zee.: They calculated, in particular. the value of the second virial coefficip.nt. A simple answer was found, that interpolates continuously between bosons and ferI'!1ions. While this result was significant as a check of the consistency of the whole circle of ideas, and as an exercise for sharpening technique, it hardly addressed the central questions regarding the new quantum idc=al gases. The most important effects of quantum statistics, of course, occur only at low temperatures or high density. The existence of a cusp in the vi rial coefficient at Bose statistics was one of several indications that the behavior of anyon gases at low temperatures would be interesting and probably far from smooth. However, it has proved quite difficult to extend the calculations :itarti~~ from the high-temperature end, and since the problem :;eemed both esoteric and inaccessible it was largely abandoned. Recently, however, there has been a sharp increase in the interest in this problem - for reasons we shall review shortly - and important progress, especially through the work of Laughlin,2,4 Kalmeyer and Laughlin, 3 and Fetter, Hanna, and LaughlinS on high-temperature superconductivity. In this paper we report further progress in understanding the behavior of the anyon gases with statistics parametrized by 8
1£(1 - lin),
(1.1 )
at zeru temperature. Here n is a positive integer. n = 1 corresponds to bosons, while we approach fermions at large n. In accord with Laughlin and coworkers, we shall argue that these gases generically form superfiuids, and become superconductors if the anyons are electrically charged. The mechanism ofsuperfiuidity seems rathe: different from conventional pairing, and seems to lie outside the usual Nambu-Goldstone-Higgs framework. Our conclusions are based both on detailed calculations in a controlled approximation, and on qualitative symmetry arguments we expect to be quite robust. We will also derive an effective Lagrangian, that summarizes the electromagnetic response of the charged anyon gas. This Lagrangian, which to a first approximation is of the usual London or Landau-Ginzburg form, also contains small but characteristic interactions violating the discrete symmetries P and T. These terms lead to novel effects,
344 On Anyon Superconductivity
whose occurrence (or not) should enable us to determine whether the anyon gas is realized in concrete physical systems. At this point it would be disingenuous not to remark that much of the stimulus for the recent upsurge in interest in the anyon gas are some theoretical speculations that quasiparticles in euo plane~, which presumably are the key actors in high t~mperature superconductivity, are in fact anyons. These speculations were motivated by analysis of c.xcitations arollnd certain types of ordered stat~s (chiral spin liquids) that haye been proposed for the electronic ground state in the planes. Needless to say, the fact that superconductivity is an automatic by-product nlakes these ideas considerably more compelling. For sim plicity) most of the discuss!O~ of this paper win be given for the case in which there is a single type of anyon. The d!scussi~n can be readily generalized to a set of t\\'O or more types of anyon:;~ possessing identical charge and Inass, but distinguished hi" an isospin index t. Although some of the quantitative formulas will be modified, the qualitative results will be generally similar. For reasons which will be discussed elsewhere we believe that in models of relevan~e to hightemperature sup~rconductivity there will always be an even number of anyon species. Bf'fore we embark on the analysis, it seems appropriate to establish the context with a brief quasi-historical account of the develooment of the circle of ideas we are dealing with. Many of the basic principles involved in fractional quantum statistics were clearly stated and illustrated in a remarkable paper by Leinaas and Myrheim. 6 Unfortunately this paper received little notice at the time, and did not enter the general consciousness, presumably because it was felt to be a purely academic exercise without a broader context. The continuou~ modem development of the ideas began as part of the recent interest in peculiar, and in particular fractional, quantum numbers more generally. In fact, it was argued !ong ago in prescient "Nork by Skyrme 7 that in 3 nonlinear sigma model of pions, particles with the quantum numbers of nucleons can emerge in the form of solitons. What was surprising about this is that spin and isospin one-half ~n emerge in a theory in which the elementary fields have integer spin and isospin. Later, Finkelstein and Rubinstein8 clarified the topological considerations responsible for Skyrme's phenomenon, and showed by a topological argument that solitons of half integral spin in fact obey Fermi statistics, as one would expect on general grounds. (This work probably also represented the first study of what would now be called a 8 angle in quantum field theory.) In a somewhat analogous fashion, magnetic monopoles in 3+ I dimensions can be fermions even in a theory in which the elementary fields are all bosons, 9 and can carry fractional 'o and even irrational I I electric charge. Also, Skyrme's spontaneolis generation of half integral spin turns out to have an analog 12 for the case of more than two "flavors" of strong interactions, provided one takes account of the global effects of the Wess-Zumino coupling. I] Closely
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Y.-H. Chen et ale
related phenomena occur in condensed matter systems l4 and in a wide variety of quantum field theories. IS · 16 Of course in three spatial dimensjons the non-trivial commutation relations of the angular momentum algebra ensure that the spin of any particle, regardless of microscopic origins, must be an integer or half-integer. Thus, the above cited results generating half-integer spin from integer spin in 3 + I dimensions are in a sense the best possible. In two dimensions the situation is different. The rotation group has a single generator which in principle can have any real eigenvalue. For instance, particles orbiting arwnd gauge theory strings, or even around ordinary magnetic flux tunes, can readily be seen to carry fractional angular momentum. 17 Once this is realized, it is then natural to asi<. (as Finkelstein and Rubinstein had done in connection with Skyrme"s work in 3 + 1 dirnensions) what happens to the spin-s1 atistics connection in these circumstances. This VIas in\'estigated in a series of papers· lI ,19,1."'O at first largely rediscovering (in ignorance) the results of Leinaas and Myrheim, but soon going beyond them in various ways, particularly in suggesting how objects of fractional statistics could actually be realized in the physical world. (For ~n account of early controversies surrounding these ideas, and their resolution, see Goldhaber and MacKenzie. 21 ) One early application of the idea of fractional statistics '9 was to the 2 + I-dimensional S2 u model, used to model the low-energy excitations of planar ferromagnets and antiferromagnets. It was shown that the c1assiCRI u model does not determine a unique quantum theory. The quantum theory allows inclusion of a new interaction, represented by the so-called Hopf term, which is invi3ible classically. The coefficient of the Hopfterm is an angle 8, closely related to the (J introduced in connection with fractional statistics. Indeed, in the (J model the coefficient of the Hopf term determines the spin and statistics of certain collective excitations, the baby Skyrmions. Roughly speaking, the Hopf term plays a role for these excitations somewhat similar to the role played by the WessZumino interaction in connection with 3 + 1 dimensional Skyrmions. Soon afterward the most important realization of fractional statistics so far established arose from a most unexpected quarter, in studies of the behavior of semiconductor heterojunctions held at millikelvin temperature in a strong external magnetic field. The fractional quantized Hall effect (FQHE), discovered in this context, established the existence of a rich new state, or actually series of states, of matter. The theory of these states was developed mainly by Laughlin,22 with important contributions from Haldane23 and from Halperin. 24 At the foundation of the theory is the irlea that the new states are best described as incompressible quantum liquids, around which the low-energy excitations are localized quasiparticles with unusual quantum numbers, including notably fractional statistics. lJsing this idea, Halperin was able to predict the values of the allowed fractions in the FQHE hierar~hy in a simple and convincing, as well as observationally successful, way. Arovas, Schrieffer, and Wilczek, using !he Berry phase technique, showed directly25 that the quasiparticles had the properties
On Anyon Superconductivity
assumed by Halperin. (For an account 0f early objections to these ideas, and their resolution, see Laughlin.26) They also suggested that since the statistical Hinteraction", together of course with ordinary electromagnetism, is the dominant interaction of the quasi particles at long distances, it should be possible to write an effective Lagrangian for the long-wavelength behavior of the quasiparticle gas, usingjust these interactions. The formal implementation of this idea was carried tllrough in the abovementioned paper by Arovas, Schricffer, \\'ilczek, and Zee.' ·\n important denlent of that paper, which has played a key role in the further d,~veioprnent of the subject, is the intrQducti"'n of a local implementation of fractional Quantum statistics, through the Chern-Simons interaction. It is alsc quite likely that fracti()nal statistics eAci!ation~ exist for liquid 3He RIms in the A 21 The application of this circie of ideas to superconductivity is by no rneans as certain or well-developed even as it is in the contexts mentioned above. It is surely premature to be writing even tile most informal of histories here. Still, it may be useful to orient ourselves with respect to some of the relevant recent literature on high-temperature superconductivity. Immediately upon ~he experimental discovery of the new superconductors, Anderson 28 stressed their essentially two-dimensional character, the importahce of strong magnetic ordering; and the possible existence of excitations with exotic quantum numbers. A relatively ccncrete propo~al e;nbodying one form of Anderson's vision \Vas put forward by Kivelson, Rokshar, and SetJ..-na. 29 fhey showed that division of valence bonds on a square lattice occupied by approximately one valence electron per sit~ into localized dimers, as suggested by the phase "resonating valence ~ond", could plausibly support excitations specifically, defe-:::ts in the pair-bonding of electrons, tra;>ping a single unpaired site - which are charged, spinless bosons. The initial thought was that Bose condensation of such charged excitations was the mechanism of superconductivity. A closely related proposal was made by Dzyaloshinskii, Polyaicov, and Wiegmann. 3o Their starting point was a a-mudel description of the spira ordering in the euo layers. They proposed that one employ the Hopf tenT., as we mentioned above, with 8 = 1C. (The paper contains the remark, without elaboration, that only 8 = 0 or 8 = 1C are consistent with unitarity. This is mistaken.) The effect of this tenn is to make the baby Skynnions of the pure spin model obey Fenni statistics. The idea then is that the charge carriers plausibly induce or bind to these baby Skynnions, making the composite a boson. Although the microscopic basis of this picture was never clear, and in fact the whole scr.nario now appears rather dubious, this paper caught the imagination of many physicists. Altogether, these early papers focused considerable attention on the possibility of exotic quantum numbers and statistical transmutation in two dimensions. Unfortunately, the most immediate natural consequence of all these suggestions is that, since one has direct Bose condensation instead of pairing, the flux
347 1006
Y.-H. Chen et al.
quantum should be h/ e. Experimentally, it appears to be h/2e, at least in the regimes where it has been studied so far. Various modifications of the ideas have been proposed,29 but it is difficult to know what conclusions to trust when such a seemingly straightforward one must be abandoned. Also, with the loss of the cO'1lpellingly simple concept of Bose condensation as a mechanism of superconductivity, the motivation for the suggestion of exotic quantum numbers becomes much less clear. An essentially new set of ideas was added by Laughlin and collaborators, in Refs. 2, 3 5. Kalmeyer and Laughlin made an approximate mapping of certain frustrated spin models onto Bose ga.ies with short range repulsive interactions and subje~t to a strong external ma~rJetic field. The latter situation is completely analogous to that in the quantiL:c~ Hall effect, and one can therefore take battletested knowledge oftht~ ground state and low-lying ~xcitatio!'\s in the system over into the spin models. Given the previous discussion of the FQHE~ it should not seem shocking that the quasi particles are then found to obey fractional statistics. Wen, Wilczek, and Zee 31 have given a more abstract treatment of the problem, not relying on the details of a specific wave function, indicating what sort of spin ordering is essential to obtain fractionaJ statistics quasiparticles. We follow them in referring to this class of ordered systems as chiral spin liquids. Once one has a chiral spin liquid, it is plausible that charged particles doped into .. he system induce or bind to the fractional statistics quasiparticlt!s, thus themselves acquiring fractional statistics. In several papers, Laughlin and his collaborators have argued that fractional statistics in and of itself leads to superconductivity. The present paper sharpens and extends these arguments. An important feature of most models incorporating anyons is that they violate the discrete symmetries P and T. Thi3 is quite natural for the FQHE, which takes place in an external magnetic field. It occurs spontaneously in 3He-A. It would also have to occur spontaneously in high-temperature superconducton:, if anyon models are to describe them. It is, of course, characteristic of chiral spin liquids. That such symmetry breaking could occur, and can have important experimental consequences, was first emphasized by March-Russell and Wilczek,33 and considerably elaborated recently by these two together with Halperin. 34 Some of the issues have also been discussed re~ntly by Wen. and Zee3S and by Anderson.36 The considerations of this paper suggest some additional possibilities, and allow us to begin to discuss them quantitatively. Calculations of the energy of the undoped spin systems using variational wave functions of the Kalymeyer-Laughlin type have not yielded particularly good energies for simple model Hamiltonians, such as Heisenberg antiferromagnets with any combination of couplings to a few near neighboUrs. Moreover, for the undoped parent compounds of the actual copper-oxide superconductors (e.g., La2CU04) there is compelling evidence that the planes of copper spins are well described by a nearest-neighbour Heisenberg model on a square lattice, with a ground state that has conventional antiferr9magnetic order. 31- 39 It is known,
348 On Anyon Superconductivity 1007
however, that the addition of a relatively small concentration of holes is sufficient to destroy the anti ferromagnetic order. It is certainly possible that the holes also induce an effective multispin-interactian which favors a chiral spin state for the remaining copper spins. If this is the case, then it is reasonable to approach the superconducting state by starting with a model Hamiltonian where the spins form a chiral spin liquid even in the absence of free charges. Laughlin has shown that there exists in fact a model Hamiltonian (with long-range foul-spin interactions, and with ex.plicitly broker. time-reversal and chlral symmetries) for which the quantu111-Hall--effect wave function is the exact ground state.)2 There is little re~son to doubt that there exists also a class of Hamiltonians which only have finite range interactions, and are invariant under P and T, fer which the ground state is a chira! spin liquid. Shraiman and Siggia4U have argued that a very dilute concentration o~· holes in a copper-oxygen plane lnay lead to a ground state with a spiral spin structure, assuming that one can ignore the effe~ts of the compensating charged impurities, which must be present and would tend to localize the holes in an actual system at low concentrations. A spiral spin structure, in general, would have a chiral character, as well as a broken translational invariance. It is then plausible that above a certain critical concentration of holes, the broken translational symmetry will be destroyed by fluctuations, but the chiral character will persist. Finally let us note that while the work reported here was proceed~ng, I-!osotani carried out some calculations of the properties of the anyon gas using a somewhat different approximation scheme. Where they overlap, our conclusions agree. Also, Wen and Zee41 have attempted to study some questions related to those studied in this paper, by perturbing from bosons. Also, interesting numerical itudies of small systems ofanyon~ subject to an exte~nal magnetic field have been reported recently.42 2. The Hamiltonian In this section we derive a non-local Hamiltonian formulation of the anyon interaction, starting from a formulation in terms of a Chern-Simons Lagrangian. The Chern-Simons formulation is local, but contains redundant variables. The point of the exercise is that each description has its virtues. The Chern-Simons form clearly exhibits the full symmetry and global nature of the interaction. The Hamiltonian form, on the other hand, has the great advantage that its variables represent true physical degrees of freedom. It is therefore better suited to approximations and explicit calculations. The Lagrangian for an ideal gas of fractional statistics particles is
349 1008
Y.-H. Chen et al.
Here the Xa are particle coordinates and a is a vector field. The coupling of the particles to the gauge field is standard, but the gauge field action is unusual. Instead of a conventional kinetic energy for the gauge field, one has the final term in ( 1). This term, th~ so-called Chern-Simons term, is special to 2 + 1 dimensions. The action is gauge invariant, despite the explicit appearance of undifferentiated vector potentials. This is because these vector potential always appears contracted with conserved currents - either the conventional particle current, or the unusual Hcurrent'" efX1T JUT which is automatically conserved because of the Bianchi identity. Varying with respect to a, we find the field equations eifl J
= i1-eptlT r 2· Jar'
where j is the standard i>oint-particle current and f the standard field strength. These equations indicate that the gauge invariant content of the vector field a is entirely determined by the particle current. In otherwords~ a has no independent dynamics. To avoid confusion with the true electromagnetic potentials and fields, it is convenient to refer to these a fields, whose only purpose in life is to be integrated out and implement fractional statistics, as "fictitious" fields. It f"lIoms from the. field equation that the field strength f is confined to the particle worIdlines, and determi~ed localiy by the-current of these lines. Thus there are no classical Lorentz' forces among the particles. Integrating the 0 component of the fi~ld equation, we find the fundamental relation
eN =
where N is the particle number and the fictitious flux. This indicates that the effect of the Chern-Simons term is to associate with ~ach particle fictitious flux e/p. Of course, the particles also carry fictitious charge e. Thus as they wind around one another, they acquire phase through the Aharonov-Bohm effect. The consequence of all this is that the sole result of adding the fictitious fields is to alter quantum-mechanical amplitude for trajectories where the particles wind around one another, or are interchanged, by a phase proportional to t!le amount of winding. In other words, the quantum statistics has been altered. A simple calculation shows this alteration of statistics is parametrized by (2.4)
in terms of the angle 8 mentioned before.
JSO On Anyon Superconductivity 1009
Turning to the Hamiltonian formulation, we find again that the system has a uniqu~ underlying simplicity. Writing out the Lagrangian in more extended form:
we see that apart from the first tenn, the rest are either linear in ao or linear in time derivatives. Since the time derivative of ao n~ver appears, varying with respect to it simply yields the constraint (2.6)
Also) when we pass from the Lagranllian to the Hal!1iltonian terms linear in time derivatives cancel. Thus the Hamiltonian is numerically equal to the free-particle Hamiltonian - the net effect of all the extra ttnns is to enforce an unusual relationship between the canonical momentum and the velocity. The classical equations of motion are just those of non-int~racting free particles; the nontrivial dynamics arises entirely from the altered quantum commutation relations. Since a is a redundant variable we can eliminate it. To do this conve~ier:~!y, we impose the gauge condition (2.7)
Then we can solve the constraint e
a;(x) = -2 1tjJ.
to find
e;j(x- J')j e " d"y 1 12 p(y) = -2-- L x- y IljJ. CI
(x-xar)j t;j
IX -
12 .
The final result is that t"e Hamiltonian is simply
= -2 m
L (Par - eo(x,,»)2 ,
with a given as a function of x according to (8). The Hamilti>nian (9) forms the starting point for most of the further considerations in this paper. It was also the starting point adopted by Fetter, Hanna, and Laughlin. S As far as we know it has not previously been explicitly derived in full generality from the Chern-Simons Lagrangian, though the result was stated in Ref. I and a proof has been sketched before. 54 To conclude this section we add a few remarks that are not strictly essential to the logical development, but address some points that might be puzzling.
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Y.-H: Chen el at.
If one were given the Hamiltonian (9) without any explanation of its origins, it might be hard to believe that this Hamiltonian does not lead to classical forces among the particl~s. Indeed, H looks like the Hamiltonian for a charged particle interacting with an electromagnetic field, in a gauge where ao = O. Since the vector potential depends on the particle position4\, it varies in time, and one might therefore expect there to be electric fields depending on the relative positions of the particles, and therefore forces among them. Of couse we know from the preceding discussion that it is not so: what gives? Another puzzle is this: how does our H, lacking as it does the standard scalar potential piece, manage to give gaugeinvariant results? The resolution of these puzzles is really quite silnplc. The resemblance between our H and the standard Hamiltonian for an assembly of particles interacting \lfith an external gauge field is In one crucial respect misleading. That is, our a is g\ven as an explicit lion-local function of the particle positions. This means, in particular, a(xa ) depends not only on the position of particle lX, but on the position of all the other particles as well. Thus when we derive the Hamiltonian equations of mc,tion, there will be additional terms that do not appear in the usual equatiuns for particles interacting with an external gauge field. Keeping this in mind, a straightforward analysis of the equations of motion derived from the Hamiltonian H resolves both our puzzles at the same time. It is found that the additional terms serle exactly to reconstitute the full fictitious electric field, including specifically the gradient of the scalar potential ao, as determined from (2) in the gauge (7), in the Lorentz force equation. And the full fictitious electric field, as we discussed before, does not depend on the positions or velocities of distant particles, and does not generate classical interparticle forces. At the risk of being pedantic, we wish to emphasize explicitly one implicatioil of the preceding discussion. No approximation has been made in deriving H. Especially - despite apparent instantaneous interaction terms - retardation effects have not been neglected. 3.
Approach to the Problem
The statistical mechanics of an ideal gas of anyons has a very different flavor from that of the more familiar quantum ideal gases of bosons and fermions. In the case ofbosons or fermions, one can construct the eigenstates of the many particle Hamiltonian directly from the ~igenstates of the single-particle Hamiltonian, simply by taking tensor products. The sole effect of the statistics, in these two cases, is that one restricts to the subspace of many-body wave functions either symmetric or antisymmetric under permutations, respectively. The reason why this familiar, simple procedure fully incorporates the quantum statistics, is ultimately that the rule for assigning amplitudes to trajectories beginning at x I, X2, •.• and ending at xp" x P2 ' ••• depends only on the sign of the permutation P- Thus symmetry or antisymmetry in these coordinates is a condition stable in
352 On Anyon Superconductivity 1011
time. Also, we can obtain all trajectories with the proper weighting from trajectories along which the particles do not change their identity, if we allow all permutations of identity, with the appropriate sign factors, in the initial state. (Indeed, we have just the same trajectories, but with p-I acting on the initial config~ration instead of P on the final one.) For generic anyons, the situation is different. Tt,e amplitude assigned to a trajectory depends not only upon the permutation suffered by the particles as thl.~y follow the trajecto£ 'i, but aiso on other aspects of the traj~ctories by which they wind around one another. Mathematically, while the Hilbert sp3.ce of a system of identical bosuns and fermions gives a representation of the permuta~~'Jn &fOHP, the Hilbert spase of a 5~rstem of identical anyons gives a representaf;')i1 of the 4;br3id group", in which one distinguishes topologicaliy inequivalent trajectories leading to the same perrl1utatiuns of the particles. IncidentaHy. in 2 + 1 dimensional Inany-uody physics it is possible: in principle to have a system even more exotic than Hordinary" fractional statistics, in which trajectories that involve braidings of identical particles are represented by non-commuting matrices, not just by abelian phases. (It is far from straightforwarci to construct representations of the N particle braid group (lJN that are compatible with all the physical requirements of locality and cluster qecomposition, but the Jones repre~entations of the braid group43 satisfy all of the physical conditions, and in fact have a realization in lo~al quantum field theory via a non-abelian ChernSimons theory.44) Leaving aside these more exotic possibilities, which mayor may not eventually playa role in condensed matter physics, our interest here is with the anyon gas in which particle trajectories are represented by phases. In fact, the phase associated with a given trajectory is the product of the stati~tical parameter and the linking number of tJ1e ()nce the permutation group ic; replaced by the braid group, the simple construction passing from the solution of one-particle problems to the sulution of many-particl~ problems, familiar for free bosons and free fermions, does not work any more. It seems most unlikely that there is any comparably simple substitute. For this reason. even an ideal gas of anyons must be regarded as an interacting system. Since an exact solution seems out of reach, it seems a good strategy to attempt to begin to understand anyon gases by perturbing around the familiar cases of free bosons or fermions, taking advantage of the tools developed over many years for the study of inter~cting systems of identical particles. There is an extremely naive argument, which' suggests that in general excluding fermions - an anyon gas will be superfluid (or. for electromagnetically charged anyons, superconducting) at zero temperature. It goes as follows. Fermions with arbitrarily weak attractive forces are known to form superfluids at zero temperature. But there is a real sense in which anyons in general can be considered as fermions with an additional attractive interaction. Indeed, the most important effect of quantum statistics at short distances is that it determines the
353 1012
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allowed values of kinetic angular momentum, and thus the strength of the centrifugal barrier. For bosons the allowed values are even integers; for fermions they are odd integers, and for general 8 they are 19/a+ even integer. Thus the minimum allowed absolute value is generically smaller than it is for fermions; and so generic anyons can be regarded as fermions with an additional attractive interaction. Although it will become evident in the following that this argument is really much too naive, clearly it points us in the direction of suspecting superfluidity in the anyon gas at zero temperature. With this suspicion, it might seem logical to try to perturb around Bose statistics. After all, the ideal Bose gas exhibits the phenomenon we are after superfluidity - already in the zeroth approximation. (It is sometimes said that the ideal Bose gas requires a repulsive interaction to become superfluid. We think it is more accurate to say that the ideal Bose gas is a superfluid with zero critical velocity, and poised on the brink of instability - a weak attraction will cause it to cease to have a sensible thermodynamic limit.) On further reflection, however, several difficulties with this approach become apparent. The most important one is the following. Consider the gas with statistical parameter
Now if we imagine that superfluidity is characterized by an effective condensation into bosons - generalizing ordinary Bose condensation or Cooper pairing - then we must ask: how many of these anyons does it take, to form a boson? If we take one m-tuple around another, we find the accumulated phase nm*/n. Thus the condition is $ = 0 (mod 2). Clearly, the minimum required number grows with n, roughly as the square root. It is not easy to see how to obtain this behavior smoothly, starting from condensation of single particles in the Bose gas. Anyons near 19 near zero are similar to a system of bosons with a weak repulsion of statistical origin (representing the centrifugal barrier that is present at 8 # 0) and in a background magnetic field (representing the interaction of one particle with the average statistical background of the others; this interpretation will be clearer in Sec. 4). Now, bosons with a weak repulsion undergo bose condensation and become superfluid. In the presence of a magnetic field, bose condensation still occurs but not in a translationally invariant fashion; one should expect to form some sort of vortex lattice. Our approach instead will be to work near Fermi statistics:
354 On Anyon Superconductivity 1013 ‘g=a
( 1-i 1 n
Then as n gets large the expectation that condensation requires more and more particles appears rather as a virtue than as an embarrassment - it allows us to lose superfluidity in the limit of fermions. One reason that we think it is natural to work near 8 = a is the following. In order to establish that the statistical attraction (relative to fermions) of a departure from 8 = A gives rise to superfluidity, it seems to us that the key case is to show that even a weak statistical attraction among a system of otherwise free fermions leads to superfluidity. Once it is established that a weak statistical attraction gives superfluidity, it is natural to expect the same for the strong statistical attraction that arises at the case (0 = n/2) that is believed to be of most interest. Once the effects of a weak statistical attraction are understood qualitatively, it is reasonable to hope that the effects of a strong statistical attraction are similar qualitatively. Our basic strategy is thus to attempt to understand the statistical mechanism for superfluidity starting from the regime of 8 near 7c where this mechanism is operating weakly and can be studied in a controlled way. Both the qualitative arguments of the next section and the detailed calculations which follow are based on an approximation procedure suggested by Arovas et al.’ and employed to great effect by Laughlin* and by Fetter, Hanna, and Laughlin.’ We now describe this procedure, and identify a limit in which it is expected to be valid. Above, we have seen that in a precise sense the statistical interaction can be implemented by attaching fictitious charge and flux to fermions. It is, however, very awkward to deal with the resulting long-range interactions directly. In other problems involving long-range interactions, it is sometimes valid to replace the effect of many distant particles by a mean field or collective variable, with the deviations from the mean represented by residual weak or short-range interactions. Could something like that occur in our problem? We will argue that in fact very plausibly it does. To get started, let us consider the self-consistency of the approach. Suppose, then, that we do replace the total effect of the distant particles by their average. In our context, this means we are replacing the many singular flux tubes by a smooth magnetic field with the same flux density. For 8 = K( 1 - l/n), the resulting magnetic field is related to the average particle density jj by
In such a magnetic field, the particles move along cyclotron orbits with radius
355 1014
Y.-H. Chen et al.
r = eb .
Taking for the velocity the velocity at the nominal Fermi surface, we substitute
~4xp v=-m
and find that a typical cyclotron orbit contains (3.7)
particles on the average. If the number of particles inside the typical significant orbit is much greater than I, we should expect that it is indeed valid as a first approximation to replace the field generated by the particles by its average value. since fluctuations will be small compared to the total. While this argument can and should be sharpened, it seems clear that in the limit of large n it is at least self-consistent &s a first approximation to replace our anyon gas by a gas of fcrmions carrying fictitious charge and propagating in a fictitious magnetic field tied to their density according to (3.4). 4. A Qualitative Picture Several of the most important qualitative features of the anyon gas can be understood readily from the simple starting point defined in the previous section. There, the anyon gas was replaced to a first approximation by fermions propagating in a uniform backgro~nd fictitious magnetic field given by b = 21£P / n. In the fictitious background field b, the energy eigenstates of the fermions .form Landau bands, each with degeneracy
eb 21£
= -
per unit area, with energy eigenvalues
(4.2) where I = 0, 1, 2, .... When the statistical parameter is () = x( 1 - 1/ n), the density is just such as to fill n Landau levels exactly. (In the next approximation we will find a massless particle that will give the feunions a logarithmically divergent self-energy, which we ignore for the present.)
356 On Anyon Superconductivity
The fact that the bands are exactly filled suggests that the ground state will have a particularly favorable energy at these values of the statistical parameter. Exactly filling the top band ought to be analogous to completing a shell in atomic or nuclear physics, or filling an ordinary band in a solid. If this is true, the ground state should exhibit a certain rigidity, and exhibit an energy gap. To test and quantify these expectations, let us consider the effect of adding a small real magnetic field B to the fictitious one b. The situation is asymmetric with respect to the sign of the real field relative to the fictitious field, and we must consider the two cases where the fields add or cancel separately. I f the real field is in the same direction as the fictitious one, the density of states per Landau level will be somewhat greater, and we will not quite completely fill n ~C\'el~ a!lymore. Let us der.ote the fractional filling of the highest level by I-x. Then from the conservation of particle number we derive
(b+ B) (n - x) = bn; (b+ B)x = Bn.
For the total energy we have then
E -_
1) ( 1)
e(b+B)e(b+B){~( e L t+- - n-- x }_n --21£
2 2
1 (1 -;;1) B 2} . {b 2+~bB-
Thus the energy relative to the ground state is positive, and grows linearly with B for small B. If the real field is in the opposite direction from the fictitious one, the density of states per Landau level will be smaller, and we will have to promote some particles to the (n + 1) level. Denoting the fractional filling of this level by x, we have from particle conservation
(b - B) (n + x)
bn; (b - B)x = Bn,
and for the energy
e(b-B) e(b-B) 21£
1) ( I)}
{~( L t+- + n+- x 1-0
n e
Thus in this case too the energy relative to the ground state is positive, and grows
357 1016
Y.-H. Chen et al.
linearly with B for small B. Despite the asymmetry of the situation, the coefficients of the terms linear in B are equal in the two cases. The quadratic terms differ. These arguments though simple are quite significant. They suggest that the anyon gas, at the statistics considered, will strive to exclude external magnetic fields. This is the germ of the Meissner eff~ct, a hal!mark of superconductivity. At the same time they suggest the existence of an energy gap in the charged particle spectrum. Indeed, the energy to create a separated particle-hole pair should be just the energy to excite a fermion into the lowest empty Landau band, viz. eb 21CP E· = - = P~1r
Considered more closely, these arguments also suggest a close connection between vortices and fermion excitations that seems to be something new in the theory of superconductiyity. This connection is characteristic of anyon superconductivity, and will playa key role below both in its deeper theory and in its phenomenology. The point is this: since the fictitious field is uniquely tied to the iJarticle density, and is appropriate to n Landau levels being exactly filled, to accommodate any additional real magnetic field we will necessarily have to excite particles across the gap. (Or to create holes, a process which we have ~een is also characterized by a gap.) Conversely, if the particles do not fill the Landau levels exactly, there must be a real magnetic field present to account for the mismatch. Anticiilating that the filled Landau level state, and its possible adiabatic modulations, is the superfluid component, we are led to conclude that in anyon superconductivity, charged quasiparticles and vortices do not constitute two separate sorts of elementary excitations - they are one and the same. We can also infer the value of the flux quantum, from this identification. Adding a single fundamental unit 21C/ e of real flux increases the number of available states by one per Landau level. Thus, for n filled Landau levels, the act of piercing the material by a unit flux tube creates n holes. Clearly this is not the most elementary excitation. The most elementary excitation is to produce just one hole. Thus the elementary tluxoid is 1/ n of the fundamental unit, or 21C/ ne. Although these simple arguments have taken us a long way, there remains a central feature of superfluidity that is not at all obvious, or even true, in the simple approximation described thus far. This featare is the existence of a sharp Nambu-Goldstone mode, or concretely an excitation with the dispersion relation 2 (J)2 ex: k at low frequency and small wave vector. It does exist. It was discovered in a remarkable calculation by Fetter, Hanna, and laughlin. S They calculated the effect of adding back the residual interactions, and found that these interactions produced the necessary pole in the current-current correlation function. In physical terms, this means that there are particle-hole bound states at zero energy. In the following two sections we shall review and generalize these calculations.
358 On Anyon Superconductivity 1017
Unfortunately these calculations do not by themselves make it clear why the massless mode exists. Aside from being emotionally disturbing, it is not objectively satisfactory to lack such understanding. Without it, one may be left uncertain whether this central qualitative feature of the anyon gas is robust, or an artifact of the approximations employed in the calculation. Similarly, one may be left uncertain 'Nhether small changes in the model Hamiltonian itself - which after 311, is highly idealized - might change this feature. Fortunately, the exi:;:ence of the massless mode can also be derrlonstrated simply, and it can b~ ul1d~rstood qualitatively using arguments closely related to those in the present "eel Ion. This is the subject of Sec. 7.
To conclude the present section we would like to make some brief remarks the enyon B3S at other v3.1ues of the statistical paralneter, when 6* 1l(1-1/n). I f [he lOp Landau level were not completely filled, !hen the second of our calcu·· lations above (leading to Eq. (4.6» would be valid for either sign of the field. The energy is then analytic in B, and the presence of a iinear term is indicative of the fact that the ground state of the anyo:l system possesses an orbital ferromagnetic moment in this case. (We also find that there is an orbital magnetic moment when 8 = n(1 - lIn) but the analysis is considerably more complicated. 34) For more general rational values of 8/n, it is possible that the anyons in the highest Landau level will form a correlated many-body state, similar to the states of the fractional quantized Hall effect. 45 In this case there is again an energy gap for vortex excitations, and we expect again to find a superfluid ground state. For most of our discussion, up to and including the previous sentence, we have assumed that the ground state is homogeneous. (An exception was when we discussed the expected ground state for fractional statistics near bosons.) This is almost surely true for the values 8 = n( I - lIn) which are our main concern. However, it is almost surely not true in general. For example, let us consider again statistics very close to, but not equal to, one of our favored values, say n = no. Then c1ear!y instead of expanding around n = 00 - fermions - we should expand around n = no. The particles will then have a small residual interaction. More important, the particle density will then not quite fit the density appropriate to the fictitious magnetic field. It seems very likely that the best way to accommodate this situation is to allow an occasional normal partic!e - or equivalently, an occasional vortex - rather than to disrupt the superfluid state globally. Thus, operationally, one would separate the anyons into t~NO c1assesthe first, with fractional density nol n to be treated as an anyon gas with 8 = n( I - 1/ no) and the remainder to be treated as vortices or anti vortices in that background. Readers familiar with the fractional quantized Hall effect45 will recognize a strong resemblance to the situation that occurs there, when the density is close to but not quite equal to one of the favored rational filling fractions. These considerations are by no means rigorous or complete, but they do serve cO~':t'rning
359 1018
Y.-H. Chen et al.
to suggest that the physics of the any on gas at general values of 8 is likely to be quite rich and to depend quite strongly on "number-theoretic" properties of 8. 5. The RPA Calculation In this section we discuss the mechanics of calculations in the random phase approximation. The method follows closely that of Fetter, Hanna and Laughlin; we have merely adcted a few observations and elaborated several points left implicit in their very concise presentation. To begin with, 3S we discussed in Sec. 2, the Hamiltonian of the anyon gas is (changing notation slightly to agree with Ref. 5) (5.1)
where ra is a two-dimensional vector specifying the position of particle a and (5.2)
with raj) = ra - rp. Here the particles are to be regarded (in the absence of interactions) as fermions; the interactio~ then makes them anyons with statistical parameter (J = n(1 - 1/ n). It will be convenient to use second quantized notation, in which (5.3)
Here '¥ is a spinless fermion field, and 1 a(r) = -
Ir- r'1 2
'I't (r')'I'(r').
The Hamiltonian describes a system of spiriless fermions interacting through long range gauge potentials. Actually these expressions are somewhat formal, in that if the density is constant the integral for a will diverge. For this reason, and also to implement the ideas of Sec. 3, it is useful to separate a into a background part and a fluctuating part. This is analogous to the 'familiar use of normal ordering or subtractions in defining the vacuum quantum numbers in quantum field theory. It should be considered as part of defining the theory. We shall have to check whether the theory so defined retains the properties - and in particular, the symmetries -
360 On Anyon Superconductivity
we expected of the naive model. Alternatively, one could in principle fonnulate the theory in a finite geometry, say on a torus. If we ignore fluctuations and substitute the average density p for the density operator in a(r), we expect that the system should reduce to spinless fermions propagating in a constant fictitious magnetic field. Thus we are led to define 1
a(rl = a(r) + -
d 2 r'
Z X (r- r')
Ir- "12
('JIt'JI(r) -
where a(r)
= - biX r, 2
This definition of a 'replaces (5.4). However; thp formula (5.6) for a(r) requires some explanation. The mean vector potential a should naturally be defined by the same integral I
a(r) = -
Jd r' iX(r- r') .0 2
Ir- r'1 2
as (5.4), with the true charge density 'l't'JI replaced by the mean density p. The only problem with this is that the integral in (5.8) is not unambigaously convergent if p is strictly constant. To interpret this integral, note that for arbitrary .0 such that the integral in (5.8) is well-defined, that integral computes an abelian gauge field li such that b = 21lp / n, where b = a. a2 - a2a., and moreover such that V . ii = 0, and such that ii vanishes at 00. a is uniquely determined by those conditions, and the integral in (5.8) has exactly the kernel required to produce the field a obeying those conditions. For the limiting case in which the support ofp extends over all of space, the integral in (5.8) is ambiguous (not absolutely convergent), and it is impossible to obey all of the conditions that would hold ifp had compact support (to give the right b, ii cannot vanish at (0). We interpret the integral in (5.8) as giving an average a field that gives the right band obeys the gauge condition and has a behavior at 00 that is as good as possible. The proposed form in (5.6) obeys these desiderata, but is not quite unique since without changing b or viola ring the gauge condition or worsening the oehavior at 00, one could add a constant to ii. This ambiguous integration constant is actually closely related to the pnysics that we will eventually find. Modulo an integration constant, the answer in (5.6) is certainly what one would get by doing the integral
361 1020 Y.-H. Chen et aJ.
in (5.4) for some almost constant p of compact support, and then taking the limit as the support of p extends over all space. The value that one would get for the integration constant would depend on exactly how one took the limit. For later use, we define current operators j;(r) EE 'I't (r)~(p; + a;(r) ) 'I' (r) m
.. t I j;(r) == \f' (r)-(p; + a;)'I'(r) . m
Since on the one hand it is a soluble problem, and on the other we have argued it contains much of the important physics, we will treat the system of otherwise free fermions propagating in the average field as the reference problem, and regard the re~t of the Hamiltonian as a perturbation. The interaction Hamiltonian for this perturbation scheme is
+ H"
_1_2 2mn
d 2 r d 2 r' d 2 r"'I't(r)'I'(r) {e;j(r- r;j ('I't(r')'I'(r') -
X {eik(r - r")k ('I't (r")'I'(r") _ -)}
I 2mn
d rd r' d 2 r" p(r)
(r- r'). (r- r") 2
Ir- r'l Ir- r"1
(p(r') -
p) (p(r") - p). (5.13)
In the same spirit let us reorganize H2 iuto two pieces, usingp(r)
p + (p(r) - p).
362 On Anyon Superconductivity
The first half of the resulting expression is expected to dominate for large n, when fluctuations in density are relatively small. Its meaning becomes transparent upon doing the integral:
d2 r
(r- r')' (r- r")
Ir -
r' 12 ·1 r - r" 12
= - 21r Inlr' -
It represents an effective COulomb interaction! The interaction is repulsive
L'etween like-signed particles, attractive between oppositdy-signed particles. The existence of such a~ interaction is important in two respects. First, it effective long range repulsion between two particles, or two holes. Given the identification of these excitations with vortices, this is responsible for the anyon superconductor being type II. Second, it generates an effecti ve long range attraction between particles and holes. This is responsible for the formation of the zero-mass bound state. The nature of the interaction can be given an interesting interpretation. Imagine that a massless gauge field has developed dynamically, such that our particles couple to this field. Then there would be a logarithmic interaction of precisely the calculated form. Later we shall see that the premises in this interpretation do actually hold. If we simply drop the other half of H 2, we are left with two-body interactions only, and can make great progress. Note that the discarded term, besides being intrinsically small, is manifestly translation, rotation, and (even if we couple in electromagnetism) gauge invariant. The remai~ing interactions c~n be written
where the spatial part of
has been defined before, and
= p(r) - p .
There is no distinction betweenJo and jOe V takes a simple form in Fourier space. To exhibit this, we take a momentum vector q with component only in the t and x directions, and we order the coordinates as (t, x, y). Then one has
363 1022
Y.-H. Chen et al.
p(21C)2 mnq2 n
0 -i21l
i21C q
The appearance of the Coulomb interaction suggests the importance of summing bubble graphs, as in the standard treatment of the electron gas. Since the interaction Hamiltunian can be written in terms of j, the correlation function of .f obeys a simple geometric equation, in this approximation. Thus defining (5.18) as the matrix of time-ordered expectation values in the true ground state, and D~v as the corresponding object in the non-interacting ground state, we have in this approximation (5.19) The product is to be regarded as convolution in real space or simple multiplication in Fourier space. Solving this equation, we find (5.20) Another perspective on the bubble-graph approximation, thai is actually superior from a logical point of view, is to regard it as simply a perturbative evaluation of the inverse propagator D- 1• The previous equation, in the form (5.21) is then simply lowest-order perturbation theory. Why is it more appropriate to perturb in the inverse propagator than in the propagator itself? That is a standard story that we shall not belabor here; the key point is that the inverse propagator, unlike the propagator itself, is regular at small frequency and wave vector, so whereas for the propagator itself we find immediately that the limits 00, q ~ 0 and n - 00 do not commute, there is every reason to expect the perturbative evaluation of the inverse propagator to become accurate as n ~ 00. The calculation of !}~v is straightforward though rather arduous; it is presented in Appendix A. The result may be parametrized in the form
On Anyon Superconductivity 1023
writing this result we have specialized to the case q~, = 0; this involves no real toss of generality. D is not quite the object we want. The electromagnetic response is rather given in terms of the true c~rrent-current corrdation function ~
(1 2) --
.. "p,'I'
__ 0;~ \III Trt J ~I l(I) JAY (2'. ' !1'\, "
where ( I ) denotes the dependence on ," t I, and I) denotes the exact ground state. Fortunately, A and Dare ciosely related. Consider, for exa:nple, the 010 entry. We have
(A - D)IO
-; =" -
(IT['I't'l'(I)(a - a)(l),
'I't'l'(2) - p]l)
In the now familiar manner, we sp.parate p into an average and a fluctuating part:
The contribution to A - D involving the average can be simply expressed in terms of D itself; the contribution from fluctuations is small in the n -+ 00 limit and ·Ne drop it. Passing to Fourier space, we arrive at (A-D)IO =
21CP I
+ ;--Doo. mn q
A generalization of this argument leads easily to
365 1024 Y.-H. Chen et al.
0 i) U=m:2 (00 00. 0 0 0
Finally, the true electromagnetic response includes not only the current-current correlation (which essentially represents the iteration of the first order term in the true electromagnetic potential A) but also a contact term, from the direct appearance of A 2 in the Lagrangian, which is quadratic in momentum. Thus the final expression for the response function, defined according to (5.28)
is (5.29)
Collecting the various formulae, we find (setting, for reasons discussed in Appendix A, 1:3 = I)
q2 W iqE -1:0 q-l:o We We iw'E. W w2 q-1:o -1:0 We We -iqE -iwE we(E -1: 1+ 1:2 + det)
where (5.31 )
and (5.32)
In arriving at this expression, we have made approximations at three stages: in the perturbative evaluation of the inverse propagator D -I, in formulating the interaction Hamiltonian, and in passing from D to A. We have discussed the first of these above, now let us address the other two. Both these approximations were
366 On Anyon Superconductivity 1025
of the same general form: in an expression involving the correlation of the density at one point with density fluctuations at two other points, we replaced the density with its average. In concluding this section, we wish to remark that this approximation can be justified in the large n limit. Indeed, the triple correlations of density fluctuations satisfy a simple Dyson equation. Although we will not present the details here, a straightforward analysis based on this equation shows that the terrns dropped invoive a highe:- POVllcf of the lr~tera,~tion than the terms kept, and thus a higher power or 1; n. Lieady, these re.rnarks also pOInt the way to a practical method of calculating to higher ord·~r. 6.
Results.,( the RPA
\Ve now evaluate the
e:e/~tror.lag\l("'li(' rEspon~e
K;;..Jq, .::0) for snlall q
explicitly. From Appendix A we derive in this limit Io~
-1-(~)\3n(!r we 8 \,t ,
-I-(:r + 3; (*r.
-I-(~J +n (1)'.
It is noteworthy that to this order only transitions between the two tcp filled Landau levels and the two bottom empty ones contribute. There is evidently a pole in the response funeticn, at (6.2)
The physical significance of K becomes more transparent if we reformulate it in terms of an effective Lagrangian. We have found that we can reproduce the response function at low frequency and small wave vector using an effective model which contains a massless scalar field interacting with the electromagnetic gouge field, of the form
367 1026
Y.-H. Chen ·et ale
Notice that this Lagrangian is invariant under the gauge transformation:
(6.4) This model exhibits the Higgs mechanism in its pristine form (due to Stuckelberg): tP, which in the absence of electromagnetism represents a scalar degree of freedom - essentially a sound wave, with v 2 equal to the speed of sound squared - loses its independent significance when thus coupled to electromagnetism. I ndeed, it can ~e set to zero by a gauge transformation. The f~rst two terms in L are familiar in the theory of superconductivity. They generate the ordinary London equations. The next two terms are higher order in gradients, and thus formally subdominant. However, we have kept them because they display a qualitatively new feature. Whereas the first two terms are automatically invariant under parity and time reversal, the next two are not. They are of course fully rotationally and gauge invariant, but violate both P and T, in such a way that PT is conserved. In a word, they obey the symmetries of our underlying microscopic model - the anyen gas - and we have every right to expect that they should occur. The fact that these terms are in a real sense small is both entertaining and Sif;a!ficant. It is entertaining, in that it is a rather unexpected analogue of a familiar situation in high-energy physics. There, it is an important result that in QCD, parity violation and time-reversal violation cannot occur through low-dimension (renormalizable) i:lteractions. It is this fact that makes it comprehensible that parity and the time-reversal violation are hard to observe, even though neither is fundamentally a good symmetry. Similarly here, it is "'ery significant that parity and time-reversal symmetry are in some sense automatically hidden in anyoD superconductivity. This inakes the phenomenology more challenging to work out and the experiments t\l meaningfully test the symmetries necessarily subtle. If we put tP = 0 inside the Lagrangian, we see that these new terms are closely related to gauge theory Chern-Simons terms. It is amusing that upon dropping the requirement of relativistic in variance we find there are two possible ChernSimons like terms. To a first approximation the charge density and electric current associated with tP are
p = -C(cP- CAo)
as follows from varying the Lagrangian with respect to Ao, Ai respectively and dropp!ng the terms proportional to a and b. Using these approximate expressions, we can write the new terms in a more transparent form:
368 On Anyon Superconductivity
Thu~ we see that a cor rd~tes electric charge density with magnetic fields, and b correlates current with perpendicular electric field in a nlanner reminiscent of the Hall effect. Also, we see that a change tJp in the density is generally accompanied by a change in the ffi:Ignetic moment density, proportional to a. The num~rica! evaluation is carried out by comparing the photon two-point function calculated froln L with the response function K. A few details of the calculation are presented In Appendix B. OUT results, valid in the limit n - 00, are:
e~ 2:1i' (6.8)
ne~ 327tm Ii
b= 0 where proper units have been restored. The values of v 2 and C are just such as to reproduce the standard formula for the London penetration depth. The vanishing of b can be understood on physical grounds. We will discuss this, as well as some phenomenological implications of L, in Sec. 8. One can also obtain the coefficient a by another type of analysis, which we believe to be exact, and whose details will be given elsewhere. 34 The correct formula for a differs from that in (6.8) by an additillnal factor (I - n -2). Note that this gives a = 0 for the case of bosons (n = I) as we expect for this situation, where P and T are actually good symmetries. To conclude this section we would like to comment on the relation of the effective Lagrangian discussed above to a more complete effective Lagrangian, and how the latter might be calculated. These comments illustrate certain points but do not incorporate the special featurc3 of the order parameter discussed in Sec. 7; thus the equations that follow should be interpreted metaphorically. In the Landau-Ginzburg generalization of the London framework one con-
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siders that the density as well as the phase of the superfluid condensate can vary. In this generalization, we wouid have instead of the Lagrangian considered above, a Lagrangian of the form
Our previous considerations on the anit of quantized flux suggest q = nee This form goes over into the London Lagrangian if we s&>ecialize the complex scalar to the form (6.10)
where V = m 2/2A. is the vacuum expectation value of <1>, and work to lowest order in gradients. Notice that the mass term m and the self-interaction A. lose their significance in this limit. We determined the coefficients of the London Lagrangian by matching to the electromagnetic response at low frequency and small wave vector. One could in principle determine the coefficients of the Landau-Ginzburg Lagrangian, or an appropriate modification of it) within the framework of the calculations reported above, by matching to the response at higher frequency and larger wave vector. It should be remarked, however, that the unique feature of the statistical interaction - its long-range n!lture - does not guarantee, or even make it reasonable to expect, that it is a good guide with respect to short-distance or small-time behavior. Other interactions of a more prosaic sort will surely come into play. Therefore the idealization involved in treating the quasiparticles in any real material as an ideal gas of anyons generally becomes more severe as we move away from the London regime, except for certain qualitative questions of a global character. We might also step back one more step, and try to build into an effective Lagrangian the fact that the P and T violation, which we have been treating as if it were fundamental, must actually have its origins in spontaneous symmetry breaking. A simple possibility is the following. Let " be a real scalar field, meant to parametrize the degree of chiral spin liqui.d order. Then let
370 On Anyon Superconductivity 1029
L =
(6.11 )
+ L"
where I .
= :;-1<1> - iqA o 1 - -::;-ld, - iqAj
-+- ib1'/Gjj(aaA, - d,A,,,) {~t (dj
+ (K'l2 -
m~) 1<1>12 - A!
4 ,
(6.12) t~
a m~dified version of the-
Lagrangian con5idered b~fole, and (0.13)
The Lagrangian is invariant under P and T if '1 is defined to be P and T odd. Now if" acquires a vacuum expectation value, «( t1) = ± /2A), then clearly the modified Landau-Ginzburg Lagrangian takes the same form as the original Landau-Ginzburg Lagrangian. The signs of the coefficients of the P and T violating terms a and b will depend on the sign of the vacuum expectation "alue of". Notice that if m~ is positive but
then chiral spin order will drive the onset of superconductivity. At the level of the Landau-Ginzburg LagranGian discussed here the two transitions are in principle quite distinct, however. Another direction in which the effective Lagrangian can be extended usefully js to take into account the coupling of the superfluid to normal electrons, or vortices. This will be discussed extensively in the following section. 7. The Order Parameter
One of the mysterious features of the RPA treatment of the anyon gas in Ref. 5, and its further elaboration in the present paper, is that the calculation proceeds without exhibiting the superconducting order parameter. One finds a massless pole in the two point function of the electromagnetic current, but the computation that reveals the existence of this pole does not also exhibit a local order parameter analogous to the charge-violating local order parameters familiar in the theory of conventional superconductors. In contrast, in conventional treatments of ordinary superconductors, it would be practically impossible to compute the
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interesting physical observables without at the same time exhibiting the key order parameter. We may restate this puzzle in terms of the mechanics of the calculation. In general, we would expect that in constructing a broken symmetry ground state we would have to make some arbitrary choice among a set of energetically degenerate possibilities. Thus for instance in a ferromagnet we would have to choose a definite direction for the magnetization; in a BeS superconductor we would have to choose a phase for the condensate, and so forth. However, in the RPA calculation presented above it is not at all obvious where such a choice has been made. Indeed. if there were a conventional condensate it would necessarily, for large n, be very complicated. for reasons we Inentioned in Sec. 3. For it to iniluence a calculation, the calculation WOL:ld need to involve high-order correlation functions somewhere along the way. But the corrtputation we actually performed involved only simple correlation functions, with intermediate states. This mystery of the order parameter is a familiar story in sOlne of the other 2 + I dimensional systems in whir,h fractional statistics pl3Y a role. In particular, there has never been a fully satisfactory description of the relevant order parameter in the fractionally quantized Hall effect - a description, that is, of what is the general class of things of which the celebrated Laughlin wave functioIi is an example. We will unfortunately not be able in this paper to shed much light on the fract~onal Hall effect, but we hope to clarify the nature of the order parameter in the case of the superfluid anyon gas. In away, it is encouraging that the order parameter of the superfluid anyon gas should be rather elusive and somewhat novel. The reasoning that begins with two-dimensional spin models, proceeds (for example, via the mean field theory of Ref. 31) to fractional statistics, and then aHempts to derive superconductivity from properties of the anyon gas, is long and indirect. It would be less than satisfying if the output of all this were to be olerely a strongly coupled version of BCS theory. The anyon gas as a mechanism· for superconductivity is far more interesting if it leads to a new universality class (but see the remarks at the end of Sees. 7.1 and 7.6.) Of course, spontaneous P and T violation is essential in this circle of ideas, and is absent in usual superconductors. However, there is no problem in having P and Tviolation coexist with the ordinary superconducting order parameter. The BeS theory could perfectly well be elaborated to describe a system with both spontaneous breakdown of P and T and spontaneous violation of charge conservation. Such a situation actually arises in the conventional description of the A phase of liquid 3He. But we will argue that in the case of the anyon gas, superconductivity does not merely coexist with spontaneous P and T violation; P and T violation are built into the correct description of the order parameter responsible for superconductivity.
372 On Anyon Superconductivity 1031
Sum Rule Argument
The necessity for the existence of a zero-energy boson-like mode at long wavelengths can actually be demonstrated by a direct argument,46 which makes no reference to an order parameter or a broken symmetry. Let us define a spe~tral weight,
L !(l!pdO)1 2w -lc5(w - E!+ Eo),
(1.1 )
Pk IS the density operator at wave vector k, iO) is the ground state of the system: and the sum is over a.ll excited states II}: while Eo and E, are the ~espective energy C'igcnvalues. For a system of non-relativistic particles of mass m, with forces that are velocity-independent, there is a well-known sum rule: (7.2)
This sum-rule, which is obtained by evaluating the quantity (Ol([p-k, H], Pk]IO), is easily derived for the anyon system using a representation given below, where the wavefunction is multivalued and the kinetic energy has just the free-particle form. At the same time, we know that
W(k, w)dw
where Aoo(k) is the density response function defined by (5.23) evaluated at (J) = 0. The k limit of this functi\ln is the corr,pressibility, which is finite for our system since the ground state energy is an analytic function ofp. (For non-interacting anyons, the energy per particle is simply proportional to p.) It follows that the root-mean square value of the energy in the spectral density at wave vector k is given, in the limit k -+ 0, by, --t.
Now there are two possibilities. The spectral density may be exhausted by a single mode, in which case its frequency must be precisely equal to toke (This is what
1032 Y.-H. Chen et a/.
happens in superfluid 4He, or in a neutral fermion superconductor, such as 3He.) Alternatively, there may be a spread of energies entering the spectral weight at wave vector k. In this case there will be some excitations with energies greater than vole, while others must have energy less than vole. This is the case in a normal Fermi liquid, where there are particle-hole excitations throughout the interval o < CJ) < vFk, where VF is the Fermi velocity. For anyons, there is no continuum of particl~-hole excitations at low energies, so we are not surprised to find that there is an isolated boson mode, with energy CJ) = volc. The very generality of the sum rule argument means that it provides only a limited amount of insight about the properties of a particular system. For more insight, one might try to find a converltional order parameter for the systenl. Specifically, we would iike to find au operator '¥(r) which reduces the charge in the vicinity of the point r by n units, and which has the p:-opel1y that for large.separations Ir - r' I, the correlation function (OI'J'f(r')'¥(r)IO) approaches a finite constant, or at worst falls off as a power of Ir - r' I. Operators that satisfy these requirements can possibly be constructed in direct analogy with the order parameters employed ;-ecently to describe the quantized Hall effect. 47-49 These operators are highly non-local, however, at le~st when they are expressed in terms of anyon operators in the fermion representation used above. In fact, we shall argue below that there can be no superfluid order parameter of the conventional type for this system that is local in this representation. The fact that an operator 'I'(r) is non-local in terms of the anyon uperators does not necessarily imply that it is non-local in the underlying electron operators, when applied to a solid state system on a lattice. To investigate this question ultimately we must refer to the specific microscopic model from which the anyons were derived. We shall discuss elsewhere some insight into this issue that can be derived from general symmetry properties. 34 Preliminary results of this analysis suggest that the symmetry of the order parameter 'I'(r) for a system containing two kinds of anyons with half-Fermi statistics (8 = 1C/2) is compatible with the symmetry of a Cooper pair of electrons in a spin-singlet state.
7.2. TrlllUlatio" l",lIriace 0/ tu UlUlerlyi", SYltem It is iilstructive to begin by considering some elementary facts about the spin models that can be considered to underlie the anyon gas. In these models, one has a system of quantum spins arranged on a two-dimensional lattice L. The total Hamiltonian H is a sum over lattice sites a E L of a local Hamiltonian density ~:
(7.S) The density %a is constructed from the spins at the site a ~nd their close neighbors. The construction of the %a is translation invariant. This means that if
374 On Anyon Superconductivity 1033
e. and e2 are elementary lattice vectors, then the operators T. and T2 that translate the spins one step in the e. or e2 directions commute with the Hamiltonian: (7.6)
In addition, of cuu::-se, they commute
one another, (7.7)
Coniinuous Trart.)/ution Symmetry Although ihe spin n.lodels (like mcs~ \~nde!iSed matter systems) possess only discrete translation invariance, the anyun gas which is conjectured to give ar: approximate description of a system of electrons interacting with a suitable spin model is a system with continuou£ translational symmetries. The translation generators of the anyon gas are the momentum operators. The anyon gas can be described in a variety of mathematical fOlmalisms. Each formalism leads to a different description of the momentum operators Pi and the Hamiltonian H. In any formalism, these obey the fundamental microscopic relations [H, P;]
= 0,
and (7.9)
At the risk ~fbelaboring the obvious, we will review the definition of appropriate operators H and Pi obeying (7.8) and (7.9) in several possible formalisms. To begin with, one can treat the anyons as a gas of N particles with position operators Xa , a = 1, ... ,N and a wave function t/I(x., ... ,XN) that is multivalued and chan~es by a factorofexp(2ni/n) when one particle loops around another. In this formalism, H and Pi are defined by the familiar free particle formulas
L - idxd-.. a
1034 Y.-H. Chen et aI.
Clearly, (7.8) and (7.9) are obeyed. Alternatively, if one wishes to work with ordinary single-valued wave functions, then the replacement 1/I(X., ...
f1 (za -
Z,)I'''1/I' (X., ... ,xN )
(where Za = xa l + iXa2) permits us to replace 1/1 with a single-valued wave function 1/1'. As a result, one gets (7.13) and (7.14) Here the covariant derivatives are defined by D
dxa '
- . =-.+iaa ;,
with the effective vector potential seen by particle a being
Obviously, (7.8) and (7.9) are still obeyed, since we have merely made the redefinition (7.12). Finally, one can derive the anyon gas in a second quantized formalism from the Chern-Simons Lagrangian
Here 1/1 is a second quantized "electron" field. It is known I that the system obtained by quantizing (7.11) is a system of particles (conserved in number) that interact only via the statistical interaction of the anyon gas. The conserved particle number is
376 On Anyon Superconductivity 1035
(7.18) Conservation of the particle number follows from the current conservation law (7.19) where
i J; = - 2m (-./;* 1),,,, -(D;1/;*)y,,).
The Hamiltonian and momentum operators derived from (7.1 7) are (7.21) and (7.22) where the energy density is 1
T.oo = -2m D··I,* D··I, ,'t' ,",
and the momentum jensity is
To; =
(1/;* D;1/; - (D;1/;*)1/;).
The equivalence with the particle description of the anyon gas ensures that the Pi commute with each other and with H. This can be directly verified in the second Quantized description using the commutation relations {1/;*(X),,p(y)} = b(X- y),
and the Gauss law constraint (7.26)
377 1036
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where/;j = a;aj-aja;. Before leaving this subject let us note the amusing fact (visible in the above formulas) that the particle current and the momentum density of the anyon gas are equal: To; = mJ;.
This reflects the fact that at the microscopic level, the system is invariant under Galilean transformation and all particles have a common charge to mass ratio. We will later have use for this fact. In summary. the ~nyon gas, in any mathematical formalism, has at the microscopic level a Hamiltonian H and momentum operators Pi that obey the bas~c relations (7.8) and (7.9). The following discussion will focus on trying to understand how those properties are realized macroscopically. Then, since in realistic superconductors the continuous transl&tion symmetries are broken down to discrete translation symmetries by the presence of a lattice, we will ~onsider the more realistic case of (7.6) and (7.7) with discrete translational symmetries only.
7.3. Macroscopic RellliVltion 0/ Trlluilltion In,arianee The question now arises of how the symmetries we have just surveyed are realized macrosc :lpically, at the level of the physical excitations of the system. It is a familiar story in condensed matter and particle physics that a symmetry of the microphysics is not necessarily manifested as a symmetry of the macroscopic physics. An unoerlying symmetry that does not leave invariant the vacuum state is "spontaneously broken". Spontaneous breaking of a continuous symmetry leads to the existence of a massless mode which in particle physics is called a Goldstone boson. Spontaneous symmetry breaking is the key to most modern understanding of superfiuids, and has offered such a fruitful perspective for understanding snperfiuids that one tends to assume that it has universal applicability. We would now like to claim, however, that the key concept for understanding the superfluidity of the anyon gas is not really spontaneous breaking of a symmetry but what might be called spontaneous violation of a fact. The fact that is spontaneously violated is the fact that the momentum generators commute. While microscopically (7.28) macroscopically, at the level of quasi-particles, one obtains (7.29)
378 On Anyon Superconductivity 1037
where Q is the particle number and f is a constant which we would like to interpret as the fundamental order parameter of the anyon gas. From f :F 0, we will deduce the existence of a massless mode. This will be our explanation of the mode first uncovered in Ref. 5, the mode that is responsible for the superfluidity of the anyon gas. Axiomatically, thi8 mode can be interpreted as a Goldstone boson, since it appears as a pole in th\! two point function of the electromagnetic current as was already seefl ill Ref. 5. i.n ihis interpretalion, the existenc~ of this lnode is rather n~ysterious, since it seems (aad it will be argued later) that there is nc local order parameter that would naturally explain the existence of a Goldstone boson. We believe that tne crucial massless mode dces have a natural explanatio!1 as a consequence of spontaneous viol~tion of th~ fact that Pi and Pj commute. Its role as a Golds~one boson (appearing as a pole in the two po;nt function of the electronlagnetic current) can then be deduced as a corollary. 1
7.4. Pillne Waves and Landau Levels It is easy to see why (7.29) is true. If~he translation generators Pi are conserved and commute, it must be possible to take the quasi-particle excitations to be momentum eigeilstates. This is what is most definitely not possible in the perturbative calculations that we have been pursuing. The charged quasiparticles in those calculations are not in plan" wave states but in Landau levels. It is precisely because the quasi-particle states are not plane waves that the perturbative computations are difficult. That !I:e quasi-particle states are not plane waves could he well understood, of course, if translation invariancc were spontaneously broken - if the Pi did not annihilate the vacuum. This is not the case here, however. It is because of the interaction with a non-zero expectation value of the fictitious magnetic field f = ~t'J(d;aj - dja;) that the charged quasi particles are not plane waves. Because we take f to be translation invariant, this backbround is translation inveriant, and conservation of the Pi is not spontaneously broken. However, in a magnetic field, the translation generators do not commute, so the nonzero expectation value of f results in a spontaneous violation of the commutation relation [Pi' Pj ] = o. We can make this somewhat more precise. Consider, first of all, a single particle moving in a constant magnetic field. The one particle Hamiltonian is
= __1_
2m where the covariant derivatives
L D(O)~, k
379 1038
Y.-H. Chen
= ieI..J f' [D(O)." D(O).] J
The superscript "(0)" is meant to indicate that we are considering the interaction with a fixed vector potential; the gauge field is not dynamical. It is important to realize that the translation generators are not simply the covariant derivatives D(O);; these do not commute with the Hamiltonian. Rather, the conserved translation operators are
p.I = -iD(O)·+fie .. x i . I IJ'
these are easily seen to comnlute with H. They do not commute with ertch other, however. but obey
(7.33) to express the same thing in a second quantized language, recall first that in studying the anyon gas, one finds, in lowest order in 1/ n, an expectation value of the fictitious magnetic field f, and the fol!owing "obvious" elementary excitations: quasi particles that can occupy all Landau levels but the first n, and quasiholes that can fill any state in the first n Landau levels. What must be explained is why one finds in addition one more type of elementary excitation, namely the massless boson. The "obvious" elementary excitations can be represented by an effective fermion field X with a Lagrangian (7.34) The gaug~ fieid is no longer dynamical; and instead of the elementary fermion field 1/1, we use a quasiparticle field X to emphasize that (7.34) is meant to be not a microscopic Lagrangian but (a piece of) a phenomenological Lagrangian in which as much as possible of the relevant physics is visible at tree level. Can (7.34) be the whole of such a phenomenological Lagrangian? To investigate this, we examine the realization of translation invariance. The Hamiltonian derived from (7.34) is
H = _1_ 2m
Jd xD(O)X* D(O)X 2
It may not be immediately obvious what the translation generators can b~, but by virtue of the single particle result (7.32) one can see that the operators that generate translations and commute with Hare
380 On Anyon Superconductivity
The quasi particles and quasi holes appearing in (7.35) cannot be the whole story because the translation generators in (7.36) do not commute; they obey a relation
= i'e··Q [ p
is the conserved charge operator. (7.37) is the seco!ld-quantized version of the single particle result (7.33) (being a single particle result, (7.33) effectively corresponds to the sector Q = I). Now we can see that the quasiparticles and quasiholes that are visible in lowest order in lin cannot be the whole story. At a microscopic level the translation generators of tL.~ anyon gas commute, as we emphasized in the last subsection. But the translation generators of the phenomenological model (7.34) do not commute. Something must be done to correct this discrepancy between the microphysics and the putative macroscopic realization in (7.34). There is another, closely related reason that (7.34) cannot be the whole story. In the underlying microscopic anyon gas, tl!e translation generators P; are the integrals of intrinsically defined local densities To;, for which a formula was given in (7.24). In the macroscopic model (7.34) this is not true. The translation genera!ors can be written, as in (7.36), as the integrals of local densities, but because of the uxi" in (7.36), the definition of these local densities does not depend only on the intrinsic local physics, but also depends on the arbitrary choice of an origin of coordinates. This second version of the problem, though it may sound more abstract, is in a way a more powerful formulation, since this version of the difficulty is relevant to the sector of Q = 0 as well as to the charged sectors.
7.5. Restori"g Commutativity of the Translation Generaton We will now see that if, in addition to the quasiparticles and quasiholes described in (7.34), we assume the existence of an additional spin zero massless boson, the above-cited problems can be repaired. This massless boson is analogous to a Goldstone bosor:, since its role is to correct for a discrepancy between the microscopic properties of a system and the macroscopic realization.
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However, while a Goldstone boson is tied to the violation of a symmetry, the massless boson present in this problem is tied to the violation of a fact - the fact that [Pi' Pj] = O. Of course, we cannot prove on grounds such as these that a spin zero massless boson must exist. There would be other logical possibilities, notably the possibility that the approximation leading to the excitations that appear in (7.34) is wrong even for large n. The best that we can say is that ;fone postulates th~ existence of the excitations in (7.34), then this creates problems that can be cured by the additional existence of a massless boson with certain properties. The obvious way to represent a spinless massle