Editor: Leopoldo Nachbin Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Fisicas Rio de Janeiro and University of Rochester
TOPICS IN FIELD THEORY G regory KARPILOVSKY Department of Mathematics University of the Witwatersrand Johannesburg, SouthAfrica
' Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.,
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ISBN: 0 444 87297 3 Publishers:
Library o f Congress Cataloging-in-Publication
K a r p i l o v s k y . G r e g o r y , 1940T o p i c s in f i e l d t h e o r y / G r e g o r y K a r p i l o v s k y . p. c m . - - ( N o r t h - H o l l a n d m a t h e m a t i c s s t u d l e s ; 155) ( N o t a s o e maternitica ; 124) B i b l i o g r a p h y : p. I n c l u d e s index. ISBN 0-444-87297-3 1 . Fields, Aljsbraic. I. T i t l e . 11. S e r l e s . 1 1 1 . S e r i e s : N o t a s no. 124. de m a t e m b t i c a ( R i o de J a ? e i r o . B r a z i l ) QAl.il86 no. 124 O A 2 17 1 5 1 0 s--dc512/.74 88-38469
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vi i
The present book is intended to give a systematic account of certain important topics pertaining to field theory. The author has tried to be fairly complete in what he considers as the main body of the theory and the reader should get a considerable amount of
knowledge of central ideas, the basic results, and the fundamental methods. We have tried to avoid making the discussion too technical. With this view in mind, maximum generality has not been achieved in those places where this would entail a loss of clarity or a lot of technicalities. The present monograph is written on the assumption that the reader has had the equivalent of a standard first-year graduate algebra course. Thus we assume a familiarity with basic ring-theoretic and group-theoretic concepts. For the convenience of the reader, a chapter on algebraic preliminaries is included. There is a fairly large bibliography of works which are either directly relevant to the text or offer supplementary material of interest. The following is a brief description of the content of the book. After establishing algebraic preliminaries (Chapter l), we concentrate on separable algebraic extensions (Chapter 2). Among other results, we provide a characterization of finite separable field extensions E / F in terms of the number of F-homomorphisms of E into its algebraic closure. We then characterize separability via linear disjointness and tensor products. Turning to the trace map and discriminants, we characterize separability via these notions. Chapter 3 is confined to a systematic study of transcendental extensions. We begin by introducing abstract dependence relations, which will allow us to treat in a unified manner algebraic independence and p-independence. Special attention is drawn to the investigation of the existence of separating transcendency basis. Extensions E / F with separating transcendency bases are special instances of extensions E / F which preserve pindependence. The latter extensions are characterized in a large number of different ways. The chapter culminates in the study of relatively separated and reliable extensions.
In Chapter 4 we introduce derivations of fields and present a number of their important properties. Among these, we provide various criteria for extending the derivations and characterize separability via derivations. Given a field E of characteristic p
> 0, we also
exhibit a bijection between the set of subfields of E containing EP and the set of closed restricted subspaces of DerE. Chapter 5 is devoted to a detailed study of purely inseparable extensions. Our presentation of the theory of modular purely inseparable extensions is based on a n important work of Waterhouse (1975). The basic discovery of Waterhouse is t h a t the theory is closely related to the well developed study of primary abelian groups. After establishing some preliminary results, we develop the theory of pure independence, basic subfields, and tensor products of simple extensions. We then compute the Ulm invariants and display some complications in the field extensions not occurring in abelian groups. The final section is devoted t o modular closure and modularly perfect fields. In Chapter 6 we piesent the Galois theory which may be described as the analysis of field extensions by means of automorphism groups Special attention is drawn to the
problem of realizing finite groups as Galois groups. In particular, we show that certain types of split extensions of elementary abelian 2-group by the realizable group G occur as Galois groups of normal real extensions. The chapter ends with a brief discussion of
Galois cohomology. Chapter 7 is devoted to the study of abelian extensions, i.e. Galois extensions with abelian Galois groups. Among other results, we provide a n explicit description of all cyclic extensions of degree pn, p prime, of a given field F containing all pn-th roots of unity. We then study abelian pextensions by means of Witt vectors. After presenting Kummer theory, we finally exhibit a bijective correspondence between the subgroups of the character group of G a l ( E / F ) ( E / F is a Galois extension) and all abelian subextensions of E/F. This is achieved by applying infinite Galois theory and certain properties of character groups
of p r o h i t e groups.
Chapter 8, the final chapter is devoted to a detailed investigation of radical extensions. 1 would like t o express my gratitude to my wife for the encoiiragement she has given
me in the preparation of this book. Finally, my thanks go to Lucy Rich for her excellent typing.
1. Notation and terminology
2. Localization
3. Integral extensions
4. Polynomial rings
5. Unique factorization domains
6. Dedekind domains
1. Algebraic closure, splitting fields and normal extensions
2. Separable algebraic extensions: definitions and elementary properties
3. Separability, linear disjointness and tensor products
4 . Norms, traces and discriminants of separable field extensions
1. Abstract dependence relations
97 97
2. Transcendency bases
3. Simple transcendental extensions
4 . Separable extensions
5. Weil’s order of inseparability
6. Separability and preservation of pindependence
7. Perfect ground fields
8. Criteria for separating transcendency bases
9. Separable generation of intermediate field extensions
10. The Steinitz field tower
11. Nonseparably generated fields over maximal perfect subfields
12. Relatively separated extensions
13. Reliability and relative separability
1. Definitions and elementary properties
2. Extensions of derivations
3. Derivations, separability and pindependence
4 . Restricted subspace of DerE
1. Preparatory results for splitting theory
2. Splitting theory
3. Chains of splitting fields and complexity
4. Modular extensions
A. Introduction and preliminary results
B. Pure independence, basic subfields and tensor products of simple extensions 262 C. Ulm invariants of modular extensions
D. Ulm invariants and group algebras
E. Modular closure and modularly perfect fields
1. Topological prerequisites
2. Profinite groups
3. Galois extensions
4. Finite fields, roots of unity and cyclotomic extensions
5. Finite Galois theory
6 . Infinite Galois theory
7. Realizing finite groups as Galois groups
8. Degrees of sums in a separable field extension
9. Galois cohomology
1. Witt vectors
2. Cyclic extensions
3. Abelian pextensions over fields of characteristic p
4. Kummer theory
5. Character groups of infinite abelian extensions
1. Irreducibility of binomials and applications
2. Solvability of Galois groups of radical extensions
3. Abelian binomials
4. Normal binomials
5. Some additional results
6. Cogalois extensions
7. A Galois correspondence for radical extensions
8. Duality of lattices for Gal(E/F) and C o g ( E / F )
9. The lattice of intermediate fields of radical extensions
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1 Algebraic preliminaries
In this chapter we consider several primarily unrelated basic topics t h a t we shall need in varying degree throughout the book. These include localization, integral extensions, polynomial rings and Dedekind domains. We also establish various notational conventions that we shall use in the sequel. Later chapters will treat various aspects of t h e presented topics in greater detail and depth. Many readers may wish t o glance briefly at t h e contents of this chapter, referring back t o the relevant sections when they are needed later. Occasionally, results are stated somewhat more generally t h a n necessary for later use. Finally, because we presuppose a familiarity with various elementary ring-theoretic terms, only a brief description of them is presented.
1. N o t a t i o n and t e r m i n o l o g y .
Our aim here is to establish various notational conventions t h a t we shall use throughout the book.
All rings and algebras in this book are commutative with 1 # 0, and subrings of a ring
R are assumed t o have the same identity element as R. Each ring homomorphism will be assumed t o preserve identity elements. All modules are unital. We shall write A
for t h e complement of the subset B in the set A , while A C B will mean t h a t A is a proper subset of B . The symbol for a map will be written before the element affected and consequently, when the composition f o y of maps is indicated, g is the first t o be carried out. If f : X
Y is any map, then flX’ denotes the restriction o f f t o a subset X’ of X .
Let R be a ring. The mapping i 2
R defined by n
n.1 = 1
+ . . .+ 1 ( n summands)
is a ring homomorphism whose image is called the prime subriny of R; its kernel is an ideal 7nZ for a unique m 2 0, called the Characteristic of R and denoted by char R . We shall
in future identify Z/mZ with its image in R and write n instead of n.1. An element u of
R is said t o be a unit if uv = 1 for some v E R. The set U ( R ) of all units of R is a group,
called the unit group of R.
A ring R is local (respectively, semilocal ) if it has precisely one maximal ideal (respectively, if it has only finitely many maximal ideals). An element z of a ring R is a zero
divisor if z y = 0 for some nonzero y E R ; in case z
# 0 and z is a zero divisor, we say that
z is a proper zero divisor.
An integral d o m i a n is a ring without proper zero divisors. An ideal P of a ring R is p r i m e if R I P is a n integral domain, while P is primary if every zero divisor in R I P is nilpotent. Let R be a ring. For any r E R , the ideal Rr (also denoted by ( r ) ) generated by r is called a principul ideal. We say t h a t an ideal J of R is finitely generated if J =
+ . . . + R a n for suitable a l , a 2 , . . . , a ,
E R.
A ring R is noetherian if every ascending chain of ideals breaks off, or equivalently, if
every ideal is finitely generated. A ring R is artinian if every descending chain of ideals breaks off. Let M be a n R-module. If I is a n ideal of R , then IM is defined t o be the submodule of M consisting of all finite sums z r ; m , with r; E I , m; E M. The annihilator of M , written a n n ( M ) is defined to be t h e ideal of R consisting of all r E R such t h a t r M = 0. We say that M is jaithjul if a n n ( M ) = 0. Thus if I = a n n ( M ) then M is faithful as an RlI-module. 1.1. Proposition. Let M be a finitely generated R- module, let I be a n ideal of R
and let f : M
M be a n R- homomorphism such that f (M)
IM. T h e n f satisfies a n
equation of the f o r m
Proof. Write M = R x l we have f (xi)= c,"=,
+ . . . + Rx, for some x, E M , 1 5 i 5 n. Since f (z,)
r , J x 3 for some r t j E I , 1 6 i
5 n. Hence
where 6;, is the Kronecker delta. By multiplying on the left by the adjoint of the matrix (Sijf
rij), we conclude that det(6ijf
rij) annihilates each zi, hence is the zero map.
Expanding out the determinant, we obtain a n equation of the desired form.
Another useful observation is given by 1.2. Proposition. Let R be a n artinian integral domain. Then R is a field.
Proof. Given a nonzero x E R , we have a descending chain R x 2 Rx2 2 of ideals of R. Hence Rz" = RY"" for some n
.. . 2
1, so Z" = rz"+' or s"(1 - r z ) = 0.
Because R has no proper zero divisors, 1 - rx = 0 and therefore r is a unit. rn Let R be a ring. An element z E R is nilpotent if xn = 0 for some positive integer
n. We say that R is reduced if 0 is the only nilpotent element of R. An ideal J in R is nil if every element of J is nilpotent, while J is nilpotent if there is z positive integer n such that J" = 0, where J n is the product of J with itself n times. An element e of R is idempotent if e2 = e. An idempotent is trivial if it is 0 or 1. Two idempotents
orthogonal if
u'u =
0. A nonzero idempotent is primitive if it cannot be written as a sum
of two nonzero orthogonal idempotents. The Jacobson radical J ( R ) of a ring R is the intersection of the maximal ideals of R; equivalently, J ( R ) consists of all x E R such that for all y E R , 1 - sy is a unit. A ring
R is semisimple if J ( R ) = 0. The set N ( R ) of all nilpotent elements in R constitutes an ideal called the nilradical of R. Note that N ( R ) C J ( R ) and that R is reduced if and only
if N ( R ) = 0. A prime ideal P of R is minimal if there is no prime ideal P' of R such that P'
c P.
Note that N ( R ) = intersection of all prime ideals of R = intersection of all
minimal prime ideals of R. Let R be a subring of S . For any subset A = {aili E I } of S , denote by RIA] the smallest subring of S containing R and A (for A = { a l , . . .,a,},we write R [ a l , .. . ,a,] instead of R [ A ] ) The . ring R [ A ]consists of all polynomials in a i ( i E I ) with coefficients in R . We say that S is finitely generated over R (or simply finitely generated if R is the prime subring of S ) if there is a finite subset A of S such that S = RIA). Let ( R i } i , ~ be a family of rings and let R be the direct product set
ncEIRi. We can
define addition and multiplication on R by the rules:
It is straightforward to verify that R is a ring; we shall refer to R as the direct product of
the f a m i l y { R ; } , i , ~ . For all i E I , the projection of R onto Ri is a ring homomorphism;
the injections Ri
R preserve addition and multiplication but not 1 and so are not ring
homomorphisms. Let R be a ring. Two ideals I , J of R are said to be coprime (or comaximal ) if
I+J=R. 1.3. Proposition. Let I I , 12,. . . , I n be ideals of R and let the homomorphism given by f(z)= (z
If I,,
are coprime for i
f :R
n y = , ( R / I ; ) be
+ 1 1 , . . ,z + I n ) .
# j , then
= nF=lIl;
(ii) f is surjective if and only if I;, I3 are coprime for i
(iii) K e r f = nFrlI,.
Proof. (i) If I , J are ideals of R , then obviously ( I + J ) ( I n J ) = I J . Hence if I , J are coprime, then
I nJ
I J . This proves the case n = 2. Suppose n > 2 and the result is
true for 11,.. . , I n -l, and let I = we have z;
+ y;
I , = n”,=;’.Ii
n- 1
= n(1-y;)
= l(mod In)
i= 1
+ In = R , 1 5 i 5 n - 1,
= 1 for some zi E I;, y; E In and therefore n- 1
Thus I ,
Because 1i
R and so n
(ii) Assume f is surjective. Let us show for example that I I , I ~ are coprime. There exists z E
R such that f(z) = (1,O.. . , O ) ; hence z 1 = (1 - 2)
and z G O(mod Z i ) , so that
+ z E + I,, I1
as required. Conversely, assume that I i , I3 are coprime for i example that f ( z ) = ( l , O , u,
...,0) for some
z E
R . Because I1 + I ,
+ v , = 1 for some ui E 11,v , E I;. Setting z = v 2 . . .v , ,
# j . It
we have
u ; ) E l(mod 1 1 )
and z
O(mod I ; ) , i > 1. Thus f (z) = ( I , O , . . . ,0) as desired.
(iii) This is a direct consequence of the definition of f .
suffices to show, for
> 1) we have
A relation 5 on a set S is said t o be a partial order if it is reflexive, antisymmetric, and transitive, i.e. if
(i) x
for all x E S
(ii) If z , y E S with z 5 y and y
5 z, then x = y
(iii) If z , y , z E S with z 5 y and y 5 z , then z 5 z
A partially ordered set is a set S together with a specified partial order 5 on S . Let C be a collection of subsets of a set S . Then we can define a partial order in C by the rule
A 5 B if and only if A
This is called (partial) order b y inclusion. A directed set is a partially ordered set S such that for any i , j E S there exists k E S with i 5 k and j 5 k. In a partially ordered set S , we write x
t o mean y
5 z, and
< y (or y > z) t o mean x 5 y but x # y .
A subset L of a partially ordered set S is linearly ordered if for every pair of elements
x,y in L , either x 5 y or z 2 y . A linearly ordered subset of a partially ordered set is also calied a chain. Let S be a set. Then a chain in S is a collection C of subsets of S such t h a t for each pair A , B E C either A 2 B or A
A mazimal (minimal) element in a partially ordered set S is an element m that for all x E S , m
5 x implies x
S such
= m (z 5 m implies x = m ) . Let L be a subset of
a partially ordered set S . An upper (lower) bound for L in S is any element z E S such that
t 5 z (t 2 z) for ail t
E L. By a well-ordered set we understand a linearly ordered set
in which every nonempty subset has a minimal element.
A partially ordered set is said t o be inductive if it is nonempty and every chain in it has an upper bound. For example, a collection C of subsets of a set S is inductive in case it has t h e property: if D is any chain in S consisting of elements of C , then the union of the sets of D belongs t o C.
1.4. Proposition. (Zorn’s lemma). Every partially ordered set which is inductive has a mazimal element. Every set S has a cardinality, denoted by ISI, such t h a t there is a bijection between two sets
X and Y if and only if
1x1 5 IYI.
1x1 = IYI.
If there is an injection X
Y , then we write
This defines a linear order on any given set of cardinals. T h e cardinality of
W is denoted by N o (aleph-null). A set is countable if it is either finite or of cardinality No.
Let R be a ring and let V be an R-module. We say t h a t V is noetherian if every ascending chain of submodules of V breaks off. This is equivalent t o the requirement t h a t every submodule of V is finitely generated.
1.5. Proposition. Let R be a ring, let V be a n R-module and let W be a submodule
of V. T h e n V is noetherian i f and only i f both W a n d VIW are noetherian. I n particular,
if R is a noetherian ring and V a finitely generated R -module, t h e n V is noetherian (and, therefore, all submodules of V are finitely generated).
Proof. Assume that V is noetherian. The lattice of submodules of W (respectively, V/W) is isomorphic t o the lattice of submodules of V contained in W (respectively, containing W ) . Thus W and VIW are noetherian. Conversely, assume t h a t W and VIW are noetherian. Let VQ C_ V1
C ... C_
C . . . be
a n ascending chain of submodules of V.
Because W is noetherian, there is a n integer m such that V, n W = Vn+l n W for all n 2 m. Since V/W is noetherian, there is a n integer k such that (V, for all n
(Vn+*+ W ) / W
2 k. Therefore
v, + w = Vn+1 + w Take n
+ W)/W
2 max{k,rn}.
for all n
We shall show t h a t V, = Vn+l. It suffices t o show that Vn+l
To this end, fix z E Vn+l. Because Vn+l
+W = V, +W , there exists y E V,
such t h a t z + z l = y - t z ~ .Thus x-y = z2-z1 E Vn+, n W . Note t h a t V,+,nW Hence, since z
y and y belong t o V,,
z E
z1, z2
V,. EW
= V,nW.
V, too, proving t h a t V, = Vn+l. Thus V is
Now assume t h a t R is noetherian and V a finitely generated R-module. Then there exists a free module F of finite rank n such that V
F I X for some submodule X of F .
Now apply the preceding paragraph.
2. L o c a l i z a t i o n .
Let R be a ring. A subset S of R is said to be multiplicative if 0 @ S , 1 E S , and if, for any z, y in S, zy E S .
T h e quotient ring Rs associated with a multiplicative set S consists of all elements of the form r / s with r E R and s E S. By definition r/s = r’/s‘ if there exists s1 E S such that s l ( s f r - sr’j = 0. Multiplication and addition in Rs are defined by (r/s)(r’/s’) = rr’/s.sf
+ r‘/s’ = (s‘r + sr‘)/ss’
An easy verification shows that these operations are well defined and that Rs is indeed a ring. If R is an integral domain and S the set of all nonzero elements in R, then R s is a field, called the quotient field of R. Let S be a multiplicative subset of R. Then the map
f :R
Rs given by
is a homomorphism, called ccnonical. The ring R s and the canonical homomorphism
f :R
Rs have the following properties:
+ f ( s ) is a unit of R s f ( 7 ) = 0 + r s = 0 for some s E S
(i) s E S (ii)
(iii) Every element of Rs is of the form f ( r )f (s)-’ for some r E R and some s E S . Conversely, these three conditions determine the ring Rs up to isomorphism. This fact will be derived as a consequence of the following universal property of Rs. 2.1. Proposition.
Let g : R
L be a ring homomorphism such that g(s) is a
unit of L for all s E S . Then the map h : Rs homomorphism Rs
L, r / s
g(r)g(s)-’ is a unique ring
for which g = h o f.
Proof. The map h is clearly a ring homomorphism provided that it is well defined. Assume that r / s = r’/s’ and choose t E S such that (rs‘ - r’s)t = 0. Then ( g ( r ) g ( s ’ )-
g(r‘)g(s))g(t)= 0 and, since g(t) is a unit of L , g(r)g(s)-l = g(r’)g(s’)-l. Thus h is well defined. Conversely, assume that $ : Rs Then $(r/1) = lCtf ( r ) = 9 ( r ) for all
L is a ring homomorphism for which g = 4
of .
E R. Therefore, for all s E S ,
which implies that
as required. 2.2. Corollary. Let g : R
L be a ring homomorphism which satisfies properties
(i)-(iii) with f replaced b y g and Rs replaced b y L. Then the map h : Rs + L , r / s g(r)g(s)-’ is a unique isomorphism Rs
L f or which g = h o f.
Proof. By Proposition 2.1, it suffices to verify that h is a n isomorphism. By (iii), h is surjective. Assume that h(r/s) = 0. Then g ( r ) = 0, hence by (ii) we have r t = 0 for
some t E 5'. It follows that r / s = 0/1 = 0 in R s , as required. We proceed to discuss the connection between ideals in R and R s . With every ideal
I in R we associate the ezpanded ideal I R s of Rs given by
IRs = {r/slr E I ,
E S}
Suppose J is a n ideal of Rs. We define the corresponding contracted ideal J c of R by
Jc = f-'(J) where f : R
Rs i s t h e canonical h o m o m o r p h i s m . It i s clear that I R s is the ideal of Rs
generated by all 1-11 with r E I . 2.3. Proposition. (i) For a n y ideal J of R s , J c R s = J (ii) For a n y ideal I of R ,
Z C ( I R S ) w~i t h equality if a n d o n l y if
for a n y s
t S,
R , sx E I i m p l i e s x E I . (iii) If I i s a n ideal of R w i t h I n S = 0 a n d S + I = { s
(iv) T h e m a p I
+ Ils E S } , t h e n
ZRs is a bijection between t h e p r i m e ideals
of R which d o not meet S
and all p r i m e ideals of Rs.
Proof. s
E S, r / s
(i) By definition, J" = { r E R / r / 1 E J } . Hence, if r E J c , then for all = (r/l)(l/s) E
J and thus J " R s
J . Conversely, if r / s E J , then r j l E .7
and so r E J " . IIence r / s E J " R s and therefore J ( i i ) If r E I , then r / 1 E I R s and hence
R , sz E I implies x E I . If r r E I and therefore ( I n s ) '
C: I .
= tr' E
I for some r' t R , t , s t S. Hencc
Conversely, assume that ( I R S )i~ I and let s E S , z t R =
r / s E I R s so x E ( I R s ) '
(iii) The assumption on I ensures that --f
E ( I R s ) ' . Assume that for any s c S, z c:
(ZRs)',then t s r
be such that sx = r E I . Then x / l
homomorphism X : R
( R / I ) s + [ given by
i I , as required.
is a multiplicative subset of R / I . The
X(r) = ( r
+ 1 ) / 1 is such that
of (R,'I)s+r for all s E S. Hence, by Proposition 2.1, the map h : Rs by h ( r / s ) = X ( r ) X ( s ) - '
X(s) is a unit
( R / I ) s - , given
is a ring homomorphism. It is clear that !t is surjective and that
Kerh = I R s , proving (iii). (iv) Let P be a prime ideal of R with P n S = 0. Then, by (iii), P R s is a prime ideal of
Rs. Furthermore, by (ii), (PRs)' = P. Hence, if P1 and PZ are prime ideals of R which do not meet S , then PlRs = PzRs implies PI = Pz. Finally let Q be a prime ideal of
Rs. By (i), Q = P R s for P
= Q" and
P is obviously a prime ideal of R. If s E S n P ,
then s/l E Q which is impossible since s / l is a unit of Rs. Thus S n P = 0 and the result follows. w 2.4. Corollary. If R is noetherian, then so is R s .
Proof. Let J be any ideal of R s . By Proposition 2.3(i), J = J C R sis generated by all r / 1 with r E 2". Since R is noetherian, J c is finitely generated, hence so is J . m Especially important is the case where S is the complement of a prime ideal P. We then, by abuse of notation, write Rp instead of R s , 2.5. Corollary. Let P be a prime ideal of R. Then the map I
I R p is a bijection
between the prime ideals of R contained in P and all prime ideals of Rp. Thus PRp is a unique rnazimal ideal of R and R p l P R p is isomorphic t o the quotient field of RIP. I n particular, if P is a maximal ideal, then
RIP Proof. Put S = R
P . Then a prime ideal I of R does not meet S if and only if
1 5 P . Now apply Proposition 2.3 (iv),(iii). Let P be a prime ideal of R. By Corollary 2.5, Rp is a local ring. This ring Rp is also called the local rang of R at P , and the process of forming Rp is called localization.
3. Integral extensions.
Let R be a subring of S. An element s E S is said to he integral over R if s satisfies an equation of the form
Clearly every element of R is integral over R . 3.1. Proposition. Let R be a subring of S and let s E S. Then the following are
(i) s is integral over R (ii) R[s] is a finitely generated R -module (iii) R[s] is contained in a subring
of S such that S1 is a finitely generated R -module.
(iv) There ezists a faithful R [ s ] -module M which is finitely generated as an R -module.
Proof. (i)+ (ii): Applying ( l ) ,we have
It follows, by induction, that all positive powers of s lie in ~~~~
cyzi Rs'.
Hence R[s] =
Rs' is a finitely generated R-module.
(ii)+ (iii): Take S1 = R[s] (iii)+ (iv): Note that (iv)* (i): Let f : M
is a faithful R[s]-module. Now take M = S1.
M be defined by f ( m ) = s m and put I
M and hence, by Proposition 1.1, f"
+ rlfn-' + ...+ r ,
= R. Then
IM =
= 0 for some 7; E R . Since M
is faithful, s satisfies (I), as required. m Let R be a subring of
S. We say that
S is integral over R if each element of S is
integral over R. 3.2. Corollary. I f R is a subring of S , then the following conditions are equivalent.
(i) S is a finitely generated R-module
(ii) S is finitely generated over R and S is integral over R (iii) There ezist s1, s2,. . . ,s, in S such that S = R [ s l , . . . , s,] and each s, is integral over
R. Proof.
+ (ii):
S = R [ s ~..., , s k ] and, for each
s s
+ .. . + RSk for some s1, ...,s k
s. Then
E S , R [ s ] C S . Now apply Proposition 3.l(iii) for
s1= s. (ii) + (iii): Take any finite generating set of S over R (iii) + (i): We argue by induction on n. The case n = 1 is part
of Proposition 3.1.
Assume n > 1 and let Rt = R [ s l , . . . , s t ] , 1 5 t 5 n. Then, by induction, R,-1
is a
finitely generated R-module. Now R, = Rn-1[sn] is a finitely generated R,-I-module
the case n = 1, since s, is integral over
Hence R , = S is finitely generated as an
R-module. Let R be a subring of S . Then the set C of all elements of S which are integral over
R is called the integral closure of R in S. If C = R, then R is said to be integrally closed in S . 3.3. Corollary. Let R be a subring of S and let C be the integral closure of R in S .
Then C is a subring of S containing R.
Proof. It is clear that C 2 R. If R-module by Corollary 3.2. Iience
~ 1 , E s C ~
then Rlsl,sz] is a finitely generated
f s~ and s l s z are integral over R by Proposition
3.1(iii). rn
3.4. Corollary. Let R
CS &
T be rings such that S is integral over R and T is
integral over S. Then T is integral over R. P r o o f . Given t E T , let s1,.
. . ,s,
E S be such that
+ sltn--l + . . . + s,
The ring S1 = R [ s l , . . . ,s,,] is a finitely generated R-module by Corollary 3.2. Furthermore, S l [ t ]is a finitely generated S1-module (since t is integral over
s,). Hence & [ t ] is a
finitely generated R-module. Therefore t is integral over R by Proposition 3.l(iii). rn 3.5.
Corollary. Let R 2 S be rings and let C be the integral closure of R in S .
Then C is integrally closed in S. P r o o f . Let s E S be integral over C. Then, by Corollary 3.4, s is integral over R. Hence s E C as required. rn The folIowing simple observation is often useful. 3.6. P r o p o s i t i o n . Let A
B be rings and let B be integral over A.
( i ) For any ideal I of B , B / I is integral over A / ( A n I ) (here
identify A / ( An I ) with
the subring ( A + I ) / I of B / I ) . (ii) If S is a multiplicative subset of A, then Bs is integral over A s . P r o o f . (i) If b E B then bn+a1bn-'
+. . .+a,
for some a l , . . . ,a, in A . Reducing
this equation mod I , the required assertion follows. (ii) Let b / s E B s , b E B , s E S. Then the equation for b in (i) yields
+ ( a l / s ) ( b / s ) " - ' + . .. + a , / s n
and hence b / s is integral over A s . rn
As an easy application of the above result, we record 3.7. P r o p o s i t i o n . Let A
If S is
be rings
let C be the integral closure of A in B .
a multiplicative subset of A , then C S is the integral closure of As i n B s .
Proof. By Proposition 3.6(ii), Cs is integral over A s . Conversely, if b / s E B s is integral over A s , then we have a n equation of the form (a; E
E S)
Pur t = s 1 . . . s, and multiply this equation by ( s t ) " . Then we see t h a t bt is integral over
A , hence bt E C . But then b / s = b t / s t E C s , as required. rn An integral domain is said to be integrally closed if it is integrally closed in its quotient field. We close by providing a class of integrally closed domains. First, however, we must introduce the notion of divisibility in R. Let R be a n integral domain. As in IL we define alb (for any a, b E R ) to mean
b = ar
for some r E R
This is equivalent to the requiremect ( b ) C ( a ) . Observe t h a t an element u E R is a unit if and only if ul l . The units are trivial divisors since they are divisors of every element of R. If alb and bla (or, equivalently, if ( a ) = ( b ) ) , then we shall say t h a t a and b are associated. It is easy to see that a and b are associated if and only if a = bu for some unit u of R. 4. nonzero element p of R is said to be a prime if ( p ) is a prime ideal. Expressed
nonzero p E R is a prime if p is a nonunit such t h a t
p l a or pjb
By an irreducible element we understand a nonunit which is not a product of two nonunits.
A prime is always irreducible : if a prime p satisfies p = ab, then by definition, pja or p l b , say pla. It follows that a = p r = abr for some r E R , and a
0 (as divisor of p ) .
Hence br = 1, by cancellation, so b is a unit. A greatest com m on divisor ( G C D ) o f elements
a l , ... ,a,
E R is an element
such t h a t r divides each a , and r is divisible by each common divisor of
a l , . . . ,a,.
ER The
G C D is not unique : if r is a GCD, then so is any r' associated t o r . Conversely, if r and r' are both GCDs of a l , . . . ,a,, then r' is associated t o
We shall ignore the distinction
between associates and denote any one of the GCDs of a l , . . . ,a, by
( a l , .. . ,a,).
Let R be an integral domain. Following Kaplansky, we say t h a t R is a G C D - d o m a i n if each pair of nonzero elements of R has a greatest common divisor. If R is a GCD-domain, then one immediately verifies that any finite number of elements of R have a G C D . In fact
(a,b,c) = ((a,b),c) = (a,(b,c)) (a; E R )
(ai,...,an) = ((al,...,an-l),an)
Let R be a n integral domain and let a , b, c E R. The following properties are immediate consequences of the definitions:
(2) If ( c a , cb) exists, then ( a , b) exists and ( c a , cb) = c ( a , b) (3) If ( a , b) = ( a , c ) = 1, then ( a , bc) = 1
3.8. P r o p o s i t i o n . A n y G C D - d o m a i n is integrally closed,
Proof. Let R be a GCD-domain and let F be its quotient field. Suppose X E F is such t h a t
+ q X n - - l + ... + r , = o
Write X = a / b with a , b E R. Then, by (2), there exist s, t E R such t h a t a = (a,b ) s , b =
( a , b ) t , and ( s , t ) = 1. Substituting X = s / t in (4), we obtain
+ r 1 s n - l t + . . . + r,tn
= 0,
whence t divides sn. Since, by (3), ( s n , t ) = 1, it follows t h a t t is a unit of R. Hence X E R and the result follows.
In order t o apply Proposition 3.8, we finally record 3.9. P r o p o s i t i o n . Let R be a n integral domain. T h e n R i s a G C D - d o m a i n i f and
only if the intersection of a n y t w o principal ideals of R i s a principal ideal.
Proof. Assume t h a t the intersection of any two principal ideals of R is a principal ideal. Given a , b E R , we then have ( a ) n ( b ) = ( c ) for some c E R; hence ab = cr for some r E R. We claim that r = ( a , b ) . Indeed, since
= a r l = br2 for some
r1,r2 E
R , we have
ab = a r l r = E72r and so r i a , rib by cancellation. If d is another common divisor of a and b, say a = d s l and b = ds2, put m = d s l s z . Then m E ( a ) n ( b ) , hence m = cs say, and so cr = ab = d m = eds. It follows, by cancellation, that r = d s and sufficiency is therefore
Conversely, assume t h a t R is a GCD-domain and fix a , b E R. Let d = (a,b) and write a = dx, 6 = dy. By (2), (x,y) = 1 and (xz,yz) = z for any z E
I?. T h e latter implies that
if xjyz, then zIz. If xzl = yz2 E (x) n (y), then x(yz2 and so xiz2. This implies
E (x)
and yz2 E (xy) so that (x) n (y) = (xy). Accordingly,
as required.
4. P o l y n o m i a l r i n g s .
A monoid is a set G with a n associative binary operation and having a n identity element 1. For the rest of this section, R denotes a commutative ring and G a monoid. T h e monoid
algebra RG of G over R is the free R-module on the elements of G, with multiplication
induced by t h a t in G. More explicitly, RG consists of all formal linear combinations
with finitely many x g # 0 subject to (i) c z g . g= C y g . g if and only if xg = yg for all g E G. (4
C%.9+ C Y g . 9 = C ( X , + Yg)??
(iii) ( C . c g . g ) ( C y h . h ) = C2t.t where zt = C g h = t x g y h (iv) r ( C xg . g) = C ( r x g ) . g
for all r E R.
An easy verification shows t h a t these operations define R G as a n associative R-algebra with 1 = 1 ~ . 1where ~ , 1~ and 1~ are identity elements of R and G, respectively. With the aid of the injective homomorphisms
we shall in the future identify R and G with their images in RG. With these identifications, the formal sums and products become ordinary sums and products. For this reason, from now on we drop the dot in xg.g. Given x =
xgg E RG, the support of x, written Suppx, is defined by
It is clear that Suppx is a finite subset of G that is empty if and only if z = 0. 4.1. Proposition. Let A be a n R-algebra, let G be a monoid and let
11,:G-tA be a n y m a p satisfying $(l) = 1 and 11,(zy) = 11,(x)11,(y)f o r all z,y E G. T h e n the map
: RG
A given by
is a homomorphism o f R-algebras. I n particular, if 11, is injective and A is R-free with +(G) as a basis, t h e n RG
A as R-algebras.
Proof. Bearing in mind that RG is R-free freely generated by G , we see that +* is a homomorphism of R-modules. Let
be two elements of RG. Then
as required.
Assume that G is a free abelian group freely generated by the set
Then each element of G can be uniquely written in the form
with only finitely many n, # 0. The submonoid of G consisting of all elements (1) in which
2 0 for
all i E I is called a free commutative monoid freely generated by
The corresponding monoid algebra Over R is denoted by R[(X,),,I].
{XJi I } .
We shall refer to
R [ ( X , ) , E I ]as the polynomial r i n g in the indeterminates X, with coefficients in R . If I
is a finite set, say I = {1,'2>.. . , n } , we write R [ X I , X z , . . . ,X,] instead of R[(X,),Eri In particular, the polynomial ring in the indeterminate X with coefficients in R will h r denoted by
The elements z
of R[(X,),,l] (n,
0 and n, = 0 for all but finitely
E I ) are called monomials. Hence, by definition, R[(X,),,f] is a free R-module freelj
generated by all monomials. The degree of the monomial
ntElXtnLis defined by
If f is a nonzero polynomial in R [ ( X a ) i E then ~ ] , we define the degree of f , written degf, to be the maximum of the degrees of the monomials in the support of f. Thus deg f = 0
if and only if f is a nonzero element of R . I f f = 0 then we say that its degree is -a. Let d denote a nonnegative integer and let f be a nonzero polynomial in R [ ( X t ) ; E ~ ] . We refer to f as homogeneous of degree d (or as a f o r m of degree d ) if all monomials in Suppf are of degree d . Let 0
# f ( X ) E R [ X ]be of degree n. Then f ( X ) = ro
with ra € R and with r , constant t e r m
+ r l X + . . . + rnXn
# 0. We refer to rn as the leading coeficzent of f and
ro as its
We also say that f is m o n i e if r n = 1.
For convenience, let us recall the following information. Let B be a subset of an R-algebra A . Then the elements ( r , E R , v(b) 2 0 )
with finitely many r y and ~ ( 6 )distinct from zero form a subalgebra of A . This subalgebra,
denoted by R [ B ](or simply R [ a ]if 13 = { a } ) is obviously the smallest subalgebra containing
B. For this reason, we refer t o R [ B ]as the subalgebra of -4generated by B . If A
then we say that A is generated by 3. Let A be an R-algebra and let B be any subset of A . We say that B is algebrazcally Independent over R (or that the elements of B are algebraically independent over R ) if the
( 4 b ) 2 0)
are R-linearly independent. In the special case where B = { a } , we see that a is algebraically independent over R if and only if (1, a , a', , . . , a n , . . .} is an R-linearly independent set. If
a E A is algebraically independent over R , then we also say t h a t a is transcendental over
R. In the case where a is not transcendental over R , we say t h a t a is algebraic over R. Thus a is algebraic over R if and only if there exists a nonzero polynomial f ( X ) E R [ X ] such t h a t f ( a ) = 0.
We next record some basic properties of polynomial rings. 4.2. P r o p o s i t i o n . Let A be any commutative R-algebra.
(i) Any map { X ; l i E I }
A , X ; ++ a; can be eztended t o a homomorphism
of R-algebras. I n particular, if A is generated b y {a;li E I } , then A i s a homomorphic
image of R [ ( X i ) i € 1 1 . (ii) The above homomorphism is injective if and only i f the elements a; are algebraically
independent over R (iii) A s R[(X;);,r] i f and only i f there is a generating set {a;li E I } for A which is
algebraically independent over R. I n particular, A
E R [ X ]i f
and only if A is generated
b y a transcendental element. P r o o f . (i) Let G be the monoid generated by the X ; , i E I . Setting
it follows t h a t +(1) = 1 and +(zy) = +(z)+(y) for all z,y E G. Now apply Proposition 4.1.
(ii) This follows from (2) and the definition of algebraic independence. (iii) Apply (i) and (ii). 4.3. P r o p o s i t i o n . Let
I = J U K be a disjoint union and let S
R [ ( X j ) j E ~Then ].
and, i n particular,
P r o o f . Owing t o Proposition 4.2(i), the map X ;
X ; , i E I extends to a homomor-
I ] S [ ( X k ) k E of ~ ]R-algebras. Because its image contains S and each phism R [ ( X , ) ; ~ -+
k E K , the given homomorphism is surjective. Furthermore, the elements x;,i E I of
S (( X k ) k E K ]are obviously algebraically independent over R. The desired conclusion now
follows by virtue of Proposition 4.2(ii). w
in R [ X ]and let a , and
4.4 P r o p o s i t i o n . Let f ( X ) and g ( X ) be nonzero polynomials
b, be the leading coefficients of f ( X ) and g ( X ) , respectively. If at least one of a,, b, is not a zero divisor i n R , then deg(fg) = degf
+ degg
and the leading coefficient of f g is anb,. P r o o f . If f ( X ) = a0
+ a l X + . . . + a,Xn f ( X ) g ( X )= aobo
and g ( X ) = bo
+ b l X + . . . + b,X",
+ . . . + anb,Xm+n
and the result follows. 4.5.
C o r o l l a r y . Let R be an integral domain. Then, for any set I , R [ ( X , ) ; E ris]
a!so an integral domain. Proof.
There is no loss of generality in assuming t h a t I is finite. Moreover, by
Proposition 4.3, it suffices to show t h a t R ( X ] is a n integral domain. T h e latter being a
consequence of Proposition 4.4, the result follows. rn 4.6. C o r o l l a r y . Let R be an integral domain. Then, for any set I , the unit groups of R and R [ ( X , ) i c l ]are the same.
P r o o f . It suffices to show that if u E R [ ( X i ) i , l ] is a unit, then u is a unit of R. But if uv = 1, then u , v E R by comparing degrees, hence the result. a 4.7. P r o p o s i t i o n , Let f ( X ) and g ( X ) be two nonzero polynomials i n R [ X ]of degrees
m and n , respectively. Put k = max{m
+ l,O}
and denote b y a the leading coefficient
of g ( X ) . Then there ezist polynomials q ( X ) and r ( X ) such that U k f ( X )= q ( X ) s ( X )+.(XI where either r ( X ) = 0 or degr(X) < n . Furthermore, i f a is not a zero divisor in R , then q ( X ) and r ( X ) are uniquely determined. P r o o f . If m < n, then k = 0 and we may take q ( X ) = 0, r ( X ) = f ( X ) . Thus we may assume t h a t m
n - 1 in which case k = m
+ 1.
To prove the first part,
we argue by induction on m. The case m = n - 1 being trivial, assume m 2 n. Then
a f ( X )- b X m P n g ( X )has degree a t most m
1, where b is the leading coefficient of f ( X ) .
Invoking induction hypothesis, we may find polynomials q , ( X ) and r l ( X ) such that
where either n ( X ) = 0 or degrl(X) < n. This proves the first assertion, by taking
q ( X ) = bam-nXm-n
+ q l ( X ) , -7(X)= r l ( X )
Assume that a is not a zero divisor and that
where either r l ( X ) = 0 or degrI(X) < n. Then
If q ( X ) - q l ( X ) # 0, then the left side has degree at least n, since the leading coefficient of g ( X ) is not a zero divisor (see Proposition 4.4). But this is impossible, because r I ( X ) - r ( X ) is either zero or has degree less than n. Thus q ( X ) = q l ( X ) and so r l ( X j = r ( X ) , as required.
Let f ( X ) and g ( X ) be two nonzero polynomials i n R [ X ] and
let the leading coefficient of g ( X ) be a unit of R. Then there ezist unique polynomials q ( X ) , r ( X ) E R [ X ]such that
where either r ( X ) = 0 or degr(X) < deg g ( X ) . Proof. Apply Proposition 4.7. w 4.9. Corollary. Let f ( X ) be a nonzero polynomial in R [ X ] . Then, for any given r E
R, f ( r ) = 0 i f and only if X Proof. If f ( X ) = ( X
r is a divisor of f ( X ) .
r ) g ( X ) for some g ( X ) E R [ X ] ,then obviously f ( r ) = 0.
Conversely, assume that f ( r ) = 0 and put g ( X ) = X--7. Since g ( X ) is a monic polynomial
of degree 1, it follows from Corollary 4.8 that f ( X ) = q ( X ) g ( X ) r l for some r l E R and some q ( X ) E R [ X ] .But then 0 = f ( r ) = rl as required. If X is a n indeterminate, then an element r in R such t h a t f ( r ) = 0 is called a root of
f(XI 4.10. Corollary. Let R be a n integral domain and let f ( X ) E R [ X ] .
If a1 . . . , a , are distinct roots of f ( X ) in R , then (X- a l ) ( X - a 2 ) .. . ( X - a,) divides f ( X )
(ii) Zf f ( X ) # 0 , then the number of roots o f f ( X ) an R does not ezceed deg f ( X ) .
Proof. We first observe that (ii) follows from (i). To prove (i), we argue by induction on m. The case m = 1 being a consequence of Corollary 4.9, assume t h a t the statement is true for m - 1 roots. Then
and so f (a,)
= (a,
= 0 so t h a t
a l ) ...( a ,
Because R is a n integral domain,
a , divides q ( X ) by Corollary 4.9. Thus the corollary is proved. w
Recall t h a t a principal ideal domain (PID) is an integral domain in which all ideals are principal. 4.11. Corollary. Let F be a f i e l d . Then F [ X ] is a principal ideal domain.
Proof. Owing t o Corollary 4.5, F I X ] is a n integral domain. Let I be
nonzero ideal
of F [ X ]and let g be a nonzero element of Z of smallest possible degree. If f
0 is an
element of I , then by Corollary 4.8, f = qg'+ r for some q , r E F [ X ] where , degr < degg if T
# 0. But r
qg E
I , hence r
= 0 as required.
Let R be a GCD-domain. Then a nonzero polynomial f in R [ X ]is said t o be primitive if the G C D of its coefficients is 1. 4.12. Lemma. (Gauss's lemma). Let R be a GCD-domain.
polynomials of R [ X ] .then so is f g .
Proof. Write f and g in the form
Zf f a z d g are primitive
< s1 < . . . < ,s t o < t l < . . . < t , and each a ; , b j is nonzero. We must show that if d # 0 is a nonunit of R , then d fails t o divide some coefficient of fg.
where so
If ( a 0 , d ) = ( b o , d ) = 1, then ( a o b o , d ) = 1 and so d does not divide aobo, a coefficient of fg. Thus we may assume t h a t either ( a 0 , d ) # 1 or ( b 0 , d )
1; say for definiteness
( a o ,d ) # 1. Now consider the sequence do, d l , . . . , d, defined by
Then do .f. 1 and, since f is primitive, there exists a smallest integer i d; = 1. Because d,-1
1 such that
is a nonunit divisor of d , it is enough to show t h a t d;-l
not divide some coefficient of fg. Hence we may assume t h a t d divides ao, a l , . .. and t h a t ( a i , d ) = 1. Again, we choose k t o be minimal with respect t o the property
( b o , b l , . . . ,b k , d ) = 1. Replacing d by d' = ( b o , b l , . . . ,bk-1, d ) (if k = 0, then d = d'), we may also assume that d divides bo, b l , . . . ,bk-1 and that ( b k , d ) = 1. Let -: R [ X ]--t [ R / ( d ) ] [ Xbe] the natural homomorphism. Since d divides ao, al,.. . , a;-l, bo, b l , . . . , bk-
we have
Taking into account t h a t ( a i , d ) = ( b k , d ) = 1, we must also have ( a i b k , d ) = 1. Thus
a,bk so that the coefficient c ; b k of f g is nonzero. It follows that
fs = f i j # 0 and
hence d fails to divide some coefficients of fg. So the lemma is true. Let R
S be commutative rings and let a l , . . . a , be algebraically independent
elements of S over R. Let X be an indeterminate over R [ a l , .. . ,an]. Then t h e polynomial
f ( X ) = (X- a l ) . . . (X- a,) over R [ a l , .. . ,a,,]
can be written in the form
f ( X ) = X" - six"-'
+ . . . + (-l)ns,
where each si = si(a1,.. . ,a,,) is a polynomial in s1 = f f 1 + a2
s, =
. . ,a,. In fact,
+ ...+a,
f f 1 f f z . ..a,
The polynomials s l , . . . , s, are called the elementary s y m m e t r i c polynomials of It is clear t h a t si is homogeneous of degree i in
a1,. . .
, a,.
. ,a,.
Let S , be the symmetric group
of degree n. If o E S , and f ( a l r ...,a,) E R [ a l , .. . , a,], define f" by
We say that the polynomial f is s y m m e t r i c if f" = f for all [T E S,. It is clear that the set of symmetric polynomials is a subring of R [ a l , .. . , a,] containing R and the elementary
symmetric polynomials sl,. . . ,s,.
It will next be shown t h a t it contains nothing else.
Let X 1 , .. . , X, be indeterminates. We define the weight of a monomial
t o be
+ 2tz + . . . + nt,.
The weight of an arbitrary polynomial g ( X 1 , .. . , X,) is defined
as the maximum of the weights of the monomials occuring in g . 4.13. Theorem. Let R
be commutative rings a n d let
R. If f(al,. . . ,a,) E R [ a l , .. . ,a,] polynomial g ( X ; , . . . , X,) E RIX1,. . . , X,] of
independent elements of
ci, t h e n there ezists a
. . , a , be algebraically is s y m m e t r i c of degree weight
d such that
Moreover, t h e e l e m e n t a r y s y m m e t r i c polynomials sl,.. . , s, of air.. . , a , are algebraically independent over R.
Proof. The case n = 1 being trivial, we argue by induction on n. SO assume that the result is true for n
1 indeterminates. Substituting a , = 0 in
we find t h a t
(X - a1).. . (X - a,-l)X
= X"
- s1,0xn--1
+ . . . + (-l)-lsn-l,ox
where s;,~ is the expression obtained by substituting a , = 0 in s;. Observe t h a t s l , ~ ,... , s,-1,0
are all elementary symmetric polynomials in
a1,. .
. ,an-l. To prove the first asser> 0 and f(a1l . . . ,a,)
tion, we now proceed by induction on d. The case d = 0 being trivial, assume d
< d. Given a polynomial of degree d , there exists a polynomial gl(X1,. . . Xn-l) of weight 5 d such t h a t t h a t our assertion is true for polynomials of degree
Note t h a t g l ( s 1 , . . . , + - I )
has degree
5 d (in
has degree
al,.. . ,a,)
contains a , as a factor. But
5 d in
a1,. ..a,.
Thus the polynomial
and is symmetric. Because fl
.., a n - l , O )
is symmetric, so it contains
.a, as a factor. We
deduce therefore that f l = s,fZ(al,. ..,an) for some symmetric polynomial degree is
= 0, fl
< d. Invoking the induction hypothesis, we may find a polynomial
n indeterminates and weight 5 d - n such t h a t
and each term on the right has weight 5 d , proving the first assertion.
To prove the second assertion, we argue by contradiction and choose a nonzero polynomial X(X1,.. . ,X,) E R[X1,. . . ,Xn]of least degree such t h a t qs1, ...,s),
We may write X as a polynomial in Xn with coefficients in R [ X l , . . . ,X,-l], X(X1,. . . , X , ) = Xo(X1,. . . ,Xn-l) and claim t h a t Xo
+ . . . + X k ( X 1 , . .. ,xn-l)x;
# 0. Indeed, otherwise we may write
for some polynomial p , and thus s,p(s1,. . . ,s,)
= 0. But then p(s1,.
. . ,sn)
= 0 and fi
has degree smaller than the degree of A, contrary t o our choice of A. We now substitute s; for
X;in (3) and obtain
0 = AO(S1,.
. . ,sn-
+ . . . + Xk(Sl,.
. . , Sn-1)Sk,
This is a relation in R [ a l , .. . ,a,] and we substitute 0 for a , in this relation. In this way we derive 0 = Ao(s~,o,.
. .>sn-I,O)
which is a nontrivial relation between the elementary symmetric polynomials in a n - 1 . This
. .. ,
provides the desired contradiction, thus completing the proof.
5 . Unique factorization domains.
A unique factorization d o m a i n ( U F D ) is an integral domain in which every element not zero or a unit can be written as a product of irreducible elements, and given two complete factorizations of the same element z = y,y2.. . y , = 2 1 2 2 . . .Z*
then r = t and, after suitably renumbering the z:s,y;
(y,, z, irreducible)
is associated t o z,.
5.1. Lemma. Let R be a GCD d o m a i n . T h e n e v e r y irreducible elemezt of R i s a
Suppose p is irreducible and that plab for some a , b E R. Because p is
irreducible and ( p , a ) is a divisor of p , either ( p , a ) = p or ( p , a ) = 1. Similarly, ( p , b ) = p or ( p , b) = 1. Now ( p , a ) = ( p , b ) = 1 would imply ( p , a b ) = 1, which is impossible. Thus
either pla or p l b , as required.
We now observe t h a t if R is a U F D , then R is a G C D domain (in particular, by
Lemma 5.1, every irreducible element of R is a prime). Indeed, giver, two nonzero elements x,y E R , we can write
where u and v are units and where
. . , p t are pairwise nonassociated irreducible ele-
ments. Hence any common divisor of z and y is of the form wp;'& . . . p f ' , where w is a
unit and 6;
5 min{a;,pi}. Setting
7, = min{a,,p,}, we conclude that (z, y ) = p?’
. . .p:’
and thus R is a GCD domain. It will next be shown that the UFD’s are precisely those G C D domains, in which the ascending chain condition for principal ideals ( A C C P ) is satisfied. 5.2. Proposition. Let R be a n integral domain. T h e n the following conditions are
equivalent: (i) Every nonzero nonunit of R is a product of primes
(ii) R is a U F D
(iii) R is a G C D domain in which A C C P is satisfied. Proof. (i) +- (ii): Because any prime is irreducible, it suffices to establish uniqueness of factorization. To this end, let e = a l ... a , = b l
be two factorizations into primes. We must show that r = s and that, after suitable renumbering the b:s, b, is associated t o a,. We argue by induction on r ; for r = 1 there is nothing t o prove (since s must then also be l ) , so let r > 1. A simple inductive argument shows that, if a product of more than two factors is divisible by a prime p , then so is one of the factors. Thus allbk for some k, say k = 1 (by renumbering the his) and so a l = b l u
for some unit u of R. Dividing a1 ...a , = bl . . . b, by It therefore follows, by induction, t h a t t h a t a , is associated t o b,, 2
i- -
we obtain u a 2 . . .a, =
1 = s - 1 and t h a t we can renumber the b:s so
5 i 5 r. Since this also holds for i
= 1, the uniqueness of
factorization is established. (ii) 3 (iii): As has been observed earlier, R is a GCD domain. Taking into account that there are only finitely many of pairwise nonassociated divisors of z E R , we conclude that
(z) is contained in only finitely many principal ideals of R. Thus A C C P is satisfied in R. (iii)
+ (i): Owing to Lemma 5.1, every irreducible element of R is a prime.
Thus, given a
# 0, it suffices t o show that z is a product of irreducible elements.
We first prove
nonunit z
that z has a n irreducible divisor. If z is irreducible, there is nothing to prove. Otherwise, let z = z l y l where z l , y l are nonunits. Then either 52,y2
is irreducible or z1 = z2y2 where
are nonunits. Continuing this process, we obtain the ascending chain (z)
c ( 2 1 ) c (zz) c ...
By assumption, this chain must terminate; if x, is the last term, x, is irreducible, and
x*lx. We now let x, = p l and write x = P I C l . If c 1 is irreducible, then the proof is complete. Otherwise, we have c 1 = p z c z where
is irreducible. Continuing in this way, we obtain
the ascending chain
(x)L ( C l )
c (Cz) c ... Thus there exist irreducible
This terminates with a n irreducible element c , = P , + ~ . elements p l , p z , . . . ,pn+l such that
and the result follows. m 5 . 3 . Corollary. E v e r y PID is a U F D .
Proof. Suppose t h a t R is a PID. By Propositions 3.9 and 5.2, it suffices to show that R satisfies ACCP. To this end, let
be an ascending chain of principal ideals of R. Then the union is a n ideal generated by b, say, and if b E
( a k ) , then
UCan) = (b)=
= ( a k + l ) = . . ., as required. rn
Let F be a field. By Corollary 4.6, a nonzero f ( X ) E if degf(X)
1. Thus f ( X ) is irreducible if and only if degf(X)
product of two polynomials of degree 5.4.
F[X] is a nonunit if and only
f(X)E F [ X ]of
1 and f ( X ) is not a
2 1.
L e t F be a f i e l d .
F [ X ]is a U F D a n d e v e r y p o l y n o m i a l
positive degree c a n be w r i t t e n as
f(X) = Ufl(X)"'
. . . f,(X)".
( n , 2 1, a E F ' )
where f l ( X ) ,. . . ,j r ( X ) are d i s t i n c t irreducible m o n i c p o l y n o m i a l s u n i q u e l y d e t e r m i n e d by
f (XI. Proof. This is a direct consequence of Corollaries 5.3 and 4.11.
Let F be a field and let f ( X ) E F [ X ]be a monk polynomial of positive degree. Then, by Corollary 5.4,
where f l ( X ) ,. . . , f,.(X) are distinct irreducible monic polynomials uniquely determined by f ( X ) . We shall refer to (1) as the canonical decomposition of f ( X ) . 5.5 Proposition. Let F be a field, let f ( X ) E F I X ] be of degreee
2 1 and let
be the decomposition o f f ( X ) into the product of powers of distinct irreducible polynomials. T h e n for R = F [ X ] / ( f ( X )t )h e following properties hold: 6) R
(4 J ( R )
F[Xl/(fz(X)'2) n:I(ft(x))/(fi(X)")
(iii) R / J ( R ) Proof.
nzlF [ X ] / ( f , ( X )and ) each F [ X ] / ( f , ( X )i)s a field. Since f [ X ] / ( f , ( X ) )is a n artinian integral domain, it must be a field by
Proposition 1.2. Hence (iii) is a consequence of (i) and (ii). Since R is a finite dimensional F-algebra, N ( R ) = J ( R ) . Therefore (ii) follows from (i). To prove (i), note that both sides are of the same F-dimension. On the other hand, the natural homomorphism F [ X ] -+
nzlF [ X ] / ( f , ( X ) e .has ) kernel (f(X)).So the proposition is true.
T h e next result will enable us to provide a large class of unique fact,orization domains. 5.6. Proposition. Let R be a G C D d o m a i n . T h e n t h e ring R I X I , . . . , X,] is also a
G C D domain Proof. By Proposition 4.3, we need only verify t h a t R [ X ]is a GCD domain. Let F
and T be the quotient field of R and the set of primitive polynomials in R [ X ] respectively. , U'e claim that for s E S
(0) and for any t E T ,
R [ X ] sn R [ X ] t= R [ X ] s t The containment R [ X ] s tC R [ X ] sn R [ X ] tis always true, so let h = f s = gt E R [ X ] sn R [ X ] t
We write g = s l t l where s1 is the GCD of the coefficients of g and tl E
T. By Lemma
4.12, ttl E T and so s1 is the GCD of the coefficients of h and sIs1. This shows that
h = s l t l t E R [ X ] s t thus , proving ( 2 ) . Regarding R [ X ]as a subring of F I X ] ,we next show that
F [ x ]n ~ R [ X ]= R [ X ] t
for all t E T
Indeed, let g E R [ X ]be such that g = ft for some f E F [ X ] .Then there exists s E S and fl
R [ X ]such t h a t sg = t f l . Observe t h a t if
( a ) n ( b ) = ( a b ) , then a(bc implies alc
(a,b,c E R )
It follows from (2) and (4) that slfl, so g E R [ X ] tand therefore F [ X ] tn R [ X ]
The opposite inclusion being trivial, (3) is established. Let f and g be nonzero polynomials in R [ X ] .By Proposition 3.9, the result will follow provided we show t h a t R [ X ] fn R [ X ] gis a principal ideal. To this end, we write f = s l t l and g = s2tz for some slsz E S and t l , t z E T . Because R is a GCD domain, it follows from Proposition 3.9 that RsI n Rsz = Rs for some s E S . Now the elements of S are units of F [ X ] ,so F [ X ] f= F [ X ] t land F [ X ] g= F [ X ] t z .Because F [ X ]is a GCD domain (Proposition 3.9 and Corollary 4.11), we deduce t h a t there exists t E T such that
F I X ] t l n F [ X ) t z= F [ X ] t
It will now be shown that R [ X ] fn R [ X ] g= R [ X ] s tand this will finish the proof.
; Since t E F [ X ] t i ,i = 1 , 2 , it follows from (3) t h a t t E R [ X ] t l hence
and thus R [ X ] s tC R [ X ] f n R [ X ] gTo . prove the reverse inclusion, write h E R [ X ] f n R [ X ] g in the form h = xy where x E S and y E T . Then silsy for i = 1 , 2 and, by (2)
R[X]sn , R [ X ] y= R [ X ] s i y .It follows from (4)that silx and thus six. On the other hand, invoking (3) and (5), we have
F [ X ] hn R [ X != F [ X ] yn R [ X ]
t h a t t l y . Thus s t l z y and therefore
as we wished to show.
It is now a n easy matter to provide a large class of unique factorization domains. 5.7. Theorem. Let R be a U F D . Then, for any s e t I , R[(X;);,I]
is also a L'FD.
Proof. We claim t h a t it suffices t o treat the case where I is finite; if sustained, it will follow, from Proposition 4.3, that we need only show that R [ X ] is a U F D . Assume t h a t 0 # f E R[(X;);,g]. with g1,gZ E
Then f E R [ X l , ..., X,] for some n
f = gig2 R[(X;),cr], then glgz E RIX1,. . . , X n , X n + l r . . ,X,] for some m 2 n. We
may regard RIX1,. . . ,X,, . . . ,X,]
1 and if
as the polynomial ring RIX1,. . . , X n ] [ X n + 1 , . . , X,],
in which case f has degree zero and hence both g1 and gz are of degree zero. This shows t h a t g1,gZ E R[XX,. . . ,X,]and hence
f is a n irreducible element of R [ ( X ; ) ; E r if] and only
if f is a n irreducible element of R [ X I , . . . , X,]. This substantiates our claim. Owing t o Propositions 5.6 and 5.2, we are left t o verify that any ascending chain
of principal ideals of R [ X ] breaks off. We may clearly assume that a!l case degfl
degf, = degf, case there is a
# 0, in which
2 ... 2 degf, 2 .... Thus there is a n integer m 2 1 such that for all n 2 m. Hence we may assume that degfl = degfz = . . . in which nonzero r,+l in R such that r,+lfn+l = fn for all n 2 1. In particular,
if b , is the leading coefficient of f,,, then rn+lb,+l
= b , for all n
1, so we obtain an
ascending chain (bi)
C (bz) C . . . C ( h )C . . .
This terminates, by Proposition 5.2, so there is a n integer m for all n
2 rn.
Thus (rm+, b,,
= (b,+,)
for all j
1 such t h a t (b,) = (b,)
1, and hence r,+,
is a unit for all
j 2 1. Accordingly, (f,,,) = ( f m + l ) = . . ., as required. We now turn our attention t o polynomial rings over unique factorization domains. Let R be a U F D ,let F be the quotient field of R and let P be a complete set of pairwise nonassociated primes of R . Fix a nonzero f ( X ) E F [ X ] , whose nonzero coefficients are a l , . . . ,a,. Then there exist p l , . . . , p , in P such that
where u; E U ( R ) , 1 5 z
n. We define the content of f, written c o n t ( f ) , t o be the
product cont(f) = p;'p?
.. .p$
= min{Ak,(l <_
i 5 n})
or any multiple of this product by a unit of R. Thus cont(f) is well-defined up to multiplication by a unit of R. The following properties are immediate consequences of the definition of cont(f): (a) If f ( X ) E R [ X ] then , cont(f) is the greatest common divisor of the coefficients o f f (b) cont(f) = 1 if and only i f f is a primitive polynomial of R [ X ] (c) f ( X ) = c f l ( X ) where c = cont(f) and f l ( X ) is a primitive polynomial of R [ X ] . 5.8. Theorem. Let R be a U F D and let F be the quotient f i e l d of R .
(i) Zf f , g are nonzero polynomials i n F [ X ] ,then cont(fg)= cont(f)cont(g) (ii) If 0 # f ( X ) E R [ X ]has a factorization f ( X ) = g ( X ) h ( X )an F [ X ] ,then
where cg = cont(g), C h = cont(h), g = c,gl, h = C h h l and
E R. In particular, if
# const cannot be decomposed in R [ X ]as a product of factors of degree 2 1, then f
is irreducible in F [ X ] . (iii) If f ( X ) is a monic potynomial in R [ X ]and f ( X ) = g ( X ) h ( X ) ,where g ( X ) and h ( X )
are monic polynomials in F [ X ] ,then g ( X ) , h ( X )E R [ X ] .
Proof. cont(g), and
(i) By (c), we may write f = c f l and g = d g l where c = cont(f), d = fl,g1
are primitive polynomials in R [ X ] .Because cont(fg) = cdcont(flgl),
the required assertion follows by Lemma 4.12. (ii) It suffices t o notice that, by (i), C y C h is the content of
f(x)E R [ X ] ,hence C g C h
is in
R,and that, by (c), g l ( X ) , h ( X ) E R [ X l . (iii) In the notation of (ii), let
and p1 be the leading coefficients of
spectively. Because g and h are monic, we have cg = A;' 1-1
6 R. Hence
and thus both g ( X ) and h ( X ) are in R [ X ] .
and c h = p;'
and h l , reand, by (ii),
Let I be a n ideal of a commutative ring R . Then the natural homomorphism R
induces a surjective ring homomorphism R [ X ]+ ( R / I ) [ X whose ] kernel I [ X ]consists of all polynomials with coefficients in I . We refer t o this homomorphism as the natural map. 5.9. Proposition. Let P be a prime ideal of an integral domain
+ r l X n p l + . .. + r ,
f ( X ) = roX"
R and let
( n 2 I)
be such that
ro$P, rn$P2andr,gP, l < i < n Then f ( X ) cannot be written as a product of two polynomials i n R [ X ]of degree
Proof. Assume by way of contradiction that f ( X ) = g ( X ) h ( X )with g ( X ) , h ( X )E
R!X]and d e g g ( X ) 2 1, degh(X) 2 1. By hypothesis, f ( X ) = rOXn (mod P [ X ] ) Because
RIP is a n integral domain, by looking a t the image of f ( X ) in ( R / P ) [ X ]we ,
deduce that
g ( X ) = a X k ( m o d P [ X ] )and h ( X ) E P X n - k ( m o d P [ X ] ) for some 1 5 k
5 n and some a ,
P . This implies that the constant terms of g ( X )
and h ( X ) belong t o P , hence rn E P 2 , a contradiction. 5 . 1 0 . Corollary. (Eisenstein's Criterion). Let R be a U F D , let F be the quotienf
f i e l d of R and let
+ r l X n p l + . .. + r ,
f ( X ) = rOXn
E R[X]
( n 2 1)
Assume that there is a prime p of R such that ro$O(modp), rn$O(modp2)andr,EO(modp), l < i < n Then f ( X ) is irreducible in F [ X ] . Proof. Apply Proposition 5.9 and Theorem 5.8(iii).
To illustrate some applications of the preceding result, we now provide three examples. 5 . 1 1 . Example. Let k be a nonzero square-free integer n
1 , the polynomial X n
rl. Then, for any integer
k is irreducible over Q . Indeed, take any prime divisor p of k
with p 2 1; k and apply Corollary 5.10.
5.12. Example. Let p be a prime number. Then the polynomial
+ x p - 2 + . .. + x+ 1
f ( X )= xp-' is irreducible over Q
. Indeed,
it sufices t o prove that f ( X
+ 1) is irreducible
over Q
this end, note that the binomial coeficients ( f ) , 1 5 t 5 p - 1, are divisible b y p . Because
( )
f ( X + l ) = ( x + l ) p -=xP-'+ l (;)xp-2+...+ (X+1)-1
p P-1
the required assertion follows from Corollary 5.10. rn 5.13. Example. Let F be a field and let
be a n element of some f i e l d containing F
is transcendental over F . Let K be the quotient field of F [ c t ] . Then, for any
such that
integer n
2 1, the
polynomial X n - n:
Indeed, put R = F [ a ] and note that
is irreducible in K [ X ] CY
is a prime element of R. Since R is a U F D , the
required assertion follows b y virtue of Corollary 5.10. rn We close by recording the following useful fact. 5.14. Proposition. (Reduction criterion). Let P be a prime ideal of a n integral
domain R , let
be the quotient fields of fz = R I P and let -:R [ X ]+ fz[X] be the natural
map. I f 0 # f E R [ X ]is such that d e g f = degT and
7 is irreducible in F [ X ] ,then f
be written as a product of two polynomials i n R [ X ]of degree
2 1.
Proof. Suppose f ( X ) = g ( X ) h ( X )with g ( X ) , h ( X ) E R [ X ] . Then
7= gz. Because
degg 5 degg and degh 5 degh, our hypothesis implies t h a t we must have equality in these degree relations. Hence from the irreducibility of
7in F [ X ] ,we conclude that g or h is an
element of R , as required. rn
6. Dedekind domains.
Let R be an integral domain and let F be the quotient field of R. Buy a fractional ideal of R , we understand any nonzero R-submodule I of F for which there exists a nonzero d
in R such that d . I
R. Expressed otherwise, this means that the elements of I have
a “common denominator” d E R. The ordinary nonzero ideals of R are fractional ideals
(with d = 1). However, F itself is not a fractional ideal of R (unless R = F ) , since otherwise there exists 0
# d E R such that F
= Rjd-’]. Then d p 2 = rd-’
with r E R,
and so d-’ = r E A , showing t h a t F = R[d-’] = R. Any nonzero finitely generated R-submodule I of F is a fractional ideal. This follows from the fact that, if I = R x l
+ ... + Rx,
for some xi = r , / d r ( r , , d i E R ) , then d =
d l d 2 . . . d , is a common denominator for the elements of I . Conversely, if R is noetherian, then every fractional ideal I of R is a finitely generated R-submodule of F . This is so since I 2 d-’R for some 0
We define the product I
E R and since the R-modules d-’R and R are isomorphic.
of two fractional ideals 1 and J as the set of all finite
sums C x , y , , where x; E I and y, E J . If d l and dz are the common denominators for
I and J , then dld2 is a common denominator for the R-submodule 1. J of F . Therefore I
is a fractional ideal, and so the fractional ideals of R constitute a multiplicative
monoid whose identity element is R . This monoid will be denoted by I ( R ) . The invertible elements of I ( R ) , also called invertible fractional ideals of R , constitute a group. Every
principal fractional ideal of R , i.e. an ideal of the form R x with 0 # x E F is invertible. Furthermore, the principal fractional ideals of R form a group which we denote by P ( R ) . We now introduce a class of integral domains which will be characterized by the property that I ( R j is a group. An integral domain R is called a Dedekind d o m a i n if it is noetherian, integrally closed and evsry nonzero prime ideal of R is maximal. 6.1. Proposition. A n y principal ideal d o m a i n is a Dedekind d o m a i n .
Let R be a P I D . Then R is noetherian, by the proof of Corollary 5.3.
Furthermore, since R is a G C D domain (Proposition 3.9), it follows from Proposition 3.8 that R is integrally closed. Let ( p ) primes and p
= qt
( q ) be nonzero prime ideals of R. Then p , q are
for some t E R. But a prime is always irreducible, hence t E U ( R ) and
( p ) = ( q ) , as required.
To provide some characterizations of Dedekind domains we first record preliminary observations. 6 . 2 . Lemma. Let R be a noetherian ring and let I
# R be a n ideal of R . T h e n there
exist p r i m e ideals P I , .. . ,P, of R such that P, 2 I for all i = 1 , .. . ,r , and I 2 PlP2.. . P,.
Proof. The assertion holds when I is a prime ideal. If I is not prime, we may find a,a' $ I such that a d E I . Put J = I
+ Ra
and J' = I
+ Ra',
so J J '
C I,
I c J , I c J'; hence J # R and J' # R. If the statement is already true for the ideals J , J' then it is true for I ; namely, there exist prime ideals P I , . . . ,P, containing J 3 I and &I,.
. . , Q t containing J' 3 I such that P I . . . P,
. . .Qt 5 J ' , so
(Pi . . . P a )(91. . . Q t ) C J J'
If however the statement fails for I , for example, then I is not a prime ideal and we may repeat the argument. This process must terminate, otherwise it would give rise to a strictly ascending infinite chain of ideals of R , which is impossible since R is noetherian.
6.3. Lemma. Let R be a Dedekind domain with quotient field F , let I be a nonzero
ideal of R and let I-' = { a E FlaI (i) I-'
5 R} = R . Furthermore, i f I
# R
prime ideals of R , then m
i s a fractional ideal of R containing R and I - ' I
then I-'
2 R.
Q1.. . Q , where the { P I } and
(ii) If P I . . . P,
and the
Proof.(i) If 0
{Qj} are
are a rearrangement of a subset of the {Pi}.
E I , then ax E R implies a E Rz-'. Thus I-'
is an R-submodule
of the finitely generated R-module Rx-' and, by Proposition 1.5, I-' generated R-module. This shows that I-'
is also a finitely
is a fractional ideal of R such that I-'
2 R.
Furthermore, R-' = R , since, if a E F is such that a R E R , then a E R.
# R , then I-' PI, . . . ,P,. such that
We now show that if I can find prime ideals
3 R. Choose 0
Choose such a set of prime ideals with minimal possible noetherian, I
a E I . By Lemma 6.2, we
Because I
R and R is
P for some maximal ideal P of R. Thus
P' ... P, 2 P and we claim that P coincides with some
P; contains an element a; 4 P , and
Pi,say P
= P I . Indeed, if no P; = P , then each
. . . a , E P , which is impossible. We now have
PP2 ... P , C I C P
By the minimality of r , we know t h a t Pz
p @ a R and put X
. . . P,
aR. Choose
E Pz
. . . P,
such that
a-'p. Then X @ R , but
and so X E I - ' . It is now an easy matter to prove that I - ' I = R . P u t S = I - ' I is a n ideal of R. Therefore I I - ' S - '
p E S-',
C: I - ' ,
we have I - ' p
a n R-submodule of
and so I-'Pm
C_ R , so I - ' S - '
C I-'
for all m
and note that S Hence, for any
1. But then I-'[P] is
I-' and therefore, by Proposition 1.5, is finitely generated. Note also
that RIP], being a submodule of I - ' [ p ] , is also finitely generated, again by Proposition 1.5. Since R is integrally closed, it follows that
E R. Hence S-'
C: R
and so S-' = R.
Applying preceding paragraph, we conclude that S = R , proving (i).
(ii) We have Pl . . . P,
C Q 1 . . .Qm C: Q1, hence, as in
must be equal t o some P;,
say Q1 = P I . Then
PL'P1 whence P2.. . P,
.. . Q m ,
C Q2.. . Q m , and so on.
We are now ready to prove the following basic theorem, which includes results of Dedekind, Noether, Krull, and Matusita. 6.4.
Let R be a n integral d o m a i n .
T h e n t h e following properties are
equivalent: (i) R is a Dedekind d o m a i n . (ii) E v e r y n o n z e r o proper ideal of R i s expressible in a unique way a s t h e product of p r i m e ideals (iii) E v e r y n o n z e r o proper ideal of R i s t h e product of p r i m e ideals
(iv) T h e m o n o i d I ( R ) of fractional ideals of R i s a group.
Proof. (i)
+ (ii).
Let I # 0 be a proper ideal of R . By Lemma 6.2, I contains a
product of prime ideals:
PI . . . P, Choose a maximal ideal P such that I
C P.
cI Then, as in the proof of Lemma 6.3(i), P
coincides with some P;, say P = P I . Hence, by Lemma 6.3(i)
Suppose we have shown that a nontrivial ideal of R which contains a product of fewer than r prime ideals is expressible as a product of prime ideals (this is trivially true for r = 2 since prime ideals of R are maximal). We then deduce t h a t
F I I = & I . . . Qn
Q j prime
P Q l . . .Q ,
Invoking induction on r , we conclude that I is a product of prime ideals. The uniqueness of such decomposition follows from Lemma 6.3(ii). (ii)+ (iii): This statement is trivial (iii)+ (iv): It suffices to show that every nonzero prime ideal of R is invertible. Indeed, let
I be afractional ideal of R and let 0 # d E R be such that d I
R . Then I = ( R d ) - ' ( R d . I )
and, by hypothesis, R d . I and Rd are products of nonzero prime ideals of R. Thus if each nonzero prime ideal of R is invertible, the same holds for I . Now let P
# 0 be
a prime ideal and let 0
prime ideals, so P 2 R a = invertible, then each
. . . P,
a E P . By hypothesis, R a is a product of
for some prime ideals Pi, 1 5 i 5 r. Because Ra is
Pi is invertible. Furthermore, since P
is prime, we have P
2 Pi
some i E { 1 , 2 , . . . , r } . Thus we are left t o verify that if P is an invertible prime ideal of R , then P is maximal. For this pupose, we first establish the following assertion. Let S be an integral domain, let P I , . . . , P, be invertible prime ideals and let J = PI
. . . P,.
We claim
that if J = Q1 . . . Q 8 with Q j prime ideals, then s = r and after some permutation of indices, Pi = Q; for all i = 1 , 2 , . . . , r . Indeed, let PI be a minimal ideal among P 1 , . . , P,. Since P1 2 J = Q1.. . Q s , it follows that there exists j E (1,. . . , s } , say j that PI 2 Q1. Similarly Q1
J = P I . .. P,, hence Q1
Thus P1 2 Pi and, by the minimality, i = 1 and PI = multiplying the equality P1 . . . P, = J = Q1 . . . Qa by
Pz.. . P,
2 Pi
for some
1, such
E {l,. . . , r } .
Now, since Pl is invertible,
Pc1>we have
= Qz . . . QS
Hence, proceeding inductively, the claim follows. Let P be a n invertible prime ideal of R. By the foregoing, we are left to verify that
P is maximal. To this end, choose a E R - P and consider the ideals J = P J' = P
+ Ra'.
By hypothesis, J =
+ Ra
. . . P,,,, J' = Q1 . . . Q n , where Pi,&? are prime
ideals which must contain J , J ' , respectively, and hence contain P. P u t S = R / P and the iimage of a in S. Then denote by ?
P , = P,/P,
Q , = Q , / P are invertible prime ideals of S. Hence, by the preceding
paragraph, 2m = n and, after renumbering we have
It follows that
= Q2, =
Pi, so ( P + Ra)' = P
+ Ra2 = ( P + R a ) ( P+ R a )
This implies that every element y E P 2 ,z E R.
+ . . . + x,y,
y,a E
P 2 + Ra
6 P may be written in the form z = y
$ P , we have
y E P and, since a
and so P = P ( P
+ Ra).
But P is invertible, so R = P
+ za
E P . Thus
+ Ra for all
A , and thus P is a maximal ideal.
(iv)+ (i): Let 0 sly1
Hence z a = x
C P2 + PRa C P
+ R a 2 and thus
be an ideal of R and let I-'
for some x, E Z , y, E I - ' .
R , so the elements
be its inverse. Since R = I I - ' , 1 =
If a E I , we have a
. . ,x, generate Z .
Thus R is noetherian.
To prove t h a t R is integrally closed, let F be the quotient field of R and let X E F be such that A" -(rlX"-'+.
Hence J 2
+ rlArn-' + . .. + r ,
= 0 for some m
2 I,
. .+rm-lA+rm) belongs t o the fractional ideal J CJ
and, since J # 0 is invertible, then J
C R ; in
r , E R. Then A"
generated by 1 , A , .
. . ,A"-'.
particular, X E R and thus R
is integrally closed.
Finally, let 0 # P be a prime ideal of R , let a E R
P and let J = P
+ Ra.
Since J
is invertible, then I = J - ' P is such that J I = P , so 1 2 P . On the other hand, if y E I ,
then a y E P . Since a $ P , we have y E P , so Z
and thus I = P. Hence P = J P and
so J = R , proving t h a t P is maximal. m 6 . 5 . Corollary.
L e t R be a Dedekind d o m a i n . T h e n Z(R) is a free abelian group
w i t h t h e collection of nonzero prime ideals of R as free generators.
Proof. As we have seen in the proof of Theorem 6.4, every fractional ideal of R can be expressed as a product of prime ideals of R and their inverses. Hence the nonzero prime ideals of R generate I ( R ) ,and Theorem 6.4(ii) shows that they generate it freely.
Let R be a Dedekind domain. The factor group
is called the class group of R . The following simple observation ties together Dedekind domains, U F D ' s and PID's. 6.6. P r o p o s i t i o n . The following conditions are equivalent:
(i) R is a Dedekind domain and C ( R ) = 1 (ii) R as a Dedekind domain and a U F D
(iii) R is a P I D
Proof. (i)+ (ii): Let r E R be a nonzero nonunit. Then Rr is a nontrivial ideal of R and so we may write Rr = ( R p l ) . . . (Rp,) for some prime elements P I , .. . , p , , of R. Hence r = p 1 p 2 . . .pnu for some unit u of R , proving t h a t r is a finite product of primes. Thus, by Proposition 5.2, R is a U F D . (ii)+ (iii): It suffices t o show t h a t every nonzero prime ideal P of R is principal. To this end, let 0
# a E P.
Since a is a nonzero nonunit, it is a product of prime elements,
a = p l p z . . . p , . Because a E P it follows that
E P for some i , hence Rp,
C P.
R p , is a prime ideal of R , hence it must be maximal, since R is a Dedekind domain. Thus P = R p , is a principal ideal. (iii)+
(i): If R is a P I D , then R is a Dedekind domain by Proposition 6.1. Since any
nonzero prime ideal of R is principal, we also have C ( R )= 1 as required. Let R be a Dedekind domain and let A , B be nonzero ideals of R. We say that A is divisible by B or that B divides A if A = BC for some ideal C of R . The greatest common divisor of A and B is defined t o be an ideal of R which divides both A and B and
is divisible by any other ideal with this property. Similarly, t h e least common multiple of
A , B is defined as a n ideal of R divisible by A and B and dividing any other such ideal. We say that A and B are relatively prime if they have no common prime factor. As we shall see below, g.c.d.{A, B } and l.c.rn.{A, B } both exist and are unique.
6.7. Lemma. Let A , B be nonzero ideals of a Dedekind domain R. Then B divides A if and only if B contains A . Proof. If B divides A , then A = BC for some ideal C of R and thus B 2 A. Conversely, assume that B 2 A . If B = R , then A = B A and B divides A. If B
# R , then
by Theorem 6.4, B = Q 1 . . . Qm and A = P I . . . P,,, where the { P i } and
are nonzero
prime ideals. Hence, by Lemma 6.3(ii), B divides A. It is now a n easy matter to prove the following result. 6.8. Proposition. L e t A , B be nonzero ideals of a Dedekind d o m a i n R , and let
where t h e { P i } are distinct p r i m e ideals, a n d Pp i s t a k e n t o be R.
(i) g.c.d.{A, B } = A (ii)
~ . C . ~ . { A , B }
+ B = nz1P?'"("''*') P ? ~ ~ ( ~ ~ , ~ . )
= A nB =
(iii) A , B are relatively p r i m e if a n d o n l y if A
+B =R
(iv) T h e nonzero ideals A l , . . . , A , , of R are pairwise relatively p r i m e if a n d only if
(v) If t h e nonzero ideals A l , . . . , A , of R are pairwise relatively przme, t h e n
n,"=, A,
n:=, A , . Proof. We first observe that (iii) follows from (i), (iv) from (iii), and (v) from (iii) and Proposition 1.3. T h a t g.c.d.{A, B} = A
is a consequence of Lemma 6.7. This
proves (i) upon noting that A divides B if and only if a , 5 b, for all z. A similar argument proves (ii). 6.9.
P,"' . . . P:',
Corollary. Let I be a nontrivial ideal of a Dedekind d o m a i n R , say, 1 n,
> 0 , where P I , .. . ,Pk are distinct p r i m e ideals of R . T h e n
Proof. T h e ideals P,"', 1 5 i 5 k, are pairwise relatively prime. Hence, by Proposition G.S(iii), (v), P,"'
+ P,'"
R for i
and I =
Now apply Propositlor?
6.10. Corollary. L e t R be a Dedekind d o m a i n , let P I , . . . , P,, be distinct nonzero
p r i m e ideals of R a n d let X I , . . . ,x, E
R. T h e n , f o r a n y given nonnegative integers
e l , . . . ,en, there ezists z E R such that
Proof. Given i E (1,. . . ,n } , we have
3 Pzes+l,so there exists a,
E P,"' - P;.+l.
By Corollary 6.9, there exists z E R such that z - (5, a,) E Plea+'for all i E (1,. . . ,n}. Therefore x
zt = [z- (z, a,)]
+ a, 6 Plea
6.11. Corollary. A n y semilocal Dedekind domain is a principal ideal domain.
Let R be a semilocal Dedekind domain. Then R has finitely many, say
P1,. . . ,P,, distinct nonzero prime ideals. It suffices to show that each Pa is a principal ideal. By Corollary 6.10 (with
XI =
. . . = x,
i E (1,. . . ,n}, there exists an element y , Thus P;lRyi, Pi"
+ Ry, and, for j
= 0 , e i = 1,
for each
Pi - P,? and y i @ P, for j
E R such t h a t y ; E
# i, Pi # Ry,.
# i),
ej = 0 for j
# i.
Hence the decomposition of Ryi into
prime ideals is Ryi = P,, as required. m Since a Dedekind domain is noetherian, its all ideals are finitely generated. This can be improved by using the following result. 6.12. Proposition. Let R be a Dedekind domain and let A , B be nonzero ideals of
R . Then there exists a nonzero ideal C of R such that C is relatively prime to B and A C is a principal ideal.
Write A = P:'
B = P,"' ... Pin with a, 2 0, b, 2 0, where
P I , . . . , P, are distinct prime ideals. Choose a, E Pf-. Corollary 6.9, there exists a E R such that a a E Pp'
, so
Paas" ,1
5 i 5
a,(mod Pta'+'), 1 5
n. Then, by
P,"' = A (Proposition 6.8(v)) and a R + A B
fore, by Lemma 6.7, we have a R c,
+ A B = P:'
... Pi"- with
a,. But a:
5 n. Hence
C A.
P,"*+l, so
+ AB = A. Since a R C A , we have a R = A C for some ideal C of Therefore A C + AB = A and multiplying by A-' yields C + B = R , as
= a , and thus a R
R (Lemma 6.7). asserted. rn
6.13. Corollary. If R is a Dedekind domain, then every ideal of R may be generated
b y at most two elements: one of these elements may be arbitrarily chosen. Proof. Let A be a nonzero ideal of R and let r l be any nonzero element of R. By
Proposition 6.12, we may choose a nonzero ideal B of R relatively prime t o r1R such that
A B = r2R for some
E R . Then we have
+ r 2 R = r l R + A B C_ A On the other hand, since B + r l R = R , 1 = p + r l a for some p E B , rlR
a E R . Hence, for
each a E A , we have
+ a p E r R + AB and so A C r l R + r2R. Thus A = r l R + r2R, as asserted. a = ar 1 a
We next record another consequence of Proposition 6.12. 6.14. Corollary. Let A , B be nonzero ideals of a Dedekind domain R . Then the
additive groups of R I A and B I A B are isotrorphic. I n particular, for any n
2 1, R I A
An/An+' have isomorphic additive groups. Proof. Owing to Proposition 6.12, we may find a nonzero ideal C of R relatively prime to A and such t h a t BC = T R for some r E R. Then the map q5 : R by +(z)
+ AB
B I A B given
is an additive homomorphism, which is surjective, since
rR+AB = C B + A B = (C+ A)B = RB = B Assume that x E Ker4. Then r x E A B and rxC
r A , whence x C
2 A.
+ C = R , we have 3 + c = 1 for some a E A , c 6 C. Then x = x u + xc E A . if z E A , then d ( x ) = r x + A B = A B , proving that Kerq5 = A. A
Assume t h a t R is
Dedekind domain such that for every nonzero prime ideal P of
R , R I P is finite. Then we put N ( P ) = I R / P / and refer to N ( P ) as the norm of P . Note that since R I P is a finite field, N ( P ) is a positive power of a rational prime p. If I is any fractional ideal of R , say
where 1'1,.. . ,p k are distinct prime ideals of R , then the norm of I is defined by
N ( 1 ) = N(P1)"' . . . L V ( P ~ ) ~ '
6.15. Proposition. Let R be a Dedekind domain such that f o r every nonzero p r i m e
ideal P of R , R I P is finite. Then the map I ( R ) --t Q', I Furthermore, /or any nonzero ideal I of R .
N ( I ) is a homomorphism.
Proof. T h e first assertion follows from Corollary 6.5. To prove t h e second assertion, it suffices, by Corollary 6.9, t o prove t h a t ( R / P n (= N ( P ) n for all n 6.14, we have ] P n - l / P n / = N ( P ) for all n pn-1
... c P
1. By Corollary
1. Hence, by looking a t the chain Pn
R , we deduce that IR/Pnj = N ( P ) " as required. w
To provide another characterization of Dedekind domains, we first record the following three elementary observations.
6.16. Lemma. Let { R , } be a family of integral domains all contained in one large domain, and suppose that each R; is integrally closed. Then nR; is integrally closed.
Proof. If X is an element of the quotient field of O R , which is integral over nRi, then X is integral over each R;. Hence X E nRi, as required. w 6.17. Lemma. Let R be a n integral domain. Then R = n R p where P ranges over all maximal ideals of R .
Proof. Suppose that z E Rp for all maximal ideals P of R. It suffices to show t h a t z E R. We may write x = a / b with a , b in R. Let I be the ideal of R defined by
I = {y E R J y a E Rb} For any maximal ideal P of R , we can find
In particular sa = rb, so s is in I . Hence I
= R. Therefore a E
in R with s $ P such t h a t z = a / b = r / s .
P for any maximal ideal P of R and thus
Rb and a l b = x E R. rn
6.18. Lemma. Let R be a Dedekind domain and let S be a multiplicative subset of
R. Then Rs is a Dedekind domain. Proof. By Corollary 2.4, Rs is noetherian and, by Proposition 3.7, Rs is integrally
# 0 be a prime ideal of R s . Then, by Proposition 2.3(iv), J = I R s for some prime ideal I of R with P n S = 0. Since I is a maximal ideal of R , it follows closed. Finally, let J
from Proposition 2.3(iii), t h a t J is a maximal ideal of R s , as requirez, w We say that R is a discrete oaluation ring if it is a principal ideal domain with a unique nonzero prime ideal.
6.19. Theorem. Let R be a n integral domain. Then R is a Dedekind domain if and only i f R valuation ring.
noetherian and for every nonzero prime ideal P of R , Rp is a discrete
Proof. Assume that R is a Dedekind domain. If P is a nonzero prime ideal of R, then Rp is a Dedekind domain by Lemma 6.18. Furthermore, by Corollary 2.5, Rp has a unique nonzero prime ideal. Hence, by Corollary 6.11, Rp is a discrete valuation ring. Conversely, assume that R is noetherian and that for any nonzero prime ideal
P of
R , Rp is a discrete valuation ring. Since Rp is integrally closed (Propositions 3.9 and 3.8), it follows from Lemmas 6.16 and 6.17 that R is integrally closed. Finally, suppose
P c Q are nonzero prime ideals of R. Then, by Corollary 2.5, PRQ C QRQ are distinct prime ideals of R Q , which is impossible since RQ is a discrete valuation ring. Thus every nonzero prime ideal of R is maximal, as required. The rest of the section will be devoted to providing a large class of Dedekind domains. 6.20. Lemma. Let R
be integral d o m a i n s , S integral over R. T h e n S is a field
if a n d only if R i s a field. Proof. Assume t h a t R is a field and let 0 # s E S. If
is a n equation of integral dependence for is a n integral domains). Hence s-'
of smallest possible degree, then r ,
= -r;'(sn-l
+ rlsn-' + . . .+ r,-1)
0 (since S
E S and therefore
S is a field. Conversely, assume that S is a field and let 0
r E R. Then r-'
E S , hence is
integral over R , so that we have an equation
It follows that r-'
' + r2 ' I .+ . . . + r k r r n - ' )
E R , as required..
Let R & S be commutative rings. If Q is a prime ideal of S, then Q n R is a prime ideal of R, since R / ( Q n R) is identifiable with the subring of the integral domain S / Q . 6.21. Corollary. Let R
be commutative rings, S integral over R. If Q is a
p r i m e ideal of S , t h e n Q is m a z i m a l i f and only if Q n R is m a z i m a l .
Proof. By Proposition 3.6, S / Q is integral over R / ( R n Q) and both these rings are integral domains. Now apply Lemma 6.20. 6.22. Lemma. Let R
be integral d o m a i n s , S integral over R. If I i s a nonzero
ideal of S,t h e n I n R is a nonzero ideal of R.
Proof. Fix 0 # s E I and let sn
+ rlsn-' + . . . + r,
(ri E R )
be an equation of integral dependence for s of smallest possible degree. Then r ,
# 0 since
S is an integral domain. Accordingly, r n = -(sn
+ rlsn-' + . . . + rn-ls) E I n R
as asserted. H We next quote the following standard fact of commutative ring theory. 6.23. Proposition. L e t R be a noetherian integral d o m a i n w i t h quotient field F and
let S be a n y ring between R a n d F .
If every nonzero p r i m e ideal of R
is mazimal, then S
i s a g a i n noetherian.
Proof. See Kapiansky (1974, Theorem 9.3). We are now ready to prove 6.24. Theorem. Let R be a Dedekind d o m a i n with quotient field F a n d let E be a
field f i n i t e d i m e n s i o n a l over F . If S i s t h e integral closure of R in E, t h e n S i s
Proof. It is clear that E is the quotient field of S . Hence, by Corollary 3.5, S is integrally closed. Furthermore, by Corollary 6.21 and Lemma 6.22, every nonzero prime ideal of S is maximal. It remains to prove that S is noetherian. We can find a vector space basis of E over F consisting of elements of S (first take any basis, then multiply by suitable elements of R ) . Let
. . ,v , be any such basis and
put SO = R [ v l , . . . , v , ] . By Corollary 3.2, SO is a finitely generated R-module, hence SO is noetherian. Furthermore, since So is integral over R , any nonzero prime ideal of So is maximal (Corollary 6.21 and Lemma 6.22). Since S lies between SO and its quotient field
E , S is noetherian by Proposition 6.23.
2 Separable algebraic extensions
Separable algebraic extensions constitute a n important class of field extensions. In this chaptcr we provide some background results concerning such extensions. These include a characterization of finite separable field extensions E / F in terms of the number of F-
homomorphis~nsof E into its algebraic closure and behaviour of separability under field extensions. We t h e n characterize separability via linear disjointness and tensor products. Turning to the trace m a p and discriminants, we also provide characterizations of scparat>ilii,y via these notions. T h e chapter also contains numerous results prrtaining to various
properties of separable algebraic extensions to b e applied in subsequent investigations.
1. Algebraic closure, splitting fields and normal extensions.
Let 1; be a field and F a subfield; we write E I F for t h e field E considered as a n exterision
of F . We can regard E as a n F-algebra and hence a vector space over F; its dimension is either a positive integer or a n infinite cardinal a n d is called the degree of E over F . In \\hat folloivs we write ( E : F ) for the degree of E over F . \Ye shall rcfcr to t h e csterisior~
/:/t+’a s being f i n i t e or injinile accordingly as I,(Tt
E . ]Ye Lvrite F ( S ) (respcctivoiy, /+’iS!) for the srrialicst sul)fieItI
S t)c a subset of
(rrspcctivcly, siibring) containing
S and I’. In case
and F : s l , .. . ,s,]
i v r also \vritc F’(s,, . . . , s,)
t h a t f i ’ ( . ~ , %. . .
(/< : F ) is finite or infinite.
S is finite. say .’i
{sl,s z , ,
. . . ,s,~).
instead of b ’ ( S ) a n d F ’ S ] ,respectively. X o t c
is t.he quotient field of I ~ ’ l s l . . . , , s,?] and t h a t F s 1 , . . . , .s,,]
consists of
all polynomials i n s l , . . . s , over F . We shall refer to I g ’ ( s , , . . . s n ) a s t h e f i e l d g e n e r n f e d ~
I+’ by
O Z J C ~
. . . s,
or t h e field obtained b y adjoining to F tlie
Let, E I.‘ and K / F b e t\vo field extensions-. If /,; t.licn it
d e n o t e 11)
er,ir,lmsi/e of /;
that E
clciri(,rirw 5 1 ,
. . . ,s 7 .
li a r c coiirained in
soiiie Iic111
E K tile srriallcst subficld o f I , coritaiiiing l i o t l ~I;‘ a n d /i: i i i i ( I CJ! iinrl
li i n I,. T h u s
l i a r c ton~iiiriotii:: s o n i r fic.lc1 /,.
writ(. i;K
A field extension E / F is said t o be f i n i t e l y generated if E = F ( s 1 , . . . , sn) for some
finitely many elements s 1 , . . . ,sn of E . The extension E / F is called simple if there is an element
in E , called a p r i m i t i v e e l e m e n t over F , such that E = F ( a ) .
Let E / F be a field extension. An element
of E is said t o b e algebraic over F if
is a root of a nonzero polynomial over F . If f ( X ) is a nonzero polynomial over F with f(a)== 0 and if X is the leading coefficient of f ( X ) , then g ( X ) = X - ' f ( X ) is a monic polynomial with g ( a ) = 0. Hence a is algebraic over F if and only if a is integral over F . We say that E / F is algebraic if all elements of E are algebraic over J'. By Corollary 1.3.4,
if F
is a chain of fields, then K / F is algebraic if and only if both E / F and K / E
are algebraic. 1.1. Proposition. Let E / F be a field e z t e n s i o n , let a E E be algebraic over F and
let f ( X ) E F I X ] be of least degree, s a y n, s u c h t h a t f(a)= 0. (i) f ( X ) is irreducible a n d t h e m a p
is a n F-isomorphism. (ii) f ( X ) divides each g ( X ) E F I X ] with g ( a ) = 0 , F ( a ) = F [ Q ]a n d 1 , a , . . . , a n p 1is a n F-basis for F ( a ) . I n particular, ( F ( a ): F ) = n.
Proof. (i) Consider the natural epirnorphism FIX] 4 F [ a ]which sends g ( X ) to g ( a ) .
Since F I X ] is a P I D , its kernel is a principal ideal, say ( f l ( X ) ) . Since f(a)= 0, we have
(fix))C ( f l ( X ) ) .On the other hand, write
where either r ( X ) = 0 or degr(X) < d e g f ( X ) . Since .(a) = 0, the minimality of the degree of f ( X ) implies that fl(X) = 9 ( X ) f ( X ) . Hence ( f l ( X ) ) C ( f ( X ) )and therefore
( f ( X ) )= ( j , ( X ) ) .Thus the map
is an F-isomorphism and therefore F [ X ] / ( f ( X )is) an integral domain. But this domain is obviously artinian, hence is a field by Proposition 1.1.2. T h u s f ( X ) is irreducible and
F [ a ]= F ( a ) , as required.
(ii) This follows from the isomorphism of (i) and from the fact t h a t 1
1 1
' ' '
+ ( f ( X ) ) ,X
, xn-' + ( f ( X ) )is a n F-basis for F [ X ] / ( f ( X ) ) . w
Let E / F be a field extension and let a E E be algebraic over F . Owing t o Proposition l . l ( i i ) ,there exists a unique monic polynomial f ( X )E F I X ] of least degree for which a root. We shall refer t o f ( X ) as the m i n i m a l polynomial for
over F and t o d e g f ( X ) as
the degree of a over F . Alternatively, the minimal polynomial for a over F can be defined as the unique irreducible monic polynomial in F[X] for which a is a root. T h e following
result shows that the F-isomorphism class of F(a) is uniquely determined by the minimal polynomial of a . 1 . 2 . Proposition. Let E I F and E'IF be t w o extensions of F and l e t a and
be elements of E and E', respectively, which are algebraic over F .
T h e n the following
conditions are equivalent: (i) a and a' have the s a m e m i n i m a l polynomial f ( X ) in FIX]
(ii) There exzsts a n F - i s o m o r p h i s m F ( a ) + F ( a ' ) which carries a i n t o a' Proof. (i)*
(ii): By Proposition l . l ( i ) , the map
is a n F-isomorphism. On the other hand, the m a p
is also an F-isomorphism, again by Proposition l . l ( i ) . Taking the composite of these
isomorphisms, ( i i ) follows.
+- ( i ) : If f ( X ) = X " + a l X n p l + . . . t a , is the minimal polynomial for a , then a n + a l a n p l + . . . + arL= 0 and hence (a')" + U ~ ( Q ' ) ~ - '+ , . , + a , = 0. T h u s u' is a root (ii)
of f ( X ) and so f ( X ) is divisible by the minimal polynomial g ( X ) for a', by Proposition l . l ( i i ) . A similar argument shows t h a t g ( X ) is divisible by f ( X ) , 1ier:ce t h e result. rn Let E / F be a field extension. Two elements
a,P E E
are said t o be F-conjugate if
they are algebraic over F and have the same minimal polynomial over F . 1 . 3 . Corollary. Let E I F be a field extension and l e t
the m i n i m a l polynomial f o r
is at m o s t n . :Moreover,
over F is
z f p E fi
E E be algebraic over F .
degree n , t h e n the number of F-conjugates o f u
is conjugate t o a, t h e n F ( a ) and F ( P ) are F - i s o r n o r p h c .
Proof. This is a direct consequence of Corollary 1.4.10(ii) and Proposition 1.2. n 1.4. Proposition.
2 I.
Let F be a field and let f l , . . , , f , be polynomials in F [ X ] of
T h e n there ezists a finite field extension E / F in which each f; has a root.
Proof. We first consider the case where n = 1 and f = f l . Let I be a maximal ideal of F [ X ]containing ( f ) . Then E = F [ X ] / Iis a field containing a n isomorphic copy
( F + I ) / I of F. Hence we may regard E as a field extension of F and as such it is obviously finite. Since
+I E E
is a root of f ( X ) ,the assertion follows.
Turning t o the genera! case, we may find a finite extension E 1 / F in which
has a
root. We may view f z as a polynomial over E l . Let E2IEI be a finite extension in which has a root. Proceedingly inductively, the result follows. rn For future use, we next exhibit certain properties of algebraic extensions. 1.5. Proposition. Let E I F be a field eztension.
(i) I f S i s a subset o f E sucii t h a t all elements o f S are algebraic over F , t h e n F ( S ) = F [ S ] a n d F ( S ) / F is algebraic
(ii) T h e elements of E which are algebraic over F f o r m a subfield of E containing F (iii) E I F is f i n i t e iJ and only if E / F is algebraic a n d finitely generated.
Proof. (i) We know that
E E is algebraic over F if and only if
is integral over
F . Hence F ( S ) / F is algebraic if and only if F ( S ) is integral over F . By Corollary 1.3.3, F [ S ]is integral over F. If 0
by Proposition l . l ( i i ) . Thus
F i S j , then
is algebraic over F , hence F [ a ]is a field
E F [ a ]C F [ S ]and so F ( S ) = F [ S ] ,as required.
(ii) Apply (i) for the case where
S is the set of all elements of E which are algebraic over
F. (iii) This is a direct consequence of ( i ) and Corollary 1.3.2.
Let E / F b e a field extension. By the algebraic closure of F in E we understand the subfield of E consisting of all elements t h a t are algebraic over F . 1.6. Proposition. Let F
be a c h a i n o f f i e l d s , let
be the algebraic closure
of F in E a n d let X E K . (i)
If X is algebraic over F , t h e n X is algebraic over F .
If X is algebraic over E and E I F Proof.
i s atgebraic, t h e n X is algebraic over F .
Property ( i i ) is a particular case of (i) in which
E , while ( i ) is a
consequence of Corollary 1.3.4. We define a field E' t o be algebraically closed if every polynomial in F I X ] of degree
> 1 has
a root in F . We observe t h a t if F is a n algebraically closed field a n d f ( X ) € F [ X ]
has degree n
1, then
f ( X ) = X(X
. . ( X - a,)
for some A, a l , . . , , a , in F . Indeed, f ( X ) has a root a , in F , so thcrc exists y(X) E F : S j such t h a t
f(X)= ( X If degg
1, we can repeat this argument inductively, and express f ( X ) in t h e desired
form. Note t h a t X is the leading coefficient of f ( X ) . Hence if t h e coefficients of
lie in a subfield K of F , then X € K . T h e following result, whose proof is due to Artin, guarantees the existence of algebraically closed fields.
1 . 7 . Theoran. L e t F be a f i e l d . T h e n t h e r e e x i s t s a n a l g e b r u z c a / ~ yclosed field 5,
F a s a subfield.
Proof. Let u s first exhibit a n extension E l / F in which every polynomial in F : X : of degree
1 has a root. To this e n d , p u t S =
{XflfE F [ X ] ,degf 2 l}.
We form tile
polynomial ring F [ S ]a n d denote by I t h e ideal generated by all t h e polynomials f(X,) i n
F [ S ] .\Ye claim t h a t I
# F j S ] . Indeed,
otherwise there is a finite combination in I which
is equal !o 1:
S l f l ( X f , ) -t...
with g n E
FIR].P u t X ,
+ Snfn(Xf,,) = 1
X I , and observe t h a t the polynomials q, involve
rnirnber of indeterminatcs, say X I , . . . , X,;
only a finite
\Z'c may therefore rwvrite our
relation as:
c i
9; (Xl 1 . . . > X m ) f*(Xi) =- 1
T h a n k s t o Proposition 1.4, we may find a finite extension K/E' in which each polynomial fL,
X,, 1
5 i 5 i
n , has a root, say a,. P u t
(I, =
0 for n
< z 5
Substituting a 1 for
m, in our relation, we get 0 = 1, a contradiction.
By the foregoing, we may choose a maxirriai ideal A4 o f FILS, containing 1. Thrn El
= FISj/AIfis a field containing a n isomorphic copy (E'
+ iZI)/LIf of
b'. 'Therefore,
m a y regard E l as a field extension of E'. Moreover, for every polynomial f
dcgree 3 1 , X J t M E El is a root of f.
F,Sj oi
Inductively, we can form a chain of fields:
such that each polynomial in E,[X] of degree union of all fields
= 1 , 2 , . ..
. Then
2 1 has
a root in En+1. Denote by E the
E is obviously a field and every polynomial
f E E [ X ]has its coefficients in some field En. But then f has a root in Enfl E, as required. rn
1.8. Corollary. Let F be a field. Then there ezists a n algebraic eztension EIF such that E is algebraically closed. Proof. Owing t o Theorem 1.7, there exists a field extension K I F such that K is algebraically closed. Let E be the algebraic closure of F in K . Then E I F is a n algebraic extension. Furthermore, if f ( X ) E E [ X ]is a polynomial of degree
1, then f ( X ) has a
root, say a , in K . Thus a is algebraic over E and so, by Proposition 1.6(ii), a is algebraic over F . Therefore a E E and the result follows. Let F be a field. By a n algebraic closure of F we understand any field E containing
F such t h a t E/F is algebraic and E is algebraically closed. By Corollary 1.8, such E always exists. Our next aim is t o demonstrate t h a t E is determined uniquely, up t o an F-isomorphism. This will be achieved with the aid of the following two results. 1.9. Lemma. Let F be a f i e l d and let u : F
L be a homomorphism of F into an
algebraically closed field L . Let a be an algebraic element an a f i e l d extension of F and let f ( X ) E F[X] be the minimal polynomial for a. If t is the number of distinct roots o f f ( X )
(in an algebraic closure of F ) , then there ezist ezactly t extensions of u t o a homomorphism F ( a ) + I,.
Proof. Given f ( X ) E F [ X ] ,let f " ( X ) E L [ X ]be obtained from f ( X ) by applying u
t o the coefficients of f ( X ) . Because L is algebraically closed, there exists a root /3 of
f ' ( X ) in L. By Proposition l.l(ii), F ( a ) = F[a]and so a typical element of F ( a ) is $ ( a ) for some G ( X ) E F [ X ] .We define a n extension of u by mapping
This is well defined, i.e. independent of the choice of the polynomial $ ( X ) used t o express our element in F[a]. Indeed, if
$l(X)E F [ X ]is such t h a t $ ( a ) = $ l ( a ) , then ($ -
4 , ) ( a )= 0,
hence f ( X ) divides
47(X), and
$(X)- $l(X).It follows that f“(X) divides $ “ ( X )
It is now obvious that the given map is a homomorphism F ( a ) + L inducing u o n
F . Now the number of distinct roots of f (X) in the algebraic closure of F is equal to t h e number of distinct roots of f “ ( X ) E L [ X ] .Because the image of
under any extension
F ( u ) i L of u is a root of f “ ( X ) , the result is established. 1.10. Proposition. Let E / F be a n algebraic extension, a n d let u : F
L be a
homomorphism into a n algebraically closed field L.
(i) There exists a n extension u’ of u to a homomorphism E
(ii) If E is algebraically closed a n d L is algebraic over u ( F ) , t h e n u’ is a n isomorphism.
Proof. We first demonstrate that (ii) is a consequence of (i). Indeed, if E is aigcbraically closed and L is algebraic over u(F),then u’(E) is algebraically closed (since u must be injective) and L is algebraic over u ‘ ( E ) . Hence L = u’(E) as required. To establish ( i ) , denote by
S the set of all pairs ( K , X ) where K is a subfield of 6
containing F, and X is an extension of u t o a homomorphism K so
L. Note that (F,G ) E S ,
S # 0. If K , A) and (K’, A’) are in S,we write ( K ,A) 5 ( K ’ ,A’) if K
If { (K,, A,)} is a chain in S , we let K
K’and X’IK
U K , and define A on K to be equal t o A; on each
K,. Then ( K ,A) is an upper bound for this chain and so the partially ordered set S is inductive. Invoking Zorn’s lemma, we may therefore choose a maximal element, say ( T ,p ) , in S. Then p is a n extension of u , and we claim that T = E . Indeed, otherwise there exists
cy €
T and, by Lemma 1.9, p has an extension t o T ( a ) ,thereby contradicting
the maximality of ( T , p ) . This shows that there exists an extension of u t o E , as asserted. I t is now an easy matter to prove that the algebraic closure of F is determined uniquely,
up to an F-isomorphism.
1.11. Corollary. Let F be a field. T h e n a n y two algebraac closures of I+‘ a r e 1,’isomorp hz c .
Proof. Let E and E’ be algebraic closures of F and let u
map. Then, by Proposition l.lO(ii), u extends t o an isomorphism E
Let F
C E 5F
E’ be the inclusion
E‘ as asserted.
be a chain of fields, where F is an algebraic closure of F . Our next
airn is to show that any F-homomorphism E
is extendible to an automorphisni of
F . This will be derived as an easy consequence of Proposition l.lO(i) and the following
1.12. Proposition. Let E I F be a n algebraic extension and let u : E
E be a n
F - h o m o m o r p h i s m . T h e n u i s a n automorphism.
Proof. It suffices to verify that a ( E )
E . To this end, fix cr E E and denote by
f ( X ) its minimal polynomial over F . If E’ is the subfield of E generated by all roots of f ( X ) which lie in E , then E’/F is finite by Proposition 1.5(iii). Furthermore, u maps a root of f ( X ) t o a root of f ( X ) and hence maps E’ into itself. Since (E’ : F ) = ( u ( E ’ ) : F ) , we must have u ( E ’ ) = E’. Because cr E E‘, it follows that cr E a ( E ’ ) C u ( E ) ,as desired.
C E C F be a chain of
1.13. Corollary. Let F
of F . T h e n a n y F - h o m o m o r p h i s m
fields, where
is a n algebraic closure
is extendible to a n automorphism of
Proof. By hypothesis, F is algebraically closed and F / E is algebraic. Hence, by Proposition l.lO(i), there is an extension u’ of
t o an F-homomorphism u’ : F
Since F / F is algebraic, the result follows by virtue of Proposition 1.12. m Let F be a field and let {ftli E I} be a family of polynomials in F [ X ]of degree
2 1.
By a splzttzng field for this family we understand an extension E of F such that every
splits into linear factors in E [ X ] ,and E is generated by all the roots of all the polynomials ft,z E I. We note that any family of polynomials in F [ X ] always has a splitting field,
namely the field generated by the roots of the given family in ani algebraic closure of
F . Our next aim is to show that the splitting field is determined uniquely, up to an F-isomorphism. This will be achieved with the aid of the following preliminary result.
1.14. Lemma. Let f ( X ) E F [ X ]and let E , K he two splitting fields of f ( X )
( i ) E and K are F-isomorphic [ii) If F C E
C r;
zs a chain of fields, where
F - h o m o m o r p h i s m I<
Proof. (i) Let
E’ i s a n algebraic ciosure
F , t h e n any
7 is a n isomorphism of K onto E .
be an algebraic closure of E . Then E is algebraic over F , hence
an algebraic closure of E’. Thanks to Proposition l.lO[i), there exists a n F-homomorphism
a :K
z.We are therefore left t o verify t h a t a ( K )= E
By hypothesis, f ( X ) splits into linear factors in K [ X ] hence ,
8,E K : 1 5 i 5 n, X E F .
ant1 t h u s
a l l . ..,a,,
with a , = a @ % ) ,1 5 z
n, are all roots of
fix) in
E . Since
F(P1.. . . ,p,) a n d E = F ( a 1 , . . . , a , ) , we conclude that .(K) = E as desired.
(ii) Because
is a n algebraic closure of E , it suffices to p u t
= F an d apply (1).
We are now ready to prove 1 . 1 5 . P r o p o s i t i o n . Let { f t l i E I } be a f a m i l y of polynomials in F [ X ] and let K , E
be tiuo splitting fields f o r this f a m i l y . T h e n K and E are F-isomorphic. P r o o f . Denote by
a n algebraic closure of K . Th en , by Proposition l . l O ( i ) , there
exists an F-homomorphism (T : E fi
x.Note t h a t E contains a unique splitting field E; of
and K contains a unique splitting field K , of f l . Owing t o Lemma 1.14(ii), a ( E , ) = I(,
for all z
E I . and since K is generated by all the h’, arid E is generated by all the E,, we
deduce t h at u ( E ) 2 K .
Lct E IF be a n algebraic field extension. \I’e say t h a t E / F is normal if every irred u c i b l e polynomial of
F[X] which
has a root in E splits into linear factors in E i X ] .
1.16. P r o p o s i t i o n . Let E / F be a n algebraic field extension and let
be a n algebraic
closure of F contuining E (such 7always exists, e . g . take a n algebraic closure of E ) . ‘L’hen the following conditions are equivalent: ( i ) E/F‘ zs rzormal ( i i ) Every F-homomorphism u :
is a n autornorphisnz of E
( i i i ) E is the splilling field of a f a m i l y of polynomials in f<’[x’] ( i v ) E v e r y corLjugate of a n element of
E is in E .
P r o o f . T h e equivalence of (i) and (iv) is a consequence of the definition of conjugacy. LTc now show t h a t (ii)+
(iii) and (ii)*
Indeed, assume t h at (ii) holds. Given a n
element X E E , let
its minimal polynomial over F . Let p be a root of f x ( X ) in
F . By Proposition 1.2, there exists an F-isomorphism F ( X ) + F ( p ) sending X t o p . By Proposition l.lO(i), we may extend this isomorphism t o an F-homomorphism E
extension is an automorphism u of E by hypothesis, hence u(X) = every root of f x ( X ) lies in E , and splitting field of the family
lies in E . Therefore
fx(X) splits into linear factors in E[X). Thus E is a
{f~(x)}, X E- E, which
implies (iii) and (i).
Assume that (iii) holds and let { f , ( X ) l i E I } be the family of polynomials of which
E is a splitting field. If a is a root of some fi in E , then for any F-homomorphism o :E
F , a(&) is also a root
of f,. Since E is generated by the roots of the polynomials
f,,it follows that u maps E into itself. This proves (ii), by applying Proposition 1.12. Finally, assume that (i) holds. To prove (ii), let
: E + F be an F-homomorphism.
Fix a E E and denote by f ( X ) its minimal polynomial over F . Then a(&) is a root of
f(X), hence .(a) E E . Therefore
maps E into itself. By Proposition 1.12, it follows
that u is an automorphism of E. B 1.17. Remark. If E I F i s a finite eztension, t h e n condition (iii) of Proposition 1.16
is equivalent t o the requirement t h a t E is a splitting field of a single polynomial in F I X ] . Indeed, if E is a splitting field of { fili E I } a n d , f o r each f i n i t e product g of the f;, F ( g ) is the splitting field for g contained in E , t h e n
is a n ascending chain of subfields of E . Hence E
F ( f 1 . . . f n ) for some n
1, as
asserted. Let E I F be an algebraic field extension.
We define a n o r m a l closure of E I F as
a normal extension of F containing E and having the property that no proper subfield containing E is normal over F. 1.18. Proposition. Let E I F be a n algebraic field eztension. A normal closure of
E I F ezists and i s unique, u p t o a n F - i s o m o r p h i s m . Furthermore, i f E I F i s finite, t h e n so are the normal closures of E I F . Proof. For each X E E , let f > ( X )E F I X ] be the minimal polynomial of X and let Ei be the splitting field of the family Then F
E E } contained in a given algebraic closure of E .
and K I F is normal by Proposition 1.16. Moreover, if K1 is such that
C E C K1 & K
and K1IF is normal, then K1 = K . This shows that K is a normal
closure of E I F . Let F
i E C
S be a chain of fields, where S is a normal closure of E I F . Then
obviously S is a splitting field of the family {fx 1X E E } . Hence S and K are F-isomorphic, by Proposition 1.15. Finally, if E I F is finite, then E = F ( a 1 , .. . ,a,) for some n in E . Adjoining to E all conjugates of a % 1 , 5 i
5 n , we
1 and some
obtain a normal closure of E I F
w h i c h is finite dimensional over F . The following simple observation is often useful.
1.19. Lemma. Let F
E‘ be a n algebraic closure
be a chatn of fields, where EJE’ is normal and let
of F containing E .
T h e n every F - h o m o m o r p h i s m K
eztendible to a n F - a u t o m o r p h i s m of E . I n particular, every F-uutomorphism of K eztends t o a n F-aulomorphzsm of E . Proof. Owing t o Corollary 1.13, every F-homomorphism K
an automorphism of
17; its
is extendible to
restriction t o E provides, by virtue of Proposition 1.16, the
desired F-automorphism of E . Kote thdt
is a chain of fields such that both E / F and K I E are normal,
t h e n K,’F need not be normal. For example, in the chain
both Q ( & ) / Q
and Q
(fi)/Q are normal,
complex roots of X 4 - 2 are not in Q (*).
but Q (?2)/Q
is not normal since the
Ncvertheless we do have t h e following prop-
erties. 1.20. Lemma. (i) If F zs
zs a chain of fields and
normal, t h e n K / E
also normal
If h’l/F and K2IF are normal and K 1 ,Kz are subfields of a field E , then both K I K z K 1
h’Z are normal over F .
be an algebraic closure of E containing K and let u : K
an E-homomorphism. Then
is an F-homomorphism and
is a n algebraic closure of F
containing K . Hence, by Proposition 1.16(ii); 0 is an autorriorphism of K . Thus K / E is normal, again by I’roposition 1.16(ii).
(ii) Let, F be an algebraic closure of F containing
K2, and let
be an F-homomorphism. Then, by Proposition 1.16(ii), u restricts to an automorphism of K , , i = 1 , 2 , hence t o an automorphism of K1K2 since u ( K l K 2 ) = a ( K l ) u ( K z ) .Thus,
by Proposition l.l6(ii), K 1K 2 / F is normal. The fact t h a t K1 n K z is normal over E is a direct consequence of the definition of normality. rn 1.21. Proposition. Let F
CK 5E & L
be a chain of fields, where L I F is a finite
normal eztension. If the number of K-homomorphisms E 8'-homomorphism K
L has ezactly
L is equal to
s eztensions t o homomorphisms
then every
Proof. Let G be the group of all F-automorphisms of 1, and let G ( K ) (respectively,
G ( E ) )be the subgroup of G consisting of those automorphisms of L which leave fixed every element of K (respectively, of E ) . It is clear that G ( E ) C G ( K ) and that G is finite. Let
u m
G ( K )=
and G =
be cosets decompositions of G ( K ) and G. Then
is a coset decomposition of G with respect to G(IS). Since any K-homomorphism E
extends to a n automorphism of L (Lemmas 1.19 and 1.20(i)), it is clear that s = n. Note that the m automorphisms
GJ have distinct restrictions to K and that the restriction of
any element $ of G to K coincides with the restriction of one of the 1.19, every F-homomorphism K
Since, by Lemma
L is the restriction of some automoiphism. of L , it
follows that K has exactly m F-homomorphisms into L and that these are given by the
restrictions of
. . , G m to K . A similar argument shows that E has exactly rnn F-
homomorphisms into L and that these are given by the restrictions of the mn products
$,& to E . Now each to K if 3
4. restricts to the identity on K and $, and
# k . Thus each F-homomorphism K
restrictioil of
G3, has exactly
namely the restrictions of
have distinct restrictions
L , say the one represented by the
n extensions to E which are F-homomorphisms of E into L ,
$J$1,$J$z,...,41& to E .
We next pruvide two applications of splitting fields of polynomials. Let R be an integral domain with quotient field F . T h e procedure for determining whether or not an element in a field extension of F is integral over R might generally be a lengthy one since there is no clear way to select th e polynomial which expresses integral dependence. The following result provides a circumstance where this procedure is simplified. 1.22. Proposition. Let €2 be a subring of a field F , let E I F be a field extension
and let X E E be algebraic over F with m i n i m a l polynomial f ( X ) E F I X ] . (i)
If X is
integral over R , t h e n the coefficients of
f(X)are integral over R
( i i ) If F i s the quotient field of R and R i s integrally closed, t h e n X is integral over R if a n d only i j l ( X ) E R [ X ] . Proof. It
IS obvious
t h a t (ii) is a consequence of (i). To prove ( i ) , let, K be a splitting
field of j ( X ) Let X I = A, A z , . . . ,A,
be all roots of f ( X ) in K and let g ( X ) E R I X be a
monic polynomial with g(X) = 0. Because f ( X ) is irreducible and has a root in common
g(X), it follows from Proposition l . l ( i i ) t h a t f(X) divides g(X) in F[X]. Hence the roots A,,. .A, of f ( X ) are also roots of g(X).T hu s X I , . . .,A, are integral over R . It
follows t h a t t h e coeficients of f ( X )= ( X
A,). . . ( X
A,) are integral over R .
1.23. Proposition. Let R be a n integrally closed integral d o m a i n with quotient field
F . Let J ( X ) E R [ X ]be a m o n i c polynomial and a s s u m e that
g(X)a n d h ( X ) are R [.Y]. where
monic polynomials in F ! X ] . T h e n both g ( X ) and h ( X ) h e in
Proof. Let E be a splitting field for f ( X ) . T hen E / P is a finite extension such t h at n
for some
f ( X ) = fl(X a ; ) ~
2 1: n i E E
1,et S be the integral closure of R in E . Because f ( X ) c H I X ] is monic, an d f ( a , ) = 0 for each
it followrs that, each a , E S. In E [ X ,we have n
,= 1
~- U ‘ )
whence both g ( X ) and h ( X ) are expressible as partial products n ' ( X
a,). Hence both
g ( X ) and h ( X ) have coefficients in S. It therefore follows t h a t the coefficients of g ( X ) and h ( X ) are in Sfl F . But Sfl F = R , since R is integrally closed. Thus both g ( X ) and h ( X ) lie in R [ X ] ,as required. rn We close by recording the following standard fact concerning degrees of (not necessarily finite) field extensions. 1.24. Proposition. Let
F & E C K be a c h a i n
of fields. If A and B are bases
f o r E I F a n d K I E , respectively, t h e n A B = {abla E A , b E B } is a basis for
particular, (K: F ) = ( E : F ) ( K : E ) .
Proof. If X is an element of K , then X =
C~=l,u,b, for
some m
1 and some
p l E E , b, E B . Moreover, we have
for some n 2 1. Therefore, X =
cyzlxi"=, a,ja;b,
which shows t h a t
is spanned by
A B over F. It remains to show that the elements of AB are linearly independent over F. Assume that
Setting c, =
FX,ja,bj =0
CTz, Xl,a,,
we then have
with X;j E
= 0 , c, E
E , and since the b, are E-
linearly independent, we must have cl = 0, l 5 3 5 m. The latter in turn implies that the A,,
are zero, because the at are F-linearly independent. So the proof is complete. rn
2. Separable algebraic extensions: definitions and elementary properties.
F be a field and let f ( X ) E F [ X ] .If X is a root of f ( X ) in F , then
for some g ( X ) E F [ X ]with g(X)
0. We refer to m as the rnu[tiplicity of X in F , and say
that X is a multiple root if m > 1 and a simple root if rn = 1. We say that f ( X ) is separable ouer
F if all irreducible factors
of f ( X ) over F have only simple roots (in a splitting field
of f ( X ) ) . In particular, a n irreducible polynomial is separable if and only if its roots are
simple. Let
E/F be a field extension. An algebraic element a E E
over F is called separable
over F if its minimal polynomial over F is separable. A separable algebraic eztension is an algebraic extension E / F such t h a t all elements of E are separable over F. In what follows, to avoid excessive verbosity, we use t h e t e r m “separable extension” instead of “separable algebraic extension”. In future we shall extend t h e notion of separabiiity to arbitrary field
, wish t o test whether f ( X ) has multiple roots in some extensions. Given f ( X ) E F [ X ] we field containing F , without having t o go outside F . To this end, we first define derivatives formally. Given any polynomial f ( X ) =
+ a l X + . . . + a,Xn
over a commutative ring R , we
define its d e r i v a t i v e D f ( X ) or f ‘ ( X ) by t h e rule
f‘(X) = a ,
$- 2a2X i . . . -t12anx-1
r .
I he mapping
R[XI f’(X)
enjoys the following properties: ( i ) ( f ( X ) -t s ( X ) ) ’ = f’(x)+!?’(XI ( i i ) ( r f ( X ) ) ‘= r f ’ ( X ) , r E R
( 4 ( f ( X ) g ( X ) ) =’ f ’ ( X ) g ( X )+ f ( X ) g ’ ( X ) (iv) X‘ = 1
Conversely, f ’ ( X ) is completely determined by (i)-(iv) and this provides alternative dcfinition. \Ye are now ready t o test whether f ( X ) has multiple roots. 2.1. Proposition. L e t F be a f i e l d , l e t f ( X ) E F [ X ]a n d let X be any root of f ( X )
zn s o m e field eztenszon of F . Then X 2s a rnultzple root zf a n d o n l y z/ f’(A) Proof. \I’e first divide f ( X ) by ( X
f ( X )= ( X where h ( X ) = 0 or degh(X)
A)’ t o obtain
+ h(X)
1. Putting X = A, we see t h a t f ( X )
1)ifferrntiating and putting X = A, we find t h a t h’(X)= f ’ ( A )
f(X) = (X
X)2!?(x) + P’(X)(X
h(A) = 0 .
which shows that ( X - X ) * l f ( X )if and only if f‘(X) = 0. 2.2. Corollary. Let f ( X ) E F [ X ] be of degree
1. T h e n all roots of f ( X ) (in a
splitting f i e l d of f ( X ) ) are simple if and o n l y if f ( X ) i s p r i m e t o i t s derivative f ’ ( X ) . In particular, if f ( X ) is irreducible, t h e n f ( X ) i s separable over F if a n d only if f ’ ( X ) # 0.
Proof. By Proposition 2.1, f ( X ) has a multiple root if and only if f ( X ) and f ’ ( X ) have a common factor. m 2.3. Corollary. Let F be a field of characteristic 0 . T h e n all polynomials over F
are separable. In particular, a n y algebraic e z t e n s i o n of F i s separable.
Proof. By definition of separability, it suffices t o show t h a t any irreducible polynomial f ( X ) over F is separable. Write f ( X ) =
+ a l X + . . . + a,Xn
with a , # 0, n
1. If
f ‘ ( X ) = 0, then nun = 0, which is impossible. Now apply Corollary 2.2. Turning to fields of characteristic p > 0, we next record 2 . 4 . Proposition. Let F be a field of characteristic p
(i) If f ( X ) E F [ X ] is of degree
> 0.
1, t h e n f’(X) = 0 if and only if f ( X ) is of the f o r m
g ( X P ) ,f o r s o m e g ( X ) E F [ X ] (ii) If f ( X ) E F I X ] is irreducible, t h e n f ( X ) h a s multiple roots if a n d on1y if f ( X ) i s of the f o r m g ( X P ) f o r s o m e g ( X ) 6 F I X ] .
Proof. (i) If f ( X ) has the form g ( X P ) ,then obviously f ’ ( X ) = 0. Conversely, assume that f ’ ( X ) = 0 and write f ( X ) = i a , = 0, 1 5
i _< n , and hence a,
+ alX
= 0 if p
f ( X ) = ao
. . . + a , X n with a , # 0, n 2 1. Then
+ i. Thus f ( X ) has the form
+ a p X ” + a * p X 2 p + . . . + a,,XTP
which shows that f ( X ) = g ( X P ) for g ( X ) = ao
+ a,X + . . . + u r P X r
( i i ) This is a direct consequence of (i) and Corollary 2.2. w 2 . 5 . Proposition. Let F be a field of characteristic p
a n irreducible polynomial. Choose the nonnegative integer
0 and let f ( X ) E F [ X ] be
such that j ( X ) E F[XP‘] but
f ( X ) 6 I.’[X1’e+’]and write f ( X ) = $ ( X ” ) f o r s o m e $ ( X ) E F [ X ] ( i ) ~ J ( Xis )a n irreducible and separable polynomial o v e r F
(ii) A l l roots of f ( X ) h a v e t h e s a m e m u l t i p l i c i t y equal t o pe a n d d e & ( X ) i s equal l o the
n u m b e r of d i s t i n c t routs of f (Xi. I n p a r t i c u l a r ,
Proof. (i) It is clear that $(X) is an irreducible polynomial. Furthermore, + ' ( X ) # 0 , since otherwise by Proposition 2.4(i), $(X) is of the form g ( X P ) and hence J ( X ) E
F[XPCi'],contrary t o the assumption. Thus, by Corollary 2 . 2 ,
4(X) is separable over F .
( i i ) By ( i ) , we may split $(X) into distinct linear factors (in a suitable extension of F ) :
Then rn
f(X) =
r p p e
Let a , be a root of
XP? =
ap? =
pl. Then
( a l , .. . , am are distinct)
as asserted.
Let F be a field of characteristic p > 0 and let f ( X ) E F I X ] be an irreducible polynomial. The degree of the polynomial +(XI E F [ X ](in notation of Proposition 2.5) is called the separable degree of f ( X ) ,while e is called the e z p o n e n t of i n s e p a r a b i l i t y of f ( X ) . if a is an algebraic element over F with minimal polynomial
f(X), then the separable
degree of a over F (respectively, the e z p o n e n t of i n s e p a r a b i l i t y of a over F ) is defined to be the separable degree of f ( X ) (respectively, the exponent of inseparability of f ( X ) ) . In case where char F = 0, the separable degree of a is defined to be the degree of a . Thus, in
all cases, the separable degree of a i s equal to t h e n u m b e r of distinct roots of t h e m i n i m a l p o l y n o m i a l of a .
2.6. Proposition. L e t F be a field of characteristic p
0, let a be a n algebraic
element in a field e z t e n s i o n of F a n d let e be the ezponent of inseparability of a. T h e n
i s separable over F
(ii) a is separable over F if a n d o n l y if F(a) = F ( a P ) .
Proof. (i) Let f ( X ) E F[X] be the minimal polynomial of a over F and let $(X) E
F[X] be as in Proposition 2.5. Then, by Proposition 2.5(i), separable polynomial $(X) E F [ X ] . Thus
is a root of an irreducible
is separable over F.
(ii) Assume t h a t a is not separable over F . Then, by Proposition 2.4(ii), f ( X ) = g(XP) for some g ( X ) E F [ X ] . Since
is a root of g ( X ) , we have
which shows that F(@)# F(a). Conversely, assume that a is separable over F. Then f ( X ) has distinct roots. Let g ( X ) be the minimal polynomial of a over
is a root of the polynomial
Then g ( X ) l f ( X ) , so g ( X ) has distinct roots.
so g ( X ) divides X P - a P
Since g ( X ) has distinct roots, we conclude that g ( X ) = X
= (X-a)P.
a. Hence a E F ( d ) and
therefore F(a) = F ( d ) . Let E / F be a finite field extension and let K be an algebraic closure of E. The separable degree (E : F)sof E/F is defined to be the number of F-homomorphisms of E
into K . This is obviously independent of the choice of K .
2.7. Lemma. Let F(cr)/F be a finite field eztension. T h e n (F(a) : F)s is equal t o t h e separable degree of a over F a n d is also equal t o the number of F - h o m o m o r p h i s m s
F ( a ) 4 E where E is a n y normal e z t e n s i o n of F containing a.
Proof. The first assertion is a particular case of Lemma 1.9 in which
is the inclusion
map. To prove the second assertion, let K be a n algebraic closure of E . Then K is obviously an algebraic closure of F(a). Since E / F is normal, the image of any F-homomorphism F(a)
K is contained in E , as required.
We now provide a formula which ties together the degree and the separable degree of a finite extension. 2.8. Proposition. Let F be a field of characteristic p
0 , let a be a n algebraic
element i n a f i e l d eztension of F and let e be the ezponent of inseparability of a . Then
( F ( a ): F) = p e ( F ( a ) : F)s Proof. Let j ( X ) E F [ X ]be the minimal polynomial of
and let rn be t h e separable
degree of a . Then ( F ( a ) : F ) = d e g f ( X ) = p e m , by Proposition 2.5. Since, by Lemma 2.7, m = (F(a): F ) s the result follows. To obtain some further information on separable degree, we now record.
2.9. L e m m a . Let F of F and l e t X : E
C_ K be a chain of fields, where K i s a n algebraic closure
K be an F-homomorphism. Then, for any a E K , there ezist exactly
( E ( a ): E ) s F-homomorphisms E ( a ) --t K eztendiny A. Proof. Let f ( X ) be the minimal polynomial of a over E. Owing t o Lemmd 2.7,
( E ( a ): E ) s is equal t o the separable degree of a over E , hence t o the number of distinct roots of f ( X ) in K . Now apply Lemma 1.9. m 2.10. Proposition. Let E / F be a finite field extension, say E = F ( a 1 , . . . , a , ) ( i ) ( E : F i S = n l = l ( F ( a l , . . . , a l ) : F(cu1,. . . ,
C Y , - ~ ) ) ~
( i i ) ( E : F ) s = ( E : F) if and only if each a , is separable ouer F ( a 1 , . . . , a ; - 1 ) ( i i i ) l j chnrF = p
> 0 and e; is the ezponent of inseparability
a; ouer F ( a 1 , . . . ,
( E : F ) = (E : F ) s p e l + - - . + e r Proof. ( i ) P u t ni = F’(ni,.. . , at-i)), 1
. . . , a t ) : F(ru1, . . . , (
I Z 5 r.
~ ~ - 1 ) and ) ~
m, =
(F(a1. . . . ,n,) :
Then, by Lemma 2.7, ni is equal t o the separable degree of
at over F ( a 1 , . . . ai-1). This, together with Proposition 1.24, implies t h a t
T h e case r = 1 being obvious, we now argue by induction on r . If El = F ( a 1 , . . . , ~
~ - 1 )
and 1;: is a n algebraic closure of E (hence of E l ) , then by induction there exist exactly
n l n z . .. T
L - ~ F-homomorphisms
2.9 t h a t each F-homomorphism El
E El
K . Because E
has exactly n , extensions t o F-homomorphisms
K . But the restriction of a n F-homomorphism E
El ( a r ) ,it follows from Lerrinia
K , hence ( E : F)s = nl . . . n,, as required.
K t o El is a n F-homomorphism
(ii) By (i), ( E : F ) s = n:=,n,
and by (I), ( E : F ) = n:=,rn,
with n,
5 m,, 1 5 z 5 r .
Thus (E : F ) s = ( E : F ) if and only if n, = rn, for all i E (1,. . . , r } . The latter, by Lemma 3.6, is equivalent t o the separability of a , over F ( a l , . . . a , - l ) for all z E (1,. . . , r } .
(iii) By Proposition 2 . 5 , m, = p e , n t r hence by (1) and (i),
as desired. rn
To exploit this last result, we next record the following simple observation. 2.11. Lemma. Let F
K be a c h a i n of fields. If a E K i s separable over F ,
t h e n a is separable over E .
Proof. Let f ( X ) E F [ X ]be the minimal polynomial of a. Then f ( X ) = f l ( X ). . . f n ( X ) for some irreducible polynomials f i ( X ) E E [ X ] .Hence a is a root of some f ; ( X ) and f i ( X )
must have only simple roots since so does f ( X ) . Hence a is separable over E . rn
2.12. Corollary. Let E / F be a field eztension. T h e n t h e set of all e l e m e n t s of E which are separable over F i s a subfield of E containing F . f n particular, if E i s generated Over
F b y a f a m i l y of separable elements, t h e n E I F is separable. Proof. Let
a l , a2
E E be separable over F and let X E { a l a z ,a1 f a 2 , a ; ' } , a l # 0.
Then F ( a 1 , a ~ = ) F ( X , a l , a s ) and
is separable over F ( a l ) by Lemma 2.11. Hence, by
Proposition 2.10(ii), X is separable over F . Since all elements of F are obviously separable over F , the result follows. rn Let E / F be a field extension. By the separable closure of F in E we understand the subfield of E consisting of all elements which are separable over F . If closure of F , then the separable closure of F in
is an algebraic
is called the separable closure of F .
Thanks to Corollary 1.11, the separable closure of F is uniquely determined up to an F-isomorphism. Let E I F be a finite field extension. We define the inseparable degree ( E : F ) ; of E over F by
( E : F ) , = ( E :F ) / ( E : F ) s If c h a r F
0, then E / F is separable by Corollary 2.3. Hence, by Proposition 2.10(ii),
( E : F), = 1. On the other hand, if c h a r F = p, then by Proposition 2.lO(iii), ( E : F ) ; is a
powcr of p .
2.13. Proposition. (i) If E / F is a f i n i t e eztension, t h e n E I F zs separable if and
only if ( E : F ) s = ( E : F )
If F i E C K i s a c h a i n
of fields and K / F is f i n i t e , t h e n
( K : F)s= ( K : E'),(E : F ) s and ( K : F ) , = (K: E ) , ( E : F ) ,
(i) Write E = F ( a 1 , . . . , a T )where each a ; is algebraic over F. Then,
by Proposition 2.10(ii), the condition t h a t each a , is separable over F ( a l , . . . , a , - 1 ) is equivalent t o the condition that each a, is separable over E' (simply rewrite F(a1,.. . , a , ) as
E'(a;,a 1 , . . . , a,-1, ( Y ; + I , . . . , a r ) ) .By Corollary 2.12, the latter condition is equivalent
to the separability of E / F . T h e desired conclusion is therefore a consequence of Proposition 2.1O( ii) .
( i i ) Write
F ( a 1 , . . . , a , ) and K = E(PI , _ _, p_t ) . Setting n, = ( F ( a 1 , . . . , a t ):
F ( a 1 , . . . , O ~ - I ) ) ~1, 5 i 5 r , and mi = ( E ( P l , .. . , p i ) :
5 t , we
( E : F ) s = n1n2.. . n , and ( K : E ) s = m 1 m 2 , .. m t by Proposition 2.10(i).
E(/31,. . .
O n the other hand, since K = F ( a 1 , . . . , a , , P 1 , . . . ,jj't) and
= F(a1,.. . , a T , / 7 1 ., .. , P 3 ) , it follows from Proposition 2.10(i) that
b'),s = ( n l . . .n,)(rnl . .m,) = ( E : E').(K :
We also have (h' : F ) , = ( K : F ) / ( K : F ) s = ( K : E ) ( E : F ) / ( K : E ) , ( E : F), = ( K : E ) i ( E : F ) * ; as rcquired.
2.14. Corollary. Let EIE' be a finite field e z t e n s i o n and let charF = p > 0. I f
( E : F ) , t h e n E / F is separable. Proof. Since p
( E : F ) , it follows from Proposition 3.10(iii), t h a t ( E : F )
F)s.IIence, by Proposition 2.13(i), E / F is separable. We next examine t h e behaviour of separability under field extensions. 2 . 1 5 . Proposition. (i) if F
and only zj both E I F and K I E are separable.
a chain of fields, t h e n KIE' zs separable if
(ii) If E / F is separable and K / F is any eztension, then KEIK is separable.
Proof. (i) If K / F is separable, then obviously E/F is separable. Moreover, by Lemma 2.11, K/E is also separable. Conversely, assume that both E / F and K/E are separable. If K / F is finite, then (E : F), = (K : E)i = 1 by Proposition 2.13(i). Hence, by Proposition 2.13(ii), (K : F); = 1 which proves that K / F is separable, by Proposition 2.13(i). If K / F is infinite, let a E X. Then a is a root of a separable polynomial f (X) E E [ X ] . Let a o , a l , . . . , a , be the coefficients of f ( X ) and let E o = F(a0,. , . , a f l ) . Then we have
C E o C Eo(a) where
Eo(a)/F is finite and both Eo/F and Eo(a)/Eo are separable,
by Corollary 2.12. Hence Eo(a)/F is separable and therefore a is separable over F. Thus
K/F is separable. (ii) Every element of E is separable over F, hence (by Lemma 2.11) separable over K . Because KE is generated over K by the elements of E, it follows, from Corollary 2.12, that KE/K is separable. w Let F
C K C E be a chain of fields. If E / F is normal, then E / K
is normal but K / F
need not be normal. The next result provides a condition under which K / F is normal. 2.16. Proposition. Let E/F be a normal field eztension and let F, be the separable
closure of F in E . Then F,/F is normal.
Proof. Let
be an algebraic closure of E and let a : F,
be an F-homomorphism.
By Proposition 1.16, it suffices to show that u(F,) = F,. To this end, note that, by Proposition l . l O ( i ) , we may extend u to a homomorphism E
Since E/F is normal,
it follows from Proposition 1.16 that u ( E ) = E, so u is an F-automorphism of E. Moreover,
o(F,) is separable over F, hence is contained in F,. Thus a(F,) = F, as required. w 2.17. Proposition. Let E / F be a finite field eztension and let charF
> 0.
Then E I F is separable i f and only i f E = FEP where EP as the subfield of E consisting o/ all p-powers of elements of E .
Proof. Assume that E/F is separable and let a E E. Then, by Proposition 2.6(ii), a E F E P and hence E =
Conversely, assume that E =
and write E =
F ( a 1 , . .. ,a,). By Proposition 2.6 (i), a?' E F,, the separable closure of F in E, for some e,
2 0.
Setting m = max(e1,. . . ,e,}, it follows that
implies E = FEPm, hence E = F, is separable over F .
2 F,. But E
= F E P obviously
2.18. Corollary. Let E J F be a finite separable field extension, let charF = p
and let m
1 be a n integer. If u l , . . . , u , is a basis of E over F , t h e n so i s u:'*, . , . ,
Proof. By Proposition 2.17, we have
II ,>"a
FEP. Hence a typical element of E is an
F-linear combination of elements in EP. We conclude therefore t h a t u : , . . . ,UP, span E over F, and hence is a basis of E over F. The desired assertion now follows by induction on m. Our next aim is t o show that any finite separable extension is simple. This will be derived as a consequence of the following two results. 2.19. Proposition. Let F be a n infinite field and let E = F ( a 1 , . . . , cr,,,p) where
the a , are separable and
is algebraic over F . T h e n E I F is a simple eztension.
Proof. By induction on n , it suffices t o treat the case n = 1. Let h e the minimal polynomials over F of
2 E.
of / ( X ) y ( X ) , then K
respectively. If K is a splitting field
= a l , y ~ ,. . ,ym be the distinct roots of
61 = p , 62,.. . ,6,those of g ( X ) . Because
is separable over F , d e g f ( X ) = m. We may
therefore assume t h a t m > 1, since otherwise,
F and E = F ( P ) . Consider one of the
linear equations
This has at most one solution in E'. Taking into account t h a t F is infinite, we may therefore ci~oose3: = 7 E F such that
It will nest be shown t h a t B
yy, -4- h1 is a primitive element of E . To this end, consider
. g ( Q - y y l ) = g(61) the polynomial g(B-yX) which obviously belongs to F ( B ) [ X ] Then and, by (2) g(Q
arid f ( X ) = n z l ( X
0, 1
y;) is X
5 m.
y1 = X
Thus the greatest common divisor of g(0 -
But then we may choose g 1 ( X ) , g 2 ( X )in
F ( O ) / X ]s u c h t h a t
= S l ( X ) f ( X ) 7- s,(X)g(Q
which implies t h a t a l E F ( 0 ) . Hence 2.20.
7 a l E F ( B ) and the result follows. D
A n y finite subgroup of the multiplicative group o/ a field is
Proof. Let F' be the multiplicative group of a field F and let G be a finite subgroup of F' of order m. Let n be the exponent of G. Then A" = 1 for all X E G. On the other hand, the polynomial X"
1 has a t most n roots in F . Since nlm, we have n = m.
Moreover, if p E G is an element of order m, then the order of the cyclic group < p > generated by p is m. Hence G = < p > 2.21.
as required. m
Corollary. Let E / F be a finite separable field eztension. Then E I F is a
simple eztension.
Proof. If F is a finite field, then E is also finite. Hence E' = < A >
for some X E E ' ,
by Proposition 2.20. Thus E = F(X). If F is infinite, then the required assertion follows by virtue of Propositions 2.19 and l.S(iii). w
We next record the following general assertion due to Artin. 2.22.
Let E / F be a finite field eztension, where F is an infinite
field. Then E / F is a simple eztension if and only i f there are only a finite number of intermediate fields between E and F .
Proof. Assume that E / F is simple, say E = F ( 0 ) and let K be a n intermediate field. Let f ( X ) be the minimal polynomial of 0 over K and let K' be the field generated by F and the coefficients of f ( X ) . Then K'
K and f ( X ) is also the minimal polynomial of 0
over K'. Therefore ( E : K') = d e g f ( X ) = ( E : K ) and thus K = K' is generated by the coefficients of f ( X ) . Note also t h a t f ( X ) divides the minimal polynomial g ( X ) of 0 over
F and both f(X), g ( X ) E E [ X ] . Since g ( X ) has only a finite number of distinct factors in E [ X ]with leading coefficients 1, the number of intermediate fields K is finite. Conversely, assume that there are only a finite number of intermediate fields between
E and F . Given a,P E E , it suffices to show that F ( a , P ) / F is simple. To this end, let 7 E F and let E , = F ( a
We have infinitely many 7 E F and finitely many E,.
Thus, there exist -y,6 in F, 7 # 6 , such that E, = Eg. Then
= (7 -
6)-'(a+7/3 - a
6/3) E E ,
Corollary. Let E / F be a finite separable eztension.
finitely many intermediate fields between E and F .
Then there are only
Proof. If F is finite, then so is E and the result is clear. If F is infinite, then apply Proposition 2.22 and Corollary 2.21. w
We close this section by providing a class of fields F such that every algebraic extension EIE' is separable. Let F be a field of characteristic p
> 0 and let FP
E F } . Then the mapping
zP is an injective homomorphism whose image is the subfield FP of F . If
it is also surjective (i.e. if F = FP), the field F is said t o be perfect. Thus F is perfect iT and only if every element is a p-th power. In addition, every field of characteristic 0 is perfect by definition. The simplest example of a n imperfect field is the field F ( X ) of rational functions in
X over a field F of characteristic p > 0 . This is so since X cannot be
a p-th power in F ( X ) . Let F be a field of characteristic p each n
0 and let
be an algebraic closure of F . For
1, define
FP-" Then FP-" is obviously a subfield of
of subfields of
{. E F j z P " E F }
7and we have
a chain
n= 1
2.24. Lemma. W i t h the n o t a t i o n above, I;"--
containing F . Moreover, ij F
is the smallest perfect subfield of
# FP--, t h e n FP-- I F is a n infinite eztension. -n
Proof. Let K be a perfect subfield of F containing F . If z E F P so
z p " = XP"
, then z P n
for some X E K since K is perfect. Hence z = X E K and therefore FP-"
proving that FP--
C K.
Finally, assume t h a t F
The fact that FP-= is perfect is a consequence of the equality
# FP--. If F P - " / F is finite, then Fp-=
hence F = (FP-%)P"= FP-", a contradiction.
for some n
2 1,
We shall refer to the field Fp-"
as the perfect closure of F . By Corollary 1.11,Fp--
is determined uniquely, up to F-isomorphism. 2 . 2 5 . Lemma. Every finite field is perfect.
Proof. This is a direct consequence of the fact t h a t a n injection of a finite set into itself is a bijection. We now characterize perfect fields in several different ways.
2.26. Proposition. The following conditions are equivalent:
(i) The field F is perfect (ii) A n y f i n i t e eztension of F is separable (iii) Any algebraic eztension of F is separable
(iv) Any polynomial in F [ X ]is separable
For characteristic 0 there is nothing t o prove: in t h a t case every field is
perfect by definition and, by Corollary 2.3, (ii), (iii) and (iv) always hold. Assume that c h a r F = p :0. It is obvious that (iii) and (iv) are equivalent and that (iii) implies (ii). Moreover, (ii) implies (iii) by Corollary 2.12. We are therefore left to verify that (i) is equivalent t o (ii). Let F be a perfect field and let f ( X ) be an irreducible polynomial over F . If f ( X ) is not separable, then by Corollary 2.2, f ' ( X ) = 0. Hence, by Proposition 2.4(i), f ( X ) =
g ( X P ) for some g ( X ) E F [ X ] say ,
Because F is perfect, a , = b: for some b, E F and thus
f ( X ) = bP,XPr+ b:XP('-') = (box'
+ . . . + b:
+ b 1 X - I + . . . + b,)',
contrary to the irreducibility of f ( X ) . Hence every finite extension of F is separable. Conversely, assume that every finite extension of consider the splitting field of XP
A. If
/I is
F is separable. Fix X E F and
a root, then
and so the minimal polynomial of p over F is of degree 1. Hence p E F and X = pP, as required. m Let E / F be an algebraic extension. If the only elements of E which are separable over
F are the elements of F , then we say that EIF is purely inseparable. Expressed otherwise,
E / F is purely inseparable if and only if the separable closure of F in E is F . If charF
then E / F is purely inseparable if and only if E =: F . To avoid trivialities, for the rest of the section we assume that c h a r F = p
> 0.
An algebraic element a of a field containing F is said to be purely inseparable o v a
F if
a p nE
F for some n 2 0 . If E / F is a n algebraic field extension, then the set of
purely inseparable elements of E over F is obviously a subfield of E containing F . \ire shall refer to this subfield as the pure inseparable closure of F in E . The following result demonstrates that it is a purely inseparable field extension of F containing any other such extension K I F with K
C E.
2.27, Proposition. Let E I F Ire a n algebraic field extension. T h e n the following
conditions are equivalent: ( i ) E/E' is purely inseparable
(ii) All elements of E are purely inseparable over F (iii) E
generated over F b y a f a m i l y o f purely inseparable elements
(iv) There exists ezactly one F - h o m o m o r p h i s m of E i n t o a n algebraic closure of E
Proof. Because the elements of E which are purely inseparable over F form a subfield of E containing F, (ii) and (iii) are equivalent. (i)*(ii): If 011'-
E E, then aPp is separable over F for some
(Proposition 2.6(i)), hence
E F . Thus a is purely inseparable over I;.
S bc a set
of purely inseparable elements of E such that E = F ( S ) and
be an algebraic closure of E . Each element a E
let Xp"
X E F [ X ]for some n
2 0 and some
S is a root of the polynomial
X E F. Because all the roots of this polynomial
are the same, the minimal polynomial j ( X ) E F [ X ]of a has a as the only root. Kow the image of a under any F-homomorphism E
is a root of f ( X ) , hence a
a proving
(iv) . ( i v ) + ( i ) : Assume by way of contradiction that a E E , a @ F and
(F(n) : F ) = ( F ( a ) : F ) s
is separable. Then
1 and hence there are more than one F-homomorphisms
F ( a ) --t E . But each such homomorphism is extendible to a homomorphism E
Lemma 1.19. This provides the desired contradiction and completes the proof. 2.28. Corollary. Let E I F be a field extension and let (Y
E E be algebraic over F . If
is both separable and purely inseparable over F , then a E F .
Proof. Since
is purely inseparable over F, F ( a ) / F is purely inseparable by Propo-
sition 2.27(iii). Since
is separable over F , we must have a E F by the definition of pure
inseparability of extension.
Corollary. Let F
K be a chain of fields.
T h e n K I F is purely
inseparable if and only if both E I F and K I E are purely inseparable.
Proof. This is a direct consequence of Proposition 2.27(ii). 2.30. Proposition. Let E I F be an algebraic field extension. If F, is the separable
closure of F in E , then F,/F is separable and E / F s is purely inseparable.
Proof. That F,IF is separable is a consequence of the definition of F,. Let K be the separable closure of F, in E. Then K / F is separable by Proposition 2.15(i). Hence
K = F, and therefore E / F s is purely inseparable. 2.31. Corollary. Every algebraic eztension E I F may be obtained b y taking a sepa-
rable extension followed b y a purely inseparable extension.
Proof. Apply Proposition 2.30. T h e next result provides a criterion under which the order of the extensions in Corollary 2.31 can be reversed. 2.32. Proposition. Let E J F be an algebraic extension and let K and F, be respec-
tively the pure inseparable and separable closure of F i n E . Then E I K is separable i f and only if E = KF,.
Proof. Assume that E J K is separable. Then E / K F , is separable and, by Corollary 2.29 and Proposition 2.30, E is purely inseparable over KF,. Hence E = KF,. Conversely,
if E = K F , then E I K is separable by Proposition 2.15(ii). 2.33. Proposition. Let E I F be a finite eztension.
(i) E I F is purely inseparable if a n d only zf ( E : F ) s = 1. I n particular, b y Proposition
2.1O(iii), if E/1' is purely inseparable, t h e n ( E : F ) is a power of p . ( i i ) ( E : F ) s = ( E I , : F ) , where F, is the separable closure of F in E .
Proof. (i) This is a direct consequence of Proposition 2.27(iv). (ii) By Proposition 2.30, E / F s is purely inseparable, hence by (i), ( E : F 6 ) s = 1. Now
( E : F ) s = (F, : F),(E :Fs)s by Proposition 2,13(ii), and ( F , : F ) s = ( F , : F ) by Proposition 2.13(i). Hence
( E : F)s= ( F , : F ) as required.
3. Separability, linear disjointness and tensor products. LVP begin by introducing the notion of a tensor of modules. Throughout, R denotes a
cornrnutatiLe ring and all R-algebras are assumed to be eonrnutatzve. Let I!, V .IY be any R-modules. A map
is said to be bilinear i f f is linear in each argument, i.e.
O u r first aim is to construct an R-module M and a bilinear map X : U x V
universal for all bilinear maps ( l ) ,in the sense t h a t to any bilinear map exists a unique R-homomorphism f' : M
f as in
@ I/.
(1) there
W such t h a t f = f' o A. hri R-module M
with these properties is called a tensor product of U and V and is denoted by simply I/
M which is
V or
If it exists, it is clearly unique u p t o isomorphism, and we shall speak of
the tensor product. T h e following standard procedure illustrates the existence of Ad. Let
F be a free R-
module freely generated by U x V and let Ar be the submodule generated by all elements of thc form (r1.1
+rzuz,~) ~
+ r2vz) -
~ I ( U I , V )
~ 1 ( u , , u l)
for u , u ~ , Eu U ~ , v V , u 1 , u 2E V and
E~ R . Then U @ R V is defined to be the factor
module F I N . The image of ( u ,u ) under the natural homomorphism F by u '8 v. Thus the R-module U
-+ F / N
is denoted
V consists of all finite sums ( u ; E U, u* E V )
and the elements u 8 v satisfy the relations
The map X : U x V if f : U x V
U @ R V defined by X ( u , u ) = u @ u is therefore bilinear. Moreover,
W is any map, then f determines a homomorphism f ' : F
If we assume that f is bilinear, then N
W given by
Kerf' and so the map
defined by
f * ( u@ v ) = f ( u , u ) is a required homomorphism. 3.1.
Let V and W be free R - m o d u l e s with bases
respectively. T h e n V B R W i s a free R - m o d u l e with basis element z E V
{ u , ~3w , } .
and { w i } ,
Furthermore, every
W can be written uniquely as the f i n i t e s u m
and as
(z; E V , wj E W )
Proof. Given ~ i ri,
u E
V and w E W , we have u = c r ; u ; and w = c r i w j for some
E R , where both sums are, of course, finite. Hence, by ( 2 ) , we have
which shows that the R-module V
W is generated by {vi
w3}. Now assume that
and fix some subscripts, say i = k , j = s. Because { v ~ }is a basis of V , there exists an 12-linear map
there exists p s : W
V x W'
+ i
R such that X,(vZ)
R with
z # k and X,(V~) = 1. Similarly,
= 0 for
ws(wj)= 0 for j
s and pS(zu,) = 1. Then the map
R given by f ( v , w ) = Xk(v)p,(w) is bilinear. Therefore there exists an
H-linear map f' : V @ W
R with f * ( v @ w ) = X k ( v ) p L , ( w ) . Finally
proving that { u . @ w 3 } is a basis for V
The remaining assertions follow easily by grouping terms. Thus if z E V
c,,, zt3(vt
is uniquely given as the finite sum z =
W , then z
w3) and hence, by ( 2 ) ,
as rcquricd rn
Let A be an R-algebra and let B,C be subalgebras of A. Then the set BC consisting of all finite sunis
C . If A
b,c, with A, E B , c , E C is the smallest subalgebra containing
B and
BC, then we say that A is generated by B and C .
Now assume that A and
B are R-algebras Because they are R-modules,
A @R B
exists, and we assert that this R-module is also an R-algebra. 3 . 2 . Proposition. Let A and B be R-algebras.
(i) A
B is a n R-algebra with multiplication given b y
(ii) The maps A
B, a
a @ 1 and B
A @ 13, b
1 @ b are Il-algebra
hoinomorphzsms whzch are vnjectzve zj A and B are R-jree Furthermore, A generated by the images A @ 1 and 1 @ B of A and B , respectzvely.
Proof. (i) Let F be a free R-module freely generated by V x W . Define multiplication in F distributively using
(vl,wl)(vz,wz) = (vlvZ,wIwz) Then F is obviously an R-algebra. Moreover, the submodule N used in the definition of
V @ R W is an ideal of F . Therefore V @ R W = F / N inherits the R-algebra structure of
F . In particular, since ( v , w ) maps t o v
@ w ,this says that
as required.
(ii) By (i) and (2 ), the given maps A
A @ B and B
A 8 B are homomorphisms
of R-algebras. Furthermore, if A and B are R-free, then by Proposition 3.1 these homomorphisms are injective. The remaining assertion being abvious, the result follows. We shall refer t o the homomorphisms A
A @ B ,a
a @ l and B
A@B, b
as canonical. The next result provides a universal characterization of the tensor product of algebras.
3.3. Proposition.
Let A1,AZ and B be R-algebras and let
: A,
B be an
R-algebra homomorphism, i = 1 , 2 . Then there ezists one and only one R-algebra homomorphism h : A l @ R A2
B such that $,
=h o
f,,i = 1 , 2 , where fz
: A,
A1 @
the canonical homomorphism.
Proof. The map A l x A2 h : Al
B , ( a l , a z ) H $ 1 ( ~ 1 ) $ z ( a z ) is bilinear and so the map
B given by h(al @ u 2 ) = $l(ul)$2(a2) is a homomorphism of R-modules.
Moreover, if z = a l @ a2 and y = a1 ' 8 a2 ', then
proving that h is a homomorphism of R-algebras. Since h(f,(a,))=
$ J ~ ( U , ) , U ,E
A , , we
have $, = h o fz, i = 1 , 2 . Finally, the uniqueness of h is a consequence of the fact that any R-algebra homomorphism A l (a1
@ az/a, E A , ,
i = 1,2}.
B is uniquely determined by its restriction to
Let A be a commutative algebra over a field F a n d let
B,C be subalgebras of A .
the natural homomorphism
is a surjective homomorphism of F-algebras. We say t h a t B a n d C are linearly d i s j o i n t over F if t h e given m a p is a n isomorphism. Note t h a t if B and C are finite dimensional, then d i m F ( B @ C) = ( d i m F B ) ( d i m F C ) by Proposition 3.1. Hence, for finite dimensional
U and C , their linear disjointness over F is equivalent t o t h e requirement dimFBC = (dimFB)(dimFC) In t h e general case, we have t h e following characterization of linear disjointedness
3.4. Proposition. T h e f o l l o w i n g c o n d i t i o n s are equivalent: (i) B a n d C are l i n e a r l y d i s j o i n t o v e r F
( i i ) If a f i n i t e s e t
{ a l , . . . ,a,}
is F - i n d e p e n d e n t , t h e n it is C - i n d e p e n d e n t
( i i i ) F o r u n y f i n i t e s e t s {b,} a n d { c , } of l i n e a r l y i n d e p e n d e n t e l e m e n t s in R a n d C , respec-
t i v e l y , t h e s e t { b , c j } is linearly i n d e p e n d e n t (iv) lj { b , } is a basis f o r B a n d { c , } is a basis f o r C , t h e n { b i c , } i s a basis f o r R C
( v ) T h e r e e x i s t s a basis { b ; } of B w h i c h i s C - i n d e p e n d e n t
Proof. ( i ) = + ( i i ) :Assume t h a t B arid C are linearly disjoint and let { a 1 , ., .a,} & LI be 1;-independent.
C,"=, a , c , = 0 , then C,"=, a , @ c , = 0.
Sincc t h e set { a l , .. . , a , , }
can b e extended t o a n F-basis of B , it follows from Proposition 3.1 t h a t all
c, =
0. Hence
{ cy 1 , . . . , a,} is C-independent . (ii)+(iii):
If A,,
Let { h i }
xt,,A,,b,c, =
0, A,,
and { c , }
E F, then
b e two finite sets of linearly independent elements.
C,b i ( C , A,;c,)
= 0 . Hence
1, AZlc,
= 0 and t h e r e f o r e
(iii)+(iv): T h e assumptic?. guarantees t h a t { b 2 c 3 } is linearly independent. Sirice { b , c l } obviously spans U C , it must be a basis. ( i v - + ( i ) : By Proposition 3.1 and the hypothesis, the natural m a p B
-+ H C
maps a
basis t o a basis, a n 3 hence is a n isomorphism.
( v ) > ( i ) : By Proposition 3.1, a typical element of H
C h, @ c , with c , C C . Sincc the 6 , are C-inder'entirnt,, of 1) @ F C onto l3C is an isoniorphisrri.
C can be uniquely written as
the nat.iiral map
C 0, @ c ,
(ii)+(v): Obvious. rn Let E / F be a field extension and let c h a r F = p of E and let
Denote by
of elements z such that
be the subfield of
> 0.
W i t h the above notation, a set
F an algebraic closure
E F.
. .a,},
E E , is
independent if a n d only if {a:, . . . ,a:} i s F - i n d e p e n d e n t .
Proof. p, = A:
Assume that
Cr='=, Ata,
F. On the other hand, if
algebraically closed, p , = A:
= 0 with
A, E FP-'.
Cy=,p l a y
= 0 with p z E F , then, since
for some A, in FP-I. Hence
CA:af = 0, so
= 0 for
3.6. Theorem. Let E I F be a n algebraic e z t e n s i o n of fields of characteristic p
> 0.
A , a , = 0. Since A, = 0 if and only if p, = 0, the result follows. w
We are now ready to prove the following result.
T h e n EIF is separable if a n d o n l y if E and FP-'
are linearly disjoin1 over F (both E and
are regarded as F-subalgebras of a n algebraic closure
Proof. Assume that E and
o f E).
are linearly disjoint over F . Given a E E , put
n = (F(a) : F). Then { l , a ,. . . , an-'} is an F-basis of F ( a ) = F[a]and hence, by Proposition 3.4, these elements are FP-' -independent. I t follows, from Lemma 3.5, that the elements 1,a p , . . . , Q P ( ~ - ' ) are F-independent. Because there are n of these and they are contained in F ( a P ) , we conclude that F(a) = F ( a P ) . Thus, by Proposition 2.6(ii), a is separable. Conversely, assume that E / F is separable. Let { a l , .. . ,a,} be a finite F-independent subset of E, and let K = F ( a l , . . . ,a,). Then we can choose a basis { a l , .. . , a n , a n + l r
. . . , a , ) of K over F. If
i 5
r , so
p E K , then p is a n F-linear combination
of the a t , 1
,LP is an F-linear combination of the a:, 1 5 i 5 r . The same holds for
(pz)p, p3P
.. .
= (,03)P,.
On the other hand, because
0 is
separable over F, we
E F(pp) = F [ P p ] by Proposition 2.6(ii). Thus ,B is an F-linear combination of
the a f , 1
5 i 5 r . Since ( K : F )
= r , this implies that {a:,a;, . . . , a : } is an F-basis
of K . Thus {a:, . . . ,a:} is F-independent and, by Lemma 3.5,
. . ,a,} is
( ~ 1 , .
independent. Now apply Proposition 3.4. rn
Our next aim is to provide a characterization of separability via tensor products.
3.7. Lemma. Let E / F be a field eztension and let f (X) E F[X] be of degree
as E-algebras
Proof. The map E ( X ]---t E 8 [ F [ X ] / ( f ( X ) ) ] ,XiXc
A, @ ( X '
+ ( f ( X ) ) )is
obviously a surjective homomorphism of E-algebras which maps f ( X ) t o zero. Since both algebras in ( 3 ) are of the same E-dimension, namely d e g f ( X ) , the result follows. w 3.8. Lemma. Let F
C K 1 C El
and F
C Kz C Ez
be chains of fields. Then the
m np K1 @ F
E1 @ F Ez, a @ b H a @ b
an injective homomorphism of F-algebras.
Proof. The given map is obviously a homomorphism of F-algebras. Let {y,}
be F-bases of K 1 and K z , respectively. Then, by Proposition 3.1,
F-basis of K1 @ F K 2 . On the other hand, the elements
(2, @
( z z } and
y3} is an
yI} regarded as elements
of E l 8~ Ez can be extended t o a n F-basis of E1 @ F E z , again by Proposition 3.1. This
shows t h a t the given map is injective as required.
3.9. Lemma. Let F ( a ) / F be a finite separable f i e l d eztension and let K / F be a n
arbitrary f i e l d eztension. Let f ( X ) = f l ( X ) . . . f , ( X ) be the decomposition of the minimal polynomial f ( X ) of a over F into irreducible factors over K . Then
where a, zs
root of f , ( X ) .
Proof. Since F ( a ) E F [ X ] / ( f ( X ) it ) , follows from Lemma 3.7 t h a t
On the other hand, K ( a , ) E K [ X ] / ( f , ( X ) )The . desired conclusion now follows by- v i r t u e
of Proposition 1.5.5. w We are now ready to prove 3.10. Theorem. Let E / F be an algebraic extension. Then the following eonditzonr are equivalent:
(i) E / F is separable (ii) For a n y field extension
(iii) For a n y f i n i t e field extension
E has no nonzero nilpotent elements
K / F ,K
E has n o nonzero nilpotent elements.
Furtkermore, i j charF = p > 0 , t h e n each of the above conditions is equivalent t o
(iv) F P - '
E has no nonzero nitpotent elements
Proof. ( i ) j ( i i ) : Assume that E / F is separable. By Lemma 3.8, it suffices to show that K
F ( a ) has no nonzero nilpotent elements, for any a E E . The latter is a
consequence of Lemma 3.9. (ii+(iii): This is obvious (iii)+(i):
Given a E E, let f ( X ) be the minimal polynomial for a over F and let K be the
splitting field of f(X). Then K / F is a finite extension, so K @ FE has no nonzero nilpotent elements. Therefore, by Lemma 3.8, K @ FF(a)has no nonzero nilpotent elements. Hence, by ( 4 ) , f(X)has only simple roots and therefore a is separable. Thus E / F is separable. Now assume that c h a r F = p > 0. Then, in view of the implication ( i ) +
( i i ) , we must
also have (i)+(iv). Conversely, assume that E / F is not separable. Then, by Theorern 3.6,
E and Fp-' are not linearly disjoint over F . Hence, by Proposition 3.4(ii), there exists a finite F-independent set { a l , . . . ,a,}
X,w, = 0.
and nonzero elements A, E Fp
C Z , X p a p = 0 and, since Xp
i= 1
But, by Proposition 3.1,
CZl A,
F-linearly independent. Thus
a , # 0 in F P p '
- 1
such that
E F , then
E since A, # 0 and
. . . a , are
E has a nonzero nilpotent element and the resuit
follows. In what follows we assume t h a t all the fields involved are contained in one field. We close by giving a useful criterion for recognizing linear disjointness in a chain of fields. For convenience of reference, we first record the following two observations. 3.11. Lemma. Let R , S be integral d o m a i n s with quotient fields K , L respectively
and let F be a subfield of K n L. To test whether i and K are linearly di.sjoint over F , it s u f i c e s t o show that if elements are linearly independent over R.
. . , s,
of S are linearly independent over F , t h e n they
Proof. Let x l , . . . ,z,b e elements of L which are linearly independent over F . Uy Proposition 3.4(ii), it suffices to show t h a t zl,. . . , z,
. . ,A, E K , not all zero, such t h a t
Assume by way of contradiction t h a t there exist XI,.
+ . . . + Xnx, = 0
Choose nonzero r E R , s E S such t h a t r , s1,.
. . , s,
are linearly independent over A'.
r X , E R and
(5) s, =
sx, E
S, 1 5 i 5 n . Then
E S are linearly independent over F . O n t h e other h a n d , multiplying (5) by r s ,
we have r1s1
+ . .. + r n s ,
where not all r , are zero. This shows t h a t sl,,. . ,s,
are linearly dependent over H , as
required. rn
3.12. Lemma. L e t K I F a n d L I F be f i e l d e z t e n s i o n s , l e t R be a sttbring of K s u c h
Ii' is t h e q u o t i e n t f i e l d of R a n d F C R , a n d let {x,} be a n F-basis of R . If t h e e l e m e n t s {xu) are l i n e a r l y i n d e p e n d e n t over L , t h e n I< a n d L are linearly dzsjoint o v e r F . Let r l r . .. , r ,
be elements of I< linearly independent over F. To prove
t h a t , those elements are linearly independent over L , we may assume t h a t each r , lies
!2. T h e elements r l r . . . , r , lie in a finite-dimensional vector space V over F generated by some of t h e z,, say r l , . . . ,~
. . z,. Hence
. .,r,
can be completed to a basis, say
,. . . , rrn of ~V over ~ F~. By, hypothesis, the elements z l r . . ,z,are linearly
independent over C, hence V ' = { X l z l
+ . . .+-A,z,\X,
is a vector space over L of dimension n. Therefore ovcr L, as required.
E L} TI,.
= {Xlrl
+ . . . i -X n r n ; X ,E L }
. . ,r , remain linearly independent
3.13. Proposition.
Let F
be a chain of j i e l t f s and iet l , / F be
e x t e n s i o n . l h e n L a n d E are linearly d i s j o i n t ouer F if and o n l y if I, and K ore l i r i u i r l ! j di.sjoinl over F a n d L K a n d E are linearly dzsjoint o u e r I<.
Proof. Assume t h a t L, K are linearly disjoint over F a n d LI<, I3 are linearly disjoint over K . Let (A;} a basis of
b e a basis of L over F , let { b , } be a basis of K over F , and let
over K . T h e n
is a basis of E over F . Assume by way of contradiction
t h a t L and E are not linearly disjoint over F . T h e n there exists a relation
Changing the order of summation gives
contrary to the linear disjointness of E and L K over K . Conversely, assume that L and E are linearly disjoint over F . Then L and K are linearly disjoint over F , and the field LK is the quotient field of the ring K [ L ] .This ring is a vector space over K , and a basis of L over F is also a basis of K [ L ]over K . With
this remark and Lemmas 3.11 and 3.12, we see t h a t it suffices t o prove that the elements of such a basis remain linearly independent over E . But this follows from the assumption
that L and E are linearly disjoint over F , hence the result.
4. Norms, traces and discriminants of separable field extensions.
Our aim in this section is t o examine some properties of norms, traces and discriminants of field extensions. We then specialize to the case of separable extensions and provide some useful characterizations of such extensions. Let R be a commutative ring and let A be an R-algebra. We say that A is R-free if it is free as an R-module. Let A be an R-algebra which is R-free of finite rank. By an R-representation of A (or simply a representation of A ) we understand any homomorphism
of R-algebras, where V is a finitely generated free R-module. If n is the rank of V, then
EndR(V) is identifiable with the R-algebra M,(R) of all n x n-matrices with entries in R. Hence the given representation of A defines a homomorphism
Any such homomorphism is called a matrix representation of A . T h e particular case in which V = A and the image la of a E A in EndR(V) is given by
is of special importance. We refer t o the representation A
as the regular representation of A . Let H be a commutative ring and let V be a free R-module of finite rank freely generated by u 1 , . . . , v n , If
f E EndR(V) then, with respect to the basis ul,.. , u , ~ , ,f
can be represented as an n x n-matrix ( a i j ) over R . The trace, d e t e r m i n a n t , and the
characteristic polynomial of f are, respectively, 11
a,,, d e t ( f )
T r ( f )=
det(a,,) and d e t ( X . I ,
where I , is the identity n x n-matrix. These quantities are independent of the choice of the basis. Observe also that
Now assume that R is a subring of a commutative ring
and that
S is R-free of firiite
rank. Consider the regular representation
+ EndR(S), s
of S. F3y the trace ( n o r m , Characteristic polynomial) of s E S we understand the trace (determinant, characteristic polynomial) of
t , . The trace and
n o r m of s will be denoted
bY T r s / ~ ( sand ) Ns/R(s) respectively. The foregoing is clearly applicable to a finite field extension E I F , since E i s a finitedimensional F-algebra. Hence, for any X € E , ~ v emay define the trace (norm, characteristic polynomial) as above.
4.1. Lemma. Let E I F be a finite field extension, let X E E a n d let f ( X ) be the characteristic polynomial of A . ( i ) X zs a root of f ( X ) a n d , if
E'(X), t h e n j ( X ) is the m i n i m a l polynomial of X over
F. ( i i ) Zf K I F is a n y field eztension in which
A t ) , then
fix') splits
i n t o linear factors, say f ( X )
Proof. (i) Denote by M the matrix for multiplication by X in E with respect t o a given F-basis of E . From matrix theory we know t h a t f ( M ) = 0. Since f ( M ) multiplies elements of E by !(A),
we conclude that f ( X ) = 0, i.e. X is a root of f ( X ) . Note that
f ( X ) is a monic polynomial over F of degree ( E : F ) . Hence, if E = F(X), then f ( X ) is the minimal polynomial of X over F . (ii) This is a direct consequence of the equality ( 1 ) .
4.2. Lemma. L e t E / F be a f i n i t e field extension, let K be a n intermediate field and let X E K . L e t g ( X ) be t h e characteristic polynomial of X over F, w h e n X is regarded as a n e l e m e n t of K , a n d let f ( X ) be t h e characteristic potynomiat of X over F , w h e n X i s regarded as a n e l e m e n t of E . T h e n
(i) f ( X ) = g(X)"
m = (E :K )
NE/F(X) = [NK/F(X)lm
(4 T ~ E / F (= X )~ ( T ~ K / F ( A ) ) Proof.
Properties (ii) and (iii) follow from (i), by applying Lemma 4.1(ii). To
establish (i), let {y;ll 5 i
5 k}
be a basis of K over F and let {yll 5 j
of E over K . Thanks to Proposition 1.24, { y i z j l l
5 i 5 k,
5 m} be
5 j 5 m } is
a basis
a basis of E
over F . Let M = ( a i h ) denote the matrix for multiplication by X in K with respect to the basis {y;}. Then Xyi =
and thus
Ordering lexicographically the basis {y;z,}
of E over F , it follows that the matrix N for
multiplication by X in E with respect to this basis is given by
N Thus the matrix X . I,,
= diag(M, M , . . . ,M )
N , n = ( E : F ) , consists of m diagonal blocks, each of the form
x .Ik - M . It fO~~OWSthat f(x)= det(X'. I,, - N ) = ( d e t ( X . Ik - M ) ) "
= g(X)m:
as desired.
4.3. Corollary. L e t E I F be a f i n i t e field extension, let X E E a n d let f ( X j a n d
g ( X ) be the characteristic polynomial a n d m i n i m a l polynomial of X over F , respectively.
f ( X ) = g(X)n where
n = ( E : F(X))
I n particular, f ( X ) = g ( X ) if and only if E = F ( X ) .
Proof. P u t K = F ( X ) and apply Lemmas Q . l ( i ) and 4.2(i). m We are now ready t o provide explicit formulae for trace and norm of an element in a field extension. 4.4. Theorem. Let E J F be a finite field eztension, let
and let f ( X ) he the characteristic polynomial of X E E . Let he all distinct F-homomorphisms of E into
and u , (A), . ..,..=(A)
be a n algebraic closure of E 01,02,.
. . , u n ,n = ( E : F ) s ,
and let p e = ( E : F ) , . Then
are all conjugates of X in
each repeated ( E : F ( X ) ) , times. In
particular, b y Lemma d.l(ii),
Proof. P u t t = ( F ( X ) : F ) s , K = ( E : F ( X ) ) , , r = ( F ( X ) : F ) , and a = ( E : F ( A ) ) . Then, by Proposition 2.13(ii), p e k = ar. By Lemma 2.7, there exist exactly t , say X =
XI,. . . , A t of conjugates of X in
Let L be the normal closure of E / F . Then L
arid any F-homomorphism of F ( X ) into
is in fact an F-homomorphism of F ( X ) into
'Therefore, by Propositions 1.21 and 2.13(ii), each of the t F-homomorphisms of F ( A ) into C has exactly
( E : F ) , / ( F ( X ) : F ) s = ( E :F ( X ) ) , exterisions among the u t . Accordingly, each of the conjugates A, of X occurs ( E : F ( X ) ) , times in the set { u l ( X ) ,. . . ,cn(A)).We conclude therefore that
Denote by g ( X ) the minimal polynomial of X over F . By Proposition 2.5(ii), all the roots
XI,. . . , A t of g ( X ) have the same multiplicity equal t o r . Thus
and, invoking Corollary 4.3, we obtain
as we wished t o show.
4.5. Corollary. Let E I F be a finite separable extension of degree n , let
be all distinct F-homomorphisms of E into its algebraic closure
z and
. . ,u,,
let f ( X ) be the
characteristic polynomial of X E E . Then (i) f ( X ) = r I L ( X - .l(X))
and .](A),
. . . ,on(X) are all conjugates of X in
z, each repeated ( E : F ( X ) ) times.
(ii) N E / F ( X ) = n,"=, uI(X) (iii) T r E / F ( X ) =
cT=l uijh)
Proof. Because E I F is separable, we have ( E : F ) s = ( E
F ) and ( E : F ) i = 1.
The required assertions now follow by virtue of Theorem 4.4. H We next record some elementary properties of norm and trace.
Proof. Properties (i), (ii), and (iii) can be verified in a straightforward manner. Let a l , . . .ak be a basis of K over F and let b l , . . . , b, be a basis of E over K . Given x E E any y E K , write
xbt =
(+,, ya1
The products aibj give a basis of E over F and
proving ( a ) .
To prove ( b ) , we employ the notation of the proof of Proposition 1.21. We may assume that
is the identity automorphism of L. By Theorem 4.4, we have
We know, from the proof of Proposition 1.21, that the restrictions of the products
to E are distinct and give all F-homomorphisms of E into L. Moreover, by Proposition 2.13(ii), p a + $ = ( E : F ) , . The desired assertion now follows by applying Theorem 4 . 4 . rn T,et R be a commutative ring, and let M , N be R-modules. An R-bilinear form on
ibf x A’ is any map f :M x
having the following two properties: ( i ) For each z E M , the map y
f ( z , y ) is R-linear
(ii) For each y E
N ,the map
f ( x , y ) is R-linear
In what follows we shall write < 5,y > instead of f(x,y). The bilinear form f : M x N
is said to be nonsingular if the following two conditions hold:
(i) < 2,b>= 0 for all x E M implies b = 0 (ii) < a , y >= 0 for all y E N implies a = 0 We shall refer t o a bilinear form f : M x M
R as being symmetric if for all z , y E M
< x , y>=< y, x >
4.7. Lemma. Let U and V be two finite-dimensional vector spaces over a field F
and let U x V
F be a nonsingular bilinear form. Then dimU
= dimV = n,
to any basis u1,.. . ,un of U there corresponds just one family of elements
say, and
. . . ,v,
of V
such that
.., v n
(6.. zj - 0 f.f z . # j, 6;;= 1)
is a basis of V.
Proof. The assignment
defines a mapping V y E V for which
F n which is easily seen t o be linear. T h e kernel consists of all
< u 1 , y >= . . . =< u n , y >=
0. Since the given form is nonsingular, it
follows that y = 0. Hence the mapping (2) is injective and therefore dimV 5 n = dimU. By symmetry, we also have the opposite inequality, and combining the two, we find that dimU = dimV. Since dim V = n and the map (2) is injective, it must be an isomorphism. Take the standard basis e l , . . . ,en in F" and let v , be the inverse image of e; under the mapping (2). Then < u ; , v i > =
6 i j as
Finally, if v;, . . . ,vL is another family with this property, then each v, - u: lies in the kernel of the mapping (2) and so must be zero. Hence there is only one such family. Taking into account the v:s are the inverse image, under a n F-isomorphism, we also see t h a t they form a basis of V. So the lemma is true. Let U and V be two finite-dimensional vector spaces of dimension n over a field F and let U x V
be a nonsingular bilinear form. Any two bases u l , . .. ,un and u l , . . . ,v, of
U and V, respectively satisfying =
are called dual to one another with respect t o a given form. Let
be a finite field extension. Then the trace map may be used to define a
symmetric bilinear form E x E
by the rule
The bilinear properties follow from Lemma 4.6(i) and the symmetric property is obvious.
We are now ready to provide the following characterizations of finite separable extensions: 4.8. Theorem. Let E I F be a f i n i t e field extension. Then the jollowzng conditions
are equivalent: (i) The bilinear j o r m < z , y > = T r ~ / , ~ ( zisy )nonsingular (ii) T T E / F ( Z#) 0 f o r some z E E
( i i i ) T T E I F: E
F is a n epirnorphisrn
(iv) The estenszon E I F is separable
Proof. (i)+(ii): Obvious
(ii)+(iii): Let T T E / F ( Z=) ,u
0 for some z E E .
TrEIF(Xp-12) = (Xp-l)TrE/F(x) =
Then, given X E F , we have
(iii)+(iv): This is a direct consequence of Theorem 4.4 (iv)*(i): Suppose that E / F is separable. By Corollary 2.21, E = F ( a ) for some a t 6. tIence 1.0,. . . ,
arid so
. an IS
F-basis for E for some n
2 1.
< z, E >= 0 if and only if < z, a' >= 0 for all i E {0,1,. . . ,n -
l}. Our task is t o
prove that z = 0 under these conditions. Setting z
C pzcut,we have
Lct D denote the matrix (&,)
where d,, =<
the assumption < z , E > = 0 that
O ' - ~ , ( Y ~ - ~ It
then follows from ( 3 ) and
It will be shown that D is nonsingular which will imply that each pi = 0 and hence z = 0. Let i ( X ) be the minimal polynomial of
over F and let
be an algebraic ciosure
of E. Because E I F is separable, f ( X ) has n distinct roots, say a =
QI, 0 2 , .
. . , a , in E.
Hence, by Lemma 4 . 1 ,
We wish t o find a similar formula for T r E / F ( Q k ) . The h e a r transformation f!, has the distinct characteristic roots
a1,. .
., a ,
some F-basis of E ) can be diagonalized over
Hence the matrix for
(with respect t o
z. It follows t h a t there exists U such that
= diag(a1,. . . , a,)
Raising this to the k-th power, we infer that
U-'eaklJ = d i a g ( akL ,...,a,) k
and, by taking traces, we obtain
Now let V = V ( a 1 , .. . ,a,) denote the matrix r
... ... ...
I ffn ff',
and V t the transposed matrix. Invoking ( 4 ) , we see that the (z,j)-th entry of V V t is
It therefore follows that V V ' = D . Since V and V t have the same determinant, we deduce that d e t D = (detV)2
O n the other hand, the matrix V is a van der Monde matrix and detV =
- cyj)
Since the a1 are distinct, we have detV .f- 0. Hence D is nonsingular and the result follows. w
. . , u , be 4.9. Corollary. Let E I F be a finite separable field extension and let ul,. a n F-basis of E . T h e n there exzsts a second basis v,, . . . , u n such that
Proof. This is a direct consequence of Theorem 4.8 and Lcrnrna 4 . 7 . We now exhibit a dual basis with respect to a dis?inguished basis of a finite separable field extension E I F . 4.10. Proposition. Let E I F be a f i n i t e separable field extension, let
E E be
that E = F ( a ) a n d let f ( X ) be the m i n i m a l polynomial of a over F . Let
T h e n the dual basis of 1,a , . . . , c y n p l 2.s
m’”” PO
A - 1
Proof. Let a x ,... , LY,, be the distinct roots of f ( X j . We claim t h a t
(0 I T 5 n
Indeed, let g ( X ) denote the difference of the left and right-hand side of this equality. ’Then degg(X) 5 n
1 and g ( X ) has n roots a l , . . . ,a,. Therefore g ( X ) is identically zero, as
claimed. T h e polynomials
are all conjugate t o each other. Define the trace of a polynomial in E[X] to be the polynomial obtained by applying
t o the coefficients. Then, by ( 5 ) , we have
Comparing the coefficients of each power of X in this equation, we derive
as asserted.
Let R be a subring of a commutative ring S such t h a t S is a free R-module of finite rack n. Given
. . ,sn) E S " , the d i s c r i m i n a n t of
( ~ 1 , .
. . ,s,,), written D s / R ( s ~. .,. ,s,)
is defined by
D s / R ( s I , . . ,sn) = d e t ( T r s / R ( s ; s j ) )
4.11. Proposition. Let E I F be a f i n i t e field e z t e n s i o n of degree n a n d let XI,.
. . , A,
be a n F - b a s i s of E . (i) D E , I F ( A I ., .. , A),
= 0 if a n d only if
T T E / F ( Z=) 0 for all x E E
(ii) E J F i s s e p a r a b l e i f a n d o n l y i f D E / ~ ( X , .l. . , X n ) # O
Proof. (i) The "if" part is obvious. Assume that D E , F ( A I , .. . ,A,)
= 0. Then there
exist n elements P I , . . . ,b,, in F , not all zero, such that
We set z
C , p,X3. Then z #
0 and we have 2 ' r ~ / ~ ( X , = z ) 0, 1
5z 5
n. It therefore
follows that T r E / F ( y z ) = 0 for all y in E . If x E E , we take y = xz-' and we find that T r g / p ( x ) = 0, as required. (ii) This is a direct consequence of (i) and Theorem 4.8(ii).
We next exhibit two general facts pertaining to discriminants. In what follows, R denotes a subring of a commutative ring S such that S is a free R-module of finite rank n.
4.12. Lemma. If
. . . ,s):
E S" a n d
s: =
c,"=, rlls3 with
rzJ E R , t h e n
I n particular, the discriminants oj a n y t w o bases oj S over R difler by a square of a unit (hence generate the s a m e principal ideal of R )
Proof. . We have
which gives the matrix equation
where ( r q 3 ) t is the transpose of (r,,). Taking the determinants, the result follows. rn Owing t o Lemma 4.12, we may define the discriminant ideal of S over R , written
D s I R , as the principal ideal of R generated by the discriminant of any basis of S over R . 4.13. Lemma. A s s u m e that D S I R contains a n element which is not a zero divisor.
T h e n the elements sl,.. . ,sn of S f o r m a basis of S over R if and only if D S I R is generated by
D S / R (. 1 I
. .
Proof. It clearly suffices to prove the “if” part. Assume t h a t d = D s / R ( s ~ . . ,. ,sn)
generates D s / R . Fix a basis e l , . . . ,en of S over R and put d’ = D s / R ( e l , . . . , e n ) . We may write
in which case d = det(r;j)’d’, by Lemma 4.12. By assumption, we have Rd
Accordingly, d’ = r d for some r E R. It follows that d ( 1 - rdet(r;j)2) = 0
Moreover, d is not a zero divisor, since otherwise every element of Rd = D S / R would be a zero divisor, contrary to the hypothesis. Thus 1 - rdet(r;j)’ = 0
which implies that det(rij) is a unit of R. But then the matrix (rij) is invertible and hence sl,.
. . , s n is a basis of 4.14.
X1,. ..,A,
S over R , as required. w
Corollary. Let E I F be a finite separable field extension of degree n and let E E . Then XI,.
. . ,A n
is a basis of E over F if and only if D E I F ( X ,.,. . , A n ) #
0. Proof. Apply Lemma 4.13 and Proposition 4.11(ii). We now provide a useful characterization of discriminants of finite separable field extensions. 4.15. Proposition. Let E I F be a finite separable field eztension of degree n and
let o l , . . . , u n be the n distinct F - h o m o m o r p h i s m s of E into a n algebraic closure of E . If X1,. . . , A,
are a n y n elements of E , t h e n
Proof. Since
the result follows. Let E / F be a finite separable field extension of degree n. If X is an arbitrary element of E , then the discriminant of this element with respect t o F , denoted by D E / F ( X ) is
defined by DE/F(X) =
Observe t h a t , by Corollary 4.14, D E / F ( X )# 0 if and only if E = F ( X ) 4.16. Proposition. Let E I F be a finite separable field eztension of degree n , let
X E E be such that E = F ( X ) , and let
into a n algebraic closure of E . T h e n
. . , u n be the n distinct F - h o m o m o r p h i s m s of
~ 1 , .
where f ( X ) is the minimal polynomial of X over F and
Proof. P u t L)E/F(X)
( - l ) n ( n p l ) )A,/ z=, oi(X) and b, = a,(f'(X)), 15i
c =
= det(Xi-I)*, 1 5 i , j 5 n , =
(by Proposition 4.15)
- XJ)2
5 n. Then
n f'(X;)
= c ( b 1 . . . b,)
(since b, =
Furthermore bl
. . .b,det(X:-')
= det(XI-'b,) n-I
= det(
= det ( X i - ' ) d e t ( a s k )
and therefore
bl . . . b, = det(a,k), as required. m
4.17. Corollary. Let E / F be a finite separable field eztension. Then
D E / F ( X )= D E / F ( X+ a ) Proof. Let of E. If E
for all X E E , a E F
. . ,u n be all distinct F-homomorphisms of E into an algebraic clsoure
+ a ) and so D E / F ( X )= D E / F ( X+ u ) = 0. We may t h u s E = F(X) and hence that E = F(X + u). Because
# F ( X ) , then E # F(X
assume that
at(.\) - QJ
= OZ(X i a )
the desired equality follows by virtue of ( 6 ) . w
+ a),
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3 Transcendental extensions This chapter is confined to a systematic study of transcendental extensions. We begin by introducing abstract dependence relations, which will allow us t o treat in a unified
manner algebraic independence and pindependence. After examining some elementary properties of transcendency bases, we concentrate on simple transcendental extensions and provide a number of their important properties. We next generalize the notion of separability (introduced previously for algebraic extensions) t o arbitrary extensions. Special attention is drawn to the investigation of the existence of separating transcendency bases. Extensions E / F with separating transcendency bases are special instances of extensions
E / F which preserve p-independence. T h e latter extensions are characterized in a large number of different ways. In terms of pindependence we introduce for any extension E / F certain relative p b a s e s closely related t o separating transcendency bases. The chapter culminates in the study of relatively separated and reliable extensions. Among other results, we provide numerous connections between reliable and relatively separated extensions. It is also demonstrated t h a t relatively separated extensions can be completely characterized
in terms of reliable extensions.
1. A b s t r a c t d e p e n d e n c e r e l a t i o n s .
Lct A be a n arbitrary set. A relation < between elements of A and subsets S of A (written a < S and referred t o as “ a is d e p e n d e n t o n S”)is called a dependence relation if the following four conditions hold: (1) If a E S , then a
(2) If a
< S , then a < SOfor some finite subset
( 3 ) If a
< S and every
in S satisfies s < T, then a < T
(4) (Exchange property) If a < S and a $ S-{s} for some s E S , then s < ( S - { s } ) U { a } .
A typical example of a dependence relation is as follows. If A is a vector space over a field,
a E A and S a subset of A , then we say that a is linearly dependent on S if a lies in the subspace spanned by S. In future we shall encounter other types of dependence relations such as algebraic dependence, p-dependence, etc. This is the reason why we treat such relations axiomatically. We define a subset S of A t o be independent if no s E S is dependent on S - { s } . A subset B of A is called a basis of A if B is independent and if every a in A is dependent on B. 1.1. Lemma. A subset
S of A is independent if a n d o n l y if a n y finite subset of A is
independent. Proof.
Assume that SO is a finite subset of S and t h a t SO is not independent.
Then there exists so E SO with
{so}, hence by ( 3 ) , So
< SO - {SO}.
< S - {so}.
By (l), every s in So
- {SO}
This shows that S is not independent. Thus
if S is independent, then so is any finite subset of S . Conversely, assume that every finite subset of S is independent. If S is not independent, then
< S - {SO} for some
not containing
S. By (2), SO < S1 where S1 is a finite subset of S
Setting S, = S1 U {so}, it follows t h a t so
< Sz - {so},
contrary to the
assumption that Sz is independent. rn 1.2. Lemma. A s s u m e that a subset S of
is independent a n d that a E A is not
dependent o n S . T h e n S U { a } i s independent. Proof. Since a is not dependent on S, a !$ S by ( 1 ) . Assume t h a t S U
is not
independent. Then there exists b E S U { a } such that
Furthermore, b E S,since b = a would imply that a also that b
< S - { b } , since S is independent.
< S,contrary t o hypothesis. Note
b < ( S - { b } ) U { a } and b
# S - {b}
implies, by (4),that
< ( S - ( 6 ) ) U { b } = S,
contrary t o hypothesis. m We are now ready to prove the main result.
1 . 3 . Theorem. Let A be a n arbitrary set and l e t
< be a dependence relation between
e l e m e n t s of A a n d subsets of A. T h e n (i) T h e set A h a s a basis (possibly
U ~ C U O U Ss e t )
a n d a n y t w o bases have t h e s a m e cardi-
nality. ( i i ) A n y i n d e p e n d e n t set c a n be extended t o a basis
11 every a E A is dependent o n a subset S of A , t h e n S contains a basis of A . Proof. Let S be a subset of 4 and let
be an independent subset of A contained
i n S (such So always exists, e.g. the vacuous subset of A is independent). Consider the
collection L of subsets of A which are contained in S , contain So and are independent. Since
So E L , I, is nonempty. We order 1, by the inclusion. If (Ti12 E I } is a linearly ordered subset of L , then T = U;,,T,
obviously satisfies So
C 1' C
S . If T is not independent,
thcn by Lemma 1.1,there is a finite subset V of T which is also not independent. Because
T'y for some j E J . Since Ti is independent, this contradicts
{Yt} is linearly ordered, V
1,errirna 1.1. Thus T' is independent and T E
L. It follows that L is inductive and therefore,
by Zorn's Lemma, there exists a maximal element B in
L. We now show that if S satisfies
( i i i ) ( i n particular, if S = A ) then B is a basis of A . This will prove (ii), ( i i i ) and the first
part of ( i ) . Assume that S satisfies (iii). If each element of S depends on B , then by ( 3 ) each element of A depends on B (hence B is a basis of A ) . Let x be an arbitrary element of S.
If z is not dependent on B , then B 0 {z} is independent by Lemma 1.2, which contradicts tile maximality of B. Thus B is a basis of A . By the foregoing, we are left to verify that IBI = / C / for any two bases R and C of A . \T'e first assume that B is finite, say H c1
{ b l , . . . , b n } . \\'e claim that there is a
C such that c 1 is not dependent on ( b z , . . . , b n } . Indeed, otherwise by ( 3 ) , every
elcrnent of A is dependent on ( b 2 ,
< { c l r b z , . . , ,&},
,b n } . In particular, bl has this property, contrary
Since c 1 is not dependent on { b 2 , . . . , bn}, it follows from
to the independence of B.
Lernrna 1.2 that { c l , b z , . . . b,} bl
so every b,
is independent. Furthermore, it follows from (4) that
rcpcating this process, we obtain c2 E C such that (c1, i n taliis way, we obtain a basis { c l , . . . ,cn}
,b,} is a basis. By
c 2 , b z , . . . , b,}
is a basis. Continuing
which is a subset of C and has the same
cardinality as B. Since C is independent, C = Now assume that both / C /and
{cl, b z ,
, bn}. Hence
< {cl,b2,
. . c n } and thus jC/ = IB1.
lBI are infinite cardinals. Given c E C,
c is
on a finite subset B, of B. Thus
We claim that B = U c E C B , ;if sustained, it will follow that ( B (5 (C(. By symmetry, ICI 5 JBI and hence IBI = ICI. Deny the claim. Then there is a 6 E B satisfies c
< UcECBc,we
have 6
Since 6
< C and every
c E C
< UcECBcwhich does not contain 6. Because this
contradicts the independence of B , the result follows.
2 . Transcendency bases.
Let E/F be a field extension and let S be any subset of E. Recall that S (or the elements of S) is said to be algebraically independent over F if the elements
(finitely many v ( s ) # 0) are F-linearly independent. It is clear that S is algebraically independent over F if and only if so is every finite subset of S. In the special case where S = {s},
we see that S is algebraically independent over F if and only if {I, s, s 2 , . . . , s", . . .}
is an F-linearly independent set. If {s} C E is algebraically independent over F , then we also say that s is transcendental over F . Expressed otherwise, s is transcendental over F if and only if s is not algebraic over F . A field extension E I F is said to be transcendental if it is not algebraic, that is, if E
contains at least one element which is transcendental over F . It is clear that any extension of a transcendental extension of F is itself a transcendental extension of F . We say that the field extension EIF is purely transcendental if E = F ( S ) for some algebraically independcnt subset S of E over F . It will be often convenient to deal with the families of elements of E , say a family {a;}iE1.
We say that such a family is algebraically independent over F if its elements are
distinct (i.e. if ai
# aj
for i # j ) and if the set consisting of the elements in this family is
algebraically independent over F. We begin by characterizing algebraically independent sets.
Lemma. Let E / F be a field e z t e n s i o n a n d let S = { s , } , ~ Ibe a f a m i l y of
e l e m e n t s o j E . T h e n t h e following conditions are equivalent: ( i ) S i s algebraically independent over F (ii) T h e m a p
is a n injective h o m o m o r p h i s m of F-algebras. (iii) For each s E S , s i s transcendental over F ( S ' ) , where S' =
s - {s}.
Proof. The equivalence of ( i ) and (ii) is a consequence of Proposition 1.4.2. If there
exists s E S such t h a t s is algebraic over F ( S ' ) , then s is a root of a polynomial i n
F [ ( X z ) z Gand ~ ] hence the map in (ii) has a nontrivial kernel. Converse!y, assume that S is not algebraically independent over F. Then S has n distinct elements sir.. . ,s, such that C a , ,,.,.,e,S;'S;?
. ..&"
is a nontrivial linear combination of the monomials s;"sT
. . . s>.
Hence si (for some z ) is
algebraic over F ( s 1 , . . . , s , - l , s , + 1 , . . . ,sn), a s required. w We next determine the isomorphism class of purely transcendental extensions. 2.2. Lemma.
If E / F i s a purely transcendental eztension, t h e n there exists a srt I
s u c h that E is F - i s o m o r p h i c t o the quotient field of the polynomial rzng F [ ( X z ) t E ~ l .
Proof. If S is a subset of E such that E = F ( S ) ,then E is the quotient field of F L S ] .
If S is independent over F , then by Lemma Z.l(ii),
where S = {s,li E I}. Hence E is F-isomorphic t o the quotient field of F[(X,),EIl.
Let E / F be a field extension. We can introduce an ordering among algebraicdlly independent subsets of E , by ascending inclusion. A subset S of 6 which is algebraically independent over F and is maximal with respect to the inclusion ordering is called a transcendency basis of E over F . Thus a subset S of E is a transcendency basis of E over
F if and only if the following two conditions hold: (i) S is algebraically independent over F .
(ii) E / F ( S ) is algebraic
Note that a n extension E / F is algebraic if and only if E has a vacuous transcendency basis over F . On the other hand, if E / F is a purely transcendental extension, say E = F ( S ) where S is algebraically independent over F , then S is a transcendency basis of E over F . We now show that transcendency bases exist and satisfy a number of important properties, all of which are consequence of the theory of abstract dependence relations. Let E / F be a field extension, let S be a subset of E and let z E E . We say that
algebraically dependent over F on S if z is algebraic over F ( S ) . 2.3. Lemma. Algebraic dependence in E / F is a dependence relation. Furthermore, with respect t o this relation, a subset S of E i s independent (S is a basis) if and only if S is algebraically independent over F (S is a transcendency basis of E over F ) . Proof. To prove the first assertion, we must verify properties (1)-(4) in the definition of a dependence relation given in Sec. 1. If a E
S,then a E F ( S ) and so
is algebraic
over F ( S ) , proving (1). If a is algebraic over F ( S ) , then a is obviously algebraic over F ( S 0 ) for some finite subset SO of S, proving ( 2 ) . Assume t h a t a is algebraic over F ( S )
and every s E
S is algebraic over F ( T ) . Consider the subset L of E of elements which are
algebraic over F ( T ) . Then we know that L is a subfield of E containing F ( T ) and that L is algebraically closed in E . Now S
and a is algebraic over F ( S ) ,so over L. Hence
a E L which implies that a is dependent on T , proving ( 3 ) .
To prove (4), suppose a < S (i.e. a is algebraically dependent on S), but a $. T = S
{s} for some s E S. Let K = F ( T ) . Then a is transcendental over K and algebraic
over K ( s ) . Hence there exists a polynomial f ( X , Y ) E K [ X , Y ] ,such that
f(X,Y) # 0
and f ( a , s ) = 0. We write
~ ( x ,= Y a)o ( X ) y m+ a l ( X ) Y m p l + . . .
+ am(X)
where the a , ( X ) E K [ X ]and a O ( X ) # 0. Then ao(a) # 0 and m > 0, since a is transcendental over
K.The polynomial f(a,Y) is a nonzero polynomial belonging t o K ( a ) [ Y ]and
s is a root of f ( a , Y ) . Hence s is algebraic over K ( a ) , which implies t h a t s is algebraic
over F ( T
{ a } ) . Thus s < T U { a } , proving (4).
By definition, S is independent if no s E S is algebraic over F ( S
- {s}).
by Lemma 2.l(iii), S is independent if and only if S is algebraically independent over F . Finally, assume that S is independent. Then S is a basis if and only if every a E E is algebraic over F ( S ) , i.e. if and only if E / F ( S ) is algebraic. Hence S is a basis if and only if S is a transcendency basis of E over F .
2.4. Corollary. Let E / F be a n arbitrary field eztension
(i) The field E has a transcendency basis over F and any two such bases have the s a m e
cardinality. (ii) A n y algebraically independent set over F can be extended t o a transcendency basis
E over F . (iii) If S is a subset of E such that E / F ( S ) is algebraic, then S contains a transcendency
basis of E over F . P r o o f . This is a direct consequence of Lemma 2.3 and Theorem 1.3. Let E / F be a field extension. By the transcendency degree of E over F , we understand the cardinality of any transcendency basis of E over F . This concept is well defined, by virtue of Corollary 2.4. In what follows we write
tr.d.(EfF) for the transcendency degree of E over F . It is clear that E f F is algebraic if and only if
tr.d.( E / F )
0. Furthermore, purely transcendental extensions are completely character-
ized by their transcendency degree, as the following result shows. 2.5.
Let El / F and E 2 / F be two purely transcendental eztensions .
Then El is F-isomorphic t o
if and only if tr.d.(El/F) = tr.d.(Ez/F)
P r o o f . By hypothesis, we may write E, = F ( S t ) , where S, is algebraically indeperident over F , i = 1,2. Then S, is a transcendency basis of E , over F, i = 1 , 2 . Hence, if
IS,/ =
/S21, then El is F-isomorphic t o E 2 by Lemma 2.2. Conversely, if
is a n F-isomorphism, then S: = f(S1) is a transcendency basis of
Corollary 2.4,
I S 1 1=
I S : I
over F . Hence, by
/ S z l , as required.
2.6. P r o p o s i t i o n . Let F C_ E
be a chain of fields and let S1,S2 be transcen-
dency bases of E / F and K f E , respectively. Then S1U Sz is a transcendency basis of K / 1 ' and tr.d.(K/F) = tr.d.(K/E) + tr.d.(E/F) P r o o f . Clearly S1 fl Sz = 0, so it suffices to verify that S1 u S, is a transcendency basis of K I F .
Let { a l , . . . ,a,,,, b l , . . . ,b,} be any finite subset of S1 U 5’2, where we assume that the
a; are in
S 1
and the b j are in
SZ.Assume that there exists a polynomial f ( { X } , { Y } )=
f ( X 1 , . . . ,X,, Y1,. . . ,Y,) in m
+ n variables over F such that f ( { a } ,{b}) = 0. The poly-
nomial f ( { a } , Y ) in the n indeterminates Yj has coefficients in E and must be zero since the
are algebraically independent over E . Because the ai are algebraically independent
over F , it follows that f ( { X } , { Y } ) ,considered as a polynomial in { Y } with coefficients in F [ { X } ] ,must be zero. Thus f ( { X } , { Y } ) = 0 and therefore S1 U
5 2
is algebraically
independent over F . By hypothesis, E is a n algebraic extension of F ( S 1 ) . Hence E ( S 2 ) is an algebraic extension of F ( S 1 ) ( S 2 )= F ( S 1 U S2). However, K is a n algebraic extension of E(S2). Thus K is an algebraic extension of F(S1 U S2) and the result follows. w
2.7. Proposition.
Let E1/F and EZ/F be two eztensions of F contained in a
common field K . Then t r . d . ( E l E ~ / E l5) tr.d.(Ez/F)
Proof. Let S be a transcendency basis of E z I F . Since ElE2 = E l ( E 2 ) and every element of E2 is algebraic over F ( S ) , we see that ElE2 is algebraic over E l ( S ) . Hence, by Proposition 2.6, any transcendency basis T of E I ( S ) / E I is a transcendency basis of
E 1 E 2 / E 1 . Since, by Corollary 2.4(iii), we may choose T as a subset of S , the inequality (1) follows.
By Proposition 2.6, we have
t7.d. ( E lEz / F ) = t7.d. ( E1 Ez / E l )
+ t7.d. ( E / F ) 1
The inequality ( 2 ) is therefore a consequence of (1). I Turning to finitely generated extensions, we next record 2 . 8 . Lemma. If a f i e l d E is finitely generated over its subjield F and
i f S a tran-
scendency basis of E over F , then S and E / F ( S ) are finite. Proof. By hypothesis, E = F ( T ) for some finite subset T of E . Furthermore, by Corollary 2.4(iii), T contains a transcendency basis of E over F . Hence S is finite by
Corollary 2.4(i). Since E / F ( S ) is algebraic and finitely generated, it must also be finite. D
2.9. Proposition. If a field E i s finitely generated over i t s subfield F and ZJ K is a n intermediate field, t h e n K is finitely generated over F . Proof. By Lemma 2.8, t r . d . ( E / F ) is finite. Suppose first that
K is algebraic over F .
1,et z l r . .. , zn be a transcendency basis of E over F . If the given elements y1,. . . , y T E K are linearly independent over F , then they are linearly independent over F ( z 1 , . . . , zn). Therefore, by Lemma 2.8,
Now we consider the general case. Let S be a transcendency basis of K over F . Then S is finite by Proposition 2.6. Furthermore, E is finitely generated over F ( S ) and K / F ( S )
is algebraic. By the algebraic case, K is finitely generated over F ( S ) , and hence over F , too. 2.10.
Let E I F be a purely transcendental eztension.
T h e n F is
algebraically closed in E . Proof. Let S be any transcendency bases of E I F such that E = E’(S). Since any element of E belongs to E = F ( S 1 ) for some finite subset S1 of S ,we may assume that S is finite, say S = ( 5 1 , . . . , s,}. We proceed by induction on n. Assume first that n = 1. Let X E F ( z 1 ) be algebraic over F . We may write X = f ( z l ) / g ( z l ) where , f and g are polynomials over F prime to each other. Then
This shows that if X were not in F , then
is algebraic over F ( X ) (since the above
polynomial for s 1 over F ( X ) cannot vanish identically). But F ( X ) / F is algebraic, hence z1
is algebraic over F , a contradiction. Thus X is in F . Suppose now that the lemma holds for n
1. If X is an element of F ( z 1 , . . . , z n )
algebraic over F , it is algebraic over F ( z l , . . . , z n p l ) . By the first part, it should be in F ( z 1 , . . . ,zn-l), and hence in F (by induction hypothesis). 2.11. Proposition.
Let E I F be a field extension a n d let T be a set of elements
algebraically independent over E . T h e n E ( T ) / F ( T )is algebraic if and only iJ E I F is alge braie.
Proof. It is clear that if E / F is algebraic, then so is E ( T ) / F ( T ) .Conversely, assume that E ( T ) / F ( T )is algebraic. Since the elements of T are algebraically independent over
F, T is a transcendency basis of E ( T ) / F . On the other hand, by looking a t the chain F
E ( T ) , it follows t h a t T
U S,
where S is a transcendency basis of E / F , is also a
transcendency basis of E ( T ) / F . Thus S is empty, as required.
3. Sirnple transcendental extensions.
Our aim here is t o examine intermediate fields of the simple transcendental extension E / F . Namely, we show t h a t any such field properly containing F is also a simple transcendental extension. T h e above result is not valid for purely transcendental extensions E / F of transcendency degree r > 1. However, it is known (see Zariski(l958)) t h a t if F is algebraically closed, r = 2 and F
is such that t r . d . ( K / F ) = 2 and E / K is separable, then
K / F is a purely transcendental extension. As an easy application of the lemma below, we also provide the isomorphism class of the group of all F-automorphisms of the simple transcendental extension F ( X ) / F . 3.1.
Lemma. Let F ( X ) / F be a simple transcendental extension, where F i s a n
arbitrary field, a n d let p be a n e l e m e n t of F ( X ) not in F . W r i t e p = f ( A ) g ( A ) - '
f ( X ) a n d g(X) are polynomials i n X with no c o m m o n f a c t o r of positive degree in A. If n = max(degf, degg), t h e n X is algebraic over F ( p ) a n d (F(X) : F ( p ) )= n.
Proof. We may write j ( X ) = (Yo where either a , f 0 or
Furthermore, a ,
+ ( Y I X -t . . . + (YX, ,
9, # 0.
g(X) = Po
The relation p = f(X)g(X)-'
pLpn = 0 since
a , or Pn # 0 and
6F .
+ . . . + pnXn
gives f ( A )
pg(X) = 0
Accordingly, X is a root of the
polynomial of degree n : C:=o(cy,- pLpz)X' with coefficients in F ( p ) . We are therefore left to verify that the given polynomial is irreducible. First, i t is obvious that p is transcendental over F , because X is algebraic over F ( p ) ; hence p algebraic over F implies X algebraic over F , contrary t o assumption. The ring
F [ p , X ]= F ( p ) [ X ]is the polynomial ring in two indeterminates p , X and hence the theorem on unique factorization into ireeducible elements holds in F l p , X ] (see Theorem 1.5.7).
Observe also t h a t a polynomial in F [ p ,XI of positive degree in X is irreducible in F ( @ ) ! X ]
if it is irreducible in F [ p ,X I . Now
is of degree 1 in p. Hence, if f ( p , X ) is reducible in F ( p ) [ X ]then , it has a factor h ( X ) of positive degree in X . But this implies that f ( X ) and g ( X ) are divisible by h ( X ) ,contrary to assumption.
We are now ready to prove. 3.2. Theorem. (Liiroth) Let F be a n arbitraryfield and let F ( X ) / F be a simple tran-
scendental extension. T h e n a n y field K with F
c K 2 F ( X ) is also a simple
extension: K = F ( y ) , y transcendental. Proof. By hypothesis,
contains an element i j not in F , so by Lemma 3.1, E =
is algebraic over F ( P ) and hence is algebraic over
K 2 F ( P ) . Let
the minimal polynomial
of X ovcr K h e
f ( X ) = X " -t y l x n - ' The
have the form p z ( X ) u t ( X ) - l
+ . . . + yn
where p,, v, are polynomials in the transcendental
elenlent A. Multiplication of f ( X ) by a suitable polynomial in X will give a polynomial
f ( X , X) iri
(X)x"--'+ . . .
ic n ( X )
i.'[X,X:; which is primitive polynomial in X (in the sense that the greatest common
= c,(X)co(X)-' E K and not all of these are divisor of the c z ( X ) is 1). Observe also that 7%
in b' because X is transcendental over F . Thus one of the y's has the form y
= g(X)h(X)-'
where g(X),h(X) have no common divisor of positive degree in X and max(degg, degh) = rn
> 0. Owing to Lemma 3.1, g ( X ) - y h ( X ) is irreducible in F ( y ) [ X and ] ( E : F ( 7 ) )= n ~ .
Since K I, F ( y ) and ( E : K ) = n , clearly m this will prove t,hat K
2 n.
It will be demonstrated that rn = n and
Since X is a root of g ( X ) - y h ( X ) and the coefficients of this polynomial are contained i n li, we have
9 ( X ) - yNX) = f ( X ) q ( X )in K!XI
We have y = g(X)h(X)--' and we can replace the coefficients of
f and
q by their rational
expressions in X and then multiply by a suitable polynomial in X to obtain a relation in
FIX, XI of t h e form
where f ( X , X ) is the primitive polynoniial given in ( 3 ) . We may therefore deduce that k ( X ) is a factor of q ( X , X ) and so cancelling this we may assume the relation is
Now the degree in X of t h e left-hand side is a t most m. Because 7 = g ( X ) h ( X ) - ' with
( g ( X ) , h ( X ) ) = 1 and max(degg, degh) = m, the A-degree of f ( X , X ) is at least m. It therefore follows that it is exactly m and q ( X , X ) = q ( X ) E F [ X ] .Hence the right-hand side of (5) is primitive as a polynomial in X . This holds also for the left-hand side. By symmetry, the left-hand side is primitive as a polynomial in X also, and this ensures that
q ( X ) = q is a nonzero element of F . Then (5) implies t h a t the X-degree and A-degree of
f ( X , X ) are the same. Hence m = n and the result is established. We close by describing the automorphism group of a given simple transcendental extension F ( X ) / F . Let GL,(F) denote the group of all n x n-nonsingular matrices with entries in F . The centre of GL,(F) consists of all scalar matrices and the corresponding factor group, denoted by PGL,(F), is called the projective linear group. 3.3. P r o p o s i t i o n . Let F ( X ) / F be a simple transcendental eztension and let G be the group of all F-automorphisms of F ( X )
of F ( X ) .
(ii) The map G L Z ( F )
G given i n
is a surjective group homomorphism whose kernel
consists of all scalar matrices. I n particular.
P r o o f . (i) The above map certainly determines a unique F-homomorphism of F ( X ) into itself (namely, f ( X ) g ( X ) - ' polynomials in A). Since aX
f(p)g(p)-', where p = (ax +,B)(yX
+ b)-'
and f , g are
+ P,7X + 6 are both of degree 5 1 and a t least one of these
degrees is 1, it follows from Lemma 3.1, that ( F ( X ) : F ( p ) ) = 1. Since F ( p ) is the image
of F(X), it follows t h a t the given homomorphism is surjective. But any F-homomorphism
F(X) has trivial kernel and so (i) is established.
(ii) One verifies directly t h a t the mapping of the nonsingular matrix into the corresponding
automorphism is a group homomorphism. The kernel is the set of all such t h a t (ax + p)(7X + 6)-l = X or -yX2
+ (6 - a : ) X - p = 0.
E GL2(F)
The latter holds if and only
if y = p = 0 and a: = 6. Thus the kernel consists of all scalar matrices. To prove surjectivity, consider any F-automorphisrn of F(X) and denote by p the
image of A. We may write p = f(X)g(X)-', where f ( X ) and g(X) are polynomials in X with no common factor of positive degree in A. Now f ( X ) = F ( p ) and so (F(X): F ( p ) ) = 1. Hence, by Lemma 3.1, max(degf, degg) = 1. Then we have
where a
0 or 7 # 0 and aX
+ p, -yX + 6 have no common factor of positive degree.
easy to see that these conditions imply a6
It is
Py # 0 and so the proof is complete.
4. Separable extensions.
Let F be a field of characteristic p
2 0 and
let L be a n algebraically closed field containing
F . If p > 0 and n is a positive integer then the elements z of L such that form a field containing F . As usual we denote this field by
If p
0, then we p u t
F . The union of all fields FP-" ( n = 1 , 2 , . . .) with be denoted by FP--. Given a
Geld extension E J F , we always choose as L an algebraic closure of E . Let E / F be a field extension. We say that E I F is separable if E and
disjoint over F . If p = 0 or, more generally, if F is perfect, then FP
-- i
are linearl)
F and hence
E / F is separable. It follows, from Theorem 2.3.6, that the general notion of separability is equivalent to the usual notion if E / F is an algebraic extension.
A transcendency basis S of E / F such that E is separable over F ( S ) is called a separating transcendency basis. If E / F has such a basis, then E J F is called separubly generated.
Our aim is twofold.
First, t o prove that a separably generated extension
is necessarily separable and that the converse is true for finitely generated extensions.
Second, w e exhibit a number of important properties of separable extensions.
4.1. Lemma. Let F
E be a chain of fields. If a subset S of E is algebraically
independent over K , t h e n K and F ( S ) are linearly disjoint over F .
Proof. It is clear that K and F ( S ) are linearly disjoint over F if and only if K and F [ S ] are linearly disjoint over F . Our assumption on S ensures that the set of all monomials s;' . . . sk,
E S, is an F-basis of F [ S ]and that these monomials are also
K-independent. Now apply Proposition 2.3.4(v). m 4.2. Corollary. A n y purely transcendental extension is separable.
Proof. Let E I F be a purely transcendental extension. Then E = F ( S ) for some algebraically independent subset S of E over F . Since S is obviously algebraically independent over FP-', it follows from Lemma 4 . 1 t h a t E and Fp-' are linearly disjoint over
F . rn 4.3. Lemma. Let F
be a c h a i n of fields.
(i) If E I F i s separable, t h e n so is K I F (ii) If both K I F a n d E I K are separable, t h e n so is l?/F (iii) If K / F is separably generated and E I K is separubly algebraic, t h e n E I F is separably
Proof. (i) This is clear, since the linear disjointness of E and FP disjointness of K and FP (ii)Given a set of
implies the linear
S of elements of FP-' which are linearly independent over F , the elements
S are also linearly independent over K since K I F is separable. Hence the elements of
S are also linearly independent over E since E / K is separable and since S C KP-'
. Thus
E and FP-' are linearly disjoint over F . (iii) Let
S be a transcendency basis of K / F . Since E , K is algebraic, S is also a transcen-
dency basis of E I F . Consider the chain of fields E 2 K 2 F ( S ) . Since X I F is separably generated, K / F ( S ) is separably algebraic. Hence E / F ( S ) is separably algebraic, as required.
R e m a r k . Let F
E be a chain of fields. 'rhen the separability of E / F need
not imply that of E I K . Indeed, let E = F ( X ) and K = F ( X P ) . Then E I F is separable by Corollary 4.2. However, E
# K
and E / K is purl-ly inseparable, hence E I K is not
separable. Note also that if K = K p ( F ) (which always holds whenever K / F is separable
algebraic), then the separability of E I F implies that of E I K (see Proposition 4.28). We are now ready to prove the following classical result. 4.4. Theorem. (MacLane’s Criterion). Let E I F be a field eztension.
( i ) If E I F is separably generated, t h e n E I F is separable. ( i i ) If E l F is separable a n d finitely generated, t h e n E / F
separably generated.
Proof. (i) Assume that E I F is separably generated and choose a transcendency basis
S of E I F . By Corollary 4.2, the fields F ( S ) and FP let u l r . ,. , u, be elements of FP
are linearly disjoint over F . Now
are linearly independent over F . Then these elements
are linearly independent over F ( S ) . Since, by hypothesis, E / F ( S ) is a separable algebraic extension, it follows from Proposition 2.3.4 and Theorcm 2.3.6 that
. . ,u , are also
linearly independent over E . Hence, by Proposition 2.3.4, E and FP-’ are linearly disjoint over F.
( i i ) We proceed by induction on the minimal number m of generators for E I F , the result being trivial for m = 0. Assume that m
> 0 and
that the result is known for all separable
field extensions with less than m generators. Write E = F ( A 1 , . . . ,A,,).
. . ,A,
are algebraically independent over F , then we are done. We may therefore assume that they are dependent. Let n be the unique integer such that all subsets of { A * , . . . A,},
of size n
1 are
algebraically independent over F but some subset of size n is dependcnt. We may ass i m e that the A:s are so labeled that
A x , . . . , A,
are dependent. Choose j ( X l , .. . , X,) E
F [ X 1 , .. . , X,j to he a nonzero polynomial of smallest total degree with M‘e claim that the exponents appearing in f ( X , , . . . ,X,)
. .A,)
cannot all he divisible hy p .
Indeed otherwise.
then g(A1,. . . A,)
I .
=- 0, so the monomials in XI,.
. . ,A,
occuring in g are linearly dependenl
The assumption on linear disjointness of E and FP-‘ therefore implies that the
same monomials are F-dependent. This would yield an algebraic relation for XI,. . . , A, smaller total degree, a contradiction. Thus say some exponent for Write f ( X 1 , . . . , X , ) =
c,Xigj(Xz, X s , .
XIis not divisible by p .
. . , X , ) . Then, by assumption, there exists
some j’ say .j = j , with p +jo and y,, ( X 2 ,X B , .. . , X,)
0. Hence g,,, ( A z , .
;L 0 sincc
by definition of n , the elements Az,
. . , , An
are algebraically independent over F . This
ensures t h a t
g(x)= ~ x i g j ( A Z , A 3 , . . . ~ A n )
is a nonzero polynomial over the field
g ( X ) need not be irreducible over
= F(X2,. . . , A n ) having
as a root. Note that
On the other hand, by the property of j o , we see
that X 1 is not a root of the derivative polynomial
since otherwise
would yield a nontrivial dependence relation for
. .., A n
degree. We conclude therefore that X 1 is separably algebraic over Finally, if
F(A2, As,. . . ,Am), then by Lemma 4.3(i) and induction Z / F is sepa-
rably generated. Moreover, that
over F of smaller total
E / E is separably
2 F; thus
is separably algebraic over
This implies
algebraic and the result follows by virtue of Lemma 4.3(iii). w
4.5. Corollary. Let E = F(A1,. . . A,),
be separable over F . T h e n the set { A l , . . . , A,n}
contains a separating transcendency basis of E I F .
Proof. We proceed by induction on the minimal number m of generators of E I F , the result being trivial for m = 1. By the final paragraph in the proof of Theorem 4.4, E = F(X2,. . .A,), is separably generated over F and EIE is separably algebraic. Let S
{ X Z , . . . A,},
be a separating transcendency basis of
basis of E I F since
E I E is algebraic.
Then S is a transcendency
Finally, since E / F ( S ) is separable, the result follows.
w 4.6. Corollary. (F.K. Schmidt). Let E I F be a finitely generated field eztension and
let F be perfect. Then E I F is separably generated.
Proof. Since F is perfect, E I F is obviously separable. The desired conclusion is therefore a consequence of Theorem 4.4. rn
Our next aim is t o characterise separability via tensor products. We begin by recording the following preliminary results. 4.7. Lemma. Let F & E
be a chain
fields a n d let X E K be transcendental
ouer E . I j E ( X ) contains a n element which is algebraic (separable algebraic) over F ( X ) and
not contained in F ( X ) , t h e n E contains a n element which is algebraic (separable algebraic) over F and not contained in F .
Proof. Let p be an element of E(X) which is algebraic over F ( X ) and let
xn+ a l X n - '
+ ... + a,
be its minimal polynomial. We can write a i = bi/ci where bi, c E F [ X ] (e.g. c can be taken to be the product of the denominators of the a i ) . Then a: = cp is algebraic over
F ( X ) with minimal polynomial
X" + b l X " - '
+ . . . + b,
If a = /3/y with p,7 € E ( X ) being relatively prime polynomials, then (1) implies
If y is of positive degree, then 7 has an irreducible factor and ( 2 ) shows that this is a factor of
p", hence
/3, contrary to the assumption on p and
y. Thus 7 is a unit a n d so
a E E [ X ] . We may therefore write a =
+ ( Y l X + . . . + a,X,
( a ;E E )
and we claim that the result will follow provided we show that
ao, a1,. . . ,a:,
are algebraic over F
Indeed, assume t h a t (3) holds. Choose p so that p !$ F(X). Then a: !$ F ( X ) and hence not every a, is in F . Thus there exists ai E E which is algebraic over F and which is not contained in F . Assume further that p is separable over F ( X ) . Then a: is separable algebraic over F ( X ) . Moreover, the field F(cuo,al,.. . , a m ) contains a separable algebraic element not in F . Indeed, otherwise c h a r F
p > 0 and we have a: E F for some
Then we have CYP' E F ( X ) , contrary t o the separability of our claim.
'. I .
over F ( X ) . T h i s substantiates
To prove ( 3 ) , let 6 E F and consider the E-homomorphism E(X) + E which sends X to 6. Such a homomorphism exists since X is transcendental. Write a = .(A),
b; = b ; ( X ) E
FIX] so t h a t by (1). a(X)"
+ b l ( X ) a ( X ) " - ' + . . . + b,(X)
+ . . . + b,(6)
Then we have the relation
a(6)" + b l ( b ) a ( 6 ) " - '
Because the b ; ( 6 ) E F , this shows t h a t a ( 6 ) is algebraic over F . Suppose first that F
+ 1 distinct elements 6 1 , 6 ~ ,... ,6,+1. Then a ( & ) = xi"=,aj6; is algebraic for k = 1,2,. . . , m + 1. Because the Vandermonde determinant det(6:) # 0, these
contains m over F
equations for the a, have a unique solution which is given by the usual determinant formu-
.. a ,
are algebraic over F . If F is finite of characteristic
las. Thus the elements a,,
p , then choose r so that p'
> m, and let E be a splitting field over E of XP'
by m
the subfield of
+ 1 distinct 6 k .
of elements which are algebraic over F. Then clearly
We now make the argument with these elements using
1. Denote
contains instead
of E and F , respectively. Then we conclude as before that the a j are algebraic over
hence over F . This proves (3) and the result follows. w 4.8. Lemma, Let K I F be a purely transcendental e z t e n s i o n , let E I F be a n arbitrary
eztension, a n d let S be a transcendency basis of
(i) K @ F E is a n integral d o m a i n whose quotient field isomorphic to E(S), where E(S) is purely transcendental over E with S as a transcendency basis. (ii) If F is algebraically closed in E, t h e n K is algebraically closed in E(S) (iii)
If every separable algebraic element of E over F is contained in F , t h e n every separable algebraic element of E ( S ) over K is contained in K . Proof. (i) We identify K and E with the subalgebras K
1 and 1 @I E of K
Because S is an algebraically independent set, the set M of all distinct
monomials s ; ' s y 2 . , . s L k , n
0 , sJ E S is an F-basis for F [ S ] . Since F [ S ]and E are
linearly disjoint, the set M is E-independent. Thus S is algebraicaliy independent in E [ S ] .
It follows from Lemma 2.l(ii) and Corollary 1.4.5 t h a t E [ S ]is an integral domain which is isomorphic t o the polynomial ring over E with S as the set of indeterminates. Thus E(S) is
the quotient field of E [ S ] .Furthermore, since S is an algebraically independent set over
E , E ( S ) / E is purely transcendental with S as a transcendency basis.
We now show that K @ F Ecan be identified with the subalgebra A of E ( S ) consisting of elements of the form zy-' with z E E [ S ] ,0
y E F [ S ] .Hence if we identify K
with A and observe t h a t E ( S ) is also the quotient field of A since A 2 E [ S ] the , assertion ( i ) will follow. The natural embedding E [ S ]4 K @F E can be extended, by Proposition 1.2.1, to a unique injective homomorphism of A into K for all 0
# y E F [ S ] . To prove surjectivity, let
E since the elements y-l exist in k ' ( S ) , z
be any element of K @F E and write
z = C z,ylrx , E X , yI E E . We can write x , = t,y-' z =
where t , , y E F [ S ] .Then
where z E E [ S ]
= zy-'
It follows that z is in the image of the above homomorphism and hence A is isomorphic to K
E , as required.
(ii) and (iii). By (i), we know that K = F ( S ) and F ( S ) / F , E ( S ) / E are purely transceridental extensions. It suffices t o show t h a t , if E ( S ) contains a n element which is algebraic (separable algebraic) over F ( S ) which is not contained in F ( S ) , then E contains an elcmcnt which is algebraic (separable algebraic) over F not contained in F . It is obvious t h a t if
an element of the type indicated exists in E ( S ) ,then it exists in E ( S ' ) for a finite subset
S' of S. Thus we may take S finite and a n induction argument permits us to assume that
I S 1 = 1. The desired conclusion is therefore a consequence of Lemma 4.7. rn Let E / F be a n algebraic field extension. Recall that E I F is said to be purely inseparable if t h e only elements of E which are separable over F are the elements of F . 4.9.
Lemma. Let K I F and E I F be two f i e l d extensions. Assume that at lecst one
of the following conditions holds:
( i ) K / F is purely inseparable
(ii) K / F is algebraic and every separable algebraic element of E over F is in F . Then t h e elements of K
E are either units o r nilpotents.
Proof. (i) If c h a r F = 0, then K = F and K that c h a r F = p > 0. Fix z = 2 . 2 . 6 ( ; ) ,y;'
I:= y., @ z, E K @,v
A, E F for some e,
2 0,
15 z
E . We may therefore assume
E , yz E K ,z, E E . By Proposition
5 n. Then, setting
e = max{e,}, we ha\e
Hence, either xPc = 0 or xP' has a n inverse in 1 @ E . In the latter case x is a unit of
K@FE (ii) Let L be the separable closure of F in K . Then, by Proposition 2.2.30, K / L is purely
inseparable. Furthermore, one immediately verifies t h a t
Hence, by (i), we need only verify t h a t L @ F Eis afield. If z E L @ F E ,then z = with xi E L , yi
E . Since L / F is algebraic, the x; generate a finite extension and
hence we may assume that L / F is finite. Then the separability of L / F implies that
L = F(X)
F [ X ] / ( f ( X )where ) f ( X ) is separable and irreducible in F [ X ] .By Lemma
2.3.7, L @ FE
E [ X ] / ( f ( X ) Assume ). that f ( X ) = g ( X ) h ( X )where g ( X ) , h ( X )E E [ X ] .
The roots of g ( X ) , h ( X )are separable algebraic over F , hence so are the coefficients of
g ( X ) ,h ( X ) . Thus g ( X ) ,h ( X ) E F I X ] and f ( X ) is irreducible in E [ X ] .This shows that
E is a field, as required. w
1, the
Proof. The extension FP-"/F is purely inseparable by Proposition 2.2.27.
4.10. Corollary. Let E / F be a n arbitrary field eztension. T h e n , f o r all n
elements of FP-"
E are either units or nilpotents.
apply Lemma 4.9 (i). w We have now accumulated all the information necessary to provide the following characterizations of separable extensions.
Let E / F be a n arbitrary field eztension.
T h e n t h e following
conditions are equivalent:
(i) E / F
( i i ) For a n y field e z t e n s i o n K / F , K
E has no nonzero nilpotent elements
(iii) FP-.' g F E has no nonzero nilpotent e l e m e n t s (iv) Fp-' @ F E i s a field (v) FP-' @ F
(vi) Fp-"
E is a n integral d o m a i n E is a field f o r all n
(vii) FP-" @ F E is a n integral d o m a i n f o r all n
Proof. (i)+(ii): Assume t h a t E / F is separable. We may clearly assume that E / F is
finitely generated, in which case E / F is separably generated by virtue of Theorem 4 , 4 ( i i ) . Choose a transcendency basis S such t h a t E is separable algebraic over F ( S ) . Note that
B y Lemma 4.8(i), F ( S ) @ F K is an integral domain which can be embedded in the field
K ( S ) . Thus K
E can be embedded in K ( S ) @ F ( s ) E . Since E / F ( S ) is separable
algebraic, K ( S ) B F E has no nonzero nilpotent elements, by virtue of Theorem 2.3.10. lIence K c g p E has no nonzero nilpotent elements. (ii)-A(iii): Obvious
(iii)+(i): This was established in the course of the proof of Theorem 2.3.10. (iii)+(iv): This is a direct consequence of Corollary 4.10. (iv)=+(v):Obvious (v)+(vi): Since (v)+(iii)+(ii), FP-" Corollary 4.10, FP-" (vi)
E has no nonzero nilpotent elements. Hence, by
E is a field.
+(vii): Obvious
(vii)+(iii): Obvious. I 4.12. Corollary. Let K I F be a purely inseparable field e x t e n s i o n a n d let
separable field extension. T h e n K
Proof. By Theorem 4.11(ii), K
E/F be a
E is a field. @F
E has no nonzero nilpotent elements. On the
other hand, by Lemma 4.9(i), the elements of K
E are either units or nilpotents. Thus
li @ J E~ must be a field. rn As a preliminary t o the next result, we now record 4.13. Lemma. Let K I F and E I F be field extensions.
element of
If every separable algebraic
E over F belongs to F , t h e n every zero divisor of K
E is nilpotent.
Proof. Let S be a transcendency basis of K over F . We have
where, by Lemma 4.8(i), F ( S ) mF E can be embedded in the field E ( S ) . Hence it suffices to show that every zero divisor of K
E ( S ) is nilpotent. By Lemma 4.8(iii), every
separable algebraic element of E ( S ) over F ( S ) is contained in F ( S ) . Since K / F ( S ) is algebraic, it follows from Lemma ?.9(ii) that K
E ( S ) has the desired property. rn
A field E is said t o be a regular extension of its subfield F if -
is a n integral domain
is a n algebraic closure of F .
4.14. Theorem. Let E / F be a field extension. T h e n t h e following conditions are
equivalent: (i) E / F i s regular (ii) E I F is separable and F is algebraicaily closed in E (iii) K
E i s a n integral d o m a i n f o r every field extension K / F
Proof. (i)+(ii): Since FP-I
C F , we have FP-' @ F E& F @ FE .
Hence, by Theorem
4.11, E / F is separable. Assume t h a t X E E is algebraic over F . Let f ( X ) be the minima!
polynomial of X over F . Then
is an integral domain. Hence f ( X ) is irreducible in E [ X ]and therefore f ( X ) = X
A. It
follows that X E F , as required. This is a direct consequence of Lemma 4.13 and Theorem 4.11.
(iii)+(i): Obvious. 4.15. Corollary.
If F i s algebraically closed, t h e n f o r a n y field extensions K I F and
E i s a n integral d o m a i n .
Proof. Since
F @ FE
E and so E I F is regular. Now apply Theorem
4.14(iii). I Our next aim is to provide a condition under which K implies K
E is a n integral domain
E is a field.
Let R be a commutative ring. Then the set S of all elements of R which are not zero divisors is a multiplicative subset of R . The corresponding quotient ring
Rs is called the
total quotient ring of R. Thus each nonzero divisor of R is a unit of Rs. 4.16. Proposition. If a commutative ring R is a finitely generated module over its
subfield F , t h e n nonzero divisors of R are u n i t s of R .
Proof. Assume t h a t r E R is not a zero divisor. Since R is a finite-dimensional vector space over F , there is a positive integer n such that l , r , . , . , r n - ' are F-linearly independent and r n is linearly dependent on them. Then
Furt.hermore, Xo
# 0 since otherwise r(rn-'
. . . - Xn-lrn-')
= 0, hence
a contradiction. Now, applying ( 4 ) , it follows that in the total quotient ring of R , we have a relation
rn--l = X o r - ' + X1 Ilecause F is a field and
+ x 2 r + . ..+ ~
0, we have
as required. rn
4.17. Corollary. Let K J F be a n algebraic field e z t e n s i o n and let E I F be a n arbitrary field eztension. T h e n every nonzero divisor in K is a n integral d o m a i n , t h e n K Proof. Let
E is a u n i t . I n particular, if K € 3 E~
E is a field.
X = C:=,a , @ b,, a ,
F ( a l , . . . , a n ) . Then X E L
E K , b, t E , be a nonzero divisor in K
B , X is a nonzero divisor in L
E. P u t
E and, since L / F is
a finite extension, 1,@F E is a finitely generated E-module. Hence, applying Proposition
4.16, it follows that
is a unit of L
E and hence of K
We close by recording some useful properties of separable extensions required for subsequent investigations. 4.18. P m p o s i t i o n .
Let E / F be a field e z t e n s i o n a n d let T be a set of elements
nlyebraically independent over E . T h e n ( i ) E ( T ) / F ( T )i s separable if and o n l y if E / P i s separable ( i i ) E ( T ) j F ( T )is separable algebraic if and only if E / F is separable algebraic.
Proof. ( i ) Assume that E ( T ) / E ' ( T )is separable. Since F ( T ) / F is separable (Corollary 4 . 2 ) , then by looking a t the chain F
c F ( T ) C: E ( T ) ,it follows from Lemma 4.3(ii),
that E ( T ) / F is separable. Hence, applying Lemma 4.3(i) t o the chain F
C E C E ( T ) ,we
deduce that E I F is separable. Conversely, assume that E I F is separable. Let {z,} is separable, {z,}
is linearly independent over FP
be a basis of E over F . Since E I F
, hence
is linearly independent
over F. But, by Lemma 4.1, E and F ( T ) are linearly disjoint over F , hence {z:}
linearly independent over F ( T ) . Therefore {z,} is linearly independent over F ( T ) P - ' . Since E =
C , Fz,,
we have E [ T ]=
c, F[T]z,. Setting R = C , F ( T ) z , it follow that
R F is a subring of E ( T ) whose quotient field is E ( T ) . Furthermore, R is a vector space over the field F ( T ) with basis {z,}.
Applying Lemma 2.3.12, we deduce that E ( T ) and
F(T)P-' are linearly disjoint over F ( T ) . This means that E ( T ) / F ( T )is separable, as required.
(ii) This is a direct consequence of (i) aiid Proposition 2.11. 4.19. Proposition. Let E / F and KIF be field extensions contained in a c o m m o n
field. If E I F is separable and K I F is purely inseparable, t h e n
(i) E and K are linearly disjoint over F (ii) E K
E @F K
Proof. Consider the natural homomorphism E @F K
E [ K ] ,a @ b
ab. This
is surjective, since the image contains E and K . On the other hand, by Corollary 4.12,
E B F K is a field. Hence E @ F K
+ E [K ]
is a n isomorphism (which, by definition, means
(i)) and
E [ K ]= E K ,
as required. 4.20. Corollary. Let E I F be a n algebraic field extension and let K be a n intermedi-
ate field such t h a t K I F is purely inseparable a n d E I K is separable. If F, is the separable closure of F in E , t h e n
E = E,K
Proof. Since K is obviously the pure inseparable closure of F in E , we have E = F s K by Proposition 2.2.32. Now apply Proposition 4.19(ii). 4.21. Proposition. The following conditions concerning a field e z t e n s i o n EIF are
(i) E I F is separable (ii) K / F i s separable f o r a n y f i n i t e l y generated subeztension K I F of E I F
( i i i ) K I F i s separably generated f o r a n y f i n i t e l y generated subeztension K I F of E / F (iv) E and FP--
are linearly disjoint over F
(v) E a n d FP-" are linearly disjoint over F for s o m e n
Proof. Note that E and FP-' are linearly disjoint, over F if and only if K and FF-'
are linearly disjoint over F , for any finitely generated subextension K / F of E / F . This shows that (i), (ii), and (iii) are equivalent, by applying Theorem 4.4. Since FP
/ F is
purcly inseparable, it follows from Proposition 4.19(i) that (i) implies (iv). Since FP-" is a subfield of F P - - , (iv) implies (v). Since FP-' is a subfield of FF-", ( v ) implies ( i ) . Let E / F and K I F be two field extensions contained in a common field L . We say that E and K are free ouer F if the following condition is satisfied: for any finite subsets
. . , zn} and { y l , . . . ,y,}
( ~ 1 . .
of E and K , respectively, such that the elements of each set
arc algebraically independent over F , the elements
are also algebraically independent over F . It is a n immediate consequence of the definition
that if E I F or K / F is algebraic, then 4.22. Lemma.
E and K are free over F .
T h e following conditions are equivalent:
( i ) E a n d K are free over F
( i i ) For a n y transcendency bases
a n d the e l e m e n t s o f
S 1
a n d Sz of E I F a n d K J F , respectively, S1
a n d S2 of E / F a n d KIE', respectively, S1 "1 S2
S1 U S2 are algebraically independent
(iii) For a n y transcendency bases
S 1
a n d Si U Sz i s a transcendency basis of E K I F (iv) I f the e l e m e n t s of a n y given subset of E are algebraically i n d e p e n d e n t over F , t h e n
t h e y are algebraically independent over K . (v) There ezists a pair of transcendency bases S1 a n d
S2 of E / F a n d K I F , respectively,
s u c h that S1 n S2 = 0 and t h e e l e m e n t s of S1 u S2 are algebraically independent ouer
F. Proof. Since any algebraically independent set can be embedded in a transcendency
basis, it is clear that (i) is equivalent t o (ii). It is obvious t h a t (iii) implies (ii) and (ii) implies (v). To prove that (ii)=+ (iii), note that each element of E is algebraic over F ( S l ) , hence over F ( S 1U S2). Similarly, each element of K is algebraic over F(S1 U Sz). Hence
E K / F ( S 1 U S2) is algebraic and therefore
5'1 U S2
is a transcendency basis of E K I F ,
proving (iii). Condition (iv) is obviously equivalent t o the requirement t h a t any transcendency basis
S1 of E / F is algebraically independent over K . As we have seen in the proof of Proposition 2.7, any such S1 contains a transcendency basis of E K / K . Thus (iv) is equivalent to the condition t h a t any transcendency basis S1 of E / F is a transcendency basis of E K I K . On the other hand, we know from Proposition 2.6, t h a t if S1 and
are transcendency bases
of E K I K and K I F , respectively, then S1 U S2 is a transcendency basis of E K I F . This shows t h a t (iv) is equivalent to (iii). Finally assume that (v) holds. Let C and D be finite algebraically independent over F subsets of E and K , respectively. We can find a finite subset A of S1 such t h a t each c E C is algebraic over F ( A ) . By the proof of (ii) *(iii), S1 US2 is a transcendency basis of E K I F . Hence, by the previous paragraph, the elements of S1 are algebraically independent over
K . Therefore, A is algebraically independent over K . Hence A is algebraically independent over F ( D ) C K . It follows, from Proposition 2.6, applied to the chain
that the transcendency degree of F(AU C U D ) over F is a + d , where a = IAl and d = IDI. Since the transcendency degree of F(AU C) over F is a and C is algebraically independent over F , the transcendency degree of F ( A u C ) over F ( C ) is a - c, where c = ICI. It follows that the transcendency degree of F ( A U C
D ) over F ( C
D ) does not exceed a
This and the formula for the transcendency degree of F ( A U C I J D ) over F imply that the transcendency degree of F ( C U D ) over F is a t least ( a
+ d ) - ( a - c ) = d + c.
It follows
that C n D = 0 and C U D is algebraically independent, as required. 4.23.
Lemma. Let E / F and K I F be field eztensions. l f E a n d K are linearly
disjoint over F , t h e n E and K are free over F .
Proof. Let S be a subset of E such that S is algebraically independent over F. Then all monomials of the form
. ..sik
(st E S, ni
0) are linearly independent
over F , hence over K (since E and K are linearly disjoint over F ) . This shows that S is algebraically independent over K . Hence, by Lemma 4.22(iv), E and K are free over F . m
4.24. Proposition. Let E I F and K I F be field eztensions. If E I F is separable anti
E a n d K are free over F , t h e n E K l K i s separable.
Proof. An element of E K has an expression in terms of a finite number of elements of E and K . Therefore any finitely generated subfield of E K containing K is contained
in E I K where El is a subfield of E finitely generated over F. By Proposition 4.21(ii), we may assume t h a t E is finitely generated over F , in which case E / F is separably generated, by Theorem 4.4(ii). Let T be a transcendency basis of E I F such that E / F ( T ) is separable
algebraic. Since E and K are free over F , it follows from Lemma 4.22(iv) that 1 ‘ is algebraically independent over K . On the other hand, E K / K ( T ) is algebraic, hence 7’ is a transcendency basis of E K I K . Since every element of E is separable algebraic over F ( T ) . the elements of E are separable algebraic over K ( T ) 2 F ( T ) . Hence E K I K is separably generated and therefore, by Theorem 4.4(i), is separable.
4.25. Proposition. Let E / F and K I F be t w o separable field extensions such that
F; and K are free ouer F . T h e n E K I F i s separable. Proof. By Proposition 4.24, E K I K is separable, On the other hand, by hypothesis. K / F is also separable. Hence, by Lemma 4.3(ii), E K / F is separable.
4.26. Proposition. Let E I F and K I F be field eztensions s u c h t h a t E and K are linearly disjoint over F . T h e n E I F is separable if a n d o n l y if E K I K is separable.
Proof. By Lemma 4.23, E and K are free over F . Hence, if E I F is separable, then by Proposition 4.24, E K I K is also separable. Conversely, assume that E I F is not separablc, i.e. t h a t E and FP
are not linearly disjoint over F . Then E and KFP
disjoint over F . Hence, by Proposition 2.3.13, applied t o the chains F
are not linearly
5 X C KFP-’
and KFP-’ are not linearly disjoint over K . But KP-‘ contains KFP-I, hencc
2SK amd KP-’are not linearly disjoint over K . This shows that E K I K is not separable. as required. w
4.27. Corollary. Let E / F and K I F be field eztensions such t h a t E J F is separable and K I F is purely inseparable. T h e n E K I K is separable.
Proof. By Proposition 4.19(i), E and K are linearly disjoint over P’. Now apply Proposition 4.26. m
4.28. Proposition. Let
E be a chain of fields such that EIF is separable
and K = K p ( F ) . T h e n E / K i s separable.
Proof. By hypothesis, E and FP-l are linearly disjoint over F . Hence, applying Proposition 2.3.13 (with L = FP-'), it follows that K ( F p - I ) and E are linearly disjoint -1
over K . Since K ( F P ) = K p ( F ) p - ' = KP-', the result follows.
A n extension E / F is separable if and only if for a n y set
. . , zn o f F-linearly independent elements of
E, t h e elements
. . . ,xP, are F-linearly
independent. Proof. Assume first that
. . ,x, are F-linearly independent elements of E , and
C Aix;
let E / F be separable. Suppose that Choose y; E
so that
C;=, y;z;
such that yp = A;,
= 0. Since
E and
= O? where the
.., A n
are elements of F.
5 i 5 n. Then
are linearly disjoint, we deduce that each y; = 0,
hence each A; = 0. Thus xy, . . . , xP, are F-linearly independent. Conversely, assume that for any set
. . ,xn of F-linearly independent elements of E , the elements x;, . . . ,xx are
F-linearly independent. The latter implies that
. . ,x,
are FP
-linearly independent,
hence E I F is separable. w 4.30. Corollary. Let
elements x with
xp =
E/F be a field eztension and let E
FP-' have n o nozero
0. T h e n E I F i s separable.
Proof. Let u l , . . . ,u, be an F-linearly independent subset of E , and suppose that X I , . . . A,
are elements of F such that
,= 1
Then, for t , = A?-' E F P - ' , we have n
t= 1
,= 1
(8 t i
= 0 and so each t ; = 0. Thus each A, = 0, which shows that uy, , . . ,UP, is
an F-linearly independent set. Now apply Proposition 4.29. H 4.31. Proposition. Let E be a field, let G be a group oj field a u t o m o r p h i s m s o j E
and let E G be t h e fized subfield of E , i.e. E G = { A E EIu(A) = X for all u E G } . T h e n E / E C is separable. Proof. P u t F = E G . By Corollary 4.30, it suffices to show that E nonzero elements x with X P = 0. Assume by way of contradiction t h a t 0 is such that
#zE E(
has no 8 F"' ~
= 0. Write
We suppose that x has been so chosen t h a t n is as small as possible. It is clear that n > 1 and we may harmlessly assume that
= 1. Then
Now let G act by FP-I-algebra automorphisms on E u
C ~F F P - ' ,via
the factor E . Given
t G , we have n.
so that. n
Because (z- u ( z ) ) p = 0, it follows from the minimality of n that z = u ( z ) . Also it is clear from the minimality of n that the yE 's are linearly independent over F . Invoking the fact
t h a t z = o(z) for all u E G, it therefore follows that each
belongs t o F . This rnakrs
n = 1, and we have a contradiction. rn
5 . Weil's order of inseparability.
In what follows, p denotes the characteristic of the given field F . If p = 0 , then all powers p" of p are to be replaced by 1. All the fields considered below are assumed t o be subfields
of a n algebraically closed field L. If E , F are subfields of L , then as usual E F denotes the
composite of these fields (i.e. the least subfield of L containing both E and F ) . Let E / F be a finitely generated field extension. Our aim is to introduce a numerical invariant of E / F , called the (Weil’s) order of inseparability of E / F , which generalizes the concept of the inseparable degree ( E : F ) i in case E / F is a finite extension. We shall also exhibit some properties of the order of inseparability with respect t o extensions of the ground field F . Let E I F be a finitely generated field extension. If S is a transcendency basis of E over F . then E / F ( S ) is a finite extension by Proposition 1.5. Recall that the inseparable degree ( E : F ( S ) ) ,of E over F ( S ) is defined by
( E : F ( S ) ) i= ( E : F ( S ) ) / ( E: F ( S ) ) , By the (Weil’s) order of inseparability of E I F , written ( E : F ) t , we understand min(E : F ( S ) ) i S
where S ranges over all transcendency bases of E over F . In the special case in which
E / F is an algebraic extension, S is the empty set, F ( S ) = F and hence the order of inseparability of E / F is the inseparable degree of E over F . It is a consequence of the definition of ( E : F ) , that E / F is separably generated if and only if ( E : F ) , = 1. Thus, by Theorem 4.4, ( E : F ) %= 1 if and only if E / F is separable. Note also that, by Proposition 2.2.lO(iii), ( E : F), is a power of p . Our first task is t o show t h a t any given set {z,, . . . , zn} of generators of E over F contains a transcendency basis S such that
We begin by recording the following preliminary observations. 5.1. Lemma. L e t E I K be a f i n i t e field e z t e n s i o n , let T be a n arbitrary field a n d let
F be a subfield of K n T . Then (i) ( E T : K T ) 5 ( E : K )
(ii) ( E T :K T ) s 5 ( E : K ) s (iii) ( E T : K T ) ; 5 ( E : K ) i
w i t h equalities i f E a n d T are linearly disjoint over F .
Proof. Let { X I , . . . ,A,}
be a basis of E over K . Since the elements of E are algebraic
over K T , we have n
ET = K T [ E ]= f K T ) [ xKXj] = x ( K T ) A , 1=1
which proves (i). Let KO be the separable closure of K in E. Then K o / K is separable and E / K o is purely inseparable. Hence KoT/KT is separable and ET/KoT is purely inseparable. T h u s
KoT is the separable closure of KT in E T . It follows from (i) that
( E T : K T ) , = (KoT : K T ) 5 (KO : K ) = ( E : K ) s and
( E T : K T ) i = ( E T : KoT) 5 ( E : K O )= ( E : K ) ; , proving (ii) and (iii). Now assume t h a t E and T are linearly disjoint-over F .
It suffices t o prove the
equality in (i), in view of the inequalities (ii) and (iii) and Proposition 2.2.13(ii). To prove that ( E T : K T ) = (E : K ) , we must show t h a t X I , . . . , A n are KT-independent. Since X I , . . . , An are linearly independent over K , it suffices t o verify t h a t E and K T are linearly disjoint over K . Let { p l , p 2 , . . . , p i } be a finite set of elements of KT which are linearly independent, over
K. We
may write p , = a,/ao where a0 and the ai belong t o T [ K ] The . numerators
are linearly independent over K and we have to show t h a t they are E-independent. Thu-; we need only verify the linear disjointness of E and T [ K ]over K .
To this end, note that the ring T [ K ]considered , as a vector space over K , is spanned by the field T . We may therefore choose a basis B of T [ K ]over K such t h a t B
Since the element of B are K-independent, they must be F-independent. But T and E arc? linearly disjoint over F , hence the elements of B are E-independent. Thus, by Proposition 2.3.4(v), T [ K ]and E are linearly disjoint over K , as required. As an easy consequence of the above, we derive 5 . 2 . Corollary. Let E / F be a finite field eztension and let
in L which are algebraically independent over E . T h e n ( i ) ( E ( S ): F ( S ) ) , = ( E : F ) s
S be a n y set
of elements
(ii) ( E ( S ): F ( S ) ) ;= ( E : F ) ;
Proof. By Lemma 4.1, F ( S ) and E are linearly disjoint over F . The desired conclusion now follows from Lemma 5.1 by setting K = F and T = F ( S ) . 5.3. Corollary. Let E / F be a finite field eztension, let E ( B ) be a finitely generated
eztension of E , and let S be a transcendency basis of F ( B ) over F . T h e n there ezists a nonnegative integer t such that (i) ( E : F ) ; = p t ( E ( B ) : J ’ ( B ) ) ;
(ii) ( F ( B ): F ( S ) ) ;= p f ( E ( B ) : E ( S ) ) i
Proof. (i) Since both ( E : F ) i and ( E ( B ): F ( B ) ) ;are powers of p , it suffices to show that ( E : F ) ; 2 ( E ( B ): F ( B ) ) ; . The latter inequality is a consequence of Lemma 5.l(iii) upon replacing K by F and T by F ( B ) . (ii) Since E / F is a finite extension, the elements of S are algebraically independent over
E . By Proposition 2.2.13(ii), we have
( E ( B ): F ( S ) ) i = ( E ( B ): F ( B ) ) i ( F ( B ): F ( S ) ) ; and
( E ( B ): F ( S ) ) i = ( E ( B ): E(S))t(E(S): F ( S ) ) z Hence (ii) follows by appplying (i) and Corollary 5.2(ii). rn Returning t o the properties of the order of inseparability of finitely generated extensions, we now prove
Theorem. Let K / F be a finitely generated extension. T h e n a n y given set
5.4. { X I , .. . x,}
of generators of K over F contains a transcendency basis S such that
( K : F ( S ) ) i = ( K :F ) ;
Proof. Let
B =
. . ,zn}.
be the algebraic closure of F in some algebraic closure of K and let Because
is perfect,
F ( B ) is
separably generated over
7, by
of Corollary 4.6. By Corollary 4.5, the set B contains a separating transcendency basis, say S =
. . ,zk},
F ( B ) / F . Then S
is a transcendency basis of X over F and the
elements of B are separable algebraic over F ( S ) . It will next be shown that S satisfies the required property.
We know that
~ k + . ~. . ,, x,, are
separable algebraic over F ( S ) . Therefore, Zk+l,.. . , zn
are separable algebraic over E ( S ) for some finite field extension E I F (indeed, adjoin to F those elements of
which appear in coefficients of minimal polynomials of
. . ,z,
over F ( S ) ) .Then S is also a separating transcendency basis of E ( B ) / E and thus ( E ( B )
E ( S ) ) ,= 1. It follows from Corollary 5.3 (ii) that for some t
( K : F ( S ) ) , = pt
On the other hand, if U is any other transcendency basis of K / F , then by Corollary 5.3(ii), WP
( K : F ( U ) ) ,2 P‘ This completes the proof of the theorem. In order t o derive some properties of the order of inseparability in relation to field cxtensions, we next record the following preliminary observation. 5 . 5 . Lemma. Let E I F be a finitely generated eztension, s a y E = F ( B ) , B f i n i t e , let
KlE’ be a n algebraic e x t e n s i o n a n d let S be a transcendency basis of E I F . A s s u m e that for a n y f i e l d T between F and K s u c h that
is finite,
( T ( B ): T ( S ) ) ,= ( E : F ( S ) ) , .
( K ( B ): K ( S ) ) ;= ( E : F ( S ) ) ; Proof. For any field T between F and K , let T’ denote the separable closure of T ( S ) iri ’ f ’ ( U ) . Fix a basis
T ( B ) == T ’ ( F ( B ) ) ,F’
C T’, so
. . . , An} of F ( B ) over F‘
(hence n = ( E l : F ( S ) ) , ) . Then
and therefore it suffices t o show that the A, are linearly independent over K’. By hypothesis, the A, must be linearly independent over T’ if T / F is finite. But every finite set of elements of K’ is contained in some T’ where T I F is finite. Thus the A, are linearly
independent over K’, as required. We are now ready to prove 5.6. Theorem. Let E I F be a finitely generated extension, say E = F ( B ) , B finite,
f e t K I F be an e z t e n s i o n s u c h that K a n d E are free over F , a n d let S be a n y transcendency basis of E I F . T h e n
(i) ( K ( B ): K ( S ) ) ; / ( E: F ( S ) ) i = ( K ( B ): K ) i / ( E : F ) ;
Furthermore, if K / F i s finite, then the common value of both sides of ( i ) is
( K : F ) ; / ( K ( B ): E ) ; (ii) If
is the algebraic closure of F i n the algebraically closed field L containing E and
F , then
( E : F ( S ) ) ;= ( E : F ) ; ( F ( B ): B(S)); (iii) If either K and E are linearly disjoint over F or K / F is separably generated, then
( K ( B ):K ) ; = ( F ( B ): F ) ; Proof. (i) We first assume t h a t K / F is finite. By Corollary 5.3, t h e value of the ratio on the left-hand side of (i) is independent of the choice of S and is equal to ( K :
F ) , / ( K ( B ) : F ( B ) ) , . If we now let S range over the set of all transcendency bases of E / F which are subsets of B , then we deduce from Theorem 5.4 t h a t t h e foregoing ratio is equal to the ratio ( K ( B ): K ) , / ( E : F ) i . Now assume t h a t K / F is a n arbitrary algebraic extension. Let us fix a transcendency basis SO of E I F . Given any two fields F1 and F2 between F and K such that Fl
C F,,
we have
( F i ( B ): F i ( S o ) ) t 2 ( F z ( B ) : Fz(So))t by virtue of Lemma 5.l(iii). Thus there exists a field F’ between F and K such that F’IF is finite and such t h a t
( F ” ( B ) : F’’(So)), = ( F ’ ( B ) : F’(S0)) for any field F” between F’ and K which is a finite extension of F’. Applying the finite case considered in the previous paragraph, it follows that
( F ” ( B ): F ” ( S ) ) , = ( F ’ ( B ) : F ’ ( S ) ) i for any transcendency basis S of F ’ ( B ) / F and for any field F“ between F and K such
t h a t F”/F’ is finite. Invoking Lemma 5.5, we therefore conclude t h a t
( K ( B ): K ( S ) ) ;= ( F ’ ( B ) : F ’ ( S ) ) i for any transcendency basis S of F’(B)/F’. Thus ( K ( B ): K ) ; = ( F ’ ( B ) : F’)%.Taking S
to be any transcendency basis of E I F , we now have
where p t = ( E : F ) ; / ( F ‘ ( B ): F’)i = ( E : F ) i / ( K ( B ): K ) i ,
proving (i) in case
K / F is an arbitrary algebraic extension.
Finally, assume t h a t
K / F is a n arbitrary extension. Let V be a transcendency basis of
K / F . Because K and E are free over F , it follows from Lemma 4.22(iv) that the elements of V are algebraically independent over E . Thus, by Corollary 5.2, we have
for a,ny transcendency basis S of E / F . Hence
(F(Vu B ) : F ( V ) ) i= ( E : F ) ; Now K / F ( V ) is algebraic, so by the preceding case
(F(V u B ) : F(V
u S)),= p t ( K ( B ) : K ( S ) ) , ,
where p‘ =
(F(Vu B ) : F ( V ) ) i / ( K ( D ) : K ) % ,
which proves ( i ) by applying ( I ) and (2). (ii) P u t K =.‘.
K / F is algebraic, K and E are free over F. Furthermore, since K
is algebraically closed, it is a perfect field. Hence ( K ( B ): K ) , = 1. The desired conclusion now follows from (i). ( i i i ) Assume that K and E are linearly disjoint over
F. Then, applying (i) and Lemma
5.i(i) (with K = F ( S ) and T = K ) , the required assertion follows. Now assume that
is separably generated. If K / F is a finite separable extension, then the assertion follows from ( i ) . If K / F is purely transcendental, then K and E are linearly disjoint over F by 1,t:ninia 4.1 (since K 2nd E are free over E’) and we are then in the linear disjointness case. Finally, the general case is now obtained by following up a purely transcendental extension of F by a separable algebraic extension and by applying Lemma 5 . 5 .
6. Separability and preservation of pindependence.
All fields to be considered will have characteristic a fixed prime p . If F is such a field.
F”“ denotes the field of all pn-th
powers of elements from
F. Similarly, if S is
a n y set
of elements of F , then SP” is the set of all p”-th powers of elements of S. If a field F and certain sets S , T , . . . are all contained in a larger field, then F ( S , T, . . .) denotes the field obtained by adjoining t o F all elements of S , of T , etc. In this section, among other results, we demonstrate that separable extensions are precisely those extensions which preserve p-independence. With any given field extension E / F there is related in a n invariant fashion a purely inseparable extension E / F ( E p ) . T h e latter may be analyzed by t h e concepts of pindependence and p b a s i s which we proceed t o develop. Let E / F be a field extension. A subset S of E is said to be relatively p-independent in E I F if
S’ C S
E P (F, S’) c E P ( F S, )
A relative p-basis B of E I F is a relatively pindependent set such t h a t
E = EP(F,B) We say t h a t x E E is relatively p-dependent on S , written z
< S , if
x E FP(F,S) A subset S of E is (absolutely) p-independent if
S’ C S
E P ( S ’ )c E P ( S )
An (abso1ute)p-basis B of E is defined t o be a pindependent subset for which
E = EP(B) We say that x E E is p-dependent on S if x E E p ( S ) . This is the special case of the above “relative” definitions obtained by assuming F is perfect, for then F = FP
EP, and the
field EP(F, S) used above becomes E p ( S ) . 6.1. Lemma. Relative p-dependence in E I F is a dependence relation. Furthermore,
with respect to this relation, a subset S of E is independent (S is a basis) if and only if S is relatively p-independent (S is a relative p-basis).
Proof. We begin by verifying properties (1)-(4) in the definition of a dependence relation given in Sec. 1. First, it is clear that if s E S s < S, proving (1). If x
C E , then
s E E p ( F , S ) , hence
< S we have x E EP(F,S) and, since Ep(F,S ) is the union of its
subfields EP(F, S’) where S’ is a finite subset of S,then z < S‘ for some finite subset S’of
S , proving (2). If z
E p ( F , S ) and every s E S satisfies s E E P ( F , T ) ,then
E EP(F,T),
proving ( 3 ) . It remains t o check the exchange property. This states t h a t , if z € Ep(E’,S ) and z $ E P ( F , S ’ ), where S’ = S
{s} for some s E S , then s 6 E P ( F , S ‘ , z ) . We may
assume s $! E P ( F , S ’). Consider the following chains of fields:
EP(F, S’, z,s)
2 EP(F, S‘,z) 2 EP(F, S’)
EP(F,S’,z,s) 2 E P (F , S ’,s ) 2 E P ( F , S ‘ ) Note that z P E E p ( F , S’) and sP E EP(F, S’). Hence we must have
( E P ( F , S ‘ , z ): E P ( F , S ’ ) )= p = ( E P ( F , S ’ , s ): E P ( F , S ’ ) ) Since z E E P ( F , S ’ , s ) ,we have E P (F , S ’, z , s ) = EP(F,S’,s) and thus
( E P ( F , S ’ , z , s ): E P ( F , S ‘ ) )= p It follows that
E P ( F , S ’ , z , s ) = E P (F , S ’, z ) = EP(F,S’,s ) and s E E P ( F , S ‘ , z ) . This completes the verification of the axioms for a dependence relation. Let S be any subset of E . If S is independent, then no s E S satisfies s E E P ( F ,S {s}). Hence, if S’ is a proper subset of S and s E
E P (F , S
S’, then
{s}) 2 EP(F,S’)
i.e. E p ( F , S ’ ) is a proper subset of E P ( F , S ) .Thus S is relatively p-independent.
vcrsely, assume that S is relatively pindependent. Then, given s E S,p u t S’= S Then E P J F , S ’ ) # E p ( F , S ) and hence s
E p (S‘), i.e. s is not dependent on S
Thus S is an independent subset of E .
Finally, assume t h a t B is an independent subset of E . Then B is a basis if and only if every z in E satisfies z E E p ( F , B ) , i.e. if and only if E = E P ( F , B ) . Thus B is a basis if and only if B is a relative pbasis of E I F . 6.2. Corollary. E v e r y e z t e n s i o n E I F h a s a relative p-basis and a n y two relative p-bases
of E I F have the s a m e cardinality. Furthermore,
(i) A n y relatively p-independent set in E I F can be eztended to a relative p-basis of E I F (ii) If S is a subset of E such that E = E p ( F , S ) , then S contains a relative p-basis of
EIF Proof. This is a direct consequence of Lemma 6.1 and Theorem 1.3.
6.3. Corollary. Every field E has a p-basis and any two p-bases of E have the same
cardinality. Furthermore, (i) A n y p-independent set in E can be eztended to a p-basis of E
(ii) If S i s a subset of E such that
= E p ( S ) , then S contains a p-basis of E .
Proof. This is a special case of Corollary 6.2 in which F is a perfect field. w For future applications, we next provide the following characterizations of relative and absolute pindependence of sets. By Lemma 1.1, we may harmlessly assume that the sets considered are finite. 6.4.
Lemms. Let E J F be a n arbitrary field eztension and let S = { z l , . . . , x m }
be any finite subset of E . Then the vector space E P ( F , S ) is spanned over E p ( F ) b y the
elements of the f o r m
zy’zt’. . .zkm,0 5 n; < p
(in particular, ( E P ( F , S ) : E p ( F ) ) 5 p “ )
and the following conditions are equivalent: (i) S is relatively p-independent in E J F (ii) ( E p ( F , S ) : E p ( F ) ) = pm
(iii) The pm elements z;‘zJ;” ...z?,
5 n; < p , f o r m a basis of E P ( F , S ) over E p ( F )
(iv) The p m elements zT’zt2 . . . xkm,0
5 n; < p , are linearly independent over E p ( F ) .
Proof. Note t h a t zp E E P ( F )and hence E P ( F , x l , , . . , z I ) is spanned over E P ( F , z l ,
. . . ,z,-l)by l r z t , ... , zp-’.
By induction on m ,this obviously implies that EP(F, S ) is
spanned over E p ( F ) by the elements z;’
. . .x;m
It is now also obvious that the conditions (ii), (iii), and (iv) are equivalent. If S is relatively pindependent, then z, $! EP(F, z1,. . . ~
( E P ( F , z i , .. . x i ) : E P ( F , z l , .. . ,xi-1)) = p
~ - 1and )
for each i
which implies (ii). Conversely, assume that S is not relatively pindependent. Then z; E
E P ( F , z l , . . .x;-l,z;+l,. . .,z,,,)
for some i
and hence ( E p ( F , S ): E P ( F ) )5 pm-' 6.5.
< pm, as required.
Corollary. Let E be a n arbttrary field and let S = { z 1 , z 2 , .. . , x m } be any
f i n i t e subset of E. T h e n the vector space E p ( S ) IS spanned over EP by the elements oJ t h e form xy' x;'
(i) S
. . . x>, 0 5 n, < p and the following conditions are equzvalent:
(ii) ( E P ( S ): EP) = pm (iii) T h e pm elements
Z Y ' X ; ~ . . .z>,
(iv) T h e p m elements x;'
5 ; '
5 n, < p ,
f o r m a basis of E P ( S ) ouer EP
. . . x z m ,0 5 n, < p are linearly independent over EP.
Proof. This is a special case of Lemma 6.4 in which F is a perfect field. Let E / F be a field extension. We say that E / F preserves p-independence if every p independent set in F remains pindependent in E . Extensions preserving pindependence will provide us in future with a natural tool for investigating separating transcendency bases, largely because, given a n extension E I F which preserves pindependence, any intermediate extension K / F with K
must automatically preserve p-independence. Ex-
tensions preserving pindependence will now be characterized in several different ways. 6.6. Theorem. (MacLane (1939a)). Let E / F be a field extension. T h e n the follow-
ing properties are equivalent: (i) E I F preserves p-independence (ii) There i s a p-basis B of F which is p-independent in E
n E p ( S ) f o r every finite subset S of K ( F p ) = F n K ( E P ) for every subfield K of F
(iii) F P ( S ) = F
Proof. It is obvious that (i) implies (ii). Conversely, suppose that (ii) holds
prove (i), assume by way of contradiction that there is a pindependent subset S or 1.' which is not pindependent in E. Then there exists a n element s E S contained in E7 (S'), where S' is a finite subset of S not containing s. Since B of (ii) d
a p b a s i s of F . there
finite subset B1 of B such that s and S' are in FP(B1). This means t h a t each element
of S' u {s} is pdependent on B1. Applying the exchange property, we can exchange the elements s and s' E S' successively with suitable elements of B 1 , until dl1 elements of are pdependent on S', s and a remaining subset
& B1. This implies t h a t
and that the set S’ U {s} U 3 two finite sets
is pindependent in F . Furthermore, by construction, the
and S‘ U {s} U Bz have the same number of elements, say equal to rn.
But, by hypothesis, B1 remains pindependent in E , while the other subset S‘ U {s} U Bz is not p-independent because we assumed s E FP(S’). Applying (1) and Corollary 6.5 we have pm =
(EP(S1): E P )= ( E P ( S ’ , s , B , ) : E P ) < pm,
a contradiction. This proves t h a t (ii) implies (i).
To prove (iii)+(i), assume counter to (i) t h a t some pindependent set S of F is not pindependent in E , so t h a t again some s E EP(S’) where S’ is a finite subset of S not containing s. Then, by (iii), s E F n EP(S’) = FP(S’) which shows that S is not p-independent in F , a contradiction. The implication (iv)+(iii) may be obtained trivially by setting K = F ’ ( S ) where F’ is a perfect subfield of F . We are left to verify that (i)+(iv). To this end, let K be any subfield of F and let B be a relative p-basis of K ( F p ) / F p . Then K ( F P ) = F p ( B ) . If F n K ( E p ) # K ( F P ) , then there exists an element x of F in K ( E P )= E p ( K ) = E P ( B ) but not in K ( F p ) = F p ( B ) . Hence
is not pdependent o n B in F , while B is by construction p-independent in F . It
follows from Lemma 1.2 t h a t B U {x} is a pindependent subset of F . Applying (i), we therefore deduce that B U {x} is p-independent in E , contrary t o the provious assertion that x E E P ( B ) . m
Our next aim is t o characterize separable extensions by showing t h a t they are precisely those extensions which preserve pindependence. We present two different proofs, one pertaining t o algebraic extensions and the other t o arbitrary extensions. We need the following preliminary results. 6.7. Lemma. Let E J F be a separable field extension.
(i) EpJFp i s a separable field extension (ii) EPIFP is algebraic if so is E I F .
Proof. (i) Let
X I , .. . , x,
E F be linearly independent over FP. Then
are linearly independent over F . Since E and FP-’ are linearly disjoint over F , it follows that xg-’ are linearly independent over E . Hence
. . ,5, are linearly independent over
EP. This shows that EP and F = (Fp)p-’ are linearly disjoint over FP, i.e. that E P / F Pis separable.
+ a l X + . . . + a,X” be its is a root of g ( X ) = a: + a:X + . . .+ aP,Xn E F P i X ! ,
(ii) Assume that E / F is a!gebraic. Given X E E , let f ( X ) = a0
minimal polynomial over F . Then
hence EP/FP is algebraic.
6.8. Lemma. L e t E I F be a separable algebraic extension. T h e n a n y p-basis of E a p-basts of
Proof. Let B be a pbasis of F . Then B is pindependent in F and F = F 1 ’ ( D ) . Since E / F is a separable algebraic extension, it follows from Proposition 2.2.6(ii) that
E = FEP. Hence E
F p ( B ) E p = E P ( B ) . Let S = {q, x2,.. . ,}z,
of B. Then S is pindependent in F , hence the pm elements
be any finite subset
. . . zkm,0 5 n, < p are
linearly independent over FP (Corollary 6.5). Hence, by Lemma 6.7(i), these elements are linearly independent over EP. Therefore, by Corollary 6.5, S is pindependent in E . Since
S is an arbitrary finite subset of B , we conclude that B is pindependent in E , as required. We are now ready t o prove 6.9. Theorem. (MacLane (1939a)). Let E I F be a n algebraic field eztension. T h e n
E / F preserves p-independence if and o n l y if E / F i s separable. Proof. Assume t h a t E / F is separable. If S is a pindependent set in F , we may extend
S to a p b a s i s B of F (Corollary 6.3). By Lemma 6.8, B is a p b a s i s of E , hence independent in
E . Thus S
is independent in E , proving that
E / F preserves pindependence.
Conversely, assume that E / F preserves pindependence but is not separable. Let F, bc the separable closure of F in E . Then E
# F, and, by Proposition 2.2.30, E ; F S
purely inseparable. Hence, by Proposition 2.2.27 (ii), E contains a X not in F, with X p in fi’s.
By Lemma 6.8, any pbasis B of F is also a pbasis of F,, so F, = F,P(B) and thus
A’’ 6 F f ( B ) . The exchange property of pindependence allows us to exchange
some b E B , with the result that
b E F,P(B - { b } , X”)
C E P ( B- { b } )
This implies that the set B is not pindependent in E , which contradicts the assuniption t h a t the extension E / F preserves the p-independence of B . proved.
So the theorem is
Applying a different approach, we now show t h a t Theorem 6.9 holds for a n arbitrary field extension E / F . 6.10. Theorem. (MacLane (1939a)). Let E / F be a n arbitrary field eztension. T h e n
the following conditions are equivalent:
(i) E / F preserves p-independence (ii) For a n y finite subset S of E , the linear dependence over F of the set SP implies the
linear dependence over F of the set S itself. (iii) E I F i s separable.
Proof. The equivalence of (ii) and (iii) is a consequence of Proposition 4.29. (i)+(ii): Assume t h a t the elements
. . . , s, of some set S have their p t h powers
linearly dependent over F. Choose a pbasis B of F , so that F = F p ( B ) , and select a
C B with the property that ,:s . . . ,sP, are linearly dependent over F P ( T ) . If T = 0, then s y , . . . ,sP, are linearly dependent over FP and hence s1,. . . ,sm are linearly dependent over F . If s1,. . . ,,s are linearly independent over F , we can successively delete elements from T till we find a new T’ and a n element t such t h a t s,; . . . ,sP, are linearly finite subset T
dependent over F P ( T ’ , t ) but not over FP(T’). Then t has degree p over FP(T’) and the given linear dependence relation may be written as
E FP(T‘))
with not all X,j = 0. Accordingly,
E / F preserves pindependence, so B is pindependent in E . If rn
C i=
for some j E ( 0 , I,.. . , p
then (2) shows that t is separable over EP(T’). Since t is also purely inseparable over Ep(T’), it follcws from Corollary 2.2.28 that t E EP(T’). Thus t is p-dependent on ’1” in
6 ,contrary to the fact that B is pindependent in E . Hence m
~,,sp =
for all
j E (0, I , . . . , p
Since some A,,
0, this provides a linear dependence of
contradiction. Hence sir.. . ,s,
. . . ,sP, over FP(T’), again a
are linearly dependent over F .
(ii)=>(i):Assurrie by way of contradiction that E / F does not preserve p-independence. Sincc every p-independent set can be extended t o a p-basis, there exists a p-basis B of such that B is p-dependent in E . Hence there exist distinct elements b, b l , . . . , b, in
B such
that b t E“(b1,. . . ,bn). By Corollary 6.5, the vector space E P ( b 1 , . . . , b,) has over E P a basis consisting of elements cl, . . . ,,c Since b
where each c, is of the form b;‘ . , . b?,
5 p-
E”(h1,.. . , b,), we have
for some A, not all zero in E . Among the e1ement.s 1, A,:
. . . , A i l , of EP pick
a maximal
linearly independent subset (over F’) consisting of l , ~ : ,. .pE. . Then each A:
may b e
writtcii i n the form
A: in
( 3 ) and collecting the coefficients of each p:, we find
Siiice b is not p-dependent on b l , . . . , b , in
F , the first term b -
a:ocl is not zero. It
therefore follows from ( 4 ) that l , f i y , , . . ,,u.f: are linearly dependent over F . The hypothesis ( i i ) then shows that l,pl,. . . , p k are linearly dependent over F . IIence l , p T , . . . ,pLpk are
linearly dependent over FP, contrary to the choice of 1, M Y , . . . , p i . 6.11.
L e t E I F be a separable field e x t e n s i o n , let
. . , z,
ulgebraically i n d e p e n d e n t o v e r F a n d let zo t E be algebraic ouer F(x1,. . . , z , ~ ) , s a y /(zo,
. . .z n ) = 0 w h e r e t h e c o e f i c i e n t s of t h e p o l y n o m i a l f are in F . Iff i s irreducible
ouer F a s a p o l y n o m i a l in t h e i n d e t e r m i n a t e s
in the p-th p o w e r s zp0,. . . , zP,.
. . , z,
t h e n f c a n n o t be u p o l y n o m i a l
Proof. Deny the statement. Then we have m
(i = 1 , .. . ,m)
where all the coefficients X i are in F and distinct from zero. This linear dependence of yy,.
. . ,yg over F implies, by Theorem 6.10, a linear dependence of
. . ,ym:
must actually appear in 9. The degree d of f in
Here not all pL1= 0, so some xj, say z, z,
is then a t least p times the degree of g in z.,
element z, of E over the field F ( z 0 , . . . ,q degree for
But g = 0 provides a n equation of smaller
- 1 ) .
over that field, a contradiction.
By Theorem 1.5.8, d is t h e degree of the
We can now apply the result above t o prove 6.12. Theorem. (MacLane (1939a)). L e t E I F be a separable field e z t e n s i o n a n d let
B be a relative p-basis of E I F . T h e n t h e e l e m e n t s of B are algebraically independent over F. Proof. Deny the statement. Then there exist elements are algebraically dependent but with
ZO, 5 1 , .
. . ,I, in B which
. . ,x, algebraically independent over F . An . . ,2,) = 0 expressing t h e algebraic dependence
irreducible polynomial relation f (zo,z1,.
of z o r z l , . . .,x, must then as in Corollary 6.11 contain a n indeterminate, say znr such
that f is not a polynomial in the ppower
zg. This equation provides an irreducible and
separable equation for z, over the field
Since z: E EP(F, zo,.
. .,z,-1),
is purely inseparable over E p ( F , zo,
. . . ,~
~ - 1 Hence, ) .
by Corollary 2 . 2 . 2 8 , ~6 ~EP(F,1 0 , . . . , x,-1) which shows that z, is relatively pdependent
on zo, . . . , z,-1.
Since {zo,
. . . ,z,}
B , we come t o the desired contradiction.
The next result provides a link between absolute and relative p-bases of an extension preserving pindependence. 6.13. Theorem. (MacLane (1939a)). L e t E f F be a separable field e z t e n s i o n , let C
be a subset of F a n d let B be a subset of E with B n C = 0,
If B is a relative p-basis
of E / F , t h e n B
is a p-basis of E if and only if C i s a
p-basis of F . (ii) If C i s a p-basis of F and B U C is a p-basis of E , t h e n B is a relative p-basis of E I F .
Proof. (i) By Theorem 6.10, E / F preserves pindependence. Assume that B is a relative p-basis of E / F . Suppose further, that C is a p b a s i s of F . Since E = E P ( F , B ) and
FL’(C), we have E = E P ( B , C ) . Hence to prove t h a t B
suffices to show t h a t B
u C is pindependent
is a p-basis of E , it
in E . Suppose false. Then, either an element
6 of B 1ic.s in
E P ( B {b},C) ~
E P ( F , B- { b } )
which contradicts the relative pindependence of B ,or an element c of C lies in EP(B,C -
{ c } ) . If the latter holds, then there are distinct elements b l , . . . ,b , in B such that
c E E P ( b l , . . . ,b,,
and such that ( 5 ) fails if any b, is omitted. Note that m
2 1, i.e.
at least one b, is present
in (5) since C is pindependent in F and therefore i n E , by the assumption that E / F preserves pindependence. Now both c and b1 have degree p over
and so (5) and the exchange property yield
h i E E P ( c , b z , . . . ,b,,
{ c } ) = E P ( b 2 , . . ,b,,
C ) C E P ( F , h z ,. . , b,)
which contradicts the relative pindependence of B. Conversely, in addition to the assumption that f? is a relative p-basis of E / F , suppose f u r t h e r that
BUC is a p b a s i s of E . Since C is p-independent in E , it is also p-independent
i n F . Assume by way of contradiction that C is not a p-basis of F , i.e. that there exists 1: 6
I<’ with z
F P ( C ) . Since B ii C is a p b a s i s of h’,we have z E EP(l3,C). Thus there
exist distinct elements b l , . . . , b , in B such that
z E E P ( b l , . . . , b,,
and such that ( 6 ) does not hold if any b, is omitted. If m
1, then one deduces as i n the
previoiis argument from (5) that
E P ( x h, 2 , . . . ,6,,,
E r ’ ( F , 6 2 , . . ,h,),
contrary to the relative pindependence of B in E I F . Thus, by ( 6 ) , we must have z E
EP(C). Since
Fp(C),it follows, from Lemma 1.2, that the p-independent set C U {z}
in F has become pdependent in E , contrary to the assumption t h a t EIF preserves pindependence. (ii) By hypotheses, F = FP(C) and E = EP(B,C),hence Ep(F,B) = EP(B,C)= E . Let
B be such t h a t Ep(F,B’) = EP(F,B). Then E = EP(C,B’) and hence B’ = B ,
since B U C is pindependent in E and B’
n C = 0.
So the theorem is true. rn
As a final result, we record the following simple observation. 6.14. Lemma. Let F
E be a c h a i n of fields where E I K is a f i n i t e purely
inseparable e x t e n s i o n and EIF is a separable e z t e n s i o n . T h e n the (cardinal) number of elements in a relative p-basis of E / F i s the s a m e as t h e number of elements in a relative p-basis of K / F .
Proof. m7e first note that, by Theorem 6.10, E / F preserves p-independence.We may harmlessly assume that ( E : K ) = p, so that E = K ( X ) with X p E K . We claim that X p is relatively p-independent in K / F . Indeed, otherwise is a pbasis of F. Because
lies in K p ( F ) = K p ( B ) where B
can be exchanged with an element b of B , which
means that b E KP(XP,B- ( 6 ) )
C E P ( B- { b } ) ,
contrary to the pindependence of B in F and E . Because containing
is relatively pindependent in K I F , there is a relative p b a s i s S of KIF
(see Theorem 1.3(ii)). The replacement of
by X in the set S yields (by
a straightforward verification from the definitions) a relative p b a s i s So of E / F . Since S and So have the same cardinality, the result follows. rn
7. Perfect ground fields.
Throughout p denotes a fixed prime and all considered fields are assumed to be of characteristic p. Let EIF be a field extension and let F be perfect. We know, from Corollary 4.6, that if E / F is finitely generated, then E / F is separably generated. In this section we
investigate conditions under which EIF is separahly generated without being necessarily finitely generated. Our point of departure is the simplest case in which the transcendency degree of EIF is 1.
7.1. Theorem. (MacLane (1939a)). Let E / F be a field e z t e n s i o n s u c h that F is
perfect, E is n o t perfect a n d tr.d. ( E I F ) = 1. T h e n E I F is separably generated. Proof. Let {A} be a transcendency basis of E I F . Then E / F ( X ) is algebraic, so if XP-"
E E for all n 2 0, then E l F ( X P
, X P - 2 , . . . ) is also algebraic. But F ( X , X f l X P - ' , . . . )
is perfect and hence so is E , by Proposition 2.2.26, contrary t o the assumption t h a t f.;is not perfect. We may therefore choose the largest integer n
E. Then
2 0 for which
p = A"-"
is in
@ E and { p ) is a transcendency basis of E / F . We now assert that { p } is a
separating transcendency basis which will finish the proof. Assume by way of contradiction that there exists a E E which is not separable over -1
F ( p ) . P u t m = ( F ( p P , a ) : F ( p P - ' ) ) , n = ( F ( p , a ): F ( p ) ) and consider the following chains o f fields: -1
F b ) C F ( p P - ' )C F ( p P , a )
It follows from (1) t h a t ( F ( p P - l , a ) : F ( p ) )
5 nap. On the other hand, since a
is not
separable over F ( p ) , the minimal polynomial f ( X ) of a over F ( p ) can be written in Since a is a root of g ( X ) and the form f ( X ) = g ( X ) P for some g ( X ) E F(pP-')[X]. degg(X) = n / p , it follows that m
which shows that pP
E F ( p ,a )
5 n / p . Hence, by
E ,a contradiction .
I,ct E / F be a field extension and let the elements of a subset S of E be Agebraically independent over F . If f ( X ) € F [ S ] [ X ]then , there exist only finitely many. say s,, . . . , s,
of elements of S which actually appear in f and f (X)= g(s1,. . . ,s,, X ) c
F j s l , . . . , s n rX j . Choose the largest integer e
0 such t h a t f ( X ) can be written as a
polynomial g(s;', s 2 , . . . , s n , X ) . We shall refer to p e as the exponent of s 1 in f and say that f h a s the ezponent p e in
7 . 2 . Lemma. Let E J F be a field eztension and let the elements of a subset S
I;; be
algebraically independent over F . If a n element X E E is a root of a n irreducible separable polynomial f ( X )
F [ S ] [ X ]t h, e n a n element s of S h a s exponent f in f zf and oniy i j X
is inseparable over F ( S
- {s},sP)
Proof. If the exponent p e of s in f satisfies p e > 1, then f is separable regarded as a polynomial over F ( S l , s P ) ,where S1 = S
{s}. Thus
X is separable over F ( S 1 , s ” ) .
Conversely, suppose that s appears with exponent 1 in f . Then f ( X ) = g ( X ,s, 5’1) has exponent 1 in s and X and is irreducible over F [ X ,s, S,] . Consider the polynomial
denotes the function obtained from g by replacing each coefficient by its p-th
power. Then g(P)(XP,sp, Sp), which is the p t h power of a n irreducible polynomial g over
F I X , s, Sl], cannot be reducible over the smaller ring F [ X ,sp, S l ] ,which does not contain this irreducible factor g ( X ,s, S1). Thus g(P)(XP,sp, Sr) is irreducible over F [ X ,sp, SI]
and hence, by Theorem 1.5.8, is irreducible over F(sP, S 1 ) [ X ] Furthermore, . by Proposition 2.2.4(ii), this polynomial is inseparable over F ( s P , S , ) [ X ] .Hence A, being a root of
g(P)(XP,sp, Sr)E F(sP, S 1 ) [ X ]is, inseparable over F(sP, Sl),as required. w 7.3. Lemma. Let E / F be a field eztension, let F be perfect and let the elements of
a subset S of E be algebraically independent over F . Assume that the element X of E is separable over F ( S ) and that s E
is not separable over F ( S ) . Then there i s a n element
S such that
(i) X is not separable over F ( S (ii) s is separable over F ( S
but not over F ( S - {s},
Proof. We may always choose a polynomial
such that
= 0,
f has exponent 1 in X and g is irreducible as a polynomial over F in
the variables si E S and X . If f has exponent p or greater in each s E S, then by taking the p-th root of each coefficient a; E F [ S ]of f ( X ) ,we obtain a separable polynomial over
F ( S ) having
as a root. Since the latter is excluded by hypothesis, we deduce that f
has exponent 1 in a t least one s E S. This shows that X satisfies (i), by applying Lemma 7.2. Since g(X,s, S’) = 0, the element s is algebraic over F(X,5”) where S’= S - { s } . The elements A, S’ are therefore algebraically independent over F (in particular X
$ F(XJ’,S’)).
By construction, g ( X ,s, S’) is irreducible as a polynomial in the variable s over F [ X ,S’].
Hence Theorem 1.5.8 shows that g ( X , s, S') is also irreducible as a polynomial in s over
F ( X , S ' ) . Since f has exponent 1 in s, the root s is separable over F ( X , S ' ) . F u thermore, s cannot be separable over the smaller field F ( X P , S ' ) . Indeed, otherwise
F ( s , X P , S ' ) / F ( X P ,S ' ) is separable and so is F ( s , S', X ) / F ( s , S', X P ) (since X is separable over F ( S ) ) . Hence X would be separable over F ( X P , S ' ) , although X clearly is a root of an inseparable irreducible polynomial of degree p over F(XP, S ' ) . This proves (ii) and the result follows. 7.4. Lemma. L e t a field e z t e n s i o n E I F h a v e a f i n i t e t r a n s c e n d e n c y basis S , l e t E'
be perfect a n d let K be t h e separable closure of F ( S ) in E . If EP' e
Cr K
f o r s o m e znteger
2 0, t h e n E / K is f i n i t e . Proof. It suffices t o show that E
obviously finite. Fix X K ( S p - C )and
E . Since
K ( S p - ' ) , since the extension K ( S P - ) ' I <
E K , it follows that X is purely inseparable oler
is separable over F ( S ) . By taking the pe-th roots of each coefficient of
the minimal polynomial of
over F ( S ) , we obtain a separable irreducible polynomial
over F ( S P - ' ) having X as a root. Hence X is separable over F ( S P - < )and therefore over
K ( S P - ' ) . It follows, from Corollary 2.2.28, that X E K ( S p - < )as required. w Turning t o field extensions with finite transcendency bases, we now prove 7.5.
(MacLane (1939a)). L e t E / F be a field e z t e n s z o n wzth a f i n i t e
t r a n s c e n d e n c y basas S a n d let F be perfect. T h e n E I F zf E P - ( S ) / F ( S as ) separable f o r s o m e znteger e
separably generated zf a n d oiily
2 0.
Proof. Assume t h a t E has a separating transcendency basis B over F . Since F / F ( S) is algebraic, it follows from Proposition 2.2.6(i) that any given b E B has some power OF''
separable over F ( S ) . Since the set B is finite, we may choose e large enough such that 6"' is separable over F ( S ) for all b E B. Since E / F ( B ) is separable, E P e / F ( B P Fis ) separable
(Lemma 6.7) and hence E P ' ( S ) / F ( S ) is separable (Proposition 2.2.15(i)). Conversely, let e be the smallest integer
2 0 such
t h a t E P ' ( S ) / F ( S )is separable. If
e = 0 , S itself is a separating transcendency basis, and we are done. Assume then that e > 0. Liy the choice of e , we may choose p E E such that pPe but not
is separablr
over F ( S ) . Applying Lemma 7.3 (with X = p P e ) ,we may find s E S such that s is separable
over F ( S
The set S1 = (S - {s}) U { p } obtained from
S by replacing s by
p is thus another
transcendency basis of E / F , such t h a t every element separable over F ( S ) is separable over F ( S 1 ) , by the transitivity of separability (Proposition 2.2.15(i)). Furthermore, p is not separable over F ( S ) but is separable over F ( S 1 ) . T h e separable closure
of F ( S 1 ) in E
is thus larger than the separable closure K of F(S) in E. Because S is finite, the extension
E I K is finite by Lemma 7.4, so a repetition of this transition from S t o yield a basis
S 1
will finally
S, over which all of E is separable.
7.6. Corollary. Let E / F be a separably generated eztension where F is a perfect field and t r . d . ( E / F ) is finite. T h e n , f o r a n y intermediate field K,
KIF is also separably
generated. Proof. Pick a transcendency basis
S 1 of
KIF and a similar basis Sz of E I K . Then
the union S = S1 U S, is a transcendency basis of E I F (Proposition 2.6). The necessary condition of Theorem 7.6 applied t o this basis S then shows t h a t the sufficient condition of Theorem 7.6 must be satisfied by
KIF is separably
generated, as required.
For our purposes it is especially important to note t h a t any extension of a perfect field preserves pindependence. This is included in the fo1:owing simple observation.
7.7. Lemma. Let E / F be a field eztension a n d let F be perfect. (i) E / F preserves p-independence
(ii) I f B is a p-basis of E , t h e n t h e elements of B are algebraically independent over F .
Proof. (i) Since F is perfect, each pbasis of F is void, hence necessarily remains p-independent in E . (ii) Since F is perfect, B is a relative pbasis of E I F . Since E I F is separable, the result
follows from Theorem 6.12. m We are now ready to prove 7.8. Theorem. (MacLane (1939b)). Let E I F be a field extension, let F be perfect
and let B be a n y p-basis of E . If K is the algebraic closure of F ( B ) in E , t h e n B is
separating transcendency basis of K I F and E = E p ( K ) . Proof. Since B 2 K is a pbasis of E , we have E = E p ( B )
E p ( K ) and thus
E p ( K ) The fact t h a t the set B is algebraically independent over E' is a consequence
of Lemma 7.7(ii). Since K / F ( B ) is algebraic, B is a transcendency basis of K I F . We are
therefore left to verify that K / F ( B ) is separable. Assume by way of contradiction that K / F ( B ) is insepxablt. Then there exists an element p E K which is not separable over F ( B ) ,but pp is separable over E'(B). Therefore X
= pp
satisfies the hypothesis of Lemma 7.3
Thus there exists b E 13 such that b
srparable over F ( B - { b } , p P ) and hence over the larger field E"(B purely
inseparable over EP(B
( 6 ) ) and therefore 6
( 6 ) ) . Rut b is aliq
{ b } ) , contrary to t h e
assumed pindependence of 3.m Let E l f . ' be a field extension. We say that F is algebrazcally closed in E if every element of E which is algebraic over F belongs to F. Let E I F be a field extension and let F be perfect.
7.9. C o r o l l a r y .
exists a n intermediate field K such t h a t E
T h e n there
E p ( K ) , K I F is separably generated and K
is algebraically closed in E .
P r o o f . Take B to be any pbasis of E , K to be the algebraic closure of F ( H ) i n I;: and apply Theorem 7.8.
8 . C r i t e r i a f o r s e p a r a t i n g t r a n s c e n d e n c y bases.
Throughout this section, all fields considered are assumed t o be of prime characteristic p . O u r aim is twofold: first to provide necessary and sufficient conditions for a given set t o
be a separating transcendency basis of a field extension; second, to obtain necessary arid sufficient conditions for the existence of some separating transcendency basis of a givcn extension. We begin by recording the following three preliminary results. 8.1. L e m m a .
Let E / F be a separably generated field e z t e n s i o n with separatzny
trunscendency basts S . If B is a p-basis of F , t h e n B U S is a p-basts of E.
P r o o f . Since E / F ( S ) is a separable algebraic extension, it follows from Lemma 6.8 that there is no loss of generality in assuming that E = F ( S ) . Since B is a p-basis of E'. we have
Fp(13) C F ( S ) p ( B ) .Hence
F ( S ) i F ( S ) " ( Bb S)= E P ( BU S)
and so we are left to verify that B u S is p-independent in E .
To this end, let
be any finite subset of B U S. Assume that
for some A,,
,...,n,,kl ,...,k , E F P . Since s1,. . . ,s, are algebraically independent over F , we
then have An, ,...,n,,kl ,...,k,b?'
. . . bkm = 0
n l ,...,n,
for any given k l , . . . ,k n E { O , l , . . . , p
I}. But the pm elements b;' . . . h%m are linearly
independent over FP by Corollary 6.5. Hence the pm+n elements
are linearly independent over FP. Now E I F is purely transcendental, hence so is EPIFP and thus, by Corollary 4.2, EP and F are linearly disjoint over FP. It follows that these p m + n elements are linearly independent over EP. Therefore, by Corollary 6.5, B U S is
p-independent in E , as required. m Property (i) of the following observation can also be derived as a consequence of the fact t h a t a separably generated extension is a separable extension. 8.2. Lemma. Let E I F be a separably generated field eztension. T h e n
( i ) T h e e z t e n s i o n E I F preserves p-independence ( i i ) .4ny separating transcendency basis
S of EIF is a relative p-basis of E I F
Proof. (i) Let B be a p-basis of F . Then, by Lemma 8.1, B can he included in a p-basis of E, hence B does remain pindependent in E .
(i i ) Let S be a separating transcendency basis of E I F . Then, by Lemma 8.1, B u S is a p-basis of E. Since, by (i), E / F preserves p-independence, S is a relative p-basis of E I F , by virtue of Theorem 6.13 (ii). w 8.3. Lemma. Let E I F be a f i e l d eztension, let F be perfect a n d let t r . d . ( E I F ) = 1 .
T h e n a n e z t e n s i o n KIE: is separable i f a n d only iJ the algebraic closure of E i n K is separable ouer E .
Proof. By Theorem 6.10, K / E is separable if and only if K / E preserves p-independence Suppose first t h a t the algebraic closure of E in K is separable over E. If
were perfect,
then K I E would preserve p-independence, by Lemma 7.7(i). We may therefore assume that
E is not perfect, in which case, by Theorem 7.1, E/E’ has a separating transcendency
basis of one element, say A. This element is also a p b a s i s of E , by Lemma 8.1. Hence,
if K / E were not t o preserve pindependence, then X would be in KP, by Theorem 6.6(ii). Then X p
- I
is in K , but is inseparable over E , contrary t o the hypothesis. Thus K / E
preserves p-independence. Conversely, suppose that K / E preserves pindependence, but some algebraic element p. i n K is not separable over E . Then E is not perfect and, as above, E / F has a separating
transcendency basis of one element, say A. The irreducible equation f ( z , A) = 0 for z = p
> 1 in z, but
over FIX] then has exponent pe
because of its irreducibility has exponent 1 in
A. Regarded as a n equation for X over F i x ] , it shows that X is separable over F(pP‘)
C Kp.
flencc. X is separable over KP. But X is also purely inseparable over KP, so A is in K’
by Corollary 2.2.28. Since the latter contradicts the assumption that K / E preserves the p-independence of the p-basis {A}, the result is established. \Ye have now accumulated all the information necessary to prove our main results. 8.4. Theorem. (MacLane (1939a)). Let
S be a transcendency basis of E I F . T h e n
and only
il S
E / F be a separable field e z t e n s i o n and l e t
S is a separating transcendency basis of E / F i/
is relatively p-independent in E I F .
Proof. By Theorem 6.10, E I F preserves pindependence. Assume that S is a separating transcendency basis of E / F . By Lemma 8.2 (ii), S is a relative pbasis of E I F . llcncc S is relatively pindependent in E / F . Corivcrsely, suppose that
is relatively pindependent in E I F . Assume by way of
contradiction that S is not a separating transcendency basis of E / F . Then some X t I.: is not scparable over F ( S ) , hence satisfies for
X = X an irreducible polynomial equation
f ( X , S) = 0 with exponent a t least p in X and with coefficients in L’. Owing to Corollary 6.1 1 , at least orie variable s of
S has exponent
1 i r i this polynomial f . We can regard
/(X,S) = 0 as an irreducible and separable equation for f
s over
~- { s } , X p ) ,
irivolves S = X only as X p . Thus s is separable over the larger ficld E P ( F , S - { s } ) .
FIowevcr, s is also purely inseparable over this field, so s must lie in the field EP(F,S
(Corol!ary 2.2.28). This means that s is relatively pdependent on S
{s}, contrary to
the assumption that S is relatively pindependent. 8 . 5 . Corollary. Let a n extension E / F have a finite separating transcendency basis
S. T h e n a n y relative p-basis B of E / F i s a separating transcendency basis of E I F . Proof. By hypothesis, E / F is separably generated, hence E / F preserves pindependence by Lemma 8.2(i). Therefore, by Theorem 8.4, S is relatively pindependent. It follows that
S can be included in a relative pbasis of E / F and thus IS/5 IBI. On the other hand, by Theorem 6.12, the elements of B are algebraically independent over F . Thus IB[ 5 (SI and so IBI = IS/, proving that B is a transcendency basis of E I F . Since B is relatively pindependent in E I F , the desired conclusion follows by virtue of Theorem 8.4. The hypothesis that the transcendency degree of E / F is finite is necessary for the validity of this corollary, even if we restrict the ground field F to be perfect, as may be seen by the following example. 8.6. Example.
(MacLane (1939a)). Let F be a perfect field. T h e n there exists
a separably generated field extension E / F and a relative p-basis of E / F which is not a transcendency basis of E I F .
Proof. P u t K = F ( t o , ~ l , ~ z , ~.)~where , . . the elements t o , x l , x 2 , z 3 ,... are algebraically independent over F . Let E
K ( t l , t z , . . . ) where
+ z;
= 1,2,3,.
. .)
Then S = {tol t l , t z , . . . } is a separating transcendency basis of E / F . Furthermore, the set B = { x ~ , x z ,. . } can be shown to be a p b a s i s of E . Since F is perfect, B is then a relative pbasis of E I F . Nevertheless, this pbasis B is not even a transcendency basis of
EJF. H The next result indicates that for finitely generated extensions there is no distinction between separably generated extensions and those preserving pindependence. Part (i) of the following result is a consequence of Theorems 6.10 and 4.4. We shall provide a n alternative proof for expository reasons.
8.7. Theorem. (MacLane (1939a)). Let E / F be a finitely generated eztension. (i) E / F preserves p-independence if and only if E I F is separably generated. (ii) I f E / F i s separably generated, t h e n a subset
S of E i s separating transcendency bas&
of E I F i f and only if S is a relative p-basis of E I F .
Proof. (i) If E / F is separably generated, then E/F preserves pindependence, by Lemma 8.2(i). Conversely, assume that E / F preserves pindependence. It will be shown below t h a t if S is a relative pbasis of E/F, then S is a separating transcendency basis of
E/F Let B be any transcendency basis of E / F and let L be the separable closure of F ( U ) in E . Since E / F is finitely generated, E/F(B) (and hence E / L ) is finite. Since L / F ( B ) is a separable zlgebraic extension, B is a separating transcendency basis of E/F. Hence, by Lemma 8.2, B is a relative p b a s i s of L/F. On the other hand, E / L is a purely inseparable extension, by Proposition 2.2.30. Since E / L is finite, it follows from Lemma 6.14 that E I F has a relative p b a s i s S1 consisting of exactly n elements, where n = IBI. T h e two relative pbases
and S have the same number of elements, by Corollary 6.2. Hence
Since, by Theorem 6.12, the elements of S are algebraically independent over F, it follows that S is a transcendency basis of E/F. But, by hypothesis, S is relatively pindependent in E / F , hence S is a separating transcendency basis of E/F, by virtue of Theorem 8.4.
( i i ) Assume that E / F is separably generated. Then, by (i), E / F preserves pindependence. Ilence, if S is a relative pbasis of E/F, then, again by (i), S is a separating transcendency
bdsis of E I F . Conversely, if S is a separating transcendency basis of E / F , then
is a
rclative p-basis of E/F, by Lemma 8.2.(ii). 8.8. Corollary. Let E / F be a field extension of transcendency degree 1 and let E' be
perfect. If K J E i s a finitely generated field e z t e n s i o n such that the algebraic closure of E in K is separable over E , t h e n K I E i s separably generated.
Proof. Owing to Lemma 8.3, K/E preserves pindependence. Now apply Theorem 8.7.
The hypothesis that t r . d . ( E / F )
1 of the above corollary is essential as the following
example shows. 8.9. Example. (MacLane (1939a)). Let E = F ( z , y) be a rationat f u n c t i o n field of
two independent variables x and y over a perfect field F. T h e n the e x t e n s i o n K J E , where
K = E ( z , u ) , z i s transcendental over E and u satisfies up = y
+2 2
is not separably generated. Proof. Assume by way of contradiction that K J E has a separating transccndcricy
basis S . Since tr.d.(K/E) = 1, we have S = {s} for some s E E . Let f(u,s)= 0 and g ( z , s ) = 0 be respectively the separable irreducible polynomial equations for u and z
over E [ s ]of respective exponents p n and p m in s. Then u is separable over E ( s p " ) , z is separable over E ( s p m ) and ,
is separable over E ( z ) . If n
E ( z ) ,which contradicts the equality
2 m,
u is separable over
= y+xzP. A similar contradiction arises if n
5 m,
hence the assertion. m We next provide necessary and sufficient conditions for the preservation of pindependence An alternative proof of the result below may be obtained by applying Proposit,ion 4.21 and Theorem 6.10. 8.10. Theorem. (MacLane (1939a)). Let E / F be a n arbitrary field eztension. T h e n
the following conditions are equivalent:
(i) E / F preserves p-independence (ii) F(S)/Fis separably generated f o r a n y finite subset S of E . (iii) F ( S ) / F preserves p-independence f o r a n y f i n i t e subset S of E .
Proof. The equivalence of (ii) and (iii) follows from Theorem 8.7(i). It is also clear that (i) implies (iii). We are therefore left to verify that (ii) implies (i). Assume by way of contradiction t h a t (ii) holds but some pindependent subset S of F becomes pdependent in E . This means that there exists s E S such that s E EP(S'), where S' is a finite subset
of S not containing s. Therefore s E F p ( A Y , .. . ,XP,, 5") for suitable elements XI,. . . ,A,
in E . This shows that S is p-dependent in the field
F ( A 1 , .. . , A n ) . But F(Xi,.. . , A,)/F is finitely generated, hence by hypothesis is separably generated and therefore, by Theorem 8.7(i), preserves pindependence. This contradiction completes the proof of the theorem. Turning t o field extensions with finite transcendency degree, we finally prove 8.11. Theorem. (MacLane (1939a)). Let EIF be a field e z t e n s i o n with a jinite
transcendency basis S . T h e n EIF is separably generated if and o n l y if t h e following two conditions hold:
(i) EIF is separable (ii) F ( E P " ,s ) / F ( s ) is separable f o r some integer n
Proof. By Theorem 6.10, E I F preserves pindependence if and only if E / F is separable. Assume t h a t E I F is separably generated. Then, by Lemma 8.2(i), E I F preserves pindependence. T h a t E I F satisfies (ii) folbws by repeating the argument of the first paragraph in the proof of Theorem 7.5. Conversely, assume t h a t E I F satisfies (i) and (ii), and choose a relative pbasis
E / F . Since E / F preserves pindependence, it follows from Theorem 6.12 t h a t the elements of B are algebraically independent over F . Hence we may embed B in a transcendency
basis I3 U T of E / F . By hypothesis, each element of EP" is separable over F ( S ) . Since
S is h i t e , we may choose an integer m over F ( B ,T ) . Hence each element of EP
such that each element of EP'n is separable
separable over FP(BP,TP) C F ( B ,TI') a n d
therefore over F ( B , T P ) . This shows that
Epm+'( F , B ) / F ( B . T P )
is separable
However, B is a relative pbasis of E / F , hence
E = E P ( FB , ) = E " - ( F ,B)= . . . = EP
( F ,B )
It therefore follows that E / F ( B ,TP) is separable. Since B U T P is obviously a transcendency basis of E / F , the result follows. a
9. Separable generation of intermediate field extensions.
Let E / F be a separably generated field extension and let K be a n intermediate field. Our aim is to discover conditions under which one of the intermediate extensions K / F or E / K is also separably generated. All fields considered are assumed to be of prime characteriitic P.
9.1. Theorem. (MacLane (1939a)). L e t F
E he a c h a i n of f i e l d s arid 1 ~ :
l ; / F be separably g e n e r a t e d . If tr.d.(E/F) zs finite, t h e n K I F zs a l s o s e p a r a b l y generated Proof. By Lemma 8.2(i), E I F preserves pindependence and hence so does W F . Clioose transcendency bases S1 and Sz respectively of E I K and K I F . Then, by Proposition 2.6, 5'1 J S2 is a transcendency basis of E / F . Owing to Theorem 8.11, there exists an irltegei n
2 0 such that F(EP",S1,S Z ) / F ( S l ,Sp)is separable.
Therefore F ( K p " ,SL,S,)iE'
( S , , S,) is also separable. The adjunction of the indeterminates from S1 cannot reduce
any equations irreducible over F(S2). Hence F(KP",S * ) / F ( S z )is separable. Invoking Theorem 8.11, we therefore conclude t h a t K I F is separably generated, as required. I 9.2.
Corollary. Let F
be a c h a i n of fields s u c h t h a t EIF is separably
generated a n d tr.d.(K/F) is finite. T h e n K I F is separably generated.
Proof. Let S be a separating transcendency basis of E I F . Since K I F has a finite transcendency basis, all elements of this basis are algebraic over F ( S o ) ,where SOis a finite subset of S . Hence K is contained in the algebraic closure L of F(So) in E . Since So is a finite separating transcendency basis of L I F and F
C K C L , the
result follows by
applying Theorem 9.1. rn The above result need not be true without the assumption t h a t the intermediate field
K has finite transcendency degree over F. This fact will be demonstrated in the next section. Turning t o separable generation of E I K , we now prove 9.3. Theorem. (MacLane (1939a)). Let F C_ K
E be a c h a i n of fields, let E / F be
separably generated a n d let t r . d . ( E / F ) be finite. T h e n E I K is separably generated if and only i f E I K i s separable.
Proof. By Theorem 6.10, E I K is separable if and only if E I K preserves pindependence.
If E I K is separably generated, then E I K preserves p-independence by Lemma 8.2(i). Conversely, suppose that E I K preserves pindependence. Let S be a separating transcendency basis of E / F and let integer n
T be any transcendency basis of E I K . Since S is finite, there is an
0 such t h a t each element of SP" is separable over K ( T ) . But E / F ( S ) is
a separable algebraic field extension, hence so is EP"/FP"(Sp") by Lemma 6.7. Thus
K ( E p " , T ) / K ( T )is a separable extension and the desired conclusion follows by virtue of Theorem 8.11. I Given a field F , its subfield
n FP" w
n= 1
is obviously perfect. Furthermore, any perfect subfield of F is contained in n:=lFP".
fir=p_, FP" is the m a z i m a l perfect subfield of F . 9.4.
Theorem. (MacLane (1939a)). Let EIF be a separably generated eztension.
T h e n F contains t h e m a x i m a l perfect subfield of E (equivalently, F a n d E have the s a m e
m a z i m a l perfect subfield.)
Proof. Let L be the maximal perfect subfield of E . Assume by way of contradiction that L
F and choose X
L , X !$ F . Since L is perfect, all elements XP-" lie in L C E ,
so they are all separable over F ( S ) ,where S is a separating transcendency basis of E / F .
But X = X is the root of some equation g ( X , S ) = 0 irreducible in the polynomial ring
F I X , S].Let the variable s E S be chosen with smallest exponent p e in g . Then no other s, E
S has exponent less than p e and we put So = S
{s}. Then g ( X , S) = g ( X ,s , SO)
is a n irreducible separable equation for X = X over F(sP', SOPe), with exponent 1 in the variable
It follows, from Lemma 7.2, that X is not separable over the smaller field
F ( S P C + ' , S$).
We may therefore choose an integer m such that for T = SP"' all the roots A""
separable over F(?'), while not all the roots
are separable over F ( 2 " ) . Let p = XP-l'
be one such inseparable root, so that p itself is not separable over F ( T p ) ,although
separable over F ( T ) . The latter, by Lemma 6.7, implies that p is separable over F p ( T p ) , hence over the larger field F ( T p ) , a contradiction. 9.5. Corollary.
If the elements of a set S are algebraically independent over a field
F . then
Proof. Let
= UFFEO_,FP-" be the perfect closure of
is F ( S ) / F ( S ) .Hence S is algebraically independent over generated. Since
and so
is perfect, it follows from Theorem 9.4 that
whence 00
as required m
F . Since F / F is algebraic, so
P ( S ) / F is
10. The Steinitz field tower.
We consider exclusively fields of prime characteristic p . Although a given field extension
E / F need not be separably generated it may still be possible t o represent the whole field E as the union of the fields of a tower
in which each individual extension E ; / F is separably generated. For example, if E =
F ( t ,t P
,t p - 2 , . . . ) is obtained from a perfect subfield F
by the adjunction of all p t h roots
of a single indeterminate t , and if E; = F ( t P - ' ) for each i 2 0, then we have a tower
This tower has additional properties: (i) Each E , / F is separably generated (in fact, E , / F is a purely transcendental extension) (ii) E L - ] = EP for all i
It will be shown t h a t a similar tower can be obtained for a perfect field E . We also demonstrate that even if E is not perfect, a modified such tower is possible if t r . d . ( E / F ) is finite. The precise situation will follow from the ensuing discussion.
In what follows, up to Corollary 10.6, we shall uye the following assumptions and notation:
K is a perfect subfield of E
B is a p b a s i s of E F is t h e algebraic closure of K ( B ) in E (hence 13 is a separating transcendency basis of F / K , by Theorem 7.8; in particular B is a pbasis of F , by Lemma 8.2(ii), and E / F preserves pindependence, by Theorem 6.6(ii)).
T is a transcendcncy basis of E / F For any given integer n
2 0, we put
S, = S , ( E , F ( T ) ) = { A E EIApmisseparablc over F ( T ) }
10.1. Lemma. ( i ) S , is a field, S,P
S,-1 and E is the union
of the tower
(ii) For each
2 1, S,
{ A E EIXPis separable over
# S,-1 for all n 2 1.
(iii) ff E # F , t h e n S,
Proof. (i) Let L be the separable closure of F ( T ) in E . If XI, X z E S,, X z # 0, then
E L. IIince
which means that X 1
X z , X1X;'
are in S,. Thus S, is indeed a field. That E is the
union of the chain (1) is a consequence of Proposition 2.2.6(i). Finally assume that X E S,. Then
is separable over F ( T ) ,hence
(ii) Assume that X E E is such that
E Sn-l, as required.
is separable over S,-1.
Then A"''
is separable over Sz_l (Lemma 6.7). But, by the definition of S n P l reach element of
is separable over F ( T ) . Hence
Conversely, suppose that X 6 S., (iii) Assume that E
is separable over F ( T ) and thereforc X E S,.
Then, by ( i ) ,
E S,_1 and
is separable over S,-I.
# F . Then E is not algebraic over K ( B ) ,hence is
not algebraic over
F (since F / K ( B ) is algebraic). Therefore T is nonempty. Assume by way of contradiction that S, = S,-1
for some n
1. Then there is no X E E s u c h that
is, but A'"-'
separable over F ( T ) . This implies E = SnP1and, by (i), we have Ep"-'
C S:-l
n- 1
is not,
C So,
which means that each element of E " - ' is separable over F ( T ) , while each element of
EP" is separable over F ( T p ) . Since B is a p b a s i s of E , we have
This implies that each element of E is separable over F ( T P ) ; in particular, any t E ?' is also separable over F(TP). But t is also purely inseparable over F ( T P ) , hence t E F ( T P ) . This is a contradiction since the elements of TP are algebraically independent over F .
In what follows, we shall refer t o the tower of fields in (1) as the S t e i n i t z field tower for E over F . In the special case where E is a perfect field, the structure of the Stcinitz tower is given by the following theorem of F.K. Schmidt.
10.2. Theorem. A s s u m e that E is perfect and that K is algebraically closed in E
(hence B is e m p t y and F = K ) . T h e n , for all n
2 0,
(i) TP-" is a separating transcendency basis of S , / F
(ii) S,
F(S:+,) (in fact, S, = Sz+l)
Proof. (i) The elements of TP-" are obviously algebraically independent over F . If X E S,, then
is a root of a n irreducible separable polynomial over F[T]. Hence
taking the pn-th roots of the coefficients of this polynomial, we see t h a t X is a root of a separable polynomial over
F[TP-"]. Since TP-" C S,, we conclude t h a t TP-" is a
separating transcendency basis of S,/F. (ii) By Lemma lO.l(i), S:+,
C S,.
Conversely, assume t h a t X E S,. Since E is perfect,
X = pP for some p E E . Since pPn+' = A P " is separable over F ( T ) , it follows t h a t p E S,+1.
Thus X E S:,,
and S,
C S:+,,
as required.
The rest of this section will be devoted t o the investigation of the properties (i) and (ii) of Theorem 10.2 in the case E is not necessarily a perfect field. With respect t o property
(i), it is natural to enquire whether each field S, of the Steinitz field tower (1) is separably generated over F . The following easy consequence of Theorem 8.11 provides a positive answer for the case where t r . d . ( E / F ) is finite. 10.3. Proposition. A s s u m e that t r . d . ( E / F ) i s finite. T h e n
(i) E a c h field S, of the S t e i n i t t field tower (1) has a separating transcendency basis T,
over F and a separating transcendency basis B U T, over K . (ii) IT1 = IT,/ for all n
2 0.
Since each S,/F(T) is a!gebraic and the elements of T are algebraically
independent over F, we conclude that T is a transcendency basis of S,/F.
This shows
that (ii) is a consequence of (i). Since E / F preserves pindependence, so does S,/F. Furthermore tr.d.(S,/F) is finite, since so is t r . d ( E / F ) . Because, by definition, each element of Sg" is separable F ( T ) , it follows, from Theorem 8.11, that S,/F has a separating transcendency basis T,.
B is a separating transcendency basis of F / K , it follows that B U T, is a separating transcendency basis of S,/K. For subsequent use, we need the following lemma 10.4. Lemma. A s s u m e that T
# 0 and, for a n y m 2 1, p u t C,
= S,
- Sm-l(C,
0, by L e m m a lO.l(iii)). T h e n
F ( C i ) = F(S$)I
F(Cn) = F(Sn)
for any
(ii) If T is finite, then for any integer n
2 0,
there ezists an integer m > n such that
Proof. (i) Since C , is nonempty, we may choose X E C , with not separable, over F ( T ) . If p is a n arbitrary element of
separable, but
S, not in C,, then p E S,-1
and Xp must be in C,. Since X is in C,, p is in F(C,) and thus F(S,)
C F(C ,).
we must have F(S,) = F(C,). Similarly,
proving that F ( S E ) = F ( C i ) . (ii) By Theorem 7 . 8 , we have E = E p ( F ) = F ( E P ) . Let T, be a separating transcendency basis of S,/F (see Proposition 10.3(i)). Then T , is finite, since T is finite, and T,
C F ( R p ) . Because E is in some S,,so that there is a n integer m > n such t h a t R C S,.
Hence there is a finite subset R of E such that T, of R
Consider now any element z in
S,. Since T, is
= US,, each element
Thus T,
a separating basis of S,/F,
separable over F(T,) and hence over F ( S & ) . But z is also in S,, hence in S, m
> n.
z is since
is in F ( S & ) ,so that z is also purely inseparable over F ( S k ) . It therefore
follows that z is in F ( S & ) ,hence S, 2 F ( S & ) = F ( C & ) by virtue of (i). So the lemma is verified. B We now turn our attention t o the property (ii) of Theorem 10.2, which says that
F(S:+l) if E is perfect and K is algebraically closed in E . Though we cannot assert
this fact for every S, in the general case, we can assert it if IT1 = 1. Furthermore. if T is finite, then we can obtain another tower with analogous property by omitting certain of the fields from the Steinitz tower. This is the content of the following result. 10.5. Theorem. (MacLane (1939b)). Assume that I' i s finite. (i) I f T has ezactly one element, then S , = F(S:+,)
(ii) For each k
2 0 , there
2 0 such that
for all
the fields Mk = s,, satisfy the following
Proof. (i) By Proposition 10.3, each field S , has a separating transcendency basis nver F consisting of one element, say t,. the elements of X of E for which
Thus, by Lemma lO.l(ii), each S, consists of
is separable over F ( t , - l ) , n
1. By reason of this
symmetry, it clearly suffices to prove our conclusion Sn-l = F ( S E ) only for the case n = 1. Since t l is in
S 1
and not So, tl; is separable over F ( t 0 ) and K ( B , t o ) ,but
itself is not
separable Over F ( t 0 ) and K ( B , t o ) . By the exchange lemma (Lemma 7 . 3 ) , some elcment of { l o } u B can be exchanged with t:. If t o is not so exchangeable, this means, as in the
eachange lemma, that t: is separable over K ( B , t E ) , and that some z in B can be here exchanged with t;. This exchange makes z separable over K ( B - { z } ~t ; , t y ) and thus over
{x}). Since z is purely inseparable over EP(B - {z}),
lies in EP(B - {z}),
contrary to the pindependence of the set B. It must then be possible t o exchange t o with
t y . Therefore t o is separable over K ( t ? , B ) C F ( t y ) . By the transitivity of separability, every element of So is then separable over F ( t : )
C F ( S r ) . Now every element of So is in S 1 ,
and hence is also purely inseparable over L(Sf).We condude therefore t h a t So & F(Sf), as required. (ii) If T = @,then E
F and there is nothing t o prove. We may therefore assume that
T is nonempty. It suffices to exhibit integers 0 = no < n l <
n 2
< ... such that for
Mk = S,,, (c) holds. Indeed, that such fields Mk satisfy (a) is trivial, while (b) follows from Proposition 10.3(i). To prove (c), we shall show by induction t h a t if the intcgers n o < nl < ... <
have already been chosen, then there is an integer
Mk = Sn,
where Cn = 5' ,
C F(D:+i)
Sn-l, as in Lemma 10.4. Since, by Lemma 4.1(ii),
the result follows. A s an easy consequence of the above, we derive
n k
10.6. Corollary. Let K be a perfect subfield of a f i e l d E such that t r . d . ( E / K ) is
finite. Then there ezists a tower of fields:
such that ( i ) F I K is separably generated
( i i ) h f k / F is separably generated for all k
( i i i ) F is algebraically closed i n E and E = E p ( F ) (iv)
C F(D:+,)
for all k
2 0 , where
Dk+l = Mk+l - i b f k
Proof. Define F t o be the algebraic closure of K ( B ) in E , where B is a p-basis of E . T h e n any given transcendency basis T of E / F is finite, since t r . d . ( E / K ) is finite. Hence the required properties follow from Theorems 7.8 and 10.5. rn Our next aim is t o prove t h a t if t r . d . ( E / F ) is not finite, then the fields S , of the Steinitz field tower need not all have separating transcendency bases over F . We need the following preliminary result. 10.7. Lemma. Let T be a set of elements which are algebraically independent over
some f i e l d F and let E = F ( T P w W )be the f i e l d obtained from F b y the adjunction of all elements t""
for n any integer and t i n 7'. Then, for any n 2 0 , F ( T p - " ) is ezactly the
set of all elements X of E such that
is separable over F ( T ) .
Proof. Let E , denote the set of all X in X
F ( T P - " ) , then A""
E F"''(T)
C En.We
shows t h a t F ( P - " )
E F ( T ) and
such t h a t A!"'
hence A""
is separable over F ( T ) . If
is separdble over F ( T ) . This
are therefore left t o verify t h a t
En C F ( T p - " ) .Since any
clement of E n depends algebraically on finitely many elements of 7', we may harmlessly rissii~ncthat T is finite. We now argue by induction on 17.1.
T = { t } . Fix rn > n and put
First assume t h a t
z =
We claim t h a t
(E,(tP-"') : E n ) = p"-" Indeed, since
need oniy verify t h a t
is a root of the polynomial XP"'-"
XP"'-" - t p - "
tP-'L E E,[X]. so we
is irreducible in E,[X]. Assume the contrary. Then
the p t h root of tP-" is in E n , so tP Consequently, tP
is separable as well as purely inseparable over F ( t ) .
E F ( t ) which is impossible, and thus (2) is established.
Assume by way of contradiction t h a t En 9 F(tp-") and choose X E En - F ( t p - " ) . We
> n and X
may choose m large enough such that m
E F ( t P - m ) .Since F(tP-",A)
# F(tP-"),
we have
(F (tp --= ): F(tP.", A)) < ( F ( t P - ) : F(tP-")) = pm-n
En,it follows from (2) t h a t
On the other hand, since F(tP-", A)
= ( E n ( t p - m ) : En) = pmPn,
a contradiction. This establishes the case where IT1 = 1. Suppose next that the result is known when the transcendency basis has n-1 elements, and let T = T o U { t ) h a v e n elements, t
4 TO.Note t h a t E contains asubfield F1 = F(T;--)
and E = FI(tp-"). Any X in E with
separable over F ( T ) has
also separable over
F l ( t ) 2 F ( T ) . Hence X is contained in
by the proof of the previous case. Setting FO = F (tP-"),it follows t h a t X is in Fo(T;-~) and XP-" is separable over Fo(T0). Hence, by the induction hypothesis,
proving t h a t En 2 F ( T p - " ) , as required. w We have now accumulated all the information necessary t o provide a field extension for which the first field of the Steinitz tower is not separably generated. Let K be any perfect field and let
T = { t o , t i , t z r . . . >, Y = {YZ,~ 3 ,. .. } be two countably infinite sets of elements such that (a) The elements of T are algebraically independent over
(b) The elements yi of Y satisfy YI:
+ tn-ltP,
(n = 2 , 3 , 4 , . . . )
Let the field E be defined by
10.8. Theorem. (MacLane (1939b)). With the assumptions and the notation above
the following properties hold: (i) The set D = ( t o } is a p-basis of E (ii) ?'he algebraic closure F o f K ( B ) in E is K ( B ) (hence TI = { t l , t z , . . . } is a transcen-
dency basis of E I F ) (iii) The Steinitz field
F ( T 1 ) is given by
S 1
= S l ( E , F ( T l ) ) of all elements
S 1=
of E with
separable over
F ( T 1 , Y ) = K(to,TI,Y)
(iv) The f i e l d S i s not separably generated over F .
Proof. (i) The defining algebraic equations ( 3 ) can be rewritten as:
It follows, by induction on n , that each t , E EP(to),so that
and hence 15' = EP(t0). We are thus left t o verify that t o @ EP. Assume by way of contradiction that t o E EP. The n i 1 algebraically independent elements t o , 1 1 , . . . , t , are algebraic over K ( t o ,t l , y ~ , ... , y n ) by virtue of ( 3 ) . Hence the 72
~i 1 elements
20, t l , yz,
. . . , yn must themselves be algebraically independent over K . The
conclusion is that Y u {to,tl} is a set of elements algebraically independent over { t o , 1 I } are likewise algebraically independent over the subfield
K ,and
K ( Y P - = ) of E . Consider
the following subfields En of E :
Then we obviously have E = U,E,.
It follows from ( 3 ) that the t ' s in this field En can
be expressed rationally in terms of the y's and the last two t ' s . Thus
En = K ( Y P - m , t n - - l , t n )
and { t n - l , t n } is a set algebraically independent over K ( Y P - - ) . Since t o E EP and
we have
for some n. Invoking (4) successively, we then conclude t h a t t l , t 2 , . . . and finally tn..l
also in EE. On the other hand, the elements tE-l,tP, are algebraically independent over
K(YP--), so that the extended field Ef: = K ( Y P - m , t c - l , t g )cannot contain a p-th root --I
= (tEp1)P
. This contradiction shows t h a t
to $ EP, as required.
(ii) By Theorem 7.8, any element X in F is separable algebraic over K ( t 0 ) and hence over
K ( T ) . On the other hand, E is obtained from K ( T ) by the successive adjunction of p-th roots, which means that E / K ( T ) is purely inseparable. Therefore all elements X of F lie in K ( T ) . The remaining elements of T are algebraically independent of t o , hence F must be K(t0) as required. (iii) It follows from (3) t h a t each element of YP is separable over K ( t 0 , T I ) . Hence
Conversely, S1 consists of certain elements of Ep-separable over K ( T ) . Thus, by Lemma 10.7, S1
= K(TP-") whose p t h power is
K ( T p - ' ) which shows that
Applying (4) we see that M2 can also be generated as
It therefore follows that the field Mz of (5) has degree p or 1 over M I , which in turn -L
implies that S1 = M I or
= Mz.
S 1=
Mz, then
is in
S 1
and hence t o E W',
contrary to (i). Accordingly, S1 = M 1 = F ( T l , Y )= K ( t o , T 1 , Y ) . (iv) We first show that for any n
2 0,
Indeed, assume that t , E: Sf for some n 3 0. Then the equation (4) solved for that t,-l t o are in
is in
Sf.A repetition of this argument implies that
Sr 5 EP, contrary to (i).
. . and finally
E Sr for some n 2 0. Then the equation (3) written i n
Now assume that t,/t,+l
~:&zltn+L l tnltn-+l+tP,+z and hence tn+l are in
implies that
Sf, contrary to the previous paragraph. Thus
is established. dssume by way of contradiction that S 1 / F is separably generated. We rnay then choose a scparating transcendency basis over F = K ( t o ) . The adjunction of t o to this basis yields an enlarged separating transcendency basis, say Z =
(21, z g ,
. . . } of Si
K . O u r aim is to show that this leads to a contradiction by finding a single z the adjunction of which would simultaneously make yk and
separable, in conflict with the form of ~ h c
inseparable defining equation ( 3 ) . Observe that both to and
= {z,,
. . . , z,)
are separable over K ( Z ) , so there is a finite subset
so large that t o and t l are separable over K(2,).
independent elements of T cannot be dependent on this subset Z,, n
2, such that
of z‘n, so that there is a set zk+l),
there exists an integer
. . . , t n - l are algebraic (and hence separable) over K(Z , ), while
the next element t , is not so algebraic over Z,.
Because all of the
But t , will be algebraic over a larger set
z k = ( ~ 1 , . . . ,Z k ] ,
(k 2 m),for which t , is algebraic ovcr
but not over K ( Z k ) . It follows from (3) that
(a) y n is algebraic over K(tn-z,t,-l,t,)
(b) t , is algebraic over K(t,-z,t,..l,y,) Now both
are already algebraic over K ( Z k ) 2 K(Z,).
nor yn can be algebraic over K ( Z k ) ,and both
where z =
Hence neither t ,
t , and yn must be algebraic over K ( Z k , z ) ,
z k + 1.
From the equations for t , and y, over K ( Z k , z ) , it follows (from Lemma 7.2) that t h c r r are larger integers e and
f such that
( 7 ) 1, is separable over K ( Z k , z P c ) ; yis, separable over K ( Z k , z ‘ ” ) l3y Lemma 7.3, we then have (8) zp‘ is separable over K ( Z k , t , ) ; zp’
Assume that
2 f. Then the first
is separable over K ( Z k , y , )
statement of (7) and the second statement of (8) imply
that t , i s separable over K ( Z k , y , ) . Let L denote the separable closure of P ( Z k ) in S1.By construction, t,-z
and t,-l
are in L so that ( 3 ) makes t , purely inseparable over L(y,).
Accordingly, t , E L(y,) and t , is a rational function
where we can assume that the coefficients f ( O ) , g ( O ) are not both 0. Substituting this value
o f t , in (3) yields Yfl[g(Yn)lP= t n - z [ s ( y n ) l P + t n - l [ f ( Y n ) l P Here the variable y n over L can be replaced by 0, which gives
One (and hence both) o f f ( O ) , g ( O ) are distinct from 0. Thus
contrary to ( 6 ) . Finally, in the remaining case where e
a similar argument shows t h a t y n E L ( t n )
and hence tn-2
E Lp
again a contradiction. This completes t h e proof of the theorem. D We close by providing a n example of a separably generated field extension E / K and an intermediate field F such that F / K is not separably generated. 10.9. Example. (MacLane (1939a)). Let K be a perlect field a n d Let T = { t o , t l , . . . }
be a set of elements algebraically independent over K . Define a n o t h e r set Y = {yz, y3.. .} successively b y the inseparable equations
y; = t n - 2
+ tn-1t;
( n = 2 , 3 , 4 , . . .)
Put F = K ( T , Y ) a n d E = F ( T p - ' ) . T h e n E I K is separably generated but F I K is not separably gene rated.
Proof. T h a t F I K is not separably generated follows from Theorem 10.9 (iv), where the present F appears as a field S1, and where it is shown that F has a separating transcendency basis neither over K nor over K ( t 0 ) . On the other hand, we have
Hence TP-I is a separating transcendency basis of E I K . rn
11. Nonseparably generated fields over maximal perfect subfields.
All fields considered are assumed to be of prime characteristic p . To motivate our discussion, let us first record the following result. 11.1. Proposition. Let F be t h e m a z i m a l perfect subfield of a field E . If t r . d . ( E / F ) = 1, t h e n
E I F is separably generated.
Proof. Since E
# F, E
is not perfect. The desired conclusion is therefore a conse-
quence of Theorem 7.1. Our aim is t o give a counter-example t o the possible extension of the result above.
Namely, we show t h a t (a) There is a field E which is not separably generated over its maximal perfect subfield
F , but which does have a finite transcendency degree t over F . Furthermore, t may be any specified integer
2 2.
This example will also illustrate t h a t (b) The number of elements in a pbasis of a field K need not be equal to the transcendency degree of K over its maximal perfect subfield. From now on, we fix the following data.
K is a perfect field
= ( S ~ , S Z ,...
} a denumerable set of elements algebraically independent over K
F = K ( S p - - ) = K ( S , SP-' ,SP-',. . . ) (note that F is perfect) y , uo are algebraically independent elements over K ( S p - = ) u1, ~ 2 , . .. ,u,, n-
. . . , are defined recursively by
u, = yp
( n 2 1)
i-S n U n - 1 -2
E' = F ( y , U O , U ~ - ' , U ~, . . . , U P ,
, . . .)
11.2. Theorem. (MacLane (1939a)). W i t h the n o t a t i o n above, the following prop-
erties hold: ( i ) E / F is not separably generated. (ii) T h e field E h a s a p-basis consisting of o n e lernent y a n d { y , u o } is a transcendency
basis of E / F .
( i i i ) F is the rnazirnal perfect subfield of E .
Proof. (i) and (ii) It is clear that {y,uo} is a transcendency basis of E / F . By ( l ) ,
- I,
can be expressed in terms of u < - " , so E is the union of a tower of fields
Eo &El
C ...
En = K ( S P - m , y , ~ E - n ) Applying (I), we observe that
which shows t h a t sl,.. . , s,, y, u, are algebraically independent over K . Moreover,
and hence En/Eois a purely inseparable extension of degree p n . Invoking the necessary condition of Theorem 7.5 (applied to the transcendency basis S = {y,
we deduce that
E / F is not separably generated. Since the extended field E ( y p - ' ) , by the equations ( l ) ,
u E - ~ , {y} -n
also contains each
is a pbasis of E.
(iii) For the sake of clarit,y, we divide the proof into a number of steps. S t e p 1 . Here we s h o w that a n e l e m e n t X of E is in En if a n d o n l y if Xpn is separable over
Eo .
E n have the desired property. Conversely, assume that
Owing to ( 3 ) , all elements X of XP"
is separable over Eo, and choose k
By Lemma 10.7, in such a field
E k
n large enough so t h a t X E
any element X with
E k =
Eo(u; ).
separable over Eo must be in
E o ( u f - " ) . If k > n , then by (l),
hence E O ( U ; ) = Eo(u;-,). Applying induction, we therefore deduce that
as required. S t e p 2. Here we provide s o m e useful properties of the m a z i m a l perfect subfield L of E .
Fix any element a in L. The expansion of a in terms of the generators of E can involve only finitely many of a's, z's and pn-th roots of z's. Therefore we can End a power
= a p " E I,
and an integer m such t h a t c E K ( S m ,y , a o ) ,
For each integer k
2 0, c
c = c i k for some
S, =
(51,. . . ,s,}
E E and, by Step 1 , c k E E k . Therefore
E K ( S m , y , u o ) ,c E E i k
(k 2 0 )
Our next aim is to show that
For each k
E K(Ski
( k = m , m - + l...) ,
Ypkj Uk)
m , choose the smallest n such that c E K ( L 5 ' ~ - m , y p k , ~ kIf) .n > k, c is
not in the field
= K ( S i I , , y p k , u k ) , but is in
R(sP, ) for some t . As in the argument,
hllowing ( Z ) , s, is transcendental over K ( S , - l , y , u k ) , hence over R. Since c is in the --t
purcly transcendental extension R ( s ~), it must itself be transcendental over
R. K o t e
also that, by (5) and (4), c E
K ( S m , y > a O ) K(Sk,YruO) = K ( S k , Y , u k )2 K ( S n - l , Y , u k )
and the last of these fields is algebraic over R. IIence c is algebraic over R , a contradiction, from which we deduce that -m
c E K(S:
for ail k = m , m + I , . . .
\Ve now show t h a t in the expression of c in terms of these generators no roots of
SI;a r c
inrrolvc.d, which will prove ( 6 ) .
Assume by way of contradiction that the expression for c docs involve some roots 01 sk.
Choose t
> 0 so small that c is in N
= K ( s f t , y P k , a kb)u t not in
K(Skp-'+l,Y p k ,U k )
extension T / N is given by a tower
N o c N i c N z c ... G N
where -t
No = N , N ; = N ( s ~, . . . ,
(z = 0 , 1 , . .
Choose i such t h a t c E N; but c $! N i _ l . Because
. , k)
is purely inseparable over
N;-l, and the two extensions N ; - l ( c ) and N; = N ; - l ( s : ), each of degree p , must be equal. Accordingly, sr-' E l V P l ( c ) .Setting
E M(s;-t+j,
contrary to the fact that sI is transcendental over M .
S t e p 3. Our aim here is to prove that
(note that Dkk is the field K ( S k , y P k , u kof ) ( 6 ) ) . It suffices to prove t h a t
Dkrn is algebraically closed in Dkk
for all k
Indeed, by (5),we have
a field which is certainly algebraic over Dkm. On the other hand, c E Dkk = K ( S k ,yp*, u k ) ,
by ( 6 ) , and this field by (8) contains no elements algebraic over D k m rexcept the elements
of Dkm themselves. This shows t h a t (7) must hold.
We are left to verify (8). To this end, we first simplify the notation of (7) in the following way: k--n
Dkm = K ( S n , Y l , V ) ,
= Y p k , v = $.
Therefore Dkn
C D k n + l , according t o
(9) and
(lo), and we can
go from Dkn to Dkk by a
C Dkn+l G Dkn+2 2 . . . C Dkk
Hence, t o prove ( 8 ) , it suffices t o show that Dkn is algebraically closed in Dkn+l for all n
< k. Owing to (9) and
(lo), Dkntl
Dkn(S,U) where, as in ( 2 ) , s is transcendental over
Ukn, while by (ii), u is inseparable and algebraic over D k n ( s ) .If Dkn is not algebraically dosed in D k n r l , choose and
in Dkn+l
Dkn and algebraic over Dkn. Then
x p is algebraic over Dknrso XP € Dkn. Accordingly,
x p E Dkn(s)
is purely inseparable over Dkn
and also over D k n ( s ) ,and we must have
Thus u is a rational function g ( s ) / h ( s ) of s with coefficients in D = Dkn(X). We may assume that g(0) and h ( 0 ) are not both 0. This value of u in the defining equation (11) for u yields an identity
= g(s)P
i n s over D . By setting s = 0, we find
wilh neither h ( 0 ) nor g(0) zero. This implies that y1 E D", hence yy argiirrient on the terms of highest degree in (12) proves that
E D . A similar
D . But, in
(9), S,, y1 and u are algebraically independent over K , so that y 1 2)~ are p-independent i n
Dk,,. This, however, implies that the extension
has degree p 2 . But we have just shown Dkn(yy
,u p - ' )
to be contained in D , of degree p
over Dkn. This contradiction establishes (8) and hence (7).
4. Completion
of the proof. P u t L1 = K(S,)
and /I = k
rn. Then, by ( 7 ) , c is i n
each of the fields Dkm = L l ( ( y p ' " ) P " , u Here ~ ) . yp"' and u, are algebraically independent =
1 , 2 , . . . is L1 itself (see Corollary 9 5 ) .
of the maximal perfect subfield L is
over L , so the intersection of all these fields, for p Thus c E K ( S m ) and the original element a =
therefore in K ( S R " ) . This shows that F = K ( S p - " ) is the maximal perfect subfield of
E , as required. w Remark. Let E and F be as in Theorem 11.2. Then tr.d. ( E / F ) = 2 and F is the maximal perfect subfield of E . A field with analogous properties but with any desired transcendency degree t
2 2 over its maximal perfect
is a set of t
subfield is, by Theorem 9.4, the field E ( T ) , where T
elements algebraically independent over E. Furthermore, since E / F is not
separably generated, E ( T ) / F is also not separably generated, by virtue of Theorem 9.1.
1 2 . Relatively separated extensions. Throughout, the letter p is reserved for the characteristic of the fields under discussion, and since our questions generally evaporate when p = 0 , we shall always assume that p
> 0.
We begin by introducing the following terminology due to Mordeson and Vinograde (1972,1973). Let E I F be a field extension. If B is a relative p b a s i s of E / F such that
E / E ' ( B ) is separable algebraic, then we call B a separating relative p-basis. We say that
E / F is relatively separated if every relative pbasis of E I F is a separating relative p-basis. For example, if E / F has a finite separating transcendency basis, then by Corollary 8.5, any relative p b a s i s of E / F is a separating transcendency basis of E/F. Thus E / F is relatively separated. On the other hand, if E / F preserves pindependence (e.g. F is perfect), then the elements of any relative pbasis of E / F are algebraically independent over E', by virtue of Theorem 6.12. Hence, in this case, any separating relative p b a s i s is a separating transcendency basis. In particular, if E / F preserves pindependence and is relatively separated, then E / F is separably generated. Note also that if K is an intermediate field of any extension E / F , then E = E p ( K ) whenever E / K is separable algebraic (see Proposition 2.2.6(ii)). It turns out that relatively separated extensions E / F are precisely those for which the converse of the above holds, for any intermediate field K of E / F . Before proceeding to the study of relatively separated extensions, it will be convenient to establish a number of auxiliary results, so as not to interrupt our future discussion a t an awkward stage. First we must develop our vocabulary. The imperfection degree of a field extension E I F is defined to be the (cardinal) number of elements in any relative p b a s i s of E / F . By Corollary 6.2, this concept is well defined. Note t h a t , by Theorem ll.Z(ii), even if F is perfect, the imperfection degree of E I F need not be equal t o the transcendency degree of E / F . We say that E I F is relatively perfect if
imperfection degree is zero, or equivalently if E
12.1. Lemma. L e t E/E’ be a f i e l d e x t e n s i o n .
( i ) If B is a relative p-basis of EIE’, t h e n E / F ( B ) i s relatively perject. ( i i ) If E / P
separable algebraic, t h e n EIE’ is relatively perfect.
( i i i ) If E / F i s f i n i t e l y generated, t h e n E / F is relatively perfect if a n d o n l y if E / F i s separable algebraic.
(i) If R is a relative p b a s i s of E / F , then E = E J ’ ( F , R )a n d therefore
I< =: E P ( F ( I 3 ) ) . ( i i ) This is a direct consequence of I’roposition 2.2.6(ii). ( i i i ) Let E / h ’ be finitely generated and relatively perfect. Ry (ii), it suffices to show thar. k ; / F is separable algebraic. If S is a transcendency basis of
E / F ,t h e n E / F ( S ) is a finitcl
extension which is relatively perfect since so is E I F . IIence, by Proposition 2.2.17, E / F ( S ) is sclparable. Thus
S is
a separating transcendency basis of
EIE’. Therefore, by Lemma
8.‘2(ii), S is a relative p b a s i s of E / F . R u t B / F is relatively perfect, hence
S is empty and
S j b . is separable aigebraic. m T,et,
E/Is. be a field extension and let K b e a n intermediate field. We say t h a t E , ’ K
1~reserzresrelative p - i n d e p e n d e n c e w i t h respect t o F if every relatively p i n d e p e n d e n t subset
.So f K i F remains relatively p i n d e p e n d e n t in E / F . 12.2. Lemma. L e t I< be a n z n t e r m e d i a t e field of a field e x t e n s i o n K / F . T h e n
jollowzng c o n d i t i o n s are equivalent: (i) 15‘:’h‘ p r e s e r v e s relative p - i n d e p e n d e n c e with respect t o F [ii)
T h e r e ezists a relative p-basis of
K l F w h i c h i s relatively p - i n d e p e n d e n t in E I F .
Proof. It is clear t h a t ( i ) implies (ii). Conversely, assume t h a t there exists a relative [I
basis 11 of
which is relalively p-independent i n h ’ / F . If there exists a set S i n l i
\vhich is rclatively p i n d e p e n d e n t in K / F , b u t is not relatively p-independelit i n E / F . t lien
there is a finite subset S’u { s } of S such that s $ 5‘ and s E El’(F, .5’). 1,et C’:-~ ij’ h c finite set such t h u l S‘ LJ { s }
KP( F’, U’). T h e n there e x i s k a subset 11” of 13‘ such t h a t
same number of elements, say n. Thus
E P ( F ,B’) = E P ( F ,S’, S,B’‘) and therefore
( E P ( F ,B’) : E P ( F ) = ) pn > pn-’
2 (EP(F,S’,s,B’’): EP(E’)):
which contradicts (1). rn
12.3. Lemma.
Let K be a n intermediate field of a n extension E / F , let E I K
preserve relative p-independence with respect t o F , and let B and B‘ be subsets of E such that B
n B‘
0 and B‘ C K .
(i) If B is a relative p-basis of E I K and B’ is a relative p-basis of K I F , t h e n B U B’ is
a relative p-basis of E I F (ii) If B’ is a relative p-basis of K I F and B u B’ is a relative p-basis of E I F , t h e n B is
a relative p-basis of E I K (iii) If B is a relative p-basis of E I K and B U B’ is a relative p-basis of E I F , t h e n B‘ is
a relative p-basis of K I F . Proof. (i) By hypothesis, E = EP(K,B ) and K = K P ( F , B’), whence
E = E P ( K P , F , B , B ’ )= E P ( F , B , B ’ ) We are thus left to verify that B u B’is relatively p-independent in E I F . If there exists
6 E B such that b E E P ( F , B ‘ , B
{ b } ) , then
b E E P ( F ,K , B
E p ( KB ,
a contradiction. Assume that there exists b’ E B’ such that
b‘ E E P ( F ,B‘
Since B’ is relatively p-independent in E I F , b’ distinct elements b l , . . . , b,,
2 1, in B
{b’}, B )
6 E P ( F ,B‘
such that
b‘ E E P ( F ,B‘
{ b ’ ) , b l , . . . ,b,)
and b’ $! E P ( F B‘ ,
{ b ‘ } ) ; b ~ ,. .. b m - l )
{ b } ) . Therefore there exist
Hence, by t h e exchange property,
b m E E P ( F B’, , b l , . . ., b m - 1 )
2 E P ( K b, l , . . . ,b m - i ) ,
contrary to the fact t h a t B is relatively p in d e p e n d en t in E / K . (ii) By hypothesis, K = K P ( B ’ , F ) a n d E = E P ( B , B ’ , F ) .Hence
E P ( KB , ) = E P ( B B’, , F) =E lissunie t h a t there exists b E B such t h a t b E E P ( K , B - ( 6 ) ) . Th en
b E E P ( F , K P , B f ,B { b } ) = E P ( F , B f , B- { b } ) , contrary t o t h e assumption th a t B U B’ is a relative p b a s i s of E / F . Th u s
B is relatively
p-independent in E / K , as required. ( i i i ) Since U U I3’ is a relative p b a s i s of E / F , B’ is relatively p i n d ep en d en t in hcncc in K / F . Assume by way of contradiction t h a t K
E/F and
# K P ( B ’ , F ) . Th en there exists
an element X in K such t h a t B’U { A } is relatively p-independent in K / F whence in E / J ’ hy hypothesis. Thu s X Hence there exists b
4 EP(F,B‘)
X € EP(F,R’,B)
B such t h a t b E E P ( F , B ’ , X ,B
i E P ( K , B- { b } ) ,
contrary t o t h e assumption t h a t B is a relative p b a s i s of E / K . T h e following theorem will enable us t o take full advantage of t h e results so far oht ained. 12.4. Theorem Let K be a n intermediate f i e l d of a n eztension E I F .
If I.:’K
separable, then E / K preserves relative p-independence with respect to F .
Proof. Let S be a relatively p i n d e p e n d e n t subset of K / F . To prove t h a t S remains relatively p i n d ep e n d e n t in E / F , we may harmlessly assume t h at S is finite, say S
{sl,.. . , sm}. Since S is relatively p in d e p e n d e n t in K / F , it follows from Lemma 6.4(iv)
t h at the pm elements s;‘ . . . s?,
5 n, < p , are linearly independent over Kp(JF).
1-13 l x m m a 6 . 4 ( i v ) , wc are therefore left to verify t h at t,hese p“‘ clements a r e linearly
ir:tiependoiit ox-cr EP($‘).
Let b l , . . . , b , be elements of K linearly independent over K p ( F ) . We must show that they are linearly independent over E P ( F ) . To this end, let { z a } be a basis of E over K . Since E J K is separable, { z a }are linearly independent over KP independent over K . Since E = a subring of E p [ F ]containing
and therefore, for any a ,
{zP,} are linearly
and F . Thus E P [ F ]=
+ . . . + A,b,
for uniquely determined ;A,
, hence
c,K z a , EP caKPzP, and therefore caKP[F]zP,is
E P [ F ] is a free KP[F]-module with basis Assume that A l b l
C , Kp[F]zz which
shows that
= 0 for some X1,. . .,A,
in EP[(F].We may write
E K p [ F ] .Hence
c;"=, X,;b, = 0 (since {zi} are linearly independent over K ) .
Since b l , . . . ,b, are linearly independent over h'P(F), we have ;A,
for all i E { l , . .. , n } and all
Thus each A; = 0 and, since E P ( F ) is the quotient field of E p [ F ] ,the result follows. .4n alternative proof of a part of Theorem 6.10 can be easily deduced from the preceding result. Namely we have 12.5. Coroliary. Let E / K be a separable field e z t e n s i o n ( i ) E / K preserves p-independence
( i i ) T h e elements of a n y relative p-basis of E J K are algebraically independent over K .
Proof. Property (ii) is a consequence of ( i ) and Theorem 6.12, while (i) is a particular case of Theorem 12.4 in which F is perfect. 12.6. Corollary. Let K be a n intermediate field of a n e z t e n s i o n E J F and let EIK
be separable. (i)
If B is a relative p-basis of EIK and B' is a relative p-basis of K J F , t h e n B
a relative p-basis of E J F ( i i ) If S is a relative p-basis of K I F and E J K is separable algebrazc, t h e n S is a relative
p-basis of E I F .
Proof. (i) This is a direct consequence of Lemma 12.3(i) and Theorem 12.4. (ii) This is a special case of (i) in which B = 0 (by Lemma 12.l(ii)) and B' = S.
We are now ready to return t o our study of relatively separated extensions. 12.7. Proposition. T h e following properties of a field eztension E / F are equiualerif . (i) E / F is relatively separated.
(ii) If K is a n intermediate field of EIF s u c h that E / K is relatively perfect, t h e n E j l r
is separable algebruic.
Proof. Assume t h a t EIF is not relatively separated. Then there exists a relati\c p-basis B of E / F such that E / F ( B ) is not separable algebraic. Since B is a relative p-I>a\i$ of E / F >we have
E = E P ( F , B )= E P ( F ( B ) ) Setting K = F ( B ) ,it follows that (ii) does not hold. Conversely, assume that (ii) does not hold. Then there exists an intermediate field l i of E / F such that E = EP(K) but E / K is riot separable algebraic. Since E
EF((F,K ) ;
i t follows from Corollary 6.2 t h a t K contains a relative pbasis, say B , of E J F . Becauw
E / K is not separable algebraic, the same is true for E / F ( B ) . We have therefore found
relative p b a s i s B of E / F which is not a separating relative pbasis of E I F . Thus E: I ' is not relatively separated, as required. 12.8. Corollary.
If E I F is relatively separated, t h e n E I K is relatively sepilruterl
u n y intermediate field K of E I F . Proof. Assume that E l F is relatively separated and that K is an intermediate f i c , l t l of E J F such that E l K is not relatively separated. Then, by Proposition 12.7, there exist. an intermediate fie!d L of E / K such that E =: E p ( L ) and E / L is not separable algebraic.
'This contradicts Proposition 12.7, since L is also an intermediate field of E I F .
Next we present t h e following useful result. 12.0. Theorem. (Mordeson and Vinograde (1972)). A s s u m e that E J F is a sepcirnirlr:
field eztension. T h e n the following properties are equivalent: ( i ) For a n y intermediate field K of E I F , K I F is relatively separated. (ii) E / F is relatively separated.
(iii) E / F has a f i n i t e separating transcendency basis.
(iv) Every relative p-basis of E I F is a separating transcendency basis of E I F . (v) Every relative p-basis of E I F is a transcendency basis of E I F .
(vi) The transcendency degree of E I F equals the imperfection degree of E I F , and these
are finite.
Proof. (i)+(ii):
This is obvious
(ii)+(iii): Assume that E I F is relatively separated. If B is a relative p-basis of E I F , then
E / F ( B ) is separable algebraic. On the other hand, by Corollary 12.5(ii), the elements of B are algebraically independent over F . Hence B is a separating transcendency basis of
E/F. Assume by way of contradiction that B is infinite. Let Bo = {61,62,.. .} be a denumerable subset of B , let B’ = B
Bo and let F’ = F ( B ’ ) . Then Bo is a separating
transcendency basis of E I F ’ . Indeed, by Corollary 2.4(iii) and Proposition 2.6, the elements of Bo are algebraically independent over F’.
On the other hand, E / F ’ ( B o ) is
separable algebraic, since so is E I F ( B ) and F’(B0) = F ( B ) . By Lemma 8.2, we deduce that Bo is a relative pbasis of EIF’. Since for any n
it follows t h a t BA = {bib;,
. . . ,6,bKtl,. . . }
2 1, we have
is also a relative p b a s i s of EIF’. But, by
Corollary 12.8, E / F ’ is relatively separated, hence E / F ’ ( B A ) is separable algebraic. Thus 61
E F’(BA, 6:), by Proposition 2.2.6(ii). Thus, however, contradicts the algebraic inde-
pendence of Bo over F’. Therefore B is finite, as required. (iii)+(iv): This assertion follows from Corollary 8.5. (iv)+(v): This is a direct consequence of Corollary 12.5(i) and Theorem 8.4,
(v)+(vi): By hypothesis, the transcendency degree of E,’F equals the imperfection degree of E / F . Let B be any relative p-basis of E / F . Then, by (v)+(iv), B is a separating
transcendency basis of E / F . Hence B is a separating relative p b a s i s and therefore E / F is relatively separated. Applying implication (ii)+(iii), we deduce that B is finite, as required. (vi)+(i):
Since the imperfection degree of E / F is finite, any relative p-basis B of E / F
is finite. By Corollary 12.5(ii), the elements of B are algebraically independent over F . Since, by hypothesis,
t r . d . ( E / F ) , we conclude that B is a transcendency basis of
E / F . Hence, by Theorem 8.4, B is a separating transcendency basis of E / F . Therefore, by
Theorem 9.1, for any intermediate field K , K I F has also finite transcendency basis. Invoking Corollary 8.5, we deduce that any relative pbasis of K / F is a separating transcendency basis of E / F . Hence K / F is relatively separated and the result follows. Assume that E / F is relatively separated and let K be a n intermediate field. We know, from Corollary 12.8, that E / K is also relatively separated. It is therefore natural to ask:
Is K / F necessarily relatively separated? In what follows we provide a positive answer for the case where E / K is finitely generated. This is one of the consequences (Corollary 12.12 beiow) of t h e following somewhat more general theorem. 12.10. Theorem. (Mordeson and Vinograde (1973)). L e t E J F be relatively separated
and let K be a n intermediate field. (i) If E I K is a f i n i t e purely inseparable eztension, t h e n K J F i s relatively separated. (ii) I ] E I K is separable algebraic, t h e n K I F is relatively separated.
(iii) If E / K i s purely transcendentaz, t h e n K I F is relatively separated and E I K h a s finite
transcendency degree. Proof. ( i ) We may assume that E
# K.
Let B be a relative p b a s i s of
K / F and
let S be a relative p b a s i s of E I K . Then S is finite and nonempty (Lemma lZ.l(iii)), so there is a positive integer n such t h a t SP"
i K . Since K
K P ( F , B ) and E = E P ( X , S ) ,
we have E = E P ( F , B , S ) . Hence, by Corollary 6.2(ii), B U S contains a relative p-basis of
E / F . Since E / F is relatively separated, we deduce that E / F ( B , S ) is separable algebraic. Hence, by Lemma 6.7, EP"/FP"(BP",SP") is separable algebraic. Since F ( B ,SP") 2
P" (Bp".
we conclude that F(EP",B ) / F ( B ,SP") is separable algebraic. Because
F ( B ,S p n )C: K = F'(K"', B)2 F(EP", B). it, follows that K / F ( B ,SP")is separable algebraic. Assume by way of contradiction that K / F ( B ) is not separable algebraic.
F ( B , S P " ) / F ( B )is not separable algebraic and is finitely generated, since SP" is finite. Hence, by Lemma 12.1(iii), the extension F ( B , S p " ) / F ( B ) contains a nonempty relative pbasis. It is now a consequence of Theorem 12.4 and Corollary 6.2(i) that t h e r e is a relative p b a s i s of K / F ( B )containing any given rlative p b a s i s of F ( B , S p " ) / F ( B ) .Hence
K / F ( B ) is not relatively perfect, contrary to the fact t h a t B is a relative y b a s k of K / F (ii) Let B be a relative p b a s i s of K / F . Then, by Corollary 12.6 (ii), B is a relative p-basis
of E / F . Since, by hypothesis, E I F is relatively separated, we conclude that E / F ( B ) is separable algebraic. Hence K / F ( B ) is separable algebraic, as required. (iii) Let T be a transcendency basis of E / K such that E = K ( T ) and let B be a relative
p-basis of K I F . Since T is a separating transcendency basis of E I K , T is a relative p-basis of E / K by Lemma 8.2(ii). Hence, by Corollary 12.6(i), B
T is a relative p-
basis of E I F . Since E / F is relatively separated, we deduce that E / F ( B ,I") is separable algebraic. But E = X ( T ) and F ( B , T ) = K l ( T ) for the subfield K1 = F ( B ) of K . Hence, by Proposition 4.18(ii), K / F ( B ) is separable algebraic. Thus K I F is relatively separated. Finally, since E I K is purely transcendental (hence separable) and, by Corollary 12.8, E / K is also relatively separated, it follows from Theorem 12.9 that T is finite. This completes the proof of the theorem. rn
12.11. Corollary. Let E I F be a relatively separated e z t e n s i o n , let K be a n intermediate field a n d let T be a transcendency basis of E I K . If L is the separable closure of
K ( T ) in E and ( E : L ) <
t h e n K I F is relatively separated and T is finite.
Proof. By Proposition 2.2.30, E / L is a purely inseparable extension. Since, by hypothesis, E I L is finite, it follows from Theorem 12.10(i) that LIF is relatively separated. Hence, by Theorem 12.1!l(ii), K ( T ) / F is relatively separated. Therefore, by Theorem 12.lO(iii), K / F is relatively separated and T is finite.
12.12. Corollary. Let E I F be a relatively separated e x t e n s i o n a n d let ' h be a n intermediate field such that E I K i s finitely generated. T h e n K I F i s relatively separated.
Proof. This is a direct consequence of Corollary 12.11 and Lemrnz 2.8. m 12.13. Corollary. Let E I F be a field eztension. T h e n the following conditions are equivalent: ( i ) Fur a n y intermediate field K of E I F , K I F is relotively separated
( i i ) For a n y intermediate field K of E / F s u c h t h a t a n y separable element uf E I K lies in
K , the extension K J F i s relatively separated. Proof. It is clear that ( i ) implies (ii).
Conversely, assume that ( i i ) holds and let
iC be an intermediate field of E I F . Let L be the separable algebraic closure of K in E . Then L / K is separable algebraic and any scparable element of E / L lies i n 1,. Hence, by hypothesis,
is relatively separated. A4pplyingl'heorcm 12.10(ii), we conclude that
K/E’ is relatively separated, as required.
13. R e l i a b i l i t y and r e l a t i v e s e p a r a b i l i t y .
All fields considered below are assumed t o be of prime characteristic p . Let E / F be a field extension. Following Mordeson and Vinograde (1973), we say that E / F is reliable if E = F ( B ) for all relative pbases B of 5 / F . Since, for any relative pbasis B of
E / F , E = E p ( F , B ) , it follows that E / F is reliable if and only if
for any relative pbasis B of E / F . The condition on E / F of being reliable is much stronger than that of being relatively separated. Our aim is to provide some connections between reliable and relatively separated extensions. In fact, it will be shown t h a t relatively separated extensions can be completely characterized in terms of reliable extensions. We also
examine reliable extensions in detail and provide a number of their important properties. I n what follows, given a subset
T of E , we write ST for the separable algebraic closure of
E’(7’) in E. We begin by tying together reliable and relatively separated extensions. 13.1. P r o p o s i t i o n . (Mordeson and Vinograde (1973)). The following conditions
a r c equivalent. (i) E / F is relatively separated
(ii) For a n y transcendency basis T of E / F , E / F ( T ) is relatively separated
(iii) For a n y transcendency basis T of E / F , E I S T is reliable P r o o f . (i)+(ii): This is a direct consequence of Corollary 12.8. (ii)+(iii): Since T is a transcendency basis of E / F , E/ST is purely inseparable by Proposition 2.2.30. On the other hand, by Corollary 12.8, E / S T is relatively separated. Let U be any relative p-basis of E / S T . Then E / S T ( B ) is separable and purely inseparable,
hence E = S T ( B ) . This shows that E / S T is reliable. (iii)=+(i):
Let B any relative pbasis of E / F and let S be a transcendency basis of E / F ( B ) .
Then E / F ( B , S) is algebraic, hence B U S contains a transcendency basis T of E / F . Since
E = EP(B,F)= EP(B,F(T)),
E P ( B F, )
E P ( BF , ( T ) ) = E P ( B ,ST)
B contains a relative p-basis of E / F ( T ) and a relative p b a s i s of E / S T . Since E / S T is reliable, E = S T ( B )and hence E / F ( T , B ) is separable algebraic. Since
it follows t h a t E / F ( B ) ( S )is separable algebraic. Hence S is a separating transcendency basis of E / F ( B ) . Invoking Lemma 8.2(ii), we deduce that S is a relative p b a s i s of E / F ( B ) .
But E / F ( B ) is relatively perfect (Lemma 12.1 (i)), hence S is empty. Thus E / F ( B ) is separable algebraic and therefore E / F is relatively separated. w Turning t o field extensions with finite transcendency degree, we next prove 13.2. Proposition. (Mordeson and Vinograde (1972)).
If E / F h a s f i n i t e transcen-
d e n c y degree, t h e n the following conditions are equivalent:
(i) E / F is relatively separated. (ii) E / S T is reliable for every transcendency basis T of E I F . (iii) E / S T i s reliable f o r s o m e transcendency basis T of E / F .
Proof. T h a t (i) implies (ii) is a special case of Proposition 13.1. Since (ii) obviously implies (iii), we are left t o verify t h a t (iii) implies (i). To this end, let B be a relative p b a s i s of E / F . Then B contains a relative p b a s i s of E / S T . Since E / S T is reliable, we have
= S T ( B )2
F ( T ,B )
Thus E / F ( T ,B ) is separable algebraic and, by hypothesis, T is finite. Assume by way of contradiction that E / F ( B ) is not separable algebraic.
F ( T , B ) / F ( B )is not separable algebraic. Since T is finite, F ( T , B ) / F ( B )is finitely generated. Hence, by Lemma 12,l(iii), F ( T , B ) / F ( B )has a nonempty relative pbasis. But, since E / F ( T ,B ) is separable algebraic, it follows from Corollary 12.6(ii) t h a t E / F ( B ) has a nonempty relative pbasis. This contradicts the fact that E / F ( B ) is relatively perfect
(see Lemma K?.l(i)). So the proposition is true. Let E / F be a field extension. We say t h a t a n intermediate field K of E / F is proper if
K # E . We also say that E / F splits nontriuially if there are proper intermediate fields K and L such that K / F is separable, L / F is purely inseparable and E = K L . Our next aim is to tie together the concepts of reliability, relative separability and nontrivial splitting.
We need the following useful observations. 13.3. L e m m a . Let E I F be a field e z t e n s i o n
(i) E / F is reliable i f and only if E
# K ( E p ) f o r every proper intermediate field K
E/F. (ii) If E / F i s reliable, t h e n E / K i s reliable for every intermediate field K of E / F .
Proof. (i) Assume that K is an intermediate field of E / F such t h a t
E and
E = K ( E P ) . Then E = EP(F,K ) , so K contains a relative pbasis B of E / F , by virtue of Corollary 6.2(ii). Thus E 3 K 2 F ( B ) and therefore E / F is not reliable. Conversely, assume t h a t E / F is not reliable. Then there exists a relative p-basis B of E / F such that
E # F ( B ) . Then E
= K ( E P ) for
K = F ( B ) # E , as required.
(ii) Assume that E / F is reliable and let K be a n intermediate field of E / F . If L is an intermediate field of E / K such that L that L
# E.
# E , then L
is a n intermediate field of E I F such
Since E / F is reliable, it follows from (i) t h a t E
# L(EP).
Hence, by ( i ) ,
E / K is reliable. rn We are now ready t o provide the following characterizations of reliable extensions.
13.4. Theorem. (Mordeson and Vinograde (1973)). Let E / F be a field eztension. T h e n the following conditions are equivalent: (i) E / F is reliable
(ii) For every transcendency basis T of E / F , E / F ( T ) is reliable. ( i i i ) E I F is relatively separated and there does not ezist a proper intermediate field K such
that E / K i s separable. (iv) E / F is relatively separated and there does not ezist a proper intermediate field K such
that E / K splits nontrivially. Proof. (i)*(ii):
T h a t (i) implies (ii) is a consequence of Lemma 13.3(ii). Assume
that (ii) holds. Let B be a relative p b a s i s of E / F and let S be a transcendency basis of
E / F ( B ) . Then E / F ( B ,S ) is algebraic, hence B
S contains a transcendency basis T of
E / F . Since B contains a relative p b a s i s of E / F ( T ) ,it follows from (ii) t h a t E = F(T)(BJ = F ( B ) ( S ) Thus S is a separating transcendency basis of E / F ( B ) and hence, by Lemma 8.2(ii), S is a relative p b a s i s of E / F ( B ) . Since E / F ( B ) is relatively perfect (Lemma 12.1(i)), it follows that
is empty. Thus E = F ( B ) and so E I F is reliable.
(i)=>(iii): Because E / F is reliable, E I F is relatively separated. Assume by way of contra-
diction that E / K is separable for some proper intermediate field L of E / F . T h e extension
E / K is also reliable, by virtue of Lemma 13.3(ii). Let B be a relative pbasis of E / K . Since E
# K and E
= K ( B ) ,it follows t h a t B is nonempty. Since E I K is separable, the
elements of B are algebraically independent over K , by virtue of Corollary 12.5(ii). Now
BP+' = { b P + ' / b E B } is a relative p b a s i s of E I K . Indeed,
E = E P ( K , B ) = E P ( K , B P . B )EP(K,Bp+l) = and if Bf+'
BP+' is such t h a t E p ( K , B i f l ) = Ep(K,BP+l), then EP(K,B1) =
E P ( K , B ) and thus B1 = B . This shows t h a t BP+' is indeed is a relative pbasis of
E / K . However, E 3 K(Bp+') since B is algebraically independent over K . Thus E I K is not reliable, a contradiction. (iii)+(iv): Assume that K is a proper intermediate field of E / F such that E / K splits nontrivially. Then E = LM for some proper intermediate fields L , M of E I K such that
L / K is separable and M / K is purely inseparable. Then M is a proper intermediate field of E / F such t h a t E / M is separable, by virtue of Corollary 4.27, (iv)=+(i): Assume that E / F is not reliable. Then there exists a relative p b a s i s B of E / F such that E
# F ( B ) . Since E / F is
relatively separated, E / F ( B ) is separable algebraic,
) separable algebraic. Therefore hence so is Ep/Fp(Bp) (Lemma 6.7). Thus F ( E p ) / F ( B p is
E = F ( E p ). F ( B ) is a nontrivial splitting of E / K for K = F(Bp) # E . In order t o prove our next result on relatively separated extensions, we need to bring in certain properties of purely inseparable extensions. First, however, we must develop our vocabulary. A minimal generating set of an extension E I F is a subset S of E such that
F ( S ) and E
# F ( S ' ) for
all proper subsets S' of S . Let E / F be a purely inseparable
2 0.
extension. Then, by Proposition 2.2.27, for any given X E E ,
say that E / F is of finite ezponent if there exists an integer n
2 0 such t h a t EP" C F.
E F for some n
We The
smallest such integer is called the ezponent of E / F .
13.5. Lemma. Let E / F be a purely inseparable eztension and let S be a subset of
E. (i) S is a minimal generating set of EIF if and only if E = F ( S ) and S is a relative p-basis of E / F . (ii) If E / F is offinite ezponent n, then S is a minimal generating set of E / F i f and only
i f S is a relative p-basis of E / F .
Proof. (i) If S is a minimal generating set of EIF, then clearly E = F ( S ) and thus
= EP(S, F ) .
If S is not relatively pindependent in E/F, then s E EP(S
for some s E s E F(S
( s } : F )= F ( S P , S
S. Thus s is both purely inseparable and separable over F ( S
contrary t o the fact t h a t S is a minimal generating set. Conversely, let
E = F ( S ) and let S be a relative pbasis of E I F . If S'
C S is such
that F ( S ) = F ( S ' ) ,
then EP(F,S)= E p ( F , S') and hence S = S'. Thus S is a minimal generating set of JY/&'. (ii) Let S be a relative p b a s i s of EIF. Then E = EP(S,F) = E P " ( S , F ) = F ( S ) . The desired conclusion is therefore a consequence of (i). H 13.6. Lemma. Let EIF be a field eztension, let B , C be subsets of E a n d let n be a
positive integer.
(i) B is relativelyp-independent in EIF a n d C is a m i n i m a l generating set o f F ( E P ) ( BC , )
F ( E P ) ( B )if a n d o n l y if B
U C i s relatively p-independent
in E / F and B n C
(ii) If B U C i s relatively p-independent in E / F and B n C = 0, t h e n B U C P
i s relatively
p-independent in E ( C p - " ) I F (iii) If B U C i s a relative p-basis of E / F and B n C = 0, t h e n B U
i s a relative
" ) 1F . p - basis of E (0-
Proof. (i) Assume that B is relatively pindependent in E / F and C is a minimal generating set of F ( E P ) ( B , C ) / F ( E P ) ( B ) .Then there does not exist c E F ( E P ) ( B ,C
(in particular, B
n C = 0). If
c EC
such that
there exists b E B such that
then there exists c E C such t h a t
By the exchange property, we deduce that c E F ( E p ) ( B , C - {c)), a contradiction. Thus
is relatively pindependect in E / F and B n C = 0. The converse is immediate.
(ii) By induction, it suffices t o consider the case where n = 1. If there exists b E B such that
b E F((E(CP-l))P)(B - {b},C) = F(EP)(C,B -{b}), then we contradict the relative pindependence of B u C in E/F.Therefore B is relatively pindependent in E(Cp-l)/F. Invoking (i), we are thus left to verify t h a t
is aminimal
generating set of the extension
Assume by way of contradiction t h a t
F(EP(C))(B,CP-' - {cp-l})
for some c E C. Then we have c E FP(EP*(CP))(BP, C - { c } ) 2 F(EP)(C - {c}),
which again contradicts the relative pindependence of B U C in E/F. (iii) Assume t h a t B U C is arelative p b a s i s of E / F and B n C = 0. Then, by (ii), BUCP-" is relatively pindependent in E(Cp-")/F. Since
the result follows. rn 13.7. Lemma. Let K be a n intermediate field of a purely inseparable field eztension
E j F and let E I K be finite. If K I F h a s a m i n i m a l generating set S , t h e n EIF has a m i n i m a l generating set U a n d , for a n y s u c h S and U , IS1 5 IU/.
Proof. By Lemma 13.5(i), any minimal generating set of E/F (respectively, K / F ) is a relative p-basis of E/F (respectively, K / F ) . Hence we need only verify the existence of a minimal generating set U of E/F with IS1 5 IUI. Since E / K is a finite purely inseparable extension, we have ( E : K ) = p" for some n by induction on n. Assume that n
2 0.
2 1 and t h a t
The case n = 0 being trivial, we argue
the result is true for all intermediate fields
L of E / K with (L: K ) = pn-'. Then, given such L , there exists a minimal generating set V of L I F with IS/ I /VI. Hence, if we can find a minimal generating set U of E / F with
2 IVI, then
the result will follow. Since ( E : L ) = p, we may harmlessly assume that
n = 1, in which case E = K ( X ) with
We now distinguish two cases.
First assume that
!j K P [ F ) . Then
is a
relatively p-independent subset of K / F . Since S is relative p b a s i s of K / F , it follows from the exchange property that there exists s E S such that (S- { s } ) U {XP} is a relative p b a s i s of K / F . By Lemma 13.6(iii) (with E = K , C = { X P } and B = S - {s}), it follows t h a t ( S - {s}) U {A} is a relative pbasis of E / F . Choose rn
> 0 such t h a t
F . Then,
since E = F ( S , A), we have
which implies
E = F ( E P m ) ( S- {.},A)
Therefore s E F ( S - {s}, X)(s")
which shows that s is separable over F ( S Thus E = F ( S
and therefore, by Lemma 13.5(i), ( S
generating set of E / F . This settles the case where Now assume t h a t
and hence that s E F ( S
{ s } ) U {A}
{s}, A).
is a minimal
$ KP(F).
E K P ( F ) . We first show that
E / F . Indeed, assume s E EP(F, S
S is relatively pindependent in
{s}) for some s E S. Since
E K P ( F ) = F P ( S P ) ( F )= F ( S P )
EP(F, s - { s } ) = F ( S P , X P , s
{s})= F ( S
{ s } , X p ) ( s " )c F ( S P , s
it follows that 5 E
and hence that s E K p ( F , S
= KP(F,$-
contrary t o the relative p-independence of S in K J F .
Thus S is relatively pindependent in E / F . Because E = F ( S , X ) , it suffices, by Lemma 13.5(i), t o show that S u {A} is relatively pindependent in E / F . If X E E p ( F , S), then X E K P ( F , XP, S)= K(XP)
so X is separable over K , hence belongs to K , a contradiction. If there exists s E S such that s E E p ( F , S
then since s @ E P ( F , S
it follows from the exchange
property t h a t X E EP(F, S ) , a contradiction. Thus S U { A } is relatively pindependent in
E I F and the result follows. w 13.8. Lemma. Let E / F be a purely inseparable eztension a n d let B = { b l , bz,. . . }
be a relative p-basis of E I F . A s s u m e that there ezist positive integers n1
< n2 < ... < n; < ni+l < .. .
such that
[ i = 1 , 2 , ...}
is a m i n i m a l generating set of F ( S ) / F . T h e n E / F is not reliable.
Proof. Assume by way of contradiction t h a t E I F is reliable. It is readily verified that ".+L-".
l i = 1 , 2 , ...}
is a relative p b a s i s of E I F . Since E / F is reliable, we must have E = F ( T ) ,in which case there exists a positive integer m such that
L , = {bf"'-"' jz = 1 , 2 , . . . , m + l} C K , Set K,+1
Then, by hypothesis, L , is a minimal generating set of F ( L , ) / F .
Note also that
{ b l b $ n ' - n ' , b 2 b ~ n 3 - " 2...,b,bP,;m:'-n=} , is a minimal generating set of -i.,/F.
It therefore follows that K,/F
ated by m elements while the intermediate field K,+l
is minimally gener-
is rninimal!y generated by m
elements over F . Since the latter is in conflict with Lemma 13,7, the result follows. w The following theorem will enable us t o take full advantage of our previous results. 13.9. Theorem. (Mordeson and Vinograde (1971)). Let E I F be a purely inseparable
extension. T h e n the following conditions are equivalent:
(i) E I F is of f i n i t e ezponent. (ii) For every intermediate field K of E I F such that E I K preserves relative p-indepen
dence with respect to F , the field e z t e n s i o n K I F is reliable. Proof. That (i) implies (ii) is a consequence of Lemma 13.5(ii). Conversely, assume
that (ii) holds. We argue by contradiction and assume t h a t E I F is not of finite exponent. Let D ( E ) denote the set of all intermediate fields K of E I F such t h a t E / K preserves relative pindependence with respect to F . Let B be a relative pbasis of E I F . Since E E
D ( E ) ,we have E = F ( B ) . Because E / F is not of finite exponent, B is an infinite set and there exists an infinite subset { b l , b z , . . . } n, is the least integer with b:"' n, <
B such that n, <
n,+l(z =
1 , 2 , . . .), where
E F ( b 1 , . . . , b , - l ) and F ( b o ) = F . The strict inequality
can be achieved since E I F would have finite exponent if E / F ( b l , . . , b,) had
finite exponent for a finite subset { b l , . . . ,b,} of B. We now consider the sequence
{bp"=-"lli= 1,2,. . . } Assume that there exists a subsequence {b,> ij
1 , 2 , . . . } of { b L i z = 1 , 2 , . . . } with the
following property: If we set a3 = b,, , a1 = b l , c j = nl,, S = {a;''
ij = 1 , 2 , . . . }
( j = 1,2,. . . )
S is a minimal generating set of F ( S ) / F Let A = { a j i j = 1 , 2 , . . . }. Then F ( A ) E D ( E ) and so F ( A ) is reliable. However {a, lj
1 , 2 , . . . } is a sequence satisfying the conditions of Lemma 13.8 so that F ( A ) is not reliable.
This contradiction shows that the subsequence { a i l j = 1 , 2 , . . . } cannot exist. It therefore follows that the intermediate field
K = F(b~"'-"', z
1,2,. . .)
has the property that every relative pbasis of K / F is finite, since a relative p-basis of K / F
containing bl can be chosen from the generating set
and a subsequence of the above type does not exist. Hence if B1 is a relative pbasis of K I F , then there exists a positive integer t = t(B1) such that B:'
C F.
F(KP') = F(Kp'*') which shows that F ( K P t ) / F is relatively perfect. Because K I F is not of finite exponent, F ( K P t ) / F is also not of finite exponent. However, because F ( K P t ) / F is relatively perfect, we have F ( K p t ) E D ( E ) . Therefore, by hypothesis, F ( K p t ) =
F ,a
contradiction. w 13.10. Corollary. Let E / F be a purely inseparable extension. T h e n E I F i s of finite
exponent if and only if f o r a n y intermediate field K of E I F , K I F is reliable. Proof. If E I F is of finite exponent, then so is K l F for any intermediate field K of
E I F . Hence, by Lemma 13.5(ii), any such K / F is reliable. The converse is a consequence of Theorem 13.9. We are now ready to prove the following result related t o Theorem 12.9. 13.11. Theorem. (Mordeson and Vinograde (1972)). Let E I F be a n arbitrary field
eztension. T h e n the following conditions are equivalent: (i) For a n y intermediate field K of E I F , K I F i s relatively separated. (ii)
E / F has finite transcendency degree and E/ST i s of finite exponent f o r every transcendency basis T
(iii) E I F has finite transcendency degree and EIST i s of finite exponent for s o m e tran-
scendency basis T of E I F . Proof. (i)+(ii):
Let T be a transcendency basis of E I F . Then, by (i), for any inter-
mediate field K of the purely inseparable extension E I S T , K I F is relatively separated. Hence, by Corollary 12.8, KIST is also relatively separated, K I S T is actually reliable. Therefore, by Corollary 13.10, E/ST is of finite exponent. Since S T / F is also relatively separated and, by looking a t the chain F
C F(T)
S T , STIF is separable, it follows from
Theorem 12.9(vi) that T is finite. (ii)=+(iii): This is obvious (iii)=+(i):Let K be a n intermediate field of E I F , and let T be a transcendency basis of
E / F such that EIST is of finite exponent. We may extend a transcendency basis A of K / F to a transcendency basis B of E I F . Since T is finite and E / S B is purely inseparable, TP"'
for some positive integer rn
Since E / S T is of finite exponent, there exists a positive integer n such that EPR
S T . Now s T / F ( T ) is separable algebraic, hence so is S ~ m / F P m ( T P " 'and ) therefore
S * / F ( T g m ) is separable algebraic. Thus S ; - F ( B ) / F ( T P " ) F ( B ) is separable algebraic. ) separable algebraic, since TPm C Sg. Hence S G m F ( B ) / F ( B ) But F ( T P m ) F ( B ) / F ( B is is separable algebraic and therefore Sgm
5 S5-
S B . Since EP"
S T , we deduce that
S B , proving that E / S B is of finite exponent.
Now S B 2 S A , S B / F ( A ) is separable (since so are F ( B ) / F ( A ) and S B / F ( B ) )and
S A / F ( A ) is relatively perfect (since S A / F ( A ) is separable algebraic, see Lemma 12.1(ii)). Thus, by Proposition 4.28, S B / S A is separable and therefore K
n SB = SA.
Since E I S B
is of finite exponent, say n, we have
C K n Sg
= SA
Thus property (iii) is inherited by every intermediate field of E / F . Thus we are left to verify that (iii) implies E / F is relatively separated. Now T is finite, so S T / F has the property that every intermediate field K of S T / F is such that K / F is relatively separated (see Theorem 12.9). Since EP"
S T , we have
that F ( E P " ) / F is relatively separated. If B is any relative pbasis of E / F , B P " contains a relative pbasis of F ( E P n ) / F . Hence F(EJ'")/F(BP") is separable algebraic and therefore so is F ( E p " , B ) / F ( B ) . Since E = F ( E P " , B ) and B was an arbitrary relative pbasis of
E I F , we conclude that E / F is relatively separated, as required. 13.12. Corollary. Let E / F be finitely generated. T h e n , for a n y intermediate field K of E I F , K / F is relatively separated. Proof. Since E / F is finitely generated, it satisfies the hypothesis (ii) of Theorem 13.11. Now apply Theorem 13.11(i). 1
13.13. Corollary. Let E / F be finitely generated. T h e n t h e following conditions are equivalent : (i) E / F is reliable. (ii) l h e r e does not ezist a proper intermediate field K such t h a t E I K i s separable.
(iii) There does not ezist a proper intermediate field K such that E I K splits nontrivially.
Proof. This is a direct consequence of Corollary 13.12 and Theorem 13.4. s 13.14. Corollary. L e t E / F be algebraic and let L be t h e separable closure of F in
E . T h e n t h e following conditions are equivalent:
(i) E / F is reliable. (ii) E / L is reliable and there does not ezist a proper intermediate field K of E J F such that E / K is separable. (iii) E I L is reliable and there does not ezist a proper intermediate field K of E I F such
that E I K splits nontrivially.
Proof. By Proposition 13.1, E I F is relativeiy separated if and only if E / L is reliable. Now apply Theorem 13.4. m
4 Derivations
In this chapter, we introduce derivations of fields and provide a number of their important properties. Among these, we examine various criteria for extending the derivations and characterize separability via derivations. We also provide a number of results which link derivations with pindependence. Given a field E of characteristic p
0, we exhibit a
bijection between the set of subfields of E containing EP and the set of closed restricted subspaces of DerE.
The inverse of this bijection is given by assigning to each closed
restricted subspace of D e r E its field of constants.
1. Definitions and elementary properties.
H be a subring of a commutative ring S . A mapping
is said to be a derivation of R with values in S (or simply derivation of R if S = R ) if, for cvcry
E R , the map d satisfies the following properties:
d(W)=4 Y )+
We denote by Der(R, S ) the set of all derivations of R with values in S . Given d , d , E Der(R, S) and s E S , we put (d i d,)(s) = d(z)
for all x E R
( s d ) ( z )= s d ( z )
for all z E R
Then one immediately verifies t h a t d + d1,sd E Der(R, S) and t h a t Der(R, S) becomes an S-module. 1.1. Lemma. If d E Der(R, S), then
(i) d(z") = nzn-'d(z) for any z E R and any integer n 2 1
(ii) Kerd is a subring of R (in particular, Kerd contains the prime subring of R) (iii) If R is a field, then Kerd is a subfield of R. (iv) For any given subring K of R , K
K e r d if and only if d is K-linear.
Proof. (i) The case n = 1 being obvious, we argue by induction on n. So assume t h a t d(zn-') = ( n - l)z"-'d(z).
d(z") = d ( z . zn-') = zd(zn-') = z(n - l)z"-'d(z)
+ zn-'d(z)
+ zn-'d(z)
= nzn-'d(z)
as required.
(ii) We have d(1) = d ( l z ) = 2 d ( l ) , hence d(1) = 0 and 1 E Kerd. If z,y E Kerd, then obviously z - y E Kerd and z y E Kerd.Hence Kerd is a subring of R . (iii) By (ii), it suffices t o verify that if 0
and d(1) = 0, we have 0 = zd(z-')
z E Kerd, then z-'
+ z-'d(z)
E Kerd. Since 1 = z5-l
z d ( z - l ) , hence z-' E Kerd.
(iv) Let K be a subring of R. If K C_ Kerd and X E K, then for all z E R , d(Xz) = Xd(5) f zd(X) = Xd(z), proving that d is K-linear. Conversely, assume that d is K-linear. Then, for any X E K , we have d(X) = d(X .1) = Xd(1) = 0, as required. rn
For any given d E D e r ( R , S ) , we refer t o Kerd as the ring of constants for d, and if K is a subring of Kerd, the derivation d is said to be a K-derivation. When a derivation is defined on a field, the ring of constants is in fact a subfield, by virtue of Lemma l . l ( i i i ) . If
K is a subring of R , we denote by DerK(R, S) the set of all K-derivations of R in S . It is clear t h a t D e r K ( R , S ) is a n S-submodule of D e r ( R , S ) . Furthermore, by Lemma l.l(iv), D e r K ( R , S ) consists of all K-linear maps R
S satisfying (1). We denote DerK(R, R ) by
DerKR. The elements of DerKR are called K-derivations of R and DerKR itself is called the derivation algebra of R over K. T h e name derivation algebra is justified by the fact
that DerKR is a Lie algebra over R , which we proceed t o show. Let M be a n R-module. Then M is said t o be a Lie algebra over R if there exists a bilinear map M x M indicated by
(2, y
[z, y ] satisfying
for all z,y,z E M . The identity (3) is called the Jacobi identity. If A is a n associative
R-algebra, we obtain a Lie algebra structure on the R-module A by setting [z, y] = xy -yz. In particular, if A = EndR(M) for some R-module M , then t h e corresponding Lie algebra is called the Lie algebra of R-endomorphisms of M . From now on, we concentrate on the R-module DerKR where K is a subring of R . Given d l , d z E DerKR, their Lie bracket [ d l , d z ] is defined by
which means t h a t
1 . 2 . Lemma. Let K be a subring of a commutative rang R . Then DerKR is a Lie
algebra over R with respect to the bilinear map
Proof. Since DerKR is a submodule of EndKR and the latter is a Lie algebra with respcct t o (z,y)
zy-yz, it suffices t o verify t h a t for all
(1). Given z , y E R , we have
as required. rn
d1,dz E DerKR, [dl,dz]satisfies
1.3. Lemma. Let K be a subring of a commutative ring R. T h e n , for a n y d E D e r K R
and a n y positive integer n,
(here, by definition, d " ( x ) = z f o r all z E R).
Proof. T h e case n = 1 is just the equality (1). Applying induction on n , we have
5 (.
a - 1 )d'(z)d"-"(y)
1') (:>+ (. =
as requircd. w 1.4. Corollary. Let K be a subring of a commutative ring R of p r i m e characteristic p . T h e n , f o r a n y d E D e r K R , dP E D e r K R .
Proof. Applying Lemma 1.3 for n = p , and taking into account t h a t for ail i E ( 1 , . . . , p
= 0 in R
I}, we derive
Since dP is obviously a K-linear map, the result follows. w Let M be an R-module, where R is a commutative ring of prime characteristic p . A Lie algebra A contained in E n d R ( M ) is said t o be a restricted Lie algebra of characteristic p if u p E A for all a E A. Thus Corollary 1.4 can be reformulated by saying that DerKR
is a restricted Lie algebra of characteristic p . 1.5. Lemma. Let R be a subring of a field K and let F be t h e quotient field of
R. T h e n a n y derivation d
K can be extended in a unique way t o a derivation
d’ : F
K . Moreover, the eztension d‘ i s given by the formula: d’(z/v) = ( Y 4 4
Proof. Taking into account that 4 x 1 = d’(Y.
= Yd’(X/Y)
+ (4Y)d(Y)
it follows that the relation (3) holds for every derivation d‘ of F whic.. extends
establishes the uniqueness of d’. We now show t h a t d’ is well defined, i.e. if z / y = z l / y l , then
We may harmlessly assume that
z z , y l = zy for some z E: R. In this case we have
~ i d ( z i) z i d ( ~ i= ) z ’ ( ~ ( d ( z )- zd(y)), proving ( 5 ) . A straightforward computation shows t h a t d’ satisfies conditions in the definition of a derivation. So the lemma is true. 1.6. Lemma. Let R be a ring, let d : R
R be a derivation and let S be fhe
polynomial ring R [ X 1 , . . . ,X,,]. For any f E R [ X 1 , .. . ,X,], let
obtained from f b y applying d to all coeficients o f f . Then the map f of
R [ X I , .. . , S,] be
fd E c-t
a derivation
S eztending d. Proof. If f is of degree zero or if f = 0, then clearly
is an extension of d. It is clear that ( f l
the set of all monomials X:l . . . X?, ti
i= 1
f d = d(f). Thus
+ f 2 ) d = f f + f,”,for any f l , f z
the given map
E S. Let M h e
2 0, 1 5 i 5 n. Given f,g E S, we may write
and hence
as required.
1.7. Lemma. Let R be a ring and let S be the polynomial ring R [ ( X ; ) ; e z ]i n the indeterminates X ; . Then, for each i E I , there is a unique derivation a / a X , of S , called the partial derivation with respect to X i , such that
Proof. We first consider the special case where S = R [ X ] . Then every derivation of S which is trivial on R is uniquely determined by its value on X. On the other hand, the ordinary formal derivative of f ( X ) E S satisfies the required properties. Since, for any given i E I,
R[(Xi)i~= z ]R [( X j ) j ~ ~ - {( iX}i ]) it follows that there is a unique derivation a / a X ; of S which is trivial o n R \ ( X j ) j s ~ - { ; ) ] and such that ( a / a X ; ) ( X ; )= 1. w Let F be a field. Then the partial derivations a / a X ; of F[(X;);,r] can be extended, and in a unique way, t o derivations of the rational function field F ( ( X ; ) i c i )(see Lemma 1.5); these derivations bear the same name and are denoted in t h e same way as their
restrictions t o the polynomial ring F [( X i ) i e r ] .
1.8. Lemma. Let F be a field and let E = F(X1,. . . ,Xn) be the rational f u n c t i o n
field in n variables over F . T h e n t h e partial derivations
alaXi, 1 5 i 5 n, f o r m
a basis
of t h e vector space DerF(E, K ) of F-derivations of E with values in a n y field eztension K of E . Proof. P u t D; = a/aX;, 1 5 i 5 n. Given d E DerF(E, K ) , set n
d’ = c d ( X i ) D ; i=
Then d‘ is an F-derivation of E which coincides with d a t the elements X I , . . . ,Xn. Since the kernel of the derivation d’
d is a ring, it follows that d’ coincides with d on the
polynomial ring F[X1,.. . , X,].Hence, by Lemma 1.5, d’ = d which shows that the D , span D e r F ( E , X ) . We now show t h a t the D, are linearly independent over X. Indeed, if
C X,D, = 0 (A,
E K ) , then
as required.
1.9. Lemma. L e t F be a field of characteristic p
extensions and let d : E
0 , let EIF and K I E be field
K be a n F-derivation of E. T h e n d is a n E P ( F ) - d e r i v a t i o n
a n d , in particular,
K) DerF ( E ,K ) = D e r E , ( F ) (E, Proof. By Lemma l.l(i), we have d ( z P ) = pzP-‘d(z) = 0 for all z E EP. Hence
F , EP
C Kerd.
But, by Lemma l.l(iii), Kerd is subfield of E , hence E p ( F )
Kerd, as
required. We close by a brief discussion of a generalization of the notion of a derivation. Let R be a subring of a commutative ring S. Then a sequence of mappings
of H into S is called a higher derivation of rank m of R into S (or simply a higher derivation of rank m of R if S = R ) if
for all z,y E R. A higher derivation of infinite rank is a n infinite sequence
{ d o = I , d I , . .. , d m , . .. }
of mappings of R into S such t h a t (1) and (2) hold for all n
2 0.
T h e following facts are
direct consequences of the definitions: (a) The mapping d l : R
S is a derivation
(b) If { d o , d l , . . . , d m , . . . } is a higher derivation of infinite rank, then the section {do, d l , . . . , d,}
is a higher derivation of rank m.
For any positive integer m,put
ti =
X i +(Xm+'), 1 5 i 5 m
Then S(") is a n S-algebra which is S-free with l , t , . . . , t m , as a basis and with t m = 0. Note also that the map
c m
g : S(")
i=O is a homomorphism. A link between S ( m ) , g and higher derivations of rank m is provided
by the following simple observation. 1.10. Lemma.
I,/ d"') = (1,d l , . . . , d m } is a higher derivation of rank m of R into
S , then the map m
is a homomorphism such that ( g f ) ( r )= r for all r E R . Conversely, any homomorphism of R into S(") satisfying this condition has the form:
where d ( m ) = {I, d l , . . . , d,}
is a higher derivation of rank rn of R into S .
Proof. It is obvious that f preserves addition. Furthermore, since dl(1) = 0 , it follows from (7) t h a t d , ( l ) = 0 for all n E { 1 , 2 , . . . ,m}, and hence f preserves identity elements. Given x ,y E
R,we have rn
proving that f is a homomorphism. Since d o ( r ) = r, we also have ( g f ) ( r )= r for all r E R. Reversing the above calculations, one immediately verifies t h a t the converse is also true. rn
1.11. Corollary. A s s u m e t h a t the ring S is of p r i m e characteristic p . If d ( " )
(1, ( 1 1 , . . . , d,}
is a higher derivation of rank m of R Into S , then
for all x E R .
Proof. Given x E R , we have m
by applying the homomorphism f of Lemma 1.10.Thus
which clearly yields the result.
Let S be a commutative ring and let S [ [ X ]be ] the set of all formal sums m
Given two elements of S [[ X I ] say , m
z a n X n and
define their sum and product t o be respectively m
C(an + bn)Xn
and n=O
where c, =
a;bj i+j=n
Then we see that S [ [ X ] becomes ] a ring, to which we refer as the ring of formal power
series in one variable over S . The map g : S [ [ X ]+ ] S given by
is obviously a homomorphism. 1.12. Lemma. If ( 1 = d o , d l , . . . ,d,,
.. . }
is a higher derivation of infinite rank of
R into S , then the map m
f :R
S [ [ X ] ]7, H E d ; ( r ) X '
is a homomorphism such that ( g f ) ( r ) = r for all r E R. Conversely, any homomorphism of R into S [ [ X ] satisfying ] this condition has the f o r m m
Cd;(r)X' i=O
where (1 = do,dl, . . . ,d,,
. . . } is a
higher derivation of infinite rank of R into S .
Proof. The proof is entirely similar t o that of Lemma 10.1 and therefore will be omitted. 1.13. Corollary.
d o , d l , . . . , d,,
.. . }
A s s u m e t h a t the ring S i s of p r i m e characteristic p . If (1 =
i s a higher derivation of infinite rank of R into S , t h e n
Repeat the argument in the proof of Corollary 1.11 with respect to the
homomorphism f of Lemma 1.12. w Let d = ( d ; ) be a higher derivation (of finite or infinite rank) of R into S . An element z
E R is called a d-constant if di(z)= 0 for all i 2 1. It is a consequence of Lemmas 1.10
and 1.12 that z E R is d-constant if and only if f(z)= z. Hence the set of d-constants of R is a subring of R which is closed with respect t o taking multiplicative inverses. In particular, if R is a field, then the d-constants constitute the subfield of R (to which we refer as the field of constants of the higher derivation d = (dz)).
2 . Extensions of derivations.
Let EIE’ be a finitely generated field extension, say E = F ( A 1 , . . .,A,) any field extension. Suppose we are given a derivation d : F
and let K / E be
K. The problem that
motivates this section is t o discover circumstances under which there exists a derivation d’ : E + K extending d. In what follows, we denote by I the ideal of F [ X l , .. . , X,]
consisting of all polynomials f ( X 1 , . . . ,Xn) such that
. . , A,)
= 0.
2 . 1 . Theorem. Further t o the n o t a t i o n and a s s u m p t i o n s above, let p l , . . . , p n be
e l e m e n t s of K a n d let S be a n y set of generators of the ideal I . T h e n d c a n be extended t o a derivation d’ : E
K s u c h that
if a n d only if for all f E S ,
If such eztension ezists, then it i s unique. Proof. We will first show t h a t (1) is equivalent t o the requirement t h a t
for all f E I . Indeed, assume t h a t (1) holds. Then, given f E I, we have f =
g j fj
where each fj is in S and g j E F[Xl,.. . , Xn]. Hence
.. , A n )
= 0 for all j. A similar argument shows t h a t
Multiplying each relation (1) by gj(X1,. . . A n ) and adding the resulting relations, we therefore obtain (2). We next observe that if d’ is any derivation of E extending d , then
for all g E F I X 1 , . . . ,Xn]. Indeed, formula d ( z y ) = z ( d y )
+ y d ( z ) shows t h a t
(3) is true
whenever g = XXF’ . . . X r n , X E F. Hence, by linearity, (3) is true for any polynomial g E F I X 1 , . . .,Xn]. Because d’(0) = 0, it follows from (3) that the relation (2) is necessary.
Moreover, (3) shows that there is a t most only one derivation d’ of
. .,An]
hence, by Lemma 1.5, also a t most one derivation of the quotient field E ) such that d’ is an extension of d and
= pi, 1 5
i 5 n.
Conversely, if (2) holds for any f E I , we define d’ by
This map is well defined, since if
. . ,A,)
= h(X1,.. . ,A,),
we may apply (2) to the
polynomial g - h, and we then find t h a t
It is obvious that d‘ preserves addition and d’(A,) = p i , 1 5 z 5 n. Finally, condition d’fzy) = zd‘(y)
+ yd’(z) is satisfied since the mappings
gd and g
derivations of F [ X 1 , .. . ,X,] (Lemmas 1.6 and 1.7). Hence condition (2) is sufficient, since a derivation d’ of F [ A I , .. . ,A,]
can be extended t o the quotient field E , by Lemma 1.5.
We shall now record a number of useful consequences of the above result. 2.2. Corollary. L e t S be a set of algebraically independent e l e m e n t s over a field F ,
let K be a field containing F ( S ) a n d let d : F T)
K , there e z i s t s a unique derivation d‘
K be a derivation. T h e n ,
: F ( S ) -+
any map
K satisfying t h e following t w o
properties: ( i ) d’ e z t e n d s d.
(ii) d ’ ( s j = +(s) for all s E S .
Proof. First assume that F ( S ) = F(X) is a simple transcendental extension of F . Then 0 is the only polynomial f in F [ X ]such that f ( A ) = 0. Hence the desired conclusion follows by virtue of Theorem 2.1. ‘Turning to the general case, observe that if d’ satisfies (i) and (ii), then it is uniquely determined on F [ S ] ,hence also on F ( S ) , by Lemma 1.5. To prove the existence of such
S, of S such that d E S,. Since the empty
d’, we shall employ Zorn’s lemma. Let I be the set of all subsets
admits an extension d , t o F(S,) such t h a t d,(z) set belongs t o I , the set I is nonempty. If S,
G(z) for all
S,, then dp is an extension of d,.
latter immediately implies that the set I , partially ordered by set-theoretic inclusion, is inductive. Owing to Zorn’s lemma, we may therefore choose a maximal element M in I . Let d’ be the derivation of F ( M ) extending d and such that d ’ ( z ) = G(z) for all z E M . If
M f S , then there exists an element s in S which does not belong to M , and by the case
1, there exists a derivation d” of the field F ( M ) ( s )which is an extension of d’ and is
such that d ” ( s ) = $J(s). Because this contradicts the maximality of M in I , we conclude that A4 = S, as required. w 2.3. Corollary. Let E = F(X) where X is algebraic over F and let f ( X ) E F [ X ] be the minimal polynomial of A. If K f E is a n y field e z t e n s i o n , p an e l e m e n t of K and
d :F
K is a derivation, then d can be eztended t o a derivation d'
K such that
d ' ( X ) = p if and only if
+ PLf'(4
Furthermore, i f such eztension exists, then it is unique. Proof. In the notation of Theorem 2.1, the ideal I is the principal ideal generated by f. Thus the set of relations (1) reduces t o the single relation (4), as required. 2.4. Corollary. Let E / F be a separable algebraic eztension. Then every derivation
d of F may be eztended, in a unique way, to a derivation of E .
Proof. A straightforward application of Zorn's lemma allows us t o assume that
E = F ( X ) for some X E E. Let f ( X ) E F [ X ]be the minimal polynomial of A. Since X is separable over F , we have f'(X)
# 0.
Therefore the relation
is satisfied by a unique value of p , namely p = - f d ( X ) f ' ( X ) - l .
It follows from Corollary
2.3 that the extension d' of d t o E such that
d ' ( X ) = -fd(X)f'(X)-' is the only extension of d t o E . 2.5.
Let E I F be a separably generated field eztension.
Then every
derivation of F can be eztended t o a derivation of E . Proof. This is a direct consequence of Corollaries 2.2 and 2.4.
For fields of nonzero characteristic, the result above will be sharpened in the next section where it will be shown t h a t E / F is separable if and only if every derivation of F can be extended t o t h a t of E .
> 0, let E / F be a simple purely inseparable field extension with E # F , say E = F ( X ) and let e 2 1 be the smallest integer 2.6. Corollary. Let F be a field of characteristic p
such that
E F . Let K / E be any field eztension and let d : F + K be a derioation.
Then d has a n eztension d' t o E if and only i f d ( X p e ) = O., Furthermore, if d(Xpe) = 0, then the value of d ' ( X ) can be assigned arbitrarily in K .
Proof. The minimal polynomial of X over F is XP‘
- XP‘
. Hence relation
(4) reduces
to d ( X P c ) = 0. Now apply Corollary. 2.3.
2.7. Corollary. Let F be a field of characteristic p inseparable eztension s u c h that
E F . I f S is a set
0 and let E / F be a purely
of generators of E j F a n d if d : F
is a derivation s u c h t h a t d ( S P ) = 0 , t h e n d c a n be eztended t o E .
Proof. To show the existence of extension, we shall use Zorn’s lemma. Let I be the set of all pairs (E’ : d’), where E’ is a n intermediate field of E / F and d‘ is a derivation of
E’ extending d . We set (E‘,d‘) < (E“,,”) t o mean that E’
C E”
and d” extends d‘. Then
I becomes a partially ordered set and I is obviously inductive. Furthermore, by Corollary 2.6, I is nonempty. Owing to Zorn’s lemma, there exists a maximal element (E’,d’) of I .
If E‘ # E = F ( S ) , then there exists a n element s E S such t h a t s !$ E’. Since s p E E’ and d’(sP) = 0, it follows from Corollary 2.6 that d’ may be extended to E’(s) # E’. But this
contradicts the maximality of (E’,d’), hence E’ = E, as required. 2.8. Corollary. Let F be a field of characteristic p > 0 a n d let E / F be a field
eztension. Then (i)
E P ( F ) is
ezactly the set of all elements z in E s u c h that d ( z ) = 0 f o r every F -
derivation d of E. (ii)
i s ezactly the set of all elements z in E s u c h that d ( z ) = 0 f o r every derivation d
of E .
Proof. (i) Let z E E be such that d ( x ) = 0 for every 8’-derivation d of E . By Lemma 1.9, it suffices t o show that z E E P ( F ) . Assume that z 4 E p ( 8 ’ ) and consider the
extension E P ( F , s ) / E P ( F ) . Applying Corollary 2.6 to the zero derivation of EP(F) we see that there exists a n EP(F)-derivation d of EP(F,z) such that d ( z ) # 0. But, by Corollary 2 . 7 , d extends to a derivation of E , a contradiction.
(ii) This is the special case of (i) in which F is the prime subfield of E . rn
‘The rest of this section will be devoted t o the study of derivations of finitely generated field extensions. 2.9.
L e t E I F be a finitely generated field extension.
T h e n E I F is
separable algebraic if and only ii D e r F E = 0 . Proof. Assume that E / F is separable algebraic. Then, by Corollary 2.4, e\eq
f -
derivation of E is zero, i.e. D e r F E = 0. Conversely, assume t h a t D e r F E = 0 and write
E = F(z1,. ..,z,)
for some zl,. .. ,zn E E. Suppose t h a t E I F is not separable algebraic.
Fix z o E F and choose the largest i E { 0 , 1 , . . . , n } such t h a t E/F(so,zl,. . . ,xi) is not separable algebraic. Then F ( z 1 , . . . , z ; + l ) / F ( x o ,2 1 , .
. . ,z;)
is either purely transcendental
or algebraic inseparable. Therefore, by Corollaries 2.2 and 2.6, there exists a nontrivial which is trivial on F ( z o , z l ,. . . , zi).Because E is separable derivation d of F ( z 1 , . . . ,z;+l) algebraic over F ( z 1 , . . . , z;+l),d can be extended t o E , by Corollary 2.4. This contradicts our assumption t h a t D e r F E = 0, hence the result. m 2.10. Theorem. Let EIF be a field eztension and let
.. ,xn
be n elements of
E . Then the following conditions are equivalent: (i) F ( z 1 , . . . , x n ) / F is separable algebraic. (ii) There m i s t polynomials
f l , .
. . ,f n
i n F [ X l , .. . ,Xn] such that
f,(zl,. .
.,zn) =
Proof. By Theorem 2.9, condition (i) is equivalent to the requirement that 0 is the only F-derivation of F ( z 1 , . . . ,zn). Assume t h a t (ii) holds and let d be a n F-derivation of
F(z1,.. . ,zn).Because d ( f;(zl,. . . ,zn))= 0, we have
L ( z l r . .. , z n ) d ( z l )= 0 for all i E ( 1 , . . . , n }
ax, j=1
This gives us a system of n homogeneous linear equations in d ( z , ) , . . . , d ( z , ) with nonzero determinant. Thus d ( z 1 ) = . . . = d ( z , ) = 0 , proving t h a t d is t h e trivial derivation. Conversely, assume that (i) holds. Consider the system of homogeneous equations
obtained by letting f vary in the set of all polynomials f in FIXl,. . . , X,] such that
. ,zn)= 0. By Theorem 2.1 (see relations ( Z ) ) , it follows t h a t this 4ystern of
equations has only the trivial solution u1 = u z = . . . = u, = 0. Therefore the system contains some set of n equations with nonzero determinant, as required. rn As a preliminary t o the next result, we record
2.11. Lemma. Let F be a field of characteristic p
finite pureiy inseparable field eztension such that EP (i) There ezists a generating set { X I , .. . ,z,,)
> 0 and let E / F ( E # F ) be
C F.
of E / F such that z1
4 F , z;
@ F ( z 1 , . . . , z,-1)
for i = 2 , . . . , n and such that ( E : F ) = p".
(ii) The vector space DerpE of F-derivations of E has dimension n over E . Moreover,
there ezists a basis { d l , . . . , d n } of DerFE over E such that di(z;)= 1
d ; ( z j )= 0
for i
5 i , j i n)
Proof. (i) w e construct by induction a sequence z1,. . . ,zk,.. . of elements of E such that
F, z; @ F ( z 1 , . . . , z;-1) for i
2. Since ( E : F ) is finite, this sequence must
have a finite number of terms, say n. By looking a t the chain t; C F ( z 1 ) C . . . C F ( z 1 , . . . , ~ , - 1 ) C F ( z 1 , . . . , ~ and bearing in mind that zf 6 F ( z 1 , . . . , x i p l ) , i
i - 1 ,xi)
2 2,
. . . C F ( z 1 , . . . ,zn) =E
F , we deduce t h a t ( E : F ) =
(ii) By Corollary 2.6, for each i E (1,.. . ,n} there exists an F ( z 1 , . . . , xi-1)-derivation d : of F ( z 1 , .. . ,z,)such t h a t d:(z,) = 1 (for i = 1, F ( z 1 , . . . , z t - l ) is to be interpretcd
F ). We now extend d i t o a derivation d j of E = F ( z l , .. . ,zn) by imposing on d, t h e conditions
d;(z,+i) = . . . = di(z,) = 0 This is possible, as follows by successive applications of Corollary 2.6, since zp E F
..., n
The above gives us n F-derivations d l , . . . , d , of E such that d,(z,)
d l ( z l )= 0
(1 5 2.3
z f j
'These derivations are linearly independent over E . Jndeed if
I n)
= 0 with A,
E E,
then we have
(c n
A, =
A,d,)(z,) = 0
for all j E (1,. . . , n }
Finally if d is any F-derivation of E , the mapping d' = d
C,"=, d ( z l ) d , is an F -
derivation of E which takes value 0 on the set { z l , . . . ,zn}. Hence d' takes value 0 on
E = F ( z 1 , . . . , zn),proving t h a t the derivations d l , . . . , d , span D e r r E . m
We are now ready to prove the following important result. 2.12. Theorem Let E/F be a finitely generated field eztension.
(i) The dimension n of D e r F E over E i s equal t o the smallest number of elements p1,.
.. , p t
of E such that EIF(p1,. . . , p t ) is separable algebraic. Furthermore, n 2
tr.d.(E/F) and n = tr.d.(E/F) if and only if E/F is separably generated. (ii) If charF = p
0, then n is equal to the imperfection degree of E/F (equivalently,
p n = (E : E P ( F ) ) . (i) An F-derivation d of L = F ( p l r . . ,pi) is uniquely determined by
d ( p l ) ,. ..,d(pt). Hence the dimension of DerFL is at most equal to t . If E / L is sep-
arable algebraic, every derivation of L has a unique extension t o E (Corollary 2.4), hence
5 t.
To prove the first assertion, we are therefore left t o verify t h a t there exist n ele-
ments P I , . . . ,/A,
of E such that E/F(pl,.. . ,/A,,) is separable algebraic. This is clear if
c h a r F = p is 0 , since in that case n = tr.d.(E/F), by Corollary 2.4 and Lemma 1.8. If
# 0, then
D e r F E = DerEp(F)E,by Lemma 1.9. We may assume t h a t E
# Ep(F),since
otherwise E/F is separable algebraic by Theorem 2.9. Since E/Ep(F) is purely inseparable, it follows from Lemma 2.11 that pn = ( E : E p ( F ) ) and t h a t there exist n. elements p1,.. . ,p n of
E and n linearly independent F-derivations d l , . . . ,d, of E such that
Let d be any F(p1,.. . ,/A,)-derivation of E.
Then d = 0, since we can write d =
A; E E , whence 0 = d ( p j ) = A j for every j .
E/F(p1,. . . ,/A,)
Thus, by Theorem 2.9,
is separable algebraic, proving the first assertion.
Since E / F ( p l , . . . ,/A,,) is algebraic, n 2 tr.d.(E/F). If n = t r . d . ( E / F ) , then { p L 1 ., .. ,/A,} is a separating transcendency basis of dency basis
Conversely, if E / F has a separating transcen-
..., z t , then by the first part, t 2
n . Since n 2 t we must have n = t ,
proving (i). (ii) This was established in t h e proof of (i).
3. Derivations, separability and pindependence.
Throughout this section, all fields considered are assumed t o be of prime characteristic p . Our aim is to provide a number of results which link derivations with separability and
pindependence. In fact, all the results below will be obtained with the aid of the following theorem. 3.1. Theorem. Let F
K J F and let f : B
d :K
E be a chain of fields, let B 6e a relative p-basis oj
E be a n arbitrary map. T h e n there ezists a unique F-derivation
E such that f o r all b E B
d(6) = f ( b )
Proof. By Lemma 1.9, we may replace F by K P ( F ) and so we may assume that
KP 5
F . Also, we may assume that F # K which means that B is nonempty. Given
E B , put B , = B
{z}. Then z $ F ( B , ) and
C F(B,).
Hence, by Corollary
2.6, there exists an F(B,)-derivation d , of K = F ( B , ) ( z ) such that d , ( z ) = f(z). If
S = ( 5 1 , . . . ,s,} is a finite subset of B , then d s = d,,
+ d,, + . . . + d,,,
is a n F-derivation of K with values in E such that
d s ( z l )= f
foralliE{1,2, ...,n}
If L is a finite subset of B containing S , then the restriction of d~ to F ( S ) coincides with the restriction of d s t o F ( S ) . Now if X is a n arbitrary element of K , then X E F ( S ) for some finite subset S of B. By the above, we can map X
d s ( X ) and it is clear that
the value d s ( X ) does not depend upon the choice of S such that X E F ( S ) . Hence the map d : K
E given by d ( X ) = d s ( X ) is well defined. It is now immediate t h a t d is an
F-derivation of K with values in E and such t h a t d(6) = f ( 6 ) for all b E B . Furthermore, since K = F ( B ) , such d is unique. 3.2. Corollary.
Let F
K 2 E be a chain of fields and let D e r F ( K , E ) be the
vector space (over E ) of all F-derivations of K with values in E. T h e n the dimension n
D e r F ( K , E ) over E i s finite i f and only
the imperfection degree of K I F is finite.
Furthermore, if n i s finite, t h e n n i s equal t o the imperfection degree of K J F .
Proof. Let B be a relative pbasis of K / F and let V ( B , E ) be the vector space (over E ) of all mappings from B to E (by definition, ( a
+ P ) ( b ) = a(6) + p ( b ) , ( X a ) ( b ) =
X a ( b ) , a , P E V ( B ,E ) , b E B , X E E ) . Consider the map
DerF(K,E) d
-+ V(B,E) ~ d l B
This map is obviously E-linear. By Theorem 3.1, it must be surjective. Furthermore, since
K = K P ( F , B ) , the map is injective and hence is a n isomorphism. Now if B is infinite, then V ( B , E ) is a n infinite dimensional vector space over E , hence rz is infinite. On the other hand, if B is finite, then the dimension of V ( B , E ) is equal t o IBI, hence t o n , as required. m
E be a c h a i n of fields. T h e n t h e following conditions
3.3. Theorem. L e t F C_ K
are equivalent: (i) E/K preserves relative p-independence with respect t o F .
(ii) E v e r y F - d e r i v a t i o n d : K
Proof. (i)+(ii):
E c a n be eztended to a derivation of E .
Let B be a relative p b a s i s of K/F. By hypothesis, B remains
relatively pindependent in E / F . Hence B can be embedded in a relative pbasis C of
E I F . Let d : K
E be a n F-derivation. Then the restriction of d t o B can be extended
to a mapping f : C
an F-derivation d’ : E
E . Applying Theorem 3.1 [with K = E and B = C) we may find --t
E such t h a t d’(b) = f ( b ) = d ( b ) for all b E B . Since d’ extends
d , ( i i ) follows.
(ii)+(i): Assume by way of contradiction t,hat B is a relative p b a s i s of K I F such that B is no longer relatively pindependent in E / F . This means t h a t there exists b E B such that
b E E P ( F ,B
{ b } ) . If d’ is any F-derivation of E such t h a t d ’ ( z ) = 0 for all z E B
then d’(b) = 0. By Theorem 3.1, there exist F-derivations d : K for z E B
E such that d ( z ) = 0
{ b } but d ( 6 ) # 0. Hence any such d cannot be extended t o a derivation of E ,
a contradiction. 3.4. Corollary. Let F
T h e n every F-derivation d :K
C_ E be a c h a i n of f i e l d s s u c h t h a t E I K i s separable.
can be eztended to a derivation of E .
Proof. By Theorem 12.4, E/K preserves relative pindependence with respect t o F . The desired conclusion is therefore a consequence of Theorem 3.3. 3.5. Corollary. Let E / K be a n arbitrary field e z t e n s i o n . T h e n E f K i s separable if
a n d o n l y if e v e r y derivation d : K
E c a n be eztended lo a d e r i v a t i o n of E .
Proof. Let F be the prime subfield of K . Then every derivation d : K
E is an
F-derivation. Furthermore, since F is perfect, condition (i) of Theorem 3.3 is equivalent to the requirement that E / K preserves pindependence. Hence, by Theorem 6.10, condition
(i) of Theorem 3.3 is equivalent t o the requirement that E I K is separable. The desired conclusion is now a consequence of Theorem 3.3.
3.6. Theorem. Let E I F be a field eztension and let S be a subset of E . Then S is
relatively p-independent in E I F if and only if for every
s E
S there ezists a n F-derivation
d , of E such that
# 0 and d , ( z ) = 0
for all z # s in S
P r o o f . Assume t h a t S is relatively pindependent in E / F . Then S can be extended to a relative p b a s i s B of E I F . Hence, applying Theorem 3.1 (with K = E), we see that the required condition holds. Conversely, assume that S is not relatively pindependent in E I F . This means t h a t s E EP(F, S - { s } ) for some s E S . Hence d ( s ) = 0 for any F-derivation d of E such that d ( s ) = 0 for all z # s in S.
3.7. Corollary. Let S be a subset of a field E . Then S is p-independent if and only
if for every
s E
S there ezists a derivation d, of E such that d,(s)
# 0 and d,(z) = 0
for all x
# s in S
P r o o f . This is a special case of Theorem 3.6 in which F is perfect. rn
4. R e s t r i c t e d s u b s p a c e of DerE.
'Throughout this section, E denotes a field of characteristic p > 0 and D e r E the vector space over E of all derivations of E . Following Gerstenhaber (1964), we define a restricted
subspace of DerE t o be a subset which is a vector space over E and which is closed under t h e formation of p t h powers. Our aim is to establish a bijection between the set of subficlds of E containing EP and a certain set of restricted subspaces of DerE. The proofs of all
the results below are extracted from Ojanguren and Sridharan (1969). We begin by proving the following rather surprising result first discovered by Gerstenhaber (1964). 4.1. Theorem. Let V be a restricted subspace of DerE. Then V is a Lie subalgebra
of DerE.
Proof. Since V is a subspace of E , the required assertion amounts t o proving that
for any d 1 , d z E V , [ d l , d z ] E V . We may harmlessly assume t h a t d l dl(z)
# 0 for some x E E .
0, in which case
Given X , y E E , we have
hence [ X d l , d z ] = X [ d l , d z ] - d z ( X ) d l . Therefore we may replace d l by X d l , where X is any nonzero element of E . In particular, by taking X = d I ( x ) - ' , we may harmlessly assume t h a t d l ( s ) = 1. For any t in the prime subfield
F, of E and any nonnegative integer m , we consider
the element 6' = (d1
+ tzmd2)P
in V
Expanding d formally as a polynomial in t , we may write
Since both dy and dg are in V , we have the relation
+ + . . . + tp-2t'p-l
for any 0 # t E
Because t h e ( p - 1) x ( p - 1) Vandermonde matrix whose rows are (1,t,. . . ,tp-') ranging the p - 1 nonzero elements of I F p ) is nonsingular, we conclude that 8, E V
for all
i E {I,&. .. , p - 1)
In particular, P-'
81 = O l ( m , d 2 ) =
+ 1 ,d z ) = 01 ( m ,z d z ) , it follows by induction on m t h a t
(with t
Since Xo = B l ( O , d z ) E V , it follows using (1) for m = 1 , 2 , . . . t h a t X k E V for all
( 0 , . . . ,m}. In particular,
( p- l)!dldz
which shows t h a t d l d 2
2 ) ! d z d l = Xp-z E V ,
d z d l E If, as required. m
We now head towards the proof of our main result which is Theorem 4.4 (below), The following two technical results will clear our path. 4.2. Lemma. Let d l , .
. .,d ,
E DerE a n d z f E be s u c h t h a t all possible L i e brackets
of all orders of d l , . . . , d , v a n i s h on z. T h e n f o r a n y p e r m u t a t i o n u of { 1 , 2 , . . . , r }
Proof. The assertion being trivial for r = 2, we argue by induction on r . Assume that the result is true for r all transpositions (i,i
1. We prove it for r, by showing t h a t the result is true for
+ I), 1 5 i 5 r
- d i . . . d,+ld,. . . d,(Z)
Since the r
1. Indeed, we have
+ d i ... d ; d i + i . . . d , ( z )
d i . . . [ d i , d , + i ] .. . d r ( z )
1 elements d l , . . . , [ d ; ,d i + l ] , . . . , d , clearly satisfy the condition of the lemma,
the right hand side of ( 2 ) is equal to d l . . . d , [ d , , d , + l ] ( z ) = 0. S o the lemma is true. I
For any subset S of DerE, define the field of constants of S to be
r\ Kerd d€S
Let V be a restricted subspace of D e r E a n d let F be the field
of constants of V . If z l r . .., x, are relatively p-independent in E J F , t h e n there ezist
d l , d Z , , . . , d , € V s u c h t h a t d , ( z , ) = 6,j, 1 5 i , j 5 n , where 6;j i s t h e Kronecker delta.
Proof. The case where n = 1 being obvious, we argue by induction on n. So assume that the result is true for n. Let
. . ,z,
zn+l be relatively pindependent in E / F and
let d l E V be such t h a t d i ( z j ) =
d(zi)= 0, 1 5 i
5 i , j 5 n. If there exists a d
5 n, and d(z,+l) # 0, then the
d: = d;
E V such that
+ 1 elements of V defined by
di(zn+l)d(x,+lj-ld, 15 i 5 n, and d',+, = d ( s n + l ) - ' d
satisfy the required properties. Assume by way of contradiction that for any d E V with
d ( z ; ) = 0, 1 5 i 5 n, we necessarily have d(z,+l) = 0.
To show t h a t the latter configuration cannot occur, we consider the element
Because d i ( z j ) = 6 i j , 1 on x k , 1 5 k
5 i , j 5 n , it follows that all the Lie brackets of all orders vanish
5 n , and hence by
our hypothesis on
(all the Lie brackets of all orders
are in V , since by Theorem 4.1,V is a Lie subalgebra of DerE). Applying Lemma 4.2 t o d l , . . . , d n E V and zn+l E E , we have
because d' E V and d p ( z j ) = 0 for 1 5 i such t h a t d(zi) = 0 for 1
and hence dp(z,+l)
= 0. If now d E V is
5 i 5 n , we clearly have
[ d , d i ] ( z j )= 0 for 1 5 i,j 2 n and since
I i 5 n.
We may therefore apply Lemma 4.2 to
V , we have [ d , d t ] ( z n + ~=) 0, 1
d , d l , . . . ,d , t o infer that d ( c ) = dY-1
because d ( z i ) = 0 for 1
. . . d;-'d(z,+l)
and hence d(zn+l) = 0.
We now make a general observation t o be applied subsequently. If
d ; ( X ) = 0 for 15 i
I n and
d ( X ) = 0 for any d E V with d ( z ; ) = 0 , 1
x(X) = O
for any
Indeed, we can write n
where d E V satisfies d ( z ; ) = 0 for 1 5 i 5 n. Therefore
is such that
5 i 5 n, then (3)
... d E - ' ( z n - l )
proving ( 3 ) . Applying (3) t o c, we obtain c = dy-'
E F.
Our next aim is t o show, by descending induction, that for any integer m with 0 5 m
1, there exists pm E F ( z 1 , . . . ,zn) such that
for every n-tuple
. . ,An)
. . . dx,-(z,+l
pm) = 0
C A; 2 m and 0 5 A, 5 p - 1. To begin the induction,
we take m = n ( p - 1) and
Assume that p m has already been constructed. We proceed t o construct p m - l . For any n-tuple (A1,. . . ,A,)
A, = rn - 1 and 0 5 A, 5 p
1, we define
I t will next be shown that ~ x , . . . x , E F . Indeed,
d f ' . . . d : ' + ' . . . d i n z n + l- df'
. . . d:*+' ... d?(s,+l
. . . d:'"..
. d i n p m(by Lemma 4.2)
=o by induction. Similarly, for any 0 E V with B ( z ; ) = 0 for 1 5 i
'Therefore, by ( 3 ) , we have
5 n,we have B ( ~ A , . . . A , ) = 0 .
Now define
We then have d:' . . .d ~ ~ ~ ( z-,p+ml- l ) = 0 and this completes the induction. In particular,
we have z,+i
= dy..
contrary t o the pindependence of
= /lo t F ( z i , . . . ,zn),
. . ,z n + l in E / F . This completes the proof of the
~ 1 , .
lemma. rn Let DerE be topologized by taking as a base for the neighbourhoods of zero those subspaces V of the form Derr(-E where X is a finite extension of EP. It is immediate
that the closure of a restricted subspace is again restricted, and t h a t a subspace of the form DerKE is both closed and restricted (we shall discuss many topological aspects of the theory in our future treatment of Galois theory). 4.4. Theorem. Let E be a field of characteristic p
containing EP. T h e n the m a p F of E containing
> 0 and let F be a subfield of E
D e r F E induces a bijection between the set of subfields
and the set of closed restricted subspaces of DerE. T h e inverse of this
m a p i s given by assigning t o each closed restricted subspace of D e r E its field of constants.
Proof. For any subfield F of E containing
D e r F E is a closed subspace of DerE.
Furthermore, by Corollary 2.8, the field of constants of D e r F E is F . Conversely, let V be a closed restricted subspace of D e r E and let F be the field of constants of V. We are left t o verify t h a t
v = DerFE It is obvious t h a t V
C DerFE.
suffices t o show t h a t for any
d ( x ; ) = $(xi) for 1
5 i I n.
Since V is closed, t o prove the opposite containment, it
.. ,zn E E and $ E DerF E, there exists a d E V such that
We may assume without loss of generality t h a t zl,. . . ,x, are
relatively pindependent in E / F . Owing to Lemma 4.3, we may find d l , . .. ,d , E V such that (1 I i , j I n)
d ; ( z j ) = S;j Then
d= has the required property. m
$(s;)di E V
5 Purely inseparable extensions
This chapter is devoted to a detailed study of purely inseparable extensions. If E / F is a finite purely inseparable extension, we show that, for large enough extensions K of F , the K-algebra E @ F K because a group algebra of an abelian p g r o u p , whose isomorphism class is uniquely determined by certain invariants of E / F . A thorough investigation of this phenomenon constitutes the first part of the chapter. The second part is devoted exclusively to the study of modular extensions, which are the inseparable equivalent of Galois extensions. Our presentation of t h e theory of modular purely inseparable extensions
is based on an important work of Waterhouse (1975). The basic discovery of Waterhouse is tlial the theory is closely related to t h e well-developed study of primary abelian groups.
After establishing some preliminary results, we develop the theory of pure independence. basic subfields, and tensor products of simple extensions.
We then compute the Llnr
invariants and display some complications in the field extensions not occurring in abelian groups. The final section is devoted to modular closure and modularly perfect fields. O u r principal goal is to show that any purely inseparable field extension E of F is contained in a unique minimal field extension K of F , where K / F is modular ( K / F turns out t o bc also purely inseparable). We also show that an arbitrary field extension is modular if
and only if there exists a n intermediate field K of E / F such that E / K is separable and
I { / & ’ is purely inseparable modular. Finally, we provide a number of characterizations of iiiodularly perfect fields, that is fields over which all extensions are modular.
1. P r e p a r a t o r y results for s p l i t t i n g theory.
Throughout this section, all fields are assumed to be of characteristic p > 0. In what follows, we fix a finite purely inseparable field extension E / F with E
# F . Given z E E,
we write e ( z ) = e ( z , F ) for the ezponent of z over E’, i.e. e ( z ) is the least nonegative
integer n such that
E F . It is clear that
( F ( z ): F )
= p+)
We define e(E : F ) to be the integer n > 0 such that ( E : F ) = p". For any given integer n
> 0, we define
( E I F ) , , ( E I F ) , , 6, = 6,(E/F) and a , = a , ( E / F )
We then have two chains of fields:
E = (E/F)O 2 ( E / F ) '
2 .. . 2 ( E / F ) " 2 .. . 2 F
F = ( E / F ) o C ( E / F ) 1C . . .L( E I F ) , , 2 . . .
(upper chain) (lower chain)
The following terminology is extracted from Rasala (1971). The height h = h ( E / F ) of
E I F is defined by h = {maxe(z)Iz E E }
If z E E , then z is said t o be normal in E I F if e ( z , F ) = h ( E / F ) . Thus z is normal in E I F if and only if
A sequence zl,. . .,z,of elements of E is called normal in E I F if for all i E { 1,2,. . . ,r } , z;
is normal in E/F;-l and z;
6 F;-l, where
If E = F ( z l , . . . ,zr)for some normal sequence
51,. . . ,I, is a normal generating sequence of E I F . 1.1. Lemma. Let h = h ( E / F ) . Then
zl,.. .>zr in
E / F , then we say t h a t
(i) h = min{n
2 lI(E/F)" = F } = min{n 2 l l ( E / F ) " = E )
(ii) ( E / F ) ~ - " ( E / F ) , ,
o 5 n 5 h.
(i) By definition,
E F for all
5 n , proving
E F for all
2'' E F for all
z E
E and therefore
C: F , by
z E
2 l / ( E / F ) n= F }
E , we have ( E / F ) h = E . Conversely, if ( E / F ) n = E , then
E , hence e ( x ) 5 n for all x E E . Thus h 5 n as required.
(ii) Fix n such that 0
since EPh
E , hence ( E / F ) h = Er"F = F .
that h = min{n
z E
F . Hence e ( z ) 5 n for all
Conversely, if ( E I F ) " = F , then EP" h
5 h and let
z E
( E / F ) h - n . Then z E EP"-''F and hence
virtue of the first equality in ( i ) . Thus z E ( E / F ) nas required.
The next observation ensures the existence of normal generating sequences of E / F
S be a generating set of E I F .
1 . 2 . Lemma. Let
( i ) lf K is a n intermediate field of E / F , then there exists s E S s u c h that s i s normal iic
E/K ( i i ) There exists a n o r m a l generating sequence of E / F with elements c h o s e n from S.
Proof. (i) If for n
> 0 we have SP" C K , then EP"
since E = F [ S ] .T h u s
max{e(z,K)jz E E } = max{e(z,K)/zE S} and therefore we can choose s E S such that e ( s , K ) = h ( E / K ) .Hence s E S is normal i n
K/K. ( i i ) If we have a normal sequence
.., x r
with z,E S , 1
r , then either F, = E
# F,. In the latter case we may, by ( i ) , extend the normal sequence such that zr+l E S and zr+lis normal in E / E , . Since E # F,., we have
arid we are done, or E by choosing
xr,.] $ E; and therefore
. . z,+1
is a normal sequence with elements chosen from S.
'The desired conclusion now follows from the assumption that E / F is finite. w 1.3. Theorem. (Rasala(l971)). Let
X I , ., . ,z,
be a normal sequence in EIE', l e t
F, = F [ z l , .. . ,z,], Fo = F and let q; = ( F ; : F,+,), 1 5 i
5 r.
w h e r e f o r i = l , F [ z y ,..., z : l l ] i s t o be interpretedasF.
Proof. If r = 1, then i = 1 and the assertion is
2 ':
E F , which is true by the
definition of q1. We now argue by induction on r. Assume t h a t r assertion holds for all normal sequences of length sequence
. . ,z,-1,
< r.
> 1 and t h a t the
Then the assertion is true for the
hence for all i E {1,2,.. . , r
F [ z y ,..., z:Ll]
We are therefore left t o verify that
. . ,x , is a normal sequence in E / F 1 , it follows by induction t h a t
Because { z i l O 5 i
< qr} is a basis of F1 over F [ z y ] ,it follows from (2) t h a t qr-l
Xisf with X i E FIX?', . . . ,z ; : ~ ]
zzr =
Thus to prove ( l ) ,it suffices t o show that X i = 0 for 0 Write qi = p e ' , 1
5 i 5 r.
< i 5 qr - 1.
and hence el
2 e 2 2 ... 2 e ,
Setting t = q z / q r , it follows from (4) and the assumption
(4) 7
> 1 , that t is
a nonnegative
power of p . Now put
M = F [ z y ] and Then F
M &N
C Fl
and {z:10
5 i < qr}
terms in ( 3 ) t o the power t t o obtain
N =F[zi] is a basis of N over M . We now raise the
We claim that
E M and A: E M for all i E {0,1,. . . , qr
1); if sustained, it will
follow from the uniqueness of a n expression in terms of a basis that z$2 = Ah and, for all
i E (1,. . . ,qr - l}, X i = 0, as required. Set h = e l , g = and t = p g - f . (a) z$2 E
Then h = h ( E / F ) , g = h ( E / F 1 ) ,q2 = p g , qr = pf
= e,.
Furthermore, we also have
(b) X,t E ( E / F ) g
Indeed, (a) is true since (E/F)g= hence A: E
EqZF. For
(b), note that A, E ( E / F ) f =
We are thus left t o verify that
EqrfF= E P g F = ( E / F ) g .
E M.
M = ( F I / F ) ~= ( F l / F ) h p g = F1 n (E/F)h-g But, by Lemma 1.1,
(EIF)’ C (E/F)h-g since h = h ( E / F ) and
(E/F)’ C (E/Fi)’ = FI since g = h ( E / F , ) . Hence ( E / F ) g C M and the result follows. We now provide some applications of Theorem 1.3 in which 5 1 , . . . ,zrwill be a normal generating sequence of E/F (such sequence always exists, by virtue of Lemma 1.2(ii)). In what follows, we fix t h e following notation: z1,.
. . ,z, is a normal generating sequence of
F, = E ’ [ z ~ ,...,z,], Fo ei = e(z,,
= F, 1 5
F;-l), pi = p e t , 1 5 i 5
(note that e l = h ( E / F ) and, by ( 4 ) , e l
2 e2 2
., ,
u = (&I,.
. . , a , ) E z r ,a , 2 0, z a
. . . z;,.
= z?’
. . . , Arur), A € z
( ( 0 1 , . . . , a t , 0 ,..., 0) E 22‘10
< qk, 15 k 5
J=J,={((Y1, ...,ru,)E22r1050Lk
(note that {s‘ln E Ji} is on an F-basis of F, and, in particular, { z a l a E J } is an F-basis of E ) .
I, = { a E Z‘lq,a E J } 1.4. Corollary. Let n be a n integer s u c h that 0
the m a x i m a l value o/ i E { 1,.. . , r } such that e,
> n. Then
h(E/F)and l e t
Proof. (i) The first equality comes from the definition of ( E I F ) " and the fact that zl,. . . ,z, generates E / F . If -yn = r, then there is nothing t o prove. Assume t h a t 7n < r and let z be such that 7n < i Theorem 1.3, zf' E
5 r. Then e; 5 n so F [ z y ' ,. . . ,zfI1],it follows t h a t
that q;)p", say pn = q;t. Since, by
and hence t h a t
F [ z y " ,. . . ,zf"] = F[zy",. . . , z y l ] Descending from i = r t o i = 7" (ii) Set M = F [ z y " ,. . . ,zi:l]
+ 1 proves
and N = F[z;", . . . ,xi"]. To show t h a t t h e powers (z:")~,
with 0 5 a k 5 q k J p n span N over M , we need zf;" E M . By Theorem 1.3, we have z? E
Since k
F [ z ? * ., . .
5 rn,we have e k 2 n, so p n ( q k and hence
E M . To show that the given set is
linearly independent over M , we note that
is linearly independent over
and M &
proving (ii),
(iii) If a = ( a l , .. . , a T ) then , p n a E J amounts to (a) For 1
5 k 5 yn, 0 5 p n a k < q k
(b) For -yn
< k 5 r,
0 (since
5 n and hence
5 p")
The desired conclusion is therefore a consequence of (i) and (ii).
(iv) Take n = e;. Then p" = q; and 7n < z . Thus, by (i),
and the required assertion follows by virtue of (iii). ( v ) This follows from (i) and (iii).
1.5. Corollary. Let y1,.
. . ,ys
be another normal generating sequence of E I F and
let e;, . . . ,el, be t h e corresponding ezponents. T h e n r = s a n d e , = e: for all i E (1,. . . , r } .
Proof. Note t h a t
70 =
given integer such that 0 by Corollary 1.4(v), e; e:
> n. Hence if e: < h
r = 6 , ( E / F ) (Corollary 1.4(v)), hence
= s. Let n be any
h ( E / F ) . Then e ; > n if and only if 7 %2 z . Hence,
> n if and only if 6,,+1(E/F) 2 z . Therefore e, > n if and only if =
el = e;, then e: = e , as required.
Owing to Corollary 1.4(iv), the set
I,} is a n F-basis of F [ s y ' ,. . . ,z:lli, 1 5
i 5 r . Furthermore, by Theorem 1.3,
Hence we can write z:
uniquely in the form
We will refer t o these equations as the structure equations of E I F . Note that these equations generate all the relations among the elements 2 1 , . . . , x,.since the equations determine an I;'-algebra of dimension q1 . . . qr which is exactly the dimension of E I F Now assume t h a t A is a commutative F-algebra which has
distinguished elements
zl,. . . , x, such that A = F [ z l , .. . ,z,], where the defining relations for zl,. . . , z,, are of the form
with ql = p e t , e l
2 e2 2 . . . 2 e , > 1,
ut.a E F and
In this case, following Rasala(1971), we say that A is a special F-algebra.
Thus, by
the foregoing, E is a special F-algebra (with respect to any normal generating sequence XI,.
of E ) .
Now assume t h a t K / F is any field extension and consider the K-algebra E @ F K . As usual we identify E and K with their images E @ 1 and 1 @ K in E is a normal generating sequence of E / F and if z; = x; @ 1, then E
K . If xi,.. . ,x,
K = K [ z l , .. . ,zr]
and over K the z; satisfy the same structure equations as the zi do over F , that is
Thus E @ F K is a special K-algebra. The following observation gives a criteria for E @ F K to be a field. 1.6. Lemma. Let K / F be a field eztension and let K; be the K-subalgebra of E @ FK
defined b y K; = K [ z l , .. . , z i ] , KO = K, 1 5 i 5 r , where z ; = x, @ 1 and
. .,I,is a
normal generating sequence of E / F . Let q; be as in Theorem 1.9, 1 5 i 5 r . Then E @ FK is a field if and only if ZP'
for all i E {I,. . . , r }
4 Kf-1
Proof. By the definition of K;, we have
Assume t h a t Ki-1 is a field. It suffices to show t h a t K, is a field if and only if Now Xq'
- pi
is the minimal polynomial of z; over K;-
2 ':
4 K,"_l,
hence K ; is a field if and only if
Xq' - p ; E K ; - , [ X ] is irreducible. Since the latter is equivalent t o pi $ KPP1,the result follows. m For future use, we next record the following results. 1.7. Lemma. Let h = h ( E / F ) and let n be such that 1 5 n I h. (i)
C:=,& + l - ; ( E / F )
= e ( ( E / F ) h - " :F ) I e ( ( E / F ) =: F ) =
xi"=,& , ( E / F )
(ii) e ( ( E / F ) n: F ) 5 e(E : ( E / F ) " ) with equality if and only if EP" and F are linearly
disjoint over EP" n F (iii)
C:=,b h + l - i ( E / F ) I
a i ( E / F )I
Proof. (i) Consider t h e chain
Then we have n
:F) =
n ( ( E / F ) h - i : (E/F)h+'-') i=l
and hence
The inequlaity
e((E/F)h-" : F ) 5 e((E/F), : F ) is a consequence of Lemma l . l ( i i ) . The last equality being obvious, (i) follows.
( i i ) T h e stated inequality is equivalent to the inequality
I n vicw of
(E: F ) = ( E : ( E / l q n ) ( ( E / F ) :, F ) = ( E : ( E / F ) " ) ( ( E / F ) ": F ) , the inequality ( 5 ) is equivalent to
l;'urthermore, ( E I F ) " = EP"F so that (EP" : (Ep" n F ) ) 2 ( ( E / F ) ": F ) with equalit)if arid only if EP" and F are linearly disjoint over EP" n F . This shows t h a t (6) always holds and that the equality in (6) (hence in ( 5 ) ) holds if and only if Ep" and F are linearly disjoint over E P "
i? F.
( i i i ) This follows from (i), (ii) and the obvious equality
cy=l6 , ( E / F )
1 . 8 . Corollary. The following conditions are equivalent.
( i ) For all n
1, EP- and F are linearly disjoint over EP"
(ii) For a f i n
1, e ( ( E / F ) n: F ) = e ( E : ( E / F ) n )
( i i i ) For all n
2 1, c r n ( E / F ) = 6,(E/F)
e ( E : ( E / F ) " ) .rn
Proof. Assume t h a t n
= h ( E / F ) . Then EPnnF = EP", ( E I F ) " = ( E / F ) n - ' =
F and ( E / F ) n = ( E / F ) n - l = E . Therefore properties (i), (ii) and (iii) hold for this n. Hence we need only verify the equivalence of (i), (ii) and (iii) with n 1
1 replaced by
5 n 5 h. T h a t (i) and (ii) are equivalent is a consequence of Lemma 1.7(ii). If (iii)
holds, then by Lemma 1.7(i),
c n
e((E/F)": F ) =
a i ( E / F )=
i= 1
c n
6;(E,W)= e ( E : ( E / F ) " )
i= 1
and hence (ii) holds. Conversely, assume that (ii) holds. Then n
i= I
for all n such t h a t 1 5 n 5 h. Hence, for all n such that 1 5 n
5 h , a n ( E / F )= 6 , ( E / F ) ,
as required. w 1.9. Lemma. Let
. . ,x,
be a generating set of E / F and let Fi = F [ x l , .. . ,xi],Fo
F , 1 5 i 5 r . Then the canonical map
is an F-isomorphism if and only if
e ( z , , F i p l )= e ( z ; , F ) for all i E {1,'2,. . . ,r } Proof. The given map is an F-isomorphism if and only if the F-dimension of both sides are the same, i.e. if and only if
Consider the chain of fields:
Since e ( z i ,Fi-1) = (F;-i(z;) : Fi-1) = (F; : F i P l ) , 1 5 i 5 r , we have
Because e(zi,F,-1) 5 e ( z , , F ) , the desired conclusion follows by comparing ( 7 ) and ( 8 ) . rn Let K be a field and let A be a commutative K-algebra. Following Rasala we say that A is a simply truncated polynomial algebra over K (or, for brevity, a truncated algebra over K) if there exist zi E A , 1
5 i 5 r , such that
( i ) A = K [ z l , . . . ,x,] (ii) The relations among
The sequence
. . ,z, are generated by equations
. . , z,is called a truncated sequence for A , and n, is said to be the order
of x,, written n, = o ( z l ) . We also say t h a t A is of type
. . , n r relative t o the truncating
sequence zl,. . . ,x,. Let A be a truncated algebra over K of type n l , . . . ,n, relative to the truncated sequence
21,.. . 5,.
Then the map
induces an isomorphism of K-algebras K [ X l , . . . ,Xr]/'(Xy', . . . ,X:.) where ( X y l ,. . . ,X,'r)
denotes the ideal of K [ X 1 , . . . ,X,] generated by X y ' , . . . ,
Hence the elements
constitute a K-basis of A . It follows that the map
is an isomorphism of K-algebras. The following result provides circumstances under which
a truncated algebra is identifiable with a group algebra. 1.10. Lemma. Let K be a field of characteristic p
> 0 and let A be a truncated
algebra over K of type pel , p e 2 , . . . ,per f o r s o m e positive integers e,. Then A as isomorphic t o the group algebra K G of the abelian p-group G such t h a t
Proof. Let G =<
< g 2 > x . . . x < gr >, where < g; > is
order p e i generated by g; E G. P u t a; = g i - I, 1 5 i
a cyclic group of
5 r , and observe t h a t
and that F G = F [ a l ,. . . , a,] Let
. . , x, be a truncating sequence for A such t h a t .(xi)
= pe', 1 5
i 5 r . Then, by
(9) and ( l o ) , the map
KG, x;
is a surjective homomorphism of K-algebras. Since
dimK A =
pe' = IGI = dimK K G ,
the result follows. B The following result due to Rasala (1971) shows t h a t the number of generators and the type of a truncated algebra are independent of the choice of the truncating sequence. 1.11. Theorem. Let A be a truncated algebra over a field K , let yl,.
. . ,ys be truncating sequences for
j 5
.. , I ,
A and let n; = .(xi) and mi = o(yi), 1 5 i 5 r , 1 5
T h e n A is a local ring with maximal ideal I =
.., x r )
= (yl,.. . ,y8), r = s
and a; = mi
f o r a l l i E (1,. . . ,r }
. . ,n, are uniquely determined b y the dimensions
Proof. Let J be the ideal of K[Xl,.. . ,X,] generated by K [ X 1 , . . . ,X , ] / J Z
O n the other hand, the homomorphism K [ X 1 ,...,X,]
I = ( x l , .. . , x r ) , hence A / I
XI,. . . , X,.Then
A, X ,
z, carries
J onto
K . Since I is a nil ideal, this shows that A is a local ring
with maximal ideal I . Applying the same argument t o the truncating sequence yl,. . . ,y,, we see that I = (yl,. . . , y s ) .
Define f t = d i m K ( I t / I t + ' ) , for all t 2 1. Note t h a t the sets
are two K-bases of I t / I t + ' . In particular, by taking t = 1, it follows that y1,.
. . ,x, and
. . ,ys both form bases of I / 1 2 . Thus r = s. Assume by way of contradiction that n; # m, for some i E (1,. . . , r } . Then we may
choose j such that
# mj and such that if j < r , then n; = m; for all i > j. By nj > m i , and we put t = m j . To show t h a t this leads to a
symmetry, we may assume that
contradiction, we first note t h a t the following conditions, in which a ; E {0,1,.. . ,t-1},
i 5 7, are equivalent: (a)
C:=, a ; = t and 0 5 a; < n;, 1 5 i 5 r
C:=,a, = t
Indced, for i
and 0 5 a ; < mi, 15 i
I j , the inequality 0 5 a; 5 t - 1 already implies
> j , we know that n; = mi. Next, if
ities in (a) or (b), while, for i condition 0 5 a,
the corresponding inequal-
5 t - 1 does not hold for all i E ( 1 , . . . ,r } , then
C:=,a; = t
one a; = t and all other
a , = 0. In this case, we get a t least j such sequences which satisfy (a) since
i 5 j , while we get a t most j
but the
> t for
1 such sequences which satisfy (b) since m; 5 t for i
2 j.
These remarks yield two different values for ft, which is a desired contradiction. Thus n;=m, foralliE{1,
. . . ,r } .
We are left t o verify that
. . ,n, are uniquely determined by f l , f2,. . . . To this
f l , f 2 , . . . , f t , . . . are known. Then f l = r . Next suppose > j . For all t 2 1, define A t t o be the number of sequenccs
end, assume that the numbers that n; has been found for i u1,.
. . , a , such t h a t
CT=,a; = t
(ii) O
5 a, < n, for i > j
(iii) 0 5 a, 5 t
1 for
Then the preceding paragraph shows that, for t Thus one can obtain
as the least t
2 n,+l
2 n j + l , nj > t
such that f t
if and only if
<j .
f t - At
We now retrun t o the finite purely inseparable field extension E / F . Let K be a field extension of E and let A = K ( z ]be a truncated algebra of type n over K . Following Rasala (1971), by a K-variation of E / F with values in A , we understand a homomorphism d :E
of F-algebras
Note that the set {zi105 i < n} is a K-basis of A and hence we may write
d(2) =
1.12. Lemma. Let d : E
be a K-variation of EIF. Then
(i) Each d ; is a n F-linear map of E into K (ii) For all z1,z2 E E and all i E {0,1,. . . , n - l},
Furthermore d o : E
K is the inclusion map
(iii) { d o , d l , . . . ,dn-l} is a higher derivation of E into K .
Proof. (i) This follows from the fact that d is a n F-linear map. ( i i ) The formula
follows from the fact that d preserves multiplication. In particular, we have do(zizz) =
d o ( z , ) d o ( z z ) so that do : E
K is a n F-homomorphism. But E / F is a purely inseparable
extension, hence do is the inclusion map. (iii) This is a direct consequence of (ii). Let d : E + A be a K-variation of E / F . We say that e E E is d-invariant if d ( z ) = z (which is equivalent t o d ; ( z ) = 0 for i
0 or t o d ; ( z w ) = t d ; ( w ) for all i and all w E E ) .
We let E d denote the set of all d-invariant elements of E. Then E d is obviously a subfield of E containing F. This field E d is called the fixed f i e l d of d . We let F i x K ( E / F ) be
the intersection of all E d as d ranges over all K-variations of E / F . F i x K ( E / F ) as the fized f i e l d of all K-variations of E/F.
We shall refer t o
We now introduce a special type of variation. Let M be a n intermediate field of E / F such that E = M [ X ]for some X E E and let e = e ( X , M ) . Denote by A a truncated algebra over E of type p e (hence A = E[z]and
= 0). Define an E-variation
d:E--tA by setting
d(z) = z for z E M and d ( X ) = X
We shall refer t o d as a Taylor variation of E/F with values in A. The fixed f i e l d of all Taylor variations of EIF is defined as the intersection of all E d where d ranges over all Taylor variations of E / F . Let us show that d is indeed a variation, i.e. that d is a
homomorphism of F-algebras. Consider the M-homomorphism f : M I X ] which sends X t o X
+ x.
p) to X
+ x.
M[x] C
= ,u E M , we have
Thus f determines an M-homomorphism (Xp'
: M [ X ] / ( X pc p)
But the map MIX] 4 M [ X ] / ( X P e p ) , -
A which sends
x + (x"'- /I)
is an
hf-isomorphism, hence d is indeed a variation. To calculate d, (0 5 3 < p") explicitcly, WE write pc-1
u,X') =
E M, 0
5 i < p")
Thus d is j u s t the Taylor expansion of P ( X ) = that
Ed = M
in terms of X
x . We finally notc
2. Splitting theory.
Throughout this section, F denotes a field of characteristic p
> 0 and F
closure of F . All fields considered are assumed t o be subfields of a finite purely inseparable field extension with E
# F . All
a fixed algebraic
As before, E J F is
the notational conventions
introduced in Sec. 1 remain in force. Let
. . ,z,
be a normal generating sequence of E I F and let
F, = F [ z l , . , . ,xi],FO = F , e ; = e(zi,F i - l ) ,
q; = pe'
2 e2 2 . . . 2 e,. 1.5, the sequence e l , . . . , e , does not
(1 5 i 5 r )
From (4) of Sec. 1, we have e l By Corollary
generating sequence
. . ,z,
depend upon the choice of a normal
EJF.Hence the numbers e l , e 2 , . . . ,e , constitute invari-
ants of E J F ; we shall refer to e l , . . . , e , as the ezponent sequence of E I F . The exponent sequence of E I F determines a unique, up t o isomorphism, finite abelian p-group G given by
npz,x npez x . . . x npc,
We refer t o G as the group attached to E I F , and say that a field extension K I F splits
E J F if the K-algebra E
is isomorphic to the group algebra K G . By Lemma 1.10,
K J F splits E I F if and only if E
K is a truncated K-algebra of type p e l , . . . , p e r . Our
first aim is t o establish the existence of a purely inseparable field extension KJF such that
K J F splits E I F and K is contained in any field L 2 F such that L I F splits E J F Let us first recall from Sec. 1 t h a t the zi satisfy t h e following structure equations:
Here I; is a multi-index set defined by
2.1. Theorem. (Rasala(l971)). Let K I F be a field eztension. Then the following
conditions are equivalent:
(i) K / F splits E I F
(ii) E @ F K is a truncating algebra over K (iii) E
K is a subalgebra of a truncating algebra over K
(iv) For all i E (1,. . . , r } and all (v) For all
E Ii, q 6 EK
2 1, E P n ( F n Kpn) and F
are linearly dzsjoint over F
Proof. (i)+(ii): If K / F splits E / F , then by Lemma 1.10, E K-algebra of type
n KP“. @F
K is a truncated
.. . , p e r .
( i i ) +(iii) : 0bvious
(iii)+(iv): Let A be a truncated K-algebra such that E A = K [ u l , ..., u,]withu36) = 0 ,
and p u t up = u f L. . . u p for ,B =
K . Put
= z, @ 1, 1
5 i 5 r.
2 A.
l < j < s
(01,.. . , P a ) E N. Then {ufll/3 E N}
is a basis of A over
and over K the z; satisfy the same structure equations as the z; do over F , that is
[this implies that E
constants a t , a ) . Given
K is a special K-algebra with generators cy
= (cyl,. . . , C
Y , ) , ~ ctk
qk, 15
. . ,zr and s t r u c t u r e
k 5 r , put
z C x= zp’ . . . z:r,
Since (u”L3 E N} is a basis of A over K , we may write z a uniquely in t h e form:
Then, for n
since if q P
2 0 and
4 N ,then
q = p n , we have
Now let i E ( 1 , . . . r } and let ci,p denote b,,p for the multi-index a such that za = 2,. Then
Invoking (1) and ( 2 ) , we therefore derive
Because the elements uqaP with qip E N are independent over K , we can equate coefficients
This is a system of linear equations with coefficients in Kq; which is satisfied by
Conversely if ( E i , a ) a E ~ ,is any solution of the system then, by reversing the calculation, we have
But the elements
The conclusion is t h a t
with a E Ii are independent over K , hence we must have
is the unique solution in K of a system of linear equations
with coefficients in Kq, and this shows that a%,aE
for all a E I,. Thus
for all a E I,, proving (iv).
(iv)+(i): For all i and all a , write a,+ = d:;a with d,,, E K . Setting
we then have
vat; E K
Moreover, there are no other relations on the u, independent of the relations u:'
0 since
the relations u:' = 0 define a K-algebra of dimension q1 . . . qr = d i m x E @F K . Thus
K is a truncated K-algebra of type
. . ,qr. Applying Lemma 1.10, we deduce
that K / F splits E / F , proving (i). (iv)+(v): We first ovserve that for q = p " ,
T h u s the linear disjointness condition becomes
( ( E I F ) " : F ) = ( E q ( Fn K q ) : ( F n K q ) ) N o w t h e s e t { z q a / q a E J } ( J = { ( a l ,. . . , a , ) / O i f f k < q k , l s k l r } ) b e l o n g s t o E q a n d ,
by Corollary 1.4(iii), this set is a basis of ( E / F ) " over F . Since this set lies in E q ( F n K Y ) , condition (v) is equivalent to the requirement that for all
{zqa/qcuE J } is a basis of E q ( F ri K q )over E' f l K Y
If ( 3 ) is true, then the expression for z : ' in the structure equations must have coefficients in F
that is, for all a , a,,= E Kq., proving (iv).
Conversely, assume that for all a and i, at,= E Kq'. Then, for all
I I r n c c , for n
we have
e, and q = p " , we have
Thercfore, by the argument of Corollary 1.4(i), we obtain
Repeating the arguments of Corollary 1.4(ii), (iii), we derive ( 3 ) . Since ( 3 ) is equivalent to ( v ) , the result follows.
From now on, we sct
2.2. Corollary. The f i e l d S = S(E/F) satisfies the following properties:
(i) S/F is a finite purely inseparable eztension (ii) A field eztensian K / F splits E/F if and only if S (iii) E
(iv) h ( S / F ) = h ( E / F )
Proof. (i) This is a consequence of the fact t h a t S / F is generated by finitely many purely inseparable elements. (ii) This follows from the equivalence of (i) and (iv) in Theorem 2.1.
(iii) By (ii), S/F splits E/F, so that E@pS
S G where G is the group attached to E I F .
Since E admits an injective F-homomorphism E
E 8~S,x
S-homomorphism (hence F-homomorphism) onto S (namely, that there is a n injective F-homomorphism E
x 8 1 and S G admits a n
x g ) ,we deduce
S. But E/F is purely inseparable, hence
C S as required. (iv) Since F C E C S,we have
M E I F ) i h(S/F) R u t S is built using qi-th roots of elements of F where q, = pe* and e ,
5 h ( E / F ) . Thus
h(S,'F) = h ( E / F ) as required. By Corollary 2.2(ii), S ( E / F ) is uniquely determined as the smallest field which splits
E/F. In particular, S(E/F)is independent of t h e choice of the normal generating sequence of E/F used for its construction. We shall refer t o S ( E / F ) as the splitting field of EIF.
By Corollary 2.2(iii), E is the smallest possible splitting field of E/F. We now present various criteria for E t o be the splitting field of E / F 2.3. Theorem. (Rasala(l971)). The following conditions are equivalent: (1)
E is the splitting field of E / F
(ii) E
F [ x l ]@ I F . . .
F [ x r ] for some
..,xr E E
(iii) F is the fixed field of all Taylor variations of E / F (iv) F i s the fixed field of all E-variations of E / F (v) For all n (vi) For all n (vii) For all n
2 1,
and F are linearly disjoint over
2 1, e ( E : (E/F)n)= e ( ( E / F ) , : F)
2 1, 6,(E/F)
( v i i i ) E @ F E E E G , where G is the group attached t o
SPLITTING THEORY (ix) G i v e n a normal sequence X I , .. . ,z, in E I F with
z,+~ E
F, = F [ x l , .. . ,xs]# E , there exists
F, such that z,+~i s normal in E / F g and e(x,+l, F,) = e ( x s + l rF )
Proof. For the sake of clarity, we divide the proof into a number of steps. S t e p 1 . Here we show the equivalence of (i), ( v ) , (vi), (vii) and (viii).
The equivalence of (v), (vi) and (vii) is t h e content of Corollary 1.8. The equivalence of (i) and (viii) follows from Corollary Z.Z(ii), (iii). Since
E P " ( Fn EP") = E P " , it follows from Theorem 2.1 applied to K = E t h a t (v) is equivalent to the requireinent that E / F splits E / F . The latter is equivalent t o (i), by virtue of Corollary 2.2(ii), ( i i i ) . S t e p 2. Here we establish the validity of the implications (i)+(ix)+(ii). Assume t h a t (i) holds. Extend yt. Let
. . ,z,
to any normal generating sequence z1,. . . , x,,y 1 , . . . ,
y = y1 and set n = e(y, F,) = h ( E / F , ) , q = p". We seek z E E with n = e ( z , F , ) and n = e ( z , F )
Let I denote the usual index set such t h a t { z a l a E I } forms a basis of F, over F . Then the structure equation for yq has the form
yq =
with b, E F
Put c, =
6. Because the formation of
S ( E / F ) does not depend on the normal gen-
erating sequence chosen for E / F and because
. . ,z,, y1,.
. . ,yt
is a normal generating
sequence for E I F , we deduce that c, E S ( E / F ) = E . Furthermore, since c$ = b, E F , we have e(c,,
F ) 5 n.
We now claim that n = e ( c p , F , ) for some
p; if sustained, z
= c p will give the element
we seek since
n = e ( c p , Fa) I e ( c p , F )
I n,
which implies that n = e ( c p , F , ) and n = e ( c p , F ) . To substantiate the claim, note that
as required. This proves t h a t (i) implies (ix). Finally, assume t h a t (ix) holds. Then we can find a normal generating sequence
. . x , of E / F such t h a t , for all i E { 1 , 2 , . . . ,r } ,
This proves (ii), by applying Lemma 1.9.
Step 3. Here we complete the proof by demonstrating (ii) *(iii)+-(iv)+(v). Assume t h a t (ii) holds. By rearrangement, we may also assume t h a t X I , . . . ,z, is a normal generating sequence for E / F . Let e , = e ( z i , F ) and qi = p e ' , 1 E [ u l ,..., u,] with u y = 0. Define d : E
d ( x i ) = zi
+ ui.
A by setting d ( z ) = z for z E F and
Then d is obviously a homomorphism of F-algebras. If we let d; be the
Taylor variation defined as in Sec. 1 by taking M = F [ z l , .. . , and
5 i 5 r , and let A =
X = x i , then
. .. ,x , ]
X * - ~ , X ~ + ~ ,
we have
which proves (iii). The implication (iii)+(iv) being obvious, we are left to verify that (iv)=+ (v). Assume by way of contradiction that (iv) holds but (v) fails, say for q = p n . Choose a subset
. . ,ct of F with the smallest number of elements t such t h a t
(a) c 1 , . . . ,c t is independent over E9 n F (b)
. . ,ct
is dependent over
Then we can find
. . , zt
E E q with all zi
0 such that
necessary, we may assume that zt = 1. By (a), z;
C zic; = 0.
Dividing by z t , if
for some i. By symmetry, we may
assume that z1 4 F . Consider any E-variation d : E 0=
E[u]and write d ( z ) = C , d,(z)ua. Then
2i.i) =
Cd(zJd(c1) = i
which implies t h a t 0 =
for all
Bearing in mind that
d ( E q ) = d(E)'?C
C Eq[u]
E E q . Thus the equations (4) are linear equations for the c, \vith
we see that d,(z,) coefficients in E Q .
Now, since (iv) holds and since z1 $ F , we can choose d such that d ( z 1 )
we have d p ( z 1 )
0 for some
0. On the other hand, d g ( z t ) = dp(1) = 0. It therefore
follows from (4) that t-1
i= I
This shows that
. . ,ctp1 are linearly dependent over E Q ,contrary to the minimal choice
For future use, we next record. 2.4. Lemma. If F 2 E
M is a chain of fields, t h e n
Proof. Put L = S ( M / F ) . Then E algebra over L since over L so that
L splits M / F .
By Theorem 2.1, E
L and M
L is a truncatccl
L is also a truncated algebra
L splits E / F and S ( E / F ) E L , by Corollary 2.2(ii).
We close by giving a number of examples (due to Rasala(lQ71)) of field extensions
E / F for which a t least one (hence all) of the conditions of Theorem 2.3 fails. In all examples, P denotes a field of characteristic p
> 0. As a preliminary, let us note that 11
E = F [ z ] ,h = e(z, F ) , 0 < n 5 h and g = pn, then
As another preliminary, we record
2 . 5 . Lemma. Let a , b , c be algebraically independent over P , let F = P ( a , b , c ) und let
E = F [ z ,w ] w h e r e z p z = a , w p = b + c z p
Proof. The assertion regarding ( E I F ) ’ is obvious. Assume t h a t ( E / F ) 1 # F [ z ~ ] . Then there exists y E E with y
$- F[zP]and yp E F . P u t d
= yp. Then, by ( 5 ) , y
$- F [ z ]
since y E F [ z ]and yp E F imply y E F[zP]. Thus E = F [ z , y ] and therefore we can write w as
f ; 93.I
E F, 0
5 i , j ,k < p
By comparison, we obtain b,c E FP[a,d]so t h a t e ( F P [ a , b , c :] F”) 5 2
M , we have e ( M [ a b,c] , : M ) 5 2. Take
Then, for any field M such t h a t FP
= P(aP,b”, c”)
Then M [ a ,6 , c] = P ( a , b, c) = F . However, since a , b, c are algebraically independent over
e ( M [ a ,6 , c] : M ) = e ( P ( a ,6 , c) : P ( a P b, P , c ” ) ) = 3 This contradiction proves t h a t ( E / F ) , = F ( z p ] . The equality F [ z p ]= F [ w p ]follows from the assumption that wp = b+czp. Finally, the assertions regarding a’s and 6‘s follow from the computation of ( E / F ) 1 and ( E I F ) ’ . w 2.6. Example. Let E and F be as in Lemma 2.5.
Then E / F does not satisfy
condition (vii) of Theorem 2.3 and
Proof. By Lemma 2.4, we have
T h e calcuIation of S ( E / F ) is straightforward and is left to the reader. w
2.7. Example. Here we construct E I F such that for S = S ( E / F ) , S ( S / F ) f S .
Let a , b, c , d be algebraically independent over P and let F = P ( u ,b, c , d ) , E = F [ u ,v ] where u p 3= d a n d vPZ = a
T h e n S = F ( u , z , w ] with
zPz =
Set L = F [ z , w ] .Then L
wP2 = 6P
+ (bP + cPa)uP”
+ cpu, that is wp = b + czp
C S and, by Lemma 2.4,
But S ( L / F ) = F [ z ,V%, f i ] ,so S ( L / F )
we have
S and therefore S ( S / F ) # S. rn
Our final example pertains t o the conditions of Theorem 2.1. 2.8. Example. Here we construct a chain of fields F
K such that K I F does
not split E / F and F is the fized field of all K - v a r i a t i o n s of E I F . Let F = P ( a , b , c , d ) where a , b , c , d are algebraically independent over P and p = 3. Put E
F [ z , w and
K = E [ z ]where z a = a , w 3 = b + c z 3 + d z G and
= c+2dz3
S ( E / F ) = F [ G ,$%,$,
so that E ( S ( E / F ) : E ) = 2. On the other hand, e ( K : E ) = 1. Hence S ( E / F )
K and
therefore K I F does not split E I F , by virtue of Corollary 2.2(ii). It will now he shown t h a t F is the fixed field of all K-variations of E I F . To this end. we will define a variation d : E
K [ u ]where u G = 0. Define d on the generators
and u’
of I.I as follows:
d(z) = z
+ u , d ( w ) = w + zu
’To show that d defines an F-algebra homomorphism, we must verify the following equalities (z
+ u)’
+ ZU)”
= a , (w
+ c ( z + u)” + d ( z + u
) ~
The first equality is clear and we compute t o verify the second:
(w b
+ z3u3 = b + cz” dzG + ( c + 2 d z 3 ) u 3 , + u)” + d ( z + u ) =~b + c z 3 + cu3 + d z G + 2 d z 3 u 3 +- duG = b + cz3 dz6 + ( c + 2dz3)rt3
= W”
since uG = 0. Next let M be the fixed field of d. We claim t h a t M = F which will prove t h a t F is the fixed field of all K-variations of E / F . Assume by way of contradiction t h a t M
# F.
We wish to show t h a t F [ z 3 ]= ( E / F ) 1 C M . To prove F [ z 3 ]= ( E / F ) 1 ,we observe that F[z3]
( E / F ) I and that ( E / F ) 1 cannot have exponent 2 over F , since this would imply
which would imply that E / F satisfies condition (vii) of Theorem 2.3, which will contradict the calculation of S ( E / F ) given above. We now derive the inclusion ( E / F ) ,
M by
observing t h a t , since e ( ( E / F ) 1 : F ) = 1, ( E / F ) l is the unique subfield of E of height 1 over F and so must be a subfield of any M with F
E . Finally, the inclusion
F [ z 3 ]C M is impossible since d does not fix z3: d ( z 3 ) = (Z
) =~ 2 3
+ u3 # 23
This substantiates our claim and proves the required assertion.
3. Chains of splitting fields and complexity.
Throughout, E / F denotes a finite purely inseparable field extension of fields of characteristic p > 0 with E # F . As in the previous section, S ( E / F ) denotes the splitting field of E / F and all fields considered are assumed t o be subfields of a fixed algebraic closure of
F . We begin by introducing the following ascending chain of splitting fields:
E = S O ( E / F )& S i ( E / F ) G . . .
G S , ( E / F ) CS
where, for n 3 1,
S(Sn-1 ( E / F ) / F )
We also put Sm(E/F) =
It follows from Corollary 2.2(iv), t h a t h ( S , ( E / F ) / F ) = h ( E / F ) for all finite n. Furthermore, this equality is also true for n =
since a union of fields of height h has height h.
The above indicates t h a t there is a good chance that S,(E/F)
coincides with S , ( E / F )
for some finite n. T h a t this is indeed the case is a part of the following general result. 3.1. Theorem. (Rasala(l971)). The following properties hold:
(i) S,(E/F) (ii) S , ( E / F ) (iii) S,(E/F)
is a finite purely inseparable extension of F =
S , ( E / F ) f o r some n < 00
is the splitting field o f S , ( E / F ) / F
and thus S,(E/F)
is the unique min-
imal field extension K / E such t h a t K is t h e splitting field of K / F . Proof. We first show t h a t if F
is a chain of fields with K / F finite purely
inseparable and such that K is the splitting field of K / F , then
We know t h a t E
S o ( E / F ) C K . Assume by induction that S , ( E / F )
K . Then
K and K @ 3K~ is a truncated algebra over K since K splits KIE’.
By Theorem 2.l(iii), K / F splits S , ( E / F ) / F so that, by Corollary 2.2(ii),
Thus, for all n , S , ( E / F )
and therefore (2) also holds.
We now show t h a t there exists a finite purely inseparable field extension K / F such that K
and K is the splitting field of K / F . Let B be a p b a s i s of F , let h = h ( E / F )
dnd let q = ph. For each & E 3,put Wb = ~, let S be a finite subset of B consisting of n elements, and let K s = F [ w ~ b E, S ] . Then ( K s : F ) = qn and K s also that if z is purely inseparable over F and e ( x , F )
@ b E s F [ w b ]Note
5 h, then there exists a finite subset
S of l? such that z E K s . Thus, if E = F [ z l , .. . , z,], choose a finite subset S of B such
5 Ks
that x , E K s for all z. Then E
and K = K s is the desired field.
Let K / F be a finite purely inseparable field extension such t h a t K is the splitting field of K / F . By ( 2 ) , S,(E/F) of ( i ) .
C K , proving
(i) Property (ii) is an immediate consequence
Finally, let n < co be such that S,(E/F)
S,,,(E/F)= S ( S , ( E / F ) / F ) splitting field of S , ( E / F ) / F .
Then S , ( E / F )
S ( S , ( E / F ) / F ) , which shows that S,(E/F)
is the
The rest of (iii) follows from ( 3 ) . So the theorem is proved.
a By Theorem 3.1, the ascending chain (1) stabilizes after a finite number of steps. Following Rasala (1971), we define the complexzty c ( E / F ) of E / F as the least n 2 0 such
that S,(E/F)
Thus c ( E / F ) = 0 if and only if E is the splitting field of
= S,,(E/F).
E I F . Our next aim is to show that c ( E / F ) 5 h ( E / F )- 1 and that this equality is the best possible. We begin by introducing the following terminology due to Rasala (1971). We call a pair ( M , N ) of intermediate fields of E / F a normal pair if E = M N and M is a tensor product of simple extensions of F (for M
# F this is equivalent to the requirement that
M splits M / F ) . The degree d ( M ,N) of the normal pair ( M ,N) is defined as h ( N / F ) . For example, the pair ( F , E ) is a normal pair of degree h ( E / F ) > 0. If E splits E / F , then the pair ( E ,F ) is a normal pair of degree 0. 3.2. Lemma. Assume that there ezists a normal pair for E I F of degree d
> 0. Then
there ezists a normal pair ( M ,N ) for E / F of degree d such that (i) The ezponent sequence e l , e z , . . . , e m of M / F satisfies e;
15 i
2 d,
5 m.
(ii) For all z E N , e ( z , M ) < d .
Proof. Let ( P ,Q) be a normal pair for E / F of degree d > 0. We may write P in the form
P where f; = e ( z ; , F ) satisfy fk
= F [ Z l ]@ F
. ..@F F [ z s ]
2 . . . 2 fs.
(if no such k exists, put r = 0 ) . Then d
Let r be the maximum integer k such that
> f r + l 2 . . . 2 fs.
Now put
(for r = 0, R is to be interpreted as F).Then R is a tensor product of simple extensions of F , R .N =
. . , z 9 ]= P Q
E , h ( N / F ) = h ( Q / F ) = d. Thus ( R , N ) is also a
normal pair of degree d. Next choose from N a maximal sequence
. . ,yt such that if
R; = R [ y l , . . . , y i ] , Ro = R , then e(yI, Ri-1) = d for i E { 1 , 2 , . . . , t } . Set M = Rt. By Lemma 1.9, M is a tensor product of simple extensions of F. Thus ( M ,N ) is also a normal pair of degree d. The exponent sequence of M / F is
. . , f,,d, . . . ,d, which proves (i).
Also, by the maximal choice of the sequence y1,. . . , yt we have e ( z ,M ) < d for all z E N ,
proving (ii). rn 3.3. Corollary. Suppose there ezists a normal pair f o :
a tensor product of simple eztensions of F .
E/F of degree 1 . Then E is
Proof. Let ( M , N ) be chosen as in Lemma 3.2 with d = 1. Then, for all x E N , e ( z , M ) < 1, so t h a t x E M . Hence N 2 M and E = M . N = M . Thus E is a tensor product of simple extensions of F .
We are now ready t o prove 3.4. Theorem. (Rasala(l971)). Suppose that there ezists a normal pair for E / F of
degree d > 0 . Then (i) There ezists a normal pair for S ( E / F ) / F of degree strictly less than d
(ii) c ( E / F ) 5 d - 1.
Proof. We first show that (ii) is a consequence of (i). Indeed, assume t h a t (i) holds and put n = d
1. By repeated use of Lemma 3.2, S , ( E / F ) has a normal pair of degree
a t most 1. By Corollary 3.3, S , ( E / F ) is a tensor product of simple extensions of F. Thus,
by Theorems S.l(iii) and 2,3(ii), S,(E/F)
= S , ( E / F ) so that c ( E / F ) 5 n, proving (ii).
To prove ( i ) , choose ( M , N ) as in Lemma 3.2. Select
. . , z m in M
so that
Next, using the fact t h a t N generates E over M and Lemma 1.2(ii),choose z,+1,. ,V such that
. . ,z, t
. . ,x, is a normal generating sequence for E / M . We claim that
5 1 , . . . ,x , is a normal generating sequence for E I F
To prove (3), let
We must show that e, = h ( E / F , - , ) . For IS
i > m , this follows from the fact that x,+1,. . . ,z,
a normal generating sequence for E / M . Assume that i
5 m. Note t h a t , since S, gener-
ates E over F,-I, we have
\Ye distinguish two cases. First assume that i
5 j 5 m.
Now assume that j
> m. Then, by Lemma 3.2(i), e; 2 d . O n the other hand, since N has
height d over F , we have
e(sj,Fi-l) 5 e ( x j ,F ) 5 d 5 ei The conclusion is t h a t
rnaxe(xj,F;-l) = ei = h ( E / F ; - l ) , 31;
proving (3). We now examine the structure equations for
. . ,x,.
For i
m, we have simply
x:* = ai E F . For i > m we have the usual structure equations
We conclude therefore that S ( E / F ) is generated over F by q$x =
Now set P = F\ V u i , ; , i
x; for i 5 m
> m ] .Then S ( E / F ) = M . P
so t h a t ( M ,P ) is a normal pair of
S ( E / F ) over F . Finally, h ( P / F ) < d since by Lemma 3.2(ii), for i > m
Hence ( M ,P ) is a normal pair of S ( E / F ) over F of degree strictly less than d, as required. w 3.5. Corollary. (Rasala(lQ71)). c ( E / F ) 5 h ( E / F ) - 1
Proof. We know that ( F , E ) is a normal pair of E / F of degreed d = h ( E / F ) > 0 . Now apply Theorem 3.4(ii). w 3.6. Corollary. Assume that xp E F f o r all x E E . Then E is the splitting field of
EIF. Proof.
Our assumption guarantees that h ( E / F ) = 1. Hence, by Corollary 3.5,
c ( E f F ) = 0 which means t h a t E is the splitting field of E I F . m We close by showing t h a t the inequality of Corollary 3.5 cannot be improved. As a preliminary, we first record the following result.
3.7. Lemma. Let E l / F and E 2 / F be two finite purely inseparable field eztensions.
I/ E l and Ez are linearly disjoint over F , t h e n
Proof. Set L = S ( E l / F ). S ( & / F ) . Then, by Lemma 2.4, L
the other hand, since El and E 2 are linearly disjoint over F , we have E i E 2
El @ 3 E~2 .
( E i E 2 )@ F
(El @F Ez) @ F L
(El @ F L ) @ L ( E l @ F L )
L of truncated algebras
over L since L splits
El and E2 over F . Thus ( E l E z ) @ F L is a truncated algebra over
L and L splits E I E i
The last algebra is the tensor product over
over F , that is, S ( E l E 2 I F ) C L. So the lemma is verified. w We are now ready t o establish our final result. 3.8. Theorem (Rasala(l971)). There ezists a field F of characteristic p
> u and
Jamily {E,/F}n>oof finite purely inspearable field eztensiuns such that c ( E n / F ) = n and h ( E , / F ) = n -t 1 for n
Proof. Let P be a field of characteristic p and let { Y ; , ~ ~ O 5
5j <
co} be alge-
braically independent elements over P . P u t
We next define elements
for 0
5 k 5 n < 03 which will be used
E n . We use induction on n. First, we put
Assume that
m d , for 1 5 k
is defined , ~ for m
5 n , we set
< n. Then we
to construct the fields
We now define E n by
To investigate the properties of the finite purely inseparable field extension E n / F , we introduce the element
defined by
= Yk,n
It follows from (6) that xk,n = Z k , n
+ xk-1,n-1
for 1 5 k 5 n
. xo,n
We also define
Mn = F[zo,n,Z l , n , . . . ,z n , n ] , Lk,n = En-k . . .En It will now be shown that
+1 (9), we first observe t h a t e ( z , , , , F ) = n + 1, hence h ( E , / F ) 2 n + 1. h ( E n / F )= n
To prove
equality, we must show that xi,, that
~ p k ’ ~ ~ , , E- ~ F .
E F for 1 5 k
5 n. By induction
To prove
on n, we may assume
Then, by ( 5 ) and (6), we have
proving (9). It follows from (9) that the coefficients
( z i l l , n - lin) (6) are elements of F .
We next show that
Indeed (10) follows from (8) and the inequality e ( E , : F )
5 n2 + nf 1 comes from the fact
t h a t E n is constructed by adjoining one pnfl-root and n pn-roots. On the other hand,
e(E, : F ) 2 e ( E n - l E n : C proving (ii).
- 1 )
= e(En-l : M , E n _ l ) = n2
+ n + 1,
A s a next step, we prove that z ~ ,. ~ . . ,xn,n is a normal generating sequence of E n / F
( 12)
(4),(5) and (6) give the structure equations for x,,,, . . . , zn,n
Fix n and set P, = F[x,,,, . . . , x ~ ,for ~ 0] 5 i
5 n. Then (12) and
(13) will follow provided
we show that (a) e ( z 0 + ,
F) = n
+ 1= h ( E n / F )
(b) e(z,,, : P,-l) = n = h ( E n / P t - I ) for 1 5 z
l'roperty (a) is a consequence of (9). To establish ( b ) , observe that for all j ,
n 2 h(EnIPt-1) 2 e(xt,n,pz-i) = e(Pz : Pt-1) But, by ( i i ) , we cannot have e(P, : P t P l ) < n for any i, which proves (b) and hence both
(12) and (13). We next prove the following assertions
Using the structure equations, we find that
proving ( 1 4 ) . The equality (15) follows by induction on k, by applying (10). To prove (16), set Tk,n = Mn-k+l . . . kfn. F . Then ?"A,,,
is a tensor product of simple extensions
of F arid linearly disjoint from En-.k over F . By Lemma 3.6 as well as (14) and (15), we
S (Lk,nIF)
S (En-k IF)S (Tk, n / F ) =
En-k-1 M n - k . Tk,n '
proving (16). We now complete the proof by showing t h a t c ( E n / F )= n. The chain
is strictly increasing so that, by (16), c ( E n / F ) 2 n. But, by Corollary 3.5 and ( Q ) , we
L ( E ~ / F5)h ( E n / F )- 1 = n, as required. m
4. Modular extensions.
A . Introduction and preliminary results. Throughout this section, all fields are assumed t o be of prime characteristic p. By saying that the two given fields are linearly disjoint we mean t h a t they are linearly disjoint over their intersection. Following Sweedler (1968),we say that a field extension E / F is modular if
EP"and F are linearly disjoint for all n
2: 1
Our aim in this section is to present the theory of modular purely inseparable extensions developed in an important work of Waterhouse (1975). T h e basic discovery of Waterhouse is t h a t the theory is closely related t o the well-developed study of primary abelian groups.
For convenience, we divide this section into a number of subsections. After establishing
some preliminary results, we develop the theory of pure independence, basic subfields, and tensor product of simple extensions. The following subsections are devoted t o U l m invariants, their computation, and display some complications in the field extensions not occurring in abelian groups. In the final subsection we examine the modular closure and prove a number of related results. Assume for the moment that E / F is a nontrivial finite purely inseparable extension. Then, by Theorem 2.3, the following conditions are equivalent: (a) E / F is modular (b) E is a tensor product of simple extensions of F (c) E @ F E E EG, where G is the finite abelian p-group attached t o E / F .
Condition (c) says that E is the splitting field of E / F . Thus the finite modular purely inseparable extensions play a role like t h a t of those finite separable extensions which are
their own splitting fields, i.e. the Galois extensions. Note also t h a t E / F is modular if and only if it has complexity 0 and in this sense finite modular purely inseparable extensions have the simplest structure. The preceding discussion applies equally well to the trivial case E = F , where S ( F / F ) is to be interpreted as F and G = 1. The rest of this subsection will be devoted to recording a number of preliminary results 4.1. Lemma. L e t E and {K,} be subfields of s o m e c o m m o n field a n d let E Ire
linearly disjoint f r o m each K,.
T h e n E i s linearly disjoint f r o m K = n K,.
Proof. Assume by way of contradiction that there exist
. . , z, in K linearly
independent over E (1K but not over E . We may assume t h a t n is minimal with respect to this property. Then there is a relation
cA,z, = 0 with A,
6 E and
= 1, and this
relation is unique. The z, are in each K , and are dependent over E , hence dependent over
Fin K,. Because the dependence relation over E is unique, the A, are in E n K,. Howeve1 this implies A, E E n K , a contradiction. w Let {S,} be a family of sets. We say the S, are directed by rncluszon if for any
so,s, E {s,},there exists s6 E {s,} such that
C '96
& Sg. In case
s = Js,
and the S, are directed by inclusion, we say that S is a dzrected unzon of the S, 4.2. Lemma. Let E I F be a purely inseparable e z t e n s i o n a n d let {K,} be a f a m i l y
of intermediate fields. (i) lf each K , i s modular over F , t h e n their intersection is modular over F (ii) If E is modular over each K,, t h e n E i s modular over their intersection (iii) 1J the K , are directed by i n c l u s i o n a n d each K , is modular over F , t h e n E K , zs
modular over F . ( i v ) IJ t h e K , are directed by inclusion a n d E i s modular over each of t h e m , t h e n E is
modular over UK,.
Proof. (i) By hypothesis, ICErn and F are linearly disjoint, for each a and each n
Since the p t h power map is injective, we have
(nK,)p- = n(K:") Hence, by Lemma 4.1, the intersection of all K , is modular over F . ( i i ) By hypothesis, Ep* and K , are linearly disjoint. Hence, by Lemma 4.1, E p " and r K,, are linearly disjoint, as required.
(iii) and (iv). This is a consequence of the fact t h a t linear disjointness is a condition of finite type. 4.3. Lemma. Let E / F be a purely inseparable eztension. T h e n t h e following condit i o n s are equivalent:
(i) E / F i s modular (ii) For a n y f i n i t e subeztension K I F of E I F , t h e splitting field S ( K / F ) is contained in
E. (iii) E is a directed u n i o n of f i n i t e modular eztensions of F
# F.
Proof. (i)+(ii): We may clearly assume t h a t K
Let L = S,(K/F).
Then, by
Theorems 3.1 and 2.3, L is the smallest modular extension of F containing K . Owing to Lemma 4.2(i), L n E is modular over F. Since L n E 2 K and L n E that L n E = L. Thus S ( K / F ) g L (ii)+(iii):
L , we conclude
Consider the family of fields S,(K/F), where K ranges all intermediate fields
of E / F such that K / F is finite. Since S ( K / F ) C E and, by Theorem 3.1, S,(K/F)
S , ( K / F ) for some finite n, it follows that S,(K/F)
C E.
Now each S,(K/F)
is a finite
modular extension of F and their union is E . If M I F and N / F are two finite subextensions of E I F , then by Lemma 2.4, S,(M/F)
Thus the S,(K/F)
C S,(MN/F)
and S,(N/F)
are directed by inclusion, proving (iii).
This is a direct consequence of Lemma 4.2(iii)
4.4. Lemma. Let E / F be a purely inseparable e z t e n s i o n a n d let K be a n intermediate
(a) T h e following are equivalent: (i) K and FEP" are linearly disjoint over F [ K n Ep"] for all n
1 a n d E / F is
(ii) K n EP" and F are linearly disjoint for all n
2 1 and E / K
is modular
( b ) T h e following are equivalent: (i) KP" a n d EP" n F are linearly disjoint f o r all n 2 1 and E / F is modular
(ii) EP" and FKP" are linearly disjoint over KP"[EP" n F ] for all n modular. Proof. This is an easy consequence of Proposition 2.3.13. w
and K / F is
4.5. Lemma. Let E J F be a purely inseparable modular extension. T h e n
(i) E / ( E n F p - ' ) is modular (ii) FEP" and E n FP
are linearly disjoint over F[EP" n F P - ' ] and, in particular,
Proof. (i) Fix a positive integer n. Then EP" and Fp-' are linearly disjoint, since so are EP""
and F . Clearly EP" and E are linearly disjoint, so EP" and E n FP-' are
linearly disjoint, by Lemma 4.1. This shows that E is modular over
E n FP
- 1
(ii) We have
EP" = EP" n ~
( E n FP-'
P - - I
and, by Lemma 4.1, EP" n FP-' is linearly disjoint from E . Setting K = E n FP-I, it follows t h a t the condition (ii) of Lemma 4.4 (a) is fulfilled. Hence FEP" and E n FP
linearly disjoint over F[EP" n F P - ' ] , as required. rn
For future use, we now introduce the construction of the tensor product of an arbitrary family of algebras. First, we define the notion of a direct limit. Let R be a commutative ring. Suppose ( A , ) , E ~is a family of R- modules (R-algebras) indexed by a directed set I and that for i
5 j we are given a homomorphism
f.. . A . i3 . 1
subject to the conditions (i)
is the identity map of A i for all i E I
(ii) If i
5 j 5 k, then
f j k 0 fij
= ftk
Call this setup (Ai, f,?) a direct s y s t e m of R-modules (R-algebras). Suppose ( A i , f z J is ) a
direct system of R-modules. We form the direct sum @ i E ~ Atogether i with the submodulc
L generated by all elements of the form
The direct limit lim A , of the direct system ( A z ,f,,) is defined as the factor module 4
The natural homomorphism
: A; + IimA; is said t o be canonical. The construction --+
guarantees t h a t for all i 5 j
lim Ai = U i c l f;(A;) +
= fi
C fj(Aj)
for all i
(directed union)
(iv) If every f;i is injective (surjective), then all the f; are injective (surjective) Suppose now t h a t ( A ; ,f;,) is a direct system of R-algebras. Then it can also be regarded as a direct system of R-modules, and so we may form the R-module ]$A;.
For any
s , y E IimA; there exists i E I such that x = f;(x;) and y = f;(y;) for some q , y ; 6 A ; . It +
can easily be shown that the multiplication rule on lim A, given by
is well defined and that IimA; becomes an R-algebra. This R-algebra is called the direct +
limit of the algebras A;. The next result points out the universal property of direct limits. 4.6. Lemma. Let ( A , , f,,) be a direct system of R-modules (R-algebras). Suppose a n R-module (R-algebra) A and homomorphisms f o r all
4, : A , -+
A are given such that
5 j . Then there exists one and only one homomorphism
: limA,
4)o f t l
A for which
4, =
f, for all t 6 I . The R-module (R-algebra) lim A, together with the f, is uniquely
determined by this property, up to isomorphism.
Proof. This is routine and left t o the reader. A typical example of direct limits is as follows. Let A be an R-module (R-algebra) and Ict (A;)iEl be the family of all finitely generated submodules (subalgebras) of A . We may regard I to be a partially ordered set in such a way that i 5 j if and only if A; which case I becomes a directed set. Let
f;j : A;
C A j , in
A j ( i 5 j ) be the inclusion map. Then
( A ; ,f i J ) is a direct system of R-modules (R-algebras). Furthermore, one easily verifies that the map A
lim A , , a
(where a E A is regarded as a n element of some A , )
is an isomorphism. Thus each R-module (R-algebra) i s a direct limit of finitely generated
submodules (subalgebras). Let us now recall the construction of tensor product of finitely many R-algebras. Let A;, 1 5 i
5 n be (commutative) R-algebras. Then one can define a n R-algebra structure
on the R-module @:=,A; by the formula
The El-algebra @:=,A; is said to be the tensor product of algebras A 1 , . . . , A n . It posses an identity element equal t o el @ . . . @ e n , where e; is the identity element of A;. Furthermore, the mapping fi : Ai
+ @:=,A,
defined by
f,(a,) = e l @ . . . @ e,-l @ a ,
e,+l @ . . . B e n
is a homomorphism of R-algebras; the homomorphisms
are called canonical. The tensor
product @:=lA, is characterized up to isomorphism by the following universal property, the proof of which is straightforward and therefore will be omitted. 4.7. Lemma. Let B be a commutative R-algebra and, for all i E { 1 , 2 , . . . , n } , l e t
4, : A i
B be a n R-algebra homomorphism. Then there ezists one and only one R-algebra
homomorphism h : @rz1Ai---t B f o r which $; = h o f; for all i E ( 1 , . . . , n } . Now let ( A , ) i E rbe an arbitrary family of commutative R-algebras. For any finite siibsct 5’ of I , put A s = B T E s A ; .Denote by f,,s(i E S ) the canonical homomorphisrn
A s . If S,S’ are two finite subsets of I such that S
C S’, then
Lemma 4.7 tells us
that there exists a unique homomorphism
such t h a t fs,s,o
f , ,= ~
for all i E S. It is readily verified t h a t ( A s , f s , ~ ,is)a direct
system of R-algebras whose indexing set is the directed set of finite subsets of 1. The direct limit lim A s of this direct system is called the tensor product of the family of R-algebras +
( , 4 ; ) ; E ~By . an abuse of notation, l i m A s is also denoted by @iE1Aieven if I is an infinite +
set. If I = { 1 , 2 , . . . , n } , then lim A s can be identified with @F=lAi.For a n arbitrary set I , +
the tensor product 8 ; e i A ; is characterized up t o isomorphism by the property described in Lemma 4.7, in which
has to be interpreted as the canonical homomorphism. Ai
We close this section by recording some information pertaining t o group algebras. Let G be an arbitrary group and let El be a commutative ring. Owing to Proposition 1.4.1, the map G
1 induces a homomorphism
We refer to this homomorphism as the augmentation map. The kernel of the augmentation map is called the augmentation ideal and is denoted by I ( R G ) or simply I ( G ) . It follows from the equality
c"ss=):zg(g--)+~z, that as a n R-module I ( G ) is a free module freely generated by all g 4.8. Lemma.
1 with 1 # g E G.
Let t,h : G + H be a surjective homomorphism of groups and let
N = Kert,h. Then, the mapping f : RG
R H which is the R-linear eztension of li, is a
surjective homomorphism of R-algebras whose kernel is RG . I ( N ) . In particular,
RGIRG' I ( N )
Proof. That f is a surjective homomorphism of R-algebras is a consequence of Proposition 1.4.1. It is plain that RG . I ( N ) E Kerf. Consequently, f induces a homomorphism -
f : R G / R G . I ( N ) + R H . The restriction of X : [G
+ RG . I ( N ) ] / R G I. ( N ) + H
is an isomorphism. Thanks to Proposition 1.4.1, X-' can be extended to a homomorphism RH
R G I R G . I ( N ) which is the inverse to
7. Thus Kerf
RG . I ( N ) ,as desired.
Given a n abelian group G and an integer n 2 1, we put G [ n ]= {g E Gig" = I} and G" = {g"lg E G } Then G" is a subgroup of G and the map G
G", g
g" is a surjective homomorphism
with kernel G [ n ] .Thus
G / G [ n ]E G"
4.9. Lemma. Let F be a field of characteristic p
> 0 and let G be a n abelian p-group.
The (i) FG is a local ring with I ( G ) as the unique mazimal ideal
(ii) FG . I ( G [ p ]= ) {z E FGlzP = 0 }
Proof. (i) Since F G / I ( G ) end, let z E I ( G ) . Then z =
F , it suffices to show that I ( G ) is a nil ideal. To this
Cy=,X i ( g ; - 1) for some n 2
1, X i E F, g; E G. Choose
2 59
rn 2 1 such that gym = 1 for all i. Then (gi - l ) P m = gp
1 = 0 and therefore
as required.
f I I ,
(ii) Consider the sequence of homomorphisms FG-FGP-FGP, g
q p , g E G , and
II, by X H
X E F.
4 = $J
where f is induced by
o f then Ker4 = Kerf = F G . Z ( G [ p ] ) ,
by Lemma 4.8. Since
C z;sp = c c
the result follows. 4.10. Lemma. Let R be a subring of a commutative ring S and let G be a group.
RGBRSESSG Proof. Observe t h a t {g
@ l/g6
as S-algebras
G } is a n S-basis for RG
S and the map
is a n injective homomorphism. Now apply Proposition 1.4.1. w
4.11. Lemma. Let H be a subgroup of an abelian group G and let R be a commutative ring. Then (i) For any transversal T for H in G , R G is a free RH-module freely generated b y T
(ii) RG
R ( G / H )@ R RG as R-algebras.
Proof. (i) Let T be a transversal for H in G. Then, for any t E T , ( R H ) t is the R-
linear span of the coset H t . Accordingly, for any t l , t z , . . . , t n E T , ( R H ) t l is the R-linear span of
u,"=,H t , .
As is apparent from the definition of R G , if S1 and
are disjoint subsets of G , then their R-linear spans meet a t 0. Hence
proving (i).
+ . .. + ( R H ) t , 5'2
(ii) Let T be a transversal for H in G. By (i), each element of R G @ R HRG can be uniquely
CZl(t;C3 A ; t : )
written in the form
for some n 2 1,t i , t: E T, X i E R H . Consider the map
This map is obviously a surjective homomorphism of R-algebras. Furthermore, since the elements t H , t E T, form an R-basis of R ( G / H ) , the map is injective, by Proposition 2.3.1. m
Let G be an abelian group. We say that G is an ordered group if the elements of G are linearly ordered with respect t o the relation
5 and, if
for all x,y, z E G, x
5 yz. 4.12. Lemma. Every torsion-free abelian group G is a n ordered group.
Proof. For any subset T of G, put T-' = { t - ' / t E T}. Let L be the class of all subsets T of G that satisfy the conditions:
x,y E T implies xy E T , By Zorn's lemma,
L contains a
maximal element
1@ T
T. We claim that
Deny the statement. Then there exists a nonidentity g in G such that neither g nor g-' belongs to T. With
S = T U {tg"lt E T , n
2 1)
U {gnln
2 1)
it follows that S 3 T and that S is closed under multiplication. The maximality of T now yields 1 E S and since G is torsion-free, we see that 1 = tg" for some t E T and some n
2 1. Thus g-"
E T and replacing g by g-' in the above argument, we infer that gm E T
for some m _> 1. This substantiates our claim, as 1 = (g")"(g-")"
T,contrary to our
assumption. We now define x < y to mean that yz-'
T n T-' = 0, hence y
< z. Then
< y and
zy-', yx-' E
T . Our hypothesis on T ensures that
< x cannot occur simultaneously. Suppose x <
T, whence zx-l
Assume next that x,y E G with z
# y
(zy-')(yx-') and x
E T, proving x
< z.
# y. Then yx-' # 1,
hence yx-' E T-', by virtue of (1). Accordingly, zy-'
= (yx-')-'
y and
E T and y
4T, < x,
proving that G is a linearly ordered set. Finally, assume that z z 6 G, yz-' = (yz)(zz)-'
< y. Then, for any
T whence zz < yz, as required. I
T h e next observation will take full advantage of the preceding lemma. 4.13. Lemma. Let G be a n abelian group and let R be a commutative ring. Then
RG is a n integral d o m a i n if and only if R is a n integral d o m a i n and G i s torsion-free.
Proof. Suppose RG is an integral domain. Then so is R , since R is a subring of RG.
If G has an element g of order n > 1, then 1 - g is a proper zero divisor since 1- g n =
(I - g)(l+ g
+ . . . + d-l) = 0
T h e necessity is therefore established. To prove sufficiency, let z and y be nonzero elements of RG. Owing t o Lemma 4.12. G is an ordered group. Let a and 6 be maximal elements in Suppz and Suppy, respectively. Then, for g E Suppz and h E Suppy, g h = a6 implies g = a and h = b. Accordingly-
as required. w
4.14. Lemma. Let R be a commutative ring, let (G;);,l be a f a m i l y of abelian groups
and let LI,,IG,
be the restricted direct product of the f a m i l y (G;)isI. T h e n
Proof. For any i E I, let E Z : RG; + R(LIG,) be the homomorphism induced by the canonical homomorphism
T T ~:
LIG;, and let f; : RG,
A be a homomorphism of
R-algebras. The restriction of f,, -
f; : G; + U ( A )
is a homomorphism of groups. Therefore, thanks t o the universal property of LIG,, there
exists a homomorphism
4 : LIG, + U ( A ) such that for all i €
I, f l
0 iT;
4 : R(LtG;)
A be the homomorphism induced by
Because any homomorphism
A of R-algebras is uniquely determined by its restriction t o G;, we must have f; =
The desired conclusion is now a consequence of the universal characterization of the tensor product of algebras. w
B . Pure independence, basic subfields and tensor products of simple extensions. In what follows, all fields considered are assumed t o be of prime characteristic p. Let E / F be a purely inseparable modular extensions. Following Waterhouse (1975), we say that a subset { x i } of E
F is pure independent if for each n 0 5 e;
2 1 the monomials
< p " , e; < ( F ( x ; ): F )
(almost all e; = 0) are linearly independent over FEP". If EP 2 F , then pure independence reduces t o the usual concept of relative pindependence in E / F (see Lemma 3.6.4). Let
E / F be a purely inseparable extension. Following Waterhouse (1975), we call a n intermediate field K of E / F pure if K and FEP" are linearly disjoint over FKP" for all n
Observe t h a t if K is pure in E / F , then
FIEP" n K ] = F K P "
for all n
and, in addition, if E / F is modular, then by Lemma 4.4(a), E / K is also modular. 4.15. Lemma. Let E I F be a purely inseparable modular eztension. If { x i } i s pure independent, t h e n the subeztension K generated b y t h e xi is pure and is t h e tensor product over F of t h e simple extensions F ( x , ) . Conversely, i f K is a pure subfield of the form @ F ( x ; ) , t h e n t h e x ; are pure independent.
Proof. By the definition of pure independence, the monomials F I z ~ ~ ( 5 O e , < ( F ( q ): F ) ) and almost all e; = 0) are independent over F .
Hence the canonical surjection
@ F ( z i ) --t K is also injective. We then have FKP" = @F(x:") and a basis of K over
F K P " is given by the monomials with e; < ( F ( z i ) : F ) and 0 5 e; < p". By definition, these are still independent over FEP" and therefore K is pure. The converse implication is straightforward.
4.16. Lemma. Let E/F be a purely inseparable modular eztension and let
Then E / F is relatively perfect (i.e.
Proof. We show, by induction on r , that
This will prove the result, since for any given X E E there exists r
2 1 such t h a t
X E J'p'
By hypothesis, (1) is true for r = 1. Assume that (1) is true for 7 and take x E E n F'
Then d ' E E n F p - ' , so 9' E FEP"" by induction. Therefore zp is a n F-linear combination of elements yp
with y, E E. Then xp and (yp")P are in EP, and xp is in the F-span of
pn+ 1
. By modularity, xp is in the (EP n F)-span of
y, z is a
"+ 1 y,P
. Taking p t h roots we see that
( E n FP-')-linear combination of the yp", and thus
as required. Let E / F be a purely inseparable modular extension. Following Waterhouse (1975), by a basic subfield of E / F we understand an intermediate field K such that (i) K is a tensor product over F of simple extensions of F (ii) K is pure in E / F
(iii) E / K is relatively perfect
Note t h a t pure independence is a condition of a finite type and so maximal pure indcpendent sets exist. T h a t the basic subfields exist is a consequence of the following result d u e to Waterhouse (1975).
4.17. Theorem. Let E I F be a purely inseparable modular extension. Then the basic subfields are precisely the subeztensions generated by maximal pure independent sets.
Proof. Let K be a n intermediate field of E/F which is generated over F by a maximal pure independent set {x;}. Owing to Lemma 4.15, to prove t h a t K is a basic subfield of
E / F we need only verify t h a t E I K is relatively perfect. As has been remarked
after t h e
definition of purity, E / K must be modular. Assume by way of contradiction that E / K is not relatively perfect. Then, by Lemma 4.16, there exists n
E n KP-'
KEP"-' but E n KP-'
2 1 such t h a t KEP"
Since E / K is modular, Lemma 4.5(ii) implies t h a t
and thus E n KP-' is generated over K by the elements zpn-' with therefore choose such a n z with
4 KEP".
in FKP", say a n F-linear combination of y:"
E E . We may
By purity, K n FEP" = FKP", so zPn is
with y j E K . Because F is linearly disjoint
from EP", we can take this combination with coefficients in F n EP". Taking p"-th roots we obtain z =
Since zpn-' E KEP", not all b;"-' bP" E F and
E E and bp" E F
are in KEP". Hence we have a n element b in E with
$ KEP". It will next be shown that
u {b}
is pure independent,
which will contradict the assumption of maximality (and hence K would then be a basic subfield of E / F ) . Assume that there is a relation among the properly restricted monomials ITzt' be over
FEP". All of them have 0 5 e
< pm
and e
pn = (F(b) : F ) . Grouping the terms
with the same e , we clearly have a relztion among the be over KEP". means the degree of b over KEP" is
p m , which implies bp"-'
If m 5 n this
E KEP". The latter,
however, is impossible, because raising to the pnPmth power would give bP"-' E K E p n , a contradiction. For m > n we similarly deduce degree
< p" and bP"-'
2 KEP", a
contradiction. The conclusion is that in either case the coefficients of each power be must be zero. But these now are relations among monomials in the z;, and by pure independence all the coefficients of them must be zero. Hence we have only the trivial relation, which shows that {z;}U{b}is pure independent. This contradiction proves that E / K is relatively perfect and hence that K is a basic subfield of E I F . Conversely, let K be any basic subfield of E / F . Then K is a tensor product over F of simple extensions of F , say K = @ F ( z ; ) .Since K is pure in E / F , the {z;} are pure
26 5
independent, by virtue of Lemma 4.15. We are therefore left t o verify t h a t {zi} is maximal. Assume by way of contradiction that { z ; } U { b } is pure independent, with ( F ( b ): F ) = p n . Since E / K is relatively perfect, we have E = KEP" and therefore b is in the span of K over
E'E?". However, by purity, K ( b ) and FEP" are linearly disjoint over FK( b ) P" = F K ? " , so b is in K [ F K P " ] = K , which is impossible. This completes the proof of the theorem. rn
Recall that a pure inseparable extension E / F is said t o be of finite exponent if EP" for some n
2 1.
4.18. Corollary. (Sweedler(l968)). Let E / F be a purely inseparable modular eztension. If E / F is of finite ezponent, then E is a tensor product over F of simple extensions of F .
Proof. Let K be a basic subfield of EIF. Since E / F is of finite exponent, we have
EP" I3
K for some n
1. On the other hand, since E / K is relatively perfect,
Kl??" = K . But, by definition, K is a tensor product of simple extensions of F ,
hence the result. 4.19. Theorem.
(Waterhouse(l975)). Let E / F be a purely inseparable modular
extension, let K be a n intermediate f i e l d such that K / F is modular of finite ezponent and let K be pure i n E / F . Then there ezists a n intermediate f i e l d L of E / F such that
Proof. It is a consequence of Corollary 4.18 that K / F is a tensor product (over F ) of
simple extensions, say K = @ F ( z ) ,z E X . By Lemma 4.15, the set in E . Since K I F is of finite exponent, we have KP"
for some n
X is pure independent
2 1. P u t M
= FEP";
by purity M is linearly disjoint from K over FKP" = F . Therefore the elements of X are
pure independent over M . Now extend X to a maximal pure independent set X U Y for
E over M . Because EP"
F C_ M , we have E = M ( X u Y).Setting L = M ( Y ) ,we then
have K L = E . Because X
Y is pure independent over M , the basis of K over F given
by monomials in the elements of X is still independent over L. Hence E = K
L as
required. As a preliminary t o the next result, we record the following observation which demon-
strates how E n FP-' controls the structure of modular extensions
4.20. Lemma. Let E / F be a purely inseparable modular eztension and let K be an
intermediate pure subfield such that
Then K = E.
Proof. If
E E, then
6 F for some r
1, hence X E E n FP-'.
Therefore it
suffices t o show t h a t
The case r = 1 being true by hypothesis, we argue by induction on r. So assume that
K n FP-' = E n
and take an x E E n F p - ' - ' .
this end, we first note that write
E K, so by purity
We need only verify t h a t x E K . To
FKP = K n F E P . We may therefore
as a n F-linear combination of yp with y i E K, in which case z is an FP-l-Iinear
combination of the y;. Because E/F is modular, x is a linear combination of the y; over
E n F P - I = K n FP-'.
But the y i are in I(,hence so is z, thus completing the proof. m
Our next aim is t o present necessary and sufficient conditions under which a modular purely inseparable field extension is a tensor product of simple extensions. We need t h e following definitions due t o Waterhouse (1975). Let E / F be a purely inseparable field extension. We say t h a t a n element
height < n if
in E has
FEP". An intermediate field K of E / F is said t o be of bounded height
in E / F if its elements not in F have bounded height, i.e. if
K n FEP"
for some n 2 1
4.21. Theorem. (Waterhouse(l975)). Let E / F be a purely inseparable modular
extension. Then the following conditions are equivalent: (i) E is a tensor product over F of simple eztensions of F (ii) E can be written as an increasing union of intermediate fields
C K2 C ... K , C . . .
where each K , has bounded height in E / F and ElK, is modular.
( i i i ) E n FP-' c a n be w r i t t e n a s a n increasing u n i o n of i n t e r m e d i a t e fields
L1 where each
G Lz
c ... c L,
h a s bounded height in E I F a n d E I L , is modular
Proof. (i)+(ii): If E is a tensor product of simple extensions, let X be a corresponding pure independent set, and let K , be the intermediate field generated by the elements o f X of degree
pn. Then (ii) is satisfied
(ii)=>(iii):If (ii) holds, put L, = K , n FP-I. Then each L , has bounded height in $:,IF and their union is E n F P - ' . Furthermore, by Lemma 4.5(i), E / ( E n F p - ' ) is modular, so since E / K , is modular, it follows from Lemma 4.2(ii) that E is modular over
Our aim is t o construct inductively pure independent sets
such that
F(X,) n FP-' = L,
for all n
1 % Lemma ~ 4.20 we will then have E = F ( U X , ) . This will prove the result by applying Lemma 4 . 1 5 . Assume that we have already X,-I and expand it to a pure independent set
X,, maximal among those for which
Thc induction step will be complete provided we prove that
Assume by way of contradiction that F ( X , ) n Fp-' height, we can find r
2 0 such
c S,.
Then, because S , has bounded
Bearing in mind that E is modular over S , and over F , it follows from Lemma 4.4(a) that
S, n FEP' = F [ S , n EPr] and therefore there is an element bp' in S, but not in F ( X , ) . We claim that X , U { b } is pure independent; if sustained it will follow t h a t
and the intersection of t h a t with FP-' is
F ( b P r )@ [ F ( X n )n F P - l ] G Sn, contrary to the maximality of X,.
To substantiate our claim, put L = F ( X , ) and N = L n FP-'
C S,.
If X , U { b } is not
pure independent, we obtain a nontrivial relation among properly restricted monomials
ns,e1be.As in the next-to-last
paragraph in the proof of Theorem 4.17 we find
This shows that there is an element in LEPr+' n S , not in L and so we are left to verify that this is impossible by showing t h a t
L E P ~ +n' s, For any given m, consider the tower F
cL L. Since L is a tensor product of simple
extensions, we have that FLP" is modular over F (by Proposition 4.22 to be proved later). Hence, applying Lemma 4.4(b), we conclude t h a t LP and FLP""
are linearly disjoint over
It follows that LP and FEPm+l are linearly disjoint over Lpm+'NP. Indeed, assume that the elements A: in LP are linearly dependent over FEP"+'. Since A: E F , it follows from the purity of L t h a t the A:
are linearly dependent over FLP"+'. By the previous step,
they are then linearly dependent over LP"+' NP.
Now let x be in LEPm n Fp-' Then z p = up
and write z =
C Atut with
Both zp and up are in FEP"'+', and
over L P ,hence by linear disjointness it is so over LP
is a linear combination of the
A, E L and a, E FEP"' .
NP. Taking p t h roots, we see
that x E LPmN[FEPm] = NEP". We have thus shown t h a t
and, in particular
L E P ~ +n' s, = N E ~ +n' S, Finally, consider the chain N
C S, C E .
By purity, we know that E is modular over L ,
hence as we saw earlier E is modular over N = L n FP-' . We conclude therefore that
S, n EP"' is linearly disjoint from N for all rn. Since, by hypothesis, E / S , is modular, it follows from Lemma 4.4(a) that
On the other hand, by the choice of r , we know that S, n FEP'L'
C L , so
s,n NEP'+' c I, Thus S , ,? LEPr+'
c L as required.
C. TJ1m i n v a r i a n t s of modular e x t e c s i o n s . Throughout, all fields are assumed t o be of prime characteristic p . Assume that S / > ' is a purely inseparable modular extension.
In this section we will introduce numerical
invariants of E / F which resemble the Ulm invariants of primary abeliari groups. In fact it will be shown t h a t the corresponding theory is closely related to the well-developed study of primary abelian groups. All the results presented are due to Waterhouse (1975).
We begin by introducing the following terminology due to Waterhouse (1975). I,et
E / P be a purely inseparable extension. For any given ordinal a , we define the intermediate field ( E I F ) " (or FEP") as follows: ( i ) (I?:F)"
(ii) ( E / ) ' ) ' ' '
B =-
(thus ( E / F ) " + ' = ( ( E / F ) a / F ) l )
(iii) ( E I F ) " = n p < Q ( E / F ) oif
is a limit ordinal
We also put
=nQ(E/F)a We then have a descending chain of intermediate fields
E 2 ( E / F ) ' 2 . . . 2 ( E / F ) " 2 (E/F)"+'
2 ..
This chain need not stabilize at
The following example is due to Waterhouse (1975). Let
where y and the x ; are indeterminates, and let
Then ( E I F ) " = F ( y ) and (EIF)""
= F so t h a t
(EIF)"# ( E / F ) " + ' , as claimed.
The first ordinal a for which ( E / F ) " = ( E / F ) " is called the length of E / F . In the above example, the length of E / F is w
+ 1.
Given a n ordinal a and a n element x E E , we say t h a t z is of height a if z E (E/F)"
z $! (E/F)"+'
By definition, the elements of ( E / F ) " are of height
4.22. Proposition. Let E I F be a modular purely inseparable extension. Then, for
any ordinal a , the following properties hold:
(i) (E/F)"is modular over F (ii) E is modular over ( E I F ) " Proof. (i) The case a = 0 being true by hypothesis, we argue by induction on a .
If a is a limit ordinal, then ( E / F ) " =
and each ( E / F ) P is modular over
F by induction. Hence, by Lemma 4.2(i), ( E I F ) " is modular over F. Suppose now that
K = ( E / F ) Qis modular over F . Owing to Lemma 4.3(iii), we can write K as the directed
union u Kx where each K x / F is a finite modular extension. Then FKP = U FKY, and the FKI are modular over F since Kx is a tensor product of simple extensions. Thus
( E / F ) " + ' = FKP is modular over F , by virtue of Lemma 4.2(iii). (ii) Owing t o Lemma 4.4(a), the field E is modular over ( E / F ) a if and only if ( E I F ) "
and FEP" are linearly disjoint over F [ ( E / F ) " n Ep"]for all n
1. If
is a limit ordinal,
then the modularity holds by induction and Lemma 4.2(ii). Also, the second condition is trivial for n
2 a , as there ( E / F )n~EP" = EP"
Therefore, assuming the result for a , we must show that
Taking into account that
arid that the opposite containment is trivial, the result follows. m
We now introduce the Ulm invariants of a modular purely inseparable extension E/E'.
To illustrate the parallel with the theory of primary abelian groups, we first introduce the notion of an Ulm invariant (also called Ulm-Kaplansky invariant) of an abelian p-group G. For any ordinal a , the group
is defined a s follows:
is a limit ordinal. Note that if GP = 1 (i.e. if G = G [ p ] ) then , G is a n clementary
p-group, hence can be regarded as a vector space over the field
a - t h U r n (or Ulm-Kaplansky ) invariant f,(G), where
IF, of integers mod
p . 'l'hc
is any ordinal is defined by
Now let E / F be a modular purely inseparable extension and let a be any given ordinal.
We shall define t h e a-th U l m invariant f , ( E / F ) of E / F by imitating the corresponding definition of f"(G). T h e role of G[p] will be played by FP
and GP" will correspond to
( E / F ) Q .Since GPY[p] = G[p] fl GpY, it is clear that ( E / F ) " n F P - ' must correspond t o
[ p ] . Finally, the role of IFp-dimension
will be played by the cardinality of a relative pbasis. We are thus led to define f , ( E / F ) as the cardinality of a n y relative p-basis of ( E I F ) " n FP 4.23.
over (E/F)"+' n Fp-'.
Lemma. (i) f , ( E / F ) i s the cardinality of a n y m i n i m a l generating set of
( E / F )n~FP-' over (E/F)"+' n F P - ' . I n particular,
f , ( E / F ) = 0 if and only if ( E I F ) " n FP-' = (E/F)"+' n FP-'
(ii) If B is a n y relative p-basis of ( E / F ) " + ' n FP-I over F and C is a n y relative p-basis of
( E I F ) " n FP-' over (E/F)"+' n FP-I, t h e n B U C i s a relative p-basis of ( E I F ) " (1 FP-' over F (iii) For a n y finite n
2 0 , f n ( ( E / F ) " / F )= f , + " ( E / F )
Proof. (i) This is a consequence of the fact (see Lemma 3.13.5(ii)) t h a t in a purely inseparable extension of finite exponent relative p b a s e s are the same as minimal generating sets. -1
(ii) P u t El = ( E / F ) " + ' n FP-I and Ez = ( E / F ) " n F P
2 El C E,
. Then we have a chain of fields
E; F . Now B is relatively p-independent in E 2 / F and C is a minimal generating set of Ez/E1. Since
with Er
it follows from Lemma 3.13.6(i) that B U C is relatively pindependent in E 2 / F . Since E2 =
F ( B , C ) = E,( F , B , C ) , (ii) follows.
(iii) It suffices to show that
For n = 0, the above equality obviously holds. The general case follows by induction on
since if ( E / F ) " + " = ( ( E / F ) m / F ) "then ,
as required. B 4.24. Proposition. Let E / F be a modular purely inseparable eztension.
(i) (E/F)OO is relatively perfect over F a n d contains a n y intermediate field K of E/1' s u c h that K / F i s relatively perfect (ii)IJ f n ( E / F ) = 0 f o r all f i n i t e n, t h e n E / F i s relatively perfect (iii)
If there
ezists a s u c h that f a + n ( E / F ) = 0 f o r all f i n i t e n, t h e n the length of E / F is
a n y integer n pnt 1
2 0 , fn(E/F)equals t h e
5 w and
cardinal number of tensor generators of degree
over F .
Proof. (i) If K / F is relatively perfect, then ( K / F ) O = K for any a , hence K = ( K / F ) a2 ( E / F ) a and therefore K
2 (E/F)-.
for all
Conversely, put K = (E/F)OO. We must show that K / F is
relatively perfect, i.e. that ( K J F ) ' = K . If a is the length of E J F , then K
and ( E / F ) n = ( E / F ) " + ' . Hence
( K / F ) ' = ((E/F)"/F)' = (E/F)*+' = K , as required.
( i i ) The assumption says that f o ( E / F ) = f n ( E / F ) = 0 for all n
1, i.e. t h a t
Now apply Lemma 4.16.
(iii) By Proposition 4.22, ( E I F ) " is modular over F. Furthermore, by Lemma 4 23(iii),
f , ( ( E / F ) " / F ) = 0 for all finite n
0. Hence, by (ii), ( E / F ) " / F is relatively perfect.
Therefore, by (i), ( E / F ) m= ( E / F ) Mand therefore the length of E / F is
(iv) Let {z;liE I } be a subset of E such that
E =@,i~iF(zi) Then, for any finite n, we have
and therefore
(E/F)" = n % [ @ ; E ~ F ( $ j l It follows that ..+I
(E/F)"+' = n:Tl[@iEIF(zp proving t h a t E / F has length
)] = (E/F)",
5 w.
For each i E I , let pet be t h e degree of z; and let J,, = { j E Ilei
> n}. Then
( E / F ) n = @ j ~ j , , F ( ~ p SO "),
(E/F)"+' n F P - ~ = Hence {zyc'-' Ij E J n - J n + l } is aminimal generating set of ( E / F ) W F P - ' over ( E / F ) " + I n
Fp-' and therefore f , ( E / F ) = IJ,
Since J,,
Jn+l is t h e set of all
I for
which z, has degree pnfl, the result follows. rn 4 . 2 5 . Proposition. Let E I F be a modular purely inseparable eztension and let n , r
be finite with r (i) fn(E/F)
2 2.
fn((En F p - " - ' ) / F )
(ii) f n ( E / F )= f n ( E / ( E / F ) " + ' )
Proof. (i) Let s E {n,n+ l}. Since r 2 2, we have n + r > s. Note also t h a t , by Lemma 4.5(ii),
( E / F ) ' n FP-' = FEP' n FP-' = F[EP' n F P - ' ] Since n + r > s, we have EP' n FP-' = ( E n FP-"-,)P' n FP-' and hence
( ( E nF P - " - ' ) / F ) "n Fp-'
F ( E n F p - " - r ) p 'n FP-' = ( E / F ) ' n FP-'
Thus the same fields occur in computing both sides of (i), (ii) P u t K = FEP". We must show t h a t -1
( ( F p - ' n K ) : ( F P n F K P ) )= ( ( F K P ' ) P -n ' K ) : ( ( F K P ' ) P -n ' FKP))
Put El = FP-' n K and Ez = (FKPr)p-ln FKP. Then El n EZ = FP-' n FKP. We claim that
El and Ez are linearly disjoint
Since (2) implies (E1Ez : Ez) = (El : (El n E z ) ) = (El : (FP
n F K P ) ) ,the replacement
of El Ez by the expression in (3) will yield ( 1 ) .
By Proposition 4.22, ( E / F ) " + ' = FKP is modular over F and hence F X " and Fp.' are linearly disjoint. Similarly, K and (FKp')p-' are linearly disjoint. Hence, by Lemma
4.1, we have the property (2).
To show t h a t El& is as large as claimed in ( 3 ) ,we write K as a directed union of finite modular extensions (since K = ( E / F ) " ,this can be done by virtue of Proposition 4.22 and Lemma 4.3). If the corresponding statement is true for each of these finite extensions, then it is also true for their union. We may therefore assume t h a t K / F is finite. By Corollary 4.18, we may write K / F = @ F ( z i )with
of exponent e;, say. Then the elements w i t h
the p-th power in FKPr are generated by xi"' where d , = p:'-' if e;
r . The last type are in (FKp')p-'
n FKP, and
if ei <
and d, = p'-'
the others are in FP
- 1
n K , as
required. rn 4.26. Lemma. Let E / F be a modular purely inseparable extension a n d let K be a n
intermediate field s u c h that KIF is pure modular and E / K is relatively perfect. Then, f o r all f i n i t e n
1 a n d all ordinals a ,
fa(E/FEP"= ) fa(K/FKP")
Proof. n
Since K / F is pure, K and FEPn are linearly disjoint over FKP" for all
1. Furthermore E = E p " ( K ) = (FEP")K,since E / K is relatively perfect. Thus a
pure independent set giving tensor generators for K over FKP" also gives tensor generators
for E over FEP". (We have used the fact t h a t both EIFEP" and KIFKP" are tensor products of simple extensions, by Proposition 4.22(ii) and Corollary 4.18). The desired conclusion is therefore a consequence of Proposition 4.24(iv). It is now a n easy matter to prove the following result.
4.27. Theorem. (Waterhouse(l975)). Let E I F be a modular purely inseparable
eztension and let S be a maximal pure independent set of E I F . T h e n , f o r a n y integer n
2 0,
the cardinal number of elements of S having degree pn+'
over F i s f n ( E J F )and
thus is independent of the choice of S .
Proof. P u t K = F ( S ) . Then, by Theorem 4.17, K is a basic subfield of E I F . Hence K is pure in E J F and E J K is relatively perfect. Furthermore K l F is a tensor product of simple extensions with S as a tensor generating set. By Proposition 4.24(iv), f n ( K J F )is the cardinal number of elements of S having degree pn+' over F . Thus it suffices t o verify that
f n ( E / F )= f n ( K / F )
for all integers n
To this end, we first apply Proposition 4.24(ii) (with E = K and r = 2) t o obtain
f,(K/F) = ~ ( K / F K ~ " + ' ) Next we apply Lemma 4.26, t o derive
Again, by Proposition 4.25(ii),
f n ( E / F )= f n ( E / F E P " + ' ) and the required assertion follows.
D. Ulm invariants and group algebras. In this section we will compute the Wlm invariants f , ( E / F ) of a purely inseparable field extension E / F by a process which explicitly connects them with the Ulm invariants of groups. Apart from providing some connections between modular extensions and group algebras of abelian pgroups, we also display some complications in the field extensions not occuring in abelian groups. In what follows all fields are assumed t o be of prime characteristic p .
Let F be a field and let A be any commutative F-algebra. For any given ordinal a , we define ( A / F ) ainductively just as for field extensions. Namely, we put (i) ( A I F ) " = A
(ii) ( A / F ) " + '
(iii) ( A / F I U = n p , , ( A / F ) a if a is a limit ordinal
We then have a descending chain of subalgebras
A 2 ( A / F ) ' 2 . . . 2 ( A / F ) O 2 (A/F)"+' 2 If K / F is any field extension, then it is easy t o show inductively that ( ( Ag,F K ) / K ) a = ( A / F ) "
for all ordinals a
If C is an abelian pgroup, then a straightforward calculation which uses the identity
shows that
(FGIF)" = F G P ~
Now let A be any commutative local F-algebra such t h a t A / J ( A ) Z F and let the ideal A [ p ] of A be defined by A [ p ]= {u E A J a P= 0 ) Following Waterhouse (1975), we define the Ulm space Ulm(A) of A as the vector spacc over F given by
Let U be a subalgebra of A . Then the inclusion map B Ulm(l?)
-+ A
induces a homomorphism
U l m ( A ) of F-spaces given by
If this homomorphism (to which we shall refer as the natural map) is injective, then \\c say that Ulni(U) injects into U l m ( A ) . From now on, if Ulm(B) injects into Ulm(A), thcii we identify
Ulm(B) with its image in Ulm(A). Assume t h a t 13
C are subalgebras of 1:
> u c h that Llm(H) and Ulm(C) inject into U l m ( A ) . Since B [ p ] C C i p ] ,we then h a v e
UIrn(R) i Ulm(C).
We say that A is an Ulrn algebra if for any ordinal a Ulm((A/F)a)
injects into Ulm(A)
For any such algebra A, we have
Ulm ((A/F)"+')
Ulrn ( ( A / F ) O )
by virtue of (2). Following Waterhouse (1975), we define the Ulm invariants f a ( A / F ) of the Ulm algebra A by
= dimF Ulrn ((A/F)")/Ulm ((A/F)"+')
Note that, by Lemma 4.9, ( F G ) [ p ]= F G . I ( G [ p ] ) and
J(FG) =I(G)
U l m ( ( F G / F ) m ) = F G P U. I(G"[p])/I(G")I(G""jPl) It will next be shown that F G is a n Ulrn algebra such that
This will imply that the Ulrn invariants of G are determined by the group algebra F G . A different proof of this fact was given by May (1969), Berman (1967) and Berman and Mollov (1969). The approach we have adopted was suggested by Proposition 5.1 in Waterhouse (1975), which is a particular case of the following standard result. 4.28.
Lemma. Let G be
abelian p-group and let A be a subgroup of G. Then the
m aP
F G . I(A)/I(G) . I(A)
(a - 1)
i s a n isomorphism of vector spaces over
+ I(G) . I(A)
Proof. Let T denote a transversal for A in G containing 1. We claim that F G I ( A ) has an F-basis given by
M = { t ( a - 1)It E T , 1 f
a g
Indeed, a s an F-module, F G . I ( A ) is generated by all elements of the form g ( a g E G and a E A . Because g = tal for some t E T ,
1) with
E A , we have
g ( a - I) = t(a1a - 1) - t(a1 - 1) so that M is a generating set of the F-module F G . Z ( A) . Suppose
cultl(U1 -
+ . . . + a,t,(a,
where t , E T , 1 # a, E A and a , E F . Then a , ( a ,
1) = 0
1) = 0 since F G is a free FA-module
with T as a basis (Lemma 4.11(i)). This shows that a, = 0 and substantiates our claim. It now follows that the mapping /I : F
G . I ( A ) --+ A @ZF
givcn by p ( t ( a - 1)) = a c 31
F-module epimorphism. The identity
( 9 - l ) ( a - 1) = t ( a a 1 - 1)- t ( a l
- 1)- ( a -
shows that I ( G ) I ( A )C Kerh. Let
be the induced homomorphism. Then the mapping
given by
O(U B 1) = ( U - 1) + I ( G ) . I ( A ) is
b’-rnodule liomornorphism inverse to
4. So the
lemma is true.
4.29. Corollary. (Waterhouse (1975)). L e t G be a n abelian p-group. T h e n t h e m a p
is a n i s o m o r p h i s m of vector spaces over F.
Proof. Put A = G [ p ] .Then A @z F = G[pl @pp F since p annihilates A . Now apply (3) and Lemma 4.28.
4.30. Corollary. (Waterhouse (1975)). L e t G be a n abelian p-group. T h e n FG is a n U l m algebra s u c h t h a t
Proof. The map Ulm((FG/F),)
G P " [ p ] @w F given as the composition of the
maps below
is an injective F-homomorphism, by virtue of Corollary 4.29. Hence U l m ( ( F G / F ) , ) injects into Ulrn(FG), proving that F G is an U r n algebra. Finally, f , ( F G / F ) = dimF Ulm( ( F G / F ) a / U l m ( ( F G / F ) " + ' )
= dimF(Gpa[ p ]@ F ~ F/GPU+'
BE,, F )
= dimF[(GP"[p]/GPU+' @F,F ] = d i m p p GPn [p]/GPU+' [p] = f,(G),
as required. Turning to purely inseparable extensions, we now prove 4.31. Theorem. (Waterhouse (1975)). Let E/F be a modular purely inseparable e x t e n s i o n , let
be t h e perfect closure of F , a n d let A be t h e
(i) There is a natural m a p
E nF P
-algebra E @ F F p - m .
Ulrn(A) sending z t o t h e coset of z 8 1
1 @ 5.
U n d e r t h i s m a p a set {zi} goes to a basis (respectively, a n i n d e p e n d e n t set, a spanning
s e t ) ij and only if { x i } is a relative p-basis (respectively, a relatively p-independent set, a generating s e t ) for (E fi F P - ‘ ) / F . ( i i ) If K i s a n intermediate field modular over F , t h e n the natural m a p
U l m ( K @F F p - - )
i s injective. I n particular (by taking K = ( E / F j a ) , A is a n Ulm algebra over FP--
(iii) For a n y ordinal a,
fa(E/F) = fa(E @ F F p - ” ) Proof. (i) and (ii): Assume first t h a t E / F is finite and E
F f ’ . If {z,} is a
relative pbasis of E / F , then the x; are tensor product generators and E
F F - - is
BE’”-=-[ X i ] / ( X pwhere ) X i = z , @ l - l g x i . By Lemmas 1.10 and 4.14,the latter algcbra is identifiable with a group algebra of a n elementary abelian p-group with generators qi =
Xi + I. IIence, by Corollary 4.29, the images of the z1are a basis of U l r n ( / ? @ F F J ’ ).
Passing to a direct limit over finite subextensions, we see t h a t the same result holds for infinite E I F with E C_ F p - ’ . Moreover, any relatively pindependent set, can be expanded
to a relative pbasis, and so must go t o an independent set; similarly any generating set contains a relative pbasis, and hence goes to a spanning set. In addition, if K is an intermediate field, then a relative pbasis of K / F extends to one of E / F , and thus
F p - - ) injects into U l m ( E @ F FP
) . Still assuming E
- 1
, let {x,} be
elements whose images are independent. If the x, are not relatively p-independent, then some of the z,,say T,
is in the field K generated over F by the others. The images of‘
i # 1 then span Ulm(K @ F F P - - ) , so the image of
2 1
is dependent on them there
and hence is dependent on them in IJlm(E @ F Fp--).This is impossible and thus the z, are relatively pindependent. If on the other hand {z,}
span U l r n ( E @ F FP
is a set of elements whose images
), let K be the subextension they generate. If K # E , then we can
choose a relative p b a s i s of K / F and extend it to a relative pbasis of E / F . Th u s there exists an element in Ulm(E B F FP-”) not in Ulm(K @ F F p - - ) , which contradicts the fact that Ulm(K @ F F p - = ) contains the images of the z,.This establishes the case where
E 5 F”’. Now let E / F be an arbitrary finite modular purely inseparable extension with tensor product generators y; having degree q; = p e s . Then E @ F FP
is @Fp--
[ x ] / ( Y : ’ where )
Y,= yz @ 1 - 1 @ y,. Then Corollary 4.29 shows t h a t t h e elements Y:L'p give a basis for Ulm(E @ F
are a relative p b a s i s for (E n F p - '
However, the element
and hence go to a basis for U l m ( ( E n F P - ' )
Fp--). Because a basis thus goes to a
basis, the map Ulm((E n F P - l ) @ F Fp--)
U l m ( E € 9 F~ p - - )
is a n isomorphism. Writing any modular purely inseparable extension as a direct limit of
finite modular purely inseparable extensions, we see t h a t the map is still a n isomorphism there. We have thus obtained a reduction t o E n F P - '
, where we have proved the required
(iii) By Lemma 4.23(ii), f a ( E / F ) is equal to the dimension of
since and the latter is Ja(E @ F Fp-m),
The theorem is therefore established. rn 4.32. Corollary. Let E / F be a modular purely inseparable eztension such that
for some abelian p-group G . Then
for any ordinal
Proof. By Theorem 4.3l(iii), we have
Since, by Corollary 4.30, Assume that
G / F p - ' ) = fa(G), t h e result follows.
is a limit ordinal. Then, by Corollary 4.29,
n B
Ulm((FG)B) = Ulm((FG)")
We next show that this nontrivial property is satisfied by E @F F p - - .
We need the
following preliminary observation. 4.33. Lemma. Let E / F be a n algebraic field extension, let { K g } be a family u]
intermedzate fields directed by inverse inclusion and let K
n K g . Suppose M
intermediate field of EIF linearly disjoint from K with ( M K : K ) finite.
zs a n
T h e n Af
linearly disjoint f r o m all s u f i c i e n t l y small Kp.
Proof. Let B be a linear basis of M over M n K . It is then a basis for M K over A' and therefore is finite. Now choose any
p. Then there exists
basis for M K p over KO. Choose 7 such t h a t K ,
C KO. If
a subset
Bg of B which
is a
Bp is no longer a basis of M K ,
over K,, it can be expanded t o a larger subset B, which is. Because B is finite, successiLc expansions in this way must eventually stop. In this way, we obtain a K , and a subset of 17 such that B , is a basis of MK6 over K6 whenever K6
K,. Clearly it suffices to
verify that B , = B . Assume by way of contradiction that there exists b E B write b = x a , b , uniquely with b, E
B, and
B,. We can
a, E K , . The same is true for each smaller
K s , so the a , are in f7W61K.5 G
But t h a t intersection is K , because the original intersection was directed. Thus we have a contradiction. We are now ready to prove 4.34.
Theorem. (Waterhouse(l975)). Let E / F be a modular purely inseparuble
extension and let a be a limit ordinal. Then
U l m ( ( E / F ) a@ F F p - - ) =
We of course use Theorem 4.3(ii) to identify these spaces with subspaces
of Ulm(E @,v F p - - ) .
The inclusion
being obvious, we choose an element z in t h v
right-hand side. It can be expressed using finitely many elements from E n FP
; among
such expressions select one using the smallest number of elements not in (E/F)af i F p - ' . Denote by M the intermediate field generated by these elements. Then M is clearly linearly disjoint from ( E I F ) "
n FP
- 1
over F , since otherwise we could drop one of t h c
generators of M and still span the same space together with U l m ( ( E / F ) a@ F F P
Invoking Lemma 4.33, it follows that M is linearly disjoint from all sufficiently small
( E / F ) P fl Fp-'. Because M is finite, the intersection of the two will also be F eventually. We may now choose a relative p b a s i s X I of ( E I F ) " n FP-' over F , expand it to a relative p-basis
X1 U X
, of ( E / F ) pn FP-' over F , and add a relative p b a s i s Xs of M / F while still
staying pindependent. In U l m ( F @ F Fp--) the images Y1 U Yz U Y3 will then be linearly independent, by Thecrem 4.31(i). The set Yl U Yz spans U l m ( ( E / F ) @@ F F p - - ) ,
z is
in its span. By definition of M , we have z in the span Y1 U Y3. Thus z must be in the span of Y1, i.e. z is in Ulrn((E/F)O @ I F FP
), as required.
Assume that E / F is a purely inseparable field extension. If E / F is finite, then it is modular if and only if E
E G for some abelian p g r o u p G (Theorem 2.3). It is
therefore natural t o inquire t o what extent this is true for infinite extensions. First we show that E
E G for some abelian p g r o u p G implies that E / F is modular (the
converse need not be true by the final result of this section). 4.35. Proposition. Let E / F be a purely inseparable extension s u c h t h a t E @ F
E G f o r s o m e abelian p-group G . T h e n E / F i s modular.
Proof. Let K / F be any finite subextension of E I F . Then K
E is isomorphic to
a subalgebra of E H for some finite subgroup H of G. It follows, from Theorem 2.l(iii),
2 S ( K / F ) . Thus E / F
is modular,
4.36. Theorem. (Waterhouse(l975)). Let G be a n abelian p-group.
T h e n there
that E / F splits K / F . Hence, by Corollary 2.2(ii), E by virtue of Lemma 4.3(ii).
exists a modular purely inseparable field extension E I F s u c h t h a t
Proof. By Proposition 4.35,it suffices t o exhibit a purely inseparable field extension
E / F such that E
E G . Let L be any field of characteristic p . We may find a free
abelian group H and a subgroup S of H such that G Z H I S . By Lemma 4.13, LH and
LS are integral domains. Let E and F be the quotient fields of LH and L S , respectively.
R y Lemma 4.11(ii), we have
Now, since G is torsion, LH is integral over L S . Furthermore, since
it follows that LH @ L s F is a n integral domain which is integral over its subfield 1 @ F . Hence L H @ L s Fis a field and therefore the natural map L H B L ~ F + E is a n isomorphism. Thus
as required. 4.37. Corollary. Let a be any ordinal. The n there ezists a modular purely insepa-
rable eztension E / F with ( E / F ) a = F and length precisely a .
Proof. It is well known (see Fuchs (1973, p.57 and p.210)) that there is an abelian p-group G such that GPU = 1 and GPp # 1 for
< a . By Theorem
niodular purely inseparable field extension E / F such that E @F E
4.36, there exists a
EG. Then
which proves the result. 4.38. Corollary. Let E I F be a countable-dimensional modular purely inseparable
extension. T hen a
f a ( E / F ) is a function from countable ordinals t o cardinals
5 N,,
with the following properties: (i) i t is identically zero from some point on, and ( i i ) nowhere has it a n infinite string of successive zero values followed b y a nonzero value
Conversely, any such function arises from some countable-dimensional modular purely inseparable ezt e nsion.
Proof. Property (ii) follows from Proposition 4.24(iii). Because Ulm ( E @ p F P - is countable-dimensional, clearly all f , ( E / F ) are
5 No
(see Theorem 4.3l(iii)). Note also
that there cannot be an uncountable well-ordered chain of subspaces, so (i) holds. T h e
converse holds by applying Theorem 4.36, Corollary 4.32 and the existence theorem for countable groups (Fuchs (1973, p.65)). w We close by displaying some complications in the field extensions not occurring in abelian groups. First we show t h a t the analogue of the classical Prufer's theorem fails for field extensions. Recall t h a t the Priifer's theorem states t h a t any countable abelian p g r o u p without elements of infinite height is a (restricted) direct product of cyclic groups (see Fuchs (1970, p.88)). 4.39. Theorem. (Waterhouse (1975)). There ezists a modular purely inseparable
field eztension E / F such that (i) E / F is countable-dimetasional with ( E / F l W= F (ii) E is not a tensor product of simple eztensions of F
Proof. P u t F = F p ( b , ao, a l , a z , . . .) where 6 and the ai are indeterminates. Define yn(n = 0 , 1 , 2 , .. .) inductively by -1
YO = b P
, Yn
= Yn-1
+ Zn-12,
and put
X O ,2 1 , .
. . ,z,,,y n
are in FP
and are relatively pindependent in FP-' / F . Hence
is a modular purely inseparable extension such t h a t the listed generators for En
are tensor generators. Because
C E,,
it follows from Lemma 4.3(iii) t h a t E = U E ,
is a modular countable-dimensional purely inseparable extension of F . Our knowledge of
tensor generators implies that
and thus FEP' n FP-' = ~ ( y , , x,, x,.+~,x , . + ~ ,.. . ) Since a n extension without elements of exponent 1 is trivial, t o prove ( E I F ) " = F , it suffices t o verify that
n ( E F P rn F P - I ) = F r
We obviously have
Rearing in mind t h a t FP-I =
u F ( y o , z o , . . . ,x,), it suffices to verify that
Let K be the intersection above. Considering dimensions over F and observing the composite of two fields F ( y n + l , z n + l ) and F ( y o , z o , . . . ,zn) is F ( y ~ , z o ,... , z n + l ) ,we see that
F or ( K : F ) = p. In the latter case the two fields are linearly disjoint. Now z,+I
does not belong t o F ( y o , z o , . . . ,x,) and therefore 1 and zn+l are linearly independent over F(yo,zO,. . . :z,).
We have the relation
and, by linear independence, the coefficients are unique. But if the two fields are linearly disjoint, there must be such relation over K , and by uniqueness it must be the same rclation. Hence z n , y n E K which is impossible since z,,y,
are pindependent over F and
( K : F ) 5 p . Thus we must have K = F and hence ( E / F ) W= F . Let L = F ( y 0 , z o ) . We now claim t h a t if L' is an intermediate field of ( E n F P - ' ) / L and E/L' is modular, then L' = E n Fp-'; if sustained (ii) will follow and hence the result. Indeed, if E / F were a tensor product of simple extensions of F , then any finite subextension
K of (EnF p - ' ) / F would be contained in a finite subextension K' of ( E n F p - ' ) / F with E / K ' modular. In particular, by taking K = L and K' = L' we would conclude that ( E n F p - ' ) / F is finite, a contradiction.
To substantiate our claim, we prove inductively that F ( y 0 , ZO, . . . , x,)
C L'
implies z,+~ E L'
By Lemma 4.4(a), we have L' and FEP' linearly disjoint for all r , and thus L' is linearly disjoint from
FEP'"+' n FP-' = F ( y n + l , z n i l r x n f 2 , .. .) = M , say Because by induction yo,zo,. . . ,z,are in L', we have yn also in L'. The relation
expresses yn E L in terms of x,, 1 E L over M ; since x n @ M the expression is unique. Hence, by linear disjointness the coefficients must be in M n L' and consequently x,+1 E L'. This completes the proof of the theorem. 4.40. Corollary. There exists a modular purely inseparable field eztension E I F such
that (i) E
n Fp--
can be written as a n increasing union of intermediate fields
C L2 C . . .
where each L , has bounded height in E I F (ii) E is not a tensor product of simple extensions of F
Thus Theorem 4.21 fails without the assumption that each E I L , is modular. Proof. Take E / F as in Theorem 4.39. Then the countability of E n FP-' auto-
matically makes it a union of chain of finite dimensional intermediate fields L , over F . Furthermore, each L , has bounded height in E I F since L,/F is finite and
This shows t h a t (i) holds. That (ii) also holds and is a consequence of Theorem 4.39. m 4.41. Theorem. (Waterhouse(l975)). Let X be any infinite cardinal. Then there is
a modular purely inseparable field eztension E I F such that (i) ( E : F ) = X and ( E I F ) " = F (ii) f , ( E / F ) = 1 for all finite n.
Proof. Given a field K , let KO be the direct product of No copies of K . Let u s show first that if lKI = A, then KO as a K-space has dimension a t least A.
that we have a basis of KO over K of cardinality < A. Obviously for this to happen X must be uncountable. The entries in the basis vectors then form a set of cardinality less than A, and thus generate over the prime field a subfield L of cardinality < A. Now a K-linear combination of elements in LO must have all its entries in a finite-dimensional L-subspace of K . However IKI = X
> ILl certainly implies ( K : L ) infinite,
so we can
produce an element in K Onot having all its entries in such a finite-dimensional space. This contradiction establishes the assert ion. Let K be a perfect field with IKI = A. Choose X linearly independent elements in
KO starting with the elements en which are 1 in the n-th place and 0 elsewhere. Denote by V the K-space spanned by these X elements. If V , is the subspace of V consisting of
elements with first n entries equal t o 0 , then we have a chain
V = V , > V , ~ V z >. . . >v,>... where d i m V = A, dimVn/Vn+l = 1 and n V, = 0 Let F = K ( V ) be the quotient field of the free commutative algebra on the vector space V . It is a purely transcendental extension of K with transcendency basis = a linear basis
of V = a relative p b a s i s of F / F P . P u t
El = FIVP-l]= F[{zP-'lzE V } ] Because K is perfect, this is the same as adjoining to F the p t h roots of the elements in a basis of V . We now define E n inductively by
Then obviously E n / F is modular and therefore E = UE, is modular over F . Clearly
( E : F) = A . Taking into account that
.4ccordingly, e:-'
is a relative pbasis of ( E I F ) ' n FP-I over (EIF)'"
I r ( E / F )= 1
n FP-' and so
for all finite r
We arc thus left to verify that ( E / F ) W= F . It suffices t o show that U l m ( ( E / F ) W @ F F J ' - )p z is trivial. Hence, by Theorem 4.34, we need only verify that
But clearly Ulm(E @ F Fp-=) is isomorphic to V @ K F P - = , with the subspaces isomorphic t o V , @ K F P - = . The required assertion is therefore a consequence of
V, = 0 . rn
4.42. Corollary. There ezists a modular purely inseparable extension E I F such that
for any abelian p-group G .
Proof. Let EIF be the field extension defined in Theorem 4.41, with X > 2'0. If there exists an abelian p g r o u p G such t h a t E
FP-"G, then by Theorem 4.31
(iii) and Corollary 4.32 we could conclude t h a t
GPY= 1 and f n ( G ) = 1 for all finite n But this implies (see Fuchs 1970, p.146) t h a t IGI 5 2 N 0 ,a contradiction. rn
E. Modular closure and modularly perfect fields. All fields under consideration are assumed to be contained in a common algebraically closed field of characteristic p
> 0. If two fields are said t o be linear disjoint, we mean that they
are linearly disjoint over their intersection. Our principal goal is t o show that any purely inseparable field extension E of F is contained in a unique minimal field extension K of F , where K I F is modular ( K I F turns out t o be also purely inseparable). It will also be shown t h a t an arbitrary field extension E / F is modular if and only if there exists a n intermediate field K of E / F such that E I K is separable and K / F is purely inseparable modular. This fact will be used to bring together a number of characterizations of modularly perfect fields, that is, fields F with the property that every field extension of F is modular. 4.43. Lemma. Given two fields E and K such that E K I E i s algebraic, there ezists
a unique minimal eztension L of E which is linearly disjoint f ro m K . Furthermore,
L = E [ S ] for a subset S of K and S may be chosen t o be finite whenever ( E : ( E n K ) ) is finite
Proof. We begin by fixing a basis { e , } of E over E n K . Let
be a maximal
subset of {e,} which is linearly independent over K in E K and let {e,} be the set of elements of {e,} each e,, we have
which do not lie in { e p } . Then { e a } is a basis of E K over K and, for
for unique p7p in K . Setting S = { p 7 p } and
L = E [ S ] it, follows t h a t S is finite whenever
E / ( E n K ) is finite. We are therefore left t o verify that L and K are linearly disjoint and that L is contained in any extension M of E such that M and K are linearly disjoint. We claim that { e a } is a basis of
n K.
L over L n K . Indeed, the eg are linearly independent over K and hence over
By ( l ) ,E lies in the span of t h e ep (as does S
C L n K ) , thus
L = E [ S ]lies in
the span of the ep. Because { e p } is a basis of L K over K , we deduce t h a t L and K are linearly disjoint. Assume that M / E is a field extension such that M and K are linearly disjoint. Since the ep E M are linearly independent over K , it follows that the ep are linearly independent i n M over
MnX .
For each e 7 , we have (1) for unique pLrp in K . By the linear disjointness
of Ad and K over M
n K , these relations must occur over M n K which implies that p7p E M
1 h u s M 2 E [ S ]= L as required. The following theorem is a combination of the results due to Sweedler (1968) and
Kinie (1973). 4.44. Theorem. L e t
E / F be a purely inseparable field eztension. T h e n there exists
a unique m i n i m a l field eztension L I E s u c h t h a t L / F i s modular. Furthermore, ( i ) L / F is purely inseparable
(ii) IJ E / F i s of f i n i t e ezponent n, t h e n L / F is also of ezponent n . (iii) I f E / F is a f i n i t e eztension, t h e n so is L I F Proof. Assume that the result is true whenever E / F is of finite exponent. Since
(P-' n E),'F
is of exponent p', we may then find a unique minimal field extension
Lt/(Zf'p-' fl E ) such that L , / F is modular purely inseparable of exponent p'. The mini-
mality of each L, guarantees that we have a chain
c L2 c . . . c L , c .
Since each L , / F is modular, it follows from Lemma 4.2(iii) that UL,= L , say, is modular over F . Furthermore, L contains E , since
u m
FP-' n E 5 L; and E =
(FP-' n E )
i= 1
Any field extension of E that is modular over F must contain all the L , (by the minimality of each L ; ) . Thus L must be the unique minimal such field. Since, by construction, L / F is purely inseparable, we are left t o treat the case where E J F is of finite exponent n .
We construct L by descending induction. Assume t h a t we have already constructed
L , 2 E such t h a t (i) L< and F are linearly disjoint for s
(ii) L , is the unique minimal extension of E having property (i) (iii) L,IF
is a purely inseparable extension
(iv) L,/F
has exponent n
(v) If E I F is finite, then so is L,JF Our induction begins with L , = E and if m = 1 we stop; otherwise, we construct Lm-l.
Owing to Lemma 4.43, there is a unique minimal field M 2 LLm-l where M and F are linearly disjoint. Setting L,-1
m- 1
= M p l - = ,we then have LK-, and F linearly disjoint. By
Lemma 4.43, M = Lp,"-' [ S ]for a subset S of F . Hence, for all s
2 m, we have
LC-, = L c . [L<-, n F ] By looking at the chains
and taking into account that, by hypothesis L< and F are linearly disjoint for s it follows from Proposition 2.3.13 t h a t L<-,
and F are linearly disjoint. Hence L,-l
satisfies property (i). Bearing in mind that
we see t h a t L,-1
satisfies properties (iii) and (iv) (here, we assumed n
possible since the induction begins with L,).
m which is
by (v) and Lc-'/(Lc-' i !F ) must be finite. 13y
If E / F is finite, then so is L,/F
Lemma 4.43, we may assume that S is finite. Since
we conclude that L,-1/F
is finite, proving (v).
We are thus left t o verify that Lmplsatisfies (ii). To this end, assume that N 2 E and has property (i). Since
and F are linearly disjoint, we have L,,
i N . Then
L$'-l C_ NP"'-' which is linearly disjoint from F . Therefore, by Lemma 4.43, hi1 and hence L,-1
C N.
Thus the induction leads to
C A''"'-'
the desired field. This completes
the proof of the theorem. w We shall refer t o the field L in Theorem 4.44 as the modular closure of E J F . Thc following result in which "separable" is replaced by "separable algebraic" was proved by Sweedler (1968). 4 . 4 5 . Proposition. (Sweedler(l968)). Let
F iE
2 I<
be a c h a i n of fields.
( i ) If E / F i s separable, t h e n E / F i s modular.
(ii) If E I F is separable algebraic, then K / F modular implies K I E modular. (iii) If K / E i s separable, then K I F is modular if a n d o n l y if so is E I F .
Proof. (i) If X E EP"
n F , then
X = pp" for some p E E . Since E I F is separable,
so is F ( p ) / F by virtue of Lemma 3.4.3(i). But F ( p ) / F is also purely inseparable, hence ,LL
E F and thus X E Fp". We conclude therefore that
'L'hus it remains t o verify that EP" and F are linearly disjoint over Fp" for all n
Clearly, F/FP" is purely inseparable and, by Lemma 3.6.7(i), EP"/FP" is separable. Hence, by Proposition 3.4.19 (i), EP" and F are linearly disjoint over F P n . (ii) Assume that E I F is separable algebraic and that K I P is modular. Since E I I ' is
separable algebraic, it follows from Lemma 3.12.1(ii) that E = FEP" for all n
1. 'Thus
FK'" 2 E so that FKP" and E are linearly disjoint. By Lemma 4.4(a), this implies that K is modular over E . ( i i i ) Assume that K / E is separable. Then, by (i), K I E is modular and for all
1. The latter implies that
K p "
E n KP" and FEP" are linearly disjoint for
Ilence, if E / F is modular, then by Proposition 2.3.13, K / F is also modular.
E = A'" a!] n
Conversely, suppose that K I F is modular. Since KP"
KP" n F = EP" n F
EP", we have
for all n
Thus, by Lemma 4.4(b), E I F is modular. We are now ready to prove the following result contained in a work of Kreimer and Heerema (1975). 4.46. Theorem. Let E f F be a n arbitrary field eztension. T h e n E / F is modular ij
and only i f there ezists a n intermediate field K of E / F such that E I K is separable and
K / F is modular purely inseparable. Proof. Assume that K is a n intermediate field of E / F such t h a t E / K is separable and K / F is modular purely inseparable. Then E I F is modular by Proposition 4.45(iii). Conversely, assume that E I F is modular and put K = E n Fp--. Since E / F is modular,
EP" and F are linearly disjoint and consequently E and FP
are linearly disjoint. Since
E n FP-" = K n Fp-=, it follows t h a t K and FP-" are linearly disjoint for all n KP" and F are linearly disjoint for all n
2. 1 and
2 1. Hence
thus K I F is modular. Note also that
K / F is obviously purely inseparable. By the foregoing, we are left t o verify that E I K is separable. 3.4.21(iv), it suffices t o show t h a t E and Kp-"
To this end, assume t h a t XI,.
By Proposition
are linearly disjoint over K .
are elements of E linearly dependent over Fp--.
Then these elements are linearly dependent over FP modular, they are linearly dependent over FP-"
for some n
nE CK.
1. Since E / F is
Thus E and KP-- are linearly
disjoint over K , as required. w Following Kreimer and Heerema (1975), we say t h a t F is modularly perfect if every field extension E I F is modular. We wish to provide a number of characterizations of modularly perfect fields. By Theorem 4.46, a modular extension cannot be ezceptional where in the terminology introduced by Reid(1966) a n exceptional extension E / F is an inseparable extension such that
n FP-'
This suggests the characterization of modularly perfect fields as those fields which have no exceptional extensions. A preliminary step to achieve this is the following result due t o
Kreimer and Heerema (1975).
4.47. Proposition. Let F be a field such that (F : FP)
exceptional field extension E I F such that E
> p . T h e n there
ezists a n
E has n o nonzero nilpotent elements.
Proof. Because (Fp-' : F ) = ( F : FP) > p , we may find a , b in FP-' such that (F(a,b ) : F ) = p 2 Let z and y be elements which are algebraically independent over F and let
E=F(z,az+6) We claim that the subfields E and F ( y , a y
+ 6) of E ( a ,6, x, y) are linearly disjoint over E'.
To substantiate the claim, note that F ( x , y ) / F is separable and so F ( x , y ) and F ( a , 6 ) are linearly disjoint over F and
It follows that
In particular, F ( z , y, ax+b) and F ( y , ay+b) are linearly disjoint over F ( y ) . Also F ( z ,az+6) and F ( z , y) are linearly disjoint over F ( z ) ,while F ( x ) and F ( y ) are linearly disjoint over F because z and y are algebraically independent over F. The conclusion is that F ( z , a z and F ( y ) are linearly disjoint over F and hence F ( s , a z
+ b ) and F ( y , a y + 6) are linearly
disjoint over F , as claimed.
To prove t h a t E @ F Ehas no nonzero nilpotent elements, consider the F-homomorphisrri
6 + F ( a , b , z , y ) which sends x
1 @ (ax
+ 6) t o a y + b.
1 t o z, 1 @ z t o y, ( a z
+ b ) @ 1 to a z + b , a n d
Since the subfields E and F ( y , a y + b) of F ( a , b , x , y ) are linearly
disjoint over F , this homomorphism is injective and thus 0 is the only nilpotent element in E
Note that E I F is not separable, because { l , z , a x
F , but not over F ( a , b)
+ 6)
is linearly independent over
. Finally, t o show that E / F is an exceptional extension, it
suffices to verify that F is algebraically closed in E . To this end, let X E E be algebraic
over F . Then
E F ( z ) and
purely transcendental, we have
is algebraic over F . Bearing in mind t h a t F ( z ) / F is E F . If X
4 F , then X @ 1- 1@ X is a nonzero nilpotent
element of E B F E , which is impossible. Thus X E F and the result follows. 4.48. Theorem (Kreimer and Heerema(l975)). For any given field F , the following
conditions are equivalent:
(i) ( F : FP)
(ii) F is modularly perfect (iii) For any field extension E I F , the eztension E / ( E n Fp--) is separable (iv) There ezist no ezceptional field eztensions of F (v) A field extension E I F is separable if and only if E
E has n o nonzero nilpotent
Proof. (i)+(ii): therefore FP
Assume t h a t ( F : FP) 5 p . Then F = Fp(X) for some X E F arid
F(XP-'). It. follows by induction on n
1 t h a t FP-" = F(Xp-.") for
any positive integer n. Now let n be a positive integer and let E / F be an arbitrary field extension. Because E ( F p - " ) = E (X p -" ), we have
where m is the smallest nonnegative integer such t h a t
E E . Thus E and Fp-"
(hence Ep" and F ) are linearly disjoint, proving that E / F is modular. (ii)*(iii):
Let E / F be an arbitrary field extension. By Theorem 4.46, there exists an
intermediate field K of E / F such that E / K is separable and K / F is modular purely inseparable. Since K / F is purely inseparable, we have K separable, so is ( E n F P - " ) / K .
i E n FP
. Since E / K is
But ( E n F P - " ) / K is also purely inseparable, hence
K = E n Fp-", as required. (iii)+(iv): Assume that E / F is a n exceptional field extension. Then E n F p - ' = F implies
n Fp-"
F and hence E / ( E n Fp--) is not separable, a contradiction.
(iv)+(v): We know, from Theorem 3.4.11, that if E / F and K / F are field extensions s u c h that E / F is separable, then K
@ g ~
E has no nonzero nilpotent elements. But if E / F is a
field extension which is neither separable nor exceptional, then there exists an element X of
E which is algebraic and purely inseparable of positive exponent over F and X @ 1 - 1 8 X is a nonzero nilpotent element of E
E. This shows that (iv) implies (v).
(v)=>(i):This is a direct consequence of Proposition 4.47. We know that any algebraic extension of a perfect field is perfect. It turns out that. a similar property holds for modularly perfect fields. Namely, we have 4.49. Theorem. (Kreimer and Heerema(l975)). L e t F be a modularly perfect field
T h e n a n y algebraic extension E of F is again modularly perfect.
Proof. P u t K = FP--nE. Since E is separable algebraic over K (Theorem 4.48(iii)), we have E = E p ( K ) . Therefore
( E : EP) = ( K ( E P ): K P ( E P )5) ( K : K P ) arid, by Theorem 4.48, it remains only t o prove that K is modularly perfect. Since any field extension L of K is also an extension of F , it follows that L is separable over
I? L.
Hence, by Theorem 4.48, K is modularly perfect, as required.
4.50. Corollary. Let F be a perfect field and let E be a n algebraic eztension of a
simple transcendental e z t e n s i o n of F . T h e n E is modularly perfect.
Proof. By Theorem 4.49, it suffices t o consider the case where E
F ( X ) . But then
Ep = F ( X P ) and hence ( E : EP) = p. Thus, by Theorem 4.48, E is modularly perfect, as required. a We close by providing a characterization of fields F with ( F : FP)
{,he condition ( F : FP) in a p-basis of F is
5 p . Obviously,
5 p is equivalent t o the requirement that the number of elements
5 I . The required characterization will be obtained as a consequence
of a general result due to Becker and MacLane (1940). By the degree of zmperfectzon of F ,
we understand the cardinal number of elements in a pbasis of F . 4.51. Theorem, Let F be a field having finite degree of imperfection rn.
(i) E v e r y f i n i t e e x t e n s i o n E I F can be obtained by adjoining not more t h a n m elements to F
(ii) There ezists a f i n i t e extension E I F which cannot be obtained b y adjoining fewer t h a n ni elements t o F
Proof. Since F has degree of imperfection rn, we have ( F : FP) (FP-' : F ) = p -
pm and hence
Since FP-'/F is purely inseparable of exponent 5 1 , m is the minimal number of generators of FP
- 1
over F . This proves (ii), by taking E = F p - ' .
Now let E / F be any finite field extension. Since ( E : F ) = (EP : FP), we have
( E : EP) = ( E : F ) ( F : F P ) / ( E P: F P )= ( F : F P ) = pm Thus E and F have the same imperfection degree. Let B = (61,. . . , b,}
E . Then E = EP"(b1,. . . , b,) for all n
be a pbasis of
2 1. Choose n so large t h a t for each
X E E,
separable over F . Then F ( E p " ) / F is a finite separable extension, hence F ( E p " ) = F ( X o ) for some
E F(EP"). Since Xo is separable, we have F(X0, b , ) = F ( X ' ) for some A' E E
(see Proposition 3.2.19). It follows from E = EP" ( b l , . .),.I!,
E = F(Xo,bl,. . . >6,,,)
F(X', bz,.
. . ,b,)
This is a generation by m elements, as required. w 4.52. Corollary. For any field F , the following conditions are equivalent:
(i) ( F : FP)
(ii) Every finite field eztension of F is simple.
We may harmlessly assume that F is not perfect. If (i) holds, then the
imperfection degree rn of F is 1. Hence, by Theorem 4.51(i), (ii) holds. Conversely, if (ii) holds, then by Theorem 4.51(ii), m = 1. Thus ( F : FP) = p , proving (i). rn
Galois theory
In this chapter we present the Galois theory which may be described as the analysis of field extensions by means of automorphism groups. After recording topological prerequisites, we concentrate on profinite groups. The properties of profinite groups are applied to infinite Galois theory, for it turns out that the Galois group of a n infinite Galois extension E / F is a profinite group. Special attention is drawn to the problem of realizing finite groups as Galois groups. Let
F be a real algebraic number field and suppose that the group G
occurs as a Galois group of a normal real extension field of F . Using elementary methods, WF
show that certain types of split extensions of a n elementary abelian 2-group by G also
occur as Galois groups of normal real extensions of F . Among other groups, we show
that Sylow 2-subgroups of Sz- and Az- occur as Galois groups of real extensions of Q . A separate section is devoted t o a result of Isaacs concernipg the degrees of sums in a separable field extension. The chapter ends with a brief discussion of Galois cohomology.
1. T o p o l o g i c a l p r e r e q u i s i t e s .
It is assumed that the reader has some familiarity with the basis concepts of general topology. However, for his convenience we recall briefly those that are relevant for our subsequent investigations.
A set S becomes endowed with a topology as soon as there is given a collection Q of subsets of S having the following properties: ( i ) Both S and its empty subset 0 belong to R (ii) R is closed under arbitrary unions and finite intersections
T h e members of R are then referred t o as the open sets of the topology and the pair (S:[ I ) , or simply S,is called a topological space.
1,et S be a topological space. A subset S’ of S is called a closed subset if its complement
with respect to S is open. The union of a finite number of closed sets is necessarily a closed
set and so too is the intersection of an arbitrary family of closed sets. Of course, it can happen that a set is both open and closed. A bijection f : S1 4 S2 of topological spaces
S, and Sz such t h a t f ( A ) is open in S2
if and only if A is open in S1, is called a homeomorphism. We say t h a t two topological spaces S1 and S2 are homeomorphic if there exists a homeomorphism of S1 onto Sz. The discrete topology on a set S is the topology for which every subset of S is open; the trivial topology on S is the topology whose only open sets are 0 and S . Suppose that S1 is a subset of a topological space S . The intersection of all the closed sets containing S1 is itself a closed set which will be denoted by closure of S1 in
S. If
This is called the
s E S , then it is easy t o show t h a t s belongs t o
3 1
if and only if
every open set containing s contains a t least one element of S1. If it happens t h a t 31 = S, then one says t h a t S1 is dense in S or that S1 is a dense subset of S . Again, assume that S1 is a subset of a topological space S. It is then possible to define a topology on S1 whose open sets are precisely the intersections of S1 with the open sets of S . This is known as the induced topology. When S1 is endowed with the induced topology, we say t h a t
is a subspace of S.
The elements of a topological space S are often referred t o as points. By a neighbourhood of a point s € s
S,we understand any set which contains a n open set t o which
belongs. More generally, a neighbourhood of a subset A of S is any subset of S which
contains an open set containing A . A point s E S is said t o be an interior point of a subset A of S if A is a neighbourhood of
The set of all interior points is called the interior of
A . Thus A is open if and only if A coincides with its interior. Let S and S' be topological spaces and f : S
S' a mapping.
Then f is said
to be continuous at the point s E S if for each neighbourhood A of f ( s ) there exists a neighbourhood B of s such that f ( B ) 2 A . When f is continuous a t every point of S,we say simply t h a t f is continuous. It is easy t o verify t h a t f is continuous if and only if for every open set A in S', f-'(A)
is open in S .
Given two topologies R l and R z on the same set S , we say t h a t R1 is finer than (and that Rz is coarser than
nl), if every
subset of S which is open in R z is open in R1
(equivalently, every subset of S which is closed in Rz is closed in R l ) . Assume that a topological space S has the following property: whenever
and s' are
distinct points there exists a neighbourhood B of s and a neighbourhood B' of s' such that B
n B'
= 0. We then say that
S is a Hausdorf space.
S be a topological space, R a n equivalence relation on S, S I R the quotient set S + S / R the canonical mapping. The finest
o f S with respect to the relation R,X :
topology on S I R for which X is continuous is called the q u o t i e n t of the topology of S by the relation R ; under this topology, S I R is called the q u o t i e n t space of S by R . It follows from the definition that a subset A of S I R is open (respectively closed) if and only if
> - ‘ ( A ) is open (respectively closed) in S. Note that if V is a topological space, then a mapping f : S / R
V is continuous if and only if f
o X :
V is continuous. Thus
there is a one-to-one correspondence between the continuous mappings S / R continuous maps S
V and the
V which are constant on each equivalence class mod R.
Let S be a topological space. A collection C of subsets of S is called a base for t h e topology of S if (i) every set in C is a n open set of
S,and (ii) every open set of S is
union of a (possibly empty) family of sets belonging to C. Lct S and S’be two topo!ogical spaces and suppose t h a t C and C’ are bases for their respective topologies. If now A E C and A’ E C’, then A x A‘ is a subset of S x S’.It is cnsy to see that there is a unique topology on S
x S’which has the subsets A x A’ as a
base. Moreover, this topology is unaltered if we replace C and C’ by other bases for tlie open sets of S and S‘,respectively. The topological space S x S’ so obtained is called the p r o d u c t of
S and S’.The topology on the product space is referred to as the product
topology. Let S be a topological space. An o p e n c o v e r i n g of S is a family {Sili E I} of o p en subsets of S such t,hat S = U I E ISi. We say that S is c o m p a c t if for each open csvering of S thcre is a finite subcovering.
A topological space S is said to be c o n n e c t e d if it is not the union of two disjoint open sets.
A subset A of a topological space S is said to be c o n n e c t e d if the subspace A of S is
connected. Given a point s of a topological space S , the union of the connected subspaces of S which contain s is connected; it is therefore the largest connected subset of S containing s. ‘The c o m p o n e n t (or c o n n e c t e d c o m p o n e n t ) of a point of a topological space S is defincd
to be the largest connected subset of
S which contains this point. The space S
is said t o
hc totally d i s c o n n e c t e d if the component of each point of S consists of the point alone. A subset A of S is said t o be t o t a l l y d i s c o n n e c t e d if the subspace A of S is totally disconncctcd. 1,ct S be a set. A set R of subsets of S is called a f i l t e r on S if it satisfies the axiorns: ( i ) fl
;+ ~
0 and
c) fj!
(ii) Y E R and Y
C Y1
S implies Y1 E R
(iii) Y l ,Yz E R implies Yl n Yz E R
A set
r of subsets of S
is called a filter base if (a) r
then Y3 2 Y1 n Y2 for some Y3 E
such t h a t Y E R if and only if Y1
# 0 and 0 4
Every filter base
and (b) if Y1, Yz E
generates a unique filter It on S
Y for a t least one Yl E
r; r
is called a base of the
filter R . The set of all filters on a nonempty set S is inductively ordered by the relation
C Rz; R l & R z is expressed by
saying t h a t R l is coarser than
or that
is finer
than R1. Every filter on S which is maximal with respect t o this ordering, is called an
ultrafilter on S; by Zorn's lemms, for each filter R on S there exists an ultrafilter finer than R. Let S be a topological space. For any given s E S , the set of all neighbourhoods of s is a filter on S called the neighbourhood filter on s. Let G be a group. We say that G is a topological group if G is also a topological space such that (i) The mapping
(5, y
(ii) The mapping z
x y of G x G into G is continuous of G into G is continuous
A group structure and a topology on a set G are said t o be compatible if they satsify (i)
and (ii) above. Let R be a ring. We say t h a t R is a topological ring if R is also a topological space such that
(i) T h e mapping (z,y) (ii) The mapping z
(iii) The mapping (z,y)
+ y of R x R into R is continuous
-z of R into R is continuous H
z y of R x R into R is continuous.
Let G be a topological group and let R be the neighbourhood filter of the identity element 1 of G. If g E G, then the mappings x
g x and I
are homeomorphisms. It follows
that the neighbourhood filter of g is the family gR of sets g X , X E R and also the family Rg of sets X g , X E R. We close this section by quoting the following standard properties
(see Bourbaki, 1966). 1.1. Proposition. Let G be a topological group and let R be the neighbourhood filter
of 1 . Then
(i) Given any X E R, there ezists Y E R such that Y . Y 2 X (ii) Given any X E R, we have X-' E R (iii) For all g E G and all X E R , we have gXg-'
Conversely, if G is a group and R a filter o n G satisfying (i)-(iii), then there is a unique topology o n G compatible with the group structure of G, for which R is the neighbourhood filter of 1. For this topology, the neighbourhood filter of g E G , coincides with each of the filters g R and Rg.
1.2. P r o p o s i t i o n . Let G be a topological group. Then the following conditions are equivalent:
(i) G is Hausdorff (ii) The set (1) is closed (iii) The intersection of the neighbourhoods of 1 consists only of the point 1. 1.3. P r o p o s i t i o n . A subgroup of a topological group is open if and only if it has a n
interior point. Every open subgroup is closed.
Let S,, i E I , be a n arbitrary collection of topological spaces. Then, by definition, the product topology on
n,tJS; has a basis consisting of the sets of the form niEIU; with
U, an open set of S, for every i E I, and U;= S; for all but finitely many i E I. 1.4. P r o p o s i t i o n . A subspace of a Hausdorff space is Hausdorff. Every product of IIausdorff spaces is Hausdorff. Conversely, i f a product of nonempty spaces is Hausdorff, then each factor is a Hausdorff space. 1.5. P r o p o s i t i o n . Let H be a subgroup of a topological group G and let
be the
closure of H i n G then ( i ) f 7 2s a subgroup of G
If IT is a normal subgroup of G, then so is p. A collection Y of subsets of a topological space X is said to have the finite intersection
property if cvery finite subcollection Yl of Y satisfies
For the proof of the following results we refer to Pontryagin (1977) 1.6. P r o p o s i t i o n . A topological space
S i s compact if and only i f every collection oJ
closed subsets of S possessing the finite intersection property has nonempty intersection. 1.7. P r o p o s i t i o n . ( i ) A closed subset of a compact topological spacr: is compact
(ii) A compact subset of a Hausdorff topological space is closed.
(iii) A continuous image of a compact topological space is compact. (iv) A n y continuous bijection X
Y of a compact topological space X onto a Hausdorff
space Y is a homeomorphism. 1.8. P r o p o s i t i o n . Let G be a compact totally disconnected topological group and l e t
U be an arbitrary neighbourhood of the identity. Then there is a n open normal subgroup
N of G such that N
1.9. P r o p o s i t i o n . (Tychonoff’s Theorem). The product of a n arbitrary collection
compact topological spaces is compact.
2. P r o f i n i t e groups.
As we shall see later on, the Galois group of a n infinite (i.e. not necessarily finite) Galois
extension E / F is a profinite group. For this reason, we devote this section t o examining some general properties of profinite groups. We begin by introducing the notion of a projective (or inverse) limit which stems from topology and which has become very useful in algebra too. Let {Gi)i,l
be a system of
(groups, rings, etc) indexed by a partially ordered
set I , which is directed in the sense t h a t , given i,j E I, there exists a k E I such that
i 5 k and j 5 k. Suppose that for every pair i , j E I with i 5 j , there is given (homomorphism)
f;j : G j + G; such that (i)
is the identity map of Gi for each z E I
(ii) for all i 5 j 5 k in I, we have
f;j o f j k
= f;k.
Then the system
{ G t ~ ~ i j I I> ~~jE is called a projective system. The projective limit
G = limGi t
a map
of this system is defined by
It i s clear t h a t if each G; is a group (ring), then G is a group (ring). 2.1. Example. Let G be a n arbitrary group ( a n arbitrary ring) and let {NiJi E I}
be a set of normal subgroups (ideals) of G of f i n i t e i n d e x which is closed under finite intersections.
W r i t e i 5 j if N, 2 N j .
T h e n I becomes a directed set. If z 5 j , iet
fi1 : G/ATJ+ GIN; be the natural projection, i.e.
T h e n {GIN,, f,]li,j E I } i s a projective s y s t e m of groups (rings) and t h e m a p
is a h o m o m o r p h i s m with kernel If the sets G; are topologicai spaces, we assume that t h e maps ftl are continuous. Not,e that IimG, may be empty and that t
Assume that each G, i s a topological space. Recall that the product topology on
ITtti G ,
niElU,, with U , an open subset of G , for every Gi for all but finitely many i I . Because limG, is a subset of ntt, G',,
h a s a basis consisting of the sets of form z E
I and U, =
w e may, and in future will, regard IimG; as a topological space. Note that if each G, is a c
topological group (topological ring), then lim G, is a topological group (topological ring). t
2.2. Proposition. Let {Gi, f i j l i , j E I } be a projective system of topological spaces
and let G = lim Gi. t
(i) If each Gi is a Hausdorff space, then G is a closed subset of
n Gi.
(ii) If each Gi is a nonempty compace Hausdorff space, then G is a nonempty compact Hausdorff space.
Proof. (i) Let g = ( g i ) be an element of exist i and j with i
Ul of g; and
5 j such that
# gi.
Gi that does not belong to G. Then there Take open disjoint neighbourhoods U, and
respectively. Then
is an open neighbourhood of g that does not intersect G. (ii) Assume that each G; is a nonempty compact Hausdorff space. Because each G , is compact, we have
n G; also compact, by Tychonoff's theorem (Proposition 1.9). Thus,
by (i) and Proposition 1.7, G is compact. By Proposition 1.4, G is also Hausdorff. We are thus left to verify that G is nonempty.
To this end, note that the natural map prk x prl : G + Gk x Gj is continuous. Taking into account that
= {(gk,gj) E
Gk x GjIfjk(gk)= g j }
is a closed subset of Gk x Gj (use the Hausdorff property), it follows that Rkj =
pr,)-'(T)is a closed subset of
niEIG;. Since n,,,Gi is compact, we have only to show
that the intersection of finitely many of the Rkj is nonempty. Let j(1) 5 k ( l ) ,. . . , j ( n ) 5 k ( n ) be n pairs in I. Choose t E I with k ( i ) 5 t , 1
5 i 5 n,
and g t E Gt. Define S j ( i ) = f j ( i ) , t ( g t ) and S k ( i ) = f k ( i ) , t ( S t )
For each r E I - {j(l), . . . , j ( n ) , k ( l ) , . . . ,k(n)} pick gr in G,. The element g thus defined belongs to
n:=, Rk(i),j(i)as required. H
It will be convenient at this stage to record the following elementary properties of topological groups. 2.3. Proposition. Let G be a topological group.
( i ) Every closed subgroup of G of finite index is open
(ii) If G i s compact, then a subgroup of G is open if and only if it is closed and of finite indez.
Proof. (i) Assume that H is a closed subgroup of G such that (disjoint union)
G = H U g 2 H U . . . U g ,,H Because H is closed, so is g i H , 1 5 i complement of
5 n, hence U b 2 g ; I I is closed. Thus, H being the
u,"=,g,H in G, is open.
(ii) Let H be a n open subgroup of G. Then H is closed, by Proposition 1.3. Because t h e
cosets of H provide a n open covering of G and G is compact, H can have only finitely many cosets in G. Thus H is closed and of finite index. T h e converse being true by virtue of (i), the result follows. We now return to our discussion of projective limits of groups (rings). Let
be a projective system of groups (rings) and let
G = lim G, c
The following simple facts are worthwhile mentioning: (a) There exist homomorphisms
f, : G
(i E I )
s u c h that
ft I n fact j z : g
= fi3
for all i
g E (i.e. the restriction of the i-th coordinate projection of n G t to G)
satisfies this condition. These
are called canonical homomorphisms
(b) If every J,J is injective, then so are all the
Assume that each
is injective, and f;(s)= f;(y) for some x , y E G. Given j E I , let
k E I satisfy i , j 5 k . Now
whence by our hypothesis, fk(x) = f k ( y ) . Therefore f3(x) = for civery j E I , and so z = y.
= fykfk(?I)
(c) If J is a cofinal subset of I (i.e. if for every i fE I there exists j E J such that i
then lim G j
lim G;
Indeed, given g’ E
lim Gi
G j , there exists a unique g E
lim G,, such that, for
every j E J , the j - t h coordinates of g’ and g are equal. In fact, if we define g = ( g i ) with g; = f;i(gi)
(i 5 j ) , then
g is a required isomorphism.
T h e following result provides a universal characterization of projective limits.
2.4. Proposition. The projective limit G = lim G; of the projective system {G;, fiili, c
j E I } of groups (rings) satisfies: if H is a group ( r i n g ) and if there are homomorphisms u; : H
G, such that (7;
for all i E 1
for all i
= flj o u j
then there ezists a unique homomorphism
such that ui = fi
where f; is the canonical homomorphism. This property characterizes G up t o isomorphism.
Proof. Given h E H , set u(h)= ( u , ( h ) )E n G , . It follows from (1) that u(h)E G. Thus u : H
G is a homomorphism satisfying u,(h)= f , ( u ( h ) ) ,proving (2). If u‘ : H
G also satisfies (2), then f , [ u ( h ) = ] f , [ a ’ ( h ) ]for all h E
H,iE I . Thus
= u’.
In order t o prove the second assertion, suppose that Ho and maps r, : Ho
G, have
the property formulated in the first statement of the proposition. Then there exist unique homomorphisms u : Ho
G and
00 :
Ho satisfying
f; o u = r, and r; o uo We infer that f; = f; o u o
7; =
u o o u for all i E I . Thus u o uo and
(TO o
u are
the identity maps of G and H o , respectively, proving that u is a n isomorphism. We now introduce the notion of a homomorphism for projective systems of topological groups (rings). Let
be two projective systems of topological groups (rings) indexed by the same directed set 1. A homomorphism
4 :X
Y is a set of continuous homomorphisms {I$; : G;
+ Hi,
iE I}
subject to Ui3 0
4 a- 0 f i j
for all i
2.5. Proposition. Let
be two projective systems of topological groups (rinys) a n d let
4 :X
Y be a homomor-
phism. Then there is a unique homomorphism (which is necessarily continuous)
s u c h that, f o r every
i E I, pi
4* = 4; 0 fi
where f,: p i are canonical homomorphisms. I n fact 4*((gi)) = (4i(gi)) Moreover, if every
4i is injective,
Proof. The homomorphisms
then so is
4;, i E I , induce a homomorphism
J: H G i + I I H l
It follows from (3) that if y = (yl) E limG,, then & ( g ) E limH,; hence define c
the restriction of
to be
to limG,, i.e. by formula ( 4 ) . With this
4 * , (3) is satisfied and 4- is
obviously continuous. If qb : IimG,
also satisfies ( 3 ) for every i , then p ,
limfl; c
4-= pI o .d, for every 2 ,
If 4-(z) = q+"(y), then q4(ft(z)]= &[ft(y)i ,fi(s) = f l ( y ) for all z E 1 and thus z = y.
4-= +.
Therefore, if every
4, is injective, then
2.6. P r o p o s i t i o n . Let X = {G,, f i j l i , j E I , i
5 j}, Y
= {H;,u;jli,j E
I, i 5 j }
and Z = { K ; , A ; j l i , j E I, i 5 j } be three projective systems of compact topological groups (rings) and let
(4;) be a homomorphism f r o m X t o Y and 4
(4;)a homomorphism
f r o m Y t o 2 . Assume that for all i E I , the sequence
is ezact. Then the induced sequence
4*l i m H ; t4’I i m. K ~ 1+ l i m G , + c
is also ezact. P r o o f . By Proposition 2.4,
4* is injective. A straightforward
verification shows that
Ker+* = Im4*. We are therefore left t o verify t h a t $* is surjective. To this end, fix ( k i ) in lim K ; and consider the sets c
A, = { ( h ; ) l ( h , )E
H;, + J ( h j )= k j , u ; j ( h 3 )= h, for all i 5 j }
Then all t h e A j are closed and nonempty. Moreover, the collection { A j l j E J } possesses the finite intersection property. Because follows from Proposition 1.6, that
Hi,,H; is compact, by Tychonoff’s theorem, it
# 8. Because each element of
Aj belongs
to lim H ; and is mapped by $J* t o (k,),the result follows. w t
For the rest of this section, we shall be interested in the case { G i , J i j l i , j E I} is a projective system of finite groups, each endowed with the discrete topology. We call t h e projective limit G = IimG, a profinite group . The following result gives a criterion for a +
compact group t o be profinite.
2.7. P r o p o s i t i o n .
Let G be a compact topological group and let { N J i E I } be a
family of closed normal subgroups of finite indez such that (i) For every finite subset J of I , there ezists i E I such that N ,
(4 ntErNz = 1 Then G
lim G / N z topologically and algebraically. c
Proof. Condition (i) ensures that { G / N , , fil li,j E I } (where z 5 j means N, 2 lVl and j z l : G / N ,
G / N , is the natural projection) is a projective system of topological
groups. Condition (ii) implies that the map
is a n injective homomorphism (which is obviously continuous). If (g,N,) E limG/N,, then t
the closed sets g,N, have the finite intersection property. Because G is compact, there exists g E n t E I g , N , . This element satisfies B ( g ) = (g,N,), so 0 is a continuous bijection. Since G is compact and lim G / N , is Hausdorff (Proposition 1.4), it follows from Proposition t
1.7 that 0 is a homeomorphism, as required. rn
We next provide some useful characterizations of profinite groups. 2.8. Proposition.
Let G be a topological group. Then the following conditions are
(i) G i s a profinite group (ii) G is a Hausdorff, compact group which has a basis of open neighbourhoods of 1 con-
sisting of normal subgroups (iii) G is a Hausdorff, compact, totally disconnected group.
Proof. Suppose t h a t G is a profinite group. By Proposition 2.2(ii), G is compact and Hausdorff. The normal subgroups U s n G, where
( S a finite subset of I )
( N , is a normal subgroup of G,) form a basis of open neighbourhoods of 1. This proves that ( i ) implies (ii). The implication (ii)*(i)
is a consequence of Propositions 2.6 and 2 3 .
Assume that (ii) holds and let N be the connected component of 1. If {U,} denotes the family of all open normal subgroups of G, let N , = U ,
for all a. The groups
are open normal subgroups of N ; as N is connected, we must have N, = N for all a . But then N = n,N, = n,(N n U,) = N
t h e last equality being true by hypothesis (ii). Thus N = 1 and so (iii) holds. T h e
implication (iii)+(ii) being a consequence of Proposition 1.8, the result follows.
2.9. Proposit,ion. Let G be a profinite group. Then any closed subgroup (closed
normal subgroup) of G is the intersection of some open subgroups (open normal subgroups).
Proof. Let H be a closed subgroup (closed normal subgroup) of G and suppose that g E G belongs to every open subgroup (open normal subgroup) t h a t contains H . Then,
for any open normal subgroup N of G , g E H N and so g N n H
# 0.
Hence, for any finite
family N1,. . ., N , o f open normal subgroups of G, we have
Because the sets gN n H are closed and G is compact, it follows from Proposition 1.6 that there exists h E H such that h E gN for all open normal subgroups N . But then g-'h belongs t o all open normal subgroups of G. Because G is Hausdorff and some open normal subgroups of G form a basis of open neighbourhoods of 1 (Proposition 2.8), it follows from Proposition 1.2 t h a t g - ' h = 1. Thus g E H and the result follows. rn 2.10. Proposition. (i)
If H is a dosed
subgroup of a profinite group, then H is
profinit e. (ii)
If N is a closed normal subgroup of a profinite group G , then G I N
(iii) The direct product G =
is profinite
niEIGi of an arbitrary family {Gili E I } of profinite
is profinite (iv) Every projective limit G = lim G; of profinite groups is profinite. c
Proof. (i) If N , is a n open normal subgroup of G, then H n Ni is a n open normal subgroup of H . The family of all groups H n Ni satisfies the hypothesis of Proposition 2.7 and thus H
lim H / ( H n N i ) is a profinite group. t
(ii) A closed normal subgroup N is an intersection of open normal subgroups of G, by Proposition 2.9. Now apply Proposition 2.7. (iii) Let J be a finite subset of 1. Given j E J , let N j denote a n open normal subgroup of
G,. Then Nj x
NJ = j€J
fl G; itl-J
is an open normal subgroup of G of finite index. However, the intersection of all such NJ is 1. Therefore, G Z l i m G / N J is a profinite group, by Proposition 2.7. t
(iv) We know, from Proposition 2.2(i), that G is a closed subgroup of
niE1 G , is profinite. Now apply (i).
niEIG ; . By (iii),
An important result for the cohomology theory of profinite groups is: 2.11. Proposition. Let G be a profinite group and let H be a closed subgroup
G. Then there exists a continuous cross-section u : G / H
exists a continuous map u : G / H G/H4G
G with u ( H ) = 1, i.e. there
G of topological spaces such that the composite m a p
G / H as the identity map.
Proof. Let K & S be subgroups of G such t h a t S / K is finite. We wish t o show that there is a continuous cross-section u : G / H
G / K with u ( H ) = K . Indeed, let UG b e
the family of all normal subgroups of G of finite index. Then
is a basis of open neighbourhoods of 1 E G I K . Bearing in mind that S / K is finite, there
exists U E UG such that ( U K I K )n ( S / K )= 1. Then the natural map
4 : U K / K ---t U H I H is a homeomorphism. Let 91 = 1,. . . , g k be a transversal for U in G and put
The map u is obviously a continuous cross-section from G / H t o G / K with a ( H ) = K . Let X denote the set of all pairs { S , u } , where S is a subgroup of H and o is a continuous cross-section from G / H section G / H to G / S . We may order X by setting { S , u } 5 {S’,u’} if S’
S and u is induced by u’. The set
{ S i , a i } , z E I be a chain in X and let S =
induce a continuous map u’ : G / H
is inductive. Indeed. let
S ; . The cross-sections ui
limG/S,, i.e. a continuous cross-section u : G / H
G/S.Then { S , o } is an upper bound for the set {Sirul},i E I . Owing t o Zorn’s lemma, there exists a maximal element { S , u } . In this case S = 1. Indeed, if S
1, then S has
a proper subgroup of finite index. Then, by the foregoing, { S , u } is not maximal. This
implies the required assertion. We close this section by providing a number of examples.
(a) If p is a prime number, then the rings Z / p " Z , n E IN, form a projective system with respect t o the canonical projections:
The corresponding projective limit
is the ring of p-adic integers. Every element of Z p is a sequence
x = (Xi + p i z ) , i E IN, xi E
where zj
= zi(modp'Z)
for j
A basic neighbourhood of x is given by a n integer m y = (yi
2i and it consists of all elements
+ p i Z ) , i E N with = ym(modpmZ)
x, The map
n 4zp x
is an embedding and we identify Z with its image in Z p . T h e canonical projection
has kernel p i Z p . Thus p i Z p is an open subgroup of (the additive group) iZp of index pi. (b) T h e rings Z l n Z , , n E N , form a projective system with respect t o the projections
Z / m Z for mln, where the order in IN is now given by the divisibility. The
projective limit
2 = limZZ/niZ L
is called the PrCYer ring. The groups n g , n E IN, are precisely the open subgroups of the
profinite group
2, and it is easily verified
Given a canonical decomposition n = n
p p u p
of n E N, we have the decomposition
by virtue of the Chinese remainder theorem. Passing t o projective limits, we obtain a canonical decomposition
2 = p p P
(c) Let F, be the field of p elements, p prime, and let
For each n
be the separable closure of
IN, we have a canonical isomorphism
which maps the Frobenius automorphism & of IFPnt o 1 mod nZ (this property and other properties of Galois groups will be discussed in our subsequent investigations). Passing to projective limits we obtain a canonical isomorphism
which sends the Frobenius automorphism 4 of ]F, to 1 E
< > to the dense subgroup Z of
2 and therefore maps the group
3. Galois extensions.
Let F be a field and let G be a group of automorphisms of F . We define F"
C F by
FG= { z E F l u ( z ) = z for all u E G} It is clear that F G is a subfield of F ; we shall refer t o F G as the fized field of G. Let E / F be a field extension. The group of all F-automorphisms of E is called t h e Galois group of the extension and is denoted by G a l ( E / F ) . We refer t o E / F as a Galois
extension if E is algebraic over F and F is the fixed field of the group G a l ( E / F ) . O u r point of departure is the following characterization of Galois extensions. 3.1.
conditions are equivalent:
Let E J F be a n algebraic field eztension.
T h e n the followiny
(i) E / F is Galois
(ii) EIF is normal and separable
(iii) E is the splitting field of a family of separable polynomials over F. Proof. (i)+(ii):
Let a E E and let f be the minimal polynomial of a over F. We
must show that all roots o f f are distinct and lie in E. Let
E be an algebraic closure of E
and let a1 = a , a ~. .,. , ar be all distinct roots of f in D
E Gal(E/F) is extendible to an automorphism of
E . Owing to Corollary 2.1.13, each E. In this way each E Gal(E/F) (T
permutes the a; and hence fixes g = (X - .I)(X - az). . . (X - a,)
Because EIF is Galois, we conclude that g E F[X]. Hence f 1g and, by definition of g , g1f which shows that f = g . Because g is irreducible, the group Gal(E/F) permutes the a; transitively, hence each a; E E , as required. (ii)+(iii): Because E/F is separable, E is generated over F by a family {a;}of separable elements. Let f; be the minimal polynomial of a; over F. Then each f; is a separable polynomial over F. Because EIF is normal, f; splits over E , hence E is the splitting field of the family (iii)+(i):
{I;}of separable polynomials over F.
Suppose that E is the splitting field of a family {f;li E I } of separable polyno-
mials over F. Then E / F is normal and separable. Fix a E E
- F.
Because a is separable,
it follows from Lemma 2.2.7 that there is an F-homomorphism o : F(a) 4 E for which
by Lemma 2.1.19, D extends to an automorphism of E , the result follows.
Owing to Corollary 2.2.31, any algebraic extension may be obtained by taking a separable extension followed by a purely inseparable extension. Usually one cannot reverse the order of the tower. However, there is an important case when it can be done.
3.2. Proposition. Let E/F be a normal field eztension and let G = G a l ( E / F ) . Then
(i) E G / Fis purely inseparable and E/EG is separable (ii) If Fa is the separable closure of F in E, then E = FaEG and Fs,EG are linearly
disjoint over F. In particular,
F 8 n E G= F
(iii) If X E EG - F, then charF = p > 0 and
E F for some n
Proof. If c h a r F = 0, then E = Fa and hence, by Proposition 3.1, EG = F, which clearly yields the result. Assume that c h a r F = p
> 0 . Then, by Proposition 2.2.27, (iii)
holds. Therefore, by Propositions 2.2.32 and 3.4.19, it suffices t o prove (i). Since G a l ( E / F ) = G a l ( E / E G ) , it follows t h a t if X E E is such that .(A)
= X for
all u E G a l ( E / E G ) , then X E EG. Hence E/EG is Galois and so, by Proposition 3.1,
E / E G is separable. Let
be an algebraic closure of E and let u : EG
homomorphism. By Corollary 2.1.13, u extends to a n automorphsim of
be an F-
e. Its restriction
to E is an F-automorphism of E, since E/F is normal. Thus u ( z ) = z for all z E EG and the result follows by virtue of Proposition 2.2.27. We next provide a useful characterization of finite Galois extensions. 3.3. Proposition. Let E/F be a finite field eztension. Then
5 ( E : F)
and ( G a l ( E / F ) (= (E : F)
if and only i f E / F is Galois. Proof. The first inequality follows from IGal(E/F)I 5 ( E : F)#5 ( E : F) Assume that E / F is Galois. Then, by Proposition 3.1, E / F is both normal and separable. Because E / F is separable, we have ( E : F)8= ( E : F ) (Proposition 2.2.13(i)),while since
E / F is normal we have (E : F)8= IGal(E/F)I. Thus IGal(E/F)I = (E : F). Conversely, assume that IGal(E/F)I = (E : F ) . Since !Gal(E/F)I
5 (E
we have (E : F) = (E : F ) a , hence E/F is separable (Proposition 2.2.13(i)). Since I G a l ( E / F ) / = (E : F)8,E/F must also be normal. Hence, by Proposition 3.1, E / F is Galois. rn
As a preliminary t o the next result, we next record the following simple observation. 3.4. Lemma. Let E/F be a separable eztension. Suppose that there is a n integer n
1 such that every element a of E is of degree
( E : F ) 5 n.
5 n over F. Then E/F is finite and
3 18
Proof. Let a E E be such that the degree ( F ( a ) : F ) is maximal, say m
5 n.
claim that E = F ( a ) , which will prove the result. We argue by contradiction and choose an element
E F such that
p 4 F ( a ) . Since F ( a , P ) / F is separable, it is simple by
Corollary 2.2.21, hence F(a,,f?) = F ( 7 ) for some 7 E F ( a , / 3 ) . But from the chain
we see that ( F ( a , P ) : F ) > m. Hence 7 has degree
> m over F, a contradiction. D
We are now ready to prove the following classical result. 3.5.
automorphisms of F .
Let F be a field and let G be a finite group of
Then F / F G is a finite Galois eztension, G = G a l ( F / F G ) and
IGI = ( F : F G ) .
Proof. Invoking Proposition 3.3, it suffices to show that F / F G is a finite Galois extension with ( F : F G )
IG1. Let a E F and let
elements of G such that ol(a), . . . , u r ( a )are distinct. If
(TI,. (T
differs from ( a l ( a ).,. . , a,(a))by a permutation, because
. . ,a, be
a maximal set of
E G, then ( a a l ( a )., . . ,aa,(a)) (T
is injective and each aai(a) E
{al( a ) ,. . . ,a,(a)}. Thus a is a root of the polynomial.
and, for any u E G, f" = f. Hence the coefficients of
f lie in F G . Furthermore, f is
separable. It follows that every element a of F is a root of a separable polynomial over FG of degree
5 ]GI. Morover, this polynomial splits into linear factors in F . Consequently,
F / F G is both separable and normal, and so F / F G is Galois, by Proposition 3.1. Owing to Lemma 3.4, we have ( F : F G ) 5 IGI and the result follows.
3.6. Corollary. Let E I F be a finite Galois eztension and let G be its Galois group.
Then, for any subgroup H of G , there ezists a n intermediate field K such that E I K is Galois and H = G a l ( E 1 K ) . Proof. Put K = E H and apply Proposition 3.5. We next examine some properties of automorphisms of field extensions. Let S be a set and F a field. The maps
are called linearly independent over F if whenever we have a relation Xlfl
+ . . . + A,
(A, E F )
fn = 0
then all A, = 0. Recall t h a t a monoid is a set G with an associative binary operation and having an identity element.
(Artin). Let
m o n o i d G to the multiplicative group F'
be distinct h o m o m o r p h i s m s from a
of a field F . T h e n
. . ,xn
are linearly in-
dependent ouer F.
Proof. If that x1 =
. x n are
X I , ~ 2 , ..,
I:=X,xi , for some X,
dependent, then we may harmlessly assume
6 F and t h a t
xz,. . . ,x n are linearly independent.
Replacing g by g z in (l), we have
We now multiply (1) by xl(z) and substract the result from (2):
C~=2X;(xi(z) - xl(z))xi = 0 and thus X;(xi(z) - xl(z)) = 0 , 2 5 i 5 n , because X Z , . . . , xn are linearly independent. But x1 # x1 for i # 1, hence A; = 0 for i # 1 Therefore
and thus (1) reduces to the form 3.8.
xl(g) =
0 , a contradiction.
Corollary. Let f l , f 2 , ...,fn be distinct h o m o m o r p h i s m s of a field E into
another field F . T h e n
. . ,f n
are linearly independent ouer F .
x, the restriction of f l to G. Then each xt is d xE are obviously distinct. Because cy==l X,Jl 0
Proof. P u t G = E' and denote by homomorphism of G into F' and the clearly implies
I:=A,xl , = 0 , the result follows by applying Proposition 3.7. m
Given a finite Galois extension E/F, any F-basis of E of the form
for some a E E, is called a normal basis
3.9. Theorem. (Normal basis theorem). A n y finite Galois extension E/F has a
normal basis. Proof. Put G = Gal(E/F) and n = IGI. We first examine the case where F is finite. Then G is cyclic, say generated by a (this fact will be proved in the next section). We may regard o as an F-linear transformation of the F-space E. Let f ( X ) be its minimal polynomial. Then degf(X)
5 n
F). But, by Corollary 3.8, 1,a,..., on-’ are
linearly independent over E, hence also over F , and thus degf(X) = n. Because on = 1, we have f ( X ) = Xn - 1. Thus the minimal and characteristic polynomials for o are the same. By linear algebra, there is a “cyclic vector”. That is there exists an element
whose images under powers of u span E over F, as required. Suppose that F is infinite and let
.. ,onbe all distinct elements of G. Since E / F
is separable, we have E = F(X) for some X E E. Let f ( X ) be the minimal polynomial of
X and let
= a;(A), 1
5 i 5 n. Set
Then gi(X) is a polynomial over E with
the left side is of degree at most n namely A’,.
. . ,A,
as a root for k
# z.
1. Moreover, (4) is true for n distinct values of X,
since gi(Xi) = 1 and gk(Ai) = 0 for k # i. Hence the left side of (4) is
identically zero. Multiplying (4) by g i ( X ) and applying ( 3 ) , we derive
Now consider the determinant
If we square it by multiplying column by column and compute its value (mod j ( X ) ) ,we obtain from ( 3 ) , (4) and ( 5 ) a determinant that has 1 in the diagonal and 0 elsewhere. Thus
= l(mod f ( X ) )
Because F is infinite, we may always choose a value p for X such t h a t D ( p ) # 0, p E 1; Now put
= g(p). Then t h e determinant
Finally, consider any linear relation a;u;(fy)
+ a z a z ( a ) + . . . + a,u,(a)
(a ; E F )
Applying the automorphism u, t o it would lead t o n homogeneous equations for the n unknowns a, E F . Invoking ( 6 ) ,we deduce that each a; = 0 and the result follows. w We close by providing two results pertaining t o the degrees of elements in Galois extensions. 3.10. Proposition. Let F be a field and let
a,P be two elements
of finite degree
over E’ such that F ( a ) / F i s Galois. Then
Proof. P u t E = F ( a ) and K = F ( P ) . Then E K = F ( a , P ) and, by the special case of a result to be proved later (see Proposition 6.5) we have
as required. w Remark. The assumption that F ( a ) / F is Galois is indispensable. Indeed, let F = Q , let CY
fi be the real cube root
of 2 and let c be a primitive cube root of 1, say
ca and note that Q (p) # Q ( a )since ,D is complex and a is real. Because X 3 - 2
is irreducible over Q , we have (Q ( a ) : Q ) = (Q ( p ) : Q ) = 3. Now Q ( a )n Q
( p ) is a ( p ) whose degree over Q divides 3. Hence this degree is 3 or 1, and must be 1 since Q ( a )# Q (p). In other words, Q ( a )n Q (p) = Q . On t h e other hand,
subfield of Q
= 2 and therefore Hence ( Q (a,p) : Q (a))
as asserted.
3.11. P r o p o s i t i o n . Let F be a field a n d let
a,p be
two separable e l e m e n t s over
of coprime degrees. T h e n
Proof. Let E be obtained from F by adjoining all conjugates of a and p. Then E / F is a finite Galois extension. P u t rn = ( F ( a ): F ) , n = ( F ( P ) : F ) and G = G a l ( E / F )
Then G transitively permutes the elements of each of the sets A =
{ P I , . . . ,P,},
where a; and
p, are the conjugates of a and
and K = G p be the stabilizers in G of a and
. . ,an},B
,f?,respectively. Let
H = G,
respectively. Then ( G : H ) = m, (G :
K ) = n and since (rn,n) = 1, a standard argument yields (G : ( H n K ) ) = mn. But H n K = G a l ( E / F ( a , P ) ) , hence by Proposition 3.3, ( E : F ( a , p ) ) = IH n KI. It follows that
as required.
4. F i n i t e fields, roots of u n i t y and c y c l o t o m i c e x t e n s i o n s .
A field with a finite number of elements is called a f i n i t e field
, or
also a Galois field.
Assume that F is a finite field. Then c h a r F = p > 0 is a prime and the image of Z in F , denoted by F,, is isomorphic to t h e field Z / p Z consisting of p elements. It is clear that F, is the prime subfield of F , i.e. the intersection of all subfields of F. 4.1. Proposition. (i) If F i s a f i n i t e field of characteristic p a n d n = ( F : IF,),
IF1 = p n and F' i s cyclic of order p" (ii) For each p r i m e p and each n
2 1,
there i s exactly o n e field of q = p" elements (up t o
i s o m o r p h i s m ) n a m e l y t h e splitting field of X q Xq
X over IF,, a n d i t s elements are roots of
X . Moreover, every f i n i t e field is isomorphic to exactly o n e of these fields.
Proof. (i) Because F is finite, n is also finite and thus (FI = p n . The second assertion follows by virtue of Proposition 2.2.20. (ii) Let F be a field of q = pn elements. Because F' has q
1 elements, we have
and tlierefore xq
for all x E F
Because this equation has at most q roots, its roots are precisely the elements of F . We may therefore write
which shows that F is the splitting field of Xq
over IF,.
Conversely, let q = p" where p is a prime. Lot F be the splitting field of
lF,. To see that this splitting field consists precisely of of Xq
- X over
q elements, we note t h a t the roots
X are distinct since
(hcnce there are exactly q of them) and that they form a field: if ( a - b)q = uq
bq = a -
a4 =
a , bq = b , then
b , ( a b ) Q= aqbq = ab, and if b # 0, (6')s = (bq)-' = b-'.
4.2. Proposition. Let F be a field of q elements. T h e n , f o r a n y n
a field extension E of F of d i m e n s i o n n , n a m e l y the splitting field of
2 1,
there exists
Moreover, a n y t w o field eztensions of F of dimension n are F-isomorphic.
Proof. Suppose t h a t E is a field extension of F of dimension n. Then E has q" elements and, by Proposition 4.1(ii), the elements of E are precisely the roots of Xq" in an algebraic closure of IF,. Therefore E is the splitting field of Xq"
X over F . This
shows t h a t any two field extensions of F of dimension n are F-isomorphic. Conversely, the splitting field of Xq"
X over F is the same as the splitting field of X*= - X over F,,
since all elements of F are roots of Xq"
X . Hence it contains precisely qn elements and
therefore has degree n over F . rn The field of q elements is denoted by IF,. For q = p this agrees with the notation
introduced earlier. 4.3. Proposition. If q = p n , where p is a p r i m e and n
2 1, t h e n F,/F,
i s a Galois
extension with cyclic Galois group of order n, generated by the Frobenius automorphisrn x
Proof. Since F,/F, is a finite extension of the perfect field IF,, it must be separable (Proposition 2.2.26). On the other hand, F,/F, is normal by Proposition 4.1(ii). Thus
F,/F, is Galois, by Proposition 3.1. It follows from Proposition 3.3 t h a t Gal(F,/F,) of order n. Because
x p =
z for all x E
IF,, the Frobenius automorphism
F, is an
F,-automorphism of IF,. Finally, we have for all z E IF,
d ( z ) = XP'
Hence a ' = 1 for r = n and a '
1 for 1 5 r
< n. This shows t h a t
is of order n and
thus Gal(IF,/Fp) = < a > ,as required. 4.4. Proposition. If p i s a prime, t h e n all subfields of IFpm are of the form FPm where
nlm and, for a n y nlm, there i s ezactly one subfield of Fpmof order p n . Furthermore, if nlm, t h e n IFpm/IFpn i s a G a b i s extension with cyclic G a b s group of order m / n , generated by a", where
i s the Frobenius automorphism of IFpvn.
Proof. Suppose that nlm. Then any root of XP" Thus, by Proposition 4.1(ii), all roots of XP" p n . Conversely, if
X is also a root of XP'"
X form a unique subfield of F p m of order
F is a subfield of IFp= and IF1 = p n , then
proving that nlm. By the above (IFpm : IFpn) = m / n and, by Proposition 4.3, IFpm/lFpn is Galois, hence
its Galois group is of order m / n . Since an is of order m / n and an fixes IFpnelementwise, the result follows. 4.5. Lemma. L e t F be a f i n i t e f i e l d of q e l e m e n t s a n d let n
c { ;ffn
Proof. Let
n $()(mod q
2 1 be an integer. Then 1)
= O(mod q - 1)
be a generator of F' and let X = CortF an. Then 0-2
which is the sum of a geometric progression. Therefore, if en
1, i.e. if n $ O(mod q
&q--l) tn
= 1. If cn = 1, i.e. if n z O(mod q - l ) ,then X = q
1, as required.
Let F be a field and let f E F [ X 1 , .. . , X , ] . By a zero of f in F n = F x . . . x E' ( n times) one means a n element ( a l , .. . ,a,) E F" such that
# 0.
By a n o n t r i v i a l zero we mean a zero ( a 1 , . . , a n ) such that some a, and an integer j
2 0 , one says that F
Given a field F
is a C,-field if every homogeneous polynomial over
F of degree d in n > d3 variables, has a nontrivial zero in F". 4.6. Proposition. (Chevalley). E v e r y f i n i t e field i s a C1-field.
Proof. Let F be a finite field of q elements, let f ( X 1 , . . . , X,) be a homogeneous
polynomial of degree d < n over F and let p = charF. Let V
f and write
for a point
C F"
. . . ,a,) E F n . Then
for all a E V
be the set of zeros of
and, by Proposition 4.1(i), for all a E F"
f (a)B--1= 1
It follows that the polynomial g ( X 1 , .. . , X , ) = f (XI,. . . ,Xn)q-' is characteristic function of F" to IF"
with values in F,. The number modulo p of points of F" - V is therefore equal
CaEFn g(a). We claim t h a t -
this sum is zero in F,; if sustained, it will follow that
V /is divisible by p . Since p I IFnl, we deduce t h a t IVI is divisible by p . This will
prove the result since IVI
2 1.
To substantiate our claim, observe that g is a linear combination of monomials M t ( X ) = X:'
. . .X>. Because
it follows from Lemma 4.5 that and multiples of q
CaEFfi ail . . .
vanishes unless all the t i ' s are nonzero
1. In this case, the degree t l
( q - 1 ) n . But, since g =
f-',g has degree ( q -
+ .. . + t ,
of the monomial is a t least
1)d and ( q - l ) d < ( q - 1)" by assumption.
The proof is therefore complete. We now turn our attention t o roots of unity. Let F be a field. An element A E F is said t o be a n n-th root of 1 (or of unity ) if A" = 1. If c h a r F = p > 0 and n = pms with ( s , p ) = 1, then A" = 1 implies (A")."
= 1 or
A" = 1. Hence, if X is a n n-th root of unity,
then X is a n s-th root of unity. 4.7. Proposition. Let F be a field and let n
be such that charF + n .
(i) The n - t h roots of unity in F f o r m a cyclic group whose order divides n.
(ii) If X" - 1 splits into linear factors over F, th e n the n - t h roots of unity in F form a cyclic group of order n.
Proof. It is clear that (i) is a consequence of (ii). To prove (ii), observe that the n-th roots of unity in F certainly form a group, say G. Since
(x"- 1)'
x"-'# o
it follows from Proposition 2.2.1, t h a t all roots of X"
- 1 are
simple. Therefore F contains
exactly n n-th roots of unity, i.e. IGI = n. Let m be the exponent of G. Then m 5 n
and all elements of G are roots of Xm - 1, hence /GI 5 m. This shows t h a t m = n and therefore G is cyclic. Let F be a field. We say that X E: F is a primitive n-th root of unity if the order of
X in F' is precisely n. Given n
2 1, by
a primitive n-th root of unity over F , we mean a
primitive n-th root of unity in the splitting field of Xn- 1 over F . Owing t o Proposition 4.7, if c h a r F .+ n , then a primitive n-th root of unity over F always exists. Moreover, if
is a primitive n-th root of unity over F , then F ( t , ) is obviously the splitting field
of X"
1 over F. The field F ( E , ) is called the n - t h cyclotomic extension of F . By the
mazimal cyclotomic eztension of F , we understood the field obtained from F by adjoining n-th roots of unity for all n 4.8. Corollary. Let
to q and let
2 1.
F be a finite field of q elements, let m 2 1 be an integer coprime
be a primitive m - t h root of unity over F . Then
(i) ( F ( E :) F ) is equal t o the order o f q modulo m (ii) G a l ( F ( c ) / F ) is cyclic generated b y
E H cq
Proof. It is clear t h a t (i) is a consequence of (ii). Let phism of F . If q = p " , p prime, then an(€) =
be the Frobenius autornor-
Therefore (ii) is a consequence of
Proposition 4.4. 4.9. Proposition. Let F be a field, let n
1 be such that charF
4 n and
let E and
K be respectively the n - t h cyclotomic and mazimal cyclotomic eztensions of F. Then both E I F and K I F are Galois eztensions. Proof. Because c h a r F t n , X "
E is the splitting field of X " such polynomials X "
1 has no multiple roots. It remains t o notice that
1 over F and K is the splitting field of the family of all
1 with c h a r F ). n (see Proposition 3 . 1 ) . w
The following observation is often useful. 4.10. Lemma. Let E / F be a Galois eztension and let p 1 , . . . ,p,, be elements of E
such that each u E G a l ( E / F ) permutes the p l , ,. . , p n . Then
is a monic polynomial over F . If, furthermore, F is the quotient field of an integrally closed integral domain R and each p, is integral over R , then ( X monic polynomial over R.
. . (x- pm) is a
Proof. P u t f ( X ) = ( X - pl). . . (X - p n ) . Then
f ( X ) = X" - q x n - 1
+ s2xn-Z + . . . + ( - 1 ) k s k X n - k + . . . + (-l)"sn
Hence o(q) = s; for all
E G a l ( E / F ) and all z E {1,2, ... , n } . Because E/F is Galois,
we conclude that each s; E F , hence f ( X ) E F[X]. Under the additional hypotheses, each s; is integral over R , hence belongs to R since R is integrally closed.
In what follows, we write ( Z / n Z ) *for the unit group of the ring Z / n Z . The order of this group is denoted by d ( n ) ,where
and that
4(n) coincides
4 is known as the Eiler function. Note that
with the number of generators of a cyclic group of order n. In
particular, the number of primitive n-th roots of unity is equal t o Let F be a field, let n
be such that c h a r F # n and let
4 ( n ) ,be all
primitive n-th roots of unity over F . Then, by Proposition 4.9 and Lemma 4.10,
is a monic polynomial over the prime subfield of F and hence over F . Furthermore, if
c h a r F = 0, then by Lemma 4.10,
We shall refer to Qn(X)as the n-th cyclotomic polynomial over F .
4.11. Proposition. Let F be a field, let n
be such that charF
n and l e t F,
be the n - t h cyclotomic eztension of F . Then Gal(F,/F) is isomorphic t o a subgroup of
( Z / n Z ) - .Moreover, the following conditions are equivalent: (i) Gal(F,/F) (ii)
@,,(X) is irreducible over F
(iii) (F, : F ) = 4(n)
Proof. Let then u ( t ) =
be a primitive n-th root of unity so t h a t F, = F(t). If u E Gal(F,/E'),
for some 1
< n with ( p , n ) = 1. Moreover, u is uniquely determined
by p modulo n and may be denoted by u p . Then the map
is obviously an injective homomorphism. The desired assertion follows from the above and
Propositions 4.9 and 3.3. Let E / F be a field extension. We say that E I F is abelian (respectively, cyclic ) if
E / F is Galois and G a l ( E / F ) is abelian (respectively, cyclic). 4.12. Proposition. Let F be a field and let E be the mazimal cyclotomic eztension
of F . Then E I F is abelian.
Proof. By Proposition 4.9, E I F is Galois. Let u1,uz E G a l ( E / F ) . Since E generated over F by roots of unity, it suffices to show that
of unity in E . But if n is the order of
= ( u ~ u ~ ) where ( E ) t is a root
a,(€) is also of ordern, hence u,(t)=
( k t , n ) = 1. Therefore u I u Z ( t )= u 2 u 1 ( c )= ? " P z
+ with
as desired. w
Our next aim is t o determine the isomorphism class of Gal(Q n / Q ) by showing that
this group is isomorphic t o ( Z / n Z ) * .First, we concentrate on the isomorphism class of
( T L / n i z ) - . Let n = p y ' ~ ;. .~. p i " be the canonical decomposition of n. Then
U / n Z r Z/p;'n x ... x
and thus
( Z / n Z ) * ( Z / p y ' Z ) *x ... x ( Z / p ; " Z ) " We may therefore concentrate on the case where n is a prime power
(i) If p is a n odd p r i m e , t h e n ( Z / p " Z ) * is cyclic of order
4.13. Proposition. Pn-'(P - 1)
(ii) B o t h (Z/2Z)* a n d ( Z / 4 Z ) * are cyclic, a n d i f n
3, t h e n (Z/2"Z)* i s i s o m o r p h i c
to t h e direct product of two cyclic groups of orders 2 a n d 2"-2. Proof. (i) Because 4 ( p " )
p n - ' ( p - 1) (for any prime p ) , ( Z / p " Z ) * is of order
p " - ' ( p - 1). Therefore ( Z / p " Z ) * is a direct product of its subgroup H of order p"-' consisting of the elements which satisfy the elements satisfying
= 1 and the subgroup
K of order p
1 of
= 1. Because the orders of H and K are coprime, it suffices
t o show that both H and K are cyclic.
If n = 1,then ( Z / p Z ) * = K and this is cyclic by Proposition 4.1(i). We may therefore choose a n integer m such t h a t m Set k =
+p Z ,
m2 + p Z , .
. . ,m p - ' + p l l , are distinct
Since ( r n , p ) = I, ( k , p n ) = 1 and k
and m
+p n Z
in Z I p Z .
E (Z/p"Z)*.
Also kP-' = (mP"-')P-' = m$(P") l ( m o d p " )
which implies k
6 K . Bearing in mind t h a t
k = mpn-' the elements k
m(mod p )
+ p i Z , k2 + p Z , . .. ,kp-' + p Z
are distinct. Hence also k
+ p n Z , kZ +
p n Z , . . . , k p - l + p " Z are distinct. This shows t h a t the order of k + p n Z is precisely p
But the order of K is p
1, hence K is cyclic generated by k
To prove that H is cyclic, we may assume that n
If is a direct product of t solutions of the equation of integers s , 0
+p"Z. 2
1. Hence the number of
1, z E H is p t . We are thus left t o verify that the number
< s < p " , satisfying s p 3
= l ( m o d p")
does not exceed p . Now if s satisfies
s(mod p ) , we have s
l ( m o d p ) . Then, if s
may write s =1
since otherwise H = 1. Then
1 cyclic groups of order p",, ni
z p =
these conditions, then, since
+ y p f + .p'+'
(l5fln-1, o
in which case
= 1+ ypf+'(mod
1, we
sp E
l ( m o d p") and f < n - 1, this gives
O(mod p ) , contrary to 0 < y
so y
33 1
then s = 1
+ ypn-',
< p. Hence, if
1< s
< p" satisfies
< y < p. This gives altogether a t most
zz l ( m o d p " ) ,
p solutions including 1 and
proves that H is cyclic. (ii) T h e order of ( Z / 2 " Z ) '
4(2") = 2"-'.
If n = 1 or 2, then these orders are 1 and
2, respectively, and there is nothing t o prove.
So assume t h a t n
3. We first claim
t h a t there are four distinct elements z E (Z/2"Z)* satisfying z2 = 1; if sustained, it will follow that (Z/2"Z)* is a direct product of a t least two distinct cyclic groups a1 = 1,az = -1,aZ = 1
+ 2"-',u4
= -1
+ 2"-',zi
# 1. Put
a; + 2 " Z . Then the z; are distinct
and satisfy z: = 1, which substantiates our claim. Because (Z/2"Z)* is a direct product of a t least two cyclic groups
1 and the order
of (Z!/2"Z)" is 2"-l, we see that, if z E ( Z / 2 " Z ) * , then z2"-' = 1, or, what is the same
thing, if m is an odd integer, then mZn-' = l ( m o d 2"). To complete the proof, we are therefore left to exhibit a n z such t h a t Put z 5""-3
+ 2"Z.
= l ( m o d 2"-l).
# 1.
Note first that, if n = 3, then 52'-3 = 5 jL l ( m o d 2n) but
Now let f
2 3 and
Then we have k(3) = 2. Also for any f
let k(f) be the largest integer k such that
3 we have 52'-3
= 1+ ~
2 ~ (where f ) y is o d d .
This implies that
whence k(f
+ 1) 2 k(f), so k(f) 2 2 i f f 2 3.
+ 2 k ( f ) - 1 y 2 is odd. Thus k(f + 1) = k(f) + 1. Since k ( 3 ) = 2, we deduce that
k(f) = f
1 for all f
2 3.
Then the relation shows that
and the result follows. w We now turn our attention t o the case where F = Q 4.14. Proposition. Let Q
be the n-th cyclotomic eztension of Q and let (Dn(X)
be the n-th cyclotomic polynomial over Q (i)
(Q n : Q
= 4(n)
(ii) & ( X ) is irreducible (iii) Gal($ JQ)
Proof. Owing t o Proposition 4.11, it suffices to verify (i). Let and let f ( X ) be the minimal polynomial of
root of unity in Q
be a primitive n-th over Q . We assert
t h a t for any prime p
+ n,
obtained by raising
t o a succession of prime powers with primes not dividing n , this will
prove t h a t degf
is a root of f . Since any primitive n-th root of unity can be
2 4(n)and hence t h a t (Q
:Q ) = 4 ( n ) .
To establish the required assertion, we first note t h a t f ( X ) divides X n - 1 , say X " - 1 = f ( X ) h ( X ) where f ( X ) and h ( X ) are monic polynomials in Q [ X I . By Theorem 1 . 5 . 8 , f ( X ) , h ( X ) E Z [ X ] . Assume by way of contradiction t h a t Then
is not a root of f ( X ) .
is a root of h ( X ) and hence c is a root of h ( X p ) . We may therefore write
h(XP) = f ( X ) g ( X )for some g ( X ) E Q [X I. Since both h ( X P ) and f ( X ) are monic, so is g ( X ) , hence g ( X ) E Z [ X ] by Theorem 1.5.8. Now
l p E
[(mod p ) for any integer !, so
h (XP) = h(X)P(m odp ) and thus
It follows that the images
7 and h of
common. On the other hand, X " p
f and h in IFp[X]have a nonconstant factor in
1 = T ( X ) g ( X )and X n - 1 has no multiple roots since
+ n. This provides the desired contradiction. H 4.15. Corollary. Let n = p k , p a prime, let F be a field with charF
p and let
Fn be the n-th cyclotomic extension of F . Then F n / F is cyclic unless p = 2 and k 2 3 , in which case F,fF is either cyclic or G a l ( F n / F ) is a direct product of a cyclic group of order 2 and one of order 2t-2 where t 5 k . Furthermore, Gal($
nIQ )
Zpk-'(p--l) x Z2k-2
Proof. Apply Propositions 4.14, 4.13 and 4.11.
if p is odd ifp=2
4.16. Corollary. Let n , m be relatively prime integers
1 and let
and cm be
primitive n - t h and m-th roots of unity over Q , respectively. Then
Proof. Observe that, since ( m , n ) = 1,
= enem is a primitive mn-th root of unity
and that en and em are primitive m-th and n-th roots of unity, respectively. Thus
On the other hand,
4(mn)= +(m)+(n) since
( m , n ) = 1 and so, by Proposition 4.14,
IIence Q (cn) and Q (em) are linearly disjoint over Q which implies immediately that
(en) n
Q (tm) = Q .
We close by examining cyclotomic polynomials in detail. First, we must define the Mobius p-function on the positive rational integers. Let p l , . . . , p r denote primes, and set
4 1 ) = 1, P(P1
’ ’
.P r )
if the p i are distinct =
It is easily verified t h a t if
(a,b) = 1
and that
Given a function f,we define its “Mobius transform” g by
4.17. Lemma. With the notation above,
In particular (a) T h e Euler j u n c t i o n
4 is t h e M o b i u s t r a n s f o r m
of t h e i d e n t i t y f u n c t i o n
t = Cnlt 4(n)
Proof. Note that
where, in the sum in braces, n ranges over all divisors oft which are multiple of d. In that case, n / d ranges over all divisors of t / d ranges over all divisors of t / d and so, by ( I ) , the sum in braces vanishes except when d = t , in which case it is 1. This proves ( 3 ) . In particular, let
4 be the Euler function. Using the fact t h a t d(ab)
= + ( a ) d ( b ) if
( a ,b) = 1, one easily obtains the well-known formula
where the first product is taken over the distinct primes dividing n. This proves (a) and, by ( 3 ) , also (b). w Formulas (2) and (3) are called the Mobius inversion formulas. Formula (3) expresses
f in terms of its Mobius transform g. Conversely, from (3), it is easy t o deduce t h a t
given by (2). 4.18. P r o p o s i t i o n . Let n
and let Qn(X)be the n-th cyclotomic polynomial o v e r
Q . Then (1)
Xn - 1 = n d l n @d(X)
(ii) CP,(X)= n d l , ( x dl)p(n/d) (iii) If p is a p r i m e , t h e n Q P ( X )= x p - ' +
a n d , for a n y integer r
+ .. . + 1
Q p r ( X )= @ , ( x P ' - l )
(iv) I f n is odd, then @Zn(X)
If p
= @n(-X)
is a prime not dividing n , then
(vi) If n = pi'p;'
. . .pi'
is the canonical decomposition of n , then
Proof. (i) This is derived by collecting together all terms ( X -
of a n ( X ) belonging
to roots of unity of the same order.
(ii) Apply (i) and the Mobius inversion formula ( 2 ) , written multiplicatively. (iii) We have x p -
1= ( X - 1 ) ( X p - l +
+ ... + 1)
Any primitive p t h root of unity is a root of the second factor on the right of this equation. Because there are exactly p
1 primitive p t h roots of unity, we conclude that these roots
are precisely the roots of XP-'
+ XP-2 + . . . + 1. Thus
@ p ( X )= xp-1
+ xp-2 + . . . + 1
T h e second assertion is a consequence of the fact that degQp(XP'-') = deg
that any primitive p'-th root of unity
( X ) and
is a root of @ p ( X P r - ' ) The . latter can be seen by
observing that tpr-' is a primitive p t h root of unity, hence a root of Q p ( X ) . (iv) Because n is odd, 4(2n) = 4 ( n ) and a typical primitive an-th root of unity is of t h e form --c where
is a primitive n-th root of unity. But
is a root of Q n ( - X ) , hence the
assertion. ( v ) P u t + ( X ) = @ n ( X P ) / Q p n ( X )If. t is a pIimitive pn-th root of unity, then
primitive n - t h root of unity, hence
is a
is a root of Q n ( X P ) . Thus @ p n ( X ) l @ n ( X and P ) so
$(X) is a monic polynomial in Q [XI of degree +(n). If 6 is a primitive n-th root of unit\-, then so is 6" since ( p , n ) = 1. Hence 6 is a root of Q n ( X P ) and therefore of + ( X ) . This proves that + ( X ) =- Qrb(X), hence the assertion.
(vi) The polynomial if
is obviously of degree d(n).On the other hand,
is a primitive n-th root of unity, then
is a primitive
. . .pa-th root of
unity. Thus
is a root of
~ p I p 2 . . , p a ( X...P:*-') P~
which shows t h a t it must be equal t o
5. Finite Galois theory.
Throughout this section, given a field E and a group G of automorphisms of E , we write
EC for the fixed field of G. Our principal goal is t o establish the main result of the Galois theory for finite Galois extensions. Because in the next section we shall deal with infinite extensions, some of the preparatory results presented are stated and proved for infinite extensions. 5.1. Lemma. Let F
E be a chain of fields, where EIF is a Galois eztension.
( i ) E / K is a Galois eztension and so, i f H = G a l ( E / K ) ,then K = E H . (ii) The map K
G a l ( E / K )from the set of intermediate fields into the set of subgroups
of Gal(E/F)is injeetiue. Moreover, i f E I F is afinite Galois eztension, then this map is a bijection with the inverse map given b y H
(iii) If K 1 and K2 are two intermediate fields and Hi = Gal(E/Ki),i (a) Gal(EIKlK2)= H I
1 , 2 , then
n H2
(b) E = E H I n E H 2
(c) K1 & Kz if and only if Hz
E Hi
Proof. (i) By Proposition 3.1, E I F is both normal and separable. Hence, by Proposition 2.2.15(i) and Lemma 2.1.20 (i), E / K is normal and separable. Therefore E / K is Galois, by Proposition 3.1. (ii) Suppose t h a t Gal(EIK1) = Gal(E/K2) = H , say, for two intermediate fields K1 and
K2. Then, by (i), K1 = E H = K2 proving the first assertion. The second assertion follows from Corollary 3.6. (iii) An automorphism q5 of E fixes KlK2 elementwise if and only if
4 fixes
each element
of K1 and each element of Kz. This proves (a). If X E E