! Autol11otive Repair Manual
Ford Mustang Automotlve Repair Manual Ьу
Robert Maddox and John Н Haynes Member of the Gui1d of Motoring Writers
Models covered: AII Ford Mustang models 1994 through 1997
Haynes PubIishing Group Sparkford Nr Yeovil Somerset ВА22 7JJ England Haynes North America, Inc 861 Lawrence Drive Newbury Park California 91320 USA
Acknowledgement s Wiring diagrams provided exclusively (ог Haynes North America, Inc. Ь у Valley Forge Technical Communicalions. Technical wril ers who conlribuled 10 Ihis projecl include Mike SlubbIefield, Jeff KibIer and Jay Slorer.
© Haynes North America, Inc. 1997 Wilh permlssion from J .H. Haynes & Со. Lld .
book in the Haynes Automotive Repair Manual Series
Printed in the U.S.A. АН
rights reserved . No part 01 this book тау ье reproduced ог trans· mitted in зпу form ог Ьу зпу means, electronic ог mechanicaJ. including photocopying, recording ог Ьу anу IпfОП11аt iоп storage ог retrievaJ system , without peгmissi on in writing from the copyright holder.
ISBN 1 56392 243 6 Library 01 Congress Catalog Card Number 96-79991 Whl1e every attempt is made 10 ensure that the information in this тап ualls correct, по liabIlity сап ье accepted Ьу the authors ог pubIishers 10г 1055, damage ог injury caused Ьу апу errors in, ог omisslons "о т , the information given . 97-352
Contents Introductory pages About this manual Introduction to the Ford Mustang Vehicle identification numbers Buying parts Maintenance techniques, tools and working facilities Booster battery аитр) s t aгting Jacking and towing Au tornotive chemicals and lubricants Conversion factors Safety tirst! TroubIeshooting
0-5 0-5 0-6 0-8 0-8 0-15 0-16 0-17 0-18 0-19 0-20
Chapter 1 Типе - ир
and routine maintenance
Chapter 2 PartA З . 8L
V6 and 5.0L
va engines
Chapter 2 Part 4.6L va engines
Chapter 2 Part
General engine averhaul procedures
2А- l
2В - l
Chapter 3 Cooling , heating and air conditioning systems
Chapter 4 Fuel and exhaust systems
Chapter 5 Engine electrical systems
Chapter6 Emissions and engine control systems
Chapter 7 PartA Мапиа!
Chapter 7 Part
Automatic transmission
Chapter6 Clutch and drivetrain
Chapter9 8rakes
Chapter 10 Suspension and steering systems
11 -1
Chapter 11 80dy
Chapter 12 Chassis electrical system Wiгi пg
12-19 IND-1
Haynes mechanic, author and photographer with 1997 Mustang
About this manual Its purpose
lines. Each Section consists 01 consecutively numbered paragraphs. At the beginning 01 each numbered Section you will Ье relerred to апу illustrations which apply to the proced ures '" that Section. The геl егепсе numbers used '" iIIustration captions pinpolnt the pertinent Section and the Step within that Sectiоп. That is, Шustгаt iоп 3.2 means the iIIustration refers to Section 3 and Step (ог paragraph) 2 within that Section. Procedures, опсе described '" the 1ext, аге по1 normally repeated. When i1's necessaтy to refer to another Chapter, the referепсе will Ье given as Chapter and Section number. Cross re1erences given without use 01 the word "Chapter" apply to 8ections and/or paragraphs '" the sзте Chapter. For example, "see 8ection 8" means '" the same Chapter. Re1erences to the left ог right side 01 the vehicle assume you аге sitting '" the driver's seat, facing forward. Еуеп though we have prepared this manual with extreme саге, neither the pubIisher пог the author сап accept responsibility 10г зпу eгrors in, ог omissions from, the inl ormation given.
The purpose о' this тапиаl is to help уои get the best value from уоиг vehicle. It сап do 50 in several ways. It сап hetp уои decide what work тиs! Ье done, еуеп If уои choose to have it done Ьу а dealer 5ег vlce depar1ment ог а repair shop; it provides information and ргосе dures far routine malntenance and servicing; and It offers diagnostic and repair procedures to follow when troubIe occurs. We hope уои use the manual to tackle the work yourself. For тапу slmpler jobs, doing It yourself тау ье quicker than arranging ап appointment to get the vehicle i"to а shop and making the trips {О leave it and pick it ир . Маге importantly, а lot of топеу сап ье sзуоо Ьу
avoiding the expense the shop must pass
labor and overhead costs. Ап added benefit is the sense 01 satis1action and accomplishment that you feel after doing the job yoursell.
таnuаl The manual Is divided into Chapters. Each Chapter is dlvided into numbered Sections, which аге headed in bold type between horizontal
Us;ng the
Note provides information
uпdеrstэпd .
to properly complete
information which
make the procedure easier
Caution provides а special procedure ог special steps which must ье taken while completing the procedure where the Caution is found . Not heeding а Caution сап result '" damage to the assembIy being worked оп.
WARNING А Warning provides а special procedure ог special steps which must Warning is found. Not heeding а Warning сап result in personal injury.
taken while completing the procedure where the
Introduction to the Ford Mustang The Ford Mustang is availabIe in two-door sport coupe ог соп vertibIe body styles and have а conventional 1ront епgiпeJгеаг-whееl drive layout. The availabIe engines оп the models covered Ьу this manual аге: а З . 8L V6, а 8ingle Over-head Сат two-valves рег cylinder (SOHC-2V) 4.6L V8, а Oual Over-head Сат four-valves per cylinder (00HC-4V) 4.6L V8 ог а pushrod 5.0L V8 engine. AlI models use ап electronically controlled muti-pon fuel Injection system. Later models аге equipped with Оп Board Oiagnostic Second generation (ОВО 11) computerized engine management system . ОВD 11 monitors engine and emissions system operation for malfunctions. The check engine light оп the instrument рапе' will illuminate [1 апу component malfunction occurs. Power 1гот the engine is transferred through either а five speed manual ог four speed automatic transmission and а driveshaft to the
differential which is mounted [п the solld геаг axle assembIy. Axles inside the assembIy сагту power from the differential 'О the геаг wheels. Suspension is independent '" the 1ront, utШziпg struts and lower control arms to locate the knuckle assembIy at each wheeJ. Со!' springs аге mounted between the lower control агт and the fгэmе. The геаг suspension features со!' springs and shock absorbers. Тhe steering gear is а power assisted rack and pinion type that is mounted to the Iгont of the engine crossmember with rubber insulators. Тhe brakes аге disc at the Iront and the геаг with vacuum assist as standard equipment. Models equipped with 4.6L DOHC-4V engines utitlze hydro OOost assisted brakes зs standard equipment. Anti-Iock Braking Systems (ABS) аге optional оп а" models.
Vehicle identification numbers Моdlfiсаtюпs аге а сопt,ПUlпg
and unpubIlcized process 1" vehi· lists and manuals аге compiled 0'1 а numerical basls, the Indivldual vehicle numbers аге necessary 10 correctly identify the сатрапе"! required
cle manufacturing. Since spare
the models covered
Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) This уегу important idепtlfiсаtюп number 15 stamped оп а plate attached 10 the dashboard inside the Wlndshield оп the driver's side of the vehlcle (see illustration). ТПе VIN al50 appears оп the Vehicle Сег lificate of TI1Ie and Reglstration. 1I СОlltЗIПS IпfогmаtlOП 5uch as where and whe" the vehicle was manufactured, the model уезг and the body style,
VIN engine and m odel уеаг codes Two partlcularly lmportant plece5 о( Iпfогтзtюп lound in the VIN the епglПе code al1d the тodе' уезг code_ Counting (гот the left, the englne code lеНег dе5igпаtюп 15 the 81h dlgit and the 1,1odel уеаг code letter de5ignalion i5 tllе 10th digit. аге
п итЬе г
is vi5ibIe through the w indshleld driver's side
thi s manual the eng ine codes
а ге:
4 ................................................................................ З . 8L W ....................................••.............................. 4.6L SOHC V ..................................................................... 4.6L ООНС Т .......................................•................................ 5.0L н . о . D ..................................................................... 5 .0L Cobra Оп
the models covered
the model
V6 V8 V8 V8 V8
аге :
R .................................................................................... 1994 S .................................................................................... 1995 Т ..................................................................................... 1996 V ................................................................................... 1997
Vehicle Certification Label The Veh icle Certification Label is attached 10 the driver's slde рillа г (see Шustгаtiоп). Information оп this lаЬе! includes the пате о( the manufacturer. the month and уеаг of production. as we
The vehicle cer1ification labells affixed the to the driver's side door plllar
Vehicle identification numbers
The englne identification label is affixed t o the valve с оуег
The manua l tran5mi55ion identification tag i5 retained side engine-to-bellhousi ng bolt
Ьу а
аэ information оп the options with which It i5 equipped. This label i5 especially useful far matching the coloг and type 01 paint far repair work.
Engine identification
Labels co"tai"i"9 the епgiпе code. engine питЬег and build date found оп the vaJve соуег (see illustration). The engine питЬег i5 al50 stamped O"to а machined pad оп the externat surface 01 the engi ne bIock.
сап ье
Automatic transmission identification The automatic transmission
Ю питЬег
i5 affixed to
right side 01 the caSB.
transmission identification
The manual transmission ID питЬег i5 stamped оп а tag which is OOltOO to the driver's side 01 the bellhousing (see illustration).
Rear differential identification
The геаг differential Ю питЬег i5 stamped bolted to the differential соуег (5ее illu5tration).
оп а
Vehicle Emissions Controllnformation
ta9 which i5
This label i5 found in the engine compartment. See Chapter 6 for more information оп this label.
геа г
differential identification tag i5 bolted to the differential соуег
Buying parts Replacement par1s аге ауаilаЫе from тапу sources, which generally fall Into опе of two categories - authorlzed dealer part5 departments and independent r8tall auto parts stores. Our advice concerning these parts is as follows: Retail auto parts stores: Good auto paгts stores will stock fr8quently needed components which wear ои! relatively fast , such as ciutch components, exhaust systems, brake parts, tune-up parts, etc. These stores often supply new ог recond/tioned parts оп ап exchange basis, which сап sзуе а considerabIe amount 01 топеу. Oiscount auto paгts stores аге о11е" уегу good places to Ьиу materials and paгts needed far general vehicle maintenance such as 011, grease, 1ilters, spark plugs, belts. touch-up paint, bulbs , etc. They also usually sell
tools and general accessories, have convenienl hours, charge lower prices and сап often Ье found not far from home. Authorized dealer p arts dep artment: This 15 the best source for parts which аге unique 10 the vehicle and not generally availabIe elsewhere (such as major engine parts, transmlssion parts, trim pieces, elc.). Warгan ty information: 1I the vehicle is stlll соуегоо under warranty, Ье sure that апу replacement parts purchased - regardless 01 Ihe source - do поl invaHdate the warranty! То Ье sure 01 obtaining the correct parts, have engine and chassis numbers availabIe and, if possibIe, take the old parts along for positive identification.
Maintenance techniques, tools and working facilities Maintenance techniques Тheгe аге а number
01 techniques involved '" maintenance and
repair that will Ье referred 10 throughout this manual. Apptication of these techniques will епаЫе the home mechanlc 10 ье тоге efficienl , better organized and сараЫе 01 periorming the various tasks properly, which will ensure that the repaJr Job is thorough and complete.
Fasteners Fasteners аге nuts, bolts, studs and screws used to hold two ог parts togelher. There аге а few Ihings 10 keep 'п mind when working with fasteners. Almost all 01 Ihem use а locklng device of some type, either а lockwasher, 10cknut, locking tab ог thread adhesive. All threaded fasteners should Ье clean and straight, with undamaged threads and undamaged corners оп the hex head where the wranch flts. Develop the habit of replacing all damaged nuts and bolts with new ones. Speciallocknuts with пу10П ог fiber inserts сап only Ье тоге
used опее. If they аге removed, they 10se their locking аЬШty and must ье replaeed with new ones. Rusted nuts and OOlts should Ье treated with а penelrating fluid 10 ease гетоуаl and ргеуеПI breakage. Some mechanics use turpentina in а spout-type 011 сап, whlch works quite well. After applying the rust penetrant, let It work lог а few minutes Ьеlоге trying to loosen the nut ог bolt. Badly rusted lasteners тау have 10 Ье ehiseled ог sawed оН ог removed with а 5pecia1 nut breaker, available at tool stores. 11 а bolt ог stud breaks оН in ап assembIy, it сап Ье drilled and removed with а special 1001 commonly available for Ihis purpose. Most automotive machine shops сап perform Ihis task, as weB аз other гера!г procedures, sueh as the гера!г 01 threaded holes that have Ьееп stripped out. Flat wa5hers and lockwashers, when гетоуоо from ап assembly, should always ье replaced exactly as removed . Replace апу damaged washers with new ones. Never use а lockwasher оп апу 50ft melaJ 5Ufface (such as alumlnum), thin sheet metal ог plastic .
Maintenance techniques, tools and working facilities Fastener sizes For а number of reasons, automoblle manufacturers аге making wider and wider use of metric fasteners. Theгefore, It i5 important 10 Ье аЫе to tell the difference between standard (sometimes called U.S. ог 8АЕ) and metric hardware, since they cannot Ье interchanged. Atl bolts, whether standard ог metric, аге sized according to diameter, thread pitch and length. For ехатр1е, а standard 1/2 - 13 х 1 bolt is 1/2 inch in diameter, has 13 threads рег inch апd is 1 inch IOn9. Ап М 12 - 1.75 х 25 metric bolt 15 12 тт in diameter, has а thread pitch of 1.75 тm (the distance between threads) and i5 25 тт IOn9. Тhe two
nearly identical, and easily confused , but they
зге поl
wrench should по! ье used оп а 5tandard bolt. А150 , тоэ! 5tandard bolts have slashes radiating out 1roт the center 01 the head to denote the grade ог 5trength 01 the bolt, which i5 ап indicatlon 01 the amou nt 01 torque that сап Ье applied to it. The greater the питЬег 01 5lashe5, the greater the 5trength 01 the bolt . Grades О through 5 аге commonly u5ed оп automobiles. Metric bolts have а ргореПу claS5 (grade) пит Ьег , rather than а slash , molded Into their heads to indi cate bolt strength. '" this саэе , the higher the пит Ье г , the 5tronger the bolt. Proper1y cla55 numbers 8.8, 9.8 and 10.9 аге commonly used оп auto-
changeabIe. In addition 10 the differences in diameter, thread pitch and length, metric and standard OOlts сап а1Э0 ье distinguished Ьу examining the bolt heads. То begin with , the distance асгоээ the flats оп а standard bolt head is measured in inches, while the same dimension оп а metric bolt 1э slzed in mi ll imeters (the эате is true 1ог nuts). Аэ а result , а standard wrench should not Ье used оп а metric Ьо1! and а metric
тоЫlеэ .
Strength markings сап al50 Ье иsес! to distinguish standard hex nuts 1гот metric hex nut5. Мапу standard nuts have dots stamped into опе side, whi1e metric nuts аге marked with а питЬег . The greater the питЬег of dot5, ог the higher the number, the greater the strength of the nut. Metric 5tud5 аге al50 mar1<ed оп their ends according to property class (grade). Larger studs аге numbered (the эате аэ metric bOlts), whlle smaller studs с аггу а geometric code to denote grade.
Grade 5
Grade 1 or 2
Grade 8
Bolt strength marking (standardISAElUSS; bot1om - metric)
Grade Н ех
Nut Grade 5
Property Class 9
3 Dots
Arabic 9
Н ех Nut Property С1а ss 10
Nut Grade 8
6 Dots Standard hex пи! strength markings
Arabic 10 Metric hex пи! strength markings
Metric stud strength markings
I ()о'1 НАУНЕЭ I
Ma intenance techniques, tools and working facilities
11 should Ье noted that тапу fasteners, especially Grades О through 2 have по dlstinguishing marks оп them. When such 15 the case , the only way 10 determine whether It i5 standard ог metric 15 to measure the thread pitch ог сотраге il to а known fastener of the
same 51Z8 . Standard fasteners аге often referred 10 as SAE, as opposed 10 metric. However, il should Ье noted that SAE technically refers 10 а non·metrlc fi"e thread fastener only. Coarse thread non-metric fasteners аге referred 10 as USS sizes. Since fasteners of the 5ате size (both standard and metric) тау have different stгепgth ratings, Ье sure to reinstall апу bolts, studs ог nuts removed from yaur vehicle in their ori9i"al locations. Also. when replacing а fastener with а new опе, make sure that the new опе has а strength rating equal to ог greater than the original .
Tightening sequences and procedures Most threaded fasteners should Ье tightened to а specific torque value (torque is the twisting faree applied to а threaded component such as а nut ог balt). Overtightening the fastener сап weaken it and cause il to break , wnile undertightening сап cause it to eventually соте loose. 801ts, screws and studs, depending оп the mateгial they аге made of and their thread diameters, have specific torque values, тапу 01 which аге noted 'п the Specificatians at the beginning of each Chapter. 8е sure to follow the torque recommendations closely. For fasteners not assigned а specific tarque, а general torque value chart 1э presented here as а guide. Тhеэе torque values аге for dry (unlubricated) fasteners threaded into steel ог cast iron (not aluminum). As was previously mentioned, the size and grade 01 а fastener determine the amount of torque that сап safely Ье applied to it. The figures listed
Metric thread sizes М-6
.............. . .. . ..... .... •• .... M~.... ... . . М·10 .. . .... •. .........••.. . .. М·12 ... .. . .. . . ....... . .•••.... М - 14 ....... .
FI-Ibs 6109 141021 281040 501071 8010140
91012 191028 381054 681096 10910154
Pipe thread sizes 1/8 ........................ .. .... . 1М ................... ....... . . •.. 3/8 ... .. ....... . ......... . 1/2
221033 251035
71010 17 10 24 301044 341047
U.S. thread sizes 1/4-20 .....................• . ..... 5/16- 18 .......................... . 5/16-24 .... ... ... .. ...... . . .. .. .... . 3/8 ·16 .. .... . ..... ... .. . ..... .. .... . 3/В - 24 .......... ... .. . ... . 7/16-14 . ... ... . ... ........ . .. .. .... . 7/ 16-20. ........ . .......... . 1/2 - 13 ............................. .
G ___
6109 121018 141020 221032 271038 40 1055 401060 5510 ВО
91012 171024 191027 301043 371051 551074 551081 751010В
I QO.2 HAYNES I Standard (SAE and USS) bolt dimensions/grade m arks G L т О
Grade marks (bo/t strength) Length (in inches) Тhread pitch (питЬег о( threads рег inch) Nom;nal diameter (in inches)
Metric bolt dimensionsJgrade marks Р
L т О
РroреПу с/а.. (Ьо/! s/гength) Length (in millimeters) Тhread pitch (distance between Diameter
in mi//imeters)
Maintenance techniq ues, tools and working facilities "еге аге
approximate far Grade 2 and Grade 3 fasteners. Higher
grades сап tolerate higher torque values. Fasteners laid Qut in а pattern , such as cylinder head bolts. оН рал bolts. ditferential соуег bolt5, etc. , must ье loosened ог tightened .. sequence to avoid warping the component. Тhis sequence will пог ~ al ly Ье
shown in the appropriate Chapter. 11 а specific pattern is not g у еп, the following procedures сап Ье used to prevent warping. Initially, the bolts ог nuts should Ье assembIed finger-tight only. '"ext, they should ье tightened опе full turn each, in а criss-cross ог с a90nal pattern . After each опе has Ьееп tightened опе full turn . retum to the first опе and tighten themall one-halftum. following the sзте pattern. Finally, tighten each of them one-quarter tum а! а time ... ntll each fastener has ЬееП tightened to the ргорег torque. То loosen and гетоуе the fasteners, the procedure would Ье reversed.
Component disassembIy Component disassembIy should ье done wlth саге and purpose :0 help ensure that the pans go back together pгopeгl y . Always keep :rack of the sequence in which pans аге removed. Make note of specl aJ characteristics ог marks оп pans that сап ье installed тоге than оп е way, such аз а grooved thrust washer оп а shaft. 11 is а good Idea :0 ' ау the disassembIed parts out оп а clean su"ace in the order that !hey were removed . Jt тау also Ье helpful to make sketches ог take "stant photos of components before removal . When removing fasteners from а component, keep track о' their ocations. 80metimes threading а bolt back in а рап, ог putting the .vashers and nut back оп а stud, сап prevent mix-ups later. If nuts and oolts cannot Ье returned to their originallocatlons. they should Ье kept n 3 companmented Ьох ог а series of smзll boxes. А cupcake ог muf• n tin is Ideal for this purpose , since each cavity сап hold the bolts and nuts from а particular агеа О.е . 011 рап bolts, valve соуег bolts, engine '11ount bolts, etc.). А рап of thls type is especially helpful when working оп assembIies with уегу small parts, such as the carburetor, altemator, valve train ог interior dash and trim pieces. The сзvitiеs сап Ье marked wlth paint ог tape to identlfy the contents. Whenever wiring looms, harnesses ог connectoгs аге separated. ,{ is а good idea to identify the two halves w;th numbered pieces of masking tape so they сап ье easily reconnected .
Hose removal tips Warning: If the vehic/e is еqшрреd w/th air conditiof1ing. do not disconnect апу о( the А/С /Joses without (Jгst having the system depressurized Ьу а dea/er serVlce department ог а service statiof1. Hose гетоуаl ргесаutюпs closely parallel ga5ket гетоуаl precautions. Avold scratchlng ог gouging the su"ace that the hose mates against ог the connectlOn тау leak. This is especially Irue for radia!or hoses. Because 01 various chemlcal reactlOnS, Ihe rubber 111 hoses сап bond itself 10 the metal spigol that the hose fits оуег Т о гетоуе а h05e. first 'оозеп the hose clamps that secure It to the spigot Then. with 5lip-Joint pliers, grab the hose а! the clamp and rotate it around the spigot. Work It back and forth until it is completely free. tl1en pull it off. 8ilicone ог other lubrlca'lIs will ease геП10vаllf tney сап Ье applied between the hose and the outside о. the spigot. Apply 1I,е same lubncant 10 the inslde of the hose and the outside of the spigot 10 5implify installation. As а last resort (and il the hosp. is 10 Ье replaced wlIII а new опе anyway), the гиЬЬег сап ье s1it with а knife and the hose peeled 'гот the spigot. 11 this ти5! Ье done. Ье careflll that the metal cOI,nection is по! damaged. If а hose clamp is broken ог damagP.d. do поl reuse 11. Wire-type clamps usualty weakel1 with age. so 1I 15 а good idea 10 replace them with screw-type clamps whenever а tюsе IS removed.
Too/s А selection 01 good lools is а basic requirement for <1пуопе who plans to mаiпtаiп and геРЭIГ his ог her own vellicle Рог tI,е owner who has lew 1001s. the initial Investment rnigtlt seem high. but when сот pared to the spiraling costs 01 professlOnal аиl0 mаlПtепапсе and repair. It IS а wlse опе
Gasket sealing surfaces Throughout апу vehicle, gaskets аге used 10 seal the mating surfaces between two pans and keep lubricants, fluids, vacuum ог pressuгe contained in ап assembIy. Мапу times these gaskets аге coated with а liquid ог pasle-type gaskel sealing compound before assembIy . Age, heat and pressure сап 50metimes cause the two parts 10 stick together 50 tightly that they аге уегу difficult to 5eparate. Often, the assembIy сап Ье loosened Ьу striking it with а soft-face hammer пваг the mating surfaces. А regu lar hammer сап Ье used If а bIock of wood is placed between the hammer and the part. 00 по! hammer оп cast parts ог parts that could Ье easily damaged. With апу particularly stubborn part, always recheck to make sure thal еуегу 1astener has Ьееп removed. Avoid using а 5crewdriver ог Ьаг to ргу apart ап assembIy, а5 they са п easily mar the gasket sealing surfaces of the parts, which mU5t remain smooth. If prying is absolutely necessary. use ап old Ьгоот handle, but keep in mind that extra clean up wi1l Ье neces5ary if the wood splinlers. After _пе parts аге separated , the old gasket must Ье carefully scraped off and the ga5ket suгfaces cleaned. 8tubborn gasket material сап Ье soaked with rust penetrant ог treated with а special chemical to soften it зо it сап Ье easily scraped off. А scraper сап Ье fashioned (гот а piece 01 соррег tubing Ьу flattening and 5harpening опе end. Соррег is recommended because it is usually softer Ihan the suгfaces to Ье scraped, which reduces the chance of gouging the part . 8оте ga5ket5 сап Ье removed with а wire brush , but regardless of the method used, the mating surfaces must Ье left clean and smooth. If for 5Оте reason the gasket surface is gouged. then а gasket sealer thick enough to fill 5cratches wШ have 10 ье U5ed dUflng rea5sembIy of the components. For mos! applications , а non-drying (ог semi-drying) ga5ket sealer should Ье used.
Micrometer set
Dlal indicator set
Maintenance techniques, tools and working facilities
геа т е г
Hand·operated vacu um pump
Timing light
Damper/steering wheel puller
General purpose puller
Valve spring compressor
Valve spring compressor
Piston ring groo\le clean ing tool
Ring removal/ installation tool
Maintenance techniques, tools and working facilities
Ring compressor
Cylinder hone
Brake cylinder hone
Clutch plate alignment tool
ТО help the owner decide which toots аге needed 10 perform the tasks detailed in this manual, the following 1001lisl5 аге offered: Maintenance and minor repair, Repair/overhauf and Specia/. The newcomer 10 practical mechanics should start оН with the maintenance and minor гepair 1001 kit, which is adequate far the slmpler jobs performed оп а vehicle. Then. as confidence and experiепее graw, the owner сап tackle тоге difficult tasks, buying additional tool5 аз Ihey аге needed. Eventually the basic kit wШ ье expanded 1"10 the гepair and оvеrhзul 1001 se!. Qver а period of lime, the experienced do-i t-yourselfeг wi1l assembIe а 1001 5et complete enough (ог m05t repair and overhaul procedures and wШ add tool5 from the special category when it is felt that the ехреП5е [5 justified Ьу the frequency of use.
Maintenance and minor repair tool kit The tool5 In thi5 list should Ье COn5idered the minimum required for репо г тапсе о! routine maintenance, 5ervicing and minor repalr work. We recommend the purcha5e of combination w renches (Ьох end and open-end combined in опе wrench). While more expen5ive than ореп end wrenches, they offer the advantage5 of both type5 of wrench. СотЫпаиоп wrench set (1I4-inch to 1 ineh ог 6 тт to 19 mm) AdjustabIe wreneh, 8 ineh Spark p/ug wrench with f1.Ibber insert Spark. pJug gap adjusting 100/ Feefer gauge set Brake bIeeder wrench Standard serewdriver (5/16-inch х 6 ineh) Phiflips screwdriver (No. 2 х 6 ineh) Combination pliers - 6 ineh. Hacksaw and assortment о' bIades Тiгe pressure gauge Grease gun
Brake hold-down spring tool
and die 5et
Oifcan Fine етегу c/oth Wire bf1.lsh Battery post and саЫе cleaning tool Oil filter wrench Funne/ (medium size) Saf_ty gOgg/_5 Jackstand5 (2) Drain рап Note: /' basic tune-up5 аге going 10 ье part о' routine maintenanee, it will ье песеssэгу to purchase а good qua/ity 5troboscopic timing light and combination tachometer/dwe/f metef. A/thaugh they аге inc/uded in the /i5t о' specia/ tOO/5, it i5 mentioned here Ьесаи5е they аге ab50/ute/y пеееssэгу (аг tuning m05t vehicle5 properly.
Repair and overhaul tool set These tool5 аге eS5ential for апуопе who plans to репогт major repalrs and аге [п addition to th05e [п the main tenance and minor repair tool kit. Included i5 а comprehen5ive 5et of sockets which, though expensive, аге invaluabIe because of their versatility, e5pecially when various extensions and drives аге availabIe. We recommend the 1/2-inch drive over the 3!8·inch drive. Although the larger drive 15 bulky and тоге expensive, I! has the capacity of accepting а very wide range of large 50ckets. Ideally, however, the mechanic should have а 3/8inch dr[ve 5et and а 1/2-inch drive set, Sock_t 5_t(5) ReversibJe ratchet Exrension - 1О inch Universal joint Torque wrench (same size dn've аз 5ockets) ва(/ рееп hammer - 8 оипее Soft-face hammer (pJastic/rubber) Standard screwdriver (1/4-inch х 6 inch)
Maintenance techniques, tools and working facilities scre~ydn ver (srиbby - 51 1б-mсh) screwdnver (No. 3 х 8 inch) ,', ps scгeNdri ver (stubby - No. 2)
Sra....<1aJO f'tojJ}lйS р'"' ,
Р О;
ers - ",se gnp e"S - 'твтап 's
P :,ers - need/e nose Р: ers - sпаD-riпg (intemaf and extemal) Cold ch/se/ - 1/2-/nch
Scnbe Scraper (made 'гот f/attened саррег tubmg) Ceпrerpunch Рm punches (1/16, 1/8. З/16-iпсh) Steel rule/straightedge - 12 inch А//еп wrench set (1/8 to 3/B-inch ог 4 mm to J О mm) А se/ection о' files Wire brush (large) Jackstands (second set) Jack (scissor О( hydraulic 'уре) Note: Another tool which is often usefu/ is ап electric drill with а chuck capacity о' З/8-iпсh and а se' о' good qua/lty dп/J bits.
Special tool5 Тhe 10015 in this list include those which аге по! used regularly. expensive 10 buy, О( which need 10 Ье used in accordance with thelr manufacturer's instructions. Unless these tools wi1l Ье used (ге quently. it is not уегу economical to purchase тапу of them. А consid· eratlon would Ье to split the cost and use between yourself and а friend ог friends. '" addition. т05! of these tools сап ье obtained from а tool rental 5hop оп а temporary basis. Thi$ list primarily contain5 only those 1001$ and in5truments widely avallabIe 10 the pubIic. and not those special lools produced Ьу the vehicle manufacturer for distribution 10 dealer service depar1ments. Occa5ionally, references to the manufacturer's special lools аге Included {п the texl of this manual. Generally, ап altemalive method of doing the job wlthout the speclal 1001 is оНегОО. However. somelimes Ihere is по aJlernative 10 their U$e. Where this is the case, and the too! саппо! ье purchased ог borrowed, the work should ье tumed оуег 'о Ihe dealer service depar1ment ог ап automotive repair shop. а ге
Valve spring compressor Piston ring groove c/eaning 1001 Piston ring compressor Piston ring in5taJlatlon (001 Cylinder compression gauge Cyfinder ridge геаmег Cylinder sur1acing hone Cy!inder Ьоге gauge Micrometers алd/ог dial ca/ipers Hydrau"c IJfter гетоуа/ 1001 Ba/ijoint separator Universa/-type puJJer /mpact screwdnver О/а! indicator set Strob05COpic tim;ng /ight (inductive pick-up) Hand operated vacuum/pressure рumр Tachometer/dwell meter Universa/ electricaf mu/limeter СаЫе hoist Brake spring геmоуа/ and instaffation tOO/5 F/oor jack
needed. add~on sets , Indlvidual 10015 and а larger 1001 Ьох сап Ье pur· chased to expand the tool selection , Buildlng а tool set gradually allows the cost of the 10015 to Ье spread оуег а longer period 01 lime and give5 the mechanlC the freedom 10 choose only those lools Ihal wllI aclually Ье u5ed, Тооl stores wllI often Ье the only source 01 some 01 the special 10015 that аге needed. but regardless of where 10015 аге bought, try 10 avoid cheap ones. especially when buying screwdrivers and sockels. because they won'l last уегу long. ТПе expense involved in replacing cheap lools will eventually Ье greater than the inllial cost of quality 10015,
Care and maintenance 01 tool5 Good 10015 аге expensive, so it makes sense to 'геа! Ihem wlth respect . Кеер !hem clean and in usabIe conditlon and store them properly when по! in use. A!ways wipe оН апу dir1, grease ог metal chips before puttlng them away. Never leave tools Iying around in Ihe work агеа . Upon completion of а job. always check closely under the hood for tools that тау have Ьееп left there so they won't gel lost dur· ing а lest drive. Some 10015, such as screwdrivers. plier5. wrenches and 50ckets. сап Ье hung оп а panel mounled оп the garage ог workshop wall , whlle olhers 5hould Ье kept in а tool Ьох ог 'гау . Measuring instrumenls, gauges, melers, etc. must ье carefully stored where Ihey сап· по! Ье damaged Ьу weather ог impact (гот other lools. When 10015 аге used wlth саге and stored proper1y. they willlasl а уегу IОП9 time. Еуеп wlth Ihe bes! 01 саге , Ihough, 10015 will wear oul ,f used 1requently, When а 100115 damaged ог worn oul, replace it. Subsequenl jobs \\'ill Ье 5afer and тоге enjoyabte 11 you do,
How to repair damaged threads Sometimes, the Internal thread5 of а nut ог bolt hole сап Ьесоте stnpped, usually from over1ighlening. Stripping Ihreads is ап all-Ioo· соттоп occurrence, especiarry when working with alumlnum parts , because aluminurn is so soft thal it ea5ily strips out . Usually, external ог internal Ihreads аге only par1ially stripped After they've Ьееп cleaned up with а lap ог die, they'll 5tH! work. Some· tlmes, however, threads аге badly damaged , When Ihis happens, you've gOI three choices: 1) Drifl and tap the ho/e to the пех' suitabIe oversize and install а larger diameter bolt, 5crew ОГ stud. 2) ОП" and tap the hole to ассер! а threaded p/ug, then driff and tap the p/ug 10 the or;glna/ screw s;ze. Уоu сап а/50 Ьuу а plug a/ready threaded 10 the ongmal size. Тhen уоu 5imply drifl а ho/e to the specified size, then ruп the threaded p/ug mto the ho/e w/th а bolt and jam nut. Опсе the plug is fully seated, геmоуе the jam nut and 00/1. Э) Тhe third method uses а patented thread гера" kit like He/f-Coif ог Sf/msert. These easy- to· use kits аге designed to гера;г damaged threads т straighH/Jrough holes and bIind ho/es. Both аге avaifаЫе as kits which сап handle а variety оГ sizes and thread pat· teт$. Dri/l the hofe, then tap it with the specla//ncluded tap. Insrall the He/i·Coif and the hole /$ back to its origmal diameter and thгead p/tch.
Regardless of which melhod you use, Ье sure 10 proceed calmly and carefuliy. А little impatlence ог carelessness durlng опе of these relatlvely simple procedures сап ruin уош whole day's work and cost you а bundle 1f you wreck ап expensive part.
Buying tOOl5
Working facilities
For the do-it·yourselfer who is just star1ing 10 get Involved in vehiс!е maintenance and repair, there аге а number 01 oplions ауаiJаЫе when purchasing 1001$. If mainlenance and minor repair is the extenl of the work 10 Ье done. the purchase of individual 1001s is satisfaclory. If, оп Ihe other hand, extensive work is planned. it would ье а good idea 10 purchase а mode$1 tool sel from опе of the large relai1 chain stores. А set сап usually Ье bought at а subslantial savings оуег Ihe individual 1001 prices. and they often соте with а tool Ьох. As additional 10015 аге
Not 10 Ье overlooked when discussing lools is Ihe workshop . If anything тоге than rouline maJntenance is to ье carried out. some sort of suilabIe work агеа is essentlal. It 1$ understood. and appreciated. Ihat тапу home mechanics do по! have а good work$hop ог garage availabIe, and end up removlng ап engine ог doing maJor repairs outside, It 1s recommended , however. thal Ihe overhaul о' repair Ье completed under Ihe соуег of а roof. А clean, flat workbench о' tabte of comfortabte working height IS
Maintenance techniques, tools and working facilities ап absolute necessity. Тhe wor1
pour the used fluids into large containers,
them with caps
and take them 10 ап authorized disposal 5ite ог recycling center. Plas'С jugs. such аз old antifreeze containers, аге ideal far this purpose.
Always keep а supply of old newspapers and clean rags availOld towels аге excetrent for mopping up s рШs . Мanу mechanics use rolls 01 рарег towels for most work because they аге readily ауаil аЫе and disposabIe. То help keep the агеа undeг the vehicle clean, а large cardboard Ьох сап Ье cut ореп and l1attened to protect the garage or shop floor. Whenever working оуег а palnted suгface, such as when leaning оуег а lелdег to service sоmеthiлg uлdег the hood, always соуег it with ал old bIanket ог bedspread to protect the liл ish. Vinyl covered pads, made especially 10г th is purpose , аге availabIe at auto parts stores. аЫе .
Booster battery Oump} starting а
Observe these precautions when usi лg а booster battery to start vehicle: а)
Before connecting the booster battery, make suгe the ignition switch is in the О" position. Ь) Тит о" the lights, heater and other e/ectrica/loвds. с) Уоиr eyes should ьв shielded. Safety goggles аге а good idea. d) Make suгe the booster battery is the sэте voftage as the dead опе in the vehic/e. в) Тnв two vehicles MUST NOT тоисн each othert f) Make suгe the transax/e is in Neutra/ (тапuа/) оr Park (automatic). g) Jf the booster battery ;s not а таiпtепалсе.free type, гemove the vent caps and 'ау а c/oth over the vent ho/es. Connect the гоо jumper саЫе to the positive (+) terminals 01 each battery (see il lustration). Connect опе end 01 the bIack jumper саЫе to the negative (-) termlnal 01 the boosteг battery. The other end 01 this саЫе should ье соп · nected to а good ground оп the vehicle to ье started. such as а bolt ог bracket оп the body. Start the englne using the booster battery, then , with the engine runn ing а! idle speed, disconnect the jumper cabIes in the reverse order 01 connection.
Boosler battery
Dead Battery
M ake the booster battery саЫе connections in the numerical order shown (note that the negative саЫе о, the booster battery is NOT attached to the negative terminal о, the dead battery)
Jacking and towing Jacking Wamlng: The jack suppJied with the vehic/e shou/d оп/у Ье used 'ог changing а tfre ог pJac;ng jackstands under the (гате . Never work under the vehic/e ог stat1 the engine whi/e this jack is being used as the onfy means о( suppot1. The vehlcle shou ld Ье оп level ground. Place the shift lever in Park , if уои have ап automatic, ог Revers8 il уои have а тапиаl transmission. Block the wheel diagonally opposite the wheel being changed. S8t the parking brake. Rетоуе the spare tire and jack from stowage. Аетоуе the wheel соуег and trim ring (if so equipped) with the tapered end of the lug nut wrench Ьу insening and twistlng the handle and then prying against the back of the wheel cover, Loosen the wheellug nuts about 1/4-101/2 turn each. Place the scissors-type jack under the side of the vehicle and adjust the jack height until it lits '" the notch '" the vertical rocker рапеl 11ange nearest the wheel to Ье changed . There is а front and геаг jacking polnt оп each side of the vehicle (see illustration). Turn the jack handle clockwise until Ihe tire clears the ground. Аетоуе the lug nuts and pull the wheel off. Replace it with the spare. Install the lug nuts with the beveled edge5 facing 'п . Тighten them 5nugly. Oon't attempt 10 tighten them co,mpletely until the vehicle is lowered ог it could 5liр off the jack. Тигп the jack handle counterclockwi5e 10 lower Ihe vehicle. Remove the jack and tighten the lug nut5 in а diagonal pattern. Install the соуег (and trlm ring , if used) and Ье 5иге it's snapped into place all the way around. Stow the tire, jack and wrench . UnbIock the wheels.
Vehicles equipped with ап automatic transmission сап Ье towea the front only with all four wheels оп the ground, pгovided that speeds don't exceed 35 mph and the distance is not оуег 50 mll es. Before towing, check the transmission fluid 'еуеl (see Chapter 1). If the 'еуеl is below the НОТ line оп the dipstick, add ftuid ог use а towing dolly. Release the parking brake, put the transmission in Neutral and place the ignition key in the OFF position. There's по distance lim ftatio" when towing with either the геаг wheels off the ground ог the dnveshaft disconnected, but don't exceed 50 mph. Equipment specifically designed far towing shouJd Ье used. 1I should ье attached to the main structural members of the vehicle , not the bumpers ог brackets. Safety is а major consideration when towing and all appllcabIe state and local laws must Ье obeyed. А safety chain system must ье used at аll times. АететЬег that power steering and power brakes \ . not work with the engine off. (гот
Towing As а general ги1е, the vehicle should Ье towed with the геаг wheels off the ground. If they can 't Ье raised , either place them оп а dolly ог disconnect the driveshaft from the differentiat. When а vehicle '5 towed with the геаг wheels raised , the steering wheel must Ье clamped '" the straight ahead position with а special device designed f~r и5е during. towing The ignition key must Ье '" the OFF position, slnce the steerlng lock mechanism iSn 'l 5trong enough to hold the front wheels straight while towing.
Place the jack 50 rt engage5 the notch '" the rocker panel neares1 the wheel to Ье raised
Automotive chemicals and lubricants А питЬег
of automotive chemicals and lubгicants аге availabIe far
..se during vehicle maintenance and repair. They include а wide variety
that Is usвd for mounting electronic ignition modules where it is essential that heat Is transferred away from the module.
oroducts ranging from cleaning solvents and degreasers to lubri::a:"':S and protective sprays (аг rubber, plastic and vinyl.
Cleaners Carburetor с/ваnег and choke с/ваnег is а strong solvent far ;_..... varnish and сагЬоп . Most carburetor cleaners 'еауе а dry-type \..С11Сапt 1ilm which wШ not harden ог gurn ир. 8ecause of this film it is -С'
recommended far use оп electrical components. Brake system с/ваnег i5 used to гетоуе grease and brake fluid
the brake system, where clean sur1aces are absolutely necessary.
- ~" es по residue and often efiminates brake squeal caused Ьу conta--алt 5.
гетоуе5 oxidation , corr05ion and сагЬоп from electricaJ conlacts, restoring full current flow. 1I сап also ::.е wsed 'о с1еап spark plugs, carburetor jets, voltage regulalors and :-е'" parts where ап oil-free surface is desired. Demoisturants гетоуе water and moisture from electrical сот xгen t5 such as aJternators, voltage regulalors, electrical connectors JrJ fu se bIocks. They аге non-conductive, non-corrosive and поп
Electr;cal cleaner
"z-m аbIе. Degrвasers аге
heavy-duty solvents used to гетоуе grease from -~ outside of Ihe engine and from chassis components. Тhey сап ье !Ct"ay ed ог brushed оп and, depending оп the type, аге rinsed off either ~.., \'Jater ог solvent.
Lubricants Motor оН Is the lubricant formulated for use in engines. 1I normally :::..... tains а wide variety of addltives 10 prevent corrosion and reduce :.a.rтllng and wear. Motor oil comes in various weights (viscosity rat'-g,s' from 5 10 80. The recommended weight of the 011 depends оп Ihe x.asоп, temperature and the demand5 оп the engine. Ught oil is used .- cold climates and under light load conditions. НеауУ оН is used in -.::: climates and where high loads аге encountered . Multi-viscosity oil5 ?е d esigned 10 have characteristics of both light and heavy olls and =-"Е а у аilаЫе iп а number of weights from 5W-20 to 20W-50. Gear оН is designed 10 Ье used in differentials, manual transmis3.ons and olher areas where high-temperature lubrication is required. Chassis and wheel bearing grease is а heavy g rease used ""'еге increased load5 and friction аге encountered , such as for wheel :.;anngs, balljoints, tie-rod ends and universal joints. High-temperature wheel bea ring grвase is designed 10 withs:and the extreme temperatures encountered Ьу wheel bearings in : sc brake equipped vehicles. 1I usually conlains molybdenum disul·:ie (moly), which i5 а dry-type lubricant. White grвase is а heavy grease for metal-to-metal applications Ithere water is а ргоЫет . White grease stays 50ft under both low and -lQh temperatures (usually fгom -100 to + 190-degrees F), and wШ not ... ash off ог dilute in the presence of water. AssembIy luЬв is а special extreme pressure lubricant, usually :ontalning moly, used to lubricate high-Ioad parts (such as main and -od bearings and сат lobes) for initial 5tart-up of а new engine. The assembIy lube lubricates the parts without being squeezed out ог Nashed away until the engine оШпg system begins to function. Silicone /ubncants аге used to protect rubber, ptaslic, vinyl and "у1 0П parts. Grapblte lubncants аге used where oils cannot Ье used due to contamination probIems, such as In tocks. Тhe dry graphite witl lubricate melat parts while remaining uncontaminated Ьу dirt. water, oil ог acids. It is electricalty conductive and will not foul electrical contacts in locks such as the ignition switch . Мо/у penetrants loosen and lubricate frozen , rusted and сог roded fasteners and ргеуеп! future rusting ог freezing . Heat-sink grease is а special electrically non-conductive grease
RТV sealant i5 опе 01 the тоз! widely used gasket compounds. Made from silicone, AТV is air curing, i1 seals, bonds, waterproofs, fills surface irregularities, remains IlexibIe, doesn't shrink, is relatively easy to гето уе , and is used as а supplementary sealer with almost а" low and medium temperature gaskets. АnаеroЫс sea/ant is much like АТУ in that it сап ье used either to seal gaskets о г to form gaskets Ьу itself. It remains flexlbIe, is solуеп! геsistапt and fills surface imperfections. The difference between ап апаегоЫс sealant and ап AТV -type sealant is in the curing . AТV cures when exposed 10 air, while ап апаегоЫс sealant cures only in the absence 01 air. This means that ап апаегоЫс sealant cures only after the a5sembIy of parts, sealing them together. Thrвad and pipe sealant is used for sealing hydraulic and pneumatic fittings and vacuum Ilnes. It Is usually made from а Тeflon сот pound, and comes in а spray , а paint-on liquid and as а wrap-around tape.
Cheтicals Anti-seize compound prevents seizing, galling, cold weld ing , rust and corrosion in fasteners. High-temperature ant-seize, usuaJly made with соррег and graphite lubricants, is U5ed 10г exhaust system and exhaust manifold bolts. Аnа еroЫс locking compounds аге used to keep fasteners from vibrating о г working loose and cure only after installalion, in the absence of air. Medium strength locking compound Is used 10г 5mall nuts, bolts and 5creW5 that тау Ье removed later. HIgh - stгепgth locking compound is for large nuts, bolts and studs which агеп ' ! removed оп а regular basis. ОП additives range from viscosity index improvers to c hemical treatments that claim to reduce intemal engine friction . It should Ье notOO Ihat тоз! oil manufacturers caution against using additives with their oils. Gas additives репогm several functions, depending оп their chemical makeup. They usually contain solvents that help di5solve gum and varnish that build up оп carburetor. fuel inJection and intake parts. They also serve to break down сагЬоп deposlts that form оп the inside surfaces 01 the combustion chambers. 80me additives contain upper cylinder lubricants for valves and piston ring5. and others соп tain chemicals to гетоуе condensation 1гот the gas tank.
Miscellaneous Brake fluid is specially fomlulated hydraulic fluid that сап withstand the heat and pressure encountered in brake systems. Саге must Ье taken 50 this fluid does not come in contact with palntвd surfaces ог plastics . Ап opened container should always ье resealed to prevent contamination Ьу water ог diгt . Weatherstnp adhesive is used to bond weatherstripping around doors, windows and Irunk lids. It is sometimes used to attach trim pieces. Undercoating is а pelroleum-based , tar-like substance that is designed to protect metal surfaces оп the underside of the vehicle from corrosion . It also acts as а sound-deadening agent Ьу insulating the bottom of the vehicle. • Waxes and polishes аге used to help protect painted and plated surfaces from the weather. Different types of paint mау require the use о' different types of wax and poJish. 8оте polishes utШzе а chemical ог abrasive c leaner to help гетоуе the top 'ауег :>f oxidized (dulJ) paint оп older vehicles. '" гвсеп! years many non-wax polishes that contain а wide variety of chemicals such as polymers and silicones have Ьееп i ntгodu c ed . These non- wax polishes аге usually easier to apply and last IОП9ег than conventional waxes and polishes.
Conversion factors Length (distanea) Inches
F•• t (ftl МlIез
25.4 0.305 Х ' .609
= Millimetres
= Mвtres
= CubIc centimetres (се; ст )
Volume (eapaeity)
CubIc Inches (cu 'п ; in ) Imperial plnts (lmp pt) Imperial qu~rts (lmp qt) Imperlal quarts lIтр qt) 3
х х х х
(US qtl
Imperlal g8110"5 (lтр g81) Imperial g8110"5 (lтр g81)
Х Х х
US gallon. (US g,1I
16.387 0 .568 1., 37 , .20, 0 .946 4 .546 , .20, 3.785
Mass (weightl Ounces (oz) Pound. (Ib)
х Х
28.35 0.454
х х Х
1m) Kilometres {kml
= Lltr••
= Litres
= US
(1) (I)
qu.гt. (US qtl Litres (1) Litres (1) = US gallon. (US gall
= =
litres (1)
= Grams
= Kilograms (kg)
0 .0394 3.28' 0.62'
0.06' '.76 0.88 0.833 ' .057 0.22 0.833 0.264
0.035 2.205
= Inches
= F•• t (ftl = Mlles
= СиЫс Inches (cu 'п; ,п ) = Imperial pints (lmp pt) = Imperial quaгts (Imp qt) 3
= Imperial
quarts (lтр qt)
= US
= US
gallon. (US gall
= Imperial
(US qtl
Я811О"8 (lтр Я81) = Imperlal g8110"5 (lтр g811
Ounces (oz)
= Pounds
Foree Х
Ounces-force (ozl; oz)
ОЫ ; 'Ь)
х х
Newtons (N) Pressuгe Pounds-force рег square (psi; Ibf/ in'; IЬЛп'l Pounds-force рег square (psl; Ibf/ ln'; IЬЛп'l Pounds-force рег square (psl; IbfAn'; IЬЛп'l Pounds-force рег square (psl; tbf/in 2 ; Ib/in2 ) Кllopascals (kPa)
(mоmепс Pounds-force inches
Torque ОЫ
= Pounds-force (lЫ; 'Ы
0.070 = Kilograms-force
= Pounds-force
0 .,45
х х
Кllograms-force (kgf; kg)
рег square centlmetre (kgf/c m2 ; kg/cm 2 ) = Atmospheres (atm)
0.069 = 8ars
6.895 =
(ozl; oz)
Newtons (N)
Pounds-force рег square inch
(psi ; IbfAn'; IЬЛп'l рег
square inch
{p.l ; Ibf/ ln'; IЬЛп'l
Pounds-force рег square inch (psl; IbfAn'; IЬЛп'l = Pounds-force рег square inch
(psi ; Ibf/ln'; IbAn'l
0 .0'
Кllograms-force рег square
centimetre (kgf/cm 2 ; kg/cm 2 )
= Kllopascals
of foree) Х
' .,52 =
in; Ib Inl
Кllograms -force
(kgf cm; kg cml
0."3 = Newton metres (Nm)
in; Ib Inl (lЫ
ft; 'Ь ft)
= Pounds-force feet (Ibf ft ; 'ь ft ) = Kllograms-force metres
8 .85
Pounds-force Inches
(I bf In; Ib inl
= Pounds-force ОЫ
In; Ib Inl
Pounds-force feet (tbf ft ; 'ь ft)
0 .738 9.804
= Pounds-force feet
0 .62'
= Mlles
рег litre (km!t)
рег Htre (km/I)
2.825 2.352
= Mlles рег gallon, Imperial (mpg) = Mlles рег gallon, US (mpg)
(kgf m; kg ml Pounds-force feet IIЫ ft; 'Ь ft) Newton metres (Nm)
Pounds-force inches
(Ibf In ; Ib inl
in; Ib Inl
Pounds-force feet
Pounds-force inches ОЫ
= Ounces-force
3.6 0 .225 9.81
Pounds-force Inches ОЫ
0.278 = Newtons (N) 4.448 == Newtons (N)
1.3 56 = Newton metres (Nm) 0.102 = КJlоgгаms-fогсе metres
= Newton
(lЫ ft ; 'ь ft)
metres (Nm)
(kgf m; kg ml
Power х
745.7 = Watts (W)
Miles рвг hour (miles/hr; mph)
eonsиmpt;on' M Ues рег g8110n, Imperlal (mpg) M iles рег gallon, US (mpg)
0.354 = Kilometres 0.425 = Kllometres
Horsepower (hp)
Veloeiry (speed)
= Kilometres рег hour (km/hr; kph)
Horsepower (hp)
рег hour (mlles/hr: mph)
тempeгarигe Degrees Fahrenheit
(О С)(
1.8) + 32
Degrees Celsius (Degrees Centigrede;
·/t is соттоп ргвсс;се 10 convert (гот miles рег gellon (inpg) (о Iitres/100 kilometres (I/700km), where тру (/mperiB!) Х 1/ 100 km = 282 snd тру (US) х 1/100 km = 235
О С)
= (OF - 321 х 0.56
Safety first! Regardless of how епthusiзstiс уои тау Ье about getting оп with at hand , take the 1ime to ensure that уоиг safety is по1 jeopar:.::ed_ А moment's lack of attention сап result in ап accident, as сап ~ ... ге 10 observe certain simple safety precautions. The possibi1ity of ? зсс!d епt will always exist. and the following points should not Ье :~sjd ered а comprehensive lis1 01 all dangers. Rather, they аге '-':-"'ded 10 make уои aW8fe of the risks and 10 епсоuгзgе а safety :-:rSCIОU S approach to аl1 work уои carry Qut оп уаиг vehicle. -:? ОЬ
Essentia/ DOs and DON'Ts rely оп а jack when working under the vehicle. Always use jackstands 10 support the weight 01 the vehicle and place -~ under the recommended 1Ш от support points. :ЮN'Т attempt to loosen extremely tight fasteners (i.e. wheel lug nuts) - ~ the vehicle is оп а jack - it may fall. :ION'Т stan the engine without first making sure that the transmission - ~ eutral (аг Park where applicabIe) and the parking brake is se1. :ION'T remove the radiator сар from а hot coo1ing system - let i1 cool :у :;о\/ег it with a'cloth and release the pressure gradually. Х>Н 'Т attempt to drain the engine oil until you аге sure 11 has cooJed : · ... 8 point that it wШ по1 burn you. ОН' Т touch апу part of 1he engine ог exhaust system until i1 has ~O ed sufficiently to avoid burns. :ION'T siphon toxic liquids such as gasoline. antifreeze and brake fluid ~ ~ou th, ог allow them to remain оп your skin. :)ОН ' Т inhale brake linin9 dust - i1 is potentially hazardous (see -.;:-'t?stos below). :ION 'T allow spilfed oil ог grease to remain оп the floor - wipe i1 up :.;'=>ге sameone slips оп it. :ION'T use loose fitting wrenches ог other tools which тау slip and :ЮN ' Т
,::::~"o ... ed
:.=.~se I nJuгy.
push оп wrenches when loosening ог 1ightening nu1s ог bolts. - .. ays 1гу 10 pull the wrench toward you. If the situation calls for push-; :he wrench away, push with ап ореп hand to avoid scraped knuck· ~ • the wrench should slip. :ION'T attempt to lift а heavy camponent а10пе - ge1 someone 10 help
Fire Remember at all 11mes that gasoline is highly flammabIe. Never smoke ог have апу kind of ореп flame around when working оп а vehicle. But the risk does not end there. А spark caused Ьу ап electrical short circuit, Ьу two metal surfaces contac1ing each other, ог even Ьу static electricity built up in your body under cenain conditions, сап Ign11e gasoline vapors, which in а confined space аге highly explosive. ОО nOI, under апу circumstances, use gasoline for cteanlng pans. Use ап approved safety solvent. Always disconnect the batteгy ground (-) саЫе at the battery before working оп апу рап of the fuel system ог electrical system. Never risk spilling fue! оп а hot engine ог exhausl component. It is strongly recommended that а лге extinguisher suitabIe for use оп fuel and electrical fires Ье kept handy in the garage ог works hop at all times. Never try to extinguish а fuel ог electrical fire with water.
Fumes Сепа]п fumes аге highly toxic and сап quickly cause unconsciousness and even death if inhaled to апу extent. Gasoline vapor falls Into this categoгy, as do the vapors from some cleaning solvents. Апу draining ог pouring of such volatile fluids should ье done in а well vепШаtеd агеа.
When using cleaning fluids and solvents, read the instructions оп the container carefully. Never use materiats from unmarked containers. Never run 1he engine in ап enclosed space, such as а garage. Exhaust fumes contain сагЬоп monoxide, which is extremely poisonous. If you need 10 run 1he engine, always do so in the ореп air, ог at least have the геаг of the vehicle outside the work агеа. If you аге fortunate enough to have the use of ап inspection pit, never drain ог pour gaso1ine and never run the engine whi1e the vehicle is over the pit. The fumes, being heavler than air, will concentrate in the pi1 wlth possibIy lethal results.
:. .... :ION'T rush ог take unsafe shortcuts to finish а job. OON'T allow chlldren ог animals in ог around the vehicle while you аге orking оп it. :>0 wear еуе pr01ection when using power 100ls such as а dri1l, s,a"der, bench grinder, etc. and when working under а vehicle. 00 keep loose clothing and long hair well out of the way of moving =-a.'1s. 00 make sure that апу hois1 used has а safe working load rating ade::~ate for the job. 00 get someone to check оп you periodically when working alone оп з. .. ehicle. 00 сапу out work in а logical sequence and make sure that eveгything s correctly assembIed and tightened . 00 keep chemicals and fluids 1igh11y capped and out of the reach 01 :hlldren and pets. 00 remember that your vehicle's safe1y affects that of yourself and :lthers, If in doubt оп апу point, get profes5ional advice.
Ьаиегу Never create а spark ог allow а Ьаге light bulb пеаг а battery. They normalJy give of1 а certain amount of hydrogen gas, which is highlyexplosive. Always disconnect the battery ground Н са Ые at the ЬаНегу before working оп the fuel ог electrical systems. If posslbIe. loosen the IШег caps ог cover when charging the batteгy from ап external source (this does по! apply to sealed or maintenance-free batteries). Оо not charge at ап excessive rate ог the battery тау burst. Take саге when adding water 10 а поп main1enance-free battery and when carrying а ЬаНегу. The electrolyte, even when diluted, is veгy сопоsivе and should not Ье allowed to contact cl01hing ог skin. Always wear еуе protectlon when cleaning the Ьапегу to prevent the caustic deposits from епtегiпg your eyes.
Househo/d current When using ап electric power tool , inspection light, etc., which operates оп household current, always make sure 1hat the tool is сог rectly connected ta its plug and that, where necessaгy, it Is properly grounded. 00 not use such items in damp conditions and, again, do nat create а spark ог apply excessive heat in the vicinity of fuel ог fuel vapor.
Secondary ignition system vo/tage
Certain friction, insulating, sealin9, and other product5 - such as orake linln95, brake bands, clutch 11nlng5, torque converter5, gaskets. etc. - тау contain asbestos. Extreme саге must Ье taken to avoid Inhalation of dust from such products, since it IS hazardou5 to health. If ,п doubt, assume that they do contain a5bestos.
А severe electric shock сап result from touchlng ceгtain parts of the ignition system (such as the spark plug wires) when the engine is running ог being cranked, particularly if companents аге damp ог the insulation Is defective. In the case 01 ап electronic igni1ion system, the secondaгy system voltage is much higher and could prove fatal.
TroubIeshooting Conte nts
Symptom Еngiпе Altвmator
light fails 10 come оп when key is tumed оп ..........•.•..•. Altemator light stауз оп ......................•.•.......... ..............................
13 12
will not hOId а charge.........................................................
ENGINE light ...................................................... Chapter б Engine backfiгes ....................... ~.. .. . .. . . . .. . .................. . . .. . . .. .... . . .. . .. . .. ,8 Engine diesels (contlnues 10 ПJп) after belng tumed off................. 2, 4 Englne hard 10 slart when coId ........................................... ...........
Englne hard 10 slart when hot ........................................................ Eng!ne Jacks pow« ............................... ...... ............. ...................... Еng!ne 'Iopes' white kШng or idles erralicalty................................. Engine misses at iclle speed........................................................... Engine misses Ihroughout driving speed range............................. Engine rotales bul will nol зtзrt ..................................................... Engine stalls ................................................................................... Engine starts bul slops !mmedialely .............................. ................ Englne surges whlle hold lng accвleralor sleady ............................ Engine wil l not rotale wtмm attempting 10 slart ............................. ЕхcesзiУе fuel consumplion........................................................... Excessively high iclle зреес! ........................................................... ЕхcesзiУе 011consumption............................................................. Fuel odor ........................................................................................ Hesitalion ог stumbla during acceleralion ..................................... Low oil pressure ....................... ........................ ........ ...... ..... ........... Miscellaneous englne nolses ......................................................... Pinglng or knoc king englne soonds when englne is under Ioad ....................................................... ...................... Starter molor noIзу or engages roughly ......................................... Starter motor operalas without luming englne ....... ......................
5 17 8 9 14 2
16 7 19 1 24
6 3
engaging ееаrз ......... .. ..... .. ...... ....................................... NoIse occurs whlle shiftlng оеаrз .................................................. Noisy in all gears ................................ ... ......................................... Noisy in Neutral with englne running.............................................. NoIsy in one partlcular оеаг .................. ........ ... ..... ........ .................
48 51
53 52 54 56 55 58 57 59 51
Brakes Вrake Вrake
pedal feels spongy when deptessed ...... ............................ pedal pulsales during brake appIicatlon..............................
з1 ЗЗ
2. зо
27 з2
drag ~ndicated ьу s luggish eng)ne performance or wheels belng very ho! after driving) .................... ...................... Excessive brake рООаl travel............................ .............................. Excessive effOl1 requlred 10 slop veh lcle ....................................... Noise (hlgh· pitched squeal) ........................................................... Рedзl travels 10 Ihe fIOOr wlth little reslstaпce................................ Аеш brakes Iocl< up under heavy brake application ...................... Аеаг bfakes Iock up under lighl brake a pplicalion ........................ Vehicle pulls 10 one SiCIe during braJdng ......... ..............................
55 58
69 64 б6
63 67 71
70 62
Suspenslon and steering 39 з5
з4 з6 за
Manual transmisslon Diffк;utty
clunk when lransmisslon Is under initialload Ousl after Iransmission is put Inlo gear).................................... Leaks аl 'ГОПI 01 driveshaft . ..................... ........ .............. .......... ...... Metallic grating sound consislenl wilh vehicle speed ................... Scraping noiзе ......... ........... ..................................... ......... ............. Vibration ......................................................................................... sound when slarting or shiftlng оеarз ........................... Noise · same when in drive аз when vehlcle Is coasling ............... Nolse when lurnlng .. ........ ............................................................... Oil leaks............................ ................................ .............................. Vibration ...... ............................. ......................................................
Клосk ог
Rear axJe and differential
25 15 22
Clutch . Clulch рООаl зtзуз on floor when disengaged ............... ............... Clulch slips (englne s peed increases wilh по increase In vehicle speed) .................................... ..... ........ ........ ........... ... Fails 10 release (pedal ptessed 10 the fIOOr · s hift 1ev8f does ПОI movе freely In and out of Аеуerзe) ............................ Grabbing (chattering) аз clutch is engaged ................................... Squeal or ПJmЫе with clutch d isengaged (pedal depressed)........ Squвal or ПJmЫе with clulch engзged (pedal released) ................
Automatlc transmission Engine will зtзrt In gears olhef thзп РШХ or Neutтal . .. . . ... ........ ...... Fluid leakage ............... ................................................................... Genетl shlft mechanism ргоЫетз ............................................... Transmlsslon sllps, shifts rough, Is nols y ог hзз no drive '" forward ог АеУerзe оеагз ... . ..... . .. ........ .. .. ..................... Transmlssion wl ll no! downshift with the acce/efalor рООаl pressed 10 Ihe floor .........................................................
Cooling system Abnormal coolant losз ............ ..................................................... .. Corrosion ....................................................................................... . Exlemal cooIant leakage .............................................................. .. Inlernal coolanl leakage ...................................................... ......... .. Overcooling ................................................................................... . Overheating ................................................................................... . Poor cootant cifculation ............................................................... .
Sectlon Symptom Oil leaks. ............ ............... ........................ ........................ ........ .... 44 Slips out 01 gear ............................................................................. 4з
45 46 41 40 42
Excessive pltChlng andlor rolllng around сотев orduring braking ......................................................... Ехcesslуе play Jn sleenng .............................................................. Ехcesзive lire wear (no! specific 10 one шва) ..................... ....... .... Excessive lire weat on inside edge ....................................... ......... Excesslve tire wear оп outside edge.............................................. Excessively sliff SleeПng ..... ........................................................... lack 01 power assistance ..................................... ......................... Miscellaneous noises ............................................... ...................... Noisy power sleering pump ........................................................... Shimmy, зhзkе or vlbralion. ........................................................... Steenng effOl1 rюl lМ same in both directions (power system) .... Sleering wheel lails 10 retum 10 stralghl· ahead posillon ............... Тiгe tread wom in one place........................................................... Vehicle puJls 10 onе side ................................................................ Wandefing or g8f'l8f'З1 inslabIlity .....................................................
85 а.с.
78 82 81 7з
8CI т9 8б
72 75
TroubIeshooting Епgiпе
Engine will not rotate w hen attempting to start
Ballery lerтninal conneclions loose ог corroded. Check Ihe саЫе lerminals allhe baltery; lightвn саЫе clamp and/or clean оН corrosion as necessary (500 Chapler 1). 2 Batlery dischatged ог faulty. 1I Ihe саЫе ends аге clean and lighl оп the battery posts, 'ит the key 'о Ihe Оп posilion алd swilch оп the headlighls ог windshield wipers. 1I Ihey won'l run , Ihe ballery is discharged. 3 Au!omatic transmlsslon по! engaged In park (Р) ог Neutral (N). 4 ' Broken, loose ог disconnecled wires in Ihe slarting circuil. Inspect all wires and connectors allhe ballery, slarter solenoid and ignition swilch (оп sleering column). 5 Starter molor pinion jammed in driveplate ring gear. Remove star1er (Chapter 5) and Inspecl pinion and driveplale (Chapler 2). 6 Slar1er solenoid laulty (Chapler 5). 7 Star1er molor laulty (Chapter 5). 8 Ignition swilch faully (Chapter 12). 9 Engine seized. Try 10 lurn Ihe crankshafl wilh а large sockel and breaker Ьаг оп the pulley boll. 10 Slar1er relay (ССАМ) laulty (Chapter 4) 11 Transmission Range (ТА) sensor out 01 adjustmenl ог deleclive (Chapler 6)
lueJ pump (Chaplers 1 and 4). 3 Deleclive spark plugs (Chapler 1). 4 Delective engine coolanl temperalure sensor (Chapter 6). 5 Fuel injection ог engine conlrol syslems malfunctiOf1 (Chapters 4 and6).
1 Air fil ler dirty (Chapter 1). Fuel по! reaching the fuel injection (see Seclion 4). Check 'ОГ а 2 vapor lock situal lan, braught aOOut Ьу clogged lueJ tank vent lines. 3 Bad engine ground connection. 4 Deleclive pick~up coil 'п distribulor (5.oL ooglne) (Chapter 5). 5 Fuel injection ог engine control systвms malfunctlon (Chapters 4 and 6).
Engine starts but stops immediately
Engine rotates but wШ not start
1 Fuel !ank empty. 2 Battery discharged (engine rolales slowly). 3 Ballery lerminal conneclions loose ог соггodОО. 4 Fuel поl reaching luel injeclors. Check 'ог clogged luel lilter ог lines and defeclive luel pump. Also make sure Ihe lank venllines агеп'! clogged (Chapter 4). 5 Faulty dislribulor componenls (5.0L engine). Check the сар and rator (Chapter 1). 6 Low cylinder compression. Check as described 'п Chapter 2. 7 Water in luel. Drain lank and lill wilh пе..., luel. 8 Deleclive ignilion coil(s) (Chapter 5). 9 Dir1y ог clogged luel injeclor(s) (Chapler 4), 10 Wel ог damaged ignilion components (Chapters 1 and 5). 11 Wom, laulty ог Incorreclly gapped spark plugs (Chapler 1). 12 Broken, loose аг disconnecled wires in the slarting circuil (see previaus Section). 13 Loose distribu!or (5,Ol engine). Tum Ihe distribulor OOdy as пес essary 10 slar1 the engine, then adjusl the ignition liming as soon as possibIe (Chapler 5). 14 Broken, loose ог disconnected wlres allhe ignilion coil ог laully coil (Chapter 5). 15 Т1miпg chain failure ог wear affecling valve liming (Chapler 2). 16 Fuel injection ог engine conlrol syslems failure (Chaplers 4 and 6). 17 Deleclive MAF sensor (Chapler'6)
Starter motor noisy ог engages roughly
Pinion ог driveplate teelh wom ог broken. Remove the Inspection caver оп the left side 01 Ihe englne алd Inspect. 2 Star1er motor mountlng bolts loose or missing.
7 2
Engine hard to s t a rt when hot
Starter motor operates without turning engine
Slarter pinion sticklng, Remove the starler (Chapler 5) and inspect. 2 Slarter pinion ог driveplate teeth worn ог broken. !3emove the inspection cover and inspect.
Епgiпе hard to st a rt whеп cold
1 2
Battery discharge:d ог low. Check as described 'п Chapter 1. Fuel по! reaching the fuel injectors. Check the fuel lilter, lines and
l oose ог damaged wire harness connections аl distri butor, coil аг altemator. 2 Intake maniloJd vacuum leaks. Make sure all moun!ing OOIIs/nuts аге tighl and all vacuum hoses connected 10 the manilold аге attached pl'operly and in good condition. 3 Insufficient fuel pressure (see Chapter 4). 4 Fuel injection ог engine control systems mallunction (Chapters 4 and 6).
'Iopes' while
кtliпg ог
idles e rratically
Vacuum leaks. Check mounllng OOlls а! Ihe Intake manifold 'ОГ lightness. Make sure thal all vacuum hoses аге connected and in good condltion. иоо а slethoscope ог а lenglh 01 luel hose held agalns! your еаг 10 listen 'ог vacuum leaks while the engine Is running. А hlssing sound will Ье heard. А зоару water solution will also delecl leaks. Check the inlake manifold gaskel sur1aces. 2 Leaking EGR valve ог plugged PCV val ve (see Chapters 1 and 6). 3 Air filter clogged (Chapter 1). Fuel pump по! delivering sufficient luel (Chapter 4). 4 5 Leaking head gaskel. Perform а cylinder compressian chec k (Chapter 2). 6 Т1miпg chain(s) worn (Chapler 2). 7 Camshaft lobes wom (Chapter 2). 8 Valves Ьигпоо ог otherwise leaking (Chapter 2). 9 Ignition timing oul 01 adjustmenl (Chapter 5). 10 Ignilion system по! operating рroреПу (Chapters 1 and 5). 11 Fuel injection ог engine control systems malfunction (Chaplers 4 and 6).
misses a t idle speed
1 Spark plugs faulty ог not gapped ргорепу (Chapter 1). 2 Faulty spark plug wires (Chapter 1). 3 Wet аг damaged dlSlributor componenls (5.0L engine) (Chapter 1). 4 Short clrcults In ignition, coil ог spark plug wires.
SIiddng of faUtY emissions systems (sвe Chapter 6). CIOgged fUeI filt. andIor foreign matter in fuel. АетОУ8 the 'иel ..,. PIaPter 1) and inSpect. 7 УiЮ.Un Ieaks а! intake manifold ог hose co nneclions. Check as dв5CiЬЮ 11 section 8 . 8 " iCOi.a;;t idIe speed (Chapter 4). 9 low or uneven cylinder compression. Check аз described '"
5 6
""""" 10 fUeII2-njection
systems malfunction (Chapters 4
15 Hesitatlon or stumbIe during acceleration Igni!ion system по! operat lng properly (Chapler 5). Dirty or Clogged fue4lnjector{s) (Chapt9f 4). Low fuel pressure. Check 'or proper operation 01 the fuel ритр and 'or гезtЛctions ,п the fuel filt8f аnd lines (Chapt8f 4). 4 FueI injectlon Q( enginв control systems malfunction (Chapters 4 1
2 3
16 Englne stalls 10 Excessi..,ely high idle speed 1
Sticking throttle linkage (Chapter 4).
Yacuum 'eзkз а! inlake manilold or hose connections. Check аз desaibed '" Seclion 8. З Fuel injeclioo or ef"IQlne control systems malfunction (ChaptElfS 4 2
Idle зреес! incorrect (Chapter 4). FueI filter clogged andIor wa! er and Impuri1ies in the fuel system (Chapter 1). 3 Damaged or wet dlstriЬutor сар and wires. 4 EmlssiOfls system comропentз faulty (Chapter б). 5 Faulty or Incorrectly gapped spar\(, plugs (Chapter 1). Also check the зрark plug wlres (Chapter 1). б Vacuum leak аl the intake manllold ог vacuum hoses. Check аз described In Sectlon 8. 7 fuel inject lon or enginв control systems malfunction (Chapters 4
Battery will n ot hold
1 2 3 4
Altemator drtvebett defeclive or по! adjusted propetfy (Chapter 1). Battet)' саЫes Iooи or corтoded (Ch"a pter 1). Altemalor ПО! charglng ргореПу (Chapter 5). Loose, broken ог faulty wires in the charging clrcuit (Chapler 5). Short circult causlng а continuous drain оп the batlef)'. Batlef)' defective Intema"y.
аnd б).
5 б
12 Altemator light stзys 1 2
Faull ,п altemator ог charging circuit (Chapter 5). Allemator drivebelt defective ог по! properly аdJuзted (Chapter 1).
13 Altem ator light fails to come
when key is tumed
Faulty bulb (Chapt9f 12). Defective altemator (Chapt9f 5). 3 Fault ,п the prin!ed circuit. dash wiring ter 12).
bulb holder (Chap-
14 Engine misses throughout dri..,ing speed range fuel filter clogged andIor impurities ,п the fuel зystеm. Check шel filter (Chapter 1) ог clean system (Chapt9f 4). 2 Faulty ог incorrectly gapped зраr\(, рlugз (Chapt9f 1). 3 Incorrect Ignition Ilmlng (Chapter 1). 4 Cracked diзtгiЬutог сар. diзсоппесted diSlributor wiгез ог damaged distributor components (S.OL engine) (Chapt9f 1). 5 Defective spark plug wires (Chapter 1). б EmissЮns зystem components faulty (Chapter 6). 7 Low ог ипеуеп cy1inder com pression ргеззигез. Check аз described 'п Chapt8f 2. 8 Weak or faulty ignitiOfl coil(s) (Chapter 5). 9 Weak ог faulty Ignition system (Chapler 5). 10 Vacu um leaks а! inlake manifold ог vacuum hозes (зев Section 8). 11 Dirty o~ clogged fuellnjector{s) (Chapter 4). 12 Leaky EGA valve (Chapt8f 5). 13 Fuel injection or enginв cootrol systems maJfunction (Chapl ers 4
and б).
Incorтect ignltion timing (Chapter 1). EJ\cesslve play 'П distributor shaft (S.OL engine). А! the sзте Ilтe check 'or faulty dislributor сар, wires, elc. (Chapter 1). 3 Faulty or incon"ectly gapped spaf1( plugs (Chapter 1). 4 Air fitter dir1y (Chapter 1). 5 Faulty ignitlon соЩз) (Chapter 5). б 8rakes blnding (Chapters 1 and 1О). 7 Auto mallc Iransmission fluld 'еуеl incorrect. саuзiпg sllppage (Chapter 1). 8 Fuel filter clogged andlor ,mригШез In the fuel system (Chapters 1
1 2
and 4). 9 EGA system no! functiOfllng properly (Chapt9f б). Use 01 sub-standard fueI. FШ tank with ргорег octane 1ueI. l ow or uneven cylinder compresslon pressures. Check аз described ,п Chapter 2. 12 Vacuum leak а! in lake manifold ог vacuum hoses (ch eck аз described in Sec!ion 8). 13 Dirty ог clogged !иеl injector(s) (Chaplers 1 and 4). 14 Fuel Injectlon ог engine con trol systems malfunction (Chapters 4 and6). 15 Aestrlcted eXhausl system (Chapter 4).
10 11
1 2
17 Engine lacks power
18 Engine backfires 1 2
EGA system по! functioning properly (Chapler 6). Ignlllon t imlng Incorтect (Chapter 5). 3 Vacuum leak (refer 10 Section 8). Damagect vaJve springs or sticklng valves (Chapter 2). 4 5 Vacuum leak а! the ifltake manifold or vacuum hoses tion 8).
19 Engine sUrges while holding accelerator steady , Vacuum leak а! the inlake manifold or уасииm hoses (зев Section8). 2 Aestricted зiг filter (Chapter 1). 3 FueI риmр or pressure regulator defecUve (Chapler 4). 4 FueI in}ectlon or engine control systems malfunction (Chaplers ~ and б).
TroubIeshooting 20 Pinging or knocking engine sounds when engine is under load Incorrect grade 01 luel. Fitt lank wilh fuet of Ihe proper oclane гaling. 2 Ignilion liming incorrect (S.OL engine) (Chapler 1). СагЬоп build-up in combuslion chambers. Аетоуе суt iпdег 3 head(s) and clean combuslion chambers (Chapler 2). 4 Incorrecl spar1<; plugs (Chapler 1). 5 Fuel injeclion ог engine conlrol syslems malfunction (Chapters 4 and 6). 6 Restricled exhausl syslem (Chapler 4).
Engine diesels (continues to run) after being tumed off
Idle speed 100 high (Chapter 4). Ignilion liming incorrect (5.0L engine) (Chapler 5). Incorrect spar1<; plug hea! гапое (Chapler 1). 4 Vacuum leak а! Ihe inlake mani!old ог vacuum hoses (зев Sec!ion 8). 5 СагЬоп build-up iп combustion chambers. Аетоуе Ihe cylinder head(s) and clean !he combuslion chambers (Chapler 2). 6 Vatves slicking (Chapler 2). 7 EGR system по! operating properly (Chapter 6). 8 Fuel injection ог engine control systems malfunction (Chap!ers 4 аnd 6). 9 Check !ог causes 01 overhealing (Section 27). 1 2 3
22 Low oil pressure 1 2 3 4 5 6
Improper grade oloil. Oil pump wom ог damaged (Chapter 2). Епgiпе overt'1ealing (reler 10 Secl lon 27). Clogged oil filler (Chapler 1). Clogged 011 strainer (Chapler 2). Oil pressure gauge поl wor1<;ing proper1y (Chapter 2).
23 Excessive oil consumption Loose oil drain plug. Loose OOlts ог damaged oil рап gaskel (Chapler 2). Loose OOlls ог damaged "оп! соует gasket (Chapter 2). 4 Fronl ог геаг crankshaft oil sealleaking (Chapter 2). 5 Loose bolts ог damaged valve соуег gasket (Chapter 2). 6 Loose oil filler (Chapter 1). 7 Loose ог damaged oil pressure switch (Chapler 2). 8 Pislons and суliпders excessively wom (Chapter 2). 9 Pislon rings по! installed correctly оп pistons (Chapter 2). 10 Wom ог damaged pislon rings (Chapler 2). 11 Inlake апd/ог exhaust valve oil seals worn ог damaged (Chap'ег 2). 12 Wom valve slems ог guides. 13 Worn ог damaged valves/guides (Chapter 2). 14 Faulty ог incorrecl PCV valve allowing 100 much crankcase а1г now.
1 2 3
24 Excessive fuel 1 2 3 4 5
сопsu mрtiоп
Dirty ог clogged зJг filler еlemепt (Chapler 1). Incorrect ignition liming (S.OL engine) (Chapler 5). Incorrect idle speed (Chapter 4). Low tire pressure ог Incorrecllire size (Chapler 1О). Inspect 'ог Ыпdiпg brakes.
6 'иel
Fuelleakage. Check all connections, lines and componenls In Ihe syslem (Chapler 4). Dirty ()( clogged 'иеl injectors (Chapter 4). Fuel injectlon ог епgiпе conlrol syslems malfunction (Chaplers 4
7 8 and 6). 9 Тhermoslat stuck ореп ог поl installed. 10 Improper1y operaling Iransmlssion.
25 Fuelodor Fuelleakage. Check а" connections, lines and componВf1ts in Ihe syslem (Chapler 4). 2 Fuellank overfilled. Fill only 10 automalic shut-off. 3 CharcoaJ canisler liller In Evaporalive Emissions Control system clogged (Chapter 1). 4 Vapor leaks 'гот Evaporalive Emissions Cont rol system liпез (Chapter 6). 1
26 Miscellaneous engine noises д slrong dull noise that becomes more гapid as the engine accelerales indicates wom ог damaged crankshaft bearings ог ап u пеvепlу worn cгankshaft . То pinpoint the troubIe spot, гетоуе 100 spark plug wire !гот опе plug а! а lime аnd crank Ihe engine over. 1I the noise stops, the cylinder with Ihe removed plug wire indicates Ihe probIem агеа. Aeplace !he bearing andlor service ог replace the crankshalt (Chapler 2). 2 Д similar (уе! slighlly higher pil ched) noise 10 Ihe crankshalt knocking described In the previous paragraph, thal becomes тоге гapid as Ihe engine accelerates, indicales wom of damaged connecling rod bearings (Chapter 2). Тhe procedure 'ог localing Ihe ргоЫет . cylinder is Ihe зате аз described in Paгagraph 1. 3 дп overlapping melallic noise Ihat increases in Inlensity аз the Вf1gine speed increases, уеl diminishes аз the Вf1glne warms ир indicales abnormal рiзtоп and cylinder wear (Chapl er 2). ТО locate th e ргоЫет cylinder, use Ihe procedure described in Paгagraph 1. 4 Д rapid clicking noise Ihat becomes fasler as Ihe engine accelerales iпdiса!ез а worn pislon pin ог pislon pin hole. Тhis sound will hapреп each !ime Ihe pislon hils the highest and lowesl poinls (п Ihe slroke (Chapter 2). Тhe procedure for locating Ihe ргоЫет piston Is described in Paгagгaph 1. . 5 Д melallic clicking noise coming 'гот the waler ритр indlcates wom ог damaged water ритр bearings ог pump. Replace the waler ритр with а пеw опе (Chapter З). 6 А rapid lapping sound ог clicking sound that Ьесотез fasler аз Ihe епgiпе speed increases iпdiсаtез Mvalve tаррiпg . This сап Ье idenlified Ьу holding опе end 01 а sесliоп of hose 10 your еаг and рlас iпg Ihe other end аl differen! spots along the valve соуег. The point where Ihe souпd Is loudesl indicates Ihe ргоЫеm valve. If the pushrod and rocker агт соmропепls аге ,п goOO зhаре, you likely have а collapsed valve lifter. Changing the engine oil and adding а high viscoзity oil Ireatment will sometimes cure а sluck lilter ргоЫет. If the probIem persists, the lifters, рuзhгоds and rocker arms must ье removed 'ог insресliоп (seв Chapler 2). 7 Д sleady melallic гatlling ог rapping souпd соmiпg lrom the меа. of Ihe liming chai n соуег indicates а wom, damaged ог out-of-adjuslmепl timing chain. Service ог replace Ihe chaln and relaled сотро nВf1ts (Chapler 2). М
Cooling system 27 Overheating 1 2
Insufficienl coolant ,п syslem (Chapter 1). Drivebelt defeclive ог по! adjusled property (Chapler 1).
0-24 з
Radiator core blocked or radiator gгше diny and restricted (Chap-
surge of coolant [! the pump 15 working properfy
ler З).
should feel (Chapter З).
4 Thermostat faulty (Chapter 3). 5 Cooling fan пОI fuпсt lопiпg рroре"У (Chapter З). 6 Aadiator сар no! maintaining proper pressure. Науе сар Pfessure tested ьу gаз station or repair stюр. 7 Ignition timing incon"ect (5.0L engine) (Chapt6f 5).
(Chapt6f 1). 1I necessary, гетоуе the radiator (Chapter З) and have iI геуerзe flushed ог professionally cleaned. 3 Loose water pump drivebelt (Сщt8f 1). 4 Тhermoslal sticking (Chapter 3).
8 9
Dвlective water pump (Chapler 3). Improper gгаde 01 engine oil.
Inaccurate temperature gauge (Chapter 12).
Restriction in cooting system. Draln, flush and reftll the syslem
Insufficienl cooIалt (Chapter 1).
28 Overcooling
Excessive Impurities
the water.
clean water 15
mended. Distilled or rainwaler 1$ satislactory.
1 2
laulty (Chapter З). lnaccurate temperature gaugв (Chapter 12).
29 Extemal coolant leakage 1 Deteriorated ог damaged hoses. Loose clamps а! hoЩI соппес· tions (Chapter 1). 2 Water pump seals delвctive. 1I this 'з Ihe case, water wlll drip from the weep tюIe ,п the water pump body (Chapter З). 3 Leakage Iгom radlator corе br header tank. Тhis will fequire the radlator 10 ье professionally repзiгвd (see Chapter 3 for removal procвdures).
Leakage 'roт the coolant reservoir ог degas bottle. Englne draln plugs ог water jacket Ireeze plugs leaklng (зее Chapters 1 and 2). б Leak from coolant temperature switch (Chapter З). 7 Leak. from damaged gaskets or small сгасkз (Chapter 2). 8 Leak 'гот 011 cooler ог oil cooler adapter housing, 4.6L СоЫа models (Chapter З) . 4
Chapter 1 'or the proper
Infrвquent flushing and draining 01 system. Regular Ilushing of the 3 cooling $ystem should Ье carried out аl the speclfied intervals as described in (Chap1er 1).
Clutch Note: AJ/ c/utch SвrVICe inlormation is /ocated ;n Chapter 8, иМ" otherwise noted. з4
Insufficient anllfreeze solutlon (rel8f
ratio 01 water 10 antifreeze).
Falls 10 release (pedal pressed to the floor - shift does по1 тоуе freely '" and out о' Reverse)
Clulch plate warped, dislorted or otherwise damaged. Diaphtagm spring latigued. Rеmoуе clutch cover/pressure pla.te aзsетЫу ancllnspect. 3 InsutrlClent pedal stroke. Check аncl adJust as necessary. 4 Lack 01 grease оп pilot bushing. 1 2
Intemal coolant leakage з5
/eaks сал usua//у ье detected Ьу exsm;n;ng (hв 011. Check the dipst;ck еnd inside the rocker arrn соуег !ог water deposits aпd ал 011 consistency Iike that 01 а mi/kshake.
Note: /ntema/
Leaking cy1incler head gasket. Науе the system ргesзuге tested or гетоуе the cy1inder head (Chapter 2) and Inspect. 2 Cracked cylinder bore or cylinder head. Dismantle engine and inspect (Chapter 2). 3 Loose cylinder head bolts (tighten аз descrlbed 'п Chapter 2). 4 Leakage from Intemal coolant pipelhose (4.6L engires) (accessi· Ые only with intake manilold гетоую (Chapter 28). 1
Abno""al coolant IOS5
Overfilling system (Chapter 1). Coolant boiling 8way due 10 overheating (see causes In Sec-
1 Wom or 011soakю cJutch plate. 2 Clutch plate по! Ыokеп in. It тау 'зkе за ог 40 normal slarts for г new clutch 10 sea•. 3 Diaphragm spring weak ог damaged. Rетоуе clutch соуег/ргез sure plate assembIy and inspect. Flywheel warped (Chapter 2). 4
Clutch slips (engine speed Increases with in vehicle speed)
Grabbing (chattering)
clutch (5 engaged
tion 27). 3 InternaJ or extemalleakage (зее Sections 29 and 30). 4 Faulty radiator сар . Науе lhe сар ргesзuге lested. 5 Cooling system belng pressurized ьу engine соmргеззioп. Thls could ье due 10 а cracked head ог bIock ог leaking head gaskel(s). Науе Ihe system lesled 'ОГ the presence 01 combustion gas In the coolant аl а shop.
1 Oilon clulch plate. Аетоуе and Inspect. АеpзJг апу leaks. 2 Worn ог loose engine ог transmlsslon mounls. They тау тоуе $Iightly when clulch Is released. Inspecl moun!s and bolts. 3 Wom splines оп transmlsslon inpul shaft. Аemoуе clutch coт~ nents аncl iflspect. 4 Warped ргеззuге plate or flywheel. АетоУе clutch components and inspect. . 5 Diaptlragm spring fatigued. Remoуе clutch cover/pressure plate ass~bly and inspect. б Clulch Ilnlngs hardened ог warped. 7 Clulch linlng rlvets loose.
32 Poor coolant circutation
37 Squeal
lnoperative waler pump. Д Quick test 'з 10 pinch the 'ор radiator hose closed with your hancl wIlile the engine Is Idling. then release 11.
1 2
rumbIe with clu1ch engaged (pedal released)
Impropet pedal adjustmenl. дdjust pedal free play. Release bearing bInding оп Iransmission зhап. Аетоуе clutch
TroubIeshooting components and check bearing. Aemove апу biкrs or nicks, clean relubrlcate belore relnstaJlalion. 3 Pilot bushlng wom or damaged. 4 Clutch rtvels Ioose. 5 Clutch p!ale cracked. б Fatigued clutch plate torslon spl'ings. Replace clutch plale.
44 011 k!aks
Squeal or rumbIe with clutch disengaged (pedal depressed)
Excessive amounl 01 'иbticзп! 'П transmlssion (зее Chapter 1 lor checking procedures). Draln 'иbticanl аз required. 2 Аеаг 011 зеа' or speec10meter 011 зеаl damaged. 3 То pinpoinl а leak. first гето\/е all bullt-up dir1 and grime from the tгап smisзlоп . Oegreaslng аgепtз and/or steam cleaning will achlo\/o thls. Wlth Ihe underside clean. dri\/e tho \/ehicle а! low зреес1з 50 tho alr flow will по! bIow the leak lаг 'гот Its source. Raise tho \/ehlcle аnd determlne where the leak Is located.
1 2
Wom or damaged reIeaSe bearing. Worn or btoken pressure plale diaphragm fingers.
45 Difficulty engaging gears
39 Clutch pedal stays
floor when disengaged
Sticklng саЫе ог release bearing. 'пзрес! саЫе ог remo\/e clutch as necessary.
соmропеп lз
Manual transmission Note: А/I manua1 traпsтission 7А, unless otherwise rюted.
Clutch по! releasing completely. Loose ог damaged shift linkege. Make а thorough Inspectlon, replacing parts as песеsзaту. 3 Insufficlent transmission 011 (Chapter 1). 4 Transmission oil in poor condltlon. Orain and (ill with proper grзdе 011. Check oil 'ог waler and debris (Chapter 1). 5 Sticking ог jamming gеarз.
1 2
46 Noise occurs while shitting gears зеМсе
/nformat/on /s /ocated in Chapter
1 2
40 Noisy In Neutral with englne running 'при! shaft bearlng wom. Damaged maln drill8 gear bearing. Insufficlent Iransmlssion 011 (Chapter 1). 4 Transmlsslon oil in poor condition. Draln and fill with рторег grade 011. Check OId oil lorwater and debris (Chapter 1). 5 Noise ье caused Ьу \/ariatlons In englne torque. Change the idi& speed and sвe if noise disappears.
1 2 3
Check lor proper operation of the clutch (Chapler 8). Faulty synchronizer assembIles. М еазше baulk ring-to- gear clearance. Al5O, check for wear ог damage to ba.ulk пngз or anу par1S 01 the synchromesh assembIies.
Automatic transmission Note: Dиe 10 the compJex/ty of /Ме 8utomatiC lransmission, it's difflcult for t/Je homв mech8лk; 10 PrOPвrIY di8gnosв and servicв. For pгobJems other Ih8n the fo/lowing, the vehic/e shou/d ье taken /0 а гери/аЬ/в
-~. 47 Auld leakage
Noisy in all gears
1 2
01 the аЬо\/е causes, andJor. Wom ог damaged output gear bearings or shaft.
42 Noisy in 1 2
Wom, damaged or chlpped gear teeth. Wom or damaged synchronizer.
Automatlc transmlssion fluid Is а deep гecl color. and fluld leaks should по! ье conlused wlth englne 011 which сап easily ье ыown Ьу alr flow 10 the transmlssion. .2 То plnpoin! а leak. first гето\/е all built -up dlrt аnd grime 'тот the transmlssion. Degreasin9 agMIs and/or steam cleaning will achle\/e thls. Wlth the underslde clean, drive the \/ehlci& а! Iow speeds 50 Ihe air f\ow will поt blow the leak 'а, from Its source. Raise the vehicle ancl determine where the leak Is Iocatecl. cotrvnon агeзs 01 leakage аге: г)
tighten mountlng
necessзry (СМрюг Ь)
tюtts аОО/ог
рап gгsket аз
гер/асе оН seзl 8З
43 Slips out of gear Transmlssion loose оп clutch housing. Stift shitt le\/er seal. Shltt linkage binding. 4 Broken or Ioose Input gear bearing retalner. 5 Dir1 between clutch le\lel' аnd englne houslng. б Worn linkage. 7 Damaged ог wom c heck balls, lork Гod ball 9rOO\/eS or check springs. 8 Worn mainshaft or countershatt bearings. 9 Loose engine mounls (Chapler 2). 10 Excessive gear end play. 11 Wom зynchronizers . 1
2 3
FJ/ler pipe: гер/асе 'М rubl:Jeroi! 588/ wnere pipe ent81S trвnsmis sion Сг58. d) Trвnsmission oillines: lighten fШiпgs where lines enter trвnsmls sion Сг58 andlor гepJace liпез. е) Vent р/ре: transmission overf/l/ed and/or waler '" fluid (soe checklng procedures. Chapter 1). 1) Veh/cle speed sensor. гер/асе 'nв O-';ng wneгe speed sensor enl81S transmission CгS8.
48 General shift mechanism probIems Chapter 7 deals wlth checkJng and adjusting the shift linkage automatlc transmissions. Соттоп probIems whlch тау ье caused
оп ьу
OUI af ~ 'inkзgе зre:
a,I Eng;1e StaIting in gears оttюг thaп Р (рагК) ог N (Neutrг/). ~ I dcatOl pointing to а gear other than the оne actuaJ/y engaged.
with transmission in
Р (РагК)
49 Transmisslon wШ not downshift: with the accelerator pedзl pressed to the floor Chapt8f 7 dea!s with adjusling Ihe thrott!e the transmission 10 downshitt propeny.
уа!уе саЫе
to епаЫе
ba/anced алd реrform the following tвst. , Install а tachometer inside Ihe vehicle 10 monitor engine speed as the vehlcle is driven. Drive Ihe veh ic le and nolo the engine speed а! which Ihe vibration (roughness) is mosl pronounced. Now shift the transm ission 10 а differenl gear and bring Ihe engine speed 10 the sзте point. 2 Illhe vibration occurs аl the sэте engine speed (rpm) regardless 01 which gear the tгэпsmissiоп is (п, the driveshaft is NOT аl faull since the driveshafl speed varies. 3 11 the vibralion decreases ог is eliminated when Ihe Iransmission is (п а different gear аl Ihe sзте engine speed, refer 10 the following probabIe causes: а
50 Engine will start in gears other than Park
Chapter 7 deals with adjusting the Neutra! start switch insla!!ed on automatic lransmissions.
Transmisslon sllps, shifts rough. is drive in forward ог Reverse gears
поi sу ог
аз necеssэl)'.
56 Scraping
поi se
Make sure there is nothfng. such аз an exhaust heat shield, rubthe driveshaft.
Axle(s) and differential
Driveshaft Note: Refer mation.
ordented driveshaft./nspect аnd гер/асе as лвсеssaty. о, built~up dirt, е/с. оп the driveshaft. С/еал the shaft thoroughly. ~oт uп/vеrsэ/ joint bearings. Replace the U~joints о( driveshaft
d Drivesha't and/or companion f/ange out о, balance. Check {ог missing weights оп the shaft. Remove driveshaft and reinstall18Ddegrees {roт origina/ position, then recheck. Науе the driveshaft Ьа/апсю " рroЫет persists. е Loose driveshaft mounting bolts/nuts. f Wom traлsтission геаг bushing (Chapter 7).
There ше тапу рroЬаЫе causes for the аЬоуе ргоЫетз, Ьи! the home mechanic should сопсет himsell only with опе possibility; ffuid level. 2 Вelore taking the vehicle 10 а shop, check the nuid 'еуеl and соп dition аз described in Chapler 1. Add f1uid, il neceзsэry, ог change the fluid and filter if needed. If ргоЫетs pefsist, have а pro'essional diagnose 'М transmission.
Ch8ptвr 8, unlвss
otherwise specified, fo, service infor-
52 Leaks at front of driveshaft Defeclive lransmlssion ог I ransfer case зеа! . See Chapter 7 'ог replacement ргосООиге. Аз thls is done. check the splined yoke 'ог burrs ог roughness that could damage the new seal. Аетоуе bUffS with а line lile ог whetstone.
Note: For differential sвrvicing in'orтation, rufer 'о Chapter 8, unless othвrwise specifiвd.
57 Noise - за т е when in dn ve as when vehicle is coasting 1 2 3 4
Road noise. No corrective action availabIe. Тiгe noisв. Inspвct tires and check tire pressures (Chapler 1). Front wheel bearings loose, worn .ог damaged (Chapter 1). Insufficient dilferential oil (Chapler 1). Defective diffemntiaJ.
53 Knock ог clunk when transmission is under Initialload (just after transmission is put Into gear) 58 Knocking sound when starting Loose or disconnected геаг suspension components. Check all mounting botts and bushings (Chapters 7 and 1 О). 2 Loose driveshaft bolts. 'пsрес! а" bolts and nuts and tighten them securely. . 3 Wom or damaged universal joint bearings (Chapter 8). 4 Wom sleeve yoke аl1d mainshaft spline.
ог shiftiпg
Defective or incoffectly adjusted differential.
59 Noise when tuming Defective differential.
54 Metallic grating sound consistent with vehicle speed Рronоипсес! ог
wear in the universaJ joint bearings. Replace U-joints
аз песезsэry.
55 Vibratlon Note: Веfoге b/aming thв driveshaft, make sure the tires ат perfect/y
50 Vibration See ргоЬаЫе causes under Driveshaft. Proceed under the guidelines Ilsted for the driveshaft. If the ргоЫеm persists, check Ihe reat wheel bearings Ьу raising the геаг 01 the vehicle and spinning {!"le wheels Ьу hand. Listen for evidence о' rough (noisy) bearings. Remove and Inspect (Chapter 8).
TroubIeshooting 61
66 Excesslve effort required to stop vehicle
Plnion 011 seal damaged (Ch apter 8). A.xleshaft 011 зеаls damaged (Chapter 8). 3 D!fferential соуег leaklng. Tighlen mounting bolls gasket as required . 4 Loose 'illе!' plug on differential (Chapter 1). 5 Clogged or damaged brealher оп differential.
ог гер/асе
Power brake boosler по! operating properly. Excesslvely wom Ьrэkе pads. Check and replace if песеsзaгу. Опе ог тоге caliper pis!ons selzed ог sticking. Inзрес l and rebuild as required. 4 Вrake pads contamlnated with 011 of grease. Inspect and replace as required. 5 Wom ог damaged master cylinder or caliper assembI!os. Check parlicularly 'ог frozen pislons.
1 2 3
Brakes Note: &Логв assuтing 8 brвke probIeт вx/slS, mвke surв the "геэ erв fn good condition and ;n"a tвc/ property. the (ronl &nd aJignment is CQ(. rвct and the vehiclв is no! /oadвd with we/ght in ал unequaJ тanner. AJ/ servicв рrocвduгез for (hв brвkes аге inc/иdвd in Chapter 9, un/еээ оtherwi!Ю noted.
67 Pedal travels to the f100r with li"le resistance Uttle of no fluю 'п tho таз!е!' cylinder reservoir caused ьу leaking caliper piston(s) ог looso, damaged ог d isconnected brake Ilnes. Inspect entire syslem and repalr as necessary.
62 Vehicle pulls to one side during braking Defective, damagecl or 011 contaminated brэkе pad оп ом slde. Inspect as described In Chapler 1. Refer 10 Chapter 9 if replacement Is
requifed. 2 Excessive wear 01 brake pad material or disc on опе sЮе. 'пзрес! and repair аз песеssэJY. 3 Loose о г dlsconnected 'ГОПI suspenslon components. Inspect and tlghten all bolts securely (Chapters 1 and 10). 4 Defective fron! brake cal iper assembIy. Inspect foc stuck piston or damage. 5 Scored or ou! of round disc. б Loose brake callp&l" moonling boItз.
caliper and
Fгont brake pads wom oul. This noiзе сотез 'гот the wear sen· Replace pads with new опеs immedialelyl Glazed or contaminaled pads. Dir1y or scored disc. Вen! зuррОО plate.
sor Nbbing against lhe disc. 2 4
64 Excessive brake pedal travel Partial Ьгэkе system fallure. tnspect entlre system (Chapter 1) and _ correct as required. 2 Insufficien! fluid in master cylinder. Check (Chapter 1) and add lIuid • Ыeвd system if песesзary. 3 дiг 'П syslem. Bleed sys!em. 4 Delectlve master cy1inder.
65 Brake pedal feels spongy when 1 2
Ak In brake ~пез.
Wheel Ьеaringз damagвd, wom or out of adjus!ment. Callper по! зlidiпg properly due 10 'тргорег ins tallstion ог obstruclions. Remove and inspect. 3 Disc ПОI wllhln specillcallons. Check for excessive ISlersl ПJпou! and parallelism. Науе the discs resurfaced ог replace them with new оnes. Also make зuге thal all dlscs аге Ihe зате thickness. 1 2
69 Brakes drag (indicated Ьу sluggish engine perfonnance ог wheels belng уегу hot after drtvlng)
63 Nolse (high-pttched squeal)
68 Brake pedal pulsates during brake application
В1eed the brake syslem. Deterioraled ПJЬЬег brake hoses. tnspect аИ system hoses and llnes. RepIace parts аз necessaJY. 3 Master cyllnder mounting nuts loose. Inspect master cylinder bolls (nuls) алd Ilghlen Ihem securefy. 4 Masler cylinder faulty. 5 Incorrect brake pad ctearance. 6 Cloggecl reservolr сар уen! hole. 7 Deformed Nbber bfake tines. 50ft or swollen callper sвa!s. 8 9 Роог quality brake fluid. Bleed entire sys!em and 'iIt with new approved f1uld.
, Pushrod sdjustmen! incorrecl 81 Ihe brake ped8t or power booster. 2 Obstructed master cylinder compensslor. DisassembIe тэs!ег cylinder and сlean. 3 Master cylinder piston seized 'п bore. Overhaul master cylinder. 4 Caliper эssетЫу in need of overhaul. 5 Plslon сирз In masler cylinder ог caliper assembly deformed . Оуетаи' mas!er cylinder. б Parklng brake assembly will по! release. 7 Clogged or Intemally spli! brake lines. 8 WheeI beзringз defective. 9 Brake pedal height Improperty adJustвd .
1 2
Тiгe рresзигез
brakes lock up under light brake application
100 high. excessively wom (Chapter 1). Delective proportioning valve.
2 3
brakes lock up under heavy brake applicatlon
pressures 100 high. excessively wom (Chapter 1). Front brake pads contaminaled with 011. replace lhe padS. 4 Fronl brake pads excessiveiy wom. 5 Defective proportioning valve.
or waler. Ctean
Suspension and steering Note: Al/ sвrvicв procedUf8S for the susPensЮn ам slвering systвms 818 inc/udвd /п Сfюрtвr 10, unless otherwise noted.
72 Vehicle pulls to
4 5
InCOfТect !гоп! еОО alignment. Steering оеаг mounting bolts loose.
Wom steerlng linkage.
78 Lack of power assistance
Тire pressures ипеуеп (Chaptef 1). Defective tire (Chapter 1). 3 Excesslve wear In suspension or steering comроnentз (Chapter 1).
, Steenng pump drivebelt laully ог по! adjusted properly (Chaptflf 1). 2 Fluid levellow (Chapler 1). 3 Hoses ог pipes restricting !he flow. 'пзресl аnd replace parts аз
4 5
Fron! еnd alignment Iпсопесt. Front brakes dragging. Inspect as described in Section 71. WheeI beзringз improperty adjusled (Chapler 1). Wheel tug пшз 1ooS8.
73 Shimmy, shake 1 2 3
ar wheel ои! 01 balance ог ои! 01 round. , Loose, wom Ofou! 01 adjustment wheel bearings (Chapter 1).
Shock absorbers andlOf suspension components wom or dam-
aged (sвe Chapter 10).
1 2 3
сотеrз ог
Defective ShOCIO; absol'bers. Replace аз а set. ВI(Жen of weak leal springs andIor suspension componentз. Wom or damaged stabilizer Ьаг or bushings.
75 Wandering or general ins1ability 1
2 3 4
5 б
Air in power steefing system. Bleed system. Defective power steering риmр.
79 Steering wheel fails 10 return 10 slraighl-ahead position
74 Excesslve prtching andlor rolling around durlng braking
Improper Ure presSIJres. Incorrecl l ronl end aligtlment. Wom or dзmagвd stвering Ilnkage or suspension components. ImprореПу adjusted st eenng еваг. Out-ol-balance wheels. loose wheel lug пщs. Wom геш shock absorbers. Fatigued ог damaged rear 'еа! зplings.
76 Excessively s1iff s1eering , lack 01 I'uld in the power stвering I'uid reservoir. where appropri ate (Chapter 1). 2 IncotТвcI 'ire pressures (Chapter 1). 3 lack о! lubrication а! balljolnts (Chapt8f 1). 4 Front end ои! 01 allgnment. 5 Stвering gear out 01 adjustment or lacking lubricatjon. б ImpropEН1y adjusted wheel ЬеМngз. 7 Wom or damaged steering оваг. 8 Int erfflfence 01 steering column with turn slgnal swllch. 9 low tire prвssures. 10 Wom or damagect balljoints. 11 Wom or damagect steering Ilnkage.
1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Incorrec t 'гоп! end alignment. pressures low. Steeting ееarз improperty engaged. Steering coIumn out 01 alignment. Wom ог damaged balljoint. Wom ог damaged steering linkage. Improperly lubricated idler arm. Insufficienl oil '" steering евзr. lack 01 fluld '" POWflf sleering pump. Тiгe
80 Sleering effort system)
Ihe same
both directions (power
leaks '" sl eering оеаг. Cloggect fluld раssзов In s!eering geзг.
Noisy power steering pump
1 2
Insufticient ollln pump. Clogged hoses ог 011 filter Iп риmр. loose putley. 'mproper!y adjusted drivebelt (Chaptef 1). Defвctive pump.
3 4 5
82 Miscellaneous noises 1
Improper tire pressures. InsufflCient/y lubricated Ьalljoint or sleering "пkзев. l oose or wom steering gear. steering "пkзов or suspension сom
4 5 6 7
8 9 1О 11 12
shock absorber. wheel ЬеМпо . Wom or damaged зuзpension bushlngs. Damaged 'еаl spring. loose wheellug nu ts. Wom or damaged {еаг 8Jl.lвshatt spline. _ Wom ()( damaged геаг shock аbsorbef mounling bushing. Incorrвct (ваг axle endplay. also causes 01 noises а! the геаг axle аnd driveshatt. Delвctive
77 Excessive play 'п s1eering 83 Excesslve tire wear (not specific to ,
loosв wheel bearings (Chapter 1).
2 3
Ехcesзiуе wear '" suspension bushings (Chapter 1). Steering gear impropet1y adjusled.
1 2
Incorrect lire pressures. TIf8S out 01 balance.
опе агеа)
TroubIeshooting .J
Wheels damaged. Inspect and replace as necessaty. $uspension or steering components wom (Ghapter 1). 5 Front end afignment incorrect. 5- Lack о' proper tire rotation routina. 588 Routine Mainlenance 5ctIedule, Ghapter 1 . ос
84 Excessiv8 tlr8 wa8r
85 Excessive tire wear
Incorrect tire pre5SUfe.
2 3
Front end alignment incorтect. Loose or damaged steering components (Ghapter 1).
1 2 3
tread wom in оne place
Incorrect Ilre pressure.
Excesslve speed in tums. Front end alignm8f1t incorrect.
out о' balance. Damaged or buckled wheeI. Inspect and replace if necessшy. Defectlve tire.
Chapter 1 Tune-up and routine maintenance Contents s.ctlon Air filter replacement ........................................................ Automalic transmission fluid and filter change .................. . Automatic transmissioo fluid 1еvel check .. о Вattery check, maintenance and charging ....................... Вrake check . ...................... о о о о
••••••••••••••••••••••••• •• ••••••••
••••••••• • ••
fluid change ..........................
•••• • • •
• •
• •• • • •• • •• '"
•••••••••• • • • ••
0.0 • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0.0 • • • • • • • • • •
• •
• • •
• •• • • •• • • • ••••
adjustment •..•.••.•..•.•.••..•.•...............••.•..•.................... CooIing syslem check ..•.•.••.••.••.•.•.••.••.•..•..........•.••.•....................... CooIing system sefVicing (dralning, flushlng and refilling) ............ . Differential lubl'icant change ......................................................... . Differential lubricant level check ...................................... ........... .. . Drivebelt Check and rерlасеmепt ................................................. . Englne 011 аnd ' ilter change ............................................................ Exhзuзt sузtem check ................................................................... Auid lеУel checks ........................................................................... FueI filter replвcement ....................................................................
27 7 10 18 29 9 15
20 21
2. 4 25
s.ction FueI syslem check ................................................. ....................... Ignition system component check and replacement ..................... Introduction ...................................................................... .............. Malntenance schedule ............................................. ........ .............. Manuallransmlssion lubricanl change .......................................... Мап uallraпsmlssion lubl'icanllevel check .................................... Positive Crankcase Vef1tllaUon (PCV) уalуе check......................... Power sleenng fluю lеУel check..................................................... Seat bell check ................ ...................... ........................................ Spar1< plU9 c heck and rвplacemвnl.. .......................... .... . .... .......... SuspenSlon and sleering check ........................................ ............. Tlre and lire prвssurв checks......................................................... Тire rotalion .................................................................................... Tune-up generaJ infoпnаtion .................................... ...................... Undertюod hose check. аnd rвplacemвnt .................. ..... ............... Windshield wiper Ыоов Inspвclion and replacвmвf"lt .........
Recommended lubricants and fluids Engilleoil ТурЬ................................................................................................... Viscoslty .............................................................................................
Cobra.: ...............................................................................
&1gine coolant ........................................................................................ Вrake ftuid ........................... ..................................................................... ::OWer slвering ftuid ................................................................................ Aиtomalic transmissioo fluid ................................................................... Wanual transmission fluid ........................................................................ OIassiз grвase ........................................................................................ :Jifferenliallubricanl................................................................................. " Т(Зk· Lok 8Х/ез
add 4
Щ. о,
frict/on modifier (Ford рап по.
АРI grade SG or SG/CC multJgrade see accompanying chart
fuel efflclenl 011
unleaded gasoline, 87 octane or highвf unleaded gasollne. 9 1 oclane or higher 50150 mixture 01 ethylene gtycol Ьаsоо antifreeze and water ООТ 3 heavy duty Drake Iluld MERCQN automatic lransmisslon Пuю MERCON automatic lransmlsslon fluid MERCON automalic transmlssion fluid SAE NLGI по. 2 chassis greasв SAE 8OW·90 GL· 5 gear lubricanl "
when 0/1/5 changed.
engine oil v4scoslty
22 2 1 31 19
24 6 13 зо
5 12
3 14 11
Chapter 1 Tune-up and routine maintenance
-"--ohonge) - .. .. _ .__................................................................................ э.а.
54 v8 ___ ................................................................. ч •••••••••••••••••• ' .... V8 _._ ... _................................................................................ .
__......................................................................... о
FUВI сага
• •• ••••
о •• ••• •••• • •
5.0 qts 5.0 qts 6.0 qts 15.4 gallons
v6 n1OdeI:S •••.••••............ о о о V81nOdets ........................................................................................ . Automatic transmission
11 .8qts 14.1 qts
AODE ............................................................................................... .. 4R7OW
12.5 qls
3.8l Vб ...................... ................................................................... .
13.9 qls
4.61... у8 ..................................................................................... .... .
12.8 qts
15 ..................................................................................................... . Т45 ............................................... ..................................................... .
5.6 рtз 6.6 pts
Rear differenlial 7.5 inch пng gear .................... ... ........................ .............................. .. 3.25 pls 8.8 inch ring gear.;............................................................................ .. 3.75 рlз • А// сарасШеs appro)(iтate. Add 8S nece~гy 10 bring 10 вppropriate Iвve/.
General RadiatOf сар pressure rating .......................................................... ........ . Disc brзkе pad thickness (mlnimum) .......................................................
16 рsl 1/8 inch
Ignition system spark plug type and gзр 1994 алd 1995 3.8L у6 ......................................................................................... . 5.0L У8 (ехсер! СоЬга) ...................................................: ........... .. 5.0L v8 (Соbrз) ............................................................................. "\ 1996 and later 3.8L у6 ......................................................................................... . 4.6L SOHC у8 ... ..... ...................................................... ... ............. .
4.6L [ЮНС v8 ............................................................................. .
Motorcrafl AWSF-44PP ог equivalent О 0.052 Inch Motorcrafl ASF-42C of equivaJenl О 0.052 inch MotOfcrafl AWSF·32C or equivalenl О 0.052 Incl1" MotOfcrafl AWSF·44EE or equivaJenl О 0.052 inch Molorcrafl AWSF-32PP or equivaJвnl О 0.052 inch Molorcrafl AWSF·32EE or equlvaJenl О 0.052 inch
Ofder У6 models ........... ............................................................................... VЗmodв1з ......................................................................................... .
0 ® О
o ® o o ® ® О o
0 ® 0
З.8L У6
Cyfinder locatlon а nd coil term lnal
identffication diagram • 3.8l englne т orque
[®®l ~
o ®
II.±I ~ ®® I'OL "О Епо;п•• 1-3-7-2-6--5-4-8
Cyflnder location аnd со]1 terminal Identtfication diagram • 4.бl engine
WheelIug nuts ......................................................... ........... ................... .. ..... pIugs •.._•....•.•.......•....•..•.••.••••.•..••.••.•.•..•..•.•.... ...... ..... .•................... 01 рап drain PIUg ............................................................................ ....... . Autc:пatic
tranSn-aSIOn pan bOItS ........................................................... lIIanUiIIIII Пы.lissioI. drain and "l PIUg ......................... ш Re8' dil'liiiil aaf d'arI and fiI PIUg ........................................................... .............. ... ..... .
8510105 71014
81012 101012 121022 121022
Cylinder locatlo n and dlstributor rotatlon . dlagram· 5.0L englne
Ford Mustang Maintenance schedule
Тпе fоllоwiпg
maintenance intervals
ОП (пе
a:ssumptlon 'па! (пе vehicle Qwner will ье doing the maintenance or service work, аз opposed 10 having а dealer service department or other repair shop do the work. Although Ihe timelmileage inter· 'fЗIs аге
loosely based
factory recommendations,
oeen shortened 10 ensure, far example, tha! such ilems аз lubriсалts
and Ilulds
intervals thal promote
Aotate Ihe !Ires (Sectlon 12) Check the зеаt belt operation (Sectlon 1З)
Every 15,000 miles о. 12 months, whichever comes·first
~mum engine/drlveline service life. Also, subjecl 10 the prefer-
51CEI 01
individual Qwner interested In keeping his
her vehi-
de ,п peak condition а! all tiтез , and wilh the vehicle's ultimate :eSaJe ,п mind, тапу 01 Ihe mainlenance procedures тау ье рег
bmed more often Ihan recommended in
we encourage such owner ini!iative.
(пе following schedule.
When the vehicle 'з new it should ье serviced initiaJly ьу а facDy authorized deater service department 10 prolect the faelory -.aranty. (п тапу cases the initiat maintenancв check ,з dooe at 3 ) cost 10 Ihe owlТer (Check wilh уоиг deater service department Ь morе information).
Every 250 miles о. weekly, whichever comes first Check the engine oillevet (Section 4) Check the engine cootant level (Sec!ion 4) a.eck !he wlndshield washer fluid level (Section 4) Check the brake fluid level (Section 4) Check the !iгвз and !ire ргеззигез (Section 5)
&ery зооо miles о. 3 months, whichever comes first l!!r'I'1S lis/вd abovв.
Oteck Ihe power steвring fluid level (Section 6) Q\eck !he automatic transmisslon fluid level (Section 7) OIaлgе the engine 011 and 011 fitter (Section 8) o.eck the elutch рООаl freвplay (Section 9)
&ery 6000 miles о. 6 months, whichever comes first tImS
Oм!c k
above. pJus:
and service the battery (Section 1 О) hspe(;1 and replace. if necessary. the windshield wlper blades (Sectlon 11 )
AJ/ /teтs /is/ed above. p/us: 'пзрес! алd replace. if necessary. all underhood hoses
(Section 14) 'пзрес! the cooling system (Sect ion 15)
Check the fuel system (Section 16) Inspect Ihe steering and suspension eomponents (Section 17) Inspect the brakes (Section 18) Check the m anual transmissioo lubricant level (Section 19) Check the геат ЗJ(lе (differentiaQ lubrican! level (Section 20)
Every 30,000 miles or 24 months, whichever comes first Check the engine drivebelt(s) (Section 21) Inspect and replace, if necessary, the ignilion system сотponents (Section 22) Aeplace the air ,iller (Section 23)' Check !he PCV valve (SeeHon 24) Aeplace the fuel filler (Sect ion 25) Inspec! the exhaust system (Sec!ion 26) Change Ihe automa!lc transmission fluid and fill er (Section 27)" Service !he cooling syslem (drain, flush and refilQ (Section 28) Change the bfake fluid (Section 29)
Every 60,000 miles or 48 months, whichever comes first Aeplaee the spark plugs (Sectlon 30) Change the тапиа' transmission lиЬпсап! (Sectioo 31) Change the геаг ЗJ(lе {different iaQ lиЬпсапl (Section 32) • RepIace morв often if is the vвhicle is driven in dusty areas .'" /he veh/clв is opera/ed /п contlnuous stop-and-go driving ог /п mountainous 8fNS, changв 8/15,000 тilвs
Chapter 1
2 3 4
Automatlc transm/ssion dipstick (по/ visibIe) Engine Ыl filler сар
Engine 01/ dфstlсk Brake
cylinder reservoir
and routine maintenance
compaгtment fиse Ьох
Windshield wBsher Лuid resвrvoir
Engine coo/ant
1 8 9
12 13
Uррег rщfiвtог hose
R8diator сар Power steering fluid res8fVOir
Air filter housing
Chapter 1 Tune-up and routine maintenance
Typtcal engine сотраптеп! components (4.6L engine)
2 3
PCVvs/ve Brake fluld reservolr
4 S
011 (illег сар Oil dipst!ck
7 8 Э
Fuse bIock Windsh/eld wasner flu!d rвseNoir 88ttef)' Coolant expansion tank Powвr stвering fluld reseNoir
11 12
13 14
со!1 pack В drivebelt Ignition coil pack А Иррег radiator nosв А/г filter housing
Chapter 1 Tune-up and routine maintenance
1 2 3 4
Engine 011 dipstic/l. Bгake m8stвr cylinder reservoir Enginв compartтent fuse 00)(
engine compartment components (S.OL VЗ 8f1glne)
fluld reservoir
7 8 9 10
Radistor сар Powвr steerlng
fluid reservoir
Engine coc/ant reservoir Enginв 011 п//вг сар
radiator tюse
11 12 13
Air filter tюusiпg
Automatic transmission
Chapter 1 Tune-up and routine maintenance
Typical engine compartment underside сотропепЬ 1 2
Lower radialor tюsе Тhemюstаt houslng О" filter
4 5 б
Lower controlarm bushing Steerlng уеаг тoun! Engine 011 dra/n р/иу
Sway Ьаг end /ink bushing Sway Ьаг btJshmg
I 2 3
Типе - ир
ааs /ank FueI fi/ter Tailpfpe
and routine maintenance
ParWng brake саЫв
ControJ 8"" bushing
Rear shock absortJer
Тhiз Chapler 'з designed 10 help Ihe tюmе mechanic malnlain the Ford Muslang with the goats 01 mэк i mum performance, economy, salety and rellabIlity in mil1d. Included is а master maintenance schedule (page '-3), followed Ьу procedures dealing specifically with each ilem ОП the schedule. Visual checks, adjustmenls. сотропеп! replacemenl and other helpful ilems аге Included. Refer 10 the accom pan ying illustrat ion s 01 the engine compartment аnd the underslde 01 the vehicle !ог the localions 01 various componen ts. Servicing the vehicle, '" accordance with the mileageltlme mair1tепзпсе schedul e and Ihe step-by-step procedures will result in <;1 planned maintenance program that snould produce а long аnd reliabIe sеМсе life. Кеер '" mlnd !hal it is а comprehensive plan, so maintaining some items bul поl olhers а! Ihe spвcified inlervals will поl рго duce Ihe зате resulls. As you servlce Ihe vehicle, you wlll discover that тапу 01 the procedures сап - and should - ье groupвd together becausв 01 Ihe nalure of Ihe panicu lar procedure уоо'ге pet10cming or because 01 Ihe close prOXlmity 01 two olherwise unrelaled compon8f1ts 10 onе anolher. For eJl:ample, if the vehlcle Is ralsed lor chassis lubricalion. you should inspecl Ihe eJl:hausl, suspen slon, sleering and luel syslems
while you're under Ihe vehicle. When you're ГОIЗliпg Ihe lires, il 10 check Ihe brakes sfnce Ihe wheels аге already rem ove:. Finally, lel's suppose you have 10 borrow or гепl а lorque wrench. Е if you only ГIeed il 10 lighlen lhe spar1<. plugs, уou mighl as well с lhe torque 01 a.i тапу critjcal lasleners as time allows. тhe lirst step '" this maintenance program is 10 prepare уоо belore Ihe actual work begin5. Read Ihrough aJllhe planning 10 do, then gather up alllhe ра"з and 10015 needed. 1I i like you might run inlo probIems during а particular job, seek 'гот а mechanic о' ал eJl:perienced do-it-yourseller. оood зепзе
.;0''''''''.; ,"" .. '
Tune-up general information
The teпn tune-up is used in Ihis manuaJ 10 гергеsenl а com~ lion 01 individual operatlons ralher than опе speclflc procedure. 1/, !гот the time Ihe vehicle is new, the routine mainlena schedule is lollowed closely and Irequent checks аге made 01 fluid е els and high wear items, аз suggested throughout thls manual. engine will ье kept in relatively оood running conditJon and the ~ 101" addilional VЮI1< wiJl ье minlmlzed. More likelythan nOI, however, there will ье tlmes when the engr:8 is runnlng poorty due 10 lack 01 regular mаiпlenалсе. Th is Is еУеп 11»8 likely iI а used vehicle, which has по! received regular and Ireq .J!!Т
Chapter 1
and routine maintenance
4.4 Тhe oillevel 5hould Ье at or near the МАХ эrеа оп the dip5t1ck - if It 15n'I, зdd enough оН 10 bring the level to пезr the МАХ тзrk (it lake5 опе quar1 of 011 'о raise the level пот the lower 10 upper marX)
Тh e
oil dipstick is located
the driver side 01 the engine
malnlenance checks, is purchased. In such cases, ап engine lune-up will ье needed outslde 01 the regular roullne mainlenance inlervals, Тhe lirsl step 'п эпу lune-up ог diagnoslic procedure 10 help corгееl а роог running engine Is а cyllnder compression check. А сот presslon ch eck (see Chapler 2) will help delermine the condillon 01 Inlemal oogine componenls and should ье used as а guide lor {ипе-ир and repair procedures. 11, lor iпstэпсе, а compression chвck indicales serious Inlemal engine wear, а сопventioпэl lune-up will ПОI improve the performance 01 Ihe engine and would ье а wэslе 01 t ime and moпеу. Вecause of its importance, the comp!'ession check should ье doпе Ьу someone with lhe righ\ equlpmenl and the knowledge 10 use il proper1y. The lollowing procedures are Ihose mos! often needed 10 bring а generally роог running engine Ьэсk Inlo а ргорег s!ate of lune.
Minor tune-up Check а" вng/ne relгted f/u/ds (Section 4) С/вап, inspect аnd (ез! the battery (Sectlon 10) Check 8/1 uпderhood hoses (Seclion 14) Check tflв cooling systeт (Section 15) Check (flв drivebe/t (Section 21) /nspect the spэ'* p/ug аnd соil wires (Section 22) Check (flв aiг filter (Section 23)
Major tune-up Nl items listed under Minor шпе-ир, plus , , . Check the {ивl system (Section 16) Rep/ace the spэ'* p/ug and со// wires (Section 22) Rep/ace the air filter (Section 23) Rep/ace the PCV valVe (Section 24) Replace the fиel filter (Seclion 25) Replace (М spэ'* plugs (SectiOfl 30) Check the chargiпg systeт (Chapter 5)
Fluid level checks (every 250 miles or weekly)
Fluids аге ап essential раП 01 th e lubricalion, cooling, brake and • V1 dshield washer systems, Because the !tulds gradually become ~eled and/or contaminaled during ПОПТlаl opera!ion 01 tле vehlcle, ~ must ье periodically replenished. Rесоmrrюпded /ubricants ..с f/uids а! the beglnning 01 Ihis Chapter before adding Пuid to anу 01 ~ following components. Hote: тhe vehic/e тust ье on /еуе! ground
~ Пию 1eve/s эге checked.
Engine oil =e."er (о /l/ustrations 4.2. 4.4 аnd 4.6 ..:. Тhe 011 ieve1!s checked with а dip5tlck, whlch Is located оп the left cww er's) s!de 01 the engine (see iIIustratlon). The dipstick extends
4.6 Oil is added to the englne after removing the twist off сар (arrow) located
the vatye
through а metal tube down inlo the oil рап. 3 тhe 011 lеУе! should ье checked before tha vehicle has been driуеп , ог about 15 minutes after Ihe engine hэs Ьееп shut off. 1I the oil is checked immediately alter drlvln9 the vehicle, зоте 0 1 the оН wil t remain in the иррег раП 01 the engine, resu!ting 'П зп iпзссuгаtе read In9 оп the dipstlck. 4 Pull the dipstick out 01 the tube and w ipe all th e 011 !rom the end wlth з clean rag ог рарег lowel. Insert the clean dipstick all the way back Inlo the lube and putl " out agaln. Note the oil а! the еnd 01 the dipstick, А! "з highest point, the level shoutd ье аЬоуе Ihe MIN тэrk, within the hэtСhed тэrkес! section о! the dipstick (зае i l lustraliOГl) . 5 1I takes опе quart 01 oil 10 raise the level 'rom the MIN mal1< 10 the МАХ marl< оп the dipstick. Do по! aJlow the leyel 10 drop below the MIN mark or oil starvation тау cause engine damage. Conver5ely, overfilllng the engine (adding 0)1 аЬоуе Ihe МАХ mark) may cause 011 fouled spark pllJQs, ollleaks or oil seaJ failures. То add 011, remove Ihe filler сар Irom the valve соуег (зее illus6 tration). After эdd iпg оit, walt а few minules to allow the level to stabiIlze, then pull oul th e dipstick and chec k the level again. Add more oil if required. InSlal1the filler сар and tlghten it Ьу hand only . 7 Checking th e 011 level is ап Imporlant preventive maintenance slep. Д consistently Iow olllevel indlcates oillaakage through damaged seals, delectlve gaskets or pas! worn rings ог valve guides. 1I the 011 looks milky in color or has waler droplets 'п 11, the cylinder head ga5ket(s) may Ье bIown or the head(s) ог bIock may Ье cracked, The englne should ье checked immediately. Тhe condition 01 the oit should also ье checked. Whenever уou check the 011 level, slide your thumb 8nd Index finger up the dipstick before wlplng off the оН, 1I you see small dir1 ог metal par1icles clinglng to the dipstick, Ihe 011 should ье changed (seв Section 8).
and routine maintenance
4.15 The Ьгак е fluJd 'еуеl should Ье пеаг the base 01 the 'iller neck 01 the translucent plastic reservoir
4.9 Тhe coo lant expansion tank 15 located оп the front of the englne compartment • keep Ihe 'еуе' пват the arrow а1 the seam
Brake f1uid
Engine coolant Refer 10
Refer 10 i//ustration 4. 15
Wamlng: Do по! a//ow antifreвze /0 соте '" con/act with уоuг skin or pain/ed surfaces о{ thв vehicJв. F/ush СOГltзmiпаted агеаз immediafely wirh p1enty о! water, Don'! store nвw cooJant О( leave OId coolant tying around wherв it's access/bJe (О children or pets - they'rв attracted Ьу its sweet sтe/l. /ngestion о( even а sтa/J атоuп! о( соо/ап! сап ье
fa/al1 Wipe ир garage "оог anci drip рап spills iтmediately. Кеер вn/ifrвeze contalners coverв(i алd гера!г cooling systвm leaks аз soon аз
they'm гюtlced.
AlI vehicles covered
тапиаl аге
equipped wlth
Ized coolant recovery system. А plastic expansion tank local ed а! the 'гоп! 01 lМ englne compartment is connected Ьу а hose 10 Ihe radia'ог. As Ihe engine heals ир during operSIJon, the eKpanding coolant fШs the 'anк . 9 Тhв сооlалt lеУel in Ihe 'апк shoula ье checked regular1y. WarnIng: Do по! гeтovв 'hв radiгtor сар о(ехралsion !ank сар 10 check the соо/ап! /еуе/ when Ihe engine /s warm! The /evв/ in /he /ank varies wlth the lemperalure о( the eng/ne. When Ihe engine is co/d, the соо/anl /eve/ shoи/d ье аl or s/ight/y abovв lhe FULL СOLО та'* on the reservojг. oncв Ihe enginв has warmed uр, the level shov/d ье а/ or near the FULL НОТ mark. If il isn'l, allow the engine to соо/, then гemovв /he сар (rom /he tank and add а 50150 m/xlure о' ethylene g/yco/ based antifreeze and water (see l1Iustration). 10 Drive Ihe vehicle and recheck the coolanl level. Ооп'l use rusl inhiЫtors or additives. 11 Of\ly а smaJl amouп! 01 cooIanl is required 10 bl'ing Ihe syslem ир 10 the proper level, waler сап ье used. However. repealed addlllons 01 waler wlll dilule Ihe anlilreeze and waler solulion. 'П order 10 mainlain Ihe ргорег ralio 01 antilreeze and waler, always 'ор ир the coolanl 'еуеl with the соггес! mlxture. Ал empty plaslic milk jug or bIeach bottle makes ап excellenl conlainer 'or mlxIng coolar\l. 11 If Ihe coolanllevel drops consisten tly, Ihere тау Ье а 'еак '" the system. Inspect Ihe radialor. hoses, flller сар, drain plugs and water pump (зев Section 15). If no 'еакз аге nOled, have Ihe radialor сар or expansion tank сар pressure lested ьу а S81'Vice slation. 12 If уои have 10 гemoуе 'М radiator сар or expansion tank сар wait untit the englne has cooled compfetely, then wrap а thick cloth агоипс! Ihe сар and 'иrn it 10 Ihe lirsl stop 01 уои'ге removing ап expansion lank сар, unscrew il slowly, slopping (' уou hear а hlssing noise). tl coolant ог sleam escapes. 'еl the engine сооl down longer. Ihen геmоуе the сар. 13 Check the condilion 01 Ihe coolan l as well. 11 should ье relatively clear. l' i!'s brown or rusl colored, Ihe зуз!еm should Ье drained, flushed and геfШed. Еуеп il Ihe coolant аррезrs 10 ье normal, Ihe corroslon inhibllors wear out, 50 I1 mиз! ье replaced al lhe spвcified Intervals.
14 The brake fluid lеуеl is checked Ьу looking Ihrough Ihe plaslic reservolr mounled оп Ihe master cylinder. The masler cylinder IS mounled of\ the fronl 01 lhe power booster unit in the left (driver's sidcl (ем comer о' Ihe engine compartmenl. 15 Тhв fluid 'еуеl should ье between the МАХ and MIN lines оп Ihe side 01 the reservoir (see iIIuslraIJon). 16 If the fluid levells low, wipe the 'ор 01 Ihe reservoir and Ihe сар with а clean rag 'О prevent contaminaliOf\ 01 Ihe syslem as the сар IS uflScrewed. 17 Add only Ihe specilied brake Iluld 10 the reservoir (refer 10 Recom · mended lubricants and f/uids а! Ihe IГОПI 01 this Chapler ог your ownвr's тапиаО. Mi,,;lng differвn! \ypes 01 brake f1uld сап damage the system. Fill Ihe reservolr 10 the МАХ liпе. Warnlng : Вгаке fluid сап harm youг еуез аnd damagв paJnted surfaces, 50 use extreme caution when handling о( pour/ng it. Оо поl изе Ьгаке fluid that has Ье6l1 standing ореп ог 'З moге than опа уевг o/d. Brake flию absortls moistuгe (ют lhe air, which сап cause а dangeroиs /OSS о( braking effec-
tiveness. 18 While the reservolr сар is off, check 'Ihe masler cylinder reservo .. for contamination. 1I (из! deposits, dirt particles ог waler droplels аге present, the system should ье drained and refilled Ьу а dealer service departmвnl or repair shop. 19 Aflег filling the reservoir 10 Ihe proper level, make sure the сар Is sealed 10 pГeYвnl fluid leakage andlor contaminatlon. 20 Тhe fluid levelln Ihe masl8f cylinder will drop slightly аз Ihe brake shoвs ог pads а! each wheel wear down during normaJ operalion. If Ihe brake fluld 'еуеl drops consislenlly, check Ihe enllre system 'or 'еаkз immedialeJy. Examlne all brake 'ines, hoses and conneclions, along with 'М ca!lpers, WheeJ cylinders аnd masler cylinder (зее Seclionl8). 21 When checking the fluid level. if уои discover опе or bolh reservoirs empl y ог nearly emply, Ihe brake syslem should Ье Ыес! (зее Chapl8f 9).
Windshield washer f/uid Re(er 10 iIIustration 4.22 22
Fluid 'ог the wlndshield washer syslem is slored in а plastic reser-
voir localed а! the left (driver's) slde 01 Ihe engine сomраптепl (зев
illustration). 23 'П milder climates, plain waler сап ье used (п!М reservoir, 001 n should ье kept по тоге Ihan 2IЗ 'и1110 allow 'ог expansion il Ihe waler freezes. 'П colder cllmales, use windshield washer system antifrвeze, availabIe аl элу auto рапз store, 10 lower Ihe freezing point 01 Ihe fluid. Mix the antifreeze wilh wal8f (п accordance with Ihe manulacturer's directions оп the conlainer. Cautlon: Do по! изе cooling system anti(reeze • it will damagв thв vehic/e's paint.
Chapter 1 Tune-up and routine maintenance
windshield washer reservoir is located аl tne left front 01 th e engine сотрапте пl пех! to the Ьапегу
Tire and tire pressure checks (every 250 miles or weekly)
Refer to iIIustrations 5.2,5.3, 5.4а, 5.4Ь and 5.8 1 Periodic iпsрectiоп 01 'ле lires тау зраге you 'ле iпсопvепiепсе of Ьеiпg slгапded with а flat lire. 1I сап also provide you with vital iпfог mation regarding possibIe ргоЫетз in 'ле sleering and suspension systems before mэjог damage occurs. 2 Тhe original tires оп this vehicle аге equipped wilh 1/2-inch side
5.2 Use а tire tread deptn indicator 10 monilor lire wear - they аге availabIe at auto рапз stores and service Slations ond соsl very little Ьапds thal wil l арреаг when Iread depth геаслез 1/1б-iпсh, Ьи! 'леу don't арреаг until the tires аге worn oul. Tread wear сап Ье mопitогed with а simple, iпе)(репsivе device kпоwп аз а tread depth indicator (зее illustration). 3 Note апу аЬпогmаl Iread wear (зее illuзtгаtiоп) . Tread раttегп irrеgulагitiез зuсh аз сuррiпg. flat зроts and тоге wear оп опе side thап the olher аге iпdiсаtiопз of fгопl епd аligпmепt and/or Ьаlапсе ргоЫетs. If апу of Ihезе сопditiопs аге noted, lake the vehicle 10 а tire зhор ог service зtаtiоп 'О соггес! the problem.
OVER INFLATION CUPPING Cupping тау ье caused Ьу: • Underinflalion апdlог mec hanical irregularities 5ueh as out-of-balance condilion 01 w neel and/ot t ire, and Ьеп! ог damaged wheel. • Lоозе ог wo rn steering t ie-rod ог sleering idler arm, • Loose, damaged ог worn 1гоп! suspension рапз.
5.3 This ehart will help
determine the condition 01 'ле lires, 'nе ргоЬаЫе corrective action песезsэгу
of аЬпогmаl wear and the
Chapter 1
5.48 If 8 tlre lозеs air оп а steady basis, c heck tna valve stem соге firs! 10 make sure 11'$ snug (speclal inexpensive wrenc hes аг. commonly availabIe а! auto par1s stores)
and routine maintenance
5.4Ь " !пв valve stem соге is !Igh!, raise !h& согпег 01 the vehlcle wilh !he low tlre and зргау а soapy water solution onto !пв tread аз !пв tire 'з tumed slowly • leaks will свизе 5та!! ЬиЬЫе з to арреа г
4 Look closely 'ог culs, punclures and embedded nails ОТ lacks. Sometimes а tire will hold air pressure 'ог а short !ime ог leak down уегу slowty 8fter а nail hаз вmbedded ilself in 'he tread. 1I а slow leak
perslsls, check lhe valve stem соге 10 make зиге it is Ilghl (зее illus tration). Examlne 'пв tread 'ог ап object !па! тау have embedded Itsell '" 'М Ilre ог 101' а ·plug" Ihal mау hзvе begun 10 leak (radial Ure punclures are repaired wilh а plug Ihal is inslalled in а punclure). 1I а punClure is suspected, it сап ье easily verified Ьу spraying а soIuliOl'l 01 soapy water onlo 'М punclure агеа (see it1ustration). Тhe soapy sofutiOl'l wifl bubЫe (! there is а leak. Unfess lhe puncture is unusuaffy (arge, а tire shop 01' service statiOl'l сап usuaffy repair the tire. 5 Careluffy inspect Ihe inner sidewaff 01 each tire 'ог evidence 01 brake fluld feakage. ff you sвe апу. inspect Ihe brakes immediatefy. Соггес! air pressure adds mifes !о the file span 01 Ihe !ires. 6 improves mlleage and enhances overalf ride quafity. nre pressure сап· по! Ье accurately estimaled Ьу looking а! а tire. especially (l II's а radial. Д lire pressure gauge is еssеПliаl . Кеер ап accurale gauge (п Ihe glove compartmenl. The pressure gauges attached 10 the поzzlеs 01 air hoses а! оаз slalions аге often inaccurale. 7 Always check !ire pressure when Ihe lires аге cold. Cold. In Ihis сазе, mеапs Ihe vehicle has по! Ьееп dгivеп оvег а mile In the Ihree hours preceding а l ire pressure check. Д pressure пзе 01 lour 10 eigh! pounds Is по! uncommon опсе !he !ires аге warm. 8 Unscrew !he valve сар pro!ruding Iгот the wheel ог hubcap and push !he gauge Ilrmly оп!о !he valve з!ет (see Шustгаtiоп) . Nole !he read lng оп Ihe gauge and compare!he figure 10 the recommended !ire pressure shown оп Ihe !ire placard оп Ihe driver's side door. ее sure 10 re!nstall the valve сар 10 keep dirt аnd moisture out 01 'hв valve slem mechanism. Check а" four lires and. if песеssзгу, add enough air 10 Ьппо them up 10 Ihe recommended pressure. 9 [)on'1 lorgel 10 keep Ihe spзtе tire inflaled 10 Ihe specified pres· sure (refer 10 уouг оwпег's manual or !he decal attached 10 Ihe righ! door plffar). Nole Ihal 'М pressure recommended 101' Ihe 'етрогагу (mlni) spare is highef Ihan 101' 'ОО !ires оп !he vehiCle.
Po w er s teer;ng fluid le\lel check (e\lery зоею miles 3 m onths)
Яefег 10 iUustnJIЮnS
6.5<1, 6.5Ь, 6.5<: aпd 6.9
1 check Ihe power Slееriпg fluid 'еvеl periodicalfy 10 avoid sleering system ргоЫеmз, such аз damage 10 Ihe pump. Саutiоп : DO NOT hOId те .steenng whee/ again.s/ either stop (extrвmв left ог поы (um) Ь tтюre lh8r'I five sвcondз. If you do, 'М power steering риmр cou/d oeda aged
dlpstlck Is used 10 check the power stееriпg ffuld 3.8L апd 5.0L епgiпеs
'еvеl оп
Vб and 5.0L V8 models power sleering pump. localed а! the !гоп! сотег 01 Ihe engine. Is equlpped wi!h а Iwist·off сар wilh ап inlegral fluid lеУel dipslick. 3 Park Ihe vehicle оп 'еуе! gгouпd and apply Ihe parking brake. 4 Run Ihe епglпе until i! has reached погmэJ operating lemperalure. With 'оо engine а! idle. lum Ihe sleering wheel back·and·lorth зеуе~ times 10 gel апу alr out 01 Ihe s!eering system. Shut Ihe епgiпе оЧ' гетоvе the сар Ьу luming it counlerc!ockwise, wipe the dipstick cleaJ' and reins!all the сар. (Make sure 1I is seated). 5 Аетovе 'м сар аоа!п and note Ihe fluid levet. musl ье betweero Ihe two lines dеslgпаliпg Ihe FULL НОТ or FULL COLD гапое (see iltustration). Ве зиге 10 use lhe proper lemperature гаngе оп the dipstick when checking the fluid 'еvеl • Ihe FULL COLD lines оп Ihe rev8f'S& side 01 the dipslick are оп!у usabIe when the engine Is COIC (see Illustrations). 6 дdd зта" аmouпls 01 fluid until the level is corтecl. Cautlon: Do поt overfill the риmр. If 100 much "u;d is added, геmoуе the exces.s w;th 8 cJean syringe О( suction рuтр. 7 1I addillonal fluid Is required , pour the specilied type directly IПIО Ihe fes8fVolr. usiпg а funneJ 10 ргеvеп! spills.
3.8L 2
V8 models
The 11uid reservoir 'ог Ihe power steering pump is 'гоп! lelt согпег of Ihe engine bIock.
mоuпled ' М
Chapter 1 Tune-up and routine maintenance
The dipstlck is marked оп both sides so the fluid сап Ье checked hot ...
9 ОП these models the reservoir is tгзпsluсепt plastic and the fluid level сап ье checked visually (see iIIustration). 10 Тhe Iluid level should Ье Кер! be!ween the FULL and доо marks on th e reservoiг. 11 Add small amounts о! fluid until the level is correct. Caulion: Do 1101 оуепill the reseтvoir. If too much fluid is added, rвmove the вхсезз Wif1I а с/еап syn'nge ог зисиоп риmр.
А" models 12 1I the reservoi r requires frequent fluid additions, all power steering '1QSe S, hose connections, the power steering ритр and the steering
should ье carelully checked !ог leaks,
Automatic transmission fluid level check (every 3000 miles or 3 months)
=te!er 10 illustrations 7.4 and 7.6 Тhe automatic Iгзпsmissiоп Iluid level should Ье carefully main!.ЗIned. Low I luid level сап lead 10 slipping ог loss 01 drive. while оуег a-.g сап cause foaming and loss 01 ftuid. Eilher cond ition сап cause ~mis5ion damage. 2 Since transmission Iluld expands as il heats ир, the Iluid level s:;ould only Ье checked when the transmission is warm (а! погтаl :oe.rating tem perature). 1I Ihe vehicle has just Ьееп driven оуег 20 -jies (З2 Кт), the tran5miS5ion сап Ье considered warm. Caulion: l' те vehicle has jus t Ьееп dгiven 'ог а long time а! high speed ог in city ........'i(; in hot weather, ог if it has been pulling а 'гаilег, ап accurate fluid Н!Jiel reading cannot ье obtained. Allow the tran5m ission 10 сооl down t:J" аЬоИI ЗА minu tes.'You сап а1 50 check Ihe Iransmission Iluid level ~ the transmis sion is cold . 1I the vehicle has по! Ьееп driven 'ог =-er fiv e hours and the fluid i5 аЬои! roот temperal ure (70 10 95-
6.9 Тhe power steering f1uid reservoir оп 4.6L en9ines i 5 translucent 50 the lluid 'еуеl сап Ье checked without removing the сар - unscrew the сар 10 add fluid degrees F), the tгan5mis5ion is cold. However. the Iluid level is пог mally checked with Ihe transmission warm 10 епзиге accurate result5. З Immediately after driving the vehic le, park it оп а level surface, 5е! the parking ЬгаКе and start the engine. Whi le the engine is idling, depress Ihe brake pedal and тоуе Ihe selector lever through all the gear ranges, beginning and ending In РагК. 4 Locate the automatic transmiss ion dipstick 'иЬе in the engine compartment (see illustratlon) . 5 With Ihe engine 51ill idling, pull the dipstick 'гот the 'иЬе, wipe it 011 with а clean rag, push il all the way back into the 'иЬе and withdraw it again, then note Ihe fluid level. 6 If the transm ission is cold, the level should Ье in the гоот 'етрег·
-..А Тhe
automalic transmission dipstick (arrow) is located а' the геаг 01 the engine
7.6 Check the lluid w ith the tran 5mission аl п огт а l operating temperature - the level should Ье Кер1 in the НОТ range in t he cro55-hatched агеа (do n't add fluid if the level is anyw here in the c ross·halc hed агеа)
Chapter 1 Tun e-up and rout ine maintenance
8.7 Us"
а ргорег
slze w ren ch о г socket 10 remove Ihe 011drain plug апа avoid rounding it off
8.2 These 10015 аге required when changing the engine oil
and fi lle r Drai n
·11 stюu/d ье fair1y sha//ow in depth, 00/ wide 10
prevent sрШs 2
4 5
Rubber g/oves - When ГfNТЮv;ng thв drain p/ug and filter, )'OU will ge1 oi/ on youг hands (thв g/oves will ргеУеПI bиms) Вгеанег Ьа, - Sometimes the oi/ drain p /ug is (lgM, and а /Ong breaker Ьвг Is needed (О loosen It Socke t - То ьв used wifh (М brвaKeгbaгoгa ratche/ (mus/ ьв (пе correct size 10 fit (пе dгаiп p/ug - sik-роiпt preferred) Fifter w rench - Тhis is 8 те/а/ band-/ype wrench. which
requires б
around (пе filter 10
Fifter w rench - Тhis Iуре fits on (hв bottom о! the filtsr 800 сап ье tumed with а ratchet or breaker Ьгг (differen /-size
avai/able tor different rypes о{ filters)
8.12 Th" 011 flller is usually
оп уегу
ligM will require oil fi lter wrench 10 remov" It - DO NOT use the wrench 10 i the new fi lter
Make sure 1hat you have а" the necessasy lools belore уои this procedure (зее iIIustration). You should al$O have plen ty ог пеwsрарегs handy 'ог mopplng up oil spills. 3 Ассе5З 10 the oil dгаiп plug and /iller will ье improved ;;1 '""'' '"' cle сап ье lillOO оп а hoist. drlven оп tо rampS' or suppor1ed Ьу standS. Warning : Do по! work under а vehic/e supported оп/у Ьитрег, hydГсШ/iC or scissors-Iype jack - aJways usв ja<;kstarJds! 4 I! haven't сhaлged 'м 011 оп Ihis vehicle belore, gel under
ature range оп the dlpstick (belween the two holes): if it's warm, Ihe Iluid level should ье in the operaling lemperalure гапgе (in Ihe сгозз hatched агеа) (see illu5Iral ion). 1I Ihe level is low, аоа Ihe specilied aulomatlc Iгапsml5Sion lIuid Ihrough Ihe dipslick lube - use а funnel 10 prevenl 5pills. 7 Ма jU51 enough 01 the recommended lIuid 10 lill Ihe Iransmission 10 the proper level. 11 takes about опе plnt 10 raise {пе level fгom Ihe low тЗfk 10 ihe high mark when Ihe Iluid 'з hot, 50 add Ihe Iluld а li\tle аl а lime and keep chec king Ihe level until il's correct. 8 The condilion 01 Ihe fluid should al50 ье checked along wilh 1he level. If the lIuid 15 bIack ог а dark reddi5h·brown color. ОГ il it smells burned, it should Ье changed (see Secllon 27). 1I уои аге In doubt abou1 its condi lion, purchase $Оте new fluid апа сomраге the two for СОIor аnd smell.
Engine 011and filter change (every 3000 miles 3 months)
Refer ro ilJus tratlons 8.2, 8.7, 8.12 and 8. 16 1 Frequent OiI changes аге 'пе most imроrtап1 preven live main1encn::e proc:ect,ses thз! сап ье dопе Ьу the home mechanic. As engirte 01 ages.. ., becomes diluted аnd СОПlаmiпа1 ed, which 'еаоз 10 prema~ eJ19ПI!!
апа Iocate the 011 drain plug апй Ihe 011 filter. ~:~;~;:::"~~:~~~~':~
will ье warm as you work, so nOle how Ihey are roulOO 10 ing them when уои are uпdег the vehicle. 5 Start the engine and allow " 10 (еаС!1 normal opera"ng ',,"ре"'1 'иге - 011 and sludge will Ilow ои! тоге easily wher1 warm. 11 new oil. filter or tools are needed, use Ihe vehicle 10 go gel them and warm 'М engineloil а! the sзте lime. Patk оп а level surface эnd shUI оН '~ engine when it·s warmed up. Remove the oil liller сар 'гom the val\le cover. 6 Raise the vehicle and support '\ оп jackstand s. Make sure i1 s safely support ed! 7 Being careful ПОI \0 touch Ihe ho\ exhaust cornponents, posiliOll а draln рап under the plug iп the ЬоН от 01 the engir1e, \hen rerno .. roo the plug (зе е illu sl r iJtio n). ,,'з а good ideu 10 wear а rubber glo\'e while unscrewrng Ihe plug Ihe lina! few turns 10 avoid being scaldOO ьу holoil. 8 " тау ье necessary 10 тоуе Ihe drain рап sllghlly as оН 110... slows 'о а \rickle. Inspecllhe oIа olllor the presence 01 rnelal particles
Chapter 1 Tune-up and routine maintenance 9
Clutch pedal adjustment (every 3000 miles or 3 monthS)
AII veh;cles covered Ьу Ihis manual аге equipped with а саЫе operat ed clu l ch actualing mechanism which incorporales а selfadjusting dev;ce. 2 АI Ihe specified intervals, pull up оп Ihe clutch pedal 10 the upmost роsitiоп. Th;s procedure will separate the adjuster pawl from Ihe adjuster quadrant and allow the clulch mechanisms 10 sel!-adjust. 3 It is а good idea 10 lubricale I he clutch linkage аl Ihe lime 01 adjuslmenl (зее Chapter 8).
Battery check, maintenance and charging (every 6000 тilез or 6 months)
10.1, 10.ба, 10. 6Ь, 10. 7aand 10.7Ь Warning: Certain precautions must Ье followed when checking and
8.16 Lubricate the o il filter gasket with clean engine o il before installing the filter оп the engine ~
After all the oil has drained, wipe о" Ihe drain plug with а clean small melaJ particles cl inging 10 Ihe plug would immediately contaminale the new oil. '0 Clean the агеа around the drain plug opening, reinstall Ihe plug 4Ind bghten " securely,'but don't slrip Ihe Ihreads. Моуе the drain рап into роsiliоп under Ihe oil 'ilter. '2 l oosen Ihe oil filler Ьу lurning il counlerclockwise with а 'iller _ench (зее illustration). Апу slалdагd 'iller wrench will work. '3 Sometimes the 0;1 'ilter is screwed оп зо tightly Ihat it сап'! Ье .oosened. 1I it is, punch а melal Ьаг ог long screwdriver directly through - аз close to the engine аз possibIe, and use it аз а Т -Ьаг 10 tum the 1iiter Ве ргерагес! 'ог oillo SPU" оиl о, the canister аз it's punctured. '.! Опсе the 'iller is 'оозе, изе уоиг hands 10 unscrew it 'гот Ihe =-xk. Jusl аз Ihe ftller is detached 'гот Ihe bIock. immediately tilt the XJen еnd up 10 ргеуеп! the oil inside the 'ilter !гот spilling out. -5 Using а clean rag, wipe 011 the mounting surface оп Ihe bIock . .:..so. m ake зше thi!.t попе о, the old gaskel remains stuck to Ihe -:arrtlng зш!асе. 1I сап ье removed with а sсгарег " necessary. Сот раге the old 'iller wilh the new опе 10 make sure Ihey аге Ihe gг,e type. Smear зоте engine oil оп the rubber gasket 01 the new fil1!r and screw '! into place (зее illustration). Overt;ghlening Ihe !Шег . . damage the gaskel. зо don't изе а lilter wrench. Моз! filler manu~ recommend tighlening Ihe ' ilter Ьу hand only. Noгmally they JI!ICdd ье tightened З/4-turn after the gasket contacts the bIock, Ьи! :2. SU"e 10 'ollow Ihe d;rections оп the 'iller ог container. Аеm оу е all lools and malerials !гот under the vehicle, being ~ поl to spill the oil in the drain рап, then lower the vehicle. ';3, Add new оН 10 Ihe engine Ihrough the oil filler сар. Use а funnello ~! 0;1 'гот sрilliпg onto the top 01 Ihe engine. Pour four quarts 01 ~ 011 into the eng;ne. Wait а lew minutes 10 allow Ihe 0;110 drain ;nlo ~~. th en check Ihe 'еуеl оп the dipstick (зее Seclion 4 if песез8'} " the oil 'еуеl is in the ОК range (hatched агеа), install Ihe f;lIer -эg. Алу
3 4
start the engine and run it
minule. Wh;le Ihe engine 'з 1II'rYIQ. look under the veh;cle and check /ог leaks аl Ihe oil рап drain ~ and around Ihe oil liltef. If either опе is leaking, slOP Ihe eng;ne ~ >q1len Ihe plug ог !ilter slightly. :t1 \Va.t а 'ew minules. Ihen recheck Ihe 'еуеl оп the d;pslick. Add oil _ -e::essary 10 bring the 'еуеl inlo Ihe ОК range. "Z" Dunng the 'irsl lew trips afler ап oil change, make it а РО;ПI 10 =а:х frequ enlly !ог leaks and ргорег oillevel. тhe old 0;1 drained 'гот the engine саппо! ье reused in its рге __ state and should Ье discarded. Oil reclamation cenlers, auto ~stюрs and gas stations will noгmally ассерl the oil, which сап Ье ~. Апег Ihe 0;1 has cooled, it сап Ье drained ;nto а con lainer ~ jI.Igs. bottles, milk cartons, elc.) 'ОТ 'гапзроп 10 а disposal s;le.
10.1 Tools and materials required far ba"ery maintenance
!ог аЬоиl а
Face shie/d/safety g099/&S - When reтoving COffOsion wilh а brush, the acidic partic/es сап easily "у uр into уоu' eyes Bakin9 soda - А so/ution о' baking soda and water сап Ье used 10 neutгaJize corrosion Pe tro/eum jel1y - А /ауег о' this оп the battel}' posts will heJp prevenl coгrosion Battery post!cabJe с/еалег - Тhis wiгe brush c/eaning too/ wi// гemove а/l tгaces о, corrosion (гот the battery posts and саЫе с/аmр!;.
Trвated (е/!
washers - P/acing опе о' these оп each post, under the саЫе c/amps, wш he/p pгevent COffOslon Рu//ег - Sometimes the саЫе cJamps эге very difficult 10 рu// о" Ihe pos/s, еуеп after the nutlbo// has Ьееп comp/ete/y /oosened. Тhis 100/ pulls Ihe с/аmр straighl up and о" the pos/ wi/hout damage Battery post/ca bJe с/валег - Неге is another c/eaning /00/ which is 8 s/ighl/y diffeгenrversion о' Number 4 above, but it does /he sэmе thing Rubber g/oves - Another safe/y ilem /0 consider when servicing the ba//ery; гететоог that's acid inside the battery! diгectly
1 0.ба
Chapter 1 Tune-up and routine maintenance
Battery terminal corrosion usualty appears flufty powder
servicing the battery. Hydrogen gas, which ;$ high/y "аттаЫе, ;$ s/ways ргезепl in the bвttery cells, 50 кеер lighted tobвcco and 8/1 other ореп flaтes and sparks 8way !гот the battery. Тhв electrolyte inside the bвttery;$ Bctua//y dilute sulfuric всю, which will саuзе /njury if sp/ashed ОП youг skin О( in youг 8yвS. It will also ruin clothes гnd painted surfвces. When removiпg 'hв bвttery саЫез, a/ways detach 'hв negativв свЫе first Bnd hooк it ир 185ft
1 А rouline preventlve mэiпtenапсе ргogгат !ог the batl ery in уоиг vehicle 15 the only way 10 ensure quick элd reliabIe slarts. But belore performing эпу batlery mainlenance, make зиге Ihat уои have Ihe ргорег equlpmenl necessary 10 work safely around the battery (зее Illustration). 2 Тhere ате alSO several precautions that should ье (аКеп whenever battery mainlenance is репormed . Вefore servicing lhe ballery. always lurn Ihe engine and аll accesSOfies оН and disconnecl the саЫе 'гот Ihe negative lerminal 01 Ihe baltery. 3 Тhe ballery produces hydrogen 9as, which 'з bolh flammabIe and explosive. Never сгеаlе а spark, зтоКе ог light а malch around the battery. Always charge 'М battery 'п а ventila!ed агеа. 4 Eleclrolyte сопlаlпs poisonous and corrosive sulfuric acid. 00 по! allow '! 10 9е1 in уоиг еуез. оп уоиг skin оп уouг clo!he5. Ne'o'er Ingest il . Wear prolecli'o'e safety glasses when working neaг the battery. Кеер children away lrom Ihe ballery. 5 No!e 1М exlernal con dition 01 the OOtlery. 11 the positi'o'e terrninal and саЫе clamp оп уоиг vehicle's battery is equipped with а rubber protector, таКе зиге that it's поl !огп ог damaged . 1I should сот plele1y co'o'er the terrnlnal. Look lor anу corroded or Iooзе connections,
10. 7а When cleanlng the саЫе clamps, all corroslon musl Ь. remo'o'ed (the inside 01 the c lamp 15 tapered 10 match Ihe taper оп the Р051, 50 don't (етО'о'е 100 much malerial)
10.БЬ Rem oving Ihe саЫе lrom а battery po sl wlth а wr.nch 50me1imes special bal1ery pliers аге required for Ihis procedure " corrosion has caused delerioralion 01 the пиl hex (always гетО'о'е Ihe ground саЫе first and hook " ир last!)
cracks in the са5е ог СО'о'ег ог loose hold-down clamps. Also check Ihe enlire lenglh 01 each саЫе 'ог cracks and Irayed conduclors. 6 11 corrosion, which Iскжs like while, "иНу deposits (see Illustra· tion) is evidenl, particulaf1y агoul1Cl (М terminal5, the ballery should ье гето'о'М for cleaning. Loosen Ihe саЫе clamp bolts wilh а wrenc h. being carelullo гетО'о'е Ihe ground саЫе lirsl, and slide Ihem оН Ihe termlnals (58е iIIustтation) . Then disconГI8CI the hold-down сlaтр bOIt and пш, гетО'о'е the clamp and lift 1М batlery from 'М englne com· pa"menl. 7 Clean the саЫе clamps thorou9hly with а ballery brush ог а 'ег minal сlеалег and а solution 01 wзrm water and baklng soda (не Шu s· tratlon). Wash the terrninal5 and 1М 'ар 01 1М battery са58 wilh the same soliJIion Ьи1 таКе sure that the sOlution doesn'l gel lnlo Ihe 001tery When cleanln9 the cabIes. terminals апd bal!ery 'ор, wear salety g099'es and rubber 9'О'о'е5 10 рге'о'еп! апу solulion 'гот comin9 '" соп lасl wilh уouг еуез or handз. Wear oId clothes 100 - е'о'en d iluled, sul'ипс acld 5plashed onto ctothes will Ьит holes in Ihem. 1I Ihe termina ls ha'o'e Ьееп extensl'o'ely corroded, сlеап them ир wilh а termlnal cleaner (see lItustratio n). Thoroughty wash all cleaned агеаз with plain waler 8 Make sure Ihat the baltery trзу is in good condition аl1Cl the hold· down clamp botts ате tigh!. 1I the battery i5 гето'о'ес! !гот the !гау. таКе sure по parts remain in the bottom о' the 1гау when !he baltery is reinstalled. When reinSlaJl ing the ho!d-down clamp bolts, do 001 О'о'ег lighten Ihem. 9 IпlОПТIа!ion оп removing and insta!ling (М baltery сап ье found In
Regardless 01 the type 01 1001 изоо оп Ihe Ьа11егу posts, clea n, shiny surface shoutd ье the resutt
Chapter 1 Tune-up and routine maintenance
11.4 F'ress
the release 'аЬ and pu sh the bIade assembIy down 01Jt 0 1 the hook in the аnn
5. In!ormalion оп jump slarting сап Ье !ound аl Ihe !гоп! 01 manual. For тоге de! ailed battery checking procedures, reler 10 tne Наупе5 Automotive Electrica1 Manual.
11 ,5 Use пееdJе-п оsе pJiers to c ompress the rubber element, then slide the element out - slide the new element In and lock the bIade 8ssembIy fingers into 'пе notches of the wi per element
Cleaning 10 Corrosion оп Ihe hold-down componenls, battery саэе and эиг rcundlng агеаз сап Ье removed wilh а solulion 01 waler and baking soda. Thoroughly rinse all cleaned агеаэ wilh plain water. "1 Алу mela] parts 01 Ihe vehicle damaged Ьу corrosion should Ье :::overed with а zinc-based primer, Ihen painled.
12 Tire r o tation (every 6000 miles ог 6 m o nths )
Charging Waming: When batteries аге being charged, hydrogen ga5, which is ~ exp/osive and "атmаЫе, is produced. 00 not smoke ог allow .:oen flame5 пеаг а charging о, а recent/y сhзrgеd batteгy, Wear еуе ;:п;,tесtiоп wnen пеа' the batteгy during charging. AJso, make suге the =r.arger is unp/ugged b&foгe connecting о, disconnecting 'пе batteгy ?om (пе charger. "2 Slow-rale charging is Ihe besl way 10 reslore а battery Ihal's disct1arg ed 10 Ihe poinl where it wlll по! slart Ihe engine. II's also а good -гу 10 mainlain the battery charge In а vehicle Ihal's only driven а lew __э between slarts. Mainlaining Ihe ballery charge is particularly гportan ! in the winter when Ihe ballery тиэ! work harder 10 slart the ~ne and electrical accessories Ihal drain the battery аге in greater
= '3
иэе а опе ог
two-amp batlery charger (somelimes
.:;2!ed а "trickle" charger), They аге the salesl and риl Ihe leasl slmin
:n те bartery.
They аге also Ihe leasl expensive. For а l aster charge, higher amperage charger, Ьиl don'l иэе опе raled тоге 'ra'I 1/ 10th Ihe amp/hour raling 01 'пе battery. Rapid Ьооэl charges r.aI claim 10 restore (пе power 01 Ihe batlery in опе 10 то поигэ аге -э-dest оп Ihe baltery and сап damage balleries по! in goOO condi~, This type 01 charging should only Ье used in emergency situaOOJ сал иэе а
average time песеssary 10 charge а battery should Ье listed ... the instructions Ihat соте wilh the charger. Аэ а general rule, а 'жdde charger will charge а battery in 12 10 16 hours. '.1.
longer clean adequately, they should ье replaced wi th new опеэ. 4 Lift the агт аээетЫу away from the glass for clearance, ргеээ оп the release lev8f, Ihen slide the wiper btade assembIy оиl 01 !пе hook In the end 01 the агт (see Illustralion). 5 Use needle-nose pliers 10 сотргеsз tI1e bIade element, Inen slide Ihe element ои! 01 the (гате and discard il (эве illustration). 6 Inslal!alion is Ihe reverse 01 removal.
W inds hie ld wiper bIa de ins pection and r epla cement (every 6000 miles ог 6 months) ~
to iIIustrations 11.4 and 11.5 windshield wiper and bIade аsэетЫу should ье inspected :иlQd iсаllу lог damage, loose components and cracked ог worn bIade Тhe
Aoa.d lilm сап build ир оп the wiper bIades and' affect Iheir effi~, so Ihey should ье washed regularly wilh а mild detergent solu-
"" If the wiper bIade elements
cracked, worn
ог по
Refe, (о iIIu5tration 12.2 , ТПе tires should Ье rotaled а! the specilied intervals and whel1еуег ипеуеп wear 'э noticed. Since Ihe vehicle will ье raised and the tires removed anyway, check the brakes also (эее Section 18). 2 Aadial tires must Ье rolated in а specilic pattern (see illustratlon). 1I уоиг vehicle паз а сотрас! эраге tire, don't include it in Ihe rotalion patlern. 3 Aeler 10 the inlormation in Jacking and towing а! the 'гоп! 01 this тапиаl lог the ргорег ргосооиге 10 lollow when raising the vehicle and changing а tire. 11 the brakes тиэ! ье checked, don'l apply Ihe parl<.ing brake as stated. 4 The vehicle must ье raised оп а hoisl ог supported оп jackstands to get all four wheels off the ground. Make эиге tha vehicle is salely supported! 5 After ,пе rotation procedure is linished, cneck and adjust 'пе tire pressures as necessary and ье эиге to check the lug пи! tightness.
~~ VQ ~
!1 !1
Тh e
reco mmended tjre r otatio n pattern f or the se vehicles
Chapter 1 Tune-up and routine maintenance
13 Seat belt check (every 6000 miles or 6 m onths)
Waming: GssoJine
Check seэl bells, buckles, lalch plales and guide loops 'ог obvldamage and slgns 01 wеш. 2 · See il Ihe . зеаl bell reminder lighl сотез оп when Ihe key 'З 'итecl 10 the Аип ог Slan position. А chime should aJso sound. ОП passive restraint syslems, Ihe shoulder bett should movе Inlo posltion in the A-pillar. 3 The зеа! bel1з аге dasigned 10 Iock ир dunng а зudden stop ог impact, yet allow 'гее moуетenl during ПO!Тl'lаl driving. Make зиге Ihe relraclors relum the Ье" againsl your chesl while driving and rewind Ihe belt lully when the buckle is unlatchвd . 4 If anу 01 the аЬоуе checks геуеаl probIems with the seal belt sys'вт, replace pans аз пecessшy. оиз
14 Underhood hose check and replacement (every 15,000 miles or 12 months) Wап:а1пg :
air condition/ng hoses
тust Ьв /в'!
10 8
deaJer serv/ce dep8rtтent о' air conditioning shop that h8S the equipтen! to depressurize the system safety, Never reтove а/г conditioning components or hoses until the $ysteт hзз Ьееп depressurized,
Genera/ Hlgh 'етрегв1игез under the hood сап саиза dalerioration ol lhe rubber and plasllc hoses изоо !ог engine, accessory and emis5ion зуз lетз operation. Pet10dic inspection should ье made 'or сгасkз, loose clamps, material hardenlng and leaks. 2 Inlormatlon specilic 10 the cooling syslem hoses сап ье lound in Sectioo 15. 3 Мos! (but поl аЩ hoses аге securecl 10 Ihe fittings wilh clamps. Where ctamps ate изed , check 10 ье зите 'му haven't losl their 'ension, allowing Ihe hose 10 leak. 11 clamps зren'l used, make SlJr& 'ле hose has по! expandecl and/or hardened where il slips оуег the lillln9, allowing it 10 leak, рсу system
4 То reduce hydrocarbon emlssions, c rankcase blow-by gas 18 vented Ihrough 'М РСУ valve in 'л е rocker агт соуег 10 Ihe Inlake manifold via а rubber hose оп тоз! models. The blow-by gases mlx wilh incomlng air '" Ihe inlake manilold belore being burned in 1М combustion chambers. 5 Check 'ле РСУ hose !ог cracks, leaks and olher damage, Dlsconпесl il (гот Ihe valve соуег and the inlake manilold and check 1Ле inside for obs1rucllons. If il's clogged, clean It out with soIvent,
Уасuuт hoses б \t 's quite соттоп !ог vacuum лозез , especially 'лозе in the emissions syslem, 10 ье color СodОО ог Identified Ьу colored Slripes molded inlo 'nет. Various systams require hoses with differenl wall thickness, collapse resistance and lemperature resislance. When replacing hoseз, ье sure the new опез зrе made 01 Ihe зате malerial. 7 OIten Ihe onty effective way 10 check а hose is 10 гemoуе it сom plelely from the vehlcle. If morе thал опе hose Is removed , ье зuге 10 labeI the hoses and littings to enзuге сопесt Inslallalioo. 8 when checkiпg vacuum hoses, ье sure 10 Include апу piastlc Т fittings in 'м check. Inspecl the frttings 'ог cracks and the hose wtlere 1I тз оуег each lillin9 'ог dislonion, whlch could cause leakage. 9 А зта" plece о! vacuum hose (1/4-lnch Inside diamelef'j сап Ье used аз а slethoscope 10 detecl vacuum leaks. Hold опе end 01 Ihe hoзе 10 youг еаг and ptobe аroиnd уасиит hoзes and fittings, lislen'ng for the "hissing~ sound characlerlsUc of а vacuum leak. Waming: When рroЫпо with /М vзсuuт hose stethoscope, ье c8refu/ поt 10
come into contact wi/h тoving enginв components such 8З drivebelts, the cooIing fan,
you work
extreme/y "aтmгЫв. $0 take extrв Рг&С8uбons
оп anу
о( (М (ивl
орел flатеэ garagв
or Ьаге light Ьи/Ьэ певг the WOrI< агеа, and cfoп', work 'П а where в naturг/ gas-type appllancв (such as а water heater О(
c/othes dryer) with 8 pilot light 'э present. 51ncв gaso#ne is caгcino genic, wear Istex g/oves when ther8's а possibility о( being exposвd 10 fue/. вnd. " you sрШ апу fиeJ on youг skin, finse it о" immediately with soap еnd wat&f. Мор ир 8ПУ эрillэ imтвdiately and do no' stot& fue/soaked (8g5 where they cou/d ign/t8. Thв ftюl system 'э undвг constant pressure, 50. If 8ПУ fuel/ines 8(8 /0 ье dlsconnвcted, Ihe fue/ pressure '" the system must ье relleved first '(see Chapler 4 far тоге Informalion). When уоu perform 8ПУ kind о( work оп the (ивl system, wear safety g/asses аnd мvз 8 Оа" 8 type fire extinguisher сп hвnd. 1О The luellines are usually under pres5l.lЩ 50 if апу fuellines аге 10 Ье disconnected Ье prepared 10 calch spil1ed fuel . Warnlng: Your vehic/e {з equipped with fиeI in;ectlon aлd you тuз! refieve the fuel systeт pressvre before servk:lng the fuel/inвs. Reler 10 Chapler 4 'ог the luel syslem pressure reliel procedure. 11 Check all IlexlbIe luel Ilnes 'ог delerioralion and chaflng. Check especlally 'ОГ cracks in агеаз where Ihe hose bends and jusl belore fillings. such аз where а hose attaches 10 Ihe fuel pump, fuel liller and luel injection unil. 12 When replacing а hose, use only hose Ihat Is specificalJy designed 'or your fUeI injection syslem, 13 Spring-type clamps аге som&limes used оп fuel retum or vapor lines. These clamps olten Iose Iheir lenslon over а period о' lime, and сап ье "sprung" during removal. Replace all spring-Iype clamps wilh screw clamps whenever а hose 15 replaced. Some 'иеl Ilnes use spring-Iock 'Уре couplings, which require а special 1001 10 dlsconnecl. Chapler 4 'or тorе inforтnalion оп Ihese 'Уре of couplings,
Meta/lines Section5 01 melal line аге oflen изОО 'or tue/ line between the fUeI and lhe fuel injecUon unil. Check carelully 10 make sure 'М line isn't benl, crimpecl ог cracked. 15 If а secllon о' metal luelline muSI ье replaced, изе seamless sleel tublng only, since соррег and aluminum lиЫпо do ПОI have Ihe slrenglh necessз,у 'о withsland vibralion caused Ьу Ihe englne, 16 Check 'М тetal brake lines where 'леу enter Ihe masler cylirкler аnd Ьrзkе proportioning unit ~I used) for cracks in the lines and Ioose frttings. AlIу sign 01 brзkе fluid leakage calls 'or ап immedlale Ihorough inspection of 'М Ьrзkе system. ,4
15 Cooling system check 12 months)
to II/ustratlons 15.48 аnd 15.4Ь 1 Мanу maJor engine lailures сап ье attributed 10 а !aulty cooIing syslem, The cooling system also plays an importanl role 'П prolonging Iгалsmlssiоп Ilfe Ьесаизе il cools Ihe fluld, 2 The engine should ье cold for Ihe cooling syslem check, 50 рег form Ihe !ollowlng procedure belore Ihe vehicle is driven !ог Ihe day ог alter il has Ьееп shu! оН 'or аl lеаЗI Ihreв Лоив. 3 11 you're working оп а vehlcle equlpped with а З,8L Vб ог а 5.0L У8 engine remove!he сар from Ihe radlalor. I! you ' ге wor1tlng on а 4.бl У8 engine, гетоуе the сар from Ihe el(pansion lank. Clean Ihe сар thoroughty, inslde and 0l.Il, wilh сlean waler. Also clean the fifler neck оп Ihe radialor or еl(pansiОП lank. The presence 01 rust ог СOГfosiоп in the filler neck теапз the coolant should ье changed (зев Section 28). The cootant Inslde 1ла гadiator should ье relalively clean and ,гапзрат enl. If it's rusl colored, drain Ihe syslem and refill il with new coolant. 4 Carelully check Ihe rad iator hoses and Ihe smaller dlameler healer hoses (see Illustration). Inspecl each coolanl hose along пs enlire length, replacing злу tюse which 'з cracked, swolJen or delerioraled . Cracks will show ир betler if 'ле hose is squeвzed . Рау Сloзе allenUon 10 hose clamps thal secure the hoses 10 cooling syslem comRe'er
Chapter 1 Tune-up and routine maintenance
Check 10г а cha1ed агеа that could 1ail prematurely.
• Check for а soft агеа indicating the hose has deteriorated in side.
Overti ghtening the c lamp оп а hard ened hose will damage t he hose and leak.
1 5.4Ь А leak '" the 4,Б L уа englne heater hose m eans t he intake m anlfo ld wш have to ье rem oved 'ОГ hose r eplac em ent - coolant co ming out th e back of the engine ,з the sym pto m
Check each hose 10г swеШпg and oil-soaked en ds. Cracks and breaks са п Ье located Ьу squeezing t he hose.
15.48 Hoses, like drivebelts, have а hablt of failing at the w orst possibIe ! im e - to prevent !he !nconvenience of а bIow n radiator ог heat er hose, 'п sрес! them carefully аз s hown here ::onents. Hose c lamps сап plnch and puncture hoses, resulti ng '" :ooIant leaks. 5оте hoses аге hidden Irom view so sometimes you'll ":2ve 10 ,гасе а coolanl leak. For example. оп Ihe 4.БL va engine Ihe "61'ter hose connect5 10 the waler ритр under Ihe inlake manifold . If il eвks, coolant will run down !he геаг of Ihe engine (see illustrat ion). 3. Make sure that all hose connections аге light. Д leak in the coolrg syslem will usually show ир as white or rus! colored deposils оп :ne агеа adjoining the leak. If wlre-type clamps зrе used оп the hoses, t. I"I'\aY ье а good Idea to replace them wilh screw-type clamps. ~ Clean lhe front of the radiator and air сопdilioniпg conden5ef with :cmpressed зJг, tf avaJlabIe, or а 50ft brush. Remove all щз, leaуез, !Е. embedded In lhe radialor !in5. ее exlremely carefut no! 10 damage :::е cooIing fins or си! уоиг fingers оп them. If the coolant leveI has been dropping сопsistently and па leaks . . detectabIe. have the radiator сар and cooling syslem pressure .::ж:ked а! а service statlon.
16 Fuel system check (every 15,000 miles
12 months)
1Ifaming: Gasoline is extremely nаттаЫв, зо take вxtrn precautions lI!Jef1 уои work оп 8ПУ part о( 'М (ивl sys tem. Doп'! smoke ог aJlow ~ names or Ьаге light Ьи/Ьз певг (М wo'* агеа, and don't work in а ptage where а natural gas-typa appliancв (sueh as а water heater ог
c/othes dryer) with а pilot light {s present. Sinee gэsоliпв is careino genic, weвr latex glovas when theгe's в possibi/ity о( being вxposed (о fиe/, and, if you spi// апу (ив/ оп уоиг skin, п'пзе {, о" {mтediateIy with soap алd wa ter. Мор uр зпу sp/l/s imтediately аnd do па! stoгe (ив/ soaked rags where (му could ignite. When you perforт аnу kind о{ wOf1( on the (UeJ system, wear safety glasses and паУе в C/ass В !ура fiгe extingu/shвr сп Мnd. тhe fиel system is иndег constant pressuгe, зо. Ье{огв впу Iines вге disconnвcted, thв (ив/ system pгessure must ьв re/ievad. Chapter 4. 1 II you smell gaso/ine while driving ог after the vehiclo hзз been si! ting in {М зuп, Inspect the lueI system Immediately. 2 Remove the gas filler сар and inspect if fQf damage and corrosion. Тhe gaskot should have an unbroken sealing imprint. 1I the gasket is damaged or corroded, !nslall а new сар. 3 'пзрес! the 'иel IВeCI ancl retum liлes lor cracks. Мзkв sure 'hзl the соппесtlons between the 'ив' lines аnd !he fuel injвetion syslem and between the fuellines and thв in-line fuel filter ше tight. Waming: Уоиг vehielв 'з fиel/njected, 50 you must гelieve the (иеl system pressure before servicing (ивl systвm eompoпents. тhe (ивl systeт ргез sure re/ie( procedure 'З outlined {п Chapter 4. 4 Since зоте companen ts of the fuel system - the fuel tank and part 01 the fuel feed and return lines, (ог exampl e - ше undernealh the vehlcle, they сап ье Inspвeled тоге easily wi th the vehicle raised оп а hois! . If that's по! possibIe, raise the vehicle and зи рроп it оп jack stands. 5 With the vehlclв rai5ed and safely supponed, inspec! the gas (апК and IШег ПвеК for punctures, сгасkз and other damage. The соппес· tion between the fШег nвek and the tank is paniculat1y сПtiсаl. 5оте · !imes а rubber fitler пвеК will leak because of looso clamps ог deterio· rated rubber. Jnspect а!l fuel tank mounting brackels and straps 'о ье зигв 'l'lal the tank is sвcurely attached 'о 'М vehiclo. Waming: Do пat, иndeг апу еircuтstалсеs, try to гера/г з {UeJ tалk (вxcept гиЬЬег сат ponents). А welding torch ог апу ореп f/эте сап easi/y саизв (ивl vapors inside lhe tзпк 10 вxplode . б Carelully check а" rubber hoses and melal I;nos loading away from 'М fuel 'anК. Check fOf Ioose connections. deteriorated hoses. crimped lines ancl other damage. АepзJг or replaco damaged seclions аз necessary (зев Chapter 4) .
17 Steering and suspension check {every 15,000 miles ог 12 monthsl Аеюпо II/ustra tions 17.6, 1 7. 9в, 17.9Ь, 17. 9с and 17. 11 N ote: 1110 steering I/nkago and suspension components should Ье ehecked раriodiсзllу. Wom ог damaged suspension аnd steering linkag8 eomponents сап гesult In excessive 800 abnorтal tlгe wear, роог
Chapter 1 Tune-up and routine maintenance
17.6 Check 'по shocks 'аг leakage indicated агеа (arrow)
Inspect 'пе tie rod ends and
lower balljolnts (ПОI visibIe) far grease seal s (srrow)
Check tne stabilizer bar bu shlngs (arrows) 'аг deterioration аl
!he Ironl and
!пе (ваг
01 the vehlc!e
rlde quaUty and vehic/e handling and reduced fuel есопоmу. For defailed iIIustrations о( the steering and suspension components, re!er 10 Chapter 10.
Shock absorber check
17 .9Ь Check 'пе steer ing 9еаг boots far cracks and leaking steering fluid
17," With the steering wheel in the lock position and Ihe vehicle raised, grasp the 'ronllire аз shown and Iry 10 тоуе 11 back-andforth - if апу play is noted, check Ihe sleerlng 9еаг mounls and tie го
Steering and suspension check 9
Parto: Ihe vehicle on Ieуе' ground. 'ит the englne off алd set the pat1\ing brake. Check 'п е lire ргеззигеs. 2 Ризп down а! ом corner 01 the vehicle, Ihen release 1I whlle noling the movemenl 01 Ihe body. 11 should slop moving and соте 10 геЗI in а level position wilhin one ог МО bounces. 3 l' the vehicle conlinues 10 move uр-aлd-dоwп ог 11 I1 lalls 10 relum 10 its original position, а wom ог weak shock absorber 'з ргоЬаЫу the гвазоп .
Аереа! the аЬоуе check а! each 01 the three remalning comers 01 the vehicle. 5 Raise the vehicle and support it securely оп Jackstands. 6 Check the shock absorbers and front struts 'ог evidence 01 fluld leakage (see illustration). А light lilm 01 Iluid Is по саизв 'ог сопсегп. Make зиге that anу Iluid nO!ed is 'гот Ihe shocks and rюt 'гот some other source. l' leakage is noted, replace Ihe shocks or SlrutS as а sel. 7 Check the shocks and struts 'О ье зиге that they аге securely mounted and undamaged. Check Ihe иррег moun's 'ог damage and wear . 1I damage ог wear is noted, replace the shocks ог struts аз а зе!
(!гоп! ог геаг).
8 1I the shocks ог strulS тиз! ье replaced, ге!ег 10 Chapter 10 the procedure.
Vlsually inspec! the Sleerlng system components damage ar;;:I dislOf1ion. Look 'ог damaged seals, boots and bushings and leaks 01 апу klnd (зее illustration s). 1Q Clean the lower end 01 !he steering knuckle. Have ап аssist щ grasp Ihe Iower edge 01 the tire and move !he wheel in-and-ou! whi.e уои look movement а! the sleering knuckle· to·control arm ЬаlljolП1 '! !here is anу moуетen! the suspension balljo1nt{s) тиз! ье replacea 1 1 Grasp each !гоп! tire а! the ,гоп! and геаг edges, push in аl the ,гоп!. pull ои ! а! the геаг and !евl !ог ptay in the steering system comропеп!з If апу freeplay 'з noted, check the steering эеаг тоип'! and the lie·rod еndз for 'ооsenesз (зее illustration), 12 Additional steering and suspension system in!oпnаlion аnd illus-trallons сап ье !ound In Chapler 1О,
18 Brake check (every 15,000 miles
12 mo nths)
Wamlng: Тhe dust cr&ated Ьу the brake system тау cantain asbesros. wh/ch /з harmfu/ to уоиг heaJth, Never b/ow it си! with compressed a.;r and doп '! inhaJe апу о( it. An approved filtering mask sfюu/d ье WOP1 when working сп 'пе br.9kes. Do not, under апу circumstsnces, us.e реtгоJеum-Ьаsed so/vents 10 с/еаn brake parts. изе brske зуз/еm
Chapter 1 Tune-up and routine maintenance
18.6 You will find ап inspeclion hole like this in each caliper· placin g а ~ across Ihe hole should епаЫе you 10 ~ ine Ihe Ihickness 01 remaining pad taalerial 10т both inner and outer pad s aтow)
оп!у! Тгу
18.11 Check along the bгake hoses дnd 011 eдch fitting (arrow) 'о' deterioгation and cracks
10 use nOn'8sbestos rep/acement parts whenever
'!k:U: For detailed photographs о' the brake system, reler 'О Chap-
In addition 'О the specified intervals, the brakes should Ье ""!S:I!!Cted every time the wheels ате removed от whenever а delect is
""""'""'. Arlу
01 the following symploms could indicale а polenlial brake .sзm de!e<:t: The vehicle pulls 10 опе side when Ihe brake pedal is "2a"essed; the brakes make squealing от dragging noises when -.xйed; bгake Рeclаl !тауеl is excessive: the pedal pulsates; brake fluid 4!I!fI;$. usually оп!о the inside 01 the l ire от wheel. Loosen Ihe wheel lug nuls. Raise the vehicle and place it se<:urely оп jackstands. -= Rem ove the wheels (see Jacking and towing аl the !топ! 01 this XI:*;. ()( уоит owner's manual. if necessary).
:Jisc brakes ~ 10
iIIustrations 18.6 and 18.11 two pads (ап outer and ап inner) in each caliper. The ате visibIe through inspection holes in each caliper (see illustтa·
ПIете ате
:;. ":а:5
OIeck the pad thickness Ьу looking аl each end 01 Ihe caliper and ~h Ihe inspection hole in Ihe caliper body. If the lining malerial is _ tnan Ihe thickness lisled in this Chapter's Spe<:ificalions, replace ~ oads. Note: Кеер in mind that Ihe lining maleria! is riveled ог зcп:e:J 10 .. те/аl backing plate and /he те/аl portion is not inc/uded I1IS тeгsurement.
,. It is difficult 10 delermine Ihe ехас! thickness 01 the remaining rnaten al Ьу the above method, от il уои ате а! all concerned about ::ondition 01 Ihe pads, теmоуе the caliper(s), then remove Ihe pads the calipers 'от lurther inspection (reler 10 Chapter 9). Once the pads ате removed Irom the calipers, clean them with ~ d eaner and re-measure Ihem with а ruler от а vemier caliper. Measure the disc thickness with а micrometer 10 make sure that it l\iIS service lile remaining. If апу disc is th inner Ihan the specified .........".." thickness, replace it (refer 10 Chapter g). Even if the disc has ~ Iпе remaining, check its condi tion. Look 'от scoring, gouging .м: CUТIed spols. If Ihese conditions exist, remove the disc and have ~acec! (see Chapler 9). 3e'Ofe installing the wheels, check а1l brake lines and hoses lor ~. wear, delormation, cracks, corrosion, leakage, bends and panicularly in Ihe vlcinity 01 the тиЬЬег hoses а! the calipers _ ~tration) . Check Ihe clamps for tightness эпd Ihe conneclions
19.2 Тhe manua1transmission lill plug (А) plug (В) (arrows) are located оп the side of the tтэп smisSiоп case
эпd drэiп
for leakage. Make sure that all hoses and lines ате clear 01 sharp edges. moving pans and the exhaus! syslem. 1I апу 01 Ihe аЬоуе соп ditions ате noted, терэiт, reroute от replace the lines and/or littings as ne<:essary (see Chaptm 9) .
Brake booster check 12 Sit in the driver's sea! and репотт Ihe !ollowing sequence 01 lests. 13 With Ihe engine stopped, depress the brake рООаl severallimes the !ravel dislance should поl change. 14 With the brake lully depressed, start Ihe engine - the рооаl should move down а little when the engine starts. 15 Depress the brake, stop Ihe engine and hold the pedal in lот аЬои! 30 se<:onds - Ihe Рeclаl should neilher sink nor rise. 16 Reslart the engine. run iI !от аЬои! а minule and tum it off. Then lirmly depress the brake several limes - the pedal Iravel should de<:rease with each application. 17 11 уоит brakes do по! operate as described above when Ihe рте ceding lests ате performed , the brake boosler is either in need of repair ог has lailed. Reler 10 Chapter 9 'ОТ the removal ртосООиге.
Parking brake 18 The parking brake mechanisms оп Ihese vehicles аге sвll adjusting and do по! require regular scheduled maintenance. For тоте detailed information оп the parking brake assembIy see Chapler 9 .
19 Manual transmission lubricant level check (every 15 ,ОСЮ miles or 12 months)
Refer 10 iIIustration 19.2 The manual Iransmission has а filler plug which musl Ье rem oved check the lubricant level. If the vehicle is гaised 'О gain access 10 the plug, Ье sure 10 support it salely оп jackstands - 00 NOT crawl under а vehicle whic~ is sU~POr1ed only Ьу а jack! Ве sure the vehicle is 'еуеl ог Ihe check тау ье Inaccurate . 2 Using ап ореп -end wrench, unscrew Ihe plug Iтот the transmission (see illustrati on) and use а linger 'О reach inside the housing 10 determine Ihe lиЬпсап! level. Тhe level should Ье а! от пеаг the bottom 01 the plug hole. 3 If it isn't, add the recommended lubricant through the plug hole wilh а ритр ог squeeze bottle. Install and tighten the plug and check for leak.s after the lirsl lew 4 miles 01driving. 1
Chapter 1 Tune-up and routine maintenance
ог More Adjacent or longer
20.2 Uзе а З/8-lпсh drlve ratc het ог breaker Ьаг and ап extension 10 remove !he differential fШ plug (arrow)
Differentiallubricant level c heck (every 15,000 miles ог 12 months)
Cracks Running Parallel to " У " Portions о' Belt
to i//ustration 20.2 1 The ditferenlial hаз а checklfill plug \vhich musl ье геmoуес! 10 check lhe lubricant level. 1I 'пе vehicle is raised 10 gain access 10 'пе plug. ье зиге 10 5Upport I1 safely on jackslands - DO NOТ сгаwl иndе!' 'М vehicle when it's зирponоо only Ьу lhe jack! 2 Аemoуе 'м checklfill plug 'гom 'М differential (see illustration). 3 Use уоиг ВШе finget as а dipslick 10 make sure 'пе lubricanl level 'з вvзn with 'М Ьоllот ollhe plug hoIе . 1I 001, use а syringe 10 add 'пе recomm9fldecl lubriC8'11 Unltl " jusl staJts 10 run ои! 01 the opening. оп some models а tag 15 Iocaled in Ihe агеа 01 the plug which gives information regarding lubricanl Iype, particularly оп models equipped wilh а limiled slip differef1lial. 4 InSlalllhe plug and lighlen il securely.
21 .4 5mall cracks In the underside 01 а V-ribbed bell аге acceptabIe - lengthwise cracks, ог missing pieces that cause the bett 10 make nol58, are саи58 for replacement
Drivebelt check and replacement (еуегу 30,000 miles 24 months)
Referto lIIustrarions 21.4,2 1.5,2 1.6 and 21.8 1 Тhe drivebells аге located а\ Ihe lroпl 01 Ihe engine and play ап imporlanl (ole in Ihe overall operalion 01 Ihe vehlcle and its сотро nenls. Due 10 Iheir lur1cllon and malerial make-up, Ille drivebells аге ргопе 10 lallure aller а perlod 01 lime and should Ье inspecled and adjusled periodically 10 prevef11 major engine damage. 2 Тhe vehicles covered Ьу Ihls тапиаl аге equipped wilh а slngle sell- adiusling serpenline drivebell, which is used 10 drive all 01 tllе accessory componef1IS зосh аз Ihe alternalOl", power sleering pt.IfТIp, waler ритр аnd аlг-сondiliООil1Q compressor.
21.5 Bel! wear Indicator marks are located оп !he side 01 !he !ensloner Ьodу - when the Ье" reaches the maximum wear mark it mus! Ье replaced
Inspect;on з Wilh the engine оН, open Ihe hood аnd Iocale lhe drivebell а! Ihe 'гоп! 01 Ihe engine. Using уouг fingers (and а Ilashligl1t. il necessary), тоуе along lhe bells checking lог cracks aлd separalioo 01 Ihe belt piies. Also check 101" lraying аnd glazing, which gives Ihe beI! а shiny арреагапсе. 80lh sides 01 each bell should ье inspecled. whlch means уou will have 10 twisl 'М bell lo check I he underside. 4 Check the ribs ()(1 Ihe underside ollhe bell. They should all ье Ihe sзте deplh. wlth попе ollhe зurfасе ипеУen (see illuslration). 5 Тhe lef1slon 01 Ihe belt is aulomalica!ly adjusled Ьу the 0011 lensюner and does по! require апу adjuslmools. Drivebell wear сап Ье ched<.ed vlSUalty Ьу Inspecling the wear Indicalor marks located оп Ihe SIde of the lension6f" body. locate Ihe bell tensione( althe 'гоп, 01Ihe
engine оп 'М right (passenger) side, adjacen! 10 the lower Cfзnkshа'" pulley, 'hen find !he lensiOf16f" opera'ing marks (sвe illustrationJ. 1I lhe Indica!or mark is outside Ihe operaling range, Ihe belt should ь!' replaced.
Replacement 6 То replace the 0011, Insert а 1/2 inch breaker Ьаг ог ratchet into the square hole localed in Ihe 'ensioner body (see illus!rationJ. Rolate 'he tenslon6f" clockwise 10 relieve 'he l ension оп Ihe Ьеа. 7 Аетоуе Ihe bell Iгот I he auxiliary componenls and carelul!y release Ihe lensioner. 8 Route the new bell оуег Ihe various pulleys. again rota'ing the
Chapter 1 Tune-up and routine maintenance
21.6 Insert а 1/2 Inch breaker Ьаг Inlo Ihe lensloner агm , Ihen r otate il clockwise 10 relleve belt lension 'eosioner 10 allow Ihe bell 10 ье 'nsta"ed. Ihen releaSB Ihe belt ten· $IOI'Ier. Make sure the bell !ils properly IrIlo the pulley 9roolles - 11 must tIe completely engaged. Nole: Моз! modeIs Mvв а drivebelt rouling 'жаl оп (fIe upper radiator рапеl (о help during driveOe/t insta/la tion ие i1lustration).
21 .8 Tlle rouling sChematic lor Ihe serpentlne Ье" 'з usually lound оп Ihe lan shroud (thls опе'з lог the 4.6L engine)
Inspect each ollhe remainlng spark plug wires, maklng зuте Ihal each one is securely laslened оп еаф end. 10 11 new spark. plug wires аге required, purchase а зеl 'or your зре. ci!1c engine model. Pre·cul wire sels wilh Ihe boots already inslaJled аге availabIe. Аеmоуе and repla ce the wires опе 81 8 Ilme 10 avold mlK' Ups in Ihe firing order. stюuld а miK ир occur refer 10 the Speclfi· calions а\ Ihe beginning Ihis Chapter.
22 Ignition system component check and replacement (every 30,000 miles ог 24 monthsj
J:iefer 10 lIIustratlons 22.8, 22.13 and 22. /4
Cfean the coil packs with а dalnpened cloth and dry Ihem thor· ougl1ly. 12 Inspecl each coil pack /or c racks , damage and саrboп Iracking. If damage exists refer 10 Chapler 510r Ihe replacemen\ procedure.
соП packs
Spark plug wires Чо lв:
spark p/ug wire is detгchвd {rom 8 spark p/ug, the tfle coil. silicone dielectric сompound (8 white grease M1IJlabIe В/ аи/о par1s stores) тиз! ье Bpplied 10 Ihe inside о{ eгch :IOO/ Ье{ore recoflnec lion. Use 8 sтa/I slandatd saewdriver /0 сов ! (М 8"'ые mside sur1acг о/ eгch Ьоо! with 8 /mn /ayer о{ lМ сотpound. Th e spark plug wires should Ье c l1ecked 8Il d , " necessary, ~cec! аl II,е sзте time new spark plugs аге inslalled. ~ Тhв easiest way 10 Idепtilу bad wires is 10 make а lIisual check lе Ihe engine Is rllnning. Iп а dark. well -ven!ilated garage, slart Ihe i!I"Igю е and look а! each plug wire. Ве care/u l nollo соте iпlо conlac t th апу moving епgiпе parls. I! there 'з а break '" Ihe wire, уои will see arcing or а Slnall spark а! Ihe damaged агеа. If arcing 'з nOliced, т.ake а nol e 10 obtain new wires. The spark plug wires should ье inspecled опе а! а lime, begin· ng w!lh the spark plug!or lhe numbef опе cylinder, (the cylinder сlos· t!5t 10 lhe radiator оп lhe right Ьэnk). 10 ","еуenl coofusioo. С1еапу label ~ origlnal plug wire Wit11 а piece 01 'аре mark.ed wilh the corтec l "UТ1ber. The plug wires тизl Ье reinslalled in Ihe сопес! order 10 r.sure proper engine operalion. Disconnect Ihe plug wirв from Ihe lirsl spark. plug. Д гетоуаl 1001 ~ ье used. or you сап gmb 111е wire bool , Iwisl il slighlly and pulllh e 11'1'1! Iree. Оо nol plllI оп the wlre i\self, only оп the rubber boot. ~ Push Ihe wire and ЬоОI back onlo Ihe end 01 Ihe spark plug. 11 V"O..Ild lit snugly. 11 11 doesn't, detach 111e wlre and Ьооl опсе тоге and .68 а pair 01 pliers 10 carefully crlmp the melal connector inside Ihe Ьооl unlil I1 does. USln9 а clean rag, wipe 111e entire 18ng\11 01 Ihe wire to геmoуе ;t·up din аnd grease. Опсе Ihe wire is clean, check for Ьитз. cracks and olher dam' JQe. Do поl bend lhe \vire sharplу or уои mlght break the conductor. Dlsconnec \ Ihe wire !rom Ihe со" pack ог distrlbut or оп 5.0L ~S. Pull only оп tJ~ rubber bool . Check 101 corrosicn 8nd а light ($ее illuslral ion). Aeinslall the wire. E\lery Ilme
;jstribиlor С8Р
•• •
Distributor сар and rotor (5.0L V8 models) prac /ice 10 inS(Q// а new dislribиtor сар and го/or вю insta//ed. If yov'/'8 p/anning /0 insla/l nвw wlres, 'nзtз" а new сар and rolor also. Bиt /f уои'ю plann/ng 10 rзusв 'ОО existing wires, ье surB 'о inspвc / tfle сар and rolor to make sure (hзl they аге /n good condition. 13 Аетоуе Ihe mounling screws and detach the сар 'гот the dis· tribUIOI. Check It !ог cracks , сагЬоI, tracks and worn, Ьи гпес! ог loose Note:
"'з сотmon
each liте f!В1.v spatk p/ug wires
22.8 Remolle each spark pJug wire from the ignition соll packs ог distribulor оп 5.0L engines • Check 'ог corrosion and а tlght flt
Chapter 1
and routine maintenance INSUFFICIENT
22.14 The Ignlllon r otor should Ье checked !ог wear and cor rosion а з Indlcated here (if (п doubt about its condltlon, buy а new опе) (зев
Note а! begiппiпg 01 this Sесtiоп). When installing а rюw сар, гетоуе the wires 'гот the old сар о .... а! а !ime arкl attach them 10 the new сар in Ihe ехас! same Iocation do no! simultaneously гетоуе аll Ihe wires 'гom the old сар ог firing order mix-ups тау оссиг. Should а mix up occur refer 10 the Specifications 81 lhe beginning ,Ыз Chapter. 16
23 Air fi lter replac ement (every 30,000 miles or 24 months) 22.13 Shown here аге зо т е the соттоп defects 10 look f or wh en inspecting the d istributor са р ~! in doubt about its
cond itlon, install
tenninals (зее Illustratlon). 14 Check the rotor !аг cracks and саФоп trзсks. Make зuге the сеп ter tem'llnal spring lension is adequale and look !ог corrosion and wear оп the гotor tip (зее Illustration). 15 Replace the сар and rotor if damage ог defects аге found. Note that the rOlor 15 indexed 50 11 сап only Ье Inslalled оле way. Before installlng Ihe сар. apply silicone dielectric compound 10 the rotor tip
23.2 Remove the air fitter housing 10 body retaining bolt (А) then un1asten the alг 'Ше г housing 10 тазs air flow sensor геtаlпiпg c lip (B)
Refer 10 /l/uslrations 23.2, 23.3 алd 23.4 а new lilter elemoot !аг your specific engine type. the alr filter housing retaining boIl and relaining clip ISM
illustratJon). 3 UfI the filtef' housing oul
the inner fendelWell
Illustra -
4 Аетоуе the lilter elemenl (see illustration). 5 Place Ihe new air lilter elemenlln Ihe housing. Align the 'аЬ оп tl\e mass air flow sensor wilh I he slol in the air filter housing when rei nslalling. б The remalnder 01 the Installallon 15 Ihe reverse 01 removal.
both hаndз 'О separate the air filter housing Irom the . lower isolalor mount5
Chapter 1 Tune-up and routine maintenance
detac hing the '1Iter housing the filter сап Ье removed and repla ced
With the englne running а! Id!e, гетоуе the PCV уа!уе and verify that уас иит сап Ье felt at the end 01 the valve
1 ::?;! Pos itive Crankcase Ve ntilation (PCV) valve check (every 30,000 miles ог 24 months) ~
10 i/lustration 24.2
~: То maintain efficien! operation о( the' PCV system, с/еап the
lIICSeS аnd check (hв PCV valve 8! thв interva/s recommended in the :~ schedu/e. For additiona/ /nforтation оп the PCV system • .... (о Chapter 6. on З .8L 800 4.6L SOHC engines the PCV valve is Iocated in the ч::: ~ssenger's side) v81ve cover. on 4,БL DOНС engines the PCV ~ 1$ Iocated in the left (drivers side) valve cover. on 5.0L engines ~ узJуе is located а! 'М геаг ollhe Iower intake manilold. Slaft the engine and allow it to idle, then disconnect the PCV from the vaive cover ог Intake manilold and leeI 'ОГ vacuum аl $'Id 01 the valve (зее iIIustratlon). 11 vacuum is le!l, the PCV -e.system is worklng properly (зев Chapter б lог additional PCV Inlormation), If no уасиит 15 lelt, remove the valve and check 'ог vacuum а! -ose. 11 уасиит i5 presenl аl the hose but поl allhe valve, replace 'I'Э1vе . 1I по уасиит 15 lel t аl the hose, check !or а plugged or ~ hose belween the PCV valve and Ihe inlake plenum. Check Ihe rubber grommet In the valve соуег ог inlake manilold t:raeks and dislorlion. 1I il's damaged, replace il. 11' the vall/e is clogged, Ihe hose Is also ргоЬаЫу plugged. е the hose belween Ihe valve and Ihe Inlake manilold and clean solvent. Маг cleanlng Ihe hose, inspecl il 'ог damage, wear and deterioMake sure it fils snugly оп the filtings. .. necessary. lnstaJI а new PCV уа1уе.
Fuel 'ilter r eplacem e nt (every 3О, ОСЮ miles o r 24 month s) !о il1иstration
~: GasoJine 'з extremely "аттаЫв. зо (мв exlra precautions )'OU work on апу par1 о( (hв fив/ system. Oon'! smoke or aJlow ....ames or barв light Ьи/Ьз певг the WDf1{ агев, and don'! work '" а where 8 natural gas-type appIiance (such аз а water heater or ooo:-:es dryer) with а pilot Iight 'з present. $ince gasoline 'з carcinowear /atex g/Ol/es whEm there's а possiЬШty о, being exposed 10 JrId, if уоо зрill апу 'ив/ оп youг skin, ппза о" imтediate/y with and water. Мор ир алу зрillз immediate/y алd do по! store fuelrags where they cou/d Ignlle. When уou perform апу kind о, on (пе {ивl system, wear sa'ety g/asses апо have а С/азs В type и:mgulsher оп hand.
25,3 Use
5mal! 5cr ewdriver 'О ргу the fuel line litting retaining сliр off
1 Тhe luel fi!ler is mounted under the vehicle in Iгоп! 01 Ihe gas lank. 2 Inspecl the hose !ittlngs а! both ends 01 Ihe liller 10 see if !hey're clean. If more than а Ilght coaling of dusl Is presenl, c lean the fillings before proceeding. 3 Relieve the 'и вl system pressure (seв Chapler 4). Removal 01 Ihe halrpin clip Irom each lilllng i5 а Iwo-stage procedure. Firsl, spread Ihe Iwo clip legs арап аЬои! 1/8-lnch 10 disengage I hem, then push in оп Ihem. Pull оп Ihe olhar end 01 Ihe clip 10 delach il 'гот Ihe fitting (зев illustration). Caution: /, 'пе new filter doesn't iпc/ude new clips, doп'! use апу 'oolз or you тау damage Ihe plastic сliрз, which will have 10 ье reused. Use yovr fingers on/у. 4 Onсе bolh hairpin clips аге released, grasp the fue/ hoses, onе аl а lime, аnd pulllhem straighl off the filter, ве prepared for 'иel spillage. 5 Мег Ihe hoses have been detached, check the clips lог damage аnd dislortlon. 1I Ihey were damaged in anу way during removal, new ooes musl ье used when Ihe hoses аге reattached 10 the new filler (if new clip5 аге packaged with 'М liller, ье sure 10 use Ihem in place 01 Ihe OOginals). б Use а screwdriver ,О Ioosen the cJamp, while noting 'М direction Ihe fuel filler is Inslalled. 7 Аетоув the filler 'гom the brackel and install the new luel filler in thrme direction. 8 Carelully push each hose onlo the lilter unl il il 's sealed agains! the collar оп Ihe fitling , then install Ihe hairpin clips. Make sure the clips ага securely attached 10 Ihe hose lillings - if they соте 011, the hoses could back off !he filler and а lire could result! 9 Slarllhe engine and check 'ог luel leaks.
Chapter 1 Tune-up and routine maintenance
Check the flange co nnection s (arrows) far exhaust leaks al50 check that the retalnlng nuts аге securely tightened
СпесК 'пв
exhaust system hangers (arrow) 'о, damage and сгасКз
26 Exhaust system check (every 30,000 miles or 24 months)
27 Automatic transmission fluid and filter change (every 30,000 miles ог 24 m onths)
Refer to iIIustrations 26.28 and 26.2Ь 1 With the engine cold (а! leas! three hours аНег the vehicle has Ьееп апуеп) , check the complete e,.;haust system from the englne 10 Ihe епс! ollhe lallpipв. Ideally. the inspection should Ье оопе with the vehicle оп а holst 10 permit unrestricled access. 1I а hOiS! Isn', 8vallаЫе, raise the vehlcle аnd support il securely ОП jackstands. 2 Check the exhausl pipes апс! connectlons for evidence 01 'еаkз,
Refer 10 iIIuslrв lions 27.7, 27.9, 27. 10.27. 11 and 27.12 1 А! 'м specified intervals. the transmls5ion 'Iuid should ье drainec and replaced. Since Ihe ftuid will remain поl long afl8!' driving, perfOГ"l Ihis procedure only afler !пв englne паз cooled down complel ely. 2 Be'ore beginning work, purchase 'he Iгапsmisslоп fluid зресiflес! in Recoттended lubricants аnd fluids аl !пв 'гоn! 01 Ihis Chapter . .s new lil181' and gaskets. Nevef r8IJse 'М old filter or gaskel! 3 Other 1000s necessзry for Ihls job include jaeks!ands 10 suppcr Ihe vehiele ifI а raised position, а drain pan CaPabIe 01 holding аl leas:. eighl quarts. newspapers and elean rags. 4 Raise Ihe vehiele and suppor1 il securely оп jаеkslапds. 5 Wilh Ihe drain рап in plaee. гвтоуе the 'ГОПI and side Iгэпsmission рап mоuпllпg bolls. 6 Lооseп 'пв rear рап bol15 approximalely lour !игпз. 7 Care! u!ly pry Iпв transm ission рап loose wilh а screwdriver a!lowing the Iluid 10 drain (see 111ustralion). Don't damage 'пв рап or transmissiofl gasket surfaces or leaks eould develop. 8 Rетоуа the remaining bo!IS, рап and gaske!. Сшаlullу еleaп ttEgaskel surfaee 01 tha transmission 10 гетоуе all !raees of !he old gasКв! and saalanl. 9 Oraln Ihe ftuld 'гот Ihe !ransmission рап, сlвап i! wllh solven! эоо dry il !horoughly. N ote: Uраn 'nitlаl serviea mast transтlssions 1'.have plaslie p/ug /ying 'n the bottoт af the рап. Тhis p/ug was used tз keep contaтinвlion ou! а! the transтission whi/e on the азseтЫу line. Discard lhe factory insta//ed dust plug (see Шustгаtiоn).
severe соrтOSЮn and Оаrпagе. Make sure that all brackets аnd hangers мв '" good condilion and lighl (зее illusttatlons). 3 АI the sате time, inspec! !he und81'side 01 Ihe body lor holes, corrosion, ореп seams, el c. which та)' aJlow exhaust gases 10 8f1ler !he passenger compar1menl. Seal аll body openings wilh sНicone ог body pully. 4 Rallles and olher noises см often ье Iraced 10 'пв exhaust sys'ет, especially 'М mounls and hangers. Тгу 10 тоуе Ihe pipes. muffl81' and catalylic converter. IIlhe componenls сап сomв in contac! wi!h !пв body ог suspension pans, secure !he exhaus! sys!em wi!h new mounts. 5 СпесК Iпв runnlng condi!ion 01 'пв engine Ьу inspec!ing inside (пв end о, !he !ailpipe. Тhв exhaus! deposits hefe аге ап indication 01 engine state-o'-tune. l' 'пв pipe 'з ЫасК and sooly or coal ed wilh whil e deposils. !пв englne тау need а lune-up, Including а thorough 'uel syslem inspeclion and adjustmen!.
27.7 Pry the
рап !гее
of the gasket аnd allow
f1uid 10 draln
27.9 Discard
f actory Installed dust plug
Chapter 1 Tune-up and routine maintenance
27.11 Install
new 5eal
the transmlssion filter
1 I:!emove Ihe old filler from transmlssion (зее Illustration). r.slall а new seal and filter (see illustratlon). ~e sure Ihe gasket surface оп the Iransmission рап is clean, flSlall alf§ew gasket (5ее Illu5Irati on). Put the рап '" place те transmission аЛС install lhe boItз. Wor1t.lng Зfound 'М рап , each bolt а liltle а! а time uпШ the finallorque ligure listed ,п O".a::lte(s SpeciflCalioos is reached . Don'I overtighten Ihe bolts! JJWet the 'o'ehicle аnd add 'ouг quarts 01 automatic transmission ":"YOUgh Ihe filler tube (seв Sectlon 7). ... ~ the transmission in Par1t. and Ihe par1t.ing brake sel, run Ihe а! а 'аз! Idle, bul don't (асе il. Цove Ihe 9ваг selector through each range and back 10 Park, те fluid le'o'el. Add fluid if needed 10 reach !he correcllevel. ch!ck under the vehicle !ог leaks during Ihe !irst few 'nрз.
Cooting system servicing (draining, Лushiпg and refilling) (e'o'ery 30,000 miles ог 24 months) IUs/ratJons 28,4, 28.5а 800 28.5Ь па! 8//ow antifreeze to соте '" contact wirh уоог skin ог sutfaces о( the vehicle. Rinse о" sрШs immediately with p/enty о Antifrввze " highly roxic '( inges tвd, Never lеауе antifreeze anзund /п 8П ореп container ог in pudd/es оп the Пааг; chi/dren
......: Do _ _
ве 'иге ,,"от
10 clean all trзсе, 01 the old the рап before installing а new опе
pets аге attracted Ьу it's sweet sme//8nd mау drink it. Check with /ОСа} euthorities аЬоu! disposing о( usвd вntifreeze. Мапу сomтuпitlез h8ve co//ection cen ters which w/ll зев that апШгеехе is disposed о( 58(8/У.
Periodically, the COOlir'IQ syslem should ье drained, Ilushed and repieflish the antilreeze mixture and prevent lormation 01 rusl аnd corrosion, which сап impalr Ihe p8f1ormance 01 the cooling s19· lвт and cause engine damage, When the cooling system is serviced, all hoses end the radialQf" сар should ье checked and replaced il пес·
геlШed 10
Draining 2
Apply Ihe parking brake and bIock Ihe wheels. 1I the vehicle has Jusl been driven, wait se'o'eral hours 10 allow Ihe engine 10 cool down belore beginning Ihis procedure, 3 Опев Ihe engine is completely cool, remove the radiatOf сар on 'o'ehicles equipped with З.8l and 5.0l engines ()( 'М expansion lank сар on vehlcles equipped wilh 4 .бl engines. 4 Моув а large conlainer under the radiator drain 10 catch Ihe coolant. Altach а З/8·iпсh diameler hose 10 'М drajn fitting 10 direc1 the coolanl into Ihe contajner, Ihen open Ihe drain fitting (а pair 01 plj • ers тау ье required 10 'игп it) (зее illusl ralion). 5 After Ihe coolant stops flowlng ои! 01 the radiator, тоуе the соп · lainer under Ihe engine bIock drain plugs and allow the coolant in the
28.4 Тhe radiator draln fitting is located а! the lower comer 01 the radlatQf' (arтow)
28.58 The bIock draln plugs (arтow) аге genera1ty located about опе 10 two inches abo'o'e the 011 рап rail • theгe is опе оп each side 01 Ihe engine bI ock
Chapter 1 Tune-up and routine maintenance
Remove the air bJeed plug (arrow) 'го т the wateг by-pass шЬе (4.6L DОНС engines only)
30.2 Tools required
bIock 10 drain (see illustrations). гadiator
hoses, healer hoses and clamps (reter 10 Sectlon 15 if necessary). 7 Replace апу damaged clamps ог hoses (refer 10 Chapter 3 far delailed replacement procedures).
3 4
While the coolant is draining. check the condition 01 the
F/ushing 8 Опев the sys tem is completely drained, Ilush the radiator wilh fresh water 'гот а garden hose unlil wзtег runs clear а! the drain. Тhe Ilushing action 01 Ihe water will гетоуе sedimen ts 'гот the radiator but will ПО! гетоуе rusl and scale !гот the engine and cooting tube surfaces. 9 These deposils сап Ье removed Ьу the chemical action 01 а cleaner availabIe аl aulo par1s slores. Follow Ihe procedure oullined in Ihe manulaclurer's instruClions. 11 Ihe radialor is severely corroded. damaged ог leaking, it should Ье гетоум (see Chapter 3) and laken 10 а radia!or гepair shop. 1-0 Аетоуе Ihe overflow hose 'гот !he coolan! гесоуегу reservoir. Drain Ihe reservoir and Ilush il wilh clean water, then гесоппесl Ihe hose.
Refilling 11 Close and lighlen Ihe radialor drain. Inslall and lighlen Ihe bIock drain plugs. 12 Place Ihe healer lemperature conlrol in Ihe maximum heal posilion. 13 Slowly add new coolant (а 50/50 mixture 01 waler and anlifreeze) 10 Ihe radialor until il is full. Add coolanllo Ihe reservoir ог expansion lank up 10 Ihe Full Но! mark. 14 Leave the radiator ог expansion lank сар оН and run Ihe engine in а well-ventilaled агеа until Ihe Ihermoslal ореns (coolanl will begin f10wing Ihrough Ihe radiator and Ihe иррег radialor hose will Ьесоте hol). 15 Tum the engine оН and lel it cool. Add тоге coolant mixture 10 bling the level back up 10 Ihe lip оп the radialor or expansion tank filler neck . 16 Squeeze the upper radlator hose 10 ехреl alr. Ihen add тоге coolanl m ixlure if песезsэгу. Replace Ihe radialor ог expansion lank сар.
17 Star1 Ihe engine, allow il 10 reach пorтаl operating temperalure and check leaks.
29 Brake fluid change (every 30,000 miles or 24 months) Warning: Вrэ.kе fJu/d сап harm уоиг eyes and daтage painted surfaces, so use extгeme caution when hand/ing ог pouring it. Do not use Ьrэ.kе fluid that has Ьееп standing ореп ог is тоге than опе уеаг old. Вrэ.kв f/uid absorbs moistuгe {гот the air. Excвss moistuгe сап cause а dangeгous /0$$ о! Ьrэ.kiпg effвctiveness.
changing spark plugs
Spar#f p/ug socket - This will have specia/ padding in$ide 10 pгotect the spark p/ug's porcelain in$u/ator Torque wrench - A/lhough гюl mandalory, using this 100/ is CI1!' Ьез! way 10 ensuгe Ihe p/ugs аге lightened pгoper/y Ratchet - Standard hand 100/ (о fit !he spark p/ug socket Extension - Depвnding оп model and accessories, уou тау nвed specia/ extensions and universa/ joints to Il!ch 000 ог тоге о{ the p/ugs Spar#f p/ug gap gauge • Тhis gauge {ог checking the gap comes in а lIariety о{ styles. Make suгe !he gap for уоиг engine is inc/uded
АI Ihe specilied intervals, Ihe brake fluid should Ье drained а.-с: replaced. Since Ihe brake f!uid тау drip ог splash when pouring place plenly 01 rags around Ihe master cylinder 10 prolecl апу Sl."f rounding painl ed surfaces. 2 Belore beginning work, purchase the specilied brake fluid (ser Recommended /ubricanls and fluids аl Ihe beginnlng 01 Ihis Chaptet).. 3 Аетоуе the сар 'гот Ihe master cylinder reservoir. 4 Using а hand suction ритр ог similar device, wilhdraw Ihe 'гот Ihe master cylinder reservoir. 5 Add new fluid 10 the master cyl lnder unlil iI rises 10th" b",,'~' "" filler neck. 6 Bleed Ihe brake syslem аз described in Chapter 9 аl all brakes until new and unconlaminaled f!uid expels 'гот Ihe screw. Ве sure 10 mainlain Ihe fluid level in the masler cylinder as perform Ihe bIeeding process. Jf уои allow Ihe master cylinder to rUJ dry, air will en ter Ihe syslem. 7 Refilllhe masler cylinder with fluid and check Ihe operation 01 brakes. Тhe pedal should !ееl solid when depressed , wilh по ness. Waming: Do по! орвrэ.!е the lIehic/e if уои аге effectilleness о{ the Ьтке system.
30 Spark plug check and replacement ог 48 months) Re{er 10
30.2, 30.5а,
30.5Ь, 30.ба, 30.БЬ,
60,000 miles
30.8, 30.108
Vehicles equipped with 3.8L and 5.0L engines have the зр ап plugs located оп Ihe sides ollhe engine. Vehicles equipped wilh 4.61 engines have the spaтk plugs located аl the 'ор 01 the engine. 2 In тозl сазез, Ihe lools necessary !ог spark plug replacem en: include а spai1< plug socket which lits onlo а ralchel (spark plug sockels ате padded inside 10 prevent damage 10 the porcelain insulators or Ihe new plugs), va rious extensions and а gap gauge 10 check ам adjusl Ihe gaps оп Ihe new plugs (see Шustгаtiоп) . А special plug wire геmоуаl 'ооl is availabIe 'ог separaling Ihe wire bools !rom the spark plugs, Ьиl it Isn't absolulely necessary. А torque wrench should ье used 10 lighten the new plugs. 3 The Ьезl approach when replacing Ihe spark plugs is 10 purchabl; Ihe new ones in advance, adjusl them 10 the ргорег gap and гeplace
Chapter 1 Tune-up and routine maintenance
3О.5а Spark plug manufacturers recommend using а wire-type gauge wnen cnecking tne gap - (, tne w ire does по! slide between the electrodes w ith а slignt drag, adJustment is required
plugs опе аl а lime. When buying the new spark plugs. ье sure 10 Ihe correcl plug {уре 'ОГ уоиг panicular engine. Тhis informatioo ::an ье founc\.-in Ihe Specificalians Sectian а Ihe beginning 01 tnis :;t-;apler. оп lhe Emissioo Canlrol Inlarmalion label located under !he ~ of in lhe faclary awner's manual. 11 differences exist Ьемeen 'М :JUg specified оп Ihe emissians label, Specifica!loos Sectian ar in !М =-ner's manual, assume tha! !he emisslons labells carrect. Allaw !he 8flQine 'а соо' comple!ety befare attemp!ing 10 геmoуе ..-у 01 Ihe plugs. Same епgiпеs аге equipped wilh aluminum cylinder -.ad$. which сап Ье damaged if !he spark plugs are гетауес! whеп re engl пе is hOI. While you are wailing for the епgiпе 'а cool, check ~ new plugs lаг delec\s and adjust the оарз . .: The оар 1$ checked Ьу iпsеrtiпg 'he ргарег Ihiсkпеss gauge :e:"""'een the elec\rodes аl the lip 01Ihe plug (зае iIIustration). Тhe gap ~""een Ihe electrodes should ье !he зате аз Ihe опе specilied 00 -е Еm issiопз Conlral Inlormation label. Tna wire should jus! slide .:.r.een !he electrodes with а sligh! аmоuпl 01 drag. 11 the gap Is tlXllТecl , U$& the adjusler 00 the gauga body 10 bend Ihe curved side ~ade $Iignlly until 'М specified gэр is obtained (seв iIIustratian). ~ -~ $Jde eleclrode is поl exaclly оуег the сen!ег elвctrode, bend it tne adju$ler uпlil (l is. Check fOf cracks '" Ihe porcelain insulatar (il .... ме found , tne plug should па! ье used). _ With Ine engine cool, гетоуа tha spark plug wira fтaт апе spark :а.о;. PuH апlу оп !he Ьао! аl Ihe end 01 !he wire - do па! pull оп the ~ (зе е iIIustratians). А plug wire гетоуа' 1001 shauld Ье used il
30.50 То c hange the gap, bend the side electrode only, аз Indicated Ьу the arrows, and Ье уегу careful по! 10 c rack Ог chip !he porcelain insulator surrounding the center electrode
_ ..
.n!b When removing the spark plug wlres, pull and twist (! back-and-forth
опlу оп
engines require removin9 spark plugs
а соуег 'о ассезз
11 compressed air is avallabIe. U$& it 10 bIow апу dirt ог lareign away поm the spark plug hole. А сотmоп bicycle pump will alsa work. Тhe idea here is 10 elimina'e 'he possibility 01 debris falling iпtа !he cylinder аз !he spark ptug Is гетауОО. 8 Place the spark plug socket ауег !he plug and геmоуе " from Ihe engine Ьу !um!ng It tn а coun!erclockwlse direc!ion (зее iIIuзtгаtiоп) .
30.8 Use а spark plug зосkеt wrench with а unscrew !he spark plug
extension 'о
3О. 1оа
Chapter 1 Tune-up and routine maintenance
Apply а thln film 01 anti-se i:r:e co mpound 10 !he sрзr1t plug th read s 10 prevent d am ag& 10 'М cylinder head
Сотрагв the spark plug 10 thase sl'юwп IП Ihe pholos located оп Ihe 'п sюе back cover 10 get an indic8lion 01 'М generaJ running condi'ion 01 the engine.
10 Apply а small атouп! 01 antl-seize compound 10 !мв spark plug threads (see Ш ustrаtJоп) . In51aft onе 01 'he new plugs Inlo !he hole until you сап no IofIger tum " with уоиг fingers, then tightвn it wilh а l orq ue wrench ~! availabIe) ог !мв ratchel. 11 is а 9000 idea 10 slip а short length 01 rubber hазе over 'мв end 01 Ihe plug 10 изе аз а 1001 10 Ihread 1I Inlo place (see illustratlon). Тhe hазе will grip !мв plug well enough 10 IUM 11, but w i!1sl art 10 slip il Ihe plug begins 10 cross-thread in 'мв tюlв - Ih!s wШ prevenl damaged !nreads and !nе accompanying repair costs. 11 Belore pusning !nе spark plug wire OnlO Ine and 01 Inа plug, ,пзрес! it 10110wing the procedures ou!lined ,п Section 22. 12 Attacn 'nе plug wire 'о !м new spark plug, again using а twisting motion оп ' М ьоо! un!il il is seal ed оп !nа spark plug. 13 А ареа ! 'nа procedure lог 'nе remaining spark plugs. replacing 'nет опе а! а time 10 РГеУenl mixing up 'he spark plug wires.
Manual transmission lubricant change (every miles or 48 months)
1 Raise !he vehlcle and suppor1 il securely оп jacks!ands. 2 М оуе а d rain рап , rags, newspapers and wrenches under !пе transmission. 3 А етоуе 'пе ! ransm ission drain plug а! 'пе bottom 01 !пе сазе
32..43 Аеmoуе the bolts fтoт the lowar edge 01 !пе cover ...
ЭО. 10Ь А рге уеп!
length 01 3! 8-lnch tD rubber позе w ill зауе !ime and dam aged thread s when installing 'п е spark plugs
and allow {пе lubricanl 10 drain 11'110 'пе рап (see illustralion 19.2). After 'пе lиЬПсап! паз draJned comple!ely, reinslalllhe plug 4 lighl8f'l1l securely. 5 Аemoуе 'пе lill plug lrom {пе slde 01 'М !ransmission сазе. а hand pump, syringe of' lunnel, lilllne transm ission with' the _" __ .,,.., 'иоосап! un!il 1I 'з (еуе! with ,пе lower edge 01 'пе liller hole. Iпе 1111 p)ug and tighten it securety. 6 l ower 'пе vehicte. 7 Drive !пе vehlcle lог а зпоn dislance, !пеп check {пе drain and plugs leakage.
Di ffегепti э lluЬriс а пt
change (every
48 months) Refer /0 II/us /ralions 32.4а, 32.4/), 32.4с and 32.6 1 Оп these models 'пеге is по drain plug, 50 а hand suction wЩ Ье required \0 гетоуе {пе differenlial lubricant Ihrough !пе hoIе. If а suction ритр isn' t availabIe, ог the gaske\ is leaking, ье 10 obtain а new gaske\ аl 'пе зате lime 'пе gaar lubrican! " Сhззес! because '! will ье песеsзaгу 10 remove the cover plale. 2 Raise the vehicle and suppon iI securety оп jacks!ands. Моуе drain рап , rags, newspapers and wrefIChes under !пе vehlcle. _ 3 Аетоуе 111e fill plug Irom 'пе differootial (зее Sectlon 20). 1 lion ритр " being used, inser1lhe flexibIe hose. Work !пе 'о,,, "0,,,1 10 the bottom 01 the differenllal housing and pump 'пе lubricant oul. 4 1I {пе differential is being drained Ьу removing (пе cover plate
Chapter 1 Tune-up and routine mai ntenance
32.6 Carefully зсга ре off the old materia l 10 ensure leak-free зеаl
1 ..-.оуе
Ihe bolls оп Ihe lower hall 01 the pl altt (зее Illustr atio n). ~ the bolls оп Ihe upper half and use Ihem 10 keep Ihe соувг ~ attached (зее illustration). Allow the oit 10 drain InlO Ihe рап, com plelely гетоув Ihe cover (S&e illuslralion). Using а linl-free гао. clean Ihe inSide 01 the соуег and Ihe ассез агваз 01 Ihe diflerential hOU5ing. Аз this 15 done, check !ог J:nD08Cf gears and melal panicles in the Iubricant, Indicaling that Ihe enl!зl should Ье тоге Ihoroughly inspecled and/or repaired. Тhoroughly clean Ihe gasket mating зипасез 01 Ihe differential ....-.g and Ihe соуег plate. Use а gaskel зсгарег ог putty knife 10
01 Ihe old gaskel (зее lIIustralion). 7 Apply а thin layer 01 AТV sealanl 10 Ihe caver "апое. Ihвn ргesз а new gaskel into positlon оп Ihe сovег. Makв sure the bOIt hOIeS align гетоув аl11гасез
proporty. Place the cover оп 'М differential housing аnd install the boIls. the bolts securely. 9 Use а hand ритр. syringe ог 'иппе' 10 lill the differenlial houslng Wilh the specl1ied lubricant unlil II's 'еуе' wilh Ihe bottom 01 the plug hole . 10 InslaJI the filler plug and make зuгв il ,з secure. 8
Chapter 2 Part А V6 and 5.0L va engines :::Ontents
Section :.a.rnshaft and bearings - removal , inspection -
and ;nstallat;on .......................................................................... :-a.,kshaft оН seals - replacement............................. ....................
13 16
: nder compression check .............. ..... .... See Chapter 2С : 1der heads - removal and instaJlation ....... ...... ..... ...... ........ ...... 9 :,... . ebelt check, adjustment and replacement ................ See Chapter 1 =- 'NheeVdriveplate - removal and installation ............................... 17 =--9 пе mounts - check and replacement .. ..... ............ ............. ...... 18 п е оН and f;lter change ................................... .......... See Chapter 1 пе overhaul - general information .................... ...... See Chapter 2С ':-.;,п е - геmоуаl and in5tallatI0n.......... .. .............. See Chapter 2С :'I-au$t man ifold$ - гетоуаl and in$tallation ................................ 8 :;:,... егаl information ....................... ................. 1 -:.30<:8 manifold - гетоуаl and in5tallation .................... 7
Oi l рап - гетоуаl and in$tallation.......................................... 14 Oil pump - геmоуа l and in$tallation ........... ............. ....................... 15 Aepair operation$ pO$sibfe with the engine in the vehicle ............. 2 Aocker arms and pushrods - removal , inspection and in5tattation ... ....... ...... ...... ...... ..... ..... ........ ..... ...... ...... ..... ...... 5 Spark plug replacement .................................................. See Chapter 1 Timing chain and sprocket5 - inspection, removal and in5tallation.... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... ..... ........ ..... ...... ...... ..... ...... 11 nming chain соуе г - гетоуа l and in5tallatI0n.................... ............ 10 Тор Dead Center (ТОС) for пит Ьег опе pi5ton - locating ............. 3 Valve соуеГ$ - removal and in5tallation......................................... . 4 Valve lifters - гетоуаl. inspection and installation.. ....................... 12 Valve springs, retainers and 5eals - replacement .......................... 6 Water pump - removal and installation ........................... See Chapter 3
;6 engine :ieneral :тs.:>' ace ment ......................................................................................... .
nder numbers (front-to-rear) _eft (d river's) side ............ : ................................................................. . =tlght side .................... ...................................................................... . ~ order ........................................................................................... .
3.8 liters (232 cublc inches)
4-5-6 1-2-3 1-4-2-5-3-6
::amshaft and lifters ~Ii ft
.,take ...... ~ ha u$t ............................................................ .
- - -=oretical valve lift ~ zero lash '1 lзkе ................................................................ . =xhau$t ................................................. ...... ......... . - с ....аые lobe lift 10$$ .................. ........................................................ .. =--:ol ay .... .......................................................................... - _"'1аl diameter (al l) ....................................................... .................... .. :':'''"'1 bearing in5ide diameter ................................................................. . С>_ ""1al-to- bearing (oil) clearance................ . ............................. . ,nal runout limit ..... ...... ... .. ..................................................... . __"'Ial out -of-round limit ..................................................................... .
0.245 inch 0.259 inch 0.424 inch 0 .447 inch 0.005 inch (maximum) 0.00 1 to 0.006 inch
2.0515102.0505 inches
=f valve spring tension ..... ...........
.. ....... ............................. ...... .. :. - ef valve-to-bore clearance ..................................................... . ~ backlash ................................................................................. . :;;ar radial clearance ................................................................... . ~ height (beyond hou5ing) ........ .......................................... ..... .
® О
® ®
o о®®
2.0535 to 2.0525 inches
0.001 to 0.003 inch 0.002 inch 0.001 inch
3.8L V6 Engines
1-4-2-5-3-6 13БО51 -2А-Sресs HAYNES
pump -:: ~
17. 1 to 15.2 lbsat 1.20 inche5
0.0017 to 0.0029 inch 0.008 to 0.0012 inch 0.002 to 0.0055 inch 0.0005 to 0.0055 inch
Cylinder and coil terminal locations - У6 engine
Chapter 2 Part Д V6 and 5.0L V8 engines
V6 engine (continued) Torque specifications'
Ft-Ibs (unless otherwise indicated)
Cam5haft 5procket bolt ........................................................... . Cam5haft thru5t plate bolt5 ..................................................................... Timing chain соvег-tо-bIосk boI15 ........................................................... Water pump-to-timing chain cover 00115 ................ " .............. " .............. . Oil рап mounting bolt5 " ......................... "" .... " ......... " ... " .... " ..... "" .. " ... . ОН pump and fille( bodу to front cover 8 - тm bolt .... ....................................................................................... 6-тт boll ......................................................................................... . Cylinder head bolts 1994 and 1995
Slep 1.......................................................................................... . Slep 2 ........................................................................................... . Slep 3 ........................................................................................... . Slep 4 .......................................................................................... .
7210120 in-Ibs 151022 151022 84 to 108 in-Ibs 171023 72 to 96 in-Ibs
15 29 37 Loosen 2 10 3 tuгns (00 NOT IОО5еп а" the bolt5 аl the from thi5 point оп work оп опе bolt at а time) (see ' ею)
same tJIТ'e.
Sle p 5 Long boI15 ...............................................................................
Sho" bolls .............................................................................. . Slep б ........................................................................................... .
11 1019 71015 Тighten ап
add itional 90-degrees
1996 and 1997
Slep 1 ............................................................................................ Slep2 ............................................................................................ Slep3 ......................................................................................... . Slep4 ........................................................................................... .
15 29 3б
Lo05en 2 10 3 turns (00 NOT 1005еп all the bolls at the same from this point оп work оп опе boll аl а lime) (5ее text)
1 1т:
Slep 5 Long bolls ............................................................................... bolts .............................................................................. .
Slерб .......................................................................................... .
291037 111018 Tighten ап additional180-degrees
Rocker агт fulcrum bolts 1994 and 1995
Slep 1........................................................................................... . Slep 2 ........................................................................................... .
44 in-Ibs 191025
199б and 1997
Slep 1........................................................................................... . Slep 2 .......................................................................................... .
44 in-Ibs 221029
Intake manifold-to-cylinder head bolts 1994 and 1995
Slep 1.......................................................................................... . Slep 2 ..................... . 199б
and 1997
Slep 1.......................................................................................... . Slep 2 .......................................................................................... . Exhaust manifold bolts ........................................................................... . Crank5haft putley-to-vibration damper bolts .... ..................................... . Valve cover bolts .................... " ... " .......... " ................ " .. " .... " .......... " .... .. Vibration dampe( boll ..............................................................." ........... .. Flywheelldriveplate mounting bolts ......................................................... ' Note: Refer (о Part
С (ог additional
72 in-tbs 108 in-lb5 23 102б
201028 72 10 108 in-I bs 10310132 5410 б4
specifica tions.
5.0L V8 engine General Displacement ........................................................................................ Cylinder numbers (front 10 (еаг) Left (driver's) 5ide .............................................................................. Right side ........................................................................................... Fiгing order .............................................................................................
5.0 liters (302 cublc inche5) 5-б-7-8
1-2-3-4 1-3-7-2-б-5-4-8
5.0L V8 Engines 1-3-7-2-6-5-4-8
Camshaft Lobe lift (intake and exhaust) Н .О .................................................................................................... . СоЬга ..................................................................................................
0.2780 inch 0.2822 inch
Cylinder location and distrib rotation - 5.0L V8 engine
Chapter 2 Part А V6 and 5.0L V8 engines ":: CaJ
lift О zero lash
-.3J(e ....................................................................................... о ~-aust
........................................................................................ .
0.442 inch 0.442 inch
",.. '-:а<е
........................................................................................... .
E.'"'aust .................................................... _................................... . ~ е ~be
11ft 1055 ..................... ....................................................... .
mrt ....................................................... _....................... ,....... . ::.ameter ~
0.4797 iпсh 0.4797 inch 0.005 inch (maximum)
0.0005 10 0.0055 inch 0.009 inch 2.0805102.0815 inches 2 .0655 to 2.0665
2.0505102.0515 inches 2.0355102.0365 inches 2 .0205 to 2.0215
-; -s de diameter
2.0825 10 2.0835 Inches 2.0675 to 2.0685 iпсhеs 2.0525 to 2.0535 inches
2.0375 10 2.0385 inches 2.0225 to 2.0235 inches - :г оеагiпg
(oil) clearance
9or=ard .............................................................................................
0.001 10 0.003 inch
~ ce
0 .006
Imlt ...........•............................................................................
- - t ........................... .................................................................. . --;:зu пd
limit .....................................................•.............................
-r gear backlash ........................................................................ . .:вa.~ng
_ "е
location ................ ............................................................ .
specifications· рlаtе-tо - епgiпе
bIock bolts ........................................ .. -; : ".aJn cover bolts ......................................................................... . '1ead OOlts """=с
=-- :с
2 ........................................................................................... ... . З .............................. ................................................................ .
damper-to-crankshaft bolt ..................................................... .. <""' 'Т\зпifоld OOlts ........................................................................... . :: -anlfold-to-cylinder head bolts
i .... .......................................................................................... ..
:- ~2
................................................................................................ .
:. =0-3 ................................................................................................ . э" пsеrt- tо-епgiпе bIock adapter OOlt ....... :................................... . ~ 'rЮuп t i пg bolt5 ............................................................................ ~-o mounting bolts ....................................................................... . -up tu be-to-oil pump bolt5 ........................................................ .. :те- -up tube-to-main bearing сар nut .............................................. . -:0::1 pulley- tо-viЬгаtiоп damper bolt5 ............................................ .. • 'i:' arm fulcrum bolts ...................................................................... .. dпvе рlаtе mоuпtiпg botts ........................................................ . - :f'Qlne mount nuts ....................................................................... ..
_ Refer to
Рап С (ог additional
0.005 inch 0.0005 inch 0 .006 to 0.01 1 iпсh 0 .005 to 0.020 Inch below
face 01 bIock
Ft -Ibs (unless otherwise indicated)
-4"'"":: sprocket OOlt .......................................................................... .
-z: thrust
401045 108 to 144 in-Ibs
121018 251035 451055 Tighten
additional 90 degrees
11010130 261032
96 in-Ibs 16 231025 201030 110to 144 in-Ibs
221032 121018 221032 351050 181025 751085 72 10 98
2А-4 1
Chapter 2 Part
and 5.0L У8 engines
General information
This Рап 01 Chapter 2 is devoted to in·yehicle repajr procedures the З.8L V6 and 5.0L V8 engines. AII information concerning engine гетоуаl and installation and engine bIock and cylinder head overhaul сап ье found in Рап С 01 this Chapter. The following repair procedures аге based оп the assumption that the engine is instal1ed in the vehicle. 11 the engine has Ьееп removed from the vehicle and mounted оп а stand, many 01 the steps Qutlined '" this Рап 01 Chapter 2 will по! apply. The Specifications included in this Рап 01 Chapter 2 apply only to the procedures contained in this Part. Ра" С 01 Chapter 2 contains the
Speclfications necessary far cylinder head and engine bJock rebuilding.
Repair operations possibIe with the engine in the vehicle
Мапу majar repair operatians сап Ье accomplished without removing the engine fгom the vehicle. Clean the engine campartment and the exterior of the engine with 5Оте Iуре af pressure washer Ье1аге апу work is dane. 1I will make Ihe job easier and help keep dirt out 01 the intemal areas 01 the engine. 1I тау help 10 remove the hood 10 improve access 10 Ihe engine as repairs аге репогтес! (ге1ег to Chapter 11 if necessary). If vacuum , exhaust, 011 аг coolanl leaks develop, indicating а need for gasket ог seal replacement, the repairs сап generally ье made with the engine in the vehicle. The intake and exhaust manifold gaskets, timlng соуег gasket, ail рап gasket, crankshaft оН seals and cylinder head gaskets аге all accessibIe with the engine In place. Exterior engine components, such as the intake and exhaust manifotds, the 011 рап (and the oil pump), the water pump, the star1er motor, the alternator, Ihe distributor and the fuel syslem camponents сап Ье removed for гepaiг with the engine in place. Since the cylinder heads сап Ье removed without pulling the engine, valve campanent servicing сап also ье accamplished with the englne in the vehicle. Replacement of Ihe timing chain and sprockets is also possibIe with the engine in the vehiclo. 'П extreme cases caused Ьу а lack of necessary equipment, гepaiг ог replacement af piston rings, pistons, cannecting rods and Гod bearings is passibIe with the engine In the vehicle. Hawever, this ргас tlce is not recommended because 01 the cleaning and preparation work that must Ье dane 10 Ihe components involved.
Dead Center locating
for number
piston -
Refer to Шustгаtiопs 3.4, 3.6 and э. 7 Note: The following ргосооuгв applies (о the 1994 and 1995 5.0L V8 englne оп/у. The Э.8L V6 does not have а distributor, refer (о ТОС /acating procedure ;п Chapter 2, Part В (аг the V6 engine. 1 Тар Oead Center (ТОС) is the highesl point in the cylinder thal each piston reaches as it travels up-and-down when Ihe crankshaft lurns. Each piston reaches тое оп the compression stroke and again оп the exhaust slrake, but тое generally refers 10 pistan position оп the compression stroke. The timing marks оп Ihe vibration damper installed оп the front of the crankshaft аге referenced 10 the number опе piston at тое оп the compression stroke. 2 Positioning the piston(s) at тое is ап essential part of тапу рго cedures such as rocker агm геmоуа1, valve adjustment, timing chain and sprocket replacement and distributor removal. 3 In order to bring anу piston {о тое, the crankshaft must ье tumed using опе 01 the methods outlined below. When looking at the front of the engine, noгmal crankshaft rotation is clockwls8. Wamlng : Before beg;nning this pгocвdигe, ье sure ta р/аС8 the transmissian 'П Neutra/ and ground the со" wire ·attached (о the cвnter termina/ о' the disttibutor
damper scale is directly opposite the pointer сар
to disabIe the ignition system. Тhe p,eferred method is (о tиm the crankshaft with а /arge SOCo_ and breaker Ьаг attached 10 Ihe vibratian damper balt threa ~= ;nto the front о' the crankshaft. Ь) А remote starter switch, which тау save some time, сап a/so used. AHach the switch leads to the S (switch) and В (battery) :е-< mina/s оп the starier motor. Опсе the p iston ;s c/ase to тое, use socket and breaker Ьаг as described {п the previous paragrap" с) /' ап assistant is availabIe to tum the igпШоп sw;tch (о the S: posit;on ;п shart bursts, уои сап get the piston c/ose to тое v. out а remote starter sw;tch. Use а sacket and breaker ЬВ' described in Paragraph а) to camp/ete the procedure. 4 Using а felt реп, make а mark оп the distributor housing dlre=below the numbe' опе spark plug wire terminal оп the distributor (see illustration) . Note: The (егт;па/ numbers аге mа,*оо ап the s p/ug wires пеа, the disttibutor. 5 Аетоуе the distributor сар as described in Chapter 1. 6 Тигп the crankshaft (see Paragraph 3 аЬоув) until the zer:: groove оп the vibration damper is a1igned with the pointer ог тое ,... (see illustration). The pointer ог тое mark and vibration dampe~ located low оп Ihe front of the engine, пеаг the pulley that tums th€ vebelt. 7 The rotor should now ье pointing directly at the mark оп the ~ tributor housing {see iIIustrat ion}. 11 it isn't, the piston is at тое СУ" exhaust strake. 8 То get the piston 10 тое оп the campression stroke, turr crankshaft опе complete turn (З60 - dеgгееs) clockwise. The r: should now Ье pointing at the mark. When the rotor is pointing г' а)
Chapter 2
Ра" Д
and 5.0L У8 engines
3.7 The rotor tip should Ье pointing at the mark (arrow) оп the distributor
Аетоуе (У6
the spark plug wire clips (arrow) engine shown, уа similar)
Valve covers - removal and installation
..;..5 Oetach the crankcase vent tube (V6 engine
s hоwп ,
V8 similar)
-:>е г опе spark plug wire terminal in the distributor сар (which is :..:.ated Ьу the mark оп the housing) and the 19"1tI0" timing marks а ге ,;-ed, the number опе piston is at тое оп the compression stгoke. After the питЬег опе piston has Ьееп роsШопed at тое оп the -Dression stroke, тое far зпу of the remaining cy1inders сап Ье ~~:ed Ьу
tuming the crankshaft. and following the fiгing Qrder (refer to 5peclfications). Оп the 5.0L V8 , tuming the crankshaft 90 degrees :>nng cylinder number 3 at тое , and another 90 degrees wЩ (each -::: for number 7. ~~
4.7 а А е тоув
the botts and studs (arrows) from each valve engine shown, уа similar)
соуег (У6
Refer to i//ustrations 4.2, 4.5, 4.7а and 4. 7Ь 1 DIsconnect the саЫе from the negative battery termlnal. 2 Note their locatlons, then detach the spark plug wire clips from the valve соуег studs (see iIIustratlon). 3 Detach the spark plug wlres from the plugs (see Chapter 1). Positlon the wires out of the way. 4 Оп some vehicies with crulse control, it тау ье necessary to disconnect the servo li nkage at the throttle body and remove the servo bracket. I' you're removing the left (driver's side) valve соувг, detach the 011 5 fШ сар and crankcase vent tube (see iIIustration) оп Vб engines. Оп 5.0L engines, the upper in take manifofd must Ье removed (refer to Chapter 4) to гетоуе the left valve cover . 6 If you're removing the right (passenger's side) valve cover, positlon the air cleaner duct out 01 the way (see Chapter 4) and гетоуе the PCVvalve. 7 Remove the valve соуег bolts/ nuts (see illustrations), then detach the соуег fгom the cy1inder head. Note: If the cover is stuck (о the cyfinder head, Ьumр опв end with а wood bfock and а hammer 10 jar it loose. If that doesn 't work, try 10 s/ip а f/exlb/e putty knife between the cy/inder head and cover to bгeak the gaskel sea/. Don 't ргу at the cover-to-cylinder head joinl ог damage 10 the sealing surfaces mау оссuг (1eading 10 oil/eaks in the future). 8оте va/ve covers аге тade о! p/astic - ье extra careful when tapping ог pu//ing оп theт.
the hoses and sli p the соуег off engine shown, уа similar)
4.7Ь Моуе
Chapter 2 Part Д
5.2 The rocker arm fulcrum bolts (arrow) may not have to Ье completely removed - loose" them several tu rns and see i1 the rocker arms сап Ье pivoted out 01 the w ay to allow pushrod гетоуа'
and 5.0L уа engines
5.4 Д perforated cardboard Ьох сап Ь е used 10 store the pushrods to ensure that they аге reinstalled in their original locations - note the lаЬеl indicating the (ront 01 the engine
Installation The mating surfaces of each cyHnder head and valve соувг rnust perfectly clean when the covers аге installed. Use а gзskеt scraper to гвтоув all traces of sealant and old gasket material. then clean the mating surfaces with lacquer thinner ог acetone. If there 's sealant ог oil оп the mating suгfaces when the соуег is instatled, oil leaks тау develop. 9 Clean the mounting bolt threads with а die to гетоуе апу corrosion and restore dаmзged threads. Make sure the thгeaded holes in the cyllnder head аге clean - гип а tap into them to remove corrosion and restore damaged threads. Apply а small amount 01 light 011 to the bolt threads. 1О The gaskets should Ье mated 10 the covers before the covers аге in5talled. Make 5иге the tab5 оп the ga5kets(5) engage in the slot5 in the cover{s). Оп engine5 that don't have gasket5, apply а З/ 16·iпсh bead 01 AТV sealant to the соуег fiange, Inside of the bolt holes. 11 Carefully position Ihe соуег оп Ihe cylindeг head and Install the bolts/nuts. 12 nghten the bolts in three ог four sleps 10 the torque !i5ted in this Chapter's Specifications. Plaslic valve covers аге easily damaged, 50 don't overtighlen the bolts1 13 Тhe remaining installation steps аге the reverse of гетоуа1. 14 Start the engine and check carefully for oilleaks as lhe engine warm5 ир. 8
Rocker arms and pushrods • removal, inspection and installati on
Removal Refer 10 iJlustration5 5.2 and 5.4 1 Aefer 10 Section 4 and detach Ihe valve cQver(s) fгom the cylinder head(s). 2 Beginning аl the front of опе cylinder head, гетоуе the rocker агт 1ulcrum bolts (see ШU5tгаtiоп) . Store them separately in marked co ntaineгs 10 епsиге that they will Ье reinslalled in their origlnal locations. Note: If the pushrods аге the оп/у items being removed, loosen each boJt just enough (о aJlow the rocker aгm5 10 Ьв rotated to the side 50 Ihe pushrods сап ье lifted out. 3 Lift оН the rocker arms, fulcrums and fulcrum guides (if u5ed). Store them in the marked containeгs with the bolts (they must ье reinstalled in their originallocations). 4 Аетоуе the pU5hrod5 and store Ihem separalely 10 make sure they don 't gel mixed up during in51allation (see iIIustration).
5.7 Check 10г wear оп the rocker агт and lulcrum contact areas (arrows)
/nspection Refer (о iIIustration 5. 7 5 Check each rocker arm for wear, cracks and other damage. es~ clally where the pushrods and valve slems contact the rocker а face5. 6 Make sure the hole at the pushrod end of each rocker arrr ореп.
7 Check each rocker агт pivot агеа and fulcrum for wear, сгас· and galling (see illustration). If the rocker arms аге wom ог damag€Q replace them with new ones and use new fulcrums as well. 8 Inspect the pushгods for cracks and excessive wear аl the er>::s, Aoll each pushrod acr05S а piece о' plate glass 10 5ве if it'5 Ье ПI wobbIes, il 's bent).
Insta//ation 9 Lubricate the lower end о( each pushrod with clean engine о< moly-ba5e grease and install them in their originallocations. Make s...; each pushrod seats completely in the lifter. 1О Apply moly-base grease 10 the ends of the valve stems and . upper ends of the pushrods before positioning the rocker arms _#. crums and guides. 11 Apply moly·base grease to the fulcrums to prevent damage (о mating surfaces before englne 011 pressure bullds ир . Set the гос агт5 and guides in place, then install the fulcrums and bolts. Dotighten the fulcrum bolt5 at this time.
Chapter 2
Рап Д
V6 and 5.0L V8 engines
The seal
сап Ье
pulled off the guide with
pai r
::t05ItlO" the питЬег опе cylinder at тое оп the compression _ : see Section З) . Тighten the number опе cylinder rocker агт ful00lt5 to the torque listed in this Chapter's Specifications. Follow-е fi Гl пg order, bring each of the remaining cylinders to тое оп the ::ression stroke and tighten the respective rocker агт fulcrum Ca ution: Пghtепiпg а rocker агт fulcrum bolt without the fifter ·-е base circ/e о' the camshaft lоЬе mау damage the va/ve [га;п
oonents. _
1"5tall the valve covers. remainder о, installation is the reverse of removal.
Valve springs, retainers and seals • replacement -~
10 iIIustrations 6.4, 6.8, 6.9 and 6. 16 te: 8roken уа/уа springs and defective vafve stem sea/s
сап Ье
aced without removing the cylinder heads. Two specia/ toofs and а pressed air source аге noгmaJly requiгed to perform th;s opeгation. read through thi5 Sect;on caгefuffy and гent ог Ьuу the toof5 before nning the job. Aefer 10 Section 4 and гетоуе the valve cover from Ihe affecled nder head. 11 all 01 the valve stem seals аге being replaced, гетоуе tл valve covers. L Аетоуе the spark plug 1гот the cylinder which has the defective cxкn ponenl . If all of the valve stem seals аге being replaced, all 01 the soark plugs should Ье removed. 3 Tum the crankshaft until the piston ;п the affected cylinder ;5 at -о р Dead Cenler оп Ihe compression stroke ( ге1ег 10 Secj;on 3 1ог
the spring is depressed, the keepers сап Ье removed smal l magnet ог needle-n05e pliers (а magnet is preferred to prevent dropping the keepers)
Instructions). 11 уои'ге replacing а11 of the valve stem seals, begin wilh cytinder number опе and work оп the valves for опе cylinder at а lime. Моуе fгom cylinder-to-cy1inder 10110wing the fiгing order 5equence (see this Chapter's Specificalions). 4 Thread ап adapter into the spaгk plug hole (see ШU5tгаtiоп) and соппесl ап air hose from а compressed air source to it. Most auto parts stores сап supply the air hose adapter. Note: Мапу cyfinder compression gauges utШzе а scгew-in fitting that mау work with уоuг air hose quick-disconnect fiNing. 5 Аетоуе Ihe bolt, lulcrum and гocker агт for the уа1уе with the delective par1 and ри11 oul the pushrod. 11all 01 Ihe valve stem seals аге being replaced , аll 01 the rocker arms and pushrods should Ье removed (ге1ег 10 Section 5). 6 Apply compressed air 10 the cylinder. Warning: The piston тау ье (огсоо down Ьу compressed air. cau5ing the cгankshaft to tum sudden/y. If the wгench used when positioning the питЬег опе piston at тое is stiff attached to the boJt in the cгankshaft nose, it coufd cause damage ог injuгy when the cгank5haft moves. 7 The valves should Ье held (п place Ьу the air pressure. 8 Stuff shop rags into the cylinder head holes аЬоуе алd below the va/ves 10 prevent parts and t001s 1гот lallin9 into the en9ine, then use а уа/уе 5pгing compressor to compress the spring. Аетоуе the keepers with small need1e-nose pliers ог а magnet (see illustration). Note: А coupfe о( diffeгent types о( toofs аге availabIe (ог compгessing the va/ve springs with the cy/inder head ,п р/асе. Опе type, shown heгe, grips the /ower spring соПs and presses оп the retainer as the knob ;s tumed, while the other type utilizes the rocker aгm bolt (ог Jeverage. 80th types work veгy weJ/. although the /ever type is usuaJ/y Jess expensive. 9 Rетоуе the spring retainer ог rotator, sleeve (used оп some intake valves) and vaJve spгing assembIy, then гетоуе the valve guide seal (see i11ustration). Note: If air pressuгe fails to ho/d the vaJve in the cfosed position dun·ng this operstion, the vafve (асе ог seat is ргоЬаЫу damaged. ff 50, the cyJinder head will have to ье removed (ог additiona/ гера;г operations. 1О Wrap а rubber band ог tape around the top of the va1ve stem 50 the уа/уе won't fall inlo the combustion chamber, then ге1еазе the air pressure. 11 Inspecl the valve stem for damage. Rotate the valve (п the guide and check the end 10г eccentric movemenl, which would indicate Ihat the valve is bent. 12 Моуе the уа/уе up-and-down in the guide and make sure it doesn 't blnd. 11 the va/ve stem blnds, either the va1ve (s bent ог the guide is damaged. 'П either caSB, the cy1inder head will have to ье removed for repair. 13 Аеарр1у air ргesзиге 10 the cylinder 10 retain the valve (п the closed position, Ihen гетоув the ' аре ог rubber band from the vaJve stem. 14 Lubricate the valve stem with engine 011 and the valve slem tip with polyethy1ene grease. then install а new guide sea1. 15 Install the spring (п posilion оуег Ihe уа1уе .
Chapter 2
Рап Д
and 5.0L У8 engines
6.16 Apply а 5mall dab 01 grease to each keeper as shown here before installation - it'll keep them in place оп the valve stem as the spring is released
7.7 Label and disconnect the hoses and wiring
Pry against а casting protrusion to break the intake manifold loose
Sensor connector
1 2
Vacuum line to
!ивl pressure
Disconnect the иррег radiator hose and heater hoses from the iпtоЭ!': manifold fittings. 6 Oetach апу remaining brackets from the intake manifold. Label and disconnect the vacuum and emissions hoses and v. '"! 7 harness connectors attached to the intake mani10Jd (see iIIustration) 8 Disconnect the heater tube at the intake manifold. Remove t tube suppor1 bracket nut. Note: The coo/ant bypass tube is presseo ..,. and is not serviceabIe. 9 ОП models with air cOnditioni ng, remove the compressor suppcr bracket. Warning: Do по, disconnect апу refrigerant Iines! 1О Remove the fuel injectors and fuet rai! assembty (see Chapter 4 11 Loosen the intake mani10ld mounting bolts in 1/4-tum increme""3 until they сап Ье removed Ьу hand. 12 Тhe intake manifold witt ргоЬаЫу Ье stuck to the cylinder hea.3 and force тау ье required to break the gasket seal. А ргуЬаг сап positioned under the cast-in lug (see illustration) to pry up the 1ГО П1 the intake manifold, but make sure all bolts have Ьееп removed r Caution: Don't ргу between the engine Ыоск and intake manifolo :1 the cylinder heads and intake manifo/d о( damage (о the gasket sea ""; surfaces mау оссuг, /eading (о vacuum and oil/eaks.
V6 models
V8 models
Refer to iIIustrations 7.5, 7.7 and 7.12 Relieve the fuel pressure and remove the air duct assembIy (see 1 Chapler 4). 2 Olsconnect the negative саЫе from the battery. 3 Drain the cooting system (see Chapter 1). 4 Remove the upper intake manifotd and throttle body (seв Chap-
13 Drain the cooling system (see Chapter 1.) 14 Remove the PCV and canister purge hoses. 15 Oisconnect the accelerator саЫе, speed contro! linkage and au::-matic transmission саЫе (if so equipped). Remove the accelera: саЫе bracket. 16 Label and disconnect the intake manifold vacuum lines. 17 Position the engine to ТОС for cylinder number 1 (зее Section ':> then mark and remove the distributor (see Chapter 5) .
1б InstaJl the valve spring retainer ог rotator. 8оте intake valves al50 have а sleeve that fits inside the retainer. Compress the valve spring and carefully posltion the keepers in the 9ГООУ8. Apply а smaH dab 01 grease 10 the inside of each keeper 10 hold it in place (see illustration). 17 Remove the pressure (гот the spring 1001 and make 5ure the keepers аге seated . 18 Disconnect the air hose and гетоуе the adapter from the spark plug hole. 19 Refer 10 Section 5 and install the rocker arm(s) and pushrod(s).
In51all Ihe spark plug(s) and hook
Ihe wire(s).
21 Refer to Section 4 and install the vatve cover(s). 22 Start and run the engine, then check 1ог oi! leaks and unusua! sounds coming from the valve cover агеа .
Intake manifold -
and installation
ler 4). 5
Cover the air intake passages with
shop towel (see illustration).
Chapter 2 Part Д
covering the Jifter valley, use а gasket scraper to all traces of sealant and old gasket material from the cylinder head and intake manifold mating sur1aces
гет оуе
Че li еvе the fuel system pressure (see Chapter 4) and disconnect ...~e l supply and return lines. 3i sconnect the radiator, heater and water pump bypass hoses :пе water outlet (see Chapter З). Disconnect the thгоШе body a:G ~ hoses. Note: The heater Qut/et and соо/ап! bypass tubes аге =ssed in, and cannot ье reтoved. :>Isconnect the electrical connectors from the coolant tempera_ sending unit, air charge temperature sensor, thro«le position sen'0' 8 speed control sotenoid, EGR sensors and fuel injectors (see :;.юtегs 4 and 6). метоуе the upper iпtаkе mапifоld (see Chapter 4). Remove the ...е jectors апd fuel rail assembty (see Chapter 4). Lооsеп the 10wer iпtаkе mапifоld bolts апd пuts iп 1 /4-tuгп iпсге ~.s uпtil they сап ье removed Ьу hапd . _ Тh e iпtаkе mапifоld wШ ргоЬаЫу ье stuck to the суliпdег heads rc 'огее тау ье required to break the gasket seal . А prybar сап ье .&2d to ргу up the iпtаkе mапifоld, but make sure all bolts апd пuts ."2 Ьееп removed flrst. Caution: Doп', ргу betweвn the engine bfock .rc manifo/d ог the eylinder heads and intake manifo/d ог damage to "'"'"Е gasket sealing surfaces тау осеuг, /eading to уасиum and oil/eaks. on/у at ап intake manifo/d casting protrusion.
and 5.0L У8 engines
1.21 Cut the heads off 'our old intake m anilold bolts to use а$ guide studs ~ c ut а $Iot in the end to allow use 01 а screwdriver to remove them and in stall the studs at eaeh с огп е г
(а// тode/s) 7.25, 7.27, 7.30, mating surfaces о! the
~~e! (о Шиstгаtiопs
7.33а and 7.З3Ь .::.avtion : Тhв cylindeг heads, engine bIock and ""1Ifo/d must ье perfect/y е/еап when the manifofd is instalfed. Gasket ""?"'Qva/ so/vents in aeroso/ сапв аге availabIe at most auto parts stoгes rC' тау ьв helpful when removing o/d gasket material that's stuck to -е cylinder heads and mani'oJd (since the manlfold and вате Vб !!'"91пв cylinder heads аге made о, aJuminuт. aggгessive scraping сап =гuse daтage. Ве suгe to 'ollow directions printed оп the containeг. -ote: The manu'actuгeг гecoтmends the use о, guide studs when r""S!aJling the mani'old. То make these, Ьиу 'оиг extra intake mani'o/d .:0 :в . Cut the heads off the bo/ts, then grind а taper and cut а screw7 . ег в/оl in the cut ends. :.: 11 the manifold was disassembIed, reassembte it. Use electrically:-onductive sealant оп the temperature sending uпit threads . Use а -e ,v EGR valve 9asket. ':5 Use а gasket scraper to remove all traees 01 sealant апd old 9as·.ei material (see illustration), then clean the mating surfaee$ with 'ас =uer thlппег ог acetone. If there's old sealant ог oi1 оп the mating sur"'ЗСes when the mапifоld 1$ instal1ed, oil ог vaeuum leaks may develop. ... еп working оп the eylinder heads and bIock. cover the lifter valley ,. th shop гags to keвp debris out 01 the епgiпе . Use а vacuum cleaner ' 0 remove апу gasket material that falls Into the intake poгts (п the :yllnder heads.
1.30 Apply а bead о, AТV sealant to the c omers where the eng ine bIock, cyllnder heads and Intake m ani'old c onverge, then p osit ion the gaskets and end seals (п place and apply а п additional bead о, AТV sealant where the end seals and intake manifold gasket m eet (arrow) 26 Use а 'ар of the correct size to chase the threads (п the bolt holes, then use compressed air (If availabIe) to remove the debrls from the holes. Warning: Wear sa'ety g/asses ог а 'асе shield to proteet уоиг вувв when using compгessed air! Remove excessi ve еагЬоп deposlts and co гrosion from the exhaust and coolant passages in the cylinder heads and manifold . 27 Install the four тапifоld alignment $tuds you have made, опе at each of the 10ur еотег mounting holes (see i1Iustration). 28 Apply а 1/ 8-inch wide bead of AТV sealant to the 10ur eorners where the manif01d, bIock and cylinder heads converge . Note: This seaJant sets ир in 15 minutes. Do not take /ongeг to insta/f and tighten the тani'o/d оnев the sealant is appliвd, ог /eaks тау оссuг. 29 Apply а small dab of contact adhesive (Ford part по , 07AZ19В508-А оГ equivalent) to the manifold gasket mating s uгfa c e оп each cylinder head. Position the gaskets оп the cylinder heads, over the alignment studs. The upper side of each gasket will have а ТОР ог THIS SIDE UP lаЬеl stamped Into it to ensure correct instatlation. 30 Position the end seals оп the engine btock, then apply а 1/8-lnch wide bead of АТУ sealant to the four points where the end seals meet the intake manifold gasket (see iIIustration). 31 Make sure а" intake poгt openings, coolant passage holes and bolt holes аге aligned eoгrectty ,
Chapter 2 Part
V6 and 5.0L V8 engines
32 Carefully set the manifold In place while the sealant is still wet. Caution: Doп', disturb the gaskets. Тhe alignment studs wi1l keep the manifo/d (гот moving fore-and-aft after it contacts the seafs оп the engine bIock. Make surв the end sea/s haven't Ьееп disturbed. ЗЗ Lightly oil the manifald bol ts, install them and tighten {о the torque listed in this Chapter's Specifications, fol lowing the гвест mended sequence (see illustrations) . Work ир to the final torque in three steps. When all but the согпе г bolts have Ьееп installed handtight, гетоуе the alignment studs and replace them with bolts before tightening зпу bolts to the final torque. 34 The remaining installation steps аге the reverse of removal. Start the engine and check carefully (ог oil and coolant leaks at the intake manifold ;oints. 35 Recheck the mounting bolt torque.
11 14
с) с)
~ I ~'
Exhaust manifolds • removal and installation
n-+-7 10
Removal Refer to Шustгаtiопs 8.5, 8.11а and 8.11Ь 1 Disconnect the negative battery саЫе from the battery. 2 Disconnect the oxygen sensor electrical connector and remove the spark plugs (Chapter 1). 3 Raise the vehicle and support it securely оп jackstands. 4 Working under the vehicle, appJy penetrating оН to the exhaust pipe-to-manifold studs and nuts (they're usuaJly rusty). 5 Remove the nuts holding the exhaust c rossover pipe to the exhaust manlfoJd(s) (see illustration). In extreme cases уои тау have to heat them with аргорапе ог acetylene torch in order to loosen them.
I Э6051 -2А-Q7.ЗЗА НAYNES I 7.33а
Intake manifold bolt tightening sequence - V6 engine
Right (passenger's side) manifold 6 Remove the air cleaner duct assernbIy (Chapter 4). 7 Disconnect the Ignltion secondary wire from the соl l and distributor. 8 Oisconnect the EGR tube. 9 Оп vehicles with ап automatic transmission, the automatlc transmission dipstick and {иЬе must Ье removed. Plug the hole to prevent dirt from entering the engine.
Left (driver's side) manifold 10
If It's in the way, remove the 011 dipstick and tube.
80th manifolds 11 8end back the locking tabs (lf equipped). Remove the mountlng bolts and separate the exhaust manifold(s) from the cylinder head (see illustration s). Note the locations of the bolts and studs, and remove the old gaskets.
8.5 From below, remove the two exhaust pipe-to-m anifold nuts (arrows)
Remove the manifold bolts and studs (V6 engine, right manifold)
.- ..
Chapter 2 Part Д V6 and 5.0L V8 engines
R е тоуе
the nut (arrow) holding the oil dipstick to the left exhaust header оп the 5.0L V8
9.7 Power steering/alternator mount bolts (arrows) the left (driver's) side of а typical V6 englne
Check the exhaust manifold far cracks and make sure the Ьоlt ~-эds аге clean and undamaged. The exhaust manifold and cylinder ~j mati ng surfaces must Ье clean before the manifotds аге rein~ - use а gasket scrapeг 10 remove аН сагЬоп deposits and old ~et material. Note: If the exhaust manifold is being rep/aced with а :..
remove the oxygen sensor. Cfean the threads о' the oxygen w;th а wirв brush and СОВ! the threads with high-temperature r--seIZ8 coтpound before transferring the senSQГ to the new exhaust "1:-
- . . . 'o/d. _
Position the exhaust manifold and gasket оп the cylinder head the mounting botts. Note: Exhaust manifo/d warpage is
~ ! пs tаll
::::-"110n оп the Vб engine. AJthough some were bui/t without gaskets, ~ "eCommend installing them. If you're working оп а V6 епgiпе , iпstаll -е о lot bolts flrst. Somet1mes It's necessary to еlОП9аtе (with а гоuпd ~ some holes '" the exhaust mапifоlds 'О star1 the bolts - but пеуег ~ oot the pilot OOlt holes! - Whеп t ightепlпg the mоuпtiпg OOlt5, work from the center to the ~=s апd Ье sure to U5e а torque wrench. Тightеп the bolt5 '" threв !С .. aI 5tep5 until the torque listed in thi5 Chapter's Specjf1cations 15
9.13 Using а prybar, carefully lever tt. against а casting protrusion to lift the cylinder head and break the gasket sea l
""""hed . •
remaining iП5tа1lаt1оп 5tep5 аге the reverse of removal. Start the engine and check for exhaust leaks.
Cylinder heads - removal and installation
Тhe engine must ье comp/ete/y соо/ when the cylinder heads removed. Failure to a//ow the engine to сой' о" could result in cy/in=-='" head warpage.
Zaution: ке
Reтova/ Oisconnect the саЫе from the negative battery terminal . Remove the уа1уе covers (seв Section 4). _ Аетоуе the pU5hrods and rocker arms (зев Section 5). Аетоуе the upper intake manifold (seв Chapter 4) and the lower -:ake manifold (seв Section 7).
eft (driver's side) cylinder head =:efer to iIIustration 9.7 ... Unbolt the power 5teering pump and tie It as ide in ап upright ::юsitiоп . Leave the h05es соппесted (seв Chapter 1О) . ~ Аетоуе the exhaust manifold (seв Section 8). Oi5connect the alteгnator wiring (see Chapter 5). Unbolt the alter-ator and power steering bracket (see illustration). 3 If оп1у the left cyllnder head is being гетоуоо , ргосеоо to Step 13.
9 Оп 5.0L V8 engines, гетоуе the air conditioning compressor and position it out of the way (зее Chapter З). 00 NOT d isconnect the hoses!
Right cylinder head 1О Оп V6 engines, remove the air cOnditioning compressor and posi tion it out of the way (зев Chapter 3). 00 NOT disconnect the hoses! Оп V8 engines , unbolt the aJtemator bracket . 11 Remove the exhaust manifold (Section 8).
80th cylinder heads Refer to i//ustration 9. 13 12 Loosen the cylinder head bolts in 1/ 4-turn Increments until they сап ье removed Ьу hand. Work from OOlt - tо- Ьоlt in а pattern that's the reverse of the tightening sequence. Note: Head bo/ts shouJd not Ье reused. Аеmоуе the bolts and discard them - new bolts must Ье used when installing the cylinder head(s). 13 Uft the cylinder head(s) off the engine. If resistance is felt, 00 NOT pry between the cylinder head and engine bIock as damage to the mating surfaces will result. То dislodge the cylinder head, place а wood bIock against the end of it and strike the wood bIock with а hammer ог place а ргуЬаг against а casting protrusion (see iIIustration). Store the cylindeг heads оп biocks of wood 10 рге уе ПI damage to the gasket sealing surfaces. 00 not slide them асroзз the floor ог workbench. 14 Суliпdег head disassembIy and inspection procedures аге соу егоо in detail in Chapter 2, Part С.
Chapter 2
Рап Д
V6 and 5.0L V8 engines
/nstallation Refer to iIIustrations 9. 18, 9.21а and 9.21Ь , 5 The mating surfaces 01 the cylinder heads and engine bIock must ье perfectly clean when the cytinder heads аге in5talled. Use а gasket scraper to гетоуе all traces of сагЬоп and old gasket material, then
clean the matlng 5urfaces with lacquer thinner ог acetone. 11 there's
the mating surfaces when the cylinder heads аге instatled, the 9а5kets тау not seal correctly and leaks тау develop. When working оп the englne bIock, соуег the lifter уаltеу with shop rags to keep debris out of the engine. Use а уасиит cleaner to гетоуе апу debris that 1аll5 Into the cylinders.
Check the engine bIock and cylinder head mating 5urfaces for
nicks. deep scratches and other damage. 11 damage is slight, it сап ье removed wlth а 111е - 11 It's excessive, machining тау Ье the only alternative. 17 Use а tap 01 the correct size to chase the threads in the cylinder head bolt hole5. Oirt, corrosion, sealant and damaged threads will affect torque readings. 18 Position the new gasket{s) over the dowel pins in the englne bIock (see illustration). Make sure it'5 facing the гight way. 19 Carefully position the cylinder head(5) оп the engine btock without di5turbing the gasket(s). 20 8е1оге in5tall1ng the new Vб engine cylinder head bolt5, coat the threads of the four short botts with pipe seatant (Ford рап по . 08AZ1955 8-А ог equivalent). Ughtly oit the threads 01 the remaining Vб englne cytinder head bolts. уои'ге working оп а V8 engine, new bolts must atso Ье used, with light oil applied to the threads of all of the bolts . 21 Install the bolts in Iheir original Jocations and tighten them finger tight. Follow the recommended sequence and tighten the bolts, in the recommended steps. to the torque listed in this Chapter's Speci1ications (see illustra tions). Caution: When following the torquв sequвnce (ог the Vб engine, а! Step 4, do по! Joosen a/J thв bolts а' thв sзmе time ог the gasket will not seaJ pгopeгJy. Loosen the fiгst boJt in the sequвncв, tightвn it to the (inal torque (Steps 5 and б) then go оп (о the next bolt in sequence, loosening and tightening the bolts ипtil the sequencв is completed. 22 Тhe remaining in5tallatlon steps аге the reverse 01 removal . 23 Change the engine oil and 1Нteг (Chapter 1), then star1 the engine and check carefully 10г oil and coolant leaks.
10 Timing chain cover - removal and installation Reтova/ Оп Vб
models, refer to Chapter 3 and remove the fan, fan shroud and water ритр. ОП V8 models, perform all water риmр removal steps except actual removal of the ритр . Тhe ритр тау Ье removed ог left
9. 21а
Cylind er head bolt tightening sequence - V6 engine
9.18 Locating dowels (arтows) аге used to position the gaskets оп the e ngine bIock - make sure the mark (circled) is corтectly oriented attached to the timing chain соуег with four nuts. Оп all engines, dls, connect the radiator and heater hoses. 2 Orain the engine oil and remove the oil filter (Chapter 1). 3 Rетоуе the crankshaft vibratlon damper (see Section 16). 4 Unbolt and remove all accessory brackets attached to the timln; chain cover. When unbolting the power steeгing pump (see Chapter 10 tie It aside with the hoses still connected . ОП air-conditioned models remove the compressor 1ront suppor1 bracket, leaving the compresw in рlасе (see Chapter 3). У6 models 5 Position the number опе piston at ТОС оп the compress lO~ 5troke (Section 3), then disconnect the electrical connect or at tr:camshaft position sensor and remove the camshaft position sen S(Г (see Chapter 6). б Rетоуе the oil рап and oil pump pickup (Section 14). Unbolt the ignition timing indlcator ог pointer. 7
V8models 8 Remove the оН pan -to-timing chain cover bolts. 9 Use а razor knife ог single-edged гзzог bIade to cut the oil раgasket flush with the engine bIock 1асе , Ьу inser1ing the bIade behlrc the bottom corners of the front соvег-tо-bIосk mating surfaces. Т"'.: idea IS to make а clean cut of the oil рап gasket so that cover гет о.. .=. doesn 't 'еаг the ori91na1 gasket.
All models Refer to i11ustrations 10. 10а, 10. 10Ь , 10. 1Ос and 10. 10d 1О Remove the bolts and separate the timing chain cover from t~ englne bIock. If it's stuck, tap it gently with а soft-face hammer (s~ illustrations). Caution: DO NOT изе exeessive 'огее ог уоu mау CrгQ
9.21 Ь Cylinder head bolt tightening sequence - 5.0L V8 engi ne
Chapter 2 Part А
·0. 10з
Gently tap the timing chain соуег loose with hammer (У6 engine shown)
and 5.0L У8 engines
10. 10Ь
Timing chain соувг bolts and studs (arrows) ОП У6 engines, shown before oil рап is removed - Bolt А should Ье coated with sealant before installation, and don't over1ook bolt В behind the oil pump
Installation 11 Оп V8 models, гетоуе the circular rubber seal from the Iront 01 the oil рап and stuff а shop rag into the oil рап opening to keep debris out of the engine. 12 Use а gasket scraper 10 гетоуе all traces 01 old gasket material and sealant from the соуег, oil рап and engine bIock, then с1еап them with lacquer thinner ог acetone.
V6 models Refeг
• :1.1ос
со уег
-е .:оуег.
va models, with the water pump bolts and oil pan-tobolts removed, these four bolts (arrows) hold the соуег to the engine bIock, but . ..
If the
соуег is
difflcuJt to remove, doubJe check to make sure
=1the bolts have Ьееn removed.
Оп Vб models, the bolt under the - ter housing is easy to miss, and оп V8 models. don't Qverlook the _ соуег bolt5 at the top (see illustrations).
O.1Od •• . there
two соуег bolts (arrows) that behind the water pump агеа
at the top,
to iIIustration 10. 14 13 The 011pump is mounted in the timing chain соуег and driven Ьу the Intermedlate shaft, which Is driven Ьу the camshaft position sensor. See Section 15 for oil pump Informatlon. 14 То install the intermediate shaft in the timlng chain соуег, make а mark опе inch Iгот the end. Insert the shaft until it seats in the оil pump and snap the ctip onto the shaft with the top 01 the clip just below the mark оп the shaft (see iIIustration) . 15 While the соуег is оН the engine, it's а good idea 'о install а new crankshaft front seal (see Section 16). 16 Lubricate the timing chain and Iront crankshaft oil seal Jips with engine oil. 17 Apply а thin соа! 01 AТV sealant to the engine bIock side 01 the new gasket, then position it оп the engine. The dowel pins wi1l hold it in ptace as the cover is instalted.
10.14 Install the
with the top j ust below the mark (V6 engine only)
Chapter 2
Рап А
V6 and 5.0L V8 engines
11 .4 Insta ll а dial indicator to measure timing chain deflection (У6 engine) - use а short length of vacuum hose to hold the рluпgег оп the pushrod, ОГ 5et the indicator оп the pu shrod end о' the rocker апn 18
Apply а thin coat 01 АТУ sealant 10 the gasket surface of the соуег
and attach it 10 the engine. The dowel pins will position it correctly. Don't damage the seal and make sure the gasket remains '" place. 19 In51att the bolts finger tight. Тighten them 10 the torque listed '" this Chapter's Specifications only after the water pump has Ьееп installed (some 01 the water pump bolts а150 hold the timing chaln соуег in place). Note: When instalfing the water рumр, ье sure to coat the threads of the wateг риmр bo/t with sealant (see illustration 10.10Ь) .
Install the 011рап (Section 14).
V8 models 21 Cut two front sections 1гот new 011 рап side gaskets to install between the 011 рап side ralls and timing chain cover. 22 Attach the gasket sectlons to the оН рап with contact adhesive (Ford par1 по. 07 AZ -198508-А оГ equivalent). 23 Apply а 1/ 8-inch bead of AТV sealant to the 011 рап-tо-bIосk joints. 24 Install а new circular rubber oil рап seal '" the groove in the bottom of the front cover. Note: С/еап the groove thorough/y with lacquer Ihinner firsl. then use contact adhesive 10 ho/d the sea/ in р/асе.
25 Lubricate the timing chain and fгont crankshaft 011 seal lips with engine 011. 26 Apply а thin соа! of AТV sealant {о the engine bIock side of the new cover gasket, then position It оп the engine. The dowel pins will hold It '" place as the cover is jnstalled. 27 Apply а thln coat of АТУ sealant to the gasket surface of the cover and attach it to the engine. Oon't dislodge the circular гиЬЬег seal ог the gaskets. 28 It тау Ье necessary to compress the гиЬЬег seal Ьу forcing the cover down before i nstaНing the cover bolts {о the engine bIock. Тет porarily slip the vibratlon damper onto the crankshaft to align the cover. 29 Apply Teflon pipe sealant to the threads. then install the bolts. Tighten the 011 pan-to-cover bolts to the torque listed '" this Chapter's Specifications while aligning the cover with the damper. Make sure the gaskets and seal stay '" place. 30 Tighten the соvег-tо-bIосk bolts and tighten the bolts to the torque 1isted '" this Chapter's Specifications, then remove the vibratlon damper.
AII models 31
Install the remaining par1s '" the reveгse order of removal. Note:
When reinstalfing the damper оп V8 modeJs, арр/у а dab о( AТV sealant (о the keyway in the damper first.
32 З3
Add engine 011 and coolant (Chapter 1). Аип the engine and check 10г leaks.
11.14 Оп У8 models, to check the timing chain deflection estabIish а reference point оп the engine bIock and measure from that point to the chain
Timing chain and sprockets - inspection, removal installation
ап а
/nspection Disconnect the negative battery
from the battery.
V6 models Refer to iJIustration 1 '.4
2 Refer to Section 3 and position the питЬег опе piston sеvе-э, degrees before ТОС оп the compression stroke. 3 Remove the right valve cover (Section 4). 4 Attach а dial indicator 10 the cylinder head with the plunger in- -~ with and resting оп the rocker aгm (see iIIustration). 5 Remove the timing chain cover (see Section 1О). 6 Temporarily remove the timing chain and sprockets to remove '-... chain tensioner (see below). 7 Temporarily install the timing chain and spгockets without the {е sioner and s1ip the timing chain cover and vibratlon damper in placE -provide timing marks. 8 Тит the crankshaft clockwi5e ипtil the питЬег опе plston IS а1 m: (Section З). Тhis will take ир the slack оп the right side of the chain . 9 Zero the diat indicator. 1О Slowly turn the crankshaft coun terclockwi5e ипtil the sl ig temovement Is seen оп the dial indicator. Stop and note how fa r {питЬег опе piston has moved away fгom тое Ьу looking at the Igtion timing marks. 11 If the mark has moved тоге than 6 degrees, ;n5tall а new t1l"~ chain and sprockets.
V8 models Шustгаtiоп 11. 14 12 Aotate the crankshaft in а counterclockwise direction to take :. the slack in the left side of the chain. 13 Remove the t;ming chain cover (Section 10). 14 EstabIish а reference point оп 1he engine bIock and measure "?that point {о the chain (see iIIustration). 15 Reinstall the vibration damper bolt. Using this bolt , tum the сга shaft clockwise with а wrench un!il the slack is taken ир оп Ihe г-; side of the chain. 16 Force the left side 01 the chain out with уоиг fingers and me8.S..J the distance between the reference po;nt and the chain. The differebetween the two measurements is the deflection. 17 If the deffection exceeds 1/ 2-inch. install а new timing chaln a.~, sprockets.
Refer to
Chapter 2 Part
V6 and 5.0L V8 engines
1.20 Align the timing marks оп the crankshaft and camshaft (arrows) before removing the sprockets from the shafts
11 .22
Кiroc ke t s
the camshaft sprocket and chain the camshaft
V6 models, if you're planning to гетоуе the camshaft, slide the spacer 011 the camshaft
Removal and instal1ation ==zerto
Шustгаtiоns and 11 .25
Qemoval . а Position the number опе piston at тое оп the compression ,.oke (Section З) . ~ Аетоуе the timing chain соуег (Section 1О). Try to avoid turning -е crankshaft during vibration damper removal . : "] Make sure the crankshaft and camshaft sprocket timiпg marks а..--е aligned (see illustration) . If they aren't, install the vibration damper :;,cit and use it to turn the crankshaft clockwise until the two marks аге
V6 models, push the spring in the chain tensioner back and insert а pin punch to hold it in place
in the end of the crankshaft. Press the sprocket onto the crankshaft with the vibration damper OOlt, а large socket and 50те washeгs ог tap it gently into place until it's completely seated. Caution: If resistance is encountered, 00 NOT hammer the sprocket onto the sha ft. It mау eventua/Jy move into place, but it mау ье cracked in the pfocess and (ail/atef, causing extensive engine damage.
~ 9 ПОО .
Remove the camshaft sprocket mounting bolt (all models) and position sensor drive gear (У6 model only). :.2 Pull the sprockeVchain ОН the camshaft and detach the c hain "'от the crankshaft sprocket (see illustration). Oon 't lose the pin '" '~e end of the camshaft (У8 models only). 23 11 you intend to remove the camshaft оп а V6 engine, slip the soacer ОН the camshaft (see illustration). 2.J Оп V6 models, ргу back the tensioner and inseгt а pin punch to .:age the spring (see illustration). Note: If the tensioner assembJy was -emoved ear1ier (аг checking chain defJection, repface ;1 now and pin it ::.ack. 25 The crankshaft sprocket сап Ье levered off with two large screwjnvers ог а ргу Ьаг (see illustration). :.гrnshаft
Installation Refer 10 i//ustrations 11.27, 11.29 and 11 .31 26 Align the keyway in the crankshaft sprocket with the Woodruff key
11 .25 If either the camshaft ог crankshaft sprockets аге stuck, pry with мо opposing screwdrivers to гетоуе them
Chapter 2 Part Д V6 and 5.0L V8 engines
11.27 Position the crankshaft with the key facing up (12 o'clock)
11 .31 Оп V6 models. align the keyway (arro w) ОП the camshaft position sensor drive gear with the Woodruff key оп the camshaft
12.За А е тоу е
the lifter gu ide retainer bolts ...
27 Tum the crankshaft until the key i5 facing up (12 o'clock position) (see illustration). 28 Aeinstall the spacer оп the camshaft, if removed . 29 Dгаре the chain оуег the camshaft sprocket and turn the sprocket until the timing mark faces down (6 o'clock position). Mesh the chain with the crankshaft sprocket and position the camshaft sprocket оп the end of the camshaft (see iIIustration). 11 necessaгy, t urn the camshaft зо the dowel pin ШS into the sprocket hole (V8 engine) or the bolt holes in the sprocket аге aligned with the offset threaded holes in the camshaft 11ange (V6 еП91пе). ЗА When correctly installed, а stralght Ilne should разз through the center of the camshaft, the camshaft timing mark (in the 6 o'clock position), the crankshaft timing mark (in the 12 o'clock position) and the center 01 the cranks~aft (see iIIustration 11 .20). 0 0 NOT proceed until the valve timing is correctl 31 ОП V6 models, ins1all the camshaft pos1tion sensor drive gear (see iIIustration) . 32 Apply а non-hardening thread locklng compound to the threads and install the camshaft spгocket bolt. Tighten the bolt to the torque listed in this Chapter's Specifications. 33 Reinstall the remaining parts in the reverse order of removal.
12 Valve lifters - removal, inspection and installation
Remova/ Refer to i//ustrations 12.3а, 12.3Ь, 12.Зс, 12.4а and 1 Аетоуе the intake mani10ld (Section 7).
11 .29 Slip the chain оуе г the cra nkshaft sproc ket and attach th! cam sha1t sprocket to the c amshatt
12.Э Ь
.•. and the guide plates
2 Аетоуе the rocker arms and pushrods (Section 5). 3 Before гemoving the 111ters, arrange 10 store them in а c1e:. labeled Ьох 10 ensure that they're reinstalled in their origlnalloca: cr А етоуе the lifter guide re1ainer and guide plates (see illustrations 4 There аге several ways 10 extract 1he tifters fгom the bores ~ cial 100ls designed 10 grip and гетоуе lifters аге manufacture:: тапу 1001 companies and аге widely availabIe (see illustration) :. тау not ье needed in every case. ОП newer englnes without а о: varnish buildup, the lifters сап often Ье removed wi1h а small та;:- (see iIIustration) ог еуеп with уош fingers. А machinist 's scribe \ bent end сап Ье used to pull the li1ters out Ьу positioning 1he :runder the retainer ring in the tap 01 each lifter. Caution: Don '! Lls..: : ers to remove the lifters иnless уоu intend to гер/асе them Wlt,.. -ones (a/ong with the camshaft). Тhe pliers тау damage the prer;.$ machined and hardened Jifters, rendering them use/ess. Оп е"';- with а lot of sludge and varnish, work the lifters up and down. carburetor cleaner spray to loosen the deposits.
/nspection Refertoillиstrations
12.6and 12.7 5 Clean the lifters with solvent and dгy them thorough ly ... mixing them up. 6 Check each lifter wall and pushrod seat for scufflng , score and uneven wear. If the lifter walls аге damaged ог worn (whlc'" very likely), inspect the lifter bores in the engine bIock as we! pushrod seats (see iIIustration) аге worn, check 1he pushrod ero =. 7 Check the roller carefully for wear and damage and ma~; 5 they turn fгeely without excessive play (see illustration).
Chapter 2 Part Д V6 and 5.0L V8 engines
.2..Зс Ве
sure to store the lifters in ап organized т аппег to make sure they're reinstalled in their originallocations
tf зпу lifters аге found to Ье defective, they сап Ье replaced with ones without hаviпg to replace the camshaft (unlike conventional, -:~-rol 'er lifters), but if the camshaft 15 being replaced due to high - -:age, all the lifters should Ье replaced as well . ~=
stallation Тhe -~
originallifters, i1 they're being reinstalled, must ье returned to origi "al lосаНопs . Coat th em with moly-base grease ог engine
.!S.XmbJy lube.
_ ~
I"stall the lifters in the bores. I"stall the guide ptates and guide retainer. Ir,stall the pushrods and rocker arms. I"stall the intake manifold and valve CQvers. Change the engine oil and filter (зее Chapter 1)
Camshaft a nd bearings - removal , inspection and installation
amshaft lоЬе Iift check '" order to determine the extent of сат 10Ье wear, the 10Ье lift s,.-ould Ье checked prior to camshaft гетоуа1 . Refer to Section 4 and ~oye the valve соуегз. The rocker arms must а1зо Ье removed (Sec'=" 5), but leave the pushrods in place.
... ог you тау Ье аЫе to гетоуе the lifters with а magnet
If the lifters
аге difficult to remove, you тау have to remove them with а special puller . . .
2 Position the number опе piston at ТОС оп the compression stroke (зее Section З). 3 Beginning with the number опе cylinder, mount а dial indicator оп the engine and position the plunger in-line with and resting оп the first rocker агт (зее iIIustration 11.4). 4 Zero the dial indicator, then уегу slowly turn the crankshaft in the погтаl direction 01 rotation until the indicator needle stops and begins 'О тоуе in the opposite direction. The point at which it stops indicates maximum сат lobe lift . 5 Record this ligure 10г future reference, then reposition the piston at ТОС оп the compression stroke. 6 Мо уе the dial indicator to the remaining питЬег опе cyJinder pushrod and repeat the check. Ве sиге to record the results for each valve. 7 Repeat the check for the remaining valves. Since each piston must Ье at ТОС оп the compression stroke for this procedure , work from cylinder-to-cylinder following the firin9 order sequence (зее Section З). 8 After the check i5 complete, сотраге the re5ults to the Specifications. If camshaft 10Ье lift 1з 'езз than specified, cam 10Ье wear has occurred and а new camshaft should Ье installed.
Removal Refer to ifJustrations 13. 11' and 13. 12
Refer to the appropriate Sections and remove the pushrods, the
12.6 Inspect the pushrod seat (arrow) in the top of each lifter for wear
12.7 The roller must tum freely - check 'ог wear and excessive рl ау аз well
Chapter 2
Рап А
V6 and 5.0L V8 engines
models use Т -30 Torx screws to retain the camshatt thrust plate (arrows)
valve lifteгs and the timing chain and camshaft sprocket. The radiator should ье removed as well (Chapter З). Уои also тау have 10 гетоуе the air conditioning condenser and the grille аз well, but wait and see 11 the camshaft сап ье pulled out 01 the engine. 10 Check the camshaft end play with а dial indicator aJigned with the front 01 the camshaf1. Inser1 а camshaft sprocket boJt and use il 10 pull the camshaft 10ге and aft. 11 the play i5 greater than specified. replace the thrust plate with а new опе when the camshaft 15 reinstalled. 11 Rетоуе the camshaft thrust plate bolts. Д т-за Тог х bit i5 required for the botts оп the V6 engine (see illustration). 12 Carefully pull the camshaft out. Support the сат so the lobes don't nick ог gouge the bearings as ;t's withdrawn (see illu stration).
/nspection Refer to lIIustralion 1З. 14 13 After the camshaft has Ьееп removed, clean ;! with solvent and dry it, then inspect the bearing journals for uneven wear, pitting and evi· dence of seizure. If the joumals аге damaged, the bearing inserts in the engine bIock аге рroЬаЫу damaged as well . Both the camshaft and bearings wШ have 10 ье replaced . Replacement of the camshaft bearings requires special tools and techniques which place it beyond Ihe scope of the home mechanic. The engine bIock will have 10 ье гетоуоо from the vehicle and taken 10 ап automotive machine shop for Ihis procedure. 14 Measure the bearing journals with а micrometer (see illustration) 10 determine whether they аге excessivety worn ог out·of·round. 15 Inspect the camshaft lobes for heat discoloration, score marks, c hipped areas, pitting and uneven wear. If the lobes аге in good condi·
13.14 The camshaft bearing journal diameters are checked 10 pinpoint excessive wear and out·of·round conditions
13.12 Carefully guide the camsha1t oul 01 Ihe engine bIock to avoid nicking the bearings with the lobes lion and if the 10Ье lift measurements аге as speci1ied , you сап reuse the camshaft.
Installation Refer to iffustration 13.16 16 Lubricate the camshafl bearlng journals and сат lobes w ith camshaft installation lube (see iIIustration). Note: /f the camshaft оп г V6 is being replaced, remove the Woodruff key (гот the old camshafr and slide off the spacer ring. C/ean, lubricate and insta/J the ring оп the new camshaft and install the Woodruff key. 17 Slide the camshaft into the engine . Support the сат пеаг the engine bIock and Ье careful поl 10 scrape ог nick the bearings. 18 Apply moly·base grease ог engine assembIy tube 10 both sides о: the thrust plate , then posilion it оп the engine bIock with the 0 1 grooves in (against the engine bIock). Instatl the bolts and tighten thеП'" to the lorque listed '" this Chapter's Specifications. 19 Refer to the appropriate Sections and instaJl the lifters, pushrods rocker arms. timing chainlsprocket, liming chain соуе, and valve coyeгs 20 The remaining installation steps аге the reverse of removal. 21 Before starting and running Ihe engine, change Ihe oil and insta а new оН filter (see Chapter 1).
14 Oil
ра п
- removal and installation
Note: The follawing procedure appfies anfy to the 1994 and 1995 5.0L V8 modefs. The procedure (аг the V6 eng/ne oi/ рап remova/ is virtuaJ/) identicaJ as the 4.6L V8. which is covered in Part В о' this Chapter.
13.16 Apply camshaft installation lube 10 the camshaft lobes and journals prior 10 installation
Chapter 2 Part Д V6 and 5.0L V8 engines
14.18 Slip the 011
out, turning it slightly to clear the flywheel/ driveplate
14.22 Press the front апа ге а г e"d seals l irmly I"to their grooves, then apply а dab of AТV sealant to the joints (arтow) where the side gaskets and епа seals meet
"emoval =':-г "
to iflustration 14. 18 Removal of the oil рап is а difficult procedure, involving discon- ~:~10П 01 several front suspension components 10г с1еагапсе . Ап ~<; nе support "cradle" and а transmission jack will ье necessary to ;'::-Diete th is procedure and сап оНеп Ье rented а! ап equipment ~..a yard. Dlsconnect the саЫе from the negative battery terminal. Аетоуе the oil dipstick. Аетоуе the air cleaner assembIy (see Chapter 4). Rетоуе the two bolts retaining the fan shroud to the radiator and '::u :he shraud loose from the lower retaining clips. Attach ап engine suppoгt fixture (Ford tool по. D88L-БООО-д ог ~=_ v'alent) 'О the епgiпе tiftiпg eyes оп the епgiпе. Raise the vehicte апd place it securely оп jackstands. Position а ага!п рап ипаег the engine, drain the оН апа гетоуе -.: engine оН fitter (refer to Chapter 1). Refer to Chapter 5 апа гетоуе the startef. Refer to Sесtiоп 8 and : !.:оп песt the exhaust pipes from the headers. Lower the exhaust
and геаг rubber seals. Appty а ааЬ of АТУ sealant to the four comers where the side gaskets тее! the end seals. 23 Position the 011 pumplplckup inside the oil рап, тапеиуег the рап in position and bolt the oit pump to the engine btock. It тау help to have ап assistant holding the рап in place while уои bott ир the pump. Note: Insert the hex driveshaft into the рuтр befoгe bolting the рuтр (о the engine. 24 Carefully position the рап against the engine bIock and instatl the bolts finger tight. Make sure the gaskets haven't shifted, then tighten the botts to the torque listed in this Chapter's Specifications. Start at the center of the рап and work out toward the ends iп а spiral pat1ern. 25 The remaining steps аге the reverse 01 гетоуаl. Caution: Don't /orget (о гefill the engine with oif bвfore starting it (see Chapter 1). 26 Start the engine and check carefully for oil leaks at the oil рап. Drive the vehicle and check again.
pump - removal and insta11ation
:- ::-еэ. Аетоуе the епgiпе mount through-bolts. Refer to Chapter 7 апа гетоуе the геаг transmission mount. Ralse the епgiпе about two inches \",ith the support fixture. Аетоуе the power steering cooler Нпе геtаiпiпg cHps. Аетоуе the bolt securing the transmission line$ to the гight side _. '''е englne btock . _ Disсоппесt the electrical connector from the tow oil 'еуеl sen$Of :caied in the oil рап if $0 equipped. . = Disconnect the steeгing flex coupling and гетоуе the two lопg х ~ s that retain the гасk-апd-рiпiоп steering uпit to the crossmember. :: _ the unit forward and down, without disconnecting the lines (see
Note: 11 there ;s insufflcient oif testing.
see Chapter 2, Part С (ог oil
V6 mode/s Ав/ег
to iIIustrations 15.3, and 15. 11 oil pump is mounted extemally оп the timlng chain соуег . 2 Detach the 011 filter (Chapter 1). 3 Detach the соуег and gasket, then гетоуе the gears from the cavity in the timiпg chain соуег (see iIIustration) . Discard the gasket.
: -ар'.' 1О) .
Аетоуе the englne 011 рап геtаlпiпg bolts. Unbolt the 011 pump/ pick-up tube аэsетЫу, place it in the oil рап са гетоуе the оН рап with the pickup (see illustratlon). The hex оН :>. ""пр driveshaft will al$o соте out with the 011 ритр. _ Empty апу residual 011 from the oil рап .
Installation ::f'er to i1Justration 14.22 U$e а ga$ket scraper ог риНу knife to remove alL traces 01 old ;asket materiat and sеаlапt 1гот the рап and engine bIock. Clean the mating suriaces with lacquer thiппег ог acetone. Make ь...ге the OOlt holes In the engine bIock аГ2 clean. :2 Use а dab 01 gasket adhesive to hold the Iront апа геаг rubber :,.:o....als in the lront cover and геаг main сар, u$ing а small screwdriver to -ус е the new seal tightly Into the groove (see iIIu stration) . Stick the ::ie gaskets in place оп the engine bIock with а lew dabs of adheslve з"- d tuck the lгоп! and геаг tabs ;nto the slots ;п the ends 01 the lront
15.3 After the filter 15 removed, the У6 engine oil bolts are acces s lЫ e (arrows)
ритр с оуег
Chapter 2 Part Д V6 and 5.0L V8 engines
detach the V6 engine pickup tube, nut and bolt (arrows)
С1еап and inspect the oil pump cavity. If the oil pump gear pocket 4 in the timing chain соуег i5 damaged ог WQГП , replace the timing chain соуег.
5 Аетоуе all traces of gasket material from the oil pump CQV8f, then check it far warpage with а straightedge and feeler gauges. 11 It'5 warped тоге than O.OO16-inch , replace it with а new опе . 6 То гетоуе the pressure reHef valve, first detach the timing chain соуег from the engine (Section 1О) . Drill а hole in the plug (see illustratlon 10.14), then pry It Qut о г гетоуе it with а slide hammer and screw adapter. Аетоуе the sprlng and valve from the Ьоге. 7 Аетоуе з11 metal chips fгom the Ьоге and the valve , then check them carefully for wear, score marks and 9alling . If the Ьоге is worn ог damagecJ, а new timing chain CQver will Ье requirecJ . The valve should fit (п the Ьоге with по noticeabIe side play ог binding . 8 " the spring арреаrз to Ье fatigued ог collapsecJ. reptace it with а new опе. The tension сап Ье mеаsшеd and compared to this Chapter's Specifications to determine its condition. 9 Apply clean engine 011 to the vatve and Instalt it in the Ьоге, 5mall end fir5t. Inseгt the spring, then in5talt а new plug . Carefulty tap it in unt;1 it'5 0.010-inch below the machinecJ sur1ace of the cover. 10 Intermediate shaft removal and installation is covered in Section 10. 11 The oil ритр pickup is inside the oil рап . For ассе55 , remove the оН рап (see Section 14). Remove the pick-up tube nut and the two mounting bolt$ ($ее illustration). 12 Installation is the reverse of removal . Caution: Ве sure to pack the oi/ риmр with petro/eum jelly before installing the cover (00 NOT use апу /ubricant other than petroJeum jel1y). It must fill аl1 voids bвtween
15.17 There is serious wear оп the distributor end (arrow) 01 th is hex drive - it should Ье replaced pickup and turn the ритр shaft Ьу hand. 19 " уои separate the ритр from the pjck~up tube, и$е а new gaskeand tighten the bolt$ securely when reattaching them. 20 Fit the oil ритр drive$haft into the pump. " must seat all the wa . 00 NOT try to force it. If it doesn't align , tum the ритр slightly and t'"" again. 21 InstaH the оН pump/ pickup and drive with the оН рап as describec. '" Section 14. Tighten the mounting nutslbolts to the torque li$ted this Chapter's Specification$. 22 The remainder of installation is the rever$e of removal.
16 Crankshaft oil seals • replacement
Front seal - timing chain cover in place Refer to iIIustrations 16.4, 16.5, 16.6, 16.8 and 16. 10 1 Oisconnect the саЫе from the negative battery terminaJ .
2 Remove the electric cooling fanlshroud assembIy (5ев Chapter 3 3 Remove the drivebelts (seв Chapter 1). 4 Mark the crank5haft pulley and vibration damper $0 they сап ьеreassembIed in the same relative position. Thi$ [5 'mpoгtant, since {Г>Е damper and pulley аге initially balancecJ as а unit. Unbolt and rem o .. : the pulley (see iIIustration).
... .
~ "~
the gears, cavity and cover. Jf this isn 't done, the риmр mау faif [о prime when the engine is started. Install а new cover 9asket and
tighten the bolts to the torque listecJ in this Chapter'$ Specification$ in а cri$s-cross pattern. Use а new pick-up tube gasket and tighten the mounting OOlt$ $ecurely.
V8mode/s Refer to iflustration 15.17
Unbolt and lower the oil рап а$ de5cribecJ in Section 14. Remove the оН pick-up tube-to-main bearing сар nut. Remove the оil ритр mounting bolt5. Lower the oil ритр assembIy into the оН рап and remove the 011 рап from the vehicle with the oil ритр inside. If the ритр i5 faulty, ог уои suspect that it'5 faulty, in$tatl а new опе - do not attempt to repair the original . 17 The 011 ритр hex drive5haft wШ соте out with the ритр . Ехат (пе the distributor end of the hex for signs 01 wear (see iIIu stration). Caution: If this shaft breaks, serious engine damage сап result. /! it 13 14 15 16
/ooks wom, гер/асе it.
Prime the oil
prior to in5tallation.
clean oil into the
16.4 Mark the pulley and vibration damper before removing the four bolts (arrows) - the large vibration damper bolt [п the center (not seen here) is usually very tight, 50 use а six-point socket and а breaker Ьаг to 100$еп it
Chapter 2 Part Д V6 and 5.0L va engines
16.5 Use the recommended puller to гетоуе the vibration damper - if а puller that applies faree to the auter edge is used, the damper will Ье damaged! Remove the bolt from the front of the crankshaft, then use а puller
:jetach the vibration damper (see illustration). Caution: Don't use а :... вг with jaws that gnp the outer edge о' the damper. Тhe puller must =-е- the (уре shown {п the iIIustration that utilizes bolts to арр/у (агее to -09: daтper hub оп/у. Clean the crankshaft nose and the seal contact .~
s..."'ace оп the vibration damper with lacquer thinner ог acetone. Leave - е Woodruff key in place in the crankshaft keyway. Note: Тhe damper -:: crankshah bolt is very tight. Have ап assistant hoJd the f/ywheel (гот
._ 'rImg whlle removing the boft, ог hold the damper with а specia/ designed (ог this purpose. ф Carefully remove the seal from the cove' with а screwdriver ог scai removal taal (see illustration). 8е careful not ta damage the cover :r scratch the wall of the seal Ьаге . If the engine has accumulated а lot 7 ",iles, apply penetrating 011 to the seal·ta-cover jaint and allow it to scaк in befare attempting to remove the sea!. Check the seal Ьоге and crankshaft, as well as the seal contact $.... "'асе оп the vibration damper far nicks and burrs. РоsШоп the new seaJ '" the Ьоге with the ореп end of the seal facing IN. А small amaunt :: oil applied to the outer edge of the new seal will make inslaHation ~I er - dan't averdo 1Н _ Drlve the seal Inta the Ьоге with а large socket and hammer until • s com pletely seated (see illustration). Select а socket that 's the 3ralТl e outside diameter as the sea! (а sectian 01 р lре сап ье used if а socket isn't ауаllаЫе). i·'ЗР·wгеnсh
16.8 Clean the Ьоге , then apply а sm all amount 01 oil to the outer edge 01 the new seal and drive it squarely into the opening with а large socket and а hammer - don't damage the seal in the process and make sure 11's completely seated
16.6 Use а screwdriver ог seal гетоуаl tool (shown) to work the sea l out 01 the timing chain cover - Ье уегу саге1иl not to damage the cover ог nick the crankshaft! 9 Apply maly-base grease о г clean englne 011 10 the seal contact surface of the vibration damper and coat the keyway (groove) with а thin layer of AТV sealant. Note: I( а new vibration damper is being installed, Ьа/аnсе pins must ье Jocated in the new damper in the sэте reJative positions as the original. A1so. the pulley must ье attached to the damper with the зате orientation to the pins as оп the origina/. 10 Inslall the damper оп Ihe end of the crankshaft . The keyway in Ihe damper Ьоге must Ье aligned with Ihe Woodruff key In the crankshaft nose. If the damper can 't ье seated Ьу hand, lap it into place with а saft-face hammer (see illustration) о г slip а large washer over the bolt, Install the bolt and tlghten il 10 press the damper into place. Remove the large washer, then install Ihe bolt and lighten it 10 the torque listed in this Chapter's Specifications. 11 Instal! the remainlng parts removed for access to the seal. 12 Start the engine and check far Jeaks а! the seal-to-cover joint.
Front seal -
chain cover reтoved
13 Use а punch ог screwdriver and hammer to dгive the seal out 01 the cover from the back slde. Support Ihe cover as close to Ihe seal Ьоге as possible. Ве careful not 10 dlstort the cover ог scratch Ihe wall 01 the seal Ьоге . " the engine has accumulated а 101 01 miles, apply penetraling oil 10 Ihe seal~lo~cover joinl оп each side and allow It 10 soak in before a"empting 10 drive the seal out. 14 Clean the Ьоге 10 remove апу old seal material and corrosion .
16.10 А soft-1ace hammer сап Ье used to tэр the vibration damper onto the crankshaft - don't use а steel hammer!
Chapter 2
Ра" Д
V6 and 5.0L V8 engines
16.17 If уои 'ге уе гу ca reful not to damage the crankshaft ог the seal Ьоге, the геаг seal с а п Ье pried out with а screwdriver · попnаllу а special puller is used for this procedure
Support the соуег оп bfocks of wood and position the new seal in the Ьоге with the ареп end 01 the seal facing IN. Д 5та!' amount 01 oil apptied 10 the auter edge 01 the new seal will make installation easier d on't overdo Ш 15 Drive the зеаl into the Ьоге with а large socket and hammer ипtil It's completety seated. Select а socket that's the same aul side diameter аз the seal (а section 01 pipe сап Ье used '1 а socket isn't availabfe).
Rear main sea/ Refer (о iJlustration 16.17 16 Refer 10 Chapter 7 and геmоуе the transmlssion. then detach the flywheel ог driveplate and the геаг соуег plate lгот the engine (Sec· tlon 17). 17 The old seal сап ье removed Ьу prying it out with а screwdriver (see Illustration) ог Ьу making опе ог two sma!! holes '" the seal llange with а sharp pick, then using а screw-in type slide--hammer puller. Ве sure to note how far the seal is recessed into the Ьоге before removing It; the new seal will have to ье recessed ап equal amount. Caution: Ве very caгefиl nо' to scratch ог otherwise daтage the crankshaft ог the Ьоге in the hou$ing ог oil feaks coufd devefop! 18 Clean the crankshaft and seaJ Ьоге with lacquer thinner ог acetone. Check the seal contact surface уеry carelully 10г scratches and nicks that could damage the new seallip алd cause oilleaks. 11 the crankshaft is damaged, the only alternative is а new ог different crankshaft. 19 Make sure the Ьоге is clean, then apply а thin coat 01 engine 011 to the outer edge of the new seal. Apply moly-based grease to the seal lips. The seal must Ье pressed squarely into the Ьоге, а special sea1 installation tool (Ford tool по . T82L·6701-A) is highly recommended. Hammerlng It into place is not recommended. 11 you don't have access to the special tool. you тау Ье аЫе to tap the seal '" with а large section 01 pipe and а hammer. 11 you must use this method, Ье уеry саге fu l по! to damage the seal ог crankshaftl And work the seallip carefully оуег the end 01 the crankshaft with а bIunt tool such as the rounded end 01 а socket extension. 20 Reinstall the engine геаг соуег plate, the flywheel ог driveptate and the transmission .
17 Flywheel/driveplate - removal and installation
17.4 Оп automatic transmission driveplates, inser1 а ргуЬаг through а hole to keep the crankshaft Iгот tuming when loosening/ tightening the bolts checklreplace the clutch components and pilot bearing. Look for lactory paint marks that indicate Ilywheel-to-cranksh.: alignment. 11 they aren' t there, use а center-punch ог paint to та- : alignment marks оп the flywheel/driveplate and crankshaft to ens!;"! correct a1ignment during reinstallation. 4 А етоуе the bolts that secure the flywheel/driveplate to the сгаг· shaft (see illustration). If the crankshaft turns, use а flywheel-hold 'n: tool ог wedge а screwdriver through the starter opening to jam the f wheel. 5 Аетоуе the flywheeVdriveplate from the crankshaft. Since the r wheel is fairly heavy, Ье sше 'О support it while removing the last Ьо: Warning: The flywheef 1$ heavy and the ring gear teeth mау ье shar:. wear g/oves (о protect уоuг hands . 6 Clean the flywheel to гетоуе grease and oil . Inspect the surfa::,:. for cracks, rivet grooves, bumed areas and score marks. Light scon~; сап ье removed with етеry cloth. Check 10г cracked and broken ,,~~ gear teeth . Lзу the flywheel оп а flat surface and use а straightedge -: check for warpage. Clean and inspect the mating surfaces of the flуwhееVdгivер!а-: 7 and the crankshaft. 11 the crankshaft геаг seal is leaking, replace before геiпstаШпg the 1lywheel/driveplate. 8 Position the llywheel/driveplate against the crankshaft. Ве sure ": align the marks made during removal. Note that some engines have ;atignment dowel ог staggered bolt holes to ensure correct instatlatlcY Веlоге installing the bolts, apply Т eflon thread sealant to the threads 9 Use а flywheel-holding tool ог wedge а screwdriver through t~~ starter motor opening to keep the flywheeVdriveplate from turning as уо_ tighten the bolts to the torque listed In this Chapter's Specifications. 10 The remainder of installation is the reverse 01 the гето ,;,
18 Engine mounts
17.4 1 Raise the vehicle and suppoгt it securely оп jackstands, then refer to Chapter 7 and гетоуе the transmission. 11 It's leaking, now would Ье а уеry good tlme to replace the lront pump seal/O·ring (automatic transmission only). 2 Аетоуе the pressure plate and clutch disc (see Chapter 8) (тап ual transmission equipped vehicles). Now is а good time to
check and replacement
Engine mounts seldom requ ire attention, but broken ог deter~ rated mounts should Ье replaced immediately ог the added 'straplaced оп the driveline components тау cause damage ог wear.
Check During the check. the engine must Ье raised slightly to гет о. ~ the welght from the mounts. 3 Raise the vehlcle and suppor1 It securely оп jackstands, then pos. tlon а jack under the engine oil рап . Place а large wood bIock betweethe jack head and Ihe 011 рап, then carefully raise the engine just enougto take the weight off the mounts. Waming: 00 NOT pface аnу рап :уоuг bodу under the engine when it's supportcd onfy Ьу а jack! 4 Check the mounts to see if the rubber is cracked, hardened С'
Refer to
Chapter 2 Part
the nut from the mount-to-crossmember stud, shown here from below the crossm ember
А е тоуе
.oe--....arated from the metal plates. Sometimes the гиЬЬег will spIit right :;,:; ." the center. Aubber preservative should Ье applied 10 the mounts
and 5.0L У8 engines
18. 12а Оп V6 models, remove the three bolts, two shown here, (arrows) holding the mount to the engine bIock - it isn't necessary to ге тоу е the other bolts, wl;1ich hold the motor mount bracket to the engine
-: s 0 111 deterioration. Check far relative movement between the mount plates and the ~g
ОГ fгэте
--= mounts). If
screwdГlver ОГ ргу Ьаг
to attempt 10
is noted, lower the engine and tighten the
-ou.,t fasteners.
Rep/acement to iIIustrвtions 18.9, 18.12а апd 18. 12Ь Disconnect the саЫе from the negative batteгy terminal . Detach the alr cleaner duct.
Support the ЬоНот 01 the engine with а floor jack and wood .:ock under the oil рап. Take а slight amount of weight оН the engine : ralsing the jack. ~ Remove the engine mount stud nuts оп the bottom side of the ~! suspension crossmember (see illu stration) . .. Disconnect the shift linkage where it connects the transmission to -~ body (see Chapler 7). Remove the accessories and оН cooler line retainlng clips from -о: engine mount brackets. ·2 Raise the engine high enough to с1еаг the brackets. 00 not 1огсе -е engine ир too high. 11 It touches anything before the mounts аге -ее. remove the part 1ог с1еагапсе. Temporarily place а wood bIock =-=i\'/ееп the оН рап and sub-frame as а safety ргесаиНоп. ·2 Unbolt the mount from the engine bIock and remove It from the . =hlcle (see illustration s). Note: ОП vehicfes equipped with seff.foc/<....9 nuts and bolts, гер/асе them with new ones whenever they аге dis:.ssembIed. Prior (о assembIy, remove hardened residua/ adhesive "':Jm the engine Ыоск holes with аn appropriate-size bottoming tap. • 3 11 а new mount is being installed оп а V6 model equipped wlth а :;'acket between the mount and the engine btock, remove only the
18.12Ь Оп
va models, гетоуе the two fasteners, опе show here, (arrow) holding the mount to the englne bIock
mount-to-bracket bolts. Leave the bracket bolted to the engine bIock. 14 Attach the new тоип! to the englne bIock and install the OOlts and stud/nuts '" the appropriate locations . TIghten the fasteners securely . 15 Lower the engine Into place. Install the large mount-to-crossтетЬег nuts and tighten them securely. 16 Complete the installation Ьу reinstalling all parts removed to gain access to the mounts.
r 2 Part В va engines SaCtIOп
Sactlon - removal, inspection and instaJlallon ........................ 9 о sвe Chapter б I - replacefl1ef'lt................................................. 17 .....................................................
pulleylvibration damper - гemoуаl and Installatlon...... heads - гemoуаl and installatlon ......................................
::~~~~:~:'::h_.ec k
and replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 18
- removal and inSlallatlon ......•. ........................
removal аnd Inslallallon.................... Iпformзt ion.................................................. .. . .. . . .. . . .. ... . .. . ..
manifold -
:81 - гemoуаl and
5 13
and installation ........................... ..........
............. ..
Oil pump - removal and installation ............................................... RepaJr operations possibIв with thв engine In thв vehicle ............. Rockвr arms and valve lash adJusteв - removal, InspectJoo аnd installalion.............................................................. llmlng chalns, tensioners and sprockels - removal, inspection and Installation ........................... ................................ ............... Тlmlng chaln cover - (етоуal and InslaI18Iion................................ Тор Dead Center (ТОС) for numberone plston -Iocallng............. Valve соуеrз - (етоуal алd Installation.......................................... Valve springs. rвtainers and sвals - replacement ..........................
.......................................................................................... . , Sidв .............................................................................. .
, -2-3-4 5-8-7-8 ' -3-7-2-6-5-4-8
.uiL-50НС Intakв
............ ..
Exhaus! ..................................................................................... ..
".61-DOНС Intakв, pfimary ............................................ . Inlake , sвcondary .
Exhaust .........
Standard ........................................................................................... . Service Ilml! ...................................................................................... . dlЗlТletвr (al~ ..............................................................................
r=:1'_:~'::,:~~,~ (al~ ...................................................................
0.00098 10 0.00649 'пс" 0.OO7481nch maximum 1.0615101.06047 inches 1.0634610 1.06248 inches
Standard .............................................................................................
0.00098100.002992 'пс"
limit 4.6L-SOHC .............. .............. .................. .. 4.6L-DOHC ............................................... .
2 а
7 б
3 4 10
4.6 Iltвrs (281 cubic inches) 3.5539 Х 3.5460 inches
n"~b.",~'ontt' (в~) sidв
m8J\imum 0.00394 Incn maximum
0 0 ®
® 0 ® 0
•[:] [:] 4.6L уа Englnes
1·3-7·2-6-5-4-8 Cylinder and coil termkwll 'ooatk>n
Chapter 2 Part В 4.6L У8 engines
Torque specifications
Ft-Ibs (unless otherwis& indicated)
Camshatt caps 10 cytindвr head .............................................................. Тiming chalп COV9l" bOIts..........................................................................
82 10 95 71 10106 in-Ibs 15 1022
15 1022
sprocket bOItS ....................................................................... .
beIt Idler and tensioner botts ... .......................................•................
Cyllnder ~ead bolt$ 4.6L-SOHC
Step 1............................................................................................ Step 2 ............................................................................................ Step 3 ............................................................................................ St ep 4 ........................................................................................... . Step 5 ........................................................................................... . Step 6 ........................................................................................... . 4 .6L- DQHC
281031 TlQhten an addilionaJ 9O-degrees
Loosen one (UfП 28 10 31 Тighlen an addilional90-degrees Тighlen ап addillonal 90-degrees
Slep 1.......................................................................................... ..
28 10 31
St ep 2 ........................................................................................... .
Тlghlen an additional 9O-degгees
Slep 3 ........................................................................................... .
Тlghten an additionaJ 9O-degrees
Vibration damper-Io-c rankshaft ьо" 1996 ......... ................................... ...................................... :............... . 1997
Slep 1..... ...................................................................................... . Step 2 ........................................................................................... . Step 3 ........................................... ................................................ . St ep 4 ........... ....... " ........................................................................ Vatve соуег bons ......................... .......................................................... .. 011pan -Io-engine bIock Ьоllз
1996 ............... ................................................................................... . 1997 St ep 1 ........................................................................................... . Slep 2 ........ :................................................................................. .. Exhаuзl manlfokf-Io-cytinder head nuts ................................................ .. Intake manll old-t o-cyllncler head bolts 4.6L-50Hc .................................. .......................... :.......................... ..
56 Loosen
one 11,111tum
11ghl en an additlonaJ 9O-degrees 71 10 106 in-Ibs 15 1022
TlQhten an addil ional60-degrees 1410 16 151022'
4 .6L- OOНC
Upp8( plenum 10 intakе .............................................................. .. Intake 10 lower slde plates (2 small boits) ..................................... Intake/sidв plates assвmЫy 10 cyli nder head Step 1 ....... ........................ ..................................................... . Step 2 ............................ ....................................................... .. Oil filter adapler bolts ............................................................................ . Oil cooIer-Iо-filter adapter 'пзert
1996 .................................................................... .............................. . 1997 ................................................................................................. .. Oil ptJmp-Iо-еngiпе bIock mounting bolts ............................................... . Oil plck-up lube-t o-maln bearlng сар nul .............................................. . 011 pick-up tube-to-oll pump bolts ......................................................... . AywheeVdriveplale mounling bOIts ......................................................... Ignilion 001brackels 10 fronl cover ......................................................... Тiming chaln lenskmвfslguldes ............................................................... Engine mount -Io-englne bIock boltslsluds ............................................ . Engine mounl stud 10 сгоззmemЬег nuls ................ ............................. .. Engine compartmenl Ьгасе bons ............................................................
7110 106 in-Ibs 7110 106 in-Ibs 151022 Тighlen an addltional90-degrees
1510 22 59 1074 41 1053 71 10 106 in- Ib s 15 1022 71 10 106 in-Ibs 591064 15 1022 151022 2510 зз 9510 126 151022
'AIter essemЫy, retotQue with the eng/ne hot
General informatlon
Тhls Part 01 Chapter 2 Is devoled 10 in-vвhicle repair proceclures 'ог the 4.6L Single Overl1ead Cam (SOHC) englne and Ihe 4.6L DoubIe
Overhead C am (ООНС) vers ion 01 Ihe engine, InstaHed o nly '" the CObI'a modeIs. The two englnes are yВIY slmllar, ехсер! lor lhe cylinder heacls and tJm ing chзiп des\gns. Тhe SOHC verзion has one camshaft pвr cytindВl' head and мо vatve p&f cylinder, w hile Ihe DOНС СоЬт engine has two camshafl per cylinder head and lour ушуез per cylin-
der. AlI inlormatlon conceming engine геmoуа! and InslaJlation engine bIock аnd cyllnder head overtщul сап ье found 'П Chapler. тhe 10llowing repalr procedures аге based оп the i Ihe engine 'з Inslallecl ln Ihe vehicle. 1I Ihe englne hзз Ьееп гemoved from (М vвhicle and mounled оп а st and , тапу 01 th!f sleps outlinecl in thls Рan 01 Chapter 2 wШ not арр/у. The Specfficatlons included In this Рan 01 ChaplВl' 2 apply the procedures cont alned '" Ihis РМ . Рм С 01 Chapter 2 00,';'1," '''' Speclflcations necessary f()( cylinder head and engine bIock rebuildi~
Chapler 2 Part
3.1 When placing the engine а! Тор Dead Center (ТDе), align the w tch '" the crankshaft dam peг (arrow) with the TDe Indicato r оп the timing c heIin CO\l8r
4.6L V8 engines
4.2.11 Оп СоЬга models, the engine со трапт еп! Ьгасе must Ье removed - геmоуе the three bolts (arrows) at each shock tower and •••
Aepair operations possibIe with the engine in the vehicle
28 Мапу
major repalr operalions
сап Ье
accomplished without
the engine (гот the vehicle. tf possibIe, clean the engine сотраптепl and the exterior 01 the ~e with some type 01 pressure washer belore алу work is star1ed .
• ... make lhe job easier and help keep dirt ou! 01 'М Intemal агеаз 01 ~englne.
help 10
гemoуе 'М
hood 10 improve access 10 the engine
• repalrs зrе performed (reler 10 Chaptef 1 1 if necвssary). tf vacuum, exhausl, 011 ог coolant leaks develop, indicaling а need lr:Ir gaske! ог seal replacemenl, the repairs сап generally ье made with еп о1пе In the vehlcle. The Intake and exhaust manifold gaskets, ":!"WIg cover gasket, 011 рап gasket, crankshaft oi! seals and cyJlnder "'J!Iad gaslc.els are а!' accesslble with the engine In place. EXlerlor engine componenls, such аз the Intake and exhaust ~loIds, the oil рап, the water ритр, Ihe slar1er molor, the allemalor .-CI Ihe 'иel syslem componenls сап ье removed lor repair wilh lhe 8"9"е 'п place. Slnce the cylinder heads сап Ье removed wi lhout pulling the .-.glne, valve сотропепl servlcing сап also ье accomplished with the ~Ine in the vehicle. Replacement 01 the timlng chaln and sprockets ..-.d 011 ритр is also possibIe wlth the engine In the vehicle. 'П extreme сазез caused Ьу а lack 01 necessary equipment, ~jf ог replacement 01 pislon rtngs, pistons, connecting rods and rod :eanngs is also possibIe with the engine in the vehicle. However, this ::ractice is по! recommended because 01 the cleaning аnd preparation ~ that must ье done to the components involved.
4. 2Ь
... two bolts (arrows) retalning the brace 10 the cowl
the сотргвзз/on gauga. Continue tuming tna crankshaft ипtll (пв notcn {п ,пв cranksnatt daтper /з aligned witn 'пв тое тar1f оп the !гоп! соуаг (аве Шuslгаliоп). А! tnis ре/п! питЬег one cylinder is а! ТОС оп ,па сотргеssion stгoke.
Valve covers - removal and installation
Removal Тор
Dead Center (fDC) for number locating
piston -
:;efer 10 iIIustlation 3.1 Reler 10 Chapter 2, Рзrt А for the Тое localing procedure, Ьиl ...:se the illustration providecl wilh thls Section !ог the appropriate re!erence marks and the !ollowing exceptions:
aJ DlsabIe the ignit/on systam Ьу disconnec ting (hв priтaf)' e/eetrical connec tors а! 'nе /gn/t/on col! pack/modu!es (зев Chapter 5). о) Remove 'fю spar1f р/иуз аnd instaJ! а соmргеssion gauge ;п tna пuтЬег one cy/indвr. Тит thв crankshaft
cIockWise with а socket
аnd bгeakвr Ьаг 8З dвscribed {п Chaptar 2. с)
when the piston
approвches тое, сотргеssJoп wiИ ье поted on
Aight valve cover Refer 'о II/ustrations 4. 2а, 4. 2Ь, 4.6 and 4.7 1 Disconnect Ihe саЫе 'roт the negalive battery teпniпаl. 2 ОП cobfa models, remove the engine сотраптеn! brace (зее iIIustrations). 3 Refвr 10 Chaptar 4 аnd remove the air cleanвr outlet tube . 4 ОП 4.БL-SQНС models, disconnect the electrical connectors !rom the MAF (Мазз Air F!ow) and !АТ (Intake Air Temperature) зепзоrз (зев Chaptвr 6). raise the air conditioning hose and pulllhe wire hamess out 01 the way. 5 Disconnect the spark plug wlres, and remove апу cllps or bo!ts (etaining the wire separators 10 the valve соуerз. Оп 4.6l-DOHC models. remove Ihe spark plug wire соуerз 'гom the уа1уе соум to ассезs the spark plug wires (зев Chapter 1).
Chapter 2 Par1
4.6 Remoye the
4.7 Remove the yalv. соуе г bolts (arтows) - 4.6L-DOHC
valv8 еnd hose, then ттоуе the yalv. CQv.r (arrows) • 4.6L -SOHC
Ьо lts
4.12 Dlsconnectthe wiring hame55 'гот the studs (arrow Indlcates опе а! tn e fron! 01 the yalv. cover) and position the wiring "атеsз
4.14 When removing the 18п \/a l1/8 соуег 4.6L-DOHC englne, (8то\/е the nut (arтow) retalnlng t he 011 dipsti c k
fзstепеrs ОП а щЬе
and position the tube aslde
б Rетоуе the PCV valve аnd hose 'roт the valve соуег (see i1Iи зtratJo n). 7 Аemoуе the valve соI/« bo"s(see iIIustтa tion). 8 Аemoуе the ri9hl valve соуег 'гom the cy1inder head. Note: If 'hв vaJve соиtг is stиcK 10 'М cy/inder head. Ьитр one end with 8 wood ЫОСК aлd а hammer 10 jвг it Ioosв. If that doesn't wOf/o;. try to s/ip 8 fIeXiЫe риНу knife between the cyliпder hвad aлd VaIVe cover 10 Ьгеак 'hв gaskвt sвa/. OOn'! fXY 81 thв valve cover-to-cy/inder head joiп! or daт agв
to thв sea!ing surfaces тау оссuг (Ieэd;ng to oi/ /eaks ;п
thв fиtuf8).
somв va/ve co~ 818 mвde о{ p/astic - ье extnJ ca18fи1 when tapping or puШng on theт.
Left valve cover Refer to lIIustrations 4.12
4.16 Оп 4 .БL- DОНС mod els, install new spar k plu g seals (arrow s) before reinstalling the valve c aver
9 Remove the зiг cleaner oullellube. 10 Disconnecllhe РСУ hose. 11 Оп 4 .БL-$ОН С moclels, Disconnect the cruise conlroJ саЫе а! 'М IhrOllle body. and dlзсоппесl Ihe elвctrical connectors 'тот Ihe oil pressure sensoг and varlabIe orilice sensor. 12 ОП 4.БL- DOНС moclels, Аетоуе the wiring hamess clips 'тот the s!uds and poslllon the hаmesз ou! 01 the way (зее i1Iustration). 13 ОП bolh models, the left valve соуег is а тоге difficull гетоуаl procedure than for the righl valve COVef. Оп Ihe 4.6L·SOHC models, the fuel lines аге rooted оует the valve соуег, bul there is enough clearаnce 10 maneuver Ihe valve соуег oul carelully without disconnecti~ the fuel lines. Wamlng: Do гюt d;sconnect the fиellines without reliev/ng thв fue/ systвm p18ssurв first (sвe Chapter 4).
14 Аетауе Ihe valve сауег balls, making nole 01 which опез _ studs, and гemoуе the valve соует (seв illustration). Оп 4.БL- DQtC models, take your time 10 avoid scratching the Уalуе COVef 'п the tq-r quаrterз.
/nstallation Refer 10 illuslrations 4. 16 Вnd 4. 17
The maling surfaces 01 each cylincler head and vaJve cover r-r-...s: pertectly clean when the valve covers are inslalled. Аето ... е 'гасез 01 seaJanl, and сlean 'М mating surfaces with Jacquer thinner _ acetone. 1I tl"lerе'з sealant or 011 оп the maling surfaces when 'М vз: coyвr is Install&d, oilleaks тау develop. 16 Тhe valve cover gaskets should ье maled 10 lhe valvecovers w gaskel adhesive before Ihe vaJve соует ше installed. Make sure -. gasket Is pushed all the way into lhe groove in the valve cover. Ins:a new spark plug sealing gазkеlS ()(I 4.БL-DQНС models (зее Iltustr.l ion). No sealer or adhesive Iз required 10 install Ihe spar1<; plug seals. 17 А! the maling ioinl (two sроtз per cylinder head) between Ihe trIng chain соуег and cylinder head, apply а dab 01 AТV sealanl Ье! Inslalllng Ihe valve соуег (зве illuslratlon). 18 Carelully position the valve соуег оп the cylinder head and Ins:a the пutз and bolts. Note: Inst811 'hи covers within five тinutes о, Bpp/'I
/ng the
19 Tlghten the lasteners \п two sleps 10 the torque lisled in t~ Chapter's Specilicatlons. Walt two minules belWeefl the first and ... second round ollighlвnlng. llghten !he boltsJnuls 'п а sequence s:r Ing In the center and workJng a!temately loward each end 01 the уа.
Chapter 2 Par1
4. 17 Дppty а dab 01 AТV sealanl 10 the mating jolnts (aIТOWS) between Ihe tlming cover and the cylinder head just before installing the valve соуе'
4.6L V8 engines
5.2 With the c r ankshafl belng held Ьу ап assi stant, изе а breaker bar and socket 10 remove the crankshaft pulley boll (a IТOw)
5.3 Аетоуе the vibration damper with а puller thal bolls 10 the libratJon damper hub 10 prevent damage 10 the vibration damper
5.4 Inspecl the vlbration damper 'or signs excessive wear
:cver. Caution:
Вв careful with the p/astic уа/ув cover:s. don't оувг boJIs! Тhe remaining Installation sleps are Ihe reverse 01 removal. Star1 the engine and check for oil teaks as I he engine warms up.
0;/ seal surface
I/IТIten Ihв
20 z1
Crankshatt pulley/vibration damper - removal and installation
R eт oval 10 ШuS lга tiопs 5.2 and 5.3 the accessory drivebell (500 Chapler 1). 2 Явтоуе the I lywheel Inspection соуег (5ев Chapter 7) and with ::-.е help 01 an assi5tant, wedge а 'аще screwdrivвr Inlo Ihe startвr ring ;ear teelh 10 prвувп! the crankshafl ! rom tuming. Явтоуе Ihe large QeI1t вr OOlt !rom the crankshafl pulley wilh а breaker bar and socket ;see illustration). 3 Uslng а sultabie pullвr, delach Ihe vibralion damper (seв illuslra1Юn) . Leave the Woodruff key In place in Ihe crankshaft keyway. Саи DGn: Doп'! изе в pиller wlth jaws that оф lМ outer edge о' the vibra8:1n damper. Тhe pиller mиs ! ьв 'hв type shown /п the i//ustration If!гl еs boJts (о appfy force 10 'М vibration dзmрег hub оп/у. ~.fer
/nstallation Re/er (о Шustratiоп 5.4 Lubricate the 011 seз! contact
01 the
viЬгаtiоп dampвr
damage or
Woodrиff keyway
(5ее illustration) w lth moly-base grease ог c lean engine 011. Apply а dab 01 АТУ sealant 10 the front end 01 the keyway in th e vibral ion dampвr befOfB Inslallation. 5 Install l he vibration damper оп the end 01 the crankshaft . Тhe keyway in I he vibralion damper must ье allgned with the WoocIruff key in 'М crankshafl. 1I Ihe vibration damper саnnOl ье seated ьу hand, slip the large washer oyвr the 0011, inslatl Ihe 0011 and lighten 1I 10 pull the vlbration damper Into place. Tlghten Ihe 0011 10 Ihe lorq ue lisled '" this Chapl er's Specilicatlons. 6 Тhe remaining InSl altation steps are the re.... erse о' removal. 7 Check the ollle .... el. Run the englne and check lor oilleaks.
Timing chain
соуе г
- removal and installation
ReтovaJ Refer 10 iIIustra tlons б. 10, б.11 а, б.11Ь, б. 1 1с, 6. / 2а, 6. 1 2Ь аnд б. 1 3 1 Disconnec\ the саЫе 'гот Ihe negallve battery teпninаl . 2 Drain the englne 011and remove the 011 filler (seв Chapter 1). 3 Аетоуе the drive bell and the waler ритр pulley. Яетоуе the crankshaft pulley/vlbration damper (зее Section 5). ОП 4.БL·DQНС engines, геmоуе the lower waler pump mounting OOlt 'ог cleararn:e (see Chapter З) .
6.128 Including the oil
Chapter 2 Part
bolts, there are 19 bolts {о
(note the locatJons 01 studs/nuts in your зррliсаtlоп) before the timing chain соует сап Ье removed
6.12Ь Аетоуе the crankshaft position sensor (D) - оп engines, remove the four 011 рап bolts (А), and disconnect the wiring hamess clips (В) Irom the studs (С) оп the lower front ~
Chapter 2 Par1
6,,13 Separвle the timlng chain cover from 1М englne, using soft·faced hammer i' necessary 10 break Ihe gasket зеаl
three new gaskets (arrows) Inlo the grooves in the back 01 Ihe timing c haln cover
6.,ба Apply а sma!! bead 01 AТV sealant 10 the mallng edges о, Jhe englne bIock, liming chaln cover and 011 рап - shown are Ihe lower сотеrз оп 4.6L-DQHC, with 011рап 1п place}
Referto $ection 4 аnd мтоуе both valve соуеrз. Note: on 4.БL the engine compat1твnt bГ.JCe must ье removвd. :;. оп 4.БL-DOНС models, drain the coollng system (зее Chapter 1) rc1 гетоуе the ирре!" radialor hose and bypass pipes (зее Chapter З). _ Remove the engine cooling lanlshroud аззетЫу (зее Chapter З). ОП 4.БL-SОНС тodе1 з. remove the oil рап (зее Section 14). Disconnect Ihe electrlcal conneclors 10 Ihe camshaft sensor and crankshall sensor (зев Chapler 6). Disconnecl and remove bolh '\>Оп coll расkз (опе 1з allached 10 each side 01 Ihe liming chaln c:IYer, seв Chapter 5). t Аетоуе the bolts sвcuring the power sleerlng pump 10 the е (see Chapler 10). Note: тhe (гоп! Iower bo/t оп the power steerptJmp will по! еome 0/1 the woy out, Position Ihe ритр aside and ге it oul 01 Ihe way. Unboll and зе! aslde the power steering fluld reservoir (зев illus-
6.16Ь Apply а dab о, AТV at the cyHnder headlvalve cover and cyllnder headlenglne bIock Junc'ions (arrows) before installing the timing chain cover
:юне eng/пез,
·оп) .
Remove the ignilion соЛ brackets. (зее illизlгаtlопs). Аemoуе the timing chain cover-to-engine bIock botts (зее iltиз п) . Note: on 4.6L-OOНC modeIs, ье 10 f&fflOVВ the 'ouг 011 to-tlming chain cover t:юlrs (гот undemeath (зее I llu strвtion) . Separate the liming chain соуег 'гот Ihe engine bIock (зее 1IIus ·оп). 1I it's stuck, tap it gently with а sofl-Iaee hammer ,о break the еl bond. Cautlon: DO NOT изе exeessive force ог уои mау сгаек со уег. I( the соувг Iз difflcu/t 10 гетоув, doubIe ChecK 10 mаке зиге о( the bolts have ьeвn removed.
kJstallation _
10 i//ustrations 6. 15,6. lба 8nd 6.16Ь Clean the ma,ing surfaces 01 'he liming chain cover, engine bIock
аnd cylinder heads 10 remove all traces 01 old gaskel maleriaJ, 011 ам dirt. Final cleaning should ье with lacqu&r Ihlnner ог acel one. Оп 4.6LООНС models, do по, use а зсгарег пеаг the bottom 01 the eng(ne bIock, ог you could damage the Iгоп! portion 01 Ihe exis'ing 011 рап gaskel. Warning: Ве carefu/ when cleaning зпу 01 the aJuminum сот
ponents. Use о( а metal зсгарег couШ cou/d Iead to ап oi/lвak later.
ог gougвs
Adhere the Ihree new gaske's 10 Ihe backside 01 Ihe timlng chaln
covег (зее Шustratiоп) .
Apply а 1/6-lnch bead 01 R1V sealan' 10 the junclions 01 the 011 timing chaln соуег and engine bIock (зее Illustration). Apply а small dab 01 R1V where the 'iming chaln cover and engine bIock тее! а! ,he valve соуег surface (seв ШustrаtJоп) . 17 Lubricale 'М Ilmlng chains and Ihe tip 01 the 'ront crankshafl oil SeaJ wilh clean engine oil. 16 Install 'М liming chain COV8f" on the engine. 4.6L-SOHC models, push 'М соуег stralgh, in 01110 Ihe engine's dowel pins, ьиl 011 lhe 4.6L-DOHC model, роsШon Ihe bot'om/fron\ вdge of Ihe liming chaln cover flush wilh the IГОПI edge 01 the 011 рап and "tilt Ihe top 01 'he соуег Inlo place agalnsl Ihe engine. 00 по! shove Ihe cover slralght In against the englne ог the sealan' тау ьв scraped off 'he Iгоп' 01 the 011 рап and cause а leak. Tlghlen Ihe timlng chaln cover-Io-englne bIock bolts 10 the lorque listed In Ihls Chap'er's Specilica'ions, in th e sequence shown (зее Шustтаtiоп 6.12а) . 19 InS'all 'м remainlng parts In the геуerзе order 01 гemoуal. 20 Add Ihe proper 'уре and quantity 01 engine oil and coolant (зее Chapler 1). Run Ihe englne and check lог leaks. 16
Chapter 2
Paгt В
80th engine type s have two long primary timing chains with two mai" tensioners (arrows) - 4.6L-SOHC shown
Timing cha,ns, tensioners and sprockets inspection and installation
Caution: At по tiтe, опев lhe timing chain(s) ооуе been removed, сап tne crankshaft ог lhe camshafts ье ro/ated. /f moved, daтage 10 the va/ves andfor pistons сап оссuг. Special /00/5, availabIe 'гот уоиг 'оса! Ford dea/er, am necessary 10 ргеувп! tne caтshafts (гот moving when the timing chain is гетоуЮ. Read through /nе епиге procOOurв and obtain the nвcessary /0015 before proceeding. Note: Весаиsэ this is ап "inferference" engine design, if the chain паз broken, there will ье damage 10 the уа/уез and/or pistons and will гequire геmОУа/ о{ lhe cylinder heads.
Reтova/ Refer 10 iIIustra tions 7,3а, 7.3Ь, 7.4, 7.5а, 7.5Ь, 7.5с, 7.5d, 7.ба, 7.БЬ, 7.8,7.11, 7. 12а, 7. 12Ь аnd 7,13 1 Disconnecl lhe саЫе from the negative ballery l&rminal. 2 Position Ihe number опе cylinder оп TDC (эее Seclion З). 3 Remove Ihe !iming chain cover (see Section 6) and Ihe valve covers (эее Section 4), Two long liming chains connecling Ihe crank:shatt 10 Ihe camshatts (see illuslralion). Оп Ihe 4.6L-DOHC engine, Ihere аге Iwo smaller additional timing chains (second ary chains, опе оп
4.6L V8 engines
7.ЗЬ Оп the 4.6L-DOHC engine, tl'le рпmагу sprocket (А) drives the exhaust camshaft, w l'lich drives the seco ndary timing chain . (8) and tl'le intake camsl'laft (С)
each cylinder head) Iha! соппееl Ihe In!ake camshatts 10 Ihe exhal.S camshafls (эве illustration). 4 Remove Ihe crankshatt posilion sensor loolhed-wheel (see illusIralion) Ьу sliding il 011 Ihe end 01 Ihe crankshatt пщ;е. Nole I~ slamped word "геаг" оп Ihe wheel 10 Ье sure il's reinslalled in Ihe со гее! direelion. 5 Installlhe appropriale camshaft relainlng lools (эее illustrationst
Тhe 1001 locks Iha camshaft(s) in posilion when Ihe lim":i;O~9~~]~~;~~~ 1 removed. Caution: ТМ caтshaft(s) MUST ье гetained Е If the valve timing is
when the
engine damage cou/d result. Тhe relaining 1001 (Ford number 6256-А lог 4.6L-SOHC models апа Т9ЗР-6256-А lог posilioning Т9ЗР-6256-АН lог camshatt re!aining оп Ihe 4.6L-DOHC models, equivalent is inslalled into Ihe геаг 01 Ihe camshafl and holds Ihe са. in place Ьу locking inlo !he specia lly sh aped hole in Ihe геаг 01 Ih!: camshatt. Тhis wi ll prevenl апу movement 01 the camshafts in d irection, due 10 valve spring pressure, when Ihe liming chalns е."'! removed. Note: When the engine is p/aced а! тое, 'М 'Iat sicJes camshaft ho/e аге рага//е/ with the тachined Уа/уе соуег gasket ~ (асе.
6 Аетоуе Ihe righl side liming chain lensioner (see illustralio ns) 7 Remove Ihe righl liming chain Iгот Ihe crankshaft апа camshr: sprockels.
1....' - '.......... 1
7,4 The crankshaft sensor 1001h wheel has а specific direction 10 ье installed, 'оок 1ог !he word ~гeaГ' stamped '" (arrowJ
7.53 Camshatt positioning 1001 Т92Р- used оп the 4.6L-SOHC engine
7.5Ь Тhe camshatt positioning tool is installed а! the геаг 01 !he camshatt а па inserts into а flat-sided l'Iole (arrow)
Chapter 2
Рап В
4.6L V8 engines
After posltloning the camshafts аl TDC, Install the retaining 100] (arrow) 10 lock the camshafts
• .SiI
the timing chain lensioner пот the engine bIock, the two bolts from the tensioner (arrows) ...
То гето\/е
Remove the stationary guide (зее illustralion). Аетоуе the left slde tlmlng chain lensioner. Аетоуе Ihe chain the crankshaft and camshaft sprockels. Аетоуе 'М left side stationary guide.
• ..8
st.alionary chain guide is removed Ьу removlng the bolts (arтows) аl the mount plate
... al'ld detach the guide аззетЫу from the dowel opposile end
11 Оп 4.БL-DОНС engines, гетоуе the boll and the large primary camshaft sprocket (зее i1Iustratlon). 12 The secondary (smaller) timing chaln оп the 4.6L-DOHC engine has а tensloner between the two sprockets. Сотргeзs ItIe tensioner
А е тоуе
the bolt оп 4.6L-DOHC englnes, then take off the larger рПтагу camshaft sprockel
Chapter 2 Part
Compress lпв 4.6L·DOHC tensioner wlth а C-clamp .. .
4.6L V8 engines
... lпеп 'пзепа clrШ Ы. orpin 10 hold lпв ten sloner In lпв compressed posltlon
I 7. 1 6а То fully r. !ract lпв primary tensioner, release lhe plung er lock (arrow) апс! рuзh lhe plunger 'пl0 the tensioner body
7. 1 6Ь
(arтow) 10 Ье
ten sloner 011 feed hole sure It's по' plugged Ьу debris
Insert two pins 10 lock Ihe tensioner in position Iha tensionef, апс! "ереа! 'ОС the opposi!e cylinder head. Caution: тhe p/unger is spring-/oaded, do па! гетоуе the tensloner {roт the enginв withour p/nning it, ог it coutd dгop оu! аnd ьв damaged. 13 Remove Ihe camshaft sprocket bolt and large washer fтoт Ihe inlake camshaft (4.6L-DOHC) and slip both camshaft sprockels (and their spacers) off with the secondary chaJn (зее Шustratiоп) . 14 If necessary, remove {tle crankshaft sprockets, camshaft sprockets and camshaft sprocket зрасегз, nOllng the posillofJ 01 each sprocket 50 it тау ье reinslaJIed in пз original location. тhe camshaft sprockets оп the 4.6L-SOHC should only Ье removed from Ihe camshafts it replacemenl 01 опе 01 the components 'з necessary.
(зее Шustrа tiопs) . Аетоуе
/nspection Refer to lIIustrat/ons 7.
and 7,I6b
15 Inspect Ihe individual sprockel teeth and keyways 'ог wear and damage. Check th e chain 'ог cracked plates, pitted ог worn rollers. Check the wear surface 01 th e ch ain guides 'ог wear and damage. Replace апу excessively wom ог defective parts with new ones. Саи tion: If excesslve p/astic materia/ is m/ssing (гот the chain gu/des, (nв 01/ рап shou/d ье removed end c/eened о' 811 debris (see Sectlon 14). Checl< the 0/1 Р/Сl<-UР (иЬе end screen, Rep/ace (nе assemOIy if /! Is c/ogged.
16 а)
Check Ihe primary tensioners 'ог proper opeгation: Re/ease (fle p/unger locl< (see i1lustration) 8nd таl<е sure
ton moves freety.
7.18 With lha secondary chain sprockets '" place оп 4.6L-DOHC Ье sure 10 reinstal l lпа specer (arrow was her апс! bolt in Iha intake caт ~
tensioner /n 8 сап о, 011 ог soJvent, remove fluld 8nd depress tne p/unger to таl<е зuге (fle 011 p/ugged (зае Illustration). Note: AJso 'nзрес! the 01/ 'eed tne englne ЫОСК to ьв certain /t's no! p/ugged. SuЬmerge thв
/nsta//ation Refer
7.18, 7. 19, 7.2Ог, 7.2ОЬ and 7.23 chaln guides, tor bolh sюes, and ligh".ar
{М slаlionщ
bolts 10 lhe torque Jisled '" this Chaplet"s SpeciflC8.,,~tЮn~;'~.,.~~;;:;;: 16 Qfl4.61-DOHC models. Install {М secопdary . camshaft sprockels and spacers onlo the Iwo cylinder head), then Install the tensioner (зее шu s tгаtIО ,'").<о,,,,_ remove the pins fтoт the secondary tensioners unlil both camshaft sprockets аге in place. '9 If removed, Install 'М left crankshaft sprockel оп Ihe ,,,"""". wllh Ihe beveled hub 01 the sprocket fac ing forward. When thEsprockels аге placed correctly the hubs will ье facing eac'l~h;~O:~"" :::~: there wlll ье Ihe maxlmum зрасе possibIe between the two The timlng таг!<.з оп each sprocket will also align (зее 11 For now, only Install the 'ппег (Ieft chain) crankshaft sprocket, .... bevel forward, 20 Install l he left tlming chain оп Ihe camshaft sprocKel, aligrw.; bright Ilnk wlth Ihe dimple (зее illustration). Loop th e timlng under the crankshaft sprocket and align the bright link with the теп! тагк оп the crankshalt sprocket. The timing тагkз о"" crankshaft sprocket should ье 'п the 6 o'clock posilion (зее Ilon). Note: If tfle p/ated иnкs оп youг chain аren'! notiсеаЫе z;
Chapter 2 Part
7.19 When both аге installed, the two crankshaft sprockets shoutd align like thls; here the 10ft sprocket is inslal'ed bevel 1I:IrWard, and the right sprocket (in hand) is ready 10 InstaH with its Ьеуе! (arrow) toward the other sprocket
4.6L VЗ engines
7 .2Оа When Installing the tlm!ng chain, align опе 01 the bright tlnks in the tlming chain with the dlmple оп the primary camshaft sprocket (arrows) • sprocket should al$o align with the keyway '" the ca mshaft
1.20Ь Align the brlght link з1 the lower end of the chaln w ith the 8ming mark оп the crankshatt sprocket 01 should ье а! 6 o 'clock) then bolt the prim ary camshaft sprocket 10 the camshatt - both primary chains are aligned here
7.23 Lock the primary timing c hain tensioner '" the tully retracted poSition Ьу placing а рарег cllp into the hole In the tensioner body (arrow) Recheck all the 'fming marks 10 make sure they аге slill in align(see Шustгаtiопs 7.2Оа and 7 .20Ь) . 27 Аетоуе Ihe camshaft positloning tools (and relaining 1001 оп 4.6L-DQHC). 28 SLowly rota'e the crankshaft in the ПOfПlзl direction 01 rotation (clockwise) а! least мо revolutions аnd again bring the engine 10 TDC. 1I you 'ееl anу resistance, stop and find oul why. Check all alignment marks 10 verify that everything is properly assembIed. 29 The remainder 01 installation Is Ihe геуerзе 01 removaJ. 26
С'1аtn do wn ::r>ght mark
оп оп
the bench wherв tha cha/n is exactly ha/vвd. Paint а the мо links а! each end, then изе those marks (ог
InstaJl the cam sprocket arn:l chain on the camshaft. Inslatt the аnd lighten the boIt \0 the lorqlJ8 Ilsled '" this Cl'lapter's Speciflcatlons. In51atl th& right chain and sprocket in the same таппег. Verify thal alllimfng marks аге In alignment, аl each Рrl -;ary camshaft sprockel and bolh crankshaft sprockets. 22 InstalJ the primary IJming chain staliooary guides, If гemoУес! езr Jef Note: The Ionger t;юlts are the oneз that hOId the guidв 10 'hв cylin::Jef head. the shortе, ones go 10 lhe engine Ыос/о:. zз The steps 'ог inS'alling Ihe liming chain 'ensioner/guide аге the gmе 'ог both sides, either side сап ье done lirst. Belore assembIing 21е tensloner with the chaln guide. compress the tensloner and lock " ... this positiQf1 with а Slraightened papet clip, дllen wrench ог drill ыt ;see illustration). 2.1 Аemoуе the slack from the chain with а C-clamp ог Ьу hand, and IlStall the tensioner and guide assembIy 10 Ihe engine bIock in Ihe -etracted position. Т1gh'еп the bolts 'о !he torque listвd 1п Ihis Chap~' s Specifica!ions. 25 Аетоуе the рарег clip and apply pressure agains! the tensioner chaln guide 50 the lensioner tully extend$ against the chain guide аnd aII slack is rernoved 'гom !he chзin. AJso remove the pins from the зес j)t\dary lensioners (4.6L-DQHC only).
:amshaft sprocket bott
Rocker arms and val"e lash adjusters • removal, inspection and installation
There аге two methods 01 removing Ihe rocker arms and la$h adjusters оп these engines. тhe method recommef1ded Ьу Ihe manulacturer accomptishes Ihe гетоуаl 01 the camshalt ro11er 10110wers without the removal 01the camshaft(s) ьу using two special lools зрес ilied Ьу the manulacturer; а valve spring spacer (T93P-6565-ДН, 'ог the 4.6L-SOHC englne only) and а valve spring compressor (Г9ЗР6565-А) which аге made specllically lor the overt1ead сат engine. The valve spring compressor uses the camshaft as а pivot point and, with а ratchet ог bar attached, pushes down оп the spring 'О release tension оп 'М саm follower. тhe spring зрасег keeps Ihe зрпng from со11aps Ing too lar and hitt ing Ihe vatve slem seal. The a!ternative method
8.48 The Ford valve spring c ompressor hooks under the camshaft а! (А), pushes оп the valve sprin g retainer а! (8), and is operated Ьу а 1f2-inch drive breaker Ьаг pla ced а! (С)
Chapter 2 Part
4.6L V8 engines
8.4Ь Co mpress the vatve spring with the Fo rd 1001 until yo u сап slip the rocker агт ou! - keep the rocker arms and lash adjusters matched 10 their originalloc ati on
requires the removal 01 the camshaft ($00 Section 9) 'п order 10 гетоуе the сат followers. Either melhod will achieve the 5ате resulls, Ьи! il is much easier using the manufacturers 10015, if they сап ье 10ca1OO.
Reтoval Refer 10 iIIuslrations 8.4з, 8.4Ь and 8.5 Аетоуе Ihe valve cover(s) (seв Sвction 4). 1 2 Because 01 the interference desigп о! Ihese 4.6l engines, Ihe pistons must Ье positioned off тое before compresslng Ihe уа!уе springs to гетоуе the rockers arms ог lash adjuslers. ОП the 4.6L-SOHC engine, sel Ihe сгалkshаfl аl ТОС (ог number 1 pislon, Ihen lum Ihe crankshafl counterclockwise 45 degrees. In this position, looking аl the lгоп! 01 Ihe СГЩ1kshаfl, the keyway in Ihe crankshafl will point аl the 9 o'clock position, and all pislons will Ье posilioned below Ihe ЫосК deck. 3 Оп Ihe 4.6L-DOHC engine, each cylinder belng worked оп will have 10 ье sello the bottom 01 ils slroke. Тhis is easiesl 10 do Ьу selting the engine 'О ТОС lог cylinder питЬег 1 ($00 Section 3), Ihen 'игп ing Ihe engine 90 degrees lunher. Тhis is ВОС (Boltom Oead Cenler) for cylinder number 1. The sзте posilion lог Ihe resl 01 the liring сап Ье achieved Ьу luming 90 degrees each lime and lollowing Ihe firing order in Ihis Chapter's Specificalions. Тhe сат lolloweгs for Ihe cylinder being worked оп should Ье оп Ihe base 01 each camshafllobe. 4 Inslall valve spring compressor (Ford 1001 по. Т93Р-б5б5-А) and
8.6 Inspect the tash adjuster 'or signs of eJ(cessive w ear ог damage, such аз pitting, зсомп; ог signs of overheating (btuing ОГ discotoration), w here t he tip contacts the camshaft fotlower (1) and the s ide surfaces that contact the tlfter Ьоге in the cylinder head (2)
8.5 Pull the lash adjuster straight ои! 01 the cylinder head
ир ЗI!E.
comp ress the spring enough 10 гетоуе the rocker arm (зее tions). Camshafl госКег arms and hydraulic lash adjuslers, MUSreinstalled wilh Ihe sзте camshaft lobe thallhey were removed Label and store all components 10 avoid confusion during reasser=JI Caution: on 4.6L-SOHC engines. а valve spring spзсег (Ford (оо Т9ЗР-6565-АН) should Ье inserted into the соilз о! the spring ье compressing it. the зрасег isn't in р/асе between опе ol'••· ~_ соilз, Ihe spring сап ье сотргеззed 100 fзг апа the valve зва/ ma-. damaged. 5 Remove the hydraulic lash adjusler (зее Шustгаtiоп). 1I Ihere тапу miles оп the vehicle, the adjusteгs тау have Ьесоте ",,,,,,~ , and difficull 10 гетоуе. Apply а liltle penetrating oil around Ihe adjusler 10 help loosen Ihe vamish. Note: Кввр (М rocker аrm аnd ad;uster !ог each ...а/уе together in а marked p/astic sandwich bag.
/nspection Re!er to i//ustrations 8.6 and 8.8 6 InspecI each adjuster carelully for signs 01 wear ог damage. areas 01 possibIe wear аге the ball lip Ihat contacts the сат 10 and I he sides 01 Ihe adjuster that conlacls the Ьоге in the суllГ1:И" head (see illustration). Since the lash adjusl ers Irequently Ьесос. clogged аз mileage increases, we recommend replacing them il уо. concerned about I heir conditlon ог if Ihe englne is exhibItin g ~ _ "tapping" noises.
8.8 Check the rOlleL surface (arrow) 01 the rocker arm s and the area s where the valVe stem and lash adjust er c ontact the r ocker (arrows а' right)
Chapter 2
Рап В
9.3 Cam shaft end play сап Ье checked Ьу settJng ир а dial adicator оН the front 01 the camshaft and prylng the сат gentty forward and bac k
4.6L V8 engines
9.4 Each camshan has two Mcam shan сар cl usters," rather than Individual bearing сарз, that hold the camshan in place оп the cylinder head. Note the posltlon of the bolts (arrows)
Ihin wire ог paper clip сап ье placed In Ihe oil hole 10 move the and make sure 11'5 по! stuck. Note: The /ash adjuster тиз! __ no тоге than II1б-inch 01 total p/иngвг travel. II'S recommended nn d replacement 01 апу 01 the adiuslers Is fl8Cessary, !hat !he 8fltire м ье replaced. Тhls will avoid the need 10 гереа! !he repair procedure _ tne Olhers require replacem8fl! In the fulure. ~ Inspect Ihe rocker arms 'or signs 01 wear or damage. Тhe aтeas 01 __ аге Ihe ball socket Ihat contacts the lash adjuster аnd the roller " " '0 the lollower contacts tho camshaft (З&е iIIustration). :..юg ег
InstaJ/ation ~
Before Installing the lash adjuslers, ЫШ аз much air аз possibIe 01 them. Sland the adjuslers uprighl In а con!alner 01 oil. U5e а thin ~ ог рарег сlfр 'о wor1o; !he plunger ир and down. This "primes~ the Q:Ster and removes moз! 01 the air. Leave the adjus!ers in Ihe oil until --=!у 'о install. 'G Lubricate Ihe valve slem !ф, rocker arm, аnd lash adjuster Ьоге clean engine 011. '. lnstall the lash adjusters and, wlth the vaJve spring depressвd as ~ Step 3, InstaJI each rocker arm. "2 The remainder 01 installation 'з the reverse 01 the removal рroce а.1
9.7 1I the ca mshan сар clusters зееm 10 ье stuck, tap lightly undor these зроtз 'о 1008en them, then lift straight ир
Two bolts
the OthafS
When re-slarting the engine alter replaclng the adjuster5, the will normally make зоте "tapping" noises, until alllhe air is .:aed 'гот the lash adjusters. After the anglne Is warmed-up, raise the soeed !гот Idle 10 3,000 грт 'ог опе mlnute. Stop the влgiпе and let 11 .::001 down. AlI 01 Ihe noise should ье gone when I1 ,з restarted.
Camshaft(s) - removal, inspection and installation
Remova/ "=!e!er 10 i//uslrations 9.3, 9.4 аnd 9. 7 Aemove !he valve covers (зее Sectlon 4), and the timing chain
:over (see Seclion 6). 2 Aemove Ihe !iming chains, camshaft sprockets and зрасеrз (зее Sectlon 7). Caution: Doп'! тix ир the sprockеtз, theyaf8 marked, 8З :;S (right Ьапк) and LB (left OOnl<), and mизt go ООск оп the appropriate
Меазuге Ihe Ihru51 сIeзrancе (endplay) 01 Ihe camshaft(s) with а indicalor (зее Шustrаtiоп) . 11 Ihe clearance Is greater Ihan Ihe .-з!uе 11sled 1п !hls Chapler's Sресiliсаtlопз , replace !he camshaft .-.dIor the cylinder head. J There аге two · camshaft сар cJus!eгs", for each cam shaft. The :cnligurallon 01 Ihe two сар ciuslers аге dil1er8(l1 aлd тизl ье placed n thelr originaJ locatjons. Mar1< the camshaft сар cluslers with а front 3tId rear Indicatlon, 'ог both th8 18ft and righl cyllnder heads. Note:
изЮ оп опе о{
сатзhaft сар
(зее iIIuзtrаtiоп), ье зuге
c/usters вге differenl (мп they go Ь8СК in the зате /оса
t/опз оп f88ззетЬ/у.
5 Belore removing Ihe саmзhаft сарз and camshafts, rOlate the crankshaft 45-degrees counterclockw!se (аз you are lacing the englne) Irom тое. Thfs will place Ihe crankshaft keyway in the 9 o'clock роз!' !!оп. Oncе а! Ihls positlon 11 ensures Ihal зJl pistons зrе below Ihe level 01 Ihe engine bIock deck, and low enough in Ihe cytind8rs 10 avoid valve contact. Note: The camshaft розШon/пg влd retain;ng toolз uзed ;п $вct/on 7 тUзl ье reтoved to tum the crankshaft to the ·non-;nt&rference" роsШon. 6 Il's ' MPOATANТ 10 'ооsen Ihe bearing сар clusler botls only 1/4tum а! а lime, followlng Ihe reverse 01 the lightening sequence (зее fllu 81ratlOn8 9.16а and 9.16Ь) , until Ihey сал ье removed ьу hand. 7 Аетоуе the мо сар cluslers and lift Ihe camshaft 011 Ihe cyllnder head. Уои тау have 10 'ар Ilghtly under Ihe camshaft caps 10 Jar them loose (зее illustrallon). Doп'l mlx up Ihe camshafts о, апу 01 Ihe сот ропеп!з. They тиз! all go back оп Ihe зате positlons, and оп Ihe зате cy1inder head Ihey were removed 'гот. 8 Аереаl Ihis procedure!or removal 01 lhe remaining camshaft(s).
/nspection Refer to i//ustrations 9. 9а, 9.9Ь, 9.108, 9.1ОЬ, 9.1Ос, 9.11а, 9.11Ь вnd 9. 13 9 Vlsually examine Ihe сат 10Ьез and bearing journals !ог $Соге mark.s, pitting, galling and evidence 01 overheating (blue, discolored
Chapter 2
Рап В
9.9Ь 'парес!
the Ьеаriпg surfaces 01 the " camshatt са р c lusters"" (arrows) 'ог signs 01 excesslve wear, damage ог overheating
Ateas to look 'аг excesslve wear ог damage оп the camshafts аге; the Ьеаппя surfaces and the camshatt lоЬез (arrows)
Measuring the camshaft bearing Joumal diameter
9.1ОЬ Мезsuге
the camshaft lоЬе at its
greatest dlmension ...
зrеаз). look 101' IlakJng 01 the hardened surface 01 each 1000 (не Illu5trations). 1О Using а mlcrometer, rneasure the dlameter 01 each camshaft jour-
nal and the 11" 01 each cemshatt lobe уоиг
(зее Illuзtгаtiопs) . Сотрагв
measurements wi th the Specificatlons lisl ed
Lay 8
аtПр о,
4.6L У8 engines
01 this
P1astigage оп each 01 the сатзhз" loumals
9. 1Ос
••• аnd subtтact the c amshaft lоЬе diameter 81 its sma'Iest dimension 10 obtain the 'оЬе 1ift specific atl on
Chapler, and jf the diameter о' апу one of these is iess than specifJec replace the camshaft . , 1 Check the 011clearance for each camshaft joumai as lollows: а) Clean the bearing surfaces 8nd the camshaft joumals with ~ thinner or acвtone.
Compare the width о' the crushed Plastigage 'О the SCaIe оп the envelope 10 dеtепnlпе the oil clearance
Chapter 2
Рап В
4.6L va engines
• 0."
Oills delivered 10 the timlng chain tensioner and reservolr in the cylinder head Tensioner 011
(eвd tubв
Ьу а
feed tube
9.16а The camshatt сар c luster bolt tightenlng sequence, 4.6LSOHC models - notlce that each сар 15 tightened separately and has its own sequence
Carefu//y /ау the camshвft(s) in р/асе in the cylinder head. Doп'! ms/all the rocker arms ог /ash adjusters and don't use зпу /uЬriсз
а /.ау а
strip о! P/astigage оп each joumaJ (зее Шustrаtiоп). the camshзft сар c/usters. ~ Тightвn (tю c/uster сар bo/ts, а litt1e а! а Уте, to the torque Iisted jЛ this Chapter's Speci'icatlons. Note: Doп'! tum the camshsft whlle the P/astigage /s in place. .. Remove the boIts аnd detвch 'hв cвps. ~ Comраге the width о, the crushed P/astigage (а! its wюes! point) ro the SCaJe оп the P/astigage вnve/ope (зее Шustraliоп). " the clвaгance /з gr&8tвr than spвcified, аnd 'tю diameter о! anу pumaJ is Iess than spec/fied, rep/ace the camshaft. If the jouma/ dlзmеtеrs зге within spвcifications but the оН с/еагапсв is too great, the суlindeг head is wom аnd must ьв гер/асЮ. ";. Scrape 011 the Plastigage with уоиг Ilngemail or the edge 01 а ~It card - don '! scratch ог nlck the Joumals of bearing surfaces. '3 Апаl'У, ье sure 10 check the timing chain tensioner oil feed 'uЬе ~ reservoir before Inslalllng Ihe сат сар cluster (зее illustratlon). it """"1.$ Ье absolutely clean and 'гев 01 all obstructions ог it will affect the .:ceration 01 the tlming chain tensloner.
Insta//ation ~
/0 iIIustrations 9.168 and 9.16Ь •..r. 1I the lash adjuslers зпd/ог camshalt followers have Ьееп ""1!I"")Oved, install them In their originallocatlons (see Section 8). о:. Apply moly-base gгезsе ог сзmshзft Installation lube to the :anshзft lobes and Ьеапng joumals, then Install the camshaft(s). :. Install Ihe camshalt сар clusters In the correct Iocations, and 101c-ng the correct 0011 tightening S&quence (see illuзtrаtiопs) , tighlen :ne botts in 1/4 'ит Incremenls 10 the torque Ilsted In this Chapler's 5oecffications. Rotale the crankshaft 45-degrees clockwise, 10 Ьпng it back 10 t:o dead cenler (ТОС). Relnslall the camshaft positionlng аnd retaining xds ($00 Section 7) 10 58! the camshafts а! ТОС before reinstalJing 'М :rWIg chain(s). -3 Install the camshalt sprockets, tlmlng chain(s), lensioners and r1IП9 chain COV8( ($00 Section 7). -3 Тhe remainder 01 installalion Is the reverse 01 the гетоуа! ргосе
'0 Valve springs, retainers and seals - replacement Broken valve springs andlor delective valve stem sea!s сап Ье without removlng the cyllnder heads. Тheгe аге two methods
9. 16Ь
Camshaft сар tightenfng sequence - 4.6L-DOHC modeis
described '" thls Section. The melhod recommended Ьу Ihe manulacturer accomplishes the гетоуа' 01 the valve springs and seals wilhout the removal of the camshafts. Although it does require Ihe uзе 01 two special lools specified Ьу the manufaclurer; а valve spring spacer (Т9ЗР-65б5-АН) and а valve spring compressor (Т9ЗР-б5б5-А) which аге made specilical'Y 'ог the overhead сат engine. The valve spring compressor uses Ihe camshaft as а plvot point and, with а ralchet attached, pushes down оп the spring to release lension оп the сат lollower. The sprlng зрасег keвps the spring оп 4.6L-SOHC engines Iгom collapsing too 'зr and hitting the vatve stem seal. Тhe allemalive method uses а тоге соmmопlу-аvаНаbIе 1001, Ьи! will require t he гетоуаl 01 the camshalt (зев Section 9) '" order 10 гетоуе tле valve зрПпз . Either method will achieve the sзте results, but it is much еаз i8f using the manulacturer's recommended procedure, if the сопесt tools сап ье Iocated. In either repair procedure, а compressed air 5Оuгсе is погтаl'У required to perform this operation, 50 геОО through Ihis Section саге fully and гen! of buy the tools belOfe beginning the joЬ.
Reтoval Refer to Шиs tration 10.4 1 Аетоуе the vзlvе covег (see Section 4). 2 Аетоуе the spark plug Irom the cylinder with the delective сотponent. 1I all 01 the valve stem seals аге being replaced, гетоуе all the spal1!. plugs. 3 Тurn the crankshalt unti! the plston '" the affected cylinder 'з а! Тор Dead Center (ТОС) оп the compression slroke (зев Section З). If
Chapter 2 Part
4.6L va
10 Keeping the spring сотргеssоо, гетОУ6 the keepers wilh needle-nose pliers ог а magnet (see illusпаtiоп 10.13). А.т,,,, ", spring retainer and valve spring. Аетоуе the valve stem зеаl (зм Шustгаtiоп 10.15). 1I air ргеsзиге !ails \0 hold the valve in Ihe closa:. розiliоп during this operalion, Ihe valve !асе and/or зеа! is ргоЬщ damaged. 1150, the cylinder head will have \0 Ье removed 'ог tional repalr operations.
Alternative procedure
10.4 Тhiз Is the air hозе adapter that thгеаdз into the зрагk plug hole - they're commonly availabIe пот auto parts stогез уои'ге
replacing all 01 Ihe valve slem seals, begin wilh cylinder питЬег work: сп Ihe valves 10Г опе cylinder аl а time. Моуе "от cylinder-Io-cylinder following the firing order sequence (зее Ihis Chapter's Specilicalions). 4 Thread ап air hозе adapler inlo Ihe spзrk plug hole (зее illustration) and соппес! ап air hose from а compressed air зоигсе 10 il. Моs! aulo рапs stores сап supply the air hose adapter. Note: Мanу cy/inder compress/on gauges utilize а screw-/n fitt/ng Ihat тау work with уоиг air hose qu/ck-disconnec/ fit/ing. 5 Apply compressed air 10 Ihe cylinder. Warning: The piston тау ье 'orced down Ьу compressed air, caus/ng Ihe crankshaft 10 Шт sud· den/y. /, the wrench used when posilioning the питЬег опе pis/on at тое 'з stil/ allached 10 the ьо/! /п the crankshaft пооо, /! cou/d cause damage ог injury when the crankshaft тоуез. 6 The valves should ье held in place Ьу Ihe air pressure. 7 Stuff shop rags inlo the суПпdег head hotes аЬоуе and below the va lves 10 ргеуеп! рапs and lools lrom lalling inlo the engine. 8 Install valve spring сотргеззог (Ford 1001 по. Т93Р-6565-А) and оп 4.бl- SОНС models, valve spring зрасег (Ford 1001 по. Т9ЗР-б5б5АН) . Caution: /( Ihe зрасег isn't in р/асе belween опе о( the va/ve coils оп /he 4.БL-SОНС engine, the spr/ng сап Ье compressed /0 {аг and damage /he va/ve зеа}. 9 Сотргезз the spring and гетоуе the rocker агт (зее Seclion 8). Rocker агтs and hydraulic lash adjusleгs MUST ье reinslalled wilh Ihe sзmе camshaft lobe Ihal they were removed from. LзЬеl and slore all components 10 avoid conlusion during геэsseтЫу. опе алd
10.12 Installation о' а valve spring compressor тоге commonly availabIe а! 'осаl automotive parts stores (note the camshaft must Ье removed for the uзе о' this type о' valve spring соmргеззог)
Refer 10 iIIustгзtiопs 10.12, 10.13 ала 10.15 11 Remove the camshaft(s) (зев Seclion 9). 12 In51all the соmmопlу-аvаilаbIе clamp-type valve spring 'o,mp"'~ 1 50Г (see Шustratiоп). 13 Compress Ihe spring and гетоуе the keepers with 5mall nose pliers ог а magnet (seв illustration). 14 Remov6 Ihe spring relainer and valve spring. 15 Аетоуе Ihe slem зеаl (see illustration). 1I air pressure is ben; used, and il lails 10 hold Ihe valve in Ihe closed position during t'8; operalion, Ihe valve lасе andlor зеа! is ргоЬаЫу damaged. 1I 50, ~ cylinder head will have 10 ье removed 10Г additional repair operaliorcs..
/nstaJlation Re'erto iIIustrations 10.20а, 10.20Ь and 10.22 1 б Wrap а rubber band ог 'аре around Ihe 'ор 01 the valve slem S:::I the уа!уе won'l lall inlo Ihe combuslion chamber, Ihen release Ihe .. ргезsиге.
17 Inspecl Ihe valve slem !ог damage. Rolale Ihe valve in Ihe gUJ2 and check Ihe end !ог eccenlric movemenl, which would indicale tr.г: the valve is benl. 18 Моуе Ihe valve up-and-down in Ihe guide and make зиге il does-п'! bind. 1I Ihe valve slem binds, eilher Ihe valve 'з Ьепl ог Ihe guide damaged. In eilher сазе, Ihe cylinder head will have 10 ье removed :::r repair. 19 Reapply air pressure 10 Ihe cy\inder 10 relain the valve in L"II' closed posilion, Ihen гетоуе Ihe 'аре ог гиЬЬег band Iгот the уа: slem. 20 Lubricate Ihe valve slem wilh engine oil and insla!! а new sвa (зее illustration). Тheгe is а special loollor Ihe insla!lalion 01 Ihe уаМ зеа! (Ford 1001 по. Т91 Р-б571-А). 1I Ihe 1001 ,sп'l availabIe, а sock!r thal will fil оуег Ihe зеаl and is deep enough 10 make cOnlacl with а seat (зее illustration), сап ье изed 10 carelully !ар Ihe new зеа! • place. Caution: Тhe valve seal used оп the 4.6L engines is а combir.!tion seal and spring seat. Never р/асе а valve spring direclly against ~ aluminum cylinder head (without а sea//spring seat), the hardene:. spn'ng would damage the суliпоог head.
10.13 Опсе the spring Is compressed remove the keepers with а пееdlе-позе pliers ог а magnet, as s hown here
10.15 Use pllers, о, апу type, to firm ly gгазр the old зеаl and pull it off the valve guide
Chapter 2
v8tve 5t.m seаlз сотЫП8 with th. valv8 5pr1ng seat
Рап В
10.2ОЬ Тhere ' 5 spec ial valve зеа l installation tool (Ford t ool по. Т91Р-6571 А) availabIe, but а deep socket that fi ts о уе, the зеаl сап ье used to gently tap the 5eal ln10 place
Inslalllhe spring '" posilion over Ihe valve. Inslall the valve spring retainer. Compress Ihe valve зрпng and :arefully posltion Ihe keepers '" Ihe groove. Apply а small dab 01 ;уeэsе 10 Ihe inslde 01 each keeper 10 hold it 1п place " necessary (зве IkIstratlon). 23 Аетоуе Ihe p ressure (гот the spring 1001 and make sure the ..eepers are 5ealed. 2': Disconnect Ihe air hose and гетоуе Ihe adapter !roт Ihe spark :*Jg hole. 25 If lhe camshaft(s) were removed, reins!all them 81 Ihis lime (зее Seclion 9). 26 Inslall Ihe spark plug(s) аnd connecllhe wire(s). V Тhe remaining inslallalion steps are the reverse 01 removal . 28 Slarl and run Ihe englne, then check lor oil leaks and unusual .sounds coming Irom Ihe valve cover area.
Intake manrtold - removal and installation
Removal 4.БL-SОНС
4.6L уа engines
Referto /I/ustration 11.22 Relieve the luel зуз!ет pressure (зев Chapler 4). Disconnect Ihe cablе from the negative baltery tеПТ1iпal. 2 Drain Ihe cooling system апd геmoуе Ihe drivebell (зее Chap-
10.22 Apply а sm all dab of greаз. 10 each keeper а з shown here before insl allallon It'lI hold them In plac e оп the valve sl em аз th e spring , з released
coolanl temperature sending unit, air charge lemperalure sensor, throllJe posilionef, Idle speed cootrol solenoid, EGA sensors апd fuel injeclors (seв Chapler 5). 14 Disconnecllhe Ihroltle and crulse control саЫез, and гетоуе Ihe Ihroltle body (зев Chapter 4). 15 Separale 'ha wire 100т bracket аl the rear 01 Ihe manifold. 16 Raise 'ha vehlcle with а jack and place it securely оп ]ack slands. 17 Disconnec! Ihe EGR lube !rom the righl exhausl manlfold (зее Chapter 4). 18 Disconnecl Ihe electricaJ conneclor аl the oil pressure sending un" (зее Chapter 2, Рзrt С). 19 lower Ihe vehlcle and position Ihe hamess си! о' Ihe way . 20 Disconnec! Ihe luel зuррlу and retum lines and сар the open щ I!ngs (зее Chap!er 4). 21 Loosen Ihe Intake manlfold Ьоltз and nuls in 1/4-lurn Increments, lollowing Ihe геуегзе order о! the tighlenlng sequence (see illustration 11 . 37а) , untll they сап ье removed Ьу hand. Тhe Injectors аnd tuel rзi1з сап ье left on 100 inlake manifold during removal. 22 uft Ihe in!ake manifold fтoт !he су1iпdег heads (зев Нluзlгаtlоп) . Тhe manifold тау ье sluck 10 the cylinder heads and force тау ье rвquired 10 break the gasket зеа1 . А prybar сап ье изес! 'О PfY up the manilold. but make sure all boJts and nutз hsve Ьееп removed firstl Caution: Тhв intaka manifold is plastic. Qon'! pry betwвen the engina bIock апс! manifo/C1 о( the cylinder heads, ог damage /0 (ne gas1<et sвaling surface твуоссиг, /eading to уасиит вnd oil/ea1<s. Pry on/у а/ fhe maлifold protrusion.
tef 1).
3 Disconnect Ihe radlator, healer and watar pump bypass hosas tom I he w8ter cиtlet (зев Chapler З). 4 Аетоуе !he Ihermostat housing (зае Chapter З). Тhe I hermostat housing bol15 also re' aln Ihe intake mani!old. 5 Аетоуе ! ha air fnlet tube. б L.abel and disconnect Ihe inlake manifold v8Cuum "пез. 7 Remove the PCV апd canister purge hoseз from !he valve cover5 (зее Section 4). 8 Disconnect Ihe accelerator саЫе, aulomatic lransmission саЫе апd speed controllinkage (rf $о вquippedJ. 9 Disconnect Ihe ignitlon wi re brackets, bools and wires and зеl Iham ou! 01 ! he way. Not.: Pull thв зрат p/ug w/re separators {гот their nюuпts оп the valvв соуег studs аnd /ау (hв wiгез ои! о( (М way. 10 Diзсоп песt Ihe al ternator electrical connectors and remove Ihe altemator (зее Chap!er 5). 11 Аетоуе the boIlS relainlng Ihe aJlernalor bracket 'О the intake manifold (зее Chapter 5). 12 Disconnect botl1 ignitlon coils (зее Chapter 5). 13 DiSCOflnect Ihe electricaJ conn ectors 'rom the camshaft sensor,
11 .22 Make sure there is nothing attached 10 the Intaklll' manlfold and ,атоуе the manlfold поm the engine
Chapter 2 Part
11 .27 The coo lant bypass tube аззетЫу 15 retained а! the front 01 the Intake m anifold Ьу two nuts (arrows) 23 Remove Ihe inlake manifold gaskels and clean 81! 'гаем 01 g85kel ог sealanl malerial 'гom Ihe sealing 5urfaces о! the cylinder heads and Inlake manifold.
4.6L-DOHC models Rвfer to II/ustrгtions 11.27 aлd 11.28 24 Ав!ег 10 Seclion 4 and remov& the englne сотраптепl Ьгасе and spark plug wi re соуегз 'гот the valve covers. Disconnect the spark plug wires !гот the spark plugs and posillon the wires aside. 25 Aelle ... e the 'ив' system pressure and disconnect the 'ивl lines (see Chapter 5). Disconnect aJI wiring hamesses, cabIes and vacuum I'юses attached 10 the intake manifold plenurn.
26 27
Авто ... е
the al temator
Chapter 5).
Drain the cooling syslem (зее Chapter 1). Disconnect the electriсаl connectors 'гот the мо Сoolап! lemperature sensors. Аетоуе the upper radiator hose aлd Сoolап! bypass 'иЬе assвmbIy (see i1Iustrati on). 28 Disconnect Ihe wiring harness relainers from the inlake manifold studз and розitiоп Ihe hатеsз aside (зее illustration). 29 Аemoуе the boIts from Ihe inlake manifold '" the reverse о' 'М tightening sequence (зее illustration 11 .37Ь) . Note: Мake marks or othвrwise keep (гаск о{ thв location 01 the fast8f"lflf5 гnd studs. 30 Aefer 10 Chapler б and disconnect Ihe cabies 10 the Intake Manifold Аиппег Conlrol (IMRC), and гетоуе the lower intake manlfolds. 31 Аemoуе Ihe left аnd righl intake manilold runner cootrol sections aлd Г&moуе I,he gaskets !гom 'hв cyllnder heads. Note: For тorв In'o, mat/on оп the Intske Manilold Runner Contгol (/МЯС) system, зев Chapter б) .
11 .34 Check the condltlon 01 the wate, ритр hose replace It " песеззату
(arтow) аnd
4.6L VЗ engines
11 .28 Автоуе the clips (arтows) retalnlng the wirlng hamesse. along the sl des 01 the Intake m anifold and position the wire hamess aslde
Installation All models Reler to iIIustrations 11.34. 11.З5а, 11.35b, 1I.37а and 11.37Ь Caution: тhв mating surfaces о( 'hв cylinder heэdз, engine bJock .-.: intake mani'old must ье perfвct/y с/еап. Gasket removal solvents ".. 88гosol сапз sre availabIa а! most auto parts stores 8nd т8У Ье he/p...... when remov/ng o/d gasket material thst's stuck 10 tM cylinder head1 and Inlake manifo/d. Since 1М cylinder heads are 8/uminum аnd u1f /ntake mani(oId /s alиminum or pJastic, aggressivв зсrэping сап CВUSl!! damage! де sure 10 follow direclions printвd оп Ihв сon/а/пег, аnd UЗf only а p/astic-tipped scraper, поl в тetal опе. 32 1I the Inlake manlfold was disassembIed, reassembIe 11 ог il уо.. аге replacing 11, transler all componenls 10 the new inlake manilold. о4.6L-OOHC models, Iransfer 'М ' МАС componenlS 10 the new intaq manifold. Use electrically-conductive sealanl оп the lemperalure sеПl> Ing unil Ihreads. Use а new EGR vaJve gasket. 33 Аетоуе Ihe old gaskel s, Ihen clean Ihe mating surfaces wil h lacquer Ihinnet ог acetone. If Ihere's old seaJant Q( 011 оп the mating SUf'асез when Ihe Inlake manHold 1з installed, oil Q( vacuum leaks mr, develop. When wOfking оп 'М cylind8f heads and engJne bIock, COVEr" the оpen engine агеаз with shop таоз 10 keep debris ои! 01 Ihe engJ~ Use а уасиит cleaner 10 гетоуе апу gasket material Ihal lalls inlo the Inlake por1s in Ihe cylinder heads. з4 Use а ,ар 01 Ihe correcl sile 10 chase Ihe threads in the t:>oh holes, then use compressed air ~I availabIe) 10 гemoуе the debris frQfТ"" Ihe holes. Warning: Wear safety glasses ог а 'асе shield to protвc1 уоu, еуез when using compressed 8ir! Ает о уе e)(cesslve саг bol-
11 .35а
Install the new inlake manlfold gaskets 10 the cylinder head, al19ning the plastic pln s (arтow) to Iheir holes 1п Ihe cylinder head
Chapter 2
Рап В
4,6L V8 engines
1 1.35Ь Оп 4.6L·DOHC mоdеlз, изе рипспез ог Sluds 10 align tne .nta ke manifold runner conlrol secllons (arrow) 10 the gasket and cylinder head
11.378 Intake manlfold :::eoosilS and corтosion !гот !пе ехпаиз! and coolan! passages in !he ~ eг neads and )nlake manifold. Note: If the vehic/e has тапу тilез :r '4 repface (М water ритр hose (погта//у hidden Ьу lhe intaKB тап· 1001 Ьеfoге гep/acing the maп/fo/d (зге Illustration). zё Install !he gaskels оп 'пе cyllnder heads (зев illustration). Make s.re зJl alignmenl lаЬз, Inlake роп ope:nlngs, coolant раззаое holes ..с bOI! noles аге aligned eorrectly. Тhe gasket thal goes оп 'пе cylin::е- head will пауе projecting plaslic pins 10 align it with holes '" tne ~ head. Оп 4.БL·DOНС models, place the intake manilold run""е!" control sectiOl1s on еасп cylinder head.and аНоп !hem witn the ~eг пeзd аоо lower оазkе!! Ьу иslng а tapered рипеп or сюе 01 ~ '""IOunting studs !or aJignment (sее illustration). э: сагеfulJy зе! !пе inlake mani!old 'п place. Dor\'t disturb tпе gas..а and don't moуе !пе manllold lоге·алd-аft afler eOnlaets the ~,з оп !he engine bIock. r Install lпе in!ake manilold boI!s аоо, !oIlowing 'Пе recommended ::ening sequence (зее Шиstгаtiопs) , tighten Ihem 10 !he torque ~ IЛ this Chapler's Specificalions. Aeplace the O-nng зезt оп the ~OSlal housing. In81sl1 ,he thermostat housing snd tighten Ihe xi!":s 10 Ihe lorque listed '" Спар!ег 3 5pecllications. 31 on 4.6L-DOHC models, reler 'О Chapter 4 'ог installallon 01 !he ~ inlake plenum. Note: Иsе 8 new gaSKet aпd mаКе sure the р/аз'08d·!imiting зраеегз аге /п р/асе before installing the иррег
""""'. :5 -е
Тhe remaining inslalla! ion з!ерз аге !he reverse 01 removal. q lne and eheek carefully 'ог 011 snd eoolanlleaks.
1t.37b Inlake manifold bolt I 1gh1enln9 sequenee -
12 Exhaust manifolds • removal and installation
Remova/ Refer tоil/иstrвtЮrts 12.88 800 12.8Ь , Disconnecl the саЫе fгom Ihe negalive battery terminal. 2 Aefвr 10 5ection 4 'ог гemoуаl 01 the engine compartment Ьгасе, if equipped. 3 АзJзе lhe vehicle and support il secureJy on jackstands. 4 Working under 'М vehicre, 8pply pe:netraling oil 10 'пе exhaus! рiре-tо·mалilоld Sluds and nuts (tnвy're usually corтoded or гиз!у) . Also apply some 10!he EGA plpe fining оп Ihe left exhausI manifold. Аеmoуе 'пе nuts re!aining 'М ехhаuзt pipes 10 Ihe manifolds aлd 5 dгop Ihe Y-pipe assembIy (see Chapter 4). 6 Аemoуе the starter molor (зее Chapter 5) lог гетоуаl 01 !he right ехпаиз! manilold. 7 Disconnect Ihe stввnng shaft from Ihe slввnng geaт and position !he shaft away !гот lhe left exhausl manilold (seв Chaplвr 1О). Саи11оп: Do по! a//ow (М steering со/итп s"aft (о гotate with the steefing gesf disconnвcted ог damagв (о ("е airbag s/iding contact аззеmЫу could оссиг. Lock the steering со/итп and гemove the key. 8 Remove !пе EGR plpe liШпg 'гот the left exhausl mani!old. Aemove the eigh! mоuпtlпg пuts Irom each manifold (зее iIIustra11опз) . Note: Т"е e)(haust manifo/d nuts зге difficu/f (о аесезз. Уои'lI
Dlsconnect 1пв ЕОА lиЬе (arrow) from left exhaust manifold
12.8Ь лu!s
Chapter 2 Part 8
With the steering shaft secured aside remove the mounting (arroW$ Indic ate two) and тапеиуег the manlfold ou! of the елg iпе c ompartment
need а flвx-socket and various-/ength 318-iлсh drive ог 1/4-/nch drive
exrensions 10 reach all the boIts. 1I necessary,
the motor тouп!
through botts and using а floor jack от елgiпе hoisl, ralse the елgiпа sllghtly 10 allow sufficient clearance manifold removal.
Installation 9 Check the exhaust manlfolds 'ог сгасКз. МаКе sure the ЬО1! threads аге сlеал алd undamagecl. Тhe exhausl manifold and cylinder head matlng surfaces тиз! ье clean before the exhaust manilolds are reinslalled - use а gasket scгаper 10 гетоуе all CarbOfI deposits. 10 Position а new gasket in place and slip the e)(hausl manifold оуег the studs оп the cylind6l' head. Install the mounting nuls. 11 Whef1 lightef1ing the mounling nU15, work !rom Ihe cenlet 10 Ihe ends оп 4.бl-SОНС models, and !гот Ihe геаг 10 Ihe 'ron! оп 4.бl ООНС models. Tlghten Ihe OOlls in Ihree equal sleps 10 Ihe lorque lislвd in Ihls Chapler's Specifica!ions. 12 Тhe remainlng In51allalion sleps аге Ihe reverse 01 removal. 13 SI8ft Ihe englfle апа check for exhau51leaks.
13 Cylinder heads - removal and installation Caution: тhe engine тusl ье comp/ete/y cool when thв cy/indfJr heads Fa//ure 10 al/ow lhe engine to сool off cou/d reSU/I;n суliп ООГ head warpage. Nole : Cylinder head removal is а difficull and time-consumlng job requiting severa/ specia/ 100/5, геаг through 'hв procedure аnd obtain аге removed.
the necessary 10015 before beginning.
Remova/ Refer 10 lIIu51ralion '13. 7
1 DiSC04"lnecllhe negalive baltety саЫе and drain the cooling syslem (see Chaplel' 1). 2 Аеmoуе the Intake manifold (seв Seclion 11). 3 Аemoуе the exhausl manifolds (see Section 12). Аетоуе Ihe timing chain соуег (seв Seclion б). 4 5 The cylinder heads сап ье removed with the camshafls, rocker arms and lash adjuslers In place. Remove Ihe pf"imary liming chains, tensioners and guides (see Seclion 7). Cautlon: Иsе the required cemshaft retaining fixtures 10 Iock lhe camshafts аnd leave lhe tools In
Рб If the cylinder head Is 10
ье complelely ovemauled, refer 10 Seclion 8 аnd гemoуе Ihe rocker arms, and Section 9 for гemoуаl 01 the camshafls. 7 Following the reverse 01 1М tighlenlng sequence (see illustration 13. 18а) . изе а bteaker bar 10 remove the cylinclet head bolts. loosen Ihe oolts In sequence 1/4·lum аl а time. Note: Severa/ cylinder head
13.7 Several суtiпdег head botls сал'l ье completely гетоуес! the cy1iпder head while "'з iл the vehicle, pull them out ,изt ил!!1 the thresds clear the engine bIock and tзре them аl this helghl (arrow) - гетоуе the bolls along with the cyllnder head
whi/e the engine is in the уеЫс/е. Тheзе the skJe, аnd two 01 the /ower tюIts оп the right side interfere with lhe shock tower. Pи/l the bolts uр unrl their threads с/евг the engine bJock, then арр/у tape (о lhe boIls 10 hOId lhem uр (see iIIuSlгаtiол), Remove the bOItS with lhe cylinder heвd. 8 Use а pry bar а! Ihe comers 01 I he cylinder hеаd ·tо·епglле Ыock саппо! ье lu//у reтoved
inc/оое the Iowвr reaг tюlts оп
mating surlace {о break the cyllnder head gaskel sезl. 00 пОI рг)' Ьемeen Ihe cylinclet heзо and engine bIock 'п 1М gasket sealing агва 9 Uft the cylinder head(s) off I he ooglne. If resislance ,s felt, рlзсе а wood bIock againsl the end and strike Ihe wood bIock wilh а hзтте!" Store the cylinoer hезds ол wood bIocks to prevent оатауе 10 the gaskel sealing surfaces. 10 Remove the cylind8f head gasket(s). Ве10re removing, nole whicn gaskel goes оп which slde, Ihey аге d lffегелt and салпоl Ье inler· changed. 11 Суliлdег head disassembIy and Inspeclion procedures аге CO'r ered 'п delail in Chapter 2, Part С.
Installation Саоооп : New cylinder head boIls mus t ье used {or reassembIy. Fai/ure to uзе new boJts mау rвsu/I in cylinder head gasket /eakage аnd engine
damage. 13.18а 8nd 13. 18Ь of the cylindet heads and епgiле bIock mus:: ье perfectly clean wl"leп 'М cytinder heads аге installed. Use а gaske!: scraper 10 remove а" 'гасез 01 саrboп and old gaskel material, the:" clean themalingsurfaceswilhlacquel.thinner or acetone. If !here's 01 on the mating sur1aces whef1 the cylinder heads аге inslalled, Ihe gaskets тау пОI зеаl correclly and leaks тау develop. When worklng or Ihe engine bIock, соуе!' the орел агеаs of the engine with shop гаgз :;: keep debrls oul during repair and reassembly. Use а vacuum cteaner 10 remove апу debris thal falls inlO the cyllnd8fs. 13 Check Ihe engine bIock and cylinder head mating surfaces for nicks, deep scratches arn:l olhet damage. 14 Use а 'ар of the correct size 10 chase the Ihreads in Ihe cylinder head boll holes. Oirt, corrosion, sеаlалl and d8maged Ihreads YI affect torque readings. 15 Make sure Ihe new gaskets are IлslаНed оп Ihe correc! cyl iпoe banks (зее Шustтatiол). They are not iлtе«:hangеаЫе. 16 РоsШоп the new gaskel(s) оуег Ihe alignmenl dowels (see 1tIustrаtlол) 'п Ihe engine bIock. 17 Вefore placing Ihe cylinder heads 0fI 'М engine bIock, rolate ~ crankshaft counlerclockwise, as уои are faclng the engine. зо tМ сraлkshаfl keyway is еп the 9 o'clock posilion. Caution: If the сгаг. shaft isn 't pJaced /n the posilion OO5cпbвd, damage will occuг 10 eltre'
iIIustrations 13.15, 13.16,
Тhe mаtiлg sипасеs
pislons andlor va/ve tгa!n parts.
Chapter 2
Рап В
va engines
13.16 Position the gaskets оп t he correct cylinder banks, push them do wn Оllег the alignment d owels
13.15 Identify the left эпd rig ht cylinder head gaskets, th e shapes а ге differenl and сап по! Ье inte rc hanged
1 3 .1 8а
Cylinder head bo ll tightening sequence SOHe an d DOHC models
Carefully position the cylinder heads оп the епgiпе bIock without Ihe gaskels. Make sure Ihat the hard-to-remove cylinder ~d bolts аге insta lled in the cylinder head, with tэре around them see Step 7). Inslall NEW cylinder head bolts (the cylinder head bolts ~ l orque- to-yield design and саппоl Ье reused). Following the гее :г-.m епdеd sequence (see Шu st га tiоп) , tighten the cylinder head ::01$. in the sleps, 10 the torque listed in this Chapler's Specifications. "iote: тhe method used (ог the cylinder head bolt tightening procedure :s referred to as "torque-ang/e" ог "torque-to-yie/d" method. Fo//ow the =rocedure exact/y. Tigh ten the bol ts in the lirsl step using а torque rэnсh , then изе а breaker ь"аг and а special torque-angle adapter х,озilаЫе а! тоз! auto рапз stores) to tighten the bolls the required .n:;I!e. I! the adapter is поl availabIe, mark each bolt with а palnt slripe 1:>aid in Ihe lorque angle ргосезз (зее illustration). - ~ Тhe remaining installalion steps аге the reverse 01 removal. 20 Change Ihe engine oil and liller (Chapter 1). then slart Ihe engine ..-.d check carelully !ог oil and coolant leaks. ~rurblng
13. 1 8Ь Mark each cylinder head bolt w ith а paint stтipe (arrows) and using а breaker Ьа г and socket , t ighten th e bolts ' " sequence the additionaI 1/4-tum (90-degrees)
Remove the air cleaner duct аззетЫу (зев Chapler 4). Remove Ihe wiper агтз and module (зев Chapter 12). Remove Ihe wealherslrip and plastic covering from the cowl. Remove Ihe crankshaft position sensar shield. il equlpped. 7 Allach ап engine зирроп lixture (Ford 1001 по. D88L-6000-A ог equivalent) 10 the engine lifting eyes adjacent 10 the exhausl mani!olds. Note: Мапу equipment гental yards гепl the engine support. fixtuгe (зее illustration). 2
3 4 5
Oil ра п - rem oval and inst allation Чоlе: ТПе
fo//owing ргосюиге app/ies 10 bolh Ihe 4.6L V8 engines аз Ihe 3.8L V6 engine. Тhe manufacturer's procedure calls {ог зир :юrтiпg the engine [гот above while disconnecting and /owering the "'"WI t suspвnsion crossmember 10 gain the necessary clearance, а diffi::иIt jab {аг (М home mechanic. The procedure outlined belaw, does ~ ! require lowering the suspension. ..МJ аз
Removal ::~fer
10 i/lustrations 14.7, 14.9 and 14.16 Disconnect Ihe negalive batlery саЫе
the battery.
14.7 Raise the engine about two Inches !гоп! and engine зирроп !ixture
Chapter 2
Disconnect the electrical connector 'еуе!
the 011
Рап В
ground slrap. 13 Аетоуе Ihe
'зrэе englne mouпНо-сгоssmеmber nuts from the 8flgine mounls (see Section 18). 14 Аетоуе th e transmlssion (see Chapter 7). Rетоу е Ihe IlywheeVdriveplate (see Sectiоп 16). 15 Raise Ihe engine а '!ttlа аl а !iтe with Ihe support fixture , keeping the engine relatively 'еуеl (raising the back as much as the !гоп!) and walching 'ог interference with апу engine compan ment components. When the englne is raisecl about two Inches, place short lengths о! 2х4 lumber bel ween Ihe molor mounts and the crossmember !ог exlra safety. 16 Rетоуе the 011 рап mounting bolts (зее illustration), Includlng the oil pan-to-bellhousing OOlls (vб only). 17 Carefully separate the рап !гот the englne bIock. Ооп ' , ргу between the engine Ыock aSКI рап Q( damage 10 'м seaJing sur1aces тау result arn:l oilleaks could develop. Inslead, d islodge the рап wilh а large rubber maJlel ог а wood bIock an d а hammer. fгon!
зсгаре г ог
14.21 putty kni le 10
14.16 Аетоуе the bolts поm around the perimeter 01 the 011 рап (arrows) and lower the рап to the !гате crossmember gasket material and sealant 'roт the рап and englne bIock. Caution: де carefu/ nol 10 d8mage the de/icate a/uminum surfaces. 19 Clean Ihe mating surfaces with lacqu8l' thinner ог acetone. М зke зиге Ihe ЬО" holes ,п the engine bIock аге clean. 20 Use АТУ sealant 10 hold Ihe new гезr rubber seal '" рlасе оп th!! Vб engine. 4 . бl v8 models, apply а bead 01 A1V sealanllo 'М comer seams where Ihe геаг seal relainer meets the engine bIock, аоо Ihe !гоп! соуег meets the englne bIock (зее IlIustration). 21 Carelully position the рап against the engine bIock ,",,,,..(,.,, (,.. bolts finger tigh!. Make $иге 'М gaskets hзуen ' ! shlfted . IherI tighler I he bolts 10 the torque lisled in this Chapt8l" s Specilicalions (see iIIustration). Slart аl the center 01 the рап and work out toward the ends in а spiral pat1ern. 22 The remainlng steps зrе 'м ГеУеrзe 01 removal. Caution: Don'r forget 10 refi/l (М engine with oil before stal1ing /1 (зев Chapter 1). 23 Start the engine and check carefully 'ог oil leaks а! the 011 ра п.. ОПУе the vehicle and check again.
15 Oil
and installation
Refe( 10 iIIustrations 15.2, 15.4 and 15.6 Note: тhe oi/ ритр /з avai/aЫe аз а complete repJacement unit onty. No service pal1s о( repair spвcifications вт availabIe from the тапи
/nstallation Use
far the 011
Raise the vвhicle and support it securely оп jackstands. Аетоув Ihe 011 level dipsl ick and disconnecl the 011 18\1еl sensor оп the side 01 the oil рап (see illustration). 10 Drain the engine oil and геmoуе the 011filtef (see Chapter 1). 11 11 you're wor1
8 9
Refвrtoillustrвtions 14. 20аОО
01 old
14,20 Оп 4.6L V8 engines, apply а dab о, AТV sealant аl the comers 01 the lron! соуег, and а! the гваг-зеаl retainer-to- engine bIock Joints (arrows) before Installing the 011 рап
the gasket оп the oil рап, the loc atlng tabs (arrows) each slde of the gas ke! wШ keep !he gasket aligned durlng installation ..
Chapter 2
15.2 Аетоуе the мо botts (аrrоwз) tetaining the plckup tube 'О the oil ритр
Рап В
15.4 Аетоуе the four 011 ритр mounting bolts (arrows) and oil ритр from the engine bIock
Unbolt and lower the oil рап аз described in Section 14. 11'5 поl ·.ecessary 10 completely гетоуе the oil рап. Note: 1I is possibJe оп .: 5I.. -DOHC engines to геmоуе tfre 011 риmр wlthout гernoving ог /owrпg the 011 рап (а difflcult procedure), Ьu! уоu тus! ье carefu/ по! 10 зор 'пе мо
2 Аетоуе Ihe two bolts that attach the 011 риrnр pick-up 'иЬе 10 the :.i ритр (зев illustration). 3 Аетоуе the liming chain соуег, timing chains, chain guides and :ankshaft sprockets (зее Sections 6 and 7) . .: Remove Ihe four oil ритр mоuпtiпg bolts (зее illustration) and sюarаtе the ритр !гот Ihe епgiпе bIock. ~ Prime Ihe oil pump prior 10 Iпstэllаliоп. Pour сlеап oil iпtо Ihe :x:k-up porl апd lum the pump Ьу hand. ~ Iпs ресl Ihe O-rlng gasket оп Ihe pick-up tube (sвe illustration). 1I =amaged replace il. Install Ihe 011 ритр 10 the engine and lighten Ihe bolls 10 the nq ие Ilsted in this Chapler's Speclficalions. 3 Тhe remainder 01 installallon Is Ihe reverse 01 removal ргосООиге. 3 Fill Ihe епgiпе wilh the соггесl type and quantlty 01 011. Slart the engiпе апd check 'ог leaks.
16 Flywheelldriveplate -
and installation
iIIustration 16.3 Ihe саЫе 'гот the пegаlivе batlery terminaJ. Raise Ihe vehicle апd эирроп I1 securely оп jасkslапds .
15.6 Before bolting the pickup tube back into the oiJ риmр, inspect Ihe O-ring (arrow) and replace it if песеээагу
Refer 10 Chapler 7 and гетоуе the tгапsmissiоп. Iпsресt the If il's leaking, now would Ье а уегу good time 10 have the Iгапsmissiоп fгопl риmр seaVO-гiпg replaced. Note: Оп mode/s with automatic transmissions, the drivep/ate-to-torque converter bo/ts сап ье accessed 'ог rвmoya/ through the /arge гиЬЬег p/ug оп (hв righ t та( о( the engine b/ock. 3 Look !ог laclory раiпt marks Ihat iпdiсаtе drivерlаlе-tо- сгалkshаft аligпmепl . If Ihey агеп' l Ihere, эспЬе ог раiпt marks оп the driveplate and crankshall to епэиге соггес! alignment during геаээетЫ у (эее iIIustration). 4 Аеmоуе Ihe bolts Ihal эесиге Ihe flywheeVdriveplale 10 Ihe crankshaft (эее iIIustration 16.3). Use а flywhееl-геtаiпiпg 1001 10 keep the сгапkshаft 'гот turning while lооsепiпg the flywheelldriveplate bolts. Note: Тhere аге six f/ywhee/ retaining bolts оп 4.6L-SOHC mode/s, and eight оп 4.6L-OOHC mode/s. 5 Remove Ihe flywheeVdriveplale !гот the crankshaft. Ве эиге 10 support " while гemоviпg Ihe lаЭI bolt. Warning: Thв teeth оп the l1у whee/ mау ье sharp, and the mапuа/ tгапsmissiОП f1ywhee/ is heavy. ве sure 10 ho/d it with g/oves о( rags. Note: After the driveplate is removed, there {э а reinforcement/mounting p/ate that is /ocated between the engine b/ock and the drivep/ate. It doesn 't need (о ье removed, uп/еээ neces5al)'. 3
Refer (о i//ustration 16.6 б I! гетоуоо, Ье sure the геiпfогсеmепt plate is inslalled аэ shown (эее illustration), so 'l Is correctly posilioned !ог the slarler inslallation.
Removal Re(er
4.6L уа engines
16.3 Make а п alignment mark (arrow), if по! already driveplale, 10 rea ssure proper геаззетЫу
16.6 1I the relnforcement plate 'э removed , for апу reason, it should Ье reinstalled in the direction shown here
Chapter 2 Part
17.4 Us ing а special зеаl гет оуаl 100 1 ог scr ewdriver, гетоуе th e fro n! c ra nkshaft 011 зеаl , Ье very careful по! 10 scrзtсh the c r enkshaft during зеаl ге тоуаl
va engines
17.6 Тheгe (з special 1001 fo r instal1ing the front 0 11seal lnto tМ timing c hain соуег, ЬШ (! the 100115 unavailabIe а large socket (tht sзте dlam eter аз Ihe seal) сап ье used 'О drlve the seallnto pl8Of'
7 Clean алd inspect the mating surfaces 01 the driveplate and the crankshaft. If the crankshaft геаг зеаl 15 leaking, replace it before reln· stalling lhe driveplale (see Section 17). 8 Check 'ог cracked, broken or missing ring gesr leeth, 1I anу 01 these conditions мв fourкl. герlaсе the flywheelldriveplate. 9 Inslstl Ihe Ilywheelldriveplate 10 Ihe engine, аligпiпg the marks made during removel. Note Ihat зате engines have ап aJlgnment
staggered bolt holes 10
епзиге соггес!
Installation. Belore
Inslallln9 Ihe 00115, apply Tellon thre8d sealanl 10 the threads. 10 Use а Ilywheвl-retaining 1001 'о keep the driveplate 'rom tumlng as уои tighten the bolts to the torque listed (п this Chapter's Specilications. 11 The remainder 01 instaJlation is the rev~ 01 the removal procedure.
17 Crankshaft 011 seals - replacement
Front seaJ Яе(ег
to i//ustrations 17.4 аnd 17.6
the negative battery саЫе. Аетоуе the drivebelt (Chapter 1). Аетоуе !he crankshaft pulleylvibration dampe!" (5ее Sec!ion 5). Carefully гетоуе the 5eal 'гот the соуег with а 5езl removal tool (5ее illu5tration). 1I а sea; removal 1001 (! по! availabI e, carefully use а screwdriver. 1I the timlng соуег (5 removed, use а chisel ог small punch and hзттег 'о drlve lhe seal ои! 01 !he соуег from the back side. Suppon the соуег а5 close 10 Ihe 5eal Ьоге а5 possibIe wilh !wo wood bIocks. ве carefui по! 10 damage the соуег ог scra!ch the wall 01 the seaJ Ьоге. 5 Check the seal Ьоге and crankshaft, as well а5 the 5eal contact surface оп the vibration damper 'ог nicks and burr5. P05ition the new 5ealln the Ьоге with the ореп end 01 the 5eal faclng IN. А 5mзll атоuп! 01 011 ог grease applied 10 Ihe outer edge 01 the new 5еа! will make in5tallation ea5ier - оо! don't overdo Itt 6 Drlve the seallnto 'М boI'e with а largl;r sockel and hammer unlil jt'5 completely seated (5ее illu5Iralio n). 1I the соуег is removed, suppoft 'М соуег оп wood Ыock5. Select а socket Ihat'5 the sзте oul51de diame!er а5 the 5eal (а section 01 pipe сап Ье used il а sockel i5n't availabIe). 7 Lubricate the IIp 01 the 5eal with clean englne oil and instail Ihe damper оп Ihe end 01 the сгалkshаft. The keyway in the damper Ьоге mU5t ье aligned wlth the Woodrul1 key In Ihe crankshaft позе. Note: Before reiпstаШпg Ihe damper, apply а! smв// dзЬ 01 RТV seгlзпl /0 thв front еnd о( lhe crankshaft key groove. 8 II Ihe damper сап'! ье 5eated Ьу hand, 'ар it inlo place with а soft-Iace hammEtf, ог in51alllhe bolt and washer aлd tighten it 'о pre5s
1 2 3 4
the eight bolts (arrows) and separate the retainer !гот the eng ine bIock
the damper InlO рlзсе. Tighlen Ihe damper bolt 10 the torque lisl ed In thls Chapler's Specificalions. 10 Inslall the drlvebelt. 11 In51all the remaining раП5 removed access 10 the seal. 12 Star1 the engine аnd check leaks.
RearseaJ Refвr 10
iIIUSlratlons '7.15, '7.16, 17.17 and '7.18 13 Di5connecllhe саЫе (гот the negative battery lerminal. Ае/ег 10 Chapler 7 and гетоуе the transmi5510n. 14 Аетоуе the flywheeVdrlveplate аnd the (езr соувг plate from the engine (Sectlon 16). 15 АетоУе Ihe boIt5, detach the seзl retainer (see illustratio n) anG с1еап 011 all the oId gaskel алd!()( seaJant maleriaJ both the engine bIock алd the seal relainer. 16 Support the 5eal and reta!ner assembIy оп wood bIocks and dr1ve the old seal out from Ihe back side with а drift punch and hammer (see iIIustration). 17 Опуе Ihe new seal into the retalner wilh а wood bIock (зее lIIu5tration). 18 Clean the crank5haft and 5еаl bore with !acquer thinner ог асе 'опе. Check the 5881 contact 5Urface on the crank5haft v8f'( carelu!ly 'ОГ scralches ог nicks 'hзl could damage the new 5еа! 'ф аnd cause
17.16 Support the seal retainer оп two wood bIocks and drive ои! the old seal with а bIunt punch and hammer
Chapter 2 Part
17.17 Support the seal ret8in er and drive the new seal into the housing with а wood Ыоск ог а section of pipe, Ье 5иге по1 10 coek the зеаl in the Ьоге while iпstаШпg
eaks (зее Шustгatiоп). If the crankshaft is damaged, the only аllеrпа IS а new ог different crankshaft. -3 Lubricate the crankshaft зеаl joumal and the lip о' the new эеаl "'!I:tI engine oil. ZI Place а 1/16-inch wide bead of апаегоЫс sealan! оп either the qme ЫОСК ог Ihe seal retainer. ~ Install the oil seal relainer Ьу slowly and carefully рushiпg the зеаl ~;:o the cгankshaft. The зеаl liр is 5liff, 50 work it onlo the cгankshaft а smooth object such аз Ihe end of а socket extension аз you :JI.ISh the retainer against the engine bIock. ?2 Install and tighten the relainer bolts 10 Ihe lorque listed in this CnЗрt ег' s Specifications. 2з Reinstall the engine геаг соуег plale, driveplale and Ihe Iransmis~
""'. 2.:
Тhe remaining steps аге the reverse 01 removal. Check the oil level and add il песеззагу, run Ihe епgiпе and cnec k for oilleaks.
4.6L V8 engines
17.18 'пзрес! the sезl сопtзсt surface оп the crankshaft (arтow) 'ог signs 01 excessive wear ог эгооуез
placed оп the driveline componenls тау cause damage ог wear. 2 During the check, the engine must Ье raised slightly 10 гетоуе Ihe weighl Irom Ihe mounls. 3 Raise Ihe vehicle and support il securely оп jackslands, Ihen posilion а jack under Ihe engine oil рап. Place а large wood bIock between the jack head and Ihe oil рап , Ihen carelully raise the engine jusl enough 10 take the weighl off Ihe mounts. 4 Check the mounls 10 зее il the rubber is cracked, hагdепеd ог зерагаted !гот the metal plates (зее illustгзliоп) . Sometimes Ihe rubЬег will split right down the cent8f. 5 Check !ог relative тоуетепl Ьеtwееп Ihe mounl plales апd Ihe engine ог lrame (use а large screwdriver ог ргу Ьаг 10 attempl 10 тоуе Ihe mounl s). 1I тоуетеп! (з noled, lower Ihe епgiпе and tighlen the mount lasteners. 6 Rubber preservalive should Ье applied 10 Ihe mounts 10 slow deterioration.
Rep/acement 18 Engine mounts - check and replacement
Check ~Гeг
to iIIustration 18.4 1 Engine mounts seldom require atlenlion, but broken ог deteriorated mounts should Ье replaced immedialely ог Ihe added slrain
18.4 Inspect the engine mount co mponents 'ог сгзсked rubber insulators (arrow), missing bolts ог cracked metal brackets
Refer to iIIustrations 18.9а, 18.9Ь, 18.10 and 18. 13 7 Disconnect Ihe пegаtivе battery саЫе. 8 Refer to Section 4 lor гетоуаl 01 the engine compartmenl Ьгасе, il equipped. 9 Оп the right side, геmоуе the starter motor (reler 10 Chapter 5) and оп the left side disconnecl Ihe two nuts retaining the ox:ygen зеп зог electrical саЫе апd gгоuпd саЫе 10 motor mount studs (зев illustrations).
18.98 Оп the left engine mount , гетоуе the пut (arтow) and mоуе the ground саЫе and окуэеп зепзог саЫе bracket aside
1 8.9Ь Аетоуе
the nut (right-side mount) retaining the wiring hamess
Chapter 2 Part
18.10 Wtth the englne raised, remOV8 the crossmember nuts (arтow) and гетоуе 'пе engine moun!
10 АетОУ8 'па large пи!з securing 'пе engine тои"! studs 10 !па front crossmernber (зев Illustratlon). 11 Опее the nuts пауе Ьееп removed fтoт 'па mounts оп bolh sldes of Ihe епо1пе, ralse !па 8f1glne ир wlth а jack and wood bIock und6l' 'па сraлkshaft damper unl)! the studз ctear the crossmembвr. 12 Аетоуе the mooпно-епgiпе bIock botts and detach the mounl. 13 Instaltalion is 'м f8\18rse 01 removal. Replace tha hезl shlelds, I1
4.6L V8 engines
18.13 M ake зuге !па proJ ecting пиЬ о п tha engine тоип! is located in the hole (arrow)ln the сгоззтетЬег before tighten lng th e mounting bolls equlpped, in 'па same relalionship 10 the mount аз original!y installecL Iha bolts 10 tha lorque Ilsted in thls Chapter's Specifications Note: тhв eng/ne mounts Mvв а roUndОО /ocating projвction that tr./nto а ho/в in the front сюssmemЬвг when thв engine is Iowered. LooI froт bвlow 'hв crossтembeг to зее that the projвction /з sвated in tJW ho/е (see iIIustratlon).
Chapter 2 Part С General engine overhaul procedures Contents
Section ~afl-
inspeclion...... Qali(shafl - inslallalion and
dearance check....
............................................ bearing oil
.............................................. .
- removal ......................................... ~er compression check ................ . ~ head - cleaning and inspection О!*Юer head - disassembIy .............. ~er head - reassembIy ............................ .. ~erhoning.............................
EtIgin.e -
......................... .
and inslallation.. ............................................. Engine bIock - cleaning ................ . Engine ЫосК - inspectlon ............. . Engine overhaul - disэssemЫу sequence fngine overhaul - generallnformalion .....
19 23
l' 3 10 9 12 17
1. 8 2
Section Engine оуетаиl - reassembIy sequence ............ .......................... Engine rebuilding altematives .................. ............... Engine removal - methods and precautions. ............... General information............... .................................. Initial slart-up and break-in after overhaul............... Main and connecting rod bearings - inspection ...... Piston rings - instal!alion.. ....................................... .................. Pistons/connecting rods - inspection. ..................... Pistons/connecting гods - insta!lation and гod bearing oil clearance check ........................................................................ Pistons/connecting rods - removal ............................................... . Vacuum gauge diagnostic checks ............... .. Valves - servicing ....................... .. ............. ..
General 0iJ pressure 3.8L V6 (engine hot at 2500 грт) ........ .. 4.БL V8 (engine hot at 1500 грт) ...................... . 5.0L V8 (engine hot а! 2000 грт) ......... .. Cylinder head warpage limit .............................. .. Compresslon pressure ................ .
З. 8L Vб
4010 ба psi 201045 psl 4010 ба psi 0.003 ОП апу б IпсhеsVО.OQб inch overall Lowesl reading cylinder musl ье within 75 psi of highest reading cylinder (100 psi minimum)
Val"es and relat ed compo nents Valve face angle .............. .. Seat ang1e ........ . Seal widlh ..................... .. Minimum valve margin widlh ..
45.B-degrees 44.5-degrees 0.060 10 0.080 inch 1/32 inch
21 7 5 1 25 20 22 1В
2' 13
Chapter 2 Part С General engine overhaul procedures
З.8L У6
engines (continued)
Valves аnd related сотроnents Stem diameter Intake ................................................................................................ . Exhaust ................................................................. :............................ . SIem-to-guide dearance . Intake .•, ............................................................................................. . ,
Valve spring Free length ........................................................................................ . Inslalled helghl ...........:., .................................................................... . Valve lifter Diamet8f' ..... ,...................................................................................... . Ufter-to-bore ciearance Standard ....................................................................................... service Ilmit ................................................................................... Crankshвft
Standard .............................................................................................
Service Ilmil ...................................................................................... .. Malnjoumal Diam&ter" ........................ out of round Ilmit ............................................................................. .. Tapвrlimit ........................................................................................... Мзiп bearing 011 clвarance h
• ••••••••••• , •••••••••••••••• ... .. ................................
AllowabIe....................................................................................... Crankshaft endplay.................................................................................. Thв
0.001 100.0028 inch 0.0015100.0033 [nch Not avallable 1 .65 lnchез
0.8740 10
О. 87451nch
0.0007100.0027 Inch О.ОО5lnch
8nd connecting rods
Connecting rod }oumaJ Diameter ............................................................................................ . Ol.lt-of-round Ilmi! ............................................................................... Taper Hmi1 ........................................................................................... вear\ng 011clearance Desired ......................................................................................... . AJJowable .••••.••.•.••.••••.••.••.•.•..••.••.•..•.••.•.••.••••.•.....••.•.•........•.••.•.••.... Coonecting rod slde cIearзnce (endplay)
• Нotе:
0.3423100.3415 inch 0.3418 {О 0.3410 inch
2.3103 10 2.311 1 inchBS 0.0003 Inch 0.0003 inch p8f Inch О.(Х)1
100.0014 [nch 10 0.0027 [nch
0.0047100.0114 inch 0.0141nch
2.5190 10 2.51981nches 0.0003 Inch . О.ОООЗInch per Inch 0.00110 0.00141nch 0.0005 100.0023 Inch 0.004 10 0.008 inch
crankshaft joumг/s сгл't ьв machined moга than 0.010 inch under thв stвndaгd dimensJon.
Cylinder bore Diamet8f' ................................................................................................ . Out-of-round limit ................................................................................... . Taper limit ............................................................................................•...
3.810 inches О.ОО2lnch
Pistons and rlngs Pislon diameler . 1994 and 1995 Coded red .....................................................................................
.................................................................................. .
Coded ыие Coded yellow ............................................................................... .
1996 and 1997 coded red .................................................................................... .
................................................................................. ..
Coded ыие Coded ye/low ............................................................................... .
Pislon-to-bore clearance limit 1994 8lId 1995 .............. .................................................................... . 1995and 1997 .................................................................................. . Pislon ring end gap 1994 and 1995 Тор
compression ring .................................................................. .
compressiofl ring ............................................................. 011 ring ...................... ... ........................................: ....................... ..
1995 8lId 1997 Тор compresslon rlng .................................................................. . Вottom
compresslon rlng ............................................................ . 011 ring .......................................................................................... . PislOn ring side clearance
1994 8lId 1995 .................................................................................. . 1996 and 1997 .................................................................................. .
3.8095103.8101 'nches 3.8107103.8113 inches 3.8119 1о3.81251nches
3.8103 10 3.81081nches 3.8108103.8113Inches 3.811 3103.811 8 Inchвs 0.0014100.0032 [nch 0.0007 10 0.0017 'nch
0.011 100.012 Inch 0.009 10 0.020 Inch 0.015100.0583 inch 0.009 10 0.016 Inch 0.015100.025 inch 0.006 10 0.Q2S Inch 0.0016100.0034 inch 0 .0012100.0032 [nch
Chapter 2
Рап С
General engine overhaul procedures
Torque speciflcations· мain
5tep 1 .................... ... .. $lep2 ....................... .. Connecling rod сар 1994 аnd 1995 (nuts) Step 1. ..........................................................................................
S1ep 2.. ....... Slерз....
...................................................................... . ..... .............................................................. .
1996 (nuts)
Slep 1... . Slep2 .. .. 1997 (bolts) Slep 1 ................................ ..................... ....... .
Step2 ........ ............................ ....................... . Stерз ........................................ .
addilional 115 to 125 degrвes
31 1036 Loosen two lums 31 1036
2. Rolale ап addilional 90 degrвes 151018 30 to 33 Rоtзlе ап
"'Ncrte: Refer 10 Chapter 2, Part А 'ar additionaJ torque specificatians.
4.6L уа engines Cylinder bore .......t~ Codоо гоо
1 .......... . 2 .... . Codоо yellow 3 . N-o!-round S1andard •..•........ Service limit Codоо Ыие
3.553910 3.5544 inches 3.5544 10 3.5549 inches 3.554910 3.5554 inches 0.0006 inch 0.0008 inch 0.0002 inch maximum
Vзtvез аnd
related components 'hJVe arтangement (front-to-rear) left cylinder head ........... .
Righl cylinder head ...... blake valve $еа! angle ................ .. Seat width ................. . Seat runout Ilmit ........ . S1em diameler Slandard ............................. . 0.015 oversize ........................ . 0.030 oversize .......... . Valve stвm-lo-guide с!еагалсв ...... ........... .. Valve !асе angle ...................................... .. Valve!ace runoullimit ........................... . Exhausl valve Seal angle .................................... . Seat widlh ............................... . Seat runout limi1 ......... ......... . Stem diameler Standard ........................ . 0.0150versize. 0.030 oversize ........................ . Valve slem-to-guide clearancв ......... . Valve !асв angle .................. .... Valve !асв runout limil ...................... . Va/ve spring Free lenglh Inlake .. Exhausl ............................... .. Qut-of-square limil ..... . fnstalled height Inlake ..... . Exhaust ....... .
E-I-E-I-E-I-E-I I-E-I-E-I-E-I-E 45 degrees 0.0749100.0827 inch 0.001 О inch,maximum (Iolal indicator reading)
0.2756100.2748 inch 0.2906 10 0.2698 inch 0.2985100.3048 inch 0.00749100.0027 inch 45.5 degrees 0.0020 inch maximum 45 degrees 0.0749100.0627 inch 0.0010 inch maximum
0.02746 100.2738Inch 0.2696 to 0.2698 Inch 0.3046 to 0.3038 Inch 0.0018 to 0.0037 inch 45.5 degrees 0.0020 inch maximum
1.9523 inches 1.9523 inches 2 degrвes maximum 1.1576 inches 1.1576inches
Chapter 2
Рап С
General engine Qverhaul procedures
4.6L У8 engines (continued) Valves and related components (contlnued) Valve spring Pressure Intake Valve open ................................................................
Valve Сlosвd ............................................................................
433.31 100 at 1.104 Inches 180.54100 а! 1.576 inches
Exhaust Va/ve open ....................................................................................
Valve dosed о
• • ••••• • • •• • •••
о о • •
••• • • •• • ••••• • • • •• • • • •• • •• • ••••••• •••
....... . . .
. . . ......... .
Vatve spring pressure service limit .................................................... . Hydraulic lash adjusler (IJfter)
433.31 100 а! 1.104 inches 160.54100 аl 1.576 1ncheз 10 percenl prassure loss а! 1.104 Inches
Diameter (standard) .............................................. ............................ ..
0.6304 10 0.6299 Inch
Ufter-lo-bore clearance Standard ........................................................ ............................. .. service limit ................................................................................... CoIlapsed tзppel gap - desired ......................................................... RocI<er arm ralio (roller cam followers) ............................................ .
0.0007 10 0.0027 Inch 0.0006 inch maximum 0.0335100.01 77lnch 1.75:1
апd со ппеctiпg
rod s
Crankshaft Endpiay ......................................................................... ................... . Runout 10 rear face of block Staлdard ...................................................................................... . service limit .......................................... : .. ..................•..•.•.••.••..•.•.• Coonecting rods Connecting rod joumal Diameler.......................................................... ........................ .. .. Вearing oil clearance Desirad ........................................................ ... ........................ Allowable ...................... ......................................... ................ .. Connecting rod side c learance (endplay) Standard .................................................................................... .. service Ilmit................................................................................ .. Main beзring jouma/ Diameter .... ................................................................................... ... .. Веапng oil clearance Desired ......... ...... . Allowable ........... ..
0.002 inch 0.005 inch maximum
2.0874 102.0891 inches 0.0011 10 0.0027 Inch 0.0011 10 0.0027 Inch 0 .0006 10 0.0177 inch 0.0 197 inch 2.657810 2.6598 inches 0.0011 10 0.0027 Inch 0.0011 100.0027 Inch
аnd riпgз
Piston dlameler Codес! red 1 .......................................................................... . Codес! blue 2 ............. ' ....................................... ................................ . Codecl yellow 3 ..................... .......................................................... .. Pisl on-Io-bore clearanca limil ........................... .. ......................... ........... Plsl on пng end gap Compresslon rings ............................................................................ . Oilring ... ............................................................................................. PislOn пng side cleararк:e Compression ring (top) ...................................................................... . Compression ring (bottom) ...... ................................. ..... ................... . setvice limit ........................................................ ... ........... .............. .. . Оilriпg ................................ ..... ........................... ............. ........ ........ .
0.СИН6 10 0.00351nch 0.001210 0.0032 inch 0.0006 Inch m8J\lmum Snug fil
Torque specificatlons*
bearing сар bolts (1lghten first) First step ............................ ............................................................ .. second slep ...................................................................................... Main beзring сар - jack SCfBWS (Iighten second) First step .................... .. .............................................. ..................... .. Second step ............ ... ................................... .................................... . Маiп bearing сар - side bolts (tighlеп Ihird) Firsl step ...................................... ................ .. ... ...................... .. Second step ...................... ........ ..... ................................................... . Connecting rod сар nuts Аrзl slep .......................................................................................... .. Second slep ..................................................................................... .. • Note: Refer to Chapter 2, Рап В for additionaJ torque speciflC8tionS.
3.552610 3.5531 Inches 3.5531 103.5536 inchвs 3.5536103.5541 inchвs 0.0008 100.0018 Inch 0.ОЗ94 1 nch
0.0493 inch
(unless otherwlse indic aled)
221025 Rotala and additlonal 85 10 95-degrееэ 44 inch Ibs 60 10 97 Inch Ibs 84 in-Ibs 141017 181025 Аоtз1в an additlonal 85 10 95-dвgrвes
Chapter 2
Рап С
General engine overhaul procedures
S.OL V8 engine Cylinder bore OIaпleler
............................................................................................... .
4.000 to 4.0048 Inches
OJt-оf-round standaтd •.•..•.••.••.•..•.••.•.••.••.•..•.••.•.•..••.•.....•....•...............•..........•.•.••.••.
Service 11mi! ....
0.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
' - ..................................................................................................... Yatves and related
0.0О5 1nch
0.010 Inch maximum
arrangement (front-to-rear) Left cylinder l'Iead •..•.•..•.••••..•..•...••.••...••.............•................................ Righ t cy1inder head .............................................................. Intakе 'o'al1/8
Seal алglе ..................................................... . Seal wid1h ............................................... Seat Nnoul Ilmlt ............................................. . Stem diameler Slandard ..................................................................................... .. 0.015 overslze .............................................................................. . 0.030 overslze .............................................................................. . Valve stem-Io-gulde сlеагалсе Slалdагd ..................................................................................... . Service limlt ................................................................................ .. Valve !асе angle .................. ............................... .. ................. . Va/v9 face Nnout limit ....................................................... .. bl1aust valve Seat angle ........................................................................................ Seat wldth ....................................................................................... .. Seat Nnout Ilmil ............................................................................... .. Stem dlameler Standan:l ....................................................................................... 0.015 oversize ............................................................................... 0.030 oversize ............................................................................... Valve slem-Io-guide clearance Standard ..................................................................................... .. Service limit ................................................................................. .. Valve !асе angle ................................................................................ . Valve !асе Nnout limll .................................................: .................... .
E-I·E-I-E-I·E-I I-E+E+E-t-E 45·degrees 0.060 10 0.080 Inch 0.002 inch maxlmum (10181 indicalor reading) 0.341610 0.3423 inch 0.3566 10 0.3573 Inch 0.371610 0.3723 Inch 0.001010 0.00271nch 0.0055 Inch maxJmum 44-degrees 0.002 Inch maximum 45-degrees 0.060 10 0.080 Inch 0'<Ю2 'nch maxlmum (totaJ Indlcalor reading) 0.3411 10 0.3418 inch 0.3561 10 0.3568 inch 0.3711 10 0.3718 inch 0.0015100.0032 inch 0.0055 inch maximum 44-degrees 0.002 inch maxlmum
'y.atve зрПng
Free lenglh Inlake ................................................. Exhaust ............................................. .. Installed heighl Inlake ...................................... ..................................................... . Exhausl ............ .......................................................................... . Oul-of·square Ilmll .......................................................................... . Pressure Inlake Valve ореп .............................................................................. Valve closed ........................................................... .. Exhausl Valve ореп .............................................................. .. Valve closed ............................................................ .. Valve spring pressure servlce Ilmit ................................................... .. Нydraulic lash adjuster Oifter) Diameter (slandard) .......................................................................... .. Ufter-Io-bore clearance $Iandard ....................................................................................... Service limil ................................................................................... CoIlapsed 'арреl оар Desired .......................................................................................... AllowabIe ....................................................................................... Rocker arm ralio ................................................................................
2.02lnches 1.79 inch 1-3/410 1-13/16Inches 1-37164 10 1-41/64 inches 51б4lпсh
211 10230 'Ьз а! 1.36lnches 7410 821Ьз 81 1.78 Inches 200 10 226
IЬз аl
1.15 inches
77 10 85 Ibs аl 1.60 Inches 10·регсenl
81 specifled Iength
0.8740 10 0.8745 0.000710 0.0027 Inch 0.005 Inch maximum
0.096 10 О.1461nch 0.071 10 0.01 71 Inch 1.59;1
Crankshaft and connectlng rods Crankshaft Endplay Slandard ..................................................................................... . Service limil ................................................................................ . Runoul 10 rear !асе 01 bIock ................................................... ........... .
0.004 10 0.008 inch 0.012 Inch maxlmum 0.005 Inch maxlmum (tolallndlcalor reading)
Chapter 2 Part С General engine ovemaul procedures
5.0L уа engine (continued) Crankshaft and connectlng rods (continued) Connвctlng
rods Connecting rod joumal Diameter ............................................................................................ .
Out-<Jf-rounc!ltaper Ilml! ..................................................................... Вearing oil clearance Desired ......................................................................................... . AllowaЫв .......................................................................................
2.1228 10 2.12361nches 0.0006 inch PвI' Inch maximum 0.0008 'о 0.0015 Inch 0.0008 10 0.0024 Inch
rod side clearance (endplay) Standard ...................................................................................... . Service limll ............... ,.,.......... ............................. , ....................... .. Мшп bearing joumal Dlamelвr ..... ,....... ,.. ,.... ,.. , ... , .. , ........................ ,....... , ........................... . Out-of-round limit ............................................................... ,., .. , .. , .. , .. ,. Тзper limit.......................................... , .. , .. , ............ , .... , ........ ,....... ,., .. , .. Вearing 011 clearance .... ....................... , .. ,............ ,............................ . and riпgз Plston dlameter Codоо red .................................................................... ..................... Codоо ыие .............................................................................. , ....... , .. Codоо yellow ...................................................................... ,............ . Piston-to-bore с!еЗfancе limlt ................................................................ . Piston пng ood оар Compression rings ............................................................................ . Oil ring .................... , .................................................................... . Piston ппо зюе clearance Compression ringз ....................................... , .... , ................ ......... . Servlce limit .................... ............... : .. , ..... ................ ......... . Qllring .............................................. , .......... , .......... ,.......................... .
0.010 10 0.020 Inch 0.023 Inch maximum 2.2490 10 2.2482 inches
0.0006 inch 0 .0004 inch per Inch 0.0008 10 0.001 5 Inch
Maln Ьearing сар bOItS .......................................................................... .. Connecting rod сар пutз ....................................................................... ..
3.997210 3.9980 Inch 3.9984 10 3 .9992 Inch 3.9996 10 4.0004 inch 0.0030 10 O.OO38lnch 0,010100.020 inch 0.015 'о 0.055 inch 0.002100:004 inch O.OO6lnch Snug fil Ft-Ibs
60 10 70 191024
• Hot.: Refer to Chapter 2, Part А for additlonвJ torque specifications.
General infonnation Included ,п this ponion 01 Chap!вr 2 ме the general оуетаиl procedures for the cy1incler head(s) and intemaJ engJne componenls. The IпlOlП\8.tion rangез Irom advice conceming preparalion IOf ал оуerhзиl and the pun::hase 01 replacement parts 10 detailed, slep-bystep ргосооигез coverlng гетоуаl and Installatlon 01 fnlemal engine components аncl the inspection 01 parts. Тhe following Sectlons have been wrltten based оп the аsзитр 'ion Ihat the engine has been геmoуоо Irom the vehicle. FOf informa'lon conceming in-vehlcle engine гepзiг, as well as removal аncl inslallation of 'М extemaJ componoots пecesзary IOf 'М overhauJ, see Рartз А аnd В 01 'Ыз Chapter and Section 7 01 this Part. The Specifications Included 'п Ihis Part ate on/y 'hosв necessary for Ihe Inspection and ovвrhaиl procedures which l ol[ow. Reler 10 Parts А and В 'ог addillonal Speclflcallons.
Engine overhaul - яепегаl infonnatlon
Refer 10 i//ustrafions 2.48, 2.4Ь, 2.4с aлd 2.4<1
1I Is no! aJways еазу 10 determine wherI, of if, ап Elf"lQine should ье comple!ely ovemauled, as а number о, factors mUSI ье considered. Hlgh mileage Iз по! necessari/y ал indlcatlon 'м! ап оуетаиl is needed, while Iбw mileage does по! preclude the need 'ог ап oVefhaul. Frequency о, ~icing ,з probabIy !he mоз! Importar'lt considerallon. An мglne l hat has had regular аnd frequent 011 and filtвr changes. аз well аз olhвr required maJntooance. wlll тosl likely glve mапу Ihouзandз о, miles 01 rel lable service. ConУersely . а neglected Elf"lQlnв тау require ап overhaul уrиy earty in "з life. Excessive oil consumption Iз ап indicalion Ihat pislon riпgз
andlOf ушуе guldes are in need 01 attentlon. Make зurе Ihal 011 leaks are по1 responslbIe belOfe deciding Ihal Ihe ringз апdlоr guldез aпt bad. Tesl the cytl nder compresslon (зее Seclion 3) ог have а leak down 'ез! performed Ьу ап experienced lune-up mechалic 10 determine 'М extent of the WOf1( required. If the Elf"lQlne Is maklng оbvious krюcking or rumbIing noIses, Ihe connecting Гod andlor main Ьеапngз аге probably аl faull . То зccu ralely !eзt 011 pressure, temporarily сопnec! а mесhалiсаl 011 рreзsure gauge In place 01 Ihe oil pressure sendlng unit (see Illustratlons). Compare the reading 10 Ihe pressure listed in Ihis Chарtег'з Speclfications. If the pressure Is extremety low, lhe bearings andIOI' 011 ритр ant proЬаЫу wom м. Loss of power, rough running , excessive уalуе train поiзе and high fuel consumption rates тау also poInl 10 the neeCI for an overI'IatJ. вspecially if they ме all presenl а! lhe зете lime. JI а complele lurмнJp does по! remedy Ihe sltualion. mзjог mechanlcal wOO< is Ihe only soIution. Ал englne overhaul Involves restorlng Ihe inlernal раrtз 10 'М speciflcations 01 а new engine. During ап ovemaul, Ihe plslon rlngз 8п1 replaced and the cyllnder wa1ls аге reconditioned (rebored andlor honed). If а re-bore is done, new рiЗIOnS are required. The mзiп beзr 'ngз , connec!lng Гod Ьезriпоз and саmзhаft bearings аге generally replaced wilh new ones and . if necessary, Ihe crankshatt may ье regrouncl 10 restore the joumals. GeneraJly. lhe уalуез are SвfViCed аз well. since Ihey аге usually in less-Ihan-perfect condition а! thls point While the englne Is belng ovemauled, olher components. such аз the dislribtJtOf, starter and altemalor, сап ье rebuill as well. Тhe еnd result Зhоuld Ье а Ilke-new engine that will glve many troubIe 'гее miles. Hote: Crifica/ cooIing sys fem components such вs the tюsвs. the drjrebe/ts, thв thermostat and the water риmр MUST ье repl8ced with new parts when аn engine /s overhaufed. тhe radialor shou/d ье checked carefu //y 10 ensure thal it isn 't c/ogged ог /ealdng. Soтв
Chapter 2 Part
the oil ргеззиге sending unit oil pressure gauge - Ье зиге уои и зе пауе lhe зате t hread
Ihe fittiпgs
аз lпв
sende r
General engine overhaul procedures
2.4Ь Тпе
ргеззиге sепdiп g
unit ,з
located аl the lower ' еп (driver's s ide) comer о' lпв engine, педТ lпв oil filter (4.бl SQHC engine shown,
oil ргеззиге зеndег location, З.8L У6 • left side о, lhe bIock, under lпв power steering ритр
5.0L engine similCIr)
2.4d Оп 4.6l DOHC engines, lпв oil ргеззuге sending unit (arrow) 's located оп lпв oil filter adapter, just behind lпв oil cooler ~ine
rebui/ding shops will not honor theirengine warranty unless уоu 71'1е had the radiator rep/aced от professionally c/eaned. If in doubt, ~ace it with а new опе. Also, we do not recommend ovemau/ing the ;111 риmр - a/ways insta// а new опе when ап engine is rebui/t. Belore beginning Ihe engine overhaul, read through Ihe entire 10 familiarize yoursel! with the scope and requirements 01 -.О! job. Overhauling ап engine i5 по! difficult, but it i5 time consuming. =\an оп the vehicle being tied ир !or а minimum 01 two weeks, espe.:aI1y 11 par1s must ье taken to ап automotive machine shop !or repair з reconditioning. Check оп a vailability 01 раП5 and make sure thal апу ~essary 5pecial tools and equipment are obtained in advance. МО5! .ork сап ье done with typical hand 10015, although а number 01 preci.$IOП mea5uring tOOl5 are required lог in5pecting part5 'О determine il -..гу ти5! Ье replaced. Oflen ап automotive machine shop will handle те inspection 01 parts and offer advice concerning reconditioning and -eplacement. Note: A/ways wait uпtil the engine has Ьевп comp/ete/y :nк:edure
and а// components, especia//y the engine b/ock, have inspected before deciding what service and гера!г operations "",",st Ье performed Ьу ап automotive mасЫпе shop. Since the bIock's
~n d i lion will Ье Ihe major factor 10 consider when determining
.melher 10 overhaul Ihe original engine ог buy а rebuilt опе, пеуег pur.:na5e parts ог have machine work done оп olher componenls unlil the ::IOck has Ьееп thoroughly inspecled. As а general ru le, lime i5 Ihe pri-.ary cosl 01 ап overhaul, so il does поl рау 10 inslall wom or subslan=ard parts. As а final note, 10 ensure maximum lile and minimum IгоиЫе 'гот ,J rebuill engine, everythlng musl ье aS5embIed wilh са ге in а spol.€Ssly clean environmenl.
З.б А compression gauge with а threaded fitting for the spa rk plug hole 15 preferred Qver the type that require5 hand pressure 10 malnlain Ihe seal - Ье sure 10 ореп the throttJe valve as far as possibIe during I he compression check
Cylinder compression check
Refer to iIIustration 3.6 compression check will lell уои what mechanical condilion the end (p istons, rings, va lves, head gaskets) 01 your engine is in. Specifically, il сап lell you il the compression is down due 10 leakage caused Ьу worn piston rings, defeclive valves and seats ог а bIown head gasket. Note: The engine must ье а! погта/ operating (етрега 1
this check and the battery must
Ье {u//у
Begin Ьу cleaning Ihe area around Ihe spark plugs belore уои гетоуе them (compressed air works besl !ar Ihis). Тhis will ргеуеп! dir1 'гот gеШпg inta Ihe cylinders as Ihe compre55ion check is being done. З Аетауе all о! the spark plugs Irom Ihe engine (5ее Chapler 1). 4 Block the throttle wide ореп . 5 DisabIe the ignilion syslem Ьу disconnecting the prim a ry (Iow vottage) wires 'гот the coil(s) . б Wilh the compression gauge in Ihe питЬег опе spark plug hole, сгапк the engine оуег а! least 'оиг compression strokes and walch Ihe gauge (see ill u5tration). Тhe compression should build ир qulckly in а healthy engine. Low compression оп the first stroke. followed Ьу gradually increasing pressure оп successive 51rol<es, indicales wom рistоп rings. Д low compression reading оп the first stroke, which does по! 2
Chapter 2
Рап С
General engine overhaul procedures
build up during successive strokвs, indlcates leaking valves ог а bIown head gasket (8 cracked head could 8150 Ье the саизе). Record the highest gauge reading obIained. 7 Аереа! the procвdure for the remalnlng cylinders аnd сотрагв 'М
resu"s 10 'М Specifк:аIЮns.
8 сап)
Add some engine oil (about three squirts from а plunger-type 011 10 each суПnder, through 'М spar1< plug hoIе, and гереа! the lesl.
9 If the compression increaS8S atter the 011 ,s added, the p iston rlngs зrе definitely wom. If the oompresslon does по! increase slgпШ cantty, the leak.age 15 occuning а! 'М valvвs or head gasket. Leakage pзs!
valvвs тау ье
bumed valve seats andlor faces
warped, cracked ог ben! vatves. 10 If two adjacent cylinders havB equally low compression, there Is а strong роssiЬШtу that the head gasket between them 'з bIown . The зppearancв о' coolant ,п the combustlon chambers ог the crankcase would verify thls condition. 11 1I the compression (з unusually high, the combustion chambers ме PrObabIY coated with саrtюn deposits. If that is the cзse, the cy1in· der heads should ье removed аnd decarbonlzed. 12 If compresslon is wзу down 01' varies grвatly Ьемeen cy1inders, It would ье а good Idea to have а leak--down lesl p8ff0rmed Ьу aLtto-motive гepзJг Мор. This tesl wШ pinpoint exactly where the leakage Iз occurring and how severe it (з.
4 An irregular drop ог down-ftlck 01 Ihe needle сап ье caused sl lcklng valve 01' ап ignition mlsfire. Perform а compresslon check leak-down lesl and read 'М spвrk plugs.
А rap1d vibration 01 about 'ouг In.-Hg vibralion al~~:'~~:~~S: with exhaust smoke Indicales wom valve guides. Pertorm tesl 10 conlirm this. Н the rapld vibralion occurs wilh ап engine speed, check for а IeakIng Inlake manilold gзskе! or head kel, wвak valve sprfngа, bumed vaives 01' Ignltlon misfire. 6 А slight fluctualion, sзу onе Inch up and down, тау mвaл Ignitic. probIems. Check all the usual lune-up items алd,lf necessary, run thI engine оп ал Ignltion analyzвr. If Ihвre is а large fluctuallon , pвrform а compresslon 01' ", 'еаl 10 look а weak ог dead cyllndвr ог а bIown head gasket, 8 If the needte тоуеа slowly Ihrough а wi de range, check lor. clogged PCV syslem, Incorrect Idle luel mixture, carburetorlthrott!e body 01' Inlake manifold gasket leaks. 9 Check 101' а slow relum after revvlng lм engine ьу qulckly ~ ping lhe throttle оpen unlil the engine reaches about 2,500 rpm and leI It shLtt. Normatly the reading should drop 10 near zero, rise above 11(1'. maJ Idle reading (abdut 5 In.-Hg ovet) алd IheI1 retum 10 the prev\ous. idle reading. If 'hз vacuum геtumз slowty аnd doesn'l peak when the IhrottJe Is SI1Щ>P8d shLtt, Ihe rings тау ье wom. 1I there (а а tong delгy, look 101' а restricted exhaust system (often 100 muffter or calalytlc ccnver1er) . An easy way 10 check Ihls 1а 10 lemporarily dlsconnвcl 11'18 exhausl ahead 01 the suSpecled part and гооо Ihe 18$1.
.k--'O" ,
gauge diagnostic checks
А vacuum gauge provides va!uabIe Informalion aboul whal Is going оп Iп _м engine а! а Iow-COSI. You can check 101' wom пngа 01' oy1inder walls, leaking head 01' inlake manifold gaskets, incorтect cзr· bure!or adjustments, restricted exhausI, stuck or Ьитес! valv9s, weak valve springs, improper ignition 01' Уalуе timing and ignition probIems. Unfortunately, vacuum gauge readings зrе вазу 10 mlsinlerpret, 50 lhey should ье used in conjuncllon wilh other lesls 10 confirm the diagnosis. 80th Ihe absolule readings and Ihe rale 01 needle тоуетеп! аге important lог accurate inl erpretallon. Mosl gauges measuгe 'vacuum (п Inches 01 mercury (in·Hg). The lollowlng relвrences 10 vacuum assume the diagnosls iз being performed а! зва leVel. Аз elevalion Increases (01' atmosphвric pressure decreases), Ihe readlng will decrease. For evвry 1,000 'оо! (ncгеазе in elevallon abovе approximale/y 2000 leet, the gauge readings will decrease abou! one (nch of IТI8fCUry. Connect l he vacuum gauge directty 10 intake manilold vacuum, no! 10 ported (Ihrottle body) vacuum. ве suгe no hoses are 16п discon· nected durlng the tesl or Ialзе readings will resutl. 8efore you begin the lesl, a!low the englne 10 warm up сот· ptete/y. 810ck the wheels and зе! the par1l.ing brake. Wrth the trалsmis· slon (п Par1l., start Ihe engine and atlow 11 10 run аl normal idle speed. Wam lng: C8rвfи//y /nspecl the fзп blEКies (о,. crвcks ог damagв bвforв
start/ng the
eng;nв. Кеер уоuг
(М fзп аnd
when the eng;nв
stand /п ;з running.
haOOs 800
'roп' о!
(М уасuum
с/еаг о,
the veh/c/в or /п I;ne w;th the 'ап
Aead the vacuum gauge; ап average, heallhy engine should nor· malty produce aboul 17 to 22 Inches 01 vacuum with а tairty steady needle. Aelвr 10 the following vacuum gauge readings and whal they Indlcale about the engine's condltlon: 1 А Iow slвady reading usually indicales а ieaking gasket between the Intake manlfold аnd cy1inder heаd(з) or throttle body, а 'езky уас· uum hosв, lale Ignition liming or incorrect camshaft timing. Check Igni· '1on liming wllh а timing lighl аnd elimlnate all olhвr possibIe causes, utilizlng Ihe l ests ргоуюоо in Ihis Chaptвr belore you гетоуе Ihe 11т· Ing chaln соуег 10 check the timing mar1l.s. 2 1I Ihe reading Is three 10 eighl InChes below normal and it fluctuates а! th,at low reading! suspect ап Intake manilold gaskel leak а! ап Intake port ог а laully fuel injeclor. 1I the needle has regular drops 01 abol.lt two·to--four inches а! а 3 sleady rate, Ihe valves зrе probabIy Ieaking. Pertorm а comPfession check 01' lвak-down lest 10 conlirm Ihls.
Engine removal • methocls and precaution s
decided thз! an engine must be·removed 101' ovвrhaLI work, зеувral preliminary steps should ье taken, locating а suitabIe work агва Is extremely Important. А shop 'з, CI course, the mos! desiгзЫе pJace 10 WOrI<.. ДPequale WOrI<. арасе, aIOng wilh slorage space for the vehlcle, wlll ье needed, 1I а shop 01' garage is по! availabIe, аl the узry lвазl а !lal, level, clean wor1l. surface тзde 01 concrele of asphalt 18 requlred, Cleanlng Ihe englne compartmen l алd engine belore beginnlng the removal procedure wю help keep lools clean аnd organlzed. An englne hoisl ог A-frame wlll ье needed. Make sure thal 1М equipmoot is ral ed '" ехсesз 01 the com bIned weight 01 the englne and Its accessories. Salely 1а 01 primary Importance, conslderlng tf)e polen!1aJ hazardз involved '" 'Ш1ng the engine out 01 the vehlcle, If Ihe engine is being removed Ьу а novice, а helper should ье avaiiabIe. Advice аnd aid from someone more experienced would aJSO ье helpful. Thec'e are mалу iпstanceз when one person сапno! slmulta. neously perform а" 01 Ihe operatlons requlred when liftjng the englne oul 01 the vehicle, Р1ап Ihe operatlon ahead 01 Ilme. Апаngе 'or or obtain а" 01 lhe lools аnd equlpmenl you will need pr10r to beginning Ihe )оЬ. Some of Ihe equlpment necessary 10 perform engine гетоуаl and Iпslаl!аtiоп salely and wlth relative ease аге ~п addition 10 ап engine holsl) а heavy duty "оог Jack, complete ~ts 01 wrenches and sockels аа described in Ihe fronl 01 this manual, wooden bIocks and plenty 01 rags аnd clean-'ng solvenl lor mopping up sрШed oil, coolant and gasoline. 11 the hOISt Is 10 ье renled, make sure Ihal you arrangе 101' jt ifI advance аnd рег. form belorehand all 01 1he operalJons possibIe wittюut ". Thiз wil1 saw you money and time. Р1ал 101' the vehic1e to ье оut 01 use 101' а consldernble amouПI of Ilme. А machlne shop wlll ье required 10 perform some 01 the wor1l. whlch the do-It-yourselfer саnnot accomplish due 10 а lack 01 speclal equipmool. Тhese shops often have а Ьиау schedule, ао il would ье wlse 10 consult them belore removlng the engine in ordвr 10 accuralely eslimale lhe amounl '01 time requlred to rebuitd ог геpзJг components Ihat тау пзed wQfk. Always use extreme cautlon, when removi ng and Inslalllng the englne. Sвrious injury сап result from careless actlons. Plan ahead, take your lime and а job 01 thls nature, although major, can ье аccom pJlshed successfutly. 1I you
mзjOl' геpзiг
Chapter 2
Рап С
General engine overhaul procedures
5 U
each wire before unplugglng the
Uзе а
prybar о, а la rge screwdriver
and pry the engine from th e transmission bellho using
10"9, hlgh-strength botts
(arro ws) t o ho ld the engine bIock оп the engine stand - make $ure they are tight before lowerlng the hoist and pla ci ng the en1ire weight of the engine ОП the stand
d/scharged. Air cond/tion/ng refrigвrвn/ should ье properly /nlo ал EPA-аррroУю container 81 8 dealer service dвpar1~! О( ап automotlvв afr cond/tion/ng rвpв/г facility. A/ways wear е18 ~Ieclion whвn disconnвcting afr conditloning system fittings. Waming 2: GasoJ/ne /$ вxtremely nаmmаЫв, so ta/{e axtгa precautions ..-мm you wor!i: on апу part о, the 'ие! system. Don 't smo/{e о, a//ow '%J8f1 names or Ьаге /ight Ьи!оо пга, the wor!i: агеа. and don't work in а ~ whвre а natuгal gas-type аррliаncе (such as а water heвter or 8 aothes dryer) with 8 p;/ot light is present. 5ince gaso/ine is carcino~. wвa, /atax g/oves when there 's 8 possibi/ity о( being exposed (о ..... and. If you spill any fиel сп you, sldn, пnsв {, оН immediateJy with XIOIP and water. Мор ир алу spills immвdiatefy 800 do not store .oaked rags wherв (hвy could ignite. The fUeI 5ystem {5 under constалt ;n.ssure, 50. if апу fиellines arв (о ье disconnected. thв fиel pressure the system musr ьв гelieved firs/ (seв Chapler 4 for тоге infoгma1IIOn). Whвn уои pвrform апу kind о, work сп the {ивl sy5tem. wear .safety g/assвs and have а C/ass В typв (iгe extingU/Sher оп hand.
11nes/hoses atlached and make зиге Ihe ритр is kepl in ап upright posil lon in lhe engine companmenl (usв wire or roре 10 reslrain it out oflheway). 12 Оп шг conditioned models, unboh 'м COIТIpr6ssor (зее Chapler 3) and зеl it аsЮе. Do по! disconnect 'М hoses. 13 Aemove the air inlel lиЬе. 14 Оп 4.6L engine models, remove Ihe 42-pin conneclor Irom the relaining bracket оп the vacuum boosler and separale Ihe 42-pin сопnector from the Iransmission hamess and posilion it ои! 01the way. 15 Draln the engine oil (зев Chapter 1) and remove !he filter. 16 Remove the slarter motor (зее Chapter 5) . 17 Rетоуе Ihe ahemator (see Chapler 5). 18 Unboll Ihe exhaust syslвm 'гот the engine (see Chapter 2. Рan А or 8. wttichever applies 10 the engine belng worked оп). 19 If you ' re wor1ting оп а model with ап automalic transmission. remove the torque converter access cover and remove the tOfQue converter-to·driveplate fasleners (see Chapler 78). 20 5uppon the trалsmissiоп wlth а jack. Position а bIock 01 wood betweвn Ihem 10 РГеУеПI damage 10 Ihe Iransmission. Speciat lransmlsslon jacks with salety chaJns are avallabIe - use опе il possibIe. 21 Allach ап engine sling ог а lenglh of slurdy chain to the engine and Ihen 10 Ihe engine holsl. Note: 50те engines have /itting brackets
already insta//вcI оп them. usua//y оп the exhaust manifo/d studs. Othвr engines do not have thвm. ьи/ they вге availabIe separэteJy {ют Ford dвa!вr parts department5.
Engine - removal and installation
Wмning: тhe вlг conditioning system cosвn 8"У
fittlngs or
reтove зпу
1$ under high pressure. 00 NOT components илti' 8ft.r the systeт
':iП Ьееп
1!Jar /0 iIIU5trariOn5 6.6, 6.26. 6.28 and 6.29 Relieve Ihe luel system pressuгe (see Chapler 4).
Disconnecl 'М negalive саЫе from Ihe baltery. 3 Cover the fenders and cowl аnd remove lhe hood (seв Chapler '1). Special pads are availabIe 10 prolect 'М lenders, but ал oId bedspread ог Ыапkеt will also :нor1t. .1 Aemove Ihe air сlеалег assembIy. 5 Drain Ihe cooling system (see Chapler 1). 6 LзЬеI Ihe vacuum lines. emissions syslem hoses, eleclrical соп '1вCloгs, ground slraps and luel lines Ihat would inlerfere with engine removal. 10 ensure correct reinstallalion, Ih8f1 detach Ihem. Pieces 01 ~sking tape with numbers of letters written оп Ihem wor1t well (seв lIuslral lon) . Illhere's апу possiblllty 01 coofusion, make а skelch 01 :ne engine compartmenl and clear1y 'аbel 'м Ilnes, hoses аnd wires. Lзbel and detach зJl сооlалt hosвs "om lhe englne. Remove the cooling fan/shroud and radialOf (seв Chapler 3). 8 9 Aemove Ihe drivebeh(s) (see Chapler 1). 10 Disconnecl Ihe acceleralor саЫе, and Throltle Vatve (ТV) linkagefspeed conlrot саЫе from the engine (see Chapler 4). 11 Unboll Ihe power sleering pump (see Chapter 1О). Leave Ihe
22 AolI the holsl inlo posilion and сonпес! lhe sllng ог chaln 10 il. Take ир lhe slack in lhe sling or chain, but don't lift the engine. Wam· ing: 00 NOТ р1асе апу part 01 уои' body unde, (hв вnginв when it 's suppor1ed onfy Ьу а hoist or othвr /ifting devicв.
23 Remove Ihe Iransmission -to-engine ЫОСk bohs (зее Chapter 7). 24 Remove lhe engine тоип! through-bolts о, mounling slud nuts from bolh sides (see Chapler 2. РапА or В, dependlng which engine Is belng wor1ted оп). 25 Recheck 10 ье sure nolhing 1з slill connectlng the engine to the Iransmission ог vehicle. Disconnecl anything зtiIJ remaining. 26 Aaise the engine slighlly. Carelully wor1t it lorward 10 separale 1I from Ihe Iransmission (зее IlIustratJon). If уои'ге wor1ting оп а vet1icle with ал automatic lгansmission, ье sure the torque CQnvener stays in lhe Iransmission (clamp а pair 01 vise-grlps 10 the Iгалsmission housing 10 keep Ihe conver1er from sliding out). Slowty гaisв the engine out 01 lhe engine companmenl. Check carelully 10 make sure nolhing is hanging ир. 27 Remove Ihe drlveplale (зее РаП Д or В 01 Ihis Chapler). 28 Mount the engine оп ап engine slалd (seв iIIustration). 29 Опсе Ihe engine 'з removed, support Ihe Iransmission wilh а
Chapter 2 Part С General engine overhaul procedures new bearings are incorporated and all clearances will ье
exisling cyIinder head(s), camshatt, valve train ";:.~;~~~:'~h7.~:: пal parts сап ье bolted 10 'М stюn bIock wilh little or па wol1l: necessary. Long bIock - А long bIock conslsts 01 а shoft bIock plus pump, 011 рап, cylinder head(s), valve cov er(s), camshaft and train components, liming sprockets, bell or сhз!п аnd componenls аге instaJled with new bearings, зеаls and porated Ihroughout. Тhe Installation 01 manilolds and extemal all that is necessary. Give caтelul thought 10 which attemative is ьез! 'or you cuss the situation with lоса1 automotive machine shops, dealers o r parts store counlermen belore ordering ог р",,'"'''' replacemenl pafts.
Engine overhaul - disassembIy sequence
Тhe cyl/nder hвaO bolts оп the 5.0L 8ПО 4. БL "tOfQue·to-yield" boJts and вrв NOT о{ the bolt gives the even c/8mping 'оао needed to sвa/ the properly. Опсв rвmoyOO they must Ье rвplaced. New tюао а/50 rвcommвnded on Vб eng/nes for maximum seгling potentia/.
C autio n :
the transmission опсе tЛе engine has Ьееп removed, then remove the floor jack that supported the transmisslon during engine гетоуаl
6.29 Use
piece of pipe to
реев of piре that crosses trom зidе 10 sЮе 10 hoId the transmission аз the floor jack 'З гemoуес! (see Шu strаtiоn) .
Installation зо
Check the engine and transmission mounts. If Ihey're worn ог damaged, геpiасе them. 31 Carefutty lower the engine Inlo Ihe englne companment - make sure the englne mounts line и р. з2 Guide 'М Icxque converter Inlo the crankshaft following 'М procedure ouШпed '" Chapter 78. [)On'! pulllhe convef1er away fтom the transmission; 'е! the engine тоуе back against the tran smission. 3з In5la!! the tгалsmlssiоп·tо-епglпе bolts and tightеп Ihem securely. Саоооп: DO НОТ usв Ihв bOItS to force thв tnJnsтission and engine togethвrf з4 Reinstalt the rem a!ning companenls In the reverse order of removal. 35 Add cootant and oi t аз needed. Аип the engine and check for {еаkз and propei'" operation 01 аll accesSOfies, 'hen inslall the I'юod and lезl drive the vehicle.
Engine rebuilding altematives
Тhe do·lt-yourse!ler Is laced wllh а "итЬег 01 options when perlormlng an engine ovemaul. Тhe decision 10 replace Ihe engine bIock, pislonlconnectlng (ОС! assembIies and crankshafl depends оп а пит ber 01 laclors, with the питЬег опе consideration being the cOndition 01 Ihe bIock. Other cons ideralions are cost, ассвзs 10 machine shop lacilities, parts availabil!ly, time requlrвd 10 complete Ihe projecl and 'М extent of prior mвchanical experlence оп 'М part 01 the do-it-yourseller. Some of the rebuilding allernalives include: Indivldual рапз - 1I Ihe In$peclion procвdures гвуеаl that 'М englne bIOCk аnd moз! engine components are in геиsзЫе conditlon, purchasing individual pafts тау ь6 Ihe moЗI вconomlcaJ aJtemative. Тhe bIock, crankshaft and pistorVconnecting rod assembIies $hould all ье Inspected carelully. Еуen il the bIock shows lillle wear, Ihe cylirlder bores should ье sшfасе honed. Crankshaft kit - Тhis rebuild package consists 0 1 а reground crankshaft and а matched зе! 01 pislons and connecling (ods. Тhe pis'ОП$ will already ье instal!ed оп Ihe connecting гods. Piston rings and 'м necessary Ьеалпgs will ье included in the kil. Thвse kits аге сom monly avallabIe lar slandard cylinder bores, аз well аз 'ог englne bIocks which have been boI'ed 10 а regular oversize. Зhоп bIock - А shoft bIock consists 01 ап engine bIock wilh а crankshaft and pislonlconnecling (od азsemЫIes aJready installed. ДJI
1 Il's much easier 10 disassembIe and worК оп the engine if mounled оп а portabIe engine stand. А stand сап otten ье rented Q cheaply Irom ап equipment renlal yard. Belore Ihe а stand, the flywi1eeVdriveplate should ье removed ."'~. 2 If а sland Isn't available, it's possibIe 10 disassembIe ..., . "".. wilh il bIocked up оп the f100r. ве extra careful no! 10 liр or drop englne when wol1l:fng without а stand. 3 If you're golng 10 obIain а rebuilt engine, aJl extemal compo~ тиsl come off firsl, 10 ье lransferred 10 the replacement engine, . they wfll if you're doing а complete engine ovemaul yourself. include:
1'0'" ",.
Altemator епо Ыаскеtз Emissions contro/ compoпents Distributor or camsh8ft position sвnsor (i' equ/ppвd) Spaгk p/ug wirвs впо spaгk p/ugs Thвmюstаt аnd housing соуег Waterpump EFI components Iпtаkе/ехmшst manifo/ds 011 filter (гер/асе) Engine mounts Dtivep/ate Engine геаг p/ate Crankshaft d8mper Note: When removing the вxtemal compaпents from the eng/ne, ~ closв впention 10 detai/s th8t тау ье helpful or Importалt during Instalat/on. No te the ins taJ/ed positlon о, gaskets, sea/s, spacers, plГl~. brackets, washers, bo/ts апо other sma/l/tems. 4 If you're obIaining а shoft bIock. wh!ch conslsls 01 the епglПE bIock, crankshaft, pislons and connecting rocfs зJl assembIed, then tJ!' cylinder head(s), oil
and oil pump will have 10
removed as v..-eI.
see Engine rebuildlng a/tematfves for addil!onallnformation regard~ the differenl posslbililies 10 ье considered. 5 If you' re planning а complele ovemaul, the engine must ье disasзетЫес! and Ihe components removed In the following ordег:
Drivep/ate Va/ve covers 'п /акв manilold Exhвus! mвnifolds
Rocker arms аnd pushrorJs (З.8L алd 5.0L engines) Camshafts апо fol/owers (4.БL enginвs) V8/ve lifters (З.8L аnd 5.0L engines) Vibtation d8mper Тim/ng chaJn cover Тim/ng chain(s), sprockets, guicJes 8ПО tensioners Camshaft (5.0L вng/nes)
Chapter 2
Рап С
General engine overhaul procedures
~-З lrit-iike I
, 9.1
5mall plastlc bag, with зп appropriate label, са п Ье used to the valva tTain сотропепtз 50 they сап Ье kept together and геiпstallеd '" the origlnal position
а va lve sprlng co mpressor 10 compress the sprlng, then the keepers Iгот the valve stem with needle-nose pllers ог а magnet, as shown here оп а 4.6L SOHC engine
9.2 U5e гетоуе
Val\le liftвrs (4.6L engines)
Cylinder heads
Oi/ рап
01/ ритр (гер/асе) Pistoп/connecting
rod assвmblies
Сгалksha ft aлd тain bвarings ((rвp/acв)
Belore beginning the d isassembIy and overhaul procedures, fotlowing items ага avallabIe. Also. refer 10 Епgirю over·
~e зите tЛе
-.J . reassembIy sequвnce 5191" 8 гвэssеmЫу.
'ог а
list 011001$ and matelials
пеООоо !ОГ
Соmmon hand lools $ma/l cardboard boxes аnd p/astic bags 'аг sforing рат Gaskвt зсrapвг Ridgв
ИЬnШоп dвтpeг ри//ег Microтвtвrs
TeJescoping gauges Dia/ indicator sв! Vslve spring compressor Cylind&r surfac/ng hone Pistoп
ring groove cleaning tooJ
E/ectric dri/I motor Тар 800 d/e 58! Wirв brushes 011 ga//ery brushes Cleaning solvent
Cylinder head - disassembly
'1Iefer to iIIustrations 9.1, 9.2 алd 9.3 Нote:
New вnd rebullt cylinder h&ads агв сommon/у available {ог most engines а! dвalerships and аuto pa.rts stoгвs. Dиe 10 the {ас! Ihat some spec/a/Ized rooJs агв necessary for tM disassemb/y and inspection рro cedures, and replacвment parts mау по! ьв rвadily availabIe, it mау ьв moге practlcal and есопоm/са/ 'ог rhe home mвchanic ro purchase ~/acemen! Mad(s) rather thал tak/ng (М timв (о disassembIe, inspect and recondition tM origina/(s). However, most machine shops wi/l no! '3ave 8 core set о{ 4.БL еюНС cy/inder he8ds, .$0 chance.s аге you will ".ave to walt until the rebul/ding wonr is done (о уоuг heads. 1 Cytinder head disassвmbty Involves гетоуаl 01 the intake and exhausI valves and related componenls. 11 Ihey're slill in place, remove те rock« гпn nuts, pivot balls and rocker srms from Ihe cylindef head studs. Label the рЗns ог store them sврзгstеlу (sae Н!ustгаtiоп) 50 теу сап ье reinstalled '" their originallocations and ,п the sзте valve guides Ihey аге гетоуес! from.
9.3 If the valve won't pull through the guide, deburт the edge of the 5tem end and the агеа around the top 01 the keeper 9rooуе with а file ог whetstone
2 Compress Ihe springs оп the flrst valve wilh а spring compressor and гетоуе the keep6f"S (sae Шu strаtJопj . Carelully release the valve sprlng compressor and геmoуе the relalner, 51eeve rrt used), the spring and the spring 5еаl О' used). 3 Pull lhe vatve ou! 01 the head, Ihen removе the oil SeaJ Irom 'М guide. If Ihe valve binds ,п 'м guide (woo'! pull through), push it back Inlo the head and deburr Ihe агеа around 'м keeper groove with г fine file or whet5tone (sae illustration) . Аереа! Ihe procedure 'о( the (emaining valve5. Remember 10 4 keep alllhe parts 'о( each valve together 50 they сап ье reinstalled 'П the same localions. 5 Опее Ihe valves and related components have Ьееп гетоуоо and 5tored in ап organized таппег, the head should ье Ihoroughty cleaned and in5pected. If а eomplete englne ovemaul is being done, finl5h Ihe engine dlsassembty proeedures belore beginning Ihe eytinder head eleaning aлd inspection prOCe5S.
10 Cylinder head - cleaning and inspection Thorough eleaning of the cytlnder head(s) гnd related valve train eomponents, lollowed Ьу а detailed inspection, will епаЫе you 10 decide how mueh уа\уе 5erviee wor1o; must ье done during the englne
Chapter 2
Ра п С
General engine overhaul procedures
10.12 Check the cylinder head gasket surface 'аг warpag e Ьу tryIng 10 sllp а feeler еаиее under t he stralghtedge (зее th is Chapter' s Specificati ons 'ог the ma ximum wa rpage allowed апс! use а feel er gauge of t hat thi c kness) overh aul. Note: ff the engine was зеуегв/у overheated, the cylinder МЮ
is рroЬаЫу warpвd (зве Step 12).
Cleaning 2
Scrape all traces 01 old gasket material and sealing compound off
thв head gaskel , intake m anifold апс! exhaust manifold sealing sur·
faces. ве уегу careful по! 10 gouge the cylinder head. SpeciaJ gasket гетоуаl solvents that soflen gaskets апс! make гетоуаl much easier аге availabte а! auto parts stores. 3 АетОУ8 all buill ир scaJe 'гот the сооlалt passages. 4 Aun а slift w ire brush through Ihe various holes 10 remove deposits 'па! тау hзуе lormed in 'Пет. 5 Run а п appropriate-slze lap inlo еасп 01 Ihe Ihreaded holes 10 remove corrosion and thread sealanllhal тау Ье presenl. 1I сот ptessed air is availabIe, use it 10 clear Ihe holes 01 debris produced Ьу Ihis operal ion. Waming: Wear еуе рro1есиоп when using compressed air1 б
Glean I he exhausl талilоld s!ud threads, if equipped. 7 Glean !пв cylinder head with solvenl and dry illhoroughly. Сотpressed alr will speed Ihe drying process and ensure !па! all holes and recessed агеаз аге clean. Note: Decarbonizing chemica/s аге available аnd тау prove vel)' usefu/ when c/eaning cylinder heads and valve train components. Тheyaгe very caustic вnd shou/d Ье used with caution. Ве sure 10 fo//ow (hв instructions оп the container.
Giean the vaJvelraln components wi!h solver>1 зпd dry them !пог olJQhly (don'! mix Ihem up durlng 'пе cleaning process). Note: Сот pгessвd Ю, wШ speвd the drying process and сап ьв used (о с/еап ou'
10.14 Lзу the head оп its edge, ри" васп valv& out аЬои! 1/8 inc:h.. з&! ир а dial Indicator with the ргоЬв to uc hing 'п е va lv& stem, wiggl e !Мв valv& and твв з иг& its т оувтеп!
12 Using а straighledge and leeler gauge, check Ihe head gaskR" mating surface 'ог warpage (з ее iIIustra!lon). Check Ihe head ьо:'" stralght асгозз and comer-to-comef. If Ihe warpage exceeds Ihe """'" tisled in Ihis Chapter's Specificatlons, il сап ье resurfaced а! ап au-..> motive machine зПор. No!e: /( the 5.0L cy/inder heads эге resurface=.. the inlake manifo/d f/anges will а/50 requirв machining. 13 Examine Ihe valve seats in each 01 the combuslion chambers. Ihey're pitted. cracked or burned. the head will require valve SefVlO! Ihat's beyond (пе зсоре 01 Ihe home mechanic. 14 Gheck the valve stem -Io-guide clearance Ьу measuring 'пе laler:1f mоуеmеп! 01 Ihe valve stem wilh а dial indicator attached s6Curely z the head (see iltus trat lon) . The valve must Ье in 'пе guide а.'1:. approximalely 1/1б-i псh ОН Ihe seat. Тhe tOlal valve stem moveme::-r indicated Ьу 'пе gauge needle musl Ье divided Ьу two to obtain 1.. . actual clearance. After this is done, il there's still some doubl regardi!-o; the condition 01 Ihe уа!уе guides Ihey should ье checked Ьу ап a~ molive machine зпор (the cost should Ье minimal).
Valves to iIIustrations 10.15 and 10.16
15 Carelully Inspect еасп valve !асе lо, ипеуеп wear, delormabCJ:" cracks, pits and bumed агеа:> (see iIIustralio n) . Check Ihe vatve з~ 'ог 5cuffing аnd galling and the neck lог cracks. Rotate the vaJve an: cMeck lor апу obvious indica!ion thal II's bent. Look lог pils and ехсе5УД'УЕ "ТЕМ
Glean all Ihe valve springs, spring seals, keepers and re!alners with so!venl and dry Ihem !horoughly. Work Ihe components 'гот опе valve а! а l ime 10 avoid mixing up Ihe рапз. 1 О Scrape off апу пеауУ deposits Ihal тау паув formed оп !пв valves, then изе а mo!orized wire Ьгизп 10 гетоуе deposils (гот Ihe valve heads and slems. Again, make sure the vзlvеs don't ge! mixed ,р.
Inspection Note: ве sure (о pвrform а// о( (he following inspection procedures is requ/red. Маке а Iist о( the items tha t need зtteпtion.
Ье(оге c o nc/uding that machine shop wo,*
Cylinder head Refer 10 iIIus tmtions 10.12 and 10./4
11 ' пзрес1 the head very carelully lог cracks, evidence 01 coolanl leakage аnd other damage. If cracks are lound. check wlth ап automotive machine зпор concerning repair. 1I repair isn't possibIe, а new cylinder head should ье obtained.
MARGIN 10.15 Check for vaJve wear at the points shown here
Chapter 2 Part
General engine overhaul procedures
10.18 The margin wkfth on each valve .a.ISt ье а з specified (11 по margin exists,
10.17 Меазиге the (" " length of each va lve spring with а dlal or vemler callper
the valve cannot Ье reused)
10.18 Check еас" valve sprIng for squareness; lf it Is Ьеп! it shoulcl ье replaced
10.228 Оп 5.0L and 3.8L engines, check ltIe rocker arm s where the pushrod rides (arтow) • • •
1 0. 22Ь
... the fulcrum зеаtз (arrows) '" the top of the roc ker апn ...
., ., and the !ulcrums themselves f()j'" wear and gallin9 (arrows)
1 0.22с
IМI wear оп the efЮ 01 the stem. The presence of any of these condi8CX1S indicates Ihe need for valve service Ьу ап automotive machine
"б Measure Ihe margin w ldth оп each valve (зее illustration). Апу vatve wllh а margin narrower than 1/З2-lпсh will have 10 ье replaced r.th а new опе.
Valve components =Еюг (О
/llustrations 10.17800 10.18 Check each valve spring for wear (00 the ends) and pits. Measure ~ 'гее lenglh and compare " 10 the Specifications (see illustratlon). ~y springs tha! are shoner than speeified have sagged and should "101 Ье reused. The lenslon 01 all springs should Ье checked with а .soecial !ixture belore deciding Ihal thвy're suJtabIe lог use in а rebulll engine (take the sprlngs 10 ап automotive machine shop for thls
d'.eck). 18 Stand each spring оп а flal surface аnd check il lor squareness рее Illustration}. 1I 8ПУ 01 Ihe springs аге distOned or sagged, replace aI 01 Ihem with new раns . '9 Check Ihe spring retalners and keepers !or obvious wear and иacks. Алу questlonabIe pan s should ье replaced wilh new опез, as extensive damage will occur If they lail during englne operalion.
Rocker arm components Refer to Шuзtrзиons 10.228, 20
10:22Ь, 1 0.22с вnd
Clean 811 the pans thoroughly. Make sure all
, реп.
passages are
10.22d ОП 4.6L englnes, c heck the rocker arms !ог wear (arrows) at the valve stem end, roller and the pocket that contacts the lash adjuster 21 Check the rocker arm 'aces (the агеаз Ihal contact the pushrod ends and valve slems) 'or pits, wear, galling, SCOI"e mзrks and rough spots. 22 Check Ihe rocker arm pivot contact 8lеаз and fulcrums. Look 'or cracks 1п each rocker arm and bolt (see Illustrations). 23 Iпзрее! Ihe pushrod ends for sculfing аnd excessive wear. Ао"
Chapter 2
Рап С
General engine overhaul procedures
12.3Ь IпstаШпg а
1 2.3а Оп pushrod models wtth the type 01 seal shown, изе а hammer аnd а seallnstallet'" (ог а deep socket, аз shown here) 10 drive the seзl on10 the valve guidelhead casti ng boss (umbrel latype seals d on't need to ье drlven InlO place)
each ptJshrod оп а flat surface, like а piece 01 plate glass, 10 determine if it's bent. 24 Check the focker arm sluds in the cylinder hеэds (З.8L and 5.0Ц 'ог damaged
threads and secure instaJlatlon. damaged ог 8xcessively worn parts
25 Алу newones.
тиз! ье
replaced with аге
In generally poof condflion ancl wom beyond the Ilmi!s specified, which is U$uзllу the case '" ап engine thal's being overt1auled, reassembIe the valves In the cylinder head and refer 10 $вclion 11 'аг vaIve servic-
In9 recommendalioos. Clean all the pans Ihoroughly. Make
all oil passages аге
excessively worn parts
mиз! ьв
replaced with
valve з!ет зеаl оп а 4.6L englne - the 5OCk« the flange (sprtng 5еа!) of the зеаl
12 Cylinder head - reassembty Refer 10 iIIustrations 12.3а, 12.ЗЬ, 12.6, 12.7а, 12.7Ь and 12.9 , Aegardless 01 whelher ог поl Ihe head was senllo ап aulo~ repair shop fOf valve servicing, make wre jt's clean befOl"e begi геаsзeтЫу.
Il lhe inspection process indicales thallhe valve components
1I Ihe iпspectiоп process indicates Ihal the valve componef1ts аге '" generally poor condition and wom beyond Ihe limits specified, which Is usually the сазе 1п ап engine Ihal'5 being overhauled, геаззеmЫ е the valves (п the cyllnder head and reler 10 Seclion 11 !ог vaJve servlcIng recommendations.
11 Valves - servicing 8есаизе 01 the complex nature 01 the 100 and Ihe special 1001$ and equipment needed, serviclng 01 the valves, the valve seats and the vaJve guides, commonly known аз а valve lob, should Ье done Ьу а professional. Тhe home mechanlc сап гетоуе and dlsassembIe the head, do 2 the InitlaJ cleaning and inspection, Ihen геаsзemЫе and delivet" il 10 а dealer service depanment ог ап aUlomotlve machine shop !ог the actual service work. DoIng the inspeclion will enaЫе уои 10 зее wnal condllion the head and valve lгain components аге (п аnd will ensure thal уои know what work and new parts аге required when deallng wllh ап automotive machlne shop. 3 The dealer service depanment ог automotive machine shop wll l гemoуе the уalуез and springs, reconditlon 01" replace thв valves and valve seats, recondition the уalуе guides, check and replace Ihe уalуе springs, 5pring relainers ог rolalors and keepers (аз песеззагу), геplace lhe valve seзJз with new опез, гeassвmЫe the уalуе соmро nef1ts аnd make зиге the in5talled 5pring helght 15 correct. Тhe cylincler h&ad gaskel surface will also ье resurfaced if it's warped. 4 Afler Ihe valve job has Ьееп performed Ьу а professlonal, Ihe head will Ье (п like-new condilion. When Ihe head (з relumed, Ье зиге 10 clean I1 again before In51allallon оп Ihe englne 10 геmоуе апу metal particles and abrasive опl thal mау slill ье ргезепl from Ihe valve зег vice о( head resurfacing operаtiОП5. Use comргезsed air, if availabIe, 10 blow out all Ihe 011 tюles and passages.
1I the head was sent out 'ог valVe servicing, the valVes and геla:1l:. componenls will aJready ье in place. Вegin Ihe геаззemЫу ргосю. wilh Slep 9. 3 Оп а" engines, lubricate and Inslall the valves, Ihen inslall ne8 seals оп each 01 the valve guides. Uslng а hammer and deep sock&. genlJy ,ар each seallnlo place unlil jt's sealec! оп the guide (ив III~ trations). Don'1 twisl 01' cock the seal5 during inslallalion or Ihey not зеаl property оп the Уalуе stems. 4 Оп 4.61 engines, reinslaJl the valve lifleв. 5 8eginning аl опе end of the head, lubricale and install the ,..... Уalуе. Apply moly·base grease or clean engine oil 10 the уа/ув stem. 6 Drop Ihe spring зеаl ог shim(s) оуег Ihe vaJve guide and зеl t.""W' valve spring, re lalner and sleeve (if used) in place. Note: Оп 4. ~ engines, /he va/vв зеal has the spring seat/shim incorporated Into Gnf piece (зев lIIustration). А vaJve spring shQи/d never sit directty вg
12.6 4.6L engines use valve stem seals that are а valve spring sea! and seal combined Into опе раг! - make 5иге replacement parts аге the sзmе аз the onез removed ear1ier ..
Chapter 2 Part С General engine overhaul procedures
Apply а small dab of grease to each shown here before Installation ' 11 hold them in place оп the valve stem аз the spring Is released
\еерег аз
1 2.7Ь
Compres5 the sprin gs with а valve spring сотргеззог and position the keepers in !he иррег groove, then slowly r elease the compressor and make sure the keepers зеа! ргорепу
When thв camshafts зге no! on the cy/inder head on the va/ve spring compгessor type sllown сап ье ..эiЮ; (М factory сотргеззо' изез the саmsllзfts for leverage and is .:;sd during disassembly on/у (зев Рзrt в of thls Chapter). :5 Аереаl the procedure for the remaining valves. Ве sure 10 retum ~ сотрапеп!з 'о Iheir origlnal locations - don't mi)( them ир! ; Check the inslalled valve spring heighl with а ruler gradualed In • '32-inch increments ()( в dial caJipe!". 1I the head was sent ou! lог 5efnce worll:. the installed height shotJld ье correc! (Ьиl doп'! aulomatl.;:aiIY assume that is). тhe тезsигетen! is 'зkеп from lhe 'ор 01 each sonng seз! ог shim(s) 10 the Ьопот 01 the relalner (see illustration). If ':'1е height is greater than the figure listed 'п Ihis Chapler's Specifica::.опз, shims сап Ье added under the springs 10 correcl il. Caulion: :Юn't, under зпу circumstancвs, shim 1М springs 10 the point where D'МI insta//вd lIelght 'З 'езз than specifiвd. ' 0 Apply moly-base угеазе 10 Ihe rocker агт !aces and the lulcrums, Ihen Inslall 'М rocker агтз and fulcrums on Ihe cylinder l'Iead
~ БL епу/neз, оп/у
""'". 13
Pistons!connec tlng rods - removal
Refer to lIIustrations 13.1, 13.3, 13.4, 13.ба, 13.БЬ, 13.7 snd 13.8 Nole: Prior to гemoving the pistonlconnecting rod assemb/ies, гemove
А ndge reamer ls requlred to гетоуе the ridge 'гот the top 01 each cylinder - do Ihis Ье1оге rem ov1ng Ihe plsl ons!
12.9 Vatve spring installed height is the distance пот the зрппо seat оп the head to the bottom 01 the spring retainer
the cy/lnder head(s), the oi/ рап and thв oi/ ритр (on 5.OL
enginвs) Ьу
10 (М appropriate Sections in Chapler 2, Part А or Part В, depeпding which englne /з being ovвrhaulвd . 1 Use your fingemail 10 feel i! а rЮуе has 1ormес! а! the upper limil 01 ring travel (аЬОиl 1/4-inch down from the 'ор of each cyllnder). Jf саrboп deposits ог cylinder wear have produced ridges, Ihey must ье complelely removed with а special 1001 (вее Шustгatiоп) . Fol!ow Ihe manufaclurer's Instruclions provided with Ihe 1001. Failure 10 гетоуе Ihe ridges before altempting 10 remove the pistonlconnecting rod assembIies may resutt '" pislon Ьгеаkзое. Note: Do поt 1еl the too/ си! into the ring traveJ вгеа тore than 1I32-inch. 2 After the cylinder ridges have Ьееп removed, 'игп the englne upside-down зо Ihe crankshaft is facing ир. 3 Before Ihe connecting Гodз аге removed, check Ihe endplay with а dial Indicalor ог wilh feeler gauges (зее Illustration). Slide Ihem belween the !(гзl connecting rod and Ihe cranksh aft Ihrow untit Ihe р!ау is removed. The endplay 'з equal 10 Ihe Ihickness 01 the !eeler gauge(s). 1I 'М endplay e)(ceeds 'М sвМce limil, new connecting ГodЗ will Ье required. " new Гodз (ог а new crankshaft) аге installed, the endplay тау fall under Ihe specified minimum Q! it does, 'М Гodз witl have to Ье machined 10 resl ore il - consull ап aulomotive machine shop for advice il necessaJY). Repeat Ihe procedure 'О!" the remainlng connecting гodз. 4 Check the connectlng ГodЗ and caps lог idenlificallon тагkз. If
13.3 Check the connec:ting rod slde ciearance (еndр1ау) with dial Indicator о, а f88ler gauge
Chapter 2 Par1
General engine overhaul procedures
13.4 Mal1l. the rod bearing сарз 1 п orderfrom the fronl 01 the engine 10 the rear (numbers сап ье used ог uзе опе mark {аг lhe front сар, two for the second опе and 50 оп) they aren', plalnly marked, use а sтаll cenler-punch, пиmЬег stampIn9 die (see illustration) , ог scribe, 10 make Ihe appropfiate number 01 indentations, ог тзrks, оп еаф rod and сар (1, 2, З, etc" depending оп the engine 'уре and cylind6f" lhey're associaled wilh), 5 loosef"l each 01 Ihe coonecting rod сар nuts 112-turn 81 а 'ime un!;1 they сал ье removed ьу hand. 6 Rетоуе the conмcting rod сар and bearing in56ft Isee i1Iustra· 110П$) . Doп'! drop the bearing inser1 out 01 the сар. Note: тпе 4.БL engine изез а differвnt method, referred 10 аз Иfгасtured сар method", 10 тorв accurately metch the rod сар 10 the connecting rod. Тhe та! /ng linв о, the rod аnd сар (see Шustгаtiоп) ;s made Ьу breaking ("!гас turing-) /he сар ('От the rod. This {з supposed /0 епзuге в perfect match oncв гeassвmbled with its corresponding rod. 7 11 the connecting гос! has sluds wilh allaching nuls (rather than сар bolts as shoWfl in illustration 13.ба) sllp а short lenglh 01 plastic or rubbef hose ОУе!" each coonecling гос! сар boll 10 prolecl Ihe crankshafl joumal and cylinder wall as Ihe pislon Is removed (see illuslra11оп) . 8 Аеmоуе the bearing insert and push the connecting rod/plSlOn assвmbIy ощ Ihrough the top 01 the engine. Use а woodoo or plasllc hammer handle 10 push оп lhe иррег bearing зипасе in the connectlng rod (зев illustration) . 1I resistance is fell, doubIe-chесk 10 make sure Ihat all 01 Ihe ridge was removed Irom Ihe cylinder. 9 Aepeatlhe procedure for Ihe remaining cylinders.
13.6Ь Оп 4.6L engine connecting rods !he method used 10 manu1acture and machine the rod сар 'з unlque; Ihey "fractur8 ~ (break) the сар поm the rod 10 give а per1ect m alch ироп reassembIy
1О Afler removal, геаззетЫе Ihe connecling Гod caps and Ьеап Гlg inser1s in their respeclive connecling ГodЗ and install the сар nuts fi rr ger light. Leavlng the old bearing Inser1s In place unlll reassembIy ww. help prevent the connecting rod bearing surfaces from belng ассidм- tally nicked or gouged. 11 Don'! separate Ihe pistons from the connecting rods (зев Sectior. 18 'or additional inlormation).
14 Crankshaft - removal Refer to lIIustrations 14.1, 14.3 and 14.4 Note: тhe crankshaft сап ье removed on/у after (hв engine hэз befIf' removed (rom thв vehic/e. /I 's assumвd that the ftywheвl or drivвp/are. vibration damper. timing chain(s) or gвars, oi/ рап, oi/ ритр аnd р/з ton/connec/ing rod assemblies hэvв a/ready Ьееп removed. 1 Belore Ihe crankshafl removal procedure is started. check lhe endplay. Моип! а dial indicator with the stem in line wilh Ihe cranksha!" and just touchlng the end 01 the crankshafl (seв illuslralion). 2 Push Ihe crankshafl all Ihe way ,о the rear and zero the dlal indicator. Next, pry!he Cf8I1kshaft 10 !he 'roп! as 'аг as possibIe and chec.. Ihe reading оп 'М dial indicator. тhe dislance Ihal it тоуез is lhe enoplay. 1I it 's greater Ihan limi! lisled in !his Chapler's Speclfica tions check the crankshafl thrusl surfaces 'ог wеш. If по wear is evident. new main ~rings should correct Ihe endplay.
То prevenl damage 10 the crankshaft Joumals and cy!lnder walls, slip sections 01 hose оуе, the rod bolts (if assembted with this type 01 Гod пи! and botl) before removing the piston/rod assembties
the rod and bearing insert logether
а hammer hand!e 10 drtve Ihe piston and connecting аззетЫу down and ощ 01 the cy!inder btock, being very сагею! по! 10 nick the crankshafl оп the way ои!
13.8 Use
Chapter 2 Par1 С General engine overhaul procedures
14.3 Checking crankshan endplay with
а feвler
1А.4 The та1п bearlng сарз are usualty mar1l.ed 10 indicale their oc:ati ons (arrows). ТПеу should Ье numbered consecul ively from the fronl 01 the engine 10 Ihe геа г Н а
dlaJ indicator isn'l available, leeler gauges сап
4.6 SOHC engines use main bearlng caps thal are ' aslened to the bIock through the и зе о, а se! of bolts and speclfic adjustment procedures
1 2 3
used. Gently
:ry or push the crankshaft all the way 10 the !ronl ollhe engine. Slip '8IМr gauges belween Ihe crankshaft and Ihe !гопl lасе 01 Ihe Ihrusl ...,.. bearing 10 detem'llne 'М clearance (see Шustrаliоп). .. Check the та1п Ьезring caps 10 see if they're marked 10 Indicale ~ Iocalions (seв Шu stratiоп) . Тhey should Ье numbered consecu~ !roт the Ironl 01 the engine 10 the гeзr. 1I they arвn't, тзrk Ihem number slamping dies or а center-punch. Ма!п bearing сарз gen87/Iy have а casl-in arrow. which points 10 Ihe fronl 01 Ihe engine.
3.BL and 5.0L engines -.ole: The thrust bearing оп lhe З.8L and 5.0L впgirюs {з the питЬег rтee та/п bввring С8Р /ocation. /t hзз ап uрре' and lower thrust bвar
"'" shв/l.
bearing сар boIts 1/4-lum аl а lime each, until IWY сап ье гeтoyвd Ьу hand. NOle if апу slud bolts are used алd r.il(e sure they' re relurned 10 Iheir ori91(\al lосаtiопз when Ihe c rank· .wt is reinstallвd. Loosen the
4. БL
. •
Main Ьввпng сар Main bearing bolts Jack scrвws (1вft handed thread) side boIts
• •
- '81 10 iIIustra tions 14.68, 1 4 .6Ь, 14.7 800 14.8 I The 4.6L enginвs have а more complex crankshaft (вmoval аnd asembIy procedure Ihan S.oL engines becaиsв 01 Ihe питЬвг 01 bolls ..-d 10 faste(\ the main сар 10 the cylinder bIock (зее Шustгаliопs) . ~ 4.6L SOHC models, there ше мо main сар bohs, two jack screws ..-.d мо side bolts on each 01 the питЬе!' опе through numbef lour ~ caps. Тhe 4.6L ООНС englne has 'оиг venical lasteners, (Includ"'9 sluds used оп four 01 Ihe сарз), alol19 wlth the same side bolls and lCjusling screws as the SQHC engine. Nole: Тhв питье, five та!п
Main сар bolt arrangement, 4.6L DOНС - there аге four vertlca l bolts
bearing сар {з the Ihrusl bearing Jocation 8nd has uрре' 800 /ower thrusr bвaring haJves. tt is boJtad (о the bJOCk with two main сар boJts; по jack scrвws о, side bo/ts Brв used, a/though it 'З drilled {О, jack screws. 1I is exlrвmely imponant 10 follow the (втоуаl and the Installalion procedure 10 епзurе corтecl assembty and operaliorl.
2С - 18
Chapter 2 Part С General engine
the slde bo lts - 4.6L
811 side botts (see Illustrэtion) , and back off the adjustIhe sides. Follow the reverse of Ihe tighlening sequences (зев Seclion 23). 8 Аетоуе the maln bearing сар bolts (зее illustratlon). Cautlon: Аетоуе
Тhe mгin
14.8 Foll owing the rever se order 01 the tightening s8
bolts 81'8 ·torque-to-y/e/d- boIts and зге NOT stretch о( thв bolt, ca/cu/aГвd Ьу the тапи
А pre-dвterminвd
racturer, glves (hв addвd rig/dity rвquired with this cylinder bIock. Опев they must ьв rep/aced. The side bo/ts опа jack screws 818 reusabIe. removвd
A/I engines Refer 10 /l/ustrat/on 14.9 9 Gently [ар the caps with а soft-face hammef, then separal8 them from the engine bIOCIO;. If necessary. uзе the boIts аз levers \0 гetТ\Oye Ihe caps. Try ПО! 10 drop the bearing iпsenз if they соте ои! with the caps, AII main сарз should have ап arrow сазl in 10 Indicate the Iront 01 the englne, and а питЬег 10 indicate which posillon they "ауе оп the bIock. 4.БL engines, 'м питЬег is slamped in оп the left зЮе 01 Ihe сар (зев illu stтation) . , О Carelully lift the crankshaft ои ! 01 the engine. 1I тау Ьв а good Idea to have ап assistant avallabIe, since the crankshaft Is quile heavy. With 'М Ьеапng insвrts in place In the engine bIock аnd main Ьеапng сарз, relum the сарз 10 thelr respective Iocations оп thв engil18 block and ti9hten the bolt5 linger tight.
15 Engine bIock - cleaning Refвrto
lIIu5trations 15.1а, 15.1Ь, 15.8 and 15.10 Caution: Тhe corв plugs (aJ5O known а5 freeze plugs or 50ft plug5)
14.9 Main сарз зhоuld ье numbered and hav8 ап Indlcator (clrcleJ 01 the dlrectlon laclng the 1ron! 01 the 8П91пв (arтow)
difficult ог imposs/bIa to retr/eve if they're driven in to the Ыо с ·
cooJant раsзagвз. 1 Using the wide end 01
а punch (зев illustration) (ар 'П оп Ihe ouler edge 01 the соге plug 10 tum lhe plug sideways in tha Ьоге. Тhel" using а palr 01 pliers, pull Ihe соге plug 'гот the angine block (зее iIIustration) . Doп'! wопу аЬош the condition 01 the old core plugs as lhey Зfе being removed Ьесаизе they witl ье replaced on геазsemы) wilh new plugs. 2 Using а gasket зсгарег. гвmоуе all ,гасез 01 gaske1 materlallrom the engine block. Ве уегу carelul ПОI 10 nick ог gouge the gaskel seaJ. ing surfaces. 3 Аеmоув the main bearing сарз and seрзгаlе the Ьеапng inserts !гот Ihe сарз and the englne bIock (зев Section 14). Tag Ihe bearlng5 Indicating which cyllnder they were геmоуос! 'гот and whether they were in the сар or the bIock. then 5в! them a5ide. 4 Аетоуе all 01 Ihe lhreaded 011 gallery plugs 'гот Ina block. Тhe plugs аге U5uaJIy very light - Ihвy тау "ауе 10 ье drilled оиl and the holes re-tapped . Use new рlиgз when the engine 15 reassembled. 5 11 the engine is eXlremely dirty It should ье taken 10 ап aulomolJ\f8 machine shop 10 ье steam cleaned tюt tanked. 6 Aft8f lhe block Is relumed. clean all oil holes and 011 galleries опе тоге time. Br\Jshes specillcally deslgned 'ог Ihis ригрозе аге availabIe аl тоз! auto parts stores. Flush Ihe рзssagеs with warm water unl! Ihe watef r\Jns сlеЗf, dry the bIock thoroughly and wlpe all machined surfaces wilh а Ilghl. r\JsI preventive 011. If you "аув ассеЗ5 10 сот· pressed а1г, изв it 10 speed the drying ргосезз and 10 blow ои! aJI the 011 "о!еs and galleries. W8ming: Wear еуе protection when using сот·
pressed a/r!
15.18 А h8mmer and а large punch сап used 10 knock tha core plu9S sidaways In thelr Ьогез
Pult the c ore plUg5 from the bIock with pllers
Chapter 2 Ра" С General engine overhaul procedures
.-=====~~~~~~====~ ~ CENТERLINE OF ENGINE_
15.8 All Ьо" holes Iп tha bIockpar1lcularly 'па main ЬеаriП; сар and head bolt hol09 - should Ье cl eaned and restored wlth а tap (ье sure 10 гетоуе debris !гот the holes after thls 15 done)
15.10 А large socket оп ап extension сап Ье used {о drive !пе new саге plugs into the Ьогез
1I !ha bIock 'зп', extremely dirty ог sludged up, you сап do ап ad equate cleanlng job with по! зоару waler and а 51ift brush. Take oIenly 01 lime and do а !harough job. Regardlвss 01 !ha cleaning m ethod used, Ье sure 10 clean all 011 holes and galleries уегу Ihoroughly. dry the bIock complelety and соаl all machined $urfaces with 'irght oil. 8 Тhe threaded holes in 'па bIock musl ье clean 10 enSI.Jre accurate toI'que readings during reassernbIy. Аип Ihe ргорег size!ap inlo each 01 Ihe holes 10 геmоуе rus!, corrosion, Ihread sealanl ог sludge and r eslore damaged Ihreads (5е. Illu5tration). 1I possibIe, use сот Dfessed air 10 clear Ihe holes 01 deb.ris produced Ьу Ihis operallon. Now is а good lime 10 clean Iha threads оп Ihe haad bolts and the rпaiп bearing сар bolls аз well. 9 Rainslall Iha main bearing сарз and lighlen all bolls finger lighl. 10 After coaling tha sealing зипасез 01 Ihe new core plugs with рег malex по. 2 sealanl, inslall Ihem in the engine bIOCk (зае i1IustratJon). Make зига Ihey' ra driven in straighl and saaled ргорепу ог leakaga could resull. $peciaJ lools аге avallabIe Ihis purpose, 001 а large sockel, with ап outside diameler tnal wifl jusl slip Inlo the core plug, а 112-inch drive extansion and а hammer wШ wor1< jusI аз well. 11 Apply non-nardening sealanl (such аз Perrnatex по. 2 ог Tallon р\ре sealan!) 10 the new oil gallery plugs and Ihread them into Ihe holas in Ihe bIock. Make sure Ihey'ra tlghlened securely.
16.4Ь Тha
ebIlity 10 "feel ~ when Ihe !elescoplng gauge is а! !he correc:1 pein! wi1l ье daveloped оуег tlme, 50 wor1<. slowty and гереа! the check until you're satisfied the Ьоге m.asurement 15 accurate
16.4а Меа5иге the diameter 01 each cylinder аl а righl angle 10 the engine cenler1ine (А), аnd parallal 10 .ngine cenler1ine (8) • out·ol·round " the difference between А and В; !араг 15 Iha dlfference between А and 8 а! the 'ор 01 the cylinder and А ancl 8 аl the bottom 01 the cy1inder
1I Ihe angine isn'l golng 10 ье reassembIed rignl away, large plasllc trash bag 10 keep 11 clean.
Engine bIock • Inspection
Refer to i//ustгаtionз 16.4а, 16.4Ь and 1б. 4с 1 Before Ihe bIock Iз Iпзресted, it зhоuld ье cleaned аз described in Seclion 15. Vi$IJaJly check Ihe bIock lor cracks, rust and соrтosion . look 'ог 2 slripped Ihread5 in Ihe Ihreaded hole5. 11'5 also а good idaa 10 have the bIock checked 'ог hldden crack5 Ьу ап alJlomolive machine shop Ihal has Ihe 5peciaJ equipment 10 do I his type 01 wor1<. 11 defecls аге found , have Ihe bIock repal red , if possibIe, ог replaced. 3 Check Ihe cyllnder bores 'ог scuffing and scoring. 4 Check the суlinderз 'or !арег and out-of-round conditlan5 as 101Iows (ие ШustratiОП5): 5 Меазиге Ihe diameler 01 each cylinder аl lМ lар оuзl иnclег Ihe ridge агеа), cenler and bottom 01 Ihe cylinder Ьоге, parallel 10 Ihe crankshatt axis. 6 Next теазиге each суlindег'з diameter а! Ihe зате Ihree localions perpendicular 10 Ihe crankshafl ах!з.
16.4с Тhe
g8uge 15 then measured wlth а micrometerto detennlne the ьоге size
Chapter 2 Part С General engine overhaul procedures
П.ЗЬ Тhe Н.За А ~bottJe
cyllnder попе should leave а sm oot h, cr osshatc h pattem with 'пв lines inteгsecting аl approximately а 60- degree angle
brush" hone will рГodи се better results if you've п еуег honed cylinder s befo re
7 The !арег 01 the cylinder i5 the difference belween Ihe Ьоге diameler allhe !ар of the cylinder and the diameter а! the botlom. Тhe 01.11of-round specification 01 the cylinder Ьоге is the difference belween the parallel and perpendicular readings. Сотраге уоог results 10 those li5100 in Ihis Chapter's Sресifjсаtiопs. 8 Аереа! the procedure far the геmаiпiпg pistons and cylinders. 1I the cylinder walls аге badly scuffed ОГ scored, ог il they're oul9 of-round ог 'арегес! beyond the limits given in this Chapter's Specifica-
lion5, have Ihe engine bIock rebored and honed
аl ап
machine shop. " а геЬоге i5 done. oversize pislons and rings will Ье required. 10 1I 'пе cylinders аге in reasonabIy goOO condilion and поl wom 10 'пе outsido 01 'пе limits, and illho pislon-Io-cylinder clearances сап ье mainlained property, !hen !hey don'l паув 10 ье гвООгОО. Honlng is all Ihal's necossary (seв Seclion 17).
17 Cylinder honing Re!er 'О iIIus trations 17.3а and 17.3Ь 1 Рпог 10 engine reassembIy, 'пе cylinder ООгез тизl ье попоо 50 !пе new pislon rings will зеаl corтectly and provide !пв besl possibIe combus!ion chamber seal. Note: If уои don't have tfю too/s ог don't want 10 tack/e the honing operation, тos! aulomotive machinв shops will do it !ог а гвазопаЫе Юе. 2 Belore honing !he cylinders, install the main bearing caps and tigh!en 'пе bolls 10 'пе lorque lisled in this Chapler's Specilicalions. Make зиге you изе only Ihe original main сар OOlls, поl !пе new опез 'ОГ final assembIy. Two 'урез 01 cylinder попез аге commonly availabIe - 'пе Ilex 3 попе ог "bottle Ьгизм" 'уре and 'пе тоге !radilional surfacing попе wi lh spring-Ioaded stones. вoth will do Ihe job, bul 'ог 'пе less experiепсщj mechanic the "bottle Ьгизп " попе will ргоЬаЫу ье easier 10 use. You'll also пеес! зоте kerosene of honing oil, rags алd ал eleclric drill molor. Proceed аз lollows: в) Mount the hone {п the dn'/I motor, сотргезз Ihe slonвs and s/ip it in to the first cylinder (зев i//ustration). Ве зиге 10 wвar sa!ety gog+ g/es ог а (асе shie/d/ Ь) Lubricate the cylinder with p/enty о' honing 011, tum оп the dri// алd moув the !юпе up-and-down in Ihe cy/inder at а расе that wi/I produce а fine crosshatch pattem оп Ihe cylinder wa//s. /dвally, the crosshatch lines should intersect а! approximate/y а 60degree вngle (зее Illustration). Ве зиге 10 изе p/enty 01lиЬпсап! алd don't take о" апу тоге materia/ than {з sbsolute/y necessaty 10 produce the desirвd fin/sh. Note: Piston ring тanufac /urers тау specify а smaller crossha tch ang/e than Ihe /raditlonal 60-
degrees -
and fo//ow
instructions inc/uded with the new
пngз. с)
Don't withdraw the hone 'гот the cylinder while it's running. Instead, зhиl о" 'fю dri// and continue тoving (fю hone up-anddown in the cylinder until it еотез to а complete stop, then eon!ргеsз tfю stones and withdraw the honв. l' yoи'rв us/ng а "botrJe Ьruзh " (урв hone, stop the dri/I m%r. then 'иm 'fю chuck In the поrmаl dlrвction о{ гotation while withdrawing the !юпе (гот thE cylinder. d) Wipe 'hв 01/ ou! о! the cylinder and repeat Ihe pгoceduгe !ог the rвmaining cylinders. 4 After Ine honing job is complele, chamfer Ihe lop edges of the cylinder ООгез with а small file зо Ihe rings won'! cateh when Ihe pis!опз аге inslalled. Ве уегу carelul поl 10 nick Ihe ey!inder walls with the end of !пв fBe. 5 Тпе enlire engine bIock must Ье washed again уегу Ihoroughly wilh warm, зоару waler 10 гетоуе all Iraees 01 the abrasive gri! produeed during 'пе honing operalion. Note: Тhe borвs сап Ьв considered с/еап when а /int-lree white c/oth - daтpened with с/еап engine 011- изоо to wlpe them ои! doesn'l p/ck-up апу тоге honing residue, whieh will s!юw ир as gray агеаз оп Ihe c/oth. Вв зиге 10 ruп а brusr Ihrough а" oil ho/es and ga//eries аnd Пизh them wilh running waler. 6 After rinsing, dry Ihe bIock and apply а соа! of lighl rust preventive oil 10 all machined surfaees. Wrap 'пе bIock In а plaslie Irasn bag 10 keep I1 clean and звl il aslde un!il геаззетЫу.
18 Pistons/connecting rods - inspection Re!er 10 i//ustrations 18.4а, 1В.4Ь. 1В.1О алd 1В.11 1 Belore 'пв inspeclion process сап ье carriecl out, Ihe pislonlconnecting гоо assembIies musl Ьв eleaned and 'пе original pislon rings removed from Ihe pislons. Note: AJways изв new piston rings when (fю engine is геазseтЫОО. 2 Using а pislon ring inslallalion 1001, carefully remo\le Ihe rings from Iпе pislons (зее illustrat;on 22.11) . Ве earelul поl 10 nlek of gouge Ihe pislons in 'пе ргосезз. 3 Serape all 'гаеез 01 еагООп 'гот Ihe 10Р 01 'пв pislon. А паnd held wire brush ог а piece 01 fine етегу clolh сап ье изоо опее the majority of 1пв deposi! s ha\le Ьееп зсrэрес! away. Do nOI , under алу circumslanees, use а wire brush mounled in а dril! molor 10 rem ovt' deposils 'гот Ihe pistons. Тпе piston material Is sofl and тау ье eroded away Ьу Ihe wire brush. 4 Use а piston ring groo\le eleaning 1001 10 гетоув сагЬоп deposits from Ihe ring grooves. 1I а 1001 isn'l a\lailabIe, а piece broken off Iпе 010 ring wil! do {пв job (зее illustrations). Ве very carelul 10 гemO\le o~
Chapter 2 Part
General engine overhaul procedures
piston ring
9(ООУ85 сап ье
85 shown
cJeaned wlth
special 1001,
18.40 .•.
ог а
section 01
broken ring
пег ••••
18.10 Check ttte rlng slde c learance with а feeler 981,198 "Y8rвl polnts агоиnd the groove т е сагЬоп
deposits - don't
гетоуе апу
metal and do
18.11 Measur. the piston diam.ter а! а 9O-degree angle 10 the piston pin аnd '" Iln. with It
scralch the sides 01 'па ring grooves. S Опев 'по deposits hзvе Ьееп removed, clean 'па piston/rod assembIies wilh solvent and dry !пет with compressed air О' 8'0'811аЫ е) . Make sure tha 011 ге!игп holes in 'па back sides 01 1па ring QI'OOves are clear. б 1I !ha pislons and cylinder walls агеп', damaged or wom ехс6З SlVely, and if 'па englne bIock 15 по! геЬогм, new plstons won't ье
necessary. Normal pislon wear
арреэгs аз
pislon thrust surfaces and slight looseness о' !па !ор ring '" its groove. New piston rings, howev8f, should always ье изed wt1en ал engine 1$ reOOIII. 7 Careftllly inspect each piston for cracks around the skirt, а! lhe Pin Ьоsseз and аl the ring lands. 8 Look for seoring and scuffing оп the thrust 'асез 01 the skirt, holes in Ihe piston crown and OOmed агезs а! Ihe edge 01 'М crown. 1I те skirt is scored ос scuffed, Ihe engine тау have Ьееп suffeting from Qverheating andJor abnormal eombusllon, whlch саизм elleessively hlgh operal ing lemperalures. The cootlng and lubrlcalion systems should ье checked thoroughly. А hole 'п the plston erown is ап indica']оп that abnormal combuslion (pre-ignilion) was occurring. Вигпм агезs аl the edge 01 Ihe piston crown зrе usually evidence 01 spartl knock (detonation). 1I anу 01 the аЬоуе probIems exist. the causes must ье corrected ог the damage will оссиг again. Тhe causes тау
include intake air leaks, incorrect lueValr mixlure, incorrect ignilion timIng and EGR syslem malfunclions. 9 Corroslon 01 Ihe piSIOn, 'п Ihe lorm 01 small pils, indicales that coolant is leaking Inlo the comOOstion chamber andlor th1! crankcase. Again , the cause muзl ье cooecled or the ргoblет тау persisl 'п Ihe reOOit! engine. 1 О Measure the pi5ton ring side сleaгапее ьу laying а new plslon ring in eaeh ring groove and slipping а leeler gauge 'п beside it (зе. Illuз tration). Check Ihe elearanee аl three or lои г locations around eaeh groove. Ве зиге 10 use Ihe correcl ring l or eaeh groove - Ihey аге dillerent. 1I the slde elearance is greater than Ihe figure Ilsted '" Ihis Chapter's Spвcifiealions , new pistons will have 10 ье used. 11 Check the piston -Io-bote elearance ьу measuring the boI"e (зее Section 16) and the pislon diamel8f. Make sure the pislons and bofes are correctly matehвd . Measure the plston aeross the skirt, аl а 90 degree angle 10, аnd in line with, the pis!on pin (5ев illustratlon). SubIrae! the piston diameler !rom Ihe Ьоге dlameler 10 obIain the elearапее. 1I il'5 grealer than speeilied, Ihe bIoek will have 10 Ье rebored and new pislons and rings inslaJl ed. 12 Check the plslon-to-rod elearanee Ьу twisting the plslon and rod In opposite directions. Anу noticeabIe play indicates exeeS$ive wear, whieh тизl ье eorrвcled . Тhe plstonleonneeting гос! assembIles should ье taken 10 ал aul omotive machine 5hoР 10 have the pislon5 and rods reslzвd аnd new pins Inslallвd . 13 1I the pislons ти5! ье removed from the eonnecting Гodз lor апу
2С - 22
Chapter 2
19.1 Тhe oil holes should Ье chamfered 50 sharp edges d on't gOUg8 ог scratch the new bearin gs
Рап С
General engine overhaul procedures
19.2 Use а wire ог stiff рlзstiс Ьriзtlе bru sh 10 clean the oil раззаэез in the crankshaft
19.7 If the seals hav8 w om groo\l85 in the crankshaftjoumals, ог if th e зеаl со пtзс! sur1aces are nlc ked ог scratched, the new seals wШ lea k геаsoп, they should Ье taken 10 ап automotive machine shop. While they are there have the connecting Гodз checked lor bend and Iwisl, since automotive machine shops have special equipment 'аг this риг розе. N ot e: ип/езз new pistons and/or connecting rods must Ье
installed, do пat disassemb!e the pistons and connecting rods.
14 Check. Ihe connecting rods !ог cracks апd other damage. Тет· porarily ,етоуе the rod сарз, lift out the oJd bearing inserts, wipe the rod алd сар bearing surfaces clean and inspect Ihem lor nicks, gouges and scratches. Апег check ing the Гodз, replace the old bearings, slip the сарз into place and lighten the nuls finger light. Note: If the engine is being rebui/t Ьесаuзе о( а connecting rod knock, ьв зигв to instaJ/ new rods.
19 Crankshaft· inspection Refer to ilfustrations 19.1, 19.2, 19.5 and 19.7
alJ burrs Irom the crankshaft oil hoJes with а stone, fiJe ог lIIustration). Clean the crankshaft wilh solvent and dry it with compressed air 2 (il availabIe). Ве sure to clean the oil holes with а зtift brush (зае !lluз· tгation) алd flush Ihem wilh зоlvепl. 3 Check the main and connec!ing rod bearing jоumаJз lor uneven wear, scoring, pils and cracks. 1
зсгаре!" (зее
19.5 Меазиге the diameter of each crankshaft joumal а! зеуегаl polnts to detect taper and out·of·round conditions
4 Check Ihe гез! 01 !he crankshaft lor c racks and other damage. It should Ье magnallu xed to reveal hidden cracks • ап aulomoli ve machine shop will handle the procedure. 5 Using а micrometer, теазиге the diameter 01 Ihe main and со п necling rod joumals and compare the геsultз to thiз Chapter's Specifi· cations (зее illustration). Ву measuring the diameter at а питЬег 01 роiпtз around each jоumаl'з circumlerence, you'll ье аЫе to determine whether о, по! Ihe journal is out-ol-round. Take the measurement а! each end 01 the joumal, пеа, the crank throws, 10 determine (l the jcurпаl (з tapered. 6 If the crankshaft joumals are damaged, tapered, out-ol-round or worn beyond I he limilз gi ven in the Sресiliсаtiопз, have the сгапkзhаfl reground Ьу ап aulomotive machine shop. Ве sure 10 uзе the correct size bearing iпsеrtз il Ihe сгапkзhаft is reconditioned. 7 Check the oil зеаl jоumаlз а! each end 01 the cran kshaft 'ог weas and damage. 1I !he зеаl has worn а groove in the journal, ог il il's nicked ог scratched (зее illustration), the new зеаl тау leak when the engine is геаззетЫОО. In зоте сазез, ап automotive machine shop тау ье аЫе 10 repair the joumal Ьу pressing оп а Ihin sleeve. 1I ,еpзir isn't leasibIe, а new ог difterenl crankshaft should ье installed. 8 Reler 10 Section 20 and examine the main and rod bearing iпsеПs.
20 Main and connecting rod bearings - inspection Re fer to iIIustration 20.1
1 Еуеп though Ihe main and connecling rod bearings should Ье replaced wilh new опез during the en gine overhaul, Ihe old Ьеаппвз should ье retained !ог close examination, аз they тау геуеаl valuabIe inlormation аЬои! the condition 01 Ihe engine (зев illustration). 2 Bearing failure occurs Ьесаизе 01 lack 01 lubrication, th e pres епсе 01 dirt о, olher foreign рапiсlеs, ovet1oading the engine and сог roslon. Aegardlвss 01 Ihe саизе 01 bearing lailure, it тизl ье correct ed belore the engine is геаsзеmЫed to prevent it from happening again. 3 When examining the bearings, гетоуе Ihem from the engine bIock, the main bearing сарз, the connecting rods and the rod сар$ and lay them out оп а clean surface in the зате вепегаl position as their location in the ef1gine. Тhis will епаЫе уои to match апу bearing ргоЫетз with the corresponding crankshaft journal. 4 Diп and olher loreign рапiс lеs get into the engine in а variety 01 ways. 1I т ау Ье left in the engine during аззетЫу, or it тау раЗ$ through filters о' I he PCV system. It тау get into the oil, and 'гот there into the bearings. Melal chips from machining operations and погтаl engine wear are often present. Abrasives are sometimes left in engine components after reconditioning, especially when рапз аге not thor oughly cleaned using the proper cleaning methods. Whatever th e
Chapter 2 Part С General engine overhaul procedures
bolts оп 4.БL engines). gaskets and seals аз well аз Ihe following items оп hand: Сommon hand tooJs А 1/2-inch drivв torquв wrench А 3/8-inch drivв torquв wrench (inch-/b. measureтвnt) Piston ring instaJ/atlon (ool Plston rfng compressor Vlbration damper /nstaJ/ation 100/ Short lengths о{ rubbвr or plastic hose (о fit оуе, connecting rod boJIs fpиshrod вngines) Coпnecting rod gu/de boItз (4.БL еng/nes) Plвstigage
Feв/er gauges А fine- looth filе
New engine oi/ SCRATCHED ВУ DIRТ
Eпg/ne азsemЫу /uЬе
or тoJy-basв grвase
Gгsket seaJant Тhrвad Jocking compound In order to зауе lime and avold probIems, engine reassembIy must ье done '" Ihe following general order:
and 5.0L engines
New camзhaп eutoтotive
bвгrfngs (recomтвnded
10 ье donв Ьу
machine shop)
Piston лngs
Crвnkshaft аnd maJn Ьеалngs P/ston/connecting rod assembIies Oi/pump
20.1 Typl cal bearing fallures
сат""," Valve lifters Тiтing chain аnd sprockets Тiтing chaJn соуе, Cy//nder heads Rockar arms алd ризhrodз /ntake and exhaust manifo/ds
source, these foreign objects often end up embedded '" lМ soft Ьеаг lп9 material and мв easily recognized. Large panicles wШ по! етЬОО iп Ihe beariпg ам w ill зсоге ог gouge the bearing аnd Joumal. The best prevention
thls cause 01 bearing failura
10 clean all parts thor-
oughly and keep everythiпg spotlessly clean during engine assembIy.
Frequent and regul ar engine 011 and !ilter changes аге aJso гвеот mended. 5 lack 01 lubrication (or lubrication breakdawn) has а number of intепеlаted саизез. Excesslve heat (which Ihins the oil), ovвrioadlng (which squeezes the oil from th& bearing !асе) and oil leakage ог Ihrow off (from axcвssiva bearing clearances, wom 011 ритр ог high englne speeds) all contribute 10 luOOcation breakdown. Blocked oil pasзaоез, which usualty are the resu" 01 mlsaligned 011 holes 'П а ЬеаПпо shell, will also oil slarve а ЬеаПng and destroy it. When lack 01 lubricalioo is Ihe cause 01 ЬеаПпо failura, IhfI bearing materialls wiped or extruded from Ihe sleel backing ollha ьеап ГIQ. Temperalures тау Increasa 10 Ihe poinl where the steel backing lums Ыие from ovвmealing. б Or iving habiIs сап have а definile effecl оп bearing lil e. Low speed operalioo '" 100 hlgh а gear ~u99ing Ihe 8ГlQine) puts уму hlgh Ioads on bearings, which lвnds 10 squeeze out the oU film. These Ioads саuзе the ЬеаПngз 10 f\ex, which ртodисез fine cracks 'п lhe beзring 'асе (fallgue fallure). Evenl ually Ihe bearing malerial will loosen in pleces and !еат away 'roт Ihe sl eвl backing. Short Irlp d rivlng leads 10 corrosion 01 bearings because Insufficienl engine heal 'з produced 10 drive off the condensed wal8f and corrosive gases. Тheзе products collect '" the englne 011, forming acid and sludge. As the oi1 'з carr\ed 10 the engine bearings, the ackl attacks and corrodes the bвaring mal8flal. 7 tncorrect bearing insl atlation during engine assembly will lead 10 bearing failure аз wetl. Тighl fittlng bearings leave Insufficienl Ьеаппо oit ctearance and wШ reStllt 1п 011 starvation. Dlrt от foreign particles lrapped behind а Ьеаппо 'пзеп result '" hlgh spols оп Ihe Ьемпо which lead 10 lailure.
overhaul - reasssmbly sequence
1 Вefore beginnlng engine reassвmыy, make sure уou муе 811 the necessary new pзrtз (including naw head boIts, rod bolts and тзiп сар
Valve covers Driveplвte
4,6L engines Piston rings Сrвлkshaft and maJn Ьеап'ngs Piston/connecting rod азsemЫюз О//риmр
Oi/ рап Cylinder hвads Va/ve lifters Rockerarms Свтзhaп(з) Cвmshaft сар c/ustar аssemыюз Тim/ng
chains аnd sprockets chain guides and tensioners Тiming chain cover /ntake аnd exhaust mani{o/ds Valve COV8fS Dnvep/ate Тim/ng
rings - installation
Refer to lIIustrвtions 22.3, 22.4, 22.88, 22.8Ь and 22.11 , Before installing lhe new piston rings, the пng end gaps must ье checked. It's assumed that Ihe pislon ring slde clearance has been checked аnd verified corтecl (зев Section 18). Lay out the pistonlconnecting rod assembIies and the new ring 2 sats 50 the ring sets wlll ье matched with the same piston and cyllnd8f during the end gap measurement and engine assembty. 3 Insert the top (number 01'18) пng Into 'М first cy1ind8f аnd зquзre it uр with Ihe cyIind8f walls Ьу pushing 1I In wilh the 'ор 01 the piston
Chapter 2
Рап С
General engine overhaul procedures
22.3 When c hecking piston пп; end gзр, the гiпg must ье square '" the cyl inder Ьоге (thl s 15 do ne Ьу pushing th e ring down wlth the !ор 01 а p lsto n а з shown)
22.63 Installlng the spacer/expander '" the 0 11control пп ;
groove ...
illustration). Тhe ring stюuld ье пeзr the bottom 01 the cyllnc!er, Ihe Iower limit 01 ring travel. 4 То measure the еnd gap. slip leeler gauges belween the ends 01 а!
the ring unlil 8 gauge equal 10 Ihe gap widlh 'з found (зее illustratio n). The feeler gauge should slide belween the rln9 ends with а slighl amount 01 drag. Сотраге the measurement 10 thls Chapl8('s Specificalions. 1I Ihe gap is larger ог smaller than specified, double-check 10 тзkе sure you have Ihe correct rings before proceeding. If thet'e is злу doubt сопlзct the pшtз store where Ihe rings were purchased, 10 verify that the correct ring зе! is being used. Ехсезз end gap Isn'l сгitlсаl unless il 's grealer than 0.040-lnch. 5 Again, doubIe-сhесk 10 make sure you have Ihe correct rings for your engine. 6 Яереа! the procedure 'ог each ring that will ье Installed '" the firsl cyllnder and 'ог each ring 'п Ihe remaining cylinders. Remember 10 kвep rings, pistons and cylinders matched up. Опсе !he rlng end gaps have Ьееп chвckedlcorrected, the rlngs 7 сап ье installed оп the pistons. Тhe oil control ring Qowest опе оп Ihe pi5ton) i5 u5ually in51alled 8 fir51. 11'5 compo5ed 01 Ihree 5eparale component5. Slip the spacer/expander into !he groove (зее illustr s! lon). Next, install !he lower side rail . Don't use а pislon ring instatlalion tool оп the 011 ring side rails. аз they тау ье damaged. Instead, place опв end 01 the slde rail Inlo Ihe groove belween Ihe 5pacer/expander and !he ring land, hold it firmly In place and slide а finger around the plston while pushlng Ihe rail into the groove (зев lIIu stтsti on). Next, In5tst1 Ihe upper side rail 'п Ihe sзmв manner. 9 After 'м Ihree oil ring components hзуе been instalted, check 10 make sure !hal both the upper and lower sldв rails сап Ьв lurned
22.4 Wlth the ring squar e in the cylindar, m easure the end gap w lth а feeler gauge
... foltowed Ьу tha side r alls - DO NOT use а pl ston ring Installation 100 1 when installing the 011 ring slda ralts
smoothfy in the ring groove. 10 Тhe number two (mlddle) ring " inslalled next. 11 'з usually stamped with а тагК which must !асе ир , toward the lop 01 Ihe plston. Note: Always falJaw (М instructions print&d оп the ring packagв аг Ьох - different тanufactuгers тау requiгe diffeгent approaches. Do поt mix ир the (ар and тiddle rings, аз they haV8 different cross sections. 11 Use а pislon ring installation 1001 and make sure the identificalion mark Is lacing Ihe 'ор 01 Ihe piston, Ihen sllp 'М ring into 'М middle groove оп the pislon (see Шustтаtiоп) . Don'l expand the ring апу moге Ihan necessary 10 slide I1 оуег Ihe pislan. 12 Inslall !he питЬег опе (tap) ring In ,пе same таппвг. Make sure !пв тагК is lacing up. ве careful по! 10 conluse the питЬег опе and питЬег two rings. 13 Аереа! the procedure lor the remalnlng pistons and rings.
23 Crankshaft - installation and main bearing oil clearance check Ca ution: The та!п Ьеэriпg сар boJts оп the 4.6L eng/ne эге all -torque-to-yield" boIts аnd аге NOT reusable. А pre-determined stгetch а! the t:юJt, caJcu/ated Ьу the тanufacturer, gives (М эddеd rigidity required with this cy/!nder b/ock. Опсв remaved they тust ье repJaced wlth new tюlts. Тhв main сар side tюJts аnd jack screws эге геизаЬ/е. Dиring сlвarзncе checks using Plastigagв, изе the oId boJls and torque
to SpвcIГюаtЮns,
ьи! usв on/у
new bolts for final assвтЫy.
1 Cf"ankshaft installation (з the !irst step in engine reassembly. II'S assumed аl this point that the englne bIock аnd crankshaft have Ьееп cleaned, Inspected and repalred ог recondl!ioned.
Chapter 2 Part С General engine overhaul procedures
lnstalling tno compressor rings wlth а ring expancler mark (arrow) must 'асе ир
Ihe Plastigage з1прз (arrow) оп Ihe maln bearing journals, parallel 10 Ihe crankshaft centerline
23.12 паттег
Оп 4.БL
englnes tзр the та!п сара down with а Ьгазз before installing эпу !ар ог зidе bolts - the сар must Ье squзге 10 the bIock before tзррiпg [! down
Posilion tha engine with the bottom facing ир.
'пе та;п
оиl !пе сарз.
,hem ou! in the рroрег order 10 ensиге correct iПSIЗllаtiоп. 4 If thвy' re $llllln place, remove tha origlnal bearing inserts from ,пе
bIock and the maln bearlng bIock and
clean, linHree clolh.
kepl spol-
lessly ctean. оil clearance check 23.11, 23.12 aлd 23.15 5 Сlеап 'he back sldes 01 Ihe new main Ьеалng InSВns and layone In each main bearing saddle in Ihe bIock. 1I опе 01 the bearing inserts 'тот each set has а large groove in it, make sure the отооуес! Insert Is installed 'п the bIock, Lзу the other bearing from each set in the сопе sponding main bearing сар. Мзkе sure the tab оп Ihe bearing insert fits Inlo the recess in the bIock or сар. Caution: The oi/ tюles In the b/ock тuз! line uр with (М oi/ hoIes {п the
Main bearing Refer
(О ;llustratЮns
the Ьеаring ;nto pJace аnd don 't nlck or gouge the beгring {асез. No lubrication should ьв uзм 8t (Ыз ите. 6 Тhe Ilanged thrust bearing must ье Installed In the third сар and sad dle оп 3.8L ог 5.0L engines, от the filth сар and saddle оп 4 .БL engines, 7 Clean the 'асез 01 the bearings in the bIock and Ihe crankshaft mзiп bearing joomaJs with а clean, lint-free cloth, 8 Check or clean the oil holes in lhe crankshaft, аз апу dirt here сап 90 only onе way - straighl Ihrough the new bearings. 9 Оncе you're certain Ihe crankshaft is clean, carelully lay " in розi Ьеапng
insert. Do no!
23.15 Compare the width 01 the cl'\Ished Plastigage to Ihe scale оп the envelope 10 determine Ihe maln bearing oil clearance (always lake the measurement а! the widest point 01 the Pla stigage); ье зurе 10 изе the correcl зс аlе - standard and melric опез are Included 'ion in 'he maln bearings. 10 Belare Ihe crankshaft сап Ье permanenlly installed, Ihe main bearing oil clearance must ье checked. 11 Cul several pieces of the apprapriale-size Plasligage (Ihey muзt ье slighlly shorter than Ihe widlh 01 'М main Ьеаril1QЗ) аоо placе one piece оп each cranksh.aft тain Ьеапng joomal, parallel wi!h Ihe joomal axis (зее Шustrаtiоп). 12 Clean !he laces 01 the bearings In the сарз and install the сарз (п Iheir respective positions (don't miJt them up) with the arтows pointing loward Ihe Iтоп! 01 the engine (seв Section 14), Ооп'! disturb !he Plasli9age. No!e: Оп a/l 4,6L епэ;пез, (nв сарз should Ье sезtвd with а brass паттвг or а dезd-Ыоw plastic тa/let before installing апу fТJ8in сар boIts (зее lIIustration). 13 Starting with the cenler main and workiпg оо! toward 'М ends, lighten the тзiп Ьезring сар tюlts, 'п Ihree steps, 10 {М torque listed (п Ihis Chapter's Specificalions, Note: (М 4,6L engine /t is no! пес essaty (о insta/J ,пв lack screws ог 'nе side boIts 'ог P/astigage тез sureтent purposes. Doп'! rotate the crankshaft а! апу tiтe during tnis operation, 14 Аетоуе the bo!ts and carelul!y lift off the main bearing caps. Кеер them In order, Doп'! dislurb Ihe Plasligage от rotate the crankshaft. 1I апу 01 Ihe main Ьезriпэ сарз аге ditflCult 10 гemoуе, 'ар them gently from side--to-side with а soft-Iace hзmтег 10 'oosen Ihem, 15 Сотраге the width 01 the crushed P1astigage оп each joomal 10 Ihe scale prinled оп Ihe Plastigage envelape 10 оЬtзiп Ihe main Ьеаг ing 0;1 clearance (зее iIIustration). Check Ihe SpeciflCalions 10 make
Chapter 2 Part
General engine overhaul procedures 17
• 10
f07tO 22/28
1. ..... FrorIt of Engln e
23.32 ~ Rotl" the lubricated cra nkshaft thru st washer (arrow) 'п1о place ' П front of the lasl cra nkshaft joumal оп 4.БL engines - the эгооуес! side 01 the th rust w asher тu зt 'асе th e crankshaft (а wзу 'гот the m ain bear1n g saddte)
З. 8L
38 _ 28
40 3D
23 33-
27 _ 37
29 39
25 35
32 22
о t 07fГ'7 9 5
3 17
..... Front 01 Eng lne 2З.З4Ь
M ain
botuscr ew tlghtenlng sequence 4 .61 SOHC е пgiпез
l othem. 22 InslaJl tле caps In their respective positions with the Ing 10WЗfd the front 01 the engine.
~o lo о 1о
34 _
bolVscrew tightеп iпg sequence4.61 ООНС englnes
and 5.0L engines
InstaJl the тain сар botts. 24 Тlghten al', ехсерl the thrust bearing сар bolts (numbet 3) 10 the torque lisled in this Chapt&f'S Specificalions (work from Ihe cent8f OUI. аncf approach the final torque '" Ihree steps). 25 Тlghten IЛе thrust Ьеаппо сар bolts finger Ught. 26 Ргу the crankshaft forward and while holding pressure оп the crankshaft, pry the thrust Ьваппо сар backward. Forcing these two In opposile direelions, againsl each other, wlll align the thrust bearing surfaces. 27 While keeping forward pressure оп Ihe crankshaft, re-lighten ALL maln bearing сар botts 10 the lorque lisled in Ihis Chapler's Specifica· Uons, slarting with сар '3, Ihen '2, '4, '5 arМ::I #1. 28 Aotale the crankshaft а numbet 01 Ilmез ьу harм::l 'О check lor any obvlous binding . 29 Тhe !inal slep is 10 cheek the crankshaft endplay with а leeler оаиое or а dial indicator (sвe Section 13) Тhe endplay stюuld ье cor· гее! 1I the crankshaft thrust 'асез агеп '! wom ог damaged and new bearings have been inslaJled. зо Inslalllhe (ваг тain oil зеа' (зее Chapter 2, Рап А).
sure 11'5 correcl.
4.6L engines
16 (! Ihe clearance is по! аз specifled, the bearing 'пзепз тау Ье the wrong size (which means different ones wlll ьв required) . Вefore deciding that different inserls аге needed, make sure that по dirt or 011 was belween the Ьеаппэ inserts аnd the caps or bIock when the clearaГICe was measured. I1 the Plasligage was wider а! onв еnd than the othвf,
Refer 10 Шuslratiопs 23.32, 23.348 аnd 23.34Ь 31 Installlhe jack screws Inlo the main caps and bottom Ihem lighlty againsl the caps, Ihis тиз! ье done belore the сарз аге placed Inlo the bIock. 32 Lubricate the upper Ihrust washer with moly-base огеазе and InslaJl (! in Ihe bIock (зее Illusu atlon). тhe sЮе 01 the washer wlth Ihe 011 grooves must 'асе 100 crankshaft. зз Place Ihe main caps оп thelr correct }oumaJs and lар lМ caps into place wilh а Ьгаsз ог soft-face hзттег. C aution: А// тain bввring сзps MUST ье tapped into positlon pfior 10 t/ghlening. Fai/ure 10 do $о тау resu/I in iтproper torque. 34 Install the NEW maln сар bolts and tighten Ihem 10 10-10-12 ft-Ibs In the reeommended зeqиепсе (5М iНu strati ons) . 35 Push the crankshaft forward using а screwdriver ог ргуЬаг 10 зеаl the Ihrust bearing. Cautio n: Onсе the crankshaft is pushed {u//у (ог ward, 10 sвat the thrust bвaring, /вave Ihe screwdriver in position so lhal ргезsuге stays p/acвd on the сгалkshаft unti/ after а// та/п bearing сар boJIs have been tightвned. з6 Тlghten {М main Ьезring сар bo!ls in two steps in the sequence ..
the joumal тау
ье 'зperоо
(refer 10 Section 19).
Carelulty scrape шl traces 01 Ihe P1astigage maleriaJ off Ihe main bearing fournals andlor Ihe bвaring 'асез. Use your fingemail ог Ihe edge 01 а credit СЗfd - don', nick or scralch 'ОО bвaring 'асез.
Fina/ crankshaft installation 18 19
Carefully lift the crankshaft out 01 Ihe englne. Clean the bearing 'асез '" the bIock, Ihen apply а Ihin, unllorm 'ауег 01 moly-base grease or englne assembIy lube 10 each 01 the Ьеаг ing surfaces. Ве sure 10 соа! the thrust laces аз well аз the jOtJmal 'асе 01 the thrust bearing. 20 Make зuге Ihe crankshaft foumaJs Зfе clean, tлеп lау Ihe crankshaft back In place '" 'tю Ыock. 21 Clean the 'асез 01 'tю Ьвапngз '" Ihe сарз, tлen appty 'иоосапl
Chapter 2
Рап С
General engine overhaul procedures
24.3 Insert the connectln g (od bearing halves, maklng зиге the bearing tзЬ (arrows) 8r 8 '" the notc hes '" the Гod and сар iпdiсзt ed
shown and 10 the torque and angle
'" the Specilications
isted а! the begiппing 01 Ihls Chapler. Тlghten 811 jack screws '" two steps аnd ifI the sequence shown 10 the Specificatlons I!sled 81 the beginning 01 this Chapter. за nghten 8Jt side bolts '" Iwo steps and in the sequence shown \0
tne Specificatlons listed а! the beginning 01 this Chapler. з9
Check crankshatt endplay again and verify thal it 15 correct (see
Sec1ion 14). OtO Aotate the crankshaft а numbef 01 times Ьу hand 10 check for obviolJs binding. ~1 Installlhe rear тзiп 011 seal (зее Chapter 2, Part В).
24 Pistons/connec tlng rod s - installation and rod bearing
011 cleara nce check
24.5 Ring end g ap розltiоп s - Al ign the 011ring зрасег gap а! д, the oil ring зidе rallз а! О (опе Inch elther slde 01 the pln center1ine), and the c ompression rings 8! В and С , опе inc h either side 01 the pin center1ine
cautlon: The connвcting rod tюlts on the 4.6L вnginв are 811 '"t0fQ~ ro-yle/d- tюJts алd ate NOT reusable. А pre-determinвd stretch о! the 00It, caJcu/ated Ьу thв manufacturer, gives the 8dded rigidity required WttfI th/s cy/inder bIOCk. removed they mиз! ьв rep/aced with new tюIts. Dиring clearancв сfюcкз us/ng P/astigagв, use the o/d tюlts аnd
Ьи! изе оп/у
new bolts
(ог fina/ аззеmЫу.
Belore installing the plston/connвcting rod assembIles, the cyl lnder walls must ьв per1ectly clean, Ihe lop edge 01 each cylinder must ое chamlered, and the crankshaft musl ьв in place. 2 Rвmove the сар trom 'М end ollhe number опв connвcting roc! reler 10 lhe maтks made dur1ng remova/). Remove 'М original bearing nseI1s аncl wipв the bвaring sur1aces 01 Ihe connecting ,OCI and сар ..mh а clean, lint-free cloth, They must ьв kepl spotlessly clean,
Connecting rod bear;ng oil c/earance check Refer (о iIIustrations 24.3, 24,S, 24.9, 24.108, 23.10Ь, 23.12, 24. 14 and
24. 18 Clean Ihe back side о' Ihe new upper ЬеаЛп!:! insert, 'J1en lay it in р(асе in the connecting rod (SH lIIustration). Make sure 'М 'аЬ оп 'м oearing Шs Inlo Ihe recess '" the rod. Don't hammer the bвaring insert 1110 place and ьв very carelul по! 10 nick or gouge the Ьезriп!:! 'асе. Oon'llubricate the bearing а! this Ilme. .:1 Clean I he back side 01 Ihe olher bearin g insert and InSlal1 it in the rod сар. Again, make sure the 'аЬ оп Ihe bearing fils into the гесезs In the сар, and don'l apply апу lubricant. II's critically importanl that the mating surfaces 01 thё bearing and connecting rod are perfectly clean and oil free when they're asзeтЫЮ. 5 Position the piston ring gaps а! inlervaJs around the piston (зее illustratlon).
24.9 Tum the plston w hen Installing it 10 m ake зиге the m arklnotc h In the plsto n 'веез th e Iтоп! 01 the engine аз they аге instal lвd
6 ОП 5.0L englnes, slip в section 01 pl astic or rubber ho se over each eonnecling ,OCI 0011 (see illustratlon 13.1). Note: 4. БL engines use еар boIts fhat Bf8 serewed into the rod after (hв rod and сар Bf8 assembIed оп the crankshaft. 7 Lubricale Ihe plston and rings with clean englne oil and attaeh а plston ring compressor 10 Ihe pislon. Leave the skirt protruding aOOut 1/4-lneh 10 guide the piston into Ihe eyllrм:ler. Тhe rings must ье сот pressed until ttIey're "ush with the pislon. 8 Rotate the erankshaft uпШ lhe number onе connecting rod joum al is 81 вое (bottom dead cenl8fj and apply а СОВI 01 engine 011 'о the ey1inder walls. 9 W/lh the arrow or nolehes оп 'ор of the plston (зее Шustга tlоп) fac/ng the Iron! 01 I he englne, gently insert the pistonJconnecting rod эssетЫу Inlo Ihe number опе cylinder OOre and (esl the OOttom edge 01 the ring compresSOf оп Ihe engine Ыock. Note: Use short /engths о( rubber fюse over 'hв rrXI boIts on 3.8L аnd S.OL engines 10 p ro tect 'hв erank joитaJз. 10 ОП 4.6L engines, !he гос! bolts аге pressed lightly into Ihe гос! сарз. Тhey must ье replacвd with new OOlls. 50 tap out two 01 the old
Chapter 2
Рап С
General engine overhaul procedures
Hold the 4.6L rod сар lightly '" а yi se while driving от the old rod bolts • 11 takes only а little tэр 10 drive them oul; then drive new 00115 'П
ones (зее illu stтation) . Take these апс! си! the heads off, slip rubber hose ауег them, апс! screw Ihem into Ihe coonecting ГОс! 10 use as alignmenl devices during pistonlrod inslallation (see illustration). 11 Тар the tap edge 01 the ring сотргезsoг 10 make зиге 11'5 соп l acting the bI ock around Its entire circumlвrence. 12 Genlly {ар ОП the 'ар 01 the piston wlth Ihe епс! 01 а wooden ham· rner hалdlе (soe Illustratlon) while guiding the епс! 01 the connecting rod into place оп the crankshaft joumal. Тhe piston rings тау Iry 10 рор out 01 the ring compressor just belore entering Ihe cylinder bore. 50 keep some downward pressure оп the ring eompressor. Work slow1y, and il апу гезislапее iз lell аз Ihe plslon enlers Ihe cylinder, slop immedialely. Flnd out whal's hanging ир and lix il belore рго eeeding. 00 nOl , !ог апу reason, 'огее the pisl on inlo I he eylinder - you mighl break а ring andJor the piston. 13 Опее Ihe pislon/eonnecting гod assembIy (з inslalled, the еоп necting rod Ьезriпо 011 elearanee musl ье ehecked Ье!оге the Гod сар is permanently bolled in plaee. 14 Cul а piece 01 Ihe appropriate-size Plasligage slighlly shor1er than the widlh 01 Ihe eonnecting Гod bearing and lay it ,п ptace оп Ihe number опе eonnecling rod joumal, parallel wilh Ihe joumaJ axis Isee illustration). 15 Clean the eonnecling rod сар bearing /асе, гетоуе Ihe proleclive
24.12 The piston са п ье dпуеп gently into the cylinder Ьоге with the епс! 01 а wooden ог plastic hammer handle
Two otd гос! botts сап Ье изес! (with the heads си! off) as Instatlation guides wlth гиЬЬег hose оуег them
hoses!тorn lhe coonecling гod bott$ and inslaJl the гod сар. Make S ln the maling mark оп the еар 'з оп Ihe зате side аз lhe mar1< оп Ite connecting rod. 16 tnslatt Ihe nuls ог botts and tighlen them 10 Ihe lorque lisled tr: this Chapter's Speci/iealions, wor1
24.14 Lay the Plastigage strips оп еас'" гod bearing Joumal, parallel 'о the crankshaft centenine ..
Chapter 2 Par1 С General engine Qverhaul procedures
d) Lubticвte the cylinder waJ/s with c/eвn oi/. е) Lubticвte the Ьввпng faces wtJen instаШng (М rod caps after the oil с/ваrвлce hвs ьееп checked. 25 After all the plstorVconnecting гос! assembIles муе been propef"ty In5talled, rotate Ihe crankshaft а number 01 limes ьу hand 10 check 'or апу obvloU5 biooing. 26 Аз а 'inal st ep, Ihe connecllng rod endplay must Ьв ehecked. Reler 10 Sвclion 13 for thi5 procedure. 27 Compare the measured endplay 10 Ihe Specificalions 10 make sure II's corтecl. 1I (l was COIТecl before disassembIy and lМ origlnal Cf8nkshaft аnd rods were reinslalled, 1I stюuld slil! ье righl. 1I new rods or а new сrэnkshaft were inSlalled, the endplay тау ье lnadequate. 11 50, Ihe rods will have 10 ье гетоуоо and laken 10 ап aUlomotlve machlne shop 'or resizing.
25 Initial star1-up and break-in after overhaul Wamlng: Науе
24.18 M easurlng the width of the c ru shed Plastigage t o detennine the rod bearing 011 clear ance (Ье sure to use the correct зезlе - standard and metrlc опез а ге inc luded)
Final connecting rod installation _
scrape all traces of lhe Plastigage malerial off the rod
CJII1iII andIor Ьезring 'асе. Ве very смешl no! 10 scratch the ЬеаПng . . youг fingemail or the edge 01 а credit card. мake sure the bearing faces are perfectly clean , lhen apply а unl1I:Т'Т\ laум 01 clean mоlу-Ьзsе gгезse ог engine assembty lube 10 both t:I !hem. You 'll ha... e 10 push Ihe piston Inlo Ihe cylinder 10 exposв Ihe 01 the bearlng Insert in Ihe connectlng Гod - ье sure 10 slip the ;::JIOt8Ctlve hoses ОУе!' the rod bolts firsl. 22 Slide the connecting Гod back into place оп the journal, гето ... е 2:Ie protectlve hoses !гот the Гod сар bolts, in51stl the rod сар and 1IgIten the nuls 10 Ihe lorque listed In Ihis Chapler's SpecHicalions. .Ig;WI, work ир 10 Ihe lorque (п Ihree sleps. Note: on 4.БL enginвs, п;:aJ new rod boIts т/о the rodcгps (зев Slep 10). zз Rереа! the 9f1lire procedure 'or lМ remaining pislooslconnecting
The importanl poinls 10 remember are: the baek sides о( /оо Ьввлng inserts 800 the insides
а) Кеер
conпect/ng rods and caps perfect/y el8an when assembJing them. ь} Make SU(B уои have the соггее! pis/onlrod essembJy (ог eBch
ey/inder. с) 11Ia notehes ог та(/( оп /па piston must (все the FRONT of
fire eJdinguisher h8ndy when starting
engine (or
f/rst time.
1 Опее Ihe engine has Ьееп inslalled 'П Ihe vehicle, doubIe- сhесk Ihe englne oil and coolanllevels. 2 Wilh 'пе spark plugs оиl 01 the engine and the Ignillon syslem disabIed (seв Ch~ter 1), erank Ihe engine until oil pressure registers оп the оаиое or the fight goes out. 3 Inslall Ihe spark plugs, hook up the plug wlres аnd restore Ihe lопШоп syslem functions . 4 SIar1 Ihe engine: Н тау take а few moments 'or the fuel system 10 bulld up pressure, Ьи! the englne stюuld slart wilhout а огеаl deal 01 effort. Note: /( baekfiring occurs tnrough the (пгаШе body, recheck the ve/vв tim/ng вnd ignition timing. 5 After the engine slarts, 11 should ье allowed 10 warm up 10 normal operaling lemperature. Whlle Ihe engine Is warming up, make а Ihorough check !or !uel, oil and coolanlleaks. б Shul the engine 011 and recheck Ihe engine oil ~nd coolant levels. 7 OnVe Ihe vehicle 10 ап зreа with по traffic, accelerale from ЗА 'о 50 mph, then allow the vehicle 10 slow 10 30 mph with Ihe Ihrotlle сloзОО. Rереаl Ihe procedure 1О or 12 l lmes. This wlll Ioad Ihe plslon rlngs алd саизе Ihem 10 зеа! properly againsl Ihe cylinder walls. Check аgaiл !or oil and coolant leakз. 8 Drive the vehicle genlly for Ihe first 500 miles (по suslained hlgh speeds) and keep а COnS!anl c heck оп lhe 011level. tt is nOl unusuallor аn engine 10 use oil during Ihe break-In реПod . 9 АI approximalely 500 10 600 miles, change Ihe oil аnd fil1er. 10 Forthe пехl few hundred m)les, drive Ihe vehlcle normally. Do поt раmрег 1I ог abuse (!. 11 After 2000 miles, change !he 011 алd lilter again and conslder Ihe engine broken in.
Chapter 3 Cooling, heating and air conditioning systems Contents
/t6 conditioning accumulator/drier - гетоуа! алd in.stallation................................................................................. Itk conditioning and heating system - check and maintenance .......................................•.. 1.................................. ~ cond!t!on!ng compressor - гетоуal a~ )nstall~ion ......... . .. . ....
IW сопdltlOПlпg condenser - removal aлd InзtаllаllОП ....... ".......... evaporator - rвmoval and installation .................. Antifreeze - general information ........... .......................................... CooIaлt temperalure sепdiпg unit - check and replacement ........ Engine cooling 'ап and circuit - check, removal and inslallalion.................................................................................. Engine oil cooler - гер1асетenl .....................................................
м conditionif19
15 14
16 17 18 2 6 4 7
Torque specifications
11.8 quarts 14. 1 quarts 50/50 mixture 01 non-phosphale ethylene glycol antifreeze 19310200 degгoos 221 degrees 188 10 195 degгees 212 degrees 16 psl 181019 psi R-1З4а 34.0oиncвs
Ft-Ibs (unless otherwlse indicaled)
housing bolts V6 engine 1994 алd 1995 ........................................................................ ... .. 1996 алd 1997 ............................................................................. 5.QL V8 engine.......................................................................... 4:6L v8 engine................................................................................... Waler pump-Io-engine bolls V6 engine , Nuls ....... ~.................................................................................... . 8oIIs .............................................................................................. 5.QL V8 OO9ine .................................................................................... 4.БL V8 OO9ine .................................................................................. Waler pump риl1еу 10 hub ......................... ............................................ .. Transmission oilline fitting·to-radialor ................................................... . Engine oil cooler Insert faslooer ............................................................ .. Oil cooler adapler 10 bIock bolls ............................................................. Fan shroud-Io-radiator .................... ...................................................... .
1 10 11
12 13 5 3 8 9
Cooling system capacity V6 englne.......................................................................................... . v8 engines.................................................................... .. .............. .. Coolant type ........................................................................................ . Thermostat V600gine Opening temperalure .................................................... .. Fully оpen temperalure .................................................... V8 engines Openin9 lemperature ..................................................... . Fully ореn lemperalure ................................... ........................... . Radlator pressure сар Specifiec:l сар pressure .................................................................... . Tesl ргeзsиге ...................................................................................... Refrigerant type ........................................ ;........................................... .. Refrigerant capacity ............................................................................. ..
General Information ......................... . Healer and air condilionlng bIower molor circuil - check ............. . Healer and зiг conditioning bIower molor - removal and installalion .......................................................................... Healer and зiг condilioning conlrol assembly - removal and installation ............................................................................... . Healer CQfe - remova! and installation .......................... . Radiator, coolanl reservoir and degas bottle - removal and inslallalion ......................................................... . Тheпnoslаl - check. aлd replacemoot .......................................... . Waler ритр - check .................................................................... . Waler ритр - removal and inslallation ........................................ .
151022 71 1097 in-IЬз ,\ 121018 151022
5310 71 in-Ibs 151022 151021 151022 151021 .1210 18 411053 151022 24 1048 In-IЬз
3-2 1
Chapter 3 Cooling, heating and air conditioning systems
General infonnatio n
The cooling syslem consis!s 01 а radiator and coolant гезегуе system, а radialor pressure сар, а thermoslal, а lemperature-controlled electric cooling 'ап, аnd а pulleylbelt-driven waler pump. тhe radialor cooling 'ап is mounted in а housJng/shroud а! the engine зidе 01 the radlalor. I1 (з deslgned 10 сomе оп whеп the eпglne reaches а сепа!п temperature, and shul оН agsln when the englne cools down зоте, thereby keeping the engine in Ihe desired operat-
ing-temperature range. Тhe system ,з pressurized ьу а spring-Ioaded radiator сар. which, maintaining pressure, increases Ihe boiling poInt 01 tЛе coolanl. 1I the coorant temperalure goes аЬоуе Ihis increased bolling polnl, Ihe е:octга ргеsзиге '" the system 'агеез Ihe radiator сар valve off ils зеаl and е:кposes the overflow pipe of hose. тhe ovef1low pipeltюse leads 10 а coolant recovery syslem. Thls consists 01 а plaslic reservoir, mounted 10 the "ght зюе 01 the radialOf, into whlch the coolant Ihat ПОПТIаlJу escapes due to expansion Is геlаiпed. When the engine cools, the excess coolant is drawn back Inlo Ihe radialor Ьу Ihe yacuum created as the system cools, maintaining lhe зуз!ет аl full capacity. Тhis [з а сопtiпuous procesз and provided Ihe lеуel In Ihe reservoir is correctly malntained, it [з по! пeceзsary 10 абб сооlалl 10 Ihe radiator. Оп 1996 апб later models wilh 4.6l V8 8I1gines, the recoyery lank Iз called а "d egas~ bottle, and [l lunctions somewhat diff8fently than traditional recoyery tanks. Designed' lo separale апу trapped alr Iп the cooIanl, 1115 pressurlzed Ьу the radialor апб has а pressure сар оп top (the radialor on these models nas по сар а! all). When the englne's !hermOSlal is closed, по coolanl flows Iп the беоаз bottle, but when the englne is lully warmed up, coolant Ilows 'гот the 'ор 01 the radia'ог through а small hose Ihat 8I1t9f"S the top 01 the беоаз oottle. Тhere, air separates апб сооlалl lalls 10 the approximately опе quart cooIап! reserve [п the OOtlle, which is led 10 the cooling system through а larger hose con necled 10 the lower (adialor hose. Uпlikе tгаdiliопаl coolanl recovery lanks, the сар оп the degas ootlle should never ье орепed when Ihe englne 15 ru nnlng, since th8fe is а danger 01 Injury lrom sleam of scaldlng water (зее the Waming ,п Section 5}. CooIant [п the left зюе 01 the radiatOf circulates through Ih& Iower rad ialOf hosе 10 the water pump, where it 15 torced through Ihe water раззаоез Iп the cyllnder bIock. Th e coolant then travels up Inlo Ihe cyliГlder head. circulates around the combustion chambers апб valve seats, IraYels ou! 01 Ihe cylinder head разl Ihe оpen them10Slal Inlo the upper radiator hosе аnd back into the radiator. When the 8flgine Is cold, the thermoslal restricts the circulalion 01 coolant 10 the engine. When the mlnlmum operating temperalure is reached , the Ihermostat begins to ореп , allowlng сооlалt 10 retum 10 Ihe radiator. Automa"c Iransmlssion-equipped model5 haye 8 cool8f element iПСО!"рОrated into the radiator 10 сооl the trалsml ssJоп fluid. Th e healing system works Ьу directing alr through the healer core, w hlch is like а зтаJl rad iator mоuпtеd behlnd the dash . Но! engiпе сооlалt heats Ihe core. over whlch air разseз 10 Ihe Inlerior of 'М vehlcle ьу а system 01 ducts. Temperature is controlled ьу mixing heated air wilh tresh aJr, using а system 01 flapper doors in Ihe ducls, апd а healer motor. Alr сопd itiопlпg Iз ап oplionaJ 8ccessory, conslsling 01 ап еуаро rator CO«I1ocated und8f tOO бaзh, а condenser in tronl 01 the radiator, а accumulalor/drier (п Ihe engine compшtmenl and а belt-driven comргезsoг mounled 8! the !ronl 01 Ihe 8I1gine.
Antlfreeze - general information
Wamlng: Do rюt a//ow вntifreeze to come in contact with youг skin О( surfaces О( the vehic/e. Rinse о" spills immediatety with p/enty о, water. Anti'reeze is high/y toxlc If ingested. Never /еауе апtlfгеехе fying аround {п ал open container or in pudd/es on the "оог; children and pets вn:r 8ttracted ьу ft's sweet SтeII аnd maу dnnk n. Che<;k with /ocaf 8иttюrftiвs abou! disposing о( изed вntifreeze. Mвny communities пауе collection centers which w/ll see that antifreeze is dlsposed о, рШпtвd
3.8 Thermostat location for the 5.0L englne arrow indicates the Ьуразз hose safe/y. Never оотр изed antifr&eze on the grouпd or pouг it into drain$. Note: Non- toxk; antifreвzв ;$ rюw manu'actured алd avail8bJe а! foca! auto pans stor&s, ьи! еуеп thls typa shou/d ье disposed о, proper1y. Тhe coollng syslem should ье lilled with а wаlег/еthуlепе glycol based antilreeze solulioo which wlll prзуen! lreezing down 'о а! Ieзs! • 20-беогеез F (еУеп lower In COId climates). 1I зJso provides protectlon againsl corroslon апб increases the сооlапl bolting polnl. Тhe engines in the covered vehicles haye either alum/num heads (V6 апб 4.6L SOHC engines) о, ап alumlnum bIock алd heads (4.6L DOНС [СоЫа) engine). Тhe manulacturer recomm8flds that only сооlалt designaled аз safe lor aJuminum 8f"IQine component5 ье used. The cooling system sho uld Ье drained, flushed 8пб refilled 81 lеаЗI eyery other year (seв Chapter 1). Тhe use 01 anllfreeze solulion s !or periods 01 lопgег than two уеагз Is Ilkely 10 caU5e damage аМ encourage Ihe formation 01 rust and scale in the system. Belore addlng алlifгееzе 10 the syslem, check зJl hозе соппвс 'ionз. Antilreeze сап lеэk Ihrough yery mlnule openings. Тhe ехас! mixlure 01 anlilreвze 10 water which ybu should use dерепds оп the relatiye weather сопdiliопs. The mlxlure should соп· tain а! lеаЗI 5O-percent antilreeze, but should never conlаlп тоге thап 70-percent алlifгееzе. з
Thermostat - check and replacement
WamJng: тhe вng/ne must ье coтp/etefy COOI when th/s procedure Is
Nole: Don't drive the vehic/e witfюut а thermostat! Тhe computer stay {п ореп /оор and emissions and 'ив! есоnomу will suffer.
Check Вelore condemning 100 them1ostal, check Ihe coolant level, б п vebelt t8flsion апб temperature gauge (01'" lighl) operation. 2 If the епglпе takes а lопg tlme 10 warm up, the thermostal is ргоЬ· аЫу stuck open. Replace Ihe thermostat. 3 1I the 8flgine ПJns hol, check the temperalure 01 the Uppef radiator hose. 1I the hose isn 't hOI, Ihe Ihermoslat is ргоЬаЫу stuck shut. Replace I he Ihenтюslаl. 4 If the upper radiator hose Is hot, it теапз the coolant Iз circufatlng апб !he thermoslat Is ореп. Refer 10 Ihe TroubIeshooting section а! the trопt of this manual for the cause of oyerhea.tlng. 5 If ап engine has been ovemeated, you тау find damage such as leaking head gaskets, scuffed plslons апб warped ог cracked cyiinder heads.
Rep/aceтent Re'erto iIIustrations 3.8, 3.98, 3. 9Ь, З.9с аnd 3.12 6 Orэiп сооlапl "om Ihe radiator, unlil the сооlалl levells below the Ihermostat housing (See Chapler 1). •
Chapter 3 Cooling, heating and air conditioning systems
hoUSin9 bolts - 3.8L Vб modets
models 01 the 5.0L engines, it тау Ье necessary 10 Ihe dislribu10r сар in order 10 гетоуе the thermoslal housing see Chapler 5). 8 Disconnect Ihe иррег radiator hose 'гот Ihe thermoslal housing. Dlsconnect Ihe Ьу-разз hose !гот Ihe Ihermoslat housing оп 5.0L engines (зее iI1usiration). 9 Аетоуе the OOlts and lift the соуег оН (зее itlustralions). I1 тау ое песеззагу 'О 'ар the соуег with а soft-face hammer 10 break the gasket зеаl оп а 5.0L ог 1994 and 1995 3.8L V6 engine. Аетоуе the O-ring зеа) оп 1996 and later models. ... 10 Note how it·s installed, then гетоуе Ihe Ihermoslat. Ве зuге 10 I.IЗВ а replacement Ihermostat wilh Ihe соггес! opening temperature see !his Chapter's Specifications). 11 ОП 5.0L and еаrlУ 3.8L V6 engines, use а scraper ог putty kni!e 10 гетоуе all 'гасез 01 old gasket material and sealant !гот Ihe maling surfaces. Оп la!er V6 and all 4.6L engines, the thermoslal is sealttd w1lh ап O-ring, using по gaskel ог sealer, Make sure по gaskel materIЭJ lalls into the соо)аПI passages: it is а good idea 10 sluff а rag ,п Ihe pas sage. Wipe the mating surfaees with а rag saturaled with lacquer Фiппег ог aeetone. 12 InSlal1 the !hermoslal and make sure the соггес! end 'асез ои! (see illustratiоп) - the spring is directed loward the engine (3.8L. 4.6L SOHC and 5.0L englnes). Оп 4.6L DOНС engines Ihe spring end 01 the thermostat is direcled into the larger ponion 01 the Ihermostat housing 7
3.9Ь Опее
the bolts аге remo .... ed, separale Ihe housing 'гот the intake manifold '" order 10 гето .... е the gaskel and thermostat4.БLSОНС
ОП зоте
гет оуе
3.9е The 4.БL ООНС englnes ha .... e the Ihermostat housing mounted low а! the left 'гоп! 01 the en9ine (arrow Д indicales !he thermostat's 0-rin9) - supported only Ьу hoses: the water bypass hose В, the hose to !he oil eooler С , Ihe hose 10 the degas bottle О, and the lower radiator hose Е (!his shot is 'гот below, with !he 'гоп! 01 the саг 10 the left)
housing cover
O-ring sea/
3.9с) . Note: ОП soтe mooels, the therтostat hоuзiпg notch that а (аЬ оп the therтost8t fits into, which autoтatically /осаtез the thегmозtаt correctly. (зее
Оп models that I.Iзе а conventional рарег gaskel, apply а !hin 01 АТУ sealant 10 OOth sides 01 Ihe new gaskel and posilioo it оп Ihe engine side, оуег the !hermostal, and make sure the gasket holes line цр wilh Ihe 0011 holes ,п the housing. Note: No RТV sealant shou/d
ье изed оп the /ater mode/ O-ring зеа/.
14 Оп mOdels Ihat uзе ап O-ring seal, inslalllhe new O-ring inlo the inlake manifold ~ater 3.8L V6 engines) ог onlo Ihermostal housing. 15 Carefully posilion Ihe cover and inslall Ihe bolts. Tighten Ihem 10 Ihe lorque listed in Ihis Chapter's Specifications - do поl ovenighten them ог the cover тау Ье cracked ог distorted. 16 Reattach Ihe radialor hose 10 the соуег and tighten the clamp now тау ье а good time 10 check and гер!асе the hoses and clamps (зее Chapter 1). 17 Refer 10 Chapler 1 and refill the system, then run Ihe engine and check carefully 'ог leaks. 18 Repeat sleps 1 through 510 Ье sure Ihe repairs corrected Ihe рге vious ргоЫет(з).
3.12 When installing the thermoslat рау special attenlion 10 Ihe direction 'п which it's placed '" the engine; the spring will 90 into the inlake manifold
Chapter 3 Cooling, heating and air conditioning systems
4.1 The electric cooling lэп (arrow Inclicates lэп motOf) 15 mounted In а plastic shroud attached to Фе radiator
Engine cooling installation
and circuit - check,
4.6 Pull the c onnector (arтow) 1тот the lэп and check 10г power иndег НОТ condltlons wlth а vottmeter З.8L model shown, test is ОП red wiгe геmоvзl
Locatlon of the ССАМ (arro w) on 1994 and 1995 models (10 I he "ght 01 the 'ап 5hroud)
22 1 -degreвs F,lhen lиrnз Ihe 'ап оН when temperalure lowers 10 2CI:iO degrees F. Тhe HIGH зpeвd por1ion 01 Ihe lап only operales when :"il . engines ,з hot аnd Ihe air condiliofllng Is 00. 3 1I Ihe operates conliлuously, the lault could ье the CC~ ~ the coolanllemperalure sensor. Reler 10 Chapler 6 for diagnosis 01 sensof. 4 Warm Ihe englne ир untillhe gauge оп the inSlrumenl panelll"Qcales I he high side о( NOAMAL. Тhe fan should соте оп. 11 nOl, cnec. Ihe cooling 'ап luse ,п Ihe 'use JUnCllon рапе' (зее Chapler 12 !ог IU!R. locations). Н the (изв chвckвd ОК, disconnect the electricaJ cooneclor fтoт 5 1М eleclric 'ап motO(. оп З.8l and 5.0l models, there 'з only а bIaCa ground wire and red power wire. Оп 4 .6l models. there агв Ihra wires: а bIack ground wire, а redlorange (1ow speed 'an operatlon),
Wa ming 1: The тodв/з соуегбd Ьу this mапuа! аге equipped with Supp/ementaJ Restrain t Systeтs (SRS), тоге сотmоп/у known 85 airbags. A1ways disconnвcf the nega tive ba ttery саЫе, then the pos!tive battery саЫв and wait two т/пи/вз bвfore working In the vicinity о, the /mрас! sensors, steering со/umп О( ins trument рапel /0 avoid (hв possibility о( acc/denta/ dep/oyment о{ the airbag, which could саU$В pвrsonal injury (see Chapter 12~ Do not изе апу electrical test equipmвnt сп anу о( the airbag system wites ог 'аmрег with them;n вny way. Waming 2: Do по! work with уоиг hгndЗ пеаг the (ап апу time the eng;ne is running ог the key ;з ON. With the key ON, (еуеп with the engine по! runn;ng) Ihe (вп сап staгt al апу (/mв, since il is ccпlro//ed · Ьу coo/anl tempeгalute.
Check Refer 10 iIIustrations 4. 1, 4.6,
and 4.8Ь
AII models h8VB а two-speed eleclric 'ап mounled '" а plaslic shrOlJcl attached 10 'пе back 01 the radiatO( (ие illu5tration). 2 Fan operatioo 15 conlrollвd bol h Ьу Ihe РСМ and Ihe Conslant Control Aelay Module (ССА М), which inCOfp0r8les Ihe high and lowзpeвd 'ап relays and Ihe air cond itioning relay. fПе coolant temperature sensor signals the РС М 01 englne tem per8ture . and the СС RМ tu rn s Ihe 'ап оп а ! LOW speed w hen coolanl temp erature reaches
Remova/ and installation
Оп 1996 and later models, the ССАМ (arraw) ,з local ed '"
the "ght fendelWell - the plastic inner 'еndег shield ти s! ье remaved 'ar ассеsз
Refer 10 ;//uslгalions 4.10, 4.11, 4. 12 ам 4. 13 1О leave Ihe elвclrical connector disconnectвd 'гom the 'ап motoг as ,п the аЬоув testing. А! Ihe гight side 01 the fan shroud, disconnec= the plaslic clips holding the two wiring harnesses 10 the 'ап shrouc! (see iIIustratlon). 11 Автоуе Ihe two 'ап shroud ЬоIlЗ and lift oullhe lanlshroud as ЗI' зsзетЫу (зее Iltustration). 12 То гвтоуе Ihe 'ап bIade 'гom the mOlor, take оН 'пе melal cl,p and s!ide Ihe lап оН Ihe motor shah (з ее fJlu5tral ion). Nol e: Ahel reтoving the c/ip, file о" апу s/ight burrs on the shaft 10 вasв гemoYa. o(the 'ап. •
Cooling, heating and air conditioning systems
4.10 Unclip the мо w iring hamesses (arraws) attached to tno right side 01 the fan shroud
the two bolts (arraw indicates bolt оп left side) and lift out the fan/shroud аз ап assembIy
the m etal clip (arrow) and deburr !пе motor's sh aft 10 pull 'пе fдП
4.1 3 Аетоуе 'пезе bolts (arrows) 10 separale !пе fan motor from the shroud
from the motor
13 То replace the molor, гетауе Ihe bolts holding it 10 !he shroud (зее illustration). 14 Installalion is !he геуете 01 removal .
5.23 Location 01 the coolant reservoir оп V6 and 5.0L models - arrow indicates upper mounting bolt (the bottom 01 the reservoir is secured Ьу а (аЬ that lits into а lower bracket)
Radiator, coolant reservoir and degas bottle - removal and installation
Wa ming 1: 111е engine must ье comp/ete/y сосl when this рroсооuге /5 pвгfoгmOO. Warning 2: The models covered Ьу this mапиа/ аге equipped with Supp/ementa/ Aestraint Sузtвms (SRS;, тоге соттоп/у known аз аiгЬаgз. A/weys disconnect the negative battery саЫе, then the positive battery саЫе end wait two minutes before woгking {п the vicinity о{ the impact зепsоrs, steenng column ог iпзtf1lmепt рапеl to avoid the possibi/ity о! accidental deployment о! the airbag, which could cause persona/ injury (see Chapter 12). 00 по! usв апу e/eetncal !est equipтеп! оп апу о( the airbвg system wires ог (атрег with them in апу way.
CooJant reselVoir ог degas bottle Аеюг (о
iIIustrations 5.2а, 5.2Ь and 5.3 Disconnect the саЫе !гот the negative battery terminal. Drain Ihe cooling syslem аз described in Chapler 1, then disconпес! the hoses !гот !he coolant reservoir (V6 and 5.0L V8 models) or the pressurized degas boltle (4.6L V8 models) (зев illustrations).
1 2
Location 01 the pressurized degas bottle оп 4.6L mоdеlЗ disconnect the overffow hose (top arrow) and remove the two mounting bolts (Iower arr ows)
Chapter 3 Cooling, heating and air conditioning systems
5.3 Degas bottle shown гетоуоо !ог clarity - Д 15 the connection for the hose connecting 10 the lower гadlator hose, В 'з the conneClor for Ihe low-coolant зепзог
5.9а Аетоуе
the screws (arтowsJ and tak e off the pla 5tic shield
5.9Ь Аетоуе
the two bolts
holding the top 3 Аеmoуе the ООllз and detach the reservoir (зее Illustration). 4 Рпог 10 InSlallation make sure 'М resetVoir is clean and !гее 01 debris which could Ье drawn inlo the radialor (wash inside it wilh soару waler and а long brush [! песеsзaгу). 5 Installatlon 15 the reverse 01 removal .
Radiator Refer (о i//ustrations 5.7, 5.98. 5.9Ь 8пd 5.11 6 Aefer 10 Section 4 and гетоуе Ihe cooling 'ап and shroud аззет Ыу . Aefer 10 аООуе Slaps lor rвmoval 01 'ОО сOQlanl resetVoir or degas ООttlе.
7 If equipped with ап aulomalic Iгапзmisslоп. detach the cooler lines !rom the rad ialor (see IlIustration) - ье careful ПОI 10 damage the linas ог fittl ngs. Plug the ends 01 the dlsconnected liпез 10 ргеуеПI leakage and slop dirt ITom enlering Ihe syslem. Havв а drip рап ready 10 catch аny spills. 8 Disconnect the иррег and Iower rad iator hoses. 9 Remove Ihe screws (ог clips оп зоте models and remove Ihe plaslic shiвld оуег Ihe radiator соге зирроп (зев illustration). Аетоуе Ihe mounling OOlts and take off Ihe two иррег radiator mounls (зее iIIustration). Care!ully lift the radiator оиl 01 the vel'licle. 10 Рпог 10 installation 01 the radialor. replace апу damaged hose clamps and radiator hoses. 11 Radiator inslallalion is Ihe геуегза 01 removal. When installing the radialor, make sure it seats properly '" the lower saddtes ам 'М! the
the radiator
rubber mounts аге intact (see illustration). 12 Atter inslallation, 1111 the system with the ргорег mixture 01 antifreeze, and also check the automatic lransmisslon nuid level.
Coolant temperature sending unit - check and replacement
Refвr 10 i//ustrations 6. 1а, 6. 1Ь, б.lсаnd б. Jd Waming: Wait uпtil the engine {з сотр/е/е/'{ соо/ before bвginning Ihis procвdиfд.
Check Тhe coolan\ lemperslure indlcator system is сотроsоо 01 а 'вт perature gЭlJgе mounted in the dash and а сoolaпl lemperalure serнj . In9 unit mounlec! ОП the engine (5ее iltustrations). Soте vehicles have moге than опе sending unit, ЬШ only one 'з used 101 the k'ldicator зуз· lет and 'М olher 's used 10 send englne lemperalure Inlormalion 10 Ihe compuler. 2 II ап ovemealing indicalion occurs, check the coolanl level '" Ihe syslem. Make зиге Ihe wiring between Ihe gauge and the sendlng unil 'з secure аnd all luses are Inlact. 3 То 'еЗI Ihe lemperature sender. dlsconnecl Ihe eleclrical соппес tor а! lhe зencЮr aлd connect ап ohmmeler belween Ihe sender's tw-
Chapter 3 Cooling, heating and air conditioning systems
50.11 Make sure the radiator lower mounts (arrow indicates left mount) аге in place before insta1ling the radiatorif they're beginning 'О deteriorate, now is the time 'О replace them
6.1а The coolant temperature sending unit оп 5.0L engines 'з located at the front о' the intake manifold near the distrlbutor
Coolant temperature sending unit (arrow) location - У6 models
6.1с ОП
the 4.6L SOHC engine, the coolant temperature sending unit is опе of two а! the попt о, the Intake manifold; Ье sure 10 select the correct опе 'or the repalr procedure 1 2
teтperature sending
unit (gauge)
6.1d The temperature sending unit (д) оп 4.6L ООНС engines is in the left plpe о' the metal coolant bypass шЬе; the coolant temperature sensor (В) Is 'ог the engine тапаэетеп! system minal and ап engine ground. When the engine (з cold, resistance should Ье close 10 74 ohms. As the engine warms ир, the sender's resistance should drop, and а! full operating temperature should read around 9.7 ohms.
Соо/алt teтperature зепзог (compuler)
Replacement If the sending unit must Ье replaced, disconnect the electrical and simply unscrew the sensor from the engine and Install the replacement. Caution: ПJе sending ипit is made uр о( meta/ and р/азПс and is fragi/e. Use саге по' (о crack tf1e unit wf1en removing it. Use sealant оп the threads, Make sure the engine is cool before removlng the defectJve sending unit. There will ье some coolant loss аз the uпit i5 removed, 50 ье prepared to catch а. Check the coolant level after the replacement unit has Ьееп installed (seв Chapter 1). 4
Оп СоЬга
and the о'
models, the oil cooler (д) Is between the oil filter cooler adapler housing (С) а! the lower left side the engine bIock - D is the lower radiator hose оН
Engine oil cooler - replacement
Reтoval Refer 10 iIIustrations 7.1, 7.5 алd 7.7 Warning: ПJе engine shou/d ье comp/ete/y соо/ 'or this procedure. АI! СоЬга models have ап engine 011 cooler, which is sandwiched 1 between the oil !ilter and the engine bIock (see illustration). Coolant flows through the cooler !rom the bIock 10 the lower radiator hose.
Chapter 3 Cooling, heating and air conditioning systems
а 1/2·inch Allen wrench Inside the large threaded tube (arrow) In the center 01 the 011 cool er
7.9 Install а new O-ring (arтow) оп the оН c ooler - 8150 replace the O-rlПВ оп the adapter housing before installing th e oil cool er
replace the 011 cooler, refer 10 Chapter 1 'аг
01 the 011
fi ller and draining 01 Ihe cooling system. 3 Disconnect 'М Iower radiatOf hose 'гот the oil cooler (see illu зtratJon 7 .1).
4 Disconnec\ the electrical connector !гот the oil рГ8ззиге sendlng uni! оп Ihe oil filter adapter. Use а 112-inch AI!en wrench inside the threaded adapler holding 5 the 011 cooler housing 10 the oil filter adapter housing (зев illustratl on). 6 Pull the 011 cooler 'гот the adapler оп Ihe bIock. 7 If only 'пе 011 cooler Is 10 ье replaced, Ihis is as lar as уои пеес! 10
disassembIe componenls. 1I Ihe 011 cooler adapler Is 10 ье removed , remove the 'оиг botts holding II 10 Ihe bIock arн::l гетоуе il (see IllustratJon).
Installat;on Refer 10 II/us lration 7.9 8 Сlеал the bIock and back 01 Ihe 011 cooIer adapler 01 апу old gasket matorial. InslaJl the adapter 10 'М bIock with а new gaskot and tlghten 'М bolts 10 the torque listed in this Chapter's Specilicallons. 9 Clean the coolant seallng sur1aces 01 Ihe adapler and oil cooler, and Inslall new O-rings (see Шu stгеti оп) . Clean the Ihreads 01 lhe threaded 'иЬе and apply non-hardening thread-Iocking compound 10 the end that 900S into the 011 coolQf" adapter. Insert il through the 011 cooler and tigh ten it 10 this Chapler's Specificatlons. 10 Тhe remainder 01 instaHalion Is the revef"Se 01 removal. Install а
11 there 's coolant leaklng 'roт the weep hole (arrow) the w ater ритр тuз! Ье replaced new 011 fil ter, refill and Ыеес! Ihe cooling system (see Chapter 1). run Ihe englne 10 check lог oil ог coolant leaks.
- check
Refer 'О i/lustгаtЮn 8.2 Waming: Тhe modeJs covered Ьу this тапuа! аге equipped with Supp/ementa/ Reslrainl Systems (SRS), moге соmmоп/у known аз airbags. Always disconnect 'М negгtive battef}' cable, then the posltive battery саЬ1е and w81t two m/nиtes bвfore working in the vicinity о( 'М impaCf sensors, steering coJumn ог instrument рапе! 10 8vo/d the possibiJity о( 8ccidenta/ depIoyment о( the airbag, wh/ch cou/d саизе personal infury (зев Chapler 12~ Do по! U5е апу electrical test equipmeпr on апу о' (М вirbag system wires ог lаmрег with them in апу way. 1 Water ритр failure сап cause overheatlng and serious damage 10 the englne. Тheгe are three ways 10 check the operalioo 01 Ihe waler pump while It's inslalled 00 'м engine. If аny опе 01 'М following quick checks Indlcates waler pump probIems. 1I should ье replaced immediately. 2 Д зеal prOlects the waler риmр impeller shaft beзring !тот contamination Ьу engine coolant. l' Ihis зеаl lalls, а weep hole in the water pump snoul will leak coolant (see iIIustratlon) (ап inspection mlrror сап ье used 10 look а! the underslde 01 the ритр I1 Ihe hole isn't оп 'ор). If Ihe weep hole is leaklng, shall bearing lailure will follov.
Chapter 3 Cooling, heating and air conditioning systems
. ~~~~~~~~~
Оп У6
engines, the JЮwег steering pump bracket fits over the water ритр m o unting studs (arтows)
5.0L and У6 engines, detaeh the radiator hose, heater hose and bypass hose (arтows)
9.9а Оп
5.0L engines, аПег the belt·driven accessory brackets have Ьвеп removed, remove the hoses and the water ритр retaining bolts
9.9Ь Оп
4.6L engines, remove the four bolts (arтows) .•.
Replaee the waler ритр immedialely. Note: А small атоипl о( gray discoloration is normal. А wel агеа ог heavy brown deposils ind/cale те рuтр зеаl has failed. 3 Besides conlamination Ьу coolanl after а зеаl lailure, Ihe water ри тр impeller shaft Ье8гiпg сап 81 зо ргеmаlшеlу wear oul . 1I 8 noise (з coming 'гот Ihe water ритр during engine operalion, Ihe shalt be8ring has failed - replace the water ритр immedialely. Note: Do по! сопfизе drivebelt noise wilh bearing noiS8. LOOS8 ог glazOO driv8b81ts тау emil а high-рitсhОО squealing noise. <1 То idenlily excessive bearing wear belore the Ьеагiпg actually l ails, grasp the water рuтр pulley (with drivebell removed) and 'гу 10 'огее il uр-апd-dоwп ог 'гот side-to-side. 1I Ihe pulley сап ье moved eilher horizonlally ог vertically, the bearing is пеагiпg Ihe end 01 115 5ег· vice lile. Replace Ihe water ритр.
Water pump -
and installation
Warning : Тhe models covered Ьу this mапиа/ аге equipped wilh Supp/emenlal Restraint Systems (SRS), тоге соmmоп/у /mown аз airbags. AJways disconnecl the negalive batteгy саЫе, Ihen /he positive batteгy саЫе and wait two minutes beloгe working in /he vicini/y о( the /mрас/ sensofS, s/eeгing со/итп ог ins/rumen/ рапе//о avoid the possibility 01 accidenta/ dep/oyment о( the airbag, which cou/d саизе personal injuгy (зее Chapter 12). ос по/ изе апу e/ee/гieal (ез! equipment оп апу о( the airbag systeт wiгes ог /втрег with them in апу way.
g.ge ••• and гетоуе the water pump поm out 01 the engine bIoek - if it stieks, knoek it loose with а sott-Iaee hammer (ог а hammer and а bIoek 01 wood)
Ае(ег /0 iIIustгаtiопз 9.5, 9.8, 9.9а, 9.9Ь and 9.9с Wamin g: Wait until the engine is complete/y соо/ before staгting this procedure. 1 Disconneellhe саЫе 'гот Ihe negalive battery termlnal. 2 With the engine cold , dгаiп the cool ing system (зев Chapter 1). 3 Remove the fan shroud and the fan asзетЫу (зее Seetlon 4). <1 Remove the drivebelt(s) (зее Chapter 1) апd remove the water pump pulley. Note: /I's he/p(ul 10 loosen the pulley boltsJnuts while the belt iз still in p/ace. 1t he/ps hold /оо pulley (гот tuming. 5 Оп 5.0L engines, if the power steвring pump brackel is retained а! the waler pump, the power stеегiпg ритр should Ье compl etely removed and laid to опе зidе 10 lacilitate removal 01 the bracket. Оп З.8L Vб engines, remove the power steвring pump pulley (зее Chapter 10) and remove the Ьгасе from the waler pump 'О the power steering pump (зев illustration). 6 ОП 5.0L engines вquipped with air conditioning, remove the idl8l" pulley and bracket аззеmЫу. 7 Remove апу ассеззогу brackets thal altach 'о the water pump. 8 Оп 5.0L апd З.8L У6 engines, remove the lower radiator hose, the heater hose and the Ьу·раsз hose 'гот the water pump (зее i1Iuзtrа· tion). 9 Remove the water pump retaining Ьоltз and re move the water pump (see illustrations). Оп 5.0L and У6 епgiпеs, take note of the installed роsitiопs 01 the various length oolts and studs (зве iIIustтa tion 9.8 'ог У6 mounting ООltз). Оп 4.6L У8 епgi пез, the water ритр is retained Ьу only lour ооltз.
Chapter 3 Cooling, heating and air conditioning systems
9.11 Оп 4.6L engines, inspect the sеаliпg surface (arтow) in the рУтр cavity 10r dirt ог sl9ПS of pitting
9.12а Оп 4.БL
engines, IП5tзВ а new O-ring seal оп the water ритр
9. 12Ь Оп У6 englnes, appty sealant 10 the threads of the Ьоlt for this location (arrow)
The thermalllmiter (arrow) protects the components 'гот excessive heat· c heck the thermal limiter 'ог damage
Blower motor resistor location оп the duct аЬоуе the bIower motor· disconnect the wiring connector and гетоуе the two screws (arrows)
Installation Refвr
to Illиstгations 9.11, 9.128 8fJd 9. 12Ь 10 Вelore instaJlatioo. гemoув ам clean all gasket ог sealanl mater· 'аl 'гот 'М water pump, cylinder ,гоп! cOv6f, or cylinder block. 11 ОП 4.бl engines. 'пsрес! the О-ппэ and sealing surface 01 waler pump housing in the block !Ог dirt and/or debris (зее illustratlon) , Clean them thoroughly before геаззетЫу. 12 Оп 5.0L engines, posilion new gaskels оп Ihe waler ритр and соэt Ihem оп both sides wilh AТV sealanl. Оп 4.6L engines. lubricale а new O-rlng seal with clean anlilreeze and install il 10 the water pump (эве lIIuэtrаtiоп) . Оп 3.8L V6 6f19ines. соаl the Ihreads 01 Ihe 10w6f righl bolt 01 Ihe right waler passage wilh sealanl belore inslallallon (эве Illustration). 13 Inslall Ihe waler ритр аnd tighten the boIts 10 the lorque lisled in Ihls Chapler's Specilications. 14 Оп 5.0L engines, il тау ье песessзJ)' 10 Iransler $Ome hose ports andlor litlings from the old pump if уou are replacing it with а new опе. 15 ОП 5.0L and V6 engines, Inslall Ihe lower radiator hose. heater hose and by-pass hose 10 the watef' ритр. Replace the hose clamps wilh new ones,lf песеssзry. 16 Inslall Ihe remaining components 10 Ihe waler ритр and englne In the reverse order of removal. 17 Fill the cooling system with the ргорег coolanl mixture. 18 Slan the engine and make 5ure Ihere are по leaks. Check Ihe level frequenlly during lhe first few weeks 01 operalion 10 ensure Ihef'e are no leal<s and 'hз! Ihe level ln the 5yslem 15 5lable.
10 Heater and air conditioning bIower motor circuitcheck Re{er 10 iIIusttations 10. 5а. 10. 5Ь, 10. б, 10.7 вnd 10.9 Waming: тhe modвIз covered Ьу this таnuаl are equippвd wlth SuppJвтenta/ Restmint System5 (SRS). moге common/у known аз airba~ Aflн'ays disconnect (hв negat/ve b8ttery саЫе. (hen (hв positivв b8ttet)' саЫе аоо wait two minute5 b&fore working '" thв vicinity оТ the /траа sensors, steering со/uтп ог Instrиmвnt рапеl to avoid the possiЫlity о! accldenta/ dep/oymen t о( the airbag. whlch could cause personal injury (зее Chapter 12). Do пat use апу electrical te5t equipment оп аnу о' the airbag sys tem wires ог 'атрег with 'hвт /п зпу way. Note: тhe bIowor motor i5 switchвd оп the ground-side о{ the circuit. 1 Check Ihe fuse and all conneclions in the circuil 'ог looseness and corrosion. Make sure Ihe batt6l)' iэ fully charged. 2 3 With the transmission in Park, 'М parking brake securely sel. lum Ihe ignition switch 10 the Оп position. 1I isn't necessary 10 slan 'М vehlcle. 4 Switch Ihe heal6f conlrols 'О FLOOA and the bIOW6f speed 10 НI Llsten аl the ducls 10 hear if Ihe bIOWef' is operaling. tf it is. Ihen sWltch the bIower зреес! 10 LO and lislen again. Тгу all the speeds. 5 Тhe bIower molor resistor аззетЫу is localed оп Ihe evaporatQf сазе under Ihe dash (see 111ustrattons). Aefer 10 Chapler 11 for Ihe procedure (о remove the glove Ьох for access 'О the bIOWef' and bIower motor resislor. Тheгe аге 1hree resistor elemenls mounted оп Ihe rвslS board 10 ргоуюе low аnd medium bIowef' speeds (HI bypasses the resistor). Тhe bIower opemtes continuous1y. anytiте the ignition swilch is оп and the тodе switch is '" апу pos!tion other Ihan 00. Д Iherm~
Chapter 3 Cooling, heating and air conditioning systems
10.6 Tesl the terminals of the bIower resi stor with ап ohmmeter for continuity resislor is inlegraled inlo Ihe circuils 10 prevenl меаl damage 10 componenls. " Ihe Ihermal limiler clrcuil маз Ьееп opened аз а "eSull 01 вхcesзiуе heal, il should ье replaced only wilh Ihe identlcal "9placement раП. Note: Do no! гер/асе уоuг bIower resistor with е -esisror that does not iпcorporate the therma/ liт/ter. б Wilh Ihe resislOl' removed 'гот Ihe vehicle, visually check 'ме 'Iт :er 'ог damage, Indicaled Ьу 'мв malerial melling oul belween 'ме соп· =acls о' Ihe limiler. Check Ihe resiSlor bIock lог conlinui l y belween all :вrmlnals (зее illustrallon). Тмеге should ье conlinully between 'ете· ~з 3 and 4 wilM а reslslance 01 approxlmately 1.3101.5 ohms; cOnli'"tЛty belween lвrminals 2 аnd 4 wilh а resislance о' 1.8 10 2.0 ohтз, .ю continuity between lвrminals 1 аnd 4 wilh tolaJ resislance о' 2.3 10 2.5 оМтз. l' аny 01 Ihe resislor elemenls do поl разs Ihe les's, replace :ne blower resiSIOl'. Locale IMe electrical conneclOl' аl 'ме bIower molor. Backprobe .... dark bIue/lighl green wire lerminal; Ihere should ье battery vollage .... llh Ihe тоое swilch '" апу posilion olher Ihan Qff and Ihe Ignlllon sw!lch Оп (зее Illustration). " nOI, Ihere is а ргоЫвт in Ihe clrcuit 'rom Ihe fuse рапel 10 Iме heater/air conditioning conlrol panel, ог from 'JIe conlrol рапеl 10 lМ blowвr. 8 If lhere is vottage а! lhe lеес! мге, but lМ bIower does поl opвrale, oackprobe Iме bIack wire and соппесl еl 10 а known 9000 chassis ground with а jumper wire. 1I Iмв bIower поw operates IМеге is а PrObIem 1\ Iме ground clrcuit. 11 it still doesn't operate, replace 'ме bIower molor. 9 " Ihe bIower operales, but по! а! all speeds and уои мауе already ch ecked the bIower resls l or, reler 'о Section 12 and гетоУв 'мв rмэаtег/аiг condilioning contro! раПе/. Disconnect the electricaJ соппес·
10.7 Backprabe the battery feed wlre а! 'Мв bIower motor connector (arrow) • there shauld Ье voltage with 'мв mode switch in зпу posltlan other 'мап otf and the Ignition key Оп
tor from the back 01 'М bIower speed switch and tesllhe lвrminals for con!inuity (see Шustratiоп). '" 'ме Medium 1 position. lhere should ье continuily belween termina!s в and О : (п Мооеит 2 posilian, there should ье continuity belween lвrminals В and С; and (п НI position, 'меге should ье continuity between termlnals В and А. If Iмв continuity is по! аз described. replace the bIower speed swilch.
Heater and air conditioning bIower motor and instailation
3 Re{ertoillustrations 11.2а, 1 '.2Ь аnd 11.3 Waming: тhe mode/s covered Ьу tnis тanиa/ аге equippвd with Supp/ementa/ Restraint Systems (SRS), тоге соттоп/у known аз airbags . A/ways disconnect tne negative battery свЫе, (nеп tne pos/tive battery саЫв аnd wait мо minutes belore working in the vic/nity о{ the /mpact seпsощ steering column ог instrиment раnel (о аvoю the posslbl/ity 01 accidвntaJ deployment о( (ОО airbag, whicll cou/d саuse p8fSonaJ injUfY (зее Chapter 12). Do no! изе алу electricaJ test equipmeпt on алу 01 the airbag system wlrвs or ютрег witn them in апу way. 1 Disconnect Ihe bIawer molor electrical connector fтorn 'мв molor (зее iIIustratian 10.7). 2 Аетоуе the 'мгее bIower motor retaining screws. Separate Ihe bIower motor Iгот the bIower motor cover and sliffener plate (зее iIIustratians).
I 10.9 Check the bIower speed switch far continuity
11.2а А етovв 'мв 'мгее
bIawer motor maunting screws (arrows)
Chapter 3 Cooling, heating and air conditioning systems
--- п 11.2Ь
Blower motor components
Stiffener plate
11.3 Pry off the retalning clip (arтow) retaining the bIower fал 10' the bIower motor shaft
the trim 15 removed, гетоув the 'our screws (arrows) and pu1l the сопtrol аэзетЫу ои! 01 the dash
tf the bIower motor 15 being replaced. the fan wheel should ье new motOl' а! this time. 11 1з attached 10 the blOWef motor shaft with а push nut. Grasp the nut with а plJers and pull it off or pry it off with а small screwdriv«, being careful 001 10 cmck the push пщ (see Illustration). ТО reinslall the nut, slmply push it оп 10 the shaft. 4 Тhe remainder of the Installation 15 the reverse of removal. 3
transferrвd 10 Ihe
12 Heater and air conditioning control assembIyremoval and installation Wamlng: тhe modв/з covered Ьу th/s тaпual аге equipped with Sup(SRS), morв сommon/у known аз airbags. A1wsys diStXNJnвct [hв nвgative battВf')' CВbJв. thвn [hв роsШve batt&l)' CabIe and wait two minutes bвfore wonang In thв vicinity о! thв fmpвct sвnsors, steering соlumл or {лstrument pane/ to аvoid the possiЬШty о! вcckiental deployment о, the 8irbag, which could cause personв/ fлiиГУ ($00 Chapler 12). Do not use элу e/вctrica/ teSI equipтenl ол элу о! Ihe a/rbag system wires ог '8трег wilh thвm {л алу way.
p/eтenta1 Restraint Systeтs
Remova/ Refer 10 lfIustratiолs 12.2, 12.3а, 1 2.3Ь влd 12.3С
Aeler 10 Chapter 11 IOf removal 01 Ihe cenler dash bezel, around Ihe control эssетЫу and radio. 2 Aemove the 'оиг screws Г81аlпiпg Ihe conlrol assembIy 10 Ihe I лslrument panel (see Шustratlоп) . 3 Pull the COnlrol assembly out 01 Ihe iлstrument paпel аnd discon-
12.3Ь Тhв
vacuum connector сап ье disconnвcted thls nut (arrow)
Ьу геmоviлg
Ihe eleclricaJ соллесtоrs, vacuum hamess алd temperature con(see iI1ustratlons). Note: When d/sconnect/ng the У8сиuт lines. ье сагеful 10 8void cracking the p/astic connectors вnd C8using а уасuит le.ak (possibIy (пюта/ within thв contro/ head). 4 Aeler 10 Section 1О 'ог aleclrical checks 01 ihe bIower motQf speed switch. IлstaJlalion is the гeyвrse 01 the гвmoya] procedure. • 5 Irol
Chapter 3 Cooling , heating and air conditioning systems
12.3с АетОУ8
the two screW5 10 disconnect the temperature cantrol са Ые
13.3 Stide the clamps back and disconnect the heater hoses froт the heater саге inlet and outlet pipes (arтows) at the right зюе of the firewa ll
1З.ба Аетоуе
this nut (arтow), located the firewall just below the heater hose connectlons
13.5 Dlsconnect the maln vacuum co nnector (arrow) 'гот the engine 10 the heater/evaporator housing, and pull the hose through the firewalllnto the Interior
13 Heater
Worklng inside the vehic le, изе extenslon and socket 10 re8ch the center bolt at the bottom 01 the hеаtег/еvэрогatог housing
removal and Installation
Warning 1: The mode/s covered Ьу this таnuаl аге equipped with Supp/ementa/ Restraint Systems (SRS), more соттоп/у known аз airtJags. A/ways disconnect (М nвgative bвttery саЫе, (мп the tlVe bвttery С8Ь/е and wait two minutes beforв wortdng '" the vicinlry 01 the impact sensors, steering coIumn of' instrumenl paпeI 10 avoid the possibllity о! eccldenta/ deployment о! (М eirbeg, which cou/d ceuse persona/ injury (зев Chapter 12). Do пat изе епу в/ее/пса! (ез! equip· ment оп апу о' the airbag system wires о, (атре' with them '" апу wey. Waming 2: тhв airconditioning system 'з under h/gh pressurв. 00 NOТ /oosen апу fittings or rвтoyв апу components uпtil eftвr Ihв systвm fюз Ьееп discharged. А/, conditioning гefrigeranl shou/d ье propвriy discharped into еп EPA-approVfЮ container а! а dealвr service departтent о, ап automotive air condition/ng гepai, facility. A/ways wear еув proteclion when disconnecting а/, cond/tioning system fitt/ngs.
Removal Refвr
13.3, 13.5,
13.ба, 13.БЬ,
13.6<;, 13.7,
1 3.8Ь
Take the vehicle 10 а dealer service departmenl ог automOlive air conditioning shop апd have Ihe air сопditiопlпg syslem disсhэгged. 2 Disсопп есt th e сэЫе from Ihe пegаlivе batlery terminal. Dгэlп Ihe cooling system (seв Chapler 1). 3 Disconпect Ihe ма1ег hoses 'roт the heater core inlst and oullel tubes а! the lirewall (зее Illu stratiоп) . Disconnecl гnd plug Ihe еуаро· rator liпеs а! the lirewall (зев Section 18). Plug the heater соге lubes 10
1З.бе Аетоуе
the bott and nul (arrows) retaining the heaVAC unit 10 the cowl
avold spilling алу сооlалt during removal . сар 'М evaporalor lines 10 prevenllhe enlry 01 din and moisture. 4 Аетоуе Ihe iПSlrumепt рапеl (зев Сhэрler 1'). 5 Disсоппесl Ihe maln уасиит line Iгот Ihe healer/evaporalor hоuslпg 10 the епgiпе (see illustrati on). 1I Is located аЬоув Ihe геаг 01 Ihe righl valve соуег. Pulllhe hose through Ihe liгеwаll lп lо 'М inlerior. 6 Aвmoye !he healer/evaporator houslng lasleners, which include а 0011 пем 'М !ор сепler 01 Ihe unit, а пш at the lop righl, а bott пеаг the botlom, аnd а пul оп Ihe engine side 01 lhe firewall (зее illustrations).
Chapter 3
heating and air conditioning systems
13.7 Carefulty pull the housing out fro m under t he cowl гетоуе It form the vehic le without Шtiпg N, 50 c oolant iзл '! spilled оп the carpeting
... then li" the heater соге from the аззетЫу
7 Making sure no othef wires or hoses аге connected 10 Ihe hous1"9, pull the heater/evaporator housing Ои! 'гот under Ihe cowl and гemoуе it from 'М vehicle (зев illustration). Аетоув the lour screws and Ihe heater соге соуег, then pull ou! 8 the heater соге. belng careful по! 10 'ear Ihe lоат sеаliпg malerlaJ (зе в Illustrations).
/nstallation Шustration 13.9 9 when гeinstalllng the healer core '" the housing, make sure Ihe onglnal 1оат seaJing maleiial 'з intact and '" place (зее illustratJon). , О Аoutе Ihe уаси ит supply hose through the dash ралеl and зеа! Ihe grommel in Ihe oP6nlng. 11 Posit ion I he assembIed healer!evaporalor unit under Ihe cow l. Insert Ihe heal er соге lubes, evaporalor IIпез and mounling sluds Ihrough lheir respeclive holes in 100 firewall . 12 The remainder о' 100 inslallalion Is Ihe геУerзe 01 removal. 13 Filllhe coo/ing syslem (see Chapler 1). Run 100 engine and check for сооlалl leaks. Науе Ihe air condilionlng syslem charged and check for proper operation 01 100 syslem.
Refer 10
14 Air conditioning and heating system • check and maintenance Waming: тhв зiг condilioning syslвm ;s under high ргеssuгв. DO NOT fittings от remove апу components ипtil afler lhe sys lem
/oosвn апу
When r einstalling the healer! evaporalo r housing, m ake sure the foam sealing is '" place aпd not tom hгs Ьвеп dischгrged. Air conditionlng rвfrigerant shoulr:J ье рropen, d;scharged into ап EPA-approved сап/а/пег а! а ова/ег service depan.ment ог еп BUlomotive а/г conr:J/tion/ng rвpair 'acility. Always wear е.;е protection when diseonnect/ng afr eonr:Jitloning system fittings. 1 The followlng mainlenance steps should ье performed 0f1 а regular basis 10 ensurв Ihallhe air conditloner eontinues 10 operate а! ре.а.. efficiency . а)
Check the lens/on о( the r:Jrivebe/t аnd adjust i( necessary (see Chapler 1~ Ь) Check tflв eondftion о( the hoses. Look (ог crseks, hiJrden/ng алс delerloration. Warning: Оо по! гер/асе afr cOnditlonlng hoses un!il the эуз/ет has Ьееп discharged Ьу а оеа/ег ог air conditioningshop. с) Check /hв пns о' the сonОеnseг for /eaves, bugs аnd olher (Orвfg"" rna/eIiaJ. А 50" Ьтзh аnd comprвMeO air сап ье иsвd 10 rвmove
them. d) Check the wirв hamвs$ Гог correct rouling, broken wirвs, dameged /пзи/а/ioП, е/с. Make $иrв the hзmesэ eonnections arв c/~ апо tigh/. е) Main/ain /he carrect re(rigersnt charge.
2 The syslern should ье Nn 'ог аЬоиl 10 minutes а! leasl опев а monlh. Thls is partlcular1y impof1anl duriпg Ihe winter months beca usг Iong-term non·use сап cause hardening 01 Ihe inlemaJ зеаls. 3 Весаизе 01 Ihe complexity of 100 зiг conditioning system алd tho: special equipmenl required 10 effectively wOfk оп it, accurate tro\>·
Chapter 3 Cooli ng, heating and air conditioning systems
accurate t herm om eter
th e air conditlonlng
оп зпd
(п the center dash уа п!, turn check the o utp ut temperature
01 the system should ье left \0 а professionaJ technlcian. саизе lаг poor cooling 'па! сап ье de\ermined Ьу 'he ~ mechanic is low геfrig6faпt charge. Should Ihe system lose its ~ aЬility, 'hв following procedure will help you pinpoint 'пе cause.
basic c har ging kit 'ог R-1 34a system s ' з a\/ailabIe аl m os! auto parts sto res · i! ти з! зау R-134a (поl R-12) and зо ти з! the 1 2-0ипсе сап 01 refrigerant
:re ргоЬаЫе
Ch eck ~ toiIJustra tion
Warm the engine ир 10 normal operaling temperalure. :: Place the air conditionlng temperalure selector allhe coldest set· "'9 and put the bIower al lhe highвsl setting. Оpen 'пе doors (10 make s.re the зiг conditionlng syslem doesn', cycle off as soon as it cools ~ ~8flQer compar1ment).
! After ,he system reaches operating temperalure, feel ::.oes connected 10 'he evaporator а! 'М firewa".
pipe (l hinn6!' lubing) leading from Ihe cOndenser oullel 10 Ihe should Ье cold, and Ihe evaporalor oullet line (Ihe Ihicker ~ng Ihal leads back 10 the compressor) should Ье slighlly colder ~ to 10 degrees F). 1I lhe evaporator outlet is consЮетЫу warmer Ihan :-е 11'1161, Ihe syslem needs а chafge. Insert а theпnometef in the cenler • O!Slribution duct (ие Illustration) while operaling Ihe air conditioning .ет . the lemperature of the output air should ье 35 10 40 degrees F =-.m те ambient air temperature (down 10 approximalety 40 degrees :- It те ambienl (oulsldej a]r temperature is very high, say 110 degrees : Ihe ducl air l emperature тау 00 as high as 60 degrees F, Ьи! gener· . " те air condilioning Is 35 10 40 degrees F coo!er than the атЫen! air. те air 'зп'! аз cold as 1I used 10 00, the system ргоЬаЫу nee<:ls а З'IaI'Qе. Further inspection or testiлg 01 the syslem is beyoncIlhe scope d the home mechanic and stюuld ье Ief!lo а Pfolessional. ~ralor
Adding refrigerant ~вr 10 iIIustra lions 14.9, 14.12 ! Nole: AJ/ mode/s covered Ьу this тanuгl изе refrigerвnt R·134a. tVhen rвcharging ог rep/ac/ng air condit/on/ng componen ls, изе only ~gerant, refrigerant 01/ and зеа/з coтpalibIe with this system. Тhe .1&!Is аnd coтpressor oi/ изed with oIder, conventiona/ R· 12 refrigerant R па! compatible witl1 ttle compoпents in tI1is system. :; вuy ал automolive charging kil а! an aulo parts slore. Д charging d includes а 14·ounce сап 01 R· I З4а refrigerant. а 'ар valve and а lfЮI1. section 01 hose that сап ье attached between Ihe {ар valve and '%WI system low side service valve (зее iIIU SП8tlоп) . Because ОП8 сап :ii relrigerant may ПОI ье sulliclen! 10 bring Ihe system charge up 10 Ihe ':rOper level, il 's а good idea 10 buy а couple 01 additional сапз. Try {о ind аl leasl опе сап Ihal contains red геfrigerалt dye. II the system is eaking, Ihe red dye will leak out with {М relrigeranl and heJp уou pln· ::оп! the Iocation 01 {М leak. -о Connect!t'Ie charging kit ьу l oIlowing the mалulаctuгer's instruc-
14.12 Add R-134a only to the low-side port (arтow) - the procedure Iз easier if уои wrap lhe са п w il h а warm, wel towel 10 prevent ic ing 11 Back 011 the valve handle оп the charging kit and screw the kit onl o Ihe relrigeranl сал. making sure lirsl Ihat Ihe Q -ring or rubber зеаl inside the threaded portion 01 the kil Is In place. Waming: Wвar protective еуе wвar when dea/ing witl1 pressurizвd refrfgerant CВnS. 12 Аemovе the dusl сар from the Юw-side charging port and attach the quick+СОПпect fitting оп the kit hose (зев iIIизtratioп) . Waming: 00 NOT hook /he cl1arging Ю! fюse 'О the syslem high side! тhв fittings on 'fю charging kit ant designed 10 fil only оп thв /OW side о{ thв systeт . 13 Warm the engine {о normal operaling l emperature and tum оп Ihe air condl lionlng. Кеер Ihe charging kit hose away Irom the 'ап and o!her moving parts. 14 Tum lhe \/alve handle оп the kit unlil the stem pierces Ihe сап . lhen back the handle ощ 10 release the relngerant. Уou stюuJd ье аЫе 10 hear the rush 01 gas. дdd refrigerant 10 the low side 01 {М system unlil both the oulJel аnd the e\/aporator ,nlet pipe 'ее' about I he заmе temperalure . Allow slabilizalion I,me between each additioo. Waming: Never add mont than two саnз о! re frigerant 10 the systeт. Тhe сап тау lend 10 IГОзl ир, slowing Ihe procedure. Wrap а shop towel wel with hot water around the bottom 01 Ihe сап 10 keep it Irom lrosling. 15 Put your Ihermometer back 'п Ihe center regisler аnd check that the oulput air 'з getling coIder. 16 When lhe сап 'з empty, IUfП Ihe valve handle to 'М closвd POSI· ,ion and release Ihe connection 'гom the low-side port. Replace 'he dust сар.
Chapter 3 Cooling, heating and air conditioning systems
14.22 Check the еvароrэtоr drain юЬе (arтow) 'ог bJockage that could lead 10 mildew оп the core - thl s view 15 from below оп the right side, пеаг the 8xheust manifold-to-pipe connection (pipe f8moved 1ог cl arity)
charging kit
and slore the kit lor Mure
use wi1h the piercing valve '" the иР position, 10 prevent inad\ienently pierciГIQ
the сап 0f1 the
Refer to II/ustration 14.22 18 Illhe aJr coming ои! 01 the heater vents could slem from any 01 the following causes: а)
thermostal is stuck ареп, preventing the
enough 10 carry heat
thermostat (see Section
(О Ihв
hot, Ihe
вngine соо/ап!
Rep/ace the
heater fюsв is bIockвd, preventing the fIow о, cooJant through the heater саге. Fee/ both heater hoses В/ the firew8/1. They shou/d ьв hot. If one о( 'hвm is cold, (hвre is ал obstructlon '" опе о, the hoses ог '" the he8ter соге, ог the heater control Уа/уе fs shu t. Detach the hoses and Ьаск f/ush the heater соге wlth в water hose. If (пе пев/ег соге is с/евг Ьu! circu/ation is ImpвdfЮ, геmoув (пе two hoses and flush them ou! with а wafer hose. с) /f f/ushing fai/s (о remove thв blockage from the heater C0f8, the COI'8 must ьв rePIaCed. ($00 Section 13).
Ь) А
19 1I Ihe bIower molor speed does поl cofrespond 10 Ihe sеШпg selecled оп the bIower swilCh, Ihe ргоЫет could ье а bad luзе, circui!, control рапel ог bIower resistor (зее Seclion 10). 20 11 !here 'sn'! апу зiг coming ou! 01 !he yenls: а)
Тит thв
Ignltlon ON and activate thв 'ап control. Pface youг ваг а!
14.26 Remove the bIower resistor and spt"ay disinfectant through the hole (arrow) onlo the соге 10 destroy mildew that саизез air conditioning odors the lungus Ьу opening ир Ihe evaporalor case and uslng а powerfl.f disinleclanl and rinse оп the COfe unlil Ihe fungus 1з gooe. Уои с8/"' servlce уоит own sys tem а! home, Ьи l " takes somelhing mud'l slгonger than baslc household germ-killers ог deodorizers. 25 Аегоsol disinleclanls 'от aulomotive ajr·condilioning syslems аге ayailabIe in mosl aulo parts slores, Ьиl тететЬег when shopping lor Ihem thal lhe most effвctiye trealments аге also the тosl expensive тhe basic procedure lor using Ihese зprауз Is 10 slart ьу running 'М system in the AECIRC тodе 'ог 'еп minules with Ihe bIower оп its highest speed. Use Ihe highest heal тodе 10 dry оиl the syslem аno keep the compressor 'тот engaging Ьу disconnecling the wiring соn nector а! the сотргeзsог (зее Section 16). 26 The disinfeclanl сап usually comes with а long spray hose Remoуе Ihe bIower motor resislor (зев Section 10), poinllhe nozzJe Inside Ihe hole and spray, according 10 lМ manufaclurer's recommendalions (зее illuslnltion). Тту 10 coyer 'М whole sur1ace 01 the еУаро rator соге, Ьу aiming the зргау ир, down and sideways. Follow Ihe manufaclurer's recommendations !ог the lengl h 01 spray and waJting tlme belween applications. 27 the evaporator has been cJeaned, the besl way 10 ргevenl the mildew !тom coming back зgaiп is 10 make зиге уouг evaporalor hovsIng drain lиЬе is сleaт (зее illustration 14.22).
15 Alr conditioning accumulator/drier - removal and 1nstallation
the he8ting/air conditЮning register (\'ent) and tisten. Most motors arв audiЫe. сап Ь)
you hear (hб motor тпп/ng?
I( you свП'1 (and hзуе already yeпгlfКf (М! the bIower switch and (пе
bIower то/ог resistor аге good), the b/ower то/ог /tse/f is probabIy bad (зее Secllon 11).
If 'М
under Ihe healer соге is damp, or if anlilreeze уарог
ог sleam " coming Ihrough the yenls, Ihe healer соге " leaking. Remoуе it (see Seclion 13) аnd inslatl а new uпИ (mosl radialor shops will по! repair а leaking heater соге). 22 Inspeet the drain hose !гот the heater/eyaporator assembJy а! Ihe righl slde 01 Ihe firewall, make зиге il " по! clogged (see Illustration). " lhefe Is а humid misl coming !тот I he syslem ducts, thls hose тау ье p1ugged with leayes or road debris.
Eliminating аiг-соndШоning odors Refer /0 i//ustra/ion 14.26 23 Unpteasant odoгs 'hзl often deyelop In alr-condilionlng syslems are caused Ьу Ihe growth 01 а lungus, usually оп the sur1ace 01 Ihe eyaporalor соге. The waгm, humid enyironmenl Ihere is а per1ect breeding ground for mildew 10 deyelop. 24 Тhe evaporalor corе оп тозl yehicles " dlfflCUlt 10 access, and faclory dеaJ6I'Зhiрs haye а lenglhy, expensiye ргосезз 'ог ellmlnatlng
Remova/ Re(er 10 lIIustrations 15.3, 15.4а, 15.4Ь and 15.5 Wamlng: тhe air conditioning system иndeг high pressure. DO NOT /oosen апу fittings ог геmoуе апу components ипtil after thв system М! Ьееп discharged. Air conditioniпg гefrigerant should ьв property d/scharged Into ап EPA-вpproved contamer аl в deз/ег service depar.men/ ог ап automotive а/г condi/ioning гepair fвcilfty. Always wear еуе pro/action when disconnecting afr conditioning system fittiпgs. 1 The accumutal or/drier stores relrlgerant and гетоуез moislure fгom Ihe syslem. When апу major ajr condilioning сотрапепl (compгeSSOf", соndепзer, eyaporalor) is replaced, or 'М syslem has beer"I арап and ехposed 10 air 'or апу length 01 liтe, the accumulalor/driet тизI ье replaced. 2 ТаМ Ihe yehicle 10 а dealer service departmenl ог BUlomotiye aI" conditloning shop and haye the air condi l ioning syslem dlscharged Dlsconnecllhe саЫе а! the negatiye battery lerminal. 3 Disconnecl Ihe electrical conneclor аl Ihe compressor clutch cycling swilch оп 'ор of Ihe accumulalor/drier (зее illuslnltion). 4 Dlsconnect the re!rigerant inlet and oullel lines (зее lIIustration s) Rетоуе the melal clips firsl , then изе spring-Iock coupting lools to dlsconnecl Ihe I wO IInes from accumula tor/drier. То dlsconnect а..
Chapter 3 Cooling, heating and air conditioning systems
15.3 Disconnect t he e lectriCCII соппеctог (CIrrow) at the co mpressor clulch сусliпg switc h
i:tlП g ,
close the two halves 01 the 1001
Pull off Ihe теtэl c lip (CIrrow) CIt eCIch co nnection •••
1 5АЬ ••• and use the spring-Iock coupling 1001 according to the tool manufaclurer's recommendations 10 separate the line connections
and push
Z'8 1001 lowards the ganer spring. Тhis e)(pands the spring 10 release .ts hold. Whlle Ihe spring is e)(panded and 1001 is slill In place, pull '" .:JppI)site direclions оп Ihe two lines 10 separate Ihe connection. Сар ог
:JIug the ореп lines immedialely. Note: Specia/ spring lock coupling хю/s аге required 10 re/ease the conne<;tors used оп the refrigerant
lлs tаllаtiол 1I уои are replacing the accumulator/drier, drain the relrigeranl oil 'Фm the old accumulalor/drier. Add the same атоип! plus two ounces of cl ean relrigeranl oil 10 Ihe new accumulalor. This will main,ain Ihe .:orrect oillevel in the system after the repai rs аге completed. Note: ihe manufacturer recommends that to pгoperly dra/n all о' the оП {гот :he accumu/atorldrier 'ог ап accurate measuremenl, уоu shou/d drill -11/0 ha/f-inch ho/es {п the bottom о{ the accumu/atorl drier. ; Place the new accumulator/drier into position, lighlen the mounl.,g bracket screw lighlly, slill allowing Ihe accumulator drier 10 Ье tum ed 10 align Ihe line conneclions. Inslall Ihe inlet and ои11еl lines. Lubricate the O-rings using clean 8 'e!rigerant oil and гесоппес! the lines. Now tighten Ihe clamp bolt securely and гесоппес! Ihe eleclrical connec tor. 9 Соппес1 Ihe саЫе to Ihe negative terminal 01 Ihe battery. 10 Науе Ihe system evacuated, recharged and leak lested Ьу а dealer service depanment ог ап air conditioning repair lacility. 6
15.5 Аетоуе the mounting пиl '" the clamp (arrow), spread the c lamp slightly CInd pull the accumulator/drier ир and ои!
16 Air conditioning compressor - removal and installation Warning: Тhe air conditioning system is under high pressure. DO NOT loosen апу fittings ог геmоуе апу components uпtil after Ihe system has Ьееп discharged. Air condition/ng refrigerant shou/d ьв рroрег/у discharged into ап EPA-approved container а! а deaJer service departтепl ог ап automotive air cOnditioning repair facility. A/ways weэг еуе protectlon when disconnecting а/г conditioning system fittings. Note: Specia/ spring-/ock coupling loo/s аге required 10 re/ease the connвctors used оп Ihe refn'gerant lines throughout the air conditioning system. Тheгe arв different specia/ loo/s (ог each line size; these tooJs сап usua//y ьв found а! /оса/ aulo parts slores, often '" а set. see Section 15 (ог 100/ description and use.
Reтoval Refer 10 iIIustrations 16.за, 16.ЗЬ, 16.4 аnd 16.5 Caution: WhenevBr а compressor is гер/асОО, 'l wiIJ ьв necessary 10 гер/асе the accumu/atorldrier. 1 Take Ihe vehicle 'О а dealer service department ог automotive air COnditioning shop and have the air conditioning syslem discharged. Disconnect I he саЫе 'гот the negalive battery lerminal. . Аетоуе the accessory dгivebelt(s) (see Chapter 1). Оп V6 тod 2 els, гетоуе the air filter assembIy. Оп S.oL V8 models, гетоуе the battery and the battery {гау. З Disconnect the refrigerant lines !гот the compressor (see illизtration).
Unbolt the refrigerant line bIock 'гот the Ьаск of the compressor (shown removed 'rom vehicle)
Chapter 3 Cooling, heating and air conditioning systems
the front 01 the compressor, remove these мо пыз release the support bracket оп the line carтying the inllne filter - this ."iew 15 looking ир from below А!
(arтows) (О
the mounting bolts
сопditiоп iпg compгessor 'тот
and гетоуе the air the engine сотраптеп!
Disconnect the electrical connection а! the compressor clulch illusuatlon). 5 Аemoуе the compr6SS0r mountlng boIls (зев illusttatJon). б Аетоуе the сотргеззог !гот Ihe mounting localion. Drain and теаsиге the refrigerant oil from the compressOf. 4
Instal1ation Refer [О Шustгаtiоп 16.9 7 If the сотргезsог 15 being replaced, draln
new compressor. аmouп! 01 refrigeranl 011 drained
shlpplng oil that
тау ье (п (М
the oId compressor
was 3 оипсез or Jess, add а 10laJ 01 б ounces 01 new oil 10 Ihe new compressor. If the amoun t drained was more Ihan 5 ounces, add Ihat amOunl 01 new oil, and if Ihe drained amounl was between 3 and 5 ounces, add lhal amouпl plus ап exlra ouпсе 10 the new compl'ВSSOf. 9 Installalion proceclures аге the revefSe 01 Ihose 'ог removal. When inslalling Ihe filling bJock, use new O-rings and lubricale Ihem wi th сleал гefrig8fЭпt oil (see ittustration). 10 After th e compressOl'" is instattecl, have Ihe syslem evacuatecl, rechargecl arкf leak lested Ьу а dealer service departmenl or ап air condilioning repair lacitity.
17 Air conditioning condenser - removal and installation Warning 1: The models covered
твпuа/ аге
equipped with
16.9 Use new О-ппв5 (alТows), lubricated wilh геfПвегаПI 011, when r eattaching the tine Ыосk 10 the сотргеззог Supp/ementa/ Restraint Systems (SRS), тоге соmmоп/у known аз airtJags. AJways disconnect (hв negэtive battef)' саЬ/е, then the poSltive battef)' саЬ/е and wэit МО minutes before working In the viclnlty 0 1 the impacr зепзоrз, steering со/итп ог instrumeпr рапеl 10 evo/d the possibi/ity 01 eccidentв/ dep/oyment 01 the alrbag, whlch could сэuse personaJ injuf)' (see Chapl8f" 12~. Do not use anу electrica1 test equipmenl on эпу о( 'М 8irbag system wires or (amрег wlth them In 8ПУ way. Wamtng 2: The а/г conditiол/пg syslem is under high pressuгe. DO NOT Ioosen епу fittings ог гemove алу componenrs uпШ efter the syslem ha.s Ьееп dlschaгged. Мг сondШoniпg relrigerant shcu/d ье properly discharged into ал EPA-approved conta/ner а! а deaIer SefViCe departmem or ап eutomotivs 8ir condilion/ng гера!г fвcllity. A/ways weэг еув prolec (ЮЛ whел disconnecting аlгсondШoniпg system fittings. Note: Specia/ sprlng-/ock coupling lоо/з аге required 10 ге/еазе тЕ ConnectOlS изed on the гefrigerant /ines throughout the air condllloning system. Тheгe аге different special (ootз for each line slze; these ' ools сап usually ье (ound а! /ocв/auto parts stoгes, often Iл е set. Sвe Secаоп 15 (ог 1001 description 8nd uзе.
Reтova/ Refer to i//ustrations 17.6 and 17.7 Caution: Whenever в condenser Is гер/асоо, it will ье necвзsв!)' ro гер/асе the accumu/atorfdrier (sвe Section 15). 1 Take the vehicle 10 а dвaler service department ог au tomotive 3!f conditioning shop and have Ihe air condilioning syslem discharged. 2 Dlsconnecl the baltery саЫез and remove the battery and baltel)'
Chapter 3 Cooling, heating and air conditioning systems
17.6 Using the speclal spring-Iock coupling 1001, disconnect the sprlng lock coupler s (arrows) оп the rlght slde 01 the condenser tray (ге/ег 10 Chapter 5). 3 Refer 10 Sectioo 4 аnd гетоуе the cooling 'an аnd shroud азsвmыу. ~
Оп 4.БL
models, refer 10 Chapter 6
ам гетОllе
the air cleaner
5 Refer 10 Sectlon 5 and гетОllе the coolant reservoir, ирре!' radlator hose алd radiator 'ар mounting brackels. 6 Use spring-Iock coupllng 10015 10 d isconnвct Ihe two liпез а! the nght side 01 the соndепsег (зев illustration). sвe Section 15 !ог 1001
use ргосООиге. 7 Remove the two conderlsef mounting brackets bolted 10 Ihe radiator support (sвe Illustration). Caretully titt the radiat~ 10 the геаг and ft the condenser out 01 the bottom CfЗdlе suppor1s.
/nstal1ation 8 1I Ihe condenser is being replaced wlth а new опе, transler Ihe brackels and mounts !гот the old unit 10 the new опе. 9 When replaclng Ihe condenser add опе ouncе 01 re!rigerant oil 10 т е condenser Ье!оге геаввеmЫу. Тhlз wШ maintaln the соггес! oil level in the system after the repairs are compleled. 10 Вefore installation, check the bracket assembIies and mouпlз 'or excessive wear or damage. Replace them if песessшy. 11 Тhe Installation procedures ате the reverse 01 thOse 'or removal. When inslalling Ihe hose and fittings, изе new O-rings and lubricate Феm with clean relrlgerant oil. 12 Afler the condenser is inslalled have Ihe system evacuated, recharged and leak tesled Ьу а deaJer service department ог ап air cooditioning гepair laciJity.
18 Air conditioning evaporator - remova l and installation
.. '..,-"
Werning 1: Тnе mode/s covered Ьу tnis mапиаl аге equlpped witn
Тhe со пdепsег is mоuпted to the radiator s uppol1 [п rubber bI ocks (д) , remove the bolt (В) оп each side and pull the condenser back (toward the engine) пот under the radiator suppol1, thе п up апd out
Restraint Sys/ems (SRS), тоге соттоп/у known аэ Always disconnect lhe negative batte/)' свЫе, (hen the POSJtive batte/)' cвble вnd wзif мо minutes before womng in the vicinity о{ (пе fmpact sensors, steenng со/uтп or instrитent рапеl to avoid tne possibi/ity о! зсс/dentа/ deployтent о! tne airbag, which cou/d саuэе peгsonal inju/)' (see Chapter 12). Do not иэе апу electricB/ test equipment on апу о! the airbВg system wires or tamper with (hвm '" апу way. Warning 2: Тпе а/г conditioning sys/em /s under nigh ргеээигв. DO NOT /OOSВN апу fittings or rвтove anу components unti/ after tne sys'ет hээ been discharged. Air conditionlng refrigerant shou/d ьв propег/у d/scharged into ап EPA-approved container at а dea/er service departтent or ап autoтotive air condition/ng repair facility. Always вув wear protect/on when disconnecting air condition;ng system fittings. 1 The removal 01 the evaporalor соге [в а diflicult Job, and а replacement evaporator core 18 only avallabIe with ап entirely-new healer/evaporator housing азветЫу. If the core is 10 ье replaced, all 01 the ducling, vacuum motors. vacuum tank, heater сorе. bIOWM motor and other components will have 10 ье removed from the old assembly and mounled оп the replacemenl houslng. Note: Вeforв rep/acing ап evaporatorcorв, deterтinв for свпшп thвt the соге /s IeakIng Ьу having а /вak tBst performed with эрес/а/ equipment а! deзlвг service departтеп! or 8utomotive air conditioning repair f8Cility. 2 Refer 10 Section 13 !ог removal 01 the heater/evaporator housing. Тhis procedure requires the removal 01 the instrument panel (see Chap'М 11). Note: Whвnever the evaporвtor core is replacвd with в new one, the accuтu/ator"/drier wШ а/50 hэvв 10 ье r&PIaCed (see Sвction 15). Al50 reтove the 8CCUтu/ator/drier тoon6пg bracket from the firewa/l. 3 ObIain Ihe new replacement evaporator core/housing assembly апd trans!er all 01 the component8 Irom the old unit 10 the new опе. 4 Installation is the reverse 01 Ihe removal process. 5 Have the 8ystem evacuated, recharged and leak tested Ьу the dealer service depanment ог ап alr condltloning repair lacilily. airbвgs.
Chapter 4 Fuel and exhaust systems Contents SectJon
AcceIernlOf саЫе - removaJ, installatlon aлd adjustment ..... ......... 10 Air cleaner houslng - removal and Insla/latlon ............................... 9 Air filter replacement ........................................................ See Chapter 1 СНЕСК ENGINE light ...................................................... See Chapter 6 Exhaust system chвck ............................................... ...... see Chapter 1 Exhaust system sef'Vicing - generaJ InlormaliOfl ............................ 16 FueI fitt8f' replacemenl .......................................... ........... see Chapter 1 Fuel injectlon system • general Information ............. ...................... 11 Fuel injection system - check........................... ..................... ......... 12 Fuel level sвm:!ing unit - check and replacemenl ............... Fuel lines and t!ttlngs - replacemenl .............................................. Fuel pressure rel lef procedure .............. .......... ........................... Fuel pumplfuel prвssurв - check ........................ ...........................
8 4
SoctJon Fuel риmр - гemoуal аrЮ Inslallation ........................................... 7 Fuel system check ................................................ ........ ... Chapter 1 Fuel tank - cleaning and repair.................................................... . б Fuel tank - removal and Installation ............................................ ... 5 Genef8l lпfoпnation ....................................................................... . Idle Air Conlrol (lдC) уalvе and юlв speed - check, гemoуal and adjustment ..................................... ...................... 14 Intake Manifold Aunner Сопtтol (IMAC) system (4 .БL ООНС englnes)......... ........................ .................. . 15 Sequenlial Eleclronic FuellnJection (SEFI) system componenl check аnd replacemenl ... ........ ...................... ........ 13 Underhood hose check and replacement ....................... Chapter 1
Fuel pressure FueI syslem presSIJrв (аl idleJ Vacuum hosв attached ....................... ........................... .................. . Vacuum hose delached ....................... ............................................. . FueI sysl8l'n hOId pressure (after 5 minutes) .......................................... .. FueI ритр pressure (maximum) .............................................................. FueI ритр hOId pressure ..................... .. ..............................................
Injector resistance .............
.. .............................. ...................
Torque specffications Air inlak.e plenum mounting bolts 3.8l аrЮ 5.0L engines Firsl stage .................................................................................... $есоnd stage ............................................................. ................ .. Third $Iage ..................................................................... ............. .. 4 .БL DOНС engines (Iollow sвquence In Шustrаtiоп 13.23)............. . Тhrottle body mounting nuts ................................................................. .. EGR vaJve..to-lhrotllв body ..................................................................... . FueI rail mountlng bOItS ......................................................................... .. ExhaIJSl plpe-Io-exhausl manifold bolts ............................................... ..
ЗО 10 45 рзl 401050 рзi зо 10 40 psi
65"" 50""
13.510 190hms Ft-Ibs (unless otherwlse Indicaled)
96 in-Ibs
15 24 71 10 106 In-Ibs 1210 18 12101 8 7010 105 in-Ibs 251035
4-2 1
Chapter 4 Fuel and exhaust systems
General information
The 'uel system consists 01 а 'ивl tank, ап eleclric 'uel pump (Iocated in Ihe 'uel tank), а 'uel pump relay. 'uel injectors, ап air сlеалег аэsетЫу and а throttle bodу unit. The 'ивl injection componenls зm all equipped with а Sequential Eleclronic Fuel Injection (SEFI) syslem.
Sequentia/ E/ectronic Fue/lnjection (SEF/)
system Sequenlial Electronic Fuel Injection иэеэ timed impulses 10 inject the 'uel direclly into Ihe Intake ро!1 01 each суliпdег according 10 its firing order. Тhe injectors аге controlled Ьу Ihe Power1rain Control Мod ule (рем). Тhe рем monitors various engine parameters and delivers the вхас! атоипl 01 'ивl required into the inlake рогts. The throttle body serves only 10 conlrol the amount of air passing into Ihe system. Весаизе each cylinder Is equipped with its own injector, much better conlrol of the fueVair mixture ratio is possibIe.
2.1 The inertia switch is located (п the trunk. Шзсоппес! the electrlcal connector 10 disabIe th e fuel ритр
Fue/ рuтр and lines Fuel is circulaled from the !uel tank to the !ивl injection system, and back 10 the fuel lank, through а pair о' metal Нпвз running along the underside of Ihe vehicle. Ап electric fuel pump is located inslde the fuel tank. А vapor retum system гошез аll vapors back to the fuel tank through а separate retum line. The !uel ритр will operate аз long аз the engine (з cranking ог running and the РСМ is receiving Ignition reference pulses !гот the electronic ignition system. If there аге по reference pulses, the 'иеl pump will shut оН after two ог three seconds.
Exhaust systeт Тhe
exhaust syslem includes ап exhaust manifold fined with ап exhausl охуgеп зепsoг, а calalytic converter, ап exhaust pipe, and а muffler. Тhe catalytic сопvеrtвг is ап emission conlrol device added 10 Ihe exhaust syslem to reduce роl l utапts. А single-bed converter is изес! (п combinatiqn with а three-way (reduction) catalyst. Aefer 10 Chapter 6 'ог тоге information regarding the catalytic converter.
Fuel pressure relief procedure
Refe, to iIIustrat;ons 2. 1 and 2.4 Warning: Gasoline ;з extгemely flammabIe, зо take extra precaul;Ons when уои work оп апу part о, the {ивl system. Doп'l зmокв о, allow оpen flamвs о, bare IlgM bulbs пваг the work arвa, and don '1 work ;п а gaгagв where а па/игаl gas-typв аррliапсе (such аз а waler heale, ог а clo/hes dryer) wi/h а pilol lighl is present. $ince gasoline ;з сагс;по gen;с, wear latex gloves when theгe's а possibil;ty о{ being ехрозоо 10 fuel, and, ;{ уои зрill апу {ие! оп уоиг skin, ппsв il о" immediately wi/h зоар and water. Мор ир апу spills immediately аnd do поt slorв fuelsoaked гags wheгe they could ign;tв. Тhe !ивl system;s under constant ргеззиге, зо, if 8Пу {uel/iMS аге 10 ье disconnected, the {ивl pгessure in 1М syslem mиз! ье re/leved first. When you perform апу kind о, work оп Ihe fивl system, wear ssfety g/asses and have а С/аsз В type fire ext;nguisher оп hand. Note: After the {ивl pressurв has Ьевп relieved. it's а good idea to 'ау а shop towel over апу {ие/ conneclion /0 ье d;ssssembIed, 10 аЬзогЬ the res;dual {ив/ Ihat mэу 'еа/{ ou! when servicing the (ив/ system. 1 The 'иеl pump swilch - sometimes called the "inertia switch " whlch shuts off fuel 10 the епgiпе in the еvвпt of а collision, affords а simple and соп vепiепt means Ьу which fuel ргеззиге сап Ье relieved before servicing fuel iпjесliоп соmрспепts. Тhв switch (з located in Ihe luggage compartment (зее illustration) and Is usually covered Ьу the сагре! which comes ир the sides of the truпk. 2 Unplug the inertia switch eleclrical connector. Start the engine and allow it to run until it stops. Тhis should take 3 only а few sесопds. 4 Тhв fuel system ргеззиге is now relieved. When you're finished
working оп the !ивl syslem, simply plug the electrical connector back into the swilch. 11 the inertia switch was "рорроо" (activated) during this procedure, push the гезе! button оп the top 01 Ihe swilch (зее illustratio n).
Fuel pump/fueJ pressure - check
Warning: Gasoline 'з extremely flammabIe, зо take extгa precaut;ons when уou work оп апу part 01 the {иel system. See Ihe Waming;n Section 2. Note1: ТО реrform the !иеl ргеззиге test, уои will need 10 obtain a fuel pressure gauge and adapter 5е! (fue/line fittings). Note 2: Тhe !ивl ритр will operate аз /ong аз Ihe eng;ne is cгan/{;ng Q( rиnning and the рем is receiv;ng ignilion reference pu/ses lгот the eleclronic igni/ion system. /, Ihere аге по reference pulses, the (иеl риmр will shut о" after two ог three seconds. Note З: Мег the 'ивl ргеззигв has ьoon relieved, it's а good idea to 18У а shop towe/ over апу !иеl conneclion 10 ьв d;ssssembIed, [о аЬзогЬ the residual {ие! that тау !еак ou! when servic;ng Ihe !ивl system.
Preliminary inspection Refe, 10 Шиstгаt;оns З. За and З.ЗЬ 1 Should Ihe fuel syslem lаН 10 deliver the proper атоип! 01 fuel . ог апу fuel а! 811, [пзрес! iI аз lollows. Remove the fuel filler сар. Have аn
2.4 If nесезsаry , push the гезе! button after connectJng the inema зwitсh to energize the fuel ритр
Chapter 4 Fuel and exhaust systems
with another fue/ ритр re/ay thal is /oca/ed /п Ihe passenger's s;de kick 10 check {о( ballery voltage 10 lhe ге/ау. Note З: The ;nertia switch is ап e/ectrica/ device wired into the (иеl ритр circuit that wlll shul down power 10 the {ив/ ритр in ап acc/dent. Ве зиге /0 check that Ihe /nertia switch Iз aClivated and /п working order {{ the {ивl ритр /з по! receiving the рroрвг vo/tage (зев Sec/ion2). 4 If there 15 no voIlage presenl, check lhe lизе(з) and Ihe wirjng circиil !or the fUeI ритр relay алdlor poweг relay (see Chapteг 12), 1I "011age is presenl, check 'ог battery voltage at Ihe !uel pump COnr"l8C1or. рапе/ neвr 'М рсм. Ве зиге
Operating pressure check
З.3з Аетоуе the cenler ЬоН , disconnect Ihe ССАМ harness connector and check 'ог ba«ery vollage оп lerminal number 11 with the ignition key ON (engine "о1 running) , Тhis checks power from the 20 атр 'uel pump 1use
tum the ignition key \0 the Оп position (engine ПО1 running) "n,le уou listen аl Ihe !uel li\ler opening. You should hear а whirring $OUnd that 'аз!з 'ог а couple 01 seconds, 2 1I you don't hear anything, check the !uel ритр 'изе (зее Chap:er t 2), 11 the !изе Is bIown, replace and зее " 1I bIows again. 11 il does, Irace the 'uel ptJmp circuit 'ог а short. " I1 Iзп'l bIown, remove ":'"Ie 'uel ptJmp relay and InSlal1 а jumper wire into 'м 'иel ptJmp relay :erminals Ihal power Ihe luel pump. Usten а! 'М luel 'il!er opening ~111 you now hear the whirring sourn:l. lhe fuel pump relay or its ::::onlro! circuil is laully, !I Ihere is stШ по whirring sound. there " а ~Iem 111 Ihe 'иеl pump circuit !гот the relay рапеl 10 the шel ритр, ~!eclive power relay ог а delective 'иеl ритр. 3 Check !ог batlery vOltage 10 the 'иеl ритр relay connector and ~ power relay connвclor (see iHuslral ions). 1I Ihere is battery vollage =--esenl, have Ihe ССАМ tesled а! а dealeг service department ог olher :2'tJaJified automoli ve repair shop. Note1: The шеl ритр relay, the "СМ power relay, the EDF ге/ау and the EDF (elay control аге all OClI/ed;n the Constant Control Re/ay Мodиle (ССRМ) which {з /ocated :'JfI the right side {enderwell on ОВО 11 mode/s and ир {гоп! певг the 'Эdiatог оп ОВО / models. Note 2: 4.6L ООНС engines аге equipped
ССАМ 'з оп
located ир fтon! пеаг !5,OL engines (arrow)
Ав{вг to i//us/гatlons з. 7 and 3.15 5 АеНеув Ihe lивl 5ysleт pressure (зев Section 2). 6 Delach lhe саЫе 'гom Ihe negalive ballery lerminal. 7 Авmoуе the сар 'гот Ihe fuel pressure {ез! port аrn:l altach а luel pressure gauge {seв Шustrаtiоп}. 11 you don'l ha"e 'М сorrес! adapter !ог Ihe 'вз! part, гетоув Ihe Schrader val"e and connect Ihe gauge hose 10 Ihe filllng, uslng а hose clamp. 8 Altach the саЫе 10 Ihe negalive batlery terminal. 9 Start Ihe englne. 10 Check Ihe 'иеl pressuгe аl idle. Сотpзrе уоиг reading5 wilh tne vaJues lisled 111 Ihis Chapter's Specificatlons. Disconnect lhe уасиит hoзе !rom Ihe 'ивl ргв55иге regulalor and watch Ihe 'uel ргвsзuге gauge - the швl pressure 5hould jump up considerably аз soon аз the hoзе is disconnecled. If il doesn'l, chвck 'ог а vacuum slgnaJ 10 the 'иеl pressure regulalor (500 Slep 15). 11 If Ihe !uel pressure 15 low, plnch Ihe 'иеl relum Ilne 5hul and watch the gauge. '! Ihe pressure doesn'l rlse, Ine 'иеl pump is de' ectl"e or there is а reslriclion in Ihe !uelleed line. 1I Ihe pressure "звs sharply, replace Ihe pressure regulalor. Note: If lhe vehic/e is equipped wlth а пу/on fиe/ гetuт line (or fиellines тade ир 01 steel or othe( rigid maleriaf), it will ьв necessary 10 /nsla/l а spec.ial fиel test/ng haтess Ьвtween 'М fиe/ гailaM 'М гetuт line. This сап ьв made ир {roт compatible fuelline connectOfS (Bvвilab/e at the deaJer parts departmenl ам some auto par1s stoгes), 'ив/ hose and hose с/атрз. 12 '! Ihe !uel ргеЗ5иге is 100 high, lum Ine engine оН. Disconnect the 'иеl relum line алd blow through It 10 check 'ог а blockage. 1I there Is по bIockage, replace Ihe !uel pressure regulator. 13 Hook up а hand-hеJd уасиит ptJmp 10 Ihe part on Ihe 'иеl pressure regulalor. 14 Read the fuel pressure gauge wilh "асиит applied 10 Ihe 'ив! pressure regulator алd also wt!h по vacuum applled. Тhe !uel pressure should decrease as vacuum increases (and increase а! vзсuum decreases),
3.7 1I you don't have the correct adapler, it is pйssibIe 10 (етоув the Schrader valve !гот the fi«ing and install а standard !uel pressure gauge, usil1g а hose cJamp (4.6L SOHC engJne shown)
Chapter 4 Fuel and exhaust systems
3.15 Deta ch tha vacuum "пе 'rom Ihe 'uel ргеззиге regulator end зее if уасиит 15 present when the engine 18 running (З.8L
15 Conпесl а vacuurn gauge 10 the pressure regulalor \/acuum hose. Start the engine and check 'о( vacuum (see illustratlon). 1I there 'зп'! vacuum presenl, check 'о' а clogged hose ог vacuum port. 1I Ihe атоипl 01 vacuum is adequate, replace 'М fUeI pressure regulator. 16 Тит 'М Ignition switch 10 QFF, wait five minutes and recheck the pressure оп the gauge. Compare the reading wilh the hold pressure lisled '" this Chapter's Specifications. 1I Ihe hold pressure 15 lвsз than зресШоо: а) Ь) с)
fue/lines тау ье /eaking. fuel pюssиге regu/ator тау ье a//owing lhe bleed rhrough (О thв retum line А fuel/njector (ог injectors) тау ьв /вaking. Тhв
ше/ pr&SSUf8 10
d) тпв. fив' рumр mау ьв defectivв.
Fuellines and fittings - replacement
Waming: G8so1/ne ;5 extreтe/y f/ammabIe. 50 takB extra prвcautiOn5 when you wOt1f оп anу рап о' the fиel 5ysteт. sвe thв Waming In Sвc Уon
Push -connect fittings - disassembIy and reassembIy Ford uses Iwo ditferenl push-connecl !iШпg designs. Fitlings used wi lh Зf8 and 5/1б-lпсh diameler lines have а -hairpin" \урв clip; fittings used with 1/4-lnch diameter lines have а ~duck bilI" 'урв clip. Тhe procedure used lor releasing each 'урв о! littlng is dillerenl. Тhe clips should ье replaced whenever а conneclor is disassembIed. 2 Disconnecl all push-connect littlngs Irom fuel syslem сотро nenls such as Ihe fuel liller, Ihe fUeI charging зssemЫу, Ihe !uel tank, elc. be!ore removing Ihe assembIy.
halrpin ctlp
push-co nnect flttJng
Do поl геизе the original clip in the fitling. А new clip must ьес 7 used. 8 Belora relnstallfng the filtlng оп Ihe line. wipe the liпе end with а clean cloth. Inspecllhe inside 01 Ihe litting 10 ensure tha! i\'5 !ree о! din andIor obstructiOn5. 9 ТО reinstalllhe fitting on Ihe ~ne. align Ihem arКI push the rrtting Inlo place. Whвn Ihe fitting is вngaged. а definile click will ье heard. Pull оп Ihe fitting 10 ensure Iha! II's complelely engaged. ТО Installlhe new clip. insert il Inlo алу Iwo adjacenl openlngs in Ihe 'itting with the lriangular ponlon 01 Iha clip polnling away Irom the littlng opening U5ing your index finger, push Iha clip in unlil the legs arelocked оп the oUl$ide 01 the frtting.
1/4-inch fitting s (duck
Refer 10 i//uslrations 4.10, 4.1З snd 4.14 10 The duck bill clip type fitting consists 01 а body, spacers. O-rings and Iha retaining c llp (see illustration). The clip holds Ihe fitting securely In place оп Ihe line. Опе 01 the two lollowing meihods т lN. Ье used 10 disconnecllhis \урв 01 fitting . 11 Belore attempling 10 dlsconnect tha lilllng, check !ha visibIe intemal portion 01 the fitting lor accumulallorls 01 din. 1I more lhan а lighl coaling 01 dus! 15 evidвnt, clean the fitting belore disassemЫy. 12 Soте adheslon between the seals in Ihe fitting and Ilna will ()CQ$ over а репod 01 !Ime. Twist !he filtlng оп the line, Ihen push and plA Ihe fitting uпш it moyes !reely. 13 Аетоуе !he safe!y clamp 'roт the fuelline (зге illustration). 14 The preferred melhod used 10 disconnecl Ihe fitting requires а speciallool. То dlsengaga Ihe Ilne from the fittlng. align Ihe slol in 'М ptJsh-соппесl disassembIy 1001 (Ford Рап No. T82L-9500-AH or equivalenl 100Q with ei\her lаЬ оп !he clip (90'degrees from Ihe slo15 оп lhe зюе 01 the fitting) arКI insert Ihe 1001 (зее Шustratiоп). Тhiз disengages
3/8 and 5/16-inc h fittin gs (hзiгрiп clip) Refer to Шustration 4.5 3 Inspect Ihe intemaJ portion 01 the fitting lor ассumulаtiопs 01 din. 1I тоге than а Ilght coating 01 dust is present. clean the fitting belore disassembIy. 4 Some adhesion betwгen Ihe seals In Ihe fitting and Ihe line will occur over а period 01 lime. Twist the fittJng on Ihe linв, then ризh алd pull the fitting until " moуез freely. 5 Rетоуе the hairpin clip Irom Ihe littlng Ьу bending Ihe shipping 'аЬ down ип"1 it clears Ihe body. Then. using nothing bul your hands. spread each leg aboul 118-inch 10 disengage lhe body and pU5h Ihe legs Ihrovgh Ihe filling . Aemember, dоп't use апу 10015 10 perfonn thi5 рап 01 Ihe I)(oce
Д pU5h-сопnесt
fitting with
duck bill cllp
Chapter 4 Fuel and exhaust systems
4.13 Remol/e the sa fety clamp фе
4.14 Duck
duck bill 'гот the line. Note: $оте (ие/I/пез have а secondary
Ьead which a/igns with the outer surface о( the сliр. Thв bead сап
difflcu/t. /! nвceзsзгу, изе the a/tвmativв disassвm · 16. HoIding the 1001 and the line with 01'lEl nand, pull the fining off. Nole: On/у modemte еНOft is necessary if the c/lp is propef1y disengaged. тhe иsв 01 enything other than youг hвndз make too/
bly тethoddвscribed in $tep
shou/d no! ье required. 15 After disassembly, спзрес! and clean 'м lil'lEl sealing surface. I'ISpect the inside 01 the fitting and the Ilne lor апу intemal parts that т ау hal/e Ьееп dislodged 'гот the littlng. дпу loose internal parts should ье Immediately reinstalled (usв the line 10 'пзеп the раПз). 16 The allernatll/B disassembIy procedure requires а pair 01 small adJustabIe pliers. The pliers musl hal/B а Jaw wldl h 01 3/16-inch ог less. 17 Align the jaws 01 the pliers with the openings in Ihe side 01 the litting and сотргеsз the ponion 01 the relaining clip that engages the body. ТПез disengages the retaining clip "om Ihe body (often опе side 01 the clip will disengagв before the other - l:юth sicles musl ье disengagвd). 18 Pull 'м fittlng off the 'Спв. Nole: Oпly modвrвte effort is required If те retaining сliр hвs bвen propвf1y disengagвd. Do гюt изе anу 'оо/з
{ог tmз
Опсв lМ
fitting is fetТlO\led from Ihe 'спе end, check the fftting and lor апу iпlеfПаl pans that тау have been dislodged 'гот lМ fitting. Алу Iooзе internal par1s shoold ье immedialely reinstalled (use Ihe I1пв 10 insert the раПз). 20 Тhв retaining clip will гвтасп оп the Нпе. Disengage the clip 'гот Ihe line Ьезd 10 remove it. Do по! reuse the retaining cl ip - install а new 19
1I Ihe spring lock coupling s аге equipped with safety clips, ргу them otf w ith а smal! screwdril/er
clip litting disassembIy using Ihe
з ресса l
21 Belore reinstalling the IItling, wipe the line end wilh а clean cloth. Check the inside 01 Ihe litting 10 make sure thal it's free 01 din and/or obstructions. 22 То reinslall Ihe litting. aJign it with Ihe Jine and push I1 Inlo place. 'Nhen 'М fitting is engaged, а delinile click will ье heard. Pull оп lМ fitting 10 епзuге Ihat it's fully engaged. 23 Install Ihe new replacement clip Ьу inserting one 01 the SE!lТ8IOO edges оп the duck Ы" portion ,п10 one 01 the openings. Push оп Ihe other side unlil the clip snaps Inlo place.
Spr;ng lock couplings -
reasseтbIy Refer to lIIustrations
4.2ба, 4.2БЬ
24 The luel supply and relurn "пез used оп SEFt engines ulillze spring lock couplings аl the engine 'иеl rail end Instead 01 plastic pushсоппес! fittings. Тhe male end 01 the spring lock coupling, which сз girded Ьу two O-rings, is insened inlo а lemale flared end engil'lEl fltting. The coopling is secured ьу а garter spring which prevenls disengagement Ьу gripping the Ilared end 01 the 'ета1е fitling. Оп laler models, а cup-Ielher assembly provides additional security. 25 То disconnect the 112-inch (12.7 тт) spring lock coupling supply lilling, you wil1 need to obIain а spring lock coupling 1001 D87L-9280-B ог its equivalenl; !ог the 3/8-lnch (9.52 тт) return fitting, ge\ 1001 D87L·9280-A ог ils equiva lent. 28 Study the accompanylng lIIuslrations carefully belore detaching either spring lock coupling litting (зве illustr atio ns).
Open the spring-Ioaded hall/es 01 the spring !ock coupling 1001and place сl сп positlon around the coupling, then CI058 It
4.2бс То d isconnecl th e coupling, push the l ool lnlo the cage openin9 10 expand the garter sprin g and release the female fitting , then ри " the m ale and fem ale fitting s а рап
Chapter 4 Fuel and exhaust systems
5.5 Aemoll8
bolts (arrows) from !пв 'ивl filler neck оп insld e о, 'пв fenderwell
5.9 RemO\l8 the bolt and bracket from
Fuel tank •
'uel tank bra c ket
and installation
Rafer 10 i//ustrвtion 5.5, 5.7, 5.9 and 5.10 Warning: Gasoline is extremely flаmmаЫв, $0 (ака extrв preceutions when уou work on anу part о! the fue/ system. sвe the Waming /п Sec-
tion 2. Note: Don'! begin this procedure uпtil the gauge indica /es lh8t thв tank is eтpty or nootfy eтpty. If the tank тust ье removed when 11'$ fи/J (for Bxsтple, if the (ивl риmр та/гuпсиопз), siphon апу remeining {uе/ {гот
the (апк рrioг 10 геmoуа/. 1 Unless !пв vehicte паз Ьееп driven 'аг enough 10 completety empty the tank, it's а good idea 10 siphon 'М residual fuel ои! before removing !пв tank 'гот !пв vehicle. Wamlng: DO NOT st8rt 1М siphonlng 8ctlon Ьу mouthl Usв а siphoning kit (svailabIe а! mo5! suto parts 5t0(85). 2 Relieve Ihe !иеl pressure (го!ог 10 Seclion 2). 3 Delach Iho саЫе !rom Ihe negalive lermlnal 01 Ihe ballery. 4 Raise Ihe vehicle and suppor1 [l securoly on jackstands. 5 Аоmoуе Iho !ивl lank filler neck bracket OOlls securing Ino !иеl !iИег neck and Ihe luellank filler pipe relalner (5ее Illuslration) and slide Ihe аssетЫу !roт Ihe vehicle. 6 Disconnecl Ihe !uelllnes (seв Seclion 4) and уарог lines. 7 Disconnecl lhe o!ectric 'иеl ритр and sending unit eleclrical сопnectOf with а screwdrivElf (see Illustration). 8 Place а floor jack иrкfeг Iha lank and posillon а Ыосk 01 wood Ьемeen Ihe jack pad and the tank. Raise the jack unlil iI's suppor1ing the tank. 9 Аетоуе Ihe 'иеl lank brackel and Ьоlt (8ее lIIustration).
10 Аетоуе Ihe bol's ог nuts !гот Ihe !гоп! ends 01 'he 'ивl 'а п .. slrap5 (зее iIIuslrallon). Tho slraps аге hlnged аl the other end 50 уou сап swinglhem ои l о! Ihe way. 11 Lowor Ihe lank !аг enough 10 unplug апу vapor liпез or wire harпeзs brackets Ihal тау ье dillicult 10 reach when the 'ивl tank is in 'М vehicle. 12 Slowly ЮWEIf Ihe }ack wnile зtеаdyiпg the lank. Remova 'М lanI< !гот Ihe vehicle. 13 If you' re replacing Ihe tank, ог having 1I cleaned ог repaired, refer 10 Section 6. 14 Reler 10 Seclion 7 10 remova and Inslall the fuel ритр of sending unil. 15 InSlallation is Ihe reverse о! removal. Clean engine all сап ье used as ап 8SsembIy аю when pushing Iha fuel filler neck back Inlo 'М tank... 16 Make sure Ihe fuellank heat 5hields агв assembIed correctly onlO the 'ивl tank belore rein5talling !he tank In the vetJicle. 17 Carefully angle 'he 'ивl tank !iller neck into the liI!er plpe assembly and Ш! 'he tank [п!о place.
FueJ tank - cJeaning and repair
Tne !ивl tапkз instalied 'п the vehlc les соуегоо Ьу tniз тапиаl аге made 01 plaslic аrld аге ПО! геpзiгаЫв . 2 If Ine !ивl lank 18 removed Irom Ine vehicle, it зhоuld поl Ье placed [п ал агеа whero sparks or оpen flames could ignite tne fumes comlng aut 01 tne tank. ве especially careful iпзidе а garage whera ii natural gas-type appliance is localed , bacausa Iha pilo! lign! cou ld cause ап exploslon.
Chapter 4 Fuel
Uзе а Ьra зз
tum the locking ring
exhaust systems
7.7 Carefully angle the luel pump out of t he fuel tank w ithout damaglng the fuel strainer
4 7.9а Ает оуе
the C-clip пот the the fuel pump ...
7 .9Ь
... then separate the strainer пот the fuel pump
7.10 Disconnect the fuel pump electrlca l c onnector пот the fuel ритр
Fuel pump - removal and installatlon
Refer 10 lIIustrallons 7.6, 7.7, 7.9а, 7,9Ь, 7.10 and 7.11 Warning: Gaso/ine Iз extremely паmmsЫв, 50 take extra рrвcаиtiопз when you work on алу part о{ the {ueI5ystem. $ее the Warning in Sectlon2. 1 Uпlезз Ihe vehicle ha5 Ьееп driven lаг enough 10 complelely empty the tank, il'5 а goocl idea 10 siphon 1М residual fuel out before removing 1М fuel ритр "от lhe vehicle. Wam lng: 00 NOT start the siptюning action ьу mouth! Изе а siptюn/ng Ю! (ауаilаЫе at moз! auto parts stores). 2 Relieve the fuel pres5ure (reler 10 Secllon 2). 3 Delach the саЫе Iгот Ihe negalive 18f1ТIinal 01 the battery. 4 Raise the vehicle and 5Upport it secureiy оп jackstands. 5 Аетоуе Ihe fuellank from the vehlcle (зев Sectlon 5). 6 Uslng а Ьгазз punch ог wood dowel only, 'ар the lock ring соипlerclockwlse until il'5 10О5е (зее Шuзtга tIОП5) . 7 Carelully pulllhe fuel ритр аззетЫу !гom the lank (зев ШustгаIlon). 8 Аетоуе the oId lock ring gasket and discard il. 9 1I you'ге planning 10 reinslall Ihe originaJ 'иel ритр unit, гетоуе the зlгаiner (зее Illustratio n5) ьу prying It otf with а screwdriver, wash 1I 'П clean soIvent, Ihen push il back Inlo place оп Ihe ритр. 1I уou'ге In51alling а new pumplsending unit, Ihe азsетЫу м" include а new 5lrainer. 10 То separate the fuel ритр Iгот Ihe аззетЫу. гетоуе Ihe clamp
1.11 Disconnect the fuel
m ounting bolts (arrows)
and disconnect the eleclrical соппесlОГ 'гот Ihe fuel ритр (see IllustratiOfl), t 1 Аетоуе Ihe 'иеl ритр mounting boIt5 (зев illustration). 12 Сleaп 1М 'иеl ритр mounling flange аnd 'М lank mounting зuг face and зеаl ring groove. 13 Inslallalion 'з !he revefSe 01 removal. Apply а !hin соа! 01 heavy grease 10 the new зеаl ring 10 hold It 'п place during азsemЫ у.
Chapter 4 Fuel and exhaust systems
\I\ 8.3 Using
оп ohmmвter, ргоЬе
the terminal s of the fuel sendlng unlt аззетЫу 10 check the reslstance
Fuellevel sending unit - check and replacement
Refer to iIIustra tions 8.3 and 8.5 1 Raise lhe vehicle and 5UPpon it securвly оп Jackslands. 2 DiSCQf\necl the electrical conneclor 10( the fuellevel sendlng unil. 3 Position the ohmmetef ргоьез into the electrical connector and check the resistance (зее Illustration). Use the 200-ohm scale оп the
ohmmeler. With the 'ивl tank completely 'и Н , the rвsista nce should Ье 160.0 ohms. With ,ne /ивl tank nearlyempty, Ihe resistance 01
the sending unit should ье аЬои! 15.0 ohms. 5 1I the readil1Qs атв incorrecl, replace Ihe sending unit. Note: А accuratв check 01 (hв sвnding unit сап ьв madв Ьу гemoving 1I (гот the fиe/ tan/( and checl
Rep/acement Refer to II/ustrations 8. 7 aлd 8.8 б Аemoуе!м fuel !ank (зее Sec!ion 5). 7 Uslng а Ьга5З punch or wood dowel only, !ар the lock ring соипterclockwise until it'5 1005e (see illustration). В Carelully angle the sending unit ои! of Ihe opening wi thout damaging the 'uel level float located а! the bottom of the assembIy (see Illustтation) .
9 1О
In5tallation is the revefS6 01 removal. If the 'Ioa! arm and fIoat wire loop W6fe damaged ог ben! during
8.7 Uзе а Ьга зз punch 10 lum the locking ring оп the 'иеl level sending assembIy counterclockwise
Д тоге
removal and installation, adjusl lha angle and travel distancs. 11 Ве sure 10 insl all а new ги ЬЬег gaskel .
accurate check о' the fuellevel sendlng unlt сап Ье with the аззетЫу оп the bench, the ohmmeter ргоЬез оп the connector and the floa! positioned оп ~ emptyn аnd ~fulln. Check for а smooth change '" resi stance between these positions 8.5
Air cleaner housing - removal and installation
Refer (о illustrations 9.2а аnd 9.2Ь 1 Delach the саЫе from Ihe negative terminal of the battery. 2 Loosen Ihe ЬоЩs) from Ihe air inlake assembIy о п Ihe Inlake тапifold and Ihe clamps оп Ihe air cleaner housing and гетоуе Ihe alr intake assembIy from lhe engine compartmenl (see illusПаtlопs) . 3 Uncllp Ihe иррег hal f 01 the air cleaner housing assembIy and гemoуе it (зее Chapter 1). 4 Аетоуе the air filter elemenl. 5 Аетоуе Ihe air cleane r housing mounl ing nuts and detach the assembIy. Inslallalion is the reverse of геmoузJ. 6
10 Accelerator са Ые - removal, installation and adjustment
Remova/ Refer (о illustrations 10.2а, 10.2Ь, 10.3, 10.5 аnd 10.6 1 Remove lhe зiг inlake duct from the throttle body and In!ake тапifold агеа (see Seclion g).
8.8 Lift the зе пdlпg unit from the fuel tank without damaging the f10at unit
Remove the air intake duct mounting clamp and pull the assembIy off the throttle body
4 -9
Chapter 4 Fuel and exhaust systems
10.28 Remove th e ac celerator с аЫе end f rom the throttle lever twisting until the flattened edge а lig пз with the keyed slol (З. 8 L engine shown)
Remove the mounting bolt from the air cleaner housing assembIy
4 10.2Ь Оп
4.6L DОНС engines, rotate the саЫе until the slot in the throttle lever aligns w ith the саЫе and slide it out of the bracket
Delach Ihe accelerator
саЫе "от
the throttle lever
Попз) .
3 Aemove the cruise control саЫе from the саЫе bracket (зее Illustralion). 4 Separate the accelerator саЫе from the саЫе bracket. 5 Pull the саЫе end ои! from the accelerator рООаl гесеss in the dri·
10.5 Working under the dash in the driver's side co mpartment, pull the С8Ые end fгom the accelerator pedal гесезз (4.6L DОНС shown)
10.3 Remove th e cruise contro l саЫе from the throttle lever
уег'з сотрзrtтеп! (зее
Illustratlon). Disconnect апу саЫе cllps ог brackets securing the accelerator саЫе (зее illustration). 7 Аетоуе the саЫе through the firewall from the engine companб
men t.
10.6 Unboll th e
from the bracket
the air in1ake plenum
Chapter 4 Fuel and exhaust systems
12.7 Uзе а stethoscope ог screwdriver 'О dеtеnпiпе if the injectors ar e wor1o:ing ргорепу - they should make а steady
cllcking sound that
and Islls with englne speed changes
Insta/Jation Inslallation 1$ the r&vers8 01 removaJ. Ве sure the саЫе ,з routed сопесtlуand Ihe gromme! seals completely 'п the firewaJl. 9 1I песessзry. а! the епgine compartmenl slde 01 the firewaJl, apply sealant around the accelerator саЫе 10 prevenl water 'rom entering the passenger compartment. 8
Adjustment 10 Measure the Ireeplay Ьу lirmly gripping the саЫе and push it down from 'М саЫе housing. There shoold ьв а slight amount 01 slack thal will allow саЫе freeplay. 11 1I there 'з rю movement оп 'м саЫе and 'tю саЫе 'з binding ПО! allowing the throttle lever 10 completely close, replace the саЫе.
12.8 Install 'п в 'ивl injector 'ез! lighl ог ~ noid lighl" Inlo 'по fuel injector electrical connector and conlirm 'па! " bIink s when the engine " running The lивl rall assвmbIy incorporalos ап olectrically aClualed fue injeclor direclly above each intake роrl . When energized, Ihe iпjесlс:п зргау а melered quantity of fuellnto the intake air slream. Д constant lиеl pressure drop is maintained асroзз 'пв InJector nozzles Ьу а pressure regulator. Тпе regulalor is posilioned doWl')slream from the 'ивl injectors. Ехсезs lие1 passes through Iho reg u\a'ог and relums 10 the fuellank Ihrough а 'ивl relurn Ilno. Оп Ihe SEFI sysl em, each Injeclor Is energized опсо every othe" crankshafl rovolulioo in sequence with engino firing order. The perwx: 01 limo Ihal Ihe injectors зrе energlzed (known аз ·оп Ilтe" or "pUзe widlh") " controlled Ьу the РеМ. Air enlering the engino Is зenзed bf speed, pressuro and lemperature sensors. The oUlpuls 01 Iheso S8f'Isors агв processвd Ьу !he РеМ. тhe compuler determines 'по needec injeclor pulse widlh and oulputs а command 10 Ihe injector 10 me".t'I" the ехасl quantily 01 luel.
Fuel injection system • general information
Sequent;al EJectron;c Fuel/nject;on (SEF/) The Sequвnlial Еlесlгопiс FueI Injeclion (SEF~ syslem is а multi· poin\ luel injectloo syslem. оп Ihe SEFI syslem, fuel 1з metered 'п10 васп intake port in sвquence with the englno firing order in accordance wfl h engine demand Ihrough опе Injector per cyllnder mounted оп а luned inlake manifold. Тhe inlake manffold Incorporates ап afr Intake plenum 10 aid in alr Ilow and distribulion. Еасп engine изез а slighlly dffferent plenum design and 'иеl rail arrangemenl. Тhe З.8L and 5.0L englnes use а one-pfeco plenum mounled wilh six Iooо boIls. Tho air fnla ke plenum OOlls 10 !пе inlako manllold whicn si!s direc!ty In ,по middlo 01 the ongine Ыock. тhe 4.БL SOHC enоine does rюt Incorporзlе ап зiг in!ake plenum bul inslead {по Inrottle body is mounted пезr 'nо cen!er 01 'по largo inlake manilold аззотЫу. Тhe 4.БL DOHC ongine изез а largo air Inlako plonum mounled onlo Iwo inlake manl· lold plales. Тhis syslom incorporales ап on-board Eleclronic Engine Conlrol (EEC-IV) compuler !паl accepls inputs Iгom various engine sвnsors 10 compule 'пв required luelllow rate necessary 10 maintain а ргезспЬес! air/fue/ ratio IhroughOUllhe entire engine operallonaJ range. 1he сom· puter 'пеп outputs а command 10 'пв 'ивl injec!ors ,о motor !по approximate quantily 01 ' uel. The systom aulomal ically зепзоз and compensates lor changes fn aJtitude, load and speed. Note: The сот puler lвrmino/ogy nаз cnanged {roт E:iectronlc ControJ Мodиle (ЕСМ) 10 tne Powertraln Control MOdu/e (РСМ) due 10 standardlzatlon о , tne 5е/{ Diagnos/s system wltnln tne automotlve industry. Тпе fuel delivery sys tems includo ап elec\ric in,lank 'ивl ритр which lorces pressurlzed luel through а series 01 melal and plaSlic linos and ап inllne fuelliller/reservoir 10 (пв 'ив! charg ing manifold аззотЫу. Тпв SEFI syslem uses а single high-pressuro pump mounled inside the lank.
12 Fuel injection system • check Waming: аазо#ne is oxuemв/y flaтmable, зо /ake вх/га ргесаutюrtS wnen you on апу part о! /he Тиel system. sвв lhe Waming /п $ее. tlon2. Note: Тnв fo//ow/ng procedure is Ьазоо оп /nв assumplion Ihat the foJS ритр is working and tna 'ивl pressurв Is adequate (seв 5ec tlon З).
Chock all olectrical conneclors Ihal are relaled 10 Iho systerLoose olectrical connectors аnd роог grounds сап cause manу proolems Ihat resembIo morе seriouз malfunctions. 2 Check 10 sвe 1па! Ihe bal1ery is lully charged, as 1по СOnlгol ~ and sensors dopend оп ал accuralo supply vollago in ordor 10 ~ те1ег !ha fuel. 3 Check Iho air lill er elemenl • а dirly ог parlially bIocked fill8f severeiy impedo performanco and есопоmу (see Chapter 1). 4 1I а bIown luso is lound, герlaсе il and see il I1 bIows аоаiп... ~ does, звагсп 'or а grounded wlro in the hamess 10 'М fUeI pump 'SE!E. Chapl8f 12).
Refer 10 i//ustration 12.7, 12.8 and 12.9 5 Check !he condi tlon 01 the vacuum hoses connected 10 the lI"ItaU' manifold. 6 Romovo tho air 'пtзkе duct Iгот 'М throltle body and сhю 17 dirl, carbon ог olher residue build-up ,п 1М Ihrattle body, partlClAararound tho IhгоШе plale. If it's dirty, cloan it with carburotor ~ and а loolhbrush (Ihis ,з permissibIo оп 5.0L v8 engines оо/у - see =е Caution Pfecedlng Slep 24).
Chapter 4 Fuel and exhaust systems
12.9 Measure the resistance of each il1jector. lt should Ье w ithin Specifications \Vilh Ihe engine runnil1g. place
the air intake plel1um mounting bracket bolt (3.8L engine showl1)
automotive stethoscope
JI;af1S1 each injector. Оl1е а! а time, and Ilslen 'ог а clicking sound,
r:or;;allng operalion (see illustration).11 уои don't have а stethoscope, ""'"' сап place Ihe tip 01 а long screwdriver againsl the injector and lis~ ]!!'" wough the handle . .! 1I ап injector isn't lunctioning (поl cticking), purchase а special ~O( lest tight (somelimes called а "noid" tight) and inslatl it into the nector electrical conneclor (see illustration). Slaft Ihe engine and =:eck 10 see il the noid lighl Ilashes. 1I il does. the injector is receiving :rt1per voltage. 1I il doesn', Ilash, lurther diagnosis should Ьв рег 'I:Т"I'Ied Ьу а dealer service department ог olher repair shop. :; Wilh Ihe engine OFF and Ihe luel Injector electrical connectors :::sconnected, measure the resistance 01 each injector (see illustra uon). Check the Specilications listed in this Chapler 'ог the соггес! ~IОf resi5tance. ·0 The remainder 01 the system checks сап Ьв lound in Seclion 13 YJd Ch apter б.
13 Sequential Electronic Fuellnjection (SEFI) system component check and reptacement
Air intake р/еnиm thrott/e body
(иррег intake
manifo/d) with
Note: Refer 10 Chapter 2 {ог the сотр/ею remova/ and installation ;JfOCedure (о' the ирре' intake manifo/d and /онег intake manifold ;pJates) оп Ihe 4.6L DOНС engine. З.8L
and 5.0L engines
Ае тоуаl
Refer 10 iIIustrations 13.7 and 13.9 1 Detach the саЫе Iгот Ihe negalive terminal 01 the bat1ery, If equipped, гетоуе Ihe engine compartment Ьгасе (see Chap2 'вг 28). 3 Unplug the electrical connectors аl the IAC valve, Ihro\lle position sensor (rPS) and EGA position sensor (see Chapter 6). 4 Delach Ihe accelerator саЫе (see Section 10) and cruise conlrol саЫе (if equipped) from the throttle body assembIy. Аетоуе the acceleralor cabIe/lhrottle valve (тv) саЫе brackel 5 /го!," the intake manilold (see Section 1О) and position Ihe bracket and cabIes ou! 01 the way. б Clearly label, then detach, Ihe vacuum lines 'гот Ihe upper inlake manilold, the EGA valve and the fuel pressure regu lalor. 7 Аетоуе the bracket th at relains Ihe air iпtаkе mапifоld 10 Ihe engine (see iIIustration). Аетоуе the PCV tube 'гот Ihe air iпlаkе plenum and Ihe PCV 8
4 13.9 Locatio n 01 the air intake plenum mounting bolts оп the 3.8L engine valve оп the valve соуег. Аетоуе Ihe EGA valve (see Chapter 6) 'гот the air iпtаkе plenum. 9 Аетоуе the air intake plenum mounling bolts (see illustration). 1О Аетоуе Ihe upper intake manlfold and throtlle body as ап assembIy 'гот the lower intake mani fotd.
Installation 11 8е sure 10 clean and inspect the mounting laces 01 the lower intake manilold {see Chapter 2А} and Ihe air inlake plenum belore positioning Ihe new gasket(s) onlo the lower intake mounling 'асе, The use 01 atignmenl sluds тау ье helpful. Install the air intake plenum and throttle bodу assembIy onlo Ihe lower inlake manifold. Ensure the gasket remain5 in ptace {il alignmenl studs аге па! used}. In51all the six air intake plenum retaining bolls and tighten 10 Ihe specified lorque. Ford гесоmmепds Ireating the air intake plenum mounting bolts with Tellon D8AZ·19554-A аг equivalent before inslalling them inlo the intake manilold. 4.БL ООНС
Removal Refertoillustrations 13.16, 13.17and 13.23 12 Delach Ihe саЫе 'гот Ihe negalive lerminal 01 the battery, 13 1I equipped, гетоуе Ihe engine companment Ьгасе (see Chap'ег 28). 14 Аетоуе the air cleaner intake ducl (see Section 9). 15 Unplug the eleclrical cannectors а! the IAC valve, thгottle pos1tion sensor (ТРБ) and EGR valve (see Chapter б),
Fuel and exhaust systems
13.16 Ает ОУ8 th e accelerator саЫе and cruise сопиоl саЫе mounting bolts (arrows) 'гот the air Intake ptenum Detach the acceleratOf саЫе (see Seclion 10) and cruise control from the Ihrottle body аэsвmЫу. Аеmoуе Ihe ассе!· erator саЫе bracket 'гот the air Intake plenum and posilion the Ьrзсkеt and саЫм ou! 01 Ihe way (see illustnltlon). 17 Discoonect the luel feed and return lines 'гom the 'иel rail (зее Illustration). Ав'ег 10 Section 4 'аг additlonal information concemlng fuelline disconnectlons. 18 Clear1y label, then detach, Ihe vacuum lines !гот the иррег Iпlаkе manifold vacuum 'гее, Ihe EGR утуе and the 'ивl ргмэиге regulator. 19 Detach the PCV system Ьу disсоопесtlпg the hose "от the left hand valve СОУМ. 20 If equipped, detach the canister purge 11118 or lines 'roт 'м throl"е body аnd detach the EGR узJуе. 21 Аетоуе Ihe aJr Intake plenum mounting bolts (зее lIIustrat 'о п 13.23). 22 Аетоуе Ihe иррег Inlake manifold апй throttle Ьооу аз ап assembIy !гот Ihe lower Intake mani!old. 16
саЫе (if equipped)
Installation 23 Ве sure 10 с1еап апй inspecl Ihe mounting faces 01 the lower Inlake manilold (seв Chapter 2А) апа the air intake plenum belore positioning 'М new gasket(s) OnlO the Iower fnlake mounting 'асе. The иоо 01 alignmenl studs тау ье helpful. Inslall the air intake plenum алd throttle Ьооу assembIy onto the иррвг Intake manilold. Ensure the gasket remains In place (i! alignment studs аге поl изеО). Inslall Ihe seven alr Intake plenum retaining bolts апа tlghlеп Ihem 10 the lorque IlslOO 'п Ihis Chapter's Sресifiсаtiопз (зев I lluзtгаtiоп) . Inslallalion 'з otherwise the reverse 01 (етоузJ.
13.23 Air intake plenum tightening зeqиепсе оп the 4.5L DOНС englne
13.17 Use а special spring lock 100110 uncouple the fuelline connector from the 'ивl rail
Thrott/e body Caution: The throttlв body on 3.BL аnd 4.6L modв/s {s coated wlth а s/udge-reslstant materia/ deslgned 10 protect the Ьоге апа thrott/e p/8te. Do поt attempt to с/еап the Interior о( /М throttle body wlth CiJfburetor or о/мг зprзу c/eaners. Тhls throttle body is dвslgned to resisr s/udge ассumu/зtlоп зnd c/eaning wlll Impair the performзncв о! the engine.
Removal Refer to lIIustratlons 13.28 24 Delach 'пе саЫе !гom the nega.tlve teпniпaJ 01 Ihe Ьа"егу. 25 Delach Ihe throltle posiliorl seflsor (ТPS) aлd Idle Air Conlrol (1AC\ vaJve electrical connectors. 26 Disconnecl the accelerator саЫв (see Section 1О) anа Ihe Тhronle Valve (lV) саЫе !rom !he Ihrottle ЬоОу. 27 If equipped. remove Ihe PCV уеп! closure hose аl Ihe !hroltle body (зев Chapler 5). 28 Remove the 'оиг Ihroltle bocIy mounting nuls (зев iIIustration). 29 Remove алd dlscard Ihe thro"le body 9askel.
Installation 30 Clean Ihe gasket maling surlaces. 1I scraping is necessary, ье carelul поl 10 damage Ihe gaskel surlaces ог allow malerial 10 drop into the manlfold. Inslallation is Ihe reverse 01 removal. Вв зигв 10 lighten the Ihrottle Ьооу mounling nuts 10 Ihe lorque lisled in th is Chapter's Specifications.
body mounting bolts (arrows)
the 3.8L englne
Chapter 4 Fuel and exhaust systems
1 3.36а
Press down 'О release the safety clamp fro m the fuel line connectors
Thrott/e Position
Install the correct diameler spring lock c oupling 1001 and push away 'гот the 'иеl гаil 10 release the inlemalloc king mec hanism
31 Ае!ег 10 Chapl er 6, Seclion 4 !ог Ihe check and replacement рro cedures for the тр S8f1SOf.
Idl. Air Cantrol (IAC) valv. 32 Aeler 10 Section 14 'ОГ the check, adJustment and replacement procedures 'ог Ihe IAC valve.
Fue/ гаil assembIy Referto iIIизtгаtiоп 13.36а, 13.36Ь, 13.36с, 13.37 and 13.38
Removal 3з
Aelieve the 'иеl pressure (see Seclion 2). Delach the саЫе !гот the negalive lerminal 01 Ihe baltery. з5 Аетоуе Ihe air intake plenum assembIy (see Sleps 1 Ihrough 23). з6 Using Ihe special spring lock coupler 1001 D87L-9280-A ог equivalent, disconnecl Ihe fuel!eed and relum lines Iгот Ihe 'иеl rail 8ззет Ыу (зев illustrations). Note: Refer 10 Section 4 {ог additiona/ informatioп оп diзсопnecliпg fue/lines. 37 Аетоуе the 'оиг lиеl rail relaining OOlls (Iwo оп each side) (ие illustralion). з8 Carelully disengage the !иеl rail 'гот Ihe lивl injeclors and гетоуе Ihe fuel rail (зев illu sПаtiоп) . Note: 11 mэу ье ваоог 10 геmоуе the /njecwrs wilh the fивl rail аз ап assemb/y. 39 Use а rocking, side-Io-side molion whlle lifling 10 гетоуе the Injectors 'гот the 'ивl rail. з4
Installation Nol e: 11'з в good idвa 10 гер/асе 'М injec!or O-rings whenever the {ивl is геmоуЮ.
13.37 Fuel ra il mounting bolt locations 4. БL DOНС engine
(arтows) оп
4 • 1З.З6с Detach Ihe fuelline 'гот the 'иеl rail
Епзиге that Ihe injector сарз аге clean and !гее 01 cOnlaminatiQf1. 41 Place the fuel гаН оувг each 01 the injectors and зеаt the in]eclors Inlo Ihe 'иеl rail. Епзиге that the injectors аге well seated in Ihe lивl rail азseтЫу. Note: /1 mэу ье вasier 10 зеа! the injectors in lhe {ивl rai/ алd !hen зва! the enYrв аззеmЫу in the lower intake manifo/d. 42 Secure the 'иеl rail аззетЫу wilh the lour relaining bolts and lighten Ihem 10 the torque listed in this Chapter's Specificalions. 43 The remalnder 01 installation is the геуerзе of removal.
13.38 Lift the fuel rail and separate the 'uel injectors 'rom the fuel rail аsзетЫу
Chapter 4 Fuel and exhaust systems
13.48 Use
AJlen wrench to гетОllе the fuel preS5ure regulator botts (4.БL оонс engine shown)
the tuel injecl or Iгот the luel
Шustгаtiап) .
FueJ pressure regulator Check Note: 44
Тhis procedurв assumes the fиel !ilter 15 /п good condition. Refer 10 the fUeI system pressure checks '" Section З.
Aeplacement Refer 10 iIIus tration 13.48 Note: Remova/ and /ПЗ/8//8(;ОП
{ивl pressurв
regu/ator ОП
slnce 1996 is the saтe 85 on previou5 years. Тne Шustгаtiопs shown in this procюuге arв shown on а рге- 1996 4.БL eng/ne wh/ch is equipped with 8 different typв о, intake manifold. 45 Aelleve 'М 'иel pressure from 'М syslem (see Section 2). DiSCOl1nect the саЫе from the negative tem1inal 01 the battery.
46 41
Note: If 811 о( Ih e injectors аге going 10 Ье rep/aced, the entlre {ив/ rail. 55 Carelully delach Ihe eleclrical connectors 'гот the Indlvldual injectors аз requlred. 56 Grasping the injector bodу, pull ир while gootly rocking Ihe injeclor "ат side-ta-side. 57 'пsрес! the Injector O-rings (мо р8( InJectarj 'ог signs 01 delelioralion (see Ill uзtгаtlопз) . Replace аз requlred. Note: As /ong аз you have the (ив! rai/ off. it's в goo<1 idea /0 гер!асе all о( the the Q-rings. 58 Inspect Ihe InJeclor plaslic ~hat" (covering the injector pintl e) and washer 'ог signs 01 deteriaration. Replace аз required. If the hat Is missing, 1001< IQ( 1I In the Intake manilold.
Clean anу din 'гот around the fuel pressure f89ulator. Delach the уасиит hose !гот Ihe 'ивl pressure regulalor.
Installation 59 lubficate the new О-ппоз wilh light grade oil and insta" мо оп each injector. Cal.ltlon: Do not use sШсом grease. It wil/ CJOg tfle injec(o~.
Using а light twisting motion, install the Injector{s). remalnder 01 installation is the reverse 01 remaval .
48 Aemove the tWQ Allen head bolts that retain the 'ивl pressure regulator (see illustration) and detach the regulator !гот the fuel rall. 49 Install new O-rings on the pressure regu!ator and !ubricate them with а light соа! 01 011. 50 Installation Is the reverse 01 removal. rtghten Ihe pressure regulator mounting OOlts securely.
60 61
Fuel injector
Caution: Тhe thro/t/e body оп 3.& and 4.БL ОВО 11 modв!з Is coated with а s/udge reslstant та/епа/ dвsigned to protect the Ьоге and /hrotI/a р/а/е. Do по! at/emp/ /0 с/ваn the interior о' the throltle bodу with carburelor ог other spray с/еалеrs. Тhis Ihrottle bodу is deslgned 10 гesist sludge accumu/ation алd subsequen/ cJeaning wifl impa/r the
Referto i//ustrations 13.54,
Aemoval 51 52 53 54
Relieve the syslem luel pressure (seв Sectlon 2). Rеnюvе the air Intake pl8l1um assembly (зев Steps 1 through 23). Аemoуе the fuel га;1 aзsemЫу (seв аЬоУе). Carefully 11ft the assembIy 10 gain access 10 the injeclors (зее
О-ппо Iгот
the top 01 the tuel injec:tor ...
14 Idle Air Control (IAC) valve - check. adjustment
гетоуа l
perforтanCfJ о( thв вngine.
Note: 1he mlnimum /d/e spood is pr&-se/ а/ the {ас/огу аnd stюu/d nO! require adjus/твnt lJfJder norma/ cin:ums/ances; fюwеver, if the /hrottle
... then
the lower O-ring Irom the Injector
Chapter 4 Fuel and exhaust systems
has Ьееп rep/aced ог уоо suspect the minimum idle speed has with (for ехаmр/е, If the idJe stop screw was remOYed), follow this procedure. Ьееп tampвred
Check Refer 10 i1Justгation 14.2 1 The Idle Air Conl rol (IAC) valye conlrols Ihe атоиn! о! air Ihal Ьураззез Ihe Ihrollle Ьodу зsзетЫу Ihroltle val ve and сопseqиеп llу conlrols Ihe engine idle speed. This oulput actualor (з mounled оп the IhrOllle body and is cont rolled Ьу vol tage pulses зеn! !гот the РС М (compu ler). The IAC valve wilhin !he body тоуез iп ог ои! allowing т оге ог less inlake air inl o the syslem according 10 the епg iпе cOndiIlons. То increase idle speed, 111e РСМ ехlепds Ihe IAC valve !гот Ihe зеаl and allows тоге air 10 Ьуразs Ihe Ihro"le Ьоге. То decrease idle speed, 'he РСМ relrac' s Ihe IAC valve lowards Ihe зеа', reducing Ihe airf1ow. 2 То check 'he зуз'еrn. !irsl check !ог the voltage signal !гот Ihe РСМ. Тшп Ihe igпi'iоп key Оп (engine по! running) and wilh а vollmeter, ргоЬе Ihe wi res 01 the terminals 01 the IAC valve eleclrical соп nector. 1I should Ье approximately 10.5 10 12.5 volts (see Шustгаtiоп) . Тhis indicales thal Ihe IAC valve is receiving Ihe ргорег signal 'гот Ihe РСМ.
Next, гетоуе Ihe valve (proceed!o Slep 10) and check the pintle excessive сагЬоп deposits. 1I necessary, clean wi!h carburetor cleaner spray. Also clean the valve housing !о гетоуе апу deposits.
Adjustment (5.oL engine) Refer (о iIIustrations 14.& and 14.6Ь 4 Place Ihe Iransmission in РагК (automatic transmission models) and зе! the emergency brake 'ог salety. Slart Ihe engine and allow it 10 ПJп unlil 'l reaches погтаl operaling lempeгalures. 5 Check Ihe ОВD 1 sel! diagnosis system /ог апу Slored 'гоиЫе Сodез (зев Chapler 6). 1I 'гouЫе codes exisl, Ье sure 10 lollow th rough wilh Ihe diagnosis and repair апу ргоЫет Ihal might exist in the епg i пе managemenl syslem belore аtl етрliпg 10 adjust the idle speed. 6 Аетоуе Ihe service plug 'гот Ihe Ihroltle orilice and {игп Ihe thгotl l e screw clockwise 10 increase idle speed. Walch carelully 'ог апу idle Ilисtuаti опs caused Ьу ап air in!ake leak. Inslall а lachometer according 10 the mапulасluгеrs specilica!ions and зе! Ihe idle зреес! Ьеlwееп 550 and 600 грт Ьу luming the throttle pla!e adjusling screw (зее illustгаtiопs) . Note: The throttle /еУеГ pad muз! ье in contact with the scre w after the adjustment. 6 Veriiy Ihat the Ihгoll\e plale is поl sluck in the throttle Ьоге аl idle position and the linkage ,з поl prevenling the Ihrottle 'гот closing. 7 Оергезз the acceleralor quickly and allow Ihe engine грт 10 setlle back down 10 idle. The РСМ and IAC valve should adjusllhe idle 'гот Ihis роiпt. 1I idle quality suffers (high ог low) ПJп а complete d iagnosis 01 Ihe 'иеl injeclion and emission conlгol syslem (зее Chapler 6). Also, check Ihe Ihrottle valve (тv) саЫе аdjuslтепt (зее Chapter 7).
14.2 Disconnect the electric al connec tor from the IAC valve and check for voltage with the ignition key ON (engine not гunning)
гет оуе
plug . ..
14. 6Ь
Adjustтent (З.8L and 4.6L engines) 8 ТПе idle speed оп !he 3.8L аnd 4.6L is rюl adjuslabIe. Тhis ргосе dure requires а special SCAN 100110 exlract working paramelers (vollage signals) 'гот the EEC-V syslem while il is running. Науе Ihe ргосе dure performed Ьу а dealer service departmenl ог other qualified repair shop. Reтoval
Refer /0 iIIustration 14.10 9 Unplug Ihe electrical connector Iгот Ihe IAC valve. , О Аетоуе the I wo valve attaching screws and withdraw Ihe assemЫу (seв illustration). Check the condition 01 Ihe O-ring. 1I it's hardened ог delerioraloo. " replace il. 12 Clean Ihe sealing surface and Ihe Ьоге 01 Ihe throttle body assembIy 10 епзиге а good seal. CauUon: The IAC уа/уе itse/f is ап electrical component and must по! ье soaked in впу /iquid с/вапег, as damage тау resu/t.
Installation 13 Position the new O-ring оп the IAC valve. Lubricale the O-ring wilh а lighl lilm 01engine oil. 14 Ins!all the IAC valve and lighten the screW$ securely. 15 Plug in Ihe electrical соппесlог аl the IAC valve assembly.
... then adju st the idle speed using ап Allen wrench
14.10 Removing the IAC mounting bolts о п а 3.8L engine
Chapter 4 Fuel and exhaust systems
15.4 RemOV9 the
m o untlng bolts (arro ws)
15 Intake Manifold Runner Controt (IMRe) system (4.6L DOHC engines)
Genera/ ;nformation Тhe IМАе system ConlroJs the air Iпtзkе charge Ьу openlng ог closlng lhe bullerfly valV8 оп the secondary Intake val .... e dirвctly а! the Intake manilold. Ву closlng Ihe butter1ly 10 the secondary intake valves under 3,000 грт, low end driveabIlity 'з Improved. Above 3,000 (рт the bullerfly vatves ареп 10 increase high-end per1ormance. Тhe bulterfly valves are cootrolled ьу the IМАе aclualor аnd саЫе зsзетЫу. 2 Тhe IМАе system is difficull 10 check and requires а speciaJ SCAN 1001 10 ассезз the рем 'ог information and operaling condi· IIOn5. Have the system diagnosed ьу а dealer service depaJ1menl ог olher queJified repalr shop.
Rep/aceтent Re{er to il!ustrations 15.4 800 15.5 3 Removе lhe upper Inlake manifold from the engine (see Chapler 2). 4 Аеmovе Ihe bOItS Ihal relain Ihe IМАе aCluator assembIy 10 !he bottom 01 'М upper inlake mалifold (не Illustration). 5 Disconnecl Ihe actuator саЫе "от the lever оп 'М inlake manilold runner (зее illustratlon). 6 Iпstаl lаliоп 'э the reverse 01 removal.
16 Exhaust system servicing - general info""ation Waming: /nзресtion aпd rвpair о{ еxhзuз! system components shoи/d ье done on/у aHer enough time h8s е/арзоо aHer driving the vehic/e to a//ow the system components to соо/ comp/etely. Alэо, when working under (М vehicle, make зигв it is securв/y supported оп jackstands. 1 The exhausl syslem consisls 01 Ihe exhaust mапilоld{s), Ihe cataJytic converter, !he muffier, the lailpipe and all соппесtiпg plpes,
15.5 Remove the actua!or саЫе end from the lеуег intake manlfold runner (plate)
the lower
brackets, hangers аОО clamps. тhe exhaust syslem Is attached 10 Ihe body with mounling bfackets and гиЬЬег hangers. 1I апу 01 the pэrtз аге improper1y inslalled. excessive noise and vibration will ье transmitled 10 the body. 2 Conduct regular inspections 01 Ihe exhausl system 10 keep it sale and qulet. Look lor апу damaged or Ьеп! раrtз, ореп зеатз, holes, loose conneclions, excessive corroslon ог olher delects whlch could allow exhaust lитеэ !о enler the vehlcle. Delerioral ed e!\haus! syslem componen ls should по! ье repaired; they should ье replaced wlth new р""'.
If !he exhaust system сотрапеп!з are extremely corroded or rusted logelher. wetding equipment will probabIy ье requi red 10 remove them. тhe convenient way 10 accomplish Ihis " 10 have а mu!flег repair shop remove 'М сorrodоо $eclions wilh а cutting tOfch. 11. however, уои wanl 10 save топеу Ьу dolng it yourself (апd уои dOn'1 have а welding оиШ I with а сиШпо torch), simply си! off Ihe old сот ponen!s wilh а hacksaw. 1I уои have compressed air, speclal рпеи malic cutting chisels сап also ье used. 11 уои do decide 10 lackJe !he }ОЬ а! Iюme, ье зиге 10 wear salety 90991es 10 protect your еуез Irom metal chips and wor1< gloves 10 proled youг hands. 4 Неге аге зоте simple guidelines 10 follow when гераiriпg Ihe exhaust syslem: а) Wof1( {roт the back 'о the (roп! when removing exhгust system components. Ь) Арр/у penetrating 011 'о the exhaust sys tem сотponen! fasteners 'О make them еаэiег to removв. с) Иsе new gaskets. nangers and с/атрэ when iпstаШng ехhгuз! systems componentз. d) Appty вnti-seize compound to the threads 01 зJ/ exhaust system fвsteners during геазsетЫу. е) вв suге to Bllow sufficient clearance betwвen flfJw/y installed раrtз влd зJ/ poJnts on the underbody to Bvoid ovemeating the floor рап and poss/bIy damaging (М In terlor cerpet влd insula tion. Рау раг ticu/af1y c/ose attention to the catB/ytic converter аОО hвat shie/d.
Chapter 5 Engine electrical systems Contents ~tion
Alternalor· removal and installation ......... ..................................... 13 вattery cabIes · check and replacement ............................. ..... ... .. 4 вattery check and mainlenance ....... ................ ... ............ see Chapter 1 8апегу - emergency jump staning............... ........................ ....... 3 вattery - removal and inSlallation ... ..... .......................................... 2 12 Charging system - check ...................................... ....................... .. Charging system - general iпfOlmзtion and.precautions .•.......•..... 11 СНЕСК ENGINE light .......................... .•..•..•.•..•..•.•..•..•.•.• Chapter 6 Crankshaft timlng s8nsor........................ ......................... See Chapter 6 OistribulOl" (5.0L englne) - removal and inslallalion............ ........... . 8 Drivebelt check, adJustment and rвplacement ................ See Chapler 1 Orivebell deflection .................... ..... ........ ......................... See Chapter 1 General inforтnation .... . ....... ....... . . . .. . . . . . . .. . ........................... 1 Ignltion 001 - check and replacement .................................. ......... 7
Ignilion module and stator - check and replacement ....... 10 Ignition system - check .................................................................. 6 IgnitiOn system - general information ............. ................................ 5 Ignilion timlng (5.0L engine) - check and adjustment .................... 9 Эраr1o; plug replacernent ........................................... ....... see Chapter 1 Spar1o; plug wire, distributor сар and rotor - check and replacement ............................................................... See Chapter 1 Starter motor - removal and instaltalion ........................... 17 Starter solenoid - replacement........ ............ ...................... ............ 18 Startlng system - generat Information and precautions ....... 15 Starter motor аnd circuit - in-vehicle check......................... 16 Voltage regutatOl"/aJtemator ЬПJshеs Ontegral voltage 14 regulalor) - replacement .. ... ..... ........ ..... ........ ... ..... ... .......
Speclficatlons вattery voltage Engine off .................. Engine ПJппlпg .................................................... .
12-volts 14-10-15 volts
Firing order .............................................................................. .
see Chaptef 2
саiИо-distriЬutоr сар
wire resistance ............. .
5,000 ohms per fool
Ignltion coil resistance Distributor Ignition (01) systems Рптагу resistance .................... .............. .......................................... . Secondary resistance ........................... ............................................. . Primary winding-to-case resistance ............................ ..................... . Distributor1ess IgпШоп Systems (015) systems Рптагу resistance ........................ ................ .................................... . Secondary rвslslance ................................................................
0.8 'о 1.6 ohms 7.71010.5 K-ohms 10 M-ohms 0.3101.00hms 6.5 10 11 .5 K-ohms
Chapter 5 Engine electrical systems
Ignition timing 10-degrees ВТОС with adjustabIe
5.0L engines .............. . З.8L аnd 4.БL engines
2.1 Detach the battery саЫеs - negative
1121nch 1/4 inch
then positfve
2.2 АетОУ8 the bolt and the wedge that holds the Ьазе 01 the battery 10 the battery trэу
General information
The вngine efectrical systems include aJf 'опШоп, charglng and slartirtg components. Вecause 01 Iheir engine-related functions, these componenls зrв consldered separate/y fгom chassis eleclrica] devices like the Ilghts, inSlruments, etc. Ве \/ery careful when worklng оп the englne electrical сот ро nents. They аге easily damaged i! checked, connected ог handled improperly. Тhe alternalor is driven Ьу ап englne drivebett whlch could саизе serious injury if уouг hands, hair or clothes Ьесоте entangled ,п 1I with Ihe engine running . 80lh the starter and allernalor аге соп nected direclly 10 the batteJ)' and could зrс ог even саизе а fire il mishandled, ovenoaded ог shorted out. Never leave the Ignition swl tch оп 'ог long perlods 01 time wi th the engine оН. Don'1 disconnect the battery саЫм whlle Ihe engine 15 running. Соггесl polarity musl ье mainlained when connecting battery cabJes !гот another source, such as another vehicle, during Jump startlng. Always disconnect lhe negalive саЫе firsl and hook I1 ир las! ог ! he battery тау Ье shorted Ьу the 1001 being used 10 loosen Ihe саЫе clamps. Additional salety related inlormation оп Ihe engine electrical зуз lems сап ье lound in Safety first пеаг Ihe 'гоп! 01 !his manual. 11 should ье relerтed 10 belore beginnlng апу operation Included in 'Ы5 Chapter.
Battery - removal and Installat;on
Refer to i//ustrations 2.1, 2.2800 2,4 1 Disconnect both саЫез 'гom Ihe batteJ)' terminaJs (зее Шustra tion). Cautlon: AfWays disconnect the negative саЫе first аоо hook it ир /аз! or the b8ttery mвy ов зhortвd Ьу the tooJ being used to /оозen the саЫе c/emps. 2 Rетоуе Ihe bolt and wedge !гот the battery 'гау (зее Illustration). 3 Uft ou! the batteJ)'. Use Ihe speciaJ slraps Ihat attach 10 Ihe bat'егу posts - Ilfting аnd moving !М batlery is much easier iI уои use о пе .
................... .
Minirnurn ....................................... .
Тlming по!
1I necessary 'ог acceS5 10 olher сотропепts, гетоуе Ihe bolts
the mоuпtiпg boIts far the battery trзу (arrows)
Ihat зесиге the batt8lj' 'гау 'о Ihe englne compartmenl (see illustraIlon). 5 InstaJlalion is Ihe reverse 01 removal.
Battery - emergency jump sta";ng
Refer 10 the Booster battery (jump) starting procedure аl the 'гоп! 01 Ihis manual.
- check and replacement
Periodically inspec! the en!ire length 01 each ЬаНегу саЫе 'ог damage, cracked о г burned Insulatlon and corrosion. Роог battery саЫе connections сап cause starting probIems and decreased engine per1onnance. 2 Check the cabJe-tо-tегmiпаl connections аl Ihe ends 01 Ihe саЫм 'ог сгасkз, 10058 wire slrands and corrosion. тhe presence 01 while. fluffy deposils under Ihe iпsulаliоп аl Ihe саЫе terminaJ соппес tion Is а sign Ihal Ihe саЫе is corroded впd should ье replaced. Check Ihe lerminals lor diSlortlon, missing mounling boIts and CQJfOsion. 3 whвrl replacing Ihe саЫез, aJways disconnect (М negative саЫе first аnct hook it ир last or Ihe batt8lj' mау ье shof1оо Ьу Ihe 1001 used 10 loosen Ihe саЫе clamps. Еуеn 1I оп1у Ihe posilive саЫе is belng гер!асОО. ье sure 10 disсоппесl Ihe negalive саЫе 'гот Ihe battery lirst. 4 Disсоппесl апd гетоуе the саЫе. Make sure Ihe replacemenl саЫе Is Ihe sзте lenglh and diameter. 5 Clean !М threads 01 'М relay ог ground connection wilh а wire brush 10 (етоуе rus! and cOl1'osion. Apply а lighl соа! of pelroleum jelly 10 the threads 10 ргеум! Миге corrosion. 6 Attach Ihe саЫе 10 Ihe relay о' ground connectlon and tighten Ihe mounling nutlboJI securely. 7 Belore connecting Ihe new саЫе 10 Ihe batt8lj', make зиге that I1 геасheз the batteJ)' POSI without having 10 ье slrelched. Clean 'tю balteJ)' posls lhoroughly and apply а lighl соаl 01 petroleum Jelly 10 preVMt corтosion . 8 Connect the posltive саЫе lirsl. lollowed ьу Ihe negatlve саЫе . •
Chapter 5 Engine electrical systems
• 50
Ignition system - general Jnformation
Oistributor Ign;t;on
1994 and 1995 5.0L engines are equipped with Ihe Dislribulor gAIOn (DQ syslem. Тhезе ignilion systems аге а solid state eleclronic
:21891 cOf1sisllng 01 ап ignition module (eKternally mounted оп the firecoll, dlslnbutor, stalor (Hall ЕНесl switching device), the spar1< Mechanically, Ihe system is simllar 10 а :reaker pein! system, ехсерl Ihal Ihe distributor сат and ignition ::onts мв replaced Ьу а Hal1 Effect swilchlng device and а rotary vзпе ::.о. тhe coil рПтзry circuit is conlrolled ьу ап amplifier module. Reler '1) 8'Ie Wlring schematics а! the вnd 01 Chapter 12 'or additionaJ infor-
:u; 'N1I'8S and the зpзrk plugs.
When the Ignition is switched оп, the Ignition primary circult (з the dislributor rotary vзпе passes through Ihe На!! ~ switching device (slalor), vo!lage i5 induced which signa!s Ihe al'IPГlfier 10 lurn off the coi! primary current. А timing circuil in the ...,ptier modu!e lurns the coi! currenl back оп afler Ihe соВ fie!d has :oIapsed. Nole: The ОI systems аге &quipped with either the Push statт Ignit/on тodule contгol ог the Сотри/ег Соп/гоl Dwell (ССО) зуз2w'?1. ТЛе таю simple ризh Sl8ft systeтs contгol the ОN-ПМЕ о' the OaI вccord/ng 10 the revoluvons о' the вng/ne. Ризh 51aft infeniпg (М! vehic/e cou/d Ье push started '" gesr (тапиаl transmission), =твnkshвft revoJutions detected аnd spark appIied 10 the spark p/ugs. CCD ignilion conlrol systems изе the SPOUТ SignaJ 10 con/roI the coi/ он ТlME. тhe igпitЮn control modu/e does па, determine when to tum iJJe coi/ ON 85 if does on the ризh Sl8ft systeт ьи! instead respond5 :weclly 10 lhe SPOUТ signa/ it receives. 3 When Il's оп, current I!ows Irom the ballery through the ignilion $WIlch, Ihe coi! primary winding, the amp!ilier mOdu!e and then 'о ground. When the currenl 'з inlвrrupted, Ihe magnelic lie!d in the igniDOn со!! со!!арseз, inducing а high vo!tage In Ihe coil secondary windngs. The vollage is conducled 10 Ihe dislribulor where Ihe rotor direcls .10 Ihe appropnate spark plug. Тhis process Is repealed continuously. .! Dislribulor Ignilion (DI) $ystems control the ignition module with zhe Eleclfonic Engine ControllV (EEC-IV) computer, Ignition timing 1$ handled Ьу the computer. The compuler изез information Irom the ProfiJe IgпШоп Pick-up (plp) anct Cylinder Identification (СЮ) 10 delerlfIIIl8 the рТорет point 10 fire the coil. тhe ignition COnlrol module senclз ti1e Spark Output (SPOUТ) 5ignallo the Ignition Conlгol Module 10 lum the coil ON and OFF. Тhe Ignilion Conlrol Module also generales ап !gnition Diagnoslic Monilor (ЮМ) signal 50 thal Ihe ЕЕС module сап check the ignition syslem operation. These slgnals are important in diagnoslng probIems wilh Ihe ignition system. Note: 1994 and 1995 5.0L eng/nes аге &quippвd with EEC-/Vand ОБD I вngine management алd se/f-diagnosis system. Тhe diagnostic Сodез эге accessibIe end те pгocвdигe 'з detai/ed '" Chapter 6. 3.8L Vб and 4.6L SOHC and ООНС вngines аге equippвd wifh the EEC-V аnd ОБО /1 systeтs. Тhis systeт requires э spвciэ/ SCAN /00 / 10 eccess self diэgпosis Сodез and data stream in{ormation. 2
~ed. Whвn
engines. 1994 end 1995 EO/S sys teтs аге equ/pped with е sensor, ап ignition module and а РСм. 1996 аnd 1997 rnodе/з arв equipped with а cranksh8ft зепзor, caтshaft зenзor end РСМ (по /gnition rnodule). Неге lhe РСМ funclions ез the оуеrэ// contro//er о' the ignition system Ьу f&Ceiviпg епgiпе speвd and cranksh8ft position signe/s and deterтining Ihe соггес/ /gnition tiтing эпd injeclor ONТlME (псhllеап) Ьи! е/зо functions аз the contro//er о! the ignltion coil(s) рптвгу c/rcuit which wэs Ьвз/са//у the 10Ь о{ the ignition тodи/е. 6 Thl$ ignition syslem does поl have any moving parts (по dislribuIОТ) and all engine liming and spark dislribution is handled eleclronlcally. This syslem has fewer par1s Ihal requlre replacement and provldes more accurale spark Ilmlng. During engine operalion, Ihe DIS ignition module calculates spark 8ГlQle aлd determirюs the lum-on and firiГIQ lime 01 the ignition coll . 7 The crankshafl timing sensor is а variabIe reluclance зепзо! mounled аЬоуе Ihe Ironl putley timing gear. Тhis passive electromagnetic device senses movement 01 the teeth оп Ihe pulley timing geaг and generales ап А/С voltage signal which increases with engine трт. Тhls sensor provides englne speed and crankshaft posillon signaJs 10 Ihe РСМ. Тhe main funclion 01 Ihe EDIS module is 10 synchronize Ihe Ignltion coils зо Ihey агв lurned ON ап OFF In the pгoper sequence 'or accurate spark conlrol. сraлkshaft
Ignition system - chec k
Waming: Бесаusе о{ the very hIgh зесondэry (зpэrk p/ug) voJtage generated Ьу the ignition systeт, extremв саю shou/d ье /aken when lhis check {з done.
Cafibrated ;gn;tion tester method Refer 10 iIIustration 6.2 If Ihe engine lums over bul won'l slaft, d isconnecl the spark ptug 1 lead 'гот апу spark plug and attach it 10 а caJibraled ignltlon tesler (availabIe аl mos! aulo parts slores). Мзkе sure Ihe lester Is designed 'о! Ford ignilion systems " а uпlVВfSЗI tester Isn't availabIe. 2 Connect Ihe clip оп the lesler 10 а bolt о! melal bracket оп the engine (зее illustration), crank the engine and watch the end 01 the lesler 10 seв if bright blue, well-delined зpзrks occur, 3 1I sparks occur, sufficlenl voltage is reaching the plug 10 fire It (repeal Ihe check аl Ihe remaining plug wires 10 verify Ihat the dislribu'о! сар and rotor are ОК). However, Ihe plugs Ihemselves тау ье louled, зо геmoуе and check Ihem аз described in Chapler 1 о' inslall new ones.
Efectronic Distributorless /gnition (ED/S) (уре 5 The Eleclronic Dislribulorless Ignilion System (EDIS) is а СOП'l plete electronical'y conlrol!ed Ignilion syslem thal does по! incorpotale а dislributor о! rolor and сар. The EDIS syslem consists 01 а crankshafl liming sensor (variabIe reluctance sensor) camshafl sensor (1996 and 1997), EDIS module. ignilion coil packs, ап ЕЕС V module (РСМ), the spark plug wires and Ihe spark plugs. This engine is equipped wilh ап ignilion coil lor each palr 01 spark plugs. Тhe EDIS syslem lealures а wasle-spark method 01 spark dislribution. Each cylinder Is paired wilh ils companion cyllooer in the firing oтdef' (1-5, 2б, 3-4 \V6 engineD о! (1-6, 5-3, 4-7, 2-8 [У8 мgineD 50 onе cylinder under compression lires simultaneously with its opposing cylinder, wh6fe 'М pislOn is оп the exhausl slroke. Since the cylinder on Ihe exhaust slroke requires уегу little 01 Ihe availabIe voltage 10 fire its plug, moЗI 01 Ihe voltage is used 10 fire Ihe plug under compression. Note: тhв EO/S systeт on 1994 and 1995 З.8L V6 eпgines differs froт Ihe ED/S systeтs оп 1996 эпd 1997 3.BL Vб and 4.БL SOHC end
6.2 То use а calibraled Ignitlon tester, simpty disconnect а spark plug wire, c lip Ihe tester 10 а co nvenlent g round (Iiite а vatv. соуе ! OOlt) and operate the starter · If ther e is enough power 10 fir. the plug, s parks will Ье visibIe between the electrode tip and the tester bocty (4.6L ООН С engine shown)
Chapter 5 Engine electrical systems
6.9 Dlsconnect the electrlcal conneclor пот the Ignitlon сосl end check !or battery vo ttage 10 the coll with Ihe ignition key оп (4.6L DOHC englne shown)
6.6 Che ck for batte ry voltage 10 the Ignition c oil (DI
system shown)
Distributor Ignition (DI) systems Refer 10 I/Iustrat/on 6.6 4 1I по sparks ОГ intermittent sparks сар
and check the
is presenl, dry out the lhe spar1<. 10$1. 5 tf Ih6fe's 51ill distributor
оссиг, гетоуе
the distributor
and rotor аз described ,п Chapter 1. 11 moisture and rotor, the(l reinstaJI the сар аnd гереаl
spark, detach the coll secondary wire
and hook it
10 the tester (realtach the plug wlre 10
the spark plug), Ihen гереа! the spark check. If по sparks оссиг, check Ihe primary (5maJI) wire connections а! Ihe coil 10 make sure they're clean and tigh t. Check the ignitlon coil supply voltage circuit (see iНustration) . Make алу necessary repairs, 6
thoo гереа! 'М check again. 7 If sparks now оссиг, Ihe dislribulor сар, rolor , plug wire(s) ог spark plug(s) (or all о, Ihem) тау ье defecl ive, 8 11 there's slill по spark, Ihe coil-Io-cap wlre тау ье bad (check Ihe resislance wilh ап ohmmeler and сотpзrе сl 10 'м Specificalions). 1I а known good wire doesп ' l make anу difference '" Ihe lest results, 'М ignilion coil, mOOule ()( olher inlemal components тау ье delective (see ~Iions 7 and 1О).
Electronic Distributorless Jgnition (EDIS) system Refer to i//ustration 6.9
or iПleпnillепt sparks оссиг, chet;k lor battery voI1age а bad spark plug wire Ьу swapping wires. Check Ihe coils аnd DIS igпШоп module (see $ес tions 7 and 10),
Н по spэrkз
10 the ignition coil (see illustration). Check 'or
Altemative method (Distributor Ignition system) Note: I{ you'", uпablе to obtain а calibrated ignltion tester, the foIlow(ng mв thod wШ a/Iow you (о determine if the ignltion system Мз spark, but (! won 't te/I you ({ there's enough voltage prodиcOO to actua1/y /пШ а/е combus tion (п /оо cyl/nders. Ihe wire Irom опе 01 Ihe spark plugs. Using ап Insulaled 1001, hold the wire аЬоиl 1/4-lnch !гот а goOO ground and have ап assistant crank the en9ine. 11 1I bright Ыие, weH-dеfiпed sparks оссиг , sufficient vollage is reaching the plug 10 liгe il. However, Ine plug(s) тау ье louled, so remove and check Inem as described '" Cnapter 1 or inslatl new Oflе5. 12 1I Inere's по spark, cneck Ihe remaining wires '" 'nе зате тап пег. Д few sparks !ollowed Ьу по spark is 'nе зате condition аз по spark аl all, 13 If по sparks occur, гетоуе 'М distribulor сар аnd check 'nе сар and fQlor аз describвd (п Cnapter 1. н moisture сз present, dry ou! 'М сар аnd rolor, tnen reinslall 'М сар аnd гереаl Ihe spark lesl. 14 11 there's slill по spark, disconnect Ihe secondary coil wire Iгот 10
I he distribulor сар, hold il about 1/4-inch 'гот а good englne ground and crank Ihe engine agaln. 15 If по sparks occur, chвck the primary (smalQ wire connections а\ the coil 10 make зиге they're сiean and lighl. 16 t' sparks do occur, 'М distribulor сар аncl rotor, plug wire(s) or spark plug(s) тау ь& de!ective. 17 If there's slill по spark, the соil-tо-сар wire тау ье bad (check ttJe resistance wllh ап ohmmeter and сотреге с! 10 the Specilicatkms), 1I е known good wire doesn't make anу difference (п the lesl resu lts, the 19nil1on coil, mOOule or other inlemal components тау ье defective. Aefer fur1hef tesling 10 а FOf'd dealer or qualified electrical speciali!"t.
AII systems 18 Check !ог battery voltage 10 I he Ignition module. 1994 and 1995 5,OL englnes аге equipped with Ihe DI system. The ignition mOOule сз under {М air cleaner аззетЫу. 1994 and 1995 3.8L engines аге equipped wilh the EDIS system аnd the ignition mOOule is аlso Iocated under lhe air cleaner аззетЫу. 1995 and 1996 3.81., 4.БL SOHC and DOНС engines are no! equipped wilh ал ignition mOOule Ьи! Instead Ihe рем houses the complete componenls lor Ihe fuel injectlon, emis· sion and Ignition system. Reler 10 Sectlon 10 lor the chec ks and гeplacemenl procedures. 19 Оп 1994 аncl 1995 5.0L engines, check 'ог Ьапегу voitage 10 the stator. дlso, check 'М condilion 01 'М distributor and Ihe stator (see Sectlon 10). 20 Check Ihe operalion 01 the cranksheft sensors and the camshaft sensors (зее Chapler 6). 21 If all the components and the ignition system checks эrе correct, have 'М syslem diagnosed ьу а deal6f service depanment .
Ignitjon coil - check and replacement
Distributor Ignition (DI) system) Check Prima ry and secondary соН r esistance (о i//ustrations 7.1 and 7.2 1 With Ihe ignilion оН. disconnect the wires !гот Ihe соВ, Connect ап ohmmeter асгoss Ihe coil primary ~ow vollage) terminals (зее шus tration), The fesislance should ье as listed ,п this Chapler's Speciflca{ionз , 1I rюt, replace the coil, 2 Connect af1 ohmmeter Ьемееп the negative рПтагу terminal and the secondary lerminal (зее illustration) (the опе Ihat Ihe dlstri butor •
Chapter 5 Engine electrical systems
7.1 Checking the coil primary resistance оп 19ni11on system
7.2 Checking the co il secondary resistance Ignition system
оп а
4.6L Engines
7.9 То replace the ignition coil, detach the саЫе fгom the negat;v8 terminal 01 the battery, unplug the co;1 primary connection, detach the coil secondary lead and гетоуе both coi l bracket bolts (arrows) сар
wire connects 10). Тhe resistance should 18f'S Specitications. If nOl, replace I he coil. 19 п11iоп
ье аз
listed in Ihis Chap-
coil primary winding-lo-case resistance
7,1 1 То c heck the рпт агу r esist.ance 01 the EDIS coil, соппес! Ihe pt"obes 10 the розШуе (+) termlnal аnd negalive Н l erm lnal 01 the соil . Ве sure 10 check the other соН pack (opposJte termlnal) and Ihen the other соil pack аззетЫу mounted оп the right engine bank. Тhe reslstance should Ье the sз те for all four tests 12 Соппес! а п ohmmeter between the secondary terminals (з ее Illustration) (the оп е that the spark plug wires conn ect 10) 01 each соll pack. The resis lance should Ье аз listed In this Chapler's Specilica-
3 Measure the resislance from the poslliv8 primary terminal 10 the case 01 the ignilion coil. J
1I the indicaled resistance is less IhM Ihe resistance listed in this
Chapter's Specifications, replace the IgпШоп соil . 5 Reconnect Ihe ignitioo coil wires.
Replacement Refer 10 II/ustrвtion 7.9 б Delach the саЫе from the negativB tern'llnal 01 the battery. 7 Detach the wires !гот the primary terminals оп the coil. 8 Unplug the coil secondary lead. 9 Аетоуе both bracket bol ts and detach the соil (зее il lustгэtiоп) . 10 Installatlon is the reverse of removal.
Electron;c Distr;butorless
(ED1S) system
Check Refer 10 Шustгаtions 7. 11 аnd 7. '2
11 With 'М ignition off, disconnect the electrical connector(s) 'гот the coil. СonпВС! ап ohmmetef across the coil pfimary tem1inal (+) and the outer lerminal(s) (-) (зее illustr ation). The res istance should ьв as Ilsted in this Chapler's Specifications. If nOI, replace Ihe coil,
7.12 Check the coil secondary resistance Ьу probing the palred compan ion cylinders [7/4, 8/2, 1/6 and 315) (4.БL SOHC coil shown)
Chapter 5 Engine electrical systems
7.16 Аетоуе the соН pack mountlng screws (з"оws) аnd lin " from the engine tions. Note: Each coi/ pack
paired according
the companion
3.8L Vб engines ......................................... 1/5' 216, 3/4 4.6L SOHC and ООНС ongln05 ................ .714, 8/2, 1/6 and 315
ве зигв 10 check resistance with these designatвd rerminвls оп/у. If nOI, replace Ihe соВ.
Replacement Refer /0 iIIustгаtЮn 7. 16 13 Disconnect the Гlegativ8 саЫе 'rom lhe ballery. 14 Disconnect the ignilion col! electrlcal conneclor(s) from each individual coil pack. 15 [)isconnect Ihe ignition wires Ьу squeezing the IOCking !abs and twistlng whi1e pulling. ОО NQT just pull оп the wires 10 disconnect them. Dlsconnect all spark plug leads. 16 Аетоуе Ihe bolts securing the Ignition coil 10 Ihe mount ing brackel оп I he engine (see Illustratlon). 17 Installation Is the геуеrзe 01 !he гетоуа) ргосооиге with the 101Iowlng addi!lons: а) Prior 10 inslalling 'hв зрагН plv9 lвad Inlo (hв /gnition со//, соаl thв
entire /nterior о{ Iмв ruЬЬег tюol wilh Silicone Die/ectric Сот pound (Ford part No. 07AZ- '9АЗЗ' -А) or equiva/enl. Ь) /пзм васм spark p/иg wire in to 'hв propeг terminal о{ the Ignition coi/. Ризм the wire Into 'hв term/na/ and тake sure (hв tюors 818 fuI/у seeted аnd bolh locking (аЬз 818 engaged PrOPerIY. Note: Refer 10 the EOIS firing ordвr scheтa/ic '" Chapter 2 Spвc/fica Оопз 10 correct/y identify васм cy/inder 8nd irs corresponding coil pack term/nг/.
8.3 Тhe number " 1" оп the d lstrib utor сар marks the Iocation 01 the spark plug wire terminal for the number 1 cylinder spar1l. p lug 6 Аетоуе 'ле distributor hold-down ОО" and clamp. 'Мп pull 'ле dlstribulor straight ир 10 гвmoуе it. Ве careful по! 10 dislurb Ihe inlermediate driyeshaft. Caution: DO NOT 'ит Iмв engine while the distribи/ог is removed, ог the alignmenl marks will Ьв use/ess.
InstalJation 7 Insert 'ле dislributor into Iha angina in exactly !ha sзте relallon · ship 10 'ле bIock 'ла! it was in whan ramoYed. 8 То mesh 'лв helical gеагз 0f1 tha camshaft and the dislributor, h тау ье песessзгу 10 {ит Iha rotor slightly. " !he diSlriootor doesn'l seal completely, the оох shзрес! recess In the lower enct 01 Ihe distribLrIor shaft is па! maling proper1y with 'ле oil pump shaft. Recheck the alignmenl marks between Iha distribu!or bзsе and (ле block 10 yerify 'лаl Ihe dislributor is In the same posi!ion it was In before remoyal. Also check !ha rotor 'о зев ff 11'5 aligned wl!h the mark уои mзdе оп ' л е edge of tha dlstrlbutor base. Note: If [Мв cran/(shaft has Ьвеп тоум while the distribulor is out, locale Тор Dead Center (ТОС) {or Ihe питЬег оne piston (see Chap ter 2) and position the disttibutor впа rotor 8ccording/y. 9 Place the hold-down clamp In positlon and loosely instaJI Ihe 0011. 10 In51all tha distributor сар and !jghten 'ле сар screws securely. 11 Plug In the module alectrical conneclor. 12 Realtach!he spark plug wires 10 'hз pllJ9s (11 remoYed). 13 Connect Ihe саЫе 10 'ле negatlye lerminal 01 'ле baltery. 14 Check and, 11 песessзгу, adjus! Iha Ignition timing (refer 10 Sec!ion 9) аrЮ lighten 'ле distrioolor hold-down ЬО" securely.
Ignition timing (5.0L engine) - check and adjustment
Refer 10 /l/ustralion 9.3 Notel : Always check the Vehic/e Emission Contro/ /nformat/on (VEe /) /аЬеI on уоuг vehic/e 10 see /'" different ргосюиге is spec/f/ed. ТМ VfC/ /abel contains detai/ed /nfotmalion which Is speciflC 10 youг vehi-
Refer 10 ШиSlration 8.3 1 UnpllJ9 the рПmзry lead 'гom lhe coll. 2 Unplug (М electrical conneclor 'ог !he module. Follow !he wires as they eKit the distribulor 10 find (ле conneclor. 3 Nole (ле raised ·1" оп the distributor сар (see iIIustration). Thls marks the location for !he питЬег опе cyllnder spark plug wire lermlnal. 4 Аетоуе the distributor сар (seв Chapter 1) and !ит the engine оуег until the rotor is poin ting ' oward (ле number опе spark plug termlпа) (seв !he тое locating procedure 'П Chapter 2). 5 Make а mark 0f1 'ле edge 01 'ле dlstributor Ьазе directJy below (ле rotOl" !ip and [п line with it. Also, mark the distributor base and the engine bIock 10 епзит 'ла! the dlstributor is installed correctly.
Nole 2: /gnition timing оп 'М 3.8L епо the 4.БL SOHC 8ПО DOНС engines cannot ье adjusted. Anу timing probIeтs on the these engine$ w/ll маVб 10 repaired Ьу а dвa/вr service departmenl. /gnition t/mlng оп (ме Dls/ributorfess (ED/S) /9n/llon system Is сотри/ег controlled and сапno! ье adjusted. 1 Apply the parking brake and bIock !ле wheel::j. Place the tran smi5sion In DRI VE (parklng brake applied). Ти гп olf all accessories (heater, air conditioner, etc.). Start the angine and warm it ир. опсв it ЛЗS reached opera!ing 2 lemperature, {ит it off. Э Unplug the single wlre connector ог SPQUТ (Spark Qutpul) located immediataly аЬоуе !ла eleclrical connector 'ог the module (зве iIIustтation). Note: Тha SPO(fТ contro/s the ignition signaJ trO.I
Distributor (5.0L engines) - removal and installatJon
Chapter 5 Engine electrical systems
9.3 Before adjustlng the 19nitlon tlmlng, unplug the 5POUT (arrow ) (sln9le wire connector) attached to the Ignltlon module wl re hamess (11 уои do not, the EEC-!V systam wШ still Ьа controlllng tha Ьазв Ignitlon tlming)
the computer. Disconnectlng lhe SPOUТ wШ disp/ay on/у the base 11т .trg settings witfюul аnу сhэngвs from thв compuler. 4 Connect аn inducllye timing ligh! and а tachome!er in accordance WI!h 'пв manulacturer's inslructions. Cautlon: Make suгe that the tlmIЛ{} /ight 800 tachomвter wiгes don '1 hang 8nywhere nеаг Ihe coo/ing {аn ог Ihey mау Ьвсоте entang/ed 'n the (8n b/ades when the (вn begins 10 rotate. 5 Locale 'пв liming marks оп 'пе crankshaft pulley (see Chapler 2). 6 51ап 'пе engine agai". 1 Point the limlng light аl 'пв pulley liming marks and note whether те specilied liming mark (see 'пе VEGllabel) Is aligned wilh lhe liming poinler оп 'ме IroПI 01 lhe IJming спэiп cover. 8 1I 'пе proper mark Jsn'l allgned wilh 'пе slationary poinler, loosen Ihe dislributor hold-down boll. Тит 'пе dislribulor clockwise (10 relard Ilming) ог counlerclockwlse (10 adyance liming) until !пв сопес! tim ing mark оп 'пе crankshafl риltеу Is aligned wilh Ihe stationary poinler. rlQ hten 'мв diзtribulог hold-down bolt securely when 'мв liming is сог гее ! and recheck 11 10 make sure il didn't ch8flQe when 'М boIt was ughlened. 9 Тит оН the englne. 10 Plug in IMe 5POUT conneclor localed In!he hamess near Ihe alr cleaner assembIy. 11 ReSlart 'пв englne and check Ihe idle speed. The specified грт for each vehicle is difleren! (зее your VECI Label). Оп yehicles wilh ап adjuslabIe idle speed, see Chapler 4 !ог adjuslmenl procedure. 12 Turn оН Ihe engine. 13 Аетоув the liming li9h! and lachom&ler.
10.2 Check battery vol\8g e 10 tha Ignlllon m odule l enninal питЬег 4
10.1 The ignlllon module is located under Iпе air cleaner houslng оп Iпв fenderwell оп 5.0L englnes
10 Ignition module and stator - check and replacement Caution: The ignltion modu/e is s de/icale and re/atiye/y expens/ve e/ectronic component. Failuгe 10 fo//ow the step-by-step procedures could гesu/l 1n dlJmsgв 10 the тodu/е and/or other electronic dev/ces, /nc/uding the EEC-/V ог V micropгocessor Itself. Addilionslly, all devices under compиter contгo/ аге pгotectвd Ьу а Federally mands ted extended warranty. Check wilh уоuг dealer conceming this WB"Sn ty be'ore attempting to diagnose аОО replace Ihe тodu/е yoursв/f.
D;stributor /gnition 5.0L engines)
modu/e (1994 and 1995
Check Re'er 10 i//ustrвtions 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4 and 10.5 Nole: Refer 10 the ignilion checking procedure in Section 6 snd Ihe wiring schematlcs а! the end о( Chapter 12 'ог additioпa/ Information. 1 Dislributor Ignilion (DI) syslems аге equipped wilh аn e",lernal ignilion module localed under 'пв alr cleaner aзsemЫу (seв IllustraI lon). 2 Gheck 'or power 10 'М ignilion module. Using а YOltmeler, ргоЬе 'ме red/ligh( огeen wire (l8fminal 4) 10 I he module (зее iIIustratlon). With 'мв ignition ON (engine по! running), Iпегв should ье bal!ery '1011age. 3 CMeck Ihe PIP signal !гот Ihe stalor (Hall EHect swilcMing device) In Ihe dlstribulor 10 the ignilion modulB. Backprobe Ihe dark green wi re (lerminaI1) оп Ihe Ignition control module (seв illuзtraliоп) wilh 8П lED lеЗI Ilghl. crank 'пв engine over and confirm that Ihe test 11ghl
10.3 Науа ап аssiзlапl crank tha engine while backprobin9 lenninal number 1 оп Iпе ignilion control тodи1е. The tesl "9мl should flash аз (ha ignitio" module switches prim8ry vol189a
Chapter 5 Engine electrical systems
for ba"ery volta ge 10 lп в Hall Effect switching d evice 'пв hamess co nnecto r оп terminal number 4
flashes. If there зге по Ilashes, Chock Ihe distributor. 4 Check far power 10 'пе stator. РroЬе Ihe redl1ight green wire (terminal 4) 10 'пв module ( эее illustration). With 'пв i9nil1on QN (engine поl running), there should ье battery voltage. 1I battery voltage exists and 'пеге is $Iill по геsропsе (LED flashes) !гот Ihe distribulor (эве
Step 3). replace 'пв stator. 5
Check Ihe SPQUT $ignal
pink wire (terminaI2) with
Ihe ignilion module. Backprobe 'пв
LED test 119hl, have
assistant crank
10.5 Backprobe the SPOUT connector w ith а LED test light and check !ог а flashing signal а)
Арр/у а /ight соа/ о! с/еап engine 011 /0 the distributo( shaft before installation. Ь) A/ign the hole in the gвar and shafl exaclly, before pressing Ihe gear оп. ОО NOT иэе а drift punch (о align the holes. с) Опуе а NEW roll pin Ihrough the gear and shaft until n's f/ush wilh the ge8(. d) Replace the distributor Ьаэе O-ring.
engine оуег алd observe flashes (эве illu stгati on ) оп Ihe lest li9hl. 6 Check !аг 'пв GRQUND !ог Ihe 19nilion module. Disconnecl Ihe ignilion module hamess conneclor, inslall опе probe 01 Ihe ohmmeler onlo Ihe, negalive battery tenninal and probe Ihe bIackl1ighl Ыие wire (Ienninal б) (see Illustration 10.2). There should Ье less Ihan 5.0 ohms resistance. 1I the resistance i5 excessive. repair the ground or the Hall Effect swilching device in the distributor. 7 1I battery voltage i5 по! reaching Ihe ignilion module or dlslributor, 'гаее Ihe circuil 10 Ihe ignilion swileh and baltery (sвe Chapter 12) and check lor ореп circuils ог а damaged wire hamess. 1I апу 01 the other 'еэ! results are incorтect, replace Ihe ignition rnodule with а new part.
Replacement Ignitio n module 8 Delach Ihe саЫе 'гот Ihe negalive terminal 01 the batlery. 9 Unplug the electtical connectors. 10 Аетоуе Ihe mounting screws and delach the module. 11 Installation is Ihe reverse 01 removai. Stator 12 Disconnect the саЫе from the negalive terminal 01 the battery. АетоУе the dis!ributor сар and rotor (see Chapler 1). 13 Аетоуе the disttibutor (эее Section 8). 14 Аетоуе the two sereW5 holding Ihe annature and lift the assemЫу Irom the distribulor. Note: Hold the distributo( drive gear по! the armature to /oosen the screws. 15 Аетоуе and discard Ihe pin in the disttibutor drive gear and со) lar. Iпуеп Ihe distributor and place Ihe assembIy in а vice. Using ап appropriale size pin punch, drive Ihe roll pin !rom the dislributor gear and shaft. Press Ihe gear off the shaft эпd remove Ihe 5haft assembIy from Ihe distributor Ьаэе. ] ! песеssэry, deburт and clean Ihe dislributor 5hэft 50 it slides out 01 the Ьэsе еэsilу. 16 Press off!he dtiye gear. t7 Аетоуе the shaft 'roт the dislributor. 18 Аетоуе the octane rod relaining screw эпd the oclane rod. t9 Аетоуе the distributor stalor mounting serews and remove Ihe slэlог Irom the dislribulor. 20 Inspect Ihe distributor Ьаэе bushing. If the bushing 15 damaged, герlзсе the enlire distributor. 21 Inspecl Ihe distribulor base O-ring and герlэсе it il necessary. 22 Inslallalion is the reverse 01 ,етоуаl wilh Ihe following additions:
Electronic Distributorless Ignition System (ED/S) modu/e Ignition
primary circ uit (all EDIS system s)
Refer 10 i//ustration 10.25 23 Unplug the igпitiоп coil wiгiпg hamess conneclors and inspec\ them for dirt, eorr05ion and damage. 24 Check for ballery voltage 10 'ле ignition соil(з) (зее illust ratio n 6.9). Attach а 12 уо" (е5! lighl 10 'ле ballery negative (-) terminal. Disсоппесt Ihe coil harness соппесlог and check for power 10 the positive (+) terminal (see illustratio n 7.11). 8attery vоllэgе should Ье ayailabIe wilh the ignition key ON (engine по! running). 11 Ihere is п о baltery vollage, check Ihe 20 атр IU5e Ihal govems tле ignilion circuil (эее Chapter 12 'о, addilional in'ormalion оп the luses and the wirin g schemalics). 25 If battery vollage is availabIe. altach а 12 yol! 'ез! light to the baltery positive (+) lerminal and the coil negalive tеrmiпаl (-) (зее iIIustration) and crank the engine. Note: Маке sure the рпmагу ~ow voltage)
10.25 С аппес! а LED !ез! light 011 the caill1egative (-) tегmil1з l s 011 the igl1itiol1 coil COl1l1ectors al1d w atch 'аг а bIil1kil1g Jight w her. the el1g lne is cr al1ked (4.БL SOHC show n)
Chapter 5 Engine electrical systems checklng and replacement procedures on Ihe crankshaft
сатshзftз зensors.
Ignitlon module checks (1994 and 1995 З.8L engines)
10.28 Dlsconl'lect the Ignltlon module and ргоЬе terminal number 5 and check 10r baUery voltage
electrlcг/ connвctors зге disconnвcted (roт
both co//s to prevent thв engine 'гот starting. Confirm that the test light Ilashes. Caution: Do not рrobe the роsШvв (+) wiгe. 11Ils ;s battery vo/rage SOUfCe. Re{er 'о iIIustratlon 7.11 {ог the сonec! terrnina/s, Тhis test chвcks 'ог 'М trigger slgnal (оrouпф (roт ths computer. Check 'м other w;гes to the lопШоп co//(s) us/ng on/у зп LED lesl /ight 10 avold damaging (М clrcults. Тhis will /ndlc.ate that thв co//(s) зге receiving the рroрег signaJ. 2б The test light shoold nash with each output .signal from the EDIS IgnltJon module through the coil рПтату circuit as the engine fire!!. Not.: 1I will ьв nвcessary 10 check eecll circuit that govems each coi/ pack. /nStaJ/ the test light into the вppropnete terminaJs on the hзme" connвctor ам repвa! the tsst. FoJ/ow 'М wirlng schernatics at the end о( Chapt6f ,2 (ог the COtreC! СОК}( w;гes to (М coJ/ drivвrs {п the РСМ
Sensor checks (all EDIS systems) Not.: 1994 and 1995 ED/S systems on the 3.8L englnes аге equlpped wlth в увпаЫв re/uetanee type cranksha{t sensor. This type о ( crвnkshah sensor сап ье cheeked оп the bench uslng ап А/С уо/1тeter. 1996 and later 3.8L and 4.6L SOHC and DOHC englnes агв equlpped wllh 8 c.amshaft sвnsor as we/l 8S а crвnkshah sвnsor. тhe camshah sвnsor on the 3.8L 1996 aлd /at6f signa/s the РСМ 'о bвgin sequentlal pu/sation о! thв fиeI injeclors. 11IIs c.amshaft sensor is в HaJ/ Effвcl switching devicв actNated Ьу 8 sing/a yanв. Тhis (уре о{ sвnsor must ьв checked on !tJe vehicle with voItage app/ied 'о the sensor Ьу the рем тhe 3.8L 1996 алd later c.amshaft sвnsor is тounted on the top о{ the enginв where the distгibutor иsвd 'О ьв insta//ed in 'М o/der 3.8L englnes. 11Ie camshaft sensor in Ihe 4.6L SOHC and DOHC engines is а variabIe гeluetance dвvlce whlch Is triggered Ьу thв high po/nt т8'* оп the camshВft. Тhese sвnsors 8ге mounted оп the 'гont о{ the cylinder heed пеег thв camshaft sprocket. Тhese c.amshaft sensors s/gna/ tha РСМ (о s tart uр (ив/ injec tor pu/sation as well as misfirв detectlon. 27 The cran kshaft sensor and camshaft sensor аге an integraJ сот рапеп! 01 the ignition systems оп 3.8L and 4.6L SOHC and DOНС engines. Тhese sensors зrе difficutt to reach IOf tesUng purposes but it is 01 majOf importance that they ье checkecl when dealing with ignition system d lagnostics. 'П the event the crankshaft sensor or camshaft sensor Is defeclive (Of both), replaee them with new parts аnd continue checklng the ignitioo system 10 verify the wof1
Re{er to iIIustrвtion 10.28 Note: Тhв ED/S system оп the 1994 аnd 1995 3.8L engines differ {гот the ED/S systems оп Ih e 1996 8nd /ater 3.8L and 4.6L SOHC and ЙОНС engines. 1994 and 1995 ED/S systems аге equlpped wlth а crвnksh8ft sвnsor, ап ign/t/on тodи/в аnd в РСМ. 1996 and later тod a/s аге equipped with з crвnkshaft sвnsor, с.атshзп sвnsor and рем (па ignitlon тodи!e). Неге lhe РСМ functlons 8S the overвJ/ conlгo/!ero{ the ignitlon systвm Ьу гесеМng engine speed аnd crankshah position signaJs вnd deterтinlng the correct ignition timing 8nd /njector ONТlME (Пch/lean) but aJSO fиnctions 8s the controJler о/ thв ignition coi/(s) prlmary drcuit which W8S ЬВsicaJIy the job о/ the ignition rrюdu/в. 28 Check 'or power to the ignition mocIule. Using а voltmeter, probe termlnal number 5 (red wire 1+1) and check 'ог battery voltage (зее lIIustration). With Ihe ignilion ON (engine not running), theJe should ье batt8f)' voltage. 29 Check the circuil 'гот the ignltlon module to Ihe SPOUТ соппес tor оп terminal number 10 (plnk wlre [+]) 'ог а complete circuit. Contl nulty should exist. 30 Also check Ihe re5istance 01 the crankshaft sensor оп termlnals number 7 and number 8. It stюuld ье between 1.0 and 1.5 ohms. 31 1I battery voltage is по! reaehing Ihe Ignlllon module, trace the electrIcaJ circuit 10 the ignition аnd battery (зее ChapteJ 12) аnd check lor opefl cireuits of а damaged wire harness. 1I anу 01 the other lest results are incorтect. replaee the ignltlon mocIч1е with а new on8.
Replacement 32
Disconnвcl the negative саЫв lrom Ihe batt8fy. Disconnect the elвctrical connector Irom the EDIS ignition
34 35
Аетоуе the screws securing Ihe EDIS module 10 the lenderwell. Installalion is the геуerзе 01 the removal procedurв.
• general information and
precautions Тhe charging system includes the attemator, а voltage regulatOf (In tegral (mounled оп the backslde 01 the alternator] or Internat) , а charge indicator ог waming Ilght. tha battery, а fusibte link and Ihe wlr lng between all the component!!. The charging system supptles elвctrical power for the ignition system, the lights, the radio, etc. The alternator is driven Ьу а drivebвll зt the front 01 the engine. The purpose of the vottage regulalor ,з to limit the al tern ator's vollage to а ргезе! value. Тhis prevents power surges, circuit overloads, etc., during peak vottage output. Оп integral voltage regulator systems, а solid state regulator 15 housed jnside а plastic module mounted оп Ihe attemator itsвtf. The fusibte link is а short Iength 01 InSl.llated wire integal with the engine comрапmеп! wiring harness. Тhe link is severaf wire gauges smallef in diametef thал the circuit it prOlects. ProdtJCIiоп fusibIe links and their identification "аоз are identilied Ьу the flag color. Reler 10 Chapter 12 for additional Inlormation оп fusibIe links. Тhe charging system doe5n't ordinarity require periodic mainteпапсе . However, the drivebelt, baltery and wires and connactlons should ье inspected а! the Interval5 outlined in Chapter 1. Ве уегу careful when making electrlcal clrcuit connectlons to а vehicle equlpped with ап altemator and note the following : а) When reconnecling wlгes 10 (М a/temator (roт the battery, ьв suгe to note the po/arity. Ь) Ве'ore using агс welding equipment (о гepair anу рап о( the VehIеle, disconnect thв wiгes from 'м a/tamator aлd the battвry leпnI nв/s. с)
Never start the eng;ne wlth в battвry charger connвcted. disconnect both battery cabIes beforв uslng а battery chвrger (negative с.аЫе first, posltive свЫе /ast).
Chapter 5 Engine electrical systems
measure charging vollage, attach the voltmeter leads 10 the battery terminals, ,tart the engine and record the voltag& reading
IЗ .5а Оп
4.6L englnes, гетоуе the lower mountlng bol15 (arrows) . __
тhe battery e/ectrolyre specJfic gravity. 1{ it {s Iow, charge Ihв bal' lery. с) Check Ihe exlema/ г/temalor wiring дnd conneclions. d) ChвcK the drivebelt com:1it/on and tension (see Chapter 1). е) Check lhe a/tema/or mounling bolts (о, lightness. Q Аип fhe engine and check Ihe alterna/or (о, abnorma/ noise. Ь)
12 Charging system • check Refer 10 Шиstгаtiоп 12.2
1 If а mallunction occurs in Ihe charglng circuit, do поl immediately essume that the altemator is causing the ргоЫет . Firsl check the followlng Ilems: а)
battaf}' саЫез where they
connвctioпз эге
10 the Ьапвгу. Make suгe
IЗ.5Ь __ . then гетоуе the 'оиг mounting bolts (arrows) and separate the altemator bracket 'тот the alr int.ake plenum (4.6L ООНС engine show n)
2 Using а vollmeler, check Ihe battery vollage wilh Ihe engine off. 1I should ье approximately 12-volts (see illuslration). 3 51аrl Ihe engine алd check Ihe baltery voltage аgаiл . 1I should now ье approximalely 14 10 15-volls. 4 1I 'М iлdicaled vollage reading is Iess ог more thaл Ihe specified charging voltage, rep/ace!he vohage regulalor, tf replacing 'М regulalor lails 10 ,eslore the voftage 10 the specffied rangе, the probIem тау ье wilhiл 'М altemator. No!e: Dиe 10 the special equipment nвceS58ry 10 test or SefViCe the aJteтator, it 15 recoтmendвd that if а fault is suspected [hв vehic/e ье lаkел 10 8 dea/er ог а 5hoР with the рroрег equipment. Вecause о' this, lhe home mechanic shou/d Ilm!1 mаlлtеnanсе 10 checking солneclioпs, fиSв5 8Лd (и5/ые links f/Jat govem lhe charging 5ysteт. 5 Check the ALТ 'изе Iл Ihe епgiле соmраrlmел l 'изе Ьох (зее Chapler 12). Also, check Ihe lusibIe Ilnks Д and В. 6 5оте models аге equlpped wilh ап ammeter оп Ihe Iлslrumепt panellhat indicates charge ог dlscharge - currenl passing in or оиl 01 'М battery. With all electrical equipmenl swilched ON, and Ihe engine iclling, 100 gauge needle тау show а discharge condilion. А! las! idJe or ГIOГТЛаl drМng speeds lhe needle should stay оп 'м charge зidе 01 'пе gauge, wilh Ihe charged stale 01 Ihe batlery delermining Jusl how 'аг over (Ihe lower Ihe ballery s!ale 01 charge, Ihe 'зrthег Ihe needle should swil1g loward Ihe charge side). 7 50те models аге equipped with а voltmeler оп Ihe inslrumenl panellhal indicales battery vollage wllh Ihe key оп and englne 011, and allernalor outpul when Ihe engine Is running. 8 The charge lighl оп Ihe inSlrument рапеl illuminales wilh Ihe key оп and engine по! running, and should go оиl when Ihe engine runs. Illhe gauge does поl show а charge when '! should ог Ihe aller9 nalor lighl (if equipped) remalns оп , Ihere is а laull in the system. Вefore inspecling Ihe brushes or replacing Ihe allemator, Ihe baltery condilion, alleгnalor belt tension and eleclrical саЫе conneclions should ье checked.
13 Altemator· removal and installation
Altemator mounting bolts - З.8L Vб engine
Refer to i//usfrntions 13.5а, 13.5Ь and 13.& 1 Oelach Ihe саЫе 'гот Ihe negalive terminal 01 Ihe ballery. 2 Unplug Ihe elecltical conneclors 'гот Ihe allemator. 3 Remove the dtivebelt (seв Chapter 1). 4 Оп 4.6L engines, femove Ihe ignition wire а ззетЫу from the Inlake ma.nifold агеа. 5 Remove Ihe bolls and separale Ihe aJtemalor 'гот Ihe englne (зее Illustrations).
Chapter 5 Engine electrical systems
14.5 holder
detach th e voltage regulatorlbrush holder assembIy. remove the !оиг screws
То гетоуе
the brushes fтoт the voltage regu latorlbrush detaeh the rubber plugs !гот the two brush lead screws and гетоуе both serews (аrтоwз)
6 7
Inslallalion is lhe reverse 01 removal. After the altemator " Installed, inslalllhe drivebelt and the еаЫе 10 the negative lerminal 01 the battery.
14 Voltage regulat or/altemator brushes (integral regulator) - replacement Refer 10 Illuslrations 14.3, 14.4, 14.5 аnd 14.9 1 Аеmоуе Ihe alternalor (зее Seclion 13). 2 5еl the altemalor оп а elean workbeneh. 3 Аетоуе the lour voltage regulator mounling screws (see illuslraIlon). 4 Detaeh Ihe voltage regulator (see Illuslration). 5 Delaeh the rubber plugs and гетоуе Ihe brush lead retalnlng screws and пщз 10 separale {ОО brush leads Irom 'М holder (зее Шus tration). Note thal the screws have Torx heads and requlre а special screwdriver. АНег nollng Ihe relalionship 01 the brushes 10 the brush holder 6 assembIy, remove both brushes. Don't lose Ihe springs. 1I you're installing а new vottage regulalor, 'пзert the old brushвs 7 Inlo Ihe brush holder 01 the new regulator. 1/ you're Inslalllng new brushes, insert Ihem Iлlо the brush holdEll" 01 Ihe old regulator. Make sure the spПngз are properly compressed аnd the brushes are property 'пзепес! inlo {М гесеssвз In the brush holder. В Inslall Ihe brush lead relaining screws and nulS.
the assembly from the altemalor
14.9 Вefoгe inslalllng the voltage regulatorlbrush hQlder assembIy, !пзеп а рарег clip as shown 10 hold the bnJshes '" place during instalJation - after installation, simply ри" the pap8f" c lip ои!
9 'пзеп а shor1 sectlon 01 wlre, like а рарег elip, Ihrough the hole '" Ihe voltage regulator (see iIIustratio n) 10 hold Ihe brushes 'п the relraeted posltlon during regulalor inslallalion. 10 Carefully InslaJl Ihe regulalor. Make sure Ihe brushвs don'l hang ир 00 the rolor. 11 Inslalllhe vol lage regulalor зсгewз and tighten Ihem securety. 12 Аemoуе Ihe wire ог рарег elip. 13 Inslalllhe altemator (зее Section 13).
15 Starting system - general infonnation and precautions Тhe lunctlon 01 lhe s\alting syslem is to craлk the englne 10 start il. Тhe syslem is сотрозed 01 Ihe slaf1:EII" molor, slaf1:EII" retay, batlery, swilch and eonnecling wirвs. 2 Tuming the Ignilion key 10 the 5taf1: posilion acluales Ihe slaf1:EII" relay Ihrough the slarter control eircult. тhe star1er ге1ау Ihen eonnecls Ihe ballery 10 Ihe star1er. The baltery supplies the electrical energy 10 Ihe slar1er motor, whleh does the actual work 01 eranklng 'М englne. 3 Тhese models аге equipped with а slar1er/solenoid assembIy lhat is mounlec! 10 the transmission bellhousing. 4 Vehicles equlpped with ап aulomalic tгалsmission ме equipped with а Transmisslon Rangе sensor in 'М starter control circuil , which prevenls operalion 01 Ihe slar1er unless the shift lever " 'n NeutraJ or Park. Manual Iransmission vehieles аге equlpped wilh а slar1er cluteh
Chapter 5 Engine electrical systems
pedal position switch. The starter will по! crank wlth the foot off the clutch pedal. 5 The star1er circuit 'з equipped with а star1er relay. Thls relay 15 located '" the engine compзrtтen! fuse ралel. 6 Never operate the starter molor !ОГ тоге than 15 seconds а! а Ilme wilhout pausing 10 allow " \0 сооl 'ог alleast мо mlnlJtes. Ехсез slve cranking сап cause overheating, whlch can seriously damage the start8(.
16 $tar1er motor and circuit - in-vehicle check Note: Вeforв diagnos/ng starter рrob/етs,
таив surв (hв
battery is
General check 1I the slarter motor doesn'! lиrn а! 811 when the switch is operated, make зиге the shift lever 'з 'П NeutraJ от Park. 2 Make sure the Ьапесу Is charged and thOII 811 сablвз а! the batt9l)' and starter solenoid terminaJs are secure. 3
11 the slar1er motor spins
Ihe engine doesn',
Ihe drive assembly 'п Ihe slarter motor Is slipping and the starter motor must ье replaced (seв Sectlon 17). 4 1/, whoo Ihe swilch is aclualed, Ihe slarter motor doesn't operate а!
aJI Ьи! lhe slarter solenold operates (clicks), Ihen the ргоЫет Iles wi l h ellher the ballery, the starter solenoid con tacts ог the starter motor connections. 5 1I the starter solenoid doesn't click when the ignltion swltch Is actuated, either 'м starter solenoid circult is ореп ог the solenold itsell Is delective. Check the starter soIenoid circu!t (зее the wiriГtQ diagrams а! the end 01 thls book) ог replace the soloooid (зее Sectlon 18). б То check the starter soloooid circult, гетovе the push-on сon nector lrom 'м solerюid wire. Make зиге that the connection Is clean and зесиге. 11 the connections аге good, check the operation 01 the solenold with а jumper wire. То do this, place 'м tгалsmissiоп In Par1<. АетОУе the ризh-оп connector from the solenold. Соппес! а Jumper wlre between the battery positive terminal and 'М exposed teпniпal on the solenoid. 1I the sta:rter motor now operates, the starter solenoid Is okay. Тhe ptobIem i81n Ihe Ignition sw!tch, Transmission Range sensor Clutch Pedal Position switch or 'п the SlartiГtQ circuit wiring (Iook for оpen ог Ioose conneclions). 7 If the starter motor sшl doesn't operale, replace 'М star1er SOI&nold (зее Sectlon 1ВI . 8 1I the starter motor cranks Ihe englne а! ап abnormalJy slow зpeed, first make sure the battery is fully cnargвd and all teпniпal connections are clean and tighl. Also check the connections а! the staner solenold and baltery ground. Eyelel terminals should по! Ье easlly rotated ьу hand. Also cneck lor а short 10 ground. 1/ Ihe engine is раг tially selzed, ог has the wrong vlscosity 0/1 In il, 1I will crank slowly. 9 Check the slar1er circuit. Consult 'м wiriГtQ diagrams а! the end of Chapler 12. on automatics, 1I wi!l ье necessary 10 check the condition 01 the Transmisslon Range senзог (зве Chapler 6) ог the Clutch Рооаl Posi\ion sw!tch (see Chapter 7) on manual tгалsmission vehicles. 10 Check the op&ration 01 the staner relay. Check lor battery voltage
17.4 Аетоуе the 5tarter/solenoid азаетЫу botts (arтow) and 5eparate the аззетЫу !гот the transmission bellhousing. тhe top bott 15 hidden from view COfТec! operation 01 the relay. Reler 10 Chapter 12 104' additionaJ in!orma!ion оп the locatlons 01 relays and how 10 tesl I hem. 11 11 he vehlcle is equipped wilh the а anli-theft аlЗ/Тl'l, check the clrcui! and the сопtrol module for shorts or damaged components (see Chapter 12).
10 the relay and
17 Starter motor - removal
Refer 10 iIIustration 17.4 1 Detach the СаЫе from the negative leпninal 01 the battery. 2 Raise the vehlcle and зи рроn it secure/y оп jackstands. 3 Dlsconnect the large саЫв from the terminaJ оп the star1er motor аnd 'М solвfюid termlnal connectlons. 4 Аетоув the starter motor mounl ing OOlts (зве IllustratJon) and delach 'hв starter ffom the вngine. 5 1I necessary, 'игп the wheels 10 оп е sl de 10 provi de гетоуаl access. 6 Installat\Qn is the Г6Verзе 01 removal.
18 Starter 50lenoid - replacement 1
Sвcl ion
Ihe staner аsзemЫу !гот 'М engine compзrtтenl (зев
the positive brush connect04' from the solenoid
3 Aвmoye Ihe solenoid mountJng bolts from the star1er body. 4
InstallatlOn is the reverse of removaf.
аnd sвparate
Ihe solenold
Chapter 6 Emissions and engine control systems Contents Sec tion
Section 1 4 ОП Board Diagnosis (ОВО) system and IroubIe codes ........... . 2 Posi tive Crankcase Ventilaflon (PCV) system .................. .. 8 Poweftrain Control Module (РСМ) - replacemenf ................... . 3
Air InJect!on (AJR) syslem ........... "............................................ б СЗlаJytlс сопуепе!' ............................. ..................... ..................... 9 С НЕСК ENGINE Ilght ....................................................... See Section 2 Evaporative Emissions Conlrol System (EECS). ........................... Exhaust Gas Aeci rculation (EGR) system .......................... ".........
General informalion ............................................................. Information sensors .....................•..•.....•.•........... .•.....•..•.•...
7 5
1.1 а Emisslon and englne control system c omponent locations 1 2
MAFsensor /ATsensor
EDIS co/l pack TPS
5 6
i nfoпnation
Refertomustrations '.lа, 1 . IЬ,1.1с, 1.7вand I.7Ь ТО prevent pollution of the atmosphere Irom incompletely bumed and evaporating gases. and to malntaln good driveabllity and 'иеl economy, а numbef' of emission cootrol syslems аге incorporaled (see lItustratlons). They include Ihe:
EGR va/ve
PCV valve
Electronic Englne Cootrol sys teт (EEC-/V) ОВО / Electronic 'Engine Cootrol.systeт (EEC-V) OBD /1 Evaporative Ermssion Cootrol System (EECS) Positive Crankcase Ventilation (PCV) system Exhaust Gas Recircu/etion (EGR) .system Alr Injectlon (AJR) systeт C8talytic converter AlI of these systems are Ilnked, directly or indirectly, 10 the em!s-
Chapter 6 Emi ssions and engine control system
1 . 1Ь
1 2 3
Emission and engine control sysl em
MAFsensor /ATsensor PCVvalve
replacement procedures (when possibIe)
Diagrюstic connвctor
/gnition coi/
each 01 the systems
Before assuming that
locations - 5.0L V8 engine
sion COfltrol system. The Sвctions in this Chapter inctude general clescriptions, c hecking procedures wilhin the scope 01 the home mechanic аnd сomро listed
со т ропеп!
emissions control system is mallunclion-
in9, check the 'иеl and ignition systems c8fe fully. The diagnosis 01 some emission control devices requires specialized 10015, equipment аnd lraining. 11 checking and 5efVicing Ьесоте 100 difficull or if а procedure is beyond your abllity, consull а dealer service depanment. АететЬег, the таз! frequent cause 01 emissions ргоЫетз is simply а loose or bl'oken vacuum hose ог wire, $0 always check the hose and wiring conneclions first. Тhis doesn'l теan, however, that emission control systems аге paI1icularty difficull l o mainlain and repair. You сап quickly аnd easily perform тапу checi<s and do mosl 01 Ihe regular maintenance а! tюmе with соттоп tune-up and hand lools. Note: Весаизе 01 а Federa//y mandated extended warranty wh/ch covers the em/ssian сап/го/ syslem componen/s, check with уоuг dea/er вЬоu! warranty coverage be'ore working оп апу em/ss/ons -re/ated systems. Oncе Ihe warran/y has expired, you тау w;sh 10 perforт some 01 the compoпeпl chвcks аnd/or repJacement proceduгes in this Chapter 10 save mortey. Рау close atlention 10 any special precautlons outlined 'П Ihls
Chaptef. 1I should ье noted 'hз! the illustralions 01 100 various syslems тау no! exactly match the system instaJIed on 'ОО vehicle you'ге working on because 01 changes made Ьу Ihe manufacturer during РГodис tion of !гот year-to-year. А Vehicle Emi5sions Control Information (VECI) label i5 located in the engine соmрэrtmеПI (see Шustгаtlопs) . This label contains imporlanl emissions specilicalions алd adjustment in formalion. as well as а vacuum hose scOOmalic wilh emissions components identified. When servicing lhe engine or emissions systems, Ihe VECI label in your parlicular vehicle should aJways ье checked lor up-!o-da!e information.
Board Diagnosis (OBD) system and troubIe codes
Note: тhe diagnostic system аnd trooblв codвs 'or З. 8L Vб 800 8//4.6L v8 engines аге оп/у ассезз/Ыа using expensive specialized equipment. Тhe codes indicated /п the text apply strlct/y 10 5.0L v8 models оп/у. Genera//nformalion оп the sys tem sensors 8nd actuators 'ог 8/1 models 'з described 'п the 'oJ/owing lext. sвв Ihe TroubIeshooting section а! Ihв beginn/ng о, this тaпuaJ (ог some Ьаз/с diagnostic aids. /, lhe Ма/ lunction Indicator Ughl i/lum;nates on а 3.8L Vб or 4.6L v8 model, have Ihв vehic/e diаgгюsed Ьу а dea/er звrvicе clepaltment ог othвr property equipped гepair (асШ/у.
Chapter 6 Emissions and engine control system
I 2 3 4
MAF sensor
Emission and engine control system component locations 5
Differeпtiвl Prвssurв Regu/ator (DPFE) EGRva/ve EGR У8Сuuт regu/ator valve
1.78 Тhe Vehicle Emission Controllnfom'l8tJon (VECI) IзЬеI is located 'п the engine compartrnent оп the radiator support and contalns IntonnatJon оп the emisslon devlces оп your vehlcle, vacuum IIпе routlng, etc. (З.8L У8 englne shown)
'АС vaJve
/gnШon со" pack
(left slda)
Vacuum hose routing -
Э.8L Vб
Chapter 6 Emissions and engine control system
2.2 Scanners Ilk. 111. Асиоп Scantool аnd 111. AutoXray ХР240 pow.rful dlagnostlc aids - programmed with c omprehensiv. dlagnoslic Informatlon, they сап tell you just about anything you want 10 know about your englne тапаэетеп! syslem аге
2.1 Dlgltal multimeters сап ье used 'аг testing all types о' cJrcults; Ьесаизе 01 thelr hlgh impedance, they are muc h more ассuгзtе thеп analog meters 'аг mеазuriпg milHvottage-vоltagе '" low-voltage computer clrcults
Diagnostic 1001 information Refer 10 i//ustгвtions 2. 1, 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4
, А digital multimeler 1$ necessary for checking fuel Injeclion and emission related componвnts (seв Illustration). А digital voll-ohmme'аг is preferred оуег Iha older style analog rnultimeter 'аг зеуегаl геа sons. The analog multlmeler саппо! dlsplay the volts-ohms ог amps твasигeтenl in hundredths аnd thousanctths increments. when working with elecuonic circuits which ага otten very Iow vottage, Ihl$ асси
rate readlng 15
тоз! 'троnап!.
воocl гвазап 'аг
Iha digital
multimeter is Ihe high Impedance circuil. The digilal mullimeler is equipped wl lh а hlgh reslslance intemal circuitry (1 О million ohms). Вecause а vollmeler is hooked up in paraJlel wilh Ihe circuil when lesl-
ing, il is vital Ihat попе 01 Ihe ...0118ge being measured should Ье allowed 10 Iravel Ihe parallel palh зеl up Ьу the meler ilsell. This dilemma does по! show ilself when measuring larger amounls 01 "'011age (9 10 12 voll circui!s) bul il you аге measuring а low vol tage circu il such BS Ihe oxygen sensor signal voltage, а lraction 01 а ...011 mау ье а signfficant amounl when diagnosing а problem. Obtainlng lhe diagnostic troubIe codes 'з one exceplion whefe using ап апаlog voltmel8f с, necessзгу.
Hand-held зсаппеrз are the тО$1 powerlul апd ... ersalile lools lor analyzlng engine management syslems U5ed оп laler тodеl ... ehicles ( вее Illustration). ЕаrlУ тodеl scanners handle codes and 50те diagnostics 'ог mапу 08О 15yslem5. Each braлd tool musl ье ехат· 'поо carelully 10 ma!ch the уеаг, make and model 01 the ...ehicle уou аге working оп . Qllen InterchangeabIe canridges are availabIe 10 access the pВnlcular manulaclurer (Ford, GM, Chrysler, elc.). 50me manu!acturers wlll specify Ьу cOnlinent (Asia, Europe, USA, elc.) Wilh the arri ...aJ 01 Ihe Federally mandated emlssion control syslem (О8О 11), а specially designed scanner musl ье used. АI this lime, зevеrз1 manu· !acturers plan 10 release 08О 11 scaл 1000s IQ( the homе mechanic. дsk the parts salesman аl а locaI auto parls з!оге additional inlormalion conceming dales аnd cosls. Note: AJthough ОВD 11 codes canrюt ье accessed оп 1994 and 1995 З.8L Vб тodе/а and a/l 1996 and 199 7 тodв/а (а! this time), fo//ow the simp/e componвn! checks /п Section 4. 3 Software 15 avallabIe lor а desklop compuler or laptop compulerthat allows the desklop computer 10 Inlerface with lhe englne mапаgе твп! compuler (аее IlIustration). This so"ware сап output troubI e codes, identify problems without even lifting the hood. 4 Another !уре 01 code reader and less expensi ... e is a... ailabIe аl parts stores (зее ltIustration). These lools simplify the procedure !о г
2.3 Dlagnostlc sottware, such аз 1I1is kit 1rom Dlacom, tums your compatibI. comput.r Into the scen 1001, saving the.xtra соа! о, buylng. scenner but provlcllng уou with .11 the same InfQfmЗtion 18М
2.4 TroubIe
Сodе lооlз
simplify tI1e task of extracting troubIe c odes
Chapter 6 Emissions and engine control system extracling codes from Ihe engine тапаоетепl computer Ьу slmply "plugging т" 10 lhe dlagnostic connector оп Ihe vehlcle wir1ng hamess. Not e: 50те diэgпоst/с connectors эге /ocated under the dэsh, /с/< Par.вI or g/ovebox wh//e others эге /ocsted /п the engine companment,
ова systeт
general descript;on
5 Vehicles equ l ppвd wilh Ihe 5.0L У8 engine изе Ihe Electronlc Engine Control (ЕЕС) IV syslem. Vehicles equlpped wilh the 3.8L У6 or 4.6L V8 engines иsв lhe EEC.v syslem. 80lh syslems consist 01 ап onboard computer, known as lhe Powertraln Control Module (РСМ), and Information sen5Ors, whlch monilor vаЛоus lunclions 01 Ihe englne and send dala to Ihe рсм . 8ased оп the data and the Inlormatlon programmed into Ihe compuler's memory, Ihe РСМ generales oulput 81о naJs 10 control varlous engine luncllons via conlrol reJays , solenolds and othef output actuators. 6 The РСМ , localed under Ihe Inslrumenl paneI, is the "brain· 01 lhe EEC-IV system. It recelves data from а numbef 01 sensors and other electronic componenls (switches, relays, elc.). Вasвd on the Informalion 1I receives, Ihe РСМ generales oulpul slgnals 10 conlrol varlous relays, sоlепоidз and olher aclualoгs. The РСМ is specilically calibratec:l 10 optlmize the emissions, luel есопоту and dri veability 01 Ihe vehicle. 7 Вecause 01 а Fedefally-mandaled extendвd warrалty which соу ers lhe EEC-IV system componenls and becaиsв апу owner-induced damage 10 Ihe реМ , lhe sensors andlor lhe control devices тау vold the warranty, it 1Sl\'1 а good юеа 10 atlempt diagnosis or replacemenl 01 Ihe реМ аl home while lhe vehicle is uпdег warranty. Take Ihe vehlcle 10 а dealer service departmenl if the РСМ or а syslem сотропenl malfunctions.
Informat;on sensors appIiвd 10 Ihe air сопditioniпg compresslgnal Is senl 10 the РСМ , whlch inlerprets the signal аз an added load crealed ьу Ihe compressor аnd .!nсгeaseз englne idle speed accordingly 10 compensate. 9 тhe Intaka Alr Tem perature sensor (IAn, Ihreaded into а runner о, Ihe inlake manifold (зев Section 4), provldes Ihe РСМ wllh lueValr mlxlure lemperalure Informalion. Тhe Рсм uses this informalion 10 control 'иel fIow , ignllion limlng and EGR syslem operalion. 10 The Englne C ool ant Temper ature (ЕСТ) sensor, wh ich 'з Ihreaded Inlo а coolant passage in Ihe Intaka manilold, monilors engine cooIanl lemperalure. тhe ЕСТ sendз the РСМ а voltage 81оnal whlch influences РСМ COnlrol 01 the fUeI mlxlure, ignition timing and EGR operation. 11 Тhe Heated Exhaust Gas Oxygen (HEGO) sensors, whlch аге threaded Inlo the exhausl manifolds, conslanlly monilor Ihe oxygen contenl 01 Ihe exhausl gases. Д voltage 9ignal which varies in ассог dance with the difference belween the oxygen conlent 01 Ihe exhausl gases and lhe surrounding atmosphere 19 sen! to lhe РСМ. The реМ сonумз Ihis exhausl gas oxygen conlenl signal 10 the lueValr ralio , compares it 10 'М ldeaJ ralio 'or cиrтenl engine operaling condilions and alters 'М slgnal 10 Ihe injectors accordingly. 12 тhe Тhrottle Poslt ion Sensor (ТР S) , whlch is mOunted оп Ihe slde 01 the throttle body (зее Section 4) and connected directly {о Ihe throttle shaft, sвnзes Ihrottle moуетеп! and posllion, Ihen lransmils ап electrical signal 10 Ihe РСМ. Тhis signal епаЫез the РСМ 10 delermlne when the throtlla Is Сloзed, ,п its normal crulsв condition or wide open. 13 тhe М азз Alr Flow (МAF) sensor , which Is mounled ,п the air cleaner intaka passage, теазигез Ihe таЗ9 о! the air enlerlng the englne (зев Section 4). Весаизе air тзss varles with air temperature (cold alr 'з denser Ihan warm airj, теазипng alr mass provldes the РСМ with а very accurate way о' delermining Iha corтecl атоипl 01 fuello obIain the ideal fueVair mixture.
when batlety vottage is
sor dutch,
Output actuators 14 тhe ЕЕС power relay. which is activatec:l ьу Ihe ignition swllch, supp/ies battery voItage 10 the EEC-IV or V syslem componenls when Ihe switch is In Ihe SIart or Аип position. Note: The (иel ритр гelay, the РСМ power reJay, thв EDF гelвy and the EDF ге/ау control эге а/I /ocated;n the Constant Control Relay Modu/e (ССЯМ) wh/ch {s /ocated
on the поМ s/de fenderwe// оП Э. 8L Vб аnd 4.6L VB models and uр {ron! neaг the radlвtor оп 5.OL v8 models. 15 Тhe ca nlster purge solenold (САНР) switches manifold vacuum 10 operate the canisler purge valve when а signal is received Iгот Ihe РСМ. Vacuum оpenз Ihe purge vaJve when Ihe solenoid ,з energized, allowing 'иel уарог 10 flow 'гom Ihe canlstвr 10 the inlake mалifоld. 16 The solenold-operated fuel injectors аге localec:l аЬоуе Ihe inlake POrtS (зев Chapler 4). тhe РСМ conlrols 'М length 01 l ime 'М injector 'З оpen . The "оpen" time 01 the injector determines the атouпl 01 lиel delivered. For Inlormation regardlng InJector replacement , reler 10 Chaptвr 4. 17 Тhe fuel pump re lay is activaled Ьу Ihe рем with the Ignilion swilch In the Оп poslllon. When Ihe Ignlllon switch is turned 10 Ihe ОП posilion, 'М ralay is activaled 10 supply initiaJ line p"assure 10 Iha зуз lem. For Inlormalion regarding 'иel ритр checl< and reptacement , refer 10 Chapler 4. 18 Тhe EDIS ignitlon m odul e (seв Chapter 5) installed оп aJI З.8L and 4.6L englnes, mounted оп а bracket between the иррег intake manilold and Ihe va!ve cover, lriggers Ihe Ignilion coils and determines dwell. Тhe РСМ uses а signal 'гот Ihe Prolile Ignition Pick-Up (PIP) 10 de!ermlne crankshaft position. 19n1tion Ilmlng is determlned Ьу the РСМ , whlch Ihen signals !he module 10 fire the соВ . For lurther Inlormalion regardlng Ihe ignilion module, reler 10 Ihe appropriate Seclion in Chapler 5.
Obta;n;ng codes
V8 engine
19 The dlagnoslic codes 1ог Ihe EEC-IV syslems are arranged in such а way !nat а зeriез 01 tesls musl ье compleled ,п order 10 exlracl ALL !he codез 'гот Ihe syslem. 1I опе ponion 01 the lesl ls performed withoul the olhers, there тау ье а chance the 'гоиЫе Сodе Ihat will pinpoinl а ргоЫет in уоиг panicular vehlcle will remaln Slored in the РСМ wilhout detection. The leslS start tirst with а Кеу Оп, Engine off (КОЕО) lest loltowed Ьу а compuied liming 'ез! lhefI linally а Engine Running (ЕА) lest. Here is а brlеl overv\ew 01 lhe cocJe eXlracting рго cвdures 01 tna EEC-IV syslem lollowed Ьу Ihe actuallesl:
Quic k Test 20
Кеу ОП
Engine off
The lollowing lesls аге alllncluded wilh the key оп, anglne оН:
Зе" 'еЗI codes - Theзе codes зrа accessed оп Ihe lesl соппес lor Ьу using а jumper wire and ал anaIog voltmeter or Ihe laclory dlag· noslic 1001 called the Slar lesler. Тhезе Сodез are al50 called Наю Codes. Separator pul se Сodез - After 'М initial Hard Codes, {М system will nash а code 111 and Ihen will "азh а series 01 50ft (ог Contjnuous Memory) Сodез. Contlnuous Метогу Codas - These codes indicata а laull Ihat тау or тау по! ье present аl the lime 01 lesling. These codвз usually indicate ап intermittent lailure. Conlinuous Memory Сodез are stored in Ihe system and Ihey will flash after tha normal Hard Сodез. Тhеза codes ате three digit codes. Тhезе codes сап indicala chronlc ог inlermittent probIems. Also called 50ft Codes. Fast codes - These codes ате transmitted 100 Ilmes lasler Ihan пormзJ Сodвз апd сап only ье read ьу а Ford Slar Tesler or ап equivalent SCAN 1001.
Engine running codes
21 Runn ing test s - These !esls make il possibIe 'ог the РСМ 10 pick-up а diagnostic IroubIe codе 'hзl canno! ье sel while 'М engine is in КОЕО. Тhезе probIems usually оссиг during driving condilions. some codез ма detected ьу cold or warm running conditions, 50me аге delected аl low грт or high грт and 50me атв delecled аl closed Ihrottle or WOT. ID Pul se Сodез - These Сodез Indlcate Ihe {уре 01 engine (6 ог 8 cylinder) or Ihe corтecl module and Sell Tesl тodе ассeзs . Computed engine tim ing test - Тhls engine runnlng 'ез! determines base Ilming for Ihe engine and slarts the ргосesз 01 allowlng Ihe engine 10 slore ПJППing codез. Wiggle test - Тhis engina running lest checks tha мring syslem 10 tne sensorз and output actualors as the engine performs.
Chapter 6 Emissions and engine control system
Cylinder b alance lе51 - This englne running lesl determlnes InjectOl' balance аз well as cylinder compression balance. Hot.: Тhls test shou/d ье pвrformed Ьу а
dealвr sвrvice
the test
Refer 10 lIIustration 2.23 22 РоsШоп the parklng brake ON, $hilt 'еуаг '" РАЯК , bIock the drive wheels and 'ит оН all electricaJ loads (air condilionlng, radio, healer 'ап bIower etc.). Make sure the engine is warmed 10 normal Op8f3ling temperature (11 possibIe). 23 Perform the КОЕО lests: а) Тит lМ ignltion key off (ог at lвast 10 sвconds Ь) Locate (М Diagnostic Test connвctor /ns/de the eng/ne coтpaгt ment. Insta/I the anвlog voltmeter leads onto the battet)' and рп питЬег 4 (STO) о' the test connвctor (зге Шustratiоп). Insla/l а jumper wire (roт thв lest terminвl ro pin nитЬег 2 о{ thв D/agnostic Test temJinвl (SП). с) Тит the fgn/t/on key ON (engine no! nюпiпg) and observe the neоо/е sweeps оп Ihe ana/og voltтeter. For ехатр/в оп Сodе 123, 'the voltтeter will sweвp oncв 8nd Ihвn раи58. Thвгв will ье в мо sвcond pause Ьемееп d/gits 8nd lhen there will ье мо distinct swвeps о{ the neвd/e 10 /ndicate lhe second digit о{ (М Сodе nитЬег. Тheгe will Ье anolher p8use 8nd then three disl/ncl sweeps о{ the те/ег. /1 /s possible 10 8/S0 observe the СНЕСК ENGINE /ight ffash the codвs. Additiona/ codвs will ьв sвparat&d Ьу а {ouг sвcond pause and Ihen the Indicated swвeps оп the vo/tтetвr. Ве awaf8 (hз' the Сodе sequencв maу continue /nlo the cont/nuous mвmory codes (rвad fигther). Note: Thвse тodeIs will f18sh the СНЕСК ENG/NE I/ght оп the dash in р/асв о, the vo/tтeter.
interpreting the conlinuous memory codes:
After Ihв КОЕО codes arв rвported, there will ье а shoгt paиsв and аnу stored Continuous Meтmy codes wil/ арреа.г /n order. Remembв' that the "Separalor" Сodе is "1. Тhe сотри/ег wlll пat enter thв Coпtlnuous Memory тode without f1ashing /he sepага/or pи/se code. Ь) Тhe Cont/nuous Memory codes 8ге read the same as the /n/tia/ codes ог "Hard Codes ". Record these codes onto в piece о! рарег аnd continuв tfю tes t. 25 Рмorm Ihe Englne Running (ЕА) leSIS. а) Ь) с)
d) е)
Remove (hв jumper wires from the Diagпostic Тез! connвctor 10 slart thв test. Rиn engine until it reaches normal operating (еmрегаШгв. Тит the engine OFF (ог 81 /east 10 seconds. /nsta/l the jumper wiгe onto Diagnostlc Test connector (зев Illustration 2 .23) and staгt the engine. Observe that the vo/tmвter ог СНЕСК ENGINE ligM will f/ash thв engine ldentification code. Тh/з code Indicates 1/2 the питье, о{ cylinders о{ Ihe eng/ne. Fo, ехвmр/е, 4 f1ashes rвprвsent ап 8 cyfindвr engine, or 3 flashes гepresent а six cyfinder engine. Within 1 10 2 seconds о! the ID code, tum thв steering whвel at lвas t 1/2 шт and relвa58. Тhis will store аny powвr steering ргвз suгe sw/lch trouble codвs. DвpгeM the brake p&da/and гelвase. Note: Pвt10rm the steвring wheв/ and brake peda/ proceduгe /п success/on immвd/ate/y (1 (о 2 seconds) aftвr (hв /D codes аге "азt!вd. Observe а" the codes and rвcord them оп а piвce о{ рарег. Ве surв to сouп, the sweвps ог f/ashes very carefи/fy аз you jot them down.
26 Оп some models Ihe рсм wШ requesl а Dynamic Response check. Тhis lезl qulcldy checks Ihe Оpвf81ion of the TPS, МAF or МАР sensors In action. Тhls will ье indicaled Ьу а сodе 1 of а slngle sweвp ol lhe voltmeler needle (опе Ilash 0f1 СНЕСК ENGINE lighl). Тhls lesl will require Ihe operalor 10 simply fulllhrotlle ("goose~) Ihe accel9f"В.lor pedal for опе second. DO NOT throttle the accetвralor pedal unless It Is requested. 27 Тhe neХ! ршt of thls test makes зuге the system сап advance 'м timlng. Тhis is called 'м Computed Тiming lest. Aflвr the lasl ЕА code
'го иЫе
соппес! а
vo ltmete r 10 the
Diagnostlc Тез! connector аз shown, th en co nnect а Jumper w ir e between the self lезl Input and pin number 2 оп the lerg.r connector· tum the 19n1l 1on key ON and w atch tЛе voltmeter needle ог СНЕСК ENGINE Ilght (5.0L епgiпе shown)
has be8f1 dlsplayed, the рсм witl advance Ihe ignilion tirnlng а fixed amounl and hold il Ihere 'ог approxlmalely 2 minules. Use а timing light 10 check Ihe amounl of advance. The compuled limlng should equal Ihe base tlming plus 20 ВТОС. Тhe lotal advance should equal 27 to зз degrees аdvалсе. 11 the ,imlng is out 01 speciflC8tlon, have the syslem checked аl а deatвr servlce department. Note: Remвmbвr to remove the ЭРОtJТ {rom the connector as described '" the ignition liming procedurв in Chapter 5. Тhis wi/l гemove the computer (rom the /оор аnd give base timing. 28 Finally репоПТl Ihe Wiggle Tesl. Тhis ,esl сап ье used 10 recrвale а possibIe Inlermiltenl faull in the hamess wiring syslem. а) Use а jumper wif8 to ground the SП lead оп the Diagnostic Test connector (sae iIIustratlon 2..23). Ь) Тит the fgn/tJon key ON (вngine пat running). с) Now deactivate the 58" test тodв (rвmove thв jumper wirв) and then immвdiate/y rвactiv8te the sвff-test mode. Now lМ system has entвred Continuous Mon/tor Тез! Мodе. d) Caгefи//y w/gg/e, tap о, rвmove 8ПУ suspect wiring 10 а sensor ог output actuator. If а рroЫem ex/sts, а troublв code w//l ье stored that /ndicates а рroЬ/ет with the circuit th8t govems tha paгticu/ar component. Record the codes that 8ге ind/cated. е) Next, enter Engine Runn/ng Continuous Monitor Test Мodе (о check for wiring probIems on1y when (hв engine is runn/ng. Start first Ьу deactivating the D/agnoslic Test connвclor and tuming the igпШon key OFF. Now start thв engine anrJ aJlow it to Id/e. 1) Use а jumper wire ro ground the SП lead on the D/agnostic Test connector (зее Шu stгаt iоп 2.23). Wait ten seconds and then deactivate the test mode and f88ctivate it вов/п (insta/J jumper w/re). Th/s will enter Eng/ne Runn/ng Coпrinuous Monitor Test Мodе.
g) Caгefи//y wigg/e, (ар or rвmove anу suspect wiring (о а 58nsor о, outpиt actuator. If а problвт exists, 8 lroub/в Сodв wШ ьв stored (hз! /ndicates а proЬ/еm with the c;rcuit that govвms the par1icu/ar compoпent. Record the codes that arв indicated.
29 If necessary, репоПТl Ihe Cylinder Balance Тез!. This lesl musl performed Ьу а dealвr service depanmenl.
C/earing codes 3D То clear Ihe codes !тот Ihe РСМ memory, slan Ihe КОЕО seif tesl diagnostic procedure (sвe Illustratlon 2.23) аnd inslalllhe jump8f wirв inlo the Diagnostic Test conneclor. When the codes slan 10 dis-,
Chapter 6 Emissions and engine control system piэу thвmselvвs on the voItmel8f or СНЕСК ENGINE Nghl, remove the jumper wire from Ihe Oiagnoslic Тезl conneclor. This will егазе апу stored codes wilhln Ihe sySlem. Caution: Do nOl disconnвct the b8ttвry {ют thв vehic/e 10 c/вsг 'hв codвs. Тhis wШ втзв stored operвting p81ЗfТ18tеrs from thв кАм (Кввр AJivв Мвmory) влd cause the eng/ne fD run rough for в period 01 tiтe wh//e thв compиter re/eams the /nforma tion.
11 system codes (3.8L and
4.БL v8 models) 31 The dlagnosl lc codes 'а г I he EEC-V (080-11) syslems сап ье extracted from 'М РСМ uslng а speclal SCAN 1001 Ihat is programmed 10 inlerface wilh thls new system. Have Ihe vвhlcle checked 81 а dealer SeМCe dвpartmвnt.
TroubIe Codes МОМ:
NoI aJ/ codвs
aPPIY to а/l тodвIs.
Condltio n·
РгоЬаЫе Саиае
................... Рass
11 1 ..........................
0,с, R
112 ..........................
О, А ...................••.•.
Inlake Air Temperalure
11 3 ..........................
О, А ........................
Intake Air Т emperalure sensor circuit
11 4 ..........................
О. А ........................
116 ..........................
117 ..........................
О. с
........................ Coolanl Tвmperalure circult below minlmum voitage/indicales above 245 degrees F
11 8 ...... ....................
О, с
........................ Coolan! Tвmperalure зепзог circuit above maximum vollagвllndlcates below -40 degreвs F
121 ..........................
О, С, А ................... Тhrottle
circuit Indicates clrcuit groundedlabove 245 degrees F Indlcatвs
-40 degreвs F
out 01 S&If-lвst range А ........................ Coolanl Temperalure sвnsor out о, sв/f-Iesl range Inlake Air
Т empвralure sвnsor
Position sensor aut 01 sel'-Iest range
........................ Throttle Position sensor below minimum voItage 123 .......................... О, с ........................ Throttle Posi\ior\ sвnsor above maximum voItage 122 ..........................
О, с
124 ..........................
............................ Тhrottle Position SenSOf voItage highвr It\an eKpected
125 ..........................
............................ Throttle Posilion Sensor vQltage ]ower than expected
136 .......................... R ............................ Healed oxygen sensor Indicales lean candltlon, left side 137 ....... Т .................
..................... ....... Healed oxygen sensor Ind lcatвs rich condilion, left side
139 ..........................
............................ No healed
141 ..........................
С ............................
144 .......................... с ............................ No heated 157 ..........................
А.С .........................
158 .......................... О.
oxygвn sвnsor
switching detвcted, left side
Fuel syslem indlcates!ean
sensor switching delected. righl sЮе Sensor below minimum vottage
MassAir FIow
.................... MassAir Flow Sensor above maximum voltage
159 ..........................
О, А ........................
167 ..........................
............................ Insufficienl Throttle Position Sensor change durlng Dynamic Response Check
Mass Air Flow Sensor ou! of sel'-test тапов
17 1 ..........................
............................ Healed
oxygвn senзor unaЫеtо
switch, right slde
sensor l:1dicates iean condition, righl side 173 .......................... А ,С ......................... Heated oxyoвn sensor Indicales rich cOnditlon. right side 172 ..........................
А , С .........................
174 ..........................
............................ Heated
175 ..........................
........................... Heated
охуовп senзor
176 ..........................
............................ Heated
sensor switching slow. right slde unabIe to switch, left side
senSOf Indicates lазп condition. !eft side
sensor Indicales rich condition, left sldе 178 .......................... С ............................ Healed oxygвn sensor switching sIow, 18ft skle
177 ..........................
............................ Heated
179 ..........................
............................ Adaptive Fuel
181 ..........................
С· ............................
184 ..........................
............................ Mass Air Flow hlgher than expecled
185 ..........................
............................ M ass Air Flow lowerthan eKpectвd
186 ..........................
'ean lim!t reached
AdapUve Fuel rICh limit reached
а! part а!
IlY0ttle, system rich , right slde
part throttle, rlght
Pulse-width hlgher !han expected
............................ In}ector PuJse-width Iower than expectвd 188 .... _.................... с ............................ Adaptive Fueliean Ilmit reached, left SIde 187 ..........................
189 ...... ' ...................
............................ Adaptive Fuel rich Ilmit rвachвd , left slde
191 ..........................
............................ Adaptlve Fuellean limll
............................ Adaptive Fuel rich limlt reached
192 ..........................
193 ..........................
о ............................ FlexiЫe
211 ..........................
212 ..........................
С ............................
Fuel (FF)
зensor circuit
Idle, 16ft slde idle, left slde
............................ Profile Ignition Pick-up circuit fautt Ignition module circuit
·0"" Кеу Оп, Engine 00; С ~ ContiflUOU$ MдmOf)'; R "" Engine Runn/пg
reachвd аl
circuit grounded
Chapter 6 Emisslons and engine control system
TroubIe Codes (continued) Not e: Not 8/1codвs
шl тodeIs.
Тея Conditlon·
213 .......................... R ........... .................
214 ..........................
............................ Cylinder idenlificatlon (ею) clrcuit failure
215 ..........................
..................... .......
delected coil1 prim8IYcircuit failure
216 ..........................
detected coil2 primary circuit failufa
............................ РСМ detected coil3 рПmзry circuit failura 218 ..........••.•.•.......... с ............................ Loss ollgnition diagnostic monitOf (ЮМ) signal-Ieft side 217 ..........................
219 .......................... С ................... ......... Spark limlng defaulled 10 10 degrees SPOUТ clrcull
221 .......................... С ............................ Spark limlng erтor 222 ........•.••.•.•..••.•.••. С ............................ L.oss 01 Ignltlon diagnostJc monltor РОМ) signal - Jight side 223 ..................••.•.•.. С ......••.••.•..•.••.•.••...• Loss 01 dual plug InhiЫt iDPI) control 224 ...................•.••.•. С ....••.••.•. ...••.•.••.•..•. РСМ det&cted colll ,2,3 or 4 primary clrcult lallure 225 •..........•.•..•.••.•..•. С ............................ КпосК sensor ПОI detected during dynamlc твsропзе tesl КОЕR 226 .......................... О ............................ Ignition Diagnostic Module ром) signal no! receJved 232 •..•....••.•.••.•..•.••.•. С .....•.••.•..•.••.•.••.•..•. РСМ detected 0011 .2,3 or 4 рПmзry circuit failure 238 .......••. .•....••••.•..•. С ... ......•.....•.•.•....... РСМ detected coil4 pПmшу circuil failure 24 1 ••.........•.••.•..•..•.•• С •......•..•..•.••.•..•...... ,СМ 10 рсм - юм pulse wldth Iransmlsslon error 244 •.......•..•......••.•..•. А .......•.......••........... СЮ circuil 'аи" present when cylinder balance 'езl requesled 311 .......................... А .....•.•..•..•.••.•.••...... AlR system lпaperative during КОЕR (ВanK numbef 1 with dual heated oxygen sensors) 312 •.....•.••.•.••.•.••..•.•. R .••.••.•..•.••.•.••.••.•.••. AIR misdirected during 313 .........•.••••.••.•....•• R ..•..•.••.••.•..•.•.•..•••.. AIR
bypassed during
314 .. ...••.••.•.••.•..•.••.•• А ....••.••.•. .•.••.•......... AIR syslem Inoperallve during КОЕR (8ank number 2 wlth dual heated oxygen sensors) 326 .......................... С, А .......•..•.•............ EGR (PFE/DPFEj circult voltage lower than expected 327 .......................... О, С, R ....•.............. EGR (EGRP/EVPIPFElDPFEj circuit below minimum voItage 328 ..................•....... О , С. R ................... EGR vatve position sensorvoltage beIOW closвd limil 332 .............•............ С, А ..........•.............. Insufficient EGR vatve opening de~ecled 334 ................•.••.•.... О, С. R ................... EGR valve posilion sensor voltage аЬоуе closed limil 335 .......................... О .............•.............. EGR Sensor voltage oUI-оf- rangе 3Зб •.......•......•••••••..•.
R .............•.........•.... EGR (PFElDPfEj circult higher than expected
337 .............•............ О,
R .•.•..•..•.•.••.•.. EGR (EGRP/EVPIPFElDPFEj circuit above.maximum voItage
338 .............••.•......... R ....••.••.•..•.••.•.••.•....
lower Ihan expected
339 ......•.•..•.•.••... ... .•. R .••....•.••.••.•..•.•..•.••.
higher Ihan expecled
341 ..........................
............................ Oclane adjus! service
381 •..........•.•..•.........
....••.•.••.••.•..•.•..•.••. Frequenl airconditioning clulch
open сусиng
411 .......................... А ............................ UnabIe 10 conlrol АРМ during Low АРМ Setf-tesl 412 .. ........................ А .......••.•.••.••.•.•....... UnabIe 10 conlrol АРМ durlng High РАМ SeH-tesl 415 ..................•..•.•.. А ............................ Idle Alr Control (IAC) system а! maximum adaptive lower limi! 41 б .......................... С .............•..•........... Idle Air Control (\АС) sys!em а! upper adaptlve leaming limit 452 .. ..............•.•....... С .............•.•.......•.... No input from Vehicle Speed Sensor 453 ................•.••.••.. А ..............•............. servo 'езklng down (КОЕА IVSC test) 454 ..............•........... R ......•.••.•..•..•.•..•.••.. Servo leaking
ир (КОЕА
IVSC lesl)
455 .........•..•.•.••.......• R ............................ Insufficlenl 'Рт Increase (КОЕR IVSC 'м!) 456 .......................... А •.••.••.•.••.••.•.•••....... Insufficlenl rpm decrease (КОЕR IVSC lвsl) 457 .•.••.•.: ................. о .....•..•.•..•.•............ Speed control command switch(s) circuit па! functioning (КОЕО IVSC test) 458 .•....•..•......••.••.•. .. о
............................ Speed control command switch(s) slucklclrcuit grounded (КОЕО IVSC lesl)
459 ...................... .'•.• о ............................ Speed conlrol groul1d clrcult ореп (КОЕО IVSC 'es!) 511 .......................... О ............................ Read Only Меmory 'ез! falled - replace РСМ 512 .......................... С ............................ Кеер Alive Меmory lesl failed 513 .......................... О •....•.••. .•.••.•.•..••.•... Intemal \/ottage failure 'п РСМ
·0 s Кеу ON, Engine Off; С _ Contiпuous Memory; R = Eng/nв Rиnning
Chapter 6 Emisslons and engine control system Code
Test CondItIon·
519 .•.••.•................... о
ProbaЫe Саии
............................ Power sleering .pressure switch (pSp) circuit орел
............................ POWf!f sleering pressure switch (pSp) circuit did rюt change
522 .......................... о
............................ Transmission Rangе (Т'R) sensor circuit openlvehicle In gear
521 ..........................
525 .......................... O ............................ lndicates vehicle 527 .......................... о
,п gear, alr~ditionlng оп
............................ Jransmission Range rгA) зепso, circuit ореп. alr cooditlOnlng оп during КОЕО
528 .......................... О ............................ Clutch pedal роsШon (СРР) switch failure
529 ..........................
............................ Data Communication Unk (ОСЦ or РеМ circuit failure
532 .......................... С ............................ Clustf!f Control Assembly (ССд) circuit failure 5ЗЗ .......................... С
............................ Data Communications Unk (ОСЦ or Electronic Instrument Clusl8f (EIC) circuit failure
53б .......................... С, А ......................... вrake ONlOff
(800) circuit failurelrюl activated during the КОЕА
538 .......................... А ............................ InsufflCient change in RPМloperator erтor ,п Dynamlc Aвsponse Check 539 .......................... о ............................ Alr conditionlng on during Sвlf-Iesl 542 .......................... О, С ........................ Fuel Pump clrcutt ореп; РСМ 10 molor 543 .......................... О, С ........................ Fuel Pump circull оpen; 8altery 10 РСМ 551 .......................... о ............................ Idle Air Conlrol (IAC) Clrcuit fallure КОЕО 552 .......................... о ............................ Secondary Alr InJection Bypass (AIR8) circuil failure (КОЕО) 553 .......................... О ............................ Secondary Alr InjectJon Divert8f (AlRB) circuit failure (КОЕО) 554 .......................... О ............................ FueI Pressure Regulalor Control (FPRC) circuit failure 556 .......................... О, С ........................ Pтimary FueI Ритр circult lailure 557 .......................... О, С ........................ Low speed fUeI pump рПтму circuit failure 558 ..........................
о ............................
EGR Vacuum Regulator c ircuit failure
............................ Alr Conditionlng оп (ACON) r&lay circuit failure 563 ................. ......... о ............................ High fan control (HFe) clrcult fallure 564 .......................... о ............................ Fan conlrol (FC) clrcult failure 565 .......................... о ............................ Canisl8f Purge circult fallure 567 .......................... о ............................ Spвed Control Vent (SCVN1) circuit failure (КОЕО tvSC t8Sl) 568 .......................... о ............................ Speed Cootrol Vacuum (SCVAC) circuit failure (КОЕО IVSC lesl) 569 .......................... о ............................ Auxi liary еалisl8f Purge (CANP2) cin;:uit failure КОЕО 571 .......................... о ............................ EGRA solenoid circult fallure КОЕО 572 .......................... о ............................ EGRV soIenoid clrcuit faiiure КОЕО 559 .......................... о
578 .......................... е ............................ Air conditiooing pressure sвnsor circuit shorted 579 .......................... е ............................ Insufficient air condilioning pressure сhалgе 581 ..........................
............................ Power 10 Fan clrcull
582 ..........................
............................ Fan circull
583 ..........................
............................ Power 10 Fuel
584 ..........................
............................ veRM Power ground circult open (VCRM Pin 1)
ореп ритр
over сиrтenl
585 .......................... С ............................ Power 10 air conditionlng clutch CNf!If 586 ..........................
............................ Alr conditioning clutch circult opвn
587 .......................... О, С ........................ Variable Control Relay Мodule (VeRM) communlcation failure 617 .......................... С ............................ 1·2 shift erтor 618 .......................... С ............................ 2-3 shift erтor 6 19 .......................... С ............................ 3-4 shift 8IТOГ 621 .......................... О, С ........................ Shift Sol&nOid 1 (SS 1) clrcult failure КОЕО 622 .......................... о
............................ Shift Solenoid 2 (552) clrcuit failure КОЕО
623 .......................... О ............................ Transmission Controllndicator Ught rrelL) circuit failure 624 .......................... О, е ........................ Electronic Pressure Conlrol (ЕРе) circuit failure 625 .......................... О , е ........................ E1ectronic Pressure Control (ЕРС) driveг ареп In рем 626 .......................... О ............................ Coast Ciutch Solвnoid (CCS) circuit failure КОЕО 627 .......................... О ............................ ТOI'Que Converter Clutch rгCC) solenoid circuit failure 628 ..........................
............................ Excessive сооумег clutch sllppage
·0 . Кеу Оп, Enginв Off; С z Continuous МвтoIy; R = Eлginв Running
Chapter 6 Emissions and engine control system
TroubIe Codes (continued) Note: Not 8/1 codвs aPPIY to 81/ ~S. Code
629 ..........................
О, с
........................ Torque Converter CJutch (ТСС) solenoid clrcuit lailure
631 .......................... О ............................ Transmlsslon COnlrol lndlcator lзтр (rCIl) circult failure КОЕО 632 .......................... R ............................ Transmlsslon Control Switch (fes) circuit did not change states during КОЕА 634 ..........................
О, С ,
R ...................
БЗБ .......................... О, А ........................
637 .......................... О,
Transmisslon Auid
sensor vottage highet' or lower than expected higher or Iower 'han expected
....................... Transmlssion Fluid Тетр (ТFТ) sensor circuit аЬоуе maximum voltage/ -40 degrees F indlcaled I circuit
638 ..........................
Тетр (ТFТ)
О, С .......................
Transmisslon Auld Тетр (ТFТ) sensor circuil below minimum vol l ag& 290 degrees F indicated I circuit shorted
639 ..........................
А , С .........................
Insufficienllnpul from Transmisslon
641 ..........................
О, С ........................
Shift Solenoid 3
643 ..........................
О, С .............. ..........
Torque Converler Clulch
645 ..................... :....
С ............................ Incorr8ct gear ratio obtaJned for firs,t gear
646 ..........................
Sensor (rS5)
clrcuil failure (ТСС)
circuit fallure
............................ Incorrect gear rallo obtainecl for second gear
647 .......................... С ............................ Incorrect gear ratio obtained 101" third gear
648 ..........................
.......................... .. Incorrect gear ratio obtained
'Ol" fourth gear
649 .......................... С ............................ Electronic Pressure Conlrol (ЕРС) higher ог lower than expecled 651 ..........................
652 ........................•.
О ............................ Torq~
653 ......................•...
............................ Electronic Pressure Control (EPC}circuit failure Converter Clutch
..............•.•..•....•... Transmission
5Olenoid circull failure
Switch (rCS) did nol change slales
duriГ19 КОЕА
654 ....................••....
............................ Transmisslon Range (ТА) sen50r по! indicating РААК during КОЕО
656 ..... ............. .......
.......... .................. Torque Converter Clulch COnllnuous slip егтог
657 ..........................
............................ Transmlsslon over lempera!ure condition occurred
659 .......................... С ............................ High vehicle зреоо ,п park Indicated 667 .......................... С .......................... .. Transmission Аangе sensor circuit voltage beIOW minimum voItage
668 ..........................
............................ Transmisslon Range clrcull voltage
675 ..........................
............................ Transmisslon Range sensor clrcuit vottage out 01 range
maxlmum voltage
998 .......................... О ............................ Нзrd !ault presenl ·0 = Кеу Сп, Engine Off; С ,. Continuous Mвтory; R = Engine Running
Powertrain Control Module (РСМ) - replacement
The Powertrain Controt Module (РСМ) is Iocaled inslde 'М pзs senger сотраптепl under the driver's side dashboard, tucked Inlo the согпег. The retalnlng brackel and bolts must ье removed lroт Ihe engine companтоо! and the module must ье removed Inslde the driver's compartment. тhe РСМ Is eзsily distlnguished ьу Ihe alumlnum casing surrounding the module. 2 Disconnect 'М negative battery cablе !гот 100 battety. Wamlng: Some models have airbags. AJways d/sconnвct Ihe negatlve b8ttery саЬ/е, then the pos/t/ve b8ttery саЫе аnd wa/t 2 minutas before wot1f'ng /п tfle v/clnlty о! the lmpact sensOts, steвring coJumn ог instrument PaneJ to avo/d the pos3iblUty о' 8CCidental daployment 01 (fle airbag, which cou/d cause persona/ injury (.зев Chвptar 12). 3 WOI"king in the englne compartmel1t, remove lhe bolt that геtэiпз the electrical connector 'О the РСМ. Caution: Thв ign/tion sw/tch must ье tumed OFF when pulllng out ог plugglng 'п the в/вcrпca/ connвctors to prвvвnt damage to the РСМ. 4 Аетovе the retaining Пulз from lhe РСМ зtudз. 5 WOf"kJng Jnslde the drivвr's compartlТ1eflt, carefully sllde the реМ OUI far enough 10 clear thв kick paneI. Not.: Аvoid anу static e/8ctricity d8mage to thв compurer Ьу uзing g/oves and а SPвCiВJ anti-static pad to storв the РСМ on oncе It /з rвmoved.
Information sensors
Note: If anу о! tfle fo//owing checks Indicate that 8 sansor 'З go()(} (вnd not (fle C8иSв о( the driveabl/ity рroЫem о' trouble Сodв), chвck the w/ring hamess and e/вctrical connectors betweвn tha иnзо' аnd the РСМ (о, ап орвп or shon-clrcuit condition. If по probJems arв {ound, have the vehic/e chec.ked Ьу 8 d&8/er sarvice dapattment or other qualified rвpair stюp.
Engine Coolant
Tempeгature (ЕСТ)
Refer (о i//ustra tiOn$ 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4
General description 1 The coolant sensor is а thermlstor (а r85istor whlch \/зriез !he value 01 Its voltage output in accordance with temp8f8lure changвs) (не iIIustratlon). The change ,п thв reslstance уalueз will directly affect the voltage slgnal from the coolant sensor. Аз the sensor lempвrat ure DECAEASES, the reslstance \/al uвs will INC REASE. Аз the sensor tempвrature INCAEASES, the resistance values wlll DECAEASE. оп 5.0L v8 modeIs, а failure In the cooIanl sensor circuit should за! а code 116, 117 or 118. These cod85 indicate а failure in 100 cooIant lemperature circult, 50 in. пюst cases thв approprlate 5Olution 10 the ргoblem will ье either гepair 01 а wire or replacement 01 Ihe sensor.
Chapter б Emissions and engine control system
1996-1997 models
4.1 Location 01 the coolant temperature sensor (ЕСТ) DOHC engine)
1996-1997 models
4.2 Check Ihe resislance 01 the сооlапt temperature sепsог with the епgiпе completely cold апd thеп with the епgiпе а! operating temperature. Resistance should decгease аз temperature iпсгеаsеs (3.8L епgiпе shоwп) 220-degrees F : 3,600 10 1,840 ohms). Note: Access 10 the coolant temperature sensor makes it dШiсиlt 10 position e/ectncal probes оп the terтinals. If necessary, геmоуе the sensor and perforт the tesls in а рап о! heated water /0 simu/ate the conditions. If the resislance values оп Ihe sensor эrе correcl, check the refer3 епсе voltage 'гот Ihe РСМ 10 Ihe sensor (зее iIIustratlon). Тhe relerепсе yoltage should Ье approximalely 5.0 volts.
Replacement 4 Before inslalling the new sensor, wrap the 'hreads with Teflon sealing 'аре 10 ргеуеПI leakage and thread corrosion (зее illustration). То гетоуе Ihe sensor, unplug the electrical conneclor, then саге 5 fully unscrew it. Caulion: Handle the cooIant sensor with саге. Damage to this sensor will affect the operation о! the entire {ие! injection sys'ет. Inslall Ihe sensor and tighten il securely. 4.3 Working оп Ihe harness side, check Ihe relerence yoltage Ihe рем 10 the coolant temperature sensor with the ignition key ON and the engine по! running. '! should Ье approximately 5.0 yolts
Oxygen sensor Refer 10 iIIustrations 4.6, 4.8 and 4.17
General description and check
2 Check Ihe resistance va lue о' Ihe coolanl lemperalure sепsог while " 's complelely co ld (50 10 65-degrees F = 58,750 10 40.500 ohms). Nexl. slart Ihe engine and warm il ир unlil 1I reaches operallng lemperature (зев illustration). Тhe resistance should Ье lower (180 10
6 The healed oxygen sепsогs (HEGO) , which аге located in Ihe exhausl manilolds, monitor Ihe охуееп content 01 the exhaust gas slream (зее illustratlon). The охуееп contenl 'п Ihe exhaust reacls with the oxygen sепsог 10 produce а voltage output which varies (гот O.I-volt (high oxygen, 'еап mixture) 10 0.9-volts (Iow oxygen, rich mixlure). The РСМ conslantly monilors this уапаЫе voltage outpul 10
4.4 То prevent leakage, w rap Ihe Ihreads 01 the coolant temperalure sensor with Teflon 'аре before installing '!
4.6 The oxygen sensor (arrow) is located in the exhaust pipe (3.8L У6 shown)
Chapter 6 Emissions and engine control system
4.8 Using pins ог раре' ctips, backprobe SIG (+) and GND Н эnd check 'ог а va rying millivolt signal 85 the system adjust s the airlfual ratio. Voltage should remain steady аз the engine wannsир (ереп 'оор) and then vary from 0.10 volts (100 rnillivolts) 10 0.9 volts (900 m illivo lts) jf the system 15 operating property (c lo sed 'оор)
determine the гэliо 01 охуоеп 10 'uelln Ihe mixture. Тhв рем зltегs the air/fuel mixture ratio Ьу controlling the pulse width (ареп lime) 01 the fuellnJectors. А mlxture ratlo 01 14.7 parts ШГ 101 рап luells the ideal mixture ratio 'ОГ mlnimizing ellhaust emisslons, thus allowlng Ihe catalytlc сопуепег 10 operate а! maximum efficiency. 1I iз this ratlo 01 14.7 10 1 whlch the рем arКI the ОХУОen sensor attempt 10 maintaln а! aJl limes. Note: З.8L v6 and 4.6L v8 modeIs are вquipped with duгJ pre (ирзtгвam) and post (downslream) ca/a/ytic converter oxygвn sвnsors. Кеер in mind /hal lhe voltage уа/иез {ог the oxygen sensors mounted ahead о{ Ihe calafytic converters will differ Iгот the oxygen sensors mounled after lhe catafytic converters. 7 тhe О)(}'9en sensor produces по vo"age when it is beIOW its normal operating temperature 01 аЬош 6OO-degrees F. During this inilial period belore warm-up, Ihe РСМ opefates in ореп loop тodе. 6 Allow the engine 10 reach normal operaling lemperature and check Ihat the oxygen sensor is producing а varying signaJ vollage between 0.1 and 0.9-volls (see illustralion). Note: Posl-calafytic соп verter oxygen sensors will пal produce fluctuating voJlage out /nslead а steady high vo/t8ge signa/ (rich) will indicate lew oxygen mo/вeu/es avafl8b1e aftвr lhe oxygen moJвculвз catalyzed with hydrogen 10 fOmJ water vapors. Low voltage уа/ивз wifl iOOicвle the presencв о( excess охуgen Ои ! not а 'еаn mix/ure. 9 Д delay 01 Iwo minutes or more between engine start-up аnd normal operation 01 the sensor, lollowed Ьу а low or а high voIlage signal of а shOn in the sensor circuil, wШ cause Ihe РСМ 10 also и! а сodе. Оп 5.0L V6 models, Ihe codes that Indicate probIems in the oxygen sensor syslem are 136, 137, 139, 144 and 171 through 176. 10 А!so check 'о make sure the oxygen SenS<J( healer(s) 15 supplied with b8ttery voltage Iзм Illuslration 4.6). Backprobe Ihe НТА GND and Ihe В+ Voll. lerminals wlth Ihe Ignlllon key ON. Because ballery voltage Is supplled 10 the oxygen sensors Ihrough а relay, voltage will ooly ье delivered fOf а very short lime (3 seconds) when Ihe ignilion key is cycted. Науе ап assislanl lurn the ignilion key 10 QN while observing Ihe voltmeter. Reler 10 Chapter 12 lor addilional inlormation оп the wiring schemalics and relays . 11 When аnу 01 the аЬоуе codes occur, Ihe РСМ operales in the open loop mode - lhal 15, it controls fuel delivefy in accordance with а programmed defaull value instead 01 leedback inlormation Irom the oxygen sensor. 12 The proper operation 01 the oxygen sensor depends 00 lour сon ditions: а)
Е/ее /пса/
- Тhe fow vo//ages generвled оу the sensor depend good. с/еап connections which shou/d ов checked when еуег а ma/function 01 the sensor is !Wspectвd ог indicated. ироп
4.17 Use the slotted portion 01 the oxygen socket 10 slide OVOf' the hamess c onnector therI remove the oxygen sensor (exhaust system removed for ctartty) о)
Outslde air suppty - The sвnsor is dвsignвd to a//ow air circu/ation to the intвтa/ роrtioп 01 the sвnsor. Whenever lhe зensor is гетоуе(/ аnd instaffed ог rep/aced, make sure (hв а/г p8ssagвs аге пat restricted. с) Рroрег operat/ng tempera turв - The РСМ will по' react to /he sensor signaJ untJI the зепзor reaches вpproxima tвly 600-degrees F. Т1'I/з (actor must ье taken into considerвtion when evafuating the реrfогmaлcв о{ the sensor. d) иn/ваdfЮ (и8' • Тhe изе 01 иn/вadвd fUeI is essentiaJ (or propвr opвrвt1on о( the sensor. Make sure the fUeI you 818 us/ng is 01 this
type. 13
In addilion 10 observing Ihe above condillons, speclal care must ье 'зken whenever Ihe sensor is serviced. а) The oxygen sensor hзз 8 permanentJy attached p/gtal/ and вlectri са/ connector whfch should not ое rвmoved (гот the sensor. Damage ог гетоуа/ 01 the p/gtai/ ог e/ectr/caf connвc tor сап adverse/y affect opвration 01 the sensor. о) Эгеаsв, dirt and othвrcontam/nants shou/d ье kept away from the вlectrica/ connector аоо (М /ouvered вnd о( the sвnsor. с) Do пat изе c/ean/ng sOfvents о! аnу kind оп thв oxygen sвnsor. d) Do пat drop of rough/y hзnd/в the sensor. е) The s//icone tюot rnиst ье /ns ta//ed in the COfТeC/ posit1on to рге vent tha l:IOot lrom being melted гМ (о allow the зenзor 10 орег ate proper/y.
Replacement Refвr (о
iIIustration 4.17 Note: Beceuse it is instв//ed in the exhaust manifofd ог pipe, wh/ch contгacts when СОО/, the oxygen зепзог тау ье Уеf)' difficu/t /0 /oosвn when the enфnв is COId. Rathar than risk damage to the sвnsor (assuming you arв plaлning 'о reuse it /п 8lIOthar mani(o/d о, р/ре), start and run the eng/ne for 8 minule ог two. then shut /! off. Вв carefuf not to Ьит yoиrsв" during the fo//owing procedure. 14 Discoonect the саЫе Irom 'М negative term;nal of 'М battery. 15 Raise the vehicle and place it securely 041 jackslands. 16 Carelully disconnect the eleclricaJ connectOf from the senSOf. 17 Carefully unscrew the sensor Iro m the exhaust mani fold ( зее Шustrаtiоп) . Саоооп: Excвssiye lorce тау damage the threads. 16 Алli-seizе compound must ье used 041 the threads 01 'М sensor 10 lacilitale lulure removal. тhe threads 01 new sensorз will already ье coated with Ihis compound, Ьи! If an old sensor is (етоуес! and relnstalled, recoat the threads. 19 Inslall 'М sensor and tighten it securely. 20 Аесоопесl the eleclrical ConnectOf 01 {М pigtail lead 10 the main engine wiring hamess. 21 Lower Ihe vehlcle and reconnect the свЫе 'о the negalive terminal 01 the battery.
Chapter 6 Emissions and engine control system
4.23 Backprobe the TPS using pins ог рарег clips оп SIG (+) and GND (-) and with Ihe throttle complelely closed, check the signal lIollage. '! should Ьв 0.5 10 1.0 lIolls а ! closed throttle
Throttle Posifion Sensor (rPS) General description 22 Тhe Тhrottle Position Sensor (ТРS) is localed оп Ihe end 01 the mrollle shaft on Ihe throttle body. Ву monltoring the outpul vollage fтoт the ТPS, Ihe РСМ см determine fuel delivery based on Ihrottle vallle angle (driver demand). А broken ог Ioose ТРS сап cause inlermillen! bursls 01 'uel from the injector аnd ап unslabIe idle Ьесаи5е Ihe РСМ Ihlnks 'М Ihrottle is moving. Anу probIems in Ihe TPS or circuit оп 5.0L V8 models, will 5еl а Сodе 122 Ihrough 125.
Check Refe,
iIIustratiOn5 4.23,4.24 and 4.25 check 'М TPS, {ит Ihe Ignilion swltch 10 QN (engine rюl running) апс! inslall tha probes of tl'le lIoltmeter inlo II'Ie 9round wire and $Ional wire оп tha back5ide of 'М eleclncal connectOf (зее iliuslгэ Ilon). Thi s lаЗI check5 for the proper $ional vоltзgе Irom the TPS. Note: вв oвreful when ЬасКрroЫпо the е/ес/пcaJ сonпес/о,. Do no/ damгgв the wiring паmeзs о, ри" on апу connectors 10 make с/еап contac /. 24 Тhe S8flSOf should read 0.50 10 1.0-11011 аl Idle. Науе ап assistanl clepress Ihe acceleralor pedal 10 simulate full throltle and the sensor should Increase vollage 10 4.0 10 5.0-volls (зев illustralion). 1I Ihe TPS уоltаое readlngs are incorrecl, replace it with а new unit. 2з
4.24 Rotate Ihe acceleralor completely to wide ореп throttle observe the lIoltage inc rease steadily 10 4.5 10 5.0 lIolls
25 Also. check the TPS reference lIollage. With the ignition key QN (engine поl running), inslall Ihe posilllle (+) ргоЬе 01 the IIOltmeler (ив Нlustгэ tiоп) onlo Ihe lIOitage re1erence wire. Тheгe should ье approJtImately 5.0 volts senl 1гom lМ рсм 10 Ihe тps.
Replacement 26 The TPS is а поп-аdjuslаbIе unil. Аетоуе the Iwo relaining screws зnd separale Ihe TPS lrom the throllle tюdу. 27 InSlallation is the reller5e 01 removal.
Mass Ai"/OW Sensor (MAF) General Information Refer 10 lIIuslrations 4.29, 4.30 and 4.36 28 Тhe Mass Airflow SensOf' (MAF) Is localed оп the air Intake ducI. This senSOf' uses з ho! wire sensing elemenl 10 теазиге the amouп! 01 aJr entering Ihe engine. тhe air passing oller the hol wire caиsвs il 10 cooi. ConseQuentJy, this change In lemp8l'Зluге сап ье conllenecl inlO ап anal09 lIollage signal 10 the рем which in turn calculales the required luellnjeclOf' pulse widlh.
29 Check lor power 10 Ihe MAF sensor. Disconnect the MAF sensor eleclrical connector, work оп Ihe hamess side and probe Ihe соппес'ог 10 check for ballery voltage (seo Нlustra lion) . Use Ihe В+ Voltage lermlnal (+) and Ihe GND (-) for the lIollmeter probes.
'" ~"" o--jL ОND S.1I1Nd!
3.8L engi""
'~ф~::' , -_ _~5~ .OL englnn
4.25 Check the reference lIoltage 10 Ihe TPS with а lIoltmel er. Backprobe terminal REF with the poSltJllQ (+) probe аnd GND Н with the negatille probe 01 !he voltmeter and make sure the reference lIollage is approximately 5.0 lIolts
4.29 Check 'ог battery vollage 10 Ihe В +У lerminal sensor (key ON engine по! running)
the MAF
Chapter 6 Emissions and engine control system .и
~~>:9-~ e.v\Nd'l
'~-4=J?5' 4.6L eflgin.e
4.30 Uзе pin s аrЮ backprobe the SIG (+) terminal and the GND Н termlnal of the MAF sensor аnd check 5lg"al yoltage (0.2 10 1.5 yolts а! Idle)
4.36 Dlsconnect tne air inlet duct, remove tna nuts (аrтоwз) and separate tne MAF зепзог !rom tne air c leaner housing
4.40 Cneck 4.38 Location о' the Transrni ssion Range sensor (ТА)
the electrical connector and backprobe the МДF SIG iIIustтation) with 'ne vo!lmeter аnd check for the yoll-
voltage should
0.2 10 1.5 yol's а! idle.
31 Raise Ihe engine rpm. Тhe signal vOltage from the MAF sensor should Increase 10 about.2.0 yolts а! 60 mph. 1I 'з impossibIe 10 simulale these соl'ldШопз '" the driveway а! hoте but " is песеззЗJy 10 observe the yoltmeter far а fluctuation 'п vоltзgв as the engine speed . 'з raised. Тhe vehicle wlll ПО! Ье under load conditions but il should тапаое 10 узry slightly. Тhis parameter is easily monitored on а SCAN tool. Look 'or а steaay Incfease ifI the voltage signal. 32 Disconnecl the MAF harness connector and изе ап ohmmeter and probe the lerminals MAF SIG and GND. 1I the hot wire element inside the sensor hзз beef"I damaged il will ье indicated ьу ап ореп circuit Qnflnite resistance). 33 If the voltage readings are correct, check tha wlrlng harness 'ог ороо circuits ог а damaged hamess (зев Chapter 12).
Replacement з4
Disconnect the electrlcal connector from the MAF sensor. 35 Аетоуе the иррег section of tna air clean8f asзетЫу (зев Сhзр ter 4). 36 Аеmоуе tna nuts (зев Il luзtгаtiоп) and lift tna MAF sensor 'гот tne oogine companment. 37 Installation is the reverse 01 removal.
battery vottage to tne TR sensor terminal number 2
Transmission Range (fR) sensor аепегаl
Refer 10 lIIustration 4.38 з8 тhe Transmission Range (ТА) зепsor, located оп 'М transmission (see itIustration) indicates 'о the рсм when Ihe transmission 1з In Park, Neulra!, Dпуе ог Reversa. This Inlormation is used 'ог starting, Transmission Сопуепег Clutcn (ТСС), EKhaust Gas Reclrculation (EGR) аnd Idle Air Control (IAC) уalуе operation. For SKample, if the sigпаl wire{s) Ьесоте grounded. it тау ье difficult to start the engine In Park ог Nautral. Оп 5.0L V8 modeJs, а ргоЫвт with the Transmission Range (ТА) sensor will Пазn а code 522.
Check Refer to i//ustration 4.40 39 In tne 6V6flt there 1з а probIem wi\t1 the Transmission Aange (fR) senзог. first check the terminal connectors for рroрег attachment. 40 Worklng оп the ТА зепsoг harness оп the computer side, изе а voltmeter and witn (М ignition key ON (engine поt running), check !от power (see IlIustralion) 10 the swilcn оп terminal питЬег 2. There should ье vottage present. 41 DisabIe the ignition system (зее Cnapter 5) аnd ,",ауе ап assistant tum the IgпШon key 10 Start and check !от cranking voltage 10 the TR зenзor оп terminal питЬе, 1. Cranking voltage should ье тоге tha n 9 volts Ьиl less than battery voltage. 42 Check the resistance between thв Indicated TR sensor termina!s lollowing the diff8fent оеаг selections. Re!er to the test chan.
Chapter 6 Emissions and engine control system
• Circuits
Terminal s
ohmmeter probes
Transmission CircuilS .......TerminaJ 7 and Terminal
selectJon positions
.....TerminaI4 and Terminal1
good values
... Park ....................................... 3.770 10 4,607 ohms Aeyeгse
1,304 10 1,593 ohms
Neutral Overdrive
660 10 807 ohms 361 10442 ohms
Drive Flrst gear
190 10 232 ohms 78 10 95 ohms
Вack-up !атр circuit .........TerminaI2 and Terminal 3 ................ РаПс.........
Slarter Relay Circuil
. ................... Greater than 100 K-ohms
Less than 5.0 ohms
Neutral Overdrive Drive First gear
Greater than 100 K-ohms Greater than 100 K-ohms Grealerthan 100 K-ohms
........... Park ...... ............................... Reverse Neutral Overdrive Dпуе
Firsl gear
4з Check the adjuslmenl 01 Ihe switch. 1I Ihe swilch Is oul 01 adjuslment . perform Ihe procedure and clear the codes. Recheck Ihe syslem for anу olher рroЫеmз.
Adjustment Follow Ihe Iransmission shift conlrol саЫе adjuslment in Chapler 7 and check (аг а dislinct "cl ick" when the shift lever selects each geэг (Рзrk , Аеуегзе, Neulral, Drive etc.). 45 Тhe shift button should release smoolhly and there should ПОI ье any саЫе binding prevenling smoolh Iransition betwвen gears. 44
Air conditioning clutch control Refer to lIIustration 4.47 46 During air condilioning operalion, Ihe рсм COnlrols Ihe applicatioп 01 the air conditioning compressor clutch. Тhe РСМ controls the зiг condilioning clulch control relay 10 delay clutch engagement after
Greater than 100 K-ohms
..Greater than 100 K-ohms Less than 5.0 ohms Greater than 100 К -ohms Greater than 100 K-ohms Greater Ihan 100 K-ohms Less Ihan 5.0 ohms
the air condilioning is lumed ON 10 allow the ISC valve 10 adjust Ihe idle speed 01 the engine 10 compensale 'ог the addilianal laad. Тhe РСМ aJso conlrols Ihe relay 10 disengage Ihe clu!ch in the еУеп! о( ап excessively high ог low pressure within Ihe system ог ап overhealing ргоЫет.
47 First, check 'ог battery voltage 10 Ihe air canditioning clutch with Ihe engine running, Ihe air conditioning system activaled and Ihe air condilioning clulch harness coonector disconnected (зев Шustratiоп). Battery vollage should ье availabIe. 1I nOl, check Ihe зiг conditioning clutch relay. Note: Тhe air conditioning c/utch ге/ау is housed in the Computer Controlled Re/ay Modu/e (CCRM). Refer 10 Chapler 4 {аг detai/ed information conceming the /ocatian а' Ihe CCRM тodu/e. 48 Use а jumper wire 'гот the battery positive terminal (+) and apply voltage 10 the air canditioning clutch. Тheгe should ье а definlle "cllck" when the clutch ,з activaled. 49 Check 'ог battery voltage 10 the air conditioning clulch relay оп terminal 21. Note: Тhe air canditioning c/utch ге/ау is housed in the Camputer Cantra/led Re/ay Modu/e (CCRM). Refer to Chapter 4 {аг detailed infarmation conceming the /ocat/on о' the CCRM module. If па power exists, then check the air conditioning high ргезsuге cut-out {ап switch, Ihв а/г cand/tioning c/utch cycling ргеззиге switch, the air conditioning/heater contro/ аsзеmЫу (зев Chapter З) aпd the 15 вmp fиse 'hз! protects the circuit (зве Chapter 12). 50 In тоз! сазез, if Ihe air conditioning does not function, the ргоЬ lem 'з ргоЬаЫу relaled to Ihe air cond itioning system relays and switches and поl Ihe РСМ. Reler 10 Chapter 3 'о, additionallnformation оп the air conditioning syslem and diagnostics.
Vehic/e Speed Sensor (VSS) General description 51 Тhe Vehicle Speed Sensor (VSS) is located near Ihe геаг sвction of Ihe transmission. This sensor is а variabIe reluclance sensor thal produces а pulsing voltage proportional 10 the зреоо of Ihe vehicle. Тhезе pulses аге translated Ьу the РСМ and provided 'ог olher зуз 'еmз 'ог 'иеl and transmission shlfl control. The VSS is part 01 the Transmission Converter Clutch (ТСС) system.
4.47 Disconnect !he air conditioning clutch hamess connector and check 'аг battery voltage w ith the system ac!ivated (ignition key ON - engina по! running)
Check Refer to iIIustrations 4.52 and 4.53 52 То check Ihe vehicle зреоо sensor,
the eleclrical
Chapter 6 Emissions and engine control system
4.52 Disconnect the VSS hamess connector зпd c heck 'or battery voltage
4.53 Аетоуе the VSS and check 'ог а pulsing дс voltage 519паl аз the УSЗ ееаг 15 slowly turned
4.59 Check referenc e \loltage 10 the 'АТ sensor with the ignition Кеу ОН (епg l п е по1 running). 11 should ье approximate/y
5.0 yal's 'ог in the wiring harness пеаг the sensor. Uslng а voltmeter, check 'ог reference vOltage 10 the sensor (see Illustration). With I he igni tion Кеу QN (engine по' running), the reference wire should have 5 val!s avail· вЫе. 1I there is по vOltage availabIe, have the рем diagnosed Ьу а dealer service depanment ог other qua/ified repalr shop. 53 Place 'М VSS оп а bef1Ch аоо chвcK 10( а pulsing voltage. Backprobe the hamess connector using two plns and while SIOWfY splnnlng the VSS gear, observe that the voltage slgnal pulses !гот О ,о 0 .5 volts. Use the АС scale оп the voltmeter (ие Illustration).
Replacement 54
replace the VSS, disconnect the elвctricaJ connector 'гот the
55 Аетоуе ,ne retainlng bolt аnd withdraw the VSS from the transmission. 56 Instatlation is the revвrse of гетоузJ.
/ntake Air Temperature {lAn sensor General description Refer 10 iIIustration 4.57 57 The Intake Alr Tempвrature (1AJ) S6f1sor is located inside the air intake duct (see iIIuslration). This sensor acts as а resistor whlch changes value according 'о the lemperalure of the air entering Ihe engine. Low temp6fatures produce а high resistance value (for ехат-
4.57 Localion 01 the 'АТ sensor оп the З.8L engine
4.61 Аетоуе the electrical co nnectOf' 'гот the 'АТ ипsoг (Iocated In air cleaner housing), then check the r esistance of the IAT ипзог cold and warm. l t тау ье necessary 10 ии slmulated conc!itions 10 obtaln sccurate resutts ple, а! 68 degrees F the resistance is 27.3 K-ohms) wh ile high 'етрвг atures рГodисе low resistance values (а! 212-degrees F the resistance is 2.0 K-ohms. The РСМ supplies approximately 5-volts (reference voltage) 10 Ihe IAT зеnsог. The vollage will change accordlng 10 Ihe temp6falure 01 the incoming air. тhe vottage will ье high when the зiг tempвrature Is cold and low when the air tempвralu re is warm. дny р!'оЫетз wilh the IATsensorwil1 usuaJly 581 а Сodе 112. 113 or 114 оп 5.0L V8 models.
Check Refer 10 iIIuslrвtions 4.59 and 4.61 58 То check the 'АТ sensor, disconnecl the two p!'ong electricaJ соп nector аnd lит the ignition key QN bUI do поt star1 the englne. 59 Measure Ihe reference vollage. Reference voltage should Ье approximalely 5-vol ts (see illustratlon). 60 If lМ voltage signal Is по! согую. have the РСМ diаgпоsed Ьу а deal er service depar1ment ог other repair shop. 61 Мезsи ге the resistance асгозз !he зепзо г term lnals (зев Шиstга lion). The resisl ance should Ье HIGH when the air temperature is LQW. Next, star1 the engine and let 1I idle (cold). Wait until engin e reaches operating lemperature. Тигп Ihe ignition QFF, disconnecl lhe 'АТ senзor аnd measure the resistance across the teпniпаls. тhe resis'ancе should ье LQW when the air temperalure is HIGH. If the sensor does ПО! exhibit thls change in resistance, replace it wilh а пе ..... рап. ,.
Chapter 6 Emissions and engine control system
Location 01 tha c rank5haft sаП50Г (arrow) оп the 3.8L Уб engina
Location of the crank5haft 5вП50Г (arrow) оп tha 4.БL У8 engine
Power steering pressure switch 62
Tuming Ihe sleefing wheel incraases power sleering ftuid pra55uгe and engjna load. Тhe pressura switch will close before Ina load сап cause ап idle ргоЫет. БЗ А pres5ure 5wilCh Ina! will поl орел ог ап ореп ci rcuit !гот Ihe РСМ will cause liming 10 relard а! idle and Ihis will аНесl idle quality. 54 А pressura 5witch Ihal will поl сlозе ог ап ореп circuit тау caU5B 1ha engiпе 10 die when Iha power steering sY5tam i5 used heavily. 65 Anу Pfoblems wi!h Ihe power S1eering pressure switch ог circuil should ье repaired ьу а dealer service department ot olher qualified
repair shoр.
Crankshaft position sensor
General information Refer to i//ustrat/ons 4.ббв and 4.66Ь 3.8L Vб and 4.6L У8 models ше equippecl wilh а crankshafl posiI lon зепзог. Тhв crankshafl posilion зепзог (зев illustrations) is mounled adjacent 10 а pul5e wheel localed оп Ine crank5hafl. The crankshaft sen50Г monilors 'М pul5e wheel аз lМ leel h разs under !ha magnatic fiald crealed ьу Ihe seлsoг. Тha pulse wheel "аз З5lееlh and а зро' where опв loolh Is missiпg. Ву moniloring Ihe 1051 tOClh, Iha crankshafl запsoг de!ermines Ihe pi5!on travel, сгапkshаft po5i!lon and 5peed in!onnallon and sends Iha in!onnalion 10 Ihe РСМ .
4.68 With the voitmeter set оп the де scale, check for а pul5ing voltage 51gnal between О and 0.05 \/olts as the engina 15 slowiy rotated
10 begin sequentlal pulsation 01 'М шеl injectors. Тhis camshaft sensor оп the 3.8lls а Hall Effect $witching device activated ьу а single уапе. Thi$ camshaft sensor i5 mounled оп the 10Р of!he engine in!he norrnаl localion 01 the distributor оп ап older 3.8L У6 engine. The cam5hafl зеП$ОГ in the 4.6l 'з а уапаЫе re!uclance de\/ice which 15 triggered Ьу the high polnt mark оп Ihe camshalt. The зепзог is moun!ed оп Ihe Iront 01 Ihe cyllnder head near the camshaft sprocket.
Check З.8l vб models 73 Check Ihe signal vollage. Backprobe Ihe signal wire (dark blueloranga) 'гот the compuler аnd Ihe ground wire (blacklwhile) аnd whila $Iowty гotallng Ihe angine, observa thal Ihe voltage pulses !гот О 10 5.0 voll$. Note: Do not сranК the engine over using the startвr ьи! /nstead insta//a breaker bar and sockef onto the front crвnkshaff pul/ey ьо/! and rotate the ang/ne s/ow/y Ьу hзnd. 74 Illhera 1$ по pulsing $ignal vollage, havelhe РСМ diagnosed Ьу а dealer SeМCe departmenl.
4.6L уа models Refer 10 iIIu$ff8//On$ 4.76 and 4. 77 75 Check!or batlery voltage 10 !he camshaft РО5iliоп зепsoг wilh Ihe ignition key ON (engine по! running). 76 Аетоув Ihe cam5hafl 5епsoг !гот !he engine and place il оп а clean workbench (зев IIIU$паtiоп) .
Check Rafer to i//ustrat/on 4.68 67 Disconnecl Ihe СКР sensor elec1rical connectOt and with Ihe IgnlIlon key ON (engine по! running), check 'ог battery \/oltage 10 Iha СКР sensor. 68 In51all а voltme!er onlo tha crankshafl зепзог and u$lng the АС scale, check Ihe vollage pulses а$ tha gaar 1$ $Iowly rotated (зее Illu8tratJonj. U5a а large socket and breaker Ьаг 10 гolale Ihe crankshafl pulley. 69 11 rю pul5ing vollage 5i9nal ,з produced, replace the crankshaft
""'''''. Replacement 70
Iha eleclrical соппес!ог and the relaining Ьоа and lifllha Iha engine block. Inslalla1ion i$ Ihe геуеrзв 01 removal .
аззетЫу 'гот
Camshaft position sensor General information 72 а$
3.8L У6 аnd 4.6L v8 model$ аге equipped with а cam5haft 5ensor well аз а crankshaft sensor. The camshaft sensor signals Ihe РСМ
4.76 First remove the power cylinder head to gain access
5teвring (о
fluid re$ervoir Iгот the the CBm shafl position sensor
Chapter 6 Emissions and engine control system
4.77 Working оп the bench, carefully ра за а теtзl object close 10 the tlp of 'tю camshatt sensor and observe the АС vottage fluСШаtе .
11 the camshaft
exhlbIt апу
the magnetic field is broken, the sensor must
геасtlоп аз
Check 1М АС yolta.ge output. Install the probes 01 а yoltmeter set the АС scale onlo the ca mshaft зепзог and observe Ihat " рго duces а voltage pulse аз а metal object 'з passed оуег the tip of the 77
sensor (ие Illustration). 78 If по pulsing voltag e signaJ is
replace the camshaft
Aeplacement 3.8L У6 models Refe' 10 i//ustrat/ons 4.82 aпd 4.86 Note: З.8L models equ/pped with а camshaft posit/on запsог are mounted on а synchronizer assвmbly. which is essentially а drivв unir for thв sвnsor. tf you are s/mply rep/8cing the cвm positЮn sensor It 'З not necвssгry to remove thв synchronizer assembly from tfle engine just юmоуе (hв screws {roт (hв sensor, dвtsch It !roт the synchronizer влd Install the nвw sensor. However, твлу engine repвJг рrocе dures requlre гетоуа/ о{ thв synchronizвr assemb/y, 'п whlch case it will ьв nвcвssary (о pвrform thв fo//owing procвduгe ro time the зyn chron;z8f. Тh/s ргосооuге requires the use о( s Ford specls/ 100/ (о property 8lign 'М sensor, resd through thв вntire procвduгe snd оЫзiп (hв necessвl)'
1_' ............ 1 4.82 Exploded ylew 01 the camshaft position synchronizer assembly - З.8L У6 1
Syncro positioning tool
3 4
Csmshaft Position sensor
6 7
Csmshaft Position sensor
01/ ритр intermвdiate
(ool Ьеfoге bвginning. 79 Оп а 1994 and 1995 model, position the number 1 cytinder а! 26degreesATDC. Оп а 1996 moclel, position the number 1 cylinder а! 10the englne, with Ihe arrow 1001 pointing 54-degrees clockwlse 'гот Ihe de9rees АТОС. ОП а 1997 model, posilion the number 1 pislon а! engine's cooter1ine (see iIIustration). ТDC. Aeler 10 Chapler 28 Ior lhe procedure. 87 Тит the 1001 clockwise а littJe 50 the synchronizer engаэes with 80 Disconnect 'hз battery negaliye саЫе. the oil pump inlermedlale shafl. Push down оп Ihe synchroniz8f, tum81 Мзrk the relative posiliоп 01 the camshalt positlon зеп5ОГ electriing Ihe 1001 gently until Ihe эеаг оп the synchroniz8f епgаges with Ihe cal conneclor so the assembIy сап ье oriented ргЬрепу upon Installaэеаг оп Ihe camshaft. tion (Ihls is only necessary 11 the synchronlzer аззетЫу wlll Ье 88 Inslall Ihe hold-down boll and Ilghlen il securely. Аетоуе Ihe remoYed) . Disconnecl Ihe electrical connector from the camshaft posiposilionlng 1001. lion зenSOf. Remove the SCfews and detach the senSOf 'rom lhe syn89 Inslall the camshaft position sen50r and lighlen the screws chronizer assernыу. securely. Caution: Cfleck thв position о( the e/ectrica/ connector on 82 АemoУе Ihe senSOf mounllng screws (sи Illustration) and lift the the sensor (о make sure 1I is aJigned wlth thв mafi< you твde '" Step sOO5Or lrom Ihe housln9. 82. /1 it isn't oriented correct/y, DO NOT rota te the synchronizer to 8з 1I you wlll ье remoYlng Ihe synchronlzer assembIy, гетоуе the . геposШоп it - dolng so wlll resи/t 'П the {uel system belng out о{ time 0011 and withdraw Ihe synchronlz:er 'гот 'М ooglne. Note: Remove Ihв w;th the enginв, possibly damaging (hв engine (алd et the vety /east 0// рuтр intermвdiatв shaft s/ong with the csmshaft position sensor cвusв drivеаЬШty prob/ems). If thв connector is гюt oriented property, syпchron/zer assembly. • repaвt the synchronizer InstaJJation procedure. 84 PIace the alignmOOI 1001; Ford 1001 по. Т89Р-12200-А (1994 and 90 Plug in the electrical connector 10 Ihe sensor and гесonпю Ihe 1995 models). Т93Р-12200-А (1996 models) ог Т96Т-12200-А (1997 саЫе 10 Ihe пegаtiуе termlnal of the batlery. models) onlo Ihe sупсhгопlzег assembIy. AI19n Ihe уапе 01 the syn4.6L уа models сhroпizег with the radial slOI In Ihe special 1001. 91 Аетоуе the power sleering fluid reservoir from Ihe left cylinder 85 Turn Ihe 1001 оп the synchronlzer unlll I he boss оп the 1001 " head (see Chapler 1О). engaged wilh ine nolch оп lhe synchronizer. 92 Аеmoуе Ihe relalning screw and separate the camshafl sensor 8б Tran sfer the oil ритр inlermed;ale shaft onlo the synchronizer from the cylinder head (зев iIIustтation 4.76). assembly. Lubricale 'М gear. Ihrust washer and 10w8f Ьемпэ 01 the 93 Inslallation is the reverse о' remoyal. synchronizer assembIy wilh clean епglпе 0;1. Iпsert Ihe assembIy inlo ;
Chapter 6 Emissions and engine control system
4 .99 Location of the
Knock sensor (4.6L
4.86 Wlth the houslng seated agalnst the engine bIock, the arrow оп
Ihe 1001
should poin! 54 d egrees пот the centertlne 01 the engine (А)
Brake OnlOff (ВОО) switch Generallnfo""ation 94 Тhв brake OnlOff 5witch inform5 the РСМ when the bmkм агв being applied. The switch сloses when brakes агв applied and opens when the brakes агв releasвd. The swilch is located оп the brake peda! assembly. 95 Тhe brake light circuit and bulbs аге wlred into the switch clrcult $о 1I Is Important ,п diagnosing апу drlveabllity ргоЫетз 10 make зиге all the brake lighl bulbs аге working properly (поl bumed ои') ог the driver may leвI роог idle quality (зее Chapl8f 7).
the 4.6L-DOHC engine
ООНС тode/s on/у)
General description Rвfвr
to iIIustration 4.99 The knock оопsoг Is located In the вn9ine bIock under the Intake manilold (зев Шustratiоп). The knock S8f'1sor detects aboormal vibraI lon ,п Ihe engine. The sensor produces ал АС output vottage which increases with 'М severity 01 the knoci(. The signal is 'ес! Into the РСМ and Ihe timing is retardвd ир 'о 10 degrees 10 compensate f()( severe delonalion. Anу probIems with the kлосk sensor сап only ье топ] lored using а speeial ОВО 11 SCAN
Check 100 Весаиоо the knock sensors аге difficull 10 access, have servlce depanmenl check the syslem for correct operatlon.
Exhaust Gas Recirculation
Check Discoonect the elвctrica! connвctor fтom Ihe Brake OnlOff switch 12 volt lest light. check 'ог battery voltage 10 the swilch. 97 Also. check continuity 'гom the swilch 10 Ihe brэkв lighl butbs. Change anу Ьитес! out bulbs of damaged мгв Iooms. 96
изing а
Replacement 98
Ref8f 10 Chapt8f 9 for the replacement procedure.
General description Refer to Шustrations 5.28 and 5. 2Ь 1 The EGR system 15 used 10 Iower oxides 01 nitrogen (NOx) emis 51оп levels саизес! ьу high combusUon lemperatures. тhe EGR reelrculates а small аmoипl 01 exhausI gases Inlo Ihe intake manl1old. The addilional mixture lowers the tempera l ure 01 combustlon Ihereby
5.2а Typlca! Pressure Feedback ЕОА (pFE) system
Chapter 6 Emissions and engine control system DUТY
5.2Ь Typic81 DifferentiaJ Pтess ure Feedba ck EGR
(OPFE) sузtеm
reducing the formation 01 NOx compounds. 2 Тhe EGR Ilow га!. is determlned Ьу monitoring the pressure across а fixed metering orffice аз exhaust оаsзез разз through it. Тhe тоге simplilied system cal led the Pressure Feedback (PFE) syst em (see lIIustratlon), monilors only tha downstream (after) pressure after the exhaust gasses have раззоо I hrough the metering oriflce. This backpressure coefficlenl is relayed 10 the РСМ аnd the corтect аlТЮuпt 01 ЕаА (duty cycle) 15 applied 10 the EGR vacuum regulalof control (ЕУА). Тhe тоге complex system called the Differential Pressure Feedhack (DPFE) system (5ее ШustratJоп) monitors upslream (before) and downstream (after) exnaust backpressure. Ву calculating Iha dlfferоосе betweoo the мо pressures, Ihe РСМ dеleпnines exactty lhe ЕЭА flow rale а! all driving condilions. Тhe DPFE is тоге accurate In Ihal Ihe computer does ПОI have 10 guess а! the upslream pressure coefficienl 10 determine ЕЭА flow rate as the engine drives through Уariouз road conditions such as hard acceleration, downshifting, engine misfire, роог fuel combustlon, etc. AII these cOnditlons will саиз е the exhausl backpressure 10 уату and requires тоге slrict and responsive ЕЭА conlrol 10 Ilmit NOx emisslon levels. 3 Differenl englne options аге equipped with different ЕЭА зуз'етз: а)
б The following checks will help уоо pinpoint proЫems in the EGR system. Where Ihe procedure зауз 10 11Н ир оп Ihe ЕЭА уа1уе diaphragm, it's а good idea 10 wear а heat-resislant glove 10 prevenl Ьигпз.
EGR valve Refвr
10 I/Iustratюn 5.9 7 Тhe EGR valve is controlled Ьу а normally ореп EGR уас иит regulator (ЕУА) whlch aJlows vacuum 10 pass when energlzed. Тhe РСМ energlzes the ЕУА 10 'ит оп Ihe EGR. The РСМ conlrols the EGR when three condi tions are presenl: englne coolanl 15 аЬоуе 11 з degrees F. Ihe TPS is аl part Ihrottle and ltIe МAf sensor Is 'п its mldг апое.
Мзkе зиге
Ihe vacuum hoses are In
оood СОndШоп аnd
ир сопectlу. То pertorm а leakage lesl, hook ир а vacuum ритр 10 lhe EGR valve (see iIIustration). Appty а уасиит of 5 10 6 in-Hg 10 Ihe Уalуе. Тhe уасиит ритр should hold уасиит. 10 If access is possibIe. posillon уоиг finger lip under Ihe уасиит dlaphragm and apply vacuum 10 Ihe ЕЭЯ vatve. Уou slюuld leeI movement of Ihe EGR diaphragm. Waming: тhe EGR VaJVe Ьесomeз vet)'
5.0L V8 mode/s аге equipped with Pressure Feedback Ex/l8ust Gas Reclrcu/ation (PFE) system. 111is system re//es иpon
the РСМ 'ог EGR contro/. Тhв contro/ тodи/е (РеМ) C8/cu/ates the deslred flow о' еХ/l8иЗI g8SвS into the combustlon chamber аоо subsequent/y contгols (hв EGR vafve роsШon with thв EGR уасиит regu/ator (EVR) using ап 8na/og vo/tage signal ог duty сус/е (Оп/О" tlma). А duty сус/в о' 50-pвrcent wou/d hold the EGR уа/уе /18ft w8y оpen. Ь) 3.& v6 end 4.& v8 mode/s 8f8 вquipped with the Differвntia/ Рrвззиге Feвdback EGR (DPFE) system. Тh/s operates In the sзте way 8З thв PFE ехсер! it monitors thв ргеssuге drop всross the orifice allowlng 'ог 8 тоге precis8 твазигетеп! 01 the exhaust gas ргеsзигез.
Check 4 Тоо much EGA flow lends 10 weaken combuslion, C8using the englne 10 гип rough о' stop. When EGR flow is excessive, Ihe engine сап SIOP after а cold slart ог а! idle after deceleratlon, Ihe vehlcle сап surge 81 cruising speeds ог the idle тау ье rough. l' the EGR Уalуе remains constantly оpen, the engine тау nol Idle аl all. 5 Тоо little or no ЕЭА flow allows combuslion temperatures 10 оеl 100 high during acceleral ion and load conditions. Thls сап саизе spark knock (delonation), &ngine overheating о, emlsslon test failure.
5.9 Apply vacuum 10 the ЕОА valve аnd check with the tlp of уоиг linger for movement of the dlaphragm. " should тоуе s moothly with'o ut апу bIndlng when уас иит ,з appllвd
Chapter 6 Emissions and engine control system ~SI G
Ъ-В+У. 1994-1995
5.15 Worki ng оп the harness s ide о' the Electro nic Уасиит Regulator (arтow) electr ical connector, check for battery voltage
5.16 Check the resistan ce of the ЕО А уасиит regulator. It should ье 30 10 70 ohm s
hol during engine орегаиоп - it's а good idea 10 wear а g/ove whвn performing Ihis chвck. 11 Автоуе the EGR valve (see Slep 20) and clean the inlel and out'еl ports with а wire brush or scraper. 00 по! sandbIas! the valve ог clean " with gasoline ог solvents. Тhese liquids will deslroy Ihe EGR valve diaphragm. 12 1I the specilied cOnditions аге по! те!, replace the EGR valve.
17 Check for rel erence voltage 10 Ihe OPFE sensor. With the ignition key оп (engine по! running), check for voltage оп the harness side 01 Ihe electrical conneclor (see iIIustration) оп terminal VREF. It should ье between 4.0 and 6.0 vol ts. If the test results аге incorrect . replace the OPFE sensor. 18 Check Ihe operation 01 the Pressure Feedback EGR (PFE) ог Diflerential Pressure Feedback (OPFE) sensor. Note: Тhe DPFE sensor оп the Differentia/ Pressure Feedback EGR systems have two exhaust Irnes hooked into the EGR tube. Check!oт signal voltage 'О the sensor. Backprobe the correct terminals and check for а voltage signal while the engine is running first аl cold lemperatures and Ihen аl warm орег at ing lemperalures. With the engine cold there should Ье NO EGR therelore Ihe voltage should Ье approxima!ely 0.20 'о 0.70 vo!ls. As Ihe engine starts 10 warm and EGR is signaled Ьу the сотрЫег. voltage values should increase 10 approximately 4.0 to 6.0 volts.
EGA control system Refer [о iIIustгations 5.15. 5.16 and 5.17 13 1I а code is displayed Ihere аге several possibilities 'ог EGR failure. Engine coolant temperature sensor, TPS. MAF sensor, ТСС syslвт and the engine грт govern Ihe parameters the EGR system use lor distinguishing Ihe correcl ON lime. 14 АН syslems use ап Electronic Vacuum Regula!or (ЕУА) 10 cOnlrol the amount 01 exhauSI gas through the EGA valve. The valve is normally ореп (engine аl operaling temperature) and the уасиит source is а ported signal. Тhe РСМ uses а controlled "pulse width~ ог electronic signal 10 'игп the EGR ON and OFF (the "duty cyc le~) . The duty cycle should Ье zero регсеп! (по EGR) when in Park ог Neutral. when tЛе TPS inpul is below Ihe specilied value ог when Wide Ореп Throttle (WOl) is indicated. 15 То check !he EGR vacuum regulator, disconnect Ihe eleclrical conn eclo r 10 the EGR уасиит regulator , 'игп the igni!ion key ON (engine по! running) and check 'ог battery vollage 10 the solenoid (see illustration). Battery vollage should ье presenl. 16 Nexl. use ап ohmmeler and check the res istance of Ihe EGR уас иит regulator. '! should Ье belween ЗА and 70 ohms (see illuslralion).
5.17 Check for Ihe corтec! reference vollage 10 the DPFE sensor wilh the ignition key ON (engine поl running)
Component rep/acement ЕаА valve Refer 10 iIIustration 5.23 19 When buying а new EGR valve, make sure that уои have !he right EGR valve. Use the stamped code localed оп the 'ор 01 Ihe EGR valve. 20 Detach Ihe саЫе 'гот !he negalive terminal 01 the battery. 21 Аетоуе the air cleaner housing assembIy (see Chapler 4). 22 Delach the vacuum line from the EGR valve. 2З Raise Ihe vehicle and support it securely оп jackstands. Аетоуе the EGR pipe from the exhaust manifold (see iIIustr ati on). lower Ihe vehicle.
А е т о уе
pipe from the EGA va lve
Chapter 6 Emissions and engine control system
24 Rетоуе Ihe bolts securlng Ihe EGR vatve 10 the Intake тап! foldlair intake plenum. 25 Аemoуе 'пе EGA valve and gasket 'гom the manifold. Discard Ihe
gaskel. 26 With а wlre wheel, buff Ihe exhaust deposits !rom Ihe ЕОЯ vaJve mounting sur1ace оп the manilold and, il уои рlал 10 use the same valve, the mounting sur1ace 01 Ihe valve Itself. Look 'ог exhaust deposils 'п the valve O\Jtlet. Яеmоvе deposit build-up wilh а screwdriver. Сзutiо п: Never was/1 (hв va/ve in soIvents ог degreaser - both agвnts wШ permanent/y damage the diapl1ragm. Sand bIasting /s. а/зо по! rrк:ommended Ьес8uзе 1I will affect the operation о, the ya/vв. 27 1I the ЕОЯ passage conlalns ап excessive build-up 01 deposits, clean it out with а wire wheel, Make sure {па! all loose par11cles are complelely removed {о prevenl Iпет Irom clogging the EGR valve or from being Ingested into Ihe engine. 28 InstaJlatlon ,з !пе reversв of removal.
EGR vacuum regulator 29 ЗО З1
32 зз
Delach 'пе саЫе Irom {по negalive lerminal 01 'пе batl ery. Unplug ,ПО elec'rical COnrloctor from !по solenoid. Clear1y label and detach bolh vacuum hoses. Rem0v9 the soIenoid mounting screw аnd remove Ihe soIenoid. Instaltalion is {пе rev8l"So 01 removat.
DPFE sensor Refer to /l/ustration 5.37 з4
Ое!асп !пе саЫе 'гom Ihe negalive terminal 01 the batlery. Unplug 'пе etectrical connector from 'пе sensor. 36 Clear1y labet and ctetach bolh vacuum hoses. 37 Remove !пе зепзо, mounling screws (зее itlus'ration) and rem ove 'пе assembIy. 38 tnslallalion 'з Ihe rev8l"Se 01 removal . з5
Air Injection (AIR) system
Genera/lnformation Тhe
6,9 Wilh the 19n111on key ON (englne ПО! runnlng), check battery voltage 10 the air pump
Ihe DPFE sensor mounting bolts
Air Injection syslem (AIR) conlrols emissioos during Ihe firsl 20 10 120 secondз 01 'пе engine operalioo Ihrough ils warm-up cycle. 1994 and 1995 modeJs аге equipped wilh а mechanical air ритр while laler models are equipped wilh а electronical'y conlrolled aJr ритр. 60l h pumps lorce air down Inlo 'пе ехпаизl manifolds 10 oxldlze 'пе hydrocarbons (НС) and сатЬоп monoxide (СО) created Ьу 'пе rlch run· ning conditions. Early systems conslst 01 ап air pump, Ьуразз valve. diver1er 2 valve, injectioo manifolds аnd hose rouling, upslream and downstream check valves and Ihree-way catalytic converters. Laler syslems are aquipped wlth ап eleclric alr pump. dual combination AIR bypass
valves, an AlA divert9f valve, а soIid slale retay, РСМ and connecting паmeзs аnd vacuum lines. 3 Laler syslems operate electronicalty. Тhe РСМ recelves ЕСТ, IAT and engine rpm inl ormalion 'гот 'пе informalion зепзогз 10 ini! iate Secondary AIR actlvallon. Тha solid Slale relay provides 'пе sl ar1-up 51gnal 10 lhe air pump. Тhe eleclric ритр provides 'пе песезsary air 10 oxidize 'м emissioo gasses crealecl Ьу !пв ПСП running slart-up condi-
'ion. Check Alr pump Mechanic al air pump Check and adjusl {М drivebel! !enslon (seв Chapler 1). 5 Qlscoonect !пе air supply hose аl 'пв air bypass valve Inlel. 6 Тhв pump is operaling satislactorlly if airflow Is 'е" аl Iпв pump outlel with Ihe englne runnlng а! idle, Increasing аз !ha engine зреес! is Increased. 7 If Ihe air ритр doesn't pass Iпе above tests, replace it with а new or rebuill unit.
El ectтic air pump Refer (о iIIustration 6.9 8 Wllh Ihe englne cold, disconnec! 'па AJR Jine аl 'пе chвck valve. slart Ihe engine and observe Ihal fresh alr 'з being ритрecl 10 the ехпаиз! syslem. If rю alr Is ,еп, conlinue checking lhe syslem. 9 Check 'or baltery voItage 10 'пе air ритр. With !М engine com· plelely coolecl down, Шт !he ignilion key ON (engine по! running) and check lor baltery vollage 10 Iпе air ритр (зее iIIustratJon). Chвck for batlery vol tage 10 Ihe ССАМ. Power 10 Ihe AIR system component s 'з supplied Ьу Ihe ССАМ (зев Chapler 4). 11 по battery vollage 'з present, have the РСМ and the AIR circuil diagnosed Ьу а dealer service departmenl. 10 Check the op8f8tion of the etectric air ритр. Discoonec\ the зJг ритр elвclrical coonector and using jumper wires, арр!)' batlвry voltage. Тhe ритр should activale and there should ье а notlcaabIe sound аз the ритр produces alr volume. 1I Ihere 'з по sound, replace ,he air ритр .
11 Physically 1пзресl Ihe air ритр and lines fOf damage, broken connectors or water that mighl have been ingestecl inlo the impeller housing from the molor сир (bowf) allachecllo lhe body. Bypass
12 With !пв englne running аl idle, dl5connecl the позе Irom the vaJve outlet. 13 Remove lhe vacuum hозе Irom Ihe port and remove ог Ьуразs апу r8S1lictors or detay valves 'п Ihe vacuum hозе. 14 Verify Ihat vacuum 15 ргезепl in 'пе vacuum hозе Ьу putting your finger over the end.
Chapter 6 Emissions and engine control system
6.21 Check 'ог battery vollag e 10 Ihe alr dlverter valve
Recoonect the уасццт hose 10 the port. With the engine runnlng а! 1500 грт , the air рцтр supply air should ье leh ог heard а! the air Ьураsз valve outlet. 17 With the engine running а! 1500 грт. disconnect the уасццт hose. Air а! Ihe valve ootlet should ье decreased of shut оН and air рцтр supply air shooJd ье feh or heard а! 'М silencer por1s. 18 Аeconпес! all hoses. 19 1I 1М normally Сloзес! air bypass valve doesл't successfully разз the аЬоуе tests, check the air pump (reler 'О Steps 4 through 7). 20 1I the alr рцтр is operating satlsfactor1ly, replace the air Ьуразз уа1уе wlth а new опе.
15 16
Air diverter valve
6.33 Air рцтр mounting boils (arrows) (4.БL У8 engine shown)
Check 'ог ап overtightened drivebe/t (зев Ch8pter 1). Check for excessive f1гзh оп thв а/г ритр adjus ting erт boss ВЛd remove as necessaty. d) Check (ог а distorted adjusting 8rт and, if necessaty, rВPIВCe the с)
If lhere Is ехceзsiуе thermactor system noiзе (whining or hissing sounds): а) Ь)
Refer to i//ustmtion 6.21
Check 'or а leak in (hв hoses (use а soвp аnd water soIutiOn to find the /eaks) and replace the hose(s) as necessary. Chвck 'ог а loose, pinchвd ог k/nked hose and reassembIe, straightвn ог гер/асе the hose 8OO/oг c/amps as required. Chвck 'ог а hose touching o ther engine parts and adjus t ог reroute the hose 10 prevent 'urther contact. Check (or ап inopemtive bypass valve (геюг to Step 12 through 19) 800 гер/асе i( necеsзa/)'. Check 'ог an ;noperativв check V8/Vв (гefer to Stвp 22 throogh 25) аrЮ repJace if neceSS8l)'. check for /oose риmp ог ри//еу тouпиng fasteners and tighten 8S
Оп computer controlled diverter valves, check for battery voltage the diverter уа1уе (зев iIIustratlon) with the ignition key ON (engine rюt running). 22 1100 battery 'Юltаgе is present, have Ihe РСМ and circuit checked ьу а dealer sвМce department.
Check valve
g) Check for а гestтicted ог bent ритр out/et fitting. 'пзрес! the fitting and remove апу casting "азh bIocking the air pвssвgeway. Rвp/ace bent fittings. h) Check (ог air dumping IhrtJugh the bypass vaJvв (оп/у аl И:llе). ОП тапу уеМс/ез, the thermactor systвm has Ьееп designвd to dump air а! idle 10 pгevent overheating the catalytlc converter. This condition is погта/. Determ{nв that the no;se perslsts at higher speeds Ье(ore procвeding. l) Check !ог air dumping through the bypass valve (the dece/ and id/e dump). on тапу vвhlcles, the thermactoг шг is dumped into the air с/eaneг ог the reтote silencer. Маке sure th8t the hoses аге connected properfy аnd поt cracked.
21 'о
23 Disconnect the hosез from both ends 01 the check Уalуе, carefully noting the Installed position 01 the valve and the hoseз. 24 Blow through both ends 01 the check valve, verifying that air Ilows '" опе direction only. 25 If air flows In both directlons ог по! аl all, replace Ihe check valve with а new опе. 26 When reconnecting the valve, make зцге 11 is inSlalled in the рroрег direction.
Mechanical air pump noise test
Check lor цпцзuаl noises Ihe air ритр. Under normal condiIlons, noise r1ses '" pitch as the engine speed increases. То determine il nolse 1з Ihe 'ац" 01 the air injection syslem, detach the drivebelt (after verifying Ihat the Ье" lension is correct) аnd operate Ihe engine. If Ihe nolse dlsappears, ргосеес! with the following diagnosis. Caulion: The риmр musl accumu/ate 500 miles (veh/c/e miles) before the !o//ow/ng check /з va//d. 28 1I the belt noise is excessive:
Check (ог а /oose be/t and tighten as necessв!}' (re'er to Chap-
'ег 1). Ь) ChвcK 'ОГ а seized риmр аnd mр/асе " If neceS5al)'. с) Check (or а /oose pul/ey. Т1ghten the mounting bOItS as required. d) Check (ог Ioose, broкеп ог missing mounting brackets ог boIts. 11ghten ог rep/ace as necвssв/)'.
29 а)
If there is excessive mechanical noise:
Check 'or ап overtightened mounting OO/t.
31 l' there is excessive pump noise, make зцгв the pump has had sufficient bfeak-in time (а! lеаЗI 500 mi!es). Check for а wom or damaged рцтр and replace as necessary.
Component rep/acement Refer
'о Шustгаtiоп
replace the air bypass valvв, alr supply conlrol valve, check valve. combination air bypasslair control valve ог the silencer, clearly 'abвl, then disconnect, Ihe hoses leading 10 Ihem, replace the faulty comропепl anC:I reattach Ihe hoseз to the proрег ports. Make зцге lhe hoses аге in goocl condition. 11 not, replace 100т with new ones. 33 То replace 'М air supply pump, firslloosen the engine dr1vebelt (зее Chapler 1), then remove the ритр mounling bolts (зее Illustratlоп) from Ihe mounting bfacket. 34 Оп mechanical air рцтрз, aller Ihe new ptJmp is installed, adjust the drivebells (зее Chapter 1).
1.28 Loca tion
Chapter 6 Emissions and engine control system
the canister purge regulator valve (arrow) (4.6L VЗ engine sho wn)
Evaporative Emissions Control System (EECS)
General descr;pfion Refвr 'О i//ustrвtions 7.2а
and 7.2Ь 1 Тhis system is designed 10 'тр and slore 'ue! уаpors that еуаро га!е 'гот the 'ивl tank, throltle bodу and Intake manifold during поп operallon ог idling, stOfe them in Ihe charcoal canister arКI then route Inlo the combustion chamber 10 ье Ьитоо during engine operaliorl. 2 Тhe Evaporative Emission ControJ System (EECS) consisls 01 а charcoal-fiIIed canister (зее illustration) and Ihe lines connecling the canister 10 the 'ив' lank, canlster purge regulalor valve (see Шustrа lion), ро"ос! уасиит and intake manifold уасиит. 3 FueI уаpors аге Iransferred 'гom the luel tank, throttle bocfy and intake manilold 10 а cani516f where they аге slored WtIen 'М engine is nOl opeml1ng. Wh8f1 the engine 15 running, lhe fu~ vapors аге purged 'гот Ihe canister Ьу е purge control solenoid which i5 РСМ controlled and consumed in Ihe normal combustion ргосвзз.
Check 4 РООг idle, 51alling алd poor driveability сал ье саизecl Ьу ап !пор erel lve canister purge regulalor valve, а damaged canisler, 5plil ог cracked hoses of hoses connected 10 the Wfong tUbe5. 5 Evidence 01 'uel 105s of 'иel odог сап ье саизес! Ьу luelleaking fтom fuвllines of !he Ihrottle body, а cracked or damagecl canisler, ап inoperative bowl уen! valve, ап Inoperalive purge valve, disconnected, misrouled, kinked. deterioraled ог damaged уарог or conlrol hoses ог ап improper1y sealed air сlеалег or air cleaner gasket. Inspecl each hose altached 10 Ihe canl51er 'or kinkS, 'еakз and 6 tжеаkз aJOng its enlire length. Аеpзiг ог replace as necessary. 7 In5pec11he canlsler. 11 it is cracked ог damaged, replace it. В l ook 'ог 'иеl leaking 'гот Ihe bollom 01 Ihe canisler, If luel is leaking, replace Ihe canisler and check Ihe hoses and hose routing. Apply а short length 01 hose 10 the lower tube 01 the purge valve 9 aзsemЫу and altempl 10 bIow Ihrough it. Uttle or no alr stюuld pass inlo Ihe canislef (а зта" amounl 01 зiг will раЗ5 because Ihe caniSlef has а conslant purge hole). 1О Wilh а hand-held vacuum pump, apply vacuum Ihгough Ihe соп Iгоl vacuum 51gnal lube пеаг Ihe Ihroltle body 10 Ihe purge COnlrol soIenold dia:phragm. 11 IIlhe purge control solenold does no! hold vacuum lor alleas\ 20 seconds, Ihe purge contгol solenoid i5 leaklng and тиЗI ье replaced. 12 If Ihe diaphragm h'olds vacuum, apply battery vollage 10 Ihe purge conlrol solenoid and observe Ihal vacuum (vapors) ага aJlowed 10 pass through \0 the intake syslem.
Component replacement 1з
Clearly label. Ihen detach. all vacuum Ilnes 'гот the canlster.
l ocation 01 the charcoal canlster (4.6l уа engine 5hown)
loosen the can isler mounling clamp boll and pulllhe canister
Inslallalion is Ihe reverse 01 removal.
Crankcase Ventilation
1 Тhe Positlve Crankcase Ventilatlon (РСУ) syslem reduces hydrocarbon emisslons Ьу scavenging crankca5e vзроrз. 1I does thi5 ьу clrculating 'reзh зiг !Тат Ihe air сlеалef through the crankca5e, whefe il mixes with Ыow-Ьу gases and 15 then rerouled Ihrough а рсу valve 10 the intake mалilоld. 2 Тhe meln componenl5 01 the РСУ syslem аге Ihe РСУ valve. а Iresh air lillered Inlel and Ihe vacuum h05es connecting Ihese two componenls wilh the englne and the EECS syslem. То maJnlain idle quality, Ihe PCV узJvе restricts the now when the 3 intak.e manilold уафит Is hlgh. If abnormal operating condilions arise, the system 'З designed 10 allow excessive amounls 01 bIow-Ьу gases 10 flow back Ihrough Ihe crankcase уеп! tube into the air cleaner 10 ьв cOn5umed ьу normal combuslion. 4 Checking and replacemenl of Ihe рсу узJуе and fitlef is COVefed ,п Chapler 1.
Catalytic converter
General description 1 Тhe catalytic converter is ап emisslon control devlce added 10 Ihe exhaust system 'о reduce pollutants 'гот 'пе exhausI gas slream. Д slngle-bed convertef design is used in combinalion wi\h а three-way (reduclion) catalyst. Тhe catalytic coating оп Ihe Ihree-way calalyst contains platinum and rhodium. which lowers the levels 01 oxides 01 nitrogen (NOx) as well аз hydrocarbons (НС) and са гЬоп monoxlde (СО).
Check 2 ТМ tesl equipmenl 'ог а catalytlc converter 'З expensive and highly sophlslicaled. If you suspecl thal the converter оп your vehlcle Is malfunctjoning. take it 10 а dealer ог authorized emlssions inspeclion facility lor diagnosis алd repair. 3 Whenevef Ihe vehicle 15 raised for servicing 01 undefbody components, check 'пе converter 'ОГ leaks, corrosion and olher damage. 11 damage is discovered, the converter Should ье replaced.
Replacement 4 Вecause the СОПУerlег i5 part 01 the exhausl system, сопvert8f" replacement requires removal 01 'пе exhaust pipe аssеmЫу (see Chapter 4). Take Ihe vehlcle, ог the exhausl syslem, 10 а dealer ог а muffier shop,
Chapter 7 Part А Manual transmission :Onte nts Section ~alln formation ... _._ .................................................................
- ual transmission lubricant level check ...................... $ее Chapter 1 -.:.- у аl transmission ov eгhaul - general information ..................... 6 \I.af'. al transmission - гетоуаl and i"stallation ............................. 5
Section Qil sезl - replacen1ent •....•.•............... .............................. ............... Shift lever - гетоуаl and installation .•.....•............ __ ........................
Transmission mount .. check and replaeement..............................
Soecifications 7А
:3eneral - -З!1 sm i ssiоп type '996 and 1997 4.6L У8 models ....................................................... . АН
other models ..................................... ........................................... .
_Dncant type ..........................................................................................
orque specifications ;-. 11 1еуег retaining bolts ................... ..•.... ,..... ............................... ......... - -ansmlssion·to-bellhousing bolts (Т5) .................................................. . --апs misslоп ЬеJJhоusiпg-tо-епg i пе bolts (Т45) ..................................... .
General information АН vehicles coveгed in this manual соте equipped with elther а 5;:>eed manual transmission ог а four-speed automatic transmission . .:. Information оп the тапиаl transmlsslon, Is Included in this Paгt of :napter 7. Information for the automatic transmission сап ье found in =ar1 В of thls Chapter. The тапиаl transmission used in most models is а 5-speed unit . "I own as Ihe Т5 . 1996 and 1997 models wilh Ihe 4.6L engine use а ~ eavier- duly unit known as Ihe Т45 . Оие 10 Ihe complexity, ипаvаilаЬШty 01 replacement parts and the
Т45 Т5
See Chapter 1
23 1031 451064
special lools necessary intemal repair procedures 10r these two units are по! recommended for the home mechanic. The information соп tained within this тапиаl wiJI Ье limited 10 general information and removal and inSlallation 01 the transmission assembIy. Depending оп Ihe expense involved in having а faulty transmlsslon overhauled, it тау Ье ап advantage to consider replacing the unit with either а new or rebuilt опе . Your local dealer or transmisslon shop shouJd ье аЫе 10 supply уои with informalion conceming cost, avaiJabiJity and exchange policy. Regardless 01 how уои decide to remedy а transmission probIem , уои сап still save considerabIe expense Ьу removing and instaJling the unit yourself. t
Chapter 7 Part Д Manual transmission
То гетоуе
the shift lever knob from the shift lever, simply un screw it
Shift lever - removal and installation
Refer to iIIustrations 2. 1 and 2.3 1 Аетоуе the shift lever knob (see illustration). 2 Аетоуе the shift lever trim bezel and boot (see Chapter 11 ). 3 Rет оуе the two shift 'еувг retaining bolts (see Illustration). 4 ТО in5tall. place the shift lever in position and install the retaining OOlt5. Tighten the OOlt5 to the torque listed in this Chapter's Specificatlon5. 5 In5tall the shitt lever trim bezel and boot (see Chapter 11). б In5tall the shift lever knob and tighten it securely.
Oil seal replacement
Extension housing sea/ Refer to
iIIustгations З.З
and 3.5
Oilleaks frequently occur due to wear of the extension housing
З.3 Use а seal removal tool or screwdriver to pry the seal out 01 the transmission extension housing; make sure you don 't gouge the seal bore
detach the shift lever, remove these two bolts (arrows)
seal and bushing (if equipped), and/or the speedometer drive gear о' seal and 0-ri"9. Replacement of these seals ts relatively easy, since the repairs сап usually Ье performed without removin9 the transmis sion from the vehicle. The extension housing oil seal is located at the extreme геаг of the transmission, where the driveshaft is attached. '. leakage at the seal is suspected, raise the vehicle and support 11 securely оп jackstands. If the seal is leaking, transmission lubricant wll. Ье built up оп the front of the driveshaft and тау Ье dripping from the геаг of the transmlssion. 2 Disconnect the drIveshaft from the transmission (seв Chapter 8). 3 Using а seal гетоуаl 1001 ог screwdriver (see iIIustrations) , сагеfully pry the 011 sea1 out of the геаг of the transmission . Do по1 damage the splines оп 1he transmisslon output shaft. 4 If the oil seal cannot Ье removed wlth а screwdrlver ог ргуЬаг. а special oil sea1 puller (availabIe а1 auto parts stores) will Ье reqUlred. 5 Using а large section 01 pipe ог а very large deep socket аз а dr.ft Install the new 011 seal. Drive it in10 the Ьоге squarely and make sure 11's completely seated (see Illustration). 6 Lubricate the splines 01 the transmisslon ou1put shaft and the out side of the driveshaft sleeve yoke with lightweigh1 grease, then insta. the driveshaft. В е careful not 10 damage the 1ip of 1he new seal.
3.5 Place 1he seal square 10 the ex1ension housing bore, 1hen use а large socke1 10 drive i1 i"10 the Ьоге ; 1he outside diame1er of the socket should Ье slightly smaller than the outside diameter of 1he seal
Chapter 7 Part Д Manual transmission
3.7 The vehicle speed sensor is located оп the left side 01 the extension housing. ТО remove the sensor. unplug the electrical connector, then ге т о уе the hold-down bolt (arrows)
Vehic/e speed sensor O-ring :;}efer to iIIustrations З. 7 and 3.9 The vehicle speed sensor (see illustration) is located оп the side ~f the extension housing. Look (ог transmission oil around the саЫе -.оUSlпg to dеtегmlпе 11 the зеаl and 0-ri"9 аге leaking. .5 Unplug the electricat connector. remove the hold-down bolt (see Ilustration 3.7) and гетоуе the sensor. 3 Аетоуе the 0-ri"9 and install а new опе (see illustration). • О Installation is the reverse 01 removal. Ве sure to lubricate the new 56аl with clean oil ог muШ - рuгроsе grease before iП5еrtlпg the sеП50Г .,to the tгапsmissiоп . Тighten the 5еП50Г hold-down OOlt 5ecurely.
3.9 wlth Ье
replace the O-ring оп the speed sensor, simply pull ft off hooked tool , but Ье care1ul not to 5cratch the seal groove; sure to lubricate the new O-ring with clean 011 50 ft doesn 't Ьесоmе twi5ted when the sensor is installed а
tran5mi55ion extension housing and the crossmember and try to ргу the transmission up slightly (see illustration). The transmisslon should по! move away from the mount much at аll . If it doe5, replace the mount. То replace the mount, гетоуе the bolts attaching the mount to 3 the crossmember and to the transmission extension housing (see iIIu5tration). 4 Raise the transmission slightly with а jack and remove the mount. 5 Installation is the reverse of the гетоуаl p rocedure. Ве sure to tighten the OOlts securely.
5 4
Manual transmission - removal and installation
Transmission mount • check and replacement Refer to iIIustrations 5.2,5.4,5. 10,5. 11а and 5.11Ь iIIustrations 4.2 and 4.3 Raise the vehicle апd place it securely оп jackstands. Insert а large screwdriver ог ргуЬаг into the space between the
~efer to
Remova{ Oisconnect the negative
at the battery.
4.2 То check the tran5mlssion mount, ргу between the cros5member and the mount - there should Ье уегу little movement
4.3 То replace the transmission mount, remove the bolts (middle arrows) that attach the mOU"t to the transmission extension housing and the nuts (lower arrow5) that attach the mount to the cros5member; it'5 not necessary to unplug the two electrical connectors (upper arrows) 10r the oxygen sensors, ог detach the connectors from the extension housing, unless уои'ге planning to remove the transmission
Chapter 7 Part Д Manual transmission
5.2 After removing the shift 'еуег trim bezel and the shift 'еуег, гетоуе these four bolts (arrows) and гетоуе the lower shift 'еуег dust boot
5.4 Unplug the elec trica l c onnector from the
back~ up
light sw itch
2 From inside the vehicle. гетоуе the shift 'еуег trim bezel (see Chapter 11) and the shift 'еуег (seв Section 2). Rетоуе the lower shift 'еуег dust boot (see illustration). 3 Raise the vehicle and suppor1 it securely оп jackstands. 4 Unplug the electrical connectors far the vehicle speed sensor (see illustration 3.7) , the back-up light switch (see iIIustration) and the oxygen sensoгs (see illustration 4.3). Unclip the left oxygen 5вп50Г connector from the transmission extension housing and the right connector from the геаг crossmember, then tuck the electrical leads out of the way. Тгасе the other leads and make sure that апу clips ог brackets attaching them to the геаг crossmember ог transmission case аге гетоуОО.
5 Disengage the clutch саЫе from the release lever (seв Chapter 8). 6 Disconnect the driveshaft fгom the transmission (see Chapter 8). Use а plastic 009 to соуег the end of the transmission to prevent fluid 105s and contamination. А етоуе the exhaust system components as necessary for clear7 апсе (see Chapter 4). 8 Support the engine. This сап Ье done from аЬоуе Ьу using ап engine hoist, ог Ьу placing а jack (with а bIock of wood as ап insulator) under the en9ine оН рап . The engine should гета;п supported at all times while the transmission is out of the vehicle. Support the transmission with а jack - preferabIy а special jack 9 made for this purpose. Sa1ety chains will hetp steady the transmission
5 . 11а
Left side
transmission -to ~ engine
bolts (arrows)
5.10 After you 've unbolted the transm ission mount from the transmissi on, raise the transmission slightly and ге тоуе the crossm ember bolts and nuts (arro w s) оп
the jack. 1О Unbolt the transmission mount from the transmission extensior housing (seв Section 4), raise the transmission slightty and гетоуе the геаг crossmember (see illustration) . 11 Remove the bolts securing the transmission to the bellhousing (а
Right side
tra nsm iss ion ~to-e ng l ne
bolts (arrows)
Chapter 7 Part Д Manual transmission models except 1996 and 1997 models with а 4.6L engine). Оп 1996 and 1997 models with а 4.6L engine, гетоуе the bolts securing the ransmission to the engine (see illustrations). 12 Make а finaJ check that all wires and hoses have Ьееп disconnected fгom the transmission and then move the transmission and jack toward the геаг of the vehicle until the transmission input shaft is clear of the bellhousing (З.8L and 5.0L models) ог the clutch hub (4.6L modеI5). Кеер the transmission level as this is done.
'го т
under the vehicle.
the input shaft is clear,lower the transmission and
14 Inspect the cJutch components while the transmlssion is гетоуоо !see Chapter 8). (Оп З.8L and 5.0L models, you'll have to remove the bellhousing.) In general, it's always а good idea to install new clutch components anytime the transmission is removed .
/nstallation 15
11 removed, install the clutch components (see Chapter 8) and, and 5.0L models, the bellhousing. 16 With the transmission securOO to the jack as оп removal, raise the transmission into position, then carefully slide it 10rward, engaging the input shaft with the splines in the clutch hub. 00 not use excessive force to install the transmission - il the input shaft does not stide into place, readjust the angle of the transmission 50 it is level and/or tum he input shaft so the splines engage ргорепу with the clutch hub. 17 Install the transmission -to-bellhousing bolt5 (З.8L and 5.0L тod el5) ог the transmi55ion bellhousing-to-engine bolts (4.6L modeI5). Тighten the bolt5 to the torque listOO in this Chapter's Specifications. 18 Install the гваг crossmember and tran5mission mount (see Sectlon 4). Тighten all nuts and bolts 5ecurely. 19 Remove the jacks suppor1ing the transmission and the engine. 20 Instatt the various items гетоуОО previously, referring to Chapter 8 10 г the installation 01 the driveshaft and Chapter 4 10г inlormation regarding the exhaust system components. 21 Reattach the clutch саЫе and in5tall the release 'еуег housing. 22 Reroute the electгical harnesses 1ог the back-up light switch, the vehicle speed sensor and the oxygen sensors. Plug in all electrical connectors. Make sure the oxygen sensor connectors аге clipped into the crossmember and transmission. оп З.8L
the transmission with the recommended lubricant (see Chap-
ter 1).
24 25 26
Remove all jackstand5 and lower the vehicle. From inside the vehicle connect the shift lever (see Section 2). Connect the negative ЬаНегу саЫе . Road te5t the vehicle for рroрег operation and check for leakage.
Manual transmission overhaul - general information
Overhauling а manual transmission is а difficult job for the do-ityourselfer. 11 involves the disassembty and reassembty 01 тапу small paгts . Numerou5 clearances must ье preci5ely measured and, il пес essary, changed with select Ilt spacers and snap-rings. 11 transmission probJems arise, you сап гетоуе and install the transmission yoursell, but overhaul should Ье left to а transmission repair shop. Rebuilt transmissions тау Ье availabIe - check with your dealer pa"s department and auto par1s stores. А! апу rate, the time and топеу involved in ап overhaul is almost sure to exceed the cost 01 а rebuilt unit. Neve"heless, it's not impossibIe for ап inexperienced mechanic 'о rebuild а transmission 11 the special tools аге avaitabIe and the job is done in а deliberate step-by-step таппег so nothing is overlooked. The tools necessary for ап overhaul include intemaJ and extemal snap-ring pliers, а beaгing puller, а slide hammer, а set 01 pin punches, а dial indicator and p05sibIy а hydraulic pres5. 'П addition, а large, sturdy workbench and а vJse ог transmission stand will Ье requlred. Ourlng disassembIy 01 the transmission, make carelul notes of how each piece соте5 off , where it fit5 in relation to other pieces and what holds it in place. Вв sure to note how the par1s аге installed as you remove them ; this will make It much easier to get the transmission back together. Before taking the transmission ара" for repair, it will help 11 you have some idea what агеа 01 the transmission Is malfunctioning. Сег tain probIems сап Ье closely tied to specific areas in the transmission, which сап make component examination and replacement easier. Refer to the TroubIeshooting section at the front of this manual 10г information regarding possibIe sources of troubIe.
Chapter 7 Part В Automatic transmission Contents Sectlon
Aulomatic Iransmission fluid and lilter change ............... see Chapter 1 Automatic transmlssion fluid level check •..•.•..•..•.••.•..•.••. See Chapter 1
Oil seal replacement ...................................................... seв Chapter 7А
Automatlc transmission - removal and Instal'al!on ........................ Diagnosis • general •. ". .................•..•.•..•.•..•.•.... ..... ........ .......•......... General infonnalion ........................................................................
Neutral start switch - genernl information ....................
Shlft Inteflock system - descrlptioo
6 2
Shift саЫе - check, adjustment and replacement •........................
moun! - 'check and replacement .......... о seв Chapter 7А ••
General Transmlsslon type 1994 and 1995 .................... ................................................. 1996and 1997 .................................................................... .
Torque specifications
т ransmlssloп-Io-engine
401050 20 10 3з
bOIt.S •. ••.•..•.•..•.••.•.••..•.••.•..•.••.••.•.•.••.••.• Torque COfIverttlf-Io-drivеplаlе nuls...•...................................................
General infonnation Тhe vehicles covered in Ihls manual are eQuipped wllh either а five-speed manual о, а four-speed au tomatlc transmisslon. Information оп manual transmlssions сап ье lound 'П Chapler 7 Part Д. Тhls part 01 Chapter 7 covers Ihe aulomalic Iransmlsslon. 1994 and 1995 models use ап АОDЕ (overdrive electronic four-speed): 1996 and 1997 models use а 4A7QW (overdrive eleclronlc four-speed) automatlc transmisslon. Due 10 'М complexity 01 'М aulomallc transтisзions CQvered (п this manual and the need lor speciaJized equipmenl 10 perform moз! servlce operallons, Ihis Chapter contзins only general diagnosis, (OI.Jtine malnlenance, adjustmenl and removal and Inslallation procedures. For inlormalion regarding the diзgпоstiс troubIe codез for АОDЕ trзпз misslons, refer 10 Chapltlf б. 11 the Iransmission requires major г&рзJг wor1<, it should ье left 10 а deaJer servlce departmenl о, ап automotive Iransmisslon repair shop. You сап, however, remove and installlhe Iransmlssion yourself and save Ihe ехрепзе, even if the repaJr worl< 18 done Ьу а Iransmission
Diagnosis - general
Note: Aиtomatic tгалsmission maJfunctioм тау ье causвd Ьу five genега! conditJons: роо' engine per1ormence, improp&r adjustments, hydrau/ic malfunctions, mechanic81 mвJfиnctlons о' maJfиnctions In the computer ог Its slgnal netwoffl. Diagnos/s о , 'пезе рroЫетз should
a1ways be9in with а check о( thв easi/y гepaired items: fluid Iвvel вnd condШon (see Chapl er 1~ sflift Iinkвgв adjustmвnt and throttJe linkage sdjustment. Next, perform а road test 10 determine if the probJвm hвз been corrected о, if moге diagnosis /з nвcBSS8/)'. l' the proЫem pвrsiзtз efter the pгelimlna/)' tests and corrections зге comp/eted, зdditlопаl diagnosis shou/d ье donв Ьу а dвa/e, serv/ce department or tгansmls slon repair зhор. Refer 10 Ihe troubIeshoollng Section аl lМ fron! 01 thls manual for infOffi"lalion on symploms 01 Iransmlssion proЫems.
Preliminary checks OПvе
the vehicte 10 warm the Iransmission 10 normal operaling lemperature. 2 Check Ihe fluid level as described in Chapler 1: а)
/' the '/uld /eve/ is unusually /ow, add enough lIuid
/eve/ wlthln the designated агеа о, the dipstick, then check for exlema//eaks (зев be/ow). Ь) If the f/uid leve/ is ebnormally hlgh, drain off the вхсезз, 'пеп check the drained f/uid toг contam/na t/on Ьу coo/ant. тhв ргез епсе о' engine coo/ant /п (пе automatic transmissJon lIuid indicates that а fai/ure паз QCCumЮ in the intemal radlator wa//s thвt sвparate the cooIanl Ihe Inmsm/ssion fluid (see Chapter 3). с) If the f/uid 'з 'oaming, drain it and геШI the transmission, then check for соо.'an! in the fluid or е high fluid level.
3 Check the engine idle speed. Note: l' the engine is maJfиnctЮn Ing, do not proceed with the pгeliminary checks until it has Ьееп rвpairвd
81Id nmз rюrma//у.
4 'пзрес! the shift conlrol linkag~ (see Section З). Мзkв sure Ihat it's properly adjUSled arК:I Ihal Ihe linkage Op8(8tes smool hty.
Chapter 7
Рап В
Automatic transmission
'.1 З.4
Loosen this nut 10 adjust the shitt il 10 replace the саЫе)
саЫе (тетоуе
3.5а То
adjust 'пв shift саЫе, тоуе tne all the way forward, ...
mапuз llеvег
Fluid /eak diagnosis 5 Маз! fluid leaks are вазу 10 locale visually. Repair usually соп sists 01 replacing а зеа) ог gaskel. 1I а leak 'з difficult 10 lind, !he following procedure тау help. б Idenlify tt1e fluid. Make зuге it's Iransmission "uid and по! engine oil ог brake fluid (automatic transmission fluid is а deep red color). 7 Try 10 рiпроiпt !he source 01 !he leak. Drive Ihe vehicle several miles, then рап.. " оуег а laтge зhее! 01 cardboard. дfter а minute ог two. уои should ье аЫе 10 locate !he leak Ьу determining Ihe source of Ihe fluid dripping onlo Ihe cardOOard. 8 МаКе а careful visual Inspeclion of the suspocled сотропепl and the Эfеа immedialely around it. Рау panicular allenlion 10 gasket mating surfaces. Д mirror is oflen helplul lог finding leaks in areas that аге hard 10 500. 9 1I Ihe leak sl ill саппо! ье lound, clean the suspected area thoroughly wilh а degreaser of 5Olvenl, Ihen dry 11. 1 О Drive the vehicle for several miles аl normal operaling lemperature and varying spee
Gasket /eaks periodically. МаКе sure Ihe OOlls аге tight, по bolts аге missing, Ihe gaskel is in good condilion and the рап is flal (denls in Ihe рап mау indicate damage 10 the valve bodу inside). 14 Illhe рап gaskel is leaking, Ihe Iluid level ог Ihe fluid pressure mау ье 100 high, Ihe уenl mау ье plugged, Ihe рап bolls rnау Ье 100 tight, the рап sealing Ilange тау ье warped, Ihe sealing surface of Ihe Iransmission housing тау ье damaged, the gaskel mау ье damaged ог Ihe Iransrnission casting тау Ье cracked ог porous. 1I sealant instead 01 gaskel materiaJ has Ьееп used 10 'огт а seal belween Ihe рап and the transmission housing, it mау Ье the wrong sealanl.
13 Check Ihe
Sea//eaks 15 11 а transmission sвal is leaking, Ihe f1uid level ог pressure тау ье too high, Ihe уеп! mау ье plugged, the seal Ьоге mау Ье darnaged, the seal itse" mау ье damaged ог improperly inslalled, Ihe surface of the shaft protruding through Ihe seal rnау ье damaged of а loose bearing mау ье causing excessive shafl rnovernenl. 16 МаКе sure the dipslick tube seal is In good condition and the tube is ргореПу sвaled. Periodically check Ihe агеа 8found Ihe speedorneter
. .. then pull il back three cticks, it's now in the Dri1l8 position
gear ог sen50r 10г leakage. Illransmission fluid is evident, check the 0 ring lог damage.
Case /eaks 17 IIlhe case itself appears 10 ье leaking, the casting is porous and will have to Ье repaired о( replaced. 18 МаКе sure Ihe oil cooler hose fittings are tight and in good condition.
F/uid comes out vent pipe
fill tube
,g If this condilion occurs, the transmission is overfilled, there is coolant in the Iluid, the case is porous, the dipslick is incorrecl, Ihe уеп! is plugged о( Ihe drain-back holes аге plugged.
E/ect,onic cont,o/ systeт 20 The Powertrain Control Module has special diagnoslic troubIe codes for Ihe transmission. For inlormation оп these codes, reler 10 Chapter 6. з
- check, adjustment and replacement
Check Тгу 10 start the engine in each shift lever position; Ihe starter should operate in Pal1<: and Neutral only. 1I Ihe star1e( does по! operale in Pal1<: ог Neutral ог operales in апу posilion olher Ihan Pal1<: and Neutral, the shift linkage is in need 01 adjustmenl ог the Transmission Range sensor is defeclive (see Chapler 6).
Adjustтent Refer 10 iIIustralions 3.4, 3.5а and З.5Ь 2 Put the shift lever in Ihe Drive posilion; mаКе sure the shift lever is positloned against Ihe гваг Dпуе slop. 3 Raise the vehicle and suppor1 it secu(efy оп jackstands. 4 Loosen Ihe shift cabIe-lо- mапuаl lever relaining nut (see illustratlon). 5 Моуе the manual lever 10 Ihe ОПУе posilion Ьу moving the lever all the way forward, unlil it slops, Ihen pulling il ЬасК Ihree delent positions (зев illustrations). 6 With OOlh Ihe shift lever and manuaJ lever now in the Опуе positions, tighlen the shift cabIe-lо-mапuаllevег adjusling пы securely. 7 After adjustmenl, check the operation 01 the transmission in еасп shift lever posilion.
Rep/aceтent Refer 10 iIIustrations З. 10, 3.11, 3.13 and 3. 14 8 Pul Ihe shift lever in the Опуе posilion. 9 Raise Ihe vehicle, if you haven't already done 50.
Chapter 7 Ра" В Automatic transmission
3,11 То detach!he shift саЫе 'гот the shift 'еуег Ьа" stud, ргу off with а screwdriver
detach Ihis shift саЫе brackel lrom Ihe left side 01 the driveshaft lunnei, гетоуе these 00115 (arrows)
3.13 То delach the shitt са Ые 'гот the floorpan. remove this OOlt (arrow)
10 Locate the shift саЫе bracket (зев iIIu зtгаllоп) ОП Ihe left side 01 Ihe drlveshalt tunnel, just behind the shlll lever, and гетоуе the bfacket retainlng bolts. 11 Detach the shift саЫе 'гот Ihe shift lever 0011 slud (зее Шustга1I0п) .
12 13
Aalse the vehicle and place it securely on jackstands. Аетоуе the shift саЫе clip retaining bolt 'гот the floorpan (зее illustration). 14 АemoУе the shift cable bfacket retaining bolts (зее illustrallo n) from the transmission. 15 Аетоуе the shift саЫе-tо·mапuЗI lever retaining nut (зее Шus trallon 3.4) аnd detach the shift саЫе from the manuallever. 16 Installation 'з Ihe геуегзе 01 removal. Make sure the саЫе 'з adjusted properly (зев Steps 2 through 7). 17 Check Ihe operation 01 the transmlssion In each shift lever posiIlon. Verify Ihat the Transmission Aange зепзог Is lunclloning proper1y (зее Chapter 6).
Neutral start switch - general infonnation
Тhe AODE and 4R70W 'rзпзm1зsions usвd on the vehicles соу ered 'П thls тапиаl do по! have а neulral 5tan switch. Тhal function had Ьвеп Incorporated into an Informatlon sensor kлоwn аз the Тrзпз mission Range (ТА) зепsoг. For Information оп checkil1g and replacing the ТА зensoг, refer 10 Chapler 6.
3. 14
detach th is shift саЫе bracket from the transml sslon, гетоуе these two bolts
Shift interlock system - description and check
Description 1 The shift inlerlock system prevents Ihe shift lever 'гот being moved out 01 the Park posltion unless the brnke pedaJ Is depressed. Тhe syslem consis!s 01 а shift lock actuator аsзembly а! the key InterIock assembly. lNhen the ignition key is tumвd 10 Ihe position, 'М solenoid is &neI'"gized, Iocking the shift lever in lhe Ра/1( position. When the brake pedal 1з deprвssвd, the brnke light switch is activated, which deactivates the shift solenoid, allowing 'М shifllever 10 ье moved OIJI 01 Park.
Check Refer 10 i//ustrвtion 5.7 2 Make sure the shilt lever Is In the Park position, Ihen slart the engine. 3 With the ignition switch in the Run position, and with youг 1001 off the brake, verify thal the shift lever сап'! ье тоуоо oul 01 the РаП< роsШоп.
4 Apply the brake pedal. Ihen verlfy Ihat Ihe shift lever сап Ье shilted OIJI 01 Рзrk. 5 Shift Inlo Ihe Аеуеrзе position, then verify that the ignilion key сап', ье lumed 10 the Lock position. 6 Shift inlo the Рэrk posilion, then verify that the ignition key сал ье tumed 10 'М Lock position.
Chapter 7 Part
Automatic transmission НОТ АТ
'u"Р.. '+--'
pa ~'
l' '''
U Q hl GreenI
(BOO) swi tch . Ш
""""" 12V (Run)
, ;,
'.",!",~~!~~,~'!":"!~ 1:':1{.
r, ~
Solid State
Shift lock
f оу
I I I I Вlack
5.7 Electrical schematic for the shift
lock actuator circult
I ..L Gro-und
6.3 Disconnect both 0 11 co oler line fittings with а flare-nut wrenc h and plug the lines 10 prevent leakage and contamination
pry off the torque canverter access plug . ..
7 1. the transm lssion сап ье shifted аи! о, Paтk when the ignition switch is in the Run position and Ihe brake pedal is ПО! depressed, either: а) Тhere's по power to the sh/ft 'ОСК 8ctuator: Сnеск Fuse 1 (зее
open ground circuit: check continuity о{ the Ь/аск w;re the shift 'ОСК зсtuаtог эпd ground (sвe i//ustration). Thв shift /ock actuator ог ttJe саЫе is de'ective: with the shift lock actuator energized, (мт should ье по саЫе 'геер/ау at thв shift 'еуег, with the actuator de-energized, the there shou/d ье саЫе (геер/ау а! the shift /еуег.
Тheгв 'з ап
... and the torque converter access plate
8 If the transm!ss!on сап'! ье sh!fted out of Park when Ihe ign!l!on switch in the Run position and the brake pedal is depressed, either:
Chapter 12). Ь)
6 .5Ь
The brake оп/о" switch is inoperative: connect а jumper wire BCfOSS the brake оп/о" switch with (М ignition switch in thв Run position. If the actuator un/ocks, check the brake оп/о" switch. " the aCfuator remains /ockвd, check (М continuity о{ the red and IlgM green wire between the brake оп/о" switch аnd thв shift /ock actuator (зев i//ustrat/on 5. 7). ПIе shift /ock BctUBtor ог (hв саЫе is de{ective: with (М shift /ock actuator energized, there should ье по саЫв fгeeplay at the shifl lever; with the actuator de-energized. the there should ье саЬ/е {геер/ау at the shift /еувг.
Chapter 7 Part
6.6 Mark the relationship 01 Ihe torque converter 10 the driveplate 10 preserve the converter 's balance when it's Installed зgаiп
6. 1 0а
Unplug the electrical connectors Irom the speed sensor ...
Automatic transmission
б.7 Аетоуе
б. 1ОЬ
... the Transmissio n Range ипsoг ...
the torque converter-to-driveplale nuts
... and the torque converter clutch solenoid
Automatic transmission - removal and installation
6.5а, 6.5Ь,
б. 'ОЬ,
б.I7, 6.18ааnd6.1ВЬ
Removal , Dlsconnecllhe еаЫ е Irom Ihe nвgal ive lermlnal ollhe ballery. 2 Ralse the vehlele and supporl il securely оп jaekslands. 3 Draln lhe Iransmission Iluld (see Chapter 1), Ihen reinsla/llhe рап. Disconnect Ihe oil eooler lina litlings (зев Illustration) and plug Iha lines 10 prevanl conlaminalioo. 4 Aemove anу exhausl componвnts which will inlerfere with lransmisslon removal (see Chapler 4). 5 Aemove the 10I'QU8 conуеrlвr aeeвss plug and plale (sвa iltustratJ ons). б Мзrk Ihe relalionship of Ihe 10rQue сопуеrlе!' 10 Ihe driveplate $о Ihey сап ье Inslalled 1п Ihe sзтв posilion (зев lIIustration). 7 Aemove the torque eonverler-Io-driveplate nuls (see illustratlon) . Тигп Ihe erankshaft lor аеевзз 10 eaeh nul . Turn the erankshaft In а elockwise dirвclion only (аз viewed from Ihe Ironl). 8 Aotale Ihe lorque eonverter untll Ihe drain plug is аl ilз lowest poinl. Plaee the рап undвr the IOfque converlвr, remove the drain plug аnd allow the Пuid 10 drain. Inslall the drain plug аnd lighten iI securely. 9 Aemove 'м driveshaft (see Chaplвr 8). 10 Unplug Iha eleelrieal eonnectors !rom Ihe speed sensor, the Transmlsslon Aange sensor, 'М torqlJ8 convertвr eluleh soIenoid (зае iIIustratlons) and апу other electrieal devices localвd оп Ihe transmis.юn.
" Detach all wiri ng hamesses !гот Ihe Iransmission and seeure Ihem ou! 01 the way зо Ihey won't ье damagвd during transmission
6.16 Remove the tran smission mount-to-erossmember пutз and bolts (arrows) гетоуаl
and installation. 12 Diseonneet Ihe shilt еаЫе 'гот the manual lever and !rom !he transmission саЫе bracket (зев Sectlon 3). 13 Aвmove Ihe starter motor (seв Chapter 5). Support the engine with а holst Irom аЬоуе or with а jack from 14 below. 11 а jaek 'з used, plaee а bIock 01 wood under the oit рап 10 spread the Ioad. 15 Support the transmission with а ]aek • preferaЫy а jack maclе lor this риrpose. Salery chains wlll help secure the transmission 10 the ]ack. 16 Aemove the transmission mounHo-сгossmembef" nuts and bo!ls (зее Illustration).
Ает оуе
Chapter 7
Рап В
Automatic transmission '
the crossmember-to-frarne nvts and bolts (arrows),
Ihe bolts (arтows) securing Ihe left side 01 the transmisslon bellhousing 10 the engine
6.18а Аетоуе
then гетоуе the сгоssтетЬег Raise the transmission slightly, гетоуе the crossmember-tonuts and bolts (see illustration). then гетоуе the crossmember and lower Ihe jack а few inches (аз this is done, the engine will have 10 ье lowered, 100. 18 Аетоуе the bolts securing the lower part 01 the transm ission 0011housing 10 the engine (зее Шustratiопs). 19 Lower the transmission slighlly. 20 Аетоуе the upper Iгапsmisslоп Ьеllhоusiпg-tо-епgiпе bolts. 21 Rетоуе Ihe transm ission dipstick lube. 22 Моуе the transmission 10 the гваг 10 disengage it !гот the engine bIock dowel pins and make sше the lorque сопуепег is detached !гот the driveplate. Secure the torque сопуепег 10 the Iransmission so it won't lall ои! during removal. 17
Installation 23 Prior to installation, make sure the torque сопуепег hub is securely engaged In the ритр. Тhls сап ье done Ьу luming the torque сопуепег while pushing it in toward the tr
Rem ove the bolts (arrows) securing the right side 01 the transmission bellhousing 10 the engine
31 Аетоуе the jacks supporting the transm ission and the engine. 32 Install the dipstlck lиЬе. Install the 011 cooler line fittlngs and tighten them securely. 33 Install the starter motor (see Chapter 5). 34 Соппес! the shift саЫе (see Section 3). 35 Plug in all transmlssion electrical connectors. 36 Install the torque сопуепег COV6f plate and plug. 37 Install the driveshaft (see Ghapter 8). 38 Adjust the shift саЫе (see Section 3). 39 Install anу exhaust system components that were гетоуоо ог disconnected (see Ghapter 4). 40 Lower the vehicle. 41 FШ the transmission wilh the specilied Iluid (see Chapter 1), ПJп the engine and check 'ог Iluid leaks.
Chapter 8 Clutch and drivetrain Contents Section - removal and Installation .••.•..•.•.....•..•.. .•..•.•..•.•..•. ....•.•.. Axleshaft bearing - replacement.......................... ......................... Axleshaft oil seal - гeplacement ..................................................... AxJезhаft
Clutch - description
12 14 13
Clutch саЫе аnd adJuster mechanism - replacement .•.•....•.......•.. 3 Clutch components - гemoУзJ, inspectlon еnd InstaI181Ioo............ 4 Clutch pedal adjustment ................................................. see Chapter 1 Clulch pedal position switch - chec!< and reptacement................ 7 Clutch release bearing - remo\laJ, inspectlon алd installallon ....... 5 Qjff8(entJallublicant change ............................................ $ее Chapler 1
Sectlon Differentiallubricant level check ...................................... see Chapter 1 Differential plnlon 011 seal - replacemenl........................................ 11 Drlveshaft - Inspectlon ....... ... ........ ..... ... ... ....... ... ... ........ ... ........ ...... 8 Drlveshaft - гemoуаl and installalion.............................................. 9 F1ywheel - гemoуal аnd installalion ................................. see Chapler 2 Generallnlonnation .. ... ............. ........ ........... .......... ... ....... 1 Pilot ЬеаЛпg - Inspection and replacemenl ....................... б Аеаг axle asзетЫу - removal end Inslallalion................. .. 15 Universal jolnts - replacemenl............................................ 10
Torque specifications
Ft-Ibs (unless otherwise indicated)
OOlts (3.8L and 5.0L modе1з) .............................. . Drfveshaft U-joint-Io-plnlon flange l:юtts ................................................ . Ргesзuге plate-Io-flywheel ootts .............................................................. Companlon flangelplnlon пи! (minlmum) ......... ........................ ............... . Pinlon bearing preload (mlnimum, orlginaJ bearings) ............................. . Differ&f1l lal plnion shaft Iock bolt ............................................. ............... .
2810 з8 701095 121024
Qeneral information
111е inlormation In thls Chapter deals with Ihe components 'гот the гваг 01 the engine 10 the гезr wheels, ехсер! 101'" the tгалsmisslоп, whlch is dealt with (п the previous Chapter. For 'М purposes 01 this Chapter, ttIeSe components are grouped inlo Ihree calegories; clutch, driveshafl and геаг ахlе. Separale Sectlons within thi5 Chapter offer general descriplions and checking procedures for each 01 these Ihree groop5. Since пеarlу all the procedure5 соуегзd '" thls Chapler involve worklng under the vehlcle, тзkе зuге 11'5 sвcurely supported оп sturcty jack51ands or оп а holst where the vehlcle сап ье easily rai5ed and Iowered.
140 810 14 in-Ibs
15 1030
Clutch - description and check
1 All veh lcles with а manual transmission use а 51ngle dry plate, diaphragm зрппв type clutch. тhe clutch d isc ha5 а splined hub which allows it 10 sllde along the splines 01 ttIe transmlssion input shaft. тhe clulch and pressure plate аге held (п con tact Ьу spring pre55ure exerted ьу Ihe diaphragm In the pressure plate. 111е clutch release system 15 саЫе operated. тhe release system 2 Includes the c lulch pedal, Ihe clutch саЫе, the release lever and Ihe release ЬеаЛng. 3 When the clulch pedalls depressed, it pulls Ihe clutch саЫе . whlch pulls the retease lever lorward. Аз the lever Is pulted forward, It slldes the relea5e bearing lorward along the Input shafl. and the
Chapter 8 Clutch and drivetrain
3.2 Us ing а ftashlight, locate the clutch pedal adjuster quadrant (arтow). w hich is located а Ьоуе the accelerator pedal, pull the clutch pedal 10 the геаг as far as it wШ 90 10 disengage the adJu ster pawl from the quadrant, push the quadrant forwa rd , unhook the саЫе and 'еl the quadrant return sl owly 10 its погтаl position (Waming: The quadrant is spring-Ioaded! Don't 'е! il snap back in10 position ог уои could Ье injured)
the clutch dust cover bott (a rтow) and t he соуе г
release bearing pushes against Ihe fingers 01 the diaphragm spring in the pressure plate assembIy, which releases the clutch рlзtе. 4 Terminology сап ье а ргоЫет regarding Ihe clulch components
names have in some cases changed !гот that used Ihe manufacturer. For example, the driven plate i5 al50 called the clutch plate ог disc and the clulch release bearing is sometimes саllоо а throwoul bearing, 5 Unfess you're replacing components with obvious damage, рег form зоте preliminary checks 10 diagnose а clu tch system malfunction. а) То check ~clutch spin down lime, ~ ruп lhe engine at погтаl idle speed wifh the transmission in Neutral (clutch pedal ир engaged). Disengage the clutch (pedal down), wait nine seconds and shift the transmission into Reve~e. No grinding noise should ье heard. А grinding noise would most like/y indicate а pmblem in the pressure p/ate ог the c/utch disc. Ь) То check {ог coтp/ete clufch re/ease, гип the engine (with the parking brake applied 10 prevent movement) and ho/d the c/utch peda/appmximate/y I/4-inch (гот the floor. Shift the transmission between , ,, gear and Reverse several times. /f the shift is по! smooth, сотропепl failure is indicaled. с) Visually inspect Ihe clutch pedaJ bushing а! lhe lор о{ the clutch pecJa/lo make зuге there is по sticking о, excessive wear. d) А ctutch pedal that is difflcu/t (о operate is most likely caused Ьу а faulty clutch сгЫе. Check Ihe саЫе where it ente~ the casing {ог fraying, rust о, othe, signs о' corrosion. If it looks good, lubricate the саЫе with penetrating 011. If peda/ operation improves, the саЫе is wom out and should ье rep/aced. Ьесаизе сотmоп Ьу
and adjuster mechanism - replacement
Refe, 10 II/ustrations 3.2, 3.4, 3.5, 3. ба and 3.& 1 Remove the lower steering colurnn 'пт рапеl (зее Chapter 11). 2 Using а Ilashllght, locale the clutch pedal adjuster quadrant, which is located оп the end 01 а 5haft аООуе the accelerator pedal. Pull Ihe clutch рооаl to the (еаг аз 'аг аз it will go 10 di5engage the adjusler pawl lrom the quadrant. Push the quadrant lorward, unhook the саЫе (зее illustration) and let the quadranl return slowly 10 its погтаl posilion. Waming: A//owing the quadrant - which is under spring юпзiоп -
3.5 Pu sh the release leyer forward an d disengage the clutch саЫе
from the c lutch release leyer
10 зпар bгck into position could саизе possibIe injury. While the саЫе
is гетоуоо , inspect the adjuster mechanism. 1I the teeth оп the quadrant and/or the pawl аге wom, the adjuster mechanism will slip in5tead 01 tensioning the саЫе. If the саЫе adjuster mechanism Is laulty, replace il (refer 10 the lollowing procedure). 3 Raise the vehicle and place it securely оп jackstands. 4 Remove the clutch dust соуег 0011 (see illustration) and гетоуе the соуег. 5 Disengage the clutch саЫе from the clutch release lever (зее illustration). 6 Remove the C-clip and pull the саЫе through the саЫе guide OOss оп Ihe transmission (see illustrations). 7 UnbOlt Ihe саЫе clamps from the left inner lender housing and the master cylinder, 8 Remove the screws that retain the саЫе housing to the lirewall. 9 Pull Ihe саЫе оиl 01 the lirewall 'гот the engine compartment side. 10 Insert the саЫе through Ihe lirewall 'гот the engine сотраптепl side, attach the саЫе housing 10 the firewall and tighten the screws securely, 11 Working under the dash, lift ир оп the clutch pedal. rotate the quadrant forward and hook the саЫе end inlo the quadrant. Slowly release Ihe quadranl. 12 InstalJ the clutch саЫе clamps оп the masler cylinder and 'е" inner fender housing. 13 Route the саЫе through the саЫе guide ООsз оп the Iransmission and install the C-clip.
Chapter 8 Clutch and drivetrain
3.ба Автоуе
the C·clip, ...
•.• and
ри!1 tЛе евЫ. оп
3.18 Remove the quadrэпt retalner from the quadrant pillot pln
forward, tЛгоиэ" the transmisslon
'ле саЫе
gulde boss
3.19 Remolle the pawl retainer !гот the pawt pivot pln
Наllе ап asslstanl pull back сп the clulch pedal, rotale 'М quadforward and hold it thera whlle уои connвcllhe саЫв 10 'лв clutch relвase lever. Depress the clutch peclal а lew limes 10 adJust tha саЫа. 15 InstaJl tha 10wer steering column 'пт panel. 16 Check 'ог ргорвг operation 01 {ле clutch componants belore Dlacing the vehlcle [п noпnаl service.
Adjuster mechanism
Rafer 10 i//uslratioпs 3.18,3.19,3.22,3.23,3.24,3.258, 3.25Ь, 3.26, 3.27, 3.29, з.зоа впd 3.3ОЬ 17 Disconnвct the clulch саЫе (зев clulch саЫе replacemenl above). 18 Аетоуе 'ла retainer from 'ле quadrant pln (зее Шustтatloп) , dis· 'nа quadranl spring !гот tne clutch pedal зла" laver and the quadrant !гот Iha pln. 19 Аетоуе {ла relainer !гот the pawl pin (зее Illustratlon), disen· gage {ле pawl spring !гот the clutch рООа! shaft lever and гernoуе the раwl fтom tЛа pln. 20 Unplug {ле electrical connectors !гот 'ла clutch рООа! positlcп switch (зее Secllon 7), {ле braka Ilght switch (зев Chapter 9) and 100 crulse сопtтоl switch {the switch located just below (ле pawl). 21 Disconnect {ле power braka pushrod and (ле brake light switch !тот 'ле brake рООа! (зев Chapter 9). 22 АетОllе {ле pedal brackat аззетЫу (see lIIustr8t1on). Вesldes 'ла upper brackel retaining bott, уои will лауе 10 гетОllа 'ла !our Dracket-to·firewa!! nuts (зее Chapter 9, ·Power Drake booster - check,
engage гernоуе
detach the peclal braeket assembly !гот tЛе lIehJc!a, braeket retaining bolt (arrow)i уои'lI also лаllе 10 remolle tЛе three braeket-Io-firewall nuts and а lourth nut which сап ье accessed from tЛе ang!ne compartment side 01 tЛе firewall (tЛeге are photos showing tnе 'оса"оп 01 these 'оиг пиtз 1п Слар1ег 9) гетОllе tЛе иррег
Chapter 8 Clutch and drivetrain
th e clutch ped al shaft retaining nut
removal, installation and зdjustmепt "). 23 Аетоуе the clutch pedal shaft retaining nut (зее illustration). 24 РиН the clutch рооаl shaft OU! 01 the pedal bracket аsзетЫу (зее iIIust rati on). 25 Remove Ihe shaft bushings (зев illustrati ons) and inspecl them !аг wear; " they're wom, replace tЛет. 26 Pry the pawl retum spring off the рооаl shaft 'еуег (зее iIIustra!ion) and гетоуе the pawl. 27 Inslatl а new pawl оп the lever. Make sure the pawl return spring 15 Inslalled properly (зе е Шu stгаti оп). Inslatl the relainer; uзе а new retainer if Ihe old опе 's 10058 ОГ weak. 28 Lubricate the clutch pedal shatt bushings wi th а lillle multi-purрозе grease, inSlatl the bushings and inslall Ihe clu lch рмаl shafl. Tighlen Ihe shafl retaining пи! securely. 29 Inslall Ihe relurn spring оп Ihe quadranl (з е е Illustration). The slraighl end 01 Ihe spring should Ье sealed a9alnsl Ihe slop оп the quadranl аз shown. ЗА (nslall Ihe quadrant оп Ihe clulch рмаl shafl lever, engage the hooked end 01 Ihe quadranl relum spring around Ihe lower edge 01 the lever (зее illustration), push Ihe quadrant Onlo Ihe lever pin and install the relainer (зее iIIustratiоп); изе а new relainer il !he old опе 'з lоозе or weak. 31 Inslall !he рее!аl bracket аззетЫу. Тighten the Ьоllз securely. 32 Reallach the power brake pushrod and Ihe Ьrэkе light switch 10 Ihe brake pedal (зее Chapler 9). зз Plug Iп Ihe eleclrical connectors !or the clulch pedal posilion
I he left c lutc h pedal s haft bushing ...
3.24 Pull tha c lutch pedal s haft out of the pedal bracket assembIy swilch (seв Seclion 7), Ihe brake light swilch (seв Chapler 9) and Ihe cruise conlrol switch (Ihe switch below the pawl). 34 Connect the clutch саЫе 10 the quadranl (seв above). 35 Install Ihe lower sleвring column lrim рапеl (зее Chapler 11).
Clutch components • removal, inspection and installation
Warning: Dиst produced Ьу c/utch wea, and deposiled on c/ulch сот ponenls contains ssbestos, which is hszardous 10 уоиг hea/th. DO NOT b/ow it out with compressed air and 00 NOT inha/e it. DO NOT use gasoline ог petro/eum-based so/vents to reтove the dust. Вгаке зуз lem с/еалег shou/d ье used 10 f/ush the dust into а dП:liп рап. After the c/utch components are wiped с/еап with а rag, dispose о' the contaminated rags and с/еапег in s covered con tainer.
Remova/ Refer to iIIustration 4.6 1 Ассезз 10 the clutch components 'з normally accomplished Ьу removing Ihe Iransmission, leaving the engine in t he vehicle. 11, 01 соиrзе, Ihe engine is being removed 'ог major overh aul, !hen Ihe opportunity should always ье taken 10 check Ihe clulch lor wear and replace worn components as necessary. The lollowing procedures assume Ihal Ihe engine will slay 'п place.
... and the right shaft bushing; Inspect both bushings for cracks and wear, and replace them If песезsзгу
3.26 ТО disengage the pawl !гот the clutc h pedal shaft 'еуег, рту off the retum spring
Chapter 8 Clutch and drivetrain
8 -5
3.27 Make sure the pawl retum spring as sho wn
properly installed
3.29 Install the quadranl retum spring wlth the straight end spring seated against thls stop оп the quadrant
3.308 Make sure the hooked end о, the quedrant retum spring wraps around the lower edge о, the clutch pedal shaft lеуег
2 Аетоуе the transmission (зее Chapter 7А). Support the engine white 'hв transmission is out. An вngine holst Is pre!erabIe. I! а jack is used underneath the engine, make sure а piece 01 wood is used between the jack and 011 рап 10 spread Ihe Ioad. Саоооп: тhe pkkup 'or the oJ/ ритр 'з VeI)' CJOSв to the bottoт о( the oi/ рап. /, the рап 15 bent or dlstorted in anу way, engine он stSMitiOil cou/d оссиг. 3 оп 3.8L and S.Ol models, гemoУе the bellhousing-Io-engine botts and геmovе the bellhousing. 1I it's Sll,lCk, pry It о" the a!ignment dowels with а screwdriver or pry Ьаг. 4 The clutch fork and releasв bearlng сап remain attached 10 Ihe houslng 'ОГ the l ime being. 5 То support the clutch dlsc durlng removal, inslall а clulCh alignтеп! 1001 through 'М ctulch dlsc hub. 6 Carefully inspect Ihe ftywheel and pressure plale !ог Indexlng marks. Тhe тащ ше usually ап Х, an О 01' S white letter. tf Ihey сапrюl ье found, scribe mзrkз yoursвlf 50 Ihe Pfessure plale and the flywhвel wШ ье In thв samв a!ignmenl during inslallalion (see illustration). 7 Tum!ng вach tюlt only 1/ 4-lum аl а tlme, sIowly Ioosen !he pressure plate-Io-flywhвel bolts. Work In а diagonal pattem and 'оозеп each bOIt а little а! а time un!il a!1 spling ргeзsuге (з relieved. Then hoId Ihe Pf8SSure plate securefy аnd completely remoуе the bolts, folloWed Ьу Ihe pressure plale аnd clutch dlsc.
Install the reta l ne гs I п the p lvot pins 10Г the quadrant (shown) and the pawl
4.6 tf you' re going 10 re-use the same clutch pressure plate, but there аге по exi sting та Пtа, mal1t the relationship 01 Ihe pressure plate 10 the flywheel
Chapter 8 Clutch and drivetrain
4.11 1 2 3
clutch disc
Uning - this will W8вr down in US8 R/vels - these secure the lining 800 w//I daтage the f/ywhee/ or ргезsuге plate;f allowed /0 contact the surfaces Магkз · "f/ywhee/ sidв- от something siтilar
Examine the pressure plate friction surface for $Cor . marks, cracks and evidence о' overheating (Ыие spots)
/nspection Refer /0 iIIustrations 4. 11, 4.148 впd 4. 14Ь 8 Ordinarily, when а ргоЫет occurs iп the clutch, it сап ье altributed 10 wear 01 the clutch drlven plate assembIy (clutch disc). Howeyвr, all componoots should ье Inspected а! this Ilme. 9 (пзрес! Ihe flywheellor cracks. heз! checking, огооуез or other slgns 01 obvious dвfecls. 1I Ihв impвrfeclions аге slighl, а machine stюp сап machine 'М surface nal and smooth, which is highty recom· mendвd rвgardless 01 the surface арреaranсе. Refer 10 Chapl8f 2 lМ fIYWheвI гemovаl аnd InslaJlatlon procedure. 10 Inspect the pilol bearing (seв Seclion 5). 11 Inspec! Ihe lining оп Ihe ctulch disc. Thвre should Ьв аl leasl 1/16·inch 01 Ilning аЬоуе the пувl heads. Check 'ог loose rivBls, distor· "оп, cracks, ЬгоКеп sprlngs and olher obvious damage (зае Illustra· \Ion). 12 As menlioned аЬоуе, ordinarlly Ihe clulch di5C Is re'placed аз а matter 01 coursв, so if in doubt аЬои! Ihe condition, replace 1I wilh а newone. 13 Ordinarlty, Ihв (elease bearlng 15 al50 replaced alon9 wilh Ihe clUtch disc (see Sectioo 5). 14 Check 100 machined surfaces and the diaphragm spring fingers 01 the pressure plale (see iIIustrations). 1I the surface is огооуес! ог olhefwise damagвd, tзКе 1I 10 а machlne зhор lог possibIe machining or replacement. Also check 'ог obvious damage, distortioo, cracklng, etc. Ught glazing сап ье гeтoyвd with medium от eтВIY cto\h. 1I а new ргез5иге plale is Indlcaled, new ог faclory-rebuilt unils are avall-
-.;~ [.,,~.~~ ., }'. <"~ ,.. .
.. :?: .
---.:"=' . ~ -, -
Replace the
pressur. plate If ап)' о' these condltlons ar. noted
Installation Refer 10 i//ustmtion 4.16 15 Вeforв inslallalion, carelulty wlpe Ihe flywheel and pressure plale machined зипасез clean . 11'5 important that по oil ог огеазе is оп 'heзe surfaces ог the Ilnlng 01 the chJtch disc. Handle lheзe parts onty with clean hands. 16 Роsition thв сlшсh dlsc and ргeзsиге plate with the clulch held in place with ап alignment 100\ (5ее Шu stratiоп). МаКе зиге it's inslaJlвd properly (тозl replacement clutch plates will Ье marked "flywheel slde" ог somelhing slmllar • if по! marked, install Ihe clutch dlsc wilh the damper зрПпоз !oward the transmission). 17 Tlghten the рге5зиге plate-to-flywheel bolts only linger Ilghl, working around the ргеззиге plate. 18 Center the clutch disc Ьу Inserting the alignment looIlhrough Ihe splined hub and Inlo the pilot bearlng In Ihe crankshaft. Tlghten the pressure plale--to-flywheel bolts а little аl а lime, working In а crisspattem 10 prevef1t dislortlng the соуег. After а" 01 the boIts зrе зпио, tighlen them 10 the specifiвd torql.l&. Rетоув the alignmenl 1001.
Clutch and drivetrain
4.16 Center the clutch with ап alignment 1001, then tighten the bo lts in а criss-cross lashion to the torque listed in this Сhзрtег' s Specilications
5.4 То clisengage the clutch release 'еуег 'гот the fulcrum ball stucl, pull the release lеуег in Ihe clirection 01 the arrows until it popsloose
5.5а То check the release bearing, hold it Ьу the outer cage and rotate the inner гас е while applying а side 10зс1 10 it - the bearing shoulcl tum smoothly апcl easilYj it cloesn 't, replace "
5.5Ь lnspecl the fulcrum ball stucl зосkеt (right arrow) for w ear and make зuге the relainer fiпgегз (arrows) аге зlill strongj il the socket iз wom, ог the fiпgегз аге weak, Ьепl ог broken, replace the release 'еуег
19 Using high temperature grease, lubricate Ihe inner groove 01 the release bearing (зев Section 5). Also place grease оп the release lever contact areas. 20 Inslall the clulch release Ьеаriпg (see Section 4). 21 Оп З.8L апс! 5.DL models, iпstаll the bellhousing апcl tighlen the bolts 10 the lorque lisled iп this Chapter's Specifications. 22 Install the transmission (зев Chapter 7А).
8 5
Clutch release bearing • removal, inspection and installation
ReтovaJ Refer to iIIustralion 5.4 1 Raise the vehicle апс! place il securely оп jackslands. 2 Remove the Iransmission (seв Chapter 7д). 3 Remove the bellhousing (зев Section 4). 4 Remove the clutch release 'еуег Iгот the ball stud, then remove the Ьеагiпg Iгот the lever (see illustration).
Jnspection Refer 10 iIIustrations 5.58, 5. 5Ь and 5.5с 5 Hold the center 01 the bearing апс! rotate the outer por1ion whil e applying pressure ( з ее iIIustralion). 11 the bearing doesn'l turn
Flip the release lеуег оуег апcl inspect the friction surfaces (arrows) that push the release bearing j if they're excessively wom, reptace the release 'еуег
smoothly ог i! it's noisy, replace '! with а new опе. Wipe the bearing with а clean rag апс! inspect it !or damage, wear апd сгасkз. Тhe Ьеаг ing is sealed lог li'B, so don't immerse it in solvent or you'lI ruin it. Iпзресt the friction surfaces апс! the bearing retainer оп the release 'еуег (зее iIIuзtгаtiопs) . 1I the 'riction sur1aces аге wom excessively, от the retainer lingeгs are weak, Ьеп! or Ьгоkеп, replace the release 'еуег.
8 -8
Chapter 8 Clutch and drivetrain
5.63 Lubricate the release lever f\Ilcl'\lm stud ...
5.6<:1 ... and the frictlon surfaces 01 the release 'еуег
... the fulcrum ball stud socket •..
5.66 Lubricate the inner hub and the thru st side (where the release tlngers contact '!) of the release bearing with
5.7 Make з uге the fingers 01 the retalner аге proper1y епgаged with the егооуе 1" the release ЬеаrlП;
high-temperature егеазе Attach the release bearing 10 lhe clutch lever (не Illusuation). Push Ihe reJease lеУег onlo the ball slud until it's firmly seated (see illustra tlon). 9 Apply а Ilght соаl о' high tempвralure grease 10 Ihe 'асе of Ihe release bearing. where 'l cOnlacts the pressure plale dlaphragm flngers. 10 З.8L ам 5.0L moclels, Inslalllhe bellhousing and Ijghlen the bolts 10 lhe lorque lisled in Ihi5 Chapler's SpecfficaliOn5. 11 tn5tall Ihe Iransmission (sвe Chapler 7А). 12 Аетоуе lhe jackslands and Iower the vehicle. 7 8
5.8 Тhis is how the release bearing and ГfНeазе 'еуег should look w hen proper1y installed; don't forget 10 lubricate the front ЬеаriП; surface (arrows) 01 the release Ьеаriпg
/nstaJ/ation Refer to iIIustrations 5.68, 5.6Ь, 5.&, 5.бd, 5.&, 5.7 алd 5.8 6 Lightly lubricate the release lever fulcrum ball 5100, Ihe release lever and Ihe release Ьеэriп; with high temperature grease (ие Illиз trations).
Pilot bearing - inspectlon and replacement
Refer to i//ustnJtions 6.1, 6.5, 6.8, 6.9 and 6.10 1 тhe clutch pilo! bearing (5ее Illustration) is а needle roller typв bearing whlch Js pressed into 'М геаг of 'М CfЗпkзhап. It Is greased аl 'М faclory and does nol require additionallublicalion. Ils рПmзry purpose is 10 support the front of Ihe Iransmission input sI'Iaft. The pilot bearing should Ье inspected whenever Ihe clutch componenls аге removed from the engine. Оие 10 its inaccessibility. " you аге in doubt as 10 its condillon. replace it wilh а new опе. Note: If the engine has been rвmovвd from the vehic/e, disгegard the followiпg steps wh/ch do пat 8ppIy. 2 Аemovе {М Imnsmission (зве Chapler 71'1J 3 AвmoYe Ihe clulch compooents (зее Section 4). 4 Inspect for апу excessive wear, SCOI'ing, lack 01 grease, dryness
Chapter 8 Clutch and drivetrain
6.1 Тhe pllot Ьеамп; (arrow) has ап Q-rtng зеаl whlch can't Ье replaced separatel)'; 11 there'8 а пу slgn 01 leakage, ог if the be8rtng 18 dry, repl8Ce the Ьеамп; and 9881 - neither сап ье repl8ced separatetv; make sure the "аl 'асе5 out (toward the transmisslon)
6.6 11 )'01.1 don't h8ve 8 smoll sllde-hammer, pack the cavity behind th e pllot bearing wlth grease ...
the old pilot bearing with а з та" slide-hammer, а з show n, if уои 'уе gol опе
6.9 .. , then 'огсе out the bearlng hydraulically with а steel Гod ог wood dowel sllghtly smaller '" d lamet er than the bearing Ьоге when the hammer atrtkes the rod ог dow el, the grease will transmlt thls 'огс е to the backslde 01 the bearing and push it o ut
or obvlous damage. 1I апу 01 Ihase condilions аге noted. the bearing should Ье replaced. Д flashlighl will ье helplul 10 direcl lighl into the гесеsэ.
5 Тhe pllol bearing сап ье гетоуес! wilh а special puller and slida hammer (ме iIIuatratJon). Ьиl if уои don'l have а suitabIe 1001, Ihe 101Iowirtg allemalJve melhod worXs as well. 6 Obtain а soIld 51ее' bar or wood dowel which Is slighlly smaJler 'П diameter Ihan 'м bearing. 7 Check the Ьаг ог dowel lor Iit - 11 stюuld just slip into the Ьезring with very little clearance. 8 Pack the Ьеапng and the зrеа behind il ОП the crankshaft recess) with heavy grease (ае. Ittustra tlon). Pack I1 lightly 10 eliminate as much air аз posslbIe. 9 Insert the bar ог dowel Inlo 'М Ьеапng Ьоге and slrike it sharply with а hammer (ме Iltustratlon); Ihls will 'огсе the grease 10 the backslde 01 the bearirtg and push it 001. Аemoуе 'м bearing аnd clean all grease Iгот 'he crankshaft гесеsэ. ,0 То instaJl the new bearing, lighlly lubricate 'м outside surfoce wilh lithlum-bosed grease, Ihen drive I1 inlo the recess wil h о large socke' (ме iIIuatration). Make sure Ihallhe зеаl faces ош, lowarcl the transmlssion. 11 'пз'а" Ihe clulch campanenls, lransmisslon and 011 other сотра пеп'в removed prevlously.lightenlng all fasteners properly.
6.10 Use а larg e socket and hammer, ог а soft-faced hзm mег, 10 install the new pilot Ьезrtп g; make sure t he Q-ri ng sезl 'зсеs out (toward the tran sm lsslon) зпd mз kе sure the bearing is fully sезtеd
Clutch and drivetrain
clutch pedal
розШоп о'
switch (arrow) " located
the cl utch
Clutch pedal position switch - check and replacement
Refer to i//ustrations 7. 7, 7.4, 7.68 and 7.БЬ 1 Тhe clutch pedal must ье depressed 10 start the engine. When the pedal Is depressed, the clutch pedal position switch closes the circuit between the ignition swilch and the гез! of the slar1ing circuit (which includes the battвry. starter relay and starter motor and, оп somе то<:! e15, ап anti-theft syslem). Тhe switch (see illustration) 1$ IocЗled а! the 'ар 'по
of the clutch pedal. То ассesз Ihe swilch, гemoуе the lower steercolumn ,пт рапеl (see Chapl6f 11).
The switch plunger contacts the clutch pedзl when the pedal is In position: the plunger 1$ depressed and the circuit is ареп . When the clutch pedal is depressed, the spl'ing-Ioacled plunger protлJdes !гот !пе swi'ch, dosing 'М s'ar1er relay circui', whlch '" !um aJlows full battery vol'age ,О !пе s'ar1er то'ог. 3 То check 'пе swi'ch, verify 'па' 'пе engine сап Ье s'ar' ecl only when 'пе clutch pedaJ Is depressed. 4 1I 'пе engine сап ье S!arted wi!hou! depressing 'по clutch pedal, 'пе swi'ch тау ье shorted. Unplug 'пе switch conneclor and hook up ап ohтте!ег 10 'пе conneclor lerminaJs 'ог 'пе гес! and bIue wire апс! 'пе whi te and pink wire (see il lustгэtiоп) . There should Ьо по continuily when 'по clutch pedal ,з ro!eased (switch plunger depressed), эnd continulty when 'пе pedaJ is depressed (plungef released). 11 !пе switch doesn't operate аз described. гер/асе ". 2
Нз погтаl
7.63 То геm оуе the clutch pedal position switch, unplug !пе switch electrical connectot, гет оуе the cotte r pin that secures the swi!ch pushr od 10 the pln at ап е аор 01 the ctutch pedal ...
7.4 ТО c heck the operatlon 01 the swltch, unplug the swi1c h olectricat connector аnd hoo k up а п ohmm e1er·t o 1пе !erminals for the гес! апс! lighl blue and the pink апс! white wlres; wi1h th e c tutch pedal released, !пеге should Ье по continuity, but when the pedal is depressed, 1here should Ье cOnlinuity (shown) 5 II !пе englne сап ' ! Ье з!апес! еуеп when !пе clu!ch pedal ;$ depressed, eilher 'пе swllch is bad. !пе electrical соппес !ог is unplugged, ог 'пеге'з а ground, ореп ог $поп in 'пе circui! belween !пе ignition switch апс! Iпе clulch pedal posilion swilch. or Ьемeen 'пе pedal position swi'ch апс! !пе resl 01 {пе slar1er circuit. Check Ihe switch as described in !пе p!'"evious slep. I! 'пе swilch is оl
Driveshaft • inspection
Aaise 'пе геаг 01 !пе vehicle апс! support '! securely оп jac kSlands.
... гетоуо 'по swilch retalning botl (arrow) апс! stide 'пе pushrod 10 the righ1 10 disengago il 'гот 'пе clutch pedal pin
Chapter 8 Clutch and drivetrain
9.2 Mark the relationshlp of the dr1veshaft 10 the differential companlon f1ё1nge to ensure that the drlveshaft retains [tз dynamic balance апег relnslalllng 1I
10.28 Exploded view
9.3 То гетоуе the botts that attach the driveshaft 10 the differenlial companion flange, Inser1 а зта" prybar ог large screwdriver through Ihe геаг U-Joint and hold the driveshaft while уои break loose the four "апэе bolts
the I.lf1iversal Joint components
Grease fitting
bearings аnd сар Snap ring
Crawl under the vehicle and vlsually InSpeGI Ihe driveshaft. Look апу denls ог cracks [п Ihe lubing. 1I апу аге lound. Ihe drlvesha't тиз! ье replaced. 3 Check 'ОГ апу oil leakage аl the 'ГOnI and гваг 01 the drlveshaft. Leakage where the driveshaft enters the transmission indicales а delective Iransmission геэr seal. Leakage where the drlveshaft enters ::he diff8l"ential indicates а delective pinion seal. 4 While under 'М vehicle. have ап assistanl 'иm lhe геаг wheel $о те driveshaft will rotale. As iI does, make зиге Ihe universa1 joints аге operating properly without binding, noise ог looseness. 5 The universal joints сап also Ье checked with the driveshaft motlonless, Ьу gripping уоиг hапdз оп either side 01 the joint and attempling 10 twist Ihe joinl. Апу тоуетеПI а! allln Ihe joint is а sign 01 оопsidегаЫе wear. Ufting ир оп the shalt will also indicale тоуетеПI in Ihe universal jolnls. 6 Finally, check Ihe drlveshalt mounling bollS аl Ihe ends 10 make зиге lhey Эfе light.
Driveshaft - removal and installation
Refer to II/ustrations 9.2 аnd 9.3 1 Rаlзе the геаг о, the vehicle
ап зирро!1
il securely
10.2Ь Д
pair о' needle-nose pliers сап ье изоо 10 universallolnl snap-rings
2 Mark the relalionshlp 01 Ihe driveshaft 10 the differential сотрапlon "апэе (зее iIIustration). 3 АетоУе Ihe bolts and separale the drlveshalt 'гот the d ifferenlial companlon "апэе with а 12-polnl sockel or Ьох end wrench (зее IIluз trati on). Pull the drlveshaft loward the геаг 10 гетоуе iI. 4 Wrap а plastic 009 lightly around Ihe exlension housing 01 the transmisslon 'о РГеУen! Пuid Ioss. 5 Inslallatiofl is 'М ГeYeгse 01 removal . Ве sure 10 aHgn lhe ref8l"encе martts made during removal .
10 Universal joints - replacement Refer 10 iIIuslrations 10.2а, 70.2Ь, 10.4 and 10.9 Nole: А рюзs ог /arg8 visв wi// ье required !ог this procedure. /! mау ье acМsabIe (о take (hв driveshaft to а/оса/ deв/er service department, service slation ог machlne shop where the universal join 7s сап Ье replaced {or you. normaJ/y а! а reasonвbIe charge. 1 Аemoуе 'М drlveshaft аз outlined in 'М previous Seclion. 2 Using а small pзiг о, pliers. гетоуе the snap-rings from 'М spider (see illustrations). 3 Suppor1ing Ihe drivesha/t. place ;1 [п розШоп оп а workbench equlpped with а у;sе. 4 Place а piece 01 pipe ог а large socket with the same inside diam-
Chapter 8 Clutch and drivetrain
10.4 ТО press tЛе unlversal jolnt ощ ofthe drlveshaft yoko, ае! It up In а vi se wlth tЛе sm all socket pu shlng tЛе joln! and be arlng сар 'п1о
tho larg. socket
10.9 11 tho snap-rlng will ПО1 зеВ! '" tЛе
9rooV8 , strlke tЛе yoke with а Ьгазs hammer· this wlll rel!e ... e th o t ensio n Ihal has З8! ир '" tho yoke, and s1ightly sprlng tha yoke
еа rэ
(lhl 5 should also
11.4 Mal1t the relationship between the plnlon and fl ange аз shown
done 11
the jolnl ' eel$ tJght when assembIed)
11 .ба То
11 .5 Us!ng ап Inc h-pound torque w rench , mез suге the pinlon bearing prel oad (tum!ng torque) and jol down thi s measurem ent eter Qver опе 01 tho bearing caps. Posltlon в socket which 'з 01 slightly 5maller diameter !han Iha сар оп Iho opposile bearing сар (З8е 1111,151го11оn) and use the ...;se ог Pfess 10 'огсе Ihe сар oul ~nside Ihe plpe ог large socket), slopping jusl bвlore it coтвs complelely 01.11 01 Ihe yoke. Use the Yise or 'Зtgе pliers 10 work Ihe сар Ihe гeзt 01 the way 01.11. 5 Transfer Ihe sockels 10 Ihe olher slde and ргезз the opposite bвaring сар 01.11 in Ihe зате таппег. 6 Pack Ihe new unlversal joinl bearings wilh grease. Ordinarily, зре cilic iпSlruсliопз for lubricalion will ье Included wllh Ihe unlversal )olnl servicing kil and should ье followed carelully. 7 Posilion the spider In Ihe yoke and panlally Inslall опе bearing сар in Ihe yoke. 8 Star1 Ihe splder Inlo the Ьезring сар аnd Ihen panialty inslall the olher сар. Align Ihe spider аnd ргезз the ЬваЛng сарз inlo розltlоп, being careful ПО1 10 damage Ihe dust зеаlз. 9 Inslall Ihe snap-rings. 1I difficulty Is encountered In seating the snap-rings, strike the drivвshaft yoke зhагрlу wilh а hammer (зее Illustration). This wlll spring Ihe yoke еат slighlly and allow the snap-rings 10 зеаl in Ihe groove. 10 Inslall Ihe grease !ittlng and fill the joint with grease. Ве care!ul поl 10 overfiil 'М joint, as this could bIow out 'М grease зеаls. 11 Inslalllhe driveshaft, lighlening the companion flange Ьоttз 10 the lorque lisled in Ihls Chapter's Specffications.
keep t he flange 'гот tumlng w hile you' re loosenlng аnd rem ovlng the plnlon пщ, hold the flange with а punc h Jammed through а hole '" the fl ange and wedged under the reinfo rcl ng МЬ оп the side о, the dlfferentlal housing 11
Diffеге пti з l p inion oil зез l - ге рl зсеm епt
Rеfегtо illuзtrвt/ons
11.4, 11.5, 1' . ба, l1.БЬ, 11.7and11.8 1 Aaise the геаг 01 the vehicle and place il securely оп jасkзtandз. 2 Аетоуе Ihe геаг wheels and brake drums (зев Chapler 9). Mar1< Ihe driveshaft and companlon "аngе !ог еазе 01 realignment 3 during reassembty, Ihen гетоуе Ihe driveshaft (seв Sectlon 9). 4 Mar1< the relalionship belwoon the pinion and companion Ilange (зев il lu зtгаtl оп) .
5 Uзiпg ап Inch-pound lorque wrench, mеазuге and record the torque requ lr&d 10 lum the pinioo nut Ihrough several геvolutioпз (зее Шustгаtlоп) . Тhiз value, koown as pinion bearing preloзd, will ье used when the pinion flange is reinslalled . 6 Using а suilabIe 1001, hOId Ihe companion flange аnd геmovе Ihe pinion nul (зее I ll u зtгаtiо п) . Using а SlJilabte puller (зее I l luзtгаtiоп) , гетоуе the companion "аП9е. 7 Pry out Ihe old зеаl with а sea! гетоуаl 1001 (зее iltustralion). 8 Clean the 011 зеаl mounting surface, Ihen {ар Ihe new зеаl into place. laklng саге 10 insen squarely as shown (зев illu зtгаtlо п) . 9 InspecI the splines оп Ihe pinion зhаft !ог ЬUГГЗ and nicks. АemoУе зпу rough агезs with а сrocuз cloth. Wipe 'М splines cJean. 10 Install the companion "angе. aligning with 'М marks made during removal. Gently !ар the flange 00 with а soft-!aced hammer until
Chapter 8 Clutch and drivetrain
1 1.БЬ
1I necessary. use а small puller 10 separale Ihe pinion Ilange 'гот Ihe pinion shaft
out the old
(ето уа l
)'ou сап
start the pinion nut оп Ihe plnlon shaft. Using а suitabIe 1001, hold the сотрапioП flange whi!e tightening те pinion nut 'о the minimum torq ue listed In this Chapter's Specificatюпs. Continue tightening. lake frequent rOlational torque measurements, using Ihe inch-pound torque wrench, until the measurement 'ecorded in Slep live is reached . Caulion: If the measurement гесorded In Step rrve was less thaл the pinion Ьвапng preload torque ~ted /п this Chapter's $pecifications, continue tightening ипtil the 5ресШоо torque /5 rвached. /( it was тоге than specified, сопипие bghtening until the rвcorded measurвment i5 rвached. Under по circ:umslancвs shou/d the pinion пи' ье b8cl<ed о" 10 reduce pinion Ьваг ing pre/oвd. Increase Ihe nut torque in sm8/1/ncrвments 8nd check the pre/oad after each increase. 12 Reinstall the driveshaft, brakB drums and wheels. 13 Check 'М differentiaJ o]llevel and fill as necesS8/)'. 14 Lowef the vehicle and take а lesl drive 10 check 'ог Jeaks. 11
11 .8 Using
12 Axleshaft - remo"al and installation Referwillustrв/ions 12.4а, 12.4Ь, 12.4с,
driver or 8 large socket, {ар Ihe new pinlon зеаl inlo place wilh the seal square 10 Ihe bore
а sезl
12.5800 12.6
1 Loosen the wheell ug nuts, raise the геаг 01 the vehicle, support it securely оп jackstands and remove the wheel. 2 Remove the brake cal iper and disc (seв Chapter 9). 3 Remove the cover "от the differential carrier and allow the lubri-
сап! 10 drain inlo а container (зее Chapter 1). Rвmove the lock bott !гот Ihe differential pinion shaft. Slide the 4 nOlched end 01 the pinion shaft oul 01 Ihe differential case as 'аг as It will 90 (зее illustrations).
12.4а Position а large screwdriver between the геаг axle case and а ring ееаг bott 10 keep the differential сзsе from tuming, then loosen the pinion shзft lock bolt ...
the lock
... and slide out the pinlon shaft
Chapter 8 Clutch and drivetrain
12.5 Pus.h '" оп the axle flange and (етоуе the C-Iock пот tne inner end 01 the axleshaft (а magnet is handy 'ar this job)
13.28 Use
а 5еаl
removal 100110
the otd
5еа l fтoт
axle housing 5 Push in the outer (flanged) еОО 01 the a.xleshaft аncl геmoуе lhe сIock 'гom tne innef end of the shaft (ие illustration). б Withdraw the axleshafl, takJng care no! 10 damage the oil sвaftn the end 01 the axle housing as the spliiWd end 01 the axleshaft passes through it (see iIIustration). Instal!ation is the reverse 01 removal . Тlghlet1 the differenlial pin7 ion s hз ft lock 001110 the lorque lisled '" this Chapter's Specifications. 8 Inslatl the differential cover (see Chapter 1). 9 Aefill the axle with the correct quantity and grade 01 lubricant (see
Chapler 1).
13 Axleshaft oil
12..6 Pull the axle out 01 the housing, зuрроrtiпg it with to prevenl damage 10 the зеаl
13.2Ь еnd
tf а зеаl гетоуаl loollsn'l availabIe, а prybar of еуеп the 01 the axle сап Ье used 10 PfY {ле зеаl ои! 01 the housing
14 Axleshaft bearing • replacement Refer 10 iIIustrations 14.2а, 14.2Ь аnd 14.4 1 Аетоуе 'ле axleshaft (зев Section 12) and tha oil зеаl (зае Section 13). You'll need а bearing puller (зее iIIustгаtiоn з) , ог you'lI need 'о 2 fabricale а зimilаг 1001. 3 Attach а зlidе латтег and pull !ле bearing ou! 01 the a;o;le лouз-
il1Q. 5еа l
- replacement
Refer (о iIIustrations 13.2а, 13.2Ь аnd 13.3 1 Ааmoуе the axleshaft (see Sectlon 12). 2 Pry the old oil зеаl оu! 01 the end 01 the all.le housing, using а seal removal 'ооl ог 'ле inner end 01 the axleshaft itsell as а lever (see iНus tratJons). Uзiпg а seaJ driver ог а large зосkеt , 'ар the seal into розltlоп 50 3 that the Ilps are facing in and the matal !асе is visibIe 'гот 'ле end 01 the axla housing (зее illustration). When correctly installed, the (асе 01 the 011 зеа! should ье flush with the end 01 the axle housing. Lubricate the lips 01 the зеаl with gea, oil. 4 Inslall 'М axleshaft (зее SecUon 12).
4 Clean ou! the bearing гесesз and drive in the new bearing with а bearing drfver 01' а large socke! (see iIIustration). Lubticate ,ле new beanng with ge81 tubricant. Мзkе зuге that 'М Ьезring iз seated into the lull depth 01 its гесesз. 5 Discard 'ле old oil зеаl and Iпзtаll а new опе (зее Section 13), then Install the axleshalt (зев Sectioo 12).
axle assembIy·
and installation
Remova/ Refer 10 i//ustration 15.8 1 Disconnect the саЫе lrom the nвgative baltery term lnal. 2 Loosen, but do поl гетоУе the геаг wheвl lug пutз. 810ck 'ле
Chapter 8 Clutch and drivetrain
'3.3 Use а seal driver ог а large sockel 10 tзр oil seal into place
new axleshaft
14. 2Ь То
remove the axle bearing, insert а bearing removal 1001 attached 10 а sHde hammer lhrough the center, pull the tool up against lhe back side and use the slide hammer 10 drive the bearin9 fтom the axle housing
whee ls and raise !пе геаг of 'he vehicle. Suppol1 it securely оп placed under !пе !гате. Аетоуе !he геаг wheels. 3 Аетоуе the brake calipers and d iscs (see Chapter 9). J Remove 'he differential соуег and allow the lubricant 10 drain (see СпаР'ег 1). 5 1I the vehicle is equipped with ABS, гетоуе the sensors (see Chapter 9). 6 Remove bo!h геаг axleshafts (see Section 12). 7 Disconnect all clips for the ABS sensor wires. hydraulic brake lines and parking brake cabIes !гот the axle housing. 8 Аетоуе the 'оиг bol!s tha! attach the torque plates to the axle housing (see illustration). Detach 'пе ' orque pla!e assembIies !rom the axle houslng. 9 Unbolt the driveshaft !гот 'пе d ifferential companion IIange (see Section 9) and secure it оиl of the way. 1О Place а !Ioor jack under the differential and raise the геаг axle slightly. 11 Place а sale!y chain through the co il sprlngs. 12 Disconnect !he геаг axle dampers (see Chap!er 10). 13 Аетоуе the shock absorber lower mounting bolts (see Chapter 10). 14 Remove the иррег suspension arm-to-rear axle housing nuts and bolts (see Chapter 1О).
14.2а Д
typical axleshaft bearing гетоуа1 tool (availabIe which сапу automotive 1001s)
correclly· sized bearing driver must Ье used 10 drive 1пе bearing ,п10 1пе housing
То гетоуе
the brake backing plate (th{! aluminum shield), these three bolts (arrows); 10 remove the геаг brake caliper апспог plale from the axle assembIy, remove these four bolts (arrows) гетоуе
Chapter 8 Clutch and drivetrain
15 Lower the axle houslng until the coil sprlngs are fully extвnded, then гemoуе them. 1б Removе thв 1o'И« зuspensioп шm-lо-axlе housing пutз and botts (sвe Chapter 10). 17 Lowзr the aXIe housing and guide i1 out fтom undemвath the vehicle.
Installstion 18 Ralse 'М геш axle 8$$8П\blу into PIaCe and in51atl thв upper sus· pension ann-to-axle tюusing botts and nuts. Oon'! completely tighten the пutз а! this t!тe. 19 Install the coil springs (зее Chapter 10) and соппесl the lower suspenslon зrmз 10 the rear 8Xle аsзemЫу. 20 Ralse the aXJe houslng 10 simulale 1)()ПТ1а1 ride height and tlghlen the upper and lower suspension arm -to -axle housing nuts 10 the torque listed In the Chapler 10 Specifications. 21 connect the Iower еndЗ of thв shock absorbers 10 'М rear axJe houslng and tighlen the botlslnuts 10 the torque lis'oc! '" the Chap-
ter 10 Specificatlons.
axle dampers 10 the rear axle housing and
Ilghten the boltslnuts 10 the torque lisled in the Chapt« 1 О SpecfficaОlons.
23 Connect the dJiveshaft 10 the differenlia! companloП ffange, allgn the malchmarks and tighten the companlon flange bolls 10 'М 'orqие Ilsled In this Chapter's Specificatlons. 24 Attach the brзkе torque plates 10 the axle houslng аnd Ilghten 'М
boIts securety. brзkе lines and the parking 10 their cl!ps on the axJe t\ouslng. 26 Install tЛе axleshafts (зее Sectlon 12). 27 Insta" 'the brake d!scs and cal!peI"S (500 Chapler 9). 28 Install I he differentlal cover аnd fШ the diffeмntlal with the (есom· mended oil (500 Chapter 1). 29 InstaJl the wheels and Iug пutз. Low9r the vehicle and tighlen the lug nvts 10 the 'orqие listed In the Chapter 1 Specificatlons.
Connect the brake sensor wires, the
brзkе саЫез
Chapter 9 Brakes contents
Section ~k
Brake System (ABS) - general information ........... 2 8'ake caJiper - removal , overt1aul and Installation ............. 4 Бrakе disc · inspeclion, removal аnd installalion .......................... 5 :take fluid сhалgе .......................... ................................. Sвe Chapler 1 &ake fluid level check ......................... .•.••.................... see Chapter 1 Бrakе hoses and lines - Inspection and replacemenl .................... 7 8ra\<.e щdfau\iс s')'s\em · b\ooaing ............................................. ,.. ~ 0 . 0
Brake light switch - check and replacement..................................
Section 3 Вгаке syslem check ............... ....................... . .. sвe Chapler 1 Gепеral information.. ..... ..... ..... ........ ..................... ... ..... ................. 1 Master cyJinder - гетоуal , overhauJ апd iпstallаliоп. .................. 6 Par1o;ing Ьrзке саЫез - replacemenl................ .................... 1О Brake pads - replacement......................................................
Power Ьrзке boosl er - check, removal, inslallalion anа
adius\moo\ ....... ................... ....... ..... ........ .. ...................... ..
Specific ations ВrзКе
ftuld type ..
Chapler 1
Disc brakes Minimum ЬrзКе pad Ihiсkпess ......................... .................................... .. Fronl bfзКе disc Slaпdагd Ihiсkлess
See Chapler 1
1.10 inches ................... .. 1.03 inches AlI olher models ... ................................................................. .... .. Minimum Ihickness' 1.04 inches CObra .................................................................. : ...... .................. . 0.97 inch AlI olher models .......................................................... ............... .. 0.001 Inch Runoulllmil ............................... ........................................................ 0.0004 iпсh Thlckness varialion (parallelism) .................................. ..................... . Rear brake disc Slandard Ihickl1eSS 0.71 inch СоЬга ................... . 0.55 inch AlI olher modeJs .... .. Minimum Ihiсkлess' 0.66 inch Соbfз ............................. . 0.50 iпсh AlI olher models .......................... .. Runoullimil. .......... ........................................... ............... ................. 0.002 inch Тhiсkпess varialion (parallelism)..... ................................................... О.ОООЗ inch 'Refer 10 rnaоо stampвd on the disc (they supersвde ;nformation printed heю) Соbfз
Torque specifications
Ft-Ibs (unless olherwise Indicaled)
Anchor plale oolts ........................ ....... .................. ВraKe callper (front) 0011 (ехсерl СоЬrз) . .. . ...... .................... ВrзКе caliper (геаг) OOIIS.......................................................................... ВrзКе hose-Io-fronl callper banjo 00118................ ВrзКе hose-Io-rear caliper Ьапjо OOlls.................................................... Masler cy1inder lo-power bfзКе boosler mounling nuls ............ Power bfзКе boosler-Io-firewall mounling nuts ......................................
95 64 231026 29 ЗО 10 44 161022 161021
9-2 1
Chapter 9 Brakes
General information
General description AlI models covered ьу this manuaJ аге equipped with hydraullcally -operated , power-assisted brake systems. All !гопl and геаг brakes зге disc (уре; СоЬга models аге equipped with dual-pislon fronl calipers; all Oll'ler models uзе single-piston calipers. some тod els ша equipped with ап Алti-IОСk Brake System (ABS) (зев Section 2). A II bfakes аге self· adJ usling. The hydraulic system is а Usplit~ design, mеалiпg there аге зара rate circuits far the IГOnI and геаг brakes. 1I опе circuit falls, the other
clrcuit will remain functlonal and а warning indicator will lighl up оп Ihe dashboatd, showing that а failure hзs occurred.
Master суПndег The master cylindвr - recognizabIe Ьу Ihe large plaslic fluld reseryalr оп !ар - is mounled оп the fron! 01 the power brake boosler. The reservolr is partilioned 10 prevenl tOlal Iluld loss In the еуеп! о! а !ront or rear brake hydraulic system fai lure. Тhe master cylinder, which is designed 101" the split system, has separate рПmшy and secondary pislon assemblies: the pistоп nearest the firewalJ, whlch applies hydraullc pressure 10 the front brakes, is lhe
ABS hydraulic поМ
соппоl unit (arrowj " located 'П the lower front comer 01 the englne compartment
If а ргоЫет Is suspected ' П the brake syslem, don', drive the
vehicle until
fi)(ecI .
рПmшy pistоп.
Brake pressure control valve The brake pressure con trOI valve Is loca ted below Ihe master cylinder, against the left inner 'ender panel. The control valve соп lаlпs а ргоportiопiпg valve and а shultle valve. Тhe proportioning vaJve regulales the hydrautic pressure in {М (еаг brake system. When Ihe brake pedal is applied, !he (еа, brake fluld pressure раsseз through Ihe proponionlng valve 10 the rear Ьгзkе syslem until the vзlvе's split point is reached. дЬоуе its splil poinl, the proportioning valve beglns 10 reduce the hydraulic pressure 10 Ihe rear brakes Ihereby balancing Ihe braking condi!lon belween Ihe !гопl and (еаг brakes. This condition will ргеуеПI the геаг wheel from locking up and Ihe vehicle (тот skidding ои l о! control. '! the brake hydraulic syslem loses pressure, the shultle vзlvе closes the circuil lor 'М Iow brake fluid pressure waming system, ' ит 'ng оп а waming light оп the instl\lment cluster. тhe brake pressure conlrol valve is поl serviceable - if а ргоЫет develops with Ihe vзJvе, il must ье replaced as ЗIl assembIy.
Par/(ing brake Тhe par1
Precautions There аге some general caullons апс! warnings involving Ihe brake system оп this vehicle: в)
onty brakв fluid coпforming 'о ООТ 3 specifica /ions. brake pads maу con/ain 8sbestos fibers which агв hazвrdous /0 уоиг health /f inh8/ed. Whenever уоо work оп brake зуз /ет components, с/еап 8// parts with brake sys tem с/еаneг ог оепе tured a/coho/. Do по, a//ow the (ine оuз! 10 Ьесотв a/rborne. с) Safety shou/a ьв рагатоuп ! whenever апу servicing о( tflв brake components is performed. Do пat use parts ог fasteners which 81"8 по ! in perfect condition, 8Пс! ьв зиге that 811 cle8rances аnd torque speciflcations 8ге adhered 'о. ff you are at all ипзиге 8boиt 8 certain procedurв, seek pro(essiona/ 8dvice. Иpon compJetion о! апу brake system wOf1o:, test the brakes caгefи//y in а controlled агеа befoffi puttlng the vehicle into norm81 service.
Anti-Iock Brake System (ABS) - general information Soте
models аге equipped with ап Anti-Iock Brake System (AВS). system " designed 'о maintain vehlcle steerability, directional staЫlity and optimum deceleration under severe braking condilions аnd оп mosl road surfaces. tt does 50 ьу monitoring the тоtзtionaJ speed 01 each WheeI and controlling 'М brзkе line ргesзuге 10 езch WheeI ошing braking. Тhlз prevents the wheel 'гom focking-up аnd provides maJtiтит veh!cle controllability. тhe AВS
Hydraulic control unit (HCU) Refer
to il/ustration 2.2
hydraullc control unil (зев IlIuзtratiоп) is Iocaled in 'м lower right !гоп! сотег 01 'М engine compartment. 1I сопзists 01 а brake pressure control valve block. а pump motor аnd а hydraulic conlrol unit resef\toir with а fluid 'еуel indicator аsзemЫу. During попnаl bfaking condilions, bfake hydrauJlc Пuid from the master cy!inder enters ihe hydraulic conlrol unillhrough Iwo Inlel ports апс! passes through four normally ореп Inlel valves, опе 10 each wheвl. When Ihe anti -Iock brake conlfol module senses thal а wheвl is about 'о lock ир, Ihe anti-Iock brake control module closes the аррго priale inlet. This prevents апу тоге fluld Irom entering the affected brake. If lhe module determir"18S Ihat the WheeI 'з slilt deceleraling, the module орепз the outlet valve, wh ich Ыеооз оН p ressure 'П the аНюоо brake.
Wheel sensors Refer to i//ustrations 2.~ впс! 2.6Ь Тhe ABS зуslem uses four ·variabIe- геluсlаncе" sensOl"s 'о moni'ог wheel speed ireluctance" is а 'егт used 10 indicale 'М amount о! resislance 10 the passage о! flu)( lines - lines 01 IOfce in а magnetic fl8ld - Ihrough а given materiaQ. Each senSOf contains а зmа" inductive соН Ihat generates аn eleclromagnelic field. When рз i гed with а loolhed sensor r1ng which inlerrupts th is l ield as the wheels turn, each sensor generates а 10w-vo!lage апзlog (continuous) signal. Thls voll age signal, whlch rises апс! lalls '" proportion 10 wheel rotalion speed, is continuously sampled (monitored) Ьу Ihe conlrol module, converted into digJtal data inside !he module and processed Onterpreled). The IГОnl wheel sensors (зее Шu s tга t iо n) аге mounled '" Ihe sleering knuckle 'П сlose pro)(imity to thв toothed sensor "поз , which аге pressed опtо 'М wheel hubs. тhe (еаг WheeI sensors (зее IlIustrat ion) мв mounted 'п the caliper lorque plate аnd 'М sensOf rings are pressed onlo the ax.leshafts.
Chapter 9 Brakes
ABS front wneel
зеп зог
Brake control тodule The Ьгзkо conlrol module Is also moun!ed ,п Ihe righl IГОПI сomег 01 !he englne comparlmen! Ol's ал inlegral part 01 Ihe HCU). The сon tro! module Is the " brзiп" 01 lhe ABS syslem. The module constantly moni!OfS Ihe incoming алalog vo!lage signals 'гom thв 'оиг ABS wheel senSOfS, COnV$1s lhese signals !о dlgi!al 'orm, processes this digital dala ьу comparing it 10 the тар (program), makes decisions, converts !hese (digllal) decisions 10 analog 'огт and sends Ihem 10 the hydraulic соп!гоl unil, which оpenз and closes Ihe 'гоп! andlor rear cir· cuils as necessary. Tho module also has а sell-diagnoslic capabili!y which operatos during bolh пorтаl driving as well аз ABS sys!em operation. 11 а mal· lunclion оссигз, а гecl ~BAAKE· waming Indica!or ог ап атЬег "СНЕСК ANTI-LOCK BRAКES" waming Indicalor willlighl ир оп Фо dash. а) If /he red BRAКE light g/ows, the brвKo fluid /eve/ in /he таз/ег cylinder reservoir МЗ fэ//en below the Jevel established ьу (М fluid Jevel switch. Тор ир the reservoir вnd verify /hэ, the light 908s OUI. о) If the aтЬer СНЕСК ANТ/·LOCK BRAKES light glows, the ABS вnd, if equipped, Traction Assi$t, have Ьееп tumed off becaиsв о( а symptom deteclвd Ьу the modu/e. Norm8/ power-assistвd Ьгак· /ng /з slill operaliona/, Ьu! 'М whвe/s сап now /ос/( uр if уои'ге /nvolved in а panic-stop зitu81ioп. А di8gnoslic codе is а/50 sloгed /п Ihe module when а warning /ndicator lighl сотез оп; when relrieved Оу 8 service techn/c/an, the code indic8tes /he аreэ ог component where the ргоЫет /s located. Опсе the ргоЬ/ет /$ fixed, Ihe code is cleared. These procedures, however, эге Ьеуоnd the зсоре о, the tюте mechan/c.
ABS геаг wheel зепзог (arrow)
Brake pads - replacement
Refer 10 illUSlrations З.ба Ihrough З. 6m, З.7а through З.7q 800 3.88 through 3.8/ Wam lng: Disc Ьгаке pads тust ье replaced on both fron t wheel$ both reэг wheels аl the same I/те - nвver replace the pad$ оп only one wheel. AJso, the dust created Ьу the огаке system теу contain esbestos. which is harmfu/ 10 youг health. Never b/ow it ou! with сот pressed eir and don'//nha/e апу о' /1. An 8pproved filtering mas/( shou/d Ье worn when working оп Ihe brakes. Оо nol. under эпу circum$tences, изе petro/eum-based so!vents 10 с/еал Ьгаке parts. Use Ьгаке $ystem с/еаneг оп/у/ 1 Аетоуе !he соуег !гот !he brako fluid reservoir and siphon out аЬоиl 1/201 !he brэkе fluid . 2 Loosen 'пе wheel lug nuts, ralse 'пе vehicle and support i! securely оп jackslands. З Аemoуе the wheels. Work оп one Ьrэkе assembly аl 3 lime, using !he азsетЫм brako f()( relerence If necessary. 4 Inspect!he brake disc carelully as оuШned in Section 5. 5 " machining is necessary, !ollow the information in Фаl Seclion 10 remove the disc. at which Ilme Ihe pads сап Ье removed !гот Iho caliper аз well. б 1I you' re replacing !he !ronl brake pads оп а single-pislon callper. follow the accompanying photos, beginning with illustration З.ба , !от the !ТОПI brake pad replacemen! proceclure. Ве sure 10 з! ау '" order and read the caplion under each illustra!ion.
Diagnosis and repair Waming: If 8 dashboard wamiпg Jight comes on 800 stays on while the vehicJe is in operalion. the AВSsystem requires immediate atlentionl дlthough а special electronic ABS diagnos!ic les!er " песessзту 10 propef1y diagnose the systern, tho пomе mechanic сап perform а lew prellminary checks belore laking tho vohlcle 10 а deaJer who Is equlpped wi th this lester. а) Check Ihe Ьтке fluid level {п the reselVoir. Ь) Velify that the сап/го! module e/eetnca/ canneetor is зееиге/у сопneeted. с) Check the e/eelrical conneelors а! the hydraulic сопtro/ unit. d) Choc/( the fизеs. е) Fo!/ow (М wiling hamess 10 each wheel аОО check 'hэ! а// соп · nections are зосиге and thal the w/ling is по! damaged.
1I !he аЬоуе pre/iminary checks do по! rectify the probIern, !he vehicle should ье diagnosed Ьу а dealer зerviсе departmenl or other qualilled repair shop. Оие 10 the ralher complex nature 01 this зуз!ет. аll actual repair work must ье done ьу Ihe dealer service department о, repaJr shop.
Wash down tПа brake ca liper assembIy and the disc wlth brake c leaner 10 гет оуе br8ke dust; do NOT bIow off brake dust w ith c:ompr essed air
Chapter 9 Brakes
(оот 10Г tha new brake раоз, compress tna plston In10 the caliper with а 18rge C-clamp
3.6с Аетоув апа
caliper mountlng bolt (Iower arrow); ирре! arrow points аl brake hose-to-caliper banjo bott - It's not necessary 10 (етоуе this bolt unless you're removing the caliper 'О! overhaul
Pivot 'па caliper ир, off tha brake pads, о" the pin аl the 'ар
З.бl Аетоуе
tha outer brake pвd
апа 511ов
Hang the callper from tha coil spring with а piece 01 coathanger w1roj do НОТ hang 'па callper Irom Its brake hose!
3.бg Аетоуе
th& inner brake
Chapter 9 Brakes
3.6h Apply some anti-squeal compound to the backlng plates of the new pads
the outer brake pad
3.6! Install the inner brake pad
3.6k Apply high temperature grease
the caliper mountlng pin
3.61 Make sure the antl-rattle spring
seated firmly In the callper
3.6m Slide the caliper onto the иррег mounting pin, риН It down оуег the new pads, install the caliper bott аnd tighten " to the torQue listed in thls Chapter' s Specifications
3. 7а
Chapter 9 Brakes
Wash down the саliрег and brak e disc w ith brake с1еапег 10 remo'o'e brake dustj do NOT bIow оН brake dust wilh compressed air
7 1I уои'ге replacing the 'roп! brake pads оп а dual-pislon caliper, lollow the photos beginning with illustration 3.7а . ее sure 10 stay in order зпd read the caption under each itlustration. В 11 you'ге replacing the геш brake pads, follow Ihe pholos beginning with illustratlon з.ва . Ве sure 10 stay In order and read Ihe сар t iоп under each illustralion.
Pry оН the old C-clip w ith а sm all screwdriver з пd discard the c lip; гетоуе the washer
3.71 Pry о" the old outer brake pad, ...
З.7Ь Insert а socket in опе 01 the holes In the caliper and install а C-clamp, as shown, with опе clamplng pad оп the ca llper Ьody эМ оne оп the socket, then compress the pistons untJl they bottom ощ
When relnSlalling callpers (ехсерl lor Cobra frопl callpers), Ье sure 10 tighlen the caliper bolt(s) 10 the torque listed in thls Chapler's Specificallons. After tne job has been completed. firmly depress the brake pedal а few times 10 ЬПng Ihe pads into contacl with 'М disc. 10 Check the brake fluid lеУеl and add some. " necessary, 10 bring I1 10 Ihe appropriale 'еуе' (see Chapter 1).
3.7d Putl out the brake
3 . 7е
retalner pin
3.79 ... and (етоуе it 'rom the caliper
3.7h Pry
Lift off th e
СЗ l lреr
the old inner pad and
" 'rom the с зl iре r
Chapter 9 Brakes
3.71 Install the new outer pad: maka sure that tha retainers ате fuHy seated In thelr respectl\lo holes In the callper body
3.7j Рор the new Irюеr brake pad Into place: again, make sure the retainers are seated all the W8y Into the recesses In tha pistons
,. •
3.7k Remove the dust boot and slldlng pln пот tha anchor bracket, ...
3.71 ... and lubricate the slldlng pin wlth high-temperature grease (anchor brackat remO\led for clarity)
Install the caliper o\ler the pads
Make зuте the cllps оп the pads are properly seated, as shown, 'П the recesses in the anchor bracket, ...
Chapter 9 Brakes
Wa sh dOWfl the caliper and brake disc with brake cleaner {о гетоу&
brake dust; do NOT bIow off ЬГдkе dust with compressed alr
3.8с Аетоуе
the brake caliper
Э.8Ь Аетоуе
the caliper bolts (arrows); do НОТ 100ИП the banJo bolt for the brake hose unless уои'ге plannlng {о overhaul the caliper от replace the brake hose
З.8d Hang the саПрег 1гот the axle damper with а piece 01 coat-hanger wlre
Brake caliper - removal, overhaul and installation
Waming 1: Dиst crвaled Ьу the brake system тау caп/ai" asbestos, wh/ch ;$ hвгтfиl 10 your hвaJth. Never bIOW it ou! with coтpressed air эnd don'/ inha/e эпу о( /1. An арргоую f//tering тask shou/d ье wom when working оп (мв brakes. Do по/, under эпу circumstances, use petro/eum -based sOlvents to с/еan brake регts. Иsе brake system cleaner on/уl Wamfng 2: /, (М vehic/e Is equipped with ABS, make sure you plug the brake hose immвd/ate/y after disconnecting it {гот the brake ca/iper, (о prвven! the "uid {гот draining оu! о! the line 800 e/r enter· /ng the неи. Тhв неи оп 8n ABS system саnnо! Ьв b/вd withou t а
З.Ве Аетоуе
the outer brake рзd
very expensive [оо/. Note: /! аn overhaul /s indica ted (usua//y Ьвсаиэв о! fluid leakage) expJore a/l options befoгe beginning the job. New аn" factory·rвbuilt calipers аге avai/able on an ехсмngе Ьаэiэ, which makes (тэ job qu/te вasy. 1{ {! is decided (о гebuild (пе calipers, make suге that а гebui/d kтt is 8vai/abJe Ье{огв proceeding. Alw ays rebuild rhe c8lipers in pairs· never гebuild jusr onв о{ them.
RemovaJ Refer /0 i11ustrвtion 4.2 1 Apply the parking brake and bIock the wheels .Qpposite the end belng worked 011. Loosen the wheellug nuts, raise the vehicle and sup· роn it securely оп )ackstands. Remove the wheel.
Chapter 9 Brakes
the inner brake pad
these clips from each brake pad, .•.
3.8h ... and swap them Ollar 10 the па"" рзds; make зиге they're Installed ехзсtlу аз shown
З.8g Аетоуе
3.8i Putl out the two caliper pins (arrows), гвтоуе the dust Ьооtз, inspect fO' axcessive ""еаг and dаmзgа and replace]f neсеsзагу. ве зига 'о wipe off the pins аnd iubrlcate with high-temperature grease before installation
Install the
inner brake pad
Instali the пе"" outer brake pad
3.81 In5tall the braka caliper, install the caliper Ьоlts аnd tighten them 'о the torqua listed in thls Chapter's Speciflcations
Chapter 9 Brakes
2 Unscrew the brзkе tюse Ьалjо bott (see illustration) and detach the hose from the caliper - remove the sealing washers иот each side 01 tho hose fitting and discard Ihem. New sealing washers musl Ье Inslalled. Caution: Оп ABS-equipped mode/s. p/ug the brake hose immedmtвly 10 prevent вiг from gвtting into the hydraulic control unit (НСU). /{ вiг gets into (hв неи, )'ou wШ па! ье вЫв (О bleed thв brakes prop&rty 8! home. Оп non-ABS models, wrap а plaslic Ьао around the end 01 Ihe hose 10 prevent fluld 1055 and contaminalion. Note: /! the caliper wШ по! Ье comp/ete/y removed (гот the vehic/e - аз {ог рэd inspection or disc геmovз/- Jeave (hв hose connectвd алd suspend thв саliрег with а 1ength о( wire. тhis will save the tгouЫe о{ bleeding the
brake system. 3 Aefer 10 the first slx steps In Sectlon 3 10 separale Ihe callper from the steerlng knuckle (!гоп!) ог tho torque plate (геаг) - it'5 part 01 Ihe brako pad replacement procedure.
Overhau/ 4
Clean the exterior 01 the caliper wlth brake 5Y5tem cleaner. Never ga501lne, kerosene or olher pe:troleum-based cleanlng sоlvепlз. Place the caliper on а clean wOfk.beoch. и5е
Front single-piston caliper Referto II/ustrations 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 4.128, 4. 12Ь, 4.14, 4.17, 4.18, 4.193, 4. 19Ь, 4.20and4.21 5 Posilion а wood bIock or гавз In the center 01 Ihe callper а5 а cиshion, then ии compressed alr 10 remove Ihe pislon 'гот Ihe caliper (see illustratlon). Usв only enough зiг 10 ease the piston ощ 01 Ihe !:юге. 1I lhe piston Is bIown 01.11. even wilh the cushion In place, it mау Ье damaged. Warning: Never р/асе уоuг fingers in 'гont о, the piston /п 8П attempt to catch or protвct it when вpp/ying сотргезsed
4.5 With the ealiper padded to eateh the pi slon, изе eomptessed air 10 !огее the рiзlоп out 01 its Ьоге - make sure your hands and lingers are по! between 'пе рiзtоп an d the callperf
4.128 Remove the catiper bott bushing, ...
4.2 If уо и 'ге romoving tho calipor !or ovorhaul, rem ove Ihis banjo bolt and detach the banjo f1tting - з hоvе а piece 01 rubber hose through the banjo l itting 10 plug the hoзе (rear ca tiper shown; "оп! ca llper banjo Ьоttз similar) е/г, аз зепоиз /п!игу
cou/d оссuг.
!he dus! 0001 oul 01 the caliper borе (зее illustration). 7 Using а wood ог ptastic 1001, remove 'пе piston seat Irom 'по caliper borе (see lIIustration). Metat tools тау саизе bore damago. 8 Carelully examine the plston lor nlcks. burrs, cracks, loss 01 platIng. corrosion ог anу signs 01 damage. 1I surface delects are ргезепt , the parts mиз! ье replaeed.
4.6 Romove the dust Ьоо! "от the ca1iper Ьоге groove Ьу caref\llly tapplng (! ои! with 8 паттег and punch; make зиго уои don't scralch or gouge {пе pi ston
... grab 'пе ends 01 the ealiper bolt dust boots and, using а twisting motion, ри зп 'пет thro ugh 'пе еаllрег еаrз
remove the зва ' 'гот the ealiper plastie ог wooden 1001, зиеп аз а penc il
Ьоге, ии а
4.14 Push the new dust boots Ihrough the holes (п the ealiper ear s, making зиге th ey'r e installed all 'пе way
Chapter 9 Brakes
4.17 Push the new seal into the groove with уоиг fingers, then check to see that It Iзп 't twlзtеd ог kinked
Check the caliper bore in
similar way. U ght polishing with
cus cloth Iз permissibIe 10 геmoуе Ilght согтозlоп and slains. 10 Аеmoуе the bleeder valve аnd rubber сар. 11 Iпзресt the caliper boIts IOf COIТOsion and damage. Аер1асе them "'llh newones il necessary. 12 Аетоуе the dust boots and the c aliper bolt bushing Irom the caliper ears (soe lI1ustгаtiопз). 13 Use brake system cleaner 10 clean all the pans. Waming: Do no/, r.;nder аnу circums/ances, usв pe/roleum'based so/vents /0 с/еап brвke oarts. A/low з/l ралз /0 dry, preferabIy using соmргеззоо air /0 bIow OU! 8/1 passages. Make зuге the compressed 81, Iз fiI/ered, аз а harm ful A:Jbricant residue о, mois /ure тау ьв ргеЗ&n/ in unfiltered sysrems. 14 Push the new calipe!' dust boots into place (see Illuslralion). 15 Check the l it 01 the piston in the Ьогв Ьу sliding it into the caliper. Тhв piston should тоуе smoothly but lirmly. Doп'! install " yet. 16 Тhread the bIeeder valve into the callper and tighten it securely. InstaJl the rubber сар. 17 Lubricate Ihe new piston sвal аnd caliper Ьоге with clean brake ~Id. Рosition the SeaI in 'М caliper bore groove, таking зuге it doesn'l t'W1st (seв Illustralion). 18 А! the new dust ьоо! in Ihe calipвr bofв uppergroove; make 5иге 1'5 propel'ly seated (зев illustralion), 19 Lutxicate the caJiper piston wilh clean brake Iluid. Ризh the piston "'\0 the caliper, using а luming motion 10 roll I he lip 01 the dust ьоо! оуег the pislon (see illuSlration5). Push Ihe pislon into th e caliper Ьу hand as 'аг as possibIe.
4.18 In51all the dust Ьоо! In Ihe иррег groove In the calipeг Ьоге, making зиге II's completely seated, then genlly tзр il Inlo place 20 Using а C-clamp and а bIock 01 wood , push th e piston all the way 10 the bottom 01 the Ьоге . Work slowly, keeplng ап еуе оп the side 0 1 the piston, making зиге it enters the Ьоге perfectly straight with по resistance (зев illustration).
4. 19а
Lubricate the plston and Ьоге with clean brake fluid, insert the piston Into the dust Ьоо! (NOT the Ьоге) а! ап angle, then, using а rotating m otion, work the рiзtоп completely Into th. dust boot . • •
4 . 19Ь
• . • and push it straighl Into the caliper аз роssiЫв Ьу hand
4.20 Use а C-clamp and а bI ock 01 wood to bottom the piston 'П lhe caliper Ьоге - make sure It goes In perfectly s trai9ht, or the sldes 01 the piston т ау Ь е damaged, rendering it uзеlе5S
Chapter 9 Brakes
4 .21 Install the lip о, the dust boot in the groove оп the ca liper piston
... then pull
the pistons
Seat the lip о' the dusl 0001 in the groo'o'8 оп the piston (зее
lIIustтation) .
Front dual-piston caliper 4.23, 4.30, 4.31 аnd 4.32 22 Position а wood bIocК or rags '" the cent8l" 01 the calipef as а cush00. then use compressed air 10 (emoуе thв piSIOnS from the caJiper (see Illustration s). Use onty enough air 10 ease the pislons out 01 {М bofе. Н thв pislOf1 is bIown ош. even with the cushlon '" place, it тау ье damRef&f to II/ustrations 4.228,
4. 22Ь, 4. 22с,
4.228 Usiпg а ЫосК о' wood as shown, or а shop rag, 10 cushion the bIow, рор out the pi sto ns wlth а squirt о' compressed 8Ir, .•.
l' tле plstons are cocked or stuck, соmрrеЗ5 опе 811 the way into the caliper, clamp it '" place with а 8mall ЫосК о' wood and а C-clamp and (етоуе the other piston; then тоуе the bIock 01 wood and C· clamp 10 the bore о' the p iston you just removed аnd гетоуе the other piston
aged. Waming: Never р/асе уоuг fingers in {гоп! о{ the piston '" ап 10 calch or pt'Otect ft when гPPIYing compressed air, as serioиs ;njury COUJd occuг. I' you'ге UnabIe 10 extract 'М pislons using the above melhod, try the loIlowing variatlon: Clamp onе pislon with а small bIock 01 wood and рор the othвf pislon out firsl (see iIIustration), then clamp Ihe Ьоге wilhout а piston, and рор Ihe other piston oul. 23 Ргу Ihe dusl bools оиl 01Ihe callpef Ьоге (see iIIustration). 24 Using а wood ог plaslic 1001, гетоуе Ihe piston seal 'гот I he caliper Ьоге (see Нlustration 4.7). Metal lools mау cause borе damage. 25 Carefully examine the pislon for nicks, burrs, cracks, [оsз о' plal· ing, corrosion Q( апу stgns 01 damage. 1I surface defecls аге present, 'М panз тиз! ье replaced. 26 Check the caliper borе '" а similar way. Ught poiishing with сго- сuз cloth is peпnisstЫе 10 гетоуе light COIТosion аnd stains. 27 АemoУе the bIeeder valve аnd rubber сар. 26 Use brake system cleaner 10 ctean all the parts. Waming: Do not, иndeг anу сirromstалces, изе pвtroJвum·based so/vents to с/вап brзке p8rts. AI/ow а1l par1s 10 dry, preferably us/ng соmргеsзed air 10 b/ow OUI а/I passages. Маке suге lhe compressed а/г is {i/tered, as а Mrтfи/
lиЬп'сап ! res/due ог moisture тау ьв present /п unfiltered sys tвms.
4.23 Remove the old dust boots
29 l ubricale I he new plslon зеа! and cal ipвr Ьоге wil h clean brake fluid. Position Ihe зеаl in Ihe lower groove in Ihe caliper borе, making sure " d08Sf1'1 twisl. за Lubricale Ihe рislопз wi lh clean brake fluid, Ihen slide Ihe new dusl boots onlo Ihe pislons (зев iIIustration). 31 Position each рiзlоп зqивге 10 'М borе, зеа! Ihe outer edge 01
Chapter 9 Brakes
4.31 Seat Ihe ошег edge ollhe dusl ьоо! Into its groove in the bore, position the piston зqиаге to the Ьоге and compress it Ьу hand аз 1аг аз уои сап
4.30 Lubricate the pistons with clean braka fluld and install tha naw dust Ьооtз onto the bottom о, each plston
me dusl Ьооl Inlo ils groo\/e in the caliper Ьоге. make sure il's properly sealed, lubricale Ihe piston with а litlle тоге clean brake 'Iuid, Ihen push it Inlo Ihe caliper Ьу hand (зее lIIustrзliоп) . з2 Uslng а C--clamp and а bIock о, wood, push Ihe pislon all the way to Ihe bottom 01 the borв. WOl1< slowly, keeping ап еуе on 'м side 01 те pislon, maklng sure il enlers Ihe Ьоге perfectly slraighl wilh по o""@SIslance (ие lIIustralion). ее stlre 10 зеаl 'М lip 01 'М dusl Ьооl in :s grOO\le on the pislon just belore the pislon Is lully depressed. 33 Тhread Ihв bIeeder \/aI\/е inlo 'м caliper and lighlen it securely. t"!stall the rubber сар.
Rear callper 34 Overhaullng Ihe
(еаг саliрег is exlremely ditlicull wilhout the righl :.ools. 1I il'5 leakJng ог mallunctioning, we recommend Ihat you replace • wilh а new ог rebuill unil.
/nstallation 35
10 Section 3 lor Ihe caliper inSla!latlon procedvre - it's
2. the brake pad replacemenl procedure. зб Connect 'М brake hosе 10 the caliper, uslng new sealing wash" . TIQht8f"l Ihe banjo bott 10 the lorque listed in thls Chapler's Specifi:аьопs.
Bleed the brake5 as оuШпed In Section 8. Тhls is nol necessary if :re banJo boJ! was по! loosened ог remo\/ed (il the caJiper was "е1Юved !or зссess 10 olher componenls, 'ОГ ехзmрlе). за Iпslзlllhе wheel and lower Ihe \/ehlcle. Тlghlen Ihe lug nuls 10 Ihe ~ ue lisled In Ihe Chapter , 5 pecilicatlons. Pump the brake рмаl 5e'o'eral 'imes 10 bring Ihe pads into conlaCI with Ihe disc. з9 Tesl Ihe operation 01 Ihe brakes belore placlng the \/ehicle into т
""O'ПIаl зerviсе.
Brake disc - inspection, removal and installation
Inspection Refer to i//ustrations 5.58, 5.5Ь, 5.68 вnd 5. БЬ Note: 11Jis procedure applies to both front and гваг disc brake assвт
blies. 1 Loosen Ihe whee! lug nuts, га1зе the \/ehicle and support it securely on jackslands. Remove the wheel. 2 Rвmo\/e the Ьгзkе caJiper аз outlined in Section 4. tt's по! necessary 10 dlsconnecl Ihe brake hose 'ог Ihls procedure. After refТ1O\/ing the caliper bolts. sU5pend Ihe caliper ои! 0 1 the way with а piece 01 wire . Doп'l let the caJlper hang Ьу the hose and don'l Slretch or twisl the hose. 3 Relnslalllhree lug nuts Оп\/мес!) 10 hold 'м d1sc against 'М hub. 1I тау ье necessary 10 install washars between the d isc and the lug nvts 10 lake ир spзсе. 4 Visually check the disc stlrface lor зсоге mar1ls and other damage. Ughl scratches and shallow groo\/es аге погтаl аМег use аnd may поl always Ье delrimenlal 10 brake operalion, ьиl deep scorе тащ - о\/ег O.OI5-inch - require disc removal and refinishing Ьу ап aUlomotive machine зhoр. ве зuге 10 check bolh sldes 01 the disc. 1I pulsaling has Ьееп noticed during appllca!ion 01 the brakes, suspect disc runoul. 5 То check disc runoul, place а diallndlcator аl а poinl аЬои! 1/2Inch Iгот the ouler edge 01 Ihe disc (зее i1Iustratlon). 5еl Ihe Indicalor 10 zero and lum the disc. Тhe Indicalor readlng shoold поl exceed the specllied allowabIe гипои! limi! . " il does. Ihe disc should ье refinished Ьу ап aulomoti\/e machine shop. Nole: Professiona/s recommend
4.32 Use а C-clamp 10 flnish the ,оь; ье зиге 10 зеаl the 'ф 01 the зеаl Inlo it.s groova in the pis!on 'изt belore 1he plston Is tully compressed
check disc runout, mount е diallndicator as shown and rotate the disc
Chapter 9 Brakes
swlrling motion,
5.6Ь U зе а
tf1e glaze from the disc with or emery cloth
m lcrometer 10 measure dlsc thlcknes$ 81 points, аЬои! 1/ 2· jnch !гот the edge
зеуега l
resurfacing о, Ьгакв discs regard/ess о( Ihe dial indicator reading (10 produce а smooth, !Iat surface that will eliminate Ьгаке pedal pulsa tions эм other undвsirзЫе syтptoms rвlated /0 ques/ionable discs). А! the very /ваз/. If you elвc! rюt /0 have the discs resurfacвd, deg/aze the Ьгвке pad surface with ете!)' c/oth О( sandpaper (изе а $w/rling motion 10 вnsure 8 non-directional finish) (see Шustгаtiоп) . б The disc тиз! ПОI ье machined 10 а thickness less Ihал the specified minimum reflnlsh thickness. The rnlnimum wear (or discard) thlckness is сзs! into the Inside 01 the disc (зее illustration). The disc thlckness сап ье checked wlth а micrometer (5" illustrati on).
5.7Ь Аеа г
caliper anchor plate OOlts (arтows)
5. 7а
Front ca liper anchor plate bo lts (arтows) (anc hor plate 'аг dual-plston c aliper shown; single-plston anchor plate slmilar)
and installation
Refer to iIIustrations 5. 7а, 5.7Ь and 5.8
7 Remove the caliper anchor plate (see illustrations). 8 Remove the disc. If i1's sluck, make sure уO\.J have removed anу lug nuts iпslаllеd during iпsресllоп . 1I Ihe disc has пеvег Ьееп removed, it тау have some wave washers securing 1I 10 the lug nut sluds; cut them 011 (зее iIIustratlon) алd discard Ihem. 9 Installthe disc опlо the hub assembIy. 10 Install the caliper and brake pad assвmЫy over Ihe disc and розi-
5.8 /1 the disc has wave-type retalner wast,ers like the se, simply си! them оН and discard them
Chapter 9 Brakes
6.1 а Release the locking
'аЬ оп the bottom of the electrical connector for the fluid level зепзог, •••
6.1 Ь ... and unplug Ihe connector
Ilon il оп Ihe sleeriпg kпuсklе (IГОПI), ог оп Ihe lorque plate (rear) (зев Seclion 4). Inslall the caliper bolls аrчJ lighlen Ihem 10 Ihe lorque lisled in Ihis Chapter's Specificalions, 11 Inslall Ihe wheвl, then lower the vehlcle 10 the gгouпd. Depress the btake pedal а lew times 10 bfing the brake pads Into conlact wlth the (Olor. 81eeding 01 the syslem will nОI ь& necessary uniess the brake hose was disconnecled from lhe caliper. Check Ihe operalion 01 the brakes carelully before placing 'М vehlcie Inl o nOfmal service.
Master cyJinder - removal , overhaul and installation
Wa mlng: "the vehic/e is equippвd with ABS, mгlie зиге уои p/ug the brake /ine /mmediately апег disconnecting it 'гот ,пе master cy/inder, /0 prвyen! а/г !гот entering the неи. Тпе неи оп this ABS system cannot ьв bIвd without а уе/)' expensive
Reтova/ Refвr 10 I/tus trвtЮns 6.1а,
6.2 6. 1Ь. 6.2,
б. за, б.ЗЬ aпd б.4
1 Unplug the electrical connector /ог '/1е fluld 'еувl зепзо( (зее iIIustrations). 2 Detach '/1е bfacket /or the shlft inlerlock саЫе (automalic 'гапзmisзiоп) or 'ОО clutch саЫе (manual tгапsmisзlоп) (зее iIIuзtгаtiоп) . 3 Place rags undet" Ihe brake line littlngs and prepare сарз or рlаз tlc bags 10 соуег the ends 01 the liпв з опсе they are dlsсоппесtеd .
То detaeh the elutch eable bra c ket пот the master cylinder, remove this boll (arro w) (а similar setup 1$ used for the shift inter10ck еаЫе оп model s wllh ап automatie transmis$ion)
Caution: Brake fluid will damage pa/nt. Соуег а" body рвгtз and ьв carefu/ no! 'о spi/l fluid during this procвdиrв. Unscrew the tube nuts а\ Ihe master суliпdег (зее Шustгаtiоп) . Оп models with а 4.БL engine. unserew the 'иЬе пuts а! the lowet" епds 01 the master cylinder brake
6.за Оп
non-4.6L model$, uзе 11 flare -nut wrench 10 unscrew the brake Ilne tube пиь а! the та зtе, cylinder; plug the ends of both lines immediateJy 10 ргеуеп! eontamlnation
6.ЗЬ Оп
4.6L modets, unscrew the tube nuts from the rear о' the brake еоппоl уа1ув instead jthe valve i $ locatec:l directly below th e master eylinder); plug the ends of both 11пез immediately 'О prevent contaminalion
Chapter 9 Brakes
• б.4 То
detach the master cy linder from the pow er brake booster, гетоуе these tw o mounting nuts (arтows)
6.7Ь АетоУе
6.78 Аеmоуе the f1uid reservoir if the grommets аге leaking or il the reservoir is broken; if the reservoir is difficult 10 гетоув, gently ргу it о" with а screwdriver ог зта1l prybar
6.Ва Ри!
the master cylinder In а bench vise, then изе а Phil1ips head screwdriver 10 push the primary piston into Ihe cylinder just 'аг enough 10 гетоуе the snap ring with а pair of suitabIe snap-ring pliers
the old reservoir grommets and discard them
lines, where they're connected 10 the brake control valve (see illustration) (the brake lines сал ье unscrewed fгom the underside 01 the master cylinder оп these models, but they're very difficult 10 reach). То ргеуеп!
rounding о" the flats оп Ihese nuts, а flare-nut wrench. which wraps around the litting, should ье used. Pull the brake lines away 'гот the master cylinder slighlly and plug the ends 10
4 Аетоуе Ihe two master cylinder mounting nuts (see illustration) and detach the'masler cylinder 'гот Ihe power brake booster. 5 Remove the reservoir сар, then discard апу fluid remaining in the reservoir.
Ihe secondary pislon assembIy from the cyl inder Ьогв. 11 necessary 10 гетоуе the m8sler cylinder !гот I he vi se and invert n, care!ully tapping it аgэiпsl э bIock 01 wood 10 expellhe piston (зее ittustration). 1О Wash alllhe parts thoroughly with clean brake f1uid and lау them out for inspeclion (see Illustration).
тау Ье
Overhaul Referto lIIustrations 6.7а, 6.7Ь, 6.да, 6.ВЬ, 6.9, 6. 10, 6. 12а, 6. 12Ь, 6. 12с, 6. 13 and 6.17 Note: ВеГоге deciding to оуетаиl the master cy/inder, check оп the 8vai/ability and соз! о' а new ог factoгy rebuilt unit and а/зо the 8УШ/ abl/ity о, а rebuild kit. 6 Mounl Ihe masler cylinder In а bench vise wilh I he vise jaws clamping оп Ihe mounl ing nange. 1I Iluid has Ьееп leaking разl Ihe reservoir grommels, ргу the 7 reservoir from Ihe cylinder body wilh а screwdriver and гетоуе it, Ihen гетоуе Ihe grommels (see lIIustralions). Clean Ihe masler cylinder body алd components with brake system сlеалег. Waming: DO NOT изе petro/eum-basвd so/vents 10 c/ean brake рвЛs - use brake systeт clвaner оп/у. В
the primary plslon
from the cylinder
Ьо ге (зее
6.8Ь Аеmоуе
the primary piston assembIy 'гот the cylinder
Chapter 9 Brakes
'. 6.9
the master cylinder agalnst а bIock 01 wood to eject the secondary plston assembIy
11 Inspect the cylinder bore lor corrosion and damage. 1I апу corrosion ог excesslve wear Is lound, replace !he таз!ег cylinder assembly - abtasives canпо! ье иsвd оп the borе. Usually, jf the borе 01 !he master cy1inder is corroded ог wom, the ptimary and sесondЭJY pistons and springs аге damaged аз well. 12 Remove the old seals lrom the plstons and InstaJl lhe new seals (see illustrations). 13 Lubricate the cylinder Ьоге and pfimary аnd secondary plston assemblies with сlean btake fluid (see i1Iustration). 14 Insefl the secondary pis!on assembly Inlo the cy1inder.
6.10 An exploded vtew of the master cylinder assembly 1
2 3
Master r;yfinder body Reservoir-to-master су//поог grommets
5 6
Snap ring Рптагу pisron assвmЫy Secondary piston asseтb/y
, 5 1l15ta!! the ptimary piS!OfI assembly In lhe cy1iooer borе, depress it and install the snap-ring. 16 lubricale the new reservoir grommets with sШсопе grease and press them InlO the master cylinder body. Make зиге Ihey're ргорМу
the old seals from the plstons, ...
6. 12Ь
instalt new
Make sure that!he new seals !асе forwarcl оп the рпта')' (18ft) piston and out (away from each other) оп the second8ry (right) piston; 81so по!е how the sprtng 'П Installed оп the secondary p!sIOn, with the smaller end пеаг the piston
the pistons аnd пеw seals wlth clean brake nuid and Install them In the master cyllnder, spnng еnd flrst
Chapter 9 Brakes
8.22 "уои don't have а соир1е 01 plugs thal will fIt the primary and secondary outlet ports, j ust изе your flngers!
6.17 After the new grommets hav8 been Installed and lubricated with clean bf'ake nuid, In8tall the reservoir
seated. Но!е: 1, si/icone grвasв is no, 8Va/lable, изе CJean Ьгаке f/u/d. 17 Lube the insides 01 the new grommels, then, using а rocklng mollon, press Ihe reservoir inlo the master cylinder
Ilon). 18
the reservolr
tion. Replace
diaphragm 10 the сар. 19 Но,.: Whenever
and dlaphragm 'ог cracks and deformaрапз
(пе таз!ег
with new
cylind&r 18
and attach the
tne comp/e t.
system muз! ье Ыed. тhe tiтe requirвd 10 bIeвd the system сал ье reduced ff thв mastвr Cyfinder 1$ H/Iвd with f/ию and bench b/ed (refer 10 Stвps J8 through 22) bвfore the твst., cylinder 1$ instaJled on lhe veh/cl&.
20 Ins6ft threaded plugs 01 Ihe correcl slze inlo Ihe cy1inder ou'le! hoIes aпd fill the reservoirs with bfake Iluld. Тhe masler cy1inder should ье 5Upported in sueh а manner thal bfake fluid will nol spill during the bench bIeeding procвdure. 21 Loosen one plug аl а lime, slanlng wilh Ihe secondary oUllet pon lirsl, and push Ihe piston assembIy Inlo Ihe Ьоге 10 'огее alr 'тот Ihe masler cylinder. То prevenl air lrom being drawn baek inlo Ihe eylin· der, Ihe appropriale plug тизl ье replaeed belore aJlowing Ihe pislOf1 10 retum 10 its original position. Slroke Ihe plз!Of\ Ihree or 'our times 'or each outlet 10 ensure thal аll air has been expelled. 22 Since high pressure is no! InVQIved In the bench bIeeding procedure, you сап use your lingers instead ollhreaded plugs. Ве'orе push· Ing In of\ the pistOf\ аззemЫу. place your lingers over Ihe hoIез (не illustration) . When уou release Ihe рiзlOf\, make sure уouг lingers аге ргезsed lightly over Ihe holes 10 keep air 'гom being drawn baek inlO the masler eylinder. Wail several sееопdз !ог Ihe brake Iluld 10 Ье drawn Iгom Ihe reservoir 10 the рlзton bqre. Ihen repeat Ihe procedure. When you push down оп Ihe plslon it will 'oree your linger off the hole, allowing Ihe air inside 10 ье expelled. When only brake Iluid Is belng eJecled from bolh holes, Ihe master cylinder 'з ready lor Installatlon.
/nstallation Rвfer
6.26 Have an assistant depress the brake pedal and hold 1I dOwn, then loooon the flttlng nut, ellowlng the air and fluid 10 езсаре; герезt this procedure оп both flttings until the fluid is c lear 01 air ЬиЬЫез ting 10 allow зiг and fluid 10 езсаре (зее iIIustration). TlQhten Ihe ,n· ting, IhвfI allow your assislanl 10 retum lhe pedaJ 10 ils (ез! position. Аереа! this procedure 0f1 bolh fittings until the fluid 15 !гее 01 зiг Ьиlr Ыез , then bIeed the гезt 01 the зу5tem. Check the operation 01 Ihe brake зystem caтefulty belore driving Ihe vehicle. Waming: If you do not have а пrm brake ped8/ иpon compJetion о( the brake bIeвding prrг сюиге, ог if уои h8ve аnу doubts regarding the effectiveness о, the brake system, DO NOT drfve /he vehic/e. Have it towed /0 а de8Jer ser· II/се department о( other qualified гера!г shop fo( diagnos/s.
Brake hoses and lines - inspection and replacem ent
to i//ustnJtЮn 6.26
23 Install the master eylinder over Ihe studs оп the power brake booster and tighlen lhe nuts only fing« tighl аl thiз lime. 24 Thread the Ьгзkе linв fittings Of1to the master cylinder. Since Ihe master cyllnder ,з still а Ы! Iooзе. уou сап move It slightly 10 laeililale threadlng the hydraulie, line lube nuts. Make sure you don't slrip the thrвad5 as the 'иЬе nuts are screwed оп. 25 Тlghten Ihe masler ey1inder mounting nuts 10 the torque Ilsted in t hls Chapter' s Specilieations. Tlgh l en the brake line {иЬе nuts securely. 25 Fllllhe maSler cylinder reservolr wilh fluld, Ihef1 bIeed the Ilnes аl the master cylinder, followed ьу bIeeding the remainder 01 the brake system (see Sectlon 8). То bleed !М lines allhe masler cylindel". have an assistant depress the bfake pedal and hoId " down. Loosen 'М fit·
Cautlon: lf the VehiCJe is equipped with AВS, make sигe you p/ug the brake line immediarely aftвr disconnectJng it from the brake hose, ro рге. vent thв fluid froт draining out о, the /ine 800 air entering the неи. The неи on an AВS system canno! ьв ЫЮ without а vety expensive tOOI.
/nspection АЬош every six monlhs. Ihe rubber hoses which connect the 5teel brake lines 10 Ihe lronl and rear еаllреrз should ье insp&cled. These аге eritieal уе! vulnerabIe pans 01 Ihe brake system, 50 уouг inspection зhоuld ье thorough. Raise Ihe vehlcle and suppon it securely on Jack· зtands. Look 101' eraeks. ehafing of the ошег eover, leaks. bIislers and any other damage (а light аnd mirror аге helpfuJ). tf а hose exhibIts any 01 lhe above eonditions, replace 1! with а new onе .
Chapter 9 Brakes
7.2 То disconnect the fitting that attaches the fleJCibIe brake hose 10 the metal brake line аl the brackel (п the wheel well, unscrew the tube пи1 with а 'Iare nut wrench, then remove the large retalner clip (arrow) and pull the hose through the bracket
7.3а То
detach the left rear junction bIock, unscrew the tube nut, Ihen (ето."е the brecket Ьо" (arrow)
Rep/acement FlexibIe hose Refer /0 lIIustrations 7.2. 7.3а влd 7.3Ь 2 То disconnecl а 'гоп! brake hose !гот а melal brake line, изе а f!ara пиl wrench 10 disconnect Ihe mela) brake lina Iгот Ihe hose fit'''n9 , being caralul ПОI 10 bend Ihe 'гатв bracket ог brake line (зее llustratlon), lhen гemoуе the large retaJning clip Iгom the brackel аnd shp thв hosв through the bracket. Caution: AВS-equipped тodвIз, :»tJg the твtal brake line immedia/e/y /0 preven! sir {гот getting into те hydraulic caпtгol uni/ (НСИ). /f airgets into lhe нси, you will по! ье .ыв 10 blвed the brakes ргорвпу а/ home. 3 ТО disconnect а геаг brake hose !гот the metaJ line(s), unscrew the tubв nul(s) !гот the Junction bIock (зее Illustrations). then unboll tt'Ie junction bIock mOUnling brackel !гот Ihe !гате . .: Аетоуе Ihe banJo 0011 !гот Ihe caliper (зее Шustгаtiоп 4.2) аnd oscard 'м sealing washers. 5 Соппес! the hose 10 the calipar, using new sealing washars. T.ghten Ihe Ьалjо bolt 10 Ihe lorque listed (п Ihis Chapler's Specillca-
7.ЗЬ То
detach the r1ght геаг junctlon bIock, unscrew the 'иЬе line is from the propor1loning valve, the other ооеs to the left junctlon bIock), then unscrew the bracket bolt (arrow)
пиЬ (оne
""".Wllhoullwisling the hose,
соппес! Ihe other end 01 !ha lina 10 tha OC'acke! оп Ihe chassis (!гоп! hose) ог bolt !he Junctlon bIock 10 the
Brake hydraulic system - bIeeding
h'ame (гезr hoзе). 7 Соппес! !he metal brake Ilne 'иЬе nul(s) 10 Ihe hose 'itting ог .U\Clioo Ыock ьу hand, 'hвп , using а flare nut wrench, tighten the fit\IПg(s) sвcurety.
When 'М brake hosв installation is comptete, there should ье no U'lks (п 'М hose. Maka зиге the hose doesn'l contact апу part 01 the $Uspвnslon. Check this ьу tuming Ihe wheels 10 the eJCtrem8 18ft and nghl posilions. 1I the hose makes contacl, гетоув 1I and cOfГec! !he
Л51аllаtiОП аз песазsагу.
Metal brake line when reptacing brake lines ье sure 'о изе thв correct parts. Doп'! use copper tubing 'or апу brake system components. Ршсhaзe sleel brake lines from а dealer or auto parts storв. 10 Pre'ablicated brake line, with the tube еndз already flared and fit1Jng5 Installed, is availabIe а! auto рзrtз storвs and dealers. These lines ме also somelimes Ьеп! 10 !he proper shapes. 11 When installing the new Ilne make зиге il'5 secureiy supported In те brackets алd has plвnty 01 clearance between mo."ing ог hot сот oonenls. 12 After inslallalion, chвck the masler cylinder fluid level and add fluid as песeзsary. BIeed the brake sys!em аз ouШned in lhe пех1 Secuoп and tes! the brakes carelully bвlore drMng the vehicle in trafflC. 9
Refer to iIIustratlon 8.8 Waming 1: Wear еуе pгotec tion when bIeeding thв brake syslem. '! the fluid сотез in caпtsct with уоuг вуез, /mmedistвly ппзе them w/th waler аnd seek medicalsttention. Waming 2: If you do not Мvб а firm brake peda/ upon comp/etion о, the brake bIeeding procвdure. ог you havв апу douЫз regarding the effвcti."eness о! /he brake sys tem, DO NOT опуе the vehicle. Науе it towвd /0 а dealer service department ог other qualifiвd repair Зhoр for diagnosis. Note: ВJвeding the hydraulic system /s nвceSS8l}' 10 r&mOYв anу sk thз! manages to find i ts way into the systeт when i/'s been openвd during rвmOVaJ aлd instвllВtЮn 01 а tюsв, line, свУрег ()(' mastвr cyIinder. 1 It will proЬаЫу ьв песеSS8IY 'о bIeed 'М system а! all 'ouг brakвs il air has entered the system due 'о Iow fluld level, of il the brake Ilnes ha."e Ьееп disconnected аl the maslвr cyllnder. 2 If а brake Ilne wa5 disconnected only а! а wheвl, then only that саliрвг or wheel cyllnder must Ье bIed. 3 If а brake line 15 disconnected аl а fitting located between the master cylindвr and алу 01 the Ьгal<ез, that part 01 'М system served Ьу Ihe disconnected line must ье bIed. 4 Аemoуе апу residuaJ vacuum from the brake power boosler Ьу applying !М brake sвveral times with the engine off.
Chapter 9 Brakes
8.8 When bIeeding the brakes, а пои 'з connected 10 the bIeed screw 81 the cд liper ОГ wheel cytinder and then submerged '" brake fl uld - air w ill Ье seen аз bubbIes '" tha tube and container (all alr must ье expelled before moving 10 the пажt wheel)
tha master cylinder reservolr
and lill the reservoir
with brake fluid. Reinstall the cover. Note: Check the fluid /еуе/ o!tвn dur(nв bleeding operвtion вnd 8dd flukJ 8s necessвry (О prevent (hв fluid IeveJ (rom falling Iow enough (О a/Jow sir bиbЫвs into the master cylind&r.
'ng б
Науе ап assistanl оп hand, as well as а supply of new brake Iluld, empty clear plastic conlainer, а length 01 З/ 16-inch plastic. rubber or vinyl lubing 10 rrt ОУе!' the bIeeder valve аnd а wrench 10 open and close 'he bIeeder уalуе. 7 Beginning а! the right геаг wheel, 100S9n the bIeeder valve sllghtly, tlчln tightet1 it 10 а point where it 15 SnLIQ but сап stШ ье 1005ened quickly and easily. 8 Place one end 01 the tublng оуе!' the bIeeder valve and submerge \he olher end in brake Iluid In Ihe contalner (мв illustration). 9 Науе th e assislanl pump Ihe brakes slowly а few times 10 оеl pressure In the system, then hold the pedal filП'llу depressed. 1О While Ihe pedaJ Is held depressed, open the Ыеedег valve JusI enough 10 allow а fIow 01 fluid 10 leave the valve. Walch IQ( air ооЬЫез 10 e)(11 100 submerged end 01 the 'иЬе. When the fluid Ilow slows after а couple 01 seconds, close the Уalуе and hэуе your assislant reJease Ihe РЕЮзJ. 11 Repeat 5teps 9 аnd 10 untit по mO«I зiг Is seen leaving 'М tube, Ihen tlghlen the bleeder valve and proceed 10 the left геаг wheel. the righl lгonl wheel алd Ihe left front wheel, In Ihat order, аnd pet101П'1 the same procedure. 8е sure 10 check the lIuld In Ihe masler cyllnder reservoir Irequent!y. 12 Never use old brake fluid . 1I contalns moislure which will deleriorate the brake system componenls. IЭ Relill the master cylinder with Iluld а! the end 01 the operation. 14 Check the operation 01 the brakes. The pedal should 'ееl solld when depressed, wilh по sponginess. 1I necessary, гереаl Ihe entire process. Waming: Do not operate thв vehic/e Н you аге in doubt about the effectivenвss о, the brake system or if а brэkе waming /ight appвars on the instruтвnt pane/. ал
Power brake booster - check, removal. installation and adjustment
Vacuum booster 1 The power brake boosler unlt requlres по special maintenance apart 'гот perlodic inspection 01 the vacuum hoS& and the сазе . 2 Dismanlling 01 the brake booster requlres special l ools and is по! ordinarily done Ьу the home mechanic. 1I а probIem develops. install а new of factory rebuilt uni!.
9.9 Detach the intake manlfold уа сиит hOM fтoт the power brake Ьооз1ег (уасиит type booster)
Check Begin the power Ьоозtег check Ьу depressing the brake pedal times with Ihe engine оН and make sure that there is по change in the pedal reserve distance. The reserve distance Is Ihe dlstance Ьемевп the pedal аnd the floor when Ihe рООal is lully depressed. 4 Now, depress Ihe pedal aлd slart the engine. 1I the РЕЮаl goes down slightly, operation is normal. Release the brэkе pedal and let the engine фп for а couple 01 minutes. Тит оН the engine and depress the brnke peda! зеуегаl limes 5 slowly. 1I the РЕЮal оoes down farther 'hз first time оо! gradually пseз after the second Ог thifd depresslon, the booster is airtlghl. 6 51ап Ihe engine and depress the brake pedal, then slop the engine wi th Ihe pedal зtlll depressed. 11 Ihere is по change Iп the reserve distance after holdlng Ihe pedal 'ог about ЗО-sесопds, th e booster is airtighl . 7 If Ihe pedal feels -h ard~ when the engine is running, Ihe booster Iзп'l operaling properly ог there Is а vacuum leak In the hose 10 the booster. Э
Refer to i/Justгation 9.9
8 Аеmоуе the nuts anaching 'hз master cy1inder to the booster (зев Section 8) and carefully pull the masler cy1ind8f forward until it clears Ihe mounting studs. Use cautlon 50 as по! 10 bend ог klnk 'hз brake Ilnes. 9 Detach Ihe manilold уасиит hose !гот the booster chack valve (зае Illustration). 10 WOrking in Ihe passenger compartment under the steerlng column, unplug Ihe electrical connector !гот the Ьгзkе lighl switch (see Section 11 ), thoo гетоуе 100 pushrod retaining clip and nylon washer Irom the brake pedaJ pin and sllde the pushrod оН the pin (see 5ес tion 11). 11 Аетоуе the nuts attaching the brake booster 10 the l irewall. 12 CarefuJIy detach the boosler from the firewall and lift it out 01 'М englne compartment.
Installation 1з Place the booster Inlo poslllon оп th e fi rewall and tlghlen 'М mounting nuts 10 the lorque lisled in this Chapler's 5pecllications. Соппю the pushrod and brake Ilght switch 10 the brake pedal. InstaJI Ihe retaining clip in the brake pedal pin. 14 Install the master cylinder 10 Ihe booster, tightening the nuls 10 the IOfque lisled In Ihis Chapter's 5pecifications. 15 CarefulJy check the operation 01 the brakes belore driving Ihe vehicle In l raffic.
Chapter 9 Brakes
Gauge Dimensions
0.5 inch
З;П'hеs 1
~ 1 Э6061 -9-9. 1 6 Нal"Мl81 9.16 Ifyou wanl 10 measure the power brake boo ster pushrod eX8ctJy, fabrlcale а pushrod gauge lemplale 10 these dimonsions
iIIustrations 9.16 and 9.20 16 The boosler has ап adjuslabIe pushrod. II's malched 10 Iho boosler аl Ihe laclory and тозl likely will поl require аdjuslmелl, Ьиl il а misadjusled pushrod is suspecled, а gauge сап ье labricaled оиl 01 heavy gauge зhоеl melal using 'ме accompanying lemplalo (see Illustration). 17 Somo соттоп symploms caused Ьу а misadjusled pushrod include dragging brakes (il Ihe pushrod is 100 long) ог excessive brake pedal 'гауеl accompanied Ьу а groaning sound Iгот Ihe brake boosler 01 'ме pushrod is 100 змоп). 18 То check 'мо pushrod lenglh, unbell Ihe masler cylinder Iгот Ihe boosler and posilion il 10 опв side. 1I isn'l necessary 10 disconnect Ihe hydraullc Ilnes, Ьиl ье carelul поl 10 bend 'Мет. 19 Block Iho IГОПI wheels, apply 'мо parking brake and place 'мо Iransmission in Park. 20 Slaft 'М engiГIEI and place 'мо ризhгod gauge againsl Ihe end 01 the pushrod, exerting а lorce 01 approximately five pounds 10 зеаl Ihe pushrod in Ihe power unll. Note: уои have а vacuum риmр, уои сал simply apply vacuum (о thв booster instead о' starting the engine. ТПе гod теази гетвп! should lall somewhere between Ihe minimum and maximum cutouts оп 'ме gaugo. 11 " doesn't, adjusl Ьу holding Ihe knur1ed portion 01 'ме pushrod wilh а pair 01 pliers аnd !uming Ihe ond wi!h а wrench. 1I уou don'l have а lemplato, uso а steel pockel ruler 10 твазиге how 'зr 'мв ризмгod prolrudвs !гот !мв boos!ег (see iIIизtrа tion) • • 21 When the adjuslmenl is complele, reinslall 'ме masler cylindor and check 'ог ргорвг brako oporalion belore driving Ihe vehiclo in traffic.
Refвr (о
9.20 Уои сап also твазиге the ризhгod with а ruler, Ьиl thi s method is а lillle тоге difficult and polentially 'взз accurate
Ihe Iluid аl opeгating lemperature (зое Chapter 1). 24 Check the power stoering ритр bell lension and adjusl il il пес essary (зев Chapter 1). 25 'пзресl all power Sleeting syslem hoses 'ог leaks and kinks. I! 'ме fluid smells Ьиmоо , check 'ме мозes and cooler 'ог res!riclions. 26 Check Ihe engine idle speed and adjust il 10 specilicalions (зев Chapler 1). 27 Check !ме power sloering hydraulic fluid 'ог aeralion (indicaled Ьу bubbIes in 'ме fluid). If 'меге 'з апу air in !he system. bIeed 'ме power steering system (зев Chapter 10). 28 11, after compleling 'ме аЬоуе preliminary checks, уои slill сап'l find Ihe cause 01 Ihe condilion, peгloгт 'мо lollowing lunc!ional !езl 01 Ihe syslem; а) Ь)
Check 22 Check Iho fluid in 'ме masler cyllnder. 11 'ме fluid lovel isn'l wilhin 1/4-inch 01 'мо !ор 01 'мв masler cyllnder reservoirs, 'ор il 011 wilh Ьгэkе fluid (seв Смар!ег 1). 23 Check 'мо power steвring ритр fluid 'оуel wilh Iho ongine 011 and
Check the brakв systвm 'ог leaks ог insufficient fluid in the master cylinder reservoir. With the transmission in Neutral, stop thв engine and apply the brakв pedэl several times [о deplete all accumulator reserve. Hold /М pedal depressed and start tho engine. t, the Hydro·Boost unit is operating correc//y, the brake peda/ ""ill 'all slightly, thел it will push back against уОuг foot. tr you don't (ееl this ~push-back " righl after starting the engiпe, thв Hydro-Boos/ unit is по! working cOffOCI/y. 5tart the engine and opeгate il 8t id/e speed. Тит the steering wheel 10 the slop. Hold {ог а maximum о' five seconds. Retum the steering whee/ 10 соп/ег аnd (иm о" the engiпe. Оерге" and геleаsв the brake peda/. Repeat Ihis procedure unlil а "hard peda/" is obtaiпed. Тheгe shou/d ье а! /east two powвr assisted brake applications with ргезsиге applied to lОО pedal. Restart the engiпe and let it id/e. Тит the steering wheel 10 the stop. Тheгe should ье а light hissing sound as Ihe accumulator is charged. Hold Iight/y against (ОО stop (ог а maximum о, five seconds. Retum Ihe sleerlng wheel 10 сеП/ег алd tum off the engine. Wa/t оnв hour and 8pply the brake pedal (do по! rest8rt the engine). Тheгe shou/d still Ье 81 le8st two power-assisted brake аррliсэtiопs when the ped81 is deprвssed bвforв уou {ееl 8 uhard pedaJ. "
29 1I 'ме Hydro·Boost unil is working correctly, the ргоЫет lies somewhere in Ihe brake sys!em; if Ihe Hydro~Boost uni! is поl working ргорег1у, verify Ihal !ме power sleвring Is operaling normally. You'll have 10 take Ihe vehicle 10 а dealer servlce depaftment 10 have Ihe powвr Sleering ритр tosled !ог flow and pressure. ЗА If power steering operation is normal, and 'мв Нуdго-ВооsI unil is suspecl, reler 10 Iho TroubIeshooting Seclion аl Ihe 'ГОПI 01 thls тап иаl and check !hose ilems relaled 10 the Hydгo-Boosl system. If 'мв Hydro-Вoosl unil ilsell is Ihe ргоЫет , do поl allempt 10 оуетаиl il; replace it wilh а new ог rebuilt unil.
Chapter 9 Brakes
9.32 Disconnecl the three hydraulic tines from the Hydro-Boost unit ОГ, аз shown here, from the remote junction bracket located пех! 10 the bOQster (the short 1iпез from the junction 10 the booster сап ье тоге easily removed after the booster is ou! of the саг) Аетоуаl
Refer 10 iIIustrations 9.32, 9.33, 9.348 and 9.34Ь 31 Discharge Ihe accumulator Ьу repeatedly depressing the brake pedal until а ~hard pedal" is obtained. 32 Аетоуе the two nuts atlachlng the master cylinder 10 Ihe HydroВoost uni! (see illustration), pull " off and secure it 10 опе side, wi th Ihe metal hydraulic liпез 51ill altached (make зше уои don', kink ог bend these l i пез, ог they will have 10 ье replaced). ЗЗ Disconnect Ihe ргеззиге , steering gear and return lines !гот the booster (зев illustration). Plug the lines and Ihe РОI1З in Ihe HydroBoost unil 10 prevent dil1 from cOnlaminating the system. 34 From under Ihe dashboaгd, disconneel Ihe Hydro-Boosl pushrod 'гот Ihe brake pedal аззетЫу as follows (refer 10 Section 11 !о г help in disconnecting Ihe brake light switch): а)
Uпр/uу the brake light switch e/eelnca/ conneclor. Remove Ihe rela/ner 'гот Ihe c/evis pin. с) S/ide lhe brake liуЫ swilch о" the brake peda/ pin just (аг enough (ог the swi!ch outer ho/e 10 с/еаг the pin, then ютоve the switch (roт lhe pin. d) Loosen the Hydro-Boosl-Io-firewa/l/ocknuts (зве illustrations). There аге three nuts оп the inside о' Ihe vehic/e and опе in the engine compartment. е) S/ide the Hydro -Boost pushrod and the пу/оп washers and bush{пу о" Ihe brake peda/ pin. Ь)
9.348 То detach the Hydro-Boost unit fтoт the firewal', гетоуе these retainlng nuts (arтows) fтoт inside the vehlcle, __ _
the two nuts (upper пи! shown) that attach the master cylinder 'О the Hydro-Boost unit
35 Remove Ihe Hydro-Boosl-lo-Iirewall locknuls and remove th e Hydro-Boost unil , sliding the pushrod link оиl 'гот the engine side 01 Ihe hole in the firewall. Doп'l lose Ihe rubber dust bool.
Installation 36 Place the Hydro-Boosl аззетЫу in posilion оп Ihe lirewall and insert the pushrod and Ьоо! Ihrough Ihe hole in Ihe lirewall. Loosely inslall Ihe Hydro-Boost-to-lirewalllocknuls. 37 Working under the dash, соппее! Ihe Hydro-Boosl pushrod 10 the brake pedal аззетЫу аз follows (reler 10 Seclion 11 if necessary): а)
/nsta/l the {ппег пу/оп wa5her, the Hydro-Boo5t pushrod and the bushing оп the breke рооа/ pin. Ь) РозШоп the 5witch 50 that it straddle5 Ihe pushrod with the switch З/Оl оп the рооа/ pin and the switch outer ho/e just с/еаппу the pin. Slide the switch comp/ete/y onto the pin and insta/l the пу/оп washer. Ве caгefиl по! 10 deform the switch. с) Secure these рап5 10 the pin with the hairpin retainer. d) Р/uу in the brake /ight switch connector and 1nsta/l the wires in the retaining c/ip. в) ТiyЫen the Hydro-Boost-to-flrewal//ocknuts зесuгв/у.
Inslall the master cylinder оп the Hydro-Boost unil and lighten Ihe master cylinder mounling nuls 10 the torque listed in Ihis Chapler: s Specificalions. 39 Аетоуе Ihe plugs and соппес! the fluid pressure, steering gear and return hoses 10 the Hydro-Boost unit. Tighlen Ihe littings securely. 40 Аетоуе the соВ wire 10 d isabIe Ihe engine. Fill Ihe power steerin g pump resвrvoir and, while engaging the starter, apply Ihe brakes with а
•.. and this nut (arтow) from the engine compartment side of the firewall
Chapter 9 Brakes
10.5 Insert а steel gage pin, drill blt or punch through the hole in the parking brake 'еуег and through the adJuster reel; do NOT геmоуе the gage pin, drlll blt ог punch until the front parking brake саЫе has Ьееп reinstal'ed. If уои do, the spring-Ioaded adjuster reel will unwind and the entire parking brake lever assembIy wi ll have to Ье removed in order to rewind the adjuster mechanism pumping action. Do NOT tum the steering wheel lock-to-Iock unlil all residual air has Ьееп purged !гот the Hydro-Boost. ~1 Check the fluid level and add fluid as necessary. ~2 Inslall the со!1 wire. star1 the engine and apply the brakes with а pumping action. Ти гп the steering wheel lock-to-Iock several tlmes. Ch eck lог leaks. 4з 1I уои hear а whlning noise after installing а Hydro-Boost unil. lIuid aeration тау Ье the рroЫет. Bleed the power steering system (see Chapter 1 О).
10 Parking brake
- replacement
10.6 Disengage the front parklng brake the adjuster гееl
parking brake equalizer 10 the геаг аЬоиl 2-1/2 inches 10 rOlate Ihe sell-adjusting гееl counterclockwise. Insert а steel gage pin ог drill Ы! through Ihe holes in Ihe рзгkiпg 5 brake lever. the lever base assembIy and Ihe adjusler гееl (see illustration) . Caution: Do NOT геmоуе the gage pin о( drill Ы! ипtil the parking Ьгаке саЫе has Ьееп reinslalled. If уои do 50, Ihe springloaded adjuster гееl will unwind and the enl;re parking Ьгаке !еуег assembIy will have 10 ье removed in order 10 rewind Ihe adjuster mechanism. 6 Disengage the саЫе from the adjuster гееl (see iIIustrati on). 7 Undemeath the vehicle. d isengage the саЫе equalizer !гот Ihe two геаг cabIes (see illustration). Pull the саЫе down Ihrough the grommet in Ihe Iloorpan and 8 гетоуе il. 9 Installation is Ihe геуете of removal. Ооп', гетоуе the gage pin ог drill Ы . 'гот Ihe adjuster гееl untll уои have connected the саЫе 10 the гееl and the equalizer to Ihe геаг cabIes.
Refer 10 iIIuslralion 10.5, 10.6 аnd 10.7 Аеmоуе the cenler console (see Chapter 11). 1 2 Release the parking brake lever complelely. 3 Raise Ihe vehicle and suppor1 jl securely оп jackstands. ;1 Get inside the vehicle. Науе ап assistanl under the vehicle pulllhe
Refer 10 iIIustrations 1О.12а through 10.12е ,О Make sure the parking brake is released. Release саЫе tension as described in Steps 4 алd 5. " Raise the геаг 01 the vehicle and place il securely оп jackslands. ,2 То disconnect Ihe геаг саЫе, lollow the accompanying ргосооиге
10.12а То геmоуе а гваг саЫе
parking brake саЫе, disengage the from the caliper lever, . ..
Chapter 9 Brakes
1 0. 1 2Ь
... remove this C-c lip 'гот the саЫе Ьозз оп the геаг ca liper, ...
10.12d ... гетоуе thl s саЫе bracket bolt (arrow) 'гот the underside о' the рап, ... (зае
Installatioo is Ihe reverse of removal.
Brake light switch - check and replacement
10. 1 2с
•• , remo\/e this саЫе bracket Ьо" (alТow) the lower suspension агт, .. .
• . . then squee;re the tang s 01 the са Ые housing together and disengage the саЫе 'гот this bracket
Rep/acement Refertol/lustrar/ons 11.78, II.7Ь, 11.7с, 1'.7d, 11.8800 11.10 6 Rетоуе the lower steering column trim panel (зее Chapter 11). Rетоуе the retainer. гетоуе the white nylon washer, гетоуе the 7
Check Refer (О i/lиstrarions 11. 1 and '1.4 1
The bfake light switch (зее illustratJ on), which 15 Iocated пезr [М the btake pedaJ, closes the circui! 'ог Ihe brake lighls wl'len Ihe
'ар о'
brake pedal 15 applied. I' Ihe swilch doesn't ореrэtе аз described, either il's по\ getting vollage, ОГ there's а ргоЫет in the circui t between the switch and Ihe brake lights, ог the swilch is bad. 2 Check the brake ligh\ circuit fuse (see Chapler 12). 3 I' the fuse is okay, геmoуе Ihe lower steering column trim рапel (see Chapter 11). Ihen backpгobe the swilch electгical connectOf (li9hl gгeen мге with а red slripe and 9ГOUnd) 10 verify lha.t the switch Is gellin9 voIlage. 4 1I Ihe switch is 9еlliП9 \/ollage. \/erify Ihal Ihere's conlinuity оп the brake li9ht side 01 Ihe switch when Ihe brake pedal is applied Ьу backprobing the lighl green wire wilh а red slripe (power 10 the switch) and the гес! wire wi lh а 119hl green slripe (brake li9ht circuit) (зее шus tration) and Ihal Ihere's по conlinuity when the pedal is released. 5 1I Ihe swilch Is operatin9 correctly, IroubIeshoOI the circuil belween the switch ;md Ihe brake lights (see the Wiring Dia9rams а! tne end 01 Chapter 12).
11 .1 The brake light switch (alТow) ,З located the 'ор 01 the brake pedal
пеа г
Chapter 9 Brakes
.. """"'"
11.4 Hook ир ап ohmmeter to verify that there's continuity оп the brake light side о' the switch when the brake pedal 'з applied Ь)' backproblng the light green wire with а гес! stripe (power to the switch) and the red wlre with а light green strlpe (brake light circuit) and that there's по continuity when the pedal is released
the white n)'lon washer, ...
SWilCh and гетоуе the nylon bushing (see illustrations). 8 Use а small screwdriver 10 unlock Ihe electricaJ connector (эее Illustration), Ihел uпрlug Ihe connector from the brake light switch. 9 Plug Ihe new switch into Ihe electrical соппесlог; make 5ure it
11.7а То
detach the brake light switch from the power pushrod, гетоуе the switch retainer, ...
.•. disengage the switch from the pin and гетоуе the switch
the brake pedal
snaps into place. 10 То reconnect the swilch аззетЫу 10 'М brake pedaJ, posilion the swilch зо Ihat Ihe U-shaped side faces the brake pedal, position the master cylinder pushrod and nylon bushlng belween the switch side-
11.7d Don't 105e this n)'lon bushing; when )'ои install the switch, the bushing goes between the pushrod and the pin а! the 'ор о' the pedal, between the two sideplates о' the switch
РI)' ореп
the locking tab оп the electrical connector and unplug the connector from the switch
Chapter 9 Brakes
plates (зве illustration). then push the switch fOfWard, install the white plastlc washer ОП the pin and InSlafl the hairpin retainer clip. 11 Inslafl the lower steeгing column Irim рапеl (зев Chapler 11).
Check the bl'ake Ilghts!or ргорег op6fation.
11.10 When installlng the brake light switch, make зцге the U·shaped side 'зевs the brake pedal ancl make sure the master cylinder pushrod end пу\оп bushing аге positioned correcUy, between the switch sideplates
Chapter 10 Suspension and steering systems
Contents Sectlon AXIe damper - removal and installation ........••.• •. ••.•.••..................... 13 8alljoint • c heck and replacemenl.................................................. 6 Q\assis lubricalion ......................................................... see Chapt8f 1 0
COiI sprlng (front) гетоуаl and installalion.............. ....................... Coil spring (гваг) - геmОllзl and Installation.................................... Fюnt end aJignment - genегаl lпfОПllаtion. .. . .. . .... . .. . . .. . . .. . . .... .. . . .... . GeneraJ infOnn8tion ....... .......... ....... .... .... ....... .......... ...... нub and bearing assemЫy (front) - removal аnd installatioo.........
4 11 21 1
Lowef control arm (front) - гerтюval and instаtlаtЮn ............... .•..•.• 5 Power steering nuid '~\Ie1 chвck ...................................... see Chapter 1 Power sleenng pump · (emoуа! and installation............................ 18
Power steering system • bIeeding.................................................. Shock absorber (rвar)· removal and inslallation ................. :.........
Stabilizer bar (front)· гemoval and Installatlon............................... 3 Stabilizer bar (rear). remOVaI and installatlon ................................ 9 Sleering and suspension check ...................................... see Chapter 1 Steering эеат· removal and inslallaliOfl ........................................ 17 Steering эеа' boots· replacement ................................................ 16 Sleering knuckle - removal and InSlallation ................................... 8 Steel'ing WheeI - гemoуal and Inslallatlon ............ ............. ............. 14 SIrut (front) - removal and Inslallatlon ............................................ 2 Suspension arms (гeзr) - removal and Installatlon ......................... 12 Tte--rOd encIs· rвmoya) and installation.......................................... 15 TIfEI and tire pressure checks .......................................... see Chapter 1 Тiгe rolation ..................................................................... see Cha.pter 1 Wheels and tlres • generallnformatlon .......................................... 2Q
Speclfications Torque specifications
Ft·lbs (unless olherwise Irк:licated)
Front suspension Вal IJоiпt -lо-stеегiпg
knuckle nut ........................................................... .. and ЬеаЛпэ retalning nut ........................................................ ....... .. tower cOfltrol arm pivol boIts/nuts .......................................................... Stabllizer bar Stabilizer Ьш bracket nuts ............................................................... .. Stabilizer bar link nuts ....................................................................... . Нub
109 10 149 221 10295 14110191 44 10 59 132 10 192 in-Ibs
SWt Strut-Io-steering knuckle bolts/nuts' ................................................. Strut-Io-vehicle boll and nuts .......................................................... .
14110191 251034
Rear suspension AXIe damper AxJe damper-tо-axJе boItJnul ..................................................... "'.. .. AXJe damper-Io-vehicle nut ...............................................................
571075 571075
Lower arm-Io-axle boItJnut ............................................................. .. Lower arm-Io-frame boIVnut .................. ........................................... Shock аЬsorbeг Shock absorber-Io-axle boIVnut ....................................................... Shock absorbвr-to-vehicle nut .......................................................... . StaЬШzer bar-Io-Iower arm boIts .............................. ~ ............................ . u_
71 1097 71 1097 571075 2510 з4 29 10 37
Upper arm-Io-frame boItJnut ............................................................ . Upper arm-tо-axJе bolVnut ...............................................................
711097 711097
Chapter 10 Suspension and steering systems
Torque specifications
Ft-Ibs (unless otherwise indic8ted)
Steering 3510 53 In-Ibs
Airbag module retaining OOlts ................................................................. . Тiв-гod end-to-steering knuckle nut ....................................................... . Steering оеаг to-crossmember 001\5 ...................................................... .
351047 90 10 99
Steering shaft-Io-steering оем U-jolnt plnch boll .................................. . Steering WheeI retaining boIl .................................................................. .
10 40 зз
1 2
Fronf stabilizer 00'
Stabllizвr Ьаг с!вmр
LOW8r controlarm rear pivot boIt/nut Lowe( controJ arm 'гоп! p/vot ЬоШпu!
Stabilizer bar-to-/ower control аrm link. Lower contгol 8ffl1
Тia-rod еnd
Тie-rod еnd jam пu!
General Informatlon
Referto iIIustгаnопs 1. 'г, 1. 'Ь, 1.28 гnd '.2Ь Waming: Whenever гпу о , the suspension О( steeting 'asteners зге /oosened о( removed they must Ье inspected and /' necessary, гep/aced with new ones о( the saтe рап пumЬег or о( orig/naJ equipтеп! quality ем des/gn. Torque specifications must ье fo//owed 'ог рroрег reassembIy 8nd component гetention. Never Bttempt to heat, strвighten ог weld 8Пу suspension ог steering componen t. Instead. гер/асе anу Ьеп! or d8maged рап wlth а new one. Note: Тheи vehicles uи 8 combinвtion о( stвnd8rd ам тetric 'asteners оп (М various suspension and steering components, so it would ье 8 good ideв /0 have both types о( lOO/S avai/8bJe when beginn/ng work. The front susрепзlоп (зее Illustration s) 15 fully independenl,
9 10 11 '2
Steering geaгlбе-rod dust boot Steeting geэг assemb/y Co/l spn'ng Strut 8ssвmЫy
allowing each wheel 10 coтpensale 'ОГ road surface Irregularilies wilh01.11 appreciabIy aHecling Ihe olher. Each wheel is connecled 10 Ihe frзте ьу а sleering knuckJe, г balljoinl, г Iower coolrol aпn and а stM аззетЬ!у positloned vеrtiсзllу Ьемеen the sleering knuckle зпd Ihe vehicle bodу. Д соll spring Iз mounted between Ihe lower conlrol г(т and the !гопl suspension сгоsэтетЬег. Body side roll is controlled Ьу а зlаЫlizег Ьаг attached 10 'М 'гате аnd 10 the lower conlrol aпns. Тhe (ем suspension (зае iIIustтatJons) consisls 01 the ахlе, мо coil springs. а palr 01 shock аЬзогЬеrз. and 'оuг - IwO lower and Iwo uрре( - suspenslon агтз. Body го" is controlled Ьу а stabilizer Ьаг attached 10 'hб Iwo Iower suspension зrmз. The sleering syslem consists 01 lhe sleerin9 wheel, steering coluтп, Inlermedfale shaft, rack-and-pinion steeJing gear, power sleering рuтр and а palr о! lie-rods, whlch соппес! Ihe steering gear 10 Ihe sleering knuckJes.
Chapter 10 Suspension and steering systems
1 . 1Ь А
close-up view 01 the 1ront suspension
Stabilizвr ьаг
Coi/ spring
StaЫlIzer Ьаг с/атр
Sltиt asseтbly
Stabillzer bar-to-/owвr control а"" I/nk Lowвr contro! amJ Control а"" pivot boIt/nut Control а"" pivot boItInut
9 10
Steering knUCkIe 8alljoint
15 16
т/е-rod end
Пе-rod еnd j8m
4 5 Б
Steering gear dust ьоо! outer claтp Steвring geaг dus/ Ьоо! Stввring gear dust ьоо! inner с/amр Stвeriпg gвaг
1.23 Rear suspenslon components 1 2
Stabllizer Ьаг Lowвr suspens/on а"" pivot bo/tlnut
Lower SЦSjJвnSiOn aпп-to-rвar ах1е boJtInut
4 5
Uррег suspension агm
Shock absorber
pivot boIt/nut
Shock absorber-to-rear axlв boltlnut Coil sprlng
Chapter 10 Suspension and steering systems
pivot boltlnut
Strut (Iront) - removal and installation
Removal Refer (О i//ustrations 2.3, 2.4 and 2.5 1 Loosen Ihe trоп! wheel lug nuts, raise lhe vehicle and support (! securely on jackstands. Аетоуе lhe wheels. 2 Place а Поог jack undeJ the lower control arrn and ralse (! sllghtly. Тhe lower conlrol агт тизl ье supponed throughout the елtiге ргосе dure. 3 If thв vehicle 15 8Quipped with ABS, гemoуе the nut (оо. i1Iustration) which allaches the bгacket !аг the ABS lead 10 the strut. 4 Remove the struHo-sleerlпg knuckle nuts and botts (оое illustration). 5 Unscrew Ihe Ihree upper mount-IO-body retainlng bolt and nuts (зее Шustгаtiоп) .
Separale the strut аззетЫу !гот the sleering knuckle and it 'гom the vehicle. Don" allow lhe steeting knuckle 10 fall 001ward, аз the brake hosв could ье damaged, 7 I пstаПаtlоп is the reverse 01 removal. 8е sure 10 tighten all fasteners 10 the torque listed ,п this Chapter's SpecificatiOns. 8 Remove the jack from under the lower control атт, Insta1l the wheels, lower Ihe vehicle and tightan the lug nuts 10 Iha l orque listed In Ihe Chapler 1 Specilications. 6
Upper suspension arm -to-rear axle
bushings for wear. 1I ,hey're cracked or 1от, replace Ihem. То de'ach the lower end 01 eithar link !тот (he lower control атт, ramove ' he lower nut (see illustration) Iocatecl undemeath Ihe control aпn . 3 Aemove the stabillzer Ьат bracket nuls (see Шu slrаt iо п) and detach Ihe Ьаг !rom Ihe vehicle. 4 Pull Ihe brackels off the stabillzer Ьат and inspecl the bushings for cracks, hardening and olher signs 01 deterioralion. 1I the bushings ате damaged, сш them off the Ьат and discard Ihem.
/nsta//ation Lubricale Ine new slabi1izer Ьат bushings wilh а rubber lubl"lcant (such аз а зiliсопе зртау) and sllda the bushings onlo Ina Ьат. Tha bushlngs should Ье insta)led with the зеат facing forward. б Push the brackets o'o'er li"Ie bushings and rэiзв lМ Ьат up 10 the "ате. Install the brackel nuls bul don'l tighten them completely аl this
7 Inslall the stabilizer Ьзr link washers and тиЬЬвт bushings and lighten the nu!s. 8 Т1ghten 'hз bracket nUls and tne stabilizer link nuls 10 Ihe lorque lisled In this Chaptar's Specificalions.
Coil spring (front) - removal and installation
Removal з
(front) -
and installation
Remova/ Re{er 10 lIIustrations 3.2а, З.2Ь and з.з 1 Raise Ihe vehlcle and support it securety оп jackslands. Apply Ihe par1<;ing brake. 2 Aamove Iha s!abi!izar bar-lo-Iink nuts (se e illustration), noting how Iha washers and bushings ате posilloned. Clamp а palr 01 locking pllers 10 Ihe stabilizer Ьат link 10 prevenl il Iтот luming. Inspect the
Re{er 10 iIIustrations 4.5, 4.8а, 4.8Ь, 4.8с and 4.бd Warnlng : The {o//owing p,ocedu,e is potentia//y dangerous i{ the propeг safety рrвcaUrioпз вre па! laken. Уou should usв а coif зрnпg compresso, (Ford specia/ 100/ по. Т82Р-53 10-А {о, З.8L models, О78Р-531О-А (ог 5.0L and 4.БL mode/s, о, вquiva/ent) to safe/y ре, forт this procedure. 1 Loosen IМ wheellug nuls оп the side 10 ье disзssаmЫed. Aaise the vehicla, support il securely оп jackslands and remove the wheel. 2 Dlsconnect Ihe tie-rod end 'тот Ihe sleering knuckJa (see Sec-
lioo 15).
Chapter 10 Suspension and steering systems
2.3 If the vehlcle 15 equipped with ABS, гетоуе this nut (arrow) and detach the bracket for the ABS lead
2.4 ТО detach the lower end о, the strut from the steering knuckle, гетоуе these то botts (arrows); note the alignment marks painted оп the strut, along the edge of the strut bracket, 'о ensure that correct сатЬег is гestored when the new strut 151nstatled
3.2а То
detach the иррег end о, the stl1,lt from the vehlcle, remove this bolt and these nuts (arrows)
disconnect the stabi1izer Ьзг from the link5, гетоуе the nut (arrow) from each 5tabil1zer Ьаг tink; make sure 'о note the order in which the bushtngs and wa5hers аге installed • they must Ье Installed in the same sequence when the stabitizer Is installed
3.2Ь То
disconnect either Ilnk (гот а lower control ann, гетоуе thls nut; Ье sure to note the order in which the washers and bushlngs аге installed
3.3 То detach the stabilizer Ьаг from the frame, remO\le these nuts (arrows) that attach the bushing clamps 'о the frame (Ieft bushing с1атр shown)
Chapter 10 Suspension and steering systems Instal1ation Install the coll зрП по insulalor оп Ihe 'ор 01 Ihe spring. Install Ihe зрппо In Ьемееп the lower conlrol arm and the ЗРrlПО и ррег pocket In the suspension сгоззтетЬег. 12 Posil ion the bottom 01 Ihe ЗРrlПО 50 thal the plgtail соуегз only опе 01 the dгaln l'юlеs, ОО! leaves Ihe other опе ореп. 13 Locale the ЗРrlПО in Ihe иррег seal in the сrosзтетЬег. Inslal1 'hз зpring compressor 1001 as descrlbed In Sleps 3 and 4, lhen lighlen the forcing пш until the Iow8l' control arm bushing holes align with 'М pivot tюlt hoIеs In Ihe crossmembel'. 14 Install the lower control arm plvol bolts and nuls wilh Ihe Ьо" heads faclng ои! (away ' гот each olher). Dоп'l lighl en them сот pletely а! I hls lime. 15 Аетоуе Ihe spring сотргеззог 1001. Posil ion а lloor jack under 'М ouler end 01 Ihe 10w8f conlrol arm and raise it 10 simulate а nOПТlаl ride position. Now tighl&fl lhe pivol bott nuls 10 the lorque lisled in Ihis Chapler's Spacificalions. 16 Aeattach the Sleering gзaг (зев Section 17) алd lightеп 'М steering оеаг bollS 10 Ihe lorque lisled In Ihls Chapler's Specifical lons. 17 Аесоппесl Ihe stabilizer Ьаг Ilnk 10 the lower conlrol агт (зае Seclion З). 18 Rea!tach the tle- rod end 10 the s!eering knuckle (зев Section 15). 19 Ins!all the 'гоп! wheel, гетоуе Ihe lackstands and lower Ihe vehicle. Тighten 'М wheel lug nulS 10 the torque listed in the Chapter 1 Specificalions. 20 Науе Ihe alignmenl checked ьу а dealer service department ог ап alignmenl stюp. 10 11
4.5 А typical aftermarket intem al spring сотргеззог tool: Тhe hooked а nnз оп р t he иррег coils of the в рппо , tne plate is Inserted below the lowar CO]IS, and when 'пв nut о п !п в thгeaded
rod is tum ed, the spring з
Disconnect 'М stabiliz8l'" Ьаг link from the Iower control arm (sвe
4 Rетоуе !пе steering оеаг bolts (зве Section 17). (Тhe steering gear must ье rajsed sIjghtly '" order 10 remove Iha lron! pivot bolt lrom elther lower contrOI агт.)
Оп З . 8L
models, In81all
'ооl по. Т82 Р-5З I 0·Д, ОГ а
1001 (Ford special
suitabIe equivalent aftermarket 1001) (зее Illustration). insert Iha upper plate of !пв toollhrough !ha spring upper pocket in !he сгоззтетЬег with !пв hooks оп !пв plate poinling towards the center of 'М spring. б 5.0l and 4.6L models, inslall а spring compressor 1001 (Ford special 1001 по. D 78Р-5310-А, ог а suilabIe equivalenl altermarkel 1000, with а plate belween Ihe coils пеаг 'М 'ор 01 Ihe spring. 7 Guide I he compression гod ир Ihrough I he hole in Ihe lower соп 'гоl аПТl and 'М соВ spring, Ihen inser1 the end 01 the compression rod Inlo the иррег plale. Inslalllhe lower plale, ball nul, Ihrusl washer and bearing and ' М lorcing nul оп the сотргesзion rod. Тighlen Ihe lorcIng пиl unl il the coil зрПпо сап ье wiggled, indicaling Ihal all spring ргesзuге hзз been taken up. Аетоуе Ihe lower conl rol arm-Io-crossmember nuts and pl vol 8 botts (see illustratio ns). 9 Аетоуе Ihe зрПпо compressor compression rod then maneuver 'hз соil spring out from between Ihe low8l' conlrol аПТl and аоззтетЬег.
4.8а ТО
detach the lower control arm the fтоп ! suspen slon c rossmember, (етоуе these nuts (эП'оws) э пd botts ...
Lower control arm (1ront) - removal and installation
Loosen Ihe wheel lug nuls, ra lse Ihe vehicle and support 1I securely оп jacks!ands. Аemoуе the wheeI. 2 Аemoуе ' М coil spring (seз Seclion 4). 3 Unscrew Ihe balljoinl nuI, slrike Ihe steering knuckle sharply with а hammer 10 break Ihe ballstud loose and гетоуе the control аПТl 'гот Ihe vehicle. А "pickle 101'\<." type ballJolnt sepaгalor сап ье used, Ьи! il will damage the balljoln t seal, зо avoid а pickle lork unless ус;!и'ге planniГIQ 10 replace Ihe balljoint. 4 Installa!ion is !he геуеrзе 01 Ihe гетоуаl procedure. Ве sure 10 tighlen aJI 01 the fasteners 10 Ihe torque lisled in this Chapler' s Specifications. ТIghtеп 'hз tug nuls 10 the lorque lisled in the Chapter 1 Spacifications. 5 Науе Ihe alignmenl checked ьу а dealer s&fV;ce depar1ment ог ап alignmenl shop.
4.81) ... uslng two w renches
Note that the steering gear has Ьееп unbolted and raised up to ptovlde suffic ient c learance 10 remOV8 the fro nt pivot bolt for the lower control arm
Chapter 10 Suspension and steering systems
4.8d The suspension crossmember bott (arrow) must ье removed belore the rear pivot bolt 1ог the 10wer controt arm сап Ье removed
То check а batljoint, raise the !ron! 01 the vehicle and place it securety оп jackstands, support the lower control апn wlth а !toor jack, then try 10 rock Ihe wheet in and 01,11; i1 there 's апу play in the balljoint, replace it
7.3 То гетоуе the hub апd pearing retaining nut, firsl гетоуе the grease сар with а hammer and chisel
Balljoint - check and replacement
Check Refer /0 i//ustration $.3 1 Raise the tтоп! end 01 the vehicle and place " securely оп jackstaлds.
2 Place а Iloor jack under the lower control arm and raise the jack jUSI enough 10 support the arm. 3 Grasp the 'ор and bollom 01 the lire, then 'гу 10 simultапеоuslу DUsh iп аl the 'ор and pull 01,11 аl the bottom 01 Ihe lire (see il!ustra6оп) , Ihen Ihe opposlle (push ,п оп the bottom while pulling оu! оп the !ар). Replace the balljoinl " Ihere is апу тоуеmеп! 'п the Ьаlljоiпt area.
Replacement ~
Remove the lower control агт (see Section 5). Науе !he old balljoint pressed ou! 01 the arm and а new balljoint pressed ,п Ьу ап au!omo!ive machine shop. 6 Ins!all the lower control arm (see Section 5). 7 Науе !he alignmen! checked Ьу а dealer service department or ап аligпmеп! shop.
and bearing assembly -
and installation
Refer /0 iIIustrations 7.3 and 7.4 Note: ТI1e (ront wheel bearings ат рап о( the hub and bearing asseт· bIY and ат по! serviced sерагэtе/у. 1 Loosen the wheel lug nuls, apply !he parking brake апd raise !he vehicle. SuppOrt it securely оп jackstands placed under !he !гате. А етоуе !he wheel. 2 Аетоуе Ihe brake caliper and hang il ou! 01 !he way with а sec!ion 01 wire, then remove Ihe caliper anchor and !he brake disc (see Chapler 9). 3 Remove the grease сар !rom the hub and bearing assembIy (see illustration). 4 Remove the hub and bearing retaining nut and washer (see illusttatian). 5 Аетоуе the hub and bearing assembly. If Ihe hub does поl соте off easily use ап appropriale puller. 6 IПSlаllаliоп is Ihe reverse'ol removal. Ве sure 10 clean off Ihe spind le and lubricale il wilh wheel bearing grease. install the washer. Ihen lighten the hub апd bearing Пul 10 Ihe lorque lisled in Ihis Chapler's
7.4 То detach the hub and bearing assembly 'гот the steering knuckle, гетоуе Ihe retaining nut and pull the hub 'гот Ihe spindle (this nut is very tight, so make sure the vehicle is supported securely) Specilications. Тighten Ihe lug nuts 1 Specificalions.
Steering knuckle -
the torque lis!ed
!he Chapter
and installation
Loosen the wheellug nuls, apply the parking brake and raise the vehicle. Support it securely оп jackstands placed under the Irame. Remove the wheel. 2 Remove Ihe brake caliper and hang out of the way with а section 01 wire, then remove the caliper anchor and Ihe brake disc (see Chapter 9). 3 Remove Ihe hub and bearing assembIy (see Section 7). 4 Loosen the strul-to-sleering knuckle пuts (see Section 2), but don'l гетоуе Ihe bolts yel. 5 Separale the l ie-rod end Irom Ihe sleering knuckle (see Seclion 15). б Remove the 10w8!' control агт (see Seclion 5). 7 Remove Ihe slrul-Io-steering knuckJe nuts апd bolts and remove Ihe stееriпg knuckle.
Chapter 10 Suspension and steering systems
9..2. " the vehicle 15 equipped with ABS, the ABS lead 'ГOm ,tз bracket оп the lower suspension ann
10.3 Locate the upper гetaln'ns nut 'о, the lower s uspenslon anns,
lower suspension 8 Авто ... е 'М splash shleld !гот the steerlng knuckJe. Тhe splash shield is riveled onlo the sleering knuckle wlth three rlllets. Сиl the backs оП the rivels and drive out the rivets with а punch. 9 Install the splash shield. You сап use approprialely sized bol15 and sеtf-Iockiпg nuls instead 01 ПуеШ. 10 Installalion is otherwise the геуerзе 01 removal. Ве sure 10 Ilght9fl all fasteners 10 the torque listed in this Chapter's Specificalions. 11 Inslall Ihe wheel and lug nuts. Lower Ihe vehicle 10 Ihe ground and tighlen Ihe nuts 10 the torque lis!ed in !he Chapteг 1 SpecificaIlons. 12 Науе the allgnment checked Ьу а deal8f service department Q( ал alignment shop.
the shock absorber inside the tnJnk; 10
prevent the piston rod 'rom tumlng, hold it
two botts (arrows) пот each arm (Ieft
ter's Specilications. 6 Аеmovе the jасkstandз
Coil spring
wrench ог locking рllеrз whlle break 10058 the nut
Iowe.- the vehicle.
- removal and installation
Note: Re8J' соil sprfngs shou/d a/ways ьв rзp/эced 'n pa/rs. 1 Loosen the wheellug nuts, гаlзе the геаг 01 the vehicle and support i! securely оп jackstands placed under the Irame. Remove Ihe wheel аnd block lhe 'гon! wheels, 2 Remove 'hз геаг stabiiize.- bar (зее Section 9). 3 &Jpport the геаг axle аsзemЫу with а "oor jack placed unde.- the axle housing. 4 Pass а lenglh 01 chain ир through Ihe suspension агт and coil spring, Ihen 0011 Ihe chain logelher. Тhis will ргеуеПI Ihe зрriпg 'гот lIying оиl before Il's fully exlended. Ве sure 10 'еауе enough slack in the chain 10 allow 'hз соil spring 10 extend fully. 5 Delach 'he pal1
4 InslaJlation 'з the геуегзе 01 the гетоуаl procedure. Ве зuге 10 lighlen all lasteners 10 'hз torque values lisled Iп Ihis Chapter's Speci-
Ьаг (геаг)
- removal and installation
Refer to iIIustrations 9.2 and 9.3 1 Raise the геаг 01 the vehicle and support it securely оп jackзtзl1dз. Place the jackslands unde.- the 'гате, nO! иndе.- 'hз axle hous'по. The axle housing musl ье 1гее 10 hang down зо Ihal Ihe shock absorbers аге fully extended. 2 Delach !he ABS lead, " equipped (see illu stra tion), 1гот Ihe Iowe.- suspension агт, 3 Remove Ihe four OOlls (two оп each агт) thal attach Ihe slabllizer Ьа г 10 Ihe lower suspenslon arms (see illustration) and remove Ihe
Remove the jackstands аnd Iower Ihe vehicle.
10 Shock
аЬзогЬег (геаг)-
removal and installation
Refer 10 i//ustrations 10.3 and 10.4 1 Raise Ihe гем 01 'hз vehicie and support I! securely оп jack.stands placed иl1dе.- 'hз "ame, 001 иndег the ахle tюusing. 2 Support 'hз гем axle with а fIOOf jack 10 prev9fl1 illrom dropping when the shock аЬsorber ,з disconnected. 3 Locate Ihe иррег retaining пиl 'ог Ihe shock аооorbeг inside the lrunk (seв iIIuзtгаtiоп) . То prevent Ihe piston гod from luming, hold it wllh а wrench ог locking pliers while уои break loose Ihe nul, Аетоуе the nut. washer and иррег Insulalor. Dlscard (hз nul. 4 Аетоуе Ihe lower relaining пиl and ОО" (see illustralion) and гemoуе 'hз stюck absorber from the vehicle. 5 InSlallation 'з 'hз геуerзe 01 removal. Ве sure 10 tighlen the иррег and Iowe.- shock absorber lазteners 10 Ihe lorque lisled In this Chap-
8 Sel Ihe ирре!' Insulator оп 'ор 01 'hз spring, изiпо 'аре 10 hOkI 11 '" place, if necessзry. 9 Place the spring between Ils зеаl on Ihe axJe lиЬе аnd Ihe frэте sea!, so that the plgtail (the lower вnd о, Ihe spring) is а! the геаг алd poinling toward Ihe left side 01Ihe vehlcle. Inslall the safety chaln. 10 Ralse Ihe lower suspension arm wilh Ihe "оог jack and Inslall Ihe агт pivol 0011 аnd пиl (зае Sectlon 12). 11 Аереа! Sleps 4 through 7 'ог 'hз olher spring. 12 Realtach the parking brake саbles 10 'hз Iower SI.Iзpension arms (зее ChaptSl' 10). 13 Install the геаг stabllizer Ьаг (зее Section 9). 14 Installlhe wheel аnd lug nuts, Lower the vehicle and lighlen Ihe lug nuls 10 Ihe torque listed Iп Ihe Chapler 1 Specilications.
12 Suspenslon arms
• removal and inst allation
Waming: If you're going 10 remove both lhe uррег and lhe Iowв' arms 1iтe, then renюvе the соil springs firs t (see Section 11).
at the samв
Chapter 10 Suspension and steering systems
10.4 Аетоуе the lower retaining пиl and 1)011 (arтows) and disengage Ihe shock absorber from the ах lе brackel
12.3 То disconnect ап upper геаг suspensio n агт пот Ihe ахlе, remove thi s boll (arrow) and nul; nole Ihal the boll heed faces оиl
dlsconnect а lower геаг suspensi on arm 'гот Ihe axle bracket, гетоуе Ihis пиl and boll (arтow5)
Nole: If onв uррег аrm requiгes гep/aceтent, гер/асе the other uррег arт аз we". The тanufactuгer rвcomтends /nstalling new fasteners
when гeassembIing the геш: suspension components. 1 loosen the геЗf wheв! lug nuts. Raise the rear 01 the vehicle arкf suppon it securely оп jackstands plaeed beneath the 'гате rails. Block the 'гоп! wheels. Аетоуе the rear wheвls. 2 Position а jack under the dif1erential housing 10 зирроп the axle.
Ирр егагт Refer to illustrations 12.3 аnd 12.4 3 Аетоуе the upper arm-to-rear axle pivot bOIt аnd пи! (5ее i1Iustration). 4 Аеmоуе the upper arm·to·frame pivot bolt and nut (зее iIIustraIlon) and геmоуе the arm from the vehicle. 5 lrispect the bushings а! both ends 01 the arm. !f ei ther bushing is damaged ог worn, have it replaeed Ьу ап automotive machine shop. б Positlon the leading end 01 the new suspension arm In Ihe frame bracket. Inslall а new pivot 0011 and пиl wilh lbe boIt head facing lorward. Don'1 lully tighlen the пиl а! Ihis lime. 7 Attach Ihe other end 01 Ihe arm 10 the a.xle housing with а new pivot boIt and пи1. The bolt head should ье facing 10 the гем. 1I тау ье necessary 'о jack ир the (ваг axle 10 align Ihe holes. Don't fully tighten the пиl yel. Аереа! Steps 3 through 6 and replaee the other ирре!" suspen'8 sion arm, then ргосеес! 10 Step 21.
12.4 То disconnect ап иррег геа г suspension агт (гот the vehiele, гетоуе thi s nut (arтow) and boll; nOle that the пи! 'aces ои!
disconnect а lower геаг su spension arm vehi cle, гетоуе the пи! and pivol boll
Lowerarт Refer (о iIIustra tions 12.12 and 12.14 Note: /, one lower am"l requires гep/aeemen t, гер/асе the other /ower am"l аз we/l. AJso, the тanu'actuгer recoттends ins talling new fastenеп whвn reassembllng the геаг зuзpвnsion compaпents. 9 Detach the AВS lead (зее illuslration 9.2), " equipped, Irom the lower suspension arm. 1О Rепюvе the slаЬШzer bar (seв Section 9). 11 Chain the соИ spring to the Iower suspension апn (зев Sectlon 11). 12 Place а jack under the lower suspension arm-to-a.xle piVOI bolt and remove the plvot OOlt and пи! (see itlustration). 13 Carefully lower Ihe jack until all tension is removed ' гот I he spring. 14 Aemove the lower arm-Io·lrame pivot ЬО" and пи1 (see 1ItustraIlon), then remove Ihe arm 'гот the vehicle. , 5 Inspect Ihe bushings а! both ends о' Ihe агт. If either bushing Is damaged ог worn, have 11 replaced Ьу ап automotive machine shop. 16 РозШоп the new tower агт '" Ihe !гате mounting brackel and install а new pivot bolt and пш, with Ihe nut lacing out. Do not tighten Фе пиl completely аl Ihis lime. 17 Position the other end 01 'М Iower arm in the a.xle bracket аnd inslalt а new bolt and nuI (again, пи! facing out). Do no! lully tighten the пи! аl Ihls time. 18 Repeat Steps 11 I hrou9h 17 and replace the olher tower suspension arm.
Chapter 1О Suspension and steering systems
13..2 ТО d isconnect the axle damper 'гот the axle bгacke t, гетоуе this пи! (arтow)
То disconnect the axle dзmрег пот Ihe vehlcle bracket, гетоуе this nut (arтow)
19 Rетоуе both jacks (!гот underneath the differential and whichever lower suspenslon arm уou just replaced) and place the two jacks undemeath either end 01 the axle tUM, then ralse the axle untit the гваг 01 the vehicle is supported Ьу the 3}{1e (this is the пormal rЮе height). TlQhten all руоl bOI! nuls 10 the lorque Ilsled In this Chapler's Specifications. 20 Install (М stabiHzer Ьаг (see Section 9).
иррег ОГ
21 In51all the wheel and lug nuls. Аетоуе the jackstands and Iloar Jack, lower the vehlcle and lighten Ihe lug nuts 10 the torque listed In
14.3а ТО гетоуе the airbag module, pry otf the 5mall covers оп either slde о' !пе steering wheвl ...
Instal/ation 4 Place 'пв гваг bracket onlo 'пв axle damper and install !пе пи1 (don'! ' igh'en it yet). 5 Posi'ion (пв rear br.к:kel оп 'he frame зЮететЬвг and Inslalllhe bolts. tigh'enlng Iпет securely. 6 Swing lhe axle damper Inlo the rrюuп l оп (пе геш axle аncl Inslall the pivol boll and attaching nul , Ilghlening Iпет securely. 7 Tighlen Ihe геаг relaining пиl securely. 8 Inslall the" wheel апd lug пuls and lower Ihe vehicle. Тighlеп Iпе ' lug nu's 10 !пе torque lis'ed in 'пе Chapler 1 Specificalions.
the Chapter 1 SресiГlCЗlions.
14 Steering wheel - removal and installation 13
damper - removal and installatJon
Removal Refer 10 Шustгаtiопs 13.2 апd 13.3 1 Loosen the wheel 'ио nuts, raise 'пе vehicle and support it оп jackstands. АетОllе the wheel аnd place а lloor Jack under 1пе геаг axle 10 support (!, Just In case (! shifls when the ахlе damper (s removed. 2 Автоуе !пе axle damper fron l atlaching пи! and 0011 !гот Ihe axle bracke! (seв IlIustration). 3 Ае тоуе (пе геаг allaching пиl (зев Illustration). Аетоуе !пе OOlls Iha! hold (пе геаг rrюuпtiпg bracket 10 Ihe frame sidemember and геmoуе Ihe damper 'гот !пе vehicle.
. .. !пеп гетоуе (М airbag module retaining bolts (Ieft side shown)
Refer 10 lI/и5tтtiОП5 14.38, 14.ЗЬ, 14.48, 1 4.4Ь, 14.5, 14.6, 14. 7, 14.8 and 14.9 Waming: Тhв mode/s co verвd Ьу th/s mапиа/ ат вqu/pp&d wlth Supp/ementa/ Reslrainl Syslem5 (SR5), mOf8 соmmon/у known а5 airbags. Always disconnвct the negative bal/ery саЫе, then the positive ba ttery cable 8lId wa/I two minutes before worЮng /п the vicin/ty о! the impaCI sensofS, steвting coIuтn ог instrument раnel 10 avoid the possiЬШty о{ accidвnta/ d&pIoymenl о! the airьag, wh/ch cou/d cause personal iniury (зее Chapl8f 12). Do поt иэе eiectrica/ test вqифmеп! оп апу о( the airbag system wiring о( (аmре( with them in апу way. Тhe stееrlпg со/ umп mU5t по! ьв ro tated wh//e tha steering whee/ Is геmОIlОО; 10 do 50 could damage the airbag соп/ас! 8ssembIy. 1 Posilion (пе !гопl wheels In 'пе stralghl-ahead posilion and Iock
14.4а uft the alrbag module о" !he steering wheel, release the locking tab !ог th e modulB electrical connector ...
14 .4Ь
unplug the connector
Chapter 10 Suspension and steering systems
and discard the steerin g wheel retaini ng bolt ('forx Т50)
14.7 Make sure there are all gnment тагkз оп the upper edge 01 the steering shaft and оп the steering wheel hub - 11 there aren't, make marks
14.6 Unplug the electri ca l connectar far
if вquipped
14.8 Insl at! а steeri ng wheel puller аз shown 10 гетоуе Ihe sleerlng w heel 'гот the steering shaft
Ihe sl eering column. 2 ТО disabIe Ihe airbag system, d isconnect the саЫе trom the negative terminal 01 Ihe batlery, disconnect the positive terminal 01 the ballery, Ihen waillwo minules before beginning work. 3 Аетоуе the two sleering wheel соуегs 'ог the alrbag module relaining bolls, Ihen гетоуе the airbag module relalning bolts (зее illustratlons). 4 Lilt t he module оН the steering wheel and unplug Ihe module electrical соп п есlог (зее illuslrations). Warning : When handling ап
airbag module, always саггу the modu/e with the a/rbag slde facing swsy (гот уоu, bodу. Place the sirb8g in s 58'е IQсаtюп wlth the airb8g side pointing uр. 5 Аетоуе the sleering wheel геtаiфпg Ьо" (see it!ustration). Warning: Discsrd the hub bo/f. Иsе а nsw опе durlng instsl/srion . 6 И прlug ths eleclrical connec tor 'ог the cruise cOnlrOI, if equlpped (зее illuslration). 7 Тhere should already Ье ап эllgпmеп l mark оп the иррег ооее 01 Ihe steering shaft апб anOlher mэrk оп the steering wheel hub. 1I nOI, Ihen mark the relatlonship 01 the steering shaft 10 the hub (il marks боп', already exist ог боп'l Ilne up) 10 simplify installalion апб ensure соггесl steering wheel allgnment (зее illustr atlo n). 8 Изе а steering wheel puller 10 detach Ihe steering wheel !гот the shaft (зее illustration). Ооп', use ап impaCl puller anб боп', роипб оп the steering wheel ог shaft. Route Ihe contact аззетЫу wire hamess Ihrough the sleering wheel аз Ihe wheells lifted оН Ihe зhаft.
14.9 Before Installing Ihe sleering wheel, make sure the steering shaft alignment mark is at the 12 o 'clack position 9 Befare installing the steering wheel, make sure Ihal Ihe sleering column shaft alignment mark is аl the 12 o'clock position (зев iIIustraI lon). 10 ТО install the wheel, аНgп Ihe mark оп Ihe steering wheel hub with
Chapter 10 5uspension and steering systems
Before separating а tie-r od end 'гот tn e .steering back оН th e jзm nut ...
k пu сklе,
15. 2Ь
... and mark the геlаli оп з hiр 01 the tie-rod end 10 the inner lie rod Ьу marking the thread5 with painl; wh en you inslsll the new Ile-rod end, simply 5crew 1I bac k оп up 10 this mark
Disconnect Ihe tie-rod 'гот the spindle агт wilh 8 puller (se e Remove Ihe nul and separale Ihe lie-rod. Unscrew Ihe lie-rod end 'гот the tie-rod.
illustrэtiоп) .
/nstaJJation б
Тhread Ihe lie-rod end оп 10 Ihe marked poslllon and Insert the tie-rod slud Inlo Ihe spindle зrm . Tighten the jam nut securely. Inslatl а new nut оп Ihe stud аnd lighlen it 10 the torque lisled in 7 Ihis Chapl ers SpeciflCalions. In51atl а new coller pin. 8 Inslall 'М wheel and lug nuts. lowet" (М vehicle snd lighlen Il)e lug nuls 10 Ihe tOf"que listed 'п the Chaptet" 1 Specificalions. .... 9 Have the slignmenl checked Ьу а deatet" service depsrtment ог ап aJignment shop.
16 Steering gear boots - replacement 15.4 Use а suitabIe sm al! puller 10 separate the tie-rod end 'гот the steering kn uckle. Note !hat - аз а safety m езsuгв - the casteHaled nut hа з Ьееп loosened, but NOT remo\led j tha! w ay, " the ballstud рорs out о, the knu c kle with а 101 of 'огее, there's по danger о! !пе tie -ГОd end flyin g oul lIiolently enou gh 10 cau se injury 'пе
mark оп the shaft аnd slip the wheel onlo the shaft. Install а new boIl and lighlen it 10 Ihe torque listed '" this Chapler's SpecificatioГlS .
11 Plug '" 'М crulse conlrol COf'IIlecIOf, " equipped. 12 Соппес! 'пе alrbag e!ectrical connector and Install (пе airbag module. 13 Installlhe alrbag module retaining bollS and !i9h'еп 'Мm 10 the lorque listed in thls Chapter's Specificatlons. 14 Соппес! the positive, then the negative, battery cabIes.
Refer 10 Шustf8tions Iб.За and 16.ЗЬ 1 Loo5efl the 11.19 nuts, raise 'М vehicte and support il securely оп jackslands. Remove the wheel. 2 Remove Ihe lie-rod end {зев Seclion 15}. 3 Remove Ihe sleering gear ЬООI clamps (зее iIIu51ralions) and slide 011 the 0001. 4 8efore Installing Ihe new boot, wrap Ihe threads аnd serгstions on Ihe end 01 the Inner lie гod wilh а layer 01 lаре 50 the 5mall end 01 the new ьоо! Isn't damaged. 5 Slic:Ie the new Ьооl inlO posШоп on the steering оеаг untillt seats in Ihe groove in the sleeting оеаг and install new ctamp5. б Remove Ihe 'аре 'гот 'М 'ППе!" tie Гod and inslall the tle-rod end (see Seclion 15). 7 Install the wheel and lug nulS. Lower Ihe vehicle and lighten Ihe lug nulS 10 the torque li51ed in this Chapter's Specilicalions. 8 Have the alignmenl checked Ьу а dealer service departmenl ог ап alignment shoр.
15 Tie-rod end5 - removal and in5tallation
Removal Refer (о illustrations 15.2а, 15.2Ь and 15.4 1 Loosen the wheel lug nu!s. 810ck !he геаг wheels and 5в! the parking brake. Raise !he 'гоп! 01 the vehlcle and support " securely. Remove Ihe 'ГOnI wheel. 2 Loosen Ihe jam nut еrюugh 10 mar1< Ihe posilion 01 'М "е-гod end in relation 10 'М Ihгеаdз (see illu sttаtlопз) . 3 Remove Itte coller pin аnd 1oo5efl 'М nut оп !he lie-rod end stud.
17 Steering gear • removai and installation Warnln g 1: The mode/s covered /)у /his mаnиа/ аге equ/pped with Supp/ementa/ Restraint Systems (SRS), more соmmоп/у known as airoags. A/ways disconnect the nвgative battery саЫв, thвn the positive b8ttвry C8b1e: аnd wait two minutes before working /п 'hв vicinity о{ the impact sвn50Щ sleerfng сЫuтп or ins lruтent pane/ 10 avoid the possibllity о! 8Ccidenlal depJoymenl о{ the airЬag, which could c8Use personгl injury (зев Chapter '2~
Chapter 1О Suspension and steering systems
Before removinQ э зtееriпg gear dust bool, remove the ouler Ьоо! clamp .• .
17.4 Disconn ect the power sleerlng pressur8 and retum lin8 fittings (arrows) and pluQ the lin8S 10 prevenl c ontamination
. . . and
off!he 'ппе г clampi discard both clamps and new опез with the new Ьоо!
17.5 Mark the relationshlp 01 the steering shaft flexibIe cou~lng 10 tha steering geBf 'при! shaft, then 'оозеп and гетоуе this pinch bott (arrowJ
Wamlng 2: Do по! allow the sleвring column 10 rotal& whll& the steвr Ing gear {з rвmoved; daтage 10 (М airbag contact взз&mЫу could оссuг.
Remova/ R&f&r 10 II/ustrations 17.4, 17.5 and '7.7 Positlon !оо fron! wheels in Ihe straight-ahead POSШofl aпd lock the stеепng coIumn. 2 То dlsable the airbag system. diSCOnr'lect Ihe саЫе from the negalive terminal 01 the baltery. disconnect the posilive lerminaJ ollhe battery, IOOn walt two minules belore beglnning work. 3 Ralse Ihe IГОПI 01 Ihe veh1cle and supPOrt it securely оп jackstands. Apply Ine parking bfake. 4 Place а dгаlП рап under Ihe steering gear. Disconnecl the power sleering ргеззиге and relurn lines (зее Illustratlon) алd сар the ends 10 prevenl excessive fluid 'озs and coolaminallon. 5 Mark Ihe relaliooship 01 the steefing shafl flexlbIe coupling 10 Ihe staoong gear input shafl, then remove lhe plrк:h bott (see iltustration). б $врага!е Ine tie-rod епdз 'гom the sleering knuckJes (500 Sectiоп 15). 7 Support 100 sleering gear and remoуе the зleвling gear-Io-crossтетЬ&г mountlng nuts and Ьо1!з (з ее l1Iustra!ion). Lower !he unit, separete the steering shaft 'гот 1he steering gear Inpul shaft and гетоуе the sleering gear Iгom Ihe vehicle.
detach the steering gear from the поп! suspension these пutз (arrows) and Ьоlts; ье sure 10 all washers and Install Ihem exactly аз removed
сгоззтетЬег, гетоуе азvе
Chapter 10 Suspension and steering systems
18.3а То
disconnect !по power steertng Ilnes fтoт the pump оп а 4.6L model, remOV8 this 5mall bolt and гетОУ8 the high pressure line bracket .•.
/nstallation Raise the stOOfing gear into position, align {М mar1o;s you made оп 'пв steering column shaft IlехiЫе coupling and steering gear Inpu! shatt, соппес! 'пе steering gear input shaft 10 ,пе IlexibIe coupllng. InSlatl 'he pinch bolt Ьи! don', tighlen " yet. 9 Install ,пе steering gear mounting bolts and washers and tighten 'l'le пutз 10 'hв lorque lisled in Ihis Chapler's Specilications. Make sure 'пе bott пезds 'асе 10 'hв геш and the nuts 'асе fOlWard . 10 nghlen 'пе steering shaft IlexibIe coupling pinch 0011 10 {пе
... th en unscrew Ihe high pressure fitting (arrow), squeeu the blg hose clamp (arrow) and detach the retum hos-ej 10 unbolt the ритр 'гот the bIock , гетоув all 'оиг mounting bolt5 (arтowsJ
18 Power steering pump • removal and installation
torque lisled in this Chapter's Specifications. 11 Соппес l the Ile-rod ends 10 Ihe sleering knuckles (see Seclion 15). 12 Соппес! Ihe power sleering pressure and relurn hoses 10 Ihe sleering gear and fill Ihe poW$ sleel"lng pump reservoir wilh the гее ommended fluid (sвe Chapler 1). 13 Аemoув lhe )ackslands and 10w6f the vehicle. 14 BIeвd 'tю stвering system (see SecUon 19).
Reтova/ Refвr (о
lIIustratlons 18.3а, 18.30, 18.4 and 18.5 Aelleve tension оп the serpentlne belt (зве Chapter 1). 2 ОП З.8L and 5.0L englnes, the pump сап ье aecessed frorаЬоуе . ОП 4.БL engines, rai5e the !гоп! о! !he vehicle and plae{! rt securely оп jаеkslалds (the ритр is morе easily accessed from underneath the vehlele оп these models). 3 Locate Ihe pump оп the left (driver 's) side 01 Ihe engine bIoclt. Disconnecl Ihe fluid relurn hose, drain Ihe fluid 'гот the pump reser· уо1г, and diseonnect Ihe pressure hose (зее illu5Irations). Plug lhe lines 10 prevenl cOnlamination. 4 Оп З.8L and 5.0L engines, the ритр is mounted оп 8 brackel tюttвcllо 'hв engine. You'll have 10 гemoуе Ihe pullвy be!orв you сал remove Ihe pump-Io-brackel mounling boIls. Д special putlef !ог thlS purpose (see i1Iusl ration) Is avallabIe а! mos! auto par1s slores. 4.БL englnes, Ihe ритр is mounted direclJy оп the bIock, 50 Ihe pullвy doesn', еоуег up Ihe mounlln9 tюlts. оп these models, it's easier 10 гетоуе Ihe pulley оп Ihe beneh after уои 'уе removed the pump assembIy. 5 Аеmoуе Ihe pump mounlin9 botts (зее illustration) aлd гетоуе the ритр.
/nstallation Refer (о lI/ustnJtion 18.6 б Installatlon is Ihe reverse 01 Ihe аЬоуе procedure. ОП З.8L and 5.0L engines, you'll need а special pulley inslaller 1001 (зев illustralion), availabIe а! тоз! aulo рапз slores, 10 installlhe pulley опее the ритр i5 bolted 10 ils mountlng braekel. 7 Installlhe serpenline Ье" (seв Chapter 1). 8 Insl811 'М ргезsиге and relum lines and fill the resEtfVoir wilh ал арprovвd fluld. Start the engine aлd 'ит the sleering whвel 'rom lock 10 lock sev6fal Umes 10 distribute Ihe fluid, then recheck the fluld level and top-otf i! песеssэгу. 9 Bleed Ihe power slaering system (sae Seclion 19).
18.4 You 'll пеес! а special puller 10 гетоув the power steering pulley оп З.81 and 5.0L m odels (on 4.6L models, this са п ье done оН the vehlcle)
19 Power steering system • bIeeding
Following апу operalion in which the POW6f sletlfing fluid lines have been disconnected, thв POW6f steering syslem musl ье bIed 10
Chapter 10 Suspension and steering systems
18.5 Оп 3.8l and 5.0l models, remove the ритр bracket bo lts (arrows) and the bracket, then ге тоуе the power steering ритр botts (аrтоwз) ; оп 4.6l modеlз, the ритр iз bolted directty 10 the bIock (see Illustratlon 18. 3Ь)
all air and obtain ргорег sleering реrfоrmалсе. 2 Wilh Ihe Iront wheels '" the stralght ahead posltlon, check lhe power sleвnng nuld 'еуel and, il Iow, add Iluid unlil it геасheз the Cold mark оп the dips'ick. 3 51art 'he engine and alJow it 10 run а! lаз' Idle. Aecheck the Iluld 'еуеl and add тоге il necessary to reach the Cold maflt.on Ihe dipstick. 4 81еес! Ihe зуstеm Ьу lurning Ihe wheels Iгот side-to-side, wi!houl , hilting Ihe stops, This will work the air ou! 01 the зуз!ет. Кеер the reservoir full 01 f1uid as this is done. when the alr is wOf'ked out 01 'М syslem, relum "'е wheels 10 lhe 5 stralghl ahead positlon and leave the vehicle runnlng 'ог several тоге minules belore shutting it оН. 6 Road lезt Ihe vehicle 10 ье sure Ihe s!eering syslem is lunctloning normally and nolse Iree. 7 Recheck "'е f1uid level 10 ье sure il is up 10 Ihe НОI mark 0f1 the dipstJck wt1ile the engine is at пormа1 opera'ing lemperalure. Add fluld 1I песезsary (see Chapler 1).
18,6 You'lI al$o пеес! а special pulley Instalter {ооl 10 press the pulley onto "'е ритр shaft; NEVER hammer а pulley onto the shaft • уоо cou ld damage the ритр
Front end alignment - general information
Refer 10 iIIUSlration 21.1 А 'гоп! еОО aJignment relers 10 lhe adJustmenlS made {о the front wt1eels 50 Ihey ате in ргорег angular relatlonship 10 Ihe suspension and the ground. Fronl wheels thal аге oul 01 ргорег aJignmenl not оп1у
(INCHE5) 13
Wheels and tires - general infonnation
185 195
75 во
205 Refer to i//ustratJon 20.1 AlI models covered Ьу this manual аге equippecl wi!h metric-$Ized radial lires (зее illustration), Use 01 olher size ог 'уре 01 !ires тау affecl Ihe ride and handling 01 the vehicle. Don'! mix differen! 'урез 01 Ilres, such аз radlaJs and Ыаз belted, оп !he зamе vehicle аз handling тау ье seriously affecled, Jt's recommended Ihat tires ье replaced 'п pairs оп lhe sam& axle, but if only опе 'ire 'з being replaced, ье sure h'$ the мте size. slructure аnd tread design аз the o!her. 8ecause lire pressure has а substanlial еНесl оп handling and wear, Ihe pressure оп аН tires should Ье eheeked аl leasl опее а monlh ог before апу extended Irlps (see Chapler 1). Wheels must ье replaced il Ihey ме benl, denled. leak air. have вlongated bOIt holes, аге heavily rusted, ou! 01 vertical зyrптеЩ or if the lug пшз won't stay tight. Whee1 repaiгs Ihat use welding or peening ате no! recommended , Тiгe and wheel balance 'з Imроnалl 10 Ihe overall handling. brakIng and performance 01 the vehicle. UnbaJaneed wheels сап adversely affecl handling аnd ride characteristlcs as well as tiгe lile. Wheneveг а tlre is instaJled оп а wheel. the tire and WheeI stюuld ье baJaneed ьу 8 shop with the proper equipment,
20.1 Меtпе tire size code
Chapter 1О Suspension and
affect steering control, but also increase tire Weaf {see Шustrаtiоп}. Getting Ihe proper fron! wheel alignmenl i5 а very exacting рrocезз, Of1е '" which compliceted алd expensive machines зге пес essary 10 perform the job proper1y. Вecause of Ihis, уои shotJld have а technlcian with Ihe ргорег equipment perform these tasks. We will, however, use thls sрасе 10 give you а basic idea of what is invo/ved with fron! end alignment 50 you сап better urЮefStand Ihe process алd
with the shop that does the worio;. TO&+in 15 the tuming In of the fron! wheels. The purpose 01 а 'ов specification 'з 10 ensure parallel roIling of the IrOnl wheels. '" а vehicle with zero toe-In, те distance between the 1roп! edges о' те wheels deallntвlligently
the sarпе
as 'м distance between те rear edges of the wheels.
The actua[ amount 01 toe-in 15 nonnally only а fraction 01 8П Inch. Тое '" adJustment 15 controlled ьу the tie-rod end posilion оп the tie-rod. Incorrect toe-In wШ cause the tires 10 wear imprope"y ьу making them scrub against the road sur1ace. СаmЬе!" (з
the tiНing 01 the front wheels Irom the vertical when vlewed from the front 01 the vehicle. When the wheels tilt out а! the top, 'hв camber Is said 'О ье posltive (+). When the wheels tilt in а! the top the camber is negative (-). Тhe amount 01 tilt Is measured In degrees Irom the vertical and this measurement 'з caJled the camber angle. Тhis angle affects the amount 01 lire tread which contacts the road аnd compensates for changes in the suspension geometry when the vehlcle 'З comering or traveling OV8l" an undulatlng sur1ace. Gastet" (з ttIe tilting 01 the 'ар 01 the front steering axls from the vertical. А tilt toward the rear is роsШvе caster and а Iltt toward the fronl 'з negative caster.
21 .1 Fro nt end alignment detalls 1 2 3 4
minU$ В = С (degrtJes camberj = degrees caster Е minus F = toe-in (mвasured in inches) G - toв-/n (expгessдd in degгees) О
Chapter 11 Body Contents-
Вody . mаlпlвnалсе ......... ........,...........................................
80dy repaJr • majof dams.ge ....... ............... .......................... вody repair • m!nor damag6 ................. ................... ...................... .Вumpet'S - removal and Installation ............................ .•.•.•.••.•..•..•.• ~ter console
- remo . . аl and installation.................................. ....
' Cowl oover - removal and Installation ...... .......................... ............ Dashboard trim рапеls - removaJ and installation ..................:...... Door - removal, insta/latJon and adjustment .................................. Door lalch, Iock cylindef and handlвs - remova/ and InstaJlation ..
. DoortJim
23 28 25 18 19
and installation .....................................
window glass - removal and installatlon ............................... Door window glass rвgulator - removal and Installatlon .......... ...... Front fender - removal and Installation ..........................................
20 21 12 1 7
paлeI- rEМТlOva!
GвneraI iпloпnаtоо .. . ............... . ...................... ... ...................... . .....
Hinges ·and Iocks - m.aJnlenance .........:..........................................
General information
These models fealure а -unibody" eonstruel lon, uslng а floor рап with !топ! аnd гем 'rзте side rails whleh support the bodу еотро nents, fronl аnd геаг sшрепslоп syslems and othef mechanical components. Cef'taJn componenls ме partlcularly vulnerabIe 10 accidenl damage and сап ье unbolted and repaired or replaced. Among these parts аге Ihe bodу m oldlngs, bumpers, hood and trunk lids and all glass. Only general body malntenance practiees and body рапel гера!г procedures wlthln the scope 01 the do-It-yourselfer are Included '" this Chapler.
- maintenance
1 The Condltioo 01 your V9h1c1e'з body Js уегу Important, because the resale value dеpendз а great deal оп 1:1. II's mueh mOfe d iffieull 10 repair а neglecled ог damaged bodу Ihan 'l is 10 repalr mechanlcal componenц. The hidden areas 01 the body, such аз ttIe wheel wells, the frame and the engine compartmenl, are вqually Important, although
Section '"1ood - removal, Installalion and adJuslm8flt ........................... ..... . Hood relвase laleh and саЫе - гemoуal аnd InstalJalion ...... ......... Instrumenl elust8f" bezel - removal and Insl allalion ....................... Instrumenl panel - removal and inslallaIOO ................................... Rвar spoilef - removaJ and Inslallallon........................................... Seals - removal and Inslallalion ..................................................... 5ldevlew mirrors - removal and InslaJlation ................................... 51eefing coIumn еovег - removal аnd Inslallation .......................... Tl\Jnk.lld - гemovзI , InstalJalion and adjustmenl ............................ Tl\Jnk lid lalch and lock cylinder · removal and Installalion ........... Tl\Jnk Ild supporl struts · гетоуа] and Insl allallon......................... Upholslery аnd earpels - malnlenancв.. . ........ . .. . .. . . . .. . .. . . . .. . ..... . . .. . .
9 10 24 27 16 29 '22 26 • 14 15 13 4
Vinyl 'пт - m.aJntenance.................................................................
Windshield and fixed glass - replacemenl .....................................
they don'l require 8s freqU8flt an8fltlon аз the reзl 01 the body. 2 0fICe а уезr, or зvщ 12,000 miles, It's а good idea 10 МУе the underslde 01 the body s!eam eleaned. AlI traees of dirl and 011 will ье гетоуес! and the агеа сап then ье inspected carefully 'ог I\Jsl, dam· aged brake lines, 'гауecl eleclrleaJ wires, damaged еаЫез and other problетз. The !топl SlJspenslon componenls shouk:l ье greasecl after compl etion 01 thls job. 3 дl Ihe sзmе I[me, elean the engine and Ihe вngine comparlmenl with а sleam eleaner or waler soluble degreasвr. 4 The wheel wells should ье glven close anenlOO, since undercoat· ing сап PeeI away аnd stOr:"les and dirt thrown up ьу 100 1ireз сап саuзe the paint 10 chip аnd "зkе, allowlng rust 10 set 'п. 11 rust is l ound. dean down 'о the bзrе metal and apply ап an!i-rusl paint 5 The body should ье washed about опее а week. WвI lhe vehiele Ihoroughly 10 soften Ihe dirt, Ihen wash it down wilh а 80ft spooge and plenty 01 elean soaру wal8f. If lhe surplus d irt is по! washed off very carefulty, it сап wear oown the pain!. 6 5pols 01 'а, or asphall Ihrown up Irom Ihe road should ье removed with а elolh soaked In soJуen!. 7 Опее еуегу slx monlhs, wax the body and ehrome !rlm. If а chrome eleaner Iз used 10 гemovе rustIrom anу 01 lhe vehlclе'з plaled pзrtз, remember lha! the еleaлer aJso (emovез part of the ehrome, 50 use it spafingly.
11-2 3
Chapter 11 Body
Vinyt trim - maintenance
tпт with detergents, caustic soap or petroleumcleaners. Plain soap and water wor1l:s ]uзl fine, with а 50ft brush 10 clean dln ttш! тау ье ingrained. Wash thв viny1 аз frequenlly аз the resl of the vehicle. Aftвr cleaning, applicatloo of а high quality rubber аnd vinyl protесtалt will help preven! oxldation and cracks. тhe protectant сап also ье appIied 10 weathвrstripping, vacuurn lines and rubber hoses (which often fail аз а result о, chemlcal degrndatloo) and 10 the tires.
Oon't clean viny1
Upholstery аnd carpets -
1 Every three monlhs геmoуе the carpets ог та!з and clean Ihe interior 01 the vehicle (тOfе frequently if necessary). Vacuurn the upholstery and carpets 10 гетоуе lOOSe dirt аnd dust.
Leather upholstery requires speclal саге. Stains should Ье гетоуес! wlth warm watвr and а very mild soap solution. Usв а clean, damp cloth 10 гетоуе the зоар, then wlpe вgзlп with а dry clolh. Never изе atcohoJ, ga501In&, паИ polish remover ог Ihinner 10 clean leather upholstery. 3 After cleaning, reg ular1y 'геаl leather upholstery wllh а leather wax. Never use car wax оп lealher upholslery. 4 In areas where l he Interior 01 the vehlcle is subject 10 bright SlJ n~ lighl, cover lealher seats with а sheet jl lhe vehlcle Is 'О ье left out 'ог аny length 01 time.
Bocty repair - minor damage
See photo sequence
Repair о( тinor scratches tf Ihe scratch is SUPerfICiaI and dоез not peootrale 10 'М metaJ 01 repair is v8fy simple. Ughlly rub the scralched атеа with а fine rubblng сотpound 10 remove loose palnl and built-up wax. Rinse Ihe агеа wllh clean waler. 2 Apply touch-up ра!пl 10 the scralch, using а small brush. Соп tinue 10 вт Ihin lay8fS 01 paint unlil 'М surtace 01 Ihe painl 'П the scralch is leV9I with the surrounding paint. дllow the new pain! alleast two weeks 10 harden, then Ыend it into 'М surrounding pafnt ьу rubbing wflh а very fine rubblng compound. Flnalfy, apply а соаl 01 wax 10 Ihe scralch агеа . . 3 1I the scralch-has penelraled the palnl and exposвd Ihe melal of the bodу , causing Ihe melal 10 rust . а diHerenl гера!г technique is required. Remove aJi 100se rust from 'М bottom of the scratch with а pockel knife, then aPPIY rusl inhibiting painl 10 РГеУenl the lorma.lion 01 rust ,п Ihe luture. Uslng а rubber ог nylon applicator , соа! th.e scratched агеа wilh gfaze-type liller. 1I requfred, the fiJler сап ье mixed with thinner 10 provide а very thin pasle. whlch is Ideal IOf filling narrow SCfatches. Вe!Ofe the glaze filler (п the scratch hardens, wrap а piece of smooth соttоп cloth аround 'М tip 01 а finger. Dip the clolh In thinner and then quick!y wipe [l along the sur1ace 01 the scralch. Тhls wШ 8nSIJre that the ЗUlfасе 01 !he liller is slighlly hollow. The scralch сап now ье painted оуег as descrlbed earlier In Ihls Section. 'М bodу,
Repair о' dents 4 when repaJring dents, the firsl job Is 10 puJJ the denl out until 'М affected агеа is as CIOSe as possibIe 10 its originai shзpe. Тhere Is no poinl In trying 10 restore the original зhaре complelely аз Ihe metal in I he damaged агеа wiJI have slretched оп (трас! and саnnОI Ье resl ored 10 il s original conlours. It is belter 'О brlng the level 01 Ihe denl up 10 а point which Is аboot 118-inch below the level 01 'М surrounding metal. In саseз where the dent is yВfy shaJlow, it is not worth Irying 'о pull it out аl all. 5 If 'М back side 01 the dent 15 accesslble, It сап ье hammered out genlly from behind using а 5Oft-Iace hammer. While doing thls, hold а
block 01 wood lirmly against the opposile side 01 the metal 10 abscwb the hammer btows and pnlvenl the metaJ lгom being 5tretched. 6 1I the dent is In а sectiоп .of the body which has double layers, 01 some other lactOf makes it 'пзccessiЫе from behind, а different technique Is required . DrШ several small hotes through the metallnside th8 dam8ged агеа, partlcularly in the deeper sections. Screw long, SeIfl applng screws into the holes just enough 'ог Ihem 10 gel а good 9f1t in the melal. Now Ihe denl сап ье pulled out ьу pulllng оп Ihe protrudIng heads 01 !М sct8WS with Iocklng piiers. 7 тhe neх! slage 01 гepзiг is the removal of j)ainl 'гom 'М damaged area and 'гот inch of 50 01 'м SlJrrounding metal. Тhi5 Is done with а wlre brush of sanding disk in а dгш molOf, аlttюugh It сап ье done Just as effectively ьу hand wilh sandpaper. То comple!e the prepara-. I lon 'о!' filllng, scoге the surface 01 the Ьаге metal with а screwdriver 01 the 'аng 01 а file, of drШ small tюIes '" the affected егеа. 11115 wiJ\ provlde а good grlp fOf the fitler matenal. То complete the repaJr, see th8 subsection оп lilllng and painting later in this Sectiоп.
Repair о' rust ho/es or gashes 8 Аетоуе all palnl Irom lhe affecled агеа and 'гот ап Inch or 50 cf Ihe surrounding metal using а sandlng disk ог wire brush mounted in а drill mol Of. 1I 'heзe 81е no! аУзilaЫе, а lew sheets 01 sandpзper wШ do 'М tOЬ jusl as effectively. 9 With the paint removed. уou will ье аЫе 10 delermlne lhe severity 01 the corrosiorl and declde whelher 10 replace Ihe whoIе panel, If роз. sible, or repair the affected 81еа. New bodу panels аге поl аз expenslve as mOSI people thJnk and It Is often Quicker 10 !nslaJI а new рaneJ Ihал 10 repair l81ge агезs 01 rust. 1О Remove 811 trim pieces trom the affected агеа ехсер! thosв which will act as а guide 10 the originai shape 01 the damaged body, such ~ headllght shells, elc. Using тetal sn1рз of а hacksaw bIade, remoуе aI IООзе metal and апу other metaJ Ihat!s badly affecled ьу rus!. Hammer Ihe edges ollhe hole In 10 creale а sllght depressloo 'ог Ihe liller тale rial. 11 Wire brush the affected 81еа 10 remove the powdery rusl from 1f'I8 sur1ace 01 the metal. 11I he back 01 the rusled зrеа 'з accessibIe, treal1t with rust inhiЫting painl. 12 Belore fillJng is done, bIock Ihe hole in. some way. This сап ье done wilh sheel melal riveted ог screwed Inlo place, ог Ьу stuffing the hole with wire mesh. 13 once lhe hoIe 1з blocked оН, the affected area сап ье fi!1ed and paintecl. see the following subsection оп filling and palnting.
Filling and painting types 01 bodу fi llers ше avaiiable, Ьи! generally speaking, kils whlch сопtзiп filler pasle алd а tube 01 гез!п hardener ше Ьез! 'ог this type 01 repair worl<. А wide, nexible plastic or nylon appIlcatOf will ье necessary IOf impartlng а smooth and conl oured finish 10 the surface 01 the filler material. Mlx up а small amount of filler оп а сleaп piece 01 wood of cardboard (изе 'М hardener sparingly). FoIlow Ihe manufaclurer's instructions on the package, otherwlse the filler wi ll зе! incorreclly. 15 Using 'М appllcalor, аррly the IIller pasle 'о the ргepзred зrеа. Draw Ihe applicator асгозs the su r1ace 01 Ihe 111Ier 10 achleve the deslred contour аnd 10 level !he filler surtace. As SOOfI аз а contour Ihat approxiтales the original опе 15 achieved, зtор worl
bodу геpзiг
Chapter 11
9.2 Befo re rem oving the hood , draw а marX aro und the hinge pl ate the dust produced Ьу the sanding operation 15 gon&. 18 Spray the entirв агеа wlth а Ilght соаl 01 рПтег. This will Г&\Iеаl апу Imperfвctions in the surface 01 the fillef'. Repair the imperfections with fresh filler paste ог glaze fjller and опев more smooth the surface with sэndрарег. Rереа! this spray-and-repair procedure until you аге satlslied thal Ihe surface 01 Ihe litler and Ihe feathered edge 01 lhe paint аге perfect. Rinse Ihe агеа with clean water and allow it 10 dry completely. 19 The repair агез is now ready for painting. Spray painling тизl ье саniес! oulln а WЗЛТ'I, dry, wlndless and dust 'гее atmosphere. These COnditions сап Ье crealed if you have ассезs 10 а large indoor o,york агев. Ьиl if уои аге 'огсес! 10 work '" the ареп, you will have to pick the оау уегу carelully. 11 уои are wOfking Indoors, douslng the Iloor ,п the .... wor1< агеа wilh water will help sellle Ihe dust which woold olherwise ье in the alr. 1I Ihe repair агеа ,з conlin&d 10 опе bodу panel, mask oft Ihe surroundlng panels. Тhis will help minimize Ihe effects 01 а slighl mismatch ,п painl color. Тпm pieces such аз chrome strips, Ооог handles. etc., ..... ill also need 10 ье mask&d оН ог removed. Use masking 'аре аnd зevегal thickлess 01 пewзpaре!'" IOf the masking operations. 20 ВefOfe spraying, shake Ihe pзjпl сап thotoughly, then spray а lesl агее untll lhe зprау painling lechnique 'з maslered. Cover the repair агеа wilh а thick соа! 01 рПтег. ТПе thickness should ье Ьиil! ир using several thin layars 01 рптег rather than опе thlck опе. Using 6OO-grit wat -or-dгy sandpaper, гиЬ down the surface 01 Ihe primer until '! is "егу smooth. While doing thls, the work агеа shouJd Ье thoroughty rlns&d with water and the wet-or-dгy запорараг periodically rinsed as well. Allow the primer to огу belore spraying additional coats. 21 Spray оп the top coat, agaln bullding ир the Ihiсkлеss Ьу using зevегаl thin layers 01 pain!. Begin spraying ,п the center 01 the repair агеа аnd then, using а circular molicн1, WOr1I ou! un!il the whole геpзjг агеа аnd аbou! two ,ncheз 01 the surrounding original paint 'з covered. Remove all masklng material 10 10 15 minutes after spraying оп the final соа! 01 paint. AlIow the па ..... paint а! leas! two weeks 10 harden, Ihen изе а very fine rubbing compound to bIend the edges 01 the пвw paint into the eKisting paint. Finally, apply а соа! 01 wax.
Body repair - major damage
1 Major damage must Ьз repalred Ьу ап auto body shop specifically equlpped \0 perform unibody repalrs. ТПезе shops have the specializ&d equipment required 10 do the job property. 2 11 the damage is екtensivе, the bocty muз! ье checked fOf proper alignment ог the vehicle's handting characteristics mау ье adversety affected аnd olher components тау wear еl ап accelerated rate. 3 Dие 10 the lасl that ell о, the major bodу componenls (hood, lепоеrз, etc.) аге separate and replaceabIe unils, апу seriously damaged componenls should ье replaced rather Ihan repaired. Sometimes
9.4 Remove the hinge 10 hood retainlng bolts and lift о" the hood w ith the help 01 8 П assistant th8 components сап ье 'оипо In а wrecking уаго that specializes in used vehicle components, often а! considerabIe savings оуег the СОЗI 01 new parts.
Hinges and loeks - maintenance
Спее every 3000 miles. or every Ihree months, the hinges апй lateh assembIies on the оoors, hood епо trunk should ье given а few огорз 01 light oil of lock lubricanl. Тhe ОООг lalch strikers should al50 ье lubricated with а thin соа! 01 grease 10 reduce wear and ensure Iгае movemen t. Lubricate the ОООг and trunk locks with зргау-оп graphite lubricant •
Windshield and fixed glass - repl acement
Replacement 01 the windshield and liKed glass requires Ihe изе 01 speciel lasl-setling adhesiveJceulk malerials апо some speciellzed lools. It ,з recommend&d that theзе орегаlЮns ье left to а dealer of а shop specializing in glass wor1<.
Hood - removal, instaJlatJon and adjustment
Note: тпе hood is heavy 8nd sornвwhat awkward (о - 8! /east two peopJe should perform this procес1uге.
and /nsta/J
and installation
9.2 and 9.4 1 Use bIankets ог раоз 10 cover the cowl агее of Ihe body апй lenders. This wШ protect Ihe bocty аnd pзiпl аз Ihe hood is liftoo оН. 2 Make mar1<s от scribe а Ilna агоипо the hood hinge 10 ensure prop8f alignment during installation (see iIIustratio n). 3 Disconnect апу саЫез ог wires thal wi1l inter1ere with removal . 4 Have ап assistant suppon Ihe hood. Remove the hinge-to-hood nuts о' bolts (зее illustralion). 5 Uft off the hood. 6 InstaHation 1з the reverse 01 removal. Refer
Adjustтent (о iIIustrations 9.10 8nd 9 . 11 7 Fore-and-aft апо side-to-slde adjustment 01 Ihe hood is done ьу moving the hinge plate slot after Ioosenlng the bolts ог nuts. 8 Scribe а line around the entire hinge plate 50 уou сап dalermine Ihe amount 01 movement (зое illustration 9.2). 9 Loosen the bolts ог nuts апо move the hood into сотгес! align-
The5e phOt05 ШU5tгаtе а method of repairing simple dents. They are intended to 5upplement Body repair • minor damage in this Chapter and 5hould not Ье used as the 50le instructions for body repair о п these vehicles.
1 If you сап'! ассезз the backslde о, the body panel 10 hammer oul the dent, pullll оиl wilh а sllde-hammer-type dent puHer.ln Ihe deepesl por1ion о, the denl ог along the сгеазе linQ, drill ог punch hole(s) аl least опе Inch apar1 ...
. • . then screw the sllde-hammer inlo Ihe hole snd operate It. wlth а hammer пеаг the edge о, the dent to help 'рор' the metal back to its ог19iпз1 shape. When уои'ге 'Inished, the dent агеs $hould ье clo$e 10 Its origlnal contour and about 1/8-inch below the $ur1ace о, the surrounding теtзl
Using соаrи-ет sandpaper, гетоуе the paint down to Ihe metal. Hand sandlng works '1пв, bul the dlsc sander shown here makes the job ' a$ter. Use finer (aboul 32O-gril) sandpaper 10 fealher-edg e the paint at leasl опе Inch around Ihe denl агва
4 When the paint 1$ removed, touch will ргоЬаЫу Ьв тоге helpful than sight for lelllng " the metal is stralght. Наттег down the hlgh spots ог ralse the low spols as пвсвззагу. Clean the repalr агеа with waxJsilicone гетоуег
Following label Instructlons, т1х ир а batch of plasllc filler аnd r8tio of filler 'О hardener 1з crillcal, and,lf you mix il Incorтectly, it will elther not сиге ргореПу ог сиге 100 qulckly (уои won'l have time to file and sand It into shape)
6 Workin9 quickly зо the fll ler doe$n'l harden. use а plastic appllcator to press the Ьodу fi ller firmly Into the metal. assuring it bonds completely. Work the filler until it malches the origlnal contour and 1з slightly аЬоуе the surтounding metal
7 Let the tiller harden until уои сап Just denl it with уои, tlngemall. Use а body file о, Surform 1001 Ishown here) 10 roughshape the l111е,
8 Use coarse-gril sandpaper and а sandlng board or bIock 10 work the fШеr down untfllt's smooth and еуеп. WOf'К down 10 "пе, grils 01 sandpaper - atways using а board о, bIock - endlng ир with 360 or 400 grit
9 Уои shouldn't ье аЫе to feel апу ridge at the transition from the fftler 'О the bare теtзl о, from the bare теtз' 10 the otd palnt. Аз зооп аз Ihe repair 'з flat and unlform, remove the dust and mask off the adjacent panels or trim pieces
10 Apply severallayers 01 primer 10 the area. Don't sprsy lhe primer оп 100 "'еа\/}" зо it заg5 о, run5, and make sure вас'" соаl 'з dry befora уои spray оп Ihe naxt опе. А professional-type 5pray яип 15 belng used here, Ьиl aerosol spray primer 'а availabIe inexpensively from auto раnз stores
11 11 Тhe рПте, will help (еуеаl Imperfectfons о, scralches. FiII these with glazing compound. Follow the label instructJons and sзnd it with З6О о, 4ОО-япt заndраре' until it's smooth. Repeat the gtazing, sandlng аnd respraylng untlt the primer reveals а perfectly smooth surface
12 Finish sзnd the primer with very fine заndраper 1400 о, 600gril) 'О (етоуе the рпте, overspray. Clean the area with water and allow it to dry. Use а tack rвя 10 (етоуе апу dust, then epply the finlsh coat. Don't attempl 10 ПJЬ out о, wax the repalr area unt!1 the paint "'аз dried complelely 1а! least two weeks)
Chapter 11
., around the hinge 10 use 85 а reference polnt · То adjust the hood latch, 1005еп the retalning bolts (arrows), rnоуе the tatch and r etighten bOlts, then close the hood 10 check the fft
ЗспЬе а [[пе
тМ I. MOlle [! only а 1IIIIe а! а time. Trghten the hinge bol15 and саге fully IoWE!( Ihe hood 10 chвck the posilion. 10 11 necessary aftвr InstaJlalion, lМ entire hoad latch assembIy сап ье adjusted up-and-down as well аз 'гom side-to-side оп Ihe radialOf suppon 50 the hood closes securely and flush with the fenders. То mak e the adjustment, scribe а line ог mark around I he hood latch mounting bo lts 10 provlde а reference pol"!, \h en 'о озе " them and reposition the latch зsзетЫу. аз necessary (sее illustration). FollowIng adjustment, retighten Ihe mounting bolts. , 1 Finally, adjust the hood bumpers on the radial or support $о Ihe hood, when closed, 15 flush with the 'еООМ5 (зее illustration). ,2 ТI"Ie hood lalch аsзemЫу, as well as the hinges, should ье реПod icaJIy lublica.ted with while, lilhium-base эгеазе 10 prevenl bindlng and
Adju st the hood closing height Ьу tuming the hood bumpers In ог out tration 9.10) and remove the latch. Disconnecl Ihe hood release саЫе ьу disengaging the саЫе Iгom the lalch assembIy (зее i1Iustratlon). 3 Inslallalion " Ihe rev8fSe 01 the removal procedure. Note: AdjU5! the /atch 50 the hood епэаэе5 securв/y when C/05ed аnd /М hood bumpers вrв $/ight/y compressed.
Refer 10 iIIustra tion 10.2 , Scribe а line around I he lal ch 10 ald alignmenl when Inslalling, Ihen delach the lalch relainlng Ьоl1, 10 I he radiator support (зее Illus-
Refer /0 II/uз/гаtioп 10.6 4 Disconnecl tha hood release саЫе Iгот the lalch assembIy as described above. 5 Attach а piece 01 sliff wire 10 Iha end 01 the саые' then follow lhe ' саЫе back 10 the firewall аnd detach all 'hв саЫе retalning clips. 6 Worlc.ing In Ihe passeng8f" compartmenl, remove Ihe driver side kick panel. Then remove Ihe Iwo ralease lever mounling bol ts зпd detach the hood release lever (see lItustration) . Pull Ihe саЫв and grommet rearward into I he pa5senger сот 7 partment unlil уои сап sae the wire. Ensure that the naw саЫа has а grommal allached, Ihen remove the old са Ые 'гот tha wire and replace it with the nвw саЫе. 8 Working 'гот engine сотраrtmenl pull 'ОО wire back through the firewall. 9 Inslallalion Is the reverse 01 Iha removal Nole: Pиsh оп (М эroт те ! with уоuг finger$ {гот the рвззепэег compartment 10 $ев! the grommet;n 'М firвwall corrвct/y.
10.2 Unscrew the саЫе retaining bolt from the backslde of the hood latch аззеmЫу, then disengage the саЫе
10.6 Remove the hood release 'еуег retainlng screws (arтow) and pull the саЫе rearwaгd into the pa ssenger c ompartment
10 Hood relea se latch and installation
- remo\lal and
Chapter 11 Body
РиН downward оп the center pin 10 release the ctips from th e lower edg8 01
11 .4 Detach the retalning screws securing ,по
bumper соуег 10 'пе inner fende rwell splash shield
Ьитре г соуег
11 .6 Drill 01.11 two rivet s securing 'па upper hall of 'па bumper соуег
- removal and installation
Waming: тhe modeIs pleтвnta/
coverвd Ьу
тапuа/ зге бfqU/ррОО
with Sup-
(SRS), moге сотmoп/у known аз airbags. Always disconnвcl Ihe negat/ve battery саЫе, then lhe posШvе ba ttery саЫв and wait МО minu/es before working /п the v/cinity 01 the impact Restraint
sensors, stooring со/umп ог instrument panвl 10 avoid (М possiЫlity о! 8Ccidenta1 OOployтenl о( the airbag, wh/ch cou/d саusе persona/ injury (see Chapler 12). Do пat use e/ectrica/ test equipment сп апу о( the 8il'bag system w/ring o f tamper with them in апу way.
Front Ьuтреr Refertoillustrations 11.3, 11.4, 11.5, 11,бапd 11.8 1 Apply Ihe parklng brake, raise the vehlcle and support it securely оп lackstands. 2 Dlsconnect the negalive battery саЫе . Ihen Ihe positive battery саЫе and wait мо mlnules befOfe proceeding аnу further. 3 Working иооег the vehlcJe. delach the plastJc clips securing 'М lower edges 01 the Ьитре.- cover (see illustrat lon). 4 Working in the !гоn! wheel орелing. detach the retaining screws secuting the bumper cover 10 inner fenderwel l splash shield (зве Illu з tralion). 5 Ргу out the lower edge 01 the splash shield. then reach up behind the bumper соуег and гетоуе the bumper соуег 10 fender relaining nыз (зве lI1ustratio n). б Аernоуе Ihe two retalning Пvеtз securing 'М upper ponion 01 'М bumper cover аnd pull the bumper cover аззетЫу out аnd away from the vehlcle (see illustration).
back the splash shield and
гетоуе ,пе Ьитрег соуег
retalnlng botts
11 .8 Use
10 fend&r
long extension and socket 10 гетоуе the bumper reta ining bolts (arrows)
7 Disconnect any electrical connвctions which would inlerfere with removal. 8 Аетоуе the bumper relaining boll s аnd pull the Ьитрег аззem Ыу out and away 'гот the vehicle (see illuslratlon). 9 Installation is the геуеrзe 01 removal. ЯеаrЬuтреr RеfегtоlllustlЭtions "."а,
11.llb, 11. 12а, 11. 12Ь,
10 on 11
Apply the parklng txake, raise the vehicJe
support it securely
Working under the vehic le, delach Ihe plastic clips and screws
11 . 11а
Use а lпт гетоуаl 1001 ог а зта" screwdriver 10 pry оиl the plastic clips зесиппо the lower edge 01 the bumper соуег
Chapter 11 Body
11.11 Ь Авто ..... the screws (arrows) securing the bumper соуег 10 the wheel opening
11.133 Detach five retalning
securing the
11.12а АетоУе the clips and screW$ securing the trunk compartment rear finishlng рапеl
Ьитрег соуег
the taiШght рапе'
11.12Ь Pry out the ctips securing the trunk compartment driver and passenger side finishing panels
Detach the retaining пщs on each side о' the trunk securing the bumper соуег 10 геаг quar1er panels
securing the lower edges 01 Ihe bumpвr cover (seв Шustrаtiопs) . 12 Wor1o;ing in the trunk, PfY ou! the plastic clips securing the drivers side, passenger side, and гваг inside trunk finishing paneJs 10 allow access 10 Ihe bumper соуег retalnlng bolts (зее i1Iustrations). 13 Detach the relaining nuts securing the bumper соуег 10 the 1811 light рапеl and righl and left quarter panels (see Illustrations), Pull the
bumper cover assвmbIy 01.11 and away 'roт the vehicte. 14 Aвmoye 'М bumper retainlng bolts and pull the bumper assemЫу ou! and away from the vвhicle (не Illustration 11.8). 15 Installalion is the гвyersв 01 гвmoуal.
12 Front fender - removal and installation Refer to lIIustrations 12.3, 12.48, 12.4Ь, 12. ба, 12.БЬ, 12.бс эnd 12.бd
, Aalsв the vвhicle, suppon 1I securely оп jасkslалds and ,етоуе the (гоп! wheel. 2 Rвтоуе the headlight and parklng light assembIies (зев Chapter 12). Delach the retaining зсгеwз securing 'М headlight housing paпel 3 (не
Illustration). Dвtach 'М inner lenderwell
shleld аnd the front flalr mOId-
12..3 Detach the retainlng bolt& (arrows) localed behind the headllght assembIies
Chapter 11
Working зесuriпg
'П th e w heel opening геmоуе Ihe sсгеwз and the !гопl fl alr molding 10 the !ender (arrows)
12.6а АетоУе
1 2.6с Ореп
12.4Ь Аетоуе
th e !еndе г to radiator support bolts (arrows)
12.6Ь Аетоуе
the door to вссеsз аnd remove the lenderto door plllar bolts (arrows)
Ihe !ender (зее Illu5tratlon5). lhe fгоп l bumper соуег assemb4y (see Section 11). б Rетоуе the rema!nlng 'endег mounling boIts (see illustrations). 7 Delach the 'endм. 11'5 а good idea 10 Муе an assistanl support the fender while II ' s belng moved away from the vehlcle 10 рrеvеп\ damBge 10 the surrounc!ing body paпels. 8 Installatlon is the reverse 01 removal.
the clip5 securing the splash shleld
the fender 10 rocker
bolts (arrows)
Detach the remaining bolts located 1п the hood
11 13 Trunk lid SUPPO" Slruts· removal and installation Refer to i//ustгation 13.2
Note: The
rвaг trиnk
two реор/в
/id /s heavy 8Лd somвwhat awkward
the hood
perform this procedurв.
ог гезr
trunk Ild and support il securely.
hoJd· 81
13.2 Usв а small screwdriver 10 pry the out 01 its locking groove, then detach the end of the З1ПJ1 from the locating stud сИр
Chapter 11
14.5 Scrlbe а mark around the hing8 plate 'аг realignment purposes - then гетоуе the retaining bolts (arrows) оп e8ch slde о' the trunk lid
14.103 Scribe а таr1l. around the striker as а reference point 10 aid 1п the adjustmenl procedure
аsзе mЫу
2 Using а small screwdriver, detach Ihe retaining clips зt both ends 01 Ihe support strut. Тhen pry or pull sharpty 10 detach it 'гот the vehicle (зее illustration). InstaJlatlon is the reV9fSe of removal . 3
14 Trunk tid - removal, installation and adjustment Note: Тne /rиnK lid is heavy and soтewhat awkward 10 reтove and insta/l - 8! /east two реор/в shou/d pвrform this procвdure.
Removal and installation Refer 10 i//ustration 14.5 1 Ореп Ihe trunk lid and соуег Ihe edges of the trunk compartment with pads ог cloths 10 prolect Ihe painled surfaces when Ihe Ild is
removed. 2 Disconnecl
апу саЫез or wire harness connectors allached 10 Ihe Irunk lid thal would inlвnere wilh removal . 3 Remove the lrunk lid support зtrulз (зее Secllon 13). 4 Make alignment marks around the hlnge mounling bolts wlth а marking реп . 5 While ап assislanl supports Ihe lrunk Ild. remove 'М Ild·lo-hinge bollS (зее illustratlon) оп bolh sides of the lrunk and lift 1I оН. 6 InstaJlalion is Ihe reverse 01 removal. Nole: when relnstalling the trunk #d, 8#gn the Hd-to-hinge bo/ts w/lh Ihe т8ГКЗ made during геmоуа/.
Adjustment Refer (о iIIustrations 14.108 аnd 14.10Ь 7 Fore-and-all and slde-Io-side adjuslmenl of Ihe lrunk 11d is accomplished Ьу moving Ihe lid In relallon 10 Ihe hlnge after loosen1n9 Ihe bolls or пutз. 8 Scribe а line around the entlre hinge plale аз described earlier In Ihis Section 50 you сап del8fmine Ihe amounl of movement. 9 Loosen Ihe Ьоltз or nuls аnd тоуе 'М lrunk lid Inlo COfТecl a119nmenl. Моуе It ooly а little аl а liтe. Тighten lhe hinge bolls or nuts аnd carefully lower 'М trunk Hd 10 check the alignmenl. 10 11 песеssзгу after Inslallalion. 'l'le entlre lrunk lid striker аsзemЫу сап ье adjusted ир and down аз well as from side 10 slde оп the trunk Ild зо the lid closes securely and Is flush wilh Ihe rear quarter panels. То do Ihis, scribe а line around the trunk lid slriker азsemЫу 10 provide а reference point. Тhen lооS&П Ihe oolts alld repositlon Ihe slriker аз песеsзагу (Iее Illuslralionl). Followlng аdjuзtmепt. retighlen the mountlng ООllз. 11 Тhe trunk !id lalch аsзеmblу, аз weH аз the hinges, зhоuld Ье
14.10Ь Loosen Ihe bolts and тоуе the slriker аsзеmЫу аз necessary (arтows) 10 adjust the tronk lid flush wlth the quarter panels In the сlозеd роsШоп
periodicaJly lubricaled with white li!hlum-base grease 10 prevenl stlcking and wear.
15 Trunk IJd latch and lock cylinder - removal and installation
Trunk Iid latch Refer 10 i//ustra tion 15.З · 1 open the lrunk aлd scПЬе а Ilne 8Iound the trunk lid lalch asзemЫу 'ог а гмегепсе polnl 10 aJd the inslallalion procedure. 2 Olsconnecl Ihe electrical conneclors and the door lock aclualor from 'М door Iock cyllnder. 3 Detach Ihe retalnln9 bo1ts and гетоуе the lalch (зее Illustralion). 4 Inslallallon Is Ihe reverse of гerтюvаl. seв Secllon 14 for adjusl1Т18f1!
Trunk lock cylinder Refer 10 iIIustrвtions 15.5 аnd 15.7 5 Worklng from Ihe oulside 01 Ihe lrunk 11d. remove Ihe license plate
Chapter 11
15.3 DJsconnect the eJectrical connectors апа the lock actuator Irom the lock cylinder, then detach lhe retaining bolt s (arrows) 10 гетоуе the trunk lid latch
15.7 ОпП out the reta lnlng "Vet, then rotate the lock cylinder 10 remove it
the bolts (arrows) апа trim рапе1
16.3 Detach the rear spoiter retaining nuts (arrows) пот eac h slde 01 the tnJПk lid
апс! the license plate trim рапе1 (see Шustгаtiоп) . 6 Disconnect зпу eleclrlcal con neclors алd the door lock actualor from Ihe door lock cylinder. 7 Drill оиl the lock cylinder retaining rivet, then гетоуе Ihe lock cylinder from the vehicle 15ее Illustration). 8 Installation is the reverse 01 гemoval.
ге тоуе
the Hcense plate
17.2 Use а hooked toollike Ihiз 10 гетоуе Ihe window c rank retдin ing сliр
special 1001 is avallabIe for Ihis purpose, Ьи! it's по! essential. With the clip гетоуоо, pull оН the handle. 3 Оп power window equipped models, рту ои! the armrest switch
spoiler - removal and installation
Refer to iIIustration 16.3 , Оpen the trunk lid. 2 WOfking оп the inside of the lrunk lid, remove the plastic COV6fing {М rear spoil« mounting 00115. 3 Delach the OOlts (5М illustration) аncl remove Ihe spoiler. 4 Inslallation is the reverse of removaJ.
17 Door trim panel - removal and installation Referto/l/ustrations 17.2, 17.38, 17.ЗЬ, 17.4, 17.5, 17.6ааnd17.БЬ 1 Disconnect Ihe negalive саЫе fтom the baтtery. 2 ОП тanиal window equipped models, remove the window crank, using а hooked 100110 remove the retalner сИр (зее illuзtгаtiоп) . А
smal) screwdrtver, ргу out I he armrest switch control plate
Chapter 11
-' 17 .3Ь
Detach the electrical connector 'гот tЛе backsicle of the armrest switch control plate
17.5 Detac h
tЛе рlэsti с сИр
(arrow) securing
door 'пт conlrol plale
front edge of the
17.4 Remo\/e the retainJng screws (arтows) located behind the armrest switch c:ontrol plate
17.6а РиН
str aighl out 10 romove the side view mirror lI'im со\/ег ог speaker со\/ег ~' equipped)
electrical connections (see illustra-
tions). 4 Detach the relainlng screws located behind the агтгеs! switch conlrol plale (see illustfation). 5 Using а wide putty knife. а thin screwdriver ог а special trim рапеl removal 1001, pry оиl the рlзsllс retainlng clip securing the 'roп! вdge ollhe door Irim рапеl (see illustration).
Delach the side view mirror ' rim CDver
pulling slraight OU!.
Some models аге equipped with ап optlonal door speaker а! this 'оса tion. Pull straight DU! оп the speaker соуег Ihen detach th e speaker retalnlng SCfews апс! remove the speakвr assembIy !rom the vehic!e (зее i!lustrations). 7 Опев aJI 01 the c!ips аnd SCfews аге disengaged. delach Ihe lrim рапе!. discoonecl апу e!eclricaJ connectOf'S and remove Ihe lrim рапе! Irom Ihe \/ehicle ьу genlly puШпg (! up аnd ou!. 8 For access 10 Ihe (ппег door, рeel back the watershie!d, lakJng care ПО! 10 lear il. То insta!1 the trim рапе!, lirsl press Ihe walershield back into р!асе. I1 песезsзгу. add тоге зеа!аПI 10 hol d it in pJaeв. 9 Тhe remainder ollhe installatlon is I he ге\/егзе 01 remo\/al .
Detach the screws securing the speaker (if equJpped)
Remova/ and insta/Jation 18
Ооог ·
removal, installation and adjustment
Nole: тhe door is hвavy and somвwh81 awkward 10 геmoУе глd insla/l - 81 /ваЗI two рвор/е зhouЮ perform Ihis procedure.
Refer 10 /l/uslration 18.8 1 Lower Ihe wind ow com plelely (п Ihe door and then disconnecl the negative сablе from Ihe ballery 2 Ореп the door all I he way and suppor1 it оп jacks or Ыocks СО\/ered with rags 10 prevent damaging Ihe palnl.
Chapter 11 Body
18.8 Before loo sening the door retaining bolts (arrow s), d raw а IIn8 around the
hinge plate far
Авто ... в
re ins tallatlon re'.renee
the door lrim
18.13 AdjusI the door lock striker Ьу loosening lhe mounting screws and gently lapping the strlker '" the desired direction (arrows)
and water deflector as descri bed '"
Unplug all electricat connectlons, ground wires and harness
retaining clips 'гот {М door. Note: is 8 good idea 10 {аЬе/а" сonпес 'ioпs to аю the гeasseтЫy ртееи. 6 Working Ihrough the door speaker hole and Ihe door opening, detach Ihe rubbвr conduil bвlweвn Ihe body and 'hв door. Тhen pull wiring hamess Ihrough conduil hoIе аnd гетоуе trom door. 7 Ma~ around 'М door hinges wilh а реп or а scribe 10 'acililale realignmвfll during reassembly. 8 Науе ал assistant hOId 'hв door, гетоуе Ihe hinge 10 door botts (зее illustration) аnd 11ft Ihe door off. 9 InstaJlalion сз Ihe reverse 01 the removal.
Adjustment Refer (о lIIustration 18.13 10 Having ргорег door 10 bodу alignment is а critical раrl 01 а well functioning door assembly. Flrsl check Ihe door hinge pins 'ог ехсез sive play. Fully ореп Ihe door and lift ир and down оп Ihe door wilhoul Пlliпg Ihe body. 11 а door has 1/16-inch ог тоге excessive play, Ihe hlnges should Ье replaced. 11 Doог 10 Ьodу allgnmenl adjuslm6l11s аге made Ьу loosening Ihe hinge-Io-bod y ог hlnge 10 door bolls and moving the door. Proper bodу alignmenl Is achieved when Ihe 'ор 01 door is aligned wilh Ihe top 01 IroП I lепdег апd геаг quarler рапеl and Ihe OOllom 01 Ihe door is аligпed with Ihe lower rocker paпel. 1I Ihese goals сап'l ье reached Ьу adjusting Ihe hinge 10 body ог hinge 10 door ООllз , body alignmenl shims тау have 10 ье purchased and inserled behind Ihe hinges 10 achieve соггесl аligпmепl. 12 То adjusl 'М door closed posilion, lirsl check tha! the door latch is conlacling !М сеп!е!' 01 the lalch slriker. 11 по! геmoуе s!riker аnd add ог subtracl shims 10 achleve соггесl alignmenl. IЭ Finally adjusl lalch Slriker аз песвззагу (ир and down ог sideways) 10 ргovЮе positive епэаэетenl with Ihe lalch mechanism (зев iIIustration) arк:Ilhe door PaneI is "изh with геаг quarter panel.
19.2 Аетоуе the latch retaining screws (arrows) 'гот the end 01 the door, then detach the locking rods and еа Ы . and pull the latch аззетЫу through the access hole
described in (Sесtiоп 17). Ihe screws securing Ihe latch 10 Ihe door
(зев illustraI lon). Э Working through Ihe large ассвsз tю!е, position the lalch аз пес essary 10 dlsвngage Ihe outside door handle and oulside Iock cylinder 10 latch rods аnd lМ inside handle 10 latch саЫе. 4 AII door locking rods аге attached Ьу plastic clips. Тhe plaslic clips сап ье removed Ьу unsnapping Ihe portion engaging Ihe сon necting Гod аnd then ьу pulling the гос! ou! 01 ils locating hole. 5 Position the lalch as necessary 10 disengage 'М door Iock aclua101' tюok. Тheп гетovе the lalCn assemЫy fтom the door. 6 Installallon is the reverse 01 removal .
(Section 17). 4 Автоуе the door speaker (see Chapter 12).
Ооог lock суПndег
and outside handle
Refer to II/ustrations 19.9 аnd 19. 11 7 ТО гетоуе Ihe lock cylinder, raise the window and (етоуе Ihe door 'пт рапеl апd walershield аз described in Section 17. 8 Working Ihrough the large ассезз hole. diseflgage the plastic cllp that зесигез the lock cylinder 10 lal ch гос!. 9 Using а screwdriver, slide the lock cylinder retaining сПр ои! 01 engagement and гвmoye the lock cylinder 'гот Ihe door (зев iIIustraIlon). 10 То гвтоуе the outside handle, work through Ihe access hole and
11 19 Door latch, lock cylinder and handles installation
Doorlatch Refвr (о
lIIustrat/on 19.2 Ralse Ihe wlndow Ihen
Ihe door Irim
and wa ler-
19.9 То гетоуе the lock cy1inder, detach the plastic c lip securing the lock r od (А) then ргу off the lock cylinder relaini ng cl ip (8)
Chapter 11
outside handle retilining пutз (arrows) сап Ье reached through the 8ccess hole 1п the door 'гете
20.4 Detach the window stabilizer brackets (А) аоо the window ир - stop brackets (8) fтoт еасп end 01 tne door disengage tha plastic
сliр {па! зесигез 'па
11 Remove tne oolside handle retaining pull 'hв handle 'roт the door. 12
'з 'па гeyeгse
Inside handle and
outside handle-Io-Ialch пыз
(see illustratlon)
19.14 Drill oul Ihe handle relaining rivel, then rotate the handle out and delach the latch саЫе 'гот Ihe backside
20.5 Ra/se the window jusl enough 10 access lhe glass relaining rivets (8rrow) through the hole 'п Ihe door 'гате - drill out Ihe rivets securing the glass 10 Ihe equalizer агт
гod. aлd
01 removal .
5 Raise lhe window jusl enough 10 access lhe window relaining пуels Ihrough Ihe hole 'п Ihe door 'rзте (зее illustration). 6 Place 8 гао оует Ihe glass 10 help ргеуеПI scratching Ihe glass. Ihen drill oullhe IwO gl8SS mounting rivels. 7 Аетovе the glass ьу pulling up and ou!. 8 Installallon is the reverse 01 removal.
Refer 10 iIIUSlratlon 19. 14
Remove 'пе door 'пт рапеl аз described '" Sвction 17 and ревl
away 'пе waterShield.
Drill ои!
'па "уе!
rearwaтd ОП !па
inside handle
handle 10 disengsge it
15 Detach 'па latch саЫе remove " 'гот Iha vehicle. 16 Inslallalion Is the reverse
20 Door window glass -
($ее Шustratiоп).
lhe inner door panel.
Iha backside 01 tha handle and
and instatlation
10 Illus/rat/ons 20.4 aпd 20.5 , Аетоуе Ihe door 'пт рапеl and the plasl ic walershield (зее Бесl ion 17). 2 Lower the wlndow glass all Ihe 'оУау down inlo the dOOl'. 3 Carefulty рсу the inner аnd outef weathef5tripping ou! 01 the dooг window opening. 4 Аетоуе the window stabIlizer апd up-stop brackets (see illustraIlon).
Ооог window glas5 regulator - removal and installation
Refer to iIIus/ralions 21.4а and 21.4Ь Warning: Тhe regu/a/or arms аге under еж /гете pressure and сап саuзе зепouз injury If the то/or ог сouп/ег Ьа/anсе spring is геmoУМ withou/ /ocking the sector g88r. Тhis сап Ье done Ьу /nserting е bolt and nu! through the ho/ез 'п the backing plate and sвcfor geзг (о /оск them togethвr. 1 Remove the door 'пт рапel аnd the pt8sl ic walershield (зев Бесtion 17). Аетоуе Ihe wlndow glass assembIy (зев Section 20). 2 3 Оп power operaled windows, disconnect the electrlca! conneclOl' 'гот the window regulalor motor. 4 Аетоуе the equall zer агт brackel and the regulator mountlng bolts (зее illustratlons). 5 Putl Ihe equalizer arm and regulalor assembIies Ihrough Ihe ser-
Chapter 11
Detach the wlndow equalizer arm bracket retaining nuts (arrows) ...
22.4 Disconnect tЛе electrical c onn ector, then detach tЛе mirror retalnlng nuts (arrows) and гет оуе tЛе m lrтor !гот the vehicle ...ice hole in the dOOf
." then remOlla the w indo w regulato r bolts (arrows)
23.2 Pry out the gear selector trim bezel
In51allal1on 15 the reverse 01 removal.
22 Sideview rnirrors - removal and installation Refer 10 iIIustration 22.4 1 Аетоуе the door tлт рапеl and Ihe plastic watershield (зее Sec!ion 17). 2 Pry оН the mirror 'пт соувг. 3 Discoonect the eleclrical conneclor from the mirror. 4 Аеmoув the tЛгее mlrror relaining nuts and detach the mirror from the vehicle (5М Illusualio n). 5 InstaJlation Is the rev6fS& 01 гemoузI.
Center console - removal and installation
Refer 10 lIIustгa tюns 23.2, 23.3, 23.4 гм 23.5 Waming: тhe modeIs covered Ьу tnis maпuа/ аге equipped with Supр/етеntаl Restraint syslems (SRS), more comrnonJy known as airbags. Always disconnecl the nвgative b8ttel}' саЫе. then the positive battel}' саЫе вnd wait two m/nutes Ьefoгe wor1
23.3 Rem olle the screws (arrows) loca ted under the gear selector trim plate Disconnect the negatille ba\lery саЫе. феп фе positille battery wait two minutes Ьefore proceeding алу further. 2 Pry out the gear setector Irim bezel (зее illustration). Vehicles equipped with тапиаl /ransmisslons will require unscrewing the shift lever knob 10 remolle Ihe 'пт bezel. 3 Detach the re/ain ing зсгеwз securing Ihe !гоп! hall 01 Ihe console (sее illustratl on). 4 Worklng In the console 910lle ьох, ргу оиl Ihe rubber bumpers 'оса/е" along the IГОПI edge, Ihen delach /he relainin9 screws and саЫе ап"
Chapter 11 Body
23.4 Detach 'пв ПJЬЬег Ьитреrз and the retainin g screws (arrows), !пеп гетОУ8 'пв гетоуе
'гот 'пв
Аеmоуе 'пв
relaining screws securing
24.3 Detach
!п в
(arтows) 'пеп
the glov8 Ьох (see lIIustration).
screw s located under
the console
the lower clips
Тilt the steenng WtIeeI down to {М Iowest position. Pull the 'ор d Instrument clustet" Ьехel outward while disengaging the lowet" clips оп the bezel. Аеmoуе the Ьехе! lrom the vehicle. 5 Iпstаllаtiоп is the reverse 01 removal.
'пв геш пзJ'
01 the console
(see lIIustratlon). Apply !пв parking brake, !hen move IhB gear selector 10 the toward s 'he гваг о, Ihe vehicle. Uft 'пв console up and over 'пв shitt leyвr. Disconnecl апу eleclri7 сal connections аnd remoув !пв console 'гот Ihe vehicle. 8 Installatlon is the reverse 01 removal. б
24 Instrument cluster bezel • removat and installation Refer (О i//uзtгаtioп 24.3
Waming: тhв rnodels cover&d Ьу this manuэJ эге equippвd with Supplements! Restraint systeтs (SRS). тore coттon/y known as sirbвgs. Always disconnвct (пе negativв bгttery саЫв. (hвn (пе positive battery саЫе and wait two тinutes bвfore working in the vicinity о, (по /mрас! sensOlS. steвnng со/итп or Instrument рапе! to avoid Ihe possibllity о, accidenta1 deployment о, 'hв a/rbag. which could cause pв~ona1 injury (see Chapler 12). Do па! uso e/eetnca! test equipment on апу о, the airbag system wiring or taтper with them {п апу way. 1 Disconnect the negative battery саЫе. then the posilive battery саЫе and wait two minutes before proceeding апу funhet". 2 Pull the headlight switch outward 10 the Оп position. Push Ihe release tab а! the bottom 01 the knоЬ 10 гвmoye it (see Chapter 12). 3 Remove the bezel retainlng scr8WS (see Шustrаtiоп) .
25.2 Detac h the screws (arrows) at the 10wer edge 01 the knee bolster · pull stralghl up 10 remove it
25 Dashboard trim panels - removal and installation Wаmiпg: тпе тodels coveгed Ьу this manualare equipp&d with SUfr p/emental Restraint зуз/еmз (SRS). тоге сотmоп/у known аз airbags. Always disconnect Iмв negative ballBry саЫе. (мп Iмв posilive batrery саЫе and wai/ two т/пи/ез before working in lhe vicinity 01 lhe impдCt "\. sensOlS. з/еелng coIumn or ;ns/rument рапе/ 10 avok1 Ihв possibl/ity о' accidenta/ dep/oymenl 01 lhe airbag, which сouю cause petSonг/ injury (SM Chapler 12). Do пat изе eleclricaltesl equipment оп апу о' (М airbag systeт wiring or taтper with them {п эпу way. 1 Dlsconnect 'М пвgаtivе battery саЫв. then Ihe positive batte ry саЫе and wait Iwo minutes before proceeding апу funher.
Ае'ег 10
lIIuslration 25.2 Working in the drivers side passenger companment. detach the retalnlng screws along the lower edge 01 the knee bolster (see iIIustra· lion). 3 Pull outward оп the 10wet" edge 01 the knee boISler and detach it 'гom 1he vehicle.
25.7а Аетоуе
the scr ews (arтows) securing the 10wer ha11 01 the center trlm раnе1
Chapter 11 Body
25.7Ь А е т оуе
Detach the relaining screws securing the
the scr ew (arrow) loc ated behlnd the radi o кпее
bolster relnforce·
Inslallation is the reverse 01 removal.
Center tr;m
25.10 Detach the
91оуе ЬОХ
door hinge retaining screws
2 Аетоуе the key lock cy linder (see Chapter 12). 3 Аетоуе Ihe screws 'гот Ihe lower sleering column соуег (see illustration). 4 Separate the соуег halves апd del ach Ihem (гот Ihe steering colитп.
Refer 'о iIIustrations 25. 7а and 25. 7Ь 6 Аетоуе Ihe radio and сотрасl disc pll,iyer, if equipped (see
Inslallalion is the reverse 01 removal .
Instrument panel - removal and instaJlation
Chapler 12). 7 Delach Ihe retaining screws 'гот Ihe lower half 01 the 'rim рапеl (see illustrations). 8 Using а 5та!1 screwdriver, РIY out Ihe clips securing the !ар ollhe bezel then uпsпар the cl ips in Ihe center 01 the 'rim рапеl and гетоуе I1
9 ~
the vehicle.
Installation is Ihe reveme 01 removal.
Refer to iIIustrations 25. 10 and 25.11 10 Detach Ihe door hinge retaining screW5 alon9 the lower edge 01 Ihe 910ve ьо)( (see illustration). 11 Ореп Ihe glove ьо)( door. Release Ihe door SIOPS Ьу pressin9 in оп Ihe sides, Ihen pull straighl оиl 10 геmоУе the 91оуе Ьо)( assembIy (see illust ration). 12 Installalion is Ihe reverse 01 removal.
26 Stee ring c olumn
со уег
ге то уаl
and installation
Refer 10 iIIuslration 26.3 1 Аетоуе the driver side knee bolster (see Seclion 25).
Refer to iIIustrations 27.6, 27.7а, 27. 7Ь, 27.7с and 27.8 Warning: Тhe models coveгed Ьу this тапuа/ аге equipped with Supplemen ta/ Restraint systems (SRS), тоге commonly known as airbags. A/ways disconnect 'М negative battery саЫе, then the positive battery саЫе and wait two minutes befoгe working in the vicinity о! (М imp act sensors, steeting со/иmп ог Instrument рапеl to avoid the possibl/ity о' accidenta/ dep/oyment о! the airbag, which cou/d cause personal injury (see Chapter 12). Do по! use e/ec ftica/ test equipment оп апу о! Ihe airbag syslem wir/ng ог lаmрег wilh them in апу way. Note: The instrument рапеl is heavy and somewha l awkward 10 removв and insta/l- а! least two реор/е shou/d p erform this procedure. 1 Disconnecl the пegаlivе ballery cable. Ihen the posltive ballery cab le and wail two minules before proceeding а пу further. Caution: Always use extreme сап;! when working around airbag modu/es. Never strike, ргу ог Ьиmр airbag modules 10 avoid Ihe possibl/ity о( accidental dep/oyment. 2 Posilion the sleering whee l in Ihe lock position. Note: Make sure the steeting wheel гemains in the /ock position duting the епап;! рroсе-
25.11 Push inwa rd 10 release the glove Ьох door st ops - pull slraight out 10 гетоуе it 'гот the vehicle
26.3 Detach the screws - then separate the steering column соуег halves to remove them 'гот the steering column
Авто ... е
Chapter 11
securing the 81"';ng cofumn 10 the steertng shaft
ЬО" (alТow)
two Ьоlts (arrows) securing the instrument 10 the driver side door pillar
27 .7с Автоуе
two Ьо ttз (arrows) securing 100 instrument 10 the passenger зюе door pillar
Peel the carpeting back 10 access the Instrum8f1t рапеl 10 floor рап botts
dure ог damage 10 the airb8g s/iding contact will оссuг. 3 Автоуе the radio and сотрас! disc player, if Chapter 12).
вquipped (зее
Rетоуе the dashboard trim panels (see Section 25) ам the сenflOQ( console (зее Section 23). S Аетоуе the air СОПditlопlпg and heater controt panel (зев Chapter 3). 6 Detach the bolt securing the steenng shaft (зев IlIustration). 7 Remove the nuts аnd bolts securing the Iower half of 'М inslrumen! ралel (не illustrations). 8 Pry out Ihe defrost9f' grilles and гето .... е Ihe screws securing Ihe upper edge of Ihe instrumenl panel (вее Itlustration). 9 Detach апу electrical connec tors interfering with remo .... al, Ihen pulllhe Instrument panellowards the гeзr ollhe .... ehicle 10 гemo....е 11. 10 InstaJlalion 1$ 'М re .... erse of геmO\lзl.
28 Cowl
27.8 Pry out the defroster 9ri11e and the bolts retaining the upper ha" о' the instrument рапеl
- removal and installation
Refer to II/ustrat/ons 28.3 and 28.4 1 2
Аето .... е
the wlndshield wlper агтв (see Chapter 12). the hood seal from the cowl со .... ег.
Chapter 11 Body
28.3 Detach the retaining
securing the top cowl
28.4 ... then remove the screws (arтows) Irom the lower cowl соуег
• 29.2 Oetach the
tПт сауеrз
10 access the front retaining botts
з Р'У off the cowl 'ар соуег (see Illustratfon). 4 Аетоуе 'М retaining screws sесuпrtg Ihe lower cowt lIIustra tion). 5 In51allalion is the reverse 01 removal.
the release bЩtоп 10 remove the cushion
геаг ИВ!
соуег (не
upward 10 access the undemealh, then disconnect
electrical connectors and 11ft the sвal Installaiion
the vehicle.
the reverse 01 removal.
Rearseat 29 Seats· removal and Installatlon
Front seat Refer (О lIIustration 29.2 1 Posilion the sea! all 100 way f0fW8rd or 811 Ihe way 10 the rear 10 access the !ron! seз! retaining ьоns. 2 Detach anу bolt tЛт covers аnd {етоуе lhe retaining 00115 (see iIIustration).
Refer to iIIustration 29.5
Тhen lift ир on Ihe IГOnI eclge ollhe cushlon and release Ihe seat cushion relaining labs (sи illustratlon). Remove the cushion Iгom Ihe vehicle. б Detach the retaining bolts а! the 10w8f eclge 01 the sвa! back. Uft uр on lhe tOW8f eclge 01 Ihe seat back and remove it from the 7 vehicle. 8 Installation is the reV8fse 01 rвmoval.
Chapter 12 Chassis electrical system Conte.,ts
Airbag - general Алtеппа
. ...................
- removaJ and Inslallalion........................
Section 27 . ............. . 13
Bulb replacement Circuit ЬГj!аkefЗ - genera! Information ........................................... . ~ Cruise control system • descrlption and check ............................ . Daytime Running Ughts (DRL) - gener3J informalion ... ......•..•........ Electric side view mirrors · description and check ....................... . Etectrical troubIeshooting • general information .... Fuses - general information •..•..... ............................. ............... FusibIe links - general informalion ............................................... .. General in'ormation ...... ................................. , .. Headlight hоuзiпg - гетоузj aлd installa"on ................................ . Headlights - adjustment ............................................................... . Headlights - replacement .............................................................. . Нот - check and replacement .................................................... .. 0'0
...................................................................... .
18 5 23
26 2
3 4 1
17 .
15 22
, nfо nnаНоп
Тhe eloorical sузtеm is а 12-volt. negative ground type. Power 'ог .the lighls' and all electrical accessories is supplied Ьу а leadlacid-
type battery which is charged Ьу 'М altemalor. Тhis Chapt9f соуerэ герalг and service procedures 'ог the various electrical components по! associated with the engine. tnlormalion оп the battery, allernator, distributor and starter motor сал ье lound in Chapter 5. 1! should ье noted Ihal when portions 01 the electricaj system аге serviced, the negative battery саЫе should ье disconnecled "от the batlery 'о ргеуепl electrical shorts and/or fires.
2 . Еkк:tпса1 troubIeshooting - general infonnation А typical electrical circuit COn5ists 01 ап eleclrical component, алу
switches, relауз, motOfS, fuses, fusibIe links Q( circuit breakers related 10 lhat componenl алd lhe wlring and connectOfS that Ilnk the сотроnen! 'О both 'М battElf)' and 'м chasS!s: To help уou pinpoint ал electrical circuit problет. wiring diagrams аге included а! the emI 01 this Chapt9f.
Section Ignition lock cylinder - гemоvзl and installatiOfl........... Ignition swilch - check and replacement ............. ................ In5trument cluster - гетоуаl and installation....... ......................... Inslrument рапеl switches - check алd replacemenl .................... Power dOOl' lock and keyless entry sузtеm - description and check ........................................................... ,................... ,. , Power window sузtеm - descriplion алd check ............................ Radio/CD player and speakers - removal and inst.allatiOfl............. Аеаг window de'ogger - check and repair ....................... Relays - geГlElrat inlormation and testing ..............................: ........ Steering column switches - check and replacement..................... Tum signal/hazard lIasher - check and replacem8flt..................... W1per motor - check and гер1асетеп! .. ....................................... W1ring diagrams - general inlormation...........................................
9 21 11 25 24 12 14 б
7 20
Вelore tackling апу troubIesome electrical ·circuit. firsl study Ihe appropriate wiring diagrams 10 get а complete understanding 01 what тзkез up that individual circuit. ТгоиЫе spots, !ог iпstаrюе, сап often ье narrowed down Ьу noting if other componenls related 10 the circuit аге operating properly. 1I зеуегаl components ог circuits lall а! опе time , chances аге Ihe ргоЫет is in а luзе ог ground connec'ion, because several circuils аге often routed through Ihe sзте 'изе and ground connections. ' Eleclrical probIems usually slem 'гот simple causes, зuсh as loose ог corroded connections. а bIown 'и5е , а melted lusible link о'г а lailed relay. Vlзuаllу iilSpect the condilion 01 all luses, wires аnd соп nections ,п а probIem circuit belore IroubIeshooting the circuil. If test equipmenl and instruments аге going 10 ье utilized, use Ihe diagrams 10 plan ahead 01 time where you will make the necessary connections ,п order 10 accurately pinpoinl the troubIe spat. The basic lools needed !ог electrical tr6ubIeshooting include а circuit tester ог voltmeter (а 12-volt bulb with а зе! 01 'ез! leads сап also ье used), а continuity 'e5ter. which Includes а bulb, battery and set 01 test leads, and а jumper wi re. preferabIy with а circuil breaker incorporated, which сап Ье used 10 bypass eleclrical components. Вefore attempling 10 locate а probIem wilh 'es' Instruments, use the wiring diagram(s) to decide where 10 make the connectlons.
Chapter 12 Chassis electrical system
3.18 1he passenger c ompartment fuse bIock is located under drive rs side 01 the dash - release the c lip Ьу Inserting а screwdriver, then ри" shзгрlу down 10 гет ОУ8 the соуег
З. 1Ь Тhe fuи bIock ' П lМ englne сотраптеп! Is located adjace nt 10 Ihe battery - It сопtaiпз minlaluriited fu seз (д), ca rtridge type fu slbIe Ilnks (В) and геlауз (с)
Vo/tage checks Voltage checks should ье performed if а circuit 'з по! lunctionil1Q property. Соппес\ onе lead 01 а circuit tester 10 either the Гl69зtivе Ьзt tery lerminal ог а known good ground. Соппес! 'he other lead 10 а conn ector '" Ihe clrcuit being tested, prеfегзЫу пеагез! 10 'he battery Q(
Il tha bulb 01 'М tester lights. voltage Is presenl, which
01 tha circuit belween Ihe connector and 'he battery 'з ргоЫет 'гее. Contlnue checking the гез ! 01 the clrcuit '" ,he затв fashion . When уои r8ach 8 poinl а! which ГIO vollage 15 preS8f1t, 'М ргоЫет liез between tha! poin! and the las! !ез! polnl wilh lIollage. МОЗI 01 Ihe lime the probIem сап Ье Iraced 10 а loose conneclion. NOle: Кеер in mind that зоте circuits receille lIo/tage on/у wtlen the ign/tion key 'з in the Accвssory ог Run position. tha! 'he
Тh e
method of finding stюrts 1п а circuil 1з 10 remolle the tuse ам light or lIollmeler (п place of Ihe fuse terminals. There should ье по lIol18ge ргезеПI in the circuil. МОllе the wiring hamess from side-Io-side while walching the 'ез! Ilghl. If the bulb ооез оп, Ihere is а short 10 огоом somewhere in Ihal агеа, probabIy where Ihe insu)ation h8S rubbed Ihrough. The зате lеЗI сап Ье performed оп each сотропenl in the circuit, еllen а switch. соппесl а lеЗI
easily Ье checked visually 10 11 they аге blown
mittenl problems тау also ье caиsвd Ьу oxidized or 10058 connections. Eleclrical IraubIeshooting is simple if уои keep ,п mind Ihal аll elec'rical circuils are basically eleclricity runnlng !rom the baltery, through the wires, swilches, relays, fuses and fusibIe 1inks 10 each elec'rical сотрапеПI (Iight bulb, motor, elc.) and to ground, from whlch it is раsзес! back 10 the baltery. Anу electrical ргоЫет is ап interruption in Ihe ftow of eleclricity to ам from the ballery.
Ground check Pertorm а ground lез! 10 check whether а сomропen! is properly grounded. Disconnect the ballery and соппесl опе lead of а зеlf-роw ered !еЗI light, known аз а conlinu ily les!er, 10 а known оood ground. Соппес! Ihe olhef 1еас! 10 lМ wire 01' ground connection being lested. 1I !he bulb goes оп, Ihe grOUM is good. If lМ bulb does по! ОО 011, !he ground is ПОI good.
Continuity check А con!inuily check 'з done 10 determine If !here are апу breaks in circuit - if " is passing electricilY properly. Wilh the circu it 011 (по power in Ihe circuil), а self-powered conlinuily tesler сап ье used 10 check the clrcuil. Connecllhe 'езl leads 10 bolh ends of the circuit (ог 10 Ihe Ироwеr" end and а goo
аn ореn
оpen circuilS, it Is often difficult 10 Iocate lhem ьу sigh' Ьесаизе oxidation or terminal misalignmen! аге hidden Ьу Ihe соппес'оrз. Merely wiggling а connector оп а зепsoг or ,п Ihe wiring harness тау COfred the оpen circuit condilion. Remembef Ihis when an оpen circuit is indicaled when IroubIeshooling а circuil. Inler-
when diagnoslng for possible
Fuses - general information
Refer to lIIuslrafions 3.18, 3. 1Ь 8nd 3.2, тhe eleclrical circuits 01 Ihe lIehicie зrе pro'ected Ьу а сотЫna lion of fuses, circuil breakers and lusibIe links. AII models cOllered in Ihls тапиаl halle IwO luse bIocks. опе 'ог standard 'uses localed under the inSlПJmeПI рапel оп 'м left side of the dashboard and опе for hlgh current fuses ,п Ihe engine compartmenl, adjac8flt 10 the bat'егу (зее illustration s). Disconnecl Ihe саЫе 10 the negatille battery termlnal before replacing high сиrтепl 'изes. Miniaturized 'изes зrе employed '" the tuse bIock in the разsen оег compartment. These сатраСI fuses, wilh bIade terminal design. allow fingertJp removal and replacemenl. 1I ап electrical сотропепl fails, always check the fuse firsl. The ьез! way 10 check the 'иseз 1з with а les! Ilght. Check lor power аl the exposed terminal tips 01 each luse. 1I power is present а! опе side 01 Ihe fизе Ьи! ПОI lhe olher, the щзе 'з bIown. Д ыown ме сап also ье id8f1tified ьу lIisualty inspecling it (зее illustratian). 8е зиге 10 replace blawn fuses wilh Ihe corтecl 'ура. Fuses af differen! ralings зrе physically inlerchangeabIe, Ьи! only fuses of the proper rating shauld ье изed. Rep!acing а fизе with опе 01 а higher аг lower IIзJие than specilied is по! recommended . Each electricaJ circuit needs а specific аmouп! 01 protection. The атрегаое lIа!ие 01 each fuse is molded inlo the luse body.
Chapter 12 Chassis electrical system
4.2 Conventional type fusiЫе links сап Ье found ell.iling Ihe engine compar1menl fuse Ыосk (arrow)
Control circuts
а c ontinuity test l!iith ап ohmmeter 10 check а circuit breaker - по reading indicates а bad clrcuit breaker
5.2 Perform
Power circuts
Иsе гosin сот so/der а! вach end о{ the new link 'О obtain а good so/der joint. g) Иsе p/enty о! e/ectrica/ tape around the sOldered joint. No wires should ье exposed. h) Соппес! !he battery ground саЫе. Тез! the circuit {ог рroрег
6.4 Mosl relays
marked оп Ihe outside 10 easily identify the co ntrol and power circuil s
11 the replacement luse immediately 'ails, don't replace it again until the cause of the ргоЫет Is isolatOO and corrected. In most cases, the cause will ье а short circuit in the wiring caиsed Ьу а broken ог deterioratOO wire. FusibIe links - яепегаl information
iIIustrations 4.2 circuits аге protectOO Ьу lusiЫе links. Тhe links аге uзed in circuits whlch аге поl ordinarily fuзed , such аз Ihe ignition circuil. In addilion 10 Ihe conventional 'уре 01 lиsiЫе link (described below) which is located in the wiring hamess (see illustration), there is also cartr1dge 'уре fиsiЫе links loca.lOO in Ihe engine compartment luзе ыосk that аге similar 10 а large юзез (see illustratlon 3.1Ь) , and, afler disconnecllng the negalive battery саЫе , аге simply unpluggOO and replaced Ьу а unit 01 the sэте amperage. Soте fusible links аге held in place Ьу а screw which тиз! ье loosened before removing Ihe link. Convenlional 'уре fusible links саппо! ье repairOO, а new link 01 . the sэте size wire shoиld Ье InslallOO in its place. Тhe procedure is as lollows: а) D/sconnect the саЫе (гот the negative battery terminal. Ь) D/sconnect the fusibIe /ink (гот the wiring hamess. с) Си! the damaged (иsibIe link ои! о' the wiring just bвhind 'hв соп Soте
d) Strip е)
РОЗШОП р/асе.
insu/ation ЬаСК appгoximate/y 1/2-inch. the connector оп the new fusibIe link and
it into
Circuit breakers - general infonnation
Refer 10 i//ustra/ion 5.2 Circиil breakers protect components such аз power windows, power door locks and headlighls. Моз! 01 Ihe circuil breakers аге located in the passenger соmpзnm6flt 'изе Ьох (see iIIustration 3. 1а). ОП 5Оте models the circиit breaker resets itself automatically, $о an eleclrical over1oad in а circиil breaker prolected system will cause the circиi l 10 lail momenlarily, Ihen соте back оП. 1I Ihe circuit does поl соте back оп, check il immediately (see illиstration). Опсе Ihe condilion is corrected, Ihe circuit breaker will resume its normal fиnction.
Relays - general information and testing
General information Several electrical accessories in Ihe vehicle, such аз Ihe 'ивl injeclion syslem, homs, sl arter, and log lamps изе relays 10 Iransmit the eleclrical signa! 10 the component. Relays use а low-currenl circuit (the COnlrOI circиit) 10 ореп and close а high · cиrrent circиil (Ihe power circиit). If the relay is defeclive, Ihal сотропеп! will ПОI operate proper1y. Тhe varioиs relays аге mounled in engine compartment (зев illustration з.1Ь) and severallocations throughoиt the vehicle (зве Chapter 5). 1I а laиlly relay is sиspected, it сап ье removed and lested using the рго cedure below ог Ьу а dealer service department ог а repair shop. Defective relays тиз! ье replaced аз а иnil.
Testing Refer to iIIusrration б,4 2 " 'з Ьезl 10 refer 10 the wiring diagram 'ог the circuillo determine 100 ргорег hook-иps 'ог the relay уои'ге lesling. However, il уои ' ге ПОI аЫе 10 determine Ihe correct hook-up 'гот 'ОО wiring diagrams. уои тау ье аЫе to delermine the test hook-ups Iгот Ihe information Ihat follows . 3 ОП тоз! relays , Iwo о! the lerminals аге Ihe relay's conlrol circuil (they соппесl 'о the relay coil which, when energized, closes the large contacls to comp lete the circиil). The other term inals аге the power circиil (they аге connected togelher wilhin the relay when the СОПlгоl -сiгcuil coil is energized). 4 Тhe relays аге marked as ап aid 10 help уои delermine which 'ег minals аге the control circиit and which аге the power circиit (зее illustralion).
Chapter 12 Chassis electrical system
4 1
Wiper/ Dimmer switch terminats 7.1
electronic flasher unit (arrow) is mounted 10 the side 01 the passenger compa r1ment fuse bIock
Swllch pol ltlonl
wwn ill9
9and 10;9 and 2 4 and 10; 4 and 2 -4 аncl5' 4 and 8 1 and 10" andВ
1and2' 1 and5
О" он
,,. 8.ЗЬ Тит
signal and hazard switch contlnuity chart
~;;;A~.m~o~'~'~th~.~,.~t~'~'~f~,o~m~th~':';'~'~h~iC~I~'~.~";d::С~h~.~С~k~f~о;, :С~О~"~t~i"~"~i~t;' ---!r~~~~~~;:~~~~~~~~~~~~:;::::~~~
between the relay POW6f circuit terminals. There stюuld ье rю continuity between tefТТlinal зо and 87. 6 Соппес! а lused jumper wlre between опе 01 the Iwo control circui! terminals and the positive batlery lerminal. Соппес! another jumper wire between the other conlrol circuit lerminal and ground. When Ihe connections аге made, 'М relay should click. ОП зоте relays, poIarity тау ье critical, 50, if Ihe relay doesn't click, try swapping the Jumper wires оп Ihe control circuit terminals. 7 With the jumper wires connec ted, check for continulty between the power circuit tEНТl"linaJs. Now. th6fe should ье con tinuity between terminals 30 and 87. 8 1I the relay fails апу 01 the аЬо .... е tests, replace it.
Tum signal/hazard flasher - check and repla cemen t
Refer 10 iНustration 7. 1 Waming : ПIе modе/з covered Ьу this тапuа/ are equipped with Supp/ementa/ Restraint systems (SRS), тога сотrnoп/у known as airbags. Always disconnect tha negative battery саЫе, lhen (М posJtivв battery СаЫе aлd wait two minиtes before workiпg {п the vicinity о( the {трас! sen5Ors, steering coJuтn or instl1Jment panel 10 avoid the possibl/ity о( ассЮentа/ dвp/oyment о( the airbag, which cou/d cause persona/ injury (sae Section 27). Do по! use a/actr/ca/ test equipment оп впу о( the airbag system winng or taтper w/th tflem {п апу way. , The tum signal аnd hazard flashers ша controlled fтom а siЩllа electfOnic f1asher unit which is mounled 'о the side of the interior luse bIock (зее illustration). 2 When the flash6f unit 'З lunctioning proper!y, ап audibIe click сап Ье heard during its operation. 1I Ihe 'игп signals 'а" оп опе side ог the other and the flasher unit does по! maka its е hэгаСlеristi е clicking sound, а faulty 'ит signal bulb is Indicated. 3 If both 'ит sigrnlJs fail 10 bIink, 'ОО probIem may ье due 10 а bIown fuse, а laulty f1ash6f unit, а bfoken swileh or а 'oose ог оpen connection. 1I а qulek check 01 the fизе Ьох indicales 'hзl the 'ит signal luse has bIown, check the wiring for а stюrt before installing а new luse. То replace the fIasher, simply disconnect 'м electricaI connectors, 4
8. ЗС
Headlight dimmer switch continuity ehart
геmo ....е the screw securing the lIasher retaining bfacket. Make sure thal the replacement unit Is Id8f1ticaJ 10 Ihe origlnal. Comparе 'М OId one 10 'М new опе before installing 11. б Installatlon 'з the fev6fS8 01 геmo ....эJ.
Steering column switches - check and replacement
Waming: The models covered
are equipped with Sup-
p/eтenta/ Res/min l systeтs (SRS), rnore сотrnoп/у known
as airbвgs. A/ways disconnect (М negativв baltery саЫе, then the positive battery саЫе and wait two minutes before wondng in the vicinity of the impact sen5Ors, steering coluтn or instrument PaпeI 10 аvoid (М possibllity о( accidentaJ depJoyment о, the airbag, which could cause personal inJury (зев Seetion 27). Do по! use е/ес/пса/ tes! equipment оп апу о , the airbag systeт w/ring ог 'аmрег with thern /п апу way.
Multi-function switch Check Re(ar 10 il/ustrations
8.3а, 8.3Ь, 8.3е
and 8.3d swilCh 'З Юсаted оп the left side 01 Ihe steering column. It ineorporates the turn signal, headlight dimmef and wlnclshield wiperlwashef functЮns into one switch. Аemoуе the multi-funetion switch (зев Step 4). 2 3 Using ап ohmmeter ог self-powered tesl lighl and the ассотраnying diagrams, check (ог continuity belween the indieated swilCh terminaJs with the switeh in eaeh 01 'М indJеаl,ю роsilЮnS (зее iIIustratlons). 1I the continuity iзп'! аз specified, replace 'ОО switeh. Тhe тultl-funelion
Chapter 12 Chassis electrical system ТО ..
.~ 4"" б
" ,ооь
4"" б
~ ё
103.3 K-ohm,
Windshletd wiper switch continuity chart
Аетоуе the retaining screws (arтows) and unplug the connectors, then гетоуе the mutti-function switch
1994 and 1995 cruise controt amplifler terminal identification guide
Replacement Refer 10 i//ustration 8.6 4 Disconnect the negative battery саЫе, then the positive battery саЫе and wait мо minutes before proceeding апу !urther. Аетоуе the lower sleering column Irim соуег and the sleering 5 cotumn covers (зев Chapter 11). 6 Disconnecllhe eteclricat conneclors, гетоуе Ihe relaining screws Ihen detach Ihe swilch !гот Ihe steвring column (see illustration). 7 Inslallation is Ihe reverse 01 removal.
Cruise contro/ switches Check
1996 and 1997 cruise control amplifier terminal identification guide
Refer to i//ustrations 8.10<1, 8. 1ОЬ, 8.10с, and 8.10d 8 Аеmоуе the left 'гопl !ender splash shield (зев Chapler 11). 9 Disconnect Ihe eleclrical conneclor !гот the cruise control amplilier located under Ihe driver's side inSlrument рапеl оп 1994 and 1995 models ог behind Ihe driver's side inner wheel well оп 1996 and 1997 models. 10 Using ап ohmmeler and the accompanying diagгams, check for continuily between Ihe indicated switch terminals with the switch in each 01 the indicated positions (зее iltustrations). 1I the continuity isn't аз specified, replace Ihe switch.
1995 and 1996 cruise control actuator switch continuity chart
Chapter 12 Chassis electrical system
8.1Od 1995 and 1996 cruise
actuator swilch continuity смп
Replacement Refer 10 ШustгвtЮп 8.14 11
Disconnect the negative batt8l)' саЫе, IhefI Ihe positive battery and wait two mlnules before proceeding апу lunhef. Remov& 'hв drivE!fS $lde airbag module (эве Chapter 10, Section 14). Disconnect the eleclrlcal connections 'гom each switch. Detach the swilch retaining зсгеwз (see illustration). Then р!)' steering WheeI back СОУе!" ootward 10 allow гетоуа] о' the switch. Inslallation is the геуегзв 01 rвmovaJ.
12 13 14 the 15
Ignition switch • check and replacement
mode/s соverrю Ьу this maлual are вquipped wi/h Supsystems (SRS), moю сотmon/у known аз airbags. Always disconnect lhe negative battвry саЫе, then the роsШve Ьапету саЫе aпd wa/t two minufes beforв wof1dng ;п (flв v/cinity о, tfю {трас! S8f1SOrs, steenng со/umп ог instrument рапе/ to avoid the possibility о, accldenta/ deployment 01 те airbag, which cou/d caиsв persona/ injury (seв Section 27). Do пat изе e/ectrica/ test equipment on вny о, the aJrbag system wiring or (втрег with theт in вnу way. Waming:
plвmвпtaJ Restrвint
8.14 Oetach the dnvet'" slde airbag module 10 ассезз the crulse сопtтоl actualor swilch r atalnlng screws (arrows)
Check Rвfвr
to iIIustrations 9.2а, 9.2Ь аnd 9. 2с 1 тhe ignition switch is mounted below the sleering column behind the knee bolsler. То check Ihe swllch il muзl firsl Ье remo .... ed (5ее Step З). 2 Using an ohmmeter or self-powered lesl light and lhe ассomра nying diagrams, check for continuity Ьетeen the indicaled swilch lermlnals wilh the 5wilch in each 01 Ihe indica ted posilions (see illustratlons). If the continuity isn't аз specified, replace Ihe swilch.
Replacement Аеюг
to i//ustrat/on 9.6 Disconnect the negali .... e batlery саЫе, Ihen Ihe poslli .... e batlery саЫе and walt two minutвs before proceeding алу funhef. 4 Tum the ignition key lock cylincler 10 tha Run position. 5 Remo .... e Iha dri .... ar side knee bolster and tha lower steering col umn со .... ег (see Chaptar 11).
9.20 Check tha ignitlon switch terminals 'or continuity (п aach
1 - r\
the indicated posltions
- -_Jfi.
"i' -•.L--*
g.2b Ignillon switch posilion delail s
Swltch positlons
Contlnulty between
85 and АI
РI aлd р2
81 and 12; 82 аnd А2 54 аnd М 85 аnd 11 81 and 12; 54 and STA Mandll; РI endGND P2andGND аз еnd АЗ;
Ignltion switch contlnuity chart
Chapter 12 Chassis electrical system
lorth 10 line up the screw holes. 10 Тhe remainder 01 the installation is the reverse 01 removal. Check 'ог proper operation ollhe ignition switch in the lock, slart and ассез soгу positions.
10 Ignition lock cYlinder - гетоуа ' and installation Refer /0 iIIustration 10.3 Warning: Тhe тоое/з covered Ьу this тапиа/ эге equipped w/th Supp/ementa/ Restraint systems (SRS), тоге comтonly known as airbags. Always disconneet (М negаиуе battery саЫе, then 'М positJve battery саЫе эпd wait two minutes before working in the vicinity о, (hв impact sепsощ steering column о, ins trument рапе/ to avoid the possibi/ity о' accidental deployment о{ the airbag, wh/ch cou/d саизе personal injury (see Section 27). Оо not use e/eetrica/ test equipтent оп впу о! the airbвg system wiring о, tampe, wirh Ihem {п апу way.
9.6 Unplug the electrical connector and remove the i9nition switch retaining screws (arrows)
Remova/ Disconnecl the negative baltery саЫе, Ihen the positive battery and wail two mlnUles befoгe proceeding апу lurther. 2 Turn the ignilion keyllock cylinder 10 the Run position. 3 Insert an 1/8-inch punch into the hole ЗI the bottom 01 the steering column соуег surrounding Ihe lock cylinder. Dергезз Ihe punch whi le pulling out оп the lock cylinder 10 remove it 'rom the column housing (зев illustration). саЫе
Installation 4 Dергезз the retaining pin оп the side 01 the lock cylinder and rotale the Ignilion keyllock cylinder to the Run position. 5 Install Ihe lock cylinder inlo the steering column housing, making sure il's 'u" y seated and aligned in the inler10cking washer. б Rotate the key back to the 011 розШоп. Тhis will allow the retaining pin to extend itself back inlo the locating hole in the steering col· umn housing. 7 Turn the lock 'о ensure that operation is соггес! in all positions. Тhe remainder 01 inSlaJlation is the reverse 01 removal. 8 10.3 То remove the ignition lock cylinder, place the key in the " RUN" position, push in оп the release tab w ith а screw driver and pu1l the cy linder straight out
6 Unplug the ignition switch electrical connec tor and remove the switch retaining screws (see illustration). 7 Disengage the ignition switch Irom Ihe aclualor pin and remove Ihe swilch /rom Ihe vehicle. 8 Make sure the actualor pin slol in the new ignition switch is in the Run position (see illustration 9.2Ь). Note: А new гер/аеетеп! switch аззетЫу will ье зе! in this рosШоn. 9 Place the new switch in-position оп the actuator pin and install Ihe retaining screws. 1I тау Ье песеззагу to move the switch back and
Instrument panel switches - check and replacement
Waming: тhe models covered Ьу this mапuа! аге equipped with Supp!ementa! Restraint systems (SRS), тоге соmmon!у known BS airbags. Afways disconnect the negative battery саЫв, then the positive battery саЫе and wait two minutes beforв work!ng in the vicinity о( the impact sensors, steering со/uтп ог instrument рапе! to avoid the possibility о' accidenta/ dep/oyment о! the airbag, which cou/d саuзе personal injury (зее Section 27). Do not изе e/ectrical test equipment оп аnу о! the airbag system wiring ог tamper with them in апу way.
Headlight switch Check Refer /0 iIIustrations 11 . 2а эпd 11.2Ь 1 То check the switch it musl lirst ье removed (зее Step 3). 2 Using ап ohmmeler ог self-powered test light and Ihe ассотраnying diаgгзms, check lor continuity between the indicated switch terminals with the switch in each 01 the indicated positions (зее lIIustrations). l' the continuity isn't аз specilied, replace the switch.
Swltch p081tlon8
Contlnutty Ьемееп
8 1 ~Н:В28ndА оп circull
в2 " " R 81 and Н; 82 and R DI and D2 R and 1variod reslstancв
IQta!ed \Q full (eft sl~on r'i hl 'roт the full 10ft
11 .23 Headlight switch terminal identification guide
Headlight switch continuity chart
Chapter 12 Chassis electrical system
11 .3 Uslng а 5mall screwdriver depress the headlight 5witch knob r etaining clip
Aeplacement to i//uSff8tЮns 11 .3
~--------------------: 12 Radio/CD player and speakers • гетоуаl and
and I 1.5
3 Delach Ihe headlight switch knob Ьу pushing Ihe release 'аЬ аl the bollom 01 the knob (зее illustration). 4 АemoУе 'М instrument cluster bezel (see Chapter 11). 5 Delach Ihe 5witch relaining screW5 (зее illustration). 6 Unp)ug Ihe eleclrlcal connector and гетоув the swilch !гот Ihe vehicle. 7 tnstallation is the гeyвrse 01 removal.
Rear window defogger switch
installation Wam lng: The тorJe/з covered Ьу this maпua/ аге equipped with Supp/ementa/ Restrainl systems (SRS), тоге соmтоп/у known аз airbгgs.. A/ways disconnвct the negative bdttery свЫе, then Ihe pos/tive bвtret) саШ and wait two minutes Ье(оге working /п the vic/nity о( the "mpзct sensощ steenng со/иmп ог inslrurnenl раnel 10 8vo/d the possibl/ity о! acciden ta/ deployment о( the a/rbag, wh/ch cou/d саизе persona/ iпj/,И)' (зве Section Do поl изе e/eetrica/ test equ/pment оп апу о( (М airbag system w/ring or 'аmрег with (лет /п апу W8Y.
Refer 10 iIIustration l' .10
8 То check the swilch it musllirsl ье removed (see Step 10). 9 Using several convenlional 'уре jumper wlres, а lused Jumper wire and ап ohmmeler perform Ihe lollowing lestS. 1О Gгоuпd terminaJ 4, Ihen apply battery voltage 10 termirtal 3. With the switch in the ON розШon check 'or con!inuity between terminals 1 аnd 2 (sвe Шustгаtiоп). 1I !he switch lails the !ез! procedure, replace Ihe swilch.
Replacement Refer 10 iIIustrations 11.13
11 Detach the headlight switch knob (see Slep 3). 12 Аетоуе Ihe instrumen! clusler bezel (seв Chapler 11). 13 Oetach the plastic locking tabs оп each side 01 the switch (see itlustralion). 14 Unplug the electr1ca( connector !rom the back side 01 the switch. then remove il from the vehicle. 15 Installation is the reverse 01 removal.
11 .13 Detach the retaining c lips оп each side 01 the rear defogger swilch
11.10 Rear d efogger switch terminal guide
11 .5 Detach the switch retainlng screW5 (arrows) - unplug the electrical connector and withdraw the switch 'гот the Instrument рапеl
12. 3а
Dlsconnecl Ihe negative battery саЫе, then the posltlve battery and wait Iwo minutes belore proceeding апу further. ..:,
Radio and
ей р/ауег
Refer 10 iIIusfrations 12.38 800
12. ЗЬ
For theft protection, the radio receiver and СО player assembIies аге retalned in the instrument panel Ьу special clips. Releasing these clips requires the use 01 two sets 01 Ford removal 1001 по. Т8 7Р19061'д, ап equivalenl aftermarket 'ool ог two stюrt lengths 01 соаl hanger wire Ьеп! Into U-shapes. Insert the tools into the holes а! Ihe сотerз 01 Ihe radio аnd СО player assembIies until уои 'ееl the interпaJ clips release. 3 With the clips released, push outward siтultапеоuslу оп bo!h 10015 and pull the аsзеmЫу out 01 the iпstrumепt panel. disconnecl the antenna and electrical connectors аnd гетоуе the ип" 'гom the vehicle (see lIIustrations). 4 Inslall Ьу plugging iп the electrical соппесlоrs, then 51iding the 2
Insert the tool5 until Ihey seal, thеп push outward simultапеоuslу оп both 10018 10 release the clip5 and withdraw the radio 'гот the d a5h
Detach the electric al соппесtог and th e antenna lead 'гот the back side I,)f the radio
Chapter 12 Chassis electrical system
12.6 After r em oving the door trlm panel, the speaker retain ing ser ew s (arrows) аге еазу 'о reaeh
13.2 Usa
а small wrench 'о the antвnna mast
radio ог СО player along the traek and into the Instrument panel until the cllps сап Ье fel! snapping ,п place.
Speakers Refer to lIIustration 12.6
Door mounted 5 Aemove the door trim
рапel (зев Chaptвr
11 ).
13.4 Автоуе thв retaining scrвws (arrOW5) securing the antenna Ьазе t o thв lront fender
6 Remove the mounting screws, withdraw the speaker, unplug the electrical connectof and remove the зреаКег 'гот the vehicle (зее iIIU5tratlo n). 7 Installation is the reverse 01 гетОllзJ .
Aear quarter panel mounted 8 Remove the геаг seat and the геаг quarter trim
panelз (зев Chapter 11 ). 9 Remove the speaker retaining screW5. withdraw the speaker, unplug the electrical connector and гerтюvе the speaker the lIehlcle. 10 InstaJlation is the reverse 01 removal
Package shelf mounted 1 1 Remove the геаг seat and расКаее shelf (sвe Chapter 11). 12 Remove the speak вr retaining screws. withdraw the speaker. unplug the electrical connector aГld геmollе the speaker "от the lIehlcle. 13 Instaltation is the reverse 01 removal
..... - - - - J
14.4 When measuring the voltage at the геаг window defogger grid, wrap а plece of alumlnum 1011 around the negative ргоЬе 01 th e lIoltmeter and ргезз the 1011 agalnst the wirв with уоиг linger
13 Antenna - removal and installation Refer 10 f//ustrations 13,2 and 13.4 1 Detach the radio and disconnect the antenna lead lгот the гваг slde 01 the radio (sвe Section 12). 2 Working Iгот the outside 01 the vehicle. изе а small wrench and гетоуе the mast (seв Irtu stratio n). 3 pry оН the antenna 'пт сар. 4 АетОllе Ihe screws зесипnе Ihe anlenna 10 the body (5ее Itlus tration), then pull the anlenna ир and оиl 10 гетоуе il. 5 Installation 's the rellerse 01 remollaJ.
Ава г
window defogger - check and repair
Тhв геаг window delogger consiSIS 01 а питЬег 01 horizonlal elemenls baked оп10 the gla55 surface. 5mall breaks in the element сап ье repaired wilhout remolllng 'М 2 геаг window.
14.5 То dеtепniпе ,1 а мге has broken, c hec k 'М уо ltaее at the center 01 each wi re . If the уоltaее 15 6-Уоlts, the w ire 'з unbroken; if the lIoltage 'з 12-vo115, the wiгe 1$ brok en between the center 01 th e w lre and the positive end; If the lIoltage ,з Q. votts, the wire is broken between the center 01 the w ire and ground
Refertoi/lustratlons 14,4, 14.5and ' 4.7 3 Тит the ignition switch and defogger system switches 10 the QN po5ition. 4 When measufing vottage during the neхl two lests. wrap а piece 01 alитinum foil around the tip 01 the vo"meter nвgative РГОЬе and press the!oН эgaiПЗI the heatJng etement with уouг IingE!f (see illustration). 5 Check the voltage аl the cenler 01 each heating element (з ее iIIU5tration). If the vo"аее is 6-volts, the element is оКау (Ihere i5 по ЬгеаК). 11 the vollage is 12-110115. the elemenl is broken belween 'М cenler 01 the element and 'М po5illve emI. 11 Ihe lIollage is O-lIоlls the elemenl 'з broken betwвen Ihe cen ler 01 Ihe element and ground.
Chapter 12 Chassis electrical system
flnd the break, place the vottmeter positive
the defogger роз"'''-. te rminal, place th e yoltmete r пеgзtt..-. lead with the foH strip against the heat w ire аl the posi!i..-. terminal end and sllde toward the negative tепn l п аl end - the point а! which the vottmeter deflects пот zero 10 sеуеrзl уolts 'з the poJnt 81 which the wi re is br oken
б Соппес! the negative lead 10 а good bodу ground. Тhe reading should stay the same. 7 ТО find Ihe break. place the voltmeler posi'i"e lead against the defogger positive terminal. Place the voltmeter negalive lead with the foil strip against the healing element 8! 'м positive terminal end and slide it t oward the negative terminaJ end. Тhe point а! wh lch the yollmeter deflects "от zero 10 ооуегаl vol!s 15 the point а! which the heating element is broken (аее iНustration) .
Repa;r Refer 10 1/1u51ration 14.13 8 Aepair 'М brвak in the elemenl using а repair kit specilically гее ommended 10( Ihis purpose, such as Duponl paste No. 4817 (ог equivalent). Included in Ihis kil is plasl ic conducl ive ероху. 9 Prior 10 repairing а Ьгезk , lum 011 Ihe system and allow il 10 сool 011 for а 1_ minutes. 10 Ughtly bul1 'М element агеа wilh line sleel wool, Ihen clean it l horoughly with rubbing alсohol. 11 иsв masking 'аре 10 mask off Ihe агеа being repaired . 12 Thoroughly mlx Ihe ероху, following the Instrucl ions provided wilh Ihe геpзiг kit. 13 Apply Ihe ероху maleriallo the slit In Ihe maskiГlg 'аре, overlapping 'М undamaged зreа about З/4-inch оп either end (ие illustтa tion). 14 Allow the repair 10 cure 'ог 24 hours before removing Ihe 'аре and using Ihe syslem.
15 Headlights - replacement Refer 'о 1//u5tratiOn5 15.2 and 15.4 Wamlng: HaJogen g85 filled bulbs Sfe uпмг ргеssшв and тау shatter i{ 'М sиrface is scra tched ог the Ьu/Ь /s dropped. Wear еув protection аоо h8ndlв the Ьи/т carefu//y, grasping on/у /he Ьазе whenever possiЫе. Do поt touch the sиrface о{ the ьи/ь with youг fingers because the oi/ from youг sЮп cou/d cвuзе it /0 overheat 800 {ail preтarurely. /' you do touch the Ьи/Ь surface, с!вап it м/" rubbing alcohol. 1 Ореп the hood. 2 Delach the plasllc clips securlng the headlighl cover (зее illustration). 3 Disconnecllhe electrical connector 'гom the bulb hold6i". 4 AOlale the headlighl bulb retain ing ring counterclockwise as viewed from Ihe геш (ив Illustration). 5 Withdraw the bulb assembIy and relalning ппу !rom the headtighl houslng.
15.4 Rotate the hea dlight bulb retaining ring counterclockw i se and pull the bulb socket assembly out 01 'М housing - when installing the new bulb, don't t ouch the surface, c lean It with rubbing alcohol if you do Remove the bulb from Ihe SOCket assembIy Ьу pulling il straight out. 7 Wilhoul looching the glass wi lh youг Ьате fingвrs, if1Sert the new bulb into the socket аsзетЫу and then into the headlight housing, inslall аnd lighten the retaining Ппу. а Plug in the eleclrical conneclor. Тез! headlighl operalion, then close Ihe hood.
Chapter 12 Chassis electrical system
16.1 8 The lower outboard headlight adjustlng screw сап Ье adjustвd from the outside 01 th e ..,ehicle
16.1 Ь Тhв rеmзiпiпg headlight adJustlng sсrewз тия adJusted from the rезr 01 the headlight houslng
L _ _ _ _ _-'-_ _ _ _ _- '
1-.,:i ·,5.J АIvN
The headlights have three adjusting screws eaeh, опе Inboard оп 'М outboard Iowег comег of {М headlight housing is accessibIe from the tront 01 Ihe vehicle. тhe remaining two adjuslers зrе accessibIe trom Ihe геаг 01 'М hеасШghl assembIy аnd аге tumed using а small wrench ог pliers (зее Illustralions). 2 There аге several melhods of adjusting Ihe hеаdlighlз. The simplesl method requlres masking {аре. а bIank wall and а level floor. 3 Position masking 'аре vertieally оп Ihe wall (п relerenee 10 the vehiele eenter1ine and Ihe cenlenines 01 bolh headlighls (seв illuslraIlon). 4 Posilion а horizontal !аре line in relerence 10 the eenter1ine of 311 the head!ighls. Note: /1 тау ье easier 10 роsШon lhe (ара on lhe wa/I wilh 'М veh/c/e parked on/у а lew inches away. 5 Adjustment should ье made with the vehiele parked 25 feel 'гот the wall, slttlng level, the gas tank half-full and по unusuaJly heavy load in the vehleJe. 6 Slarting wlth the low Ьеат adjuslment, position the high Inlensity zone 50 il is мо inches below the horizonlaJ Ilne and two inches 10 the right 01 the headlight vertical line. Adjustmenl is made ьу tuming the lор adjusling screw elockwise 10 гзiзе Ihe Ьеат and counlerclockwise 10 lowвr Ihe Ьеат. Тhe adjusling screw оп Ihe side should ье usecf in the sзте таппег 10 тоуе the Ьеат left ог right. 7 With the high Ьеатs оп, the hlgh Intensity zone should ье vertleally eentered with the ехае! eenter jusl below the horizontal Ilne. Nole: /1 тау no! ье possibJe 10 роsШоп 'М hвadlight вiт exвctly lог both high апо low Ьеатз. If а compromise тuз! ьв твОе, keep in mind that the /ow Ьеатз аге the таз! извd апО have 'М grealest e"eet on salety. 8 Науе 'М headlights adjusted ьу а dealer serviee department or serviee station а! {М ear1iest opportunity. аnd
Vehicle _ _ _ __+_. Centerline
two outboard. тhe adjuster located
16.3 Headlight adju stment d etails
16 Headlights - adjustment Refer to II/ustrations 16.1а, 16. IЬ and 16.3 Note: Тhв head/ights must ьв aiтed cOfТfICt/y. " adjusted /ncorrect/y they cou/d b/ind the driver о{ гп oncoming vehic/e and cause 8 sвпou!> accident ог seriously rвducв youг abllity 10 sвв the road. Тhe headlights shou/d ье checked {ог рroрвг гiт every 12 тaпths аnd му итв 8 new hвadllght is insta//ed of {ron' end body wOlfr ;5 pвrformed. 1t stюu/d ьв emphasizвd that the fol1owing prrx;edиre is on/у вп interim step wh/ch wШ provide temporary adjustmen t uпШ the heгdlights сап ье adjusted Ьу а properfy equ/ppвd shop.
17 Headlight housing - removal and installation Refer 10 i//ustrations 17.3 ам 17.4 Waming: тhe mode/s covered Ьу this manua/ are equippвd with Sиp pJeтenta/ Restraint syslems (SRS), тore соттon/у known аз airbags. Always disconnect the negative battery cablfl, 'мп the розШуе bВttery саЫе апО walt ,",О minutes before working in the vieinity о! the /трас' sепsощ steerfng ео/итп ог instrument рапеl /0 avoid the possibility 01 аееюеп/а/ dвp/oyтen! 01 the airbag, which еou/о caиse persona//njury (see Section 27). Do по! изе e/eetrieal test equipment оп апу 0 1 the airbag sysleт wiring or 'атрег with them in апу way. 1 Disconnecl the negative battery саЫе, then the роsШуе battery саЫе and wait two minutes before proceeding anу further. 2 Аетоуе the headlight bulb(s) (see Section 15).
Chapter 12 Chassis electrical system
17.3 Detach the m etal retaining c lip securing the upper adjuзtiпg зсгв..",
17.4 Using а pair of pliers, squeeze !пе lower retalning c llps whi le pulling 'па headllght housing o utward
18.3 Rotate the bulb holder cou nterc lockwise and w ilhdraw 11 from 'па side m arker 119hl housing, !пап grasp the b ulb аnd purl it stralght oul
18.6 Detach the clips securing the trunk compartment геаг fini shlng рап е!
18.78 Detach th e taillight ho uslng retaining nuts ...
з Detac h !ha cl ip from ! ha и ррег Зdjustiпg $еге..", (зее illustration). 4 Squeeze Ihe lockiпg 'ам ОП 'ha lower мо adjusting screws while pulllng outward 0f1 ,па headllght assembIy 10 delach iI from 'па radia!ог support (ие Illustration). 5 When reinstalling 'па head lighl housing, align Ihe adJusting screws with ,here respective hoIеs, then push straight back until 'М locking tabs fully engage the radiator suppon. б The remainder 01 Ihe Inslallallon Is Ihe r8Verse 01removal.
18 Bulb replacement
Front tum s;gnal and s;de marker lights Refer to i//ustrations 18.2 and 18.3 1 Detach the headllght trim cover (зее sвction 15). 2 Detach the зid е marker light retaining пиЦз), then pull the side marker light outward (see illustration). 3 Twist the bulb socket а quarter turn counterclockwise, then гетоуе the bulb assembly from the housing (see illuslration). 4 The delective bulb сап then Ье pulled straight ои! 01 the socket and replaced. 5 InstaJlalion 01 the headllght housing ,з Ihe reverse 01 removal.
Rear tum signal, brake, tail and back-up lights Refвrtoillustrations 18.6,18.78 800 18.7Ь 6 Work ing in th e tru nk compartmвnt , detach the plastic clips securing the (ear finishing рапеl , 'мп remove the рапеl from the vehicle (see Шиstratiо п) .
18. 7Ь
... then pull the housing outw8 rd 10 8ccess the tall light bulbs
7 Detach 'М retaining nuts sвcuring the rear taillight housing, then pull the t8il I'ght assembIy oul ward 10 ассезз the tail light bulbs (see iIIuslfations). 8 Twist the bulb socket а quaner 'игп coun lerclockwise. then гетоуе the bulb аззетЫу Iгот the housing. 9 The defective bulb сап then ье pulled stralghl ои! 01 the socket and replaced. 10 Installa!ion 01 the taillight hоusiпg is the reverse 01 removal.
Chapter 12 Chassis electrical system
18.11 Detach Ihe screws (arrows) зесuriпg the
10 replace
18.14 Twisl the bulb holder (arrows) cou nterclockwise 10
the license plale Ilghl ЬulЬз
18.17 Use
а зmаll scгewdriveг
10 pry out the
the high mounted brake light bulbs
light lens
То гетоуе ап
instrument cluster bulb, depress the bulb and rotate counterclockwise
License p/ate Jight Refer to lIIustration 1В.11 1, Delach Ihe relaining screws whlch secure Ihe 'епз 10 Ihe lrunk lid (see Illuзlгаtlоп) . 12 The delecti ve ЬиlЬ сап th en Ье pulled slralghl ои! 01 the sockel and replaced . 13 Inslallatlon 01 Ihe lens is Ihe гвyeгsв 01 removal.
High-mounted brake light Refer 10 ШUSlra lion 18.14 14 The high mounled brake lighl butbs сап ьв accessed from 'М trunk compartmen! (seв iIIustration). 15 Twlsl Ihe bulb sockel а quaner lurn counlerclockwise, Ihen гетоуе the bulb assembly from Ihe housing. 16 The defвctive bulb сап Ihen ье pulled stra)gh! ои! 01 the socket and replaced.
Interior Jights Re{er (о iIIustration 18.17 17 Using а small screwdriver, (SM iIIustration).
Ihe 'впз and replace Ihe bulb
Instrument c/uster iIIumination Refer to IIlus lration 18. 1В 18 То galn access 10 Ihe Instrumoot cluSler Шumiпаtiоп lighls, the inslrumвnt cluster will have 10 ье removed (see Section 21). Тhe bulbs сап then Ьв гетоуоо and replaced 'гот Ihe гваг 01 the cluster (зев iIIustratlon).
19 Daytime Running Lights (DRL) - general information The Daytime Running Lights (DАЦ system used оп Canadian models iIIuminates the headlights whenever the engine is running . The only exception is with the engine running and Ihe parking brake engaged. Опсе Ihe parking brake Is rвlea5ed, the light5 will rвmaln оп as 'оng а5 Ihe ignition swilch is оп. вуеп " the parking brake 15 later applied. The QRL system supplie5 reduced power 10 the headlights зо they won't ье 100 bПgЫ 'ог daytlme изе. while prolonging headlight tilе.
20 Wiper motor - check and replacement
Wiper motor circuit check Refer to II/ustratian 20.2 Note: Refer to the wiring d/agrams {аг wire c%rs аnd locations in the fol/owing chвcks. Кеер in mind that power wiгes аге geпera/Iy la'ger in diгmeter aлd brighter c%rs, wheгe ground wiгes аге usua/Iy smг/ler In diameter and darker CO/OfS. When checking '0' vo/tage. рroЬв 8 grounded 12-voIt test light to вach termiпa/at а connector until it lights; th/s vвrifies voItage (power) а, the tвrmina/. , tllhe wipe.-s YЮI1< зlоwty, make sure the battery is in goo<:l coodi{ioп аnd has а strong charge (зее Chapter 1). 1I the battery is in good condition. remove the wiper motor (зев below) апd operale Ihe wiper arms Ьу hand. Check for bindlng "пkзее and pivots. Lubricate ог repair
Chapter 12 Chassis electrical system
20.2 Windshield wlper motor terminal guide detalls 1
Park switch (вrminal Park feвd power termina/
5 6
Low speed terminal High spe&d terminal
the Ilnkage ОГ pivots as necessary. Reinstall Ihe wiper motor. 1I the wipers slitl operate slowly, check 'аг loos8 ОГ corroded connections, especially the graund connection. 1I ait COI1necliof'ts Iook ОК, replace
the motor. 2 1I Ihe wipef'S lait 10 operate when асtivэted, check the Щоо. 1I the fuse is ОК, соппесl а jumper wire between the wiper motor and ground, then retest. 1I the molOf works ГЮW, repзiг the ground connection. 1I the molor 51ill doesn', wor1l, tum Ihe wiper switch 10 the НI position and check vo/tage аl the motor (не i1Iustratlon).1f thefe's voltage а! 'М molor, гemoуе the molor aлd check it off {М vehlcle wilh fused jumper wlгes "от Ihe battery. ff Ihe molor now works, check lог binding linkage (see Slep 1 above). 1I the molor slill doesn'l work, гeplace it. " there's по vollage аl 'М molor, check 101' lIollage а! Ihв wiper coolrol mocIule. ff lhefe's voltage аl the wiper control module and no voItage 31 the allhe wiper molor, check Ihe swilch 101' conlinuity (see Section 8). 1I the swilch is ОК, Ihe wiper conlrol module Is proЬаЫу bad. 3 1I Ihe inlerval (delay) lunctlon is inoperatllle, check Ihe continuity 01 all the wiring between the switch and wlper control module. 1I the w iring 'з ОК, check the resistance 01 the deiay control knob 01 the multi-Iunction switch (see Section 8). " the delay contrOI knob is within the specified resistance, repl ace the wiper conlrol module. 4 1I the wipers slop аl the розiliоп they're In wh&n the switch is turn&d 011 (fail 10 park), check lor lIolla98 аl 'hв park l&&d wire 01 the wiper molor connector when the wiper switch Is OFF but the Ignition is ON. tf по voltage ,з pres8f1t, check 'ог ап ореп circuit between the wiper motor and Ihe 'изе panel. 5 '! the wipers won't shut 011 unless the ignltion 'з OFF, disconnect
20.10 Detach the wiper motor fetainlng botts (arrows)
20.7 Pry
the locking tab, then pull straight ир 10 remove the wiper агт assembIy
Ihe мппо lrom the wiper control switch. 11 the мреrз stop, герlасе the switch. If the wipers keep running , there 's а de!ectillft Ilmit swilch in the molor; герlзсе the motor. б 1I the wipers won'\ геtгзGt below IМ hood line, check !ог mесhзп icaJ obstructions in {М мрег linkage ог оп {М lIehlcle 's body which would Р!'еуеп! the wipers !гот par\(ing. If there аге по obstruClions. check the wiring between {М switch зпd motor lor continuity. 11 the wiring is ОК, герlзсе {М wiper molor.
Wiper motor rep/acement Reler (о iIIustrations 20. 7 aпd 20. 10
the windshield wiper arms (зее illustration). Ihe cowl cover and the cowlllent screen (see Chapter 11). 9 Disconnect the eleclrica) connector Iгот Ihe wiper motor. . 10 RemollEl the wiper motor retaining botts (зев illustration), 11 Ри" 11'1& мрег molor outward slighlly and detach the clip зесипng Ihe wiper агт linkage 10 Ihe backside 01 the motor, Ihen гетОllе the motor !гот Ihe lIehicle. 12 Inslallallon is Ihe геllеrзе 01 remollal.
Instrument cluster - removal and installation
Re'er 'о iIIuslration 21 .3 Waming: тhв mode/s covered Ьу (тз rnanиa/aгe equipped with Supp/emвntaJ Restraint systems (SRS), тore commonJy known аз airbags. Always d/sconnect the negative battel)' саые' Ihвn the positive batt&ty саЫ& and wait мо minutes Ье'оге worf
instrument cluster ,з held in place Ьу screws (arrow s) а' both sides 01 the nousil1g
Chassis electrical system
22.3 Соппес! а voltmeter to !пе ПОГП wire and ground - !est for vottage w hile the switch is depressed
22.9 Disconnect the elec!rical connector, гетоуе !пе bolt (arтow) and detach the пот
accidenlal deployment о' Ihe airbag, which could саuзе personal injury (зее Sесtiоп 27). 00 поl use electtical (esl equipment оп апу о' the airbag system witing ог (аmрег with (мm in апу way. 1 Disconnect Ihe negalive ballery саЫе, Ihen Ihe posilive batlery саЫе and wail two minu'es belore proceeding апу lur1her. 2 Till Ihe steering wheel 10 i's lowes' position and гетоуе 'he iПS'rumепl clus!er bezel (зоо Chapler 11). 3 Аетоуе the iпslruтепl clusler геtаiпiпg screws (зее iIIus!ra!ion). 4 Pull the iпstrumепt clusler оиl and unplug 'he electrical соппесlors Iгот 'he backside, Ihen гетоуе the clusler Iгот 'he instrumenl рапеl .
Inslallation is the reverse 01
, ----------------------------------------22
- check and replacement
Check Refer 10 iIIustmtion 22.3 No!e: Check the (изез before beginning electrical diagnosis. 1 Disсоппесl the eleclrical соппесtог Iгот the horn. 2 То lesllhe horn, соппесl battery voltage 10 Ihe Iwo lerminals with а pair 01 jumper wires. 1I Ihe hom doesn'l sound, replace il. 3 1I Ihe hom does sound, chвck lог voltage allhe lerminal when !he hom Ьиt'оп is depressed (see illusua!ion).11Ihere's vollage allhe 'ег· minal, check lог а bad ground allhe hom.
23.5Ь Make sure !пе crulse сопиоl and accelera!or linkage moun!ed оп Ihe thrott'e body аге по! damaged and that they орега!е smoothty together wnen 'пе !hrottle is opened
23.5а Тhe 'п
cruise соп!гоl servo is loca!ed driver side wheel opening - make sure the уасиит hose (arтow) is connected securely
4 1I 'here's по vol'age аl 'пе hom, check Ihe relay (soo Seclion 51. Nol e Iha! mosl horn relays аге eilher the lour-Ierminal or еХ'егпаlJу gгоuпded 'hree-terminal type. 5 1I Ihe relay is ОК, check for vollage 10 Ihe relay power and conlrol circuits. 1I either о/ 'пе circuits is поl receiving vol!age. inspecl the wiring between Ihe relay and !he luse panel. 6 1I bo!h relay circuits аге receiving vo!tage, depress !he hom bul!оп and check 'he circuit from the relay 10 !he horn button for con' inuily 10 ground. (1 there's по conlinuily, check I he circuit 'ог ап ореп. 11 Ihere's по ореп circuit, replace !he horn bullon. 7 1I there's conlinuity 10 ground through the hom button, check 'ог ап ореп ог shor1 in !he circuit from the relay 10 the hom.
Replacement Refer 10 iIIustmtion 22.9 В То access the horns, I he left fron! fender splash shield mus! firs! Ье гетоуоо (зее Chap'вr
1 11.
Disconnect the eleclrical соппес!оrз and remove the bracket 0011 (see illustration). 1 О Inslalla!ion Is the reverse of removal.
Cruise control system - description and check
Refer 10 iIIustmtions 23.5а and 23.5Ь 1 Тhe cru ise cOnlrol system maintains vehicle эреес! with а servo mOlor localed In !he driver's side wheel well, which Is connec!ed 10 !he thrOltle linkage Ьу а саЫе . The system consists 01 the servo то!ог. brake SWilch, control switches, а relay and оп 1994 and 1995 models. associated vacuum hoses. Some leatures 01 Ihe system require эре cial lesters and diagnostic procedures which аге beyond Ihe scope 01 this manual. Lisled below are some generaJ procedures Ihal тау Ье used 10 lоса!е сот топ probIems. 2 Locale and chвck the luse (see Sec!ion З). 3 Науе ап assis!ant орега!е !he brake lighls while уои check their operation (vollage (гот Ihe brake lighl swilch deactivates the cruise control). 4 Illhe brake lights don'! соте оп ог don't shul olf, соггесl the рroЫет and retesl Ihe cruise conlrol. 5 ОП еаrlУ models visually inspect Ihe vacuum hose соппес'оо 10 Ihe speed control servo. ОП all models check Ihe conlrol саЫе between !he cruise conlrol servoJamplilier and !he throttle linkage and replace as necessary (зее Шustга!iопs). 5 The cruise con!rol sys!em uses а speed sensing device. The speed sensor is located in !he !ransmission. То !ез! !he speed sensor (soo Chapler 6). 7 Tes! drive Ihe vehicle 10 de!ermine if Ihe cru ise соп!гоl is now working. 1I it isn'!, take it 10 а dealer service depar1ment ог ап aulomo"уе electrical specialist for fur1her diagnosis.
Chapter 12 Chassis electrical system
24.12 If по \/ol18ge 15 found д! tt1e motor with the switch depressed - check 'аг \/oltage а! the switch
25.9 Check 'ог yoltage 81 the lock soJenold while the lock switc h 15 operated
24 Power window system - description and check Refвr
10 Шustration 24. 12
The power window syslem operates eleclric motors, mounted
the doors, whlch lower and raise the windows. The system consisls о' Ihe coolrol switches, the mot()($, regulalors, glass mechanlsms and associated wiling. 2 The powвr windows сап ье lowered and ralsed "от the masler control switch Ьу the drillef of Ьу гето!е switches located аl the indl-
IIldual windows. Each wlndow has
separate molor which
reversibIe. тhe positЮn of the control switch delermines 'М polarily аnd therefore Ihe direcliorl of operalion. 3 The ci rcuit [з protected Ьу а fuse and а circuit breaker. Each motor [з also equipped with ап internal circuit Ьгезkег , !hls prevents one stuck window from disabIing the wtюlе system. 4 The powВf window system will only operate when the Ignitlon switch is ON. '" addilion, тапу models have а window lockout switch а! the master cont rol зwitсh whlch, when ectivated, disabIes the switches а! 'М геаг windows аnd , sometimes, Ihe switch а! 'М раз senger's window also. Always check these itemз before troubIeshootJng а window рroЫет. 5 These ргосeduгез аге general '" nature, зо if уои сап'! find the problem using them, take Ihe vehicle 10 а dealer service department ог other proper1y equipped repair faci1ity. б 1I the power windOWS won't operate, alweys check the fuse and circuit breaker lirst. 7 1I only the геаг windows аге iпорегзtivе, or if the windows only opemle from the master contro' switch, check the геаг window Iockout switch for contlnuity [п the unlocked position. Replace [! [l [! doesn't have conlinuity. Checl< Ihe wiring between the зwitСhеs and шзе рапе' lor conti8 nuity. Аера;' 'hв wiring, if песesзary. 9 1I only опе window is inopemtive #тОт 'М master control switch, try the olher COnlro! switch а! the window. Note: Тhis doesn't арр/у 10 the drivers door window. 10 1I the sзте window works 'гот опе зwitсh, Ьи! ПОI the other, check the switch lor contlnuity. 11 1I the switch tests ОК, chвck lо, а short ог ореп [п the circuit between the affected swltch and the window motor. 12 Н оne window is iпорегзtivе 110т both зwilсhes, гетоуе the trim раnet lrom the affected door and check lor voItage а! 'М switch (зае illustration) аnd а! the molor while Ihe switch Iз opemted. 13 1I vollage is reaching the motor. disconnect the glass 'гот the regulator (зее Chapter \1). Моуе Ihe window ир and down Ьу hand while checking lог binding аnd damage. Also check 'ог binding and damage 10 the regulator. 1I the regulator is по! damaged and the window тоуез ир and down smoothly, replace the motor. 1I !here's blnding ог damage, lubricale, геpзiг ог replace parls, аз necessary.
изе а
5mall screwdriver 10 separate the trensmitter halves
14 If voltage 'зп'! reaching the motof, chec k the wlring in the circur. for conlinuity between the switches and motors. You'lI need 10 consu!t the wiring diagram 'or the vehlcle. 1I the circuit is equippecl with а relay. check that the relay [з grounded property and receiving vo!lage. 15 ТеЗI the windows апег you are done 'о confirm proper repalrs.
25 Power door lock and keyless entry system description and check Refer 10 lIIustгаlЮn 25.9 The power door lock зуslеm operates th e door lock aclualors mounted [n each door. Тhe system consists 01 the swilches, actualQ!s, and associaled wiring. Diagnosis сап usually Ье IImited 10 simp!e"' checks 01 Ihe wiring connectlons аnd aCluators 10( minor lauJIs which сап ье easily repalred. 2 Power door lock systems are operaled Ьу bi -dlrectional solenoids localed '" the doors. Тhe lock switc hes have t wo operating positlons: Lock and Unlock. ОП later models with key!ess entry the switches aclivate а module which '" tum connects voltage 10 the door lock solenoids. Depending оп which way the switch is activated, 1! reverses polarlty, allowing the two sides of Ihe clrcuit 10 Ье used alternately аз the leed (posilive) and ground slde. on earlier models with ou! keyless enlry the switcnes djrectly actlvate the door lock molors. 3 1I уou аге unable 10 locale the troubIe using Ihe lotlowing general steps, consult you r а dealer S6Nice department. Always check the circult prolectlon lirst. Оп these models the 4 baltery voItage passвs Ihrough Ihe 20 атр circuit bfeak6f Iocated (п the passenger compartment luse block. 5 Operale the door lock switches '" both directions (Lock and Unlock) with the engine off. Usten for Ihe faint click of Ihe door lock solerюid (motor) о( relay operating. 6 1I there's по ctick, check 'or voItage а! {hб switches. 1I по vottage [з presenl, check Ihe wiring belwOOf1 the шзе bIock and the зwitсhеs 'ог shorts and орепз . 7 If vollage Is present ьи! по click is heard, 'ез! the swilch ' or con!jnuity. Replace " If there's по continuity [п both swilch positions. 8 " the switch has continuity ьи! the solenoid do6sп'! click, check the wiring between the switch and solenoid 'ог conlinuity. Aepair the wiring [l there's по! continuity. 9 If all but one Iock solenoids operate, remove 'hб trim panel from 'hб atfected door (зее Chapter 11 ) and checi< lor voltage а! the soIе noid while the lock switch is operated (зее iIIustratlon). Опе 01 Ihe wires should have voltage '" the Lock posltion; the olher should have voltage '" Ihe unlock position. 10 I1 the lnoperatlve SOIenOId is receМng voltage, repJace the solenoid. Note: /I's соmтоn 'or wires 10 break in the portion о , the hamess between the bodу аnd door (opening аnd c/osing the door fatigues and eventua//y breaks the wiras).
Chapter 12 Chassis electrical system
25.14 Replace the lithium batterles (arrows)
27.18 Тhв fron! crash
зепзоrз аге
mounled In the
fro n! grille openlng
Keyless entry systeт Refer 10 lI/uslf8tions 25.13 end 25.14 11 Тhe key1ess entry system consists 01 а remote cOnlrol trалsmillег Ihal sends а coded inlrared signal 10 а recelver located 'п Ihe lrunk сompэrtтеп! Ihal operales the door lock system. 12 Replace Ihe lransmitter batterles when the red LED lighl оп the slde 01 the сазе doesn't light when the button 'з pushed. 13 Use а smatl screwdriver 10 carelully separate 'М саsе halves (SM Illustration). 14 Replace Ihe two 3-voll 20161ithium batleries Iзм illustration). 15 Snap the case halves together.
26 Electric side v;ew mirrors - description and check МОЗI
electric rear view mirrors изе two motors 10 тоvе Ihe glass; down adjuslmenls and опе for left-righl adjustmenls. 2 тhe contro' switch has а selector pof1ion which sends voltage 10 the Ieft or righl зidе mirтor. Wrth the Ignition ON but 'М engine OFF, roIl down Ihe windows and operale Ihe mirтor control switch through aJI functions ~eft-righl and up-down) lor both the left and right side mirтors. 3 USl8fl carefully lor the sound 01 lhe eleclric molors running In Ihe ml"ors. 4 Jf t he molors сап ье heard Ьиl Ihe mirror glass doesn't тоуе, there's proOObJy а ргоЫет wilh the drive mechanism inside the mirror. Аетоvе алd dlsassem bJe the mirror 10 locale the ргоЫет. 5 11 the mlrrors don'! operate and по sound comes 'гот I he mi rтors, check Ihe fuse (seв Chapler 1). б 11 the fuse is ОК, гетоуе Ihe ml"or conlrol switch 'гom its mount'ng wilhout disconnecting lhe wlres attached 10 11. Тит the ignitioo ON and check for voltage а! the switch. Th8f8 should ье vollage а! опе tem"linal. tf there's no voltage аl 100 swilch, check for ал ореп or short 'п the wiring between the fuse рапе' and the switch. 7 11 there's voltage аl the swilch, disconnecl it. Check Ihe switch lor continuity 'п all its operating posilioos. 1I the swilch does па! have соп tinuity, replace it . В Re-connect the swilch. Local e the wlre going 'гот the swllch 10 ground. Leaving the swilch connected, connect а jumper wi re betweвn thls wlre and ground . If I he mlrror works normally wilh Ihis wl re 'П place, repalr the faully ground conneclion. 9 1I the mirror slirl doвsn't 'оУогХ, гетоуе Ihe mirror and check Ihe wires аl Ihe mirтor 'ог vollage. Check with ignilion ON aлd the mirror selector swilch 00 lhe appropriale side. Opernle the mirror swi!ch in all its posilions. There shouJd ье voltage аl опе 01 the swilch-to-mi"or wires in each switch position (excepllhe neulral · off' position). 10 1I there 's по! voltage in each switch posltion, check !he wirlng belween the mirтor алd control swilch IQf opens алd shorts. 11 11 !here's vollage, гетоvе Ihe mirror and lеЗI it off Ihe vehicle with jumper wlres. Aeplace the mlrтor If il 'а11з this !ез!. ом
ир алd
27. 1Ь Тhe
airbag diagnostlc module is mounted 10 the transmission tunnei behlnd the console
27 Airbag - general information Refer 10 II/uslrations 27.18 8nd 27.1Ь AII models аге equipped wilh а SupplemenlaJ Reslralnl System (SRS), more commonly known аз ап alrbag. This syslern is designed 10 prOlect 'М driv8f, and Ihe 'ГОПI зеаl passenger, "от serioos Injury 'П lhe еvеп! of а head-on or fronlal collision. tt consisls 01 ап airbag module 'П 100 cenler 01 'М sleвring Wheel and 'М right side of lhe inslruтen! panel, two crash S8I1SOfS mounled а! the !гопl 01 Ihe vehicle and а diagnostic module Which also cOnlains а saling sепзог is localed inside the pas5erlger compartmenl (see Iliustrations).
Airbag тoduJe Steering wheel-mounted Тhe airbag inflalor module conlalns а housing Incorporaling Ihe cushion (airbag) and inllalor unlt, mounled in Ihe cenler 01 Ihe sleering wheel The inl!ator аззетЫу Is mounted оп Ihe back 01 Ihe housing оуег а hole Ihrough which gas " expelled, inflaling Ihe Ьа9 almosl Instantaneously when ап eleclrical signal Is sent 'гот Ihe syslem. А соН assembJy оп the sleering column under Ihe module carries Ihis slgnal 10 lМ module. Тhis coil зssemЫу сап Iransmil ап electrical signal regardless 01 Sleering wheel posltion. The Igniter '" Ihe зiг bag converts {оо electrlcal signal 10 heal and ignites Ihe sodium azidelcopp8f" oxide powder, рго duclng nllrogen gas, whlch Inflates the OOg.
Chapter 12 Chassis electrical system
Instrument panel-mounted ПIе
airbag 1$ mounted аbovе ttIe Оloуе compartment аnd deslgthe 1ett8fS SRS (Supplemental Restralnt System). 1I conslsts
nated ьу of an inflatOf contalnlng ап Igniter, а bag assembIy, а reaction tюuslng and 8 trim cover. The air Ьао [з сопsldегаЫу larger tna! tna steerlng wheel mounted unit (8 си ft vs. 2.3 си ft) and 15 supported ьу the steel reac· tJon housing. Th8 !rlm соуег is t8xtured and palnted 10 match tha 'пзtnиnen! рапеl and has а mOIded seam WhICh splits when the Ьао inflates. As with the steering-wheeJ-mouпted alr 009. the Ignlter electriCaI signal converts 10 heal, converting sodium azidelirOll охюе powder 10 nltrogen 9М, Inflalin9 'tю Ьа9.
Sensors syslem has Ihree sensors: two 'OI'Ward crash sensors аl the frOllt of the vehk:1e and а safing sensor mounted inside the aJrbag diag· nostic module which Is Iocaled in the cenler console behind lhe rзdio. ПIе forward and passenger сотpзrtтenl sensors are bask:alty pressure sensitlve swllches lhat complele an electr1cal clrcuil during an 'трас! о, sufficienl G lorce. ПIе eleclJicaI 5ignaJ from Ihesa sensors 15 senl 10 Ihe eleclronk: diagrюsliс monilor whlch Ihen compleles the clrcuil and inftales Ihe alrbag(s).
Disabling the system Whenever working in the vicinity of the steefing wheвl, steefing column or пеаг other componвnls of the alrbag system, Iha system should ье dlsarmed. ТО do !hI5. per10rm the following steps: а) Тит the IgпЮon switch (О 00. Ь) Оеtэch 'hв CabIe from thв negativв battel)' tвrm/naJ thвn dвtach
the POsitive
Wai t 2
bвckиp powвr SиPPIY
{or the e/ectron/c
to ье deplet&d.
Enabling the system а) Tum the /gn/t/on switch Ь)
to the О" positiол. the poslrive battery саые first, thвn сопnec' the nвgat/ve
E/ectronic diagnostic monJtor
Тhe еlесlrоп lс diagnoslic monilor 5upplles the currenl 10 the alrbag syslem In lhe evenl 01 the соlJision, еуen if battery power Is cut off. tt checks thls syslem every tiтe the vehlcle Is st.afled, causing Ihe -AlR ВAG ~ lighl 10 ~ оп 'hen off, if the system Is operating property. 1I there Is а faull In Ihe IYllem, the light wlll go оп аnd stay оп, "ем, or the dash witl make е beeplng sound. 1I this happens, Ihe vehlcle Ihould ье taken 10 your dealer immediately for service.
28 W1rtng dlagrams - generallnfonnation Since It Isn'l possibIe 10 include а!l wiring diagram5 lor every year covered ьу thls manual. Iha followlng diagrams ara those Ihat ме typical and most commonly needed. Prior 10 troubIeshooting anу clrcullS, check the luse and clrcuit braakers (11 equlpped) 10 make зше they're in good condillon. Meke sure the battery 1I properiy charged and check the саЫе connections (see Chapter 1). when checkJng а cifcuit, make sure that aI1 connectors мв сleaл , with no broken or loose terminals. When unplugglng а connector, do no! pull оп 'ne wlres. Pull опly 011 the connector houslngs lhemselves.
Chapter 12 Chassis electrical system
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Chapter 12 Chassis electrical system
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. Chapter 12 ChasSIS ' electncal system
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Chapter 12 Chassi. electrical .ystem
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Chapter 12 Chassis electrical system
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Chapter 12 Chassis e.lectrical system
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Typical instrument panellllumlnetlon system
Chapter 12 Chassi. s electrical system
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Chapter 12 Chassls electrical system
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Chapter 12 Chassis elecb'ical S)sllin.
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power wtndow system
Chapter 12 Chassls electrical system
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Index А About thls manual, 0-5 Accelerator саЫе, removal, installation and adjustment, 4-8 AJ r c leaner housing, removal and installation, 4-8 AJr conditioning systeщ 3-1 accurnulator/drier, гетоуаl and installation, 3-16 adding refrigerant, 3-15 bIower rnotor circuil, check, 3-10 гетоуа' and installation, 3-11 check алd mаiпlenалсе, 3-14 compressor, гетоуаl and inslallation, 3-17 condenser, гетоуа' and insl allation, 3-18 conlro! зsзетЫу, гетоуаl and installation, 3-12 evaporator, гетауаl and installation, 3-19 Air filter check аnd replacem ent, 1-24 ~T Injection (AIR) system, 6-22 Airbag, general iпfОП1l зtJоп, 12-17 Alignment, front еnd, general infonnation, 10-15 Attemator brushes/vollage regulator ~ntegraj regulator), replacement, 5-11 гетоуаl and inslallallon, 5-10 Antenna, (етоуаl and installation, 12-9 Antifreeze, general informatio n, 3-2 Anti-Iock Brake Sy stem (AВS), эепеrзl information, 9-2 Auto m atic transmission, 78-1 throu9h 78-6 diagnosis, geneтl, 78-1 fluid and !ilter change, 1-26 fluid 'вуеl chвck, 1-13 geneтl inlormation, 78-1 neutral star1 switch, general information, 78 -5 removaJ and Installatioo, 78-7 shift саЫе, chвck, adjustment and replacement, 78-4 shift interlock system, description and check, 78-5 Automotive chemicals and lиЬпсапtз, 0-17 AxJe damper, ттоуаl and In$ Jlation. 10-10 Axle, rear, removal and Installation, 8--1 4 Axleshaft bearing, replacement. 8-14 oil зеа!, rep!acement, 8-14 rвтoyal and Installation, 8-13
в BaНjoint, check and replacement. 10-7 Battery cabIes, chвck and replacement, 5-2 chвck, mаiпtenалсе and chargiГlg, 1-15 jump star1ing, 0-15 remova! and insta\lation, 5-2
and hub assembly, ттоуа1 аnd Installation. 10-7 and connecting rod, inspec:tion. 2С-22 810w er motor circuit chвck, 3-10 removal and installation, 3-11 Вody, 11-1 through 11-20 general !nlormation, 11-1 maintenance, 11-1 Вearings, та!п
major damage, 11-3 mlnor damage, 11-2 Вooster battery Оитр) startlng, 0-15 Brakes, 9-1 through 9-26 Anti-lock 8rake System (A8S), general information, 9-2 саliрвг, rвmoval, overtJaul and instaJlation, 9-8 chвck, '-20 disc, inspeclioo, removal агЮ Installation, 9- 13 fluid change, 1-28 fluid , 'еуеl chвck, 1-10 general information, 9-2 hoses and "пез, inspection and replacement , 9-18 hydraulic syslem, bIeeding, 9-19 light switch, chвck, replacement and adjustment, 9-24 master cylinder, геmoуаl and InSlallation, 9-15 pads. replacement, 9-3 parking, cabIes, rвplacement , 9-23 power brake boostвr, chвck, removal, Installation and adjustment. 9-20 ВиlЬ replacement, 12-12 Витреrз, гетоуаl and installation, 11-7 Buying раrtз, 0-8
с СаЫе
replacement accelerator, 4-8 battf!fy, 5-2 clutch,8-2
hood, "-6 parking bfake, 9-23 СаЫеs, parking brake, adjustment, 9-23 Ca1ipвr, brake, removal, оуеrhзиl and Installation, 9-8 Camshaft position sensor, 6-17 Camshafl(s), r emoval, inspection and installation 4.6L V8 engines, 28-13 V6 and S.oL V8 engines, 2А-17 Capacities, '-2 Catalytic converter, 6- 24 СО playerJradio аnd speakers, ттоуаl and !nstallation, 12-8 Center console, removal аnd installation, 11-15 Center tлт panel, 11-17
Charglng ay.tom altemator, removal and Installation, 5-10
check, 5-10 genвrnl lnformation
and precautlons, 5-9
voltage regulalor/ altemator brushes Ontegral regulalor), replacвment, 5- 11 Chassis electrlcal system, 12-1 through 12-40 Clrcuit breaker5, gеnerallпfОm1аtlоп, 12-3
Clutch cable and adjuster mechanlsm, replacement, 8-2 components, тemoУal, inspection and installatioo, 8-4 description and check, В- '
pedal adjustment, '-15 pedal positlon switch, check and replacemenl , 8-10
pilot Ьеаriпg. inspection and replacement, 8-8 Teleasв
bearing, removal, inspectioo and InstaJlatlon, 8-7
drfvetrain, 8-1 through 8-16
CoIl spring, removal
fronl, 10-4 гear, 10-8
ComPfes5Of, air condltionlng, removal аnd Installation. 3-17 Condenser, alr condltioning. (emoуаl and Installation, 3-18 Сonиol arm, lower (front), rerпоуаl аnd installation, 1~ Convenlon factors, 0-18
Degas boWe, (етоуаl еnd installation, 3-5 Diegnosls,0-2O Diagnosls, engine management system, 6-2 Differentiel lиЬПcan! change, 1-30 lubricant lеУel check, 1-22 plnion 011 seal, replacemenl , 8-12 Di sc, brake, inspection, гетоуаl аnd Installation, 9-13 D lstrlbutor (5.0L englnes), гemoуаl and installation, 5-6 Doo< lalch, Iock cyliГlder and handles, гemoуal аnd Installatlon, 11·13 Iock (power) and key\ess entry system, description and check, 12-16 removal , inSlallation and adJustment, 11-1 2 'лт panel, гemoуаl and Installation, 11-11 window glass regulatcw, removal and Installation, 11-14 window glass, гemovаl and installation, 11-14 Drierfaccumulatcw (eir condilioning), removal and Installation, 3-16 Drtvebelt check and reptзсетent, Drlveplatefflywheel, removal аnd Installation 4 .БL VB engines, 28-23 V6 апd 5.0L V8 engines, 2А-22
"""е"""" ,nspection,8-10 removal and installatlon, 8-11 universal joints, replacemenl, 8-1 1
Сооlaп! 18... 81 check, 1-1 О
Cooling s)'stem anlifreeze, general information, 3-2 check, 1-18 engJne cooJ lng fan and circuit, check, removal and installation, 3·4 engine 011cooler, replacement , 3-7 radiatcw, coolant reservoir and degas bottle. removal and installatlon, 3-5 servicing (draJning, nushlng and refilling), 1-27 tempwature sвnding unit, chвck and replacement, 3-6 themюstаt, check and repJacement, 3--2 waterpump check,3-8 гетоуаl and installation, 3-9 СооНng, heeting end air conditioni ng systems, 3-1 through 3-20 Cowl cover, гетоуаl аnd installatlon, 11 - 18 Crankshaft inspectlon, 2С-22 Installatlon and тaln bearing 011 сlearancе check, 2С-24 removal , 2C- l б
Crankshaft 011 seals, replacement 4.БL V8 englnes, 28-24 Vб and 5.OL V8 engines, 2А-20 Сгапkзhaft posltlon sensor (СКР), 6-17 Crankshaft pulleyMbration dзтрм, гетоуаl аnd installation 4.БL V8 englnes, 28-5 V6 аnd 5.0L V8 engines, 2А-20 Crulse controlsystem, descrtptlon апd check, 12-15 Cylinder compression check, 2С-7
Cylincler мad cleaning and Inspection,
Е Electrlcal troubIeshooting, generallnfonnation, 12-' Emlsslons end &ngine control systems, 6-1 through 6-24 Englne block cleaning, 2С-1 8 'nspection, 2C-19 camshaft(s), removal , Inspection and Installatlon 4.6L V8 engines, 28 -13 Vб and 5.0L V8 englnes, 2А- 17 cooling fan and clrcult, check, гemovаl and Installation, 3-4 crankshaft inspection, 2С-22 Installatlon and main bearing oil clearance check, 2С-.24 геmоvаl , 2С-16
crankshaft 011 seals, replacemenl 4.6L V8 engines, 28-24 V6 and 5.0l v8 englnes, 2А-20 crankshaft pulleyМbrэ.tlon damper, removal and installation 4.6L V8 engines, 28· 5 V6 and 5.0L V8 engines, 2А-20 cyllnder compresslon check, 2С-7 cyllnder head cleaning and Inspectlon, 2С-1 1 dlsassemЫy, 2С- 11 геаssemЫу, 2С- 14
2С - 11
disassemЫу,2С- 11
reassembly, 2С- 14 removal and Installalion 4.БL V8 engines, 26-20 Vб and 5.QL V8 engines, 2A-11
Cylincler honing, 2С-2О
D Dashboard tr1m раne/s, гетоуаl аnd installatlon, , 1-16 Daytime Running Ughts (DRL), general information, 12-13 Defogger, reerwindow, check ем repair, 12·9
removal and InstaJlatlon 4 .БL V8 englnes, 28-20 Vб and 5.0L V8 englnes, 2А-11 cyllnder honing, 2С-20 exhaust manifold, removal аnd installation 4.6L V8 engines, 28- 19 v6 and 5.0L v8 englnes, 2А- l 0 flywheeVdriveplate, removal and installatlon 4 .БL V8 engines, 28· 23 V6 and 5.0L V8 englnes, 2А-22 Inilial start-up аnd break-In after ovemaul, 2С-29 ,ntэkе manifold, гemoуal and installation 4 .БL V8 engines, 28-17 Vб and 5.0L v8 englnes, 2А-З maln and con nectlng rod bearings, Inspection, 2С-22
Index mounts, chвck and гер!асетen! 4.61 v8 englJ'leS, 28-25 v6 ам 5.0L уа engiJ'leS, 2А-22 011cooler, replacement, 3-7 011 pan, гemoуа] ам installalion 4.6L v8 englnes. 28-21 У6 and 5.0L У8 englnes, 2А- I З 011 pump, гетоуа' and Inslallation 4.6L vз englnes, 28-22 V6 and 5.0L У8 englnes, 2А-19 overhaul disassembly sequence. 2С-1 О genera' information, 2С-6 reassembly sequence. 2С-23 рз10n rings, Installalion, 2С-23 pislonз/connecting Гodз
inspecl1on, 2С-20 Installalion and rod bearing 011 clearance check,
rebuildlng alternatives, 2С-10 гетоуа' and Inslallalion. 2С-9 removal. methods алd precautlons. 2С-З repalr opвmlions роssiЫе wilh Ihe engine in Ihe vehicle 4.БL v8 englnes, 28-3 У6 and 5.0L уа engines, 2А-4 rocker arms and pushrods. removal , Inspection and inslaJlation . (vб and 5.0l VЗ engiJ'leS), 2А-6 rocker arms and valve 'ам adjUSlefS, removaJ . inspection and Installalion (4.БL У8 englnes), 28-1 1 timlng chain and sprockets. inspвction. removal аnd InslaJlation 4 .БL VЗ engines. 28 -8 Vб and 5.0L v8 engines. 2А- 14 liming chaln соуег. гетоуа' and installallon 4 .БL vз englnes. 28-5 У6 and 5.0L v8 engines, 2А-12 Тор Dead Cenler (ТОС) 'or number опе plston, Iocating 4.6L v8 engines, 28-3 v6 and 5.0L v8 engines, 2А-4 vacuum gauge diagnoslic checks, 2С-З valve cover, removal and installalion 4.БL vз engines, 28 -3 У6 and 5.0l v8 engines, 2А-5 valve ,тerэ, гemoузJ, inspectlon аnd installation (vб and 5.0L va
valve springs, retainers and seals, replacement 4.6L VЗ engines, 28 -15 vб and 5.0L VЗ engines. 2А-7 valves, servicing, 2С-14 Engine Cool ant Temperature (ЕСТ) эensoг, 6-10 Englne coolant,level check, 1-10 Engine electricat systems,5-1 through 5-12 Engine oil and fitter сtшпэе, 1-1 4 Englne 011, 'еуеl check, 1-9 Engine, У6 and 5.0L VЗ, 2д-1 through 2д-24 Engines, 4.БL VЗ, 28-1 through 28-26 Evaporattve EmlssJons Сопtтol System (EECS), 6-24 Evaporstor, air conditionlng, removal and Installation, 3-19 Exhaust Gas Reclrculation (EGR) system, 6-19 Exhaust manifold, removal and Installation 4.6L У8 englnes, 28 -19 У6 ам 5.0L У8 engines, 2А- l 0 Exhaust system, check, 1-26 Exhaust system servlcing, generallnfonnatlon,4-18
F Fan, englne cool ing, check, removaland instaHation, 3-4 Fault flndlng , 0-20 .
Fender, tron!, гетоуаl and Installatlon, 11-8 FiltIIf' replacement air ...'-24 automatic tтansmission fluid, 1- 26 engine oil, 1-14 fuel, 1-25 Ftuld le\lel checks, 1·9 aulomalic tгansmisslon , 1- 13 differentiallubticant, 1-22 manual transmission luЬtiсалt, 1·21 F1ulds and lubricants, reco mmended, 1·1 FtywheeVdri\leplate, removal and installation 4.6L уа engines, 28-23 У6 and 5.0L У8 engines, 2А-22 Front end a1ignment, эепеrзl Infonnation, 10-15 FueI and exhaust systems, 4-1 tnrough 4-16 c heck, l - 19 filter replacement . 1-25 fuellnJ8Ction system check,4-10 general information, 4-10 fuel (а" assembly, removal аnd Installation, 4-13 general information, 4- 2 le\lel sending ипп, check'and replacement , 4-8 lines and littings, replacement , 4-4 pressure regulator, check and replacвment, 4- 14 pressure retief procedure, 4- 2 pump, remo\lal and installation, 4-7 pumplluel pressure, check, 4-2 SeqtlElntial Electronic Fuellnjection (SEFf) system, component check and replacement, 4-11 tank cleanlng and repair, 4-6 геmоуаl and installation, 4· 6 throttle body, removal and installatlon, 4-12 Fuses, general infonnation, 12-2 FuslbIe links, general infonnatJon, 12-3
G General englne оуетаиl procedures, 2С·1 through Glass, door window regulator, remo\lal and Installation, 11 - 14 removal and ins1allation, 11 - 14 Olo\le Ьох, 11 - 17
н Haz.erd flasherltum slgnal, check аnd replacement, 12-4 Headlig ht adjustment, 12-11 houslng, removal and installation, 12-11 replacement, 12-10 switch, 12-7 Heater and air conditionlng bIower motor circuit check, 3-10 removal and installatlon, 3- 11 сопио' аsзeтЫу, remo\laJ and Inslallation, 3-12 system, check аnd maintenance. 3-14 Heater соге, removal аnd Installation, 3-13 Нeating system, 3-1 , 3-16 Hinges аnd locks, maintenance, 11-3 Hood latc h ам release cable, removal and InstaJlation, 11-6 remo\lal , installation and adjustment, 11 -3 Hom, check and replacement, 12·15
IND-4 Навез
Index Ilпез,
brake,lnapection and
underhood, check a nd replacement, '-18 Hub and bearing аsиmЫу, removal аnd Installatlon, 10-7 Новез,
I Idle Alr Control (!АС) valve, check, removal аnd adJustment, 4-14 Ignltion system
coll, check and replacement, 5-4 componen! check and repIacement, , -23 distributOf (5.0L engines), removal and Installation, 5-6
'ock cylioo6f, гетovа' and Installation, 12-7 moclule and statOf . check аnd replacemenl , 5-7 зpшk
plug type and gap, 1-2
switch, checК and replacement, 12-6 system
м M aln аОО сonnectlпе rod bearings, Inspection, 2С-22 Malntenance SChedule, 1-3 l echnlques, tools and working lacilities, 0-8 Manlfold, remoyal and /nstallatfon exhaust 4.6L v8 engines, 28-19 V6 and 5.0L V8 engJnes, 2А-10 intake 4.6L V8 еП9lnes, 28-17 . V6 and 5.0L V8 engines, 2А-8 Manual transmlss/on, 7А-1 ttlrough 7А-6 genвraJ informatlon, 7А· l lubricant сhangе,
generallnlormalion, 5-3 timing (5.0L engine), check and adJustmant , 5· 6
1- 21 check and replacement,
011 зеаl
replaeeтen! , 7А-2
position sensor (СКр), 6-17
Engine Сооlan! Temperature (ЕСТ) sensor, 6-10 Intaka Ai r Тетрет1иге (lAf) sensor, 6-16 Knock sensor, 6-19 Мaзs Alrflow Sensor (МдF). 6-1 3
electric side \/iew, descriptlon and check, 12-1 7 side \/iew, (вmo\/зJ and Installation, 11-15 Mounts, engine, check аОО replacement, 2д-22, 28-25
oxygen sвnsor, 6-11 1hrottle Рosltion sвnsor (ТPS), 6-13 Transmissiofl Range (fR) sensor, 6-14 Vehicle Speect sensor (IISS), 6-15
шп-ир аnd
break-In aft8f" overhaul,
Instrument cluster bezel, remova l and InstJument
cluslвr, (вmovзJ
and installalion, 12-14 panel swilches, check аnd replacemenl , 12-7 panel. remo\/aJ and installalion, 11-17 Intake Alr Тamperalura (IAт) sensor, 6-16 Intake MBnlfold Runner Conlrol (IMRC) system (4.6L 4У englnes), .... 16 Intake manlfold, ramoyal аnd Installation 4.БL V8 engines, 28-17 Vб and 5.0L V8 engines, 2А-8 Introductk>n 10 routjne m alntenance, 1-8 Introduction 10 the Ford Mustang, ()..5
J JacIdng
o\/erhaul, generallnformation, 7д-5 removal аnd iпз!аllаtlon, 7Д-З shift lever. remo\/aI and installation, 7д-2 Ма" Alr1Iow Sensor (МAF), 6-13 Master cyllnder, ramoyal and installatlon, 9-15
ln1ormation sensors, 6-5, 6-10 Сатзha" position sensor, 6-17 CfЗnkshaft
'е\/е1 chвck.
Neutral start switch, gen.ral informatkln, 7В-5
о 011 cooler, engine, repla cement, 3-7 011 рап, remoyal аОО installation 4.6L V8 engines, 28 -21 V6 and 5.0L v8 engines, 2д- 1 8 011 ритр, remoyal аnd Installatfon 4.6L V8 engines, 28 -22 V6 and 5.0L v8 englnes, 2д- 1 9 ОП Board D/agnosis (ОВО) system аОО trouЫe Oxygen sensor, 6-11
codes. 6-2
towing , 0-16
к KayIess entry вnd power door lock аyзtат, description аОО check. 12-16 кnee bolster, 11 - 16 Knock sensor, 6-19
L Lock cyllnder and lrunk Ild latch, (ето\/аl and Inslallal ion, 11 -10 door lalch and handles, remo\/aJ and installalJon, 11-13 Ignition. removaJ and installatJon, 12-7 Locb аОО ЫП98$. maintenance, 11-3 Lower COntrOI впn (поnt), ramoyal аОО Instaltetion, 1и L.ubricвnts аОО nulds, recommended, 1-1
Pads, brake, replacement, 9-3 Pal1l.ing brake саЫеа, rePIaCement, 9-23 Pilot Ьеаrlng, /nspection and rap(вcement, 8-8 Plston пngз, installation, 2С-23 Pi stonsfc:onnectlng rods I nspвclion, 2С-20
Inslal!alion and rod Ьеаппе oil clearance check, 2С-27 removaJ,2C-15 Posltlve Crankcase Yentiiation (РСУ) зystem, 6-24 Posltlve Crankcase Yentitation (PCV) VaIVe c:treck, 1-25 Ро_
Ьrзkе booster, check, remo\/aI, InstaJlal lon and adJustmenl, 9-20 door Iock and keyless entry system, descriptlon and cneck, 12-16 sleering fluid, level check, 1-12 ритр, remo\/al аnd Installation, 10-14 system, bIeedlng, 10-14 window syslem, description and check, 12-16
Index Powertrain Сопиol Module (РСМ), rePI&Cement. 6-10 Pushrods аnd rocker ЗПП5, remoY81, 'nspectlon вnd Inst8IatЮn (v6 аnd 5.OL У8 engines), 2А-6
R Radlator, coolant reservoir Instaliation, 3-5
Radlo/ CD player and speakers, Аеа, ах!е Аеа,
dagas Ьоttkl, removal and (атоувl
and Instaliation, 12-8
assembly, removal and installation, 8-14
window defogger, check and repalr, 12-9 эnd "и~a. ' -1 removal аnd Installatlon,
Recommended lubricants
Regulator, window, 11-14 Relays, genenll infonnation еnd testlng, 12.-3 Rock8t' апns аnd pushrods, remO\/8i, inspectlon ancl installatlon (v6 and 5.OL v8 engines), 2А-6
Rock8f" arms аnd valve lash adjusters, ramo".I, 'пspection ancl Instaliation (4.6l уа engine s), 2В- 11 Аod bearlng 011 clearance check and plstons/connecting rods, Installation, 2С-27 Rotor (breke), inspection, (етоуа' and inst8llatfon, 9-13 Routine malntanance, 1-1 through 1-32 Аoutiпе
maintenance зсhedulе, 1-3
fUd ~ c:hedt. 1-12 Stereo. remOVaI and .41 . , , u-8 Strut (front), remOVaI and • .".' • r • 1О-С Support sПuts, trunk 'ю, l'"8fnOV8 8nd iI
1'1-8 Suspension and steering systems, ,(}-' . . . . . . . . . . . Suspenslon апns (rear), remo'o'al аnd 11.".' • &_.. 10-8
т Тhennostat,
c hec k and replace ment, 3-2 body, remo'o'al а nd Installation, 4-12 Тhrottl e Positio n Sensor (ТPS) , 6-13 Тie- rod ends, remo'o'al а nd installation, 10-12 Тiming c haln аnd sprocket s, inspection, remO'o'al 4,6L V8 engines, 28-8 V6 and 5.0L V8 englnes, 2д-14 Tlming chain соуе г, removal and installation 4.6L V6 engines, 28-5 V6 and 5.0L V8 engines, 2А-12 Tlre and !ire pressure c hecks, 1-11 Tlre rotatlon, 1-17 Tires and whee ls, general iпfопnаtiоп , 10-15 Тhrottle
Тооl з, О-11
s Safety first, 0-19 Scheduted maintenance, 1-3 Seat belt check, 1· 18 Seats, removal and Installation, 11-19 Sendlng unlt \ coolanl temperature, c heck and replacem8l'1t , 3-6 fuellevel, chвck aлd replacement, 4-6 Sensor checks (аll EDIS systems), 5-9 5вquentlal EJectronlc Fuellnjection (SEFI) system, component check аnd replacement, 4-11
check, adjustment aлd replacement, 78-4 inter10ck system, dвscription aлd check, 78-5 lever, removal aлd installation, 7А-2 Shock absorber (rear), removal еnd Inmllation, 10-8 Side vlew mlrrors electric, descriptlon and check, 12-17 removal and Installation, 11-15 Spark plug check and replacement, 1-28 type and gap, 1-2 Speakers, removal аnd Installation, 12-8 SpoIIet>, геаг, removal аnd Installation, 11 - 11 StabllWtr bar, removal аnd Installation fтonl,10-4
rear,10-8 Startet> motor and circuit, in-vehicle check. 5-12 motor, гетоуаl and installation, 5-12 solenold, replacem8flt, 5-12 Startlng system, gеnвrallпfопnatlоп and precautions, 5-11 St"nng and susp8l'1slon, check, 1-19 col umn cover, гemoval aлd installatlon, 11-17 switches, check and repIacement, 12.... oear boots, replacemenl, '(}-12 gear, removal and instaflation, 10-12 knuckle, гвmoYal and installation, 10-7 pump (power slвenng), removal and InstalaOOn. 10-14 wheвl, гвтоуаl and installation, 10-10
Dead Center (fDC) for number опе piston, locating 4.6L v6 engines, 26-3 V6 and 5.0L v6 engines, 2д-4 Towing t he vehic le, 0- 16 Tra nsmlsslon Range (ТА) sensor, 6-14 Tra nsmlsslon automati c, 78-1 thro ugh 78-6 diagnosis, g8l'1eral, 78-1 fluid and fiiterchange, 1-26 level check, 1-13 general information, 78-1 neutral зtзп switch, general information, 78-5 removal and instalJation, 78-7
евЫе, check, adjustment аnd replacemenl, 78-4 inter10ck system, descriptiOn ам check, 78-5 Tl'8nsmlssJon, manual, 7А-1 through 7А-6 яепегаl information, 7д-l lubricant change, 1-30 level check, 1-21 mount, check and replacement, 7А-3 oil seal replacement, 7А-2 over11aul, genernl information, 7А· 5 гemoуаl and installation, 7А-З shift 1вуег, гemoуа! and installation, 7А-2 TroubIe codes and ОП Board Dlagnosls (08D) system, 6-2 TroubIe codes chart, 6-7 TroubIeshooting, 0-20 TroubIeshooting , electrical, general lnfonnatio n, 12-1 Trunk 1Id latch and fock cylinder, гетоуаl and Installation, 11-10 гетоуаl, installation and adjustment, 11-10 support struts, removal and installatlon, 11-9 Tune-up and r outine maintenance, 1-1 through 1-32 Tune-up, general iпfопnаtiоп , 1-8 Turn signallhazard flasher, c heck and replacement, 12-4
u Undemood hose check and replacement, 1-18 Uni'o'ersal )oints, replacement, 6-11 Upholstery and caгpets, maintenance, 11-2
v6 and 5.OL v8 englnes, 2А-1 through 2А-24 Vacuum 911"98 dlagnostЮ check8, 2С-8 Уам COV8r, r1ImOVal and InataIIation 4.БL V8 engines, 28-3 v6 and 5.0L V8 engines, 2А-5 Уем Iash вdjusters and rocker arms, removal, inspectlon and install8tlon (4.аа.. v8 engtnes), 28-11 Valve IIfters, removaI, lnsp8ctЮn and instaltвtion (v6 аnd 5.0L уа eng!nes).2A-16 Уем 8PI1ngS, reta6n8rs and seata, replacement 4.бl v6 engines, 28-15 Vб and 5.0l VЗ engines, 2А-7 Ya/ve. kIe Ak COntrOI (\АС), check, nмnoyal and adjustment, 4-14 Yalves, SerVICIng, 2С-14 YehIcIe ldentfftCatIOn nurnbers, 0-6 YehIde speed Sensor (VSS), 8-15 Yibr8tkIn damper/crankshaft: pultey, ntmovаl and Installation
Waterpump check,3-8 гетоуа! and instaJlation, 3-9 Wheel& аnd tlrвs, general information, 1(),,15 W1ndow glass regulalor, гетоуа) and instaJlation, 11-14 power system, description and check, 12-16
4.6L VЗ englnes, 28-5 V6 and 5.0L VЗ engines, 2д-20 Yk1yI1Jtm, melntenance, 11-2 Voftage reguIator/altem8tor bnJSheS (lnt&gfal regulator), rePIaCement, 50,1
rear, defogger, check and
Wlndow gI888, removal аnd
and fixed g18SS, replacement. 11-3 washerfluid, levelcheck, 1-10
wiper bIade inspection and replacement, '-17
motor, chack and гeplaeemen', 12-1 3 Wk1ng dlagrama, generallnfonnatIon, 12-18 WorkIng faclllties, 0-14
spark plug conditions
,• •
NORMAL Syтptom s: Brown to grayish·tan со10г and slight electrode wear. Correct heat range far engine and operating conditions. Recommendation: When new spark plugs аге installed, replace with plugs of the same heat range.
WORN Symp'oтs: wlth а S/ТI811
Rounded elecltOdes amounl 01 deposits on
the '!ling end. Normal соЮr. Causes hard slarl.,ng in damp or cold weather оnd poor IUeI economy. Recommendsllon: Plugs паУ8 been !efl 1" (па eng,nв 100 Iong. Replace w,th new plugs 01 the $8п18 heal range. FoIIow lhe recOrnrn&r'Ided matnlenancв schedule. DEPOSIТS Symploms: Dfy sooty deposiIs Indicate I ncn mixture or WeaII 19nI. lIOп. Causes misforing. h.ard sl arl.lng and hesitallOl1. Rвcomтвnda tion: Make sure the plug has 100 согтос! ооа! гaлgе. Check fOf а clogged а;г filter or prODlem 1" Ihe fuel system or
system. AI$O
check for Ign.tюn system prnbIems.
Lighl brown deposits encrusted on the SIde or centllr eleclrodes or both. Denvео:::! ffom OiI Il"IdIor lueI 3CkIitives. ExceSSIV1l amounts may mask Ihe spark, c8using misfiring аnd hesilalion dur1ng accelefation. Recommenda fion: 11 e~c8$Sive deposils accumulala OV8l" а $hort Ilте or Iow mHaage, InSI a11 new У8 1 уе guode seals 10 p!'e'Jenl seep8ge 01 0\1 InlO 'Щ! combuSlion chamben;. Also try changing gasoIlne bnInds.
Symptoms: BIis!ered .
.....-t\IIе ltISU-
eleclrode .nd ab5en<:e of deposils. ResultS If\ shorIer.ed pil.lQ lif8. Recommenda tion: cneck 'or !tIe согге<: 1 plug haal range. оум8dva-к:вd Ignition 11fnIfIg, Iean fU8I mi~lure. in1ам manifo!d уас .....m Ieaks. sOCI
сien\ engIfIВ c~.
PREIQNITION Syтp toms: Insulalors lfВ
MeI!ed eiectrodes. whita, but тау ье d,rty due 10 misfiГlng of fly,ng debris In the oombuSlion chamber. Сап lead 10 вngine d,mage. Recommendation: Check 'or Iha соггес! plug heal "пое , оУег' 'dvМCed ignltion timlng, lean fual mixlure, Insufficien\ englne coo~no аnd lack 01 lubrication.
HIGH SPEED GLAZING Symptoтs.: Iooula.tor has yeIIow. ish. оlazвd арре81 allC8. Indicales IIЧI I combustion chэ.mbar lamper· atunlS have risen suddenly dunng tIarCI ассе!егаtion. Norтnэ.l depo$Its mell 10 а condVc\iVe СОЭlmg. CauS8$ misfiring at high speeds Recomm endafion: Install r"l8W ptugs. Consider using а cold9f piUCjl ff driving h.abils warrant.
DEТONATION Insulators may ье crackвd of chipped. Improper gap 5811'"9 lechnlQU8S сал aISO l1ISU!t In " fтacturвd nSUlэ.tor "р. сап Iead 10 P!SIOn damage. Recommendation: Maka sure u>e Sympfoтs;
OIL DEPOSITS Symptoms: Oily ьу poot
СОЭl'ng cauиd
OiI control. Oil is IeakJng
pesl wom valve guides or pislon пngs Inlo 'М combuslion chamber. Causes hard slarting, mlSfifing and hesilation. Recommendation: Comк:1 Ihe mechanlcal condillon wilh neces58ry repa irs аnd inslal l new plugs.
э-пtl-krюck vэ-Iues mм! engII"I8
requiremenl s. Use саге when setI,ng lhe gaps on llВW plugs AVQOd lu09ing Ihe engine.
MECHANICAL DAMAGE GAP BRIDGING Symptoms: Combustюn ~b Iodg. belween the eleclrOdes. НеауУ dвpoSlts accumula.le and brIdge Ihe eIec1rode gщJ. The PIUg ceases 10 I\re, resulting ... э- d6ad
Recommendatlon: l0<;81e Ihe faulry PIUg and removе lhe deposits from belWeen Ihe ele<:lrQdes.
Sympfoms; МЗу ье cauмd ьу а loreIgn object in the C::OmbI..ISbtY' chamber or the plS!.on slrIUIg . . ,ncorтecl reach (100 Iong, DIUg Causes а dead ~...a COUId reSUIt 111 pl$ton C:Wnaga. R.comтendatioп; Repa,r tI"I8
meChantCaI oamage Remove tnII
fore.gn object Iтom IhtI eng.". ,ncllor inSla" Ihe conecl reach
Every manual based оп а complete teardown and rebuild!
mechanic, а uttюr and photographer wiit: 1997 Fo rd Mustas>g
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