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Festivals of Attica An Archaeological Commentary
R .刷阳 反酬ll lU ...J&如nll 0 ,", B呻 rUJ ns:凹t nJ.: Tht Dn:/i Dn lint ne 01 0/ tht rhr W 刷Í1 mmr f,.",
JENNIFER jENNIFER TO TO也 L8EJ: enT T a.I 0 OBERTS 8 E1 TS ACCC1U llwbility În UlrI Cowmmrnl Auou础b山'y in Âlh'rl A ht J1Ùl n G附rnmrn'
Erika Simon
A His町 HiJl.叮 oJEd刷 ofE.缸afÍDII 110ft in i" An叫 .4 11啕叫 wit)' I"Etkøt酬ti.:lflS ..ill, tnn s1 alcd by Gco G曲 rge rse bmb Lamb /'E,也(a rWn Jn ns I' l'An叫 l'l tiq刷 11, tnnslmd
Hu棚'rrtr Jt J Hú阳 (originally 严hlisbed publisbed in Eng English litb hy by S Shæd heecI and Ward. 1956) 19,均
Iq'{] {~!;,
E凰 四 1M 1M SIMON 51M'倒
F Fø t1 fÎMl /ivø ù l!
OJ ÂÂltÎCØ: 0/ triar Å" An A Ar巾,由'g刷I 巾啕blC"",lIH'Itw?, CMII ,"rnωq G. MI C侃An C. MICHAEL
Roman R""",,, Citì Citi,低 n:Ln例 us vilks Ilt! tomll阳 1Omøin.四 by Pìerre P阳 re Crimal. Grimal. tnnslated tnn血.<<1 cdited hy by G. Michael Mîchael Woloch. Woloch , t咕"h<雷 I咿阳刚h wilh and edited AD臼αipove 0,缸riptîve Cualoguc C且aloguc of Roman Cities CitÎes hy G. Michael Michacl Wol Wo\och oc: h
WA WARR J. RBN I!N G. MOON MO。矶, tdUor tJilør Antitnl Crtrk An lrøn咽nJpJry A. llânrl Cruk A" IIrtd ønJ 1t onøgrøpny
The University Uni vers ity of Wisconsin Wis∞nsin Press
To Homer f1 0mer and Dorothy Dorotliy Thompson Tlwmpson
1J I乒 ), F 1 ", d 币 SU」f ζd υ .J ,
;9 ~二 )9'63
Pu blished Pub缸里h
I姐3 1帽3
τ、e Un.i咽 rsiit)' tyol W、"川剧 n P I'eli J I毡e Uni、,'ers of 、、''''''''剑。 Pre$l 11 4r鸣惊tb 114 North Murra)' M U fT理, Street S且网"‘ M .dUo娟、听到::onJin 537 15 Madi50n. Wiscollsin 53715 节le TIle University Univ营nity of 、叭"明惕"酌es. 、忻段伽 1 5in PTess,.
Lt Ltd d
1I GoY.'er Go睛r SI Street n!e1
Lon M由、 don W WC C IIE E 6 HA HA ,, En England gJaOO 臼.p}'right CI I阻 Cop)'righ‘ <> 1蛐3
"""时 of Regenls B恤nI
of the the Univeni Univers ity ty of 、、电SCOfllln Wis曲,四l、 Al1l righl righ lS陀饵,、唱d A1 s 用 'Nod Fi rs t prinli p rin t i ,‘ ,、g Firlõt 8
the United States S tate瑞 。f America rinted in the of Am crlcø I'Printed
..c CIP C IP inronnation infonnation 优e see For lLC l SBN IS BN
the 曲问,旧" 11抱回问阳"
0 -2曲 -田 0-2'回09 1嗣同S 1 110-5
S )'s tem Sy刷刷n
CONTENTS List of Platcs Li sl of Figures Preface Abbreviations
ix X lII
xv XV II
lntroduction Fcstivals or Ze us Dil>olieia I) iasia and Pompaia Olympieia Theogamia Feslivals of Dcmcter 2 Thesmophoria and Sten ia Skira The Creat Mysteries 3
3 8 8 12 15 16 17
18 22
Festivals of Athena , Aphrodite , and Hcphaistos Chalkeia Arrephoria
38 39
mm2 Aphr咀Hs i a
4 5
Festivals of Hephaistos I'a nathenaia and Pa rthe non Festivals of A阳 110 and Arlemis Thargelîa and Pyanopsia I-liketeria (?) Mounychia Charisteria ßrallronia and Arktcia
51 55 73 76 79 81 82 83
viii 叽"
Cont'ec nts
F四 tiv a ls of Dionysos Fcstivals Oschophoria Anth cs te ria rτa Anthesle n创a Le naia Ru ra1 Dionysia and City Dionysia Rural Dion ys i a 臼ld Conclusions ncl usions
Indcx Index
89 89 由 92 1∞ lO l 1105 臼
Followi ng pagc Following page 54 Platc 1 Plale e 7.c 1 and 2. Cale Calc ndar-fri ndar. fri eze Platc 2 Plate --3. Cale ndar-fric ndar.frieze. J> hebolion 10 Boedromion B四 dromion 1-3. 7. C. Ela E1叩 h cbolion to Platc Plate 3 1-3. Calcndar-frie 7. e.. Pyanopsion to Camelion C aJe nda r扣 eze Plale 4 Plate 1 and 2. 2. Calyx-kratcr. Calyx.krater. Athc Athe nian months Plate 5 L Panathenaic 1. Panat.he naic amphora. Pe Pc rsoni r皿 ni f1 cation of the Olympiad 2. .s). Díonysos 2 . Oinochoe 0 in皿h 盹 (chou (cho llJ). 0旧 nysos and Pompe Pom阳 Plate 6 11--3 -3.. 0i Oinochoe. n田h咽 Dipolieia D i políe ia Platc 7 Plate ng 1. Cup. C up. Bo lluzyges 7. yges 1>10飞.Vi p10wing ßell-kratc ßou zyg'肘 p10wing 2. Be ll.krate r. ßouzyges plowing Plate 8 Bell.krate r. Eleusinian scene 1. Bell-krate Eleu.s inian pe pe!like." i l佬" 22. "MEleusinian Platc 9 Elc lIusin Hydria. Ele sinian goddcsses ian goddesses Platc 10 1. Regin a V asorum ," Ele s回 n e L ~ Regina Vusorum." Elc usinian u.s inian scene East r田li m e nl nt of the Parthenon. Parthellon. Eleusinian Eleu.s inian goddesses goddesse.s 2. Ea.st pedime Plate 11 Pinax of ofNiinnion NiinniOIl Pl ate 12 L2 Platc 1. F叫~ne Fragme nt of ofan umphoraof sl町ial sshape. Alhena an amphom of special h..'t pe. Pro四ssion Pro回ssion for Athena Ergane 2. Apulian calyx.-kratc r. Athe na and the daughters Apulí:1Il calyx.kmte daughte rs of Kekrops K e k叫>s ,
Plate 13 Apu lian caly, calyx.krater. Athe na and the daughters ApuHan κ.kra l er. Athena daughlers of Kekrops Plale 14 Platc 1. Mycenaean ~'I y由 naea n gold ring 2. Cal Calyx.krater. yx.krater. Athena and Kekrops Kekrops Plale Plnle 15 1. Sanctuary of Aphrodite Pandemos Volut e.krat肘, nec k. Torch. Torch.race Hephaislos 2. Volute.kral肘, race for Hephaistos Platc 16 1. Hydria. Offering to Alhena 1. Athe na and Pandrosos Pand rosos 2. ßand ..c .cup. ring 10 to Athena Athe na up. Offe 0困ering Plnte 17 " Panathe naic" hydria 1. "Panathenaic" 8 an d吃up Athe na 2. ßand 心 up . Offering 10 Athena Plate 18 Platc drawing Parthe non, slabs Ca rrey¥ dra、明 ng of the north frieze fri四e of the Parthenon 1. Carrey¥ IV-VII IV.V 2. Carrey's ,c of the Parthcnon , slabs Carre户 drawing drawin g of 由e the Il orth frie7 fri eze VII VIJ and VIII 3. Carrey'sdrawingofthe Carrey's dra、.vingofthesouth friezeofth XXXV e-leofthee Parthenon Pnrthenon , slabs XX X: V sou th fri xxxvn XXXVII Platc 19 1. Hydriaphoroi from the north frieze fri eze ofthe of the Parthenon 2. Øì cials 2. O 0由 cia1 s from the north frieze of the Parthenon Parthenoll Plate 20 Centc r of the east frieze fri eze of thee Parthenon Cenler of 出 Plate 21 Platc Parthenon westt friezc fri eze Parth eno n ,. 、,ves Platc Plale 22 andd gi girls .e of the 1. Marshals M a rs hal s 川 rls from the righl half of Ihe the east e削 fri el e7.c Parthenon Parthe non 2. ße l1ll .- kraler. kral cr飞 La mpadedromia mpad ed romω Platc 23 Plate 1. Volute-kraler. Volute.krale r. Apollo Pythios Bell.kmte r. Dithyrambic victory. 2. ßell-krater. vi c tor予 Plat' Plnt'c 24 1. Votive Arte mis 1 、 。 tive relie f. Artem is Elaphebolos Krateriskos 2. Krnteriskos Plate 25 Platc riskos 1 and 2. Drawing and photograph of krate krateriskos Plate 26 Oschophorm Amphora. Dionysos Oschophoros
Plates Plales Plate 27 Plale Calyx. krate r. Dionysos Calyx-krater. 0阳lySOS and ^po Apol1o shaking hands in Delphi Plate 28 1 and 2. Oinochoe Nike Oinoch田 (chorus). (c horu s). Victor and Nike. 3. Oinochoe (chorus). Satyr 5alyr on mule Plale 29 Platc Bell-krater. 0议h yra mbic chorus Bell.krate r. Dithyrambic Plate 30 Plale ilinn a 1. Skyphos. Satyr 5alyr and b时 basilinna Aiorn 2. Skyphos. Aiora Plate 31 Calyx.krate r. Dion ysos and basili bas ili nna 1. Calyx-krater. 2. Chous. Chous. Aiora Plale Plate 32 1. Terra回 Te rra∞tta. tta- m ask of Dionysos 2. Cup. Le naia 3. 3. Column-krater. lu mn .krate r. Early lragedy tragedy. ,
FIGURES Figures 11 岳d a-d MinoanMinoan-My田 Mycenaean naeun gems and seal-impressions wîth bull -o 明白 -offeri ffcring 吨 ,, dra飞.vin dra飞.vings. gs. Figurc Figure 2 Votive 飞loti ve relief 飞叽 with th man and child in front of a big snake. probably Ze us Mcîlîchios. Meilichios. Figures 3 n and nnd b EUlnolpos EUffiolpos on skyphos and 00 on "Eleusinian "Ele usinian r始Ii ke." Figure 4 Sanctuary of Aphrodite and Eros on the north slope of Sanctuarγof the A cropol恼 , drawing. Figure 5 飞'oti 飞'oti ve relief for Aphr田1i Aphroditt e 自-o from m Daphni , drawing. Figure 6 Seated Athena, te terracotta rracoUa , from the Acropolis , drawing. drawing. Figure 7 Reω n s tru Re∞ truction ction of the aedicula of Aphrodite Pande mos , drawing. Figures 8 a and b Panathenaic prize amphoras. Figures 9 a and b L.tte L. ..te Ceome tric tr Îc cup , perhaps dance at ot the Th argelia. argelîa. Figures Figurcs 10 a and b 8Brauronian rauronian arktoi on a krat e ri skos Figure 11 Pyxis Pyx is 、vith wi th perso personi6cation ni 自 catio n of Oelos (inscribed) and ancl Le to, Apollo, Artemis Arlemis , 3nd ancl He Hermes rmes, drawing. dra、川 ng. Figurc Figure 12 Shi p-chariot on Ship-chariot 011 late lale archaic s忡忡 s kyphos os.
10 15 30 -3 1 41 44 47 49 56-57
80 制
B5 85 归 94
PREFACE si.t chapters of this b∞k The six b∞ k were Mary Flcxner Flexner lectures 1 田阳 res given at Col1 ege in Mawr College În the fa faUll of 1978. 1 shall always reme rernember mber with pleasure spent pleas ure the months 1 spe nt in the beautiful settíng setting of thi thiss distin. distin~ gu b'u ished pla四 place. M)' M y thanks go to tthe l! e president , Mary Patterson Patter四 n McPherson, 10 the dean of Ihe the graduale graεlual e school sch∞ 1 ,, Phyllis Ph y lli s 但Bobe P. Boberr,, and to the colleagues who did me the honor of 叩 appoÎ I、 ting PO "回 n g me Flexne Flexnerr leclurer. turer. II 3m am most deeply inde bted to 10 Machteld 1J. Mellink Melli nk and 8runilde Bru nilde S. Ridgway R id g-..叩 y for their kindness and hospitality which whicl、 I enjoyed from the very flrst fìrst day. d 邮而 Together ge th e r with the olher othe r members me mbers ofthe department deparhnent beJonging to the faculty, and the lectures they gave me the feeling of belonging profìted profì ted greatly g阳a tl y from their stimulating suggestions. s u gg回 tion s . My thanks go also al皿 10 C. C. Stcphen Stephen Jaeger and K ath l een 飞,v, spcnt much time in Kathl ¥;Y. Slane who spent ∞ "田ting rrecting my English tex textt.. Many Man y 伊od g'∞d discllssions with Richard and 晤,响 , with th James Jam田 Wright and KathJeen Slane SJane helped heJped to 10 shape Maria E IIl1恼 lectures. these lectu res. The same may be said of the eager students in my semÎnar on the Athenian gods and festivals; festivaJs; 1 rem re m e mber 、,、vith vî th joy their re ports and their interested questions. ques l'ionsηle Th e man manusc肉.l uscriptt of this b∞k b∞K reports W w皿 国 compl e eted ted in the spring of 1979. Publications Publi ca加 ns after 由 that at date could i nt o 跑到oun ac四 川t. t. J wish 1 to0 thank Pericles Pericl 田 Georges Geo rges of Th e not be taken inlo University UnÎversity of Wi s∞ n sin Press Pr田s for his editorial editorial 田s assistance is tan回 lIl s and For the iII ustrations of this book b∞ k 1 I am indebted to the museu museums collection ∞ lI ection s which are llamed named in the th e 国ptions captions of the plates. Furthermore 1I should Ii ke to thank C. 8é Bérard rard (La usanne), A. Birch Bi町hall a1 1 (Lo ondo时 do叶 , B. Bo rell-Seidel reU-Seidel (Hambur (Han由 u 币, g), O. D. von 80thmer Bothme r((New New York) York), H. A ( Malib 叶 ,, H. Froning (w岳阳burg) (Wü r.z bur凶 , M. ~'1. liinner Hirmer Cahn (ÐaseJ) (Basel), J. Frel (Malibu) ( Municl叶, Muni c时 , M. M.M剧目 Ma.us (l\ ( Mun 'lunich) 时1) ,, C. Melldahl (Götebor (Gö t ebo r凶 g),, O. D. G. Mitten Mitte n Universi咐,, M. Stett)er 0 丁llimlll Stettler (Steffisbu rg), and D. Thimmee (Harvard University) (Carlsnahe) (Carlsruhe) Much of my knowledge of ancient Athens Athe ns IJ owe to Homer Home r and Oorothy Tholllpson. To them this thÎs book is gratefuUy gratefully dedicated declicated Dorothy Thompson. Bryn B可n
ABBREVIATIONS 1I follow published 978) 5lO; AJA foll ow the list of abbreviations nbbreviatíons pub li s h 缸J in AJA 82 (1 (J978) 5-10; 84 ( 198叫 3- 4 . Ot Other abbrevial ions used 1姐。) 3-4. her abb revialions uscd here are Aristotle ,. AP AristotJe
Arisloteles Arislotc les , Atllenaion Políteia ("The Constiofth e Athe trans. J 、Varrington 飞怕 rrin gton Ath e nians") ni 创刊'),, trðns. tution orthe ((Eve叮 Everγman 's Li Library: man's brary; Lo ndon and Ncw New York Yo巾 ,, 1976)
1回 n ogra. U. 8ianchi, The Greek Creek Mysteries. lconograR e li~tjo n s XVII ., 3 (Le iden ., 1976) phy of Reli g1 0ns
Böm町. Bõmcr,
F: Bömer, mer, s.v. ," RE 21. 2 (l由2) ( 1白白 1878F. 5.V. "Pompa ~ Po mpa," 1974
Brommcr, PF Brommer,
F. 8rom Brommer Der Parlheno,ljries Parlhenorljries (Mainz mer,, Dcr ( M ait叽, 1977)
Burkert. Burke时 . "Ape MApc ll ai "
飞V. 、V.
Oavies Davies , APF
ßurkert "Apellaì lI nd Apollon ,," RhM 11 J 188 ßurke rt , "ApeUai (1975) ( 1 97曰 1-2 1 1 H
飞川 V.
ßurke rt ,, Homo flomo Necans. Necans . HeligionsgeReligionsgeBurkc schichtliche Ve rsuche uncl Vorarbe ite n 32 (ßerlin (ße rlin , 1972)
J. K.
Davies., Athenian Properlied Fam il/ es Davies Pmper1ied Families (Oxfo (O fo d , 1971)
仪)()-3QO B .C. 日)() ....;瓦附 ß
, ,
uhne r. r, Attische FI Fesle (Be rlin ,, 1932) L. De ubne 剧 te (ßerlin
Doc~ D时..
J. Chad Chadwick. 叫ck.
口时umen t.r in j\句时naeoll M !J四naean Creek 0侃~ment$ C ,它ek (2nd edition: Cambridge, 1973)
xviii "EleusO" "ElcusD"
Abbreviations E. Simon Simotl., "Neue De ulungg zweie Z\veier eJeusin Delltun r ele usin ischer Oenkm De nkmäle 4. Jh . v. Chr. ," AntK An tK 9 äle r des 4. (1留话i) 7 72-92 0锁施.) 2-92
magerie H. Metzger Met.lger, Recherches sur l'i l' im Cl gerie Athé(Paris. 国5) (Paris, 1 困5)
MetLger Metzger
时e ,mc nienne
Meu li,, Ge, Meuli ee. Sch Fa mell Famell
Th e Culls of tlle Greek Creek States St(iles L. R. Famel Farnelll., The Cu /t s 01 d., 1 896-1锐回) 896- 1叹曰) 1- 5 (Oxfo (0 吨ford
、,v. S. rgu so n ,, 吁ñ 飞飞~ S. Fe rguson 'ïñ e SalaminiOÎ Salaminioi of HeptaH 叩 ta phylai Sounion ," He霄~pe H肘pe ria 1 ï (1 938) 1-74 ph y l缸 and SounÎon (I田8) 1-74
H. Froning, Dithν Dithyrambos urul Vasenmalerei vt旧 e rlmalerei rambo$ und 川At lien (Würzburg, 197 1) 川 Athen 1971)
~ Monatsbilder" 自如1ona tsbilder"
Nilsson N ils四n ,.
Hadzistcliou Price
Kahil , "ArtémisAtf' "ArtémisAtt"
ed ed.. Th
E. Monatsbilder:' E. Simon , "Attische Monatsbilder ," jdl 80 BO
C. lIsis and the Elet闹 nlO1I G. E. Mylonas , EJc Elellsis Elellsin 削" M ysteries (Princetoll ( Prin四 tO I1 ., 1961) Mysteries 1 捕 1 )。 GF
G川ech isclle Feste (Le ipzig M. P. p, Nilsson NUsson , Crlecllische îpzig, l锁)6) l 锐l6)
Nilsson , CCR
Nilsson griechischen M. P. Ni lsson , Cescllichte Ceschichte der griecllischen Religion 1 (Munich (Mun ich , 11阻5) 阻5)
"Pa ndemos"" 甲andemos
E. Simon, "Aphrodite ~Aph r叫 itc Pandemos Pru‘demos auf attischen aufattischen l.e n .~ 5chwei ::.e rische Num i.s matische Mün :t.e ," ScJllveize时'sche Numismatische RUlldscholl 49 (1970) ( 1 97创 5-19 5-1 9 Rund3chau
H. W \v. Parke , Festioals FestivaJs of the A tI, enians (Lo (1..o ntlleniana don , 1977)
L. Kahil , ~^utour ~A lI tour de I'Arlé mis attiq u uee ,"阴 阳.tK AntK 8 ( 1锁丑, 1描)) 20 -33
Paus, 刷 刷 •'Descrip tiotl ofG reece re,四川, Pa时刷刷 Descril' tion 1,
节、 Th
Had ziste lio u P时田 Pri睛 •, Kourotr町,1, 国s (Le 日 adzis te liou KOllrotro"IIos ( 1元 ii
den , 1978) Jud e i c h Judeich
K. Meuli Me uli ,. G肘。 mmelt e Schriften 5chri卢C1l ,, Gesa mmelte Ce 8皿e l and StuUgart Stuttgart , 1975) C e lJ 四 <( , (8皿e 1臼 -123 ( 1描) 1姐5) 105123
Craf leu8臼F. hische Dichtung Graf, E Eleu.is F. Graf, Eleusis und die 0η, hisclle Diclitung i.s tiscller Ze it. il. Religions Relîgions Athe旧 in vorhellen vorhellenistiscller geschichtliche Ve rslI che und lI nd Vorarbeiten 33 1974)。 (Be rlin , 1974).
Ahbreviations Abbreviations
刊 ei ch , 1'o" Topogr, 叩 hie W. Jud ei由 ogr,叩hie
von Ath en (Mun ich içh., VO Il Athell
ttrnns. r.m s. J. C G
Frazer (Lo (1..ondon , 1898) Kahil , ""Srauron" Brauron"
riles et L. Kahil , " L'Arlé L'Arté mis de Brauron: rites ntK 20 ((1197η 胆-回 mystère ," A AntK 97η86-98
Kro Kronn
Phylenheroen U. Kron , Die zehn zelm attiscllen attischen Phylen h er四 n ,, AthMitt -BH 5 (Berlin Ath MiU-BH (B e rl 叽, 1976) 1 976)
Maass , Prohedrie
M. Maass , Die Proliedrie DionysostheaProhedrie des Diollνsosth ea tc rs 归 Atll Vestigia ,, Be iträge zur Alten A1 ten ters ill At h en ell . 飞lestigia Ceschichte 15 (Munich (Muniçh , 1972)
MelldahllFlemberg MelldahVFlemberg
C. Melldahl and J. Fle mbe l11 be rg r毡,, "Eine Hydria de ese u s- M al ers mit mil einer Opferdarstel Opferdarsteldes τ'h Th eseus-Malers lung ," From tlle Gusto Gustavianwn Collectioll.J in lung,~ vionwn Collections Uppsala 2 (A cto Uni Universitatis 8 0(Acta versila 陆 Upsalien.ti乱 Upsalie时旬 , 80reas 9: Uppsala 1978) 57-79
Pickard-Cambridge ,
T/l e Dromatic 由仆 A. Pickard-Cambridge , Th Dramatic F, Festi-
oo /s 01 Ath.时, rev. J. J. Go Co uld aru:nl
Princelon SympoSympo. Princeton sium
Athe Pl s Comes 01 of Age: 011'0 Athells Age: From 501 Solo Fl to Solamis Salamis Papers of the SSym阳si um y m阴阳 m Sponsored by the Archaeological Am erica,, η、e A 町 h aeo l ogi国I lnstilule Institute of America n、e l)'飞 a nd the Department Princeton Soci e t机 Departmenl of nnd Archaeology, Princeton University Art and (Prin ( Prin 田 tl on , 1978)
Richardson , 11νrnn IJνmn
flymn Th e Horneric flome ric f1 ym 1l to Demeter Demeter., ed 00.. N. J Rîchard阳、 (Oxford (Oxfo ,d ,, 1974) Richardson
Abbreviation Abbrevíationss
Sc he l p ,, 品lnOlm 5chclp κ0"0""
Schelp,, Das 口as 品1II0WI KnIl O l Ul,, der dcr griecliisclie g r如'Ch iscll e 0 O,,pJ. Schelp f erkorb (Wü nbu电 (\Vürzhll 唱, 11 975) 97由
Simon, Gölter Götter Simon
E. Simon Simoll , Die Götler GðUer der Griechen Crlcclum (Munich (Munich., 1969)
Simon/ SimonJHirmc Hirmcrr
Hirmerr, and A. H lI irn、 irmee r,r, J) Die E. Simon, M. Hirllle ie griech i.sch e!FIn Vasell 飞/osc n (Munich ,, 11976) 97创 griechisclu
Solmlowski ., LS Sokolowski
s(l créc d.ω cités grecques [l. rccqu 四 F. 5Sokolowski. 0kol o、,vs ki , Lois sac rées.J des 1 96'心) (Paris, 1969)
H. A. h e ri A. Thompson Thompson and R. n. E 、Vyc 飞V ych rl ey, Th Tlwc Athenian At J. C Il ÎOII Agora 14 (Princeton ( I'rin出ton ,, 1972)
Icy ley T削 pffer, Tocp fTcr,
1. Toepße li n ,, l皿 9) 。 Toepfferr, Attiscllc Att四he Ccnealogie Geneulogie 侣。 (Bc rlin 1 曲时
、.vycherlcy H. Wyc herl 町R.
E Wyche 、Vych e rley rl e弘, Tlie Tlte Stoncs Stones 0 01 Athens E. 1 Athc lI s 1978)
(Prin四ton (Prin 四 t on ,
Zichcn Ziehcn
L. Ziehe v. "Panuthe naia," RE 18.3 (1949).. Ziehenn, s. $ .V. "Panathenaia." 457-489 457489
Festivals of Attica
Introduction 节l e festivals of Athe ns are be beu Th ttee r known to us than the festivals festiv aJs of Greek n、 e Ii litcrary tradilion is rich and 四 at of the other C reek states. Th te rary tradition 50 i s 由 由at Ill onumcnts rnnge from modcst v回es to tbe Parthe monumc nt s, which range modest Athenian Athe nian vases the Par. thenon fri eze. Ath e川 an festivals without withoul the archaeoarcha四 eze. A treatmc treatme nl nt of Athe nian logical te ,, and so 50 1I shall shaU rcfcr refc r frequc freque ntly logical mate rial ri a1 would be incomple in ∞ mplete 1to 0 the iU ilJ ustrations in the two main b∞ks festívals : Lu dwig maîn b∞ ks 00 on AUic Attic festívals: Ludwig Deu bn时"r, A Atlbche Festiooù 01 Dc ubne ttische Feste (Be rlin ., 1932) 3nd and H H.. W: Parke. Parke , Festivals of thee Ath阳 iatls (Lo ndon , 19甘). These wcre AthenÎlms 1 9甘) τ1a esc books we re writtc n by philolo philolog'血 fìeld heortology (from Creek ÉOQ叫 tOQ'叫 = festival) belongs gl s恼 . to whose field To unde rstand the monume nts., howeve monum cnts howeverr, we need an archaeological ap!>roach of which Oe De ubncr t err use Parke η、 va1 ue approach ubner make巧 makes grea greate U5e than th皿 Parke. l币 e value of Parkc's bookk,. accordingJy somewhat diminished Parke¥ b∞ ßCC时 îngl y., is 皿 m ewh at dim inished , especially espE妃,对 I y be.. bemonumc nts date from the heyday of Attic festivals in the cause the monume sixth fìfthh ,, and fourth centuries 8B.C. .C. , whe whereas te rary '"巾 ,, 自伐 reas most of the Iilite evide nce e rab l y late r. e时d en ce is i s ∞ n s id ide rably Inter. 10 ancient ancienl authors alllhoni and Athenian Athe nian works of art a third In addition addi阳 n to 国 tegory of mate rial ri aJ is important for ou ollrr 1>purpose: 四 tego叩 u 町)()se: the inscriptions about the time and the form offestivals oHes ti、rals and (or) aboul about the Th ey tell us aboul kind and the nu mber of gifts nllmber giA:s for the gods. This Th is eepigraphical pigraphica1 evidence evide nce most part pnrt contemporary stic monllments It∞ n. is for the mosl conte mporary with the arti artistic monuments.. It consc时肘ion s on stone ,, wh which render aαxnmt of the sists of public in scriptions ich re nde r an ac∞unt ∞sstl of sacri 且时白白s. becallsc festivnls we re not ∞ 自由s , e tc. , bec拙 se most of the Attic AUic festi vals were bul public in character. characlc r. \Ve are he re chie chießy concemed with private but Ay concerned feslivals reason morc private ceremonies cere monies are the sstate tate 岛 s ti val s and for this re捕。 n more left ou t. 1 η ll1e fcstiva1" aJ" does docs not de note profane J> rofane celebrations. AII le te nn "state festiv 自由 lival s of the polis were r∞ feslivals th e 归lis r回 ted in the cult of gods or he roes ,1I ,t: and we re celebrated 四 l ebrated with religious rites. rit田 For that re圈。 reasonn ,, De Oe ubne ubn e白 were r's book gods We 、Ve sha shall simi lar orde r he here is arranged by gods. l1 adopt a similar re and shall not
t Th 咄 τ 、u 川. I do 曲 d。 nol 00 创 附 speak s句 ....咽1lk bere her赠..曲 h酬。阳 ... 1 the very 咀''Y \' γ Attic 刷..阳 A ic bul but more "酣咱曹~ privat prh'. 啕咄. 翩 ‘,,,咱 ,e 晴隅mt酬 凹E阳 e 1. us aboul d ...~.仇. for ,如。 or it 11 饵~ m 蜒 赠 Simon 副t阳 s 咄酣嗣、飞,. Cðffer w C<仿 刷蛐... 3σ7-9, M 皿7-9. 忡 p1,. 294剧‘← 290 -町 hemlS: pls. 97 1ñe 5tale ltate fet fðtivalJ ror i\t AIlIc: heroes have been 011、lued ornltted;; 俗r 岛,由 .m see 赔. Deu 0回 b阳 b."" 22. 丁、~ tîv剑5 for t‘, he,啊s them , 224-29; rlce 51 2, 81 - 82 "" -四 I( K ron pa5 p.ilSlim; slm Pa 阳rke 5 1-5 -:i2 刷-.. 3
FestivaJs Atti由 Festiv aJs of Attica
follow the orde armnged vaJ s a囚。rd aα::ordin to the orderr of Parke , who arn lO ged the festi festivaJs in g 10 twe the Athe Athenian me nt hve lve Jve Ill onths of Ihe nian year. It is true that that arrange arrnnge llle is c1 0ser 10 Bul the ths seelll extrclllcly extrcmcJy fort'O Creek Ii fe. fc. ßut tbe Athenian mon months fo rs 节1 corrcspond neil neithcr chronoJob"Y nor in name loour to ou r eign 10 to uus. Th ey correspond her in chronoJogy aJe ndar tweJve months., which are based o n the reform of the ccaJ twe Jve months nd盯 by Julius Caesar and lmve have the t he familiar fami liar Latin Lalin na l1l es. La names. L.a te r on Ihe the Ro man mont hs nJso also came cam e to ROlllan ROl1l an Creece C reece , b川 untiJ then each C reek IXJJi but until poliss months months-we nd rcd na l1l es of mon ths-we know more than three hu ndred had it' s own names lonic., A Aeolic lations each have names. 3 The regions of lonic eol眩,, o orr Doric )>opu populations certai n names of months ct that aJJows all o明 us u s to trace the 四 rta in mon ths in common. common , a ro. fact duril唱 the th e dark ages. 4 migrntions migrntiolls during The ppre-Homan G reek mont Ill onth re lunar months re- Roman C hss 、四 were mont hs lasting Jasting alter alter nately twe nty-n ine and thirty months t hirty days. In oorder rder 10 prevent these Ill on ths nate Jy twenly-nine ne出S皿 ,y. from fa fallíng JJíng t阳 1∞ far fa r behind the solar soJar year, Jeap years were ne阻挡a ry. 节而同yaç tvLC1盯句四 nsisted of a cycJe cycle of eight y' 剧罚。f Th e 间yaç evlUut 6ç consisted ycars of twelve t\\咄 e Illonlhs onths g础 thr四 additional were fitt lìtted. ls皿n has sh O\vn each ,, into which thr回 additiona1 months werc ed. Ni Nilsson shown mer国konil唱lI s in g 山 tim e- r田 kon in g usíng thee "great ycar" year" spread from fro m Delphi De lphi aalllJ over that ti Cre thal whe whc n non nonl时'.11 fe stivaJs sllch C re C<.'C and that local festívaJs such as the Olympic games or the Creat G r回 t Panathc occurred the four-year fOllr-year cycle was W'dS based on the Pan a th e naia n aia ∞c lI rred.. Ihe hhalved aJ ved "great ye缸 " 5 s In 776 8.C. u.c. the therefore tl隙臼 noni咀1 date datc of the "gr剧 t year.refore , Ih e canonical 6rst 01ymp眩目es ti val and the star l" ing r灿 poinl daling bbyy the O lym starting inl of 区laling lymfirst OJympic festival μ的αçtv山Uτóç th e μtyαç tv ,αuτóç 、.vas was alread y established among the C reeks piads , the The great y of the Delphic oracle in the archaic peri 旺lwas 111e greut authorit authority period 、阳s h且d AJlo l1os ha\'ing e3SlI red out titime C reek states. Alllong based on AIXJllo's having Ul measured llle for the Crcek Among espE如ciall y was w描 linked this re re拙。 balf the m Athe ns especially them Athens linked to De lphi , and for Ihis a50 n haJf Athenian onths bear nalllcs siste r of the Athe nian Ill months names referring re ferring to AIXJllo Apo l1o or his sisle Arte mis eall 、町 响白白 i s again agnin whe n we (:onsider Arl em i s 叫Ve shall d ea th this consider tthe he festivaJ s of these th ese two goos gods Th e pre merr with wi 由 He Hekatom pre-. Roman Attic year ye<ar began in ÎII midsulll midsum me katom. bai恤 festivaJ ,, the Panathe Panathenaia. Otherr baion ,, the month of the thc greatest state festivaJ naia. Othe Greek ∞ mmuniti also 四 lebrat ed tt11e the ir main deity cle ity in Creek ∞川nun iti es aJso lebrated he festi\'al festiva l of their ßlscholf K捕 le lentl e r,~ RE 575 _11 侃)2 创}2 1; A. Sarnud , Cruk H.. ßI ,;(.' holf, S.V. s. v. ~ Ka lH.l er: II E 10.2 (1919) ( 阳 1 9) 1 575A.. E. Sarnllcl. Crcek 3. 11 lmd ßomnn11 Chro Chror时咱肌 li andhuch der Altc A.1t~ r1 rtllmswissensc:1lltfi 1:7 (Munich (M un时. .. 1972) , 肝2)37611dß衍'阻 rUJ logy. Hllndbuch umSWÎssenschaft 1:7 5τ M
138 "强
唱 see inrra 75 田 4. Inrna pp. 75, 回 5. N iI.' IIon. CCR 644 - 47 ..7 S. Nilsso 1l. CCß 8 τ11 1lS4'! months are tl la!(ci 1111011 tniω· , 协Je(lrt.u niω‘Pyll.nopsiun Elaphebolion. Mou. 6τ,'"姐 1I1onths a ..., M 创昭创 ~I ro rnlon . Py llnop5ion ,. Elaphebolloll. M酬, n)"chion. Th 'nlargellon rur HIlelml ornba ioll 崎t: Inf l1l nychion. llrgelion: 栅e 5ee l'l.rktl I'arke 51. 53. 73. 12.5. 137. 146: fur ck川 orn b础。 " 乱e Infra n. 2.ωchaplcr Ihe Allic A. U Ic归阳 see Samuel Su muel (supna (SUpnl n. 3) 5763; for the problems problemJ to Chlll)lcr '1. 4. For lhe yelir 始e 5τ63: i川 M eiggs and (). D. Lewi Le由s. A. A Std~c巾11 SeleC1仙n ofCruk ofCre峙 lIisloricol lIût.。巾 11晒巾t Ñ)~ (0;1 (0.( im'ωl叫 oI. ved: 民 R. Mci皿$ l lJM:.町 ,脚",, IOrd. 1俱到9) 171. 212a闹J OO$sim "时跚跚 1 7 1.盯 2- 15. 1 5. and 1瞄 slIn
lrlt uctiofl 1 1l t ,.oc/ ,.oduction
the 6rst onthh of their year. 7 Hekatombaion corresponds corr时 ponds par t1 y to nrst Ill mont pa rtly 四l endar. 丁nese íhese are July and 萨lrtl partlyy to August and so 00 in the Attic cal J lI l yand tweJve Attic months the twelve I-I 'i ekatombaion tageitnion ?Me B 叫oeetd agme Btn,。n Boed romlon romion
summe summerr r.u r.n
yaainmoapkStieorn PMyaaanmoapk StBeOn Oion on
Poseideon Camelion Gamelion Anthesterion Antheste rion bolion EJaphe EJaphebolion MOllnychion Mounychion Th argelion 节 SSkiraphorion M1MmBpelmlionn。 n
winl'e r winter
spring sprlO g summer sllmmer
节、 ,四 ks liked Jiked personifìcalions personilìcalions in cult ,, poet町~ th e 由国J Th e C Cr四 l:MlCt可" and the visua1 arts For instance personified Demos ("t he pe叩 people") Cthee in s tan四,, they personi6ed Je丁 or Pompe Pom(胃口h pr田::ess n ") or Olylllpias pl.. 5. 1) or Kairos ('t 1"回到ess io ion") OJylllpias ("t he Olympiad ," ," pJ ('t1he 1e op. op portune mom e nt可 . 8 8 They They also rsonifìed the months th町 portu l1e momenn a1so pe rsonilìed months., whom they S3w as you g men. The heyday of r陀r皿 personifi cations n ,"w 描 yo u l1 ng men 节le nifì 四川 on s 刘田 w国 the fourth 国 n tu ry 8.C. rds the end of the 6rst first quarter of 由 that "町 8 .C. Towa To、vards at century an Attic puinter Paintc r by Beazley va.se lla vase int er,, nallled 川"、 ed the Oinomaos Painte Beazle民, decorated d eco rat ed a 田 I yx-krate rr., fragm e nts of which were werc found fou nd at ut He rmione in ín the Pelo Pelofragments calyx-krate ponn田os l1aJ Museum Museurn in il1 Athens 阴阳、 esos and are now in the NatiO National Athcns (pl. (pJ. 4). 1 have shown e lsewhere fragments first representa Jsewhere that these fragm cnts bear the 6rst ha\'e O\VIl to us of the Attíc Attic month months. yo ung men tions kn s."~ Th ey 叩归.,国 appear 国 young known himatía and \vith with the sickle moon c1 ad in himatia sickJe of the Ill oon above their heads cur叩 altributes attributes of the festival 、、I hich w副团 w国 ce le which l e brated in Some of the m carry the course ofthe per四 of the month they l>e rso 川fy, n 咐" and some are accompanied ac∞ mpanied by Th国e may be named Pompai. personi自 由tion s girls who crown the m. Pompai , pe rso ni自 由tions m . These
7. 50 Ihe the fìrst month in Dell)hl l:kll)hi 响咽 "'"lj晴 A. pellaios. fcstiva.l of Apollo: A. pollo: ßur如同, 811 ,如 rt . fìrsl monlh ^I黯 llalos, wlth wîth •11 fcslivlll pellnC 10 F. 、V. Hamdorf. C阳hiM:hll r.附加。由..... ..6 11t 8. ..-. W. lI amdorf. G r'U! ch i.rc he Ku1ll'e Kull Pfl r$onifi 阳阳 e" der d~r oorhclle..141bche.. oorhelle呻lisch~n 7..ei (M a.i nz. ..阳,,,吨,睛~n ted on 啕"" (Main l., I届4) 1田4) 皿-32: Maass. M 阳军 rrohet/,也 p ,.-oMd .w l回 1四 (Deroo呐 ( De m叫 '同。 J'ompe Is ""p"e$enled 皿 a 崎"" lekytho叫Beazl ey.ω A. V'口臼 4η 刷d in lhe Mel明Xllitan kkythol (BeuJey, A ß V' 1 3阳明 .nd 阳 on..oh胆 choo.'$5 (inrra (In fra 自 同 10). both fn Ihe M e同时 , ... MU 四e pcrsonlfìca胁。 d n: 阳 on the Panathenalc Pa nathenaic MU Je um. New York ,'orlc 响...~叫caUon or 由e tbt: Olympiad Olymp阳' occu ~n Harvard 11田5 ""k弘 DeW! lkvd.申mfI,, 1 (2nd printing 回 rrection amphora Harwtd 阻S 皿 l 剖 剖Bea71ey. t011r1111111 prinling wlth wll h ω ,...."恤,s , 1曲4) 48 . 2 (hc (here pl. 5. 1). For 刷刷 刷 G. G . Sch ",'lll飞 回~D()r Dcr Lysippi Lys ip阴 阳 h. t崎') 幽-四 瞄 99. 川 1)1. 48.2 ..., pl. Kai ros 蝇e s<:h WlU"1~ 5Che k刷 1'01:- Crøur Cra::.e r ßeilrilge 8eit而ge 4 (197ð) 243 -曲 u酣 (】 975) 盹-盹 • • -民lonatsbilder 23: other In t e rpretat酬 J : S. K arotI7DU r. lllon 19 ((1酶') 1蝇付 1 ,9. - M QTllItsbilder~ 106105 -目 otherlnterprellllionl: Ku制 zou.. D Dellωn 16: ~I e伽ger --.ð. 四0 120--221 16; M e蚀ger 102 1 02-5, 1 ,, p pl.l. 46
因' Apel lu.r -A.
Fes ti咀1s of Alti回 Festivals Atti国
ofthe pr回ess i o n s whi which , 由 we shaU processions ch ,由 shall see , were a part of man)' many festivals fes t队飞 l s 丁'h frag川 e nts of the 由e He rmione krale w川、 out inscriptions , but Th e fragme krate r are without the famou o n the Attíc famouss Pompe on Attic oinochoe in the Metropolitan Metropolilan Museum Museu 川 York of the same in scribed 仙1. LO 川 N ew York sarne period peri叫 is inscribed {pl. 5.2). 5 四" Ano由 e r representation represenlation of the Attic months is well known . 丁11ey Anothe Th ey e1.e reused rnain e ntrance apl皿 r 国 youths or men in a fri eze re used above the main appear Metropolis ymntine hllrch in Athens (p1s 10 the Li ttle M e tropol恼 ,, a Middle 8 BY-L. a ntine C church (pls IÕ-the JIIustral'e d with a g'∞ 胆d mm ntary in Oeubner,lI Us a 1lot 01 d ∞ com m e nta叩 , LL it le te lls 1-3). IIlustrated
about Athenian At henian festivals. festívals. It lt needs a stylistic anal ysís 1)(到ca because analysis use its date 由 10 he re. I do spa咀 t o give to one here. is not yet established ,, but the re is no spa, not think that it was carved 川 in the thc second centllry ,...,. s配ond or third 四 ntury A. D. as Cerhard Rode H但l e nwaldt maintained . 1 Wilh Hans t- Ians Cundel and others 1 I L1l With prefe r a late He llenistic dale f1 rst cencen. date , pe rhaps in the middle of the fìrst h町 8 ..C. ncyc! opedic spirit this cnJendar-fri e7.e seems re lated 'u 叩 B C. 1L33 IInn its eencyclopedic caJ endar.frieze '0 出e reliefs bclong to lie fs on the Tower Towe r of the Winds in Athens Athe ns,, which belong 10 the re that period. The TIle re is no trace of the cult of the mpe rors, Ihe Roman e mperors Ihat which would frieze dated from the Empire. And wouJd be inevitabJe inevitable if the friew last but Ilnot las! ot least leasl , what are represented are the Athenían rnonths and Athenia l1 months not the Roman ones τ11 ists of two h vo blocks which we re too t∞ long lon g for the sma1 1 四 e frieze ∞时 ∞ nsists 8B yzantine )"ιntine church. One was 011 the left ,, 削 d 皿 a result reslllt the w国 shortened on and month Anlheste Anthe归 rion nonw国 w描血。此ened \\田 cul cut off. The other was shortened 011 0 1\ the right ri gJ吭,, month Camelion 、咀s cut 0 off. and 阳rt part of the monlh Gamelion 、吨s 8'. It is a pity that each of them shorte ned on the m was not 110t shortened 011 its Îts other e nd , whe re there Ihe re is an unfìnished unfìni sh配l f1 gureless left half three By ...a ntine crosses we re inserted; inserted fìgure less zone zone., In the 1eft Byzantine the 四 central Panathe naic ntral of these crosses oblitemtes obliterates the ship of the Panathenaic procession F咽ess ion . How thi s 归eze w国 originally lI sed we do I\not 归e捕、.vas used ot kn O\Y. ow. But 、-ve repr田 entntion did 110t not begin with the fìrst f1 rsl Attic we can state that the representation month , Hekatomooion i.、 the area ofthe of the aforesaid afore且时 出 l-Iekatombaio l\ ,, which appears uppears in 四n month. tml cross. Hekatombaion Hekatombaio l1 is a young man clad himution c1 ad in a hilllatio l1 and ac ∞mpa nied by POlllpe, Pompe. the personifìcntion perso ni f1 四 tion of the pr田鬼 ssion pr回ess ion al at the Panathenaia. Pa l1 alhenaia. I~ I~ 111e }'7.a ntine conlext makes Th e seqllen曲 sequen由 of the months in their new 8 Byzantine context lIl akes ßõmer pO m .)8~ l抽. 1I 困3 10. No No. 目 ~. J!如O. I 90. M etzger et2ger 曲 面 No. 18, 60, with bibl邸,叩忡 bibliogr叩忡,; 阳 mer,, MØ Pom 9因 制 ; -Monallbilde . M onallbÎlder~ 1 划 ., fig. Schel p, κ.~ " 盯 48. pl. pl. 4.2; SImonlll inncr irrncr pl. I地 阻5 ,- 121 fìg. 12; 12: Sc help. Ka附阳"目 4.2: Simonlll 235 1111.. Oeubner 248 -54, p\s. - 40: ø~l onaubilderfìgs. Picbrd Deubne r 副8 -54 , I' \s ' 34 -4矶、l onallbì lder 11211 2- 1 1 .5, .5。 由 gs. 6- 10; 10: Pk b nl-
Ca mbridge DFA DF.4. .5 1: RE 10 ^ A(l (1972) 6国 C.mb时dge 1; H. Cundel. Cundet, S.Y. '.v. -l.od '7.od iak iakos,. 皿 972) 623
In Oeubner Dcuhner 248 12. 111 Cu mOllI 川 ner 剖 8; {s upra 13. 3. F. CUnlOOI in D刷 D削 b ncr 8: Cundel Cunde l 伽 Upl'1l 'n. 1 . 11) 2.皿-5 1 foHowlng foUowlng C. l\obe rt called her he门~, 明ia. the 1M! pe刷刷 14. Ocubner Oeubner 2皿-51 C. Robe 回回由 pe r四川 8ωtion ficalion ol of beho1d lng. 1I hav hll、."陀呐。U$ ly ~plt.-d is intcrprctation (指e M ~l onlll~ -四) behokling. l'! previously lICC叩 ted 山 this inl e巾'" 刷刷 {酬飞1 0nals bllder' blldcr 11 9 -剧 rne tJthlC beller explõmation: t'.J:pl副..a tkHI : fot Pomr跚偌. nn. 8. 10 10 but Pompe now 赔ems seems 1100 me l'! better for Pomll"' " see .叩而 IIII>ra nn. Ø
111h"l 凹Ju cliO ction Itltrodu I1
sense. use the Ihe year ycar starts on the thc left l eft 呐 th spring and ends on Ihe sense , be回 because with the right with 、叽 节l e Chris Christian observe rs ce rtainly rtainl y díd not unde wi nt e r. ηl tian observers u l1 de rbut th 町 unders t阻J the signs ey understood sígns of the zodiac , stand the pagan festiv曲 . b川 15 111ey whjch are Iilikewise kewise re presented prescnted here. 15 sturt 飞叽 th Aries on the which Th ey start with 1.11, 2. 2 日 l). Tau町 Taurus is destroyed by a cross. Cemíni Gemini are ure two 1left 0ft (pls. 1. young men e mbracing. mbracing. Ahove sacri6cial ox dedicated to Zeus Above the sacrificial Ze us POIiliee us-we shall soon s∞n re tunl to i← ap伊ars Cancer (pls. (pls. 1.I 1日b it-a凹陷ars 1. 1,. 2.2). To the right of the next cross Leo springs into the air. Virgo appears near Boed romioll , and to Ihe the 1left th i 时 cross Li bra is rende re nde red in the Boedromion eft of the third Libra s ha阳 of the claws off Scorpio S∞叩 io (P 15. 1. 1, 2.3) shape c1a响。 (p1s. 2 坷,, which is showll S hOWT、 in the right half or 时ght of the fri eze SagiUarius is e7.e without withollt them (pls. (p1s. 1. 2 2,, 3. 1). Sagittarius famili盯 centaur-arche ce n 阳 ur.arch e r and Caprícorn is 由 g'阳 t with the familiar Capriconl is thee fore part of a goat a fìshtail (pls. Aquarius and Pisces were cut 0 off eitherr e nd f1 s htail 仙 Is . 1. l. 2 , 3.3). Aqllarius 8' at eithe when the frieze 、vas \vu.s re used . These Th臼e signs sllrely surel)' he1pe helpedd to t'O de te rmine properr sequence or of the blocks and Ihe ha四 the prope the orclc orde r in which they have 1始e beenn preserved preservoo Cunde.1(s ullra upra nn. 川 11);; as a.s for mr Virgo Vi唱。 and IIlld Li Ubra. Cundcl , but bra. 1I do fHJ nolt follow Cundel. 15. see Cundel cubllcr 253 -.54 prefer Oeubner 2::臼--54
Ilr~fer l)
Festivals of Ze tls Festi皿 uofZeu"
was l'盯 Athenian slate festivals In spit' spitee of th 恼,国 、吨s partI of most mosl Athe nia l1 state festivals.. 111 恼 , as we we sshall hnll Bo且Jphonia bear their n nam 'ea皿 n the BOllphonia a m e 明白 g倒时 go<地 'ea且 ,、 The priest of Ze us I' Polie marb1e seat in o \i e lls us had a marble il1 the theale theaterr of Oio)j e us was on the Acropolis northeast nysos. n ysos.~~丁11 Thee teme nos of Ze llS us Po PoH e川、.YIlS Pa u sani国((1. 1. 24 24.4) mentions a sstatue Parthe non . Pausanias .4) mcntions tatue ofthis of this god and nl1 d of the Parthenon al t<盯 Excavation E ,国vation ha.. small mple and an open.air open-air pre. l1 te mp1e an altar. has revealed a sma cinct e nte阳J through a propylon , whose sm aU a11 central dnct ente田J cenlral 耐u世ure slru嗣同 皿e 回 m, to have been the place of of the Oipolieia rifì西 ð5 I)orphyrios s阳aks 10 Dipolieia sac sacrifì四 Po rphy时 os spea k.s not of an altar table . The altar of Ze us Polie us on 011 the a1 tar but of a hron7 bron7..e table. thus seems see ms to have been a table --like Ii ke structure and may have Acropolis thlls been a re lic of the M Mycenaean mmon place p la四 in m repre )'四 n aea n age. A table is ∞ common repre~ l1-off' erings 川 in Minoon aean art as Ioonnis sentations of bll bull -offerings Min田Jl and M y四Il y国 naean 3rt ,,国 l oa n nis Sakellarakis h副 h时 sh own 川 ubj田俨 ot onl shown în his study 011 on the s ubj田 1. 6 N Nol on1yy are there many gems gellls and sea1 with a buJJ.victim sea l . împressions i mpressio川、川由 bull-victim on a table from Crete M 阳 naean Creece 币gs . 1时1), 陀 is al皿 the Aghia Triada Crete and Mycenaean Cree由(白l!' 1 >-<1). 由e 由ere IS 曲。 ..,∞ ph agu s 响 th the bu buU ing to death sar∞ phagus with l1 on the offering o (fering table ,, bleed b leeding Sakellarakis thinks this table was of wood w回时,, but b utilh same it h 田 tthe he 且 Ill e yellow ye llow sarcophagus. ∞10' 臼 田 th e double axes on this thi s 姐,∞ ph agu s , which were of lllet met.aJ 甘 The ay be me laJ la1, too. t∞ . and would thus correspond 11、 e re fore the table Ill may thu s ∞ rrespond to Porphyrios' Po rph y ri时. description of the altar of Ze us Polie us on the Acropolis festival, grain orr 曲 la.崎d on the table-altar At the festival g 罔r 虱i阳 "0 肘 田 kes o 町 0 r, both bot由 h were p placed tab1怆 e号-aI and oxen ox 阳 e n 飞咽 were a roun d 【 ;此 t . One O n、 e of the m would eat from the holy re drive n 盯 around it. t仙 hî ngs on the a1 tar and 由 ttI、erefore-咽 here 穹甜R岛 f町 m『叶呼-咀 it w田 e叩 1.; 缸川 ined-wo u1d be killed aJtar ;.、咀s explain ed-wouJd 阳lled things with a do uble 阻(由eπ且目吨. relic ke the table) tab1畔,, wielded double 缸 (lhe πι四吨, a Bronze Age ^ge 阳 lic Ii like wie ld时 cull oØìcíal official α曲时抽叩l刷刷 皿lled bc叩l刷刷 'A缸 7 Aftel飞咀r由 bouphon曲曲叩阳d by a cult rwards the bo叩honos dr叩阳d the ax alld and ßed. ßed . The double ax was w缸 then brought 10 to lri tri a1, cursed , and thro飞.vn into the 四a s田 节、 Th e hide of the dead ox w缸 thrown w百 stuffed st u.ffed 10 to restore the 0 Ihe the appearance lates the appear回国 of life life.. This Th is in a few words recapit u.ulates animal 1"to J>o叩 h hy川 os ,. which in some details d etails diverges dive 唔es from Pau long accounl a肘。unt in Po甲 y川时 10ng sanias. bette r tradition is shown by sani :、s . That Porphyrios I>reserves the better b )' sev. e ral1ate black. fìgure Athe Athenian th田e rallate black-lìgure nian vases studied by Bakalakis. !Is On these oxen-Pausanias speaks of only 。闹剧 one ox-su vases a series of oxen-Pausanîas su rround an
see , S剖,
1 FESTIVALS OF ZEUS u ,酬 t h the epithe Ze U$ 、vith e piÙle t He rke ios io.s w描 w,描 venerated vc nerated together with Apollo Alhe nian cîtizen ci tiz凹 ,因 (AP 昂) Palroos Patr∞s by each Athe , as we know from Aristotle (AP 55) . 8But ut 由 this co n ω m us here; h ere ; 、" er o only is private cult does not concem wee 曲目 can ∞ n s id er n1 y the most important public cculu uJ ts of Ze us, and we begin wi th the oldest and strangest of aU all Athenian festivals festîvnls , the Dipolieia ,
Dl POUE IA DIPO LlEIA TI1C fo r o ur knowledge abou aboutt the Dipolieia Dipolie ia are Pau. Pau* Th e main sources for (de abs abstt.. 2. 10 andd 29 -31), ras tos.. Th ey are 挝、 -3町. who uses Th 国ph 四phrastos a.re discussed by both Parl咀 .. 1 I but b。由 both dis阳县",d disregard 由e 咱四1 material Deubner 由 e archa四l archa回 l ogical matcrial Deubne r and Parke h皿 recently rece ntl y been discussed by Ceorgios Bakalakis. 12 Even morc which has more 1 111 阴阳 nt for our ollr unde附 understanding the 阳tival ar飞~ a study by the Swiss important tancli n g of the festival ar唱 S响" \\也l te r Burke rt omo Ne,四 时 r t''ss H Homo ω'" ethnologist Karl Meuli Me uli 3 and 飞咀lte Th eC Dipolie ia we re 四 η1 were 阻 l ebrated ebra ted in the Jas Jasll month of the Attic year, 00 14 Skirnphorion Skiraphorion ,, in i1、 honor of Ze us Polie Pol 隐时 a nd ∞ unt e r. on lls,, the father and counle part of the city.godd ess Athe na Polias was also a1so cal1ed Athena I'olias. 四 Th e festival festi val 怕也s cal1 ed Bouphonia uphon ia afle r tI崎 the main m aÎn rite , the slaying of an ox. It is represented in the cale ca1 e ndar. fri eze beneath the sign ofCancer of Cancer (pl. 2.2). B~sid B~sidee Skindar.frieze Ski. ap pea rs 甜 副 a young alhlete crowning himself, stands a raphorion , who apl沱盯S bearded man with boots and a c1 0th around his waist. He ho1ds holds a tiny ox:1: , the victim of the Bo Bouphonia. double ax above a 创 ny 0 uphonia. The a ppli四 ppli阻 slaying of animals an-imals tion of this name may seem surprising,, because the slayîng 且川剧(1. 24 .4) r Porph Porphyrios 且"'国 (1 剖 4) and the late antique autho authOT yrios
1. Oeubner Deubner 1 甜 .74 ; A. B. Coo k., bZ阳$3 u.f 3 (Cambrld伊 (Cambrid伊 lt 剧。1)570-锐忘 剧。1) 570-6f:段 Nilss曲 Nllu棚 .CCR , CCR 四 74 Cöo k 162r1 .• IIN 1 53-剧 : E. Shnon. Si ffiOf l. 5. V "Ze 115 .~ E Suppl. 1 15 162- 67; B B l1 lI rke r如川 Y . 气Ze1l5 . It RE .5 (1978) F1embe唱 (19'78) 1413-14; 1413- 14; M elklahll ell血hllFle mbc唱 74 -76 ZeU$ rest der Di Dipolieia Oin优hoe in Salonlkl." 1锐剧团 2. "Das ~ Dat Ze usreft polleb. aur a\l r einer ei隅,。阳ochoe SaIonild.~ AnlK AntK 12 ( 阳刮目 田, C∞ k k(SU!l.... 1 ) 570 楠. 回, ' fì gJ. 4町-8 曲, 自ltlJow;咽 l'ollowingC∞ (supra n. 1) " 晒7' 3. "C川ecblsche .ebe" in Ph 'JUobol,町 f也r,. M ühll 3. ~Gr呼echlsche Oprerb曲 Ople刷b..时. he~ In Phν'10航必' u j百 fii ,.r P<
4. M Mω$5, 4. a.ass. Prohwrie P rolledr也
1归 l归
Judelch 坦7 圃; C. P.. Stevens. Slevens, TM Sttlf晤。 SettfJ咕。ift~ Partlu:non. IIn lIu凹'也 5. Judeieh 2.57-56; G. P "'M Pe南U!an Pe r也r.e6 n Part~'""'. p<
10 10
Festivals Festiv a1s of Atti国 Attica
的gu陀5 1 a-d. Minoan.Mycenaeall . nd seaJ ..lmpr回归b时制"、 lmp陪"阳11 wilh bull-c:好erîng, 叭'gu'四 1 伽-<1. Minoan . M 阴阳U鸣" gems 萨m. 缸叫-.I bull -olferins.
1). 9. Aft~r ( 1 970) 1舶阳 I 曲 fip.5-8 Afl er prahíøt Prãh l$ l . 7Zef'.lch咄咄 ..e/t,chrift 45 (1970) ι8
gJ; 酣 _ drawings ., .
5tands 00 altar-like structure s t. ructure , and one of them stands on it it., sometimes shown (pl. 户 The white ox benea出 benea由 may be a rc licf on (p l. 6. 1-3, 1-3)." re lief 011 the altar a1 tar may as 8akalakis thinks, thir巾 . perhaps m !l y be the stuffed 盹而ed ox-hide ofthe of the previous J) i阳 lieia c10th ∞verin ∞ve ring 口,阳 lie ia,, 10 lo or OT it may have been WQvcn inlo into a cloth g the tabletabJea1tar. case ,I the 田 0)( standing on the a1 tar will be "punishoo" "punished" for fOT a1 tar. 10 In any an)' 田血 eating the hol)' things, and afterwards willl1 be punishcd punished nfterwards the double c1 0uhle ax wi forr "murdering" Mmurde ring" the 0:< 岛 η、 considerw πl e C slaying of the animal, an imal , then, the n , was ∞ nsidered an injustice injusti回 which n田ded 1$ 四n但ption con四 ption goes goe:当 back n四ded 四piation 田piation . Karl Meuli h国 shown that 由 this Ix础 eating 国 tillg
vulble Munich JJ 1 1335 pl. 6): 6); Aß/~ !1 S t.. No. No. 185: 8.5: Be azley. 9. Clearly C~rl y v iJ lb 1e on the oinochoe oin础I()e Mun陆 33.5 (here pl. ØevJ啤 p,刷 nter. Th e Slructure 51rocture U nonnal altar aIlaT ber:剧 becau5e the voI utes 町、E ....., 4413: 73: Cela 阳"'阻四e b 1101 I昭.11 DOmIaJ MI lhe voIutet lacking. Iackîng 10. 1be stuffed animal anlma1 1. ls 醉,阳"呵R锺"''''回. 阳,,,"归叫>resented on. hydria hy the 1叫 Nikoxe l响 Painter 10 响~创ulfed by 由. lkoxe毗"阳刚., S但由y, Al!V 每部3. 20; par也"e fìg. 咽。 510嗣1 Slmon (IUpn (Iupra n. 1) 1414; elld血νFlembe唱 .....咛, .与 V 篇抱回"""'"俑,回 '4' M eIJdah Vfo1em be-电 7375, fìg. 18. 18 , wilb wlth •a good crilÌCIÙ critical 四 ∞mrnentary oro thil this hydria wh时,锅IIU which 闸 $ on 011 Ihe the Ro Rornlln 75,阳 mmen钮ry on man market In to be 阳, in the 山e wt ~t 四川"'"缸叫阳...seems century and now see msω""
F田 F时tivoi3 tiools of Ze us u$
11 JJ
10 the customs u 川 ing tribes thnographic c lIstoms of pre hisloric hhunting tribes.. The Th e rich eethnographic tic Bo u. material mat'e rial collccted collected by by him indicates that the the rites or of the At Attic uphonia reßect ng pe叩 re fl ect common customs c时 101115 of hunti hunling pe叩 le le .. Prehistoric rnull man treated the game animal ual; he tried to 田xlwill animal as 国 his eq equnl; 10 ensure its g' g'倒x!w;1I by blaming ke the ax for ing il. l-I blam川 g othe r me n or an object obj国I Iilike for 阳lI killing Hee re restored Ihe rit and its ~re re turn . He the form of the anirnal animal to 10 secure its spi spirit knew no gocls gods , for they Ihey appeared ap [咒~nred at a relatively relatívely late stage slage of prehistoric cultural developrnc nt ,, b川 d凹 elopment but hhee feared f~ωred the the spirits of the anirnals animals he had 肌xl.. l11l to 10 kill for flfood Aα::o rdin g to i囚 Aα:on:ling 10 Parke. "Analogies "Anlllogies have been sought with the thc pract pra,时'因 。.f not spiril or of their dead pr邮 pr叩 But this does d四川、 01 。 r hunters placating the spirit 11 This n ec ,ing, 吨, how. tally with a dom estic e嘟 tic animal 阳 imal as victim." viclim :'11 TIlis is not not 四川 ∞ n v in however tinct ion between ever,, b时也use because Park白 Parke¥ dis distinction bct\\'四 n wild and domestic dome州c animals is an arti l1 cial one ., Me artifìcial ~'I e uli showed that Ihat the agricultural tribes tribcs took over o\'er unchanged the Ihe rile of slaughte slaugh t' e ring animals anim aJ s from the hunting tribes 1 3 The i s fìnally in川、。 l ation ., I3 and that 巾 this 6nally became bec-.une the thc Olympian rite of immoJation 111e thighbones. thîghbone s, once 0 1冒 出 preserved P'刷凹ed b byy the hunting people peo ple in order 10 restore the animal to Ihe dead animaJ 10 Ii旬 life ,. we 协'e re burned bun四J on 011 the altar 目 as aann offering to 10 the ten by mcn gods gods,, and the thc meat was 础 eatcn The or ritual ∞ntinued 创 ng "、 e practice of rituaJ slaughter s l allgh 恒 r was thus thlls ∞ ntinued from hun hunting unities :md tribes 10 to agricultural agric lI ltural comm CQmmllnities and was w咀 one of the neolithîc neolithic cus. ClIS: sical Athens Athe ns;j Ihe cele loms which still lingered in CI皿 classi但J the festival festival was 田 Je anti C( qll spite of all a11 development development 川 Creek 叶lOught thoughl brated until late untiJ Ia le anti uiti 牛y. In In spile in Cr四k and 时 art ,, re religious tes le nded 10 unchanged Jigious ri rites tended to be preserved pr时en'时 pure and unchangecl were no longer lIlI nderstood ; Aristophanes,, for Sometimes Somelimes they thcy werc nderstcx划Aristophanes fo r in. in stan田. makes Ihee antiC(lI <wated 啤4) . .From , F' rom S1an佳, mak臼 jokes about 由 ated Dipolieia (Clouds (Clouæ 胁。 hîs time the rite had takell the wording of Pausanias PU lI sanias it follows that thut in his lake n fes创 va l s of on 011 ..a mystic meaning. meanillg, In mystcries mysteries ,, as we shall shaU see in the festivals DC l1l e1 y preserved. Not the rite. De meeter ter,, ancient tradilions lraditions were saf safely rile, but subj 配 t to evoJution evolution only thejusti6calion the justifìcation for 此 it ,, was subject strange , therefore , that Deubner Deubn 肘,, fo U ns id ers It is slrange lJ owed owι1 by Parke ,, ∞ consiclers the Dipolicia Dipolieia a relative ly young yOllng festival festival,, instituted in the sixth centu Ihe re lutiveJy sixt h ce ntu 叩 U.C. civílized archaic Athens ∞ couuld ld have invented H . C , 14 I ~ Nobody in civilized invcntcd that corres阳 nd so closely to the ethn ethnoo-• series 回 ries of curious actions which ∞ rrespond collected b y Me ul ulii.. Deubner's ment for a late lale graphic evidence evid en阻四 11时ted by Dc ubne 白 argu argulllent dale was based 011 on the a.s a且1I1ll ption Ihat that Ihe the cult cu1t of Athena 00 on the Athe date sumption AtheMeuli , Ce $Sch 2. 2 948臼8 -BO 11. Meull C何Sch 80 1田 112. 2. Parke Parite 165 13., "'I Meu l1, CuSch 2: 980980 - 1012 10 1 2:, Slrnon 创 1110n ,. C Gõlfer 1 '19 W 、V., Burkert. Ðurker飞 ‘RelCI). Figuren, 13 euli. Cu ~h 2: (}t t ,,. 149; M Rekp- Fìgu陀n Apollo 、明 von AmykbJ Am ykl缸 und die rers auf Cyprm. Cypem.-MC Crø ::.e r B甜,喝醉 ßr/lrðg6 44 ''''''10 d地 'Erfìndung' 区 rfindung' des ~ Op re l'l .ur r=.ø,. 75":π (197 (1 9ï5) 75 -'π 14., De I)eubner 73: Parke 1 臼-归 1" ub阳,. 17217窑-73. 63 -制
Festivals of Atti由
ni311 historically preccded Th is is by niun Acropolis hi storically pre四 ded the veneration of Ze us. Th 110 m ea n s 回 howeve r,, 川 there fore 国 nllol connlribute tribute 10 a (.'C rtai rtainn ,, lI ~ll however :mdd th e refore n llot ∞ no means Dipol ie ia. As we have hu\'e seen s咽 n ,, the central act acl of ritual dating of the Dipolie 1s ∞n consiclerahly worship on l)' of Ze us but s)aughter s l a ught e r 臼 s id era hl y earlier earlie r than the 明 rs hip not only aJso of Athe Athena a1 1 olher mere also na and all other OJympians. And itil 臼 is prooobl probablyy not me re a饵 白白。 ch 明 know is connected a∞ ident thal 由 at the most mast ancient sacri 白ce offwhi which we know is ∞ nn ected Wl由 hi gh 时 t -ra nkin g Greek god wit h the highcst-ranking fTOm the official r回到eived offerings 0阳 cial Bouphonî3 Bouphonia , Ze us Polieus received offeri ngs Apart from 11ms ngth y inscription of ofth mes. 节 incl i\ridual Attic de demes lUS the le lengthy thee deme from individual Erchia speaks of a ram which was w田 offcrcd offered 10 巾 is i s god in 由 thee month i5 , at the Dipolieia), along with a ewe for Athena Skiraphorion (that is was a d ce me m c-。因e ring and not a polis-festivaJ Polias. 16 But this thi s 、.vas .-offering polis-festival and to know how Athena dOE主5 not ∞ncemωhere ∞n回m 国 here. 认le We should like 10 therefore d田s Poli耻 t∞ k part in the Dipolieia Dipolie邸 ,. but there În the sources the re is 110 no hint in Polias (Clouds 四句 ßouphonia though in 由 thee scholio scholionl1 to Aristophanes (Clouds 985) the Bo uphonia are called A出 Athen a¥ festivaJ fes tival ena's
D1 A ASIA AlA Dl S IA AND POMPAlA In early earl y 叩巾19, Anth国 were s p而鸣 , on 23 Anth es terion l e r币。n , the Diasia Di阻 ia we re celcbrated celebrated , 17 It Jt may have been represe represcnted that is, the festival of Ze uS. 11 nted in the 臼 l en dar-frieze ,, bllt but iIit is not preserved there be由 use b配au se Anthesterion calendar.frieze 、吨s lI t 0[. off. Our main 皿u Th ucydides (1. 126.6) and the incut sou rces r田 s are a re 丁1mcydides was C 盹ription a1 ready mentionoo. mentioned. 1188 The latter is of the fourth 盹时 ption of Erchia already 脑 C. C . , while Thucydides attests att田 ts to the existe existence 四川 ury 画 nce of the festival in the seventh 四 回川 ntu叩 8 川 th e Diasia ll1 ust have been much olde olderr, U叩 B the must considering pre- Homeric Zc there ∞nsid e ring the fact that a pre-Homeric Zt: us was worshippcd worshipped the re , e pithe t Meilichios , that is , "the friendly frie ndly," , " a euphe mistic He had the epithet Eumenides well -d isposed oones'l n es丁 for the Erinyes or Aspha name Ii ke Eume nid es r well-disposed one可 fo forr the earth.shaker earth-shaker Poseidon Pose idon . Ze us Mei Iios rthe Cthe unshakeable one丁 Mei. ot the Olympian king we know from Home lichios w田Il w臼 not Homerr but an awe J1l Co ncluslons, pp. 106-7 1回 -7 1.5, see 15. S咽 inf infra 16 ., S F. G C 2 211., No. 54 ools. A and rr.lin臼 Sok,*,响 ki,, LS No. 18; MelldahV MI1, oob. , lines 61-64 61- 64;: So kolowslci Fleml蛇咆 75, n. 73. with bibliognaphy;: cf. cf. a1~。由e Ze uss Polieus in Mel "'emberg 75 盹 73 酬 th bibliogr吨>hy wo 出e offerlng oKerillg for Zeu Meta::a geilnkm. 211., No. 54 179 geitnkm, SEG Sl': C 2 5411 ∞ 1. r lines IInes 151$--118; 8; Parke 口' 17. De ubner 155 1 目-57; Jame脯 " .. . 币。阳 呐。tet on the S阳'" dar fmm fro lO Erchia.Eπhia: -5 7; M. Jameω S嚣,叫 CoI刷 Calendar ßCJI 回 蝇5) 1皿-72. 177-7曰, cf. á. alω alωj阻*,)" 5 回 rnmentary-刷 rnme川"Y.刷 FGrll FC俨11;"1 89 ( 1 幅5) 1皿 -72; I'arke J'arl‘, I四-22 1四 -22 ., 177-79; 阳曲"四 l$1 F5 365 F5 18, Supra n. 16 1 6, 四 1 . A Ii lines 38- "3; .f3。 如仙""""毗br of deme oß' Ø'erira rings Greater 18. 00 1. ne5 38'"' th iJ国lendar ol lP,, the Grealer Df! mu、,h mareh凰段e al.'lO C. I.a Crande G由 .de ~man:h饱 IKlU四川瞌lendr把, .町t Do 蝠, 黯.~卑。 C . ))au Dau lIJ; ,. -~ t.a I拢m::archie: Un 闹。 \'eau 但lend白"O
Festivals ofZ刷S Fe .ttivals of Ze us
some chthonic god who appeared snake , 19 I9 1I n votive reliefs appearoo 田 皿 a big snake. 回 ntury to He llenistic times from the 缸Irth fourth 四 Hellenistic tim e喝 he h e may also be repre senled as a seated Ze us with a snake beside him or even without the se nl ed 目 intrudi吨,, and the same 阻n 曲n be ob snake., He Here re Olympiao Olympian traits are intruding snake served in the late laterr Diasia as we shall see below. Oi国阻,, 时 ite of his fearsome character, Ze us Meilichios was w囚。 ne of the In 叩 spite one Atti四川 d had many shrines in Athens and e nmost popular gods of Attica and n 2O Aα::ording 1由 festival festi 咀l 、咀S 国lled 皿Il ed å '"由g virons. 90 Acc。民ling 10η1Ucydides to 节1Ucydides (1.126.6) I由 <ò, t吨咄 ELÀ.LX(OU M町(""呵 h e greatest fesliv Meilichios: !OQ咄 M MELÀlX[OU M EY(盯η , 飞 "the festiv a1 of Ze us Mcilichios ,w 巾 i s implies smalle (,'e lebrations for him apart and this srnallerr celebrations a阳 rt from the D剧" Di缸 . . Pallsanias mentions Pausanias me ntions an a1 tar of Me ilichios on the boundary behv<田n be tween Athe nian and Eleusinian Eleusin ian territory (1. 37 .4), but the main sanctuary for Athenian 0 1\ the banks of the rive r llissos. the Diasia was on lI issos . John Travlos Tra、Il os in his TO,Jogra ,Jl! i,田 1 Dic Dictiollary Athens id not indicate indi田 te the san cT0110g raphical tionary of Anciellt Anc ic nt Athe n.t d did tuary on the ùle Uissos Ll iss时 ,, but it has b国 byy Hans beenn convincingly localized loc当ali zed b othcrs o-called ssos Temple , where votives Möbius and othe rs near the thc ss。ω Ued Ui lI issos cor. for Zeus Ze us Meilichios have bee beenn found , and the Erchia E 时l i a inscription cor21 roborates this thìs placement rooorates placeme n t. 剑 丁11e 0The altar of Ze us Meilichios between Athcns Athens and Eleusis Ele usis was 10. where Theseus puri6ed again cated whe re Th ese u s 、NaS 、晒 p urifì ed after his sstru且l国 tru gg!田 aga in st high、阳y h 吵呻沪 menn and monste monsters me rs on his 、vay way to Athens. A由 e ns. For this reason re田。 n some scholars Meilîchios a god who had to be 叩阳出ed appe国ed after have seen in Ze us Meilichios b 回xls h ed 、Nith function , however, he would never bll 阴xls 、rVî th such a restricted fUllction ul盯ity he actually Ath ens . As a chthonic chthon ic have gained the pop popularity actu a1 ly had 川 in Athens. h e 、咀s nature to be propitiated by everyone wa川angry ngry by l1 ature and had 10 evcryone , deity he not j llst ust by murderers. D阳 ia the whole popula四 t>O pulace bro brought 。ot mllrderers , So at the Diasia u ght him ö'。 μ<<,a 缸 '1白@山,由Th ucydid es (1 . 126.6) hirn bloodless o[erings offerings ,,制阳"ta bnxlÚQ山 . as 币 ucydide海 ( 1.1 26 .6) says. TheC scholin scholia explain these orf animals a川 m a l s ,, but says ηl th ese 田 晒 cake s in the shapc s har撼。 阳叩l al皿 offeroo gifiss s uch llnd fruit , 阳o pl e may have also offered agricultural gift u ch 国 grain and 』田u se Me ilichios ilîchios , Ii ke many other 嘀嘀回nnected 』四use 0由 er chthonic gods ., 嘀嘀 ronnected "11 - 14. 14 飞lo(ive Ol' Ze us u5 Mellichios: M ellk:hl回 P. Foucart ~ Bas-rel枪f 19. N山5on N山5On , CCR CGR 411Voti"e reUe& reliefs ffor FouClll1 , -Bas-relief du I'irée M eilichto5,~ ßCII7 -144., pl. 18 18 _ "'llrnelll :117 du Pir曲,, le cuhe cu1t e de Ze U5 us Meilichios: ßCII 7 (1883) ( 1 883) ð07 .5'肘'_1 Fanlel1 1:117 1'p1.l. 2a - A. Rumpf Dle Religicm Religifm ,f/er , zur Rellgitmn.rge.ch .tgeM: hü: lllø Rurnl)f, Diß 111 ,. 旧时en C ,臼chen . 81/(leralla RI/,Ier"tll缸. Lur Re/ig俗 ichle XJU-XIV g. 由副 No. X III_XIV (Lei阳 ( Leip1.Îg,附国;) No. 25: 25; U. U, Ilausmann Uausmwm, C G rl<
Festivals of Attica Attíca
rtility of the the 皿il soil.. He sometimes 曲rnesa 国m田 a ∞mu∞p阔气 and with the fe fertilíty ∞mucopla'缸, and he had a se∞ nd festival festiv a1 in Athe Athens, the purpose of which ns , the Pompaia, Pompaia, 由e W盹回 ca1 protection ofthe of the newly sown 50Wn W 皿瞄 Oeubner Oeuhne r has proved , the magi magi四J grai n..23 The 叫e 巾 a盯r卜 卧 -抽ze does 州 no 时t 由 s ho 巾 脚 w 由阳 es岱s归 n of this 缸 gr d. in cale凹nd nd时;eze oot show theep酣叫 proc酬。n fes-, tival. 51旧ws p)owing main eve.nts eve.n ts ?f M a~mak恤, ti-val. but it shows p!owing and sowing,, the maill Ma~makte mn: 3. 2). The TI随巾。f rio~: tn i~ which the th~ pompM Pom~ia MK took pl酣刨 place 3.2): sJ.:i n of !a ram ~~ ilichíos and a 困山回时. 国du回U5, the staff wìth with which had been sacri自由d to Me Meilichios 由e pro四5sioo ,. from which the the twisted snakes, were 四rried in the pro田ssion t∞k festival k ils its name festiv a1 t∞ 节、 md us m tn under3tandtng 节、ee pompaIa thus aBd undemtandang the DiMULike DSMia LBke msny mmy alher A由ellÎan fes festiv血, both celebrution s in l lO llor of Ze us M eilichi可 other Athenían tivals , bot 由 hc 曲 el怡 l eb rat -ere of 阳 nural origin 风 1飞, and 1 ti忧t1c:l t1 e "" ~estival~ Fe 回s 仙 t1叭 W 、v拙 a I s of 川 At t饥t创t罔田一 not 01 were ru ra1 origin, I use usc the 叫 ti ~tti田二-I\ot this background. fuct the 出 dcmcs Athens-to e mphasize 由 t.hi臼5 agricultural agricultu罔 . ..1 ba 、咱ackgrot 刷川uu川 且nd. ln In fact d em、es the Athenian 0阳 Di皿恼 in which the Attic fanners farmers lived took part in 由e ia ,脑 ,陋 、,ve inscription .. U 2.4 τ1、 ey 国nt Athe ns ,, to we leam leam from the Erchia inscription 11ley sent a ram to Athens the shrine of Meilichios on the banks of of 由e the river lIissos 节1e 叽1e sheep skin which was carried round at the Pompaia may have been taken w剧团rrioo 0皿ered T1、us\由etwo from 齿。 m the ram offe red the previous pre vious spring at the Diasia D~asia.. Thus.the t、"0 Athenian festi fe stivals MeilÚ:.hios. beginlling of spring and .in \~n vals of Me il tC:hios , in the heginning \~in te凡、呻uld 0sely ∞nnected ∞nn ected . 币is 11lis is precisely with other ter,、咽uld be c1 c10sely precise ly the case 明由。ther agricultural festivals: observe the same phenome non in the shal.1 ?bserve phenomenon feslivals: we shal.l ^归l1 o , and Dionysos cults c~lts of Demete r, Apollo. 白e w国 offered offe red in an inte resting mixture The ram of the deme de me Erchia was of chthonic and O lympian rites. rit田 Th Thee e ntrails were we re bburned urned without practice ~vhich which ∞rresponds correspo~ds to other ot~~r chthonic chth.onic cults; but using wine , a practi~ as in Olympian Olylllpian offerings . The tradilion the ;;'eat meat was ~aten eaten 回 trndition in i~ XenoXeno. 7 8 4) ofwhole burnt pBp pip for For Mm phon (Anabasis LAnabasu78 4., where he speaks ofwhle 1 K:h;咽,, may or may oot to the 0瞄 ia. We know 明白 由民ainty 白白inty iichios not ref甘 refer to 0瞄监 We only l<no\v 出~-~gricultural gifts guts mentioned ~y Thucydides about 由~-~iricultural Th ucydides and ~nd the ~ixe? rite of the rnm offering. Such a mixed Ill ixed ri悟 rite 臼 oot uoique is not unique in Creek religion z" ~ and and 国o ~plajn ed by the who 、四s3 religion can be explained th巳 nature nature of the god who was a chthonic being and , at the Ihe same time. time , Ze us As know fro m Aristopbanes' Ari s toph an肘 • Clouds Cloud. (408 时. 时, the Diasia were A5 we kno\y from famou s for their meals; aα:o rdillg rding to the same source the re were aJso famous me a1s; aα刀 aI 皿
Festivals of Ze us Festiva /s of
E 四\.1$ 22 τ,、 U5
in ‘Ihe fìg ,h伽时ng a faßlUy family oIr ering aa 阴8 In he 呻U呻 volive relief Parke A g. 崎 48.. showing oireri...g pig
也De ub...er 157 1 57-M剧mer, 1民撼。 No. 国-圃 ; Sc h..'由忡 "P~ 四DeubneT -M; Bð mer , -~ Pompa. Pom阳- 1958. No. 2四 2血; Parke 由-帽; 由 , I (5Up .....
n .20) " 四} 刚到 阳到
24. S \.I pra n. 18. For Ihe the ßeece S s国De u bner bner49; x抽‘刷 ." RE R f.: 剖 5UpTU ef: D刷 49: P. Slengel. 5lengel. $ ,. v.-趴的 v..6咆以抽t:1V,. 5:1 恤金阳chardson ., " !lm... 212- 1133 5:1 ( 1锐罔 1回句 l:晒"阳cha.tdson I阳nn 25. S明 see F. P由 ster, MStud陀 E院l:'II :E萨览山 KI lI Heroer、kult ,M 飞,Vü r-.Jbb 由 .. P也就衍。 .Studienn zum homerischen homeriScl隙 n Epos: E阳 u nd e.回 nkull,. Wür--J bb 14弘皿 _ K See, "- E"叫娼ische Eu叫难jlChe H eldendicl、tung,缸JO (1978) 1053 ((1948) 1刷刷 1..7-皿 K.. v. se缸 elde nd.抽tung.~ WDF 500 I 田14; U. Kro町、"Zum Kron 吃Zum 1-1饵Xlgium Hypo gJ um 呻" von p~当 p,翩翩 m ,Jdl 腼 ( 1971 1 97 1 ) 1 ~ 1"; tu ,.... .~ }dJ -..477
的gu re 2.. 2. 、.'011吨 、切 ive relier m剧 and chikl rronl of. of a blg big snake. pr说刘bl y Zeu Ze U$5 的gure reller with wi山 m川缸Kl cbikl in In fronl Jl'啤.ke , pr说Jably Meilichl 1思 AAer After C. 810mel BIOmel (阳"盯 (嗣 n . 27 to 77 M eilichl O$. os:. 8e rlîn rlin (east); (1阳 1): 酬 p. 15. 10 chapter chap‘er 1) ppl.l. T1
gifts for chilclren childre n (864), 啊旧日 T11is fìt1 s5 ,, as Deubne r writes cheerful gîfts w此时 ,, into înto the cheerful sîde sign î.自由 n ce side of the popular popu lar festival festi val , but I think the signi自由" 四 was deeper. Cht honic deities lî.ke De me ter, the Nymphs , or M eilichi剧 ,, who 、吨s Meilichios was Chthonic d eities Ii also di s∞vered sanctua sanctuary .1阳 venerated ve n erated in the newly dis∞vered l")' of the Nymphs near \lIS had a special affection for children; children ; 由 ey were tute lute lary Jary the AcropoHs Acropolis,,2II!I they gods for th thee m. Vonve --offe ring scenes the refore m 飞'olive-offering s田nes Ihat that include childre chi ldre n therefore re chthonic gods were worshipped. ntion ofte n tum tUnl up whe where worshÎ J> ped. I shall me mention here; a voti ve relief of the early fourth 四川 Uury 四 C onl y one example here: votive 叮臼 in ßerli n , 皿d to be from B但otia B但otÎa (fig 四 27 Jt shows s h 趴,\'$ a big snake, Berl 川 阳 d 10 (fìg 四:n s川怡, 同ghtl rightlyy in to whom a man and a child chîld are praying ;ntl e rp 甲 re ted 晒 田 M eilichios , 10
OlX l.J'MPIEIA MPIEIA LuCÎan (Jcarom. that the I) Diasia We learn from Lucian (J ccu'om. 24) thal iasîa we re abancloned abandonecl in the se∞ seco nd 四 nlury beenn 国used caused by the n tu 叩 afte af.町r Christ. Chri s t. This may have bee completion ∞ m pletion of the nearby Olympie 01ympie ion ioll unde r the emperor eml泥 ror Hadrian temple, h3\'e over over. giant te lllple , Ze us Olympios, O lympios, seems to have The god of this gianl l apl黯d the chthonic cult of Ze us Meilichios in that region Olymlapped region.. Ze us 0lym(l IOSS 、va.s g阪"缸ld n,, whose 缸 festitival val,, the W副 the Homeric king of gods and me m凹 p lO Sch 明 bl (supra ($upra 1111 . 四1 20)) 1010; 1070: Wycherlcy Chlhonic gods chll 26. Schw14bl Wycherley 1I 回 -200. -200 口Ithonic go由 l)rotecU咽 1"刨出tingchil clren: 11肌Irl剖 el io\.l price 128 ancl 阴阳刚 p.'lS$im dr l' n: 11叫出".目。"阳~ 1 28 剧d C. 8liimel 81ümel., KatalQg Katl1l,啤 dør grl<
16 16
Atti国 Festivals of Attica
Olympie ia , the the sons 皿ns of petststmtos Peisistratos had Prut probably founded "组 ln I n MY any >ably founded Olympseta国se the Peisistrati出 pe tsBStmuds had mple 11 The 皿se had laklthe laid the foundatsonsof foundations of the te temple. ,c 01ympieia 响re Olympicia 叩e celebratcd celebra时 10叩t!s towards the eend nd of of 叩nng, spril唱, 。n19 00 19 Mots」 M Ol叫 ch酬 , :lnd and 昭Te were ded icated mOfC more to 10 spo阳 sports than 10 religious rel 晤 。 us 耐es rites.. 11 The chion. d时icated thnn to 剧 ,、 与ttractions attract川 seem 10 have rac 回e 囚 酣s 川 h e 川阳ppodrome H'吨甲 PI酬 时>0<1,如阳町@恻恻 m ro m m mam ha \l e been horse rac臼 in t阳 the anz andl other 01山hc町'1>珩 tMADmanees en' 巾~品ι"盯Tm、1311币 C回 e川n mvolvmg 川vol、v啊,ing horses horses. HUMan Ha抵叫dria且川n> ee 刷ndowed n、do、w配时1 the th畸e fesM,fe岛s剧tj m er 吨叫ll with 、呐, vît山h、 agonisttC ag'伊onis 比sti阮 B陀c gnmes games,, ,inn addsuon addition tommPIetmg to ∞ mplcting tlm the temple te叫, le dafter h tlmmtemst htos may sevenmEtunes 盹咄n 耻~t~ri~;:-s~ the 'interest m in the cult cu \t dof Ze Zc us MmlEC Mei,lichiOS I~.ay have facled , as l咄咄(ì,ded 回 chlhonic chthonic cults cult s in ge general neral faded in imperial im阳 rinl times timcs ,, the ligion heyclay heyday of 3sIml aslml re religion
THEOGAMIA l 'HEOGAMIA The ofZcus 10 be considered he re 协咄 was aa festi festival ra "、e lasl festival fcst ival ofZeus here v:tl of He Hera 29 "'附11. ir lEQÒç lEQÒ t; yá川ç. yáv.吨. the weddi ng. 1Ii 皿 well . because itil was the their the sacred 皿cn.od wedding. The em wM cult of H …It lIera 叩 OOt not stmngly strongly motedmAtttca roo时 川 Attì四 As m in Homencmtm Homeric poet 町l Clllt thegmMess the goddess 、vas als~ 'the great mistress of Argos Argos. T1wwe去dd川g The wedding mn cult was also the Feat of Ze us and ancl l'lera Hern 咄咄lebrated \V国 cel由加I towards 10晒ros 阳 the end end of the 11100th month Camelion. terary sources mellon , which which 、、咀 w田 named afte afterr this festival fe剑 iva1 . The n lC Iiliterary soul'CeS dise ubner are sparse and half ESSed lby cussed b)' o0凹Jbncr ha1 f of tlmwmklmg the .w~di ~g, Eene ~n~ was 、咀s cut olf 川 th~ ~I~~dar fri eze '(pl. We see only 08'川tI略目lendar frieze (pl. 3.3). 3. 3) 飞\'e onl)' the bride; the bride肝∞川崎 ..回m ìs 'BOt not preserved prese凹ed. Deubner De ubne r thinks thts this veBled \'eiled Egure fìg\l同 represents rmMal bnde it seems pOE胁. p瞄恤, however ís Hera Hern herself, :mortalbnde It mms h川ver., that she is k四u皿 becallse the there re are a町,, as 瞄 we we 'shall shall see ,, othe otherr 巾 dcities ities in the the frieze 阳e晤., for inÎnstall回 (pl z l ) lf ts Hera Hem , the stan四 Adenmt Artemiss (pl. 2.1). If the bnde bride is t~le. bndegroom bri~egr回 m must Hecuon of tius have hu\'c ken beell Zeus Ze us .-The Th e most beautiful re refl且liol1 Ihis festwalBS festivul ìs to be be found ntext, in ra in the east found in 川 another ∞ 刷、text, 川 the the group gro叩 of of Ze us and He Hc rn. fri eze of the Parthenon friez础。f Parthe non 川崎 国 e Ol ympiie ~ion 舱。e Judelch Judeich 382户 \o 540228. De l)e ubner ulmer 177; 177 , Parke I'arke 144. Forlh ForthcOIY'"ll 382- 84 84 ;, Trav T.,.叫0. 4咀11; nb IImJ 11 ; Wychcrley Wycherley 1出 1皿 - 66: 66; T. Leslie sl!e Shear Shear., Jr., -- rI'y)'Tl' nlllts and Ðulldlngs Uulldhlgi [n iu Arclllllc Ardualc Athen5 Athell':,~ P时 Ill posiu m I'ri ncet阳 u剧1 011 句 Synlposlu m 10 29. .hner 17τ 亨8; Parke 104. us and fri eze: Ðrommer .., D削 0也:ubller 177-78; 10-1. Ze Zcus 凰nd lI era elll in In the Parthenon I'arthe .仙"刷刷刷 I! rom l1l cr I' 1'F1-' p11l.1. 174 17'1
2 FESTIVALS OF DEMETER Cults of Gults of 口 Dee me m e ter t町 we wcre re widespread wides J> read ìn in C reece. reece , and man)' many of the them m were lcry cults. we re the Th es ll1 ophorin , lhe myste町 cu 1t s . 111C The oldest of thc the ll1 m were mophoria. the we re mys 1 mos t 曲 l e bra l ed of Creek fes festivals re田e., 1 The most mosl most celebrated ti、'a l s ,. found all over C reece \l ary of 口 Dcem mele W3.S at Eleusis s anctua叩 et e r 、.v3S Ele usis, where the Creat Great Mysimportant sanct teries pluce; thcse n origin and became an te rÎes took place; these were of ~'I M yce y四 n aea aean Athenian At henian st3te state festival in the s ixth 回 四川ury ntu ry 8.C. 8 .C 节、 Th e Myste Mysteries ries we re celebrated b)' 、咽 men , but bllt most of the othc othe r festivals of by both me n and 、.vomen. Demete De me te r were werc ex cxclusivel)' c1 usive ly for women; thus th 旧,, before discu目 d且scus s ing the fes. festi\'als tivals of Demeter De me ter in detail de tail , we 6rst fìrst must 耻 askk why wh y 曲 th四 os 臼 is so l1 le fe female wors l叩t沈阳。 off De me m etter er ∞ co rr曰 rres阳 po nd with the Roman The male worshippers matrons 田l e brated -a 1s l皿 o with secret secre t rites-the festival of Bona matrolls who celebrated-a D回 ! Com m伽岛atur回 mc 四 115 of ancient ar回ent Cre阳到, D国雹Co mmon fi回 tures În \l lts Gr回想e and 民。"、e Rom e 曲n 国n oflen often antiquit)飞 巾 '可 and this applies he here. re. A 1long 0ng be explained b)' by thelr thei r great anti nvincingly s howed 由 al 由e 币、esmo J>ho ria titime me ago Jane H arri曲"四 arri so n ∞川 incingl y showed that the Thes mophoria and other oth er 协咱ome ∞ uld be e :c: plained by b)' the customs of a womenn ¥ fes tivals could explained neolithic society s时i e ty in which 、.vo wom me n 国 cared red for the cropS.3 He r method of ìnterpreting in te rpre ting certai 回 归 in n ri riles tes in social te tcrm rmss is followed fol1o吼叫 in our time by many scholars. scholars, for in instance stan四 by 8l川,e ßurkert rt.. In criticizing criticizîng Harrison ,, FarFar in M Minoan i noan Crete C re te and in Mycenaean nell and Nilsson have argued that 川 C ,回回 reece plowing G J>lowing and a n dωwing sowing had already ulready become hecome male occupations occu pations. 啊1i s is tnle , but the rites riles of the Ihe festivals in question he re had hud their This origin not in the 8ronze 8ron ze Age but in much earlier pre prehistoric historic times limcs Thc)' we werc rootcd in the Neolithic Nc'o lHhic, when whe n grain-growing grain-growi ng and hog-raisThey re rooted ncw inventions ìn vc nl 阳、 s the Ihe nn., were done by b)' women women.. Th e refore women wOl1l e n., ing , new crops, and pigle ts t's remained re mllined ∞ nnected nn ec t ed in the Th esmophoric 川 rite. t e. As Dipolicia, the neolithic prnctice practice ofkilling ofkilli ng ani animals mals we have seen in the Dipolieia 1. J. Nilnon NIlslOl1, CF GF 31 3 口-25: 3- 26: Nlln伽1 NlwolI., CC GG R 46 1- 66 2. 2.. K K., La IAUe tte,, ßðm 院ðm/.M:1wl i#cha ß Rft, f! ligi 恬份fI'RUChicht~, OlU gf!Khlchl f!. Handbuch der der AJtertum!呐 A1 tertumsw如提 ssenschaft .ochaft 5.4: 2皿-3 1' S. 4. (Munich (Mu r'l胁。, 1960) . .刷缸"'-3 Pr由'gorrJefl4 10 10 Ih<< IIwl Slud S'lld!llJ 0/ Crt Grwlr &1;胁~ (Ca (Camb耐萨 M 3. J. E. lIIlarrbon. a时酬。 Prolf!g刷刷。 f! k &ligion"' mbridge and New I"evv lork. York , I回到盯2 1 922) 盯 2.: cf. d. Nils Níb酬 5Oll,, CF G F 323; 3目。 Famell Fame1l 4: 4 : 11帽 国 : Nils酬 Nil.ssoo., CCßφ回归rH CG R 465. For Ilar ar n蜡,', tOdOI句庐'" method mc山od see _ 8urkert 8urkert., ~Apellai ~Apellal~ 12. rison 5 阳时咂CaJ ~ 12