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(x) 0, a neighborhood of x{tp) := ip{x), X : <£> — i > /p, is a homeomorphism (being a continuous bijection from a compact on a Hausdorff space). Hence, K is a compact subset of 9Jl(A). Moreover, using the properties of q, (4.36) and Theorem 4.6, we derive that q{x) = \\xq\\q = rAq(xq) (6.27) 0 in A. Let B be the commutative unital C*-subalgebra of A[rr] generated by x, e. Then m(B) ^ 0 (Corollary 4.19) and x(Wl{B)) = spB{x) = spA(x) C (0, oo) (cf. e. From (5) x 6 GA and obviously x~l € A+. Applying now (1) with z = x~1'2 we get x~l < e. (7) From (5) we conclude that x,y £ GA- Arguing as in (6) we get e < 1 2 x~ l yx~1/2, which by (6) gives x1l2y~lxll2 < e. The required inequality 12 is now taken by applying (1) with z = x~ ' . Note that statement (5) of Corollary 10.18 is true for any unital involutive Arens-Michael algebra. Repeat the above proof, replacing B with the commutative maximal closed self-adjoint subalgebra of >l[Tr] containing {x, e} and apply Theorem 4.13. 10.19 Proposition. Let A[TA] and B[TB] be two locally C*-algebras and /j, : A[TVI] —+ B[TB] a *-morphism. Then, /J,(A+) — B+ f~l i-i(A). Proof. Clearly n{A+) C B+ n fi(A). Let x <E B+n fj,(A). Then, x G B+ with x = (J,(z), z G A. From the definition of the square root of a positive element in a locally C*-algebra (see proof of the Proposition 10.13) one has (x2)V2 = x, T hus, x 0, for all x in A. Hence, A[rr] is symmetric from Proposition 21.2(3). The equivalence of (2) and (3) is obvious from (21.5). When the involution of A[rp] in Proposition 21.6 is continuous we derive the following. 21.7 Corollary. Let A[TP] be a commutative advertibly complete m* -convex algebra. Then, the following statements are equivalent: (1) -A[TT] is symmetric. (2) Each normed *-algebra A\p]/Np, p G F, is symmetric. (3) Each Banach *-algebra Ap, p G F, is symmetric. (4) Each Banach *-algebra Ap, p 6 F, has symmetric involution. (5) SPA(X) — x(B(Ai)), for every x E A, where AI\T\] is the unitization of A[rr] and B(A\) the nonzero extreme points ofV(Ai) (see Definitions 12.7 and 12.18). Proof. The equivalence of (1)—(4) follows easily from Proposition 21.6 and Theorem 4.18. To complete the proof we moreover show the equivalence of (1) and (5). So let A[rr] be symmetric. The unitization Ai[ri] of A^/1] has all the properties of the latter algebra according to 3.(3), Proposition 6.10(1) and Proposition 21.2(5). Now, from Proposition 21.6, each continuous character of Ai[rj] is hermitian; hence, (cf. (4.32) and Theorem 14.10) m(Ai) = SDr(Ai) = B(Ai), therefore from (4.7) and (4.35) we conclude spA(x) = spAl(x) = x(m(Ai)) 0, for all x G A. Hence, (2) Suppose we moreover have TA\H{A) < °°- Then, using the same arguments as in the corresponding Banach algebra result (see, for 0, for every ,|2, A € A. Hence, (see the second equality in (27.5)) ZM(/) = l i m ^ ( ^ ) = limF{x*xxx) > 0. A q is a morphism of ^4[TA] in Bq, q G / g . For £ € C, define P\(0 (Xi)yi) I Vi=1 y) - spA(x)spB{y), for all {x, y) G A x B. T
gp : A[rr] —> A\p]/Np : x i—> gp(x) := xp = x + Np,
be the corresponding quotient map, which is clearly a continuous surjective morphism. The family F = {p} becomes upwards directed, equipped with the following partial order (2.3)
p < q i n F <& p(x) < q ( x ) ,
V i e A
In particular, one proves that (2.4)
p < q «> Uq(e) C Up(e), 0 < e < 1.
The implication
" is obvious from (2.3). For the direction "<=" we may
take e = 1, without any harm of the generality. Notice that (2.5)
x GA
q(x) < 1 implies
p(x) < 1.
Suppose there is x € A with p{x) > q(x). Then, we find A > 0 such that p(x) > A > q(x) and since p, q are absolutely homogeneous, one gets — ) > 1 > q ( —), which contradicts (2.5). Hence, p(x) < q(x), for every A/ VA/ x <E A .
Chapter I. Background material Now, for any p,q G F with p < q, one has Nq C Np so that the
connecting maps (2.6)
gpq : A[q]/Nq —> A\p]/Np : xq = x + Nq i—> a;p EE a; + i\Tp,
are well defined continuous surjective morphisms, such that gpq o gq = gp. Hence, gpq, p < q, are uniquely extended to continuous morphisms between the Banach algebras Aq, Ap; we retain the symbol gpq for the extensions too. The families (A[p]/Np, gpq), {Ap, gpq), p < q in F, form inverse systems of normed, respectively Banach, algebras. Their corresponding inverse limits denoted by lim A\p]/Np and lim Ap give an m-convex respectively an ArensMichael algebra to which our initial algebra A[rr] is related as follows (2.7)
A[rr] ^ lim A\p}/Np -» limAp, p e r, p
where "^->" means topological injective morphism. In the case when the initial algebra A[rf] is moreover complete, that is an Arens-Michael algebra, one has equalities in (2.7); namely, (2.8)
A\Tr\ = lim A\p]/Np = lim Ap, p € F,
up to topological isomorphisms (see, for instance, [272, Theorem 5.1], [262, p. 88, Theorem 3.1] and [191, p. 259, §2]). The expression of A[rr] in (2.8), as an inverse limit of Banach algebras, is called by A. Mallios Arens-Michael decomposition of
[262, p. 91]. For distinction, in the non-complete
case, we shall name the expression of the m-convex algebra A[r^] in (2.7) Arens-Michael analysis of
Before we proceed to examples we present a result of R.M. Brooks [84, Theorem 3.2] (also see [174, p. 64, (3.1.7)]), analogous to the Gel'fand theorem for Banach algebras, which asserts that the norm of a unital Banach algebra A may always be taken to preserve identity. 2.3 Theorem. Let A[rr] be a unital m-convex algebra. Then, there is a family F' = {p1} of m-seminorms
on A, defining the same topology as F
and such that p'(e) — 1, for every p' £ F'.
Arens—Michael algebras. Basic examples
Proof. Since p ^ 0, for every p £ F, it follows that p(e) ^ 0, for all p £ F. The function (2.9)
p'{x) := sup{p(xy) : p(y) = 1}, x £ A,
is a well denned seminorm on A with the properties (2.10)
p'{x) < p{x), V i e i
a n d p'(e) = 1.
In particular, (2.11)
p(xy) < p'(x)p(y),
V x, y £ A and p £ F.
Indeed, if y £ A with p(y) = 0, then p(xy) = 0 = p'(x)p(y),
for every
x £ A. If y £ A with p(y) ^ 0, then, p(-r-r) = 1, therefore from (2.9) PU/) p(xy) = p{y)p X—— < p(y)p'(x), V x £ A.
\ p(y)J Let F' = {p1}. For any p£ F, p' £ F1 one has from (2.10) and (2.11) that p'(x) < p{x) < p(e)p'(x), V x £ A. Hence F ~ F' (equivalently Tp ~ Tp> on A) with p'(e) — 1, for every p' £ F'. It remains to show that each p' is submultiplicative. Fix y in A with p(y) = 1 and let x,z be arbitrary in A. Then, from (2.11) P((xz)y)
Chapter I. Background material
2.4 Examples of Arens-Michael algebras. (1) The algebra C°°[0,1]. Denote by C°°[0,1] all C°°-functions on [0,1]. Endowed with pointwise defined algebraic operations, C°°[0,1] becomes a unital commutative algebra. Equip C°°[0,1] with Cx'-topology, that is the topology of uniform convergence in all derivatives. This topology is described by the next equivalent families of m-seminorms (see, for instance, [406, p. 81, 10.6], [191, p. 130] and [174, p. 65, (3.1.9), 1)]), denned for a given / G C°°[0,1] as follows n-l
pn(f) := ] T — sup{|/( fe )(i)| : * G [0, l]},n G N, fe=o
(2.13) (2.14)
p'n(f) M)
n :
2 - s u p { | / W ( i ) | : t e [0,1],0 < k < n1
l } , n e N,
:= 2"- sup{2 |/( )(i)| : t G [0, l],0 < k < n - l } , n e N,
where f^ means ^-derivative of / and /(°) = / . Using the Leibnitz formula for the fc-derivative of a product of elements from C°°[0,1], one proves that the functions in (2.12)-(2.14) are m-seminorms; thus C°°[0,1] becomes a (Hausdorff) Frechet algebra (or equivalently a metrizable Arens-Michael algebra). We prove that the semimorms (2.12) are submultiplicative. Let /,<7eC°°[0,l]- Then,
(/5) (fc) W = E ( 5 ) / w ( % ( ^ } W , * e [ 0 , i ] , fc = o , i , 2 , . . . . If ak = sup{|/( fc )(t)| : t £ [0,1]} and bk = s\i^{\g^k\t)\
: t e [0,1]}, we have
Pn(/5) = E ^M\{fg){k){t)\: fc=o n-l ^
^ , x
a 6
t e [o,i]} n - l
^ E fci E (J ^ *-' = E E n-l
£l(fc _^i
^ E E kMakbm - Pn^pn^9^v
nG N
It is clear that each pn, n G N, is a norm. Using the notation i"^ = {p n } n eN and Too for the corresponding topology T / ^ , we can see that the completions
algebras. Basic examples
of the normed algebras C°°[0, l][pn] corresponding to the Arens-Michael decomposition of C°°[0, 1][TOO], are exactly the Banach algebras C^[0,1] of all A;-times continuously differentiate functions on [0,1] with k > 0. Thus, e°°[0, 1][TOO] = limC<*)[0,1], k > 0,
with respect to a topological isomorphism. (2) The algebra C°°(Mn). We consider now the case of C°°-functions on Kn denoted by C°°(Mn). For the more general case of the algebra C°°(X) of C°°-functions on a finite dimensional 2nd countable C°°-manifold X , the reader is referred to [262, p. 129,4.(2)]. With algebraic operations defined pointwise and the topology of uniform convergence in all derivatives, C°°(3Rn) becomes a Frechet algebra. We shall briefly describe the ArensMichael decomposition of C°°(Rn). To take a defining family of seminorms for C°°(Mn) we need some further ingredients, which we first recall. Since 1 " is a a-compact space (cf. [130, p. 240] and [230, p. 172]), there is a countable family {Km}, m G N U 0, of compacts, which exhaust R n . Thus M.n — Um>o Km
d for each K C Rn compact, there is Km such
that K C Km. Furthermore, let p = {pi,
be a multi-index; that
is an ordered n-tuple of nonnegative integers pi, i — 1 , . . . , n with length I P I : = YH=iPi-
L e tx
G R n and dj = — , j = l , . . . , n be
= (xi,...,xn)
the symbol of the j-partial derivative. We set Q\P\
d if\p\
= O,dpf
= f,fe
multi-index q = (q\,..., (2.16)
Now for a n y f,g e C ° ° ( E n ) a n d a second
qn), we have (Leibnitz formula)
dp(fg)(x) = Y^(P)dpf(x)d*'-ig(x),
x e Rn,
where q < p means q{ < pt, for every i = 1 , . . . , n and (£) = (^) (^) . For any m G N U 0 and p = (pi,... ,pn), we define (2.17)
f G C°°(K").
Chapter I. Background material
Each Pm, m <E N U 0, is a seminorm on C°°(Kn). For simplicity's sake we employ the same symbol J^o as in Example 2.4(1) to denote the family of seminorms {Pm}, m G N U 0. Let Trx be the corresponding topology on C°°(Rn). Then, C°°(R n )[T r J is a Hausdorff Frechet locally convex space [232, p. 73, Theoreme 26]. Using (2.16) one also obtains that (2.18)
Pm(fg) < aPm(f)Pm(g),
V f,g e C°°(Rn),
where a is a positive constant depending on m; thus C°° (M.n)[Trooj becomes a Frechet locally convex algebra with jointly continuous multiplication. On the other hand, see [335, p. 53, 5.4] (2.19)
C°°(R n )[TrJ = lim(C°°(Rn)[Pm}/Nmr,
m e N U 0,
up to a topological isomorphism (of locally convex spaces), where Nm = ker(P m ), m e N U O , and (C°°(R")[Pm]/Nm)~ the completion of the normed space C°°(Rn)[Pm]/iVm, under the norm || || m induced by Pm (see (1.6)). Now, let C(m>(Km), m g N U O , denote all functions on the compact subset Km of R n , which are continuously m-differentiable on the (non-empty) interior Km of Km.
That is, an element / €E C^m'(Km) is a function / :
Km —> C such that dpf exists on Km and is continuous for every multiindex p (as above) with | p | < m. Under algebraic operations defined pointwise, C^m'(Km) is a unital commutative algebra. Moreover, C^m'(Km) is a Banach space endowed with the norm (see [232, p. 73, 3]), (2.20)
| | / | | ( m ) := sW{\dPf(x)\
/ €
that moreover fulfils the inequality (cf. (2.18)) (2.21)
||/<7||(m) < a||/|| (m) || fl || (ro) , V f,g G
a being a positive constant depending on m. Thus, C^m\Km) is an algebra whose the underlying vector space is a Banach space and ring multiplication is jointly continuous. Hence (Gel'fand theorem [239, p. 23, Theorem 1.3.1]), there is an m-norm || ||^ on C^m'(Km) equivalent to || ||(m) such that
algebras. Basic examples
\\'m}, m > 0, is a Banach algebra. Recall that | | / + iVm||m :=
Pm{f), f € C°°(Rn), m > 0. Then, obviously the map C^(Rn)[Pm}/Nm
- ^ C^\Km)\\\
||(ro)] : / + iVm K-> / | X m )
is an isometry with dense image, for every m e N U O . The last property follows from the Weierstrass theorem [232, p. 80, Theoreme de Weierstrass]. More precisely, we have (2.22)
= ^m\Km){\\
||(m)], m e N U O
(where "~" means completion), therefore (2.19) takes the form (2.23)
= limC<m>(irro)[|| | | ( m ) ] , m e N U O ,
with respect to a topological isomorphism (of locally convex spaces). As we noticed before C^m\Km)
is renormed by ||
\\'m, in such a way that
C(m)(i^TO)[|| . ||^j becomes a Banach algebra. Define (2.24)
P>m{f) := \\f\Km \\'m, f e C°°(Rn),
m e N U 0.
Then, T^ = {P^}, m G N U 0, is a family of m-seminorms on C°°(lRn), equivalent to the original one 7 ^ = {Pm}, m £ N U 0, (see (2.17) and (2.20)). In this way (also see (2.19) and (2.23)), C°°(Rn) viewed retopologized (that is, as Coo(Mn)[rr^j]) turns into a Hausdorff Frichet algebra, whose the Arens-Michael decomposition consists of the Banach algebras C^\Km){\\
.||(m)], meNUO.
Remark. If in place of Mn we take an open subset U of R n , we can find again a sequence of compacts Sm, m € N U 0, exhausting U and such that every other compact subset of U to sit inside a member of this sequence. Thus, C°°(U) becomes as in the case of C°°(Rn) a Prechet algebra, whose an Arens-Michael decomposition is given by the Banach algebras
m e N U O (see (2.23) and the comments following it); for more details, see, for example, [232, p. 73], [330, p. 32, 1.46] and [371, p. 87]. (3) The algebra 2)(R"). Let X be a topological space, E a (topological) vector space and / a map from X in E. We call support of / (and
Chapter I. Background material
denote by supp (/)) the smallest closed subset of X in the complement of which / vanishes; namely, (2.25)
where "—" means (topological) closure. Let now (2.26)
2)(Mn) : = {/ <E C°°(Rn) : supp (/) is compact}
Clearly, 1 ^ 2)(K n ), where 1 stands for the constant function 1. Endowed with pointwise defined algebraic operations, £>(]Rn) becomes a nonunital commutative algebra. Moreover, the sequence of the compacts Km := {x e Rn : | x | < m + 1}, m e N U O , with | | the standard norm on R n , cover R n . Set (2.27)
:= {f € C°°(Rn) : supp(f) C Km}, m € N U 0.
Equipped with pointwise defined algebraic operations and the relative topology, say r™, from C°°(IRn)[rr^] (see discussion after (2.24)) lDKm(Wl) becomes a Frechet algebra (for the completeness of 25icm(Kn)[r™] cf. [344, p. 64]). Since Kn is a-compact, the algebras (2.27) form, in particular, an increasing sequence of ideals in S)(Mn), such that 2)(Kn) = |j3)/f m (R n ), m > 0.
Consider the natural injections, (2.29)
—> S)(R"), m G N U 0.
The usual topology on 2)(R n ) called "inductive limit topology" and denoted by rj), is defined to be the finest locally convex topology making the injections (2.29) continuous. In other words, a subset V of 23(Kn) is a TX>neighborhood of 0, if VnDKm(M.n) is a -^-neighborhood of 0 in ®Km(Rn), for each m € N U 0. On the other hand, if r® is the relative topology on 2)(Kn) induced by the standard topology r roo of C°°(Mn) (cf. Example 2.4(2)), we readily have that (2.30)
T £ -< r 3 .
algebras. Basic examples
Later on we shall discuss some specific interesting properties of the preceding topologies 735, r ^ (see, for instance, Example 6.12(2) and Proposition 28.7). Now, note that S)(Kn)[r2)] is acomplete Hausdorff locally convex space (see, e.g., [198, p. 164, Corollary and p. 165, Example 6] and/or [232, p. 74, 2]). The topology T£> is described by a family of seminorms given in the following way: Take a sequence a = (km), m G N U 0, of nonnegative integers and define oo
k p Pa(f) : = J2 ™ snp{\d f(x)\
: x € Km+1 \Km,\p\<
f G 2)(M"), where KQ is defined to be the empty set and the series on the right of the preceding equality contains, of course, only a finite number of nonzero terms (cf. [232, p. 74, (2.5)] and/or [198, p. 170, Example 7]). Moreover, r© makes S(R n ) into an Arens-Michael algebra. Indeed, £>(Mn)[T®] as well as 2>Km(Rri)[rS] are m-convex algebras and r™ is the relative topology on 1)Km(Rn) induced by T®. In addition, S>Km(Rn) are ideals in S(K n ) satisfying (2.28). Hence from Proposition 3.3 in [262, p. 124], rj> coincides with the final m-convex topology on 2)(Mn) induced by 2 ) Km( Rn )['C]. m e N U O , through the natural injections j m , m 6 NUO (see (2.29)). Thus, under the topology TJ>, also known as Schwartz topology, the algebra £>(R")[T£>] is a non-unital commutative Arens-Michael algebra, called algebra of test functions and/or algebra of the compactly supported C°°-functions on Rn. Note that 2)(Kn)[T®] is dense in C°°{M.n)[Troo], therefore it is not complete [232, p. 77, Theoreme 30]; but S)(Rn)[r®] attains a weaker concept of completeness, the so-called advertible completeness (Warner), which in several cases makes a topological algebra to behave as being complete; see Section 6 and, in particular, Example 6.12(2). For the construction of a function in £>(Rn), see [198, p. 166] and/or [232, p. 78, Lemma 2]. For the general case of the algebra 1)(X), with X a finite dimensional 2nd countable C^-manifold, see [262, p. 133] and Proposition 28.7. (4) T h e algebra 5(M n ). Let p = (pi, n) be a multi-index with n length [ p \— X^iLiPi (i this regard, also see Example 2.4(2)). Let / £
Chapter I. Background material
C°°(R™). We say that / is rapidly decreasing (at infinity), if (2.32)
:= sup{(l+ | x \)k\dpf{x)\
: x G R n , | p |< m} < oo,
m, A; = 0,1, 2 , . . . , where | | is the usual norm on R"; cf. for instance, [198, p. 91], [232, p. 75, 3)], [330, p. 168], [371, p. 92]. Define (2.33)
5(R") := {/ G C°°(Rn) : / is rapidly decreasing}
and consider on it pointwise defined algebraic operations. Let Fs = {pm,k}, m,k G NUO. Each pm^ G fg is a seminorm and Fs is clearly countable; thus if TS = rps is the locally convex topology induced by Fs, one has that 5(R n )[rs] is a (Hausdorff) Frechet locally convex space (cf.
[371, p. 92,
Example IV], and/or [379, p. 404, (1)]). If q = (qi,... ,qn) is a second multi-index with [ q \ < 2fc, k > 0, the topology TS is equivalently defined by the following (countable) family of seminorms (2.34)
:= SvLP{\x"dPf(x)\
m > 0, where xq := xfxf...xln,
: x G R " , | p \ < m}, / G x = {xi,...,xn)
G M n . From (2.32)
and/or (2.34) it follows that each / G S(Rn) is a bounded function on Rn. Furthermore, using Leibnitz formula (cf. (2.16)), we conclude that (2.35)
PmMfd) < apm,k(f)Pm,k(9), V / , g e S{Rn)
and m.feeNU 0,
where a is a positive constant depending on m, k. It follows from (2.35) that the ring multiplication in S"(Mn) is jointly continuous, and particularly that 5(Mn) verifies Michael's theorem [272, p. 18, Proposition 4.3] (also see [262, p. 31, 5 (1) and p. 37, Corollary 5.12]); thus, TS can equivalently be described by a fundamental 0-neighborhood system consisting of mbarrels. Hence, S(IRn) turns to be an m-convex algebra. More precisely, the algebra 5(K") of all rapidly decreasing C°°-functions on W1, is a non~unital commutative Hausdorff Frechet algebra. Compared to the algebras C°°(IRn) and 2)(E n ) (see Examples 2.4(2) and 2.4(3)), 5(E") always sits between them; that is, if 2)(R n ), 5(Mn) carry respectively the relative topologies T ^ , T^ from C00(Mn)[Tr00], one has that (2.36)
S)(Kn)[rS] ^ S(Rn)[r^} <-+ C°°(R")[r roo ],
2. Arens-Michael
algebras. Basic examples
up to topological injective morphisms. Since £)(IRn) is dense in C0O(En)[Troo] the same also is true for 5(R n ) [232, p. 77]. Hence, 5(Mn)[T^,] is an incomplete (but advertibly complete; check the last property as in the case of S)(]Rn) in Example 6.12(2)) metrizable m-convex algebra, where according to (2.17) and (2.32) one gets (2.37)
r £ -< TS.
(5) The algebra O(C). Denote by O(C) all analytic functions defined on the entire complex plane C. Endowed with pointwise defined algebraic operations, O(C) becomes a unital commutative algebra. Let D n stand for the closed complex n-disc; namely, (2.38)
B>n := {z G C : | z \ < n}, n G N; also let
qn{f) := sup{|/(z)| : z G D n }, n G N, / G O(C).
Each qn, n G N, is an m-seminorm and due to [331, p. 225, Theorem 10.18] is also a norm. Let F = {qn}n£N and TQ the corresponding topology induced on O(C) by F. Then, O(C)[TO] is a metrizable m-convex algebra. Let now (/ m ) m6 N be a sequence in O(C) such that fm —> / , with / : C —> TO
C continuous. Then, (/ m ) mS N converges uniformly on the compact subsets of C, since C = [J Hn and for each compact subset K of C there is n G N such that K C D n . Hence, / G O{C) from [331, p. 230, Theorem 10.28] and so O(C) becomes a Frechet algebra. Consider now the n-disc algebra (2.40) A{Bn) := {/ : D n —> C continuous, such that f\^
is analytic},
where D n = {z G C : | z \ < n) (interior of D n ), n G N. A(J3>n) is a Banach algebra under the uniform norm || ||nitx>; namely, (2.41)
||/|U,oo := sup{|/(z)| : z G »„}, n G N, / G A(Bn).
Then, obviously the map (see (2.39) and (2.41)) (2.42)
O(C)[qn] -^
A(Bn) : / —> / | D n , n G N,
Chapter I. Background material
is an isometry and since each / G A(pn) is of the form oo
f(z) = J2 <*n*n, an G C, z G B n , n=0
the normed algebra O(C)[qn} is dense in A(Dn), n G N. Thus, i/ie >lrensMichael decomposition of O(C)[Tr] consists of the n-disc algebras >t(Dn), n G N; that is one has (2.44)
= linM(D n )[|| ||oo], n G N,
up to a topological isomorphism. (6) The algebra C N . We have seen in Example 1.4(1) that the commutative unital algebra C of all complex sequences is endowed with a countable family F = {pn}neN of m-seminorms, where pn is defined as in (1.8). F is equivalent to the family of the m-seminorms F' = {p'n}neN with p'n{x) := \xn\, x = (xn)n^, so that rp ~ TT'. Clearly Tp> defines the N product topology on C , under which CN is complete [235, p. 37, 7]. Thus, C^frj1] becomes a Hausdorff Frechet algebra. Now, if Nn = ker(p n ), pn G F, it is easily seen that the map
is a well defined surjective isometry. Hence, the Arens-Michael decomposition of CN consists of the Banach algebras Cn and (2.45)
C N [r r ] = limC", i / £ N ,
up to a topological isomorphism.
Topological *—algebras The conjugate of a given complex number A, is denoted by A.
3.1 Definition. Let A be an algebra. An involution on A is a map * : A —> A : x \—> x*, with the following properties: (1) (x + y)* = x* + y*, V x, y G A,
Topological *-algebras
(2) (Ax)* = Ax*, V A e C ,
27 x£A,
(3) (xy)* = y*x*, V x,y E A, (4) (a:*)* = z, V i e A . An algebra A equipped with an involution is called an involutive algebra, or an algebra with involution. If E is a vector space, a map * : £ ' — > £ ' : I H I * ,
with the properties (1), (2) and (4) is called a linear involution.
It is clear that a linear involution, respectively an involution, is always a bijection (because of (4)), which in the first case is anti-linear (because of (1) and (2)) and in the second case an anti-morphism (because of (l)-(3)). A subalgebra B of an involutive algebra A is called a self-adjoint subalgebra, whenever it is invariant under *; that is, x* E B, for every x G B. 3.2 Examples of involutive algebras. (1) The algebra C(X), X locally compact, of all continuous functions on X, becomes an involutive algebra under the involution defined by the complex conjugate. That is, (3.1)
* : C{X) — > C{X)
* w i t h f * { x ) := f ( x ) ,
V i e l
For X = N we have the particular case of the algebra C N (see Examples 1.4(1), 2.4(6) and (3.24)). Thus, one has x* = (5^) n 6 N , V x = ( z n ) n e N G C N .
(2) The function algebras C°°[0,1], C°°(R"), £>(Rn), S(Rn) (see Examples 2.4(l)-(4)) become all involutive by defining involution as in (3.1). (3) The algebras CW{H), CS{H) of the Examples 1.8(2), 1.8(3) become involutive under the involution defined by the adjoint of an operator, given as follows
* : C(H) —> C{H) : T — » f with < T*(£), JJ >=< f, Tfa) >,
for all £, r? e H. (4) The n-disc algebra A{Jbn) (CI- (2-40)) becomes involutive under the involution
* : A(Bn) -^
A(Bn) : / — > / * : f*(z) := f(z), V z e D n ,
Chapter I. Background material
n G N. That / * G A(B>n) follows from (2.43). In the same way, one defines an involution on the algebra O{C) (see Example 2.4(5)). Indeed, because of (2.44) each / G O(C) is of the form (ZbJneN with f\Dn E A(Bn) such that Qnm{f\nm) — / | o n , V n < m in N, where gnm, n < m, are the connecting morphisms between the Banach algebras of the inverse system (ACDn))neN (cf. (2.6) and the comments after it). Thus, one may define (3.5)
* : O(C) - ^ O(C) : / ^
/ * := ((/| D J*)
and check easily that * is compatible with the inverse system; that is Qnm((f\BmT) = ( / | D J * , Vn<m,
therefore / * G O(C).
3.3 Definition. Let A be an involutive algebra. An element x E A is called self-adjoint respectively normal, if a;* = a; respectively £*£ = xa;*. If moreover A is unital an element x G A is called unitary, if x*a; = e = ra*. We fix the following notation for a given involutive algebra A. (3.6)
H(A) = {x G A : x* = x},
will stand for the self-adjoint elements of A. Clearly 0 G H(A) and, when A is unital, e G H{A) too. H(A) is a real vector space and (3.7)
A = H{A)®iH(A),
where "©" means direct sum. Indeed, for each x G A there are unique elements xi,X2 S H(A) such that (3.8)
x = x\ + 1x2 with x\ = — - — and X2 = ———
The normal elements of A will be denoted by (3.9)
N(A) = {x G A : x*x = xx*},
where clearly H(A) C N(A) and N(A) = A when A is commutative. Furthermore, if A is unital we shall use the symbol (3.10)
U(A) = {xeA:x*x
= e = xx*},
Topological *-algebras
to declare the unitary elements of A, where readily U(A) C N(A).
the other hand, every x G U(A) is invertible with inverse x~l = x* and x~l
e U(A) with (ar 1 )* = x= (a;*)"1.
3.4 Definition. Let A be an involutive algebra. A seminorm (respectively m-seminorm) p on A is called *-seminorm , or *-preserving seminorm (respectively m*-seminorm , or ^-preserving m-seminorm) if (3.11)
p{x*) =p{x),
V i e i
The terms *-norm and m*~norm are similarly denned.
An involutive
algebra ^4 endowed with an m*-norm, respectively an m.*-seminorm, is called a normed *-algebra respectively m*-seminormed algebra. A complete normed *-algebra is said Banach *-algebra. In general, the term topological *-algebra refers to a topological algebra A[r] equipped with a continuous involution (this is, for instance, the case whenever (3.11) is true); in the opposite case we use the term involutive topological algebra. In the case of an involutive topological algebra A[T], we shall use the (algebraic) term self-adjoint subalgebra, in the sense of the discussion after Definition 3.1. But, when involution is continuous, that is A[T] is a topological *-algebra, then accordingly the term "self-adjoint subalgebra" will be replaced by the term *~subalgebra. A continuous involution on a topological algebra is readily a homeomorphism or more precisely a topological anti-isomorphism. Because of (3.11) a Banach *-algebra often is called a Banach algebra with isometric involution. Conditions under which an involution defined on a topological algebra is continuous, are given in Chapter III, Section 16. There are various sources of getting examples of normed topological *-algebras (see, for instance, [191, Chapter III]). One of them comes from function algebras, from where we mention: The Banach algebra C(X) of continuous functions on a compact space X; the Banach algebra Cb(X) of continuous bounded functions on a locally compact space X and its closed subalgebra CQ(X) of continuous functions on X vanishing at infinity; all of them are endowed with the uniform norm denoted by || ||oo and the (isometric) involution denned by the complex conjugate (cf., e.g., (3.1)).
Chapter I. Background material
A second source is that of operator algebras, with leading one, the Banach *-algebra C(H) of bounded linear operators on a Hilbert space H, equipped with the operator norm and the (isometric) involution induced by the adjoint T* of an operator T G C(H) (see (3.2)). Calkin and Fermion algebras are also of a particular importance in this category; see [127, p. 127], [279, pp. 30 and 123], respectively [191, p. 147] and [225, p. 759]. A third source is that of group algebras. From this category we particularly use the group algebra LX{G) of a locally compact group G. If dx denotes a left Haar measure on G, i 1 (G) consists of equivalence classes of Borel measurable functions f on G such that JG \f(x)\dx exists, define on L1 (G) vector space operations pointwise, multiplication by convolution, that is
( / * g)(x) := [ f(y)g(y-1x)dy}
f , g e LX(G),
x e G
and norm by
H/ll := f \f(x)\dx,
In this way, L1 (G) becomes a Banach algebra. Further, it becomes a Banach *-algebra with respect to the (isometric) involution given by
f*(x) := Aix-^Jix^),
f € L\G), X e G,
where A is the modular function of G. I/1(G) is commutative if and only if G is commutative (equivalently abelian) and it has a left (or right) identity if and only if G is discrete (cf., for instance, [126, p. 81, Section 13]). In the general case of a locally compact group G, Ll(G) has a bounded approximate identity (abbreviated to bai), bounded by 1 (ibid., p. 85, Theorem (13.4)). Particular classes of topological *-algebras, to which a considerable attention is given in this book, are the locally convex *-algebras and m*convex algebras. 3.5 Definition. A locally convex *-algebra respectively m*-convex algebra is a topological algebra whose topology is denned by a (saturated)
Topological ^-algebras
family of (nonzero) *-seminorms respectively m*-seminorms. A complete m*-convex algebra is called Arens-Michael *-algebra. A Frechet locally convex, respectively metrizable Arens-Michael, *-algebra is said Frechet locally convex, respectively Frechet, *-algebra. When no continuity of the involution is involved, we use (according to Definition 3.4) the terms involutive locally convex, involutive m-convex, involutive Arens-Michael algebra. Similarly, for Frechet. Examples of non-normed topological algebras with continuous or not involution are given in Subsection 3.(2). 3.(1) Basic properties Let A be an involutive algebra and U C A. Set (3.15)
U* := {x* : x G U}.
U is called a *-set if U* = U. In this regard, an ideal / of A for which /* = / , is said *-ideal. 3.6 Definition. A map <j> : A —> B between two involutive algebras A, B is called -^-preserving, when
(x + I)* :=x*+I, V
Then, the natural quotient map g : A —> A/I with g(x) :— x + I, x e A, becomes a *-morphism and g(H(A)) = H(A/I); (3.17)
V x +1 e H(A/I)
3 zeH(A)
namely, with x + I = z + I.
Chapter I. Background material
Indeed, given x + I G H(A/I)
there is y G A with g(y) = x + I. Then, the y -\- y* required z G H(A) is served by . Let now A[rr] be an m*-convex algebra. Since, each p G F is an m*seminorm, the ideal Np (see Example 1.2(2)) is a *—ideal, for every p G F. Thus, for every p G F, the correspondence (3.18)
—> A\p]/Np :xv = x + Np^^x*p
= x* +NP,
is a well defined isometric involution on A\p\jNp. In this way A[p]/Np becomes a normed *-algebra and its completion Ap a Banach *-algebra. At the same time, the quotient maps gp, p G F, as well as the connecting maps gpq, p < q in F (see (2.2) and (2.6)), turn to be continuous *-morphisms. Thus, the families (A\p]/Np, gpq), (Ap, gpq) with p < q in F, form inverse systems of normed, respectively Banach, *-algebras such that (cf. (2.7)) (3.19)
A[rr] ^-> \im A\p]/Np ^> \imAp,
p G F,
up to topological injective *-morphisms. In the case when A[rr] is moreover complete, that is an Arens-Michael *-algebra, then (see (2.8)) (3.20)
A[Tr} = \im A\p]/Np = \imAp,
p G F,
with respect to topological *-isomorphisms. The topology of a locally convex algebra A[rr] with continuous involution can equivalently be defined by a family of *-seminorms. More precisely one has the following. 3.7 Theorem (Brooks). Let A[rr] be an involutive locally convex algebra. The following statements are equivalent: (1) The involution of A[rp] is continuous. (2) The topology Tp is defined by a family F' = {p1} of *-seminorms. Proof. The implication (2) => (1) is evident. We prove (1) =^ (2). For each p G F define the function (3.21)
p'(x) := ma,x{p(x),p(x*)},
x G A.
Topological *-algebras
It is easily checked that each p' is a *-seminorm on A. If F' = {p1}, using the statement (1) and (3.21) it follows that rp ~ rpi. Furthermore, it is an easy observation that F' is saturated, provided that F has the same property. 3.8 Remarks. (1) If A[rr] in Theorem 3.7 is an involutive m-convex algebra, each p' G F' (see (3.21)) is clearly an m*~seminorm. (2) Let A[rp] be as in Theorem 3.7. Consider the e-semiballs Up(e), Upi(e), e > 0, corresponding to p G F, respectively p' G F1. Then,
Up,(e) = Up(e)nU;(e)
and Up, (e) = Up (e),
so that when the involution of A is continuous, the topology rp can be denned equivalently by a fundamental 0-neighborhood system consisting of ^-barrels (that is barrels, which are *-sets; cf. discussion after (3.15)). In this language, the two equivalent statements (1) and (2) of Theorem 3.7, can be reformulated as follows [84, Theorem 3.1]: (1') The involution of A[rp] is continuous. (2') The topology of A[rp] is defined by a fundamental ^-neighborhood system consisting of * -barrels. If A[rp] is an involutive m-convex algebra, then ^-barrels are replaced by m*-barrels (namely, m-barrels that are *-sets). Every complete locally convex algebra is embedded as a closed ideal in a locally convex *-algebra, in the way Proposition 3.9 describes. 3.9 Proposition. Every locally convex algebra A[TA] is topologically embedded, through a topological injective morphism, in a locally convex *-algebra B[TB\- A[TA] becomes an ideal in B[TB], which is closed whenever A[TA] is complete. If A[TA] has an identity, so does B[TB). Proof. Take B := A[TA] X ^[TVI] and define algebraic operations on B in the following way {x, y) + {z, w) := (x + z, y + w), \(x, y) := (Ax, Ay) (x,y)(z,w) := (xz,wy),
Chapter I. Background material
for any (x,y), {z,w) G B and A G C B becomes an involutive algebra under the involution: (x,y)* :— (y,x), (x,y) G B. The functions q(x,y) := max{p(cc),p(y)}, V (x,y) G B and p G F, are *-seminorms and define a (Hausdorff) locally convex topology 773 on £?. Thus, B[rj3] is a locally convex *-algebra and the correspondence A[TA] —> B[TB] x 1—> (x,0) is a topological injective morphism. If A[TA] is unital, the pair (e,e) is an identity for B[TB]3.(2) Examples of topological algebras with continuous or noncontinuous involution Several of the examples of locally convex and/or Arens-Michael algebras we have already met are topological algebras with continuous or not continuous involution. We refer briefly to a number of them and we elaborate some new ones. Among them is the field algebra and the algebra C(H), of bounded linear operators on a Hilbert space, endowed with some of the known locally convex topologies it accepts, that we shall use in later Chapters. 3.10 Examples. (1) The algebras C°°[0,l], C°°(Rn), £>(R"), S{Rn), O(C) endowed with the involutions described in Examples 3.2(1), 3.2(2) and 3.2(4) are all Arens-Michael *-algebras. (2) The Arens algebra LM[Q, 1] (see (i) before Definition 2.2) endowed with the involution defined by the complex conjugate is a Frechet locally convex *-algebra (also see [338, p. 56, Example 2.5.5]). (3) The algebras £W(H), Caw(H), H a Hilbert space (see Examples 1.8(2) and 1-8(4)) are locally convex *~algebras, while LS(H), H a Hilbert space (Example 1.8(3)) is an involutive locally convex algebra. It is easily seen that the involution (3.3) is continuous in the case of CW(H) and Caw(H), but this is not true for LS(H). To see the latter, take the bounded linear operators T n , n G N, defined in Example 1-8(2) on a separable Hilbert space H (also see [283, p. 450]). If (ek)ken is an orthonormal basis in H,
Topological *-algebras
an element £ € H is uniquely written in the form oo
with ^ | a f e | 2 < o o .
£ = ^2akek, ak=<£,ek> fc=i fc=i
Thus (cf. (1.24) and definition of T n before (1.20)), 2 2
p€(Tn) = ||rn(OH = ^akS (ek)
fc=l fc=n+l oo
- £ i^i = EK! -ENi 2 n -^ o fc=n+l
But, dealing with T^ (for its definition see Example 1.8(2)), we have 2
p 5 (7;*) = i|T n *(0l! = E * * + «
= ll£U 2 >o,
^ ° -
(4) The Arens—Michael *-algebra CC(X). Let X be a completely regular fc-space; a topological space X is called k-space if a subset B of X is closed (respectively open) whenever Bf)K is closed (respectively open), for every compact subset K of X [230, p. 230]. Consider the involutive algebra C(X) of the Example 3.2(2). Let K, denote the family of all compact subsets of X. For each K G K. define the function \\f\\K := sup \f(x)\ =
/ G C(X),
which is clearly an m,*-seminorm. The Hausdorff topology induced by the m*-seminorms || \\K, K G /C, is denoted by "c" and called topology of compact convergence; under "c", C(X) becomes an m*-convex algebra denoted by CC(X). Since X is a fc-space, CC(X) is also complete [230, p. 31], hence an Arens-Michael *-algebra. In particular, (3.23)
CC(X) = limC(K)[\\ [U], K £ K,
with respect to a topological *-isomorphism. Indeed, if ./Vjf = ker(|| K e /C, the map (3.24)
C(X)[|| [k]/iV K —> C(/f), :f +
Chapter I. Background material
is a well defined surjective *-morphism. Surjectivity follows from Urysohn's extension theorem for completely regular spaces and compact subsets [172, p. 43, (c)]. Moreover, (3.24) is an isometry, therefore the normed *-algebra £(^0[|]' \\K]/NK is, in fact, a Banach *-algebra. Thus, taking into account (3.20), we get (3.23). For extra information on the algebras CC(X) and C(X)[\\ \\K]/NK, K € /C, see Example 7.6(3) and Subsection 10.(2). Note that if X is just a completely regular space, then CC(X) is only an m*convex algebra imbedded in lixaC(K), K 6 K., with respect to a topological injective *-morphism (see (3.19)). Remark, (i) If X = N, the Arens-Michael *-algebra CC(N) is the Frechet *-algebra C N of all complex sequences (see Examples 2.4(6) and 3.2(1)); namely, one has the equality (3.25)
CN = CC(N),
up to a topological *-isomorphism, when CN carries the cartesian product topology (ibid.). In this case, compare the Arens-Michael decompositions of the two members of (3.25) according to (2.45) and the corresponding one of (3.23). (ii) A topological space X is called hemicompact , if there is a countable increasing family Kn, n £ N, of compact subsets of X, such that X = (J Kn, n € N, and each compact subset K of X sits inside of a Kn, n G N. The real numbers R and the complex numbers C are clearly hemicompact spaces. In particular, every locally compact a-compact space is hemicompact (see, for example, [130, p. 241]), therefore the same is also true for every 2nd countable locally compact space [130, p. 238, 6.3]. If X is a completely regular space, then the m*-convex algebra CC(X) is Frechet if and only if X is hemicompact [174, p. 69 Theorem]. Our last example, is the so called "field algebra", which is of particular importance for Mathematical Physics (see, for instance, [73, 74, 75] and [397, 398]). (5) The field algebra or Borchers algebra. Consider the Euclidean space K4n and the Frechet *-algebra Sn = S(R4n) of rapidly decreasing
3. Topological *—algebras
C°°-functions on R 4n (see Example 2.4(4)). Set S0 = C and define &
^ J 7 "Til n=0
where " 0 " means topological direct sum (or locally convex direct sum) of locally convex spaces (cf., e.g., [77, p. 75, Definition 5] and/or [235, p. 211, 5]). Endow S with the direct sum topology, that is the finest locally convex topology with respect to which the natural injections in-Sn
—> S, n = 0,1,2,...
are continuous. S is, in particular, the strict inductive limit of the finite partial sums ®^ = o Sk, where the latter is topologically isomorphic to rifc=o &k [235, p. 222 and p. 212, (2)]. The elements of S are terminating sequences of elements from £ n 's. Thus, for any / = (/o, / i , . . . ) , g = (go,
f + 9-=(fo + 90, fi + 91, , Xf ( A /o, A/i,.. ) / \ I /offOi fo9l + fl90, fo92 + fl9l + /20Oi 1 2 J fk9n-k, j,
where fkg-n-k is a function of 4n variables defined by ifk9n-k){xi,-..,xn)
:= fk{xi,...
,xn), x{ e M.4
(multiplication in S, is clearly the Cauchy product); /
: =
( / o 1 / 1 1 /2>
with /Q = /o (complex conjugate) and /*, n E N, a function of 4n variables defined by fn{xi,...,xn)
:= / n (a; n ,x n _i,...,a;i), x, E R4.
Thus, S1 becomes a non-commutative unital locally convex algebra, with identity the sequence 1 = (1,0,0,...). Continuity of the involution follows from continuity of the compositions *oin:Sn
—> ,$:/„.—>(0,...,0,/*,()), n = 0,1,2,...
Chapter I. Background material Since S is a strict inductive limit of an increasing sequence of Frechet
spaces, it is particularly an LF-space, hence complete and barrelled (see, for instance, [235, p. 223, 5] and [335, p. 61, Corollary 2]). The concept of an CJ-'-space corresponds (under obvious modifications) to that of an CT— algebra given by Definition 28.5 in Section 28; also see [235, p. 223] and/or [335, p. 58]. The multiplication in S is separately continuous; it becomes jointly continuous on bounded sets. So S fails to be an m* -convex algebra. For details, see mainly [74, Sections 1.2, 1.3] and in addition [398, Section 2], [397, p. 539, B] and [231]. 3.(3) unitization of a topological (*-)algebra There are several important algebras that have no identity; for instance, the Arens-Michael algebras 2)(Mn), S(Rn) of the Examples 2.4(3) and 2.4(4) or the Banach algebras
X locally compact space, and Ll{G),
G (non-discrete) locally compact group (cf. comments after (3.14)). So, whenever it is possible, our results will be stated by assuming no identity. In practice, it is, of course, much easier to deal with unital algebras and this is a reason that one adds an identity to a non-unital algebra and works instead with the so-called unitization of the original algebra. Let A be a (non-unital) algebra and (3.26)
("©" here means just cartesian product). Consider A\ endowed with linear operations defined coordinatewise. Denote by (a:, A), with x G A, A G C, an arbitrary element of A\\ this occasionally will be denoted by x + A too. Then, the formula (3.27)
(x,X)(y, fi) := (xy + fix + Ay, A/z), (i,A),(i/,/i)eAi,
defines a multiplication in Ai with ei s (0,1) a corresponding identity. The algebra A\ is called unitization of A. When A is involutive, A\ acquires the same property, defining an involution by (3.28)
(x, A)* := (a:*, A), V (a;, A) G Ax.
Topological * -algebras
The natural embedding (3.29)
A —>Ai:xi—>
clearly preserves involution and A becomes a maximal *-ideal of A\\ this follows from the fact that A = ker(?o)> where <po is the zero-functional of A (see Section 4, (4.39)). If A[T] is a topological (*-)algebra, Ai endowed with the product topology, say T\, becomes an algebra of the same kind as A[T]
[262, p. 35, Lemma 5.3]. Particularly, if A[T] is a locally convex (*-
)algebra respectively m^-convex
algebra, A\{T\\
becomes an algebra of the
same type as A[T\. In the case when r = Tp, T\ is given by the family A = {Pi} °f (*-)seminorms respectively m(*)-seminorms, with (3.30)
A) : = p(x) + \X\, V (x, A) € A
so that T\ = rfj. Whenever A[T] is a topological *-algebra, (3.29) provides a topological injective *-morphism and when A[r] is also complete, Ai[ri] acquires this property too. 3.11 Proposition. Let (with
be an Arens-Michael (*~)algebra and
its corresponding unitization.
is an Arens-
Michael (*-)algebra, such that the following equality Axln]
= lim(Ap)i, p e r
holds up to a topological (*-)isomorphism, where (Ap)i denotes the unitization of the Banach (*-)algebra Ap, p G F. Proof. Clearly Ai[ri] is an Arens-Michael (*-)algebra, therefore (3.31)
Ai[Ti] = l i m ( A i ) P l , p e r
(see (2.8), (3.20)), where (A\)P1 denotes the completion of the normed (*—) algebra Ai\p\\/Npi.
Now, if (x, A)P1 = (x,X) + Npi, with (x, A) € A\ and
pi G f i , one has that
I M P + W =p(^) + |A|=pi(a;,A) = ||(x, A) Pl || Pl ,
Chapter I. Background material
for any (x, A) G A\ and (p,pi) G T x A- Thus, if (A[p]/iVp)i stands for the unitization of the normed (*-)algebra A\p]/Np, the correspondence Ai\pi}/Nn —+ (A\p]/Np)i = A\p}/Np®C : (x,\)pi
^-+ (xpi\),
is a well denned (surjective) isometric *-isomorphism. Hence, (Ai) Pl = A i H / ^ p x = 4 P ] 7 ^ P © C = Ap © C = (A p )i, V pi 6 A , where "~" means completion. The assertion now follows from (3.31). 3.(4) Quotient of a topological (*-)algebra Let A[T] be a topological algebra and / a closed ideal in A[T\. Then the quotient algebra A[T]/I endowed with the quotient topology, that is the final topology induced on it by the quotient map g : A —> A[T]/I : x i—> x + I, is a Hausdorff topological algebra [262, p. 70]. If A[T] is moreover involutive and / a closed *-ideal in A[T], then A[T]/I becomes an involutive topological algebra by defining involution as in (3.16). If the involution of A[r] is continuous, the same is true for the involution of A[T]/I. In particular, when A[T] is a locally convex (*-)algebra respectively an m(*)-convex algebra and / is a closed (*-)ideal in A[T], the algebra A[T]/I becomes a locally convex (*-)algebra respectively an mf-*'-convex algebra. In the case when r = Tp, the "quotient topology" of Afr/ 1 ]// is defined by the family FA/j — {q} of (*-)seminorms respectively m(*)-seminorms, given by (3.32)
q(x + I) := ini{p(x + y) : y e / } , V x G A and p e T.
In the sequel, we shall always use the notation A[T]/I to indicate the corresponding (through / and r) quotient topological algebra of a given topological algebra A[T]. Note that if A\p] is an m(*)-seminormed algebra, the quotient m(*)-seminorm q on A\p]/Np is an m ^ - n o r m that coincides with the rm*)-norm || ||p induced by p on A\p]/Np (cf. (1.6)). From Theorem 3.14 below, we conclude that the quotient of a Frechet (*-)algebra is an inverse limit of quotient Banach (*-)algebras. To prove it we need the following.
Topological *-algebras
3.12 Definition. Let E[TE] be a locally convex space and a(E',E)
weak*-topology induced on E' by the dual system (E', E). Then, -B[r^] is called B-complete (or Ptdk) space if a subspace L of E' is a(E', £)-closed, whenever L n F is cr(E', J5)-closed in F for each equicontinuous subset F oiE' [335, p. 162]. Every Frechet locally convex space (and a fortiori every Banach space) is -B-complete, and every .B-complete space is complete. Also every closed subspace of a B-complete space is -B-complete and every quotient of a .B-complete space with a closed subspace is .B-complete; (cf., for example, [335, pp. 162-165] and/or [198, pp. 299-300]). 3.13 Definition. A locally convex algebra, whose the underlying locally convex space is a B-complete space, is called B-complete (or Ptdk) algebra. Now, we have the following. 3.14 Theorem. Let A[Tr\ be a B-complete mS*^-convex algebra and I a closed (*-)ideal of
Then, the corresponding quotient topological
algebra A[rr]/I is a B-complete m^-convex
algebra, such that
A[rr]/I = lim Ap/Tp, p e F, with respect to a topological (*-)isomorphism, where Ip is the closure of Ip = QP{I) C A\p]/Np in the Banach (*-)algebra Ap, p €E F. Proof. From the above discussion A[rr}/I is complete, hence an ArensMichael (*-)algebra; therefore (see (2.8) and (3.20)) A[rr}/I = lim(A[Tr}/I)q. We show that (A[Tr]/I)q and Ap/Ip,
(p, q) in F x FA/j, coincide as Banach
(*-)algebras. Let z £ Ip. Then, there is a sequence (zPin)ngN z — limn.Zpin. If || ||p also denotes the quotient norm on Ap/Ip,
Ip with
we get
\\xp + z\\p = lim \\xp + zpn\\p > inf \\xp + zpn\\p > ini{\\xp + yp\\p : yp e Ip] n
— inf{p(x + y) : y E 1} = q(x + I)
Chapter I. Background material
and since Ip C Ip we finally obtain that \\xp + Ip\\p — q(x + / ) = ||(x + I)q\\q, V x G A. Hence, the map (A[Tr]/I)[q]/Nq — Ap/Tp :{x
is a well defined isometric injective (*-)morphism of (A[Tr]/I)[q]/Nq in Ap/Ip. Now since A\p\/Np is dense in Ap an easy observation shows that (A[Tr]/I)[q]/Nq
is dense in Ap/Tp,
so that (A[Tr]/I)q and Ap/Ip coincide as Banach (*-)algebras.
Local and global spectrum
Local spectrum is related with the elements of an algebra while global spectrum has to do with the whole algebra. Both are essential concepts, the study of which gives a lot of information for a given topological algebra. In this Section we give all necessary material around them, needed in the sequel. Let A be a unital algebra. An element x G A is called left, respectively right, invertible if there are elements y,z G A such that yx = e resp. xz = e; x is called invertible if it is left and right invertible. In this case y = z is unique, it is called inverse of x and is denoted by x" 1 . Let GA stand for the group of invertible elements in A. Suppose now that A is an arbitrary algebra. The map (4.1)
o : A x A —> A : (x, y) >—> x o y := x + y — xy,
is called circle operation and an element x G A is said to be left respectively right
if t h e r e a r e e l e m e n t s y , z (H A s u c h t h a t
y o x = 0 resp. x o z = 0;
4- Local and global spectrum
x is called quasi-invertible, whenever it is left and right quasi-invertible. In this case y = z is unique, it is said quasi-inverse of x and is denoted by x°. Let G\ stand for the group of quasi-invertible elements in A (with respect to the operation " o " ) . When A is unital, it is easily seen that (4.3)
x G GqA with quasi-inverse x° <^> e — x G GA with inverse e — x°.
In the absence of identity, one passes to the unitization Ai of A (see 3.(3)) having analogously that x G G9A with quasi-inverse x° A
e\ — x G G ^ with inverse e\ — x°, where e\ = (0,1) is the identity in A\. 4.1 Definition. If A is a unital algebra, we call spectrum of x G A and we denote by
the set of all complex numbers A, for which the elements
Ae — x have no inverse in A; namely, (4.5)
:= { A G C : \e - x <£ GA}.
In an arbitrary algebra A, the spectrum of an element x G A, is formulated as follows: (4.6)
spA(x) := {A G C \ {0} : X^x
£ G^} U {0, when x £ GA}.
When A has no identity we agree that no element of A is invertible. As the Examples 4.3(1) and 4.3(2) show, the spectrum of an element in an arbitrary algebra might be either unbounded or empty. It is clear that in a unital algebra A, one has that 0 G spA(x) ^ x (£ GA, while for an arbitrary algebra A, one has that no element of A is invertible in A\, so that 0 G spAl(x),
for every x & A. We give now some consequences of (4.5) and
(4.6) without proofs; the reader can have an easy access to them in several books as, for example, [262, p.p. 48, 49 and 198] and/or [191, Chapter II, §1.1], [121, p. 306, 8.4]. 4.2 Remarks. (1) For any unital algebra A, (4.5) and (4.6) are equivalent.
Chapter I. Background material (2) When A has no identity, spA(x) = spAl(x),
V x G A,
where spA(x) is defined as in (4.6) and spAl(x)
as in (4.5). Often, the
spectrum of an element in a non-unital algebra A is denned by (4.7). (3) If A is unital, (4.7) is not in general true. In this case, one has that spA{x) = spAl(x),
V x $GA
spA{x) U {0} = spAl(x),
V x G GA.
(4) For two algebras A, B and a morphism cp : A —> B one has (4.9)
spB((j)(x)) C spA(a0, V x G A;
so the spectrum of an element in a subalgebra is "bigger" than its spectrum in the algebra. Thus, if B is a subalgebra of an algebra A, one has spA(x) C spB(x),
V x e B.
(5) Take an algebra A and x G A; if A has no identity
we adjoin
one. Let C[t] be the algebra of all polynomials in one variable with complex coefficients.
If a £ C[t] with o~(t) = X^r=o a i^'
consider the respective element a(x) = Y17=o (4.11)
i ^ ^> *
^ * A, with x°
l,...,n, e. Then,
spA(a(x)) = {a(X) : A £ sp A (z)}.
The result in (5) is known as "polynomial spectral mapping theorem". 4.3 Examples. (1) Let A = C[t] and a € A with cr(<) 7^ A, for every A £ C. Then spA(a) = C. (2) Let A be the algebra of all rational polynomials in one variable with complex coefficients and r € A with r{t) ^ A, for each A £ C. Then, spA{r) = 0. (3) Let X be a locally compact space and C(X), Cb(X) the algebras of continuous functions, respectively continuous bounded functions, on X (see Example 3.2(1)). Then, Cb{x) C C(X) and (4.12)
= f{X) C ftfX)
= 7(X) = sp C f c W (/), V / G C6(X).
where /3X denotes the Stone-Cech compactification of X.
4- Local and global spectrum
4.4 Proposition (Roitman-Sternfeld). Let A be a unital algebra. The following statements are equivalent: (1) SPA{X) is bounded, for all x G A.
is closed, for all x G A and SPA(X) ^ C.
(3) SPA{X) is compact, for all x G A.
Proof. It suffices to show that (1) ^ (2). Suppose (1) is true and let x G A with
not closed. Then, there is A G spj\{x) \
x—\e G GA <=> 0 ^
spA({x - Ae)"1) = | —j
such that
— Ae). In particular, : fi G spA(x) |
and A = lim n An with An G s p ^ ^ ) , « € N. Hence, r —> oo with G SPA{{X - Ae)""1), V n G N, An A An A that leads to a contradiction in view of (1). Suppose now that (2) is true and let x G A such that bounded. Then, there is a sequence (Xn)n&n in if A G C \
is not
with An —> oo. So,
(4.13) is valid and
—> 0 where (cf. (4.14))
Thus, 0 G SPA{{X — Ae)"1) \
* G spA((a; - Ae)" 1 ), n G N. An A
— Ae)"1), which contradicts (2).
There is a big class of topological algebras, the locally convex algebras with continuous quasi-inversion (see discussion before 4.1), containing all m-convex algebras, for which the spectrum sp(-) of each element is non-empty
(see, e.g., [262, p. 58, Corollary 4.2], [191, p. 103, Theorem
(II.1.15)]). In a smaller class of topological algebras, including all Banach algebras, the spectrum sp(-) of an element is always a compact subset of the complex plane. Such a class is, for instance, that of m-convex Q-algebras [262, p. 60, Proposition 4.2]. Definition, examples and basic properties of Q-algebras are given in Section 6. Of course, there are topological algebras, which are not Q^algebras and all their elements have compact spectrum (see, for instance, Example 6.12(3) and Remark (ii) in Example 7.6(4)).
Chapter I. Background material An important notion related closely to the spectrum of an element is
that of spectral radius; it provides an essential tool for the study of various important properties of a topological algebra (see, for instance, Theorem 6.18, Subsections 20.(1) and 20.(2), Section 22, etc.). 4.5 Definition. Let A be an algebra and x £ A. The spectral radius of x denoted by rA(x) is given by the formula (4.15)
rA{x) := sup{|A| : A G spA(x)}.
In the case when spA(x) is either empty or unbounded, the spectral radius TA{X) is defined to be —oo respectively +oo. The next theorem lists some of the basic properties of the spectrum and spectral radius that often are met; for the proofs the reader is referred to [262, pp. 58, 99, 100]. 4.6 Theorem. Let A[rr] be an m-convex algebra. Then, the following statements hold: (1) spA(x) T^ 0, for all x G A. If moreover A[TP] is complete (i.e., an Arens-Michael algebra, or even less an advertibly complete m-convex algebra (Definition 6.1 )) one has: (2) spA{x) = \jspAp{xp),
(3) rA(x) = supprAp(xp)
= s\ipp\\mnp{xn)lln,
(4) rA(\x)
for allx e A. for all x G A.
= |A|7Vt(:r), for all A G C and x £ A.
(5) rA(x ) = rA{x)n, for all x G A and n € N. (6) rA(xy) = rA(yx), for any x,y G A. (7) rA{x + y) < rA(x) + rA(y), (8) rA(xy)
< rA(x)rA(y),
for all x,y € A with xy = yx.
for all x,y 6 A with xy = yx.
Note that the proof of the statements (4),(5),(6) of the preceding theorem is purely algebraic, so they are valid in any algebra on which the corresponding spectral radius is a finite number. 4.7 Theorem. Let A[rr] be an Arens-Michael algebra and x G A. (1) If A is unital and either rA{e — x) < 1 orp(e-x) 1
one has that x G GA with inverse x'
= e + Y^=\i
< I, for all p G F, ~
4- Local and global spectrum
(2) If A has no identity and either rj^ix) < 1 orp{x) < 1, for all p £ F, one has that x £ GqA with quasi-inverse x° — — Y^-\ x™ Proof. (1) Suppose that either r^(e — x) < 1 or p(e — x) < 1, for every peF. Then, for the unital Banach algebra Ap, with identity the element ep = e + Np, p £ F, we have that (4.16)
either M p (e p — xp) < 1 or \\ep — xp\\p < 1, V p £ F
(see Theorem 4.6(3)). Hence, in either case xp £ GAP, P £ F [72, p. 12]. Thus, x — (xp)pgr G GA [262, p. 91, Theorem 4.1]. If x"1 is the inverse of x we show that oo
x-1 =e + Y,{e-x)n: n=l
where the preceding series converges in A[rr]. In fact, let (sn)nef^ be the sequence of its partial sums and Sn = sn + Np, p G F, n G N. Then, (sn)neN is the sequence of the partial sums of the series Y^=i(ep ~ xp)ni p G F, which converges in Ap because of (4.16). Set oo
sp := lims£ = ^ ( e
- xp)n G Ap, p G F
and let s = (sp)p^r £ lip A>- Using continuity of the connecting maps gpq, p < q in F (see (2.5)), we get that Sn — Qpq{s%) —> Qpq{sq), therefore (4.18) implies Qpq(sq) = sp, for all p < q in F. Thus, s G A[rr] = Hm Ap and clearly p(sn — s) —» 0, for all p G F. Hence, s — X^^Li(e ~~ x)n &n<^ x(e + s) = e = (e + s)x, which proves (4.17). (2) We pass to the unitization Ai[rj] of A[T/-]. Then, r a ^ e i — (ei — x)) = T X A{ ) < 1) ( s e e (4-7)) and similarly pi(ei — {e\ — a;)) = p(a^) < 1, for every p G F. So by (1), ei - x £ GAX, with inverse (ei - a:)"1 = e\ + Y^=ixnHence (see (4.3)), x G G\ with quasi-inverse x° = — J2^Li x"' Note that the part of the assumptions (1) and (2) of Theorem 4.7, which is related with m-seminorms, is still valid when completeness of Arp] is replaced by the weaker concept of "advertible completeness"; see Proposition 6.4 in Section 6.
Chapter I. Background material
4.8 Proposition. Let A[rr\ be an Arens-Michael algebra and x € GqA with quasi-inverse x° such that rA(x°) < oo. Let y € A with the properties: (4.19)
yx° = x°y and rA{y - x) < (1 +
Then, y G GqA with quasi inverse y° given by
y°= f-E(i-^T(y-^) n )o^°V n=l
Proof. From our assumptions it follows easily that x° o y — (1 - x°)(y - x) = (y - x)(l - x°), where 1 - x° = (-x°, 1) G A\. Thus (cf. Theorem 4.6 and (4.7)) rA(x° o y) < rA{y - x){l + rA(x°)) < 1. Theorem 4.7(2) implies now that x° o y G GqA with quasi-inverse oo
{x°oyf =
Hence, x o (x° o y) — (x o x°) o y = y G G\ and j/° = (x o (x° o y))° — (x°oy)°ox0. U 4.9 Remarks. (1) In the case when A[Tp] has an identity, Proposition 4.8 is reformulated as follows: Let A[rr] be a unital Arens-Michael algebra and x e GA with inverse 1 x" such that rA{x~x) < oo. Let y £ A with the properties: (4.20)
yx~l = x~ly and rA(y — x) < (rA(x~1))~1.
Then y G GA with inverse y"1 given by oo
y- =x-
Y,(x-y)nx'{n+1). n=l
Local and global spectrum
(2) In view of the part of Theorem 4.7(1) related with the inequality given through the m-seminorms p € F, the inequalities in (4.19) and (4.20) can be replaced by the following ones: p{y - x) < (1 + p(x°))-\
resp. p(y - x) < (p^- 1 ))" 1 , V p e T,
that at the same time make the requirements: (4.22)
< oo resp.
< oo
redundant. Note that (4.22) is fulfilled when A[rr] is either a Q-algebva, or a "spectrally bounded algebra" (abbreviated to sfr-algebra; see Section 6). Each Q-algebra is an sfr-algebra, but the converse is not, in general, true (see discussion after Theorem ??, Remark in Example 6.12(3) and Remark (ii) in Example 7.6(4)). Concerning Proposition 4.8 and Remark 4.9, also see [13, Proposition 3]. We discuss now some spectral properties of involutive (topological) algebras needed throughout. The next two lemmas are immediate consequences of the very definitions; cf., for instance, [327, p. 182]. 4.10 Lemma. Let A be a unital involutive algebra. Then, the following statements hold: (1) x G A is (left, right) invertible if and only if x* is (right, left) invertible. In particular, (x*)~1 = (x~1)*. (2) x 6 H(A) belongs to GA if it is either right or left invertible. (3) x 6 GA if o-nd only if x*x and xx* belong to GAWhen A has no identity, analogous results are valid with quasi-invertibility in place of invertibility. 4.11 Lemma. Let A be an involutive algebra. Then, the following hold: (1) SPA{X*) — SPA{X) = {A : A G SPA(X)},
(2) ?vi(x*) =
for all x e
for all x E A.
4.12 Definition. Let A be an involutive algebra. A subset N of A is called normal if the set N U TV* (see (3.15)) is a commutative subset of A (that is, any two elements of N U N* commute).
Chapter I. Background material
Applying a standard technique, we get now the following Theorem 4.13, whose normed analogue can be found in [327, p. 182, Theorem (4.1.3)] and/or [322, p. 250, (1,3)]. 4.13 Theorem. Let A[T] be an involutive topological algebra and N a normal subset of A\T\. Then, there is a closed maximal commutative selfadjoint subalgebra M of A[T\, that contains N and spA.{x) = SPM(X), for all x G M. Proof. Let T be the family of all normal subsets of A[T], partially ordered by inclusion. Let To be a totally ordered subfamily of T. The normal subset NQ = U{N : N G To} is an upper bound for To, therefore by Zorn's lemma the family T has at least a maximal element, say M. Take MQ = M U M*. Then, M o G T and M,M* C M o , therefore MQ = M and M = M*. Let now x be a normal element of A, that is x G N(A). Then, (4.23)
x G N(A)
with xy — yx, V y G M implies x e M.
In fact, since M is a *-subset (cf. discussion after (3.15)), one gets that {x} U M e T , V i e N(A)
w i t h yx = xy, V j / £ M.
Maximality of M clearly yields that x G M. From (4.23) it follows that M is a subalgebra of A[T]. On the other hand, every commutative self-adjoint subalgebra of A[T] is an element of T, hence M is a maximal commutative self-adjoint subalgebra of A[T). We show that M is also closed. Let (xs)seA be a net in M with x$ —> x G A. By the separate continuity of the multiplication in A[r], one has that (4.24)
xm = mx, V m G M.
Since M = M*, one concludes from (4.24) that x* commutes with each xs, 5 G A, and thus with x (use once more the separate continuity of the multiplication in -A[T]). Hence, x G N(A), which together with (4.24) proves that x G M (cf. (4.23)). Now, because of (4.10) it remains to show that SPM(X) Q SPA(X), for every x G M. Clearly, it suffices to prove that x G M with x G G\ implies x G GqM. Let x G M with x G G\ and let
4- Local and global spectrum
x° be the quasi-inverse of x in A[T\. We show that x° G M. First, note that for any y G A with xy = yx, one gets x° o y = [x° o y) o (x o x°) — x° o (y o x) o x° — x° o (x oy) o x° = (i° 0 1 ) 0 ( 5 0 x°) — y o x°, whence we conclude that (4.25)
y G A with ya; = xy implies yx° = a;oy.
But, xx* = x*x, therefore (4.25) yields x*x° = x°x* & [x°)*x = x(x°)*, that again because of (4.25), gives x° G N(A). Now, since from (4.25) yx° = x°y, for every y G M, it follows by (4.23) that x° G M . In the case when A[T] is a unital Arens-Michael algebra and N a commutative subset of AW], an analogous result as that of Theorem 4.13 has been obtained by D. Sterbova [360, Theorem 1.1]. Using the preceding standard technique, one gets the result of D. Sterbova for any topological algebra A[T\. An alternative form of Theorem 4.13 is given by Proposition 4.16 below. Both of these results concern constructions of commutative subalgebras in non-commutative algebras. In this regard, we should mention the following interesting information. W. Zelazko proved in 1996 that: (i) There exists a non-metrizable (hence non-Banach) Arens-Michael algebra, whose all closed commutative subalgebras are Banach algebras [410, p. 197, Theorem], (ii) There exists a non-Banach Frechet algebra, whose all maximal commutative subalgebras are Banach algebras [410, p. 197, Proposition]. (iii) There exists a complete m-pseudoconvex algebra, which is not locally convex, but all of its commutative subalgebras are locally convex [411, Theorem]. An m-pseudoconvex algebra is a topological algebra A[T] whose topology is defined by a family {|| ||Q} of positive functions, that are subadditive, submultiplicative and pa-homogeneous, 0 < pa < 1, in the sense that ||Ax||Q = IA|Pa||;z:||Q, for all A G C and x £ A. Before we go on, we set the following. 4.14 Definition. Let A be an algebra and X a nonempty subset of A. The set Xc with Xc := {y G A : xy = yx, V x G X}
Chapter I. Background
is called commutant of X in A. The set Xcc = (Xc)c is called bicommutant of X in A. An easy consequence of Definition 4.14 is the next lemma. 4.15 Lemma. Let A be an algebra and X a non-empty subset of A. Then, the following statements hold: (1) X C Xcc. ( 2 ) i c r a (3) Defining X^
implies YCCXC. := (Xcc)c
one gets that X^
= Xc, X^
= Xcc,
X& = Xc, etc. (4) X is a commutative
subset of A 44> X C Xc <£4> Xcc is
(5) If A is unital, then e G X . (6) Xc is a subalgebra of A, that becomes closed whenever A is a topological algebra. (7) If A is involutive and X a *~subset of A (see beginning of Subsection 3.(2)), then Xc is a self-adjoint subalgebra of A. An application of Lemma 4.15 gives now the following. 4.16 Proposition. Let A[T] be a unital topological algebra and X a commutative subset of A\T\. Then, B = Xcc is a closed commutative subalgebra of
containing X and SPB{X) =
for all x G B. When
involutive, X is replaced by a normal subset of A\r\ (see Theorem 4.13). We can now proceed to the definition of the global spectrum of a topological algebra and its relation to the local spectrum. Let A be an arbitrary algebra. A nonzero complex-valued morphism tp on A is called a character of A. In other words, a character of A is a nonzero multiplicative linear form of A. 4.17 Definition. Let A[T] be a topological algebra and 971 (A) the set of all continuous characters of A[T\. That is, (4.26)
m{A) := {if e A ' :
= y(x)tp(y),
Vx , y G A } .
Endow 971 (A) with the relative topology s|gn(A) from A's, where s denotes the weak*-topology a (A', A) on A' (cf. discussion before Example 1.8(1);
4- Local and global spectrum
this topology is not other than the topology of simple convergence or pointwise convergence on A1). The resulting Hausdorff (completely regular) topological space, denoted by the same symbol Wl(A), is called (global or topological) spectrum of A. For an arbitrary topological algebra A[T], Wl(A) might be the empty set. For instance, the Arens algebra Lu[0,1] (see (i) before Definition 2.2) has no characters at all [338, p. 57]. It is not so for the class of unital commutative m-convex algebras that always have non-empty spectrum (Corollary 4.19). The topology s|grft(.A) o n 9K(-A) is called Gel'fand topology. Let VBl(A) ^ 0. Then, given
WVie : = {^ e VJl(A) : \^{xi) -
e A, i = 1 , . . . , n}.
In other words, if (ips)s€A is a net in SDT(A), then (4.28)
if5 —> i^G Wl(A) &
Given x £ A one defines the (evidently) continuous function (4.29)
x : Wl(A) —
C :
called Gel'fand transform of x. The topology s|gjt(A)
the coarser topology
on DJl(A) making the functions (4.29) continuous. Thus, considering the algebra C(W(A)) of all continuous functions on Wl(A) the morphism (4.30)
g : A[T] —> C(m(A)) : x i—> Q(x) := x,
is well defined and called Gel'fand map of A[T\. When A[T] is a (commutative) Frechet algebra and C(ffll(A)) is endowed with the topology "c" of compact convergence, then the Gel'fand map Q is always continuous [262, pp. 143, 183]. Note that every character of a topological Q-algebra is automatically continuous (see Theorem 6.11(5)). This is the reason that we sometimes allow ourselves to abuse terminology and name the spectrum of a (non-normed) topological algebra (when it exists) "Gel'fand space". The
Chapter I. Background
subalgebra of C(VJl(A)) given by the image {x : x G A} of Q is denoted by A and is called Gel'fand transform algebra of A[T}. Suppose now that A[T] is an involutive topological algebra with DJl(A) ^ 0. A ^-preserving or hermitian character of A[T] is an element y? G DJl(A), which preserves involution; namely, tp(x*) = ip(x), V x G A.
The subset SOT* (A) of OJl(A) consisting of all continuous hermitian characters of A[T], endowed with the relative topology from 9Jl(A), is called hermitian spectrum of A[T}. That is, (4.32)
m*{A) = {? G Tl{A) : ip{x*) = lp{x), V i e i } .
The corresponding Gel'fand map in this case, is a *-morphism of A[T] in the algebra C(9Jl*(A)) of continuous functions on Wl*(A). Before we go on to some examples we present a few basic properties of the (global) spectrum, for the proofs of which the reader is referred to the book of A. Mallios [262, pp. 104, 172]. 4.18 T h e o r e m . Let A[rr] be an m-convex algebra with SDT(A) ^ 0. Let Up(e), 0 < e < 1, be the e-semiball corresponding to p G F and U°(e) the polar ofUp(e).
Then, the following hold:
m(A) = \Jm(Ap), per,
where, in particular,
m{Av) = m(A\p\/Np) = m(A) n u;(s), vP e r,
up to homeomorphisms.
If moreover A[rr] is commutative and advertibly
complete (see Definition 6.1), then (4.35)
spA(x) \ {0} C x(m(A)) C spA(x), V i e i , and
rA{x) = sup{\
V x G A.
If A[rr] is also unital, the inclusion on the right-hand side of (4.35) becomes equality.
4.. Local and global spectrum
4.19 Corollary. Let A\rp\ be a unital commutative m-convex algebra. Then, M(A) ^ 0 . Proof. Since each Ap, p G F, as a unital commutative Banach algebra has non-empty spectrum, the claim follows from (4.33). Let A[rr] be an incomplete m-convex algebra. Its completion ^4[r^] is an Arens-Michael algebra. Suppose that d)l(A) ^ 0. Then, the map (4.37)
m{A) ^
<m{A) :
is clearly a continuous bijection. It becomes a homeomorphism whenever VR(A) is either a discrete space or a locally equicontinuous subset of A1 (for the 2nd case, see [262, p. 150, Theorem 2.1]), where with the latter term we mean that each
its uni-
tization (see 3.(3)). Suppose that SDT(A) ^ 0. Then, for each ip e 9Jt(A), the linear form (4.38)
defines an element of UJl(Ai). On the other hand, the linear form (4.39)
w . Ax —> C: (x,\) ^+tpo(x,\)
:= A
also belongs to Wl(Ax) and clearly vanishes on A[rr]. For this reason, it is often called zero functional of A[rr]. It is readily seen that (4.40)
Wl(Ax) = m{A) U {^o},
up to a homeomorphism. Thus, when 9Jl(A) = 0, the only continuous character of Ax is the zero functional
Chapter I. Background material
4.20 Examples. (1) The spectrum of the algebra C°°[0,1]. We show that the following equality holds up to a homeomorphism: mt(C°°[O,l]) = [O,l],
From (2.15) and (4.33) it follows that ) = |jOT(C (fc) [O,l]),
where DJl{C^[0,1]) is homeomorphic to [0,1] (see, for instance, [164, p. 6]). Thus, the map (4.42)
5 : [0,1] —> OT(C°°[0,1]) : t —> St with St(f) := f(t),
for every / G C°°[0,1], is a (well defined) continuous bijection.
It is a
homeomorphism, since [0,1] is compact and 9Jt(C°°[0,1]) Hausdorff. (2) The spectrum of the algebra C°°(X), X a 2nd countable ndimensional C°°-manifold.
This example evidently is a generalization of
the preceding one. We shall prove that the identification (4.43)
m{C°°(X)) =X,
is true up to a homeomorphism. It is known (see, for instance, [262, pp. 129-131]) that C°°(X) is a Frechet algebra. We recall the family of mseminorms denning the topology of C°°(X) (ibid.). Let I be a nonnegative integer and K a compact subset of X.
Following the terminology and CO
notation of the Example 2.4(2), let / e C
(X) and p a multi-index with
length \p\. If (U,ip) is a chart from the differential structure of X, let iyf(x):=dP(foV>-1)((p(x)),
Then, each function qiMf)
P \Dpf(x)\,
V / G C°°(X),
defines an m-seminorm on C°°(X).
Let N^x
ker(g/j/<-), l,K a before.
Consider the quotient normed algebra C°°(X)[qitK]/N[tK the Arens-Michael decomposition of C°°(X)
corresponding to
(cf. (2.8)) and let
4- Local and global spectrum
denote the Banach algebra completion of C°°(X)[qi:x]/Nitx- It is known (see, e.g., [262, p. 172, Lemma 6.3]) that the following identified spaces m{C°°(X\K)
= m{C°°(X)[qitK]/NltK),
V l,K,
are homeomorphic. We shall further show that (4.45)
= K , V
with respect to a homeomorphism. Indeed, define 5K : K —» m(C°°(X)l%K}/Nl!K) 8K,x(f + KI,K)
: x ^-> 8K(x) = 5K,X with WfeC°°(X).
It is easily checked that SK,X is a well defined continuous character of C°°(X)[q^K}/NitK.
Now X being 2nd countable and locally compact, it
is a paracompact space (see [342, p. 90, Satz 2]), so using a "C°°-analogue" of the Urysohn Lemma [234, p. 272, Lemma 1], we get that 5K is 1 — 1. On the other hand, continuity of 5K is a direct consequence of the very definitions. We show that 5K is surjective. Let ip £ DJl(C°°(X)[qitK]/NifK) such that M = ker(?) ^
f° r each x £ K. Then, for every x € K
there is / = / + NifK £ M, f G C°°(X), with 6K,x{f) = f(x) + °- I n
words, for each x £ K, there is / € M and an open neighborhood Ux of x in K such that f(Ux) H {0} — 0. Since K is compact there are open neighborhoods UXl,..., UXn exhausting K, and fa £ M with fa(UXi) fl {0} = 0, % = l,...,n.
Consider now the function g :=
C°°(X) and
take the corresponding coset g = g + iV/^ := Z^r=i /*/* + ^l,K- Clearly, g £ M and g(x) > 0, for every x £ K. Define,
g € C°°(X) we get that <7o is C°°-differentiable. Since X is paracompact and K closed, go is extended to a C°°-function on X [234, p. 273, Theorem 2]. Retain the same symbol go, for the extension of go on X and let go EE 50 + ATZ)/f G C
0 0
^ ) ^ ] / . ^ . Then i = gQg £ M, which is a con-
tradiction ( i is the identity in C°°(X)[q^K\IN^K)-
Hence, there \s x £ K
with M = kex(5K,x)Continuity of 5Kl follows from the fact that Tl(C°°(X)[qltK}/NitK) Hausdorff and K is compact. So (4.45) is proved.
Chapter I. Background material Looking at (4.44) and (4.33) we have Wl(C°°(X)) =[JK = X, K CX compact.
Thus, defining the corresponding to 5K map, for 9Jl(C°° (X)), that is 8 : X —* 9K(C°°(X)) : x - ^ 5(x) = ^ with 5 X (/) := / ( x ) , V / G C°°(X) we readily check that 5 is a well defined continuous bijection. To prove continuity of 5~1, take a net (x\)\£A in X such that <5x>, —> <5XJ a; G X, but x^ -** x. Then, there is an open neighborhood U of x in X and a subnet (x^) of (^A)AE/1; with x^ e X \ U, for every /j,. Since X is paracompact, we may use again the "C°°-analogue" of the Urysohn Lemma [234, p. 172, Lemma 1] to find /o € C°°(X) with fo(x) = 1 and / 0 = 0 on X \ U. From all the above we now conclude that fo{Xjj) —> fo(x) = 1, which is a contradiction, since fo(xn) = 0, for each /x. Hence, x^ —* x and this accomplishes the proof of (4.43). Note that the homeomorphism in (4.45) could be derived by virtie of the formula giving the spectrum of a quotient algebra as the hull of the ideal with respect to which the quotient is taken [262, p. 339, Theorem 4.1]. (3) The spectrum of the algebra CC(X), with X a completely regular fc-space. We know that CC(X) is a unital commutative Arens-Michael *-algebra (see Example 3.10(4)). Using the same arguments as in the preceding example, taking into account (3.23) and that the spectrum of the (unital commutative) Banach *-algebra C(K) is homeomorphic to K, we have the following identification up to a homeomorphism: (4.46)
m(Cc{X)) = X.
Taking X — N in (4.46), we conclude that (see Remark in Example 3.2(1)) the spectrum of the Frechet algebra CN of all complex sequences is homeomprphic with the natural numbers; namely, (4.47)
Tl(CN) = N,
4- Local and global spectrum
(4) The spectrum of the algebra C(C). As in all the preceding function algebras, one naturally has (4.48)
2K(0(C)) = C,
up to a homeomorphism. Since the Arens-Michael decomposition of 0(C) consists of the n-disc algebras A(I3>n) (cf. (2.44)) and 9Jt(^4(Bn)) is homeomorphic to B>n, (see, for example, [239, p. 96]), (4.33) gives
m(O(C)) = ljD n = C, n> 1. Thus, we easily get that the standard map 5 : C —> m(O(C))
: = f(z),
V / G O(C)
is a continuous bijection. Continuity of <5-1 results from the fact that the topology of C is, in effect, determined by the analytic functions on C; namely, for a sequence (zn)neN in C one has that Zn
z e C
& f(zn) —-> f(z), V / G O(C).
4.(1). Non-Banach Arens-Michael algebras Let A be an algebra. A modular left ideal is a left ideal, for which there is an element u £ A such that x — xu € M, for every x E A; u is often called n/i£ modular identity of M. A modular right ideal is defined similarly. An ideal is modular if it is a modular left and right ideal. Let ip be a character of A and M = ker(<£>). Since f ^ 0, there is x € ^4 with v?(x) = A 7^ 0. Take u = \~lx\ then it is easily checked that u is a (right, respectively left) modular identity for M or, which amounts to the same, is an identity for the quotient algebra A/M. Hence, M is a modular ideal. If A is unital, every (left, right, 2-sided) ideal is a modular (left, right, 2-sided) ideal. 4.21 Definition. Let A be an algebra, X a vector space and L(X) the algebra of all linear operators from A in X. A representation of A on X, is a morphism (f> from A in L(X). A nonzero representation
Chapter I. Background material
in X is called algebraically irreducible if the only (linear) subspaces of X invariant under the operators >(x), x € X, are the trivial subspace {0} and X itself. The (Jacobson) radical of A, denoted by JA, is the intersection of the kernels of all algebraically irreducible representations of A. The algebra A is called semisimple respectively radical, whenever JA = {0} respectively JA = A.
It is proved that for a given algebra A, the radical JA is the intersection of all maximal modular left ideals of A [72, p. 124, Proposition 14(ii)]. In particular (ibid., p. 125, Proposition 16(ii)), (4.49)
JA = {xeA:yxeGqA,\/ye
Concerning the radical of the unitization A\ (see 3.(3)) of A, one has (see [191, Corollary (1.3.54)]) that (4.50)
For any algebra A, JA is an ideal and, in particular, a radical algebra. On the other hand, AjJA is a semisimple algebra (see, for instance [191, pp. 93-95]) and the same is true for all the examples in 2.4; see, in addition, Corollary 4.23. Furthermore, an algebra with zero multiplication is a radical algebra. For other examples of radical algebras and further information about them see [102, p. 155], [104, p. 68, 1.5 and p. 178] and [191, p. 98]. 4.22 Proposition. Let A[T] be a topological algebra with dJl(A) ^ 0. Then, the following statements hold: (1) JACn{heT(
4- Local and global spectrum
For the relationship of the radical JA with the *-radical R*A of an involutive topological algebra A[T], see Corollary 22.16 and Proposition 22.21. 4.23 Corollary. Every topological algebra A[T] with DJl(A) ^ 0 and injective Gel'fand map is commutative and semisimple. The properties of the Jacobson radical we list below (Proposition 4.24) are proved in the book of F.F. Bonsall and J. Duncan [72, Proposition 25.1] in the context of Banach algebras. As A. Mallios noticed, these very proofs are of purely algebraic form. Because of the frequent use of them, throughout this book, we present their proofs. 4.24 Proposition. For a given algebra A the following statements hold: (1) JAQ {x& A:rA{x)=0}. (2) {x G A with rvi(yz) = 0 or rA(xy) = 0, V y G A} C JA(3) JA = {x E A : rA(x) — 0}, for every commutative advertibly complete m-convex
algebra A[rr] (for the term advertibly complete algebra,
see Section 6 Definition 6.1). Proof. (1) Let x G JA- Then, from (4.49) and (4.50) we conclude that A" 1 ^ G GqAi, for every 0 ^ A e C, whence (also see (4.7)) spA(x) — {0}; therefore TA{X) = 0. (2) Since, spA(xy) U {0} = spA{yx) U {0}, for any x,y G A [191, Proposition (II. 1.8)], one clearly gets that r^(xy) = rA(yx), for all x,y G A. So it suffices to consider the case x G A with r ^ y x ) = 0, for every y G A. Then, yx G GqA, for each y £ A, therefore x G JA from (4.49). (3) In view of (1) it suffices to show that J = {x e A : rA(x) — 0} C JA. From Theorem 4.6(4), (7) and (8) one has that J is an ideal. Hence, x G J implies yx G J, for every y G A. The assertion now follows from (2). The next result is contained in [72, Lemma 37.2]. 4.25 Corollary. Every *-subalgebra B of C(H), H a Hilbert space, is semisimple. Proof. Let T G JB- Then T*T G JB, therefore rB{T*T) = 0 from Proposition 4.24(1). Hence, (see, e.g., [279, p. 37, Theorem 2.1.1] and (4.10)) ||T|| 2 = ||T*T|| = rc{H)(T*T)
< rB(T*T) = 0,
Chapter I. Background material
(with || || the operator norm on C(H)), which implies T — 0. 4.26 Theorem. None of the Arens^Michael algebras C°°[0,1], C°°{Rn), T)(Rn), S{Rn), O(C) and CC(R) (hence also CN) may be a Banach algebra under its usual topology (see Examples 2.4, (l)-(6)). Proof. The main argument for these proofs is the Singer-Wermer-Johnson theorem [72, Theorems 18.16 and 18.21], according to which a commutative semisimple Banach algebra has only trivial derivations. We recall that a derivation on an algebra A is a linear map D : A —> A with the property D(xy)
= xD{y)
+ D(x)y,
V x,y
G A.
For the algebra C°°[0,1], a direct proof based on the preceding argument is given in [72, Corollary 18.22]. An elegant analytic proof can be found in the book of B. Aupetit [29, p. 76, Corollary 4.1.12]. In this regard, also see Remark 4.27(2). Of course, the situation for the algebra C°°(Rn) (or any algebra C°°(X) with X a 2nd countable n-dimensional C°°-manifold [262, pp. 129-131]) is exactly the same. That is, since the spectrum of C°°(IRn) is exhausted by the point evaluations 5X, x G Rn (see Example 4.20(2)), one has that n{ker(6x) : x G Rn} = {0}, therefore from Proposition 4.22(1) C°°(Rn) is semisimple. Thus, if C°°(Mn) was a Banach algebra its only derivation would be the zero one, which is clearly not true because of the maps
/ i — > 4 ^ - :C°°(lR n ) — > C ° ° ( R n ) , i = l , . . . , n . The same proof applies for the algebras £>(lRn), S(Rn). In both cases semisimplicity results from the fact that the corresponding spectrum contains all point evaluations. On the other hand, (see (2.25)) supp ( gj:) Q supp(/), for all / G S(R n ), so that —^- G S(R n ), for every / G T)(Rn), i = 1,... ,n. OXi
The same assertion is valid for S(R n ) as follows from (2.32). Concerning the algebra O(C) one gets semisimplicity as in the case of C°°(E n ), because of (4.48), while if / G C(C) and / ' denotes the first derivative of / , then / ' G O{C) [331, p. 224, Corollary]. Hence, the correspondence / i—> / ' : O(C) —> O(C) is a nonzero derivation.
5. Square roots in Arens-Michael
The result for the algebra CC(M.) is taken in a much simpler way, because if CC(K) was a Banach algebra, since it is also commutative and unital, its spectrum would be a compact space [72, 191, 327] and this contradicts (4.46). 4.27 Remarks. (1) Another example of an Arens-Michael algebra that cannot be topologized as a Banach algebra, is the cartesian product B = Yl A\ of an infinite family (A\)\&y\ of Banach algebras, under the product topology (see Example 7.6(2)). This follows from a more general result according to which the cartesian product of infinitely many normed spaces, cannot be a normed space under the product topology [235, p. 150, (7)]. (2) In 1998, G. Mocanu gave a version of a result of B. Aupetit [28, Theorem 1] related to the uniqueness of the complete norm in semisimple Banach algebras (see beginning of Section 2), in the context of commutative m*-convex Q-algebras (see [274, Theorem 4]). As a direct corollary he takes the uniqueness of the topology in commutative semisimple Frechet Q-algebras, a known result due to R.L. Carpender [90, Theorem 5] since 1971, shown without the property Q. Based on the latter G. Mocanu proves that C°°[0,1] cannot be a Banach algebra under its usual topology [274, Corollary 10].
Square roots in Arens-Michael algebras
Square root results in the context of non-normed topological algebras have been proved by T. Husain and R. Rigelhof [204, Lemma 1, Corollary], in 1969, as well as by J.D.Powell [317, Lemma 1], in 1974. In 1980, D. Sterbova [359] generalized the known Ford's square root lemma (see [139] and/or [72, Propositions 8.13, 12.11]), in the context of ArensMichael algebras, improving at the same time the result of T. Husain and R. Rigelhof, in the case when involution is involved, in the sense that the result of D. Sterbova (cf. Theorem 5.4, below) requires no-continuity of the involution. Later on, in 1984, the same author extended her square root results to elements of Arens-Michael algebras with not necessarily bounded spectrum [360].
Chapter I. Background material
5.1 Definition. Let A be an algebra and x E A. An element y E A is called quasi-square root oix,iiyoy = x (see (4.1)). When A is unital and 2 y = x, y is called square root of a;. For the proof of the next lemma cf. [72, Proposition 8.13, 12.11]. 5.2 Lemma. Let A be a Banach algebra and x G A with rA{x) < 1. Then, i/ie following statements hold: (1) There is unique quasi-square root y of x, such that rA{y) < 1. (2) The smallest closed commutative subalgebra B(x) of A containing x, contains y too. (3) When A is moreover involutive and x belongs to H(A), so does y. 5.3 Lemma. Let A\rr\ be an Arens-Michael algebra and y E A with A(y) = 1- Then, if My is a maximal commutative closed subalgebra of A[rr] containing y, there is a sequence (^>n)n^u of elements in the spectrum DJl(My) of My, such that limn |<£>n(y)| = 1. r
Proof. From hypothesis and Theorem 4.6(3) one has that 1 — TA{y) — snpp rAp(yP), where {rAp(yp))p^r is a n upper bounded increasing net in M (increasing in the sense that rAp(yp) < rAq{yq) f° r P < Qm F; this follows easily from (4.9) with
1 = limr,4 pri (ypj = n
s\iprApn{yPn), n
where rApn(yPn) = sup{|An| : \n E spApn{yPn)}, compact subsets of C. Hence, (5-2)
with spApn{yPn),
= \iin\, for some /j,n E spApn{yPn),
n E N,
n E N.
Let Mn be a maximal commutative closed subalgebra of APn containing yPn, n e N. Then, (see [327, p. 35, Theorem (1.6.14) and p. I l l , Theorem (3.1.6)]) sPApn{yPn) = sPMn(yPn) = yPn(m{Mn)) u {o}, P e r, n e N. In view of (5.1) and (5.2) we find ipPn E Wl(Mn), n E N, such that \\mn\vPn(yVn)\ = 1. Now, since (see (2.2)) gPn{My) C Mn, n E N, the required elements i^n, n E N, from ^ ( M y ) are taken by denning ipn(z) : — tpPn(zPn), for all z E My and n E N.
Square roots in Arens—Michael algebras
According to Theorem 4.6, completeness of A[rr] in Lemma 5.3 can be replaced by advertible completeness. 5.4 Theorem (Sterbova). Let A[rr] be an Arens-Michael algebra and x G A such that TA{X) < 1. Then, the following hold: (1) There is unique quasi-square root y of x such that yx = xy and < 1(2) When A[rr] is moreover involutive and x is in H(A), the same is
true for y. Proof. (1) Since r^(x) peF.
< 1, Theorem 4.6(3) yields r^ p (x p ) < 1, for all
Hence, from Lemma 5.2 there is unique yp G Ap, p G F, with
= Xp, rAp{yp) < 1 and xpyp = ypxp,
V p e F.
We prove that y — {yp)P£r belongs to A and is the required quasi-square root of x.
Since, yp G B{xp) (cf.
Lemma 5.2) there is a sequence (of
polynomials) Pn(xp), n G N, in B(xp), such that (5.4)
j / p = limPP(z p ), V p G T .
For p < q in F, set (5.5)
P«(xp) = epq(P«(xq)),
with P«(xq) G B(xq);
gpq is the connecting map between Aq, Ap (see (2.6) and comments after it). Continuity of gpq, p < q in F and (5.5) yield that (P«(x p )), n G N, is a Cauchy sequence in B(xp); therefore there is zp G B(xp) with (5.6)
zp = limP«(xp), VpeF.
Continuity of the circle operation "o", the first equality in (5.3) and (5.4) imply that lim(PZ(xq) o P*{xq)) = xq, V p G r, from which by applying gpq, p < q in F, and viewing (5.6) we take (5.7)
zp o zp — xp, V p G F.
Chapter I. Background
If z,w are any commuting elements in Ap, p G F, the properties of rAp, p e f , give (see, for instance, Theorem 4.6) \rAp{z) - rAp(w)\ < rAp(z - w) < \\z - w\\p, V p G F. Thus, taking under consideration (5.4) and (5.6) we get (5.8)
rA(yp) = limrA(PP(xp))
and rA(zp) = \imrA(P%(xp)),
for all peF.
On the other hand, from (4.9) and (5.5) we conclude that sPAp(PZ(xp)) C spAq(P%(xq)), V p < g i n r , n e N .
A consequence of (5.8) and (5.9) is now the inequality rAp(zp) < rAq{yq) < 1, V p < q in F. Then (also see (5.7)), zp fulfils (5.3), therefore from the uniqueness of yp (Lemma 5.2) one gets zp = yp, for all p G F. Hence (cf. (5.4), (5.5), (5.6)), QpqiVq) = l inm Pn(Xp)
= SP = Vpi
P< 1in ^
that yields y — (yp)p^r & limA p = A[Tr}Now, it is readily seen that yoy = x and xy — yx. Thus, the proof of (1) will be complete if additionally rA (y) < 1. Let Mx be a maximal commutative closed subalgebra of A containing x. Then, y G Mx and if rA(y) = 1, Lemma 5.3 gives a sequence (?n)ngN
9Jl{Mx) with limn |y n (?/)| = 1. On
the other hand, lwnfa;)l = \2i£>r,(v) — <&n(v) > 2l(/3«f'u)l — l5n(u)l . V n G N and since rA(x) < 1, there is e > 0 with rA(x) < e < 1. But then (see (4.36) and Theorem 4.13 with comments after it), 1 < lim |?n(x)| and at the same time lim |?n(a;)| < e < 1, n
which is a contradiction. Hence, rA(y) < 1. Uniqueness of y follows from the above. (2) Let now A[rr] be involutive and x G H{A). Then, y o y = x = x* = y* o y* with y*x — xy* and rA(y*) < 1. Uniqueness of y yields y* = y.
5. Square roots in Arens-Michael algebras
5.5 Corollary. Let A[rp] be a unital Arens-Michael algebra and x G A such that r^(e — x) < 1. Then, the following hold: (1) There is unique square root y of x, with xy — yx and r^(e — y) < 1. (2) When A[rr] is moreover involutive and x is in H(A), the same is true for y. Proof. From Theorem 5.4, e — x has a unique quasi-square root z, which commutes with e — x and TA{Z) < 1. Hence, x — e — 2z + z2 = (e — z) 2 , so (1) is proved with y :— e — z. Statement (2) follows from Theorem 5.4(2), since e — x € H(A). Theorem 5.6 was first proved by T. Husain and B.D. Malviya [201, p. 41, Theorem 1] for a unital Arens-Michael *-algebra A[rp] with the property fAp{xp) < 1, for all x G A and p G F. 5.6 Theorem. Let A{rr] be a unital involutive Arens-Michael algebra such that TA{X) < oo, for all x G H(A). Then, A[rr] is generated by the set U(A) of its unitary elements. Proof. Each x € A has a unique form (see (3.8)): x — x\ + ixi with Xi G H(A), i = 1,2. Hence, it suffices to show that H(A) is generated by U(A). Without loss of generality we suppose that TA(X) < 1, for all x € H(A). Thus, given x G H(A), consider the maximal commutative closed self-adjoint subalgebra AQ of A containing the normal subset {x, e} of A. Then (see Theorems 4.13 and 4.6(5)), rAo(e - (e - x2)) < 1, so that Corollary 5.5 yields the existence of a unique y G H(AQ), such that 9
e - xz — yA & e = xz Taking now z :— x + iy, we clearly have x =
+yz. , with z G U(A).
Removing identity in Theorem 5.6, the involutive Arens-Michael algebra A[rr] is generated by the set Uq(A) of its quasi-unitary elements; that is, the elements x £ A with 1*01 = 0 = 1 0 1 * [63, Proposition 4.1]. 5.7 Theorem (Sterbova). Let A[rr] be a unital Arens-Michael algebra. Let x £ A with SPA{X) C (0, 00) and TA(X) < 1- Then, x has a unique
Chapter I. Background material
square root y such that xy = yx, spA(y) C (0,oo) and r^(y) < 1. When A[rr] is moreover involutive and x E H(A), the same is true for y. Proof. From (4.11) we have that SPA{S — X) = 1 — SPA(X), SO by hypothesis spA^e — x) C (0,1) and r^(e — x) < 1. Thus, Corollary 5.5 implies the existence of a unique square root y for x with r^i(e — y) < 1 and xy — yx. The result now follows easily. Theorem 5.7 is true even for elements of unbounded spectrum, at the cost however of the uniqueness for the square root. More precisely, one has: 5.8 Theorem (Sterbova). Let A[rr] be a unital Arens-Michael algebra. Let x £ A with SPA(X) C (0, OO). Then, there is a square root y of x such that SPA{V) Q (0, OO). When A[rr] is moreover involutive and x £ H(A), the same is true for y. Proof. From hypothesis — 1 ^ SPA(X), therefore e + x is invertible and its inverse u = (e + a;)"1 commutes with x. According to Proposition 4.16, the set B = {x,u}cc (bicommutant of {x, u}) is a unital commutative closed subalgebra of A[77-], with sps{y) = SPA{V), for all y E B. Thus, denoting by v the element xu of B, we have v — e — u, therefore using Lemma 4.10(1) and (4.11), we conclude that S
C (0,oo) with TA{U) < 1 and TA{V) < 1-
Now from Theorem 5.7 there exist unique elements z, w in A, such that u = z2,
v = w2
SPA(Z) C (0,1)
One further obtains (5.10) z2 + w2 — e <^> w2 — e - z2 and spA(e - z) C (0,1) D spA{e - w).
Theorem 4.7(1) and Proposition 4.16 imply that z, w (being, in fact, elements of B) are invertible in B (hence in A too). Consequently, applying inversion to the equality u = z2 we get (z~1)2 — e + x. Moreover, defining y :— z~1w and using (5.10) we easily get that y is a square root of x. The rest of the proof follows from the definition of y and the fact that z,w e H(A), whenever x E H{A) (Theorem 5.7).
6. Q and advertibly complete algebras. Basic properties, examples 69
Q and advertibly complete algebras. Basic properties, examples
The notion of the "property Q" is due to I. Kaplansky [228] and goes back to 1947, where it was formulated in the context of topological rings. The symbol "Q" seems to be connected with the initial letter of the word "quasi" (see Definition 6.1). The concept of "advertible completeness" was introduced by S. Warner [386], in 1956, in the class of m-convex algebras and he related it with that of a Q-algebra. The consideration of this concept in the more general case of a topological algebra is due to A. Mallios [262, p. 45]. 6.1 Definition. A Q-algebra is a topological algebra A[T] whose the group GqA of quasi-invertible elements is open. An advertibly complete algebra is a topological algebra A[r\ whose a Cauchy net (xs)seA with the property (6.1)
x$ ° x — > 0 < — xox$,
for some x € A,
converges in A[T]. In this case, x € G\ with quasi-inverse x° = lim^a^. Notice that, we shall use the term Frechet Q-algebra, respectively Frechet Q-*-algebra meaning an m-convex, respectively m*— convex algebra, which at the same time is a Q-algebra. We shall see that advertibly complete and Q-algebras possess many of the fundamental properties of Banach algebras. Clearly, every Banach algebra is a Q-algebra, but not every normed algebra is a Q-algebra (see Example 6.9). Moreover, every complete topological algebra and every Q-algebra is advertibly complete (for the latter, see Theorem 6.5 below). There are important non-Banach topological algebras, which are Q-algebras and various others that are not (cf. Examples 6.12). Such examples are exhibited after a brief account on the main properties and interrelations of the preceding two classes of topological algebras. Proofs which can be found in other books are omitted and full references are given in these cases. As we have noticed in the Introduction, the class of Frechet Q (*)-algebras plays an important role in the theory of pseudo-differential operators, where a
Chapter I. Background material
plethora of examples of operator algebras belong to the afore-mentioned family of Q-algebras. There is a series of papers (see [179, Introduction]) among them [178, 247], which show the importance and applicability of the property Q. We should moreover mention that Q-algebras are also essentially involved in questions of Differential Geometry as the reader can see in [265, Chapter XI] and [382]. The following result can be found implicitly in [262, p. 95, Remark] 6.2 Proposition. Let A[T] be an advertibly complete topological algebra, whose completion A[f] is also supposed to be a topological algebra (this is the case when A[T] has continuous multiplication). Then, for an element x £ A one has that x G G\ if and only if x G Gq~. Proof. Clearly x G A with x G G\ implies x £ Gq~. So let x G A with x G G\. Then, there is y G A such that (6.2)
X oy = Q = y o x.
Moreover, there is a net {ys)s^A (6.3)
A[T] with y = lim^y^. It follows that
i o i / j —> 0 <— ys o x.
So Definition 6.1 yields that the previous net converges in A\T\. Let z e A with ys —> z. Then from (6.3) z is a quasi-inverse of x, hence by (6.2) y = z G A. The next corollary is a direct consequence of Proposition 6.2 and Theorem 6.5 below. 6.3 Corollary. Let A be a normed Q-algebra and A the Banach algebra, completion of A. Let x G A. Then, x G GqA if and only if x G Gq~. 6.4 Proposition. Let A\rp\ be an advertibly complete m-convex algebra and x £ A with p(x) < 1, for all p G F. — Y^=i
Then, x G GqA with x° =
If A[rr\ is moreover unital and x in A[TP} fulfils the condition
p(e — x) < I, for all p G F, then x G G^ with a;"1 — e + Y^=i(e ~
6. Q and advertibly complete algebras. Basic properties, examples 71 Proof. Let sn := - Y!k=\ xh, n G N. Since p{x) < 1, for all p G F, it is easily seen that (sn), n G N, is a Cauchy sequence in A[rr]. Moreover, s n o i = x n + 1 = x o sn, V n G N, where p(xn+1) < p(x)n+l —> 0 since p(a;) < l , p e r . Hence, s n o x —> 0 <— x o sn, therefore Definition 6.1 yields that (s n ) converges in A[rr] and let y — limn sn. Then, clearly x is quasi-invertible with x° = y = — X^fcLi x The second part follows easily, from the first. In Proposition 6.4 we can drop m-convexity by taking A[rr] to be a Frechet locally convex algebra with F — {pi}i^n a defining family of seminorms. Indeed, in virtue of (1.17), we get inductively that Pi(xn+1)
a n d x 6 E.
So, if x E A with pi(x) < 1, for all i € N, we clearly take Pi(xn+1) —> 0, for all i G N. All other parts of the proof go exactly as in that of Proposition 6.4. The reader should compare Proposition 6.4 with Theorem 4.7 and [262, p. 101, Corollary 6.3]. 6.5 Theorem (Warner). For a topological algebra A[T] consider the following statements: (1) A[T] is a Q-algebra (2) A[T] is an advertibly complete algebra. Then (1) => (2), while (2) =^ (1) when moreover A[T] is either a norraed algebra or a commutative m-convex algebra with equicontinuous spectrum. Proof. (1) => (2) For the proof of this direction also see [262, p. 43, Lemma 6.4]. Let {xs)seA be a Cauchy net in A[rr] with the property (6.1). Since A[rr] is a Q-algebra and 0 G GqA, the latter is a 0-neighborhood in A[r/-], so that there is an index #o such that x§ o x, x o x$ G GqA, for all 5 > 5oMoreover there are y, z G A with (xs0
o x ) o y = 0 = y o ( x S o o x ) a n d (x o x § a ) o z = 0 = z o ( x o x s o ) ,
Chapter I. Background material
whence it follows that (yox$0)ox — 0 = xo(x$Qoz), therefore x E G\. Let w be the quasi-inverse of x in A[rr]; that is, x° — w E -<4.[T]- Then, from the separate continuity of the circle operation, we conclude (see (6.1)) x$ = x$ o 0 = x s o (x o w) = (xs o x) o w — > O o w = w ,
which proves (2). (2) => (1) Suppose first that A is a normed algebra and let x E G\ with quasi-inverse x°. Consider the open set
Then, x E U C G^. Indeed, if y E U, one has that ||y o x ° | | = \\y + x° — yx°\\ = \\y + xx° — x — yx°\\ = \\(y-x)-(y-
< \\y - x \ \ ( l + \\x°\\)
< 1,
which by hypothesis (see Proposition 6.4) leads to y o x° E GqA and so y — (y ox°) ox E GqA. This proves openess of GqA and therefore property Q for A[rp] according to Definition 6.1. For the proof of the second part of (2) => (1), cf. [262, p. 106, Theorem 6.3]. For the next Corollary 6.6, also see [386, Theorem 7], [163, p. 50, Proposition], [269, p. 11, Theorem], [295, Proposition 3.3] and [336, Satz 1.9]. 6.6 Corollary. Let A be a normed algebra. The following are equivalent: (1) A is a Q-algebra. (2) For every x E A with \\x\\ < 1, one has x E G\. (3) For every x E A with \\x\\ < 1, one has the convergence of the series Proof. (1) => (2). Apply Theorem 6.5 together with Proposition 6.4. (2) => (3). Let x E A with ||x|| < 1 and let y be the quasi-inverse of x in A. We show that the sequence {sn}neN with sn = — 5Zfe=i x^ converges to y and this proves (3). Indeed, - S n + y = (yox)o = 2(y ox)-
(-Sn) x
+ y-yo{xo n+1
+ yx
(sn)) = -x
+ y + yxn+1
—> 0.
6. Q and advertibly complete algebras. Basic properties, examples 73 (3) => (1). Let x € A with ||x|| < 1. By hypothesis the sequence {sn}n€N with sn = — Sfe=i xk converges in A and let z be its limit. Then, (6.4)
sn o x = x n + 1 = i o s n , n G N,
hence x G G^ with x° — z. Openess of G\ results now exactly as in the proof of Theorem 6.5, (2) => (1). 6.7 Remark. A consequence of Corollary 6.6 as well as of Proposition 6.4 and Theorem 6.5 in comparison to Theorem 4.7 is that a Q-algebra, although not complete by definition, behaves in some circumstances as being complete. This is due to the fact that, a Q-algebra enjoys a weaker kind of completeness, that of advertible completeness (Theorem 6.5) and this makes, for instance, a normed Q-algebra to possess some fundamental properties that every Banach algebra has (Corollary 6.6) and more than that, these properties characterize a normed algebra as a Q-algebra. Later on in this Section, we shall meet such instances even for non-normed Qalgebras. 6.8 An example of an incomplete normed algebra which is a Q-algebra [335]. Let JC(R) := {/ G C(R) : supp(f) is compact}. Endow /C(R) with pointwise defined algebraic operations and the uniform norm || ||oo. Then /C(R) is a non-unital incomplete normed algebra. Let / G /C(R) with ll/lloo < 1- Then f(x) ^ 1, for every x G R, so that we may define a function g such that g(x) := / ^ 1 , with x G R. Clearly, g G /C(R) and g o / — 0 — fog, which equivalently means that / G GwRw Hence, from Corollary 6.6 /C(R) is a Q-algebra. 6.9 An example of an incomplete normed algebra which is not a Q-algebra [163]. Let T := {z G C : \z\ = 1} and P all polynomials on T with complex coefficients. Endow P with pointwise defined algebraic operations and the uniform norm || H^. Then, P is an incomplete normed Z
algebra and if p G P with p(z) := 1 , z G T, there is no q G P such that p{z)q{z) = 1, z G T. This means that p £ Gp. On the other hand, if 1 is the identity in P we have
Chapter I. Background
Therefore, if P was a Q-algebra, p would be invertible according to Corollary 6.6 (and/or Proposition 6.4), which is a contradiction. 6.10 Proposition (Warner). (1) The cartesian product of a family of advertibly complete algebras is (under the product topology) an advertibly complete algebra. (2) A closed subalgebra of an advertibly complete algebra is advertibly complete. (3) The cartesian product of a family of Q-algebras is (under the product topology) a Q-algebra if and only if each one of them has this property and all but finite number consist entirely of quasi-invertible elements. (4) An m-convex algebra A[rr] is advertibly complete if and only if the following equivalence holds: An element x in A belongs to GqA if and only if xp belongs to GqA , for all p e F. (5) A commutative m-convex algebra A[rr] is advertibly complete if and only if the following equivalence holds: An element x in A belongs to GqA if and only if tp(x) ^ 1, for all ip £ Wl(A). (6) A unital commutative m-convex algebra A[rr\ is advertibly complete if and only if the following equivalence is true: An element x in A belongs to GA if and only if ip(x) ^ 0, for all tp £ Wl(A). Proof. The assertions (1), (2), (3) follow easily from the very definitions. For the proofs of the assertions (4), (5) and (6) see [262, pp. 96-99]. Recall that Theorem 4.6 is valid for every advertibly complete m-convex algebra [262, pp. 99, 100]. For further information about advertibly complete algebras, see [37, Chapters I, II]. For the proof of the next theorem, see [262, pp. 60, 67, 72, 75, 187]. 6.11 Theorem. Let A[T] be a topological algebra. Consider the following statements: (1) A[T] is a Q-algebra. (2)
is (a possibly empty) compact subset o/C, for all x £ A. < oo, for all x £ A.
In the case when 9Jl(A) ^ 0, consider still the statements:
6. Q and advertibly complete algebras. Basic properties, examples 75 (4) Each maximal modular left ideal of A[r] is closed. (5) Each character of A[T] is continuous. (6) VJl(A) is an equicontinuous subset of A'. Then, (1) => (2), (3), (4), (5) and (6); (2) =* (3) and (4) => (5). In the case when A[T] is moreover unital (and 97t(A) ^ 0), then (1) yields that 9Jt(A) is a compact subset of A's. The inverses of the implications described in Theorem 6.11, are not in general true. For (2) =£> (1) and/or (3) =£» (1), see Remark in Example 6.12(3), and Remark (ii) in Example 7.6(4) . For inverse implications under extra assumptions on some statements of Theorem 6.11, see [36, 37] and [262, pp. 105, 106, 187]. Concerning compactness of Wl(A), we note that a unital commutative Frechet algebra A[Tp] has compact spectrum if and only if A[Tr] is a Qalgebra [262, p. 187, Lemma 1.3]. We take this chance to mention another condition under which a Frechet algebra becomes a Q-algebra (for another instance, see Lemma 18.17). In 2000, W. Zelazko proved that A unital commutative real or complex Frechet topological algebra A[T] is a Q-algebra, if it is noetherian (in the sense that every proper ideal / of A[r] is finitely generated) [413, Proposition 1]. In the same paper, the author also proved that A unital commutative real or complex Frechet algebra A[rr] has all its ideals closed if and only if it is noetherian (ibid., Theorem 5). Topological algebras having all their maximal modular ideals closed were indicated by A. Mallios in [262, p. 73, Scholium 7.1], since 1986. This class of topological algebras contains genuinely the class of Q-algebras and it has been used recently by several authors, under various names (see, e.g., [5, 8, 186, 187, 188]). In some cases, this sort of algebras are forced to be Q-algebras as M. Akkar and C. Nacir have proved in [8, Proposition 17]. 6.12 Examples of advertibly complete algebras which are neither complete nor Q—algebras. (1) (Warner) Let A\ be an incomplete normed Q-algebra (see, for instance, Example 6.8) and (A n ) n >i a family of unital Banach algebras. Consider A := Yln An and endow it with the product topology. Then,
Chapter I. Background
Proposition 6.10(1) and Theorem 6.5 yield that A is an advertibly complete m-convex algebra, which is incomplete since A\ is not complete. Note that if en is the identity of An, n > 1, this is not a quasi-invertible element in An; assuming that it is, we are led to the contradiction en — 0, n > 1. Hence, A is not a Q-algebra as follows from Proposition 6.10(3). (2) (Warner) Let £>(lRn) be the algebra of the Example 2.4(3), that is the algebra of all C°°-functions on M.n with compact support. We consider S(K") endowed with the relative C°°-topology r ^ (see discussion before (2.30)). Then, 2)(Mn)[r®] is dense in C°°(Rn)[rroo] [232, p. 77]; namely,
S(Rn)[r£] = C~(in[TrJ,
therefore incomplete. We shall prove that S?(]Rn)[r®] is advertibly complete. Comments after (4.37) together with (6.5) and (4.43) imply that (6.6)
DJIoo = 2Jt(2)(Mn)[r®]) =Rn = {Sx:xG
up to a continuous bijection. Let / G £>(Rn) with 6x(f) = f(x) ^ 1, for fix) every x G R n . Then, defining g G 5)(Rn) with g(x) = ..x . l , x G Rn, it f o l l o w s e a s i l y t h a t fog
= 0 = gof.
S o , / G G%Rny
f( ) -
O n t h eother hand,
if t h e r e i s h G £>QR ) w i t h (6.7)
= 0=
then f(x) — 8x(f) ^ 1, for all x G M.n, otherwise (6.7) leads to a contradiction. Hence, Proposition 6.10(5) implies that S)(Rn)[r,J] is advertibly complete. We show now that 2)(R")[r^] is not a Q-algebra. Suppose it is. Then, its spectrum OTQO will be equicontinuous (see Theorem 6.11 and (6.6)) and the same will be also true for the spectrum R n of its completion C°° (W1) [76, p. 27, Proposition 4]. But, since C°°(Rn) is unital, its spectrum OTt(C°°(IRn)) will be a closed subset of the weak topological dual of C°°(Rn), therefore (weakly*-) compact by Alaoglu-Bourbaki theorem and this leads to a contradiction. (3) In 1984 R. Fuster and A. Marquina [163] proved that if X is a 0-dimensional compact space, the algebra S(X) of all continuous simple
6. Q and advertibly complete algebras. Basic properties, examples 77 functions (that is, continuous functions with finite range) is an incomplete Q-subalgebra of the Banach algebra C(X). We recall that a topological space is called 0-dimensional if each of its points attains a neighborhood system consisting of open-closed sets. We show that in the case when X is a 0-dimensional (non-compact) locally compact space and CC(X) the Arens-Michael algebra of all continuous functions on X, under the compact open topology "c" (see Example 3.10(4)), the subalgebra (6.8)
SC(X) = {/ e CC(X) : f is simple}
of SCC{X) (endowed with the relative compact open topology), is an incomplete, advertibly complete, non Q-algebra. Clearly, SC(X) j^ 0 and SC(X) = CC{X), as follows from the Stone-Weierstrass theorem [212, p. 271]. Hence, SC(X) is an incomplete m-convex algebra. Let 9Jls = 9Jl(Sc{X)) and Me = M{CC{X)). Then, (see (4.37) and (4.46)) (6.9)
= OTC = X = {5X : x e X}, with 5x(f)
for all / G SC(X) and x G X, where the first equality holds up to a continuous bijection and the second one up to a homeomorphism. Take / G SC(X). Let f(X) — {ct\,..., an} C C and A{ :— f~1{ai}, i = 1,... ,n. Then, each Ai is a closed-open set and Aj n Aj = 0 for every i ^ j with X = (JiLi ^»Moreover, / = Y^l=\ ai^Ai^ uniquely, where X^ is the characteristic function of ^ , i — 1 , . . . , n. Suppose that Sx(f) ^ 0, for all x G X. Then, the function g := 5Z"=i a^1^-Ai, clearly belongs to SC(X) and (6.10)
fg — 1 which equivalently means that / G Gsc(x)
(1 is the identity in SC(X)). On the other hand, if (6.10) holds, then readily Sx(f) ^ 0, for all x G X. Hence, Proposition 6.10(6) yields that SC(X) is advertibly complete. We show now that SC(X) is not a Q-algebra. Suppose that SC(X) has this property. Then, its spectrum VJls would be equicontinuous and compact (Theorem 6.11). But equicontinuity implies that the equality in (6.9) is valid up to a homeomorphism (see (4.37) and the comments after
Chapter I. Background
it). Thus X becomes homeomorphic with a compact space, which is a contradiction to our hypothesis. Therefore, SC(X) is not a Q-algebra. It is clear from the above that (6.11)
If X is a O-dimensional completely regular space, then SC(X) is a Q-algebra if and only if X is compact.
R e m a r k . From the foregoing, one has that (6.12)
= f(X) C C finite, V / e SC(X).
Hence, SC(X), X a O-dimensional (non-compact) locally compact space, provides an example of an m-convex algebra, whose each element has a compact spectrum (equivalently, each element has a finite spectral radius) (see Proposition 4.4), but the algebra itself is not a Q-algebra. This means that the implications (2) => (1) and (3) => (1) of Theorem 6.11, are not, in general, true. A consequence of (6.12) is that SC(X) cannot be either barrelled or m-barrelled algebra (see Definitions 1.7 and 2.1). Indeed, since r Sc{X)(f) < °°i f° r all / € SC(X), one has that m°s = {/ € SC(X) : rSc{x)(f)
< 1}
(with Wl°s the polar of Wls), so the set Wl°s is an m-barrel in SC(X) (also consult Theorem 4.6). Thus, if SC(X) was either barrelled or m-barrelled, {/ E SC(X) : rSc(X)(f) < 1} would be a O-neighborhood in SC(X), which equivalently means that Sc(X) would be a Q-algebra (see Proposition 6.14(1), below) and this is a contradiction. 6.13 Examples of non-Q topological algebras. (1) The ArensMichael algebras CC(R), C N , O(C), C°°(IRn), are not allowed to be Qalgebras, under their usual topology. For the first two algebras (Example 3.10(4) and 2.4(6)) the assertion follows from the next general result: (6.13)
When X is a completely regular space the m-convex algebra CC(X) is Q if and only if X is compact (A. Mallios).
Indeed: Suppose X is compact. Then c = || ||oo and C(X) is a Banach algebra, therefore Q. Conversely, suppose that CC(X), X completely regular, is a Q-algebra. Then, its spectrum which is homeomorphic to X (cf.
6. Q and advertibly complete algebras. Basic properties, examples 79 Example 4.20(3)) will be a compact space (Theorem 6.11). For the algebras 0(C) and C°°(R") (Example 2.4(5) and 2.4(2)) the claim follows as in the converse of (6.13), taking into account (4.48) and (4.43). Arguing as in (6.13), one clearly has that the Frechet algebra C°°(X), X a 2nd countable n-dimensional C°° -manifold, is Q if and only if X is compact. (2) The Arens algebra £"[0,1] (see (i) before Definition 2.2) is not a Q—algebra. We have noticed (ibid.) that Lu[0,1] is a unital commutative Frechet locally convex (not m-convex) algebra (with continuous multiplication). To justify the above stated claim we first note that Lw[0,1] has a non-continuous inversion [21, p. 630] (also see [406, p. 125]). In fact, take the following sequence of invertible elements in Lu[0,1] fn{t)=
\ n' ° ~ t -
n ,
Letting n —> oo, we get that fn —> 1, with 1 the identity of £ w [0,1], but fn1 ~^ 1; since
!l/n 1 -l|l?=/ \fr\t)-l\>dt= Jo
) n
So inversion is not continuous. This prevents Lw[0,1] to be a Q-algebra. If it was, being moreover Frechet, it would have a continuous inversion (cf. [406, p. 7, Corollary 1.8] and [103, Corollary 2.1.38]). Provided that Lw[0,1] is not an m-convex algebra, discontinuity of inversion in Lu[0,1] could be inferred by a theorem due to P. Turpin [376, p. 1686] according to which every commutative locally convex algebra with continuous inversion is an m-convex algebra. (3) The algebra H(B) (see (ii) before Definition 2.2) is not a Qalgebra. Suppose that iJ(D) is a Q-algebra. Then, since it is a Frechet locally convex algebra (with continuous multiplication), would have a continuous inversion [384, p. 87, Definition 7 and p. 115 Corollary]. But, according to the above mentioned result of P. Turpin (also see [384, p. 123, Proposition 3]), we are led to a contradiction, since iJ(D) is not an mconvex algebra (as we have noticed in (ii) before Definition 2.2).
Chapter I. Background material
(4) The field algebra (see Example 3.10(5)) or Borchers algebra S is not a Q—algebra. The group Gs of the invertible elements in S is exhausted by the scalar multiples of the identity 1 = (1,0,0,...) [74, p. 36, Lemma 1.2.4, e)], i.e., Gs = {Al : A € C}, which is not open in the topology of S. Let A be an algebra and M a (non-empty) subset of A. M is called a commutative subset if every pair of its elements commute. For a given topological algebra A[T] set (6.14)
rA(x) < 1}.
The second equivalence in Proposition 6.14(1) was proved by E.A. Michael for locally convex algebras [272, Proposition 13.5]. The proof for an arbitrary topological algebra is due to A. Mallios [262, p. 59, Lemma 4.2]. 6.14 Proposition. Let A[T] be a topological algebra. The following statements hold: (1) (Michael) A[r] is a Q-algebra if and only if GqA is a 0-neighborhood in A[T] if and only if SA is a 0-neighborhood in A[T\. (2) A[T] is a Q-algebra if and only if this is the case for its unitization A\\T\] (TI denotes the product topology on A\ := A[T] © C). (3) (Kaplansky) Let I be a closed ideal in A[T]. Then, A[T] is a Qalgebra if and only if I and A[T]/I are Q-algebras (I carries the relative topology from A[T] and A[T]/I the corresponding quotient topology). (4) (Tsertos) A[r] is a Q-algebra if and only if there is a balanced 0neighborhood V in A[T] such that r^ix) < pv(x), for all x € A, where pv is the gauge function of V. (5) (Zelazko) Suppose A[T] is a Q-algebra. Then, every maximal commutative subset M of A[T] is a closed Q-subalgebra of A[T\. Proof. (1) See [262, p. 43, Lemma 6.4 and p. 59, Lemma 4.2]. (2) Suppose that A[T] is a Q-algebra. Then, from (1) the set SA is a 0-neighborhood in A[T]. Let Uo = {A G C : |A| < 1} and U, :=
x Uo.
6. Q and advertibly complete algebras. Basic properties, examples 81 Then U\ is a O-neighborhood in
such that
In fact, if (x, A) G U\, using the "polynomial spectral mapping theorem" (see (4.11)) we get spAl{x, A) = {/j, + A : \i G sp^(x)}. Thus, rAi(s,A) < rA(x) + |A| < - + - = 1, therefore (a;, A) G 5 A l The assertion now follows from (6.15) and (1). Conversely, it is straightforward that GqA — GA n A, therefore if
is a Q-algebra, so is
(3) Suppose A[T] is a Q-algebra and / a closed ideal in A[T]. It is easily seen that Gq = GqA n / , whence / is a Q-algebra with the relative topology from
the quotient
is a topological algebra
under the corresponding quotient topology (see Subsection 3.(4)) and the quotient map g : A[T] —> &(SA) Q SA/I
is continuous and open with the property
(see (4.9) and (6.14)). The fact that A[r]/I is a Q-algebra
follows now from (1). Conversely, suppose that / and
are Q-algebras. To prove that
A[r] is a Q-algebra, it suffices to show according to (1) that GqA is a 0neighborhood in A[r]. This follows from the fact that (6.16)
U C G%
where U = Q~l{GqA/j) (g as before) is by (1) a 0-neighborhood in A[T]. We prove (6.16). Let x € U. Then, x +1 € G9A,j, hence there is y G A with xoy
+ l = l = yox
+ l<&xoy,
y ox G/.
But from hypothesis and (1) Gq is a 0-neighborhood in / . Hence, there exists a balanced 0-neighborhood V in / , with V C Gq. Moreover, there are n,m £ N such that n(x oy) EV and m(y o x) G V. So xoye-VCVCGi n
and yoxG
—V C V C G l m
so that
(y ° x) o z' = 0 — z' o (y o x),
Chapter I. Background material
for some z, z' G / . It follows now, that x o (y o z) = 0 = (z' o y) o x, which yields x G G\. (4) Suppose A[T] is a Q-algebra. By (1) there is a balanced O-neighborhood V in A[T] with V C SA- In particular, {xe A: pv(x) < 1} C V C {x G A : rA(x) < 1} (see (6.14) and [262, p. 2, (1.3)]); that is, (6.17)
x G A with pv(x) < 1 => rA(x) < 1.
But since pv, TA are absolutely homogeneous functions, a standard argument shows that rA{x)
V i eA
(otherwise one gets a contradiction to (6.17)). Conversely, if (6.18) is true for some balanced O-neighborhood V in A, then clearly V C {x e A : pv{x) < 1} C {x e A : rA(a;) < 1} = SA, and thus A[r] is Q by (1). (5) Let M be a maximal subset in A[T]. It is readily seen that M is a closed subalgebra of A. Moreover, GqM =
It suffices to show that GqA n M C GqM. So, if x G G^ n M, one has that x o m = m o x, for all m G M and a; o y = 0 = y o x, for some y £ A. We show that y £ M. Indeed, y o m = (y o m ) o (x o y ) = y o ( m o x ) o y = y o ( x o m ) o y = (y o x) o (m o j/) = ?n o y, V 77i G M, which yields ym = my, for every m G M. Hence, (6.19) is true, from which the assertion follows.
Q and advertibly complete algebras. Basic properties, examples 83 A direct consequence of (6.19) is the following.
6.15 Corollary. Every maximal commutative subset M of a topological algebra A[r] is a closed subalgebra of A[T], that has an identity if A[T] has one and SPM(X) = SPA(X),
for every x G M.
There are topological algebras that are not Q, but their completions when there exist (in this respect, see discussion after (1.17)), are Q-algebras. For instance, the completion A of a (non-Q) normed algebra A, is always a Q-algebra being a Banach algebra. On the other hand, from [262, p. 151, (2.26)] the completion A[T^\ of a commutative not advertibly complete m-convex algebra A[r/-] with equicontinuous spectrum 9Jl(A), is a Q-algebra, while A[rr] cannot be such (Theorem 6.5). Yet, the completion of a non-normed Q-algebra (if it is still a topological algebra) might not be a Q-algebra; see for instance, [262, p. 151] and [37, p. 45, Corollary 4.2]. Another result to this direction is the following, whose the proof is easily checked.
6.16 Proposition (Kissin-Shulman). Let A[T] be a unital topological algebra, such that its completion A[f\ is also a topological algebra. Consider the following statements: (1) A[T] is a Q-algebra. (2) If I is a proper left (right, 2-sided) ideal in A[T], then its closure I is a proper left (right, 2-sided) ideal in A[f]. (3) IfxGA
has no left (right) inverse in A[T], then x has no left (right)
inverse in A\f\.
(4) GA =
Then, (1) =4> (2)
(3) => (4) and if moreover A[f] is a Q-algebra, one
also has that (4) => (1). The "arithmetic" characterization of the property Q, given by Proposition 6.14(4), is interpreted "geometrically" in Theorem 6.17, (3) and (4), in the sense of the relation of the corresponding O-neighborhoods.
6.17 Theorem. Let A[r] be a locally convex algebra. Then, the following statements are equivalent:
Chapter I. Background material (1) A[T] is a Q-algebra. (2) TA{X) < pv(x), for all x £ A and a basic 0-neighborhood V in A[T\. (3) {x G A :Pv(x)
< 1} C G\, V as in (2).
(4) {xe A: pv{x) < 1} C 5,4 (see (6.14)), V as in (2). (5) The radical JA of A[T] is closed and A[T]/JA Proof. (1)
is a Q-algebra.
(2) It follows from Proposition 6.14(4).
(2) => (3). Let x G A with gv(x) < 1. Then from (2) rA(x) < 1, which yields 1 ^ spA(x), therefore x G GqA. (3) =4> (4) Let x G A with gv(x) < 1 and x $ 5,4. Then, TA{X) > 1, so that there is A G sp^(x) with [A| > 1. Since the set {x G A : pv(x) < 1} is balanced, it will contain A"1^, therefore by (3) A-1a; G GqA, a contradiction to the fact that A G SPA(X).
Hence, x £
(4) => (5) Since V is a basic O-neighborhood in A[T], the set {x G A : Pv^(x) < 1} is open, therefore 5^ is a O-neighborhood in A[T]; this implies that A[T] is a Q-algebra (Proposition 6.14(1)). As a consequence, each maximal modular left ideal in A[T] is closed (Theorem 6.11(4)). Hence (see comments after Definition 4.21), JA is a closed ideal and the quotient algebra
a (locally convex) Q-algebra as follows from Proposition
6.14(3). (5) =4> (2) Since
O-neighborhood V in (6.20) But rA(x)
is a (locally convex) Q-algebra, there is a basic
such that (Proposition 6.14(4))
rA/jA{x + JA) < Py(x + JA), V i + J A e = rA/jA{x
+ JA), for all x G A [121, Proposition (B.5.16)].
Moreover, V := g~ {V) (with g the respective quotient map from A[T] on A[T]/JA)
is a basic O-neighborhood in
and pv(x) = Py(x +
all x & A. Hence, the assertion follows from (6.20). It is clear that if T = rp, F = {p} is a denning family of seminorms on A, then the gauge function py in Theorem 6.17(2) is replaced by some p G F. In the case of an m-convex algebra, Theorem 6.17 can be formulated and enriched as follows.
6. Q and advertibly complete algebras. Basic properties, examples 85 6.18 Theorem. Let A[rr] be an m-convex algebra. Then, the following statements are equivalent: (1) ^4-[TT] is a Q-algebra. (2) TA(X) < po(x), for all x 6 A and some po €E F. (3) {xeA: po(x) < 1} C G% po as in (2). (4) {x £ A : pQ(x) < 1} C SA, po as in (2). (5) TA{X) < kpo(x), for all x £ A, a constant k > 0 and po as in (2). (6) TA{X) — lim n po( a;n ) 1 ; for all x & A and po as in (2). (7) The radical JA of A[rr] is closed and A^PJ/JA is a Q-algebra. Proof. We show only (1) =4> (2), where the proof of implication (1) => (5) also is contained with k = 1/e, 0 < e < 1. For (5) => (6) ^ (2) the reader is referred to the proof of Theorem 2.2.5 (e) =*> (f) =4> (d) in the book of T.W. Palmer [297], where one has to repeat that proof for the present m-seminormed algebra A[po]Since A[rr] is a Q-algebra there is a O-neighborhood Upo(e), 0 < e < 1, such that UPo C SA, therefore x € A withpo(a;) < £ implies rA(x) < 1, from which we conclude (see (6.17) and proof of (6.18)) TA{X) < (l/e)po{x), for all x G A. In particular, (see Theorem 4.6) rA(x)n — rA{xn) < (l/e)po(xn), for all x £ A; hence
rA(*)<(l/e) 1/n KX /n , VxeA. Taking limits for n —> oo we get TA{X) < rApo{xpo) < \\xpo\\po =po(x), V x G A.
A consequence of Theorem 6.18 is that m-convex Q-algebras have some fundamental properties attained by Banach algebras and more than that these properties characterize m-convex algebras as Q-algebras. Concerning Theorem 6.18, we still note that: 1. The characterization of the property Q in Proposition 6.14(4) (also see Theorems 6.17, 6.18) was first noticed by Y. Tsertos in his Ph.D. Thesis [372] (Univ. of Athens, 1988); also see [373, Theorem 4.1 and Corollary 4.1]. 2. The characterizations of the property Q by (2) and (6) appeared by B. Yood [404, Lemma 2.1] for
Chapter I. Background material
normed algebras, in 1958. 3. Further characterizations of the property Q in the normed case (some of them have already been discussed in this Section) have been given by S. Warner [386], 1956, R. Fuster and A. Marquina [163], 1984, V. Mascioni [269], 1987, E. Kissin and V.S. Shulman [233], 1993 and D. Birbas [62, Theorem 3.2.23], 1995. 4. The characterizations of the property Q by (2)-(6) were proved by T.W. Palmer [296, Theorem 3.1], in 1992 (also see [297, Theorem 2.2.5]) for his spectral algebras, that by definition are m-seminormed Q-algebras. More precisely, one has the following. 6.19 Definition (Palmer). An algebra A is called spectral algebra if it can be endowed with an m-seminorm p such that (6.21)
< p(x), V x £ A (spectral inequality).
An involutive algebra A, that can be endowed with an m*-seminorm respectively C*-seminorm p such that (6.21) is valid, is called *-spectral, respectively C*-spectral algebra. In every one of the preceding cases, the corresponding seminorm p is called respectively spectral seminorm, spectral m* -seminorm and spectral C* -seminorm. Clearly every m-convex Q-algebra is a spectral algebra (see Theorem 6.18(2)), but the converse is not, in general, true. That is, an m-convex algebra A[rr], which is moreover a spectral algebra, is not necessarily a Qalgebra, unless the spectral seminorm belongs to F (ibid.). Nevertheless, we have the following. 6.20 Proposition. Let A be an algebra. The following are equivalent: (1) A is a spectral algebra. (2) A is an m-convex Q-algebra. Proof. (1) => (2) By Definition 6.19, A is an m-seminormed Q-algebra, therefore a (not-necessarily Hausdorff) m-convex Q-algebra. (2) => (1) Let F — {p} be a denning family of seminorms for A. Then, from Theorem 6.18(2) there is p0 € J\ that fulfils (6.21). Hence, A is a spectral algebra. In 1996 B.A. Barnes proved that a pre-C*-algebra A is a Q-algebra if and only iirj\.(x) < \\x\\, for every x 6 H(A) (see [33, Lemma 1.2]). In fact,
Q and advertibly complete algebras. Basic properties, examples 87
B.A. Barnes has proved that to get a *-spectral algebra A it suffices to have an m*-seminorm, which fulfils (6.21) only for the self-adjoint elements of A. More precisely, we have the following. 6.21 Proposition (Barnes). Let A be an involutive algebra. The following statements are equivalent: (1) A is a *-spectral algebra. (2) TA{X) < p(x), V i e H(A), with q an m* -seminorm
on A.
Proof. (1) =*> (2) Obvious from Definition 6.19 (2) => (1) According to Definition 6.19 it suffices to show that the inequality in (2) is true for every x £ A. So let a: € A and A £ l
A ^ 0. If y = \~ x,
then clearly 1 £ spA{y) and because of Lemma 4.10(3)
(in the non-unital case), we conclude that 1 belongs at least to one of the sets spA(yoy*), spA{y*oy). Suppose that 1 e spA{y*oy) — spA{y*+y-y*y)Since y* + y — y*y G H(A), we have by (2) that i < rA{y* +y-y*y)
< p(y*) + p(y) + p(y*)p(y) =
y-y*y) 2p(y)+p(y)2.
This implies 2 < (p(y) + I) 2 ; that is (3 = (\/2 - 1) < p{y), and /3|A| < p(x), for all A €
Thus, /3r^(a:) < p(x), for all x £ A, whence
/3^nrA(x) = {(3r{xn))1/n < {p{xn))l/n
< p(x), V x £ A.
Letting n —> oo, we get the spectral inequality (6.21). From the comments after Definition 6.19, as well as from Theorem 6.18 and Proposition 6.21 we have the following. 6.22 Corollary. Let A[TP] be an m* -convex algebra. The following statements are equivalent: (1) A is a Q-algebra. (2) TA{X) < po(x), for every x £ A and some po £ r. (3) rA{x) < po(x), for every x £ H(A) and some po £ F.
Chapter I. Background material Recently *-spectral and C*-spectral algebras have received considerable
attention, since they may occur as subalgebras of an involutive algebra and be related with the existence of unbounded ^-representations of the initial algebra (see, for instance, [14, 55, 56, 54, 51, 52]). For this reason, the corresponding spectral m*~ and spectral C*-seminorms of the aforementioned subalgebras are called "unbounded spectral m*-", respectively "unbounded spectral C*-"seminorms (ibid.). 6.23 Examples of (non-normed) Q—algebras. (1) Every topological division algebra is clearly a Q-algebra. (2) Every spectral algebra is an m-seminormed Q-algebra. This follows from Definition 6.19 and Theorem 6.18. Let us recall here one of the "classical" examples of spectral algebras (T.W. Palmer [297, pp. 188, 189]). Take a unital hermitian Banach algebra A endowed with the Gel'fandNaimark seminorm j
(see [121, p. 120] and comments after Proposition
18.1). Then, since A is symmetric (see the Shirali-Ford theorem in Subsection 22.(1)), the Raikov criterion for symmetry (see Theorem 23.6 and [327, Theorem (4.7.21)]) yields that rA(x*x) = fA(x*x),
for every x £ A.
On the other hand, Ptak inequality for hermiticity (cf. Theorem 22.1) and C*-property imply rA{xf < rA(x*x) = -yA{x*x) = jA(x)2, hence rA(x) <
for all x e A, so that A[jA] is a Q-algebra (see
Theorem 6.18). (3) The algebra C°°[0,1]. From Theorem 4.26 and Example 2.4(1) C°°[0,1] is a non-Banach Frechet algebra. We show that it is also a Qalgebra. From (4.36), (4.41) and (2.12) it follows that rC~[0,l](/) = sup{|/(<)| : t G [0,1]} = Pl(f),
V / G C°°[0,1].
So our claim follows from Theorem 4.18. Recall that the Frechet algebra C°°(X), X a 2nd countable n-dimensional C°°-manifold, is a Q-algebra if and only if X is compact (see discussion at the end of Example 6.13(1)). (4) The algebra 2)(R") presented in Example 2.4(3) is (according to Theorem 4.26) a non-Banach Arens-Michael algebra. We show that D(E")
6. Q and advertibly complete algebras. Basic properties, examples 89 with its usual topology T£> is a Q-algebra. Recall that 2)(]Rn) also accepts the relative C°°-topology r® from C°°(IRn) and r ^ -<; r® (see (2.30)). Thus, since moreover ©(R")}^] is dense in C°°(Mn)[rr00] (see discussion after (2.36)) it has the same spectrum as C°°(Rn) (cf. (4.43) and [262, p. 145, Lemma 2.1]), therefore we conclude that Woe = 9Jl(D(Rn)[r®]) = K" C MT = OT(2)(Kn)[rs]). Now, from (4.36) and the fact that spectral radius is an algebraic concept, we derive ro(R»)(/) = sup{|/(x)| : i e l n } < o o , V / e 2)(Mn). Further, it is easily seen that S J W = {/ G ®(R") : r O (R-)(/) < 1} = 9K°, where 971° (the polar of WflT) is a barrel in S)(K"), hence a 0-neighborhood since S)(Mn), as an £J r -space, is barrelled (for the term "£.F-space", see discussion at the end of Example 3.10(5)). Thus, 5j)(H") is a 0-neighborhood in 2)(E n ) and so 53(Rn)[Ts)] is a Q-algebra (Proposition 6.14(1)). // instead of M.n we consider a 2nd countable n-dimensional (noncompact) C°°-manifold X, the respective algebra 1)(X) of compactly supported C°°-functions on X, is also an Arens-Michael Q-algebra [262, pp. 132-134], but this is not true for the advertibly complete m-convex algebra © ( X ^ T ^ ] as we have noticed in Example 6.12(2). (5) T h e convolution algebra SD*(G), G a 2nd countable abelian Lie group, is a (non-Banach) Arens-Michael Q-algebra. Let dx be a left invariant Haar measure on G. Denote by 2)*(G) all compactly supported C°°-functions on G with convolution as multiplication [262, p. 325, Section 11]. G being 2nd countable and locally compact is cr-compact [130, p. 238, 6.3], so S)*(G) equipped with the natural inductive limit topology [262, p. 326, (11.3)] becomes a commutative Arens-Michael algebra, which is, in particular, an £^ r -space, hence barrelled (see [222, 223] and [235, p. 223, 5.]). Moreover, (cf. (4.36) and [262, p. 326, Theorem 11.1]), if 6 is
Chapter I. Background
the character group of G, one has that for every / e 23* (G) rx>,(G)(f)
= snp < l
/ f(x)a(x)dx
< sup I J^ \f(x)\\a(x)\dx : « e f i } = | G |/(x)|dx = ||/|!1; where [| ||i is the Li(G)-norm. Hence, r S t ( G )(/) < oo, for all / G 23*(G), so that arguing as in (4) we conclude that 23*(G) is a Q-algebra. (6) The algebra S{Rn) is a non-Banach Frechet Q-algebra. This follows from the properties of S^IR") described in Example 2.4(4) (see, in particular, (2.34) and (2.35), as well as Theorem 4.26), by using similar arguments as in (2). In the same way as in (2), one also has that S^M")!/^] is not a Q-algebra, where r^, is the relative C°°-topology on S(R n ) from
C°°(Rn)[rrJ. (7) The algebra C[[t]] of formal power series (in one variable with complex coefficients) is an Arens-Michael Q-algebra. By definition
C[[t}] = I x := ] T Xntn I n=0
:a;neC,n>oi. J
F o r a n y x , y € C[[t}] a n d A e C d e f i n e oo
and multiplication by Cauchy product; that is, oo
xy = ^2 n=0
n Zni n w i t h
Zn =
XI xkVn-k, n > 0. fc=0
Under these algebraic operations C[[f]] becomes a unital commutative algebra. Now, the functions pn(x) := \xn\, x e C[[i\], n > 0. define an m-convex topology on C[[i]], which is often called "topology of simple convergence of the coefficients". Under this topology C[[i]] becomes
6. Q and advertibly complete algebras. Basic properties, examples 91 a Frechet algebra [371, pp. 91-92]. In particular, the preceding topology is the initial topology induced on C[[i\] by the natural projections vrn : C[[t\] —> C : x i—> xn, n > 0; and Gm]=n^(C\{0}), from which it follows that C[[t\] is a Q-algebra (Proposition 6.14(1)). In [259, p. 499, Lemma 7.3] it is proved that the algebra A[[i\] of formal power series over an Arens-Michael algebra A is a Frechet algebra, which is Q whenever A has this property. (8) The Hardy-Arens algebra HU(U) (see [207, Example 3] and [59, Example 5.5]). Let U = {z G C : \z\ < 1} be the open unit disc in C and H{U) the algebra of analytic functions on U. Let 1 < p < oo and
Hp{U):=\fGH(U): I
sup f \f(reid)\pdd < oo}. )
Let moreover, \f(reid)\Pdd) , K p < o o . -7T
Then, the Hardy spaces ifp(f7)[|| || p ], 1 < p < oo, become Banach *— algebras [316] endowed with the Hadamard product ( / * g)(x) -7T-.
e HP{U),
\x\ < r < 1
2TU J| z | = r and involution / ^ f* : HP(U) -> HP(U), 1 < p < oo, given by
f(z) = /(f), zet/. Consider now the "Hardy-Arens" algebra
HU(U) := p | HP(U) = limHP(U), Kp
equipped with the m*-seminorms || ||p denned above. HW(U) is a Frechet *-algebra with an orthogonal basis (see Section 18, Remark 18.22) (en)n^
Chapter I. Background material
defined by en(z) := zn, z £ U. Moreover, for every / €E 11^(11) there is unique sequence (an)n€^ of complex numbers such that / — Xl^Li a n e nThen, the linear forms
(also see [134, Example 3.2, (ii)]), where /(") means n-derivative of / . On the other hand,
m(Hu(U)) =N = { f t : n e N } = M(HP{U)), 1 < p < OO,
up to homeomorphisms (every topological algebra with continuous multiplication and orthogonal basis is commutative and has spectrum homeomorphic to N ([134, Theorem 1.1], [207, Lemma 1.1, Theorem 2.1]). Thus,
rH<*(U)(f) = sup ^P-
= rHP{u)(f) < U/IU V / € H»(U),
1 < p < oo. Theorem 6.18 implies now that HW{U) is a Q-algebra. Clearly H^CU) (as well as HP(U), 1 < p < oo) cannot be unital, otherwise it would have compact spectrum (cf. Theorem 6.11) and this is a contradiction because of (6.22). In Subsection 18.(1) the reader meets some more examples of Q-algebras. Further examples, as well as further results on Q-algebras, can be found, for instance, in [9, 10, 25, 33, 36, 37, 45, 47, 57, 58, 92, 104, 247, 258, 261, 293, 298, 382, 406, 408, 414, 415]. 6.24 R e m a r k s . From all the results presented in this Section, one concludes that Q-algebras are very close to Banach algebras. Nevertheless,
6. Q and advertibly complete algebras. Basic properties, examples 93 there are important examples of non-Banach Q-algebras, which show that Q-algebras do attain essential properties that Banach algebras are not permitted to have. For example: (1) The only derivations of a commutative semisimple Banach algebra are the trivial ones (Singer-Wermer-Johnson theorem) [72, p. 92, Theorem 16 and p. 95, Theorem 21]. It is the negation of this property by the commutative semisimple Arens-Michael Q-aigebras C°°[0,1], D(Mn), 5(R n ) (clearly they have non-trivial derivations) that makes them to be non-Banach (Theorem 4.26). (2) (Mallios) The Arens-Michael Q-algebras C°°[0,1], 2)(R), S(R) are all Montel spaces (that is, barrelled spaces with the property: Every bounded set is relatively compact [198, p. 231]), but no infinite-dimensional Banach algebra may be a Montel space (according to a theorem of F. Riesz [198, p. 147, Theorem 3]). The same algebras are nuclear [212, pp. 497-499] in the sense of Grothendieck, but no infinite-dimensional normed Q-algebra (and a fortiori no infinite-dimensional Banach algebra) may be nuclear. (3) Every commutative semisimple Banach algebra A has global (homological) dimension > 2 (see [190, p. 163, Definition 5.7, as well as p. 212, Theorem 2.17 and p. 213, Assertion 2.21]), but the commutative semisimple Frechet Q-algebra C 0 0 ^ 1 ) (S1 stands for the unit circle) has global dimension just 1 (see [287]). (4) It would be worth mentioning that property Q acts in some cases as a catalyst and/or gives new information even for the normed algebras. For example: (i) Every C*-convex Q-algebra (for the latter term, see Section 7) is topologically isomorphic to a pre-C*-algebra (see Section 8, Corollary 8.2). (ii) (Bhatt-Karia [59]) Every m*-convex Q-algebra with a bounded approximate identity has a C*-enveloping algebra, but the converse is not, in general, true; see Section 18, Corollary 18.16 and comments after it). (iii) Every Q pre-C*-algebra (Definition 7.4) is symmetric (see Section 21, Corollary 21.5(2)). (iv) (Bhatt-Karia [60]) Every m-convex Q-algebra A[rr], with eachp S F square-preserving (see (6.23)), is topologically isomorphic to a normed
Chapter I. Background material
algebra with square-preserving norm. We take this chance to give some general information about squarepreserving seminorms and describe briefly the proof of (iv). Let A be an algebra and p a seminorm on A. Then, p is called uniform, if it is square-preserving; namely, (6.23)
p(x2) =p{xf, V
S.J. Bhatt and D.J. Karia [60, p. 499, Theorem 1, (ii)] proved that every uniform seminorm p on a commutative algebra A is automatically submultiplicative, hence a square-preserving m-seminorm. In the same paper the authors were asking whether their result is true for a non-commutative algebra. The first author proved later [48, p. 435, Theorem] that each uniform seminorm on a Banach algebra is submultiplicative. The question was answered in positive in full generality by H.V. Dedania [106], in 1998. Thus, a uniform seminorm on any algebra is always an m-seminorm. In this respect, also see [23, 24]. Based on the above, the known definition of a uniform m-convex algebra [262, pp. 499, 274], [174, p. 91] can be reformulated as follows: Definition. A uniform m-convex algebra is a locally convex algebra Ajrr] such that each p E F is square-preserving (equivalently uniform). The algebras CC{X), O(C) (see Examples 3.10(4) and 2.4(5)) are clearly uniform algebras. Every commutative C*-algebra is uniform, therefore the same is true for every commutative locally C*-algebra, being an inverse limit of commutative C*-algebras (see Section 7). For further examples see [175]. The algebra C°°[0,1] (cf. Example 2.4(1)) is not uniform [174, p. 94]. Every uniform m-convex algebra is automatically commutative and semisimple [262, p. 275, Lemma 5.1]. For structure theorems on uniform m-convex algebras, see [175, Sections 5 and 6]. Outline of the proof of (iv). Since each p e F is square-preserving, the same is true for the norm || || p of each Banach algebra Ap of the ArensMichael analysis of A. Hence, rAp(xp) = \\xp\\p, for all xp [327, Lemma
6. Q and advertibly complete algebras. Basic properties, examples 95 (1.4.2)]. Thus, (see Theorems 6.5 and 4.6(3)) (6.24)
TA{X) = suprAp(xp) = sup ||x p || p = supp(a;) < po(x), V x e A, v v v where PQ is a seminorm in F bounding TA everywhere, since A[rr] is Q (Theorem 6.18). It is now evident from (6.24) that TA is a norm on A (recall that A[rr] is always supposed to be Hausdorff) equivalent to the topology Tp of A induced by F. Therefore, -A[rr] is topologically isomorphic to A[r^] [60, p. 499, Theorem 2]. The result in (iv) was proved by S.J. Bhatt and D.J. Karia [60, p. 499, Theorem 2] under the extra assumption of completeness. The observation that completeness is superfluous is due to D. Birbas (see [62, Proposition 3.2.5 and Theorem 3.2.6]). The same result as in (iv) has been derived by M. El Azhari [132, Corollary 2.7] as a consequence of a more general result according to which every uniform algebra with equicontinuous spectrum is, up to a topological isomorphism, a uniform normed algebra. For further information also see [133, Sections 2 and 3]. An algebra A with finite spectral radius is called spectrally bounded algebra, abbreviated to sb-algebra. For more details, see Subsection 20.(1). Every Q-algebra is an s6-algebra; the converse is not, in general, true. Take the locally C*-algebra A = Ccc[0,1] of all continuous functions on [0,1] with the topology "cc" of uniform convergence on the compact countable subsets of [0,1] (for more details about this algebra, see Example 7.6(4)). According to the above discussion, A is a uniform algebra and it is easily checked that its spectrum is homeomorphic to [0,1] (see Section 7, (7.7)) and r^(/) = ||/||oo> for every / 6 A. Hence, A = Ccc[0,1] is an sbalgebra, but it is not Q. If it was, its spectrum would be equicontinuous (cf. Theorem 6.11), which is not true. 6.25 Proposition. The following statements hold: (1) Every sb-algebra A admits greatest uniform seminorm. (2) In every commutative sb^m-convex advertibly complete algebra A[rr], the spectral radius is greatest uniform seminorm. (3) In every commutative m-convex Q-algebra A[rr], the spectral radius is greatest continuous uniform seminorm.
Chapter I. Background material
Proof. (1) Let q be a uniform seminorm on A. By the discussion after (6.23) q is an m-seminorm, therefore the Banach algebra Aq (completion of the normed algebra A[rr}/Nq with respect to || ||g (see (1.6))) is uniform. Hence (see discussion before (6.24) and (4.9)), (6.25)
q(x) = ||x,||, = rAq(xq) < rA(x), V x G A,
where since A is sb the spectral radius is finite. Thus, if Us denote the set of all uniform seminorms on A, (6.25) allows the following definition q^ix) : = sup{q<(:r) : q G Us}, V x G A, that clearly gives a greatest uniform seminorm. (2) From our assumptions, the spectral radius rA is a uniform seminorm on A[rr] (see Theorem 4.6), so from (6.25) one has the assertion. (3) Every Q-algebra is an advertibly complete sfr-algebra (see Theorems 6.5 and 6.11(3)). So from (2) rA is greatest uniform seminorm. But every m-convex Q-algebra has uniformly continuous spectral radius [262, p. 103, Proposition 6.2]; this completes the proof of (3). The next theorem shows that, in the class of unital commutative advertibly complete m-convex algebras, the property Q is characterized by the existence of greatest continuous uniform seminorm. More precisely, we have the following, that was proved by S.J. Bhatt in [47, Theorem (9)] for unital commutative Arens-Michael algebras. 6.26 Theorem. Let A[rr] be a locally convex algebra. Consider the following statements: (1) A[rr] is a Q-algebra. (2) There exists greatest continuous uniform seminorm on A[rr]. Then (1) => (2), while (2) => (1) in the case when A[rr] is a unital commutative advertibly complete m-convex algebra. Proof. (1) => (2) According to the proof of Proposition 6.25(1) and the notation applied there, we have that (6.26)
V i e A
6. Q and advertibly complete algebras. Basic properties, examples 97 But, since A[rr] is a Q-algebra, there is po G F such that TA{X) < Po(x), for every x € A (see Theorem 6.17 and comments after it). So the assertion follows from (6.26). (2) => (1) Suppose that A[Tp] is unital commutative advertibly complete m-convex algebra and let q be greatest continuous uniform seminorm on A[rr]. Then, Aq is a unital commutative uniform Banach algebra, therefore its Gel'fand space O = Wt{Aq) is non-empty and compact. Since q is continuous, every ip G J? defines an element fv £ Wl(A) with f
= sup{\tp(xq)\
- sup{|/^(x)| :UeK}< = TA{X) < q(x),
: ip G Q}
sup{]^(x)| : ^ G OT(A)}
V i e A
The last inequality results from the fact that q is greatest continuous uniform seminorm on yi[rp] and each ip G SDT(A) defines a continuous uniform (m-)seminorm u^ on j4[rr] given by u^{x) :— \ip(x)\, for every x G A. Thus, TA{X) = q(x), for all x G A, so that using continuity of #, we conclude the assertion either from Theorem 4.18 or [262, p. 103, Proposition 6.2] (in this regard, see also proof of Proposition 6.25(3)). 6.27 Corollary (Bhatt). Let A[rp} be a unital Arens-Michael algebra. Consider the following statements: (1) A[rr] is a Q~algebra. (2) A[rr] admits greatest continuous uniform seminorm. Then (1) => (2), while (2) =4> (1) in the case when A[rr] is commutative. 6.28 Scholium. (1) The claim of the identity in Theorem 6.26, (2) => (1), is only used to assure that the Gel'fand space of the unital commutative Banach algebra Aq is non-empty, so that by the existence of (greatest) continuous uniform seminorm on A[rf ], one gets that the spectrum of A [rr] contains all continuous characters constructed by those of Aq.
Chapter I. Background material (2) According to the comments on the unital commutative Arens-
Michael s5-algebra A = Ccc[0,1] before Proposition 6.25, the equality r
= ll/lloo) / € -<4) shows that TA is a discontinuous greatest uni-
form seminorm on A and this proves that continuity of a greatest uniform seminorm in Theorem 6.26, (2) => (1), cannot be dropped (see [47, p. 8, discussion after Theorem (9)]). (3) The resulting equality, in (6.27) of Theorem 6.26 (see also Corollary 6.27), shows that: Every unital commutative advertibly complete m-convex algebra A[rr] (and/or every unital commutative Arens-Michael algebra) with greatest continuous uniform seminorm is an sb-algebra. (4) Further consequences of Theorem 6.26: The statement (2) of theorem under discussion gives a different condition from that of Theorem 6.5, under which a commutative advertibly complete m-convex algebra becomes a Q-algebra. Moreover, the proof of Theorem 6.26, (2) => (1) and the preceding remark in 3, lead to a strengthening of a known result relating "bounded spectrality" and "Q-property" in the class of commutative advertibly complete m-barrelled m-convex algebras (hence of commutative Frechet algebras too); see [262, p. 105, Lemma 6.1]. More precisely, one has the following. 6.29 Corollary. Let A[TP\ be a commutative advertibly complete m-convex algebra. Consider the following statements: (1) -A [77^] is a Q -algebra. (2) A[rr] is an sb-algebra. Then (1) =^ (2), while (2) => (1) in the case when A[TP] is unital and possesses greatest continuous uniform seminorm (that coincides with spectral radius, according to the proof of Theorem 6.26, (2) => (1)). In Corollary 6.29, the implication (1) =4> (2) is true for every topological algebra (Theorem 6.11). For more details on uniform seminorms and property Q, see [47, 48, 60].
Chapter II Locally C*—algebras The term "locally C*-algebra" is due to A. Inoue [208] and applies to an Arens-Michael *-algebra whose topology is denned by a family of C*seminorms. Such an algebra is always expressed as an inverse limit of C*-algebras. For the same concept, the term "6*-algebra" has been first used by G.R. Allan [12] and later on by P.G. Dixon [113] and C. Apostol [15]. Locally C*-algebras are also called "LMC*-algebras" by G. Lassner [241], K. Schmiidgen [338] and others, while the same objects are named "Pro-C*-algebras" by W. Arveson [27] and D. Voiculescu [383] or "
Chapter II. Locally C*-algebras
tion of "non-commutative" analogs of non-compact classical Lie groups [305, p. 41, 2, 4]; the construction of the "noncommutative loop space" of a C*-algebra (ibid., p. 50, 2.6) and the comparison of the if-theory of crossed products by homotopic actions of compact Lie groups [305, p. 37, 2.3]. The work of N.C. Phillips [304]-[310], [311] on inverse limits of C*-algebras offers an excellent account of the importance of locally C*algebras. Further information about Pro-C*-algebras can be found in a series of papers by S.J. Bhatt and D.J. Karia [57, 59, 60]. The first results concerning topological *-algebras involving C*-property were given by R. Arens [22] and E.A. Michael [272] and later by C. Wenjen [389] and Xia Dao-xing [401]. Apart from the names quoted above, results on locally C*-algebras (under the diverse terminology we mentioned before) have been obtained by J. Arahovitis [17], R. Becker [35], R.M. Brooks [84, 85] (who uses the term F*-algebra for a <7-C*-algebra), M. Fragoulopoulou [142], [144]-[151], [154, 155], M. Fritsche [161, 162], M. Joita [217]-[221], A. Mallios [260, 262, 263], G.F. Nassopoulos [284, 285], S. ScarlatescuMurea [333, 334] etc. On the other hand, a larger class than that of locally C*-algebras, the so called CB*-algebras (namely, Generalized B*algebras) was introduced by G.R. Allan [12] and studied initially by himself and P.G. Dixon [113, 115] and later by S.T. Bhatt [43, 44], A. Inoue [209, 210], W. Kunze [236, 237], A.W. Wood [395] etc. The reader interested in topological *-algebras involving the C*-property should also consult a paper by M.A. Hennings [195] on a characterization of C*-algebras. Another particularly important result related with the C*-property is the celebrated Vidav-Palmer theorem (for details and historical comments, see [121, pp. 187-200]; also see [70, p. 56, Section 6]). The proof of this theorem is tightly related to the theory of numerical ranges of elements of normed algebras [70, 71] (of course, the latter concept, has initially been given for matrices and then, naturally, for operators). We take this instance to notice that J.R. Giles and D.O. Koehler [171] were the first who considered, in 1973, numerical ranges of elements of non-normed topological *-algebras, attaining among others a version of the Vidav-Palmer theorem in this setting (ibid., Theorem 6). Later on, in 1986, T. Chryssakis [93, 94],
7. Definitions. Examples
based on the work of J.R. Giles and D.O. Koehler, developed further the theory of numerical ranges in the context of m*-convex algebras obtaining more general aspects of the Vidav-Palmer theorem (see [93, Theorem 3.7] and [95, Theorem 2.2]). For an "algebraic version" of the Vidav-Palmer theorem see [375, Theorem 1.2]. Other aspects can be found in [135], [136] and [292]. In what follows, we restrict ourselves to the study of locally C*-algebras, as a part of the Hilbert space representation theory of the ra*-convex algebras, where the role played by locally C*-algebras is particularly essential.
Definitions. Examples
7.1 Definition. Let A be an involutive algebra and p a seminorm on A that satisfies the property (7.1)
p(x*x) = p(z) 2 , V i e A
Then, we say that p is a C*-seminorm or that p fulfils the C*-property. An involutive algebra A endowed with a C*-seminorm p, is called C*seminormed algebra and is denoted by A\p\. When p is a (vector-space) norm with the C*-property, we speak about a (vector-space) C*-norm. The following important result was proved in 1979 [345, Theorem 2]. 7.2 Theorem (Sebestyen). Each C*-seminorm p on an involutive algebra A is automatically * -preserving and submultiplicative. A detailed proof as well as applications of Theorem 7.2, can be found in the book of R.S. Doran and V.A. Bern [121, Chapter 7]; also see [345]-[348] and [254]. Suppose now that A is an involutive algebra and p a seminorm on A. We say that p fulfils the weak C* -property if (7.2)
V i e A
When p is a (nonzero) m-seminorm on A satisfying (7.2), it follows that p is *-preserving, with the C*-property. So one has the following.
Chapter II. Locally C*-algebras
7.3 Corollary. Let A be an involutive algebra andp a (nonzero) seminorm on A. Then p is a C*-seminorm if and only if p is submultiplicative, with the weak C*-property. According to Theorem 7.2, the definition of a C*-algebra can be given as follows. 7.4 Definition. A C* -algebra is an involutive algebra A equipped with a (vector-space) C*-norm || ||, such that A[\\ ||] is a Banach space. When completeness is missing, that is A is an involutive algebra endowed with a (vector-space) C*-norm, we speak about a pre-C*-algebra. The "Hausdorff completion" of a C*-seminormed algebra A\p], is clearly a C*-algeba that (in accordance with our fixed notation as, for instance, in Example 1.4(2)) will be denoted by Ap. According to the GeFfand-Naimark theorems [121, Chapters 2, 3] there are only two kinds of C*-algebras: (1) Commutative case: Every unital commutative C*-algebra is of the form C(X), X compact, while a non-unital commutative C*-algebra is of the form CQ(X), X locally compact (see discussion after Definition 3.4). (2) Non-commutative case: For every (non-commutative) C*-algebra A, there is a Hilbert space H such that A is isometrically * -imbedded in the C*-algebra C{H) of all bounded linear operators on H. In the non-normed setting, things are more or less similar and will be discussed in the subsequent Sections after presenting basic definitions and examples of locally C*-algebras. 7.5 Definition. An involutive topological algebra, whose topology is defined by a (saturated) family of C*-seminorms, is called C*-convex algebra. A complete C*-convex algebra is called locally C* -algebra (Inoue). A Frechet C* -convex algebra is clearly a metrizable complete C*-convex algebra, that equivalently means metrizable locally C* -algebra or even Frechet locally C* -algebra. From Theorem 7.2 it follows that each C*-convex algebra A is an m*convex algebra A[rr] such that each p e F fulfils the C*-property. Given a C*-convex algebra A[rr] and p G F, the quotient normed *-algebra
7. Definitions. Examples
A\p}/Np (see Example 1-4(2)) is clearly a pre-C*-algebra and its completion Ap is (of course) a C*-algebra. If
is moreover complete, that is a
locally C*-algebra, we prove later on (Theorem 10.24) that each pre-C*algebra A\p}/Np is complete, hence a C*-algebra (Apostol); (in this respect, see Examples 3.10(4) and 7.6(2)). That is, one has A[p]/Np = Ap, V p G r
and A[rr] = lim A\p}/Np, p G F,
up to topological *-isomorphisms. 7.6 Examples of locally C*-algebras. (1) Every C* -algebra is a locally C* -algebra. (2) Cartesian product of C*-algebras. Let {AU)V^A
be a directed family
of C*-algebras and B :=Y\_Av = {x = {xv)V£A
xv G Av, v G A}
the cartesian product of A^s, v G A. Define algebraic operations and involution on B coordinatewise. Endow B with the product topology, say r.
It is easily seen that r is defined by the directed family of the C*-
seminorms pv, v G A given by pp{x)
:— \\xv\\v,
V x G B, v G A,
where || ||j, is the C*-norm on Aw, v G A. Thus, if F = {pv}^eA and r = Tp, B[r\ becomes a locally C*-algebra, for which the C*-algebras corresponding to its Arens-Michael decomposition are topologically *-isomorphic to the initial C*-algebras Av, v G A. In fact, if Nv = ker(pl/), v G A, the map (7.3)
—> Au:x + Nvi—>
xu, v e A,
is a well defined surjective *-isometry. Hence, each pre-C*-algebra B\pw]/Nu, v G A is complete and (see (3.20)) B[T] = \imAu,
v G A,
with respect to a topological *-isomorphism.
Chapter II. Locally C*—algebras
(3) The algebra CC(X). Let X be a completely regular fc-space. In Example 3.10(4) we have noticed that CC(X) is an Arens-Michael *-algebra under the topology "c" of compact convergence (equivalently, compactopen topology), given by the m*-seminorms || \\K, K £ K. (compact subsets of X), with \\f\\K := Il/Ulloo, / e C(X) (see (3.22)). Clearly, each ||
K e K., is particularly, a C*-seminorm, therefore CC(X) is a locally C*algebra with corresponding Arens-Michael decomposition consisting of the C*-algebras C{K), K e K (cf. (3.23)). Remark.
If X is a locally compact space and T{X)
the algebra of all
functions on X, then it is easily seen that !F(X) endowed with the topology s of simple convergence is a locally C*-algebra denoted by J-S(X).
topology s is deduced by the family {px}xex of C*-seminorms, where for a given x € X one defines px(f)
\f(x)\, for every / £ !F(X). Note that if
CQ{X) is the algebra of all continuous functions on X that vanish at infinity, then CQ{X) endowed with the topology s of simple convergence is dense in Ta(X); namely, C0(X)[s] = Fa{X). (4) The algebra Ccc[0,1] (Michael). Consider the algebra C[0,1] of all (complex) continuous functions on [0,1]. Let S be the family of all countable compact subsets of [0,1]. Endow C[0,1] with the topology ucc" of uniform convergence on the elements of S. That is, the topology ucc" is denned by the family of the C*-seminorms (7.4)
P B ( / ) := H/IBIIOO, V / e C [ 0 , l ] and
The algebra C[0,1] equipped with the topology "cc" is a C*-convex algebra, which we denote by Ccc[0,1]. We show that Ccc[0,1] is also complete, hence a locally C*-algebra. Note that: (7.5)
[0,l] = U{B:BeS}; U C [0,1] is closed in [0,1], if and only if U f) B is closed in B (in the relative topology), V B € S.
We prove (7.6). Suppose that U D B is closed in B, for all B € <S, with U not closed. Let x be an accumulation point of U with x ^ U. There
7. Definitions. Examples
is a sequence (x n ) ng N of elements of U such that xn —> x. It follows that BQ = {xn : n e N } U {x} € S, where Un-Bo is not closed since x ^ U D B ; but this is a contradiction. Consider now the space ^"[0,1] of all functions on [0,1]. F{0,1] is complete in the uniform structure of uniform convergence on the elements of <S [76, Theorem 1, Proposition 2]. We show that C[0,1] is closed in JF[0,1]. Let / G JT[0,1] such that / belongs to the closure of C[0,1]. Then, / = lima fs with (fs)seA a net in C[0,1]. Therefore (see (7.4)) f\B,
B G S, is con-
tinuous as uniform limit of continuous functions on B. Thus, if U C C open, f-l{U)C\B l
f~ {U)
is open in B, for all B e S. Consequently,
is open in [0,1] according to (7.6), which implies / G C[0,1]. Hence
Ccc[0,1] is complete, therefore a locally C*-algebra. Remark, (i) The algebra Ccc[0,1} is not a Q-algebra, hence it is a (nonnormed) locally C*-algebra (see Section 8, Corollary 8.2). It is easily seen that (cf. proof of (3.23)) Ccc[0,l] = 1 1 ^ ( 5 ) ,
up to a topological *-isomorphism. Thus, (argue as in 4.20(3)) (7.7)
m(Ccc[0,1]) = U{B G S} = [0,1],
up to a homeomorphism, where clearly [0,1] is not equicontinuous. Therefore Ccc[0,1] is not a Q-algebra (see Theorem 6.11). (ii) A consequence of (7.7) is that (see (4.36)) sPCcc[0,i](/) = /([0,l]), V / G C c c [ 0 , l ] . Hence CCc[0,1] is an example of an Arens-Michael algebra, whose every element has compact spectrum (in other words, Ccc[0,1] is an sb—algebra according to the discussion before Proposition 6.25), but the algebra itself is not a Q-algebra. For the same reason Ccc[0,1] cannot be either barrelled or m-barrelled (see Section 20, Theorem 20.12 together with Corollary 20.16 and/or [262, p. 105, Lemma 6.1]).
Chapter II. Locally C*-algebras
(5) The algebra L(H) (Inoue). Let A be a directed index set and H\, A G A , a family of Hilbert spaces such that H\ C Hv and
< , > A = < , >v\Hx, V A < u, in A,
where < , >A denotes the inner product on H\, A G A. Let iy\
H\ —> Hu, \
in A,
be the natural embedding of H\ in Hv. Then, the family (H\,iv\), in A, forms an inductive system of Hilbert spaces. Let
A< v
H :=\jmHx = [jHx, X E A. Endow H with the inductive limit topology, that is the finest locally convex topology making the natural injections ix : Hx — . H, A G A,
continuous. H topologized in the preceding way, is called a locally Hilbert space [208, Definition 5.2]. Let now C(H\) be the C*-algebra of all bounded linear operators on the Hilbert space H\, A G A. If T% G C(Hi), i = A, v, consider the following diagram
Then, one has that (7.yj
TV\H\ = T\, A < v, if and only if the diagram (7.8) is commutative.
Thus, assuming the commutativity of the diagram (7.8), for all A < v in A, we get a unique continuous linear map T := limT A : H —> H : T\Hx = Tx G C(HX),
V A G A;
7. Definitions.
therefore we may define (7.10)
L{H) :— {T : H —> H continuous and linear such that T:=limTA, TxeC(Hx),
Clearly L(H) is a non-empty set that becomes an algebra in an obvious way. To define involution, let T = limT\ G L(H). Consider the adjoint T£ of TA e £(H\), A G A, and let A < v in A and £, 77 G H\. Then, C C C O ^ X , = (Z,Tv(r,))v
= (?,T A (r ? )) A =
r*|/r A =TjJ, V A < ^ in A According to (7.9) one now gets uniquely an element T* G L(H) with (7.11)
T* = UmTj such that T * ] ^ = TA*, V A e A.
T* is called adjoint of T in L(iJ) and the map L(H) —> L{H) :T —> T*, defines an involution on L(H). It remains to define a topology, which will make L(H) a locally C*-algebra. So let || ||A denote the operator C*-norm on £(H\), A G yl. The function (7.12)
px(T) := ||rA||A, V T e L(H), A e yl,
is readily a C*-seminorm on L(H). Let r be the topology on L(ff) induced by the family of C*-seminorms {PA}A€/1- Then, L(iir)[r] is a Hausdorff C*-convex algebra. We show that L{H)\T\ is also complete. Let {T$)s£A be a Cauchy net in L(H)[T]. Then (see (7.12)) (T<5jA = T5\Hx)seA is a Cauchy net in £(H\), A € /I, so that there is TA G C(H\), A € yl, with T\ = lim^T^A. Moreover, TV\HX — T\ for any A < v in A, therefore there is unique T — limTA G L(H) such that PX(T5
-T) = \\TStX - Tx\\x —> 0, V A G A.
Remarks (i) With H, L(H) as before one has that
108 (7.13)
Chapter II. Locally C*-algebras L(H) = hmC(Hx),
X e A,
up to a topological * -isomorphism. Proof. L(H) as a locally C*-algebra has an Arens-Michael decomposition, given by the C*-algebras L(H)\, A G A, completions of the pre-C*algebras L(H)\px]/N\, with Nx = ker(pA), A G A, such that (see (3.19)) (7.14)
L{H) = \im L(H)X, A e A,
with respect to a topological ^-isomorphism. The map (7.15)
L(H)[PX}/NX —» C(HX) :T + NX^TX
= T\Hx, V A G A,
is a well denned isometric *-isomorphism. We prove that it is also surjective. Let A < u in A. Then, Hx is isometrically embedded in Hu and HV = HX®
where H'x is the orthogonal complement of Hx in Hu. Thus, each ^v G Hu is uniquely expressed as £\ + ^ with £x G Hx and ^ G i?^ . So every 7A G C(HX) has a unique extension to an element Tv G C{HU) defined by Tu(Zv) = Tx(&) + Z'x and clearly TV\HX = 7\. Hence (see (7.9)), there is unique T = Iim7\ G L(iJ) with T\Hx = Tx and T + Nx i-> Tx. It follows now from (7.15) that the C*—algebras L(H)X and L{HX) are topologically *-isomorphic, therefore the assertion follows from (7.14). (ii) A locally Hilbert space is not, in general, a Hilbert space. Indeed: Let (Hn)nef$, be a sequence of Hilbert spaces, such that for n < m in N, < , > „ = < , >m\H Then, the corresponding locally Hilbert space H — \jHn, n G N, is a strict £i?-space, therefore complete [235, p.p. 223, 225]. On the other hand, one clearly defines an inner product on H and the corresponding induced norm-topology on it, is coarser than the inductive limit topology. Suppose that (An)n^ is a sequence of C*-algebras and that the preceding sequence of Hilbert spaces (Hn)n€^, consists exactly of those Hilbert spaces, for which An is isometrically embedded in
7. Definitions. Examples
C(Hn), for all n G N (Gel'fand-Naimark theorem). The cartesian product B := Y[ An is, under the product topology, a Frechet locally C*-algebra (Example 7.6(2)), which is not a C*-algebra (see Remark 4.27(1) and [235, p. 150, (7)]); moreover, B is topologically *-embedded in the locally C*algebra L(H) (see Section 8, Theorem 8.5) with H — [jHn, n e N, the above locally Hilbert space (strict £$-space). So, if H was a Hilbert space, we clearly are led to a contradiction. (6) The matrix algebra Mn(A) (Mallios). Let A[TT]) be a unital locally C*-algebra and Mn{A) := {x = (xij) : x^ £ A, i, j = 1 , . . . , n} the unital (complex) algebra of all n x n matrices with entries in A. Algebraic operations and involution in Mn(A) are denned as in the case of the usual n x n matrices with entries in C; for instance, * : Mn(A) —> Mn{A) : x = (Xij) .—> x* := (x^), i, j = 1 , . . . , n. Let now M := An be the finitely generated free (left) A-module (for the latter terms see [190, pp. 37, 137]) corresponding to A, that is
f M =
Then M becomes a locally convex A-module endowed with the following family of seminorms [259, p. 465, Lemma 2.1] n
p(a) := J]p(xi), V a e M , p e r .
On the other hand, each x £ Mn(A) provides a continuous A-linear operator Tx on M given by / n
Chapter II. Locally C*—algebras
(ibid., p. 463, 2). Now for each p as in (7.16) define Sp{x) := sup{p(Tx(a))
: p{a) < 1 } , I £
Equipped with the preceding family (Sp)p^r of C*-seminorms, Mn(A) is made into a unital locally C*-algebra [259, pp. 464, 466]. For applications of the matrix algebra Mn(A) see, for instance, [258, 259, 261] and [105]. 7.7 Examples of Arens—Michael *—algebras which are not locally C*-algebras. (1) The algebra C°°[0,1] is not a locally C*-algebra. According to the Arens-Michael decomposition of C°°[0, 1][TOO], we have that (cf. (2.15) and (3.1)) Coo[0,l][roo] = limC(fc)[0,l], k > 0, where none of C^[0,1], k > 1, is a C*-algebra. If it was, it would be topologically isomorphic to the C*-algebra C[0,1], which is clearly a contradiction. Hence, C°°[0,1] cannot be a locally C*-algebra (in this regard, also see Section 8, Corollary 8.2). (2) The algebra O(C) is not a locally C*-algebra. It follows from the topological-algebraic identification (see (2.44) and (3.4)-(3.5)) O(C)[r o ] = lim^(D n ), n e N , since non of the n-disc algebras A(H>n), n G N, is a C*-algebra (also see [191, p. 224, Exercise (IV 7.5)]).
Basic properties of locally C*-algebras
As we have already mentioned (see Remark 6.24(4)(i)), the property Q on a locally C*-algebra acts as a catalyst, in the sense that (Hausdorff) locally C*-algebras with the property Q are (normed) C*-algebras. The commutative analogue of such a result appears first in the book of W. Page [293, p. 297, Theorem 25.14]. The non-commutative case was a consequence of a discussion of the author with A. Mallios in 1984 (see [148,
8. Basic properties of locally C*-algebras
pp. 312 and 315] and [154, Theorem 8.15]). Independently, N.C. Phillips got the same result using different arguments [305, Proposition 1.14]. The following is apparently a more general result than the afore-mentioned. 8.1 Proposition. Let A[rr] be a (Hausdorff) C*-convex algebra such that rA(x) < Po{x) for every x £ H(A) and some po £ r. Then, A[rr] is topologically *-isomorphic to a pre-C*-algebra. Proof. Clearly A[rr] is an m*-convex algebra, so by Corollary 6.22 it is a Q-algebra and by Theorem 6.5 advertibly complete. Therefore (see Theorem 4.6(3) and Corollary 6.22) Po(x)
> r A ( x )= s u p r A p { x p ) , v
V i e A
Now, since each Ap, p £ F, is a C*-algebra (see discussion after Definition 7.5), recall that (cf., for instance, [279, Theorem 2.11]) (8.1)
rAp{xp) = \\xp\\p, V xp G H(AP)
and p 6 R
Thus, using also the C*-property of p we get p(x)2 < SUpp(x)2 = SWpp(x*x) = SUp HXpZpUp v v v = sup rAp (x*xp) = rA(x*x) < po{x*x) = po{x)2,
where ||a;||j, := sup p p(x), x £ A, is clearly a C*-norm on A, equivalent to the given topology rp of A. This completes the proof. A consequence of Corollary 6.22 and Proposition 8.1 is now the following (also see [373, Theorems 4.3, 4.4]). 8.2 Corollary. Every (Hausdorff) C*-convex Q-algebra is topologically *-isomorphic to a pre-C* -algebra. If in Corollary 8.2 we replace the property Q with the assumption that A[rr] is "m-barrelled *-sb algebra", then we have exactly the same consequence for A[rp]; see Section 20, Corollary 20.25.
Chapter II. Locally C*-algebras
8.3 Theorem (Inoue). Let A[rr] be a locally C*-algebra and A\ the unitization of A. Then, A\ becomes a locally C*-algebra too. Proof. The unitization (Ap)i of the C*-algebra Ap, p £ F, becomes a C*-algebra, under the C*-norm
where T(z>x) is a bounded linear operator on Ap, with (8.3) T M ) ( W ) : = M + A W , V W G i p and |||(z,0)||| p = \\z\\p, V z £ Ap [121, p. 20, Proposition (6.1)]. For each p £ F define the function
Clearly, each p\ is a C*-seminorm on A\. Tpi,
Now, if F[ — {p'^} and r{ =
is a Hausdorff C*-convex algebra. We show that Ai[r{] is also
complete. Let (x$, \$), 5 £ A, be a Cauchy net in Ai[r{]. That is, for each 0-neighborhood Up> (e), 0 < e < 1, in (xs,Xs)
- (xS',Xs')
there is
e Up/i(e), V5,5'>
6Q £
A, with
It follows that the net (xgtP, X$), 5 £ A, with x^iP :— x$ + Np, 5 £ A, p £ F, is a Cauchy net in the C*-algebra (Ap)i, corresponding to the unitization of the C*-algebra Ap, p £ F. Hence, there exists (xp, Xp) £ (Ap)\, p £ F, such that
(8.5) O
" (xs,p - xp) + (\s - Xp)ep
> 0, V p e r, III ' I l i p
with ep = (0,1) e (-Ap)i. Recall that || || Pl is the usual m*-norm, making (Ap)i into a Banach *-algebra (see proof of Proposition 3.11); that is, (8.6)
\\(z, A)||P1 := ||z|| p + |A|, (z, A) G (Ap)u
p e T.
8. Basic properties of locally C* -algebras
Since, \\\{z, \)\\\lp < \\(z, A)||P1, for all (z, A) G (Ap)i, the open-mapping theorem yields that || ||P1, ||| |||j; are equivalent on (Ap)i, p G F. Thus, one gets from (8.5), (8.6) that \\xs,P ~ xp\\p + \X5 - Ap| —> 0, V p E F, X
xp a n d A5
> Xp, V p G F. M
It follows that Xp does not depend on p, so we set Ap = A = limj Xg, for all p G F. On the other hand, for any p,q E F with p < q we have QVq(.xq) — epq(timX6,q) = 1™ Qpq{x^q) = HmXS,p = Xp. d o
Consequently, x := (xp)per G A[Tr] and lim(j(a;l5, A,j) = (x, A) G Ai[r{]. Hence, -Ai[r{] is complete, therefore a locally C*-algebra. 8.4 Proposition (Inoue). Let A[rr] be an advertibly complete C* -convex algebra (see comments after Definition 7.5). The following statements hold: (1) spA{x) C R, for all x G H(A). (2) SPB{X) U {0} = SPA(X) U {0}, x G B, for every closed *-subalgebra B of A[rr]- In the case when A[rp] has an identity, one moreover has: (3) spA(x) C {A G C : | A |= 1}, for all x G U(A). (4) SPB(X) — SPA{X), for all x G B, for every closed *-subalgebra B of A\rr\ containing the identity of A. Proof. If x G H(A), respectively x G U(A), one clearly has xp G H(AP), respectively xp G U(Ap), for all p G F. On the other hand, B as a closed subalgebra of A[rr] is advertibly complete (Proposition 6.10 (2)) and each Bp is a closed C*-subalgebra of Ap containing the identity of Ap, p G F, whenever A[rr] has an identity e such that e G B. Hence, all four assertions above follow from Theorem 4.6(2) and the corresponding C*-algebra results [121, p. 24, Proposition (8.1) and p. 25, Proposition (8.2)]. 8.(1) A Gel'fand-Naimark type theorem As in the case of an abstract C*-algebra, an arbitrary locally C*-algebra is topologically *-embedded in a concrete locally C*-algebra, consisting, in
Chapter II. Locally C*-algebras
this case, of continuous linear operators given as direct limits of bounded linear operators on Hilbert spaces. More precisely, one has the following. 8.5 Theorem (Inoue). Every locally C*-algebra A[rr] is embedded as a closed *-subalgebra in some L(H), H a locally Hilbert space (see Example 7.6(5)). Proof. From (3.20) A[rr] = limAp, where each Ap, p G F, is a C*~ algebra, therefore isometrically *-isomorphic to a closed *-subalgebra of some £{Hp), with Hp, p € F, a Hilbert space [121, p. 49, Theorem (19.1)]. Let np be the isometric *-isomorphism of Ap in C(HP), p G F. Set Hr := (^ Hp (orthogonal direct sum of i7 p 's with p < r). For a given x — (xp)p^r G A, define Trx : Hr —- Hr : ^r = (^p)p
< 11^(^)1111^11 =P(z)||U < r(a;)||^||, p < r, therefore
\\Trx(&)\\2 = V ||^(x P )fe)|| 2 < r(z)2||£r||2, V $r G Wr. p
Hence, Trx G C{Hr), for every r G F. Now, the family (T r x ) r e r , forms an inductive system of bounded linear operators on the Hilbert spaces H.r, r G F. Thus, considering the locally Hilbert space H := Iim7i r and the respective locally C*-algebra L(H) of the Example 7.6(5), we may define the map H : A —> L(H)
:x ^
fi(x) := limT r K ; i.e., ^x)\Hr
= T?, x G A, r G F.
In particular, {Tf)* = T^ , for all x G A, r G .T, so that /x is a *-morphism. Taking into account that the topology of L(H) is described by the family {pr}rer °f C*-seminorms defined by pr{T) :— ||T r || r , for every T G L{H) (see (7.12)), where || ||r is the operator C*-norm on £(Hr), we get pr(n{x)) = \\T?\\ = sup{||/LXpOrp)|| :p
= sup{||^ p || p : p < r}
— sup{p(x) : p < r} = r(x), V x G A and r G F. This completes the proof.
9. Commutative
Gel'fand—Naimark type theorems
In one of the subsequent Sections, using Hilbert space representation theory, we present a second Gel'fand-Naimark type theorem for locally C*-algebras (see Section 20, Theorem 20.12 and Corollary 20.13). In this respect, conditions are provided under which a locally C*-algebra becomes a (normed) C*-algebra. Gel'fand-Naimark theorems, from 1939-1985, referred to different kind of algebras (associative or non-associative), can be found in [82]; see also [328, p. 267, Theorem 19], [300, p. 117, Theorem 6.12] and [291, p. 80, Theoreme V.I].
Commutative Gel'fand-Naimark type theorems
The Gel'fand-Naimark type theorems for commutative locally C*-algebras are mainly due to E.A. Michael [272, p. 36, Theorem 8.4], C. Apostol [15, Theorems 4.1, 4.2] (in this case, see comments at the end of this Section) and K. Schmudgen [338, p. 168, Satz 1.1]; also see [262, p. 488, (2.13)]. The most of these results realize a suitable commutative locally C*-algebra as an algebra of continuous functions. For instance, a unital commutative Frechet C*-convex algebra (equivalently unital commutative metrizable locally C*-algebra) A[rr] is topologically *-isomorphic to the algebra Cc(Wl(A)) of all continuous functions on its spectrum 97t(A), under the compact open topology "c" (see Corollary 9.5). For a characterization of commutative unital locally C*-algebras up to a category equivalence the reader is referred to [305, p. 18, 1.4] and [304, p. 167, Section 2]. It is proved there, that the correspondence X t-> C(X), restricted to the full subcategory of "completely Hausdorff quasitopological" spaces, defines a contravariant category equivalence. In this Section, given a topological algebra A[T] with %Jl(A) =£ 0, we first describe the Michael topology "re" on C(9Jl(A)) (that is, the topology of uniform convergence on the equicontinuous subsets of 0Jl(A)) and its relation to the topology "c" of compact convergence (topology of uniform convergence on the compact subsets of 97t(A); see Example 3.10(4), as well as [262, p. 269] and [272, p. 35]). Then, we discuss Gel'fand-Naimark type
Chapter II. Locally C*-algebras
theorems for unital commutative locally C*-algebras with respect to these two topologies. Let A [77-] be a unital commutative m-convex algebra. Then, 9Jt(A) ^ 0 (Corollary 4.19). Let £,JC denote the families of equicontinuous, respectively compact subsets of 9JT(A). Note that V G £ for every V G £ [76, p. 28, Proposition 6], so that (from the Alaoglu-Bourbaki theorem) V is (weakly*-)compact. Thus the function (9.1)
\\f\\v := s u p { | / M | :
defines an m-seminorm on C($R(A)). The m-convex topology defined on C(9JT(A)) by the family i~£ = {|| \\y, V G £} of m-seminorms, is denoted by "re" and called Michael topology [262, p. 269, Definition 3.4]. The resulting Hausdorff m-convex algebra is denoted by Ce(9Jt(A)). Consider now the sets (see (4.34)) (9.2)
Kp = Tt(A) n U°(e) = Tl(Ap), 0 < e < 1,
which are clearly (weakly*-)closed equicontinuous subsets of the weak topological dual A's of A, hence (Alaoglu-Bourbaki) (weakly*-)compact. Let K! = {Kp,p&r}
. Then,
Lemma 9.1 relates the topologies "re" and "c". 9.1 L e m m a . Lei Afr/1] be a unital commutative m-convex algebra. The following statements hold: (1) The topology r e on C($Jt(A)) is defined by the family of the mseminorms \\ \\KP, P G F(2) In general re < c and when either 9Jl(A) is discrete, or the Gel'fand map Q of A\jr\ is continuous, one has r e — c. Proof. (1) Denote by r' the m-convex topology on C(97l(A)) induced by the m-seminorms || \\KP, p G F. Then, clearly (see (9.3)) r ' ~< r e . Let now V e £. Then, there is p G T such that V C U°{e), 0 < e < 1. Thus, V C m{A) n C/°(e) = Kp, which yields r e -<; r ' and so r e = r'.
9. Commutative Gel'fand-Naimark type theorems
(2) It is clear from (1) (also see discussion before (9.1)) that r e -< c. Suppose now that 9Jl(A) is discrete. Then, each K e /C is finite and let K = {
= {
< p(x), Vx £ A } ,
p £ F
and F is a saturated family of m-seminorms, there is po £ F, such that
f{x*) =
(2) According to Proposition 4.22(1) and Definition 4.21 it suffices to prove that n{ker(<^) : ip G ^R(A)} = {0}. So, let x £ A with
Chapter II. Locally C*-algebras
Using the C*-property, as well as (4.36), Theorem 4.6(3) and (8.1) we get 0 = rA{x*x) > rAp(x*pxp) = \\x*pxp\\p = p(x*x) = p(x)2,
therefore x — 0, since Tp is Hausdorff. (3) The Gel'fand map of A[rr] (see (4.29), (4.30)) g : A — > C ( m ( A ) ) ; x i — > x(
V ^ G Tt{A),
is a morphism, which is injective by (2) and *-preserving by (1). We moreover prove that it is surjective. Take / € C(%R(A)) and let Fp := /\KP, p € F (see (9.2)). Ap as a unital commutative C*-algebra is isometrically *-isomorphic to the function C*-algebra C(Kp), under the corresponding Gel'fand map Qv of Ap, p G F. Thus, we can find zp e Ap such that Fp = 'Zp, for all p € F. Take now z := (zp) G J^[ Ap, p G F. After some routine steps, one gets gpq(zq) — ~zp, for all p < q in F, therefore Qpq(zq) — zp, p < q in F;
this implies z G A, with 2" = / . (4) Using Lemma 9.1(1) and the *-isometries Qp, p & F (also see (9.2)) we conclude that \\X\\KJ,
= s u p { | x ( < ^ ) | :
= TAp{xp) = \\Xp~\\oo = \\xp\\p = p(x),
for any x G A and p G F. Together with (3) we have that Q is a topological *-isomorphism. A consequence of Theorem 9.3(4) and Lemma 9.1(2) is the following. 9.4 Corollary. Let A\rr\ be a unital commutative locally C* -algebra with continuous Gel'fand map. Then, A[rr] = Cc(9Jl(A)), up to a topological * -isomorphism. The next corollary furnishes a pure analogue of the Gel'fand-Naimark theorem for commutative C*-algebras. It is straightforward from Theorem 9.3(4) and Corollary 9.2. 9.5 Corollary. Let A[rr] be a unital commutative Frechet C*-convex algebra (equivalently unital commutative metrizable locally C*-algebra). Then, A[rr} = Cc(9Jl(A)), up to a topological *-isomorphism.
10. Functional Calculus
9.6 Remarks. (1) A version of Theorem 9.3 is valid, with obvious modifications, for non-unital commutative locally C*-algebras. More precisely, if A[rr] is such an algebra, replacing M{A) with Ott(Ai) = Wl{A) U {<^0} (cf. (4.39), (4.40)) and Cc(m(A))
by Co(9n(A!)) := {/ e Cc{m{Ax)) : f{
with respect to a topological *-isomorphism [272, p. 36, Theorem 8.4, d)]. (2) As we noticed at the beginning of this Section, Gel'fand-Naimark type theorems have also been given by C. Apostol [15]. In particular, C. Apostol introduces, for this purpose, the concept of a perfect m* -convex algebra. That is, given an m*-convex algebra .A [IT] denote by CNP the left annihilator of Np, p g f ; namely, CNp = {x 6 E : xNp = {0}} , p G F. Since Np is an ideal, the same is true for CNp, p 6 F. A[TP] is called perfect if the ideal X L e r £NP is dense in A[rp]. Example. Let B := {/ £ C[0,1] : /(O) = 0}. Let JCQ = {K C [0,1] compact with 0 an accumulation point of [0,1] \ K} and \\f\\K := s u p { | / ( * ) | :teK},
Then, B endowed with the topology induced by the C*-seminorms || \\K, K e /Co, is a commutative perfect locally C*-algebra [15, p. 37, Remark]. Concerning the above, C. Apostol proved the following interesting results [15, Theorems 4.1, 4.2]: (i) If A[rp] is a unital commutative perfect locally C* -algebra, $Jl(A) is a locally compact space and A[rr] = Cc(Wl(A)), up to a topological *isomorphism. (ii) An m*-convex algebra A[rr] is topologically *-isomorphic to some CC(X), X a locally compact space, if and only if it is a commutative unital perfect locally C* -algebra.
Functional Calculus Let A[rr] be an advertibly complete m-convex algebra and x = (xp)p^r £
Chapter II. Locally C*-algebras
A. In this Section, we introduce for simplicity, the following notation: 5 =
Sp = spAp(xp), p e T ;
so that
(see Theorem 4.6(2)) S = ( J Sp, p E F. 10.1 L e m m a . Let A[Tr], x, S, Sp, p G F, be as before. Then, every finite union of Sp, p G F, is contained in some Sq, q G F. Proof. Since the family F is saturated, it suffices to show that Sp C Sg, V p < q in F.
Let A G Sp with A £" Sq. Then, \~lxq G G\ , therefore there is z G Aq with z o \~1xq = 0 = \~~lxq o z. Applying to the preceding equalities the connecting maps (see (2.6)) gpq, p < q in F, we get A ^ Sp, which is a contradiction. Hence, (10.2) has been proved. Denote by C(S), S as before, the algebra of all continuous functions on S, endowed with the topology of uniform convergence on the compacts Sp, p G F. Clearly, C(S) is a C*-convex algebra with a denning family of C*-seminorms given by (10.3)
\\f\\Sp := sup{|/(A)| : A G Sp}, f G C(S), p G F
If Nsp = ker(||-||5p), p G F, denote by C(S)P the Banach algebra, completion of C(S)[|| ||5p]/AT5p, peF. (10.4)
Then (see (3.24) and the comments after it)
C(S)P = C(SP), V p G T ,
up to a topological *-isomorphism. 10.2 Theorem (Inoue). Let A[rr] be a unital locally C*-algebra. Let x be a normal element in A[rr], S =
and B the locally C*-subalgebra
of A[Tp) generated by e, x. Then, C(S) is embedded in B by means of a unique topological injective *-morphism $, such that $(1) = e and $(ids) = x, where 1 is the constant function 1 on S and ids the identity map of S.
10. Functional Calculus
Proof. Bp is a C*-subalgebra of the C*-algebra Ap, generated by the normal element xp in Ap and the identity ep of Ap. Thus, if Sp = spAp (xp) = spBp{xp), p G F (see Proposition 8.4(4)), one has [111, Theorem 1.5.1] (10.5)
C(SP) = BP, Pe
up to a unique *-isometry <&p, p G F, with
^p(lp) = ep and
where ipq is the natural embedding of C(Sq) in C(SP) in terms of (10.2) and Qpq, V < 1-> the connecting map between Aq, Ap (cf. (2.6)). Then, the map (see (10.4), (10.5)) (10.6)
<£ := lim^p : \imC(S)p —> B = limBp, pe
is a unique (surjective) topological *~isomorphism, whose restriction to the C*~convex subalgebra C(S) of the locally C*-algebra limC(5) p is uniquely determined by $(1) = 1, $(ids) = x. Applying now the Stone-Weierstrass theorem [281, p. 48, Corollary 2], we conclude that the subalgebra of C(S) generated by 1, ids, and id*s is dense in C(S), where id*s(\) := A, for all \<= S.
Chapter II. Locally C*-algebras
It is clear that S in Theorem 10.2 is also realized by the spectrum of the unital commutative locally C*-subalgebra B of A[r^]- Since we noticed above that Sp is homeomorphic to 9Jl(Bp), we derive that (see (4.43)), s
= USP = U O T ( B P ) =
( )' pe r -
On the other hand, if A[T^] has no identity and B is the locally C*subalgebra of A[rr] generated by a normal element x in A, then sps(x) = spBi{x) = sp^1(x), with J4I[TI], B\ the corresponding unitizations of -Afrf], B respectively (see Subsection 3.(3)). Therefore (also see Proposition 3.11),
with an(Bi) = Wl(B) U {
$ ( / ) := f(x),
in the sense that if / is a polynomial P(A, A) in A, A with A € S, the corresponding element <£(/) in B is a polynomial P(x,x*) in x,x*.
10. Functional Calculus
10.5 Remark. With A[rr], x, S, Sp, p e F, as in Theorem 10.2 and the notation of Definition 10.4, one gets that (10-8) (10.9)
\\f\\Sp = P(f(x)), V / e C(S) and p £ F. sPA(f(x))
= f(S) = /(sp A (a:)), V / e C(S).
Proof. Let p e f and / £ C{S). Using [111, p. 13, (4)], as well as the notation applied in the proof of Theorem 10.2 we take ll/lk = sup{|/(A)| : A e Sp} = H/lsJoo = ||Sp(/|sp)||p = \\$(f)p\\P=P(f(x)),
Concerning (10.9), we have (see Theorem 4.6 (2) and [111, p. 13, (5)]) spA(f(x)) = spA{${f)) =
= f{\JspAp(xp))
= f(spA{x)).
10.6 Proposition. Let A[TA], B[TB\ be unital locally C*-algebras and ip : A[TA] —> S[TB] a continuous *-morphism preserving normal elements. Let x be a normal element in A[TA], S = spA(x) and f € C(S). Then,
W(*)) = /WW), where the restriction of f to S' = SPB{4>{X)) C S is again denoted by f. Proof. Let TA = TpA with FA = {p} and TB = TpB with FB = {q}- Let j be the natural *-embedding of C(S) in C(S'). We prove that j is continuous. From continuity of ip one has that for each q e FB there is po £ FA and fc > 0 such that q{^{y)) < kpo(y), for all y £ A. Thus, we may define (also see Theorem 10.24 in Subsection 10.(2)) ipo : Apo = A\po]/Npo
—> Bq : ypo i—> ipo{yPo) := 4>{y) + Nq.
This is a continuous *-morphism with the property (see (4.9)) S'q = SpBq{ipo(xpQ))
C 5 p o = SPAPQ(a;po)>
Chapter II. Locally C*-algebras
where xpo is normal in Apo, as the po~ c o m P o n e n t of the normal element x in A. Thus, from the above, for each q G FB there is po £ FA with
are continuous *-morphisms that coincide on 1, ids, id*s (the topological generators of C(S)). The assertion now follows from Stone-Weierstrass Theorem [281, p. 48, Corollary 2]. 10.7 Corollary. Let A[Tp\ be a unital commutative locally C* -algebra, which is either metrizable (hence Prechet) or has a continuous Gel')"and map Q. Let x be in A[rr] and S = SPA(X). Then,
G(f(x)) = f(G(x)) & m
= f(x), V / G C(5),
where y stands for the Gel'fand transform of an element y in A[rr]Proof. Apply Proposition 10.6 with B = Cc(Wl(A)) and ip the topological *-isomorphism given by the Gel'fand map of A[TA] (cf. Corollaries 9.4 and 9.5). 10.8 Corollary. Let A[TP] be a unital locally C*-algebra, x a normal element in A[rr] and S = spA(x). Let f e C(S), S' = f(S) = spA(f(x)) (cf. (10.9)) and the topological injective *~morphism of Theorem 10.2. Denote by
10. Functional Calculus
Proof. Let $(/)„ = * ( / ) +JVP e A p , p £ F. From (10.6) <2>(/)p = # p ( / | S p and (see [111, p. 13, (5)])
*VAP($U)p) = f{sP), p&r, so that the topology of C(S') is the topology of uniform convergence on the compacts f(Sp), p € F, of S'. Furthermore, for every g e C(S'), gof e C(S) and (see (10.3))
\\9 ° /lisp = Ilsll/(SP), P 6 f . Thus, the map
is a topological *-isomorphism, such that
10.(1) The cone of positive elements 10.10 Definition. Let A[T] be a topological *-algebra. An element x G A is called positive (respectively strictly positive) and we write x > 0 (respectively x > 0) if x G H{A) and SPA(X) C [0, oo) (respectively
(0, oo)). Denote by A+ the set of all positive elements in A[rf]. Given an advertibly complete m*-convex algebra A[rr], one has:
x >0V (resp. x > 0 ) in A <^> ~ ' xp > 0 (resp. xp > 0) in Ap, V p e f ;
this follows from the very definitions, taking into account, Theorem 4.6(2) and that rp is a Hausdorff topology.
Chapter II. Locally C*-algebras
Lemma. A+ ^ 0 for every locally C*-algebra A[rr}-
Proof. Let x G H(A). From Proposition 8.4(1) S = spA(x) C M. Consider the real functions (10.11)
h(t) := sup{£,0}, h{t) := sup{-i,0}, f3(t) :=| t\,
Then, fi\s G Co(S) (see Corollary 10.3), i = 1, 2,3. Since a; is normal in A, we consider the topological *-isomorphism @ of Corollary 10.3 and set (10.12)
z + = < £ ( / ! ] < ? ) , x-=$(f2\s)
Thus, x+,x~,\
x | G H(A). Moreover, (see (10.9) and Remark 10.9)
= fi(S) C [0, oo) and similarly SPA(X~),
therefore x+,x~,\
spA(\ x |) C [0, oo),
x \ G A+.
It is straightforward from (10.11) that (10.13)
Ms - / 2 | s = ids, (/i|s)(/ 2 |s) = 0, / i | 5 + h\s = Ms-
Hence, for x e H(A), one gets from Corollary 10.3 and (10.12) that (10.14)
x — x+ — x~, x+x~ = 0 = x~x+',
| x | = x+ + x~;
consequently each self-adjoint element of A is the difference of two positive elements, the product of which is zero and their sum a positive element. 10.12 Definition. The elements x+,x~
are called positive respectively
negative part of x G #(^4) and | x \ is called absolute value of x. An easy consequence of the above and (10.8) (also see (8.1)) is that p(x) = p(\ x |) and p{x+) < p(x), p(x~) < p(x), V p £ F. In the sequel we show that the positive elements in a locally C*-algebra -A[IT] are exhausted by elements of the form x*x, x G A. The most of the results in this Subsection have been obtained independently by A. Inoue [208] and K. Schmiidgen [338].
10. Functional Calculus
10.13 Proposition. Let A[rr] be a locally C*-algebra and x G A+. Then, there is unique z G A+ with z2 = x. That is, each positive element in A[rr] has a unique positive square root. Proof. Since x G A+, S =
C [0, OO). If f(t) := y/t, t £ [0, oo), is
the usual positive square root of a positive real number t we clearly have f\s
G CQ(S). Hence, by Corollary 10.3, the element
is self-adjoint and has positive spectrum according to (10.9); therefore z € A+. Moreover, f2\s = (/Is) 2 = ids , so that
z2 = WIs)) 2 = $(f\s) = $(ids) - x. To prove uniqueness of z, let w be another element in A+ such that w2 = x. Then, w2 — xp = z2, for all p E F, with xp,zv,wp
e (Ap)+ (cf. (10.10));
since Ap is a C*-algebra, we get [279, p. 45, Theorem 2.2.1] wp — zp, for all p G F, therefore w — z. 10.14 Remark. The unique element z G A+ defined by (10.15) such that z2 — x, is called square root of x and is usually denoted by xxl2. In effect, the definition of x1!2 is reduced (through Gel'fand functional calculus) to the definition of the square root of a positive real function (see [338, Folgerung 2.2]). Indeed, the commutative locally C*-subalgebra B of A\rr] generated by x, is topologically *-isomorphic to the commutative locally C*-algebra C 0 (2t(Bi)) (Remark 9.6(1)). Thus, x>0
in B &
where x is the Gel'fand transform oix £ B. Hence, one only needs to know the square root of x > 0, which is naturally defined by
xl'2{v) := Mz)) 1 / 2 , V
Chapter II. Locally C*—algebras (1) x > 0. (2) x = y*y, for some y £ A. (3) x = h2, for some h £ H(A).
Proof. (1) => (3) It follows from Proposition 10.13. (3) => (2) It is obvious. (2) => (1) Clearly xp = y*yp in Ap, for all p G F. Since Ap is a C*algebra, one has xp > 0, p £ T [279, p. 46, Theorem 2.2.4], so that x > 0 from (10.10). 10.16 Corollary. Lei A[rr] be a locally C* -algebra. Then, one has that A+ = {x*x : x £ A}. For a version of Theorem 10.15 in GB*~algebras and BP*-algebras, the reader is referred to [113, Proposition (5.1)] and [196, Lemma 12]. 10.17 Theorem (Inoue, Schmiidgen). Let A[rr] be a locally C*-algebra. Then, A+ is a closed convex cone such that A+ R (—A+) = {0}. Proof. Let (x$)$£.£ be a net in A+ such that xg —> x, x £ A. Then,
—> o, V p e r -» ||x5]P-a;p||p —> o, v p £ r ,
where from (10.10) x$}P = x$ + Np £ (A p ) + , p £ T. But (A p ) + is closed [111, p. 16, 1.6.4], so that xp £ (Ap)+,
p £ T, which again from (10.10)
yields x £ A+. The rest of the proof follows by using once more (10.10) and the corresponding properties of {Ap) + , p £ F. Given a locally C*-algebra A[TP\ and x, y £ A, we write (10.16)
or y < z
«> x-y>0
According to Theorem 10.17, the relation (10.16) defines a partial ordering in -A[rr], compatible with the real vector space structure of A[rr]. It is straightforward that x > y in A <^> xp > yp in Ap, V p £ F.
10. Functional Calculus
1 0 . 1 8 C o r o l l a r y . Let A[rr] be a locally C*-algebra following
and x,y £ A . The
(1) x < y implies z*xz < z*yz, for all z £ A. (2) 0 < x < y implies p(x) < p(y), for all p £ F. (3) 0 < x < y implies 0 < x1/2 < y1/2. (4) x £ H(A) if and only if x £ N(A) and
C E.
In the case when A[rr] has also an identity, one has: (5) x > 0 implies x G G&. (6) x > e implies x~l < e. (7) 0 < x < y implies y~l < a;"1. Proof. (1) By hypothesis y — x 6 A+, therefore (Theorem 10.15) there is w G A with y — x = w*w. Using the last reference once more, we get z*(y — x)z = z*w*wz = (wz)*wz £ A+, V z £ A which in view of (10.16) completes the proof of (1). (2) From (10.10), 0 < xp < yp in Ap, for all p £ T; hence [279, p. 46, Theorem 2.2.5] p(x) = ||x p || p < ||y p || p = p(y), for all p £ F . (3) We first show that (10.17)
x2 < y2
=» x < y.
Clearly (cf. (10.10), (10.16)) x2p < y2 in Ap, for all p€ F, so that [279, p. 47, proof of Theorem 2.2.6] xp < yp, for every p £ F, which equivalently means x < y. The assertion now follows from (10.17) replacing x and y with x 1 ' 2 and y 1 ' 2 respectively. (4) Clearly x £ H(A) implies x £ N(A); on the other hand, from Proposition 8.4(1). Conversely, if x £ N(A) and S =
C K, C K,
applying Corollary 10.3 we conclude that x* =
Chapter II. Locally C*-algebras
Theorem 4.18, Proposition 8.4(4) and Definition 10.10). Hence,
= (X*x)x'2 = (/x(z)Xz))1/2 = ^{z*z)fl2 = M(^) 1 / 2 ),
with (z*z)1/2 £ A+ (ibid.); therefore x £ n(A+). 10.20 Corollary. Let B[TB] be a locally C*-algebra and A[TA] a closed *-subalgebra of B[TB] (with TA — T~B\A)- Then, A+ = B+ f] A. 10.(2) The pre-C*-algebras of the Arens-Michael decomposition of a locally C*-algebra are (automatically) complete Let X be a completely regular fc-space and CC(X) the locally C*-algebra of all (complex) continuous functions on X, under the compact-open topology, given by the C*-seminorms || \\K, K £ K-, defined in (3.22) (also see Example 7.6(3)). We have proved (see (3.24)) that the pre-C*-algebra
10. Functional Calculus
CPOlll \\K]/NK, NK = ker(|| \\K), K G AC, is complete, hence a C*algebra. The same is true for the locally C*-algebra, cartesian product of an infinite directed family of C*-algebras (cf. Example 7.6(2) and (7.3)). In this Subsection we show that the preceding nice and useful property is valid for all locally C*-algebras. This result was first proved in 1971 by C. Apostol [15, Theorem 2.4] for unital locally C*-algebras. A different proof of the same result was given in 1975 by K. Schmiidgen [338, Folgerung 5.4] (also see [305, Corollary 1.12]). The proof we present here is due to C. Apostol. 10.21 Lemma. Let A[rr] be a unital locally C*-algebra. Let h > 0 in A[rr] and x := h(e + h)~l, y := h{e + h)~2. Then,
p(x) = YT^ih)
P e r-
Proof. Clearly e + h > 0, so that e + h e GA (Corollary 10.18(5)). If h = 0, the result is clear. Suppose h ^ 0. Then, h>0 o
hp > 0 in Ap, V p e T .
In particular, ep + hv € GAP, for allp (E F and (e + h)~l = ((ep + hp)~i)p^p. Thus, xp — hp(ep + hp)'1 and yp = hp(ep + hp)~2 are in Ap, p € F. Let Bp be a closed commutative *-subalgebra of Ap, containing ep,hp,p e F. Then, xp,yp e Bp and (also see [327, Lemma (4.8.13)])
= Mf
p )
l + hp(ipp)
w i t h /£(¥>„) ? o , V vP e O J I ( B P ) , p e r
(cf. Proposition 8.4(4) and Theorem 4.18). The function t ( l + i ) - 1 , t > 0, is increasing, therefore the functions \x^\, hp, p & F, assume their maximum values at the same point. As a consequence, one gets that ii\\rxp\\p ii _- iHalloo i^ii _ therefore p(x) =
U M-^ 1°°
_ -
H „,M „ P, vv p« e( = i,r
——, for all p € F. Similarly, l+p{h)
I yP(fP) 1= , hp^] NN9; v ipp G m(Bp), (ep + hp(tpp))2
Chapter II. Locally C*-algebras
It is straightforward that the function i(l + t)~2 (t > 0) has a maximum value at t = 1, therefore \\yP\\p<j,
& p{y) <\,
Given an m-convex algebra A[rr], consider the subalgebra Ab of ^4[rr] denned in the following way (10.18)
Ab := {x e A : supp(x) < oo}. v
Equip Ab with the m-norm || \\b given by (10.19)
||a:||b := supp(x), V i G A;,. p
We call the subalgebra Ab bounded part of A[rr]. When A[TT] is an ArensMichael (*)-algebra, Ab is a Banach (*)-algebra. When A[rr] is a locally C*-algebra, C. Apostol [15, Theorem 2.3] and K. Schmiidgen [338, Satz 3.1 and Satz 3.6] have proved that Ab is a C*-algebra dense in A[rr) (see Theorem 10.23 below). The term "bounded part" for Ab is due to K. Schmiidgen (ibid. p. 17). To prove the density of Ab in A[rr] we first need the following. 10.22 Lemma. Let A[rr] be a unital locally C*-algebra and Ab as before. Let x £ A and t > 0. Then, x(e + tx*x)~l belongs to Ab. Proof. By Corollary 10.16 x*x > 0, so that e + tx*x > 0 for any t > 0 (Theorem 10.17), therefore (e + tx*x)~l exists in A (Corollary 10.18(5)). Furthermore, p(x(e + tx*x)~1)2 = p((x(e + tx*x)~1)*x{e + tx*x)~l) = p((e + tx*x)~lx*x(e + tx*x) (10.20)
* ,_2,
= -p{tx*x(e + tx*x)~2) <—, V p e T , where the third equality above is valid by restricting ourselves to the commutative locally C*-subalgebra of A[rr] generated by e,x*x, while the inequality results by applying Lemma 10.21 with h = tx*x. It follows that x(e + tx*x)~1 e Ab. m
10. Functional Calculus
10.23 Theorem (Apostol). Ab is a unital C*-algebra, dense in A[rr]. Proof. Clearly e £ Af, (see comments after Theorem 2.3). Let x £ A and t > 0. From Lemma 10.22, x(e + tx*x)~l
£ A\,. An easy computation
shows that (10.21)
x - x(e + tx*x)~l = tx(x*x){e + tx*x)~1.
Using (10.20) and (10.21), we obtain for each p £ F, that p(x - x(e + tx*x)~1) — p(tx{x*x)(e + tx*x)~l) < t p(xx*)p(x(e + tx*x)~1) P
-^. 2
Hence, (10.22)
limp(x - x(e + tx*x)~1) = 0 , V p e T, t—^U
therefore A^ is dense in A[T^]. A\, equipped with the C*-norm || ||i, (see (10.19)) is a pre-C*-algebra. To show completeness, let (xn)ngN be a Cauchy sequence in A\,. Then, there is k > 0, such that ||xn||b < k, for all n G N. Moreover, since the topology of Ab is stronger than that of A, (xn)n^ J4[TT]
is a Cauchy sequence in
too. Thus, there is x £ A with p{x) = limp(x n ) < lim ||x n || b < k, V p e f , n
so that x £ A\y. On the other hand, given e > 0, we find N£ > 0 such that \\xm — xn\\b < £, for all n,m > NE. Therefore, for every n > Ne, p{x - xn) = lim p(xm - xn) < lim \\xm - xn\\b < e, V p e T, which yields xn
> x £ >L-
10.24 Theorem (Apostol). Let A[Tp] be a locally C*-algebra. Then, for every p £ F the pre-C*-algebra A\p\/Np is complete, hence a C*-algebra. More precisely, one has the equality A\p]/NP = AP, V P £ T , where Ap is the completion of A\p]/Np, under \\
Chapter II. Locally C*—algebras
Proof. Let Ai[r{], r[ = Tp>, be the locally C*-algebra, unitization of A[rr] (see Theorem 8.3 as well as (8.4) and discussion after it). Consider the preC*~algebras Ai\p[]/Npi and A\p]/Np © C, where the first one carries the topology of the C*-norm || \\pi with |](x,A) + 7V p ; || p / ^ ( z . A ) ,
and the second one carries the relative topology from the C*-algebra (Ap)i = Ap © C (unitization of the C*-algebra Ap, p G F), given by the C*-norm ||H||i (see (8.2)). But from (8.4), p'^x, A) := \\\(xp, A)|||i, for all (z, A ) e 4 Hence, the correspondence ^ibi]/-Npi ~ *
\P\/NP © C : {x, A) + Np[ ^
(xp, A),
is a well denned surjective *-isometry. Moreover, the topology on the normed *-algebra A\p]/Np®C is equivalent to the product topology (see discussion after (8.6)), therefore Ai\pi]/Npi is complete if and only if A\p]/Np is complete, p € F. So, without any harm of the generality, we may suppose that our given locally C*-algebra A[rr] is unital. Consider now the unital C*-algebra Ab, corresponding to the bounded part of A[rr} (Theorem 10.23) and let Ip := Ab n Np = {x G Ab : p(x) = 0}, p G F. Ip is a closed *~ideal in Ab, therefore the quotient Abjlv, p G F, is a C*algebra [111, Proposition 1.8.2]. Denote the quotient C*-norm on Ab/Ip by || ||*. The function At/Ip — R+ : x + Ip ^-> p(x), p G r, is well defined and gives a C*-norm on Ab/Ip, for every p G F. Now, since a surjective *-isomorphism between two C*-algebras is an isometric *-isomorphism (see, for instance, [111, Proposition 1.3.7]), one has that 11^ + -fpllp = P( x )' V x £ A and p G F. Based on the above, we may consider the map 9 : Ab/Ip —> A\p]/Np :x + Ip\—> xp = x + Np, p G F,
Approximate identities
which is a *-isometry. We show that 9 is surjective. Let xp G A\p]/Np. Using continuity of the natural *-morphism gp : A[rr] —> A\p]/Np (see (2.1), (10.22) and Lemma 10.22), we get X
P — Qp{x) — h' m Qp(x(e + tx*x)
) = lim(x(e + tx*x)~
+ Np)
= lim 6(x(e + tx*x)~l + Ip), t > 0, x—»0
which asserts that 6(Af,/Ip) is dense in A\p]/Np, for every p € F. But, 9(Af)/Ip), p 6 F, is complete, therefore the same is true for A\p]/Np, p G F and this completes the proof.
Approximate identities
11.1 Definition. Let A[r] be a topological algebra and (a\), A € A, a net in A[T] such that (11.1)
l i m x a A — x = \ima\x, A
V i e A
Such a net is called approximate identity (abbreviated to ai) of A[T]. If only the left or the right equality in (11.1) is valid, then we speak of a left respectively right ai. In the case when an ai (a\), A G A, of A[T] is a bounded subset of A[T], we speak about a bounded approximate identity (abbreviated to bai) of A[T}. If (a\), A G yi, is a 6ai of a topological algebra A[r] with continuous multiplication, then (i) (a\), X G A, is also a bai for the completion A\f\ of A[T}; (ii) (a\), X € A, is a bai of A\T\\ see [262, p. 466 Lemma 1.2 and p. 465 Lemma 1.1]. 11.2 Example of a topological algebra with a bai (Craw). Consider t h e function (see [100, 4] a n d [126, p . 179, (26.3)]) Wn(t)
: = ( 1 + | t l) 1 "^/™), t&R,
a n d set wo(t) := 1+ | t |, t G R.
Chapter II. Locally C*-algebras
Take the Banach algebra Z1(R) and let r+oo
An := {/ G L\R) :Pn(f) : = /
\f{t)\wn{t)dt < oo}, n = 0,1,.... O
Then, for every n > 0, pn is a norm on A n and An[pn] is a Banach algebra under convolution multiplication (cf. [325, p. 692, 3]). Let F = {pn}n>oThen, we get a Frechet algebra -A[rf], F = {pn}n>o, by defining
A[rr] -=r\A^Pn},
Take now a decreasing sequence {U\ :— [— I/A, I/A]}, A G N, of 0-neighborhoods and any sequence (UA)ASN of nonnegative functions with r+i
suppztA C U\ and \\u\\\ = /
u\(t)dt = 1,
with suppii^ the support of u\. Then (u\), A G N, is a bai of Ll(M) (cf. [250, p. 124, 31E] and/or [126, Theorem (13.4)]). Since each ux, A G N, has compact support we conclude that r+oo / u\{t)wn(t)dt
< oo, n = 0 , 1 , . . . ,
therefore u\ £ A, for all la G N. It is easily seen that (u\), A G N, is an ai of A\Tr\ (see also [325, p. 692, 3]). On the other hand, for each A G N, one has (mean value theorem) r+1
ux{t)(l+\t\)dt<2 J-oo
ux{t)dt<2. J-\
Since pn{ux) < po(ux) for any n, A G N, we conclude that (ux), A G N, is a bai of A[rf ], bounded by 2. 11.3 Remark. In a later Chapter (see Section 29, Lemma 29.8) we shall prove that if -A[TVI] and B[TB] are m-convex algebras with bai's (ax)X£A, ipv)veKi respectively and TT is the projective tensorial topology on A ® B, then {ax<S>bv), (A, v) G A x K, is a bai for both A®B and A®B (completion n
of A
Approximate identities
with a bai (see Example 11.2), then the generalized group algebra L1(G, A) [262, p. 402, 5] has a bai. This follows from the foregoing, since Ll(G) has a bai (cf. [126, Theorem (13.4)], as well as [262, p. 406, (5.14)]) and L\A,G)
= L 1 (G)§A,
up to a topological algebraic isomorphism. 11.4 L e m m a . (1) Let A[r] be a topological *-algebra with an ai (ax), A G A. Then, (a*x), A € A, is an ai of A[T], which is bounded whenever this is the case for (ax), A G A. (2) //, in particular, A[rr] is an m*-convex algebra, the net (a\tP), A G A, with axiP = ax + Np, p G F, A G A, is an ai for both A\p]/Nv and Ap, for every p G F. Moreover, (axtP), A G A, is bounded, whenever (ax), A G A, has this property. Proof. It is an immediate consequence of the very definitions and [262, p. 466, Lemma 1.2]. We show now that every locally C*-algebra has an ai bounded by 1. 11.5 T h e o r e m (Inoue). Let A[rr] be a locally C*-algebra and I a dense ideal in A[rr]. Then, A[rp] has an ai (ax), A G A, consisting of elements of I, such that: (1) The net (ax), A € A, is increasing, in the sense that ax > 0, for every A G A, and ax < av, for any \
in A.
(2) p(ax) < 1, for all p e F, A G A. Proof. Consider the set A = {F C / : F finite} ordered by inclusion. For A = {xi,. ..,xn}
GAput n
ux :=YlXiXii=l
Clearly ux G / n A+, for all A G A (cf. Corollary 10.16 and Theorem 10.17). Let now Ai[r{] be the locally C*-algebra, unitization of A[TP] (Theorem 8.3) and B the locally C*-subalgebra of AI[T[\ generated by ux and e\ = (0,1). If S = SPA(UX) — spAx(ux) Q [0, oo) and
, VteR,
Chapter II. Locally C*-algebras
we get that f\s & C(S); therefore, in view of Theorem 10.2, we define (11.2)
aA:=^(/|s) =
WA (u A
+ ^-)"1ei3
where wA + — > 0 in B (Corollary 10.20). It follows from Corollary 10.18(5) n is invertible in B. Since 0 < f\s < 1, Proposition 10.19 implies that u\-\ n (11.3)
0 < ax < ei, A e A.
A consequence of (11.2), (11.3) is that (11.4)
ax EIHA+,
and (see Corollary 10.18(2), comments after Theorem 2.3 and (8.4)) (11.5)
Pi(ax) = p(a\) < 1, V p e f a n d A e i .
An easy computation shows that n
^ ( ( a A - ei)xi)((a\ - e{)xi)* = (aA - ei)uA(aA - ei) (11.6) i=i -2 / ei\-2 = n uA uA H 1 V n/ Now, the function
g(t) :=t[t+-) V nj
, Vtef,
1 n attains a maximum value at —, so that 0 < g\s < — 1. Hence, Proposition n 4 10.19 yields 0 < $(g\s) = ux (ux + ^ )
< ^ei,
and in virtue of (11.6) one obtains ((«A - ei)xi)((ax - ei)xi)* < —, V i = 1 , . . . , n. An application of Corollary 10.18(2) gives (11.7)
< - , Vpef, 4n
Approximate identities
Take now an arbitrary element x of / and e > 0. Let A£ be a finite subset of / with n elements such that x e Xe and n > 1/e2. Then, in view of (11.7) one gets p(a\x — x) < e, for every A > XE and p 6 F. It follows that (11.8)
lima^a: — x, V x € I; A
the latter is also true for every x G A, since / is dense in A[TT] and p(a\) < 1, for any A e A and p G F (cf. (11.5)). Applying now involution to (11.8), we take limx*a\ — x*, V x € A, therefore lima>,a; = x = limam^, V a; £ A. A
It remains to prove that a\ < av for any A < v in A. Let A = v = {xi,...,
..., x n } ,
x m } be in A with n < m. Then, m
uv — u\=
y^ Xix* G A+. Moreover, 0 < u\-\ ^—' n
< u^ ^
, n
which by Corollary 10.18(7) gives
<(^A + - ) ' 1 .
On the other hand, since n < m, one gets
n \
m \
Using Theorem 10.2 and Proposition 10.19 we conclude that 1 /
, ei\-i
1 /
n V n) m V Looking besides at (11.9) we finally get
1 / ei\-1 1 / ei\ - 1 [u\-\ <e1 [uu-\ I n V nJ n V n/ 1 / en-i u < e\ (Wt/H = au. TO V m/
a\ =ei
Following exactly the same steps as in the proof of Theorem 11.5, we have:
Chapter II. Locally C*—algebras
11.6 Proposition. Let A[rr] be a locally C*-algebra and I a right ideal in A[rr]- Then, there exists a net (a\), A G A, in I n A+ such that: (1) p(ax) < 1, for any p G F, A G A; (2) OA < fli/, /or any \
and since x*a\ G /, for every A G A, we conclude that x* G / = /; therefore / is a *-ideal. Now A\TP\/I equipped with the quotient topology, given by the m*seminorms (cf. (3.32)) (11.10)
q(x + I) = inf{p(x + i) : i G / } = \\xp + lp\\p, x G E, p G F,
is an m*-convex algebra (cf. 3.(4)), where Ip is the || ||j,-closure of Ip = QP(I) in Ap; note that we keep the same symbol "|| ||p" for the quotient
11. Approximate identities
norm on Ap/Ip, p £ F. Since Ap is a C*-algebra and Ip a closed *-ideal in Ap, the quotient Ap/Ip, p £ F, is a C*-algebra too [111, Proposition 1.8.2]. Thus, using (11.10) we get q({x + I)*{x + I)) = \\x*pxp+lp\\p=
\\xp + lp\\2p = q(x + I)2,
for any x £ A, p £ F. Hence, each q is a C*-seminorm and the quotient A[rr]/I a C*-convex algebra. Now, if A[T^] is i?-complete, the same is true for A[rr}/I [335, p. 165, Corollary 3], so A[rr]/I is a (B complete) locally C*-algebra. 11.8 Corollary. Let A[rr] be a Frechet C*-convex algebra and I a closed ideal in A[rr]- Then, A[rr]/I endowed with the quotient topology is a Frechet C*-convex algebra.
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Chapter III Representation theory As we have noticed in the Introduction, an increasing interest in the study of topological *-algebras and their representation theory, started at the beginning of 60's after the reformulation of the Wightman's axioms of quantum field theory by H.J. Borchers [73] and A. Uhlmann [378] in the spirit of the representation theory of the non-normed topological *-algebras. The immediate interest of the researchers in this direction can be seen (in chronological order) in the work of G. Lassner and A. Uhlmann [243], W. Wyss [397], P.G. Dixon [114], R.T. Powers [318]; many more follow, that the reader can find in the bibliography of the relevant treatises we mentioned in the Introduction [14, 128, 211, 340], which concern unbounded *representation theory. Further sources of information around *-representations can be found in the books of O. Bratteli and D.W. Robinson [80, 81], J.M.G. Fell and R.S. Doran [138], T.W. Palmer [297], V. Ostrovskyi and Y. Samoilenko [290]. For the reasons we have explained in the Introduction, we are concerned with the bounded representation theory of non-normed topological *-algebras. The main tools we need for this study are exhibited in the present Section and Section IV, with the intention to apply them in all other topics we study in the remainder of the book. First we prepare the stage for the presentation of the GiV5-construction (Theorem 14.2) and the construction of the enveloping locally C*-algebra of a given m*convex algebra (Section 18). The existence of positive linear forms and ^representations (Subsection 14.(2)), as well as conditions for their continuity, are naturally included in this study that often leads to interesting and sometimes surprising information (see Sections 15-17 and 20). 143
Chapter III. Representation theory
Positive linear forms and extreme points
12.1 Definition. Let A be an involutive algebra. A linear form f on A is called positive if f(x*x) > 0, for all x G A. A positive linear form / on A is called hermitian, if it is ^-preserving, that is, f{x*) = f(x), for every x G A. If A is a unital involutive algebra, a positive linear form f on A such that /(e) = 1 is called state. Note that if A is a unital Banach #-algebra, with identity e of norm 1 (this is always attainable (see Theorem 2.3)) and / a positive linear form on A, then one has that (12.1)
/ is continuous and ||/|| = /(e)
[111, 2.1.4. Proposition]. The preceding equality is not always true [121, pp. 68-69]. In a (non-unital) normed *-algebra A, one (naturally) calls state a continuous positive linear form / such that ||/|| — 1 [111, 2.1.1. Definition]. 12.2 Examples. (1) If A = C the identity map idc °f C is both a positive linear form and a state. (2) Let C[0,1] be the Banach *-algebra of all continuous functions on [0,1]. Then, the function F : C[0,1] - ^ C : / —> F(f) := /
clearly defines a positive linear form on C[0,1]. (3) If H is a Hilbert space, consider the locally convex *-algebra £W(H) of all bounded linear operators on H, endowed with the weak operator topology TW (Example 1.8(2)). Let ( g i f and Ft : CW(H) —+ C : T —> F^T) :=< T£,£ > . Then, F^ is a continuous positive linear form on CW(H), which becomes a state when [|£[| = 1. (4) Every continuous character of a unital commutative locally C*algebra, is a positive linear form. This follows from Theorem 9.3(1).
Positive linear forms and extreme points
In the sequel, we denote by P(A) the set of all positive linear forms of an involutive algebra A. If moreover A is unital, the set S(A) will stand for the set of all states of A. Later on, we shall see that P(A) might be the trivial set {0} even in the case of a Banach *-algebra. Such examples, as well as conditions, for the existence of positive linear forms and states are presented in Subsection 14.(2). For the proof of the next two algebraic results, that describe basic properties of positive linear forms see, for instance, [121, p. 58, Proposition (21.5) and Corollary (21.6)]. 12.3 Lemma (Cauchy-Bunyakovskii-Schwarz inequality). Let A be an involutive algebra and f a positive linear form on A. Then, one has: (1) f(y*x) (2) | f(y*x)
= f(x*y),
for all x,y G A and f G P(A).
| < f{y*y)f{x*x),
for all x,y G A .
1 2 . 4 Corollary. Let A be a unital involutive algebra and f a positive linear form on A. Then, the following hold: (1) f(x*) — f{x), for every x G A; that is, f is hermitian. (2) | f(x) | 2 < f(e)f(x*x),
for every x G A.
Notice that not every positive linear form is hermitian [121, p. 59]. Take, for example, the involutive algebra C of complex numbers with trivial multiplication. Then, the linear form /(A) := iX, A € C, is positive but not hermitian. Let now A[rr] be an involutive locally convex algebra. Denote by P'(A) the set of all continuous positive linear forms on A; namely, (12.2)
P'(A):= P(A)nA'.
Given an m*-convex algebra A{rr] and / G P'(A),
continuity of /
implies the existence of a constant k > 0 and a p G P such that (12.3)
| f(x) | < kp(x), V x G A.
Thus, Np C ker(/), so the function (12.4)
fp : A\p]/Np —> C : xp ^
:= f(x),
Chapter III.
Representation theory
is well defined and it is a continuous positive linear form on A\p]/Np. The unique extension of fp to the Banach *-algebra Ap, is a continuous positive linear form also denoted by fp. In conclusion, we have the following: For each m*-convex algebra A[rr] and / G P'(A) there is p G R and fp G P(Ap) with fp(xp) = /(x), for all x £ A. The element fp G P(AP), as before, is called associated to f (continuous) positive linear form on Ap. Recall that (see note after Proposition 11.6) a bai in an m*-convex algebra A[rp] is an ai (a\)x^A (see Definition 11.1) bounded by 1; namely, p{a\) < 1, V A G A and p G R. 12.5 Lemma. Let A[rr] be an m*-convex algebra with a bai (a\)\€y\- Let f G P'{A) and fp be the associated to f element in P'(AP) = P(AP). Then, the following hold: (1) f(x*) = f(x), for every x G A (that is, / is hermitian). (2) | f(x) | 2 < ||/ p ||/(z*z), for every x G A. Proof. From Lemma 11.4(1), the net (a*x)\&J\ is a bai of A[rr] too. Thus (also see Lemma 12.3) given / in P'(A) we get f{x*) = lim/(z*a A ) = lim f{a*xx) = /(lima*z) = f{x), V x G A. j
(2) Ap is a Banach *-algebra with a &ai given by the net (a\tP)\€/\ with «A,p := «A + Np, for all p G F. Let / G -P'(^) a n d /p the associated to / element in P'(Ap) = P(Ap), for some p £ F (for the last equality, see comments after this proof). Then [111, Proposition 2.1.5, (i)], I /„(*) | 2 < \\fp\\fP(z*z), Vz£Ap,
I f(x) | 2 = | fP(xp) | 2 < \\fP\\fP(x;xp) = \\fP\\f(x*x), V x G A.
Note that the statement (1) of Lemma 12.5 is valid for any topological *~algebra with a bai. Let us fix now some further notation. If A is an involutive normed algebra, let (12.5)
V(A) := {/ G P'(A) : ||/|| < 1}.
Positive linear forms and extreme points
V(A) is clearly an equicontinuous subset of A'. HA is an involutive Banach algebra with a bai, each positive linear form is continuous (Varopoulos) (cf. [381] and/or [72, p. 201, Theorem 15]). So in this case (12.6)
V(A) =
Let now ^4[TT] be an m*-convex algebra. V(A\p]/Np),
We find the "copies" of
V{Ap), p £ r, in P'(A); namely, we trace the subsets of
P'(A) associated with the preceding sets. So let
vp(A)-.= P'(A)nu;(i),Per,
where U°(l) is the polar of the unit semiball Up(l) in A'. Clearly, VP(A) is an equicontinuous subset of A', for all p G F. Moreover,
VP(A) = {/ G P'(A) : \f(x)\ < p(x), V x e A ] = {/ e P'(A):
||/ p || < i } , V p e r
Let the sets in (12.2), (12.7) carry the relative topology from the (weak) topological dual A's = A'[a(A1, A)] of A (cf. discussion before 1.8(1)). 12.6 Proposition. Let A[rr] be an m* -convex algebra. Then, the following equalities hold up to homeomorphisms: V{A\p\/Np) = VP(A) = V(AP), p e r . Proof. Let p G T and / G VP(A).
From (12.8) Np C ker(/), so that
the function fp denned by (12.4) gives an element of V(A\p]/Np), hence a unique element of V(AP), also denoted by fp. Thus, one defines the map (12.9)
9p : VP{A) —> V{A\p\/Np)
(resp. V{Ap)) : / ^
which is a homeomorphism. We prove only continuity of 9P. From what we have said before, the set V(Ap) is an equicontinuous subset of {Ap)'. Moreover, since A[p]/Np is dense in Ap, the weak*-topologies
and a{A'p, Ap) coincide on V(AP), p G T (see [335, p. 85, 4.5] and/or [78, p. 23, Proposition 5]). Our claim follows now easily.
Chapter III.
Representation theory
12.7 Definition. Let A[rr] be an m*-convex algebra. Define
V(A):={jVp(A), per; that is, V(A) consists of all continuous positive linear forms f on A such that H/pll < 1, where fp is the associated to / element of P(AP). When A is an involutive normed algebra, V(A) is exactly the set (12.5). According to Proposition 12.6, each / G V(A) is associated with an element fp £ V(AP), for some p € F (see (12.6)). If A[rr] is unital, one has that each continuous state on A[TT] belongs to V{A). More precisely, V / € P'{A) one has f(e) = 1 (12 10)
» ||/p[] = 1, therefore
{feP'(A):f(e) = l}CV(A).
The preceding equivalence follows from the definition of fp (see (12.4)) and (12.1). Since fp £ P'(AP), we have that |/ p (z)| < /p(ep)||z||p, for every z 6 Ap (see, for example, [283, p. 188,1]), whose an immediate consequence is the following. 12.8 Corollary. Let A[rp} be a unital m*-convex algebra, and f a continuous positive linear form on A[rp] . Then, there is p £ F, such that \f(x)\
= \\fp\\p(x),
where fp is the associated to f element of P(Ap). The next Proposition 12.9 gives a sufficient and necessary condition such that a continuous linear form on a locally C*-algebra is a continuous positive linear form. 12.9 Proposition. Let A[rr] be a locally C*-algebra. Let f be a continuous linear form of A[rp] with fp the associated to f continuous linear form on Ap (for some p £ F) defined by (12.4). Then, f is positive if and only if ll/pll = lim A /(a A ), with {ax)\eA
a bai of A[rr}.
Proof. A[rr\ as a locally C*-algebra accepts an increasing ai, say (aA)A€/t, bounded by 1 (cf. Theorem 11.5). Then, aAiP = a\ + Np, is a bai of Ap (see
12. Positive linear forms and extreme points
comments before Example 11.2). Yet, the equality ||/p|] = lira\ fp(a\tP) characterizes fp as a positive linear form of Ap [121, Proposition 22.17]. So the assertion is straightforward from the definition of fp. Proposition 12.9 remains true if we remove completeness of A[rr] and assume the existence of a bai. 12.10 Corollary. Let A[rr] be a unital locally C*-algebra and f a continuous linear form on A[rr] with fp the associated to f continuous linear form on Ap (for some p G F). Then f is positive if and only if \\fp\\ = fie). Later on, in Subsection 14.(2), we prove that locally C*-algebras have plenty of continuous positive linear forms. Take now an involutive algebra A and / £ P(A). Fix y G A and define (12.11)
/„ : A -^
C : x — fy(x) := f(y*xy).
Clearly fy G P(A). In the case when A is moreover topological and / belongs to P'(A), it is easily seen that fy also belongs to P'(A). 12.11 Lemma. Let A[rr] be an involutive Arens-Michael algebra such that VA\H(A) < °°- -Let f be a positive linear form on A[rr\ and y G A fixed. Then, the following hold: (1) | fy{h) \< f(y*y)rA(h), for all h e H(A). (2) ] fy(x) |< f{y*y)rA{x*x)ll2, for all x e A. (3) fy vanishes on the Jacobson radical 3A of A\jr\. (4) Replacing the assumption "rA\H(A) < °°" w^ "continuity of the involution", fy becomes continuous.
"property Q" and
Proof. Let h G H(A) with rA(h) < 1. Then, rA(-h) < 1, so that Theorem 5.4 implies the existence of a, b G H(A) with aoa = h and bob = —h. Set, u :— y — ay and v := y — by. Then, u*u = y*(l - afy = y*(l - h)y v*v = y*(l-b)2y
= y*(l + h)y,
Chapter III.
Representation theory
where 1 — a corresponds to the element (0,1) — (a, 0) of the unitization Ai[n] of A[r r ]. Thus, f(y*{l-h)y)>0
and /(y*(l + h)y) > 0, whence
I fv(h) |< f{y*y), V h G tf (A) with r ^ / i ) < 1. Take now /i e H(A) and e > 0. Then, h£ :— — —
G H(A) with
rAihe) < 1, so that (12.12) implies I fy(h) |< (rA(/i) + e)f{y*y), V h £ H(A)
and V e > 0,
from which (1) follows. (2) Applying (1) and Lemma 12.3(2) we get
I fy(x) | 2 < f(y*y)fv(x*x)
< f(y*y)2rA(x*x),
V x e A,
from which (2) is straightforward. (3) Let x £
Then x*x £ JA and (Proposition 4.24, (1))
— 0.
The assertion now follows from (2). (4) It follows from (2) and Theorem 6.18(2). For continuity of fy when continuity of the involution is dropped, see Proposition 17.8(2). 12.12 Corollary. Let A[rr] be a unital involutive Arens-Michael algebra such that
< °°- Let f € P{A). Then, the following hold:
(1) | f{h) \< f(e)rA(h),
for all h e H(A). 1 2
(2) | f(x) |< f(e)rA(x*x) / ,
for all x G A.
(3) / vanishes on the Jacobson radical JA of (4) Replacing the assumption
"TA \H(A)<
°°" with "property Q" and
"continuity of the involution" , f becomes continuous. 12.13 Corollary. Let A[rp] be anm*-convex algebra, f G P'(A) andy £ A fixed. Then, the following hold: (1) I fy(h) < f{y*y)rA{h), (2) | fy(x)
for all h G H{A). 1 2
< f(y*y)rA(x*x) / ,
for all x G A.
12. Positive linear forms and extreme points
(3) fy vanishes on the Jacobson radical JA of A[rr]If A is moreover unital, the statements (1), (2), (3) read as follows: (4) | f(h) |< f(e)rA(h), for all h e H(A). (5) | f(x) |< f(e)rA(x*x)1/2, for all x € A. (6) / vanishes on the Jacobson radical JA of A[rr\. Proof. Let fv be the associated to / element of P'(Ap) — P(AP) (for some p <E T). Then (cf. Lemma 12.11(1) and Theorem 4.6(3)) 1/vCOI = \fvP(hp)\ < fP(y;yP)rA(hp)
< f{y*y)rA{h),
V h e H(A),
where fyp(z) := fP{ypZyp), for every z G Ap. So (1) is proved. The claims (2), (4), (5) are similarly proved. For (3) and (6), see proof of Lemma 12.11(3). Note that in Corollary 12.13, the spectral radius rA is not necessarily a finite number. Comparing the results of Lemma 12.11 with those of Corollary 12.13, we see that in the second case, restricting ourselves to continuous positive linear forms and employing continuous involution for A[rr], we get the same results as in Lemma 12.11, having been dispensed with both the boundedness of the spectral radius on H(A) and the completeness of -A[rr]. Let now A be an involutive algebra and /, g linear forms on A. We say that / dominates g and we write f > g ov g < f
<^> / — 5 is positive
[111, p. 26]. In other words, (12.13)
& f{x*x)>g(x*x),
Clearly (12.13) defines a preorder on A*, which is compatible with the real vector space structure. If A is a locally C*-algebra, the relation ">" becomes a partial order, since if / > 0 and / < 0, then f\A+ — 0. Hence, from Corollary 10.16 and (10.14) it follows that / = 0 on the real vector space H(A).
Chapter III.
Representation theory
12.14 Definition. Let A be an involutive algebra and / G P(A). We call / an extreme point in P(A) if for fuh
6 P(A) : / = A/i + (1 - A)/2,A G (0,1) => h = f = h-
In particular, / is called indecomposable or pure if for / # 0 and V j e P(A) : / > g => g = A/, A G [0,1]. 12.15 Proposition. Let A[rr] be an m*-convex algebra with a bai (a\)\eAThen, V{A) is a convex subset of A', such that V{A) D (-P(A))
= {0}. In
particular, the zero linear form is an extreme point in V(A). Proof. Let f, g <E V(A) and \ G (0,1). We show that Xf + (1-X)g
G V{A).
There are p,q G F with / G VP(A) and g G Vq(A) (see Definition 12.7). F is directed, so there is r G F with p,q < r, so that Ur{l) C Up{\) and ^ r ( l ) Q Uq{l). In turn, t/°(l) C U°{1) and C/°(l) C U°{1). It follows that / , 5 G Vr{A) = V{Ar) (Proposition 12.6) and since V(Ar) is convex in A'r [111, p. 44, Proposition 2.5.5] we conclude that A/ + (1 - X)g e Vr{A) C P(A), A G (0,1). To prove that V{A) n (-P(A)) = {0}, let / G P(A) n (-P(A)). Then, f{x*x) = 0, for all x G A and from Lemma 12.5(2), f(x) — 0, for all x G A. A consequence of this last property of V{A) is that the zero linear form is an extreme point in V{A). 12.16 Proposition. Let A[rr] be an m*-convex algebra with a bai (a\)\£ALet f G V{A) with f ^ 0. Then, the following are equivalent: (1) / is an extreme point. (2) / is pure and \\fp\\ = 1, where p G F such that f G VP(A). Proof. (1) => (2) The net (a\,p = a\ + NP)\&A
is a bai for the Banach *-
algebra Ap (Lemma 11.4). Let fp be the associated to / element in V(AP) for some p G F (see 12.3). Thus, fp is a nonzero extreme point since / has this property. Consequently, fp is a pure state [111, p. 44, Proposition 2.5.5, (ii)], therefore ||/ p || = 1. It remains to show that / is pure. Let
Positive linear forms and extreme points
g G V(A) with g < f. Then, there is p0 G F such that (see Lemma 12.5(2), (12.13) and (12.8)) I g(x) | 2 < \\gpo\\g(x*x) < g(x*x) < f(x*x) < p(x*x) < p(x)2, V x G A, therefore
| g(x) \< p(x),
We may now consider gp in V{Ap). Summing up, we have fp,gp G 'P(Ap) with fp a nonzero pure state such that gp < fp. Hence, gp = A/p, A £ [0,1], which clearly yields g = A/, A G [0,1]; that is / is pure. (2) => (1) From our hypothesis fp is pure, hence a (nonzero) extreme point in V(AP) (see [111, Proposition 2.5.5 (ii)] and (12.6)). We show that / is extreme in V(A). Let / i , / 2 G V(A) with (12.14)
/ = A/i + (1 - A)/ 2 , AG(0,l).
Then, f(x*x) > Xfi(x*x) and f(x*x) > (1 -X)f2(x*x), for all x £ A, where / is pure, therefore there are a, f3 G [0,1] with A/i = af and (1 — X)f2 = Pf. Thus (see (12.8)), I fi(x) \< jP(x),
V x G A and
| / 2 (x) |< J^jP^),
V x G A.
We may now consider the elements fitP, f2}P in P{AP) denned according to (12.4). On the other hand, since fi, f2 G V(A), there are p\,p2 G -^ such that ||/i, P l || < 1 and ||/2, P2 || < 1 (see (12.8)). But [111, p. 28, Proposition 2.1.5, (v)] ll/i,pll = lim/i >p (a A]P ) = lim/i(a A ) = lim/ liP1 (a AiP1 ) = ||/i ] P 1 || < 1 A
and similarly ||/2, p || = ||/2, P2 || < 1Hence, /i i P , /2 )P belong to the set V(Ap) and satisfy the equality (cf. (12.14)) fp = A/i,p + (1 - A)/2,p with A G (0,1) and fp extreme in V{Ap). Therefore, f\tP — fp = f2iP, which yields f\ = f = f2, consequently / is extreme in V{A). A consequence of Propositions 12.15 and 12.16 is the following.
Chapter III. Representation
12.17 Corollary. Let A[rr] be an m*-convex algebra with a bai. Then, the extreme points in V(A) consist of zero and the indecomposable elements f of V(A) with ||/p|| = 1, where p G F such that f G VP{A). In other words, the nonzero extreme points in V{A) are those elements ofV(A) corresponding to the pure states of all sets V{AP), p G F. 12.18 Definition. Let A[T^] be an m*-convex algebra with a bai. Denote by B(A) the nonzero extreme points in V(A).
Like V{A), the set B{A)
carries the relative topology from A's. If p G F, let
BP{A) := B(A) n U;(l) = {/ e B(A) : |/(x)| < 1, V x G Up(l)} C VP(A). B(A) is clearly equicontinuous. As in Proposition 12.6 one proves the following. 12.19 Corollary. Let A[rr] be an m*-convex algebra with a bai. Then, the following equalities hold, up to homeomorphisms, B(A\p]/Np) = BP{A) = B(AP),
where according to Proposition 12.16 the spaces B(A\p\/Np), B(Ap) consist of the pure states ofV(A[p}/Np),
V(AP) respectively.
It follows from Corollaries 12.17 and 12.19 that B{A) = \JBP(A)
= {/ G V{A) : / pure with ||/ p || = 1,
(12.16) where p G F : / G VP(A)}. In the case when A[rr] is a commutative locally C*-algebra, the set B(A) consists of all continuous characters of A[rr] (Corollary 14.11). If, for instance, A = CC(X), X locally compact (see Example 7.6(3)), B{A) coincides with the set of all point evaluations Sx, x G X, given by Sx(f) := f{x), for every / G CC{X) (cf. Example 4.20(3) and Corollary 14.11). In particular, each 8X, x G X, corresponds to a countably additive regular Borel measure ji on X with compact support, such that **(/) = / fd», f G CC(X). Jx For more details, see Chapter VI and, particularly, Corollary 27.6.
Positive linear forms and extreme points
12.20 Proposition (Brooks). Let A[rr] be an m*-convex algebra with a bai. Then, one has that V(A) =
where "co" means (weakly*-) closed convex hull. Proof. A[rr] *^-> lim-Ap, p G F (see (2.7)), where each Ap is a Banach *-algebra with a bai. So the set V(AP) is a convex compact subset of {Ap)'s [111, p. 44, Proposition 2.5.5, (i)]. Hence (see Proposition 12.6), VP(A) is a convex (weakly*-)compact subset of V(A), therefore of A's too. Now the Krein-Mil'man theorem [42, p. 143, Theorem (36.9)], as well as Corollaries 12.17 and 12.19 imply that VP{A) = co(Bp(A) U {0}), V p € F.
Consider now the sets B = \J(Bp{A)U{0})
and K = ]Jco(Bp(A) U {0}), p e F.
Since B C K one easily gets co(B) C co(K). On the other hand,
n J2Xifi
n :
' i > 0,i= l , . . . , n and J ^ A i = 1 ^
[198, p. 86, Corollary]. Thus, using moreover continuity of summation and scalar multiplication in A's, we obtain co(K) C cd(B). Therefore, co(B) — ~cd{K) and since V(A) is a convex closed subset in A's, we get (also see (12.16), (12.17) and Definition 12.7) cd{B(A)U{0}) = co(K) = co(V{A))=V(A).
For an analogue of Proposition 12.20 in the case when we have identity and not necessarily continuous involution, see Remark 17.14. Let now A be an involutive algebra and / G P{A)\ f is not always extended to a positive linear form on the unitization A\ of A (see [121, pp. 59, 60]). The next Proposition 12.21 gives a necessary and sufficient condition in order to gain such an extension; for the proof the reader is referred to the book of R.S. Doran and V.A. Belfi [121, p. 59, Proposition (21.7)].
Chapter III.
Representation theory
12.21 Proposition. Let A be an involutive algebra and A\ the unitization of A. A positive linear form f on A, is extended to a positive linear form on A\ if and only if (1) / is hermitian; and (2) there is k > 0 with \f{x)\2
< kf(x*x),
V i e !
Given an involutive algebra A and / G P(A), f is called extendable, if it fulfils conditions (1) and (2) of Proposition 12.21. In such a case, the extension f\ of / to A\ is given by (12.18)
h{x, A) := f{x) + \k, V {x, A) G Ax.
Using Lemma 12.5, one proves easily that for an involutive algebra A, f G P{A) and y G A fixed, the positive linear form fy denned by (12.11) is extendable [121, p. 60; Proposition (21.8)]. One moreover has the following. 12.22 Proposition. Let A[rr] be a m*-convex algebra with a bai
Then, the following hold: (1) Each f G P'(A) is extendable with /l(ei) = H/pll = h"m/(aA) = \imf(a*xax), A
where e\ is the identity in the unitization AI[TI] of A[rr] and fp the associated to f element of P(AP) = (P'(AP)) (for some p £ F). (2) Each element of P'(Ai) that extends given f G P'(A) dominates f\ (in the sense of (12.13)). (3) IfQiAi)
= {ge P'{Ai) : g(ei) = ||(sU) P ||}, with (g\A)P the associ-
ated to g\j\ £ P'{A) element of P(Ap) (for somep G F), the correspondence (12.19)
(with /i as in (12.18)), is a bisection which respects additive and order structure. Thus, an element of P'{A\) dominated by an element of Q(A\) belongs to Q(A\). Proof. (1) From Lemma 12.5(2) and (12.18) we have
= f(x) + X\\fp\l
Positive linear forms and extreme points
whence /i(ei) = ||/ p || and since Ap is a Banach *-algebra with a bai (Lemma 11.4(2)), one has in particular [111, p. 28, Proposition 2.1.5] (12.21)
= lim/(a A ) = lim f(a*xax). A
(2) Let / e P'(A) be given and g G P'{Ai) be an extension of / on A\. Then, g\& = /
Ai[ri] is a unital m*-convex algebra under the family
A — {Pi} of the m*-seminorms (see Subsection 3.(3)) with px{x, A) := p(x) + ]A], V (x, A) G Ax. Since F (hence F\ too) is a directed family we can find a common p\ G A such that (see Corollary 12.8) |s(a;,A)|<5(ei)pi(a:,A) and |/i(z, A)| < /i(ei)pi(x, A), V (a;, A) G Ax. Thus, if gpi, (g\A)p, fp of P((Ap)i)
the associated to g respectively g\^, f elements
(cf. Proposition 3.11) respectively P(AP), one has
3(ei) =S P1 (O,1) = \\gPl\\ > \\(9\A)P\\ = H/pll, whence we get (also see (12.20)) g((x, X)*(x, A)) = f[x*x + Xx + \x*) + |A| 2 #( ei ) > / ( x * x + A^ + Ax*) + |A| 2 ||/ p || = /i((a;,A)*(a:,A))) V (X,X)GA1;
that is g > fx.
(3) It is easily seen that (12.19) is a bijection. Let now g G Q{A\) with g = f + h, f,h£
Then, g > f respectively g > h, so that applying
Corollary 12.4(2) we find a common pi G F\ with ker(pi) contained in the kernels of g, f and h; hence a common p G F can be found with ker(p) contained in the kernels of all three g\A, I\A and H\A- Thus, we may consider the associated to g\A, / | A , ^U elements (g\A)p, (/U)p, (^U)p in
Chapter III.
P{AP) and by [111, p. 29, Corollary] to take ((/U)i + (fcU)i) (x, A) = (/ + h)(x) + A(||(/U) p || + ||(^U) P ||) = ff(x) + A(||(/U + /iU) p ||) = 5 (x) + A||( 5 U) p || = s ( x , 0 ) + A5(ei) = g(x, A), V (x,A) G Ai, that is (12.22)
(/U)i + (/»U)i = / + /»
Moreover, n
. __.
/(ei) = ||/ P1 || >II(/U) P || = (/U)(ei) and similarly
He,) > (h\A)(ei). But then (12.22) gives (/U)i(ei) - /(ei) = h(ex) - (ZiU)i(ei) > 0. Hence, /(ei) < (/U)i(ei) and similarly h[e{) < (ZiU)i(ei). Consequently (see (12.23)) (/U)i(ei) = ||(/U) P || resp. (ZiU)i(ei) = \\{h\A)\\p, that is /, h G Q(Ai). 12.23 Corollary. Lei A[rr] 6e an m*-convex algebra with a bai. Then, f £ B(A) if and only if fi G B{A\) if and only if fi G B{A\), where f\ is the (unique) extension of f\ to the completion A\[T\] of A\[T\\. Proof. Let / G B{A) and g G V{Ai) with /i > g. Clearly /i G Q{AX), so that the same is true for g (Proposition 12.22(3)). Moreover, / > g\^, therefore (Proposition 12.16) g\A = A*/; with \i G [0,1]. Thus, g{x, A) = g\A(x) + Xg(Q, 1) = tf(x) + X\\(g\A)P\\ = fif(x) + Xfi\\fp\\ = ,i(f(x) + Xf(O,l)) = lif1(x,X),
V (x,X) £ i i ,
12. Positive linear forms and extreme points
where p\ is a common element in F\, with f\,g G VPl(A\).
h e B(Ar). Conversely, let / G V(A) with fx G B(A1) and 5 G P(A) such that / > fl. Then, II/PII
= /l(ei) = ||(/i) P l || = 1, for that p G T with / G PP(A).
It is now easily seen that there is q G F with
G Vq(A); hence —-— G
V{A) and taking into account that [111, p. 28, Proposition 2.1.5, (v)]
U-9)q ~ 2 ~ ((«A)AG/1
v =ll
(f-g)(ax) 2
H/gll - l|gg|l =
being a 6ai of ^4[rr]), we get
il_9)1=f1_9leV{Ai) and thus /i > 51. Our hypothesis now implies that there is fi G [0,1] with 51 — M/i, therefore 5 = /it/. The second equivalence follows easily, since II(/I)PIII = / I ( 0 , 1 ) = / I ( 0 , 1 ) = II(/I)P-1[|, where p\ G F\, / \ being the family of rn*-seminorms (extensions of p\ 's from i~"i) denning the topology T\ of A\. Thus, f\ is pure if and only if this is the case for f\. For further results concerning extensions of positive linear forms, see [373]. 12.24 Proposition. Let A[rr\ be an m*-convex algebra with a bai (a\)\&/\. Then, V(A) is a (weakly*-) closed subset in A's. Proof. Let {fs)s&A be a net in V(A) such that f6 —> f G A',s = a{A', A). s
Clearly, / G P'(A). some peF).
Let fp be the associated to / element of V(AP) (for
According to Proposition 12.22 / and all /^'s extend to
the unitization Ai[ri] of ^.[r/1] and let / i , respectively / ^ i , 5 G A, be the
Chapter III.
Representation theory
corresponding elements in P'(Ai), respectively V(A\).
Then, if fpig}i
the associated to /5J, 5 € A, elements of V({Aps)\), p$ 6 F, we have fs,i
> h e P'(Aj) and ||/ p || = h{ex) = lim/ a ,i(ei) < lim||/Pl4,ill < 1, $
since fs,i e P ( ^ i ) for all <5 (see (12.8)). Therefore, / e V(A). Note that if
in Proposition 12.24 is moreover a Q-algebra, then
the set V{A) is additionally (weakly*-)compact (see Section 18, Corollary 18.24(3) with comments after it, as well as Section 17, Proposition 17.12(1)), therefore by the Krein-Mil'man theorem one has that V(A) is identified with the (weakly*-)closed convex hull of its extreme points. In fact, such a result is true for any m*-convex algebra with a bai (see Proposition 12.20).
*—Representations Recall that if H is a Hilbert space, C(H) stands for the C*-algebra of
all bounded linear operators on H, under the norm operator topology. 13.1 Definition. A *-morphism /J, from an involutive algebra A in the C*-algebra C(H), H a Hilbert space, is called ^--representation of A on H. If A is unital we always assume that ji(e) = idji, where idn is the identity operator in C(H). The Hilbert space H on which a ^-representation \i acts will be denoted by H^. For convenience, we shall sometimes use the notation (A, ji, H^) to declare a ^representation of an involutive algebra A on the Hilbert space H^. If in the preceding triad A is a topological algebra A[T] and [i is continuous, continuity of /i : A[T] —» C^H^) always will be meant with respect to the norm operator topology of £.(11^), unless mention is made to the contrary. 13.2 Definition. For a given triad (A, fi, H^) we fix the following: (1) When there exists £ £ H^ such that (13.1)
{n(x){£) : x e A}~ = Hp,
13. ^-Representations
/x is called cyclic *-representation oi A and £ cycfc vector of/i; "-" denotes closure in i?^. (2) In the case when (13.2) (13.3)
{A»(s)(O : » G A £ € if,,}" = H^ ; resp. Wi)(O:ieA^^}" = {0}
/x is called non-degenerate respectively trivial *-representation. (3) The ^-representation ^ is called algebraically respectively topologically irreducible, if the only (linear) subspaces respectively closed subspaces of H^ invariant under fi(A) are the trivial subspace {0} and H^ itself (also see Definition 4.21(1)). 13.3 Remarks. It is straightforward that a direct sum of non-degenerate ^-representations is non-degenerate and that a cyclic *-representation is non-degenerate. On the other hand, each non-degenerate *-representation is a direct sum of cyclic *-representations [111, p. 34, Proposition]. Moreover, each ^-representation can be uniquely expressed as the direct sum of a non-degenerate and a trivial ^-representation (ibid., p. 33). Concerning "topological irreducibility" one has the following characterization (see [111, p. 34 Proposition 2.3.1] and/or [121, Theorem (28.2)]): For a triad (A, \i, H^) the following three statements are equivalent: (i) ji is topologically irreducible. (ii) ^{A)c = {Xidn^ A e C}, where n(A)c is the commutant of fi(A) (see Definition 4.14) and id/f the identity operator in £(i? M ). (iii) each 0 / ^ G H^ is a cyclic vector of fi, or \i is 1-dimensional in the sense that H^ = Cf, 0 ^ £ G H^. One still has the following algebraic results (see [121, Theorem (29.5) and proof of the second assertion of Theorem (29.7)]. (a) If (A, /x, Hfj) is a cyclic * -representation with £ a cyclic vector and f(x) :=< fi(x)(£),£ >, x G A, then /x is topologically irreducible if and only if f is pure. (/?) If A in (a) is unital and f G S(A) (that is, / is a state), then f is pure if and only if it is an extreme point.
Chapter III. Representation
For a given involutive topological algebra A[T], R{A) stands for all continuous *-representations of A and R'(A) for all continuous topologically irreducible * -representations of A. We specialize now in the case of an m*-convex algebra. So let A[rr] be such an algebra and [i G R(A). Then, there is p G F and k > 0 such that (13.4)
||/x(x)|| < kp{x), V i e A.
Clearly one may then define the map (13.5)
\ip : A\p}/Np —> C{HJ : xp .— np{xp) := fi{x), V x G A,
which is a continuous *-representation of the normed *-algebra A\p]/Np, therefore it is uniquely extended to a continuous *-representation of the Banach *-algebra Ap. We keep the same symbol \ip for the extension too. Thus, ]xp as a *-morphism of the Banach *-algebra Ap in the C*-algebra £(H,j,), fulfils the inequality [111, p. 9, Proposition] ||^p(.z)|| < ||z|| p , for every z £ Ap; therefore one gets (13.6)
\\n(x)\\ = ||/xp(a;p)|| < ||x p || p = p{x), V i e A
On the other hand, any *~representation /j,p of Ap gives rise to a continuous ^-representation (13.7)
n : A[Tr] —> C{H^) : x ^
n{x) := nP{xp)
of A[T^], satisfying (13.6). Thus, without any harm of the generality we may suppose that in (13.4) k — 1, and if (13.8)
RP(A) := {fi G R(A) : ||/i(x)|| < p(a:), V x e A}, p G T,
then obviously (also see [79, p. 92, Remark 1]) (13.9)
R(A) = (jRp(A) = \imRP(A), p G r.
In particular, one concludes from the above that (13.10)
R{A\p]/Np) = RP{A) = R{AP), V p G T,
13. ^-Representations
up to set-theoretical isomorphisms. In the sequel, we often refer to /J,P (see (13.5)) as the (continuous) *-representation of Ap associated with fi. Taking now \i G R'(A), the corresponding associated *-representation \ip is clearly an element of R'(AP) and vice versa; therefore if (13.11)
R'p{A) := {M G R'(A) : ||/x(x)|| < p(x), V x g i } ,
one has a similar situation as in (13.9); namely, (13.12)
R'{A) = [JR'p{A) = limi^(A), where
R\A\p}/Np) = R'p{A) = R'{AP)} V p e f ,
up to set-theoretical isomorphisms. Let us now consider the unitization A\Tr]
of an m*-convex algebra
(see Subsection 3.(3)). Then, each \i G R(A) (respectively \i G R'(A))
defines an element /JI of R(A\) (respectively R'(Ai)) in the following way: Ill : Ai[n] -> JC(H^) : xi = (x,X) H-> m(xi) := /x(x) + \idH)i, (13.14)
< | | M ( ^ ) I I + |A|
for every x\ G A\ and some p E F. The extension /Ti of /ii to the ArensMichael *-algebra spectively R'(A\)).
completion of
is an element of R{A\) (re-
Conversely, each/ii G R{Ai) (respectively m G R'(A\))
restricted to .A[IT], defines an element [i = /ii|/i of R(A) (respectively R'(A)) such that (13.15)
= Mi- Thus,
R(A) = R{Ai) = R{M) resp. R'(A) = &(Ai) = R'{M),
up to set-theoretical isomorphisms. 13.4 Lemma. Let A\rr\ be an m*-convex algebra with a bai {a\)\eA- Let /J, G R(A) be non-degenerate and TS the strong operator topology on £(if^) (see Example 1.8(3)). Then, one has (13.16)
TS - lim/u(aA) = idHll. A
Chapter III.
Proof. According to (1.24) it suffices to show that IIMOAXO - £11 -> 0, V £ e Hp
A e A.
But, aA:r — x —> 0, V a; G A and A € A, and since // is continuous and the topology r s is coarser than the norm operator topology on C{H^) we conclude that [i(a\x) —> t*(x), for all a; € A and \ € A. Hence, ||/x(a A x)(0 - n(x)(Z)\\ - 0, V x G A, £ G ifM and A G yl o-
||M(aA)/i(^)(0 " M(^)(OII - 0 , V ^ i , e e ^ and A G A, with /z(x)(£) an element of the dense subspace K = {/x(x)(^) : i G i , £ £ H^} of i?^ (see (13.2)). Thus, each £ £ i?^ is approximated by a sequence (Cn)neN of elements from K. Moreover, since /x G i?(A), there is p e F with ||/x(aA)||
where the second inequality is due to the fact that the ai (aA)Ae/i is bounded by 1 (see comments before Lemma 12.5). Prom all the above we now conclude that for each s > 0 there are Ao € A and no G N with ||M(aA)(e) " £11 < M*X)\\ U ~ Cn|| + \HaX)(Cn) ~ Cnll + HCr, " £11 < e / 3 + e / 3 + e / 3 = e, V A > Ao, n > nQ and £ G H^; this completes the proof of (13.16). 13.5 R e m a r k . For each triad (A, //, H^) and each 0 / ( 6 i 7 p , the pair (/")£) gives rise to a positive linear form f^
of A, defined by
It is plain to check that / ^ is linear such that f ^ ( x * x ) = Mx)(0\\2>0,
V x G A
In the case when A is moreover topological and /i continuous, f^
continuous too, as it follows from (13.17). A sort of a converse to this situation will be discussed, in the subsequent Section, for m*-convex algebras with a bai, in terms of the well known Gel'fand-Naimark-Segal construction (abbreviated to: GNS-construction); see [167] and [350].
14. The GNS-construction
The GNS-construction
As we announced before, in this Section we present the C/VS-construction for an m*-convex algebra with a bai. This result was first proved by R.M. Brooks [84, Theorem 6.1] for a unital Arens-Michael *-algebra, in 1967. The GiVS-construction is an elegant and very powerful tool in the theory of either bounded or unbounded *-representations. Various versions of this fundamental result can be found in [80, p. 56, Theorem 2.3.16], [74, p. 45, Theorem 1.4.5, a)], [128, p. 122, Proposition 5.4], [138, pp. 476-477], [211, p. 29, Theorem 1.9.1], [317, Theorem 4], [339, p. 228, Theorem 8.6.4], etc. 14.1 Lemma. Let A be an involutive algebra, f a positive linear form of A and Lf :— {x G A : f(x*x) — 0}. Then, Lf is a left ideal of A and the quotient Xf := A/Lf becomes a pre-Hilbert space under the inner product induced by f. Proof. First note that {x G A : f{yx) = 0 , V y G A} C Lf. The reverse inclusion holds too and it follows from Lemma 12.3(2). Thus, (14.1)
L f = { x £ A : f ( y x ) = 0, V y G A } .
Using (14.1) and Lemma 12.3(1) it is plain to show that Lf is a left ideal. Consider now the quotient linear space Xf := A/Lf and two elements x+Lf, y+Lf G Xf. Let x' G x+Lf and y' G y+Lf. Then, x—x', y—y' G Lf, so that f((y + y')*{x — x')) — 0 from (14.1). Applying again (14.1) and Lemma 12.3(1) we get 0 = f(y*x) - /(y'V) - /(yV) + f(y'*x) = f(y*x) - f(y'*x') - f{{y - y'Yx1) + f(y'*(x - x')) = f(y*x) - f(y'*x') -
= f(y*x) - /(y'V), which shows that we may define the function (14.2)
<x + Lf,y + Lf >:= f{y*x), V x, y G A.
Chapter III. Representation
It is routine to verify that (14.2) defines a positive definite, hermitian form on Xf x Xf, linear in the first variable. Thus, Xf endowed with the inner product <, > induced by / , becomes a pre-Hilbert space. 14.2 Theorem (GiVS-construction). Let A[rr] be an m*-convex algebra with a bai (a\)\£ji-
Let f be a continuous positive linear form of A[rp\.
Then, there is a Hilbert space Hf and a continuous cyclic *-representation fif on Hf with a cyclic vector £f, such that
/Or) =< M/(z)(£/U/ >, V x e A
and ||£/|| = H/pH1^2, where fp is the associated to f positive linear form of Ap, for some p G F. Proof. Consider the unitization
of ^4[TT] with
= Tpx (see Subsec-
tion 3.(3)). From Proposition 12.22(1), / is extended to ^4I[TI]. Denote the extension by f\. This is a continuous positive linear form of AI[TI] with / 1 ( x , A ) : = / ( a ; ) + A||/p||,
where fv is the associated to / element of P(AP), for somep G F. According to Lemma 14.1, X\ :— A\/Lfx becomes a pre-Hilbert space under the inner product induced by f\ (see (14.2)). Complete X\, with respect to the norm || || derived by this inner product and denote the resulting Hilbert space by Hf] namely, (14.5)
Hf := Xi.
Fix x\ G A\. On the ground of (14.1), we may define the linear operator (14.6)
TX1 :Xi ->Xi :yi+Lfl
We show that TXl is bounded. Indeed, \\TX1 ( y i + Lfl || 2 = < xxyi + Lh, xiyi + Lh > (14.7)
= /i((a;iyi)*a;i3/i) = /lCi/i^iyi) = (fi)yi(xlxi),
Vyi +L/ X € Xi,
The GNS-construction
where the positive linear form (fi)yi
is defined by (12.11) for any fixed
!/i £ Aj. Since f\ is continuous, (f\)yi
joins this property too. Thus, from
Corollary 12.8, there is p\ G F\, such that
K / i M ^ i ) ! < (/i)3/i(ei)pi(a;*xi) < fi{ytyi)pi{xi)2 = \\y1 + Lh\\2p1(x1)2,
Vxi G Ai.
Now, (14.7) gives (14.8)
I I T ^ + L / J I I < p ^ O l l y ! + L / J , V Vl + Lfl <= Xu
that amounts to continuity of TXl. This allows the unique extension of TXl to a bounded linear operator on the Hilbert space Hf. We keep the same symbol TX1, for the extended operator. The required ^-representation \ij of A[T/^] is now defined as follows (14.9)
nf : A[rr] - £(Hf) : x -> /i/(x) := T (li0) .
An easy computation shows that /if is, indeed, a *-representation of A[T/-]. We show that [ij is continuous. For any x & A and £/ G i?/, we have from (14.8) that IM*)(£/)II = \\T{xfl)(Zf)\\
V i s A
The vector £j := ei + Lfx is cyclic for /if. In fact, let X = fJ*f(A)(£f) = {(x,0) + Lh : x e A}. We show that (14.10)
where X is the closure of X in Hf. Since X\ = Hf (see (14.5)) one gets X = Hf, which according to (13.1) proves that £f is a cyclic vector for fif. To obtain the first inclusion in (14.10) note that
Xi 9 xi + Lh = (x, A) + Lh = (x, 0) + Aei + Lfl
Chapter III.
where (a\,O) + Lf1 —> ei+Lf1. Indeed, from (14.2), (14.4) and Proposition 12.22(1), we have = ||(aA, - 1 ) + Lfl\\2
||(a A) 0) - (0,1) + Lfl||2
= /i((a A , -l)*(a A , - 1 ) )
= /Ka A ) " / K ) " f(ax) + II/PII ^ 0. Now, (14.3) is a consequence of the very definitions; what remains to be proved is that \\£f\\ = [|/p|[1/2. In fact, applying (13.16), (14.3) and Proposition 12.22(1) we get
=< £ M / > =< lim < /i/(aA)(£/),£/ >= lip < M/(aA )(£/),£/ > A
= lim/(a A ) = ||/p||. A
The ^representation /if denned in Theorem 14.2 by the continuous positive linear form / , such that /(x)=, V i e A
with $ / = lim((oA,0) + L / l ) , A
is called GNS-representation. For a version of Theorem 14.2 not involving continuity of the involution, see Corollary 17.10. For a variant of Theorem 14.2, see Corollary 14.20. The relations (13.17) and (14.3) show the direct connection between continuous positive linear forms and continuous ^-representations on an m*-convex algebra with a bai. We shall see in Theorem 14.6 below that the constructed in Theorem 14.2 GiVS-representation [if is topologically irreducible if and only if / is pure (see Definitions 13.2 and 12.14). For this purpose we need the following. 14.3 Definition. Let A be an involutive algebra and fj,,fi' two ^representations of A. We say that /z,// are equivalent and we write fi ~ fj,', if there is a surjective isometric isomorphism U : H^ —> H^, which transfers fi{x) to /x'(x), for every x G A, in the sense that (14.11)
n'{x) o U = U o /x(x), V i e !
14.4 R e m a r k s , (1) The relation "~" of Definition 14.3 equips the set of all ^-representations of a given involutive algebra A with an equivalence relation.
The GNS-construction
(2) In the case of an involutive topological algebra A[T], we have that a continuous *-representation /x, which is equivalent to a continuous topologically irreducible *-representation fj,', is itself topologically irreducible; More precisely, in symbols (14.12)
fj) e R(A) x R'(A) : (j, ~ fjf => IJ, e
Indeed, let M be a closed subspace of H^ such that (j,(A)(M) C M. Then, from (14.11) one has fi'(x){U(M)) = U{fi(x)(M)) C U(M), V x G A, where U(M) is a closed subspace of H^i. But this contradicts the fact that / / G R'{A). Hence, /i G i?'(A). (3) Another property of equivalent ^-representations resulting directly from (14.11) is the following (14.13) (14.14)
/x ~ n' => ||/x(x)|| = ||At'(x)||, V x G A; therefore / z ~ / / = ^ ker(/z) = ker(//).
For the proof of Lemma 14.5(1) below, the reader is referred to [111, proof of Proposition 2.4.1, (ii)] and/or [121, Proposition (26.11)(b)]. 14.5 Lemma. (1) Let {A,ii\,H\),
(A,/j,2,H2) be two *-representations of
an involutive algebra A with cyclic vectors £i G H\, respectively £2 £ #2, such that < /xi(a;)(£i).£i > = < /x2(z)(&),& >, V a; G A. T/ien, /xi ~ /X2, in t/ie sense of Definition 14.3.0/ (2) Lei (A, /xi, i?i), (A, 1x2,H2) be continuous *-representations
of an
m* -convex algebra A[rr], such that /xi ~ /X2 twif/i one 0/ them being cyclic. Then, the unique extensions o//x 1,^x2 *o t/ie completion A[Tp] of A[rr], also denoted by fi\,fi2 o,re equivalent cyclic continuous * -representations of A[T?}.
Proof. We only need to prove (2). If (A,fj,i,Hi)
is cyclic and /ii ~ ^2,
so is (A, H2, H2) [121, Proposition (26.11)(a)]. We show that /ii ~
Chapter III.
A[Tp\. Let & be a cyclic vector of (A,fii,Hi),
Representation theory
i = 1,2. Then, it is easily
seen that £j is a cyclic vector of (A, /j,i,Hi), i = 1,2 too. To prove that /Lti ~ /U2 on A, it suffices to show according to (1) that (14.15)
< /ii(z)(£i),£i > = < M2(^)(6),6 >, V z G A
For any z <E A there is a net (xg)s^A such that z — lim^a^. It follows that ^i(z) = \ims Hi(xs) in £,(Hi), i = 1,2, therefore fii(z) = UmsfJ,i(xs) in Cyj(Hi) too (see Example 1.8(2) and (1.26)). The equality (14.15) is now easily derived. 14.6 Theorem. Let A[Tp] be an m*-convex algebra with a bat {a\)\
= < Vfp{z)(Zfp),tfp
> , V z £ Ap,
where £/p € Hjp is a cyclic vector for /zfp. Now, fj,(x) := /ifp(xp), for each x £ A, defines a non-trivial and continuous topologically irreducible *-representation of A [IT] (see (13.12)), that is, fj, £ R'(A). From the foregoing, as well as (14.3), we further get < / * / ( * ) ( £ / ) , £ / > =f ( x ) = <M a O ( f / P ) > £ / p
> , V i e A
So from Lemma 14.5(1) and (14.12), (14.13) we conclude that /x/ is nontrivial and topologically irreducible. (2) => (1). Let ji = /j,f. Since F is saturated, we can find a common p G F describing continuity of / and \x. Therefore, we may consider the
14- The GNS-construction
associated to / and fx elements fp and fip on the Banach *-algebra Ap, where lip is non-trivial and topologically irreducible. So if Hfp is the corresponding to fp GTVS'-representation on Ap, we have
< M * ) ( £ / U / >= fp(z) =< M/PW(OP)^/P >. v
z e A
Arguing as in the proof of (1) => (2) we deduce that [ifp ~ [ip, therefore fj,fp is a non-trivial and topologically irreducible ^-representation of Ap, which by [111, p. 43, Proposition 2.5.4] yields that fp is pure, which in turn implies that / is pure. 14.7 Corollary. Let A[rr] be an m*-convex algebra with a bai (a\)\eAThen, each continuous topologically irreducible * -representation \i of A\rp\ is equivalent to the GNS-representation
arising from a pure continuous
positive linear form f of A[rr]. In particular, for every [i e R'(A) there is f G B(A) such that [i ~ [if. Proof. Let [i e R'{A) and 0 ^ £, G H^. Let / be the element of P'(A) corresponding to (/z,£) according to (13.17), and [if the GA^S-representation given by / (Theorem 14.2). Then,
< n(x)(o,s>=
f(x) = < M / W ( C / ) , C / >,y
therefore (Lemma 14.5(1)) [i ~ [if.
Now Remark 14.4(2) implies [if G
R'(A), so that from Theorem 14.6 we deduce that / is pure. Furthermore, let [i and ^ be as before and 77 = £/||£||. Taking / to be the element of P'(A) corresponding to ([i,rj), we have again that [i ~ [if, where in particular / is pure. To prove that / e B(A), we must show according to Proposition 12.16 that ||/ p [| = 1, where fp is the associated to / pure (continuous) positive linear form on Ap. In fact, from Proposition 12.22(1) and Lemma 13.4, we have H/pll = lim/(a A ) = < lim/z(aA)(»7),77 > = < 77,77 > = ||»7||2 = 1. A
Given an m*-convex algebra A[r/-], we fix the following notation: (14.16)
TZ{A) := R\A)I
Chapter III.
where "~" is the equivalence relation in R'{A) determined by Definition 14.3. An element of 1Z(A) is denoted by [fj], n G R'(A), where [/z] — {//' G R'(A) : /i' ~ fi}. Theorems 14.2 and 14.6, allow us to define the correspondence (14.17)
5A : B(A) -> 1Z(A) : / -> 5A(f) := fa],
for any m*-convex algebra A[rf] with a bai. In view of Corollary 14.7, 5A is always surjective. B(A) carries the relative topology from A's, so we can endow 7Z(A) with the final topology, say T$, induced on it by 5A14.8 Definition. We call the correspondence 5A in (14.17) GNS-map. The set TZ{A) equipped with the topology r$ is called structure space of A[rr]. Clearly T$ is the finest topology on 7£(A) making 5A continuous. Further topological properties of 5A are discussed in Section 19. Note that both spaces B(A) and TZ(A) play an important role in the development of the n theory of A[r^] (see, for instance, Section 18, Theorem 18.8). We see now that dealing with 1-dimensional topologically irreducible continuous *-representations we conclude injectivity of 5 A14.9 Remarks. (1) The map 5A is injective if and only if dimHfi = 1, V ii(ER'{A). Indeed: Suppose dim# M = 1, for all \x G R'{A). Let / , / ' G B(A) with [fij] = [nfi]. Then, fj,f ~ /x/', so that there is a surjective isometric isomorphism U : Hllf = {a£f : a G C} -^ H,j,f, = {/%> : j3 G C}, with U(£f) = £p and fif>(x) o U — U o Hf(x), for all x G A (needless to say that £j ^ 0 ^ £//). It follows that U preserves inner products, therefore fix)
= f(x), VxeA
<* f' = f.
Conversely, suppose 5A is injective and /J, G R'{A) non-trivial. Let £1,^2 G H^ arbitrary with £x 7^ 0 ^ <^2 and ^2 ^ {«6 : a G C}. Set
h = U&, h — U&i'
14- The GNS-construction
(cf. (13.17)). Then, / i + f2, since £2 ¥" a£i, for all a G C [111, p. 45, Proposition 2.5.7]. Moreover, considering the GiVS-representations fi^ and /j,j2 we clearly have (Lemma 14.5) that fi^ ~ [i ~ /z/2, therefore (Remark 14.4(2)) \ifY G i?'(>l) with [/z/J = [/z/2] and thus f\ = /2 from our hypothesis. But, this is a contradiction, therefore £2 = a£i, for some a 6 C and so H^ is 1-dimensional. (2) Later on (in Section 20, Corollary 20.5), it is proved that in the case of a C*-convex algebra A[rp], 5A is injective if and only if A[rr] is commutative. An application of the preceding results gives a characterization of the set B(A) in the class of commutative m*-convex algebras. More precisely, we have the following. 14.10 Theorem. Let A[rr] be a commutative m* -convex algebra with a bai (a\)\e/\. Then, a nonzero element f in V(A) is an extreme point if and only if f is multiplicative. Namely, one has that
m(A) n v{A) = m*(A) = B{A). Proof. The first equality is straightforward from Lemma 12.5(1). Let / € 97T(A). Consider the unitization AI[TI] of A[rr] (where n = 77^, see Subsection 3.(3)) and the extension f\ of / to Ai[ri]. That is, /i(x,A):=/(a;) + A, V(x,A)e,4 1 . Then, clearly /1 G Tl*{A1), therefore 0 ^ /1 G V{A{). The GNSrepresentation fift corresponding to f\ (Theorem 14.2) acts on the Hilbert space Hf1 completion of the pre-Hilbert space A\/Lfl (see Lemma 14.1), where Lf1 = ker(/i), as it follows from Corollary 12.4(2) and the multiplicativity of f\. Hence Lfx is a (closed) maximal ideal of A\ and since A\ is commutative, A\/Lf1 becomes a division algebra [262, p. 65, Lemma 6.3], so that (Gel'fand-Mazur theorem; (ibid., p. 62, Corollary 5.1)) A\/Lfl is topologically isomorphic to C. Consequently, fift G R'(Ai) and from Theorem 14.6, /1 is pure. Since moreover, f\ G 371*(Ai), we get f\ G B(A\) and thus (Corollary 12.23) / G B(A).
Chapter III.
Representation theory
Conversely, let / £ B(A). Then, / is pure and /// G R'{A) (Theorem 14.6). Commutativity of A[r r ] yields that dimHf = 1 [276, p. 70, Corollary (6.4)]. Hence (Theorem 14.1),
f(x) =< Hf(x)(Zf),Zf >= nf(x)Uf\\2 = Vf(x)\\fp\\ = nf{x), V x e A, which implies / G DJl*(A).
An "algebraic version" of Theorem 14.10, where a weaker concept of commutativity has been used, can be found in [373, Corollaries 1, 2]. An analogue of Theorem 14.10 for a certain class of unital locally convex *algebras is proved in [131, Theoreme 2]. An equality as in Theorem 14.10, with the set of spectral states in place of Hft*(A) is used in [298, p. 90, Proposition 4] to characterize the symmetry of the involution (see (21.5)) in a commutative unital m*-convex algebra. The next Corollary 14.11 follows directly from Theorems 9.3(1), 11.5 and 14.10. 14.11 Corollary. Let A[TP] be a commutative locally C*-algebra. Then, a nonzero element f in V(A) is an extreme point if and only if f is multiplicative. That is, one has B(A) = DJl(A). Note that Corollary 14.11 can also be deduced from the fact that in this case the map 5A is a bijection (see Remark 14.9 and Theorem 9.3(1)). 14.(1) Representability of linear forms In this Subsection we give some algebraic results on the representability of linear forms that are not "necessarily" positive by assumption (in fact, they become so, from the conditions they fulfil). More precisely, we exhibit some results of Z. Sebestyen (mostly algebraic) [346], leading to a general theorem of representability of linear forms on a class of ArensMichael *-algebras (Theorem 14.16), a direct corollary of which is a GNSconstruction result for a particular class of Arens-Michael algebras with a not necessarily continuous involution (Corollary 14.20).
14. The GNS-construction
14.12 Definition. A linear form / of an involutive algebra A, is called representable, if there is a *-representation fi of A on a Hilbert space H^ and a cyclic vector £ of //, such that
Clearly every representable linear form is positive. According to the GiVS-construction (Theorem 14.2) each continuous positive linear form on an m* -convex algebra with a bai is representable. Z. Sebestyen [346] studied, in 1984, necessary and sufficient conditions under which a linear form on an involutive algebra is representable. He applied a new method, avoiding the "hermiticity" and "positive extension" of a given linear form to the unitization of the initial algebra (see, for instance, proofs of Theorem 14.2 and Proposition 12.22). Instead, he advantaged the Riesz representation theorem for continuous linear forms on Hilbert spaces. 14.13 Theorem (Sebestyen, Tsertos). Let A be an involutive algebra and f a linear form on A. Then, f is representable if and only if there are positive constants k\, k2 and an m-seminorm p on A such that (14.19) (14.20)
V i e A ; and VieA.
Proof. Clearly, (14.19) implies that / is positive, while (14.20) assumes continuity of / on the involutive seminormed algebra A\p\. Necessity: Suppose that / is representable. Then, there is a '^-representation /j, of A and a cyclic vector £ e H^, such that (14.18) is fulfilled; namely, f(x) =< /J(X)(£),£ >, for all x £ A. Thus,
So, defining p(x) := ||/i(x)||, for every x e A, p is a C*-seminorm on A and (see Theorem 7.2) (14.20) is fulfilled with k2 = ||£||2. Moreover, |/(x)|2 < ||M^)(OH2Hei|2 =< M(^x)(0,^ > ||£||2 = Uff(x*x), that gives (14.19) with fci = ||^||2.
Chapter III.
Representation theory
Sufficiency: Since / is a positive linear form (see (14.19)), Lemma 14.1 provides us with a Hilbert space Hf completion of the pre-Hilbert space Xf = A/Lf under the inner product < xj, yf >:— f(y*x),
V x,y G A w i t h Xf = x + Lf.
Thus, (14.19) takes the form
ifix^KhWxfW2, VxeA.
As a consequence of (14.21), the function / : Xf —> C : Xf H-> f(xf) f(x),
x G A, is a well defined continuous linear form on Xf.
Since, Xf
is dense in Hf, f is uniquely extended to a continuous linear form on Hf, for which we retain the same symbol / . The Riesz representation theorem yields now the existence of a unique vector £f G Hf, such that (14.22)
:=< xf, £f>, V x G A.
Fix x G A. As in the proof of the GiVS-construction (see Theorem 14.2), (14.1) allows us to define the linear operator Tx:Xf^Xf.yf^
Tx(yf) := (xy)f.
Then, for any x, y G A, we have \\Tx(yf)f
= \\(xy)f\\2 = f(y*x*xy)
= \ < (x*xy)f,yf
Now, the function po{x) :— m&x{p(x),p(x*)},
> | < \\(x*xy)f\\
x £ A, is an m*-seminorm
on A such that p(x) < Po(x), for all x G A. So, taking also into account (14.20), we get f(y*x*xy)2
< \\(x*xy)f\\2\\yf\\2
< k2p(y*x*xx*xy)f(y*y)
f(y*x*xx*xy)f(y*y) < k2po(y)2po(x)Af(y*y),
V x,y G A.
An induction process gives f(y*x*xy)2n+1
< k2PQ(y)2po(x)2n+2f(y*y)2n+1-1,
Vx , y GA , n G N .
14- The GNS-construction
This shows the following \\Tx(yf)\\2
which implies that the linear operator Tx is bounded on Xf, for each x 6 A, therefore is uniquely extended to a bounded linear operator on Hf, also denoted by Tx. So the map
/i : A -> jC{Hf) : x ^ [i{x) := Tx, defines a *-representation of A. We shall show that (the Riesz point) £j is a cyclic vector of fi. Indeed, using (14.22) and the very definitions, we deduce that
< xf,yf
> = f{y*x) =< [y*x)f,Zf >=< Ty*{x}),Zs > = <Xf,Ty(£f)
>, Vx,y G A;
therefore, (14.24)
Ty(Sf) = yf, V y e A; and
(My)(O): y e Ay = {Vf
G A}~ = x~f = HS.
Thus, what remains to be proved is (14.18). But (see (14.22), (14.24)), f{x) =< xf,if
>=< Tx(tf),Zf
> = < fJL(x)(Sf),£f >, V x G A
and this finishes the proof. Theorem (14.2) was proved by Z. Sebestyen [346, Theorem 1], in 1984, assuming that p is a C*-seminorm. In 1994, Y. Tsertos noticed in [373, Theorem 3.1] that to have the same result it is sufficient to assume that p is only an m-seminorm. Of course, the proof of the necessity part of Theorem (14.2), shows that the constructed seminorm is always a C*-seminorm. 14.14 Corollary (Sebestyen). Let A be an involutive algebra and f a linear form on A satisfying (14.19) and (14.20). Then, f is hermitian.
Chapter III.
Proof. From Theorem 14.13, / is representable, so that we have
= J(x), V i e A
14.15 Corollary (Sebestyen). Let A be an involutive algebra and f a linear form on A satisfying (14.19). Then, f fulfils (14.20) if and only if for every x £ A, there exists a positive constant k(x), such that (14.25)
< k(x)f(y*y),
Proof. Suppose that / also fulfils (14.20). Then, from the proof of the "sufficiency part" of Theorem 14.13, the relation (14.23) follows, which is equivalent to f(y*x*xy)
< po(x)f(y*y),
V x,y € A .
Thus, (14.25) is valid with k(x) = pQ(x) + e, e > 0. Conversely, from (14.19) / is positive. So Lemma 14.1, gives a Hilbert space Hf, completion of the pre-Hilbert space Xf = A/Lj
and for fixed
x £ A, (14.1) allows the definition of the linear operator
Tx:Xf-*Xr.yj» which is bounded because of (14.25).
Tx(yf) := (xy)f, So it is uniquely extended to a
bounded linear operator (denoted also by Tx) on Hf. Now, define (14.26)
p(z) := piH, \/x e A.
Using the properties of Tx, x G A, it is plain to show that p is an m*- (in particular, C*-)seminorm on A. We prove that / is p-continuous. Indeed, || X / || 2 = f(x*x)
= k\l2\\Tx*{xf)\\
k\l2f{x*xx*x)ll2 < k\l2\\Tx.\\ \\xf\\ - k\l2p{x*)\\xf\\,
Vx G A
whence we deduce ||x/|| < kx' p(x), for every x € A. Thus (using again (14.19)) we get
\f(x)\ < k\/2f{x*x)ll2
= k\'2\\xf\\ < klP{x), V x G A,
which shows that / fulfils (14.20), with respect to the m-seminorm p defined by (14.26).
14- The GNS-construction
Note that positive linear forms that satisfy (14.25) are called admissible; look, for instance, at the book of C.E. Rickart [327]. 14.16 Theorem. Let A[rr] be an involutive Arens-Michael algebra with r
A\H(A) < °° and f a linear form on A\TP\.
Then, f is representable if and
only if there is a positive constant k, such that |/(x)| 2 < kf(x*x),
for all
x e A. Proof. The necessity follows from the proof of the corresponding "necessity part" of Theorem 14.13. Sufficiency: Our assumption implies positivity for / , therefore applying (12.11), Lemma 12.11(2) and Theorem 4.6(5) we get f{y*x*xy)
< rA(x*x)f(y*y),
V x,y € A.
The last inequality gives (14.25) with k(x) = rA{x*x) + e, e > 0, x G A. The assertion now follows from Corollary 14.15 and Theorem 14.13. Concerning the assumption urA\H(A) < °°" i n Theorem 14.16 we note that: (1) Every Q-algebra has this property. (2) There is an abundance of 7m*'-convex algebras which are non Q-algebras, but they possess finite spectral radius; see, for instance, Remark in Example 6.12(3) and Remark (ii) in Example 7.6(4). An immediate consequence of Theorem 14.16 and Corollary 14.14 is the following. 14.17 Corollary. Let A[rr] be an involutive Arens-Michael algebra with r
A\ii(A) < °°- Let f be a linear form on A such that \f(x)\2 < kf(x*x),
every x G A, and some positive constant k. Then, f is a hermitian positive linear form on A[rr}14.18 Corollary (Sebestyen). Let A be an involutive Banach algebra and f a linear form on A. Then, the following hold: (1) / is representable if and only if there is k > 0 such that \f(x)\ kf(x*x),
for every x £ A;
(2) f is a hermitian positive linear form on A, whenever satisfies an inequality as in (1).
Chapter III.
Representation theory
Corollary 14.18 extends [72, p. 199, Theorem 11] in the sense that it uses no positivity of the linear form / for making it representable. On the other hand, GiV iS-construction for Banach *-algebras can be taken easily from Corollary 14.18. Namely, one has the following. 14.19 Corollary. Let A be a Banach *-algebra with a bai. Then, every (nonzero) positive linear form f on A is representable. Proof. From [72, p. 201, Theorem 15] / is continuous (Varopoulos), therefore (see Lemma 12.5(2)) one has
V z e A
The assertion now follows from Corollary 14.18. Because of Corollary 12.4(2), Corollary 14.19 remains true by dropping continuity of the involution and replacing bai with an identity. In this respect, the same Corollary 12.4(2) and Theorem 14.16 yield the following. 14.20 Corollary. Let A[rr] be a unital involutive Arens-Michael algebra such thatrA\H{A) < °°- Then, each (nonzero) -positive linear form of A[rr] is representable. Further results on the representability of (positive) linear forms can be found in [48, 64, 317, 373] etc. 14.(2) On the existence of positive linear forms and He-representations We have seen that a given (nonzero) *-representation \x of an involutive algebra A, defines a (nonzero) positive linear form for every nonzero vector £ G Hfj, (see (13.17)). Conversely, in Section 14 and Subsection 14.(1), we have seen cases where a given (nonzero, positive) linear form / defines a *-representation \if and a cyclic vector £y, such that the elements of the triad (/, M/>£/) to be related as in (13.17). But, do always exist nonzero positive linear forms and ^representations?
The answer, in general, is
negative, even for Banach *-algebras. Nevertheless, good topological *algebras, like C*-algebras (hence, locally C*-algebras too, being inverse
The GNS-construction
limits of C*-algebras (cf., for instance, Proposition 12.6, Definition 12.7 and (13.9))), have plenty of positive linear forms and ^representations. The existence of various "nice" unbounded ^-representations, has often to do with the existence of the so-called "unbounded C*-seminorms" and/or "unbounded m*-seminorms", in the sense that a C*-seminorm and/or an m*-seminorm is denned on a self-adjoint subalgebra of the initially given involutive algebra.
For more details on such matters see, for instance,
[14, 31, 51, 52, 54, 55, 56]. Examples of topological *-algebras with only zero positive linear forms can be found in [408, p. 138] and [119, p. 475]. The second one is due to R.S. Doran. This example appears in 1980 [119] and concerns a unital Banach *-algebra with only zero positive linear forms. In the same paper the following question is posed: Is there a non-unital Banach *-algebra accepting only zero positive linear forms? The answer to this question is positive and comes two years later, in 1982, from N.V. Gorbachev [176]. In effect, N.V. Gorbachev, repeats the construction of R.S. Doran [119] starting with a Banach algebra A having a bai (a^Ae/i such that a\ = a\, for every A € A. Such a bai is attained by the C*-algebra K(H) of all compact operators on an infinite-dimensional Hilbert space H (see [279, p. 78, Example 3.1.1] and [126, p. 203, Section 30]). More precisely, we have: Let A be a (non-trivial) Banach algebra with a bai (a^Ae/l such that a\ = a\, for every A €E A. Take B := A x A and define: (x, y) + (w, z) := (x + w, y + z), (x, y){w, z) := (xw, zy), (14.27)
\(x,y) := (Xx,\y), (x,y)* := (y,x),
||foy)||:=max{||x||,[|y||}, for any (x,y),(w,z)
€ B and A £ C. Then, B is a non-trivial
Banach *-algebra with only zero positive linear forms. Proof. The net (a\, ax)xeA x
bai of B such that x
V A e A.
Chapter III.
Representation theory
Therefore, if / is an arbitrary positive linear form on B, one clearly has that f(a\,a\)
— 0, for all A G A. Now, Lemma 12.3(2) yields
\f(axx, yax)\2 = |/((a A , a A )'(x, y))| 2 < /(a A , a A )/((z, y)"(x, y)) = 0, for all (x,y) G £? and X € A. Since B has a bai, f is continuous [72, p. 201, Theorem 15]. Thus, f{x,y) = f{lim(ax,ax)(x,y)) A
= lim/(aAx, yax) = 0, V (x,y) G B, A
consequently / = 0. One has the same result as before by taking A to be a (non-unital) Banach *-algebra with a bai (ax)X£A such that a1^ = ax = a\, for all A G A and denning i? :— A x A with addition and norm as in (14.27) and KxiV)
(>^x,Xy), (x,y)(w,z) := {xw,yz), (x,y)* := {y*,x*),
for all (x, y) E B and A G C. In this regard, also see Section 18, Example 18.26. 14.21 Proposition. Let A[rr] be a unital C*-convex algebra and x G A fixed. Then, for each p G F, there is a continuous positive linear form f on A[rr] with /(e) = 1 and f(x*x) = p(x)2. Proof. Each component xp of x in the unital C*-algebra Ap, p G F, is fixed. Hence [121, p. 48, Theorem (18.1)], there is a (continuous) positive linear form fp on Ap with fp{ep) = 1 (ep = e + Np the identity of Ap) and fp(x^xp)
= H^pll2, for each p G F. Now, each such fp, p G F, gives rise
(see (12.4)) to a (nonzero) continuous positive linear form / on A such that f(e) = 1 and /(x*x) = p{x)2. 14.22 Proposition. Lei A[rr] fee a C*-convex algebra. For each p G F, there is a (continuous) *-representation fi of A[rr] with \\/j,(x)\\ =p(x), for all x G A. Proof. Each C*-algebra Ap, p G F, is isometrically *-isomorphic to a (norm-)closed *-subalgebra of C{HP) for some Hilbert space Hp (Gel'fandNaimark theorem [121, p. 49, Theorem (19.1)]). Denote this isometric *isomorphism by /xp, p G F. Define now JJL{X) :— jj,p(xp), for any x E A and
14- The GNS-construction
p £ F. Then, for every p £ F, we get a (continuous) *-representation /i of A[rr] on Hp with ||/x(x)|| — p(x), for every x e A. An immediate consequence of Proposition 14.22 and Remark 13.5, is the following. 14.23 Proposition. For every C*-convex algebra A[rr] one has that
{0} # R{A).
In Chapter IV we give some more information about the *-representations of a locally C*-algebra and we discuss the importance of locally C*-algebras for the representation theory of m*-convex algebras. An extensive study for the existence of positive linear forms and *representations, in a mostly algebraic setting, has been done by D. Birbas in his Ph.D. Thesis [64]. We present here a couple of these results, the most harmonized with the purpose of this book. 14.24 Proposition (Birbas). Let A be an involutive algebra. Consider the following statements: (1) A has at least a nonzero * -representation [i. (2) A has at least a nonzero representable (positive) linear form f. (3) A accepts at least a nonzero C* -seminorm p. (4) SPA(X)
^ 0, for all x <E A.
Then, (1) o (2) & (3) => (4). Proof. (1)
(2) => (3) From Remark 13.3, we may suppose, without loss
of generality, that /i is a cyclic *-representation, with £(€ H^) a cyclic vector. Hence, defining f(x) —< /i(z)(£),£ >, x G A, we have a nonzero representable (positive) linear form on A. Theorem 14.13 (also see comments after the proof of this theorem) provides now a nonzero C*-seminorm p on A such that / is continuous on the C*-seminormed algebra A\p}; namely, there is k > 0 with \f{x)\ < kp(x), for every x G A. (3) => (1) A\p] as a C*-seminormed algebra accepts (see Proposition 14.22) a nonzero *-representation /U with ||/x(x)|| = p(x), for all x e A. (3) => (4) It follows from the comments after Proposition 4.4, since A[p] is an m-convex algebra (Theorem 7.2).
Chapter III.
Representation theory
A consequence from the results of Section 14 (and in particular, from Propositions 14.24 and 14.25) is that ^representations provide easily positive linear forms (see (13.17)), but the converse is not such a direct matter, as Theorems 14.2, 14.13 and Proposition 17.8(1) (in Section 17) show. A variant of Proposition 14.24 in the unital case is the following. 14.25 Proposition. Let A be a unital involutive algebra. Consider the following statements: (1) The set of topologically irreducible *-representations of A is nonempty. (2) The set of (nonzero) *-representations of A is non-empty. (3) The set S(A) (of the states of A) is non-empty. Then (1) => (2) =4> (3), while (3) => (1) when A is either a Frechet Q-algebra or an Arens-Michael Q-algebra with continuous involution. Proof. The implication (1) => (2) is obvious. (2) => (3) Let fibe a, nonzero *-representation of A and £ a unit vector in H^; that is, ||£|| = 1. Then, defining f(x) :=< £j(x)(£)>£ >, x e A, we clearly have that / G S(A). (3) => (1) Suppose that A is either an involutive Frechet Q-algebra or an Arens-Michael Q-algebra with continuous involution. Then S(A) is a convex, weakly*-compact subset of A' (see Corollary 17.13, in Section 17), so that (Krein-Mil'man) S(A) contains an extreme point, say / . But then the *-representation pbf corresponding to / is from Corollary 17.10 (in Section 17) a (nonzero) topologically irreducible ^-representation. Given an algebra A, the symbol A2 stands for the linear hull of the set {xy : x,y € A}. The next result has been proved for Banach algebras by H.C. Wang [385]. 14.26 Proposition (Birbas). Let A[T] be an involutive topological algebra such that A2 ^ A and A
= A.
Then, A[T] accepts a nonzero non-
continuous positive linear form. Proof. Suppose B\, Bi are Hamel bases for the linear spaces A2, A respectively. Since A2 ^ A there exists
Let M be the
15. Continuity of positive linear forms
linear subspace of A[r] generated by the set i?2\{^o}- Then, A = M®Cx0 and A2 C M. Using the preceding expression of A we define
f : A^C: x = m + \x0^ f(x) := A, where m E M and A £ C are unique such that x = m + \XQ. Clearly, / is a nonzero linear form on A[T] with J\M = {0} and since x*x £ A2, for every x E A, we conclude that f(x*x) = 0, for all x E A. So, / is a positive linear from on A, with Lf = A; but then, Lemma 12.3(2) yields /|^2 — {0}. This 2
implies that / cannot be continuous, otherwise the condition A = A leads to / = 0, which is a contradiction From Proposition 14.26 it follows that not every (nonzero) positive linear form on an involutive topological algebra is automatically continuous. Also there are Arens-Michael *-algebras that may have discontinuous *representations (Brooks; see beginning of Section 17). So questions related to continuity of positive linear forms and ^-representations naturally constitute a subject of investigation. In the subsequent Sections we present some known results on this area of research.
Continuity of positive linear forms
In 1964, N.Th. Varopoulos [380, 381] proved that every positive linear form on an involutive Banach algebra with a bai is continuous (also see [72, p. 201, Theorem 15]). In the setting of non-normed topological *-algebras, one has analogous results. More precisely, things have been developed as follows: In 1959, Dao-xing Xia [400, 401, 402] proves that every positive linear form on a unital Frechet *-algebra is continuous; (for a detailed proof see [402, p. 62, Lemma 2.2.1] and/or [200, p. I l l , Theorem 5.8]). In 1969, T. Husain and R. Rigelhof [204, Theorem 4.2] show that every positive linear form on a unital sequentially complete m* -convex Q-algebra is continuous (also see [200, p. 115, Theorem 5.14]).
Chapter III.
In 1981, P.G. Dixon [117, Theorem 4.3] extends Varopoulos' result to Frechet locally convex algebras with a left bai and continuous involution. In [117] can be found various other conditions related to the continuity of positive linear forms on Frechet topological *-algebras. In 1978, H.G. Dales [102, Theorem 11.1], using instructions of P.G. Dixon, proved that Dao-xing Xia's technique [402] applies to any unital Frechet topological * -algebra. In 1991, Varopoulos' result was formulated in [148, Theorem 5.7] for involutive Frechet Q-algebras with a bai and a not necessarily continuous involution. Comparing this result with that of Dixon, we note that removal of continuity of the involution in [148, Theorem 5.7] is attained at the cost of m-convexity and Q-property for the involutive Frechet locally convex algebra involved. For further information on continuity of positive linear forms on various classes of (non-normed) involutive topological algebras, the reader is referred, for instance, to [103, 115, 131, 196, 200, 203, 206, 216, 275, 286, 416, 398]. From the afore-mentioned results we shall present those in [117] and [148]. First, we need the version of Xia's theorem given by H.G. Dales [102]. We state this result without proof since the reader can have an easy access to it in the book of T. Husain [200, p. I l l , Theorem 5.8]. 15.1 T h e o r e m (Dao-xing Xia). Let A[T] be a unital Frechet topological *-algebra. Then, every positive linear form f on A[T] is continuous. 15.2 T h e o r e m (Dixon). Let A[T] be a Frechet topological *-algebra and f a positive linear form on A[T}. Then, for any y,z £ A, the linear form fyz : A —> C : x i—> fyz(x) P r o o f . For a n y x,y,z
:= f{yxz)
is continuous.
€ A, we have
Ayxz =(z + y*)*x(z + y*) + i(z + ix*)*x(z + ix*) — (z — y*)*x(z — y*) — i(z — ix*)*x(z — ix*). I t follows t h a t for a n y fixed y,z G A, t h e linear form fyz
will b e c o n t i n u o u s
Continuity of positive linear forms
if for any w G A, the linear form (see (12.11)) /„, : A —> C : x i—> fw(x) := f(w*xw) is continuous. Note that (i) fw is positive. (ii) /u, is hermitian, as it follows from its definition and Lemma 12.3(1). Furthermore, applying Lemma 12.3(2) we get \fw(x)\2 < f{w*w)fw{x*x), V j g i ; therefore, Proposition 12.21 allows us to extend fw to a positive linear form on the unitization AI[TI] (see 3.(3)) of A[T], given by (see comments before Proposition 12.22) (fw)i(x, A) := fw(x) + Xf(w*w), for every (a;, A) e A\. Since AI[TI] is a unital Frechet topological *-algebra, {fw)\ is continuous from Theorem 15.1, therefore fw = (fw)i\A is continuous too. Theorem 15.3 below is an extension of a corresponding result for Banach algebras due to P.J. Cohen [98] (also see [72, Corollary 11.12]); later on, Cohen's Factorization theorem was shown by I.G. Craw [100], for Frechet algebras; also see [200, p. 118, Theorem 5.22]. Another proof of the same result was given by M. Summers [363], using a different approach involving modules. P.G. Dixon [117, Section 4] following Summers' method proved Cohen's result for Frechet locally convex (not necessarily m-convex) *algebras. Before we proceed to Dixon's result, we give some necessary background material. Let A[rp] be a Frechet locally convex algebra with F = {pj}igN- A uniformly bounded left ai in -A[Tp] is a net (a\)\^/\ such that: (i) lim^ a\x = x, for all x e A; and (ii) the set {(fc" 1 ^)" : A G A,n G N}, with fc>0a positive constant, is bounded in A[rr]It is plain to see that this definition agrees with Definition 11.1. A left Frechet A-module is a left A^module M [191, p. 278] which is a Frechet topological vector space (not necessarily locally convex), such that the outer multiplication A x M —> M : (x, a) \—> xa, is separately, hence jointly continuous (see, for instance, [198, p. 357, Theorem 1]). M is called essential, when A has a uniformly bounded left ai (a\)\£A such that lim,\ a\a = a, for all a G M. Let the topology on M be defined by
Chapter III.
a translation-invariant
metric, say d. Let \a\ := d(a, 0), for every a G M,
denote the distance of a from the origin; then | | fulfils the properties: a\ = 0 & a — 0,
| a | = | - a| a n d \a + b\ < \a\ + \b\, V a,b G M .
15.3 T h e o r e m (Dixon). Lei A[rr], -T = {pijieN, be a Frechet locally convex *-algebra with (a\)\
Then, for any a € M and e > 0 there
exists x G A and b 6 M such that a = xb, b G Aa and d(a, b) < e. Proof. The unitization Ai[ri] of A[rr] is a Frechet locally convex * algebra, with T\ — Tpt, Pi being the family of *-seminorms (see (3.30)) denning T\ . During this proof, for simplicity's sake we use the notation x + \={x, A), V (x, A) G Ai, so that 1 will stand for the identity e\ of A\. Let k > 0 be the uniform bound of (a\)\^Al
Choose p > 0 such that
p(l + p)~ < -k~ . Then, 1+p — pa\ G G ^ , for every A G A. To prove this, we show that the infinite series ]C^Lo(/°(l + P)~1(1\)n
converges in Ai[ri].
In other words, we show that the sequence WN := ^2n=o(p(]- + p)~ a\)n is a Cauchy sequence in Ai[ri]. An easy computation shows that (1 + P- pax)(l + p)~lwN = 1 - (p(l + p ) " 1 ^ ) ^ 1 .
Since the set {(fc~1aA)n, A G A, n € N} is bounded in A{rr}, for each Pi E F there is k% > 0, i G N, such that (15.2)
Pi ((p(l
A G A, n G N; therefore
+ p)-1^)"*1)
< 2-N~lkh
i € N.
So letting N —> oo in (15.1), we get (1 + p - pa A )(l + p)-lwN
— 1.
Moreover, (15.3) yields
J ] ( p ( l + p^axT
< Y, 2 ~ n h , Vl<m
and i G N,
Continuity of positive linear forms
therefore (IOJV) is a Cauchy sequence in J4I[TI] and oo
5^(p(l + py1a\)n
- \imwN e Ai[n].
Thus, from (15.4) (1 + p — pax) G GAI, for every A G A, with oo
(1 + p - pax)-
= (1 + p)- J3(p(l + p)" 1 ^)", A G A n=0
Furthermore, (15.3) and (15.5) give oo
P i ((l
+ p - pax)- ) < (1 + p)" J ] 2-"/* = 2(1 + p)" 1 ^, 1
for all i e N. Choose now inductively a sequence a i , a 2 , . . . of elements from the subset {a^, A 6 A} of A[T/-] . Since, (15.7)
axa —> a, V a £ M,
one has from continuity of the scalar multiplication that (15.8)
paxa —> pa, V p > 0, a G M;
so, given a G M, we may choose a\ such that (15.9)
\pa- paia\ < - , e > 0.
If a i , . . . , a n have been chosen, set zn : = (1 + p - pai) xn
(1 + p - pan),
Vn - (1 + p)~n,
yn : =
bn : = z^a.
Note that M is also a left Frechet Aj-module, with outer multiplication denned by (x + X)a := xa + Xa, for every x + A G A\ and a G M. From (15.5) it follows that yn = (1 + p)~ n (l + 2) with z £ A, therefore one gets £„ G A. Thus, axxn —> x n , A G A. Moreover, pznaxa —> pzna, since M is
Chapter III.
Representation theory
essential as a left Frechet ^-module and as a left Frechet Ai-module has a continuous outer multiplication. Hence, we may choose an+i such that - xn) < 2~n; and
\pznan+ia - pzna\ < e2~n~1.
The seminorms pi, i £ N, form an increasing sequence (see discussion after (1.16)), so (15.10) yields (15.12)
- xn) < 2~n, V 1 < i < n.
Now, we can prove that (xn)neN is a Cauchy sequence in -A[rr]- Using the definition of xn we obtain that xn+1 - xn = p(l + p - pa Tl+ i)" 1 ((l + p)~n~lan+x
+ an+xxn - xn),
n € N. Thus, from (1.17) Pi{xn+i-xn)
for all i 6 N. Apply now (15.2), (15.6) and (15.12). Then, Pi{xn+1
- xn) < 2p(l + p)- 1 A: i+ i((l + p)-n-1kki+1
+ 2-"),
for 1 < i < n — 1. This proves our claim, s o i : = limn xn is an element in A[rr]- Further, we show that (bn)n^jq is a Cauchy sequence too. From the definitions of bn, zn and (15.11) we get (15.13)
\bn+1 - bn\ = \pzna - pznan+1a\ < rf"""1, n £ N,
whence the assertion follows. Let b :— Iim6n in M. From the above we n
have that a = z~xbn = ynbn = {xn + (1 + p)~n)bn, n e N, therefore a — xb. On the other hand, bn = zna with zn € A\, for all n £ N, so that bn 6 A\a, for all n € N and b G Aia(C M). But A\a = Aa®Ca C Aa, since M being essential gives a £ Aa. Hence, b £ Aa.
15. Continuity of positive linear forms
The proof of the theorem will be accomplished by showing that d(a, b) < e, e > 0. In fact, (also see (15.9) and (15.13)) oo
d(a, b) < \a - bi\ + lim \h - bn\ < \a - bi\ + ^ P |6 n+ i - bn n=l
< 2
2 = £'
15.4 Corollary (Dixon). Lei Afr/1], L1 = {j>i}i<=N; ^e a Frechet locally convex algebra with uniformly bounded left ai. Then, for every null-sequence (an)nepsj in A[rr], there is x G A and a null-sequence (6n)ngN in A[rr], such that an = xbn, for all n £ N. Proof. Denote by CQ(A) all null-sequences in A[rr] and define (15.14)
A x CQ(A) —> co(A) : (x,(an)n&N)
—> (xa n ) n € N .
Thus CQ{A) becomes a left A-module. Moreover, CQ(A) is equipped with a countable family of seminorms given by (15.15)
qi((an)neN) := suppi(a n ), i G N, (a n ) n e N e cQ{A). n
Since, pi(xan) < Pi+i(x)pi+i(an), i £ N, for any x,an G A, n G N (see (1.17)), we deduce from (15.15) that, for every i G N qi{x(an)neN)
< pi+i(x)qi+i{(an)n€N),\/
x G A and (an)neN G co(A).
Hence, the map in (15.14) is jointly continuous. It is plain to verify that Co (A) is essential. So, CQ(A) becomes an essential left Frechet A-module. Apply now Theorem 15.3 with M = CQ(A). m 15.5 Theorem (Dixon). Let A[rr], F = {pi}i
Chapter III.
xbn, n e N . Since involution is continuous, we have that (6*) n6 ^ e CQ(A), so applying again Corollary 15.4 we may write b^ — y*c^, n € N, with y* e A and (c*)nGN € CQ(A). Hence an = xcny, where (again from continuity of the involution) cn —» 0. The assertion now follows from Theorem 15.2, since f(an) = f{xcny) = fxy(cn) —> 0. The preceding theorem gives an analogue of Varopoulos' result [381] in the case of Frechet locally convex *-algebras, retaining though continuity of the involution. In the next Section we discuss necessary and sufficient conditions under which involution becomes continuous. In a subsequent Section we give a version of Varopoulos' result in the non-normed case (Theorem 17.11). We may say that this result constitutes a variant of Dixon's result (Theorem 15.5), when no continuity of the involution is assumed. But this is attained at the cost of m-convexity and property Q for the involutive Frechet locally convex algebra involved.
Continuity of the involution
Let A be an involutive algebra. Recall that A* denotes the algebraic dual of A and the map
defines a linear involution on A* (see Definition 3.1). 16.1 Definition (Brooks). A pair (E[TE], F[TF]) of locally convex spaces is called a closed graph pair, whenever any linear map # : E[TE] — F[TF] with closed graph, is continuous. The proof of the next result is easily adapted from the Banach case to the general case of locally convex algebras; see, for instance, [72, p. 190, Section 36]. 16.2 Proposition. For an involutive locally convex algebra A[T] consider the following statements: (1) The involution of A[T] is continuous.
16. Continuity of the involution
(2) A' (the topological dual of A[T]) is invariant under the linear involution of A*. Then (1) =^ (2), while (2) => (1) when moreover
(A[T], A[T])
is a closed
graph pair. 16.3 Corollary. Let A[T] be an involutive locally convex algebra, which is either Frechet or B-complete and barrelled (see Definitions 3.13 and 1.7). Then, the following statements are equivalent: (1) The involution of A[r] is continuous. (2) A' is invariant under the linear involution of A*. Proof. The result follows from Proposition 16.2 and the corresponding closed-graph theorems for Frechet respectively .B-complete and barrelled locally convex spaces [198, p. 301, Theorems 3 and 4]. 16.4 Proposition. For an involutive locally convex algebra A[T], consider the following statements: (1) The involution of A[T] is continuous. (2) H(A') (self-adjoint elements of A') separates points in A[T]. (3) H(A) is a closed subspace in A[T}. Then (1) => (2) => (3), while (3) => (1) when moreover
(A[T], A[T])
is a
closed graph pair. Proof. (1) => (2) Since A = H(A) © iH(A) and the elements of H(A') are real functions on H(A), it suffices to show that H(A') separates points in H(A).
So let 0 ^ h £ H(A). Then, by the Hahn-Banach theorem, there is
a continuous real linear form /o on H(A) with fo(h) = 1. Define now . ,
fx + x*\
, (x
/o [——) + ifo {-^—)
Easy computations show that / is a complex self-adjoint linear form on A with f{h) = fo(h) — 1. Moreover, / is continuous as it follows from continuity of /o and continuity of the involution of A[T]. Hence, for each 0 # h G H{A), there is / e H{A!) with f(h) ^ 0.
Chapter III.
Representation theory
(2) => (3) Let (hs)seA be a net in H(A) with hg —> hi + ih2 , hi £ H(A), i = 1,2. We show that h2 = 0. Let / G #(A'). Then, i/(/i 2 ) = f{ih2) = f{Kmhs - /ii) = lim/(/i 5 - /ii) € K, 5
so that f(h2) = 0, for every / e #(A'), which yields h2 = 0 by (2). Thus (3) has been proved. Suppose now that (A[r], A[T]) is a closed graph pair and that (3) is true. We show (1). Let (xs)seA be a net in A with xg —> x S A[T] and x% —> y G A[r]. Then, x + y — lims(xs + x|) £ -f^(^) from (3). In the same way, one has that i(x - y) e -ff(A). Hence, x + y = x* + y* and x — y = —x* + y*, from which we take y — x*. Consequently, * has a closed graph, therefore (Definition 16.1) it is continuous. Using the same arguments as in Corollary 16.3, we get the following. 16.5 Corollary. Let A[T] be an involutive locally convex algebra which is either Frechet or B-complete and barrelled. Then, the following statements are equivalent: (1) The involution of A[T] is continuous. (2) H(A') separates points in A[r]. (3) H(A) is a closed subspace in A[T\. 16.6 Definition. Let A be an involutive algebra. An injective *-representation of A, is called faithful * -representation. Every C*-algebra attains a faithful ^-representation (Gel'fand—Naimark theorem [111, p. 45, Theorem 2.6.1]). Later on, we present conditions under which a locally C*-algebra accepts a faithful ^-representation (see Chapter IV, Section 20).
16. Continuity of the involution
16.7 Corollary. Let A[T] be an involutive locally convex algebra such that (A[T], A[T]) is a closed graph pair. Let fi be a continuous faithful *-representation of A[T]. Then, the involution of A[T] is continuous. Proof. We show that H(A) is closed. Let (XS)S^A be a net in H(A) with x$ —> x 6 A. An easy computation shows that < /x(a:)(O, V > = < A*(a:*)(O. »7 >, V £, 77 G ^ .
Hence x — x* and so x e -H^A). The assertion now follows from Proposition 16.4. Other cases where involution is automatically continuous are given by Corollary 20.10, in Section 20 and Theorem 28.12, in Section 28. An involution on a C* -seminormed algebra is automatically continuous (Sebestyen; see Theorem 7.2 in Chapter II). Hence, all C* -convex algebras have a continuous involution. For further information on continuity of the involution in Banach algebras the reader is referred to [96, 123]. In [72, p. 194] the reader can find two examples of discontinuous involution. The example we present here is a variant of one of these examples in the setting of non-normed topological algebras. 16.8 Example. Let (A n ) n€ N, be a sequence of involutive algebras, which are Banach with respect to two norms | | n , || || n , n £ N, that are not equivalent (for such a case see, for instance, [30, Theorem 6.1 and Corollary 6.3], as well as [377]). Suppose that each An[\ | n ], n € N, has an isometric involution and let A be the cartesian product of A n 's; that is, A := rj An. Endow A with algebraic operations and involution defined coordinatewise. Equip A with the product topologies r, r' induced by the norms | | n , || || n , n € N, respectively. Then (see Remark 4.27) A[T] is a non-normed Frechet *-algebra (namely, in this case, involution is continuous) and A[T'} is a (non-normed) involutive Frechet algebra, where clearly r, r' are not equivalent, otherwise | | n , || || n , n e N, would be equivalent and this leads to a contradiction. Now, set B := A[T] ® A[T'], and define on B algebraic operations coordinatewise, the product topology and involution by (x, y)* := (y*, x*), for all (x, y) S B. In this way B becomes an involutive
Chapter III.
(non-normed) Frechet algebra. Now, since r, r ' fail to be equivalent on A, we can find a sequence (xn)raeN m -A such that %n — 0, but xn -» 0. r'
B. Then, (from continuity of the Take the sequence (zn = (x^,0))ngN involution in A[T]) we get that zn —> (0,0), but z* = (0,x n ) -» (0,0) and this proves discontinuity of the involution in B.
Continuity of *-representations and positive linear forms, independent of continuity of the involution
As we had announced in previous Sections we shall examine continuity of *-representations and positive linear forms in (non-normed) non-unital topological algebras with not necessarily continuous involution. We know that every *-representation on an involutive Banach algebra is continuous [72, p. 196, Theorem 3] and if moreover the Banach algebra involved attains a bai, then each positive linear form on it, is also continuous (Varopoulos) (see [381] and [72, p. 201, Theorem 15]). We have already seen that a non-normed topological *-algebra may accept a nonzero discontinuous positive linear form (see Proposition 14.26). The same situation happens with ^-representations too. More precisely: In 1960, B.Yood gave en example in [405, p. 361], which shows that *representations of normed *-algebras, hence of ra*-convex algebras need not be continuous. Of course, when completeness is assumed for a normed *-algebra, even without continuity of the involution, every ^-representation is continuous as we noticed above. Since in Yood's example completeness is missing, the following natural question arises: Is every *-representation of an Arens-Michael *-algebra (equivalently, of a complete m*-convex algebra) continuous? In 1967, R.M. Brooks gave in [84, p. 17, Example 6.1] an example of such an algebra with a discontinuous *-representation. More precisely, R.M. Brooks takes the space tto of ordinals < fi (the first ordinal with uncountably many predecessors), with the order topology. Then,
17. Continuity of *-representations and positive linear forms, independent of continuity of the involution
Oo is locally compact [272, Appendix D] and Cc(fio) a unital commutative locally C*-algebra (see Example 7.6(3)). Further, if H = h^o) is the Hilbert space of all tuples (£,a)a
Tf : C ^ C : C " T?(() := f(a)(. Nevertheless, ji is not continuous. This is concluded as follows: Take a unit cyclic vector £° for each \ia and the corresponding continuous positive linear form ffx^^o (see (13.17)). Then, the measure Aa associated with f^a ^o (see, for instance, Theorem 25.1) is a point measure taking on a Borel set E the value 0 when a ^ E and the value 1 for a G E. But then, if S\a is the support of AQ (see beginning of Section 25), one has that UaS\a = fio, which is not compact. This prevents \i to be continuous, since a characterization of continuity of a ^representation in a unital commutative Arens-Michael *-algebra, given by R.M. Brooks [84, p. 17, Corollary 6.3], requires the corresponding set \JaS\a to be equicontinuous and relatively compact. Let us now see what kind of results we have on continuity of ^representations, when non-normed topological *-algebras are involved: In 1969, T. Husain and R. Rigelhof [204, Theorem 5.3] proved that every *-representation of a sequentially complete m*-convex Q-algebra A[rr] is continuous. A topological algebra A[T] is called sequentially complete, if every Cauchy sequence converges in A[T]. Corollary 20.27, in Section 20, shows that sequential completeness and m-convexity of A[r^] are redundant in the preceding result. In 1972, R.M. Brooks [85, Lemma 3.1] showed that every -^-representation of a unital Frechet * -algebra is continuous. In 1972, G. Lassner [240, Theorem 4.1] proved in the setting of certain locally convex *-algebras the automatic continuity of some unbounded *representations. We prove a variant of Lassner's result in the case of *— representations determined by bounded linear operators. It is easily checked
Chapter III.
Representation theory
that identity and continuity of the involution can be dropped from the corresponding version of Lassner's result, while barrelledness can be replaced by the weaker concept of m-barrelledness (see Definition 2.1 and comments after it). 17.1 Theorem (Lassner). Let A[rr] be an involutive m-barrelled locally convex algebra and fi a * -representation of A[rr]- If for every £ G H^, the positive linear form / ^ ( x ) :=< M(a0(£))£ >, x £ A, is continuous, then, \x is continuous. Proof. Let 0 < 6 < 1 and V = {T e £(# M ) : ||T|| < 5}. We can find k e N such that I/A; < 5. Consider U := {x £ A : \\fi{x)\\ < I/A;}. It is easily checked that U is absolutely convex, absorbing and multiplicative. We moreover prove that U is closed. Note that \\(JL(X)\\ = sup{|
< n(x)(O,V > I : ||£|| < 1, \\v\\ < 1}, x G A,
[42, p. 188, (43.9)]. So if
U^n := {x G A : \ < /j,(x)(£),r) > | < I/A;}, ^, 7? G i?^, one has that
U = f^{U^:\\a
:=< /j,(x)(t;),r) >, x € A are
linear forms on Afr/ ], such that
for all x G A. Hence, fn^^ is continuous according to our assumption for the positive linear forms /^,f,£ G i?^. Now, since
^ = ^L[-^]'v^e^> U is closed. We have proved that U is an m-barrel in A[r/-], therefore a O-neighborhood since A[rr] is m-barrelled. Continuity of JJL follows now from the straightforward inclusion n(U) QV. 17.2 Corollary. Let A[T] be a Frechet locally convex *-algebra. each *-representation \x of A[T] is continuous.
11. Continuity of ^-representations and positive linear forms, independent of continuity of the involution
Proof. The unitization Ai[ri] of A[T] is a unital Frechet locally convex *-algebra (see Subsection 3.(3)).
Take the extension [i\ of fi to Ai[ri]
(see (13.14)). Then, for each £i E H^
= H^, the positive linear form
i ^ continuous according to Theorem 15.5. Hence, \x\ is continuous by Theorem 17.1 (every Frechet locally convex algebra is barrelled, therefore m-barrelled too) and the same is true for its restriction // to A[r], 17.3 Theorem. Let T
B — rB
be a Frechet locally convex *-algebra and
ith FB — {q}, a C*-convex algebra. Then, every *-morphism fi
from A[TA] in B[TB] is continuous. Proof. B[TB] °-> lim.Bq, q £ Fg, up to a topological injective *-morphism (cf. (3.19)). Thus, considering the natural continuous *-morphism gq of lira. Bq in Bq, q G FB, we have that y, is continuous if and only if gq o y, is continuous for every q E FB- But, this is true according to Corollary 17.2, since Bq being a C*-algebra allows us to look at gqoy as a *-representation of A[TA}.
17.4 Corollary. Every injective *-morphism /z between two Frechet C*convex algebras A[TA] and B[TB] with closed image, is a topological injective *-morphism. 17.5 Corollary. The topology of a Frechet C*-convex algebra A[TA] is uniquely determined.
That is, any other topology on A making it into a
Frechet C* -convex algebra, is equivalent to the given one. Assuming now no continuity of the involution we give an analogue of Corollary 17.2 (see Theorem 17.7). Before we need the following. 17.6 Lemma. Let A[rp] with F = {pi}ieN be a Frechet locally convex algebra and B[TB] & semisimple locally convex algebra. Then, for every surjective morphism \x : AWp] —> AWp\ and
Q ker(//), where
ker(/i) is a closed subspace of
is the (Jacobson) radical of
Proof. Let M = ker(/i) and x E M. Since M is an ideal, we have yx £ M, for every y S A, so that there i s z e M with the property Pi(yx — z) < 1,
Chapter III.
for every i G N. Hence (see comments after Proposition 6.4), yx — z G GqA. Let to be the quasi-inverse of yx — z in A[r^]. Then, we have {yx — z)w — w{yx — z) = yx — z + w.
Since /J,(Z) = 0, applying \x in the preceding equalities we get fi(yx)(= fi(y)fi(x)) G £*#—w v f° r e v e r y y £ A. Thus, from (4.49) we take n(x) G JB — {0}, that equivalently means x G M. Suppose now x e JA- Using repeatedly (4.49), we deduce fi(x) 6 JB = 0, therefore J& Q M. Because of Proposition 6.4, "Frechet" in Lemma 17.6 can be replaced by "advertibly complete", at the cost though of m-convexity for the locally convex algebra involved. 17.7 Theorem. Every *-representation [i, of an involutive Frechet locally convex Q-algebra A[rr], with F = {pi}i^n, is continuous. Proof. Im(/i) is a *-subalgebra of £(i?^), hence semisimple according to Corollary 4.25. Thus, from Lemma 17.6 the *-ideal M = ker(/x) is closed in J4[T^], SO the quotient algebra A[rr]/M (see Subsection 3.(4)) is an involutive Frechet locally convex algebra. Since A[rr] is Q, Proposition 6.14(3) yields that A[Tp]/M is also Q. Using a closed graph argument we shall show that A\rp\/M has a continuous involution. For convenience, let fix the notation x = x + M, x G A, for the remainder of this proof. So let (xn)neN D e a sequence in A[TP]/M such that xn
—> x E A[TF]/M
x*n = x*n + M
—> y G
A[rr]/M = Im(/x) (algebraically), therefore A[rr]/M becomes a pre-C*algebra under the C*-norm
| | i | | : = \\n(x)\\,
V z e A
Recall that in a C*-algebra the norm of a self-adjoint element coincides with its spectral radius [279, p. 37, Theorem 2.1.1]. Taking also into account
17. Continuity of *—representations and positive linear forms, independent of continuity of the involution
(4.10), Theorem 6.17(2) with comments after it and (1.17), we obtain
\\<-y\\2 = MK-vrW-v)\\ = \H(xn-y*)«-y))\\ = rcHll(v((xn 17 1
C - )
- y*){x*n - y)))
- y)
< (qi+i(xn) + qi+i{y*))qi+i(x*n - y), for some i EN (deduced by the property Q of A{rr]/M] see Theorem 6.17), where qi+i(x^ — y) —> 0 and the sequence (qri+i(xn))neN is bounded [198, p. 135]. Hence, we conclude \\xn — y\\ —> 0 and analogously ||x* — x*\\ —> 0, that implies y = x*. So, the graph of * is closed, therefore [198, p. 301, Theorem 3] the involution on A[rr]/M is continuous. Arguing now as in (17.1) and interpreting continuity of the involution in terms of seminorms, we obtain
Mx)\\2 (17.2)
= \Hx*x)\\ = rc{Hti)(fx(x*x))
< qi(x*x) < qi+1(x*)qi+1{x) < kqio(x)qi+
where k > 0 and the indices i,io,j
< kqj(x)2,V x G A, G N are such that io,i + 1 < j . Thus
continuity of /x has been proved. 17.8 Proposition. Let A[rp] be an involutive Arens-Michael algebra with TA\H(A)
< °°- Let f be a positive linear form on A[rr]. Then, one has:
(1) There exists a *-representation /if of A[TP], such that \\fif(x)\\ < rA(x*x)1'2,
for every x G A.
(2) When, in particular, A[rr] is an involutive Frechet Q-algebra, the positive linear form fy (given by (12.11), for fixed y € A) is continuous.
Chapter III.
Representation theory
Proof. (1) Consider the Hilbert space Hf, completion of the pre-Hilbert space Xf — A/Lf (17.3)
of Lemma 14.1 and for a fixed x £ A, define
Tx : Xf
Xf : yf = y + Lf .—> Tx(yf) := (xy)f.
Then, (see (14.2), (12.11) and Lemma 12.11(1))
IIT^)!! 2 =< (xy)f, (xy)f >= f(y*x*xy) = fy(x*x) < f{y*y)rA{x*x) = \\yf\\rA(x*x), V y G A, from which we get \\Tx\\
V i 6 A
Each Tx is then extended to a continuous linear operator Tx on Hf. Thus, Hf : A —^ C(Hf) : x .—> tif(x) := fx is a *-representation of A[rp] with the required property in (1). (2) Let y e A be fixed. Then, fy(x)
= f{y*xy)
=< (xy)f,yf
>=< nf(x)(yf),yf
>, V i e !
But, Hf is continuous from Theorem 17.7, therefore there exists k > 0 and p G F such that l/j/^)! < A:||j/j||2p(a;), for all x £ A; this completes the proof of (2). Concerning continuity of fy see also Lemma 12.11(4). 17.9 Corollary. Let A[rr] be a unital involutive FrechetQ-algebra.
every positive linear form on A[Tp] is continuous. Corollary 17.10(1) provides a version of GiV5-construction not requiring continuity of the involution and continuity of the positive linear form involved.
17.10 Corollary. Let A[rr] be a unital involutive Arens-Michael algebra with
is, f £ S(A).
< °°- -^e* f be a positive linear form on A with /(e) = 1, that Then, the following hold:
17. Continuity of *-representations and positive linear forms, independent of continuity of the involution (1) There is a * -representation (A, fif,Hf)
and a cyclic unit vector £f
of fif in Hf, such that f(x) =< M/( )(C/);C/ >> for ^very x £ A. (2) ||A*/(X)|| < rA{x*x)ll2, for every x e i . (3) fif is topologically irreducible if and only if f is pure. Proof. Let / be a positive linear form on A with /(e) = 1. Using the same arguments as in the proof of Proposition 17.8(1) we construct a Herepresentation fif of Afr/1] with the property (2). Thus, if £/ := e + Lf E Xf
= A/Lf
c — > Hf (see Lemma 14.1), where Hf is the completion of
the pre-Hilbert space Xf, we have that ||£/|| 2 = /(e*e) = f(e) = 1 and fif(A)(£f)
= Hf, that is, £f is a cyclic unit vector of Hf. Finally, from
the definition of [if one gets (according to the notation in the proof of Proposition 17.8(1))
< M/(z)(£/),£/ >=< (xe)f,Zf >= f{e*xe) = f(x), V x e A and this proves (1). For (3) see Remark 13.3(a). In the case of a non-continuous involution, an analogue of Varopoulos' [381] and/or Dixon's (Theorem 15.5) result is the following. 17.11 Theorem. Let A[rr] be an involutive Frechet Q-algebra with a bai. Then, every positive linear form f on A[rr] is continuous. Proof. Let (a n ) ne N be a null-sequence in A[rr]. Since we are provided with a (2-sided) bai, we may apply Corollary 15.4 twice, to find a null-sequence (frn)neN
d two elements x,z in A[rr], such that an = xbnz.
For any y E A we have (also see proof of Theorem 15.2) Axyz =(z + x*)*y(z + x*) - (z - x*)*y(z - x*) (17.6) + i(z + ix*)*y(z + ix*) - i(z - ix*)*y(z - ix*). Thus, denning the map g : A —> C : y i—> g(y) := f(xyz), (17.6) that 1
9 ~ ~7Jz+x* ~ ~7Jz-x* + ~7Jz+ix* ~ ~7Jz-ix*-
we get from
Chapter III.
From Proposition 17.8(2), g is continuous, therefore (see (17.5)) f(an) — f{xbnz) = g(bn) —> 0. It would be interesting to know whether Theorems 17.7 and 17.11 can be proved by dropping property Q. Let now A[rr] be a unital involutive locally convex algebra and / a continuous state on A[rr]; namely, / G P'(A)f)S(A). By Corollary 12.4(1) f(x*) = f(x), for all x £ A. So / restricted to H(A) is a real-valued function. Using the notation of [121, p. 115], let ffj = J\H(A)- Then, fH £ H(A)' (topological dual of H(A)). Let S'(A):=P'(A)nS(A)
and SH(A) := {fH : f £ S'(A)}.
Since A = H(A) © iH(A), each / € S'(A) is determined by / # . Equip S'(A) and £#(A) with the relative weak*^topology from A's, respectively H(A)'S. Then, it is easily seen that the map
0H : S\A) -^
^-> fH
is a surjective homeomorphism preserving convex combinations. Using this fact we can prove the following. 17.12 Proposition. Let A[rr] be a unital involutive Arens-Michael Qalgebra. Then, the following hold: (1) The set S'(A) is a weakly*-compact and convex subset of A'. (2) The * -representation fif corresponding to f £ S'(A) (see Proposition 17.8(1)) is topologically irreducible if and only if f is an extreme point in S'(A). Proof. (1) Let / <S S'(A). From Corollary 12.12(1) we have \f(h)\ < rA{h), for every h G H(A). Since A is a Q-algebra, there is p$ £ F such that (see Theorem 6.18) TA(X) < po{%), for every x £ A. From the preceding inequalities it follows that fa G U°0(l), where U°0(l) is the polar of the unit semiball UPo(l) := {x £ H(A) : po(x) < 1}. Hence, SH(A) C ^ ( 1 ) and this implies that SH(A) is an equicontinuous subset of H(A)' (cf., for instance, [198, p. 200, Proposition 6]). It is easily seen that S'(A) is
11. Continuity of *—representations and positive linear forms, independent of continuity of the involution
a convex weakly*-closed subset of A', therefore SH{A) is weakly*-closed in H(A)'S as a homeomorphic image of S'(A) (see (17.7)). Now, SH{A) is weakly*-compact as an equicontinuous weakly*-closed subset of H(A)'S (Alaoglu-Bourbaki theorem). S'(A) is, in its turn, weakly*-compact as a homeomorphic image of SH(A) (see (17.7)). (2) Let / e S'(A).
Then (Corollary 17.10 (1) and (3)) there is a * -
representation fif of A[rr] and a cyclic (unit) vector £f of /z/ such that
f{x) =< Hf{x){if),if >, V x € A, where fif is topologically irreducible if and only if / is pure. So it suffices to show that / G S'(A) is an extreme point if and only if / is pure. The proof of this fact is purely algebraic and can be found in [121, p. 116]; also see Remark 13.3(/3).
17.13 Corollary. Let A be a unital algebra, which is either an involutive Frechet Q-algebra or an Arens-Michael Q-*-algebra (note that in the second case involution is continuous). Then, the following hold: (1) The set S(A) is a weakly*-compact and convex subset of A's. (2) The * -representation fif corresponding to f € S(A) is topologically irreducible if and only if f is an extreme point in S(A). Proof. In either case, every positive linear form on A is continuous (see Corollary 17.9 and/or Theorem 17.11, as well as [200, p. 115, Theorem 5.14] and/or discussion at the beginning of Section 15). Hence, S(A) = S'(A), so that we apply Proposition 17.12.
17.14 Remark. Proposition 17.12(1) and Corollary 17.13(1) allow us to apply Krein-Mil'man theorem to get
S'(A) = coES'{A) resp. S(A) = cdES(A),
where aco" means closed convex hull and ES'(A), ES(A) denote the extreme points of S'(A), S(A) respectively. Compare (17.8) with Proposition 12.20.
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Chapter IV Structure space of an m*—convex algebra It is known that the representation theory of C*-algebras is richer than that of Banach *-algebras. In fact, the representation theory of Banach *algebras is reduced to that of C*-algebras by means of the enveloping C*algebra. The same situation is repeated in the non-normed case. Given an m*-convex algebra A[rr], one constructs its enveloping locally C*-algebra £(A) (see Definition 18.6), which is proved to be topologically isomorphic to the inverse limit of the enveloping C*-algebras of the Banach *-algebras Ap, p e F (Theorem 18.11), corresponding to the Arens-Michael analysis of A[rr] (cf. (3.19)). Our aim is to show that the representation theory of m*-convex algebras is reduced to that of locally C*-algebras through the enveloping locally C*-algebra (see, for example, Theorem 18.8). It was in 1971, when R.M. Brooks first constructed the enveloping locally C*-algebra £(A) of a unital Frechet algebra A[rr] {P — {pi}i^n) [85, p. 65] and proved among others that the *-representations of A[TT] factor through £(A) (ibid., Theorem 4.6). The same year A. Inoue developed the theory of locally C*-algebras in [208] and introduced the enveloping locally C*-algebra of an Arens-Michael *-algebra with a bai, presenting also the reduction of the representation theory of the initial algebra to that of its enveloping locally C*-algebra. In fact, you do not need any kind of completeness, or even a bai on your initial algebra for the mentioned construction (see [142, 145]). Nevertheless, for technical reasons (see, for instance, Proposition 18.1), we present in this Chapter the construction of the enveloping locally C*-algebra of an m*-convex algebra with a bai. 207
Chapter IV.
Structure space of an m*-convex algebra
With the enveloping locally C*-algebra as a main tool, we look in particular, at the openess of the C/VS-map 5A (Theorem 19.7) after having used essentially the Kadison transitivity theorem for the study of the structure space of a locally C*-algebra (see Section 19). Finally we examine the existence of faithful ^representations on locally C*-algebras, having thus been led to conditions under which locally C*-algebras become (normed) C*-algebras (see Section 20, as well as Proposition 8.1). Given an m*-convex algebra A[rp] a new topology is denned on A coarser than the given one Tp, under which A becomes a C*-convex algebra. The Hausdorff completion, say £(A) of this C*-convex algebra is by definition a locally C*-algebra and is called enveloping locally C*-algebra of A[rr] (Definition 18.6). The topology of £(A) is, in effect, induced by the Gel'fand—Naimark seminorms corresponding to the Banach *-algebras Ap, p G F, of the Arens-Michael analysis of -A[rr]. The construction of the enveloping locally C*-algebra of a locally convex *-algebra with continuous multiplication is due to S.J. Bhatt [50]. Important applications of the enveloping locally C*-algebra are given in Section 19 and in Chapter VII. Other interesting applications can be found in [160] and [238].
Enveloping locally C*—algebra of an m*—convex algebra
18.1 Proposition. Let A[TP] be an m*-convex algebra with a bai. Let b = sup{||/i(a;)|| : \i € R'P(A)},
a = snp{\\(i(x)\\ : M G Rp{A)}, 1 2
c = sup{f(x*x) /
: / e Vp(A)},
d = s u p i / ^ x ) 1 / 2 : / € BP(A)},
where p € F and x G A. Then, (1) a = b = c = d. (2) For every p € F, the function (18.1)
rp : A —> R+ : x ^
rp{x) := sup{f(x*x)1/2
: / G BP(A)},
18. Enveloping locally C*-algebra of an m*-convex algebra
defines a continuous C* -seminorm on A[rr](3) A|rp] is a C*-convex algebra if and only if p = rp, for all p E F. Proof. (1) According to (13.10), (13.13) as well as Proposition 12.6 and Corollary 12.19, one has that a = sup{||/ip(xp)|| : fj,p e Rp(Ap)},
b = sup{||/xp(xp)|| : fip E R'p(Ap)},
c = sup{fp(x;xp)^2
d = suvifpixlxp)1'2
: fp E Vp(Ap)},
: fp E Bp(Ap)},
where Ap is a Banach *-algebra with a bai (Lemma 11.4(2)). Hence [111, Proposition 2.7.1] a, b, c, d are finite numbers and a = b = c = d. (2) Since d — b and || || is the operator norm in C(Hp), it follows easily that rp is a C*-seminorm. On the other hand, ||/x p (x p )|| < \\xp\\p = p(x), for all x E A, therefore (18.2)
< p{x), V
which yields continuity of rp. (3) It sumces to show that if A[rp] is a C*-convex algebra, then p(x) < rp(x), for all x E A. So together with (18.2) we get the conclusion. If J4[TT] is a C*-convex algebra, each Ap is a C*-algebra, therefore it attains an isometric *-representation, say fip, which gives rise to a continuous *representation, say /x, of A[rr] such that ||/i(x)|| = p(x), for every x E A. Thus, /i E RP(A) and clearly p(x)
< rp(x),
V x E A.
From the proof of Proposition 18.1, it is evident that the C*-seminorms rp, p E F, on A\rr\ correspond to the Gel'fand-Naimark seminorms on the Banach *-algebras Ap, p E F. Note that the assumption of a bai for A[TP\ in Proposition 18.1 contributes to the identification of d with the quantities a, b and c. An analogue of Proposition 18.1(1) in the unital case and when involution is not necessarily continuous is given by Corollary 23.5 in Chapter V.
Chapter IV.
Structure space of an m*—convex algebra
18.2 Definition. Let A[T] be an involutive topological algebra and (18.3)
R\ := n{ker(//) : y. e R'{A)}.
R*A is a closed *-ideal of A[T], called ^-radical. In the case, when R*A — {0}, A[T] is said to be *-semisimple. The quotient algebra A[T]/RA
is a *-semisimple topological * -algebra.
Indeed: Since R*A is a closed *-ideal,
endowed with the quotient
topology is a topological *-algebra (see Subsection 3.(4)). On the other hand, for each [i in R'(A) the formula (18.4)
p{x + RA):=/i{x),\/xe
defines well an element p in R'(A/RA), (18.5)
so that one gets the identification
R'(A) = R'(A/R*A),
with respect to a bijection. It is now evident that
is *-semisimple.
18.3 Proposition. Let A[rr] be an m*-convex algebra. Then, (18.6)
RA = n{ker(/z) : y, £ R(A)}.
Proof. It suffices to show that RA C ker(^t), for every fi £ R(A). So let y, be an arbitrary element of R(A) and x G RA. Then, xp £ RA , for all per,
where [327, Definition (4.4.9) and Theorem (4.6.7)]
R*Av = n{ker(^ p ) : M p e R'{Ap)} = n{ker(Mp) : \iv 6 R(Ap)},
p e T.
Hence, nP(xp) = 0, for every \iv G R(AP), therefore for the element \ip in R(Ap) too, associated with the arbitrarily taken /x G R(A) (see (13.9), (13.10)). Consequently, fi(x) = 0. A consequence of Proposition 18.1 together with either Definition 18.2 or Proposition 18.3 is the following. 18.4 Corollary. Let A[rr] be an m*-convex algebra with a bai. Then, (18.7)
RA = fl{ker(rp) : p G T}.
18. Enveloping locally C*-algebra of an m* -convex algebra
In the case of a not necessarily continuous involution we have the following variant of Proposition 18.3. 18.5 Proposition. Let A[rp} be a unital involutive Arens-Michael
algebra. Then, one has that R*A = n{ker(/x) : /x € R(A)}. Proof. Let T ~ n{ker(/x) : /z <E R(A)}.
Since R'(A) C R(A), one clearly
has T C i?^. To show the reverse inclusion let a; £ T.
Then, there is
/j, £ R(A) and a unit vector £ € i?M such that /z(:c*)(£) 7^ 0. Taking the positive linear form f^
on A[TT] defined by the pair (/x,^) (see (13.17)),
one clearly has that / ^ e 5"(A) and
f^(xx*) = Mx*)(O\\2>0. From Proposition 17.12(1) the set S'(A) is a convex weakly*-compact subset of A's, so by the Krein-Mil'man theorem there is an extreme point g in S'(A) with g(xx*) > 0. Let /j,g be the *-representation defined by g (see Corollary 17.10(1)). Then, fig is topologically irreducible from Proposition 17.12(2) and fulfils the relation g{xx*) = ||/xs(z*)(ffl)||2 , with £g = e + Lg a cyclic unit vector of ^ufl (see Lemma 14.1). So, ||Mg(a;*)(Cg)[| 7^ 0> that yields /is(a;) 7^ 0; therefore x ^ R*A. For other expressions of R*A and its relationship to the (Jacobson) radical JA of A[rr], see Corollaries 22.15(2), 22.16, 22.22, as well as Proposition 22.21(2) and Lemma 22.24(2) in Chapter V. Under the assumptions of Proposition 18.5, R*A is a closed self-adjoint ideal of A[rr] and A[rr]/R*A an involutive m-convex Q-algebra (for the last property, see Proposition 6.14). Also each \x G R{A) provides a unique well defined element p in R(A/R*A) given as in (18.4). Hence, for every unital involutive Arens-Michael Q-algebra A[rr], one has up to a bijection, that (18.8)
R(A) = R{A/RA).
Let A[rr] be an m*-convex algebra with a bai. Denote by rc* the C*convex topology on A induced by the family of C*-seminorms {r
Chapter IV.
Structure space of an m*—convex algebra
defined by (18.1). From (18.2) it follows that r c . -< r r , where the C*convex algebra
is not Hausdorff. But the quotient algebra
with the corresponding quotient topology is a Hausdorff C*-convex algebra (see Theorem 11.7 and (18.7)). 18.6 Definition. Let A[rr] be an m*-convex algebra with a bai. We call enveloping locally C* -algebra of A[rf] and we denote by £(A), the Hausdorff completion of the C*-convex algebra A[rc*]; namely,
£(A) := A\^»\fR\.
It is clear that £(A) is a locally C*-algebra. If A[rr] is a C*-convex algebra with a bai, then £(A) is just the completion of
(see Proposition
18.1(3)), while the enveloping locally C*-algebra of a locally C*-algebra A[rr] is obviously A[rr] itself. In the sequel, denote by fp, p G F, the quotient C*-seminorms defining the topology of the quotient C*-convex algebra (18.10)
(also see (3.32)). That is,
fp{x + R*A) := mi{rp(x + y) : y G R*A}, x e A
Retain the same symbol for the extension of fp, p G F, on £(A). It is evident from Definition 18.6 that the construction of the enveloping locally C*-algebra depends on the existence of continuous positive linear forms and/or continuous ^-representations on the initial m*-convex algebra A[rp]. We have already seen that even in the normed case one may have only zero-positive linear forms (see discussion at the beginning of Subsection 14.2). In Subsections 18.(1) and 32.(2) (also see Examples 18.9 (1) and (2)) we calculate the enveloping locally C*-algebra of several m*-convex algebras. With ^4[Tf ] and £(A) as above consider the following diagram
18. Enveloping locally C* -algebra of an m*-convex algebra
where QC* is the natural quotient map of A[TC»] on A[TC*]/R*A and js the canonical injection of A{TC*]/R*A in £(A). Let (18.11)
QS :— J£ o QC* o id,A with Q£ : A —> £{A) : x i—> x + R*A.
The continuous *-morphism QS is called canonical enveloping map. The following is an immediate consequence of the very definitions. 18.7 Proposition. Let A[rr\ be an m*-convex algebra with a bai and £{A) its enveloping locally C*-algebra. Then, A[rr} is *-semisimple if and only if the canonical enveloping map Q£ is 1 — 1. Given an m*-convex algebra A[rr], recall that B(A) is the space of nonzero extreme points in V(A) (cf. Definition 12.18) and TZ(A) the structure space of J4[TJH] (see (14.17)). The following theorem is a sample of the significance of the enveloping locally C*-algebra. 18.8 Theorem. Let A[TP] be an m*-convex algebra with a bai. Then, B{A) = B{£{A))
resp. U(A) = Tl{£{A)),
up to set-theoretical isomorphisms with continuous inverse. In the case when B(£(A)) is locally equicontinuous, the preceding equalities are valid up to homeomorphisms. Proof. Let / e B(A) and fv the associated to / element of B(AP) (see (12.15)). Then, ||/ p || = 1 (Definition 12.18, Corollary 12.17), so that from Lemma 12.5(2) and the definition of r p 's, p G F (Proposition 18.1), we get 1/0*01 ^ rp(x), f° r aU x £ A. So the function (also see (18.7) and discussion after (18.8)), g : A[TC*]/RA
—> C : x + R\
—> g(x + RA)
is well denned and it follows easily from its definition that it belongs to B(A[TC*]/R*A). We keep the same symbol for the unique extension of g to the completion of the C*-convex algebra A[TC*]/R*A. Thus, we finally get g € B(£(A)), so that we can consider the map (3 : B(A) —> B(£(A)) : / .—* /?(/) = g, with g(x + R*A) := f(x), V x e A.
Chapter IV.
Structure space of an m*—convex algebra
It is easily seen that /? is 1 — 1. We prove that (3 is also surjective. So let g G B(S(A)). Take / := g o g£ with Q£ as in (18.11); / is a nonzero element of 7?(A[rc*]) and since the topology TC* is coarser than the topology of rr (see (18.2)) one has that / G V(A). In particular, / G B(A) since g G B(£(A)) and clearly /?(/) = g. Continuity of [i~l is now obvious. Supposing that B(£(A)) is locally equicontinuous, we show continuity of /?. Let (fs)seA be a net in B(A) converging to / in B(A) with respect to the relative weak*~topology a(A',A) on B(A). We must show that the net {9&)&eA, 95 @(fs), S G A, lies eventually in every neighborhood, say V, of g := /?(/) in B(£(A)). Since, the set B(£(A)) is locally equicontinuous, we may suppose that the neighborhood V of g is equicontinuous. But since A[TC*]/R*A is dense in £(A) (Definition 18.6) the weak*-topologies a{£(A)',£{A)) and a(£(A)', A[TC*]/R*A) coincide on V [78, p. 23, Proposition 5]. This completes the proof of our claim. We pass now to the structure spaces 7Z(A), 7Z,(£(A)). Let \i G R'(A) and jip the associated to \i element of R'(AP) (cf. (13.12) and (13.13)). Then, from Proposition 18.1 ||/x(x)|| < rp(x), for all x G A. Hence, the map M£ : A[TC*}/R*A
—> C{Hn)
:x + R *
fi£(x + R*A) :=
is well denned (see (18.7)) and us G R'(A[TC*]/RA). We keep the same symbol for the unique element of R'(£(A)) defined by H£. Now the map r : U{A) -^
11{£{A)) : \p\ —> r ( ^ ) := \f*e],
is a well defined bijection. The bicontinuity of r results from the following commutative diagram (in this respect, see Lemma 14.5)
18. Enveloping locally C* -algebra of an m*-convex algebra
provided that 1Z(A), H(£(A)) carry the final topologies T$A, TSS,A) respectively (see Definition 14.8 and discussion after it) and (3 is a homeomorphism whenever B(£(A)) is locally equicontinuous. An analogous result as that of the topological identification of B(A) with B(£{A)) can also be stated for V(A) and V(£(A)). The local equicontinuity of B(£(A)) always implies that of B(A). This is partly based on the following general result: Let A[rr] be an m*-convex algebra and A[Tp] the completion of A[rr]. Then, B(A) = B(A), up to a continuous bijection. If, in addition, B(A) is locally equicontinuous, the last equality holds up to a homeomorphism. In this case, B(A) is locally equicontinuous if and only if B(A) has this property. The proof of this result is analogous to that concerning spectra of topological algebras (see [262, p. 146, Lemma 2.2 and p. 150, Theorem 2.1]). So the local equicontinuity of B(£(A)) is equivalent to that of B{A[TC*}/R*A)
and since B(A[TC*])
= B(A[TC*]/R*A)
(with respect
to a homeomorphism), one finally gets the local equicontinuity of B(A[TC*})1 which implies that of B(A) since rp(x) < p(x), for every x £ A and every p £ F (see (18.2)). The converse is not true, in general [16]; that is, the local equicontinuity of B(A) does not imply that of B(£(A)). What one always has is the equivalence of the local equicontinuity of £?(A[TC*]) with that of B(£(A)). 18.9 Examples of unital Arens—Michael *—algebras with the set B(£(-)) locally equicontinuous. (1) Consider the unital commutative Frechet *-algebra O(C) (see Example 2.4(5) and 3.2(4)). From (2.44) we have that O(C)[TO]
= l W ( D n ) , n e N,
up to a topological *-isomorphism. Note that the irreducible *-representations of ^4(Dn) coincide with its hermitian characters, which are the point evaluations 8t with t G [—n, n}. So it is easily seen that the enveloping C*algebra £(A(Jbn)) of the n-disc algebra «4(Bn) is the C*-algebra C[—n,n}.
Chapter IV.
Structure space of an m*—convex algebra
Hence, from Theorem 18.11 below and (3.23), we get that (18.12)
£{O{C)) = CC(R),
with respect to a topological *-isomorphism. But then, Corollary 14.11 and (4.46) imply that B(£(0(C))) = B(Cc(R)) = 9Jt(Cc(R)) = R, where the third equality is topological. Since R is locally compact the same is true for 9Jt(Cc(R)). In addition, CC(R) being (unital) commutative Frechet (*-) algebra, has a continuous Gel'fand map, therefore local compactness of 9Jt(Cc(R)) implies local equicontinuity [262, p. 184, Corollary 1.3]. Hence, B(£(O(C))) is, certainly, locally equicontinuous. (2) Consider now the topological *™algebra C°°(X) of C°°-functions on a 2nd countable finite dimensional C°°-manifold X with the topology of uniform convergence in all derivatives [262, p. 129, 4.(2)]. We proved in Example 4.20(2) that for any nonnegative integer I and any compact subset K of X, the unital commutative Banach *-algebra C°°(X)itK corresponding to the Arens-Michael decomposition of C°°{X) has its spectrum VJl(C°°(X)i^) homeomorphic to K, while C°°(X) has its spectrum *JR(C°°(X)) homeomorphic to X. Since the preceding *-algebras are commutative, their irreducible ^-representations are 1-dimensional [276, Corollary (6.4)]. In addition, their continuous characters given by point evaluations preserve involution, therefore one has R'{Cco{X\K)
= m{C0O{X\K), R'(C°°{X)) =
for any I, K and m{Coo(X)).
It follows that R
c°°(x) = W = Rc°°{x)liK,
for an
y i> K-
On the other hand, if {r^x} is the family of C*-seminorms on C°°{X) that leads to the definition of the enveloping locally C*-algebra £(C°°(X)) (see Proposition 18.1, Definition 18.6 and (13.10)), we have ri,K(f)
= sup{|/(a:)| : x G K} = \\f\K\U
V / G C°°(X) and any I, K.
18. Enveloping locally C* -algebra of an m* -convex algebra
Thus, if i~£ = {ritfc} and T£ = rps, the map C ° ° ( X ) [ r £ ] — CC(X)
: f ^ f
is clearly a topological injective *-morphism and C°°(X)[T£]
— CC(X) by the
Stone-Weierstrass Theorem [212, p. 171, 2.]. Therefore (Definition 18.6), £{C°°(X))=CC(X),
Using now exactly the same arguments as in (1), we deduce that B(£(C°°(X))) is locally equicontinuous. Remarks, (i) From the preceding discussion it follows that £(C°°(X)l>k)=C(K),
tor any I, K,
with respect to a topological ^-isomorphism, consequently (18.13) could also be taken by Theorem 18.11 below and (3.23). (ii) In the case when X = M, (18.13) was proved by R.M. Brooks [85, p. 68, Example 4.7], while for X a compact 2nd countable finite dimensional C°°-manifold, (18.13) was proved by A. Mallios [262, p. 498, (6.4)]. (iii) In Subsections 18.(1) and Chapter VII, 32.(2) we shall meet a plethora of (non-normed, not necessarily commutative) Arens-Michael *— algebras
having their enveloping locally C*-algebra £(A) to be topo-
logically *-isomorphic to a (normed) C*-algebra (take, for instance, in (18.13) X to be compact). In such a case, V(£(A)) (see (12.6)) is weakly*compact, hence equicontinuous. Therefore, B(£(A)) as a subset
is also equicontinuous and so locally equicontinuous. 18.10 Lemma. Let A[Tp] be an m*-convex algebra with a bai and £(A) its enveloping locally C* -algebra. Then, one has that rp(x + R*A) = rp(x), V x e A and p e F. Proof. The correspondence (also see (18.11)) R(A)
—> R(£(A))
: / i i — > He w i t h \xe ° Qs = fJ>,
Chapter IV.
is clearly a bijection.
Structure space of an m*-convex algebra
Applying now Proposition 18.1(3) for the locally
C*-algebra £(A), we get (see (18.10)) fp(x + RA) = BUJ>{\\H£(X + RA)\\ : ^ e = sup{Mx)\\
: fi e Rp(A)}
= rp(x), \/ x e A and p G F. According to our standard notation we have that Nfp = ker(fp), p £ F, with A^fp a closed *-ideal in £(A), and £(A)rp=£{A)[fp\/Nfp, V p e r , where " " means completion. On the other hand, from Theorem 10.24 £{A)[fp\/Nfp = £(A)[fp]/Nfp, V p e f . Simplifying the notation we put £(A)p = £(A)[fp]/Nrp, VpGT. Thus, in virtue of (3.20), one has that (18.14)
= hm5(A) p , p e FA,
up to a topological ^-isomorphism. 18.11 Theorem. Let A[rr] be an m*-convex algebra with a bai and £{A) its enveloping locally C* -algebra. Then, one has the following equality £(A)[T£} = lim£(Ap),
with respect to a topological * -isomorphism. Proof. According to (18.14) it suffices to show that (18.15)
£{A)P = £(AP), V p e T ,
up to a topological ^-isomorphism. We first prove that the enveloping C*-algebras £(A\p]/Np), £(AP) coincide for all p G F. Consider the C*seminorm (18.16)
\\z\\'p := sup{||/x p (*)|| : /xP e R{Ap)},
V z e Ap, p G F
18. Enveloping locally C* -algebra of an m* -convex algebra
and its restriction to A\p]/Np, p £ F, that we also denote by || \\'p. Let l
*AWNP(= M i l HP i n A\P]/NP)
h = R*AP (= M i l HP i n Ap),
p € F. Then, for each p G F, £{A[p]/Np) := (A[p]/JVp)[||-@/7p and £(A p ) := A p [||.^]/7 p , where "~" means completion. Retain the symbol || \\'p for the respective quotient C*-norms. Then, applying Lemma 18.10, we get (18.17)
\\Xp + lp\\'p = \\xp\\'p = \\xp + Ip\\'p, \/xpe
Thus, for each p € F, the correspondence Sp : (A\p]/Np)[\\
|| p ]/J p - ^ Ap[\\ \\'p]/Ip -> S(Ap)
: Xp
is a well defined *-isometry with dense image in £(AP).
+ Ip ^
+/ p ,
For the last pro-
perty consider the density of A\p]/Np and Ap[\\ \\'P]/IP in Ap and £(AP) respectively, as well as (18.17) with the fact that || \\'p < || || p , p e F. Taking now the unique extension of £p to the respective completions we attain the topological equality £(A]p]/Np) = £(AP), V p e f .
Recall now the notation introduced after Definition 18.6 and Lemma 18.10 and let B =
B in place of A\p\/Np,
Repeat the arguments applied before with
£{A) in place of Ap and iVfp C B respectively
Nfp Q £{A) in place of Ip and Ip (in the second case, fp stands for the extension of fp to £{A)). Then, one has that (18.19)
B\fp\jNrp = £(A)P,
with respect to a topological *-isomorphism. Looking at (18.18), (18.19), the proof of (18.15) will be accomplished by showing that
Bfri/Nr, = £(A\p]/Np), VpeP,
up to a topological ^-isomorphism. Use the symbol | | p for the C*-norm induced on B[fp]/Nfp by the C*-seminorm fp, p G F. Then (see Lemma 18.10, as well as (18.16), (18.17)), \x + R*A + Nfp\p = fp{x + R*A) = rp{x) = \\xp\\'p = \\xp + Ip\\p,
Chapter IV.
Structure space of an m*'-convex algebra
for all x £ A and p £ F. So, for each p £ F, the map B[fP]/Nfp
—+ (A\p]/Np)[\\ \\'p]/Ip : (x + RA) + Nfp H— XP + Ip,
is a well denned surjective *-isometry. Thus, passing to the completions we get (18.20). In the case of Frechet *~algebras with identity, Theorem 18.11 was proved by R.M. Brooks [85, Theorem 4.3]. We finish this Section by discussing the relationship of the enveloping locally C*-algebra of a quotient topological *-algebra with the enveloping locally C*-algebra of the initial topological *-algebra. The following result is proved easily. 18.12 Lemma. LetA[rr] be an m* -convex algebra and I a closed*-ideal of A[rr]- Let A[TP]/I
be the corresponding quotient m*-convex algebra, with
F/^ji — {q} a defining family of m*-seminorms given by (3.31). the equality R(A/I)
— {/i G R{A) : fx\j — 0} holds up to a set-theoretical
isomorphism. In the case when I C R*A; the preceding identification takes theformR{A/I)
= R(A).
It is readily seen that when / C R*A one has that fi e RP{A) <=> /x/ G Rq(A/I) with fj,j(x + I) = /Lt(/), V x e i , where q is the quotient m*-seminorm in F^n induced by p in F. 18.13 Theorem. Let A[rr] be an m* -convex algebra with a bai, I a closed *-ideal in A[rr] such that I C R*A and A[rr]/I the corresponding quotient m* -convex algebra. Then, one has up to a topological *-isomorphism, that
£{A/I) = £{A).
Proof. If (a\)\€j\ is a bai for A[T/-], it is easily checked that (a\ + I)x&A is a bai for the m*-convex algebra A[rr]/I. Consider the C*-seminorms (see (18.1)) rq, q 6 rA/I, on A[rr]/I given by rq(x + I) = sup{||/i/(x + I)\\:me
18. Enveloping locally C* -algebra of an m* -convex algebra Denote by TJ £(A/I)
the C*-convex topology on A/I induced by r g 's. Then,
is the Hausdorff completion of the C*-convex algebra (A//)[r c , ].
Since / C RA, the second claim of Lemma 18.12 asserts that R(A/I) — R{A), set-theoretically. So, adopting in the rest of the proof the notation xj — x + / , x G A, we have that the correspondence (see (18.8)) (18.23)
-+ (A/I^J'yR^j
: x + R*A - ^ s , + R*A/I
is well denned. Moreover, from (18.21) we get rq{Xl)
= sup{||/i/(a;/)|| : m €
= sup{||/i(a:)|| : \i G i? P (A)} = r p (a;),
V i e i
Thus, Lemma 18.10 yields (18.24)
fp{x + R*A) = fq{xi
+ R*A/I),
V x e A and p G T.
But the map in (18.23) is clearly a surjective *-morphism, therefore in virtue of (18.24) it becomes a topological *-isomorphism; its unique extension to the corresponding completions gives (18.22).
18.(1) m*-Convex algebras with C*-enveloping algebra Let X be a compact 2nd countable finite dimensional C°°-manifold. As it follows from (18.13) the (non-normed) topological *-algebra C°°(X) of C°°-functions on X, has its enveloping locally C*-algebra £(C°°(X)) topologically *-isomorphic to the C*-algebra C(X) of all continuous functions on X.
Topological *-algebras A[T], having their enveloping locally C*-
algebra £{A) topologically *-isomorphic to a (normed) C*-algebra, play an important role in the study of the enveloping locally C*-algebra and the structure space of a tensor product topological *-algebra (see Sections 32 and 33 in Chapter VII). S.J. Bhatt and D.J. Karia have characterized the Arens-Michael * algebras that posses enveloping locally C*-algebra topologically *-isomorphic to a C*-algebra [59, Sections 2, 3]. Their corresponding work in [59] answers a relevant question put by the author of this book in [142]. In this
Chapter IV.
Structure space of an m*'-convex algebra
Subsection we mainly present sufficient and necessary conditions (due to the afore-mentioned authors [59]) under which an m*-convex algebra with a bai admits a C*-algebra as an enveloping locally C*-algebra. 18.14 Definition. Let A[rr] be an m*-convex algebra with a bai. We say that A[rr] has a C*-enveloping algebra if its enveloping locally C*-algebra £{A) is topologically *-isomorphic to a (normed) C*-algebra. 18.15 Theorem (Bhatt-Karia). Let A[rr] be an m*-convex algebra with a bai. Then, A[rr] has a C*-enveloping algebra if and only if A[TP\ accepts maximal continuous C* -seminorm. Proof. Suppose that A[TP] has a C*-enveloping algebra.
Then, £(A),
being topologically *-isomorphic to a C*-algebra, is a Q-algebra. Hence (Theorem 6.18), there is po G F such that (18.25)
On the other hand, the topology of £(A) as a C*-algebra is, in effect, denned by the C*-norm (for the notation see (10.19)) (18.26)
||z||b := supfp(z) v
= r£{A)(z*z)^2,
z G £(A)
(cf. Proposition 8.1 and its proof). Define (18.27)
p^x) := \\x + R*A\\b, V x G A.
Then, clearly p,^ is a C*-seminorm on A. We show that p^ is maximal continuous C*-seminorm on vlfr/1]. Continuity: From (18.26), (18.25), Lemma 18.10 and (18.2) we get
(x) = r£(A)(x*x
+ R\)1'2
< fpo(x*x + RA)'/2 = rVQ{x*x)ll2 < po{x*x)ll2 < po(x),
V x G A.
Maximality: Let q be arbitrary continuous C*-seminorm on A[rr] and R'q(A) := {M e R'(A) : ||^(x)|| < q(x),\/x
e A}.
18. Enveloping locally C*-algebra of an m*-convex algebra
F r o m continuity of q t h e r e i s p G f such t h a t (see (13.13)) (18.28)
R'q(A) C R'p(A) <* R'(Aq) C # ( A P ) ,
where Ag is the C*-algebra corresponding to the completion of the preC*-algebra A[q\/Nq under the C*-norm || ||9 induced by the C*-seminorm q. Applying Proposition 18.1(3) for the C*-algebra Aq and taking into account (18.27), (18.28) and Lemma 18.10, we conclude that (18.29)
q(x) = \\x + Nq\\q = rq(x) < rp{x) = fp{x + RA) <
for all x G A; this proves maximality of p^. Conversely: Let p ^ be a continuous maximal C*-seminorm on A[17-]. Using the same arguments as before, with p^ in place of q, we find po G -T such that (see (18.29)) Poo(x) < rPo(x), for all x E A. Using again Lemma 18.10 as well as maximality of p ^ , we get fpo(x
+ R*A) = r p o ( x ) = P o o { x ) = s u p r p ( z ) = s n p f p ( x + R*A), V i e A v v
Thus, the topology induced on B = A\rc*\/R*A by the quotient C*-seminorms fp, p G F, is equivalent to the topology induced by the single C*norm given by suppfp(x
+ R*A), x G A. Hence, B is a pre-C*-algebra (up
to a topological *-isomorphism) and its completion 8(A) a C*-algebra. So J4[TP] has a C*-enveloping algebra. 18.16 Corollary (Bhatt-Karia). Every m*-convex Q-algebra A[rr\ with a bai has a C* -enveloping algebra. Proof. Since A[rr) is Q there is po G F such that (18.30)
sup limp{x n ) 1/n = rA{x) < Po{x), p
Vx G A
(for the equality, see Theorems 4.6(3) and 6.5, for the inequality, see Theorem 6.18). Let F' be the family of all continuous C*-seminorms on 2
For any q G F' one proves inductively that q(x) = qfa ™) ' ™, for any x G H{A) and n G N. Thus, using continuity of q and (18.30) we deduce q(x) < po(x), for all x G H(A). In particular, q{x) = q{x*x)1/2 < po(x*x)1/2
< p o (x), V x G A and q e F1.
Chapter IV.
Structure space of an m*—convex algebra
Denning now Poo{x)
sup{q(x) : q G F1}, x G A,
one evidently has a continuous maximal C*-seminorm on
A[T/^], SO that
Theorem 18.15, A[77-] has a C*-enveloping algebra. The converse of Corollary 18.16 is not, in general, true. That is, an m*-convex algebra (with a bai) may have a C*-enveloping algebra without being a Q-algebra (see Example 18.20). However there are conditions under which an m*-convex algebra -A^] with a bai and a C*-enveloping algebra is, in effect, a Q-algebra (cf. Proposition 18.21). We prove now Lemma 18.17 that we need for the applications that follow. A symmetric algebra is an involutive algebra A such that each of the elements x*x, x G A, has nonnegative spectrum. A symmetric topological *-algebra is a topological *-algebra, which is symmetric (see Section 21, Definition 21.1). 18.17 L e m m a (Birbas). Let A[rr] be a symmetric Frechet *-algebra. Then, the following are equivalent: (1) rA(x) < 00, for all x G H(A). (2) A[rr] is a Q-algebra. Proof. (1) => (2) Symmetry of A[rr] implies rA{x) < pA{x) := rA(x*x)1/2,
Vx € A
(see Section 22, Theorem 22.1), whence rA{x) < 00, for every x € A. In addition, from the Raikov criterion for symmetry (see Section 23, Corollary 23.11) one has (18.32)
pA(x) = sup{\\fi(x)\\ : /J, £ R'(A)} = supr p (o;),
V i e A
Recall that the quotient B =
is a C*-convex algebra with {fp},
p G F, a defining family of C*-seminorms such that fp(x + RA) = rp(x), for all x e A and p <E F (Lemma 18.10); therefore (see (18.32)) supf p (x + R*A) < 00, V i e i . p
18. Enveloping locally C* -algebra of an m*-convex algebra
Thus, from Theorem 20.12, in Section 20, there is a faithful *-representation fj, of B, such that (18.33)
\\n{x + R*A)\\ = supfp(:r + R\) = pA{x),
Now, if QC* is the natural quotient map of A[TC*] on B, the composition
A[rr] — ldA
A\TC.\ Qa*
> £(#„), fl
say fio, with /J,O(X) := fi(x + RA), for every x £ A, is a *-representation of -A[rf], which is continuous since A[rr] is Frechet (Corollary 17.2). So if, {xn)nejq is a sequence in A[rr] converging to a; £ A, (18.33) gives PA(XU)
= \\fJ-o{xn)\\ —> \\fJ.o{x)\\
Hence, PA is a continuous C*-seminorm on ^4[rr], which means that the set {x £ A : PA{X) < 1} is a 0-neighborhood in J4[TT]. This implies that A[rr] is a Q-algebra, since from (18.31) the set SA
{x £ A : TA{X) < 1}
is also a 0-neighborhood in A[rr\ (cf. Proposition 6.14(1)). (2) => (1) It is obvious. 18.18 Remarks, (i) Let A[rr] be either a commutative advertibly complete m*-convex algebra or a symmetric Arens-Michael algebra. Then, the condition "r^(a:) < oo, for every x £ H(A)" is equivalent to the condition "TA{%) < oo, for every x £ A" (see Theorem 4.6(7), respectively Proposition 21.2(2) and Theorem 22.1, in Chapter V). (ii) A variant of Lemma 18.17 in the non-involutive case concerns commutative advertibly complete m-barrelled m-convex algebras A[rr] (note that every Frechet algebra is m-barrelled), where, of course, condition (1) is replaced by "r>i(x) < oo, for every x £ A" [262, p. 105, Lemma 6.1]. (iii) In [64, Corollary 4.10], Lemma 18.17 is proved for any symmetric Arens-Michael *-algebra for which each ^-representation is continuous. (iv) Provided that every locally C*-algebra is symmetric (see (21.6)), an immediate consequence of Lemma 18.17 and Proposition 8.1 is that: Every Frechet C*-convex algebra A[rr\ with the property TA\H(A) < oo is topologically *~isomorphic to a C*-algebra. In effect, one has a stronger
Chapter IV.
Structure space of an m*-convex algebra
result than the one just registered (see Corollary 20.25), since the same result is true by replacing "Frechet" with the weaker condition of "mbarrelledness". Applying Lemma 18.17, Remarks 18.18 (i) and (ii) and Corollary 18.16, we get the following. 18.19 Corollary. Suppose that A[Tp] is an m*-convex algebra with a bai, such that TA{X) < oo, for all x £ H(A).
Then, A[rr] has a C*-enveloping
algebra in the following cases: (1) When A[rr] is symmetric and Frechet. (2) When A[rr] is commutative, advertibly complete and m-barrelled. 18.20 Example (Bhatt-Karia). As we have commented after Corollary 18.16, m*-convex algebras with C*-enveloping algebra are not necessarily Q-algebras. In fact, a unital Frechet *-algebra A[rr] is constructed that admits a C* -enveloping algebra, but cannot become a Q-algebra under any topology. Let U = {z e C : \Rez\ < 1}. The closure U of U is a locally compact space such that
U = (J Kn, with Kn = {z e U : n < \lmz\ < n + 1}, n>0
compact subsets of U, n > 0. In addition, for each compact subset K of U there is n > 0 such that K sits inside of some Kn. Thus, the topology "c" of compact convergence on C(U) will be denned by the m-seminorms || || n , n > 0, with
ll/lln := H/kJoo, V/eC c (£/). Hence, CC(U) is a unital commutative Frechet algebra. Consider now A := {/ G CC{U) : / is analytic on U}. A is a, closed subalgebra of CC(U) [331, p. 230, Theorem 10.28], so that endowed with the involution * . A —> A : / ^
/* with /*(2) := 7(1), z G !7,
18. Enveloping locally C* -algebra of an m* -convex algebra
becomes a unital commutative Frechet *-algebra. It is easily seen that the continuous characters of A are the point evaluations 5Z, z E U, such that $z(f) f(z), f° r every f E A. In particular, the hermitian characters of A are exactly those 5Z, with z G [—1,1]. Hence, (see notation in (4.32)) &(A)
= W(A)
= [-1,1],
where the first equality results from the fact that the irreducible *-representations of a commutative involutive algebra are 1-dimensional [276, Corollary (6.4)]. So considering the family of the C*-seminorms rn, n > 0, on A (see (18.1)), we have that (18.34)
s u p r n ( / ) = sup{|/(z)| : z G [-1,1]} = H/^-1,1]Hoo, V / G A.
Take now the function (also see Lemma 18.10) (18.35)
:= suprn{f)
= supfn(f
+ R*A), f £ A;
Poo is clearly a C*-seminorm on A. Moreover, p^ is continuous, since (according to our notation) we have [—1,1] C KQ C U, therefore (18.36)
< H/llo, V / G A .
Using the same arguments as in the proof of Theorem 18.15, we deduce that poo is maximal C*-seminorm on A, consequently (Theorem 18.15) A has C*-enveloping algebra. Now, applying (18.36) and the line of thoughts used in (18.29), we get fn{f + R*A) < supf n (/ + R\) < fQ(f + R*A), V n > 0 and f e A; n
this means that the topology of the quotient C*-convex algebra A[TC*\/R*A, with rc* the topology of r n 's, is defined by the single C*-norm given by s u p n f n ( / + R*A), for every / <E A. So the map (see (18.34), (18.35)) A[TC.]/K>A
— » C[-l,l]:f
+ RA ^
is a well defined topological injective *-morphism. An application of the Stone-Weierstrass theorem, gives now the topological identification £{A)=C[-l,l}.
Chapter IV.
Structure space of an m*-convex algebra
Furthermore, notice that since spA(f) 2 {/(*) : z E U}, V / e A, SPA{/),
f £ A, is not bounded. It follows that A cannot be a Q-algebra
under any topology (see Theorem 6.11 and Proposition 4.4). In the next Proposition 18.21 we see that certain conditions on an Arens-Michael *-algebra A[rr] with a C*-enveloping algebra, force A[T^] to be a Q-algebra. 18.21 Proposition (Bhatt-Karia). Suppose that A[rp] is a commutative symmetric advertibly complete m* -convex algebra with a bai and C*enveloping algebra. Then, A[rr] is a Q-algebra. Proof. Notice that Wl(A) = Wl*(A) = R'{A), where the first equality is due to the first three assumptions for A[TT] (see Chapter V, Proposition 21.6), while the second equality is just due to commutativity (Schur's lemma). On the other hand, -A[rr] having a C*-enveloping algebra admits a maximal continuous C*-seminorm (Theorem 18.15), say p^, such that Poo
{x) = sup{||^(o;)|| : \iGR ' ( A ) } = r A { x ) ,
Continuity of p^ implies now that SA neighborhood in
V x e A
{% G A : r^(x) < 1} is a 0-
consequently A[rr] is a Q-algebra ( see Proposition
6.14(1)). 18.22 Remark. In Proposition 18.21 the assumptions of "commutativity" and "symmetry" for A[rr] could have been replaced by the assumption of an "orthogonal basis (en)nefn for A[r^] consisting of self-adjoint elements" ([59, Proposition 5.3]; note that hermiticity in the preceding reference is redundant). In this case, one derives that the C*-enveloping algebra £(A) of A[rr} coincides (up to a topological *-isomorphism) with the C*-algebra Co of all null complex sequences (ibid.). By an orthogonal basis in a topological algebra A[T] one means a sequence (e n ) ne N in A[T] such that for every x & A there is a unique sequence (a«)neN of complex numbers, such that x — Y^=i
« e n and enem — 5nmen,
18. Enveloping locally C* -algebra of an m* -convex algebra
for any n,m G N, where 6nm is the Kronecker function (see, e.g., [134, 207]). Note that every topological algebra with an orthogonal basis is commutative [207, Lemma 1.1], while every advertibly complete m*-convex algebra with an orthogonal basis consisting of self-adjoint elements is symmetric [152, Proposition 6.17]. It is also notable that there are no unital Banach algebras, as well as no unital Frechet Q-algebras with an orthogonal basis. This is due to the fact that such (commutative) algebras always have compact spectrum (see, for instance, Theorem 6.11), while any topological algebra with continuous multiplication and an orthogonal basis has spectrum homeomorphic to N (cf. [134, Theorem 1.1] and [207, Theorem 2.1]). In the unital Frechet (non-Q) algebra CN (see Example 6.13(1)) the sequence (<5nm)TOeN (with Snm the Kronecker function), is an orthogonal basis with self-adjoint elements. Another topological algebra with an orthogonal basis is given by the Example 6.23(8). 18.23 Theorem (Bhatt-Karia). Let A[rr] be an m*'-convex algebra with a bai. Then, A[rp] has a C*-enveloping algebra if and only if either V{A) or B(A) is an equicontinuous subset of A'. Proof. Suppose that A[rr] has a C*-enveloping algebra. Then (see Theorem 18.15), there is a maximal continuous C*-seminorm on A[rp] such that (also see Lemma 18.10 and Proposition 18.1) Poo{x)
= sup fp(x + R*A) = suprp(x) = sup{/(x*x) 1/2 : / 6 V(A)}, x € A.
Let (a\)xeA be a bai for A[rr} and / G V(A) (or / G B(A)). Then, using Cauchy-Bunyakovskii-Schwarz inequality (Lemma 12.3, (2)), one has \f(x)\ = lim|/(a A a;)| < liin/(ai;a A ) 1 / 2 /(^ H< x) 1 / 2 A
< limpoo(aA)poo(^), V x € A. A
But our bai is bounded by 1 and p ^ is a continuous C*-seminorm, so there is a positive constant k and p G F such that \f(x)\ < kp(x), V x G A and V / G V{A) (or / G B{A))\
Chapter IV.
Structure space of an m*-convex algebra
this proves equicontinuity oiV(A) (respectively B(A)). Conversely, suppose that V(A) (or B(A)) is an equicontinuous subset in A'. Then, there is k > 0 and po E F such that \f(x)\ < kpo(x), V x e A and V / e V{A) (or V / e S(A)). Thus, Poo{x)
:= supf/Or*^) 1 / 2 : / € P(A) (or / G B{A))} < oo,V x € A;
therefore (also see Proposition 18.1(1)) the function p^ is a continuous C*-seminorm on ^[r/ 1 ]. Working as in the proof of Theorem 18.15, we also get maximality of p^. Consequently (see Theorem 18.15), ^4|rr] has a C*-enveloping algebra. 18.24 Corollary. (1) A locally C*-algebra A[TP] is a (normed) C* -algebra if and only if either V(A) or B(A) is an equicontinuous subset of A'. (2) A commutative m*-convex algebra A[rp] with a bai has a C*enveloping algebra if and only if its hermitian spectrum 9Jl*(A) is an equicontinuous subset of A'. (3) For every m*-convex Q-algebra with a bai, the set V(A) is weakly*compact. Proof. (1) It follows from Propositions 11.6, 18.1(3) and Theorem 18.23. (2) Prom Theorem 14.10 Wl*(A) = B(A), so apply Theorem 18.23. (3) From Proposition 12.15 V(A) is a weakly*-closed subset of Since A[rr] is a Q-algebra, Corollary 18.16 implies that A{rr\ has a C*enveloping algebra, therefore from Theorem 18.23 V(A) is an equicontinuous subset of A'. That V(A) is weakly*-compact is now a consequence of the Alaoglu-Bourbaki Theorem. Since for every m*-convex algebra A[rr] with a bai the set V(A) is convex (Proposition 12.15), a consequence of the Krein-Mil'man theorem and Corollary 18.24(3) is that for every m*-convex Q-algebra A[rr] with a bai, the set V(A) is the closed convex hull of its extreme points; namely, V(A) = co(B(A)u{0}); but this is a result we have already seen without assuming property Q (see Proposition 12.20). It can be done simply by using weak*-compactness of
18. Enveloping locally C* -algebra of an m* -convex algebra
the copies VP(A) of V(A) and the Krein-Mil'man theorem for the (topological) dual A'p of the Banach algebra Ap, p G F, belonging to the ArensMichael analysis of A[T/^] (see proof of Proposition 12.20). We discuss some further examples of m*-convex algebras with C*— enveloping algebra. S.J. Bhatt and D.J. Karia [59] have used constructions analogous to that of the Arens algebra Lw[0,1] (see [19] and (i) before Definition 2.2) to get topological *-algebras with C*-enveloping algebra. 18.25 Examples ([59, Sections 3, 5]). (1) Let C[0,1] be the C*-algebra of all continuous functions on [0,1]. If / G C[0,1], / ' denotes the first derivative of / , whenever it exists. Let (see, for instance, [327, p. 303]) ACp{0,1] := {/ e C[0,1] : / ' exists and / ' G Lp{0,1]}, p > 1. Under the norm
11/11 == ll/lloo + (J o \f'(t)\pdtj
, V / G ACp[0,1], p > 1,
the unital commutative involutive algebra ACp[0,1] becomes a Banach *algebra such that (ibid.) Wl(ACp[0,1]) = [0,1] = m*(ACp{0,1]),
p > 1,
up to homeomorphisms. As in the case of the Arens algebra £^[0,1], let ACw[0,1] :=
ACp[0,l} = \hnACp[0,l}
/ r\
|/IP := ll/lloo + (J o \f'(t)\pdtj
, 1 < p < oo, V / G AC"{0,1].
AC^O, 1] endowed with the m*-seminorms | | p , 1 < p < oo, becomes a unital Frechet *~algebra with (also see (4.33)) (18.37)
aJt(ACw[0,1]) = [0,1] = m*(AC"[0,1]),
up to homeomorphisms. It follows easily that 9Tt*(ACu[0,1]) is equicontinuous, so that ACw[0,1] has a C*-enveloping algebra according to Corollary 18.24, (2). Furthermore, (by commutativity)
Chapter IV.
Structure space of an m*—convex algebra
therefore (see (18.37) and Definition 18.2) ACW[0,1] is *-semisimple. So, one has up to a topological ^-isomorphism, that
^(ACw[0,l]) = C[0,l]. On the other hand, (18.37) yields that ACW[0,1] is symmetric (see Proposition 21.6, in Section 21), hence from Proposition 18.21 we conclude that ACW[0,1] is aQ-algebra. If instead of the Banach *-algebras ACP[O,1], p > 1, one considers the Banach *-algebras corresponding to the Sobolev spaces Wp,fe[0,1] := {/ G C^-^IO, 1] : / ^ " ^ is absolutely continuous on [0,1] and /<*) e Lp[0,1]}, p > 1, k e N, an analogous construction as before, gives a sequence of Frechet Q—*— algebras W£
!) = l™ WPife[0,1], fc e N,
with a C*-enveloping algebra [59, p. 210]. (2) Consider the closed unit disc P in C and denote by U the corresponding open unit disc; that is, U = {z 6 C : \z\ < 1}. Let H(U) be the algebra of analytic functions on U and An(B>) := {/ G H(U) : f^
has continuous extension on
for all k with 0 < k < n}, n = 0,1,2,... An(I])) is clearly a subalgebra of the Banach algebra C^n'(D) of all n-times continuously differentiable functions on B (see, for instance, Examples 2.4 (1) and (2)). Define involution on An(B) by An(B)
—> A"(D) : / i—> f* with /*(*) := f(z),
Endow A n (D) with the relative topology from C^n^(B); namely, consider the m*-norm (also see (2.12))
H/ll(") := E h sup{l/ ( f e ) W l : z G B } , / G A n ( B ) , n = 0 , 1 , 2 , . . . . fc=0
18. Enveloping locally C*—algebra of an m* -convex algebra
Then, A n (D) is a closed *-subalgebra of C(n)(D), therefore a Banach *algebra. In particular, m{An{B))
= D D [-1,1] = <m*(An(B)), n = 0,1, 2 , . . .
up to homeomorphisms. Define now oo
AW(D) := P | An(B) = limA n (D), n = 0,1,2,... and equip AU(1S>) with the sequence of the m*-norms || ||(n), n = 0,1,2,..., denned above. Then, (18.38)
<m(Aw(B)) = DD [-1,1] = W(A W (D)) = /J'(AW(D)),
and clearly Wl*(Au(B)) is equicontinuous. Therefore (Corollary 18.24(2)), AW(1S>) has a C*-enveloping algebra. As in the case of Example 18.20, one proves that 5(A W (D))=C[-1,1] up to a topological *-isomorphism. Note that from (18.38) AU(H) is not symmetric (see Section 21, Proposition 21.6), while sft4"(B)(/) = /(©), / ^ AW(D), so that each element of A^CR}) has finite spectral radius. In addition, SA«(B)
= {fe
: rAu,m(f)
< 1} =
(where "o" means polar). Thus, S^(p) is an m-barrel in the Frechet algebra J4 W (D), hence a 0-neighborhood. Proposition 6.14(1) implies now that AW(D) is a Q-algebra. (3) Consider the C*-algebra Cft(R) of all continuous bounded functions on R. Let A = BViocCb(R) := {/ e Cb(R) : / is of bounded variation on each [—n, n], n £ N}. For every n G N define
Chapter IV.
Structure space of an m*-convex algebra
where Vn(f) denotes the total variation of / on [—n,n], n e N (see, for instance, [327, p. 302, A.2.5]). Endow A with the involution denned by the complex conjugate and with the sequence of the TO*-seminorms pn, n e N , denned before. Then, A becomes a unital commutative Frechet C*-convex algebra (equivalently a unital commutative Frechet locally C*-algebra). For the completeness the reader is referred to [67, proof of Theorem 2]. Furthermore, /3K = OT(C6(R)) ^ SDT(A), where /?R is the Stone-Cech compactification of M; equality means homeomorphism, while "<—>" means continuous injection. To prove that the injective correspondence PR —> Tl(A)
: x ^ 5
with Sx(f)
:= f(x),
V / G A,
is surjective, just use standard techniques and observe that whenever f G A has the property \f(x)\ > S > 0, for all z 6 R, then 1 / / belongs to A. Now, since 3Jt(A) is Hausdorff and /3R compact, one finally gets dJt(A) = P&, up to a homeomorphism. In particular, -R'(A) = 97l*(A) = 971(^4), so it follows that A is *-semisimple and Q (Q-property is proved exactly as in (2)). Corollary 18.16 yields that A has a C*-enveloping algebra. More precisely, one has £(A) = C(I3R) = Cb(R), with respect to a topological *-isomorphism. For more complicated examples of topological algebras consisting of functions of bounded variation, see [66] and [67]. For further examples of m*-convex algebras with C*-enveloping algebra, see [59]. We close Subsection 18.(1) with the observation that a closed *-subalgebra B of an m*-convex algebra A\rr\ with a bai and C*-enveloping algebra, such that B contains the bai of A\rr\, does not necessarily have C* -enveloping algebra. This is established by the following. 18.26 Example ([59, Example 2.13]). Consider the locally C*-algebra A = Ccc[0,1] of the Example 7.6(4) consisting of all continuous functions on [0,1], under the topology "cc" of uniform convergence on the countable
18. Enveloping locally C* -algebra of an m*-convex algebra
compact subsets of [0,1]. Let B :— A x A. Endow B with algebraic operations denned coordinatewise, the product topology and the involution (/, 9)*
(*, /*), V (/, g) 6 B, where
) := /(*), V ^ [ 0 , 1 ] .
Then, B is a (non-normed) unital Arens-Michael *-algebra with only zero positive linear forms. To see the last property, let h be a positive linear form of B (note that A has an abundance of continuous positive linear forms). Then,
(18.39) h((f,g)*(f,g)) = h(g*f,rg) = h1(g*f) + h2(rg), (f,g) € B, where hi, /12 are positive linear forms on A with hi(f)
M/,0) and h2{g) := MO,g), V / , g G A.
A consequence of Cauchy-Bunyakovskii-Schwarz inequality (Lemma 12.3(2)) is that hi{g*f) = 0 = h2(f*g), for all f,g e A, therefore (see (18.39)) h((f,g)*(f,g)) = 0, V(/,j)€B. But (cf. Corollary 12.4(2)), \h(f,g)\2 < h(lB)h((f,gy(f,g)),
V (f,g) G B,
where 1# is the identity of B. Hence h = 0. It follows that £(£ ) = {0}, the trivial C*-algebra. Consider now the closed *-subalgebra D of B with D : = { ( / , / ) G B : / G A}. Z) is clearly topologically *-isomorphic to A. Thus, £(D) = A = Ccc[0,l}, where Ccc[0,1] is not a (normed) C*-algebra, since it is not a Q-algebra (see Remark (i) in Example 7.6(4)). So, D is a closed *-subalgebra of a unital Arens-Michael *-algebra B, with 1B G D, where B has a (trivial) C*-enveloping algebra, while D admits a big (non-normed) enveloping locally C* -algebra.
Chapter IV.
Structure space of an m*-convex algebra
Structure space of a locally C*—algebra
A basic tool for the study of the structure space of a locally C*-algebra Ajrr] is the Kadison transitivity theorem in the setting of (non-normed) topological *-algebras, according to which the algebraically irreducible *representations of A[rp] coincide with its topologically irreducible ^ r e p resentations (Theorem 19.2). Thus, given a locally G*-algebra A[rf], one defines a new topology r e (also see discussion after (14.17)) on the structure space 1Z(A) of A[rr] induced by the Jacobson (hull-kernel) topology of the set of primitive ideals of A [77-]. Under this topology the GiV S-map 5A (see (14.17)) becomes continuous and open (Theorem 19.6); as a consequence, the topologies r e , r$ coincide on TZ(A) (ibid.). Applying these results to the enveloping locally G*-algebra 8 (A) of a given m*-convex algebra A[rr] with a bai, one gets the openess of the GiV S-map 5A (see Theorem 19.7). Let A[T/^] be an m-convex algebra. By the term extended seminorm is meant an extended real-valued function which is a seminorm on the subspace it takes finite values. An extended seminorm q on A is called lower semicontinuous if the set {x G A : q(x) < 1} is closed in A[rr] [118]. 19.1 Lemma (Dixon-Fremlin). Every positive linear form f on a unital Arens-Michael * -algebra A[TP] is bounded, in the sense that the image, under f, of a bounded subset of A[TP\, is bounded. Proof. Suppose / is unbounded. Then, we can find a bounded sequence, say (x n ) n€ N, in A[rr] such that (/(zn))ri€N is unbounded in C. That the sequence (xn)n(z^ is bounded, means that for every p G F, the set {p(xn),n e N} is bounded in M+. Let m G N and rm := {p e r : p{xn) < m, V n 6 N}. Considering qm(x) := swp{p(x) : p e rm}, x e A, m G N, we get a countable family of extended m*-seminorms which are clearly lower semicontinuous. Thus, using Garling's Completeness Theorem [394, p. 77, Theorem 1.1] we conclude that the subspace Ao := {x G A : qm(x) < 00, m G N}
19. Structure space of a locally C*—algebra
is complete in the topology TQ induced by the family F U {qm, m G N} of m*-seminorms on AQ. It is readily verified that TQ is equivalent to the topology induced by the m*-seminorms {qm,m G N} alone. Hence, Ao[ro] is a unital Frechet *-algebra. From the above, (£n)neN is a sequence in AQ is a bounded sequence with qm(xn) < m, for every n G N; that is (xn)n^ in -Aofo]) but the sequence (f(xn))n&^, is unbounded in C and this is a contradiction, since / is continuous on AO[TO] (Theorem 15.5). Theorem 19.2 below is, in effect, a corollary of a more general result of S.J. Bhatt and D.J. Karia stated in [59, Theorem 4.7,(3)]. More precisely, a Kadison transitivity theorem for locally C*-algebras has been established by the afore-mentioned authors, asserting that any topologically irreducible "a priori" unbounded ^--representation of a locally C* -algebra is algebraically irreducible (an "unbounded" *-representation fi acts (only) on a dense subspace of a Hilbert space H^; see, for example, [128, 211, 340]). But a consequence of the algebraic irreducibility is the boundedness of the *-representation. This follows from an earlier result of S.J. Bhatt according to which an algebraically irreducible "unbounded" *-representation of a symmetric *™algebra (hence, a fortiori, of a locally C*-algebra (see (21.6)) turns out to be bounded [46, Theorem 1]. 19.2 Theorem (Kadison transitivity). A *-representation \i of a locally C*-algebra A[rr] is topologically irreducible if and only if it is algebraically irreducible. Proof. It suffices to prove the "only if" part. Without loss of generality we may suppose that A[T^] is unital, since: (i) The unitization -Ai[ri] of A[rp] is also a locally C*-algebra (see Subsection 3.(3) and Theorem 8.3) (ii) Each topologically irreducible *-representation [i of A[rr] extends to a topologically irreducible *-representation n\ oi A\\TI\ such that /xi (x, A) := n(x) + \idHll, V (x, A) G Ai. (iii) An algebraically irreducible *-representation fj, of A\ restricts to an algebraically irreducible *~representation JJ,\A of A[rr] such that (/U|A)I = ji.
Chapter IV.
Structure space of an m*—convex algebra
Consider now the bounded part Af, of A[rr], which is a unital dense C*subalgebra of A[rr] (cf. (10.18) and Theorem 10.23). Let fj, be a topologically irreducible *-representation of A[rr] and a = fi\Ab- Using a technique applied in [59, p. 78], we prove that a is topologically irreducible. Let M be a closed linear subspace of H^, such that a{Ab){M)CM.
We show that fj,(A)(M) C M which contradicts the topological irreducibility of /J,; therefore (19.1) cannot be true. Let x be arbitrary in A. Then, (Theorem 10.23) there is a sequence xn = x(e -\ xn —> x. We show that (19.2)
iM(xn)(0 ^
G Af,, with
V £ e M,
whence because of (19.1) and the fact that M is closed one concludes that fj.(z)(£) G M, for every £ G M. Indeed: Using (13.17), we have
||/i(z n )(0 - MW(OH2 = \M*n - S)(OH2 = Ud(*n - ^)'(^n " x)), where (cf. 10.22) (x n — x)*(xn — x) = —(e -]—x*a;)
(x*x) (e H—x*x)
, n £ N.
Set, /i n = (e + -x*x)~ 1 (x*x) 3 (e + - x * ^ ) " 1 , n G N n n and note that e H—x*x > e > 0, therefore (e H—x*x) < e and for any n ^ n ' p e r , p((e + -x*x)~1) < p(e) (see Theorem 10.15 and Corollary 10.18 (6) and (2)). Thus, P{K) < P{e)2p(xf, V p£ r and n G N; namely, the sequence (hn), n € N, is bounded in A[rr]. It follows now from the above that
IIM*n)(0 ~ rtx)(0\\ = l(Udhn))1/2,
V n e N and ^ G M,
19. Structure space of a locally C* -algebra where (f^,^(hn))n€^ sequently,
is a bounded sequence according to Lemma 19.1. Con-
> 0, V C e M and n(A)(M) C M, n—>oo
which is a contradiction. Thus, (19.1) cannot be true for any closed linear subspaces M of H^, save M = {0} and M — H^; so, a is topologically irreducible. But, A& is a (normed) C*-algebra, so the Kadison transitivity theorem for C*-algebras [111, Corollary 2.8.4] implies that a is algebraically irreducible, whence one gets that fi is algebraically irreducible too. Given an algebra A, an ideal 7 of A is called primitive if it is the kernel of an algebraically irreducible representation of A in a vector space (see Definition 4.21). Denote by Prim(A) the set of all primitive ideals of A. Take now a locally C*-algebra A[rp]. Endow the corresponding set Prim(A) of A[r/-] with the Jacobson (equivalently (hull-kernel)) topology (see, for instance, [111, p. 69, 3.1]). For any topologically irreducible *representations pi, p of Afr/1] with \x ~ p (see Definition 14.3), we have ker(/i) = ker(/o), where ker(/z) 6 Prim(A) in virtue of Theorem 19.2. Thus, considering the structure space 1Z(A) of A[r^] (see (14.16)), the map e : 1l{A) —> Prim(A) : \fi] —> ker(/z), is well defined. Denote by r e the initial topology on 7£(A) induced by e from the Jacobson topology of Prim(A). If T is a subset of Prim(A), the set I{T)
= n{S
is an ideal of A[rr] and the closure T of T in Prim (A) with respect to the Jacobson topology is defined by T :={J S Prim(A) : J D I{T)} [111, p. 70]. In particular, a subset T of Prim(A) is closed if and only if it consists of all primitive ideals J containing a fixed subset of A[rr] (ibid., p. 70, 3.1.2).
Chapter IV.
Structure space of an m*-convex algebra
Recall now that a topological space X is called T^-space if for any x, y G X with x ^ y there is a neighborhood U of one of them that does not contain the other. 19.3 Proposition. Let A[rr] be a locally C*-algebra. Then, (1) A Te-closed subset F oflZ(A) is of the form {[/i] 6 U(A) : ker(/i) 2 I(e(F))} = {[/x] G K(A) : MI/( 6 (F)) = 0, /X G [/Z]}, w/iere /(e(F)) = n{ker(/i) : [/x] e F}. (2) ^4 r£-open subset G ofTZ(A) is of the form G = {[/x] G 7e(A) : /(e(CG)) 2 ker(/z), ix G [/Z]}, where CG denotes the complement of G in 1Z(A). (3) 7£(A)[r£] = Im(e), up to o homeomorphism, if and only ifH(A)
a TQ-space. Proof. It follows from the very definitions and the fact that Prim(A) is a To-space [111, 3.1.3, Proposition]. From Corollary 17.2 every *-representation of a Frechet locally convex *-algebra is continuous, so that a consequence of Proposition 19.3(3) is the following. 19.4 Corollary. Let A\TP\ be a Frechet C*-convex algebra. Then, (1) F C TZ(A) is r£-closed A[rr],
if and only if there is a closed ideal I in
such that F = {[/j] <E TZ(A) : ker(/x) DI,
(2) G C 'R-(A) is Te-open
fie \p]}.
if and only if there is a closed ideal I in A[rr]
such that G - { M e TZ(A) : ker(/x) ~£ I, fie [pi]}. (3) 7?.(A)[r£] = Prim(A) up to a homeomorphism if and only ifiZ(A) is a To-space. Consider now a locally C*-algebra A[rr], [fj] e TZ(A) and F C TZ(A). Let a e [fi], 0 ^ ^ G ifM and £a e Ha the image of £ under the isometric isomorphism of H^ on Ha (see Definition 14.3). Let
19. Structure space of a locally C* -algebra
^ , « e B(A) : 0 ^ C e ^ }
and P := U{P[a] : [a] e F}.
19.5 Lemma. Wii/i f/ie notation fixed above we have that the following statements are equivalent: (1) [/x] G F T E (r£-closure of F). (2) ker(/i) 2 /(e(F)) := n{ker(a) : [a] e F } . (3) P M C P s (s-closure of P in A^). Proof. (1) => (2) It is easily seen that I(e(F)) = I{e{FT')) = I(e(F)), whence we deduce the equivalence of (1) and (2). (2) => (3) Note that for any a G [/x] e Tl(A) we have ||
k e r ^ ) D n{ker(a p ) : [ap] € -F(Ap)}.
Furthermore, let f^^ € P[M]. There is a common p € -T such that M G ftP(A) = 7i(^p) and /Mi? G BP{A) = B(AP).
Chapter IV.
Structure space of an m*—convex algebra
Let [fj,p], f^e be the associated to [JJ], respectively f^g, elements of TZ(Ap) respectively B(AP). We readily verify that fp c = ffj,p,£- Thus, in view of (19.3), Theorem 3.4.10 in [111] implies that
f»P,dxp) = Km/£,,£*fcp)' xp e Ap, where (/* ^CT)<5ez\ is a net in \j{P[ap] : [ap] G F(AP)}. Therefore,
f^(x) = limflia(x), xeA,
with (f*£a)seA a net in P. (3) =^ (2) Note that x G I(e(F)) implies fa
8A : B(A) —> ^(A)[r £ ] : / ^
8A(f) := [M/]
(see (14.17)) is continuous and open. In addition, the (initial) topology r£ coincides with the (final) topology T$ on 7Z(A). Proof. Let F be a r£-closed subset of 7Z(A) and G = 5^l(F). We must show that G = G (according to the notation of Lemma 19.5). So let / G Gs. Then, from Lemma 19.5 [fifl G FT
^ 1 (C^) = C^ 1 (F)cCt/. Let [/x] = 5A(f) € V with / G £7. Then, / £ Cf/ = CfT, therefore / ^ (5^1(CF) , which according to Lemma 19.5 means [fj] £ CV . Hence,
M e C ^ ) = C(Cv) = 1/, with F the interior of V. So, V C V" and finally V = V, which proves r e -openess of V. Now, the definition of T$ (see comments after (14.17)) together with continuity and openess of (19.5) give respectively Te -< T~S -< re, whence r£ — T$ on H(A).
19. Structure space of a locally C* -algebra
An interesting result, useful for the applications, is the openess of 5A for more general topological *-algebras than locally C*-algebras. According to the following Theorem 19.7, this is attained for an m*-convex algebra A[Tp] with bai, having B(£(A)) locally equicontinuous. In fact, this result is a consequence of Theorem 19.6 applied for the enveloping locally C*~ algebra to which the representation theory of the initial algebra is reduced (Theorem 18.8). 19.7 Theorem. Let A[rr] be an m*-convex algebra with a bai. Let £(A) be the enveloping locally C* -algebra of A[rr] such that B(£(A)) is locally equicontinuous. Then, the (continuous) GNS-map 6A : B(A) —* n(A)[rs} : / — 5A(f) := [M/] is open. Proof. According to the proof of Theorem 18.8, the maps (3 : B{A)
:/ —
r : TZ(A)
- ^
: [/x] ^
= g : g{x + TVA) : = f(x),
r ( M ) = p£ : fi£(x
x e A and
+ TZ*A) := fi(x),
are homeomorphisms such that r o i ^ = 8Aoj3. The assertion now follows from the fact that SS^A) &{£{A)) —> TZ(£(A))[TE — T$] is open by Theorem 19.6. 19.8 Corollary. Let A[Tr] be an m*-convex algebra with bai and C*enveloping algebra. Then, the GNS-map 5A : B{A)
:f ^
:= [fif]
is open. Proof. From hypothesis the enveloping locally C*-algebra £ (A) of A[TT] is topologically *-isomorphic to a C*-algebra, say AQ. But then, V{AQ) is weakly*-compact [111, Proposition 2.5.5, (i)], therefore equicontinuous, so that the same is also true for B(AQ). This implies equicontinuity, hence local equicontinuity for B(£(A)). The assertion now follows from Theorem 19.7.
Chapter IV.
Structure space of an m*-convex algebra
Existence of faithful *-representations We have already seen in Subsection 14.(2) some results, either purely
algebraic (Proposition 14.25) or topological (Proposition 14.23), referred to the existence of ^-representations and therefore, naturally, to the existence of positive linear forms. Thus (ibid.), every C*-convex algebra (being topologically *-embedded in an inverse limit of C*-algebras) possesses continuous ^-representations and therefore continuous positive linear forms. In this Section we prove that all C*-convex algebras are *-semisimple (Proposition 20.1); under this "nice" property, they acquire an even nicer property, that of accepting enough continuous topologically irreducible * representations to separate their points (Corollary 20.4). In general, * semisimplicity makes certain involutive topological algebras to accept faithful ^-representations, coming in this way close to operator algebras (Theorem 20.6). Those topological *-algebras that become, in fact, operator algebras are certain C*-convex algebras, that under some "spectral conditions" (see, for instance, (20.3)) admit "rich" faithful ^representations (cf., for example, Theorem 20.12). These spectral conditions are related to the property Q that has the same (strong) effect (see Proposition 8.1) on a C*-convex algebra (Theorem 20.19). The present Section ends with some more general structure theorems forcing a topological algebra to become a normed algebra (Theorem 20.20). 20.1 Proposition. Every C*-convex algebra A[rr] is *-semisimple. Proof. The completion A[T~\ of A[Tr] is a locally C*-algebra, hence it possesses a bai (Theorem 11.5). Also,
coincides with its enveloping
locally C*-algebra (cf. Definition 18.6 and Proposition 18.1(3)). So the canonical enveloping map QS of A[rp] is 1 — 1; this amounts to the *semisimplicity of A[r^] (Proposition 18.7), hence to that of A[TT] too. 20.2 Definition. We say that an involutive topological algebra A[T] admits a complete system of continuous topologically irreducible * -representations, if for every 0 ^ x € A there is /x £ TZ'(A) such that /J.(x) ^ 0. A direct consequence of Definitions 20.2 and 18.2 is the following.
Existence of faithful *—representations
20.3 Theorem. Let A[T] be an involutive topological algebra. The following statements are equivalent: (1) A[T] is *-semisimple. (2) A[T] admits a complete system of continuous topologically irreducible * -representations. Combining Proposition 20.1 with Theorem 20.3 we conclude: 20.4 Corollary. Every C*-convex algebra has enough continuous topologically irreducible *-representations to separate its points. Another immediate implication of Proposition 20.1 and Remark 14.9(1) is the following. 20.5 Corollary. A C* -convex algebra (hence "a fortiori" a locally C*algebra) A[rr] is commutative if and only if the GNS-map 5A is injective. We have seen that continuous faithful (see Definition 16.6) *-representations force involution to be continuous on certain locally convex algebras (see Corollary 16.7). The next result provides sufficient conditions under which one gets continuous faithful ^representations. 20.6 Theorem. Let A[rr] be an involutive *-semisimple Arens-Michael algebra with rA\ii(A) < °°- Then, one has the following: (1) A[rr] accepts a faithful *-representation /i. (2) When A[rr] is moreover m-barrelled, [i becomes continuous. Proof. By Theorem 20.3 A[T/^] has a complete system of continuous topologically irreducible ^-representations; namely, V
R'{A) : fj,x(x) + 0.
Let Hx be the Hilbert space on which \xx acts, x £ A\{0}. @
Let H =
Hx (orthogonal direct sum of Hx, x £ A\{0}) and z arbitrary in A.
The relation Tz(0
(M*)(£*)), with £ = (&) £ H,
Chapter IV.
Structure space of an m*-convex algebra
defines a linear operator on H. We show that Tz, z G A, is bounded. Let 0^£xeHx and
It is readily verified that fx is a continuous positive linear form on A with
fx{z*) = Jxjz) and \fx(z)\2 < Mx\\2fx(z*z),
V z G A.
Hence, (Proposition 12.21) fx is extended to a continuous positive linear form / Xj i on the unitization
of A[rr] such that
I2, V (z, A) G Ai and fx i(0,1) = ||£ x || 2 . Now, since r ^ z , A) = ^ ( z ) + |A|, for all (x, A) G ^4i, the involutive Arens-Michael algebra Ai[ri] (see Proposition 3.11) fulfils also the condition rAx\H{Al) < oo. Thus, (Corollary 12.12(2)) \fx,\(z,\)\
< / x ,i(ei)r^ 1 ((z,A)*(z,A)) 1/2 , V (z, A) G A i ; consequently
This clearly implies that the operator Tz is bounded, so the map li : A—* C{H) : z ^
/z(z) := Tzz,
is well defined and provides A[T^] with a faithful ^-representation. (2) Suppose A[rr] is moreover m-barrelled (see Definition 2.1). We show that fi is continuous. According to Theorem 17.1, it suffices to prove that for every £ G H the positive linear forms (20.1)
are continuous. Note that the pre-Hilbert space HQ :=
Y2 Hx (algex€A\{0}
braic direct sum of Hx, x G A\{0}) is dense in H. In addition, the inner product in H, as well as the operators Tz, z G A, are continuous; so continuity of the positive linear forms in (20.1) reduces to continuity of the positive linear forms f^^0 with £o € HQ. Let O ^ ( o =
X) ix ^ HQ; x€A\{0}
20. Existence of faithful *-representations
only a finite number of £x's, x G A\{0}, are nonzero in the preceding sum. Thus, an easy computation shows that
I W * ) | = I < MW(£OUO > I < ll^oll2 Y, II^WH ^ k\\S°\\M*), VzeA, finite
where k is the number of the nonzero components of £o and p is a seminorm in F, that sits above the k seminorms px £ F with ||/Lis(z)|| < px(z),
every z £ A. This completes the proof of (2). 20.7 Remark. It is known (see, e.g., [121, (39.1) Proposition]) that: A C*-seminorm p on an involutive algebra A defines a *(20.2)
representation \i on A, such that ||/i(a;)|| = p(x), for every x G A and vice versa.
You have just to pass to the Hausdorff completion of A\p}; that is the C*-algebra B, completion of the pre-C*-algebra A\p]/Np, Np = ker(p) (under the induced by p C*-norm). Then, consider the Gel'fand-Naimark isometric *-representation of B. Often topological properties of involutive topological algebras provide C*-seminorms and thus ^representations of the underlying involutive algebra. Such a case is described in the following proposition, where, in addition, one gets the result of Theorem 20.6(1) by assuming no-completeness. For further information, see [63, pp. 127-131]. 20.8 Proposition (Birbas). Let A[rr] be an involutive *~semisimple mconvex algebra such that
< °°-
Then, A\rp\ accepts a faithful
*-representation. Proof. We prove that sup{||/x(a;)|| : fi G R'(A)} < oo, for every x G A. Note that for each JJL G R'{A) the function x i— ||/x(x)|| : A —> R + is a (continuous) C*-seminorm on
therefore (see Section 22, Proposition
22.14 and comments after it)
\\v{x)\\ < PA{X) := rA(x*x)1/2
< oo, V x G A and \x £ R'{A),
so clearly sup{||ju(x)|| : n £ R'(A)} < oo, for all x £ A. Let now 7A(x) := sup{||^(a;)|| : fi G R'{A)}, x £ A;
Chapter IV.
Structure space of an m*-convex algebra
7/t is a C*-seminorm on A[rp] and, in particular, a norm since j4(Yr] is *-semisimple (see Definition 18.2). From the preceding discussion, A[rr] accepts a ^-representation, say
< OO. //, additionally, the underlying locally
convex space, say E, of A[rr] satisfies one of the following properties: (1) E is B-complete and barrelled; (2) E is Frechet; (3) E is an CF-space [235, p. 223, 5]; Then, the involution of A[rr\ is continuous. Proof. Apply Theorem 20.6 together with Corollary 16.7, taking into account that: £jF-spaces and Frechet spaces are barrelled; Frechet spaces are B-complete; barrelled locally convex algebras are m-barrelled; and in all three cases the pair (A[rr], A[rr]) is a closed graph pair according to [198, p. 301, Theorem 4] and [303, p. 22, Corollary 1.2.20, (ii)]. 20.11 Remarks, (i) Concerning Theorem 20.6 and Corollary 20.9 in the case of a sequentially complete m*-convex Q-algebra, see [204, Theorem 6, (iii)]. (ii) Concerning (2) of Theorem 20.6, note that \i is continuous, if moreover A[r^] is either Frechet Q (Theorem 17.7) or Q with continuous involution (see Corollary 20.28, below). Of course, in both of these cases, the condition urA\fi(A) < °°" becomes (automatically) redundant (see Theorem 6.11(3)). In the first case, a variant of Corollary 20.10 reads as follows: In a involutive *-semisimple Frechet Q-algebra, the involution is (automatically) continuous. In this regard, also see Theorem 28.12(2). (iii) Applying Theorem 20.6 in the case of a Frechet C*-convex algebra A[rr] with TA\H(A)
< °°;
clearly get a continuous faithful He-
representation \i for A[rr] (every Frechet algebra is m-barrelled) that, in
20. Existence of faithful ^-representations
effect, is a topological injective *-morphism, since algebras of this kind turn out to be C*-algebras (see Remark 18.18(iv)). In general, posing on a C*-convex algebra A[rr] the slightly weaker condition "suppp(x) < oo, for every x £ H(A)V than that of Theorem 20.6 (see Proposition 20.17(1) and Corollary 20.16) and using the fact that -A[TT] has automatically continuous involution (cf., for instance, Theorem 7.2), we may construct a faithful *-representation on A[TJ-], by just using (as in Theorem 20.6) the complete system of the continuous topologically irreducible *-representations fix, x G A\{0}, that A[TP] accepts (Corollary 20.4). Under the same "weaker" condition on ^[T/ 1 ], but with the isometric ^representations available for the C*-algebras Ap, p G F (of the Arens-Michael analysis of ^[r/ 1 ]), in place of /J,X, x G A\{0}, one constructs another faithful *-representation fi on A[r^], which additionally has a continuous inverse (also see Theorem 20.12, below). Thus, any condition resulting continuity for this *-representation, makes it a topological injective *-morphism and so A[rr] becomes "a posteriori" a pre-C*-algebra. It is evident from the above that the conditions < oo" and "supp(x) < oo, V x G H(A)n v are, indeed, very strong for certain C*-convex algebras, like the Q-property for any C*-convex algebra (see Proposition 8.1). In Subsection 20.(1), we compare these two conditions with property Q (Theorem 20.19) and give examples separating the classes of topological algebras with these properties from the class of Q-algebras (see Examples 20.18). Furthermore, note that in a C*-convex algebra A[rr] the conditions (20.3)
"supp(x) < oo, V x G H(A)", p
"supp(x) < oo, V x G A" p
are equivalent due to the C*-property of the seminorms p G F. An m-convex algebra A[TT] with the property suppp(x) < oo, for every x 6 A, is called ssb-algebra; (cf. discussion before (20.10)). In other words, an ssb-algebra is an m-convex algebra A[rr] that coincides algebraically with its bounded part (see (10.18)).
Chapter IV.
Structure space of an m*-convex algebra
20.12 T h e o r e m . Suppose that A[rr] is a C* -convex suppp(x)
< oo, for every x E H(A).
algebra such that
Then, A[rr] admits a faithful * -
/x with continuous inverse and the property
||/i(a;)|| = ||x|| 6 := supp(z), v
If, in addition, A[TP] is an m-barrelled A[rp] topologically *-isomorphic
V i e A
algebra, /x becomes continuous and
to a *-subalgebra of £(H), where H is the
Hilbert space on which /x acts. Proof. According to the preceding discussion
coincides algebraically
with its bounded part Af,, which under the C*-norm || \\b is a pre-C*algebra. So (also see (20.2)), the first part of the theorem is proved. When
is moreover m-barrelled, continuity of \i is shown exactly
as in Theorem 20.6. The last claim of the theorem follows now from the fact that fj, is a topological injective *-morphism. An injective *-morphism between a C*-algebra and an involutive normed algebra always has a continuous inverse (on the image) (see, for example, [111, Proposition 1.8.1]). Such an instance in the more general setting of topological *-algebras occurs when, for instance,
is a locally C*-
algebra with rA\H{A) < °° (equivalently sup p p(x) < oo, for each x G H(A) (see Corollary 20.16 below and comments before Theorem 20.12)),
is an m*-convex algebra and /x : ^[TA] —> B[TB] an injective *-morphism such that Im(/x) is a Q-*~subalgebra of B[TB] (cf. [150, Theorem 3.9]). In this regard, also see [53, Section 2] 20.13 Corollary. An m-barrelled C* -convex algebra (respectively an mbarrelled locally C*-algebra or a Frechet C*-convex algebra)
that suppp(a;) < oo, for every x E H(A), is topologically *-isomorphic to a pre-C* -algebra (respectively to a C*-algebra). Compare Corollary 20.13 with Proposition 8.1 and in this aspect, also see Theorem 20.19.
20. Existence of faithful ^-representations
20.14 Scholium. Theorem 20.12 may be considered as a GePfand-Naimark type theorem for C*-convex algebras (in this regard, also see Subsection 8.(1) and Section 9). G. Lassner applying to locally C*-algebras topological methods developed for the study of unbounded operator *-algebras [240], proved in [241,
Theorems 1 and 3] that a unital barrelled Q locally C*-algebra A[TP] is topologically *-isomorphic to a closed *-subalgebra of some C(H), H a Hilbert space. Theorem 20.12 shows that identity and completeness are superfluous assumptions in Lassner's result, while the assumptions of "barrelledness and Q" can be replaced by the weaker assumptions of "m-barrelledness and suppp(x) < oo, for every x G H(A)" respectively. In this way, the proof of Theorem 20.12 appears quite simple, in comparison to that of G. Lassner. On the other hand, comparing Lassner's result with that of Proposition 8.1, we see that identity, completeness and barrelledness are redundant hypotheses in his result. In the following Subsection 20.(1) we comment (as we have already promised) on the relationship of the property Q with the two properties in (20.3). In Subsection 20.(2) we present some more general conditions under which a topological (*—) algebra becomes a normed (*-) algebra.
20.(1) Spectrally bounded algebras In every Q-algebra A[T] all elements have finite spectral radius (Theorem 6.11(3)); namely, (20.5)
rA{x) < oo, V i e A .
In this Subsection we introduce the terms spectrally bounded algebra (abbreviated to sb-algebra) and ^--spectrally bounded algebra (abbreviated to *-sb-algebra), where the first one is used for an algebra A with the property (20.5) and the second one for an involutive algebra A such that (20.6)
rA{x) < oo, V i e H(A) & rA\H{A)
< oo.
Notice that in the remainder of the book, instead of saying that an involutive algebra A is a *—sb—algebra, we shall frequently use the phrase A fulfils the condition rA\ii(A) < °°-
Chapter IV.
Structure space of an m*-convex algebra
The term s6-algebra was first given by D.L. Johnson [216, Definition 2.9] in the setting of topological algebras. The concept itself appears in the literature since 1952 (cf. [272]) The term *-s6-algebra is due to S.J. Bhatt and D.J. Karia [61]. It is readily verified that (20.6) is equivalent to (20.7)
rA(x*x) < oo, V x € A.
In commutative advertibly complete m*-convex algebras and/or symmetric Arens-Michael algebras, the property (20.6) (hence also (20.7)) is equivalent to (20.5) (see Remark 18.18(1)). So in the preceding classes of involutive topological algebras the notion of spectral boundedness coincides with that of *-spectral boundedness. It would be interesting to have an example of a *-s6-algebra, which is not an sfo-algebra. Concerning Q— and s6-algebras we have that every Q-algebra is an s6-algebra (see (20.5)), but the converse is not, in general, true; cf., for instance, Remark in Example 6.12(3) and Remark (ii) in Example 7.6(4). Nevertheless, Q-property and spectral boundedness coincide on commutative m-barrelled advertibly complete m-convex algebras [262, p. 105, Lemma 6.1] and/or symmetric Frechet *-algebras (Lemma 18.17). Now, in an advertibly complete m^convex algebra
the spectral
radius TA is expressed as follows (see Theorem 4.6(3)) (20.8)
rA{x) = supr A p {x p ), v
where rAp{xp) < \\xp\\p = p(x) V x £ A, therefore (20.9)
rA(x) < supp(z), v
So one naturally is led to name an m-convex algebra (20.10)
such that
supp(a;) < oo, V x e A, p
a strong spectrally bounded algebra (abbreviated to ssb—) algebra. This term is due to A. Mallios [260, p. 488] (cf. also [216, Definition 2.9]).
20. Existence of faithful ^-representations
We have seen that in a C*-convex algebra A[r/-], strong spectral boundedness (see (20.10)) is equivalent to (see comments before Theorem 20.12) (20.11)
supp(x) < oo, V x G H{A). p
For some elementary properties of ssfr-algebras, as well as for the relationship of Q-, sb-, ssfe-algebras, see Propositions 20.15, 20.17 and Theorem 20.19. Note that (20.10) has been used in various aspects by several authors as, for instance, J.R. Giles and D.O. Koeller [171], K. Schmiidgen [338], A. Mallios [261], M. Abel [4], M.E. Boardman [68]. 20.15 Proposition (Schmiidgen). Let A[rr] be a unital locally C* -algebra and x G A. The following statements are equivalent: (1) SUP P P0E) <
(2) x = x\ + ix2, Xi G H(A) and sup p p(zj) < oo, i — 1,2. (3) x = x\ + ix2, Xi G H{A) and spA(xi)
is bounded, i — 1,2.
(4) x = x\ + 1x2, Xi e H(A) and —ke < x\ < ke, i = 1,2, for some positive number k. Proof. It is obvious that (1) <£4> (2). Now let x^p = x^ + Np G Ap, p G F. Since XiiP G H(AP) and Ap is a C*-algebra we have that (20.12)
= \\xiiP\\p = p{xi),
i = 1,2.
Now from (20.8), 1^4(2;,) = sup p p(xj >p ), i = 1,2, and this shows (2) <^> (3). Further, let Ai be the unital commutative locally C*-subalgebra of J4[TT]
generated by e,Xi,i — 1,2. Then (see Theorem 9.3(4)), Ai = Ce(<m(Ai)), z = 1,2,
up to a topological *-isomorphism, where C(Wl(Ai)) carries the Michael topology r e , that is the topology of uniform convergence on the compact subsets Kip, p G F, of DJl(Ai) corresponding to the spectra of the ArensMichael decomposition of Ai, i — 1,2 (see (9.2) and Lemma 9.1(1)). Thus, (see Proposition 8.4(4)) (20.13)
= sPAi(xi)
= Xi{m{Ai)), i = 1,2
Chapter IV. Structure space of an m*-convex algebra
and from (3) there is k > 0 such that |A| = \f{xi)\ < k, VA € spAt{xi)
and ip G Wl{Ai) with A = Xi(tp), i = 1,2.
Equivalently we have -kp(e)
< ip(xi) < kip(e) <^> 3(A;e
Xj) > 0, V ip e M(Ai),
Applying now (20.13) for the elements
xi G H(Ai),
i = 1,2. i — 1,2 and
recalling Definition 10.10, we get spA_(ke
Xj) C [0, oo) <^> —fee < Xj < ke, i = 1,2.
All the above prove that (3)
Note that in the preceding Proposition 20.15, identity was used only for (3) <^4> (4). Now, from the same proposition and the discussion before it, we deduce the following. 20.16 Corollary. Let A[rp] be a locally C*-algebra. The following statements are equivalent: (1) ^4[TT] is an ssb-algebra.
(2) A[TT] is a *-sb-algebra. (3) A[rr] is an sb-algebra. The equivalence between (1) and (2) is still valid if completeness of A[rr] is replaced by advertible completeness. 20.17 Proposition. (1) An advertibly complete ssb-algebra is an sb-algebra. (2) A *-sb C* -convex algebra is an ssb-algebra. (3) A barrelled Arens-Michael ssb-algebra is topologically isomorphic to a Banach algebra. (4) The unitization of an ssb-algebra is an ssb-algebra. (5) The quotient of an ssb-algebra with a closed ideal is an ssb-algebra. (6) Every subalgebra of an ssb-algebra is also an ssb-algebra.
20. Existence of faithful ^-representations
Proof. (1) It follows from (20.9). (2) Let A[rr] be a *-sb C*-convex algebra and A[T~\ the locally C*algebra completion of -A[rr], with F = {p}, where p is the (unique) extension of p on A. It is easily seen that A\p\/Np = Ap, for every p G F, up to a topological ^-isomorphism (in this regard, also see Theorem 10.24). Hence, (see Theorem 4.6(3) and (4.10)) suprAp(xp) v
= r^(x)
V i e A
T h u s , using (20.12) for t h e self-adjoint element x*x, ( s u p p ( x ) ) 2 = s u p ||z*a:p||p = s u p rAp (x*xp) P
x G A, we get
= r^(x*x)
< oo,
V i e A
This shows that A[rr] is an ss6-algebra. (3) Let A[rr\ be a barrelled Arens-Michael ss&-algebra. The function (see (10.19)) ||x||h := sup p p(x), x G A, is an m-norm on A such that Uplift ^ p( x ); f° r all a; G A and p G F. Therefore, completeness of A[T^] implies completeness for the normed algebra A[|| ||b] (see proof of Theorem 10.23). Now, since A[rr] is barrelled, the continuous bijective morphism idA
||b] —
x \—> x,
becomes a topological isomorphism, according to the open mapping theorem (see, for instance, [212, p. 221, Theorem 7(b)]). The claims (4) and (5) follow easily by the very definitions, taking into account (3.30) and (3.32). The claim (6) is obvious. Summing up, every Q-algebra is an s6-algebra (see (20.5) with the corresponding discussion) and every Arens-Michael ssb algebra is an sbalgebra (Proposition 20.17(1)), while on locally C*-algebras the last two concepts coincide (Corollary 20.16). We give now examples of topological algebras which separate the class of Q-algebras from the classes of sb- and ss6-algebras. 20.18 Examples. (1) The unital Frechet algebra C°°[0,1] (Example 2.4, (1)) is a Q- and sb-algebra but not an ssb-algebra. From the Example
Chapter IV.
Structure space of an m*-convex algebra
6.23(3) we have that C 00 ^, 1] is a non-normed Q-algebra.
So, it is an
s6-algebra, but not an ss6-algebra as it follows from Proposition 20.17(3). (2) The non unital Arens-Michael algebra 2)(Rn) (Example 2.4(3)) (also) is a Q- and sb-algebra but not an ssb-algebra. This follows from the Example 6.23(4). Note that from the elaboration of the last example, we have that £>(Rn) is an sfr-algebra either with its usual inductive limit topology rj) or with the relative topology T^ from C°°(Rn). Concerning property Q, we have that S(Rn)[T;o] always carries it, but not © ( R ™ ) ^ ] . On the other hand, 2)(Rn)[TS] is an £^"-space [235, p. 223], hence barrelled, so that (being also non-normed) it cannot be an ssfr-algebra (Proposition 20.17(3)). (3) The unital algebra C{,(X) of all continuous bounded functions on a (non-compact) completely regular space X, endowed with the topology s of simple convergence, is an sb- and ssb-algebra, but not a Q-algebra. The topology "s" of simple convergence on Cb(X) is denned by the C*seminorms Px(f)~\f(x)\, feCb(X), VxGX. Thus, the C*-convex algebra C(,(X)[s] is an ssfr-algebra, since snpPx(f) p
= sup |/(x)| < oo, V / e Cb(X). x
For the rest of the proof we put for convenience As = Cb(X)[s]. We prove that As is an sfr-algebra, but not a Q-algebra. If (3X denotes the StoneCech compactification of X, we clearly have Cb(X) = C{j3X) up to an isometric ^-isomorphism. Hence, spCb(x)(f) = f(X), V/GCi(X), from which it follows that As is an sfr-algebra. Consider now the C*-convex algebra CC(X) (see Example 3.10(4)), whose Cb(X) is a subalgebra. Endow Cb{X) with the relative topology from CC(X) and let Ac = C(,(X)[c|cb(jf)]-
Then (see, for instance, [172,
p. 43, 3.11(c)]), Ac is dense in CC(X); namely, (20.14)
AC = CC(X),
Existence of faithful *—representations
so that if As is a Q-algebra, the same will be true for Ac since s -< c\Cb(X)But then, 9Jl(Ac) will be equicontinuous (Theorem 6.11), which equivalently means that $Jl(Ac) will be equicontinuous [76, p. 27, Proposition 4]. So, (20.14) implies equicontinuity, hence compactness (Alaoglu-Bourbaki theorem) for Wl(Cc(X)), which is homeomorphic to X (see (4.46)). This leads to a contradiction, since X is non-compact. Hence, As cannot be a Q-algebra. (4) As an application of (3) we get that (cf. also [171, p. 87, Example 2]) the algebra ^oo(N) of all complex bounded sequences, equipped with the topology of the C* -seminorms pn{x) := |x n |, V x = {xn)neN
G 4o(N),
is a metrizable sb-, ssb- C*-convex algebra, which is not a Q-algebra. (5) According to the Remark of Example 7.6(4), the locally C*-algebra Ccc[0,1] is an sb- and ssb-algebra, but not a Q-algebra. We present now some conditions under which the concepts of a Q-, sb-, ssfr-algebra coincide. 20.19 Theorem. For an m-convex algebra A[rr] consider the following statements: (1) A[rr] is a Q-algebra. (2) Afr/1] is an sb-algebra. (3) A[T/^] is an ssb-algebra.
Then (1) => (2); (2) => (1) when SA = {x G A : TA(X) < 1} is closed and the underlying topological vector space of A[Tp] is a Baire space [198, p. 213]; (2) => (3) when A[rr] is a C*-convex algebra; (3) =^> (2) when A[rr] is advertibly complete. Thus, all three statements are equivalent, when A[rr] is an advertibly complete Baire C* -convex algebra with SA closed. Proof. All implications, except (2) => (1) follow from the discussion at the beginning of this Subsection and Proposition 20.17. So we prove: (2) => (1) Suppose that SA is closed and that A[rr] is a Baire space. Then, from (2) A — U^Li ^SA- Since SA is closed and A[rr] a Baire space,
Chapter IV.
Structure space of an m*—convex algebra
at least one of the sets USA has an interior point. Hence, SA has an interior point and so does (1/2)SU, which moreover is contained in the group GQA of the quasi-invertible elements of A[rr]. It follows that GqA has an nonempty interior, therefore A[rr] is a Q-algebra (see [272, p. 80, Lemma E.2] and/or [262, p. 43, Lemma 6.4]). 20.(2) Structure theorems on topological (*—)algebras In this Subsection we present some new results that concern the structure of certain topological (*-)algebras and certainly generalize those of Proposition 8.1 and Corollary 20.13. In [148] we had initiated a program of structure type results on m*convex algebras that was continued by S.J. Bhatt in [49] and by S.J. Bhatt together with D.J. Karia in [61] (also see [133, Section 3]). A. Beddaa and M. Oudadess managed to extract from the techniques developed by the previous authors the proper tool (in this respect, also see Theorem 20.12) for obtaining the same conclusions as those of the corresponding results in the preceding references. What they proved [40, Proposition 1] refines, for instance, [148, Proposition 3.8], [49, Corollary 2.5] and [61, Theorem]. 20.20 Theorem (Beddaa-Oudadess). Let A[rr] be a barrelled locally convex algebra. Let | | be a linear norm on A, whose the corresponding topology is finer than the given topology Tp (every "locally convex ssfr-algebra" has this property). Then, A[rr] is a normed algebra up to a topological isomorphism. Proof. Suppose that | | is a linear norm on A such that the identity map idA : A[\
|] —> A[rr]
x i—> x,
is continuous. That is, for each p € F there is a positive number kp with p(x) < kp\x\, for every x 6 A. Clearly, the seminorms q :— h~lp, p G F, define the same topology on A as those in F. Additionally, the function ||x|| := supqq(x) < oo, x G A, is a linear norm on A such that
V = {ze A: \\x\\ <1} = p | [/„(!),
Existence of faithful *-representations
with Ug(l) the closed unit semiball corresponding to the seminorm q. Hence, V is a barrel in A\rr\ and since the latter algebra is barrelled, V is a 0neighborhood in A[rr]- Consequently, the identity map idA : A[|| ||] —> A[Tr] : x ^
is a topological isomorphism. So A is an algebra such that A[||
||] is a
normed space with separately continuous multiplication. This implies that A[\\ ||] is a normed algebra up to a topological isomorphism (see [262, p. 38, Corollary 5.3 and Definition 5.4 with comments after it]) and this completes the proof of the theorem. 20.21 Corollary (Beddaa-Oudadess). Let A be an sb-algebra and B[TB] a uniform (see Definition in Remark 6.24(4)) m-barrelled m-convex algebra with
= Tpg,
= {q}. Let
/J, :
A —> -B[T#] be a surjective morphism.
Then, B[TB] (the image of fi) is a normed algebra with respect to a topological isomorphism. Proof. It is easily seen that each Banach algebra Bq, q £ i~#, is uniform, hence commutative, so that considering also the natural continuous morphism gq : B\TB\ —> Bq : y H-> yq, we deduce that liv) = : \\Vq\\q = rBq(yq)
< rB(y) = rB{^{x))
< rA{x),
V y e B,
where x G A with fi(x) = y. Hence, the function \\y\\ := supqq(y),
y G B,
is an m-norm on B. Applying now the arguments we used in the proof of Theorem 20.20, we conclude that V = {y E B : \\y\\ < 1} is an m-barrel in
therefore a 0-neighborhood. Consequently,
is topologically
isomorphic to B[\\ ||]. 20.22 Remarks, (i) Corollary 20.21 shows that in [49, Corollary 2.5] completeness of B[TB] is redundant, while barrelledness of the same algebra can be replaced by the weaker concept of m-barrelledness. (ii) In Corollary 20.21, the assumption that B[TB] is m-barrelled cannot be omitted (also see [49, p. 138, (3.2)]), even if A is a uniform Banach algebra and B[TQ] a uniform Arens-Michael algebra. In fact, take
Chapter IV.
Structure space of an m*-convex algebra
A = C[0,1][|| ||oo] and B = Ccc[0,1] the non-Q, sb locally C*-algebra of the Example 7.6(4). B cannot be m-barrelled, otherwise from Corollaries 20.16 and 20.13 it would be a C*-algebra, therefore a Q-algebra. In addition, B as a commutative locally C*-algebra is uniform, since this is the case for the C*-algebras corresponding to its Arens-Michael decomposition. Considering now the (identity) map A = C[0,1][|| Hoc] — B = Ccc[0,1] : / — > / , we see that its image B cannot be a Banach algebra. (iii) In Corollary 20.21 the assumption that 5[TB] is uniform cannot be omitted even if A is a normed Q-algebra and B[TB\ a Frechet Q-algebra (cf. [49, p. 138, (3.4)]). Indeed: Let A = C°°[0,1][|| IU] and B = C°°[0, 1][TOO], where r ^ is the topology of uniform convergence in all derivatives (see Example 2.4(1)). A is a Q-algebra (see Theorem 6.18), since r ^ ( / ) = ||/||oo ; for all f £ A. B is a non-normed Prechet Q-algebra (cf. Example 6.23(3)), which is not uniform, otherwise it would be Banach (Remark 6.24(4)(iv)). So taking the (discontinuous identity) map A = C°°[0,1][|| | U -^
B= C°°[0, l][Too] : / - ^ /
we see that its image B is not a Banach algebra. An immediate consequence of Corollary 20.21 is the following. 20.23 Corollary. A uniform sb m-barrelled m-convex algebra is topologically isomorphic to a normed algebra. Compare Corollary 20.23 with Remark 6.24(4) (iv) and observe the duality with the corresponding results on C*-convex algebras (Proposition 8.1, Corollary 20.13 and/or Corollary 20.24). The following Corollary 20.24 improves [61, Theorem] and [148, Proposition 3.8]. 20.24 Corollary (Beddaa-Oudadess). Let A be a *-sb-algebra and B[TB\
an m-barrelled C* -convex algebra with TB = i~rB, -Tg = {Q}- If L1 A —> B{TB] is a surjective *-morphism, then B[TB] (the image of fi) is a preC* -algebra up to a topological *-isomorphism.
Existence of faithful ^-representations
Proof. Consider the completion -B[rg] (with
= rp ) of
which is
a locally C*-algebra. Then, as in the proof of Proposition 20.17(2) one has (supq(y))2 = rs{y*y) < rB(y*y) < rA(x*x) < oo, V i / e B , where x £ A with fJ,(x) — y. Hence, defining ||y|| := supg q(y), y £ B, argue as in the proof of Corollary 20.21. As in the case of Corollary 20.21, one proves that the assumption of the m-barrelledness for B[TB] cannot be omitted (see Remark 20.22(ii)). In addition, the assumption that
is a C*-convex algebra" cannot be
replaced by the weaker assumption that
is an m*-convex algebra".
For this argue as in Remark 20.22 (iii). The following Corollary 20.25 can be derived directly either from Corollary 20.13 (also see Proposition 20.17(2)) or Corollary 20.24. 20.25 Corollary. Every m-barrelled *-sb C*-convex algebra A[rr] is a pre-C* -algebra with respect to a topological *-isomorphism. It is clear that if A[rr] in Theorem 20.20 and Corollary 20.25, as well as U[TB] in Corollaries 20.21 and 20.24 are complete, then finally they become Banach and respectively C*-algebras. In fact, to have such a conclusion, the weaker completeness assumption you need for ^4[TT], respectively
as before, is just "pseudocompleteness" (see, for instance, [61, p. 295, proof of theorem] and [11, p. 401] for the concept of pseudocompleteness). 20.26 Proposition (Bhatt-Karia). Let A[TA] be a locally convex Q-*algebra with jointly continuous multiplication, B[TB] a C*-convex algebra and ii : A[TA] —> B[TB] a *-morphism.
Let TA — TpA with FA = {p}
and TB = TpB with FB = {} Then, Im(/z) C Bf, (see (10.18)) and fi is continuous with respect to the || ^-topology of B^ (cf. (10.19)), hence to the given topology TB of B.
When B[TB] is additionally an m-convex
algebra, continuity of fi is expressed as follows: For every q E FB there is p G FA such that q(n(x)) < ||^(x)||t < p{x), for all x e A. Proof. Using the same arguments as in the proof of Corollary 20.24 we get (20.15)
(supg(/x(a;)))2 < rA(x*x) < oo, V x e A; q
Chapter IV.
Structure space of an m*—convex algebra
therefore Im(/i) C B^. Using again the property Q of
we can find
p G FA such that TA{X) < p(x), for every x G A (Theorem 6.17). Thus, in view of (20.15), we deduce that q((i(x))2 < \\fJL{x)\\l := (sxrpq(ii{x)))2 < rA(x*x) < p{x*x), 9
for all x £ A and q G FB- Applying now joint continuity of the multiplication as well as continuity of the involution in A[ryi], we obtain continuity Of /Li.
It is evident from (20.15) that the least assumption you need for A in order to have Im(/i) C _B6, is that A is a *-sfo-algebra (see [61, Lemma 2]). Proposition 20.26 refines an analogous result in [148, Theorem 3.1]. 20.27 Corollary. Every * -representation \i ofa locally convex Q-*-algebra A[rr] with jointly continuous multiplication is continuous. When A[rr] is moreover an m-convex algebra, there is p £ F, such that ||/i(x)|| < p(x), for all x G A. Corollary 20.27 clearly generalizes the result of T. Husain and R. Rigelhof in [204] mentioned in the discussion before Theorem 17.1. 20.28 Corollary. Let A[TA] be a B-complete locally convex Q-*-algebra with jointly continuous multiplication and B[TB] a barrelled C*-convex algebra. Let \x : A\TA\ —> B[TB] be a surjective *-morphism.
Then, the al-
gebraically *-isomorphic algebras A[ryi]/ker(/i) and B[TB] are topologically *-isomorphic C*-algebras. Proof. A barrelled locally convex algebra is ra-barrelled, so from Corollary 20.24, B[TB\ becomes a pre-C*-algebra (up to a topological *-isomorphism). Then, \i clearly may be viewed as a *-representation of
therefore it
will be continuous according to Corollary 20.27. But then, ker(jLi) will be a closed *-ideal of
and j4[r>i]/ker(/i) (under the quotient topology) a
B-complete locally convex Q-*-algebra (see [335, p. 165, Corollary 3] and Proposition 6.14(3)). Now the algebraic *-isomorphism A[r,4]/ker(/i) —> B[TB] : x + ker(^) i—* fi(x),
20. Existence of faithful *-representations
is clearly continuous according to Corollary 20.27. The assertion now follows from the open mapping theorem (cf., e.g., [335, p. 164, Corollary 1]). So both A[T/\]/kei(i-i) and S[TB] become C*-algebras. Since every ^-representation of a Prechet locally convex *-algebra is continuous (Corollary 17.2), a variant of Corollary 20.28 is the following (also see comments after Definition 1.7). 20.29 Corollary. Let A[TA] be a Frechet locally convex *-algebra, B[TB] a barrelled C*-convex algebra and \x : ^.[TA] —* -B[TB] a surjective *morphism. Then, the algebraically *-isomorphic algebras A[TA]/^GT(II) and B[TB] are topologically *-isomorphic C*-algebras. Many more conditions under which a locally convex *-algebra becomes a pre-C*-algebra have been given by M.A. Hennings in [195].
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Chapter V Hermitian and symmetric topological *—algebras The purpose of this chapter is to present examples and basic properties of symmetric respectively hermitian (non-normed) topological *-algebras and give in this general context analogues of the Shirali-Ford theorem, the Raikov criterion for symmetry and relationship of the Ptak inequality with hermiticity (see, for instance, Theorems 22.1, 22.23, 23.6, 23.10). An outline of some applications is also attempted. An elegant presentation of hermitian algebras and symmetric hermitian) Banach algebras, with historical notes and comments, can be found in the book of R.S. Doran and V.A. Belfi [121, Chapter 6]. The concept of "symmetry" (Definition 21.1) was first introduced by D.A. Raikov [323] for Banach *-algebras, in 1946, for obtaining in symmetric Banach *-algebras results analogous to the Gel'fand-Naimark theorems for C*-algebras. "Symmetry" was one of the properties that I.M. Gel'fand and M.A. Naimark had posed on a unital C*-algebra in order to get their results, though they suspected that this condition was not necessary. Indeed, one has that every C*-algebra is symmetric (cf., for example, [121, Theorem (12.6)]). "Symmetry" is closely related with "hermiticity" (Definition 21.1) that was introduced by I. Kaplansky [228], in 1947. Symmetry always implies hermiticity. I. Kaplansky conjectured that the preceding two concepts coincide. A positive answer to this conjecture was given in 1970 by S.S. Shirali and J.W.W. Ford [355] in the context of involutive Banach algebras (also see [72, (33.2) Theorem] and/or [322, (5.9) Theorem]). Concerning arbi265
Chapter V.
Hermitian and symmetric topological *—algebras
trary involutive algebras, the answer to Kaplansky's conjecture was given by J. Wichmann [390], in 1973. In fact, J. Wichmann constructed examples of hermitian algebras that are not symmetric (ibid., and [121, (32.6)]). An important contribution to the development of the theory of hermitian (equivalently symmetric) Banach algebras was given by the work of V. Ptak [320, 321, 322]. Among others V. Ptak proved in [322] that an involutive Banach algebra A is hermitian if and only if (21.1)
rA{x) < pA(x) := rA{x*x)1/2,
V x G A.
This inequality is known as Ptak inequality and the function pA as Ptak function, (21.1) constitutes in a sense, the "algebraic analogue" of the C*property [322]. This can be seen as follows: Take the, equivalent to the C*-property, inequality ||X
|| | j X | | j ^ | | X
X t
(see, for instance, [121, (36.1) Theorem]) and replace [| [| with the spectral radius rA. Then obviously one gets (21.1). Furthermore, we should mention that the completion of a hermitian respectively symmetric topological *-algebra is not, in general, hermitian respectively symmetric. The corresponding question: "Whether the completion of a symmetric normed *-algebra (the last term includes isometric involution, according to our terminology) is symmetric", was put by J. Wichmann [391], in 1976. It was answered in negative by P.G. Dixon (see [121, (36.6)]). In fact, P.G. Dixon constructed a symmetric (hence hermitian) normed *-algebra AQ, whose completion A is not hermitian, hence not symmetric. Nevertheless, J. Wichmann [392, p. 86, Corollary] proved in 1978 that the closure of a symmetric *-ideal in a Banach *-algebra is also symmetric. In this regard, we must note that every Q-pre-C*-algebra being symmetric (Corollary 21.5(2)) has (of course!) a symmetric completion (see (21.6)). Additionally the topological algebra ©(X)^^] of compactly supported C°°-functions on a 2nd countable n-dimensional C°°-manifold X, with the relative C°°-topology from C°°(X) and the continuous involution
Around hermiticity and symmetry
induced by the complex conjugate, is an incomplete symmetric topological *-algebra, whose completion (being the Frechet *-algebra C°°(X)) is symmetric (cf. Example 21.17(2)).
Around hermiticity and symmetry
21.1 Definition. A hermitian algebra is an involutive algebra A such that (21.2)
spA{x) CM, V xGH(A).
A symmetric algebra is an involutive algebra A such that -x*xeG"A,
V i e i
In the context of topological algebras, the terms hermitian respectively symmetric topological algebra correspond to an involutive topological algebra A[T], which is hermitian respectively symmetric. When continuity of the involution is assumed, we use for distinction, the terms hermitian respectively symmetric topological *-algebra. In the case of a unital symmetric algebra A, (21.3) is expressed by (21.4)
e + x*xeGA,
V i e A;
it follows easily from (21.3) and (4.3). In the literature, the term hermitian (respectively symmetric) algebra is often replaced by the term involutive algebra with hermitian (respectively symmetric) involution (see, for instance, [121, p. 128]). In this book we use the second of the previous terms in the following sense: Let A be an involutive algebra, that spares characters. Denote by M.{A) the set of all characters of A {algebraic spectrum of A). We say that A has a symmetric involution, if (21.5)
x* = x, V x G A «
f{x*) = ip(x): V x £ A and (p G M(A),
where x is the "GePfand transform" of x (see (4.29)) and x((p) := tp(x), for every
Chapter V.
Hermitian and symmetric topological ^-algebras
replaced by the (topological) spectrum 9Jl(A) of A[T] (see Definition 4.17). In the case of an involutive commutative advertibly complete m-convex algebra (hence, a fortiori of an involutive commutative Arens-Michael algebra) (21.5) is equivalent to the symmetry of the algebra A[T] under consideration (see Proposition 21.6). The following Proposition 21.2 lists the main algebraic properties of hermiticity and symmetry. For proofs (and/or comments) the reader is referred to [121, Section 32]. 21.2 Proposition. Let A be an involutive algebra. Then, the following statements hold: (1) A is hermitian if and only if —x2 G GqA, V a; € H(A). (2) A symmetric implies A hermitian. (3) (Geometric characterization of symmetry) A is symmetric if and only if x*x > 0, for all x G A, if and only if SPA(X*X) C [0, oo), for all x G A. (4) If A is hermitian respectively symmetric, the same is also true for each maximal commutative self-adjoint subalgebra B of A. (5) A is hermitian respectively symmetric if and only if this is the case for the unitization A\ of A. (6) If I is a *-ideal of A, then A is hermitian respectively symmetric if and only if I and A/1 are hermitian respectively symmetric. A direct consequence of Proposition 21.2(3) and Theorem 10.15 is the following. (21-6)
Every locally C*-algebra (hence, a fortiori, every C*-algebra) is . symmetric.
Corollary 21.5 below shows that the wider class of advertibly complete C*-convex algebras (including all <5-pre-C*-algebras) are (automatically) symmetric. Note that the group algebras of abelian and compact groups are symmetric, but the group algebra of an arbitrary locally compact group need not be symmetric. Several authors were involved with questions related
Around hermiticity and symmetry
with the determination of those groups, the group algebras of which are symmetric; see, for instance, [32, 69, 199, 213, 249, 246], etc. These investigations often led to the study of the problem: Whether "the tensor product of two symmetric Banach *-algebras A and B also is a symmetric Banach *-algebra". It is known that if B = Mn(C), n a positive integer, is the Banach *~algebra of all n x n complex matrices, the tensor product of A and B is the Banach *-algebra Mn(A) of all n x n matrices over A (with involution (a^)* = (a*-), for every (a^) G Mn(A)). H. Leptin [249, Theorem 1] and J. Wichmann [390, p. Ill] proved that if A is a symmetric Banach algebra, then Mn(A) is also symmetric. In fact, an involutive Banach algebra A is symmetric if and only if the matrix algebra Mn(A) is symmetric. The same result is also true in the class of involutive ArensMichael algebras with finite spectral radius on the self-adjoint elements. This can be derived from a result of D. Birbas in [65, Corollary 4.9] and an algebraic analogue of the result under consideration due to J. Wichmann [392, p. 237, Theorem], concerning a stronger kind of symmetry. Another algebraic result of J. Wichmann [391, 4.3] asserts that if (AJ)J^J is an arbitrary family of involutive algebras, their cartesian product FT Aj with involution given by (aj)* s j := (a*)j
Chapter V.
therefore the equality
Hermitian and symmetric topological *-algebras
= [J SPBP{XP), p G F, implies that
and this proves hermiticity of B. Suppose now that A [77-] is symmetric and let x G B. To show that B is symmetric we have to prove that sps{x*x) C [0, 00) (see Proposition 21.2(3)). But, y — x*x G H(B) and A[rf] being symmetric is hermitian (Proposition 21.2(2)), so that spA(y), as well as each spAp(yP), p G F, consists of real numbers. Arguing now as before we get that spBp(yp) = spAp{yP), for all p G F. Thus, Theorem 4.6(2) and symmetry of A[rr] yield SPB(V)
= spA{y) = spA(x*x) C [0,oo)
and this completes the proof. Let A[rr] be an advertibly complete m*-convex algebra which is hermitian (respectively symmetric). Then, each normed *-algebra
p G F, is hermitian (respectively symmetric) according to Theorem 4.6(2) and (21.2) (respectively Proposition 21.2(3)). But, this is not true, in general, for the Banach *-algebras Ap, p G F, as follows from the discussion at the last but one paragraph in the Introduction of this Section. It is always true when the algebra A [77-] as before is also commutative (see Corollaries 21.7, 21.11). A picture of the preceding situation is reflected in the following. 21.4 Proposition. Let A[rr] be an advertibly complete m*-convex algebra. Then, the following statements are equivalent: (1) A is hermitian (respectively symmetric). (2) -x2p G G\ , for all x G H(A) andp G F (respectively -x*pxp G GqA , for all x G A and p G F). Proof. Since A is advertibly complete an element x G A is quasi-invertible if and only if each component xp of x is quasi-invertible in the Banach *algebra Ap, p G F (see Proposition 6.10(4)). Thus, the assertion follows from Proposition 21.2(1) and (21.3). 21.5 Corollary. (1) Every advertibly complete C*-convex algebra (hence a fortiori every locally C*-algebra) A[rr] is symmetric. (2) Every Q-pre-C* -algebra A is symmetric.
Around hermiticity
and symmetry
Proof. (1) The Arens-Michael analysis of A[r^] consists of the C*-algebras Ap, p € F, that as we noticed above are symmetric, therefore —x^xp £ GqA , for all x £ A and p £ F. Hence, A[rr] is symmetric from Proposition 21.4. (2) Every Q-algebra is advertibly complete (see Theorem 6.5), so we apply (1). A direct proof of the statement (2) of Corollary 21.5 (not depending on the statement (1) and "a fortiori" on Proposition 21.4) runs as follows: According to Definition 21.1 we have to show that — x*x £ GqA, for all x £ A.
But A being Q is (as we noticed before) advertibly complete,
therefore (Proposition 6.2) — x*x £ G\ if and only if — x*x £ Gq~, for all x £ A. The right-hand side of the preceding equivalence is always valid since the completion A of A as a C*-algebra is symmetric. A Q-pre-C*-algebra is provided by Example 6.8 and Example 6.12(3) in the case of a O-dimensional compact space (see, in particular, (6.11)). In both cases, involution is given by the complex conjugate. 21.6 Proposition. Let A[rr] be an involutive commutative advertibly complete m-convex algebra. Then, the following statements are equivalent: (1) A[r/^] is symmetric. (2)
(3) x* = x, for all x £ A; that is, A\rp\ has symmetric involution (see (21.5) and the corresponding discussion). Proof. (1) => (2) From Proposition 21.2(2) A[rr] is hermitian, therefore each self-adjoint element of A has real spectrum (cf. (21.2)). On the other hand, (see Theorem 4.18) (21.7)
spA{x) = x{Wt{A)) U {0}, V x G A.
Thus, ip{x) =
Chapter V.
Hermitian and symmetric topological *-algebras
(2) => (1) Prom (21.7) we have spA(x*x) = {
= x(B{Ax)), V x G A.
Conversely, suppose that (5) holds. Then, (1) follows from Proposition 21.2(3), since sPA(x*x) = {f(x*x) : / G 8(Ai)} > 0, V x G A.
A "slightly similar" result to that of Corollary 21.7 (1) <^- (5), for the non-commutative case, is stated in Theorem 23.3.
Around hermiticity and symmetry
21.8 Corollary. Let A[rr] be a unital commutative involutive advetibly complete m-convex algebra. Then, the following statements are equivalent: (1) A[rr] is symmetric. (2) Wl(A) C S'(A); that is, each continuous character of A[rr] is a continuous state of A[rr}Proof. (1) =4> (2) Let ip € SDT(A). Then,
S'(A). (2) => (1) Each
Hence, from Corollary
12.4(1) ip is hermitian and so (1) results from Proposition 21.6. 21.9 R e m a r k . Note that the result in Corollary 21.8 remains true by replacing identity with a bai at the cost however of continuity of the involution (see Lemma 12.5(1)). In this case S'(A) is, of course, replaced by the set V(A) (see Definition 12.7). 21.10 Theorem. Let A[TP] be a commutative involutive advertibly complete m-convex algebra. Consider the following statements: (1) A[TT] is symmetric. (2) J4[TT] is hermitian. (3) A[rr] has symmetric involution. (4) TA(X*X) = rA{x)2, for all x e
Then (1) 4^ (2) ^4- (3) => (4) and when TA\H{A) < °°> one
a so
has that
(4) => (2); so, in this case, all four statements are equivalent. Proof. (1) => (2) It follows from Proposition 21.2(2). (2) => (3) =^ (1) It follows from the proof of Proposition 21.6. (3) => (4) From (21.7) and (3) we get that
rA(x*x) = suv{\
Chapter V.
Hermitian and symmetric topological *-algebras
instance, [327, proof of Lemma (4.2.1)]) and applying analogously Theorems 4.13, 4.18 and 4.6 (7) and (8) we conclude that
C R, for every
x G H(A). This completes the proof. 21.11 Corollary. Let AWp] be a commutative involutive advertibly complete m-convex algebra. Then, AWp] is symmetric if and only if it is hermitian. 21.12 Corollary. Let A be a commutative involutive normed Q-algebra. Then, A is hermitian (equivalently symmetric) if and only if the spectral radius rA of A (that under the assumptions for A is an m-seminorm, according to Theorem 4.6) fulfils the C*-property; that is, r^(x*x) = rA(x)"2, for every x & A. Proof. A being a Q-algebra is advertibly complete and has finite spectral radius (see Theorems 6.5 and 6.11(3)). So apply Theorem 21.10. 21.13 Corollary. Let A be an involutive uniform Banach algebra. Then A is hermitian (equivalently symmetric) if and only if it is a C* -algebra. Proof. That A is uniform means ||x 2 || = ||x|| 2 , for all x £ A; so r^x)
[|x||, for all x £ A and A is commutative (see Remark 6.24(iv)). Thus, hermiticity of A implies that || || fulfils the C*-property (Corollary 21.12) and so A is a C*-algebra. The converse is evident (see (21.6)). Let now A[T] be a topological algebra with UJl(A) j^ 0. We say that A[T]
is Gel'fand-semisimple if n{ker(y) :
= {0} (equivalently,
if the Gel'fand map of A[T] is injective; see Proposition 4.22(2)). Clearly, every Gel'fand-semisimple topological algebra A[T] with 9)l(A) ^ 0 is also (Jacobson) semisimple (Proposition 4.22(1)). For an algebraic version of the next Corollary 21.14, see [293, p. 304, Corollary 26.7]. 21.14 Corollary. Let
be unital commutative m-convex alge-
bras with symmetric involution, where B[TB] is moreover Gel'fand-semisimple. Then, every continuous morphism h : A[r/i] —> ous *-morphism.
is a continu-
Around hermiticity and symmetry
Proof. We must show that h(x*) = h(x)*, for all x G A. Let ip G Wl{B). Then clearly
symmetric involution (see (21.5)), we get ip[h{x") - h(x)*) = {ip o h)(x*) -
A[TA], B[TB]
bras with symmetric involution.
be unital commutative m-convex alge-
Let B[TB] be moreover semisimple and
Q. Then, every continuous morphism h : A[TA] —> -B[TB] is a continuous *-morphism. Proof. From Proposition 4.22(3) and semisimplicity of Gel'fand—semisimplicity of
we conclude
we apply Corollary 21.14.
It is obvious from the preceding proofs that one can state a purely algebraic result in the following way: Call an algebra A with non-empty algebraic spectrum M.{A) strongly-semisimple, if (~l{ker(?) :
Then, each morphism
h : A —> B is a *-morphism. 21.16 Scholium. It is worth mentioning that there is a more general concept of symmetry introduced by G.R. Allan in [12, p. 93], in the context of topological *-algebras. It contains the usual notion of symmetry given in Definition 21.1, while the two concepts coincide on unital locally convex *-algebras with continuous inversion (take, for instance, a unital m*~ convex algebra) [12, Proposition (2.4)]. More precisely, a unital topological *-algebra A[T] is called symmetric, in the sense of G.R. Allan (see [12, Definition (2.3)] and [113, p. 694]), if for every x G A, the element e + x*x has a bounded inverse in A[r\. An element z in A[r] is called bounded,
Chapter V. Hermitian and symmetric topological ^-algebras
when for some 0 / A e C, the set {(Xz)n : n G N} is bounded in A[T] [12, p. 91]. Symmetry in the preceding sense is one of the properties that the so-called GB*-algebras (equivalently generalized i?*-algebras) have by definition. This kind of algebras were introduced by G.R. Allan in the context of unital locally convex *-algebras [12, Definition (2.5)] and later on by P.G. Dixon in the more general context of unital topological *-algebras [113, 115]. Gi?*-algebras occur frequently in Analysis, apply in the unbounded *-representation theory and (like locally C*-algebras) generalize C*-algebras. They were initially studied by G.R. Allan and P.G. Dixon and later by several other authors (see, for instance, [43, 44], [51], [54], [55], [210] etc.). Every unital locally C*-algebra (and, a fortiori, every unital C*-algebra) is a GB*-algebra. Among most important examples of Gi?*-algebras the following topological *-algebras are included: (a) The Arens algebra Lw[0,1] (cf. (i) after Definition 2.1 and Example 6.13(2)). It is a Frechet G.B*-algebra with continuous multiplication [12, p. 96, 4]. (b) The algebra M.[0,1] of all measurable functions on [0,1] (modulo equality a.e.) endowed with the topology of convergence in measure [113, p. 696, (3.4)]. M[0,1] is a (not locally convex) Frechet topological GB*~ algebra with continuous multiplication. 21.(1) Examples of hermitian and symmetric topological *-algebras In virtue of the theory that has already been established in Section 21, we can exhibit some examples of symmetric (respectively hermitian) topological *-algebras. Of course, up to now, we have met (see Corollary 21.5) that every advertibly complete C*-convex algebra (hence a fortiori every Q pre-C*-algebra, as well as every locally C*-algebra and every C*-algebra) is symmetric. The examples that follow present hermitian, respectively symmetric, Arens-Michael *-algebras that are not locally C*algebras.
Around hermiticity and symmetry
21.17 Examples of symmetric Arens-Michael *-algebras that are not locally C*—algebras. (1) Let X be a 2nd countable n-dimensional C°°-manifold and C°°(X) the (unital commutative) Frechet *-algebra of C°°-functions on X (see Example 4.20(2) and for more details [262, p. 129, 4.(2)]). Recall that involution on C°°(X) is denned by the complex conjugate. According to Example 4.20(2), the spectrum m(C°°{X)) oiC°°{X) is homeomorphic to X; namely, m{C°°{X)) = {5X : C°°(X) —* C : / —* 6x(f)
/ ( * ) , V x € X}.
So it is readily verified that each continuous character 6X, x G X, ofC°°(X) is hermitian, therefore by Proposition 21.6 (also see Corollary 21.11), C°°(X) is a symmetric (hence hermitian) topological *-algebra. (2) Let X be a 2nd countable n-dimensional C°°-manifold and 2) (X) the (non-unital commutative) algebra of all compactly supported C°°-functions on X. 1)(X) endowed with the inductive limit topology Tjy and the involution given by the complex-conjugate is an Arens-Michael *-algebra. Under the same involution and with the relative C°°-topology T^ from C°°(X) it is an advertibly complete m*-convex algebra (see, e.g., Example 2.4(3) and comments at the end of Example 6.23(4)). In either case, the spectral radius of 'S(X) is given as follows: rv(x)(f)
= sup{|/(x)| : x € X} < oo, V / G 2)(X)
(argue as in Example 6.23(4)). Hence, rv{x)U*f) = rv{x){f)\
therefore (see Theorem 21.10 and Corollary 21.11) S)(X) in either of the preceding topologies is a symmetric (equivalently hermitian) topological *algebra. (3) Other commutative symmetric topological *-algebras are provided by Examples 18.25 (1) and (3) and Scholium 21.16 (a) and (b). Noncommutative examples of symmetric topological *-algebras we achieve by tensoring, for instance, a locally C*-algebra with a known symmetric function algebra. This is based on Theorem 34.15 in Subsection
Chapter V.
Hermitian and symmetric topological *-algebras
34.(2), according to which some topological tensor products of two unital symmetric Arens-Michael *-algebras, where either of them is commutative, are also symmetric topological *-algebras. The subsequent examples (4), (5) and (6) are obtained by applying the afore-mentioned result of Subsection 34.(2). (4) Let X and C°°(X) be as in (1) and A[rr] a unital (non-commutative) locally C*-algebra. Let C°°(X, A) be the Arens-Michael *-algebra of all A-valued C°°-functions on X. That is, feC°°(X,A)
x' of
e A'
(recall that A' is the topological dual of A[r/-]). It is known that (21.8)
C°°(X,A) =C°°{X) § A, 7T=£
up to a topological *-isomorphism, with TT and e the projective and injective tensorial topology respectively ( "<8>" means completion with respect to the considered tensorial topology); see, [262, p. 394]. C°°(X) is a commutative hermitian (equivalently symmetric (Theorem 21.10)) Arens-Michael * algebra by (1) and A[rr] is symmetric by (21.6). So the non-commutative Arens-Michael *-algebra C°°(X, A) is symmetric, as follows from (21.8) and Theorem 34.15 in Subsection 34.(2). (5) Let X be a locally compact space and CC(X) the commutative locally C*-algebra of all continuous functions on X (see Example 7.6(3)). Let A[rr] be a unital (non-commutative) hermitian (respectively symmetric) Arens-Michael *-algebra, which is not a locally C*-algebra (cf., for instance, (4)) and CC(X, A) the non-commutative Arens-Michael *-algebra of all ^-valued continuous functions on X. Then CC(X,A) is hermitian (respectively symmetric) from Corollary 34.16, in Subsection 34.(2). (6) Let G be a discrete locally compact abelian group and Ll(G) the group algebra of G (see discussion before and after (3.14)). Let A[rf] be a non-commutative unital symmetric Arens-Michael *-algebra (cf., for instance, (4)) and L1(G, A) the generalized group algebra of G. Then, from [262, p. 406] (21.9)
L1(G,A) = L1(G)®A,
Ptdk function and Ptdk inequality
up to a topological *-isomorphism (recall that an abelian locally compact group G is unimodular, therefore the modular function A on G is the constant function 1, so that the involution on LX{G) (see (3.14)) is given by f*(x)
:— /(—x), x e G, f e L1^)).
It is known that group algebras
of abelian groups are hermitian (equivalently symmetric), so from Theorem 34.15 (in Subsection 34.(2)) and (21.9) we conclude that the noncommutative Arens-Michael *-algebra LX(G, A) is symmetric. 21.18 Examples of non—symmetric, respectively non—hetmitian, topological *-algebras. (1) According to Theorem 21.10(3), (3.5) and Example 4.20(4) the Frechet *-algebra 0(C) of holomorphic functions on the complex plane, is not symmetric (equivalently not hermitian). (2) Let U = {C G C : \Re£\ < 1} and U the closure of U. The Frechet *-algebra A := {/ G CC(U) : f is analytic on U} of the Example 18.20 is not symmetric (respectively not hermitian), for the same reasons as those mentioned in (1). (3) The Frechet *-algebra AU(B) of the Example 18.25(2) is not symmetric (respectively not hermitian) as it is explained there.
Ptak function and Ptak inequality Let A be an involutive algebra and TA the spectral radius of A. Define PA{x)
:= rA{x*x)l/2,
V x G A;
according to Definition 4.5 the values of PA are not always finite numbers. When
< °°; that is, when A is a *-s6-algebra, then
is a real-
valued function called Ptdk function. We always suppose that PA ^ 0 otherwise A will be automatically symmetric (cf. Proposition 21.2(3)). It was V. Ptak [322] who first fully recognized the importance of the function PA and its fundamental role in the theory of hermitian Banach algebras. One of his first significant results in
Chapter V.
Hermitian and symmetric topological *-algebras
this theory was the characterization of hermiticity of an involutive Banach algebra A in terms of the inequality (22.2)
rA{x) < P A { x ) , V X G A
[322, (5,2) Theorem], called Ptak inequality. The results of V. Ptak allow to obtain most of the properties of C*-algebras, under the entirely algebraic assumption of hermiticity. Even more, Ptak theory provides further characterizations of C*-algebras [322, (10,1) Theorem] (also see [121, (36.1) Theorem]), as well as considerable simplifications in the methods of proof in a number of known results in the area of Banach algebras with involution. So one could say that the theory of Banach algebras with involution, which started by the celebrated paper of I.M. Gel'fand and M.A. Naimark [167] and was continued worthily by many other authors (like, for instance, R.V. Kadison, I. Kaplansky, T.W. Palmer, I. Vidav etc.), marked, so far, a zenith with the theory of V. Ptak. In 1992, V. Miiller proved [278] that the theory of hermitian Banach *~algebras can be obtained by omitting completeness, if you replace the Ptak inequality (see (22.2)) with the inequality rA(x + y) < PA(X)
for all x, y in a normed *-algebra A. In the case of an involutive Banach algebra the two inequalities are equivalent (ibid.). A considerable study of Ptak function has been done by D. Birbas [64], in connection to symmetry and in comparison to: (a) the "Gel'fandNaimark seminorm" 7 A ( ^ ) =
V £ -R(^)} °f
algebra A[rp] (where JA is not other than the maximal continuous C*— seminorm Poo(-)' attained by an ra*-convex algebra with a bai having a C*-enveloping algebra; see Subsection 18.(1)); and (b) the "C/*-seminorm" UA introduced by T.W. Palmer [294], (also see [121, §15]), denned on each Arens-Michael *-s6-algebra A [ T ] by
i=l 1 < i < n>;
22. Ptdk function and Ptdk inequality
see, for example, [64, Theorems 4.4, 4.7 and 4.8]. In this Section, using techniques of V. Ptak we present results analogous to those of Ptak theory, for hermitian Arens-Michael algebras. As in the case of Banach algebras, the Ford square root Lemma, proved in the present context by D. Sterbova (see Theorem 5.4), plays an important role. 22.1 Theorem. Let A[rr] be an involutive Arens-Michael algebra. Consider the following statements: (1) A[TJ-'] is hermitian. (2) rA(x)
< PA(X),
for all x G A.
(3) r^ix) = rji(x*x) equivalently rA(x) = pA(x), for all x G N(A). Then (1) => (2) => (3) and when A[rr] is moreover a *-sb-algebra (that is, TA\H(A) < °°)> one a^so has (3) =* (1)- So all three statements are equivalent on an involutive Arens-Michael *-sb-algebra. Proof. (1) => (2) Without any harm of the generality we suppose that A[rr] is unital (cf. Proposition 21.2 (5)). Suppose that (2) is not true. Then, there exist x e A and A G spA(x) : |A| > PA(X) & |A|2 > rA(x*x). Thus, if z = X-1x, we have rA(e-
( e - z*z)) < 1 with e- z*z € H(A).
Corollary 5.5 now gives unique y G H(A) such that y2 = e — z*z and r^(e — y) < 1. From Theorem 4.7(1) it follows that y G GA. On the other hand, (22.3)
(e + z*)(e - z) = y2 - (z - z*) = -iy(ie - iy~l{z -
where w = iy~l{z - z*)y~l G H(A), therefore spA{w) C R by (1). Hence, i $L SPA{W) equivalently ie — w G GA, SO from (22.3) (e + z*)(e — z) G GA and thus e — z has a left inverse.
Ptdk function and Ptdk inequality
Proof. Recall that a spectral algebra is a seminormed Q-algebra hence an m-convex Q-algebra, but an m-convex algebra which is moreover a spectral algebra is not necessarily a Q-algebra with respect to its given topology (see comments after Definition 6.19). (1) Let x, y G H(A). Using Theorems 22.1 and 4.6 we have rA{xy)2
< rA((xy)*(xy))
= rA{yxxy) = rA(xxyy) = rA(x2y2);
rA{xy) < rA{x2y2)1'2,
V x,y G H(A).
Inductively, we get rA(xy) < rA{x2ny2n)l'2\
V x, y G H(A), n G N.
Since A is a spectral algebra, there is a spectral seminorm q on A such that rA(x) < q{x), for all x G A. Hence, (22.4) implies rA(xy) < q{x2n)ll2nq{y2n)ll2\
V x,y G H(A), n G N.
But from the theory of spectral algebras (see [297, p. 210, Theorem 2.2.2]), one has limq(a; n ) 1 / n < rA{x\
for every x G A; therefore, taking limits for
n —> oo, we deduce (1). (2) Using Theorem 4.6 and (1) we have that for every x,y £ A PA{xy)2 = rA((xy)*{xy))
= rA(y*x*xy) = rA(x*xyy*) = PA(x)2rA(y*y) = pA(x)2pA(y)2.
< rA(x*x)rA(yy*)
Every symmetric Arens-Michael algebra A[rp], which is moreover a *-s6-algebra (that is, rA\H^
< oo) is a spectral algebra. Indeed, the
C/*-seminorm uA (see discussion before Theorem 22.1) is defined on A and it is an m-seminorm such that rA(x) < uA(x), for every x G A [64, Theorem 4.4]. More precisely, the last inequality characterizes symmetry on involutive Arens-Michael *-sfr-algebras (ibid.). 22.3 Corollary. LetA[rp] be a hermitian Arens-Michael Q-algebra. Then, the following statements hold: (1) rA(xy)
< rA(x)rA{y),
(2) pA(xy) < pA(x)pA(y),
for all x,y G H{A). for all x,y G A.
Chapter V.
Hermitian and symmetric topological *-algebras
Proof. i4[r^] being Q is a spectral algebra (see Theorem 6.18(2)); so the assertion follows from Proposition 22.2. Further information on Ptak function on general *-algebras, can be found in [52, Section 2]. We look now at possible conditions under which one could have the result of Proposition 22.2. Suppose that A is a directed index set and (Ax, fxjj)\<^
a n
inverse sys-
tem of hermitian (equivalently symmetric (from the Shirali-Ford theorem)) Banach algebras. Let (22.5)
A :=limA A , A £ A,
be the inverse limit of Ax, A £ A Denote by || ||A the (complete) m-norm on Ax, A £ A and define p\{x) := \\x\\\\ , for every x = (xx)\eA £ A. The functions px, A £ A, are m-seminorms on A and if F — {px}\&A, A[rr] is clearly an Arens-Michael algebra. Now, since f\fi(x*) >x
in A, the map * : A —> A : x — (xx)x<=A '— *
: =
— x*^, for all A < ji ix*x)^£Ai
a well denned involution on A, that makes *-preserving the continuous morphisms fx
A[rr] —> Ax : x = [XX)\&A — > xx- Thus, A[rr] is an
involutive Arens-Michael algebra. In particular, for every x = (XX)\^A S A SPA{X)
= \JspAx(xx),
A £ A,
whence one concludes that A[rf] is hermitian. Additionally, one has that (22.6)
and A £ A
(Ptak inequality), since each Ax, A £ A, is a hermitian Banach algebra (see Theorem 22.1 and/or [121, (33.1) Theorem]). Summing up, given an inverse system (A\, fx^)x
Ptdk function
and Ptdk inequality
Mn(B) is a hermitian (equivalently symmetric) Banach algebra with usual algebraic operations and involution given by (bij)* := (&*,), 1 < i, j < n, for every (6jj) G Mn(B)
(see discussion before Proposition 21.3 and, in
particular, [249], [391]). The cartesian product A = Hn<=NMn(B)
again discussion before Proposition 21.3), endowed with the m-seminorms pn, n G N, induced by the (complete) m-norms, say ||-||rn on Mn(B),
n G N,
is an involutive (non-normed) Frechet algebra, such that (22.7)
A[Tr] = Y[Mn{B)
= \imMn{B),
with F = {p n }, n G N,
up to a topological *-isomorphism. This follows exactly as in Example 7.6(2). Since each Mn(B) is hermitian (equivalently symmetric),
is a
hermitian (respectively symmetric) Frechet algebra, such that every Banach algebra Mn(B) of the inverse limit in (22.7), fulfils the Ptak inequality. The involution of A in (22.5) and (22.7), as well as that of the Banach algebras A\, A G A, and Mn(B), n G N, respectively (participating in the corresponding inverse limits) is not necessarily continuous. But, starting with an Arens-Michael (and/or an m-convex) algebra
endowed with
a not necessarily continuous involution, you may not be able to transfer this involution on the Banach algebras Ap, p £ F. Nevertheless, considering the spectral radius r^ p of Ap, p G F, you may employ the nonnegative numbers rAp({x*x)p)),
x G A, for each p G F. Thus, fixing the notation 1 2
PAp{xP) = rAp{(x*x)p)) / ,
for any x £ A and p G F, we shall call the
inequality (22.8)
< PAp(xp),
V x G A, p G F,
Ptdk type inequality on Ap, p G F. D. Sterbova has proved [361, Theorem 3.4] that an involutive Arens-Michael algebra A[rp] is hermitian if and only if the Ptdk type inequalities (22.8) hold for every normal element x G A. The assumption of "normality" is decisive for the proof of this result. In this regard, note that an involutive algebra A is commutative if and only if each of its elements is normal. Based on the preceding discussion, we can now state the following variant of Proposition 22.2.
Chapter V.
Hermitian and symmetric topological *-algebras
22.4 Proposition. Let A[rp] be an involutive advertibly complete algebra. Suppose that each Banach algebra Ap, p G F, fulfils the Ptdk type inequality (see (22.8)). Then, the following statements hold: (1) rA{x)
< PA(X),
for all x e
(2) rA{xy)
< rA(x)rA(y),
for all x,y G H(A).
(3) PA{xy)
< PA{X)PA(V),
for all x,y G A .
Proof. (1) From (22.8) and Theorem 4.6(3) we have that rAp{xpf
< rAp({x*x)p) < rA{x*x), \/x e A and pG T,
whence we get (1). (2) Let x,y e H{A). From (22.8) we have rAp({xy)p)2
< rAp(({xy)*{xy))p) = rAp(ypxpxpyp)
< rAp{x2py2p)^2,
= rj4p(a;p2/p), V p £ T. That is, V x,y G H(A)
a n d p G T.
Inductively we get rAp(xPyP)
< rAp{x2py2p)l'2n,
V x,y G H(A), p € T , n G N , therefore
rA p (x p2 / p ) < l K | | p / 2 n | | y f ||i/2» ?
x j 2 / G ff(A), p G T, n G N.
Taking limits for n —> oo we deduce that f/ip(^pJ/p) < r A p C ^ p ) ^ ^ / ? ) < ^ ( a ; ) ^ ^ ) , V x , y G H{A), p G T. Applying now Theorem 4.6(3), we take (2). (3) Repeat the proof of Proposition 22.2(2). A direct consequence of Proposition 22.4(1) and Theorem 22.1 is the following. 22.5 Corollary. Every Arens-Michael *-sb-algebra A[rr] such that each Banach algebra Ap, p G F, fulfils the Ptdk type inequality (see (22.8)), is hermitian.
Ptdk function and Ptdk inequality
Recall positivity and strict positivity from Definition 10.10, needed in the next Proposition 22.6. 22.6 Proposition. Let A[Tp\ be either a spectral hermitian Arens-Michael algebra, or a unital involutive Arens-Michael algebra such that each Banach algebra Ap, p G F, fulfils the Ptdk type inequality (see (22.8)). Then, the following statements hold: (1) x + y G A
, for all x,y G A
(2) rA(x + y)
+ rA(y),
for all x,y G H{A).
Proof. Without loss of generality we may suppose that
as a spectral
hermitian Arens-Michael algebra also is unital (see Proposition 21.2(5), Proposition 3.11 and (4.7)). (1) If either of x, y or both of them are zero, the assertion is clear. So let x,y e A with x > 0, y > 0. Observe that (22.9)
x + y>0
<=t -l^spA{x
+ y) <& e + x + y G GA.
Since x > 0 and y > 0 we have accordingly that both of e + x and e + y belong to GA. Moreover, (22.10)
(e + x + y) = (e + x)(e + y) - xy = (e + x){e - zz')(e + y),
with z = (e + x)~lx and z' = y(e + y)~l. In addition (see Theorem 4.6(2) and [72, p. 33, Theorem 4(iv)])
spA(z) = [JspAp((ep
+ xp)~1xp)
= {(l + A ) " ^ : A e spA(x)},
p e -T,
where spA(x) C (0, co). Hence, rA{z) < 1 and similarly rA(z') < 1. On the other hand, since the inverse of a self-adjoint element is also self-adjoint and x(e + x)"1 = (e + x)~lx, we get that z G H(A). Similarly, z' G H(A). Consequently (see Propositions 22.2, 22.4 and Theorem 4.7), rA(zz')
< rA(z)rA(z')
< 1 therefore e — zz' G GA.
Taking also into account (22.10) and (22.9) we clearly conclude (1). (2) Let x E H(A). Then, rA(x)e spA(rA(x)e
= {rA{x)
H(A) and (see (4.11))
A : A G spA(x)} > 0, i.e., rA(x)e
x > 0.
Chapter V.
Hermitian and symmetric topological *-algebras
Thus, taking a second element y e H(A) and applying (1) we get (rA(x)+rA(y))e
(x + y) > 0, V i , i / e H(A),
|A| < rA{x) + rA(y), V A e sp A (z + y) and this completes the proof of (2). 22.7 Remark. Proposition 22.6 is valid for any symmetric Arens-Michael algebra without any extra assumption. To see it, repeat the proof of the corresponding Banach algebra result (cf., for instance, [327, Lemma (4.7.10)]) using accordingly Theorem 5.8. At any case, the statement (2) of Proposition 22.6 is valid, whenever the statement (1) of the same proposition is true. Thus, taking also into account Theorem 6.11(3) and [262, p. 103, Proposition 6.2], we conclude that for any symmetric Arens-Michael Qalgebra A[rr], the spectral radius rA restricted to the real locally convex space H(A), is a continuous seminorm. To have that rA\H(A) *s 3ust
seminorm, one needs a symmetric Arens-Michael *-s6-algebra A[rr]. 22.8 Proposition. Let A[rr] be either a symmetric Arens-Michael algebra or an involutive Arens-Michael algebra as in Proposition 22.6. Then, rA{x + x*) < 2pA(x), V x G A. Proof. As in the proof of Proposition 22.6, we may suppose that A[rp] is unital. Let x e A. Then, there are unique elements y,z e H(A) with x = y + iz. Precisely, y = — - — and z = ———. Thus, (22.11)
xx*+x*x = 2(y2 +
where clearly y2 > 0 and z2 > 0. Now r^(y 2 + z2)e — (y2 + z2) > 0, so that (see Proposition 22.6(1)) r^(y 2 + 22)e — y2 > 0, whence (22.12)
rA{y)2 = rA(y2)
+ z2).
Using now (22.12), (22.11), Theorem 4.6(6) and Remark 22.7 together with Proposition 22.6(2) we deduce that rA(x + x*)2 = 4rA(y2) < 2rA(xx* + x*x) < ArA(x*x) = (2pA(x))2, This completes the proof.
x G A.
Ptdk function and Ptdk inequality
22.9 Lemma. Let A be an involutive algebra on which the Ptdk function PA is a real-valued function (take, for instance, A to be a *-sfr-algebra). Then, PA satisfies the following properties: (1) PA{XX) = \\\PA(X),
for every A £ C and x £ A.
(2) pA{x*) - PA(X), for every x G A. (3) PA(X*X) = PA{X)2,
for every x £ A.
(4) PA{X) — rA{x), for every x 6E H(A). (5) JA Q {x € A : PA(X) = 0}, where JA is the (Jacobson) radical of A. Proof. The assertions (l)-(4) follow directly from the definition of PA- To prove (5), let x € JA- Then x*x G JA, therefore (Proposition 4.24(1)) rA{x*x) = 0 that equivalently means PA(X) = 0 . 22.10 Lemma. Let A[rr] be either a spectral hermitian Arens-Michael algebra, or a unital involutive Arens-Michael algebra such that each Banach algebra Ap, p € F, fulfils the Ptdk type inequality (see (22.8)). Then, PA is subadditive; namely, PA{X + y) < PA{X) +PA{V),
for all x,y G A.
Proof. Applying Propositions 22.2(3), 22.4(3), 22.6(2), 22.8 and Lemma 22.9(2), we get pA{x + yf = rA({x + y)*{x + y)) = rA(x*x + y*y + (x*y + y*x)) < rA{x*x) + rA{y*y) + rA(x*y + y*x) < PA(X)2 + pA{yf
+ 2pA{x*y)
< VA{X)2 + PA(V)2
= {PA(X) + pA(y)) ,
V x, y e A.
22.11 Proposition. Let A[TP] be a *-spectral hermitian Arens-Michael algebra. Then, the Ptdk function is a (submultiplicative) C* -seminorm on A\rr\-
If, in addition, the involution of A\rp\ is continuous and the
spectral m* -seminorm (realizing A[rr] as a *-spectral algebra) belongs to the family F, one has that pA is a continuous C* -seminorm on A\TP\Proof. Since A[rr] is a spectral algebra, PA is a real-valued function. From Lemmas 22.9, 22.10 and Proposition 22.2(2), PA is a submultiplicative C*seminorm on A[rp]. Suppose now that involution on A[rr] is continuous
Chapter V.
Hermitian and symmetric topological *—algebras
and that the spectral m*-seminorm, say q, on A[rf ] belongs to F. Then, I"A{X)
< q{x), for all x G A (see Definition 6.19). In particular, PA{X)2
< q(x*x) < q(x*)q(x) = q(x)2, V x G A,
whence we deduce continuity of PANote that if the spectral m*-seminorm, say q, in Proposition 22.11 is just a continuous spectral m*-seminorm on A[rr], then the topology rp on A is equivalent with the topology induced by the family FU{q} and clearly we are led to the same result as before. 22.12 Remark. Recall that a C*-seminorm on an involutive algebra is automatically submultiplicative (Theorem 7.2). This cannot be applied in the case of Ptak function, since its submultiplicativity (derived by the submultiplicativity of the spectral radius on the self-adjoint elements of the algebra involved (Proposition 22.2(1))), is a sufficient condition for its subadditivity (cf. proof of Lemma 22.10). D. Birbas has given necessary and sufficient conditions under which the Ptak function becomes a C*— seminorm (see [64, Remark 3.3, Theorem 3.5]). Corollary 22.13 follows directly from Propositions 6.20 and 22.11. 22.13 Corollary. Let A[rr] be a hermitian Arens-Michael Q-*-algebra. Then, the Ptak function is a continuous C*-seminorm on A[rr]. 22.14 Proposition (Birbas). Let A be a *-sb-algebra, p a nonzero C*~ seminorm on A and
the Ptak function.
Then, p{x) <
for all
x G A. Proof. A\p] is a C*-convex algebra, therefore (see Theorems 7.2 and 4.6(1)) SPA{X)
^ 0, for every x € A. So,
> 0, for every x e A (cf. Definition
4.5). Clearly, p(x2) — p{x)2 , for all x G H(A), so inductively one gets p(x) = p(x 2 ") a / 2 ", for all x G H(A). But, for any nonzero m-seminorm p on an algebra A, the spectral radius TA sits above the limkp(xk)1/k, x e A [297, p. 210, Theorem 2.2.2]. Hence, p(x) = limp^ 2 ") 1 / 2 " <
V x G H(A),
p(x)2 = p(x*x) < rA{x*x) = PA(X) , V x G A.
for all
22. Ptdk function and Ptdk inequality
If the given *-s&-algebra A in Proposition 22.14 is an m-convex algebra, we have spA(x) ^ 0, for all x G A, therefore TA(X) > 0, for all x £ A. So, in this case, the result of Proposition 22.14 is true for any C*-seminorm p. If p = 0, clearly p(x) < PA{X), for all x G A. If p ^ 0 we work as above. 22.15 gebra. (1) (2)
Corollary. Lei A[r^] be a *-spectral hermitian Arens-Michael alThen, the following statements hold: The Ptdk function PA is maximal C*-seminorm on A[rp]. JA = ker(pA).
Proof. (1) It is an immediate consequence of Propositions 22.11 and 22.14. (2) From Lemma 22.9(5) JA C ker (PA)- TO prove the reverse inclusion let x € ker(p,4). To show that x belongs to JA: it suffices to prove that rA(xy) = 0, for all y G A (see Proposition 4.24(2)). From Theorem 22.1 and Proposition 22.2(2) we have rA{xy) < PA{XV) < PA{X)PA{V) = 0, V y e A. Hence x G JA and ker(PA) Q JAWe have seen that a (Hausdorff) C*-convex Q-algebra A[rr] is topologically *-isomorphic to a pre-C*-algebra (cf. Proposition 8.1). Looking at the proof of this result we see that the C*-norm denning (equivalently) the topology rp of A, is exactly the maximal (continuous) C*-seminorm (finally C*-norm, because of Hausdorff) given by Ptak function. More precisely, in the symbols of the afore-mentioned proof, one has that ||x||fe — supp(x) = PA(X) = Po{x), V x G A, p
where po is the C*-seminorm sitting above the spectral radius, because of property Q (Theorem 6.18). Also recall that A[rp] as a C*-convex Qalgebra is symmetric (hence hermitian); see Theorem 6.5 and Corollary 21.5. Compare Ptak function with the maximal continuous C*-seminorm p ^ of the Subsection 18.(1); cf., for instance, (18.26) and (18.27).
Chapter V.
Hermitian and symmetric topological *— algebras
22.16 Corollary. Let A[T] be a topological *~sb-algebra and R*A the * radical of A[T\. Then, JA C RA. Proof. From (18.3) R\ = n{ker(/i) : (i G R'{A)}. Let (i G i?'(A). Provided that if^ 7^ {0} with dimH^ > 1, one has / i ^ O . Define (22.13)
p(x) := ||/i(a:)||, a: 6 A.
Clearly p is a nonzero C*-seminorm on A, so that Proposition 22.14 gives (22.14)
p(x) < PA(X),
V i e A
Let now x G J^. Then, (see Lemma 22.9(5)) PA(%) = 0, therefore /n(x) = 0, for all n e R'{A) according to (22.14) and (22.13). Hence, x G R*A and this completes the proof. 22.17 Corollary. Every *-semisimple topological *~sb-algebra is (Jacobson) semisimple. We can see that the reverse inclusion in the result of Corollary 22.16, is attained in some classes of symmetric (and/or hermitian) topological algebras. For this purpose we first need the following Lemmas. 22.18 L e m m a . Let A[rr] be either an m*-convex unital involutive Frechet Q-algebra. R*A = n{Lf
: / G P'{A)},
algebra with a bai or a
where Lf:={x£A:
= 0}, / e
Proof. Let x G R*A. Then, fi(x) = 0, for all ^ 6 R{A) (see (18.6) and Proposition 18.5 respectively), therefore /i/(x) = 0, for all / G P'(A), where (if is the GiV^-representation corresponding to / G P'(A) (see Theorem 14.2 and Proposition 17.8(1) with Theorem 17.7 respectively). Thus, (ibid.) f{x*x) = W(aO(£/),^/(a;)(£/)> = 0, V x G A and / G P'(A), whence we get x G fl{L/ : / G P'(A)}. Conversely, let (i G R(A) and 0 # ^ G H^. Then, (see Remark 13.5) the pair (/i,£) defines an element f^
G P'{A) such that
f ^ ( x * x ) = Mx)(O\\2,
22. Ptdk function and Ptdk inequality
Hence, if x G f){Lf : f G P'(A)} we deduce that n{x) = 0, for all /J, G R(A). This yields (see (18.6) and Proposition 18.5 respectively) x G R*A and so the proof is complete. If A is an involutive algebra and / a linear form on A, we say that / is weakly positive if f(x2) > 0, for every x G H{A) (see, for instance, [327, Definition (4.7.1)] and/or [322, Section 6]). 22.19 Lemma. Let A[rr\ be a unital involutive Arens-Michael *-sb~algebra. Let f be a weakly positive linear form on A. Then, the following hold: (1) /(x) G R and \f{x)\ < f{e)rA(x), for all x G H{A). If, additionally, f(e) — 1, one moreover has: (2) f(x)2 < f{x2), for all x G H(A). (3) \f(x)\
f(y) = /(e) - f(h2) e R with /(y) < /(e). Now, since rA{—y) = rA{y), the same argument as before shows that f(-y) < /(e); therefore |/(y)| < f(e) and f(x)eR
with \f(x)\
+ e), V £ > 0.
This proves (1). (2) Suppose /(e) = 1 and let x £ H(A) and A e l b e arbitrary. Then 0 < f((x + Ae)2) = f(x2) + 2Xf(x) + A2. Since f(x) G R by (1) and A is arbitrary, we may replace A in the preceding relation with —f(x); this gives (2). (3) Every x G A is uniquely written as x = y + iz with y, z G H(A). Thus, f{y),f(z) G R from (1). Moreover, applying (1) and (2), as well as Theorem 4.6(6), we get
\f(x)\2 = f(y)2 + /(*) 2 < f(y2 + z1) = \f(x*x + xx*) < -(rA(x*x) + rA(xx*)) = rA(x*x) = pA(x)2, V x G A
Chapter V.
Hermitian and symmetric topological *— algebras
and this clearly proves (3). 22.20 Lemma. Let A[rr] be a unital symmetric Arens-Michael *~sbalgebra. Let f be a linear form on A[rr]. Then, the following statements are equivalent: (1) f(x) G R and \f(x)\ < f{e)rA(x),
for all x G H(A).
(2) / is weakly positive. (3) / is positive. If, additionally, f(e) = 1, (1), (2), (3) are also equivalent to: (4)
(6) \f( )\ and a e l ,
for all x £ A with x = h + iae, where h G H(A)
Proof. (1) => (2) We may suppose that rA(x) < 1, for every x G H(A) (see proof of Lemma 22.19(1)). Thus, (Theorem 4.6(5)) rA(x2) < 1 and since spA(x) C R, for all x G H(A) (A being symmetric is hermitian, according to Proposition 21.2(2)) we get (also see (4.11)) spA(x2) — spA(x)2 > 0, for every x G H(A). Hence, 0 < spA(x2) < 1 from which we take 0 < spA(e — x2) < 1. Thus, x2) < 1 with e - x2 G H(A), where by (1)
|/(e - x2)\ < f(e)rA(e - x2) < /(e). On the other hand,
f(e) = f ( x 2
+ e
- x 2 ) = f(x2) + f(e - x2) < f(x2) + / ( e ) , V x G H(A),
whence (2) follows. (2) => (3) Since A is symmetric, x*x > 0, for every x E A (Proposition 21.2(3)), therefore ee + x*x > 0, for every x G A and every e > 0. Now, Theorem 5.8 implies the existence of a strictly positive element h with h = ee + x*x, so that from (2) ef(e) + f(x*x) > 0 equivalently f(x*x) > - e / ( e ) , for every e > 0. Hence, f(x*x) > 0, for every x £ A. (3) => (2) It is obvious. (2) =^ (1) It follows from Lemma 22.19. Suppose now that /(e) = 1. Then,
Ptdk function and Ptdk inequality
(2) => (4) It follows from Lemma 22.19. (4) =*> (5) => (6) It is evident. (6) => (1) Let x £ H(A) with f(x) = (3 + ry with /?, 7 G R and 7 7^ 0. Then, y = x — (3e £ if (A) and /(y) = /(x) — /3 = ij. So, for arbitrary a £ R , (6) implies (also see Theorem 4.6, (7)) |/(y + iae)| = \a + j \
< °°-
(2) R*A C JA, when A\jr[ fulfils either of the following conditions: (2a) rA\n{A) < ° ° ; involution and all positive linear forms of A[rr] are continuous. (2b) A[TP\ is metrizable andQ. Proof. (1) Let HL :— {x + Xe : x £ LnH(A), X G K.}. HL is a real subspace of H(A), so denning fo(x + Ae) :— A, for every x + Ae G i?L, we have a linear form /o on Hi with /o(e) = 1. In addition, A G SPA(X + Ae), for all x + Ae G i / i , since Ae — (x + Ae) = —x G L. Thus, |/o(-z)| < ^ A ( ^ ) , for all z G i / i , where since A is symmetric ryi is subadditive on H(A) (Remark 22.7). Moreover,
< °°is o t n a t rA is a seminorm on H(A). Hence,
from Hahn-Banach theorem, /o is extended to a real linear form on H(A), also denoted by /o, such that (22.15)
But, A = if (A) © iH(A), so /o is extended to a complex linear form / on A, which is positive according to (22.15) and Lemma 22.20. In particular, f(x*x) = fo(x*x) = 0, for every x G L, so that L C Lf, where both L and Lf are left ideals and L is maximal. Consequently, L — Lf. (2) Suppose now that involution of A[rr] is continuous and P(A) = P'{A). Then, the inclusion R*A C J A follows from (1), Lemma 22.18 (with Corollary 17.9 in the case of (2b)) and Definition 4.21.
Chapter V.
Hermitian and symmetric topological * -algebras
22.22 Corollary. Let A[rr] be either a symmetric Arens-Michael Q-*algebra, or a symmetric Frechet Q-algebra (in the second case no-continuity of the involution is assumed). Then, JA = R*A = {X G A: TA{X*X)
= 0} — ker(p A )-
Proof. Consider the unitization AJ[TI] of A[TT]. Then, AI[TI] keeps all the properties of A[rr] (see Propositions 3.11, 6.14(2) and 21.2(5)). Additionally, in either case, every positive linear form on A[r^] is continuous (cf. discussion at the beginning of Section 15 and Corollary 17.9 respectively). On the other hand, every symmetric algebra is hermitian (Proposition 21.2(2)) and every m-convex Q-algebra, is a spectral algebra (see comments after Definition 6.19). Thus (see Proposition 22.21(2), Corollaries 17.9, 22.15(2) and 22.16, as well as (4.50) and (13.15)), ker(pA) - JA = JAI = R*A! = R*A-
22.(1) The Shirali-Ford theorem In this Subsection we first give a non-technical, free of calculations proof (cf. [157]) of the classical Shirali-Ford theorem [139]. Then, we present a non-normed version of the same result. Of course, the Shirali-Ford theorem could be taken as a corollary of Theorem 22.25, below (from which the idea of the given proof initiates), but because of its importance we give an independent proof. The presented proof differs from the standard ones (see, for instance, [322, (5.9) Theorem] and [121, (33.2) Theorem]), while it provides a nice application of the celebrated results of V. Ptak on the characterization of hermitian Banach algebras in terms of Ptak function. The key-tool that makes this application effective is a result on Q-algebras (see Proposition 6.2) that makes an element in a normed Q-algebra A to be quasi-invertible in A if and only if this happens in the completion A of A. Our citations to the results of V. Ptak from [322] will be from Section 22, since every involutive Banach algebra is a spectral involutive ArensMichael algebra.
Ptdk function and Ptdk inequality
Let A be an involutive algebra and JA the (Jacobson) radical of A. JA is a *-ideal of A that moreover is symmetric (hence hermitian), since it consists entirely of quasi-invertible elements [121, (B.5.14) Proposition]. Thus, from Proposition 21.2(6), the problem of proving that an involutive algebra A is hermitian (respectively symmetric) it always reduces to the semisimple case. 22.23 Theorem (Shirali-Ford). Every hermitian Banach algebra A is symmetric. Proof. According to the preceding discussion it suffices to show that the semisimple hermitian Banach algebra B = Aj JA is symmetric. Hermiticity of B implies Ptak inequality (see Theorem 22.1); that is (22.16)
rB{x + JA)
+ JA),
V i e A,
where the Ptak function pg is a C*-seminorm on B and JQ = ker(p#) (see respectively Corollaries 22.13 and 22.15(2)). Semisimplicity of B makes pg a C*-norm. Thus, the completion B\PB] of B[ps] is a C*-algebra, therefore symmetric (cf. (21.6)) and from (22.16) B is a (normed) Q-algebra (see Theorem 6.18). So, an element is quasi-invertible in
if and only if
this occurs in B\PB] (Proposition 6.2). This completes the proof, according to the definition of symmetry (see (21.3)). We shall proceed now to a non-normed version of the Shirali-Ford theorem [355] that will be taken as a corollary of a more general result (see Theorem 22.25) due to D. Birbas [64, Theorem 3.2]. Loosely speaking, we may say that Birbas' result provides an "algebraic analogue" of the Shirali-Ford theorem, not of course, in the sense that a hermitian algebra is symmetric, since this is not true, in general, as we remarked in the Introduction of this Chapter. According to Ptak theory for hermitian Banach algebras (see [322, Section 5] and/or [121, (33.7) Theorem]), among other characterizations of hermiticity is the following one: An involutive Banach algebra A is hermitian if and only if the Ptdk function PA is subadditive. What Birbas proves in [64] is that: If A is an involutive algebra, whose the Ptak function is a real-valued subadditive function, then A is symmetric.
Chapter V.
Hermitian and symmetric topological ^-algebras
Subadditivity of Ptak function is a crucial property. If A is an involutive algebra such that the Ptak function PA is a real-valued function, Lemma 22.9 (1) and (3) implies that (22.17)
PA is a C*-seminorm if and only if it is subadditive.
In general, if A is an involutive algebra and p a C*-seminorm on A, then p is automatically *-preserving and submultiplicative (Sebestyen; see Theorem 7.2). But, when A is either a hermitian Banach algebra or, more generally, a spectral hermitian Arens-Michael algebra, then subadditivity of PA seems to depend on its submultiplicativity (see proof of Lemma 22.10) that in its turn depends on the submultiplicativity of the spectral radius on the selfadjoint elements; see proof of Proposition 22.4. For further information on subadditivity of the Ptak function, the reader is referred to [64]. 22.24 Lemma (Birbas). Let A be an involutive algebra such that the Ptak function PA is a subadditive real-valued function. Then, the following hold: (1) TA(X) < PA{X), for every x € A (Ptak inequality). (2) J A = ker(p A ). Proof. (1) From Lemma 22.9(4), r^ix) = PA{X), for every x G H(A), where PA is a C*-seminorm from our assumption (see (22.17)). So A[pA] is a normed *-algebra (or more precisely a pre-C*-algebra) such that (22.18)
rA(x) < pA(x),
V x G H(A).
From Corollary 6.22 (also see Theorem 7.2), (22.18) is equivalent to (1). (2) According to Lemma 22.9(5), it suffices to show that ker(pA) C JASo let x G A with PA(X) = 0. Then, since PA is a submultiplicative C*seminorm (see (22.17) and Theorem 7.2), (1) gives rA{xy) < PA(xy) < PA{X)PA{V) = 0, V y € A. This implies x € JA (see Proposition 4.24(2)). 22.25 Theorem (Birbas). Let A be an involutive algebra such that Ptak function is a subadditive real-valued function. Then, A is symmetric.
Ptdk function and Ptdk inequality
Proof. According to the discussion before Theorem 22.23, it suffices to show that the semisimple algebra B = A/JA is symmetric. It is known [121, (B.5.16) Proposition] that rB(x +
Now, ps is a C*-seminorm since PA has this property (see (22.19) and (22.17)). Hence, from Lemma 22.24 (22.20)
rB{x + JA)
+ JA),
V x <E A and JB = kev(pB).
Semisimplicity of B makes pB a C*-norm, consequently B\pB] is a preC*-algebra. At the same time, B\pB] is a Q-algebra according to (22.20) (cf. Theorem 6.17). Hence, B is symmetric as a Q-pre-C*-algebra (see Corollary 21.5(2)). The next Corollary 22.26 follows from Lemma 22.10 and Theorem 22.25. 22.26 Corollary. Every unital involutive Arens-Michael algebra A[rr) such that each Banach algebra Ap, p 6 F, fulfils the Ptdk type inequality (see (22.8)) is symmetric. We can now state a non-normed analogue of the Shirali-Ford theorem. 22.27 Theorem. Every spectral hermitian Arens-Michael algebra A[rr] is symmetric. Proof. Since A[rr] is an Arens-Michael algebra,
^ 0, for every x €
A (Theorem 4.6(1)). Moreover, r^(x) < oo, for every x G A, since A is a spectral algebra. Therefore, the Ptak function PA is a real-valued function. On the other hand, since A[r^] is moreover hermitian, PA is subadditive (Lemma 22.10). The assertion now follows from Theorem 22.25. According to a result of D. Sterbova [362, Theorem 2.5] every hermitian Arens-Michael algebra is symmetric. But the proof of this result depends on Lemma 2.1 of the same Reference as before, in the proof of which relation (2) is unclear. Now a consequence of Theorems 6.18 and 22.27 is the following.
Chapter V.
Hermitian and symmetric topological *— algebras
22.28 Corollary. The concepts of hermiticity and symmetry coincide on an involutive Arens-Michael algebra A[rr] in the following cases: (1) When A[rr] is a spectral algebra. (2) When A[rp] is a Q-algebra. 22.29 Theorem. Let A[rr} be a spectral involutive Arens-Michael algebra. Then, the following statements are equivalent: (1) A[rr] is symmetric (namely, — x*x G GqA, for all x G A). (2) x*x > 0, for all x G A. (3) For any x G A, the real part of each A G SPA(X*X) is nonnegative. (4) A[rr] is hermitian (that is, SPA(X) C E, for all x G H(A)). (5) rA(x) (6) rA{x)
< PA(X),
for all x G A.
< PA{X),
for all x G
(7) rA(x)
= rA(x*x), for all x G N(A).
(8) rA{x* + x) < 2pA(x), for all x G A. (9) pA{x
+ y)
for all x,y
G A.
If A[TP] is moreover unital, the nine previous conditions are also equivalent to the next: (10) rA{x) = 1, for all x G U{A). (11) rA(x) < 1, for all x G U(A). (12) rA{x) < (3, for all x G U{A) and some (3 > 0. Proof. (1) =» (2) It follows from Proposition 21.2(3). (2) => (3) It is obvious. (3) => (1) Observe that for any x G A, negative members, so that —1 ^
does not contain
for every x G A. This means
that — x*x G G A, therefore A[rr] is symmetric. (1) <^> (4) It follows from Corollary 22.28(1). (4) => (5)
(6) => (7)
(4) Note that since A[rr] is spectral we have
TA{X) < oo, for every x G A. So we apply Theorem 22.1. (1) => (8) It follows from Proposition 22.8. (8) => (6) Let x e A. Then, x = y + i2: with y = — - — and z = ———. Zi
If, in particular, x G N(A), then y{iz) = (iz)y, so that (see Theorem 4.6(7)
22. Ptdk function and Ptdk inequality
and Proposition 22.8) TA
0 ) < rA (y) + rA (z) < PA (x) + PA (ix) = 2pA (x).
On the other hand, x G N(A) implies xn G N(A), n G N; therefore, rA{x) < 21/npA{x),
n G N, V x e JV(A),
so letting n —» oo, we get (6). (4) =*> (9) It follows from Lemma 22.10. (9) =£> (8) From the properties of rA and PA (see Theorem 4.6 and Lemma 22.9) we have rA(x* + x)2 = rA((x* + x)2) = rA{{x* + x)(x* + x)*) = pA(x*
+ x)2<{2PA(x))2,
V i e A
Suppose now that A[rr] is unital. Then: (7) => (10) It follows from the fact that U{A) C N(A) and x*x = e. (10) => (11) => (12) It is evident. (12) => (4) Let a; G J^(-A)- Then, there is a closed maximal commutative self-adjoint subalgebra M of A[rr] (Theorem 4.13) containing x, e such that (also see Theorem 4.18) (22.21)
spA{w) = spM{w) = {(p{w) :
Since ^4[T] is a spectral algebra we may suppose that rA(x) < 1, therefore rA{e-
< 1, with e - x2 <E H(M).
Now, from Corollary 5.5, there is y G H(M), such that e — x2 — y2. Further, if z = x + iy, then z G U(M) and clearly zn G U(M), n G N, too. So from Theorem 4.6(5) and our assumption, we get TM{Z) = ru{,zn)xln < /3 1 /", n G N, that gives rjy(z) < 1. In particular, z* = z"1, hence (Lemma 4.11) SPM{Z)
= spM(z*) = spM{z~l) = {A"1 : A G spM(z)};
this yields |A| — 1, for every A G SPM(-Z). NOW (see (22.21)) ip(z) =
e S
for every 5 G 9Jl(M), and
Chapter V. Hermitian and symmetric topological *—algebras
SPM{Z*), for every cp G SPt(M). Thus, from the above \
22.30 Corollary. Let A[rr] be a spectral involutive Arens-Michael algebra. Then, the following statements are equivalent: (1) ^4[rr] is hermitian. (2) A\rp] is symmetric. (3) The Ptdk function is maximal C*-seminorm on A[rr]Proof. The equivalence of (1) and (2) follows from Theorem 22.29. Now, the implication (2) => (3) follows from Corollary 22.15(1). The implication (3) => (2) follows from Theorem 22.25. For further characterizations of symmetry see [64], [294]. For other kind of symmetries and their relation to the standard one, see [65].
Symmetry via positive linear forms and ^ r e p resentations
In Section 21 (see Corollaries 21.7(5), 21.8(2), Proposition 21.6 and Theorem 21.10) symmetry in the commutative case is related with positive linear forms and 1-dimensional *-representations through the global and local spectrum. In this Section, we relate symmetry in the non-commutative case with positive linear forms and (non-finite dimensional) *-representations. In the context of symmetric Banach (*-)algebras, such results have been given, for instance, by D.A. Raikov [323] (also see [327, Theorem (4.7.21)]), V. Ptak [322, (6,5) Theorem] (also see [121, (33.12) Theorem]), S. Shirali [354, Theorem 1], and J.N. Jenkins [213, Proposition 1.2]. In fact, the results of V. Ptak and S. Shirali provide more general settings of the Raikov criterion for symmetry.
Symmetry via positive linear forms and *—representations
The next theorem gives a sufficient condition under which a positive linear form extends from a closed self-adjoint subalgebra to the whole involutive topological algebra under consideration. 23.1 Theorem. Let A[rr] be a unital symmetric Arens-Michael
algebra. If B is a closed self-adjoint subalgebra of A[rp] containing the identity e of A[rp], then every positive linear form /o on B is extended to a positive linear form f on A\rp\. Proof. From Proposition 21.3 and its proof, we have symmetry of B and sps(x) = SPA(X), for every x G H(A). Hence, B is also a *-s6-algebra and (cf. Lemma 22.19(1)) |/o0c)| ^ fo{e)rA{x), for every x G H(B), where TA is a seminorm on H(A) (see Remark 22.7). So /o is extended (by HahnBanach) to a real linear form /o on H(A) such that (23.1)
|/0(a:) | < fo{e)rA{x), V z G H(A).
Now, since A — H(A) © iH{A), /o is extended to a complex linear form / on ^4[IT], which is positive according to (23.1) and Lemma 22.20. 23.2 Lemma. Let A[rr\ be a unital symmetric Arens-Michael *-sb-algebra. Let x be an element in A with no left-inverse. Then, there is a state f on A[TP] such that x G ker(/). Proof. Let x be in A with no left-inverse. Then, x*x respectively xx* cannot be left respectively right invertible in A (see, for instance, Lemma 4.10(3)). Consider a closed maximal commutative self-adjoint subalgebra M of A[rr] containing x*x, e (Theorem 4.13). Then, SPM(Z) — SPA(Z), for every z G M, so that M becomes a *-sfr-algeabra with x*x ^ GM- Hence, from Proposition 6.10(6), there is tp0 G 9Jt(M) such that ipo(x*x) — 0. But M is symmetric (Proposition 21.3), therefore ifo G S'(M) by Corollary 21.8. Now, according to Theorem 23.1, ipg is extended to a positive linear form, say / , on A[rr] with /(e) =
= ipo(x*x) = 0 ,
therefore x G ker(/).
Chapter V.
Hermitian and symmetric topological *—algebras
23.3 Theorem. Let A[Tp] be an involutive Arens-Michael *-sb-algebra. Let AI[TI]
be the unitization of A[rp] and S(A\)
the set of states on AI[TI].
Then, the following statements are equivalent: (1) Afry] is symmetric. (2) sPA(x) C x(5(Ai)) := {f(x) : / £ S(Ai)}, for all x £ A. Proof. (1) => (2) .AI[TI] is a symmetric Arens-Michael algebra from Propositions 21.2(5) and 3.11. It is also a *-s6-algebra, since the elements Aei and (x,0) commute in A\, for every (a;, 0) £ A\, so from Theorem 4.6(7) and (4.7) we have rAl (x, A) = rAl ((x, 0) + Aei) < rA(x) + |A| < oo, V (x, A) e ^ ( ^ i ) . Let now A € spA(x) = spAl(x,0),
x £ A. Then, Aei — x fi GAl, so that
from Lemma 23.2 there is / £ S(Ai) with Aei — x £ ker(/). Thus, f(x) = A and A e x(S(Ai))
that proves (2).
(2) => (1) Let x £ A. Then, spA(x*x) C {f(x*x)
: f £ 5(Ai)} > 0,
that clearly implies symmetry of A[rr\ (Proposition 21.2(3)). Another characterization of symmetry is given by the realization of the spectral radius on self-adjoint elements, in virtue of continuous topologically irreducible *-representations (Theorem 23.10). Let us now take a locally C*-algebra A[TT] (that, as we know, is symmetric; see (21.6)). Then, each Banach algebra Ap, p £ F, is a C*-algebra, therefore rAp(xp)
= \\xp\\p = p(x), for every x £ H(A) and p £ F. In
addition, (see Proposition 18.1(3)) p(x) = sup{||/i(x)|| : n £ R'P(A)} = rp(x), V x £ A. Hence, (cf. Theorem 4.6(3) and (13.12)) rA(x) = sup{||/i(aO|| : /x € R'p{A), p £ F} = Bup{\\n(x)\\ : n £ R'(A)}, V x £ H(A). So the particular subclass of symmetric algebras consisting of locally C*-algebras fulfils always (23.2). In the normed case, the right hand side supremum in (23.2) is the Gel'fand-Naimark seminorm j
. According to
Symmetry via positive linear forms and * -representations
the Raikov criterion (cf.
[354, Theorem 1]) one has that an involutive
Banach algebra A is symmetric if and only if rA(x) = 7.4(2:), for every x G H(A). On the other hand, (23.2) is clearly equivalent to (23.3)
rA{x*x) = sup{||/i(x)||2 : /j, G R'(A)},
which in its turn is equivalent to (23.4)
= sup{||/i(a:)|| : /x G R'(A)},
V x G A,
with PA the Ptak function (see (21.1)). According to Proposition 18.1, the equality in (23.4) (hence a priori the second equality in (23.2)) can equivalently be given through the continuous pure positive linear forms of A\Tr]; namely, (23.5)
= snp{f(x*x)
: / GB { A ) } ,
V i e A
Note that the suprema in the preceding expressions do not necessarily exist. They do however, when A[r/-] is a *-si>-algebra, or an ssfr-algebra. In the sequel, we present conditions under which symmetry can be characterized, in certain m*-convex algebras (with not always continuous involution), by the equivalent expressions of the spectral radius given by (23.2)-(23.5); see Theorems 23.10 and Corollaries 23.11 and 23.12. Given a unital involutive algebra A, denote by ES(A)
the set of all
extreme points of S(A); namely, ES(A) consists of all pure states of A (see Remark 13.3(/3)). Moreover, denote by Rep(A) all ^-representations of A and by Irr(A) all topologically irreducible ^-representations of A. IiA[Tp] is a unital Frechet *-algebra, each positive linear form and every *-representation of A[r^] is continuous (cf. Theorem 15.5 and Corollary 17.2 respectively). So, in this case, one has that ES(A) = B(A) as follows from (12.16) and (12.10), while Rep(A) = R(A) and Irr{A) = R'(A). 23.4 Proposition. Let A[rr\ be a unital involutive Arens-Michael *-sbalgebra. Then, the following hold: sup{f{x*x)
: f e ES{A)}1/2
sup{/(z*z) : / G S(A)}1/2
= s\ip{\\n(x)\\ : \x G Irr{A)} < 00, V x G A, = Bvp{\\n(x)\\ : fit G Rep{A)} < 00, V i e A
Chapter V.
Hermitian and symmetric topological *—algebras
Proof. Let / be a positive linear form on -A[rf]. From Corollary 12.12(2) f{x*x) < f(e)rA(x*x),
therefore, sup{/(x*a;) : / £ ES(A)}
V x £ A,
< oo, for every x £ A. Let now
fi £ Irr(A) and ^ e ff, with ||£]| = 1. Let f^(x) every x £ A. Then, f^
:= {fi(x)(O,O,
£ ES(A), since / ^ ( e ) = 1 and /i is topologically
irreducible (cf. Remark 13.3(a)). In particular, fli^(x*x)
= ||^(a:)(£)||2, for
every x £ A, so that (also see (23.6)) (23.7)
|Kz)|| 2 = snp{f^(x*x) : ||£|| = 1} < rA(x*x),
for every x G A and \i G Irr(A). Consequently, sup{||/u(x)|| : fj, e Irr(A)} < oo, V s e i . From the equality in (23.7) we conclude that, for every x G A, one has (23.8)
sup{||/i(a:)|| : (JL G Irr(A)} < sup{/(x*x) : / e
Consider now / G ES{A).
Then (cf. Corollary 17.10) there is a topo-
logically irreducible ^-representation jif of A and a cyclic unit vector £/ of fij such that f(x) = ( M / ( : E ) ( ^ / ) ' ^ / ) ' ^ o r e v e r Y x G A. Since f[x*x) — |[/ij(x)(^/)|| 2 , for every x G A, we readily get (23.9)
sup{||^(x)|| : /i e Irr{A)} > sup{f(x*x) : / £ ES{A)}1'2,
for all x £ A. The first assertion follows now from (23.8) and (23.9). The second assertion results by applying similar arguments. Recall that for a given unital involutive topological algebra A[T], S'(A) stands for all continuous states of A[T] and ES'(A) for the extreme points of S'(A).
Note also that a state / of a unital involutive algebra A is an
extreme point in S(A) if and only if it is pure (see, Remark 13.3(/3)). In this regard, we have the following corollary, which should be compared with Proposition 18.1(1).
23. Symmetry via positive linear forms and * -representations
23.5 Corollary. Let A[rr] be a unital involutive Frechet Q-algebra. Then, for all x & A, one has sup \\fi(x)\\ = sup \\fj.(x)\\ = fi€R(A)
sup f{x*x)ll2 feES'(A)
= sup
Proof. All positive linear forms and ^-representations of A[TT] are continuous according to Corollary 17.9 and Theorem 17.7. So, S'(A) = S(A), R'(A) = Irr(A) and R(A) = Rep(A); all suprema in the statement of Corollary 23.5 exist according to Proposition 23.4. Denote these suprema from the left to the right by a, b, c, d. Clearly, b = c and a — d from Proposition 23.4. Moreover, since R'{A) C R(A), b < a. The proof will be accomplished by showing d < c. So let / G 5"(^4) = S(A). An easy consequence of (17.8) is that f(x*x), x e A, belongs to the closed interval [0, snp{g(x*x) : g € ES'(A)}}. So d < c and thus a = b = c = d. u 23.6 Theorem (Raikov criterion). Let A[rp] be an involutive Arens-Michael algebra. Consider the following statements: (1) R'(A)\{0} # 0; rA\H(A) < oo with rA(x) = sup{||/x(a;)|| : /x G R'{A)}, for allxeH(A). (2) A[rr] is symmetric. Then (1) =^ (2), while (2) => (1) when A[rr] is moreover a metrizable, Q-algebra. Proof. (1) => (2) Observe that Irr(A) — Irr(Ai), up to a set-theoretical isomorphism (see discussion before Lemma 13.4). Now since R'(A) C Irr(A), Proposition 23.4 yields that sup{||/x(a;)|| : JJ, G R'{A)} < oo, for every x € A. On the other hand, by the definition of Ptak function PA(x)
= sup{||/i(a;)|| : fi G R'(A)},
so that PA is a subadditive real-valued function and A[rr] is symmetric from Theorem 22.25. (2) => (1) Suppose that -A[rr] also is metrizable and Q-algebra. We first show that i?'(A)\{0} ^ 0. The unitization AI[T\] of A[rr] keeps all the properties of A[r/-] (see, for instance, Subsection 3.(3) and Propositions
Chapter V.
Hermitian and symmetric topological *-algebras
6.14(2) and 21.2(5)). So, without any harm of the generality we suppose that A[rr] is unital. Thus, since A[rr] is a unital involutive Frechet Qalgebra, each positive linear form and each *-representation of A[T^] is continuous (cf. Corollary 17.9 and Theorem 17.7 respectively). The set {x, e} belongs to a closed maximal commutative self-adjoint subalgebra M of A[TP] (Theorem 4.13) and M is symmetric from Proposition 21.3. Hence, (see Corollary 21.8) 2Jt(M) C S'(M) = S(M) (the last equality results (as before) from the fact that M is an involutive Frechet Q-algebra too; cf. Proposition 6.14(5)). Thus (see Theorem 23.1), each (p0 G ffl(M) extends to a positive linear form ip on A[rr] with ip(e) = ipo{e) = 1- So, S'(A) + 0, therefore (Proposition 14.25) R'(A)\{0}
^ 0. The existence
of the supremum in (1), follows from Proposition 23.4. Further, TA{X) < oo, for every x £ A, since A[rr] is a Q-algebra (Theorem 6.11(3)), while Theorem 23.3(2) combined with Corollary 12.4(2) gives rA(x) < sup{|/(a!)| : / G S'(A) = S(A)} < snp{f(x*x) : f G S'{A)}1/2,
On the other hand, Corollary 12.12(2) implies
\f{x)\ < rA{x*xfl2,
V x G A and / G S(A) = S'(A), therefore
s u p { / ( x * x ) : / G S'(A)}
< rA(xf,
V x e H{A).
From (23.10), (23.11) and Corollary 23.5, it is clear now that rA(x) = sup{||/x(x)|| : M £ i?'(A)}, V x G ff(A). 23.7 Corollary. Lei ^4[TT] 6e an involutive Frechet Q~algebra. Then, the following statements are equivalent: (1) A[rr] is symmetric. (2) Irr(A)\{0}
^ 0 and ^ ( x ) = sup{||/ti(x)|| : /x G /rr(A)}, /or aZZ
a; Gfr(i4). 23.8 Corollary (Shirali). Let A be an involutive Banach algebra. Then, the following statements are equivalent:
23. Symmetry via positive linear forms and *—representations (1) A is symmetric (equivalently hermitian). (2) Irr(A)\{0} ^ 0 and rA(x) = s\ip{\\fi(x)\\ : fj, G Irr(A)}, xeH(A).
for all
23.9 Corollary. Let A[rp] be a unital involutive Frechet Q-algebra. Then, the following statements are equivalent: (1) A[rr] is symmetric (equivalently hermitian). (2) Irr{A)\{0} ^ 0 and pA(x) = sup{||/i(x)|| : /i G Irr(A)}, for all x G A. (3) S(A) + 0 and rA(x*x) = sup{f{x*x) : / e S{A)}, for all x G A. Theorem 23.6 as well as its corollaries show the importance of symmetric topological algebras, in the sense that they do attain nonzero positive linear forms and *-representations. More precisely, there is a wider-class than that of locally C*-algebras (see Proposition 14.22, and Corollary 20.4), whose members possess nonzero ^-representations. A variant of Theorem 23.6 can be stated as follows: 23.10 Theorem. Let A[rr] be an involutive Arens-Michael algebra such that TA\H(A) < °°- Consider the following statements: (1) R'(A)\{0} 0; rA(x) = sup{||M(x)|| : /x G R'(A)}, for allx G H(A). (2) A[rr\ is symmetric. Then (1) =^> (2), while (2) =£* (1) when A[rr] has a continuous involution and each positive linear form of its unitization A\[TI] is continuous. Proof. (1) =^> (2) Argue as in the proof of Theorem 23.6, (1) =$> (2). (2) => (1) Without loss of generality we may suppose that A[rr] is unital (cf. beginning of proof in Theorem 23.3). Let x € #(^4) and M the closed maximal commutative self-adjoint subalgebra of A[rr] containing {x,e} (Theorem 4.13). Then, M is symmetric (Proposition 21.3) and the same is true for each unital commutative Banach *-algebra Mp, p G F, of the Arens-Michael decomposition of M (Corollary 21.7). Hence, Wl(Mp) C S'(Mp) = S{Mp), for every p G F (Corollary 21.8), so that (Theorem 23.1) each (pp G Wl(Mp) extends to a positive linear form, say fp on Ap, with fp(ep) =
Chapter V.
Hermitian and symmetric topological *-algebras
p G r and from Proposition 14.25 R'(Ap)\{0}
^ 0, p G F. This implies
i?'(A)\{0} 7^ 0 (see (13.2)). Now, the supremum in (1) exists, because of Proposition 23.4. To prove the second part of (1), we argue as in the proof of Theorem 23.6, (2) => (1), since from our assumption each positive linear form of A[rr] is continuous. In addition, S'(A) = S(A) C V{A) (cf.
therefore (see (23.10)) rA(x) < sup{f(x*x) : / G S'(A)}1'2 < sup{/(z*z) : f e V{A)}1'2, V xGA. On the other hand, (see Corollary 12.12(2)) (23.13)
sup{/(a;*a;) : / G V(A)} < rA{x)2,
V i e H(A).
But, sup{/(z*z) : / e -P(A)}1/2 = sup{||/i(x)|| : fi G R'(A)} < oo, for every x G A (see Definition 12.7, (13.12) and Proposition 18.1). So from (23.12) and (23.13) we get the second assertion of (1) and this completes the proof. The next corollaries provide the Raikov criterion for symmetry in the case of a continuous involution. 23.11 Corollary. Let A[rr] be either an Arens-Michael Q-*-algebra or a Frechet *~algebra with rA\ii(A) < °°- Then, the following statements are equivalent: (1) i?'(A)\{0} # 0; rA(x) = sup{|| M (x)||; M e R'(A)}, for all x G H(A). (2) A[rr] is symmetric. Proof. The unitization
of -A[Tf] is a topological *-algebra of the
same kind as A[rr] (see beginning of proof in Theorem 23.3). So each positive linear form on
is continuous (see discussion at the beginning
of Section 15 and Theorem 15.1). We can now apply Theorem 23.10. 23.12 Corollary. Let A[rr] be either a unital Arens-Michael Q-*-algebra or a unital Frechet *-algebra with ments are equivalent:
< °°- Then, the following state-
23. Symmetry via positive linear forms and *-representations
(1) A[TP] is symmetric. (2) R'(A)\{0} ^ 0; pA(x) = sup{||Mz)|| : M e R'{A)}, for all x G A. (3) B(A) ^ 0; ^(a:*!) = sup{/(a;*z) : / e B(A)}, for all x G A. Proof. (1) <^> (2) It follows from Theorem 23.10. (2) ^ (3) Observe that R'(A)\{0} ^ ill if and only if B(A) ^ 0 (Theorem 14.6). That the equalities in (2) and (3) are equivalent follows from the definition of the Ptak function PA and Proposition 18.1(1) (also see (12.16) and (13.12)). Recall that on every symmetric Frechet *-algebra A[TT], the condition A\H{A) < oo is equivalent to the property Q (see Lemma 18.17).
23.13 Corollary. Let A[rr] be a Frechet *-algebra with a bai such that TA\H(A) < °°- Then, the following statements are equivalent: (1) ^4[TT] is symmetric. (2) The Ptdk function pA is maximal continuous C* -seminorm on A[rp}. In particular, PA{X)
= su
Pper rp(x)> for
V x £ A.
Proof. (1) => (2) From the preceding discussion A[rr] is a Q-algebra, so Corollary 22.13 (also see Corollary 22.28) implies that PA is a continuous C*-seminorm. Let q be an arbitrary continuous C*-seminorm on A[TT]. Considering the Hausdorff completion of A[q], we are equipped with a C*~ algebra Aq that (through the Gel'fand-Naimark theorem) gives rise to a *representation \i of A[r/-] with ||/u(x)|| = q(x), for every x € A. Continuity of q implies continuity of \x. Thus, q(x) < PA{X), for every x G A (see Proposition 18.1 and Corollary 23.11). From the last two references we get PA(X) = supr p (x), V x € A. p&r
(2) =^ (1) It follows from (22.17) and Theorem 22.25. Let A[rr] be a symmetric topological algebra as in Corollary 23.13. Then, A[rr] being, in fact, a Q-algebra, it has a C*~enveloping algebra according to Corollary 18.16. The latter equivalently means that A{rr\ admits a continuous maximal C*-seminorm (see Theorem 18.15), say p^. An application of Corollary 23.13 clearly gives that PA = Poo-
Chapter V. Hermitian and symmetric topological *-algebras
Existence of faithful *-representations
In Section 20 we have seen that suitable *~semisimple involutive ArensMichael algebras (see, for instance, Theorem 20.6) accept continuous faithful ^-representations. In this Section, it is shown that certain symmetric Arens-Michael algebras have the preceding property under the weaker (pure algebraic) condition of (Jacobson) semisimplicity. 24.1 Theorem. Let A[rp] be either a semisimple symmetric Arens-Michael Q-*-algebra or a semisimple symmetric Frechet Q-algebra (in the second case no-continuity of the involution is assumed). Then, A[rr] accepts a continuous faithful *-representation fi such that \\fj,(x)\\ = PA(X), for all x E A. Proof. 1st case: -A[IT] being symemtric is hermitian (Proposition 21.2(2)) and being moreover Arens-Michael Q-*-algebra fulfils all the assumptions of Proposition 22.11 (see comments after Definition 6.19). So the Ptak function PA is a continuous C*-seminorm on A[Tp] that becomes a norm since A is semisimple and JA = ker(p^) (see Corollary 22.22). Thus, the completion B of the pre-C*-algebra A\PA] is a C*-algebra, so that it has an isometric *-representation p on a Hilbert space Hp. Consider the maps (24.1)
A[rr] - * * - > A\pA]
, C(Hp),
where the identity map id,A is continuous since PA is continuous. Then, jj, :— p\A\pA] oidA gives a continuous faithful *-representation of A[rf] with ||ju(a;)|| = PA(X), for every x € A. 2nd case: From Corollary 23.7 and the definition of PA we have that pA(x) = sup{||/x(a;)|| : n € Irr{A)}, V x G A. Hence, PA is a C*-seminorm, which is a norm since A[rr] is semisimple and JA = ker(p^) (Corollary 22.15(2)). Moreover, every symmetric m-convex Q-algebra is a hermitian spectral algebra (see proof of the 1st case). So considering again (24.1) we have that fi := pU[Pj4] O id A is a faithful *representation of A[rf], whose continuity results from Theorem 17.7.
24- Existence of faithful ^-representations
24.2 Corollary. The following symmetric Arens-Michael algebras admit a continuous faithful *-representation: (1) The algebra T>(X) of compactly supported C°°-functions on a 2nd countable n-dimensional C°°-manifold X. (2) The generalized group algebra Ll(G,A)
with G a compact group and
A a unital semisimple symmetric Banach *-algebra. (3) The algebra C°° {X, A) of A-valued C°°-functions on a compact 2nd countable n-dimensional C°°-manifold X, with A a unital finite dimensional semisimple symmetric Banach *-algebra (take, for instance A = Mn(C), n > l ) .
Proof. (1) £)(X) is a symmetric Arens-Michael Q-*-algebra (see Examples 6.23(4) and 21.17(2)).
Additionally, V{X) is semisimple.
follows from Proposition 4.22(1) since n{ker(^) : ip £ SDT(S)(X))} = {0}. Apply now Theorem 24.1. (2) Ll{G, A) is a symmetric Banach *-algebra since A has this property ([245, Theorem], also see Example 21.17(6)). In addition, L^G) and A are *-semisimple (see [327, p. 323] and Corollary 22.22 respectively), therefore Ll(G, A) is also *-semisimple (see Subsection 34.(1), Corollary 34.12). This implies that Ll(G,A)
is semisimple (Corollary 22.17). So again we apply
Theorem 24.1. (3) C
be the Banach algebra of all A-valued continuous functions
on X with the topology of uniform convergence, say u. Denote by r ^ the given topology of C°°{X, A) and by r^ the relative topology from CU(X, A). Clearly r^ < r^,, so that the identity map (24.2)
is continuous. Furthermore, denote by G°° the group of invertible elements in C°°(X, A) and by G the group of invertible elements in CU(X, A). Then (24.3)
G°° = GnC°°{X,A).
Chapter V.
Hermitian and symmetric topological *— algebras
Clearly G°° C GnC°°{X,A). Let now / e GnC°°(X,yl). Then, / <E C°°(X, A) and / is invertible in C«(X, A) with inverse say g, where g is the following composition X M
GA ^
f(x) ^->
with a the inversion in A. A being a finite dimensional Banach space, has the usual differentiation. Hence, since GA is a Lie group, a is differentiate, so that g 6 C°°(X, A) as a composition of differentiable maps. Thus, / £ G°° and (24.3) is proved. Now, G is open since CU(X,A) being Banach is a Q-algebra, therefore G°° is open in C°°(X,A)[T£]. From continuity of (24.2) we get that G°° is also open in C°°(X, A)[T£\, consequently C°°{X, A) is a Q-algebra. Theorem 24.1 is a sample of the importance of symmetry in obtaining interesting known results in a more general setting. We refer briefly to a couple of another similar cases: (a) In 1973 W. Tiller [369] introduced in the context of involutive Banach algebras a weak concept of commutativity the so-called P'-commutativity. Naturally, the description of this notion is given through the positive linear forms (equivalently ^-representations). In general, an involutive topological algebra A[T] is said V-commutative, when xy — yx G n{Lj : f £ P'(A)}, for any x,y G A (for the definition of Lf, see Lemma 14.2). If A[rr] is a non-commutative radical Arens-Michael *-algebra (for radical algebras, cf. Definition 4.21 and comments after it), the unitization -AI[TI] of A[rr] is a non-commutative 'P-commutative Arens-Michael *-algebra (see [369, p. 330] and [154, p. 65]). "P-commutativity coincides with commutativity on involutive *-semisimple topological algebras. Vcommutative symmetric Banach algebras [369] (as well as the wider class of P-commutative symmetric Arens-Michael Q-algebras [154, p. 66, 11.(2)]) provide a suitable context in which one can obtain interesting results (like, for instance, Gel'fand theory) known in the corresponding commutative topological algebra setting. For further relevant literature see, for example, [122]-[124] and [273].
2J).. Existence of faithful *-representations
(b) Symmetric (not necessarily commutative and unital) Banach algebras A with DJt(A) non-empty and cr-compact, have been considered by G. Maltese and R. Wille-Fier [268] in order to show an analogue of the Gleason-Kahane-Zelazko theorem (cf. [173] and [226]). The motive for such a consideration was the work of C.R. Warner and R. Whitley [388] on the characterization of maximal modular ideals in (non-unital) Banach algebras. For Gleason-Kahane-Zelazko type theorems in the case of non-commutative involutive topological algebras, see [152]. There is a rather large literature concerning problems related to the Gleason-KahaneZelazko theorem; for details see, for instance, [154, pp. 79, 89].
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PART II Applications
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Chapter VI Integral representations, Uniqueness of topology In this Chapter we apply the theory developed in the previous Sections to obtain: (a) Characterizations of (continuous) positive linear forms on some classes of commutative m*-convex algebras, through their integral representations on the (global) spectrum of the topological algebra involved, with respect to (complex) regular Borel measures with compact support (see Section 27). In the case of Banach algebras the corresponding characterizations are taken by claiming no continuity of the involution (see Theorem 26.4 and Corollary 26.5). (b) An extension of the celebrated result of B.E. Johnson on the uniqueness of the (complete) norm of a semisimple Banach algebra, in various classes of semisimple m-convex algebras (Corollary 28.6). As a result, the algebra £> (X) of the compactly supported C°°-functions on a 2nd countable n-dimensional C°°-manifold X, as well as the algebra O(K) of germs of holomorphic functions on a compact Stein set K in a suitable (complex) analytic manifold, have a unique topology as 'T.FQ-algebras". The same is true for the non-commutative algebra C°°{X,A) of all A-valued C°°-functions on X, with X a compact C°°manifold as before and A a (non-commutative) finite-dimensional Banach algebra (see Subsection 28.(1)).
The Riesz representation theorem
For the integral representations we elaborate in this Section, we need a version of the Riesz representation theorem for completely regular spaces. 319
Chapter VI. Integral representations.
Uniqueness of topology
Such a result has been given independently by R.M. Brooks [84, Theorem 5.1] and W.E. Dietrich, Jr. [108, Theorem 1, III)]. In this Section, we discuss briefly this version of the Riesz representation theorem, as well as some results on positive measures. So let X be a completely regular space and B(X) the Borel cr-algebra on X, that is the u-algebra generated by the open subsets of X. Denote by M(X) the complex Borel measures on X, for which \/J,\, the variation of fi, is a regular measure; namely, \n\{K) < oo, for each compact subset K of X and fi{E) = inf{|/z|(J7) : U open,
= sup{\fi\(K), K compact, K C E}, V £ e B ( I ) . M{X) becomes a Banach space equipped with pointwise linear operations and the norm ||^|| := \fJ,\(X), fi £ M{X) (cf., for example, [98, p. 128, Proposition 4.1.7]); the number ||/x|| is called total variation of// (ibid., p. 127). For each fi £ M{X) there is a minimal closed set S^ {support of/i) on which |^| is concentrated; namely, |//|(X\S' M ) — 0. Hence, S^ :— supp (|/i[) (also see (2.25)). Let MC(X) := {fi £ M(X) : 5M is compact (or empty)}. For each a £ C and any /ii, [ii G M(X), one has that SajJ,l+tl2 C S^ U S^, so that MC(X) is a subspace of M{X). In general, MC{X) is not a closed subspace of M{X). If X is locally compact, MC(X) is dense in M(X), but if X is separable, there is fi £ M{X) with S^^ X [108, p. 202]. Recall now that the algebra CC(X) of all continuous functions on X, under the topology "c" of compact convergence, is an m-convex algebra, whose Arens-Michael analysis consists of the Banach algebras C{K), K £ K, (compact subsets of X) (see Example 3.10(4)). The topology "c" is defined by the m-seminorms (see (3.22)) \\J\\K ||/|/c||oo f° r every K £ /C and each quotient normed algebra CC(X)[|| \\K}/NK (with NK = ker(||-||^-), K £ /C) is isometrically isomorphic to the Banach algebra C{K) (see (3.24)). According to our notation CC(X)' denotes the topological dual of CC{X) (see discussion after (1.17)). Now, we are ready to prove the promised version of the Riesz representation theorem.
The Rieaz representation
25.1 Theorem (Brooks, Dietrich, Jr.). Let X be a completely regular space. The correspondence MC(X) —> CC(X)' : /x —> ZM with /„(/) := / fdft, f G CC(X), Jx defines a (vector space) isomorphism. Proof. Let fi £ MC(X). Then, each / € CC(X) is /x-integrable, so we may define l^(f) := fx fdfi; l^ is clearly a linear form on CC(X). Let K = S^ (support of fi). K is compact and obviously \\fi\\ = \fi\(K). Thus (also see [98, pp. 129, 130]),
, M/)l = f fdn < I |/|d|M| = / \f\d\tA < ll/klloo / W|MI x (25.1) Jx Jx JK JK = ||/lkHW = IH!ll/lk, V/GC C (X), where 1 is the identity in C(X). Hence, l^ G CC(X)' and the map (25.2)
Af c pO —> CC(X)' : /x .—> ZM,
is well defined and linear. Let now /i G MC(X). We prove that (25.3)
M = sup{|^(/)| : ||/|| K < 1}, with K = S».
That the supremum on the right-hand side of (25.3) is dominated by ||/i||, it follows from (25.1). Now, set fj,K := fj,\K. Then, /J,K G M(K) so that by the Riesz representation theorem for C(K) (see, for instance, [99, p. 389, C. 18]), fj,K defines an element lfJiK € C(K)' such that \\HK\\ = IIWII = S U P{IW(/^)I : II/ATIIOO < 1}, where l^K(fK) = fKfKdfiK, SK G C{K) (ibid., p. 387, C. 13). So for arbitrary e > 0 there is fK G C(K) with ll/idloo < 1, such that
f \n\{K) - e = ||/ix|| - e <
I fxd^K JK
f =
/ fxdfi . JK
Since K is compact, / # is extended to a continuous function, say / , on the whole X [172, p. 43, (c)]. Hence,
IMI -e<
f fd/x = |Z M (/)| with \\f\\K : = H/IATIIOO = | | / i c [ U < 1-
Chapter VI.
Integral representations.
Uniqueness of topology
Since e is arbitrary we conclude that \\fi\\ < s u p { | ^ ( / ) | : \\f\\K < 1}- This completes the proof of (25.3). From (25.3) it follows easily that the map (25.2) is injective. We further prove that (25.2) is surjective. Let I G CC(X)'.
By continuity of I, there is
a > 0 and K C X compact such that
Because of the isometric isomorphism given by (3.24), the elements ofC(K) are exactly the restrictions of the elements / of CC(X) on K. Thus, in view of (25.4) we may define the function lK : C{K) - ^ C : / | * - ^ lK(f\K)
(see comments before Theorem 25.1), where IK G C(K)'. NOW by the Riesz representation theorem for C(K), there is fiK G M(K) such that l(f) = IKU\K)
= I flKdfJLK, V / e CC(X). JK
Define n : B{X) -> C : E ^ (i{E) := \xK{E n K). Then, fi £ M(X) and Sp — SfiK C iiT, so 5^ is compact, therefore \i G MC(X). In addition,
^ ( / ) = / fdfi = I f\Kd^K JX
= IKU\K) = l(f), V / G CC(X),
so that 1^ — I and this completes the proof of the theorem. From the proof of surjectivity of the map (25.2), the measure fj, G MC(X) is captured on the compact set K considered in (25.4) and [I\K = fxxMoreover, the support 5^ of \i coincides with the support SilK of \XK and it is a subset of K. So clearly
IMI = H(^) = HWA similar argument as that in the proof of (25.3), with K in place of shows that (25.5)
| M | = s u p { M / ) | : \\f\\K < ! } .
The Riesz representation theorem
25.(1) Positive measures Let X be a completely regular space. A complex measure /z on X is called positive and we write \x > 0, if n{E) > 0, for all E G B(X). For each complex measure /x, the variation |/i| of /z is a finite positive measure (see, for instance, [98, pp. 126, 127]). The m-convex algebra CC(X) is an ordered topological vector space with positive cone CC(X)+ = {/ G CC(X) : f(x) > 0,V x G X}. An element / G CC(X)' is said to be positive if l(f) > 0, for all / G CC(X)_|_. Clearly, every element of the form / * / with / G CC(X) belongs to CC(X)+. If, in addition, X is a fc-space, then the positive cone CC(X)+ consists entirely of elements of the form / * / , / G CC{X) (see Example 3.10(4) and Theorem 10.15). Proposition 25.2 below gives a characterization of a positive measure \i in MC{X) in terms of positivity of the continuous linear forms 1^ on CC{X) corresponding uniquely to [i according to Theorem 25.1 (cf. [109, p. 114, Theorem 3.1.4] and [185, p. 104, Lemma]). Concerning the preceding quotations, note that W. Dietrich, Jr. has proved positivity of the measure /i from that of l^, while R. Hadjigeorgiou has shown the converse. The proof we present reduces the problem to the classical case (also see [185, p. 105, Remark 1.1]) and so it becomes shorter. 25.2 Proposition (Dietrich, Jr., Hadjigeorgiou). Let X be a completely regular space, [i G MC(X) and l^ the element of CC(X)' corresponding uniquely to \i such that lp(f) = Jx fdfi, for every f G CC(X).
Then, fi
is positive if and only if l^ is positive. Proof. From the proof of Theorem 25.1 we have that if K = SM (support of //) and [IK — IAKI then
£ M(K) such that
*„(/) = [ fdfjL= [ f\KdnK JX
= W ( / I K ) , V / e CC(X),
where l/1K is the element of C(K)' corresponding uniquely to /IK by the Riesz representation theorem for C(K). Let now /x > 0; namely, /i(-E") > 0, for all E £ B{X). But B(if) = { £ f l i i ' : £ e B ( I ) } (see, for instance, [98, p. 205, Lemma 7.2.2]) and (25.7)
nK(E r\K) = n{E), VBe B(X).
Chapter VI.
Integral representations.
Uniqueness of topology
Hence, [IK is positive, therefore ^K{K) = \/J,K\{K) =: \\HK\\- The last equality implies that l^K is positive (see proof of [239, p. 233, Lemma 9.41]). So In is positive from (25.6). Conversely, suppose l^ is positive and let fx E C(K)+. Since K is compact and X completely regular, there is a continuous extension / of /# on X, which moreover is positive, that is / G CC(X)+ (cf. [172, p. 43, (c)] and [343, p. 347, Theoreme]). So (25.6) yields that l^f. is positive. But we know that positivity of Z^K implies positivity of \IK (see, for instance, [99, p. 389, C.17. Theorem]). Positivity of /i results now from (25.7). We close this Subsection with another result of W. Dietrich, Jr. [109, p. 114, Theorem 3.1.4], that we need in this Chapter. 25.3 Theorem (Dietrich). Let X be a completely regular space and B a subspace of CC(X). Let I G B'. Then, there is fi E MC(X) such that I coincides with I^B and [i- is positive whenever I is positive. Proof. B is endowed with the relative topology from CC{X). Since the linear form / : B —» C is continuous, there is a positive constant a and K C X compact such that \l(f)\ < a\\f\\K > f° r every f E B. Hence, I extends by Hahn-Banach to an element I' in CC(X)', so that from Theorem 25.1 there is a unique measure /J in MC(X) with I' — l^. Suppose now that I is positive; namely, l(f) > 0, for every / 6 B+. According to Proposition 25.2, fi is positive if and only if Z^ is positive, if and only if the extension /' of / is positive. This happens if and only if the real part Re I of I is bounded on B (1 (U \ B+), with U a suitable convex 0neighborhood in CC(X) (cf. [335, p. 227, 5.4 Theorem]). But this condition is indeed satisfied. Let K be the support S1^ of/i and U — U^.^K(1) = {/ E CC(X) : ll/ll* < 1}. Then (see (25.1)), Re l{f) = Re *„(/) < | ^ ( / ) | < ||/i||||/||K < ||/x||, V / G B D (U \ B+).
A bounded positive Radon measure on a locally compact space X is a continuous positive (see discussion before Proposition 25.2) linear form on the normed algebra )C(X) of all compactly supported continuous functions
26. Integral representations of linear forms
on X (see, e.g., Example 6.8). It is known that K,(X) is dense in CQ{X) relative to the supremum norm || H^. So from Theorem 25.3 and Proposition 25.2 one readily verifies (with obvious modifications) that a bounded positive Radon measure on X corresponds uniquely to a positive regular Borel measure on X and vice versa. For further information see, for instance, [276, pp. 146-162].
Integral representations of linear forms
The motivation for the integral representations of this Chapter comes on the one hand, from the work of G. Maltese in [266] (also see [89] and [267]) and on the other hand, from the work of G. Lumer in [252], The methods applied from the previous authors are equivalent for a large class of topological *-algebras including Banach *-algebras (see, for instance, Lemma 26.14), although the one of G. Lumer is less applicable since it is not functioning on topological algebras with not continuous involution. More information about it, is given in Section 27. In this Section we deal with the (standard) method used by G. Maltese in his main result in [266, p. 274, Theorem 1]. The essential point of this method is the relative ease of application to a variety of situations. The afore-mentioned result reads as follows: If A is a commutative Banach algebra, E a linear subspace of A and F a linear form on A, then (26.1)
F{x)= I xdfi,\/xeE Jm(A)
& \F(x)\ < L||z||oo, V x € E,
where n is a bounded complex Radon measure on 9Jt(A) (Gel'fand space of A) and L a positive constant. Y. Tsertos proved in [374, p. 315, Theorem 2.2] (also see [372]) a purely algebraic analogue of Maltese's result. More precisely, Tsertos considers an arbitrary algebra A with non-empty algebraic spectrum M.{A). Recall that M{A) := {
Chapter VI.
Integral representations. Uniqueness of topology
support, say K. So the inequality in (26.1) takes the form \F{x)\ < L\\x\\K,
with \\x\\K = sup{|^(z)| :
To prove his result Y. Tsertos interprets the preceding inequality by continuity of F in terms of the topology induced on A by the m-convex topology of the Gel'fand transform algebra A :— {x £ CC(A4(A)) : x £ A} with x(ip) :=
completion of the normed algebra
= ker(p^) and
A —> R+ : x i—> pK{x) := \\X\\K, K C M(A)
The next Theorem 26.1 is a variant of the afore-mentioned Tsertos' result involving regular Borel measures with compact support. For the proof, we use a standard technique based on the Hahn-Banach theorem and the Riesz representation theorem for completely regular spaces. 26.1 Theorem. Let A be an algebra with M(A) ^ 0. Let E be a linear subspace of A and F a linear form on A. The following are equivalent: (1) There is a positive constant L and K C A4(A) compact such that (26.3)
(2) There is fi in MC(A4(A)) of total variation at most L such that (26.4)
F(x) = [
xdfi, V x G E.
Proof. (1) => (2) M(A) is a completely regular space, so that (26.5)
up to a (vector-space) isomorphism (Theorem 25.1).
Let E := {x £
CC(M(A)) : x £ E}. E is a linear subspace of CC{M{A)) and from (26.3) the function F : E —> C:x
i—> F(x) := F{x),
26. Integral representations of linear forms
is well defined. In particular, F is linear and |-F(S')| < L||x||jf , for every x € E, therefore by Hahn-Banach F is extended to the whole CC[A4(A)), such that F € CC(M(A))'. So by (26.5) there is fi e Mc(M{Aj) with r
F{x) = F{x) = /
xd/i, V i e £ .
In particular, 25.1), so that estimation of (2) => (1)
the support S1^ of ji is contained in K (see proof of Theorem ||//|| = \/J,\(K) = |/x|(5M) and in view of (26.3) and (26.4), the ||/i|| by (25.5) gives \\fi\\ < L. Since /J, G MC(M(A)) the support 5^ of ji is compact and
f \F(x)\=
zd/z < /
f \x\d\iJ,\ < \\x\sj\oo /
- PIISJMI(^) = ||M||P||SM < i||x||sM, V i e £ , where 1 is the identity in C(>Sp). Hence (26.3) is valid for K = 5M. Suppose that E = A in Theorem 26.1. Then, the subalgebra A of CC(M(A)) separates the points of M(A) and for each (p £ M(A) there is x £ A with x((p) ^ 0. Thus if, in addition, A is closed under complex conjugation, then by the Stone-Weierstrass theorem for completely regular spaces (see, for instance, [281, p. 48, Corollary 2]), A is dense in CC(M.(A)); this leads to the uniqueness of the considered measure fi. In this regard, we have the following. 26.2 Corollary. Let A be an algebra with symmetric involution (see (21.5)) and A4(A) ^ 0. Let F be a linear form on A. The following are equivalent: (1) There is a positive constant L and K C M(A) compact with \F(x)\
(2) There is unique \i in MC[M{A)^ of total variation at most L with f F(x) - I xd/j,, V x G A. JM(A)
Chapter VI.
Integral representations.
Uniqueness of topology
Proof. Save uniqueness of /J,, the assertion follows from Theorem 26.1 with E — A. To complete the proof we show that fi is unique. A has a symmetric involution, so that x* — x, for every x £ A, which shows that A is closed under complex conjugation. Hence, from the discussion before Corollary 26.2, A is dense in CC[M.{A)S) (Stone-Weierstrass). Let now //' be another measure in Mc(.A/f (A)) of total variation at most L such that F(x) — IM(A) zd-ii', for every x €. A. Using the notation of Theorem 25.1, we have that ln(x) — lfj,i{x), for every x G A. Hence, l^ = l^i on A and so l^ = l^ on CC(M{A)), that yields /x = // (Theorem 25.1). In the case of a topological algebra A[r], the algebraic spectrum M(A) is naturally replaced by the topological spectrum 9Jt(A). Recall that 9Jl(A) ^ 0 for each unital commutative m-convex algebra ^4[rp] (see Corollary 4.19). A version of Theorem 26.1, respectively Corollary 26.2 in the case of an mconvex algebra, reads as follows: 26.3 Theorem. Let A[rr] be a commutative m-convex algebra (respectively a commutative m-convex algebra with symmetric involution). Let E be a linear subspace of A[rr] and F a linear form on A[TP]- The following statements are equivalent: (1) There is a positive constant L and K C 2JI(A) compact such that \F(x)\ < L\\x\\K, V x e E (resp. V x e A). (2) There is a measure \i (respectively a unique measure /i) in M c (971(^4)) of total variation at most L such that F(x) — /
xd/i, V x £ E (resp. V x G A).
26.(1) Classical Bochner-Weil-Raikov theorems In this Subsection we apply the preceding integral representation theorems to obtain the main types of Bochner-Weil-Raikov theorem, assuming no-continuity of the involution of the Banach algebra involved.
26. Integral representations of linear forms
26.4 Theorem (Bochner-Weil-Raikov). Let A be a unital commutative Banach algebra with symmetric involution. Let F be a linear form on A. The following statements are equivalent: (1) F is positive. (2) There exists a unique positive measure fi in M(pJl(A)^ of total variation at most \\F\\, such that F(x) = / xdfi, V i e A Jm(A) Proof. (2) => (1) Since \i is positive we have (see Proposition 25.2) f
= / x*xd/j, Jm(A)
= l,j,((x)*x)
> 0,
V i e i
(1) =£ (2) F as a positive linear form on A is continuous (see Corollary 17.9 and/or [72, p. 198, Corollary 9]). On the other hand, Corollary 12.4 implies that \F(x)\2
V i e A
Using repeatedly this inequality and applying continuity of F at the last stage (this is a classical method of Gel'fand-Raikov-Shilov [168, p. 62]) we deduce that \F(x)\ < F{e)12F{x*x)12 < F{e)^ + ^F({x*x)2) * < ... ...< F(e)12 +
V i e A
Let now n —> oo and take into account that for every x € A (26.6) \F(T\\
TA{X) = ||a:||oo and x* = x. Then, < F(p)r
V r <= A
Thus, we have (1) of Theorem 26.3. So there is a unique measure /i G M(pJl(A))
of total variation at most ||F||, such that
f F(x) — / xd/j,, V i £ y l . Jtm(A)
Chapter VI. Integral representations.
Uniqueness of topology
It remains to show positivity of/x. According to Proposition 25.2 it suffices to prove that ^ ( / ) > 0, for every nonnegative function / in C(pJl(A)) (see Theorem 10.15). According to the last reference, each nonnegative function / in C{m{A)) is of the form / = \g\2 = gg, for some g E C(m(A)). Since A is dense in C(pJl(A)) (Stone-Weierstass), there is a sequence (xn)neN in A such that g — lim n x^. Hence (also see the second equality in (26.6)), l/j,{f) = ^ ( M 2 ) = ln(limxnxn)
= lim^(x*x n )
= lim / x*nxnd\x = UmF(XnX n) > 0. n n Jm{A) This completes the proof of the theorem. We give now a variant of Theorem 26.4 in the non-unital case. This version provides the Bochner-Weil-Raikov theorem as it appears in the book of L.H. Loomis [250, p. 97, Theorem 261], but without continuity of the involution. Continuity of the involution in Loomis' result is obtained by the assumption of semisimplicity for the Banach algebra under consideration (ibid., p. 90, Theorem 26D). A version of the same result, under continuity of the involution, has been given by G. Lumer in [252, p. 137, Corollary] using a different technique that we discuss later in this Section (see, for example, proof of Theorem 27.1). 26.5 Corollary. Let A be a commutative Banach algebra with symmetric involution. Let F be a linear form on A. The following are equivalent: (1) F is positive and extendable. (2) There is unique positive measure fi in M(pJl(A)) of total variation at most \\Fi\\ (i<\ is the extension of F on the unitization A\ of A), with r F(x)
= /
V i e i
Proof. (1) => (2) The unitization A\ of A keeps all the properties of A and by (1) F extends to a positive linear form Fi on A\ (see Proposition 12.21 and comments after it). Now, from Theorem 26.4 there is (unique) positive measure [i\ in M(SDT(Ai)) of total variation at most ||Fi||, such that
f Fi(xi) = / x\dfii, V i i G Ai. J<m(A)
26. Integral representations of linear forms
The last equality implies that (see, for instance, (25.1)) \F\{xi)\ < H/iiHpilloo < ll-FillPiHoo, V xi G A\,
iF^I^II^IHIxlU, VxeA,
where now x e Co(2Jt(A)). Using the standard technique applied in the proof of Theorem 26.1, we consider the map F : A —> C : x i—> F(x) := F(x), which by (26.7) is a well denned continuous linear form on A.
by Hahn-Banach it extends to an element of Co{SJl(A)^ also denoted by F. The Riesz representation theorem for C0(M(A)) (see [99, p. 389, C.18] and/or [331, p. 139, Theorem 6.19]) implies now that there is a measure /U in M(Wl(A)) such that (26.8)
F(x) = I xdfi, Jm{A)
V i e A
From the last equality and (26.7) it follows that \i has total variation at most [|.Fi||. That fi is unique and positive it follows by the Stone-Weierstrass theorem for locally compact spaces (cf., e.g., [99, p. 151, Corollary 8.3]); also see proof of Corollary 26.2 and Theorem 26.4 respectively. (2) => (1) Positivity of [i is equivalent with positivity of the continuous linear form l^ on CQ(TI(A))
(see, for example, Proposition 25.2). Co(9K(.A))
as a C*-algebra has a bai (see, for instance, Proposition 11.6), so that from Lemma 12.5 we have
W*) = W), V / e C0(m(A)); and 2
M/)| < \MW*f) = IMM/7), v / e co{m(A)). Taking also into account that x* = x, for every x G A, (26.8) gives
(26.9) F(x") = ZM(P) = l^x) = /„((£)*) = JiM = ~Fjx), V X e A and (26.10) \F(x)\2 = |/^(x)|2 < Ml^xYx) = HMIIV(^) = MF(x*x), for every x £ A. According to Proposition 12.21 (also see comments after it), (26.9) and (26.10) guarantee extendability of F.
Chapter VI.
Integral representations.
Uniqueness of topology
The positive regular Borel measure n of the preceding theorem is identified with a continuous positive linear form l^ on Co(9Jt(A)), so that // is, in fact, a bounded positive Radon measure on DJl(A) (see discussion after Theorem 25.3). 26.6 Corollary (Maltese). Let A be a commutative Banach algebra with a bai and an isometric and symmetric involution. Let F be a linear form on A. The following statements are equivalent: (1) F is positive. (2) F(x) — fgyi(A\ xd/i, for all x G A, with respect to a unique positive Radon measure on DJl(A) of total variation \\F\\. Proof. Each positive linear form F o n a Banach *-algebra with a bai is continuous and has the properties F(x*) = F(x), V x GA and \F(x)\2 < \\F\\F(x*x), V x G A (see Theorem 17.11 with Lemma 12.5 and/or [121, p. 70, Theorem (22.15)]). Hence, F is extendable (cf. Proposition 12.21 and comments after it). So the assertion results from Corollary 26.5 and the discussion after it. It remains to show that \\n\\ — \\F\\. Again from Corollary 26.5 we have that \\fx\\ < ||Fi|| = Fi(ei) = ||F|| (with Fx the extension of F to Ax and ei = (0,1) the identity in A\\ see Proposition 12.22(1)). On the other hand, by the integral representation of F with respect to fi we get \F{x)\ < IIMIIPHOO = MTA(X)
< \\n\\\\x\\,
which shows t h a t | | F | | < \\fi\\.
26.(2) Integral representations of linear forms in terms of a technique of G. Lumer In this subsection we present a variant of Theorem 26.3, using a method initiated by G. Lumer in [252]. The innovation of this method is due to the replacement of an isometric involution in a Banach algebra A by an appropriate finite group of "transformations" of A. In the class of unital
26. Integral representations of linear forms
commutative m*-convex algebras with continuous Gel'fand map (containing all unital commutative Banach *-algebras), the concluding inequality by Lumer's method (see, for instance, (26.17)) is equivalent with the inequality (26.3) used by G. Maltese as stated in (26.1); see Lemma 26.14 with A derived by the continuous involution. A disadvantage of this technique is that it is applicable only for continuous involutions, in contrast to Theorem 26.3. Nevertheless, the key-result for "Lumer's inequality" (see, for example, Corollaries 26.9 and 26.10) is of independent interest and can be useful in a variety of other situations. Let i4[rr] be an m-convex algebra. By a transformation of A[rr], we simply mean a map of A[rr] in A[rr]. Such a map 6 is called additive respectively multiplicative if 8(x + y) = 8(x) + 8(y) r e s p .
8{xy) — 8(x)8(y),
V x,y £ A .
Further, a transformation 8 of A[rp] is called F-preserving if for each p £ F (26.11)
p(S(x)) = p(x),
for all p e F and x E A.
26.7 Definition. Let A[rr] be an m-convex algebra. We call Lumer group of transformations of A[rp], a group consisting of additive, multiplicative and r'-preserving transformations of
It is evident that if A is a Lumer group of transformations of A [77-], each 5 € A is an automorphism with respect to the ring structure of A and a homeomorphism with respect to the topological structure of A. In other words, each 5 E A is a bi-uniformly continuous bijection of A[rr]For a Banach algebra A, the given m-norm is denoted by || ||; so in this case F = {||
||}. In the following result, additivity of the considered
transformations is not necessary. 26.8 Lemma (Lumer). Let A be a unital Banach algebra with identity and A a finite group of multiplicative || || -preserving transformations of A. Let x G A with TA(X) < 1. Then, there is a (complete) m-norm || ||' on A, equivalent to the given one, such that: (1) ¥(y)W = \\y\\', for anySeA
(2) iwr < 1.
and y £ A.
Chapter VI.
Integral representations.
Uniqueness of topology
Proof. First renorm A as a Banach space. The required (complete) m— norm || ||' on A is just the operator norm on the renormed Banach space A. So let x £ A with r ^ ( x ) < 1. Suppose that A has n elements and let Ji)
i jn be nonnegative integers. Renorm A as a Banach space by setting
\y\ := s u p d l ^ 1 )
: 6{ € A, j t > 0, i = 1 , . . . , n},
for every y & A. We first prove the existence of the preceding supremum. Recall that TA{X) — lim n Ha:"!!1/™ = inf n sup f c > n ||a;fc||1'//;:, for every x £ A. Let a = infn sup^.>n ||a;fc||1//fc. From our assumption a < 1. We choose a suitable e > 0 with a + e < 1. Then, there is n(e) £ N, such that ||x fc || 1/fc < sup \\xk\\1/k fc>n(e)
Let M = max{l, H x 1 ! ! , . . . , ! ^ " ^ ! ! } .
Then, ||x J '|| < M, for every j =
0 , 1 , 2 , . . . . Note that ||x°|| = ||e|| — 1. We may always suppose that ||e|| = 1; see, for example, Theorem 2.3. Thus, ,OR1Qx
||<Jl(^ 1 )-"<5n(^ B )y|| < 11*1(^)11
= ||x^||---||^||||2/||<M"||y||, for any nonnegative integers ji and Si £ A, i = 1 , . . . , n. The existence of the supremum in (26.12) is now evident. On the other hand, it is readily verified that | | is a seminorm on A such that (26.14)
where the right-hand side inequality results from (26.13) and the left-hand side by considering the term of the supremum in (26.12) corresponding to Si = 82 =
= 5n = id,A (id>A is the identity transformation of A, neutral
element of the group A) and ji = J2 =
— jn = 0. From the left-hand
side inequality in (26.14) we evidently have that \y\ = 0 implies y — 0. So the (vector space) norm | | defined by (26.12) is a Banach space norm on A being equivalent (see (26.14)) to the given (complete) m-norm || || on A. Fix now y G A and consider the continuous linear operator Ty : A[\ |] —> A[\ |] : z —> Ty(z) := yz.
Integral representations of linear forms
The operator norm
||y|r := sup {Jj^i : * # ( ) } , V y G A,
gives a (complete) m-norm || ||' on A equivalent to the given one || || (also see (26.14)) and such that ||e||' = 1 (cf. [327, p. 5] and/or Theorem 2.3). To prove (1), we first show that each 5 G A is | [-preserving. Since each 5 £ A is || 11-preserving we get
= MS-1 o SJix*1)
Taking supremum for 5\,..., 6n e A and j \ , . . . , j
(6-1 o n
nonnegative integers we
deduce (see (26.12)) \6(y)\ — \y\, for every 5 6 A and y G A. Hence,
_ SUP {KM : ^ o} =5UP { M M : ^ „}
= sup | ' j ^ 1 ^
: z # o } = ||j/||', V ^ G Z l a n d y e A
It remains to show (2). In the collections {i5i, 82,
,5n} there will be
either n distinct elements, therefore among them will be also the neutral element
A, or there will be repetitions. In any case, for any z €E A,
the element 8\(x:'1)
5n{x^n)xz will be of the form 8[(x^)
8'n{x^n)z with
5'i G A end j[ nonnegative integers, i = 1 , . . . , n. Thus, \xz\ < \z\, therefore (see (26.15)) ||x||' < 1. 26.9 Corollary. Let A be a unital Banach algebra and A a finite group of multiplicative || \\-preserving transformations of A. Let x e A be such that
lies in the open unit disc in C. Then, there is a (complete)
|| ||' on A equivalent to the given one, such that x belongs to the
closed unit ball in A[\\
26.10 Corollary. Let A be a unital commutative Banach *-algebra. Let x & A be such that
a (complete) m-norm
lies in the open unit disc in C. Then, there is
\\ \\' on A equivalent to the given one such that x
belongs to the closed unit ball in A[||
Chapter VI.
Integral representations.
Uniqueness of topology
Proof. Let <5 be the involution of A. Then A := {5,5~1 ,idA} is a finite group of multiplicative norm-preserving transformations of A. So we apply Corollary 26.9. 26.11 Remark. Let A be a Banach algebra and 8 a multiplicative normpreserving transformation of A. Then, one has rA(5(x))
Indeed: Use the fact that rA(x) — linin^oo Hx™!]1'™, for every x E A and apply the properties of S. 26.12 L e m m a . Let A[rr} be an m-convex algebra and A a finite Lumer group of transformations of A[rr].
Then, for each p G F, the Banach
algebra Ap is equipped with a finite group, say Ap, of additive multiplicative II ' \\p-preserving transformations of Ap. P r o o f . L e t 5 & A. T h e n , for each p £ f
(see (26.11)) p(5(x))
= p(x),
every x G A. I t is n o w easily seen t h a t t h e m a p
5P : A\p]/Np —> A\p]/Np : xp y—> 5p{xp) := 5(x) + Np, pe T, is well defined, respects addition and multiplication and II^PWIIP
= P W + Np\\p = p{5{x)) = p{x) = \\xp\\p,
for every x £ A and p G F. Hence, 8p is a bi-uniformly continuous bijection, therefore it is uniquely extended to a transformation of Ap (completion of A\p]/Np), preserving all the properties of Sp. We keep the same symbol for the extension of 5P to Ap. Then, the set (26.16)
Ap := {Sp : 5 € A}, p G F,
is clearly a finite group of additive multiplicative || ||p-preserving transformations (equivalently a finite Lumer group of transformations) of the Banach algebra Ap, p G F.
26. Integral representations of linear forms
26.13 Definition. Let ^4[T^J be an m-convex algebra, A a finite Lumer group of transformations of A[rr] and F a linear form on A[rr]- We shall say that F satisfies condition (L), if there is a positive constant L and p G F such that (26.17)
\F(x)\ < L\\xp\\'p, V x € A,
for every (complete) m-norm ||-[|p on Ap equivalent to ||-||p, with ||<5p(z)||p = \\z\\'p, for every z <E Ap and 5p G Ap (see (26.16)). Since the norms || ||p, || \\'p are equivalent, (26.17) implies that F is continuous on A[77-],.so one defines the associated to F continuous linear form Fp on Ap (see (12.4)). Then, an analogous to (26.17) inequality is fulfilled; namely, \Fp{xp)\ < L\\xp\\p, V x e A , for each (complete) m-norm || \\'p on Ap equivalent to || ||p. Let now A[rr] be a unital commutative m-convex algebra and A the Gel'fand transform algebra of A[rr] (see discussion before (4.31)). Endow A with the relative topology from CC(3K(A)); that is consider on A the m-seminorms (26.18)
\\X\K\\OO =
sup{\ip(x)\ : if G K}, x £ A,
for every K G K, (K, stands for the compact subsets of 9Jl(A)). Since each Ap, p G -T, is a unital commutative Banach algebra, the spectrum (Gel'fand space) 5DT(Ap) of Ap is a compact space, homeomorphic to the compact Kp = Wl(A) n U°{s), 0 < e < 1, p G F (see Theorem 4.18). So, Kp G JC, for every p G F. On the other hand, the m-seminorms given by (26.18) induce a second m-convex topology r' on A with r' = Tr>, where r1 — {PK}, K G K, (cf. also (26.2)). Every linear form F on A satisfying an inequality as in (26.1), that is, (26.19)
\F{x)\ < L\\x\\K, X e A, for some K G JC and L > 0,
is a continuous linear form on A[r']. The following lemma relates the inequalities (26.17), (26.19) the latter being the key-tool for Theorems 26.1 and 26.3.
Chapter VI.
Integral representations.
Uniqueness of topology
26.14 Lemma. Let A[rp] be a unital commutative m-convex algebra and A a finite Lumer group of transformations of A\TP\. Let F be a linear form on A[rr\- Consider the following assertions: (1) F satisfies condition (L). (2) |F(a;)| < L||x[|x, for all x G A, with K some compact subset of d)l(A). Then (1) => (2), while (2) (1) when A[rr] also has a continuous Gel'fand map. Proof. (1) =*> (2) Fix y G A and take the component yp of y € A for that p £ F for which (26.17) is valid. Let e > 0 and x E A with (26.20)
x :=
r^r rAp{yP)+£
Then, clearly rAp(xp) < 1, while A induces a finite group Ap of multiplicative || ||p-preserving transformations of Ap (Lemma 26.12). Hence, Lemma 26.8 ensures the existence of a (complete) m-norm || \\'p on Ap equivalent to || ||p, such that ||£ p (z)|| p = ||z||p, 5P G Ap, z G Ap and ||xp||p < 1. So, \F(x)\ < L by (26.17) and (26.21)
\F(y)\ < LrAp(yp)
from (26.20) (since e is arbitrary). But from the above discussion rAp{yP)
= sup{\
: ipp e 9K(A P )} = sup{|v?(y)| :
with K — Kp compact. Our claim now follows from (26.21) and the fact that y in (26.20) has been chosen arbitrarily. (2) =*> (1) Suppose that A[rr] has a continuous Gel'fand map. Then, the topology c on C(fSl(A)) is determined by the compacts Kp = VJl(A)nU°(e), 0 < e < 1, homeomorphic to Wl(Ap), p G F (see Lemma 9.1(2) and (4.34)). This means that each compact subset K of fSl(A) sits inside of a Kp, p e F. So for the compact K as in (2), there is Kp (p G F) such that K C Kp. Hence, for every i e A , \F[x)\ < L\\x\\K
< L\\x\\Kp
= Lsnp{\
= Lsup{\
= LrAp(xp)
< L\\xp\\'p,
Bochner type integral representations
for any (complete) m-norm || ||' on Ap equivalent to || || p , consequently for any (complete) m-norm || \\'p on Ap as in Definition 26.13. This completes the proof. Each Frechet algebra has continuous Gel'fand map (see comments after (4.30)). So Corollary 26.15 is a direct consequence of Lemma 26.14. 26.15 Corollary. Let A[rp} be a unital commutative Frechet algebra and A a finite Lumer group of transformations of A[TP]- Let F be a linear form on A[rp]. The following statements are equivalent: (1) F satisfies condition (L). (2) \F(x)\ < L\\X\\K,
for all x e A and some K C Wl(A) compact.
If -Afr/-1] in Corollary 26.15 is a Banach algebra, the additivity of the transformations in A is not necessary (see, for instance, Lemma 26.8). We can now state the promised variant of Theorem 26.3. It is a consequence of Lemma 26.14 and Theorem 26.3 with A[TT] in place of E. 26.16 Theorem. Let A[rr] be a unital commutative m-convex algebra and A a finite Lumer group of transformations of A{TP\- Let F be a linear form on A[Tr\- Consider the following assertions: (1) F satisfies condition (L). (2) F{x) — Jfjjjc^-v xdfi, x € A, where n is a measure in Mc(p)l(A))
total variation at most L. Then (1) => (2), while (2) => (1) when A[rr] also has a continuous Gel'fand map. Note that if the Gel'fand transform algebra A in Theorem 26.16 is closed under complex conjugation, the Stone-Weierstrass theorem [281, p. 48, Corollary 2] implies that A is dense in Cc(9Jt(A)), consequently the measure fi in (2) is unique (see discussion after Theorem 26.1 and proof of Corollary 26.2).
Bochner type integral representations In this Section, applying the results of Section 26, we specialize in
Bochner type integral representations of positive linear forms on m*-convex
Chapter VI.
Integral representations.
Uniqueness of topology
algebras. Our first result is an analogue of the classical Bochner-WeilRaikov theorem as stated in Corollary 26.5, but with continuous involution, since in some stages of the proof we have to pass to the Banach *-algebras corresponding to the Arens-Michael analysis of the involutive m-convex algebra involved. For obtaining our result we can apply either Theorem 26.3 or Theorem 26.16. To reach the crucial inequality (26.19) and apply Theorem 26.3, we can argue as in the proof of Corollary 26.5 (1) => (2), with some obvious modifications attained by assuming continuity for the involution and the positive linear form involved. We choose to apply Theorem 26.16, in order to see how the finite Lumer group of transformations, induced by a continuous involution, provides the inequality (26.17) that characterizes property (L) (also cf. [252, p. 137, proof of Corollary]). 27.1 Theorem (Bochner-Weil-Raikov). Let A[rr] be a commutative m* convex algebra. Let involution in A[rr] be symmetric and F a continuous linear form on A[rp]. The following statements are equivalent: (1) F is positive and extendable. (2) F(x) = fm/A\ xdfi, for all x £ A, where /J. is a unique positive measure in MC(9JT(A)). Proof. (1) => (2) The unitization AI[TI] of ^[T/ 1 ] keeps all the properties of the latter. From (1) F is extended to a positive linear form F\ on AI[TI] (see Proposition 12.21 and comments after it) and F\ is continuous since F has this property. So, for convenience, we temporarily suppose that A[rp] is unital. Define 5 : A[Tp} —> A[Tr]
% '—> x*. Then, A :=
is a finite Lumer group of transformations of A[rf]. For each p £ F, A induces a finite Lumer group Ap of transformations of Ap (Lemma 26.12) corresponding to the isometric involution *p of Ap. We shall show that F fulfils property (L). Let Fp be the associated to F (continuous) positive linear form on Ap and ep = e + Np the identity of Ap. It is clear that for any complete m-norm || ||p on Ap (hence for any complete m*-norm) equivalent to || ||p, one has that TAP{Z) < \\z\\p, for every z G Ap. Hence (see Corollary 12.12(2)), (27.1)
\Fp(u)\ < Fp(ep)rAp(u)
< F(e)\\u\\'p, V u G H(Ap),
Bochner type integral representations
for any (complete) m*-norm || \\'p on Ap, equivalent to || ||p. Now, since each z 6 Ap is uniquely written as u + iv, with u, v G H(Ap), we get
|M|; = Z
< \\z\\'p. v
By our assumptions x* = x, for every x G A. It is easily seen that this property passes to all Banach *-algebras Ap, p G F, where because of commutativity, it turns out that each Ap is symmetric (see Corollary 21.7). Since moreover Fp is a positive linear form on Ap, Lemma 22.20 yields that Fp(u), Fp(v) are real numbers. Thus, taking also into account (27.1) and (27.2), we conclude that |Re Fp(z)\ = \Fp(u)\ < F(e)||z||;,V z G Ap, for any || \\'p as before. This implies that for every x G A, \F(x)\ = \Fp(xp)\ = |Re (e-idFp(xp))\
= |Re Fp(e-^xp)\
< F(e)||:cp||;,,
for any || ||p as above and some e""5 £ C with |e~l1?| = 1. Hence, F satisfies condition (L) with L = F(e) = Fp(ep) = \\FP\\. Forgetting now our convention that A[rr] is unital, we have actually proved that the extension F\ of F on A\ fulfils property (L), with L — F\{e\). So from Theorem 26.16 and comments after it, there is a unique measure \x\ in Mc(9K(Ai)) of total variation at most L such that
f (27.3) (27.4)
F\(xi) = / xid/j.1 — l^ixi), V x\ G A\; therefore Jm{Ai) F(x) = / xdfii = l^{x), V x G A,
where llll G Cc(OT(Ai)) . Consider now the subalgebra Co(2Jt(Ai)) of Cc(VJl{Ai)) (see Remark 9.6(1)). Then, l^ can be seen as an element of Co(pJX(Ai)) and at the same time Co(9JT(Ai)) can be viewed as a subalgebra of Cc(m(A)). Indeed, the assignment C0(SDT(Ai)) -^ Cc(Wt(A)) : / -> f\m(A) is 1-1, since Wl{A) C m(Ax) = SW(A) U {<^0} and f(<po) = 0,
Chapter VI.
Integral representations. Uniqueness of topology
for every / € C0(97t(Ai)); see (4.40) and definition of C0(ffl(Ai)).
Theorem 25.3 yields the existence of a measure \x in MC(SDT(A)), such that (27.5)
ZM1 = IJ
x and so F(x) = f
xdfjL, V x e i .
Now, to prove positivity of fi, it suffices to prove positivity of l^ (see Proposition 25.2). So let / e CC(OT(A)) with f(
Density of A in Cc(9Jt(A)) and Theorem 25.1 imply uniqueness of \x. (2) ^> (1) Positivity of F follows directly from positivity of /x (see Proposition 25.2 and the second equality in (27.5)). To prove that F is extendable we must show the properties (1) and (2) of Proposition 12.21. Since l^ is a continuous positive linear form on Cc(27t(A)), it is extendable according to Proposition 12.22(1). Thus, the equality F(x) = ^ ( x ) , x £ A, easily yields extendability of F. A version of Theorem 27.1 in the case when the algebra A[rr] has an identity reads as follows. 27.2 Corollary. Let A[rr] be a unital commutative m*-convex algebra. Let involution of A[rr} be symmetric and F a continuous linear form on A[rp]. The following statements are equivalent: (1) F is positive. (2) F(x) = /jrm-^i xdfj,, for all x € A, with respect to a unique positive measure fi in Mc(9Jt(A)) of total variation \\FP\\, where Fp is the associated to F element in A'p (for some p e T ) .
27. Bochner type integral representations
The first of the next corollaries follows from Corollary 27.2 and Theorem 15.1, while the second one from Theorem 27.1 and Lemma 12.5. 27.3 Corollary. Let A[rp] be a unital commutative Frechet *-algebra. Let involution of A[rr] be symmetric and F a linear form on A[rp]. The following statements are equivalent: (1) F is a state. (2) F(x) — fm,A^ xdfj., for all x £ A, with respect to a unique positive measure fj, in Mc(pJt(A)} of total variation 1. 27.A Corollary. Let A[TP\ be a commutative m*-convex algebra with a bai. Let involution of A[rr] be symmetric and F a continuous linear form on A[rr]- The following statements are equivalent: (1) F is positive. (2) F(x) = Jjrm-yn xdjj., for all x & A, with respect to a unique positive measure fi in Mc{pJl(A)). 27.5 Corollary. Let X be a 2nd countable n-dimensional C°° -manifold and C°°(X) the Frechet *~algebra of C°° -functions on X. Let F be a linear form on C°°(X).
The following statements are equivalent:
(1) F is positive. (2) F(f) = fxfdfi,
for all f G C°°{X) (equivalent^ F = g c ~(x))>
with respect to a unique positive measure [i in MC(X) of total variation F(l),
where 1 is the identity in C°°{X).
Proof. With involution defined by the complex conjugate, C°°(X) is symmetric (see Example 21.17(1)), therefore it has symmetric involution (Theorem 21.10). Moreover, the spectrum of C°°(X) is homeomorphic to X (Example 4.20(2)). So the Gel'fand map of C°°(X) is given by the (continuous) injection C°°(X) —> CC(X) : f i—> / . The assertion now follows from Corollary 27.3. 27.6 Corollary. Let A[rr] be a unital commutative Frechet locally C*algebra. Let F be a linear form on A. The following are equivalent: (1) F is a state.
Chapter VI.
(2) F(f) = fmA)fdn,
Integral representations.
Uniqueness of topology
for all f in Cc(Wl(A)) (equivalent^ F = IJ,
with fi a unique positive measure in Mc(Wl(A)) of total variation 1. Proof. A[rr] as a locally C*-algebra is symmetric (see (21.6)), therefore being commutative it has symmetric involution (cf. Theorem 21.10). On the other hand, from Corollary 9.5 .A[rr] coincides with the function algebra CC(W(A)) up to a topological *-isomorphism. So the Gel'fand transform of each x 6 A corresponds uniquely to an / £ Cc(9Jt(A)). Apply now Corollary 27.3. Concerning Corollary 27.6, also see discussion before Proposition 12.20. Moreover, taking into account Theorem 11.5, Corollary 27.4 and Remark 9.6(1), we conclude that Corollary 27.6 also is true for any commutative locally C*-algebra A[rp] and any continuous linear form F on A[rjn]. The last corollary of Section 27 is a consequence of (21.6), Corollary 12.10 and Corollary 27.2. 27.7 Corollary. Let A[rr] be a unital commutative locally C* -algebra and F a continuous linear form on A[TP] with \\FP\\ = F(e), where Fp is the associated to F element in A'p (for some p E F). Then, there exists a unique positive measure /z in Mc(9Jt(A)) of total variation \\FP\\ such that F(x) = Jfffi(M xdfi, for all x € A. 27.(1) The abstract Bochner-Weil-Raikov theorem In this Subsection we present an analogue, in the non-normed setting, of the abstract Bochner-Weil-Raikov theorem (see, for instance, [168, p. 361, Theorem 2], [276, p. 141, Corollary (9.14)]), where the required measure is attained on the hermitian spectrum (see (4.32)) of the algebra involved. As an application we get a characterization of the positive linear forms of the algebra of entire functions (Corollary 27.9), in virtue of their integral representations on JR. 27.8 Theorem. Let A[rr] be a commutative m*-convex algebra with a bai and F a continuous linear form on A[rr]- Let fSl*(A) be the hermitian spectrum of A[rp]. The following statements are equivalent:
Bochner type integral representations
(1) F is positive. (2) F(x) — f^t^-.xdfx, measure in Mc(pJl*(A)).
for all x G A, where \i is a unique positive
P r o o f . (2) => (1) Recall that Wl*(A) := {
Under the relative topology from 9Jl(A), 9Jl*(A) becomes a completely
regular space. Consider the Gel'fand map of A-jrj1] with respect to 9Jl*(A)\ namely, A[Tr] —> Cc(m*(A))
: x i—> x : x(?) :=
Then, clearly x* = x, for every x G A, so that by (2) and Proposition 25.2, r
F(x*x) = /
x^xd/u = ?^(|x|2) > 0, V x G A.
(1) => (2) The associated to F continuous linear form Fp on Ap (see (12.4)) with Fp(xp) := F(x), x E A, is a continuous positive linear form on the commutative Banach algebra Ap that according to Lemma 11.4(2) has a bai. So there is a bounded positive Radon measure fip on 9Jl*(Ap) with
t (see [276, p. 141, Corollary (9.14)]). Hence, (27.6)
|F(x)| = \Fp{xp)\ < H/ipllllxplloo, V x G A,
with || Hoo the supremum norm in CQ(9R*(Ap)) (the C*-algebra of all continuous functions on Wl*(Ap) that vanish at infinity). Now, Wl*(Ap) C M*((Ap)1) with (Ap)i the unitization of Ap and Kp = Wl*((Ap)i) is compact as a closed subset of 9Jt((A p )i). If J4I[TI] is the unitization of A[r^] 'Op : 9Jl*((Ap)i) —> 9JT*(A!) ^ J ^ ^ o g J denotes the transpose of the continuous natural morphism gp : AI[T\] —> (Ap)i (see (2.2) and Proposition 3.11). The map fgp is continuous (see,
Chapter VI.
Integral representations.
Uniqueness of topology
for instance, [198, p. 256, Corollary]), so that K\ = lQXV(K^) is a compact subset of m*{Ai) and
\\xp\\oo < sup{|^(x p )| : (fl G Kl) = sup{|<^i(a;)| : (pi G Ki] = HzH^, for every x G A. Thus (cf. (27.6)) |F(x)| < H/ipllPII/f!, for every x G A, where A[rr] ^ AI[TI] —> CC(M*(A1)). So we can apply Theorem 26.1 with A\ in place of A, A in place of E and 9Jt*(Ai) in place of M(A). Hence, there is a measure fi\ G Mc{pK*(Ai)) such that f F(x) = I
xd\x\ — Z w (x), V i e A
For the rest of the proof we argue exactly as in the proof of Theorem 27.1 (see discussion after (27.4)). That is, we employ the subalgebra CQ(pJl*(Ai)) of C C (9JI*(J4I)), that also is viewed as a subalgebra of Cc(971*(.A)), therefore Theorem 25.3 ensures the existence of a measure /i in Mc(p7t*(A)) with
^ = '"IcbOrnw)
and F(X)=
L ( A ) "^' Vx GA "
27.9 Corollary. Lei 0(
/ - ^ / * : / * : = ( ( / I D J * ) , with ( / | D B ) * W :=7bT(i), V z G B n (see (3.5)). Example 4.20(4) shows that the spectrum of O(C) is homeomorphic to C. In the same way, one has that the hermitian spectrum of O(C) is homeomorphic to M. On the other hand, each positive linear form on a unital Frechet *-algebra is continuous (Theorem 15.1). So the equivalence of (1) and (2) results from Theorem 27.8.
27. Bochner type integral representations
The corresponding result of Corollary 27.9, in the case of the disc algebra .4.(0), reads as follows: A linear form
F on .A (ID) is positive
if and only if F(f)
/ _ i f(t)d>fJ>(t) for some (finite) positive Borel measure /i on [—1,1].
This result has long been known in the literature (see, for instance, [168, pp. 61, 246, 261], [283, p. 279] and [330, p. 289, Exercise 10]). In all three references (27.7) is taken as a Corollary of a more general Bochner type representation theorem, where integration space is the hermitian Gel'fand space of the commutative Banach algebra involved (like in our case above). In 1989, M. Pavone gave an elegant elementary proof of (27.7) by only using some "classical" properties of analytic functions and the Riesz representation theorem for the topological dual of C[— 1,1] (see [299]). In 1994, G. Maltese gave in [267] a functional analysis proof of Pavone's main idea as opposed to the complex variable approach used by M. Pavone. In effect, [267, p. 434, Lemma] provides a much more general inequality than the corresponding one elaborated by M. Pavone in [299, p. 53]. The proof of Corollary 27.9 can be given independently of Theorem 27.8, just by using (27.7) for the n-disc algebra A(H>n) and Theorem 25.1 (Riesz representation theorem for completely regular spaces); see, for example, [158, p. 81,4.4]. Further, if A[rp] is an m*-convex algebra as in Theorem 27.8 and (27.8)
A — {
then A = 9JT(A), set-theoretically (cf. Theorem 14.10). Thus, one may replace the integration space %R*(A) in Theorem 27.8 with A, provided that A has been endowed with the relative topology from 9Jl(A). In this case, one obtains the next corollary, which contains an earlier result of G. Maltese [267, p. 435, Theorem] stated for Banach *-algebras; cf. also comments at the end of Section 25. 27.10 Corollary. Let A[rr] be a commutative m*-convex algebra with a bai, F a continuous linear form on A[rr] and A as in (27.8). The following statements are equivalent:
Chapter VI. Integral representations.
Uniqueness of topology
(1) F is positive. (2) F(x) = fA xdpL, for all x & A, where n is a unique positive measure in MC(A). As G. Maltese remarks in [267, p. 432], loosely speaking, we may say that the message of Corollary 27.10 is the following: Knowing the continuous positive characters of A[rr], we know all its continuous positive linear forms. On the other hand, looking at Corollaries 27.5 and 27.9, we see that the positive linear forms of the function algebras involved are fully determined by the positive linear forms of their enveloping locally C*-algebras. This is, of course, an expected information according to Theorem 18.8, nevertheless taken in a rather smoother way. Roughly speaking, we could say that the (abstract) Bochner type theorems play, in the commutative case, the role of the enveloping (locally) C* -algebra of the non-commutative case. This is also natural, since in the non-commutative case, hermitian characters of the commutative case are replaced by ^-representations. For many more examples of function algebras like in the described situation, see [158, Section 4]. Further results concerning integral representations in the context of topological algebras can be found, for instance, in [84, pp. 13 and 20-22] and [298, p. 83].
Uniqueness of topology on semisimple m-convex algebras
In 1941,1.M. Gel'fand proved that every unital commutative semisimple Banach algebra has unique topology. In 1949, C.E. Rickart gave considerable extensions of the preceding result to non-commutative Banach algebras and at the same time he reduced the problem to primitive Banach algebras (see [326] and [327, pp. 70-76]). But the question concerning an arbitrary semisimple Banach algebra remained open until 1967, when B.E. Johnson [215] answered it in positive. B.E. Johnson notes in [215,
Uniqueness of topology on semisimple m-convex algebras
p. 357] that it would be interesting to know how far his result can be generalized. Theorem 28.4 and/or Corollary 28.6 answers in a way the previous question (also see [153]). In 1982, B. Aupetit [28, Theorem 1] gave an extension of Johnson's theorem, the proof of which based on subharmonic arguments was much simpler than that of B.E. Johnson. In 1989, T. J. Ransford [324] based on ideas of B. Aupetit [28] presented a short and elegant proof of Johnson's theorem using but standard properties of the spectral radius. The extension of Johnson's result we present is based on the technique of T. J. Ransford. The problem of uniqueness of topology in the case of semisimple topological algebras was first considered by E.A. Michael in 1952 (see [272, Section 14]). Among others he proved that every commutative semisimple Frechet Q-algebra has uniquely defined topology [272, Theorem 14.2]. In 1971, R.L. Carpender proved on the one hand, that every commutative semisimple Frechet algebra has unique topology [90, Theorem 5] and on the other hand, that every derivation on such an algebra is automatically continuous [91, Theorem 5]. The reader can find a presentation of these results in the book of H. Goldmann [174, Chapter 8]. Furthermore, from Remark 3 of B. Aupetit in [28] one easily derives that the afore-mentioned Michael's result is true in the non-commutative case (also see Corollary 28.6, (2)). Other results related to the uniqueness of topology in the setting of non-normed topological algebras have been given, for example, by Z. Abdelali and M. Chidami [3], M. Akkar and N. Nacir [8, 9], J. Bensalem and C. Nacir [41], O. Forster, [140], Guan Bo [181], T. Husain and S.-B. Ng [202] B. Johnson [214] and R.J. Loy [251]. Such problems are always closely related with automatic continuity of homomorphisms between topological algebras (in this regard also see [39]). For a recent account on this topic, concerning mainly Banach algebras, see [103, 104], where also a big source of relevant literature exists. The next lemma is a form of Hadamard three circles theorem for the spectral radius. It could readily be derived from the classical form of the corresponding theorem, but we present a direct proof of it given by
Chapter VI.
Integral representations.
Uniqueness of topology
T.J. Ransford [324, Lemma 2]. 28.1 L e m m a (Ransford). Let A be a Banach algebra and p{C), ( e C , a polynomial with coefficients in A. Let N be a positive constant. Then, rA{p{l)f
< sup rA(p(0)
iChiv- 1
Proof. Let p(() = Ylk=o akCk, ak £ A, k = 0,... ,n. If p(l) = 0, the result is obvious. Let p(l) ^ 0. Then, we can choose f £ A' such that | | / | | — 1 and |/(p(l))| = ||p(l)||. Let now g : = / o p ; namely, n
(C) := Yl h(k, with bk = f(ak) e C , k = 0,..., n, ( 6 C . Then, fc=0 o
||p(l)|| 2 = | g ( l ) | 2 = 5 >
< ( n+ l ) ^ | f c f c | 2
fc=0 fc=0
/ n
\ 1/2 /
= (n + 1)"£ l^|iVfc|6fc|iV-fc < („ + 1) £ fc=0
/ I
= ( n + 1)
|^| 2 iV 2fc
\ 1/2 / ,
\ 1/2
\ V2
( ^ / o l9(^"leit)l2d*j
<(n + l) sup ||p(C)|| sup ||p(C)||. \C\=N
Repeating the preceding process with p(C)"\ m € N, in place of p(C), C ^ C and taking mth roots, one obtains
| b ( i r | | 2 / m < ( m n + l)1/'» sup | b ( C H 1 / m
sup ||p(C)m||1/m. IChiV"1
Now letting m —> 00 t h r o u g h powers of two (so t h a t ||p(C) m || 1
with m), o n e o b t a i n s (28.1) by applying t h e spectral radius formula, given
by rA{x) = \imn\\xn\\1/n,xeA. 28.2 T h e o r e m . Let A[TA], algebra, m-convex
= TpB with
— TpA with FB
— {p}, be a locally convex Q-
= {q}, a semisimple
algebra and
has a closed graph.
complete Then, <j>
Uniqueness of topology on semisimple m-convex algebras
Proof. Let (x\)\eA be a net in A[TA] such that (28.2)
x\ — 0 and <j>(x\) —> y =
Showing y = 0, one has proved that graph of <j) is closed. Since B[TB] is semisimple, JB = {0}, so it suffices to show y € JB- We claim that the latter will have been proven, after it will have been shown that (28.3)
a situation like in (28.2) implies rB{y) = 0.
Indeed: Suppose (28.3) is true and consider an arbitrary element y' in B. Then, there exists x' G A with <j)(x') = y'. From (28.2), we get x'xx
—> 0 and <j){x'x\) -
Hence from (28.3) rsiy'y) = 0, for every y' G B. But this implies y € JB (see Proposition 4.24(2)). So what we have to prove is (28.3). Consider the natural morphism gq : B[TB] —» Bq, q G FB (cf. (2.2)). Continuity of gq yields Qq(4>{x\)) —> gq(y) :- yq, for every q € r B . Let ^ g := gq o
rBq(px(O) < \\px(C)\\q <| C I \\M*x)h + UqM - yq\\q,
for any A € A and q E FB- Moreover, since A[TA] is a Q-algebra, there is p € FA with TA{X) < p(x), for every x € A (cf. Theorem 6.18(2)). Thus, ,__ _. (28.5J
= ^ ( ^ ( C ^ A - ^A + a:)) < rA(Cxx -xx
+ x)
< P(C^A -xx + x) < |Cb(z\) + P(^A) + P(^)> for any A € A and g G 7^- At the same time, p\(l) = yq, A € A, q € -TBThus, in view of (28.5) and (28.4), the inequality (28.1) gives rBq(yq)2<{p((N+l)xx)+p(x))(N-lUQ(xx)\\q+\\cf>q(xx)-yq\\q), where taking limits with respect to A one has that for any (p, q) € FA X FB p((N + l)x A ) -> 0 and ||^(x A ) - yq\\q = q((f>(xx) - y) -> 0.
Chapter VI.
Integral representations.
Uniqueness of topology
On the other hand, the convergent net H ^ ^ A ) ! ^ = q{4>{x\)), Q £ FB, may equivalently be replaced by a convergent sequence in M.+ and be viewed as a bounded subset of non-negative real numbers. So, letting now N —* oo, in the same inequality above, we get rBq(yq) = 0, for every q G FBConsequently, (see Theorem 4.6(3)) rs(y) — sup g r£ 9 (y g ) — 0, so that (28.3) has been proved. 28.3 Corollary. Let A[TA] be a locally convex Q-algebra and B[TB] a semisimple advertibly complete m-convex algebra such that (A\TA\,B[TB\) is a closed graph pair (cf. Definition 16.1). Then, each surjective morphism 4> : A[TA] —> B\TB\ is continuous. Proof. From Theorem 28.2 4> has closed graph. Since ( ^ [ T ^ ] , B[TB]) is a closed graph pair, every linear map from A[TA] in 5[TB] with closed graph is continuous. Hence, (f> is continuous. We are now in position to state an extension of Johnson's uniqueness of (complete) norm theorem. 28.4 Theorem. Let A[T], T = rp, be a semisim,ple m-convex Q-algebra. Let T' be a second topology on A such that A[T'] is a topological algebra of the same kind as A[T] and moreover (A[T], A[T']), as well as (A[T'], A[T]) are closed graph pairs. Then, the topologies r and r ' are equivalent. Proof. Each Q-algebra is advertibly complete (Theorem 6.5). So applying twice Corollary 28.3 we obtain that the identity map id A from A[T] on A[T'}, is bicontinuous. Therefore, the topologies T,T' are equivalent. The next definition originates in the theory of locally convex spaces [235, p. 223] and names "yCF-algebra" an Arens-Michael algebra, whose the underlying locally convex space is an CT-space (ibid.); also see [262, p. 137]. A slightly stronger definition than the one that follows, is given in [272, Definitions 15.1, 15.2] and/or [262, p. 301, Definition 9.1]. 28.5 Definition. An algebra A is said to be an CF-algebra, whenever an increasing sequence (-An)neN of Frechet algebras (subalgebras of A) exists, in such a way that the following conditions are satisfied:
Uniqueness of topology on semisimple m-convex algebras
(l)A =
(2) If rn is the given topology on An, n £ N and r is the final mconvex topology on A induced by the natural injections j
: An —> A, then
i"Un = rn = Tn+i\An, for all n G N. An /^-algebra, which is moreover a Q-algebra, is called CFQ-algebra. Examples of such algebras are discussed in Subsection 28.(1). 28.6 Corollary. The following classes of semisimple m-convex algebras have uniquely determined topology: (1) Barrelled B-complete
(2) Frechet Q-algebras (Aupetit). (3) CTQ-algebras. Proof. Each Frechet algebra is barrelled and B-complete (see, for instance, [335, p. 60, Corollary and p. 162, Examples]). So (2) follows from (1). We prove (1) and (3) simultaneously. Let A[T] be either a semisimple barrelled jB-complete m-convex Q— algebra or a semisimple £^7Q-algebra. Let r' be a second topology on A such that A[T'} is a topological algebra of the same kind as A[T\. Then, (A[T\, A[T'})
as well as (A[r'], A[r]) are closed graph pairs (cf., for instance,
[198, p. 301, Theorem 4] and [303, Corollary 1.2.20, (ii)]). The assertion now follows from Theorem 28.4. Consider the commutative Arens-Michael algebras: C°°(X), X a 2nd countable n-dimensional C°°-manifold; CC(X), X a hemicompact space; and O(C); see respectively, Remark in Example 2.4(2), Remark (ii) in Example 3.10(4) and Example 2.4(5). All of them are semisimple, since their spectra consist entirely of point evaluations (cf. Proposition 4.22(1) and Examples 4.20(2), 4.20(3) (with Remark (ii)) and 4.20(4) respectively). So, according to Carpender's (uniqueness of topology) result mentioned at the beginning of this Section, the topologies of the preceding algebras are the only ones making them Frechet algebras. The result for CC(X) can also be derived by Corollary 17.5. In the following Subsection we apply Corollary 28.6 to examples of semisimple non-metrizable Arens-Michael algebras, as well as to semisimple
Chapter VI.
Integral representations. Uniqueness of topology
non-commutative Frechet Q-algebras, to obtain uniqueness of their natural topologies. 28.(1) Applications to function algebras from distribution theory 28.7 Proposition. Let X be a 2nd countable n-dimensional C°° -manifold and T)(X) the algebra of all compactly supported C°°-functions on X endowed with the inductive limit topology T®. Then, T(X) an CJ-Q-algebra. Proof. Every n-dimensional C°°-manifold is a locally compact space. Thus, X being 2nd countable and locally compact is cr-compact (see, for instance, [130, p. 238, 6.3]). Hence, there is a countable family (Kn)n^
of compact
subspaces that exhaust X. Let (28.6)
KKn (X) = {/ e C°°(X) : supp (/) C Kn}, n G N.
As in the case of 2)(Rn) (Example 2.4(3)), each 3 ^ ( 1 ) with the relative topology from C°°(X) is a Frechet algebra (subalgebra of 'D(X)). In particular, the algebras (28.6) form an increasing sequence of ideals in 1)(X), such that 2>(X) = \ J ® K n ( x )
n e N
(also see [262, pp. 132-134]). Consider the natural injections jn:VKn(X)
—> S)(X), n e N .
The inductive limit topology TJJ on 'D(X), is the final locally convex topology on 5)(X) induced by the injections j n , neN.
As in the case of 2)(R n )
(see discussion after (2.29)), the topology rj) coincides with the final m— convex topology induced on 1)(X) by the (same) injections j n , n e N (see [262,
p. 124, Proposition 3.3]). Thus, from Definition 28.5 5)(X) is an LT-
algebra, therefore complete and barrelled (see, for example, [335, p. 59, 6.6 and p. 62, Corollary 2]). Hence, as in the case of /D(Wl), one obtains that the set Sx>(x) = {/
< 1} is a 0-neighborhood in 1)(X)
(cf. Example 6.23(4)), so that D(X) is a Q-algebra (Proposition 6.14(1)).
Uniqueness of topology on semisimple m-convex algebras
To prove that 'S(X) is semisimple, take into account that its spectrum contains all point evaluations (see, for instance, Example 6.23(4)), therefore n{ker(ip) : ip e SEJl(S)(X))} = {0}, consequently J®(x) = {0} (Proposition 4.22(1)). Apply now Corollary 28.6(3). 28.8 Proposition. Let X be a locally compact a-compact space and )C(X) the algebra of compactly supported continuous functions on X endowed with the inductive limit topology, say r. Then, r is the only topology making )C(X) an CJ-Q-algebra. Proof. There is a countable family (-Kn)neN of compact subspaces that exhaust X, so that (see [262, p. 128]),
K(X) = {JK,Kn{X) = lim £*„(*), n e N, with ICKn(X) -.= {/ G /C(X) : supp (/) C Kn}, n G N. Each KKn{X) is a Banach algebra (ideal in IC(X)) under the supremum norm ||/|| n := sup{|/(a;)| : x € Kn}, n € N. Endow JC{X) with the final m-convex topology r induced on it by the natural injections j n : KKU{X) —> K.(X), n G N. Under this topology K.{X) is an £^ r Q-algebra (ibid.). For the Q-property one works as in the case of 2)(E n ) (cf. Example 6.23(4)), since for each / € IC(X) there i s n G N with / G K,Kn{X), so that r^X){f) ^ r KKn{X){f) < °°- Moreover, K,(X) is semisimple since its spectrum contains all point evaluations. This follows from the fact that the topology of simple convergence on K,(X) is obviously coarser than the topology r. So applying Corollary 28.6(3) we infer that there is no other topology than r making IC(X) an £.FQ-algebra. Let now X be a finite dimensional complex (analytic) manifold (see [197]). A function / : X —> C is called holomorphic or analytic if there is a local chart (U, f) of X such that the function / o ip~1 : tp(U) C C n —> C, defined on the open subset
Chapter VI.
Integral representations.
Uniqueness of topology
becomes a Frechet algebra (being a closed subalgebra of the Frechet algebra CC{X))\ see [262, p. 134, 4.13] and Remark (ii) in Example 3.10(4). Furthermore, a finite dimensional complex (analytic) manifold X is called Stein manifold [197, Definition 5.1.3], if it is countable at infinity (that is, there is a countable family of compact subsets Kn, n G N, of X such that any other compact subset K of X sits inside of some Kn, n e N ; take, for example, X to be moreover 2nd countable or cr-compact) and satisfies the following conditions: (1) X is holomorph-convex; that is for every compact subset K of X, the set K := {x &X : \f(x)\ < \\f\\K,forall / G O{X)} is compact. (2) O(X) separates the points of X. (3) There are enough holomorphic functions on X that restricted on the local charts of X form a coordinate system. Every domain of holomorphy in C" is a Stein manifold. Let now X be a 2nd countable finite dimensional complex (analytic) manifold. A subset K of X is called compact Stein set [262, p. 161] if K is compact in such a way that
K = []Un = limUn, neN,
where (J7n)neN i s a denumerable open basis of neighborhoods of K, consisting of open Stein submanifolds of X. In this regard, we have the following. 28.9 Proposition. Let X be a 2nd countable n-dimensional complex (analytic) manifold and K a compact Stein set in X. Let O(K) be the algebra (of germs) of holomorphic functions onK. Then, the inductive limit topology, say T, on O(K) is the only one making O(K) an CTQ-algebra. Proof. K = f]Un, n G N, with Un as in (28.7). Let O{Un) be the Frechet algebra of holomorphic functions on Un, n e N (see discussion above). These algebras form an inductive system (see, for instance, [262, p. 134, 4.(3)]), so that one defines (28.8)
O{K) := lim O(Un), n G N.
Uniqueness of topology on semisimple m-convex algebras
In particular, the inductive limit in (28.8) is a strict inductive limit (in the sense of [235, p. 222]) and if A(Un) is the Banach algebra of all continuous functions on Un which are analytic on Un, one obtains [262, p. 136] (28.9)
O(K) = \jmO(Un) = lim A(U^) = \JA(U^),
n G N,
with the second equality valid up to a topological isomorphism of the corresponding locally convex spaces. Thus, the inductive limit topology of O(K) denned by (28.8) becomes an m-convex topology, under which O{K) is an £.FQ-algebra [262, p. 137]. The Q-property results as follows: Since for each / G O(K) there is n e N with / G A(Un) (see (28.9)), one clearly gets ro^(f)
< f^,jj-Jf)
< oo. On the other hand,
since each Un, n e H, is a complex Stein manifold, one has that [262, p. 228, 3] VJl(O(Un)) = Un, n& N, up to a homeomorphism. Hence, (ibid., p. 159, (3.43) and p. 161, (4.6)) m(O{K)) = \imm(O(Un)) = lim[/n = f)Un
= K, n G N.
Consequently, the spectrum of O{K) consists entirely of point evaluations, so that O(K) is semisimple (Proposition 4.22(1)). Applying now Corollary 28.6(3) we have the result. The algebra O{K) can also be viewed as an example of a barrelled B— complete m-convex Q-algebra (cf. [264, Theorem 5.1]); therefore the result of Proposition 28.9 can be derived from the assertion (1) of Corollary 28.6 too. We give now an application concerning a non-commutative semisimple Arens-Michael algebra. 28.10 Proposition. Let A be a unital (non-commutative) finite dimensional semisimple Banach *~algebra and C°°(X, A) the Frechet *~algebra of A-valued C°°-functions on a compact 2nd countable n-dimensional C°°manifold X. Then, C°°(X, A) has a uniquely determined topology. Proof. According to the proof of Corollary 24.2(3), C°°{X, A) is a (noncommutative) semisimple Frechet Q-algebra. yields the assertion.
Hence, Corollary 28.6(2)
Chapter VI.
Integral representations.
Uniqueness of topology
28.(2) An application concerning involution In this Subsection we are involved with another interesting application of Corollary 28.6, concerning automatic continuity of involution in certain semisimple m-convex algebras. From Carpender's result on the uniqueness of topology of a semisimple commutative Frechet algebra (see discussion at the beginning of this Section), one concludes that any involution on such an algebra is automatically continuous (argue as in the proof of Theorem 28.12(2) below). Before we go on we need the following. 28.11 Definition. Let A be a (non-empty upwards) directed index set and A — limA^ an inductive limit algebra (see, for instance, [262, p. 112, Definition 1.1]). An involution * on A is called compatible (with the respective inductive system), whenever each algebra A\, A G A, remains invariant under *. That is, *(A\) C A\ , for all A G A The usual involution (defined by the complex conjugate) on the algebras ?D(X), K.(X) of Propositions 28.7 and 28.8 respectively is compatible. 28.12 Theorem. (1) A compatible involution on a semisimple CTQalgebra is automatically continuous. (2) Any involution on a semisimple barrelled B-complete m-convex Qalgebra (hence a fortiori on a semisimple Frechet Q-algebra) is automatically continuous. Proof. (1) Let A[T] be a semisimple £.FQ-algebra with a compatible involution *. Then, (Definition 28.5) there is an increasing sequence A n [r n ], n G N, of Frechet algebras in such a way that A = | J An and r\An = r n = rn+1
n G N.
For each n G N, let / ^ n = {pn,i}, i G N, be a defining family of seminorms for the m-convex topology rn. For every n G N, let (28.10)
qn,i(x) := Pn,i(x*), for all x G An and i e N .
Uniqueness of topology on semisimple m-convex algebras
Denote with r* the topology on An induced by the m-seminorms qnj, i e N . We readily verify that each An[r*] is a Frechet algebra, such that T n+iU,t = r ni n G. N. Let now r* be the final m-convex topology on A making the injections fn:An[T*}
—> A[T*},
continuous. It is easily seen that T*|/in = T£, n G N, therefore A[r*] is an £jF-algebra (cf. Definition 28.5). We prove that J4[T*] is also a Q-algebra. Let * n = *\An, n e N . Consider the following commutative diagram
where *n is clearly bicontinuous according to (28.10). Thus, from the definition of T, T* and the commutativity of the preceding diagram we deduce that * is bicontinuous. Hence, the Q-property of A[T] is inherited by A[T*] too, therefore A[r*] is an jCFQ-algebra. But, semisimple £J-"Q-algebras have uniquely determined topology, so that T* is equivalent to r. This implies that the compatible involution * on A[T] is continuous. (2) Let A[T] be a semisimple barrelled .B-complete m-convex Q-algebra with involution *. Let r = Tp, F = {p}. For each p e F define q(x) :— p{x*), for every x G A. If F* = {q} and r* = Tp*, the (involution) map * : A[T] — > A [ T * ] : X > — > x * ,
is clearly bicontinuous. Having * to be an anti-linear homeomorphism, we can readily verify that A[T*\ is a barrelled B-complete m-convex Qalgebra. For B-completeness, use the arguments applied in the proof of [335, p. 164, Corollary 1] to show that * is nearly open (in the sense of the last Reference, p. 163) and then apply [335, p. 164, Corollary 2]. A consequence of Corollary 28.6(1) is now that the topologies T,T* coincide, therefore * is continuous.
Chapter VI.
Integral representations.
Uniqueness of topology
28.13 Corollary. Each C*-seminorm p$ on an involutive barrelled Bcomplete m-convex Q-algebra A[rp] is continuous. Proof. Let C = A[rr]/JA, where JA is the (Jacobson) radical of A[rr]. C is a semisimple algebra and since JA is a *—ideal, it becomes also involutive by defining (X + JA)*
X* + JA, for each x G A. From the Q-property of A[rr]
we have that JA is closed (see [349, p. 78, Theorem 1.6] and/or [104, p. 178, Theorem 2.2.28]). Thus, under the quotient topology, C is a barrelled incomplete Q-algebra (for the first two properties see [198, p. 215, Corollary (a) and p. 300, Proposition 5], for the third one see Proposition 6.14(3)). Now, Theorem 28.12 applies and gives continuity for the involution of C. Let po be a C*-seminorm on -A [IT] and Apo the Hausdorff completion of po]- From the properties of the C*-algebra Apo we have that (28.11)
= ||a;*0a;p0||p0 = rApo(x*poxPo)
for each x £ A. Let now x = x + JA, x & A. Let moreover y G x for some x € A. Then x — y € JA-, SO that r^((a; — y)*(x — y)) = 0 from Proposition 4.24(1). Applying (28.11) we easily get that po(x) = Po(y)- Thus, defining (28.12)
:=po{x), V i e A ,
we get a C*-seminorm qo on C. Since C is an m-convex Q-algebra, there is q £ FQ (Theorem 4.18) that sits over re- On the other hand, (28.11) can also be applied for go in C. Hence, (28.13)
qo(x)2 < r c
) < q(x*x) < g ( i ) 2 ,
V x e A
In the last inequality we used the fact that q is *-preserving. This, we can suppose without any harm of the generality, because of continuity of the involution in C (cf. Theorem 3.7). The assertion now is clear from (28.12) and (28.13). 28.14 Corollary. Each C*-seminorm on an involutive Frechet Q-algebra and/or a commutative involutive Frechet algebra, is continuous.
Uniqueness of topology on semisimple m-convex algebras
Proof. Every Frechet algebra is barrelled and B-complete (see comments after Definitions 1.7 and 3.12). So for the first case we apply Corollary 28.13. Because of Carpender's result cited at the beginning of Section 28, Corollary 28.13 is also true for commutative involutive Frechet algebras. The second part of our claim follows from this. The next corollary is a version of Corollary 22.13 in the case of a not necessarily continuous involution. 28.15 Corollary. Let A[Tp] be a hermitian Frechet Q-algebra. Then, the Ptdk function PA is continuous. In the case when A[rr} is also semisimple, PA becomes a C*-norm. Proof. From Proposition 22.11 (also see comments after Definition 6.19) PA is a C*-seminorm. So the assertion follows from Corollary 28.14. The last claim follows from Corollary 22.15(2).
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Chapter VII Tensor products of topological *—algebras This Chapter also is concerned with applications. More precisely, the theory developed in Chapters I through V is applied to topological tensor products of m*-convex algebras. In Sections 29, 30, we give the necessary background material needed throughout Chapter VII. In Section 31, we introduce the injective and projective C*-convex tensorial topology and give some basic properties of them. In Subsection 31.(1), we define and study the so-called inverse limit preserving tensorial topologies, while in Subsection 31.(2), we exhibit several applications of them. Further, we look for conditions under which one obtains the decomposition of the enveloping locally C*-algebra of a tensor product Arens-Michael *-algebra, in the C*-convex tensor product of the enveloping locally C*-algebras of the m*convex algebras participating in the initial tensor product (see Subsection 32.(2) and, in particular, Theorem 32.4). A similar study is done in Subsection 33.(3) for the structure space of a tensor product Frechet *-algebra. In this case, the afore-mentioned structure space is given by the cartesian product of the structure spaces of the Frechet *-algebras involved in the initial tensor product (see, for instance, Theorem 33.15). For such results, the connection of the indecomposable continuous positive linear forms of a tensor product Arens-Micheal *-algebra, with those of the m*-convex algebras participating in the tensor product, plays a particular role. Some results on such a relationship are presented in Subsection 33.(1). Finally, in Section 34 conditions are studied under which certain properties like, for instance, *-semisimplicity, hermiticity and symmetry pass from a tensor 363
Chapter VII.
Tensor products of topological *-algebras
product Arens-Michael *-algebra to the m*-convex algebras making the tensor product and vice versa (see, for example, Theorems 34.8 and 34.15).
Preliminaries. Definitions
For the basic theory of topological tensor products of locally convex spaces and locally convex algebras, the reader is referred to [180], and [262, Chapter X] respectively; also see [107, 183, 184, 212, 279, 335, 367]. Consider the vector space tensor product A <S> B of two algebras A, B. Let z = 5Z"_i Xi (g> yi, z' = $Z?li xj ® Vj be two elements in A ® B and define the product of z, z' by m
The map {A®B)x{A®
B) —> A ® B : (z, z') i—> zz1 is a
well denned (associative) multiplication on A
n n * : A
(cf., e.g., [279, pp. 188, 189]). If AQ.BQ are *-subalgebras of A, B respectively, we may obviously regard AQ ® BQ as a *-subalgebra of A ® B. The next lemma has been proved for Banach *-algebras by K.B. Laursen in [244, p. 61, Lemma III.3]. 29.1 Lemma. //A, B are involutive algebras and z e H{A®B) with z ^ 0, there is a finite subset F of N such that (29.3)
z = Y^ xi ® Vi
e H A
( )i Vi G H(B)> « S F C N,
where the elements of the families (xj)jgf, (j/i)ieF
linearly independent.
29. Preliminaries.
Proof. By assumption z* = z = X^igF sj ®fy>w n e r e sj G A, ij G B and j G Fo a finite subset of N. The elements Sj,tj with j £ FQ, have the following unique expressions Sj = Uj + ivj, tj — u'j+iv'p with Uj,Vj G H(A), u'j,v'j G H(B), j G Fo. So,
z — 5 3 uj ®u'j - 5 3 vj ®v'j +i \ 5 3 Uj
where since z* = z, the imaginary part of z in the preceding expression, becomes zero. Hence, z has a representation as in (29.3). We shall prove that the families {xi)i^p, (yi)i^F m (29.3) consist of linearly independent elements. Suppose that F is the smallest finite subset of N for which (29.3) is valid. Suppose also that the elements X{,i G F, are linearly dependent. Then, if A; is a fixed index in F: one has that Xk — 5 3 ^ixii Z=
with Aj e R since Xj G -^(^4), i £ F. Thus, i®Vi + xk®Vk = 5 3
i®{Vi + ^iVk),
with X{ G H(A), yi + Xiyk G H(B), i £ F \ {fc}. But this contradicts the assumption for F. Therefore, the elements x, in H(A), i G F, are linearly independent. Similarly, one proves that the elements yj, i G F, in H(B) are linearly independent. 29.2 The projective tensorial topology TT. Let A[r^] and J3[T#] be locally convex (*-), respectively m(*)-convex algebras with TA — rpA, FA = {p} and TB = Tpg-i FB = {} Then, their (algebraic) tensor product A®B becomes a locally convex (*-), respectively m^-convex algebra under the well known projective tensorial topology TT, determined by the following family, say Fn — {ftp,q}(P,q)erAxrB, of (*~) seminorms, respectively m^seminorms ( n
KP,q{z) := inf < J^P&iMVi) I i=l
^1 :z
= J2 ® ^ f ' i=\
Chapter VII.
Tensor products of topological *-algebras
for all z £ A ® B and (p, q) E FA X /"B (clearly infimum is taken over all representations $^"=1 Xi ® y» of z; cf. [262, p. 376, Lemma 3.1 and p. 378, Proposition 3.1]). It is evident from (29.4) that nv,q{x®y) = p(x)q(y), V (x,y) &A x B and (p,q) E FA x FB.
The locally convex (*-)algebra, respectively m(*)-convex algebra, resulting from A ® B under TT, is denoted by A ® B and called protective tensor TV
product of
The completion of A
(also see comments after Definition 29.3). A consequence of (29.5) is that the tensor map {canonical bilinear map) (29.6)
B —> A
is continuous, when Ax B carries the product topology. In particular, n is a "(*-)admissible" topology on A® B in the sense of Definitions 29.4, 29.5 below and additionally TT is the finest (*-)admissible (tensorial) topology on A ® B, making the canonical bilinear map <2> continuous [262, p. 369]. Furthermore, "TT is a Hausdorff" topology, if and only if the topologies TA, Tg are both Hausdorff (ibid., p. 369, Lemma 2.2). If instead of locally convex (*-)algebras we consider two locally convex spaces
defined in the same way as in (29.4), gives a
"compatible" topology on E ® F, in the sense of Definition 29.3 and it is the finest locally convex topology on E ® F making the corresponding tensor map
E[TE], F[TF]
be locally convex spaces
and E ® F their vector space tensor product. A topology r on E ® F is called compatible (with the tensor product vector space structure of E®F), if the following conditions are satisfied: (1) E®F equipped with r is a locally convex space, that will be denoted by E 0 F. T
29. Preliminaries.
(2) The tensor map : E x F —> E®F is separately continuous (that T
is, continuous in each variable). (3) For any equicontinuous subset M oiE1 and N of F', the set M®N = {x' (g> y' : x' G M, y' G iV} is an equicontinuous subset of (E (g) F) . r
The completion of i?
topology TT on E Cg> F is compatible and the complete locally convex space E®F is often denoted by E®F (see [180, Chapitre I, p. 32]). A compatible topology as in Definition 29.3 will be often called compatible tensorial locally convex topology. Definition 29.3 was modified in the case of locally convex algebras by A. Mallios (cf., for instance, [262, p. 375, Definition 3.1]). Thus, we have the following. 29.4 Definition (Mallios). Let A[ryi], B[TB] be locally convex algebras and A (g> B their corresponding tensor product algebra (see (29.1)). A locally convex vector space topology r on A ® B is called admissible (with the tensor product algebra structure of A ® B), if the following two conditions are satisfied: (1) The topology r is a compatible topology with the tensor product vector space structure of A
The locally convex algebra resulted from Definition 29.4 is denoted by A®B and its completion (when it exists as a topological algebra) by A®B; T
see comments after Definition 1.7. Note that A. Mallios calls the topology r of Definition 29.4 compatible. We employ the term "admissible" for reasons of uniformity with the concept "*-admissible" of the next Definition 29.5. For a given admissible topology r as in Definition 29.4, we shall often use the term admissible tensorial locally convex topology. The concept of an admissible tensorial m-convex topology, is formulated similarly modifying accordingly condition (2) of Definition 29.4. From what we have already mentioned about the projective tensorial m-convex topology -IT, it follows that it is an admissible topology.
Chapter VII.
Tensor products of topological *-algebras
Let us now see what "admissibility" of a tensorial topology means, in the case when the given topological algebras carry, at the same time, the structure of a continuous involution. 29.5 Definition. Let
^[TA], -S[TB]
be locally convex *-algebras with
TrA, FA — {p} and T# = rrB, FB = {q}- Let A
(2) T h e t e n s o r m a p
is c o n t i n u o u s , i n t h e s e n s e T
that if FT = {TK} is a defining family of *-seminorms for r, then for every TK €. FT, there is (p, q) e FA X FB, such that rK(x
{x ®y' : x' G M,y' € N} is an equicontinuous subset of (A ® B) . T
As in the case of Definition 29.4, the locally convex *-algebra resulting from Definition 29.5 is denoted by A®B and its completion (when it exists T
as a topological *-algebra) by A®B. T
A *-admissible tensorial topology r as in Definition 29.5 will be called admissible tensorial locally convex *-topology. When A[r^], B[TB\ are m*convex algebras, respectively C*-convex algebras, condition (1) of Definition 29.5 is accordingly modified and T is called admissible tensorial m*convex, respectively C*-convex, topology. It is easily seen that when A[r^], i?[r^] are m*-convex algebras, the protective tensorial topology IT (cf. (29.4)) is an admissible tensorial m*convex topology on A (g> B.
In Section 31, we construct two admissible
tensorial C*-convex topologies. The comments about the completion of a tensor product locally convex algebra made after Definition 29.4, also apply for the completion of a tensor product locally convex *-algebra. Such a
29. Preliminaries.
problem does not exist in the case of m*-convex, respectively C*-convex algebras, because of continuity of multiplication. 29.6 The injective tensorial topology e. We shall discuss now another significant for the applications compatible (and/or (*-)admissible in some cases) tensorial topology, the so-called "biprojective tensorial topology"; see [180, Chapitre I, p. 89, Definition 5] and/or [262, p. 371, Definition 2.3]. Let E[TE], F[T~F] be two locally convex spaces, with TE = T B , FE — {p} and Tp — TpF, Fp — {} Let E's, F^ be the weak topological dual of E[TE], F[TF] respectively (see comments after (1.17)). Furthermore, let Be(E's, Fs') be the space of all separately continuous bilinear forms on E's x F^ endowed with the topology "e" of bi-equicontinuous convergence [180] (also see [335, p. 91]). Since, E&F--+
: x®y
(x 0 y)(x',
y') :=
for all (x1, y') G E's x F's (up to a linear injection), E ® F becomes a locally convex space equipped with the relative topology from Be{E's,F's). The topology denned on E ® F in the preceding way is denoted by "e" and is called injective or biprojective tensorial topology. In our standard notation the resulting locally convex space is denoted by E
E®F (see, for example, [180, Chapitre I, p. 89]). A defining family F£ of £
seminorms for e is given as follows (cf., for instance, [262, p. 372, (2.30)]):
ep,q(z) := sup I f^x'(xjy'(Vi)
: x' G U°p(l), y1 G t/°(l) 1 ,
for all z — YH=I Xi®yi<E E®F and (p, q) e FE x / > , where U°(l) is the polar of the 0-neighborhood UP(1) := {x G E : p(x) < 1}. Now, an easy application of Hahn-Banach theorem shows that p(x) = sup{|x'(a;)| : x' G (7p(l)}, p G FE, therefore from (29.7), one gets (29.8)
ep,g(z ® y) = p{x)q{y), V (x, y) G E x F and (p, g) G FE x FF.
Chapter VII.
Tensor products of topological *-algebras
A consequence of (29.8) is now continuity of the tensor map (29.9)
E <S> F : (x, y) >-> x
when E x F carries the product topology. In particular, e is the coarsest compatible topology (see Definition 29.3) on E
are both Hausdorff, we clearly get that E ® F is Hausdorff e
too. When E and F are Banach spaces, the topology e corresponds to the injective tensor crossnorm || \\\ (also see comments after (31.11)). From the properties of the tensorial topologies TT, e we conclude that for any locally convex spaces
and a compatible (locally convex)
topology r on E <8> F, one has that (29.10)
£ -< T -< 7T.
There are cases, where e considered on the tensor product of suitable locally convex algebras, becomes an admissible topology (see [262, p. 391, Theorem 1.1 and p. 394, Theorem 2.1]). Moreover, for any locally convex algebras A[r/i], B[TB\ such that e is an admissible topology on A ® B, one has that any other admissible topology r on A® B, sits obviously between e and TT, SO that (29.10) is valid in this case too. In general, if
are two locally convex spaces and r a locally
convex topology on E <S> F, the condition e < r is equivalent with the condition (3) of Definition 29.3 (see, for instance, [262, p. 373]). On the other hand, if r fulfils the condition r
-< TT, then clearly the tensor map
is continuous, so that condition (2) of Definition 29.3 is r
also satisfied. Thus, (cf. also (29.10)) a locally convex topology T on E®F is compatible if and only if (29.11)
e -< T < ir.
A similar characterization obviously holds for admissible and *-admissible tensorial topologies (see Definitions 29.4 and 29.5).
29.7 Hilbert space tensor product. Suppose that H\, H2 are Hilbert spaces. Denote by < , >j the inner product of Hi, i = 1, 2. The tensor
29. Preliminaries.
product H\ 0 H2 of Hi and H2 is a pre-Hilbert space under a unique inner product < , > given by n
< £,£' >:= £ £ < &,£ >!< ^
for any £, £' G tf 1 ® H2 with £ = E L i & ® % ^' = Ef=i Cj ® ?7j (cf. [337, p. 25, II] and [279, p. 185, Theorem 6.3.1]). Let || ||i, [] ||2 be the norms on H\, H2 induced by the inner products < , >i, < , >2 respectively. Denote by || || the norm on Hi
and \\T ® S\\ = \\T\\\\S\\
[279, p. 187, Lemma 6.3.2]. Further, let A, B be two involutive algebras and (A, fii, Hi), (B, [12, H2) ^-representations of A, B respectively. The maps fx'i : A —
: x 1—> fi'i(x)
Mi(a;) ® idn2
/x'a : B —> C{Hi®H2) : y 1—> /i'2(y) := idWl ® /Lt2(y) are clearly *-morphisms such that the elements of fi'i(A) commute with those of H2(B)- On the other hand, the correspondence A x B —> C{HSH2)
: K y ) H-> Aii(«)°^2(y).
defines a bilinear map. Hence, a unique *-morphism, say li: A® B —> C(Hi®H2), is induced on the involutive algebra A® B, in such a way that n(x
o fj,2(y)
= m(x)
® H2(y),
V x e A, y e s
Chapter VII.
Tensor products of topological *-algebras
[279, pp. 189, 190]. Thus, \i is a *-representation of A ® B (acting on the Hilbert space H\®H2), induced by the *-representations {A,n\,H\), (B, H2, H2). For this reason \i is denoted in the sequel by \i\ ® \ii\ namely, 111 ® [i2 : A
—> (/ii
The next result shows that if A[r^], -B[TB] are locally convex *-algebras with a bai, their tensor product under a *-admissible topology r (and its completion, when it exists) is equipped with a bai given by the tensor product of the 6az's of A[TA] and B[TB\. 29.8 Lemma. Let A\TA\, B\TB\ be locally convex ^-algebras with continuous multiplication. Let both A[TA\ and B\TB\ have a bai. Let r be a *admissible topology on A® B such that the tensor map & : Ax B ^ A®B T
is continuous (take, for instance, r = TT). Then, both A® B and A®B T
admit a bai of the form (aa ® ba)a^A, where (aa)a&/\ {ba)aeA a bai of B[TB}.
is a bai of A[TA] and
Proof. Let (ax)xeAi be a bai of A[TA] and (bl/)ueA2 a bai of B[TB]. Let A := Al x A2 = {(A, i/) : A G Ax,v G A2}. Write (\,i>) < (A', u') in A, if A < A' in A\ and v < v' in A2. Then, (A, <) is a pre-ordered upwards directed set. The nets (a\)x^Aii (bv)veA2 a r e bounded subsets of A[T^] and B[TB] respectively and ^ is continuous, so that the net (a\ ®frj/)(A,i/)e/l>ls a bounded subset of A ® B. We must moreover show that lim ((ax ® 6j/)z - z) = 0 = lim (z(ax ®bu) - z), V z £ A ig> B, (A,t/)
or equivalently, (29.14)
r K ((a A (g)6 y )z-2) —> 0 ^— r K (z(a A ® &„) - z), V rK G TT,
where TT = {rre} is a defining family of seminorms for r. But, (ax<S>bv)(x®y)-x®y=(axx-x)®(bvy-y) + (aAx - i ) ® y + x® (buy - y),
29. Preliminaries.
for any (x,y) G A x B and (A, v) G A. Now, from the second inequality in (29.10) (also see the comments that follow it), the identity map idA®B A® B —> A® B T
is continuous; namely, for each rK G FT, there is irP}q G F^ and a positive constant k such that TK(Z) < k n P ! g { z ) , V z £ A®B.
Thus, applying (29.15), (29.16) and (29.5) we obtain
< kp(axx - x)q{buy - y) + kp(a\x - x)q(y) + kp{x)q(buy - y) —> 0,
for every TK G FT and (x,y) G A x B, since lim\p(a\x
— x) — 0, for all
p G FA and a; G A, as well as linij, q(bvy — y) = 0, for all g G .TB and y £ B. At the same time, the convergent nets (p(a\x — x))xeA1 and (q(bI/y — y))w^A2 in M+, may be equivalently replaced by convergent sequences, that clearly correspond to bounded sets. So the left-hand side of (29.14) is proved. The right-hand side is similarly shown. Hence, the net (a\ ® bu)(x,v)eA IS
for the locally convex algebra A (g> B. T
Now, since A[r^] and i?[rg] have continuous multiplication, an application of condition (2) of Definition 29.5 shows that multiplication in A
continuous (also see [262, p. 377, (3.3)]). Therefore, the net (aA®^)(A,y)e/i is a bai for the completion A®B of A (g> B too (ibid., p. 466, Lemma 1.2). T
Further, let a = (A, u) G A and a
b'a :=
Then clearly the net (a'a ® b'a)a^A is a bai of the required type, for both
A®B and A®B. T
29.9 R e m a r k . If A[TA] is an m*-convex algebra, we have agreed (see comments after Proposition 11.6) that boundedness of an ai, say (a\)\^A in ^4[rr], will be translated by p{a\) < 1, V p G F and A G A.
Chapter VII.
Thus, if J4[TA] and
Tensor products of topological *-algebras in Lemma 29.8 are m*-convex algebras, bound-
edness of the ai (aa
in A ® B (respectively in A®B) will mean T
(also see condition (2) of Definition 29.5) TK{aa ® ba) < p(aa)q(ba) < 1, V TK e FT and a € A. In the sequel, if A[TA] and B[TB] are locally convex *-algebras with continuous multiplication and a bai, we shall always assume that whenever T is a ^-admissible topology on A ® B, then A ® B, respectively A®B, is T
equipped with a 6CM of the form a\®b\, A[TA]
X G A, where (a\)\eA
is a bai of
°f -^[Ts] (according to Lemma 29.8).
Positive linear forms and *—representations R e m a r k . Throughout this Section, A[TA] and B[TB\ are m*~ convex algebras with a bai and TA = rpA, FA — {p}, respectively
TB =rrB, rB - {q}Let / , g be continuous positive linear forms on
J4[T/I], B[TB]
and z = S i L i Xi®yi G A® B. Define n
If r is a *-admissible topology on A ® B, we show that / ® g is a continuous positive linear form on A® B. It is easily seen that condition r
(3) of Definition 29.5 implies A'®B' C (A®B)'. Since / G A' and g e B'we conclude that f®g G (A<8>-B) . Now, from the GA^S'-construction (Theorem 14.2) there are ^representations (A, fXf,Hf), (B,fig,Hg)
respectively and
cyclic vectors £/ G -H/of /if and ^ s € i / 9 of jtx5 such that f{x)=
> , V i e A and g(y) =< fxg(y)(Q,Cg
> , V g e B.
Hence, if z = ^ " = 1 ^ ® ^ ^ ^i®-8w e derive (see (29.1), (29.2), (29.12)) In
{f®g)(z*z) =
Positive linear forms and * -representations
and this asserts positivity of f<8>g on A ® B. The unique extension of f®g T
to the completion A®B of A® B is clearly a continuous positive linear form r
on A®B, for which we retain the symbol f<8>g. Thus, we have proved the T
following. 30.1 Proposition. Let f,g be continuous positive linear forms on A[TA] and B[TB] respectively and T a ^-admissible topology on A®B.
The tensor
product /<S> of f,g defined by (30.1) is a continuous positive linear form on A®B,
uniquely extended to a continuous positive linear form on A(&B,
also denoted
by f<S>g-
Recall that if (A, /xi, Hi), (B, \ii, H-i) are ^representations of
B[TB] respectively, the tensor product m®H2 of \ii,\i-2 defined by (29.13) is a ^representation of A®B on the Hilbert space H\®H2- In this regard, we have the following. 30.2 Proposition. Let (A, fii,Hi),
(B,fi2,H2) be continuous *-represen-
tations of A[TA\ and B\TB\ respectively and r a -^-admissible topology on A®B.
Then, fii<S>/J.2 is a continuous * -representation of A®B,
extended to a continuous *-representation of A(&B, also denoted by fii®fi2T
In particular, if £i, £2 o,re cyclic vectors of fii, \i2 respectively and / , g the continuous positive linear forms of A[TA] and
induced by
(^2,^2) respectively, then (see Definition 14.3) /ii®/U2 ~ n on A®B, where T
fj, is the GNS-representation
corresponding to the continuous positive linear
form f®g of A®B. T
Proof. According to the discussion at the beginning of Remarks 13.3 we have that /ifc = Ai°<8)( <S> fJ?k), k = 1,2, with /x° trivial and \Jk (k — 1,2) j
cyclic ^-representations. Thus, /xi<E>^2 = ®>4®M2' where in each summand /x| <8>A*2' a n y °f the participating *-representations is either trivial or cyclic. Since we have to show that each one of /4®/-4 *s extended to A®B, we may T
suppose that /j\, JJ,2 are cyclic with cyclic vectors £1, £2 respectively. An easy computation shows that £1 ® £2 S H\(^H2 is a cyclic vector of /ii<8>/^2- L e t / , g be the continuous positive linear forms of A[TA] and B[TB] induced by
Chapter VII.
Tensor products of topological *-algebras
(M2,6) respectively (cf. (13.17)). Then, (see Proposition 30.1) f®g is a continuous positive linear form on A(&B. Since A®B has a bai (A*I,£I),
(see Lemma 29.8), the GiVS-construction (Theorem 14.2) applies to give a cyclic ^-representation (A
£/®3- Thus, for every z = ^ i L i xi®Vi £ A®B, we obtain (also see (30.1), (29.12) and (29.13)) n
> = (/®ff)(*) = ^2f(xi)g(yi) i=l n
= ] T < Ml(xO(6),Cl > < M2(yi)(<e2),C2 > i=l n
= J ] < w(zt)(£i)®/*2(z/i)(&),£i®& >
This implies fi ~ Ml®/i2 on A® B (cf. Lemma 14.5). Namely, there is T
an isometric isomorphism U from H^ on Hi®H2, such that £/ o ^(2) = Hi®H2{z) o J7, for every z G AiguB. But then, ||/ii®/i2(^)[| = IIM^H, for every z € A®B, so continuity of \x on A®B implies continuity of /ii<8>/i2 on T
A<8>i?. Thus, /i 1(87^2 is uniquely extended to a continuous ^-representation T
of A®B also denoted by /zi®^2- That pi\®iJL2 ~ f i o n A 0 B follows from T
Lemma 14.5(2). The next theorem was first proved by A. Guichardet [184, p. 7; Proposition 1] (cf. also [182]). As it is remarked therein, the same proof applies for Banach *-algebras with a bai. In this regard, also see [244, Lemma II.5]. In the proof of the next more general result we use the same arguments as those applied in the proof of the initial result of A. Guichardet. Recall that TS denotes the strong operator topology on C(H), H a Hilbert space (cf. Example 1.8(3)). 30.3 Theorem. Let {a\)xeA1 be a bai for A[TA] and (bu)u&/[2 a bai for B\TB\- Let (A<S>B, )i,H^ be a continuous *-representation of A®B, where
30. Positive linear forms and *-representations
T is a *-admissible topology on A(&B. Then, /i gives rise to a pair of continuous ^-representations (A, n^^H^), (B, fij^jH^) such that (1) UA(X) = TS — lim/i(a;®&j,); for all x £ A. (2) VB{y) = TS- lim//(aA
(3) nA{x)nB{y)
= n(x®y) = ^B{y)^A{x),
for all (x,y) e Ax
Proof. (2) We choose to prove assertion (2); (1) is similarly shown. According to the definition of TS ra -\\mn(a\®y), A
y G B, exists in £(22^), if
We prove the existence of the last limit, together with its independence from the chosen bai of Afr^l. Let
# 0 = <J2n{zi)(Zi):zieA®B,
& € # „ , i = l , . . . , n l C H».
The existence of limyu(aAC5y)(£) in 22^ (with y £ B,£ £ H^) is reduced to A
its existence in .Ho- Indeed: Let HQ- be the orthogonal complement of HQ in Hfj,. Then, for any ^ G i^Q- and ry € HQ, one has < fJ,(ax®y)(O,ri >=< £, n(ax®y*)(ri) >= 0, V A G yli and y G 23, so (30.3)
/x(aA0y)(i/o") = 0 , V A G yli and y G 23.
Now, 2^, = 22o © (22o)X, where 22o is the closure of 22o in 22"^. In view of (30.3) and since (2?o)"L Q HQ-, (30.2) is reduced to the existence of \\m.\ ii(a\®y){^), y G 23, in 22o- But, £ G HQ means that for each e > 0 there exists £o G HQ such that ||£ — £o|| < £ Moreover, for any A ^ Ao in A\ and £, £o as before, one obtains
\Ma\®y)(0 - MoAo®y)(OII <(ll^(oA®y)ll + llM(aAo®y)ll)ll^ - &|| + ||/i(oA®y)(&) - MaAo®y)(£o)|| <2ego(y) + ||/i(aA®y)(6) - n(a\o®v)(Zo)\\,
Chapter VII.
Tensor products of topological *-algebras
for every y 6 B, where qo is the rn*-seminorm in FR corresponding to continuity of \x (also see (13.6) and condition (2) of Definition 29.5, recalling that p(a\) < 1, for every A e A\ from Remark 29.9). So convergence in HQ yields convergence in Ho- Consequently, (30.2) is finally reduced to the existence of lirnx/z(ax
for some (po, go) £ T^ x Fg corresponding to continuity of p. Thus, (30.2) is shown, therefore one may define HB
B —> C{H,j) : y \—> HB{V) : = TS - limn(a\
To prove that (B,/2B,H^) is a ^representation, use the properties of /z combined with the properties of r s and the independence of the definition of \IB from the chosen bai. More precisely, to show that /J,B preserves multiplication, apply the separate continuity of multiplication in CS{H^) (see Example 1.8(3)), as well as that (a\)\e/\1 is a bai of A[TA] (cf. (ii) before Example 11.2). To prove that HB preserves involution, use that (a*^)xeAi is a bai of A[TA] (see Lemma 11.4(1)) and that HB{V) = TW — lim//(aA
y € B, where TW -< TS, with rw the weak operator topology on C(HfM) (Example 1.8(2)). The expression of HB in terms of the r^—limit is necessary in order to use continuity of the involution in JCW(H^); the involution in £s(HIJi) is not, in general, continuous (cf. Example 3.10(3)). (3) Let (x, y) G AxB. Using continuity of the tensor map
—> ^{x®y) <— n{a\®y)n(x®bv).
The continuous ^-representations (A, HA, H/J,), (B,IJ-B, H^) are called restrictions of the continuous ^-representation {A^B,^,H^) to A[TA] and B\TB\ respectively.
30. Positive linear forms and * -representations
30.(1) Factor and type / ^-representations Some of the results of this Section will be used in the context of Banach *-algebras, so their proofs are given within this frame of reference. The same proofs apply for the general case of m*-convex algebras with obvious modifications. The presented results were first proved in 1963 by M.A. Wulfsohn (see, for instance, [396] and [184]) for C*-algebras and later on, in 1967, by K.B. Laursen for Banach *-algebras [244] using, essentially, the same techniques. 30.4 Definition. A von Neumann algebra is a C*-algebra 21 acting on a Hilbert space H, such that: 21 is r^-closed *-subalgebra of C(H) (namely, closed in the weak operator topology TW of £(H)) and contains the identity idH of C{H). If A is a *-subalgebra of C(H), H a Hilbert space, the von Neumann algebra generated by A is the r^-closure of A in C{H). In the sequel, we denote by W*[A] the von Neumann algebra generated by A. Recall that Xc denotes the commutant of a (non-empty) set X (Definition 4.14). 30.5 D e f i n i t i o n , (i) Let 21 b e a von Neumann algebra acting on a Hilbert space H. Then: (ii) We call 21 factor
if its center Z(2t) : = 21 n 2l c consists only of
multiples of t h e identity; namely Z(2l) — C # with
AG C } .
fo) We call 21 of type I (or discrete) if it is isometrically isomorphic to a von N e u m a n n algebra with abelian commutant. (ii) If A b e an involutive algebra, then: (111) A *-representation (A, [i, H^) is called factor, if t h e von N e u m a n n algebra W*[JU(.A)] is factor. (112) A *-representation (A,/!,!!^)
is called of type / , if t h e von Neu-
m a n n algebra W*[/z(A)] is of type / . (H3) A is called of type / , if each of its ^ r e p r e s e n t a t i o n s is of type / . (iii) A n m*-convex
algebra A[rr] is called of type I, if each of its con-
tinuous *-representations is of type I.
Chapter VII.
Tensor products of topological *-algebras
The next Lemma 30.6 complements the equivalent assertions (i), (ii), (iii) in Remarks 13.3. 30.6 L e m m a (Laursen). Let A be an involutive algebra and (A, /z, H^) a *-representation of A. The following statements are equivalent:
(1) /i is topologically irreducible. (2) M(A)CC = £ ( # „ ) . (3)W*\pL(A)] = C(Hli). Proof. (1) => (2) It follows from (ii) in Remarks 13.3 and the fact that the commutant of CH M is C{H^). (2) => (3) It follows directly from the next equality
v(Ar = W*[n(A)}
(see [112, p. 45, Corollary 1]). (3) => (1) From (3) and (30.4), /z(A)cc = £(i/ M ). Hence, from Lemma 4.15(3) n{A)c = (/x(A)cc)c = £ ( i ^ ) c = CtfM, which is equivalent to (1) by (i) & (ii) in Remarks 13.3. In the sequel, we use occasionally a weaker kind of equivalence of *representations, which we recall (see [111, p. 120, Definition 5.3.2]). Two *-representations /zi, /X2 of an involutive algebra A are called quasiequivalent (and we write n\ « ^2), if there is an isometric ^-isomorphism U from W*[)Ui(J4)] on W * ^ ^ ) ] such that U(m{x)) — ^{x), for every x E A. Clearly, equivalence of ^-representations (cf. Definition 14.3) implies quasiequivalence. In this regard, we have the next Proposition 30.7, for the proof of which the reader is referred to [111, pp. 120-124] and [112, p. 140]. 30.7 Proposition. Let A be an involutive algebra. The following hold: (1) / / (A, /z,-f/^) is topologically irreducible, then it is a factor. (2) (A, fx, Hfj,) is a factor of type I if and only if fi w /ii with (A, jii^H^) topologically irreducible. (3) (A,fj.,H,j,) is of type I if and only if \i w \i\ with (A, jii.H^) a *-representation of A such that jii{A)c is abelian.
30. Positive linear forms and *-representations
(4) // (A, /i, H^), (A, fj,i, H^) are quasi-equivalent and fi is factor, the same is true for ji\. (5) If $\, is a von Neumann algebra on a Hilbert space H, then 21 is of type I if and only if there are Hilbert spaces Hi,H2 and an isometric isomorphism U of H on H\®H (2) We know that the continuous *-representations of A[T^] are exhausted by the corresponding ones of £(J4)[T£], in the sense that each continuous *-representation (A, fi, H^) of A[rr] is of the form [i£ o gg where QS is the canonical enveloping map (see (18.11)) and fi£ a continuous *representation of £(A)[T£] (see proof of Lemma 18.10). So if /J,,(J,£ are as before, it suffices to show that (30.5)
W*[pL(A)] = W*\pie(£(A))}.
Let " "'"" denote the norm operator closure in £(-H^ = H^e)- Then (for the rest of the notation applied here, see Section 18), A W "
D M{A[TC,\IR\)
= Hs{£{A)) 2 /x(A)IMI.
The last inclusion follows from the fact that /J,S(£(A)) is norm operator closed in C{HIJ/£ = H^). Indeed: fi£ being a continuous ^-representation of £(A) defines (for some p G F) a (continuous) *-representation ^iF£ of £(A)P = £:(AP) (cf. (13.10), (18.15) and discussion before Theorem (18.11)),
Chapter VII.
Tensor products of topological *-algebras
in such a way that n»e{£{A)p) = HE{£(A)).
But, /Jg(£(A)p) = nP£{£{Ap)) is (norm operator) closed in C(H^p — H^) [111, p. 21, 1.8.3]. So finally fi£(£(A)) = Ji(A)"'", from which (30.5) follows easily. (2) <=> (3) The continuous ^-representations of £(A) are determined from the ^-representations of all £(AP) = £(A)P, p G F, so that the assertion follows from (30.6) and the very definitions. (3) <^> (4) It is a particular case of (1) <£> (2). Suppose now that two Banach *-algebras A, B are given. According to Definition 29.5, a ^-admissible m-norm n on A®B satisfies the following properties: A -< n ~< 7 n(z\Z2)
< n(zi)n(z2),
n{z*) = n(z),
V £1,2:2 € Vze
It is clear from the first property that n is a crossnorm. A®B endowed with the *-admissible m-norm n is a normed *-algebra denoted by A ® B n
and the Banach *-algebra completion of A
30.9 Lemma (Wulfsohn, Laursen). A, B are Banach *-algebras with a bai and n a *-admissible m-norm on A® B. If (A®U,/U,H^ is a factor *-representation, so are the restrictions (A, fiAiBi^), (B, fiBjH^) of fi to A and B respectively. Proof. We show the claim for [IA- We must prove (Definition 30.5) that Z(W*{IIA(A)})
Since Z{W*[^I(A®B)])
= C^, it suffices to show that
Z{W*\vA{A)\) C
30. Positive linear forms and *-representations Let T G Z(W*[HA(A)]).
Then, T G W*[H(A®B)],
since (from Theorem
30.3) W*[fj,A(A)} C W*[H(A®B)].
So it remains to prove that
T G (W* [IM(A®B)])C
= (n(A ® B)) c . n
Let 5 — (i(x
ST = HA{X)HB{V)T = T/iA{x)iiB(y) = TS,
according to the following observations: From the separate continuity of the multiplication in CW{H^) (Example 1.8(2)) and Theorem 30.3(3) we conclude that ^B{V) £ (W/*[/i^(A)])c, for every y e B. Hence, T being in Z(H/*[/i/i(>l)]) commutes with both fj,A(x) and fig(y), for any x G A and y G B. Now (30.7) is a consequence of (30.8). 30.10 Lemma (Wulfohn, Laursen). A,B are Banach *-algebras with a bat; either of A, B is of type I and n is a ^-admissible m-norm on A®B. If (A(£)B, fi, H^ is a factor ^--representation, there are *-representations n
(A, [ii, H\), (B,/j,2, H2) such that ji ^ HI®^2
onA®B. n
Proof. From Lemma 30.9 the restrictions HA,HB of /z to A and B respectively (Theorem 30.3) are factor ^representations. Suppose that A is of type / . Then, HA is of type / , therefore W*[/Z,A(.A)] will be a factor von Neumann algebra of type / . The last property implies that there are Hilbert spaces Hi,H2 and an isometric isomorphism U of HH on Hi®H2, such that W * [ ^ ( J 4 ) ] is transformed in £(i7i)®C# 2 and its commutant in CJJ1®C{H2) (see Proposition 30.7(5)). More precisely, O U-1 C L{HI)®CH2
U o W*[HA{A)}
U o {W*\HA{A)])C
O U~
C C{HI®H2)
C CHl®C{H2) C C{H&H2).
Thus, the equality (30.10)
U o HA{X) O U~l = Tx(g>idH2, x e A, Tx e C{H{),
defines a *-representation {A, Hi-, Hi), such that (30.11)
V i eA .
Chapter VII.
Tensor products of topological *-algebras
On the other hand, considering the map —+ £(Hi®H2) : T ^ ( / o T o C/"1,
h : CiHJ
and taking into account the second relation in (30.9), as well as the commutation of the elements oiW*[fiA(A)] and W*\p,B{B)} (Theorem 30.3(3)), we deduce that h(W*\nB{B)}) C h{(W*\pLA(A)])c) C CHl®C{H2). As before, the equality U o iiB{y) o C/-1 = idHl®Sy,
Sy e £ ( # 2 ) ,
leads to a *—representation (B,/j,2, H2), with (30.13)
M2(y) := 5 y , V y e B.
Now, the ^-representation (A®B, yUi®/LX2, H1&H2) is uniquely denned from n
the ^-representations (A, /J,I,HI),
(B,/j,2, H2) (see Proposition 30.2). An
easy computation shows (also see Theorem 30.3) that (30.14)
fi(z) = U o (/ii®Ai2)(.z) of/"1, V z e , 4 ® B . n
Thus, fj, ~ (j,i<S>H2 on .A
(cf. proof of Proposition 30.2). Consequently, /z ~ /xi®/X2
^4<8>-B from
Lemma 14.5(2). 30.11 Theorem (Wulfsohn, Laursen). A, Z? are Banach *-algebras with a bai; either of A, B is of type I and n is a ^-admissible m~norm on A®B. Then, for every topologically irreducible * -representation there are topologically irreducible * -representations (A,fii,H\), such that (x ~ A*i®/X2
(A®B,fj,,Hfj), ( 5 , ^2,^2)
A®B. n
Proof. From topological irreducibility of fi we have (see (i) <^> (ii) in Remarks 13.3 and Lemma 30.6)
W*[n{A®B)] n {W*[fi(A®B)])c = CHfl, n
30. Positive linear forms and *-representations
so that (Definition 30.5(iii)) ^ is a factor *-representation. Applying Lemma 30.10, we find *-representations (A, /J,\,H\) and (B, ^2,-^2) with (i ~ ii\®[i2 on A®B. We show that 111,^2 are topologically irreducible. n
Suppose that A is of type /. From (30.10), (30.11) and [112, pp. 25, 27] we conclude that (30.15)
W*[fiA(A)} = W*[fn(A)]
therefore PA, Hi a r e quasi-equivalent (see discussion before Proposition 30.7). Thus, since HA is a factor *-representation (Lemma 30.9), so is Hi (Proposition 30.7(4)). This means that the commutant of /^i(A) is a factor von Neumann algebra. At the same time, HA is of type / and this yields that IJ,I{A)C is abelian (Proposition 30.7(3)). But an abelian factor von Neumann algebra consists of scalar operators. So, H\{A)C — C// i; which equivalently means that HI 1S topologically irreducible (cf. (i) <£4> (ii) in Remarks 13.3). Now, as in the case of (30.15) (see (30.12), (30.13)), W*[HB{B)]
= CHl ® W*[fx2(B)] =
Hence, the von Neumann algebras VF*[/zi(yl)], W*[/i2(-B)] are commuting factors, since both VF*[^A(^4)] and W*[/JB(B)] have these properties (see Theorem 30.3(3) and Lemma 30.9). On the other hand, using again the topological irreducibility of \i and that /x ~ \i\ ® ^2, we are led to: C(HSH2)
= U o C{H^) o U~l = U o W* [ii(A®B)] o U~l 21
= W* [U o p(A®B) o U~ ] = W* [(/zi®^2) {A®B)\ n
Summing up we have that the von Neumann algebra C(H\<S>H2) is generated by the commuting factor von Neumann algebras VF*[/ZI(J4)] and W*[fi2(B)], where W*[m{A)] = C{H{) as follows from Lemma 30.6 (it was proved above that \i\ is topologically irreducible). But then, from a result of F.J. Murray and J. von Neumann [280, Lemma 3.2.4], one also has that W*[fi2(B)] — £(#2), which yields (Lemma 30.6) topological irreducibility for (i2-
Chapter VII.
Tensor products of topological *-algebras
Tensor products of locally C*-algebras
In this Section we define the injective, respectively projective, tensorial C*-convex topology, corresponding to the injective (or least), respectively projective (or greatest), C*-crossnorm (see, for instance, [183], [279], [332], [367]). Relations between them and among other tensorial topologies are discussed. Let
-A[TVI], B{TB\
be two C*-convex algebras with
= TpA,
= {p}
and TB = Trfl, JTB = {?} respectively. Recalling the notation introduced in Section 13, we define for every (p, q) G f ^ x FQ and z G A®B the functions (31.1)
ap,q(z) :=sup{||(/xi®/z 2 )(z)|| : ((iU(i2) G Rp{A) x
Wp ,,(z)
:= sup{|| M (z)|| : /x G
It is easily seen that each one of (31.1), (31.2) is a C*-seminorm on the algebraic tensor product A®B of
-A[T/I], B[TB\-
Denote by a,
LO the
sorial topologies denned on A®B by the families of C*-seminorms {aPi}, respectively {wPi(?}, with (p,q) G FA X FB. Then A
and \\fp\\ = U\\\\vl
Proof. Notice that fp as a continuous linear form on the C*-algebra Ap, corresponds to a *™representation fip on a Hilbert space Hp, such that fp(z)
= < (Ap(z)(£),r) >, for every z G Ap, where £,r] are two vectors in
Hp that can be chosen in such a way that ||/ p [| = ||£||||?7|| [367, p. 120,
Tensor products of locally C* -algebras
Proposition 2.1 and p. 140, Theorem 4.2]. The required element [if G R{A) is clearly given by Hf(x) := /J,P(XP), for every x G A, with Hf := Hp. 31.3 Proposition. The tensorial C* -convex topologies a and to on A(&B are Hausdorff * -admissible topologies with the following properties: (31.3)
e -< a -< UJ -< 7r;
ap,q{x®y) = p{x)q(y) = up,q(x®y),
for every elementary tensor x®y G A®B and every (p, q) G -TA X FB Proof. From the very definitions (see (29.4), (31.1), (31.2) and Proposition 30.2), we have that a -< o> -< IT. In particular, for every (p, q) e FA X -TB, (31.5)
aPiq(z) < uPig(z) < irp,q(z), V z 6 A ® B .
Let now z = YH=I ^i^Vi
& A®B,
(p, q) e FA x rB
and (x1, y') £ A' x B'
with x' e C/°(l), y' G C/°(l). Applying Lemma 31.2, we get n
= ^
< lix>{xi){£x'),rix/ >< Hyi{yi){ty>),r)y' >
i=l < | < {[iX>®lJ,y>)(z)(tX>®ty>),r)X>®1]y> >
< U^^y')(z)\\\K\\\\y'q\\ < ||(/v®/v)(z)ll, where (Lemma 31.2) ( / V i / v ) e -Rp(^) x Rq{B),
{£x',€y') and {r}x',r)yi)
belong to Hxi x Hy/ and a;p,yg are the associated to x', respectively y',
elements of A'p a n d B'q such t h a t ||Xp|| = HG'II11%'II l t is now clear from (29.7) a n d (31.1) that (31.6)
Wv'qW =
ePiq(z) < aPiq{z), V z G A x B and (p, q) G TA x r f l .
Hence, e < a and the proof of (31.3) is complete. Now, since for any (p, q) £ FA x FB, one has £p,g(a:®y) = p{x)q(y) = nPtq(x®y), V x®y G Ag>.B, (see (29.5) and (29.8)), (31.4) follows from (31.5) and (31.6). That a,u are Hausdorff ^-admissible topologies on A®B results from (31.3), (31.4) and the corresponding properties of e,7r (cf. 29.2 and 29.6).
Chapter VII.
Tensor products of topological *-algebras
The question of equality of || || m i n and || || max on the tensor product of two C*-algebras A, B has been considered by M. Takesaki in [366]. He proves, for instance, that this happens when either A or B is of type / . Naturally, this is also the case for the tensorial C*-convex topologies a, to as the following proposition shows. 31.4 Proposition. Let A[TA], B[TB] be two C*-convex algebras with a bai. Suppose that either A[TA] or B[TB\ is of type I. Then a = 10 on A®B. Proof. In view of (31.3) it suffices to show that a > u>. Prom Lemma 29.8, A®B has a bai, so that (cf. Proposition 18.1) n
iup,q(z) = sup {Mz)\\
: n e R'P}q{A®B)}, V z e A®B,
where R' (A§>B) = {fi e R'(A®B) : ||^(z)|| < 7rPi,(z), V z e A®B}, {PiO) G FA x FB- Using now the fact that either of A[r/i], J5[T^] is of type / , we apply Theorem 30.11 (also see comments at the beginning of Subsection 30.(1)), as well as (31.1), (31.2) to get ap,q{z)
> 0Jp,q{z),
V z £ A®B a n d (p,q) G FA x FB;
this completes the proof.
31.(1) Inverse limit preserving tensorial topologies Let E[TE) and F[TF] be two locally convex spaces with TE = rrE, FE — {p}, respectively rp = TpF, Fp = {} Let Ep be the Banach space completion of E[p]/Np under the norm || || p induced by p, and Fq the respective completion of F[q)/Nq under || ||9 (see (1.6)). Then (as in the case of an Arens-Michael algebra (see (2.7))), we have (cf. [335, p. 53, 5.4]) (31.7)
E[TE] ^ limE p , p e rE,
F[TF] «^-> limFq,
q G FF,
up to topological injections, which become equalities when .E[T£;], -F[IT] are moreover complete. Consider the compatible tensorial locally convex
Tensor products of locally C* -algebras
topologies TT,£ on E®F.
It is known (see [212, p. 331, 3. Corollary and
p. 352, 3. Corollary]) that (31.8)
E®F = \imEp
(p,q) G FE x / > ,
with respect to topological isomorphisms. The tensorial topologies n, e considered on the algebraic tensor product of two Banach spaces E, F are denoted by ||
|| 7 , ||
||^ respectively and their corresponding completed
tensor products by E®F, E®F (also see discussion before Theorem 31.7, 7
below). In this Subsection we seek conditions under which a compatible locally convex tensorial topology r behaves like n and e in (31.8). 31.5 Definition. Let E[TE] and .F^TF] be two locally convex spaces as above and r a compatible topology on the vector space tensor product E®F of E and F. Let {rPi9}(P,q)erExrP, be a denning family of seminorms for r. The topology r is called pq-compatible on E®F, if for any (p, q) € -Tg x Fp, a compatible norm || \\pq (in the sense of compatibility of r) is defined on Ep®Fq, such that ,
TPIQ( ^ X i ® y i j =
for every Y17=i xi®Vi
E®F, where xitP = Xi + Np G E[p]/7Vp ^^ Ep and
yii = j/i + Nq G F[g]/A^g <-* F,, i = 1 , . . . , n. It is straightforward that n and e are inverse limit preserving tensorial topologies. Retain the notation suggested before Definition 31.5, when the preceding locally convex spaces E[TE], F[TF] are replaced by locally convex algebras. In this regard, we set the following. 31.6 Definition. Let A[TA], B[TB] be two locally convex (*-)algebras and r a (*—)admissible topology on A®B.
If {Tp,q}(P:q)£rAXrB:
is a defining
family of (*-)seminorms for r, we say that r is pq-(*-)admissible on A®B, if for every (p, q) £ FA X J g , a (*-)admissible m-norm [| \\pq (in the sense
Chapter VII.
Tensor products of topological *-algebras
of (*-)admissibility of r) is defined on Av®Aq, such that an equality as in (31.9) holds true. The definition of pg-(*-)admissibility in the case of ra*-convex and C*-convex algebras is accordingly modified. When -A[T,I], B\TB] are m*-convex (respectively C*-convex) algebras, the tensorial topologies: e (when it is ^-admissible (see comments after (29.10))) and n (respectively a and u>) are all p
(completed projective tensor product of the Banach algebras Ap and Bq), for all (p,q) £ T^ x fjj (also see proof of Theorem 31.7, below). The pg-compatible, respectively pq~(*~ and/or C*-)admissible, tensorial topologies have the nice property to preserve inverse limits (see Theorems 31.7 and 31.9, below). Indeed: Dealing, for instance, with two m*— convex algebras A[TA] and B[TB], we have from (2.7) that A[TA]
<-+ lim Ap, p e rA,
--> M B , , q G rB,
up to topological injective *-morphisms; if r is a pg-*-admissible topology on A® B, denoting by Ap®Bq the completion of Ap®Bq under the m-norm pq
II Up?, we have the following identification (see Theorem 31.9, below) (31.10)
A®B = lim Ap§>Bq, (p,q) e rA x r B ,
up to a topological *-isomorphism. Such topologies have also been studied by S. Dineen and P. Sevilla-Peris in [110]. Notice that because of (31.10) and (31.8), in the sequel we shall use the term inverse limit preserving tensorial topology for r, either if it is a locally convex space pg-compatible tensorial topology, or any kind of locally convex algebra pg-admissible tensorial topology. When we refer to an inverse limit preserving ten-
Tensor products of locally C* -algebras
sorial topology r either on the vector space tensor product of two locally convex spaces E[TE], ^[TF]> o r o n the algebraic tensor product of two locally convex (*-)algebras A[ryi], B[TB], for brevity's sake, we shall simply say that r is an inverse limit preserving topology on E®F, respectively A®B. By definition an inverse limit preserving tensorial topology is compatible, respectively (*- and/or C*-)admissible. To construct an inverse limit preserving tensorial topology from a given locally convex tensorial topology, one needs conditions stronger than compatibility, respectively (*— and/or C*-)admissibility; see Theorem 31.12 and Corollary 31.14, in this Subsection. It is easily seen that every inverse limit preserving tensorial topology is Hausdorff. Indeed: If -B[T£;] and i 7 1 ^] are locally convex spaces and r an inverse limit preserving topology on E®F with {T P I 9 }( M )er £ xr F a defining family of seminorms, then || \\pq is a compatible norm on Ev®Fq, for all (P) ) £ FE x Fp. This implies that £P,q{x®y) < TPtq{x®y) < np,q{x®y), V (x,y) <E E x F. Hence, (see (29.5), (29.8)) TV)q{x®y) = p(x)q(y), V (x, y) € E x F, (p, q) € FE x / > . Since E[TE] and F[TF] are Hausdorff locally convex spaces, the last equality implies that the locally convex space E
As in the case of (31.10) (also see Definition 31.5), the corresponding compatible norm on Ep®Fq is denoted by || ||P9. Let, Ep cg> Fq denote the normed space Ep<S>Fq under || \\pq and (31.11) ™ Ep®Fq the completion of Ep ® Fq, V (p, q) e FE x Fp. pq
When r — 7r, the corresponding compatible norm on Ep®Fq is the projective tensor crossnorm || ||7 and in the case of £ is the injective tensor crossnorm || ||^. The same notation applies when in place of locally convex spaces we consider m(*)—convex algebras. If, in particular, we are given two C*~convex algebras J4[TA], -B[T#] and r is either a or u), the corresponding
Chapter VII.
Tensor products of topological *-algebras
admissible C*-norms on Ap®Bq are: The least (equivalently injective) C*crossnorm || || m i n and the greatest (equivalently projective) C*-crossnorm || ||max- So according to (31.11) we shall write: Ep
(resp. Ap
for the
corresponding completions, for any {p,q) G FE x i > (respectively (p, q) e f ^ x F u ) . Concerning the tensor crossnorms || ||^, || || 7 , || ||min, || Umax the reader is referred, for instance, to [279, 332, 367]. 31.7 T h e o r e m . Let E\TE\ and F[TF) be locally convex spaces and r an inverse limit preserving topology on E
E®F = limEp®Fq, (p,g) e FE x FF,
holds up to a topological isomorphism. Proof. Throughout this proof, for simplicity's sake, in all quotient spaces we shall omit the seminorm that accompanies the space whose the quotient with the null space of the mentioned seminorm is taken. For instance, we shall write E/Np, instead of E\p]/Np (with Np = p-^O}). Let now {Tp,q}(Ptq)ErExrF: be a defining family of seminorms for T. Denote by rP)9 the extension of rpA to E®F and by Npq the null-space of r
rPiq. According to our standard notation (see, for instance, Example 1.2(2)) (£/®F) stands for the Banach space, completion of E®F/Npq under the norm induced by the seminorm TPtq. Then (see (31.7) and comments after), E®F = lim (E®F)pq,
(p, q) e rE x rF,
up to a topological isomorphism. To prove (31.13) we show that the Banach space (E®F) is topologically identified with the Banach space Ep®Fq, T
for every (p, q) e FE x Fp. Notice that E/Np®F/Nq
is a linear subspace of
Tensor products of locally C*-algebras
Ep®Fq. Denote by T\, respectively T2, the relative topology on E/NP®F/Nq induced by Ep ® Fq, respectively by Ep ® Fq, (p, q) <E FE X Fp. Then, (31.15)
n -< T2 -< || || 7 on E/Np®F/Nq,
V (p,g) e ^ x / > .
This results from the following facts: (31.16)
|| ||p, < || || 7 on
(see Definition 31.5) and T2 is a compatible topology on E/Np®F/Nq. For any (p, ) e FE X / > , the normed spaces E/Np, F/Nq are dense subspaces of J5p, F g respectively, so that E/NP®F/Nq is a dense subspace of Ep®Fq [212, 7
p. 327, Proposition 3, (a)]. If E/NP®F/Nq
denotes E/NP®F/Nq
under -Q,
then (31.15) and (31.16) lead to the following diagram E/NP®F/Nq
<-+ Ep®Fq 7
7 3
E/Nv ® F/Nq
Ep®Fq pq
where i, j are the identity maps of Ep®Fq, E/Np ® F/Nq respectively with j — 1\E/N ®F/N Both i and j are continuous because of (31.16), (31.15) respectively. Density of E/Np ® F/Nq in Ep ® Fq and continuity of i yield 7
density of E/Np ® F/Nq in Ep® Fq. Therefore, we may write pq
E/NP®F/Nq pq
= Ep®Fq, V(p, q) e FE x FF. pq
Furthermore, let Npq be the null-space of rPi9 and let | \Ptq denote the norm induced by TM on (E ® F)/Npq. Then (also see (31.9)) T
, n
[ ^xi®yA
, n
+ Npq
^ xitP ® yiA ,
Chapter VII.
Tensor products of topological *—algebras
for every J27=i Xi®Ui^E®F,
where x^v = Xi + Np and yiA = yi + Nq,
i — 1 , . . . , n. So for all (p, g) 6 F j x Fp, the correspondence , n
( £ ® F)/iV M —> E/Np ® F/iVg :
V a* ® y* + Npq h—* V xhP ® yii9
is a well denned surjective isometry. According to our standard notation, (E®F)pq
denotes the completion of the normed space (E®F)/Npq.
(E ® F)
= E/Np®F/Nq,
V (p, (?) e T E x T F ,
up to a topological isomorphism. But [E <8> F)
— (E®F) , therefore
(also see (31.17) and (31.18)) the following equality (31.19)
(E®F)va = EP®FI, T
V (p,q) €FEx
holds with respect to a topological isomorphism. This proves our claim, so that (31.13) is a consequence of (31.14) and (31.19). For the next Corollary 31.8, see [212, 15.5.3, 16.3.3]. 31.8 Corollary. Suppose that
F[rp] are locally convex spaces and
TV, e the projective, respectively biprojective, tensorial locally convex topology on E (g> F. Then, the following equalities (31 20) E®F = \\mEp®Fq
resp. E®F = limEp®Fq,
(p,q) e FE x / > ,
hold up to topological isomorphisms. The proof of Theorem 31.7 applies, with obvious modifications, in the case when locally convex spaces are replaced by mA*'-convex algebras. Thus, we have the following. 31.9 Theorem. Let
be m^-
(respectively C*—)convex al-
gebras and T an inverse limit preserving tensorial topology on A® B (see discussion after (31.10)). Then, the following equality (31.21)
A®B = \hmAp®Bq, (p,q) e TA x rB, T
holds up to a topological (*~)isomorphism.
Tensor products of locally C* -algebras
According to the comments after Definition 31.6, the next Corollaries 31.10 and 31.11 follow directly from Theorem 31.9. 31.10 Corollary. Let A[TA\, B[TB] be m^ -convex algebras and ix, e the projective, respectively biprojective, tensorial topology on A®B
(recall that
e is supposed to be (*-)admissible with the multiplication of A® B).
the following equalities hold up to topological (*-) isomorphisms:
(31.22) A®B —i\\mAp®Bq 7
resp. A®B —
31.11 Corollary. Let A[TA], B[TB] be C*-convex algebras and a, w the injective, respectively protective, tensorial C* -convex topology on A
A®B — lim A p <§> Bq resp. A®B = lim Ap ® Bq, a
hold up to topological * -isomorphisms. For Corollary 31.10, also see [57, Lemma 3.1]. The next theorem gives sufficient conditions for obtaining a locally convex space inverse limit preserving tensorial topology. 31.12 Theorem. Let E[TE], F[TF] be locally convex spaces. Consider the following statements: (1) There is an inverse limit preserving topology on E 0 F. (2) There is a locally convex topology s on E ® F with {sPi<]}, (p,q) G FE x Fp, a defining family of seminorms, such that (31.24)
£M{z) < ksP!q(z) < TTp,q(z), V zeE®F,
(p,q) G FE x i > ,
where k is a positive constant and {e Pi9 }, {^P,q}, (p,q) £ Fg x Fp the defining families of seminorms for the tensorial topologies e, ir respectively (cf. (29.4), (29.7)). Then (1) => (2) and when E[TE], F[TF] are such that E\p]/Np — Ep, F[q]/Nq = Fq (that is, E\p\/Np, F[q]/Nq are automatically complete), for all (p, q) G FE x Fp, one also has (2) => (1).
Chapter VII.
Tensor products of topological *-algebras
Proof. (1) => (2) Let r be an inverse limit preserving topology on E 0 F. Take s — r with {sPiq} a denning family of seminorms for r. Since || \\pq is a compatible norm on Ep 0 Fq (see Definition 31.5), what we have, is that
|| ||A < || |U < || ||7, v (p,q) erEx
Furthermore, , n e
P'i ( X
X t
® ) ~
'P ® y^i
(31-26) n
P,Q ( X ] Xi ® Vi )
for all J27=i xi®Vi
X ^-P 0
E®F and (p, g) e FE X Pp (recall that XjiP = Xj + JVP
and yji9 = yi + Nq, i = 1 , . . . , n). Hence, (31.24) is a consequence of (31.25), (31.26) and (31.9). (2) => (1) Suppose now that E\p]/Np = Ep and F[g]/JV9 = F 9 , for all (p,q) e FE x / > . From (31.24) we have (31.27)
e -< s -< 7T,
therefore s is a compatible topology on E
||zOT||p, :=sup js Pi9 f J^a;-0y-J : (a;{,^) € Ex F with ^
^ x
, O 1 OCN (ol.zoj
i,P =
finite x
y'i,g = y»,«»
w h e r e x
i , P ' y<,9
over all representations of zpq of the form finite
the notation
"XJ JP ,
2/i,,j" corresponds to that applied in (1) => (2).
We first check the existence of the preceding supremum. Let (p, q) G FExFF,
zpq = E f i n i t e Xi,P ® Vi,q &Ep®Fq
with x^ p =
and ^ = E fin ite x'i ® v'i e
y'iq — yi,q- Then, from the right-hand side inequality in
Tensor products of locally C*—algebras
(31.24) and the second part of (31.26) we get P'1\
2-^i i^9 Mi j — finite
2-*i finite
where by definition, the projective tensor crossnorm || ||7 is independent of the representations of zpq in Ep
\\pq : Ep®
Fq —> R+ : zpq i—>
is a well denned seminorm on Ep® Fq, for every (p, q) £ FE X Fp- To show that it is a norm, let ||z p9 || pg - 0. Then, s M ( ^finite x'i ® v'i) = ° f r o m (31.28). Now, in view of (31.24) and (31.26) we conclude that ||Z P9 ||A = 0, whence zpq — 0. In particular,
II-IU -< | | - U p , <
where as in the case of s (see (31.27)) we derive compatibility of || ||pg on Ep ® Fq for all (p, q) £ FE X Fp. Define now
(3i.3o) rP)q ( Y^ xi ® yi) := finite
'P ®yi'i
' PI
® y*G
® F-
Denote by r the topology induced on E<E>F by the seminorms {T P] }, (p, (?) G -TB X Fp. From (31.29) we get e -< r -< TT , that implies compatibility of r (see comments on (29.11)). Taking also into account (31.30) and compatibility of || ||P9, for all (p, q) G F& x Fp, we derive that r is an inverse limit preserving topology on E ® F. 31.13 Remarks. (1) Let E[TE], F[T~F] be locally convex spaces and T an inverse limit preserving topology on E ® F, with {Tp,q}(Ptq)erExrF: a defining family of seminorms. Then, the compatible norms || ||p9 on Ep®Fq, (p,q) G FE x / > , are all crossnorms as it follows from (31.25); namely, \\z®z'\\pq=\\z\\p\\z'\\q,siz®z'eEp®Fq
and (p,q) <= FE x FF.
This evidently means Tp,q{x
® y ) = p(x)q(y),
V x®yeE®F
a n d (p,q)
Chapter VII.
Tensor products of topological *-algebras
(2) An example of a locally convex space E[rr] with the property: E\p]/Np is complete for every p £ F or equivalently E\p]/Np = Ep, for every p £ F, is provided by the cartesian product of a family of Banach spaces, under the product topology. Work as in Example 7.6(2). (3) Not every locally convex space E[rr], F = {p} has the property: E\p]/Np is complete for all p £ F. Example. Let E[rr} be the Frechet space C°°[0,1] of all C°°-functions on [0,1] with the topology of uniform convergence in all derivatives (see Example 2.4(1)); that is, F - {qn}, n £ N, with qn(f) := s u p { | / ^ ( t ) | : t £ [0,1], k = 0 , . . . , n}, / G C°°[0,1], n £ N; /(fc)(*) denotes the fe-derivative of f(t), t £ [0,1], k = 0 , . . . , n. Clearly, each qn is a norm on C°°[0,1] and the normed space -E[(?n] = C°°[0, l][qn] is dense in the Banach space C^[0,1] of all n-times continuously differentiable functions on [0,1]. Hence, En = C(n)[0,1] + C°°[0, l][qn] = E[qn], V n G N. (4) Each locally C*-algebra A[rr] has the property (cf. Theorem 10.24) A\p]/Np is complete V p € F, namely A\p}/Np = Apj V p G F. (5) Let A[T/i], B[TB] be C*-convex algebras and a, LU the injective, respectively projective, C*-convex topology on A ® B with {a p>9 }, {wPi} ({PIQ) £ FA X rg) their corresponding defining families of C*-seminorms (see Definition 31.1 and (31.1), (31.2)). Then a, to fulfil (31.24) as it follows from (31.5) and (31.6); namely, £P,q(z) < <xp,q(z) < up,q(z) < Kp,q(z), V z G A (8) B and (p, q) e FA x FB. (6) The inverse limit preserving topology r defined on E ® F by s, in Theorem 31.12 (see (31.28), (31.30)) is clearly finer than s. A consequence of Theorem 31.12 and Remark 31.13(4) is the following. 31.14 Corollary. Let A[TA], B[TB] be locally C*-algebras and A®B algebraic tensor product. The following are equivalent: (1) There is an inverse limit preserving topology on A ® B.
Tensor products of locally C* -algebras
399 a
(2) There is a C*-convex topology s on A®B with {sP,q}(p,q)(zrAxrB> defining family of C* -seminorms, such that £P,q(z) ^
P,q(z) < Kp>g(z), V z £ A® B and (p,q) G FA x FB,
where k is a positive constant. 31.15 Corollary. LetA[TA], B[TB] be C*-convex algebras and T an inverse limit preserving topology on A®B, with {^P,q} (P,q)erAxrB; of C* -seminorms.
defining family
Then, the following hold:
(31.31) (31.32)
and(p,q) G fA x rB;
A®B = limAp§>Bg, (p, q) G rA x rB, r
with respect to a topological * -isomorphism. Proof. From Definition 31.6, \\-\\pq is an admissible C*-norm on Ap®Bq, for all (p,q) &rAx
rB. Thus (see [367, p. 216]), ||z|| min < \\z\\pq < p | | m a x ,
for every z G Ap ® Bq and (p, q) G FA x i^B- It follows that (31.34)
whence a < r -< CJ. Taking also into account (31.3), we are led to (31.31). The relation (31.32) follows directly from (31.34) and (31.4), while (31.33) is taken by an application of Theorem 31.7. For the next Corollary 31.16 also see [57, Theorem 3.2]. 31.16 Corollary. Let
be C*-convex algebras and r an in-
verse limit preserving topology on A ® B. Let either of commutative.
Then, one has the following equalities:
e = a = T = to.
Proof. Let A[TA] be commutative. Then, each Ap, p G FA, is commutative. At the same time, each |[ \\pq is a C*-crossnorm on Ap®Bq,
therefore [367,
p. 215, Lemma 4.18] implies ||
\\pq = || ||A a n d similarly
|| | | m i n = || ||A = || ||max o n Ap
Chapter VII.
Tensor products of topological *-algebras
for all (p, q) G FA x Fg. Moreover, the defining families of seminorms for e, a, T and u> are all identical and this clearly gives (31.35). Note that Corollary 31.16 remains true for any *-admissible topology r on A (g> B with a -< r -< to. Questions of nuclearity for locally C*-algebras, in terms of injective, respectively projective, C*-convex tensor products, have been considered by S.J Bhatt and D.J. Karia in [57]. Let now X be a completely regular space, A[r^] a C*-convex algebra and C(X, A) the algebra of all A-valued continuous functions on X. For a given / e C(X, A) an involution is defined on C(X, A) by f*(x) := (/(x))*, for every x € X. Equip C(X, A) with the topology "c" of compact convergence; that is, if K stands for the family of all compact subsets of X, the topology c is given by the C*-seminorms QPMf)
sup{p(/(x)) : K G AC}, V / G C(X,A)
and (p,K) G T x K.
So CC(X,A) is a C*-convex algebra. When A[rr] is a locally C*-algebra and X a completely regular fc-space (take, for example, X to be locally compact), then CC(X, A) becomes complete, hence a locally C*-algebra (cf., for instance, [230, p. 231, Theorem 12]). 31.17 Theorem. Let A[TA] be a C*-convex algebra and B[TB] a unital commutative locally C* -algebra with locally equicontinuous spectrum (take, for example, B = CC(K)). Then, the following statements hold: (1) A <8> B e—> Cc(9Jl{B), A), up to a topological injective *-morphism. (2) When A[TA] is also complete (that is, a locally C*-algebra), one has A®B
= CC(9R(B),A),
up to a topological
Proof. That e = a on A® B, follows from the proof of Corollary 31.16. (1) For z = YA=I Xi®Vi G A®B
V G Tt(B), define n
Cc{Wl{B), A) : 9{z)(x>) := V
The map 0 is a *-homomorphism. Since B[TB] is *-semisimple (see Proposition 20.1) and commutative, n{ker(?) : ip e Wl(B)} = {0} (note that each
Tensor products of locally C*—algebras
topologically irreducible ^-representation of B[TQ) is 1-dimensional [276, Corollary (6.4)], and each character of B[TB] is *-preserving from Proposition 21.6(2) together with (21.6)). Hence, 6 is 1 — 1. To prove continuity of 0 and that of its inverse on the range, observe that local equicontinuity of 9Jl(B) implies continuity of the Gel'fand map of B[TB] as it follows from [262, p. 184, Corollary 1.3]. Thus (cf. Corollary 9.4), the following equality (31.36)
B[TB] = Cc(m(B)),
holds up to a topological *-isomorphism given by the Gel'fand map of B[TB],
such that (cf. proof of Theorem 9.3(4)) q{y) = \\y\\Kq,
V y e B
a n d q e T B.
This is due to the fact that the topology c in (31.36) is determined by the compacts Kq, q G FB, of $Jl(B) (see Lemma 9.1), given by Kq — Tl{B) n U°(e), 0 < £ < 1, for every q € rB.
Thus, using (31.37), as well
as the expression of p(x), x € A (respectively of q(y), y £ B) given after (29.7), we obtain QP,Kq(O(z))
= sup \p( ^2
= 8up(x'(Yl
= Bup{(p(jTlx'(xi)y?J :x'eU;(l),
= supL(Ylx'{xi)y^ = sup{ JTx'ix^y'iyi)
:x'eU;(l)\ )
:x'eU;(l)\ :x' eU°p{l), y' G t/g°(l)|
= £P,q(z), V z = ^2 xi <8> yi G A ® B and (p, q) € rA x rB. i=l
Chapter VII.
Tensor products of topological *-algebras
This completes the proof of (1). (2) Suppose now that A[T/I] is complete and note that 9Jl(B) being locally equicontinuous, is locally compact, therefore the C*-convex algebra Cc(Wl{B),A) is complete (cf. [230, p. 231, Theorem 2]), hence a locally C*-algebra. In particular,
Cc(m(B),A)=Cc(m(B))®A, with respect to a topological ^-isomorphism [262, p. 391, Theorem 1.1]. The assertion now follows from (31.36). Note that: (i) In the preceding Theorem 31.17, e = a = u> on A®B, according to Corollary 31.16. (ii) If -B[TJB] is a commutative Frechet topological algebra, local equicontinuity and local compactness are equivalent properties for its spectrum 9Jl(B) [262, p. 143]. 31.(2) The spectrum of an elementary tensor In this Subsection we present some estimations of the spectrum of an either arbitrary element or an elementary tensor in certain tensor product topological (*-) algebras by applying inverse limit preserving tensorial topologies. We first introduce some new notation. Let £J[r£;], .F^TT?] be locally convex spaces and r a compatible topology on E®F (Definition 29.3). Let (x',yr) € E' x F'. Then, the following continuous linear maps are defined (see [262, p. 441, Lemma 4.1]) xi
(resp. dy:) : E®F —> E (resp. F) n
:z = ^Xi®yi f resp.
i— 0x,(z)
(z) := Yl v\Vi)xi )
In particular, (31.39)
x'odyl =x'®y' = y'o-dx,.
Tensor products of locally C* -algebras
31.18 Lemma. (1) Let A[TA] be an m-convex algebra with DJl(A) ^ 0 and B\TB\
an Arens-Michael algebra. Let r be an admissible topology on A®B
and if £ Wl(A).
Then d^ (cf. (31.38)) extends uniquely to a continuous
morphism from A®B in B[TB], also denoted by dv. T
(2) Let A[TA\ be a commutative symmetric advertibly complete m*convex algebra and B[TB] an Arens-Michael *-algebra.
Let r be a *-
admissible topology on A®B and if G Wl(A). Then, fl^ extends uniquely to a continuous *-morphism from A®B in B[TB\, also denoted by 'dip. T
Proof. The proof of (1) is included in (2). So we prove (2). By the properties of A[TA], y? is a ^-preserving morphism (cf. Proposition 21.6); namely, f is a continuous morphism with the property f{x*) =
it is uniquely extended to a continuous linear map from A®B in B[TB\T
Using continuity of the multiplication and involution in A®B, it is proved T
that dtp is a *-morphism on A®B. The next Lemma 31.19 has been proved by A. Bonic for Banach algebras and the projective tensorial topology [69, Theorem 3.1]. Later on K.B. Laursen showed the same result for any admissible topology r [244, Lemma III.4]. 31.19 Lemma. Let A\TA\ be a unital commutative m-convex algebra and B[TB\)
a unital Arens-Michael algebra. Let r be an inverse limit preserv-
ing topology on A®B and z G A®B.
Then, z is left (respectively right)
invertible in A®B if and only ifd^z)
is left (respectively right) invertible
in B, for each if G Wl(A).
Proof. Suppose that z' is a left-inverse of z in A®B. Then, z'z = e^CSe^ T
and (see Lemma 31.18(1)) 'dv(z')idv>(z) — ^ ( e A ^ e e ) —
Chapter VII.
Tensor products of topological *-algebras
Conversely: Suppose that z is an element in A®B such that r
is left-invertible in B, V f e Tl(A),
but z is not left-invertible in A®B. T
The idea of the proof, of this part of the lemma, is the following: We use the claim for z in (31.40) to construct a j ? e dJl(A) for which applying the first claim of (31.40) we are led to a contradiction. From Theorem 31.9, we have the following equality, up to a topological isomorphism (31.41)
A%B = limA p ®B q , (p,q) £ rA x rB. pq
Hence, since z is not left-invertible in A®B, there is an index (p,q) G T
A X -TB such that the component zpq of 2; is not left-invertible in the Banach algebra Ap®Bq. Thus, defining pq
Ipq := \ z'zpq : z' £ Ap®Bq \, pq
we get a proper left ideal in Ap®Bq. Then, there is a maximal left ideal pq
Mpq in Ap®Bq such that Ipg C Mpq. In particular, Mpq is closed [121, pq
p. 314, (B.5.2) Proposition]. Thus, considering the Banach space E := {Ap®Bq)/Mpq, with the natural quotient norm, we let [ipq be the left regular pq
representation of Ap®Bq on E; that is, pq
+ Mpq) : = uv + Mpq,
Ap®Bq. pq
Since Mpq is a maximal left ideal, [ipq is algebraically irreducible [72, p. 120, Proposition 5]. On the other hand, it is easily seen that the linear operator fiPq(u) is bounded, for every u £ Ap®Bq. Let JC(E) be the Banach algebra of pq
all bounded linear operators on E. Then, fipq as an algebraically irreducible representation of the Banach algebra Ap®Bq on the Banach space E, such pq
that fJ,Pq(u) £ JC(E) (for all u 6 Ap®Bq),
is continuous (ibid., p. 128,
Theorem 7). On the other hand, since jipq is algebraically irreducible,
Tensor products of locally C* —algebras
we can apply Schur's lemma [72, p. 121, Proposition 6] to take that the commutant Im(fipq)c of the image of npq is a division (closed) subalgebra of C(E).
Hence (Gel'fand-Mazur theorem) it is topologically isomorphic
to C. Namely, Im(Mp(?)c = {\idE
Further, in view of (31.41), fipq defines a representation /i of A®B on T
E, which is continuous since jipq has this property. That is, \x : A®B —> C(E) : u i—> fi(u) := npq(upq), T
where upq is the component of u in Ap®Bq.
An easy computation shows
that Im(/u)c C Im(npq)c.
Therefore (see (31.42))
Im(M)c = {XidE : X G C}.
® eg) G Im(/i) c , for every x £ A.
Indeed: Let u £
Commutativity of A[TA] implies that fi(x <S> eg) commutes with
A®B. T
fi{u). Thus, taking into account continuity of /i, as well as continuity of the multiplication in £(E), we conclude that fj,(x <E> es) commutes with fj,(u), for all u G A®B. So, for every x G A, there is unique A T e C (see (31.43)) T
such that (31.44)
x G A.
This equality easily leads to an element ip of DJl(A) denned by
All properties of
corresponding properties of (i (in this regard, note that we may suppose q(es) — 1, for all q G FB, according to Theorem 2.3). Let now (x, y) G Ax B. Then, fi(x ®y) = /J,(xeA ® eBy) = [i(x ® eB)fi(eA ® y) = XxidE/J.(eA
<E> y) = M(e A O A x y) = ;u(eA ® ^ ( x
L i n e a r i t y a n d c o n t i n u i t y of \x give t h a t /x(u) = /j,(eA <S> ^ ( w ) ) , V U G A%B a n d <^ G 3Jt(A). T
Chapter VII.
Tensor products of topological *-algebras
Thus, if b is a left inverse of l&v>(z) in B with z as in (31.40) and ep, eq the identities in Ap and Bq respectively, we get (31.45)
fi(eA ® b)(fi(z)(ep ®eq + Mpq)) = ep ® eq + Mpq.
But the component zpq of z in Ap®Bq clearly belongs to Ipq, hence to PQ
Mpq; therefore zpq + Mpq = 0. So the definition of /x gives n(eA ® b)(n{z)(ep
and this contradicts (31.45). Consequently (31.40) is false and so z is leftinvertible in B. The part of the lemma concerning right-invertibility is similarly proved. 31.20 Theorem. Let A\TA\ be a unital commutative m-convex algebra and B[TB] a unital Arens-Michael algebra. Let r be an inverse limit preserving topology on A® B and z G A®B. Then, the following hold: T
(1) z is invertible in A®B if and only if "dv(z) is invertible in B[TB], for
allipeWl(A). (2) spMB(z) = \J{spB(0v(z)) :
Proof. (1) It follows directly from Lemma 31.19. (2) Using (1) we deduce that A
i SPA®B(Z) O ^eA®eB-ze
<£> «
® e j j - z ) e G B , V v? G m(A)
AeB - ^ ( z ) 6 G B , V ^ e m(A)
« A i spuOM*)),
(3) It follows from (2) and (31.38), combined with (4.11) and (4.35) (also take into account the comments after (4.36)). In Subsection 34.(2), we apply essentially Theorem 31.20(2) to get hermiticity (respectively symmetry) of a tensor product Arens-Michael *algebra from the hermiticity (respectively symmetry) of the Arens-Michael s participating in the tensor product (Theorem 34.15).
Tensor products of locally C* -algebras
The next result was first proved by A. Brown and C. Pearcy [88], in 1966, for C*-algebras of bounded linear operators on a Hilbert space. An abstract analogue of this result, was given by K.B. Laursen [244, p. 67, Corollary III.4], in 1969, in the context of unital symmetric Banach *algebras. 31.21 Corollary. Let A[TA\, B\TB\ be unital Arens-Michael*-algebras and T an inverse limit preserving topology on A® B. Let spA{x)spB{y)
= {AiA2 : Ai G spA{x),\2
€ spB(y)},
V (x,y) G A x B.
Then, for all (x, y) € A x B with either x G N(A) or y G N(B), (31.46)
(g> y) C spA{x)sPB(y)
one has
U {0}.
When A[TA}} B\TQ\ are moreover hermitian, one has (31.47)
V (a;, y) G H(A) x H(B).
Proof. Let x G A with x G N(A), that is xx* = x*x. Then (see Theorem 4.13) there is a closed maximal commutative *-subalgebra M of A[T^], containing {eA,x},
such that
spM(z) = sPA{z), V
Consider M ® B as a *-subalgebra of A
of M <8> i? in A®B.
Recall that for a Banach algebra AQ and a closed
subalgebra Z?o of Ao, one has that spA0(xo) Q spDo{xo) U {0} , for every xQ € Do [327, p. 33, Theorem (1.6.12)]. Thus, in view of (31.21) we can apply Theorem 4.6(2) to get S
® V) £ s P c ( s ® y) U {0}, V y G B.
But, from Theorem 31.20(3) and (31.48), we have (31.49)
spc(x (g> y) = spM(x)spB(y)
Chapter VII.
Tensor products of topological *-algebras
for all x G N(A) and y £ B; this completes the proof of (31.46). Suppose now that Afr^], B\TB\ are moreover hermitian and let (x,y) G H(A) x H(B). Then, from Definition 21.1, we have spA{x) C 1 D spB{y), so that (see (31.46)) spA^B(x ® y) C R. Using again Theorem 4.6(2) T
(also cf. (31.21)) and the fact that for any unital Banach algebra AQ and xo £ Ao with spAo^o) Q K, one has that S£>A0(a;o) = spDo^o)) f° r a n y closed subalgebra Do of AQ containing XQ and the identity of AQ [239, p. 62; Corollary 2.3.3, (1)], we conclude (also see (31.49)) S
® V) = sVc{x ®y) = spA(x)spB{y),
V (x, y) G H(A) x H(B)
and this proves (31.47). For further information on the spectra of elements of a tensor product topological algebra, see [110]. 31.22 Corollary. Let A[TA], B[TB] be unital symmetric Arens-Michael *-algebras and T an inverse limit preserving topology on A® B. (1) // 0 < x\ < X2 in A[TA\ and 0 < y\ < t/2 in B[TB], then one has 0 < x\ (g) yi < X2 ® 2/2) in
A®B. T
(2) I/O < Xi in A[TA\, 0 < yi in B[TB\, i = 1, n and either of A[TA\, B[TB] is commutative, then one has 0 < X^iLi ^i ® 2/i ^n A®B. T
Proof. We first prove (2). Recall that x > 0 in A[TA] means x G -ff(A) with SPA{X) C [0, OO) (cf. Definition 10.10). On the other hand, every symmetric algebra is hermitian (Proposition 21.2(2)). Hence, (cf. (31.47)) Xi ® yi > 0 in A®B, for every i = 1,2,..., n. Now, if either of A[r^], B[TB] T
is commutative, Theorem 34.15 (in Section 34) shows that A®B is also T
symmetric, therefore (see Remark 22.7) J27=i x i ® 2/i ^ 0 in A®B. T
(1) Let 0 < x\ < X2 in A[TA] and 0 < yi < 2/2 in -B[TB]- Then, from the arguments applied at the beginning of the proof of (2) we get that the following inequalities are true in A®B T
V i = 1,2, xi® (2/2 - 2/1) > 0, (x 2 - z i ) 8> 2/2 > 0,
whence we derive 0 < x\ ® y\ < x\ ® 2/2 < £2 ® 2/2
32. The enveloping locally C*-algebra of tensor products of topological ^-algebras
Since every locally C*~algebra is symmetric (cf. (21.6)) we have the following (also see (31.23)). 31.23 Corollary. Let A[TA], B[TB] be unital locally C* -algebras andr one of the C*-convex topologies a, u> (cf. Definition 31.1). (1) / / 0 < x\ < X2 in A\TA\ and 0 < yi < y2 in B[TB\,
one has that
0 < xi ® yi < X2 <8> V2 in A®B. T
(2) 7/0 < Xi in A[TA\, 0 < yi in B[TB\, i — 1,. , n and either of A[TA], n x B[TJS] is commutative, one has that 0 < Y%=i i ® Vi * A®B. T
The enveloping locally C*-algebra of tensor products of topological *-algebras
In this Section we study the enveloping locally C*-algebra of a tensor product Arens-Michael *-algebra A®B, with r an inverse limit preserving T
topology on A® B. Our aim is to show that the enveloping locally C*algebra of A®B is expressed (up to a topological *-isomorphism) as the completed tensor product under a and/or u) (see Definition 31.1) of the enveloping locally C*-algebras of A[TA] and B[TB] respectively. For this purpose we need the corresponding result for Banach *-algebras due to K.B. Laursen [245, Theorem 4.8], that we first elaborate. 32.(1) The C*—enveloping algebra of tensor products of Banach *-algebras Suppose that two Banach *-algebras A and B are given together with a *-admissible m-norm n on A ® B (see discussion before Lemma 30.9). Recall that A®B is the Banach *-algebra completion of A®B. Let A and n
B possess baVs and consider the enveloping C*-algebras £(A), S(B) of A and B respectively. Endow £(A) ® £{B) with the greatest C*-crossnorm II' Umax an-d let £{A) <S> £{B) be the resulting C*-algebra (see, for instance,
Chapter VII.
Tensor products of topological *-algebras
(31.12)). Then, one gets the natural map n
g: A®B —> £(A) ® £{B) with Q{Z) := V ^ ( a * ) ® 0 B ( y i ), n
^—' i=l
for every z — YH=ixi ® V%, QA, QB a r e the canonical enveloping maps of A[TA], B[TB] respectively (see (18.11)) and, in fact, g = QA ® QB- Since £ has values in a C*-algebra, it is extendible to all of A®B if and only if n (32.2)
V s e A ® B n
(see, for example, [111, p. 9, Proposition]). 32.1 Theorem (Laursen). If A,B are Banach *-algebras with bai's and n a ^-admissible m-norm on A® B that satisfies (32.2), one has that £{A®B) =£{A) n
®£{B), max
with respect to an isometric *-isomorphism. Proof. By (32.2) g is uniquely extended to A®B. Keep the same symbol n
for the extension. Since £(A) <8> £(B) is a C*-algebra, g can be seen as max
a ^-representation of A(8>B. Let a be the *-representation of £(A®B) n
corresponding to g. Namely, if Q® : A®B —> £(A®B) is the canonical n
enveloping map of A®B, then a o g® = g. Restrict p to g®(A®B). If || || n
denotes the C*-norm in £[A®B), we shall show that the restricted a is an isometry on
Q(A®B). n
Let [is be a faithful ^-representation of £iyA®B) and \x the corresponding *-representation of A®B\ that is, jJ-s ° Q® = M- Take the restrictions n
HAiHB of \i to A and B respectively (see Theorem 30.3) and denote by u Ai°~B the corresponding *-representations of £{A) and £(B) such that MA =
v{s) :=
32. The enveloping locally C* —algebra of tensor products of topological *-algebras
Since a A and o\g commute (see Theorem 30.3), it follows that v is a *representation of £ (A)
therefore by the definition of |[ ||max) one gets that Ms)\\ < ||s|| m a x , V s € £{A) ® £(B);
that is v is a continuous ^-representation of £(A) ® £(B), so that it is max
uniquely extended to a *-representation of £ (A)
symbol for the extension of v. Then, (32.3) is clearly fulfilled for all s € £{A) <S> £{B). It follows easily from the above that fi(z) = (u o ^)(a;), for max
all z G A (g> B ; s o , b y c o n t i n u i t y , [L — VOQ e v e r y w h e r e o n A®B. n
\\ev{z)\\ = \W(Q®(z))\\ = \\n(z)\\ = MQ(Z))\\
for every z G A®B. To show the inverse inequality, let n® be a faithful n
^-representation of £{A) ® £(B). Then, fi = ii® o Q is a *-representation max
of A®B. Let fi£ be the ^-representation of £lA®B) corresponding to \i. n
Then, for every z € A®B, one has EL
||0(*)||max = ||/X®(e(z))|| = ||/Z(Z)|| = | | ^ ( ^ ) ) I I < \\(te(z)\\.
According to (32.4), (32.5), the map a : Q®(A®B) C £(A®B) —> Q(A®B) n
C £{A) % £{B) max
is clearly an isometry on g(AB'), therefore the assertion follows from the fact that Q
£{A) ® £{B).
and Q(A<8>B) is dense in n
It is easily seen that condition (32.2) is fulfilled by n = || ||7, and in some special cases, it is also satisfied by n = || |[A- Another instance is provided by the next Corollary 32.2.
Chapter VII.
Tensor products of topological *-algebras
32.2 Corollary (Laursen). Let A, B be Banach *-algebras with bai's. Suppose that either of them is of type I andn is a ^-admissible m-norm on A®B. Then, the following equality holds up to an isometric * -isomorphism: £(A®B) =
£{A)®£{B). min
Proof. Suppose that A is of type /. Then (see Proposition 30.8) the same is true for £(A). Hence, || || max = || ||m;n on £ (A) ®£(B) (Takesaki) (see, for instance, Proposition 31.4). So, according to Theorem 32.1, it suffices to show that n fulfils the condition (32.2). Indeed, suppose that /xi, \ii are faithful ^representations of £(A), £{B) respectively. Then, /ii
is a ^representation of A®B (cf. Proposition
30.2). So, for z G A®B, one gets n
lleCOIImin = ll(Ml ® 1*2){{QA ® QB)(Z))\\ = ||((Mi ° QA) ® (M2 O QB)){Z)\\ < n(z).
32.(2) The enveloping locally C*-algebra of tensor products of m*—convex algebras Take two m*-convex algebras A[TA], B[TB] with baVs and consider their enveloping locally C*-algebras £(A), £(B). Then,
£{A)®£{B) = \im£{Ap) ® £{Bq), (p,q) e TA x TB OJ
(cf. (31.23) and Theorem 18.11). Now, for every (p,q) G FA x rB, consider the natural (surjective) hornomorphism 6pq
: £{A)®£(B) UJ
—> £(AP) ® £{Bq) = max
{£{A)®£{B))/N^q LJ
and recall the notation of Section 31. For the equality (up to a topological ) in the range of gpq, see (31.18) and Theorems 10.24, 18.11. Then, it is easily seen (by the very definitions of the involved maps) that the diagram
32. The enveloping locally C* —algebra of tensor products of topological *-algebras A®B
e=eA®QB ,
- £(AP) ® £(Bq)
is commutative, where r is an inverse limit preserving topology on A
defining family of seminorms; gp, gq are the
natural morphisms of A[r^], B[TB] in Ap, Bq respectively and Qi, with i = A,B, Ap, Bq the corresponding canonical enveloping maps. Thus, (32.6)
(gAp ®gBq)o
(gp ® g q ) , V (p, q)e TAx
On the other hand, it is immediate that if z = X^=i %i® Vi ^ A® B and z
pq = YH=1 xi,P ® Vi,q e AP ® Bq, (p, q) £ FA x TB, the inequality (32.7)
^i.p = xi + ^p> 2/i,? = 2/i + ^9)
wP,,(e(*)) < 7p,,(z), V ( p , ? ) e ^ x r B ,
is equivalent to the inequality (32.8)
\\{gAp (8) toj(^g)||max < H^llp,, V (p,q) e FA x r ^ .
32.3 R e m a r k . It is evident that (32.7), (32.8) ensure continuity of g, respectively gAp ® gBq restricted to A\p\/Np® B[q]/Nq; so that according to pq
(31.17) gAp ® gsq is uniquely extended on Ap®Bq. In conclusion, gAp ® gsq pq
is extendible to all of Ap®Bq if and only if (32.8) holds true. In other words, pq
(32.7) or equivalents (32.8) plays the role of (32.2) (key-tool for the proof of Theorem 32.1) for the Banach *-algebras Av®Bq, (p, q) £ FA x FBpq
32.4 Theorem. If
are m*-convex algebras with bai's and
T is an inverse limit preserving topology on A 0 B, such that (32.7) (or equivalently (32.8)) is fulfilled, then one has £{A®B)
with respect to a topological * -isomorphism.
Chapter VII.
Tensor products of topological *—algebras
Proof. Since each one of Afr^], B[TB] possesses a bai, the same also holds for each of the Banach *-algebras Ap, Bq, for every (p,q) G FA x FB. So, according to Remark 32.3, we can apply Theorem 32.1 for the Banach *-algebras Ap®Bq in order to get, up to a topological *-isomorphism, that pq
= £{Ap) ® £(Bq),
V (p,q) G FA x FB,
Using moreover Theorems 31.9, 18.11, as well as the relations (18.14) and (31.23), we derive £{A®B) = £{\\mAp®Bq) = \im £{Ap®Bq) <
= ]im£(Ap) ® £{Bq) <
= limf(A)p ® £{B)q *
= £{A)®£(B), {p,q) GFAx
up to topological *-isomorphisms. 32.5 Corollary. If A\TA\,
are m*-convex algebras with bai's, r is an
inverse limit preserving topology on A(&B and either of A[TA],
is of
type I, then the following equality holds up to a topological *-isomorphism: £(A®B)
=£{A)®£{B). a
Proof. Let A[TA] be of type / . Then, each Banach *-algebra Ap, p G FA, is of type / too (cf. Proposition 30.8). So, applying Corollary 32.2, we take £(Ap®Bq) pq
= £(Ap) § £(Bq), V (p,q) G FA x FB, min
up to a topological *-isomorphism. The assertion now follows by using the same arguments as in Theorem 32.4. 32.6 Corollary. Let A[TA] be an Arens-Michael *-algebra with a bai and Ll(G) the group algebra of a locally compact group G. Let L1(G,A)
be the
generalized group algebra of G. Then, if C*(G) is the group C* -algebra of G, one has the next equality, up to a topological ^-isomorphism: £{Ll(G1A))
= C*{G)®£{A).
32. The enveloping locally C* -algebra of tensor products of topological *-algebras
Proof. L1(G) is a *-algebra with a bai [126, (13.4) Theorem]. Moreover, from [262, p. 406] and (31.22) we have Ll(G,A)
= L1(G)®J4 = limZ, 1 (G)§A p , p € FA, 7T
up to topological *-isomorphisms. According the Remark 32.3 and the discussion after Theorem 32.1, n fulfils the condition (32.7). So the assertion follows from Theorem 32.4 and the fact that £{Ll{G)) = C*(G) (cf., for example, [111, p. 303]). 32.7 Corollary. LetC°°(X) be the Frechet *-algebra of all C°°-functions on a 2nd countable compact n-dimensional C°°-manifold X. Let G be a (non-abelian) locally compact group G and L1(C°°(X),G) the generalized group algebra of G. Then, the equality £(L1(G,COO(X)))
= C(X,C*(G)),
holds up to a topological *-isomorphism. In other words, the non-Banach Frechet *-algebra L1(G,C°°(X)) has a C*-enveloping algebra. Proof. €(C°°(X)) = C{X), up to a topological *-isomorphism (cf. (18.13) and the remarks after it). C(X) is a commutative C*-algebra and since £(Ll{G)) = C*(G) is also a C*-algebra, we conclude (see [367, pp. 211, 215, Theorems 4.14, 4.18] and/or Corollary 31.16) that [| IU = || Umax = || llmin On C(X) ® C*(G) = C*(G) ® C(X). Apply now Corollary 32.6 and [262, p. 391, Theorem 1.1] to get 5(L 1 (G,C OO (X))) = C*(G)®C(X)=C(X,C*(G)). A
32.8 Corollary. Let X be a 2nd countable n-dimensional C°°-manifold and A[rr] a (non-commutative) Frechet *-algebra with a bai and F = {Pn}neN Let C°°(X, A) be the Frechet *-algebra of all A-valued C°°functions on X. IfCc(X,£(A)) is the locally C*-algebra of all £(A)-valued continuous functions on X, under the topology "c" of compact convergence, one has that the next equality holds up to a topological * -isomorphism: £(C'X(X,A))
= CC(X,S(A)).
Chapter VII.
Tensor products of topological *-algebras
Proof. From [262, p. 394, (2.8)] C°°{X,A) = C°°(X) 0 A with respect to 7T=£
a topological *-isomorphism. So using the same arguments as in the proofs of Corollaries 32.6, 32.7, we apply Theorem 32.4, (31.23) and (3.23) to get £(C°°(X, A)) = £(Coa(X))®£{A)
= CC{X) § £{A)
= limC(K) ® £{An) = i \imC{K)®£{An) < max
= CC{X)®£(A) = CC{X,£{A)), n e N. e
32.9 Corollary. Let X be a locally compact space and A[rp] a (noncommutative) Arens-Michael *-algebra with a bai. Let CC(X, A) be the Arens-Michael *~algebra of all A-valued continuous functions on X, with respect to the topology "c" of compact convergence. Then, the next equality holds up to a topological * -isomorphism: £(CC(X,A))=CC(X,£(A)). Proof. Using [262, p. 391, Theorem 1.1] (3.23) and (31.22) we have CC{X, A) = CC{X)®A = limC{K)®Ap,
where £(C(K)) = C(K), for every compact subset K of X. Denote by id the identity map of C(K) and take the corresponding to (32.8) map id
C(K) §> £(AP),
V p e T,
where || || max = || || min — \\ \\\ on C(K) ® Ap (see proof of Corollary 32.6), for any K C X compact and p £ T. Then, id® QAP is continuous (cf. [371, Proposition 43.6]), so its unique extension to C{K)®AV is, in effect, A
a ^-representation, therefore id® QAP fulfils the condition (32.8), hence the condition (32.7) too. Thus, applying Theorem 32.4 and using the same arguments as in the preceding proofs we have £{CC(X, A)) = CC{X)®£{A) = limC{K)®£{Ap) u
= CC(X)®£(A) = CC(X,S(A)), per.
32. The enveloping locally C* —algebra of tensor products of topological *-algebras
32.10 Corollary. Let A[rp] be a (non-commutative) Frechet *-algebra with a bai. Let F = {pn}neN and O(C,A) the Frechet *-algebra of all Avalued holomorphic functions on the complex plane C. Then, the equality £(O(C,A))=CC(R,£(A)), holds up to a topological *-isomorphism. Proof. From (3.20) A[rr] = \imAn, where An is the Banach *-algebra, completion of the normed *-algebra A\pn]/NPn. On the other hand, from [262, p. 402, Lemma 4.1], (2.44) and (31.22), the following equalities are topological *-isomorphisms O{C,A) = O{C)®A = limA{TD>n)®An, n e N , e
where£(A(B n )) = C[-n,n], n e N, therefore£(O{C)) = CC(R) (cf. (18.12)). So the canonical enveloping map of A(H>n), n G N, is gn : A(Bn)
—> C[-n,n] : / .—> /|[_ n , n ] , n 6 N.
Thus, using the same arguments as in the proof of Corollary 32.8, we conclude that the maps Qn ® QAn A{Bn) ® An —> C[-n,n] A
n e N,
fulfil the condition (32.8). So, we can apply Theorem 32.4, to get £(O(C, A)) - £{O(C))®£(A) = CC{R)®£(A) = CC(R, £(A)). a;
A variant of Corollary 32.5 can be given by replacing the inverse limit preservation of r by the weaker concept of *-admissibility, at the cost however of the restriction to m*-convex algebras having a C*-enveloping algebra. As we have noticed, there is a plethora of (non-normed) topological *-algebras that possess a C*-enveloping algebra (see, for instance, Subsection 18.1, Corollary 32.7 and Corollary 32.8 with X compact and A a (non-commutative) C*-algebra). More precisely, one has the following.
Chapter VII.
Tensor products of topological *-algebras
32.11 Theorem. Suppose that A[TA], B[TB] are m*-convex algebras that possess a bai. Let either of A[TA], B[TB] be of type I and both have a C*enveloping algebra. Then, if r is a *-admissible topology on A® B, A®B T
also has a C* -enveloping algebra, such that the equality £(A®B)
holds up to a topological *-isomorphism. The proof of Theorem 32.11 is a suitable modification of the proof of Theorem 32.1 (see [155, Theorem 5.13]). Note that according to Proposition 30.8, every commutative locally C*-algebra is of type I. The same is true for the Frechet *-algebra C°°(X), X as in Corollary 32.8, since €(C°°(X)) = CC(X) (cf. (18.13)).
The structure space of a tensor product topological *-algebra
In this Section we study the relationship of the structure space of a tensor product Arens-Michael *-algebra to the topological product of the corresponding structure spaces of the participants in the initial tensor product algebra (cf. Theorem 33.15). For this purpose, the decomposition of the enveloping locally C*-algebra of a tensor product Arens-Michael *-algebra given by Theorems 32.1 and 32.4, as well as the relation of the indecomposable continuous positive linear forms of such a tensor product algebra to the corresponding indecomposable continuous positive linear forms associated with the participants in the tensor product (cf. Theorems 33.2, 33.3 and 33.6) play an important role. In the normed case, it was A. Wulfsohn [396] who first, in 1963, studied the decomposition of the structure space of a tensor product C* -algebra. In 1967, K.B. Laursen [245, Theorem 5.5] extended Wulfsohn's result to the case of a tensor product Banach *-algebra. The preceding results are directly related to the corresponding ones of the (non-involutive) commutative case, where the structure space therein is
The structure space of a tensor product topological ^-algebra 419
represented (of course) by the spectrum (Gel'fand space) of the topological algebra involved. Results of this kind have been given by B.R. Gelbaum [165] and J. Tomiyama [370], in the context of commutative Banach algebras, during the period 1959-1960. Later on, in 1964, analogous results to those of B.R. Gelbaum, J. Tomiyama were shown by A. Mallios [255] for non-normed commutative m-convex algebras. Two years later, in 1966, H.A. Smith (cf. [357, Corollary 2]) presented an extension of the results of B.R. Gelbaum, J. Tomiyama for commutative Arens-Michael Q(namely, complete m-convex Q-)algebras, a result contained in those of A. Mallios. In 1968, H.A. Smith considers the analogue of the result of B.R. Gelbaum and J. Tomiyama in the non-commutative case of unital Banach *-algebras, having replaced the maximal ideals with equivalent classes of finite dimensional topological irreducible *-representations (cf. [358, p. 1199, Theorem]). Connections of the above results also exist with relevant results obtained by T. Okayasu [288], T. Okayasu and M. Takesaki, [289], as well as with J. Gil de Lamadrid [170]. 33.(1) Indecomposable positive linear forms Throughout this Subsection A[TA], B[TB) are m*-convex algebras with a bai and r a *-admissible topology on A ® B. Fr = {rK} will denote a denning family of *-seminorms for r and {a\}\&^, {b\}\^A the bai's of A[T^], -B[TB] respectively (see Remark 29.9). Recall that B(A) stands for the nonzero extreme points oiV(A) (see Definition 12.18). We want to see in which way the spaces B(A) x B(B), B(A§>B) are related. In general T
B(A) x B{B) sits inside of B(A<S>B) and under the local equicontinuity of r
both B(A) and B(B), the space B(A) x B(B) is topologically embedded in B(A®B) (see Theorem 33.3). Nevertheless, for "good enough" algebras like locally C*-algebras and the injective tensorial C*-convex topology a in place of r, the spaces B(A) xB(B), B(A®B) become homeomorphic (Theorem 33.5). Results of this kind for Banach *-algebras and C*-algebras can be found in [184, p. 24, Section 5], [279, Section 6.4], [356, p. 23, Chapter 3], [358] and [367, Chapter IV, Section 4].
Chapter VII.
Tensor products of topological *-algebras
33.1 Lemma. (1) Each continuous positive linear form h onA®B,
a pair (h,A, hg) of continuous positive linear forms on A[TA] and B[TB] respectively, in such a way that tiA{x) — \imh(x ® b\), \/ x & A and hs{y) = limh(a\ ®y), V y G B. A
(2) For any continuous positive linear forms f on A[TA] and g on B[TB\ with H/pll — 1 — \\gq\\ (fp, gq are the associated to / , g positive linear forms on Ap, Bq respectively, for some (p, q) e FA X FB), one has that f = {f ® 9)A and g = (f ®g)B(3) Every (/, g) in B(A) x B(B) implies f ® g in B{A®B) and every (f,g) inV{A)xV{B)
with f®g inB{A®B) implies (f,g)
Proof. (1) From Theorems 14.2 and 30.3 we deduce that
= lim < fih(x
so lim/i(x ® 6A) exists and does not depend upon the choice of the bai of A
A[r^]. It is now clear that the function tiA
—> C : x i—> HA{X) := lim h(x ® b\), A
defines a continuous positive linear form on A[TA]. In a similar way, one also defines KB(2) Recall that ||/ p || = lim/(a A ) [111, Proposition 2.1.5 (v)], hence U ®9)B{.V)
= iim(/®3)(aA®y) = lim/(oAMy) = \\fP\\g{y) = g(y), A
for all y G B. Therefore, (/
The structure space of a tensor product topological *-algebra 421
that yields /j,f ® \ig £ R'(A®B).
If / (g> # is the continuous positive linear
form deduced by Proposition 30.1, a computation similar to that in the proof of Proposition 30.2 on the equivalence of fi and fii
(33.1) = lim/(a A )limg(6 A ) = ||/p||||ffg|| = 1, A
thus we finally conclude that / ® g 6 B(A<S>B). Conversely: Suppose (f,g) G P(A) x P(i?) with / ®g e
Clearly, / 7^ 0 and j ^ 0. So it suffices to show that / , g are extreme points. Suppose that / 1 , J2 belong to P'(A) in such a way that / = ah + (1 - a)f2, a s (0,1). Tensoring with g and taking into account that / ® g is an extreme point, we clearly derive that (33.2)
h®9 = f®9 = f2®9-
Since ||/ p || < 1 and ||<7g|| < 1 for some (p,q) £ FA X -TB, the equality 1 = ll(/®ff)rj| = ||/P||||5gll ( s e e (33.1)), for some rK G FT, clearly implies H/pll > 1 and || 5 ,|| > 1, so that ||/ p || = 1 = || s ,||. Thus applying (33.2) to the elements x ® b\, A G A, and taking limits, we derive /1 = / = /2- So, / G #(^4) and analogously we show that g G B(B). 33.2 Theorem. (1) The map H : B{A)xB{B)
—> # ( , 4 § £ ) withH(f,g) T
f ® g, for every {f,g) € B(A) x B(B), is a well defined injection. (2) If both A[TA] and B[TB] are unital, the inverse H~l of H on ImH C B(A®B^) is a continuous map. T
(3) If B(A(E)B^ is locally equicontinuous, the following statements hold: (i) H is continuous. (ii) The sets B(A), B(B) are locally equicontinuous.
Chapter VII.
Tensor products of topological *-algebras
Proof. (1) From Lemma 33.1(3), H is well defined. To show injectivity of H work exactly as at the very end of the proof of Lemma 33.1(3). (2) Suppose that A[r^], -B[TB] are unital. To prove continuity of H~l on ImH (also see Lemma 33.1(3)), it suffices to prove continuity of ImH —> B(A) (resp. B(B)) : / ® g ,—> / (resp. g). Let ((/ ® g)s) = (fs (g) gs)seA, be a net in Imi7 converging to / ® g G Imi? with respect to the weak*-topology on Z3(.A
V z £ A®B; T
so, for z = x®eB, x (z A, we conclude that / is the weak*-limit of (fs)seASimilarly for g. (3) (i) Suppose that B(A®B^ is locally equicontinuous. Let (fs,gs)s^A be a net in B(A) x B(B) converging to (/, g) G B{A) x B(B) with respect to the product of the corresponding weak*-topologies a(A',A), a(B',B) on B(A), B(B) respectively. Then, (fs ® gs)(z) -> (/
equicontinuous, so using the same arguments as in the proof of Theorem 18.8, we conclude the assertion. (3) (ii) Note that ImH is locally equicontinuous too, so that each f®g in Imf/ (with / G B(A) and g G B{B)) has an equicontinuous neighborhood, say W. Since H is continuous, there are neighborhoods U, V of / and g respectively such that (33.3)
We show that U is equicontinuous. Equicontinuity of W gives that V e > 0 3 a O-neighborhood M in A®U (33.4) with \h'{z)\<£,
V / I ' G V F and z G M.
On the other hand, for g' G V there is y G B with g'(y) 7^ 0, so that by continuity of the map A[TA] —> A®B : x 1—> x ® y, there is a 0neighborhood TV in A[TA] such that x®y G M, for every x e N. Hence (cf.
The structure space of a tensor product topological *-algebra 423
(33.3), (33.4)) \f'(x)\ < k := e/\g'(y)\, for all / ' G U and x € JV. Namely, for every e > 0 there is a O-neighborhood iVo = (e/k)N in J4[TA] such that ]/'(^o)| < £) for all / ' € U and xo G iVo. Thus, U is equicontinuous and in the same way one proves that V also has this property. By the preceding Theorem 33.2, the map H is always denned and it is injective with continuous inverse. Under the assumption of the local equicontinuity of B(A®B), H also becomes continuous (hence, a homeoT
morphism on the image of H in B(A®B)). The next Theorem 33.3 shows that continuity of H can also be obtained under the weaker assumption of the local equicontinuity of the sets B(A) and B(B). 33.3 Theorem. Suppose that A[TA], B[TB] are unital and B(A), locally equicontinuous. Then, the following embedding B(A) x B(B) --> B{A®B)
is a topological injection. Proof. According to Theorem 33.2, it suffices to show continuity of H. Let (fs,gs)s£A be a net in B(A) x B(B) that converges to (f,g) in B(A) x B(B). Then, we clearly have that (33.5)
From the local equicontinuity of B(A), B(B) there are equicontinuous neighborhoods U of / in B(A), respectively V of g in B(B) and the set U x V is, of course, a neighborhood of (/,) in B(A) x B(B). So continuity of H~l\\mH (see Theorem 33.2(2)) implies that U ® V is a neighborhood of f ®g in ImH. By the *-admissibility of r (cf. Definition 29.5), U®V is, in particular, an equicontinuous neighborhood of f ®g in B(A®B) [76, p. 27, r
Proposition 4]. Thus, if W is a neighborhood of f®g in Im(if) c—> S(Aig)B), T
(f7 <8 V) l~l W is an equicontinuous neighborhood of /
= a((U ®V)
[78, p. 23, Proposition]. The assertion now follows from (33.5).
Chapter VII.
Tensor products of topological *-algebras
In the rest of this Subsection we consider a case, where the map H is also bijective (see Theorem 33.5). For this purpose we first need the following. 33.4 Lemma. (1) An element h in B(A§)B) is of the form hA® hB, if T
either hA G B(A) or hB G B(B) (see Lemma 33.1). (2) Suppose that A[TA], B[TB] are unital C*-convex algebras and A®B a
their injective tensor product (see beginning of Section 31). Then, if either of A[TA], B{TB\
is commutative, one has that for every h in B(A®B) there a
exists (h\, h,2) in B(A) x B(B) with h — h\®h2Proof. (1) Let hA G B(A). Then (see Theorems 14.2, 14.6 and proof of Lemma 33.1), we have that (33.6)
< fJ.hA(x)(thA),thA
>= hA{x) =< {nh)A{x)(Zh),th >,
with H&JII = 1 = ||0iJ|. Take the closure (33.7)
K = {{nh)A{x){(,h)
C H^
w i t h fiK(x)
Then, fix is a continuous *-representation of A[r^] in JC(K) (subrepresentation of (HH)A [HI; P- 33]). We show that ^ G K. The *~representation (i^ is non-degenerate as an element of R'(A®B), therefore {/J-h)A has the same property (see, for instance, [184, p. 7, Proposition 1]). Hence (see Lemma 13.4), Oi = limx{iJ,h)A{ax){£h); namely, & G K, therefore (cf. (33.7)) £h is a cyclic vector in K of norm 1. On the other hand, from (33.6) and Lemma 14.5, HhA ~ /j,x and since \x\lA G R'(A) (Theorem 14.6) the same is true for nK (cf. (14.12)). Thus, (HK(A))C
= CidK (cf. Remark 13.3(ii)), while
for any x G A, y G B, the operators (fih)A(X), {fJ>h)B(y) commute (Theorem 30.3(3)). Consequently, (/U/I)B(2/) = \yidx,
y G B, Xy G C, whence
hB(y) = Xy, y e B, and h(x ® y) = < nh(x ® y)(£h), (h >=< (M/I)A(^)(M/I)B(2/)(^)> Zh > = Ay < (fih)A{x)(Sh),Zh > = hA{x)hB(y),
V i G i , y e B.
(2) Suppose that B[TB] is commutative and let Z = (^1®B)C n (A§>i?) be the center of A®B. a
Let /i G B[A§>B) and /i pg the associated to h a
The structure space of a tensor product topological *-algebra 425
element of B(Ap eg Bq) (cf. (12.14), (12.15) and (31.23)). Then, applying min
[367, p. 210, Lemma 4.11] for hpq, we conclude that (33.8)
h{z'z) = h{z')h{z), V z' G A®B and
Note that the map B[TB] —> A®B : y — i » e,4 ® y is a topological injection, so commutativity of B[TB] implies B[TB] C Z. Thus, (33.8) yields h(x <8>y) = h((x ® efi)(e/i ® y)) = /i(a;
h(x ® j/) = (/ii O /i2)(a;
The function hi is by definition a nonzero continuous multiplicative positive linear form, therefore an element of B(B) according to Theorem 14.10. On the other hand, hi G V(A) with hi(eA) = 1 since h G B{A%B).
We show
that hi is also pure. Let / G P(A) with / < hx. Then, / ® h2 < h, where / ® /12 G ^ ( A ® ^ ) . Since /i is pure, there is A G [0,1] such that / ®h2 = Xh (Definition 12.14). This implies / = Xhi, so that hi G B(A) from Proposition 12.16 and (12.10). In view of (33.9), this completes the proof of (2). The following Theorem 33.5, is a direct consequence of Theorem 33.3 and Lemma 33.4(2). 33.5 Theorem. Let
A[TA], B[TB]
be unital C* -convex algebras. Let either
of them be commutative and both sets B(A) and B{B) be locally equicontinuous. Then, for the injective tensor product A®B of A[TA\ and B[TB] we a
have the following equality up to a homeomorphism: B{A®B) = B{A) x B{B). a
33.6 Remarks. (1) For every C*-algebra A, the set B(A) is equicontinuous hence locally equicontinuous. Indeed, the set V(A) is weakly*-compact [111, Proposition 2.5.5, (i)], hence equicontinuous [198, p. 212, Corollary].
Chapter VII.
Tensor products of topological *-algebras
(2) There is no (non-normed) locally C*-algebra A[TA] with B(A) equicontinuous, in the sense that a locally C*-algebra A[r^] with B(A) equicontinuous, reduces to a C*-algebra (cf. Corollary 18.24(1)).
The local
equicontinuity of B(A) for a locally C*-algebra A[TA] has no such an effect. Take, for instance, A = CC(R). Then A is a commutative locally C*-algebra, which cannot be a C*-algebra (cf. Theorem 4.26) and its corresponding set B(A) is locally equicontinuous. Indeed, the following equalities (33.10)
B{A) = m(A) = R
hold up to homeomorphisms (cf. Corollary 14.11 and (4.46)). Since A is a Frechet algebra and 9Jt(A) being homeomorphic to R is locally compact, it is also (equivalently) locally equicontinuous (cf. [262, p. 143, Proposition 1.1 and Theorem 1.1]). Thus, from (33.10), B(A) becomes also locally equicontinuous. (3) The next Corollary provides us with a non-commutative locally C*-algebra, which is not a C*-algebra and its corresponding set of nonzero extreme continuous positive linear forms is locally equicontinuous. 33.7 Corollary. Let A be a non-commutative unital C* -algebra. Consider the algebra CC(R, A) of all A-valued continuous functions on R, under the topology "c" of compact convergence. Then, B(CC(R, A)) is locally equicontinuous and the next equality holds up to a homeomorphism: (33.11)
B(CC(R, A)) = R x B(A),
Proof. From [262, p. 391, Theorem 1.1] and Corollary 31.16 we have that CC(R, A) — CC(R) <§> A, up to a topological ^-isomorphism. From Remark 33.6 (1) and (2) £ the sets B(CC(R)) = R (cf.
(33.10)), B(A) are locally
equicontinuous. Hence, the topological identification (33.11) is a consequence of Theorem 33.5. It remains to prove that B(CC(R,A)) is locally equicontinuous. h € B(CC(R,A)).
Then, h = hx®h2
with (huh2)
G B(CC(R)) x B(A) (see
Lemma 33.4(2)), where each one of the /ij's, i — 1,2, attains an equicontinuous neighborhood, say {/,, i = 1,2. Clearly, Ui®U-2, is a neighborhood of h,
The structure space of a tensor product topological *-algebra 427
which is an equicontinuous subset in B(CC(M.) ® ^4) from the *-admissibility of e = a (cf. Definition 29.5). That U\ <8> U A) follows from [76, p. 27, Proposition 4]. This argument also was used in the proof of Theorem 33.3 and originates from various results on the spectrum of a (commutative) topological algebra due to A. Mallios (see, for instance, [262, pp. 146, 410, 411]).
33.(2) The structure space of a tensor product Banach *-algebra If A, B are Banach *-algebras that possess a bai and n is a ^-admissible m-norm o n i ® B , Proposition 30.2 suggests that 1Z(A) x 1Z(B) sits inside of 7?.(A(g)i?), in a natural way. In this Subsection it is proved that the suggested by Proposition 30.2 natural map
G : TZ(A) x 1l(B) —* U{A®B) : ([ Ml ], fa]) >—* fa ® /*2]
is a well defined continuous injection, that under mild conditions becomes a homeomorphism. 33.8 Proposition (Wulfsohn, Laursen). Let A, B, n and G be as before. Then, the following statements hold: (1) G is well defined. (2) G is
(3) G is continuous. Proof. (1) Let \J!X e fa] and JJL'2 G fa]- We show that fj,[
fj/^x), V x e A and ^{y) oU2 = U2o /i'2(y), V y G B.
Then, U\
(Mi ® 1^2) (z) ° {U\ ® U2) = (Ui
V z £ A§B;
Chapter VII.
Tensor products of topological *-algebras
that is \i\ ® 112 ~ fi[ <S> /x2. Now using the same arguments as in the proof of Lemma 33.1(3) with /J,I, p;2 in place of [if, fig respectively, we conclude that \x\ ® [i2 € R'(A<S>B), consequently (cf. (14.12)) the same is true for n [i[ ® fi'2 a n d [i\
Tl{A®B). n
(2) Let [fii], [fi'-j] G Tl{A) and [p;2], [/x'2] G 72.(5) such that (33.13)
[/ii (8) /i 2 ] = [/ii ® /i'2] in
Let pi = (/ii (8>/x2)>i, P2 = (M'I ® ^2)B be the restrictions of [i\ ®// 2 , /Uj (8>//2 to
J4[T/I], 5 [ T B ]
respectively. Then, a simple computation based on the
definition of /Oj's, i = 1,2 (Theorem 30.3) and on Lemma 13.4, shows that (33.14)
p\{x) = m(x) ® i^HM2 and Pi(x) = ^ ( x ) ® id// , ,
On the other hand, if U is the isometric isomorphism of H^®^ denned by (33.13) and (b\)\€A Pi(x)(U(0)
a bai of
= lim(Aii 8> /i'2)(a: ®
on H^i ^^
we conclude that
= U(]im{in
® /ia)(x ® 6 A )(0)
= C/(pi(x)(C)), V i G A, and £ e
This means that pi ~ p'1; which combined with (33.14) yields /xi ~ ^'x according to [111, Propositions 5.3.1, 5.3.3, (ii) and Definition 5.3.2]. In the same way, one gets [12 ~ M21 therefore G is injective. (3) Consider the continuous GiVS-maps (see (14.17)) 5A : B(A) —> ^(,4) : / .—> [/i^ and 5B : 5(B) —^ ^ ( B ) : 5 ^-> [ M |], that in virtue of Theorem 19.7 are also open. Let 5 = 5A X ^B- It is easily seen that 5 is continuous and open too. Consider now the map H : B(A) x B{B) -> S(A®5) : (f,g) >-* f ® g, which is well defined and n continuous according to Theorem 33.2. So the following diagram B{A) x B(B)
B{A®B) n
ft(yl) x ^(B)
The structure space of a tensor product topological *-algebra 429
is commutative, where 6® is the corresponding GiV S-map for A®B. Theren
fore 5(g, is continuous and open according to the afore-mentioned. Now, since 8 is continuous and open, one has that G is continuous if and only if G o 8 is continuous (cf. [230, p. 95, Theorems 8, 9]). But, G o 8 is indeed continuous, since G o 8 — 8® o H. 33.9 Proposition (Wulfsohn, Laursen). Suppose that the ^-admissible mnorm n on A® B satisfies condition (32.2). Then, the map G" 1 : ImG —> TZ(A) x 1Z(B) is continuous. Proof. According to Theorems 18.8 and 32.1, continuity of G~l is reduced to that of GJ with G£
K{£(A)) x 1l{£{B)) —> Tl(£(A) §
Hence, if pn, pr2 are the projections of 11{£{A)) x TZ{£(B)) on TZ(£(A)) and 1Z{£(B)) respectively, it suffices to show that pr{ o G^1, i = 1,2 are continuous. Let U be open in TZ(£(A)). Then (see Corollary 19.4(2)) there is a closed ideal IQ = 7(e(Cf7)) = n{ker,u : [/z] £ Cf7} in £{A) such that (33.15)
U = {[pi} G TZ(£(A)) : / 0 ^ ker/i, V /x e [A*]},
where Cf7 is the complement of U in 7?.(f (A)). The pre-image of U in 7e(5(A) ® £(B)) is the set V = Geipr^l{U)). Let /i be the closure of max
h ® £{B) in £{A) ® £{B); that is h = Io® £(B)Hm™.
Then, showing
V = {[p] G ft(£(A) ® f (B)) : /i % kerp, V p 6 [p]} D ImG f , max
y will be open. If [/t/i®^] € V, we shall have [/ij] G J7, that is (see (33.15)) Ml|/o T^ 0, for every m G [^i]. Hence, m ® ^2\io®s{B) ¥" 0, consequently [/xi ® /X2] belongs to the intersection in the right-hand side of (33.16). Conversely, if [/J^I®^] belongs to the afore-mentioned intersection, we must show that [/ii] G U. Our assumption yields 0 ^ m ® M2|(/0®£(B))[||-||max] = Mil/o ® M2; where /ii|/ 0 <8> ^2 is considered in the sense of Proposition 30.2. Thus, clearly pi|/ 0 7^ 0, which equivalently means [HI] G t/. This completes the proof of (33.16), therefore continuity of pr\ oG^ 1 is shown. In the same way, one proves continuity of pt2 o G^1.
Chapter VII.
Tensor products of topological *-algebras
33.10 Theorem (Wulfsohn, Laursen). IfA,B are Banach *-algebras with bai 's and one of them is of type I, then for any ^-admissible m-norm n on A® B, one has the following equality up to a homeomorphism:
n(A®B) = n{A) x n{B). n
Proof. Suppose that A is of type /. Then (see proof of Corollary 32.2) the ^-admissible m-norm n fulfils the condition (32.2). So from Propositions 33.8 and 33.9 the map G (see (33.12)) is a homeomorphism of TZ(A) x U{B) in 72.(A®Z?). The fact that A is of type / also yields surjectivity of G n
according to Theorem 30.11. 33.(3) The structure space of a tensor product Frechet *—algebra As we promised at the beginning of Section 33, we shall study a corresponding decomposition to that of Theorem 33.10 for the structure space of a tensor product Arens-Michael *-algebra. Given an m*-convex algebra A[TT], we have defined a natural topology T$ on the set Tl{A) : = R'(A)/ ~ (consisting of equivalence classes of topologically irreducible *— representations of -A[rf ]) and have called the resulting topological space, structure space of Afrp] (see Definition 14.8 and the discussion before it). Looking at (13.12) and (14.13) we may define the set UP(A) := {\jj] e TZ(A) : [|/x(x)|| < p(x), V x G A}, p e F (33.17)
and verify that: UP(A) = R'p(A)/ ~ = Tl(Ap), V p e T ,
and 1l(A) = {Jnp(A) = \Jn(Ap). In this way, we can prove that one may define on 1Z(A) a second topology, namely the inductive limit topology, that under certain conditions coincides with r<5 (see Theorem 33.14). Based on this fact and using the results of Subsections 33.(1) and 33.(2) we shall show an analogue of Theorem 33.10 for Frechet *-algebras (Theorem 33.15). Results concerning the analysis of TZ(A®B), when A[r^], B[TB] are appropriate m*-convex algebras and r a T
e topology on A ® B, had first been considered by the author in [145], using methods similar to those applied in the Banach *-case by
The structure space of a tensor product topological *-algebra 431
K.B. Laursen (see Subsection 33.(2)). The process we use in this Subsection is different; the corresponding Banach *-algebra results are simply used in a stage, within a natural and particularly flexible approach. Coming back to an m*-convex algebra A[T^] with a bai, consider an element [fip] G 1Z(AP). Then the composition fiq := fip o gpq: p < q in F, defines an element [/j,q] £ lZ(Aq) and the correspondence Rqp : H(Ap) —> n{Aq) : [fip] .—> [fiq}, p < q in F is a well denned continuous map, when TZ(A{) carries the final topology r^, i = p,q, through the respective GiVS-map 5i : B(Ai) — TZ(Ai) : fi H-> [i_ifi], i=p,q. To check continuity of Rqp consider the diagram B(AP)
B(Aq) 5q
where for fp e B(AP), (3qp(fp) fq with fq — fp o gpq. The map (3qp, p < q in F, is a well defined continuous injection and the preceding diagram is commutative. So, Rqp o 5P = 5q o (3qp, where 5q o (3qp is continuous. Hence, Rqp is continuous according to the definition of the topology T/>p. Moreover, for p < q < r in F, one has Rrq o Rqp = Rrp. So the family (1Z(AP), Rqp)p
Tl{A) = limft(A p ), p e F.
We shall denote by rn m the inductive limit topology on 7Z(A) (see, for instance, [130, pp. 420-426]).
Chapter VII.
Tensor products of topological *-algebras
It is easily seen that (B(Ap), (3qp)p
B{A) = ihnB(Ap); and similarly V{A) = limV{Ap),
p E T.
Denote by TQ the relative topology on B(A) from A's and by r®m the inductive limit topology on B(A) according to (33.19). We shall show that under certain conditions TQ = r^m; for this reason we first need the following. 33.11 Lemma. Let A be a unital Banach *-algebra. Then, the continuous (natural) injection B{A) —> V(A) : f i—> / is closed. Proof. Let V C B{A) be closed. We show that V is also closed in V{A). Let {/[/}, v E A, be a net in V, such that fv —> h, with h E V{A). We prove that h E V. Since, fu E B(A), we get (33.20) h(e) = l i m / ^ e ) = lim ||/,,|| = 1, whence it follows that \\h\\ = 1. V
Let now g € V(A) with g < h. Then, for each z e A, we have g(z*z) < h(z*z) — linijy fu{z*z).
Hence, there is an index VQ in A, such that
g{z*z) < fv(z*z*),
V z £ A and v > VQ.
Since each fv is pure, there are numbers au E [0,1] with g = avfu, V v > VQ. Applying in the previous equality a similar argument to that of (33.20), we get that lim,, au — g(e). Thus, g = g(e)h, which together with the last equality of (33.20) implies that h is pure, therefore h E V. Given a topological space X, a family
of compact subspaces of
X is called a k-covering family for X, if for each compact subset K of X there is an index X E A such that K C S\ [262, p. 165, Definition 5.1]. 33.12 Lemma. Let A[rr] be a unital barrelled m*-convex algebra. Then, the family {B(Ap)}per
is a k-covering for B(A).
The structure space of a tensor product topological *-algebra 433
Proof. From (12.16) B{A) = \JBP{A), where BP(A) is homeomorphic to B(AP), for each p G F (see Corollary 12.19). From Lemma 33.11, B(AP) is weakly*-closed in V(Ap) and since V(AP) is weakly*-compact [111, p. 44], B(Ap) is weakly*-compact too. Let now K be an arbitrary weakly*compact subset of B(A). Then, K is an equicontinuous subset of A's [198, p. 212, Corollary], consequently there is a O-neighborhood Up(e) = {x G A : p(x) < e}, 0 < e < 1, in A[T], such that K C C/°(e) = U°V{1), with V = Up(e) and py the gauge function of V. But, p(x) = epv(x), for every x G A, so that Np = Nvv and Ap = APv. Thus, there is p £ F, with X C B(A) n I7p°v(l) = BPV(A) = B(AP) (for the equalities, see (12.15) and Corollary 12.19). This completes the proof. 33.13 Theorem. Let A[rp] be a barrelled m*-convex algebra with a bai. Let B(A) be locally equicontinuous in A'. Then, T$ — r®m on B(A), that is B(A) — lim B(AP), p e F, up to a homeomorphism. Proof. Suppose temporarily that -A[Tf] is unital. Then, from Lemma 3.2, {B(Ap)}p&r is a fc-covering family for B(A). Showing that (B(A),TB) is a A;-space [230, p. 230], we conclude from [262, pp. 166, 167, Lemma 5.2 (B(A),TB) and Corollary 5.1] that TQ = rj?m. It is sufficient to show that is a locally compact space. Indeed, let / G B(A). Since B(A) is locally equicontinuous, there is an equicontinuous neighborhood V of / . By the Alaoglu-Bourbaki theorem, V is relatively weakly*-compact in A's. Now using the same arguments as in the proof of [262, p. 143, Theorem 1.1] we obtain a compact neighborhood of / in B(A). Let us now come to the non-unital case. Passing to the unitization AI[TI] of -A[TT], we have that AI[TI] is a barrelled m*-convex algebra (see Subsection 3.(3) and [198, p. 215, Corollary, (b)]). On the other hand, denning the function fo(x, A) := A for every (x, A) £ Ai, we conclude that /o G B(Ai) and B(A) = B{A\) \ {/o}, up to a homeomorphism that sends an element / G B(A) to an element f\ G B(A\) such that, for any (a;, A) G A\, fi{x,X) := f(x) + A. It is easily seen that B{A{) is locally
Chapter VII.
Tensor products of topological *-algebras
equicontinuous, since B(A) has this property. So, as we proved above, B(A\) = limB((Ap)i), up to a homeomorphism. For each p 6 F, the Banach *-algebra (Ap)i, unitization of the Banach *-algebra Ap, coincides (topologically) with the Banach *-algebra (A\)P1 corresponding to the Arens-Michael analysis of Ai[ri] (see proof of Proposition 3.11). Applying now the same arguments as in the proof of [262, p. 169, (6.6)], we are led to the claim of the theorem. 33.14 Theorem. Let A[rr] be a barrelled m*-convex algebra with a bai, such that B(A) is locally equicontinuous. Then, the topologies T$ and ri;m coincide on 7Z(A). Proof. The commutativity of the diagram before (33.18), yields the existence of a unique continuous map lim<5p : \im B(Ap) —> ]im1Z(Ap), p £ F, such that the diagram
is commutative, where ip, j3p are the continuous natural embeddings of n(Ap) in Tl(A)[T[im] and B(AP) in B(A)[T^m] respectively. We show that ip is also continuous when 7Z(A) carries the topology T$. Note that from Theorem 33.13, T^m = rg. On the other hand, if in the preceding diagram we replace ri;m with T$ and lim(5p with 8A (see (14.17)), the diagram remains commutative. Thus, ip : 1Z(AP) —> 71(A)[TS] is continuous if and only if ip o Sp is continuous, which is true since ip o 5P = 5A ° Pp and both 5A and ftp are continuous. Hence, from the definition of Ti;m we conclude that TS -< T\\m. We show the inverse inequality. Let G C 7?.(A)[riim] be open; that is, ipl{G) is open in H(AP), for all p e F. Then 5~1(i~1(G)) is open in B(AP), for all p e F. But, (J-^ip^G)) = /3'1 (S^1 (G)), p e F. Hence, 5A~1(G) nB(Ap) is open in B(AP), for each p G F, which equivalently means
The structure space of a tensor product topological *-algebra
that S^1(G) is open in B{A)[r®m = TQ\. Thus, G is r^-open, therefore T
6- It follows that r
= r
d S — lim 8p.
The last equality is due to the fact that lim 5P is the unique continuous map making the preceding diagram commutative. Consider now two m*-convex algebras A[T^], B[T#] and an inverse limit preserving topology T on i ® B. Then, taking into account (31.21) and (33.17) we are led to a corresponding to (33.18) set-theoretical identification for A®B. Namely, T
U{A®B) = lim1l(Ap®Bq),
(p,q) e FA x rB,
where the index set F& x Fg takes a preorder by (p, q) < (p', q') if both p < p' and q < q'. So FA x f^ is a directed set and (1Z(AP) x (as well as (7Z(Ap®Bq)),
x r
)) is an inductive system of topological
spaces, together with the continuous maps (see discussion before (33.18)) Rp'p x Rqlq : 1l(Ap) x TZ{Bq) —> H{Ap>) x 1l{Bq,), with (p,q) < (P',q>) in rA x T B (cf. [130, p. 425, 1.9]). Suppose now that either of the *-algebras -A[TVI], B[TB] is of type / and both have a bai. Let A[TA] be of type / . Then, each Banach *-algebra Ap is of type / (Proposition 30.8). Now, from Theorem 33.10 we have
n(Ap®Bq) = n{Ap) x n{Bq), v {P,q) erAx
up to a homeomorphism, that we shall denote by Gpq. Note that ([fj,p], [fJ-g]) £ TZ(Ap) x TZ(Bq) goes through G~qx to [fip (g) nq] (where /i p ® /jq also denotes the unique extension of /xp (8) /z9 to A p § i ? 9 ) . Now, from [130, p. 422, 1.5 pq
Theorem], the map (33.22)
G = HmGpq : lim1l(Ap®Bq) ¥
—> lim(^(A p ) x H(Bq)) >
Chapter VII.
Tensor products of topological *-algebras
is a homeomorphism. Combine now the continuous bijection (see [130, p. 425, 1.9, (3)]) \im(R(Ap) x TZ(Bq)) —> limft(A p ) x \imU{Bq), with (33.22) to get that the map (33.23)
G : limTZ(Ap§>Bq) —> Um1l{Ap) x limH(Bq) y
is a continuous bijection too. 33.15 Theorem. Let A[TA], B[TB] be Frechet *-algebras, such that each one of them possesses a bai and one of them is of type I. Let r be an inverse limit preserving topology on A®B, such that B(£{A®B)) is locally T
equicontinuous. Then, the following equality holds up to a homeomorphism:
n{A®B) = n{A) x n{B). T
Proof. The local equicontinuity of B(8(A®B)) T
implies that of B(A®B), T
as well as of B(£(A)<E>£(B)), with a the injective tensorial C*-convex topoa
logy (see (31.1), Corollary 32.5 and discussion after Theorem 18.8). In its turn the local equicontinuity of the preceding sets implies local equicontinuity for the sets B(A), B(B) and B{£{A)), B{£{B)) respectively (cf. Theorem 33.2(3)). Thus, from Theorems 33.13 and 33.14, we conclude that the natural topologies of B(A), B(B), B{A®B), Tl(A), Ti(B), Tl{A®B) coincide with their corresponding inductive limit topologies. Therefore, looking at (33.18), (33.19) and (33.23) we get that G : Tl{A®B) —> U{A) x 1l(B) is a continuous bijection. It remains to prove that G" 1 is continuous. For this purpose, consider the following commutative diagram
The structure space of a tensor product topological *-algebra 437
where 5A , 5B, 5® are the corresponding GNS-m&ps, H is denned in Theorem 33.2(1) and G " 1 ^ ] , [//]) = [/*®/i'], for any ([/j], [//]) e 7l(A) x ft(fl). Commutativity of the above diagram gives G~l o (5^ x (5#) = 5®oH, where 8i, i = A,B,®,
are continuous by the definition of the topologies r^, and
H from Theorem 33.2(3). Thus, G~l o (<5^ x <5g) is continuous with 5A X <5# continuous and open (for the last property see Theorem 19.7). Continuity of G" 1 follows now from [230, p. 95, Theorems 8, 9]. There are plenty of non-normed m*-convex algebras, that attain a (normed) C*-enveloping algebra (cf. Subsection 18.(1)). In this respect, we have the following 33.16 Corollary. Let A[TA],
be Frechet *-algebras such that both of
them have a bai and a C* -enveloping algebra and one of them is of type I. Then, for every inverse limit preserving topology r on A ® B, the next equality holds up to a homeomorphism: U{A®B) = 1Z{A) x U{B). Proof. Since £(A), £(B) are G*-algebras, the same is true for £(A(ED-B) (see Corollary 32.5). Thus, B(£(A®B^
is equicontinuous, hence locally
equicontinuous. The assertion now follows from Theorem 33.15. In the sequel we apply the preceding results to some concrete m*-convex algebras. 33.17 Proposition. Let G be a (non-abelian) locally compact group. Let C°°(X) be the Frechet *~algebra of all C°°-functions on a 2nd countable finite dimensional compact C°°-manifold X and L1{G,C0O{X))
the gener-
alized group algebra of G. Then, if C*{G) is the group C*-algebra of G, one has that the following equality holds up to a homeomorphism: (33.24)
C°°(X))) = ft(G*(G)) x X.
Proof. Note that Ll(G,C°°{X)) = L1 (G)®^*'(X), up to a topological * re
isomorphism, with the projective tensorial topology TT being inverse limit
Chapter VII.
Tensor products of topological *-algebras
preserving (see [262, p. 406] and discussion after Definition 31.6). Also note that both of L1(G), C°°(X) have a C*-enveloping algebra (for the second one, see beginning of Subsection 18.(1)). In particular, £(C°°(X)) = C(X), hence £(C°°{X)) as a commutative C*-algebra is of type / [111, 4.2.2, 4.3.1, 5.5.2]. Thus, C°°(X) is of type / , according to Proposition 30.8. Furthermore, since C°°(X) is commutative, its structure space 1Z(C°°(X)) coincides with its topological spectrum (Gel'fand space), which is homeomorphic to X (see (4.43)). The conclusion now follows from Corollary 33.16, provided that H(Ll(G))
= U(C*(G)) up to a homeomorphism (cf. [245, Proposition
2.10] and/or Theorem 18.8). Every m*-convex Q-algebra with a bai, has a C*-enveloping algebra (cf. Corollary 18.16). Thus, in Proposition 33.17, C°°(X) can be replaced, for instance, by any unital Frechet Q-*-algebra A [77-], so that the place of X in (33.24) will be taken by 1Z(A). 33.18 Proposition. Let X be as in Proposition 33.17 and A a (noncommutative) Banach *-algebra with a bai. Let C°°(X, A) be the Frechet *-algebra of all A-valued C°°-functions on X. Then, one has up to a homeomorphism, that n(C°°{X,A))
= X xTZ{A).
Proof. As we have already noticed, from [262, p. 394, (2.8)] we have that C°°(X, A) = C°°(X) <§> A (up to a topological *-isomorphism). According 7T=£
to the proof of Proposition 33.17, C°°(X) is of type / , has a C*-enveloping algebra, TZ(C°°(X)) is homeomorphic to X and TT is an inverse limit preserving tensorial topology. Consequently, the result is again taken by Corollary 33.16. 33.19 Proposition. Let X be a compact space and A[rr\ a unital symmetric Frechet *-algebra, whose the spectral radius is finite on the self-adjoint elements. Let C(X,A) be the unital Frechet *-algebra of all A-valued continuous functions on X. Then, the following equality TZ(C(X,A)) = X xTZ(A) holds up to a homeomorphism.
34- Properties of Permanence
Proof. Again we know from [262, p. 391, Theorem 1.1] that C{X,A) = C(X)®A, up to a topological *-isomorphism. Moreover, C(X) is of type / e
as a commutative C*-algebra and A[rr] is a Q-algebra according to Lemma 18.17. The latter fact yields that A[TT] has a C*-enveloping algebra (cf. Corollary 18.16). Clearly, 1Z(C(X)) coincides with the spectrum of C(X), which is homeomorphic to X (see (4.46)). Further, e is an inverse limit preserving topology on C(X) <S> A (see discussion after Definition 31.6), so that the claimed result follows from Corollary 33.16.
Properties of Permanence
In this Section we study the heredity of *-semisimplicity and symmetry from a topological tensor product *-algebra to the topological *-algebras participating in the tensor product and vice versa. Questions of this kind, in the context of Banach *-algebras, have been considered by K.B. Laursen in [244, 245]. Earlier R.B. Gelbaum [166] and J. Gil de Lamadrid [170] had faced similar questions concerning semisimplicity in Banach algebras, while A. Mallios [255, 256, 257] and H.A. Smith [358] considered such questions in the more general setting of non-normed topological algebras. It is interesting that in all cases a necessary and sufficient condition for the permanence of (*-) semisimplicity by a tensor product is the faithfulness of the tensorial topology involved. 34.(1) *—Semisimplicity If E[TE], F[TF] are complete locally convex spaces, then Be(Efs, Fj) (see discussion before (29.7)) is a complete locally convex space too (cf. [371, p. 430, Proposition 42.3]). Suppose now that J4.[TA], B[TB] are complete locally convex algebras and r an admissible topology on A ® B such that A®B is a (complete) locally convex algebra (see, for instance, discussion after Definition 29.4). Then the natural continuous linear map (34.1)
iT : A ® B —> Be(A's,B's) : z i—> iT(z) with ir{z){x',y')
:= (x'®y')(z),
V (x',y') e A's x B's
Chapter VII.
Tensor products of topological *-algebras
is uniquely extended to a continuous linear map between A®B, Be(A's, B's) T
also denoted by iT. In this respect, we have the following. 34.1 Definition (Mallios). The topology r on A ® B is called faithful, if the continuous linear map iT : A®B —> Be(A's, B's) is injective. T
34.2 Lemma (Laursen). If A, B are C*-algebras, the least tensor C* -norm II ||min on A® B is faithful. Proof. There are Hilbert spaces H\,H2 such that A
> C(H\) and B <—>
£(#2), where <—> means topological injective *-morphism. Thus, A ® i ? M C(Hi®H2)
( f o r HX®H2,
see 29.7). L e t n o w z e 4 ® B min
min w i t h imiri(.z) = 0
(see Definition 34.1). We must show that z = 0. Looking at z as a bounded linear operator on H\<S)H2, it suffices to show that (for <, > see (29.12)) (34.2)
< zfo ® &), 771 <8> % > = 0, V ^ , T?, 6 ffi, i = 1, 2.
Given £,, 77^ G Hi, i = 1,2, define the continuous linear forms /i : £(ffi) —» C : Ti h— ^(Ti) :=< T i t e ) , ^ >, i = 1,2. Then, / = / i | ^ e A' and g = /2IB G S'. Now, it is easily computed that < z(£1®&),Vi®V2
>= (/®ff)(«) = imin(*)(/,fl) = 0 ,
for all ^i,?7i in Hi, i — 1,2; therefore (34.2) is true. 34.3 Remark (Laursen). Lemma 34.2 is not true if || | | m j n is replaced by || ||max- Indeed: Since || | | m j n < || || m a x (cf. Proposition 31.3 and discussion before Definition 31.1), the identity map A ® B —> A <S> B extends uniquely max
to the corresponding completions, to a continuous linear map. Denote this extension by i. Then, the following diagram is commutative
Properties of Permanence
So if i m a x is injective, the same will be true for i since im-m o i = iiTmax Dealing with C*-algebras, this implies || || m i n = || || max (see, for instance, [111, Proposition 1.8.1]), which is not true, in general (Takesaki [366]). Recall that a topological *-algebra A[T] is called *-semisimple if its *radical R*A is trivial (Definition 18.2). In particular, an m*-convex algebra ] with a bai is *-semisimple if and only if the canonical enveloping map QA A[rr] —> £(A) is injective (Proposition 18.7). The result of the next Theorem 34.4, also due to K.B. Laursen [245, Theorem 6.9], was proved for *-semisimple Banach *-algebras A, B that at least one of the C*-algebras £ (A), £{B) possesses Takesaki's property (T). A C*-algebra A has the property (T) if A
C*-algebra B. M. Takesaki has shown that the class of C*-algebras with property (X1) contains the class of C*-algebras of type / (see [366]). Recall that a Banach *-algebra A with a bai is of type / if and only if its C*enveloping algebra £(A) is of type / (see Proposition 30.8). We prove the afore-mentioned Laursen's result for the less wider class of type / Banach ^-algebras [244, Theorem III1]. 34.4 Theorem (Laursen). Let A, B be Banach *-algebras that possess a bai. Let either of A, B be of type I and n a * -admissible m-norm on A® B. Consider the following statements: (1) A®B is *-semisimple; (2) n is faithful. Then (1) => (2) and under the extra condition that A, B are both *semisimple one also has (2) => (1). Proof. (1) => (2) Take the transpose of the canonical enveloping map g£ : A -> £(A) (see (18.11)). Namely, 'Q^-.^A)'
—> A' :a' ^->
Let z e A&B with iR(z) = 0. Then (see (34.1)), for x' = a' o g£ e A' and n y' = b' o QB G B' with a' e £{A)' and b' £ £(B)', we have (x' ® y')(z) = 0. If A is of type /, the same is also true for £(A) (Proposition 30.8), so that
Chapter VII.
Tensor products of topological *-algebras
II llmin = || Umax on £(A)
is injective and for every (a',b') G £ (A)' x £(B)', one has (imin o {QJ ® Q^))(z)(a', b') = (a' ® b'){{(£ ® *?#)(*)) = ((a'o^)®(6'oef))(z)=0.
Therefore, (i m i n ° (gg <8 gf))(z) = 0. But, g^ ® gf — IT O g 8 , where 0® is the canonical enveloping map of A®B, hence injective, since A(&B H
is *-semisimple (see the preceding discussion) and a is the isometric *isomorphism between £(A®B^ and £ (A) ® £{B) given by Theorem H
32.1. It follows that im-m o (g£ (g> Q^ is injective, consequently 2 = 0. This shows (2). (2) => (1) Suppose that A, B are moreover *-semisimple. To prove (1), according to Proposition 18.7, it suffices to show that the canonical enveloping map g® : A®B —> £ (A&B) is injective. Let 0 ^ z € A®B. n
From the faithfulness of n, the bilinear form in{z) : A's x B's —> C is nonzero. So there exists {x',y') E A's x B's (cf. (34.1) and (31.38) with Lemma 31.18) such that 0 # in(z)(x\y') = (x' ® y'){z) = y'(^(z)). Hence, 0 ^ tix'{z) & B, for some x' G A's and since B is *-semisimple we derive 0 ^ gf^x^z)) in £(B) (Proposition 18.7). But then, there is b' € £{B)'S with (see (31.39)) (x1 o I9J,/0..B)(.Z) = (b' o Qg o dxi){z) 7^ 0, where x' as before; this in turn yields 0 ^ i)b,0SB(z) in A, with the preceding b'. Since A is *-semisimple, repeating the preceding arguments with A in place of B, we find a1 e £(A)'S such that 0^(a'og£o
dVoQB){z) = ((a' oej) ® (b' o g*))(z) =
Properties of Permanence
with (a',b') G £(A)'3 x £(B)'S as above. Consequently (also see proof of the implication (1) => (2)),
and this proves injectivity of g®. 34.5 Remark. Let A[rr] be an m*-convex algebra. Prom the definition of *-semisimplicity (Definition 18.2) and (13.12) one readily verifies that: If each Banach *-algebra Ap of the Arens-Michael analysis of an m*convex algebra A[rr] is *-semisimple, then A[rr] is *-semisimple too. The converse is not, in general, true. So, in several cases, we can derive *semisimplicity of a non-normed m*-convex algebra by just applying Theorem 34.4. On the other hand, in virtue of Theorem 32.11, one can repeat the proof of Theorem 34.4 and get Laursen's result for two (not necessarily complete) m*-convex algebras A[r^], B[TB] that possess a bai, one of them is of type / and both have a C*-enveloping algebra. Recall that there is a plethora of non-normed m*-convex algebras, having a C*-enveloping algebra (cf. Subsection 18.1). More precisely, one has the following. 34.6 Theorem. Let
A[TA], B[TB]
be m*-convex algebras that possess a bai,
one of them be of type I and both have a C* -enveloping algebra. If r is a *-admissible topology on A® B, consider the following statements: (1) A®B is *-semisimple; T
(2) r is faithful. Then (1) => (2) and under the extra condition that both of A[TA] and B[TB] are *-semisimple,
one also has (2) => (1).
We can now see that without any restriction, *-semisimplicity of a topological tensor product *-algebra passes to the topological *-algebras participating in the tensor product (also see [245, Proposition 6.10]); so one has a strong inverse of the situation occurring in Theorems 34.4 and 34.6. 34.7 Theorem. Let
A[TA], B[TB\
be m* -convex algebras that possess a bai.
Let T be a ^-admissible topology on A(&B such that A®B is *-semisimple. T
Then, A[TA] and B[TB] are both *-semisimple.
Chapter VII.
Tensor products of topological *-algebras
Proof. From our hypothesis R*.^a = {0}, whence one concludes that for r
a n y (x,y) G A x B w i t h i / O a n d y ^ 0 , x
Then, we
find (see Proposition 18.3) \i e i?(A®_B) such that \i{x ® y) ^ 0. Now, since //(x ® y) — /^A^MsO/) (cf. Theorem 30.3) with /x^ G -R(^) and HB G R(B), one clearly derives /^(x) ^ 0 and fj.s(y) ¥" 0 a n d so according to Proposition 18.3,
are both *-semisimple.
Combining Theorems 34.6 and 34.7 we get the following. 34.8 Theorem. Let Let one of A[TA],
A[TA], B\TQ\
be m*-convex algebras that possess a bai.
be of type I and both have a C* -enveloping algebra.
If T is a *~admissible topology on A® B, the following are equivalent: (1) A®B is *-semisimple; (2) r is faithful and
A[TA], B[TB\
are both *-semisimple.
We give now some applications of the above. Before, we need the concept that follows: A locally convex space E[TE] fulfils the approximation property (Grothendieck [180, Chapitre I, p. 165]), if for every precompact subset (cf. E[TE],
[198, p. 145]) K of
and every 0-neighborhood V in
there is a continuous endomorphism / of
of finite rank, with
f(x) — x € V, for each x € K. 34.9 Corollary. Let X be a locally compact (non-compact) space. Let A be a Banach *-algebra with a bai andCc(X,A)
the (non-normed) Arens-
Michael *-algebra of A-valued continuous functions on X under the topology "c" of compact convergence. Then, CC(X,A) is *-semisimple if and only if A is *-semisimple. Proof. Using the same arguments as in the proof of Corollary 32.9, we derive that when K runs over all compacts in X, then one has (34.3)
CC{X, A) = CC{X)®A = Yim.C{K)®A = limC{K, A).
If CC(X, A) is *-semisimple, then A is *-semisimple from Theorem 34.7. Suppose now that A is *-semisimple. C(K) as a C*-algebra is *-semisimple
34- Properties of Permanence
and being commutative is moreover of type / [111, 4.2.2, 4.3.1, 5.5.2]. On the other hand, ||
\\\ is a faithful topology on C(K) (g> A, since C(K)
possesses the approximation property (cf.
[212, p. 412, Theorem 6] and
[180, Chapitre I, p. 168, Corollaire]). Hence (Theorem 34.4), C{K)®A is * A
semisimple, for each K. The assertion now follows from (34.3) and Remark 34.5. The result of Corollary 34.9 remains true if X is a compact space and A[rr] a (non-normed) Arens-Michael *-algebra with a bai and a C*~ enveloping algebra. This can be taken as an application of Theorem 34.8. 34.10 Corollary. Let X be a compact 2nd countable finite dimensional C°° -manifold and A[rr] a (non-normed) Frechet *~algebra with a bai and a C*-enveloping algebra. Then, the Frechet ^-algebra C°°(X, A) of all A-valued C°°'-functions on X is *-semisimple if and only if A\rr\ is * semisimple. Proof. C°°(X, A) = C°°(X)®A up to a topological *-isomorphism [262, TV
p. 394, (2.8)]. If C°°(X, A) is *-semisimple, then A[rr} is *-semisimple from Theorem 34.7. Suppose now that
is *-semisimple. Since £(COC(X)) =
C(X) with respect to a topological *-isomorphism (cf. (18.13) and comments after it), the canonical enveloping map of C°°(X) is injective, so C°°(X) is *-semisimple (Proposition 18.7). The same identification shows that C°°(X) has a C*-enveloping algebra. In addition, C°°(X) is of type / , since (its enveloping C*-algebra) C(X) has this property (see proof of Corollary 34.9 and Proposition 30.8). Finally, C°°(X) is a nuclear space, so = e on CCO{X)®A and £ is a faithful topology (cf. [180, Chapitre II, p. 54 ff., as well as Chapitre I, p. 169, Lemme 19] and [212, p. 483, Corollary 2]). Apply now Theorem 34.8 to get *-semisimplicity of C°°{X, A). 34.11 Corollary. Let A be a (non-commutative) Banach *-algebra with a bai and the approximation property. Z/eiC°°(R", A) be the Frechet * -algebra of all A-valued C°°-functions on W1. Then, C°°(Rn, A) is ^-semisimple if and only if A is ^-semisimple.
Chapter VII.
Tensor products of topological *-algebras
Proof. Using (2.21), (31.20), [371, p. 449, Theorem 44.1] and similar arguments as those in the proof of Corollary 34.10, we derive
C°°(R",A) = C°°(Rn) ® A = \imC{m)(Km)®A = 7T=£
where C^ (Km) is the Banach *-algebra of all continuously m-differentiable functions on the interior of the compact subset Km of IRn, m e NUO. Each C^m\Km) is a symmetric algebra (cf. Proposition 21.6), since each of its characters (see (2.22), together with (4.44) and (4.45)) preserves involution. Thus, C(m\Km), m 6 N U 0, being semisimple is *-semisimple (see [327, Theorem (4.7.15)] and/or Proposition 22.21). On the other hand, C w ( i f r a ) , m £ N U 0, is of type /, since C°°(Rn) has this property (cf. proof of Corollary 34.10 and Proposition 30.8). Finally, || \\\ is faithful on Cm(Km) ® A, m & N U 0, because of the approximation property of A (cf. [180, Chapitre I, p. 168, Corollaire]). So if A is *-semisimple, C(m)(-RTm)®A A
is *-semisimple, for all m G N U 0, according to Theorem 34.4. The rest of the proof follows from Remark 34.5 and Theorem 34.7. A locally compact group G is called of type I, if the C*-algebra C*(G) of G (that is the enveloping C*-algebra of the group algebra L}{G)) is of type / [111, p. 303, 13.9.1, 13.9.3]. 34.12 Corollary. Let G be a locally compact group of type I and A[rr] an Arens-Michael *-algebra with a bai and a C* -enveloping algebra. Then, the generalized group algebra L 1 (G, A) of G is *-semisimple if and only if A[rp] is *-semisimple. Proof. According to the proof of Corollary 32.6 we have the topological *-identification Z/1(G, A) — Ll(G)®A, where LX{G) is a Banach *-algebra IT
with a bai. Moreover, since G is of type I, Proposition 30.8 implies that Ll(G) is of type 7, while from [327, p. 323] LX(G) is *-semisimple. On the other hand, Ll(G) satisfies the approximation property, so that TT is faithful on Ll(G)
34- Properties of Permanence
34.13 Corollary. Let G be a locally compact group and A = C°°(X) with X a compact 2nd countable finite dimensional C°° -manifold. Then,
is *-semisimple. Proof. In the proof of Corollary 34.10 we noticed that C°°{X) is of type / . For the rest of the proof, we just argue as in the proofs of Corollaries 34.10 and 34.12, in order to apply Theorem 34.6. Concerning *-semisimplicity of Banach vector-valued group algebras, see [245, p. 483, Section 7]. In the proof of Corollary 34.12 it was mentioned that L1(G), with G a locally compact group, is a *-semisimple Banach *-algebra with a bai and the approximation property, so a direct consequence of Corollary 34.11 is the following. 34.14 Corollary. Let G be a locally compact group and A = L1(G).
the Frechet *~algebra C°°(R , A) is *-semisimple. 34.(2) Hermiticity and symmetry In the commutative case both concepts, hermiticity and symmetry, coincide on every involutive Arens-Michael algebra (Theorem 21.10). We recall that, in the context of non-normed involutive topological algebras, hermiticity coincides with symmetry in the class of spectral involutive Arens-Michael algebras that contains all involutive Arens-Michael Q-algebras (cf. Theorem 22.27 and Corollary 22.28). The next theorem gives conditions under which hermiticity and symmetry of two Arens-Michael *-algebras passes to their tensor product with respect to an inverse limit preserving tensorial topology and vice versa. In the case of Banach *-algebras (where hermiticity coincides always with symmetry according to the the Smrali-Ford Theorem (see Theorem 22.23)) such a result has been proved by K.B. Laursen [244, p. 65, Theorem III.3]. 34.15 Theorem. Let A[TA],
be unital Arens-Michael *-algebras and
T an inverse limit preserving topology on A® B. Consider the following: (1) A®B is hermitian (respectively symmetric).
Chapter VII.
Tensor products of topological *-algebras
(2) A[TA], B[TB) are hermitian (respectively symmetric). Then (1) =*> (2), while (2) => (1) when moreover either of A[TA], B[TB] is commutative. Proof. (1) => (2) Without loss of generality we may suppose that P{CA) = 1 = q{es), for any (p, q) e FA X FB (see Theorem 2.3). Let {r Pig } be a defining family of *-seminorms for r. Then (see discussion before (31.11)), r is a Hausdorff topology and Tp,q{x®eB) = p(x)q(eB) = p(x), Vx G A, resp. TPA(eA®y) — q(y), V y e B , for all (p,q) £ FA X FB- Hence, the maps A[TA]
(resp. B[TB\)
—> A®B : x (resp. y) i—> x®es
(resp. e^ ® y)
are clearly topological injective *-morphisms, by means of which A[TA\ and B[TB] become closed *-subalgebras of the hermitian (respectively symmetric) Arens-Michael *-algebra A®B. According to Proposition 21.3, this T
implies that J4[T,4] and Bfrg] are hermitian (respectively symmetric). (2) => (1) Suppose that A[r^] is also commutative. Then (see Lemma 31.18(2)) fly is a continuous *-morphism on A®B, for all ip in UJl(A); note T
that hermiticity coincides with symmetry in all commutative involutive Arens-Michael algebras (see Theorem 21.10 and/or Proposition 21.6). So hermiticity (respectively symmetry) results easily from Theorem 31.20(2), since B[TB] is hermitian (respectively symmetric). For the symmetry use the characterization given by Proposition 21.2(3). 34.16 Corollary. Let X be a locally compact space and A[rr] a unital Arens-Michael *-algebra. Let CC(X,A) be the algebra of all A-valued continuous functions on X, with the topology "c" of compact convergence. Then, CC(X,A) is hermitian (respectively symmetric) if and only if A[rr] has this property. Proof. CC(X,A) = CC{X)®A, with respect to a topological *-isomorphism e
[262, p. 391, Theorem 1.1], where the biprojective tensorial topology e is an inverse limit preserving topology on CC(X) ® A (see discussion after Definition 31.6). At the same time, CC(X) is a commutative unital locally
34- Properties of Permanence
C*-algebra (cf. Example 7.6(3)). As a locally C*-algebra, CC(X) is symmetric (cf. (21.6)), hence hermitian. So the assertion follows from Theorem 34.15. Further applications of Theorem 34.15 are given by the Examples 21.17 (4) and 21.17(6) that refer to vector-valued C°°-functions and the generalized group algebra of a discrete locally compact abelian group G. The symmetry of the generalized group algebra Ll{G, A), when G is a compact group and A an arbitrary Banach *-algebra has been investigated by K.B. Laursen [245]. More precisely, K.B. Laursen has proved in [245] that Ll(G, A) is symmetric if and only if A has this property. D. Birbas has studied the symmetry of the generalized group algebra Ll{G, A), when G is a locally compact group and A[rr] an Arens-Michael *-algebra. Among others he proves that L1 (G, A) is symmetric if and only if A[rr] and all closed *-ideals of L 1 (G, A) are symmetric [63, p. 249, Theorem 19.12]. He also considers the case when G is a compact group and A[rp] an Arens-Michael Q-*-algebra and he shows that Ll{G, A) is symmetric if and only if the so-called S-radical of L 1 (G, A) is closed and A[Tr] is symmetric [63, p. 259, Corollary 20.7]. The extension of the afore-mentioned result of K.B. Laursen by D. Birbas, has been achieved by an essentially different process in which "S'-radical" (introduced by J. Wichmann [390]) plays an important role.
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Index C^[0,1], 19
fif, 167
A[Tr] = lim A[p]/ATP = lim^ p , 16
( , 4 , / i , ^ ) , 160
A[rr] ^
*-s&-algebra, 251
<~> lim^ p ,
e m-norm, 382
e topology on A
A\p], 5
A\p]/Np, 5
, 33
A§>B, 386
*-ideal, 31
*-morphism, 31
386 3m
*-norm, 29
A®B, 367, 368 ^-preserving m-semmorm, 29 g character, 54 g map, 31 on g semmorm, 29
A+, 125 Ailn], 39 Ab
, 210
5 ' B(X), Borel cr-algebra, 320 ' C*(G), group C*-algebra of G, 414 p
, 160 on
, 29 -semisimple algebra, 210
£ F
, 31
f '
l algebra, 86
®F> 3 6 7
E®F, 367
y bounded algebra, 251
E', topological dual of E, 9
, 29
E'a = E'\o{E', E)}, 9
0-dimensional space, 77
ES(A), 305
< , >, inner product, 9
E\p], 3, 4
A[T], 7
E\p]/Np, 4 487
E®F, 389
R'(A), 162
R'(A\p]/Np), 163
^ £®F, EVF, 369
R\AP), 163 ^(i4)) 163
£"*, algebraic dual of E, 4
R(A) 162
i?(A[p]/p), 162 R(A ) 162
P' 4 GqA, quasi-invertible elements of A
' 43 GA, invertible elements of A, 42
R*A, *-radical of A, 210 ^ /^-j ^g2
i/, Hilbert space, 9
Rep{A), 305
S'(A) 204
self-adjoint elements of A, 28
S(A), 145 5(R n ), 23
91 14
5^, 320
Hi®H2, 371
£7(^4); unitary elements of A, 28
[/*-seminorm, 280
J7°(e), 54
^ m > 239
C/p(l), 5
^ r ( A ) , 305
J^l, Jacobson radical of ^4, 60
W*[A], 379
Kp = Tl(A) n I7p°(e), 116
xc, commutant of X, 51
X cc , bicommutant of X, 52
L^G, A), 137,414 L p -norm, 14
X/, 165 ^(21), 379
L w [0,l],14
C[[*]], 90
i / , 165
CN, 5
M(X), 320
M C (X), 320
D n , n-disc, 25
$, tensor map, 366
normal elements of A, 28
Np = ker(p) := p-^O},
r = {p}, 7
ivfp, 218
P'(A), 145
^-preserving transformation, 333
P(A), 145
A = { P l }, 39
rA = {P},7
267, 325
JV, 365
rT = { r j , 368
O(C), 25
r£, 369
CG, complement of G, 240
^4/7 = {«}, 40
V(A), 148
Tr =
5 A , 172
N, natural numbers, 5
K, real numbers, 3
<# 379
2)(Mn), 21
> { p,q}(p,q)erAxrB,386
f 212 P>
2>,(G), 89 154
^(^)> C(X), 29
SW(A), (topological) spectrum of Aj 52
C°°[0,1], 18 C°°-topology, 18
Tl*(A), hermitian spectrum of A, 54
C (M ), 19
(j^^ complex numbers, 3
C (Km),20 CC{X)+, 323
M ~^,168 M l w M2) 3 8 0
°(X)'29 ^ ( ^ ( A O ) , 119
Mi®M2, 372 MA; 3 7 7
CcPO 35
w, H,a( Pl9 ) e ^xr B ,386
Ce(m(A)), 116
^ = — , j-partial derivative, 19 5(A), 212
f(A) p , 218
"<, 12
^, Gel'fand map, 53
/C, 116
{^p.Jcp^er^xrs- 365
£(77), 9
^(^',-B), 9
£JPQ-algebra, 353
supp(/), 22
£^~algebra, 352
n , 39
CS(H), 11
r, 7
Cw(H), 9
r^, 24
A^(A), algebraic spectrum of A,
r^, 22
TS, 24
ei = (0,1), identity of Ax, 38
rr, 7
/( ), fc-derivative of / , 18
ro, 25
/ p , 145
/ ^ , 164
Too, 18
f®g, 375
r e , 239
r e , 116
/c-covering family, 432
TS, 11
p A , Ptak function, 266, 279
TW, 9
P(7, gauge function, 6
TToo, 20
< / , 151
spectral radius of x in A,
Tlhn, 431
rc», 211
r p , 208
Re I, real part of I, 324
sp^(x), spectrum of x in A, 43
£>P, 15
uA, 280
gf, canonical enveloping map, 213
x + A = (x, A), 38
x o y , 42
^Pq, connecting maps, 16
x°, quasi-inverse of x, 43
$ x ', 402
x" 1 , inverse of x, 42
e-semiball, 8
a;1/2, square root of x, 127
i {ep,?}(p,?)erj!xrPi 369 ?o, zero functional, 55
xf = x + Lj, 176 X p = x + -/Vp, 4
A, Gel'fand transform algebra, 54
n, 382
T, 8
P(A), 146
p p (A), 147 Z\p, 336
Zf, 167 r
{ p,?}( M )6r E xr F , 389
Prim(A), 239
ai, approximate identity, 135
(x, A), 38
bai, bounded approximate identity, 135 c, 35 e and/or eA, identity of A, 4
absolutely homogeneous nonnegative real function, 3 additive transformation, 333
Index admissible tensorial C*-convex topology, 368 admissible tensorial m-convex topology, 367 admissible tensorial m*-convex topology, 368 admissible tensorial locally convex *-topology, 368 admissible tensorial locally convex topology, 367 admissible topology onA®B, 367 advertibly complete algebra, 69 algebra, 4 algebra with involution, 27 algebraic dual, 4 algebraic spectrum, 267, 325 algebraically irreducible *-representation, 161 algebraically irreducible representation, 60 approximate identity, 135 approximation property, 444 Arens-Michael *-algebra, 31 Arens-Michael algebra, 13 Arens-Michael analysis, 16 Arens-Michael decomposition, 16 associated *-representation, 163 associated positive linear form, 146 B-complete algebra, 41 B-complete space, 41 Banach *-algebra, 29 Banach algebra, 5 Banach space, 4
barrel, 7 barrelled locally convex algebra, 7 basic 0-neighborhood, 8 bicommutant, 52 biprojective tensorial topology, 369 Borchers algebra, 36 bounded approximate identity, 135 bounded part, 132 C*-algebra, 102 C*-convex algebra, 102 C*-enveloping algebra, 222 C*-norm, 101 C*-property, 101 C*-seminorm, 101 C*-seminormed algebra, 101 C*-spectral algebra, 86 canonical bilinear map, 366 canonical enveloping map, 213 character, 52 circle operation, 42 commutant, 52 commutative subset, 80 compact Stein set, 356 compatible involution, 358 compatible tensorial locally convex topology, 367 compatible topology on E®F, 366 condition (L), 337 connecting maps, 16 continuous ^-representation, 160 cyclic ^-representation, 161 cyclic vector, 161
defining family of seminorms, 7 enveloping locally C*-algebra, 212 equivalent ^-representations, 168 essential left Frechet A-module, 187 extendable positive linear form, 156 extended seminorm, 236 extreme point, 152 factor ^-representation, 379 factor von Neumann algebra, 379 faithful *-representation, 194 faithful tensorial topology, 440 field algebra, 36 Frechet *-algebra, 31 Frechet C*-convex algebra, 102 Frechet Q-*-algebra, 69 Frechet Q-algebra, 69 Frechet algebra, 13 Frechet locally C*-algebra, 102 Frechet locally convex *-algebra, 31 Frechet locally convex algebra, 7 Frechet topological algebra, 6 fundamental 0-neighborhood system, 7 gauge function, 6 Gel'fand map, 53 Gel'fand topology, 53 Gel'fand transform, 53 Gel'fand transform algebra, 54 Gel'fand-semisimple algebra, 274 global spectrum, 53
Index GNS-construction, 164 GNS-map, 172 GNS-representation, 168 group of invertible elements, 42 group of quasi-invertible elements, 43 group of type /, 446 Hausdorff completion, 4 Hausdorff locally convex topology, 8 hemicompact space, 36 hermitian algebra, 267 hermitian character, 54 hermitian positive linear form, 144 hermitian spectrum, 54 hermitian topological *-algebra, 267 hermitian topological algebra, 267 Hilbert space tensor product, 371 ideal, 5 idempotent subset, 5 indecomposable positive linear form, 152 injective tensorial C*-convex topology, 386 injective tensorial topology, 369 inverse limit preserving tensorial topology, 390 inverse limit preserving topology on A®B, 391 inverse limit preserving topology on E®F, 391 invertible element, 42
Index involution, 26 involutive m-convex algebra, 31 involutive algebra, 27 involutive Arens-Michael algebra, 31 involutive locally convex algebra, 31 involutive topological algebra, 29 Jacobson topology, 239 k-space, 35 left ai, 135 left Frechet A-module, 187 left invertible element, 42 left quasi-invertible element, 42 linear involution, 27 locally C*-algebra, 102 locally convex *-algebra, 30 locally convex algebra, 7 locally equicontinuous subset, 55 locally Hilbert space, 106 lower semicontinuous, 236 Lumer group of transformations, 333 m*-barrel, 33 m*-convex algebra, 30 m*-norm, 29 m*-seminorm, 29 m*-seminormed algebra, 29 m-barrel, 7 m-barrelled algebra, 13 m-convex algebra, 13
m-convex topology, 13 m-norm, 5 m-seminorm, 5 m-seminormed algebra, 5 Michael topology, 116 Minkowski functional, 6 modular ideal, 59 modular left ideal, 59 morphism, 15 multiplicative subset, 5 multiplicative transformation, 333 n-disc, 25 non-degenerate *-representation, 161 nonnegative real function, 3 norm, 4 normal element, 28 normal subset, 49 normed *-algebra, 29 normed algebra, 5 normed space, 4 orthogonal basis, 228 positive element, 125 positive linear form, 144 positive measure, 323 pq-(*-)admissible tensorial topology, 389 pq^compatible tensorial topology, 389 pre-C*-algebra, 102 primitive ideal, 239
projective tensor product, 366 projective tensorial C*-convex topology, 386 projective tensorial topology, 365 Ptak algebra, 41 Ptak function, 266, 279 Ptak inequality, 266, 280 Ptak space, 41 Ptak type inequality, 285 pure positive linear form, 152 Q-algebra, 69 quasi-equivalent ^representations, 380 quasi-invertible element, 43 quasi-square root, 64 radical, 60 radical algebra, 60 representable linear form, 175 representation, 59 restriction of [A®B, ii}H^), 378 Riesz representation theorem, 320 right ai, 135 right invertible element, 42 right modular identity, 59 right quasi-invertible element, 42 S-radical, 449 saturated family of seminorms, 7 sb-algebra, 95, 251 self-adjoint element, 28 self-adjoint subalgebra, 27, 29 seminorm, 3
Index seminormed space, 3 semisimple algebra, 60 sequentially complete, 197 spectral C*-seminorm, 86 spectral m*-seminorm, 86 spectral algebra, 86 spectral radius, 46 spectral seminorm, 86 spectrally bounded algebra, 95, 251 spectrum of a topological algebra, 53 spectrum of an element, 43 square root, 64, 127 ssb-algebra, 249, 252 state, 144 Stein manifold, 356 strictly positive element, 125 strong operator topology, 11 strong spectrally bounded algebra, 252 strongly-semisimple, 275 structure space, 172 subadditive nonnegative real function, 3 submultiplicative nonnegative real function, 5 submultiplicative seminorm, 5 subrepresentation, 424 support, 21 support of a measure, 320 symmetric algebra, 224, 267 symmetric involution, 267 symmetric topological *-algebra,
Index 224, 267 symmetric topological algebra, 267 To-space, 240 tensor map, 366 topological *-algebra, 29 topological *-isomorphism, 31 topological algebra, 6 topological dual, 9 topological injective *-morphism, 31 topological injective morphism, 15 topological isomorphism, 15 topological spectrum, 53 topologically irreducible ^representation, 161 topology of compact convergence, 35 trivial *-representation, 161 type / *-algebra, 379 type / ^-representation, 379 type / m*-convex algebra, 379 type / von Neumann algebra, 379 uniform m-convex algebra, 94 uniform seminorm, 94 uniformly bounded left ai, 187 unit semiball, 5 unit vector, 184 unital algebra, 4 unitary element, 28 unitization of an algebra, 38 variation of a measure, 320
von Neumann algebra, 379 weak C*-property, 101 weak operator topology, 9 weak topological dual, 9 weak*-topology, 9 weakly positive linear form, 293 zero functional, 55
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