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. The construction of the function 0, being thus finished, it remains to show that the symmetry group of Y is a proper subgroup of qx). Let A E K,X e O(A) and let us suppose that G ( X ) has no fixpoints. A and X being fixed for all what follows, we s h d omit them in our notations and write e. g. S((p) instead of B(A,X,p). (E) Lemma 5 shows, for the first, that the symmetry group of P ie contained in G ( X ) . Let (p be an element of E. Since f J ( ~ ) e M ( q )the , pair (&), @(#((p))) occurs in N((p) and a(&)) e#(p). It follows by the definition of B(q) that there is a number i, p by (2) and (3)and consequently even the implication [m]! + [ p ] cannot be true. If, on the other side, there is no prime between m and m, we have p(s)<m for o m a x s j it follows that K P z,,. and hence y ( r ,r -t1,y)=O = y’(w ,s+l,y).
[lo], 148
subgroup of X, we follow that xKIx-I is a proper subgroup of XXX-~==X and qxKix-'q-l is a proper subgroup of qXq-1. Consequently there is a function f which belongs to qXq-l and does not belong t o q~Klx-lq-l. We shall show that f does not occur in the symmetry group of Y which will prove that G ( P ) + G ( X ) (since q X q - l C G ( X ) ) . ( q ) From the definition of f we obtain
f ( @ ( W@((W)), )) f ( W ) = &v),
because the symmetry groups of @(&I)) and &I) are respectively (pxKix-'q-' and (pXq+. It follows that f(<&(q),@(&(a))>) does not occur in N ( y ) . Indeed, otherwise we would have f (<&(a)\, @(S(ql)>)= =q, @(V)> where V e M ( y ) and consequently also V = B ( q ) and f ( @ ( S ( y ) ) )= @ ( V ) =-@(&(q)) against (2). This proves that
f ( W ) =I= iw).
We shall show that f ( < M ( q ) ,N ( q ) > ) does not occur in P. In fact, if f ( < M ( q ) ,N ( q ) > ) were in P, there would be a y E E such that
f (<Wd,N(a)>)=<Jf(Y), W)>, i. e.,
But f occurs in G ( X ) and consequently j ( A f ( q ) ) = M ( q ) ,because t h e symmetry group of M ( q ) is G ( X ) . (4) yields thus M(p)=H(tp) which proves accordingly to the definition of N ( q ) that N ( q )=N(y). From ( 5 ) we obtain now f [ N ( q ) )-N(p) against (3). We have thus proved that f ( < M ( p ) ,N((p)>)does not occur in P and we follow that f(P)+P. Since f ( X ) = X , we obtain finally P, q. e. d.
8. We may now formulate the main theorem of
8 1:
Theorem I. Conditim ( D ) is sajficient for the implication
rz1+ [nl.
Proof. Accordingly to lemma 2 i t is sufficient t o prove that if the proposition [Z] holds true, then there is a choice function for every class K of normal sets of power n.
[lo], 149
Let 8 ( A , X ) be the function defined in lemma 7. As we saw in lemma 9, the propo&&tn [Z]implies the existence of a function l?,(A,X) defined for all B E Xand X e O ( A ) ,and such that if O ( X ) has no fixpoints, then ClK(A,X)eO(A), and the symmetry group of f?x(A,X) is a proper subgroup of a(x). Let us define for every A E K the sequence #,,,(A)in the following way & ( A ) = A , 8m+i(A) = n,(A,Sm(A)). There must be for every A c It a number mcP! such that the symmetry group of S,,,(A) has no fixpoints. Otherwise groups G ( g ( A ) )would form a descending sequence
B(s;(A))3 (f(8,(A))3 (f(8A-4)) 3 e(B,(A)) Cf(S,(A))
* qw)) * **
* 9 *
with at least 2"! terms, which is impossible since the number of different symmetry groups does not exceed 2"'--1. Let m ( A ) be the lemt integer such that the symmetry p u p of &,,,(.,)(A)has fixpoints and put @ ( A )= 8 ( A , 8 1 n ( . i w ) .
Accordingly to lemma 7, we then have (P( A ) e A for every A e E. Hence @ is a choice function for K,q. e. d. 9. We shall now apply theorem I to obtain anot,hersufficient condition for the implication [Z]--t [n]. DefJmition 4. We shall say that a positive irrleger n and a finite set Z of such integers satisfy the condition (8)if for every dcmrnposition n=p,+p,+ P,
a sum of (mot nesessarily differed) primes there i s in Z a number divisible by one at Zeast of the primes pi: e 2. Theorem II. Condition (8)i s suffi'cielzt for the implication
of n into
I ~ I - t C ~O).l
Proof. It' is sufficient to prove that ( D ) is B consequence of (8). 10) This result has been first obtained by Mrs. W. Ssmielew by an entirely another method in a paper to appear in Fundamento Mathematicae.
Let us suppose that (a)is satisfied, and let B be 8 a u b p u p of a,, without fixpoints. Let &,&...,A8 be the domains of trpnaitivity of 8, and let 12, denote the number of elements of At (i=1,2,...,~)~All these numbers are greater than 1, becauae 0 would otherwiaehsvefkpints. Let pIbeatny primefactor of %t(d=l,2,...,u). i n , may be decompoeed into The number fi = n, n2 s sum of primes in the following manner:
+ + ...
r =P,+P,+.
..+P , + P , + P , + . . . + P *
+. .+ P8+P,+
9b/fh timm
In virtue of (B) there BFB thus numbera i,
H = {1,V,cp2,-..,lWt K 1= K *= ...=m,= (1) we get a subgroup H of ff and r proper snbgronps of H such that the sum
Ind (H/El) Ind (HI&) belongs to 2. This proves that
+ .. .+ Ind ( H / K r )=
and Z satisfy the condition (D).
Q %. Necessary eondittonu. 10. In the foregoing section we studied conditions sufficient for the implication [Z] -.[%I. This section will be devoted to study of the necessary ones. It will be well to point out an entirely differed character of both problems: If we have to prove the suffioiency of a condition, say C, we must show that if this condition is satisfied, the proposition [n] follows from the axioms of set-theory and 11) The order of a transitive permutation-group ie always divkrible b? its degree. See e. g. A. Speiser, Thcorie &r Qrupptm VONmddeher Ortiww, 2" edition. 1927, p. 112. 1') This is the special case of the Sylow'e theorem. Bee Speiser, loc. ait., p. 64.
[lo], 151
the proposition [Z]. I n the proof of necessity of C, however, we must show that if C is not satisfied, [a]ia independent from the axioms of set-theory and from the proposition [Z]. We could say that proofs of sufficiency have a mathematical and proofs of necessity a meta-mathematical character. We shall relate our meta-mathematical inveatigations to the axiomatic aet-theory of Zermelo1*) in the precise formulation due to QuineI4). We may, if we wish, extend this system adding to it the axiom of substitution's).
11. We need the following group-theoretical definitions. If (3 is any group, we denote by Gl* the set of all infinite aequences Q=
whose terms belong to U. Greek letter8 y,y, 6, will always denote elements of Ulc; pp will denote the p" term of the sequence I. ffh wiIl become a group if we define the product qy through the f O r m h w = rv*Yl, Y2Y2, VsYs,-I8" will denote the subgroup of Q" containing such (p's that almost all p, are equal to the unity of G (i. e., qp= 1 for all p a p , ) . DemCtfm 6. W e shall say that a po8itiw integer N a d a finite set Z of 8uch irrtegem 8atisjy the clonditiorc (9)if for eaery 8ubgrowp (3 of L?,, without f k p o h t 8 there i 8 a group a c a * and a finite Number r of (rrot mcessarily different) proper subgrowps K1,Xs,...,K, Of H RUCh that the 8um Tnd (IT/&)
+ Ind (IT/&) + ... + Ind (H/K,)
i s codainned in Z .
12. Our main result concerning necessary conditions is given by the following Theoi-em I I L Conditim ( H ) i s 7aecessary for the inaplicdim
[z] [,&I. -.+
In order to prove this theorem let us suppose that N and Z do not satisfy the condition (H), i. e., that there is B group GC& la) E. Zermelo, Math. Ann., 65, 1908, p.261-281. 9 W. V. Quine. Journal of Symbolic Logic 1. 1936, pp. 46-67. 1))
p. 309.
See A, Fraenkel, Einleitung in die Mcngeakhze, 36 edition, 1928,
[lo], 152
without fixpoints such that for any subgroup H of 0" and any proper subgroup El,&, II; of H the sum (1) does not belong to 2. We have to show that [n] is, under this supposition, independent from the axioms of set-theory and from the proposition [Z]. For this purpose we shall construct a model in which dl axioms and the proposition [Z] are satisfied, but the proposition [n] is not satisfied. Speaking more precisely, we shall give a new meaning to the primitive concepts of set-theory
, , i ~ a i V i a 16) ~r
such that all axioms and [Z] will become true propositions 17),
whereas [n] will become a false onem). The new meaning of ,,e" will be identical with the old one. In order to define the new meaning of two other primitive concepts we must introduce some definitions.
18. Let N1={1,2,3,...,n}, N,= {n+l,n+2, ...,2n}, ., iv&= {(k-l)12+1,(k--l)n+2 ,...,kn}, . The sum N = Nl + N,+ N,+ is the set of all positive
.. ...
integers. For any n of Q numbers n ( l ) ,n(2),..., n(n) are well defined and fill up the whole set Nl.Putting .((
k -1) n+ j) = (k-1) 12s.n ( j )
(1<j <7a, k= 1,2, ...),
we extend the permutation n over the whole N. The extended n transforms every x k (k=1,2, ...) in itself. Let 5 be any ordinal and let 4p E 0 . We shall define a set Izs and the meaning of ~ ( x for ) m e & by transfinite induction on €. For E=O we put K,,=N; the meaning of 4p(3c) for x e K , is defined by the assumption 4p(z)=4pk(x)for x e iV& ( k = 1 , 2 , ...'). 16) ,,Individual" means here the same as ,,Urelement" in the Zermelo's system, i. e., a n object which can be an element of a set, but which is not a set itself. 17) I. e., propositions which are consequences of axioms usually admitted i n mathematics. We add to these axioms the axiom of choice. Accordingly t o Godel's famous result we do not introduce thereby any contradiction if it wae not already contained in the primitive axioms. See K. Godel, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., PS, 1939, pp. 220-224. m) I.e., a proposition whose negation is true i n the sense explained in footnote l7).
[lo], 153
Bseume that €>O and that for q < € sets E , am a W y defined. h u m e further that the meaning of g (z) for a e x K q is defined too. q.3 Let a6, be the class of all subsets of the sum CK,,: *re4
For a E 3ft Krl define (p(o) as the set of all (p(y) where y c)
)'l This terminology has been introduced by K. G o d e l in his lectures 8t the University of Vienna in 1937.
If the pseudo-concept E* related to pseudo-sets or paeudoindividuals a,y,z, coincides with the primitive concept E related to 5,y,4 we shall say that E is an absolute concept. Examples thereof me given in the following Leen9na 11. ErdEotdng eoncepte are absdocte: (i) inclusion; (ii) p~oductof two setq (iii) the rdation between two sets: their produs h d y k &m~~otS~(k=O,1,2,3). We have now to prove that we get true propoeitions if we r e p h in the axiom of set theory aJI concepts by the correspondent putlo-concepts. It will be sufficient to outline this theorem for two axioms, since its detailed proof h a been given elaewhere'o).
18. One of the axioms states that if x isa set, there is another set y=P(a) (clam of subsets of a) such that, for any 1, t e $ if and only if t is 8 subset of a. In order to show that this axiom remains valid for the new ~81~8 of8 the primitive concepts, we.must show that if x is a pseudoset, there is another pseudo-set y such that if 1 is any pseudo-individud or pseudo-set, then 1 E y if and only if t is pseudo-included in a. Let us assume as y the clam of those subsets of x which are pseudo-sets themselves. Jt is plain that if t is a pseudo-individual or (I pseudo-set, then t E y if and only if t is included or (what is by lemma 11 (i) the same) pseudo-included in o. It remains to show that y is a pseudo-set. Assume that a e Kt. Every subset of m being an element of Akt+1, we follow that y C El+, and consequently y E M ~ + z . By our hypothesis there is further a number p such that if 0" e a" and Q , = v ~ = . . . = ~ 1, ~ =then +)=x. Suppose that Q e Q" and ~ l = ~ z = . . . = I~ f q tCz, = lthen , (p(t)Cq(x)=xand vice versa. By lemma 10 (i) (p(t) is a pseudo set if and only if t is one. Thus {t L y} P (q(t) B y}, i. e., 'p(y)=y, which proves that y satisfie8 the invariance-condition (2) and is consequently a pseudo-set m). A. Mostowski, Fund. Math. 82, 1939. p. 221-262. The relation .,y ir tku cluw of alttub-& of a? is not ahsolute in the mum htrodueed in 14. It follows that if we only know about a domain D of nets that it contains P ( z ) with every of its element z,we cannot still be sure that the ariom ,,for m y set 2 t h e i s the elare of it, wb-8et.s" relativited to the domain D is valid. "his is one point which I do not understand in the works of Fraenkel about the independence of the axiom of choice. Sea footnote') and the litteratnre quoted in thin paper. '0)
[lo], 155
16. As the second axiom for which our theorem will be proved we choose the axiom of substitution. It states that if x is a set and E(u,t)is any relation between sets or individuals t , u, and if there is for any u E s exactly one t such that E(u,t ) holds, then there is a set y suah that 1 e y if and only if an u e x exists for which the relation f(u,t ) holds. In order t o eliminate the concept of an ,,arbitrary relation" pz) we admit only such Z which may be defined in terms of primitive relations: (31 ,$v4 w", ,,v is an individual", ,,v is a set" and of logical operations: Negation, colzjunction and quantifiers (bounding sets or individuals)
It is well to remark that E,which is involved in the formulation of our axiom, may depend upon another sets or individuals a,b, ...,h which play the r61e of parameters. y is then a function of x and of these parameters. We shall need the following Lemma 12 m). Let E(u,t,a,b, ...,h ) be a relation of the above type and let Z*(u,t,a, b, h) be the corresponding pseudo-relation. Let further u,t,a, b, ...,h be pseudo-sets or pseudo-individuals and (peGo. Then
E*(U,t, a, b,
"',h) = E*((p(u),Ip(t),(p(a),(p(b), ...,W)).
Proof. The lemma is of course true for the primitive relations (3). If i t is true for relations t' and H, it is also true for relations ,,non-=-'< and ,,Z and H".
It remains to prove that if (4) holds for a relation E, it holds also for the relation
H(u,t,b,...,h) =2' E(u,t,a,b,...,h). a
**) If we wish to retain this concept, we must give to our system of axioms
a larger logical basis (variables of the second type). The proofs of independence are still possible. but must be modified a little, because it is neceesary to relativize to a model not only the primitive concepts of axiomatic eystem but also the logical concepts. *') This lemma is essentially due to A. Tarski and A. L'ndenbaum, Ergebn. eines math. Kolloq., 7, 1934, pp. 15-22.
[lo], 156
Suppose that pseudo-individuals or pseudo-sets u,t, b, h fulfin H*(u,t,b,...,h). There is then a pseudo-set or a pseudo-individud a such that Z*(u,t,a,b,...,h) and hence by ( 4 )
*: (%w, d t ) ,d a ) ,N ,".,d h ) ) . There is thus a pseudo-individual or a pseudo-set a'=p(a) such that I * ( v ( U ) , ~ ( t ) , a ' , ~..., ( b ) , i. e. fi*(o?(u),dt),d b ) , This proves the implication
b., h)*H * ( d u ) , v ( t ) , m ,...,m).
Replaring here q by q - - l and u,t,b,...,h reap. by p ( ~ ) , q . ~ ( t ) , r p ( b ) , .,.,q(h) we obtain the converse implication and lemma 12 is proved. We pass now to the axiom of substitution. We have to show that if x is a pseudo-set, a,b, ...,h are pseudo-sets or pseudo-individuals and E(u,t,u,b,...,h) is a relation of the type described above such that for any u E X there is exactly one pseudo-set or pseudoindividual t for which :*(@,@, h), then there is R pseudo-set y such that
( 5 ) t r y if and only if there is an
for which i*(u,t,u,b,A).
For u E 5 denote by f( u ) the unique t for which E*(u,t, a, b, ...,h), and let y be the set of all j ( u ) where u runs over 2. Since it is obvious that this y satisfies ( 5 ) , we have only to show that y is a pseudo-set. Suppose that IC e Kt . If u E Z , then f(u)is a pseudo-set or pseudoindividual and there are ordinals 7 such that f ( u )eKV. Let C(u) be the least such q, and let 5 be the least ordinal exceeding all ( ( u ) with u E Z. Then f ( u )r Kg for every u E X , i. e., y CKg or y E 61~+,. We now show that y satisfies the invariance-condition. Let q(r),p(a), ...,a( h) be numbers such that (6)
gJ(x)=z, p ( a ) = a ,
. . ., pl(h)=h
for any 4p e G" for which the first q(s),p(e), ...,p( h) terms yk are equal to 1. Let p be the gr.eatest of the numbers q(m),q(a),...,p( h). If is such that q . ~ ~ = ~ ~ = . . . = q ~we ~ =have l , equalities ( 6 ) . I shall show that q(y)=y. In fact
{ t E y ) = Z ( ( U E 5 ) *[Z*(u,t,a,b U
[lo], 157
this is by lemma 12 equivalent to J{(a f II
w)- CE*(~,cp(M4,dW? ...,QW)Jj
or in virtue of (6) to
z’{@ 4 f
- CI*(u,Pr(t),a;,b,...,~)J}= (At) Ylf
Hence (1 E y}aa{p(t) E y}, i. e. y=p(y), which proves that y is really a pseudo-set.
17. It is h o s t obvious that the proposition [a] will become false if we replace the primitive concepts by their new meanings. Indeed, since the axiom of choice for sets of power a is a consequence of [B] (comp. the footnote*)), we follow that if [a]were true in our model, the axiom of choice for sets of the power a would be true too. In virtue of lemma 11 this would mean that for every pseudo-set x whose elements are disjoint sets of the power B? there ie a pseudo-set y such that if z E x, then y z has exactly one element. This consequence is false. The pseudo-set s= {N,,N,,N,, ...) satifdies namely all hypothesies and there is no corresponding pseudo-set y, beoause if y has exactly one element ahin common with i V k (h= 1,2,...), then y doee not &My the invariance-condition. In fact, let Q be my integer. Since f3 has no fixpoints, there is a l t e G such that 4%+1)4=a;&1, and putting
= [I, 1,
we obtain an element
Go such that
q(y)=t=y. Hence y cannot be a pseudo-set.
1 .and
18. In order to accomplish the proof of the theorem I11 we must still show that if z e 2,the proposition [ z ] remains valid in t h e model. In view of lemma 11 and footnote *) this means that for every pseudo-set X whose elements are disjoint sets of the power a, there is a pseudo-set P such that if P E X , the product P.P has exactly one element. Suppose that X is a pseudo-set (7)
X 8 RE,
that every element of X has B elements and that U - V =0 if U S;V and U , V e X .
[lo], 158
It follows from (7) that there is a positive integer q such that q ( X ) = X for any q e G " for which ~ ) ~ = q * = . . . = q ~Let ~ = lf. be a subgroup of Q" consisting of all (p's for which p,=(p2= =(p,=l. For U , V E X we write U b V if there is a c p e r such that cp(U)=F. Since this relation is of course reflexive, symmetric and transitive, i t induces a decomposition
of X into t h e classes of abstraction R r A of -. Thus A is the family of all classes of abstraction and the relation holds between two elements U,V of X if and only if they belong to the same summand R of (8). Applying the axiom of choice (see footnote 17) I select from every R EA a particular element and call it ER. Hence
and consequently (10)
E R E R C X for R e d E R
h a s z elements.
Let H R be the subgroup of r containing all (p's suoh that Q(ER)=ERand let us write U w V if U,V z ER and if there is a cp B HR such that Q( U)=V. We may again decompose ER into a sum of classes of abstraction of w :
ER = &,-I-8 2 -I-
The number r of these claeaes (which will, in general, be different for different R ) is finite in virtue of (10). Using again the axiom of choice, I select from every #J a particular element Tf and denote by Ej the group of those (peH~ for which q(!Tf) = !l', u). I shall show that Is; has exactly Ind(HRIKj) elements. Indeed, let 1
HR= Kj+SKj+6Kj+
be the decomposition of Yf,
(13) II)
P ...+6Kj
into co-sets. Elements
9 a - 9
K f is, in general, not self-conjugate.
[lo], 159
are all contained in S,, because the relation w holds between them h I and TJ. They are all different, because from 6 ( T ~ ) = 9 ( I jwould ) 1
follow 8--+9(T,)=Tj or 6-'6 e K,, i. e., 6 E @K,. Hence 8, ha8 a t least p + l = I n d ( H R / K J )elements. On the other hand, if 17 e 81, there must be a q E HR such that Q(Ti)= U. Hence q belongs to 1
one of the summands 8Kf of (12). Hence q=&y, where y e XI,and I
consequently U=S(y(TJ))=S( TJ).We follow that 8,has no elements different from the elements (13),i. e., 8,has exactly p 1=Ind(HR/E,) elements. Formulas (10)and (11)yield now
z = Ind ( H R / & )
+ Ind ( H R / & ) + ... + Ind ( H R / K ~ ) ,
and since z E 2,we follow from the hypothesis made at the beginning of 12 that one a t least K, is equal to H R . This means that in every ER there is at least one U such that Q( U)= U for every Q e HR. Using still once more the axiom of choice,I select from every E R one such U and I call it U R . For every R EA we have therefore (14)
URE E R , Q ( U R ) = U R for q E H R . Define now QR as the set of all
Q( U R ) where Q E
f and put
We shall show that this Y has desired properties. For the first, P is a pseudo-set. Indeed, from (7), (9) and (14) we follow that U R EK , (transitivity of KO. Hence, Q R C K , by lemma 10 (i) and consequently Y C Izg or Y E M ~ + II.f y e f , then ~ ( Q R= ) QR, because Y)(QR) is the set of all yq( OR)where cp E f , and the conditions yq E f and Q E f are equivalent. From this we follow that y( P)=P. Y satisfies thus the invariance-condition, i. e., it is a pseudo-set. It remains to show that if P E X, then P.Y has exactly one
element. Suppose that P e X. There must be a summand R of the decomposition (8) such that P E R , i. c., P - E R . Consequently there i3 a T e r suchthat Q ( E R ) = P Since . U R E E Rwehave , Q( U R ) E Q ] ( E R ) = P ; on the other side cp( UR)E P by definition. This proves that P.Y contains at least one element q( U R ) .
[lo], 160
We shall now show that this element is unique, i. e., that
W E P.P, then W=(p( UR). Suppose that W E P . P. Since W EP, there is a S E A -such that W E QS and it follows that W has the form y( Us)where fy e f . . Since W E P=Q(ER),we have y( US)E ( ~ ( E Ror)
q-%'( US) ER-
On the other side ~ - ' y (U S )E Q - ~ ~ ( E bys )(14). The sets ER and v - ' y ( E S )are therefore not disjoint. Being both elements of X they must be disjoint or equal. Consequently (p-llp(E~)=E~, which proves that ER Es. But E R e R, ES E 8 and the relation holds never between two elements of different classes of abstraction. I t follows thus R = 8 and (16) gives y( OR)e ~ ( E RBut ) . y( UR)EP(ER) by (14); ( ~ ( E Rand ) y(ER) have therefore an element in commpn and since they are both elements of X, they must be identical. This gives ~ ( E R ) = ~ ( E orRv)- l f y ( E ~ ) = Ei.~ e., , (p-*y e HR. By (15) we obtain now ~ - ' f y ( U R ) = UR,i. e., y( UR)=P)(OR) or W = q ( U R ) . Every We P.P is therefore identical with (p( U R ) , i. e., Pa P has exactly one element. The proof of theorem 111 is thus accomplished.
19. We shall now draw some consequences of theorem 111. Defthition 6. We shall say that a positive integer n and finite set 2 of such integers satisfy the condition ( M ) if for any decomposition of n into a sum of primes n = P,+P,f...+PS
there are 8 %on negative integers q,,q2, ...,q8 such that the sum plql+p,q,+ ...+p,q, i s contuined in 2.
Theorem IF', Condition ( M ) is necessary for the implication
[ZI -+ [nl. Proof. It suffices to prove that ( M ) is a consequence of (K). Let us suppose that 91. and 2 satisfy the condition (K), and let (1) be a decomposition of n into a sum of primes. Let q~ be the permutation
- . (Pl+P,+...+Ps-l+1,pl+P,+...+P~-l+2 *
and let Q be the cyclic group composed of all powers of 9.The order h of G is equal t o the product of all different p's.
[lo], 161
Since G has, of course, no fixpoints, then there is accordingly t o (9) a subgroup H of G" and a finite number r of proper subgroups Kl,E2, Xrof H such that the sum
Ind (HIIL,)
+ Ind (HIK s) + ...-tInd (H/ILr)
is contained in 2.It follows in particular that the indexes Ind (H/K,) are all finite. rn order to prove the theorem I V it is now sufficient; to show that if KC H C G" and if Ind ( H / K )is finite and greater than 1, then Ind (H/R) is divisible by one of the primes p,, p2,...,p,. Let (2) H = K + q ( 1 ) K + q ( 2 ) K + . . .+ q ( p ) I Z
be the decomposition of H in co-sets of IC ( p + l = Ind (H/K)). Every cpQ is a sequence [q!?,q,!?,~ $ 0...I , where almost all e?:') are equal to the unit 1 of G. Suppose that r# = 1 for j>qi and let q be the greatest of the containing dl numbers ql,qz, ...,p,. Let H* be t'he subgroup of such cp's that p&l=pq+z=...=l and let K* be the common part of H* and R. It follows that y(t),~(z))..,,@')are contained in H*. We shall show that the decomposition of H* into co-oets with respect to K* is
H* = E*
+cp("IZ* +v@)IC*+ ...+cp(p)K*.
Indeed, if q e H*,then cp E H, and there is an i < p such that ~ e y ( 0 . K or q~=p(oy, where ~ € 9It. follows that qh=cp$ly; for k=1,2, and since qh=cpio=l for k > q , we have also yb=l for k>q, i. e., 1y B H*.Hence y E 3*, and we follow from cp=cp'ntp
q.MK*. E* is therefore the sum of co-sets
K*, q m * , cp@)X*,. .
., #P)K*,
and these co-sets are disjoint, because they are contained in the corresponding co-sets E , y(')E, v ( ~ ) K , cp(p)E. Formula (3) is thus proved and we have
. . .,
Ind ( H * / K * )= p + l = Ind (H1.K).
€T* and K* -may be treated as subgroups of the direct product Q! x Q x ... x G=Gq of order hq. Ind (H*/lK*)is thus a, divisor of hq, i. e., it must be divisible by one at least pf. By (4)we follow
that Ind ( H / E )is also divisible by one at least pf, q. e. d.
[lo], 162
80. Theorem V. If [Z]+[fl] and ifm i s the greatest of the numbars oeoacring ia 2, t b a < 8m8. This theorem state6 that, for given 2, there is only a finite number of n. such that [Z]-+[fi]. P r o o f . Suppose that [ Z ] - t [ n } and n&S,mx. By the 80 called Bsrtrand's postulateu) there are primes p , q such that nz
By the elements of the Theory of number8 there are further integers p,v such that p p + q v = l . Putting {=pa, ?i=vn we obtain pEfqq-n-
1 shall show that there are non-negative E , t j for which ( 2 ) holds. Indeed, if e. g. E> 0 and q< 0, we denote by 1 the least positive integer for which q+ Ap 2 0 and we have obviously 0
+ q(q+Ap) d q(rl+Ap) < p q e 8m2
against the hypothesis. Therefore t --Aq> 0, and integers E ' = = [ - A q , q'=q+Ap are both non-negahive and satisfy (2). Let E and q be any non-negative solutions of (2). may then be decomposed into a sum of primes
-4- q + q + . . . + q .
n=p+p+...fp J tius
'It t a s
Since [Z] --+ [m], the condition ( M ) must be satisfied. It follows that for some non-negative integers xl,xa x t , Al,& I., the sum x,p
4-X , P
+ ...+
-I- A,q+ A,q+
...+ I , q
contained in 2. This sum must hence be not greater than m, which is of conrse impossible, because p and q both exceed m.
Q 8. Some particular cases.
21. The first particular cwe we shall consider is that of Z having the form &2, m)=(m). The proposition [ZJt which we ahall, f w brevity, denote by [m]!, represents then the principle of choioe for sets of at most m elements.
m) Proof of thia theorem may befound. e. g., in Serret'e Cmrs d'Al@bre Supltmewe, 2nd edition, 2854, pp. 687 800.
[lo], 163
Theorem V I . Condition ( M ) is necessary amnd swfficient for [1)2]! +[ n ] 26). P r o o f . Necessity follows from theorem W . I n virtue of t,heorems I1 it remains to show t,hat the condition ( d l )for Z=(1,2, ...,m ) implies t,he condition (8). Let us suppose that (M) is satisfied and let be m=pl +p,+...+p, where p l , p 2 ,...,p , are primes. By (M) there are ql,qz,...,q, such that p,p,+p,p,+ ...+psq, belongs to 2, i. e., the ivzpZication
+ P29.L + ..- + P$,<
I t follows immediately that for an i < s we have p,
The following table gives values of p(n) for lowest n: m 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 p ( n ) 1 2 3 2 5 3 7 3 3 5 1 1
12 13 14 15 16 17 5 1 3 7 5 5 1 7
n I 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3 1 32 7 19 7 7 11 23 11 7 13 7 11 29 13 31 13
We note the following properties of p ( n ) : &<"(n) 1 ;
(2) (3)
p(m) is always prime;
(follows from theorem V);
p(m)=n if and only if m i s prime;
a d ~ 4 4 ,then p(n)>2.
Proof of (4): for n G 3 2 the values of p(n) are given in the table.For n>32 the left aide of (1)exceeds 2. From (4) and (1)we obtain immediately $6) The proof of eufficiency hae been given by Mre. W. Ssmielew; comp. foot-note 10).
[lo], 164
Theorem VII. Implication [2]+[n] holds if and only if n = 2
or n=4.
Another consequence of (1)and (3) is Theorem VIII. [m]! + [ n ] ! if and only if there is ru) prime p
between m and n. Proof. If m
28. We shb11 now prove Theorem IX. Condition (Y)i s necessary and s u f f i d e ~ ~ t for the implication [Z]+[n] in the following m e s : (i) 'n is prime;
(ii) n<15;
(iii) n=16, 18.
The proof is based on some lemmas. Lemma 13. [ r c k ] d [ k ] for every positive integers a and k. An easy proof will be omitted here. Lemma 14. If A has m elemeats and B n elements, A.B=O, a d if we know to realige the proposition [km+ln] where k a d 1 are
%on-negative integers not both 0 , then we may Ch008e an element from A+B. Proof. Consider the set A* of ordered pairs where a c A
and i=1,2, k, and the set B* of ordered pairs <j,b> where b o B and j=l,2, 1. The sum A*+B* has k m + k elements, and we can by the hypothesis select a particular element p of A*+B*. p is an ordered pair whose second member belongs to A+B and may be taken as selected element of A+B. Lemma la 27). If p is a prime, A has n p elements (n= 2,3,4, ...), and if we kmw to redim ths propoSath [p], thm we can &fimeifedively a decomposition A=Al+Al into a sum of two disjoint non-empty sds. Proof. Let 2 be the class of subsets of A having exaotly p elements. From every X e d we can by supposition choose an element X*. For a e A denote by n, the number of X E A such that X*=a. Hence, the sum of all na is equal to the number of ele-
*') This lemma and its proof are due to A. Tarski.
(101, 165
. Since this number is not divisible by p i P ! and the number n . p of all ?la is divisible by p , we follow that not all n, can he identical. Hence, denoting by A , the set of those a E A for which nu has the lowest possible value and putting A 2 = A - A , , we obtain the desired decomposition. Lemma 16. If p is a prime, A has nap elements ( n = 2 , 3 , ...), and if we know to realize the proposition [ n . p -11, then we can define A , into a Sam of a effectively a decomposition A = A , + A , + finite nnumber of disjoint sets of the power >1. Proof. Accordingly to the hypothesis, l o every a E A corresponds an element f ( a ) choosen from the set A - { a } . We have thus a function / ( a ) defined for u E A and such that f ( a ) + a . If the set of values of f coincides with A, then f is a permutation of A and can be decomposed into cycles. I n every cycle there is more than one element, because f(a)+a. If the number of cycles is greater than 1, they define a decomposition of A of the desired type. I f f is a single cycle, we consider f p instead of f and obtain a permutation for which the number of cycles is p > l , and in every cycle there is n > l elements. If f is not a permutation, we denote by A, the set of values of f. Sets A, and A - A , are both non-empty and we have a decomposition A = A , + ( A- A , ) . It is already of desired type, if A - A , has more than 1element ( A ,has never one element, because f(a)+ a ) . I n this exceptional case we have A - A , = { a } and may put A = ( & - Ma)))+ {a,f(a))merits of
2,i. e.,
24. We pass now t o the proof of theorem IX. Suppose that n and 2 satisfy the condition ( d l ) and that [Z] is true. If n is prime, 2 must contain a number of the form n-k and we follow by lemma 13 that [ n ] is true. I f n=4, 2 must contain a t least one number of the form 2i. Using lemma 13 we get the proposition [2] and, by theorem VII, the proposition 141. I f n=6, 2 must contain a t least one number of the form 2i and at least one number of the form S j . Lemma 13 yields propositions [2] and 131, i. e., the proposition [3]! from which we obtain[6] by theorem VI.
[lo], 166
Let us suppose that n =8 and that A has 8 elements. 2 contains in this case numbers of the form 2k and 31+5m; we have thus propositions [2] and [31+5m] a t our disposal. Accordingly to lemma 15 we decompose A into a sum A=Al+A, of two non-empty disjoint sets. The notation can be arranged so that A, has a t least as much elements as A,. A, can therefore have 1, 2 , 3 or 4 elements. I n the first case we take the unique element of A, as the distinguishedelement of -4. I n the second case we con select an element from A, in virtue of [2]. I n the third case we may choose an element from A=A,+Aa using lemma 14. I n the last case we choose a n element a from A, and an element b from A, using the proposition [4], which is, as we already know, the consequence of [2]. We obtain thus decomposition A = { a , b)+ (A-{a,b)) and we may apply the same reasoning as in the first or second case. Hence we can always choose an element from A. Cases ?%=lo,n = 1 2 and 12x18 may be treated in similar manner as n=8. For n=10 2 must contain numbers of the form 24 5j, 3k+71, for n=12 numbers of the form 2i, 5 j , 5k+71 and for %=18 numbers of the form 24 3j, 5k+131, 7 p + l l q . Treating the case n=18, it is well to remember that [6], [8] and [9] are consequences of [2] and [3] (see theorem VI). A little more complex are cases n=9, 1 4 and 16. Consider first the case n=9. 2 contains then numbers of the form 3k and 2Z+7?n; we have thus propositions [3] and [21+7m] at our disposal. Let A be a set with 9 elements. Using lemma 15 we decompose A into a sum A = A , + A , of two disjoint non-empty aets and suppose the notation' to be arranged so that As has more elements than A,. A, may therefore have 1, 2, 3 or 4 elements. I n the first and third case we can immediately choose an element from A,. I n the second case we choose an element from the sum A = A , + A , using lemma 14. I n the last case we apply lemma 16 t o A, and obtain a decomposition of A, into a sum of a finite number of disjoint sets of the power >1. Since A, has 4 elements, only the decomposition A,=A'+A" into a sum two of sets of the power 2 is possible. Accordingly t o lemma 14 decompositions A = A ' + (A"+ A,) and A = A" (A'+ A,) define two elements a,b of A. We have thus
A = {a$) (A-{a,b)) and may proceed further as in the first or second caae.
[lo], 167
For a=9 the theorem is thus proved. If n=14, Z must contain numbers of t h e form 24 7 j and 3k+111. Remarking that 3k+111=3(k+21)+51, we follow that [8] is a consequence of [Z].Hence we have at our disposal propositions [2], [7], [8] and [3k+llZ]. Suppose that A has 14 elements. As in the foregoing cases, we decompose A into a sum A = A , + A , of two non-empty disjoint sets and suppose again that A, has at least as many elements as A,. The number v of elements of A, may therefore be equal to 1, 2,3, 4, -5, 6 or 7. In cases v=l,2,3,4,7 we can choose an element from A
without difficulty. If v = 6 we decompoee A, into a sum A, = A'+ A" of two disjoint non-empty sets using lemma 15 and proposition [2]. If one of the sets A',"' has 1 or 2 elements, the choice of an element from this set is already possible. If A' and AIf have both 3 elements, we consider the decompositions A = A'
+ (A"+ A,),
A = A"+ (A'
+ A,).
to which correspond two well-defined elements a,& of A in view of lemma 14 and of proposition [3k+111]. Hence A = W}+( A - ( W )
and we are in the same situation as for v=2. It remains the case v = 5 . A, has then 9 elements and we may apply lemma 16 to the set A, obtaining a decomposition (1)
A, = B,
+ B; + ...+ B,
into a sum of disjoint sets of the power >1. Let us denote by b, the number of elements of Bi (i=l,2,...,q) and by b the least of these numbers. If not all br are equal to b, we may decompose A, into a sum of disjoint non-empty sets A, = A;+A;, taking as A; the sum of those B, for which bi=b and as Xi the sum of the remaining Bi.Arranging now the notation so that Ak has less elements than A& we obtain the decomposition A=A;+(Ai+A{)
[lo], 168
in which A; has 2 , 3 or 4 elements and return so t o cwa v=2,3 or 4 discussed previously. If all bt are equal to b, then b=3, q=3 and (1) takes the form A,,=B1+Ba+Bs where Bl,B, and Bs have 3 elements. Consider the decompositions: A = Bi (Ba+Bs+ 4, A = Ba+ (&+ Bi Ai), A = Bs (Bi Ba Ad, to whch correspond 3 elements a, b,c of A in virtue of lemma 14 and of proposition [3k+111]. We write now down the decomposition
+ + + + +
A = {a,b,c)+ ( a - { a , b , c ) )
and return so to cases v=l,2,3 in which we can already accomplish the choice. Case *=14 is thus discussed in full. I n case n=16 the reasoning is the same &B for n=14.Z contains in thia case numbers of the form 2i, 3j-t 13k and 5E+llZ. Theorem thus proved completely. Results of this section suggest a supposition that condition (bd) is in every cwe sufficient for the implication [Z] +[*I. I was not able to solve this quation even in the case n=15 and 2 ={3,6,13).
1. We shall be concerned in this paper with properties of relations. For simplicity we shall consider only two relations, a binary relation R and a ternary relation 8,but the generalization to the case of my number of any relations presenta no difficulty. We shall denote by A0 the field of the relations R and S and aasume that A0 is infinite (not inductive). The properties to be dealt with are expreseible in a symbolic language L whose principal features will be sketched below. The variables of L are of Merent types: (1) variables “z”,“y”, “z”, * . . representing elements of A . , (2) variables “X”, “Y”,“Z”, . representing subsets of A,,, (3) variables “K”, “p’, . representing sets of suhtm of Aa , and so on. We shall consider variables of only these three lowest types, in order to simplify our notations, but it will easily be Been that this restriction is nonessential. The simplest u*ell-forrnedformulas are
“a”, - -
R(z, Y),
Sb,Y, d,
%ex, X&
where the letters 6 ( z 9 9 , ( 6 1 1 , c r Z ” , iCX97, 1 <E 2 9 stand for any variables of their type. Y Other w. f. formulas are built up out of these by means of the stroke ‘ I / ” and of the existential quantifier “3”applied to variables of any type. It is well known that other connectives of the propositional and functional and also that any variable occalculi may be defined in terms of “I)! and “I”, curring in a w. f. formula is either free or bound. A w.f . formula is said to be elementary if all of its variables (free and bound) are of lowest type, otherwise non-elementary. 2. It is clear that any w. f. formula P without free variablesdefines a property of R and S . This property will be denoted by the italic letter P. It is elementary or non-elementary according to the nature of P. We write P(R, S) t o indicate that R and S have the property P. A property of relations R and S is said to be definable if it is identical with P for a suitable w. f. formula P.’ We shall consider in the sequel a property @ of relations R and S expressible as the conjunction of a finite or denumerably infinite number of definable properties. G(R, S) means that R and S have the property @. Let A be a subset of A0 , % a set of subsets of A and a a set of subsets of 8. The ordered triplet (A, %, a) will be denoted by a single letter “M”and called a model. If A contains all elements of A . , 9l all subsets of A0 ,and a all subsets of %, then M is called an absolute model and denoted by Mo = ( A @ 9, 1 0 , m). Let P be a w. f. formula. If we replace in P the quantifiers “(Elz)”,“(ElX)”, h i v e d Decamber 18, 1946. P(R& could be read: R and S sstisfy the w. f. formula P (“erfiillen die Aummgefunktion P”). See A. Taraki, Dw Wahrheiibbcgridi in dcn formali&rtm Spruchm, S W Q j&i&sophica,vol. 1 (1936). pp. 281-406. Several notiom defined -hat vsgnely in fiw, 8,4 aan be expreeaed exactly with the help of the I L O ~ ~ O Mof sstkfaction and of truth llis dehed by Tmld.
[14], 34
“(3X)”respectively by “(3z)(zul).”, “ ( 3 X )(XcPI).”, “(3X)(Xea).”, we obtain a new w. f. formula P, and a corresponding property P M depending on M. The passage from P to P M is described aa a relativizstion of P to the model M. It is plain that P,, = P. If we relativise to M the properties P whose conjunction is 9,we obtain a new property (P, , called the prpperty relativized to M.
3. As Skolem pointed out: the meaning of any non-elementary property P depends on the meaning attached to the word “set.” In other words we cannot expect in general that the properties and a M are equivalent. This is of course not surprising as long as we leave M quite arbitrary. But suppose that M fulfills a finite or denumerably infinite system A of set-theoretic axioms, i.e., w. f. formulas without free variables and containing neither “R” nor “8”. One might conjecture that it is possible to choose these axioms so that they will characterize completely the notion of set, or at least that for a suitable A any model M fulfilling A will be indistinguishable from the absolute model within . our formal language L. 9, would then be equivalent to Let us write A, to indicate that M fulfills A, i.e., that all the w. f. formulas of the system A yield true sentences when we relativize them to M. We may then express the above conjecture by the formula (1)
[*Af,(R, fl
We shall say that 9 is an absolute property (with respect to A), if the formula
(1) holds for 9.
The purpose of this paper is to give a necessary condition for the absoluteness of 9 in the above sense. As a corollary we shall establish the existence of nonabsolute properties. 4. Let us suppose that the absolute model Mo fulfills all axioms of A? (2)
It follows that A contains the axiom of extensionality, (3)
( X , Y,X)
= ZEYI =, [XEX = YEXI)
1 Th. Skolem, Uber einigeSatzjunktionenin der An‘thmetik. Skrifter utgitt m D e t Norrke Videnskaps-Akademi i Oslo, I. Mat.-naturv. kl. 1930, no.7 (1931),p. 7: “Die eben bewiesenen %tee werde ich jetet anwenden um etwaa Licht auf die Schwierigkeiten zu werfen, auf die man stiisst, wenn man versuchen will, den Begriff der g m e n Zahl vollstiindig zu charakteriaieren. Bekanntlich muss man hiersu u. a. daa Priuzip der vollstsndigen Induktion benuteen, oder wenn man will das Wohlordnungsdom: In jeder Menge gamer poeitiver Z d e n mit mindestens einem Elemente gibt es eine kleinste Zahl. K i j ~ t eman nun dem Begriff“Menge” einen absoluten Sinn beilegen, so wSre die Charakterisieruq volletandig und fruher hat man sich die Sache immer 80 vorgestellt. Seitdem man aber damber klar geworden ist dam such der Begriff “Menge” selbst einer Begrtindung-etwa eher axiomatischen-notig hat, und dass man dadurch zu einem allgemeinen Relativkmua gefflhrt wird, 80 liisst sich jene Auffaasung nicht mehr aufrecht erhalten; die Moglichkeit eimr vollstiindigen Charakterisierung der Zahlenreihe ist jedenfalle eweifelhaft.” * A weaker assumption of self-consistency of the system A* (see below) would be su5cient.
WI, 35
(if there were variables of higher types in L,we would have this axiom alrso for higher types), and the axiom of infinity, which we do not need to write down explicitly. Instead of A we shall now consider a system A* of first-order axioms with constant terms “E”,“T,,”,“T,”, “T2”. A* contains the axioms (z>[To(z) v TAz) v Tz(41,
(4) (5)
( z ) [ T d d 3 4’t(z)l,
i # j, (6) (2,Y>[Ti+l(Z).YEZ 3 Ti(Y)I, i = 0, 1, a d further all the w. f. formulas (sentences) P* which arise from axioms P of A if we perform on them the following operations: the quantifiers “(3z)”, replaced reape~ti~dy by “(~z)T~(z).”,“(ZlX)Ti(X).”, “(3X)”, “(33E)” “(3?3T2(X).”,and “.? by “E”; the variables of any type are allowed to mge over the whole domain of individuals. Note that if P is the axiom (3), then P* is equivalent to
( X , Y , 33 { T ~ ( X ) . T ~ ( Y ) . T ~ ( ~ ) . Q3 [ T(zEX O ( ~ ) zEY)I 3
Ixn = Y r n ] )
The new system A* is self-consistent. This follows by the c l d c a l interpretation method. Define the predicates TO, TI, T2,E for z, y E A0 $a aa a3 follows: To(z)= z is an element of A0 , Tl(z) = z is a subset of A. , T2(z) = x is a set of subseta of Ao , zEy = z is an element of y. Then take A . pl0 a. as the range of quantifiers in the axioms of A*. It is TI,T2 , E easily seen that the assuniption (2) implies that the predicates TO, fulfill all axioms of A*. It follows now by the theorem of Skolem-Lowenheim‘ that there are predicates T o , q ,T,, E with natural numbers as arguments which fulfill the axioms of A*. Hence E is a binary relation between natural numbers, and T o , T I , Tz are sets of natural numbers. Note that TOcannot be finite, since the axiom corresponding to the axiom of infinity cannot be fulfilled in a finite set. Put a. = z for z e T o , a. = (&u)(yEz)for zeT1 and a, = (dJ(yEz)for zeT2 . In view of (4)-(6), a, is defined univocally for every integer x; it is aa integer if %&To,a set of integers if n T 1 , and a set of sets of integers if zeT2. Let A be the set of all a, for z&To; 91, the set of all a, for zeTl ; and a,the set of all a, for zeT2. And put M = (A, 8, a). We shall show that
+ +
+ +
= zEy
for zeTj and yeTj+l,
j = 0, 1.
This follows immediately from the definition of a, if j = 0. If j = 1, yeT2, and xEy, then a,&% by the definition of a, . If a=&%,then a,e(d,)(uEy) and 4 Th. Skolem, Uber einige Grundlagenjragen dsr Mathemcrtik, Skiifter ufgitf av Det Norske Videnrkaps-Akademi i Oslo, I. Mat.-naturv. kl. 1929, no. 4 (19!29), pp. 23-29.
11-41, 36
we infer that there is an integer u such that uEy and a, = a,, By (6) ueT1 . If VEX, then aocasand therefore ay&au; (8) being true for j = 0, we obtain VEU. We show in similar manner that if VEU,then VEX. Hence (u>[ueTo3 (VEX3 vEu)]. By (7) we obtain now XETZ3 (xE3E E uEX) and therefore xEy = uEy. Since uEy, we obtain finally xEy, and (8) is proved. From (8) we get the following more general result: Let P ( z , y, . . , X , Y , ,X , D , . .) be a w. f. formula built up from the elementary w.f. formulas
.- -
by means of the stroke “I” and the quantifiers “(9x)To(x).”,“ ( 3 X )Tl(X).”, “(X)T&).”. Let arise from P* by replacing “E” by “E” and the quantifiers “(9z)To(x).”,“(3X)T1(X).”,“ ( 3 X ) T&€).” respectively by “(32)(z~A).”, “(aX)(XeQt).”,“(9X)((xca).”. Then
X E T , , ~ E T. ..XET~.YETI.. ~, . ..TeTo.’&Tt.. . . 3
. , . , x , Y , . . . , X , 9, . . .) = P O ( a za,, , . . . ,a x , a p , . . . ,a t , ab, . . .)
This is shown by induction on P*. If P* is one of the w. f. formulas (9), then (10)follows from (8); and if we awume (10) for two w. f. formulas P* and &*, we obtain by easy logical calculus the same equivalence for the w. f. f o ~ u P* l I~&*, (3%) TO(X).P*, TI(X).P*, (3%) T*(X) .P*. If P* has no free variables, then (10) yields:
(ax) P*
= pa.
Now let P be any axiom of A. Pass from P to P*; P* is true for predicates E, T o , Tl , Ta, and hence by (11) Po is true. But Pois exactly the m e as the Pu of $2. Hence M fulfills all axioms of A. We have thus proved the following theorem : Ti) There i s a model M = ( A , a, a ) in which A i s an infinite set of positive integers, 8 a denumerable set of subsets of A , and a a denumerable set of subsets of % SU& that A M . Without loss of generality we may assume that A is the set of all positive integers. 5. We shall denote by No the set of positive integers, by CJt the set of all subsets of No, and by v the set of gll subsets of %, and we put N = (NO,%, v ) . C will denote the discontinuous set of Cantor, i.e., the pet of realnumbers x = ~ ~ 1 c i - 3where - i ei = 0 or c; = 2 for i = 1, 2, 3, . . . . We put c;(x) = ci(n x ) = ci (the ith digit of 5 ) . The function y = ci(z) is continuous. The functions +(m,n ) = 2m-1(2n - 1) and #(m, n, p) = +(+(m, a),p) establish a one-one correspondence between positive integers and ordered pairs or ordered triples of such integers. If q = g(m, n), we put m = dq), n = &); if q = +(m,n, p ) , we put m = ~l(n),n = A d ,P = m(d. We now let correspond to every binary relation R who* field is NOthe real
number xu = 2 C&ci-3-', where ci = 0 if -R(s&), m(i)) and ci = 2 if R(rl(i),rz(i)). The set of all possible x R will be denoted by a: ZED2 = x-4eC. For a ternary relation s we put sixnilarly 38 = 2* C7k-3-',where ci = 0 if -S(pl(i), &, p s ( i ) ) and ci = 2 if S(pl(i),~ ( i m(i)), ) , and we denote by DI the set of all possible xa: XED,= x - 8 e C.' The relation R for which xu = t will be denoted by R, . Rt is defined only for t e D2 D8 and is binary or ternary according as tcDt or teD8. From the equivalences (tcD&Ra(m, n) = (1 - 4 c C).(C+,.)(t) = 2) and (te&).Rt(m, n, p ) = ( t - 8 c C).(c~~,,..,,,,,~(t) = 2) we obtain immediately:'
(ii) The sets' D 2 . E t [ R t ( mn) , ] and D*.Et[Rt(m,n , p ) ] are dosed. his result can be generalized as follows?
(iii) If
+ is an elementary property of relations, then the set
i s Bmelian and its class is at most o. Prooj. Let P(R, S, x, y , . . . , u) be an elementary w. f. formula. shall show that if m, n , . . . , q are positive integers, then the set
E n [ ~ ~ D a s e l ) J . P d RR,,,, m,n, . . . , q)l
is Borelian and its class is finite. This follows immediately from (ii) if P is one of the w. f. fOrmUleR R(z, y), S(z, 31, 2). We proceed now by induction on P . If the theorem holds true for two w. f. formulas P'(R, S, 2, y, . . . , z, u, . . . , w) and P(R, S, x, g, . . . , z, s, . . , , t), it holds ale0 for the w. f. formulas Q'(R, S, y , , . , , z , u, . . . ,w ) = (3lz)P'(R,S, Z,y, . . . ,z,u, . . . ,w)and Q?R, S, Z, . . . , z , u, . . . ,w,8, . . . ,t ) = P'(R, 8,Z, . . . , w)~P'(R,S , x, . . . , t ) , since
Era[TdhcDaQk4Rr,R., n, . . . ,dl = Er.[~cD2.seDJ.(3~)(~eNo).P:(R,, R,,Z,n,
. . . , q)I
C : l ~ r , [ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~&, ~ dm,% 12, .R ..r ,dl ,
E,,[reLseDaQ:(R,, R , , m , . . . , p , k, . . . ,I , h, . . . ,i) D~ x D~ - E,,[P%,
R. ,m, . . . , P, k, . . . I
01 +
Ds X Da - EJPe,(R,, Rapm, . . . P , h, . . . ,i)I
8 In order to discuss the properties of sets, we denote by D I the set of all numbers 2 E where E E C and put for r E D I : R, = E k ( r ) = 21. a We use here several theorems concerning Bore1 sets. They can he found, e.g., in the monograph: K. Kuratowski, Topologie I , Monografje matematyczne, Warsaw 1938. 7 E .,[. ..I denotes the set of (2, v ) which satisfy the condition [...I. * K. Kuratowski, Fundmenfa mathemuticue, vol. 29 (1937), p. 99.
Hence the set (13) is Borelian of finite clam for any P. The set (12) being the common part of a finite or denumerably infinite number of sets like (13), we infer a t once that it is Borelian and its claw is a t most o. (iii) is thus proved.
If Q, is not eIementary,the set (12) is not necessarily Borelian. As a matter of fact, it may even not be projective. However, we have the following: h m a . If Q, i s absolute (mathrespect to any A), then the set (12) is Boreliun and its clcrss is at most o. 6. We shall define a correspondence between real numbers and subsets and sets of subsets of NO. For z = 5 c7-1ci.3-i (where ci = 0 or ci = 2 for i = 1, 2, . . .) we put S(z) = E,[c. = 21. For z = 5' T-lcr.3-' (where ci = 0 or cs = 2 for i = 1, 2, . . .) we put em(%)= 5 ~ + ( , , , s ~ - 3 - iand c7-1ci-3-i 6(z) = ( S ( e l ( z ) ) ,S(Q(Z)), . . . , S(e.(z)), . . . ). For z = 5 (where ci = 0 or ci = 2 for i = 1, 2, . . .) we put e.(z) = 5' ~b1cg(n,i)-3-' and u(z) = (6(el(z)), E;(cl(z)), . . . , e(e,,(z)), . . .). (Had we more logid types in the language L,we would continue these definitions in an obvious manner). If x = 5' E: and g = 5' q where E : dand ~ E Cwe , put M ( z , y ) = (No,
+ +
e(4, .b)).
(iv) The functions y = e.(z) and y = ~ ( z are ) cuntinws. (v) The sels & = E.[z - 5 E C],L%= E& - 5' are Borelian (closed).
C], and
E,[z - 5'
(vi) Theseb
E,[zENo. ~
g1 = E,[ze&. y d l . S(Z) = S(y)],
~ 6 1 E . S(y)], 2
g1 = E , [ Z E ~ ~y&eZ. . S(Z) E e ( y ) i , = E,[ze&. ye&. S(z) E
E,LZEB~. y € e 2 . ~ ( 2 = )
9 s = E,[z&.
ye8a. u(z) =
sb>i, &)I
are Borelian and their classes are finite. Proof. (5, y) E G, = zEN*ye%[c,(y) = 21, hence Go is closed. (z,y) E 91 = ze61.yeOl.(n)[(n,z) E 60 5 (n, y) E &,,I, hence 9, is a G I . We have further (z,y) E El I zEel.y& . (3n)[n."S(z) = S(en(y))]=[nEN0. (2, en(y))E &I. The function en(y)being continuous, we infer that & is a Gi, . From equivalences (z, y) E 9 2 = (s&e2.y&e2.(n)[S(e,(2)) E a(y)l.[S(en(y))E S(z)]) = (ze6?.yee,(n)[(en(z), y ) E &1].[(e.(y), z) E GI]} we infer further that 4;is a G- . The proof for GZ and 9 8 is &mil&. (vii)'IfA C N o , there is an zcel 4 that S(z) = A . If % C % and % i s finite or denumerable,there i s a ye02 such that S(y) = 8. If cu C v and cu i s finite or humerable and wery element of a i s finite ur denuwable, there 2s a z& such flMtU(2)
= a.
Proof. Let nl < Q < . . . be a finite or infinite sequence built up from all rW2-3-"', we obtain zeOl and S(z) = A. elements of A. If we put = 5 Let A , ,A2 , . . . be a finite or infinite sequence built up from all elements of 8. From the first part of the theorem we infer that for every n there is an znE&
~ 4 ~ 3 9
such that A,, = S(z.). Obviouely and Cr,(+(,,Q,(Zrl(+(n,0,)'3-i
9(zm) = Am and
Let US put' 1 = 5' ~ ~ C r ~ ( ~ ( Z r l (-3". * > ) We have 5 xL~+(n.~b).3-' = 6 =: 5 CLIC~(G)*~-' f : x n a d therefore s(e,,b)) =
em(@) =
+r a
6 0 = ( S ( e M ) , S ( e W , .. ) = ( A , , AS, - - - I = P[. Let P[,, a[, , . . . be a finite or infinite sequence built up from all elements of a. As we have just proved there is for any n a y.f& such that a(y,,)= %, . Putting z = 6' ~ ~ l c r , & r l ( ~ ) . 3we - i prove exactly tu in the foregoing 0
case that Z&, e,,(z) = y. and therefore u(z) = { W, , %* , . . .1 = a. The propsition (vii) is thus proved.
(viii) The a t H = E+r[~f&.~~&&(t~~] is not cnrpty. ) is a model M = (No,PI, a) such that W ie a denumerable Proof. By (ithere set of s u b t s of No and a a denumerable set of denumerable subsets of 8 and A,, . By (vii) there are red numbers z& and @ such i that a(%) = P[ and which proves ~(y)= a. Hence M ( z , y) = (NO,3,a) = M ,and therefore that (2,y) e H. Hence H is not empty. (ix) The set K = E , [ z r ~ y ~ ~ r f ~ s f ~is ~Borelian , , ( ~ of . ~dcuM ~ ] o d
Proof. Let P(R, S , z, y, - . * , z , X, Y , , 2, 3, B, ... , 8)be a w. f. formula with the indicated free variables. We shall show that for any integersh,i,...,j,k,l,...,nr,n,p,..-,qtheset ( 14)
Jp = d p ( h , i ,
... ,j , k , l , - - ., m , n , p ,
E , I z f ~ y f ~ r r ~ s E P Y ( z . y )R. ( R,A, r , i,
- - ,j ,
6 . -
,q) =
S(e&)), SMz)), . . , S ( e d z ) ) , G(G(Y)),@(dd), * * , @(e,(v))l is Borelian and its class is finite. Let US proceed by induction on P. If P is the w. f. formula %EX,then a
Jp(h, k) = Elyr.[zet&.Y E & . ream 8fD1. hfS(ek(z))] =
E , [ z f 6 * . y f L . r f ~ . 8 E D 1(h, . e&)
and hence Jp(h, k) is Borelian by (iv), (v), and (vi) and its class is finite. If P is the w. f. formula X f 3 , then J P ( k ,n) = EWr,[zE&. y&.
@(eh)>l SEDS.(eke), e,(y)) f &I.
re&. s e a . S ( 4 d )
= EW,[ze&.ye&. re&.
Hence Jp(k, n) is Borelian and its class is finite by (iv), (v), and (vi). is the w. f. formula R(z, y), then J P ( h ,i) = Eryrs[z~e2. geeS.rt&. seDI. R,(h, i)] = E,,lze02. yet%. rfDZ.scDt. (c,(t.,a(r) = 211. 9
Use is made here of the axiom of choice.
If P
CPN(R~ , RJ = *~u(q,.ro)(Rr , R3 3 (20 9 vo 3 r, 8) E K. Hence the set E,[%N(R,, R,) z = = YO] is an intersection of the fourdimensional Borel set K whose class is at most F, and of the plane z = % , y = yo . The set E,&(Rr, R,)] is therefore Borelian and its class is F ,
7. We shall apply the theorem to mme particular properties of relations.
(a). Let BO(R) = R is a well ordering relation. The set
0 = Er[rdh.BON(R~)] is known to be an analytic complement and not Borelian." It follows.that there is a model M such that A M and -(R)[BON(R) -= BOM(R)],i.e. (3R)[BOw(R). -BON(R) v -BOM(R) Box@)]. But it is easy to ~ e that e BON(R) 3BOU(R) and hence (3R)[-BON(R) BOM(R)].This means that there is a model M which fulfills all axioms and a relation R with field NOsuch that there are decreasing sequences" . - . n&nzRnl but no such sequence is in M. (b). Let R smor S be defined aa in Principia muthemutica, *151.01. The set
.R, smor R.1
is analytic and not Borelian. In fact
R, smor R,
(*)[ZEDS R,
1 -+1 R, = &Z,IRrIRz].
The set E,,[zEDI. R. c 1 -+ 1 R. = &R,IR,] being Borelian, we conclude that the set (15) is anslytie. If this set were Borelian of class a, the set At = E,[r& R, is of type €1 would be Borelian of class a for any ordinal number [ (sincethere are s such that R. is of type [). Hence the set 0 would be expressible as a sum C r < o A c ,the At being Borel sets of class a. This is impossible, since 0 is not a Bore1 set." It results now from our theorem that there is a model M such that A M and two relations R, S such that -(R smorN S E R smoru s>. Since R BmOrM S 3 R morNS , it must be that R smorN S and -R smoru S, i.e., there are oneone relations T such that R = SIT but no such relation" is in M.
(c). Let F(R) mean that the relation R is well-founded, i.e., that there ia no decreasing sequence n&*Rn:. If the set E,[~&&FN(R)] were h d h , the set 0 would be also. Hence F(R) is not an absolute property. (d). It is easy to prove that the property of being inductive is an atwolute property of a set. Writing Fin(A) to indicate that A is inductive, we have n elements]. Hence the set E[reDl. E,[mD1. Fin(R,)] = xzJCr[r&D1.R, Fin(R,)] is Borelian of finite class. See K. Kuratowaki, Fundamento methematicor, vol. 29 (1937), p. 58. is defined 88 the set {#(a1, 11, +(na , 2 ) , +(n, 31,. sequence nl , n, , n~ , 1) K. Kuratowski in the paper cited in footnote 10, page 66.
11 A 11
I.e., the set E+~,.,JmTnlis not in M.
Consider now the eimilrvity (equality of power) of two sets. The set E&&. x D 1 . R, sm R,] is Borelian of finite class, since it can be expressed aa a sum
Cmd{E,[r&Dl.R, haa n.ekmmts] X E.[s&D1 R, h a n elenenfa])
E,[r&Dl.Fin(R,)] X E*[S&l. Fin(R,)]. DI X This example shows that the theorem converse to that proved above is pmb&ly false, Bince the relation R sm S e m s not to be absolute. UIPTPEBSITX
or wAB8Aw
On the principle of dependent choices. BY
M 0 s t o w s ki (Warszawa).
Let us consider the following weakened form of the axiom of choice:
if 11'is a binary wlation and B a set +O aml if for every s e l l there is a y c I3 s w h that xBy,then. thfre is asequence x1,x2,...,xlI,... o j elptjitnts of H such that x,KxlI+~ for n = 1 , 2 , . . . I ) .
It will be proved here that the yencral asiow of choice (which we shall denote by (2))i s independmt of ( X ) , 1. e . , cannot be proved from (T) and the usual axioms of set-theory. An independence-proof has sense only with resppeet to a well defined formal system whose consistency is either proved or assumed as an hypothesis. Our proof applics only t o such systems of settheory as remain self-consistent after adjunction of the following axiom (AT)
there i s a %now,-dtmtnierable set of e l m f a t s which are .not sets.
It can be shown without difficulty that the system G described in one of my former papers 2, satisfies t'his condition. Hence we shall ta,ke 6 as a basis for our proof. I n order to prove that (2)is independent of (T)we have to coiistruct in a self-consistent theory GI a model in which all the axioms of 6 as well as the axiom (T) are fulfilled and in which the axiom of choice is false. *) This axiom ha5 been considered
by A . Tarski
his recent paper
i l zionzatic and algebraic aspects of two theoren48 ow sums oj cardinals, this voliiiiie, p. 79-104. T:irski calls (2') the priiicipls of drpedent choices. L~ Fiiiit1;inwiita illntlieniatirae 32 (1939),pp. 201-253.
[15], 128
We shall take as GIthe system 6 enriched by the axioms (N) and (2)but we shall make free use of many notions known from intuitive set-theory without defining them meticulously with the help of primitive notions of 6. Since it is known that the eonour result can be stated as follows: sistency of 6 implies that of GI3)), If G is self-consisttnt, then the iinplicatiola (!P)+(Z) i s not procable in 6. Let A be a non-denumtrable set of pairs {as,bs}
s c
whose elements are not sets. Lct A', be the set of all u,'s and a.11 b,'s:
KO={. ..,as,b,, . and l e t Kt be defined by induction on
6 a s follows
(!$(X)=set of subsets of X). If f is a one-to-one mapping of h ' , onto itself and tji E h-,), then f ( m ) is defined as the value of f for the argument m . Suppose that f(n) is already defined for n ' E , and that rti K c - z K , . 4<5
We have then ? , ~ C ~ a,nd K , can define f ( m ) as '1<1
E [n c e i ] . Thus f(w)
is defined inductively for every element f n of any Kc. A mapping f is called adinissible if for evcry
8 6
f ( { a , b, d ) ) ={as, bdl.
We shall say that a set Q -Kt is symmetrical if there is a denumerable set S,CX such that m and 8, satisfy the following condition @(X,,nz): Q(Xm,m)
if f i s an admissible mapping m d f ( a , )=as for ( I n ) =I n .
( then f
E flm,
An ana.1ogous definition applies to classes a.11 of whose elements belong to one of the sets Kg. This follows from results of B. Giiclel. See hie book The Consistency of the Continuum Hypothesis. Arinals of Mathematics Studies, Number 3, Prin'ceton 1940.
[lS], 129
Let M p be the set of those ryc rh'd which are hereditarily symmetrical, i. e., such that from /ilk c
/ltl c ' /it
follows that w,ml,wa2,...,wtk are symmetrical (k=1,2, ...). A set m is called remarkable 4, if it belongs to one of the sets M E . A class X is called remarkable if it is symmetrical and all its elements are remarkable. S o w replace in every axiom of 6 the words iltdioiaual,
atentent of KO, Tenlarkable set, remarkable class.
It can be shown without difficulty that every axiom of 6 becomes then a provable proposition of GIs). The axiom of choice becomes a false proposition since the set A is remarkable and there is no remarkable set W which has exactly one element in common with every pair { a s ,b#}. It remains to show that (T)becomes a provable proposition of the system G,. For this purpose l e t us consider :I remarkable set B and a remafkable binary relation R (i. e., a remarkable set of ordered pairs) and suppose that for every x E B there is a y Q B such that gRy. It follows from the axiom of choice (which is valid in GI)that there is a sequence x1,x2,...,x,,,... (i. e. a set of ordered pairs
mc~ableset S,CA'~ such that @(S,,s,). The set So=zC,, is a denun=l merable subset of S and obviously satisfies the condition @(So,xn) for n = l , 2 , ... This proves that the sequence x,,.r2,...,x,,,... is remarkable and our proof is finished. We can apply the same method to establish another result of this kind: 4) Following R. Doss, Journal of Symbolic Logic! 10 (1945), pp. 13-15, we use this word as a translation of the German word ,,ausgeeeichnet" which I have used in my paper referred to in the footnote*). 6 ) For details see Fundamenta Mathematicae 32, pp. 220-235.
[15], 130
Let .Z(m,n) and Z*(m) he the following iixiomrs:
Z(m, n)
if A is a set with the cwdinal nzntzbes nt ulzd if every element of A is a non-roid set with curdilzal lznzmber
if A is a set with cardinal nwazber t m ulzd if ecery element .of A is a non-coid set, tkcn thew is a ftcnction f s w h that f ( X )z 2- for X
Modifying a little the foregoing proof, we can show that if m is tt cardinal number definable in the system Go due to Bernays 6), then We implication Z*(m)+Z(m, 2 ) is not provable in G (provided that 6 is self consistent). 6 ) P. Bern ays, Joiiriial of Syiiibolic. Logic. 2 (193i), pi). G.ii niitl 6 (1941), pp. 1-17.
I t has been proved by 8.C. Kleene and David Nelson that the formula is intuitionistically nondeducible, i.e., nondeducible within the intuitionistic functional calculus.' The aim of thii note is to outline a general method which permits US to at a b u the intuitionistic nondeducibility of many formub and in particular of the formula (1). First let us recall some notions due to Birkhoff? A lattice L is called complete if for every non-void subset A = (a,) of L there exists in L a least element 8 = &a, (tbe sum of A) such that a, 5 s for every a+ from A and a greatest element p = Pa, (the product of A ) such that p 4 a, for every a, from A. The sum of L is denoted by 1 and the product of L by 0. A complete lattice L is called Brouwerian if it satisfies the infinite distributive law
+ PA
+ a,).
Let a and b be two elements of a complete Brouwerian lattice L and let US a as the product of the set A of all z such that b S a 2. Then define b b 2 a is the least element c such that b S a c. For brevity we write +a instead of 1 a. An important example of a complete Brouwerian lattice is furnished by the set of all closed subsets of a topological space 1. It is evident that in this lattice the operations PA,,and b A a have the following meaning:
SA, = EA,,
Pa, =
-a = b - a;
here Z,n, and - denote the set-theoretic sum, product, and subtraction and the bar denotes closure. Let L be a complete Brouwerian lattice and I any non-void set. A function F'(z1, - - ,zb) called a k-argument ( I , L)function if its arguments run through Z and its valuei belong to L. The set of all these functions is denoted by %(I, L). We shall say that
Received November 28, 1947. 1 5. C.. Kleene, On the interpretation of intuitionistic number theory, this JOURNAL, vol. 10 (1945), pp. 109-124; see especially the last sentence of 010, p. 117. 1Garrett Birkhoff, Lafftcetheory, New York 1940. See a180 J. C. C. McKinsey and A. Taraki, On closed element8 in closure algebras, Annalr of mefhmtaficr,vol. 47 (1946), pp. 122-162.
[la], 205
is an ( I , L)functional of characteristic (n,no ,nl,ni , . - if @ is a function whose values belong to L and which has n arguments running through I , n, arguments running through %(I, L),nl arguments running through Z ( Z , L),and so on. The integers w, no, nl , m , . . are all non-negative and all but a finite number of them are 0. An (I,L)functional@is called a zero-functional or is said to vanish identically, if its value is 0 (the sero of L) for every choice of arguments. We write then @ = 0. Consider now a formula a )
A = A(zi, ,x., Fi, * * . , F.,,Gi, ,G,,, Hi, H,*, *.*) of the functional calculus and suppose that it has n individual free variables, no functional variables with 0 arguments (propositional variables), ni functional variables with 1 argument, nt functional variables with 2 arguments,and so on. The formula A csn be conceived as an ( I , L) functional of characterii3tic n, no ,nl , nt , . . * , if we give the foliowing meaning to the signs occurring in A: (i) the individual variables are interpreted aa Variables running through Z; (ii) the functional variables with k arguments are interpreted as variables running through the set %b(Z, L);(iii) the logical operations M v N and M & N are interpreted aa the lattice multiplication and lattice addition; (iv) the logical operM ;(v) the logical operation M 3 N is interpreted aa the lattice operation N ation -,Mis interpreted aa the lattice operation A M ;(vi) the logical operations ( x ) and (32)are interpreted as the lattice operations & and P . . The functioml which we obtain by this interpretation from the formula A will be called the functional corresponding to A and denoted by 9,. Exsmple: If A is the formula (l), then the corresponding functional is *
[Ss- -G(z)]}.
The characterii3tic is (0, 0, 1, 0, 0, -). THEOREM. Ij A is intuitionistically dedwibb, lhen the ewresponding junctiolurl vanishes i&ntkdg for m - dset Z and every cmnplete B r m d iattiec L. Proof. If A arises by substitution from one of the axioms of the intuitionistic propositional calculus, then, as shown by B d o f f , McKinsey and Tarski,* *A = 0. S&, = Oandif Ahas the form If Ahas theform (z)B 3 B, then@, = B 3 @a!)& then @A = P, A % = 0. Hence the theorem is true if A an &om of the intuitionistic functional calculus. It remains to show that if A and B are formulas such that the corresponding functionals Or and 4 vanish identically for every non-void set Z and every complete Brouwerian lattice L and if C wises from A and B or from 'A alone by one of the rules of proof admitted in the intuitionistic functional calculus, then 4 vanishe identically for every Z and L. There are four rules of proof in the intuitionistic functional calculus: 1" the modus ponens or the rule of detachment; 2' the rule of substitution for indi'See. Birkhoff, loo. cit. p. 128, and McKineey and Tareki, loc. cit.. Theorem 1.3.
1161, 206
vidual variables; 3” the rule for (z);4” the rule for (3s). Let us consider these rules separately. Rule lo. In this case B is the implication A 3 C. Since *A = 0 and = 0, we infer from %, = b A *A that aC = 0. RuEe 2”. If C arises from A by substitution, then +c is either equal to *A or arises from + A by an identification of some variables. Since @A = 0, we obtain = 0. Rule 3”. In this case A has the form D 3 E and C the form D 3 fz)E where the variable “z” is not free in D. Hence *A
@c =
Since = 0 we infer that & 5 eD, The variable “z” being not present in b , we have also S. h ,i.e., aC = 0. Rule 4’. In this case A has the form D 3 E and C the form (3z)D 3 E where the variable “2” is not free in E. The proof in this case is Similar to that in caw 3”. The theorem thus proved shows that in order to establish the intuitionistic nondeducibility of a formula A it is sufficient to define a set I and a complete Brouwerian lattice L in such a way that the (I,L)functional *A does not vanish identically. Let us apply this method to the formula (1). Take as Z the set of positive integers and as L the lattice of all cloeed subsets of the Euclidean plane 1. Let Q, (z = 1,2, -) be a sequence of points which is dense on the boundary of a cloeed circle K and let G(z) be the set consisting of all points of K and of all points of the infinite straight l i e joining Q . with the center of K. By (2) we have then S&(z) = 1 and therefore
Furthermore --G(z) = (1 G(z)) = - 1 1 K = K = K and it followa
- -
1) = A
= A =
I :
- G(z) =
a(z) = K .
From (4), (5), (3), and (2) it follow that *A((%)
(Iz s&l(z)] [SS A ( L ~ K ) = ~ ‘ 1- K K = 1 - K Z 0.
a(%)]) A
- 1- K
The formula A is therefore intuitionistically nondeducible. Aa another example let us coneider the formula B (6) ( Z ) P I v G(4l 3 IF1 v (z)G(z)l, where “ K ” is a propoeitional variable. The corresponding functional is
@E.(FI, G ) FI*SA(Z) &[F~.Gl(z)l; it has the characteristic (0, 1, 1, 0, 0, .).
[16], 207
In order to ahow the intuitionistic non-deducibility of the formula B, take aa Z the set of positive integers and as L the lattice of closed subsets of the denumerable apace 1
h i , + ,.**,,,
with ordinary topology. Let Fa be the set consisting of points 1, f, $, 1
2n+ 1'
, 0 and G(z) the set consisting of
the single point 1 1
1 z.
.- - ,
We have
then A.G(z) = 0, 8#".G(z)l = 0, SAQ) = {%, ;, - . -,%, * - - ,0) and F~.S,cl(z)= ( 0 ) which provea that %(Fa, Gi) = ( 0 ) # 0. Hence the formula (6)is intuitionistically non-deducible. It is interesting to remark that its double negation is intuitionistically deducible.
We conclude with 80- problem euggwsted by the foregoing investigations: Are there, for every intuitionistically non-deducible formula A, a complete . Brouwerian lattice L and a non-void set I such that the (I,L)functional 9 daea not vanish identically? Do there exist a lattice Loand a set lasuch that the ( l o , &) functional d m not vanish identically for any intuitioniatically nondeducible formuh A? Can the lattice of closed plane sets and the set of positive integere be taken for Lo and Zo ? mOIVBBBlTI OF W A S M W
ANDRZEJMOSTOWSKI(Warszawa) 1. This note is a sequel to my paper ,,On definable sets of positive infegers"') quoted below as D. For explana-
tion of symbols and notations the reader should refer to section 1 of D. Quotations like D 1.23 mean: theorem 1.23 of D. We shall assume that conditions R, and R2 given in D 6.1 are satisfied. As it was mentioned in D 6.23 and D 6.31 this assumption implies the fact that Pt)is the class of general recursive n-adic relations and is the class of general recursive functions. Let Rf"' be the smallest finitely additive field of sets 3 PF) a:'. It follows from D 2.18 and such that D 2.31 that C Pr'. @I. # T I . Qf), i. e., that there It will be proved that exists a set A which belongs to @' but does not belong to @). For a clearer explanation of the meaning of this result, we have to remember that for every set of Pr' there is a definition of the form En[z, nq ,(n, PI d e R11 (1) there is, with a general recursive R,. For a set of likewise, a definition of the form (2) E, [DP zq(n, P, 4e &I with a general recursive R,. For the sets of the general form of definition is
') Fundament. hbthematicae. vol.
34 (1947). pp. 81
- 112.
[17], 115
[(n, p ) Rl1t - - * * " p [(n, P) &I, Zq"n, ci, S,I,- . zq"n, 9)e S,])), where @ is a Boolean polynomial (i. e., a logical sum of logical products) of its arguments and Rl,..., Rk,Sl,..., S, are general recursive sets. Hence for the set A, whose existence will be proved below, a definition of the form ( I ) and a definition of the form (2) exist but no definition of the form (3) can be applied. We remember here that if a set B simultaneously admits (n, p ) 6 R1]and En[-ZP (n, p ) e R, J definitions of the forms En[n,, with general recursive R,, R,, then B is itself a general recursive set *). These theorems are quite analogous to the following well known results concerning projective sets: if a set B is an A - set as well as a CA - set, it must be Borelian; but a set which is a PCA-set as well as a CPCA-set does not necessarily belong to the smallest (denumerably additive) field of sets over A CA. 2. In the subsequent proofs we shall make much use of the primitive recursive function s(k,n) defined in the following manner: we first define an auxiliary function t(k,n): t(1.n) = n, t(k 1,n) = s, [t(k,n)] and then put s(k,n) = s1[t(k,n)], where s1( n ) and s2(n) are determined by the equation
E n {@ ("p
. 9
P ("I (2 s,(n) - 1 ) .
The following theorem exhibits the usefulness of this function : 2. 1. For any finite sequence of integers rl, r2,..., rh there is an integer n such that s(k,n) = r k for k = 1, 2,..., h. 3. In this section we shall prove two lemmas (3.3 and 3.4) complementary to the theorems given in section 2 of D. *) S. C. K I e e n e, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society,
vol. 53 (1943). p. 53; E. L. Post, Bulletin of the American Mathematical
Society, vol. 50 (1944). p. 290; -D 5.51.
3.1. I f f ( m ) is a function of class pi*’), fhen the sef JV= Ei, m [i < f(m)l is of class P (2). ,
Proof. Evidently i
- QY)
’) A similar theorem is valid in the theory of projective sets: if the geometric image of a function f is an analytical set. this function is Borelian. See, e. g.. K. K u r a t o w s k i, Topologie I, Monografie Matematyczne. Warszawa 1933, p. 253. ‘1 I owe this proof to a remark of Professor K. Kuratowski.
is decidable again and satisfies the conditions i =f (m)3I- y y j , m), (5) I- nxr.x*,y Y*(X 11 Y ) W T X 2 . Y ) + x, =XJ. (6) Now define 6 (g, y ) as -% { V * ( & Y ) * K [x
[17], 118
and remembering that k>l, we conclude from (10) that
Theorem 3.3 is thus proved. Applying de Morgan’s laws we obtain: 3.4. I f MEQ:””’ and either (i)k I 1 and f el‘:’) or (ii) k>l
and f ePF?:, then the set Q =E,,,[Z;
We shall also need the following theorem due to Kleenes).
4.2. There is a function # ’: universal for the class P(i’” and such that the set (12) E,k[nE#:’(k)I is of class p(:+”. by the formula
Define now the function
We shall prove that 4.3. The function
the set (14) is of class
(s(2i- 1,s,(d) -PI“’(s(2 i,qh)))]. is universat for the class Rr)and
+’: ( m ) ~
Proof. Since P ~ ( s ( j , m ) ) e Pfor ~ ) 1 - 1,2,...,2s2(m)-1, 4.1 and (13) entail e ’ ( r n ) e R : ) for every integer rn. Let us suppose that P ERy’,i.e., that (11) holds for some M,,..., Mk, N1, ...,N,ePT’. As the function is universal for pr”’, there are integres r,, rs, ...,r2, such that
S. C. K l e e n e . 1.
c.9, p. 47.
[17], 119
(15) MI P!)(r+J, N,= for j = 1 ,2,...,k. By 2.1 there is an integer r such that s (1,r) r, for j - 1,2,...,2 k. Putting m=2*(2k 1) we obtain s,(m) = k 1, s,(m)=r and s(j,sl(m))=s(j,r)- r j for j = 1.2,...,2k. Therefore in view of (13) and (15) Tr)(m) = E i < k + 1 [FYI(?* 1-1) -#:)(ra 31 =2i<
neZy(m)= -Zi<8, (m) n q z p {[(n, s (2- 1,s, (m)),P) e BI * (17) [(n, s (2 i, s, (m)), q ) non e BI I. The formula (16) proves that the set (14) is of class l‘(:+’). Using (17), D 2.16 and 3.4 we obtain that this set is also of class Q:’” which proves our theorem.
4.4. Ry)# Qr’. Proof. Using 4.3 and Cantor diagonal theorem, we notice that the n dimensional set A = E,,,, [(m, PI non e T ~ ) ( P ) I is different from every (q) and therefore it does not belong to Rr’. By 4.3 and D 2.12.we further obtain that A e Pf) Qf’, q. e. d.
7&. Andrzej Mostowski and Alfred Tarski: Arithmetical classes and types of well ordered systems. Preliminary report. For notations see Bull. Amer. Math. SOC. Abstract 54-11-74, 54-11-75. The aet A being ordered by the relation 4 , 7(A) denotea the order type of the system 8- (A, b ).Let L be the class of all (A, b) with R #O well ordered b y S. A decision procedure for Th(L) is established. Given any ordinal 7, let M(r), N(7),P(r), Q(r) be mpectively chases of all 8EL with: r(8)=r+r,for some ordinal qZ0; 7(8)=f+r+q for some I and r,, q < y * o ; ~ ( $ f ) - y ; r ( 8 ) = o " * E + y for some EZO. Theorems :AC(L) is the smallest family containingall the classes L,M(@),N(clrr*p), where 1,p=O,1, * * ,and closed under class addition and subtraction. AC(L) a Boolean algebra under class operations has a well ordered basis of the type # AT(L) AC(L) consists of a!l P(r)'s,and AT(L) -AC(L) of all Q(r)'s,with 7 <#. The families AC(L), AT(L), AT(L). AC(L), AT(L) -AC(L) are countably infinite. For 8, BEL, we have 8183 if, and only if, either ~ ( 8-r(B) )
We consider here the pure functional calculus of first order F: aa formulated by Church.]. Church, I.c., p. 79, gives the definition of the validity of a formula in a given set I of individuals and shows that a formula is provable in F: if and only if it is valid in every non-empty set I. The definition of validity is preceded by the definition of a value of a formula; the notion of a value is the basic “semantical” notion in terms of which all other semantical notions are definable. The notion of a value of a formula retains its meaning also in the case when the set I is empty. We have only to remember that if Z is empty, then an m-sry propositional function (i.e. a function from the m-th Cartesian power I“to the set (f,t ) ) is the empty set. It then follows easily that the value of each wellformed formula with free individual variables is the empty set. The values of WITS without free variables are on the contrary either f or t. Indeed, if B has the unique free variable c and 4 is the value of B, then the value of (c)B according to the definition given by Church is the propositional constant f or t according as 40’) is f for at leaat one j in Z or not. Since, however, there is no j in I, the condition +(j) = t for all j in I is vacuously satisfied and hence the value of (c)B is t. To see this still more clearly let us consistently treat functions of one variable as seta of ordered pairs. Thus 4 in the example above is the empty set of ordered pairs and KCJiave the equivalence
{the value of (c)B i s
(j)b e I
3 (j,1) c 41.
It is evident that the right side is satisfied if I is empty. It follows from our argument #at each wlT bhginning with a non-vacuous universal quantifier: and also each wtT containing free individud variables, is valid in the empty set. A WIT beginning with an existential quantifier is therefore never valid in the empty set provided the quantifier is non-vacuous. It can easily be checked that the axioms of F: given by Church are valid in the d e s of the empty set and that the rule of generalization [111] as well substitution and of alphabetical change of bound variables [II], [11’], [11”], [II”’] preserve validity in the empty set. The rule of modus ponens does not preserve validity in the empty set. For instance the formulas F(z) v -F(z) and [F(z)v -F(z)] 3 (3z)[F(z)v -F(z)] are valid in the empty set but (&)[F(z) v -F(z)] is not. Received March 14, 1950. 1 Alonzo Church, Introduction to mathematical logic, Part I. Annals of mathematics studies Number 13, Princeton, 1944. * A quantifier is vacuous if it is followed by an expressionin which the variable bound by the quantifier is not free. Cf. Willard Van Oman Quine, MuthematicuZ fqpic. Cambridge 1947, p. 74.
1281, 108
The following weaker form of the rule of modus ponens can easily be shown to preserve validity in all sets (including the empty set): (I*]. If A and B are wffa such thut aU individual variables free in A are free in B, d if A and A 3 B are theorems, then 80 is B.
PROOF. It is su5cient to test whether the ruie [I*] preserves validity in the empty set. This is evident if B has at least one free individual variable. If B hss no free individual variables then neither does A, and since by hypothesis the values of A and A 3 B are t, it follows that the value of B is also t.’ Let F r be the eystem based on the same axioms 88 F: and on the rulea [I*], [II], DI7, PI“], [II“‘],and [III]. We shall prove the following:
T~EOREH. A formula is pnwcable in Ff if and on& if it is valid in each set (the empty set included) PROOF. We shall write “h A” instead of “A is.provable in F:” and “h A” instead of “A is provable in F:’. Let A be a wff without free individual variables valid in each I. Hence A is valid in each non empty I and h A. Let F be a functional variable with one argument which doea not occur in the formal proof of A in the system F‘, and let p be a propoeitional variable with the same property. We introduce the following abbreviations: T(a) = F(a) v -F(a), T = (ax)T(x),
T’ = (x) -T(x),
1 = pv-p.
We let correspond to each wff B which is either a part op A or a part of a formula which occurs in the proof of A a wff B* in the following manner: if B is quantifier-free, then B* = B; if B = -& , then B* = -B: ;if B * & 3 B,,then B* = B: 3 B! ;if B = (a)&and ais not free in &,then B*- B: ; if B = (a)& and a ie free in & ,then B* = 1. The capital letter B with or without subscripts will always denote a wff for which B* is deiined. L E M1.~ T’ 3 = By. PROOF. The c w of a quantSer-free B and the passsge from & and & to Bl 3 & and --& are evident. If a is not free in ]3r then h (a)Bl -& , and exactly the eame proof can be used to show that 1 0 (a)& E 4 . Using the inductive assumption we easily infer that lemma 1 is true for the formula (a)&. Finally, if a is free in Bl , we have to show that if the lemma holds for & , then
b T‘ 3 [(a)& 3 1) and h T’ 3 [l 3 (a)&]. 1 A different set of rules for the functional calculus, such that theorem obtained by these rules are valid in each set I whether empty or not, has been given by Jdkowski. Cf. Stanistaw Jabkowski, On the mlea of s u p p o & i m in fdlogic, Studia bgica, Number 1, Warszawa 1934, $5.
1281, 109
The first formula is evident, since the propositional calculus holds in the system F*, . In order to prove the second it is sufficient to show that
10T’ 3 (a)&. This will be done as follows. By the propositional calculus we have
h “ U a ) 3 BI , 6) h [T’ 3 -T(a)] 3 ([-T(a) 3 &I 3 (T’ 3 Bd). (ii) By axiom (8’) (Church, I.c., p. 66) and the rule [II’] we have further h T‘ 3 NT(a). (iii) Formulas (i) and (iii) show that the rule [I*] is applicable twice to (ii) (since the condition concerning the variables in the antecedent and in the consequent is satisfied). We thus obtain T‘ 3 B1 and consequently, by rule [III],
h ( a W 3 &I. Now substitute T’ for “p” and & for “F” in axiom (7’) of Church, I.c., p. 66. Rule [I*] is again applicable and we obtain h T’ 3 (a)Bl. Lemma 1 is thus proved. LEMMA 2. bo T’ 3 A. PROOF.T’ and A are valid in the empty set. Since the rules of Ff preserve validity in the empty set, we infer from lemma 1 that A* is valid in the empty set. Since however A is a WEwithout free individual variables, the formula A* is either 1 or a quantifier-free combination of 1’s and of propositional variables. Since 1 was defined as p v ~ p we, see that A* is a formula of the propositional calculus. Since it is valid in the empty set, it has the value t for each system of values for the propositional variables and is therefore a tautology of the propositional calculus. It follows that h A*. Combining this with lemma 1 (for B = A), we obtain h T‘ 3 A. LEMMA 3. Ijh B, tha h T 3 B. PROOF. If B is an axiom, the lemma is evident. Assume that the lemma holds for two formulas Bl and & and B is the formula resulting from Bl or from BI and & by one of the rules of proof admitted in F: . We have to show that the lemma holds for the formula B. The c t l ~ e of s the rules [II], [11’], [II”], [II’”], and [111] do not cause difficulties. In the case of the rule [I*]the proof rum as follows: By the inductive assumption we have (9 hT3[&3BI and bT3B1. (ii) Let al , . . * , ak be all of the variables which are free in BI and which are not free in B. Using tautologies of the propositional calculus we obtain
t-0 { T 3 & 3 B]) 3 ((T 3 Bd 3 ( T 3 W a d and hence, by the rule [I*],
1281, 110
h ( T 3 B 1 ) 3 ( T 3 [ T ( a l ) ... T(a,+)I B B ] ) .
Rule [I*] is applicable to (ii) and (iii) and yields
FOT 3 [T(ar) ... Tfak) 3 B]. Proceeding as in the proof of Church’s theorem XII, p. 47, we obtain
h T 3 [(3adT(al) . . . (XadT(aJ
3 BI
and hence, by the rule [II’”],
T 3 [T.T
- * *
T 3 B].
Ey the propositional calculus we now obtain bo T 3 B. Lemma 3 is thus proved. LEMMA4. koT 3 A. This follows immediately from lemma 3. LEMMA5. koT v T’. The proof is the same as in F j . Proof of the theorem: By lemmas 2 and 4, (T v T’) 3 A, and hence by lemma 5 and rule [I*], A. This proves the theorem for formulas without free individual variables. To accomplish the proof i t is sufficient to remark that (1) A wf€ is valid in all sets (including the null set) if and only if the same is true of its closure.‘ (2) If the closure of a wff is provable in F: then so is the wfl itself.
It is not difficult to adapt the method explained above to other standard formulations of the functional calculus of first order. Thus, e.g., in the formulation due to Quines one has to replace the axiom-schema *lo2 by the following one : If aU free variables of 4 are free in $, then k ‘(a)(& 3 4) 3 [(a143 (a)+]’. The resulting system has the property that a foimula is provable in it if and only if it is valid in every set.‘ We remark finally that rule [I*] can be replaced by the following somewhat stronger rule: If A and A 3 B are theorems then so is B, provided that A and B satisfy the additional condition: A contains no free variables unless B has at least one free variable. To illustrate the difference between the systems F j and F*, we give here the changes which must be introduced into 25 theorem schemata listed by Church, I.c., pp. 4 7 4 8 and 53-56, in order to obtain schemata valid in F*, . [XI is valid only under the assumption that a is not free in A ; the schema, of course, becomes utterly uninteresting. [XII’is valid only if a is free in B. [XIV] is valid only if a is free either in both A and B, or in neither of them. [XXI]:as in [XI]. In the sense defined by Quine, I.c. p. 79. sQuine, I.c., p. 88. 6 I am indebted for this remark to Mr. Grzegorcayk, Dr. H. Hit, and Mr. Janicsak.
(281, 111
[XXII]: $s in [XIV]. [XXV]: the sign of equivalence has to be replaced by the sign of implication in the direction from right to left. [XXVI]: as in [XXV]. [=I] is valid only if a is free in A . [XXXIII]: as in [XXXI]. The distributivity laws for quantifiers ( l a ) A v B := : ( 3 a ) A v ( 3 u ) B (a)A B :E : (a)A (u)B, hold in Flf: only under the additional assumption-that a is free either in both A and B, or in neither of them. When one examines the proofs of the modified schemata one sees very clearly that the changes were necessitated by the lack of transitivity of material implication in FE . This is the most burdensome feature of the system F ; . We conclude by stating that this system is by far not as elegant as the usual functional calculus.
. .
A CLASSIFICATlON OF LOGICAL SYSTEMS 1 propose myself in this paper to discuss a classification of logical systems (or. languages as philosophers are used to say)
in which certain portions of mathematics can be formalized. This classification will be based upon a classification of sets of positive integers which was firsf defined by S..C. Kleene in his paper [7)* and which was afterwards considered by me in a paper published in 1947*. The most important facts related to this classification will be recalled in section 1 and the classification itself extended to transfinite indices. In section 2 we apply the results of section 1 to obtain a classification of logical systems. In sections 3 and 4 we discuss some well-known systems and establish their position in the classification described in section 2. The subject itself as well as the method of its presentation will be of a mathematical rather than philosophical character. The author believes, however, that the results established in the paper may be of some importance for philosophers interested in the study of structure of various logical and mathematkal languages. 1. Throughout the whole paper we shall use the word ,,func-
tion” as synonymous with ,,function whose values and arguments tun over the set of integers”. We shall describe here some classes of such functions which are of special value in logical investigations 1.1. Prjmitive cccutdvc functions. In order to define this class of functions we consider the following three operations yielding new functions from given functions:
Numbers in brackets refer to bibliography at the end of this paoer. M o e l o w s k i 191.
[29], 238
I. Substitution. This operation leads from R + 1 given functions f, fl, .., fk the first of which has k arguments and the others have nl,, , arguments to a function F of nl+n,+ ...+nk arguments. The values of F are given by the formula
F (x:,..,,xi,,...,xf,...,xk"k )=f (f,(xi,...,xf,),...,fk (xt,...,xknk)). 11. identification of variables. This operation leads from a function f of k + 1 arguments to a function F of k arguments. The values of F &re given by the formula
III. inductive schema. This operation leads from two functions f and g the first of which has k and the second k + 2 arguments to a new function F of k + 1 arguments satisfying the equations
P(o,xl,...,x,)=.f(x,,.. .,Xk), P (n+ 1,xi,* * x,)=g(P (n,XI, f
xk), xi,* *
if a function f can be obtained from other given functions
f,, f,,
...,fk, .. *
by a successive application of the operations I, 11, 111, then f is saki to be primitive recursive in the functions (1). Functions which are primitive recursive in the functions (2), (3), (4) listed below are called primitive recursive without further specification: (2) The constant function 0 (without argument$), (3) the successor function S (with one argument) such that S(x) = x + 1, (4) the identity functions 2; (with k arguments) such that 1: (XI,. ..,xc)=x?. G 6d e 1 [6],p. 179 or K 1 e e n e [7], p. 42. For the definition see R o b i n s o n [ill.
simplification of
[29], 239
It is evident that every primitive recursive function can be defined in a finite number of words: to define such a function it is in fact sufficient to fix the succession of the operations I, 11, 111 which leads from the functions (2), (3), (4) to the given function. (Of course each operation may be performed several times and each of the functions (2), (3), (4) may occur on many places in the sequence defining the considered function). Another important property of primitive recursive functions is the following: if a primitive recursive function f is defined in the manner just described, then the value of f for any effectively given set of arguments can be effectively calculated in a finite number of steps. This is evident for the functions (2), (3), (4) and in order to prove that all primitive recursive functions have this property it is sufficient to observe that the property in question is preserved by application of any of the operations
I, 11, 111.
The primitive recursive functions satisfy therefore the fundamental requirements of intuition'sm: finite definability and calculability for arbitrarily given arguments. 1.2. Primitive recursive sets and &tiom. A set A of integers is called primitive recursive if there is a primitive recursive function f of one argument such that
An n termed relation R between integers is called primitive recursive if there is a primitive recursive function f with n arguments such that
R(x,, .. ,xn)= f(x1,.
Since we identify n-termed relations with sets of ordered n-tuples (xl,. ., xn), the preceding definitions fix at the same time the notion of primitive recursive sets of n-tuples of integers. From the finite calculability of primitive recursive functions it follows that if a set A is primitive recursive, then there exists a method which allows us to decide in a finite number of steps every particular problem of the form: does a given integer n
1291, 240
belong to A o r not? We say briefly that the decision probfem for A is solvable 4. 1.3. Recunively enumerable oetr. A set A of integers or, more, generally, of n-tuples of integers is called recursjvely emmefable if there is a primitive recursive function f which establishes a oneto-one correspondence between the elements of A and the integers. The decision proMem for recursively enumerable sets is, in general, unsalvable s. Recursively enumerable sets possess however the following property (which is weaker than the solvability of the decision problem): if a set A is rec-ursively enumerable, then there exists a sequence built up from all the elements of A such that for any given n we may calculate the n-th term of the sequence in a finite number of step. A more careful analysis shows that every set with this property is recursively enumerablee. It can also be shown that if the decision problem for the set A is solvable, then A is recutsively enumerable'. This remark will often enable us to simplify considerably proofs of recursive enumerabiiity of certain sets which we shall encounter in the course of our discussion. It shows in fact that we can save us the actual construction of primitive recursive functions which enumerate the elements of the given sets and limit ourselves to an indication of a finitary method solving the decision problems for these sets. We remark still that the class of primitive recursive sets is narrower than the class of sets with a solvable decision problem s. 1.4. A classification of definable sets. We denote by F":) the class of k-termed recursively enumerable relations and by the class of those k-termed relations whose complements are recursively enumerable.
' P o s t [lo], p. 287. ' P o s t [lo], P. 282.
* This follows from B theorem proved by R o s s e r [la], p. 88 if me identify the notion of a finitarg method with that of general recursiviw. 7 In other words every general recurdve set is recursively enumerable. See e. 8. P o e t [lo], p. 290. * An example of a set which is not primitive recuasive hut which has a solvable decision problem will be given in section 4. 3.
[29], 241
The commgn part of f(f)and Q(i) is called fg). We further define as follows the classes Wi and Qf using induction on n. A k termed relation R belongs to the class Pj:* if there .is a relation S in Q@,+')such that
A &-termedrelation R belongs to the class Q ment belongs to the class P:Tl.
if its cornple-
In this way we obtain a classification of k-termed relations and in particular, for k l , of sets of integers. On first sight this classification may perhaps seem artificial. We come to it however in a very natural way if we consider the so called definable sets of integers. A set A is called definable (or more accurately definable within arithmetic) if there exists a formula E ( x ) with one free variable x built up from the elementary formulas of the fQm (5)
u=v w,
with tbe help of logical connectives and quantifiers ranging over the set of integers and such that the following equivalence holds:
x EA
B (x).'
It can be shown that if the elementary formulas (5) represent primitive recursive functions, then the class of definable sets coincides with the class of sets which belong to one of the classes P'," or Q!!) for an integral value of ,lo. The value of n for which a definable set A belongs to P!] or to is determined by the formula E ( x ) and it depends in particular on the number of quantifiers occurring in tbe nomal formll of E(x). If the normal form of E(x) is
.,gJ...(xp-1, ...
(xi,. ..,xi1)(ax;,..
* For a mom exact definition of the notion of defimbiliv see T a r s k i [UJ.P. s a and section 4.4 below. ** M o s t o w s k i [9], p. 85'.
[29], 242
.then A belongs to QC);if the normal form of E(x) begins with an existential quantifier, then A belongs to PF). For instance the set of integers h such that
(i. e. the set of exponents for which the Fermat's last theorem is true) is of class Q(i). It is not known whether this set is of class Pi) 1.5. Universal functions. The problem of existence of sets which belong to P(!,) or Q $ but do not belong to classes with lower indices can be solved with the help of the following important notion. Let X be a denumerable class of sets of integers o r of k-termed relations between integers (k=L,2, . . .) and let F be a function of one argument such that F(n) is always a set. We shall say that the function F is universal for the class X if
A function F will be called a normal universal function for the class P ( i ) or Q(2) if it is universal for this class and in additioti the set
G,, ...,xk,m)[(xi,.. ,xk)E F ( m ) ~ h
belongs to the class P:+l) or QLk+l). It can be provead that if FF) and CF) are normal universal functions for the classes PLk) and QLk) (k=1,2, .), then the functions defineld by the equations 1.
x,,Y)'G:+''(m)I F?kt(m)=(Xl, * . * x k ) ((3y) (XI, * Glfi: I (m) =(x,, ...,xk)[- (x,,...,xt)c Fti (m)] 9
are normal universal functions for classes PL'$
and Q3t13.
See e. g. C h u r c h [ 2 ] ,P. 60. Thie definition is taken over Irom the theory of borelian and plrojecfive sets. See K u r a t o w s k i [&I, p. 2'75 and M o a t o w l s k i [!?I, P. 93. il M o s t o w e k i [9],p. 95. ii
[29], 243
A normal universal function for the class
Pi&)can be cm-
structed as follows l4. We have already remarked in 1.1 that every primitive recursive function can be defined in a finite manner, essentially by a finite sequence of equations. If we enumerate the finite systems of equations, we obtain an enumeration of all primitive recursive functions and it is evident that putting
Ft) (m)=set of values of the m-th prim-tive recursive function with k arguments
we obtain a function which is universal for the class 3)It.can be shown that this universal function is at the same time normal.
Thus we have established the existence of normal universal functions for each of the classes f $ j and 0‘:). Using the normality property of the functions F(i) and G(kh and Cantor’s diagonal theorem15 (or - what is essentially the the reasoning known as Richard’s paradox)le we same prove that the set
belongs to the class Q(;)but not to the classes f(f) with This entails the inequalities
which prove that no two classes of our classification are equal 18. Equations (6) imply the following important equivalences which we shall use in section 4.3 K 1e e n e [7], p. 47K u r a t o w s k i [ S ] , p. 258. See e. g . R u s s e l l and W h i t e h e a d [ 4 ] , P. 61. l7 A detailed proof is given in M o 8 t o w s k i [9], p. 96-97, [9], p. 96 for the details of the proof. The inla See M o s t o w s k i clusion signs in the above formulas denote the relation of a proper Part 01 a set to the whole set.
[29], 244
(xl,...,xk)E fl;i2 (m) =(3a) [(xl, . . xk,a) Gtks,')(m)] =(aa) [(x,,...,xk,a)non € FhR++1')(m)]
~(3a)["(3b)(x ~,..., ~~,a,b)€G,~+*)(m)]
=(Xa)(b)f(x,,...,x,,a,b)non€GF+2t(rn)] =(3a)(b)[(xi,.. ,xk,a,b)E Fik+2)(m)].
We conclude this section with the following lemma:
Lemma 1.51. The universal functions FL*) arld GIk) are definable within arithmetic (in the sense explained at the end of section 1.4). It Is evident from the formulas (6) that if this lemma holds for an ilnteger n, *italso holds for the next higher ankger n + l , Hence it is sufficient to prove the lemma only for n=l. We shall not .reproduce this proof here and refer the interested reader to the paper Kleene [7] whene the lemma is proved in detail. 1.6. Classes PE' and 0 :' for transfinite values of alS. The problem how to extend the classification descrribed in the section 1.5 to transfinibe values of the index n is ,noit yet commplety solved and like every problem of a new definibion is not free firom a e r t a h arbitrariness. We shall indicate in this section a definition of the classes PE' and for values of a lower than .the SQ called first non-construct&le ordinal 014~. We define PE) as the class of all sums (unions) (9)
where A is any set of ,one of the classes PF) with n e w . Starting with this dass we construct classes QE', P&, Q:il,. .., PELn,, The definitions given and results mentioned in this section seem to be not published anywhere. Nevertheless they are rather widely known to specialists in the field of recursive funtiona. Especially I understood fro= conversations with Professors P o s t and K 1o e n e that they found equivalent definitions and results in approximatively the same time. za See C h u I c h [ 5 ] .
[29], 245
f k) Qm+n,. .in exactly the same way as we constructed the classes considered in section 1.4 starting with the class Pi”’. It is not difficult to show that all these classes possess normal universal functions. In order to obtain such a function for the class PE) we represent every integer n in the form
R =24J (2ss (n) I)
and put
P!!)(ml= Z Fj4 (j)where A=&,,) (ss(m)). (i.i ) E A
Normal universal functions for the classes PZkq and are then defined inductively by the formulas (6) in which we put IE=O +q. After all these classes and functions have been defined we can pass to indices of the form 0.2+p. W e define PEi as the class of all sums (9) where A is any set of cne of the classes P : i q wiht a finite p. Further we apply to P the ?ame procedure as in section 1.4 and reach the classes Pf!,+qand QS+q with 9<0. Using arguments similar to that used above we prove that all these classes possess normal univemil functions. We can therefore extend our classification first to the index 0.3 and further to indices 0.3+q with q
Lemma 1.61.
The set
does not belong to p“‘
[29], 246
This .lemma implies the -inequalities (7) for all transfinite values of n em,. Lemma 1.62. If f is a primitive recursive function with one argument and ACPg’ , then the set of integers n such that f ( n ) € Abelongs also to the class PI). The p m f of this lemma even in the case a=w (the only transfinite case we need far what follows) requires a rather de-. veloped technique whioh we do not wish to presuppose here. For finite a’s the p r o d is giveam in Mostowski [9], pp. 10L-105. We make stiM the following canark in order to justify OUT definitions. The classes P f ) and 9:) as we have defined them depend a priori on the universal function I$) and G F with p
2. b this section we apply the classification of sets of integers described in the section I to obtain a classification of lo= gical systems. First we explain to which systems oar theory will be applicable. 2.1. Logical systems. Notion oftruth. Although our investi gations will be purely fonmal we shaii nevertheless accept a de-
[29], 247
finite philosophical p o h t d view with respect to logical systems. We shall not consilcier logical systems as void schemata de-
prived of any interpretation. On the contrary we shall assdme the objective existence of a khd of ,,mathebmaticalreality” (e. g, of the set of all integers or of the set of all real numbers). By objective existence we mean existence indepandently of all‘ 1irtguistic const r w tions. Tlhe role of logical and mathmatical systems is to describe this realilty. Every logical sentence has thus a meaning: it says that the mathematical reality has thlh,is or some other property. If the mathematical reality does in fact possess the given property, then the sentence expressing this praperty is tme, otherwise it is false. The intuitions unlderlying this distinction can be made precise and an exact Idefinition of truth can be furmulated ‘by Using the well known methods of Tarski [15]. The point of view characterized above allows us to make plawilble the existence of undecidable sentences in almost all, logical systems. Such sentences evidently exist if it is not possible to prove all the true sentences expressible in the considered system. Now every proof in a logical system consists in a succession of some simple 0,perations (called the rules of proof) which tan be mechanilcally performed m one o r two expressions. The unprovability of certain true sentences can be explained by the fact that the propertries of the ,,mathemat,ical reality” are more complicated than the properties which can be established by successive applications of hhe rules of proof to the axiom. We do not intend to defend the philosophical correctness or even the philmophicabl acceptability of the point of view here described. I t is evident that it is entirely opposite to the point of view of nominalism and related trends. 2.2. Expressions and numbers. Sinoe the publiicahion of the famous paper Godel [6] it is well known that the study of expressions is equivalent to the study of integers. It is namely possilble to put the exgressions d any logicail systemiinto aone-to-one correspondence with integers. In this way eaclh set of or operatton% on expressi*onscorresponds to a well defined set of inbegers or to a function 04 integers to integers. To certain purposes it is
[29], 248
even useful to identify expressions with the c o r r q m d i n g integers. Eadh-logical system detmmines in a unique manner certtatilin sets of eqressions (e. g. the set of meaninigful expressions, the set of provable sentences, the set $oftrue serntelnces) and centain operations an expressions (e. g. mles of proof). Since we can identify ex,pressimq with integers, it foldlows that every classification of sets of integers or of f u n c l h s determines a classifkatiaa of 10gical systems. Examples of such classifications are well known in the literature. Some of them are given in next section. 2.3. Constructive and decidable systems. A iogical system is called constructive if the set of its meaningful expressions and the set of its axioms are primitive recursive and its rules of proof are finite in number and are primitive recursive functions 21. For each constructive system there exists a finitary method enabling us to (decide in each particular case whether any given expression is meaningful in the s y s t m and if so whether it is or is not an axiom of the system. Furthermore we can always .determine in a finite number of steps .an expression which we obtain from obher effectively given exlpressions by any of the rules of proof. The set of expressions provable in a 'constructible system is recursively emmerable. Conversely if the set of expressions provable in a system S is recursively enumerable, it is always possible to choose axioms and rules of proof so that they be both primitive recursive *e. A system S is callled decidable if tbe seit of its Iprovable sentences and ,the set of its ungrovable sentences are both recursively enumerable. For each decidable system Ithere exists a finitary method whkh allows us to decide whether any given senlli TLk defin'ition corresponds approximatively to the intuitione underlying R o s s e 1"s distinction between constructive and non-constructive logics. See R o s e e r [13], Compare also the remarks made by T a r 8 k i [15], P. 3% footnote 79. Some logicians believe that non-constructive systems do not deserve the name of logical systems at all and have no other value than that of a purely theoretical construction.
[29], 249
tence is provable in the system or nut. Conversely i f such
a method exists the system is deciddblea.
It is well to observe that tyte mtims of construetivity and of decidability are applbable t o all logical systems i-Mly whether they possess or rrot an intapzetatiin in the ,,mathematical reality” which we have discwed in section 2.1. 2.4. Systems Pa and Q,. Let ‘us now consider only such logical systems for which it is possible to define the notion of tnuth. Since the set of true sentences of a system is evidently the most important set connected with the system we prolpose to cldssify the Jbogicd systems according to the structure of !this set. We define therefore: a logical system S belongs to the class Pa or 0, if the set of (numbers which correspond to) true sentences of the system belongs to the class P!’ or 9:’. In the ,next section we shall give exalnples of systems of different classes.
3. The fdlowing two exmptes are well known from the literature. 3.1. The propositional calculus. Because of the presence of free variables in meaningful expressions of the propositional calculus it is wual to conceive them not as sentences but as matrices (or sentential functions). We prefer however a different interpretation according to which meaningful expressions of the propositional calculus are sentences, i. e. have rw) free variables. We imagine to this end each expression as preceded by a string of general quantifiers which bind all the variables occurring in the expression. It is generally known that there exists a finitary method (called the truth-table method) which allows us to decide the truth or falsity of each sentence of the propositional calcult~s. In view of the remarks made at the end of section 1.3 the existence of this method proves athat the set of ,true sentences of the propositional calculus as well as its o m p l m e n t (to the set 20 Decidable systems are usually defined as systems which posgess general recursive sets of provable sentences. Bee e. g. T a r s k i [16], p. 47. In view of a theorem of K 1e e n e [?I, p. 56 this defhition is esuivalent to the one given in the text.
[29], 250
of all sentences) are both re~~ursively enumerable. Hence tihe set of true sentences (or, more accurately, of the numbers corresponding to true sernrtences) is simultaneously of dass Pi1)and @;I, i. e. it is of class P!). Hence the propmitima1 calculus is a Tystem of class Po. 3.2. Functional calculus of the fitst order. Similarly as in the case of propositional calculus we do not conceive the expressions of the functional calculus as matrices but as sentences without free variables. W e achive this by adding a sufficient number of genehl quantifiers (binding the individual and the functional variables) at the beginning of each expression. The ,definition of ‘truth for Chis system has been sketched by Tarski [15], p. 352-357. It is known that the set of all true sentences of the f(unctiona1 calculus coincides with the set of its provable sentences 24. Since the functional calculus is a constructive system it follows that the set of its true sentences is recursively enumerable and hence the system belongs to the class P I . On thepther hand the system is not of class Po. Otherwise the system would be decidable which is known to be not the case 25. Hence the functional calculus of the first order is precisely of class PI.
3.3. Elementary arithmetic Se. The rest of this section will be devoted to a rather detailed ,discussion of an elementary system of arithmetic S, which has been defined and considered by Carnap in his bock 111. Carnap calls this system the ,,language I”. The system contains an infinite number of variaibles XI, x2, X3r...
and an inifinite number of constants denoting functions and relations. To each primitive recursive function f with k arguments corresponds a name-forming constant F f with k arguments. Similarly to each primitive recursive n-ary relation r corresponds a sentence-forming constant R , with n arguments. 24
Glide1 [5]. C h u r c h [a].
[29], 251
We further define the notion of a number-bhearetic expres. sion d the m t b n of a sentence. A number-theoretk expression of rank 0 consists of a nameforming constant and a sequence of variables in the same m m ber as the number of arguments of the constant. A numbertheoretic expression of rank 0 has thus the form.
Number-theoreric expressions of rank p
+ 1 are expressions
where f is any primitive recursive function of R arguments and are number-theoretic expressions of rank p at most not all of which afle of rank lower than p . I f f has no arguments and n is the (constant) value of f, then the (number-theoretic) expressim Ff is called the n-th mmeral and is denoted by n. Numlber-theoretic expressions will be denoted usua'lly (by the letter I' with subscripts. A sentence olf rank 0 is an expression consisting of a sentence-forming constant and a string of number-theoretic expressions whose number is equal to the inumber of arguments of the constant. Thus each sentence of rank 0 has the form
rl,.. . , T n
where r i s a primitive recurswe re~lati~oin with n arguments and the :?I s are nuimber-theoretic ,expressions. Sentences of rank p 1 have one of the forms
El E2
where E3 is a sentence of rank p , I' a number-theoretic expression in which the variable xk does not occur, and El and E2 are sentences of Fank p at most not both of ranks lower than p. Sen-
[29], 252
E eventually with subscripts. Note that in the system Sesentenws are allowed to contain fmc te.nces will be demoted by the letter
variables. The meaning of sentences (13) and (14) will be explained in 4th mxt section, where we shall define the nutim of truth f o r the system S.. For a better understanding we remark already here that we read (13) as not Elor mt E, and (14) as there is a niurnba not greater thm l? such that F 3 .
3.4. Definition of truth for the system S.. In order to define the notion of truth we must first introduce same auxiliary definitions. We shall consi'der infinite sequences whose adomains consist of all the variables x k and emnterdomah of integers. Se quences of this sort will be called simply sequences and will be -denoted by a letter Q, with or without subscripts. By Q, (k)we denote the value of Q, far the value xk of the argument, Let Q, be any sequence and I' any number-theoretic lexpnession. We shall 'define an (integer I' (Q,) by induction on the rank of I'; this integer will be saild to denote the value of 'I for the argument (-sequence) Q,, If I' has the rank 0, i. e. is of the form (lo), we put I' (a)= f (a (kl),.. . ,c9 ( k J ) . If l? has the rank p 1 i. e. 3s of the form (1 1) where rl, . .,, l?, have at most the sank p, then we put 'I (a) = f (Q, (rJ,..., Q, (Fa)). The definition of (a) is thus complete. It follows from this definition that if I' has no free variables, then I' (Q,) has a constant value independent of @. In particular r(@) = n if I' is the n-th numeral. It should further be remarked that the value of I' (Q,) can be calculated effectively if Q, and the values Q, ( k ) f o r those x k which occur in I' are effectively given. Next we define by induction on the rank of E 'the following notion: a sequence Q, satisfies a sentence E. If the rank of E is 0, ii. e. if E has the form (12), theln 4) satisfies E if and only if the elation r holds between the m.mbers r 1 (a),..., r, (a):
[29], 253
Let us suppose that we have already defined the notion of satisfaction f a r sentences of ranks 4 p and let E b e a sentence of rank p + 1. If E has the form (13), then we say that 9 satisfies E if it either does not satisfy El or does not satisfy E,. If E has ithe from (14), tlhen we say that 9 satisfies E if there exists a sequence 9,such that
a,satkfks Es, 9, (h)= (h) for h 9, (k)< r (9).
We come now to the definition of tmth and falsity: a sentence E is true i f every sequence @ satisfies E; it is false if no sequence 9 satisfies E . It should be remarked here that the law of estcluded middfe: every sentence is either h e or false does not hold in the considered system. This is evidently emsed by the presence of free variables in the sentences of our systeqm. 3.5. Auxiliary lemmas. We prove in this sectian a series of lemmas wrtJich will be nt3eded p a d y to an evaluation of the class of S. atbd partly to same consider&htns of section 4. Not all proofs will be given: those whioh are left out can be supplied easily by a straightforward iIkdndion on 4he ra& of expressions occurring in them.
Lemma 351. If I' is a number-theoretic expression and iP,(k) = 9,(k) for all k such fhat x k occurs in I', then I' (@%) = (*a).
Lemma 3.52. I f E is a sentence and 9,(k) = @,(k) for all k such that xk is free in. E, then
{aasatisfies E } = {aasatisfies E } . In the next lemmas we shall use the symbol Si Elto d p o t e tbe result of s&stit
[29], 254
Lemma 3.53. Let I? be a number-theoretic expression with the free variables x k l , . ..,xkn, i, j two integers less than n. Let us further denote by I" the expression S."' I' and by @' a sekj quence Such t b t w ( k ) s @ ( k for ) k+ki and @'(ki)=@(kj)'*. Then
r ( q=r(q.
Proof. We use induction o n the. rank of I'. If I' is the expression (lo), then I' is the cxpressim. Y
and we have the equations
r'(@)=f(@(kl), * q k i -11, cp(ki), r(@')mf(*'(kJ,. - 7 9 Q'(kn)) =
@(ki-A W j ) , @(ki+ d r
W i + A * - , qk)), *
which prove the demma for expressions of 'rank 0. Let us a s m e now that the lemma holds foc expressions of ranks < p and let 'I be the expressioh (11) -ofrank p I. We have then
Since the equations rj(@')+ rj'(@)hold for j = 1, 2,. .., n acqording to the inductive assumption, we obtain from the above equations r(@')=I"(@). Lemma 3.53 is thus proved.
Lemma 3.54. If E is a sentence with the free variables .., d= Ski E and CP' has the s m meaning as in lemma 'k j 3.53, t k n {@' satisfies E } = {asatisfies E' }. &,#.
Proof. We use induction on the rank of E. If E is the expression (12), them E' = R,(I'{, . . . , r;) where the accen6 have !he W can be defined a8 a sequence which we o b i n from identifioation of the k,th term with t4e kj-th.
[29], 255
same meaning as in 3.53. From the definition of satisfaction we obtain the e(quiva1ences
{a' satisfies E } = r(F1(@'),. .., I?,(@'), {a satisfies E'} = r(I';(@), . .. , TL(@)); since Ti(@') = ri' (a) by lemma 3.53 these equivalences entail the assertion of the laemma for sentences of rank 0. Assume now that the lemma h d d s fmor sentences of ranks < p and let E be a sentence of rank p 1. We have to consider two cases: (13) and (14). In case (13) we have E' = El' 1 E; and the definition of satisfaction gives the equivalences:
{a'safisflesE}=((@'does not satisfyE1}or (@'does not satisfy I&})
{asatisfiesE') =((@doesnot satisfy El)or {Udoes not satisfyE,']) which immediately imply the colntenti,on of the ! were In case (14) we have E'=(Sxk)p E l since xki and x kj assumed to be free in E. Let us assume *thatW satisfies E, i. e. that there is a sequence G1such that Q1 satisfies E,, aL(h)=@'(h) for h*k, and al(k)
Lemma 3.55. Let k , i be two integers, a1 and CP two sequences such that al@) =@ ( h ) for h i k , @.,(k)=i. Let 1' be a number-theoretic expression, E a sentence and put T ' = S y , E' =S f E . Then I''(@)=r(@J and {@ satisfies E') satisfies E } .
[29], 256
Proof. We apply induction on the ranks of I’ and of,€. If r is the expression (lo), where e. g . kl=k then I”=Ff(i, x k 2 ,...,xkn) and r‘(@)=f ((9(i), @(k,), ,,, (9(kn))=f(i,@(k.J,. ., @(kn)). On the other hand r(@J=i(@1(k),@l(kJ,* a&)) =f(i, @(kZ),..., @(kn)) and therefore I’((91)=l?’((9). Suppose now that this equation holds for all expressions of ranks\< p and let (1 1) be an expression of rank p + 1. We have thmI”=~~(I’,’, ..., );?I where l’i=Sfrj and from the definition we obtain
rya)=f(rl‘p(,. .., r,,ya)). r(@1)=f&pJ,. .., r n P
Since rj’ ((9) = r j (G1) by the inductive assumpti, , tbe colatention of the lemma follows. We prove now the second part of the lcmrfia. If E is the sentence (12), then E ‘ = R , ( r i , . .., rn’),
{ (9 satisfies E’) = r (I?((@), .. , I?:(@)),
{@, satisfies E } t r(r1(al) ,. .., rn(al))
and since l?i((9)=rj((91) we obtain the equivalence asserted in the lemma. Let us now suppose that this equivalence holds for sentences of r a n k s 4 p and consider a sentence E of rank p + 1. In case (13) E’ = El’ I Ei and the inductive assumption together with the definition of satisfaction entail the equivalences {@satisfiesE ‘ } q { Q )does not satisfyE,’) or {adoes not satisfyE i ) ) =({ a1does not satisfy El)or {a1does not satisfy E2}) ={Q1satisfies E ) . Hmence the lemlma is proved for this case. It pemains to considler tbe case of an expression E of the form
(14). Let us therefore assume that
xdr El
[29], 257
where x h does not occur i n r . If b = k , then E' = E and the lemm8a follows at once from lemma 3.52. Assume now t h a t h*k. We have then E ' = ( a x h ) p El'., Suppose first that a sequence @ satisfies E', i. e. that )there is a sequence @* such that @*(j)=@(j) for j + h , @*(h)
@)I(" =W j ) for j h, @-(h) =@*(h). (15) We shall show tthat @**=@,-. In fact
Lemma 3.55 is thus proved.
Lemma 3.56. A sequence @ satisfies a senfence (3xk)r E if and only if it satisfies at least one of the sentences E i = S t E for
i< @(I-).
Proof. Let us first suppose that i
Suppose now that @ satisfies ( 3xc)rE. Hence fcAlows tahe existence of a sequence Ql such that Qlsatisfies E, @,(h)=@(h)for hfk, and @,(k)
Lemma 3.57. I f I' bas no free variables and I'(@)=n for any E is true (false) if and only i f at 9, then the sentence
[29], 258
least one (all) of the sentences S'; E (i = i , 2,.. ., n) is true (are false). This lemma is a direct corollary to the lemma3.56.
Lemma 3.58. I f I' is a number-theoretic expression whose free variables are some of the variables x k l , ..., Xk, and if Q(kl)=hl, -.. ,@(k,)=hn, then for each sequence
Proof. If r is the expression (lo), then S kh ll.,. *....h,. . k n r = ~ ~ h l , ...,h,,). Since this expression has no variables its value for any a, is
constant and equal t o f (hl,. . . ,h,)=f(@(kJ,. . @(k,))=r(@). If I' is the expression (1 1) and we abbreviate Si:; r, as r;, then and therefore
$,--., .... kh,n r = F ; r ;
. . . . a
kl,'."knr(~l)=f(r;(~,,), . .,h, ...,r;pj).
Since I';.(@l)=I'j(@)by the inductive assumption, we obtain
Lemma 3.58 'is thus proved.
Lemma 3.59. I f E is a sentence with exactly the free variables X k l , . . ., x b n and if
{@ does not satisfy E ]= - r
On the other hand E'=R,
(17) {E' is false}= { f o r every
(a), ...,L(@)). and
a, I-r (rI'pl),. ..,rn'pl))]}.
[29], 259
By lemma 3.58 rj'((a1)=rj((a) for any a1.Hence the right side of (16) is equivalent to the right side of (17) and we obtain the contention of the lemma for sentences of rank 0. Assume that the lemma holds for sentences of ranks less than p + 1 and let E be a sentence of rank p 1. We must consider separately the cases (13) and (14). If E is the sentence (13) then the inductive assumption entails the followin'g elquivalences
does not satisfy E} = {(a satrsfies El and E 2 } = {El' and E i are not false}.
Since Ell and E i have no free variables, the fact that a se. quence satisfiesE,' o r Ei does not depend at all on the terms of the 'sequence Ccf. lemma 3.52). This means that if a se'quence satisfies EL or E2), then every sequence does the same. We obtain therefore {(a
does not satisfy E } = {E'l is true } and {E'z is true}.
Since 'evid,ently { E i is true} and {E,' is true} = {El' I E i is false } we obtain fimnally {@ does not satisfy E]={E' is false}.
It remains ,to consider the case (14). The assumption that does not satisfy E is in this case equivalent to the following statement: i f a1 is any sequence such that
(al( j ) = @ ( j ) for j f k,
@,(k)G r(@),
then (a does not satisfy E S . Using the 'inductive assumption we transfdrm this statement into the following one: if Q1 fulfills
the conditions (18), 'then the sentence E;I'= SL Ej, where h
= @,(k)
is ialse. Since h may be any integer 4I'(@we ) finally obtain (19){@ does not satisfy E } = { E ; is false for h = l , 2 , ...,r((a)}.
[29], 260
On the other hand E'=(ZxJpEj an,d this sentence is false if and only if no a2and Q3 exist such that
By leimma 3.58 I"(@2)has the constant value r(@)for any QDz. If we put Q 3 ( k ) = h we infer from lemma 3.55 that (20) is equivalent to the following statement: if Q4 is asequence such that a4( j ) = a, ( j ) for j =i= k, then
that Q4(j)=Q3(j) for j # k and
satisfies E i } .
we see that the right Since we can take in particular Q 4 = Q 3 side of this e1quivalencle says the satme as the right side of (19). Lemma 3.59 is thus ppoved. 3.6. Evaluation of the class of S,. We begin with the following
Theorem 3.61. Each sentence without free variables is either true or false. Moreover the set o f (numbers corresponding to) the true sentences without free variables as well as the set o f (numbers corresponding to) the false sentences without free variables are both recursively enumerable. Proof. If E has no free variables and there exists a selquence
iP which satisfies E , then according to lemma 3.52 any other
sequence does the same and E is true. The first (part of the theorem is thus proved. In order to prove tlie second part we shall ,indicate a finitary method which will allow us to decide whether any effectively given sentence 'without free variables is true or false. As we have remarked i n section 1.3 the existence of such a method entails the recursive enumerability of the considered sets. Suppose that E is a sentence of rank 0 without free variables, i. e. that E is identical with (12) where the num,kr-theoretic expressions Yl, ..., Y,j have no free variables. The values of
[29], 261
ri (a) are
then constants indepemdent of @ which we know to calculate effectively. Denoting t h a n by pi we infer from the definition of truth tlhat
( E is true} = ( r (pi,. .., . p n ) } ¶
{ E is false)3 ( - r (pl,. . , PA}. Since r is a primitrive recursive relation, we possess a-metlhhod enabling us to decide whether r holds between any given integers. Hence there exists a method enlabling to deulde the truth or the falsity of E. Let us assume thk existence of a method of this kind for sentemces of ranks 4 p and consider an expression E of rank p 1. If E has the form (13), then we have
( E is frue}"{E, is false)or(E,is false], ( E is false}= (Elis true} and ( E a is true) and it follows at once from these equivalences and fram the inductive assumption that there exists a method enabling us to decide *the truth o r the falsity of E. Suppose now that E has the form (14). Since E is supposed to have no free vari~bles,it follows that E, has at most one free variable x1: and that I' has no free variables at all. Hence I'(@) does not depend on and has a constant value, say R. By lemma 3.57 E is bme if and only if at least m e of the sentences Ei = Sl; E3 ( i = I,2,. .,n) is true, and E is false if and only if all the sentences E , are false. Since n can be calculated in a finite number of steps and the s e a t a c e s E i are of ranks lower than p + 1, it follows thad there exists a method enabling us to decide !he truth o r the fdsity of E . T h e o m 3.61 is thus proved.
Theorem 3.62. The complement of the set o f true sentences is recursively enumerable. The proof is based on the following lemma which we shall not prove in detail: the (number correspondi'ng to the) e x p ~ s -
[29], 262
sion S kbn1 , . . .,, vkn E is a primitive recursive function f of (the bn number corresponding to) E an'd of the numbers .+
Demote by A the set of (numbers of) false sentences without free variables. Acc'ording to lemmas 3.52 and 3.59 the sentence E is not true if and only if there exist integers h and k such that f(h,k,E)€ A. The set of all triples (h,k,E) such that f(h,,k,E) € A is recursively enumerable accolrdinig to theorems 3.61 and 1.62 and it is known that an existential quantifier applied to a recursively enumerable predicate yields again a recursively enumerable predicate". Hence the set of E such that E is not true is recursively enumerable Theorelm 3.62 gives an evaluation of the Gass of S, from above. The next theorem gives an evaluation from below:
Theorem 3.63. The set of (numbers corresponding to) true sentences of the system S, is not recursively enumerable. Proof.29 Let f be any primitive recursive fluunction such that the values of f are exclusivetly (the numbers corresponding to) true sentences of S e . We have to show that there exists a true sentence E such that f ( n ) $= E for any n. To this end we consider bhe fjunctions s and n such that for each (number of an) exipressim E the values s(E) and n ( E ) be numbers of the expressions S k E and SAE I SAE. It is not difficult to prove that the functions s and n are primitive recursive 30. Let I be an abbreviation for R = . We consider the following sentence E, :
(Ps(xA F h J )
I t 3 ~ 3 ) a (Fn(xJi ( F n( X J r
)I 1
I [(~xA
M o s t o w s k i [9],P. 90. It can be shown in the same way that the complement of the set oP all false sentences is also recursively enumerable. 2* This proof has been obtained by an easy adaptation to the syden, s, of a method due to Rosser [la]. so Compare the functions Sb and Neg defined in Ci o d e 1 [6], PP. 1& and 182. 27
[29], 263
and denote by the same symlbol E, the number corresponding to this sentence. Substituting in E, the E,-th numeral for the variable x we
obtain a sent,ence
E = Sk. E, with the num,ber s(E,). Evidently
We shall show that E # f(n) for each there is an integer n such that
Suppose in fact that
Since the values of f are (hhe numbers correspondilng to) true sentences it would f,ollow that E is true and in particular that ajny sequence Q, with CP (2) = n satisfies E. Using the definition of satisfaction we infer that either
(23) is equivalent to @
safisfies (ax3),, I (Fn(E,), Ff(x3))
and hence to the ,existence of a sequence CPl such that (h)= @ (h) for h # 3, (3)< CP (2) = n,
Put aI(3) = p. We see that our assumption implies the existence of an integer p < n such that if a sequence Q, with Q, (2) = n satisfies the sentence I (F, (E,), Ff (x3)),then a sequence alwith al(3)=p satisfies the sentenceI (Fn(Eo),Ff(x.J). Now we have
(a satisfies Z (Fa@,,),Ff(x2)))= (s(E,) = f(n)}, {@I
satisfies I (Fn(Eo), Ff(x3))} = (n(E,)= f(p)]
and therefore our assumption implies the following: i f s(E,) = f ( n ) , then there is a p < n such that n(E,) = f @ ) . Since E = s(Eo) we infer from (21) that the hypothesis of this implication is true and hence that there exists a p such that n(Eo)= f ( p ) . Hence n(E,) is th4enbumikir of a true statemlent. But n(E,) is the number of S ~ p E o l S ~ oi.Ee. o ,o f E IE. We arrive thus at the conclusion that E and E I G, are simultaneously true which is of course impossible. The equation (21) is thus false for every value of n:
E*ffn) for n = 1, 2,
. . ...
We further show that E is true. To this end we consider an arbitrary sequence and put Q(2) =.n ErDm (24) we obtain s(Eo)=I=f (no and hence (22) and (23)imiplies, as we knlow, that
Theorem 3.64. The class of the system Se is exactly Q1. 3.7. A property of systems of class Q,. Let us cionsider a system S of class Q, or more generally of any of the classes Pa or Q a w i t h a > 1. We contend that it is impossible to choose a recursively enumerable set o f -axioms and a finite set o f primitive recursive rules of proof such that the set of all provable sentences coincides with the set o f true sentences. Indeed, if the rules of proof are primitive recursive end the set of axioms is recursively enumerable, then the set of provable sentences is recursively enumerable and hence different from the set of true sentences which is by hypothesis of class Q1 o r of a higher class P a or 9,.
1291, 265
It follows that whatever axioms and rules of proof will be taken as a basis for a deductive )development of the system S, there will be always sentences undecidable with ,respect to these axioms and rules of proof. In fact, the axioms and rules do not suffice to prove all true sentences. At least one true sentence must therefore be unprovable and hence undecidable. This is the Godel’s incompletness theorem31 for systems of classes higber than P,. 4. It is a remarkable fact that no ,,natural” logical systems
known in the literature seem to be of a finite class higher than In this section‘ we shall determine the position (in our classificatimon ‘of the system of arithmetic .of integers and shall finid that it belongs to the class Pw. We shall also devote sotme remarks to the arithmetic of real numbers which seems t o escape our classification.
4.1. General arithmetic S,. The only ,difference between the systems Ssand S, consists in the following: there are in S , no sentences of the form (14); instead of them there are sentences of the form ( 3 ~El~ with ) unbounded quantifiers3*. The definition of satisfaction must be modified accordingly: we say namely that a saquence @ satisfies the sentence ( 3 x k ) El if there exists a sequence a1such that
- E = E I E , (xk)E=--(ZIxk)-E. In order to simplify ‘our formulas we shall write sometimes (&) insteabd of (3xJ and ( I ) instead of (xJ. We note without proof the following
Lemma 4.11. A sequence @ satisfies the sentence ( l ) E i f and only if each sequence Q1 whose all terms with the possible .sl Originally stated in G 6 d e 1 [6]. The formulation given here is due in prinoiple to R o s E e r [12]. 8z An equivalent method of extending S, could have been achieved by an introduction of the functional operator p of H i 1 b e r t.
exception of the I-th term az'e identical with the corresponding terms of CP satisfies the sentence E. 4.2. Normal sentences. A sentence without quantifiers is called elementary. A sentence E is said to be normal iif it has the form
(ai(kz) )
* ( 3 k ~ n - d(kzn)E O
where E, is an elementary sentence and kl>k2>. 7k2,. E, i s calleld the matrix of E and the string of quantifiers ( U 1 ) ( k 2:).. ( 3k2,-J (Itzn) the prefix of E. Two sentences are called equivalent if they are satisfied by the same sequences. It is known that crvery sentence is equivalent to a normal sentence. More exac'tly the following theorem holds 33.
Theorem 4.21. T o every sentence E there is an equivalent normal sentence. There is a primitive recursive function f such that (the number corresponding to) this normal sentence is the value of f for the value E of the argument. ( E Idendm here evidently Ithe nufmber corrGsponding to the sentence E).
4.3. Evaluation of the class of S. from above. It follows from Iemqma 3.52 that if E has the free vsriables x k i , X k 2 , . . , Xk, arranged e. g. so that k l < k ,...
satisfies E
expresses therefore a relation between E and the p-tuple (nl,. . . ,np)where nj=@ ( j ) (I=i,2, . . . ,is). We shall write this relation in the form (Rl,
- - ,n p )€ S f s f(E).
Lemma 4.31. (nl,, . . ,np)C Stsf ((a ( I )) E ) if and only i f there is an integer a such that for every b (nl,...,a , . . . ,b, ... ,n,) € Stsf (E). See e.g. C h u r o h [ 4 j .
[29], 267
Remark. If (3k)( I ) E has the free variables xhi,. . :x and if hp %-,
Theorem 4.32. The set H p of p + 1 - tuples (E,n,, ...,np) such that E is (the number corresponding to) an elementary sentence and (ni, .. . ,np)E Stsf(E) js recursively enumerable. The ,proof of this ‘theonem consists in showing that there exists
a finitary method whereby we can whether any effectively given p 1 - tuple ( E , n l , . .,np) belo,nigs to the set o r not. First
of all we can evidently d’ecidewhether E is (the numbercorresponding to) an elementary sentence and calculate the (numberp’ of the free variables of this sentence. If p’+ p , then the p + 1 - tuple (E,nl, ..., nF) does not belong to Hp. Suppose now that p’=p. Applying !induction on the rank of E we prove exactly as in the proof of theorem 3.61 thalt there exists a 5metod of diecidhg whether a sequence @ with ( j ) = n j ( j = 1,2, ...,p ) satisfies E. Theorem 4.32 is thus proved.
It is easy to prove that also the complement of the relation Sfsf is recursively enumerable. However Sfsf is not primitive recursive as we easily see using the diagonal theorem. Hence Stsf gives us an example of a recursively enumerable set whose comlplemant is recursively enumerable but which is not prilmitive recursive (we the remark at the end of section 1.3). From theorem 4.32 we infer that there exists a sequence of integers h such that
[29], 268
A 'more careful a'nalysis of the .method described in the proof of theoneim 4.32 shows that the vatlue of h, can be calculated effectively for any ,given p . Hence we have
Theorem 4.33. The set of pairs ( p , h,) as well as the set of oi pairs (2p 1, h Z p )are both recursively enumerable.
Let us now dcnate by J: the set of 1 1 tuples (E, nl ,. . , ,nl) such that .E is an elementary sentence with I 2k free variables and
(nl,. .., nd 6 Stsf ((3p l ) (ql)...@ p k ) (qk) E ) , where x,,, xq,,..., xpk,xqk are 2 k free varialbles of E with possibly small indices and p1 >ql>. ..>Pk> qk. Wle shall prove the following
Theorem 4.34. The set Ji is o f class J: =
more exactly
Proof. We apply inductrim on k. If k = 0 theorem, 4.34 follows at 'once from theorem 4.32. Let us assume that theorem 4.34 holds for the number k-1 and for any 1. It follows that the set J consisting of I + 3-tuples (E,nl,...,,n~,a, b'such that E is (the number corresponding to) an elementary sentence with I + 2 k 2 ( k - 1) = I 2k free variables and
is to Fii?l (h2(k-i)+l+2)=Fh\zi ( h 2 k + [ ) - Here pI,q2" .**PkyQk are indices ,of 2(k--l) free variables of E,p,> q2> ...> P k > q k and they are the smallest numbers with this ~pruparty.According to lemma 4.31 the 1+1 - tuple ( E , n,, ..., n z ) belongs to J if and only if there is an a such that for every f~
Using equivalen'c-s (8) we obtain the !desired result.
Theorem 4.35. The set of numbers corresponding to true norr L a l sentences with 2k quantifiers in the prefix is equal to F
2 + 1 (h2J
Proof. Put 1'0
[29], 269
in theorem 4.34.
Theorem 4.36. The set of (numbers corresponding to) true sentences of the system S, belongs to class PE). Proof. First we evaluate bhe class of the set consisting of numbers of true ntonmal sentences. If V' is this set, then we infer from theorem 4.35 that V' is equal to the sum
which is of class P'? according to theorem 4.33. Since two equivalent e x p r e s s i m are evidently either both true o r both untrue, we infer that (the num'ber of) a sentence E belongs to the set V of (the numbers correspodding to) true sentences of the system S, if and only if f ( E ) is an element of V'; f is here the primitive recursive function referred t o in the formulation of theorem 4.21. Hence E € V = f(E)€V' and since V'€P(:, we obtain from theorem 1.62 the desired formula VEP". Theorem 4.36 gives an evaluation of the class of S,: it shows that this class in not higher than P,. IQ order to show that this class is exactly P,,, we must prove that V does not )beJong to any of the classes Pcf) or Q'i) with n<w. This will be proved in tRP next section. 4.4. Evaluation of the class of S, from below. We begin with the following definition Jl. A binary relation P is said to ,bedefinable tin S, if there is a sentence E with 4wo free variables x, and xe such that the following equivalence holds
m ~ =n (S,1 ,2,( E ) is true}. Lemma 4.41. I f E has two free variables x1 and x, and E' = S;, E, then
T a r s k i 1151, p. 312.
Proof. Sirnce S i E as well as Sk E' have no free variables, we infer from lemma 3.52 that in order to establish the truth of
these sentences it is sufficient to show that they are satisfied by at least one sequence. Suppose first that Si E' is true and let CP be any sequence. Define Q!, by the equations CPl(j)=CP ( j ) for j # 1, @,(I) = p .
Since Q! satisfies S: E', we infer from lemma 3.55 t,hat CP' satisfies E ' . Denote by 'Pi the sequence which we obtain from identifying the second term with the first. Using lemma 3.54 we infer that C Pi satisfies E and since CPi (I) = CPi (2) = p we see using twice lemma 3.55 that CPi satisfies the sentence S:; E. Hence Sii E is true. The converse imlplication can be proved similarly.
(n)l is defiTheorem 4.42. I f the relation (&$) [rn non E nable in S , (or more generally in any system S containing S& then S, (cr S ) is not of class Pa. Proof. It follows from the hypothesis of the theorem that there exists a sentence E, with two free variables x, an'd x such that
Let T be th'e set of pairs (E, p ) such that E is the number corresponding to a sentence with one free variable x, and S; E is true. Put Eo= S.: E,. By lemma 4.41
{SiEbis true} = {Sd p" E, is true} = p non C F (11 a (p) and hence
(291, 271
Using nOw lemfma 1.61 we i,nfer that the set
is ‘not of class P‘:’ and thcerefore the sets6
does not belong to P t ) . If T were of class P t ’ , its intersection with the set
(4,b) [q = Elo]
were also of class P z ) 36. Since this intersection is identic with the set (25), we arrive at a contradidion which p m e s that T does not belong to the class PE). Observe now that (the number corresponding to) the sentence Sh E is a primitive recursive function of p and of (the number corresponding to) E :
Sb E=f(E, p ) fwmp. the introductory remarks to the proof of theorem 3.62). Denoting by V the set of (numbers corresponding to) true sentences and by A the set of (numbers corresponding to) sentences with on’e free variable xl,we obtain th? equivalence ( E , p ) E T ” [ ( E € A )and f(E,p)€V].
Tlhis equivalence shows that the class of the set T is the same as the olass of the set V. Indeed, the set of pairs (E, p ) such that f ( E , p ) E V has the same class as V according $0 Iemmla 1.62 and iintersecting it with the set of pairs (E, p ) such that E € A we do not alter its class since A is a primitive recursive sets7. Therefore V cannot be of class Pfx”, q. e. d. Taking now the results of theorems 4.36 and 4.42 together anld combining them with lemma 1.51 we obtain an exact evaluation of the class of the system S,: xi 56 57
M o s t o w s k i [9],p. 88. Ibid., p. 91. Ibid., p. 88-91.
[29], 272
Theorem 4.43. System S, is exactly of class P,. Theorem 4.43 evidently implies the Godel incompletness theorem f o r the system S,: no attempt to base arithmetk on a finite number of primitive recursive rules of proof an’d a set
A of axioms can result in a complete system unless A will be a t least of class P If A is of any of the classes P!’ or Q:’ with a finite n, there will be always santences tundecidable in the system.
4.5. Arithmetic of real numbers S,. By arithmetic o f real numbers we understand a system which contains all the signs of the system S, and an infinite set of new variables (called classvariables). We choose the signs
as these new variables. Furthermone, we have in S, a new type of meaningful expressions: Xi (I‘) which can be read as: I‘ is an element o f Xi. These expressions as well as sentences of S, caa be combined by means of the strcke and the quantifiers (aj), @Xi) which bind the number variables and the class variables. We shall not set forth in detail the $definition of truth f o r this system. We only remark that we obtain this definition imitating the definition given in section 3.4 f o r the system S , and interpreting the class variables as names of arbitrary classes of integers. Theorem 4.42 remains valid in S, and its proof is unchanged. Therefore, if a is any ordinal such that the universal function F t) is definable in S,, then S, is not of class Pa.Now it ‘can !be shown that the functions Fg’ are definable in S, for all values o f tx lower than wl, the first non-constructible ordinal, and it follows that the class of S , cannot be determined unless we extend the definitions of classes p f ) wand QLk’ beyond wl. This negative result shows that there exists a profound difference between the structure of the set of true sentences of the arithmetic of integers anld that of the arithmetic of real numbers. It may be that this difference is cause,d by t,he same rea-
[29], 273
sons which have led the intuitionists and the followers of related trends to a distinction between the clear and constructive notions of arithmetic of integers artd the ccmplicated and rather mysterious notions of continuity N.
Bibliography [l] R. C a r n a p , Logiecha Syntax der Spraohe, Gchriften zur wimenechaftlichen Weltauffassung, Wien 1934. [a] A. C h u r c h, A note on the Entscheidungsproblem. Journal of Symbolio Logiq vol. 1 (1936). pp. v 1 (see also B correction thereto, ibid., PP. 101-102). 131 A. C h u r o h , The conetructive m o n d number cleee, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 44 (1938), PP. 224-239. [4] A. C h u r c h, Introduction to mathematical logic, Annals of Mathe. matics Studies, No 13, Princeton 194k [5] K. G b d e l , Die VollsUindigkeit der Axiome dee logischen Funktionenkalkttls, Monatshefte fir Mathematik und Phyeik, eol. 3’7 (1930), PR. %9-360. [6] K. G 6 d e 1, Vber formai unentscheidbare Stitze der Principia Mnthematica und verwandter Systeme I, ibid., vol. 38 (1931), PP. 173-198, [‘I S] . C. K I e e n e, Recursive predicatm and quantifiers, Traneactions of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 53 (1943). pp. 41-73. IS] K: K u r a t o w ski, Topologie I (2nd edition), Monografie Matematyczne, Warszawa Wroclaw, 1948, [9] A. M 0 s t o w s k i, On definable seta of positive interne, F u n d s menta M a k a t i c a e , vol. 34 (194’7). pp. 81-112. [lo] E. L. P o e t , Recursively enumerable sets of positive integers and their decision probkms, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Societp, Val. 50 (1944), pP. %-316. [ll] R. M. R o b i n 8 o n, Primitive recarsive functions, Bulletin of the American Mathematical society., vol. 53 (1947), pp. 925-942.
The difference between S, and the arithmetio of integers wonid probably remain the same even if we would decide to extend considerably the s y t e m S,. It has been namely pointed out by Dr G l i d e 1 that the identification of arithmetio of integers with the eystem s, is rather artificial. According to Dr Glide1 the ,,whole” arithmetic of integers Bhoula give a sufficient basis to ,,all” inducthe proofs and definitions and in particular to the inductive definitions of classee P‘:’ and for a w1 Evidently the notion of .,all” inductive proofs and definitions is rather vague and we must therefore conclude with Dr Glide1 that no satisfactory definition of arithmetic has been given as yet. Contemporary logio ie full of mch disappointing conclusions which indicate that we are still very far from a final solution of baeio problems of foundations of mathematios.
[29], 274
[12] J . B. R o s s e r, Extensions of some theorems of G6del and Church, Journal of Symbolio Logic, vol. 1 (1936), PP. 87-91. [13] J. B. R o B s e r. GBdel theorems for non-constructive logics, Journal of Symbolio Logic vol. 2 (1937), pp. 129-137. [14] B. R u s s e 1 I and A. N. W h i t e h e a d , PrinciDia Mathematica, rol. 1 (2nd edition), Cambridge 1925 [15] A. T a r 's k i, Der Wahrheitsbegriff in den f,ormalisierten Sprachen, Studia Philosophica, vol. 1 (1936), PP. 261405. 1161 A. T a r s k i, A decision method for elementary algebra and geometry, Project RAND, 1948.
Allaturn est die 26. Julii 1949.
O n models of axiomatic systems. BY
A. it1 o s t o w s I< i (Warszawa).
This paper is devoted to n discussion of various notions of models which appear in the recent investigations of formal systems. The discussion will be applied to the study of the following problem: Given a formal system L3 based on an infinite number of axioms Al,&,A8, ... is it possible to prove in S the consistency of the system based on a finite number A1,& ...,A,, of these axioms?
1. Notations and definitions. We shall consider two systems S and s based on the functional calculus of the first orderl). We shall not describe these systems in detail but give only some definitions which will be required later. S y s t e m s. We assume that the following symbols occur among the primitive signs of 8: 1. Variables: sl,s2,.~3 ,...,z,y,z ,... 3. I n d i v i d u a l c o n s t a n t s : fi ,....fa. 3. F u n c t o r s (i. e. symbols for functions from individuals t o individuals): gl,...,gp. We denote by qj the number of arguments of 91 ( j = l , ...,/!I). 4. P r e d i c a t e s (i. e. symbols for relations): rl, ...,r y . We denote by p l the number of arguments of ri ( i = l , ...,y). 5. P r o p o s i t i o n a l c o n n e c t i v e s a n d q u a n t i f i e r s . We use the symbol I for the “stroke function” and define other connectives in terms of the stroke. Quantifiers are denoted by symbols ( 3 4.and (si). Among expressions which can be constructed from these signs we distinguish the following: 6. Terms. Variables and individual constants are terms. If I‘,,...;Iyq, are terms, then so is gI(Tl,.,.,Tq,),j=1, ...,p. Terms will be denoted by the letters F7T‘l,I‘2,... l ) For the functional calculus of the first order see e. 9. C l i u r c l i [I]. Chapter 11.
[32], 134
7. E l e m e n t a r y
f o r m u l a s are expressions of the form
rt(T,,...,P,,) where I',,...,I',,are terma. Elementary formulas will be denoted by the letters E, El, E,, ...
8. P r i m e f o r m u l a s are elementary formulas in which no variables occur. Prime formulas wili be denoted by the letters P,Pl,pz,* * 9. Matrices. Elementary formulas are matrices. If 31, and i?f2 are matrices, then so are i?f,lN2and (3q)X1 for i = 1 ,2 , ... Matrices will be denoted by the letters M , iffl, H,, ... Note that matrices containing propositional connectives other than th'e stroke are easily definable by means of matrices containing only the stroke symbol. We shall occasionally use the following abbreviations : J P for ilf, H1 for -$I,
2~~for i=l 0
11 &.Ii i=l
x ~..A,I ~.
10. F r e e a n d b o u n d v a r i a b l e s . S u b s t i t u t i o n . The distinction between free and bound variables is assumed as known. The formula which results from a formula A by the substitution for the variables ~ , . . . , L cwill ~ be denoted by of the terms T1,...,Tn Subst A(xl/rl, ...,g&). The operation of substitution is always performable when A is a term. If A is a matrix, it is sometimes necessary to re-name the bound variables occurring in A in order to make sure that the operation S&st can be performed. We shall always assume that the necessary changes in the bound variables of A have been performed before the operation Subst has been applied,). 11. &-matrices. These are matrices in which no bound variables occur. 12. Axioms. We assume that the axioms of s are finite in number and have the form of &-matrices in which no constants, functors, or predicates occur besides those which were enumerated in 2, 3, and 4. The axioms will be denoted by ai or a l ( q y,...,z), i=l, ...,6. _____ _-
2 ) An exact definition of the operation Subst is @en in C h u r c h [l], pp. 56-58.
13. The r u l e s of proof admitted in 8 are the usual ones. We adjoin to them the rule of explicit definitions and the &-rule8), We shall add a few words to explain the &rule. To this end we define recursiveLy the notions of &-termsand &-matrices. The terms and matrices defined in 6 and 7 are &-terms and &-matrices.I f P,Pl,...,Pk are &-terms,then flubst m
t , / q , . .,X i k / r d
is an &-termprovid'ed that (i) zfl,...,sf&are the free variables of r; (ii) the bound variables of P are not free in rl,...,rk.If r,,...,r,, are &-terms,then r t ( r l,...,Pp,)is an &-matrix( i = l ,...,y ) . I f Ml and M8 are &-matrices,then so are HIIMa and (3x,)M1. I f M is an &-matrix, then ( m f ) Nis an &-term. The &-rulestates that for every &-matrix M the matrix
M 3 Sabst M ( x ~ / ( E x ~ ) M ) can be assumed as a theorem of s. The question arises whether the assumptions concerning the form of axioms and rules of proof (cf. 1 2 and 13) are general enough to cover the cases of standard formal systems based on a finite number of axioms. The answer is affirmative. To see this we remark that the &-ruleenables us to get rid of quantifiers in the axioms provided that we introduce a sufficient number of &-terms*). Since the explicit definitions are allowed in s, it follows that we can bring t h e axioms to the form of Q-matrices provided that we add a sufficient number of symbols to the symbols enumerated in 2 and 3. The resulting system then satisfies our assumptions and is equivalent to the given one provided that suitable definitions are introduced into the latter. E x a m p l e . Let one of the axioms have the form
($1 (3Y)M@,Y ) We introduce a new functor g(s) and an axiom (ii)
M(x,g(s)). Clearly (i) is deducible from (ii). Conversely (ii) can be obtained from (i) by means of the &-ruleand the explicit definition g(s) = E y J m , Y ) . 3) The ordinary rules of proof for the functional calculus are given e. g. in Church [l], p. 40. For the &-rulesee H i l b e r t - B e r n a g s [6], qp. 9-18. 4 ) See H i l b e r t - B e r n a y e [5], pp. 16-17.
[32], 136
S y s t e m 8. The structure of 8 will be assumed similar to those of 8 . We shall, however, not assume that the number of &oms of S is finite. Furthermore we shall assume that 8 contains an arithmetic of integers to an extent which allows UR t o arithmetize in B the syntax of s and to prove in S the basic theorems of qathematical logic, e. g., the completeness theorem of CfBde16). We shall use freely in 8 the arithmetical notions such as identity, sum, product etc. 14. A r i t h m e t i c a l c o u n t e r p a r t s of s y n t a c t i c a l n o t i o n s will be denoted by words printed in spaced italics. For instance matrix is short for a matrix of S with one free variable which is satisfied exclusively by the Godel numbers of matarices of s. The actual construction of such a matrix is not needed; it suffices to h o w that it can be constructed. To simplify the notation we shall often use in 8 the non-formal language and write, for exainple, 3
is a m a t r i x of s
instead of matria, (2). Translations of such non-formal formulas to the official language of 8 will always be possible6). The following constants will be used in 8: 15. 3 for the functor of fl such that 3t,3s,3n... are the variables of s. I n other words 3f is the Godel number of the variable xr ( i s l ,2,. ..). 16. f, ,...,fl for the in d ivid u a l co n s t a a t s , gAl...,ga for the
fzclzctors, and r,, ...,r,, for the predicates of 8 . I n other words fi is the Godel number Of fi, g1 that of $1, and rk that of rk, i=l, ...,a,
j = l , ...,/?,k = l , ...,y. 17. Arbitrary terms will be denoted by letters tltl,tz, ..., arbitrary elementary formulas by letters e,e,,e2, ..., arbitmry prime formulas by letters ,p7p1,p2,...,and arbitrary matrices by letters m, m,,m2, ... 18. Let TI, ...,rq,be terms and 1, ,...,f9, their Godel numbers. ...,Pq,) will be denoted by The Godel number of the term gj(F1, [g,(tl, ...,f,)]. Thus the square brackets symbolize here a functor of 8. G o d e l [2]. *) More details concerning aritlimetization are given in U b d e l 131 a n b f i i l b e r t - B e r n a y s [5], $ 4 . 6)
[32], 137
The square-brackets notation explained in the foregoing paragraph will be used consistently in many other similar situations. So c. 9. if miJ is the Godel number of the matrix MiJ, then
[fi %mfJ] is the f = l *l
Godel number of the matrix
fl 2 0
1=1 j=1
MI,,. If m
is the Godel number of B,then [ml] is the Godel number of MI (i. e. of -dl) and so on. 19. The following lemma is provable in 8: I n order that e be an elementary f o r m u l a it is necesamy and sufficient that e have the form [rf(t17...,fp,)] where i < y and t,,..., tpfare terms. The integer i and terms tl,...7tptare deterniined by e. We put i=Ind(e),
ti= Compj(e),
...,p i .
Functors Ind and Comp are definable in 8. 20. The a r i t h m e t i c a l c o u n t e r p a r t of t h e f u n c t i o n &b8t will be denoted by the symbol Bb. Thus if a is the Godel number of an expression A, and tl, ...,t,, are the Godel numbers of terms r,,...,I‘,,then Bb a( 31/tl,..., 3,,/t,,) is the Godel number of the expression dubst A(xl/Tl, ...,xn/Tn). 21. If r,r1 ,...,I’,, are terms of s, then the expressions
. ;,I(sk/r)
, g, (TI,. ., I
..., #%bat Tq,(~h/T))
gj(Subst TI(Xk/T),
are identical. The equation
f i b [ 9/(ti, *. b j ) ] ( 3k i t ) = [?ji(Sb tl(3k it),
-*-, Sb f 9 j ( 3k It ))I
is provable in S . 22. The Godel n u m b e r of t h e i - t h axiom of s (see12) will be denoted by [at] or by [ai(m,y,...,z)]. 23. A r i t h m e t i c a l sentences expressing t h e oonsistency of 8 a n d of s will be abbreviated as N ( 8 ) and N(8). 2. Models of the first kind. Let Bo(z),$?(XI,...,spl)be y + l matrices of B with the indicated number of free variables and lot !Pi($,,...,s9,,y) be p matrices of B such that matrices I j ( ~ l , . . . , ~ 9 , , y ‘ ) ’ T j (, ‘. c. ~ 17 s 9 , , y ” ) ~ y ’ = ~ ’ ’ ,
( 3 Y ) W~,,...,%,,Y)
[32], 138
are provable in S. We define in S functors G (where j = l 1 2 , . . . , j 3 ) in the following way ') G,(:/C.l,..., sqt = (CY)q a , ,...,zqj
Finally let PI, ...,Fa be 01 constants definable in s'. The a + p + y + l tuple eonsisting of a constants P I , of B functors Gi,and of y + l matrices RL will be called a pseudo-model of the first kind of s in 8. I n order to define when a pseudo-model is a real model we shall introduce some auxiliary definitions. To every term T of s we let correspond a term !Z'r of AS' in the following way. If F is a variable, then T p = T . If r=ff,then T r = F f . Finally, if P has the form gj(F1, ...,Tqj), then we put T r =Gj(Tr*,...,Trq). To every elementary formiila E=ri(I'll...,Tp,) of s we let Trl,...,Trp,) of S. We extend this correspond the matrix E' =Ri( definition to all &-matrices of s by putting (Ml\ J f 2 ) ' = J f ~ l J f ~I n. particular we put A t = a ; ( i = l 1 . . . , 6 ) . D e f i n i t i o n . A pseudo-model (1)
PI,...,F a , GI,. ..,Gp, RO,121,...?R,
is a real rnodd of the first k i n d of s i n S if the formulas
no(%) .R&y) .... .K&)
3 A t ( $ , y, ...,z), i = I, 2 , ...,6 ,
are provable in S. Models of the first kind are the ones with which one has to do in the usual proofs of consistency and of independence of axiomatic systems 8 ) . For comparison with other notions of models to be defined later, we shall note the following general facts concerning models of the first kind: 1. The general notion of models of the first Bind is defined not in X but in the syntax of S. 2. Every particular pseudo-model is a finite set of matrices of S and can therefore be defined within S. The problem whether it. is or is not a real model can be formulated and in particular cases also solved in 8. 7 ) ( 1 % ) [ . . . x . . . ]denotes the zwhicllsatisfies the condition ...s...Cf. H i l b e r t B e r n a y s [5], p. 381. 8 ) C'f. the independence and consibtency proofs in [ 4 ! ('hapter 11.
[32], 139
number of axioms (.independent 3. If 8 contained an of whether their set is or is not definable in f l ) , thsa the problem whether an explicitly given pseudo-model is or is not a real model of s in S would be expressible in the syntax of 8 but not in 8 itself. The following theorems concerning model% of the first kind are well known but are given here for the sake of comparison with other notions of models 0 ) : I. If (1) i s a real model of the firat kind of 8 ilz S and if a Q-matrix A ( s ,y , ...,z ) is provabte i m s, then the matrig
Ro(LE).R,(y ) .... * R,(x)3 4 ' ( x y, , . .,2 )
is provable in R. 11. If (1)is a real model of the f i r s t kind of s in 8 and S is eonsistent, then so i s s. Let us now assume that a real model of the first kind of 8 has been explicitly defined in 8. Theorems I and I1 are provable in the syntax of S, hence they are translatable into arithmetic and therefore into S. Denoting by N ( S ) and N ( s ) formulas of 8 corresponding (via arithmetization) t o the syntactic statement: S (or s) is self-consistent (cf. section 1, definition 23), we obtain from 11: 111. The formula N ( S ) 3 N ( s )is provable in 8. In spite of this result models of the firat kind are of no use when one is examining the problem whether the formula N ( s ) itself is or is not provable in S. Models of the second and third kinds which we shall discuss in the next sections will allow us to answer this question in many particular cases. We note still the following theorem due t o W a n g [16]: IV. If the formula AT($)i s provable i n 8,then a model of the first kind can be defined explicitly in S . Indeed, the usual proofs of the completeness theorem of Gadel consist in exhibiting a model of the first kind of a (non-contradictory) first order system in the arithmetic of integers 10). Taking s as this system and repeating the argument of Godel in S (which is possible by our assumptions concerning f l , cf. p. 136) we obtain the proof, of theorem IV 11). O)
lo) 11)
Proof8 of these theorems may be found e.g. in my book [7J,Chapter XI. G o d e l [Z] or H i I b e r t - B e r n a y s [5], p. 185. W a n g [lG], p. 287. gives a more detailed proof of this theorem.
[32], 140
3. Models of the second kind in the axiomatic theory of sets la), We assume in this section that 8 is an axiomatic system of set theory based e. g. on Zermelo's axioms. The following definitions are to be thought of as belonging to 8. Let be an arbitrary set aad Z a finite set of positive integers. An %-function with the set of arguments 2 is defined as a set F of ordered pairs such that v E u runs over all finite sequences 13) satisfying the conditions
D(u)=Z, D*(V)C%, and the following condition of single-valuedness holds:
F and E P, then v'=v". The symbols D ( u ) and D*(u) denote the domain and the counter-domain of u, i. e. if
~ € D * ( M ) = ( 3 y ) [ < y l l r> FU].
If u is a sequence satisfying the condition D(u)=Z and P is an arbitrary set of positive integers, then we denote by w]Y the sequence u restricted to P, i. e.
< i , a> € u Y = ( < i , y> E u ) .( i E Y ) .
An %-relation with the set of arguments 2 is defined as a set R of sequences u such that D(u)=Z and D*(u)C%. If Z consists of integers i , j , k , ... and u is a sequence with the domain 2 such that , <j,b>,
%, Pi,...,Fa, GI,..- 7 G ,
. .., Ry
will be called a pseudo-model of the secorcd kind of s in S. 18) Results of this and the next section are due t o T a r s k i [111 and 1121. and t o W a n g [la] and [17]. 18) Sequences are defined as functions (many-one relations) with domains contained i n the set of positive integers. Cf. T a r s k i [ll], p. 287.
[32], 141
We shall now explain when a pseudo-model is a real model. As in section 2 we need some auxiliary definitions. We shall denote by B(t) the set of f r e e v a r i a b l e s which o c c u r in a t e r m t and by B(m) the set of f r e e v a r i a b l e s which o c c u r in a m a t r i x m of s. With these definitions it, is not difficult to prove the existence and uniqneness of a function H f ( u ) and a relation Stsf which are of fundamental importance in the investigations of the semantic of 8. The exact definitions of the function H and the relation Xtsf are given below in lemmas 1 and 2 together with the proofs of their existence and uniqueness. To facilitate our exposition we explain informally the intuitive meaning of these concepts. Let t be a t e r m , m 5 m a t r i x of 8, and let 1' 1 be a sequence {,<j,b>,
with the set of ayguments B ( t ) ; 30 if t i s a v a v i a b l e , thew B f ( { < t , a > ) ) = s ; 1 0 if t=f,, them Hf(u)=F,, i===l, ...,a ; so if t=[gt(t,,...,tq,)], then H f ( u ) = G j ~ H f , ( i i,..., 1 ) Htqj(uq,)) where ? I , T 141 B(t,), n =1 ,..,,q j , j =1, ...,p. L e m m a 2 . There exists exactly one binary yelatiou Stsf such that Lo the counterdomain of k f consists of m a t r i c e s of s ; 20 for a fixed m a t r i a m the set E u [ uXtsf m ] is a n %-relation with the set of arguments B(m); 3O if n? i s the elenaentnry formzcln Lr,(fl,...,f,,,)), t!6e,t
[32], 142
So if in=[(33r)m1]and the v a r i a b l e 3i i s not f r e e in mlt then a Stsf m= u Stsf ml. If however 31 is free in mL, then zc
Rtsf m =there i s a n element a
< 3i, a>) Stsf m,.
a such
Note that both lemmas are provable in S. I)efinit,ion14).A pseudo-model ( 2 ) is a Tea6 model of the secolzd kind of s in 8 if for every a x i o m [ai] of s and for every sequence u satisfying the conditions D ( u )= B ( [ a i ] )and D*(zc)C% the following formula holds u Stsf [a,], i - 1 , ...,6. Using this definition one can prove the following theorems: V 15). If ( 2 ) i s a real model of the second kind of 5 in S and if m i s a m a t r i x provable in s, then u Atsf m for an arbitrary sequence u sntisfginy the conditions D ( u ) = B ( m ) and D*(u)C%. VI16). lf at leant one yea1 model of the second kind of s in S uxists,. t h e n N ( s ) . Theorem V and VI as well as all the previous definitions and theorems belong to the system S. We now abandon S and pass to its syntax. We can then formulate the following statements concerning models of the second kind. These statements should he compared with statements 1-3 of section 2 , pp. 138-139: 1 . The general notion of models of the second kind is definable within S. 2 . Every individual model of the second kind is an element of the universe of discourse of 8. 3 . Models of the second kind can also be defined in cases where the number of axioms of s is infinite and statements 1 and 2 above also remain valid. From the circumstance that theorem VI has been proved in X x e infer that the following theorem holds: 171I . Zf the enisteiace of a real model of thv wcond Bind of s is pi*orahle i r i S , the)/ so i s the formwlit AT($) mpressitiy the cow.stvtr~t/cyof s. 14)
'6) '6)
Cf. T a r h h l 111'1, 1'. 8 . t7f. 'I'arslt I 1 I I], 1). 317, tlieorem 3, ant1 p. 35\. ('f. 'I'ariiki [ 1 I], p. 318, theorem 5 , and p. 3.5').
(321, 143
Hence models of the second kind enable us to obtain absolute consistency proofs whereas models of the first kind yield merely relative consist6ncy proofs. We note finally that just as in section 2 we can derive from the completness theorem of Godel the following theorem which is the converse of VII: VIII. If the sentence N ( s ) ia provable in. S , then 80 as the sentence stating the ezistence of at least one model of the second kind Of 8 i l 0 8. 4. Impossibility of a finite axiomatisation of set-’ theory. Let us amume ae in section 3 that 8 is an axiomatic sys-
tem of set-theory and let 8 be a system based on a finite number of axioms of i3. Since we It88ume the &-ruleboth in 8 and in 8 , we can aesume that the axioms of 8 contain no quantifiers and that k3 contains all functors occurring in the axioms of 8. From now on until the formulation of theorem IX we again aesume that our discussion takes place in system 8. Let 54f be an arbitrary non-void set such that if
ml ,...,mq,c%,
then g,(mL,...,m q , ) c N ,
P u t Fa=f,,...,Pa=f a and define the =-functions
ae sets of pair8
j=1, ...,B.
a, (j=1, ...,8)
<{7 - - 9
where ml,...,mq, vary independently in 3f. Further let be X-relations defined by the equivalence {
The a + / I + y + l (3)
( k = l , ...,y )
Rh Irh(ml, - - * 9 m P h ) .
nc, FI,...,FG,ax,...,@@, 4,...,R,
constitutes a peeudo-model of the eecond kind of 8 in 8. To show that this pseudo-model is a real model we remark that if [a,] is an amiom of 8 with the free variabzes 31,...,3k and if u ie any sequence {<31,u1>,..., < 3 k , u h > ) with u,, ..., u h . 3 i , then (4)
u 8tsf [a,] = a,(ul,
WI, 144
(cf. "convention W" in Tarski [ll], p. 305). Since the right side of (4) is an axiom of X, we obtain u 8tsf [at]. This formula being provable in 8, we infer that (3) is a real model of 8 in 8. The construction carried out above is expressible in 8; therefore on using theorem VII we obtain: IX. If s i s a finitely axiomatizable szbb-system of 8, then the sentence N ( s ) is provable in S . Remarks. 1. The assumption made above that B and 8 both contain the &-ruleis not essential for the validity of theorem IX. Indeed, let s' and X' be systems without the mule which become equivalent to s and 8 after adjunction of that rule and explicit definitions. It is evident that N(s') is not stronger than N ( s ) and hence provable in X. Since N(s') is an arithmetical sentence in which the &-symboldoes not occur, it follows from the second 8-theorem of Hilbert and Bernays that N ( s ' ) is provable without the &-rule, i. e. in S'. 2. One might ask why our construction breaks down when 8 contains infinitely many axioms, e. 9. when s=8. To answer this question we recall that equivalences of the form (4) are provable in S for each ai separately. There are no means by which to express in S anything which could serve as a logical product of infinitely many such equivalences.
The following theorems are easy corollaries of IX: X. If 8 i s self-oonsistent, it is not finitely axiomatizable 17). Proof. Fir& of all we remark that there exists a finitely axiomatizable sub-system so of S which is at least as strong as the arithmetic of integers based on Peano'a axioms with the axiom of mathematical induction (conceived as an axiom-schema). To prove this we remark that this system of arithmetic is equivalent to the system (21) of Hilbert-Bernays [ 5 ] , p. 384. It has been shown by Novak and Wang [8], p. 90, that upon extending (Z) by the introduction of a new primitive notion and suitable axioms we obtain a system which is finitely axiomatizable. The new primitive notion is that of a predicative class of integers. The resulting system so is therefore certainly weaker than 8 since in 8 we have at our disposal the general notion of classes which satisfies all the
[32], 145
axioms formulated by N o v a k and W a n g in their construction. Hence so is a sub-system of S. The existence of so being proved, we proceed as follows. According t o a theorem of Godel la) the sentence N ( s ) is provable in no self-consistent system s which contains ( Z ) . Hence if 8 is self-consistent and s is an axiomatizable sub-system of S which contains so, then N ( s ) is not provable in 8 . Since N ( s ) is provable in 8 according t o IX, we infer that systems s and X are not equivalent. Theorem X is thus proved. XI. If S i s self-consistent, it i s iu-ilzcomplete 19). Proof. Let X' be a system equivalent t o S 1)nt without the &-rule and with a fixed set of primitive functors and predicate8 fi. e . explicit definitions are not allowed in 8').Let al,a2,... be axioms of 8'. We can assume that no at contains free variables. P u t m(i)=[a,.n,. . . . . u , ~ ~ , . N ( ci =~l], ,2 , ..., andlet @(m) bethe matrix m ( s ) i s uizprocable i?z the first order functional calculus. It is easy t o see that this matrix can be written in purely arithmetical terms and is therefore a matrix of 8. According to IX, sentences @(l),O(Z),... are all provable in X whereas the general statement ($)@(a) is equivalent to N ( S ) and hence unprovable in S unless S is inconsistent. XI1 20). If 8 i s self-consistent, then there exist consistent but c~-inconsistentsets of arithmetical semtences. Indeed, sentences - N ( X ) , @(l), @ ( 2 ) ,O ( 3 )... form such a set.
5. Models of the second kind in the axiomatic theory of real numbers. llniost all we have said 111 sections 3 and 4 can be repeated wnen S is an axiomatic theory of real numbers. When speaking of the arithmetic of real numbers, we have in mind systems in which the class of integers as well as the developmentiof any real number into decimal (or other) fractions is definable and can be proved t o exist. G o d e l [3], theorem XI, p. 196. For the notion of o-completeness see T a r s k i [13]. The result obtained in theorem XI is of course not new. n o ) Of course this Iesult is not new either. See G o d e l [3], p. 190 and T a r s k i 1131, p. 108. 18)
[32], 146
Note that the arithmetic of real numbers in its usual formulation is based on an infinite number of axioms because the axiom of continuity cannot be expressed otherwise as a schema. The notions of functions and relations do not occur explicitly among the primitive notions of arithmetic. Some particular cases of these notions, however, are definable in arithmetic and these particular cases are general enough to enable us to carry over the proofs given in sections 4 and 5 from set-theory to arithmetic. The procedure is as follows. First, we define one-to-one correspondences between integers and finite sequences of k integers, k=1,2, ... If an integer n is made ) p k is the k-th prime, to correspond with a k-tuple ( n l 1 . . . , ~ 2 band then we shall identify the integer p ; with the k-tuple ( ) t l , ...,n k ) . I n this way we obtain an arithmetical substitute for the notion of a finite sequence of integers. It is well known that we can effectively establish a one-to-one correspondence between reel numbers and sets of integers. I n other words we can find a matrix @(m,m) such that the following formulas are provable in X: O ( . r l t t ) 3n i s an integer, x ~ z / , - ( n ) [ @ ( dn,) =@(%",it)].
A real number % will be called a k-termed relation if (m)[@(m,~~)3(3m).n=p,m]. Integers 9z1, ...,nk are said to be in relati0.n s !i the integer n corresponding to the sequence ( i ? l l . . . , n b )SRtisfies the condition @(.;,p;). I n this case we write I I : ( ? L ..., ~ , nb). A real number II: is called a function with k argument8 if it satisfies the following conditions: z i s a binary relation,
4%, * 13(Em1 n 1 = PT ) , ( ' ~ ~ ) ( 3 ~ ~ z ) ~ ( ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ , .C(n1,
..I) .c(nl,n;)3n;=11;.
The value of the function m for the arguments ? i l , . . . , n k is defined as (tnz)x(p;,n,) where m is the integer corresponding to t h e sequence ul,...,9 2 1 . Having defined the notions of functions and relations, we can reconstruct without difficulty all the definitions and proofs which were given in sections 3 and 4. In this way we arrive at the following results:
1321, 147
XIII. If the system X of the arithmetic of real numbers is selfcowsistent and s i s a finitely axiomatixabb sub-system of X, then the sentence X ( s ) is propable i n S . XIV. The arithmetic of real numbers is ?lot finitely axiomatixable. 6. Models of the third kind. The method described in sections 3-5 does not apply in the case in which X is the system of the arithmetic of positive integers based on Peano's postulates. The failure of the method is caused by the fact that no model of the second kind is definable in the arithmetic of positive integers for a system s in which the existence of infinitely many individuals is provable. JIodels of the third kind which we shall discuss presently will enable us t o prove theorems similar to IX-XI1 for the ewe in which S is the system of the arithmetic of integers. These models were first, defined by H i l b e r t and Bernays who stated their definitions id a non-formal language*'). We shall present here an arithmetical counterpart of the Hilbert-Bernays definition in order to discuss the possibility of its use in a formal system A'. We shall make the same assumptions concerning the systems A' and s as in section 1. The system 8 will however be slightly enlarged by the adjunction of the symbols A and v, denoting the Boolean zero and the Boolean unit. Boolean addition and multiand . and, when many summands plication will be denoted by or factors are present, by the Z- and 27-symbols. Boolean complementation will be denoted by an upper index 1. For symmetry we put A Q = A and V o r ~ . A term r of s will be called a, constant term if no variable occurs in it. It is easy to construct in arithmetic (and hence in 8) a functor l' with one free variable such that the following formulas are provable in 8: if y is an integer, then T ( y ) is a constan-t term; if x is a constant term, then s = T ( y ) for some y. We shall now construct in X a function X(m,m) which enumerates all matrices t h a t can be obtained from a Q-matrim m by all possible substitutions of constant ternas for the free v a riables of m. We introduce first the auxiliary functors u, 8,and p.
See H i l b e r t - R e r n a y s 151, pp. 33-36.
[32], 148
Let a be a functor of B with two free variables such that the formula = 2 ~ x 1.3ac2.~)-1. , ~ ~
....p2~,~)-i. ...
is provable in 8. In other words the definition of u(y,s) is obtained by expressing in 8 the following definition: a(y,x)=l+ (the exponent of the y-th prime in the development of a into the product of primes). For m y t e r m t we put X(t,", 1)= Sb t( 3 1 M 41,$1 11, f l ( t ,$7 y f1) = 8 b #(t, a,?//) (3g+l ' r ( d y +I,")))* This is clearly an inductive definition of the type which can be represented in 8 by a single functor. Hence S(t,m,y) is a functor of 8. Let p ( t ) be the functor of 8 defined as the largest integer y such that 3sr o c c u r s in t. We put
W , @=fw,",A t ) ) and call B(t,s) the x-th substitutiofi of t. 8(t,m) is clearly a functor of B. It can be proved in 8 that ( s , t ){ # ( t , $ ) i s a c o n s t a n t t e r m } . If e = [ r f ( t , , ...,f,)]
is a n e l e m e n t a r y f o r m u l a , then we put
& e , 4 = [rAflVl,s), -.,W pj14)l
and call 8 ( e , m ) the x-th substitution of e. The following statement is provable in 8: (z,e) {S(e,s) i s a p r i m e f o r m u l a } (cf. section 1, definition 8). We define now the x-tR substitution of an arbitrary Q - m a t r i x m. The definition proceeds by induction. If m=c, then 8(e,a) has been defined above. If m = [m,Im,l, then we put S(nz,a)= [S(m,,~)lfJ(m,,s)]. By a standard procedure we transform this inductive definition into an explicit one whin can be expressed in 8. We shall call a pseudo-model of the third kind or briefly a valuation, a functor di or 8 with one free variable such that the following formula is provable in 8: if p i s a p r i m e f o r m u l a , then D ( p ) = V or @ ( p ) = A .
[32], 149
Let @ be an arbitrary valuation. We consider a functor V n l a ( m , s ) of S with two free variables satisfying the following conditions: a) the first argument of Val@ runs over &-matrices and the second over arbitrary positive integers; b) the following statements (5) and (6) are provable in S:
T’u7.(e, a)= @(S( e , z)), Vazs([mllnL,],s)={VU?s(ml,s) .V a f + 1)Zz7 ( a))’ (the upper index 1 denotes here the Boolean complementation). It is easy to construct effectively a functor Va7a which satisfies the above conditions. All we have to do is to remark that conditions (5) and (6) can be considered as an inductive definition of Val@and that inductive definitions of this kind can. be transformed into ordinary definitions which are expressible in S. Definition. A pseudo-model @ is called a real model of the third kiizd of s itz 8 if the following formulas are provable in 8:
(5) (6)
Models of t8hethird kind are in some respects similar to models of the first kind. Indeed, it follows from the definition that 1. The general notion of models of the third kind is defined not in S but in its syntax (since @ was defined as a functor of S ) ; 2 . Every particular pseudo-model of the third kind can be defined within S (since each particular @ can be writteh down by means of symbols allowed in 8).The problem whether this pseudomodel is or is not a real model of s can be formulated and in particular cases solved in S. On the other hand 3. The notion of models of the third kind retains its meaning also for cases in which s contains an infinite number of axioms. bdeed, @ is a real model if the formula ( m ) [ ( m i s nsz asionz Of s ) 3 (a)(Va7*(m,s)=V } ]
is provable in 8. This definition is meaningful not only when the a s i o m s of s are finite in number but more generally when their set is definable in S. I n this respect there is an analogy between models of the third and second kinds. We shall now investigate the problem whether models of the third kind can be used to obtain absolute proofs of consistency.
[32], 150
Following H i l b e r t - E e r n a y sz 2 ) we shall call a Q-matrix rn uerifiable if (m)Vale(m,x)=v . The following theorem can then be proved: XV. The formula ( m ) { ( m is a &-matrix provable in s ) 3 ( m i s verifiable)] is provable i n 8. The proof of this theorem has been given by H i l b e r t - B e r n a y s [53, pp. 33-36. We note that t,his proof is straightforward for the case in which m can be obtained from the axioms by the elementar? calculus with free variables z 3 ) . Hence the essential step in the proof of XV consists in proving in S the implication: ( m i s provable in s ) 3 ( m can be obtained from the a x i o m s of s by means of the elementary calculus with free variables). This implication is established by Hi1 b e r t and B e r n a y s with the help of the first &-theorem. Another proof of XV has been given by LOB24). His proof is not finitary but can be translated in X along r i t h the H i l b e r t B e r n a y s proof. As a corollary from XV we obtain XVI * 5 ) . The following implication i s proaablc in S : if @ is a real model of s in 8, then N ( s ) . It follows from XVI that models of the third kind can be used when an absolnte proof of consistency is desired.
7. Impossibility of a finite axiomatization of arithmetic”). We assume in this section that X is the system of arith-
methic of positive integers based on Peano’s postulates and that s is a finitely axiomatizable sub-system of 8. We can assmie that axioms of s have been brought to the normal form
E v , < ( i) = rn(v,:,fi ( r u , c , i , l y ...t - I ’ v . : ~ , p ~ ( ~ , t , ~ ) ) .
H i 1 b e r t - B e r i i a y s [ 5 ] , p. 36. H i l b e r t - B c r n a y s [ 5 ] , p- 380. z4) Lo6 [ti], 1). 3i. theorem 34. 2*) H i l b e r t - U e r n a y s [5], p. 36, call S V I the “\Vf-tlieoreiii”. ne) The itiipossibility of a finite axioinatization of the ar.ithinetic of positivl. integers was first slioivi~by R y l l - S a r t l z e \ v s k i in [lo]. TlicwwIn S V I I I of tlit. preseiit paper is lionever sliglitly stronger t l i i i i i the rewlt of It! I l - S n r d z e w s k i . ”)
[32], 151
Further we can asume that constants, functors, and predicates of 8 occur also in 8. We shall denote by ev,s(i)the Cfodel number of Lemma 3. If Qi i s an arbitrary vodzcdiora, then formula is provable in 8:
(exponents I m well a the symbols 17 and 22 have here the Boolean meaning). Proof. Immediate from ( 5 ) and (6). L e m m a 4. Under the assumption8 of lemma 3 tht foUming equisalence i s provabb in 8:
(4{4 w ( i ) 3 ( 3 E E ) C ( Kt ( V , i ) )
*(Vd.(e,,s(i),a)= V f W ) ] } .
Proof. Immediate from lemma 3. Let t run over oonstant terms of 8. We consider a functor 8 of fl such that the following equations be provable in 8:
(7) (8)
i = i , ...,
Q(Csl(tl,...,h,)l) =gjt@(tl), ”’,W q , ) ) ? i=1,.*.,B.
It is easy to construct explicitly a functor satidying these conditions. Indeed, (7) and ( 8 ) contain an inductive definition which can be transformed into an explicit one and the definiens of the explicit definition thus obtained is the required 8. The intuitive meaning of the functor 8 can be explained a8 follows: Consider an arbitconstant term of 8; of course it denotes an integer. Let t be the Gi3del number of l”. Then e(t)is the integer denoted by I: We put e ( T ( o ) ) = $ ( x )Note . that 6 is a term of 8 with one free variable. @(a?) is of course the integer denoted by the m-th conetmt term (in the enumeration of constant term8 given by the function T).
Lemma 5. Let be a term of 8 , t it8 Cf6del number a d h the Zurgeut integer 8 w h that xh o m r s in The% the fouoCaing equation is provable in S : (9)
@( S( t ,5))=S t h t
l‘( s#(
a( 1,s)), %,JS(a(h, 2))).
[32], 152
Proof. If F = q , then t = 3i, LJ(t,a)=T(a(i,s)) and hence @(8(t,n))=8(a(i,m)).On the other hand the right side of (9) is &(u(i,a)). Hence the lemma is true in this case. If r=fr,then t=fi and the left and right sides of (9) can easily be shown to be equal to f i . Let us assume that the lemma is proved for terms TI, ...,r,, with the Godel numbers t,,...,f,,. Let r be the term q,(rl,...,I',,); the Godel number of T is t=[g/(h, ...,fp,)]. It follows from lemma 2 1 in section 1 and from (8) that equations
w ,2)= IIsAfV,, m),. m,,, $))I, s,(@(ml,$)), ...,@ (LJ(t,,,s))) * *,
@ ( L J ( t , 4= )
are provable in X. On the other hand if we put
ry)= B&t
...,z h /@(a(h, S ) ) ) ,
Q( 1,g ) ) ,
we obtain from lemma 2 1 in section 1 the equation (11)
...,$A /@(a(h, z)))=g,(l'v), ...,1;;))
b b 8 t r(sl/&( a(1,s)),
provable in 8. Since by the inductive assumption equations
are provable in LJ, we obtain the desired result by comparing form u l a (10) and (11). Lemma 6 is thus proved. Observe that this lemma is not 8 theorem of X but a theorem-schema. The statement of this lemma must be proved separately for every r. Definition. I f is a term and H a @matrix of 8 and if h is the largest integer such that sh occurs in r or in M',then we put
= Bwbst
r (S@(
...,@,/@(a( h, a))), 1,a)), ...,~*n/@(u( h, s))).
U( 1,s)),
M ( x ) = #&st M(@(u( is a term of B with one free variable x. SimilNote that arly X(x) is a matrix of X with one free variable s. 0
Lemma 6. If X = x fleilwhere the Ev,l are ekmentary v = l 6=1
fornauh and t t e ?,,(
are equal to 0 or 1, then
The proof is obvious.
[32], 153
We shall now define a valuation Q, of which we shall show later that it is a real model of 8 in rS.
E { ( I d (PI
t= 1
W P ) = 4=
i) ( T i ( @ (comP1 (PI),...,@ (COmPp,(P)))(s = v 1 *
V “ ~ / ( @ ( C O ~( P )I ) , . . . , @ ( ~ o ~ P , *(s= , ( P )A ) )1))-
(Cf. section 1, def. 19, p. 137, for the definition of the functions
I n a and camp).
It is evident that Q, is a functor of 8. The formula
@P(p)=V or @ ( p ) = A is provable in 8. Indeed, it can be proved in 8 that if p is a prime formula, then Comp,(p) is a constant term and hence @(Compj(p)) is a perfectly defined term of 8. Lemma 7. Let r,(rl,...,rPi) be an elementary formula and e=[ri(t,, ...,tpr)]its GdaeZ number. The follozoing equivalences art3 then provable i n #,for A = O , l : @(W(e,m))=vL==e(Tp) ,...,Tg)). Proof. By definition W(e,m)= [rXW(t1,m),...,W(tpi,m))] whence it follows that equations Ind ( W(e, m ) ) = i ,
. . . . .
. . .
Comlpp,(8( 63%)) =fl( ‘&I 4
are provahle in 8. Now observe t h a t the formula S(e,m) is a prime formula
is provable in 8. Upon using the definition of @ we obtain therefore the formula provable in 8 @(Ste,z))=
v L= ? ( @ ( W I , @ ) ,
Since equations Q(W(t,,m))=Tf? are provable in W (cf. lemma 5 ) , we get the desired result directly from the last formula. Observe that lemma 7 is not a single theorem but a theoremschema of 8.
[32], 154
is provable in S. By lemma 6 the right side of the equivalence can
i. e. by a?). It follows that the formula
VaZs([u,],s)=v 5 rap)
is provable in 8. Since up) is
8 substitution of an axiom of provable in 8. Hence the equation
it is
V w [ a f l l ~ )v=
is provable in 8 and theorem XVII is proved. From theorems XVI and XVII we obtain XVIII.If 8 .is a finitely miomatizable 8ub-8~8te~n of 8, the% the formula N(8) i s (provable in 8. XIX"). 8 i s not finitely axiomatizable. ") This theorem is due to R y l l - N a r d z e w s k i who obtained it in [lo] by a different method.
[32], 155
To prove this theorem we need the following L e m m a 8. There esists a finitely axiomatizabl4sub-system 8, of 8 such that if s is a finitel?! adomatizable sub-system of S which c w tains sol then the sentence N ( s ) i s aot provable in s. We shall content ourselves with a sketch of the proof. We shall take for granted the arithmetizstion of the system 8 along the lines indicated by Godel [3]. The arithmetical counterparts of the metamathematical notions will be denoted by symbols used by Godel although strictly speaking the symbols should be modified because the system arithmetized by Godel is different from 8. Let F be ft primitive recursive function such that F(m,n,p)=O if and only if n , p are sentences of 8 and m is a p r o o f of the i m p l i c a t i o n p Imp n in the functional calculus of the first order. Let F’ be defined at8 follows
Let, f‘ be the Godel number of the equation F ’ ( n ~ , i z , p ) = O . H i l b e r t and B e r n a y s [5], pp. 310-323, have shown that the following implication is provable in S :
Analysing their proof we find that lothe x whose existence is stated in (13)is a primitive recursive function Q of m, n , p ; 2O the axioms of S which occur in the proof d t h the Godel number Q(m,n,p) are finite in number and independent of m, n , and p. If we denote by & . . . , A k these axioms and by ax the Godel number of their conjunction, me obtain instead of (13) the folloming implication provable in 8:
H i l b e r t and Bernaj-s have further shown (cf. [ 5 ] , pp. 307-308) that the implication (15)
(Ba)F‘(x,l’TGen i , . p ) = ( , 3 ( ~ ) ( 3 n . ) F ’ iLb ( 2 ,I , (
is provable in S.
W19Y ) ) , p ) = O
[32], 156
Now let so be a sub-system of S based on the axioms A41,...,Ak and on those axioms of S which are necessary to prove implications (14) and (1.5) as well as the recursion-equations for the functions P, Sb, Imp, Neg, Z, and Q. We shall show that so has the property stated in the lemma. Indeed, let s be a finitely axiomatizable sub-system of S containing so and denote by Ax the Godel number of the conjunction of the axioms of s. It follows that (14) and (15) (when expressed in the symbols of 8 ) are theorems of s. From (14) we infer that the following implication is provable in s: We put
I t is easy to see that 8=17 Gen Neg Sb p
Repeating the argument of Godel [3], pp. 187-189, we can prove that 6 is unprovable in s, provided that s is consistent, i. e. that N ( s )3 (m)P(s, 8, dlr) 0. (17)
This proof can be repeated word by word in the system s owing to the circumstance that (15),(16), and recursion-equations for the functions P, Q, Sb, Imp, Neg, and Z are available in s. Hence if we denote by w the Godel number of the sentence N ( 6 ) and observe t
P ( h , w Tmp 6, A a ) = 0,
f where h is the Godel number of the proof of (17) in s. It follows from (18) that if N(6) were provable in 8 (i. e. if 20 were provable in s), then b would be provable in s and hence by (17) 8 would be inconsistent. Lemma 8 is thus proved. Theorem XIX results from lemma 8 by the same argument which was used in the proof of theorem X.
[32], 157
The following result can also he obtained from XVIII. Following T a r s k i and Szmielew*8) we shall call a system s interpretable in S if there exists rz model of the first kind of s in 8. We have then XX n o ) . For every finitely axiomatizable sub-system s1 of the arithmetic of iwtegers 8 there is a finitely nxiomatixable szrb-system s of S such that s i s not interpretable i n sl. P r o o f . Define s as a system obtained fram 6, by the adjunction of the sentence N ( s l ) to the axioms of s,. According to XVIII s is a finitely axiomatizable subsystem of X. If 8 were interpretable in sl, then the implication N ( s l ) 3 N ( s )would be provable in s1 and hence the sentence N ( s ) would be provable in s . B u t this is impossible since N(a) is provable in s only if s is inconsistent (cf. lemma 8, p. 156). To complete our discussion we remark that the results established in section 7 hold not only when S is the system of the arithmetic of positive integers but more generally for all systems 8 which contain arithmetic and have the property th a t inductive definitiond of the form (7) and (8) are expressible by single matrices of the system S . Bibliography. [l] Alonzo Church, Introduction to ilfathenuiticd Logic. Part I , Annals of Mathematics Studies 13, Princeton 1944. [2] Kurt Giidcl, Die Vollstiindigkzit iler Axiome des logisel~enFunktionenZalkuls, Slonatshefte fur Mathematik unit Physik 37 (1930), pp. 349-360. [3] - ober fornnnl unentscheidhnre Satze der Principia Xathematica und wmuandter Systenie I , Ibidem 38 (1931), pp. 173-193. [4] Da& Hilbert, Grzcndlngoa der Geometrie, 7-th edition, Leipzig-Berlin 1930. [ 5 ] David Ililbert and Paul Bernays, Grundlagen der Zathenaatik, r o l . 2, Berlin 1939. [6] Jerzy Zok, 0 inntycnch logicznych, Prace Wroclawsliiego Towarzystwa Naukowego, seria B, Nr 19, 1949. [7] Andrzej Mo s t o w s ki, Logika nzaternntycxa, Monografie Matematyczne, TO^. 18, Warssawa-Wroclaw 1948. [S] Ilse L. h'orak, A Conslructmz for Jfodels of Goasistent Systems, Fundamenta Mathematicae 37 (1950), pp. 87-110. [9] J. Barkleg Rosser, Review of [15], The Journal of Symbolic Logic 16 (1951), pp. 143-144. 2*)
T a r s k i - S z m i e l e w [14]. Theorem XX a i d its proof were coinmuiiicated to me by A. T a r s ki.
[32], 158
[lo] Ceeslaw R y I I - N a r d z e w s k i , The Bole of the Axiom of Irtductios is the EZemestcrry Arithmetic, Fundarnenta Mathematirac 39 (1953). [ l I] Alfred T a r s k i , Der Wahrheitsbegriff L I P den formalisierten Spracherc, Stutlia Philosophics 1 (1936), pp. 261-405. [12] f f b e r den Begrifj der logisehnn B'o'olgerzoq, Actes tlu C,!ongri.s International do Philosophie scientifique, VII h g i q u e . Actiinlit6fi Scientifiques e t Industrielles 384, Paris 1936, pp. 1-11. [ 131 - Einige Betrachtungen iiber die Begriffe der w-Widerspruchsfreiheit uiul der w-Vollstundigkeif, Yonatshefte fur Mathematik und Physik 40 (1933), yp. 97-112. [14] and Wanda Snmielew, Xutual Interpretability of Borne Essentially Undecidable Theories, Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematics, vol. 1, Cambridge 1950, p. 734. [I51 Hao W a n g , The Non-finitizahility of Tmprediccllive Priiwiples, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 98 (1950), pp. 479-484. [IS] - Arithmetic Transkztions of Axiom. Syetems, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 71 (1951), pp. 283-293. [171 The Irreducibility of Impr&icative Primiplee, Yathematische Annalen 125 (1952), pp. 56-66.
Introduction. This paper deals with the notion of direct product in the theory of decision problems. Elementary mathematical theoriea are always concerned with certain functions defined in a set I (called the unwerse of discourse of the theory) and certain relations with the common domain I. The notions of functions and relations are known to be reducible to each other. To avoid duplication of definitions and proofs we shall eliminate the former notion in favor of the latter and consider only theories in which all the primitive terms are of the type of relations (with an arbitrary number of arguments). It is easy to define for relations the notion of a direct product in the way which is usual in abstract algebra. We are led to this definition in a very natural way when we reflect that relatiom are but a particular case of functions, and the direct product of an arbitrary number of functions is defined in algebra. A relation which is representable as a product of an arbitrary number of pairwise identical relations is called the powewelation, and the relations which occur as factors are called the base-reMtions. The content of the present paper can now be characteriaed more precisely aa follows. We shall discuss a theory of which the primitive notions are representable as powers of certain base-relations, and shall try to reduce all the problems concerning thii theory (in particular the decision problem) to problems concerning the theory of the base-relations. It will be seen that this reduction is in fact possible, and that several particular cases of the decision problem, the solutions of which are known from the literature, can be included in the general scheme established in the present paper. The division of the paper is as follows. In $1we explain what is meant by an elementary theory of given relations and define various auxiliary notions. In $2 we define two (non-equivalent) notions of the direct product and give examples of theories the primitive notions of which are power-relations. 53 is devoted to auxiliary theorems with the help of which we prove, in 54, the main theorem on elimination of quantifiers. In 55 we apply the main theorem to obtain several corollaries, the most important of which concern the decision problem.
Sl. Preparatory syntactical and semantical definition? 1.1. Elementary theory of given relations. Let R, , Rz , . - ., R, be g relations and let F be the union of their fields. We do not impose any restrictions on the number of arguments of these relations and denote'by p i the number of arguments of R i 0' = 1,2, ,g). If p i = 1, then Ri is a set and if p i = 0, then Rj is a propposition (true or false). Received December 6, 1949.
WI, 2
We consider in what follows a fragment of applied functional calculus of the
first order' and call it the e2ementat-g flre0t-g of relutiona Rj 0' = 1 , 2 , -
- - , g).'
The only predicates which occur in the expressions of this theory are R1, R*, ,Ro . The number of arguments of Ri is p i 0' = 1,2, . ,g). As to the individual variables there are no mtrictions imposed on them. It will be convenient, however, to fix an enumeration of them and we shall therefore take the aymbols x1 , xz , , xn , aa the individual variables. We shall take the stroke I and the existential quantifier (3x$ as primitive logical concepts. Other logics1 connectives and the universal quantifier are deh e d in terms of primitive concepts in the well-known way. We shall use the signs N, v, ., 3, =: (a)for negation, alternation, conjunction, implication, equivalence, and the universal quantifier. The same signs will occasionally be used in the meta-language. No confusion will arise from this double meaning of logical symbols because variables and constants of the meta-language will always be printed in italics whereas variables and constants of the theory will be printed in ordinary (roman) type. To avoid formulas which are too long we shall write
- .
IIs. .-1
for 41.42.
... .A+,
(3xr.)l' for (3xkl)QxtJ (axk,), * (xt,).. (xd(xr3 (xdl' for Sometimes we shall also use the following symbols: 4' for 4 and 4' for -4.
We shall need further a rather special operation on formulas called the relativizution of quantijiers.To define it suppose that Ri is a set (otherwise the operation is undefined). To each expression @ of the considered theory we let correspond another formula 4' = 4; of the same theory; 4' is said to arise from 4 by the relativization of quantifiers to Ri . The definition of 4' proceeds by induction. If' 4 is the elementary formula Ri(xrl , X L ~ , , XL?~), then 4' = 4 (i = 1, 2, . . , g). If 4 is the formula41 I & , then 4' = 4; I d2. Finally if 6 is the formula @ x ~ ) ,+then ~ 4' = (3xt)[Rj(xt) Formulas 4 and 4' have evidently the same free variables. The elementary theory of relations R1, R t , - . . , R, will be denoted by T ( R I, Rp , . , Rn).The relations R1, Rz , * , R , are called its basic relations and F its &ld. e
- -
1.2. Notion of satisfaction and derived notionsa Let 4 be a formula of the elementary theory of relations R1 , RI , * - ., R , and let f be a sequence whose
* Church [l],p. 37.
* The notion of the elementary theory of given relations haa been introduced by Tarski 181, 05.
* In connection with the notions introduced in this section compare Tanki [7].
WI, 3
domain consists of all integers and whose counterdomain is contained in Ff We denote by the kth term of this sequence. We define by induction on 4 the following relation: ule sequence f satiajies 4 in tfre theory T(& , R, , ... , Re). This will be abbreviated as f S & ~4. T If I$ is the elementary formula R j ( X k , , * * ,xb,), then
f St8fT4 If 9
I & , then f ShfT 4
.“ ,jb,)-
(-f ShfT &)-
S h f T 91)
= ( % c k ) + , , then f S@fT4 if and only if there is a seqyence f’ such that 41 and j i = pi for all j different from k. The fact is that f SkfT I$ depends only on those terms.& of the sequence f for
If 4 f’StsfT
which x k is free in 4. Owing to this circumstance it is possible to introduce a dierent symbolism for the notion of satisfaction which is usually easier to handle. Let kl , kr , , k h be d of the integers such that X k { is free in 4 and put Iki = ai (j= 1,2, * ,h). We shall write 0
instead off Stsfl.4. Usually it will be clear from the context which of the elements ai corresponds to which integer and we shall then omit the upper row of indices and write simply FT 4(al , * * * , a h ) . It is known that a great many semantical notions are definable in terms of the notion of satisfaction. We list in the sequel those which will be needed in what follows. A formula 4 of T is valid in T if it is satisfied by every sequence, contravalid if it is satisfied by no sequence. It is true in T if it is valid in T and has no free variables, false in T if it is contravalid in T and has no free variables. Instead of “true in T” we write F T . It is known that Fr 4 holds if and only if at least one sequence satisfies 4. Two formulas 4 and of T are called contradictory to each other if there is no sequence f such that fskfT 4 and f s t 8 j T 4 and are called equivaht in T if they have the same free variables and for each sequencef. We write then 4 + + T fSkfT 4 f s t 8 f T An element a of F is definable in T if there is a formula 4 of T with exactly one free variable such that
FT &(z)
= a)
for every z in F. The formula Cis said to define a in T. An n-termed relation R between the elements of F, or what is the same, a sub-
sequences are defined aa one-many relations f. The set of elements a such that zfa for aome z is called the domain o f f , and the set of elements b such that bfy for some y is called the counterdomain off and denoted by
1331, 4
22 1
set of the cartesian product F X F X -. X F = F", is called definable in T if there is a formula (b with exactly n free variables such that
R(zi ,zz ,
for arbitrary x1 ,zz , . . ,xn in F. It follows that an element x of F is definable in T if and only if the upit class ( 5 ) is definable in T. The theory T is called decidabb if the set of its true formulas is general recursive. In others words T is decidable if .there is a method which enables UB to decide in a finite number of steps whether an arbitrarily given formula is true or not.
1.3. Imbedding of one theory into another one. We shall consider in this section two theories T and S. The theory T will have the basic relations R1, R2 , . ,R, and the field F, whereas S will have the basic relations
,RE, F, S t , SZ * * . ,S h We shall say that S is an extension of T or that T is imbedded in S. Note that each formula of T is at the same time a formula of S, but not Ri,R s ,
conversely. We shall denote by 0' the formula arising from (b by the relativization of quantifiers to F. For each formula 4 of TI$'is a formula of the more comprehensive theory S.
TEEOREM 131. Iff i s a sequence whose temzs belong exclusively to F , then for
each formula (b of
T fSbfT4~fSbfS(b'*
PROOF.If (b is the elementary formula R$(Xk,, .-., ap,), then the theorem follows from equivalences fSbfT @
, . ,3kp,) 3fSbf#4'. *
Assume that the theorem holds for formulaa 41 and & of T. If 9 = 41 16, then the theorem follows from the inductive assumption and equivalences
fS@fr(b = I-CfSbfr
" -JCfSt8fr441,
fSW* 4' = ["CfSbfS d:) v -CfStsfa If (b = @x&, then implies the equivalences
(b' =
The definition of satisfaction
fl)l . [acf*) f l ) , fstsfs(b'= pp)tfl F] . p*s~f8(b:1* ti)[o'f k) gi * fi)1)* fSbfT(b= @p)(lf*S@fT@d 0[0'f k)
which together with the inductive assumption entail the contention of the theorem. Theorem 1.31 is thus proved. As easy corollaries we obtain:
TEEOREM 2.32. If # i s true in T,then 4' k true in S a d ~onuerselg.
r331, 5
TEEOREM 1.33. I f # hae ezactly one free variable xk and defines in T an element a of F , then the cunjunetion F(a)-6' clejines a in S . Hence an e&ment of F &$nable in T is &o dejiniable in S. Let # be a formula of T and Q a formula of S. We shall say that these formulas are equivalent and write 4 +8 Q if # and Q have the same free variables and fStsfr#=fSt-sfsQ for each sequence f with (3;cf) C F.
THEOREM1.34. If # and Q have no free variables and 4 T-8 Q, then 4 and Q are either s i m ~ n e o u s l false y or simultaneously true (in T and S respectively). PROOF. I#I is true in T if and only if at least one sequence f satisfies 4 in T. From the assumptions of the theorem it follows that then f satisfiea in S and hence that # is true. Conversely, if Q is true in S, then each sequence satisfies Q in S and in particular any sequence f whose counterdomain is contained in F. Each such f estisfies then # in T and hence # is true in T . The remaining part of the theorem follows from the fact that # is false in T (or Q is false in S) if and only if it is not true in T (or in S ) .
THEOREM 1.35. If 4'1) p s ~ ( 1 a ) d 40) T++s +(2), then 4'1) 1 4'2) ++s ~ ( 1 I) $0) and (3xrM(') T-8 (3xJF(x,) dl)l. PROOF. The first part of the theorem is obvious. To prove the second we remark that if GCf>C F, then
3.E =3Al, 3 A = Jd].
@~)[pshfT#'" (3P)C F (k)(k f
fSt-sfs&)F(x,) +(')I ( 3 f * ) v S h f 8 4") a F (k)(k # I It follows eaaily from these equivalences and from the inductive assumption =f&f8(3x,)F(x,) Jl")]. Theorem 1.35 is thus proved. that fShfT(3&)@("
$32. Strong and weak powers of theories6 Examples. 2.1. Strong powers. Let T = T(RI, . . , R,) be the elementary theory of relations RI , * * , R, ; we denote by F the field of T and by I an arbitrary non-void set (finite or infinite). We denote aa usual by F' the set of functions which map I into F. We define in F' g relations R: , . . , R: as follows
R ~ V,I * . . ,fPJ = ( o ) b t 2 R,VIW, * * * I fP,(4)1. The elementary theory of relations R: , . . , R: will be called the strong I-th p o r n of T and denoted by T':
T' = T(R: , *
- - ,Ri).
Its field is evidently F'. It is easy to see that the relations R; depend essentially not on I but on its cardinal number i; i. e., relations RI corresponding to two equinumerous sets
' The terms weak and strong powers are borrowed from Tarski [lo].
1331, 6
I are isomorphic. Hence T' depends also on i rather than on Z and could have been denoted by T'. Examples of strong powers will be given in section 2.3. 2.2. Weak powers. Weak powers of theories will be defined under more restrictive hypotheses. First we m u m e that Z is an infinite set. Furthermore we single out an arbitrary function e of F'. The weak power of T which we are going to define depends not only on T and Z but also on e. Let *F: be the subset of F' consisting of functions f such that the number of a's with f(a) # e(a) is at most finite. Define, in *F: relations R:, . . . , R: in exactly the same way as relations R: , . , R, were defined in F':
RIUx , .* * 3 fpi)
2 RtCfi(a), *
* * 3
The elementary theory of relations R:, ... , R: will be called the weak power of T and denoted by *T:. Again it is clear that the weak power does not depend directly on Z but on its cardinal number i. We remark that relations RY are non-void only in case when
... ,e W >
for almost all a and for j = 1, . . . , 9. If therefore e does not satisfy this condition, the weak power is an utterly trivial theory. This remark shows at the same time that the dependence of the weak power on e is very essential.
2.3. Examples. We begin with some examples of strong powers. 1. Let F be the set of real numbers, R the ternary relation such that R ( x , y, z ) = x =y z, Z a set with n elements, e. g. the set of integers 1, 2, . . . ,n. Functions f of F ' can be identified with the n dimensional vectors with the componentsf(l),f(2), ..-,f(n). The relation R' holds between vectors f , g, and h if and only if f(i) = g ( i ) h(i) for i = 1,2, . . ,n, i. e. if the vector f is the sum of g and h in the sense of vector algebra. Hence if T = T ( R ) , then the strong power T ' is the elementary theory of additjon of n dimensional vectors with real components. 2. More generally, if G is a group and X denotes the group multiplication and if we define R by the equivalence R(x, y, z ) 3 x = y X z, then T(R)' is the elementary theory of multiplication in the direct product
X G = G".
3. If T is defined as in example 1 and Z is a denumerable set, then T ' is the elementary theory of addition of infinite-dimensional vectors. 4. Let F be a set consisting of two numbers 0 , l and let R be the relation S in the set F. For an arbitrary Z the set F' consists of characteristic functions of subsets of I . We shall identify subsets of Z with the& characteristic functions and prove that R' is the relation of inclusion between the subsets of Z. Indeed i f f and g are characteristic functions of sets X and Y and R'(f, g) holds, then f(a) 5 g(a) for each a e Z and hence f(a) = 1 . 3 g(a) = 1 which
[331, 7
proves that a t X 3 e Y . Conversely if a e X 3 a e Y , then f(a) = 1 implies g(a) = 1 which entailsf(a) 5 g(a). Hence R'U, g) = X C Y .
Since the Boolean operations on sets are all definable in term of inclusion, we may say that if T = T ( R ) ,then TI is the Boolean algebra of subsets of I . We shall now give some examples of weak products. 5. Let F , R, and T be defined as in example 1 and let I be the set of nonnegative integers. Define e as the function of F' such that e(a) = 0 for ail a e I : We let correspond to each functjonf e *F: the polynomial Pf(2) = c7-'-o f(i)ex8 (the number of terms in the sum is finite since almost all numbers f(i)yanish). The correspondence f ~ r Pf ? is evidently bi-unique and we have
R"U, 9, h)
(i)v(i)= g(i)
+ h(i)]
+ Pn .
Hence the weak product *Td is in this case identical with the elementary theory of addition of polynomials with real coefficients. 6. Let F be the set of non-negative integers and R the ternary relation such that R(z, y, z) = z = y z. Define e and I as in example 5 and let pl , p z , . * * be the sequence of primes. We let correspond to each function f e *F: the integer nf = n7-1pi'" (the number of terms in this product is again finite because f(i) = 0 for almost all i). We have thus obtained a one-one mapping f + nl of *F: onto the set J of positive integers. R" is in this case isomorphic with the relation z = y . z in the set J . Indeed
n OD
p!'" =
n oy
n m
nf = na.nh.
Hence *T:is identical with the elementary theory of multiplication of positive integers. We could have taken instead of p , , pz , . . . the sequence of prime ideals in an arbitrary number field or the sequence of irreducible polynomials over any such field. ' T : would then be the elementary theory of multiplication of ideals' or of polynomials. 7. Replace the relation R of the foregoing example by a binary relation S such that S(z, y) =z 5 y. S" is then isomorphic with the relation of divisibility of integers and consequently the weak power *T: is identical with the elementary theory of the relation of divisibility. 8. Replace F in example 6 by the set of all integers (positive and negative). The same argument as above proves that *T: is now identical with the elementary theory of multiplication of rationals different from 0. Using the final remark of example 6 we see that *T: can also be considered as the elementary theory of multiplication of rational functions over a number field or as the elementary theory of multiplication of fractional ideals of such a field. Cf. Skolem 161, $4. Skolem showed also that 'Tf can be considered as the elementary theory of multiplication of algebraic integers of any number field.
WI, 8
9. Let F, e, and R be defined as in example 6 and let Z be the set of ordinsls less than w.. To each function f c *F: we let correspond the ordinal
where the summation is taken in the decreasing order of <.Thue iff(<) vaniehes everywhere except for 4 = €1, * . . , t where €1 > b > - . > Zr, then
+ -- +
4- I < € d . W t 2 * f(&>4. The formula f $ XI establishes a one-one correspondence between functiom of *F: and ordinals less than w. . R” is in this case isomorphic to the relation = t~ 0 f where t, 7, f run over ordinals less than w. and 0 denotes the so-called natural addition of ordinals: To prove this we simply observe that
= f(€l).wfl
R”V, g, N = W(€) = d-9 WI
c b(€)-k h(010‘}
8 A,).
Hence *T: is identical with the elementary theory of natural addition of ordinals less than w a . 10. Let F consist of elements 0 and 1 and let R be the relation = in F. Let Z be an arbitrary infinite set and let e have the constant value 0. Elements f of *F: are characteristic functions of finite subsets of I and R“ is the relation of identity between such functions. Since the set of finite subsets of I has the same cardinal number i as I, we infer that the elementary theory of identity in an ‘infinite set with the cardinal number i is the i-th weak power of the theory
11. Taking F, e, I as in example 10 and denoting by R the relation in F we obtain as *T(R):the Boolean algebra of finite subseta of I. Proof is the same as in example 4. T)e number of such examples could be multiplied indefinitely. It must be said, however, that only exceptionally does one come across a really interesting example of a power theory. We mention finally that there exist theories which cannot be represented as powers. In such “indecomposable” theories the basic relations are isomorphic to no relations of the form RI or R:. As examples one can cite the elementary theories of arbitrary types of order, the elementary theory of addition of integers, and many other theories. In the rest of this paper we shall be concerned with the proof of a theorem which says, roughly speaking, that the evaluation of the truth-value of formulas of TI is effectively reducible to the corresponding problem for formulas of T. Similar result holds for the theory if e is a constant function whose (unique) value is definable in T. & a corollary we shall derive a theorem which says that the decidability of T entails the decidability of TI and, if the above as-
Compare e. g. Hausdorff
WI, 9
eumptions are satisfied, also of *T: It follows in particular, from this corollary, that the power theories considered in examples 1-11 above are all decidable: @3.Auxihry theories C, S, and S*. We shall consider in this section an arbitrary theory T = T(RI, * - , R,) with the field F and an arbitrary nonvoid set I. Most definitions and theorems will be given in pairs, one holding for the weak and another for the strong power of T. Dealiig with weak powers of T we always tacitly assume that I is an infinite set and e an element of F'.
3.1. Theorg CO . Let 11be the set of all subseta of I and let C be the relation of inclusion between the elements of 11 The elementary theory of relation C wi l l be denoted by C. For typographical reasons we shall use the letter 2 for the predicate corresponding to C and shall write Zt.1 instead of Z(xt, XI). The field of C is evidently I1 . We shall now define a series of formulas of C which will be needed later. In writing them definitions we adopt the convention that Merent small Latin letters denote diflerent integers. Thie convention is particularly important in the case of formulas containing bound variables. Usually it does not matter which particular bound variable occurs in the formula but it is important that it be Merent from the free variables contained in the scope of the binding quantifier. Hence the indices of the bound variables in the formulas to be given below may be fixed quite arbitrarily, provided that the convention that diflerent letters denote ditrerent numbers is fulfilled. The letters i and j with or without subscripta will always denote one of the indices 0 or 1.
8 Other proofs of decidability of most of these theories exist already in the literature. a m p . Szmielew [S] for the theories 3, 5,8, Skolem [4] for the theory 4, Skolem [6]for the theory 6,Tarski 181 for the theory 10. It could have easily been guessed that no deep result8 can be expected from an application of a very general theorem. The fact however that 80 diverse proof8 of decidability can be shown to spring all from the same source i a p e r h a p not without Borne interest. Theory C was discussed first by Skolem [4]. His results are quoted without proofs by Tarski (71, $3. @
1331, 10
The meaning of these formulaa is explained in the following theorem, the proof of which is obvious:
THEOREM 3.11. I f zk , 2 1 ,zkz, ,zk,,are e h k of a n d i j w e p u t z o = z,zl= I - z f o r z c I ~ , t i m FC
zi,l(zk,23 3zk
kc &(Zk)
(i.e. aubclassea of I )
c 2: ,
(Zk itt V o i d ) ,
...,zkm)= (the intetsedion 22 n -. n 2:
kc I>Z:"'*h ....&kl, Fc
is upid},
ZL:::: ,:: ,:&, *
= (the interseclion xi: n .-.n z$ &aim . ,zk)
1 il i. kC A k a : . ..3.(zk1
d bat h ete?nents),
* *
= (the inkreection zf; fI . . n zt contains aaclly h elements). a
The theory C waa shown decidable by Skolem." More specifically Skolem's m l t can be expressed aa follows:
, XS,
- -,
THEOREM 3.12. For every form& q5 of C maththe free vanizbles xtl, there exist non-negative intqers h, 1. ,and and indices if), j::: ( v = 1,2, h, p = 1,2, - - ., 1., p = 1, 2, ,n ) svch that
3.2. Theories S and S*. W e shall now imbed theories C and T into more comprehensive theoriea S and S*. S will be the elementary theory of the following relatione Ii , C,F, Ri
, - - * ,R, , F', I , C, Q
where Q is a ternary relation defined by the equivalence
' 2 )
and c is the membership relation between the elements of I and those of S* will be the elementary theory of relations
4 , c,F,Ri,...,R,,*F:,I,r,Q
We shall denote by F1 the predicate of S corresponding to the set F' and by F: the predicate of S* corresponding to the set *F: . We denote further by t the predicate of both S and S* corresponding to the relation c and write xt c XI instead of s(xk, xl). Finally we m u m e that S and S* contain a variable, my G , which does not occur in T.
8.3. Formulas T, $*, ( 0 ;i, h ) ,and ($;it h)*. We now let correspond to each formula 9 of T certain formulas which belong to the theories S and S*. We begin with the inductive definition of 3 and $*. 10
Skolem [a], p. 36.
P31, 11
If 4 is the elementary formula Rh(xk, ,
- - - ,x b A ) ,then
If#istheformula41jh,then6 = & I & a n d ? Tf 6 is the formula ' ( a X k ) & , then
* -61 - -* l #-*z .
- 6?1*
4*= (%k)F:(xk?
' the
6 and 6*are thus defined Ly induction. We now denote by an accent relativiration of quantifiers to 21 (compare section 1.1 in $1) and put
.&':I . nFib,), x. = 6*).&'a .II F;h,), ( I
(6;i, h ) = (~x.)[~I(x,)(XO)(XO E X. =6)
(6;i, h)* = ( 3 x , ) [ I ~ k , ) ( X O ) ( X O E
where it is supposed that xk, , * * , xk,, are the free variables of 4, s # 0 and 8 # k. ( v = 1, 2, * - ,n). I n order to explain the meaning of these definitions we shall prove the following theorems : +
THEOREM 3.31. If 6 is a formula of T with the jree variables xk, , ,xk,, , then S and 6* ?formula of S*. The free variables of 6 and of 6* are a
6 i s a formula of XO
' *
Proof by a straightforward induction from the definition.
THEOREM 3.32. Let # be a formula of T with the free vuriabh and assume that a t I , f k , , . , f k , a F', , , t *F: Then
jti . - fl"
, xi,,
k8 &(a,f k i . * f k n ) k T & f k i ( a ) , * .. f k n ( a ) ) , b 0 6 * ( a ,fti, - * * ,f3= I-TdXi(a), * * - ,f:n(a)). PROOF. w e proceed by induction. If 6 is the formula R h ( x k , , . * . ,xiph),then Y
, . ,f k p h ) = (there ezist elements ztl , - . , such that &(f,k, , a, Zt,) fOr v = 1, 2, ,ph and
ts&a, Ct,,
* * *
Rh(ztl , *
, z t P , )= ) {there ezist elements zrl, . . - ,ztph
such that f k , ( a ) = 21,for Rh(Zti IT
, '.
* 1ztPh)]
v =
1, 2,
Rh(fki(a), * '
. . .fd '
{not k6 6l(%f k i ,,'
* *
,p h and
,f k p , ( a ) ) -
Suppose that the theorem holds for formulas have
1 8 &a,
and & . For 4 = or
16 &(a, fki
I & we 9
WI, 12
From the inductive assumption we infer that the right aide of this equivalence is equivalent t o not t-T+lUk,(a),
. ,fk,(a)) or not
I-r &(./&,(a),
which, in turn, is equivalent t o FT+Cfkl(a),... ,,jkm(a)). If = ( 3 x r ) g 1 , then we use the inductive assumption and the definition of satisfaction and obtain the following equivalences
t8 &a, f k , , . ,fd = W d f t c F' *
( a f t ) [ fhi
&(a, fi , 5 ,, . . . ,fdJ
F' and kT+l(./t(a), fki(a), . . *
from which we infer that I-8
6 ( a ,f k ,
,f J
2 (3zt)br t
F and
FT+ 1 h ,S,(a), . . . ,fk.(a))l = I-T +(./k,(a), .. ,k ( 4 ) . *
Suppose conversely that F T + ( f k , ( a ).,. . ,fkn(a)).There exists then an element xr of F such that IT &(zr ,f k , ( a ) , . . . , f k , ( a ) ) . Denoting byfi any function of F' such that f l ( a ) = zl we obtain the right side of the equivalence (1) and hence the desired result follows. (We have tacitly assumed here that +1 contains the variables xL freely; otherwise the equivalence which we have to prove is trivial.) Proof for the formula &* is entirely similar. Theorem 3.32 which we have thus proved discloses the following relationship between the formulas and 6:If + says that elements 5 6 , , . . . X k m of F have a property P , then 6 says that functions fk, , . . . , fkn of F' and element a of I are such that f k , ( a ) , . . . , fk.(a) have the property P . As a corollary we obtain from 3.32 the following theorem:
THEOREM 3.33. If i s true in T , then every a from I satisfies 6 in S and S*; if+ i s false in T , then no a from I satisfies 6 in S and 6*in S*.
'6 in
We pass now t o the formulas {+; i, h ) and {+; i, h ) * . From the definitions we obtain immediately:
THEOREM 3.34. For each formula + of T (+; i, h ) i s a formula of S and a formula of S*. The three formulas have the same free variables.
\+; i , h}*
THEOREM 3.35. Zf + i s a formula of T with the free variables xil , . . . , xk, , if f k , , . . . , f k " t F', j:, , . . . jk,, t *F: , ami i f A or A* are sets of those a t I for which
. , fk.(a)) or ~-T+Cfk*,(a), . . . , fkn(a)),then Fs { $ ~ ; O , h ) C f k, ,. . ( A hasatkasthelements], Fs.(+; 0 , h)*Cfzl, ,fkJ = {A* has at least helements), Is ( + ; l , h ) ( f k ;.. , ] f k , , ) = ( A hnsexact2yhebments), Fs.($Z; 1, h)*(f:, , . * . ,I;,,) I (.4*has exactly h elements).
krb(fkl(a), * .
1 . .
PROOF. We shall consider only the first equivalence since the proof of the remaining three is entirely analogous.
From the definition of satisfaction we obtain Fa (4; 0, h )&, * ,fh) ( M i e a s e t X , c I s u c h t h a t a c X , = , Fa6(a,fkL,* - . ,jh)and t.aZ':(X,)J. From theom 3.32 we infer that
[a e X. = Fa &a, B, , * and from theorems 1.31 and 3.11 that l a ~L':(x,)
,fs>l3=(X,= 4
= (x.ha^ ai hast h ekment.8).
The two equivalences entail the daaired result. Theorem 3.35 may therefore
be considered ss proved.
If 4 hm no free variablea, then A and A* are either void or equd to I according as t$ ia fake or true (see theorem 3.33). From 3.35 we thus obtain the following corolhuy: THEOREM3.36. If 4 is a formula of T Saiuloutfree variablea, then (4; i , h ) and (4; i, h)* are tnre only in m e 8 ezha3ifedin the following table:
true (6 66
finite with n elements 66
infinite arbitrary
0 arbitrary
arbitrary 0
WI, 14
THEOREM 3.47. If 61 , 43 , . - . , +,, are pairwise contradictory to each other and
= 1, h = 0,1,2, . . . ,then there ezist integers k , Zf) and indices j F ) ( v = 1,2, * . . , k , p = 1, 2, * - * ,n)suchthat
i = 0 or i
Theorem 3.47 follows directly from 3.46 by induction on n.
THEOREM 3.48. If h > 0, then
-{+; 1, h~
mi+; 0,OI
C (+; h O
1, .I* v {+; 0, h
{+; 1 , O I
- {+;
O,O]* +-+a* {+; 1,O)*
1,Ol H a 1,Ol* -a*
+ 11.
1,11, {+; 1, I]*,
{+; 0, 11.
I n the next theorem, which will be the last of this section, we shall use the accent to denote the operation of relativization of quantifiers to ZI (compare section 1.1).
THEOREM 3.49. Let 41, , +,, be fomnulus of T , x,, , -.-, x,, all varinbles which ate free in at least one of the fonnulas 4, ,and X k l , . ,Xk,, variables different from Ule variabfes x., (p = 1,2,. , 8 ) . Under these (LBsLcmptio7Es
PROOF. We shall consider only the first part of the theorem because the proof of the second is exactly the same. Because of the presence of the factor
Fl(x,,) the left side can be satisfied
- -
only by sequences whose r,,-th terma (p = 1 2, . , s) are elements of F'. Also the right side can be satisfied only by such sequences. Let fil , . ,fr, be elements of F' which satisfy in S the left side of the equivalence given in the theorem. This holds if and only if there exist subsets x k l , * * * X, of I such that a P Xb,
u t-8
&(a, fr,
* * *
k8 XL ti1.-..,i,, k1,
= 1,2j
Denoting by A, the set of all a t I for which kr +.(jrI(a), ,f,,(a)) and using theorems 1.31, 3.11, and 3.35 we infer from (2) and (3) that Xb, = A, for Y = 1, 2, . . , n and that the intersection Af' n A: has at least h or exactly h elements according as i is 0 or 1. Conversely (2) and (3) follow from these cmditions. Observe now that the intersection A f l n . . n A'^ , is . precisely the set A of +f'(j,l(a), .- . f,,(a)). Hence (2) and (3) are equivthose a t I for which FF nI"-I alent to the statement that A has a t least or exactly h elements, i.e. according to theorem 3.35 to the condition 18 { i, h ) . Theorem 3.49 is thus proved.
n ---
Theorems on elimination of quantifiers." 41. Classes X and P.We denote by X the smallest clam of formulas of S which contains all the formulas {+; i, h ) and contains I e whenever it contains and e.
11 For the origin of the method consisting of successive elimination of quantifiers CODpare Tarski 191, p. 50, note 11.
WI, 16
Replacing S by S* and (+; i, h } by {+; i, h)* we obtain the definition of the Clsss THEOREM 4.11. Each f o r n t h of the c h s X or X* is equivalent (in S or in S*) b a to&d sum of prodwta of the form
fi b ; i , ,h.1
fi {+,;i,) h.l*.
PROOF. Using the well-known theorems on the conjunctive normal form of expressions of propositional calculus we prove easily that each formula of the class X is equivalent to a sum of products of the form nI”-1 ;( i.)4h.}”, . where the indices j , may be either 0 or 1 (the upper index here replaces the negot .on sign; compare section 1.1 of $1). Using lemmas 3.41 and 3.48 and the distributivity of logical multiplication over addition we can transform each product of the given form into a s u m of products in which all the j , ‘s are 0. Proof of the second half of the theorem is similar. Throughout the rest of this section we shall consider n arbitary but fixed formulas +1, . . * , of T and denote by $1, . J/*the m = 2“ products with i, = 0 or 1 .
THEOREM 4.12. Formulat, $1
. . * , $,,
are contradictory to each other.
THEOREM 4.13. Each logical product (4, ; i , h,) is either contravalid or equivalent in S to a sum of products of the jorm (G,, ;j,, ,k,,}. Each logical product {$,I ; i, h.)* is either contravalid or equivalent in S* to a sum of prodvets of the jorm ($,, ;j,, , k,,)*. PROOF. Each 4, is equivalent in T to a sum of some #,,’s, namely t o the sum of those $,, which contain the factor 4; . Applying theorems 3.47, 3.41, and the laws of distributivity we transform the product (4. ; i . , h,) into a sum of products whose factors have the form {$,, ;j,, , k,,).Each of these products may contain several factors with the same $, , e.g. ($,, ; j: k; I ( $, ; 2; k: ) , . . . Theorems 3.42, 3.44, and 3.45 allow us to reduce the numbers of these factors to one or to infer that their product is contravalid. If all products are contravalid, then the whole sum is also contravalid. Otherwise we may omit the contravalid products and obtain a sum of the desired form. The proof of the other half of the theorem is similar.
m--l )
4.2. Theorem on elimination of quantifiers in the theory S. We assume in this section that the formulas 41, . . * 4. all contain x, as a free variable. I t is evident that xI is free in each product ;$ : let XL, , * . , Xk, be the remaining free variables of these products. We shall prove the following theorem: )
THEOREM 4.21. Let 0 5 h 5 m and let ll , . . . , 1, be integers >= 0 . Then there exists in X a formula A with the free variables x k , , . . . Xk, such that )
PROOF. We put (2)
(ax,)+. for
Evidently we have
= 1,2,
.- .*,
Y = 1,2,'... ,m. (11) X." YP" Since by theorem 4.12 the formulas (I. are contradictory to each other, we obtain furthFr
X,,and X., ape disjoint for Y Z p,
S m,p 5 m.
Wl, 18
From (7) and theorem 3.35 we obtain (13)
- ,It), ( p = h + 1, . - - ,m).
X., has at least 1, elements
X,, has exactly 1, kbments
= 1,2,
* *
Finally we prove that (15)
the set
Indeed, if
n:d+l(Z - X , J n (I - W,)
, then
is void.
no b c F satisfies the condition k r
h + l
&(a,), ,fkp(@), b) and hence for b = f,(@) thereexists a p ( h 1 5 p 5 m) such that $,,cfk,(%), . . , f&d, f.(aa)>, i.e. aa t X,, . Formulas (11)-(15) entail that sets (8), (9), and (10) satisfy in C the formula in the brackets ( } on the right side of (4). Hence k c B(Y,, , . . , Y , , W,) and therefore in virtue of theorem 1.31 a
9 * *
Y,, W J -
From (2), (9), and theorem 3.32 we obtain equivalences (17)
a0 c
= 1,2,
- . ,m ) *
for each a,, t I. Similarly from (3), (lo), and theorem 3.32 follows the equivalence %6 w q k S fi(% 6,, * * * ,fkp)* (18) Since evidently Fa I1(Y,,) for Y = 1, 2, ... , m and k e 11(W,), we infer that the sets (9), (10) and functions f k , , . . * ,fkp satisfy in S the formulas j
II(X,,), !xg)tI(xo) 3 (xo E xp. 3 adl, Il(Xq), (xo)[I(xo) 3 (xo E X , This result together with (16) entails that
r of equation (5).
- .. ,
= Ql.
satisfy the formula
Suppose conversely that f k , , . . ,6, satisfy r. We infer first of all that f k , c F' for p = 1, 2, . . , p and furthermore that therg exist sets Y,, and Wp which fulfill the conditions (16), (17), and (18). From (17) and (18) we infer that Y,, and W, are identical with the sets defined in equations (9) and (10). From (16) we infer the existence of sets X., which fulfill the conditions (11)-(15). X , , ,then by (11) aa e Y p ,and hence by (9) there exists in F an element If b = b.(aa) such that
(19) We have (20)
k r $'*cfk:(@),
* * *
# b,(aa) for Y #
P, Y
6 m,~.rS m
because of the theorem 4.12. If a,, belongs to no X., , then by (15) aa t W , and therefore by (10) there exists a b = b*(aa) such that (21)-
I T $'#cfk,(%),
' *
+ ...
forp = h 1, , p. Define now fr aa foltows: fr(aO) = b,(ao) for a0 c X,,
f,(a0) = b*(&) for
= 1,2,
n?(I - X,,).
Note that this definition is correct because of (12). We shall now show that There exist at least 1, elements a0 t I such that (24)
F T hCfk,(@),
.’ ’
f*(%)) for
” = 1,2, . *
Thcre exist exactly 1, elements a0 t I such that (25)
. ,fkJao>,
for P
* *
+ 1,
. ,m. *
(24) follows immediately from (19), (22), and (13).
+ - -
As to (25) we fir& infer from (19), (22), and (14) that for each p = h 1, * ,m there are at least 1, elements with the required property, namely all the elements of X., .To prove (25) it is therefore sufficient to ehow that if a0 does not belong to X,, , then not I-T $,Cfk,(ao), .. * ,fk,(ao), fi(aO>). Indeed if a0 t X,, with Y # p , then
* 9
f k p ( ~ > ,fr(N>)
and therefore not Ic;(fkl(aO), . * * , fkp(ao), f,(a0)) because $4 and h are contradictory to each other. If a0 does not belong to any X,, ,then we apply (23) and (21) and obtain directly
* * *
(25) is thus proved.
Using theorem 3.35 we infer now from (24) and (25) that satisfy the formula
, - - ,f ~ ,,fr *
and hence that fk, , . . . ,fkp satisfy the left side of (6). Equivalence (6) is thus proved. In order to abbreviate the following formulas we shall put p,+1 = q and &,,+I = 0.We can then rewrite equation (5) in the more concise manner:
Observe now that theorems 1.31 and 3.12 entail an equivalence of the form
WI, 20
Substituting the sum on the right side of this equivalence for B' in I' and using the laws of distributivity we obtain the equivalence
Theorem 3.49 ,&OWE that the right side is equivalent in S to
Taking this & for the formula A we get the equivalence (1) and theorem 4.21 is thus proved since A evidently belongs to the class X. A s an easy corollary of theorem 4.21 we obtain the following theorem on elimination of quantifiers:
THEOREM 4.22. Each formuh of the fm
fi {b;i,, h.) ]
(34 FdxJ .
i a either contravalid or equivalent in S to an expression of the class X .
PROOF. According to theorem 4.13 the given formula is either contravalid or equivalent in S to a sum of formulas of the same form as the formula on the left side of (1). Applying to these formulas the theorem 4.21 we get the desired reault. 4.3. Theorem on elimination of quantifiers in the theory S*. Dealing with the theories *T: and S* we shall from now on assume that e is a constant function with the (unique) value eo which is definable in T . This assumption will be made once for all and we shall not mention it in the formulation of the subsequent theorems. The proof of the theorem 4.21 does not work in the case of the theory S*. The chief obstacle is the construction of the function jrsatisfying the conditions (24) and (25). The function defined by the formulas (22) and (23) does not, in general belong to *F: because there is no remon why the elements b.(ao) and b * ( ~ should ) be identical with eo for almost all values of G . Only in case h = m d o e the proof given in section 4.2 work for the theory S* as well. Indeed in this case there is no set W , and we can prescribe the values of fr(m) quite arbitrarily apart from the arbitrarily chosen 1, elements of X,,(Y = 1, 2, - . ., m). Hence we can in this case arrange the definition so that f, c *F: . I n the general case we formulate the theorem as follows. We denote by the double accent I' the relativization of quantifiers to F. This operation applied to expressions of the theory T yields expressions of the theory S*. THEOREM 4.31. Let 0 5 h 5 m and let ll , . . * , 1, be integers L 0. There exists
WI, 21
then a j o r m u h A* o j With the free variabks x k l T without free variables, such that
* *
, x b ,and a
fm& P Of
PROOF. Denote by Z a formula of T defining eo We may evidently suppose that Z does not contain the variables x, , x k , , .. , 4, Further we denote by s, and Z k # formulas resulting from by substitution of xr or x k , for the free variable of Z. Since in the case h = m the proof given in the section 4.2 can be carried over without change to the theory S* we &all consider only the case h < m. Let P be the formula
Define O., Q, and B exactly as in section 4.2 (equations (2), (3); and (6)). Further define r as in section 4.2 but adding an asterisk over 6,, h, and F1 We shall show that
The proof that if j k , , . . ,j k , satisfy the left side, then they satisfy r does not differ from the proof given in section 4.2. We have only to show that P” ie also satisfied. Since PI‘ has no free variables, it is satisfied by a sequence if and only if it is true in S*. Using theorem 1.32 we reduce our problem to the proof that P is true in T.This will be shown indirectly. Suppose that P is false, i. e., that there is a p such that h 1 6 p 6 m and that for each 5, , a&, , . . , zkp in F the formulas tT Z,(z,), C-T E k I ( Z k I ) , * , bT EkP(zkp) imply kT #,,(%I, , . , %kp , z,). Because of the meaning of E we obtain therefore IT+ p ( e ~, . . , eo). Since there are infinitely many a0 in I such that j k l ( a o )= . . . = j k , ( a o ) = ji(ao) = eo (for each j r t *F:) we infer that the set of ao t Z such that bT +,,(jk,(%), . . . ,j k p ( a o ) , j,(ao)) is infinite for each j I This however contradicts the hypothesis that there exists in *F: an fr which together with j k , , . . ,j k psatisfies in S the formula (+,, ; 1, L)*.Hence P” is true. Suppose now that j k , , . . ,f b satisfy in S* the conjunction pr’ I’, i. e., that P” is true in S* and f k , , , j k psatisfy r. By theorem 1.32 P is true in T. From the second assumption we infer, as in section 4.2, that j k , , * ,f k , are elements of *F: and that there are subsets X , , , Y,, ( v = 1, 2, * * * ,m), and W, such that the conditions (9)-(15) of section 4.2 are satisfied. We define b,(@) for t X , , ( v = 1, 2, * * , m) exactly as in section 4.2. The definition of b*(ao) will, however, be slightly different. We define namely b*(acj as equal to eo if eo satisfies the conditions
not I-T + P U k I ( a o h ’ ,j*,(ao), eo) for p = h 1, . . . , m,and as any element such that (21) is satisfied in the remaining cases. The existence of b*(ao) follows as in section 4.2.
WI, 22
We now choose inX., an arbitraly subset . ,m ) and put
( v = 1,2,
x., with exactly 2,
f.(ao> = b . ( ~ for ) Q Q Z. , ( v = 1,2, fr(ao) = eo for t X,,,- X,,(v = fib) = b * ( d for aot n : ( I - X.,).
. ,m), *
- - ,m),
We prove, aa in section 4.2, that the function f r defined in this way satisfies the conditions (24) and (25). All that remains to be shown is that f , L *F: , i. e., that fr(ao) = eo for almost all Q . Since the sets are finite, an infinite number of different ao's with I,(&) # 6 could exist only if a*(&) were different from eo for an infinite number of a0 . Since, however, P is true in T,we have kr -#,(eo , . . . , eo), and hence for each a, such that fk,(@) = -. = f k p ( a c ) = eo the value of b*(ao) is eo There) eo must be finite since for almost all a0 we fore the number of with b * ( ~ # have the equalitiesf k , ( @ ) = * = f k p ( & ) = eo . Equivalence (27) is thus proved. The transformation of I? into a formula A* of X* is then effected aa in the proof of 4.21, and we arrive thus at the eqiiivalence (26). From theorem 4.31 we obtain now easily the following theorem on elimination of quantifiers for the theory S*:
n:+ '~
THEOREM 4.32. Each formula of the form
is either contravalid or equivht in S* to a sum C EP: ~ A: where A: ate formulas of X* with the free variables xkI , . . , Xk,, ,P. are formulas of T withaut free variables, and the double accent denotes the operation of relativization of quanti&rs to F. Proof is the same as for the theorem 4.22. $36. Corollaries to the theorems on elimination of quantifiers. 6.1. Relations between the theories TI and S. Although neither the theory S is an extension of T' nor the theory S* an extension of *T:, it is nevertheless possible to expresa in S each proposition expressible in TI and in S* each ,reposition expressible in *T:. This will be shown in the theorems proved in this and in the next section. THEOREM 5.11. To each formula 6 of TI there exists a formula A of X such that (1)
PROOF.We proceed by induction on 4. If is the elementary formula = (-4; 1, 0) and have then equivalences which hold for arbitrary functions f k l , * . ,f k , , :
R:(xLI, . * . , xLJJ then we put A
1331, 23
Suppose that the theorem holds for formulas $1 and & and let A1, A, be two formulas of X such that +i
6 TI * a 4.
rr *s
It is then evident that A = Al I A2 has the same free variables as $ = 41 I & and satisfies the equivalence (1). It remains to consider the formula $ = (3xr)$1. From theorem 1.35 it follows that 4 TI ++a Qxr)[Fl(xr) * &I. Using theorem 4.11 we obtain an equivalence of the form
~1 *a
,h = . ~ )
where 8.8 are formulas of T. Using elementary logical transformations we obtain (3)
2 (Ix,) [Fl(xr). I?
;LB, hu.~}].
Factors [ ~ 9 ~ ;, 8i . , ~bud) , not containing the variable xr as free can be taken outside the scope of the quantifier ( 3 ~ ~The ) . remaining expression, according to theorem 4.22, is either contravalid or equivalent in S to an expression of X containing the same free variables. Since X contains contravalid expressions with arbitrary free variables (e. g. expressions of the form (6=+; 1, 0 ) )we conclude that the right side of (3) is equivalent to an expression of X with the m e free variables as 4. Theorgm 5.11 follows now immediately from (2) and (3).
We can now formulate our main result concerning the theory of strong powers:
THEOREM 5.12. To each formula + of T‘ there exist integers h, 1, h,,, , indices i.+ ,and mutually contradictory formulas 8, of T ( v = 1,2, . ,h, p = 1,2, ,1) such that IT 8, and
- -
Each 9, has the same free variables as 4. PROOF. By theorems 5.11 and 4.11 there exist integers u, v o ,w.,b, and indices j . , ~aa well as formulas $#, such that (4)
Consider the I = 2 D 1 w * ~formulas ~~w’U where each i o . 8 is either 0 or 1; denote them by 81 , 8, , . . . , el . Each $.,b is equivalent to a sum of some of the formulas 8i and since these formulas are contradictory to each other we can apply the lemma 3.47 and represent each formula ($a,8 ; j a , p , w , , , ~ a]s a sum o€products of the form n7{07 ; i, , m , ) . Using the laws of distributivity we finally tram-
f331, 24
form the right side of (4)to a ~ u m of producta of the same form. I n general each product will contain €actors with the same e, but a succeeive application of theorems 3.42-3.45 allows us to get rid of such repeated factors. If not all e,, occur among the terms of any product, we may add valid fsctors of the form (e,, : 0, 01. Since the formulas 01, , el evidently sstisfy the condition ka 8, , we see that the ~ u m of products thus obtained satisfies the contention of the theorem. From (4) we infer that the totality of the +.# has the same free variables aa 4. Since each 0, is a product of these formulas or of their negations, we infer that each 0, has the same free variables as 4. Theorem 5.12 is thus proved in all details. It is important to observe that the syntactical and semanticd existential statements made until now in the paper were all &ective. Theorem 5.12 admits therefore the following methodological amendment:
THEOREM5.13. The intqers h, 1, h,,#, indim i., and formulas e, of the lheotem 5.12 are effectively calculable if 4 i s egectively given.
6.2. Relation between the theories and S*. We shall now derive resulte analogous to those of section 5.1 for the weak powers. To formulate our theorems conveniently we shall use the double accent ' I with the same meaning as in section 4.3.
THEOREM5.21. To each formula 4 of *T: there exist formuha A:
S*and formulas PI, - - . , Pb of T without free variables such that
, . . , :A
PROOF. If 4 is the elementary formula R [ ( x k , , ,x k p , ) then we put K = I, :A = { -$; 1,0)*,P1= l' v -r where I' is an arbitrary formula of T without free variables, and prove exactly as in the proof of 5.11 that equivalence (5) holds. Suppose that the theorem holds for two formulas 6 and A . We have then
41 *T!*-)B.
c P:.A?,
9s *rf*m
C G-E:
and it follows by elementary logical transformations
n (-Q," WE:). The right side can evidently be brought to the form r -1P:. the theorem. k
II (-P: -1
A? required in
Finally if the theorem holds for a formula 4, then it holds also for the formula (3x,&. This is proved as in theorem 5.11 but using theorem 4.31 instead of 4.22. Theorem 5.21 is thus proved.
WI, 25
From theorems 5.21 and 4.11 we obtain aa in section 5.1 the following two theorems: 5.22. To each formula #I of *Ti there ezist integers h, 1, h., THEOREM i,, ,and formulas , P., of T such that:
( v = 1,2,
..-, h ,
The formulas 0, are contradictory to each other,
p = 1,2, /-r
, indices
... , I ) .
ep, and
Each 0, has the same free variables as 4. THEOREM 5.23. Zdgers, indices, and f o r n u b whose existenee is stated in the theorem 5.22 are effectively calc212able for each given 4.
6.3. General theorems on power theories. Theorems 5.12 and 5.22 together with their methodological amendments 5.13 and 5.23 make it possible to prove some general theorems about power theories. We begin with the following theorem : THEOREM 5.31. If T is a &&able theory, then TI and *T: are also decidable. PROOF. Let 4 be a formula of TI without free variables and let h, 1, h., , i.,,, , 8, be determined according to the theorem 5.12. I n order that 4 be true in T' it is necessary and sufficient that at least one of the products E-1{$, ; i,.,,,A,,] be true in S(cf. theorem 1.34). This condition is satisfied if and only if all factors (e, ; i,,, , h,,,,) are true in S. Using theorem 3.36 we reduce this condition to a number of equalities and inequalities between the integers h,,pand the cardinal number iof I and to a number of conditions of the form 6, i8 true or 6, is false. Since T is decidable we can check whether these conditions are or are not satisfied, and since the numbers h,,,, are effectively calculable we can decide whether they are greater than, less than, or equal to i.Hence we can decide in a finite number of steps whether 4 is true or not. Proof for the theory *Tiis analogous and makes use of the fact that the truthvalues of formulas P:, can be calculated in a finite number of steps according to the theorem 1.32 and the assumption that T is a decidable theory. THEOREM 5.32. If 4 is a foTmula of TI OT of and if for each Pnite set I 4 is true in TI, then 4 is true in TI and in *T:for aTbitTUTy Z. PROOF. Determine h, 1, h",,,,i., , and 8, as in theorem 5.12 and choose a finite set Z such that the number of its elements be greater than h,,,, for all possible values of Y and p . According to the assumption of the theorem we have (e,, ; i",,,,It",,,]for p = 1, 2, . , l . t r r 4 and hence there is a Y S h such that From theorem 3.36 we infer that this is possible if and only if each p satisfies CY of the following two conditions:
0, is false and h,,,, = 0,
e, is true and i.,,, = 0.
WI, 26
From the same theorem 3.36 we infer that if these conditions are satisfied, (0, ; i,,,, , h,] holds for arbitrary infinite I. This proves the theorem then for the strong power TI. Proof for the weak power is exactly the same. We shall now determine relations and elements of F' and of *F: definable in
T' and in *Ti.
We shall call partition of a set A any decomposition of A into a 8um of disjoint sets (some of which can be void). A partition A = A1 A , A I is said to satisfy the condition [0, h]j if A j has at least h elements and the condition [I, h] if A { has exactly h elements. The class of all partitions of a set I into I G( = 1, 2, .-., I) will be denoted sets satisfying the conditions [i,,, by PE:[i,,, &I. L e t I - Z l u I , u . - .UIIbeapartitionIIofZandF" = F; U F ; UF; a partition r of the n-th power F; = F X F X .- X F of F . We denote by [ n : ~the ] set of n-tuples cfi , . ,fn) of functionsf i e F' such that a t I j always implies Vl(a), -..,fn(a)) c Fj"b= 1, 2, , 2). Similarly [n:& denotes the set of n-tuples Cfi , * ,fn) of functions fi c *F: with the same property. After these definitions we can formulate the following theorem:
u u -- u u
THEOREM 5.33. A necessay umditzhn for an n - k m d relation R between the elements of F' (or between the elements of *F:) to be definable in TI (or in *T:)is urat there ezist a partition r F" = F ; U * * * U F ; , integers h and h,, ( v = 1,2,.
(v =
. - ,h, p = 1,2,.. . , Z),
such that R is the union of sets
p =
and indices
. - -,I )
[ n : ~(or ] of sets [n:r]:)where lI runs over the ael U L ck,, h,,I.
PROOF. Suppose that R is definable in T ' and that #I is a formula with n free variables which satisfies the equivalence
~ R I-r~dCfi, S *.. ,fn). Let h, 1, h,, , i,, , and 0, have the same meaning 88 in theorem 5.12. Define F,,as the set of (zl , * , 2), e F" such that IF O,,(z, , ,z,,). Since kF ELl e, and 0, , .. ,e1 are contradictory to each other, we see that F; . u F; is a ,fn) e R, then there is a Y d h such that partition T of F". If (fl ,
- -
l-n (0,
... ,fn)
for cc = 1,
u --
. u --- u
Denote by I,,the set of a E Z such that Vl(a), ,fn(a)) e F," Since the sets F," are disjoint and exhaust the whole F it is clear that Il It is a partition n of I. From (7) and theorem 3.35 we infer that n.satisfies the conditions [&.,, , h.,L for p = 1, 2, *.. , I and hence n e =;[& , h,,]. , Finally from a c I,,it follows that &(a), Conversely, assume that ( j 1 ,
- - ,fn(a)) e F,"and hence - - ,fn) [n:r)where II *
* * ,fn) c [n:r]. c;[i,,, La].The
WI, 27
set I,,of those a E I for which IT O,,(fi(a),* ,fn(a)) satisfies then the conditions [i.,,, , h,,,,],,for p = 1, 2, ... , 2 which proves, accordmg to theorem 3.35, that (e, ; i.,,, , hv,,,)for p = 1, 2, . . . , 2 and hence that k p r &fl, .. ,f,,), which proves that (fl, - - ., f,,) e R. This proves the theorem for the case of the strong powers. The proof for the weak powers is similar. We have only to observe that in the equivalence (6) of the theorem 5.22 each true P:,,, can be dropped and that if (b is not contravalid, then for at least one Y S h all formulas PE, , ... , P:, must be true. As a corollary we obtain now:
THEOREM 5.34. If a function f e F' is definable in TI,then f has a constunt value definable in T;iff o *Ft is definable in *T:, then f = e. PROOF. Let K be a unit class consisting off alone. Iff is definable in TI,then K is also definable in T' and hence K has the form described in theorem 5.33 for n = 1. Since K has only one element, it follows that if ll is in the union U l l PEZ$,,,, , h,,,,],then [ n : ~contains ] exactly one function, the same for all n. If n contained at least two summands Ij , I& for which the corresponding summands Fi , F: were non-void, then [n:F] would evidently contain more than one function (because it would be possible to construct a new function from a given one interchanging two elements of I: and It). Hence each ll contains exactly one non void Ii such that F: is non void. Since, however, each function ] be defined on the whole I , it follows that Ij = I. If Fi were not of [ n : ~must a unit class, it would be possible to construct a t least two functions fl ,f 2 such ] fz t [I:.]. Hence Fi contains exactly one element z which is that fi t [ n : ~and therefore definable in T, and the function f has the constant value x. The proof for the theory *Tiis similar. Since each f e *F: has the value eo for some arguments, it must be identical with a function which is identically equal to eo and hence f = e. We shall now show by means of a counterexample that the necessary condition given in theorem 5.34 is in general not sufficient. This result implies in particular that the theorem converse to 5.33 is false in the general case. Our counterexample is particularly simple. We take as T the theory of a cyclic group G of order 2 and as I a set with 2 eIements. TI is then the theory of the four group G x G. If we denote by 0 and 1 the elements of G, by the groi~poperation in G, and by 0 the group operation in G X G, then the elements of G x G are pairs (O,O), (O,l), (l,O), (1,l) and the relations defining @ are
(0,O) 0 (0,O) = (1,l) 0 (1,l) = (O,O),
(0,l) 0 (1,O) = (1,O) 0 (0,l) = (1,l).
The element 1 is definable in T since (x = 1) = (z z # 2 ) . However the element (1,l) which can be considered as a function of G' which takes on identically the value 1 is not definable in TI. Indeed the four group G X G admits automorphisms moving (1,l) into any other element of the group different from (O,O), and hence if (1,l) satisfies a formula (b, then also the elements (0,l) and (1,O) satisfy (b.
WI, 28
The theorem converse to 5.33 would evidently be true if the following condidition were satisfied: for each formula of the form {4; i,h] or (4; i,h)* there exists a formula 11 of TI or of *Tisuch that
11 TI++# (4; i, h )
(+; i, hj*.
The counterexample given above proves that in general power theories do not satisfy this condition. It is fulfilled however in many important cases, e. g., in cmes considered in examples 4 and 6 in $2. We give still another application of theorems 5.12 and 5.22.To obtain it we must first discusa a little more closely the equivalences formulated in these theorems. Suppose first that one of the 0, is contravalid. If h.,, > 0, then evidently no functions cfi , * * ,fn) satisfy the formula { 0, ;i,, ,h.J or (0, ;i,, , h.,,]!. The products (0, ; i,,, , h,,,) or ~ L(0, I; i,,, , h,,l* corresponding to such values of p and Y can therefore be omitted and the equivalence remains true. We show similarly that a product ~ LP:, I (0, ;,.i , h,,]* can be omitted in (6) provided that one of the sentences P,.l, PV,¶, . . * , P,,t is false. If, on the contrary, all these sentences are true, there is not need to write them out as factors in the product. Finally we can omit the products corresponding to such values of Y for which h,,, is greater than the cardinal number of I, as well as those for which = a,,) = - .. = i,,r = 1 and h.,, is less than the cardinal number of I. It follows, namely, from theorem 3.35, that if these conditions are satisfied, then no n-tuple of functions satisfies the product in question. We see therefore that equivalences proved in theorems 5.12 and 5.22 can be replaced by the equivalences,
where the following conditions are satisfied:
(10) If 0, i8 contravalid, then h,,
= 0 fOT p =
1,2, * *
- ,1;
1,2, * * * ,h.
= i.J = l,then~h,,,= i.
c h.,
(where t is the cardinal number of I). Observe however that equivalences proved in theorems 5.12 and 5.22 were effective, i. e. their right sides are finitely calculable for each given 4, whereaa the right sides of (8) and (9) are in general not calculable unless T is decidable. Note that the proof of the formulas (8) and (9) works also in the case where all the products considered there are to be omitted. 4 is then contravalid in T’(or in *Tt).
WI, 29
We now prove the following theorem:
TFIEOREM 5.35. If TI and Tzare two theories with the same jiefiekE, then the basic relaticma of the theory T:(or *T:) are dejnabk in the themy T:(w *Ti*) if and a l y if the basic relations of the theory TI are &$nab& in the theoty Ts . PROOF. Sufficiency of this condition is evident. Necessity will be proved only for the strong powers because the case of weak powers can be treated analogously. Let R be a basic relation of the theory TI. Suppose that this is an n-termed relation. The relation R' between the elements of F' is defined by the equivalence
3 RCfi(a), * *
and it is a basic relation of the theory Ti. Let us assume that this relation ia definable in the theory Ti.According to (8) we have then (13)
(a>Nfi(a), . * * ,fn(a))
c h
k~h l -1
(0, ;&,
* *
where el , * , 61 are formulas of Tt, contradictory to each other, satisfying the condition k T t e,, , i., , h., are integers satisfying the conditions (10)(12), and S is a theory corresponding to Tt according to definitions formulated in $3. If R is a void or a full relation, then it is evidently definable in Ts . Assume now that R is neither void nor full, i. e., that there exist elements 21 , . * . ,z,,of the field F of TI such that R ( z l , * , Zn) and elements y1 , * , yn of F such that - R ( ~ I * * ,Yn). Consider those formulas 0, for which there exist at least one n-tuple y~ , * * ,y,, O,,(t/t, * ,yn). We can suppose that these such that -R(yl , . , y.) and ,y,,) formulas have indices from 1to s where s 6 1. Since each n-tuple (gl , must satisfy in Tpexactly one formula 0, it follows
1 .
kTt C e,(yx, .- . ,v.). PI
We shall show that h,, = 0 for
(15) i,, = 1,
--- ,
= 1,2,
Suppose the contrary and let vo , h be integers such that JLC, 5 a, vo 6 h and either i.,,,, = 0 or h.,,, > 0. Let (yl , * , yn) be an n-tuple such ~,,,(YI, ,y-1. that -R(YI, - ,3-1 and Conditions (10)-(12) entail the existence of a partition II
z = ZlU
such that n c P:$,,,,,, hve,,,]and such that I,, = 0 for such values of p for which e,, is contravalid. If h.,,,,, # 0, then I,,, # 0 and if h.,,,, = 0, then i.,,, = 0. If all Z,(p = 1, 2, , 1) have exactly h.,,, elements (which is possible only for finite I) and the set Z 0 is void, then we see easily that the value 0 for i.,,,,, can be replaced by 1 without altering the validity of (13); hence (15) is satisfied automatically. If not all I, have exactly h,,,, elements, then we can always
suppose that I,o is non-void, because we can take one element away from an I# which h a more than h.,,, elements and add it to I,, ; the modified partition remains evidently in PGi[i,o,,,he,,]. Let b be an element of I,, . The formulas 01 , . * , 81 define a partition r
F" = F; U
U F;
of F"; we define namely F," as the set of n-tuples (21, , 2%) such that t r x O,(zl, . , 2"). Since F," = 0 implies I, = 0 according to (lo), we see that there exist functionsfl , . ,fn such that (j1 , * * * ,$1 t [II:r ] .In particular we can put fj(b) = y j 0' = 1, 2, * . * ,n ) since ( y ~ *, * , yn) t F;o . that It follows from the assumption n e Pg:[i,,,, 7
and hence that the functions fl , * * * ,fn satisfy the right side of (13). They do not however satisfy the left side of (13) because for a = b we obtain
wR(j~(b),. . *
This contradiction shows that conditions (15) must be satisfied. ,f,, , znare such that R(zl , * , 2,) and let f1, Suppose now that z1, be constant functions such that fi(a) = zjfor each a e I. Evidently we have (a)R(jl(a), ... , fn(a)) and it follows by (13) that there is a vo 5 h such that
It follows in particular
t - d I I ~~,c;~vo4,hvmI(f1, ...,fJ; )I-1
i: e.;by (15), I-8 (Or ; 1, O ) ( j l , can satisfy the condition t r xe,cfi(4,
FTx -Or(zl , - * - ,2,)
- - - ,fn) for p = 1,2, * *
B =
for p = 1,2,
~ ( 2 1 ,* * * $2,)
3 j-rs f
1, 2,
,s. Hence no value of u * *
-.. , s. We have thus shown that . . ,Zn).
dfi(~1, *
Combining this with (14) we get the equivalence
* ,Zn) 3
* * *
which proves the definability of R in Ts Theorem 5.35 is thus proved. Application. Let Tz be the elementary theory of relation S in the set of positive integers and TIthe elementary theory of addition of such integers. It is easy to see that the basic relation of Tl is not definable in TIand hence in
[331, 31
virtue of theorem 5.35 the basic relation of Ti1 is not definable in T t 2 .Take in particular I = set of positive integers and aa e a function identically equal 0. In view of examples 6 and 7 of $2 we can express the result which we obtained as follows: multiplication of positive integers is not elementarily definable in terms of the relation of divisibility.“ The notion of a power of a theory is but a special case of the more general notion of a direct (Cartesian) product. The reader will have no difficulties in constructing this more general notion imitating the notion of direct product of groups or of rings well known from algebra. Many of our previous theorems can be extended so as to become applicable to product theories as well &s to power theories. Since however the most important result, namely the theorem 5.31, cannot bB so extended, and since no interesting examples of product theories seem to exist, we shall content ourselves with this brief remark and shall not develop the theory of direct products of mutually dzerent theories. BIBLIOGRAPHY
(11 Alonzo Church. Infroduction to mathematicat logic. Parf I. Annals of mathematics studies, number 13, Princeton 1944. [a] Felix Hausdorff. Mengenlehre. 3rd edition. J. Springer, Berlin 1935. [S] Julia Robinson. Definability and decision problems in arithmetic, this JOURNAL, vol. 14 (1949), pp. 98-114. [4] Thoralf Skolem. Untersuchungen riber die A x i o m des Klassenkalkuls und Bber “Produktations- und Summcrtionsprobleme”, welche gew’sse Klassen von Aussagen betreffen, Skriffer ufgit av Videnskapsselskapef i Krisfiania, I. klasse, no. 3, Oslo 1919. [6] -. Uber gewisse Satzfunktwnen in der An’thmetik, Ibid., no 7,1930. [S] Wanda Szmielew. Decision problem in group theoty, Proceedings of f h e Tenth Infernational Congress of Philosophy, vol. I, Amsterdam 1949, pp. 763-766. [7j Alfred Tarski. Der Wahrheitsbegriff in den formalisierten Spmehen, Studio philosophica, vol. 1 (1935), pp. 261-405. [8] -. Grundztige des Systemenkalkiils, zweiter Teil, Fundamenfamafhemaficae,vol. 26 (1936), pp. 283-301. [9] -. A decision method for elemenfarg algebra and geometry. Rand Corporation; Santa Monica, California, 1948. [lo] -. Cardinal algebras. Oxford University Press, New York 1949. UNIVERSITY OF W A R S A W
This remark solves a problem proposed by J. Robinson [S],p. 101.
On a System of Axioms Which Has no Recursively Enumerable Arithmetic Model BY
A. M o s t o w s k i (Warszawa) According to a well-known result of L o w e n h e i m , Skolem, and G o d e l every consistent axiomatic system 8 based on the functional calculus of the first order has an interpretation in the set of positive integers'). Hence if A is the eonjunction of the axioms of sa) and R,,R,, ,..,I f p are the predicates 3, which occur in A , then there are relation 11)
R171<27-..7 R p
(with the same number of arguments as the predicates Bj) defined in the set of positive integers which satisfy formula A in the domain of positive integers $). We shall denote by cl,c21...7cp the numbers of arguments in relations (1). The ordered p-tuple (I)is called an aritkmetic model of S. The niodel (1) is said to belorig to the class Pn (or to the class Q n ) if
It has been proved by 8. C. K l e e n e 6 ) that every consistent and Q2.The finitely axiomatizable system S possesses a model of class P2. aim of this paper is to construct a finitely axiomatizable system S which possesses no model of class PI. We shall obtain a required system suitably modifying the axiomatic system of set theory proposed by B e r n a y s ' ) . The modification consists in allowing a far larger number of primitive notions. ~
Cf. for instance [a],p. 182.189. Numbers in sqi;are brackets refer to the bibliogmphy at the end of this paper. a) S is avauined to be finitely axio~oatizable. 3) I ausuine that S does not contain synibols for Iliathematical functions b u t exclusively symbols for relations. Standard logical sings will be used in 8 and in tho inetamathematical discussion of thia nj-stem. 4) The notion of satisfaction ie meant ! n the sense of T a r s k i . Cf. 141. Cf. [3] for the explanation of symbols used in this definition. 6 ) K l e e n e [6]: p. 394. 1)
(jf. [I].
1361, 57
The primitive notions of 8 are: #(a) [a is a set], C(ai [a is a clas~l, [sets a and b are identical], I(a,b) [classes a and b are identical], J(a,b) [the set a belongs to the set bj, E(a,b) [the set a belongs to the class b]. H(a,b) [a is a void set], AO(4 A , ( a , b , c ) [a arises from the set b by adjunction of the element c], A,(a,b,c) [a is the ordered pair of sets b and c], A,(a,b,c,d) [a is the ordered triple of sets b ,c, and d], [a is a class with the single element b], Bo(a,b) [.a is the universal ciass], &(a) [a is the class of all one-element sets], BAa) [a is the class of all ordered pairs < t , y > such that E(x,y)], &(a) [a is the complement of the class b], B,(a,b) [a is the class of ordered pairs <m,y> such that E(x,b)], B,(a,b) [a is the domain of b], R,(a,b) [a is the converse class to b], B,(e,b) [u is the class of triples which arise by ‘-coupling to B,(a,b) the left” the triples which belong to b], Bo(u,b,c) [a is the union of b and c]. The axioms of 8 are those given by B e r n a y s with obvious changes necessitated by our choice of primitive notions. For instance, instead of Bernays’ single axiom IIIc(1) we have to assume the following two axioms: m w r c ( a ). ~ , ( a , w i , &(a,b) 3{H@,a)=(W/,z)[A,(y,x,z) .a(Y,b)l}.
I n a similar way we adapt the remaining axioms of B e r n a y s to o w choice of primitive notions. of formulae with one free vaWe define now inductively a class riable. The formulae of class will be said to define classes.
(I)Formulae &(a), &(a), &(a) belong to (11)If T ( a ) belongs to C , then so do the formukae ( 3 4 [ B . ( a , z ). T ( 4 l
( j== 4,s ,6,7,8),
where x is any variable which does not occur in T ( a ) ; (111)If r ( a ) and d ( a ) belong to then’so does the formula
( 3 $ , Y ) [BEl(a,x,y1 . r(4* 4 Y )I,
where z and y are any variable8 not occurring in I T ( @ )and in A ( a ) .
WI, 58
To every formula of class e we let correspond a sequence of integers. To formulae (I)correspond sequences consisting of single integers 1, 2, and 3. If a sequence n,,..,, n,
corresponds to a formula I'(a), then the sequences lil,
...,n, ,3
( j = 4,5,6,7,8)
corre+ond to the formulae (11).If sequences n,,
correspond to formulae F ( a ) and d ( a ) , then the sequence nl,... , n,, m,, ...,m,, 9 + s
corresponds to the formula (111). It is well known that it is possible to enumerate all fiuite sequences (2) in such a way that every integer g will be a number of exactly one sequence (2) and 8 and nJ ( j = 1 , ...,8 ) be prirhitive recursive functions of g: s =L(g), n j = $7, ( j = 1 , 2 ,..., L ( g ) ) .
If the sequence (2) corresponds to a formula F ( a ) of class then the number of the sequence (2) is said to represent the foririitln l ' ( a )
Let (3)
S , C , I , J , E , N , A , ,..., A 3 , B 0,..., H,
be an arithmetic model of the syst,em B. We write k I ' ( ) t ) (resp. 1-1') instead of: n satisfies r ( a ) in the model (resp. r is trite is the model). We put for arbitrary integers g a.nd k *)
v , ~ ~ C ( ~ i ?) ~h ' lgj(kh+ltib)l tl= J=1
L/ [ ( g h + l ; '
9) ' ~ ~ g ( ~ h + ~ , ~ g h + ~ - g , I b ) ] ~ .
Lemma 1. If g represents a formula T ( a ) of class
e, then
n(g,k) . [I,,)= n l ) . T ( a )is the expression &(a), then L(g)= 2 ,q1 = 2 . Assume
I- r ( n )= (R k){[L(k) =L(g)] Proof. I f that Bl(n)and let k be the number of term n. Hence L ( k )= 1,&, = n. Since
sequence containing the single and B,(&,)and since the
Sl= 1
8 ) I use the sign B for alternations with finitely many terms. ( h ) , is tc- be read: for every h less than n.
second part nf formula (4) is vacuously satisfied, we obtain n ( g , k ) whence
[ L ( k )= L ( g ) l .n(g,k). [iL(k)=n]-
Assume conversely that there exists an integer k satisfying (5). It follows from l 7 ( g , k ) and S l = l that Hl(El) and hence Bl(n),i. e., t-T(n). Thus the lemma is proved in the case tar which r ( a ) is the formilla R,(a). The proof in the cases ~ ( a ) = B , ( a )and r(a)=B,(a) is similar. Assume now that the lemma holds for a formula T ( a ) (represented by the integer g ) and let A ( a ) be the formula (IT) with i = 4 . Let f be the integer representing A ( a ) . Hence L(f)=L(!I)+l
7 1 = m
' a ,
== 4.
Assume that t- &4( m ) , i. e., that there is an integer and
such that
It follows by the inductive assumption that there is an integer k satisfying (5). Let 1 be the number of the sequence -
k,, ... , B ( g )
It is easy to infer from (5), (li),and (7) that
[ a t )=L(f)l . li(f,t) .Ci40 = ml.
Conversely, let us assume that there is an integer t satisfying the formula (8). Define k as the number of the sequence
t, , i,, ...,i41)-1. It follow from (8) that
L(k)= L ( g )
W g , k),
whence by the inductive assumption r(&(k)). By (6) and (8) we obtain B4(tuf)fuf)-j)and hence the equation = F L ( k ) gives ~ , ( i 4 ,~gL(k))t ) i. e., I- d ( m ) . This proves the lemma whence we obtain finally t- A for formulae (11) with j = 4 . The proof for the remaining formulae (11) and for formulae (111) is similar. Let Nl, NMz
be a sequence of all formulae of R without free variables in which exclusively quantifiers of the form (s)[fJ(s) 3
P61, 60
occur. Formulae X I are essentially what B e r n a y s calls comtitutive expressions without frrr cariables. We denote b j f ( j ) the Godel number of MI; it is known that t ( j ) is a primitive recursive function. Analyzing the proof of the elms-theorem of H e r n a y s lo) wc arrive at the following
Lmanao 2. For. every j thew exists irz C a fovmctla l ; ( a ) such that the eqiciz3alewee ( 3 a ) [ I ; ( a ) . B,(a ) ]= X , is prorable ~ T L8. The itrteget. y ( j ) ?*epiesetdingthe formula ];(a) is a primitive recursive fziiaction of j . From the general theory of models wc obtain the following Letrrmct 3. If ( 3 ) is art arithmetic model of 8, then formulae
for which
I- *IfI
form a corrzplete and cowsistent extension of S. I n order to prove our theorem we assume that (3) is a model of S of class PI. The set Z = E , { + ( N a ) [ I ; ( a ). B , ( a ) ] } belongs to the class
Indeed, by lemma 1 j E Z=(B n ) [ + 4 ( n ). U l ( i i ) ]
= ( 3 IL, k)([L(k= ) L ( y ( j ) ) ]il(y(j),k). . [Xu,,=1 L j . 1&(n)).
The formula enclosed in braces { } defines a relation of class Pi9 because I ) , c P:), relations L ( k )= L ( y ( j ) ) and lLck, = tb are primitive recursive, anil Z I ( (~j ) , k ) as is evident from (4)defines a relation nf class PF). It follons that the set belongs to 1':" and from lemmas 2 and 3 that T is the ,Let of Godel niimbers of a romplet(* and consistent extension of 8. Since S contains the arithmetic of non-negative integers, the existence of thd het T P?' with this property contradicts the n-ell-known resutt of R o s s e r l * ) . 'l'hiih 8 has 110 model of class Pi, (1. e. d. I have not succeetlctl in finding an example of a finitely axiomatizable system hich has no mock1 of class a,. On the other hand it does not seem probable that the evaluation of the class of models foiind by E l e e n e can be ameiirle.ct. (See note on p. 61). 3) l")
See 1. e., p. 71. See 1. c., p. 72-76. Cf. [j], theorem 11, p. W.
1361, 61
References [l] P. B e r n a y s , A syslenr of nriomatic set-themy. Part I , Tho Jonrnal of Symbolic Logic 2 (1937), p. 65-77. [2] D. H i l b e r t and P. Hernay&., G'rundlayen der MathematzL, vol. 2, Berlin 1939. [3] A. Mostowski, On Defiiiable Sets of Positive Integers, Fundamenta Yathematicae 34 (1947), p. 81-112. [a] A. T a r s k i , Der Wahrheitsbeyriff Z I L formalzsierteri Rpiarkeii, Studia Philosophic& 1 (1935), p. 261-405. [6] J. B. Rosser, E&nsioii of Bottle l'heorems of &idel cind Church, The Journal of Symbolic Logic 1 (1936), p. 87-91. [6] 8. C. K l e e n e , Introduction to Xetamathematies, Groningen 1953.
N o t e a d d e d reeding the proofs. The problem mentioned a t bottom of p. 60 Bas been meanwhile solved: There exist finitely axiomatieable systems which have no models of clam P and no models of class Q. One such syfltem will be exhibited in my next paper forthconling in Fundamenta Matliematirae.
A Lenima Concerning Recursive Functions and Its Applications by
A. N O S T O W S K I C‘onirnunimted by K . KUEZATOWSKI at the meeting of Jane 22, 1963
1. L e m m a. For every general recursive function F(n) there i s n prirnttive recursiw fiorctiow H ( n ) such tliat (1 1
(2) (3)
n -+
FH(n) is pi imitive reczrrsive *). P r o o f . Represent F in the form
F(n) = Q{(prc)IR(r,n) = O]} where p denotes the “least number operator”, Q and R are primitive recursive and R satisfies the condition (4)
( n ) ( 3 4 [ R f z ,n) = O]**). Let K(it),L(n) be primitive recursive functions such that the formula n c + ( R ( / i ) ,L(n)) represents a one-one mapping of integers onto pairs of integers and put (5)
= E,,[R(K(n),L ( n ) )= 01.
The set X is primitive recursive. Hence it can be enumerated by
a primitive recursive function S ( H )(repetitions not excluded).
We define now by a simultaneous recursion two functions G(n)and H(n):
GtO) = KS(O), H(0) = LS(O),
*) By FH(n) we denote the compound function F(H(N)). *) We shall express this condition by saying that the p-operation in (4) is effective.
[37], 278
It is obvious that the functions G and H are primitive recursive. We shall show that H satisfies the coi?ditioiis (l)-(3). (I) follows immediately from (I)). Let us assume that (2) is false, i. e., that there is an integer no such that f?(n 1) = H ( N ) for I t 2 no. It foliows that LS(n 1) H(n) for n>no and hence LS(u l ) < H(nO)for $ 8 2 9 1 , . If w < no, we have by (9) and (1) either LS(n I )< H(n) H(n,) or LS(rz 1) = H ( n 1) H(n,) and since * LS(0) = H(0) H(n,) we obtain the inequality I,S(n) H(nJ for all n. We shall show that this inequality entails a contradiction. By (5) there is an x such that R(r, H(eo)+ 1) = 0. If p is such that K ( p ) = x and L ( p ) = H(no)+ 1, we have by (6) p € 9and hence y = S(q) for some q. Hence LS(p) = H(uo)+ 1 H(n,,). Formula (2) is thus ;roved. From (7)-(9) we obtain by induction on ?L for 16 = 0, 1, 2,. .. R(G(n),H(n))= 0 whence F H ( 4 = c!{@4 [ R ( X , = OI} =Q {oldG(,,) "z, Htn)) = 01) (10) where (pz):)acnl [ ...] denotes the least integer x G(n) satisfying the coudition [...I. It is known that if R is primitive recursive, then 80 is (p&[R(z, 9z) = 01. Hence (3) follows from (10) and the lemma is proved.
+ <
+ < <
2. According to a definition due to S . Mazur a real number a ( O < a < l ) is called general recursioe if there exist general recursive functions U(n), V(n) such that I UP) 1 for w =0, 1 , 2 , . . .
This definition' is known to be equivalent to the following*): There is
a general recursive function W ( x ) such that
W ( n ) = O or W ( n ) = l
1'h e o r e m 1 a:*). For
n= I
e v e r y gettern? recursive real nrcntber a(O
there are primitive recuvsite fzwctious ill(n), N(n), P(w) such that
The function F is general recnrsive. LeL I1 satisfy (I), (2): (3) and let exph(m) deiiote the exponent of p k in the expansion of m into the product of primes. The function expk(m) is ") T h i s equivaleocs haa been pruved by Prof. S . Xazur in 8 paper not y e t published; cf. also [l]. **) T h i s theorem an8werB a question coniinunicuted to me by Prof. S. Mazur.
[37], 279
known to be primitive recursive and we have (IS)
W ( j )= exp,(FH(ir))
j < H(n).
Now we define M ( n J N(n), and I’in) as follows: ‘
=c H(4
0x1’ j (FHjlt)).
&‘(a)= 2HW - 1, P(n)= 2H(”).
These fuiictioiis are obviously primitive recursive. From (13) i t follows that,
whence the theorem follows by (2), ( l l ) , and (14). It is also easy to see that, conversely, if (12) holds with primitive recnrsive X ( n ) , N(n), P(nj, then n is general recursive. T h e o r e m 2. Let I (k, n) be u general recursive function universal f o r the class of primitive recursioe functions. Theit the set Y= El,[K@ ( k , n ) = o o ] n+oo
is not recursively eizuinerabk.
P r o o f. W e shall show that if the set Y were recursively enumerable, thore would exist a function F(n) for which the lemma would be false. L e t 11s therefore assume that Y is recursively enumerable and let S be a general recursive fnnction which enumerates Y. P u t The function @ is general recursive. It is easy to show that i t 1s universal for the class of primitive recursive Emictioiis satisfying conditions (1) and (2). Put it) = n - [J/N]’, ~ ( n= )
and define a function T by iuduction as follows: (15)
T(n)= ( C rj { ( ? t ) n [ ! J ( EX ()~ ~ J @\E(u), T(?c)jJ)
where ( w ) , [ .. ] means that the condition I...] holds for every 81 < B. According to (15) the iititial value of T is T(0)= 0. The function T is general recursive. Indeed, we have for an arbitrary n lim U(E(n),a)= 00 X+W
and hence there is an x such that @(E(n\, .E) $I @(E(u),T(u))
Hence the p-operator in (15) is effective and it is known that the induction-
(371, 280
schema combined with the effective p-operation does not 'lead outside the class of general recursive functions. Put (16) U(w)= P(E(/Z),T(l2)).
It follows from (15) that U(m)
-+ U(74)
=/= 71
W e shall show that the equation
(17) has a solution for every k.
U(X)= k
Indeed, let q be the least integer such that @(q, 0) = k. Put n = in (15). Since E ( n ) = q we infer from (15) that if (17) has no solution P < W , then T(n)=O Rnd hence by (16) U(iz)= W(q, O ) = k . Thus (17) has a solution z
I n particular this equation holds for no = (16(4
Since p = E(lao),Q(n,) = [&(q
t = T(no) where
+ + o2+ 111
+ l)]+ I
we obtain from (21) F@(B(no),T(no))= 0 (Q(ao) [I(E(no) 1%T(fio)). and since the left hand side is equal to PU(no) we obtain
FU(la0)= @\&(no)L-[ilE(no) 113, T(TZ0)). Comparing this result with (ZO), we get FU(vo)= 1 A FU(no) which is impossible. Theorem 2 is thus proved. The set Y of theorem 2 is evidently a L'B set, i. e., it can be defined by a formula of the form (P)( 3 y ) B ( n ,x,y) where B is recursive. The problem whether this set is at the same time a BIT-set remains open. REFERENCES [l] R o b i n s o n R M., Journal of Symbolic Logic 16 (1951), 2x'2
A formula with no recursively enumerable model by
A. M o s t o w s k i (Warszawa) G. Kreisel [4] was the first to construct a first-order formula which has no recursive model'). A formula with the same property was also constructed independently by the present author in a paper read before the V I I I Congress of the Polish Mathematicians in the autumn of 1953 (see Mostowski [S]). Both formulas were obtained by suitable modifications of the axioms of the set-theory proposed by Bernays [l]. The present paper contains another example of a formula which has no recursive model. This example seems to be simpler than the former ones in so far, as it makes no reference to the axiomatic set-theory and uses exclusively tools known from the theory of recursive functions. The formula to be given below was found in the courfie of unsuccessful attempts to construct a formula no model of which would belong to the smallest field of sets generated by the classes f'p) and @)z). It is published in the hope that it might suggest a solution of this problem. It has been justly observed that many recent papers in the field of symbolic logic do not supply full proofs of the etate.nents they contain. While it would certainly not be reasonable to require from all papers t o give exhaustive proofs it is certainly necessary to publihh full proofs from time to time. This line is followed in the present paper.
1. Post's theory of recursively enumerable sets [TI. Let G be a free semigroup (with cancellation) generated by the free generators a , b , c . Thus the elements of G are finite strings xlx2...x where each z, is either a or b or c and the multiplication of strings is performed simply by juxtaposing them. The void string is not admitted in G. Elements of G will be denoted by lower case Greek letters. The length Z(a) of a string a i s defined as the number of letters it contains. A string a is said to be (a) a segment of p; (b) a part of p; (c) a rest of p if either a = p or (a) there is a y such that p = a y ; (b) there are y , 8 l ) Kreisel's paper contains even a slightly stronger result; cf. the theorem on p. 41 of his paper. e, For terminology see my paper [5]. The problem was formulated by Kreisel [a]; cf. p. 47.
such that either P = y a or ,!?=a6 or P=ya6;
[47], 126
(c) there is a y such that
B if c is not a part of a and cac is a part It is evident that each string has at most a iinite number of ingredients. Let a,@ be ingredients of a string y. We say that CL precedes p in y if there is a segment 6 of y such that c a c is a part of 6 and cpc is not a part of 6. A string a is the first (last) ingredient of a string y if there is a string 6 containing no occurrenccs of a’s and of b’s such that Sac (resp. cad) is a segment (rest) of y. This definition is independent of the ordering determined by the precedence-relation. A string consisting of 11 consecutive a’s is denoted by 1,. A string is called proper if c is not its part. Let (1) B : a 1 P I , ’B Z 1 Pi ,...,B k ,PL A string a is aningredient of
be a sequence of 2k 1 proper strings. Such a sequence is called a basis. A string y is said to be B-generating if it has the following properties: (2) a is the first ingredient of y ; (3) if 5 is an ingredient o f - y , then either t = a or there are: an ingredient 7 of y which precedes 5 in y ; a part 5 of 7; and an integer
j < k such that [=5/3; and v=BJ. For any basis B let SB be the set of integers n with the following property: there is a B-generating string y such that Am is the last ingredient of y. Using these definitions we can formulate the following THEOREM 1 (Post) 4). For every recursively enumerable set X there is a basis B such that X = SJ,. 2. The formula gl.The formula 3 to be constructed will be a conjunction of two formulas 3, and g2.I n the present section only the first formula will be defined. It contains 5 predicate-variables, three of which (A,B,C) have one argument, one (F) has two arguments and one (G) has three arguments. The intended interpretation of the formula 3, is simply that the universe of discourse is the semigroup G defined in section 1. The interpretation of the formulas A(x),B(x),C(x)is that x is one of the generators of G.The formula F ( x , y ) is to be interpreted as: ‘‘x and y are identic” and the formula G(x,y,z) as: “x is the result of multiplication of y and z”. The idea of “hgredients” is due to Quine. See [S], p. 296. This theorem easily results from the theorem obtained by Post [7]; in the proof we have to use the technique developed by Quine [S], p. 296 seq. a) 4)
[47], 127
The formula $, is the conjunction of the following 10 formulas: I. ( A x i o m s of i d e n t i t y ) . 11. ( X , Y ) { F ( X , Y ) ~ [ A ( X ) ~ A ( Y ) I[B(x)=B(y)l. . [C(x)=C(9)lh 12. (x , Y , z , t ) { F ( x , y ) m + ( x , z,t)=G(F,Z ,t)l.[G(z, x , t) G(z 99,t)l*[G(z,t,x) G(z , t ; ~ ) l ) * 11. (Axioms of existence). 111. (3X,Y,z) [A@).B(Y). W ) l ; 112. (x,Y){[A(x).A(Y1VB(x).B(y)vC(x).C(Y)I~F(X,Y)I; {( ~ x ) [ A ( x )B( . X ) V B(x) .C(X)V C(X).A(x)]}. 113.
111. ( A x i o m s of j u x t a p o s i t i o n ) . 1111. ( x , y i ( W G(z,x,Y); 1112- (X9 Y 7 z t ) {[G(Z,X~ Y 1. G(t,,x Y) vG(x, 7 Y) * G(x,t,Y 1 vG(x , Y ,z). G(X,Y,t)l3Fb,t)}; 11 r 3. (x){(337,z)G(x, Y , Z )=-[A(x)VB(x) VC(X)]}; 1114. ( X , Y ,z ,t ,v)[G(x,y,z).G(Y, u , v ) .G(t , v , z ) 3 G ( x 9 u,t)I; 1115. (x,~,z,u,v){-F(~,u).G(x,~,z).G(~,~,v) 3 (Rt)CG(Y,u ,t).G(v,t ,z) vG(u 19,t).G(z , t ,v)l).
3. Auxiliary definitions. The formula g2will be written down by means of a number of auxiliary formulas listed below. I n the intended interpretation described a t the beginning of section 2 most of these formulas describe notions which we have introduced in section 1". [x is a segment of y]. xSy-F(x7y)v(3z)G(y,x,z)
XPY ~ F (99) x V ( 3 2 , t ,u)[G(y,x 7 Z ) vG(y,z 7x1VG(z, t , x ) . G(Ytz,U)l [x is a part of y]. x R y % F ( x , y ) v ( 3 z ) G ( y , z , x ) [x is a rest of y]. xIy = ( 3 z , t ,u)[C(u).G(t , X ,u).G(z , U ,t) .(zPY) .-(UP%)] [x is an ingredient of y] . V(x,y ,z) = (xIz) .(yIz).( 3 u, v , w , t ,s , r )[C(u).G(v,x , u ) . .G(w,u,v).G(t ,y,u),G(s,~,t).(rSz).(wPr).-(sPr)] [x precedes y in z]. [x contains no a's and no b's]. CS(x) = (u){[A(u)vB(u)]3-(uPx)} xF1y = ( 3 u ,V , ,t)[CS(U).C(V).G(w,x .V ) .G(t , U ,W ) .( tSy)] [x is the first ingredient of y]. X LI y G ( 3, v~ ,W , t)[CS(u).C(V).G(w, v , X) .G(t ,w ,u).(tR y)] [x is the last ingredient of y]. [x has the form An]. LN(x)=(y){[B(y)vC(y)]3-(yPx)} K,
The ideas underlying our construction in this section are due to Quine
[47], 128
We shall now associate a formula ra(x) with each string a. We shall cell this formula a description of a. The definition is an inductive one:
T a ( x ) ~ A ( x ) , I ' ~ ( H=B(x), ) I',(x)-C(X), raa(x) ( 3 ~ 9 [ra(u)*. ~ ) A(v).G(x , u ,v)l, rab(X) (3u7V) L r a ( U ) -B(v)* G(x ,u,v)I, ~ P , J x= ) (3u,v)[ra(u).C(v).G(x,u,v)l. For arbitrary strings B,P' we put
t ,u) , [ ~ S ( Z ) r. p # (t ) .G(v,z ,U ) .G(W , 11, t)] H B $ ~w(,V ) ( 3 ~ [w has the form [p' and v the form p5]. Finally, €or an arbitrary basis B defined in (l), we put zB( x)
( 3 z )[ (ZFIx).ra(z)] .(.)[( k
11 19)
3{ra(u)v ( 3 ~ [ v)( ~ , u , -Z x ) ~ p p B ; ( " ,v)1>16 , J=1
[x is a B-generating string]. 4. The formula g2. Let X , Y be two disjoint recursively enumerable sets of integers which cannot be separated by means of recursive sets (see [ a ] and [9]) and let (1) and
be bases such that X = S B , Y-&. Let D and E be predicate->ariahles with one argument. We define S2as the conjunction of the following four fornmlas: IVI. ( X , y )[ = ~ ( y )( .X L 1y) .LN(x)3D(x)], I V 2. (X, Y ) [Ec(y ) .( x L 1y ) .LN(X)3E(x)], IV3. (x){LN(x)3[D(x) v E(x)]}, IV4. (x)[-D(x)V-E(X)]. We denote by 3' the conjunction of 3] a i d S2.
5. Consistency of 3. Let G be the semigroup described in section 1 and let M(x,, ... .xk) be a formula with the free individual variables x1,...,xk and the predicate-variables A , B , C , F , G . If strings a,,...,ak satisfy M when A , B , C , F , G are interpreted as described a t the beginning of section 2, then we shall write +M(a,,...,ak). If M has no free individual variables, then t-M means that M is true in the model defined by the intended interpretation of A,B,C,F,G. This model will be called the natural model. The letter B is here used as the symbol of alternatioii with finitely many terms. An alternation with 0 terms (a void alternation) is assumed to have the truth-value 0 (falsity).
[47], 129
The following lemmas are obvious: L.Z. I-$,. L.2. F m arbitrary strings a,/?,y the following equivalences hold'): k a S / ? = a is a segment of /?, k a P P = a i s a part of /?, t-aR/?=a i s the rest of 8, kaIj3 3 a is an ingredient of P, k V ( a , P , y ) = a and /? are ingredients of y and a precedes p in y , k-CS(a)rneither n nor b occurs in a, k a F J / ? - a i s the first ingredient of /I, t - a L I b = a is the East ingredient of /?, k L N ( a ) - a has the form 2,. L.3. kI'&!?) = (/I= a). 11.4. If B is the basis (l), then + E B ( y ) = y i s u B-generating string. L.5. If R is the basis (l), then the following conditions are equivalent:
k&(y ) ( 6 L I y ) LN(6 ) ,
( 5 ) { y is a B-generating string}. ( 3 n ) [ ( n NB). ( 6 = 2,).
.(6 i s the East ingredient of y ) ] .
P r o o f . If (4) is satisfied, then by L.4 y is a B-generating string and by L.2 6 is the last ingredient of y and has the form 1,. Hence n E LYB and (5) is satisfied. The converse implication results immediately from L.2 and L.4. Now let B and C be bases as described at the beginning of section 4. We extend the natural model of S,to a model of S,by interpreting D as the set of strings 1, such that n E X, and E as the set of strings 1, such that n non 6 X . If M ( xl,...,x,,)is a formula containing the individual variables x, ,...,x, and the predicate-variables A,B ,C ,D, E ,F ,G, then we shall continue to use the symbol FM(a,,...,a,) to express the fact that a, ,...,u, satisfy M(xl, ...,x,) in the extended natural model. L.6. Formulas IV3 and IV4 are true in the extended natural model. Prook. Obvious. L.7. Formulas IV1 and IV2 are true in the emnded natural model. P r o o f . Let y and 8 be strings satisfying (4). We have to prove that +D(8), i. e. that there is an integer n such that 8=1, and n c X = ~ B . ') We UBB the same logical symbols-in the informal d i s c d o n of f o n d a a ae in the formula themeelvee. No contnsion will arise when one observa the rule that variablea of the formal calculw are printed in the ordinary (Roman) type whereas VBriablea and constants used in the informal discussion are printed in italica. Fundaments Mathcmaticae. T. XLII.
(471, 130
Row it follows from L.5 that such an integer exists. Hence formula I V 1 is true in the extended natural model. In order to show this for the formula I V 2 we have to prove that if y and 6 satisfy the condition
F-.-P(y).(6LIy).LN(S), then E(6). Now it follows from L. 5 that there is an n such that 6 = I , and n c &=I’ whence n n o n c X , i. e., k E ( I , ) which gives kE(6). Lemma 7 is thus proved. THEOXEM ,2. Formula 3 i s true i.n the extended iaatural model and hence comistent. P r o o f . Immediate by L.1, L.6, L.7.
6. Formal provability of properties of strings. Let M(x,, ...,xk) be a formula with the free variables x, ,...,xk, A , B , C , F , G . It follows immediately from L. 3 that I- &I(u l , ... ,ak) is equivdent to F- (XI
.** 9
7 xk) [Enl (XI) rnk(xk)2M(x1
a - 0
I n the present section we shall examine the question whether the formula following the assertion-symbol above is deducible from 31. We #hall write 3,+M(xl,...,xk) instead of “M(xl, ...,xk) is deducible from gI7’. D e f i n i t i o n . A formula M(xl, ...,xk) is normal if
31 +Ern,
( X I ) * * * r a (Xk) k 3M(x1,
whenever t- M( a, ,. .,a k ) and (7)
3 1 +[rn1
(81)...Fak(xk)2 ”M(
...,xk)] 7
...3 xk)]
whenever non I- M(a,, ... ,ak). L.8. If M l , M 2 ure n,ormal formulas, then so are -MI and iWl.il12. Proof. Obvious. L.9. Pormulas A(x), B(x), C(x) are normal. P r o o f . It will be sufficient to consider the formula A(x). I f kA(a), then a=a, r a ( x ) = A ( x ) and hence 3,+[I‘..(x)3A(x)]. If non +-(a), then a # a and hence either a=b Or a=c or u has the form By with y = a or y = b or y = c . In the first two cases we apply 113 and get (8)
I n the remaining case we have ro(x)=(3u,v)[Fe(u).F,.(v).G(x,u,v)] and hence by I113 we get again formula (8). Lemma 9 is thus proved.
L.10. For an arbitrary striyby u (9)
91-+ (3x1r
9 1
m (X)
+[ra(x) * r a ( ~ ) I F,Y)I(x
Proof. We use induction with respect to the length of Q. If Z ( c j ) = l , then (9) and (10) immediately result from I11 and 11.2. Assum'e now that L.10 holds for strings of length < n and let Z ( Q ) = ~ . Hence a=pE where Z(/?)=n-l, Z(E)=1, and
ra(x)= ( 3 Z)~[ r . t Y ) * rt(z) * G(x Y 7 z)l. Using this, we immediately find that (9) follows from 1111 and the inductive assumption, and that (10) follows from the inductive assumption 1112, and 12. Lemma 10 is thus proved. L . l l . The formula F ( x , y ) is normal. Proof. Let n l , a 2 be such that I-F(a,,a,). Hence a,=% and therefore by L.10
+[raaCxl) * raq(xz)IF(x1,xz)!.
g 1
We still have to prove that if non ~ F ( Q ~ , % i. e., ) , if a,#%,
S l
c r,,(Xl).r, ( Xt ) 2
F(x1 ,x2)1 .
If Z ( Q ~ ) = Z ( Q ~ ) = = ~ , then (12) follows from I1 and 113. If l ( a l ) = l and Z ( % ) > l , then (12) follows from I1 and 1113. The same is true if Z(al)> 1 and Z(az)=l. We assume now the validity of (12) for strings ul,a, such that min (I( a,), I ( cia))
[raI(xl)* r h( ~ 1 )G(z1
9 1+
- r%Cx,)e r b ( ~ 8 )
2~ 1 )
G (z2,x.29 9%) 2 NF(Z1,%)I. Jf a,#%, this formilla follows from (12), 1115, 1113, and 12. If al=%, then & # & (since /?l#p,) and (13) follows from 111): 12, 113, and 1112. Lemma 11 is thus proved. L.12. The formula G(x,y,z) is normal. Proof. Let a , / ? , y he strings such that t - G ( ~ , p , y ) , i. e. a=/??. We have t o prove first that (14)
S,+r~a(x).c?(Y).r,(z)3wGY ,z)l*
[47], 132
We proceed by induction with respect to Z(y). If l ( y ) = l , then we use the definition of r a ( x ) and reduce (14) to the proof of
Sl+[r&) . r d Y ) . T Y ( V ).rY(z). G ( x , u , v ) W x , y ,213. This is an immediate consequence of L.10 and 1 2 . Let us now assume that formula (14) has been proved for strings y satisfying l ( y ) < n and let Z(y)= n. We niay assume that y= SE wbere 1(5)= 1. Hence a= (pa)( and r a ( x )= ( 37 v)~[ r @ ( u. r)t ( v )* G(x 9 ry(Z)=
This shows that (14) is equivalent to (15)
.Tp(y).rd(s).r€(v)*r€(t)* G(x,u,v).G(z,s,t)3G(x,y,z)l-
I n order to prove this formula we observe that, in view of the inductive amumption $1 +[r,9d(71).rS(Y) .rd(s)3G(u , Y , s)l whence $1
{r@(u).r,(Y).rd(s).r~(v) .G(x ,u , v ) .G(z, s ,v)>[G(x , u , v) . G ( u , y , 8). G(z ,s ,v)l].
I n view of I114 this formula gives
Si-t[r.dU).rp(y).rd(s)*r6(v).G(X,U,V).G(z,s,v)3G(x,Y, Z ) l which in view of I 2 and L.10 implies (15). Formula (14)is thus proved. We still have to prove that if a # b y , then
S z+ [ r a ( X ) .
r~(9 r y)( .z ) 3
G(x 9 Y 9z)I *
To show this, we use (14) and obtain whence by I112 (17)
+ r r . ( Y ) . rycz, . r p y ( s ) m s , Y ,z)l
S l
Since S l + [ I ' a ( x ) . I ' , , ( s ) 3 ~ F ( x , s )by ] L.11 and S1-+(3s)I",(s) by L.10 we obtain (16) immediately from (17). Lemma 12 is thus proved. L. 13. Formulas without quantifiers are normal. Proof. By L . 8 , L . 9 , L . l I , a n d L . 1 2 . I n the next few lemmata we shall establish €he normality of certain formulas containing quaniifiers. D e f i n i t i o n . Let M(x,, ...,x k , y ) be a formula containing the free individual variables xl,...,xk ,y and the predicate-variables A, B ,C F ,G .
[47], 133
We shall say that M satisfies the finiteness condition with respect to the variable y if for arbitrary strings a , , ...,a k there is an integer 1 > O and 1 strings /?,,...,~~ wch that I
S1-*[rq( X I ) . . r h * ( x k ) . A l ( x l
2 r@j(Y)]. I-1
x k 7 9)
L.11. Z f M satisfies the finitetbess condition with respect to the variable y, t h m so does the coiijunction 3f.N where N i s at3 arbitrary formula. I,. 1.5. A normal fortnula M ( x , , ...,x k , ~ satisfies ) the finiteness condifioti urith respect to the variable y if and oilly if arbitrary strings a,,. . . , a k deternihe aii integer h > O and striwgs yl, . . . , y k siich that h
Proof. If (19) i s satisfied, then so is (18) with Z=h and /?,=y, ( j = l , 2 , ? l ) . Let us no\\ assume (18). The formnla M being normarl we have either
3 1- > [ r a l
( X I ) *. r ~ r ( ~ kr b) j .(y) J M ( x 1 7
.** 7
x k7y
S,+[Fal( XI)* * * r a t ( X k ) . rs/( y ) 3 m M ( X 1 , . .. 7 X k y )I 1 , 4 , ..., 1 . If u-e denote by y1 ,... ,Y h those of the B1(s for which
for each j = (20) is trud, we immediately obtain formula (19). L.16. Zf M is a normal fornlula and ( 1 9 ) is true, then k M ( a l ,...,a k , j 3 ) holds if and only if i 8 ideritic with one of the strings yl, ...,y a . Proof. If follows from (19) that k M ( a1 7 . . . , a k , @holds ) if and only if one of the formulas FI',,(j3) is true whence the lemma follows by L.3. L.17. If M ( x l , ...,x k , ~ )i s a normal formula satisfying the finiteness condition with respect to lhe variable y and if N ( x , , ...,x k , y ) i s a n arbitrary formula, then the formula ( 3 y ) [ M ( x ,..., l x k , y ) . N ( x , ,..., x k , y ) ] i s normal. P r o o f . Let C I ~ , . he . . ~arbitrary ~ ~ strings such that (21)
a k 7 y ).
This means that there is a string k M ( a l ,... , a k , B )
S ( a ~...7 a k , s ) l
B such that k N ( a , , ...,a k , B ) .
The formulas M and N being normal, we obtain
91+[ r a l ( x i ), ( x k ) .rfl(y)3x(X I 7 ...7 x k 7 9)
x(X I
7 ** 7
x k 7 7) I
\Thence by L.10 we get
S i {rab,(x,). . . ~ ~ , ( X ~ ) ~ @ Y ) [ M (...X rIX k , Y ) -N(x, ,..7XktY)I) +
[47], 134
Let us now assume that (21) does not hold. Since M satisfies the finiteness condition, we may assume that (19) holds. Hence on using L.16 we. infer that -N( a,,...,a&,TI)for j = 1 , 2 , ...,h whence, N being normal, (22)
r a * ( xk). r y j
xk, Y 117
.** 9
I n order to prove L.17 we have to show that
31 {raI(xl)- * * ra*(xk)I ( 3 Y ) XI 7 j
*** 7
xk 7 9) . N ( X I 9
xk 9 9) I}
or, what amounts to the same, s,+[ral(x1)
- * * r o * ( ~ k.M(x,, )
Using (19) n;e reduce this formula, to the following one: h
g l
( ~ 1.**rma(xk) )
,Z r y j (
~ )“(XI, 3
a * *
,xk, Y )I *
Since this last formula is a direct consequence of (22), lemma 1 7 is proved. L.18. For eeery string a (23)
g l + [ r a ( x ) . W x , ~,~)3t:rp(y).ry(z)I B.Y
with summation over strings ,9,y satisfying the equatioiz a= By.
P r o o f . If Z(a)=l, then the summation
is void and (23) is equi-
valent to the formula ~ l - + [ ~ , ( x ) 3 - G ( x , y , z ) ]which follows from 1113. Let us now assume L. 18 for a string a and let 9 = at where Z(t)=1. I n view of the definition of r,,(x) the formula to be proved is equivalent t o the following one: (24)
g l + t ~ m . r € ( v )G(x . , u , v ) . G(x,y , Z ) 3 Z r e ( Y ) .T.(Z)l 8.8
with summa,tion over strings 8 , satisfying ~ the equation ?=BE. Since S i-+ (G(x,u ,v) G ( x , y , z ) I F ( y , u ).F(v 7 2)
v (3t)[G(y,u,t).G(v, t 72) VG(U ,Y,t). G(z , t , v ) l ) b y I115 and 1112, the proof of (24) can be reduced to the proof of the following three formulas: (25)
gl +ira(u)
.F(y,u) * F ( v 7
z)3zrd(y)m z ) i7 8.6
Of these three formulas (25) is an immediate corollary of 11, I 2 and the observation that u,t represent one of the possible sets of values for 8 , ~ (26) ; is obvious in view of TIT3 and the observation that l ( t ) = l . It remains to prove (27). By means of (23) we reduce (27) to the conjunction of formulas of the form 3 1
where By=a. valent to
+cr.(Y) . F Y ( t )
.rm.G(zlt , v )Z omr Y ) m
In view of the definition of
ry6(z) this
) I
formula is equi-
% -4rdY).F Y d Z ) 2 2 r d (Y 1. r8wl Or
and this formula is obvious since p,yE represent one of the possible sets of values for B , E . (24) is thus proved and hence L.18 is proved by induction. L. 19. The formula G(x,y,z) satisfies the finiteness condition with respect th‘the variable y and with respect to the variable z; the formulas xSy, xRy, oMad x P y satisfy the finiteness condition with respect to the variable x. Proof. Immediate from L.18. L.20. Formulas x5y, xRy, and x P y are normal. Proof. Immediate from L.19 and L.17. L.21. li’ormula x I y is normal. Proof. The formula (3t)[G(z,u,t).G(t,x,u)] is normal in view of L.19, L.17, and L.12. Applying again L.17 and L.19 we find that the formula (3z){(zPy).(3t)[G(z,u,t).G(t,x,~)]) is normal. Finally we note that the formula C(u) satisfies the finiteness condition with respect tc the variable u and using L.14 me infer in the same way that the formula
(3u)(C(U) .-(uPx).
is normal which. proves the lenime. L. 22. Formula X Iy satisfies the finiteness condition with respect to the variable x. Proof. By L.19 each string a determines a finite number of strings @J such that S I -p c r. (Y1.(z p Y 13 5,(z )I.
,z J
By L.18 each
determines a finite number of strings
s,+ r r s
.G(z 11 ,t ) 3 GJk(t)1 . t
such that
14'71, 136
Finally each Y J ~determines a finite number of strings SJ, such that 3 1
t, * G(t 7
F [14113(x)l'
Combining the last three formulas we get
3,+[ra(Y). (z P Y ) . G(z ,u ,t).Wt, x ,IJ) 3,; GJrJ (x)l from which we immediately obtain the lemma. L.23. Formula V(x,y,z) is normal. Proof. First me observe that the formula
(3iv,v,r)[(n,Pr).G(w,u,v).G(v,x,u).(rSz).~(~Pr)] is normal in view of L.19, L.17, and L.14. The formula C(u).G(t,y,u) satisfies the finiteness condition with respect to the variable t since g1-+[Fa( y) .I''(u). C(u) .G(t ,y ,u)3raC(t)1in view of the definition of I ', (t). I n the same way we show that the formula C(n).G(s,u,t) satisfies the finiteness condition with respect to the variable s. Hence by L.17 the formula
(3t)[C(u) .G(t ,y ,u) .(3s){C(u).G(s , u , t ) .( 3 w , v ,r)[(wPr). G(w , u , v )
( vx ,u). , ( r s z ) . -(SP~)]}]
is normal. Prefixing this formula with the quantifier ( 3 u ) we still obtain a normal formula since @(u)satisfies the finiteness condition with respect to the variable u. By L.21 and L.8 we infer that the formula V(x,y,z) is normal. L.24. The formula V(x,y ,z) satisfies the finiteness condition with respect to the variable x and with respect to the variable y. Proof. Immediate from L.14 and L.22. L.25. The formulas x F I y and x L I y are normal and satisfy the finiteness condition with respect to the variable x. Proof. First we observe that
3,-+ ( -CS(X) = ( 5 ~ {(uPx) ) .[A(u) V B(u)])) whence it follows by L.19, L.17, 2 . 9 , L.8 that the formula CS(x) is normal. By L.19, L.12, and L.17 the formula ( 3 t ) [ G ( t , u , w ) . ( t S y ) ]is normal and satisfies the finiteness condition with respect to the variables w and u. It follows by L.12 and the above observation concerning C8(x) that the formiila ( 3 u , w ) { (3t)[G(t, u ,w ) .(tRy )]. C ( n ,x , v ) .CS(u)}
[47], 137
is normal. Finally we use L.9, L.17, and the fact that the formula C(v) satisfies the finiteness condition with respect to the variable v and infer that the formula (3v)(C(v).( 3 ~ , ~ ) { ( 3 t ) [ G ( t , u , (wt )S.~ ) l . G ( w , x , v.Cs(u))) )
is normal. This implies the normality of x F I y . From L.18 we easily see that x F I y satisfies the finiteness condition with respect to the variable x. This concludes the proof of L.25 for the formula x F I y . For the formula x L I y the proof is similar. L.26. T h e formula LN(x) is normal. P r o o f . Immediate from L.19, L.17. L.8, and the remark that 3 1 ->
(LN(x 1=
L.37. For arbitrary finiteness condition with P r o o f . The lemma it holds for a string a. 31+(TaE(x)
( 3 Y ) {tB (Y 1v C(Y )I. (Y p x)I).
a the formula r,(x)i s normal and satisfies the respect to the variable x. being obvious if Z(a)=l, we may suppose that I f Z ( E ) = l , then
(3~ {ra(u). ) ( a v ) [ r t ( v ) .G ( x , ~ ~ , ~ ) I I ) .
The inductive assumption together with L.17 and L.12 implies that the formula (31){I'a(u).(3v)[I'~(v).G(x,u,v)]} is normal whence i t follows that so is the formula TaE(x). The proof that this formula satisfies the finiteness condition is obvious. L.28. T h e formulas H p , r ( w , v )and SB(x) are norma2 for a n arbitrary basis B and for arbitrary strings ,6,p'. P r o o f . Immediate from 11.8, L.17, L.12, L.37, L.21, L.23, L.23, LL.2j,and L.24.
7. Proof that 3 has no recursively enumerable model.
Let A , B , C , D , E be recursively enumerable sets of integers, P a recursively enumerable binary relation, and G a recursively enumerable ternary relation (the fields of F and G are subsets of the set of all integers). Jf M(xl, ...,xk)is a first order formula with the free individual variables x,,...,xk and the free predicate variables ,4,B , C , D ,E ,F , G and if the integers pl,. . . , p k satisfy the formula M when the universe of discourse is interpreted as the set of integers and A , B , ...,G are interpreted as A , B ,...,G , then we shall write I=M(p, ,...,p k ) . Let nt+(k,,k,, ...,ks) be a one-to-one correspondence between positive integers and finite sequences of such integers. T t is well known that this correspondence can be chosen in such a way that s and k, be primitive recursive functions of 12. We
[47], 138
shall write s = L ( n ) , k J = K ( n , j ) for j=1,2,...,8; hence L and K are primitive recursive functions. L.29. If I=S, then I = I ' ~ " ( p ) ~ ( 3 g ) [ ( L ( g ) = n ) . ( KE( A g 1) l ) ( j ) n g ( K ( g i j +11, K ( g i j ) K ( g , l ) ) . ( K ( g i W ) ) =P ) ] ~ ) . Proof. The lemma says that p satisfies the formula I'k(x) if and only if there exists a finite sequence k l , k , , ...,lcn such that k , c A, k,,=p, and G ( k J + l l k j l k l )for j=1,2,...,n-l. This is evident if n-1. If n > l , then I=I'&(p) is equivalent to the existence of integers q,r such that I=G(p , q , r ) , I=A(r), and I=I'k-,(q). Proceeding by induction we assume the existence of a sequence k, ,k,, ...,k,,-l such that k , A, kn-, = q, and G ( k j + l , k J , k l ) for j=l12,...,n-% We contend that the sequence kl ,k, ,...,k,,-, ,p is the required one. Indeed, the first term of this sequence is an element of A, the last term is identic with p, and G ( k J + l , k J , k l ) holds for j=l12,...,n-2. Hence it remams to show that G(p,k,,-l,k,), i . e., that G ( p , q , k , ) . This is done as follows. From I12 and I 2 we obtain 9+[AIx) * A ( Y ) ~ F (is)] X i ~ ~ [ F ( x , Y ) . G ( ~ , ~ , xY)I* )~G(~,~, Since I=S,it follows that if k, E A and r E A, then F ( r , k , ) and if F ( r , k , ) and G ( p ,q ,r ) , then G ( p,q ,k,). Since we assume that k, and r are elements of A and G ( p , q , r ) , we obtain G(p,q,k,), q. e. d. L.30. If I=S, then the gets
x*=E { ( 3 p )I= [Tk(P) .D(p111 n
y* =E W n
P )I=I', (P1.E(P)I)
are recursive and disjoint. Proof. The recursive epumerability of the sets X*, P* follows from lemma 29 and the assiimption that the sets D and E are recursively enumerable. The assumption that sets Il and E satisfy the axiom IV4 proves that the intersection of X* and Y* is void. We shall show that every integer is either an element of X* or an element of Y*. Indeed, from L.10 we find that S+(3x)T4,(x) and hence there is an integer p such that l=I',(p). Since by L.26 S + [ ~ ~ ( X ) ~ L N,( X ) I we obtain further that if I=Tk(p), then I=LN(p!. Since the axiom I V 3 is satisfied we obtain further that if I=LN(p), then either p E D or p E E . I f p c D , then I = [ I ' k ( p ) . D ( p ) ]whence n E X*; if p E E, then, similarly, n. E Y*. The sets X*, Y* are thus recursively enumerable, disjoint, and each is the complement of the other. This proves that both sets are recursive @), g. e. d. 0) 0)
( j ) , stands here for the expression: for each j satisfying the inequality j
This is a well-known result of Kleene. Cf. for imtance [3], p. 307.
[47], 139
L.31. If l=3,then. XCX* and YCY*. Proof. Let us assume that n c X, i. e. that 1, E AYE. Hence there is a B-generating string y such that 1. is the last ingredient of y. Hence yFB(r). (I,LIy) and there€ore by L. 25 and L. 28
3i-t[ry(x).r~(Y)~~B .(YLIx)l. (x) Using L. 10 as well as the formda 3,-+[T&(y)3 LN(y)] resulting from L. 26 we obtain 3 1-j {r&(y)3(3x)[ry(x) EB(x).LK(g).(YLIX)]) whence by I V 1 and finally by L.10 This proves that
B - t [ r & ( w D ( Y)I
I= P Y ) [ l ; l ( Y f . W Y ) l
and hence that there is an integer p such that I=[I'la(p).D(p)], i. e. that n E X * . This establishes the inclusion X C X * . The proof that YC P* is similar. THEOREX3 . There are no recursively enumerable sets A , B , C 7 D , E and no recu,rsrsi.cely enumerable relations F ,G such that I= 3. Proof. It follows from lemmata 30 and 31 that if there were such sets and relations, then X and Y would be separable by means of recursive sets, which contradicts oiir rhoire of sets X and Y.
8. Formulas no model of which belongs to P1"Q1. There exists a simple procedure by means of which it is possible to obtain from 3 a formula 3' such that no model of 3' belongs to the cla,ss P , u Q ~It . is sufficient to take as 3 the conjunction
3.(x 7 y ,z)([A'(x) =-A(x)] .[B'(y) =-B(y)]. [C'(y) =-C(Z)]
.CF'(X7Y) =-F(X,Y
)I.CG'b , Y 7 z) 3-G(X , Y ,z)Ih
where A',B', ...,G' are new predicate-variables. If A , A', ...7G,G' are recursively enumerable sets and relations and if 3' is true wThen A is interpreted as A , ...,G' is interpreted as G', then we say that A , A ' , ...,G,G' define a model of class Pi. If A , A ' ,... ,G,G' are complements of recursively enumerable sets and relations, then we say that they define a model of class Q,. THEOREM 4. The formula 8' has no model of class PI and no model of class Q1.
[47], 140
Proof. There can be no model of class P , since 9 has no such model. If there.were a model of class Q 1 , then A’,B’,...,U‘ would be complements of recursively enumerable sets and relations and (since ?z E A =n ++ A’,...,G ( p, q , r ) Enon G ’ ( p,p,r)) the sets and relations A , B ,...,U would be recursive. Theorem 4 follows thus from theorem 3. References [l] P. Bernays, A system of miomatic set-theory, Part I, Journ. Syrnb. Log. 2 (1937), p. 65-77. [2] S. C. Kleene, A symmetric f o m of Gddel’s theorem, Indagstiones Mathematioae 12 (1950), p. 244-246. [3] - Introduction to metamathematics, Groningen 1952. [4] G. Kreisel, Note on arithmetic models for consistent formulae of the predicate calculus 11,Proceedings of the XIth International Congress bf Philosophy, vol. XIV, Amsterdam-Louvain 1953, p. 39-49. [5] A. Mostowski, On definable sets of integers, Fund. Math. 34 (1947), p. 81-112. [6] - On a system of axioms which has no recursively enumerable model, Fund. Math. 40 (1953), p. 56-61. [7] E. L. P o s t , Formal reductions of the general combinatorial decision problem, Amer. Journ. Math. 65 (1943), p. 197-215. [8] W. V. 0. Quine, Mathematical logic, second printing, Harvard 1947. [9] E. A. TpaXTeH6pOT, 0 pe~ypeusnoli ornaemc.uoemv, AoKnaRbI AKaAeMllu HayK CCCP 88 (1953), p. 953-956.
R e p par la Ridaction le 14. 6 . I954
Examples of sets definable by means of two and three quantifiers by
A. M o s t o w s k i (Warszawa) There are many categories of mathematical papers. On the one hand we have first-class papers which are read with interest by many mathematicians and which further the development of mathematical thought. On the other hand we have also papers which are studied exclusively by referees appointed for that task by editors of bibliographical journals and which even by these casual readers are put aside with a sigh “why do these people publish so much?” The present paper belongs to the second rather than to the first category. I have collected in it a number of very special results which belong to the theory of recursive functions. more explicitly I consider fractions of the form lO-”a(z,y) where a is a primitive recursive function and investigate the set of those integers y for which lim 10-Xa(x,y) exists and belongs to a preassigned class of real numbers. A iypical result ; 2 of is given in the following theorem (cf. theorem 7 below): The set ‘ those y’s for which limlO-”a(z,y) exists and is integral is the most X
general set of $he class Qf), i. e., the most general set definable in the form E H X f l R ( y , u , v , w ) with a recursive R. The expression “most Y
general” means that if a runs over the set of primitive recursive functions, then the set 2:) runs over the whole class Qf). Investigating this example and other similar ones I encountered some phenomena which I found interesting. If, for example, we narrow down the variability of a’s to the set of functions for which limlO-”a(z,y) always exists (i. e.,exists for y=0,1,2, ...), then the correspo&ing sets Z!’ cease to represent, arbitrary sets of the class Qf). As a runs over the narwhich rower class of functions, the set 2:’ runs over the whole class No such reduction occurs if inis known to be different from @I. stead of @) we consider sets 2:’ containing all such y’s for which lim IO-”a(z,y) exists and is irrational. In this case the set Z!) runs I
2 76
1481, 260
over the whole class Qkl) both when a runs over the set of all primitive recursive functions and when it runs over the set of such functions a for which lim 10-Xa(m,y) always exists. X
One could a& what will happen of instead of integral or irrational values prescribed for the limits lim lo-" a(m,y) we consider limits belongX
ing to an arbitrary class of real numbers. This general problem is not touched in the paper. The results obtained allow us to construct effective examples of sets definable by means of two or three quantifiers but not definable by a smaller number of them. From theorem 7 quoted above it follows for instance that if U(n,m,y) is a (general recursive) function universal for the class of primitive recursive functions with two arguments, then the set of pairs (n,y) such that lim lO-"U(n,z,y) exists and has an integral X
Thus the minimal number value belongs to the class but not to Pf). of quantifiers nepded for defining this set is 3. There are many interwting sets of integers for which the exact number of quantifiers needed in their definitions is not known. For some sets the determination of this number represents an important problem (e. g., for sets encountered in the theory of constructive ordinals). It seems to me that the construction of effective examples in which the minimal number of quantifiers can be determined may contribute to the solution of the more serious problems mentioned above. The lower case Greek letters always denote primitive recursive functions. The class of all these functions is denoted by @ wherea8 Q8 denotes the class of those functions &z,y) for which lim l O - " ~ ( m , y ) X exists for every y. The logical symbols used in this paper are the same as in my paper [ 2 ] . We denote by P:k' the family of sets having the form
E...x 3{zn ***[d%,xk,Yi? Y, Y1
n quantifiers
and by
Qik' the
family of sets having the form
n z' - [v(mi **
(q. x 3 Y l Y* R
*** 7 2
k 9 ?/I
7 * *. 9 y n )
= Ol> '1-
D e f i n i t i o n 1. .?$'=Ex Y
17 [ y ( m , y ) = O ] .
xo x z x o
l) Each y, in this end the immediately preceeding formula o h be replaced by a complex y,,,~,, ylk,.
[48], 261
THEQREBI 1. The family {@)>,zo i s +dentioat with Pr'2). Proof. It immediately follows from the definition that z'," E PF). It remains therefore to show that for each p in CP with three arguments a function y in 0 can be found such that
zn [ @ ( P , S , Y ) = o l ~fl~[ r ( 3 , ? l ) = o ] .
xo x>xo
We define y along with two auxiliary functions taneous induction:
AT + 1,Y)= ~ 4r-t 1,!/)
( 7 4 % ~ 1~ 0 )
= E't(n,y)
1 7 Y) = [ U( S: ,Y) f
and u by a simul-
,Y)*[I (1 r ( ~ ) ) ] @("(W) 74$,Y 1 1,Y) "r(m,y)l,
1 p (~-Y(w))]+ 11 11 'Y(m,?/)I-
743,y) .l-1~ r ( a , ? / ) l ,
To explain the meaning of these definitions let us arrange all the pairs RU infinite system
( i , j ) into
(0,O),(0, I), (072) 7 ...
(170)7(171),(1,2), ...
and consider a variable point Py which moves over the bystem in such a way that in the xth moment its coordinates are (n(a,~),u(m,y)).It is clear from the definitions of functions x and u that i? the ( a + l ) s t moment the point Py either moves one place to the right in the same row or jumps to the initial point of the next row. The first move occurs if y(s,y)=O and the second if y(s,y)#O. Furthermore, it is clear from the definitions that y(m,y)=&z(x,y),a(m,y),y), i. e., that y(m,y) gives the value of p(p,s,y) calculated for the coordinates (p,s) of the point Py. Hence, if e(p,s,y)=O, then Py moves from the point ( p , s ) to the point ( p , s + l ) and if e(p,s,y)fO, then Py moves from the point ( p , s ) to the point, (p 1,0). NOMlet us assume that zfl[e(p,s,y)=O]. Let p , be the smallest
integer such that p(p,,s,y)=O for s = 0 , 1 , 2 , ... For each i < p o there is a (smallest) integer s, such that e ( i , s , , y ) f O . I n this case the moves of the point P,,may be described as follows: starting at the point ( 0 , O ) it moves so places to the right, then jumps to the point ( 1 , O ) and moves s, P
*) A theorem rqiiivalent to theorem 1 has been proved independently by
nald Ill.
[48], 262
places to the right, jumps again to the point (2,O) and so on; eventually it reaches the poth row and moves on it indefinitely. Hence y ( m , y ) = O for m >so+ s, ... spo. Let us non assume that [e ( p ,s ,y) # 01 and let sp denote the smitlP S lest integer such ‘that e ( p ,sp,y) # 0. Repeating the previous argument we see that the point P, passes through all points ( p , s , ) and hence y ( z , y) # 0 for .infinitely many m.
+ +
Formula ( 2 ) is thus proved. R e m a r k . A theorem similar Co theorem 1holds also for the class Pik). In order to obtain this more general theorem we replace the 9”in theorem 1 by “(y1,...,yk)”. D e f i n i t i o n 2.
x:)=E[Iz Y
10-Xy(t,y) (11.
THEOREM2. The famiry {Z:)),,
is identical with Pr).
P r o o f . For each y , Z ~ ) C P since ~)
Now let us assume t h a t Z C ~ ’According . t o theorem 1 there is a primitive recimive function 6 such that Z=-Z‘,l‘. P u t
y(m, y) = lOx[l2-(1-
a($, y))].
If y € 2 ,then b(.r.y)=O from a certain m on, and hence ~ l O - * y ( z , y ) = O . X
If ~ $ 2then , S(z,y)#O for infinitely many m and lO-’y(z,y)=l for infinitely man;r x. It follows that li~1O-”y(m,y)=l and hence 2-2:). X
D e f i n i t i o n 3 Z~’=E[limlO-xy(z,y) exists and is equal to DJ. Yx-ux,
THEOREM3. The family {ZF)}7eo is identical with Proof. For each y, c Q$) since limlO-”y(z,y)=O= X
S o i i let us assume that 2
I6 = Since the set
a primitivr
n 2 [] [ p y ( z , y )
Qf), i. e.
n 2 n re(P ! l , r , y ) =Ol, P
,o 6 @.
E Z ( / [ e ( p , q , r , y ) = O ] is in Pp’,there exists by
(Y.P) 4
I ~ C C I I I ’ S ~ Vfunction ~
y ( p ,z,y) such that
theorem 1
[48], 263
Here (po),[...I denotes the least integer
4 s + 1 ,?/) = = ( P ) n c x , y , C Y ’ ( C ,z+ 1 ,Y)f 01.
If no such w exists, then
1,y) = 4 r ,Y)
We shall prove the equivalence yc Z =lim -n(z,y) = 00.
First let us assume that y c Z . By (2) there exists for each p a smallest integer xp such that y ( p , x , y ) = O for sc>xp.Let p be arbitrary and x > m a x q . If .z(s,y)
for w
and hence, by (4), n ( z + l , y ) = n ( z , y ) + l . If n ( m , y ) + l ~ p , then b y the same argument n ( z + 2 , y ) = n ( s , y ) + 2 ; if n ( s , y ) + 2 is still lesfi than or equal to p , then repeating the same argument we obtain n(z+3,y)=n(xty)+3. It is clear tha$t after at most p + l steps we shall obtain an zo such that max z j < zoQ p f 2 + max sj /GP
We shall show that n ( s , y ) > p for all s > x o . This is evident for z=zo. Let us assume that n ( s , y ) > p for an x>xo. If n ( z + l , y ) is defined by means of (4), then evidently n(a+l,y)>p; if n ( z f 1 , y ) is defined by means of ( 3 ) , then again n ( s + l , y ) > p since y ’ ( n ( z + l , y ) , m + l , y ) # O by formula ( 3 ) , whereas y’(v,x+l,y)=O for rT
[48], 264
We have thus proved that
fl [n(x,y)>p] and, since p was arbitrary,
this proves that lim n(x,y) = 00. X--roo
Next we assume that y 4 Z . By (2) there exists a smallest p , such that there are, infinitely many values of x such that y(p,,x,y)#O. We ... and have therefore denote these values by x17xe, for
y ' ( p o , $1, y) # 0
i =1 , 2,3 ,...
Exactly as before we can show that n(s,y) >p,, from a certain soon. We can assume that x, is chosen so large that y(v,x,y)=O for v < p o and a:>xo. If s,>xo+l, then the relation between n ( s j 7 y ) and n(q-1,y) IS expressed by formula (3) and the smallest w < n ( s ~ - l , y ) satisfying y'(w,sj,y)#O 'is equal to p,. Hence a(irj,y)=p, for infinitely many j, which proves that 1i.m 4"i,Y)=Pa.
Fomiula (5) is thus proved. From the definition of y' we easily obtain the inequalities 48a)
y'(p,s,y) < 10x/p
- - l S I O X I P ~ Y ' ( P , ~ , ~ )if Y'(P+,Y)fO
for arbitrary PlX7Y7
(if p = 0,then fractions with the denominator p must be taken equal to 1). Now let &(sly)=y'(n(s,y),s,y). If y E 2, then from ( 5 ) and (8a) we obtain lim 10-"8(x,y)=O. If y 4 Z, then we use (6), (7) and (8b) and X
lipo for infinitely many s, ; hence infer that 10-xf6(s,,y)> lim1O-"8(m7y) either does not exist or is different from 0. This proves X
that Z=Z?), q. e. d. THEORW4. The family Proof. If y
@*, then Z):
{.@?}7c,p is
identical with
Qf) since
Let us now assume that Z E Qrf' and let Z' be the complenient of Z . Since 2' E pg),we can apply theorem 1 and obtain a function 8 such that y E Z'EZ'
xg x>xg
[48], 265
I t is evident that
NslY)~P(s+1,Y)l y E Z=[lim~(s,y)=oo], X
-10-”+1/B(s,y) <10-”y(%Y)
From these formulas we easily obtain y E @* and Z=Zf’. Remarks. 1. I t follows from the above proof that if y e 8, then lim 10-Xy(s,y) is rational but not integral since @(s,y)> 1 and p(s,y) X
is constant from a certain s on. 2. Let us call a real number 1 recursive if there are funct,ions a , @E.@ such that L = l i m a(s)/B(s).Theorems 3 and 4 remain true if we replace 0 X
in the definition 3 by a recursive real number 1. D e f i n i t i o n 4. Let @** be the subclass of @* containing all the functions ‘p such that among the numbers lim 10-x&z,y) , y =O ,1 ,2, ... X-+CS
there are only finitely many different numbers. THEOREM 5 . The family {Z:) identical with P ~ ) ,@I.T Proof. First let us assume that y E @**. We denote by y,,y,,...,yk integers satisfying the conditions limlO-Xy(slyl,)#limlO-xy(m,y~) for j f h , X
for j = 1 , 2 , . . . , k ,
2 [lim lO-”y(s,y)=lim 10-xy(s,yj)]. The existence of integers y, ,...,Yk follows from the assumption y a**. if lim lO-”y(s,y)fO, then X
We do not exclude the possibility k = O ; in this case limlO-Xy(x,y)=O for all y. From definitions 3 and 4 we obtain Y
4w17 2 : [ l o - x Y ( ~ l Y f < ~ / P l , P i 0
It follows from these formulas that 2:) E PF’nQP).This result holds trnc; also in the case of k=O since then @) contains all the integers. Now we assume that Z EP‘,”,-,Qf’.By theorem 4 there exist two functions a, ,a2E @* ~ i i c hthat
[48], 266
Let Since
we easily infer from (9) and (10) that y e @** and Z=@'. D e f i n i t i o n 5. @?=E[lim IO-"y(a,y) exists]. Y
TFIEOREM6. The family
=n 2
is identical with QC'.
Qt) since
n Wl >!(%I)>n)
l~o-"'Y(Jl ,Y 1 - Io-xay(%Y)[
If Z E Qt), then by theorem 3 there is a y E @ such that Z=Z:'. Putting ~(2a,y)=10-xy(m,y),~(22fl,y)=0we obtain Z=Zf), q. e . d. D e f i n i t i o n 6. @)=E[lim lO-Iy(a,y) exists and is integral]. Y
THEOREM7. The family {.@'}ycO is identical with Q:". Proof. We denote by {a} the distance from a to the nearest integer and put rp/loxl= ( r n ) p ( l O X . n > p ) -1,
(p ,2)= min (p - 10X[p/lOX], -p
It is then obvious that
+10" +lo"[ p/10"]).
p ,2).
fp/lO"} =
Since {a} is a continuous function of a, we have the equivalence y c@)=(lim {10-"y(a,y))=0) ~ ( ~ l ~ - ~ ( y ( o , ? , ) , s j = ~ ) X-WX
= n z' P
n (lo-x(l'(%Y) +)< @),
4 x>4
which proves that @? @. We assume now that Z E Qt). By theorem 3 there is a function y such that Z=Zy). Putting B@S, Y
we obtain a function
1=y(sc, Y ),
B such that Z=@:)=@).
T~~omu~md 8. The family
Proof. @' E Qf' for y
@* since
B(2$+1, Y )=o,
is identical with Q!".
z?)=lim {10-~y(x,y)}= o = r/ 2 ( I O - X ( ~ ( ~ , y ) , r )< 1 / p ) . X
[48], 267
If Z E then it follows from remark 1 on p. 265 that there is a function y E @* such that Z=c). D e f i n i t i o n 7. z,"'=E[lim ~ o - " y ( s , y ) exists and is irrational]. Y
THEOREM9. The jamily (Z,")}yrmis identical with Proof. 2:'
y E ~ ~ ) = ( l i m ~ o - " y ( sexists).n ,y) p
Let us now assume that Z E
n ~fl~J10-"y(s,y)-p/ql>1/n]
n x
Qf',i. e.,
Z=Zp for a y
1 / 2 = 1 + ~ l O - " e , , and q~(rn)=~lO~-"c,,. The function n
@. Let
is primitive re-
cursive. Further let @(2a,y)= y ( ~ , y ) + q ~ ( s )8(22+l,y)=y(s). , It is evident that lim 10-"P(t,y) exists if and only if lim lO-"y(~?,y)exists and is X--roo
equal 0, i. e., for y E 2. In that caselim 1 0 - x ~ ( x , y ) = ~ - land hence Z=Zf). X
THEOREM10. The family {Z:)) ideiLticCel with Qt). P r o o f . In view of theorem 9 it is sufficient to show that for each Z E Qp' there is a y E @* such that Z=Z:'. Let us Msume therefore that (11)
?/~Z-nn~[[e(p,s,j,y)=Ol, e c @ . I
We now repeat the construction carried out in the proof of theorem 1 replacing the function e(p,s,y) by the function e(p,e,j,y) occurring in (11) and treating j as a new parameter. We obtain a fiinction n(m,j,y) with the following properties: (12)
4 z f 1 , i 79) 2 .(s,i, Y),
(14) if pn is a smallest integer such that [/[p(po,s,j,y)=O], J
lim n(s,J' ,y)=p a .
We put n ' ( z , j , y )= n ( s , j , y ) + l and denote by a(s,j,y) and p(s,j,y) the numerator and the denominator of the j t h convergent of the continuous fraction
[48], 268
We shall now calculate lim (cp(s,y)/~~(z,y)).Let us first assume that X
y c 2, i. e., that for each j there is a smallest p o = p o ( i ) such that fl[e(po,s,j,y)=O]. According to (14) we have I
lim n’(z,j ,y) =p o ( j ) 1 =p ; ( j ) x
i = 0 , 1 , 2 , ...
Let A be the irrational number
and let R,=P,/Q, be the nth convergent of this continuoufi fraction. As is well known, lA--R,,I
with the sequence pi(O),pi(l),..., and if p = Ip -Rnl
3+ [n(l) -.+11
... ,
Let E > O be arbitrary; choose tt so large that 2/Q,,Q,-1<~. By (16) there is an.xo such that for s>xo d(s,j,y)=ph(j)
for j = O , 1 ,
Thus the first n terms of the sequence d ( x , 0 , y) ,n‘(x,1,y) ,... coincide with the first n terms of the sequence ph(O),pi(l),... and hence for 30 >max (so,%)
[48], 269
This inequality together with (15) yields
la(%Y)/v(%Y)-4 and, since
was arbitrary,
Next we assume that y 9 2, i. e., that there is a (smallest) j o such that flx[e(p,8,jo,y)#O]. Thus for j<jo we have formula (16) whereas from x 3 ) it follows that lirn n’(s,jo,y)= 00. We obviously have
Using (15) and (16) we obtain therefore
and hence lim (v(s,y)/y~(m,y))is rational. lx
Now let ~ ( m , y ) = [ l O ~ q ( m , y ) / l y ( m , yIt) ] .is evident that this function is primitive recursive and
Y) <10-5@,v) +lo-”.
lo-xY(% Y) Q ds,Y )/V(%
It follows that lirn lO-”y(m,y) =-hm X
(v(m,y)/v(m, y)).
Hence lim 10-Xy(m,y) X
exists for an arbitrary y and is rational for y 9 2 and irrational for y 2. Hence y E @* and Z=Z,?. We conclude by stating an open problem. Leb X be a recursively enumerable set of non-negative rational numbers (i. e., there are functions y , y e @ such that r c X if and only if it can be represented in the form r=q(m)/y(a)).Let Z,(X)=E[lirn 10-xy(z,y) c XI. The problem Y
is to determine the family {Z,,(X)}yGe.=F(X).
[48], 270
From theorems 4, 8, and 10 we obtain the following partial answers to that problem: if X , contains only the number 0, X , is the set of all non-negative integers, and X , is the set of all non-negative rationals, then P(;Y,)= Q$1)7P(BJ=Qp’, P ( X , )=Pg). References [l] W. Markw ald, Zur Eigenschafl primitiv-rekursiver Fuunktionen, uizemdlich uiele Werte anzunehmen, this volume, p. 166-167. [2] A. MoRtowski, On. definable sets of positive integers, Fund. Math. 34 (1947), p. 81-112.
Repw par la Bidadion le 20.9.1954
Contributions to the theory of definable sets and functions by
A. M o s t o w s k i (Warszawa) 111 this paper we collect some scattered results concerning sets and functions definable in elementary arithmetic. We shall use confiistently the, terminology and notations of the paper [2], with which, we assume, the reader is acquainted. In particular me denote by Rk the set of k-plea (a1,.v2, ...,xk)=m, where the xis are non-negative integers, and by pmw (or QikO)the set of functions from Rk to whose graphs are in p:k+O (or in Qik+’)).
1. We begin by establishing some simplr properties of the classes P,!kl)and QY). THEOREM1. Pjkl)CQjk”. Proof. The theorem is evident in case n=O. Let us, therefore, It follows from the definitions that there assume that n> 0 and f c pik1). exis1.R a set B E such that (f(m)=11?)~~((m,,~~,a)sB}.
~4=,Z {[(m,p,a) 6 4-(Pf m ) } P.x
which proves that the graph of f is in Qik+”,q. e. (1. THEOREM2. If n > 1, then P.6”:t-Q~)#O#Qp1)-P~k1). Proof. It in well known that there are sets H which belong to P,$’,. Q;Yl without belonging to QF. Let f be the characteristic function o f iuch a set N. The graph of f is in pi::”, since
+ +
(m M ) (y =1)* (mc M)). As {m c M}-{f(m)=l}, the graph of f is not in Q:k+”.Hence f c PiYi-QAkl). Slightly more intricate is the proof that Q~kl)-Pjkl)#o.I+ C c Qjk)-p!k) and let B be a set in Q:;” Ruch that {y =f(m)}= {(y
= 0).
m f U =2 [(m,a)c B ] . r
(491, 212
We select an arbitrary point m, outside C and put h(m)=m0
/~(rn)=s,'~'(m) if
(sJk)(m), s,(m)) Q B , (sik'(m),s,(m))E B ,
where sik) and sz are primitive recursive functions with the property that the formula m z (sik'(m),s,(m)) establishes a one-one correspondence between elements of R, and elements of R k t l . The set & - C coincides with the set of values of th(> fiinrtion k . The graph of h is in PLkfl).Qik+I), since {m= h ( m ) )= (m =m,). [(sJk)(m), s,(nz)) E B ]
EB]. +[m=~,'~'(m)].[(sJk'(m),s,(m))
Let 11s put F=
E {(m
C) .(x= 0 ) + (m>O). [m =/&(a-l)].
We have then F E
[m#k(z -I)])
the set
{(x>O).[m=h(m- I)].
[m # h(z- 1)l)
belongs to P ~ " l ' . Q ~ k (see [ 3 ] , theorem 3.3). From m CI C= (m,0) E B' we infer that F $ Pik+') We shall show that F is the graph of ft function. If m c C , then (m,O) E F , and hence 2 (m,x) E F . If m # C, there is an integer y such X
that m=h(y). Assuming that y is the smallest integer with this property and putting x = ? / + I , we obtain again (m,m)E F . Hence the fornmla 2 (m, a ) E F is true for every m.
It remains to prove that [(m,xl)~ F ] - [ ( m , x ,E) B ' I + G = ~ ~ .
I f mEC, then m,=O and m,=O. If mdC, then m l > O , m 2 2 > 0 , m=h(x,-1) =h(m,--I), and m#h(z), for every z < z , - l and every z
rable (i e., belongs to the class Pik+')).
1491, 213
Proof. Let B be a recursive set such that
( f ( m= ) m } =17 {(m, 1 1 1 , ~ )E B } . X
We h m e then the equivalence
{n~<;f(m)l-,<m 2x [ ( n r , i , m ) ~ B l , B-hich proves the theorem. -Pik’, R e m a r k . If f is the characteristic function of a set M E Pik)’ QJk) then the set A = E [m< f ( m ) ] is not recursively enumerable since (mm)
m E M E ( m , l ) E A. This shows that theorem 1 is, in general, false for functions f Pik1).
TEEOREM 4. If a function f E Qikl’ is majorized by a recursive function, then f i s recursive (i. e. belongs to PJkl)). Proof. Let B be a recursive set such that
Im=f(m))= [(m, m , z ) E B I ,
B 6 Pik*’)
and g a recursive function such that f(m) < g(m). Without loss of generality we may assume B to be primitive recursive. We denote by h the characteristic function of B and put h’(m ,m , 0) = 12h(m ,m, 0)
h’(m,m,m+ 1)= [I‘h(m,m,z+ l)]’
2 h‘(m,m,y) . x
Thus It’ is a primitive recursive function which vanishes everywhere except in points (m,m,m), where z is the least integer such that (m,m,4 $B. If m#f(m), then there is an z such that h’(m,m,m)=l; no such rr: exists if m=f(nr). Hence
is (general) recursive. If m # f ( m ) and m
2 h‘(m,m,z)=l; if
ni=f(m), then
[49], 274
in which (pm),[...I denotes the least m, satisfying the inequality m < a and the condition [...I (or 0, if no such m exists). This formula proves that f is recursive.
3. Let a set x C & , l br such that called a selectov of X if fl‘(rn,f(m))E X.
/I x ( m , m )
m m
X. A functioli f is
TIIEOREM5. Recursioely etiumerable sets possess reczirsiue selectors. P r o o f . ’Let X
’’ and let B be a recursive set such that,
( m , m ) cX - ~ ( m , m , z ) c B . X
The function
f(m)-s?’{(pz)[ (m,s!“(z),s,(z))
is the required recursive selector of X . THEOREM6. g E Q;“’ a d g i s not vecuvsiue, the set
[m>g(m)] is
in Qik”’ and has no recursive selector. This theorem follows immediately from the theorems 3 and 4. 4. Kleene [l] has constructed two disjoint recursively enumerable sets X , Y , such that there is no recursive set 2, satisfying the conditions X C Z , YZ=O. If in this proof we change the words “recursively enumeand “recursive” into “element of PLk’.QLSk9’, rable” into “element of P,(k)17 we obtain the proof of
THEORFX 7. For each n > O theve are disjoint sets X , Y E Pik’ such that the formulas X C Z , Y Z = O are not satisfied by any set Z c Pikc,. QAk’. Theorem 7 is not true for sets of class Qik’. On the contrary, we shall prove THEOREM 8. If X , Y E Qik’and X Y = O , then there is a set 2 E Pik’.QAk’ such that X C Z and Y Z = O . Since the case n = 0 is evident, we assiinie that n>O and denote by M and N two sets in P~!ill’such that (1)
{m E X}- I / {(m,x)E M}, x
{m E U } - / / {(m,x)E N } .
It follows from X Y = 0 that R k = ( R k - X ) + ( R k - Y ) and hence
The graph of the fnnct.ion
[49], 275
29 1
may be represented in the form (3)
E [s=f(m)J=A--B
where A,BcP:kt').
This follows from the equivalence
Formiib (2) proves that U + V =
Using (I),
m E X + (m ,f(m)) 6 M + m i
and hence XCRk - U = ( U + V ) - U = V - U = Z, In a sirnilsr way we show that PCU-V and hence YZ=O. It remains to evaluate the clas8 of the set %. From (3) and (4) me obtain m c U = t : { [ c = j ( m ) ] . [ ( m , z4)MI). X
=2)[(m7z)r(A--B)--M1 X
=fl {[~=f(m)l-+[(m,s) 4 MI} +/[(m X
B + (RkC1-A)
+ (Rk+
These equivalences prove that U PAk'.Q:'). I n a similar way we grove that V E p!"'.Qtk).It follows from ( 5 ) that Z e P i k ) .@"'. Theorem 8 is t h w proved. References [l] S. C. ICleene, A synmwt& form of G 6 l l ' n tlreurem. Indag. Math. 12 (1960). p. 244-248. [2] A. Mostowski, On definable sets of positive iwtegere. Fund. Math. 34 (1947). p. 81-112. [3]'- On a eet of i n f e g ~ enot definable by nieawe of ow-gaaiitifier predicates, An. de la S o a Pol. de Math. 21 (1948),p. 114-119. Rgu. par la Rddactww
Ic 27.9.1954
A p 0 0 f of Herbrun.d's theorem.; BYJ . t O S , A . MOSTOWSKI,
The aini of this paper is to give a proof of the Herbrand's theorem ([j], chap. V) by means of the (( algebraic method )) which i n recent years has been siicccssfully applied to logical problems I)? various writers. The first algebraic proof of the Herbranti's theorem has been found i t 1 1951independently by k;oS and Mostowski. Their proof was afterward simplified considerably by Rssiowa arid is here presented i n this siniplified form. In order to keep the length ofthe paper witliiri reasonable limits we shall not explain ab o w all the notions which are necessary for the formulation of the throrcni. Thr interested rcader should consnl~ sections 1-3 of [ 41. Let T(X) be an elementary theory based on the classical first-order functional calculiis S; and on a set 3 of open axioms. The expressions of T(X) arc' built up in thc well-knovvn way from predicates, symbols for functions, and variables. The variables of T(%) will be denoted by y,, ys,. . . . W e do not assume thilt T(X) necessarily contains the identity-symbol. The cardinal number of 5% is quite arbitrary : it may be linite, denumerably infinite or even non deiiumerable. A theory which differs from T(%) oiily by not containing the rule of substitution for the variables will be denoted b y 5 ( % ) . The symbols y, are treated in the theory%(%) as individual COIIStants. W e shall denote by x,,x?,. . . a fixed sequence containing all terms of T ( 3 ) .
WI. 20
Theorem of Herbrand gives a necessary and sufficient condition for the provability of an arbitrary sentence Yof T(%). Since however the proof in the general case would be rather cumbersome, we limit ourselves to the case when Yhas the form y = ( 331) (Yt) ( 33.1
( 3Y.b)z ( Y ,7
. . .,Ys)
where Z is an opeii matrix containing no free variables with thc exception of yi, . . . , y 5 . This case is general enough to illustrate the essential points of our proof. Let k(n)be anincreasingsequenceofintegerssuchthat k( I)> 5and does not occur in x,,(n = I , 2, ...). Let further 1 (nz,-n) be a that yhcnr tloubie sequence of integers satisfying the conditions : I " I(m, n)# k(.j) for arbitrary j, IU, 1 1 ; l(m, n)# l(nz', n') for 2 O
( n , - !It')'+
( a- d ) ' # O .
and 3uyl.1,,l,,,, occurs neither in zn,iior in n-tli Herbrand-alternation )>
W e denote by H, the
stands for repeated alternations.
The following conditions are equivalent
I'isproonble in T(,?); there is an n such thal II!, isprovable in T(A).
Proof of ( I ) + (2). Assume the contrary and denote by %' the smallest class containing all the substitutions of axioms of T(X). Further pul T'=T (3'u { - H,, - H a , - H3, . . . )). If T* were inconsistent, there would be an s such that HiV H2V.. .V H, were provable in T(3').Hence fi, were provable in T(%) against our assumption. Hence T' is consistent. All substitutions needed in the derivation of Y from % being already performed in the passage from 4to s', we easily see that Y is ti theorem of T'. Two matrices :If and M of T' will be called equivalent if the matrix M= N i s provable in T*. The set of all matrices equivalent to M is
[W, 21
denoted by /MI and the set L of all equivalencc-classes I M J were M runs over matrices of T*is referred to-as the Lindenbaum algebra of T' where (cf. [43, p. 295). L is a lattice with respect to the ordering I MI & I NI is an abbreviation for the matrix M D Nis provable in T')). W e denote by e and - e the unit element and tlie zero element of I,. Thus e is the set of all theorems of Tfand --e is tlie set of matrices which are refutable in T* Since Yis a theorem of T', we have Y I = e# - e. Since the existential quantifier corresponds to the operation of forming I he s i i n i in L, we obtain the formula ((
I ~ ~ = ( ~ ) C 1 ( y t ) ( 3 y l ) ( y r ) ( 3 y s ~. . ~. t (~ ss )i l,#~- e2 ( jZ-1
from which we infer that thcre is a ,i such thal
I (yi)( 3 . ~ 1 )
3y.s)z(zji,Y * * . .
1 f) - e .
Since the general quantifier corresponds to thc operation of forming
a product in L, we obtain further
(~d~i~~~3ys~~y~~( 3 y s ) * ( s i ,= f . y s + + ) ~ + e
I 2 I
aiid hence by choosing the value o f t such tllilt s L ' I = y h l j ) we gel
I( 3.~:,)
t 3 ~ 2 Z) ( z j , Yktj,?Y:! Y&u.)/#-
( ~ 4 )
Continuing in the Sam6 way we obtain an 1 such tlial.
Z( ) zir YhClli
Y9 u , / Y) S )
and finally an h such tlmt
I z ( s j ?Yh[jj?
I #-
O n the other and we have
1 - Hn I L I - z(*zjlyhlj,,
Since -H,,is provable in T', we obtain therefore
I - - Z ( x j , y&(j~&y~/,p~ ZL) J =e wich contradicts our former result.
WI, 22
y((i,/l, Yh) h' (3YJi (YA) 3 yi) z~~:,~.y,,,,l,YJ,YC,Y5').
j ./
In each surnniaitd of the lirst sum we replace J,, b y y , and add the ciuantifier ( 3jr1). The resulting matrices ;Ire absorbed by terms occurring in the second sun] ( i l i = n or I = n ) or by terms occurring W e thus obtain i l l C,,+, . ( i ) t-
31';)z ( x j >)'kl,)?
v ( 3y3) t y + )( 3 y : )
Yk[ni?y3, J ' L t Y3).
From tlic definitioii of I ( j , I) it follows that. the variable y t ,,11 occurs only once in (i). Hence we can place the quantifier (yl,! , l ) ) in the front of the summand of ( i ) which contains this variable and then rename the variable ylij,l)into y t , In the resulting .expression we ) front. Terms and place the quantifier ( 3 . ~in~ the replace L ( : ~ 1 hictr arise in this way from the terms occurring under the x'-sigii in ( i ) are either absorbed by summands already occurring in C,,+, or are identical with the last term of (i). The first, case occurs n and the second when j =n. In this way we come to the when j formula )'k[~~l. 513, yr, J s ) . k crt- I v ( 3 Y 3 ) (,YL)( 3.)'~)
WI, 23
In the second term of this alternation we add the qrrantitier ( ~ h , , ~ ) ) r~whichis permissible because does not occur in C,L-I), rename the variable ykinr into y,, and finally replace x , by ~ y1 adding at the same time the quantifier ( 3yI)in the front. In this way we obtain +C,t-t// I-, i. e., k C , t - I . This accomplishes the proof of Herbrand's theorem. W e conclude with three remarks.
I . Strengthening slightly our technique we can prove that equivalent to the condition
( 2 ) are
( 3 ) I' is lriie in each model of T(3 >. T h e implication ( I ) --f ( S ) is obvious. T o prove the converse implication we assume ( 3 ) and deny ( 2 ) . Denoting by L the same Lindenbaum algebra as in the proof of(^) + (2) and by I a n arbitrary (dual) prime ideal of L, we define a model of T' in the following way. Two terms x;,xj are called equivalenl if I l J ( & i > 3 F ( x j ) I is in / for each F . T h e congruence class containing .zjis denoted by 2;. T h e congruence classes ;Z,, .i2,. . , are taken as individuals of' the model 1 0 be constructed. A function-symbol f of T' with p arguments is interpreted in the model as the function which correlates with classes - .c. x. . . . , xi,, h e classJ'(zj,, x;,,. . . , x;,,).T h e individual constant y j of T' is interpreted accordingly as y j . A predicate r of T' with q arguments is iriterpreted i n the model as the proposi?ional lunction which correlates with classes S j , , Zj,, . . ., Zj,, the truth value (( truth if and only if 1 r ( z j , , sj,, . . . , xjq)1is in I . It is known that we obtain in this way a model of T" (c,f. [2], p. 175 and [S], p. 199). By ( 3 ) Ji is true in the model. This means that the following condition is satisfied : There exists an 2,sirch that for ewry .,i,, there is O R Y 1such thut jor every ,%.,. diereis an .rl,srich t h I : c l a m s Zj .it,, Zl, FC,, ZIL( i n this o d e r ) salis,6 thc malrix Z(yl, y2,y : { ,y , ,y s )in the model. Since it is arbitrary, we can choose it so that, z,,= y k c j r . This determines the value of 1. Again we can clioose t ' so that ~ ' , = y l , wlierehy ~,~) tlis ~-;:Iucof I/.is determined. Thus \ye obtain the result that the seiiie~ice% ( z ykilr, j , zl, .Y,,~,~,, n.,,)of' T' is i r u e in the model and hence so i s U,, for i i L I n a x ( j , I , 1)). Tliis hov-evcr is a ,$,
1501, 24
contradiction because - H,, is provable in T' and hence H, must be false i n each model of T'. 11. The above results suggest tlre followiiig simple method of establishing the fundameiital meta theorems of the first-order logic. W e start with the €-theorems for which a transparent proof has been found recently ( q / : [(;I) and thus. reduce the study o f arbitrary theories l o the study of theories whose axioms are open matrices. For such theories we can prove the implications ( I ) -+ (a) + (3) + ( I ) i n the manner indicated above and obtain thus the theorem of Herbrand, the completeness theorem of Godel, nnd the theorem of Skolem -Lowenheim.
HI. The equivalences ( I ) F
caii be proved for theories based on modal logic S; ( C f . [ 5 ] , p. 80) in exactly the same way as above. Because not every matrix of S; is reducible in S;to the prenex normal form, we do not obtain for theories based on s; the necessary and sufficient condition for provability of arbitrary matrix but only n condition pertaining to matrices in normal form, The proof of ( I ) + ( 2 ) is also applicable to theories based o r t Heyting's functional calculus S; (cf. [ 5 ] , p. 8 4 ) and yields the following theorem : If Y is a m a t r i x in normal f o r m a n d Y is provable i n T@), then there is an n such chiill 11H,, in provable i n T ( 3 ) . (2)
[ 11 J .
H F . H B H A K I 1 , Aecherches sur la thdorie de la dt!monstration ( Travau..c de Societ,: des Sciences et des tettres de Varsoriie, classe 111, Warszawa, 1930). (21 J . Lo;, The Algebraic Treatment of the Methodology of Elementary Deductive Systems (Strulia Logica, vol. 2, 1955, p. 151-212). [ 3 ] H . RASIOWAa n d R. SIRORSLI, A Proof o j the Completeness Thtorem oaf Gtidel (Fund. Jfuth., vol. 37, 1950, p. r$-zoo). j 'c] 11. RASIOWA,Algebraic Models of Axiomatic Theories (Fund. Math.. vol. 81, 1955, p. 29'-310). Is] H. R~sicts.4and 11. SIKORSKI, Algebraic Trentmmt of the h-otiorr of Sat& fiability ( F u n d . Math., vol. 60: 1953, p. 62-95). I C ) €1. R a s ~ o w k . A proof of tlu! :-theorems, t o nppaa' in h e Fttrlrinrizcritn .Wut/ternu;ic
A generalization of a theorem of M. Deuring by
Andrzej M o s t o w s k i (Warszawa) (Translated from German original Eine Verallgemeinerung eines Satzes von M . Deuring by M. J. Mqczynski)
Let K be a field, L a finite normal extension of K, G(L/K) the Galois group of L over K, and R(L/K) the group ring over G ( L / K )with K as the coefficient domain. It is well known that L and R(L/K) (considered as K-modules with G as the operator domain) are isomorphic.(') This theorem will be generalized here to the case of some infinite algebraic extension of K, of course with the additional assumption that the characteristic of K is zero. The proof given here works also under a weaker assumption, namely that for every intermediate field M ( K c M c L ) the degree (M/K) of M over K is relatively prime with the characteristic of K . It is very probable that the theorem holds also in the general case; however, I cannot determine whether this is .really so.
1. Now we shall prove a lemma which applies to the case of a finite normal extension F / K . Let M , , M 2 ,..., M, be finite normal extensions of K ( K c Mj c F for j = 1, 2, ..., s). By the Greek letters we denote the elements of the ring R(F/K) and we put
whereEis theunitelementofG(F/K).Theelementsajanda~(j= I , 2 , ..., s) are both idempotent and belong to the centre of R(F/K). An element b, E F is called normal (or more exactly normal in F / K ) if it forms together with its conjugates a normal basis of F over K . For every normal element b,, the following equivalences clearly hold : [ab, E Mi]0 [aja = a],
(1.2) (I)
[ab, is normal if F/K] 0 [ t a
= 0 for
every 5 E R(F/K)].
M. D e u r i n g , Gulloivche Theorie und Darstellun~stkeorie, Math. Annalen
107 (1932), pp. 140-144.
If uja = a and bo is normal in F / K , we further have
(1.3) [ab, is normal in M j / K ]0 [ f a
faj = 0 for every E E R ( F / K ) ] .
If Edenotes the automorphism of Mi which coincides with 5 on M i , then R ( M j / K )coincides with the set of all Ffor E E R ( F / K ) . It follows that we have [c is normal in M j / K ]o E c = 3 ? = 0 for every E E R ( F / K ) ] . Since & = t c for c E Mi,tab, = 0 0 f a = 0 and = 0 0 faj = 0, (1.3) follows from the previously given equivalence by the substitution c = ab,. An element a E R ( F / K ) is called a common extension of elements al ,... . .., a, provided that (1.4) u j a = aj for j = 1 , 2 , ..., s. If there exists such a common extension, we evidently have (1.5) u j a j = aj, ujcrk = ak!ztj for 1 < k < j < s. Now we are going to prove the converse: if the equations (1.5) hold, then the element a = a1+a',u,+a; o;a,+ ... +a; a; ... a:-, a,+ +a; ... uip (parbitrary)
is a common extension of a l , . .. , us. For the proof we show that for 0 < k E R(F1K) such that (1.7)
a = a,+o;a,+
Namely, for k = j - 1
< j < s there
is an element
... +o', ... u ; a j + u ~ o k j .
it suffices to put
... 0 j - l ( a j + 1 + 0 ; + , a j + 2 + ... + 0 ; + , ... O ~ ~ l a , + O ; + ,... sip). If (1.7) holds for some k ( 0 < k < j ) , then we put v k - 1 . j = vkj+ui ...
I -
... o;-, ak .and after an easy computation we obtain formula (1.7) for the number k - I . Hence (1.7) holds in general. Now we put k = 0 in (1.7) and we obtain a = aj+ujvoj, which by (1.5) implies u j a = ujaj = a,. Hence a is a common extension of a t , .. . , a,. Now we can formulate the main lemma of this section. (1.8)
If bo is a normal element of F / K and a1b,, ..., u,bo ure normal elements of M , / K , ..., M , / K f o r which formulas (1.5) hold, then there exists a common extension a of the elements a l , ... a, such that ab, is a normaf elenrent of F/K.
P r o o f. We put ,o = F in (1.6) and we obtain a common extension a of the elements a l , ..., a,. To show that ab, is normal in FIK, by (1.2) it suffices to show that f a = 0 =-f = 0. Hence let Ea = 0. We multiply
uj and obtain [a; ... ajajuj = 0, since by (1.5) this equality by a; ... we have (a; ... a;-, .J(a; ... a;-, aj) = 0
for k # j . Sin& ub, is normal in M j / K , by (1.3) it follows that lo; ... ... uj = 0. Now we multiply the equality by a; ... a: and we obtain &ri ... a: = 0. By addition we get further [(a, +a; i.e.
+ ... +a; ... a;-, a,+o;
... 0;)= 0 ,
0, because the sum in parentheses is equal to
2. Now we shall apply the lemma proved above to an arbitrary normal algebraic extension L of K. Let % be the class of all normal subfields M c L for which ( M I K ) is finite. The letters M , N , P , ... (with or without indices) always denote elements of %. We put
belong to the ring R ( M / N ) and have the following
The operators properties : (2.1)
bENc M
=-a,lp(b) = ~ , , ~ ( b ) ,
= aM/p(b).
A function 1' associating with every M E % a normal element W / K will be called a consistent choice function provided
= aM/N(rM)
M ,N
LEMMA(2.4). 7 I i e r ~exists a consistent choice function. P r o o f. A class %, c % will be called f i r / [ if N c M E %, => N E %, . A function I' defined on associating with every M E '32, a normal element in M / K and moreover satisfying condition (2.3) for M , N E % , , will be called a consistent choice function from 3,. T o prove (2.4) it suffices (by Zoro's Icrnl-n:~) to show that, i f '32, is full and A[, E %-go, cvery consistent ciiei,,? Function from %, can be extended to the smallest full class coi1tilil-iir:g ?' :md I, k f o .
Hciice let I' be ;I consistent c1:oicc function froin 3, and 6, a normal elenient in ~ i i f , / K .By M , , ..., M s we denote the subfields of M, which hclong lo. %", and by P v ~ , , + ~ ,..., hf,,, the rernaining subfields of M,. In Ri.?T,JK) there are eleincnts z l , ..., rr, such that xjbo = J'hf, for j
= 1, 2, ..., s. For brevity we put uj = G obtain the equalities:
and ~from/ (2.1)~ and ~(2.3) we = rMJnM,.
By exchanging k with j we obtain from this the equality 0, ajb, = rhfkn,, Consequently equality (1.5) holds, which in view of (1.8) shows that there is a common extension CI of aI, ..., a, belonging to R ( M , / K ) and satisfying the condition that ab, is normal in M,/K. NOWwe put
rMo = ab,, rMs+h = ~Mo~M,,h(rMo) for h = 1 , 2 , ..., t and we obtain a function defined on the smallest class containing %o and Mo which associates with every ME%^ a normal element in MIK. Now we wish to show that the extended function r,, satisfies equality (2.3) for M , N E 3, . Since by assumption this holds for ' M , N E %, it suffices to consider the following three cases: Case I. M = MJ+h,N E%, (h = 1 , 2 , ...,t). Since u M ~ , ~ / = NG M ~ + ~ , M ~ from the definition of we obtain
+ ~ ~ ~ ,
~ M , + h / h f , + h n Nuhfo/hfM.+h(rhfo);
hence by (2.2) we have =
But Ms+h n N is a subfield of N, and so it is also an element of %, which is included in M , . Hence there is a j < s such that Ms+h n N = Mi. Thus we obtain GM/N(rM)
= U j ( r M o ) = Gj abo =
= r M , = rhfnn.
Case 11. M e s o , N = M,+h(h = 1 , 2 , ..., t ) . Since G M / N = ~ M / M by/^,+^,-,^ and Ms+h n M E K O , from the assumption that (2.3) holds
for M , N E %, we obtain the formula GM/N(rhf)
M nM s+h
= rhfn(Ms+hnN)
= r M nN .
Case 111. M = M,+h,N = M s + j ( h j, = I , 2, ..., t). In this case formula (2.5) holds for N = Ms+j and by (2.2) we obtain aM/N(rM)
If Ms+hnMs+iE %, consequently
we have M s + h n M s + j=
UM/N(~M =) ~hfO/hft(rhfO) = ukabo =
akbo =
M k
for some k
TM,= rhf.+hnhf*+J
< s and
= rMnN.
~ N
If M , + , n M s + j lion and consequently oM"s(/'M)
%,, there is an i
= o M o / M s + ' ( / 7 M o= )
< I such that M s + , l n M . s +=j M,+i
, i
rMsih"MS+, = L n , v .
This ends the proof o f (2.4).
3. As before, let L be a.normal algebtaic extension of K. We denote by G ( L / K )the Galois group of L with respect to K, considered a s a topological group. We introduce in K the discrete topology and we denote by M the K-module consisting of all continuous functions which map G ( L / K ) into K. Hence for ever)' ,i E 911 there is ii field M E % such that for any 7 ,, y r E G ( L / K ) we have (3.1)
YI IM = YzlM =?f(Yl) = . f ( y 2 ) .
Further. we denote by D the representation of G ( L / K ) in 9131 defined by the formula [D;,.f = g] 0 [ , y ( E ) = f ( y - ' t ) for every ,t
and by 1 the representation of G ( L / K )in L defined by the equality
l;(u) = y ( u ) Ttii.outhi
(3.2). Tlic
for e\ery u
~ i , r ) ~ i ~ . ~ ~ ~I) ~ ta~i dl udl iu( w ~ ic~v ,p~i i d i w t .
P r o o f. Let ,/E 911. We choose ;I field M E % for which ( 3 .I ) holds. We extend arbitrarily every autoinorphisin y E g( M / K ) to an automorphisni y E G ( f - l K )and we put
whcrr /'denotes ; i n arbitrary but fixed consistent choice function. By (3. I ) T ( f )is independent o f the way i i i which y has been extended to y . Now we show that 7'(,/')is independent of M ;is well. To this aim let u \ iis'rutiic that MI is anothcr field satisfying (3.1) L i d let N denote the C O I N position of M itmi MI . Further, w e put
(3.3) and split G ( N i K ) i n t o cosets of the subgroup G ( N / M ):
C ( N / K )=
u ,tG(N/M). I
( ' ) I h e \ymbol y l M dcnutc\ thc function y wstiictcd to cidc\ w i t h y o n h.I and i\ no1 dclincd out\idc M .
M. i . c . ii
f i i m t i o n that coin-
In (3.3) we collect together :ill terms for which fixed E 1. We then obtain
In view of (3.1) aild M c N we have f(t'o)) G ( N / M ) . Hence it follows that
: G ( N / M ) with a
f ( : ) for
5 E / and
Every y E G ( M / K )can be extended to one and only one element 5 E 1. Hence f ( t )and nlso E(TM)depends only on t l M . From tlie equalit) given above i t follows that T ( , f )= T ' ( J ) . In this equation M can be replaced , in this way we come to tlie desired indcpcndence throughout by / M Iand of T ( f ) froin M . I Every b E M hiis the form u , y ( / ~ where ~ ) u, E K . Let
us put.f(() = ub &,; we then obtain ii function which is defined on G ( L / K ) arid satisfies formulas (3.1) and T ( , f )= b. Hence T m a p s linearly the module M onto L and this mapping is one-to-one, since from T ( J ) = 0 i t follows t h a t J ( y ) = 0 for ;' E G ( M / K ) :so in view of ( 3 . l ) / = 0. To p r w c the theorem we still need to show that the equality TD = A T holds. Hence let , f M ~, E G ( L / K ) and let M bc ii field which satisfies ( 3 . 1 ) for the function ./: Then M satisfies (3.1) for the function D,j'as well. because from y , I M = y21M it clearly follows that ( t - l y , . ) l M = ( 5 - ' y 2 ) I M and consequently , / ( 5 - ' y l ) = J { E - ' y 2 ) , i.e. D,J(y,) = DEJ(y2).Thus we h;i\ e
u h e r e we have put t i = 51,44. Let 0 denote tlie element E ; ' y ; then 0 together with y runs through the whole G ( M / K ) .Since :-Iris am extension of 0 to G ( L / K )we can put E - ' y = 3. In this way we obtain TD:(,f) = t', T ( . f ) = I,( which w;is to be proved.
4. The module '%Jl can be made into a ring when we define the mean value of .f
and define the multiplicationfxg (4.2)
= /I
in M as follows:
Here M denotes a field satisfying conditions (3.1) for the function f . As in 9 3, we show that (4.1)does not depend on the choice of M . The connection between the fields L with K c L' c L and right ideals of M established by Deuring ( 3 ) persists also in the infinite case. Namely, let L' be an intermediate field and let us put 'p = the set off E M for which y E G ( L / L ' )* D y f
= f.
'p is evidently a module. The ideal property o f 'p can be shown as follows: I f f E 'p, g E '%Jl, y E G ( L / L ' )and /I = f x g, then we have by (4.1)and (4.2) D , N a ) = h ( y - ' a ) = stf(E)g(t-'y-'a) = s , l f ( ~ - ' ~ ) g ( ~ - l ~ ) =
&If(r)g(r-'4 = /l(co,
where we have used the equalities St f(5) = S , / f ( f q )and D, f = f . 'p is equal to the set of all f for which T(f)E L ' ;hence
(4.3) [y E
[W)E rI* [ y E G ( L / r ) y W ) = T(f)l* G ( L / L ' ) = T D , ( f ) = T(f )I * [ y E G ( L / L ' )* D . , ( f ) = f]* F E '@.
In this way with every intermediate field there is uniquely associated a right ideal. Conversely, let 'p be a right ideal and let G denote the group of those y for which f E P * D , ( f ) = f . This group is closed in the space G ( L / K ) .Since we have D,f(Eo) # f(lo), i.e. f(y-'(Eo)) # f ( E o ) and M satisfies condition (3.l), from y l M = y o l M it follows that f ( y - ' l 0 ) = f ( y O 1 f 0 ) ;hence D,, f # f . Thus the group G determines a field L' for which the formula C ( L / L ' ) = C holds. Now from (4.3)it follows that 'p is the inverse image of L' under T. Finally, we remark that, exactly as in the finite case, (4) the representation D restricted to 'p (i.e. the representation DIP) is equivalent to the re(') M. D e u r i n g, op. d . ,Theorem 2, p. 142. (9 M. D e u r i n g, op. cit., Theorem 2, p. 142.
presentation 01’ G ( L / K )induced by the identical representation o f G ( L / L ’ ) . The proof f o l l o w \ directly from the definition o f induced
(’) S e e G . W. M a c k e y. of Math. 73 ( l 0 5 l ) , p . 576.
@ii~fc/itcer/repre.seirtatiotrs of
.cywiips, American
G. ASSEBin his recent article [l] has established a number of interesting results [2]. The results of ASSERoverlap pertaining to a problem proposed by H. SCHOLZ in part with results which I have found in 1953 while attempting (unsuccessfully) problem (cf. Roczniki Polskiego Towarzystwa Matcmatycznego, to solve SCWOLX’S series I, vol. 1 (1955), p. 427). I shall give here proofs of those of my results which do not overlap with ASSER’S. 1. By a “function” I shall mean always a function from non-negative integers to non-negative integers. The number of arguments of a function is arbitrary but’ always finite. Let K be the least class of functions satisfying conditions (1) - (3) given below: (1) The following functions Z k , Ui,8,C belong to K ( k = 1 , 2 , . . ., i 5 k): zk(z1,
. . .)x k , n ) = 0 ,
Ut(z,,. . ., xk, n ) = min(zi, n ) ,
S(z, n ) = min(z
+ 1,n ) ,
C ( n )= n . (2) If functions f h ( z l ., . ., x k , n ) , fi(y,, . . ., y p , n) are in K, then so is the compound function (the y i s need not t o be distinct from the sts) fn(z1, .. . , 2 ; . - 1 , f 2 ( y ~. ,. . , ~ ~ , n ) , .q. + . , z~k ,, n ) . (3) If functions f h ( z l ., . ., x k , n ) , f 2 ( zy,, zl, . . ., zk,n) are in K and if
+ 1, zl, . . .,
. . ., z k , n) == f h ( z 1 , . . z k , n ) . . . ., zk,a), z l r. . ., z k , n l , n ) , . I
zt,n ) = min(fi(z, ti(., z l ,
f i is in K. It is evident that each f in K depends on a t least one argument, and that f ( z l ,. . ., xfi, n) 5 n for arbitrary z,. . . . , xk, n . It is also evident that f is in K
if and only if there is a sequence
(4) f l , f e , . . ., f, = f of functions such that each f i is either one of the functions enumerated i n (1) or fi results from two functions f h , f l with h, 1 < i by means of one of the operations (3). T h e o r e m . For each function f ( n ) in K there i s a first order formula 8 with Cdentity such that 3 has a model in a set with n 1 elements if and only if f ( n ) = 0 . Proof. Let f be defined by means of the sequence (4) and let pi 1 denote the 2-ary number of arguments of f i . Let R be a binary predicate variable, Fi a pi such variable ( i = 1, 2 , . . . , s) and A and B two unary predicate variables.
[55], 211
[55], 212
L e m m a . The conditions
pi (at,, . . ., atpiI a,,, a,i
m = A @ , , . ., kp,, n ) (6) are equivalent for each i = 1, 2 , . . ., CI and arbitrary m, k , ,
. . ., kp45 n .
I n order t o prove this lemma we first remark that i t is sufficient t o show that ( 5 ) implies (6).For suppose that this implication has been established; if (5)does not hold, then according t o the assumption that is true in p there is a n integer m' S ?L such that ( 5 ) holds with m replaced by m'. Hence (6)with m replaced by m' is true and we finally obtain m f,(k,, . ., kp,, 4 . The implication ( 5 ) (6) is proved by induction on i . In cases I-IV the verification is immediate. Assume qow that one of the cases V, VI holds and that the lemma is true for relations p h and g?,. Case V. From ( 5 ) and the definition of we obtain that there is a n integer t n such that en(%,, ~ . ~ , ~ t , + p h - l ~ ~ n ~ % ) ~
' 9
at,-l, at, at,+rr,. . ., atp4,a n ,
. . ., k j + p , - l , n) and . . ., kj-1, t , kf +PA,. . ,, kp,, n) = fi (kl,. . . ., kPr,n) . Case VI. From (5) and the definition of 3, we obtain that either k, = 0 and
whence t
= f,(kj,
m = fz(k1,
Pr (54, ' . atp,'an * . 9
or k, 2 0 and there are integers u, v 5 n satisfying the conditions
(8) e at, (9) for no t do the formulas u,ea, and a, eat, hold, (10)
pi(%, at,,
. . ., at,,, a n , a~),
atl, . . ., atp4,an. urn).
We proceed now by induction on k, . If k, = 0 , then from (7) and the inductive assumption we obtain m = fh(k,, . . ., kp,, n) = f i ( k , , . . ., kp,, n ) . If kl>0 and the implication ( 5 ) + (6) holds for lesser values of k, , then from (8) and (9) we obtain u = k, - 1, whence by (10) and the inductive assumption v = f , ( k , - 1, k,, . . . , kpi, n) and finally by (11) and the inductive assumption m = h ( k , - 1, v, k,. . . ., kp,, n) = f i ( k , , k,, . . ., kp4,n). The lemma is thus proved. Observe now that the formula ( 5 , y ) [F#(Z, y ) V A (y)] is true in p whence it follows that if p, (a,, ,a,,,), then a,,,E a. According t o the lemma this is equivalent to the statement that if m = f ( n ) ,then m = 0 , i. e. t o the equation f(n) = 0. We have thus proved that if a model of 8 has n 1 elements, then f ( n ) = 0.
C O N C E R N I N GA PROBLEM OF n . s c n o L z
Let now 5 be a set with n + 1 elements a, ( j = 0 , 1 , . . ., n ) and let f ( n )= 0 . Define e, a, b, p, (i = 0 , 1 , . . ., 8 ) in the following way: ap e aq if and only if p < q , ap E a if and only if p = 0 , ap E /3 if and only if p = n , pa(a,, , . . . , akp,,a l , a,,,) if and only if 2 = n and ( 6 ) holds.
It can be verified without difficulty that ( E , e, a, p, pl, . . ., q,) is a model 8 . This establishes the validity of our theorem. From the theorem we immediately obtain the following Corollary. Iff is in K and k is any integer, then tkre i s a {irst order formula 0 such t h a t 0 h a s a d e Z w i t h n + l elementsit a n d o n l y i f n > k a n d f(n)=O. It is a n open problem whether the theorem converse to that stated in the corollary is also true. 2. With the help of the theorem proved in the previous section we can easily show that the problem of SCHOLZ admits a positive solution for the set of primes, for the set of powers of a given integer, for the set of integers having the form t t ! etc. (cf. [ l ] ,p. 262). As a slightly less obvious application we shall investigate here the set ( n :nz + 1 i s pim} of which it is not known whether i t is finite or infinite. I n order t o obtain our result we shall define 10 auxiliary functions gl, . .,gl0. It will be immediately seen from the definitions that these functions ’belong to the class K. After each definition we add in parantheses a few words of explanation. of
gl(O, n ) = S ( 0 , n ) , g l ( z 1,n)= 0 . 1) = 1 , g1(z (gl(z, 0 ) 0 , gl(O, n
+ 1 , n + 1) = 0.)
g,(o,y,n) = G ( y , n ) , g2(z + ~ , Y , R )= S ( q 2 ( z , ~ , n ) , n ) . (gz(z, y, n) = + y, n ) ; we shall write z y instead of ga(z, y, n).)
g3(0, n ) = 0 , g3 (z 1 , ; ) = u:(z, n ). ( g 3 b 1 , n) = min(z, n ) . )
~ ~ (Y.0n), = n ) , g 4 ( z 1 , Y, n ) = g3(g4(z, Y , n ) ,n ) . (g4(z, y. n ) = min(y - z,n ) . We shall wgite z -,,y instead of g4(y, z,n).)
gS(O,4 = 0 , g6(z 1 , n ) = S(O,4. (gs(z, n ) = min(sgnz, n ) . We shall write sgnnz instead of gs(z, n).)
Y, n ) = 0 , 96(2 1, Y, n ) = W y , n). (go(”, y, n) = min(y, n ) s g n z . We shall write y
x instead of g6(z, y, n).)
g7(0,Y, n ) = 0 , g,(z + 1 , . ~ , n )= ( g 7 ( z , ~ i n+nSgnn(y-ng7(z,y,n)))on(y-n ) (g7(z,y, n) is the rest of division of z by S(y, n ).)
9, (0, Y, 2, n) = 97 (?Az, n) ga(z+1, ~ , z , n =gs(z, ) Y , z , ~+)n s g n , ( z - - , g s ( z , y , z , n ) ) o n ( z - n g s ( z , ~ , z , n ) ) . (g,(z, y, z , n) is the rest of division of y by S(z, n ) . ) 9
3 10
gJ0, ? z ,I n, ) = 0, gs(z 1 , Y, 2, n) = gs(ge(Z, Y, z , n ) , Y, 2, n). (gr(x,y, z, n) is the rest of division of x y by S(z, n).)
Y, z, t , n) = 9s ($79 (x, Y, t, n ) , z , t, n) . (gl0(x,y, z , t, n) is the rest of division of x y
by S(t, n).)
We shall say that a relation e ( x l , . . ., xk, n) is a K-relation if its characteristic function j , belongs to K. If e and u are K-relations, then so are the relations non-e and e V u for their characteristjc functions are g1(f, ( x l , . . ., xk, n), n) and u:(f,(xl,. . ., xk?n),n) +nU:(fo(x1, . . xk, n),n). If f(x, xl,. . ., xk, n) is a function of class K whose values do not exceed 1, then ' 9
the function (12)
g(x, z l , . . ., xk, n) = min(
n f ( j , x l , . . ., xk, n),n)
belongs to K. Indeed, g ( O , x l , . ..,9:k , n ) = f ( 0 , x l , . . . . x k , n ) ,
g(x + 1 , x l r . . . , x k r n L ) = ~ ( x , x l ,. . , x k , n ) O n f ( x+ 1 , x l , . . . , X k > n ) . It follows from this remark that if e(x, x l , . . ., xk, n) is'a K-relation, then so is
the relation (j)=e(x,xl,. . ., xk, n) where ( j ) , means: for every j not exceeding x. Indeed, the characteristic function of this relation is given by the formula (12). We can now show that the set n composed of 0, 1, and of all primes is in K. Indeed, n E n if and only if (j)n(g,(n,j , n) 0 or S ( i ,n ) = n or i = 0). From this we obtain our final result: the set {n: = 0 or n2 Indeed, n belongs to this set if and only if
+ 1 En} is in K.
(j)n(glc(n, 12, S(0, n),j , n)) =I= 0 or S ( i , n) = n or i = 0). I was not able to decide whether or not the set of FERBIATprimes 2'"
belongs to K nor whet,her the SCHOLZ problem for this set has a positive solution.
Literature G.ASSER.Das Reprasentantenproblem im Priidikatenkalkiil der ersten Stufe mit Identitat.
This ,,Zeitschrift", vol. I (1955), pp. 252-263. [2] H. SCHOLZ.The Journal of Symbolic Logic, vol. I7 (1952), p. 160. (Eingegangen am 6. August 1956)
On a generalization of quantifiers by
A. M o s t o w s k i (Warszawa) In this paper I shall deal with operators which represent a natural generalization of the logical quantifiers l ) . I shall formulate, for the generalized quantifiers, problems which correspond to the classical problems df the first-order logic. Some of these problems will be solved in the present paper, other more interesting ones are left open. Most of our discussion centers around the problem whether it is possible to set up a formal calculus which would enable us to prove all true propositions involving the new quantifiers. Although this problem is not solved in its full generality, yet it is clear from the partial results which will be discussed below that the answer to the problem is essentially negative. I n spite of this negative result we believe that some at least of the generalized quantifiers deserve a closer study and some deserve even to be included into systematic expositions of symbolic logic. This belief is based on the conviction that the construction of formal calculi is not the unique and even not the most important goal of symbolic logic.
1. Propositional functions and quantifiers. Let I be an arbitrary set and I * = I X Ix ... its infinite Cartesian power, i. e., the set of infinite sequences (xl,x2,...) with x, I for j = 1 , 2 , ... We denote by V and A the truth-values “truth” and “falsity’?. The Boolean operations of join, meet, and complementation are denoted by V, A and -; we use these symbols for all Boolean algebras which we shall have to consider and, in particular, ior the two-element algebra consisting of the truth-values A and V. A mapping F of I* into {V, A } is called a propositional function on I provided that it satisfies the following condition: there is a finite set K of integers such that if x = ( q , x 2,...) € I * , then F ( x ) = F ( y ) .
y=(yl,y, ,...) r Z * ,
xj=yl for j r K ,
1) Parts of the reaults contained in this paper were presented to the Torun Section of the Polish Mathematical Society in Jennary 1934. Other parts were included in my psper [ti]. which, however, contains no proofs.
WI, 13
This condition says, of course, that F depends essentially on a finite number of arguments. The smallest set K with the property stated above is called the stipporl of F ; if it has only one element, then F is a function of one argument and can be identified with a subset of I * ) . Let p he a one-one mapping of I onto a set I' not necessarily different from I. If a=(sl,xz,...) E I*,then we denote by q ( s ) the sequence (p(xl),p(x2), ...); if F is a propositional function on I , then we denote by Fv the propositional function on I' such that Fv(q(c)) =F(z). A quantifier limited to I is a function Q which assigns one of the elements v, A to each propositional function F on I with one argument and which satisfies the invariance condition for each F and each permutation q of I. The first part of this definition generalizes the elementary fact that quantifiers enable US to construct propositions from propositional functions with one argument. The second part expresses the requirement that quantifiers should not allow US to distinguish between different elements of I 3). Let (mt,nE)be the (finite or transfinite) sequence of all pairs of cardinal numbers satisfying the equation me+nt=F4). For each function T which assigns one of the truth-values to each pair (mt,iii) we put ~ _ _ -~ F-'( A )) '1 .
Q T ( F ) =T(F-'( V
The following theorem is easily provable: THEOREM1. Qr i s a quaiitifier limited to I ; for each quantifier limited to I tkere is a T stick that Q r = Q . If Q = Q T , then we shall say that the function T determines the quantifier Q ; there is evidently exactly one such function for each Q . Let us put T*(mb,ne)=-T(nt,m<). The quantifier determined by T* is said to be a dual of QT and is denoted by QF. An unlimited quaiitifier (or simply a quantifier) is a function which assigns a quantifier QI limited to I to each set I and which satisfies the equation Q,(F)=Q,*(F,) for each propositional function F on I with one argument and for each one-one mapping of I onto I'. *) In connection with these definitions compare Halmos [l]. 3) 4)
this connection Lindenbaum-Tarski [3] aud Moutner [a]. denotes the cardinal number of X and [ W ( z ) ]the set of elements z in X
satisfying the condition W ( s ) . If set (x)= yj.
Ev xe x
I is
a mapping of
X into P, then j-l(y) denotes the
WI, 14
It is clear how to define Boolean operations on limited and unlimited quantifiers; they will be denoted by the usual eymbols v, A , N. Thus e.g. Q;vQ;' is a function QI such that Q,(F)=Q;(F)vQ;(F) for each propositional function F. 2. Examples of quantifiers. (a) If {T(mt,ttt) = V } = {me#O}, then QT is the existential quantifier 3 limited to I; the dual of QT is the general quantifier Y limited to I . (b) Let m,n be non-negative integers and T', T' functions such that { T'(m6 ,ne)= V } = {me=m ) ,
{ T"(me,n6)=V } I(nE=n )
Quantifiers QT, and QT,, will be denoted by quantifiers which assign
2 and fl (m)
17. I
The unlimited
to I will be denoted by
z n (m)
z and fl. (m)
Boolean polynomials of quantifiers , ( m,n= 0 , l , 2 , ...) are called numerical quantifiers (cf. Tarski [S], p. 63). Examples of such quantifiers are (R)
If I is an infinite set and F a propositional function on 1 wits the support {l},then the formula Q:')(F)=V (or the formula Q?'(F)=V) is equivalent to the statement: the set of elements x in Z such that F ( x , ...)=V ") (or such that F ( x , ...)=A) has exactly m, or exactly m2 or ... or exactly mk elements. (c) Let T , and T , be functions such that
while the remaining terms are
3 14
WI, 15
quantifier by P. If F is again a propositional function on I with the support {l}, then t,he formula P I ( F ) = V is equivalent to the statement: there are at most denumerably many elements x c I such that F ( z ,...)= V. (e) Let I be a denumerable set. A quantifier QTlimited to I is wholly characterized by the values T(n,wo),T ( n , , n ) , Y T = T(wo,wo),n = O , l , 2 ,... JVe are going to discuss the Boolean algebra A of quantifiers Qr such t,hat T(,i,w,)=const and T(w,,n)=const from certain n , m on. For t)he purpose of this discussion we consider the ideal 3 of finite ' is the set of non-negative integers. Let % he the subsets of N where A Boolean algebra generated by 3 and let ( I he the CartFsian product rU x % x { A , V}. The algebra (I is an isomorphic image of A under the mapping Q T ~ ( A U T T, ,YT) whew A T = E [ T(n ,K,) = V ] and &=E[ T(w,,n ) n
= Vj. The quantifiers S , , S ; , s ~correspond to the elements
X I = (N,o,A), of
X Z = (N,O,V),
(the symbol 0 denotes here the void set). The product 3,=3 x 3 x { A } is obviously an ideal in (I. The quantifiers Q T whose images are in 3, form an ideal A, of A; it is easy to see that all these quant,ifiers are numerical. Each element of (I is congruent mod3, to one of the 8 elements X,= ( O , O I A j, X l , X z , X 3 ,-XOl -XI,-Xzl -X3. For quantifiers Qr of A this result, means that Qr is either numerical or c,ongruent mod A, to one of the quantifiers S i , S : , $ , -SI, -SF, -$. Hence we obtain the result that if a quantifier QT of A is not numerical, then one of the quantifiers Sl,S:,$ i s definable in terms of QT and of the numerical quantifiers 6 ) . (5
8. A formal calculus and Its Interpretation. Let (S) be a formal logical calculus whose structure .differs from the usual functional calculus of first order (with identity) only in the following: Instead of t'he usual symbols for the existential and the general quantifiers (8) contains s symbols Q*,Q*,...,Q'. The rules of building formulas by means of t,lie symbols 3, V are replaccd by the rule: if F is a formula and x a variable, then (Q'x)F is a formula ( j = I , ? , ...,8 ) . The variahle x is bound in the formula (Q'x)F; a formula containing exclusively hound variables is called clmed. We shall define in thc usual way the notion of satisfaction for formulas of (S)'). 8 ) The ainiple proof given above is due to J. Los; iiry fortrier proof of this theorem was much more conip1ic:rted. ') For the suhseqrierit definitions see l a r s k i [7].
[W, 16
Let Q’,...,Q’ be s unlimited qiiantifiers iind I a set. We shall consider functions which assign a n element of 1 to e w h iritlividual variable of (S) and a propositional function on I with the support { l ,2 , ... ,k} to each functional variable of degree k of (S).Functions of this kind will be called I-valriationfi. If M is an Z-r-alnation, then [xJW and [F,JM denote the element of I and the propositional function assigncd by M to xi and F,. Each I-valuation M determines a mapping c d M l of formulas of (S) into the set {V, A}. If Z’is the formula F ( q ,...,x i & ) ,then we put ealMl(Z)=z
...) .
If B is the formula si=xI,then { u a l M l ( Z ) = V ) { [ X ~ ] ~ = [ X ~ ] ~ } . If Z is the formula Z,IZ,, then va7~1(Z) = C~CIWMI(Z,)V~UU~MI(Z~). Now let us assume that Z is the forniula ( Q ’ x i ) Z , . Let M ( i , z ) be an 1-vduation differing from M only by assigning :c to t h e variable x, and let F he a propositional fiinction on I w i t h the support {i} srich t h a t
~ ~ M ~ L Y < ) , l ( ~ l )
We put cwZMl((Q’xi)Z,) =Q‘,(P). The mapping vnZMl is thus tlefincd by induction. It is easy to prove that oalM1(Z)depends not on the whole M but only on those ralues [xJM and [FjIMfor whicli-ri and Fj are fret, in Z. If xil ,...,xi*, F j,,...,F,, are all the variables which are free in Z, then instead of saying that V & ~ ( Z ) = V we shall Sometimes say that the , , [xl2IM,and the propsitiorid functions [Fj,IM, ..., [FjJW elements [ x j J M ... satisfy Z in 1. A formula Z is (a) true in I, ( b ) satisfiable in I jf tlir equation caZ,v,(Z)= V holds (a) for each M , ( b ) for at lcitst {JIW M . The formula Z is ( c ) true, ( d ) sati3finhltt if it is ( c ) true in I for ewh I, (d) satisfiiiblt? in Z for at least (Jlle I . -411 these notions depend, of coiirse, on the quantifiers Q’,Q’,...,Q’. Our expression “Z is true (or satisfiable) in I” is thereflye iiot exact : L I ~ ought, to lw ibeplncedby a more complex one (‘Z is true (or sstisfiablc) in I with Q’ interpreted LLS Q’, j = 1 , 2 , ...,s”. Since, howwer,
1591, 17
the quantifiers Q1, ...,Q' will be held constant throughout the rest of the paper, there will be no occasion to use this complex expression. Many other semantical notions can be defined with the help of the notions of truth and satisfaction. In what follows we shall need the notion of definability of quantifiers. The quantifier @, is definable in I in terms of the quantifiers @, if there is a formula Z of (S) not containing the symbol Q having F as its unique free variable and such that the equivalence (Q1x)F(x)r Z is true in 1. If this condition is satisfied for each I and Z is the same for all I , then we say that the unlimited quantifier Q1 is de...,Q'. finable in terms of Q*;
4. The completeness problem. The completeness problem for quantifiers Q',...,Q' (or the completeness problem for quantifiers ...,Q'I limited to I ) consists in answering the question: is the set of true formulas (or the set of formulas true in I) recursively enumerable? No general solution of these problems is known. We shall formulate only some partial results. Definition. A quantifier Q has the property (E) if for each denumerable set I the function T determining Q, satisfies the condition: the sets E [ T ( n,K,) = A], E [ T ( n,go) = V] are both denumerable.
THEOREM2. If among Q', ...,Q' occur the general and the ezietentia2 quantifiers and at least one quantifier Q with the property (E), then the completeness probbm for these quantifiers has a negative solution. Proof. We denote by A, the conjunction of axioms of the elementary theory of non-densely ordered rings (cf. Tarski [9], p. 69). In A, occur 4 predicate-variables F, ,F,, F, ,F, and the formulas F,(x),F,( x ,y ,z), F,(x,y,z),F,(x,y) are to be read thus: x is the zero of the ring, x is the sum of y and z, x is the product of y and z, x is less than y. We abbreviate ( 3 u ) [ F , ( u ) ~ F , ( u , x )as ] P ( x ) (to be read as: x is positive) and denote by B, the formula (Vx)
[.(x)2 ( 31(FAX, ~ Y1
[(Qz)(P(z)A F&, x )) f(Qz)(P(z)AF,(z,Y))]A
A (VtI(F.1 x
A FA$,Y 1 2 [(Qz)
(P(z) A FAz, x 1) = (Qz)(P (z)A F . 0 , t I)]
I)] .
The intuitive meaning of B, is this: for every positive x there is a smallest y such that the value assigned by the quantifier Q to the set E [ O < z < x ] is different from the value assigned by Q to the set kl0 < z c y ] . L
WI, 18
Finally we denote by A the conjunction of A, and B,. Let I be a set and I an Z-valuation such that [F1lM, ...,[FJM satisfy A, in 1. It is evident that the supports of [F1IM, ...,[FIIMare {I}, {1,2,3}, {1,2,3}, {1,2}. From the properties of A, it is easy to derive the following facts: (a) There i s exactly one elenLent 8 in Z such that [F1IM(8, ...)= V (b) For every x,y i n I there i s exactly one element z = x @ y in Z such that [Fs]~(z,z,y, ...)=V @) and. exactly m e eleinent t = z O y such that C F M t 9 5 ,Y 7 ...) = . defined by means of the equivalence (x3 y ) (c) The binary relation =([F&(a:,y, ...)=V) orders the set 1. (d) The set I i x a non-densely ordered ring with respect to the operatiom @, 0,and the ordering <; 8 is the zero of this ring. We shall now prove (e) The ring I as described in (d) is isomorphic to the ring of integers; in this i8omorphism 8, 0, 0,3 are mapped onto 0, addition, muaiplication, and the “less-than” relation. A non-densely ordered ring is isomorphic to the ring of integers if and only if for each positive x there are finitely many elements between 0 and x. Hence it is sufficient to show that for each x in I such that 0 3 x the set Z,=E [ 8 3 y 4 x] is finite. Let us assume that this is
false and choose a: so that the cardinal number m of 2, be infinite and as small as possible. Since [ F J M ...,[ , F J M satisfy B , in I there is an element y in I such that z 3 y and Ql(Z,) #Ql(Zy)(we have identified here subsets of I with the propositional f u i c t i o E f o n e r i a b l e ) . This implies that one of the equations zx=zy, must be false. Now the complements of both 2, and 2, contain the set E [z 3 81, whose
cardinal number is
- -
-,=my and therefore I=.
Denoting by T _the function which determines QI we obtain further
T(i!f,,G # T ( z Y , T ) . Now let t be the antecedent of y in I. It is evident that and x 4 L 4 y. The assumption that-[F&, ...,S_F41_M satisfy B, in I yields therefore Q l ( Z x ) = Q ~ ( Z , )i ., e., !l’(Zx,T)=T(Zy,O. We have thus arrived a t a contradiction, which proves (e).
0 ) ( 0 , ...) denotes here a sequence of elements of I with the *) (.z,y.:. ...) denotes a sequence of elements of I beginning
first term 0. with r.y.2.
[591, 19
h the Iaet auxiliary statement we prove (f) k t I , be the set of integer8 and let M , be an I,-vahation such t h d [F,ho,...,[F,ho sdiBfy the equiv&nree {[F~IMO(~I 9 ~ 2 1= V 1 (si=0 ) p {[F*lM0(% ,4,)= 1= (m1= % $3) {tT*IMO(~l,~*, 1=(%=z#€J 9 {[F61MO(@L ,z-27 . ..) = 1=(3'< %*GI) .
... v v
+ ,
Then [FlIM0,...,[F,].o~~ satisfy A in I , . Indeed, ValMoro(Ao)=V since I, is a non-densely ordered ring. In order to prove that W a ~ ~ o r o ( ] a o )we = V choose an integer z>O and put QJ E[O < z <$I)= a. Since Q f o has the property (E), there must be zrro
in I, a smallest y such that z
z < t < y , then Q l , , ( E [ O < z < t ] = a . This proves that waZMofo(BO)=V. zcrr
In order to prove theorem 2 we consider the set X of formulas X in which there occur no quantifiers other than 3, V , and no free variables other than Fl, ...,F,. If A 3 X is true, then (by (f)) v a l M o f o ( X ) = V . If, conversely, waZMofo(X)=V, then, by (e), A 3 X is true since the unique model of A is a model of X. Hence, if the set of all true formulas of (S) were recursively enumerable, then so would be the set of all X in X satisfying valMoro(X)=V. It is known, however, that this set is not recursively enumerable: it is not even arithmetically definable. This accomplishes the proof of theorem 2. The condition given in theorem 2 is not necessary for the solution of the completeness problem to be negative. In fact neither of the quantifiers 3 , V , S , S o satisfies the condition (E) and yet we have THEOREM3. If among Q', ...,@ occur the quantifiers 3, V , S OT the quantifiers 3, V , So then the completeness problem for these quantifiers a8 well a8 the completeness problem for these quantifiers limited to a denumerable 8d have both a negative eolution. Proof of theorem 3 is similar to that of theorem 2. The only difference is that we have to take as A the conjunction of A, and of one of the following formula: (vX){p(X) 2(sZ)[p(Z)
(VXHP(X)2(SoZ)[P(Z) AFAz ,X)I1
The completeness problem for quantifiers limited to a dennmerable set can eaily be solved in all its generality:
WI, 20
THEOREM4. Let the quantifiers 3,V occur among Q', ...,Q' and let I be a denumerable set. A necessary and sufficient condition for the completeness problem for quantifiers Q:, ...,@ to have a positive solution i s that the quantifiers @, ...,Q; be numerical. Proof. The sufficiency is obvious. Let us now assume that one of the quantifiers Q t , ...,Qj is not numerical. If there is a quantifier definable in I in terms of Qi, ...,@ and satisfying the condition (E), then the result follows from theorem 2. If there is no such quantifier, then the final result of section 2(e) proves that one of the quantifiers S I , !$ is definable in I in terms of Q;, ...,@, and hence the result follows from theorem 3. The general case of the completeness' problem as well a the completeness problem for quantifiers limited to non-denumerable sets remain open. .We see no way of solving this problem even for the quantifiers 3,V, P (see section 2(d)). The following result shows that the method used in previous theorems is not applicable to that case: 5. I f Q is a quantifier definable i n terms of the quantifiers THEOREM 3,V , P, then Qlf.91 and Q I # S: for each denumerable set I . Proof. If SI or S: weere definable in terms of 3 1 , Y I , and P I , then they would be definable in terms of 3I and V I alone csince PI is identical with a constant quantifier which assigns the value to each propositional function. Theorems 3, 4, and the classical completeness-theorem show, however, that none of the quantifiers Sl,$ is definable in terms of 3]and V,.
5. The Skolem-Ltbwenheim theorem. Let Q be an unlimited quantifier. Definition. We shall say that Q does not distinguish infinite powers if for any two infinite sets I , , I , the functions T,,T, which determine Ql1 and QIz satisfy the equations:
Tl(n,yl)=T 2 ( n , f , ) , n= 0,1,2, ..., T,(I=, ,u)= T2(T..,n), n= 0,1,2, ..., Tl(ml,n,) = T,(m,,n2) for
mi +n, = &, m, ,ni > w,, i = 1 , 2 .
THEOREM 6. If none of the quantifiers Q', ...,@ distinguishes infinite powers, then each closed formula satisfiable in a n infinite set is satisfiable in a denumerable set. Proof. Let Z be a closed formula satisfiable in an infinite set I and let hf be an I-valuation such that eaZ,ijl(Z)=V. We enlarge the calculus (S) by adding to it an infinite number of individual constants a,,
[W, 21
each element 3 in I determining exactly one constant ux, Formulas not containing the new constants will be called proper. Yemantical notions which we hare introduced in section 2 can be extended so that they become applicable to improper formulas. The only change which is needed is the stipulation that [ U ~ ] ~ = Xfor each I-valuation M. The following lemma rail easily be proved by induction: LEJLVA(a). If A i s a proper formula with the free variableti F,, ...,F k , x1,..., xI, then ? - a l w I ( A ) = Vif and only i f [FJM,...,[ F k ] ~.Satisfy in I the improper formula A' resulting from A by a substitution of q q j M for x i ( j = l , 2 ,...,2 ) . We choose an arbitrary denumerable subsek I, of I and denote by U the set of proper formulas beginning with one of the symbols
Q', ...,Q*.
of I Let ns assume that k > l and that a, denumerable subset has been defined. We are going to define a set I k + l . To this end we arrange in a sequence (1) v,,v,,... all closed (proper and improper) formulas resulting from formulas X in U by a substitution of symhols a, (a in I , ) for the free variables of X. Each v, determines a set I k j in the following way: Assume that V j is the formula (Qhx)W. We denotc by W(aJ the formula resulting from mr by the substitution of a, for s and consider the sets
J,=E ( v a h , ( W ( a , )=) V ] . J,=E [ t & i 1 ( ~ ' ( u o ) ) = A 1. or1
Let m,,m, be the cardinal numbers of these sets. If rn,,rn, arc both infinite, then we take as I k j a denumerable subset of I having infinitely many elements in common with both J , and J,. If m, is finite and m, infinite, then we take as I k j a denumerable subset of I having infinitely many elements in common with J , and containing all the elements of J,. If rn, is finite and m, infinite, then we take as I k j a denumerable subset of I having infinitely many elements in common with J , and containing all the elements of J,. cc
We now put
I k + l = u I k j . ,=1
fined by induction. We now put
The Sets
I k
( k = 1 , 2 , ...) We thus de-
I, = U 4 and obtain a denumerable subset of I . w e k=l
shall show that Z is satisfiable in I,,.
t591, 22
For each I-valuation M we define an I,-valuation N o . M, differs from X by assigning to x, an arbitrary element of I, whenever [ x , h is not in I, and by assigning to Fj the propositional function [FJIMrestricted to I,. If L C , , ~ , , are . . . in I, we have therefore (3)
7 $2
-..) = [FJIM(%
.) .
LEMNA(b). Lei M be an I-valuation satisfying the conditions
[ x i l M ~ I 0 for i = 1 , 2 , ..., [Fj]~=[Fjl% for j = 1 , 2 , ...
(4) (5)
i 8 a proper formula and v‘ results from v by a substitution of symbols U, ( a in I,) for 8ome or for all free variables of V, then ualMI(V’) = valMoro( V’). If V is an atomic formula F ~ ( x ,..., ~ ,xik)or x i = x J , then our assertion follows immediately from (3)and (4). If the lemma holds for formulas V, and V,, then it is clear that it holds for the formula VJV,. It remains thus to show that if the lemma holds for a formula V, it does so for the formula (Qhxl)V. Let (Qhx,)V’ result from (Q*x,)V by a substitution of symbols U, ( a in I,) for some or all free variables of (Qhx,)V. Let yl,...,yk be the free individual variables of (Qhx,)V’. We substitute (I[y,JM (or, what is the same, for yJ in (Qhxxr)V’ ( j = 1 , 2 , ...,k) and obtain a closed formula (@x,)W. We can assume that this formula occurs in the sequence (1)and is identical with VJ. According to lemma (a), p. 21,
If V
ual~d(Q~xdV’1 = valMl[(Q*xi) Wl , valworo[(Qh~xr)v’l = vaLor0[(Q”~i) Wl
Thus it is sufficient to show that (6)
valMd(Qhxi)W] = @ a h I,[(Q’x,) o Wl .
We shall first calculate the left-hand side of (6). According to the definitions given in section 2 we have to define a propositional function F on I with the support {i} such that (?At Yz
,...I =aalM(iy,,.I(W)
and then take the value Qf(F). According to lemma (a) u ~ ~ , , , ~ , , ( W ) is V or A according as valMI(W(uy,)) is V or A. Hence if we denote by Tf the function which determines the quantifier @ and put __.
m,=Ea t 1 [Vab(W(o.))= V ] ,
m , =0 6~1 ~ a l ~ ~ ( w ( ~ , ),) = / \ ]
we obtain waL~[(Q~xt)Wl = T;(ml, m,)
Similar considerations show that (8)
~ a l ~ ~ i , [ ( Q ~ ~ T;o(m:,m:) i)Wl=
e0is the function which determines the quantifier Q;o
We observe now that if a is in I,, then W(uo) results from V by a substitution of symbols a, (a in I,)for all free variables of V and that we can therefore apply the inductive assumption to the formula W(u.). This gives walMoIo(W (u,,))= walM,(W ( u,,)) for a E I,. Furthermore W ( ua) is ‘a closed formula and thus vaZMI(W(u,,))depends only on [ F j I M , which in view of (5) proves that = vallril(W(oo)). walMI(~(aa))
This equation holds for arbitrary a in I, not only for a in I,. Taking these observations together we obtain the equations
We now use the definition of sets Ikl given above. Remembering that (Qhx,)Wis the jth term of the sequence (1)we see that ml,mz are the cardinal numbers of sets (2). If m,,m, are both infinite, then Ikl has infinitely many elements in common with both J , , J , and hence 0 0 ml= mr = no. If ml= n is finite and m, infinite, then .J,C I, and hence m:=n, and mi=no. Similarly if m z = n is finite and i n , infinite, then mi= n and m: = so. This proves that
~2ml,m2)=~~o(m~,mi) since the quantifier @ does not distinguish infinite p o ~ z r s . Comparing the last equation with ( 7 ) and (8) we obtain ( G ) , which proves lemma (b). We can now conclude the proof of theorem 6. Since Z is a closed ) not depend on [xi]%. Hence w e can formula, the value of v a l ~ , ( Zdoes assume that [xi]% is in I, for all i. Using lemma (b) for JI=@ and V-= %, we obtain waln;?l(Z)= V U Z ~ ~ ~and ~ ( hence Z ) waZ%olo(Z)= V since v u l ~ ~ (=ZV) by the definition of @. This proves that Z is satisfiable in I,.
1591, 24
We shall now prove that conditions given in theorem 6 are not only srifficient b u t also necehsary for the validity of the Skolem-Lowenheim theorem. THEOREM7 . I f 9 and V occur among the quantifiers Q', ...,@ and if at least one of these qicantifiers distinguishes infinite powers. then there are closed formulas satisfiable in non-denumerable sets but not sutisfiable ~ I Ldejiumerable sets. P r o o f . Let us assume that the quantifier Q1=Q distinguishes infinite powers, i . e., that there are infinite set, I , , I , such thot one of the following cases holds: (a) there is an n such that ! Z 1 , ( n , ~ ) # 2 ' , ( n , ~ , ) , (b) there is an n such that T 1 ( ~ , n ) # T , ( ~ , , n ) , (c) there are infiilite cardinals m,,n, ( i = 1,O) such that n~,+n,=Z; ( i = 1 , 4 ) and Tl(ml,nl)#T,(m,,n,). Here T , i b the function which determines the quantifiers Q,,, i=l,4.
Case (a). Let m, be the least infinite cardinal such that if z = m 2 , then there is an illfinite set I I C I , satisfying the conditions given in (a). Evidently m2> K ~ . ' We can assume that I ; ( n ,m2)= V and T,(n ,in,) = A for all cardinal iiunibers m, satisfying the inequality no <m,
I n thi5 formula the symbol Ki,, ( x , # x , ) denotes t h e conjunction of all formulas x, # x, where i , j = 1 , 2 , ...,n and i <j. The meaning of the formula A is this: the relation G orders the uiiiverse of discourse and there is a n element x, such that 10 there are exactly n elements preceding xo, 2 O the set of elements following xo contains a limit point (and hence is infinite); the quantifier Q assigus the value I,/ to the set of elements preceding xo. Formula A is satisfiable in I , . Indeed, if 5 is a relation which determines a well-ordering of I , and G a, propositional function on I , such that G(yl,y,, ...) =yl-,y,, then G satisfies A in I , . If A were satisfiable in a denumerable set I , then Z would be an ordered set having a segment 8 with exactly n elements and with the correspondiug rest R infinite (since R would contain at least one limit-point). Moreover, the
[W, 25
segment S wouy satisfythe equation Q l ( S ) = V . This, however, is im, T,(%,K,)=A . possible, since s= n, I ~ = Nand Case (b) can be treated similarly as Case (a). Case (c). Let I, be a set of as small power as possible such that there is a set I I C I , and infinit,e cardinals mr,nr satisfying the_cogditiox mi+ +ni= I i ( i = 1 , 2 ) and Tl(m,,nl)#T2(m,,n,). Hence if 7 IiCI‘ and m; ,n; ,ni’,n’ are infinite cardinals such that
mi + n;= I;, m’+n’=
then T,~(m~,n~)=T,,(in’,iI’j. In particular, if f= w,, then T,(K,,N,) #TIa(ni2,nZ).We can assiin~ethat T I ( K , , N , ) = ~and \ T,,(m,,n,)=V. Now let A be the forluula
The intuitive meaning of this formula is: the relation G orders the universe of discourse and there is an element x, such that 1” the quantifier Q assigns the value V to the set of elements preceding x,; 20 both the set of elements preceding xo and the set of elements following Y, possess limit-points (and thus are infinite). If < is a relation which determines a well ordering of I, such that I, has a segment of power m2 and the corresponding rest of power n,, then the propositional function G defined thus: G(Y~,Yz,...)=Y~~Yz satisfies A in I,. If A were satisfiable in a denumerable set I, then I would be an ordered set having - a segment S and the corresponding rest such that Q,(S)=V and s - B = w,. This, however, would contradict the formula TI(KO, wo) = A * Theorem 7 is thus proved. The Skolem-Ldwenheim’s theorem has been generalized by Tarski (see Skolem [GI, p. 161) in the following way: if a formula (of the classical functional calculus) is satisfiable in an infinite set, then it is satisfiable in every infinite set. This theorem cannot be extended to the case of arbitrary quantifiers. We have in fact the following
[W, 26
THEOREM8. If 3 and V occur among Q', ...,Q' and if each formula of ( S ) satisfiable in an infinite set i s satisfiable in every infinite set, then for each set J the quantifiers Q;, . . . , Q are all definable in term8 of 3 and V . P r o o f . It follows from theorem 7 that' the quantifiers Q', ...,Qs do not distinguish infinite powers. Since there exist formulas A involving no symbols for quantifiers other than 3,V , Q and such that if Q possesses the property (E), then A is satisfiable in denumerable sets only (cf. the proof of theorem a), we can assume that quantifiers definable in terms of Q', ...,@ do not have the property (E). I n section 2(e) we have shown that if f= K, and QI is a non-numer i d quantifier such that neither Q, nor its dual Q; has the property (E), then one of the quantifiers S,,S:,S; is expressihle as a Boolean polynomial in Q,,
2, and I/ I I (n)
( n , m = l , 2 , ...). It will be sufficient to con-
sider only the case when S, is thus expressible. Let us therefore assume t h a t (3 ( m l )
,Z I
17 ,...,I7 I 1
where @ is a Boolean polynomial. For an arbitrary X C I we have thus (nJ
S,(X)=@(Q,(X),,Z(X),...,,ZCX),n ( X ) t . . . , I / (X)).
Let 2';, TF, El,...,T p , (n,)
tifiers SJ,Qj,
El,...,!?? be functions determining the quan-
z,n ,..., ( n 3 (4
2 ,..., J J
in (10) for X a set with exactly
( J - an arbitrary set). Substituting 1~
elements we obtain
E 1 ( ~ ~ , K o ) , . .,. ZY~L,KJ) =v
(11) @ ( T f ( n , S , )T, ? ( n , x o ) ... , V(n,K,),
If we take for X a set whose complement contains exactly n elemerlts and a set which is infinite together with its complement, we obtain similarly (12) @ ( T f ( K , , n ) T?(K", , n ) , . . . T';'(so,n ) ,@ ( K o , N ) (13) @(T?(K,,K,), T?(K,,so),... ,TW,, K,),@(K,,
... w ( b , n ) )= A 7
,... ,%'vo, K,)) = A .
Assuming that Q does not distinguish infinite powers, we have for an arbitrary infinite set J and for arhitrary infinite cardinals m , n with -
T f ( n , s , , )= T J P ( ~ , J ) , ~
T P (x o , n )= ~ f ( 7 , n ) ,
TP(~,,s,) = ~ J a ( m , r i ) .
[591, 27
Similar equations hold for functions f l and (4
and the quantifiers (11)-(13) yield now
( n , m = 1,2,...) since
do not distinguish infinite powers. Formulas
@(Tf(n,J),n(?&,Z) ,...,! p ( n , 7 ) , P ( n , J,"., ) W(n,J))=v =T?(n,cf), @(Tf(z,jb),n ( J = , n )... , ,c*(Z,n),w ( J , m ),...,E"(J,n))= A =!Zf(Z,n)
@(Tf(m,n),T;'(m,n) ,..., !p(m,n), @(m,n)
which proves that formula (9).holds for every infinite set I. Let us apply this m u l t to Q = @ ( j = 1 , 2 , ...,8 ) . If @ (where f = w o ) were a non-numerical quantifier, then according to the result obtained above formula (9) (or a similar formula with S replaced by So or S') would hold for every infinite set I. Since in the proof of theorem 3 we have exhibited formulas involving exclusively the quantifiers S, 3,Y (or SO, 3,V ) satisfiable in denqmerable sets only, we see that if Q; (with T=no) were non-numerical, then there would be formulas satisfiable in some infinite sets but not satisfiable in all of them. Hence Qj
,..., 2, nI ,..., n) where !P is I I (nd
must be numerical for ?=no: @=V(
a Boolean polynomial. Since neither @ nor 2 nor distinguishes infinite powers, formulas (14) hold for these quantifiers, whence by the (n)
same method as above we obtain the formula &=V(
2 ,...,z, f l ,...., n ) J (mi)
for every infinite set J. Our theorem is thus proved for infinite J . For finite J the assertion of the theorem is evident since for . ~ < x , each quantifier QJ limited to J is definable in terms of 3 and Y. R e m a r k . The above proof gives in fact a little stronger result than that stated in the theorem: we have shown that under the assumptions of theorem 8 each @ , with an infinite J is expressible as a Boolean polynomial in the quantifiers
x,fl (n)
J .
J .
( n , m = 1 , 2 , ...) and the form of this
polynomial is independent of J . It is not true, however, that under the assumptions of theorem 8 the unlimited quantifiers @, ...,@ are necessarily definable in terms of 3,Y . For let Q be the unlimited quantifier such that Q,=E for infinite I and Q,=I7 for finite I . If Q1=3, Q=V, I
Qa==Q'= ...=Q'=Q, then the assumptions of theorem 8 are satisfied but Qa, ...,@ are not definable in terms of 3 and V .
[591, 28
6. The monadic calculus. Let (SM) be the subsystem of (S) whose formulas contain only monadic functional variables (i. e., functional variables with one argument). (Sf) will denote the subsystem of (SM) whose formulas contain only the functional variables F, ,...,F,. THEOREM9. There are qiiantifiers Q', ...,@ such that the set of those formulas of (SM)which are satisfiable in a denumerable set is not recursive. P r o o f . For each set A of integers we denote by H ( A ) the set of integers p with the following property: there are n,,n2,...,n, in A such that n, ?L, ... np c A . We shall show the existence of an A such that the set H ( A ) is not recnrsive. Since there are only denumerably many recursive sets, it is sufficient to prove that there are more than so sets of the form H ( A ) and this results immediately from the lo). Z f A , is the set of integers 1,2,23,2e ,...,F",... then H ( A , ) LEMMA # H ( A , ) for arbitrary subsets A , , A , of A,, such that A , # A , and 1 A , , lcAz. Indeed, assuming that p = Z3" c A , - A , we have 23"c H ( A , ) for 23"=1+1+ ...+1 and 1 c A , . From p c H ( A 2 )it would follow that in A , there are integers n o , n l ,...,np (?z,
+ + +
[ ( ~ X ) s i ( X ) lA
[(Q"X)%(X)l A *** A A [ ( Q 3 x )s n ( X )I A [( Q3x )( %(X)
-*. V S A X ) ) 1 .
10) The proof of this lemma has been kindly communicated to me by J. Mycielski. I t remains an open question whether there are recursive sets A such that H ( A ) is not recursive.
WI, 29
It is evident that this formula is satisfiable in a denumerable set I if and only if n is in H ( A ) ; this proves that the set of formulas of (SM) satisfiable in I is not recursive. Theorem 9 is thus proved. It follows of course from this theorem that there are quantifiers Q', ...,Q' such that the set of formulas of (SM) true in a denumerable set is not recursive. The characterization of quantifiers for which the set of true formulas of (SM)is recursive remains an open problem. In the next theorem we give examples of non-trivial quantifiers satisfying this condition: THEOKEM10. Let m, <mz < ...<ms be s cardiitals such that m,, ...7m, are infinite and m, either is 1 or is infinite. Let Q',Qa, ...,@ be quantifiers such that for each I {Q!(F) =
v 1 = (B> m,),
j = 1,2,
..., S .
Then the set of true formulas of (SM)is recursive''). R e m a r k . If r n l = l , thenQ1=3; if mz=H,,, then Qz==-S; if m3=nl, then Q"= P. The proof of theorem 10 will be based on some lemmas: (a) Quantifiers @ satisfy the equations
(b) If Zl,...lZn are formulae of (S) containing the free variabb xi and if Wl, ...,Wn are formulae of (S) not containing xi, then the formula (@Xi)[(ZiAWl)V...V (Zn Awn)]
i s true.
= [w, A (@xr)z11 v ...v [Wn A (@xi)zn~
We abbreviate the left-hand and the right-hand side of this equivalence as L and R respectively and denote by I an arbitrary set and by M an I-valuation. Finally we denote by F the propositional function on I with the support {i} such that
F (Yi,Yz,...)= valM~~,y,d(Zi A WI)V
v ( z n Awn)]
and by Fh and Gh ( h = 1 , 2 , ...,n) propositional functions on I with supports {i} such that Fh(yi ,%,...)=vazM(i,~s.l(zh) 9 '%(?/I
11) This theorem gresenta a generalization of the classical theorem of Lowenheim. For our proof sea Hilbert-Ackermann [2], p. 101.
[W, 30
Since wh does not contain x i , ahhas a constant value Now we have P ( Y I , Y z , . - ) = [ WAI ~
and hence, by (a),
~ ~ M u . Y ,V...V ~ ~ I [)%]A
= [WIA PI(?/, 9 Ye, **.)Iv
?oh= v a l M , ( W h ) .
valMf(L) =d,(F)=d,(m,A F ~ ) v . . . v ~ , ( w , A P ~ ) .
Similar calculations yield v a l d R ) = [ W , A Q : ( F J l V...V
It remains ttius to verify that wh A @ ( s ) = @(FhA wk). But this is evident if w h = V and follows from (a) if W h - A . Lemma (b) is thus proved. Let Fl, ...,F,, be n monadic functional variables. We put A ~ , i , . , m = ( @ x ) [ F ~A( x...) AF?(x)] where, as before, F:(x)=F,(x) and F:(x)=-F,(x) and denote by %(xl,...,xm)the least class of formulm that contains the formulas Fk(x,) and A{p..,m( h = 1 , 2 ,...,n, j = 1 , 2 ,...,8, 1=1,2 ,...,m, i , = O or 1 for t = 1 , 2 ,..., n ) and that satisfies the condition: if 8,,Z2 are in R(x,, ...,x,), then 80 is ZllZ2. We do not exclude the case m=O. In this case we denote the class simply by R; of course R contains only closed formulas by means of the stroke. built from formulas (c) For each formula Z of (SM)containing xl, ...,xm as it8 unique free individual variables and F,, ...,F,, as its unique functional variables there is a formula U in R(xl, ...,x m ) auch that the formula Z - U is true. Fmmula U can be found explicitly if Z i s explicitly given. If Z contains no symbols Q', ...,Q', then the assertion of (c) is erident. Let us assume the validity of (c) for formulas containing at most p - 1 of these symbols and let Z contain p of them. It is clear that the lemma will he proved in general if we show that it holds for the case when Z has the form (Q/x)Z,with Z, in %(x,,...,x,,x). From the definition of this c l a s it follows that Z, can be represented in the form of a logical sum of formulas F:'(x) A ... A Flf.(x)A W with W in R(x,, ...,x,,,). Using (b) we obtain therefore an U in R(xl, ...,x,) such that the formula Z = U is true. We now have to find the criterion of truth for formulas in %. This criterion will be expressed by means of some auxiliary notions.
Let @ be a Boolean polynomial in the variables a:,,..i, (j= 1 , 2 ,...,s, i,= 0 , l for t = 1 , 2 ,...,m). A function y assigning the values V, A to these variables is called an allowable valuation if j+1
I Y(
for j = 1 , 2 ,...,8 - 1 , i , = O , l for t = 1 , 3 ,...,12. The number of allowable valuations is obviously finite. We shall say that @ has the property (T) if each allowable valuation gives it the value V. (d) A formula Z in % is true if and only if it results by a substitution for u ; ~ . from . ~ ~ a Boolean polynomial with property (T). of I I n order to show this lemma we first assume that @ has the property ( T ) and that the formula Z resulting from @ by the substitution described in the lemma is not true in a set I. If M is an I-valuation such that v d ~ ~ ( Z ) = rthen \ , the function y (a;,...i,) = vatwI(&
is an allowable valuation. Indeed, if v a Z M f ( A { ~=. ~V,m ) then the set x tlhe formulo of elements 2 in I such that [ F , ] M , . . . , [ F n ] M ,satisfy F>(X)A ...AF>(x)in I has the cardinal number > m j + l ; hence this car= V. The allowable vadinal number is >mi and hence VUZ,,,~(A:,,,,~~) luation y gives t.0 @ the value caZMf(Z)against the assumption that @ has the property (T). Let us now assume that Z results by the substitution described in the lemma from a polynomial @ without the property (T). We are going to define a set I and an I-valuation such that v a Z M f ( B ) = A . To this end we consider 2" disjoint sets X;l.,.jm each of power nr,. If j=ji,...i, is the great,est integer < s such t h a t y(a;l,,.in) ==V, then we remove from Xil,..jmas many elements as to leave it set Xi,...i of power mi. Now we take as I the union of all set,s Xil,,.imand define an I-valuation M by t,aking as [ x j l Man arbitrary element of I ( j = 1 , 2 , ...) and as [F& the union of those Xil...infor which i 4= 0 ( k = 1 , 2 , ...,n ) . It is easy to see that and hence
{valM(h,ydF:(xh)~ ... A F > ( x ~ )=] V 1 - ( y -
= V } = ( X i, E
Lemma (d) is thus proved.
> mj> >j} 5
{mjil,,,im 2 mj} =
[591, 32
Theorem 10 results immediately from lemmas (c) and (d) since the set of polynomials with the property (T) is recursive. We conclude with a discussion of the systems ( S r ) with n = 1 , 2 , ... In contrast to theorem 9 we have the following THEOREM11. For eaoh n > l the set of h e formulas of ( S r ) and the of formulas of (Sf) which are true in any given set I are recursive. Proof. Let the m= 2" constituents F:'(x)A... AF?(X) be denoted by S,(x), ...,S,(x). Each Boolean polynoniinl W ( x ) in F,(x),...,Fm(x) which does not vanish identically has a %anonical representation" Sk](X)v Skp(X) v
...v S k , ( X )
which is unique up to the order of summands. We put and
(a) Z f A and I) are formulas not containing the free- variable x and M(x) and N ( x ) are fwmulas in which x occurs free, then the equivalences (Q'x)[( AA M ( x))V (B A N( x))]= {(-A v (A A -B
B A A:)
(Q'x)M ( x))v (A A
(Q'x ) N ( x))V
(Q'x) [M( x ) V Nix)])
A I) A
are true ( j = 1 , 2 ,...,s). Proof of this lemma in evident. Let us now consider a formula Z of the form Mo(X) V
[ci A Ni(x)l V .-.V [ c p A N p ( X ) I
where C,, ...,C, do not contain x. For each set i,, ...,i, of indices ( =O ,1) we denote by . 2. (x) the sum M0(x)vNi,,(x)v...vNik,(x) where k,, ...,k, .... are all integers k < p for which i k = O . Denoting by . V . the Boolean 1,.
sum over the sets of 2, indices we have ( b ) The equivalence (Q'x)Z= V [ C ~ ... AA@A(@x), il. ....i,
(x)l 1,
is true. We show this by induction on p . If p = 1, then we take in (a) A = ( Q ~ x ) F , ( x ) v-(Q'x)F~(x)=A,,B = c , , M(x)=M,(x), N ( x ) = N , ( x ) . If the lemma holds for the number p - I , then we take in (a) A = A , ,
WI, 33
B = C,, M (x)= M,(s) v [C, A N,( Y ) ] v ...v[CP-,A NP-,(x)], N ( x )= Np(x) and obtain the (true) equivalence
( Q ' x )=~C ~ (Qk){M,(x) A V [C,AN,(X)]
V ...V [C,-i
A NP-i(x)]}V
...V [ ~ , - I
V CiA (Q'x){[M,(x)VNp(x)]V[C]AN,(x)lV
A N,-I(X)]}
Lemma (b) results now immediately if we use twice the inductive assumption. We introduce now the class %(xi,...,8 , ) in much the same way as in the proof of theorem 10 (cf. definitions preceding lemma (c) on p. 30). The only difference is that we require from the present class %(xl,.-., x m ) that it should contain the s formulas A: and the s(2*"-1) formulas Ah instead of the former 2"s formulas A ~ l . . . iLemma ~. (c) of the proof of theorem 10 holds in the present case and will be referred to as lemma (c,,). I n order to prove this lemma it is sufficient to show its validity for Z having the form (Q'x)Zl where 8, is either the formula F I ( x ) ~ - F l ( x ) or the formula, [C,A skl(x)]V ...v[Cpr\Sk,(X)] with Ch independent of x. I n the former case it is sufficient to take U = A i and in the latter (c,) results immediately from (b). We introduce now the concept of a valuation allowable for a set I . This is a function y which assigns the truth-values to the s.22" formulas A; and A& in such a way that there exists an assignment of cardinal numbers mk to constituents sk(x) (k= 1 , 2 , ... , m )satisfying t'he conditions: 10 ml -tm 2 ...i-tll, = I , 20 if W ( x ) i s a Boolean poh~ibo~iial in F,(x),...,FJx) and
the cnizonicul representations
2'nik,, 2
where T J
W ( x ) uncl
then ? ( A & )
the fzinrtion uhic*h determines the qrtan-
tifier Q { . Of coiirse one of the sunis (15) disappears if W ( Y ) or -W(x) vanishes ident,ically; the corresponding sum of cardinals is then 0. Our clefinition w v t m the case when W is identically A if we agree that -4& is then to bt: iritoryreted as A:. This we do t c i t l y in the rest of the proof. (d) lf M is (in 1-valuation, then the functivn y ( A L ) = aaZ(A&) is nn nllo~~~cilile vuluation for I .
[591, 34
Proof. We set
&= E [ valhm,d,/(&(Xt))= v 1 7 rr/
k= 1 2
... ,m
and assign to &(x) the cardinal aumber mk=gk. The condition l o is obviously satisfied since the Rk are disjoint and I is their union. Now let (15) be the canonical representations of W ( x ) and - W ( x ) . We have then E [nal,w(t.x).r(W(Xi)) = V ] = R r , u ...w Rk, 7 xr/
E [~aZ~(M(,.x,,,(WCx,))=r\]=R~l~ ...w&,
and hence, by the definitions of section 2, y (A’w) = v a h d A’w = v a h I (( Q‘xJW
( xA)
This proves that y satisfies 2”. (e) For each valuation y allowable for Z there is an I-valuation M such that y(A&)=walM,(A’,) for each W . Proof. Let mk be the cardinal number correlated with the kth constituent S k ( x ) in accordance with conditions 10 and 20. Let further Z=R, u . . . ~ R , be a partition of I into m disjoint sets such that R k = mk (k= 1 , 2 , ...,m). W e take as [x& an arbitrary element of I ( i = 1 , 2 , ...) and define [F,IM as the union of sets Rk corresponding to constituents & ( x ) contained in F i ( x ) ( i = 1 , 2 , ..., n). It is then easy to show that (16)
(va~M~h,,,./(sk(xh))=v} {Y
If W ( x ) is a polynomial in F l ( x ) ,...,F J x ) and (15) are the canonical representations of W ( x ) and of - W ( x ) , then it follows from (16) that (DazM(~,y)./(w(X*))=v} -{YCRklu...uRkp} 9 ( z ) a z ~ ( h . y ) . , ( w ( x h ) ) = r \ }3
{Y R I , .*. ~ uR/,I 7
and hence, by the definition of the function val,
Since y is an allowable valuation, the right-hand side of this equation is equal to y(A&). Lemma (e) is thus proved.
P91, 35
We are now abie to prove theorem 11. Let I be a set. The set of formulas in R which have the value V for a single fixed valuation y is of course recursive and so is the set of formulas which have the value V for a finite set of such valuations. Since the set of valuations allowable for I is finite, it follows by lemmas (d) and (e) that the set of formulas in R which are true in I is recursive. By lemma (c,) for each closed formula Z of (S:) we can find effectively a formula in iTI which is true in Z if and only if Z is true in I. Hence the set of formulas which are true in Z is recursive, which proves the second half of the theorem. Now denote by R, the set of valuations allowable for I. The number of such sets is of course finite (since so is the set of functions assigning truth values to formulas A: and AL). Let 3 be the union of all different 3;s. Replacing in the previous proof the words “valuations allowable for I” by “valuations which belong to R”, we obtain the proof of the first half of the theorem. I n spite of its generality (or perhaps just because of its generality) theorem 11 has no practical applications. We illustrate this by means of the following example: let Q1,Q* be quantifiers such that for each infinite set I and for XCZ
{ Q : ( X )= V } =
{x 2s a prime},
{ Q : ( X )= V} = {*Thas the form 2*“ f l }
The problem whether the formula
I[(zx ) F W ~ (x ) F2( x )
is true in a n infinite set Z is equivalent to the famous number-theoretical problem whether there are more than 5 Fermat primes. It) is, however, impossible t o solve t,his probkm on the basis of theorem 11 in spite of the fact that theorem 11 asserts the existence of a finitary method for testing whether an individually given formula is or is not true in I. Such a test would indeed be possible if we knew effectively the recursion equations for the characteristic funct,ion of the set of formulas which are true in I. Unfortunately our proof of theorem 11 does not provide ur( with those equations. We have merely proved their existence (in a non-effective wag) and cannot therefore draw any practica,l consequence from our result. I*)
2 occurring
in this forninln denote quantifiers defiiied in tiectioii 2 ( b ) .
B. P. Halmos, Algebraic lo& (XI), Fund. Math. 43 (1956), p. 255-325. [2] D. Hilbert und W. Ackermann, Grtcndziige der thtoretieclren Logik, Die Grundlehren der mathematiwhen Wieeenschaften in Eimeldaretellungen, Bd XXVII, Berlin-Giittingen-Heidelberg 1949. [3] A. Lindenbaum und A. Tarski, tfber die BeschrcEnktheit der Auedmcekemitlel deduktiver Theorien, Ergebnisse eiuea mathematischen Kolloquiums 7 (1936), p. 15-21. [4] F. I. Mautner. A n ezkneion of Klcin’e Erlanger program: l h g i c ae invariant-themy, Amer. J. Math. 88 (1946). p. 345-384. [5] A. Mostowski, Development and applicatwne of the “projective” claseificatim of e d s of ilttegere, Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians 1954, vol. 3, Amsterdam 1956, p. 280-288. [6] Th. Skolem, tfber die Nieht-charakterieie7barkeil der Z a h h r e i h e ntitlels endlich oder abziihlbar u d l i c h vieler Aueragen mit aueechliePlich Zahhvariablen, Fund. Math. 23 (1934). p. 150-161. [7] A. Tarski. Der Wahrhcitebegrifj in. dcn formalieiden Sprachen, Stud. Philos. 1 (1936). p. 281-405. [8] - Introduction to 2ogic and to the methodology of deductive sciences, New York 1946. [Q] - Udecidable theoraes. Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics, Amsterdam 1953. [l]
Repu par la ReXaction le 23.10.1955
On computable sequences by
A. M o s t o w s k i (Warszawa) A real number a (0 < a <1) is said to be computable (cf. Robinson [9], Rice [S]) if there is a general recursive function p such that
(i) I a - p ( n ) , h l < l / n
This definition is equivalent to each of the follovhg ones’): (ii) There in a general recursive function y such that and
(iii) The relation R which p bears to q if and only if p / q < a is general recursive. (In other words the function 6 such that 6 ( p , q ) < l and { @ ( p , q ) = l ) = { p / q < a ) is general recursive %).) Several other equivalent formulations of (i) are known. Let us now pass from numbers to sequences. If we replace in the definitions given above a by ak and q,y,6 by P k , y k , & where the index k runs over integers and if we further require that these functions be general recursive in all variables (including “k”), then we obtain three definitions of what may be called computable sequences. It will be proved below that no two of these definitions and of a couple of others, which we shall formulate later, are equivalent. There is no doubt that of these various definitions the one which best expresses the existence of an algorithm permitting one to calculate uniformly the terms of a sequence with any desired degree of accuracy is that which corresponds to (i). The other definitions represent merely a mathematical curiosity. It seems to us, however, that the following circumstance deserves emphasis: if we replace in the definitions (i)-(iii) 1) The equivalence of these definitions has been first observed by Robinson [9]. Cf. further Rice [ 8 ] and Myhill [ 8 ] . *) These definition$ have been formulated by Mazur [3]. The definition given by Rice [HI is equivalent to the first of these definitions.
[601, 38
of computable numbers the general recursive functions q,y,8 by the primitive recursive ones, we obtain definitions which are not equivalent t*o each other and the logical relations which hold between those definitions are exwtly the same as the logical relations which hold between the definitions of computable sequences in which general recursive functions are used (cf. Gpecker [lo] and PBter [7], p. 185 seq.). It remains an open problem whether this is a coincidence or a special case of a general phenomenon whose causes ought to be discovered. 1. In what follows we shall use lower case Roman type to denote integers 2 0 and lower case Greek type to denote general recursive functions. Sequences of real numbers are denoted by symbols { a k } where ak is the kth term of the sequence. We assume once for all that 0 < ak <1. We introduce several classes of sequences ”):
c 4 - 2 n ( { [ ~ ( p , q , k ) = l ] ~ ” P / q < a k l } [ z l t ( p , q
c, -C
n P.9.k
( { K ( P ,q, k)=
11= [PIQ> ~ ~ I H U ,q,Pk) 11)
C P.%k
LEHMA 1 9 . If lak-Al(n,k)/&(n,k)l < p , ( n ) / h ( n ) for n,k= 1 , 2 , ... and lim pl(n)/pz(n)=O, then { a d E C,. mdo
P r o o f . For an arbitrary n there is a t such that pl(t)/p2(t)
,k) for k l , 2 we obviously have I
I l ( v( n )
- a,(
12, k)/02(I t ,
If q ( n , k ) is the integer nearest to nu,(n,k)/u,(n,k),then q~ is a general recursive function and Inu,(n,k)/a,(n,k)--p(n,k)]<1/2. Combining the inequalities thus obtained we have lak-q(n,k)/nl < l / n and hence {ak)E C,.
1) We UBB symbols 2, fl, V, *, J and = as synonymous with the words “there is”, “for every”, “or”, “and”, “implies” and “is equivalent to”. The dot denoting conjunction is often omitted. ‘) This lemma is due to Mazur [3].
THEOREM1. C,CCz,CCl for eaeh p > l . P r o o f . The formula c3CC,, is evident. If { a k } c C l p , then
z a L= p - x z y ( n ,k)zpx-n + G X
2 y (n ,k jp-". m
n=x+1 X
The function a ( z , k j = [ p 4 X z y ( r L , k ) z p x - n is ] obviously general re"=l
cursive and satisfies the inequalities I m k - a ( z ,k)l
<1 +G
2 y ( n ,k ) p - " < 1 + z i p x . m
On account of lemma 1 this proves that THEOREM2. C,CC3 arid C,CC,. Proof. If { a k } c C , , then
{ak} c
These equivalences prove that the function a ( q , k ) = [ @ k ] is general recursive. Wow we put S ( l , p , k ) = a ( p , k )7 501 + l , P , k ) = a ( p " + ' , k ) - p a ( p " , k ) , and easily obtain
ak=z [ ( n , p , k ) / p nand S ( n , p , k )c p . m
If { a k }E C , , then we denote by ( a ) the least integer x for which c + 1 > a and obtain
{xu=( q a k ) }= {.c= min(y + I >yak)}
Y r q
min ( ~ ( + y 1 ,q , k ) = 0 ) ) . Y-4
Thus the function a ( q , k ) = ( q a k ) is general recursive. Defining [ in the same way as above we obtain the desired function. THEOREM3. If p , q > ' l and a power of q i s divisible by p , then CZ,
c CPP.
P r o o f . Assume that s p =
and { a k }z Czq and let
a k = = z v ( n , k ) / q n where
We put
=c + "0
~ ' ( jk ,)
ly ( 1
,k ) qno-',
j = 0 1 , 2 , . ..
[601, 40
and define by induction the functions yo end e as follows:
EYW ,k )is]=
V V ,k ) - Q o ( 1 ,k )= e ( 1 ,k) ,
Yo( 1 7 k)7
[(v'(j,k) +n"Oe(i,k))/s/+'l=tY,(j+ 1 , k )
v ' ( j , k ) a""e(i,k)--R1+'y0(j
e ( i +1 , k ) .
It follows from these definitions that e ( j , k ) is the rest of a division of an integer by 8 ) and hence e ( j , k ) c s j . We shall show that y o ( j ,k )
Y ' ( 0 ,k) >Qo(
which on account of the formula q"o-l=
( q - 1)(Po--'
+ q"o--2 + ... + 1) > Y'(j ,k )
proves that p = 8 p > s y o ( l , k ) . For j > 1 the required inequality results from the identity Y'(j,k)
+ n""e(jtk)= -~'+%o(j + 1 tk! + e ( j+ 1 ,k)
by means of the following calculations:
8j+lyo(j 1 , k )
- 1)
It remains to prove that
2 Wo(n P ) / P " . 00
I n order to obtain this formula we shall first prove that I
The verification of this formula for j = 1 is immediate. Assuming that it holds for an integer j we obtain I ak
= C y , ( n , k ) / p " + e(i,k)iq'"o +V'(i,k)/@+""0 n-1
2 y'(n,k)/P+''"o 00
[601, 41
= Z v o ( n ,k)/p"-I-8"+%0(j n-1
+ 1, k ) / ! ~ + l-hI-e ( i + 1 ,W/!P+~" + + 2 w'(n,k)/P+'k n-l+l
= Z v o ( n , k ) / ~ + e ( i + l , k ) / n O + l ) " ofv'(%k)/@+lM@. + n-1+1
The formula is thus proved for an arbitrary j. It follows from this formula that
Z y o ( n , k ) / p . <8'/q'n0+(~-1)Zq-(n+1r.=p-l+p-1"., a-1
which proves that
{ak} c
a. We shall now show that inclusions in theorems 1-3 cannot be replaced by equations. THEOBEM 4. C,# C,, for each p > 1. Proofs). In order to facilitate the reading of the subsequent formulas we first give an outline of the proof. Let X , , X , be two disjoint recursively enumerable sets which cannot be separated by means of recursive sets (cf. Kleene [l]). The problem whether k f X t is equivalent to the problem whether there exists an integer y such that ar(k,y ) = 0 ( i = 1,2). We now define a rational number ak= lim ak,, in the following manner: c m
For B given n we test the infegers y < n and try to find among them the smallest integer for which al(k,y)=O or %(k,y)=O. If there is no such y, then we put a k n = l / p - l / p n . If t k is the least y < n such that a,(k,y)=O then we put a k n = l / p ~ l / p t ~ +where a we take the sign < l / p O r Qk > l / p if k c x, and the - sign if k c X,. It is evident that according as k c X, or k f 1,. Hence the first digit in the development of a& on the scale p is 0 for k c X, and 1 for k f X,. The development of ak on the scale p cannot, therefore, be recursive. We now give 811 exact proof. Let al,a, be general recursive functions such that k c X t [at(k ,y ) = 01 and let
=z Y
pt(k,n)=min (l,minat(k,z)), i = 1 , 2 , z
yl(k,n)=min(,9t(k,z)=O), i = 1 , 2 , z
The proof was already sketched in Mostowski [4]. We give here a detailed
[601, 42
6 ( k ,n)= (p" -1)
+ [l- p1(k,n)][1 +pn-'-Ydk*)1 + [l- B3(k,n)][l- p-l-ncb)], = lim (8 ( k ,n)/p"+'} . Ilk
I f k E XI,then there is a least 8 1 k such that q(k,81k)=O and there 8 such that ~ ( k , s ) = O . Hence p1(k,y)=1 and yl(k,y)=O for y<81k and pl(k,y)=O and yl(k,g)=83k for ~ ( > 8 ~ kfinally ; B,(k,y)=l &d y 2 ( k , y ) = 0 for all y. It follows that if *>elk, then d ( k , n ) = p " - l + $- 1 + pn-l-*l k = p" + p"-l-Q and hence a k = l / p + l/p"l k + % . If k E XP,we similarly find l l p -l/p*k+* where 8sk is the least 8 such that %(k,8%k)=0. If k # X,WX,, then p,(k,y)=p,(k,y)=l for all y and hence Qk=p-'. ThuR = p-' + &kP-'k-' where &k = 1,0, -1 aCCOrding a8 k E XI, k x , ~ x ,k,c X , and where t k is an integer 20. We shall now show that { a h } E C,. From the definitions it follows that
i s no
ak - 6 ( k n)/pn+l= &kp-'r-P -p-n-1-
[1 - pl( k n)][p-*-1+ p-*- [1
- 6( k ,n)/p"+' = - p-"-l. then tk=8ik and
ak-6(k,n)/pn+1= p - s i r s - p-n-1-p-n-1 If
- 1 and
7 '8 < & k ,
ak-6(k,n)/pn+1= -p-%t-z+p-n-1,
whence If E k = - 1
0 < a k - 6 (k7 n)/pn+'
ak-6(k,n)/pn+1= - p - m r * -
p-n-I -p-m-l
+p-slk-8= -2p-"-1.
Thus for all k and n
I ah - 6 ( k 7n)/pn+11i tLp-n-I, which proves that
{ah} E
- p2(k ,n ) ][p-n-l -p-z-~dkfl)].
then ,t?,(k,n)=,t?,(k,n)=l and hence Clk
[601, 43
The assumption that {ak}c C,, l e a to a contradiction. Indeed, if OD
z p ( k , n ) / p n , then y ( k , l ) = O for k
X, and p ( k , l ) = 1 for k X,.
The sets XI,& are thus separated by the set E[p(k,l)=O] and hence p cannot be B recursive function. TIiEomM 5. I j 7u) power of q ie di&ible
by p , then Cr,c#Cs,.
The idea of this proof is as follows. We develop l i p on the ecale q
and show first that 0 < x ( n) < q for infinitely many n. Let nl,n,, ... be a sequence of (not necessarily JI)values of n which satisfy this inequality. We now consider the same sets X , , X , and functions a,,% as in tho prea
vious proof and put a*= zy(k,n)/qn where y ( k , n ) = x ( n ) except when n-1
is the first term nh of the sequence nl,ns, ... such that a 1 ( k , h ) = O or % ( k , h ) = O . In this exceptional case we put y ( k , n ) = x ( n ) F l according as al(k,h )= 0 or %(k ,h) = 0. It follows that a k < l / p for k E X,and a* > l i p for k E X,,and hence the development of a k on the scale p is not recursive. The exact proof runs as follows. We may assume that for infinitely many n x ( n ) > O . Since the development of l / p is periodical, we can represent l / p in the form 7)
...+ x ( n , + s ) / ~ + ' i
iip=x(i)/q+...+x(n,)iq"o+ Zlq-IS[x(n,+i)iplo+l+ I-1
where % ( n o + ] )..., , x ( n , + s ) form the period of the development. In view of the assumption made above not all integers % ( n o + ] ) ..., , x(n,+s) vanish. If All of them were = q - 1 we should have l / p = x ( l ) / q + . ..+x(n,)/q"o+l/q*o
where x(n,)
(since the period begins after the n,th term). Thus
l / p = {%(l)n""-'+ ...+%(no- l ) q + [ x ( n o ) l l l / n n O
would be divisible by p . It follows that there is an integer r, l < r < s , such that o<x(n,+jr)
j = 1 , 2 , ...
(601, 44
Now let a i , P i , y i ( i = 1 , 2 ) be the same functions that we considered in the proof of theorem 4 and let tu(k,n)=
+ (-1)'
rln - n o , ~ , ( k , ( -nn o ) / r )= 0
and ( n - n o ) / s = y i ( k , ( n - n o ) / r ) in all remaining cases,
It iS obvious that {a&}E Cnr. We shall Show that {a&}6 czp. If k r X , and slk=min[a,(k,y)=O], then P , ( k , n ) = l for all
y , ( k , n ) = O or 1 according as n<sl& or n > s l k . From the definition of the function 1y it follows that
for for
n#n0+s.slk, nI-n,,+s.s,k,
and hence a&= l i p - l / q r w If k X, and
min [ a , ( k , y ) = 01, then
. k # X,UX,, then we find fiimilarly that a&= l l p + l / @ =If Y
Suppose now that a&=
m .~
11(k,n)/pn where
2 I(k
A( k,n )
pa&=A( k, 1 ) f
12 $. l ) / p n
and we obtain 1 ( k , l ) = l for k e X , , t ( k , l ) = O for k e X , . It follows that the function 1 cannet be recursive. I n order to express conveniently the content of theorems 3 and 5 we denote by p , , p , , ... the sequence of primes and by 2, the set of j's such that p j l p . The class of all sets 2, is identical with the class of all finite sets of integers. From theorems 3 and 5 we obtain the following CORQLLARYI. The family of classes Czp ordered by the relation of inclwion is similar to the class of all sets 2, ordered by the same relation. Another corollary from theorems 1 and 5 is COROLLARY 11. C2,#C, for each p > l . Indeed, C,CC,, for each p > t and no class C,,, is contained in the common part of classes C z p , p = 2 , 3 , ... THEOREM6. C,#C,#C,. P r o o f . Let u be a recursive function such t h a t the set
1601, 45
is non-recursive 6 , and, for i= 1 , 2 , 1ec k 4 Z, k r Z , s=min[a(k,n)=O].
~ ~ ~ + ( - - 1 f / 2for ’
The assumption that {a:’}
C, leads to a contradiction since
k E Z I{a;’ < l/2} E {[(1,2, k ) = 1 ) .
Similarly {a:)}
C , is impossible since we should then have
k Ez=
It remains to prove that {at)} E C, for i = 1 , 2 . We put yl(l,2m)=nh-l, y2(1,2m)=w, yl(n,2m+l)=m
y,(ii,2m)=2m-l y2(n,4m)=0
and i = 1 , 2 .
It is obvious that m
We shall show that there exist primitive recursive functions l i ( n , p,s) such that for i = 1 , 2
n < (s - l);lg2p,
l i ( n, p , s )= y,( n , p ) .
I n order to prove this we distinguish two cases: m
Case I. p = 2 m . We put 1 / 2 ” = ~ , 9 ( n , p , s ) / p nwhere n-1
fl is
recursive and fl( n , p , s ) # 0 for infinitely many n. If no is the least n for which ,9(ii,p,s)fO, then no>s/lg2p. On putting li(*”p
y i ( n , p ) ( - 1 ) ’ ~ ( n9 8,) ~
we obtain functions satisfying (1) and (2). The verification is immediate; we remark Only that the inequality 0 < & ( l , p , s )< p follows from the fact that ,9(1,2m,s)< m-1, since otherwise we should have 112’ > fl( 1,2m,s)/2m> m/2m= 1/2.
@) The existencr of such a function ha8 been established by Specker [lo].
1601, 46
Case 11. p = 2 m - 1. Evidently there are primitive rwursive fuiictions I, satisfying (1). We show that ( 2 ) is sutoniaticnlly satihfietl. In deed, if no is the leabt integer for which the conclusion of ( 2 ) fails, then
I 2 [I#(%,P ,s)-
1 /2' =
Y,(lL 7 P)l,'P"
> Im
p ,s) I 'P"0 -
- J.t(n0,
-v I m - I,(n ,p ,s)1 'P" L
1I / p *
1,P"O - (m,Ip%+l)
= 1 2p"o ~
whence n,>(s-l)'lg,p. Now we put
If k d Z , then &(n,p,k)=yi(n,p) for all n and hence m
If k c Z and sk=min[a(k,uj=O], then according to (3) F , ( n , p , k ) = y i ( n , p ) for 8k>Itlgpi+1.
Formula (2) proves that for these values of n we have also y,(n,p)=I,(n,p,ek). Hence
E , ( n tp k) = l i ( n , p y s k ) . The same equation holds for the remaining values of n as we immediately 8ee from (3). Formula (1) proves therefore that (4) holds also in the present case. From (4) we immediately obtain {at'} c C, and theorem 6 is thus proved. THEOREM7. C , - G, # 0 # C, - C, . Proof. Let e be a primitiQe recursive function such that the set
belongs to the class &? but not to the class 62;' for all k and z'). Put,
and that e ( k , s ) G I
The existence of a function e with these properties has been established by Markwald [2] and Mostowski [ 5 ] . 7)
1601, 47
We shall show that
{ak} E
c5. Indeed,
( q ! / n ! ) e ( k , n<)q l [ l / ( q + l ) ! + l / y q t
a)! +...I
we obtain
The conrerse implication being obvious, we obtain the equivalence
and hence {pie>&} = { [ ( p , q , k ) = 1) where
6(p,rl,k)=sgn[p(q-1)--(*!/n!)p(k,n)]. n-1 If {ak} were in C,, we should have the equivalence {ak
is mtional) - C [ ( p / q < a ~ ) ( p / q ~ a L ) 1 - C [ [ ( p , q t k ) = 8 ( p , p , k )= 01. P.4
Since k E z if and only if ak is rational, the above equivalence would prove that 2 is a recursively enumerable set. Hence { a k }E C, - C,. Now we put a;= 1- a*. Since
{plq a k } = {C(y - p , q , k ) = I } , we obtain {a;} E C,. On the other hand {ai} 6 C, since { k . Z}={a; ~ is rational}. Theorem 7 is thus proved.
8. Let
2f(k,n)/p 01
and let g and h be functions such that
{ P / q < a k } { g ( p , q , k ) = 1) and { p i n > ak}= { h ( p , y ,k)= 1). w e know from theorems proved in sections 1 and 2 that if { a k } E C,, then the functions f , g , h do not need t o be general recursive. We shall prove here two theorems which characterize to a certain extent the nature of these functions.
[601, 48
THEOREM 8 defined by means
{ak} 6
of the
C, if and only if the ternary relations R, and Requivalentes
R + ( p , q l k ) :P/q are recursively enumerable. tl/tZ, then Proof. If l~k-q(~&lk)/tZl
R*(p,q,k)-=C[piq> c c p ( ) z l k ) : t t * lin] n
and hence relations Rk are recursively enumerable. Assume now that R*(P , q , k ) " C A * ( P 1q 1 LlZ) n
where A & are recursive relations. We shall construct a general recnraive sequence of intervals I n k = (qk(n)/3",yk(n)/3") whose lengths tend recursively to 0 m d such that ak61nk for each n and k. The plan of this construction is as follows: We start with the interval I,k= ( 0 , l ) . Let us now assume that I n k is defined for a value of n. We subdivide it into three equal parts lyi=
Such an integer x exists since if a k
qk(o)=o, (5)
= (min)[A-(Zqk(n)+yk(n),3"+',klx) vA+(qk(n) 2Yk(n)13"+'1 X
Vk(n 8)
+yk(n) i
3yk(n) qk(n) 2yk(n) i pk(tL) ayk(n) 9
Thia theorem is related to but not identical with a theorem of Myhill [6].
WI, 49
This kind of definitions does not lead outside the class of general recursive functions if the min-operation in (5) is effective, i. e., if for each n there is an x satisfying the condition given in (5). In order to show this we first prove that Pk( n)/.?" < ak
For n = O these inequalities are evident. Let us assume their validity for an n and consider the intervals
is in one of these intervals. If it is in 121, then we have case ( 7 ) and hence p?k(n + 1 ) = 3 F k ( n ) , y k ( n + I ) = P k ( n ) + 2 v k ( n ) , which proves that (9) is true for the number n f l . If ak is in 1f2, then we have rahe (8) and we prove similarly that (9) is true for the number n + 1 . Finally if ak is in Ijak), then (6) is satisfied and we again obtain (9) for the number n + l . Since
+ I)= 2pk(n)+
f1 ) =
T&(n) 2yk(n)7
the formula pk(n + 1)/3"+' < ak
n)7 3""~ k)
R+( v k (
+ 2vk(
3"+', k,
Hence the min-operation in (5) is effective and @,p?,yare general recursive.
1601, 50
From the inductive definitions of these functions we obtain O < y & ( n + l ) - - k ( n + 1 ) < 2 [ y & ( n ) - - & ( n ),l
whence 0
I a* --vdfl)/3"1<W 3 Y . According to lemma 1 this formula proves that { a r }E Ci.Theorem 8 is thus proved. TEEOREM9. If { a r } E C,, then the relation R defined by means of the equivalence R ( m ,n , p ,k) = {m = [pnarl1 belongs to the smallest field of sets generated by Py'. Proof. If lak--p(n,k)/lzl
R ( m , n , p ,k) = {m
+ 11 = { 2 [pnfa?(y,k)+1)
From theorem 9 it follows that if { a k }
where f is a function obtainable by multiplications and subtractions from functions whose graphs belong to the smallest field of sets generated by recursively enumerable sets. 4. Let C$ be the class of primitive recursive real numbers a (0 < a 4) (cf. Specker [lo] and Peter [7], p. 185 seq.), the class of real num-
bers which possess a primitive
recursive development a=
2y ( n ) / p n "-1
( O < y ( n ) < p ) , C$' the class of real numbers a such that a = Z [ ( n , p ) / p " n=1
( O < E ( n , p ) < p ) for each p > l . Finally let C$ and C$. be classes of real numbers a (0 < a < 1) such that relations p / q S a are primitive recursive. THEOREM10. C$s c"*: C$=C$=C:. The first two inclusions were proved by Specker for p = 10. Changing slightly his construction we obtain a proof uslid for an arbitrary p > l . Since the next equation is evident, it remains only to prove that C$ = C$. If a= p / q , then a C$ and a E C$, we can therefore assume that a is irrational. The development of a on the scale p is given by the form
mula a= ZCF(n,p)/p"where E ( l , p ) = [ p a ] and 5 ( n , p )= [p"aI- p[p"-la] n-1
[601, 51
for n > l . If a c C,, then [p%] is a primitive recursive function of p and n and hence a s C,. If a C,, then l (1 , p ) is a primitive recursive function and hence p / q > a is a primitive recursive relation since { p / q > a } = { P >lqal) = { P > € ( l , q ) I . THEOREM 11. If p , q > l and a power of q i s divisible by p , then
c,c cp.
I n order to prove this theorem we repeat the proof of theorem 3 supressing the argument k in all the functions considered and assuming tp to be primitive recursive. It remains an open question whether a theorem converse to theorem 11 is also true. Another open question is whether C, is the common part of Cep ( p = 2 , 3 , ...) and whether C$ is the common part of C:,( p = 2 ,3 ,...). References [l] S. C. Kleene, A symmetric form of G6del’s theorem, Pndag. Math. 12 (1950), p. 244-246. [2] W. Markwald, Zur Eigenechaft primitiv-rekureiver Funktiomn, unendlich viele Werte anrunehmen, Fund. Math. 42 (1955), p. 166-167. [3] S. Mazur, Recursive alaalyeia (to be published). [4] A. Most owski, Development a d applications of the “projective” classification of sets of integers, Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians, Amsterdam 1954, vol. 3 (1956), p. 280-288. [5] - Ezamples of sets definable by means of two and three qzcantifiers, Fund. Math. 42 (1955), p. 259-270. [6] R. Myhill, Criteria for constructibilily of real numbers, J. Symbolic Logic 18 (1953). p. 7-10. [7] R. PBter, Recursive Funktionen, Budapest 1951. [8] H. G. Rice, Recursive real numbers, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 5 (1954),p. 784-791. [9] R. M. Robinson, Review, J. Symbolic Logic 16 (1951), p. 280-282. [lo] E. Specker, Nicht-tonstruktiv beweisbare Salze der Analysis. J. Symbolic Logic 14 (1949), p. 145-158.
Recu par la R&zction le 17. 11. 1955
On Recursive Models of Formalised Arithmetic by
A. M O S T O W S K I Presented
Yay 9, 1957
The aim of this paper is to prove a theorem on recursive models for axiomatic systems of arithmetic. It will be shown that under certain assumptions every such model is isomorphic with the s. c. classical model. 1. Let S be a consistent system of arithmetic with the primitive 2 ,j u 4 , y s , ..., where v j is the symbol for a function notions =, 0, 1, with p, arguments. The number of yj’s can be finite or infinite. We shall instead of 0, 1, f, 2 and abbreviate E - q = O a8 t < q , m i t e juo,pl,pz,p3 (6< q ) - ( t = 7j) as 5 (7, and - ( t = q ) as t f q . Let f 4 , f s , ... be primitive recursive functions such that f, has p j arguments. Let f o = O , f l = 1, f z ( a , y ) = x + y , f 3 ( a , y ) = z ~ y . We assume that the set of functions fj is closed, i. c., that all the functions which occur in the recursive equations for f j occur among the functions fk ( k # j ) . The system S is said to be adequate for the functions f j (j=0,1,2, ...) if it satisfies the following four conditions: I. All the tautological formulae of the ordinary first order logic with identity are theorems of S . 11. The following 9 formulae are provable in S :
(i) (iv) (vii) (ix)
then the formula
*) Formula I1 (ix) will not be Used in the proof of Theorem 1 below. It is, however, necessary t o include this formula in order to carry out proofs of Theorems 2 and 3.
[61], 706
( 3 q ){ ( q<&)[~](EI,
..., ' % * * * , E P , ) = ~ ~ }
is provable in 8. Most of the known axiomatic systems of arithmetic are d e q u a t e for all primitive recursive functions or a t least become adequate for them after introduction of suitable oymbols for functions to the80 systems. In section 3 we shall use the symbols A. defined thus: A, is 0, A n + l is ( A n ) 1. 2. A denumerable pseudomodel M of 8 consists of a sequence of distinct elements Z M = ( % a , z l a , ...), an assignment of a function X J with P J arguments to the symbol qJ ( j = O , l , ...) and of a binary relation S-M to the symbol =. It is assumed that the arguments of MJ run over the set Zh={ha,zw, ...}, that the values 6f M I belong to Zh and that the field of =M is Zb. (In the sequel we S h a l l omit the subscript h€ whenever pessible). A pseudomodel M is called a model of 8 if all theorems provable in 8 are true in M . A pseudomodel M is called recursive for the function-symbols q,, ...,q,,if the sets
ZtI 7
[ z k = MI ( z k l ,
a m recursive. A pseudomodel M is called classical if zk= k for k = 0, 1,2,..., M,= 0, MI= 1, h€,(s,y)= s y, Ms(x,y)' = 5 y. We shall denote by d(0) (or more precisely by 8(0, M)) the least integer k such that zk = M , , and we define inductively 8(n) by putting d(ni1)= (pm) [Zm = Mp(Z,q,,~,MI)]. Since ( k ,1 ) ( 3 m ) [ z m = M * ( Z,Z,)] ~ this definition is correct and the function 8 is recursive provided .that h€ is recursive for the function symbol q2. We put [ Z k ] = E [ z k - Z m ] and denote by Zh/= the set of classes [zk].
For each i we denote by MI/= the function from (Z&/=)m to Zi,/= defined thus:
Finally, we denote by M / = any model M. such that Z$=Zk/= and iK: =M,/a. 3. THEOREM1 *). There are six primitive recursive functwna f , , ...,f s with the fouocaing property: if 8 i a a syetem adequate for a cihed 8d of functions coniaining f,, ...,fe and M i s a denumerable made1 of 8 recurmve *) Theorem 1 which the author has known eince 1964 was also found independently and Simnlheounly by Kreinel. f i r having preaented thie paper to the Academy the author received 8 mimeographed paper by K r e b l entitled M i a t h d i d dgnifibM)os 01 c4muiutsncy proofs (Inetituta for Advanced Stndy, Princeton. Bfemh. 1967) in which a cloeely related theorem is proved in the aame'way 88 here.
[61], 707
for the f u n c l h symbols 'po,...,'p 8 , then HI= i s ~somorphicwith the elassical model. Proof. Let f 4 , f 6 be primitive recursive functions such that the sets x i = E [ ( w ( [ f i ( n , m ) =01 * ( P M P 9m)~[!#-i(n,p)#oll)] n
( i = 4 , 5 ) be non-separable by means of recursive sets [2]. We put for i=4,5
f i + i ( n , m ) = f l f i ( n , P )f, r + r ( n , d = f l { f r ( n , m ) pGm
Let f o , ...,fs,... be a closed set of functions (finite or not) containing fo, ...,fs and let S be adequate for these functions. From I, I1 (vii), I1 (viii), and IV it follows that the formulae
I ~ r + i ( ~ , t ) = O } E ( ~ r l ) [ ( r l ~ t ) " ' p i ( ~ , 9 ) = 0 1 ' (= 5 )W { (3 5 [~i(E,OZOl~)
( i = 4 , 5 ) are provable in S . From this, using I and I1 (v), we easily de-
duce that the formula
01 v ['ps(E,T) # 01
is provable in 8. Now let M be a denumerable recursive model of S . The relation defined by the equivalence
orders the set Z&+. This follows from I1 (iii), I1 (v) and I1 (vi). The element [zNO1] precedes all the other elements of Z&/= (cf. I1 (i))and no element of Z&/= lies between [zM,,)] and [ZN,,+I)] (cf. I1 (iv)). Hence, by II(ii), the elements [za@)], ...,[zMn)], ... form an initial segment of the set Zh/which is ordered by Q in the type w. From I11 we obtain e a d y that if n = f , (nl,...,n,,), then the eq. A n = p J ( A , ,...,A , , ) is provable in 8 and hence it is true in M, which proves that
Z N , , ) ~ ~ J ( Z N , , ) , . . . , Z ~i. ~ )e., ,
[ Z ~ , , ) ] = H , / - ( [ ...[ Z ~2-21). ~ ] , Thus, in order to prove the theorem, it is sufficient to show that there is no element zq in Z& such that (3)
M S ( z ~ , , , ) , z qM )- ,
for m= 0,1,2, ...
We shall derive a contradiction from the assumption that such an element exists. Let us consider the sets Ai ( i = 4 , 5 ) defined by means of the fprmuls. ( n ~ A i ) - [ ~ r + i ( ~ ~ ) , ~i =q4), 5~. ~ o l ,
From (2) it follows that these sets are disjoint. Since the model dl is recursive for the function-symbols 'pa,ps, the sets A,,& are recursive.
[61], 708
shall obtain the desired contradiction by showing that X f C A i ,
Let us assume that n E Xf, and let m be an integer such that ff(n,m)=O and fr-f(n,p)#O for p < m . From 111 we obtain the provability in rS of the formulae vf(A,,,A,,,)=0 arid ~ e - , ( A , , , A p ) # O ( p = 0,1, m, i = 4 , 6 ) . Since the equivalence (<
in 8 (by I1 (iv)), we obtain that the formula [vi(AniAm)=
01. ( 5 ) {(C
< A m ) Xv,-t(& ,C)f 011
is provable in 8, and hence (4)
[M d z N n )
. (P){[ Jf 3 ( z p
z J f O 1 2 r JIe-dzNn)
zp1 no?
From (1)it follows that (5)
{ 4714+1(z~,,),zq)
,zm) z
( E n &( )[ J f A Z m
Hole (PI {[ J f 3 ( ~ ipz m ) z J f o )
Mu1 *
3 [ J f d z M n ) z p ) non =Jfol}).
Formulae (3), (a), and (5) yield M4+I(~~n),~q)=riM0, whence n c At, and Theorem 1 is thus proved. 4. Let fol...,fo be functions of Theorem 1 and flo,...,fk such functions that the set f,,...,fk be closed. Let A be tlie conjunction of the formulae listed in 11-IV (for this particular choice of functions). The number of these formulae is evidently finite. We shall define a formula A*, which can be called a translation of A to the language of relations (as opposed to functions). The formula A* contains the identity symbol =, and k + 1 relational symbols R o ,...R k with p , + 1,...,pk + 1 arguments. With each term t(El ,...,t,,)occurring in A we correlate a formula Q7(t l ,...,t,,, q) by defining @t,(tj,q) as E j = q and @q,(m ....,zp,) (Ell...,tn,q) as ( 3 7 1 1 "'7
~ p , [@71(t1, ) " ' 1 En i ~ 1* * )* @%,,(El
a * * ,
q p , ) .Rdq1 i * * * ~i
p9 ,
by the forWe now replace in A each equation tl(El, . . . , & , ) = T ~ ( E ~ , . . . , & , ) ,q ) . @%,( &,...,t,,,q)] and define A* as the conjuncmula ( 3 7 )[@-( t1,...,t,, tion of the formula thus obtained and of the formulae ( t l , . . . , t p , ) ( 3 ! q ) &(€1,...,tp,,q).
It is clear how the models of A* must be defined. A model &I of A* is called classical if Z h is the set of integers, =r is the relation of iden,...,Sf),i = 0 , 1 , ...,k. tity, and M I is isomorphic with the relalion y = ff(xl T H E O m 2. If M* i s a recursively enumerable model of A* with Z b = {0,1,2,...}, then M*/= i s isomorphic with the classical model. Proof. Assume that M:(s, ,...,x R l y ) = ( 3 t ) p , ( x l,...,x p l , y , t ) with a recursive ef. Since M* is a model of A*, the following condition is satisfied: (Sl, ...,Z,,,)(3yt)@t(xl, ...,sP,,y , t ) , - which proves that the functions .wx1,
9 "P,)
= (PY
)Jfh "Pi Y 1 7 "'9
rwursive. From I1 (ix) it follows that the formula
is deducible from A*, hence that the relations equivalence (snon=Y)
~ ( 3 4 W z){Jf;(W).M:(~,z,t). 9
=, M,,
M , satisfy the
This proves that = is a recursive relation. From the definition of A* it is easy to see that the sequence (0,1,2,...) and the assignment = + =, vi-+M, determine a model M of A. By Theorem 1 the model M/= is isomorphic with the classical model, which implies that the model M*/= is isomorphic with the classical model. 6. We shall give an application of Theorem 2. Let V',V" be sets of Godel numbers of first order formulae (with identity) valid in all models which are: (a) recursively enumerable, (b) primitive recursive. R. L. Vaught raised the question, whether these sets are arithmetically definable. The answer is given in THEUREB~ 3. If V'EZCV", then 2 is not arithmetically definable. Proof. For a Godel number g of a closed first order formula @ with identity containing no predicate variables different from R,, ...,R k , we denote by f(g) the Godel number of - ( @ . A * ) . I f f(g) non 2, then it is not true that - ( @ . A * ) is valid in every recursively enumerable model; hence there is a recursively enumerable model M* of @ . A * . In view of Theorem 2, @ is true *) in the classical model. Conversely, if @ is true in the classical model, then @.A* is satisfiable in 8 primitive recursive model and hence f(g) non 2. We thus obtain the equivalence f ( g ) Z = g non C, where C is the set of Godel numbers of formulae which are true in the classical model. Since we can evidently assume that multiplication occurs among the functions f o , ...,fk alluded to at the beginning of section 4, we infer from the well known results of Tarski [3] that C and hence 2 are not arithmetically definable.
6. It remains an open question, whether there exist non-classical recursive models for the system H0 containing only the pimitive notions 0, 1, +, x, = in which all true w i t h m e t i d sentences are taken as axioms. A negative answer would follow immediately if one could show that the functions f o , ...,f* used in the proof of Theorem 1 have the property that relations y = fr(zl,...,q,,)are diophantine[l]. Indeed, if this w~ 0 (i=8,9) by the case we could replace in section 3 the formulae vr((,t)= (3L-I,
G 1 ,
*) i. e., satisfiable in the model in the way that 9 . ..J,,).
Y =r,czt
R, is interpmM
the mlation
where y, and 6,are polynomials, and the sets A,(j=4,5)
[61],710 by the sets
~ + Jobtained by superposing the functions Which inter where ! P ~ + J , @are pret in the model the b c t i o m 0, 1, x.
HEFE RENCES [l] M. Davis, Arithmetical problem8 and recursively mmerabk pr-, The Journal of Symbolic Logic, 18 (1963), 33. [2] c. Kleene, A uymmetric form of Mde1’8 t h m , Indagationes Mathematim. 12 (1960), 244. [3] A. Tarski, Der Wohshcitsbegriff in d m formaldeiertsn &‘prachen, S t u b Philosophica, 1 (1938), 261.
nr 0 8 T 0 IY H li I ( ~ \ - A ~ l ~ s A \ v )
W. Kinna and K. Wagner [l] have considered the following property of sets:
(E) there i s a function f which correlates with every subset A of a set A.
(a= 3 2 ) a nowvoid proper subset of
The main result of Kinna and Wagner states that a set with the property (E) can be ordered, whence it follows that the axiom (K) every set N has the propevty (E) implies the axiom (0)every set cati Be ordered. Kinna and Wagner have raised the question whether (K) and (0) are equivalent on the basis of the usual axioms of set-theory without the axiom of choice. The purpose of this note is to show that the answer to that question is negative. In [a] I have defined a model of the axioms of sat-theory in which (0)is true. Hence it is sufficient to show that ( K ) is false in this model. From [ 2 ] , 54 and 59, we easily see that the axiom ( K ) relativized to the model can be written thus: for every x e a + - - R there is a set f em+ with the following three properties: 1" f is a set of ordered pairs, 2" if y C x, y c % + - E , and if there are elements ti, v such that u e y , r e y , and u # v, then there is an element z such that ( z , y ) c f , A,, f x C y, and z f y, 3" I C (zl,y)ef and ( z 2 , y)ef, then x1 = z 2 . We diall now show that for x = K there is no f with the above properties which will show the fallacy of (I()in a+, since K e a + - K according to [ 2 ] , 110. Let us assume that there is in m+ a n element f satistying lo-3'. It follows from f em+ that there exists a finite set A C K such t h a t feR@+(,,, i. e., l p l , f l = f for all v e O + ( A ) ;cf. [ 2 ] , 39 and 83.
The set K is ordered by the relation in the order type 9 (cf. [23, 80). Let y = ( A m ,A,) be an open interval of R which contains no element of A. It is obvious that y e % + , y C x ( = K ) and that there are a t least two elements in y. According to 2' there is a z such that ( z , y)ef, A , f z , z c y, and z $. y. Let A,ez, Aqey-z. Now y can be treated as
an open interval of the set of rationals and A p , A, as two rational numbers of this interval. Hence there is an increasing mapping of y onto itself which transforms A p in A q . This mapping can be extended to a map= A , for A , lying ping vo of the whole I< onto itself by putting ~~(-4,) outside y. We have thus obtained a q , e @ + ( A )such that lq.~,, 21 # z since IvolzlcontainsAq.According t o 2 ° ( l ~ o , z l Iv,,yl)ef l and hence(\qo,zl,y)cf, 3 is which in view of the formula ( z , y)ef shows that condition ' not satisfied. This concludes the proof that axiom ( K ) is false in the model. Kinna and Wagner have also raised the question of the independence of the axiom of Ehoice from the axiom (K). This problem is incomparably more difficult than the problem dealt with in this paper. I t seems to me that +,hesolution of the second problem of Kinae and Wagner is beyond the scope of the methods known a t present. REE'ERBXCEB 111 W. K i u n a untl K . W n g n c r , t f b - r e i n e Sbschwcichutig des. Ausuuhlpostulates, Fundamonta Nntlirmatirae 42 (1955), p. 7 5 - 8 2 . [ 2 ] A. M o s t o w s k i , tfber die Unablarigigkeit dee Wohlortlnungssatzes vom Ordnungsprinzip, ibidem 32 (1939), p. 201 -252.
Eepu p a r la Re'daelion le 1 0 . 1 . 1958
Most mathematicians look with some suspicion at the analysis of the fundamental notions of mathematics. They find this analysis not interesting and rather futile. Such an analysis, however, is necessary for everyone who takes an interest in the philosophy of mathematics. Moreover, the history of modern mathematics makes it obvious that at least some results of this analysiy may be of decisive influence on the development of various branches of mathematics. Each analysis of general notions - whether mathematical or not mathematical - presupposes always some philosophical assumptions which may be either idealistic (in the platonic sense of the word) or nominalistic. The constructivistic trends in the foundations of mathematics are nearer to the nominalistic philosophy and I would even venture to say that they represent the nominalistic trend in the foundations of mathematics. This nominalistic character of constructivism is evident from the fact that its representants do not accept the general concepts of mathematics (numbers, sets, functions etc.) as given, but try to construct them, i.e., to define them in a way which is specific for a given constructivistic trend. This leads to the result that one can identify mathematical concepts with their definit,ions. I n spite of the deep difference between the basic assumptions of constructivistic and classical (i.e. platonic) trends, there are branches of mathematics in which theories, based on both assumptions, lead to entirely equivalent results. This is the case, e.g., for arithmetic of integers, whose classical foundation is given by Frege’s theory, and constructivistic, e.g., by the recent theory of LORENZEN [I13 in which an integer is identified with a symbol consisting of consecutive strokes. Both theories are mathematically equivalent. From the philosophical point of view the constructivistic theory is even more satisfactory than the classical one because it enables us to develop arithmetic without assuming the existence
[69], 179
of actually infinite sets, an assumption indispensable in the classical theory. One should not think that the constructivistic arithmetic of integers allows us to get rid altogether of the abstract notions of sets and functions. We are forced to reintroduce them aa soon as we come to a description of the process of counting. Indeed, counting consists in establishing a one-one relation between the counted objects and numbers. If the counted objects are symbols themselves, we can express the relation between them and the numbers again by means of certain symbols without departing from the nominalistic attitude; this is the approach describea by LORENZEN [ll]. No such device is possible if we want to count non-linguistic objects. For this reason i t seems to me that even tho constructivists must admit the existence of some abstract entities if not in pure mathematics, then necessarily in the description of procedures of applied mathematics. I shall not dwell longer upon this subject as it does not seem a very important one and lies outside the topics we are concerned with. Besides arithmetic of integers, arithmetic of rationals and arithmetic of algebraic numbers can also be satisfactorily reconstructed on a nominalistic basis. Theories obtained in this way are equivalent to the classical ones. From the historical point of view particularly interesting is the theory (due to Kronecker) of algebraic numbers, it had exerted an essential influence on the creation of modern abstract algebra. This is one of the examples which show the influence of philosophy of mathematics on mathematics itself. The essential difference between the constructivistic and the classical approach comes to light in theories whose universes are (classically) non-denumerable. To these theories belong, first, arithmetic of real numbers, analysis (i.e., the theory of arbitrary functions of real numbers), and set theory. One cannot expect here that classical theories will coincide with the constructivistic ones. Since symbols are (classically) denumerable, no theory which identifies real numbers, functions or sets with symbols can be equivalent to the classical theory. In what follows I shall describe some theories connected with the constructivistic foundation of arithmetic of real numbers and, in a less systematic way, with the foundation of analysis and
set theory. My conception of constructivism will be as naive as possible and will consist in the following. I shall consider theories of real numbers and real functions in which not arbitrary real numbers or real functions are considered but only numbers or functions which belong to a certain class specified in advance. According to the choice of this class, we shall obtain different theories of arithmetic and of analysis. Our choices of the initial class will not be arbitrary: we shall try to make the choice so that the elements of the chosen class satisfy certain conditions of calculability or effectivity. We shall start with stringent conditions and then loosen them gradually and we shall see that it is possible in this way to systematise a good deal of older and also of more recent work of constructivists. I shall pay no attention to the way in which the classes just mahtioned are defined and shall impose no limitations on methods of proof acceptable in dealing with numbers or functions belonging to these classes. This naive approach to constructivism is certainly objectionable from the constructivistic point of view. It does not represent a constructivistic development of a branch of mathematics but gives merely a glance on constructivism, so to say, from outside. The value (if any) of such an approach I see in the possibility of reviewing on a common background several of the simplest constructivistic conceptions ; but more refined ones and especially those which, like intuitionism, impose restrictions on methods of proof must necessarily be excluded from such a review. I n order to avoid repetitions I shall enumerate here all classes which I shall need later. I denote by I7: and Z: the arithmetical classes, i.e., classes consisting of sets
A( +zl)( -z2) ... (iz,)R(n,xl,..., xk) or A( - zl)( z2)... ( T z k ) R ( nxl, , ..., xk),
where R is a recursive relation, ( + z J and ( -zl)are general and existential quantifiers whose ranges are integers and “n” is a variable which runs over integers or finite sequences of integers. The sequence of classes II;,2; can be extended into the constructive transfinite, i.e., defined for values of k which denote ordinals < wl. I omit here an exact definition of these “hyperarithmetical” classes (it can be found, e.g., in (61 and [16]) and mention only that I7: and 2: are both identical with the set theoretical union
[69], 181
of clMses IT: (or g )for k < o . I shall further denote by D: and 2: the k-th andytical classes of KLEENE[6], i.e., classes of sets fi(+%)(-%)
.*.( F q k ) ( *
s)R(n,%(z), '.*)
@k(')Y qkk(z)y
where (& 9) are quantifiers, whose range are number theoretic functions. The intersection IT1 n Z1was shown by KLEENE [7] to be identical with the set-theoretical union of all hyperarithmetical clrtsses. Besides these classes, I shall also consider clwes whose elements are subsets of the Euclidean line or space with a finite number of dimensions. Fa and G, will denote the multiplicative and additive Bore1 classes and P k and c k the projective classes of Lusin. The same symbols IT;, Zj,F&,G,, P k , C, will be used to denote the classes of functions whose graphs belong to the classes defined above. Having thus fixed the basic terms let us proceed to a discussion of r e d number arithmetic. Let K be an arbitrary clam of number theoretic functions. With every such class we associate a class K of real numbers a which for every n satisfy the inequality (la- [ a ] /-f(n)/nl
[69], 182
with potentidy infinite ones. Viewed from such a radical standpoint, all elements of K,, are certainly admissible since they can be computed to any desired degree of aacuracy by repeating sufliciently many times one and the same algorithmic procedure. We aak now, whether the whole class K,, is admissible in the same sense? The answer is certainly negative because we have defined the clrtss K,, by means of the notion of a general recursive function; in our definition occurs thus an unlimited quantifier ranging over integers. The same remains true if we use other definitions of the clam KO.It is known for instance [17] that a E K,, if, and only if, there exist primitive recursive functions f, g, h such that la - [a] -f(n)/g(n)/< l/h(n)where h(n)
3 64
[69], 183
Now, let us consider classes K, of reals corresponding to the classes I72 n 22 of number theoretic functions. If we repeat for a > O proofs devised by MAZUR [ 5 ] for the case a = Q we infer that each K, is a real closed field. If a=ZJ(n)/lO" is an irrational number of K, such that the function f is recursive in no function g E II;, then a is not in K,. It follows that the fields K, and K, are distinct for /?
To construct suitable counter-examples for implications going
in the opposite directions we use disjoint sets of class Z: which are non-separable by means of I7: n C2-sets [18]. A detailed proof for a = O is given in [19]. From all possible classes K, the most interesting is the class K,. It is easy to see that it consists of all elementarily definable numbers, i.e., coincides with the universe of the constructive WEYL [ 2 6 ] . Numbers of K, are just those analysis of HERMANN numbers which would be accepted by a constructivist who, while not excluding all infinite sets, would nevertheless require that all such sets be reducible t o the set of integers. Similarly, as in the former case of class KO, the class K, is not definable by the sole reference to the set of integers [24]. Thus, though each separate number is acceptable for our constructivist, the totality of them is not. Before discussing further classes K I shall make a digression concerning an axiomatic theory of class K,.
[69], 184
It is well known that there exists a fairly natural mapping o f irrationals a (0 < a < 1) onto number theoretic functions
and, hence, onto infinite sets of integers. We let correspond finite sets of integers to rational numbers and thus we obtain a cgrrespondence between real numbers of the interval 0
[69], 185
theorem is, in general, false. For formulae (Ea)F(a),where F(a) is a formula all bound variables of which run over integers, the following result can be inferred from OBEY’Stheorem [20]: if a formula of this form is true in K,, then it can be proved from the axioms ( A ) by means of the so called Carnap rule. I shall still mention some meta-mathematical theorems conLet us assume that all axioms are open cerning the system (8). formulas (this can always be achieved by introduction of suitable constants and axioms into the system). Using Herbrand’s theorem we can show that, if a formula F ( X ) contains no quantifiers whose range are sets, and if the formula ( E X ) F ( X ) is provable in ( S ) , then there exist finitely many elementary formulas (i.e., formulas without set variables) A , ( z ) , ..., A,(z) such that the formula P(OA,(z))v ... v F(OA,(z)) is provable in (X). The minimal number n of formulas A , ( z ) is, in general, greater than 1. As an application we obtain that the comprehension axiom ( E X ) ( z ) [Es X = G(z)], is provable in (AS) if, and only if, there are elementary formulas A , ( z ) , ..., A,(z) such that the formula
(z)[G(z)= A , ( z ) ]v
... v (z)[G(z)= A,(z)]
is provable in (8). This gives us an idea of the difference between (8) and the classical (impredicative) set theory in which the comprehension axiom is assumed for arbitrary G(z). The above theorems show that existential statements in (8) are effective. No similar theorems hold for general statements. One can show that there exist formulas P ( X ) without bound set variables such that F($?A(z)) is provable in (8)for every elementary formula A ( z ) but at the same time the general staterpent (X)F(X) is not provable in (X). This phenomenon is similar to the wincompleteness of arithmetic. It may be added that it does not disappear upon extension of the fragment of arithmetic lying a t the base of (8)to a complete system. After these remarks I shall resume my review of various classes K which can be taken as a basis for the constructivistic mathematics. was considered As far as I know, none of the classes K, with a as a natural basis for any such mathematics. It seems that the class K with K = n ; n .Z; (the class of hyperarithmetic numbers) might represent an interesting and fairly natural dcqnain. The
[69], 186
calculation of decimal digits of a number a in K is reducible to problems of recognizing, whether a given primitive recursive ordering is or is not a well ordering. One could also investigate classes K, where K is one of the analytic classes n,!, Z,! of Kleene. Whatever the results of these investigations may be, they will not be particularly interesting to constructivists because the definition of analytic classes is non-finitary and involves quantifiers ranging over the whole classical continuum. Successive extensions which we spoke of suggest immediately relations to the ramified theory of types in which one studies similar extensions of the field of numbers. I n the ramified theory of types we start, e.g., with the field Ki=K, of general recursive numbers and extend it by assuming K;=uK; for limit ordinals ;1 and by taking for K&+,the class of all reals which can be defined by means of formulaa whose bound variables range over Kk. The universe of the type theory of Russell and Whitehead is K:.2, that of Weyl’s theory is K:. If we assume the axiom of constructibility we can prove that Kb coincides with the classical continuum. The comparison of the hierarchy of KL and classes K corresponding to arithmetical and analytical classes seems to be an interesting but difficult problem. A partial resuIt was obtained by Addison who showed that K:, is exactly the class of hyperarithmetic numbers. I n order to advance this discussion further one should decide, whether every set X E n: is or is not representable in the form ~ ( ~ p l ) P ~ ~2)~with ~ ~ RP ~~ recursive ~ ( ~ in ) Rpl. ~KLEENE ( ~ , [8] has shown that every set representable in this form belongs to I7: but his method of proof does not settle the converse implication. I shall mention still one problem, suggested by Ryll-Nardzewski : is it possible to prove without using the axiom of constructibility that Kb contains all real numbers constructible in the sense of GODEL [3]? If the anrswer to that problem were negative, we would have an independence proof for the axiom of constructibiliti. We shall now somewhat reshape our problems: instead of constructing new classes K we shall inquire about the structure of classes in which all axioms of classical arithmetic are satisfiedd It is easier to discuss this question for the fragmentary set-theory dealing with integers and their sets which, as we noted above, is equivalent in principle to the arithmetic of reals. We consider therefore a class K of sets of integers and ask,whether the comprea
[69], 187
hension axiom ( E X ) ( z ) [ zE X 3 G(z)] is satisfied in K ; this is equivalent to the problem, whether all the axioms of classical arithmetic are satisfied in I(. It can easily be shown that the comprehension axiom does not hold in K if there exists an universal function for K definable with respect to K , i.e., a function @(n)such that lC X E K = ( E n ) [ X = =@(n)]and 2O the formula m E q n ) can be written by means of logical and set-theoretical notions, in such a way that all its set variables range over K . This simple criterion enables us to show that in none of the previously considered classes n,O,IT:, I?: n 24'; is the comprehension axiom satisfied. For the hyperarithmetic case this result follows from the theorem (due to Addison, Grzegorczyk, and Kuznecov) stating that each hyperarithmetical function is representable in the form %((~y)nl~nz~lc?(y)), where @ is a recursive functional and 8 an elementary property' satisfied by exactly one function. The general recursive, elementarily definable, and hyperarithmetical systems are thus essentially different from the classical arithmetic: if we take any of them a,s a basis for mathematics we must abandon some classical principles. This result which, of course, is no€ at all surprising suggests immediately the problem of finding as simple a model as possible for the classical axioms of arithmetic or of set theory. If such a model could be defined by constructivistic means we would have a constructivistic justification of the clwsical system. (Models which we here have in mind are absolute for integers, ie., their integers are isomorphic with the ordinary ones.) One way of constructing models for the classical system uses Godel's theory of constructible sets. Both the classes of all constructible sets of integers and the class Kb corresponding to the class Kb defined above are examples of such models. Using the theorem of Lowenheim-Skolem we obtain from these models new models which are denumerable. A further discussion shows that there exist denumerable ordinals a such that K; is a model for classical arithmetic. Of course, this does not provide for constructive justification of the classical system since a is defined by nonconstructive means. Another way of constructing models of classical systems stems directly from the completeness theorem as modified by OREY [20]. One can show that the model K obtained in this way for the
[69], 188
3 69
clamical set theory is contained in II; n .Zi and definable in both forms
ao?)(&J)(+x(~(2), q(4) and &W(YJ)(WS X ( @ ( 4q, ( 4 ) with RX and Sx recursive in X. I don’t know, whether this form
i s the simplest one which one can obtain for a model of classical
set-theory. The following theorem shows, however, that we cannot expect a very simple form: If K = {XI, X,,...>is a denumerable model for the classical set theory and
X,={E(n, I), Ebb 21,
then the function 6 is not in I7:. Thus, the elements of a denumerable model cannot be enumerated by means of a I7:-function. Thus far we have considered only arithmetic of numbers. I n the rest of this speech I shall deal with some topics concerning constructivistic foundations of analysis and set theory. Instead of attempting a systemating exposition of this highly developed and difficult subject, I shall limit myself to a comparison of modern tendencies in this field with the older ideas of the French semiintuitionistic school. The starting point of the new theories is invariably the set of integers. All other notions are derived by dehitions from this fundamental notion. I n particular, the notion of a real number is not taken as granted but introduced in this way into the theory. Real functions are defined not everywhere but only on the constructivistic continuum. In older theories one took the notion of a real number as intuitively clear and did not analyze this notion. Limitations were imposed only on real functions which, however, were defined on the whole line. The new theories go deeper in the matter than the older ones as they start with a simpler basic notion. It is striking, however, that both the old and the new theories develop along parallel lines : in the new theories we have a classification of sets of integers into arithmetical and analytical hierarchies and in the old theories the classification of sets of reals into Bore1and projective hierarchies. The analogy between these pairs of notions was discovered by ADDISONin his thesis [l]; it goes much deeper than the analogies between arithmetic and projective hierarchies which I have stated in [15].
(691, 189
(la) A set which is recursively enumerable together with its cornI'lement is recursive (POST[21], KLEENE[5]).
( l b ) A set (contained in the Baire zerospace) which is open together with its complement is a union of a finite number of intervals.
.: (2a) A set which belongs to Z together with its complement is hyper-arithmetic (KLEENE[ 8 ] ) .
(2b) A set which is analytic together with its complement is Borelian (LUSIN,see 1121).
(3a) Each set X in IT: is rcpresentable aa the union UC, where u runs over denotations of constructive ordinals and the relation n E C, is recursive (KLEENE[7]).
(3b) Each analytic complement
X is representable aa the union
U C , where a runs over well orderings of integers and the relation a E C , is Borelian (LUSIN[12]).
It is not yet dear how far these analogies go and whether there exists one general theory which contains as its particular cases the t,heory of arithmetic and analytic sets on one side and the theory of Borel and projective sets on the other. There are theorems concerning projective sets of which satisfactory translations t o the theory of analytic classes of Kleene are not known. An example of such a theorem is furnished by the theorem of LUSIN-SIERPI~SKI [23] according t o which analytic complements are representable as unions of HI Borel sets. A particularly striking example o t parallelism between the old and new theories is g h e n by a series of theorems known as separation theorems. These theorems discovered first by LUSIN[12] have permitted him to solve great many problems concerning Bore1 and projective sets. Similar theorems for arithmetic and analytic hierarchies are of paramount importance in modern researches on recursive sets and their generalizations. An example of application of these theorems was mentioned above in connection with i-recursive sequences. I shall mention another example which has found interesting applications in metamathematics. Let K be a class of sets such that if X E K , then - X E K and also f - ' ( X ) E K for each general recursive function f . Let us call a pair A , B of two disjoint sets of K weakly universal for K if for every set X in K there exists a primitive recursive function 0 such that, X = @-'(A) and - X = 0-1 ( E ) .Sets forming a weakly
[69], 190
universal pair are not separable by means of sets which belong to R together with their complements. Indeed, assume that there is a s e t X , s u c h t h a t A C X , E K a n d B C - X , E K . L e t O,(x) b e a general recursive function universal for primitive recursive functions and put X=ri[O,(n) E- X,]. It follows that X E K ; hence, X = @il(A), - X = Oil ( B ) for suitable q. From these formulas we infer that 2 E X = O,(x) E A 3 O,(x) E X, and x non E rX = = O,(z) E B 3 O,(z) non E X, whence 2 E X = O,(z) E X,. Putting here x = q and observing that q E X = O,(q) non E X , we obtain a contradiction. It can be easily shown that one obtains a weakly universal pair for the class Z y (of recursively enumerable sets) by talung for as A and B sets of (Godel numbers of) provable resp. dsprovable sehtences of Peano arithmetic. This proves the essential undeaidability of this arithmetic. Other applications of weakly universal pairs are given in [4]. I n former considerations concerning the notion of effectivity an important role was played by the notion of definable sets or functions [lo], [ 2 5 ] . A mathematical object a is definable, if there exists a formula F with one free variable such that a is the unique object which satisfies this formula in the absolute model, i.e., in the model containing all objects whose types occur among the types of the variables of F . The notion of definability is essentially impredicative, similarly as the notion of analytic sets of Kleene: in the formula F which defines a may occur quantifiers whose range contains a. This impredicativity is responsible for the fact that arithmetic or analysis based on the notion of definable numbers or functions would not correspond to any constructive thesis. The relations between the notion of definability and Kleene’s analytical classes are also evident from the remark that the union D = (J Z : coincides with the class of sets which are definable by n
means of formulas all of whose variables have types < 1. Assuming the axiom of constructibility we can show that D is a model for the classical (impredicative) theory of sets of integers, i.e., that the comprehension axiom is true in D. It follows that axioms of classical arithmetic are true in D . Similar results hold also for the class of definable sets of higher types. I n order to prove these results we remark that if F ( X , , ...,X,)is any formula and
1691, 191
FD(X,, ..., X k )is obtained from F by a relativization of all quantifiers to D, then the formula is true. The proof proceeds by induction on the number of logical connectives and quantifiers contained in F and uses the fact that if 3 is a defimble well ordering of constructible sets, then the earliest (with respect to 3 ) set X , satisfying the condition P ( X , , ..., x k ) is definable, provided X,, ..., x k E D. The above theorems provide us with simple examples of denumerable models of the classical set theory. They can also be used to establish the existence of models K ; (see p. 185). At the same time these theorems confirm the impredicative character of the class D. In order to avoid misunderstanding let us observe that mat'hematicisns who have introduced the notion of definability did by no means want to take it as a basis for a new constructivistic foundation of matherhatics. They were interested in existential statements of the form ( E X ) F ( X ) and inquired, whether they can be strengthened to statements of the form ( E X ) [ ( X E D&) F ( X ) ] (if they had a constructivistic tendency they would have aimed at statements of the form ( E X ) [ ( XE D ) & P J X ) ] , where the meaning of the index D is the same as above). Using the terminology of KREISEL[9] we can say that the problem which these mathematicians faced was to determine, whether definable sets constitute a basis for all existential stathments. If we assume the axiom of constructibility, then a positive answer t o that problem follows immediately from (5); probably it would be extremely difficult to answer this problem without assuming the axiom of constructibility. To finish this review of older problems and ideas I shall devote a few words to the axiom of choice. 50 years ago this axiom played a prominent role in discussions ton effectivity in mathematics. There were even mathematicians who defined a proof as effective if it does not use the axiom of choice. In the modern research the axiom of choice seems to have lost its central role: constructivists of today take scarcely any notice of it. It is, of course, rejected by them but along with it many other axioms of the classical theory are rejected too, because they are found guilty of not conforming with constructivistic principles. In particular, the axiom of exten-
(691, 192
sionality which states the existence of an element in the symmetric difference (X- Y ) u ( Y - X) of any two different sets is clearly nonconstructive because it gives no method of constructing this element. It appears probable, although very difficult to prove, that there exist definable sets X, Y of real numbers such that (X - Y ) u ( Y - X ) contains no definable element. It is doubtful at present, whether one can give any precise meaning to the notion of a “set whose existence can be proved without the axiom of choice” and we must state that works on constructivistic basis did not bring us nearer to a solution of the now burning problem of independence of the axiom of choice. Curiously enough, the theory of constructible sets obtained by Godel by an extension into transfinite of the constructivistic ramified theory of types has resulted in a complete solution of the consistency problem of this axiom. I want to conclude with some purely subjective remarks on constructivism in general. Its most promising feature is that it wants to inquire into the nature of mathematical entities and to find a justification for the general laws which govern them, whereas platonism takes these laws as granted without any further discussion. The general aim of constructivism seemed therefore always very attractive to me. The solutions proposed by constructivists are, however, by far not so attractive. It is most disturbing that to one question we do not get one answer but a multitude of them. This is a natural result of the existence of a multitude of constructivistic programmes some of which we described in this paper. In my opinion there are no compelling reasons to accept any of these programmes as definite and to reject all the others. I do not see, for instance, in what should consist a superiority of recursive analysis over the ramified type theory. Notions which were created in the course of constructivistic discussions of the foundations of mathematics (like, e.g., the notion of a recursive number of computable functionals) are, of course, interesting and deserving study quite independently of the philosophical programme of constructivism just as the notion of Bore1 sets which is important for every mathematiaian quite independently of his sharing or not sharing the philosophical theses of half-intuitionists. But as far as a philosophical program is concerned, I am of the opinion that one should try to develop a philosophical analysis of the classical
3 14
[69], 193
foundations of mathematics. If we do not limit this analysis to pure mathematics only, but take into Bccount its applications, then it is not a t all impossible that we shall finally reach a more satisfactory theory than the various constructivistic trends have been able to produce thus far.
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A generalization of the incompleteness theorem BY
A. Mostowski (Warszawa) The aim of this paper is to prove the following generalization of the Godel incompleteness theorem (of. [l] and [9]): Let a formula @ with one numerical free variable be called free for a system S if for every n formulas @ ( A o ) ,@ ( A , ) , ...,@(An) are completely independent (i. e., every conjunction formed of some of the these formulas and of the negations of the remaining ones is consistent; @ ( A , ) denotes here the formula obtain d from @ by substituting the j-th numeral for the variable of a). We shall prove that free formulas exist for certain systems S and some of their extensions. In fact we shall prove for a class of formal systems 8 a slightly more general result: given a family of extensions of S satisfying c d a i n very general assumptions, there exists a formula which i s free for every extewion of this family. The following circuFtance deserves perhaps mentioning and justifies to a certain extent the length of the paper. Our considerations prove the existence of free formulas not only for systems based on the usual rules of proof but also for systemrJ based on the rule w. Thus they furnish another illustration df the parallelism noted already in [2] between these two kinds of systems. Our discussion of systems based on the rule w rests on the remark due to J. R. Shoenfield that the decomposition of the ZI: sets into constituents (cf. Kleene [a], theorem I, p. 417) can on several occasions be exploited in the same way as the recursive enumerability of the sets. Thus our paper can be considered as a test of this useful heuristic principle. From aresult noted a t the end of the paper it follows that no similar phenomenon ocours for Z I l sets. In view of these remarks the author hopes that his paper, in spite of its rather special subject may throw some light on a more important and broader topic, to wit the constructive analogue of the theory of projeptive sets.
1. We consider a consistent theory IT with standard formalization and infinite sequence do,A,, ... of its terms without free variables. The G a e l number of a formula @ will be denoted by r@l. A k-ary relation R (i. e., a subset of N t = No x ... x hT,where No is the set of integers > 0)
[74], 206
is weakly represenhble in T if them i s a formula such that (1)
R E /- @(Anl.
with k free variables
...,AnJ .
R is strongly representable in T if besides (1)the equivalence (2)
nd $ R
is true for arbitrary n19...,mk. A function f : N t - + N o is representable in T if there is a formula @ with k + l free variables such that /- @(&,
0 = df(n1
A relation R is weakly or slrongly representable relatively to a set Q C N ; if (1)and (2) hold for arbitrary (a, np,..., mk) in Q. We shall assume that I. Every primitive recursive fundion is strongly representable in T. 11. There are primitive recursive fasnctiom Neg, I m p , Con, Alt, Bb, Ex, a such that Neg(rCP7)= r-@l,W l I r n p r V = r @ 3V, r @ l C o n r ! V =r8ubst(si/Ai)@l, = r@ & V, r C P l A l t r V = r C P v V , B b ( i , j , r@l) E z ( i , j , r@1) = ~ ( E s m,)@l, ~, B(n)= rA,,l. We shall also assume that there are: a set P, called the set of proofs of T , and a quaternary relation .( which satisfy the following conditions: 111. The relation ( m ,n)< ( p ,q ) is refkxive, trarasitive, and well-founded in P x N o . IV. There is a formula n(x)which weakly represent8 P in T and a formula M ( x , y ; u , v) with the free variables indicated which strongly represents < in T relatively to P x No x P x N o . Moreover, these formulas satisfy the conditions: (i) F n ( c )& n ( z )& M ( s , y ; z , t ) & X ( z ,t ; x,y ) 3 y = t ; 3 “(3, Y ; A P , A,) v M ( A P , 4; x,y ) l ; (5) if p c p, then En(%) (iii) i f p , P~ and k- @(A,,dq)for every pair ( p , q ) in P x N o such that (P,q ) Q ( p o ,qo), then I - ~ ( x )& M ( x , Y ; A,, dQ0)3 @($, Y ) . Let {A,}, j = 0,1,2 , ..., be a family of sets each of which consists of formulas of T. We shall say that {A,} is a representable family of c m sistent extemwm of T if, for each j, (a) /- CP implies d c Aj; (b) @ A , implies -@ $ A,; (c) @ E A , and 0 3 Y EA, imply Y EAj; ( d ) (sk)@z Ai implies @(An) E A , for k, n z No; ( e ) t k e is a ternary relation. C such that @ E A ] = (Ep)[(p E P)& & C ( P ,i , ‘@l)I;
[74], 207
( f ) these are formula8 T ( x , y , z), r * ( x , y , z ) with the free variablea indicated which drongly represent relatively to P XN; the relations C ( p ,j, n) a d C*(P,i , n) = C ( p ,i, N e d n ) ) ; (g) Fn(4 n(s’) 6% Nb,Y ; s’, Y‘) & X ( s ’ ,Y’i s, Y ) 3 m,1 , = Y’, $)I; I- n(8)Bt n@’)82 J f b , y ; s‘, Y’) & J f w ,Y’; s, Y ) 3 [T*(s,y , 2) 3 T*(s’,y‘, z)]. We shalldenote by 4 the relation (m,n)<(p,q)&(m,a)n~n->(p,q), strongly and by g ( s ,y j z , t ) the formula X ( s , y ; z , t ) $ - M ( z , t ; s , y ) . represents 4 relatively to the set P xN, x P x N o .
2. I n this section we generalize Rosser’s proof [9] and obtain THEOREM1. If {A,) is a representable family of corwistml e x t m b z s of T,then there is a closed formula 8 such that for any j neither 8 l u y ~-8 i s in A j . Proof, Let ,a(r@l)= Subst(y/dr,p-~)@ and let z ( x , y ) be a formula which strongly represents u in X. Consider the relation R(1, m,n) defined thus: c ( 4 m , n ) 3 ( E P , q ) { ( PE P ) B t “ ( P , q ) ~ ( l , m ) l & C * ( P , q , n ) } and the formula @(u, w , y ) :
n u , w , Y ) 3 (&, t)rnb)L B ( 8 ,t ; u,.a) & m a , t , Y ) 1 -
We shall show that @ strongly represents R relatively to P x x . Indeed, if 1 6 P and R(1, m , n),then either non-C(Z, m,n ) or there are p , q auch that P E P , (p,q)<*(Z,m) and C*(p,q,n). In the former case - r ( A r , Am, An) by (f) and in the latter I-n(A,)BtB(A,, A,; A,, Am) & r * ( A p , A,, An). Thus in both cases I-@(A,, Am, An). Next assume that 1 E P and non-R(1, m, n). It follows that C(1, m , n) and non-C*(p, q , n) for every pair ( p , q) such that p c P and ( p ,q ) -4(1, m). -@(A,, Am, An). Thm we have Using (f) and IV (iii) we infer that proved 1 E P 3 [ R ( l ,m , n) E I - @ U z , Am, +)I (4) 1 E P 3 [non-R(l, m , n) = k - @ ( A i , Am, An)]. (5)
Let Y be the formula (u,w , z)[I7(u)Bt Z ( y , z ) 3 @(u,w , z ) ] and 8 the formula 8ubst(y/Arm)!P. Hence r81= u(r!Pl), I- Z(drp, z ) = ( z = Are,) and we obtain t-8 = ( u , o ) [ ~ ( w ) ~ @ ( uArei)]. ,v,
Using (3) we obtain by elementary logical transformations (7)
I- 8 = (u,a)
& r ( u ,V, dre7) 3 (Es,t)[n(8)& B ( S , t ; u ,9) &r*(8, t , Are,)],
(741, 208
[74], 209
This proves that
(Eu,e)CJf(u,0; A,,
AjJ & P(u,v ) l ,
and so the right-hand side of this equivalence belongs to At,. Using IV (iii) we infer that it is not for every pair (p, j) with p E P and (p, j) < (p,, j,) that the formula I- -P(A,, A , ) holds. Hence there is a ( P a , j B ) such that P ~ Cand P (pz, i s ) ( 1 ~ 1 7ill and (14)
non I-
W p ,Ar,, , Arei)
3 (Es,t ) [ n ( s )& a ( s , t; A,,, A,,) & r * ( s ,t , Arei)]
This is a contradiction since, by (12), (pa,jB) -4(po,jo), and hence, by (111, I- " r ( A p , , Aja, A w l ) . Let us now assume that -Q E Aj for some j , i.e., that C ( p l , j , , r - O 1 ) for some pairs ( p l , jl) with p , in P. This gives us formula (13) and we can argue as above and infer that there is a pair. ( p a ,ja) with p , in P such that (14). This prove{ that non - r ( A , , , A j , , Are,) and hence C ( p z ,je,rQl), which contradicts our former result. Theorem 1 is thus proved. From its proof we also obtain THEQI~EM l b b . If r and are arbitrary formulas satisfying ( f ) and ( g ) , then the formula 0 defined by ( 3 ) and (6) is undecidable in any A ! .
8. In this section we shall add two more assumptions to our assumptions I-IV concerning the theory IT: V. For every primitive recursive function f(n,, ..., n k ) there i s a formula @(x,, ..., $&, y ) which strongly represents f and satisfies the condition
E@(xi,. . . , x k , y ) & @ ( x i ,
k,y')3y = y ' .
VI. For every k > 0 there i s a formula H'k'(x, t,, ..., tk) with the variables indicated such that: (i) there i s a primitive recursive fundion ( l ) O k ( j 1 , jz)for which kH'k'(do,(fl,fa),11,
t k ) V a ( k ) ( A j 81 1,,
tk)] I
(ii) there i s a primitive recursive function t ( j ) such that t-Zz(t1) 3 W ( A r ( l ) ,t,, " ' 9 1,) = (Eu,w ) [ ~ ( u )& ~ % f ( Wu;,t,, t8)& B(')(Ai,U , V , t3,t 4 ) ] },
(iii) there i s a primitive recursive function if k > 2 , I- a ' k - 2 '
(d:r(f,na.n),t l ,
B'k'(Af, t,,
& ( j , m , n ) such that,
tk--2, A m , An)
(1) This function need not be recursive in k although in the examples which we shall discuss later this is actually the cam.
[74], 210
Let {Ai} be a representable family of consistent extensions of T and h an integer such that, for every j < lh(h) the integer (h)i is the Godel number of a closed formula F,,,i. Let &,j = Fh,o for i > lh(R) and let Ajh) = {Y: Fh,K(j) 3 Y E ALCi)}where K , L are functions inverse to the pairing function J ( m , n) = i ( m + n ) ( m + n - l ) + n . LEMMA1. If neither ph,j nor -Fh,j belong to Ak (i, k = 0 , 1, 2 , ...), then {A;?)}is a representable family of consistent extensions of IT. P r o o f . Conditions (a)-(d)are obvious. To prove (e) we denote by c'h the relation
< zh(h))
c(P7L(j)7( h ) K ( d m p t 2 ) (K(j)
v q p , L ( i ) ,(h)oImPn)& (W)
and easily verify that (e) is satisfied. Finally, to prove (f) and ( g ) n-e denote by F h the formula
(E~~7v,~)[r(~7 ~7 v) & A ( Y ,w ) & B ( A h i y , z , v ) & D ( y , A n ) V r ( S , W , W )&B(&,
&, 2 , W ) & w D ( ~ A7h ) ] ,
where A , B , D are formulas which strongly represent the functious L ( j ) ,(h)=(,)I m p n and the relation K ( j )
t- A ( y , U ) L A ( y , u') 3 u
= U'
B ( s ,y , I , V ) & B ( s ,2/,
Z, w')
= V'
By i='i we denote a similar formula with 'I replaced by P. It is easy to verify that F b 7 p i satisfy (f) and (g) (in the proof of (g) we use I V (i)).
LEMMA2. If there aye integ'es r l , r, such that (with the notation x,y , z, A h ) and used in the proof of lemma 1) the formuzas HC4)(Ar,, E(4)(!m, x, y , z, Ah) strongly represent relatively to P x Ni the relations non-Cb and and satisfy condition ( g ) , then there i s a primitive recursive function 9 ( h )such that if (h)i i s the Godel number of a closed formula &,j for j < l h ( h ) and neither &,,jnor-&,f belong to Ak ( j < l h ( h ) , k = 0 , 1 , 2 , ...), then the fo&wing formula @h
( u ,v ) [ n ( u )3 H'"(d8Ch)9
is undecidable in every A:", j = 0 , 1 , 2 , ... Proof. Consider the following formulas @h(tl)t,, y ) , p h ( y ) , Oh: H")(dr,, $1, $ 2 , Y , A h ) v ( E u ,v)[n(U) & g ( U , V , t i , tz) &j
[74], 211
( t i , t~)[n(ti) 3 @h(tittz,
By theorem lbh and lemma 1 neither 8 h nor belongs to A$A’, Thus it remains to construct a primitive recursive function a ( h ) such that
j = 0,1,2 ,
t-D(ti) 3 [@h(ti,ta, dre,,i)
a e ” ( ~ e ( n ) ,ti,
Using V I (i), (ii) we obtain
[@hh(ti,$2, ?/)
H ( 4 ) ( A 0 ~ ( r ~ , ~ h )t )i,, 1 2 ,
whence by V I (iii)
n ( t i )3 ti,ta, Arehi)
H ~ ) ( d ~ * ( ~ ~ ( r l , ~ ~ t, i*, )ta) ) ,.r ~ * l , ~ ) ,
Thus it is sufficient to take 6 ( h ) =
[74], 212
We prove by induction on k that for every k 2 0 and every j with We f O l T l " Qk and =k,j such that b(k) = r Q k 1 , q(k, j ) = r E k , j l and (E(k))f = r = k , f l . Moreover, neither =k,j nor -=k,j belongs , ~i=0,1,2 ). to any ai ( 0 < j < 2 ~ , T C = I,..., Indeed, for k = 0 it is sufficient to take Q, = &, = Goand for k > 0 for 0 < j < 2k-19 =k,j = E k - , f & NQk for n k = 8 d k - l ) E k , j = Sk-1.j & 2'-' < j < 2'. Using lemma 2 we immediately.see that neither &,j nor N&,j belongs to As (0 < j < 2k , i = 0,1,2, k > 0). For every n > 0 and every finite zero-one sequence 4,..., in there is an index j < 2" such that &,j = Go& s2:' & f$ & ... & &. Indeed, this is obvious for n = 1 and if it is true for a n integer n it is also true for the integer n 1because of the definition of En+,,,.It f o ~ ~ othat w ~for every finite zero-one sequence the conjunction QF & ... & Qk do*s not belong to Ai. I n order to accomplish the proof it is therefore sufficient to construct a formula P(a) such that 0
< j < zk there
+ Y(&) =
for every
To obtain such a formula let us denote by a($,y) a formula which strongly represents the function 9(E(n)) and take as P(a) the formula (2,u , v)[G($, z )
& n ( u )3 H(*)(z,u ,v)]
We then have t- Y(dk) = (u,a ) [ n ( u 1 ) @2)(&(&)), u ,v)], and hence by lemma 2 we obtain (15). Theorem 2 is thus proved. 4. In the present and in the next sections we shall give examples of theories and families of their extensions to which the foregoing theory is applicable. Denoting by J ( m , n ) the pairing function i ( m + n ) ( m + n : l ) + % We put Jl('%)='%, Jk+i(m,, ...,mk+i)=J(Jk(m,, ...,~k),mk+l).ForeverY k , m (k 2 1) there are uniquely determined integers m, = Kik'(m),... , mk = ELk'(??&) such that 711 = J k ( % , mk). Let R* be a theory which differs from R (cf. [ll], p. 52) by containing three new operation symbols 1 , x , 1 and axioms
(4) z = &(a,Y) (Eu,0){[(a+ y = 0) Br; (z= 0) v(a+y & d,.V
(a,)%(&(a,Y,) = 2 (a,)1(4a,Y)) = Y
(%) ~ < Y V Y < ~ , (Q,) (a< Y) & (Y < 43 (3 = Y) *
# 0) &(u+di = ~ + Y ) I & (a = a + ? / ) } ,
= (a+y).u]
3 84
[74], 213
I i E m 3. T h e following formula are provable in R* z = i ( A m , An) = = AJ(7n.n) 1 2 = %(Am)= z = A=(,),
= A(A,)
= durn).
Indeed, writing, the right-hand side of we easily infer that the formula
X ( U , v , x,Y , z ) = ( u = Atn+n-d
( E u , v ) X ( u ,v , x,y , z )
( c = A!Jm+n)(m+n-l))
& (2 = ~Jdrn*n))
is provable in R. This shows that the first equivalence is provable. Provability of the second and third formulas follows from (a,)and (a8). LEWXA4. Theory R* and every theory T (with standard formalization) i n which R* is interpretable satisfy coizditions I, 11, V . P r o o f . I1 is obvious and I is implied by V, whence it remains to prove V. Let f ( n l l..., nk) be a primitive recursive function and @*(xl,...,xk, y ) a formula which strongly represents f . The existence o f @* was proved in [ill, pp. 56-60. Take as @ the formula C P * ( X ~ ..., , xk, y ) & ( y ' ) [ ( y ' < y ) 3 -@*(xl, ...,xk, y ' ) ] . Using axiom (Q,j we easily see that V is satisfied. LEMMA5. T h e set P = ATo, the relation J ( m ,n ) < J ( p , q ) and the formulas x = x, i ( x ,y ) ~ ( zt ,) satisfy conditions 111, PV for the theory R* and its arbitrary consistent extensions. P r o o f . I11 is obvious. It is also obvious that the formulas z = x and i ( x ,y ) i ( x , t ) strongly represent the set P and the relation J ( m , n) < J ( p , q ) (cf. lemma 3). Forniula IV (i) results from axioms (Q1J and (Q,,); formula IV (ii) results from axiom (&). Let us finally assume that @ ( A p l A*) is provable in R* (or in its extension T) for arbitrary p , q such that J ( p , q ) < J ( p o ,q,,). Since
t- [ t ( z ,Y ) < L(d,,, dqa)l5% lt(z, Y ) = dov
V i ( X , Y) = 4 m o . q o ) l
and since every r < J ( p o ,qo) i s representable as J ( p , q ) , we conclude that , @(z,y) is provable in R* (or in T). the formula i ( z ,y ) i ( d p o &)3 THEOREM 3. All the assumptions of theorem 1 are satisfied for each recursively ewmerable fanLily of consistent sets containing axioms of R* and closed with respect to the rules of proof. P r o o f . We proved abol-e that I-IV are satisfied. If { A j } is a recursiv d y enumerable family of sets, then thcw is a recursive relation C ( p , j , n ) such that @ E A j = ( E p ) C ( p ,j,r@l). ETeiice { A j } satisfies condition (e) and therefore (f) because every wcursire relation is strongly representable in R*. Conditions (a)-(d) follow from the consistency of A i ,from its closure with respect to the rules of proof and from the fact that it contains axioms of B*. Finally (g) follows from axionis (Q,) and (Q,,).
[74], 214
To obtain a theory to which theorem 2 is applicable we shall add to R* several new operation symbols and axioms. The new symbols are: a unary symbol E and binary symbols n , ~ We . shall write @’ instead of n(a, y). We also introduce the following abbreviations:
4%) ,= x , xy(x)=x ,
4 t l )
= x$’)(z($))
L(l&(% for
... xd,Z&+l) , 9
= 1,
..., k , 1
Let R** be a theory with the primitive symbols enumerated above and based on axioms (Ql)-(QH). I n order to make the content of the axioms (Ql)-(QM) more accessible we shall sketch (informally) the proof of the following 6. Theory R** i s interpretable in. P. LEM~IA We interpret z + y , x-y,xu in the usual way, i(x, y), ~(x), A(x) as t h e pairing functions J , K , L,E(X) as the excess of x over the nearest square not greater than x. y(x,y) is interpreted as the function U ( n , m) = U,,(m) defined by induction. The values of U,(m) , UJ m) are determined according
[74], 215
to ( ~ 2 , ~(ilI4), ), the values of U,(m), Us(m),U4(m), UAm) are arbitrary, the d u e s of Ulzb+st~(m)for j = 0,1,2 are respectively U ~ d m+Uun)(m), ) UKcn)(m). ULLcn)(m), and UK(,)( U L ( ~ ) ( ~The ) ) . value of U1zntdm) is either the least p such that U,,(p) = m or 0 if such a p does not exists. The value JIM
of Ulz,+ll(m) is equal to z U , , ( J ( L ( m )j)) , and the value of Um.d?n) is t-0
equal to fl U,,(J,(u,v , KF)(m),K!@(m)))where the product is extended , Finally, the value over paira u ,v such that J ( u , a ) < J ( K r ) ( m ) I@(m)). is U,,(J(m,p ) ) and the values of U6&1(%+l)+i(m) for of U6.zp+~(zn+l)(m) j = 1,2, ...,5 are arbitrary. LEXW 7. For every general recursive f u d i o n f ( % , ..., N )there i s an integer e such that t-9’(&, k(&,
”’,A n t ) ) = dl(n.....*nd
(k means here “provable in B**”). Proof. First assume that k = 1and let 9 be the family of functions f ( n ) such that there is an e satisfying
4s) =4s)
for each n. Functions 8( n )= 12 1 and E ( n )= excess of n over the nearefit lower square belong to 9 because we can take e = 0 or e = 1. If f, g E 9, then there are integers e , d such that (16)and the following formula (17) hold for all n: t- v(dd, An) = Ada) 7 (17) whence by axioms (ill&), (ill,),and
t- 9’(d1zJ(6ar)t6, i-d~1zJcc,o+e,
(a,) = At(%)+dn) 9
4 = dt(dt0) 9
and hence the functions f ( n ) + g ( n ) and f(g(n))belong to 9. If f is in 9 and f assumes all natural numbers as values, then using axioms (St,), (a5), (Q18) and (alB) we easily obtain
t- ddlZc+O, An) = dl-l(n) and hence f-’ E 9. Thus 7 contains all general recursive functions of one argument. If k > 1 and f ( n l , ...,nk) is general recursive, then 80 is g(m) = f ( d k ) ( m ) , Khk)(m))and hence there is a d satisfying (17).Substituting n = Jk(%, n k ) we obtain the deaired result. Let t,, ...,tk) be the formula v(z,&&,...,tk)) = 0.
..., ...,
[74], 216
LEMMA8. Formuh H'" satisfy condition VI. Proof. VI (i) is satisfied with u k ( j , , j,) = lW(j,, ja) 7; in the proof we use axioms (Ole) end (4,). Formula VI (ii), which becomes in .this case
t-~(')t-4~(f), t,, la,
t3, t4) = (EU,v){Cb(u,2)) a ~ ( t 1 t2)1 ,
u , 21, tS, h))
is but a different formulation of From (Om), (&) and (%) 3 = tkk-l(tl,..., t k - i ) , z = A n /-(~(Ae.r+l(er+i),tk-i(ti,
(G) for m = A,;
we put t ( j ) = 12j+lO. we obtain by substitution m = A , ,
tk-1)) = 0
P(A,, l k ( l i )
.--) tk-1,
An)) =
and repeating the same argument
/--( Ac(,,rn,n),Ir-2(ti,...,1k-z))
P,(A,, 4 t i , ..., h-2) 4,4s))
where C ( j , m , n ) = 6.2m+1[12.2"f'(2j $1) 11. Thus formula VI (iii) is provable. THEOREM4 . Fm every recursively enumerable family {A,} of consis2ent sets containing axioms of R**and cbsed with resped to the rules of proof there i s Q formula free for that family. Proof. Relations i?, 6; defined in tE-+ proof of lemma 1 are in the present case recursive in the four arguments p , j , n , h. By lemma 7 there rtre integers r,, r, such that the formulas €A,.,, I@ x,y ,z, A) h) ( and F(*)(A,,,m, y , z, Ah) strongly represent the relations non-Ch(p, j , n ) and Ch(p, j , n ) . These formulas satisfy condition (g) because (with our choice of formulas Z I and N )the antecedent of both formulas in (g) becomes (by (!&)) ~ ( my, ) = t ( d , y'), and thus (by (Q,) and (Q,)) is equivalent to (m = m') & ( y = y'). This proves that theorem 4 follows from theorem 2. CQRQLLARY1. There i s a formula free for the theory P and each of it8 recursively enumerable extensions. The corollary follows from theorem 4 and lemma 6. COROLLARY 2. There is a formula free for every sub-theory of P . Indeed, a formula free for a theory is free for an arbitrary sub-theory. It is an open question whether for every recursively enumerable extension of R tbere is a formula free for that extension. 5. I n this section we shall briefly discuss a theory F obtained from R** byeenlarging the set of axioms by all formulas (z)A(m)such that A ( & ) is provable in R**for n = 0,1 , 2 , ... (cf. [S]). Let CnF(X)denote the smallest set containing X and the axioms of F and closed with respect to the rules of proofs of F.
[74], 217
THEO~EM5 . If { B j } is a recursively enumerable family of Sde. consistent in F each of which ~ o n s i s l sof closed formula8 of F, then t h e & ta formula free for the family A , = CnF(Bj). Proof. Choose P,g ,I7, and M as in lemmrt 5. It is obvious that conditions I-V are satisfied. It is also obvious that the family {A,} aatiefies conditions (a)-(d) and (g). If R is a recursive subset of N”’, then the set
{(%, - 9 nk): ( E r ) ( s ) ( E t ) [ ( r8,, t , is weakly representable in F and the set {(‘%I,
( r ) ( E s ) [ ( r$,7
is strosgly representable in F. Actually sets of the form (*) are most general sets weakly representable in F but we shall not need this fact in our discussion.‘ Let Wl be the set of Gbdel numbers of formulas with one free variable xl and B-the provability relation for R**.Both sets are obviously primitive recursive. Since @
WJ & ( n ) ( E m ) Aj E (Ep)([E!*)(p) Bfl [&”(P) [ m B S b ( l ,n , Ic?’(p))] & K?(p)B[Ex(l, 1,NeglZ?’(p)) AEt (.NegK?’(p )A# r@7)]),
it follows that {At} satisfies conditions (e) and (f). Let H $ ) ( s , t , ,...,t k ) be the formula ( u ) ( E w ) [ v ( xL, ~ + ~ ( U , P,..., ) , ~h)) ~ =O]. It is obvious that every set of the form (**) with a general recursive R is strongly representable in F by a formula H g ) ( A , , t l , ...,tk). It follow8 that there are integers rl, r, such that the formulas H$)(Ah, 5 y, z, A!) and H$)(Ah, x , y, x , Ah) strongly represent the relations non-Ch and Ct of lemma 1. Finally it is not difficult to show that conditions V I (i)-(%) are satisfied with our choice of the formulas Hlpk). Thus by theorem 2 the assertion-of theorem 6 is proved. 6. I n this section we shall deal with the system A, of analysis defined in [ 2 ] and with its extensions. It will be convenient to eliminate from A, function variables with more than one argument. Since the pairing functions are definable in A,, it is clear that this simplification of A, is not essential. A further (essential) change i g that we shall add to the axioms of A, the following weak form of the axiom of choice (*): (A): ($)(EB)@(x,B)
( E Y ) ( x ,B ) ( ( z ) [ B ( z )= Y ( A ~ ( A G + A 2 ~ )@($, ]
B)) *
(1) We nee in A , the notation of [2] with t,he only change that the n-th numeral is denoted by A . and multiplication by jucxtayositipn of terms.
[741, 218
It is known that for every arithmetically definable relation (function) there is an elementary propositional (or numerical) formula which strongly represents the relation (function)in A,. We shall use the notation @(x,y), t ( s ,y), X(z),x(s) for elementary (numerical) formulas which represent in A , the following functions: U,(m) (cf. the proof of lemma 6), J ( m , N ) , g ( m ) ,L ( m ) . Let W be the set of integers e such that the relation Ge defined as Ue(J(m,n) ) = 0 is a well-ordering of 3,. The order type of Ge will be denoted by / e l . Since the relation <, is recursive, it follows that lel < o1 (of. [5], p. 412). On the other hand, every recursive relation is representable as U e ( J ( m n , ) ) = 0 for a suitablc e (cf. lemma 7), and hence, by a theorem of Markwald ([‘i],p. 142) every infinite 5 < w1 is rewesentable as /el for a suitable e in W. Thus we have proved LEMXA 9. {lei: e E W } = { E : o ,< E < wl}. LEMMA10. W is weakly representable in A , by a formula n ( x ) of the form ( a , ,8)&,(a, /I x), , whe1.e tw is an elementary formula. Proof. Let O r d ( a ) be the formula
( a ) [ a ( a ( x , s )=)o J & ( 5 , . 1 / , Z ) ( [ a ( i ( x , Y )=) O ] q a ( i ( Y , x ) ) = 0 p [ a ( i ( a ,z)) = 01) & (3, Y ) ( ( z = y ) v [ a ( i ( $Y ,))= o
] v [ ~ ( ~s)) ( Y=, 011
&($, ? / ) ( [ a ( % Y ) ) = 01 85 [a(% x)) = 01 3 (x = Y ) } 7
and P ( a , /I) the formula (x)[a(t(8(m+l), B ( 4 ) ) = 0 1 3 (EJ4CB(.+1)
= B(41.
Take as €w(a, 8,s) the formula (y, z ) [ a ( i ( y ,z ) ) = 0
= @(.,L ( Y , .I)
01 1C O W a ) & B ( a , & I .
We immediately see that the formula ( a , B)&,(a, 8, A,) is true in the , [2], p. 190) if and only if e E W. Hence, by theorem principal model ‘ill,(cf. 3.1.E of [2] e E T.1’ F w ( a 7 B) C W ( ~ 8, , A,). This proves the lemma. Let I m ( a , x,y), I m s ( a , x, y , x ) be the following formulas ( u , .I{[$+,
i ( u ,.I)
( u , .I(
i ( u ,.)) = 01 = [@(Y, f ( a ( 4 ,a(.))) = 03
01 = [F(Y, i ( W ,a(@)) = 01 }
i ( a ( u ) ,2 ) ) = 01 &([F(Y,t ( v , 2,) = 01 3 m J ) E a ( 4 = .I}).
3 90
[74], 219
LEMMA11. If i s a function and el, e,, n are integers, then y , el, e, satisfy I m ( a , x , y ) in. !I& if, and only if p maps No into itself and p Gel p = P(P) d q ) ; Y , el, e2, 7% satisfy I m s ( a , 2, Y, 2) if an& only if Y maps .Noonto a segment of Ge, determined by n and p satisfies tlre equivalence p <el p = rp(p) <es v(p). Lemma 1 2 follows directly from the definitions of formulas I m and Ims. LEMMA 12.
0) t - m n m &n(Y)3 {(Ey)[Im(y,2, Y)1 =_ (y)(c)l:-Ims(y, (4 t - m n ( 4 & n ( Y ) I [ ( E y ) I m ( y , x , y)v(Ey)Im(y, Y , 811 *
Y , x , z)l;
We obtain a proof of this lemma formalizing in A, the proofs of the following well-known set-theoretical theorems: (1)if Gel, G, are wellorderings, then a similarity mapping of the field of Gel into the field of &, exists if and only if Ge, is not similar to any segment of Gel; (2) if Gel, Ger are well-orderings, then one of them is similar to a restriction of the other to a suitable subset, of its field. LEMMA13. Relations le,] < Ie,], !el;< le,[ and /el[= [en/are strongly representable i n A, reldively to the set W x W . P r o o f . By lemma 11 and theorem 3.1.E of [a]
leal < jell = {(y)(Z)-Ims(y, 4,A,,, 2 ) is true in %I E I-,(Y)(~)-I~s(Y, Ae,, 2 ) provided that e,, e, are in W . Using again lemma 11, we obtain similarly for e l , e, in W lell > /e,l = t-,Cy)-Im(v, A,,&,) I and hence by lemmas 1 2 (i) and 10
le,jnon < le21 = F, - ( y ) ( d - I m s ( y , A,,, A,,, 2) . The lemma is thus proved for the relation &. It follows immediately that it is true for the remaining two relations because if el, e2 are in W , then
lell < le,l = non(le,t < lell) and le,l = leal = (lell < le,l) (le4 < Islb For later use we notice that the relations lell = le,J, [ell < le,l and ]ell < leal are strongly represented (relatively to W x W) by the formulas (Ey)Im(y, $ 9 Y) L (Ey)Im(y, Y , 31, ( Y ) - T ~ ( Y ,Y , $1 and ( E y ) I m ( y ,$7 Y). We abbreviate these formulas as x w y , x 3 y, and x i y . LEMMA 14. There is a primitive recursive function f ( e , n ) such that if r i s a (numerical) formula which represents f in A,, then (26)
F , @ ( n u , v ) , +, Y)) = 0 = ((x = y ) v ( a < Y ) (Y < v ( v ~ a ) c a ( y < v ) v ( v ~ x ) L ( v < y ) & ( [ x i Z ~ ( <x:"'(yLV)l x~v) v[X?(x:v)
= x?(yAv)] &[+,
r(xf)(%Lv),G f ) ( Y L V ) ) )
= 01))
[74], 220
(z 2- y is heye an elementary nuinerical formula which represents the function m - n in A"). Proof. The relation ( m = n ) v ( m < n < p ) v ( p < m) L ( n < p) is recursive and hence equivalent to D;,(J,(m, n , p)) = 0 for a suitable r,. The proof of this equivalence being formalizable in A,, we obtain
t-, $ ( A , , , f(z, y, v)) Since axiom (Q,)
0 = (m = y ) v ( a < ?/) & (Y < .o)v(.o
< 3.4 & (y G a ) .
of R**is provable in A,, we obtain
Fa $(d,l(n),q z , y)) = 0 = (z = Y ) V ( Z < ?/I L
< 4 84 (y < An)
< A,)v(A*
where fl( n) = 6 . 2"+'(2r1 1). Arguing s i a a r l y we obtain primitive recursive functions f ? ( ~ . f)3, ( n ) f, p ( n ) fs(%) , such that
l ( 8 , y))
/-, @(A,&), i ( z , y)) /-a
< 3)8~( A n < Y)
@(A,,(n), I ( $ ,Y)) = 0
@(A,&), qz,y))
=0 =
( Z L An)
< XY)(yl- An) ,
= Z l e ' ( S ~ A , ) = z12)(y-An),
= h(;Z?($'An),
From the last formula and from (Q1,), which is valid in A, we obtain t-to
~(dt,(e.n),~ ( 8Y) ,) = ? ( h e ,
~ ( 2 ) ( ~ ~P(y-da))) d*),
where f s ( e , n ) = 1W(e,f,(n)r+8. Using this formula and (17)and observing that F,($+y = 0 ) = (n = 0) & (y = 0) and that the axiom (QI5) is valid in A,, we obtain t-w + ( A , , ( ~ , ~i(z, ) , y))
o = [ii:"(zLAn) = Z!')(YLA~)I &[$(A,,
Xi')(yLAa))) =
where f,(e, l a ) = lW(f,,(e,n ) , f4(n)) 6. Continuing in this way we finally obtain a primitive recursive function f(e, n ) = flo(e, n) such that if represents f in A,, then (16)is valid for u = A,,, v = A, (e, n = O,l, 2, ...). Using rule w we see that (16)is valid for this choice of f. LEMMA 15. t-, n ( u )3 Z7(F(u,v)). To prove this lemma we formalize in A, the set-theoretical theorem saying that the formula on the right-hand side of (16) defines a wellordering of No whenever @(u,;($, y)) = 0 does 80. LEEHA 16. If e c W ,then f ( e , n) W and Iffe, n)1 = w / s l + n . Proof. If Ge has the order type 8, then the formula on the righthand side of (16)(with u replaced by A, and a replaced by A s ) defines a relation of type w - E + n .
[74], 221
w ’ () , u ~ u ’ ) LEMMA17. I-, ~ ( z r ) & ~ ( u ’ ) & ~ ( u , w ) ~ T ( u ‘ , w& (’w)= ~ The lemma is proved by formalizing in A, the proof of a set-theoretical theorem stating that w .5‘+ n = o.l’+n‘ implies n = n’ and [ = 5‘. We now take P = W and define < as I f ( m , n)i < I f @ , q)]. Let n b e the formula weakly representing P constructed in lemma 10 and let 31 be the formula T ( z ,y ) 3 r ( z , t ) . L E 18. ~Corulitions I11 and IV are satisfied for the above choke of P , <, II, and M. Proof. I11 is obvious. In lemmas 10, 13, and 16 we proved that weakly represents P and M strongly represents 9 relatively to P x N ox P x N o . Formula IV (i) follows from lemma 1 7 and IV (ii) from lemmas 15 and 1 2 (ii). Thus it remains to prove I V (E). Assume that p , c W and that t-,@(A,, A,) for every pair ( p , q ) in W x N o such that If(p, q)I < If@,, no)]. It follows that t - m n(4)& M(d,,d,; 4J,,4,) 3 @(4,4) (18) for every such pair. If p W and I f @ , q)l> if ( p o ,qo)l, then t-o-M(d,, A,; Apo, A,,) (since ilf strongly represents < relatively to W x No x W x N o ) and hence (18) continues to hold. Finally if p # W, then the formula M ( d p ,A,; A,,, A,,) (i. e. ( E y ) I m ( y T , ( d p ,A,), T(A,,, A,,)) ) is false in the principal model R, whence it follows that its negation is true in go and therefore provable in A, according to theorem 3.1.E of [2]. Thus (18) holds for arbitrary p , q, which proves (by the rule w) that ,-t n(m)& M(m, y, A,,, A,,) 3 @(x, y). Lemma 18 is thus proved. We shall now discuss condition VI. First we introduce some definitions. Let ( s ) and ~ Zh(x) be elementary formulas which represent in A, the functions (m ) , and Zh(m) of [4], p. 230 and let Seq(m) be an elementary formula which strongly represents in A, the relation ( j ) [ j < Zh(n)3(n)f>01. The following formulas will play a fundamental role in what follows (we abbreviate the string (a,,, ..., ak--l) of functional variables as a and the string (xo,..., zlPl) of numerical variables as x)
D ( S , 8, 1):
p ( ( h ) t ] 8J (4[. < 13 & & p q h ) =t] [.
a-‘k’D(~, (EP)(s,t ) ( D ( a ,B , $ , t ) 3 I@(!/, -7
f ( jk . 0
a , x):
L ~ + I ( s , x)) = 01) 7
(~ )H(~ * ’+la)(y , so, , ..., z , xi, ..., X Z - ~ ) , ( G ) H ( ~ * ’ + ’ a) (,~xo, , ..., xi-1, z , xj, ..., xi-,).
= ak-I(z)l;
( P ) ( E s , t ) { D t a , B , S , t ) &[ @ ( Y , G + d S A ) = 01) ,
sow] = a,(.)] a =
[74], 222
The formula D can be read: s is a diagram of functions a in the interval (0, 1 ) ; formulas H(k’E),fl(k’z) are formalizations of the relation
E ~[ ~ ), ( J ~ + , ( ~ ~ O ~~Z PI ( )Z ~J )
3 ~ ) 9
m2-I))= 01
and of a similar relation with the order of quantifiers reversed. I n the following lemmas 19-27 we show that theorems 3.2-3.8 of Kleene [6] have formal counterparts provable in A,. LEMMA19. There is a primitive recursive function g o ( m ) such that if v is at&elementary izumerical formula representing go in A,, then
, t-,Pk*”(v(y), a , x) = - H ( ~ J ’ ( a~ ,, x) .
k , ~ i ( ~ * ’ ) ( va, ( ~Z)) ,= N H ( k , l ) ( ya, , x )
Proof. Since O n is a primitive recursive function, there is an r such that D;(n) = On. The recursion equations for q ( A , , x) being deducible from the axioms (QJ-(&) and these axioms being provable in A,, we infer that F w @ ( A , , do) = 4, F, m > do3 ? ( A , , 2) = d o . Now put go(n)= 1 2 J ( n 1 r ) + 8 and let Y be an elementary numerical formula representing go in A,. I t follows that
~,u(.(Y),z)=O~p,(?/,z)#0, whence immediately follow both formulas of lemma 19. LEMMA20. There are primitive recursive functions gk(an, n), gk(m, nf such that if n k , ?ik are elementary numerical formulas representing gk and gk in A,, then ~ , ~ ( ~ . ~ ) ( n k ( y , , y , )= , ar, ~x () k ~ z ) ( y l , ~ , ~ ) & 0~ ,(41 k ~,’ ) ( ~ 2 , -(m [f7(k’z)(Y~, a , ” ) V g ( k ‘ z ) ( Y z ,a , %)I . I-m
(nk(y,i Y A i
In vi.ew of lemma 19 it will be sufficient to prove only the second part of the lemma. The formula in square brackets on t,he rignt-hand side is equivalent to (19)
(EP)(s‘,s ” , t’, t ” ) ( D ( a ,P , s’, t’) & D ( a , P , a”, t”) 3 [+(yl, rt+ds’, z)) .+(!/el ~i+](s’’, x)) Consider the primitive recursive functions
[74], 223
It is then easy to prove that
f-., D(a, p, L1 m, ..1..):> D(a, p, L1,,(m,1t,k+lll 4K(1t» , f- .. D(a, p, L1m, ..1,,):> D(a, P'" L1,"(m,1t,k+l) , L1 L(1t» •
Let ri (i = 1,2) be integers such that 9i(L1 ru i3(x, Y, z») represents fi in A., and let I?i(li) = 6·2k+2(2ri+1). From axiom (!lw) it follows that 9i(L1l1/(k), i(X, y») represents h(m, n, k+1) considered as the function of m, n alone. Using rule co we infer that f- .. Dt«, P, s, t):> D(a, p, 9i(LlQ1(kll i(s, t»), ,,(t») = 0 , f-., Dt«,
p, e , t):> D(a, p, 9i(Ll
i(S, t»), I(t») = 0 •
Obviously in both formulas we can replace t by lh(s). From these formulas we infer that (19) implies (in A.,) the following formula
(EP)(s, t)D(a, P, s, t) :> ip(Yllll+1 (9i(L1 Q' (k)' i(S, lh(s»)) ,
'9i(Yz",il+I{9i(Ll Q1(k),i(S, lh(s)l) ,
x)) = O.
Conversely this f!,lrmulaimplies (19), as we easily see using the theorem f-.,(E!s)D(a, P, s, t). We can simplify the formula obtained above by observing that f-., its, lh(s») = 9i(L1 q , s) for a suitable q and hence f-., 9i(L1l1/(kll its, lh(s»)) = 9i(Llil(kll s) with e.(k) = 12J(l?i(k) , q) + 8 (see axiom (017 », Thus (19) is equivalent to
(EP)(s, t)[tu», P, s, t):> 9i(Yll il+t{9i(Lli,(kll s), xl) '9i(Yz, il+t{9i(L1 il(k), s),
Finally, we notice that in view of axioms (016H Q ts)
h. 9i(Yll il+t{9i(L1i!(k), s), xl)·q;(yz, i':I(Llil(kll s), x)) = 0
== 9i(nk(Yll Yz), il+l(S, xl)
where nk(Yll Yz) represents the function 12J(12J(mll &(k») +8, 12J(m21 ez(k») +8)
+ 7.
LEMMA. 21. For every Z there are primitive recursive functions gt(m, n), 9t(m, n) such that if a, u are elementary numerical formulas representing gl and iiI' then
f- .. H(k,l)(a(Yll Yz),
== [Hlk.I)(Yll'"
xlv H(k,l)(yz,
a, x)),
-(k,l)() _ -(k,1) -(k,1) f-., H a(Yll Ya), a, x = [H (Yll", x) & H (Yz,", x)].
Proof. .Again we shall prove only the second equivalence. Let be the formula (z)[y(z) = i(PI(Z), P.(z)ll and 8·(8,8',8") the formula [lk(8) = lh(8') = lh(8'!)] & (z) lz ~ lh(8) :) [(8)" = i((8')", (8"),,)1). It is obvious that 8(y, Pll P.)
and I- .. D(y, 8, t) & D(Pu s', t) & D(PI' s", t) & If m, m', m" satisfy 8· in
si», Pll
PI) -:J 8·(8,8',8").
mo, then m' = 2K (lm)o) . 3 K (lmh ) ... P:it~7)1It("I)
= f'(m), m" = 2 (lm)o) ,sL«m p~I~~)Ih("') = t"(m). The function f', i" aTe primitive recursive; let r ll r. be integers such that iji(Ll..., e) represents f' in A .. and iji(Ll r . , w) represents t" in A ... We then have 1-.. 8·(s, iji(Ll... , s),iji(Ll..., 8») and 1-..(s)(E!s', 8")8·(8, 8',8"). It is now easily seen that the right-hand side of the second formula. in the lemma is equivalent to L
h ) ...
(Ey)(8, t){D(a, y, 8, t):) [iji(Yll i,+I(iji(Ll... , 8),
+iji(YI' i,+I(iji(Llra, 8),
= 0]
We reduce this formula to the desired form as follows: since the I K1I+ ...,..(I+1)(»)' imitirve recursive, . ) ... , Ai+! • ) ( p, P IS prirm there is an integer r' such that J 1+1(f'(K(I+I)()) ' f unction I p, -(Ll 1", Z) 1-.. II'
l)()) -(I+l)() - {-( = 'Hl II' "-I~ rll -(I+ "1Z, "I Z, ... , -IHl)( "1+1 Z
This gives
Similar equation is provable with r, replaced by r. and r' by r", Thus (20) is equivalent to j](k,l)(ii(YI' y.), a, x) with
Hence UI(m, n) = 12J (l2J(m, r') +8, 12J(n, r") + 8) + 6. LEMMA 22. There are primitive recursive functions gil U. such that if l ;;. 1 and
T are numerical formulas' representing g. and U., then
1-.. H (k,l,(Y,
a, X ) =_
H(k,I-I,(T ( ), Y, W,-I
- (k,I)(Y, 1-.. H
a, X ) =-
j](k,J-I)(-( ) T y, WI-I),., W., ... , W,-2 •
a, W., ... , W,-2) ,
Proof. By axiom (&)
[74], 225
we obtain
Lmn&i 23. For every 1 there are primitive recursive functions g3, & euoh thut if u,S are elementary term representing them i n A,, then for j = O,l, ...,I - 1
Proof. The right-hand side of the second formula is equivalent to
pFmVn). We shall show (informally) that ( 2 1 ) is equiv-
dent to (22)
( E W ) ( D ( a Y, ,5 , $1
3 ( s f ) [ x f ~ t ~ @ ( y , ~ ~ + l ( @ ( A , , ~ ( =o] xj,s))),z) If
Assume (21) and choose s , t , q so that D ( b , y , s , t ) and x f , < t . B(z) = y ( A z f ( A g + + ) ) , then @ ( A , , r ( x f ,8 ) ) satisfies the condition
D ( a , B , @ ( A , , t ( q , s ) ) ,t') for a suitable t; and hence, by (21), we obtain
F(Y, F*+l(@(Ar,i(xjci,s ) ) , z))= 0 . The converse implication is proved similarly. It remains to reduce ( 2 2 ) to the form indicated in the lemma. By the technique already used we find a primitive recursive function g, such that if E is an elementary formula representing g,, then
1741, 226
It follows by axiom (Q,) that I-,
..., Q-]))) = 0
x0, ..., sf-],
(xj)[zj < l h ( s ) I @ ( t ( Ydj)7 , i ( h ( 8 , xu,
xi+l7 e e . 7
s f ) )= 03
The left-hand side of this equvalence can obviously .be represented in the form @ ( v ( y ,dj), lz(s,zO7 ~ j - ~q, f l ,..., = 0 where ii is an elementary term representing a primitive recursive function. Since kw D ( a , y , s, t ) 3 t = lh(s), we see that (22) is equivalent to
B'k,'-"(~(y, A ! ) , a , so,...,$1-1,
L E ~ 24. A There are primitive recursive functwlur gs, g6 such that
v , i j are elemeutary terms representing them in A,, then for j = 0 , l ,...,1-1
,a ,
H ( k J + 1 )( V ( Y ,
di,A t ) , a7 so2 " - 7
xi-17 27
fl(kJ+l) ( ~ ( ~ 7 A j 7 ~ ~ ) , a 7 x o , . . . ~~, x i"-7 l 1 -) .-7~~-1)
The proof is similar to that of previous lemmas. LEMMA 28. For every 1 there are primitive recursive functiom ge, g6 such that if 5 , ase elementary terms representing them in A,, then fw
j = 0,1, 0
( U y ,A , ) , a , $ 0 )
k,* p J - 1 ) ( f ( y 7dj)7 a )$ 0 )
(k I )
= (q)H' ( Y , a , 4,
%) *
Proof. Let us again consider only the second formula. The righthand side of it is equivalent to (EB)(s7 t ) [ D ( a 7 8 7 8 7 t ) 3 @ ( Yc 2 +,l ( s 7
= 01-
We can replace B(do)by ( ( s ) ~ ~and ) ~ then ~ use the technique of the preceding lemmas to reduce the right-hand side to the desired form. L E ~ 26. A Let r be a n elementary numerical formula and & a n elevnentary propositional formula and led the variables (free and bound) occwing in them be s o w of the variables a+, ..., a k V l , xo7...,Q - ~ . Then there exist integers j , f , f , e , Z such that
F o r =~
" ( L Ia ~, 2) , ,
~ ~ ~ ~ = l $ ~ J ) (
&,-t = H ( ~ * ' ) ( LaI,~x, ) , ~ t j- ,,~ a =B('J) , z ) , (&, a , 4 *
Proof. From lemmas 23 and 25 it is obvious that i f lemma 26 holds for the formula C: then it does so for the formulas ( q ) E and (&j)&.
[74], 227
Lemmas 19, 20 and 21 show that if lemma 26 holds for formulas el, &, then it docs so for the forinulas -El, &,v &, and &, & (5%. Let us assume that the lemma holds for numerical formulas r,, r, and that fi, f t are the corresponding integers, i = 1 , 2 . For convenience of notation replace 1 by 1 1 and assume j = 1 f 1. Then
z =
ri -= H‘””+’~(LI~,,n, x ) gt ( t ) [ ~ ( ~ , ‘ + ~ ) ( v a, ( ~ s, j , )t ), v z = t ] a,
0 7
( z = 4)
s,t )
and we easily see, using lemmas 19, 20, 25, that there are integers f: ,ji such that
t- zi = r, =_ @’+1)(At;,
x7 zi 1 7
I-- z.I -- r. t -= B(kJ+’) (4;, a7 x7 %)
k m r= l r, = (mi7z 2 ) w
and since the formula z,
a , ~7
~ 1 )
& H(k.’+l)
= z,
(4,a, x7 22)
& ( Z l = %)I
can be brought to the form
we easily infer, using lemmas 20, 23, and 24, that there is an integer e such that rl = rgzz H(k**)(A,,a , n). Similarly we find an integer E, thus showing that lemma 26 holds for the formula rl = r,. Replacing in the above proof the formula z1 = x, by z = z,+z, or z = zl.zz,we show similarly that lemma 26 holds for the numerical formulas rl+r,and r, x r,. Since xi can be represented as PD(At, a, x) and in a similar form with P$k*z) instead of I$“*”,we see that lemma 26 is true for the numerical formulas q ,j = 0 , 1 , ..., 1- 1. It is also obvious that if lemma 26 holds for the propositional formula t,it does so for the formula (q)&. Hence ) the assumption it remains to prove lemma 26 for the formula a f ( r 1 under that it holds for the (numerical) formula r1. Assume for simplicity that Farl = ( L Z ) H ( ~ * ~ + a ~ ,) x, ( L Iz)~ , ,and toI‘, = (LZ)B(ksz+l)(Aj,, a , n, z). Then by (*) FoaArl)= (11))(E4(B)(b7 t ) ( D ( a ,B , & .[
l-oaf(G) = ( 4 ( E z ) ( E B ) ( 8t)(D(a, , B,
t ) &, (We) 2 X )
& IF(& TZ+&, t)3
4) = 01) ?
((W-= 2)
v [v = ( ( 8 ) A j ) S ] & I@(d?:, 6+de7
[74], 228
It is obvious that we can determine integers f : ,
I-*(W) > z) L [ v = ( ( 8 ) A , ) C ]
[+(~l:,~ltP(~,= x,4 01)
= +(A,:, &+&, I-a@(s) -=c z ) v [ v
such that
v))= 0 ?
((44J.1 8z [@(A%,h t 2 ( 5 , x , $1) = 01 = @ ( A j ; , t l + s ( s ,2 , B , w))
We thus obtain t-aaf(Tl)= ( ~ w ) ( E ~ ) H ! ~ , ' +a, ~ x) (, Az,~v;), ,
F m a f ( T l= ) ( w ) ( E z ) ~ ( ~ . ' + ' ) (a, A ~x,; , z , v ) ,
whence we obtain the desired result using lemmas 23 and 25. LEMMA27. For every k , 1 there are primitive recursive functions g 7 , gT such that if S,s are elementary numerical formulas representing them in A , and a' = ( a l , ..., ak-l), then
Fa f p - 1 . 0 (6 (
4,a ' , 2 ) = (ao)@,')(Y,
IFk-'*')(tT(y,dk),a ' , x) = (E%)P*Q(Y, a, x) Proof. We shall prove the first formula. The right-hand side of this formula is equivaledt to (23)
(V)(Eao,B)(Es,t)[S(Y,ao,B)~~D(a,B,8,t)~+(Y,O+l(s,~)) =o] ,
where B is the formula used in the proof of lemma 21. Let h ( m , k) be the primitive recursive function h ( m , k ) = 2'((m)*).p n ) t
(m)r-x pk
where f' and f" have the same meaning as in the proof of lemma 21 and let r be aa integer such that +(Ar, I ( $ , y ) ) represents h ( m , k ) in A , . Then ~ ( 0B, , @(dry ~ ( 8 A , & ) ) ,t ) ] t - - m ~ ( ~ ,66, B) 3 [ ~ ( a 'Y, , s,t) and we infer that (23) is equivalent to
(Y)(fi,1 ) [ D ( a ' , Y ,8~ t , & @ ( Y ,rl+i(@(dr,
.)) = O]
This formula is reducible to the form required in the lemma in the way used several times in the preceding proofs. LEMMA28. Formulas H(O*"(y,x ) sdisfv condition VI. Proof. (i) follows from lemma 21. To prove (iii) we notice that + ( A ! , i t ( t o , ...,tt-s,dm, An)) =(P(Ac(,,rn,w), ~ - z ( t o , - * ) tl-s)), where t i 8 prim-
itive recursive (cf. axiom
p - 2 )
(am)), and hence
[74], 229
km H(o*t)(di, q,,...,Q - ~A,,,, , dn)
Formula (ii) has i i ~our case the form
n(4)3 {H(0*4)(4,), tl, .*- 7 $4) (Eu,a ) [ n ( u & ) ( r (")-5r(ti, ~ , %I) &
& ~ ( o ' 4 ) ( ~ ru, , v,
SinCe l?m
~(r(G9 t z ) A r ( ~a!) )
t3, 4)1)-
n(4)& n ( u ) I ( [ ( r ( U , f W N l , t A ) & -(m1, t z ) 3 r ( $ h , q] = (Y)[".T+, Wl, t e ) 2 P ( u ,41)
(cf. lemma 15 and the remark following lemma 13), we can give to (24) the form (cf. lemma 10)
n(4)3 (~(0s4)(&w, t1, - - ?
(Eu,v ) ( a ,B, Y)
(&w(a,8,u)L"I11Z(Y,Il(tl,ta,,r(U,"))] &B'o'4'(4, % Q , W 4 ) j ) *
It follows from lemmas 26, 27, 23, and 20 that there is a primitive recursive T for which this formula is provable in A,. Lemma 28 is thus proved. It remains still to give examples of families {Aj} of extensions of A,, which satisfy the assumptions of theorem 2. Let B f be a recursive family of sets of closed formulas. Hence there is a recursive relation R such that 9 c Bj
R ( j ,rW).
We denote by r an integer such that the formula @ ( d , , i ( z , y ) )= 0 'strongly represents R in A,. Let us further assume that the sets A! = Cn,(Bf) are consistent. We shall show that the assumptions of theorem 2 are satisfied f6r the family {At]. Let &It,, be defined by transfinite induction on 6 as follows:
u closed forncuh)& (ICY)[(!?'&I a formula with e d l y &It+.,= {@: (@ one free a u r i a ~ ez)&(N)(Y(A,,) c s ~ & , ~t-((a)[Y(z) ) 3 @I)])
Thus 8t.j is the set of (closed) formulas which can be derived from B f by f applications of the rule w. Spector [lo] proved that A f = CN,(B,) = &,,j. Let FZm(zj, Zh(z) be elementary formnlss which (strongly) represent in A, the set of formulas with one free varimble st and the set of M e 1 numbers of closed formCP such that t-9.
(741, 230
Further, let s b ( z , y), gen(a), x i m p y be elementary numerical formulas which represent in A, the primitive recursive functions B b ( 1 , 1, r@T), I m p r!Pl (cf. 11, p. 206). N e g E s ( 1, 1, N e g ( r @ l ) , We consider the following formulas: Z o ( u ,2): ( y ) [ + ( u ,i ( r ,y)) ZAU, g , a‘): (Y)(+(%
(a is the minimal element of GU),
= 01
t ( Y , $1)
(a is the successor of Zdt474: ,-Z,((C,
4 85 (Y)([+,
Y)) = ov+(,,
3 (EY’) (Y f- Y‘ 8z m # Y‘ & I@(., ;(Y,Y’))
$7) = 01
in the ordering &),
9)= 01
(Y # 4 =
01 & [ + ( u ,i ( y ’ , 4) = 01))
(x is a limit clement of the ordering & ) . Let Z ( a , u , a) be the formula
(4(ZO(%$1 3 ( Y ) [ a ( i ( 3 , y ) = ) 0 = +(&,i ( v , Y))
= 01)
& ( a ,~ ) [ Z , ( U5 ,, d)3{ ( y ) I ? i ( i ( y)) ~ , = 01 = ( E t ) ( c ) l P l m ( t ) Li3
(4!tzz(qc,3) 3 (Y)([&.,
T h ( s b ( z , t ) ) &Th(!?en(timpy))]j)
Y)) = 01 3 (E$’)[pl(u,i($’, 3)) = 0 (m’ # $1 & a ( i ( z ‘ ,y)) = 01)) .
The following lemma explains the meaning of this formula: L E ~ 29. A Let p be in W ai,d let tp, p , j satisfy Z in %-, Thew [ v ( J ( n k)) , = 01 = [ k i s the Godel number of a formula @ i n Be*.j where En i s the order type of a segment of N o determined by n in the well-ordering <JP r o o f by induction on En presents no difficulties. LEMMA30. 1 - - , ~ ( u ) 3 ( E ! u ) Z ( a , u , v ) . P r o o f . by the formalization in A, of the usual existence and uniqueness proofs of functions defined by transfinite induction. LEKWA31. I-.,n(u) & n ( u ’ )& [T(u, v ) %l‘(zr‘, v’)] & Z ( a , u ,v) & Z ( a ’ , up, v ’ ) 3 { ( & ) [ a ( t ( ay)) , = 0) = ( W ) [ a ’ ( t ( dy)) , =
01) .
P r o o f (informal). The antecedent implies (cf. lemma 1 7 ) that v = v’ and 1c w u’. Let # be I a similarity mapping of N,, onto itself carrying , s2))= 0 over into @(u’,[(s;, si))= 0. We then the relation @ ( u [(al, prove by transfinite induction on the order type of the segment of the , = 0. first relation determined by s that a ( i ( z ,y)) = 0 = a ( i ( / l ( m ) y))
[74], 231
LEMMA32. The formulas
r ( u ,v , u9: ( a ) ( Z ( au, , v ) 3 ( E @ l a ( W w))= 01) I
I-*(%&,v , w): ( a ) ( Z ( a u,v) , 3 (E+(T(T,
.(W)))= 03
(where Y ( W ) is an elementary numerical formula which represents the function Neg in A,) strwgly represent ilz A , relatively to W x N: the relations
U st,j)l (E@)[(TL = r- @l) 8~(@ E U b'k.,)l
C ( p , j , l a ) : (E@)[(th= r@l) &.(@
C * ( p ,j , 98):
Proof. Let p E W, whence t-ZT(A,) (cf. lemma 10). msume that C ( p , j , n), whence that 18 = r@l and @ t where < Ipl. We shall show that r(Ap, A , , A,) is true in So. Indeed, if y together with p , j satisfies Z in So,then there is an integer q such that (with the notation of leninia 29) E = Ep and hence y ( J ( q ,n ) ) = 0, i.e. y und n. satisfy in % the formula (Es)Ia(i(m,w)) = 01. It follows that kwr(A,, A j , An). Now assume that non-C(p, j , 18). According to lemma 30 t-w-r(~pr
dj, An)
( a ) ( z ( a ,A,
A , ) 2 ($)ja(l(z,An)) # 01) *
Thus the implication non-C(p, j , 1%)3 k u - I ' ( A 2 1 , A,, An) will be proved if we succeed in showing that r ( A p , A,, An) is false in %o. However, this is obvious because by lemma 30 there is exactly one function p which satisfies in 'illo the iormula Z ( a , A,, A,) and for this function (by lemma 29) we have y ( J ( q ,1 ) ) ) # 0 for every q. Proof of the second part of the lemma is similar. THEOREM6 . If {B ?} i s a recursive fanzily of closed formulas and if the sets Ai = C)t,(B,) are consistetit, thew there is a formula free for the family CAI}. P r o o f . Starting with foriiinlas T , r* of lemma 32 we construct i='las in lemma 1. It has beeii ._ proved in lemma 1 that these formulas FA, formulas strongly represent relations Ch, Ct relatively to 1Y x iV: and satisfy condition (g), p. 207. From lemmas 26, 27, 23, 24, and 20 it follows that there arc integers rl,r2 such that -
H(0s4YAr1, 2 ,Y, z , An) = l'&, Y,2) , -
t - m ~ H ( 0 ~ 4 ) ( ~ r2, B ,1,z , An) = rt(8,1,
and hence that all assuniptions of theorem 2 are satisfied. It is rather remarkable that theorem 1 fails for the system A, of analysis discussed in [tl]. Indeed, it has been proved in [8] that there is a finite complete extension of A,. It is extremely unikely that there be a formula free for A,; this question, however, is open and seems to be rather difficult.
[74], 232
Referenoen [l] K. Godel, tfbw f&
wmtaeheidbnre Bdks dsr Prinoi.pio M a t h m a * h a* r d fiir Mathematik und P h y d t 88 (1931). pp. 173-198. 121 A. Grsegorcsyk, A. Yostowski. Cs. Ryll-Nardsewski. The abr.iool and the o-eonvplets Milhmdia, The Journal of Symbolio Logio 23 (1968). pp. 188-206. [3] S. Fdfermmn and G. Kreisel, F d i h f d interpt&akons ' , NO^ of the hmerican Mathematid Society% (1969). p. 616. fa] S. C. Bleene, I&oductOn to Mta-nrOtlunnu&%, North B o b d Publhhbg Company, Amsterdam 1962. [a] Oa UM f m of uls pdieotur in the thsoty of oonawctiw ord(ndr I& paper), American Journal of Mathematioe 77 (1066). pp. 406-428. [S] - Arithmsticd pedhtuu and f W O n plcmtiffetr, TraneaCtio~of the Am=ican Mathematical Society 79 (1966). pp. 312-340. [7] W. Markwsld, Zw !l'hao& dsr koMWven W o ~ m fithem8tSahe . Annalen 127 (1954). pp. 136.149. [8] A. Mostowski, A q u h of d y & based om M) hfini&ny nJs of proof. Proceedings of the International Symposium on F o u n d a t i o ~of Mathematics: Z*finc tistio M&, wsra~owaimi. [O] J. B. Rosser, EaeneiotM of 8omd theurmu of W Z mad Uhumh, The Joarnd of Symbolio Logic 1 (1936),pp. 87-91. [lo] C. Spector, I d d i v d y & f i d set9 of ndwd nwnbaru, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Foundation8 of Mathematics: Znfimitbtio Mathoh. War. ~ 1 . 8 ~ 1961. 8 1113 A. Tarski, A. Mostowski, R. M. Robinson, Udaddobh Themkw. Studies in Logic and the Foundatione of Mathematics, dmeterdam 1963. cw~andter8ycrtSms I , Yonatah&
Re+w par lo Rckladkm Is 30. 4.1960
I n 113 the writer discussed the problem of axiomatizabilify of many valued predicate logics whose quantifiers were interpreted as the 1.u.b. and g.1.b. operations in the set of truth values. I n the present paper an example will be given t o the effect that the adjunction of other quantifiers destroys, in general, the axiomatixability of the system.’) I n order t o make the paper independent of [l] we repeat briefly the basic definitions. We consider a “language” So whose expressions are built from individual variables xo,x,, . . ., functional variables Fi,Pi,. . (j = 0 , 1 , . .), propositional connectives ’& with pi arguments ( j = 0 , 1 , . . ., a ) and quantifiers Do, . . .,
Formulas of 8, form the smallest class K such that: 1 O atomic formulas
. . . 4, are in K (i, j = 0 , 1 , 2 , . . .; k,, . . ., ki = 0 , 1 , 2 , . . .); 2” whenever di, , . . . , dipi are in K , then so are 2,Q 1 . . . Q p j and & xq di, (j = 0 , 1 , . . ., a ; k = 0 , 1 , . . ., b ; q = 0 , 1 , . . .). F!xki
An inferpetation of So is determined by a set X, a set 2 of truth values, its subset D (whsse elements are called distinguished truth values), functions pj mapping the Cartesian produrt Z’j into 2 ( j = 0 , 1 , . . ., a ) and ’functions &I, mapping 22 (the family of all subsets of 2)into 2 , k = 0 , 1, . . ., b .
A model p of So in X is a mapping of functional variables FA,Pi,. . into dX’); thus p Fi is a mapping of X i into 2.A valuation v of ,u is an extension of p to a mapping whose domain consists of all variables of 8, and which satisfies the condition v xq E X for q = 0 , 1 , . . .. By Wq, we denote the set of all valuations Y‘ of p which coincide with v everywhere except possibly for the argument xq. The value of a formula Q for a valuation v is defined by induction :
vUl,F~xk l...X~,=f(Vxk~,...,Vxk,) Val, 3j di, . . . dip’ = I&(VaZ, di,,
where f = vF$ (i, j, k,, . . ., kj = 0 , 1 , . . .);
. . .) Val, d i p + ) j, = 0 , 1 , . . ., a ;
VaZv Djzqdil =&i{Val, dil: e E Wl,”}, j = O , l , . . ., b ; q
. ..
l) Professor E. SPECKER has kindly informed me that another example bo the same effect was found by his student Mr. B. SCARPELLINI. The example of Mr. SCARPELLINI shows also that theorem 5.2 of [I] cannot be proved when one &OPE the assumption that D is closed.
[751, 73
A formula @ is satisfiable if there is a model p of So and a valuation v of p such that Val, @ E D ; @ is valid if this relation holds for every model p of Is, and every of its valuations. For closed formulas Valv @ depends only on p and is denoted by Val, @ .
The aim of this paper is t o give an example of So and its interpretation such t h a t the set of valid formulas is not recursively enumerable. arithmetic i.e. the system considered i n [2]. Let P be PEANO L e m m a 1. There is an integer n such that the set of (GODELnumbers of) closed true formulas of P containing at most the variables vo, . . ., v, is not recursively enumerable.
P r o o f . Let s ( n ) be the substitution function of GODEL and U a recursively enumerable set of pairs such t h a t every recursively enumerable set of integers be representable as U, = { m : ( e , m ) E U}.Let H ( v , , v2) and S ( v , , v;) be formulas which represent I; and s i.e. which satisfy the conditions:
{F(O("),O(m)) is true} = { ( n , m ) E U }, {S(O("),v2) = (v2= O(s(n)))} is true. Denote the formula (EV,)[F(O'~), v,) & S(v,, v,)] by G,. Let rGe' be the GODEL number of G, and let He be the formula -Sb(vl/O(r-'ol) )Q,. We have then the obvious equivalences
{ H , is true} = { - F ( o ( ~ ) ,
) is true}
= s ( -Gel) ~ 6 Ue
and the obvious equation
= Sb(v,lO('"'e'))
{ H E i s true} = He1 C€ U,.
= rHE1whence
Denote by N the number of distinct bound variables which occur i n F and i n S . 1 . Since numerals do not contain variables we see that the number of distinct variables is N 1 for every e . Now if the set of (GODELnumbers of) true formulas with N 1 variables were of the form U, we would obtain from (1) He' E U,sz HE16 U,. Lemma 1 is thus proved.
The number of bound variables i n Ge is N
We let now Z t o be the set of non negative integers, D = { 0 } , a = 6 , b = 2 , p , , ( m , n ) = m + n , v i ( m , n ) = m . n , q 2 ( m , n ) = ~ 0 ' m - n 'v, 8 ( m , n ) = ~ m * 0 0 ' , q4(n) = On, qa(n) = 0, tp6( n ) = n 1 . Let Do, n, , D, be functions such that [noS = 01 = [S = 21, [al8 = 0) = [ S = {O}], [a, S = 01 = [0 E Thus D1and a, are the general and the existential quantifiers.
P u t for any sequence (2)
@of i
formulas of So
s+l @d
= 009
@ = i
&Mi@< i-0
8 4 @#+I*
[751, 74
+ + . ..~ n
We choose an integer n satisfying lemma 1 and n 1 predicate variables with 1 arguments, e.g. Fo, .,Fn (the upper index n 1 is dropped for conn veGence of reading). Let A ( F o , .,F,,) and B ( F o , . ., Fn) be formulae
n Dl n a1 n
. .a, xi-1
.. n Dl x S + ~ . . . a, x,, 17 Do
a1x i . . .a, xi-1 a,
. a, 2, n, x:, a*q + 1 n, & Fj xo . . . x, Fj x i . . . xi
Lemm a 2. Let ,u be a model of Is, in a set X and let ,u Fj = f j , j
. . . 2;. = 0, 1, . . .,n .
Then (3) V ~ l , , A = , O ~ ( i ) n + l ( b .o. .,, b i - l b g + l , . . . , b ? )= ( { f < ( b o j. . * >
k-1, a , b i + 1 , . * * , a n ) : V a l , B = O = ( j ) n + l ( b o ,...,b n , b i ,..., b j - , , b ~ + , ,..., b;)=
Vj(b1,. . . , b n ) = f ~ ( ~b , . . . , b ~l-, b * , b ~ + ~ , . . . , b n ) l . (In other words Val, A = 0 if and only if fi treated as the function of its i-th argument alone assumes all integers as values (i = 0 , 1, . . ., n ) ; Val, B = 0 i f and only if f j depends exclusively on the j-th argument, j = 0, 1, . . ., n ) . Proof. From (2) it follows easily that Val, Hence to prove (3)it is sufficient to prove that (5) ( V d , Q
17 @( = 0 = (i)8+lVal, @i
. QIxg-1 Dl ~ i + 1 . .. a, x,H Do X< Fj XI . . . 2,) = 0 s iq0 (bo, . . ., bi-1, b i + l , . . *, bn)x ( ? ) n + l ({f,(bo, . . ., bi- 1 , a , bi+ 1 , . . ., bn) :a E X } = 2).
@ is a formula with a free variable xg then
{Val. a1xq @ = O}=rZ,
{Val, @ : @ E
wg,"} = 0 = (@)w,,,Val, @ = 0 .
It follows that the left hand side of ( 5 ) is equivalent to (eo)wo,,(el)wl*,
.. . ( e ~ - l ) ~ ~ - l , e ' - ~ ( e i + l ) ~ i +..l , e ' - l f
( e n ) w n , , I - , ( i ) n + l V ~ l e , ~ x i F j ~... o xn=O. Finally, since Val, Do xi @ = 0 --= { Val, @ :u E equivalent to
W i,}, = 2, this condition is
... ( e i - l ) ~ i - l , e ' - , ( e ~ + l ) ~ ~ + l*,.e. , - l (Qn)Wn.e,-l
(i)n+ 1 {Val,Fj xo . . . xn : u E Wi,},
= 2.
(751~75 If
E Wo,,,,
wi-i.Q,-$, e i + i
. . ., e m
a € Wi,Q.,then Val,F~=f,.Denotinge,xobybo,. . ., ei-1 x i - l b y b i - l , . e i + l x i + 1 by bi + 1, . . .,en xn by b,, a xi by a we infer that the previous condition is equvalent to (j)n+l{/,(a,, . . ., bi-l, a , b i + l , . . ., bn) : a E X}= 2. Proof of (4) is similar and can be omitted. We now define a correspondence between terms and formulas of P containing no variable different from v,, ,v,, and certain formulas of 8,.Terms of P are denoted byt, T,, zl etc., formulas of P by H, H, etc.:
t is 0, if z is v j ,
if t is z1
(iv) (v)
if z is tlt,,
if H is tl = t g , then
then @= is
+ 1,
then then
+ tg, then
t is tl
if H is
if H is HI
if H is (Ev,) H,, then
H,, 3
Ha, then
gsF, xo . . . x,,,
. . xn, fDZ is S6 aZl,
is F, 2 , .
8, Qb,, @,*, 3, Gr1GZ*, @H is 3, GZlaZs, @i+ is 8, @H,, @H is 88 OH,@H,. @H is E l, kj @H,. Q7
I n the next lemma we shall use the following notation. If H is a formula of P containing no variables different from v,, . .,v,,, then I=H[k,, . ., k,,] will mean that H is satisfied (in the standard model of P) by the integers ko, . , kn ; if t is a term of P containing no variables different from v,, . .,a,, then 7 [k,, . . ., k,,] denotes the value of this term (in the standard model) for the assignment 3 +- k, ( j = O , l , ...,n ) .
Lemma 3. If y i8 a d l of 8, 8uch that Val,, A = Val,, B 5 0 , v a valuation of y and k5 = Val, Fj 2 , . . x,, (j = 0 , 1 , . .,n ) then for every term t and every formula H of P not containing variables different from vo, . . ., v,,
. . ., k,,] = Val, Or, . . ., k,,] Val, @H = 0 . hand sides of (6) are 0 and 4;the right hand sides
Proof. In cases (i), (ii)the left are tps(k,) = 0 and k5. In cams (iii)-(v) the left hand sides of (6) are (by the inVal, @71 * VaJ, BZ, i.e. ductive assumption) Val, Gr1 1 , Val, Br1 Val, v6( Val, tpJ, 9 0 (Val, Gr1,Vcrl,4j7J, tp1 (Val, Val, @r*) and hence coincide with the right hand sides of (6). In case (vi) the left hand side of (7) is equivalent to Val, Gr1= Val, G7*i.e. to tp,( Val, G7,,Val" @J = 0 i.e. to Val, SsQr1 Or, = 0 i.e. to VaZ, aH= 0 . In case (vii) the left hand side of (7) is equivalent to non (=Hl[ko, .,k,,], i.e. by the inductive assumption to Val, @i+ 0 i.e. to
[751, 76
q,,(Val,, @Hl) = 0 i.e. to Valv & @Hl = 0 i.e. t o the right hand side of (7). In case (viii) the left hand side of (7) is equivalent to non I=H,[ko, . ., kn] or /=H,[ko,. . .,kn] i.e. t o Val, @Hl =+ 0 or Val, @H, = 0 i.e. t o q3(Val,@ H ~ , Valv @H,) = 0 i.e. t o Val" Ss@Hl @H, = 0 . I n case (ix) the left hand side of ( 7 ) is equivalent t o the existence of a p such that I=H,[ko, . . . , ki- 1, ?, , kj+ 1, . . ., kn]. Let us fix any p of this kind. By lemma 2 and the assumption that Val, A = 0 there is a valuation e E W,, such that Val, Fj xo . . . xn = p ; since Val, B = 0 we have Val, Fi xo . . . xn = Val" Fi xo . . . x, = ki for i $: j . Hence, by the inductive assumption, Val, @Hl = 0 . Conversely if a e E W q , exists suoh that Val, @Hl = 0 then, by the inductive assumption and the remark that Val, F,xo . . . x, = Val, Fd xo . . xn for i j we obtain
/=H, [k, , . . ., le, - 1, Val, Fixo . . . x, , ki + 1 , . . . , k,] and hence
H[k,, . . ., k,] . Thus we have proved /=H[ko, . . . , k,]
( E ,o)wI , v [Val, @Hl
= 01
i.e. the left hand side of ( 7 ) is equivalent t o 0 E {Val, Q,({ Val, @Hl : e E W j , = O i.e. to Val, a, xj @Hl = 0 .
:e E
Wi, "} i.e.
Lemma 3 is thus proved. T h e o r e m . The set of valid formulas of So is not recursively enumerable.
Proof. For any closed formula H of P not containing variables different from vo, . ., vn we denote by YHthe formula
8 3A 8 3 @H. In view of lemma 1 it will be sufficient to show that
(H is true in P ) G (YHi s valid). 1. Assume that H is true in P and let p be any model of So. If Val, A =I= 0 or Val, B $; 0 then Val, Y H= 0 as we immediately see from the definition of q3.If VaZ,A = Val, B = 0 then, by lemma 3, Val, @H = 0 and hence again Val, YH= 0 . Thus Y H is valid.
2 . Assume that YHis valid. Choose a model p of 8, in 2 so that fj be the function . . ., a,) = a j . By lemma 2 Val, A = Val,, B = 0 whence by lemma 3 the equation Val, @H = 0 implies I= H[k,, . . . , k,] for arbitrary k,, . . ., k,. Hence H is true.
Bibliography [l] A. MOSTOWSKI,Axiomatizability of some many valued logics, Fundamenta Mathematicae 50 (in print). [ 21 A. TARSKI,A. MOSTOWSKI, R. M. ROBINSOR,Undecidable theories. Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics. North Holland Publ. Co. Amsterdam, 1953. (Eingegangen am 7. Dezember 1960)
Introduction The problem of axiomatizability as conceived in the present paper can be set forth as follows: There are given: (1) a formal language L; (2) the notion of consequence in L, i.e., a function Cn which correlates with every set of closed formulas of L another such set; (3) a “mathematical structure”, e.g., the set of integers together with the arithmetical operations or the field of real numbers or the like. Let V be the set of formulas of L which are true in the considered structure. The problem is whether there exists a finite (or a recursively enumerable) set X of closed formulas such that Y = Cn(X). If such a set exists we say that the theory of the considered mathematical structure is finitely axiomatizable (or simply axiomatizable) in the logic determined by L and Cn. The function Cn is usually defined in the semantical way: we say that a formula F belongs to Cn(X) if every model M of X is a model of F. This definition is unambiguous only when L is a first order language. In case when L contains variables of higher order the definition requires additional explanations because it must be specified how to interpret the variables of higher order. In case when L is the second order functional calculus we can allow either all subsets of M (or of an appropriate Cartesian power of M) or all finite subsets of M (or of a power of M) as values of the second order variables. Accordingly we have two notions of axiomatizability which we shall call henceforth axiomatizablility in the strong and in the weak second order logic. Classical results concerning the categoricity of Euclidean geometry can be viewed upon as proofs of finite axiomatizability of the theory of the Euclidean ’plane in the strong second order logic. Tarski [3] raised the question whether this theory can be axiomatized in the weak second order logic. This question is equivalent to that whether the theory
[76], 270
To of the field of real numbers KO is axiomatizable in the weak second order logic. It will be shown below that the answer to this question is negative: To cannot be axiomatized not only by a recursively enumerable but even py an analytic set of axioms. The result seems insofar remarkable as the theories of most mathematically interesting fields (e.g., that of complex numbers, of algebraic numbers, of real algebraic numbers, of rational numbers, of the finite extensions of the field of rational numbers etc.) prove to be finitely axiomatizable in the weak second order logic. The proof of our result is obtained by a simple adaptation of methods due to Godel and Tarski. We shall show that if the set X is definable in the theory To(thus in particular if it is finite or recursively enumerable), then so is the set Cn(X),,whereas according to the wellknown theorem of Tarski the set of all formulas which are true in KO is not definable in To. Besides solving the problem of Tarski we shall derive a closely related result (Theorem 5.2.2). Some of the Lemmas given below are not needed in the solution of Tarski’s problem but are used only in the proof of 5.2.2. These lemmas are denoted by an asterisk. The paper is self-contained and all proofs are given in full except that in one of the “starred” lemmas (4.2.3) we use a result of Kleene. 1. Theory
1.1. Syntax. Expressions of this theory are built from the following symbols: (1) uo,ul,uz,... (individual variables), (2) Vo,Vl,Vz, ... (class variables), (3) 1, (E ) (the Sheffer stroke and the existential quantifier) (4) =,E,S,P,L (identity, the membership predicate and the predicates of field theory). We shall write x,y,z, ... instead of u1,uz,u3,... and also X,Y,Z, ... instead of V1yVz,V3y... .The usual connectives of the propositional calculus and the general quantifier are introduced by means of definitions. The class of formulas of T is the least class containing the atomic formulas Vi
=up u~EQ S(uiyui,uJ, , P(ui,uj,uk), L(ui,uj), i,j,k = 0,1,2,.:.
and satisfying the condition: whenever ml, a2belong to the class, then so do Ia2,(Eui)al, (EK)ml, i = 0,1,2,... .
[76], 271
A X l O M A T l Z A B l L l T Y OF T H E FIELD OF R E A L N U M B E R S
The result of substitution in a formula CP of the variables ul,uj, ...,uk for uo,ul.. .,u, and of the variables Vp,Vq,...,V, for the variables Vo,Vl,. ..,V, will be denoted by @(u,,u, ,...,u,, V',V, ,..., V,); using this notation we assume that no variable u,, h > n, and no variable V,, t > m, is free in CP and also that no qllision of bound and free variables occurs as a result of the substitution. We assume as known the Godel numbering of formulas. The Godel number of a formula CP will be denoted by W1and the formula with the Godel number n will be denoted by X. If X is a set of formulas, then we put 'X' = { 'CP' : @EX}.
1.2. Semantics. A frame for T is a relational system K = (K,X,ll, A) consisting of a set K and of two ternaryrelations X,II and one binary relation A with the field K. A K-valuation is a mapping f of the set {uo,u1,u2, ...} u {V,,V,, ...} satisfying the conditions: f(u,) is an element of K,f(vi> is a finite subset of K. For every K-valuationf we define the relation f StsfR CP as the smallest relation satisfying the following conditions :
In the last two definitions it is understood that f* runs over K-valuations. It is well known that conditionsf StsjKCP and f' Stsj=@are equivalent iff and f' coincide for arguments ui, V, which are free in CP. If CP has exclusively the free variables ni,uj,...,Vp,V*,... ( i < j < ...,p < 4 < ...), then
[76], 272
instead of f Stsf,@ we shall write briefly I,@[ f (q),f (uj),. .., f (V& f (V,),. ..].A closed formula @ is true in K (symbolically I-#) iff Stsf,@ for an arbitrary K-valuation$ In view of the above remark, if @ is closed, then (I-,@) = (Ef)(f Stsf,@). If X is a set of closed formulas, then C n ( X ) is the set of all closed formulas @ such that kK@ for every frame K satisfying the condition: kY , for every Y in X . Tarski’s problem referred to at the beginning can now be formulated as follows: if K O is the field of real numhers, does there exist a set X of formulas such that ‘X’ is recursive and C n ( X ) is the set of all formulas true in KO? We shall show that there is no such set even if we replace the word “recursive” by the word “analytic” 2. Arithmetization df the semantics of T
2.1. Auxiliary notions. We shall use the customary notations of the theory of recursive functions (cf. Kleene [l]). Greek letters p,$, ... stand for infinite sequences of integers. The j-th term of p i s denoted by $r or p(j). A relation R(p, ,..., pk, n , ,...,n,) with k functional and I numerical variables is called arithmetic (or anulytic)(’) if it belongs to the smallest class of relations containing relations
where S is a primitive recursive relation and i,, ( j 2 k , s 5 q j ) are integers 5 I , and closed with respect to the logical operations V , as well as the operations (Enj) (or closed with respect to these operations and the operations (Epj)), j = 1,2,... . Let J( j,n) be the one-one primitive recursive function 2j(2n 1) which maps pairs of integers onto integers and let n,(cr) be the function B such that B(n) = cr(J(j,n)).
*2.1.1. If R(pl ,..., pk,nl,...,nl) is an arithmetical relation, then so is R(nj,(p,),..., nj,(VJ,nl,. ..,n!)* . Let us denote the relation R(njl(pl),..., njk(Vk), n , , . . .,n,) b y R‘(pl ,..., p)k, n , ,..., n,, jl,..., j k ) . If R has the form 2.1 (I), then PROOF.
Cf. Kleene [2]. Our definition of “analytic” deviates slightly from the one (I) given by Kleene but is equivalent to his.
and hence R’ is arithmetical. If R , , R , are two relations such that the corresponding relations R t l , R’, are arithmetical, then the same is true for -R,, R, v R , and (Ens)R, since ( -Rl)’ = - R r 1 , ( R , V It,)’ = R’1 V R‘2, ((Enj)Rl)’ = (Enj ) R’ .
*2.1.2. If R ( p , ,..., pk, nl ,..., n,, j ) is an arithmetical relation, and m < k, then there is an arithmetical relation“ S(+hl,..., $ k , n l ,..., n,) such that
PROOF. In view of 2.1.1 it is sufficient to show that
If the left hand side of (1) is true, then for every j there are functions $ k , j such that R ( Y ~ , .., v m , $m + 1 ,j ’ . .,$k. j , nl ,..- 9 1 1 , , j ) . Defining Q m + r such that 9m+r(2j(2n+1)) = $m+r,j(n) for j , n = 0,1,2, ..., r 5 k - m , we have nj(9,,,+J= $ m + r , j , and hence the right hand side of (1) is satisfied. Conversely, if the right hand side of (1) iv satisfied, then so is the left, since for every j we can take as $,,,+r,j the function ~ ~ ( 9 ~r +=~1,2, ) ,..., k - m . Theorem 2.1.2 is thus proved. 2.2. Frames K,. For every sequence p we denote by K , a frame (No,Z,,II,,,A,) where N o is the set of integers and Z,,lI,,A,, are defined as follows.(2)
IL, + 1,j,*
(2) We use the symbol n(,) for the exponent ofp,-th prime in the expansion of n into a product of primes. The symbol means (u(j))ck,.
(761, 274
2.2.1. There are arithmetical relations R(v,+,n) and S(p,+,n) such that for euery closed formula @
PROOF. We introduce the following abbre~iationd~)
The following properties of this relation can easily be established. (3) (Ej),, ( ( j ) “ )is an abbreviation for: for at least one (for every) j which is less than n or equal to n. Ih(n) is the “length function”.
[76], 275
(1) If T(p,p,a), then a(o)sa(l),..., a(lh(a)) are Gadel numbers of formulas 'ii(O), ...,&,(o)) each of which is either (1") atomic or (2") can be obtained from one or two of the preceding formulas by joining them with a stroke or by prefixing with one of the quantifiers (Eud, (EV,). (2) If T(p,p,a), then for every j 5 I&) and every q
wherefq(v3 = 4 ( 2 , ) andf,(vi) = :nEq(2,+1,). (3) If (DO,...,@"is a sequence of formulas satisfying (1") and (2"), Ih(a) = n, and a is such that a(j) = r@jl for j 5 n, then there is a p such that T(p,p,a). Indeed, let pj(q) = 0 or 1 according as f,Szsf 0, or f q non Szsf CPj 5 KC and define p by the equation y(2'(2q+ 1)) = pkq). We have then n,(p,q) = pj(q) and the equivalence (i) is satisfied for every q and for j = 0, 1,. .., n. From this we easily obtain T(p,p,a). We define now relations R and S as follows. = n>&(Eq)(%h(a)(F,q) = o)],
(a) [T(p,&a)& (a(lh(o)) = n,
= (&) (nlh(a)(p,q)
= O)].
Let @ = 0" be a closed formula such that k @; choose a sequence ...,(Dn satisfying (1") and (2"). If a,p are Krsuch that T(p,p,a) and W1, then by (i) for j = Ih(a) we obtain (qh(,,)(p,q)= 0) = 0 ; since I- 0, the right hand side is satisfied for an arbitrary K# (Eq) [ q h ( o ) ( f p , q ) = 01. This proves that
= (w(p,4r@1).
If (p)S((p,p,W1),then by (3) we choose a p satisfying T(p,p,SCP1) and obtain (Ep)R(p,p,'@'). Hence
Finally,if R(p,p,W1), then by (1) and (2) there is a q such thatf,Szsf and hence k CP. This proves that
(Ep)R(v,~,r@l) 3 kK,,@
and the theorem is proved.
[76], 276
2.2.2. Every f r a m e K = (K,X,ll,A) with a denumerable K and with non-void Z,ll,A i s isomorphic to a f r a m e K,,.
PROOF. We can assume K = N o . Enumerate (if necessary with repetitions) triples (aj,bi,ci) and (a;,b;,c;)
satisfying Z(ajyb;,c;) and
ll(a;,by,c;) respectively, and pairs (aJ:, b y ) such that A(aJy,cJy).Define ,u such that ,u(3:-&l)
$4) = a;,
= c;t
P( 3 (1) i + 2 ) = a;,
= b‘j ,
p C( 3 )j ) = CJY
P( 3(1)j + l )
(3j+I) (2)
= bw
= bJ7. For any such ,u we ob-
viously have K,, z K.
2.2.3. If A is a set of closed formulas such that in no finite f r a m e all formulas of A are true and if ‘A’ is analytic, then so is ‘Cn(A)’.
PROOF. If 0 # Cn(A), then there is a frame K such that kKY for every Y in A but non kK@. By the generalized Skolem-Lowenheim theorem (Tarski [4]) there is a denumerable frame K with the same properties. Using theorem 2.2.2 we obtain (1)
C n ( A ) = (,u){(j)(j E A
and the theorem follows from 2.2.1.
* A set A of closed formulas is ll-definable if there is an arithmetical relation P(pl,,...,plk,n) such that
*2.2.4. For every ll-definable set A of closed formulas there is an arithmetical relation Q(pl, ,...,plm,n) such that O E E n ( A ) = (pli ,..., 9”)
Q(vi,. . , ~ m , ~ @ ’ ) .
PROOF. Formula (1) above together with theorem 2.2.1 gives
Using theorem 2.1.2 we reduce the right hand side to the desired form.
[76], 277
A X l O M A T l Z A B l L l T Y OF T H E FIELD O F R E A L N U M B E R S
3. Definability of recursive functions 3.1. Axioms for the theory of ordered fields. We denote by X o the set consisting of the following axioms :
THEOREM 3.1.1. K i s a frame such that kKYfor Y e X Oif and only if K i s an ordered field. PROOF. Obvious. 3.2 Abbreviations. We shall introduce abbreviations for a number of formulas :
[76], 278
In the last definition, m = max(j,k,l) + 1, n = rn 1, p = m 2, q = m + 3 . In the following theorems K denotes an ordered field, K its set of individuals, 0 and 1 its zero and its unit, a + b and a b are results of addition and of multiplication of K and c is its ordering relation. The inverse of a is denoted by l / a . The element 1 + 1 ... + 1 (n times) is denoted by n. Proofs are omitted for the most part, as‘ they are very elementary.
= (a
+ 1). = (m + 1 = n).
(b = a
kKS[m, 1, n]
= n).
= (OEA)&(b)[(bEA)&(b
( E n ) ( a = n).
PROOF. The set A,, = (0, 1, ...,n] satisfies I-,H[A,,,n]. If A satisfies k,H[A, n], then A contains O , l , ...,n and hence k,N[n]. Now assume that a is in K and kKN[a]. Let A’ be a finite set such that kKH[A’, a ] . If a c 0, then the set {Oj satisfies I-,H[{O}, a] and does not contain a which is impossible. If a > n for every n then A’ contains all elements n which contradicts the finiteness of this set. Hence there is an n such hat n 6 a < n +- 1. Since kKH[A,,,a] it follows U E A ,whence a = II. 3.2.6. I-,C[A,a]
(En) ((a
n)&(j){(f < n)
( E ! a ) [ ( a € A )&
+ 1>1>>.
3.2.7. kKW[A,a,b,c]
(En,p)[kKC ( A , n)]&(b = p)&
( p < TI)&(U = n)&(p
+ l / ( c + 1) E A ) ] .
3.2.8. Euery set A satisfying k,C[A,n] determines a sequence co,cl,...,c,-I of positiue elements of K ; cj is the unique element of K satisfying j + l / ( c j + 1) E A ; it can also be characterized U S the unique element of K such that kKW[A,n,j,cj].
3.2.9. For arbitrary positive elements cO,...,c.-, of K there is a set A such that t-gc[A,n] and t-KW[A,n,j,cj] for j = OJ,.,.,n-1. 3.3 Definability. A relation between integers R(n,, ...,nJ is called definable in K if there is a formula 0 with k free variables such that
3.3.1. Relations R,, R,, R, defined as follows R,(n,)
= ( n , = 01, R$’(nl,
R2(n1,n2) = (nl = n2
+ 11,
...,n& = (n, = n j )
are definable in an arbitrary ordered field K.
PROOF.In the case of R , we take as CP the formula Z,(ul),in the case
of R , we take as CP the formula Sc(u,,u,) and in the case of Rk,.’ we take as CP the formula (u, = uj)&(u2 = u,) ...&(uk=u&.
3.3.2. I f f , g are functions such that the relations p =f ( n l ,...,ns) and q = g(m,, ...,mJ are definable in K, then so is the relation
We outline the proof only for the case s = t = 2. Let CP and Y be formulas such that
LeLO(x,y,z,t) be the formula (Eu)[Y(u,y,z)&N(u)&@(x,u,t)]. The condition t-,0[p,m,,m2,n,] is equivalent (cf. 3.2.5) to the existence of an integer q such that t,Y[q,m,,m,] and kK@b,q,n,], i.e. q = g(m,,m,) and p =f(q,n,), or equivalently p =f’(g(ml,m2),nl).
3.3.3. Zfg, harefunctions,f(O,n, ,...,n,) = g(n,,...,n,),f(n+l,nl ,...,n,) = h(f(n,nl ,...,n,), n, n , ,...,n,) and if rhe relations p = g(n,,...,n,) and q = h(m,n,nl,...,n,) are definable in K, then so is the relation q = f(n,n ..,n,).
(761, 280
PROOF. For simplicity we assume s = 1.Let @,Ybe formulas such that
and denote by O(X,y,z) and Z(x,y,z) the following two formulas:
lynl]. Hence k,C[A,n 13 Let A be a set such that k,O[A,n and the sequence co, ...,c, corresponding to A (cf. 3.2.8) satisfies the condition: every c j has the form mi, where m j is an integer, kK@[mo,n,], if j < n then kKY[mj+,,mj,j,n,]. From this we infer that m , = g ( n l ) , m i + , = h(mj,j,n,) for j < n, and hence m j =f ( j y n l ) ,j = O , i , ...,n. By running the argument backward we see that if A is a set such that the corresponding sequence coy...,c, satisfies the equations c j = mi, where mi =f(j,n,), then k,O[A,n+l,n,]. Assume now that q =f ( n , n , ) and put mi =f ( j , n l ) for j S n. If A is a set such that the corresponding sequence co,c,,...,c, satisfies c j = mi, I' =< n , we have k,Sc[n,n+l], k,O[A,n+l,n,] and k,W[A,n l,n,q] and hence k,Z[q,n,n,]. Similarly from k,Z[q,n,n,] we obtain q = f ( n , n l ) ,
3.3.4, If f is a primitive recursive function, then the relation m = f ( n , , ...,n,) is definable i n K . This foIlows from 3.3.1 - 3.3.3 by induction. 4. Representability of analytic predicates 4.1. Formulas representing sequences. We say that a formula cf, with
three free variables represents sequences in an ordered field K if for every a in K and every integer n there is exactly one integer n7 = P("'(n) such that k,@[a,n,m]. The sequence p(a) in general depends on K and cf, and would be denoted more accurately by We shall construct an example of a formula representing sequences. We obtain it by expressing in T well-known definitions of the theory of continued fractions.
(761, 281
In the definitions 2-4 we assumed m = i + j + 1, n p = ;+ j + 3 and similarly in the definition 5.
The next theorems explain the meaning of these formulas; K denotes, as usual, an ordered fietd. 4.1.1. tKZ[a]E (0 < a < l)&(a is not representable as m/n f o r a n y integers in, n). 4.1.2.
E (En)[(b = n)&(n
= t-,F[l/a,b]
Ia < n + l)].
or b
and a=O or no c satis3es
= ( b = l / a - c)
= ( E n ) ( ( b = n)&{ there
kKRo[a,do]and k,&[dj,dj+ l ] f o r ewry j < 1 2 ) .
such that
where t-,&[a,c]
or a=O andb=1.
is a sequence do,d, ...., d,
tK(E!C)AO[n,c],t-,(E!d)R0[a,d], tKAo[a,c]3 ( E t l ) ( c =n).
t,(E!c)A[n,n,c], t,A[a,n,c]
( E m ) ( c = m).
Proof by an easy induction on n. From 4.1.7 it follows that the formula A represents sequences. The meaning of this formula is particularly obvious when K = K O is the field of reals :
7 =B”K,
For every sequence y of integers there is an a c K , such that and kKol[a]*
This is a corollary of 4.1.8 and of a well-known theorem of arithmetic. 4.2.
Theorems on analytic predicates. In this section we assume that
K is a fixed ordered field and A a formula representing sequences in K. Instead of /3:q)K we write simply PI. 4.2.1. Let S be a primitive recursive relation of 1 + q l + ...+ q p arguments, let i,,* (r = 1,2, ...,p, s S 4,) be positive integers 5 1. There is: a formula CP with p 1 free variables such that for arbitrary al,...,a p the following equivalence holds:
PROOF. For simplicity we assume p
= 2, q1 = 4 , = 2, 1 = 2 and put
i,, = i,, i,, = i,, i,, =j,, i22= j,. Thus il,i2,il,j2 are a formula such that
2. Let Y be
and let CP be the formula (with free variables v1,u2, z(=uj), w(=v4)):
then for arbitrary c,, c,, d,, d 2 , from
see that (3) is verified for ck = mk, dk=pk, k=1,2, and hence (4) and (1) give S ( m l , m z , ~ l , ~ z , n l , ni.e., z), (5)
Conversely, if (5) is satisfied, then by (l),
with the same meaning of m,, P f (k = 1,2) as above. If cl,cZ,dl,dzsatisfy (3), then by 3.2.5 there are integers m;,m;,p;,p; such that ck = m;, dk = p; (k = 1,2); since A represents sequences in K we infer that mi =p l ) ( n k= ) m, and p; = /3@*)(nk) = p k , k = 1,2, which by (6) proves (4). Thus (3) implies (4), and (2) is satisfied. 4.2.2. For every arithmetical relation R(tpl,...,g~,, n, ,...,n,) there is a formula CP with k I free variables such that
PROOF. Let C be the class of relations for which there is a formula @ satisfying (1). It is obvious that if R,, R z are in C , then so are non-R1 and R1 v R2. I f R is in C, then so is (En,)R, since from(1)it follows that (En,)R(j?@'),...,p(ak),nl,...,n,) = tKY[nl,...,n, -l,n,+l,...,nl,al,...,a~] where Y is the formula (Ev,)[N(v,)&CP]. By 4.2.1 C contains all relations of the form 2.1 (1) and hence it contains all arithmetical relations. *4.2.3. Let K be an ordered field and A a formuia representing sequences in K. For every arithmetical relation R(q1,...,p)k, nl ,...,n,) there is a formula Y with 1 free variables such that
If, in addition, K satisfies the condition: every function recursive in one (functional) quantifier predicates for an a in K,
(w) is representable in the form
r hen
(761, 284
PROOF. Take as Y the formula ( u , + ~..., , v , + ~ ) @ where , Q, satisfies 4.2.2 (1). If (p,,...,pk)R(p,,...,vk,n , ,..., nl), then for arbitrary a , ,...,ak in K t,@[n,,. ..,n,, a , ,..., ak] and hence tKY[nl, ...,n)]. This proves (1). Now assume that ( W ) is satisfied and that there are pl ,..., p?k such that non-R(p, ,...,pk,n , ,..., n,). It is known (cf. Kleene [2], p. 324) that if such p exist, we can assume them to be recursive in one quantifier predicates. Hence, by ( W ) , there are a , ,..., a k in K such that non-R(B("l',..., /3'""), n , ,..., n ) and the result follows by 4.2.2 (1). 4.3. De3nability of analytic predicates in K O . I n this section, K O is the field of real numbers, KO is the set of all real numbers and A is the formula defined in 4.1. 4.3.1. For every analytic relation R ( 9 , ,...,p k , n , ,...n,) there is a formula CD with I - + k free variables such that f o r arbitrary a,, ...,uk in KO
R(p("l),...,/3("k), nl ,...,n,) = tKo@[n,,...,n,,a, ,...,u,].
PROOF. Let C, be the class of relations for which there is a CD satisfying (1). From 4.2.2 it follows that C, contains all arithmetical relations. We prove as in 4.2.2 that if R , , R , are in C,, then so are the relations non-R,, R , v R , and ( E n j ) R , . Hence it remains to prove that if R is in C,, then so is R' = ( E q j ) R . Let Y be the formula ( E u , + ~[Z(U,+~>&@]. ) I f there is a pj such that R(/3("1),...,/3("j-l), pj, /3("1+') ,...,/3(""), n , ,...,n,), then by 4.1.9 there is an uj such that t K 0 Z [ a j ] and qj =/3("?. Hence from (1) we obtain t,,Y[n, ,...,n,, a , ,...,a j - , , a j + ,,...,a k ] . Conversely, if the last formula is satisfied, then there is an a j such that tKoZ [ a j ] and tKoCD[n,,...,n,, a , ,...,uk] which gives by (1) R(p("l),..., pCok), n 1,...,n,) and hence R'(/?("l),...,p("j-l),p(uj+l) ,...,P("k),nl,...,n,). Theorem 4.3.1 is thus proved. 5.
Theorems on axiomatizahility
5.1. Solution o j Tarski's problem. In this section we make the same assumption as in 4.3 that K O is the field of reals. Our proof does not differ from the well-known undecidability results of Godel and of Tarski on indefinability of the notion of truth.
[76], 285
5.1.1. There i s a primitive recursive function s(n) such that f o r every formula Y with exactly one free oariable vo
PROOF. Concatenation of formulas is reflected as a primitive recursive operation on their Godel numbers. 5.1.2. T h e set U
= {W’: kKo@}
is not analytic.
PROOF. Assume the contrary. Hence the set ( n : s(n) 4 U> is. analytic and by 4.3.1 there is a formula Y with exactly one free variable vo such that s ( n ) 4 21 = ~K,(oO)[Zn(vo)= ‘YI. Putting n = Y1and using 5.1.1 we obtain
which is a contradiction. 5.1.3. There is no set B of closed formulas containing axioms 3.1 such that ‘B’ is analytic and @ E Cn(B) = kKo@.
PROOF. If there were such a set, then U = Cn(B) would be analytic by 2.2.3, which contradicts 5.1.2. (The assumption of 2.2.3 is satisfied since (x) ( E y )[L(x,y)] is true in KO but not in any finite frame.) *5.2. A related result. In this section we assume that K is an ordered field, A a formula representing sequences in K. *5.2.1. If U is a II-definable set of closed formulas, then there is an arithmetic relation Q(v1,..., vm,n) such that for every formula 0 with exactly one free variable:
Proof. By 2.2.4 and recursivity of s. *5.2.2. If K satisfies condition ( W ) of 4.2.3, then there is no II-definable set U such that (1)
@ E Cn( U) = kK a.
1761, 286
PROOF. Assume that (1) is true for a ndefinable set U and choose Q according to 5.2.1. By 4.2.3 there is a formula Y with exactly one free variable uo such that (971,...,~,)Q(~1,...,~~,n)= FKY[n] and hence
The right hand side is equivalent to FK(Euo)[Z rel(uO)&Y(uO)], i.e. to non- kX(Vo)[Zre,(Vo) =I -Y(uo)]. Hence taking 0 to be -Y we obtain
i.e. by (1) Z(r-Y1) thus proved. -pc
Cn( U)
Cn(U). Theorem 5.2.2 is
KLEENE,S. C., 1952, Introduction to metamathematics, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam. [2] 1955, Analytic predicates and function quantifiers, Truns. Amer. Math. SOC., 79, 312-340. [31 TARSKI, A., 1959, What is elementary geometry? The axiomatic method with special reference to geometry and physics, 16-29, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam. [41 1958, Some model-theoretical results concerning weak second order logic, Notices Amer. Marh. SOC.,5, Abstract 550-6. [I]
Definability of Sets in Models of Axiomatic Theories by
23, 1961
In the present paper we introduce and discuss the notion of dehability of sets of integers in models of first order theories. This notion is a natural generalization of the notion of representability in a model of type theory [I]. *) Our main result states that under very general assumptions the family of sets which are definable in all models of a theory coincides with the family of recursive sets. **) 1. The space of models. Let T be a consistent first order theory with a finite or denumerably infinite number of predicates and with a denumerable number of variables xl, x2, ... The propositional connectives are noted as -, +, v, A , and the quantifiers as v and A. A frame %I of T (in the set of all integers) is a family of relations indexed by the predicates of T, each relation having the same number of arguments (running over integers) as its index. A frame %I is a model if all theorems of Tare true in %R. We denote by M the family of all models of T. From now on until section 4 the word “model” will be synonymous with the expression “an element of M“. If rp is a formula, then t T a, means that p is provable in T. Obviously we have then k~ A xc xj ...X k ‘p for arbitrary i,j, ...,k as well as kT Sb (xI/x~)qj, where Sb (xg/xj) ‘p is a formula obtained from p by replacing the free occurrences of xi by xj and the bound occurrences of xj (if any) by Xj+k where k is the largest index of a variable occurring in v. For %I in M we write 1-m p if a, is satisfied in %I by an assignment which correlates the value j to the variable XI, ,j = 1,2, ... We put [p] = {%I: I=m y } . It is known that set theoretical operationsonclasses [pl correspond to logical operations on formulas, e.g., [(PI u [v] = [ y v y]. We shall consider M as a topological space by taking sets [p] as a basis for open sets; p runs here over all formulas of T. *) Parts of our discussion (es&y
those concerned with the o-standard models) were stimu-
of this paper. **) A part of our results was announced in [4].
ated by the reading
THEOREM 1. M is 0-dimensional separable space which admits a complete metric (i.e., M is an absolute G J . Proof. The only non-trivial part of the theorem is that which states the existence of a complete metric. We shall sketch a short but indirect proof based on ideas of [6]. Formulas of T form a Boolean algebra under the usual operations, formulas mutually equivalent in T being treated as a single element of the algebra. The family of all prime filters of this algebra (i.e., its Sfone space) is a bicompact 0-dimensional separable topological space. The open basis of this space consists of sets {p} of prime filters containing p. Our space M is homeomorphic with the set of those prime filters which preserve denumerable meets corresponding to general quantifiers. More exactly these filters f have the property: whenever p is a formula and Sb (xt/x,) 97 is in f for n = 1,2, ..., then so is' Axt p. Since the set of all formulas is denumerable. filters f with the above property form indeed a G . set. (In [6] it is proved, moreover. that this set is residual which immediately yields the completeness theorem). In order to conclude our proof it is sufficient to use the well-known fact that every G , set contained in a complete metric space possesses a complete metric (see e.g., [3]. p. 316). 2. to-models. Let n n , n = 0, 1, 2, ... be a sequence of formulas with exactly one free variable x1. We denote the formula Sb (sl/x,) n n by nn(xj) and assume that t T n n -+ no for n = 1,2, ... We call T a n w-closed theory (with respect to the sequence n,) if for every formula the condition that kT nn -+ p for n = 1, 2, ... implies that tTno + p. We call YJl an w-model (with respect to the sequence ns)if for every formula (1 with at most free variable x, the condition I=w v x l ( Z ~ A Q ) )implies the existence of an integer n 2 1 such that 1-w V x l (nnh p). We call an w-standard model (with respect to the sequence nn) if for every integer i 2 1 there is an integer n 2 1 such that bw no (xi)-+ nn (XI). The following obvious theorem and the (slightly less obvious) Corollary 3 given below clarify the connection between w-models and w-standard models. Write YJl1 ri, W2 if for every p without free variables the conditions I=w, p and !=a2 qj are equivalent (i.e. Wl and W2 are elementarily equivalent, [7]). THEOREM 2. IfWm,ICI W2 and Wl is an w-standard model, then W2 is an w-model; in particular every w-standard model is an w-model. THEOREM 3. If T is o-closed, then the set M , of its w-standard models is a residual (;,$-set in M. Proof. Since M ,
=nU [no(xi) 0 3 m
zn(xt)] it is sufficient to show that each
of the open sets U [no(xiv) --z nn(xi,)], io = 1, 2, ... is dense in M , i.e., that for n=l
no p this set is disjoint with [p] unless [p] = 0. Otherwise we would have 0 no (xi,)] u [p A n n (xtJ] for n = 1. 2. = [p] n [no(xt,) -> n n (xio)] = [p A whence we would obtain for every W in M '-
no ( ~ j , ) ,
nn (uiJ
-- - p for n
I , 2, ...
Using completeness theorem and the assumption that T is oJ-closed we would further obtain k T q -> rr, (XI,) and k T zo( ~ $-+3 q, whence kT q and [q] would be void. 1. If T is o-closed, then M , # 0. *) COROLLARY Indeed, the space M being complete and hence of second category on itself, the void set is not residual. 2. An to-closed theory has a complete consistent and o-closed extenCOROLLARY .rion. Proof. Take the set of formulas without free variables which are true in an a>-standardmodel of T. COROLLARY 3. For every o-mode/ of T there ir an w-standard model !Ut' such rhot m m'. Proof. The set of formulas q without free variables which are true in !Dt IS ;I consistent w-closed extension of T. According to Corollary 1 this extension has 411 to-standard model m'. Obviously Iuz m'. 3. Representability and definability. A set Z of integers is representable. in T (with respect to a sequence zn)if there is a formula q with exactly one free variable XI wch that
n E Z implies kr v x1 ( n ,A q), I I non E Z implies FT VX-1(nnhy ) .
2 is definable in a model by a formula q (which may contain arbitrary free variables) if n E Z is equivalent to J=w Vxl ( Z n h q) for n = 1,2, ...
A theory which is consistent and which results from T by adjunction of a finite number of individual constants and of a finite number of axioms is called afinite e-rtension of T. TnEoREM 3. A representable set is definable in every model of T. Less obvious is the following LEMMA. Given an arbitrary set Z of integers, the set M z of models PRINCIPAL in which Z is definable is an F, set in M ; if Mz is not of first category in M , then there is a finite extension of T in which Z is representable. Proof. M z is an F, since
=u0 { ~ : n & z ~ ~ = w V X ~ ( ~ n A ~ ) } = U ~ 9 . m
9 n-1
If Mz is not of first category, then one of the sets ,'A must have a non-void interior. Let [y]be a non void element of the open basis of M which is contained in X,. For every n and every !I3 satisfying /=ary we have either n E Z and *) This corollary was first proved in [5] in essentially the same way. We believe that the use of the topological language makes the proof more conspicuous.
1771, 166
I=% V x1 (nnA p) or n $ Z and I=% v x1 (nnA p). Applying the completeness theorem we obtain t T y v x l (nflAV) for n E Z ,
v x l ( n f l A p )for n $ Z .
Now add to T as many constants as there are free variables in the formula v x l (nflhp) and an axiom resulting from y by replacing its free variables by the constants. In the resulting finite extension of T the set Z is representable. Note that the extension is consistent since [ y ] is not void. This concludes the proof of the principal lemma. +
4. Final results. A model 1112 of T (which may or may not be an element of M) is called w-standard with respect to a sequence n,, pf formulas with exactly one free variable x1 if the interpretation 3f no in 1112 is the set theoretical union of the interpretations of n,, in 1112. A set L of integers is deJinable in 1112 (with respect to the sequence nfl)if there is a formula p and an assignment f of values in 1112 to the free variables of y such that f satisfies in 1112 the formula v x l ( Z ~ Ap) if and only if n E Z. It is easy to see that if Iu7 is in M, then these definitions coincide with those given in sections 2 and 3. We denote by 5 (by 5,) the family of sets Z which are definable in all models (all w-standard models) of T. By 8' (resp. 5:) we denote the family of sets Z which the family are definable in all models 1112 in M (resp. in M,). Finally we denote by of sets representable in T. LEMMA.5 = 5' and 5, = 3 : . Proof. The inclusions 5 E 5' and 5, E 5: -being obvious it is sufficient to show that if Z is definable in all denumerable models (w-models) it is definable in an arbitrary model (w-model) 1112. Let 1112' be a denumerable sub-model of 1112 such that Iu7 is an arithmetical extension of 1112' (cf. [S]). The lemma follows from the remark that if 1112 is an w-standard model, then so is 1112', and that if Z is definable in 1112', then it is definable in 93. COROLLARY 4. If T is axiomatizable and all recursive sets are representable in T , then the families B0 and 5 coincide with the family R of recursive sets. Proof. It is obvious that Go = 3. By the principal lemma and Theorem 1 the condition 2 E 5' implies that 2 is representable in a finite extension of T and hence (by the axiomatizability of T) recursive. 5 . If T is o-closed, all hyper-arithmetic sets are representable in T COROLLARY and if the set of theorems of T is a Ill set, then 5o and 3, coincide with the family HA of hyper-nrithmetic sets. Proof. The equation ?j= 0HA is well-known (cf. [2]) and the inclusion 5-E 5o is proved as above using Theorem 3 instead of Theorem 1. Call a theory T persistent with respect to representability if sets representable in a finite extension of T are representable already in T.From the Principal Lemma we directly obtain
[77], 167
43 1
COROLLARY6. If T is persistent with respect to representability, then = 8. is o-closed, then 5o= 5., These corollaries can be applied, e.g., to theories A and A, of [2], if we modify them so as to render them theories of first order. To achieve this we drop the distinction between number and function variables and introduce two’ new predicates Po (x) (“x is im integer”) and Fo (x) (“x is a function”) as well as one new operation symbol denoting the application of a function to an argument. Axioms of A are modified by appropriate relativizations of quantifiers. As no we take the formula Po (XI) and as n n (n 2 1) the formula XI = n. In conclusion we mention an application to an axiomatic system To of set theory. To fix the ideas let us assume that To is the Zermelo Fraenkel axiomatic system. Let no be a formula of To expressing the property of being an integer and z n (n 2 1) the formula expressing the property of being the n-th integer. Modifying slightly the definition given in [l] we shall say that a set Z of integers is representable in a model 9Jl of To if there is an element m in 9Jl such that n is in Z if and only if the formula v x l (nnh(xl E xz)) is satisfied in 9Jl by m. From the Corollaries 4 and 5 we obtain. COROLLARY 7. Sets which are representable m‘all models of To are recursive; sets which are representable in all o-standard models of To are hyper-arithmetic.
If moreover T
[l] 0. Gandy, G . Kreisel, W. Tait, Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci., %r. sci. math.,astr. et phys., 8 (1960), 577-582. [2] A. Grzegorczyk, A. Mostowski, Cz. Ryll-Nardzewski, Jour. Symbol. Logic. 23 (1958), 188-206. [3] K. Kuratowski, Topologie I, Monogr. Matem., W-wa-Wroclaw, 1948. [4] A. Mostowski, Cz. Ryll-Nardzewski, Jour. Symbol Logic, 23 (1958), 458459. [S] S. Orey, Jour. Symbol. Logic, 21 (1956), 246-252. [6] H. Rasiowa, R. Sikorski, Fund. Mathem., 37 (1950), 193--200. [7] A. Tarski, Roc. Int. Congress of Math., 1 (1950), 705-720. [8] A. Tarski, R. L. Vaught, Compositio Math., 13 (1957), 81-102.
A Compact Space of Models of First Order Theories by
A. EHRENFEUCHT and A. MOSTOWSKT Presented br A. M O S T 0 WSKI on March 22, 1961
Let T be a consistent first order theory whose primitive notions are exclusively relations and which does not have finite models. We assume that the identity predicate occurs among the primitive notions of T . The aim of this note is to prove the There exists a family G of models qf T satisfying (1)--(4) below: THEOREM. (1) The domain of each M in G is the set of non negative integers; ( 2 ) B is a bicompart topological space; ( 3 ) f o r everyformula rP of T and every assignment f of integers to the free variables of @ the set { M : @ is satisfied in M by the cissigninent f } is open and closed in G ; (4) for every denumerable niodel of T there is an isomorphic model in G
The introduction of topology to the set of denumerable models of a theory is of course nn novelty (cf. [1]--[3]).*) Under these topologies models do not. i general, form a compact space unless T satisfies certain additional conditions (cf. [4]). The authors believe that compactness of G together with the continuity property (3) and the universality property (4) may find some applications. The construction of G will be carried out in two steps. In the first step we construct an auxiliary space @ whose elements are not models but relational systems in which the identity symbol is interpreted as a relation in general different from the relation =. In the second step we map $3 onto a new space G which has all the properties required in the Theorem. **) 1. W e f i r st e x t e n d T t o a n a u x i l i a r y t h e o r y TO; this new theory is obtained from T by adding to it all possible “Skolem functors” for formulas of T. *) The first step towards the use of general topology in the theory of models was made by Blake [l] in a proof of Glide1 completeness theorem. His topological proof of this theorem was presented and further developed in [2]. Rasiowa and Sikorski [3] approached the problem from a d i k n i and very fruitful point of view. **)The first part of the proof was found by the second author who also formulated the problem discussed in this note. The second part of the proof is the work of the first author.
[78], 370
TO is defined as the union of theories T,, where To has the same language as the given theory T and as axioms only the axioms of identity. T,+lis obtained from T, by the following process. For every formula @ of Tr which is not a formula of Tr-l and for an arbitrary integer k we add to T, a new functor (i.e., a symbol for a function) fo,x with as many arguments as there are free variables in @ different from the variable ox. Relational symbols remain unchanged. Axioms of T V e lare those of Tr together with all axioms of the form
.... V f p ) 3 ' @(fo, x (w,,..., WfP),
(Wk, Di,,..., V t P ) [ @ ( W E , Zk*,
of,, ...,7J@)lr
where @ is a formula of T, which is not a formula of T r - , and o k , rt,, ..., ot, are all of its free variables. We next define a Skolem resolvent QSk of a formula @ of TO. If @ has no quantifiers then !DSk is 0.If @ is the formula (EQ) Y and ot,,q,..., of,, are all of its free variables then askis the formula Sb (or/frsk, x (q, ..., ofp))Ysk where Sb denotes the operation of substitution. Finally (I@* @#k is @?.*) @ and QSk have the same free variables. I . 1. @ = GSL is provable in TO for every formula @ qf TO.
2. T h e space 'p of p s e u d o models. Let C be the set of terma of TO, i.e. the smallest set which contains the variab!es and has the property that whenever f is a functor of TO with, say, k arguments and t , , ..., t k are in the set, then so is
f (tr, ..., t k ) .
Let I be set. A family of relations and functions indexed by the predicates and functors of To is called a pseudo model of TO over Z if this family satisfies the following conditions: Every relation from the family has the field I and as many arguments as its index; every function from the family has the domain Z and the range contained in I and the number of its arguments is the same as the number of the arguments of the functor which serves as its index. C-pseudo models are pseudo models over C such that for every tunctor f of To the function with the index f coincides with the function Ff ( t l , ..., t k ) = f ( t l , ..., t x ) where k is the number of arguments o f f . We denote by [@I, where @is an open formula of TO, the set of &pseudo models P such that 0 is satisfied in P by the assignment ,f :z'k --> v k (k == 0, I , 2, ...). Note that c k F C and thus .f asigns an element of the domain of P to each variable. 2.1. The family of &pseudo models is a compact separable Hausdnrff space when sets [@] are taken as the open basis. Proof that Hausdorff axioms are satisfied is obvious. Separability follows from the denumerability of formulas. Compactness is proved as follows: Let [Tj-,,[QjJ # 0 for n = 0, 1, 2, ... . Consider the Boolean algebra B whose elements are sets [@I, where @ runs over *) jis the Sheffer's stroke. Our forrnu1.i ,.iys o f course that the formation o f resolvents is distributive over the operations of the propti\i(ional calculus.
[78], 371
open formulas of TO. Sets [a], for which there exists an n such that [@I z / l j s n [@j], form a non trivial filter in B. Let be its extension to a prime filter. If r is a relational symbol of TO and k is the number of its arguments then we define a relation Rr in 8 by the equivalence Rr ( t i , ..., tr)
[r (ti, ..., tr)] E @.
We denote by PO the &pseudo model thus obtained. We can now show by an easy induction that for every open formula @ with the free variables wl,, ...,wt, the following conditions are equivalent:
@ is satisfied in Po by the assignment f : et -+01. Hence POE [@9] which concludes the proof of 2.1. 2.2. The family Cp of &pseudo models in which are true all axioms of TO as well as all formulas askwhere @ is an axiom of T is closed in the space of all &pseudo models. This follows at once from the fact that axioms of 7 0 and formulas GSkare open. 2.3. Cp considered as a topological space with topology induced by that of the space of all pseudo models is a compact separable space and has the properties: (3') for everyformula @ of TO and every assignmentf of terms to its free variables the set {P :P E Fp and is satisfied in P by the assignment f } is open and closed in $; (4') for every pseudo model Q over an at most denumerable set Z in which all the axioms of T and P are true there is an &pseudo model P in Cp such that Q reduced modulo the equivalence relation E, which interprets = in Q is isomorphic with P reduced modulo Ep .
Proof. 'p is compact as a closed subspace of a compact space. (3') Because of 1.1 it is sufficient to consider only the case when @ is an open formula. If its free variables are wg,, ..., or, and f assigns a term ti to 01 ( i= 0, 1, 2, ...), then the conditions: @ is satisfied in P by f and P E [@ ( t {&..., , ti,)] are equivalent, which proves (3'). (4') Let Q be a pseudo model over an at most denumerable set Z and assume that all the axioms of T and of TO are tnie in Q. Let f be any mapping of the variables onto 1.w e extendfto a mapping of 8 onto Zby puttingf (f ( t l , ..., tk)) = Ff( f ( t d , ..., f ( t x ) ) for arbitrary t l , ..., t i in 6 and for an arbitrary functor f of 7 0 with k arguments. If S r is the interpretation of a relational symbol r of 7 in Q then we define a relation Rr C by the equivalence Rr ( t l , ..., tr) z Sr( f ( t l ) , ...,f (tk))for arbitrary t i , ..., t k in 8.The &pseudo model determined by the relations R, satisfies the condition (4'). 2.4. Zf P is in $3 then the number of equivalence classes of & under Ep is infinite. Proof. Otherwise T would have a finite model obtained from P by reducing it modulo E p .
[78], 372
3. P r o o f o f t h e Theorem. For every P in Fp we define a mapping qp of & onto integers. Let to, t l , ...
be a sequence corlsisting of all elements of
C and put
.yp(to) = 0,
In view of 2.4 pp maps ~5onto integers. From the definition of y p we immediately obtain the following three lemmas: 3.1. pp(tn) = pp(tm)
3.2. vp(tn) ,< n ; 3.3. The necessary and sufficient condition for the equation qp(tn) = k (0 < k < n) to hold is that there exist k f l integers ao,.... ak such that (i) 0 = a0 < < a1 < ... < ah; (ii) tn Ep f u k ; (iii) tui non Ep fa,, for i # j ; (iv) for every b < a* there is a p < k such that tb Ep tap. 3.4. For arbitrary integers k , n ( k < n) there is a formula R , k of T o such that fo r every P in ?, the conditions
~ ~ ( t=nk) and P E [Qn,kl are equivalent. Proof. In view of 3.3 it is sufficient to take as a , * the disjunction of formulas (tn=tak)& / I o q t < j < t - ( t a i = t a j ) & AO,b:sak
VOGpGk (tb=
extended over sequences satisfying (i) of 3.3. Let R, be the relation which interprets in P the relational symbol r of T. Define a relation Qr between integers as follows (k is the number of arguments of r ) Qr (nl, ..., n k )
{there are ml,
..., mk
such that
(qp(tm,) = nl) 8~... & ( v p ( t m k ) = n k ) 8~Rr(tm,,
From 3.1 we obtain 3.5. If r is the symbol = then Qr is the relation of identity. Let us denote by p (P)the family of relations Qrwhere r runs over the relational symbols of T. 3.6. p ( P ) is isomorphic to PIEp and the isomorphic mapping is given by t / E p - + y p ( t )for t s C . Proof. A relational symbol r of T is interpreted in PIEp as the relation R: which holds between congruence classes Cr mod Ep if and only if there are tml in Ci (i = = 1,2, ..., k) such that R r (tm,,..., fmk). If we let correspond to C g the integer
[78], 373
cpp (Cf) = rpp ( t m i ) which is independent of the particular element CI we obtain R: (CI,..., Ck) Qr (VP (Cd, ..., 9~(Ck)).
chosen from
Since the mapping C + pp (C) is one to one we obtain 3.6. 3.1. If P is in 'p then p (P)is a model of T. P r o o f . If @ is an axiom of T, then Pkis true in P and hence, by 1 . 1 , @ is true in P hence also in P/Ep and finally by 3.6 in p(P). 3.8. Any denumerable model of T is isomorphic to a model p ( P ) with P in 'p. Proof. The lemma follows from 2.3 (4') and the remark that if Q is a model, thcn Ep is the identity relation. 3.9. Conditions ti,,
..., tik satisfy disk in P
q p (ti,). ...,
satisfi, @ in p (P)
are equivalent for any forniula @ of T with exactlj. k free variables and any terms
ti,, .... ti,.
Proof follows at once from 3.6 and 1.1. Let now 6 be the set of all p (P) where P runs over !$ and let a topology be introduced in 6 by taking sets W e ,f = { M : @ is satisfied in M by the assignnient .f ] as neighbourhoods in G. Every neighbourhood is thus determined by a formula '3 and an assignment f of integers to its free variables. 6 obviously satisfies condition (1) of the Theorem. By 3.8 it satisfies condition (4). From the definition of the neighbourhoods it is obvious that it satisfies condition (3). Finally 6 is a separable Hausdroff space. Thus it remains to show that G is compact. Since a continuous image of a compact space is itself compact it will be sufficient to show that the mapping is continuous. Let p (Po)E W e ,f and let the integers correlated (via f) to the free variables ..., Bik of @ be n l , ..., nk. Denote by tj,, ..., f j k terms-such that y p o ( t j s )= n, for s = 1, ..., k . Hence PO E [QjS,ns J for s = 1, 2, ..., k and, in view of 3.9, PO belongs
to [QSk ( t j , , .... fj,)]. Thus, n s G k [Qj,, ,&,I n [QSh ( t j , , ..., t j k ) ] is a neighbourhood U of PO in 'p such that p (P) F We, for every P in U. REFERENCES
111 A. B l ake, Canonical expressions in Boolean algebra, The Univcr\i[y of Chicago Librarie,.. Chicago, 1938. [21 A. M o s t o w s k i , LogiLn rriatemorycma. Monogr. Matem., 18 (1948) Warszawa-WrocIew. [31 H. K a s i o w a and R. S iltors ki, A proof of the coriipleteness theorem of Godel. Fundam. Mathem., 37 (1950), 193-200. I41 R . S i k o r s k i , A topological charactcr.i:ation of open rheor;~s,Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci., Ser. Sci. math., astr. et phys. 9 (1961),
An addition to the paper “A proof of Herbrand’s theorem” by
J. L o S , H. R a s i o w a and A. M o s t o w s k i (Warszawa) (Translated from French original Addition au travail “ A proof of Herbrand’s theorem” by W . Marek)
Mr. Solomon Feferman of Stanford University kindly pointed out to us a mistake in our proof of the theorem of Herbrand published in volume 35 (1956), pp. 19-24 of Journal de MathCmatiques Pures et AppliquCes.
The purpose of this note is to correct this mistake. In our proof of the Herbrand theorem we considered a formula Y provable in an open theory T. Reasoning by “reductio ad absurdum” we supposed that none of the Herbrand disjunctions H,, is provable in T and adjoined to the theory T as new axioms - H , (n = 1 , 2, ...). Our further demonstration was based on the following facts: (A) The theory T* obtained from T by adjoining of the axioms - H . is consistent; (B) In the Lindenbaum algebra L corresponding to T* the quantifiers correspond to infinite joins and meets in L, i.e. I(Ex)F(x)l and ((x)F(x)( are respectively equal to the infinite join and the infinite meet of elements F(xj) (j = 1 , 2 , ...) where xi is an infinite sequence consisting of all the “terms” of T*. Now each of these two facts separately is true if an appropriate interpretation is given to thesymbols xj. For (A) one has to consider the terms x j in the formulas - H n as constants, whereas for (B) it is necessary that the sequence xi should consist of all the terms, in particular the variables of T*. Since it is not possible to interpret the symbols xi so as to have both (A) and (B) true, it is clear that the proof given in Section I1 of our previous paper is erroneous. In order to correct our proof one can use the method sketched in Remark 11 of our paper. The method is based only on (A). In order to clarify the situation completely we describe this proof in full detail and modify it slightly. Let T be a consistent theory with the following primitive symbols: R , , R l , ... (relational symbols); x , , x 2 , ... (variables); v, & , 2 , (sentential
connectives); (xi), (Exj) (quantifiers). The axioms of T are: (1) the axioms of classical propositional calculus; (2) the formulas A(xi) 3 (Exi)A(xi), (Xi)A(xi) 3 A ( x i ) ; (3) an arbitrary number of open formulas G , , G2,... As the rules of proof we adopt (4) the substitution rule; ( 5 ) the detachment rule; (6) the generalization rule (i.e. A 3 B(xi) implies A 3 ( x i ) B ( x i )provided x i is not free in A); (7)the particularization rule (i.e. B(xJ 3 A implies ( E x i ) B ( ( x i )3 A ' under the same assumption as in (6)). Let S be an extension of T obtained by adjoining infinitely many constants c,, c 2 , ... We add to the axioms (1)-(3) formulas which may be obtained from the axioms of T by replacing an arbitrary number of variables by constants. We also add infinitely many new axioms (3') G ; , G ; , ... which are closed formulas without quantifiers. The choice of those formulas are not changed and the rule will be established later. The rules (947) (4) is enlarged by the admission of the substitution of constants for the variables. 1 the set of closed forFor each closed formula q of S we defined 1 ~ as mulas y of S such that I- p = y. The sets form the Lindenbaum algebra L of the theory S. This is a Boolean algebra with respect to the following operations :
IplnlYI = I&Yl, -Id = 1-dThe unit element of L is the set e of closed theorems of S and the formula Iyl < JpIis equivalent to k y ~ p and 1 so also to Iy3pI = e. Let L* be an extension of L to a complete Boolean algebra (for instance L* may be the minimal extension of L, cf. H. M. MacNeille, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 42 (1933, p. 416). We identify L with the subset of L* isomorphic to L. For every sequence 6 = [6(1), 6(2), ...I of positive integers we define inductively a mapping va of the set of all the formulas of S into L* as follows:
I ~ l ~ l =Y Il P Y I ,
Ck,, ck *..)I, ..., ck,,ck2,...)) = IRi(ct9(jl),% ( j , ) , %(--PI = --ya(p), %(PI Y ) = %(dO % ( Y )
Y6(Ri(Xj,, xj
(where denotes an arbitrary binary propositional connective and-simultaneously-a corresponding Boolean operation), 0
~ ~ ( E x j ) p ( x=j )U v a ( d c j ) ) ,
the symbols U and
n denoting the infinitejoin and the infinite meet i n L*.
Lemmas (8)-(l 1) easily follow from the definitions by induction with respect to the length of the formulas: (8) /f xi is not free in 9; and 6 ( k ) = [ ( k ) for k # j , then v,(q) = vc(q). (9) va(v(xi)) = va(~)(ca(d). (10) If y is obtained from q by a substitution of x& or c&for x i , then va(y) = vaik(q)where 6&) = S(j) for j # i and a i k ( i )= k . (1 1 ) If q is in a prenex normal form
ve(q) =
... ( x z p - 1 )
..., x z p ) ,
n U ... fl U Iy(cj,i c j 2 , ..., c j 2 p - l , jl
(12) uq is an axiom, then v q ( q ) = e for each sequence 6. For the axioms ( I ) the lemma is obvious. If q is one of the axiom (2) we find: va(~= )
= -
Ui v,g(A(Ci)) = e
nv,(A(ci)) u vg(A(c+,(i)))= e. I
If q is one of the axioms (3), (3') we find, by (9), v d ~ )= ) ISubstoql,
where Subst, is the operation of the substitution of cO(&)for x&( k and consequently va(q) = e, since +Subst,(q).
1 , 2 , ...),
(13) if13 is obtained from q and y by one of the rules (4)-(7) and $itey(p) 6,then v,(8) = e,for each sequence 6.
= v,(y) = e for each sequence
Case of rule (4). If y is obtained from q by the substitution of x&o r c& for xi, then, using (lo), we find va(y) = vaik(q)= e. Case of rule (5). In this case q = y 3 8 and so
= v e ( ~= )
-ve(y) u ~ ~ ( =8 -) e n ~ ~ ( =8 ~) ~ ( 8 ) .
Case of rule (6). In this case = A I> B(xi),
xi being not free in A. Let 6 be an arbitrary sequence and defined in (10). By an inductive assumption:
= voi,(q)
= -vOik(A)
u v+ji,(B<xi>).
a sequence
Lemmas (8) and (9) imply that and
= vB(A)
= vB(B(Ck)),
since the variable xi is not free in none of the formulas A and B thus obtain e = -v B ( 4 u % ( B ( C k ) ) whence %(A) G %(B(CL)) and so v8(A) <
fl vB(B(ck))* k
This inclusion gives finally
= -Y&)
f l Vg(B(Ck)) k
= ye(^) u Y * ( ( X ~ ) B ( X J ) =
The case of rule (7) is completely analogous to that of case (6). (14) If t- p, then vg(p) = e for every sequence 6.
This is proved by induction using (12) and (13). Now let p be a formula containing none of the constants cj and having the normal form (1 1). Let H,,(p) be the nth Herbrand disjunction associated with p, i.e. the disjunction ki. ..., k p - 1
x k , , Xhl’)k,r
...)-vh i p ) ( k ,...., k p - i ) r
where h‘.“)(k,, ... , k,- ,) are numerical functions satisfying certain conditions which it is not necessary to repeat here. Assume now that p is a theorem of T but none of the disjunctions H,, is a theorem of T. We take as ~axioms (3’) the formulas -H,,(p) where the bar denotes the operation of substituting ci for xi ( i = 1 , 2 , ...). The theory S thus obtained is consistent and by lemma (14), ve(p) = e -e for each sequence @, i.e., by ( l l ) , (1 5 )
n U ,U Iv(cj,, il
j 2
..., c j z p - , Cj2,)I # - e .
We now apply the reasoning of the previous paper and get the inequality (16)
c k , , Ch!’), c k , ,
...) C h ! P ) ( k , , . , , , k p - , ) , c k p ) / # - e
for a certain sequence ( k , , k 2 , ..., k,,). On the other hand, since t-Hn(p), we get ”Y(Ch!,”,
c k , , Ch!’)r
ch2, ..., C h l P ) ( k , , . . . . k p - , ) 7 C k p )
for an arbitrary sequence (k,, k 2 , ..., k p ) , which contradicts (16).
This completes the proof. Let us remark that in our erroneous demonstration the inequality (15) was obtained by using the false assumption (B). Lemma (14) allows us to dispense with that assumption. Further, it should be stressed that the definition of the algebra L* as well as the inductive definition of the function v8 use the notion of arbitrary set. The proof of lemma (14) cannot thus be formalized in elementary arithmetic whereas the original proof of Herbrand and the proof of Hiibert and Bernays can easily be formalized there.
Axiomatizability of some many valued predicate calculi bY
A. M o s t o w s k i (Warszawa) I n a paper published in Volume 45 of the Fundamenta Mathematicae I proposed a generalization of the logical qunatifiers. Another generalization applicable in the two valued as well as in the many valued cases has been proposed and discussed by Rosser and Turquette [7]. According to their conception a quantifier is a function which correlates a truth value with a non-empty set of truth values (I disregard here a more general notion considered in [7] in which sets are replaced by relations). Rosser and Turquette ( [ 7 ] , Chapter V) discussed the problem of axiomatizability of the functional calculi with arbitrary quantifiers under the assumption that the set of truth values is finite and Rosser (in an address read at the 1959 meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic and published in [S]) discussed a similar problem under the assumptiori that this set coincides with the interval [0,1]. I n the present paper I take up the problem of axiomatizability under a more general assumption that the set of truth values ie an ordered set which is bicompact in its order topology. The method of proof is illustrated in Section 3 where I discuss the case of a finite set of truth values and obtain a part of results of Rosser and Turquatte. The chief feature of results set forth in the present paper is their non-effective character: 1 prove the existence of complete sets of axioms and rules of proof for the calculi in question without exhibiting them explicitly; the existence proofs are based on Tichonov’s theorem.
1. Syntax. We consider a “language” So whose expressions are built from the following symbols: q,,q,... (individual variables), P i )Pf, ... (predicate variables with j arguments, j = 0 ,1 , 2 , ...), Bo, B1, ..., (propositional connectives), Q, Q, ...,.& (quantifiers). We denote by ps the number of arguments of gs (s = 0 ,1, ..., a). Formulas are expressions which belong to the smallest class X such that: (i) atomic expressions PLQ, ... xi, belong to X ( n , j = 0,1, ..., i, = 0 ,1, ... for s = 1,2 , ..., j); (ii) if 0 < s < a and CJ1, >.. ,cDp, belong to K , then so does &CJl ... GP,; (iii) if 0 < s < b and CJ Pelongs to K , then so does Qx@, p = 0,1,...
The distinction between free and bound variables of a formula is assumed to be known. A formula without free variables is called closed. The result of the substitution of c for xq in @ is denoted by Sb(x&)@. Besides So we shall also consider systems obtained from Is, by adjunction of coilstants co, c,, ... whose number may be finite or infinite of any power. The “rules of formation” (i)-(iii)remain the same with the amendment that each xis in (i) can be replaced by a constant. We choose a Godel numbering of expressions of H0 and denote by r@l the Godel number of @; the expression with the Godel number n is denoted by Z. We assume that the functions rG%l and T-xnl are recursive and increasing. Fiom this assumption it easily follows: 1.1. The following functions are recursive:
( a ) jy(n) = 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 according as ii is a n atomic fornirLla, a formula which begins with a connective, a formula which begiits with a quantifier or ii is not a forrimla or is undefined. (b) f:(n) = j , k, 0 according as fy(n)= 1 and G begins with gj, I:(%) = 2 and ‘i begins with Q k , or f i ( n ) # 1 , 2 .
(c) f : ( j , n ) = o if f 3 i L ) 1 or j = o or j > pt;(,,; f!&, n ) = qj if f:(n) = 1‘and ‘i has the form &q1q2 ... qp, . (d) f:(n)= q , f!(n)= r if f:(n) = 2 and % has the form Qfluy; j:(n) = o = fi(n) in the rernainiiig cases. 2. Semantics. Lot Z be a set, v8 a mapping of Z x ... x Z = zp‘ into Z , Qt a mapping of 2” (1) into 2 (0 < s < a , 0 < t < b). Let D be a subset of Z.We call elements of 2 truth values, those of B distinguished truth values; y s are interpretations of connectives and Q finterpretations of quantifiers. A model of So (or of a system resulting from So by the adjunction of constants) in a set X is a mapping p satisfying the following conditions. px is defined if x is an individual constant or a predicate variable; in the former case px E X, in the latter px E Zx’= Z x x x x * ” x xwhere j is the , of p such number of arguments of x. A valuation of p is an extension G that the domain of ,lconsists of all individual constants, predicate variables and individual variables; if x is an individual variable, then ,is E 2. Whenever ,lis a valuation of p we denote by Wq,#the set of all valuations Y of p which are identical with ji except possibly for the argument xq. Let v be a valuation of p and let @ be a formula. We define by induction the value of @ a t v (denoted by Val,@): (1)
22 denotes the set
of all non-void subsets of Z.
1801, 167
if @ is Fitl ...t, (where each tk is either an individual variable or an individual constant), then Val,@ = v ( P { )( v ( t l ) ,..., v ( t j ) ) ; if @ is
... a,
then Val,@ = pl~(Val,@~, ...,
if @ is .ClrxqY,then Val,@ = Qf(Val, Y: e
The following lemmas are easily proved: 2.1. lf p is a model and v a valuation of p, then Val,@ E Z for every formula @. 2.2. If v’, v” are valuations of a model p and if v‘xq = v”xq for all p such that xq i s free in @, then Val/@ = Val,,f@. 2.3. If @ i s closed, then Val,@ depends only o n the model p of which v is a valuation. Val,@is denoted in this case by Val,@. 2.4. If c is a n individual constant, v a valuation of a model p, v’ c WP.., v‘xq = vc, then Val,Sb(xq/c)@= Val,#@. A formula @ is called satisfiable if there are a set X , a model p in X , and a valuation v of p such that Val.@ E D ;@ is valid if Val,@ c D for every set X , every model ,u in X and every valuation v of p.
3. AT-valuedlogics. I n this section we assume that Z = (0 ,1,... ,N - 1 ) where N is a positive integer and that D = ( 0 , 1 , ... ,111-1) where M is an integer < AT. We define a sequence of systems Sn; Sois the system described in Section 1, Sn+l results from Sn by adjunction of constants Ah,q,o where h = 0 , 1 , ..., N - 1 , p = 0 , 1 , 2 , ... and @ is a formula of Sn which is not and has a t most one free variable xq. Let S, be the a formula of Sn-l union of all systems 8,. It is not difficult to see that a Godel numbering of expressions of S, can be chosen so that rAh,q,olis a recursive function of h , p, r@l. It follows that there exists a recursive function g which enumerates the Godel numbers of all individual constants of S , and recursive functions f : , f : , f:, f: satisfying conditions analogous to 1.1(a)-(d) but with “formula” replaced by “closed formula of 8,”. Let p , p’ be models in X of systems Sn,Sm,m > n, m = 1 , 2 , ..., 00. If p’c = pc for every individual constant of Sn and p F i = p’Fi for i , j = 0 , 1 , ..., then we say that p’ is an extension of p. The following lemmas are obvious: 3.1. If p i s a model of Snlp‘ its extension, and v , v‘ are valuations of p , ,u’ such that vxq = v‘xq for every p, then Val,@ = Val,#@ for every formula @ of 8,.
3.2. I f pn is a model of Sn and pn+li s a n extension of fin ( n= 0 , 1 ,2 , ...), then there i s a model p , of S, which i s a joint extension of all the k ’ s .
3.3. Every ntodel p of X, can be extended to a model prn of S, in such a way that for every formula @ of 8, with at most one free variable xq the following eqziation holds (2) {Val,@:
is a valuation of ,urn} =
CVal,wSb(xe:4jA0.q,aJ@, ... Val,olSb(xe/AN-1,e.6)@}
P r o o f . Put po = p and assume that an extension constructed such that pn is a model of X, and that
of p has been
for every formula @ of S,-,, nith a t most one flee variable zq. This assumption is clearly satisfied for n = 0 for AS',,-^ in this case is empty. \Ye shall extend ,tin to a valuation of Sn+l and we therefore have to dcfirir pn+lAi,e,o for j = 0 , 1, ..., N-1, q = 0 , 1, ... and such @ which are formulas of S n but not of Xn-l and which hare a t most one free variablc xe. Let @ be such a formula. Since the set {Val,@: e i s a valuation of pn} is.contained iri 2, we may assume that it coiisists of integers sl, ... , sm < N where 1 < m < A’. Choose valuations ei of p, such that Val,@ = si, and put p,+1Ai,q,8= eixq for i = 1,2 , ..., m, pn+lAi,P,O = emxq for j = m + 1, ..., N - 1 . The mapping ,u,+~ thus defined is an extension of pn and hence of p. If @ is a formula of with a t most one free variable me, and e is a valuation of P,+~, then e restricted t o symbolsof X n i s a valuation of p, and hence we have equation (2) from which, in vicw of 3.1, we obtain {Va&@:
i s a valuation of P,+~} =
IVal,,,+lSb ( x ~ / A o , ~ , ... ~ ),@ Val,n+,Sb(~ecpiA~-l,,,O)@} , .
If @ is a formula of 8, but not of IS,-,, then the same equntioii holds true in view of the construction of ,u,+~. Thus WP obtain a scquence of successive extensions pn of p satisfying ( 2 ) for each n. If ,urn is a joint extension of the models p,, then clearly equation (1) holds for eveyy formula @ of X, with a t most one free variable xq. We shall now express arithmetically the notions of satisfiability and of validity. We put f & , n) = ‘Sb(x,:,,,/Ai,,:c,,,T:cn~)~~( )L)T if f : ( n )= 2 and 0 < j < N t n d f & , n ) = 0 otherwise. Furthermore we put f : ( k , n ) = r S b ( ~ , : , , , / ~ ( k ) ) f , ‘ ( n )ifl f t ( w ) = 2 and f:(k, n) = 0 otherwise. Functions / : , f : are iecursive. (2)
(a,b ,
denotes the set of all f ( t ) where t satisfies tho condition set consisting exclusively of a , b , ..., m.
..., m } d e n o t ~ the .~
Let a be a function from integers to integers. Wo call a an A-model if the following conditions are satisfied:
< f:(n) < 3,
then 0
if 0
f:(N = 1, then
f:(4= 2 ,
< a(n) < N ; a(iz) = 0 for (a (
a(n) = (3)
f h .I)
f:(n) >, 3 ;
a (f:(Pf:(n),%I));
N ) = a,]
3 [a(n) = &,:(,)({!70,
if f:(m) = 2, then (k)(EI)N[a( f : ( k ,m ) ) = a ( $ ( j , n ) ) ].
3.4. A closed formula @ of So i s satisfiable (valid) if and oizly if a ( r @ l )< M for an (every) A-model a.
P r o o f . Let p, be a model of 8, oxid put a(n) = Val,+=(%)if 0 < f:(n) a(%)= 0 otherwise. First we show that if p, satisfies (l), then a is an A-model. Condition (3) is obviously satisfied. -1 If f:(n) = 1, then = 8,;(,)f;(l, 12) ... fs(p,;(,), n ) and hence
< 3,
= P),i(,)
This proves (4). If f : ( n )= 2 then
(a ( f a 1 7
n ) ," ' 3 wImf*(Pt:(,),
9 **- 9
= D,;(n)s,i(n)Ti(m) and
a(%)= ~al,,(G) =
a (f:(Pt:(,)t
({VaI,fl(m): v is a valuation of p,])
whence by (1) a(%)= &,:w
= vt;(JV~4,fS?1,
a(*) = Vdl,,G)
( {Val,,Sb (",:(n)/Ao,,:,n)~~(,))f:(n) 7 ..., Val,,Sb
= &,;(,((V~L,f:(O,
n ) ," ' 9 Val,,f:(N--l,
41) *
This proves ( 5 ) . If f:(n) = 2 then j?'(k, n) = S b ($,;(,&jk))E(n) and hence by 2.4 u ( j : ( k , n ) )= Val,+$(k, n) is equal to Val,f,'(n) where e E Wf:(n)&m and @a,:,,, = p , y ( k ) . By (1) there is a j < N such that Val,T;(m) = Val,,Sb (",:(n)/A,*,:(,).T:(n))f:(n) = VGIo,f:(i 7 f i ) = a (f2i9 N ) . This proves (6).
( 8 ) ( 2 , j, ....pjN means: for arbitmry integers i , j , means: there are integers i , j, ..., p < N .
..., p < N ; similarly ( E i , j,...,I ) ) ~
[SO], 170
Xow let a be an A-model. We define a model p, of 8, in the set X , of all constants of 8, as follows: for c in .&., we put pmc = c and we let p , f l t o be a function y such that tp(ul, ..., u j ) = a ( r F l u , ... u j l ) for u l , ..., uj in X,. For any formula @ of 8, we denote by 6 the set of closed formulas of 8, which can be obtaincd from @ by substitutions of individual constants for free variables; and by the set of formulas of 8, which have a t most one free variable and which result from @ by substitutions. We shall show that if @ is a formula of 8, and Y is in 6 then
Val,, Y
= a( r Y 1 )
Case 1: @ is an atomic formula. I n this case any Y in 6 has the form Ffu , ... u j where u l , ..., u i E X , and hence by the definition of p, Val,,Y/
= a(r&u1
... u j l ) = a ( r ~ 1. )
Case 2. @ has the form SjG1 ... QP,. I n this case any Y in 6 has the form 5,Yf, ... !Ppjwhere !Pcis in 6i for i = 1 , 2 , ..., p j and hence Val,, Y
... , Val,, Yp,) .
= q~~(Val,,!PI,
Using inductive assumption and (4) we obtain VaI,mY = qJf (a(rY',l),
..., a ( r Y p i l ) = ) a(r!V)
because f i ( r Y 1 ) = 1,f $ ? P l ) = j , f i ( i , r W ) = r Y c l for i = 1,2 , ...,p f . Cafie 3. @ has the form Qix& I n this case any Y in 6 has the form Qjxq17 where I7 is in g or in 2 according as xg is or is not free in E. S u b c a s e 3&.xq is not free in E. I n this case I7 is closed and Val,, !P = QA{val,,n>) and hence
r171= f i ( i , r v )
7 (4)
i = 0 , I , ..., N - i
Val,, Y = Q , ({v~I,,J~(o, r v ) ,...,V~I,,%(N-- 1 ,r ~ ) ,) )
whence by the inductive assumption and by ( 5 ) Val,,~=Qj({a(j:(~, ru/l)), ..., a ( f : ( N - - l , r ~ l ) ) ]=) a ( r m ) . S u b c a s e 3b. xq is free in 5. I n this case n has just one free variable xq and Val,,Y = Qj({ValR17: e is a valuation of p,}) . If ValJI (')
is a valuation of p, then exg = 6 is in X , and hence, by 2.4, If r c l = g(k),then by the inductive assumption
= Val,,Sb(xg/c)n.
(a]is the unit set with the sole element a.
and the remark that Sb(xq/c)17is in 8 we infer that the right hand side isequal toVal,,~~(k,ryrl)=a(f:(k,ryrl))andhence, by(6),to a ( f ; ( j , r y r l ) ) where j is an integer < N . Conversely a ( f & , ryll))is an element of the set (Val,17: e is a valuation. of pm} for a ( f ; ( j , "P)) = Val,IZ where This proves that e E Wq+, and exq = ~ , A I , ~ , ,= Val!I,p
= &I
( { a( f h 'V)),...1 a ( f i ( N - 1 , r m ) ] )
and hence by (5) that Val,m!P = a ( r Y r ) . Now let @ be a closed formula of So. If @ is satisfiable then there is a model p of So such that Val,@ < 111.We extend p to a model ,urn of 8, satisfying ( 1 ) according to 3.3 and obtain thus an A-model a such that a(.) = Val,,% whenever 0 < f:(n)< 3. In particular, a ( T @ l )= Val,,@ = Val,@ < M . conversely if there is an A-model a such that a ( r @ l )< M , then there is a model pm of S, in the set X , such that Val,,,@ = a ( r @ l ) < M . Restricting p, to symbols of So we obtain a model p of So in X , such that Val,@ < M and thus @ is satisfiable. If @ is valid and a is an A-model, then (as shown above) there is a model p of Soin X , such that Val,@ = a ( r @ l )and hence a ( r @ l )< M . Conversely, if this inequality holds for every A-model a and p is a model of Soin a set X then there is an extension of p to a model p, of S , in X satisfying (1). We proved above that there is an A-model a such that Val,,@ = a ( r @ l )and hence Val,@ = Val,,@ < M which shows that @ is valid. Theorem 3.4 is thus proved. 3.5. The predicate W i s a closed satisfiable formula of S:' i s expressible in the form ( E a ) H ( x ) R( Z ( X )r@l) ~ where R i s a recursive binary relation, H = { a : (z) ( a ( % )< N ) ) and ( E a ) H means: there i s a n a in H . The predicate <<@is a closed valid formula of 8:' is expreasible iw the dual form ( a ) H (Ex)S (Z(z), r@1 with ) recursive S. P r o o f . There is obviously a recursive predicate C such that: @ i s a closed formula of 8, = c(r@l). By 3.4 we have the equivalence: {@ i s a closed and satisfiable formula of S,,}
= C(r@l) & ( E a ) ( z ) ( y ) ( [ (< O f : ( x )< 3 ) 3 (0 < a ( x ) < N ) ] &
[(f:(4 > 3)3 ( a @ ) = O)]
(44= % ( a ( f ha)),* * ' t a(f:(Pr,%I)))]}
( ( f i ( 3= ) 2)
& ((fi(4= 1)3 (Er),+l [ ( r = f h 4 )
[ ( i ) N (r = f:(z))
..., nN-ll))]] & ( ( f i ( 4= 2) 3 ( E h [ a(fh, a)) = a (f&, %I)]} 8~ ( a ( r @ T < Jf)) . 83 ( a (f&,4)= n,) 3 (a(.,
= &r(Ino,
[80], 172
The above predicate can be written in the form (7)
C(r@l) L% (Ea)(x, Y ) P (a~( $,) , a(fi(1,$I),
..., a ( f h , x ) ) ,a ( f i ( ~ , $ ) ) ,..., a ( f i ( ~ - 1 , m ) ) ,
a ( f h , x ) ) ,a
where p = max(p,, . . . , p a ) and P is tt recuisive predicate with N + p + 4 arguments. Let K ( n ) , . L ( n ) be the usual pairing functions, f(n)= max(K(n), /:(I7 K ( N ) ,**', f i ( P , Wd)7 fi(07 " ' t f:(N--l, K W ) ,f&W, IW)) and denote by ( s ) the ~ exponent of tho j-tli prime in the prime power expansion of s (rf. Kleenc 131, p. 230). Put c ( j 7 s) = ( s ) f ~ lIf. R ( s 7t ) is the predicate ( 6 )
t h e n ( 7 ) is eqnii-dent to ( E a ) H ( 2 ) R (a(:),r@l).This accomplishes the proof of tlie fiist pait of 3.5. Pioof of the second part can be obtained by takiiig dual formulas. 3.8. The set of closed valid formulas of So i s recursively enumerable a d the set of closed satisfiable formulas of X,i s a complement of a recursively ewttrncrable set. P r o o f . By Koiiig’s ‘LU~iendlichkeitslemmlt” (cnf. [Ti], p. 126) thc set { n: (Ea)li(m)B(.(%), n ) ) is a complement of a recursirely enumerable n)) is iecursively enumerable. srt arid the se? { 11,: ( a ) H(Ex)S (a(%), Thcoictn 3.6 c w i obviously be iiifeircd from results in [7], Chapter V. 4. The case of a continuous set of truth values. I n sections 4 , 5 , ant1 6 ivv assume that b = 1, i.e. that we are dealing with just two quniit iiici F, .c?, , U, \\ hicli wc denote by symbols and A. We shall assume that Z is .I 1iiic:iily oidcicd complete ( 7 ) set with a denumerable dense subset Z’ and t h a t tlic. iniwprci :itions Q,, Q1 of the quanlifir+rbale defined as
= 1.u.b. Y
( ) , ( Y )= g.1.b. Y
0 4 YCZ.
Siinilarlj, as iii Section 3 , \\ u clefirie a sequence of auxiliary systems X,. The SJ btrni S,+, is obtained fiorti 8, by adjoining (onstants Bz,,Q,o, C,<,,, (6) Note that in view of t,Iie finiteness of Z thcro is a recursive relation T such that T ( r ,8 , q o , ..., qN-,) = (?,((qo. ..., q N - , ) ) = 8 for nrbitr:iry r < a and 8 , qo. ..., qN-l< N . ( 6 ) S e q ( s ) is t h o prodic*ata “s L a, sequ~iiw!number”; cf. [a], p. 230. ( 7 ) "Complete" m w n s that evory non void subset of Z has an 1.u.b. and a g.1.b.
[80], 173
for y = 0 , 1,2 , ... , z’ in 2’ and evcry formula @ of S, 11hich is not a forinula of Sn-l and which has at most one fi(1c variable rq.The notion of a11 extension of a model is the same as in Section 3 and Lcmrnas 3.1 and 3.2 remain valid. We denotc by S , the union of sjslenis E n . 4.1. Every model p of So cam be extended to a model u m of S, itz such a way that for every z’ in Z’ aid. every fomnula CJ of S, with at most one free variable xg the following coiaditiom hold: 2’ >, V a l p W V x q @
< VallldJAxqCJ
or or
z‘iion 2 Val,,mSb(~q’B*,,q,,)@ , z’non < Val,wSb(zq’Cz~,q,,)@.
Proof. Let po = p and assume that an extension pn of p which is a modcl of S, has been defined in such a w:iy Iliat (9)
z‘ 2 Valll,,Vxg@ 01’ I‘ < Valp,,Axg@ or
z’non >, V ~ I , , , , S ~ ( X ~ / B ~ ~,, ~ , , , ) @ z’non < ValpnSb(xg/Cz,A,B)@
for every z’ in Z’, y = 0 , 1 , 2 , ... a i d evciy foimula @ of with at most oiie free variable xg. This assumption is satisfied if n = 0 since in this cnsc is empty. We shall IIOW extend /tn to a model of SIL+l and have thcwfore to define pn+lBzt,g,,, and p,+, C,,,,, for every z‘ in Z ’ , p = 0 , 1 , 2 , ... and every formula @ of S, which is not a forinula of SnT1 and which has a t most onc frcc variable x q . Let @ be such a formula and put Y = {Val,@: e E Wq,,<”}. If 1.u.b. Ynon < z’, then there is a e in W,,,,, such that Val,@non ,< z’; we choose a e of this S O J ~and put , U , + ~ B , , , , , ~ = exqP.If 1.u.b. Y >, z‘, then we chooso p l L + l B z ~ , qaibitiarily. ,O I f g.1.b. Ynon >, z’, then there is a 0 in Wg,,, such that Val,@~ion2 z’. We choosc again a (r of this sort and put CZ:,,,,= uxq. If g.1.b. P >, “u’, then we choose , U , + ~ C ~ , arbitrarily. ~,@ The mapping ,u,+~ thus defined is an extension of pn and hence of p. If @ is a formula of Snw1 with at most one free variable xq, then VaI,,,,+,Vxg@ = Val,,VxqCJ, and V ~ ~ , , , , S ~ ( X ~ / B ~ ~ , ~ , ~ ) @ = Val,,Sb ( X ~ , ’ B ~ ~whence ,~,~)@ in , view of ( 9 )
z’ 2 Val,,+,~~xg@ or
~ ~ l , ” + l S b ( z g / B z ., , q , ~ ) ~
The same formula holds true if @ is a formula of Sn which is not a formula of as we immediately s ~ fiom e the definition of ,u,+~ and 2.4. A similar relation is also provable. for the formula Axg@. We lhus sde that the sequence pn of niodels satisfies (9) for every 12 and every forwith at most one free variable xg. It is now obvious that (8) mula @ of is tiue if we chuose as p, the joint extension of models p,,. Remark 1. Theorem 4.1 holds under the assumption that 2 is a completo lattice and 2’ an arbitrary subset of 2. We denote by 5 a fixed function which onumeratcs the elements of 2 . It is easy to see that a Godel numbeiing of expressions of B, can be
45 1
A X l O M A T l Z A B l L l T Y OF M A N Y V A L U E D C A L C U L I
so chosen that rBc(r),q,e17 r C ~ ( ~ ) be , ~ recursive ,~l functions of r , q , r@l; indeed we can choose as these Godel numbers any integers uniquely and r. It follows that there exists a Godel numbering determined by q , r@l of formulas of 8,such that the Godel numbers of closed formulas and the Godel numbers of formulas with at most one free variable form recursive sets. From this it follows again tha,t it is possible to enumerate the expressions of & in such zt way that the Godel numbers of the constants Bl(r),q,e,and CC~r),q,8 of are recursive functions of r , q , r@l. Continuing in this way we infer that there is a Godel numbering of &, such that the Godel numbers of the constants BC(r),q,e, CC(r),q,e are recursive functions of Y , q , r@l. Hence there is a recursive function g which enumerates the Godel numbers of the constants of am.We continue to denote by r@l the Godel number of @ and by ?i the expression with the Godel number of n. A further easy consequence of the construction of the Godel numbering outlined above is that there exist recursive functions f:, ...)fi satisfying conditions similar to conditions 1.1 (a)-(d)but with “formula” replaced by “closed formula of ~ 9 ~ ” . We put (8) f ; ( k , n ) = r S b ( z , ; ( , l $ ( k ) ) Z ( n )ifl f:(n) = 2 and f ; ( k , n ) = 0 otherwise. This function is obviously recursive. We also put fi(r,n ) = rSb(m,~,,/B,(r),,:(,,~:,,,)fs2(nn)l if f:(n) = 2, fi(n) = 0 and fi(r712) = 0 otherwise. Similarly we put $ ( r , n) = r S b (z,;cn,lC,r,,,:,n,..i:of52 (n)l if f:(n) = 2, fi(n) = 1 and f t ( r , n ) = 0 otherwise. Both functions fi and fi are recursive. Using these notations we shall express arithmetically the not,ions of satisfiability and of validity. A mapping x of the integers into Z is called a B-model if it satisfies the following conditions:
= 1,
x ( n ) = B,:@)
(11) if fi(n) = 2 and f:(n)
( x (r31, .I)
7 **- 7
x (faP,:(n), n ) ) )7
then. ( k )( x ( n )2 x ( f % k ,n))),
fl(n) = 1, then. ( k )( ~ ( 1 2 )< x(f@, and ti(.) = 0 , then (Y) [ ( ( r ) 2 x ( n )
(12) if f i ( n )= 2 and
( 1 3 ) if f:(n) = 2
v S(r)non > x (fi(r, n ) ) ],
(14) if ff(n)= 2 and f:(n)= 1 , then ( r ) [ ( ( r ) < x(n)
v C(r)non < x (f;(r, n ) ) ].
(4) f: is omitted to preserve analogy with Section 3; f; will play a role analogous wheress in place of the former f; we ahall have two functions ff and 1:.
4.2. A closed formub Q, of So is satisfiable (valid) if and only if x(r#l) D for a (every) B-model x. Proof. Let p be a model of No; construct an extension p, of p satisfying (8). We shall show that any function x such that x ( n )= Val,,,% if 0 < f:(n) < 3 is a B-model. Condition (10) is obvious. Condition (11) follows from the fact is the 1.u.b. of a set P that if f:(n) = 2 and fi(n) = 0 then Val,n of which Val,,,~~(k,n) is an element. Proof of (12) is similar. To prove (13) let -us assume that j:(n) = 2 and fi(n) = 0 and c(r)non 2 x ( n ) = Val,,% = Val,,Vx,:,,,f~(n). It follows from (8) that c(r)non Y
12) = x (f&, .I) . Hence t(r)non > x ( g ( r ,n)). Proof of (14) is similar. Now let x be a B-model and let X , be the set of all constants of 8,. Define a model ,urnof 8, in X, by taking p,c = c for c in X, and by letting pmFf to be a function y such that y ( c I ,..., c i ) = ~ ( r f i c , ... c r l ) for arbitrary c l , ...,ci in X,. We shall prove that if @ is a formula of 8, then (15) val,,Y = x ( r ~ 1 ) for every Y in 6 .
> ~ a l , s b ( s , : ( ~ ) / ~ ~ ( , ) , , : ( ~73.)1. ~ ~=~ ~~al,fs(r, ) -??
Case 1. @ i s an. atomic formula. I n this case Y has the form ... cj with c,, ...,cf in X, and hence (15) follows from the definition of pea. Case 2. @ has the form ... I n this case (15) follows from (10) and the inductive assumption. Case 3. @ has the form vxqZ. In this case Y has the form Vxq,17 where 1 7 6 9 or 17~9 according to whether or not xq is free in 9.
S u b c a s e 3'. xQ is not free in 3. In-this case V € !,'a,l = 1.u.b.(Val,17} and hence ValPwY= x ( r I I 1 ) by the inductive assumption. > x(rSb (sa,'gV(k))171)= x(rT1).If From (11) it follows that ~("yl) x ( r U l 1 ) were # x ( r Z P ) , then by the density of Z 'there would be an r such that x(rT1)< t ( r ) and c(r)non > x(rY1) Khich contradicts (13) since fi(r, W l )= r P . S u b c a s e 3b. xg free in. E. I n this case VaI,,!P = 1.u.b. {Va1,17. e is a valuation of p,); hence, by 2.4 and the inductive assumption, = Val,-,17
Val,, !P = 1.u.b. Val,,Sb csx,
1.u.b. x(Qb (xq,'ij(k)),177)= 1.u.b. x ( f ; ( k ,J-m)).
From (11) u*a obtain therefore Val,!P < x ( " P ) . If x(rY'l) were [(r) and different from Val,,Y there would be an r such that Va!,l€<'
[80], 176
[(r)non > ~(ryrl) whence Val,mSb(x*/Btcr),n,n)17 < [ ( r ) and [(r)non > ~(r!Pl). This contradicts (13) since, by the inductive assumption, Valr,Sb(~*'Bc(r),n,n)17= x (f28(r,'p)). Case 4. @ has the form Axq?. The proof of (15) is similar as in Case 3 . The lest of the proof of 4.2 does not differ from the corresponding part of the proof of 3.4. R e m a r k 2 . Theorem 3.2 holds under the assumption made in Reniaik 1 and the additional assumption that 2' is a denumerable subset of 2 such that LE < y implies ( E Z ' ) ~ ~ , , Z< < [z'~ & z'non 2 y]. We consider 2 as a topological space in the interval topology (see [l], Chapter IV, 5 8). Thus 2 is a bicompact space (see l.c., Theorem 14). We assume that the functions T~ (j = 0 , 1,..., a ) are continuous. We put p = max(p,, p , , ...,pa) and donote by lower case German lcttois (other than m ,n) strings consisting of pf.5 elements of 2. The elenierits which occur in such a string will be denoted by the corresponding Roman letters with indices: m = (w, w,,..., w p ,w',w",w"', G). Consider the following condition on m (depending on numeric parameters n , r )
{ (f?(n) 1)3 (Ei)a+i [(fi(n) i) ((fL;(n)= 2) 3
(w= ~ ~ ( w. * . yiWq))]} , 8J
[(fm 0) 3 (w2 w')]& I ( f " Z 4 =
( ( f ? ( m )= 2 ) & ( f i ( n = ) 0) 3 [(C(r)>, w)V([(r)non
((fT(n)= 2 ) & (fi(iz) = 1)3
< w')])
1) 3 (w
> w")]) 8J
[ ( [ ( T I < w)V(C(r)non< w''')]).
We call this condition briefly Cn,,.(m). By m , n, (with or without indices) we denote triples of integers. For every triple m = ( m , k , r ) , every closed formula @ of 8,and every m E 2?'+5 we denote by T,,,,@ the "schema" m fS(1, m)
fb,m )
/:;(kt m )
fa., m) f3., I(',)
m) 7
We shall write E ( @ ,m , n, tu, a) if the schemas !l'm,m,aand Tn,n,a are consistent in the sense that any equation between the elements of the upper rows of the schemas implies the identity of the corresponding elements of 'the lower rows, In particular E ( @ ,m,n , tu, a) implies that schemas Tmsw9@ and Tn,o,adefine mappings of the elements of their upper rows onto the elements of the lower IOWS.
4.5. The set {m: C,,(to)) is closed in zP+5 for any n , r. P r o o f . By the continuity of the functions qI and the remark that the set {w:[ ( r ) 2 w} is closed and the set {w:[ ( r )> w) is open.
[80], 177
4.6. If D is a closed subset of Z , then a cl@sed formula @ of 8, is satisfiable if and only if for every integer s
(no,...,nJ(Em0, ...,m8)(i7~ + I [ E ( ni7 @ ni, , mi7mi ) 83 Cn,,,(mi) 83 (WiE 011 (we assume that nt = (ni,ki, yi)).
If D i s a n open subset of 2, the,)&a closed formula @ of 8, is valid if and only if there is a n integer s such that
m J ( E i , jL+l[E(@,ni,ni, mi, mi)
83 cn,r{(mi)3 Gi E Dl
Proof. Let @ be satisfiable and let x be a B-model such t'hat x(r@l) E D .Choose aninteger s and triples ni = (ni,k i , ri), j = 0 , 1, ...,s ,
and take (17)
= ( ~ ( n i x(f;(l7 ), 9~i))t
x ( ~ : ( P f, i i ) ) ,x ( K ( k j t n i ) ) ,
x( fh .nil) 7 x (fa%
It is obvious that, for arbitrary i, j < s the consistency condition x is a B-model, (10)-(14) hold true for j = 0 , 1 , ...,s which means that the coiidiiioris Cly,ri(mi)are satisfied. Finally fiom x(r@l)E D we obtain Wj E D . Assume now that (15) holds for arbitrary s. For given s , no, ..., n, den0t.e by 9,,,...,,,the family of functions x which may integers into Z and are such that the strings (17) satisfy C n , , r , ( ~ iand ) G E D . The family 3,,0,...,,,8 is non-void. Iiideed, choose any strings mot ...,mi satisfying (15) and define x on the elements
IT(@, ni, n j , mi,mi)is satisfied. Since
121) 9
j =O , l ,
..., s ,
by ident'ifying x restricted to these elements with the mapping T,,,,,,,,. Completing x by choosing its value arbitrarily on eleriitrmts different from (18) we obtain (in view of the consistency conditions E ( @ ,ni, nf, tut, mi),i, < s) a function which obviously belongs to '3% ,...,,,. Since 7, ,...,#, , is closed in the Tichonov topology of 2" (Q)(here we use the assumption that D is closed), we infer that there is a funciion y, which belongs to all Y,,,...,,,, . If mi is defined by (17), then we have C,L,,7,(tuj)for an arbitrary n j = ( ? h i , ki, ~ i ) , whenco we infer that x is a B-model. Since x(r@l) = x(Ei)E D , we obtain that @ is satisfiable. Now let D be opcn arid put D' = 2 - D . According t o 4.2 @ is non valid if and only if there is a B-model x such that x(r@l)E D'. According (0)
Zw ia the space of all infinite sequences of the elements of Z.
A X l O M A T l Z A B l L l T Y OF M A N Y V A L U E D C A L C U L I
to the pait of the theorem which is already proved the condition for the existence of such a, x is expressible in the form (1.5) with D replaced by D'. IIence tho validity of @ is equivalent to (16). R e m a r k 3 . Theorem 4.5 and 4.6 are valid under assumptions made in Rcnmrk 2 and the following additional assumptions: 2 is a bicompact space, functions y t are continuous and the sets {(z, y ) : z < y } , {(x, y ) : s n o n > y } ale closed in 2 x 2. 5. Applications. Consider arbitrary relations R,, R,, ... with the field 2 and let 'is be the elementary theory of these relations, i.e. the applied 1st order functional calculus in which the predicate variables are interpreted a s R,,R,, ...
3.1. Let the following assumptions be satisfied: the functions q,, ...,q,, and the relation < are definable in iP; there is a recursive sequence P, of formulas of C such that F , defines the set {z: [ ( r ) z ) ; there i s a formula of which defines the set D ; the theory Z i s decidable; then (a) if D is a closed set, the set of satisfiable formulas i s a complement of a recursively enumerable set; (b) if D i s a n open set, then the set of valid formulas i s recursively enumerable. Proof. For given m , n, @ the relation E ( @ ,m , n, m , u) between m and D is definable by means of a formula of Z dependiqg recursively on r@l,m , n. The same is true of the relations C,,,(m) and w c D and hence of the relation
If the formula G,,,...,,,.,@, of Z (with k = ( s + l ) ( p + 5 ) free varia@ ,,,, bles yo, ...,yk-,) defines this relation, then the formula H,, ,.... defines the relation = (Ey,, ..., yk-1) Gn, ,...,
(Em,,...)m J ( i , & + I [ ~ ( @ n~il nj, mil m i )
cw,rAmi) 8~iiji 6 Dl
Hence by 4.6 the condition that @ be satisfiable is expressible (under the assumption that D be closed) in the form: (5, TI,,, ..., Its)[Hn,,...,n,,e is a theorem of 21. The theory Z being decidable and H,,,...JI,e depending recursively on no, ..., n8, r@T, it follows that the set of r@l for which CJ is satisfiable forms a complement of a recursively enumerable set. This proves part (a) of 5.1. Proof of (b) is similar. As a particular case of 5.1 we note 5.2. If Z is the closed interval (0, 1 ) ordered in the usual way, D i s either a n open interval (wbln,p / q ) where m , n , p , p are integers and 0 < m/n < plq < 1 or one of the intervals ( 0 , m/n),( p i p , l), and if functions vol ...,qa are continuous and definable in the elementary theory of real closed fields, then the set of valid formulas is recursively enumerable.
[80], 179
Iiidecd, the assumpt,ions of 5.1 are satisfied since we can take as 2' tlie set of rationals contained in Z and as c ( r ) 1)he function K ( r ) / [ R ( r ) + L ( r )+I]. Obviously there is a recursive sequonee of formulas Pr of the dernentary theory of real closed fields such that Fr defines the relation (0 :z I< 1) & z [ K ( r )- + L ( r ) 11 < IL(r). Decidability of the elementary tlicwy of iesl closed fields is a well-known result of Tarski. -5.3. If Z is the set { O , I}" of all xero-one sequences ordered lexicograplicaily, I ) is the set of sequerbces a in 2 such that a ( 0 ) = 0 and pi is a recursive m a p p i t t y of Z'j istito 2, j = 0 , 1 , ..., a, then the set of satisfiable formulas is the complemeut of a recursively ewumerable set n,d the set of valid formulas ,is recursively enumerable. P r o o f . A mapping y j of .??j into Z is recursive if the value which tho function pi(a,, ..., a p j ) = y t,akes for the argument n is a general rccursive functional $'(a,, ... , a p j ,n ) in the sense of [41, p. 275 or, in other words, if tlie following rondit.ion holds: there is an integer ei such that for arbitrarQ a,, ..., a p j ,t~
(Ek)W(ZJk), y(,ri) =
...,-a P j ( k )ei, , t L , 12) ,
u ( , u k p ( ~ , ( k ..., ) , zPj(li), e i l I t , , k)) .
2 is obviously a linearly ordcrd complete sot. I f we choose as 2' the, set of ultimately vanishi~igfunctioiis, then all assumptions of Theorem 4.6 are satisfied since D is' closcd and open in 2 and tho mappings pi are continuous according to [a], p. 180, [4],p. 277. Wc choose the enumerating function [ so that if r = 2r0+2r*+...+2rk-1, (ro < t'! < ... < r k ) , then [ ( r ) vanishes everywhere except a t points yo, r , , ..., r k . Let us fix an integer s, s + l triples no, ..., n, and a closed formula @ of 8,. The relation (betwceii two elemeiits mi,mi of pf5) E(@,ni,nj,tui,tni) is expressible :is a corijuriction of equations between the meinbws of mi and wj; this conjuniction depends recursively on no, ... , n, and @. For given ni = (nil k i , Y<) tlie relation Cnc,rr(wi)is equivalent to one of the relations
= pi(w,,
> w' , w < ,w', < w v { ( T i ) 2 Wl''
> w V [ ( r i ) < w" ,
aiid again it can be decided recursively t o which of the above relations Cni,rl(w-i)is reducible. It follows that (15) is expressible in the form
(s)(no,...,ns)(Eal,- 7 a t ) J f w t o,....n, where the q's run over Z and is a disjunction (depending recursively on r @ T ,no, ...,n,) of conjunctions of t,he following relations = pj(anly
..., "o~J ai < aj C(rf)< ai , a{ z D . 7
> ai
[80], 180 We
A X l O M A T l Z A B l L l T Y OF M A N Y V A L U E D C A L C U L I
< aj
[ai(n) < a j ( n ) ] , 5 (r,)
= ( n ) [ c ( r jA, ) < ai(n)l, C(rj) 2 ai = ( n ) [ c ( r jn, ) > ai(12)3, ai E D = ai(0) = ' 0
where c ( r , A ) is a recursive function which givcs the value of [ ( r ) at point n. Finally = pi(aa,,
G ~=~( 1 2),
k ) [P(zV,(kIl ..., &pik)l ejy n , k )
2 ( U ( k )= a d.)]
Introducing the right-hand sides of these equivalences for the lefthand ones in Ma,%,...,,# and reducing, we infer t,hat (15) is equivalent to a relation of the form ( s ) ( h l..., t g ) ( E a l ,..., at)(n)Pa,n ,...,n , ( a , ( l z ) ,
..., a;(*)L),12) between r @ T ,no, ...,n,, Z,(m), ...,Zt(n),n. -
where P is a recursive relation Konig's lemma enables us to replace
by ( m ) P ' ( r @ Th, , ...,n,, m ) where P' is recursive. Thus, finally, (15) is equivalent to ( 8 , no, ..., n,, m ) P ' ( r @ lno, , ...,n,, m), whence we see that the set of satisfiable formulas is the complement of a recursively enumerable set. Proof of recursive enumerability of the set of valid formulas follows from the remark that @ is not valid if and only if it becomes satisfiable after'.D is replaced by Z - D .
6. The case of a well-ordered set of truth values. I n the present section we shall deal with the case when Z is the set of ordinals < IJ where v is a preassigned ordinal. Z is obviously a bicompact space but does not possess a denumerable dense subset. For this reason the theory set forth in Section 4 is not applicable and we shall have t o use 8 slightly different technique. The chief obstacle to be overcome is the lack of the Godel numbering (in the usual sense) of the formulas , of the auxiliary system .S We start with the same system So as in Section 4. Formulas of So are said to have the rank 0 ; we agree that the set of constants of So is empty. is a system obtained fiom fin by adjoining constants DtSee,Ep.olFa,lp where [ < v, p = 0 , 1 , 2 , ...,@ is a closed formula exactly of rank n having the form V x g H and !P is a closed formula exactly of rank n having the form AxaH. The constants D l , @whose cardinal number is (for v 2 wl) uncountable can be thought of as triples ( E l p, @) and formulas of as finite sequences of symbols. Formulas of Sn+',+r are said to have a rank < n+1. We take as S , the union of all 8,.
It is easy to see that every formula @ of 8, arises from a well determined formula @$of So by a (uniquely determined) substitution of constants. We now define a “Godel numbering” of formulas and constants &. For formulas of rank 0 we take as the pair (0, r @ l ) consisting of the void set and of the usual’ Godel number of @. I f LcJ and are already defined for constants and formulas of 8, then we take (6, p, (q, ( q , LYI_I) as the “Godel numbers” of the constants De,qsP,, E,,,, FQ’p.v. of 81L+l. I f @ is a formula of #,+,which arises from a formula Go of So by the substitution Sb(xQJcl...sq)cF), then we take as L@-J the ordered pair (the symbol in paranthesis denotes a mapping which carries p1 into Lcj-l; to simplify writing we shall sometimes denote this mapping by a single letter T). Let N be the set of “Godel numbers” ,-@A of formulas of 8,. We put for ,-@A = (T,r G o l ) in N fl(L@J)=
@ is closed (i.e. the indices of all free variables of Dooccur in the upper row of 27) , otherwise;
fa(L@A = @-Go1); f3(j,L@J)
(TI,g(j,ra0l)) where T‘arises from T by restrict,-
f*(L@-l)= W @ O 3 fS(L@-I)
ing it to such p for which sgis free iii, r @ ,o ~ )
in 7
h(r@ol)> -
Let C be the set of “Godel nuinbeis” of constants of 8,. We define f, 7 f a ,f 0 as fol~ows: if f l ( L @ ~#) 2 or q,(Le_l) is not fr? in ,-@A
L@J) =
(T u
f:(r@ol)) otherwise
It is assumed that k runs over (2.
[80], 182
A X l O M A T l Z A B l L l T Y OF M A N Y V A L U E D C A L C U L I
Functions fl-f5 perform with respect to the present system S , the same role that functions f l - f i do with respect to so.f & k 7,-@_I) is the "Godel number" of a formula whiah we obtain from 3 by dropping the initial quantifier (if any) and substituting k for the variable bound by this quantifier; f , , f s 7 f o are special cases of f 6 obtained for special values of k. The notion of extension of a model is the same as in Section 3; Lemmas 3.1 and 3.2 remain valid. 6.1. Every model y of So can be extended to a model ym of S , in such a way that the following conditions be satisfied for every formula @ of S ,
with at most one free variable xq:
Proof of this theorem is similar to that of 4.1 and can be omitted. A function x which map6 N into Z is called a C-model if it satisfies the following conditions for arbitrary n in N , k in C and 5 < u: \
1 9 then x(n)= Q),d*)(X
x (fa(Pl*(nh4).
If fi(n)= 2 and fa(.)
I f fi(n)= 2 and fa(.)
= 1 7 then ~ ( n )x (fs(k7a))*
I / fi(n)= 2 and fdn)= 0 7 then
f l ( 4=
V (26)
( x ( 4 is
7 *"7
then X(n)> X ( f d k t n))
~ ( 1 2 )=
x (fs(n))
a limit number) 8~[t 2 x(n)vE+1< x
( f 4 5 ,n))] .
If fAn) = 2 and fAn)= 1 , then x(n)= x ( f & n ).)
6.2. A closed formula @ of So i s satisfiable (valid) if and only if x ( ~ @ c ~D) for at least one (fm each) C-wwdel x.
P r o o f . I t is sufficient t o show that for every model y, of S , satisfying (19)-(21) there is a C-model x such that (27)
= Valh@
for every closed formula @ of Sa
and that every C-model x determines a model ,urn of &, such that (27) holds. The first statement is proved by verifying that if ,urn satisfies (19)-(21)7 then the function x defined by (27) is a C-model. The second st.atement
is proved as follows. Let x be a C-model. Define 51 model pa of LJm in C be (set of all constants) by putting pmc = c for c in c and letting ,&& a function v such that ~ ( c , ,..., q)= ~ ( ~ d c , CQ) , for c,, ..., c j in C. It is sufficient to prove (27) for every formula @ in Y where Y is an arbitrary formula of 8,. The cases when Y is atomic or begins with a propositional connective are dealt with exactly as in 4.3. Case 3. Y has the form Vx$. Hence @ has the form V x q H where H 6?!. or H 3 according as +xq is or is not free in B and Val,,,@ = 1.u.b. x (f&cJ, L@J)). I n both cases we obtain from (23) X(L@J)
is not
limit number, then, by (25),
x (LSb(%&,@)HJ) = %(h(L%@J, L@J) < 1;;$.x(fs(LcJ,
%(L@-I) = (f*(L@J)) =
which proves (27). I f x ( ~ @ J )is a limit number, then again by (25)
(t)[ E < X ( L @ - J )
3 [+I G x (fll(L~&lz.@J, L@-l))] *
If we had x ( ~ @ J )> Val,,,@, then we would obtain
x (fe(LQ***@J, L@J) Val,@+
( f 6 ( L 4 , P . W , L@J))
which is a contradiction. (27) is thus provea in Case 3. Case 4. Y has the form AxqB. Hence @ has the form A x g H where H €8or H € 2and Val,,@ = g.1.b. (fe(Lc_l, L@J)). Fiom (24) we obtain crc
and from (26) X(L@-J) = x
X(LG-l) G Val,,@
(fdL@J))= x (fdL%@-l,L@J))
> g,.’f.,b.x ( f a L C.J,
L@-l)) = Val,@
whence we obtain (27). 6.2 is thus proved. Our next task will be to express the conditions for validity and satisfiability so as to make evident their recursive character. To this end we shall consider an arbitrary but fixed finite set of relations R,, ..., Rk defined in the set Z and denote by Z the elenwiitary theory of relations R,, ..., &, <. The variables of 2 will be denoted by Greek letters a, 8, ... with or without indices. We extend Z to a theory 2*by adjoining variables m , n , ... (with or without indices) ranging over N , variables k , 1, ... (with or without indices) ranging over C, variables x , I , ... (with or without indices) ranging over integers, constants for individual integers
[80], 184
and symbols 6, ..., f, for functions f,-f,,. Vaiiables m , n , ... are N-termfi, k , 1, ... are C-terms, x , A , ... and numerals (constants for integers) are w-terms and a ,8,... are 2-terms. I f vis an N-term, k a C-term, g a Z-variable and X an o-variable or a numeral, then ? , ( Y ) , F 2 ( ~ ) l ? 4 ( are ~ ) to-terms, &(Ti, Y ) , j 6 ( v ) , f , ( k ,Y ) , f,(r,Y ) , f g ( v ) ,& ( Y ) are N-terms. This concludes the description of terms of 2*. Atomic formulas of T* are those of 2 and equations between terms of the same kind. Other formulas of 2’are constructed from the atoniic ones in the usual way. It is clear how to define the notion of satisfaction for formulas of Z* or 0. We shall write l=rX[[,,..., E,] instead: L‘[l, ... , &satisfy formula M of 2” and similarly for the theory 2”. We shall need two simple :lemmas: 6.3. Let M be a formula of T* whose bound variables are ezclusively the Z-variables and whose freevariablea are n,, ...,np, k,, ..., k,, xl, ..., x,. Let a,, ..., a, be irbtegers, c,, ..., c, elements of C and
elements of AT. Under these assumptions there is a formula 111’of Z*depertdiug , r@lol , ...,rCDmla,1 , ... , a, , M amd recursively on u, , ..., up, s,, , ... , spup such that (28)
r*ML@i~ “ ‘ 1i
L @ ~ A cli ,
- * . i cqi
a11 * * * iarl
= /=C.M‘[c,, , ... , clu,, ... , cpl, ..., cpup, ell ..., cp] .
Proof. Values of terms depending on tho variables n,, ..., np can be evaluated, i.e. represented in the form of numerals or in tho forin
where the integers v,, ..., v t , r Y 1 are effectively calculable from the s ~r@7,011 ~ , ai and each di is either onc of the c7i or one of the cm. Every equation between these values can be expressed as equations bet ween integers or between the constants di. The former equations are then replaced by their truth values. I n this way the left hand side of (28) is transformed into a condition representable by the right hand side of ( 2 8 ) and the formula M’ can be constructed effectively (i.e. recursively) from M and integei s u, , ..., up,s,, , ... , spup, r@loll ... , r C D w l , a, ..., a,. 6.4. Let M be a formula of ‘Z* whose bound variables are exclusively the 2-variables and whose free variables are m,, ..., mi, k,, ..., k,, x , , ..., x,. Let m,, ..., mi be elements of N, let
~,=LDE.Q,.~~J for
ki = LEq,,;Id
k, = LFqj;2A for
j=1,2,.-,gl j = g 1, ... , h , j = h 1, ..., e ,
+ +
and let a,, ...)a, be integers. Then there i s a formula M' of 2*depending recursivelg on g, h , q l l ..., qel a,, ...lar and M such that Iy.JUmll
...,m t , k,, ..., k,,
..., a,] El , ..., to, m, , ... , mt , m, , . ., n,] .
= I=,.M'[
P r o o f . Similarly as in the proof of 6.3 we evaluate the values of terms depending on m,, ... , ml, lc,, . . . l k,, a,, . . a, and replace equations between these values by equations between ordinals or between integers or between elements of N . Equations between integers are then replaced by their truth values. Let now M u be R recursive sequence of formulas of 2* whose free variables are 1, x , , ..., xpuln,, ..., nqulk,, ..., kru and whose bound variables are exclusively the 2-variables. 6.5. There i s a recursive sequence G,,= of closed formulas of T such that (29)
( ? ~ ) / = = y ( (...lxpulnl. xll . ~ , ~ , , , , .k. l. ,,kr,,)JIu)[el 3 (p)I=.rcfiD.~.
P r o o f . The left hand side of (29) is equivalent to (") (hi u)u(aii" ' 1 ap,)w(nii
n ~ u ) N h ( c I i" ' 1
I-r*Jfu[e,a,, ..., apuln,, ...?ngu,ell ..., cruI
where h'h is the set of "Godel numbers" of formulas of &, and ch is the set of Wodel numbers" of constants of 8 h . It will be sufficient to show (by induction on h) that there exist closed formulas Hh,p,c o f 2 which depend recursively on h , p , e such that (30)
1 "' 1
I=T*Mu[e,a11 - - . l
a p , t nil
1 *" "'1
'ru)Ch %i -**i
Consider first the case h > 0. We shall show how to reduce the left hand side of (30) to a similar condition with h replaced by h-1. The left hand side of (30) is equivalent to (31)
* " l lzQ,)Nh-~(cll
( ~ ) u ( a i , ap,)m(nii
I=r*JfJe, a,,
crul nqU)Nh-Nh--I(cii - . . i cr,)ch ..., nqu,~ 1 ..., , crul.
a p u i nil " - 1
c1i * * * i
upul 721)
If we replace in the s r ~ o n dconjunct every
(z)= means: for eltry z in X; we denote by u the set of integers.
[801, 186
where the sit run over integers, the cfi run over Ok and the nj over the set X.;'...•IUI of Godel numbers of formulas of So with the free variables Si1, ... , 8iul' we obtain a condition equivalent to (31). Using Lemma 6.3 we can therefore replace (31) by an equivalent condition (u).. (a ll ... , ap),,(n ll ... , nau)Nh._,(CIl
1='[0111u[e, all ... , a pu' n u ... , n qu' c" , Vqu' au ... , a pu' 811, ••• , & (u, V u (nDx8
8/lu1•...•'a "o,u u
• a1 .....a Jl 'Sll,•.• ,8 q U
, Cr)Oh , caul 8 ,,,, ...
Sau" ... , Sau"')'"
(C1,···,Cr,Cu"",Cl", ... ,cq" )Oh u 1 U Ilu
,n~, ...,n~
[e1 ,
where the formula M' depends. recursively on the indices. Contracting we transform this condition to a condition (32)
(1i).,(b u ... , b,J.,(:n" ... , nWJNh_,(du
1='[oM:[e, bu
, dllJOh
, btu' n u ... , n wu' d u ... , dllul .
We divide this formula into two parts letting the d i in the first part to run over Ok-1 and in the second over Ok- Ok-I' In the second part each d i can be replaced either by LDIi;.al'':nI-.J or by LEal.;{,;-.J or by LFq;.;{,;-.J' i.e. by (;i, qi, mi) or (qi' mi) where m, is assumed to i un over a subset of N k - 1 • In this way (32) is replaced by (33)
(u)",(b ll ... , b,).,(nll ... , nW)Nh_,(du
, dllJOh_,
1=z:oM:[e, bu ... , btu, n u ... , n wu' du
, dllJ &
(u) .. (b u ... , btJ.. (n ll
(m u"" mi)Nh_,(qu (qi+1, ... , qiJ.. (m'+l'
, nwJNh_,(i)i
& (t2(m,) = ... = f2(mi) = 0) & (t2(mi+') :> 1=1: 0111 : [13 , bu "" btu' nil , n wu' (;u (;i, qi, m,), (qH1' mi+1) ,
= '" = f,(m llu) = 2) = ... = fz(m1lJ = 1) qll m,) , ... ,
, (qllu' m llu)]}'
We now use Lemma 6.4 and replace
!='ZoM:[e, bu ... , btu, n u ... , n wu' (~"
qu m ,), ... ,
q" m,), (qi+I, m/+1) , ... , (qllu' mllu)]
by an equivalent condition
with M** depending recursively on the indices. Further we denote the formula
[80], 187
= 0) & ... & ..., q )[T,(m,) = 2) & ... & (Ti(nli)= 21 (Urn,)
(?.(mi) = 0) & (fa(mj+l)= 1)
(C(mv,,)= 1 ) 3 W i ~ l , . . . , q u u ]
by -M~3ul.....*u". (33) is thus equivalent to
~#"M%, nwu)N&l(41 ..., ..., -..,
(u)db,, " ' 7
i=z.M:re, b,, bfu, nl1 nwUld,, ..., 4,,1 & (u)-(b,, bt,,)m(ni, nw,,, mi1 .*.,mv,,)ivn-,(i, j ) i < j G v u - - a )
(ni, "'9
~ v U ) - l = 2 * ~,,,~i,q ul , . . . , q u ~ e tb i i
? ~ i i* * * in w u i
which, after contradiction can be brought to the same form as the loft hand side of (30) but with h replaced by h - 1 . In order to prove (30) it remains to prove it for h = 0. The left hand side of (30) has in this case thc form (uIm(a1,
aPu)Q4n1.* * ' , ~ P U ) N o I - p * ~ u r e a1 l7
a " )
Performing the same operations as in the firfit step of the reduction of h to k-1 we are left with a condition of the form (u)w(a,1
, aPu)@J(n:, .*.,
n;u)Xol=Z2CI:,n: ,.....:,,.a1
where M' is a formula of Z and X o is the set of Godel numbers of closed formulas of So. Contracting, we finally obtain a condition of the form (p)/=2Ho,p,ewhere H,,,p,c is a closed formula of Z depending recuisively on p and e. Lemma 6.6 is thus proved. We now repent with minor changes the construction carried out on pp. 176-J78. Let sequences of p 6 ordinals be denoted by German letters and their terms denoted by corresponding Roman letters:
..., W P )
ul = (w, w1,
W I ,
= maX(P,,
Assume that the relation w
= y,(w,,
W " ) W " ' , W'V,
..., pa) .
...,wpJ is
definable in
Pf( a, a,, ... , up?)be a formula of Zwhich defines this relation, j
Z and
, 1 , ...,a.
Notice that relations [ < q , [+I < q and "[ is a limit number" are gofinable in Z (which was supposed to b+>an extension of the elementary theory of the < relation). Let formulas which define these relations be a <8 , (12), a + l < /I, A ( a ) . Consider the relaaion C ( n , [, ul) where ')z c N ,
E c 2,ul c zp+6:
(") Whenever convenient we write 9, 3 a instead of a<
[80], 188
{ (fi(n)= 1) 3 ( E i ) a + i [ ( f d n )= i ) & (W = VAW, ...7 w q ) ) ] )
& ( ( f l ( n= ) 2) 3 [(f,(n)= 0)3 ( w 2 w‘)] & [ ( f 2 ( n =)1) 3 ( w < w’)]}
fi ( ( f l ( n= ) 2 ) & ( f e ( n=) 0 ) 3 ( ( w = w’’)V(w is
& [ ( t> W ) V ( { 1 < w”‘)l})
{ (fl(.)
= 2) &
n Krnit number)
(f,(n) = 1) 3 ( w = w.“))
This relation is obviously definable in Q* by the formula T ( n , a , a,, ..., a p t a‘, a”, a”’, aiv, a, /I): ((?An) = 1) 3 (EiIa+l [ (f;(n)= i) 8~P A a , a,,
..., a p J ] )
& {(f,(n)= 2 ) I‘[(TZ(n)= 0) 3 ( a >, a‘)]& [(i,(n) = 1) 3 ( a < a‘)]] 8 ~ ((Tl(n) : = 2) & (f,(n) = 0)3 { ( a = a ” ) V n ( a )L [(/I >, a)V v (B+1 < ottt)]1) C?Z ((Tl(n)= 2) & (T,(n) = 1)3 ( a = a’v)) .
We abbreviate this formula as T ( n , a). The symbol (Ei)a+l is of course an abbreviation for a logical sum of a f l terms. Note that only 2-variables are bound in Next we introduce the “consistency relation” E(rCP7, n,, kl, 6,, n,, k,, f 2 , m,,m,) where ?hi 6 hTlki t ti 2, i = 1, 2 and CP is a closed formula of 8,. To tldine this relation we consider “schemas” Tn,k,(,m.@
’ W ,
f A 1 , 121, W’,,
f A P , 711, f d k , n ) , f A t , n ) ,fa(n), f 9 ( n ) , ?Up,
w”’, w’v,
and agree. that E (rm, n,, k,, t1,n2, k,, t,, ml, m,) holds if and only if the identity of any two elements in the upper rows of schemas Tnl,kl,~l,ml,@, Tnn,kn.t,,mr,@ implies the identity of the corresponding elements in t,he lower lows. The consistency relation is obviously definable in 2+ by means of an open formula involving only the identity predicate. We note this formula as El%,n,, k,, pi, n,, ks, /Iz,a l , ma). 6.6. If the functions vo, ... ,ya are continuous, then the set {w: C ( n , t ,m)} i8 closed in 2 ?” for arbitrary n in N and E i,n 2. The proof is obvioufi. 6.7 If the set D i s closed in 2, then a closed formula CP of 8,is satinfiahls if and only if for e i w y integer s (no, .., n a ) ~ ( k ..., o t k 8 ) d t o 1..., EAz(Ew0,..., w8)(ilj)s+l (34) ,[B(‘CPl, n i , k i , ti, I l i , kj, t j , mi,mi)& C(%, E i , mi) 8; (uii € D ) ] .
If D is o p n , ,in 2, theta a closed formula @ of So is valid if and only i f there ie a’n iitleger s such that
(En,, ... 9 ~~x),\~(Ekoi * * - ) ka)~(Eto, ... ta)z(m,, ,ma) (35) ( i , j ) s + i [ ~ ( r C P 1 , . r t i , k i i F i , ? l j , k i , t j , w i , t D i ) & C ( t t i , t i , m i ) 3 ( u i i € I ) ) I . The proof does not. differ from that of 4.5.
[80], 189
6.8. If 2 is a decidable extension of the elementary theory of the < relation, if the functions vi are definable i n Z and if the set D is definable in Z and open and closed i n Z , then the set of (Codel numbers of) valid formulas of #, is recursively enumerable and the set of (Codel n,umbers of) satisfiable formulas of So is a complement of such a set. Proof. @ is satisfiable if and only if (34) holds. Now (34)is equivalent t o the condition
where N , is the following formula of
2 '
here the quantifier ( i , j)s+l is an abbreviation for a conjunction with ( 8 + l)zfactors, A is a formula of 2 defining D, and Zdis the last variable of the string a(. By Lemma 6.5, condition (36) is equivalent to ( p ) I=[Gp,rai where Cp,q is a recursive sequence of closed formulas of 2. Since 2 is decidable, it follows that the set {r@l: ( p ) I=2Cp,ral} is a complement of a recnrsively enumerable set. The recursive enumerability of the set of valid sentences is proved by passing to dual formulas. As an example to Theorem 6.8 we can take 2 to be the elementary theory of addition of ordinals < w. modifying the addition in such a way that w, t = o,,for every 5. Decidability of Zwas proved by Ehrenfeueht (in a paper not yet published). A8 D we can take for example the unit set { 0 } and as qi any continuous functions definable in 2. We obtain in this way numerous examples of functional calculi with recursively enumerable sets of valid sentences.
7. We conclude with some unsolved problems: A. Let v,, v2 be two ordinals and So,,Soefunctional calculi defined in the last paragraph of Section 6 by taking as 2 either the set {t: [ < om} or the sec {t: t < mu*}. Do the sets of valid formulas of X,,, Hm coincide? B. Let, Z be the set of all subsets of an iniinite set X and let pi be functions definable in a decidable fragment of an extension of the elementary theory of the inclusion relation. If So is the functional calculus with two quantifiers A and V corresponding to this choice of 2 and the qi, is the set of valid formulas of So recursively enumerable? C. Same question as in B but with 2 replaced by the famiiy of closed subsets of a topological space. D. Same question but with Z replaced by the complete lattice of closed domains of a topological space X.
[80], 190
The lattice Z in problem B is not separable but methods used in Section 6 should be sufficient to overcome this difficulty. However when one tries to adapt methods of Section 4 to problem B (and to problems C and D as well) one is faced with the difficulty that not only the set {(s,y): a < y} but also the set {(a,y): anon > y } should be closed in Z x Z. No reasonable topology seems to satisfy this condition and this is the chief reason why it is an open question as to whether or not methods similar to those of Section 4 are applicable to our problems. We limited ourselves chiefly to the study of quantifiers whose interpretations were the 1.u.b. and the g.1.b. operations. It is easy to construct examples showing that for an infinite Z, e.g. for 2 = {(: L!< w } , another choice of quantifiers may lead to a “functional calculus”, in which the set of valid formulas is not recursively enumerable. It would be interesting to solve the following problem: E. What is the general characterization of quantifiers which lead to functional calculi with recursively enumerable sets of valid formulas? References [l] Garrett Birkhoff, Jattiee theory, American Mathematical Society Colloquium Publications, vol. 29. New York 1949. [2] Andre e j G rz egorcz yk, Computable functionals, Fundamenta Mathcmaticae 42 (1955), pp. 168-202. [3] S t e p h e n C. Kleene. Introduction to metamathematics. North Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam and P. Noordhoff, Groningen 1952. [a] - A Note o n computable functionals, Indagationw Mathematicae 18 (1956), pp. 275-280. [5] Georg Kreisel, A variant to Hilbert’s theory of foundations of arithmetic, The British Journal of Philosophy of Science 4 (1953), pp. 107-129. [6] J. Rarkeley Rosser, Aziomatization of infinite valued logics, Logique et Analyse 3 (1960), pp. 137-153. [7] J. Barkeley Rosser and Averell Turquette, Many.valued logics, Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics. North Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam 1952. R e p par la. Eddaction le 13. 10. 1960
ANDRZEJ MOSTOWSKI The aim of this paper is to advocate a method (due in principle to Gijdel
[2], though never elaborated by him in details) to present in a uniform way
the theories of recursive, hyperarithmetical and related families of sets. The gist of the method is to defim these families using the notion of representability in suitable formalized theories. The techniques worked out by Kleene and other writers yield probably better results when one wants to discuss properties of a single family; the writer believes however that the method developed below is very helpful when one wants to discuss common properties of these families and to detect reasons of their affinities. The method will be presented for families consisting of sets of integers and sets of functions. An extension to higher types has not yet been tried, but seems to present no essential difficulties. The writer had planned to entitle the paper “ Kleene’s theories as I see them.” Although the final title is more conservative, the influence of Kleene’s work on the present paper should be obvious to every reader even moderately acquainted with the literature.
1.1. Formal systems. In Chapters I and I1 we shall deal with formal systems having a common language and differing from each other by the notion of consequence. The common language of these systems is that of .second order arithmetic 131 with constants for both types of objects (integers and functions). Latin 1.c. letters will be used for variables and constants of type 0 (integers) and Greek 1.c. letters for variables and constants of type 1 (functions). We use the first letters of the alphabet for constants and the last ones for variables. Numerals are denoted by a,, a,, ‘ . . We denote by A x the set of axioms consisting of the usual axioms for the propositional and functional calculus with identity, of Peano’s axioms for arithmetic, of the so-called pseudo-definitions, i.e., axioms of the form (&)(x)[&) = 0 = 01, where 0 is a formula in which the variable is not free, cf. [3], and finally of the special form of the axiom of choice which allows one to permute the functional and the numerical quantifiers, cf. [ll, p.2171. If X is a set of formulas then Cn,(X) denotes the set of formulas which can be obtained from A x u X by the usual rules of proof. We assume that in each formal system which will be considered in our theory there is defined a function of consequence Cns acting on sets of formulas and yielding such sets. Further we assume that this function satisfies the
Received by the editor April 6, 1961
1811, 30
following axioms:'
(A) X c Cns(X). (B) X E Y implies Cns(X) E C n d Y ) . ( C ) Cno(Cn8(X))E Cn8(X) and Cn8(Cno(X))E C n , ( X ) . (D) If P' is a closed formula and I E CndX U {P'}), then ?F=I I E C n d X ) . (E) There are infinitely many inessential constants of both types. A constant a or a is inessential for S if for every set X of formulas none of which contains a (or a) the condition I E Cn8(X)implies I' E CnXX) where I' results from I by a substitution for a (or a) of a free variable of the appropriate type which does not occur in I. Note that Cno(Cn8(X)) = Cns(Cno(X))= CnAX) by (B), (C), and the obvious properties of Cno. In some theorems we shall assume that Cns is an idempotent operation. These theorems are marked by an asterisk. If 2 is a set of formulas then ExtdZ) denotes the system S' with the function of consequence defined thus: Cn,,(X) = Cns(X u 2). 1.1.1. Zf there are infinitely many constants (of both types) which are inessential for S and do not occur in formulas of 2, then the system Exts(Z) satisfies (AHE). Let 1 be a functional variable or a functional constant and (p a function from integers to integers. We denote by D,(A) the set of formulas A(&) = & P ( ~ ) and call this set the diagram of (p. To maintain the symmetry between both types we denote by &(I) the formula l = 8,; here l is a numerical constant or a numerical variable. 1.2. Representable sets and functions. Let o be the set of integers 2 0,o" the set of all mappings from o into o. Elements of o will be briefly called numbers and elements of om functions. We denote functions by the letters (p, 4, r?, * We denote by Rk,1the Cartesian product omX . . . x om X o X . . * X x w ' ; elements of Rk,, are denoted by German letters p, q, . . . . Thus o= p is a sequence ((p,, . . , ( p k , nl, . . . , nl) consisting of k functions and 1 numbers. Let the German 1.c. letters a, 6, . . . , 0, IU, . . . denote sequences consisting of k inessential constants (or variables) of type 1 and I inessential constants (or variables) of type 0. Such sequences are called briefly k , l sequences and we shall write a = ( a I ,. . ., a k , a,, . . -,at) and similarly for other letters. We Put +
a .
D,(a) = DV1(al) u
. . . u Dq,(ak) u Dn1(al)u . . . u D,,(al) .
A set A C Rk,Iis weakly represented in S by a formula I if 0 has k free variables of type 1, I free variables of type 0 and I These are esentially Tarski's axioms [17];we did not include all of Tarski's axioms in order to have a wider range of applications.
410 (1)
q EA
= @(a) E Cn@&a));
here @(a) is the formula obtained from @ by a substitution of the constants a for the free variables of @. The family of weakly representable subsets of Ri,[is denoted by s k , l ( S ) or briefly by 9 k . l when S is fixed. If besides (1) the equivalence q non E A
@(a) f Cns(Dq(a))
holds, then we say that A is strongly represented in S by @. T h e family of ) briefly by strongly representable subsets of Rk.[ is denoted by ~ ; , I ( . S or 9”: .1 . It is worth while to remark that families 9 k . l and 9:,[ may well coincide, e.g., if S is a complete system. R,,,,,, is represented in S by a formula @ with k m A mapping f : free variables of type 1 and 1 n free variables of type 0 if for every q in
here D and a are k , l sequences of variables and of inessential constants and II, and b are m ,n sequences. T h e family of representable mappings of Rk.1 into R,,,,,, will be denoted by &,t;m,,,(S) or briefly by K I : ~ . ~ . If m = 0, i.e., if f maps Rk,i into w or into a Cartesian product of finitely many copies of w , we can replace (3) by (3’)
@(a, h) E CndDQ(du D/(&))
and obtain an equivalent condition. Since (2) and (3‘) imply (for m = 0) (3”)
@(a, b) E Cns(DQ(a)u D,,(b))
for n # f h )
we infer that 1.2.1. Iff E A < I ,then ~ ,the ~ relation f(q) = n is strongly representable. I f f : Rk.1 + R0,% and the relation f(q) = n is weakly representable, then f E f i , t ; o , n . No similar theorem holds if m # 0. 1.3. Properties of strongly representable sets and of representable functions. We list below a series of elementary theorems whose proofs can be obtained immediately from the definitions. 1.3.1. S‘,*.[ is a Boolean algebra of sets. 1.32. If A E S ? ~then , I , A x (I) E and A x w’ E 9Z’lL,,~. Every set which arises from A by a “permutation of axes” belongs to s k : along icith A . 1.3.3. If A E g k : + 1 , then the set A” = ((1: ((1, n ) f A } belongs to %?. A theorem similar to 3.3 would be false for the operation A V = (11: (rp, (1) f A}; we only have a weaker result 1.3.4. If A E s k T 1 , l ( s ) and a is a constant inessential f o r S then A’ E .@k?Ext@,(a))). I.3.5*. If f E - % , I ; ~ , % and A E .%:.,‘ then !-‘(A)E .%*L.
MI, 32
The notion of a recursive mapping fi Rk,! + Rm,* will be defined formally in $11.1. It will be seen there that for k = m = 0, n = 1, this notion coincides with the usual notion of a recursive function with 1 arguments. then 1.3.6. r f f is a recursive mapping of R k . 1 into Rm,,, and A E f-'(A) E S?~,L. Note that no assumption of idempotency of Cns was needed in Theorem 3.6. contains all recursive mappings; permutations and identijca1.3.7. tions of variables do not lead outside the family of representable functions. 1.3.8. Superposition of two fzmctions one of which is representable and the other recursive ieads to representable functions. I.3.9*. The family of representable fulrctions is closed with respect to superpositions. 1.3.10. A E g:,,, if and only if the characteristic function of A belongs to
9 m , n : O . 1.
1.3.11. r f A E G?:,I+~ and if for every q in Rk.1 there is an n such that ( 9 , n ) E A, then the function min, [(q,n)E A ] 6eZongs to .$%,f:o,l.
As the last theorem we note that the family of strongly representablesets is not affected by extensions of S. More exactly 1.3.12. I f X is'a consistent set of formulas, then .%';J(S) = S:L(Exts(X)).
1.4. Properties of weakly representable sets. 1.4.1. If A, B E L%?~.I, then A n B E 9 k . l . 1.4.2. I f A E g k , 1 and B E LZ.&,then A u B E .9Pk.I. It is not known whether the union of two weakly representable sets is always weakly representable. Most probably this is not the case, but no counter-example is known a t present. Theorems 1.3.2, 1.3.3 and 1.3.4 remain true for weakly representable sets. The Theorems I.3.5*, 1.3.6, are probably false if &'* is replaced by 9. following weak form of 3.5* survives: 1.4.3. If A E so.^ and f E S5,1:a,~, then f - ' ( A ) E @ a , l . The following example shows that Theorem 1.3.12 does not hold when g* is replaced by @. Let Cns be the function Cne defined in [lo] and IZ a formula such that the set Cn8({n})be consistent and complete (cf. [lO,'p. 1661). In this case the family ,%?a,l(Exts({IZ})) is a Boolean algebra because it coincides with .GPo*.I(Exts({IZ})). In [lo] it has been shown that the family gO.'(s) coincides with the family IZ: and hence is not closed under complementation. We note a weaker theorem (which we may note in passing, holds not only for , ! % ? kbut , l for .GP'l as well). 1.4.4. If 17 is a closed formukc, then ak,l(EXts({R}))S SZPdS). Indeed, if B represents A in Exts({IZ}), then IZ 3 B represents A in S. It is remarkable that under special, but not too narrow assumptions the analogue of Theorem 1.3.12 can be proved for the family S P k , i . We shall discuss this phenomenon (discoved for recursive sets by Ehrenfeucht and Feferman) in later sections. 1.5. Universal functions. Let e,, el, . . . (or more exactly e:"", e:".", . . .) be an enumeration of the Giidel numbers of formulas with k free functional
m1, 33
variables and 1 free number variables. T h e formula with the G a e l number e. is denoted by en. The sequence e. is primitive recursive and logical operations on formulas (including substitutions) correspond to primitive recursive operations on integers en. Put
U ( n ) = U "'"(n)= {q : Z,(a) E Cns(D,(a))}.
1.5.1. g k . 1 coincides with the family of sets U ' k , " ( n )n, = 0,I, . . . . Thus U"." is a universal function for the family 5 P k . I . Theorem 1.5.1 provides us in the usual way with examples of nonrepresentable sets. 1.5.2. The set {(q, n) : (q, n) @ U'k"+"(n)}is not weakly representable. If one wants an example of a subset of &&%+l.O which is not weakly representable one can take the set {(p, PI,
' ,(Pk)
: (p, +'I',
' ' '
U'k" o ' ( d o ) ) }.
1.5.3. The set {(q, p) : q E Ui.'"'(p)} is not strongly representable. Let T be the set of Gijdel numbers of closed formulas which are provable in S, i.e., which belong to Cns(0). 1.5.4. There is a recursive function of two variables g ( n , m ) = g.(m) such that U'"'(n) = g;'(T). 1.5.5. [email protected]%':I, W T#.GPo,1. Theorems 1.4.1 - 1.4.3 and the analogues of Theorems 1.3.2 - 1.3.4 for weakly representable sets have strengthened versions showing that if the operations mentioned in these theorems are performed on sets U(p), U(q), . . . then the result is a set U ( x ( p , q , . .)) where the function x is recursive. E.g. the strengthened version of Theorem 1.4.1 reads: +
U(P) n U(q)= U M P , q)), where x ( p , d = min, [e, = rZp 8z &'I Let A R k . l . s 5 1, m = (n,+!,. . . , nl) and let Am,ebe the set
{ ( ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ , p k , n ~ , ~ ~ ~ , n , ) : ( p ~ , ~ ~ ~ , ~ k , n ~ , ~ ~ ~ ,
If A = U " ~ l A 1 ' ( then r ) , Am, e= lJ'"''(r'),where r' depends on m,e, and Y . Using the strengthened versions of Theorems 1.4.1-1.4.3 and of the analogues of Theorems 1.3.2 - 1.3.4 for the family .A? and repeating the proof of Kleene [4] we obtain the recursion theorem (or, in Myhill's terminology, the fixed point theorem). then 1.5.6. There is a recursive function E(m, r ) such that if A = Utk.l+"(r), A m , n ( m , v i = U'k,8'(E(m Y ),) . I.6*. Degree6 of representability. In the whole 56 we assume that Cn,JCns(X))= Cns(X). Let y , + be functions, i.e. elements of R l , o . We say that the degree of representability of p (in S) is not hiqher than that of 4 (symbolically cp 5 ++"I, if p is representable in Exts(D+(a)), where a is an inessential constant for S:
co s s 4 = c o ~ ~ , ~ , ~ . ~ ( E x t s ! D ~ ( a ) ) . This definition is an obvious adaptation of the .definition due to Kleene-
WI, 34
Post [S] to the more general situation considered here. Similarly as for recursive degrees we define-cp z S(I, as (cp S s + ) & (4 s.9cp). I.6.1*. The relation S s is reflexive and transitive; the relation z S is un equiva lence relation. The equivalence classes under z S we call degrees of representability. We show similarly as in [6] that I.6.2*. Degrees form an upper semi-lattice whose minimal element is fi,l.Q,l. I.6.3*. If V E 26,1,0,, and 4(n)= 9(cp(n)),C w ) = ds(n)), then 4 Sat? and C S s9 , but in general non = s C . In the next two theorems we denote by %A the characteristic function of a set A and put r = X T (cf. 1.5.4). I.6.4*. If A € then Ssr . Indeed, x,,(n) can be represented as r(V(n)),where cp is recursive. I.6.5*. r f T‘ is the set of Godel numbers of formulas provable in Exts(D,(a)), where a is an inessential constant of S , then r < s x T , and X A < s f o r every
A in &Po.l.
The theorem is proved by showing that r = s ~ T , would imply that TI is strongly representable in S’ = Exts(D,((a)) which contradicts 1.5.5 (with S replaced by S’). The formula r S s x T , is a consequence of the following result: for arbitrary cp, if T * is the set of Gijdel numbers of formulas provable in Exts(Dq(a)), then 2 T*S;Scp . Theorems I.6.4* and I.6.5* generalize the basic properties of the “jump operation” of [6].
1.7. Separability and decidability. We call two subsets A, B of Rk.1 separable in S if there is a C in .P:, such that A C C and B n C = 0 . 1.7.1. T and the set Tn of Godel numbers of formulas which are refutable in S are not separable in S. The proof is identical with the proof of 2.5.B in [3]. S is called S-undecidable if T$.G%?’:l;it is called essentially S-undecidable if no consistent system Exts(X) is S-decidable. From 1.7.1 we obtain the result that,under the assumptions made in 51.1, 1.7.2. S is essentially S-undecidable. 1.8. Properties ( A ) ,(C), and (S). Most of the formal systems encountered in practice enjoy one or more of the following fundamental properties: (A) I f - A , BE s k , i , then A U BE 9 k . 1 , k , I = 0 , 1 , 2 , . . . . ( C ) If X is a consistent weakly representable set of formulas then the set
is weakly representable, i.e., Mk.I(X)E s k , l + l ( s ) , k , I = 0 , 1 , 2 , . . . . The phrase “weakly representable set of formulas” means of course a set such that the set of the Gijdel numbers of its elements is weakly representable. A special case of (C) in which we assume x = 0 is called (co). Sets k f k , I ( o ) are denoted simply by kfk.1. (s)For every A, B in. &Pk,lthere is a formula 0 with k f r e e functional variables and l free number variables such that
- -
@(a)f Cna(Dq(a)), if q E A - B @(a) E Cns(Dq(a)),i f q E B - A
@(a) E Cns(Dq(a))or
, ,
@(a) E Cns(Dq(a)),i f q f A
@ is called a separating formula for A and B.
Condition (S) was formulated for the first time (in a slightly weaker form and for a special system S) by Shepherdson [15]. Condition (C) was used implicitly by several authors. 1.8.1. Each of the properties (A),(C), ( S ) is preserved when one passes from S to a system Exts(D,(a)), where a is an inessential constant and cp a function. 1.8.2. (c,) implies that {(q, p ) : q E u“ “ ( p ) )E g k , l + l ( s ) and T E ~ o . I-( s ) %.:(S, . PROOF.The first part is identical with (Co). In view of 1.5.5 it is sufficient Let 9 be a recursive function such that e$& = to prove that T Ego.l. & ( x =x)’ for every closed formula @. Since’ 101
T = Zv‘:&(a)
E Cns(Do(a))= (0, &@l)) f
we infer by 3.6 that T E S ~ . ~ ( S ) . 1.8.3. (S) implies that S k * [ coincides with the family of sets A S Rk.1 such that A E @ , I and Rk.1 - A f gk,l . Obviously every A in g k : belongs to g k . 1 together with its complement (cf. 1.3.1). If A and Rk,[- A are in 9 k . i then every separating formula for these sets strongly represents A in S. 1.8.4. (C) and (S) imply that S is essentially incomplete, i.e., that for every weakly representable consistent set X of formulas the system S’ = Exts(X) is incomplete. PRoof. Condition (C) implies that the set T’ of Godel numbers of formulas provable in S’ is weakly representable in S along with X . If S’ were comwould imply w - T’ E @o,l(S),whence by 1.8.3 we plete, then T’ f .@o,l(S) whence by 1.3.12 T’ f &%:(S’). Since this contrawould obtain T’E go:@), dicts 1.5.5 we infer that S’ is incomplete. Theorem 1.8.4 gives an abstract form of the incompleteness theorem of Rosser [14]. 1.8.5. (C,) and (S) imply that the theorem of reduction [7] holds in %,i(S), k,l= 0,1, . ’ ’ . Hence the second separation principle holds for weakly representable sets and the first separation principle holds f o r complements of weakly representable sets. PROOF.If A , B E Hk,&S) and @ is a sepal‘ating formula for these sets then the reduction of A u B is effected by taking A l = A n {q : @(a) f Cns(Dq(a))), BI = B n { q : @(a) E Cns(Dq(a))l 1.8.6. (C,), (A), and ( S ) imply that f o r every pair A , B of disjoint sets in L%b,i(S) there is a formula 8 such that 8 weakly represents A and -8 weakly represents B.
‘0’ denotes the Giidel number of the formula Q.
[811, 36
PROOF.Let Y and u be recursive functions such that v(n) = r.-ZLk."1 Sbki:; = Sb(x/B.) ZAk*'"'. Sets
475 and
A* = ((4, n ) : q A v (q,u(v(n)))E k f k . 1 1 , B* = {(q, n ) :q E B v (q, 0)) E kfk.11 are weakly representable in S according to (A) and (G).Let Zik.'"' be a separating formula for A* and B*; we can assume that the last of its number variables is x. If 8 arises from Z:k"+l' by the substitution of Bq for x, then 8 has the desired properties. Theorem 1.8.6 gives an abstract form of a theorem due to Putnam and and Smullyan [13]; the idea of the proof given here is due to Shepherdson [U]. 1.8.7. (C), (A), and (S) imply that if X is a weakly representable consistent set of formulas, then f o r every pair of disjoint sets A , B in .B'k,I(S) there is a formula 8 such that 8 weakly represents A and -8 weakly represents B in ExtdX). The proof is similar to that of 1.8.6;the only difference is that we replace M k . 1 by kfk,i(X). 1.8.8. (C), (A), and (S) imply that %,i(S) = a.I(Exts(X))for every consistent weakly representable set X of formulas. PROOF. The inclusion S . l ( S ) C 9h.I(Exts(X)) follows from 1.8.7. If A E Hk.[(Exts(X))and Z, represents A in Exts(X), then q f A = ( 4 , p ) f Mk,r(X) whence A EM k , t ( S ) ,since, by (C), Mk,I(X) belongs to S . l ( S ) . Theorem 1.8.8 represents an abstract form of a theorem discovered by Ehrenfeucht and Feferman [l]. It is an open question whether the operation Ext preserves any of the properties (A), (C). For the property (S) the answer is negative as is obvious from the observation that 1.8.3 is false for the system Sp discussed in [lo]; cf. the remark following Theorem 1.4.4.However, the property (S) is preserved under finite extensions: 1.8.9. If S has the property ( S ) then so does the system S' = Exts({17)), where 17 is an arbitrary closed formula. S ' )A,, B E g k , l ( S ) ,cf. 1.4.4. Let b be a separatPROOF.If A , B E ~ ~ , ~ (then ing formula for A and B in S. We easily show that it is a separating formula for A and B in S'.
11.1. System So. The function of consequence for this system is simply the function Cno. Thus, apart from the existence of inessential constants, So is identical with the system A of [3]. 11.1.1. So satisfies axioms (A) - (E) and the condition Cno(Cno(X)) = Cno(X). The notions of recursive and recursively enumerable subsets of Ro,lare known. Subsets of R l , oare called recursive or recursively enumerable if they are unions of recursive (recursively enumerable) sets of neighbourhoods in the Baire space R,,o under the usual numbering of neighbourhoods. These definitions can be generalized in an obvious way to subsets of Rk.l for arbitrary k , 1. With these definitions we have:
1811, 37
11.1.2. S ? ~ . I ( S ~and ) gk:(S0)coincide with the families of recursively enumerable and of recursive subsets of Rk.1. 11.1.3. S%.t(Exts,(D+,(a))) and GP~,(Extg,(D&))) coincide with the families of sets which are recursively enumerable (recursive) in bp . 11.1.4. The family ~ , o : o , l (consists S o ) of the muppings f: Rl,o-+ o such that f(p) is a recursive functional in the sense of [4]; the family .9?&.o(So) consists of the mappings f : Rl.o4Rl.owith the following property: there is a recursive functional F with one functional and one numerical variable such that f ( v ) = 9 ( n ) [ W= ) Rep, n)l . The characterization given in 11.1.4 can easily be extended to functions in .9&m,a for arbitrary K, I, m, n. Functions of this family will be called recursive. 11.1.5. So satisfies conditions (A),(C), and (S). PROOF.( A ) is obvious from the properties of recursively enumerable sets. (C) follows from the possibility of expressing the relation of provability in So by an existential statement whose initial quantifier binds a numerical variable and has as its scope a formula which defines a recursive relation. (S) is proved as follows. Let A , B be recursively enumerable sets, let r ,A be formulas which represent them in So and let IT be a formula with the free variables x , y , b such that IT strongly represents in So the following relation P:
m is the Godel number of a formal proof of
5 from
Hence IT(&, a,, a) E Cno(D,(a))if P ( m ,p, q), and n(s,,a,, a) E Cno(Dq(a)) if non -P(m,p , 9). Repeating the proof of Rosser [14] we show that the formula ( E X ) ( ~ (8X q-7 , ,b) & (x’)[z’< x
~ L ’ ( x &di, ’ , b)])
is separating for A and B. 11.1.6. Systems Extao(D&)), where a is an inessential constant of So, satisfy conditions (A),(C), (S). This theorem which results from 1.8.1 and 11.1.5 explains why sets recursive or recursively enumerable in arbitrarily given functions have properties similar to absolutely recursive and recursively enumerable sets. System So is known to possess various properties which do not follow from the general theory of Chapter I (e.g. the existence of effectively inseparable recursively enumerable sets). We shall not deal here with these properties since our aim is to show how much can be already obtained from the general assumptions made in Chapter I and not to develop the theory of recursive sets and their generalizations.
11.2. Systems S., These are systems obtained from So by the repeated use of the rule o. The precise definition runs as follows: For a set Xof formulas we put
Here R and
are ordinals and R is a limit ordinal. We define S. as the system
(811, 38
whose function of consequence is Cn.. By an easy induction on 11.2.1. S, satisfies conditions (A) - (E).
we obtain
11.3. Constructive dehition of systems S,. Before we can discuss further properties of systems S. we must introduce some definitions. Let 9 be an arbitrary function and a a constant inessential for So. We denote by P a ternary relation which is recursive in 9 and universal for the family of relations (i.e. subsets of R0J primitive recursive in 9. Let W e be the set of e in o such that R,' is a nonempty well-ordering relation. The order type of R,' is denoted by lei'. From [9] it is known that
{lel':eE W'} = { I T IT: < of} = o:, where or is the first ordinal not constructible in cp. Along with the functions Cn, we shall consider auxiliary functions Cnf, where e is in W'. Whereas the definition of Cn, would be unacceptable to a constructivistically minded mathematician, the definition of 6:would be almost acceptable for him. I E a : ( X ) if and only if there is a function 5 whose domain coincides with the field of RP, whose range consists of sets of formulas and which satisfies the following conditions: (a) if no is the minimum of R.?',then 5(no)= C n o ( X ) , ; (b) if n is the successor of n, in the ordering R.?',then B(n) = F(B(n,)); (c) if n is a limit element of the field of RP, then F(n) = F ( j ) with summation extended over j such that RP(j, n ) and j # n ; (d) I E g ( j ) , where the summation is extended over the field of RI. If 'e E W', then there is exactly one function 5 satisfying (a) - (d) for each set X. 11.3.1. &:(X) = Cn,,,,(X)for e in W'. PROOF.By an easy induction on /el'. Let P be a formula which strongly represents R'" in Exts,(D'(a)); thus P has 3 free numerical variables and one inessential functional constant a. Let d(a, t) be the formula
= t , x , Y ) v P ( a , t , Y, 41) & [ p ( a ,t , x , Y)& P(a, t , Y, x ) = ( x = r)l&[P(a,t , x , y ) 8z P(a, t , Y , 4 = P(a, f, x , 4 1 & (P)(Ex)CP(a,f, P ( x + I), N x ) ) =
( x , Y , z)(CP(a,t , x , x ) & P(a, t , Y. Y)
[ B b ) = P(x + I)]))
This formula is obtained by expressing in the language of So the usual definition of well-ordering. 11.3.2. If e E W' and I e I' L 1 , then d(a, a,) E Cn,,,,(De(a)). The proof proceeds by induction on I e 1' and uses the fact that in Sowe can prove a formula expressing the well-known set-theoretical theorem sayin: that a relation well-orders its field if and only if every segment ,If the field is well-ordered. Kreisel and the author (independently of each other) have shown that there
[811, 39
are integers e in W v such that d ( a , 6,) non E Cn.(Dv(a)) for z < I e 1". Kreisel calls such integers and the corresponding ordixials I e Iv "autonomous". Their existence shows that Theorem 11.3.3 cannot be strengthened by replacing I e 1' by a smaller ordinal. 11.3.3. There are formulas r(t,x , y , b, E ) and A(t, y , b, E ) such that for every formula 0 and every e in W v that following conditions are satisfied ( i ) if , c Iv 2 1 and R:(f,f ) , then @ E G X ( o , ( a ) ) = r(&, a/, are-, a, a) E Cnl,lcP(Dq(a)u &(a)) , (ii) if l e l v z 1, then @ E cnZ(Dq(u)) 3 A(&, arei, a, a ) E Cn,.lvp(D,!a) U &(a)) , (iii) if le iv 2 1, then 0 6 Tn:nlP(D,(a))= -A(&, b,a, a) E Cnlslvtl(Dy(a)u Dv(a))), (iv) A is satisfied in the standard model of So under the interpretation of t , y , b, E as e, [@I, q, (p if and only if 0 f &:(Dq(a)) . PROOF (IN OUTLINE). To construct the formula r we express in the language of So the arithmetized definition of the relation 0 E &Y(Dq(u)) . The formula which we obtain in this way has the form
(W)[ZI(t,E, 4) 82 Z*(t,E , 7, b) = 7/(2"(2Y + 1)) = 01 , where Zl and 2,can be described as follows: Zl(t,E, 8 ) is the formula
(u , V)[8(2"(2V + 1)) = 0 = P(E, t , u, u)l (i.e. 2, "says" that p(Z"(2v 1))= 0 implies that u is in the field of R:). &(t, E , 8 , D) is a conjunction of three formulas each of which gives necessary and sufficient conditions for the vanishing of p(2"(2v 1))in cases (a) when u is the minimum of R:; (b) when u is the successor of an element ul; (c) when. u is a limit element. The formulas describe (in the language of S) the three situations described in points (a), (b), (c) of the definition of G : ( X ) . Having constructed the formula r we show that (1") r is satisfied in the standard model of So witli t , x , y , E, n interpreted a s e, f , r01, (p, q if and only if 0 f z y ( D q ( u ) ). (2O; I f f is in the field of E , if r / is the order type of the segment of this field determined by f and if @ E ay(Dq(a)),then
r(&, 6f,are>, a, a ) E Cnmax ( 1 , r , ~@,(a) u Dda)) . The proof of (1") is straightforward and the proof of (2") proceeds by induction on r j . The implication from right to left in (i) results from (1") and the implication from left to right from (Z").'
* It is rather significant that we proved this theorem oy means of semantical considerations. Probably a syntactical proof would allow us to obtain much stronger results and in particular to characterize the family S T ~ z(Exts,(X)) , with an arbitrary X. We do not know, however, whether a purely syntactical proof exists.
WI, 40
(ii) results from (i) by taking as A the formula ( E x ) r ( t ,x , y , D, E ) . (iii) is proved similarly as (ii), but uses the lemma A(E, t ) = (E!rl)[Zdt,€, 7)& 2 2 %
E, T , 0)l E Cno(0)
and Theorem 11.3.2. (To explain why the lower index in (iii) is I e 1 and not simply I e as in (ii) we remark that - A begins with a general quantifier and so we must apply once more the rule o in order to prove this formula.) (iv) is a direct corollary from (ii) and (iii). The theorems of this section have nonrelativised versions which we obtain by taking as (p e.g. the constant function 0. When referring to these nonrelativised versions we shall simply omit the index (p and the constant a (or the variable E) in the formulas A,r, and A. 11.4. Properties of S., n < ol. 11.4.1. Systems S. f o r 1 In < o1 satisfy conditions (A), (C,)and (S). PROOF.Let e be an integer such that I e I = n. (A) If 0, T weakly represent sets A, B C R k . 1 , then the formula A(&, 8rem3t a) v
-4%wail, a)
represents A u B in S,. (C,) From the nonrelativised version of 11.3.3 and from 11.3.1 (q, fi) E Mk.1 = $”(a) A(&,
E Cn,(Dq(a))=
a) E Cn.(Dq(a)),
where q(p) = r2ik “(a)1. These equivalences prove that if 8 represents g in So then the formula (Ex)[@(a, x ) & A(&, x , a)] represents Mk.1 in S,. (S) Let A, B c Rk,t,let 0 , T represent A, B in S, and let 8 be the formula
(Ex){P(&,x , x ) &k r(4, x, &wl, a) &k (x’)[P(&x ’ , x ) & (x’ + x ) 2 -r(&,x ’ , ha,-, a)]} . Using an argument similar to that of Rosser [14] we show that 8 is a separating formula; the difference between this proof and that of Rosser is that our proof uses the well-ordering Re instead of 5. 11.4.2. Systems S., 1 5 n < o1 do not satisfy conditon ( C ) . PROOF.Cn,(O) is representable (weakly) in S,. By 1.8.8 condition (C) would imply that LG3‘k,&S,) = 5%.1(Exts,(Cn,(0)) which is false, because Exts,(Cn.(0)) = Cn,.2(0). 11.4.3. The family .5%?o.l(Sr,)< , ol, consists of hyperarithmetic sets; every hyperarithmetic set of integers belongs to one of the families .5Zo,l(Sx), n <w,. PROOF.The first part follows from the observation that the set of G a e l numbers of formulas in Cn,(O) is hyperarithmetic (as we easily see from the uniqueness of the function 8 used in the definition of r n : ) . The second part is proved by showing that for each e in 0 the set He of Kleene [5] is weakly representable in SI.I. Theorem 11.4.3 reduces the theory of hyperarithmetic sets of integers to the theory of sets representable in systems S,, R < o1 .
[811, 41
11.5. Properties of the syskm Sp. 11.5.1. The family .G%.t(So) consists of IT: sets, i.e., of sets {q :(cp)R(cp,9)) ,
where R is arithmetic. PROOF. Evaluating the predicate %(a) E CnO(Dq(a)) we show easily that it is of type lIi, cf. [14]. Hence so are weakly representable sets. Weak representability of the lI: sets is an immediate consequence of Orey’s theorem 1121 (strictly speaking the proof given by Orey is applicable only to sets of integers, but a generalization to the more general case presents no difficulties). 11.5.2. So satisfies the condition CnQ(Cno(X)) = Cn,(X) for every set of formulas. PROOF. C n p ( X )is the smallest set containing X and closed with respect to the rules of proof of Se and to the rule o. In 11.5.4 we shall show that a cannot be replaced in $5.2 by any smaller 9 ordinal. The proof is based on the following important theorem discovered by Shoenfield (unpublished) and Spector [16]: 11.5.3. If X i s a set of formulas and x the characteristic function of the set of its Godel numbers, then Cnp(X) = Cn,;(X) . 11.5.4. Cno(D&a))= Cnq(D,(a)) # Cn,(D&)) for a < of. PROOF.The equation is an immediate consequence of 11.5.3. In order to prove the second part we consider formulas A(&, a ) defined in $11.3. The set of those of the formulas A(&,a) which are true in the standard model when a is interpreted as 9 is not hyperarithmetic in (p, since otherwise so would be the set W+‘which is known to be false [5]. Hence there is no z < of such that A(&, a)E Cnx(D,(a))for all e in Wq. On the other hand, A(&, a) E CnQ(Dq(a)) by 11.3.2. This shows that the sequence Cn,(D,(a)) is strictly increasing for n
There is a formula E such that f o r each formula
I E Cno(Dq(a))= S(6rw, a) E CnO(Dq(a)) . cp.
PROOF.For simplicity’s sake we assume that q consists of but one function Take as E the formula
( W M E ,t )
E , E)1 .
If E(6r,i, a)ECno(D,(a)),then c” is true in the standard model when a is interpreted by 9 and hence there is an e such that A(&,a) and A ( & , 6 r 0 1 , a , a ) are true under the same interpretation of a. Hence e is in W p and (cf. 11.3.3 (iv)) I E CT!(D,(a)) E Cno(Dup(a)).3 If I E C ~ ~ ( D , (then ~ ) ) by , 11.5.4 there is a a < of such that @~ Ctz,(D ,(a)) and hence I E ar(D,(a)) for an e in W’. Using 11.3.2 and 11.3.3 (ii) we obtain B(Gro1, a ) E CtzO(D,(a)) . 11.5.6 SO satisfies conditions (A), ( C ) , and (S). (A) If I,?P weakly represent A , B in SO thrii the formula 3(8recail, a) V 8(6rc,,,i, a) weakly represents A u B in SO. (C) The predicate
WI, 42
is of type II:, cf. [14]. Hence M,,,(X) is of type 17: and hence it is weakly representable in SO. (S) We limit ourselves to the case when A and B are subsets of Let I , Y weakly represent A , B in SO. Then the following formula 8 (W{A(E,t ) &i 4 t , 8 r e w i , f , 6)& (t')[P(E,t , t', t') 3 - 4 t ' , 8wwl, E , E)])
is a separating formula for A and B. To prove, e.g., that (p E A - B implies @(a)E Cno(&(a)) we choose according to 11.5.4 a n integer e in W' such that 0(a)E C&'(&a)) and then proceed similary as in Rosser's proof [14]replacing everywhere the less-than relation by Rr. 11.6. Shoenfield's rule. This rule' is analogous to the rule w. We say that I is provable from a set X of formulas by means of the Shoenfield rule if there is a formula W with exactly one free variable x such that
(x)[A(x)= PY(x)l= 0 E CndO) , W(8,) E X for every e in W . (W is here the (nonrelativised) set of integers such that R, is a we;:-ordering and A is a formal definition of W cf. 511.3.) Let Cn,' be a function analogous to Cn,, but based on the Shoenfield rule instead of the rule W . Let 8,be the system based on C d as the function of consequence. 11.6.1. Cn,'+,(X)= Exts,+,(X U Z0), where 2, is the set of formulas -A(&) with e nonf W . We obtain a proof of this theorem by showing that (a) every application of the rule o can be replaced by an application of the Shoenfield rule; (b) Zo E Cnf(0); (c) if P ( & ) E C ~ , ~ u , ( Zo) X for all e in W , then A(&) 3 W(8,)e Cns,(X u Z,) for all n. Theorem 11.6.1 reduces the Shoenfield rule to the ordinary w rule. As a corollary we obtain 11.6.2. 20 satisfies conditions (A) - (E) and the equation C n i ( C n i ( X ) )= Cni(X). 11.6.3. Sets weakly representable in 20 coincide with sets of type 17: relatively to W sets strongly representable in 8 0 coincide with sets hyperarithmetic relatively to W. The second part follows from the first. From the evaluation of the predicate @(a)~Cn~(D& u Z,) a ) which is of type 17: relatively to 2, it follows that sets weakly representable in zOare of type I7: relatively to W . I t remains to show that if A is of this type, then it is weakly representable in ZD. Let us assume that there is a relation Q recursive in W such that q e A = (+)(Ep)Q(W(p), q). If I strongly represents the relation Q ( Y ( p ) ,q) in Extso(Dxw(a)), then the formula Y : (E)(Ex)O(E,x , 0, a ) has the following property: q e A if and only if P is satisfied in an arbitrary w-model of So containing x , ~and q under the interpretation of I, as q and a as XW. It follows 4
Its use was suggested by Shoenfield in a conversation.
WI, 43
that q E A = Y ( o ,a ) E Cno(D,(a) u a W ( a ) ) . Now let X ( a ) be the formula ( x ) { a ( x ) 5 1 & [ a ( x ) = 0 = d ( x ) ] } . In view of 11.3.2 Dx,(a) c - C n ~ ( 2 ,u {X(a)}) and hence qeA implies F(a, a ) E Cn,(D,(a) u 2, u { X ( a ) } ) , whence (E)[X(E)2 Y ( a ,t)] E Cn;(D,(a)). Conversely, if this condition is satisfied, then Y ( a , a ) is satisfied in the standard model under the interpretation of a a s xw and of a as q, whence q E A. Hence A is weakly representable in Zo. 11.6.4. 8,has properties (A), (C), and 6). (A) The union of two sets of type IT: in W is of the same type. (C) If X is a set of formulas such that the set of its G a e l numbers is a IT: set in W , then the predicate Zdk “(a) E Cno(X U 2, u D,(a)) is of the same type. (S) Since Extso(Dx,(a)) satisfies (S), the same is true of Exts,(Dx,&a) U { X ( a ) } ) ,where X ( a ) i s the formula used in the proof of 11.6.2 (cf. 1.8.9). Since, as can easily be shown, @(a,a ) E Cno(X u &,(a)
u { X (a)} )=
( t ) [ X ( E= ) @(a,El1 E C n d X u 2,) ,
we infer that [email protected](Exts,(X)) = 9k.r(Ext.yo(Dxw(a) u {X(a)}))which proves the theorem. CHAPTER 111. SYSTEMS WITH
In Chapter 111 we shall try to obtain some parts of the “classical” theory of projective sets within the frame of the theory of representability. Systems described previously are not suitable for this purpose because the classical theory of projective sets treats each function (i.e. each point in the Baire zero space) as a n individually given very simple entity, whereas in the theory set forth previously a function can only be described by an infinite set of formulas. Following an idea of Kreisel [8] we shall consider systems whose language contains 2no constants serving to denote individual functions. We call these systems infinitistic. The language of an infinitistic system contains the same variables, constants, functors, and predicates as the language of So. In addition it contains 2*O Constants rp, where cp runs over the set of all functions. Logical symbols available in the infinitistic systems are the same as in the finitistic ones. The rules of forming expressions are similar in both systems, the expressions rp(x) and ~ ~ ( 8 being .) treated as number expressions. Similarly as in the finitistic case each infinitistic system is characterized by a function of consequence satisfying conditions (A) - (E) and the additional condition ~ ~ (=8 ~ E) Cns(0) for arbitrary cp and n . In the present paper we shall not discuss consequences of these assumptions in the general case, but shall limit ourselves to some particular cases. 111.1. Arithmetization. Since formulas of the infinitistic systems may contain constants 7P, we cannot use integers to arithmetize these systems. Instead we shall use a mapping of formulas on functions. A mapping of this kind can be obtained as follows.
WI, 44
Let us add to the language of So a n infinite number of functional variables * . which cannot be bound by quantifiers. A formula 0 of an infinitistic system can be obtained from a formula tB0 of the system So (extended by the symbols v i ) by substituting functional constants rv for all the symbols p which occur in 0,. Let qj,, v,~, . . , v j r - , be all these symbols and assume that cb is obtained from O0 by substituting rvi for vji, i = 0 , 1, . . . , k - 1. Put 70,p I ,
+ +
d o ) = r@ol , d k n s 1) = vj,(n) , 0 5 s < k , n = 0,1, 2, . . . We take (p as a “functional Gijdel number” of 0 . Since 0, is not uniquely determined by 0 , every formula of the infinitistic system may have (and in general does have) many functional Godel numbers. Our definition correlates Gijdel numbers only with formulas which contain a t least one functional constant. To simplify our exposition we shall exclude other formulas from further consideration, replacing, if necessary, 0 by 0 8~(re = re). 111.1.1.
There is an arithmetically defined function f: R l , Q - ,R l . osuch that
if v is a Godel nuwber of a formula 0 , then f ( q ) is a Godel number of
Similarly f o r other connectives of the propositional calculus, f o r quantifiers and for the operation Sb(En/re)0,. 111.1.2. Godel numbers of the axioms of the propositional and predicate calculus, of the axioms of-So and of the axioms re(&)= constitute a set which is open in the space R l , o . 111.1.3. For every rule of proof the relation: the formula with the Code1 number bpI arises f r o m a formula with the Godel number cp2 (or f r o m formulas with the Godel numbers cp2, (pS) is arithmetically definable. 111.2. System Sa. Let Cn,”(X) be the smallest set containing X , all the axioms of the propositional and functional calculus and of the second order arithmetic, all the axioms which have the form re(&,)= &,,, , and closed with respect to the usual rules of proof. In the axiom schemata (e.g., of the prowsitional calculus) the schematic letters @, P,. . . are to be replaced by arbitrary formulas of the infinitistic system. Let S,” be the system in which Cnr is the function of consequence. A proof in S,” is a finite sequence of formulas. Via arithmetization we can enumerate proofs in S,” in such a way that a single function be the Gijdel number of a proof. The set of GMel numbers of proofs is arithmetically definable. From this remark it follows that: 111.2.1 Sets weakly representable in Exta,”(X) are analytic in the set of the Godel numbers of formulas which belong to X. In case X = 0 we have a stronger result: 111.2.2. Every set which is weakly representable in Sr and contained i n Rk.1 is open in the usual topology of Rk,,.The same is true f o r systems Extsr (X) undcr the assumption that the set of Godel numbers of formulas which belong to X is open in R,,o. The proof follows from the observation that small changes of the functions q for which occurs in a formal proof change the given proof again in a formal proof.
WI, 45
111.2.3. Every open set A E R,., is weakly representable in Sr. If X is aconsistent, then A is weakly representable in Exts,”(X). The proof is obtained by expressing in Sr the definition ot an open set as a union of denumerably many neighbourhoods. In the formula obtained in this way a constant rV occurs, where cp is a function enumerating the neighbourhoods in question. It is an open problem whether S,” satisfies conditions (C) and (S); condition (A) is obviously satisfied. 111.3. Systems S,”.5 Using the same o-rule as in Chapter I1 we define as in $11.2 functions Cn;; these functions yield sets of formulas of the infinitistic system when applied to such sets. Let S be the system with Cn; as the function of consequence and let T,“ be the set of Gijdel numbers of the formulas provable in S7. Every proof in S: can be represented as a graph. Let G be a directed denumerable graph with one initial vertex V , and such that every vertex is connected with denumerably many vertices. We assume that G is well-founded. It is then easy to correlate with G an ordinal called the height of G. A normal covering of G is a mapping of its vertices onto pairs (4,cp) such that the following conditions are satisfied: (1)4 is the Godel number of a closed formula of the form (xk)O and rp is the Gijdel number of a proof in Exts;({(x&3}); (2) if V’ immediately succeeds V in G and if these vertices are mapped onto where 4 is the Gijdel number of (x@ and 4’ the G a e l pairs (+’,rp’),(+,rp), number of (xm)@’, then there is an integer n such that q’ is the Gijdel number of a proof of Sb(x,/G,)O; (3) under the same assumptions as in (2) there is for every integer n a vertex V” which immediately succeeds V in G and is such that the pair (+”, cp”) onto which V” is mapped has as its second member the Gijdel number of a proof of Sb(z,/6.)0; (4) in the pair (go,cp,) which is the image of the initial vertex the first member is the G d e l number of a formula provable in S,”. If V, is mapped onto the pair (4,,rp0),where cpo is the Gijdel number of a proof of 0,then we say that G together with its normal covering is agraph of a proof of 0. From these definitions we easily obtain 111.3.1 If K < 9 then 0 is provable in S7 if and only if there is a graph G of the height K such that G is a graph of a proof of 0 . This theorem together with well-known facts concerning analytic sets yields the following three corollaries: 111.3.2. The set T,” is analytic for each n < 9. 111.3.3. Sets which are weakly representable in S7 are analytic f o r K < 9. 111.3.4. Sets which are strongly representable in S;” are borelian f o r n < 9. 111.3.5. Every analytic set is weakly representable in S;”. We shall sketch the proof for analytic subsets of R,,,. If A is such a set then there is an open relation Q such that (P f
= (E+)(n,P ) Q&), P , cp) .
5 Results stated in this and the next section were obtained by the author in collaboration with Mr. L. Szczerba
I811, 46
Let 1y weakly represent Q in So" and let X(E,C) be a formula such that X ( r + ,73) f Cnf(0) and (E!E)X(r+,E) E Cn;(O) (cf. [lo], where this formula is denoted by "C is p ) . With these notations we easily prove that the formula (with one free variable r )
(EE,C ) ( X , Y)[X(E,C)8z V'(C(x),Y , r)l
weakly represents A in S. Let B, be the set of functions cp such that the relation cp(2'"(212 1)) = 0 is a well-ordering of type n and put BQ= U.OB,. Let Bord(F) be a formula obtained by expressing in the language of So the definition of the set Bo (cf.
1101). - _.
111.3.6. lf cp E B,, then Bord(r,) f Cnf..i.,l,(0)for n < 0 . The proof proceeds by induction on IT and uses the same remark which we mentioned in connection with the proof of 11.3.2. 111.3.7. TT # Tr+ifor n < 0 . PROOF.Otherwise all formulas Bord(r,), where cp E BQ would be provable in an Sr which would prove that the set BQ is analytic contrary to the wellknown theorem stating that this set is exactly C A . Cf. [7]. 111.3.8. Every Bore1 set is strongly representable in a suitable system S; with n
In the proof of this theorem we use notions of Lush's theory of sieves. Every Bore1 seta A is determined by a closed sieve W, (cf. [7, p. 3911) and the number of constituents of the complement of A is a t most denumerable. We can assume W, to be the whole space so that every cp determines a function 9 such that $(n) 5 1 for n = 0, 1,2, . . and the relation t9(2"(2n 1 ) ) = 0 is nonempty and orders the set of indices n satisfying cpE W,, . Writing the definition of rp in the language of So" we obtain a formula 8(E,C) satisfying the conditions 1
(E!C)@(r9, C)f C n X 9 ;
@(r,, 76)E Cn,"(O). Using these properties of 8 we can show that the formula (EC)[@(E,C) & Boyd (C)] strongly represents A in ST,where R is any infinite ordinal which exceeds the indices of all the constituents of the complement of A . Theorems 111.3.5 and 111.3.8 reveal an essential difference between the systems S, (a < 0,)and S," (n < a). Whereas the families SP~.&S,)strictly increase with a for x < ol, the families @,i(S,") are constant for 1 5 n < 0 . On the and are both strictly increasing. other hand, the families .%:(S.) An obvious corollary from this state of affairs is that Theorem 1.8.3 fails for the systems S," (1 5 n < 9)and hence that these systems do not satisfy condition (S). 111.3.9. Systems S," satisfy (A) and (C) f o r 1 I R < Q . PROOF.(A) is obvious and (C) results from the evaluation of the predicate @ c C n ; ( X ) which is analytic if X is a set of formulas whose Gijdel numbers form an analytic set. if p determines 9 in the above sense, then
We assume for simplicity that A
c Rl.o.
MI, 47
111.4. System SF. The properties of this system are very similar to those of SP. 111.4.1. S," is closed with respect to the rule o. PROOF.If G , is a graph of a proof of @(a,) in S,,, where K, < Q, then joining these graphs together we obtain a graph of a proof of (r)@(n)in S,", where K = sup K. 1. 111.4.2. S k , t ( S F )coincides with the family PCA. PROOF.Evaluation of the predicate cp E Tr reveals that Tr E PCA. Hence . S k . r ( S zE ) PCA. Now let A E PCA and assume for simplicity that A 2 It follows that there is an arithmetically definable relation Q such that cp E A E (E+)(e)Q(cp, e) . The right hand side of this equivalence can be transformed to (E+)(f(p, 4) E Bo), where f is an arithmetically definable function. Hence cp G A = (E+)[Bord ( T / , ~ . + ,E) CnF(O)] . If Ql strongly defines ill Sr the set {(cp, 4,s) i3 = f(cp, +I? , then
which proves that A E L%?,o(S) . 11.4.3. Sz satisfies conditions (A) and (C). This is an obvious corollary from 111.4.2. 111.4.4. So" satisfies condition (S). The proof is obtained mutatis mutandis from the proof of 11.5.6. From 111.4.3. and 111.4.4. we can obtain various corollaries using the general theory of Chapter I. As an instance of such theorems we can quote the following: two disjoint CPCA sets are separable by means of sets which are simultaneously PCA and CPCA sets. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. A. Ehrenfeucht and S. Feferman, Representability of recursively enumerable sets i n formal theories, Arch. Math. Logik Grundlagenforsch. vol. 5 (1959)pp. 38-41. 2. K . Godel, Uber die Ldnge von Beweisen, Ergebnisse eines mathematischen Kolloquiurns vol. 7 (1936)pp. 23-24. 3. A. Grzegorczyk, A. Mostowski and Cz. Ryll-Nardzewski, The classioal and the o-complete arithmetic, J. Symb. Logic vol. 23 (1958)pp. 188-206. 4. S. C . Kleene, Introduction to metamathematics, Amsterdam, North-Holland Publishing Co.;Groningen, P. Noordhoff N.V.; 1952. 5. , Hierarchies of number-theoretic predicates, Bull. Amer. Math. SOC. vol. 61 (1955)pp. 193-213. 6. S. C. Kleene and E. L. Post. T h upper semi-lattice of degrees of recur&ive unsolvability, Ann. of Math. vol. 59 (1954)pp. 379-407. 7. K. Kuratowski, Topdogie. I. Monografie Matematyczne XX, 2d ed. WarszawaWrociaw, 1948. 8. G . Kreisel, Set theoretic problems suggested by the notions of potential totalities, Infinitistic Methods (Proceedings of the Symposium on Foundations of Mathematics), Warszawa, 1961. 9. W. Markwald, Zur Themie der h s t r u k t i v e n Wohlordnungen, Math. Ann. vol. 127 (1954)pp. 135-149. 10. A. Mostowski, Formal system of analysis based on an infinitistic rule of proof, Infinitistic Methods (Proceedings of the Symposium on Foundations of Mathematics),
[811, 48
Warszawa, 1961. 11.
-, A generalimtion of the incompleteness theorem, Fund. Math. vol. 49 (1961)
pp. 205-232.
12. S. Orey, On o-consistency and related properties, J. Symb. Logic vol. 21 (1956)
pp. 246-252.
13. H. Putnam and R. M. Smullyan, Ezaet separation of recursively enumerable sets within theories, Proc. Amer. Math. SOC. vol. 11 (1960) pp. 574-577. 14. J. B. Rosser, Godel theorems for nonconstructive logics, J. Symb. Logic vol. 2 (1937) pp. 129-137. 15. J. C. Shepherdson, Representabday of recursively enumerable sets i n formal theor&, Arch. Math. Logik Grundlagenforsch, 4,5 (1960) pp. 119-127. 16. C. Spector, Inductively &fined sets of natural numbers, Infinitistic Methods (Proceedings of the Symposium on Foundations of Mathematics), Warszawa, 1961. 17. A. Tarski, Fundamentale Begriffe &r Methdologie der deduktiven Wissenschaften. I , Monatshefte fur Mathematik und Physik vol. 37 (1930) pp. 361-404. UNIVERSITY OF WARSAW, WARSAW, POLAND
A Problem in the Theory of Models by
A. MOSTOWSKI Presented on January 18, 1962
1. Let T be a consistent fmt order theory with identity such that the formulas
- (Ex1 ...
(y) [(Y = XI) V(Y= XZ) v ... V(Y= xn)l
be provble in T. The following result was proved in [2]:
THEOREM 1. There is a set G of models of T with the properties: (1) The domain of each rnodel M in 6 is the set of positive integers; (2) Every denumerable model of T is isomorphic with a model M in G ; (3) 6 is a bicompact space such that for an arbitrary formula @ and an arbitrary assignment f of integers to its ,free variables the set { M : M E G and @ is satisfied in M by the assignment f } is closed and open in 6. *) From now on we shall consider theories T in which (*) is provable and which contain at least one binary predicate P different from the identity predicate. By “relation” with k arguments we understand a subset of the Cartesian power (or where o is the set of integers. Let K be a class of binary relations whose fields consist of all positive integers. A model M of T will be called a K-model if P is interpreted in M as a relation which is a member of K.
DEFINITION. K is an E-class if for every theory T there is a set G of K-models of T satisfying conditions (I,) - (3,) which we obtain from (1)--(3) by replacing everywhere the word “model” by “K-model”. Actually, in order to prove that K E E, it is sufficient to show the existence of a space 60satisfying (1,) (3,) in the case of a “void” theory To whose unique axioms are formulas (*). Indeed, if T has axioms @,,a2, ..., then the set
u (ME 60: m
is true in M } is a closed subspace of Go which satisfies (1,)
ii; the theory T .
-( 3 ~ ) -
*)The predicate = is to be interpreted in all models as the identity relatlon. Theorem 1 without this requirement was proved first by Beth; cf. [l], section 183. I regret that I overlooked Beths work on this topic and did not quote him in [2].
1821, 122
Let Xz(K) be the family of all relational systems (w, R,Ql, ..., Qt) where o) Qj has p j arguments, t = ( 2 , p l , ...,p t ) and where R E K. The above remark !eads to the following i s the set of integers,
THEOREM 2. K is an E-class ij'andonly iffor every T = ( 2 , p1, ...,pk) there is a farniljt 3 G Rt( K ) which 1" is universal (i.e. such that every M in Xz( K ) is contained in B up to an isomorphism) and 2" is a zero-dimensional bicompact space with a closed mid open basis consistinx of sets { M E6 : @ is satisfied in M by f }. TFe problem referred to in the title is that of characterizing E-classes of relations: It has not yet been solved. In the sequel we formulate a necessary and a sufficient condition for K to be an E-class and formulate some problems suggested by these conditions.
2. Let X be a predicate variable (with an arbitrary number of arguments). Let @% (P, X) be a closed first order formula whose predicate variables are P and X. We shall say that K is existentially defmed by means of the sequence cDn (n = = 0, 1,2, ...) if for an arbitrary binary relation R the following two conditions are equivalent: (i) R E K, (ii) there is a relalion S with as many arguments as X such that R and S satisfy G n in the set of all integers (n = 0, 1, ...). Examples : Every EC, class as well as every PC *) class is existentially definable. The class of binary relations which do not well order the set of integers is existentially definable.
THEOREM 3. I f a class is existtwtially definable, the7 it is an E-class. Proof. Let T be a theory satisfying the assumptions enumerated in section 1. We assume that the primitive notions of Tare predicates P, Q 1 ,Q2, ... none of which is identical with X. Let 0 0 , 01, ... be a sequence of all formulas which are provable in T and let T' be a theory whose primitive notions are all the primitive notions of T as well as X and whose axioms are the formulas 0 j and @j for j = 0, 1, ... According to Theorem 1 there is a set 6'of models of T' satisfying conditions ( 1 H 3 ) . Let G be the set of relational systems M obtained from the relational systems M' in 6' by dropping the interpretations of X. The operation yielding M from M' will be denoted by c. Each M in G is a K-model. Indeed, P is interpreted in M as relation R which satisfies the condition that there is a relation S which together with R satisfies @n in the domain of M (i.e., in the set of all integers). Condition ( 1 ~ )is obviously satisfied. Let M* be a denumerable K-model of T in which P is interpreted as a relation R. We may assume that the domain of M * consists of all integers. Since R is in K, there is a relation S satisfying (ii). Lt follows that complementing M* by adding to it S as an interpretation of X we obtain a model M** of T'. It follows that an *)
For the definitions of these classes cf. [41.
[82], 123
isomorphic image M' of M** is in G' and, hence, that an isomorphic image of M* is in (5. Hence, 6 satisfies condition ( 2 ~ ) . In order to prove (3x) we define neighbourhoods in 6 as images of the neighbourhoods of 6' under the mapping c. This makes c a continuous function, whence it follows that 6 i s bicompact. Now consider the set U = { M EG : Q, is satisfied in M by f},
where f is an assignment of integers to the free variables of @ and @ is a formula of T. Since X does not occur in Q,, it follows that c-1 (U) coincides with the set {M'E 6' :Q, is satisfied in M' by f }. The latter set being open (and closed) it follows Q, we prove simildrly that U is open in 6, since U = c (c-1 (U)). Replacing Q, by that U is closed.
COROLLARY. If K is an EC, class or a P C class, then K is an E-class. R e m a r k . Let @, (XI, ..., X,, P) be a sequence of formulas with the predicate variables as indicated. Let K be the class of relations satisfying the condition: there is a sequence {Sj} of relations such that 1" Sn has as many variables as X,, and 2" 5'1, ..., Sn, R satisfy @, in the set of all integers (n = 1, 2, ...). I t can be shown that K is an existentially definable class. From this it follows for instance that the intersection of denumerably many existentially definable classes is existentially definable and in particular that every PC,-class is existentially definable.
3. In this section we shall prove the following THEOREM 4. If K is an E-class, then S, ( K )E UC,. *) The notation UC6 is that of [4] and S, ( K ) is the family of relations R' with the property that there is an infinite set J of integers, a one-one mapping pl of J onto w and a relation R in K such that iR'j = pl (i) Rpl ( j ) for i, j E Q. Proof. We assume that S, (K) $ UC, and show that conditions of Theorem 2 are not satisfied for all t. Consider all general formulas A (P) with the property that every R which is a member of K satisfies A in the set of all integers. Let L be the family of models of these formulas (elements of L are relations whose fields consist of integers). Since L E UC,, it follows that L # S, ( K ) . On the other hand, if R E S, (K), then R is isomorphic to a restriction to an infinite set J of a relation R1 in K. Since R1 satisfies A in the set of integers and A is a general formula, we infer that R1 restricted to the set J satisfies A in the set J. This proves that S, (K) C L . *) Actually our proof gives a slightly stronger result. Let us call K an E*-class if there exists a space 6 salisfying ( I d , ( 2 ~ and ) a condition (3;) which results from ( 3 ~ )by restricting @ to C b 4 formulas. Obviously E* E E. The proof given below shows actually that S, (K)E Uc, for every K in E l .
[82], 124
49 1
Let Ro E L - S, ( K ) .
LEMMA a. For arbitrary n there are n integers bo, ..., b-1 and a relation R in K such that R restricted to {bo, ..., bn-l} and Ro restricted to (0, ..., - l} are isomorphic. Proof. Let p ~ be j the truth value of iRoj. In order to prove the Lemma, it is sufficient to show that the formula
(Ex0 ... xn-1)
(xt # xj)
1, f
[P(xi, xj)
is satisfied in the set of all integers by a relation R in K. If this were not the case, then the negation of (3 (which is a general formula) would be satisfied (in the set of all integers) by all R in K. Hence the negation of (E) would be satisfied by all R‘ in L. This is a contradiction, since RO satisfies (3in the set of all integers. Let us take z = (2, 1,2, 3, 1) and assume that there is a space satisfying conditions set forth in Theorem 2 for this choice of z. Consider the following auxiliary formulas A1 - A r ) in which P, Z, N, L, G, Y are predicate variables, with 2, 1,2,2, 3, 1 arguments; we read Z (x) as ‘‘x is zero”, N (x, y) as “y is a successor of x”, L (x, y) as ‘‘x is less than y” and G (x, y, z) as “z is an ordered pair with the first member x and the second member y”. A1 : (E!x) Z (x)
[there is exactly one zero];
A2 : (x) (E!y) N (x, y)
[every x has exactly one successor];
A3:(X,Y,z){[L(x,Y)&L(Y,z)3L(x,z)I& [-L(x,x)l& [ L ( x , y ) v x = y v v L (y, x)]} [L orders the universe]; A4 : (x, y) [N (x, y) 3 L (x, y)]
[the successor of x is greater than XI;
AS : (x, y, x’, y’) [G (x, y, z) & G (x’, y‘, z) 3 (x = x’) & (y = y’)] [an ordered pair determines its first and its second member]; A6 : (x) {Z ( x ) 3 (E! y) (Ez) [G (x, y, z) & Y (z)]}
Ty contains exactly one pair whose first member is zero];
A7 : (x, x’) {N (x, x’) 8~(E! Y) (Ez) [G(x, Y, & Y (z)]}
& Y ( z ) l I (E! Y) (EZ) [G (x’, Y, 2) &
[if Y contains exactly one pair with the first member x, then it also contains exactly one pair whose first member is the successor of
zo (XI : z (x); & + I (xk+,)
: (Exk)
[ Z k (xk)
is the k+1 st successor of zero]; & N (xk, x ~ + ~ )[xk+l ]
[82], 125
& G (xi, ui, VI)& Y (vI)]&
I, l+
[P (ui, uj) 3 ptj]) [there are n+ 1 different elements
uo, ..., un which are the second members of pairs VI in Y whose first members are zero and its n consecutive successors; moreover the truth value of P (ui, uj)
is ptjl.
Yn : A&~... & A &~
LEMMAb. For every n 2 0 there is a K-model of yl". Indeed, let Z, N, L, G be interpreted as 0, y = x + l , x < y , z = 22(2y+l). In order to define intepretations of Y and P we apply Lemma a and obtain integers bo, ..., bn and an R in K such that the truth value of bc Rbj is pij. Let R be an interpretation of P. Finally, let Y be interpreted as the set (20 (2bo
+ l), 2 (261+ l), ...) 21"(2bn+l),
2n+l (2x0 + l),
(2x1 l), ...}.
where XO,XI,..., is any sequence consisting of all integers different from 60,..., bn. The formula Yn is obviously satisfied. Since R E K we obtain a K-model of Yn. Let us assume that 6 is a space satisfying conditions of Theorem 1. The set ( M e 6 : Yn is true in M } is non void by Lemma b and closed by the definition of topology in 6. Since 6 is compact we obtain a K-model M in which all formulas Y1", n = 0, 1, ... are satisfied. Let Z*, N*, L*, G*, Y*, P* be interpretations of Z , N, L, G , Y, P in the model M . Hence, P* E K . Let O* be the unique element of Z* and 1*, 2*, ... its N* successors. Thus i* # j * for i # j since A3 and A4 are true in M . Write (p, q ) for the unique integer r such that G * ( p , q, r). Since A5 and As are true in M , there is a uniquely determined sequence bo, bl, ... such that (n*, bn) E Y* for n = 0, 1, ... Since A?) is true in the model, we infer that b~ # hj for i # . j ( i , j < n) and that the truth value of bt P* bj is pij ( i , j < n). Since n is arbitrary, we infer that the set (bo,bl, ...>is infinite and that P* restricted to this set is isomorphic to Ro. Since P* E K , it follows Ro E S , ( K ) which is a contradiction. COROLLARY. If < a < l2 and K, is the faniily of relations R which order integers the tjpe a, then niither K , nor U K , are E-classes. I
Proof. S , (K,) is not in UC,, since it contains only infinite well orderings. Similarly S, ( IJ K,). o
4. We considered above the following families of classes of binary relations:
Exdef (existentially definable classes),
and proved that
PC,, E, S = (K : S, ( K ) E UCd} PC,
Exdef E E
[82], 126
P r o b l e m : are all inclusions in this sequence sharp? And if not, where is the equation? The restriction to binary relations is of course inessential. E One might think that other It is known that if K E E C , then ~ * , ( K ) UC,. known properties of EC, classes can be generalized to E-classes. The following example shows that this is not the case: The class K of relations which are not well orderings is closed under the formation of unions of chains and does not consist of models of a set of U2’-axioms. According to [3] an EC, class closed under the formation of unions of chains does consist of such models. INSTITUTE OF MATHEMATICS, POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES (INSTYTUT MATEMATYCZNY, PAN)
REFERENCES [I] E. W. Beth, The foundations of mnathenlarrcs. Studies in logic and the fimrhtiorrs of mutheinatics, North Holland Publ. Co., Amsterdam, 1959. [Z] A. Ehrenfeucht and A. Mostowski, A compact spuce of nlodelr offirst order theories, Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci., Sir. sci. math., astr. et phys., 9 (1961), 369-373. [3] J. t o S and R. Suszko, On the extending of models. IV, Fund. Math., 44 (1957), 52-60. [4] A. Tarski, Some notions and methods on the borderline of algebra and iiietuiliathe/)mtic.~, Proc. Int. Congress of Math. 1950, vol. 1, 705-720.
The Hilbert Epsilon Function in Many-Valued Logics ANDRZEJMOSTOWSKI The purpose of this paper is to discuss generalizations t o the many valued case of two fundamental theorems concerning th e two valued predicate calculus.
1. The language J. We denote by J the language of the predicate calculus. Its formulas are built from the individual variables xo, xl, , the predicate variables P,“, P,”, (k = 0, 1, . .), propositional connectives So, S1, . . . , Sl, ( E < a) and quantifiers Q,, Eliz1,. , El,,,. . (7 < b) according to the following rules: P;q, q is an atomic formula (k,j , is = 0, 1, . .for s 4 k); when-
. ..
.. .
ever Qil, . . , @ are formulas then so is 35 Qil. . QPt ( 5 < a; p~ pt denotes here the number of arguments of 3~); whenever @ is a formula then so is &xq@ (7 < b, q = 0, 1, . .). The number of connectives and quantifiers need not be finite; in fact, a and b may be arbitrary ordinals. The notions of a free and a bound variable as well as th a t of the substitution are assumed as known. The symbol Sb (xjly) @ denotes the expression obtained from Qi by substituting ‘y’ for ‘5,’.A formula without bound variables is called closed.
2. Interpretations, models and valuations. An interpretation of J determines the meaning of the propositional connectives and of quantifiers. Formally it is defined as a sequence I = < V, V+, F,, . . . , F t , . . . , Q,, . . . , Q,,, . . . > consisting of a set V, its subset V+, mappings F l of VPg (the p t fold Cartesian product V x V x . . . x V) into V and mappings Q, of 2v (the family of all subsets of V) into V. Elements of V are called the tru th values, those of V+ the distinguished tru th values.
From now on an interpretation of J will be fixed and all subsequent definitions will be relativized to it. A model of J fixes the “universe of discourse” and the meaning of the p-dicate variables. A valuation of a model fixes, in addition, the meaning of the-. individual variables. Formally these notions are defined thus: Let I be a set. A model of J over I is a Punction p which correlates with each predicate variable Pi” a mapping p P: of Ik into V ; a valuation.of p is an extension v of p to a mapping of the set of all (individual and predicate) variables which correlates with each individual variable xj an element of I. Whenever v is a valuation of p we denote by E (v, q) the set of all valuations of p which coincide with v except possibly at the place x p . Let Y be a valuation of a model p. We denote by Val (0, v ) the truth value of @ under the valuation v. The definition of this function proceeds by induction: if @ is an atomic formula then Val (@, v ) is the value of p Pi” for the arguments vxgl, . , vxik; if @ is the formula 86 Q1.. Opt then Val (@, v ) = & (Val (al,v), . . , Val (Opt,v)); if @ is the formula D,z, Y then
Val (0, 4 =
(K el: e E E (v, q)}.
If O is a closed formula then Val (@, v ) does not depend on the valuation v but on the model p alone and will be denoted by
Val (@, p).
3.The compactness problem. Let E be a set of closed formulas
and let there be given a correspondence which assigns to each formula @ in E a set S ( @ ) of truth-values. Suppose that for every finite subset F of E there is a model p (depending on F) over a set I (depending on F ) such that Val (@, p) E S (@) for each @ in F. Problem: does there exist a set I and a model of J over I such that Val (0, p) E S ( @ ) for each @? This problem, usually referred to as the compactness problem, was discussed by Chang and Keisler in [3]. In sections 5-9 we shall give an alternative proof of their result. Before going into details we outline our solution of the problem. The main idea is to conceive models over a suitably chosen set I as points of a compact space %Rf; the function Val (@, p) is to be a continuous function of p. If the sets S (0) are closed in V then F models p in ‘2Jlf satisfying Val (@, p) E S (@) for each @ the set ‘ J J ~of in F is closed in %Rf; it will also be shown that this set is non void.
Hence - according to the fundamental property of compact spaces the intersection n Snp where F runs over finite subsets of E is non void. Each p which belongs to this intersection has the required properties. The construction of 92,.is thus the key t o the whole problem. I t is easy to construct a space such that Val (0,p) be continuous for all quantifierfree formulas @. In order to obtain a space in which Val (@, p ) is continuous for arbitrary @ we shall have t o pass from the language J to a more comprehensive language J o o which in addition t o the symbols of J contains an infinite number of functors. Formulas of J containing quantifiers are reducible in a certain way t o formulas of J o not containing quantifiers. Functors with which the language J 00 is provided play thus the same role as the epsilon operators of Hilbert. The general idea of our proof is plainly a generalization to the many valued case of the completeness proof of the two valued predicate calculus as given by Beth [ 11.
4. Auxiliary notions from topology. As is evident from the remarks given in section 3 our proof will heavily rely on topological methods. The knowledge of the basic notions from topology as given e.g. in [2], chapter I, will be assumed. Some topological notions of a more special nature as well as the pertinent notation will be recalled or introduced in the present section. Throughout the whole paper we assume that V is a compact Hausdorff space (espace separe in the terminology of [2]). A family {Gg} of subsets of V is a covering of V if the union of all Gg is V . If all Gi are open then we speak of a n open covering. Because of the compactness of V each open covering contains a finite subcovering. In what follows we fix a basis B of open sets of V , i.e., a family of open subsets of V such that each open subset of V contains a member of B as a subset. The least possible cardinal of a basis is called the character of V and denoted by x (V). We denote by B, the family of finite coverings C = {GI,. . . , G k } each member of which belongs to B. As no other coverings will enter our discussion we shall often say “a covering” iwtead of ccacovering which belongs to Bc”l. The symbols C, C‘, C* with or without subscripts will
Actually we could take instead of B, any subfamily thereof with the property that for each C in B, there is a finer covering C’ in the subfamily.
always denote coverings. For each C we denote by CK the union u (G x G) extended over all members of C.l If v c G c B then there is a C such t h a t G is t h e unique member of C which contains v; this follows immediately from the compactness of V. Any such C will be denoted by r ( G , v). For A , B c V x V we denote by A 0 B the set {(a, b): ( E c ) [(a, c) E A & (c, b) B ] } and put AZ = A 0 A , A3 = Aa 0 A and so on. The following proposition results from th e compactness of V: 4.1. For every C there is a C, such that (Cy)n 5 C K, n = 1, 2, . Of any two subsets So, S , of V we say t h a t they are C-close to each other and write So c S , if for every q in Si there is an z,-~ in Sl-isuch t hat (q,zl-i)E CK (i = 0, 1). 4.2. For every C there is an integer n ( C ) such that every non void c V cqntains a non void subset S , with at most n(C) elements set So wtisfying So Proof. n ( C ) is the number of members of C and S , any set which contains exactly one element from each non void intersection So n G, G i n C. The definition of continuity of a mapping f of Vn into V is taken as granted. A mapping Q of 2’ into V is continuous if t o every So C _ V and every neighbourhood G of QS, corresponds a C such t ha t (QS,, QS,) c G whenever So The mapping Q is uniformly continuous if t o every C corresponds a C , such t h a t (QS,, QS,) E CK whenever So cl S,. One can show th at a continuous mapping Q of 2v into V is always uniformly continuous but we shall not need this in what follows.
. .
- $,.
- $,.
5. The language Jco. This language depends on a set I fixed in advance. Its expressions are of 3 kinds: terms, formulas and functors. We denote by T , P and F the sets of, terms, formulas and functors. These sets are unions T = U Tm, P = U Pm, F = U Fm where T m , Pm and Fm are defined by induction. We take F, = 0, To = I U {x,, z,,. . .} and P? = set of all formulas of J. Now assume t hat Fm, T m and Pm are already defined for a n m I 0. For every formula @ in P , - P,, with the free variables f q , xi,, . ,si (r h 0) and every C we introduce n(C) functors fs, q, e, s, s = 1, 2, . . , n(C) with r arguments. Fm+1 will consist of all these functors and all functors in F,. The set Tm+1 is defined as the
1 The CK form the family of “neighbourhoods of the diagonal” in the ynique uniform structure on V which is compatible with its topology; cf. [2], pp. 156 seq.
[85], 173
smallest set containing T m and having th e property th a t whenever f is a functor in Fm+1 with r arguments and W,, . , Wr are in the set then so is fW, Wr. Finally Pm+l is the smallest set containing the atomic formulas ,P;W,.. Wk (where w,, . , wk E T,+,) and satisfying th e same closure conditions a s the set of formulas of J. The part of J oo whose expressions contain but symbols belonging t; Fm U T m u P m is denoted by Jm. The set of terms of J oo which contain no variables is denoted by T*. An easy set theoretical proof shows th a t 5.1. card T* (= cardinality of T*) = (So + card I ) . card B. The semantical notions of models and valuations are defined similarly as for the language J. Let I’ be a set containing I. A model of J 00 over I’is a mapping p defined on the union of I U F and of the set of all predicate variables. I t is required t h a t pe = e for e in I, t h a t for each functor f with r arguments pf be a mapping of I” into I’ and th at for each predicate variable p Pi” be a mapping of I’k into V . Valuations of p are defined as in section 2. Whenever v is a valuation of a model, W a term and @ a formula, we denote by Val (W, v ) and Val (@, v ) the value of W and the t r ut h value of @. under the assignment Y. We omit the obvious definitions of the functions Val which proceed by induction on W and @.
. ..
. .
6. Regular models. Let Y be a formula of J o o with the free variables xq, xil,. , xir and let W, W,, . . . , Wr be terms. We denote by Y (W, W,, . . , Wr) the formula S b (zq/ W, xi, / W,, . , . , Wr) (where s = 1, 2,. , xi / Wr) !P and by Y ‘* q* (W,, R (C)) the formula
. . ..
A model p of J w over a set I’ being given we denote by So = So(p) the set {Val (Y (W, W,, . . , Wr), p): W E T*}.Furthermore c(W,, . , Wr), p): we denote by S , = S , (p)the finite set {Val (Ys*q* s 5 n (C)}. Our notation does not put in evidence the dependence of the sets Soand S , on Y, C, W,, . . , Wr but of course this dependence should always be kept in mind. We call p a regular model if for every Y (as specified above), , W, in T*,arbitrary C and arbitrary uo in So arbitrary W,,
. .
. ..
there is a u1 in S, such t h a t (u,,,
[85], 174
The intuitive meaning of this definition is th a t the finite set S , approximates the (possibly infinite) set So in the sense th a t for each member uo of So there is a G in C and a u1 in S , such th a t both v,, and u, belong t o G. Had we omitted the bar over CK we could simply say t hat So and S , are C-close to each other. I t is evident from this remark th at the functors fly, Q, =, play (for the regular models p) the same role as the Hilbert epsilonoperators. In the usual predicate logic the set consisting of the truth values of F ( E (F(z))) ~ and F ( E (~ w F (x))) not only approximates but simply coincides with the set of all tr u th values of F(z).
7. Special models. We denote by W the family of models p of J m over T**having the property th at for each functor f (with r arguments) p f is the function which correlates the element
f W , . . . Wr with arbitrary elements W,, . . , Wr of T*. Models which belong to W will be called special. In order to define a special model i t is sufficient to determine the mappings ,uPi" of T*k into V. The class of special regular models will be denoted by Wr.We are now going to prove th at - under suitable assumptions - mr has the properties mentioned in section 3. First we introduce a topology into m. Choose arbitrary C,, . . . , c k and k closed formulas without quantifiers @, . . . , @k. For po = in W we denote by ( C l , . . , ck, @, . . , @ k ) the set
n 5 { p : (Val (@f, p), Val (@t, / L o ) ) E C y}. Sets %p0 form the family of neighbourhoods of p0. A set @ c 9X is called a n open set if for each ,u in @ there is a t least one neighbourhood of p contained in @. 7.1. 'B is a Hausdorff space. Proof. I t is obvious th at the union of arbitrarily many open sets is open. Since every finite intersection of neighbourhoods of ,u is again a neighbourhood of ,u it follows th at an intersection of finitely many open sets is open. I t remains to show t h a t distinct points of W have a t least, one pair of disjoint neighbourhoods. Let ,ul# p,; for some k, j we have pl Pi" # p, Pi" and hence for some W,, . . . , W k in T* the points uj = pa Pi" (Wl, . . . , wk) of V (i = 1, 2) are distinct. Let G,, G , be disjoint neighbourhoods of these points in V and let G,, . . . , G m be a finite covering of the closed set V - (G, u G,) by means of open sets GI which belong t o B and do not contain ul, u,. The family C = {G,, . . . , Gm} is ciearly a covering. If @ is the formula P r Wl . . . Wk then
500 p
[85], 175
(C, @) = Val (@, p) E Gt, i = 1. 2 whence
(C,@) n 92, (C 0 ) = 0.
The space '92 is, in general, non compact. However we shall prove:
7.2. If the funcfions Fl ( f < a) are continuous then '92 is compact. Proof. Every p in '92 determines a function g = g, whose domain is the set A of closed atomic formulas (i.e., formulas Pi" W , Wk where W,, ;Wk I T * ) and whose range is V. This function is defined as g(@) = Val (@, p). Conversely, every mapping g of A into V determines a special model p = p g in which p Pi" is the Wk). The function f such th at f (W,, . . , Wk) = g (Pi" W , mappings g -+ pg and p -+ g, are obviously one-to-one and each is the converse of the other. The set V A of all mappings g of A into V is a compact space under the Tichonoff product topology [2, p. 62 and 961. We shall accomplish the proof of 7.2 by showing th at '92 is homeomorphic with V A . I. If T is a Tichonoff neighbourhood of gp, in V A then there is a neighbourhood of po in '92 such th at gr( E T whenever p E %., Indeed, let T consist of functions g such th a t g (@{)E Gr, where @ { € Aand G ~ E for B i = 1, 2 , . , k. P u t Cg = r ( G i , g,,, (@ti)) and % ,, = (Cl, . . . , C k , @, . . . , @k). If p E Xp0then (Val p), Val (@$, p)) e cy i.e. ( q P (@it), gr, (W) E c whence
. ..
. ..
gp (@{)
Gt for i
1, 2 , .
. . , k, i.e. gp E T.
.. .
11. If %ro = 91, ( C , , . . . , c k , @, , @k) then there is a ,, whenever Tichonoff neighbourhood T of gr, such th a t pg E % g e T. Since = n Ik (Cr, a,.) and since the intersection of finitely many Tichonoff neighbourhoods is again such a neighbourhood i t is obvious th at the validity of I1 for arbitrary k follows from the validity of I1 for k = 1. Hence we assume k ---1 and write @, C instead of @, and C,. We proceed by induction. If @ is an atomic formula then we take as T the set (9: (g(@), g, (@))E C "}. This set is a Tichonoff neighbourhood of g,,, since the condition in brackets means th a t g(@) belongs t o a finite union of neighbourhoods Gr of gP, (@). If g, E T then the equation Val (@, p) = gP (0) shows th a t (Val (@, p), Val (@, p,,)) E CK whence p E Y?,o. Let now @ be the formula 3t !PI. . . !Pt and suppose th a t I1 is valid for the neighbourhoods ( C , Fj), j = 5 , 2, . . . , P l .
[85], 176
Since FE is continuous there are neighbourhoods G,,
. . , , GpE of
(PI, po), . . . , Val (YpFpo) such th a t (FE (ul,. . . , vPE),Val
(@, po))E CK whenever v r e Gt for i 5 p t . P u t Ci = (GI, Val (!Pi, rug)). From the inductive assumption it follows th a t there are Tichonoff neighbourhoods Ti of gfi0 such th a t pg E (npo (Ct, vl,) whenever g .e Ti, i = 1, 2 , . . , p . Pu t T = n z 5 Tt; this set 6 E is a Tichonoff neighbourhood of gp0 and if g E T then pff E (Cr, ?Pi) i.e. by the definition of the neighbourhoods in Im
(Val (Ys, p0), Val W, po))e CF whence (by the definition of Ct) Val (Yt,pg) E G f for i = 1, 2 , . . ., . PE According t o the definition of Gi this implies (FE (Val (Flype), , Val (YpE, pe)), Val (@, pug)) E Cg i.e. (Val (@, pg), Val (@, po))E CE and hence pff E (C, @). As a corollary to 7.2 we prove 7.3 9Jt, is (I compact space. Proof. I t is sufficient to show that !U,l is closed in %. First we remark t ha t if @ is a closed formula without quantifiers then the function f (p) = Val (@, p) is continuous on Im. Indeed, if G is a ueighbourhood of f (,uo),then f (p) E G for every p in
%, V ( G , f OlJ), @I*
From the continuity of f we infer th at if Y, W, W,, . . , W, are as in section 6 then the set of models p satisfying the condition (1) (Val (kV (W, non E Cg
w,,. . . , W,),
p), Val (Ys*
9 3
(w1, . .. , W,),
is open for s 5 n ( C ) as a continuous counter-image of an open Since ,u non E if and only if there are Y, W, W,, . , set V a Wr, C such t h a t (1) is satisfied for each s 5 n (C) it follows th a t the difference %R is open in a. We shall now investigate the continuity of the function
-TK. mr aJtr
Val (@, p) on the space %R.,
7.5. If the functions Ft are continuous and the functions Q,, uniformly continuous (t < a, q < b) then for every @ in P with r free variables and every W , , . . . , W, in T* the function f (p) = Val (@ (Wl, . . . , W,), p) is.confinuous on %Z.,
Proof. Let G be a neighbourhood of f (po); we have to construct a neighbourhood %pa of po such that f ( p ) E G whenever p E We proceed by induction. If @ is atomic (or more generally quantifier-free) then the neighbourhood ( r ( G , f (po)),@) has the desired property. If @ is the formula 3t Yl. . . Y and 7.5 is PE valid for the formulas !PIthen f (p) is continuous as a superposition of continuous functions. I t remains t o consider the case when @ is the formula Q x q Y and 7.5 is valid for P, we denote by xq, xi,, . . , xtr the free variables of P.
P u t C , = (G, f (po)) and choose C* such that ((C*)") c C:. BL the uniform continuity of Q, there is a C' such that S' ct S" implies (Q,S', Q,S")eC*". For each u in V we choose a neighbourhood G , in B whose closure is contained in one of the members of C' and denote by C a covering consisting of finitely many G,. Hence @ c _ C K . Let So(p) and S , (p) be sets defined in section 6. Hence f (p) = Qq So (p) for every p in 'D. If p Q ' D r and uo E So(p), then, by regularity, there is a u l e S, (p) such t h a t (uo, u,) e CK whence So(p) c, S, (p) which implies
By the inductive assumption the functions
(p) defined as
= Val (Y s , q , (Wl, . . . , I+',.), p ) are continuous. Each f s (pug)belongs t o a member of c', e.g. f g (po)€ G, E c', s = 1, 2, . . . , n(c). By continuity there are neighbourhoods of po such t h a t f, (p) Q G, whenever p e %spa, s I n (C). P u t = n , nlc, For p E we have ( f s (p), f 8 (po)) E G, x G8 (s 5 n (C))which proves t h a t S, (p) c, S, (po)since S, (p) consists of all f s (p). I t follows N
(3) Put p
S1 (PO),
SI(P)) € C*"-
= po in
(2) and use (3); we then obtain (Q, S, (po),Q, S, (p)) Combining this with equation (2) we obtain Q (C*g) 2 for p E (Q, So (PO), Qqso (1~)) (C*") c cK i*e. (f (PO), f (PI)E C". Since f(po) belongs to just one member G of C,, we finally obtain f(p) E G and 7.5 is proved.
8. Universality of rJ32,.. In order t o solve the compactness problem we need still one property of 'D,. in the proof of which no assumptions concerning continuity of FE and Q, are needed.
[ 8 5 ], 178
8.1. For every model v of J over Z there is a model p in '9Jlr such ihaf Val (0, v) = Val (@, p) for every closed formula @ of J . Proof. We first extend v t o a model Vm of J m . For m = 0 we define vo as a mapping which coincides with v on the symbols Pi" and is defined on Z b y the equations vo (e) = e. Now assume th a t vm has already been defined. In order to extend Vm to vm+l we have to define vm+l f where f E Fm+,. - Fm. Hence we may assume th a t f = f 4 , p , C , s where @ E Pm - Pm-1, x q is free in @, s 5 n (C). Let ql, . . . , xir be the free variables of @different from xp We take as vm+l f the mapping g of Z' into Z defined as follows: let e l , . . . , e, r Z and l e t v'm be a valuation of vm such th a t vrmxtk = ek for k = 1, 2, . . . , r. The set S = (Val (@, n): 7c E E (v'm, q)} contains a non void subset S' with a t most n (C) elements such th a t S &. We arrange the elements of S' into a sequence (possibly with repetitions) Val (@, nl),. . . , Val (@, z,(~,) and put g (el, . . . , er) = 7csxq. The sequence vo, v,, . . . thus defined has the property th a t each vm+l is a n extension of vm; hence this sequence defines uniquely a model v oo of J oo which is the joint extension of all vm' s. Now we define a special model p by 1etting.p P: to be a mapping which correlates the element Val (P: W , . . . W k , v w) with arbitrary terms W , , . . . , wk E T*. In order to show th a t p enjoys the property stated in the lemma we denote by & the class of closed formulas which can be obtained from @ by substituting terms for its free variables. We shall show by induction th a t for each @ in P and each 0 in 6 N
Val (0, p)
Val (0,vm).
If @ is a n atomic formula then 0 has the form Pf W,. . W, and (4) follows from the definition of p. If @ is the formula and (4) is true for the formulas Wjthen 0 has the form & W, . . . P ! P€ !&El.. . EpFwith Ej E 9,. ( j 6 p t ) and we obtain
Val (0, ,u) = FE (Val (El, p), . . . , Val (+ p)) = FE(Val (El, v W ) , . Val (EDt, v W ) ) = Val (0,~ m ) .
Finally let us assume t h a t D ! is the formula Q,xq8; hence 0 has the form Dz,xqWwhere W has a t most one free variable xq and we have the equation Val (0, v = Q, {Val (W, v' w) : v' oo E E ( v -, x,)}.
[85], 179
The set under the sign Q, can be defined a s {Val (Y (W), Y -): W I T*> since the values Val (W, Y oo)exhaust the whole of I a s W ranges over P.Using the inductive assumption we obtain
Val (0, v m ) = Q, {Val ( Y ( W ) , p) : W I T * } = = Q, (Val (Y,p') : p' c E (p, q)} = Val (0, p). Equation (4) is thus proved. If @ is closed we obtain from i t
Val (0, p )
Val (0,v-).
We still have to prove th at p is regular. Let Y, W,, . . , W , be as in 6 and let m be such th at Y (xq, W,, . . . , W,) c P m - Pm-1. P u t S = So (p) = {Val (Y (W, W,, . , Wr), p) : W c P}. According t o (4) the letter p can be replaced here by v oo;hence we can represent S a s {Val (Y,n) : c E (v'm, q)} where v'm is a valuation of vm such that V'mXg,, = eh = Val (wh, v-) for h = 1, 2 , . . . , r. According t o the definition of vm+l there is a subset S' = {Val (Y, z,), . . . , Val (Y, nncc,)}of S such t h a t S' ,S and
~ a (!Psi l Q*
(w,, . . ., w,.), v oo)= ~
a (Y, l n8)for s
-. . .
I, 2,
,n ( Q .
The left-hand sides of these equations make up the set S , ( v m ) = S , (p) (cf. section 6). Hence S ,S, (p) and it follows t h a t for a n arbitrary vo in S = So (p) there is a v1 in S , (p) such th a t (v,,, v,) I C" c Regularity of p is thus proved. N
9. Proof of the completeness theorem. We need first the following almost trivial lemma: 9.1. If card I , 2 card I > 0 then lor every model p of J over I there is a model p1 of J over I , such that Val (@, p) = Val (@, p l )
for every closed formula @. Proof. We may assume th at I,? I; let e be an element of I. If p Pi" = f then we extend f to a mapping f l of I f into V by putting for arbitrpry el, . . . , e k in I,
il (el, . . . , ek) = f
(e,', . . . , e.J
where el = e j or el = e according as e j E I or ej e I , - I . If p1 is a model of J over I, such th at p1 Pi" = f , then clearly Val (@, p,) = Val (@, p) for every closed formula @. THEOREM 9.2. Lei I be an interpretation of J satisfying the following assump t ions:
[85], 180
is a compact Hausdorff space; (b) the functions Ft are continuous; (c) the functions Q, are uniformly continuous; (a) V
let E be a set of closed formulas and @ + S (@) a mapping of E into the family of closed sutsets of V . Suppose that for every finite subset S of E there is a set I , # C and a model ps of J over I , such that Val (@, ps) E S (a) for every @ in S; then there is a set I , of cardinality (So s u p , (card Is)). x ( V ) and a model p of J over I , such that Val (@, p) E S (@) for each @ in El. Proof. I t follows from 9.1 t h a t if the assumptions of the theorem are satisfied then there is a set I of cardinality sup, (card Is) such that for each finite S c E there is a model ps of J over I satisfying the condition Val (@, ,us) E S (@) for each @ in S. Choose a basis B of cardinality x ( V ) and take I , = T*;hence card I, is as required. If S is a finite subset of E then the set % =, { p :pus %Rr & V a l (@, p ) E S (@) for every @ in S> is non void (by 8 . 1 and the assumptions of the theorem) and closed (since the function V a l (@, p) is continuous and S (@) is closed). By 7.3 there is a p which belongs to each 3,: any such p has the property required in the theorem.
10. The problem of axiomatizability and its reduction. A closed formula @ of J is called satisfiable (valid) with respect t o a n interpretation I if there is a set I # 0 and a model p of J over Z such t h a t (for every set I # 0 and every model p of J over Z) Val (@, p ) E V+. Problem: is the set of satisfiable (valid) formulas a complement of a recursively enumerable set (a recursively enumerable set)? Obviously 10.1 A closed formula @ is satisfiable with respect to the interpretation Z if and only if it is non valid with respect to the interpretation Z' which differs from Z by taking V - V+ as its set of designated truth values. In view of 10.1 we shall restrict ourselves t o the study of satisfiable formulas. Until the end of the paper we admit the assumptions (a), (b), (c) of theorem 9.2 and, in addition, t h a t V + is closed in V . Using the axiom of choice we single out for every covering C and every 7 < b a covering C' = C' (r, C) such t h a t S' &S" implies (Q,S', QJ") N
The theorem is due t o Chang and Keisler 131.
(851, 181
e CK for arbitrary subsets
S', S" of V . Furthermore we single out a covering C* such th at CTK 5 CK. In the previous sections we discussed Val (@, p) as a function of p. We shall now keep p fixed and discuss the properties of Val (@, p) as a function of @. First we introduce some abbreviations. Let .@ be a closed formula of J. We call a "system for CD" a sequence a consisting of (i) two ordinals 5 < a, 7 < b; (ii) p t closed formulas @, . . . , @ of J oo;(iii) integers r, q; (iv) a formula Y of J 00 with PE r + l free variables one of which is xq; (v) r + l closed terms W, W , , . . . , Wr E T*; (vi) a covering C; (vii) the formula @. The sequences listed in (ii) and (v) will be denoted briefly by single Greek and German letters, e.g. 9 and n. Instead of 3~0,. . . OPE and !P ( W , W,, . . . , Wr) we write briefly and !P(W, 11). 10.2. If p E fm, then the function XY = Val (Y, p) satisfies, for an arbitrary system a, fhe following conditions: (5) X3@ = Fc 01@1,. * . X@P$ (6) there is an s I n(C) such that (xY (W, n), x!Ps9q* (7) 01 Q,xq!P (zq, n), Q, {xYs3 q9 "* (n) : s I n (C'*)}) 9
(11)) E
Indeed, (5) follows from the definition of the function Val, (6) from where the regularity of p. (7) can be written as (Q,So, Q,S,) E So and__ S , are defined as in section 6 but with C replaced by C'*. Since C'*K E c'" we obtain So cr S, by the regularity of p and hence (Q,,SO,Q,S,) E CK c Crr. Let us call a mapping x of the set P, of closed formulas of J , into V a B - mapping if it satisfies (5) - (7) for arbitrary systems. From 10.2 we obtain 10.3 If a closed formula @ is satisfiable then there is a B - mapping x such that N
Proof. Let Y be a model of J over I such th a t Val (@, Y ) e V+. According t o 8.1 there is a p in '!J.Rr satisfying the equation Val (Y, Y ) = Val (Y, p ) for all closed formulas !P. The function x!P = Val (Y, p ) is the required B - mapping.
We prove now the converse of 10.3: 10.4. If a B -- mapping satisfying (8) exists then @ is satisfiable. Proof. Define a special model p by taking as p Pi" the function f
[85], 182
defined as x Pi" (Wl, . . . , wk) for arbitrary W , , . . , Wk in T*. In order t o prove the theorem it is sufficient to show th a t if 0 is a formula of J c a with, say, ; free variables and if n = ( W l , . . ., W,) is a n r-tuple of terms belonging to T* then
Val (0 (n), p ) = x 0 (n). (9) We proceed by induction: if 0 is an atomic formula then (9) follows from the definition of p. If 0 is the formula 3~ 0,. . . OPEand (9) is valid for each Of, then, by (5), it is also valid for 0. Now let 0 (n) be the formula Elv xq Y (zq, n). Choose an arbitrary neighbourhood Go of u, = Val (0 (n), p) and put C , = r ( G o , u,). Let C satisfy ( C K ) c Cf. Define So = So (p) and S , = S , (p) as in section 6 but replacing C by C*'*; by the inductive assumption we can replace in these definitions the symbols Val (-, p ) by x -. Formula (6) in which we replace C by C*'* proves t h a t So c,, S , whence (Q, S,,Q, S,) E C*K c S,) B C K . Replacing in (7) - CK i.e. (u,, -Q, C by C* we obtain (x 0 (n), Q, S,) E C*= C CK and hence
x 0 (n), E (CK)2 t - Cr. In view of the definition of C, this x 0 (n) E Go whence, Go being arbitrary, u, = 20 (n). 11. An application of Tichonoff's theorem. All mappings x
proves t ha t
of t he set P, (consisting of all closed formulas of J m) into V form a compact space P," under the Tichonoff topology. We want to simplify the problem whether a B-mapping satisfying (8) exists by applying the fundamental property of compact spaces which states t ha t a n intersection of closed subsets is non void if and only if every finite intersection of these sets is non void. 11.1. For euery system a mappings x o f P, into V satisfying any of the conditions ( 5 ) - (8) torm a closed subset of P,". Proof. For the condition (5) the lemma follows from the continuity of Ft as well as from the continuity of x@ considered as a function of x. For the condition (8) the lemma results from the closedness of V+. We shall now discuss condition (6). The set of mappings x satisfying, for fixed Y, W, n, C, s, the formula given in (6) is closed as the continuous counter-image of the closed set I!%. Hence the set of mappings satisfying (6) is closed a s the finite union of closed sets. For condition (7) the proof is similar; we have only t o convince ourselves th at the function
g (x)
Q, {XU'*qs '*
(n) : s
n (C'*)} = Q, S ,
[85], 183
is continuous. In order t o show this we choose a n arbitrary neighbourhood G of g (xo) and put C = r ( G , g (xo)). Each u8 € Sx, belongs t o a member Gd of C'; by the continuity of the mapping x + @ we can find a neighbourhood T of xo in P,"such t h a t x Y *' q* ''*(n) B G8 whenever x E T (s = 1, 2 , . . . , n (C*)).I t fsllows t h a t S, c, Sxo whence ( g (x), g (xo)) E C g and hence g (x) E G for x E T which proves the continuity of 9. Each system a determines a sequence H, (a), , H , (a)(a) consisting of q (a) = pg n ( C ) f R (C'*)+ 4 formulas N
.. .
q ~ , gE9, Y t In (c'*),SZ,
Y *'
'(n), s In (c),
z, Y (z,, n), Q.
'* (n),
The formulas Hg (a) are precisely the ones which occur in conditions (5) - (8). A function T assigning tru th values to the elements of th e sequence (9) will be called a matrix corresponding t o the system a. Two matrices corresponding t o two (not necessarily distinct) systems are consistent if each is a n extension of their common part. A matrix x corresponding to a system a satisfies condition (Z) if it satisfies equations (5) - (8) for the formulas determined by the system a. THEOHEM 11.2. A closed formula @ of J is satisfiable if and only if for every k and arbifrary k sysfems for @ there exist mutually consistenf matrices corresponding to fhese sysfems and satisfying condition (Z). Proof. Necessity. If @ is satisfiable and x is a B-mapping satisfying (8) (cf. 10.3) then we put T , (Hg (a,)) = x Hg (a,) for j Ik and i I q (aj) and obtain matrices which are obviously consistent and satisfy condition (Z) because of the properties of B-mappings. Sufficiency. For any system a for @ we denote by A (a) the family of mappings x of P," into V satisfying equations (5) - (8) for formulas determined by a. The assumption of the theorem says th a t n I A (a$) # 0 for arbitrary systems a,, . . , a k for @ (k = 1, 2, . . .). Hence, by compactness of P,",there is a x which belongs t o all A (a), where a ranges over arbftrary systems for @. Hence x is a B-mapping satisfying (8) and hence @ is satisfiable by 10.4.
12. Discussion of a special case. Theorem 11.2can be exploited in various ways to establish axiomatizability of predicate calculi.
[85], 184
The simplest case and the only one with which we shall deal here is t ha t of a separable space V (i.e., x (V) I no). 12.1 Under the following assumptions the set of satisfiable formulas is a complement of a recursively enumerable set: (i) V i s a separable compact Hausdorff space, V+ is closed in V , the Chang - Keisler conditions (a) - (c) (see 9.2) are satisfied, a and b are finite; (ii) there is a numbering of neighbourhoods and of expressions of J m such that the set Z o f numbers ral correlated with systems is recursive; (iii) there is a recursive function f which correlates with the number “a’ of each system a the Godel number of the sequence H , (o), . . . , %(a) (a); (iv) there i s a decidable theory T whose primitive notions are interpretable as certain relations in V such that for each s = “a1 in Z there is a formula A8 of T w i f h the following properties: (a) A, depends recursively on s; (B) A, has q (a) free variables which correspond to the formulas H , (a), . . . , H , (n) (a); (7) if x is a matrix associated with a, then x fulfills the condition ( Z ) if and only if the elements x H , (a), . . . , x H , (a) (a) satisfy1 A , in V. Proof. Let s,, . . . , S k E Z and let a,,. . . , a k be systems whose numbers are these integers. Note th at q (a$) = lh f (st) = It = the length of t he sequence correlated with ai. Let Q, . . , sk be the
following formula of Ykl,
T with the free variables y l l , . . . , ylll, . . . ,
(Yil? *
* *
Yiri) &&
n’( Y i p
= Yjq)
where IT denotes the conjunction extended over pairs p, q such t ha t p 5 4, q 5 15 and ( f ( s t ) ) = ( f (5-5)) .2 Denote by “k” the predicate “valid in T”. The predicate Pr(s,, . . ., S k , t ) defined as
is recursive in view of conditions (ii) - (iv). In order to prove the theorem i t is thus sufficient to show th at t is a Godel number of a The word “satisfy” is used here in the technical semantical sense. We denote here by (m), the numher of the n-th term of a sequence with the number rn so that the equation means simply that H,(ai) = H , ( a j ) . The symbol Zh m used above denotes the length of the sequence with the number m. a
[SS], 185
satisfiable formula @ if and only if P k (sl, . . ., sk, f) for arbitrary k, S1. . . Sk. Assume first t h a t @ is satisfiable. Let sl, . . , s k be elements of such t h a t (f (sf))+ = f for i 5 k. Hence sl,. . , Sk are numbers of , a k for @. Let T,, . . . , T k be consistent matrices systems a,, corresponding to these systems and satisfying (Z). From (iv) it follows t h a t the elements u i j = T I (aj)), i Ik, j I q (at), satisfy the formula A , (yt,, . , ytli);the consistency of matrices T j ensures t h a t the elements utj satisfy also the formula 17’ (yfp = yjq). Thus we obtain P k (sl,. . . , sk, t ) for arbitrary s,,. . . , sk. Conversely if P k (s,, . . . , Sk, t) is true for arbitrary k, s,, . . . , s k then we show similarly as above that corresponding t o arbitrary systems a,, . . . , a k for @ there are consistent matrices satisfying (Z) and thus t h a t @ is satisfiable. We shall now discuss a special case. Let u) be the set of all integers, V the family of all its subsets in the familiar l‘ichonoff topology. A neighbourhood in V is a finite intersection of sets
.. .
{x:a E X } ,
0,‘ = {x:a n o n EX}.
We take as B the family of these neighbourhoods. B, consists of finite coverings {G,, . . . , G k } with each Gt in B. Actually wt, can restrict ourselves t o a subfamily of B, consisting of disjoint coveririgs. This follows from the fact t h a t each G in B is not only open but a t the same time closed; hence t o each covering there is a finer covering consisting of disjoint sets (cf. footnote 1 on p. 171). One shows easily t h a t a finite disjoint covering is determined by a finite set {a,, . . . , a,} of integers and consists of 2 m sets: {G,, . . ., Gzm }. If ut,, . . . , aim, i 5 2 m, are all sequences whose terms are 1 or - 1 then Gi consists of sets X satisfying the conditions aj E “ii X for for j = 1, 2, . . . , In. Here E +I and E -l mean the same as E and non E. We take as V+ the set 0 as the Ft’s ( E > 0) a finite number of Boolean operations and as Fo the operation of translation Fo (X) = {x 1 : x E X } . We assume b = 2 and take as Qo, Q, the operations Qo (X) = U 3 X and Q , ( X ) = l l X. The operations F t are continuous and the operations Q, uniformly continuous. Indeed, if C is a finite disjoint covering then it is easy to check that X1 implies (Qr 2,, Qt X J E C K . From the closedness of the Gi and from the above remark concerning the uniform continuity of the Q,, it follows that in the for-
- $,
[85], 186
mulation of the condition (Z) we can take C‘ = C* = C provided t ha t C consists of disjoint sets. Condition (i) of 12.1 is thus satisfied. The verification of the remaining conditions is more cumbersome and will be presented but in outline. The chief trouble is th e construction of a suitable enumeration of systems and of expressions of Joo. First of all we observe t h a t neighbourhoods and hence finite disjoint coverings can be effectively enumerated. If a n enumeration of P , is already defined we can therefore enumerate first the functors of F,+l and then automatically terms in T m + l and formulas in P,+,. Indeed, a functor in Fm+1 is determined by a formula in Pm, a covering and two integers whereas elements of Tm+1 and P,+l are finite strings consisting of functors, variables and constants. I t is not difficult (though admittedly cumbersome) to arrange these enumerations so th at the logical operations and the operation of substitution performed on formulas be reflected as recursive functions on the corresponding numbers. Since (taking C disjoint) we are allowed t o take C’ = C* = C we see th at this numbering satisfies conditions (ii) and (iii) of 12.1. In order t o satisfy condition (iv) we take as T the strong second oder theory of the successor function whose decidability has been recently shown by Buchi 151. I t is obvious tha t the Boole’an equations Y = Ft (XI, . . . , X P E )and the equation Y = F , (X) are definable in T. We denote by “y = Ft (yl, . . . , y , )” formulas of T defining E these relations (for [ = 0 we take p t = 1). The n-th numeral of T will be denoted by the bold letter n,the membership relation by e+l and its negation by E -I. Let s = “a’ be the number of a system a in which C = {G,, . . , Gzm) is a disjoint covering as described above. We have to construct a formula A s with q (a) free variables corresponding to the formulas (9). We denote these variables by y,, . . . , ypt, z, t, u,, . . . , uZm, u l , . . , Uzm, w , x and take as A , the conjunction of the following formulas:
(10) (11)
z = FE 2m
(Yl, *
Aj -<
{ ( ~ eaij j
0 (aj E U i j 0S.m
~& ( a~j caijU,), ~ t
W ) & [ ( a j snij ul) O ( a j ~ “ ui
0 &+1 x ,
~0 )
[85], 187
where in the third formula 0 is t o be replaced by v or by & according as 77 = 0 or 77 = 1. Let x be a matrix corresponding t o a and put j j j = x @ j ( j I p [ ) , z = x & @, . . . @q, t = 3: Y (W, TI), ?is = x P ! s, rl. c (n), is =
y s, 9. c (n), (s 5 2* = R (C)), W = x Qv zq Y (zq, II), S= x@. I t is obvious t h at 3, ij,, . . . , i j p , satisfy the formula (10) if and only if condition ( 5 ) is satisfied. ’Elements t, ii,, . . . , ii, satisfy the formula (11) if and only if there is an s < 2 m and an i < 2 m such t h a t t o Ga and U s E Gi, i.e., when (t, iis) e Cg for a t least one s. Thus t, ii,, . . . , U s satisfy (11) if and only if condition (6) is fulfilled. Elements W, C, . . . , Qzm satisfy the formula (12) if and only if there is an i I2 such t h at W E Gi and simultaneously Q, {i,,. . . , izm} E Ga, i.e., when condition (7) it fulfilled. Finally 2 satisfies the formula (13) if and only if condition (8) is fulfilled. We thus see t h a t the elements x 111 (a), j I q (a), satisfy the formula A , (cf. footnote 1 on p. 184) if and only if the matrix x fulfills the condition (Z). Condition (iv) of 12.1 is thus satisfied.
13. Concluding remarks. Theorem 11.2 can be used in the axiomatizability problems also in certain cases when V is not separable. Expressions of J w can then no longer be enumerated by means of integers and we must take certain abstract entities as the “Godel numbers” of these expressions. This idea is elaborated in section 6 of [4]where the case of a well ordered V is discussed. Two outstanding questions remain open and their solutions seem t o be inaccessible by the methods presently known. One of them is t h e compactness problem and the axiomatizability problem for a calculus whose interpretation is the following: V is the family of all subsets of the interval1 [ 0 , 11, V+ = { [ 0 , 11). Q, and Q1 are the operations of forming unions and intersections, the F , for 6 > O are the familiar Boole’an operations and F , is the closure operation F , ( Y ) = T. The second question concerns the compactness problem and the axiomatizability problem for a calculus with the following interpretation: V is the lattice of closed subsets of [0, 11, \’+ = { [ 0 , l]}, the FE are Brouwerian operations in the lattice V, Q1 is as above X. and Q, is the operation U Both problems were suggested by the well known topological interpretations of the modal and the intuitionistic logics. University of Warszawa.
[85], 188
References [ l ] E. W. BETH.A topological proof of the Lowenheim-Skolem-Gbdel theorem. Indagationes mathematicae, vol. 13 (1951), pp. 436-444. [2] N. BOURBAKI. Blkments de mathtmatiques. I-&repartie. Livre 111: Topologie generare, deuxikme Cdition. Hermann & Cie, Paris 1951. [3] C. C. CHANG and J. KEISLER.Model theories with fruth values in a uniform space. Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 68 (1962), pp. 107-109. [4] A. MOSTOWSKI. Axiomatizability of some many valued predicate calculi. Fundamenta mathematicae, vol. 50 (1961), pp. 165-190. [5] J. R. BUCHI.On a decision method in restricted second order arithmetic. Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science. Proceedings of the 1960 International Congress, edited by Ernest Nagel, Patrick Suppes and Alfred Tarski. Stanford University Press, Stanford 1962. Pp. 1-11.
On Models of Zermelo-Fraenkel Set Theory Satisfying the Axiom of Constructibility ANDRZEJMOSTOWSKI P. J. Cohen has proved in [ l ] th at there exists a minimal model of the Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory. In section 1 of the present paper we outline an alternative proof of this result and in section 2 we add some remarks concerning sets which are definable in models of set theory with the axiom of constructivity. We shall base our proofs on the axioms of Zermelo-Fraenkel (with the axiom of regularity but without the axiorh of choice)and on an additional axiom which states the existence of a set whose cardinal number is a strongly inaccessible aleph. We assume th a t the notion of a Godel number of a formula has been defined in set theory and also t ha t the arithmetical counterparts of the usual metamathematical notions have been so defined. We shall sometimes identify a formula with the corresponding Godel number. The set of the (Godel numbers of the) axioms of Zermelo-Fraenkel is denoted by Ax. We let a, b, c . . . be the Godel numbers of variables. If H is the Godel number of a formula H then we denote by H (a, b, . . .) the Godel number of a formula obtained by a substitution of the variables with the Godel numbers a, b, . . . for the first, the second, . . . free variable of H. Furthermore we agree th at the logical symbols A, v, +, 1,A, V can be placed between the Godel numbers of formulae and t ha t the resulting expressionde notes the Godel number of the conjunction, disjunction, etc. of the given formulae. Let H be (the Godel number of) a formula, V = V ( H ) the set of the Godel numbers of the free variables of this formula, I a set and f a function from V to I . We write H [ f ] if f satisfies in x the formula with the Godel number H. The expressioh l=2H[f] is of course a n abbreviation of a set theoretical formula. If V ( H ) consists of, say. 3 elements a, 6, c then fcoosists of 3 ele-
[88], 136
we shall write more concisely I=zH [f(a),f(b), f(c)]. We say t ha t a set x is transitive if y E X --f y c x; it is a n ordinal if i t is transitive and (simply) ordered by the relation E. Constructible sets are defined as in [2]. The a-th constructible set is denoted by F' a and we put F"Q= {FP: P
The existence of models in the above sense follows from the assumption t ha t there are sets whose cardinal numbers are strongly inaccessible. In order to use results proved in [2] it will be convenient to introduce models for the Godel-Bernays set theory. Let K be the conjunction of axioms of the Godel-Bernays system (without the axiom of choice) and replace in K all the atomic exppessions of the form Cls(u) by formulae u E x where 5 is a variable which does not occur in K . Denote the resulting formula by Mod*(x). Definition 2. A set x is a model for the Godel-Bernays axioms if x is transitive and Mod*(x). We write then MOdGB(X). The connection between these notions of models is given in the following theorem: 1. (a) If MOdGB(X) and y = { u E 2: V,[(u E U) A ( 0 E X ) ] then ModzF(y). (b) Let x be a set such that ModzF(x) and y the family of all sets which haue the form { u E X : I=,H[{} U f ] } where H ranges over the Godel numbers of formulae in which the variable with the Godel number a is free and f ranges over functions whose values belong to x and whose domains consist of the Godel numbers of those free variables of H which are # a; then Modca(y). P a r t (a) says th at "sets" of any model of the Godel-Bernays system form a model of the Zermelo-Fraenkel system; part (b)
states t ha t definable sub-sets of a model of Zermelo-Fraenkel system form a model of the Godel-Bernays system. The verification of both parts is very easy. In the proof of part (a) we use a lemma which states t h a t if ModGB (x) and y is defined as in (a) and if H is the Godel number of a formula then there is a z in x such t ha t f E y‘ + [ f o z = I=a/H[f]].This is in effect the Godel’s lemma on the existence of classes determined by normal formulae. We prove i t essentially as in [ 2 ] ;the only difference is th a t we prove it in the system of set theory and not in the meta-theory. The following three lemmas deal with the ccabsoluteness”of certain formulae. 2. If ModzF(z) and u, v are elements of z then I=,LP[u] = ( u is an ordinal) and I=%C[u,v ] = [ ( u is an ordinal) and ( v = F’u)]. The first part is proved by showing t h a t the properties expressed by the formulae: u is transitive, u is simply ordered by the relation E remain unchanged when the formulae are relativized to a transitive set which contains u. The proof of the second part is similar although more cumbersome because the formula C is more complicated. Roughly speaking the proof proceeds as follows: The formula with the Godel number C has the form VJ’(w,u, u ) where P says th a t u is a n ordinal, w is a sequence of type u 1, v is the last term of w and w satisfies equations which express the inductive definition of F. If we relativize all quantifiers t o a set x we obtain a formula V,[(w E x) A PZ(w, u, v ) ] . Analyzing the formula P z we conclude th a t if Modzp(x), then P z (w, y , v) = P(w, u, v ) for all w, u, u in x. Since for any ordinal u in R: there is a w in x which satisfies the inductive equations and has the order type u 1, we obtain th at if u, u are in x, then V, P(w, u, v) = V,[(w E z)A P(w, u, u)] which is the desired result since the right hand side of this equivalence says the same as the formula I=2 C[U, 4 . Remark. Analyzing the above proof we can determine a finite number of axioms of the Zermelo-Fraenkel system such th a t the proof of 2 remains valid if instead of ModzF(z) we merely assume t ha t x is a transitive set in which these axioms are valid. 3. Let Stsf be the Godel number of fhe formula I=y H [ f ] . If MOdzF(X) and i f y , f , H are elements of x where H is the Godel number of a formula and f G y V ( H )then
I=zStsf[y, H , f l
= I=&[fl.
The proof of this theorem requires an analysis of the structure of
the formula I=vH[f]. Roughly speaking this formula says t h a t there is a sequence s whose terms are in one-one correspondence with subformulae of H ; the term of s which corresponds t o a formula w consists of those finite sequences g E yV(") which satisfy w in y; f is a sequence which belongs t o the last term of s. If the right-hand side of the equivalence (i) is true then there is such a sequence s. We prove by induction on the length of s t h a t i t belongs t o x. Similarly if the left-hand side of (i) is true, t h e q x contains a sequence s which satisfies the conditions enumerated above whence we obtain the right-hand side of (i). Let M be the Godel number of the formula Modzp(x). Similarly as in 3 we prove 4. If M o d z ~ ( xand ) y E x then I=,M(y) = M o d ~ ~ ( y ) . In lemmas 5 and 6 x is a set such t h a t M o d z ~ ( xand ) a is the least ordinal not in x. 5. x = F" a = =I, Consfr. Proof. (a) Assume x = F"a and u E x . Hence u = F' 6 where [ < a and 5 E 5. By 2 /=zC[5, u] and hence I=,Consfr. (b) The formula with the Godel number LP(u) +- V C(u, u) is provable in set theory; hence it is true in x and we obtain F"a c x. Consfr then every u in x has, by 2, the form F' 6 with 5 < a; If hence x = F"a. 6 . ModzF(F"a). Proof. Let y be a model of the Godel-Bernays axioms constructed in 1. The class L of constructible sets is interpreted in this model as F"a; the family of constructible classes is interpreted as the set
{ a E y:(a c F"a)
F"5 E F"a]} = y'.
I t has been proved in [2] b y the exclusive use of the Godel-Bernays axioms t h a t all of them are true for constructible classes. Hence M o d ~ ~ ( y 'By ) . 1 we obtain from y' a model x' of the ZermeloFraenkel system by taking x' = { u E y': V, [ ( u E u) A ( u E g ' ) ] } . Since x' = F"a, the theorem is proved. 7. There is a sef x such fhat M o d ~ ~ (and x ) A,, [ M o d z ~ ( x -+ ' ) ( x c 231. Proof. We remarked above that there are sets x such t h a t M o d z ~ ( z ) . By 6 there are ordinals a such t h a t ModzF(F"a). Let a. be the least such ordinal. We claim t h a t F"ao is the required minimal model. ) a' = mint (6 non- E x ' ) then ModZF(F"a'). Indeed, if M o d z ~ ( x 'and hence a' 2 a. and hence F"aO c F"a' c 5'.
[88], 139
Remarks. (a) The Skolem-Lowenheim theorem implies that ar,
< w1.
(b) In view of 5 the axiom of constructibility is true in F a r , . Theorem 7 and the above remarks were established in [l]. 2. We shall use in this section the notation x 4 y in order t o express that x is an elementary sub-model of y, i.e., that z c y and I=%H[f] = I=yH[f] for arbitrary H and arbitrary f in x ~ ( ~We ). denote by D(z) the set of definable elements of x; hence u e D(z) if there is a formula H with exactly one free variable a such that
I=% V, ! H(a) and I=,H[u]. It is known from the general theory of models that 8. I f there is a relation R which well orders x and is definable in x then D(x) 4 2. The phrase "R is definable in x" means that there exists a formula H with exactly two variables such that u R u = I=%H[u, u]. The assumption of 8 are satisfied if x = F"a: 9. I f ModZF(F"a) then the relation R = {< Fi, Fh > : 6 I7;1} is definable in F ' a . Indeed the defining formula is V,,{C(u, a ) A C(w, b) A [(u e w ) v ( u = w)l}. In generalthe set D(x) is not transitive, hence we cannot conclude that D(F"a) has the form F"P. We have only the following weaker result 10. I f ModzF(F"a) then D(F"a) is isomorphic (with respect to the reZation e) with a set F"P. Proof. Since the axiom of extensionality is true in F"a, it is true in D(F"a) and it is known that a set in which this axiom is true is isomorphic with a transitive set. Hence there is a function h which maps D(F"a) on a transitive set y. Hence ModzF(y) and (=yConsfr whence y = F " B where P = mint (6 non e y ) . Definition 3. For any a such that ModzF(F"a) we denote by f(a) the unique P such that D(F"a) and F"P are isomorphic. We shall now discuss properties of the function f. In 11, 13-16 below we assume that a is an ordinal such that ModZF(F"a). 11. Fl'a and F"f(a) are elementarily equiualent (i.e. I=Ftta H = t f ( a ) H for every formula H without free variables). Proof. F"f(a) is elementarily equivalent with D(&"a) since both sets are isomorphic; D(F"a) and F"a are elementarily equivalent because the first set is elementarily embedded in the latter.
[88], 140
Next we establish a lemma: 12. If y 4 z then D(y) = D(s). Proof. Assume u B D(y); hence there is a formula H with exactly one free variable such th at (1)
V a I H ( a ) and
I t follows t hat
and hence u E D(z). Assume now th at u B D(z) and th at formulas (2) hold. Hence we obtain the first of the formulas (1) which proves th a t there exists a n element u' of y such th at I=g H[u'] whence by the assumption of the lemma we obtain I=p H[u']. In view of (2) we obtain u = u' and hence u E D(y). 13. D(D(F"a)) = D(F"a). Proof. P u t z = F"a and y = D(F"a) in 12. 14. F"f(a) = D(F'T(a)). Proof. Map both sides of the equation established in 13 isomorphically onto a transitive set using the obvious equation h(D(x))= D(h(z))where h denotes an isomorphism. 15. f(f(a)) = f(a) Ia. Proof. If we map both sides of the equation established in 14 isomorphically onto a transitive set, then the left-hand side is not changed and the right-hand side goes over onto F"f(f(a)).The equation f(f(a)) = f(a) is thus established. The inequality f(a) s a is established as follows: There exists a sequence of ordinals in F"f(a) which is ordered in type f(a) by the relation E. By isomorphism we infer th a t there is such a sequence in D(F"a) and hence in F"a. However no sequence of elements of F"a is ordered in type > a by the relation E whence f(a) I a.
Theorem 15 shows th at ordinals a satisfying the condition ModzF(F"a) can be divided into two classes chracterized respectively by the conditions f(a) = a, f(a) < a. A property of ordinals of the first class is given in the following theorem 16. a = f(a) = D(F"a) = F"a. The implication from left to right follows from 14. If the right hand-side of the equivalence is true then D(F"a) contains a sequence
[88], 141
of elements ordered by the relation e in type a. Hence F"f(a) too contains such a sequence and it follows th at f(a) = a. 17. There are at most H, ordinals a such that ModzF(F"a) and f(a) = a. Proof. D(F"a) is a t most denumerable, hence, if f (a)= a , the set F " a is denumerable and so is a. We shall give examples of ordinals of both classes. For the minimal model F"a, we have 18. f(ao) = a,. Proof. From f(ao) < a, it would follow th a t there are ordinals a < a. such t hat ModZF(F"a). Definition 4. We shall say th at an ordinal j? > 0 is strongly definable if there is a formula H with exactly one free variable a such th a t whenever ModZF(x) and j? e x , then p is the unique element u of x satisfying the condition H [ u ]and whenever ModzF(x) and p non E X , then 0 is the unique such element. Examples: 19. All non-zero ordinals < a, are strongly definable. Proof. Let 0 < j? < a,. By 16 p E D(F"a,); let G(u) be a formula which defines p in F"ao. Denote by G ( g ) the formula obtained from G by the relativization of all quantifiers to y. Let L ( x ) be the formula x is constructible (i.e., V, [LP(a)A C(a, z ) ] ) and denote by G' the formula obtained from G by relativizing all quantifiers t o L . I t is then easy to show th a t the formula {[lvy ModZF(y)]A G ' ( U ) } v vg {ModZF(y)A hz [ ( z e y )+ -I M d Z F (z)] A G ( @ ) ( u )strongly } defines j?. 20. a, is strongly definable. Indeed, the required formula is {[lvg M ~ ~ z F ( YA) ] = o} V V w {Modzp(w) A Au [(U E w) + 1 M O d z ~ ( u )A ] c (0, W)}. 21. Let aE be the 5'-th ordinal a such that Modzp (F"a). If E is strongly definable then so is aE. Proof. Consider the formulae R(u, U) : M(U) A Aw {(W 0 U) Vt [ ( f E U) A C ( f ,W ) ] } , P(U) : LP(U) A v, R(U,U). The formula P(u) says t h a t u is an ordinal and Modzp(F"u). Let G be a formula which strongly defines and put Q(u, h): G(u) A ( u # 0 ) A ( h is an increasing sequence of ordinals) A (the type of h is u 1) A A v S h t u ) [P(U)-+ V w s u (u = h(W))]. The formula Q says th at h is an increasing sequence of type E 1
1881, 142
52 1
whose terms are all ordinals B 5 h(6) which satisfy the condition Mo&F(F"/?). The formula H below strongly defines at:
Indeed, assume first th at at E x where x is a set such th a t Mo&F(x). Hence 6 E X because 6 s at. It is not hard to show th a t x contains as a n element the sequence h = {ad)ast.This follows from the fact t ha t the set consisting of all the terms of h is {B Ia t : I=z P[B]} and hence belongs to x since the axioms of set-theory are true in x. Since the theorem: for any set of ordinals fhere is an increasing sequence of all the elements of this set is true in x, i t follows th a t h E x. Since now 6 and h satisfy Q in x (see 4) and at = h(6) we obtain th a t at satisfies H in x. I t is moreover the unique such element since no pair different from the pair 6, h satisfies Q in x. If at non E x but 6 E x then there is no h in x which would satisfy the condition Q[E, h] and hence the unique element of x which satisfies H is 0. Finally if 6 non E x then again there is no pair a, h which would satisfy Q in x since the unique a which satisfies G in x is 0 and the condition I=z Q[a,h] implies a# 0. After these examples we prove the following theorem: 22. If 5 is strongly definable and 6 < at then f(a$ = ae. Proof. Consider the formula H : V,{G(u) A ( u # 0) A A,, VI, [(h is an increasing sequence of ordinals) A (fhe fgpe of h is u) A A, P(h(w))]}, where G is a formula which strongly defines 6. The formula H i s true in F"ae because for every q < 6 the sequence {F"a&
23. If at 2 ol,then f(a,t) < at. Indeed F'f(ae)is denumerable for each 6. We shall now establish the existence of denumerable ordinals which satisfy the inequality stated in 23. Definition-schema 5 . We say th at a formula H (a, b, . . ., m) is absolute if there is a formula W' with the same free variables a s W such t h a t
ModzF(z) A ( u E z)A
H ( u , u,
. . . A(W
E z) +-
. . ., W ) = I = Z H ' [ ~U,, . . ., W ]
where H' is the Godel number of H'. In most cases we take H' to be the formula H itself. Theorems 2 and 4 prove th at 24. Formulae ModZF(a) and ( a is an ordinal) A (b = F"a) are absolute. 25. The formula HI: m E D ( n ) is absolute. Proof. We take as Hi the formula V H {(H ~ is the Godel number of a formula the unique free uariabte of which has the Godel number a ) A
26. I f M o & ~ ( z ) and n E x, then D ( n ) E z. Proof. D ( n ) = {m E n: I=z H i [ m , n]} where H i is the Godel number of the formula Hi constructed in 25. Since the axiom of set construction is valid in z we infer th a t D(n) E z. Definition 6. For an arbitrary family r of sets we denote by c, the unique function whose domain is r and which satisfies the equation c,(u) = {c,(w) : w E u
n r}
for u E r.
The set ci'(r) is obtained from r by the process of contraction. 27. (g = c,) = He(9, r ) where H, is the formula
28. T h e formula H,above is absolute. Proof. I t is sufficient to take as H;the formula H,itself. 29. I f ModzF(x) and r e 2, then c, E x. Proof is similar to 26. 30. The formula H3: (6 and q are ordinals) A ModZp(F"6) A (q=f(6)) is absolute. Proof. The corresponding formula H; is the conjuction of the formulae
[SS], 144
6 and 17 are ordinals,
We denote by H i the Godel number of H i . 31. There are denumerable e such that f (ae) < ap. Proof. We choose any non-denumerable ordinal [ and put x = F“ac+,; we obviously have I=z P[ag]. Since f(ae) < a0 we obtain 1 H j [ a ~and ] hence I=z V,[P(a) A 1 Hj(a)].Since x and F”f(ac+,) are elementarily equivalent we obtain t h a t there is an ordinal t in F”f (a[+,) such th at 6 satisfies the conjunction of P(a) and 1 Hj(a) in F”f(ag+,). Hence 5 is denumerable and ModzF(F”[) and f(6) < t. Definition 7 . Let 6 be the smallest ordinal such th a t ModzF(F”6) and f(6) < 6. 32. 6 is strongly definable. Indeed, the formula which strongly defines 6 is
{- V,[P(a) A
Hi(a, a)] A ( b = 0)) v (P(b) A 1 Hi@, b) A Ae[(c
b) A P(c) +- Hi(c, c)]}.
From 32 and 22 it follows th at 6 = ad. However, one can show t ha t if 6 is a strongly definable ordinal and t < 6, then 6 is larger than the 6-th ordinal q satisfying 17 = a,,. Thus with respect to ordinals at the ordinal 6 behaves similarly as the first cardinal of the first Mahlo class does with respect to the strongly inaccessible cardinals. References
[l] P. J. COHEN. A minimal model for set theory. Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society vol. 69 (1963), pp. 537-540. [2] K. GODEL. The consistency of the axiom of choice and of the generalized continuum hypothesis with the axioms of set theory, Princeton 1940.
The Universitv of Warsaw
The aim of this paper is to discuss some extensions of the predicate calculus and the status of the well-known interpolation theorem of Craig in tbese logics. We shall use some results of the descriptive set theory in order to show that the interpolation theorem fails if certain not too narrow general conditions are satisfied. In the final section we make some observations on the status of Beth theorem in extensions of the predicate logic. Our results in this direction are very incomplete and the subject seems to deserve a further study.
1. General definitions We consider a logic 9 which is an extension of the usual predicate logic 9, with identity. We use Roman capitals P, Q, R, ..., possibly with indices, as predicates of 9, and lower case Roman letters as variables of So.For each predicate X of 9, we denote by q ( X ) its rank i.e. the number of its arguments. Formulae of 9 may contain symbols which do not belong to Y oand the grammatical structure of some formulae of 9may be completely different from that of the formulae of 9,We . assume however that to each formula F of 9 corresponds a set Fr(F) called the set of free variables of F. If Fr(F)=O, then F is called a sentence. Moreover we assume that the &, (4') ( = generalization upon the variable 5 of z0) usual logical operations 1, are performable on formulae of 9 and that Fr( i F ) = Fr(F), Fr(F & G )= Fr(F)uFr(G), Fr((()F)=Fr(F)- (5). Other logical connectives such as v , = and (EC) are introduced in the normal way. Furthermore we assume that all formulae of z0are formulae of 9 and that the operations 1,&, (l),Fr have the usual meaning when applied to formulae of 9,. If all free variables of F are variables of 9,,then F is called normal.
P61, 88
If M = ( A , S> where A is a set and 2 is a function whose domain consists of all predicates and is such that 2 ( X ) sAq(‘) for each predicate X , then we call M a model. A valuation of a normal formula F in M is a function u which correlates with each free variable of F a n element of A . A ternary relation t is called an adequate satisfaction relation for dip if the following conditions are satisfied for all normal formulae F and models M: (1) M t F[u] is defined whenever M is a model and u is a valuation of F in M ; (2) If F is a,formula of dp,,,then M t F[u] holds if and only if u satisfies F in M in the usual sense; (3) If F is i G , then MtF[u] is equivalent to non MtG[u] and if F is GI &G2, then MCF[u] is equivalent to MtG,[u,] and MtG2[u2] where ui is the restriction of u to the set Fr(Gi), i= 1, 2; (4) If F is (5) G then MtF[u] is equivalent to the statement: MtG[u’] for every valuation u‘ of G which coincides with u on the free variables of F ; (5) Let F be a normal formula, P a predicate with n arguments and G a normal formula with n free variables. Then there is a normal formula F, with the same free variables as F such that the following is satisfied: whenever M , = ( A , 2,) is a model and M = ( A , 2 ) differs fromM, just by the fact that 2 (P)= { XE AFr(‘): M , t G(x)) thenhl, t F, [y] = M t F[y] for every y~ AFr(F). F, is said to arise from F by a (functional) substitution of G for P (see CHURCH[1956] p. 192 for the actual construction of F‘, in case of the logic 90).
Assumption 1. There is an adequate satisfaction relation for 2. One of such relations t will be selected once for all and all subsequent definitions will be relativised to it. U,sing the relation t we define two notions with which we shall constantly deal : If F, G are normal formulae, then we say that G is a consequence of F and write Ft G if for every model M and for every valuation u of F&G in M the condition M k F[ulFr(F)] implies M k G[vIFr(G)]. If F is a normal formula, then we say that a predicate X does not occur in F if for each pair of models M = ( A , 2 ) , M ’ = ( A , 2 ’ ) such that 9 coincides with 9’except possibly on X the equivalence M 1 F [u]
= M ’ k F [u]
holds for every valuation of F in M . It is obvious that the truth or falsity of M t F[u]depends only on values of
W1, 89
9 ( X ) for such predicates X as occur in F. We shall henceforth assume that in each formula occur only finitely many predicates. Writing a formula with displayed predicates e.g. F(P,Q, ...,S) we assume S are the only predicates which occur in F. The function tacitly that P, Q, q whose domain is the set of these predicates and whose value q ( X ) is the rank of X is called the type of F. A model M of type q is the pair (A, 9 ) where 9 has the Same domain as q and satisfies ~ ( X ) G A ~for ( ~each ) X in the domain of q. We extend in the obvious way the satisfaction relation Mi=P[v] so that M may be any model whose type is an extension of the type of F.
2. Examples
We enumerate some well-known examples in which the assumptions made in section 1 are satisfied. 2.1. The weak second order logic =Yw (cf. MOSTOWSKI [1961]). In this logic there are two types of variables: individual variables as in -Yo and set variables which range over finite subsets of the universe. 2.2. The strong second order logic =Ys. The syntax of =Ys is the same as that of =Yw but the set variables range over arbitrary subsets of the universe. There are various intermediate second order logics which all have the same syntax but differ in the range of the set-variables. We quote as examples the following possibilities: 2.3. The range of the set variables is the family of sets of a power < a contained in the universe. 2.4. We can define an increasing sequence =Yt of logics as follows: =Yo is =Y,;=Yt+l has the same syntax but the range of set variables consists of those subsets of the universe which are definable in =Yt; if 1 is the limit number, then the range of the set variables is the union of all preceding ranges. 2.5. Logics Q,. The syntax of the logics Q, differs from that of -Yo by the presence of a new quantifier Q to be interpre#ed as: “there are at most tl...” (cf. MOSTOWSKI [1957]). 2.6. Infinitary logics (cf. KARP[1964]) with or without identity. 2.7. Sub-logics of Sm,,,, obtained by allowing not all denumerable strings of symbols but only some regular ones, e.g. hyper-arithmetic (cf. BARWISE [1967]). 2.8. The full strong second order logic 2’;has not only the set variables but for each n >0 has infinitely many variables ranging over n-ary relations. The syntax and semanticsof this logic have been described by TARSKI[1956].
P61, 90
2.9. Full weak second order logic 9 2 has the same syntax as 9: but its second order variables range over finite relations only. Various intermediate full second order logics can be defined similarly as in 2.3. 3. The interpolation property We return to the general case of a logic 9 satisfying the assumptions set forth in section 1. We shall say that 9has the interpolation property if for arbitrary normal formulae F, G satisfying Ft G there is an interpolation formula H such that Ft Hi- G, F r ( H ) s F r ( F ) n Fr(G) and each predicate which occurs in H occurs also in F and in G. Thus 9has the interpolation property if Craig’s theorem is valid for normal formulae of 9. We shall show that no 9satisfying suitable assumptions has the interpolation property. The assumptions will be satisfied in cases 9 = d p w , 9=9: and 9= Q,. On the other hand it is known from the literature that Craig’s with or theorem is satisfied for the full strong second order logic, for 90,,, [1965]) and for some sublogics of without equality (cf. LOPEZ-ESCOBAR 9@,,@ which were mentioned in 2.7 (cf. BARWISE [1967]). For 9=9a,s with equality and with (a, B)#(w, o) and (a, B)#(ol,o) Craig’s theorem is not satisfied (cf. MALITZ[1965]). To the author’s knowledge the problem of its validity for logics 2.3, 2.4 and 2.5 with u > O is not solved. We shall now formulate two assumptions from which we shall derive that 9does not have the interpolation property. Let o be the set of integers and Po, Q, the relations x + y = z , x=yz. The standard model of arithmetic is defined as M , = ( A , d)where d is a function with domain consisting of one predicate N of rank 1 and two predicates P, Q of rank 3 such that d ( N ) = o , d ( P ) = P , , d ( Q ) = Q , . Assumption 2. There is a normal sentence A = A ( N , P, Q ) such that M , k A and each model M of the same type as M , satisfying M k A is isomorphic to M,. 3.1. Assumption 2 is satisfied for 9 = Z w9 , =92 and 9 = Q o . PROOF.We take as A the conjunction of sentences which say that N is the whole universe, that it is ordered by the relation (Ey) P(x, y, z), that it has the first element, that each element has a successor and that each element with the exception of the first has a predecessor. Moreover we include to A the recursive equations for addition and multiplication and the sentence which says that for every x in N there are only finitely many y
which precede x. In case of logics Pw and 9 :this last sentence is
(4(EX)( 4 C(X E X)*= (EY) p (XI Y, 4 1 and in case of logic Q, it is
(4(Qx) (EY)P 6,Y 4. I
We now formulate assumption 3. For k e o and qeo‘ we denote by Y q the k-fold Cartesian product of the spaces P ( o q ( ’ ) where ) P ( X ) denotes the family of all subsets of X . We conceive .SPq as a topological space with the usual product topology. Let Roy..., Rk-l be predicates of ranks q,(O), ..., q ( k - 1). For p = ( p o , ..., Pk-1)Eyq we denote by M , ( p ) the model (0, 9) where 9 has domain {N, P, Q, R, ,..., Rk-,} and S ( N ) = o , 9 ( P ) = P o , 2(Q)=Qoy 9(Rj)=pi for i< k. For every normal sentence F of the same type as M , ( p ) we call the set { P E q :
the spectrum of F. Assumption 3. There is a recursive ordinal p < o y such that for each normal F the spectrum of F is a Borel set of a class < p . 3.2. Assumption 3 is satisfied for 9=dLPw 9=9$ , and 9=Qo. PROOF.Let F be a (not necessarily normal) formula of gW with the free individual variables xl,...,x, and set variables X,, ..., X,. Let u and V be functions which correlate with each xi an integer and with each Xj a finite subset of o.We prove by induction on the length of F that there is an integer n depending only on F such that for arbitrary u, V the set
is Borel of class
projections T', T" satisfy T ' = P ( w ) - T " , T'#G,, T"$F, (cf. section 4 for the definitions of F, and Gp). Assuming 3.3 we prove 3.4. If 2 satisfies assumptions 1-3 then 2 does not have the interpolation property. PROOF.Let X', X" from 3.3 be spectra of formulae B', B". We can assume that in B ' & B occur only the predicates N, P, Q, R, U, ,..., Uk-l where R has 1 argument. Consider the sentences
B:A&B'&(x)N(x), C: A &(x) N ( x ) + i C"(N, P, Q, R, U;, ..., ULWl)
where Ul,, ..., U; - are predicates not occuring in A &B' & B" with the same ranks as U,, ..., U k - l and C" results from B" by substituting U;(x,, ..., xq,) for Ui, i= 1,..., k - 1 . We easily see that for each model M of the same type as B&C the condition M k B implies M k C. For assume that M k B. Hence M k A and we can assume that M =MO(r,p, q ) where rEP(w) is the interpretation of R in M and p, q are interpretations in M of U,, ..., Uk-l and of U',, ..., U;-,.SincetheU:donotoccur in B we obtainM,(r,p)kB' whence (r,p)EX' and rET'. Hence r$T" and therefore (r, q ) $ X " which proves Mo(r, q ) k i C". Since the Ui do not occur in C" we see that Mo(r, p, q ) k C. Now assume that there is an interpolating sentence D = D ( N , P, Q , R) and let Z be the spectrum of D. From BI- D I- C we obtain similarly as above that rET'+rEZ+r$T"=rET'. Hence Z=T' and by assumption 3 T' would be Borel of a class < p . This contradicts 3.3 since Borel sets whose classes are < p belong to G,.
4. Borel sets and universal functions We assume the basic facts concerning these sets as known (see e.g. KURATOWSKI [1966] p. 345). We define Borel classes by induction as follows: Go is the family of open sets, F , is the family of closed sets; for any ordinal a>O we define F, as the family of denumerable intersections of sets which belong to Up<, G , and G, as the family of denumerable unions of sets For even a our notation agrees with that of which belong to UB<,FB. Kuratowski; for odd a our F, is Kuratowski's G, and vice versa. If XEF, u G, then we say that Xis of class a. We shall deal only with Borel classes whose indices are < p where p is a fixed infinite recursive ordinal. Let < be a recursive relation which orders w in type p + 1; we can assume that 0 is the first and 1 the last element of w.
530 Putting
~ ( x n, ) = m i n { t : ( r < n ) & ( y ) z ( ~ ( y ,n)# t ) }
we obtain a recursive function which enumerates (possibly with repetition) all integers which precede IZ under the ordering <. In the above formula ( J ! ) ~means "for every y satisfying p<x"and the symbol min{ ...} means 0 if the set { ...} is void. We denote by J(i, j ) the pairingfunction + ( i + j ) (i+j+ 1)i-i.IfJ(i, j ) = m , then we put Km=i, L m = j . Using functions K , L we can establish a one-one correspondence between non-negative integers and finite sequences of such integers. We put
Kon = t i ,
K'+'n = KK'n.
To the integer n we let correspond a sequence of length L n + l whose terms are [.Ii = L K ' + ' n for i < L n , In],. = K L n + ' n . Thus e.g. if Ln = 3, then the 4 terms of the sequence which corresponds to n are LKn. LK2n, LK3n, K4n. A set c p ~ o will be called a functional set if for any x it contains exactly one integer y such that K y = x . We put q x = L p and identify cp with the mapping x+Ly. The set of all functional sets will be denoted by 9, its elements will always be denoted by small Greek letters. For any p so and i ~ we w put
p'"= { J ( x , L z ) : J ( J ( i , x ) , z ) E p } i If p=cp is a functional set then q P is the set of pairs J ( x , Lqd(i, x)) and hence is itself a functional set satisfying ~ p ( ~ ' x = L c p Jx( i),. It is easy to see that the formula cp-+(cp(O), q"), ...) defines a mapping of onto 9". In one place in our construction we shall use an enumeration of all primitive recursive functions of two arguments ,110 (i,
j ),
u (i,j),
where the function u(e, i, j ) = u e ( i , j ) is recursive. We define a sub-base in P(w) as the family consisting of the sets 9~:= { p E P ( w ) : j E p } ,
a,! ={pEP(w):j+p}.
Each subset of P(o) which is simultaneously open and closed can be
1961, 94
53 1
represented-as a finite union of finite irltersections of sets belonging to the subbase. Since every finite set can be represented in the form D, = {i < K e : uLe(i, i ) = 0} we easily see that each closed and open set has the form
wheref, g, h are integers. To simplify the notation we put @c
= @Kc.
L t e , LLe
and obtain thus an enumeration of closed and open sets. The complement of 9, is also closed and open and thus representable as 4,,.We note that whether a point p is or is not an element of I j depends solely on whetherj is or is not an element of p. Hence whether p is or is not an element of 4, depends solely on whether the integers u(LLe, i, j ) with jellK,, j e l l i are or are not elements ofp. Thus if we put N, = max{u(LLe, i , j ) : ( i c K e ) & ( j c K i ) }
we obtain the result p E @ , = p n N c E 9 c . Since all subsets of N, can be enumerated and their sequence depends recursively on e we see that the relation 42,.= P ( w ) - W , is recursive and hence so is the function
e = min {e': 9,.= P ( w ) - @ c } . We thus have for every e
9; = P ( w ) - I,.
We define now by transfinite induction two functions an,Yn.We put for
cp i n 9
and for n # O
U@qc, e
u k
n% c
4.1. For each n in w and each cp in @n(V) = P ( w ) - Yn(cp).
Proof by transfinite induction on n presents no difficulty.
4.2. The .range of @, is the Borel class G, where o! is the order type of integers preceding n in the ordering < ; similarly the range of Y, is the Borel class Fa. PROOF.For n = O the theorem is true because Go is the class of all open sets and each open set in P ( w ) is a union of a sequence of closed and open sets. Similarly F, is the class of closed sets and each such set is the intersection of a sequence of closed and open sets. Let us assume that n # 0 and the theorem is valid for integers which precede n. It is obvious from (2) and (3) that @,(rp) is the union and Yn(cp)the Gs. Hence each intersection of sets which belong to Us< a F, or to Us<, value of @, belongs to Ga and each value of Y, belongs to Fa. Every set XEG, can ee represented as U k Xkwhere X k E F p k with p k < a . Let rk be the least integer such that the order type of its predecessor under the ordering < is pk. In view of the definition of K there is an integer sk such that K(sk, n)=rk. By assumption xk
= y r k ()(lk)
where )(lk&8. Now we determine rp such that (P(')=)(lk and Kcpk=sk for each k and obtain X = @,(cp). The proof for Y, is similar. 4.3. There are functions A , B of four arguments n, qEw and rp, 9 ~ 9 such that for each p ~ P ( o ) (4)
P E @n (PI ( E 9 ) (4)CP E @ A ( , ,
(E9) ( 4 ) [P
q. rp,
"B(n, q , 'p. S ) ]
PROOF.We define A, B by transfinite induction: A (0,q, rp, 9) = (~90,B (0,q , cp, 9) = (p4 ; A ( n , q, cp, 9) = B(~(KrpK90,n), q, rp'KSO', L S ) , B ( n , q , rp, 9) = A(x(KcpKq, n), Lq, cp(Kq), 9(Kq))
(in the last two formulae we assume n#O). Verification of (4) and (5) for n = O is very easy and we omit it. To verify the formulae (4), (5) for n # O we use the well known rules for quantifiers. Using (2) and the inductive assumption we see that the left hand side of (4) is equivalent to
(Ek)(E9) (4)b
E @ B
( K ' p k , n ) . 4. IP(~),
We can replace the quantifiers (Ek)(ES) by a single quantifier ( E l ) replacing k by K(0 and 9 by L(. Changing 5 into 9 we obtain the desired formula.
1961, 96
Similarly the left hand side of (5) is equivalent to
( k ) (E9) ( 4 ) bE *(A(r(Kpk,
n). q ,
s)I .
\lie can replace the quantifiers ( k ) (E9)( q ) by ( E l ) ( r ) replacing k by Kr, Changing 5 into 9 and r into q we obtain the result. q by Lr and 9 by The inductive equations for the functions A, B can be written simpler if we introduce some abbreviations: Let %=a x @ x w ; thus the elements of X are triples (cp, 9, q ) and A , B are functions of an integer n and of a point p ranging over 9”. We define two mappingsf,, f 2 of 3 into %: fl
(P) = (PSO)? L9,q),
and two functions icl,
f 2 (P) = (cp
(Kq) 7
I C :~
K1 (n, P) = ~ ( K c p K 9 0n), ,
(n, P) = K(KVKq, n ) .
The recursion equations for the functions A , B can now be written thus: if n # 0, then A(n, P) = B(k.l(%P)?fl(P)), (6) B ( n , P) = A (.2 (n. P M - 2 (PI); if n =0, then (7)
A ( 0 , p ) = U,P = q90,
B ( 0 , P) = U2P = 504 *
5. Properties of spectra Our aim is to prove that the relations r = A ( n , q, cp, 9), r=B(n, q, cp, 9) are spectra. To establish this fact we need some general theorems about spectra. For the most part they are almost obvious and we only sketch their proofs. 5.1. Boolean operations performed on spectra yield spectra. The same holds true for the operations of identifying or permuting coordinates and for the operation of adding a “dummy” coordinate. 5.2. If S ~ % x w is a spectrum, then so is the set { p ~ % : ( x ) [ ( px)ES]). , In 5.2. % may be any Cartesian product of finitely many spaces [ P ( w ) I k and any finite number of copies of w . 5.3. Every arithmetical relation is a spectrum. 5.4. The set { ( p ,x ) E P ( w )x o : x ~ p is} a spectrum. 5.5. The set 35’ of functional sets is a spectrum. 5.6. The set { ( p , r)EP(co) x w:peQ?/,]is a spectrum.
[961, 97
To prove 5.3 we use 5.1 and 5.2 and the remark that the relations x = y + z , x = y . z are spectra. The set mentioned in 5.4 is the spectrum of the formula
Ux. 5.5 is established by using 5.1-5.3 and remarking that a point p is a functional set if and only if it satisfies the condition (x) ( E ! y )[(yep) & ( K y = x ) ] . Finally to prove 5.6 we remark that the set
w = { ( p ; i , j > e P ( w )x (0,l} x w : p e @ i } is a spectrum and the condition p ~ @ is , obtained from the condition (p, i, j ) e W and the arithmetical relation ieDe by means of the operations 5.1, 5.2. The question arises whether counter-images of spectra are spectra. A partial answer is given in the next theorem: 5.7. Let f:P ( o ) + P ( o ) be a function satisfying the following condition: There is a normal formula G=G(N, P, Q, U, x) with one free variable such that for every p e P ( o ) and every n in w the equivalence holds:
= Cn E m 1 '
Mo (P)b G Cnl
Then the counter-imagef-'(S) of any spectrum S c P ( w ) is a spectrum. PROOF.Let S be the spectrum of F = F ( N , P, Q, U). Let Fo arise from F by a substitution of G for U (cf. (1.5)) and let So be the spectrum of Fo. Using (1.5) we obtain
Mo(f(P)) F
= Mo (PI b Fo
and hence f ( p ) e S = p e S O i.e. , f -'(S)=So. As a corollary from 5.7 we obtain 5.8. If S G E x P(o)x w is a spectrum, then so is the set
{(P, cp, 4 ) E 9- x 9 x
(P,d q ) , 4 ) e S } *
To see this we merely notice that the function
f:(P,cp, 4 )
(P?dq), 4)
satisfies the assumptions of 5.7. Let us call a mapping f representable if its graph { ( p , p ' ) : p ' = f ( p ) } is a spectrum. 5.9. Functions U,,U,,fl, fi,K', K* defined at the end of section 4 are representable. PROOF.We let $ = a x 9 x o and denote points of 9- by p=(cp, 9, 4) adding indices wqenever necessary. (a) U,is a mapping of Y into w given by Ulp=(p90. Hence (p, k) belongs
P61, 98
to the graph of Ul if and only if (Em){[J(O,m ) ~ 9 ] & [ J ( mk ,) ~ c p ] }It. follows by 5.3, 5.4 and 5.1 that this set is a spectrum. (b) The proof for U2 is similar. x wSwhich satisfy the (c) The graph of K~ consists of points (p, ~ ) E condition (Ern) [(m =’KcpKSO)&(k = ~ ( mn ),) ] . We show similarly as in (a) that the relation m = KcpK90 defines a spectrum and hence in view of 5.2 the graph of x1 is a spectrum. (d) The proof for K~ is similar. (e) The graph of fi consists of points (cp, 9, q, cp’, 9’, q’) for which the following conditions are satisfied (x) ( E Y ) [(Y = J (K909 X I )
[S’X = L 9 x ] ,
(cp’x = LcpY)l? q’ = q .
Using 5.1-5.4 we easily infer that the graph of& is a spectrum. (f) The proof forfz is similar. 6. Proof of 3.3
The essential step in this proof is the following result: 6.1. The sets { ( r , n, p ) ~ w ’x 3:r = ~ ( n p, ) } , { ( r , n, p ) ~ o ’x 3:r = B (n, p ) } are projections of spectra. PROOF.We shall deal only with the function A. In order to obtain the result stated in the theorem we must describe the process of calculating the value of A for given arguments n, p. The inductive equations (4.6) show that A(n, p) is equal to B(nl,p l ) where n,, p1 are explicitely determined by n, p. The value of B(n,,p,) is equal to A ( n 2 , p 2 )and so on. The sequence of points ( n i , p i ) must terminate after a finite number of steps with a term (0,pk-1) because ni+l
..*) P k - 1
P61, 99
both of length k the first consisting of integers and the second of elements of %=ax x o such that no=n, p0=p, nk-l = 0 , n j # O for j < k - 1 , Un(k-l)Pk-l = K n j ( n j , Pj)l&[Pj+l =
We can replace the sequence nj by the number ii corresponding to this sequence. Thus LA=k-1 (cf. p. 93). The terms n j are then to be replaced by [.Ij (see p. 93). The sequence of points pi, which is really the sequence of triples (cpj, gj, qj),can be replaced by two functions @, g and the number q" corresponding to the sequence qo,..., qk-1. We must everywhere replace pj=(cpj, S j , q j ) by P j = ( @ ( j ) , $ ( j ) , [@Ij).In this way we see that r = A ( n , p ) = A(n, cp, 9, q ) if and only if there are two functions @, g d , an integer k > 1 and two integers ii, @ such that the following conditions are satisfied:
Lfi = Lq" = k - 1;
([iiIO = n)&(x) {[@(O)x= cpx] &[F0)x = 9x1 &([@lo = 4 ) ) ;
(3) (4)
= O)&(j)k- 1
= Un(k-
# O); 1
(jh-1 {[[iilj+l = ~nj(CiiIj9Pj)l &[Pj+l
We can write this equivalence as [r=A(n,p)] ~ ( E @ , 9 ) ( E k , i i , q " ) , [ ( ~ ~ ~ ) & ( g ~ B ) & (I?>l ) & ( l ) &... &(5)].
In order to prove the theorem we have now to examine the 8 components of the conjunction in square brackets of the above formula and to show that the sets of points
(@,9, cp, 9, k , ~ i iq ,, n , ~ ) w w ) i x4 o6 which satisfy these components are spectra. For the first two components this results from the fact that B is a spectrum. For the components k > 1, (1) and (3) we obtain the result from the fact that all arithmetical relations are spectra (see 5.3). For the component (2) the result follows from 5.3 and the condition cpx= @(O)xis equivalent to the remark that for cp, ( E z ) [ ( J (x, Lz) E cp) 8L ( J ( J ( 0 7
z ) E @)I.
[96], 100
This remark shows that the condition = @‘O’X)
determines a spectrum (see 5.3, 5.4). The same is true of the condition obtained from the above by prefixing it with the quantifier (x), cf. 5.2. We deal in the same way with other conjuncts in (2). Let us now consider the component (4). This component is equivalent to an alternation [ ( k - 1 is even)&(r=U,Pk-J] v [ ( k - 1 is odd)&(r=U,P,-,)]. It will be sufficient to consider only the formula r = Ulpk-,. According to 5.9 the set of quintuples ( r , a, p, s, k ) where r, s, kEw and a, DEBsuch that r = U, (a, p, s) is a spectrum. Using 5.8 twice we obtain the result that the set of quintuples ( r , @, g, s, k ) such that r = Ul ( @(k-l),@k-l) s) is a spectrum. Replacing s by any arithmetical function of 4, k we still have a spectrum. Hence the set of quintuples ( r , y, 9, q, k ) such that u1( +P- I ) , g ( k - l ) , [4]k-1)=Ulpk-l is a spectrum. We can still add superffuous (“dummy”) coordinates cp, 9, q, n and obtain the required result. Finally we consider the last component (5). Similarly as in the previous case it is sufficient to discuss only the formulae 9
= ~i([fi]j*Fj)
P j + 1 =fi([z]j,
where i = l or 2. We discuss only the second formula. The set of points ( a , B, y, 6, x, y , Z)E W 4x w3 for which
P , -f) =fd4 (L 6, Y ) ) is a spectrum (cf. 5.9 (e)). We put a= @+’), p=g(j+l) X = = [ 4 ] j + l ,
z=cqj, 6 = ( ( h ) , y = [s],, and infer, using 5.8, that the set of points (@,g, $, (,4,A,j , h, s) for which ( 6 ) with the above substitutions is satisfied is a spectrum. We identify $ with @, [ with 9, h with j and s with 4 and infer that the set of points 3
9, z, 4 , j )
satisfying the equation =fi([Zlj, jTj) is a spectrum. Adding the dummy variables establishes the required result. We notice, although this remark is by no means essential, that the relations r = A(n, p ) and r = B ( n , p ) have been defined by formulae starting with just two quantifiers ranging over .9? and that we could easily reduce their number to 1. PROOFof 3.3. According to 4.2. the range of the function is the Bore1 class G,. Hence by the diagonal theorem (KURATOWSKI[1966] p. 372)
[96], 101
the set is not an element of G,. Similarly the set
Tf= {cp E a:cp 4 @1 (cp)>
T" = {cpE@: is not an element of F,. Since, by 4.1, cp 4 @1(cp)
= cp E Yl (cp)
the sets T',T" satisfy the equation T ' = P ( o ) - T " . It remains to show that T', T"are projections of spectra. It will do to prove this for T'. By 4.1 and 4.3 (VET')
= C(cpEg)&(cpEYl(cp))l = ( E 9 ) ( 4 ) ( E r ) [(cp
a)& ( r = B (1, 4 ,
9)) & (cp E %)I *
By 6.1 the condition in square brackets determines a projection of a spectrum. Thus (see the remark at the end of 6.1) cp E T' = ( E 9 ) (4) ( E r ) (EP,
$1 [(cp,
9, @,
r, 4) E Sl
where S is a spectrum. By the usual formal transformations we replace the right-hand side of this equivalence by
(E9, 5, rl,
I ) ( 4 ) [(cp,
eq),P,Cq, 4 )
According to 5.7 and 5.8 the set of points (cp, 9, 5, 1 ' , i,4 ) which satisfy the condition in square brackets in the last formula is a spectrum. Hence T' is a projection of a spectrum. Theorem 3.3 in thus proved. This establishes also theorem 3.4 which we proved on the basis of 3.3. 7. The Beth property
In this section we treat briefly another property of extensions of logic 9po. For obvious reasons we shall call it the Beth property. Let 9 be a logic satisfying the assumptions set forth in section 1, let F be a sentence of 9,R and R' two predicates with the same rank, say n, such that R' does not occur in F. We denote by F' the sentence obtained from F by a substitution of the formula R'(xl, ..., x,) for the predicate R (cf. 1.5). We say that 9 has the Beth property if for arbitrary F, R, R' as specified
[96], 102
above the condition F&F’k[R(x,
,..., x,) = R’(x, ,...,x,)]
implies the existence of a formula G such that (i) all predicates occurring in G occur in F, (ii) the predicate R does not occur in G, (iii) the free variables of G are just X i , ..,x, and
Fk[R(x ,,..., x,)=G].
7.1. The full strong second order logic has the Beth property. PROOF.If (1) is valid, then we define G as
(EX)CF,k q x , , . . . ,
where Fl results from F by a substitution of X(x,, ..., x,) for R. 7.2. The weak second order logic does not have the Beth property. We shall give only a sketch of the proof. First of all we define arithmetically a numbering of finite sequences of finite sets of integers and a Godel numbering of formulae in which only the predicates N, P, Q occur. We consider the ternary relation Stsf: The sequence number x of integers and the sequence number y of finite sets satisfy the formula number z in the model M,. It is not difficult to construct a formula F(N, P, Q, R) which defines implicitly the relation R in the sense that if M t F then the interpretations of N, P, Q form a model isomorphic to M, and the interpretation of R is isomorphic to Stsf. For this formula F the condition (1) is satisfied but (2) is not as we can easily show using Tarski’s theorem on undefinability of truth (TARSKI[1956]). In a similar way we can show that neither the logic Q, nor 9’: have Beth property. However no general criteria seem to be known for deciding whether a logic has the Beth property. To conclude we remark that Tarski suggested the following proof that Sw does not have the Beth property. Let A(N, S) be a formula of 9, whose all models are isomorphic to ( 0 , 9)where 9 ( N ) = o and 9 ( S ) is the “less than” relation. If F(N, S,P) and G(N, S,P, Q) are inductive definitions of addition and multiplication then obviously and
A(N, S)&F(N, S, P)&F(N, S, P’)k [P(x, y, z)
= P’(x, y, z)]
A(N, S)&F(N, S, P)&G(N, S, P,Q)&G(N, S,P, Q’)k [Q(x. Y,z)
= Q‘(x,
Y. 41.
[96], 103
If LZw had the Beth property there would exist formulae H(N, S , x, y, z) and K(N,S , x, y, z) such that A (N, S ) t F* (N, S, H ) & G*(N, S , H , K ) where F*, G* are obtained from F, G by substituting H , K for P, Q. But then the full arithmetic would be derivable from A(N, S ) and the set of those sentences T ( N , S ) of -Yw containing only the predicates N, S which are valid in (w,2 ) would be undecidable. This contradicts the well-known result of BUCHI[1960]. A similar proof using the undecidability of arithmetic and the decidability of the theory of successor relation based on 2Zs (Biichi) shows that -Ys does not have the Beth property.
References BUCHI,J.R., Weak second order arithmetic and finite automata, 2. Math. Logik und Grundl. Math. 8 (1960) 66-92. BARWISE, K. J., Infinitary logic and admissible sets, unpublished thesis, Berkeley, California, 1967. CHURCH, A., Introduction to mathematical logic, Vol. I (Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1956). KARP,C., Languages with expressions of infinite length (Amsterdam, North-Holland Publ. Co, 1964). KURATOWSKI, K., Topology, Vol. I (New York, Academic Press, and Warszawa, PWN, 1966). LOPEZ-ESCOBAR, E.G. K., An interpolation theorem for denumerably long formulas, Fund. Math. 57 (1965) 253-272. MALITZ,J., Problems in the model theory of infinite languages, unpublished thesis, Berkeley, California, 1965. MOSTOWSKI, A., On a gensralization of quantifiers, Fund. Math. 44 (1957) 12-36. MOSTOWSKI, A., Concerning the problem of axiomatizability of the field of real numbers in the weak second order logic. Essays on the foundations of mathematics (Jerusalem, 1961). TARSKI, A., The concept of truth in formalized languages. Logic, semantics, metamathematics (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1956).
Models of second order arithmetic with definable Skolem functions by
Andrzej Most o w ski (Warszawa) Let A, be the axiomatic system of second order arithmetic as described in [2]. In the study of the problem whether the standard part of a model of A, is itself a model of A, we introduced the following model theoretic concept: Let A be a structure of type (I and P a singular predicate of u. Let B be another structure of type d such that A is a reduct of B. We say that B is an B-structure for A and P if 1’ all the Skolem functions of B are definable in B; 2’ each subset of P A (the interpretation of P in A) which is parametrically definable in B is so definable in A. (See [3].) Using L6vy’s model for A, (see e.g, [4], pp. 241-247) we can easily exhibit an W-modelA in which all the axioms of A, with the exception of the axiom of choice are valid such that no #-structure exists for A and the predicate N ( .). For w-models of the full system A, the situation is different: we shall prove the following THEOREI~. If dI is a denumerable w-model for A , then there exists a% B-structure for bl and the predicate N ( . ) . Proof of this theorem will occupy the rest of this paper. We shall use a very primitive form of the forcing argument. Our proof was influenced mainly by the result of Felgner [l]. LEMMA 1. The following scheme is provable in A , (cf. (iii) below for the meaning of @)):
(n)N(c),{C(C)-t(Ea)s[C(a) B ( c , a) n(m,a)]} +(EZ),((Z‘~’ = W ) & (n)N[C(Z‘”’) & B(z‘”, dn+”)& D(m, dn+”)]).
B(W)& c ( W )&
Read “c is a vertex” for C ( c ) and ‘‘5 is an nth extension of c” for B ( c , a) & D ( n , a). The scheme can then be expressed as follows, If for every integer n every vertex has an nth extension which is also a vertex then for every
[102], 224
vertex w there is a z such that do)= w , dl),...,z”, is an infinite sequence of vertices and dn+l)is an nth extension of A”). In this formulation the scheme becomes obvious and one sea8 immediately how to prove it with the help of the axiom of choice. Scrutinizing the proof we convince ourselves that it can be repegted in the formal system A,. Let L be the language of A, as described in [2]. We assume that the logical constants of L me L, v, =, 1and the existgntisl and general quantifiers. I n the formulae of L we shall admit only limited quantifiers (Eo)~ and EX)^: “there is an isteger” an8 “there is a set” and limited g e n d quantifiers: ( o ) ~ ,( x ) ~ If. the formula (E!x) A ( x ,y, i) L provable in A s , then we shall allow a new term a ( y , ... t ) and an axiom A(a(y, ..;,t),y, 1). The system A, enriched by the new terms and axioms is an inessential extensiou of As. We shall treat formulae containing the defined terms as abbreviations of formulae of the language L. An tu-model 111 of A, will always be identified with the family of its sets. If @ is a formula with, say, 3 free variables, then we denote by @M a ternary relation which holds between 3 elements of the model (integers or sets) if they satisfy @ in M . An nary relation R is parametrically definable in M if there is a formula @ with k > 12 free variables and elements pk of the model such that for arbitrary a,, a, the ralstion R holds between a,, a, if and only if they belong to the model and di C a[%, a,, p,,,,, pk]. As no other kind of defiiability fl be involved in our discussion, we shall often omit the word “parametric-
..., ...,
idly”. We now introduce a series of abbreviations:
(i) Pairs of integers. A pair of integers m , n is defined as J ( m , n ) = H m + n ) ( m + n + l ) m.
(ii) Pairs of sets (cf. [5]). A pair of sets x , y C N is defined as the set x ; y = {2a+l: a c x} u (2b: b iy}. Each set z can be uniquely represented a8 m; y and we put x = (z),, y = (z),. (iii) Coding of infinite sequences of sets. For any integer n and set x we put d“)= {m: J ( n , m ) €3). Instead of ( E n ) ( y= x ( ~ )we ) write yes. (iv) Relations, domains and ranges. We write mxn .for J ( m , n ) Q x; this formula is read: m bears the relation x to n. Thus every set of integers can be conceived as 8 b?ary relation. We define Dom(x) (domain of m) and Rg(x) (range of m) in the usual way.
(v) One-one mappings; isomorphism. We shall abbreviate as Fn (f) a formula which says that f maps a set of integers onto a set of integers , formula Fn(f) & (t&,ot)N(q)N(W,)N and is one-to-one and as x , ~ x the {[(UJu,) L (u1fu2)]+[(~~,v1)E (upx~:po~)]}; this formula says that f es-
(1021, 225 SECOND ORDER
tablishes an isomorphism between a, restricted to the domain off with as restricted to the range of f. (vi) Well orderiiig. Formulae l? and k. We abbreviate the formula “a is an irreflexive well-ordering of N” by Bord(a). Moreover we define
w , k (f, 2,
Fn(f 1 & ( j ) N [ ( j .s Rg(f)) = , ( i ) ~ [c( Dom(f)) i = (izn)l .
2, ~ 8 ) :F n ( f ) &
These formulae say that the range (or domain) of f coincides with the set of x-predecessors of 1). L E ~ 2.A The following formula is provable in A,: Bord(n) & Bord(y)-+(E!f)[(acpry)& (AvvBvC)]
where A, B , C are formulae: Rg(f) Dom(f) = N ,(Dom(f)= N) & & (E)I)NZ(f,Y, q)), (Rg(f) = N)& ( X n ) ~ B ( f 2,n)t The formula says of course that if a, y are two well-ordering8 of N, then they are either similar, or one is isomorphic to an initial segment of the other. In all cases the isomorphism is determined uniquely. A formal proof of the formula is essentially the same as the one given in elementary set theory. ‘ (vii) Let Cond be the formula (with one free variable a) Bord((z),)8~( i ) ~ ( j ) ~ =[j) ( iv((x)t?# (a)!3)]
Intuitively speaking a c o d i t i o n is a sequence (a)?),(a)!), (a$), well ordered by the relation: (a#) precedes (a)$”if J ( i , j )c (a)1. (viii) Partial orc7erittg of conditions. Let a < y be the formula:
Cond(4 &. Cond(y) & (Ef),(E)~),{[(s),r(y),l (Dom(f) = N ) &. (!/)I, w ) &. (i)N(j)N[(ifj) +((a)$’ = (y)k”)] I’
The intuitii-e meaning of this formula is that the well-ordering is similar to an initial segment of (y), and that (z)F = (y)$’“)) wheref is an isomorphic mapping of N into N which establishes the isomorphism of (a), and a segment of ( Y ) ~ . LEMNA3. The following formulae are provable in A,: (a) (x < Y) & (Y < z)+(z < 4; (b) C o n d ( a ) + l ( z < a); (c) ConWc) & fJ(4& 1 ( 8 ~ ( a h ) - t ( E y ) ~ [ ( aY) <& (~E(Y)~)]; (d) #(a) & (n)N(dn)< a(n+l))+(Ey)~(n)~(z(a)<9). (a) and (b) are obvious; (c) is proved by taking y so that the order 4ype of (y), be a+l where a is the order type of ( x )and ~ that under the
[102], 226
ordering (y), the last term of the sequence (3)p),n = 0,1, be equal to a whereas the previous terms be equal to consecctive terms of ( x ) ~ . Finally (d) is proved as follows. From x ( ~<) x(j+') we infer that there is a similarity mapping ei of < N , ( x ( ~ ) ) , onto ) a segment O,+, of
(ix)Forcing. We construct a new lalrguage L' which differs from L only by containing a new binary predicate symbol "R". For each formula @ of L we construct a, new formula F, which has one more free variable ("the new variable") than @. The definition of F, is by induction. I f @ is an atomic formula of L then F, is the formula Condtx) L Q, where x is the first variable not in @. I f @ is the formula u R v , then F, is the formula
x )(,uj = ) (m)p))& (v = ( x ) f ) ) Cond(x) L a(u)8 X(v) L ( E i ) ~ ( E j ) ~ ( i ( L where x is the first variable different from the variables u,v. I f @ is l Y , then F, is the formula ( X ' ) ~ [ ( X < x')+lF,(x')] where x' is the first variable which does not occur in P , and is different from x and F,(x') result from P, by substituting m' for its new variable. I f @ is Y L 0 or Y v 0 then I?, is the formula Pv(x)L F g ( x )or F,(x) v vPe(x) where x is the first variable which occurs neither in l?, nor in P, and P,(x) resp. Pe(x) arise from F,, Fe by substituting x for their new variables. If @ is !P+@ then Fa is the formula ( X ' ) ~ [ Sm'< &P,(x') +Fe(x')] where x , x' are different variables which occur neither in P, nor in F, and Fv(x'). Fe(x') arise from F,,P, by substitution of x for the new variables of these formulae. I f @ is Y = 0, then Fa is F,(x) L P e ( ~ ) ~ ( m ' ) s [ x')+( ( x < lF,(x') 8t 8G 1Fe(x'))]where x , x', P,(a) etc. are defined similarly as above. If @ is ( E u ) ~ or Y (Eu),Y, then Pa is (Eu),P, or ( E U ) ~ P , . If @ is ( U ) ~orY( U ) ~then Y P, is (u),P, or ( U ) ~ F , . (x) Decidability. The formula PavP,, will be written as Dec,. The use of symbols F,, Dec, is often cumbersome and we shall in most places write them as x it @ or xll@. Istead of M C P&, a,, ...,&] or M C Dec,[p, n,, ...,a,] we shall then write p i k ~ @ [ a ,..., , a,] or PllM@[%, .-* 9 a,].
[102], 227
LENMA4. If @ i s a formula of L‘ then the formulae
(a) (x < Y) & (x IF @I+ (Y ik @I7 (b) Cond(x)-+(Ey)I(x
= there is a
g in G such that M C F,Jg? y , x].
Relation 3 together with M determines a model ( M , 3 ) of the language L’. We are going to prove that this model is the required 8-structure for M . First we must establish the truth-lemma: LEMMA 6. Let @ be a formula of L’ with k + 1 free variables and let Ti be a k-tuple of integers and 5 an 1-tuple of elements of N. Then (Ex),(M C PJx, ?i,
3.1) = ( M , $)
k @[W, 51.
We omit the routine proof of this lemma. LEMMA7. If @ is any of the following formulae (i) S ( v J f J ( v l ik ) (voRvl) 1(voL= vl), (ii) 8 ( v o )& f J ( v J8~fl(v,) & (voRv,)& ( v 1 R v 2 ) - + ( ~ ~ R v 2 ) , (iii) f J ( v o ) & ~ V ( ~ 1A( & vo=vl)+l l [ ( v a R v l ) ~ ( v ~ ~ ~ o ) l ] any x in CondM. and if u , v , w c M then x I k ~ @ [ u , v , wfor Proof of (i). If x’ is an extension of x which forces the antecedent then no extension of x’ can force the formula u = v because otherwise we would infer u = v which is incompatible with x‘ I ~ uMR v . (ii) Follows from the definition of forcing. (iii) Let x‘ be an extension of x which forces the antecedent of (iii) and let x* be an extension of x’. Let x” be an extension of x+ such that both u and v stand in relation E to (x”), (see Lemma 3(c)). It follows that -+
[102], 228
there are integers m, n such that u = (x“)im), v = (x‘’)?) and m # n. Hence either M C ( n ( d ’ ) , m )or N k (n(d’)),m)and hence either x” CM uRv or x” CM vRu. Thus we have proved 2’ I ~ M 11[ ( u R v ) ~ ( v R u ) ] . I n the next lemma @ is a formula of L’ with the free variables u , 8 = (w,, ..., wk), = (w,,...,wz),u’ is a variable which does not occur in @, @(u’)is a result of substitution of u‘ for u in @ and Y is the formula
@ -+ 71(Eu),{@& (u‘),[u‘Ru -+ 1@ (u’)]}
LEMMA8. If x E CondM, I = (il, ... i k ) i s a sequence of integers and S r.(sl,... sZ) i s a sequence of elements of M and m i s an integer then
I , 31.
8 I k M Y[(x)im),
Proof. Since ;, B do not change throughout the proof, we shall not write them a t all. Let x’ be an extension of m which forces @[(x)im)]. We have to show that whenever y > M x‘, there is a c in CondM such that c > M Y and c‘1kd.1 (Eu),{@& (u’),[u’Ru-+ l @ ( u ’ ) ] }Thus . let y >M X’ and let e be a function in dl (i.e. a set of ordered pairs) which enumerates (possibly with repetitions) the set consisting of m and of all integers We shall first determine a oonwhich precede m in the ordering (x)~. dition c > M y such that c l l ~ @ [ ( x ) t ‘ ~ for ) ) ]each n. Put in Lemma 1 CondM for C , u < ;ii for B ( u ,;ii)and for D ( n , &). The antecedent of the formula in Lemma 1 is satisfied in M if we interpret w as y (cf. Lemma 4(b)). It follows that there exists a x in #M such that do)= y, Z(~)~~M@[(X)!(”))] and d n )
[102], 229
that c non 11M @[(c)i')]. As we remarked 'above (c)iq) has the form (x)?) where n precedes m in the ordering ( x ) ~ .Hence c decides @I[(c)$)] and therefore c IF M l@[(c)ig)]. Since s = (t)i"ql)= (c):~) we infer that o 11M ~ @ [ S ] and t l k ~l@[s]. The lemma is thus proved. ~OBDLLARY 9. F o r each formula @ in which the variable u is free, the formzlla ( ~ ) & I j - t ( E u ) ~& {@ ( ~ ' ) ~ [ u ' Rlu@+( u ' ) l } ) i s valid in ( B ,3). Proof. Let I be any valuation of the free variables of @ which
are different from u. It is sufficient to show that any condition y forces ( ~ ) ~ l l Y [ Z where , 3 ] Y is defined as in Lemma 8. Because of the double negation after the quantifier this assertion is equivalent to the following: for every set t in itf and every x' > M Y there is a condition x > M x' such that x 11M Y [ t ,I , a]. If t and x' are given, then by Lemma 3 (c) we can find an x >M a' and an integer m such that 1 = (x)im)and the formula to be proved becomes x 11M Y [ ( X ) ~ ~a].) ~ This is precisely the formula proved in Lemma 8. LEMMA10. All 8kolemfunctions for (lli,$) are definabk in (dl,3). Proof. Let @ be a formula of L' and let u be a free variable of @ whereas u' is a variable which does not occur in @. To say that the Skolem function for @ is definable amounts to the following: there exists a formula Y with the same free variables as @ such that the formulae: (i) Y+@; (ii) Y ( u )L Y ( u ' ) + ( u= u'); (iii) @ -f (Eu)Y are valid in ( X 1 3). the usual arithmetical inequality. We define Y Let us denote by 8s YlvY2 where
!PI: [ ( E u ) ~ @&] N ( u )& @ & ( u ' ) ~ [ u '
The validity of (i) is obvious. To prove (iii) we argue as follows: Let z, I be a valuation of the free variables of @. Either there exists an integer n such that ( M ,$) C @ [ n i , 33 or not. In the former case there is a smallest such integer no and therefore (Ji,$) C Yl[no,I , I ] ; in the latter cage either no set 8 in Df satisfies @[s, I , 31 in ( M , $) and (iii) is valid or there is such a set 8. If (31,3 )C @ [ 8 , 31 then by Corollary 9 there is a set so which satisfies ( M ,$) C Ys[so,i , 31. $) C @ [ n ,;,a] where n is Finally (ii) is proved as follows. If (Y, the least integer with this property then n is the unique element such
11021, 230
that ( M , $) != Y [ n ,;, 51 and (ii) is obvious. If no integer satisfies the previous condition and ( M , $) k YES, 51 & Y[s‘, ;,a] then the formula (u’)[u’Ru+l @ ( u ’ ) ]& @ is satisfied in (Jf,3 )by the valuations (s, ;, B ) and also by (s’, 3) which shows that neither 8 3 s’ nor s’ s. Thus it follows that s = 8’.
LEMXA 11. If X C N and X i s parametrically definable in ( M , $) then X belongs to Jf a%d hence i s parametrically definable in M . Proof. Let @ be a formula and j?j a sequence of parameters such that n E X = (31,<)=! @ [ n ,31. Put
Q = {C ECOndM:
This set is obviously definiible (parametrically) in ill. We show first that Q is dense. Thus let c be an arbitrary element of COndM. By Lemma 3 (d) the formula ~&v(%{@
> C ) + ( E Y ) [ ( Y > It‘) & (YIl@(% 3))II
is true in 31 for the values c , 3 of the free variables. Using Lemmas 1 and 3 ( d ) we infer that there is a condition x in Condnl such that x >M G‘ and x l l ~ @ [ n , p ]for each integer n. This establishes the density of Q . Now select a g in Q n c f . I f n is in X , then there is a gn in cf such that g,, IF M @ [ n ,31. Since g and g, have a common extension in cf and g decides @ [ n ,31 we infer g IF M @ [ n ,p ] . Similarly g 11M 1@[n, $1 if 9% # X , Thus n E X = g ItM @ [ n ,711 i.e. ?L E X = M C P@[g,n , P] for each n which proves that X is parametrically definable in M . The theorem formulated at the beginning of the paper follows directly from Lemmata 10 and 11.
Appendix I n order to show an application of the theorem proved above we state a result which geueralizes a theorem proved in [3]. We omit most proofs because they are the same as in [3]. Let JIc = 0, , N , , #A,E A ,A& ,PA) be model of A , . The n t h element of N , is denoted by v,,(A); these elements are called standard integers of A. I n the case of first order arithmetic the standard integers of any model form themselves a model. Our aim is to show that this is not necessarily the case for A , . First we define the standard part A* of A. This is a structure < U * , N*, S*,E, A*, P*>where U* = AT* w S*, N* is the set of integers, 4*, P* are the relations x+ y = z, x. y = z , E is the usual set-theoretic
[102], 231
relation of belonging to a set and 8*is the family of sets { n E N*: vn( A)E,X} where X ranges over. ,S I n case when N* C N,, E , is the €-relation and 8 , consists of subsets of N A we can describe A* as the structure obtained from A by removing all unnatural numbers. THEOREN. Per each w-model A of A , there is an elementarily equivalent model whose standard part i s not a model of A , . Proof of this theorem will be divided into 4 parts. It vill obviously be sufficient to deal with a denumerable model.
I. Definitions. We start with a given o-model A and denote by
A,= < w . 2 , W , 0 . 2 - 0 1 ,
A , , PI)
its isomorphic image obtained by a one-to-one mapping of N , onto w and of 8, onto w . 2- w. We can arrange the mapping so that the image of v,(J6) be n. Thus v,(A,) = n . By the theorem proved in the main body of the paper there is a relational system C, = (A,, GI)which is an 8-structure for A, and the predicate N ( .). We shall uae the letter C with indices to denote relational structures of the same type as C, while the letter A with the same indices will denote the reduct of C to the language of A,. A set b C w will be called definable if there exists a formula CJ (of the language appropriate to C,) in which at least one variable, e.g. m, is free and a sequence of parameters q ~ : F r ( @ ) - { x } + w . 2 such that the equivalence n E b = C, C @ [ { ( x ,n ) } w q11 holds for any integer n . Fr(@) denotes here the set of free variables of CJ; we shall identify variables with their Godel numbers. The family of definable subsets of w will be denoti?d by B. A sequence 8: a ) - + w . 2 - w will be called definable if there exists a formula 9 with at least two free variables m , y and a sequence of parameters y : fi(@)- { x , y)-+w. 2 such that the equivalence (qc,sn) = C, k 9 [ {(s, n ) , {y, q ) } u q ~ ]holds for any integers n and p. We define similarly the concept of a definable sequence of integers (i.e. of elements of o). 1. If b E B , then there is a 8 , w < < 0 . 2 , such that n E b = neJ for each n in w. Proof of this lemma resuits from the fact that Cl is an 8-structure for A,and the predicate N ( . ) and that the axiom scheme of comprehension is valid in A.
FI. Definable reduced powers of C,. Since B is a Boolean algebra me can consider its filters. Let P be an ultrafilter of B and let -F be the , following relation between definable sequences: S ' N F s"= { n : sn = s), E F . ,I
[102], 232
For a definable s we denote by ZF the set of all definable sequences s equivalent to s. Let 8~ be the family of all the sets TF with s ranging over definable sequences. The definable reduced power of f, will be the relational structure &(F) with the universe OF and with the interpretations of the predicates defined as in the ordinary reduced powers (see [6]). E.g. N is interpreted as the family of those in OF for which { n : Sn E w . 2 - w } E F and E as the relation E , = { GF) E OF x U,:
{n: S n & l u n } E F } . S, and C,(P) are elementarily equivalent because the lemma of Lo6
is valid for C,(P);in the proof of this lemma we use the fact that all the Skolem functions of S, are definable in f,. DEFINITION. Let &(I?)
be the standard part of JL,(P).
if and only if there i s a b in B such that ( jE 0 : {i E w : J ( i ,j) 6 b } E P ) . Proof. Let X be the set of the form indicated. By 1 we can replace J ( i ,j) E b by J ( i ,j ) q p where w < < w.2. Notice now that if 0 is the , E(J(m,v ) , w)] then the formula (w),(a)~(E!y ) , formula ( W ) N [ E y( )B= @(a,y, w) is provable in A , in view of the axioms of extensionality and of comprehension. I t follows that for each n in w there is exactly one s, such that w < sn < w . 2 and f, b @ [ n ,s , ~ @I. , Hence qElSn = J ( n , p)~,p which sequence and hence TF E OF. Let dQ)be a seproves that s is a clefinamble quence all of whose terms are equal to p. We easily verify that ( P ’ ) F E ~ F = (I E X . Since ( a ( q )=) ~vq(CAG2(F)), this proves that X is in the standard part of &(I?). Let now X be a set which belongs to (the universe of) the standard part of &,(I?). Hence p E X = V~(A,,(F))&,?~ = (U(‘))FEZSF: { n : Q E l S n } E P where s is a definable sequence. Let s-? and a sequence p of parameters define s and let @ be the formula R(Kz,L z , ...) where K , L are functions inverse to the pairing function J . The formiila @ and the sequence of parameters cp define a, set b in B and J ( n , q ) E b 1 qFlsn. I t follows p E X = { n : J ( w , p) E b } E P . Lemma 2 is thus proved. I n the sequel we denote the set {j E (0: {i E w : J ( i ,j)E b } E F } by RF(b).
2 . A set X belongs to
JII. Codes of definable sets. We put IcI = 2 x f l for x in w and 1x1 for w < x < 0 . 2 . I f is a finite function A - t w . 2 with
= 2(x- w)+2
domain A C - o, then we call the product np$‘)l the code of q; p t is ifd
of course the i t h prime. Let C be the (primitive recursive) set of integers m = J ( m , , ma) such that m, is the Godel number of a formula CP (to be denoted in the sequel by @,,a) of the language of El with x E Fr(CPm) and m, is the code of a sequence g.m: Fr(CPm)-{m}+w.2. ISlcnients of C are called codes of
[102], 233
d$nabk s&. Which set is coded by m cannot be read of f from m alone. I n order to define this set we use the set
Stsf = { J ( n ,m):
0 & C1 C @m[{(Z,n ) } u v m ] } .
The set coded by m is thus {n: J ( n , m ) c Stsf}. The least m which is a code of a set b we call a distinguished code of b and denote by C* the set of distinguished codes. Each b in B has exactly one distinguished code and c* is arithmetical in Stsf. Henceforth we abbreviate "arithmetical in Stsf" by A. We shall say that a filter F,E B or II base X , of such a filter is an Afilter or m jt-base il: the distinguished codes of the elements of F, (or of X,) form an A-set. Let Xebe an A-base of a filter F, 5 B. The distinguished codes of the elements of F, can be enumerated by an &-function. B being denumer: able we obviously can extend Fato an ultrafilter in an effective way and if we use in the proof an enumeration of B according to the ordering of the distinguished codes of its elements we can convince ourselves that F, can be extended to an A-dtr8filter F. From the definition of Rp(b) we immediately see that if F is an &-filter, then &(b) is an A-set. Frob these remarks we infer. 3. Let X,_C B be an &-base of, a filter F,_C B and let b, z B be such that for every ultrafilter F 2 F, the set Stsf is arithmetical in &(be). Under these crssumptions t k e is an ultrafilter F 2F, suoh that all the seta Rp(b), b i n B, are arithmdical in Rp(bO)and the structure &(F) is not a model of A,. Proof. Take an jt-ultrafilter F 2 Fa. By assumption Stsf is arithmetical in Rp(bo)and hence so are all the sets R d b ) for b in B. Since no o-model of A, has the property that all of its sets are arithmetical in one selected set of the model, it follows that &(F) is not a model of A,.
N.Construction of Fa and b,. In the final part of the proof we construct F, and b, satisfying the assumptions of 3. We consider a full binary tree consisting of finite (possibly void) sequence e = (e(O), e(n-1)> of zeros and ones. For each e of the length n we put e' = 2 2 f e ( j ) ;this
is an integer and 0 < e' < 2n. The immediate succmsors of e are sequences e + (i) where i = 0 , l and * denotes concatenation. Let {en},,,,, be the following branch in the tree: e, = 0 (the void sequence), en+, = e, t (en> where en = 0 if n Stsf, e, = 1 if n c Stsf. We represent each integer m > 0 in the form 2"+ a: where am is a zero-one sequence of length %. For n > 0 let D,, = {zc o: z E ei (mod 2n)}. Each Dn is obviously non-void, definable and, since e:-l = ek (mod 2"-l) for n > 0, it is contained in Hence the family X,= {D,, D,, ...} is a basis of a filter Fo.
[102], 234
It is easy to determine the distinguished codes of Dn and to prove that they form an A-set. Hence X , is an &-base of Po. Let b, = { J ( m ,n): ( m > 0) & m = a; (mod 25)}. Since b, is primitive recursive, it is definable. It remains to show that whenever P is an ultra; filter and P 3 X,, then Stsf is arithmetical in RF(bO). Thus as&me that each Dn belongs to P. Since
4 E R,(b,) = {i > 0 : i = a: (mod 24)) e P we obtain taking q = 2"+e; 2"+ e;
R,( b,) = D, E P
whence 2"+e;e R,(b,). We now show that 2"+e; is a unique element n of R,(b,) such that 2n < m < 2"+l. To see this we notice that if m E R,(b,) and 2" < m < 2n+1, then E = n, a; < 2" and {i > 0 : i
= a; (mod 2")) E P .
This set must intersect with Dn since they both belong to P.It follows that a; = ek (mod 2") and since both a;, e; are <2n we obtain a; = e; and m = 2n+ei. The last term en-1 of en where n > 0 can therefore be defined as the integral part of where x is a unique integer < 2n such that 2"+ x Bp(bO). Since n t Stsf = en = 1 it follows that Stsf is arithmetical in RF(bo) and the proof is finished. I n [3]the theorem was proved only for models which are elementarily equivalent to the principal model. It would be interesting to verlfs whether it holds for w-models of the system 8,resulting from A, by omitting the choice axiom. Iteferences [l] U. Felgner, Comparison. of the azipnas of l c a l a&
[2] [3]
[5] [6]
umiversal choice, Fund. Math. 71 (1971), pp. 43-62. A. Mostowski and Y. Suzuki, On w-modelswhich are not ,9-md.eZa, Fund. Math. 65 (1969), pp. 83-93. A. Mostowski, At note on teratolgy, Mplmv memorial volume, to appear. - Uonstrwtible sets, with applications, 1969. W . V. Quine, On ordered pairs, J. Symb. Logic 10 (f946), pp. 95-96. D. Scott, On constmting models of arithmeth Infinitistic Hetirods, Prooceedings of the Symposium on Foundations of Mathmtim, Warszawa 1961, pp. 236-266. &pu par la R&z&un le 6. 3. 1971
Errata to the paper “Models of second order arithmetic with definable Skolem functions”, Fundamenta Mathematicae 75 (1972), pp. 223-234 by
Andrzej Mostowski (Warszawa) The proof of the main theorem formulated on p. 223 of this paper aoes not establish its claim. The reason is that the formula given in Lemma 1on p. 223 is not provable in A, contrary to what is stated in the lemma. The formula in question becomes provable if one adds to the axioms of A, the following scheme of dependent choices: (4EdEY),A ( 0 , ? --*I (w)x(EdxW0) ) = w )83 (%A
Thus the results of the paper apply to a system A* of second order rtrithmexic based on the axioma of A, and the scheme of dependent choices and the paper can be (formally) corrected by replacing everywhere the system A, by A*. (In the first draft of my paper I called A, the system here denoted by A*; this confusion of symbolism eventually led to the mistake). I wish to thank Mr Stephen G. Simpson for pointing out the mistake to me; Ebr Simpson and several other colleagues drew also my attentioh to a close similarity between the proof given in my paper and the proof due to U. Felgner to estQb1ish a similar result in set theory; see U. Felgner, Comparison. of the axioms of local and global choice, Fundamenta Mathematicae. 71 (1971), pp. 43-62.
Let A2 be the axiomatic system of second order arithmetic as described in [2]. One of the models of A 2 is the "principal model" M,, consisting of all integers and all sets of integers. Obviously there exist many denumerable w-models elementarily equivalent to M,, and we shall deal in this paper with some questions pertaining to this family which we denote by F. In $1 we define a rather natural relation e between two denumerable families of sets of integers. From the upward Skolem-Lowenheim theorem it follows easily E 9ordered by e in the type w l , but it is not immedithat there exists a family 9, ately obvious whether there exist a subfamily of 9 not well-ordered by C . In the present paper we construct such a family of type 7 . q where 7 is the order type of rationals and indicate some applications to hyperdegrees. We adopt the terminology and notation of [2], with the only change that we adjoin to the language of A2 the constants yo, v l r . . for the consecutive numerals 0, 1 , 2 , . . . and axioms which characterise them: 1
"0, "01,
A("*, "1,
lE("0,"l)8L P("1, "19 k = 0, 1, 2, * * * .
Also we modify the axioms of A2 given in [2] by prefixing them by general quantifiers bounded either to S or to N. $1. Partial orderings E and < . Let J ( x , y ) be the usual pairing function (cf. [2]). For r c N we put r(")= { j E N : J(n,j ) E r}. Sets r(n)will be said to be. in relation e to r : s e r = (En)[s = P ) ] .
Let R be a denumerable family of subsets of N. A set r c N is a code of R if for each n in N, fin) is in R and every set in R can be put in this form. If R' is another such family then we say that R' e R if there are codes r'. r of these families satisfying the condition r' e r. Thus R' e R if and only if some code of R' is in R. The e notation can be used also for denumerable w-models of As since those models are completely determined by the families of their sets. Whenever M, M' are two w-models we shall write M < M' if M e M' and M' is an elementary extension of M. As already stated in the introduction we denote by F the family consisting of all denumerable w-models of A2 which are elementarily equivalent to Mpr. Elements of 9 and, generally, w-models of A2 will be identified with families of sets of integers. Received February 2, 1971.
We shall need in the sequel some simple observations concerning the relation 8 between subsets of N. Notice first that this relation is not irdexive, e.g. N a N. Put Mod = {r E N : r is a code for the family of sets of a denumerable *model for Ad. We shall show that 8 restricted to Mod is imflexive and transitive: -1. IfrEMod,t~rnonsrMdtasarimpliestsr. PROOR Let r E Mod and s = P)where n is an integer. By the diagonal argument the set X = {m E N J(m, m) 4 J } is Merent from all the sets which have the form dk),k E N. Since the sentence (a)s(Ex)s(m)N(mE x = J(m,m) 4 a} is provable in A,, it holds in the 0-model whose sets are coded by r. Hence X belongs to this model and there is a p such that X = PI. It follows that s # r i.e. s 8 r implies s # r. Now assume that t 8 s s r and let t = S(k), s = P).Hence m E t E J(k, m) E P ) and by the same argument as above t has the form r”)for some p, i.e. t 8 r. @. The relation < restricted to pmodels is obviously well founded; in case of cu-models the situation is completely different as will be seen from the following theorem. Tmom I. For every dmwnerable model Ma4 M,, there exists a f m i l y S, c S such that the order type of the relation c restricted to Sl is and Ma8 X for every X in Sl. Before we start we must introduce some C O ~ C ~ Dand ~ S notation: The formal language of A2 will be denoted by L.We assume that the only propositional connectives of L are & and and that the only quantifier is the general one. Other logical constantsare defined in the usual way. A language obtained from L by adjoining finitely many setconstants c,d, e , . will be denoted by L(c, d, e, .). In order to simplify our exposition we shall consider only the case when just one constant has been added to L. We can define in arithmetic the set of GMel numbers of formulae and other syntactic entities of the language L. Moreover the set GN of these W e 1 numbers can be formally dehed in A2;also relations between Wel-numbers comspcmdixig to syntactical relations between expressions can be so defmed. We shall use expressions like is a variable which occut8 fmly in a formula E”, “All quantifiers of E are bounded” as short for formulae Of A2 which express that the formulae with the GMel number v and E stand to each other in relations indicated in the above expressions. An occurrence of an existential quantifier (Ex) in a formula F is bounded in F if the quantifier is followed by one of the expiessions “N(x)&” or “S(x)&” and suitable parentheses. We define similarly bounded occumnccs of a e e r a l qUantifier. A formula is called restricted if all occurrences of quantifiersin it arc bounded. A signed formula is a restricted formula together with a partidon of its free variables into disjoint classes called respectively number variables and set variables. t m 2. Every formula of L(c) is equioolent on the bas& of A. to a restricted formula. This follows from the observation that formulae
are axioms of A,.
[103], 98
In the sequel we consider exclusively signed restricted formulae. By a finite function of integers we understand as usual a finite set X of pairs <m, n) such that if (m, n) and \m, 11‘) belong to X, then n = n‘. We define the code of X as the integer x = C2J(m*n) where the summation is taken over pairs in X. The void sum is taken to be 0. We define the domain of x as Dom(X); if m E Dom(x) then we denote by x(n) the integer n such that ( m , t i ) E X. $3. Formalization of the satisfaction relation. If b is a code of a finite function i E Dom(b)} is denoted by ?(b). Iff is of integers, then the finite function {(i, r(b(i))): the G N of a signed formula F of L and a, b are codes of two finite functions of integers then we say that a and b fit to f if Dom(a) is the set of GNS of the free number variables of F and Dom(b) is the set of GNs of the free set-variables of F. Let M be an w-model of L and,r its code. Consider the relation Stsf which holds betweenJ a, b, r iff is the GN of a formula F of L, a, b are codes of two finite functions which fit to f and F is satisfied in the model M by the function coded by a and the set function Fb). LEMMA 3. There is a signed formula Stsf of L such that for arbitrary integers a, b, f and an arbitrary set r of integers the follouing equicalence holds
M,, k Stsf [f,a, b, r ] = Stsf(f, a, b, r). The formula Stsf is obtained by writing the inductive definition of the relation Stsf in the language L. Since Stsf is a A:-formula we have additionally the following result: LEMMA 4. Lemma 3 remains true ifwe replace M,, by any w-model M which contains r as an element and in which all the axionis of A 2 are valid. Iffis the G N of a sentence then the only codes a, b which fit to f are codes of the void sequence: a = b = 0. We shall write Stsf(f, r ) for Stsf(f, yo, y o , r). Using Lemmas 3 and 4 we can express in the formal language L the concepts of elementary equivalence, elementary extension and of a submodel. Let us consider formulae of L: x lncl y : (U)N(EU)*’(M)N[J(~~’, u) E X = J ( w , r ) E y ] . .Y Eleq (f)”(f is the GN of a sentence of L ) & Stsf(f, x ) Stsf(f, J ) ] & (x lncl y). (b, x, b’, y ) : (b and b’ are codes of two finite functions with the same domain) & (i),\[(iE Dom(b))--f ( x ( ~ ( = [ ) y) ( b ’ 9 ] . .Y El y : (f)N(a),v(b),v(b‘)x[(fis a GN of a signed formula ofL) & (a and b fit t o f ) & (b, s,b’,y) & Stsf(f, n, b, x) -+ Stsf(f, a, b’, y j ] & ( x Incl y). LEMMA 5. Let r, s be codes of tn’o w-models M I , M z (conceiced as denumerable families of’sets) atid let M be an w-model such lhat r, s are elements of M . Then M k (r Incl sj = ( M , E j14~); M C (r,Eleq s) = ( M I is elcnientarily equiralent to M 2 ) ; M C (6, r, b’, s) = = for eacli i ill the domain of the sequence coded by b); M C (r El s) I ( M , is an elementary subniodel of Mzj. Note that the concepts of elementary extension and of elementary equivalence used above refer to the language L. 11:
[103], 99
$4. The basic lemma. Let M o be a denumerable w-model which is an elementary submodel of M,, and let m, be a code of Mo. LEMMA 6. There exists a transfinite sequence of sets {me},< o1 such that (1) rn, is a code of an w-model M,; (2) me e m,,for E < q < wl; (3) M , < M,, and hence M , i M,j'or 5 < q < wl; (4) m, = mio)for 5 > 0. PROOF. Assume that > 0 and them, are defined for 7 < 5. Consider the union U,<&,, and let d be its code. Now take as M , a denumerable elementary submodel of M,, which contains d as an element and let rn, be a code of M , such that m v ) = m0.
This proof uses the axiom of choice and the property of M,, which says that for any subset x of w there exists a denumerable elementary submodel of M,, which contains x as an element. We now consider the language L(c). Let Q be the set of rationals and p : N -+ Q a one-one mapping of N onto Q. We arrange in a sequence Aor A i , .
all restricted sentences of L(c). Let h = (h,),=,. 1, ... be an infinite sequence of integers and k = (kp,J9+q,p . q = o . ... be a double sequence of integers. Consider a set rh,k consisting of the following sentences of L(c):
S(c); all the restricted sentences of L(c) which are axioms of Az with the
(C0) schemes of comprehension and of choice depending on an arbitrary formula of the language L(c).
P. { )n
(43,,) (++,
n, *)
vI(h,, J ( 0 . p)) 7
for p mO, = O, 1, * ' ' for P 4 mo, n = 0,1,. 9
E cl
(X)N[J(q,,,x) E c P(P) < P ( 4 9 c("*)(O)Eleq d h n )
= J(Ykpn,
for n
J(vh,, x)) E c]
.., for integers n, p such that
0, 1, . . .
c(hn)El c ( ~ P )for n, p such that p(n) < p(p).
The symbols 4 with various indices stand for sets of the sentences written on the right of these symbols. Thus 43,, is the one element set consisting of the sentence written to the right of the symbol "&, ,,". Hence rh. k
= $0 u U (41. n u 4 2 . 9 , n u 4 3 , n u 44. n. 9 ) . n.9
LEMMA 7. Let M be an w-model for the language L and .d = ( M , C ) be an wmodel for the language L(c) in which C is an interpretation of c and all the remaining constants are interpreted as in M.Ifall the sentences of rh, are true in A! and if M,* is the family coded by Oh,),then M,* E 9and MZ < M,* holds if and only if p(n) < p(m). Moreover Mo e M,* for each n. PROOF. Since the sentences of +1, ,, are true in A! we obtain C'hn)(o' = mo and hence by 43.,, the models M,* and M o are elementarily equivalent. Hence M,* and
[103], 100
MpTare also elementarily equivalent. By 4,. ,, and the absoluteness of the satisfaction relation M,* is an elementary subsystem of M,* whenever p(n) < p(p). Finally, by 41, ,,,p we have C ( ” n X k P * ) = Cap) whenever &)I < p(n) and hence C W e CY‘L.).
Remark. We used tacitly also the fact that sentences doare true in A. First we need the fact that C is a set and secondly when proving that the truth of 44,,,, in YY implies M,* < M,* we needed the fact that the reduct of YY to the language L is an wmodel of A:, because otherwise we could not infer that Stsf is absolute in the model. It follows from Lemma 7 that in order to obtain a family of o-models ordered by < in type q we need only show that there are sequences h, k such that r,,,8 is consistent with respect to the rule w. Once this is establishedwe can apply Henkin-Orey theorem [3] and have an o-model YY for F,,, k. Now the consistency of rh.k is an easy corollary from Theorem 12 in [4, p. 491’ $5. Proof of Tbeorem I. Applications,corollariesand counterexamples. Theorem I follows from Lemma 7 because models M,* coded by C(h” form the required family s,. CoRoUARy 11. There exists a family F:, E S ordered in the typeq-w, by the rehation e. PROOF. Using the axiom of choice we correlate with each denumerable family M of subsets of w a denumerable elementary submodel M* of M,, such that X CM * for every X in M.Call a “block” a denumerable family ll E .F which is ordered in type q by the relation < . In order to prove the theorem it is sufEcient to exhibit a sequence of type w1 of such that Ml c M:, whenever Ml E n,, M:, E n8 and a < 8. This blocks {ne}e<ml can easily be done by induction. Let nobe any block and assume that n, has been defined for < towhere tois a denumerableordinal. We let He,, to be a block such that all its elements contain (in the sense of the relation e) the wmodel (U{n,: I < to})*. The existence of such a block has been proved in Theorem I. Let Z be the real interval (0,l) and Q the set of rationals in I. COROLLARY111. There exists a family {M,},,, of denumerable o-modeh all of which are elementary submodels of MPrand satisfy the condition: i f x , y E Z and x < y , then M , is a proper elementary submodel of My. PROOF.Form any block ll = {M:},,o and put M, = U,rx,r.OMI*. We shall now show that the result given in Theorem I cannot be improved. THEOREMIV. Ifso isafamiry of denumerablewmodels of APand if Sois linearly ordered by the relation e then sois similar to a subset of Q x w1 where Q is the set of rationals. PROOF. By assumption each N in Sois denumerable. Now notice that M precedes N if and only if a code of M is in N. Hence each element of Sohas at most denumerabiy many predecessors and it follows that Sois coinitial with a cardinal In the original draft of this paper a detailed consistency proof for rh,L with suitable h,k was givm. Only after the paper had already been sent to press did the author learn from a letter of Professor Kdsler that the proof is contained in his (then) forthcomingbook (41.
l o and cohal with a cardinal Sq. Hence Sois a well-ordered union of at most o1segments each of which is ordered similarly to a subset of Q. Another simple observation is THEOREM V. The relation e is welrfunded in every family of & d h (cf. PI)of AaPROOF. Call the height of a &model M the least ordinal a such that for no x in M the relation {(m, n): J(m, n) E x } has type a. The theorem results from the obserMa are b-models, then the height of MI is strictly vation that if Mle Ma and Ml, smaller than the height of M,. In particular we obtain THEOREM VI. If Sois a family of elementary submodels of a b-m&l, then e is wellfounded in So. PROOF. An elementary submodel of a &model is itselfa &model. This corollary be elementary shows that we cannot require in Theorem I that all models in Sl submodels of M,,. An application to hyperdegrees. A set x E N is said to be hyperarithmeticalin a set y if there is a signed formula without setquantifiers and with two free setvariables such that x is recursive in the unique set z of integers with the property: M, C F[z,y ] ; see [l]; for other definitions of hyperarithmetic sets see e.g. [3, p.
1751. COROLLARY VII. There exists a set of type 7 of hyjwa2grees.a PROOF. Let (M, C) be an w-model with the properties described in Lemma 7. Its existence follows from Lemma 8. We claim that the set {Cn*))r-o, 1,1, ...has the required properties. Since C”., = C(h*Xkpe) whenever p@) c p(q) (cf. formulae 42, P, ,) we infer
and hence and hence p(p) c p(q) implies that Cap) is primitive recursive in P) is less than or equal to that of Ch*). We shall show that the the hyperdegree of Ch-) Suppose otherwise hyperdegree of CChdis strictly less than the hyperdegree of Gh*). and let r be an integer such that p(p) < p(q) < p(r) and thus both Cap) and Ca*) belong to the w-model M: whose code is C“. Since, by our assumption, C(hg)is hyperarithmetical in G h p ) we infer that there is a restricted formula F with exactly two free variables such that there is a unique set Y such that
M,, t F [ Y,Cad] and CChp)is recursive in Y. Since F does not contain setquantifiers we infer that the above formula remains valid if we replace M,,by any w-model containing CChd and C m q ) as elements. We thus obtain M: t F[Y,Cap)]. We have thus proved Stronger results on hyperdegrees obtained by the method of forcing am given in IS].
[103], 102
Now select an integer s such that p(p) < p(s) < p(q) and hence M,* < M,* in view of Lemma 7. Thus (“) remains true if we replace M: by M,*. Hence there is a set X in M,* such that M,* c F [ X , C ‘ h p ) ] . Since F does not contain set-quantifiers the above formula is true for any Wmodel containing X and O h p ) and i s particular for the model M,,. Hence we obtain X = Y whence Y E M,*. Thus M,* contains each set recursive in Y and in particular Oh,).But this is impossible since it implies C h q ) E Cchq),Thus the assumption that C h p ) and Oh,) have equal hyperdegrees is impossible and the hyperdegrees of the sets C(h*),n = 0, 1, ., are ordered in type v. Open problem. 1. Do Theorems 1-41remain valid if M,, is replaced by another nondenumerable model of A2? In particular, can one replace M,, by a model consisting of all constructible sets of integers? REFERENCES
[l] A. GRZEGORCZYK, A. MOSTOWSKI and Cz. R Y L L - N A R D Z E ~ The K Iclassical , and the w-complete arirhmetic, this JOURNAL, vol. 23 (1958), pp. 188-206. [2] A. MOSTOWSKI and Y . SUZUKI, On w-models which are not p-models, Fundamenta Mathematicae, vol. 65 (1969). pp. 83-93. 131 J. R. SHOENFIELD, Mathematical Logic, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 1967. 141 H. J. KXISLER,Model rheory for infintury logic, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1971. The forcing method and the upper semilattice of hyperdegrees, TransacIS] S. K. THOMASON, twns of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 129 (1967), pp. 38-57. UNIVERSITY OF WARSAW WARSAW, POLAND
ROSSER(1937) was the first to prove that there exist many nonisomorphic w-models for higher-order arithmetic, i.e., models whose arithmetical parts are standard. The discovery of Rosser showed that it is impossible to characterize axiomatically the concept of a set of integers even if we accept the absolute concept of an integer. o-models for higher-order arithmetic were discussed in several papers during the past few years. In the present paper I discuss the family of o-models of second-order arithmetic (called hereafter A2 for short) viewing it as a set partially ordered by some natural relations such as the inclusion relation, or relation of elementary embeddability. The high degree of noncategoricity of A2 is witnessed by the degree of complication of the ordered structures thus obtained. After having finished my paper I was left with two impressions. The first es that unless we assume the continuum hypothesis we know next to nothing about models of A2 of power c ; the second is that methods known at presint allow us to discuss w-models of A2 but not of a system obtained from A2 by dropping the axiom scheme of choice. Both these remarks suggest the direction in which the present work could be continued.
1. Preliminaries Arithmetic of second order A2 is a two-sorted theory. Objects of the first sort are called integers and objects of the second sort are called sets of integers. We assume the usual axioms of Peano with the axiom of induction formulated as a single sentence cgntaining one set variable. Besides these axioms we assume the axiom of extensionality and two axiom schemes: the scheme of the axiom of comprehension and the scheme of the axiom of choice. To simplify the exposition we shall use in A? the same symbols of arithmetic and of set theory as are used in informal expositions. The pairing func-
tion y+(x+y)(x+y+l)/2 will be denoted by J(x, y). For a set X c w we shall denote by A’(”) the set of those x for which J(n, x ) EX. Owing to the existence of a one-one correspondence between integers and their pairs we can speak of sets of integers as if they were binary relations. Thus we can use (informally or in A,) expressions like ‘Xis a transitive relation’, ‘X is a well ordering’, ‘Xis a mapping of o into o’instead of a more pedantic ‘the set of pairs (x, y ) such that J(x, y ) E X is a transitive (or well ordering or functional) relation’. Let S be a set of sentences containing all the axioms of A2. We denote by o ( S ) the family of models of S whose integers coincide with the usual integers. These models are called w-models of S. The family of denumerable w-models of S will be denoted by o*(S). Since an w-model is completely determined by the family of its sets we shall identify it with this family. 8-models are w-models such that for every set X in the model, X satisfies in the model the formula ‘Xis a well ordering’ if and only if X is really a well ordering. The family of arbitrary or denumerable ,!?-models of S will be denoted by B(S) or by p*(S). A further classification of o-models has been proposed by Enderton 1971) but we shall not discuss it in the (see ENDERTON and FRIEDMAN, present paper. We denote by Mo the principal model, i.e., one whose integers are the usual integers and whose sets are arbitrary subsets of o. 2. Prime models
Many investigations concerning models of A? were stimulated by the following result due to Gandy (unpublished) and Putnam (BOYD, HENSEL and PUTNAM,1969) : There exists a prime o-model, i.e., a model M in B(A,) which is a submodel of any other model M‘ in B(A2). The prime model is of course denumerable and the axiom of constructibility V = L in its arithmetical form is valid in it. Its sets coincide with sets definable in the so-called ramified analysis. It follows that the intersection of all /?-models (the ‘hard core’ of 8-models in the terminology of KREISEL,1965) consists of the elements of the prime @-model. A contrasting situation for o-models has been discovered by Friedman (unpublished): each o-model for A2 contains a proper submodel which is also an o-model. It is also easy to show (cf. Lemma D in the Appendix) that the ‘hard core’ for o-models consists of all hyperarithmetical sets and is thus not a model for A2.
[106], 15
3. Partial orderings of w*(S)
We shall consider the following relations which partially order the set
o ( S ) : the usual relation c ; the relation 4 of being an elementary sub-
model; the relation E which holds for w-models M1, M 2 if M , is denumerable in M 2 , and the relation E' which is defined as the intersection of E and 4. A more exact definition of E is as follows: We call a code of a family A4 c P ( o ) each set X c w such that M = {X'"): n E o}.If M , and M2 are two subfamilies of P(w), then we say that M1 is denumerable in M 2 , or that M1&M , , if there is a code of MI which belongs to M 2 . We put A = (w*(A2), 4),B = (o*(A2), E), C = (o*(A2), c),D = (o*(A2), E'). For a set S of sentences containing the axioms of A2 we put more generally As = (w*(S), 4)and similarly for the sets B, C, D. We shall prove that the sets A, ..., D are pairwise nonisomorphic. For this purpose we consider the following properties of a partially ordered set (X, <):P,:X has a minimal element, i.e., an element without predecessors; P2: X has a maximal element, i.e., an element without successors; P3:each element of X has at most countably many predecessors. The following table shows which of the sets A, ..., D have these properties. From the inspection of the table it follows immediately that neither of the sets A , ..., D is isomorphic to any other.
pm p2
PROOFS.A has P, because the prime #I-model does not have a proper elementary submodel (I owe this proof to Mr. Zbierski). B and D have P, because there is a model in which the sentence 'A2 has an w-model' is 1937). C does not have PI by Friedman's theorem. false (see ROSSER, A proof that A does not have P2 has been given by KEISLER(1971, p. 155); see also MOSTOWSKI (1972) for a slightly different proof. It follows immediately that C does not have P2.The set B does not have P2 because for every denumerable family of subsets of w there exists a model M in w*(Az) in which this family is denumerable; it is sufficient to take for M an elementary submodel of the principal model containing a code for the given family.'To prove that D has P2 we show that if the sentence 'A2 Has no to-model' is true in M E o*(A2), then M is a maximal element
[106], 16
of D. Otherwise there would exist an M , in w*(A,) such that M E M , and M < M I . The sentence ‘A2 has an w-model’ would therefore be true in M , because M is such a model and the satisfaction predicate is absolute. But M and M , are elementarily equivalent and so ihe same sentence would be true in M against the definition of M . It follows immediately from the definitions that B and D have P 3 . We shall see a little later that A and hence C do not have P3. Let S = So be the set of those sentences which are true in the principal model. The following table indicates the status of P,-P3 for A , , ..., D,:
P, V = L p2
+V -
2- L -
Proofs for the property P3 and proofs that As and C s do not have P, are as above. Bs does not have P2 because each set X c (0 is an element of an elementary submodel of M o . Sets B s , Dshave P, because any B-model which is elementarily equivalent to M , and whose height is minimal among such models is a minimal element of Bs and Ds (this proof is due to Mr. Zbierski). The symbols in the first and third entries of the first line indicate that positive answers are derivable from the. assumption V = L. These (1972). derivations are due to ELLENTUCK It remains an open problem whether it is compatible with the usual axioms of set theory to put the minus signs in the first and/or third entry of the first line. Also open is the problem whether Ds has property P,. More generally we can ask the question how can the signs and - be distributed in a table similar to the one above but with A , ... D replaced by A s , ..., Ds with an arbitrary set of sentences S. Let t be a type of partial order. We say that t is representable in a partially ordered set X if there is a set T c X of type t. It can be proved that the ordinal o1 is representable in all of the sets A , ... , D. By a theorem of KEISLER (1971, p. 49) it follows that the dense denumerable type q of linear order is representable in them (see MOSTOWSKI, 1972, where some (admittedly very weak) applications to hyperdegrees are giveq). In the case of set B a complete characterization of linear order types representable in this set is known: a type of linear order is representable in B if and only if all its segments are at most denumerable (see MOSTOWSKI, 1972). No such characterization is known for the sets A , C , D, but we can prove that the type 1 of the real line ordered by the relation <
[106], 17
is representable in A and C. This justifies the entries in the tables given above which were left without proofs. To see that il is representable in A we consider a family M , of elements of A ordered in type 7 where r ranges over the rationals and put M l = U { M , : r d x} for any real number x. Some of the above results can be generalized. We can prove for instance that if S is a set of sentences which has a denumerable w-model, then As and hence Cs contain subsets of types w,,7, and 1. In general, the type il is representable neither in BS nor in DS but if S is the set of all sentences true in the principal model then w1 and 7 are representable in Bs and Ds (see MOSTOWSKI, 1972). It is much harder to determine which types of partial order are representable in sets As , ..., Ds.We shall deal only with the rather easy problem of representability of the V-shaped and diamond-shaped partial orders. A diamond-shaped partial order is a four-element set X = {x, ,x2,x 3 , x o } ordered so that x1 < x2 < x o , x1 < x3 < xo but x, and x3 are incomparable. A V-shaped partial order arises from a diamond by omitting the largest element xo . We need a definition and a lemma. ~ E F I N I T I O N .Let P be a set of integers. Two w-models are P-disjoint if their intersection consists exactly of sets which are hyperarithmetical in P . LEMMA. If M , M,,M , are w-models for A,, MEM, n M , ,P E M iA Mz and M , and M , are P-disjoint, then M , none M z and M 2nonE M , .
PROOF.M , E M , implies M , c Mz and hence if the lemma were false M , would consist exactly of sets which are hyperarithmetical in P. It will be shown in Part I of the Appendix that under the assumptions of the lemma the family of all sets which are hyperarithmetical in P stands in relation e to M , This is a contradiction because M 1none M 1 We formulate now a theorem whose proof will be given in the Appendix:
Let S be a set of sentences such that THEOREM. (1) Whenever a sentence (Ex) F(x) is in S, then so is F(5) for some n ; (2) B(S) contains at least five models such that mE'mOE'mldMdM*. Under these assumptions, i f ko is a code of mo which belongs to m , , there exists in, in w*(S) such that ko E m2EM*, moE'mZ and m , and m, are kodisjoint. The assumptions (1) and (2) are satisfied, e.g., if S = 0 or if S = So are the sentences which are true in the principal model M o .
Only (2) for S = So is in need of verification. We start with an elementary submodel m of Mo and construct an elementary submodel mo of Mo such that memo: Obviously m < mo and hence me'mo. Repeating the process we obtain m, ,M, and M* and can even obtain a transfinite sequence of elementary submodels of Mo ordered by e' in type wl.All these models are obviously @-models. In view of these remarks the theorem and the lemma stated above imply that if S = 0 or S = So then the V-shaped partial order is representable in Dsand also in A s , Bs, and Cs.The V-shaped partial order in Ds consists of mo, m l , and mz. The k,disjointness of ml and mz implies that m,'non c mz and m, non c m1 and hence the same elements form a V-shaped partial order in A s , Bs and Cs. Since, by the theorem, m,eM* and mzeM*, we obtain the result that, if S = 0 or S = So, then the sets BS and CS contain a diamond. I did not succeed in finding a diamond in Dsbut Keisler told me that he knows how to construct one in A S . As another application of the theorem we show that the family w*(So) contains w1 elements none of which is contained in the other. For this purpose we start from an &'-increasing sequence of @-models: )(L&',uO&',u~
... &',uC&' ... 6 < 0 1
and denote by ko a fixed code of ,uo which is an element of p l . Put mo = ,ul. Proceeding by induction we assume that 0 < Eo < w1 and that models mr, E < to,in o*(S) have already been constructed such that if 5, rj < Eo and 5 # q, then mC is not contained in m,, ko E m, and all the m('s stand in relation E to a ,u9 with E < wl We apply the theorem to the sequence
p , PO, PE, pL?f-l,pL?f-Z
and the code ko of ,uo We obtain thus a model m,, such that ko E mE,e,uE+z and me, and ,us are k,disjoint. We have to show that m,, is not contained in any m, with 4 < tonor m, in m,,. Now notice that ko E m E nm,, and hence the family of sets which are hyperarithmetical in ko is contained both in m, and mco (see Lemma I in the Appendix). On the other hand m,? mco E ,uEn mEoand so m, n m E , is contained in the family of sets which are hyperarithmetical in ko. Hence mc and mE, are k,-disjoint and thus neither m, c mco nor ma, c m,. It follows from the result just proved that the type of partial order consisting ofw, unrelated elements is representable in each of the sets A S , ...,DS for S = So.
[106], 19
Many other types of partial order Can be shown to be representable in the sets As, ...,Ds and it is a plausible conjecture that every denumerable type of partial order is representable in each of the sets As, ..., Ds where S is an arbitrary set of sentences for which w*(S) is nonvoid. I was unable however to verify this conjecture. 4. Problems connected with nondenmerable models
It is amazing how little we know about nondenumerable members of w(A,). The only general result has been established by KEISLER(1971, p. 174) who showed that for every M in w*(A,) there exist 2@1different (and hence nonisomorphic) o-models of power olwhich are elementary extensions of M. Assuming the continuum hypothesis we can express the result by saying that there are 2= elementary extensions of M each of which has power c. But without assuming CH I am unable to prove that there exist two different o-models of A, of power c. For any M in w*(A,) we put y ( M ) = sup{lNI:M < N}. From CH it follows that y ( M ) = w 2 for each M. If we do not assume CH we are presented with a spectrum problem for the function y. We shall prove that if the axiom of constructibility V = L (in its arithmetical form) is true in M ythen y ( M ) = 0,. For suppose that M < M’ E w(AJ and M‘ has power greater than wl.In view of M’ (V = L), each set in M ’is determined by a well ordering of o,the words ‘well order; ing’ being meant in the sense of M’.Moreover, two well orderings (in the sense of M’)which determine different sets of M‘ are not similar (in the absolute sense). Thus we infer that there are more @an w1 well orderno two of which are similar (in the absolute sense). ings (in the sense of M’) These well orderings form a set which is linearly ordered by the relation R defined as follows: X is similar to a segment of Y. Now, each ordered set whose all segments are at most denumerable has power at most wl.Hence there exists a well ordering (in the sense of M’)of w which has more than u1 predecessors in the sense of relation R. This is obviously a contradiction because a well ordering of w can have only countably many segments. To finish we list some problems suggested by our discussion: (1) Is it true that y ( M ) is either w1 or c? In other words, if c # w1 and M is an w-model which has an elementary extension of a power > wl,does it necessarily have an elementary extension of power c?
[106], 20
(2) If the answer to (1) is no, can y ( M ) be an aleph with a limit index? (3) Can one prove without any additional hypothesis, such as CH, that there is more than one w-model of A2 of the same power > a,? Problem (3) suggests the following problem which may be of some interest to set theorists: (4) Let R be the set of all real numbers, no,n, , ... a sequence of integers 2 0 and let f i : R"i 4 R for i = 0, 1, ... Let US say that the sequence cfo,f,,...) is full on a set X c R if every real number u can be represented in the form&@, , ...,xni) where i is an integer and xi E X for j = 1, ...,ni. If CH is false, does there always exist a set X of power c on which the sequence (fo ,f,, ...) is not full?
ERDOS,HAJNAL and RADO(cf. 1965, Theorem 17A, p. 165) have proved that if CH is true, then there exists a function F:R' -+ R which is full on every nondenumerable set X . It is easy to explain the connection of (4) to the problem of co-models of power c : If the answer to (4) would be positive, then so would be the answer to Problem (3). For either CH is true and we apply the Keisler theorem alluded to above obtaining 2" different models. Or CH is false and there exists a set X of power c on which the sequence (fo, f ,, ...) consisting of all Skolem functions for the principal model Mo and their iterations are not full. The values of the functionsfi for the arguments of X form then a proper elementary submodel of Mo of power c. Appendix
I. Proof that if M , M, E w(A2) and P E M , , M E M , , then M, contains (in the sense of relation E ) a family F such that all sets which are hyperarithmetical in P belong to F. Remark. The result is known from the literature (see, e.g., GRZEGORMOSTOWSKI, and RYLL-NARDZEWSKI, 1958, p. 203), even without the assumption that M , contains (in the sense of E ) another w-model. We give the proof in order to make the paper self-contained. Let be the language of the second-order arithmetic and let L' arise from L by adding to L one set constant C. Assume moreover that M, M, E w(A2), MEM, and P E M , Let us denote by Dc(P) the description of P in L', i.e., a set consisting of all the sentences ji E C where p is an element of P and all the sentences l ( j E C ) where p is not an element of P. The set of all axioms of
A2 being recursive and the set D,(P) being recursive in P, we infer that there exists a formula K of L without bound set variables and with exactly two free variables which both are set variables such that for any set X in M1 the condition M I K[X,P ] is equivalent to the following: X contains the Godel numbers of all axioms of logic, of all axioms of A, and of all sentences in Dc(P) and is closed with respect to the usual rules of proof and the rule wl*According to one of the possible definitions of hyperarithmetic sets, a set T is hyperarithmetic in P if and only if there is a formula H of L' with exactly one free (number) variable such that for each integer n i f n E T, then H(Ti) E Cn,(Dc(P)), if n non E T, then ( l H ( i ) ) E Cn, (Dc(P)).
Consider the formulae G(x): x is the Godel number of a formula of L' with just one free number variable and with no free set variables; W ( X ,x, y ) : G(x) tk (Y)[K(Y, -,SWx, Y ) E Y l ; W(X,x , y): G(x) tk (Y)[K(Y,X.) -,NegSb(x, y ) E Yl Here Sb and Neg are self-evident abbreviations for arithmetical terms which denote operations on Godel numbers corresponding to the substitution of numerals for the free number variables and to the operation of forming the negation of a formula. Since the axiom of comprehension is valid in M, we infer that there exists a set U in M I such that for each integer n, k n E U k )= M 1
W [ P ,k , nf.
We claim that U has the desired property, i.e., that for any set T hyperarithmetic in P there is an integer k such that T = UCk) Let T be defined by (*), let H# be the Godel number of H and. put T' = { n : M , f= W [ P ,H#, n ] ] .
Obviously T' is an element of M , and T' = U@). Thus in order to prove I it will be sufficient to show that T' = T. First let n E T. The first of formulae '(*) is equivalent to Mo != W [ P ,H*, n]. However we can replace here the principal model Mo by any w-model because W is a general formula and no bound set variable occurs in the scope of the initial general quantifier '(Y)'. This proves that nET'.
11061, 22
Next let n non E T. Using the second of the formulae (*) we infer in the same way M, w",H # , n ] . If n were an element of T' we would also have M1 k W [ P ,H#, nl. Now let V be the set of all sentences of L' which are true in M when C is interpreted as P . This set, closed under the usual rules of proof and under the rule w, contains axioms of A2 and the set Dc(P). Denoting by V# the set of Gadel numbers of sentences in V we thus obtain M , k K [ W ,PI. We can now omit the quantifier '(Y)' in formulae W and W and replace 'I" by 'W. I.n view of Ml k G[H#] we obtain from the formulae given above Ml
(Sb(H#, n) E V # )
which is not true because M 1 I is thus proved.
(NegSb(H#, n) E V * ) ,
(jE V#) -+ -l(Neg($
II. Proof that if A4 E o*(Az), M 1 E /3(A2), P E M , , MEMl, then M 1 contains (in the sense of relation E ) the family of all sets which are hyperarithmetical in P . We keep the notation introduced in Part I and notice first that the conditions M1 k W [ P ,k , nl
k W P , k , nl
are equivalent. The implication from right to left follows from the absoluteness of l7: formulae in arbitrary w-models and is therefore true even without the assumption that M , is a /?-model. The converse implication follows likewise from the absoluteness of Z jformulae in arbitrary /3-models. In the same way we show that M , k F [ P , k , n] is equivalent to Mo k f [ P , k , n ] ,
M , k R [ P , k ] is equivalent to Mo )=R [ P , k ] ,
where R ( X , x) is the formula (y)[W(X,x, y) v w(X,x, y ) ] . Let U 1be a set in M , such that
n E U:')
= Ml
R [ P , k ] & W [ P ,k , n ] .
We claim that the family {Ul')', U;'), ...} coded by U , consists exactly of sets which are hyperarithmetical in P . We distinguish two cases.
[106], 23
Case 1: M 1 b lR[P,k]. In this case Uik)is empty and the result is obvious. Care 2: M 1b R[P,k]. In this case
n E Wlk) = M ib W[P,k, n].
We first show the equivalence n non E Up)= M 1 @[P, k, n]. (el Since we are dealing with Case 2, we obtain Ml W [ P , k, n] v w[P,k, n], hence n non E Wik) implies Mlb R P ,k, n]. Conversely, if the last formula holds, then
M Ib K[X,PI + NegSb(k, n) E X for each set X in M1. In particular we can take X = Y# where Y is defined as in Part I. Since, as we have shown in Part I, M 1b K[Y*,PI, we obtain M Ib Neg Sb(k, n) E P. Formalizing in Ml the usual proof of consistency of Y we infer
M 1b Neg(u) E Y# + 1(a E V#) for each u which is the GUel number of a sentence whence, by taking u = Sb(k, n),
M inontb W[P,k, n], i.e., n non E U:k’. The equivalence (e) is thus proved. From (a), (b), (a), and (e) we derive now
n E Uik)= M o w[P,k, n], n non E Wik) = Mo b w[P,k, n].
The first formula shows that Ul’)is a ni-setrelatively to P;the second formula shows the same for the complement of Up),hence UJk)is hyperarithmetical in P. Next, we show that for each set T which is hyperarithmetical in P there is an integer k such that T = Z.lik). Let T be defined by the formulae (I). We first show that Ml b R[P,H#l. In view of (c) it is suilicient to show this for the principal model and this is evident since M o W P ,H#, m] or M o b m P ,H#,m] according asm E Torm non E T.Now we see that theset T’ = { n : M l w[P,H#,n]} belongs to M 1and is equal to We show exactly as in Part I that T = T‘.The proof of Part 11 is thus finished.
[106], 24
Remark. The assumption that M , is a p-model is essential for the above proof. To see this we notice that by a theorem of KLEENE(1959) there is a set 2 which is not hyperarithmetical but is definable in the form
= (there
is a hyperarithmetical set X such that M o t= H [ X , n]),
where H is a formula without bound set variables. Let now M be a n omodel such that Z non E M . We claim that no code of the family of hyperarithmetical sets belongs to M . For if C were such a code, then the formula above would yield the equivalence n E Z = M (Ex)H[C("',n] and Z would belong to M .
III. Proof of the theorem p. 17. We let again L' be the language obtained from L by adding a new setconstant C and let A,, A , ,
be a sequence consisting of all sentences of L'. We shall need a n operation on formulae of L called the operation of relativization of set quantifiers to C. Whenever F is a formula, we denote by nF the number of its free number variables and by mF the number of its free set variables. For any formula F of L we denote by Fc the formula resulting from F by replacing each subformula of the form ( X ) [... X . . . ] or of the form ( E X ) [... X ...I by an expression ( x ) [... Cc"'...I or ( E x ) [... C(x)...];in both cases x is a new variable. We admit now the assumptions (1) and (2) formulated on p. 17. and denote by k , a code of m, s hich belongs to m , . Let r be a set consisting of the following sentences: (i) All axioms of A2 ; (ii) Sentences J (6,j) E C for p such that p E k , ; (iii) Sentences 1( J ( 0 , p ) E C) for p such that p non E k,; (iv) Sentences
] & Fcioi -+ F c ] ,
where F is a n arbitrary formula of L. The intuitive content of (iv) is that the family coded by C(') is a n elementary submodel of the family coded by C. We can easily prove
[106], 25
(A) If r has an w-model Q, then the reduct of Q to the language L belongs to w(A,) and the denotation CQ of C in Q is a code of an w-model m 2 E w*(S), C g ) = k,, k , E m 2 and m , ~ ' r n ~ . To see this we merely notice that, by (i), the reduct of Q to the language L is an w-model of A2. By (ii) and (iii) ko = CL") and hence k, E m, and m, ~ m , .In view of (iv) the set ko codes an elementary submodel of m 2 whence m, F' m, which also proves that m 2 E w*(S). (B) There is an w-model Q of I' such that QFM*. Let k be a code of m , which belongs to M . We can assume (since this is just a matter of a suitable 'rearrangement' of sets k(O),k ( l ) , ...) that k(O) = k,. Now we can easily verify that the required model of r is M with C interpreted as k . ( C ) If F is a finite set of sentences of L', then the set cn,(I'uF)q, i.e., the set of Godel numbers of formulae derivable from ruF by means of the usual rules of proof and the rule w , is 17: in k , .
This follows from the remark that the set P is recursive in k,. We shall now piove the main lemma: (D) If E is a set such that for no j = 0 , 1 , 2 , ... the set E ( j ) is hyperarithmetical in k,, then there exist two sequences h,, F,, n = 0, 1, 2, ..., satisfying conditions (a)-(g) given below. If moreover E E M * , then the sentence stating the existence of these sequences is true in M*.
(a) If n > 0, then F,,-l c F,,; F,, is a finite set of sentences; (b) I f n > 0, then hn-l c h,; h, EW"'"; (c) u F, has an coo-model; (d) If n > 0, then either A,,-, E F, or ( l A n - l ) E F,; (e) If n > 0 and an existential sentence (Ex)H ( x ) belongs to T u F n - l , then there is p such that the sentence H ( j ) belongs to F,; (f) If i , j < n and h,,(i,j) non E E ( J ) ,then the sentence J(i, h,(i,j)) E C belongs to F,; ____ (g) Zf i ,j < n and h , ( i , j ) E E ( j ) then the sentence l ( J ( i , h,,(i,j))E C ) belongs to F,.
We shall use induction. Take F, = 0 = h,. Then (a), (b) are obvious, (c) results from (B) and (d)-(g) are satisfied vacuously. Let us now assume that n 2 0 and that F,, h, have been defined. We start by constructing 2n+ 1 integers a(i, n), i < n and b ( n , j ) , j < n which will be taken as values of h,+,(i, n) and h,+l(n,j ) .
11061. 26
Consider the n + 1 sets E(O), ...,E("). None of them is hyperarithmetical in ko and hence none of them is strongly representable in Cn,(ru F,,). In particular the formula x E Cco) does not strongly represent E(")which implies that there exists a (least) integer a(0,n) such that either a(0,n) E E(") but the formula a(0, n) E 0 ')does not belong to Cn,(ru F,,) or a(0, n) non E E(") but the formula 7 (a(0, n) E Cco') does not belong to Cn,(ru F,,).In the former case, we adjoin to F,, the sentence l ( J ( 0 , a(0,n)) E C) and in the latter we adjoin the sentence J ( 0 , a(0, n)) E C. Let the resulting set be F,,, o . By completeness theorem the set ru F,,, has an w-model and the set F,,,,, satisfies conditions (f), (g) for i = 0, j = n. Now we replace in this construction E(") by E("-') and F,, by F,,, o , C(O) by C('). We obtain a set F,,, such that ru F,,, has an w-model and the set F,,l satisfies (f), (g) for i = 1, j = n. Continuing in this way we construct n integers a(0, n), ...,a(n -1, n) and sets F,,o c ... c F,,,,,-, such that FuF,,,,,-, has an w-model and F,,,,,-' satisfies (f), (g) for i = n, j = n. Proceeding similarly we construct sets Fo,,, c F,,,, c ... c F,,,,, and integers b(n, 0), b(n, l), ...,b(n, n) such that if k < n, then F,,,,,-' c F,,,,, r u Fk,,, has an w-model and Fk,,,satisfies (f), (g) for i = n, j < k. Thus if F is a finite set of sentences which contains F,,.,,, then F a F,,, r u F has an co-model and satisfies (f), (g) for i < n, j 5 n. Thus if we Put h,,+l(i,j) = h,,(i,j) for ( i , j ) ~n x n ,
h,,+,(i, n) = a(i, n)
< n,
hn+l(n,j) = b ( n , j )
< n,
we shall have (b), (f) and (g) satisfied for the integer n + 1 whatever superset of F,,, , we take as F,,,, We select now any o-model M of ru F,,,,, and adjoin to F,,,, thesentence A,, if A,, is true in this model and TA,, otherwise. The resulting set F.' and any of its supersets clearly satisfies (d). Next we take care of condition (e). Let (Ex,)Hi(xi), i = 1, 2, ... ,s be existential sentences in FA which do not belong to F,,. Since these sentences are trLe in an o-model M , there exist integers j,,...,j, such that M Hi(pi). We add these sentences to Fi obtaining a finite set F,,,, which clearly satisfies (a), (c), (d)-(g). Since (b) is satisfied by h,,+l the inductive proof of the first part of (D) is finished. If E E M* then the construction can be carried out in M* and since
[106], 27
the concepts occurring in the statement of the theorem are absolute, we obtain the second part. Using (D) and (C) we are able to prove the theorem. Let E be a code of the family of all sets which belong to m, but are not hyperarithmetical in ko . By Part I1 of the Appendix such a code can be found among elements of M*. Hence we can assume that E E M * .By (D) we find two sequences h,, F , in M* satisfying conditions (a)-(g). Put F = T u UF,. By OREY'S n
theorem (1956) (which is valid in M*) we find an ro-model Q with a code in M* such that all sentences of F are valid in Q. By (A) the denotation CQ of C i n Q is a code of an o-model m, which belongs to o * ( S ) . We claim that m, and ni2 are ko-disjoint. First of all ko E ml by assumption and ko E m, by (A). Let X be a set in m , n m, and assume that it is not hyperarithmetical in k o . By definition of E there is an integer q such that X = E(4).Since X E m, and since C, is a code of m,, we see that X = C'$) for some r. Now let n = max(q, r)+ 1 and s = hJr, q). We have to consider two possibilities: either s E E(4) or s non E E(4). In the former case we use (g) and obtain J(r, s) 4 CQ whence s 4 C g ) = X which is a contradiction because X = E(4). In the latter case we use (f) and obtain a similar contradiction. The theorem is thus proved. References BOYD,R., G. HENSEL and H. PUTNAM, 1969, A recursion-theoretic characterization of the ramified analytical hierarchy, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 141, pp. 37-62 ELLENTUCK, E., 1972, A minimal o-model for strong second order arithmetic, Fundamenta Mathematicae, vol. 73, pp. 125-131 H. B. and H. FRIEDMAN, 1971, Approximating the standard model of analysis, ENDERTON, Fundamenta Mathernaticae, vol. 72, pp. 175-188 and R. RAW, 1965, Partition relations for cardinal numbers, E m s , P., A. HAJNAL Acta Mathematica Hungarica, vol. 16, pp. 93-196 1958, The classical GRZEGORCZYK, A., A. MOSTOWSKI and Cz. RYLL-NARDZEWSKI, tuzd the w-complete arithmetic, Journal of Symbolic Logic, vol. 23, pp. 188-206 I(EIsLER, H. J., 1971, Model Theory for Infinitary Logic, (North-Holland, Amsterdam) KLEENE,S. C., 1959, Quantification of number-theoretic functions, Compositio Mathematica, vol. 14, pp. 23-40 KREISEL, G., 1965, Model-theoretic invariants; Applications to recursive and hyperarithmetic operations, in: The Theory of Models, Proceedings of the 1963 International (North-Holland, Symposium at Berkeley, ed.J. W. ADDSON,L. HENKINand A. TARSKI Amsterdam), pp. 190-205
[106], 28
MOSTOWSKI, A., 1961, Formal system of analysi~sbased on an infinitistic rule of proof, in: Infinitistic Methods, Proceedings of a Symposium of Foundations of Mathematics, Warsaw, 1959 (Pergamon Press, New York), pp. 141-166 MOSTOWSKI, A., 1972, A transfinite sequence of w-models, Journal of Symbo@ Logic vol. 37, pp. 96-102 OREY,S., 1956, w-consistency and related properties, Journal of Symbolic Logic, vol. 21, pp. 246-252 ROSSEI~,J. B., 1937, Giidel theorems for nonconstructive logics, Journal of Symbolic Logic, vol. 2, pp. 129-137 Added in proof: Professor Sacks has informed me that he knows the solution of
problem (3).
Dedicated to the memory of A . I . Mal'ceo
Introduction. Let M = ( U M ,N M * ZM, +M, XM be a model of the second order arithmetic*); here U M is the miverse of M , N M and Z M are disjoint subsets of U M called resprectiis vely the set of integers of M and the family of sets of M , the binary relation called the epsilon relation of M and + M and X M are ternary relations called the arithmetical relations of M. An example of a model is the ccprincipal modeb M,= ( NUP(N), N,P(N),6, X ) whose integers are the ordinary integers, whose sets are arbitrary subsets of N and in which 6 , and X have the usual set theoretical or arithmetical mea-, nings. It will be convenient to assume that elements of N are not sets. We assume that the usual axioms of the second order arithmetic are valid in all models which we shall consider. It follows that for each M there is an initial segment of N M which is isomorphic with N. We shall always identify this segment with N, For z in Z M we put z* = {nE N : n&z) and denote by 2 ; the family ,of all sets x* where z ranges over The relatio nal x ) may be called structure M* = ( N UZ&, N J ; , C* the standard part of M. Our aim is to prove the following. T h e o r e m. There is a model M , elementarily equivalent with M , such that M: is not a mdel of the second order arithmetic.
*) Axioms for the second order arithmetic are given e. g. in [4]; in the present paper we exclude the axiom scheme .of choice. Also we denote the predicate ax is a set, by Z (x) and not by S(x) as in [4].
[107], 185
R e m a r k. It is very easy to show that if M is a model of the second order arithmetic such that U M = N and in which the sets and relations Nu,ZM,&, + M , X M are arithmetically definable, then M* is not a model of the second order arithmetic. This is so because for each model M with N = N M and each * ir, the set 2, contains a n 5 such that z* does not belong to 2:. This example works also for extensions of the second order arithmetic in drhich the set of Godel numbers of the axioms is arithmetically definable. Notation and terminology. We shall identify integers with finite ordinals; thus N is a segment of 0.2. Our model-theore tic notation is the standard one but we shall use the words
+ +
is closely related to although not identical with the notion of definability of subsets of N and of infinite sequences with terms in U M which will be introduced in section 2 below. 1. S-structures. A relational structure M = i e I is said to be an S-structure if for every formula F of the language of M and every i in Fr(F) there is a function-f definable in M such that Dom (f) = UFr(F)-Ii}, Rg ( f )E U and for every p in Dom M != F [I<&3)) U PI M E F [{
D e f i n i t i o n 2 . Asequence S ~ U NisdefinableinM , if there exists a formula G of the language of M with 0 , 1 Fr (G)
[107], 187
and a sequence p in Us (G) -(OJ} such that for each x in U M and each n in N x = s (n)=M I= G [{
< <
(EVl)(Z (01) & ( 0 0 ) { N ( 0 0 ) 3 tz ( 0 0 , 4 =FI)) is valid in M + since the family of sets of M + is equal to P ( N ) and hence contains all sets. Hence the same formula is valid in M and there is an element b' of ZMsuch that the formula (1) holds with b replaced by b' and p by p + . I t follows that b = b' and hence i(b) = p is defined. This element satisfies the equivalence given in the lemma. R e m a r k. We shall give an example of a model M of the second order arithmetic without the axiom of choice for which a lemma similar to 2.2 is false. 2.3. There isadenumerablemodel M =
[107], 188
In view of (4)the sentence (uo){N (uo)- (Eo,)[Z(q)& A ] } is valid in M. Hence this sentence is valid in the elementary substructure M aof M‘ since M is a reduct of M’and the sentence in question is written in the language of M. Since M” and M” are isomorphic we infer that the sentence is also valid in M”, Now M‘ is an S-structure and hence so is M”;thus there exists a function f definable in M”’ such that for each n in N f (n)E 0.2 N, M” I= A [{
(*)These powers were first investigated by Scott [5].
[107], 189
seen that is an equivalence relation. We define S a s the set of all sequences which are definable in M and equivalent to s and denote by 0 the family of allnon-void sets 2 Let R be a relation definable in M ,i. e., such that there is a formula F with the free variables u,, ,vk-1 , ,unC where k is the number of arguments of R and a sequence y in U{k** * * l m } such that R = (sCUIO~.**~~--'):M l=F[[~Uyl}. If s : f -c sj is mapping of the set (0, , k 1) into the family of sequences definable in M ,then we denote by inthe sequence { ( j , sj(n) ) :j k}. We also put -
. ..
. .. -
) :j
relation and s a mapping of the set .3.1. . . I,fk R-is1)aintodefinable the family of sequences definable in M , then
the set ( n : R&)} is definable in M. 3.2. I f R and s are as in 3. 1. and s' is another mapping of the set 0, , k - 1 into the family of sequences definable in M that Sj -s; for f k , then { n : R ( i n ) = R ( i , ) ] 6 8 . Lemmas 3.1 and 3.2 are evident and need no proofs. For R definable in M we put 3 = {ae0 ' :{n : R (S,,)] E @}. In view of the previous theorems this definition is correct, i. e., the truth value of fi@ depends on the equivalence classes and not on the particular sj selected from We call the relational structure 5 <6,& >ier the definable reduced power of M ;obviously i@ depends on 8 . 3.3 I f M is an S-structure, then M is isomorphic to an elementary substructure of g; the embedding function is x + Fs when? cx (n) = n for each integer n. The proof of 3.3 follows immediately from the L e m m a o f Lo8 '(*). If F is a formula of the language of M and s :j + sj a mapping of the set Fr(F) into the family of sequences definable in M , then
F 61 =[n:M F ts,, I 16 8 .
The proof is routine and will not be given here; notice that the assumption that M is an S-structure is needed in the proof of the lemma of Lo8 ' in,the case of an existential formula. (*)See e. g. Scott 151 or Frayne, Morel, Scott 121.
[107], 190
As a corollary to 3.3 we obtain. 3.4. Xl is elementarily equivalent to M + . We shall denote the structure iii'i by Ma or more precisely by M z ( 8 ) ) This . last notation will be used in cases when the dependence of M2 from 8 needs to be stressed. The standard part of Ma will be denoted by Ms or M s ( 8).We shall prove that for a suitable 0 the reduct of M s ( 8 ) to the language of Mo 'is not a model for the
second order arithmetic. This will prove our theorem because, in view nf 3.4, Ma(@) is elementarily equivalent to M+. 4 mination of the standard part of M2. For b in B(M1) we p m l?g ( b~) = { j : { i : J ( i , j ) C b } e 8}. 4.1. For every x in 2~~there is a b in B(M1) such that x*=R(b). P r o o f. The set ZM,consists of elements5 where s is a sequence definable in Mi which satisfies the condition s (n)e a. 2- N for almost all n. The set:* consists of all the integers m for which (n:m el s ( n ) e @ . To see this we merely notice that the initial segment of iVM which can be identified with N consistsof classes ; , wher; m is an hteger; since the condition g) e & is on: the one hand equivalent to the statement mes* and Ion the other to the statement: for almostc all n,
< cy
M1i= F 1{<0, J ( n , rn))) U PI
=( E p)o.
I(M1 t= G I{<@ n ) ,
(1, p>> u PI) & (7wip)l -me1
s (4.
It follows that the set b = { q : M 1 != F [{(O, q ) } c9 p l belongs to B(M1) and that J ( n , rn) 6 b=rnels(n) for eachc n whence rn 6 R (b)=(n:J (n, rn) 6 b} (3 8 +n:rnels (rn)) E 8 =rn (5 s*J i. e., r*=,I? (b). 4.2. I f b 6 B ( M d , then R(b)6ZLa. P r o o f. Let F be such that (1)hold with M replaced by MI, By 2.2. there is a fi in 0'. 2 - N such that J ( n , m)e b= ZE J ( n , rn)e1p. Since all the axioms of the second order arithme., tic are valid in M Iwe infer thaf the sentence (vo)(%w (Vl) &
N (vo)4 (EV!&Z
(Vz) &
(08, v2)
E (J ( 0 0 , vs), vd])
5 84
[107], 191
is valid in M1.It follows that for every integer n there is exactly one y(n) in o.2 - N such that me, y(n) = J(n,m)qfJ and that z = ~ ( nif) and only if n, fJ and z satisfy in M 1the formula in brackets {,} in the above sentence. Hence the sequence y is definable in M,.Moreover me,^ (n)=J (n, m) (3 b i. e., cm (n)el? (n)= =J (n, rn) E b. This proves that me = m e R (b) and hence R ( b ) = y*. From 4.1 and 4.2 we obtain 4.3. The family Z M . J ~ comists ) of sets R 8 ( b ) where b ranges
B(M,). 5. The set Stsf. We shall associate with each set b in B(MJ an integer m of which we shall say that it codes b. Informally speaking K(m) is the Godel number of the formula F which appears in (1) (with M replaced by MI) and L (m) is a sequence number which codes the sequence p of parameters which appears in (1). The choice of the particular Godel numbering is not yery relevant although an entirely arbitrary numbering of formulae would not do. I n order to be specific we select as our Godel numbering the original numbering defined in 111. We describe in more detail the component L(m)of our code m. A sequencep in (1)is a set of ordered pairs (j,p,) where j #O and j is in Fr(F) and p , is an ordinal 0.2. We put [rl = =2x 4-2 if x e N and [zl = 2d+ 1 if z = o + x’. The sequence IP I p can now be coded by I l j E F r ( F ) - - ( o ) n i j . Thus the set C. of integers which are codes of definable sets is characterised by the equivalence n e C = ( K ( n ) is the Godel number of a formula F)& O ’ ) K ( ~#W 0) ( =~(i)6~ Fr (0) & (1# O)]). (In this formula L(n)j denotes the exponent of the j-th prime nj in L(n). The bound K(n) in the quantifier (j) is justified by the remark that in the particular Godel numbering which we use the Giidel number of any formula is larger than the Godel numbers of its free variables). From the formula given above it follows 5.1. C is a primitive recursive set. We shall still ntroduce a notation for the fomula and the sequence coded by an integer n in C: The formula whose Godel number is K(n) is denoted by Fn and the sequence { ( i , (m- 2)/2) :(n,mlL(n))& (n,m+j f L(n))& (mis>O and even)}U U ((2, o (m-1)/2) : (n$(n)) & n,m+i f L (n))& (m is odd)} is denoted by p@). ovef
[107], 192
D e f i n i t i o n 3. Stsf is the set
integers J(m, n) such
that nEC and MI l=F,,[((O, m>}Up(")].
R e m a r k. In view of the way we selected the Gadel numbering, the set Stsf does not contain 0. D e f i n i t i o n 4. Wesay that nisacodeofaset b inB(Ml) if n 6 C and (m) [rnC b =J (m, n)6 Stsfl; a smallest integer which is a code of b is called the distinguished code of b. 5.2. Each set in B(M,) has a unique distinguished code. P r o o f. If b is defined as in (l), but with M replaced by MI,then we determine n in such a way that R(n) be the Godel number of F and p(n)= p. Hence n is a code of b and hence the smallest code of b exists and is unique. 5.3. The set C* of distinguished codes is arithmetical in Stsf. Proof results from the equivalence n e C * E ( n C C & (n') ((n'
3J ( m , n')
6 Stsf]}).
We can use distinguished codes to define families of definable sets and in particular filters of such sets. Let Bo be a basis of a filter in B(M1) and 6 a function which enumerates the distinguished codes of the members of B,, and which is arithmetical in Stsf. such thut the set of 5.4. There exists an ultrafilter @zB0 its distinguished codes is arithmetical in Stsf. P r o o f. Let y be an increasing function which is arithmetical in Stsf and enumerates C*. We denote by bn the set whose distinguiihed code is y(n)and by d, the set whose distinguished code is 6(n). Let cp be defined by induction in such a way that cp(n 1 ) is the least integer rn such that b,n njSnb,(j) fl njadj # O for every k. We easily prove that the set of all b,(,,,) 1s an ultrafilter which contains Bo. We can now define a function x such that x(n) is a distinguished code of b,(,) :x (n 1) is the least integer t in C* such that
(k)(Em)[J(mi t ) E Stsf & (j)n+i (J(mi x 0))6 Stsf)& &U)&+l (J (m, 8 0) e SWI. Since 6 is arithmetical in Stsf, the same is true of x and hence of Rg(X) which proves the assertion 5.4 5.5. I f 8 is as in 5.4, then each set Rgr (b),where b is in B(Ma, SI arithmetical in Stsf.
P r o o f. From the definitions we obtain the equivalences J' 6 R (b)G { i : J ( i , j ) 6 b } 6 @ =(Ec)(c6 Q ) & (i)(iE c = = J ( i , j ) 6 b). Let x be a function which enumerates the distinguished codes of the members of 6 and let e be the distinguished code of b. Then the condition j 6 R ( b ) is equivalent to
( E m ) ( i ) [ J ( ix1m))CStsf , = J ( J ( i , j ) , e) EStsfl which proves the assertion 5.5. In the next lemma we reduce our problem to a determination of a suitable B, and b,: 5.6. If there exists a basis B,, of a filter in B(M,) and a b, in B(M,) such that (7) there is a function arithmetical in Stsf which enumerates the distinguished codes of the members of B,; ( 8 ) for every ultrafilter Q 2 B , the set Stsf is arithmetical in R E ( b o ) ,then there is an ultrafilter 8 such that all members of ZMI (B) are arithmetical in R g (b,). P r o o f. Select Q according toJ 5.4. Then all membersof ZM,(%)are arithmetical in Stsf (see 4.3 and 5.5). By (8) all these members are arithmetical in R g ( b , ) . Since the family of sets of a model of the second order arithmetic cannot contain a member i n which all the other members of this family would be arithmetical, we infer from 5.6 that i f there are B, and b, satisfying (7) and (S), then there is an ultrafilter @ sucht that the reduct of M2(Q) obtained by ommitting is elementarily equivalent to M , (cf. 3.4) but the relation <% its standard part is not a model of the second order arithmetic. 6. Dyadic sets. In this section we shall prove the existence of B o and b, satisfying (7) and (8). For each integer n 1 we denote by and n' the uniquely determined integers which satisfy the conditions: n, n' 0, n' 2; and n = 2;+n'. - Let D, be the set (m:(m 1)& (m=n' (mod 2; )}. The sets D , form a full binary tree under inclusion (with the maximal element Di= N - (0))in which the immediate successors of D, are Dl and Il, where 1 = 2;44+ n' = 25, n and t = 2%+i 2;+ n' = 2G+i +n.
Let us define by induction a function f :f(0) = 1, 2, f (n) if n& Stsf, f (n 1) = 2n+i f (n) if n e Stsf.
By induction on n we show easily that 2, f (n) 2n+i.
(,):ntj N } . Since D f (n+i) is an immediate Put B, = (Df successor of D I(n) we obtain D f(,+q 3 Df(n) # 0 whence. 6.1. Bo is a basis of a filter. We s h d l now prove 6.2. Bo satisfies condition (7). P r o o f. Since the relation m f j D, is primitive recursive, there exists a formula F with exactly two free variables VO, a such that mfjD,=M1 I= F I ( ( 0 , m>,(1, n>)l. Let A, be an arithmetical formula with the- free variable q such that n is the unique element of the universe of M , which satisfies A, in M1.We can select A, so that its Godel number be a recursive fpnction of n. The formula G , = (Evl)(An& F) defines D, in M , in the sense that mf3D,-M1 k G, [{(O, m>}I for each rn and it follows that if g n is the Giidel number of G,, then J(g,, 1) is a code of D, . The distinguished code of D , is thus 6 (n) = min {k:(k6 C*) & (m)[J(m,k) 6 Stsf fJ (m,J (g, , 1)) C tj Stsf I}. Since gn is recursive in n we infer that 6 is a'rithmetical in Stsf. 6.3. The set bo = { J (m, n):(n> O)& (meD,)} belongs to
B(M,) and satisfies condition (8). P r o o f. The definability of b, in M1 is obvious. Let us
now assume that 8 is an ultrafilter containing Bn. For n> 0 we obtain from the definition of b, the equivalences: n f j R 8 (b,) =(m:J (m,n)f j bo} 6 8 & {m:m 6 D, } 6 6 =D, 6 8.
Thus if n 6 Rg(fi, then nfj R8(b,) because the elements n of Rg(f) are # 0 and have the property DnCBOGB . Conversely, let us assume that nfj R g ( b , ) . Since the set { m : J ( m , n)fj b,} is non void (as a member of 8 ) it results that n 0 in view of the definition of b,. Thus we can use the equivalence given above and obtain D,tj 8. Now we repre-
[107], 195
sent n i n the form 2x:+ y where y 2x. Hence 2X
+ -
which proves that Stsf is arithmetical in Rg(f). 7. A generalisation. The proof given above uses only the following properties of the principal model: (A). M, is an o-model of the second order arithmetic. (B). There is an S-structure M, of which M is areduct and which is such that the axiom scheme of comprekension
(Evo)(Z(vo) & (VI){N (vd3 (Vl, vo) =FJl) is valid in MI for every formula F of the language of M1 provided that O@Fr(F). Thus we can repeat the proof givenabove and obtain the following theorem: 7.1. I f M , satisfies the assumptions (A) and (B), then there is a model M elementarily equivalent with M, and such that M* is not a model of the second order arithmetic. In particular the assumptions of 7.1 are satisfied if Mo is itself an S-structure satisfying assumption (A), e. g., if the axiom of constructibility is valid in M,. P r o b 1 e m : Is there an a-model for the second order arithmetic, M,,such that for each M which is elementarily equL valent with M, the model M* is a model for the second order arithmetic? (Added in proof: In a paper forthcoming in FundamentaMath+ maticae the author has shown that if M is an o-model in which the axiom scheme of dependent choices is valid, then the above problem admits a negative solution).
[107], 196
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K. Ueber formal unentscheidbare Siitze der Princi ia Matht matica und rerwandter System I.-hfonatahefte fiir Il%athemrtib m d Phpik, 1931, 38, 173-198. 2. F r a y n e T., M o r e l A. C., S c o t t D. Reduced direct products. -Fmdamenta Mathematicae, 1962, 51, 195-228. 3. L e v y A. Unpublished notes. Berkeley, 1965. 4. M o s t o w s k i A . , S u z u k i Y. On wmodels which are not&modeb. -Fundaments Mathematicae, 1969, 65, 83-93. 5. S c o t t D. On constructing models of arithmeic. Infinitistio IQBthoda. Proomdin of the symposium on Foundations of Mathematics. Warsaw, 1%i , 235-255.
n o c m y n w 8 anpenn 1969a.
1. Notation
We denote the sets of axioms of Zermelo-Fraenkel and Godel-Bernays by ZF and GB respectively. Both these &ems are formulated in a first-order language L with identity (denoted by =) and with one binary predicate E. Unlike G ~ D E L [1940], we admit in GB only one primitive notion, viz. the binary relation E and define the predicates C l s ( x ) ( x is a class), M ( x ) (x is a set) by formulas x = x, ( E y ) ( x E y) respectively. Axioms A1 and A2 of Godel can then be omitted. A formula Q is called predicative if all its quantifiers are limited to M . A system obtained from ZF by addition of the axiom of choice is called ZFC; similarly GBC denotes a system obtained from GB by adding to it the (set-form of the) axiom of choice. All models for ZF or GB which we consider below have the form ( M , € ) where M i s a transitive set of sets. We write simply M instead of ( M , € ) . The extension of the predicate M in a model M is denoted by V,. Thus, V, = M if M ZF but V, C M if M GB. If MI,Mz are two families of sets such that MIC M2 and V,, = V,,, then we call M z a C-extension of M ,and write MICcMz. A language obtained from L by adding to it constants c, for each element m of a set M is denoted by LM.We identify c, with a suitable element of M which allows us to consider LM as a subset of M. All models for axioms formulated in L, always contain M, and c, is always interpreted as m. L(A) or LM(A)denotes a language obtained from L or L, by adding to it a new one-place predicate A. Models for axioms formulated in L(A) or in LM(A)have the form ( N , X ) , where N is a transitive family of sets and X C N ;the interpretation of the new predicate A is X and the interpretation of E is the relation E of “being an element of”.
[117], 326
For each family M of sets we denote by Def, the family of sets of the : cp(c,)} where cp is a predicative formula of L, with form {x E V MM exactly one free variable and cp(cx) arises from cp by replacing the free variable by c, wherever it occurs. Sets which belong to Def, are said to be definable in M. A slightly more general notion of definability is as follows: let M be a transitive family of sets, X G V,: A set S is definable in M with respect to X if there is a predicative formula cp of LM(A‘)with exactly one free variable such that S = {x E V,: ( M , X ) cp(c,)}. We denote the family of all such sets by Def,(X). It is easy to prove that if M is transitive, then so i s Def,(X) for any X G V,. We intend to prove below the following theorem:
For a given countable transitive model M of ZFC there are 2”1 models L of GB such that V , = M. Moreover these models form a full binary tree of height w I when ordered by inclusion ; if two models L,, L, do not lie on the same branch o f the tree, then there is no transitive model L of GB such that V L = M and L 2 LI u L*. A similar theorem is also valid for the “predicative extension” of Peano’s arithmetic; an exact formulation of this theorem is given in §S. 2. Auxiliary theorems
LEMMA2.1 (Marek). If M is a transitive model of GB and C is the family of all transitive sets K which satisfy the conditions
V K = V M , Kk=GB,
then the union of any chain L C C is an element of C. The proof of this lemma is very easy and we omit it. Marek deduced from this lemma the existence of maximal elements of C, and asked about their number. A partial answer to this question is given in Corollary 4.1 below.
LEMMA2.2. If M is a transitive model of GB and X V,, then all the axioms of groups A and B of GB as well as the axioms Cl-C3 and D are valid in the model Def, (X). Moreover Def, (X) is a C-extension of M. PROOF. The verification of Axioms A and B are left to the reader. In order to prove that Def, (X) is a C-extension of M , let us assume that x € Vbfm(x),i.e. that there is a set S such that x € S €Def, (X). Hence, S is a set definable in M with respect to X and therefore S consists of
elements of V , which proves that x € V,. Conversely, if x € V,, then the unit set {x}is definable in M with respect to X whence x €{x}€Def, ( X ) which proves that x € VDefH(x). Since Axioms Cl-C3 deal exclusively with sets, it follows from their validity in M that they are also valid in Def, (X) since in both these models the interpretations of sets are identical. Lemma 2.2 is thus proved. In connection with Lemma 2.2 it is necessary to point out that the statement “a sub-class of a set is a set” may (and generally does) fail in Thus, if we agree to call elements of VM “sets of the family Def, (X). M”,then Def, (X) may, and generally does, contain “semi-sets”, i.e. classes (elements of Def, (X)) which are contained in sets of M (see VOPBNKAand HAJEK(1972)). The existence of semi-sets is due to the fact that the axiom of comprehension is, in general, false in Def, (X). In the case when X is definable in M, the axiom of replacement and the axiom of comprehension are valid in Def, (X)and thus, no semi-sets exist. We shall see below an example of X when not definable in M and yet no semi-sets exist because the axiom of comprehension is valid in Def, (X). The crux of the whole construction is a determination of a set X M such that Def, (X) is a model for the axiom C4 of replacement. Unfortunately I do not know of any workable, necessary, and sufficient conditions for this to be the case and have to rely on results established by FELGNER[1971] in a special case of a denumerable model. In what follows, M is a transitive denumerable model of GB. Let P €Def, and R €Def, be a binary relation which partially orders P. Elements of P are called conditions. We write p Q q instead of pRq and read this formula: p is an extension of q. We define by induction a binary relation IF (forcing), whose left domain is P and right domain consists of all predicative sentences of L M ( A):
Whenever Q is a formula, we denote by Fr(rp) the set of its free variables. For y €MPr(*), we denote by ~ ( ythe ) sentence obtained from Q by substituting c7(.) for u throughout Q for each u€Fr(p). With this notation we have
[117], 328
For each predicatiue formula Q of L,(A) the set K P , Y ) € P x MFr(?): P It d Y ) )
belongs to Def,.
A set G P is generic (more exactly: generic in P over M )if it has the properties: (i) If p € G and p C q , then q € G ; (ii) If p , q € G , then ( E r ) [ ( r ~ C i ) & ( r d p ) & ( r Q q ) l ; (iii) If S CDef, and S is dense in P, then G n S # 0. LEMMA2.4.
Each condition belongs to at least one generic set.
LEMMA2.5. If G is generic then ( M , G ) predicatiue sentence cp of L,(A).
= ( E p b ( p It Q ) for each
In order to prove the next two lemmas we make the following assumption about P : ASSUMPTION (A) Whenever x C VM,O# x G P and x is a chain with respect to 6 ,then there is a condition p such that p C q for each q in x.
LEMMA2.6. If M GBC, G is generic, m € V, and Q is a predicatiue formula of LM(A) with exactly one free variable u, then there is a set n € V, such that ( M , G ) k ( u ) { ( uE G ) E [ ( E ~ cm)&ql).
PROOF. It is sufficient to show that the set
Q =(P ( p :( x ) m [ p IF Q ( c ~ ) v ~ Q ( c ~ ) I I is dense in P. Once this is shown the rest i s easy: by Lemma 2.3 the set Q belongs to Def,, hence there is a p in Q which belongs to G and it is sufficient to take n = {x C m : p IF q ( c x ) } . The proof that Q is dense closely follows the construction used by FELGNER [1971];it is therefore sufficient to indicate only the main steps of this proof. We can assume that m is infinite. Let q o € P .For arbitrary ( x , p ) in V M X P we denote by Z ( x , p ) the set of elements q in P which have the following properties: (i) S P and 4 Il- d c X N - cp(cx); (ii) whenever r has the property (i), then rk ( q )d rk ( r ) . We easily see that Z ( x , p ) € V,. If 0 # a €On n VMand g 6 VM n P" then we denote by W ( g )the set of conditions q which have the properties: (iii) q 4 qo and q C r for each r € Rg (g); (iv) whenever s has the property (iii), then rk (4) < rk (s).
[117], 329
For a = 0 we define additionally W ( g ) = 0 . We can show easily that W ( g ) €V M for each g € V M n P" and each a €On n VM. Let p be a cardinal of VMand let f be a function such that f 6 VMand f is an injection of p onto m. The existence of p and f fpllows from the assumption that M GBC and m € VM.Using transfinite induction we define two sequences { P t } ,{ Q E of } type p which are elements of VMand which satisfy the following equations for each 5 < p :
= { g € ( U Pa u {qoI)'+' : (g(0) = 40)& ( a ) t ( g ( l + 01 )c pa)c% 01
( y ) l + E ( o + * [< y6
g ( y )3 g ( S ) l } ,
p ~ = u { z C f ( S ) ,Y~€)U: { W ( g )gcQtI1. :
Using the axiom of choice in M we can select functions g , h in V Mof type CL such that g t (1 + OCQt, h ( 5 ) € W ( g ( 1 + 5)) and g ( 1 + 5) € Z(f((), h ( 5 ) ) for each 6 < p. Thus g is a decreasing function and by (A) the set W ( g )is non-void. For an arbitrary p in W ( g )we have then p € Q and p s qo which proves the density of Q. LEMMA2.7. If M is a transitive model of GBC, G is generic and y is a predicative formula of LM(A) with exactly two free variables v, w, then f o r each m in VMthere is a set n in V Msuch that (*1
( M , G ) + ( v ) ( w ) { [ ( vEc,)
8C cpl+ (Ew)Kw Ec.) 8~PI}.
PROOF. This is again a repetition of the construction of Felgner and it ir sufficient to indicate only its main steps. We put R = { P e l J :(En),(X),(Y),(Ez),P It [- c p ( ~ x , ~ , ) v , c p ~ c * , c z ~ l ~ and claim that R is dense in P. To show this we choose 40 in P and denote by p and f a cardinal and a bijection as in the previous proof. We can assume that p is infinite. Let Z ( x , p ) be a set defined as follows: if there are q s p such that (i) q IF- ( E w ) ~ ~ ( c , , then w ) Z ( x , p ) consists of all the conditions 4 s p which have the property (i) and the following property: (ii) whenever r s p and r has the property (i), then rk (4) s rk (r). If there are no q with the property (i) then (q)sD(Er)sqrIt ( E W ) M ~ ( C , , W ) and hence there are q s p such that (iii) q Ik(Ew)Mcp(c,,w). In this case we let Z ( x , p ) be the set of all conditions q s p which have the property (iii) and are such that whenever r S p has the property (iii), then rk (4)s r k (r). It is easily seen that z ( x , p ) € VM. We define S ( x , q ) as follows: if q non ( E W ) M ~ ( C ~ then , W ) ,S ( x , q ) = 8. Otherwise, let S ( x , q ) be the set consisting of all the elements y C V Mwith
[117], 330
the following properties: (v) 4 Ik cp(cx,c,); (vi) whenever 4 IF cp(c,,c,) then rk ( y ) S rk (2). It is again easy to show that S(x,q)€VM. Finally, let W(g), Pc, Qt, g, h be defined as in the proof of Lemma 2.6. Using once more the axiom of choice, we obtain a function k € VMwith domain VMsuch that k([)€ Scf(Z), g(1 + 6 ) )for each Z < p. Then rg(k) is a set n € VMsuch that for any p in W(g) and arbitrary x in m, y in VM there is a z in n satisfying p Ik -,cp(cx,c,)v cp(c,,c,); moreover p s qo.The density of R is thus proved. If now, p € R n G and n is a set whose existence is secured by the fact that p € R, then formula (*) holds for this set n. This proves Lemma 2.7,
For the benefit of readers not acquainted with Felgner’s paper [ 19711 we add below some comments about the intuitive meaning of constructions carried out in two proofs sketched above. In order to prove the density of sets Q and R we have to show that each 4 0 € P has an extension which belongs to both Q and R. These extensions are obtained by constructing successive extensions of 40and repeating this process transfinitely many times. In both proofs we represent the given set m as the range of a one-to-one function f whose domain is a cardinal p and assume that p is infinite. The sequence of successive extensions of qo is denoted in both proofs by g. Thus g is a decreasing function with domain p whose values are conditions. The initial term of g is g(0) = qo. If 6 < p and g ( a ) is already defined for a < 1 + [, then g(l + 6 ) is an extension of all the g(a)’s which satisfies an additional requirement. In Lemma 2.6 this additional requirement is: g(l + 6 ) decides cp(crte,),i.e. g(1+ [) either forces this formula or its negation. In Lemma 2.7 the additional require, W ) are conditions which ment is: g(1+ [) forces -,( E W ) , ~ ( C ~ ( ~if ,there have this property and extend all the g(a)’s; otherwise g(l + 6 ) should force ( E w ) M ( P ( c I ( ~ ) . w ) . To explain the notation previously used, we note that g(1+ 6 ) is constructed in two stages: first, we construct h ( 6 ) which is an extension of all the g(a)’s,a < 1 + 6 and then g(1+ 6 ) is selected from among such extensions of h ( [ ) as satisfy the additional requirements. The first fact is expressed by the formula h (6)€ W(g 1 ( 1 + 6)) and the second by the . case of Lemma 2.7 we construct still formula g(1 + 6 ) C Z ( f ( 6 ) , h ( [ ) )In (~),w) one additiwal function k such that if g ( l + ~ ) ~ ( E w ) ~ ( P ( c ,then k ( 6 ) is an element of V M satisfying g(1+ 6 ) It cp(crto,cets,). Once we have the functions g and k we can take as p any condition which extends all the g(Z)’s, 6 < p, and as n the set rg (k). The existence
11171, 331
of p is secured by assumption (A). In case of Lemma 2.6 we see immediately that p decides cp(cx)for all x in m because each x can be represented as f(6) and p is an extension of g(1+ 6 ) which decides cp(~,(~,). Hence p € Q. In case of Lemma 2.7 we see from the definitions of g ( l + 6 ) and k(5) that if p I F ( E ~ ) ~ c p ( c ~then , w ) p, IF cp(c,,c,) for a z in n. Hence p € R . The essential point is that functions g and k are elements of V,; otherwise we can neither claim that n € V M nor that assumption (A) is applicable for obtaining p. In order to obtain g and k in V,, we cannot proceed in a simple-minded way and for instance define g as any . reason why this procedure is extension of qo which decides ( P ( C , ( ~ ) ) The faulty, follows: the extensions of the g(a!)’s,a! < 1 + 6, do not form, in general, a set which belong9 to V,; rather they form a “class”, i.e. a definable subset of V,. Thus we cannot use the set-form of the axiom of choice to select a particular extension. Yet we have only this form of the axiom at our disposal if we want to obtain in the end a function which belongs to V,. To overcome this difficulty we consider not all the extensions of the g(a!)’s,but only those which possibly have a smail rank. These extensions form a set W(g ( 1 + 6 ) ) which is an element of V,. Also we select g ( 1 + 6 ) not from among all the conditions which satisfy the additional requirements because this would involve a choice from a “class”, but from among those conditions which have possibly small ranks and which therefore form a set which belongs to V,. Also k(6) and h ( 6 ) are selected from sets Scf(,$),g(l+ 6)) or W(g 1 (1 + 6)) which both belong to V,. In this way we can obtain the required functions by applying the set-form of the axiom of choice which, according to our assumption, is valid in M and so yields functions which belong to V,. Let us note that it is an open question whether Lemmas 2.6 and 2.7 remain valid if we replace the assumption M +GBC by the weaker assumption M t= GB. From Lemmas 2.2 and 2.7 we obtain the following theorem which allows us to construct models of GB:
THEOREM 2.1. If M is a denumerable transitive model of GBC, P, R CDef, and R is a partial ordering of P such that P satisfies (A), then Def,(G) GBC for every set G which is generic in P over M . Moreover, VmfMCc, = V,, i.e. Def, ( G ) is a C-extension of M.
PROOF. If x C y €Def, (G), then y € V, and hence x € V,. Conversely, if x € V,, then there are y CDef, (G) such that x € y . Hence, the last equation stated in the theorem is proved. It follows in particular that the set-form of the axiom of choice is valid in Def, (G). In view of Lemma 2.2 it remains for us to verify the validity of the axiom o f substitution.
[117], 332
M O D E L S OF T H E G 6 D E L - H E R M A Y S A X I O M S
Thus, let m E VMand XEDefM( G )and assume that X is a function. Let q be a predicative formula with two free variables such that for all u, v in ' V M
(u,v)EX = ( M , G ) F cp(cu,cu). In view of Lemma 2.7 there is n l E VMsuch that whenever u Em and there is y in V M satisfying ( M , G ) F q(c,,cy), then there is a y in nl satisfying the same formula. In view of our assumption y is determined uniquely by u. Hence, all the values which the function X takes for arguments in m belong to n l . Applying Lemma 2.6 we obtain a set n E VMwhose elements are exactly these values which proves the theorem. 3. A finite tree of C-extensions
Let M F G B C be a transitive denumerable model and N an integer. We consider subsets So, Si, ..., S-1, To, Ti,..., Ti-,
of (0, 1,. ..,N - I} satisfying the conditions:
lThIs2, T h - S , # 0
for j < k ,
LEMMA3.1. There are N transitive denumerable C-extensions M, of M such that M, GBC for i < N with the following properties: (*)
for each j < k there is a transitive denumerable model M : GBC which is a C-extension of all the models MI with iES,;
for no h < 1 and no transitive model M"+GBC, M" is a C-extension of all the models M, with i E Th.
PROOF. Let OnM= On n M, P
= {2'xN E M : (EonM},
.where N = (0, 1,. .., N - 1).
We call elements of P conditions and order them by inverse inclusion:
p s q = p 2 4. For p in P we put dom(p) = Dom(Dom(p)); thus domp is the ordinal ( such that p E2SxN.For each non-void set X N and each p in P we put p [XI = p (dom ( p ) X X) and denote by P[X] the set of all p [XI where p E P. For each 0 # X C N and p E P[X] we put
= {(a,i)Edom ( p ) x
X : p ( ( a , i ) )= I};
if X C N and G G P[Xl, then denotes the set V{i,: p E G}. Let D,, be a sequence of all dense subsets of P which are definable in M. Similarly
D,, [XI is a sequence of all derise subsets of P [ X ] which are definable in
M , the ordering of P [ X ] being also the relation of inverse inclusion. If D. covers p. To simplify formulas we assume once and for all that the letter i with or without subscripts denotes an integer s N , and the letters j and h denote integers less than k and I respectively. Let {a,} be a sequence (without repetitions) consisting of all the elements of On,. We construct a sequence pn of elements of P such that p . S P , , +for ~ each n and a function p : o + w such that the following conditions are satisfied: p s q € D , , then we say that
(2' (3) (4)
D.[{i}] covers p , [ { i } ] for each i ; D.[S,] covers p.[S,] for each j ; a,,, < p(m)< p(m + 1) for each m ; * * ae(n-lJ* n Dom (A [{ill)= {aqw, C Th t
Before proving the existence of the sequences p n and p(n) we show that lemma 3.1 can be derived from (1)-(4). Let G, = {x € P [ { i } l (En)(x : ~~n[{i}I)}~ HI = {x € P [ S , I :(En" a p n [SJI)}. In view of (1) and (2) these sets are generic respectively in P [ { i } ]or P[S,I over M. By Theorem 2.1, the families Def, (G,) and Def, ( H I ) are transitive denumerable models of GBC and are C-extensions of M. Let M , = Def, ( G , ) ,M : = Def, (H,). We show that M : is a C-extension of M, whenever i E S,. To prove this, it is sufficient to show that G, CDef, ( H I )whenever i € S, and this follows from the equivalence
x € G, = (EY){(Y € H I1 L?Z [x = v (dom ( Y ) x { i } ) l } .
To prove it we note that each x € G, is obtained from a function p n [ { i } ] by restricting its arguments to a x { i } , where a is an ordinal a d o m ( p , ) . If we restrict p,, to a x S,, we obtain a function y € HI such that x = y 1 (dom ( y ) X { i } ) . Similarly restricting the arguments of a function y € H I to dom ( y ) x { i } . we obtain a function x in G,. Now we prove (**). Let us assume that M:'+GBC and M" is a transitive C-extension of M,for each i C Th.It follows that G, € M";hence, if we abbreviate f t CDom T h(6,)by X we obtain X € M " .Each G, consists of pairs (a.i) such that x ( ( a , i ) )= 1 for some x € G,. Hence ( a , i )
[117], 334
M O D E L S OF T H E G 6 D E L - H E K N A Y S A X I O M S
It follows that a CDom(Gi)~(En)aCDom(6,[{i}l),
a CX= (i)T,,(En)(a CDom f i . [ { i } ] ) .
If a satisfies this condition then for each i C Th there is an n = ni such that a C Dom (6"[ { i } ] ) .Selecting the largest of the ni and denoting it with n we obtain (in view of the inclusions fin [ { i } ]1 fin,[ { i } ] ) the result a C n,c-rh Dom ( f i n [ { i } ] ) .Conversely, if a belongs to this intersection, then it obviously belongs to Dom (G;) for each i C Th.Thus - {ao($ iC w}.
Since XC M" and the theorem on inductive definitions is valid in M",we infer that there is a function f in M" with domain w such that f(0) = a,(o), f ( k + 1) = min { i C X : 6 > f ( k ) } . Hence f ( k ) = a,tk).Since a?(.)> an, we obtain the result (,$)on, (Ek),(f(k)> 6) which clearly contradicts the assumption M kGBC. Thus. (**) is proved. We now indicate the construction of sequences { p , , } , {cp(n)}. We start with the void function p ( , and assume that pnr satisfying (1)-(4), has already been constructed. We first extend p . [{O}] to a condition qnCD.+l[(O}]and add to p . all the pairs ((&O),E)which belong to do- p n as well as pairs ((<,i>,O) for i # 0, 6 C dom ( G o ) - dom ( p " ) . The resulting condition Po. has the properties: pon
= G o C Dn+i[{O}I
n Dom (dm [{ill) = {a,(o), ...,a
w d
I < l h
The first two properties are obvious. To prove the third we note that if
a CDom ( @ o n [ { i } ] ) then p o n ( ( a , i ) )= 1 and this is possible only if either a CDom (6"[ { i } ] ) or i = 0. Since ITh I 2 2, the desired equation follows. In the next step we extend pon.We start by selecting a ijl<poni such and then extend Pon to pI. by adding to po. u Cf, all the that 41CD,,+1[{1}] pairs ( ( t , i ) , O ) where i f 1 and dom ( p o . ) d 6 < dom (ijl).Again, we have
S ~ o n ,
~ i n [ { l } I d G t € 0 ~ + i [ { I } ] ,
n Dom (6In [{i ll ) = {aw(o), c rh
*. *
The condition p i . is extended next to p z n by adding to p l n a condition q2d p i . [{2}1which belongs to Dn+l[{2}] as well as pairs ((&i),O) where i f 2 and dom (pl,) 6 < dom (&). Continuing in this way we finally obtain a condition p N - , . "= q. satisfying the formulas:
q. s p n , I
[117], 335
q n [ { i } ]is covered by Dn+J{i}1,
n Dom ((in[{ill)= { a * ( o J , &*(I),. .., a q ( n - ~ J . c 7-h
In the next k-steps we extend qn so as to obtain conditions qJnsuch that
Dn+,[S,] covers 4,. [S,]for each j < k. We start by extending q. [So]to Fo in
Dn+,[S0], then add Fn to qn and also add to qn all the pairs ((&i),O) where ifsoand d o m ( q , ) ~ & < d o m ( P o )In . the second step we extend the condition qonjust constructed as follows: let PI CD.+,[S,lbe an extension of q o . [ S , ] ;we add to qOnu PI all the pairs ((&i),O) where i f 1 and d o m ( q o , ) s ~ < d o m ( F I ) .We continue in this way until we reach a condition q N - l . nwhich we abbreviate as r.. It is easy to prove
r,[S,] is covered by D,,,[S,] for each j < k.
qn 3 r,,,
We show that I
nTh Dom (Fn [{ill)= C
.. ., Q-IJ.
Assume that a belongs to the left-hand side, i.e. m((a,i))= 1 for each i C Th. If a 2 dom (p.), then there exists a j < k such that 4,. ((a,i))= 1 and dom ( q , - l . n )s a < dom (4,")(in case j = 0 we replace ql-l,nby 4.). This equation is possible only if i C S,. Hence if a belongs to the left-hand side of the above equation, then for each i in Th there is a j , such that i C S,, and dom (ql,-l,n)s a < dom (q,,").From these inequalities it follows that j , is independent of i and can be denoted by j . But then i C S, for each i in Th which contradicts our assumption that I ThI 2 2 and Th- S, # 0. In the last step of our construction we define cp(n). Let p. = dom(r,). Let q ( n ) be the least integer such that a*(") > p. and Hence pn 2 a*(") > an.We extend r, to pntl by adding all the pairs ((&i),O), where i < N, p,, < & < a*(") and also the pairs ((a*["),i),l), where i < N . Formulas (1)-(4) are then clearlv satisfied with n replaced by n + 1. Lemma 3.1 is thus proved. 4. Models for the Godel-Bernays set theory
In order to express the main results we now describe some special trees. Let N C w, and let the family of all non-void subsets of (0, 1 , . .., N - 1) be partitioned into two families A u B such that (1) A contains with any set X all the non-void subsets of X, and B contains with any set Y all the non-void super-sets of Y; (2) if X € A and YCB,then Y - X f 0; (3) if Y C B , then IYIa2; (4) U A = { O , 1 ,..., N - 1).
[117], 336
We denote by So, Sl,..., s k - I the maximal elements of A with more than 1 element. Let AN(A,B) be a tree with N + k + 1 nodes: (O,O, I , . . . ,
The initial node w is connected with the N nodes 0,1,. .., N - 1 which are said to lie below w : i s w. The node ai is connected with the nodes i such that i C Sj and lies below these nodes (i.e. aiS i iff i C Si).Moreover, we assume that w 3 uifor each j. No other pairs of nodes are connected. Nodes which lie below no other nodes are called the terminal nodes of AN(A,B). We also consider infinite trees of height w I which arise in the following way: there is just one node w of height 0. If nodes of height < 6 and edges connecting them are already defined then we correlate a tree A, = ANy(A,,B,) to each branch g consisting of nodes already defined and place this tree below all nodes on the branch g. Thus, the initial node w, of A, has height 6 and nodes of A, lying below w, have heights 6 + 1 or 6 + 2. Trees of this kind are called A,,,,-trees.
THEOREM 4.1. For every denumerable transitive model M GBC and every tree A = AN(A,B) with the initial node w there is a mapping 4 o f nodes of A into a family of transitive denumerable C-extensions o f M satisfying the following conditions : (1) 4 ( w ) = M ; (2) 4 ( w ) + G B C for each node w ; ( 3 ) if w I d wz, then 4 ( w l )2 4 ( w z ) ; (4) 4 ( w l )and 4 ( w z )have no joint C-extension M' +GBC unless there is a w such that w w I and w wz. THEOREM 4.2. For every M as in Theorem 4.1 and every A,,-tree A there i s a mapping 4 of nodes of A into a family of transitive denumerable C-extensions of M satisfying the same conditions (1 j ( 4 ) as in Theorem 4.1. Theorem 4.2 results immediately from Theorem 4.1 and Lemma 2.1. To prove Theorem 4.1 we denote by So,..., the maximal elements of A , and by To,..., lf-l, the minimal elements of B, construct models Mo, MI,..., MN-1, M &,..., as in Lemma 3.1 and put + ( w ) = M, + ( i ) = Mi, 4(q)= M : . Conditions (l), (2), (3) of Theorem 4.1 are obviously satisfied. To prove (4) we note that if w I = i l , wz = i zand there is a w such that w s wl, w s wz then i l , i,CSi for some j and thus a common extension 4 ( w ) exists. Otherwise i l , iz must belong to a set Y in B and thus i l , iz is one of the Th and therefore no common extension of 4(wl), ~ ( W exists. J Now consider the case when one of the nodes wl, wz is of
[117], 337
the form a,,e.g. w I = a,. If w z= i and w I non s wz then i f S, and therefore S, u {i} contains one of the sets Th.Thus no common extension of M : and M , exists because otherwise there would exist an extension of all the M,,, i I E Th.Similarly if w z= a, there cannot be a joint extension of M,and M, because S, u S, contains one of the sets Th. EXAMPLE. Let N
and A consist of the four sets
and of their non-void subsets. The family A has 14 sets. Let B consist of the remaining 49 non-void subsets of 0, 1, 2, 3,4,5. The tree A6(A,B')has the following form: w
Theorems 4.1 and 4.2 show how complicated the family of transitive C-extensions M +GBC of a given transitive denumerable model M of GBC is. From Theorem 4.2, we obtain COROLLARY 4.1. Given a transitive denumerable model M exists 2"' transitive C-extensions M +GBC of power w I .
+ GBC, there
PROOF. To prove this we consider the full binary tree of height w I and a function 4 as desc'ribed in Theorem 4.2 by Lemma 2.1 the union U 4 ( w ) taken over nodes w lying on a branch g gives us a C-extension M , of M of power w I such that M, +GBC and for different branches g l , g,, we obtain different models. Observing that models M,,, MK2 corresponding to two different branches do not have a common transitive C-extension, we obtain furthermore
COROLLARY 4.2. There are at least 29 maximal -transitive models M GBC with a given denumerable V,.
Under the assumption of the continuum hypothesis, this estimate of the number of maximal-transitive models with a given denumerable V M is sharp. Without this assumption, no such sharp estimate exists but it seems probable that Martin's axiom implies that their number is 2'N1).
[117], 338
5. Models for the predicative arithmetic of second order
A Godel-Bernays-type extension of a theory is possible not only for the theory ZF but for arbitrary first-order theories. Let us consider briefly the Godel-Bernays-type extension of Peano’s arithmetic 9.A detailed description of 9’ can be found, e.g. in KLEENE[19521, p. 82. We extend 9 by adding to it a new sort of variable X , Y, 2,.. . called set variables and a binary predicate E. Formulas with no bound-set variables are called predicative. As axioms of the extended theory we take axioms of Peano’s system (Kleene’s axioms 14-21) as well as the following ones: (Al) (A2) (A3) (A4)
( x =: y ) + [ ( x E X ) = ( y E Y ) ] , ( X = Y )= ( x ) [ ( x E X ) = ( x E Y ) ] , ( E X ) ( x ) [ ( xE X ) = c p ] (set existence scheme), (0 E X ) & ( x ) [ x E X + ( x ’ E X ) ]+ ( x E X ) .
In the set-existence scheme, cp can be any predicative formula in which X does not occur. The resulting system will be Galled predicative arithmetic of second order and denoted by Apr.It is possible to replace the predicative set-existence scheme by a finite number of axioms as it is done in the case of set theory. Models of A, can be assumed to have the form (a,S, 0, ’, +, C ) where (a,0, ’, +, -) is a model of Peano arithmetic and S C P(R). Moreover, R can be assumed to have as its initial segment the set Ro of ordinary integers. The operations ’, +, * restricted to flo coincide with the usual arithmetical operations and 0 is the integer zero. If R = R, then the model (R, S O , ’ , +, € ) i s an wmodel. If Mi =(a,Si,O,’, +, *, € ) f o r i = 1 , 2 and S , C S2,then we say that Mz is a C-extension of MI. Later, we shall abbreviate our notation for models and write (i2,S) instead of (a, S, ’, 0, a,
0 ,
LEMMA5.1 Lemma 2.1 (mutatis mutandis) holds for models of Apr. We define the family Def, and Def, ( X ) similarly as on p. 326. If then (QDef,) A,,. Similarly, if M = ( Q S ) k A,, then Apr.Instead of Lemma 2.2, we have the following result: If (fl,Def,) (R,S)kAA,,and X C R , then all the axioms of A,, with the possible exception of (A4) hold in (R,Def,(X)). The notion of a generic set is defined similarly as on p. 4 (cf. SIMPSON [OD]). We can prove easily (cf. SIMPSON [ m ] )that if (i2,M) k A,,, R u M is denumerable and P 6 Def, is a set partially ordered by a relation R € Def, then generic sets G P exist. Moreover, (R,Def, (G)) Apr. Our main results are as follows:
fl +=S,
[117], 339
THEOREM5.1. Given an integer N , a tree A=A,(A,B) and a model it$ = (R,S) A,, such that R u S = o and R # Ro, then there exists a mapping of the nodes of A into denumerable C-extensions of M such that (1) the initial node of A is mapped onto M, ( 2 ) if w I , w2 are nodes of A, then + ( w l )2 +(w2) is equivalent to W I d w2; (3) if w I , w2 are nodes of A, then +(wl),+(w2)have ajoint C-extension which is a model of A,, iff there exists a w such that w d w , and w d w2.
THEOREM5.2. tree.
5.1 holds if one replaces A,(A,B) by a Am,-
These theorems are proved essentially as Theorems 4.1 and 4.2. The crucial lemma corresponding to Lemma 3.1 is proved by considering conditions which are finite two-valued functions with domains of the form { x : x 5 n } x N , where n E R and s is the “less-than” relation of the model 0. The word “finite” is meant here in the sense of R and the whole function has to be coded by a single element of R. We fix an increasing sequence {a”},n €noof elements of R which is cofinal with R. This sequence does not belong to the model. We arrange the construction of generic sets Gi, i < N , in such a way that the intersections n,,,Dom(&,) be equal to a set X consisting of infinitely many am’s.This is possible because for each condition p only finitely many an’s can belong to dom(p). We show that there is no model (R,S*) of A,, such that S * > U {S, : i E Th}.Otherwise, the set X would be an element of S*. Using the theorem on inductive definitions we could then find in S * a functional set f whose domain is a segment of n such that f ( 0 ) = ao, f ( x + 1) = the least element of X greater than f ( x ) . Thus, the domain of f would be the set of standard integers which is a contradiction because this set belongs to no model (a,$*)of A,,. It is rather remarkable that we have here a complete analogy between models of GBC and models of A, with non-standard integers. For models of A,, with standard integers Theorems 5.1 and 5.2 are false because any two such models have a joint C-extension. References FELGNER,U. (1971) Comparison of the axioms of local and universal choice. Fundamenfa Mathematicae 71, 43-62.
GODEL, K.(1940) The consistency of the axiom of choice and o f t h e generalized continuum hypothesis with the axioms of set theory. Annals of Math. Studies. Vol. 3. Princeton University Press, Princeton, N.J.,66 pp. (7th printing (1966).)
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KLEENE,S. C. (1952) Introduction to metamathematics. North-Holland, Amsterdam, 550 pp. (2nd printing (1957).) SIMPSON, S. G. (m) Forcing and models for arithmetic. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. (To appear.) VOPBNKA,P . and H ~ E KP., (1972) The TheoryofSemisets.North-Holland, Amsterdam, 332 PP.