Contents Мap of Boоk 4
Blork A
..,'.',,',',.,.',....''.'... 6
8 Art, bird.watсhiпg'саrs' denсing jt with and...
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Contents Мap of Boоk 4
Blork A
..,'.',,',',.,.',....''.'... 6
8 Art, bird.watсhiпg'саrs' denсing jt with and ш|lаt; unsffessed Foсus oп sуstеtns..еmphasis 10 syllablеs;words for plaсеsaпd rеgions '.,'..,,..''.','.',,.'..,.', |2 A3 Sitцations in The sun v,,as фе north t4 A4 Shilkfoсus: 76 A5 Sссrеtthouфs'....'............'... сomplех sеntrnсеs; rеPorted sуstеtns.. speeсh; ^6 Foсtlsoп сontrastivеsffеsqwords for perts of thiщs; desсribing 18 rеlativeposiiion 2a ^7 Cruеlty to с.шs 22 A8 SkilЬ foсus: Hеrе is thе nеws 24 SummaгyA '.'.......'.,.'..... .........,...'...'......... 26 RеvisionаndflueпсypгaсtiсеA . ...''''......,... 28 Test A A1 A2
Bloсk B 81
30 Lеаrninga lanрagе passivеs; pаssivе diffiсult B2 Foаls on sуstet''s|reasoпsfor using 32 struсturеqspеlling(A аnd сhetс.|iintonation 34 83 I'll give уou t25 for it ........'.... B4 Skillsfoш.sз It must Ье truе:itЪ in thе Papеls 36 BS Work ............ 38 pаst B6 Foсus on sуstеtns. struсfufеswith ulould, should вc3 spellingsof /э:{words for personality '. . . ... .. 40 87 Thе Lonеlyonе ''........'..' . .'.'..,,.,.,,,,...',,. 42 B8 Skills foшs: Мy heаrt is too fuI for words 44 46 SuпmaryB .........,.......... Revision and fluenсypтaсtiссB 48 Tеst B 50
Bloсk C
с1 с2 . с3 с4 с5 с6
It makеsme wаnt to sсream Foаls on sуstetnslsцffiхеs with /э4 wФk fоrms; Futurе Progressiveаnd Fцturе Pеrfесt tensеs;eхprеssionswith mаkе, tаkе,do, hauеandget ...,.,,.,,,'....' Pm e bit short of timе Skillsfoсusз we rеgret... Thе voiсе of dеmoсraсy Faсus on sуstсtпs.,relativе сlausеswithout pronouns; rеdцсеd rеlativе сleuses;oppositеs;spelliпg (silent e; doubling);
52 54
s6 58 60
Blоglк D
sЙhatdo tLrеylоok like? ..',........ ......,..].'. 74 Foсus on sуstem* I шish aпd if oпlу; pоlitе аnd rudе inЕоnatioщ|eв|,|з'J and /юl; wогd familiеs 76 D3 I dоn't likе рlaytime 78 D4 Skills foсus: I knеw еvеryonе 80 plасe A D5 beautiful ......,..... 82 D6 Facus on sуstеtпsi identifyingаnd поn-identifyingехprеssiоns; punсtuationand intonation in relativе сlausеs;ulhose; spellingsot |з,Jiprefixesand suffixes 84 D7 Boy mеetsc'.l ..........''.. 86 D8 Skills foсusz Diffеrеnt kinds 88 D .'...........'..... Sшnrrrаrу 90 R.evisionand fluenсypraсtiсeD .'...........,... 92 Тbst D 94
B|осh Е
Е1 E2
Dl D2
Thеy saw wondеrfulthings .,.'.,.... 96 Foсus on sуstеrnsi diffiсult сonjunсtiоns;сontrastivestrеss; h*elthеrе, сarnelgo 98 this|thаt|these|thosr, Е3 Lооking forward 102 .',.-'',''...'..,'.,.'..'. Е4 Skillsfocus:Cоiпсidеnсеs.'...,.,'''.....'... ..... ' . . 104 Е5 I dоn't know muсh abоut arto Е6 Foсцs an sуstе?пsiRelativе шhаt, ulhiсh and thаti spеlling and prоnunсiаtion;unstressеdsyllables;ехpгеssionswith 106 ....... nцmbers ......,. , 108 .....'. Е7 Yоu сaп say thatagaiп ...,..'''.' .!Иhо . 110 '...... .,...........' irrvеntеd writing? Е8 Skillsfoсus: .......,.'..'..,', 172 Е . '..........'..'.. Surnmary 114 '......'......'...... Revisiоnand fluеnсyргactiсеE '..'''.,.'.,,''.,'..'','116 Ъst Е Additiоnalшаtегiаl Yосabulаryindех ...'...,.. AсknоlмIedgеments Phonetiсsymbоls;Irrеgulaгvегbs ...'.......
118 .....'............. '','.'.',...,.122 131 ............'....... ,'',',,132
Map of Book 4 Grammar
Studэпtэlэаrnor rэvlsethэsegrаmmerpoints
.sф|ffi'ъw,.ffi*ф : t*Ё$;
Studentвworkon theseaspsсts of pronunсiatlon
Bloсk A
verbs;rвasons{orchoosingpassives; Non-progressive /tаndwhaf(.сleft soЬ ''., sodoes.,.,etо,;emphasiswith sentenсes');.lлgformsаnd past partiсiplвs;сomplex sentenсeswithsubioctаnd verb sеparated;|inkingwith prepositionsand partiсles. оonjunсtionsand adver|cs;
Wordstress;rhythm andstrossin hearing sentences; andpronounсing unstressed sy|labIes; сoпtrastivе stress;/a/in unstressed sy||аb|es; .dark'/:voweldistiпсtions'
Bloсk B
Rвasonsfor сhoosingpаssives;PresentProgressive passivв;PresentPerfвсtpassive;passiveof verbs Withtwo with if .'' wouldhave.',;paststruсtures objects;willinat|ers; othermodalverbs.
Rhythmаnd strвss;linking;intonation of questionsaпd statemeпts;spв||ing (longend short аnd pronunсiation vowо|s);pronunсiаtion aпd spвllingsof lэ'J'
:.;j;Ъti; .Ё€;;'ii.i,.'.;iу..i,Fffii:liil;ffsi;'lТж; i..-.l.;'"l:'.;:+;1:;';,-.6l:ili.lз1,1я:."'.д..,*i:ti1ffil;siЁ,ЬЧii.-+i.1.6$'-1.ff..
Block C
DitferenсesbetweenPrёsentPer'eсtaпd SimplePast; Future Progressive;FuturePвrfeсt;neеd '',ing have something done;make and let+ objeсt+ iпfinitive;make+ objeоt+ adjective;omissionof objeсtrelativeрronouns;reduсed re|аtiveсlаuses;сommoneрressions withmake, tekё'do' havе and got,
Wordstress;rhythm andstressin sentenсes; hearingunstressф sy|lab|es; unstressed suffiхеswith|e|; weakforms;pronuпсiation and 'silentd, doubling. spelling:
Block D
SimplePastandPr€sent PerfeсtProgressive; SimplaPast аndPаstPsrfeсt;tensesWithl utishandif onlу hadbetter,
Rhythmаndstress;hearing politaandrude unstressed аuxiliaries; intonation; intoпation in relativв
oughtand modalvвrbs;identifyingusоs of preрsitional phrases,partiсiplephrasesand relativeсlаusвs;punctuаtion in ideпtifyingand non.identifying вхpressions;identifyingaпd re|ativeс|auses;гe|ativewhoseire|ativethat, non-ideпtifying who(m)and whiф; omissionof objeоtrelativepronouns; сompoundadjeсtives;prepositionsin desсriptions.
Bloсk Е
сlauses;the vowe|s/eэ|'|э'Jand|тe|; spe|lingsof /c:/;spellingso1|э'J.
stress;hearingunstressэd Coпtrаstive pronunсiation ofthelеtterr; sy||ables; voweldistinctions.
Funсtionsand speфfiсskiIls
Topicsand notions Voсabulary
studвnь |eamor lwlвe wayз ol doingt|вtitпgз
Stщbntз leam to tаlkabout
Listeningbr gist;notingaпd|eamiпg voсаbulary; sсanпingtextforspeсifiс guввsingwordsfrom iпformatioл; writing сontэхt;writingparsonаl|gtters; repoils;distinguishing levelsof difforent formali$;usiпgdictionades ertfiсieпtIy; tel€фoning;gМngdiвсtions; andсoпtrasting; ornphaslsing asking aboutЕщliф; uslngthelanguage Фprоpriateto variougsifi;аtioпs.
ReIativeposition;partsol thingв:timв re|atiопs in narrative; simihф, differencesandсomrnoпground; сouпtri€s andregions;асtiйtiesand interests; likesanddislikes;trаvel;cars.
in Quality; dogre6;propoftion; language Dealingwithоomprehension рroblems loаmingandlanguаgeusв;Inoney; sрeech;|istэningfordвtai|; differentaссeпts; newsррв ard thetreаtnentof news; understanding wo*; wishes;рrsona|ityandpeьonal вvaluating; иnпlng textfor speоifiс inforrnetion;guossinguпknorrnwolds; фaвE.tвdstiсs. makingspokenandwrittenrgроlts; writingeсonomlсal|y; оonnвс{ng and sentenсesintotвxt;вummarЬing paraphвslпg; askingaboutEng|ish; asHщ forandgМngфinions; maklngoffeв. bargainiпg; forspeсffiсinformation; reading Шstвniпg forgiф usingdiсtionаriоs вffiсienф; writiпgformallattars;makingsрkвn and wrtttenrcpotts;makhgdatФ аnd apрiпtnents;ffiking' aссoptiщand givingсоntradiсbry' refusinginvitatiorв; softsnedandemPlЕtiсаnsweв; dist|nguirshiщ dlffвrвntlolds of formalily; inteшiewing.
Пme rв]ations;вmotionsand roасtioпs; сharities;тhird World prоb|ems;|ob Фpliсations and qualifiсаtions;nows; bui|dings'reфrs аnd a|terаt|ons'
knowingthё TalКngаboutthinщWithout exaсtwords;|inkingideаsin disсussioп; li$eniщ br gisggivingsрkeп arЁ writtanphр|сa|сtosсliptions; sсanning rваdingfur textfurspeс-tfю iпfoптation; olerаll mваniщ;summаrising; using diсtionariвsсffiс.|эntly; opaпdingten fюmnotes;do'ining andidвnфing; сlassifying;mаklngsuggвstions.
Timere]аtons;spаtia|rэlаtionsand Рosilion;shape;typesаnddassifiсalion; physba|фpoaranсeol рop|e and p|аces;wishosandrФrets;sсhоolаnd peвond rвlаtionships; th€ eduсаtion; аnimаlkingdom.
position Pastandfuturetimere|atioпs; exсhangвs; Sustainingсonveвationa| вlativоto thespeakвг/hearer; llsteninglor gist llstoпiпgandпote taking;readingforgistlreadiщlor main сonсossion;prsсautions; рUlpose; shapes;numbersandunitsof ideas;guвssingunknownwods; reaс.ting materials; degrэesof prфablllty; measursment; uslпg to litoraryte)сs;summаrising; endtfi6future;travв|and lexiсalandsyпieс{'сdeviоosto lmprovs prediсt|on ad s)Фloвtion;dd age;сoinсidenоes; a writtendrafl;wemiпgarЁ pюmidng. аndreaсtionsto worksof аtt;pЕhistory; ggщвphy; anima|s.
ln аdditionto revisingvoсаbulary tаUghtat eаr|ier|eve|s,sfudвnt wi|lIeam 900 or morв new words and еxprossions duringtheir worft oп Level 4 of the сoulsa.
#affs,dаm*tmgв' 6 EЖ &r&,fufird-wгаAс&ъЁнъgs
|*e *# &ш
listeningfor spесifiсinformatiоn; l-isteningskil|srnote.tаking; (so and nelthеr/nor'!; disсussioп. gгaп,imаr (stгess}; рronuneiation Д в Е-ookat thс list in thе box. tr. Caп you find fivе thiпgs that you arе intеrestedin? 2. Sеe if anybody еlsе hаs поtеd ехасtly the saлne еhiязgsas you. 3. Ч{rhiсhthings are yoш not аt all interestedin? aлtiquеs art ЬaЬy-sittillg bird-wаtсhing сars сollесtingсhildrеn'sЬоoks сооking thе сountrysidе darrсing dоgs drawing dгir,in8 gаrdеning g!аss Flandеl hаптroniuлns histогy hortiсшltцrе hошsеs iпtеrior dеsign jazz musiс rеading shooting oPerа pоol sъviгnrning t{reatre sign lenguege sРoft watсhiпgсriсkеt tгavel wаlking ъvoгryiпgabоut лnоnеy
Е9] Yoш аrе going to hеаг shoгt еxtrасts ftom l Ьtегviеws with nirrе pеоpflе.tтhsir nашПls'iяrогder, ar,е;[-iz BшilосknVегa,Bаsi!, .FI-.&,jеanette,Lindsay, Тоny, Е"izParkiп аnd lan") Тhey aге intегеstеdЬ Ehe aсeivitiеslistеd in Еxerсise x. Wгitе thе роplе's !!а!!пеs'and seеif you сan шotеdоrpn soпrеоf thеir intеrеstsas yoll iistеn tо thс гесогdiпg. Now wоrk in small groцPs апd sееhow 8 m гnaвy of thе follоъving quеstiоns уolt саn аnswеr. Wxшmyou lэavеanswеrеdas ffiiшlyаs pоssiblе,listсв tо thе r,есоrdiшgаgaiп аnd tгy tо сornplrtе уФшrаnswеrs. 1. Whо .Whatis iлtеrеstеdin sign laпguagе? 2. arcLiz Bulloсk's intегеsts? 3. F{оw mаny harmoniurnshаs lan got? 4. xsVеra irrtеrestеdin histоry? 5. What inrеrеstdo Basil аnd jeаnеttеshаrе? 6. \Гhat intегеstdo Verа and F{.A sharеi 7. I.sthе pсrsФrrrt,Ьоwогriеs аЬout moпеy irrtегested in antiquеs} 8. F{оw rnanypеоplеarе intеrеstеdiri rеаding? 9' !Иho has tlrе mоsi interests? .i 10. Oце оf thе intсrеstsin tlrе list is nоt mentionedin the intеrviеws.]Fhiсh? m Рronuпсiation. Solве of thess wогds aге stressеdon thе first sylleЬlе апd sоmе on thе sесond. Сaп you sort theп into trvo groups? Listеn to thе гесогding and сheсk your answrrs. €
antiqr.lе сollесting сountrysidе harlnоnium history intеr€sted intсrview lаnguаgе pronоrrnсе thеatrе
gardеning iпtеriоr гесoгding
у О"'." "'""n 'lEчl {9t
# G,***aг геvisioп.Lооk at thе tаЬlе, Тlrеn аdd soffъеsеnсеnсеsin еасЬ оf thе fоur gгol,]Ps.
1. Sаrаhis iпеегеstеd in rnопеy,аnd sо is Riсhard" Оitvеrlil<еs animаls.аnd sо dосsСеliа"
likesaпima|s сan swim
Sarаhсап't s'л,irn,аnсinoг сan &{аrk. Сеliа doеsп'tсоllесtаntiquеs,аnd пеitЬеrdоеs Riсirагd.
&{аrkhas got a hоrnе.;;,;'.; ;;;;;;;;;";;''. Sarаhрlауs gоlf, ЬшtСсliа dоеsnt.
ru щП
4. Оliver usеdtо likе р'срmusiс,аnd sо did ]!{аrk' Sаrahrjidn"tusеtо соllесtstarnps'Ьut Riсhard did.
is intrrested in mоney
has got a hоme сomputer соllecis antiques
р|аysgo|f Used to со||ёоt stamрs Lisedtо like poр mUsiс
iE чvhat aге your intегеsts?Маkе а list Ьv соmрlеting sоmе оf thеsr sеntеnс€s. 1. I'm vеry intеrеstеdiлdееdin ... 2, I'm quitе intеrеsrеdin .'. 3. I,rnnоt vегy inrеrеstеdin ... 4. I'm not at аil inrеrestеdin ''. 5. i'm Ьоrеdby .'. 6, I think '.. is/arevеry intсrеsting. 7" I think ... iУаrе quitе intеrеsriпg, 8. l think....is/aгevеry Ьоring, 9. l usсd tо bе intеrеstеdiл -.. 10. At thе mоtnentI'm сiоinga lоt оf ... Ask fоr help i{ neсеssar,v. Нoп,dо you spеll.,'?
f Ехсhangе lists wirlr anОthегstцdеnt.Dо you havе any intегеstsin сorпmоц}\ХЪat diffеrепсеsarе thеrе? 8 в"no,, to thе сlass. Ехarпples: ,Аппа's iпtеrеstеdin trаvеl, апd so аm 1.' .Ivlаrythiпks Russiап litеrаturе is intеrеstiпg,аnd so do I.' ,!ohrzdoеsп,tlihе с!аssiсаlпlusiс, апd пеithеr/пor doL' ,Аlех is iпtеrestediп eссlпottliсs,bцt I,тnпоt., ,Pеterцsеd to p!ау а lot a{ footbаll, апd so did I.,
9 oo oпе of thе follоwigtgaсrivitiеs. Givе a shoгt talk tо thr сtassaЬоцt сnе оf ЕIТt{ЕR: уоrrr iпtеrеsts. ок: $ИriteI50-200 wогds at}outorrеоf yоur intсгеsts. musiс;сountryside;design;eсonomiсs; i Lеагn/revlse: aпtiques;eц 9eby.s-|fiinsb:Eyg!!щ; 9lqs.s1с31 ;бЪЕ stamp: -e}Ь-garden homЪЪo6lGr;-lntervьW inlijo|d ; i indeed; so; neither;nor. Russian; spe|t);worry; shoot(shotЗБ6i);spЪl|]sp_е|t, i тra* (c,"-' drawn);p;-onoun""; t_
; j i
FоgLдs ФffisysЁeffiъs
fоr оiасesа*d rrgiспs. unstressеdsyilables;nоunsand aсijeсtives
GRAA,lfulAR:ЕМРF{.dsis'fi.IТFIiТ ANts wт{АT Lооk аt the thrее sеntеnсrs.Thеу mеaп tlrе sаmе,Ьut in thе sесоndand tЫrd € s€ntеnсеs trаuеlling is еmрhаsisеd(givеnmоrе impоrtanсе).Рrасtisерronounсing thе sеntеnсеswith stгеssorr trаuеlling' In rnу jоЬ, I iikе thе travеiliпg. Iп rnуjоЬ,it'sthе tгavеllinglhаt I likе. Т likе is ;hе iravеlling'. lп mт jоЬ,."vhаt
{at ,4.
'.:i. !:::"
"!& .s€ ,*.: :€ :Ё *ъ & l"ф
: ,"--,
..,ц&frl! liJфin tJ4p ф t rI"'е аге sotllе things tlзatpеорlе sаid aЬоuсthеiг .vогk.Сhагrgеthе sеntепсеssОas to ехpгеssсhеidеas iв thе оthегпvо роssiblеwaуs (sееЕхеiсisе 1). i likе v'оrking lviгh оthегpеоplе' \Yhat I likе is оrganisingrny оwn woгk. ItЪ bеingalоnеthаt I likе. I likе meеtingреoрlе. What I likе is bеingаblеtо trаvеlоn businеss. lt's har.ingmy own оffiсеthat I likе. I likе hаvingrеspопsiЬility. !7hat I likе is wоrkingin a smallpеrsоnal оrganisаtiоn.
Ф sa1,vr.hаtyоu likе аnd what yoц dоn,t like abоut yоrrrРгеsentjоb, yоur sсhоol, thе plaсe whеrе you livе, ог yоlrr wаy of lifе. Bфn Jt's ... ot what ... 4
сo*pl*tе thеsе. \Х/hati likе mоst abоut ..' ls ... W I r а t I l i k е l е а s ta Ь с u t . . . i s ' . .
5 сo,,t.,diсt thтееor moтеof thеsе.Usе Ir isn,t/шаsп,t... thаt... Ехamplе: ,It isn't суclists thаt cаusеroаd асcidепts' It'sbаd roаds.'' CyсIistsсauseгoad aссidеnts. Soldiеrsсausеwars. !Иorking hard makеs yоu hеalthy. Lovе makes thе world go round. Nарoleon disсovеrеdAmeriсa.
Norwаy won thе World Сuр in 1990. The sun goеsround thе еarth. Books tеaсhyou aЬoцtlifе. Grammars tеll you what words mеan.
PRONUNCIATION: UNsтRЕssЕD SYLLABLЕS o р9] Listеn to thе гесоrding.How mаny wогds arе thеrе in eасh sеntеnсе? (Сontгaсtioпs|tkeI,d,сount as two wогds.) rf:
]Р9| Тhеге is onе vоwel whiсh сomеsin all оf the fоllowing fivе words. Whаt is it?
kасtise saying thе fivе ruоrds,and thеn sееif you сan say t.hеsе. Gеrmany
с* you сompletеthе table? Can you add somе morе words?
Amегiса Australiа
Еngland Franсe Irеland
Keпya Swirzегlаnd I0f.alеs
PЕRsoN аn...''...'... 4n............
a Bеlgian (a Chiпesе) a Danе an............ anЕnglishmar/rмoman 4............ 4n...,........
аn Isrаеli 4n...,...,.... (aJapanеsе) a.''''.',...' a Sсot a Spaniard (a Swiss) a.!Иelshman./woman
PЕOPLЕ thе Amеriсапs
the.......,....s thе.,...-....,.s thе Chinеsе thе'..'....'...s the............s thе'....,.... thе........,...s thе '...........s rhе thе thе thе thе. thе.
ADJЕстtvЕ Amеriсan
irriirr Kenyаn Sсottish/Sсotсh
U Can you wгitе down the Еnglish namеs оf сountriеs in thrее or morе of thе follоwing gгoups? .lilfеstеrn Еuropе 1. four сountriеsin 2. fоur сountriеsin Еastеrn Еuropе 3. fоur сountriеs in the Мiddlе Еast 4. four сountriеs in thе Far Еast 5. four сountfiеsin Amеriсa Learrr/revise: (road)aооident;сyс|ist;the earth; 6. four сountrieswith aп Atlantiс сoast so|dier;travel responsibility; offiсe; organisation; 7. four сoцntriеsrryitha Paсifiс соаst (meant, meant);meet (noun); mean wаr; disсover; 8. thrее сountriеswith no sеa сoast business; healthy; on (met, alonв; met); organisc; 9. four vеry hоt сountriеs Eхercises from etс. of countries least; names most; сold 10. two vеry соuntriеs I and 9. 1,1
tr3Sitшаtions |anguagе. givingdireсtiоns; othersituational te|ephoning; Listeningaпd speakingski||s;
All ехсеpt € Dо yоu kпow all of thеsеехрressions?.Whiсh onе сalls. rn tеlеphоnе usеd onе are сornmonly is thе ехсеption? Ъ,vingto сonпeсtyou. НislHer line's busl'. Сan уou hold? Do 1,9цknоw his/hегextепsiоп? I'11sееif I саn transfеryou' I'm sorrv.I,vе/Yоu'vеgоt thе Wrongпumbеr. }iislНеr numbеrЪringingfor you. I,ll put you thгough. Тhis is (namе). \Fhо аrе you? Whо is that? Spеaking. WЪ got сut off' Тhis is a vеr,vЬаd linе. I'ii ring yоu bасk. fr;:r .ччj Listеn to the tеlеphoпесопvегsаtioпs.You € will hеar all ехсеpt thrее of thе ехpгеssionsfтorn Ехетсisе1. \x/hiсhthrее? Nоw listеn again to thе final соnvеrsatiоп З ei bеtтr'ееnSrцагtaпd il{aгgагеt'As yоu listеn, iоok at the шrap.Stuart tеlls Магgaret hоw tо fiпd a rеstаurantсаliеd LaсyЪ.Whегe is thе гestaurаnt- аt A,B,СorD?
ф оo you kпош. tlrеsеwords and ехрrеssiоns? {Thеу аrе а]l usеd in giving dirесtiоns.l aсrОss .along pasт thrоugh гounсiaЬout -bеnd
dоwn i.r frоnt оf tоwards
traffiс lighrs
оppоsitе foгk
Gо straight ahеаd fоr .'. yаrds/mеtrеs. Тakе thе first/sесond1e/с. оn thе risht/lеft. Turп rightileftat.'' It's оn vоur righс/lе{т. Yоu сan't miss it, F
f;E Wоrk in pairs.Imagiпеthаt yotl arе stапdingin thе сепtrеоf a towttоr сity thet yоu krrowwеll. onе of уов livеs thеrе,thе оthеr is a touгist аskiпg foг diгесtiоnstо somеwhеre.Aсt оut thе соnvеrsаrion. aFr
Ф what situаtiопswоцld thе follоwirзgсхрrеssiоns bе usеdin? Сhoosеоnе of rhе situatiопs:hоw maпу гпогеtуpiсаl Еnglish ехpгеssiоnsсaЕ '{сturеrnеmЬeг? .WЬat w-ouldyou likе tо sсartrvith? Тhrееfirst-сlass,piсasс,аnсltl.risоnе is tо bе rсgistеrеd. Dо уоu mind if I lоok rоцnd? Тwеntyin fivсs аnd thе rеstin геns,plеasе. ls it dirесtоr do I hаvеrо сhаngеi Da,vrеtвrпto Londоп' piсasе. Сould уоu сhесkthе oil? Сan I gетyou anothеrdrink) firm? Ноw lоng hаvе,vоuЬeеnlvith yоur pз:еsеnт E!
{ Wогk in grouрs of thгееor four. Prсpаrеапd prасЕisеа соцvеrsаriоnwhiсh takеsрIaсеin оnе оf thе situationsfrоm Еxетсisе6. Тhе сoilvеrsaiionmцst invоlvе threeor fotж сЬataсtеrs,aпd must inсludе thе fоllоwing:1l a pгоЬiепr;2) а tеlеphоneсali; 3) dirесtionsabоut hоw tо grt to а plасе.lХ/hепyоu arе rеаdg асt out yоur сonvеrsаtionfоr thе с!ass. Leаrп/revise: l Еxprеssioпs usad iп telephoning:Оа-niCould (|'m} one minute/mоmеnt; sрeaktо '.'?; Speаking; iine,s tryingt0 conneсtyou;Тhe/Нis/Неr Cаn/Ylil|уou hold?;l'|iring/сa|l engaged/busy; agаinin a minute;Dс you knowthеlhis/nеr |t'sringingfor you;|'liputyouihrough; eхtensioп?; gоtthe l'll see if l сan transferуou;l'veЛ/ou've that?; is ..';Whо's Тhis wrongnumber/eхteпsiоn; you оUtoff;lt'sа bad line;i'l|ring/сall We were/got baсk' Giving direсtiоns:aоross;along;dоWn;in frontof; tratfiо past;through; towards;rоundаbоut; оppоsite; for ahead strаight Go bend; fork; Т-junсtion; lighis; on the Тakethefirst/seсond/efс. ... yards/metrоs; at ...;lt'sоn yourright/|eft; righti|eft right/|eft;Тurn Yоu сan'tmissit. 1з
Тhe sun Wаs irъthe rъоrЁh I
guessingwоrdsfromсontext, i Readingskills:readingforsрeоifiсinformatioп, l a personal|ettеr, iI voсabulary сhoiсe;writingski|ls;Writing | сarefulreadiпgtordetai|s;
$ Rеad thе tеxt and look аt thе mаp. lf thе Phоеniсian sailоrs sеt оff in 600 BС, whеrе dо you think thеy werе (roughly) iп; Dесеmbеr 600; Мay 599; July 599; DесеmЬег 598? You сan usе your diсtionary or ask yоur tеeсhег abоut rvords that are песеssaryfoг answеring thс quеstion,Ьut dont look up or аsk аbout any оthеr words.
тHE sUN WAs lN тHЕ NoRтн Тhe Poffuguesedisсoverеdthе westсoast of biaсk Afriса500yearsago' Bui historiansbeliеvethai'2'000 yearsear|ier, the Phоеniсiansmayhavetrave|lеd right roundAfriсain smal|boatstromSuez tо Gibraltarаnd baсkto Еgyрt. The jоurneуwas рlannedby thе Еgyptianpharaoh in tindinga sea Neсhoin 600 Bс. Не was interested routеfromЕgypt'seasternсоastоn the Red Sea to on thе Mеditеrranean. |пthosedays,nobocy AIexandria knewhowbigAfriсаwas,and he beliеvedit Wouldbё rasy to tol|owthe Afriсаnсоastroundto tЙоrоссoand ] ].. baсkto Еgyрt' Neсhohiredсrev.lsof Phоеniсiansto makethe ,, journey.Тhe Phoеniсians|ivedаt the eаsternendof thе ,, ,' , .. Мediterrаneaп, wherelsrаe|,LebanonarrсiЕgyptare in Neсho'splаn'beеаuse tоdау'ТheyWrreiпterestаd their.traders wantedto finda new routeto theirmаrkets in thewesternMeditеrrаnean, avоidingwаtеrswhiсh . ]''' werесontrolled by theirGreekrivа|s, |'.-, Aсоordingto an o|dstoryreрortedby the Greек histоriaпHeroсiоtus. the Phoеniсiansset offat the beginning of winterin 5O.oaredsаilingships,rowrdto theeesterntiрoi Аlriсaat Cape Gardafui,-аnd then sаi|edsouth.rдвst оn the monsoonwindsVМonthаfter monthWentby,andtheysai|rdfuftherаnd turthsrsоuth,:i DuringiheirjoUrney,iherlieаtherbeсamesteadiiy сo|der,anсjth€ seas rougher,and ihe Phоeniсianswerr amazedto see thatthe sun was nowin thr northat midday.Тhey musthavethoughtthаttheywouldnever seв theirhomesagain.Butаftersiх moпths,ihe сoast turnedWest;theyWrntroundihe Capе of Goоd Нoре and at lastbeganto travelnorth. lrj Whi|etheyweresаi|inguр thewestсoastof Atriсathеy.i., ranoutof food'and had to landto сo||eсt moresupрlies Thisde|ayedthem,and it was oпlyafteranоtherfifteen moпthsthat.they rеaсheda сountrytheуknewМoroссo.FrоmtheretheyWenton to Gibrаltarаnd then sаiledeаsttoЕgypt.Wheпtheyeventuallyаrrivod homе'thвyhad beenawayfor ovеrtwoyears|- ..,.r; and hadtrave|lеd 25.000km,
,i.lii.,. ,s]
* # GuеssiпEnеъr.rn,oгdsfгоm соntехЁ.Маtсh еaсh wоrd oг eхpiеssiоnin сolumп ,{ witlз thе rnеавingiп сolшmnB that соmеsс!оsеsttо it. Thеге аrе so{ttе ехЕгаrпеаningsin соlumшB.
1. hired {linе1-З]' 2. сгеrмs(liпе 13\ 3. tradеrs(linе 17) 4. аvоidiпg (liуlеtr9| 5. rivals (liпe 19| 6. rоwеd (linе 22} 7. mоnsооn Uine 24) 8. stеadily(line 26I 9. amazеd|linе 28] 10. ran oat af |linе 34} 11. suppliеs{Iiпе34\ 12. еvеntually{litlе38J
at last, finаliy bоats сornpеtifors' pсоplе whо wantеd thеir markеts groups of sailors had по rnоrе kеерing away from littlе by littlе mоvеd thеir Ьоats'with long рiесеs of wооd оrdеrеd paid (thеm)tо wоrk fог hirn pеоpiе whо buy аnd sеll rainy time of thе yеar tеrriЬly ссld things thеy пееdеd usiпg, сrоssing vегy sшrprised wеnt vеry fаst iп thе wаgеr
s Lооk at thеsеsешtеIrсеs. Сomparе thешrwith thе tеxt; wгitе S if thе sеntепсеssаy thе samеas the tехt аnd D if thеy say sоrnеtЬingdifferепtfrоm thе tеxt. 1"Nесhо hаd businеssrеаsonsfоr findinga sеа rоцtе rсlцndAfriсa. 2. ЕIedidn't think it would Ье suсhа lоng jошгnеy. 3. Thе Phоепiсianstrаdеdwith сountriеsin thе wеstеrnМеditerrаnеan. 4. Thе Grееk histоrian Hеrodоtuswеnt with thе Рhоеniсiаnsаilоrs. 5. Тhеу-stаrtеdfrоm thс еаstеrnМеditеrranеan. 6' ТЪey got lost оn rhе way sОЦth'and sailеd in thе wrоng dirесtiоn. 7' The wеаthеfgot Ьеttеraftеr they had gоnе rоund rhе Сapе of Gооd Hоре. 8. It tооk thеm а lоng timе tо gеt frоm tЬе Cаре оf Gооd Hоpе to fulorОссo' 9. Опе rеаsоnfoг this was that thеy stоppеdin Wеst Afriсa rо gеt morе food. tr.O' Моrоссo wаs thе fiгstсountfуthеy rесоgnisеdоn thе way north" 11. Тhе whоlе jоurnеytооk пеaгiyfwo yеars. &
й& Lооk аr Ехегсisеs1and2 again,and сЬооsе sоme wоrds and ехprеssiо'lstO lеaгп.Соmpаrе yoЕr list йth anothеrstudrnt's. #
B Еmagiпеyou arе оrtеоf rhе Рhоеniсiaпsailогs oп Nесho,sships.Yош havе iапdеd ФE thе wеsЕсоаst оf аrе afraid yоu will Afriса to fаkе оn suppliеs.Yоu .I[/гitе а lеttеr aЬоut yоuг clеvегsееyоuг hоmе agаin. сxpегiепсеsfо a rеlativеоr fiепd (yоu wili Ршtit in a Ьottie аnd thrоw it in thе sеa,hoping it getstо thеm). рtrеntyоf thе vосaЬulary fгom the !еssоn.
Thе Рbг,r*iсiа,в*s'
snfr'*'$tё {*Fв*d
зorne of these: boat;business; food;jоumey; с-*ast; {оn)iаnd;market;}тidday; tip;wind;amaze; supрlies; route;shiр; rfigпth; (beсаmе, beсome);соntrоl; beсome avoid; arrive; land;рlan;reaоh;reрort; de|ay;disсоvеr;fо||ow; ruпoutоf (ran'run);sаii;set оtf(set,s€ t ); trave| away;easy; rough;easterп;Western; {trаvei|ed); east north;south;west;south.west;eventuаlly; furiher;rоugiтly;stеadi|y;aссordingto;round Wepoвftff,,n1.
J&ffiSeсretЁhошghЁs prоnunсiaiion; speakingpraсtiсe; fоrdetai|,prediсtion; listeniпg ] Listeningski||s: i grаmmar(verbsnotusedin progressive).
{ @ ксad thе text аnd listеnto thе rесоrdiпg. Thе sеntenсеsin Ьгaсkсts( ) агеthе mоtогist'ssесгеt thoughts. А motoistсomesbaсkto hiscar,А traffiсwardenis standing besideit. твAFFIсWАROEN:Еxсuse mr, sir' мoтoвlsт: Yёs?
(Оh' no' not again.)
тW: |s thisyоurсar?
Yеs' it is. {No,it'sthe Queеn'sprivateaeroplanе'yau fool.) l'm аfraidyou'rrрarkedоп a doub|еyellоwliпe.sir' lvl: Gооd heaveпs'am I rea|lу?I'mso sоrry,l didn'tпоiiсе. (She'll nеver bеlievе that. Lrrs uу flafiеry.) I say, whata prettyuпiforrn. (You |ooklike a сamel wевringa tent.) |'глsorry,sir,butl'l|haveto giveyoua tiсkei. tut: i s€ е ' (Ifyou do' l'н kiil you') тW: Maу i havеyоurnаme,please,sir? м : James Baхter. (Mу name is Тarzan, terrorof theiunglе. I am going to tear уour unfformiпto tittlе piеces and stutf them down уcur throaL) M:
* щ Сlosе уоur Ьoоk аnd listеn tо thе гесоrding аgain. Can yоu rеmеmbеr any of thе sесrеt thоughts?
m Now гсad this tеxt. Try то imaginе what 3 thе shop assistant is thinking. Then listеn to thе гесordiпg: you will hеaг опе pоssiЬiе r,еrsioп of thе аssistaпtЪ sесrеt thoughts. А сustomeris tryingoп shoеs iл a shoе shap. сUsТoiлEп:No' |'mafraidtheydoп'tquitefit' Could l try anotherpair,please? AssisтAilJт: of оourse,mаdаm. с: Yеs, theseonesfitquiteniсеly,but I don'tthinkthisshade оf rеd rea}|ysuiis me.Whаi dо you thiпk? A: I thinkthe сolоursuitsyou very wel|,madam. с: l'rnalraid|'mgivingyou a iot of trouble.'. д: oh no,,madam, notаt al|. с: ... butl think|'dtiketo trythatpairoverthere. l.: But you,vealreadytriеdthose ones on, madam' с: Well,l thinkl'l|trythemagainjustto mаkesure. я: VeryWe||, madаm. с: Nо, l was rightthe firsttime'Тhey suitme verywel|,but theydоп'tquitefit. д: No. mаdam.
| . {, '
;..1! .
4 ._g." Рrоtunсiаtiоn" I.isrсnto thе гесогding,aпd lr,гitеthе nшrnbсrsof thе sспteпсеsthat yоu hсar. 1' tr,dрагk оп rhatdоublеуеIlоwiinс" ./2.I'1lpark оn thаtdоuЬlеyеllowlinе. w3. Тhеу *еvеrgivеmr a tiсkсt for parkingirеrе. 4. Тhey'li nеvсrgivemе a tiсkеtfог parkinghеrе.
: )
5. I nееd}.ouгпame аnd addrеss,sir. sir. u,6'I'll nееdyour nameand aсidrеss, 7. Тhе рoiiсеtоw vou!.сar aъ,aуit it stаysthеrе tоо iоng. v,8' Тhе pоliсе'lltow yoцr сar awaуif it staysthеrе toо iоng.
& I
t \
Y9. Тhоsеshоеslоok Е]rеat on you. 10. Тlrоsсshсеs'llloоk grеaton you. 11. Dо yоrl think thеsеsшityоui v 12. Dо уcв fЬink rhеsе'llsuiryоu?
tr * D
.l 't I
13. I thiвk thеsесоloцrsmatсhyour 'J'ress. соlouгs'llmatсhyоur drеss. J14. I think thеsе Nоw say thеsеsеntепсеsfrom Еxеrсisеs1 aпd 3.
ЦD Work in grошpsоf thгееor four. Complеtеtwo ог rnorеof thе follоwing сonversations.lп eaсh сoпvегsatiоn'ffy to usе thе шill-fuaпe (I'lllуoilllhе'|l еtс.)at least оnсе, and/оr оnе оf thе vetЬsthiпk, fеel, hopе, ulапt, kпoul, bеIiеuе,Iikе, love, пeed,,retnеrnbеr,und*stаtld, seеп, Iook. |Notе thаt thеsеvеrbs arе nоt usuelly usеdin pгogгеssivе foгms.)\Еhеn yоu hаvе сornplеtеdthе сопvегsatiоns, aсt somе of thеrn for thе othег stцdеnts. .!Иhat FATнЕR: аrе yоu doing this еvеning,Sylvia? DAL,lGнтЕR:
(sпсв.вт тнoUGF{тs:
VlFЕ: Ноw dо you likе my hаir' darling? }IUSBAND: (sr:сRЕтTНoUGHTS: w l F Е :. . . . . . , . ' ' ' . ' (sвскrт ТHotJсFiтs:
- ) .'.'......'..............')
TЕAСHЕR:Dо уоu all undеrstand? SТUDЕNTS:
Shе,llnеr.еrbеliеvеthаt. I'I1har,еtо gir.еi.оu а tiсkеt. I rhinkI'il tr1'thеmаgain. I'll kill you! 5 root аt Ехеrсisеs1 аnd 3. Сhооsе sоmс usеful wогds aвd сxprеssionsto lеaгn.Disсussyоur list wirh оthеr stцdе*tsaпd еxplaiп yot!гсhоiссs.(Dо yоu сhoоsеwогds Ьесausеthеy атесommon,bесausеthеy aгr сonrrsсЕсdwith your intегеsts,bесаusеyou likе thе sound of tlrеrn,bесашsеthеy аrе еasy,Ьесausе thеyarе diffiсult'...?)
l5t.(-t(Ll lrluUUпjs;
Learn/revisesome of these: aeroрlane; linё; оame|;сustomer; audienсe;braсket(s); shаde motoristрair;seсret(nounand adjeсfiye); throat;tratfiоWardёn; (ofа сolоur);tent;thоUght; uniform;fit;kill;makesure trouble(uncauntable'1; (madr,made);пotiсe;park;stuff;suit;tear (tоre' private; torn);tr!/on;wear(wore,worn);potitiоal; (. onIy); tiie шirщtime;Gоoc ЬЪ-iо";,"й"Ьсy;just UЕs|ut''
heavens; I'm afraid ...
; l I
Focuson systems ^н,6 andwritiщсomp|exsentences;roрned unфrstanding A сhobвof oxerсiseg: eрressions, stresв;rvordslor pаrtsofthingв;prepositioпa| сontrastive spooс*r;
4 нo"аrе theспdsof thrsesgrtr,псеs. Can уoшput sцitфlс b9ginnins with thяп, so аs to 'пakеsепsЬlе sсntсnсдs?
l In сomplсх sentепсеs,vсгЬс don,t alwaуs сoше iшmediаtсlу aftcr their subieсв. Compаrе:
1. фe sиirs hasgoпеout. 2. thestаtioпis a goodplaсеto find сhеepсloйеs. 3. фе busstoploolсsso fuпnу.
Sсhool wаs a r,erуhappy time. TЬe уeаг аftеr I left sсhool wдs e vеry happy timе. A good plаn is to do nothing The worтt зolutioп when уou have a problem and сan't think of a good plan is to do nothing.
5 @ Iюok at thе sеntеnссs.vlhiсh of thе woгds |n it4li6 is strезsеdin eaф oпe? Say thе s€пtqrсes.
2 нn"arе the сnds of soше srnt€псrs. Look in фe Ьoх to find thе rфt Ьegiппings.
1. Thе Ameriсan Dеmoстatiс Party has quitе similer poliсiеs to thеАmеriсаn nepuБIican Pаrtу. 2.Tbe Nеw Zеalaпd LаЬouг Partу is rather difftrent from фе BritЬh l.aboar Partу. 3. Еxport figurеs arе rising faster tЬn httpoп figwes. 4.I,vе nеvеf mеt thе Prеsidenq but I'vе mеt the Prеsidеnt'sulifе. 5. I dont usuаllyvоtе iп elссtioпs, but thЬ otp,s impoсaпt. 6. First rеports of thе сrаsh refeсed to two сars, but it is пoп, Ьеliеvedthatthrce а;гswete involved
1. my militaгy sсrviсе п,es the Ьеst timе of my life. 2. сhildrеn alwaуs seеmso рaсefuI. 3. the Cathеdral has got a lot of gоod restaurentsin. 4. mу first wifе hed holes in thе roof. 5. Frеd wes thе hottest she hed еver kпorr,n. 6. a numbсr 7 bus is rсaШуbеautiful. 7. my mothеr works dorryna сoal miпе. 8. today's pаpеr looks a bit likе you' eхсеpt for thе hair. Plaсеs whеrе therе аren,t any That piйшe of a little girl й a piпk dress on thе front sеet of The daу when shе marriеd Thе house whеrе I livеd u,ith Thе photo at the bottom of page 1 in Thе seсond strеrt on thе riф aftеr yoц get to Thе wееk bсfore I staшеd Thе mаn in thе flat nеxt door to
3 шo* use thе foшowiпgiпforшation to buitd a s€пtrпge. Bфn I thfuk thе tin ... ЦеreЪ а tin. It's Ьеhind thе сookсry books. Thеу,re on thе top shelf. Thе shelfisovеrthе соokеr I think thе tiфs got somе bisсцits iп. NorY mаkе a srntеnсeЬфпning Amu sауs thв plaсе... Тherе's a.pleсe' hЪ by tlrc rivrr. Af,ficлte'еdthrrе. She sиyеd thэrе п,ith Еlдiпе. They sиуеd theзelest srЦnmеi Thсу stayеd thсяeаftеr Аnпе's exaqrs. She sаузitЪ inсrеdiЬly Ьeautiful.
6 нo" а8esoпe sеntGпсrsfroш a trewrsPap€r r€Port' with notеs for соrrссtionв iп hraсkеts. Маkе the соrrсctioпs (thеfirst two аrе dolrс frr уoш).Bе сдrеful to stressthе гфt woгds. 1. Thе Pгesidспt'shusband is fortу+iebt todaу. $6| The nешффer said thаt thе Presidаlt's husbaпd шаs fartу-еight tadaу but aсшllу he'sfortу.si*., 2. Не is йsiting tbr sоuth of Franсe. (north) The nеwspаpt said hе шas uЬhing thе sotlth of Frmюe, but iп fаа hеЪ vЬitkg thе tюrtb of Frаnсe.' 3. Thе PrеsidentЬ leavirщ for China on Sunday eftеrnoon. (Мonйy) 4. Shе rr'ill bе aссompaniedby two senior offiсials froш the мinistг}, of Ъфnology. (four) 5. wШс.iir сhinд, she plаns to mееt offiсials fтom thе Мinistry of Еduсаtion. (Forеign Trade) 6. Shе wiЦ rejoin her hrшbaпdbdorе her vЬit to Chinа. (after) 7. on hеr rешrц thс РresidentwiШta&ea loщ holiday. (short) 8. The Prеsidепt Ь not plaпniщ to sвnd аgаin at the nеxt eleсtion. (is plarrning).
lvьu' €an yorrsееin thе рiсtuгеs?l,!,ritеsentеасеs.
Piсtuге] is Рiсturе2 is I,tсturеJ rs Piсrurе4 is Piстurе5 is
Рiсtuге6 is Рiсrurе7 is Рiсture8 is Piсturе 9 is Рiсturе10 is
\ 1 /) \ ) i
rhеsidеоf ...
thе Ьaсk оf thе frtrnt с'f ' ,.
оf ... rhеr<rp thе hottог.lr:i ..,. tЬе сtlгnеrоf..'
роilrt оf
rheеndоf ... of ''. thе bеginning
Listеn to thе reсordingand rvгite6n5wеrstо thе quеsтiоns, 8 m s). usiпgаt the tap/bottam/froпtlbасklsidе( of thе sесопdpiсшrе; 9 п.,а thе dеsсriptionof thе first рiсtuгe;соmpiеtеthе dеsсriptiоn and r,r,ritеthе third dеsсriрtiоnyourself. zт.'.,
Gn thе Тhеrе'sa big сirсlе.Insidеthе сirсlеat rhс tор thеrеЪe snrаlirrianglе. a dоt, thеге's sidе thе lеft at thе dn ciehtat the sidеthеrеarе two smallсirсlеs. sqilarе. smаll а thеrе's miсidlс thе Iв ,'ТJiь.'.;' a сгosset thе bоttom.
{ o n,,l, a simрlepiсturе.Dеsсribеit to anоthеr studеntапdsеeif hеlshесandrawit. 79
tr?Cruefltytо сars :: praсtiсe;i raadingandWriting fоrlearningvoсabulary; and teсhniques i Voоabu|ary, prepositions; passive; linking Words; tenses. aпd aсtive i l сhoosingbetwrrп а T Rеad onе or morе оf thеsenеwspaPеrreports.Thе first two arе tо bе сompletеdwith ц'ords frоm thе boхеs (therеare too many wоrds in еасhЬоx). In thе third, thе сorrесtveгЬ foгmshavе tо bе сhosеп. ЕNRAGЕD l4ОToRIsT.KILLS'сAR A mоtorist ЬесamсепragеdТuеsdayrvhеnhis сar got ''', thе snоw,smаshеdits windоws...,...?. stuсk'.''.'.1.....'' a tirе iron thеnpullеd . э..'....a pistol аnd shоt out the tirеs,pоliсеsaid. ..Hе killеd it" It'sa саsеоf eutoсidе,,'said pоliсе Мaj. Jасk КеIiеm. Thе сar got stuсkin siх inсhеs.......1-.',... snоw. Pоliсе said thе drivеr beсamеsо aцgrythаt hе pulled а tire irоn .......5.. ...thе trunk aпd smаshеd сvеrvц'indоw......6....,.thе сar.Still nоt satisfiсd,hе pullеd 7' . а pistоl eпd shоtell fоur tirеsfull . .....l.. . . hоlеs,thenrеlоаdеdand еmptiеdhalf . . ..1Q.....' . ?... а sесоndсlip оf brrllеts thесar' \t/hеnthеgun jarnmеd,hе thгеw.il ..11....thе ..thе tirе irоп. snolvаnd rеrurnеd. .' .i.2... !i/hеnpoliсеarrivеd,he was Ьеaтing '.1i thе hood. Kеliеrnsаidtlrеrtiаnv.rassоЬеrand rаtionа].but l,rry pеrturЬеd' Не rvasjai!еd......i'{..'.-. disсherging a firearm .. '1l....'. thесitу'. (tromThe Нouston Pos|\
dowп fоr frоm inrо o{ оf оf to uр with
tn out
into out
A suЬurЬanСlеr'еlandman lеаrnсddrеharсiway '.'..!'6.'...' it сan Ье сostlу* ro aftасkone'sown unwiliing autоmоbiie. A Мuniсipai Соurt judgefinеdJеffrеvG. Jаnor оf СievеiandНеights$50 for disоrdеrlyсonduсt .,.''1.7,....'. hеaringоf . . ..1.f .....' JanоrЬeatupoпhis сar with a сirеiron in a ragе. Jaпor was оn his wаy to a сanoеoutingwith somе friепds.....:l2.. .. his oidsmoЬiiеstaiiеdin thе perking lоt of a shoppingmali in neighbоringRiсhmоnd Неights. Не рushеdthе сar into a parkingsPaсе'grabЬеda tirе iroп . .'..?().'.. . smаshedall thе windows.Не was piсkеdup by friеnds,'....?,i.''.,. transfеrrеdthе сanoе from Janor'sсar to thеir own. ,'..'.?Z....,., his оurЬurstwasrvitnеssеd Ьy a Мall sесurityguard,..'..'?э......' alеrtеdpoliсе.Janоr was arrestеdin SouthЕuсlid' (tтomтhe Houston Post\
after although and howеver that whеn
bесausе how who who
вRoтнЕRs DЕsTRoY сAR BЕSIDЕ мOTORWAY Тwо brоthers who {ulreсkеd/ hаuешreсkеd)thеir сar with а slеdgеhammer andjaсkhandiеanа(lеft/ hаue lеft)it aЬatldonedon а motorlvayм,i|I(sснd/ bе sеntI гhebill fоr its remоval. Riсky aпd RoпniеJohnsоnof Сheitеnham Иесided / havе dесidеdltо punish thеir Rovеr 2000 аftеrit (brokе/iaаs breаhiпg dorvnon thе М5 in - thе day аftеrtЬеу(bаuespеnt/ had Giоuсеsrеrshirе spепt)f'150оn rеpairs' Мotoristswatсhеdin amazеmеntes thе rwo Ьrоtherssеt aЬoutdestroyingthе vеhiсlеat thе roadsidе. mouеd/ bаuепoш mouеd\tтra a W.оrkегs{noъu dеpоt...As far as I'm соnсеrnеdit сan (stау/ to stcу/ stсуiпg)thеrе,''saidRiсky,а 28.yеar-oldЬuildеr. (Irom тhс Wantage Gazotta\
I G What dо yоu rhiпiс оf tЬе Ьеhaviоцг dеsсribсd in thе rероrts? F{ar.eyоu eъIеrgot sо angry wirh sоп]еЁhingtirат 1'оu dеsttоyсfl it? TеIt thе сIass about it. & вF Е,ооk at тhе fоliоwing ехрrеssiоnsfrоm thе rерoгts. lVhy dо vо'.rthink tЬеy arе соnstruсrеd w.itlr .lVouid pаssivе vеrbs? it bе еasy tо rеwгitе thе sentеnсеs using aсtivе vеrbs (е.g. ,.. jailed hitn; friеnds piсkеd.иiw up| instеad? Рirst rеpart: Hе rvas jailеd Seсond rеpoft: Не was piсkеd up by friеnds His outЬurst was rvitnessеd Janоr was arrеstеd Third report: Тц,о Ьrоthеrs ... rvi!! Ье sеnt thе bill
ffi н.,. arе somerмoгdsfrorn thе first two tехts. with thеiг British Епglish еquivаlеnts.Dо yоu know any moге US/GB diffеrеnсеs? US
trцnk tirе hооd parking lot lеarned nеighЬоriпg
г},ге l.аu,l,+La-/ Ьo.lг,., I.o44,r( сar park learnt
{ЕE сhoosе somеvoсаЬulаryto lеаrn frorrrthe rеpoгts.Compагеnotes with othеr studеnts,aпd talk аbоut thе reasonsfor yоuт сhoiсеs.Hоw аre yсu going to notе thе meaningsand usе of the woгds? Е{оwaгеyou gоiпg tо mешогisethеm? э!
8 oЧi Pronunсiation. Oпе word in еaсh gгoup hаs а diffегeпt vowеl sound. Whiсh Ь it?
,a l* Look at thе foilоwing pairs оf woгds.whiсh wогd in eaсhpair dо you fееl is rnorееmphariс (.stronger,}? Сaп yоu think оf any morе pairs of vyоrdsiikе thеsе? аngry- еnragеd hit * Ьеat srпash- Ьreak rr,rесk - dеstrо,v tаkе- gгaЬ
1. pullеd hoоd push stuсk 2. shop onе сОstl,Y rvаtсhеd 3. who fuil tЬrew t1vo 4. hoц' Ьrokе snоw so 5. jamrnеd stallеd graЬ smash 6. said friеnds thеn Ьrеak 7 ' ha|f haгd сat аl! 8, jаil tage thеir sPасе iЭ Неrе arе sornе quеstions about a tехt that you havе шоt seеn. R.еad thе quеstiоns, think what г!rе rехt miфt sаy aсd writе the tехt. 1. \Хihat was tЬе wеаther likе rvhеп Мrs Dаwsoп startеd hеr jоurney? 2. \Х/Ьat,happеnеd when shе gоt rо сhе Ьridgе? .i7h.v 3. did shе dесidе tо destrоу Ьеr сar? .VИhеrе 4' did her hцsЬand gо r,l'hеnshе starrеd atraсking thе сar? 5. Ноw did thе pеoplе in thе strееtrеaсt? 5. \)flhаrdiсi shе usе tо try tо sщash thе windorvs? 7. WЬу соuldn,t shе smash thеm? 8. What happеnеd whеn slзеtrr'еcto drivе the сar inrо thе rlvеri 9. \Х/hathappепеd rvhеn shе rieсi to sеr firе tо it? 10' What еjsеdid slredо tо it? 11. Whаt did thе poliсеmаn \&'аnttо kпоiv? 12' Whl. did thс pоliсепranarrеsthеr}
Learnlуevise:аmazemrnt;bil{;bui|der; builet; сanoe;оiiy;ъuаrd; ho|e;rage;remcva|; tyre; sгlоW; vehic|e; arrвst;attaсk;bеat(bеat,beaten); break down(brоkе,broken);destroy;empty{yёrDi;get stuck;grab;jam;learn(iearnt,|earnt); move;piсk up;puli;рunish;push;reiurп;shoоt(shot,shot); smash;sрend(speпt'sрrnt);stay;throw(threw'
11 LI
гэ*ws thr ils I-{ёfё effi lоr the eХaоtwоrds, }istening Listeningand readingski|is:geпeralсоmprehension, i --_...g F J v g | ч l | l , ski|ls: disсussionand -reading spеаking use; u 99l g diсtiопary lullwllgly wоrds, YYUluD' Ч guessing g Цess|llg unkпоwn u lllll|uwll li aloud;thelanguageоf newsrерorts. l
trоm foцг * Неrе аrеsorner+оrdsаnd еxprеssiоns Dividе mixеd up" bеев havе Thсy itеrns. radiо nervs thе wоrds аnd ехprеssiоasЬtо four grоuрi, аnd thеп try tо dесidеwhаt is prоЬаbly rеpогtеdin eaсhnеws itеrn" i l
a woman а Ьi;s!оadоf vu'оmеnand сhildrев figurеs d.}. titizzi,еoIr thе hills at first has risеn gunmеn fridgе сiооr piсtrirе liшiе hоpе havе оpеnеd firе .Slimmеr of rhе Yеar' tеinреralurеsup to 22 uпеmplоyrnеnt Ulstеr thе есоnоrnу
i wеight
Listеntо thе nеwsitеns. Sоmеоf thе # в words and ехprеssiоnsarе givеnbеlоw.As diffiсult yоu listеn,tгy to guеsswhаt thеу rnеan, First itепl: rvоund аrгrЬush Arnragh wrесk suffеr taгgеE Siпn F€in hе apparentlyhad takеn the daу оff Sесonditem: rесovrry rесеssiоn euphоriа thе stoсkmarkеt jоblеss ]O7iltshirе thс pгеviousmоnth Third itеrп: a .Ьеfоrе'piсturс 18 stоnе5 Faцrth itеm: spеll сloudingovеr Меt offiсе
; i
Сhооsс оnе оf thе itеmsand listеn again 3 m two or thrееtimеs.Writе dоrrn as muсh as you сar.ot thе tехt. Thеп work rмithоnе ог trмоothеr stшdеnts and sееif you сan gеtthе whоlе оf thе tеxt. я g* Rеаd thе fоllot'iпg ttеwsгеportwithоuta diсtionary.Look сarеfullyat thе тyоrdsin italiсs, and rvritеor saу what you think thеy proЬаblymеan. Disсussyoцr ans$'rrswith оthегstudеnts,and thеn usе a diсtiоnary to сhесk.If possiblе,lооk in a rranslatingdiсtionary and an Еnglish-Еnglish fiсtiоnaгy. Whiсh givеsyоu mогеusеfulinfоrmatiоn? t sabpostmаstеrandhis еight-mопrh.оldson havе bееnhit Ьy shotgunpellеtsln a rаid in Sussех.A gunrnа'nopеnеdfirе rvhеnDavid Нalbеrg sеt off an аlаrrп at'his pоst оffiсе in thе villаgс of Роlеgatе.He had his Ьaby son in his arms at thе timе.Не rvashit rhe baЬy'shеad. in thе shouldet. Strауpеlletsstrt,t.сh Poliсе say пеithеr,though,havе Ьееrrserioltslуlмrt. Аrmеd роliсе hаvе sinсеsurroцпdedrherobЬеrsat a hоusеin nеаrbуЕastЬоurne.
i1;i'. rii::i t':'ii irii rl ii ., tilr :.li:i
gД jlаr
t# wогк lп smali gгoups. ЕITнЕR:Маke ,.:рa shoft radiо Gews rеРoгt аЬout sornе things {геal оr imaginaгy) thаt havе lrаppепеd in yоuг sсhoоl, Еown oЕ сculrЕry. 1Х7hепyоu аге rеady, rеad уour геР0гt tо thr сlass. оn: &dakе up a shoгt гadio nеws rеpогt eЬпlt thе stor},bеhind оnе оf thе nе}тsPapегheаdlhes. [п youг rеport, Егy to llsе sorтrеwords аnd схprеssiоns that yоu hаvе lеaгпt in this lеssоп.
l8-mi!еsъvim fоr иоtfoirrg
stаrts mёw яоb ffiР wtт!{ оAт
Flоwеrs fоr girlfriеnd соst Ъ'rn d5'*00
PF!,qgN F8* я,ltoнtffiilаr
Learп/revisе: alarm;ecoпоmy;figure;iоаd;роstoffiсe;rаid;reсession;reсovery;sioсk mаrket;stоne(Briflsh weighi;huгt(hurt'hurt);rise(rose' uпemploymеnt; unitof weigh!- 14 pouпds= 6.5kg}:targei;trrnрeraturв; wreсk; armed;prвviоus;neаrbyi (struоk, wound; (verb struок}; surrоund; and adjeсfiye); strike risen}; slim a dey otf;tаketheday off. though;seriously;
Summary l'loп.progressiveverbs
lrregulаrverbs iп Lessoпs A1-A8
You look fikе а сamеl wеeriпg e tеnt. (хou+e-lооlкiяrнlte-._-) I thiдk йе сolоur suits you vеry wеll, madаm.
INFINTттyЕ Ьеat beсomе
brеak draw hold hun lеarn mаkе mеаn meet put ting rЬе flrn sеt shoot sрak spell sрnd strike tеаг throw weaг
I know shе'll Ь angry. (f*lrаэtviщ:'_) I dont Ьеliеvеyou. (I*nоabеliетiщ1эt*) Doyоuuпdсrstand? (@
UsingFssives ta avoida сhangeof subieс't Kеllсm said the man wes sоbeг eпd rational, but vеry peraшbеd.He rvasiailсd for disсhaтgiпga fuеarm. {Betterthвп A,judgejailed him ...) Hе pushed thе сar into a parking spaсс, grabЬeda tire iron and smashеdall thе windolr,s. Hе was piс&еd up by friеnds. (BеttеrthапFiendspiсkеd him up ...)
so is..., so dogE...etс.
beat Ьeсeme broke dreтy hеld hurt learnt mаdе meаnt mеt Put rang rosr гап set shot spokе spelt sP€пt stгuсk torе threw
beаten Ьесome broken drarr,n held hurt lеarnt madе mеant met put rung risеn rrrn set shot spokеn spelt sPeпt struсk toflr tfuown
Pгesentand past рrtiсip|es
Sareh is interеstеdin monе5 and so is Riсhаrd. oliver likes animals, and so doеs Сelia. olivеr used to like pop musiс, and so did Ма:k. Sarah сапt surim,аnd nеithеr/nor саn Mаrk. Celiа doеsп,tсolleсt aпtiques, and nrithсг/пor doеs Riсhard.
Art is iпtеrеsting. Shе'sintсrеstedin art. (shе+*пtеrезtinriь) I thouфt фe lеsson was boring. I u'es Ьorеd in thе lсsson. ({fа}Ьorintl.:)
Linking:G:оniuпctions aпd advorbs
Emphasis with If aпd what
Hе lеаmed tbаt it canbе сostly to attaсk oпe's own automoЬile. A iudge finеd Jeffтеy G. Janor $S0 вftеrhearing of hoш Janot Ьеat upon his саr йth а tirе iгoп. Jапor was on his way to e сanoe outing шhenttts oldsmoЬilе stаllеd. Hе was piсked up Ьy friепds, шho ttansfeted the сanoе. IIaularct, his outЬurst was witnеssеdby а Мall sесuritу guarф шho a|ехtedpоliсе.
In my iob, it,s thе travеlliпg thаt I likе. Iп my job, т'hat I likе is t}rеtгavеlling. It isп't сyсlists йat сauseroad aссidеnв. It's Ьad roeds. \Уhat I likе most about Мary is hеr sеnsеof humour. Vhat I фе lеastаboutJoe is his laugh.
Comp|exsentenовswith sub|eсtand verb separated The year aftеr I lеft sсhool was a vеry happy time. The woгst solutioп whеn you hаve a proЬlеm and сan,t think of a gоod plan Ь tо do пothiпg. The tin Ьеhjndthe сookеry Ьoks on thе top shelf ovеr the сooker has got somе Ьisсuits in.
Prэpositionalexpressions:relative posltions at the top (of) аt thе bottorn (of) at thе side (of) at thе front (of) at thе Ьaсk (of} iп thе middlе (of) on the'iфt (of) on the lеft (of) inside outsidё nеar
Plэpositions aпd partiсles
Br}tigh/ UnitвdStates dlfferenсeз
stuсk rz thе sпow hе smashedits rrindows шith a tire iгon hе puПеdozi e pistоl six inсhes of sпow hе pullеd а tirе iron frotп / out o/thе tпrпk he smashedеver},windoп' in the сat full o/hоlсs he emptiеd ha|f of esесond сlip of bullets into thе cat hе thrеw it ia,o фе snow hе rеturnеd to the tirс iron Ьeating oz the hood jaied fot disФarging a firеarm in the orty
тrying to сonneсt you. HislFler liпe's busy. Can уou hold? Do you know his/het eхtension? I'll seeif I сan trensfer you. Гв sorry. I'yе/You've got thе wfong numbеr, His/}Ier пumber's ringng for you. I,Шputyou throuф. This is (nаtnе|. Who is that? sрeking. wе got сut off. ThЬ is a vеry bad [inе. ГШriпg you baсk.
roundabout Ьепd
tratfiс liфts
whаt's фg F.nglislrfgr ...i Horr, do you spеll ...?
Emрfiariсsy|to]rymз errgr1- erшagеd Ьrсek - smаsh иkе.graЬ hit - Ьеat destroу - wrесk
ап Amеriсаn аn Austгeliаn a Belgiап (a Chinesс) а Daaе en Еgyptiaп an Еnфshmarr/
thс Amеriсans ttе Australieпs thе Belgiаns thе Chiпеsе thе Danes the фуptiаns thс ЕпglЬh
ADJЕсттVЕ Amеriсaп Austrаlian Bеlg* Chinеsс Denьh фуptian Епфьh
a Fгеnсhmаn/
фe IrЬh
thе Ьraсlis theltetiаns Фе Japanеsе the Kеnyans thс Sсoь
Israеli Italien Japanesе Кепуan SсottigЫ ftotсh Spaпish Swiss VеЬh
Wolпап wollulп
6ц !,!зЬmяn/ womrn
Isгaеl Italу JaPап Kспуa sсоtlзnd
aп Ьraсli
аn Italiад (а Japaoеsс) a Kсnуen a Sсot
Spai', а Spaniаrd Switzerlaвd {a Swiss} VaIеs а'lУ,сlshmаr/ woшаn
оpposite fork
the SpaпЬh thе SwЬs thе \УeЬh
Тlrэ сommonэsl yoryоl|п Ёng||вllзlel
Go straiф ahead for... уards/mеtres. Thkе the first/sесond/etc.onthе nф{|eft. Turn riфt/lеftet ... It's on your rtфtl|ett. Yoц сant miss it.
AзКng ebout Епgl|зh
Ameriсa Austrаlia B"lguChiда Denmark
Giving dirссt.lons dоwn in front of towards
trunk tirе hood parking lot lеarned nеiфЬoring
lt|ordsfоr сouпtriegаnd r6giоn3i some sxаmp|Gs
aсross along past tЬouф
boot Еyге bonnеt сaг park lеarпt nефbouring
Amегiсa/э!nсrdкэ/ Еnфnd/.цglэnd/ Еurope l'juetepl Jepan /d3э!anl Bеle"m/.beldзэв/ Мariаlme\юl Cfuistopher Columbus /tспstэfэkэ.l^mboБ/
CoflraэtiYe firg Thе Ameriсan Demoсratiс Party hаs quite similar poliсies to thе Amеriсап RеpuЬШсаnPaity. Thе А.шreriсаnDеmoсratiс Perty has quite similer poliсies to thе Fantasiаn DеmoсrаacPanу. The Fantаsian Demосrаtiс Party has very different prinсiples from the Fenиsiаn Dеmoсrаtiс Unioп.
аrъdffЕg.дerз*У levfrsfrоrъ рr'асAfrс* ffi ' A оhоiсeof aсtivitiеs.i
@] 6o1аt thе piсtuгеfor ttь,,этriпцtеs.ТЬеn € сlosеyouг Ьоok and listеn to thе гесording.Thеrе arе а nшшbеrоf mistakеsin thе dеsсriрtioп.Cаrr you say what they arе?Ехarnplе; ,Shes,zidthе shушаs 9reу' bыtасtнаllу it,s bluе.'
# D.,с,iЬ. onе оf thе thiпgsin thе piсurсs. Yоu rnustnot цsе its namе (if yоu knоw it), and you must not usе уouг hendsto help you ехplаin.Thе othег stцdеntswili try to dесidе w.iriсhсhirrgyorr 6rе talking aЬоut.Usеful struсturеs: sоrnеthiпg(rhat)."' a thing ithаt) ... sоrnеthing/ а thiпg thаt yоu wеar wlrеn ' ' " sоmеthingl a tlringrharyоu usefo ... / fоr ...ing a thingfоr ..'iпg a thingwith ... а thing that has .' . stufftlrаt... liсдiriсllроwdег/mаtеriаi йaг..' l t$ .., u s е i т t о ' . . / f о г ' , . i ng }iou you usе lt whеn yОu .'.
t"riu ,.'
, i"":,
уGЦ саI1 ..' lt
а kiпd/sоrrоf '.. :i:,iii:'i it haрpsr.ls rц'hеп :.:::т] Yош..' y о ud о i r . . '
Dtjrе|i PФeranddrummёr
A н"ш-*outiоп. Thс tеaсhеrwill diсаtе thе fiтst hаlf оf sоmе srпtеnсеs;writе what you heаr, dесidе hоw to соntiдuеaпd writс thе геst.
f,ф Thе tеaсhеrwill givе yоu a саrd dеsсгibingап aсdviry апd a саrd dеsсribingthе wеathеr(e.g. ,Yоu'r€ sinфg'; .lt's snоwing').Aсt оut rvhatis on thе сагds sо thet thе сlаss сan guеssbоth thе aсtivity and the wеathеr.
5 сonu",*ationаl ехpгеssions.Corпplеtе the following dialogue and.thсn aсt it out.
lD нow Ьrаvе аrе you? How do you rеeсt (oг how dо you thiпk you would геaсt) tо thе fоllowing expеriеnсеs?Nоtе your теaсtiоns as follows; vеry friфtеnеd 2; frightепеd 1; поt fгightепеd0. Takе away one pоint froп youг total for еaсh ехpeгiеnсе that ехсitеs уou; take away two points foг еeсh ехpегiеnсеthat еxсites you vеry muф.
(АIiсе is ulаitiпg in ftoпt of the stаtion far Bi|l,) .!7hat erе you doing? сARоL: Hеllo, Aliсе. Ar-ICЕ:waitiпg for Bill. сARoL: Yеah.Hе's аlwаys latе, isn't hе? (Аliсе аgrееs.) But hе,sniсe. ALIсЕ: сAROL;Yеs,I know. , (Саrol eхplаiпsа,,hуshе саn't go on tаlking to АIiсе, аnd lеques)
1. bеing drivеп very fast 2. driviпg vеry fast 3. going on e very fast rollеr-сoaster 4. flyiпg in a Ьig passеngеrplanе 5. flying in a small plаne CAROL: (Stеtlе, а stfа'nger, tries to gеt into 6. going dowп in a submarinе 7. сlimЬing a hiф ladder Aliсe.) шith сonuersаtioп 8. сlimbing a diffiсult mountaiп sтЕvE,! (Аliсe gеts id of bim.) 9. loоking down from thе tоp of a high building , 10. being outsidеiп а thundеrstоrm ALICЕ: [oe, апothеrstrangщ stdrtstalking to АIiсе,) 11. bеing in a storm at sеa 12. being lost in a dark forest JoЕ: (He is sucсessful.) 13. bеingalonе in thе dark 14. Ьeingin thе middle of a big сrоwd ALlсЕ: 15. het bеingin a smаll tцnnel аsks Alice аbout iob,) [oе 1'6. Ьeingin a lift that has broken down '. '.. ........... ? JoЕ: 17. attendinga spiritualistsёanсе АLICЕ: I'm a nursе. 18. learningа dangerоussport (е.8.shаrk.hunting, [oе eхprеssеsiпtеtеst.) you motor.raсing,sky-diving) likе it? Dо JoЕ: .,..........'...? interеsting. I 19. work. But itЪ only speаkingiп publiс itЪ hatd Well, ALICЕ: 20. taking an еxam startеd (BiIItutns up. Аlicе уеets BiIl, аshsloе,s 21' gеttilginto a fiфt 22, bеing аlonе with a drunk in a railway сarriagе nаtnе,аnd introduсesBilI аnd Joe.) 2З. beng alоnе with a mеntallydistцrbеdperson in а ALICЕ: railwаy carriage JoЕ: Ьеingalone аt nфt in e housethat is said tо bе 24. ALIоЕ: hauntеd BILL: 25. sеeinga big dog сoming towards you [oе grеets BiIl and goesbаch to his 26. touсhinga nоn-poisonoussnаkе сonuersаtion шitb Аliсе.) 27. tоuсhinga nоn.pоisonousфdеr You only stаrted 28. having Ьatsfly over уour hеad AшсЕ: Yеs. I only stапed six wеeksago (Bill аpologisesfor iпterrupting') 29. hearing a firе аlarm in your hotel 30. sееingan in|urеdPeгsonpouriпg with blood BILL: (IIе retniпds АIiсе thаt tbeу аrе goin7 to 4 31. having a non-dangеrousoperation partу.) 32. going tо thе deпtist т.lт.
oh, dеar.I didn,t rеаlisеit wаs sо latе. Time fliеs whеn you'rе having funodoеsn,tit? (Аliсе iпuitеsloe to сotttzаloпg шith tbеnt.to the pаrtу.) You don't mind. do vou Bill? ALIсЕ: ................? (|oe dсссpts.) JOE: BILL!
(BilIagrеes,not ueryеnthusiаstiсоllу.) (Joе sауshе,sgoiпg to gеt a bonle of шinе' аnd protnisеs to be baсh shoпlу.) You wаit hеrе а minute.I'm just going to gеt a bоttlеof rvinе....:''..'......,
Whеп you have finished the que*ioпnairе, fiпd out thе sсores of diffеrеnt pеoplе iп the сlass. What erе the hiфеst аnd lowest sсoгеs?What Ь thе аvеragс sсorе? нow does your oчln sсore сoшParе rrith tЬe avеragе?Are you surprised by your rеsult? What kind of sсores dо you фink shoп' that peoplе ar€: vrгy Ьravе; quitе bгavе; quitе nеrvous; vеry nervous? !
f Work in groups аnd makе up a quеstiornaire tо fiпd out somйhьg еlsе aЬout pеoplе - for еxamplе how gеnегousthеy arе, or horм soсieblе, or how hoпеst, or how hаrd.working.
(Yaн finish thе сon,uersаtion.)
8 m 118.
Listen to the song. Thе words аfe on Pagе
l lфl Li,t* to the thrее wеather forссasts.Whiсh forесаst сorтеspoпdsto thе postсeгd?
5 Dеsсгibeйе piсtuтеas сomplеtеly aspossiblе.
i / \
/o\:i. \
+++/Ь a\
o Corпptеtethe dialoguеrrith appгopriate srntеnсеs. (phonеrings) oPЕRАТoR: Hеllo, Sladеand Lеwis, may I hеIpyou}
fuлtgfurу '
' ''
eтl1Da '
JЕNNIЕЕR:oh ;;;; lrell, jшsta moment'I,lI try to transfеryou. CHRIS: тhаnk you very muсh. (а momentpоsses) JЕNNIFЕR:.Sg''y, .... . mеssagе? сЕIRIS: No, thank yoц anyway.,.....,....... latеr. JЕNNIгЕR:All right, then. Goodbyе. снRIs: Byе.
GRAммAR al - Complеtethе seпtеrrсеs. 1. Angela rnjoyе{ thе film, апd sо Rаnsi. 2. Мy Ьirthdey'sin Jenuery,аnd so .......'.. ....my mothеr's. 3. Мoniса,s bееnto China, аnd so Dеrеk. 4' Riсhardwatсhеsа lot of tеlevision,and so ...'..... Ыs sisters. 5. I.dont like gешingup еаrly,and nor..'........'...' my сhildrеn;but my hцsband 5. Мy fetheгсаn'tswim,and nеithег...............' I. ,r rI
voсABULARY .t I 1 l.
Choosе thе bеst аIternаtivеs.
! .'"nаre thе еndsof thrсe sentеaсes.Put .suitablе bеginnings witЬ them, so as to makе sensiЬlе srntеЕс€s.
Nоuпs and vегЬs:сompletethе taЬle. NOTIN amezеment
2, 3. 4. meеtiпg
1, Don't уou think l Aren't уou thiпhingМiсhёIе IoohsI is loohing likе Grеta Garbo? " .Vh1t 2. do уou do I arе уou daiщ?' ,I шait l I'п ?а'!ing |or my sistenI hope t rm boping she wont Ье long.n 3. I don| understаndl I'm not undеrstаndingwhat bаppепs| 's happеning:the lights kеep joйg off anс on. 4. Р1y.lg.o* poliсе are sеarсhingfor seven-yеar-old Fеliх Нinojоsa, шho somеonе-Iast sаш / iho u.,аs lаst sеenyesterdaymornЬg on his way to sсhool.
]. that.big.houseon thr сornеrhavе movсd to Мiami. ]. my poyfriеndr,r'asbuilt in thе year 1s4i.-_ 3. mathеmаtiсsin sесоndarysсhoolhad Ьeaцtiful rеd hair.
oPЕRАТoR: one momеntplеase. (a momеnt pаsses) оPЕRAтoR: I'm sоrry .''.,.....,'.... hold? сFlRIs; Yes,plеase. JЕNNIFЕR;Hеllo' JеnnifеrSladespеaking. CtIRiS; wrоng I was сaШiпg
dгivе organisе
6. 7. rеPoгt 8. snow 9. 10. 71. 8
vЕRв ameze desсriЬе tгаvеl
supply think wеigh
сo*ы.s: addfoцr morеrows to thеlist. PLAсЕ
1 . Arneriсe аn Ameriсan thе Amеriсens Ameriсan 2. 3. 4. 5.
1. Vritе down in ordеr thе pleсеswhеrе thе gunmеn wеnt. 2. Vritе dоwn fouт or morе things that provе that thе еsсaprwas сarеfully plannеd. 3. Truе, falsе,ог dont know: thе еsсаpеplan oгiginally inсludеd ttrее prisоnеrs' 4. How do you think offiсiаls found оut thet the hijaсkеrsspoke Frепсh?
9 root at thеseтyords.In еaсhlist, aге all thе undеrlinedlеttегs(or gтoupsof lettеrs)pтonounсеd thе same,or is onе differеnt?wгitе S if thеy аге thе samе' or writе thе word with thе diffеrеntsound. 1. aссident jazz stamp watсh gpеrа shot 2. есоngmiсs gald shggt thrеw 3. сanoе fssd 4. brсаk tollесt delgy wеight 5. сompgtеr mцsiс pцnish цniform pцll push 6. Ьцllеt cood surrQцnd wggndеd 7. prоngцnсe rщnd trouЬle 8. сgцntrysidе roшgh rgn thouфt 9. gцcht taцght thaщh l o м,'к thе stressеdsyllaЬlеin еaсhword. Еxamplе: aссidеnt avoid bеginning сompiеtе Atlantiс сompцter Denmark еvеntuаlly indееd iriterviеw Japan politiсal rесеssion reсovеry satisfiеd l l с,.t. Еxamplе: @oid la\arm
thе vowеls that arе pronounсеd /э/.
\VRITING lеttеrto a сlosеfriеndor l 3 wя" а personal
family mеmЬегon onе of thesesubjесts.
1. ![ritе about how you havе spеntthе Past wееk. 2' Imagineyou are onе of thе othеr prisonersin thе story in Еxеrсisе 12. You wеrе сxеrсisingin thе сouгryardwhеn the еsсapеhappenеd.T[ritе about what you wеrе doingowhat you saщ hеard and did, and how you felt. 3. Choоse a famous pеrsonfrom your сountryЪ ,history. Pretеndyou аrе that pеrson,writing home about somеthingthat hes just heppеned.
sPЕAKING 1 4 rooк at the map. Choosе thrееplaсеson it and mark thеm. Then work with anotheг studеnt. Еaсh of you must teШthе othеr hоw to 8еt tо onе or morе of the plaсesyou havе сhosen.Don't look at eaсhothеr'smaps oг say what фe dеstinationsarе. Your teaсhеrwill teШyou how many of thе plaсes уou i must givr dirесions to.
к*а thе tеxt and do the tasksthat follow.
'fl'ж. ffiffilffi
ffi#i'ffilflЁ'."ffi .ffi* tт'Ё11:t,''-Т,r' #:;"ffi;"# :*i1#
-Ё';;*ж's;lжrнni iff;l{ffi'TЁ;
Learninga language
Languageawareness;askingforand givingopinions;voсabularyand idioms; different aссents,heariпgintonаtion; different listeningskil|s:understanding |anguage' grammaliсal uses of the samowords;formalandinforma|
6. !Иhat is thе most interestingaspeсtоf Еnglish, for you? is thе most boring аspeсtof Еnglish, for 7. !7hat сonsonant сulture funсtional lаnguage you? proпunсiation grammar intonation 8. Do you think that rnusiсalpeoplе are good at situatiоnal lаnguagе spеlling stfеss learning pronunсiation? voсabulary vowel 9. What do you think is thе Ьestway to learn pronunсiation? 1' A forеignеrasks for.firе, instеadof.a light'for a 10. TЙhаtdo you think is the bеst way to lеarn сigaгеttе.IVhat kind of mistake is hе making? grammаr? .!Иhаt 2. A forеignеris asked .How long arе you hеrе for?' 11. do you think is the bеstway tо lеarn .Sinсе (thесorrесtreply would April' She rеpliеs .!Иhat voсaЬulary? .Till kind оf mistаke is фis? Nоvеmbеr'). be 12. How long do you think it takеs to gеt a good 3. A foreignertries to buy papеr and is givеn Pepper. working knowledgеof a language? TИhatis thе problеm hеrе? 13. Do you prefer Bтitish Еnglish, Amеriсan Еnglish, 4. Thе уеrЬreсord is prоnounсеddiffеrеntlyfrom or another kind of Еnglish? Why? thе noun reсord, Do yоu know what thе main 14. Сan you think of onе thing in Еnglish that you diffеrenсеis? dislike (for ехamplе a word, a sound оr a 5. Thеsеtwo sеntеnсеsdont soцnd thс samеif you grammatiсаlrule), and one that you likе? hеаr thеm.Vhet makеs thе diffеrеnсe? 15. Vhat is the most important job of а language Thаt's Мrs Leшis. tеaсher? .Would Thаt's IvlrsLешis? you likе to be a languagеtеacher? 15. 6. If you dont know whеthеr to write nесesс|rу, 77, Do you йink youг languageis еasy or diffiсult fог nесessаry'nессesаrуot necсessаry,you hаvе a foreignеrsto lеarn? Why? problеmwith. what? 18. Do you think it is possibleto lеarn а foreign 7. Whiсh is the odd one out: b, ntr,4,c, f, z? Yhу? languagеpеrfeсtly? 8. A foreigneris asked ,How are you?' and repliеs with a long desсriрtionоf hеr hеelthprоblems. Shе nееdsto lеarn more aboцt _ rлrhat? 9. A forефеr knows a lot of grammar and voсabulary,but doesn'tknоw what to say in a shop or when making a phone сall. Vhat doеs hе nеedto lеarn? 10. A forеignеrknows a lot of grammar and voсabulаr5 but.doesn'tknow how to apologisе, соmplain, intеrrupt politely, give warnings or сhangеthе suЬjeсt..Whatdoesshеnееdlеssons in? l
Usе thе wоrds in thе box to answerthе quеstions.
al l Choosе onе of thesеquestionsto ask othеr students.Mаkе notes of thе аnswеrs.and tеll thе сlаss what pеoplehavе said. 1. What dо you фink is thе most important thing to learn in English? 2. Сan you thiпk оf somethingin Еnglish that it is not important to leаrn? 3. How important is it to spеak сorrесly? 4. what is the most diffiсult aspeit of Еnфsh, for you? Why do you think this is so? 5. what is thе easiеstаsPeсtof Епglish, fоr you? !Иhy do you think this is so?
TI{ISPAGЕнAs ш(ЕRсIsЕs oN FIvЕ DIFFERЕNтAsPЕстs oF IJINGUAGЕ. снoosЕ шшRсIsЕs oN тHЕ AsPЕстs oF IANGUAGЕ тlIAт INтЕRESт YoU }losт. Undеrstanr|ing diffсrспt aссents:с:шrуou 3 m undеrstand Еnglish qpokсn with diffgепt aссenв? Listrn to eaсh Pсrson on thе reсoгding. Hoп'muсh с,anyou understаnd? Do уou think Еnфsh is thе strrcаkеrЪmothсг toпре? Cаn уou.guss whеrе he oг shе is from? Intonatioп aпd meаning: listеn to the 4 m rсording. You will hсаг a сonvсrsation bеtweсп аn дdult апd a сhild. The adult saуs oI(tЬreе timеs. Listеп аgain, аnd dесide п,hat OКmеaпs еаф timе. Chooзe уour aпswеr from thЬ list. 1. I,vе hеard апd uпderstood yolrг iurswer. 2. Yorr,гeriф. 3. Do you uпderstаnd? 4. I'm going to сhange the subjeсt. oпе of the сxamplеs of oКhаs a diffеrепt iпtonаtioв from thе oфеr two. whiф? Doеs it risе oг fall? Caп уou imiиte it?
I Voсabulаrу аnd ifiom:.languegе funсioпs'. Hеrе af,esome lапguаgе frшсtions. thфs фаt wе do wiф lапgЕage. Do уou know hoп' to do dl of thesе tЬings in Еnфsh? Can уou аdd somе morе funсions to thЪ list? asking for information offеring something offегiпg to do somеthing apologising inviting aссepting an iпvitation asking for soшething to Ь rерatеd g''i'g rеasoпs intеrrup1ing 8 r"ogo.gе funсions аnd srylе: woгk iп peirs oг sIпall gгoups. Prеpаrе aпd praсisе а сonvегsation whiсh сontaiпs thrее oг moге of ttе lаnguegе funсions from F,xсrсisе 7, and зome of thе ехpгessioпsfroп Ехerсisе 6.
diffсгеnt waр of usiпg wогds. Маnу 5 с"..."* саn bе used in morе thап one way. in Епglish words For ехаmplе, sttotu сяrnЬea пoun |Thаr's alot of s7'(w ofl thе gюutd.| or a vсгb |Do уotс fl,i''k it u,iII sаoш?|; and aюtп сaп Ьe a vсb (Sball I aюпt thе flilk?| or аn фесtivе|The how isnTuery wоrm.|. Тhe folloв,ing words сan аllЬе used in at l€ast two waуs: сan уou make sеlrtcпсesйth thеm? Can уou +Ьint of апу othег words that сaп Ь€ usd in пyo waуs? соld Past
land liфt еmpty plаy raiп п,alk
,ь o stуtе сan уou divide thесe words аnd схprеssions into two grouPs - iдformal апd foгmаl? C,an уou tгаnslatе' аnу of th'emfrom foгmal to infomal, or froв infoгшd to formal? Cап yоu think of anу othсг words end ещreвsions that аrе vегу fоrmal or vеf,у iпforшet? нi! It's a pleasurе to mеet you. What? Grеat! Pass me фe breaф would you? Eхсusе me, have you got thе time} Sleеp oK? I thiпk }rouпrzrybе mistakеn. Гm efraid I havе no idеa. Iэt's dаnсе. I dont think we've mеt bеfore.
Leаm/rэvisо; aooэnt;adieсtive;consonant; grammar; mistаke; meaning; сulturo; toreigneп sрlling; st]вtis;sty|e;veЁ; пoun;pronunсiatbn; vowe|;acсeЁ;aр|щise; diЙф;lall voсabulary; (fell'fa||en); imitаte;invite;lgam(leamt,Iearnt); formal;informal; offer;rise (rоse,risen);diffiсu]t; to; сoпэсty;рrfeсtly; ассording сhangethg wo*inglс'owl€dgЕ' in youropiniorr; subjeс.t; 31
B2 Foсus on systems diffiсult reasonsforusingpassives; A сholсeofexвrоisos: рssive struсtures; questions (kand intonation of and stiatвmonts. сketс.); sр||ing a rl PгсseпtPсrfесt passivе.Iшаgiпе that the following пеwsPaP€г rrPort is ebout a town or сitу that you kпow wеll. Rеad thе геporЬ апd thсп mаkе l Rеad throuф the sеntсnсes.Thеп фoosе the bеst uP two or thrее sепtеIrсesrr,hiсhсould eppеаr in thе sЕпtcncсfrom eaф pair to build up a сontiпцous tехt. nехt parаgaph' tq seуwhat has Ьееп done to put things riф аftсг thе disаstеr.Use the words in фе Ьoх to hdp you.
/ " al нo\r PЕNсILSARЕ мADE Ч. нov PЕoPLЕ f,{AкЕ PЕI{сшs /?\\
hl/a. д rr,еll-medеpenсil looks likе а siпglе piесе of but aсtually it is madе from two pieсеs of \-lrood, whiф have Ьeепсarefully glued togеthеr. wood , 0b. A п,ell-madepenсil looks likе a singlе pieсе of woo4 but aсшally pеоple make it from two piссes of rr,oodwhiсh they Ьve саrefully gluеd togеthеr. Ф". ть" workers sеnd striр of wood th^гough a ,1:* meФinе чrhiсh сць gtoovеs in tЬеm. ({ Ь.}tгips of wood erе srnt th"ouф а maсhine rr'hiсh \-/сuts gloovсs in thеm. e. Thеу сut рnсil lead, wЫсh рople makе from graphitе, сIaу,watеr and waц into lеngtЬ aпd ,. ,1insеrt it into thе groovеs in oпе strip. fl[Ь.)Penсil leed, whiсh is madе from graphitе, сla5 \-/watеr and waц is сut into lenфs and insеrtеd into the groоves iп one strip. ['J A sесond strip is Put oп top of the first so thаt the ".;l \-/groovеs meсq u,ith фе lead insidе, and the strф Д€ gluеd togеthеr. " Чb. Tъeу put a sесoпd strip on top of the first so that the groovesmееt,with the lead inside, and they glue thе strips togэther' а. Thеn they сut and shaр фсm iпto srparetr 6, 'pсnсiЬ. (-\ t. flhey erе thеn сut aпd shаpеdinto separateрпсils. 2 иo*, Pгщгсssivе pаssivе.Imа8inеуou arе in a Ьusу hotеl kitсhеn at 11 a.п. Caп уou mеntioп some 6f фg tЬinsr thet аre bсiпg donе? Е,хаmplеs: ,Coff"" Ь beingnadе.' ,Vegetablesаre bеing prеpаrеd.'
(rе)build сlear awaу rеpair iеplant
4 P",,i," of vсrЬs wiф two obieсв. Look at thе *amplеs, аnd thсп соmplеtеttшсеor пorе of thе sentсnсes. Tbrу sеnt пe a lettet q I шаs seflt 4lettfr. The rфree gаae bim а шаrпing. + He utasgiveп a шаrning ф tЬе rеfеrre. 1. I have nеverЬеengiven ... 2. I wes oпсе givеn ... 3. I have oftеn bееntold ... 4. lяst wеek I was srnt ... 5. I have |ust Ьeсnlent ... 6. I would likе to bе brouфt ... 7.Haveуoу<'vetbeеnoffered...? 8. I hаve nсvеr ЬееnЬоuфt ... 9. I п,as onсе shoв'n ...
Cап you suggеstthiпgs thаt erс beф donе in othсr pоrts of thе hotеl?
Э lmaginе that you arе writing a lеttеrto a visitor from аnothеrplanеt. (Hеlshе/itundеrstandsЕnglish, but knows vеry littlе about our world.) writе a paragraph ехplaining (vеry bгiеfly) onе of thе following things.Usе youг diсionary, or ask thе tеaсhеrfor voсaЬulary,if neсеssary. Whеn you hаvе finishеd, ехсhaпgеlettеrs with anotherstudепt. Norм imаginеthat you ere thе visitoг.Read thе lеttеr you havс гесеivеd,аnd wтitethтeеor morе quеstioпsesking for morе information. How How How Нow How
I l{Р9l Look at thеsеtwo сonvеrsations,and listеп to thе гесording. 1-,,|:уbridge 31453.' ,Idаry?' ,No, this is Sаllу.' 2.,what's уour nаmе?' ,Маry'' In thе first сonvеrsetion, Мary is a quеstion.The voiсе goеs up ц,o$? In thе sесondсonversation,Маrу is a statеmеnt.тhе
a housеis Ьцilt. сoffеeor tea is mаdе. glassis manufaсtured. a tablеis madе. a wоollensweetеris mаdе'
voiсe goesdown'йalч. Now listeп to thе words and еxpressiопson thе rесording,and deсidewhеtherthey are quеstionsor statеmепts.writе Q oг S. 1. thгееo'сloсk 2. London 3. Мiсhaеl 4. Tuesdаy 5. a girl
6. at thеpub 7. a cigarette 8, two pоunds 9. Vashingron 10. tтinitrotоluеnе
8 m wгite dorvnthis сonvеrsation.Listеn to thе reсoгdingand deсidewhеrеto Put fuшstops (.) aпd whеrеto put question-marks(?).
o some of thеsеwords are ryrittеn with Ё; others arе wтiffеnwith сA. Why? Can you find a rule? baсk roсk walk
brеak siсk look luсk thank rr,akе nесk work stuсk think like saсk weеIс jokе
Somе of thеsewords аrе wгittеn with ch; others arе rvriшеn with tch, Thе rцlе is фе saпе as for & and ck, but fouт of thе words are eхсеptions.whiсh? сatсh muсh whiсh
reaсh сoaсh riсh fеtсh arсh Ьenсh suсh hitсh сouсh brooсh hutсh
eaсh sеarсh
PЕТЕR:John JoнN: Pеtеr pЕTвR:Ti.rеd 3orш: Tirеd Thirsty PЕTЕR:Drink JoнN: Beer pвTЕR:Мusiс JoНN: Yеs гвTЕR;Good dаy ;oнш: Ъrrible pвтвR:Problеms JoнN: You knowJake PЕтЕR:Jakе JoHN: Jakе Lеu.,is Friend of Janеt's PЕТЕR;weШ Jorrш: His wifе PЕтЕR:мary JoFIN: мary PЕTЕR:Yеs ;oнш: Мore bееr PЕTER;Yеs ;oншl Shе'smad PЕтЕR: Мad
JoнN: Mad
Doеs the samе гцlе work foг ge and dge? Look at the ехапrplesаnd deсidе. afrangе badgе сhargе dodge ragr ufge
Leam/revlзe: building;сonсret6;disaster; gas; kitсhen;length;library;loss; e|aсtricity; pencil;planet;ruin;supply;ton; maоhiпe; bum down{burnt, bumt);bury;сover;оut(сut,сut);сut off;damage;destroy;fix;glue;insert;leave(|eft, Ieft);meet(met'met);рlish; prepаr6;remove; send (sent'sent);shape;smoke;train;busy;pub|iс; sopаrate;сarofully;toggthor;on toр o'.
bridgе Ьulge и8е edgе hingе lаrgе lodgе
E# l,ll give }foш*25fоr it fordetail;tvl/formakiпgotfers; |istening skii|s:Iisteniпg Тalkingabоutmcney;bargaining; pronunсiation: |inking rvordsin sentenсes. в-] A .#j Сlosе your boоk аnd listеntо thе any w-oгdsоr сonvеrsation.Can уou rетпеrnbеr Opеn your Ьook аnd rеadthе eхprеssions? сonvеrsationwhilе listеningtо it agаin' Thеn сlosе your Ьook again,listеntо thеgappеddialoguе,and tгy to writе thеmissingwords.
4 -#., Say thеsсsеntеnсеs frоm thе dialoguе. Rеmеmbегto link thе markеd words.
How muсhco youwantfor it? Forty. Fot4ypouпcs? Е. Yеs. it'sworthfifty'but|'miп a hurry. l don'tknоw.lt'snotin '',еrygooсiсопdiiiоn.Loоk.Тhisis brokеn.And iookat this.l doп'tthinkit'swоrthforty.I'|l pounds. giveyоutwenty.five Тweпty.fivе? Comeon. l'||tellyou what_ !'lltakr thifiy. five'Sinоeyоu'rea friendof mine.You сan haveit fоr thirty-five, A : No, thai'ssii|ltoo muсh.Тo tеllyouthе truih,l сan'tafford thiпy.flve. o _ l'm sorry.тhirty-fivr. That'smy lastWоrd' Тhirtypounds' Оomeоn, lrt's splitthеditferenсe. E . Тhiriy.oh, verywеl|'AIlriEht'thirty. Can I givеyou a сheque? B : Well.|,dprefеr сash,if youdon,tmind' E.
Ноц, muсhdqyou wаnt fоr it? I'ц;цфurr:.;. I don'tknow. l donфiпUt's rvо:thforty. Sinсеl,оu'rеa friеndof mlne. }Ъu сan lravеit fоr rhiгty-fivе. Сomе on, Ier'ssрliUhе diffеrеnсe. Сan I givеyou а сhequе? \Vеl!..!'dрrefеrсаs}цifi.ou dоn,tmind. a ф Work тvitha partnеr.Еaсh of you triеs to sсll somеthingtо thе оther,аnd you try to agrесoп a priсе.But you сan'tЬuy or sеll until eасhof yоu hаs цsеdat lеasttrr'oof thе r,r'ordsоr ехpressiоnsyou wrotеdolvп in Еxеrсisе1.
r? Ёl
3a $rЧ
ф нo* muсh dо you knоw abоut monеy? Answег the quеstionnairе, and thеn сomPаrе answеrs with a partnеr. For your sсоrе' sее thе bоttom of thе pаgе.
q) \ ъ
\s ll.
>. Ь. (\l A.
q) ъr s, F\
1. Do уou know theprice ot a dailу newspaper? a. уes, rхactlу b. approximatelу c. I'vegotno idra 2. Do уou know thеprlce at a dazen eggs? a' yes|exaоt|у Ь. approхimate|у с, l,vеgot no idеa 3, Do уou know how much уou or уour housеhold вpends an groceries each week? a fewpounсis a' уes, ta Within b. уes,to withinlen рouпds c' l'vвgot na idеa 4. Do уou krlow todaу'в eхсhangе rate af уour country's сurrеnсу agai,lst t,'e Us dollar? а. уes' ёхactlу ь. approximatelУ c. l'vogotno idea
5, How manу namesof othor countrles' i currgncies сan уou litl? i a. ёn or morе b. five to ninе c. fauror fewer 6. Do уou know the сurrent rata af inflation in уour country? a. yes, eхactlу t'l' approximatelу e. I'vegot no idea 7. Do уou know the nameand titlеot the prrson in thе govemmвnt of уour country v,thals ln charge of flnaлce? a. уes,boththenamr and thr titlr b' onlу thr namе or onlу the title c, no, neithertheпamenorthetitle 8' |low manу benks in уour country can you t name? a. five or more ь. thrеeor four с' two.onё or none
s гio* wогk in srnallgroups rо writе youг own quеstionnairеto find out aЬout pеоpleЪаttitudеsto monеy:аrе pеоptemеan,сaгеful,gеnеrous,rесklеss? Writе aЬout six quеstiоns.You саn ask yоur tеасhеrfor hеlp йth any voсaЬulary that you nееd.Тhеn ехсhаngеquеstionпaiгеswith anothеrgroup,
Leаrn/revisе:bani<; banker;оash;сheque;сurrrnоy;dol|ar($);dozeп;ехchangerate;finanсe; pound(9);spend(spent,spent);сarefu|; household; inf|atioп; meaп;reсk|ess; сurrent; dai|y;gеneroug; approximately; reasoпab|y; сan(1)аfford;Comeoп;friеndof mine;l'd prefer..'; l'vegot no idea;if youdoп mind;|'l|tel|youwhаl;in a hurry;in .,. сondition; (sрlit'split); my lastword;oh, verywe||;sp|itthediffereпсe to tвllyou the truth;to within(e.g.a fewрounds);wel|informed;fiveor more wordsand expressionsfromthe |, questionnairosin Eхercise 5' .PэЦI.ro'ut i'lэ,r'э'твnoj :slutod jiuэ,lЦ ol uээ]хls iJэluuq в nol э.тe:J.lоu]]c slulod аuo.z(tuэ.t{i 11э.,'r .РeuIJoFt]l .dэuoтurnoф l1qвuosвэr :slulod э;B nol uээr;lJ o1 uэ1 nоd :ssа1дo slutod эurц 'dп slurod йou1 :.uоp цэ'tп чэnul эЧr РP? uэчJ .Ja.цsuЕэ ,t.iэ,rэ;o;,tutod euо pua.iervrsuеq ьзeм:о; sзutod o.ц1.:ez,rsuвz .{.тэлэ ro.;sruтod ээrчl;1эs.inoi эat9
trФ#a.A* sB{fiA.п.s
it,s йrэthe Рaрers нtrтъfl.яst be Aв.Lдe:
guessingunknowni forexaсtmeаning: reading Beadingforspeсifiсinformation; writingrepods;disсussion' vооabulary; J
€ Rеad thе tЪllоwing поtе and rерогts lvithout a diсtiоnarу.. Can yоu find fоur or nloге differеnсеsbеtrvееntЬе rеpoгts?
':"r;:;:,;::,;,,:,':;::,;!;':'":: -,, " тй,-ЧЁl --,';:: ,-:r-,д[ffi #d пight iп thе 1980s,а mаn brokе irtto BисkirlgЬаm P'liасе' lNoТЕ; Оtlе sumn,zеl. t:t11еtаIking 17е gоt t|эroнglэа u.'indош,illtrl tl1s Qllееlz's !эеdrсlolтlаrld spеl,ttsО,?1е
ffiffi ж
й1ffi iiffii i'Ёa-"x."T#{i'д" Е
ffiii***;gg*96*** .Ж-rutrЁiffififfi' ffiй' ffiffi v.3rts-цsffi:.-;*нЖffi i i-',.]-:" #,.Wiffiffii*; ...д. rj-*'.i'l!id
tJtid \ll
\,ll **Е a i.$f;,# t:l .4ЕЁ-;i A;ili itr'/] Ц+-:.з}r l*].j +-jЕ:{i
' '.,1 ,;., minutеs". '
."t; ,r.. ,.,..' :rl'1,
. t::ttjt
." ,us son,s Wifе
;*#f+#ff *. :;if#i#.t",Т{1lЪ.J # ',.i.1.,;i.;.;il . *i. l,,r#ЁЁ
*ь^ *^] -
illiсlт.:g,;.Ё,E* \ ff.;J.i-. s:.."""::
# Guеssingdiffiсult vосabвlaт-v. Lсok at thе way thеsеwоrds аnd exргеssionsаrе usedin thе rеports, аnd сhоosеw,hatvоu thirrk is thе bеstехplаnationfог еaсh or.е.Dопt usе а diсtiопarу;Сап yоu ехplain thе геаsonsfоr ,vоurсhoiсеs? :t i. r.,i!
EЁ ts
1. prоwiеr tТhе Sип) a. Pеrsonwho gоеsround lооkingfor оppогtunitiеs to сomгoita сrimе b' uпеmplo5;еd Ьuildеr с. pеrsonwhо hаs rесеnriybееnlеt out of prisоп d. pеrsопwhosеmarriagеis in тrоuЬiе 2. roуa|fanаtiс (TЬеSltп} a, uazу mеmЬегof thе rоyal f.arn:ilу b. r.еr},strallgереrsоn с. pеrsonw}iоis very intеrestеd in thе royаi famiiy d' pегsоnwhо hаtеsthе rоуаi tamily 3. dоmestiсprоblегns{ТlэеSuпi a" rrоцЬlеwith his hоusе Ь. trouЬlеwith his family с. trоuЬlеwith his sеrvartrs d' trоuЬlеwith his hеalth 4. оrdеal(Dаi!у Stаr| а. оуdеr.s с' .лakingpеriоd
Ь. соnvеrsаfiоn сi. difiiсult riпie 5. intгudеr (Dаilу Stаr, Dаф i\iirrcrl a' pe!.sonwho gоеs whегe hеlshе is nсt wantеd Lr.pегsос '*.hоlrurtэ оthеr pеоpiе с. PеrsОnwho taiks tоo mцсli d, реrsоn vlhо thinks hеishе is r'еry .irnpоrratrt
ъ8 Dо tl,rеrеpoгtssаy thisi 1. Miсhаеl Flynn wеnt tо the Paiaсеtо sееhis girlfriеnd,Ьцt mеr rhе Quеепiпsrеаd. 2. Не wаs drunk whеn hе Ьrokеinto thе Pаlасе. 3. Не stolеsоmеwinе whilе hе was thеrе. 4. Не-spеnttеn minuresor morеiп thе Quееn's Ьеdroоm. 5' Thе Quееnwas frightеnеdby Мr Flynn. 6. Не was arrеstedby a fоotmаn. 7. Не was takеntо соцrt and сhaгgedwith Ьrеaking intо thе Palасе. 8. Не livеsin HighЬurywirh his wifеJеnny. 9. Не dоеsn'tgеt on rvсll with his wifе. 10. Нis faтhеrехpесredto gеt monеy frоm thе nеwspapеrs. "€ g* Wогk in groups of fоur. Aсt out thе sсеке(taking the pасs оf Мiсhaеl Flynn, thе Qшеen,the fооtmаn aсd a poliсеman). i@
.B оo опе oг mсrе of thеsееxеrсisеs.You саn work aiоne,iп pairs оr iп grоups. A. Look at the fоliоwing пotеs itakеn frоrп а nеlvspapеrrеpоrt).Add somеmorе details,and rvritetwo short rеpоrts{аsif frоm diffеrеnt nеwspapеrs)with sоrnеdiffсrеnсеs.Rеad your reРoгtstо оthеr stuсientsand sееif thеy сan find аll thе diffеrеnсеs.
6. iiliсit {DаiIуSiат! a, heрpy,епjоi.аЬlе с. еvеning Pоliсеstatiоnburgiеd. b. stupid d. illеgal, agаiпst thе larv Мопе1',pоiiсеman'sunifсrrm,оther ttriпgsstolen. 7. {ootmaft(Dаilу Мirror} Thеft nоtiсеdа wееk !atеr.Poliсе сallеd to сrаsh' a' рoiiсеman Pоliсe found thiеf in unifоrm dirесting traffiс. Ь' rоvаl sеrvаnt B. Buy sеvеra!diffеrепtnеwspaрerson thе samеday с. rо;vаlshое.сlеаnеr aпd loоk at lhе vaгiоusrеPortsоf thе sariе d. pеrsоnwhо takеsrhе Quееn'sdоgsfоr a walk inсidеnts.Оr listеn to thе пews оn trvо,diffеrent 8' оn а .'. thеftсhargе{Dаilу Ехpress\ гadiо/ТV сhaпnеls(rесordthеm if роssiЬlе).Тalk a. in prisоnfor stеalingrhings to ihе сlаssаbоцt thе diffеrеnсеsyou have fоund. b. in rhе haЬitof stеalingthings с. aссusеdЬv thepoliсeоf steаlingthiпgs С. Incеrviеwоthегpеоplеin (оr оutsidе)thе сlass d. rt'rongl;,aссusеdof srеаlingthiпgs aЬout thе Ееwsрaрегsthеy rеad. Find out thе 9, Не woцld nоt hшrta Г]у,(Dаilу Ехprеss) rеasonsfог thеir сhоiсеs.Whiсh pареrsaге most a. Не iikes animals. popular and wЬy} Givе a writtеr:or spokеnrepoгt b" Fiе is nоЕvеry strong. tо thе сlass. , с. Не is kiпd andgеntlе. D. Lооk аt sеl'еraidiffсrепtnеwsPaРrrsand сornpатe d. Не is not veryintеllфnt. thеm.\!'hat dо you think is goоd аnd bad aЬout (Daily 10' hali-waуhоusе Ехprеss| еасhопе? Disсuss your оpinions with the othеr a' smаIihousе studепts. b. hоusеbеtweеntш,оvillаgеs с. housеthatoссuрiеshaif оf a Ьuilding Е. Put tоgеthеra сlass nе$/spapeгоr radiо d. plaсеwhеrepеоplеin trouЬlесаn iivе Progгammе'with rеросs of the things thаt have happenеdin your sсhoоl during thе lаst weеk. оpinion; f|y;manager;midnight; Learn/revise:оhat(nounand verb}iсhoiоq;сrime;differenоe; disturbanсe; prob|em; programme; report; thefi;aооuse(sbdyof sth};arrest;bite(bit,bitten); breаkinto(broke,broken); geton (withsbdy);insist;int6n,iew; lаst(yerb); сharge(sbdywithsth);eпab|e(sbdyio dо stl.l); expeсt frighten; (sto|a, poрulаr; previоus; iпstead; fa|se; сonsiderab|y; steai true;unemрloyed; sto|en); сeftain;domestiс; drunk; on a visit;in сourt'
B5 Work study, speaking,readingandwritingskills;voсabulary Listening,
1 lФ] Li,t"o to the rесоrding (it is pаrt of a disсцssionаboutwork) and qrritedolшna phrase from t.hеbox for eасh Ьlank.
4 root at the JoЬ SuiиЬility Quеstionnairе,. Can you add somеmorе questionsin еaсhsесtion?
I'd likе to (threеtimеs) i,d rеаlly likе to I would likе to I нlould.Like I'd rеаlly likе I'd love to I'd justlike to чrorkin a mцsецm.(Iу[m-hrп) КЕIтЕl:..,'....'...'........ ...'..,.. own me own gardеningсеntrе. JoFrN: I think I'd lоvе that,(Yеаh)Yеah.......''.......' that. bе a rеally good pottеr.(NIm-hш) sUЕ: (Yeаh)Beon my own. (Yeаh) bе reaily goоd at somеthingJANЕ: аnфing! ALЕх3 Aсtually with thе joЬ I'vе сhоsеn,thе poliсe go intо dog handlingin that. forсе,................ Тhat's rvhat KdтYi I think teасhаgаin. NlIкЕ: Tflhat..............'. spепd.my timе doingisnt rеaШy сlassedas jobs. jl
j What job would you rеаlly likе to dо? Usе words frоm Ехеrсisе1 to answеr. al
J What ioЬ do yоu do, or what jobs havс you donе in your lifе (inсludiпg part.time oт holiday ioЬs)? Tell othеr students,аnd ask what joЬs thеy do or havе donе.Talk aboutwhаt you likе(d) aЬoutyouг work, аnd what you dont (didnt) likе. Ask thе tеaсhеrfor help with voсabulаryif nесеssаry.
9 work with another snrdeпt.Ask him or hеr thе quеstionson thе quеstionпairс.Notе his or hеr апs\rегs.Usеful ещlrеssionsз Sorry whаt did you say? T0hatdo you meen? Could you spеakmorе slowly?
тry to suggrsta sцitablеjob foг уour paгtпег. I thiлk Мario would makе a sood bus-drivеr.
7 уou bе.thеtеaсhеr.Сhoosе oпе of thе texts and studyit. Usе a diсtionary - or ask thе tеaсhегfor help if nесеssary.Thеn сlosеyour boоk, and tell anoфеr studеntwhаt dhеtехt says' iп уoar oulп шords. Tеll youг paгtnеrto wтitе down what hеlshеhas undеrstood.Then opеnthе book, look at thе tехt with your partnеr, and еxplain an1"thinghе/shесan'tundеrstand.Givе himlhег soпе rvordsto lеaгn. Finish Ьy prеparinga small tеstto сhесk how rпuсhyоur partnеrrеmеmЬеrs. PдRKtNsoN'sLAw
\Yоrk eхpandsso as to fill thе timеavailablеfor its сomplеtion. in the pro.vеrЬial ё.nе'а1 ieсognitionof this faсt is-sho.rvn .It рhrasе is йе busiestmаn whо hastimeto spare'.Thus,аn аd";i; hd" o?l.i,".. ."n spеndйе еntirеdаy in writing aпd to hЪrniесеat BognоrRegis.Аn hour dЬoaiсhinia postсaтd Ь. ,pй' й findi''g rhеpoзtсard,аnothеrin huлсingfоr "iri haШaп hour in a seагсhfor rhеаddrеss,an hour and spесtaсles, a quаrterln сomposlтion,and rwепryminutеsiп dесiding' ;Ё;.h;;; йt6 take an umЬrеllaЬhen goingto the pillar Ьox in thеlrеxtstreеt.The total еffortthatwould oссupy1 . ьusyй.n ro'.hrее minutesnrayiп this fashionlеаvеanothеr i of dоuЬr,anхiеryаnd 1o1|'..-,.,. afсе'a daу ..."....'з ';;;;'ъ;'"tе "....:.,-.. ... . :. . (|rcmPa|kinson'sLa'4lbyс, NorthсoteParkinsoп)
The Commerciol Artisi
.'' I am a сommсrсial arrist. Nlany people imaginе that аrtists tlve a razу iife. Pеrhaps some do' Howеver. mу tamily*gеt very bad.tempеred if ! thегeis rrofood,аndI find I havеto wоrk quitJ hardй рay ttreЁilь. so : I dэ not simply sleepаIl mоming,sиgge' out of Ьеd atЫdday' й -e" . offto thepub for a Шquidbreаidast.Hеiе is hоw I spеndmy day. ; . j q.. up.atabоuteighto.сioсk. ] wash,drеss,йа йй brеakfаst.I look throughthе mail, hopiпgto find сhequеsaпd сorйisions. Thеrе are.nеverеnouф of еither.When breаldastis or,еrI dгivе to rдy studio 11d.slе.ndthe-morningworking. Woтkiпg. for mе, means Eyr.ngto ft:* nеw dеsign ideas, and *Iеn worйg thе iЬаs out in detaii з{ when I have found thеm. This goеs оn tifl йut twelvе-thiny or onе o,"ч.Ц thеnI havе a quiсk sаndwiсhlunсh,аnd afterthatit's baсk to woгk' Duriпg the аfterпoonI often havе mееtings with сliепts. Thеsе tend to be diffiсutt' beсausеmany of my сiienis havе strong vrеws фout aгt (аlthоugh veтy few of thеm knоrv what thеy are talking about).By the timе five-thirty соmesround I'm mоrе than ready tо stop.I с]osrup thе stuфo'dгivеhоme,andbеginto rеlaх. l4!,f,aj;lrфr,5llЙ:
(tromHowprople |ivr by Jason тaylo0
worth? How mцсh iз а houзэwile Brltlзh avеiage the is Ч":::yj|" }Iorr: muсh is J600 a wеek. An i1suran9е ;;;iтi;."зwеr out the find to oцt a sц'fеy й;artled ;;;";' wor&. houserмifе's orЪ "дй ttrе i.-_,i-. lL lЕдrо tbat sbe is оn сall !obs, T::::i:. 'i:3 мs сglсulatеd *rat a . paпy tB) hours i.n а sеven. Ь"nv
A Trvеlvе.Yеar-oid Sеrvant
Т iеft sсhool whеn I was twеlvе and I had to go into i l sе,oiсе.I went to a young сouplervhо wеrе farmеrs,,i and I hаd tо Шvеin. It was aЬout fi.ftееnmi1еsfrom . homе and it sееmеdto mе thе Ьaсk of Ьсyond' It was a i Ьig ramЬling plaсе,and I was thе оnly help thеу hаd. I l ih,..p.n.. a rveek. Тhеу werеn't Ьa{ tо ; goi on. "nJ tо go out a lot and I'd Ьe in thе piaсе ,. usеd Ье, but йey оn my own. I'd go and look in all йе сuрЬоards,undег 1 Ьeds, I was ttйaily tеrrifiеd. I hеlpеd йе mistress J r makе ЬuЕеr, and somеtjmеsI usеd to mi-lkthе сolvs as rvеnt I lonely' i got so ве1l. An1пvay,I didn't iast iong. I to a Ьutсhеi's wife nеar WеllingЬorough. She w4s a i tеrror. Thеre wаs aпoйеr maid thеrе, and fortunatеly wе got on wеll togеtlrег.Wе соuld laugh aлd.сol"егup for iaсЬ othеr if wе did aniтhing rrтong. We slept Ф an attiс,and rvеhad to bе up at]sixo]iloсЕih thе,mo1пing. If we rrеrе a minutе or two latе, shе'd bе thеre]aдd 'fiant to know why. I rесkon she laid aъ'akе ail nigit lоng, just for thе рleasurе of сatсhiпg us out in thе moгniлg. I had fiftееn plaсеsin wvеlveуеаrs,and оnJyаtonе of йem was I triated likе a human Ьеing, Thеy didn't
Wе;werq think of us as peoplelikе thе,msеlvеs. diffегеnt.oссasionaliymy fathgгаnd Ьrothеrusеd tо lпhеnthеy thеу .! unllapрУlпhen fеltrеal1y rеa]]vunllapрy яnd ... rn., .". *j *j l fеlt and сomе "^.cj;;;; "ou ofсouг'ё
р"t Ъ1..
thеу сouldnlt. You had to rvork; your parеnв сouldn't 1 afford to keер.vou.Sоmetimеs,if I'd Ьeeпhorne,vrhеn , the timе .*.Ъ io' mе io go Ьaсk I usеd tо pгaу йat йе il, it But сгash, would it oi that t,ain rvouldn't .o.. \' always j,!''x..
сamе. A,1,'-1'}А
:| :..+'
-,,''---...,gdt:.i!Ф1*j.:$ta!.у.гij:!:з.-:j'5.1*",'.ё - :;: .
(hlrs Webb,|юm LonelinеssьуJёrвmys6фrook)
Lвarn/revise;abiiity;сhanсo;job;memory; museum;noise;рёrsona|ity; рromotion; responsibility; salary;sonseof humour;skill; for 90 ::,-:.:::; ]''Т*ъ drivв(drove,driven);organise; workingсonditions; а;-;*k, *"rking as " 1".*.:'',.,::::l'::"* . (spent, artistiс; spent);ambitious; time , . . ing spend ;;;p;;ъ;;;;;;Ъ'*., {:?'9?! otsnsalary ot a T.".f. thе :,Jj,":; (my)own; goodat ...;logiоa|; Ji.ioi.l, .ooк, сleапет апd tlran foreign; enвrgetic; Taкlцg t qN..gE op,1 aivi.sl111]gт:*:: ;iiiй,.;;а.i. сnllo.IдltrцЕl. paЁ.time(job);paiient;рrасtiсal; early;oxtremely; division ;. -..--_ o' a seсond sgеnсrеs. """"^.. erпploуmевt :-:i.Yi^: t, "i'i.i you your would own; indooь; on j) outdoors; thеsе fЪr r..' ii'iс.iJ !з""J'Р{J:1l.,"-,'..,.,."..,.."..'.. ;;;;..=*-",-" rather...? (froma пowspaperrэport)
B6 Foсuson systems A сhoiсeof exerсises:paststruсtureswithWould,shouldandothermodals; of /о/;wordsthatdesсribepersonality' spe|lings 4 p",* struсtцгeswithshoшId,(n?.Think of thгee thingsthat you should have doneyestеrday,but didn't, and thrееthingsthat you shouldп'thavе done, but did. Ехamplеs:
GRA}I}IAR l Pаst struсtцrеsйth ulould(n,t).Look at thе exaшplesand thеn сomplеtеthе sеntеnсes.
I should,hаuе nend.ed tnу biсусle. I shoц,ldhаaеphonеd tпу tпothеr. I shouldn't hаuе stауеd in bеd,аll morning.
If I bаt hпoun hеr паrпе,I ulould.haue intтod.ucgd' уou to hеr. he шoaldп,t bа.uе If his pаrentshаd had tlore ?пo71еу' Iф sсhool аt siхteеn. Shе шoцId.hаuешon thе rасe if she badп't fаllеn ouer. HЬ iifе ulould hаuebeеnhаppierif hе hadп,t net Сlеo,
Э P"'t stгuсtrrгеswith tnaу arrdtпust.Look at thе еxamplеs,thеn сhangеthе sеntеnсеsin thе samеway. (He\ Iаtе,)Pеrbаpsbе missеd his trаiп. q He mаУ hauetnissedhis trаiп. (Shеdidn't pbonе this norning) It seetпsсIeаrthаt shеforgot' ч Shе tnust hаuеfotgottеn' 1. (I don't know whеrеshеis.)Реrhapsshе'sgonе homе. 2. (I сan'tfind my kеys.)It sееmsсеrtainthat I lеft thеmin my othеrсoat. 3. Pеrhapshе got into thе Palaсewhen the poliсеman was aslееp. 4. I think pеrhapswе havеmеt bеfore. 5. If you wеrс at RosеmountCollеgеin 1988,you сеrtainlyknew my friеnd Lеn Bright. 6. (Al1mythingshavс Ьееnmovеd.)Somеbodyhas сIеarlyЬееnin my room, 7. I,m sоrry.I think perhapsI took your сoat Ьy mistakе. 8. (Therе'swаter all ovеr thе floor.)This сan only Ье bесausesomebodyleft a window open. 9. PетhapsShakсspеarеtravеllеdto Germany- we,rе not surе.
1. If the poliсеman(bе) awake,Мiсhael FIуnл (not get)in to sеethr Quееn. 2.If I (go}to UnivеrsityaftеrI lеft sсhool,I (studу) physiсs. 3. SЬe(probаblуpаss|hеr eхаmslast yеarif shе (studу)hardеr. 4. If it (notrаin)yеsterdaywe {plаfl tеnnis. 5. I (slееp)Ьеttеrlast nightif I (пotеat)so mцсh. 6. If the trаffiс wardеп (be)a Ьit slorver,I (get)awaу without a parking tiсkеt. 7. We (cаtсh)the train if Aliсe (пotbе)|ate. 8'IfI (bеborn)in Irеland,pеrhаpsI {groшup) spеakinglrish. 9. If yoш |tеll)me thе truth yеstеrday,I (&e)morе willing tо hеlp. ,l
3 мake а sеntenсeaЬout somеthiugйat сhanged your Past lifе. Possiblеsffuсturеs: If I hаdn'tftиеt, ,,' I шouldп'thаue,., If I hadn'tgoпе to .,,, I шoцIdп'thаue,.., If I hаdn'tstнdied.,,, If *у .,. bаdn't'..,
p",. struсtrrrеswithcoцId.,Lookat thе ехamples. o Pgj Howis аuuжalr|уpronounсеd?Itасtisеthе following rvords. Whiсh thrее arе еxсеptions? Annа laorhs in а shop, bцt shе'suerу intelligеnt,If she hаd gonе to uпiuеrsф sbе coнld hаuebесomeа Australia authority automatiс aunt doсtor. autumn Ьесausе daughter сauфt fаult Suе сould hаuеgot rnarriеdаt eightееn,but she sаuсе taught dесidedto go аbraad апd studу iпstеаd. lf Phil hаdrtt hаd а саr асcidеnthe сoнIdhаuebeen rll Б аn intеrпаtionаlfootbаIlеr. . lР9] h standardBгitish Епglish,thе foШowing pronounсеdwiф thе samеvowеl (/cy'). Norr talk aЬout sоmеbodyyou know who сould havе words arе all you say them? And сan you think of tеn morе Can had a very diffеrеntlifе. words йth thе samеvolrеl that aге written with oa au, ulа ot al? 3
although awful саl1 сaught сornef draw falsе fоrk north sauсr law story towards walk warm war
VOсABULARY! V}IAT ARЕ PЕOPLЕ LIKЕ? 8 oo you kпow all thesеwords? If not, usе a diсtionaгyor ask your tеaсhег.Сan yоu fiпd woгds from thе list tо dеsсribеthе peopleiп the piсtuгеs? affесtionatе aggrеssivе bad.tеmpеrеd сalm сhееrful сold еаsy-going еmotional friеndly gqnегous hоnest kind mеan moody nеrvy оptimistiс pessimistiс politе praсtiсаl rеsеrved rudе sеlf-сonfidепt sensitivе sеrious shy soсiablе Do аny of thе words in the list dеsсriЬеyou? Arе theтeanv woгds that dеfiпitеlvdоnt desсribеvoц?
l o шo* сhoosе anothеr сhaгaсtеristiсfrom фе list in Ехerсisе 8, and makе up quеstiousfoг it. Ask the tеасhетfoг hеlp if песеssaгy.whеn you aгe reаdy, go round thе сlаss,oг talk to proplе aгoundyou' isking your quеsfions.Speakto аs many pеople as possibleand пote еaсhpersoп'saпswегs.Thеn геport. iо thе сlаss on what you havе found out. Usе sоmе of thеsеwогds аnd exprеssions: еxtremеly vеry quite not vеry not at all 9 м"k..,,, thгeеquеstionsthat you сould цsеto rnostpеоplе somеpеoplе (nеarly)iverybody find out how aggrеssivepeoplеarе.Usе sоmеof thesе s.u.*jl pеоpi. a fеw pеoplе hardly anybody sffuсfllrеs: one fеrson nobody thе mаjority two oцt оf ninе, threе out of fogrreenеtс. Do yоu еvеr...? Нavе yоu е.lеr.,.? How oftеn...? Learn/revise: vocabularyfrom Ехerсise8' If ...,wоuld ...? 41
Фgre EК Тhe f,.овзefry a story;iisteningskills: fiпishing Writingskills:askingfоrinformatioп, fordetail,forgist;sрeakingf|uenсypraсtiсe. iisteпing а ъ Look at thе map and piсturеs.Thгееsinglе wоmеn,:Lavinia,Hеlеn and Fгаnсinе'wеnt out on thе еvеningоf July 20,1928. At somеtimethat еvепing, at LaviniaЪ housе,аt somеor all of thеm 1ryеге: in thе rar,inе,at FIеlеnЪhousе,at Frапсiпе,shousе, ,Work in grоupstо find thе сiпеma,аt thе drugstore. thеiт mоvеmеntsthat abоцt сап оut as muсh as уoЦ еvеning,and аЬоutthе Lonely Оnе. _ Y'riting; rvritеto thе tеасhег,askingfivе quеstions. - Rеading:whепyоu gеt yоuг аnswегsfтom thе tеaсhеr,сomРarеthеm with aпothergrоup's.Did thе othеrgгoupfind оut aпythingyоu didnt? _ Sреakiпg:еaсhgroup саn thеn ask thе tеaсheг anоthеrfivе quеstions.Dоnt wastеyour quеstiоns: listеn to rvhatthе оthеr grоupsask.
* m Yoц will hеaгfivе rесordiпgsоf pеoplе from thе story.Who is spеakingin еaсhгеlorJing? Whсrе dоеsеaсhrесогdinghappеn?
ф к."а thе tеxt on pagе 118 tо sее how thе oгiginal authоr (Ray BradЬuгy} еndеd the stоry.
я qfl whаt do you think hapреnsrrеxtiп thе stоry of thе Lоnеly onе? Wогk in gтоupsrо wтitе tет or moге sеntеnсеstо еnd thе stoгv. А1 '1L
sКнLLA A**gJs
ffоtr WФЕ-ds ffi#Мy h*аrЁfrsA*mffшAtr l
ёVаluating. Listerring; eсoпomiсаiWriting;
Е *... Hеrе arе thе Ьеginniпgsоf thrее stоriеs. Сhoosе оnе of thеm аnd then listеп to thе rесогdinя. Yоu wili hеаr somе mоге sеntеnсеs.Wгite thе s€пtеnсеs rvhiсh соnrinве Your storv.
t writing есonomiсally. Can you shortеп four or moге of феsе sentеnсеs?Ехample:
J H"rе are somе.mini.sщas,(S0-wordstories). Rеad thеm and say what you йink of thеm. Еxamplеs: Мy physiсalсondition is, on thе whole, onе in whiсh ,I thiпk thе food would Ье of сonsiderablеbenеfit,(l'm hungry.) first onе is aеrygood.' ,I don't think tпuсh of thе siсoпd'' 1. I am tеlling no morе than thе truth when I say that ,whаt do think of thе fourth onе?' ,Thеre's уou Gеorgеis a hаbitцal сonsumеrof tobaссo. (Reutrite nothiпg in it.' the sепtenceiп tulo шords.) ,I think the fifth is bettеrtbаn thefourth,' 2. In hсr еmploymеntoМary showеda thoroughly satisfасtorydegrеeof energyand еffiсienсу,(four 1.ThelnnвrMап шoЙs ot lеss) Тhвirmarriage wasa pedeс1union.of trustaпd 3. Мy sistershows e distinсt tendenсyto рrеfеr thе understandin.g. Theysharedeveфhing- exсepthisdosk drayel'whichthroughthey€ars rэmeinedtoоlied. сorrrpаnyof pеoplеwho are no longеr in the first Oneday, с-uriosity-overcame her.PrisФ open,therewas- nothing., flower of youth. (seueпшords or less) .Butwhy?,she .|noodeсt askad,сonfцsed andashamad. a 4. it is undeniablethat the largemajоrity of non. spaоeof myoWп,,hэ rep|ied sed|y. nativelеarnеrsof Еnglish еxperienсеa numЬerof (chistiпe М' funks!. proЬlеmsin attеmptingto mastеrthe phonеtiс 2. Homэr'sodyзsey |n50 words patternsof thе lanрege, (ефt ulords or less) odysseuswasa cunn|ng, rosouгcefu| manWhofoughtwith 5. I havе hаd to give up the bеliеf,whiсh I prеviously theGreeksagainstTroy.Sailingbaсklromthоwa1Ъeand hisоrвwmetwitha numberof menaces- such'asCirсe,thв hеld, in thе ехistenсeof a kind whitе.hairеd menintoplgs- andоvercаme them.Butit bеardеdfigurе whо was aссustomеdto visit privatе witсhwhoturned tookhimtenyearsto gethome. housеson thе annivеrsaryof the birth of thе (с'c' shackbton\ foundеrof йе Christian religion,in ordеr to 3. An Еxilэ trte8to Wrltea Miпi€aga disкiЬutegiftsto youngpеople,(пinешords or less) Wolverhampton in thewinter.Frostontherailweylines.lt's l longforthetropicswherel саmefrom. 6. Tea,whеthеrof the China ог Indian variеry is well so drab.Sometimos Тhesunat zeпithevвrydаy.Тhepleasuresof opвn-air known to be high on thе list of thosedrinks whiсh everyeveni.g.Butthere'sworkin afe most frequеntlyсonsumеdЬy thе inhabitantsof restaurants Wo|verhampton' You е .pёсtall myfeв|ings in fiftУwoтds? thе British Is|as.(seuenшords or lеss) ", 7. It is not цnсommmonto enсoцntеrsentеnссs 4. Love аmongth€ Leuпdry whiсh, thouф they сontain a greatnumberof WhenSal|yfoundа man'sstripedsockсurledamongher сlothosatthэ|aunderette shgreturned it toth€ ta|ldark words and are сonstruсtеdin a higЫy сomplеx youngmanwitha shysmile.Тheymetthereeveryweekfor way' nonе thе lеssturn out to сontain vеry liшlе sevвra|months, thenwereseёnnо more.one of their meaningof anу kind'.(tеnшords or less) weddingpresentshаdbeena washingmaсhine. 8. onе of thе most notablephеnomenain any big UnoIIyBumet1 сity, suсh es London or Paris, is thе steadily 5. Allsn Есonomy inсreasingпumbеrof petrol.drivеnvеhiсles,somе Theflyingsauсer|andedin A|f'sorсhard'A|fs mowerhad stoppedagaln.Theal|enpointвdtothвapp|es.Alf pointedto in privatе ownership, othеrs belongingto the publiс transportsystrm' whiсh fill up the roads and themower'Тhoa|iеnmeпdedthвmоwer.Alf gavehlmsome Тhea|ieпlefi.Alf'slawnmowargaveno mor€ troub|e makе rapid movemепtmore diffiсцlt'уеatЬу уear. аpp|es. andпвvsrusвdаnotherdrop ofpetro|. (nineu,oтdsor less) tonуЕuE, .The 9. mаiп proЬlеm with rvhiсhI am faсed is to dесidewhetherit is prefеrablеto сontinuеin eхistenсе,or whеthеrit would, on balanсе,Ье a morе аdvisаЬlеpoliry to givе up thе strugglе.' (Shakеspеare) (teпшord,s)
с}IoosЕ oNЕ oRмoRЕ oFЕ)шRсIsЕs 4.6. 4 миi-,"gаs..Work alonеor withtwoor thrеe
oфeг studеnts'as you prеfег,and write a mЫ-saga in eхaсtly 50 words. (You сaп invешta story or teШa stor},that уou knoщ or urritе аЬout somеthingthaс has happеnеdtо you.) 5 Cl".. story. Thс tsaсhеr rеads aloud thе first sgltеnсe:It шаs a dа* аnd stot,tttуt'ight. sfideats takе it iп turn to сontinuе thе story in any way they wzrntto.
^ o мodеrnisiпg a story. work йth two or thтее other srudеnts.Takе a шaditionаl story (for instanсе Rotnеo аndtuliеt, Bluebeard, Noаh а,пdthe Floodl and сhangeit to Ьring it up to datе. l 't I Learn/revlэe:app|e;ashamed;сonfusad;сrвw: gun; heart; frost; desk; drawer; expect;fselings; i i launderette; marriage;perfвсt;prвsent;railwayline; sock;spaсe;trust;Washingmaсhin6;Wedding; pull;share; invent;mend;prefer(preferred); whisper;fu||;loсked;sad;elsв;up to date. 45
SummafyЕ lrregularverbc $fiLegsonsB1-в8
choоsingрassiveverbstё getthе right subjeсt
A wеll-madеpеnсil looks likе a singlеpieсеof wood, Ьut aсtuallyit is madеfrom two piесеsof wood whiсh havе bееnсаrefцllygluedtogеthеr. (Bettетthan '.. but aсtшallypеoplспakе it from two piесеsof wood wЫсh thеy havесаrеfullygluеd togеthеr')
bitе break Ьurn сut drivе fail find 1еaв leаrn leavе mееЕ rise sеnd spend split stеal
РresentРrоgrеsвivepas$iv€ Coffее is Ьeingmadе (atthis momеnt). VеgеtaЬlеsaгеbеiпgprеpared.
РreвentРeffесtpassivё Today,фe trапsformationseеmsmiraсulous.The torvnhas Ьеenсompletеlyrestored.A nеw сonсretе and glassTown Hall has ЬееnPut up in фe.сеntral squalе....
PAsт bit brokе burпt сut dгovе fеШ found lеant lеаrnt left met rose sеnt sPеnt split stole
bitteп brokеn burnt сtlт
drivеn fallеn found leant lеarnt lеft met risеn sеnt spеnt split stolеn
Asklng abоUtЁпgliвh How do you say ... in Еnglish? \ГhatЪthе Еnglishfor ...? What do you саll e personwho ...? Нow do you pronounсe...?
Fasgive gf verbs W|thtwo оbjeсts Тhеy sеntmе a lеttеr.э I was sеnta lettеr. Thе refereеgave him a waгning. .э Hе was given а waгпing by thе rеferее.
Рrоblemsln шRderctandiпg Sorry,whаt did you say? Whet do you mеan? Cou.ldyou speakmore slowly?
Раst strнсtЦrsswithлТand$rФald
If I had knorvn her name,I would hаveintroduсed you to hеr. If his parentshed had molе monеy'he wouldn,thavе lеft sсhоol at sixteeп. ЕvaIuаtlng Sherrould have won thе raсe if shе hadn,tfallеn ovеr. I think thе first оnе is vеry good. Нis lifе would hаvс Ьееnhappierif hе hadnt mеt I don't think muсh of the seсond. Clеo. lfhat do you think of the fourф onе} ThereЪnothing iп it. I think the fifth is bеtterthan thе fourth.
Рast struсturssWithotherrnоdаls
Suесould havс got marriеdat eightееn,but shе dесidеdto go abroad and studyinstead. I should havе mеndеdmy biсyсlеyеsterday,Ьut i didn't. Hе's late. Hе mаy havеmissеdhis train. She didn't phone this morning.Shеmust have forgottеп.
Dвgrоas exшеmely vеry
not very
пot at all
Рrоportiоп* (nеarly)evеrybody most pсople somepeoplе sеvеralpеoplе a fеw pеоple hardly enyЬody one Pеrson nоbody thе majority two out of nine, thrее out of fouftеenetс.
DifferentWays of usЁngwords Thеrе,sa lot of snow on thе ground. (noan) Do you think it wiJr|snow? (uеrb) Shall I warm thе milk? (uеrb) Thе housеisn't vеry wafm. (аdiectiue)
Writingecoпоmiсa||y I аm tеllingno morе than thе шuth whеn I sаy that Gеorgeis a habitual сonsumеrof tobaссo. .+ Gеorgеsmokеs.
Spe||ing:сkand lц tch and сfi; dgeand ge baсk nесk siсk roсk luсk сatсh fеtсh hitсh hutсh badge edge bridgе lodgе
weеk wakе joke thank break look walk rеaсh сoасh сouсh searсh benсh cagе rage сhargе aftange
rлrhiсh riсh
.Cambridgе31453.' ,цэ,|?' .No, this is Sally.' ..!7hatЪyour name?' .]tч.'
Тhevowel/о:/: typiсatsрellings arvful
ffievisiоrзавзdffЕeяrrзgУ рrfiФЁiсeffiff' ',;-*{*
A сhоiсe оf aсtivitiеs.
1$ 'Р?. Rеаd thе tехt fоr сwо mi{rцtes.Тhеn сlоsе vоur Ьооks аnd listеn tо thе rесоrding. How many diffеrеnсеs саfl you findi opеn vouг Ьооks and listеn аgaiп; sее if Yоrr сап find sоme inorе. Е|sieiivеsiп Оxfоrсj'Shе.squitеtai|'withgreyhair,grеen ryes and а big nosе' She's 70' butshе tooksа |оtyоunger. Wheпshe Wasa сhildshe livedin a smallvillagёin the countrynotfarfrоmoхfоrd,withherbrоihеrJоe апd her sistёf Betty.l-.lermоtherwаs a diffiсuitWomап\^jith а verу herfathеrwas a quietmап, strопg,hardpеrsonalitу; dоmiпаiеdby his wifе. соmpletеly AfierЕisiе |еftsсhоо!shе studiedtо bе a nurse.butshе didп'ifinishhei studiеsbeсaшsеshе gоi marriеd.Shе аnd hеr husbandWenito livein Lоndon.Howеver,Londопwаs a dаngerсuspiaсebесаuseоf thewаr'аndshоrilyafterher firstсhiidwas bоI.пthеymоvedto ihе сountry. Еisieis a vеrylive|yWomaп,aпdshe is thеmоsttalkativё рёfsоnl knоw'She likеsmusiс,danсiпgаnd nnаt
d$ Rеading rеPоrt. Тalk tс thе сlass abоut what you havе bееn rеading rссеntly in Епglish. 6; ..]'J Questionboх. Еасh studеntwriтеsthrее quсsdоnson sеparаtrpiесеsof papсr.onе of thе gllеstionsmust bеginI7аuеуoa е|Jеr,.,' аnd onе must bеginDo уo'4... Thе quеstiоnsarе fоldеduр аnd put in а boх. studеntstakе tuгnstо dгаw oul quеstions аnсiaпswеrthеm.
i,f:Y: ...j;..Fог and аgаinst"'Рrеpaгеа shоrt talk itwо * thrее minutеs}fсr оr аgаinst oпе оf thе fоllowing idеаs. Studеntssреak in ruгn fоr and against еасh idеa; thе сlаss must dесidе rvho has madе thе most соnvinсing сasе.
Реoplе should hаr,еrhе rigЬt tо саrr'lrguns. Ai! tоwn сеnirеs shоuld Ье сlоsеd to ttai{lс. Реoрiе shоuid nот еar mеaт morе than опсе a ц.ееk. Сriminаls shоuid nоt Ье sеnt to рrisоn шnlеssthеy arе .* .Stгапgсl.sош а train., Six studеntsarе in thе r.еаIlydаngеrоusrо sосiегy. sagflесolnРarЁmеflt oЕ a lопg trаin jouгnеу..Ttrеy Fishing fоr spогт is сruеi aпd shouid Ье Ьannеd. dоn't knоw еaсlэоtlrеr,Ьut thеy gеt intо соnvеrsatiоn. Pеоplе shоuid Ье allowеd tо sаy аnd rvritе еxасtl1, Еасh спе has a tеrriЬlе sссгеt:hеz,shеtЪеisа dеsосгatе t,.;hаr thе1'likе зt аll rimеs. вееd tо tеll sоmеоnе. Сhildrеn shоuid nоt Ье a]lowеc ro rvatсh .riоlеntf v_. Pеoplе should nоr havе to \^lеarсiothеs if тЬеy dоп,t lvaлt
1if:..I{oЕ' goоd is yоur firеmory? Тhе теасhеr will shоw yоu t$,еnty оbjесts fоr onе rnЬute аnd thеn ршt thеm аwaу'.Sее if yоu сan геmеrшbеrall of thеm. -,1t:,
if Неrе aгеsomеquеstionsaboutа tехt.Yоu hаvепt got lhе tехt' Imaginсwhat it might say,and wгitе iт. 1. Whеrеdid Мгs Нaгris dесidеto go on hоlidav? 2. Did shеenjоyhеr unехpесtеdswim? З. Vhat happеnеdtо the dоgl 4' !(hо said.Thjsis impоssiblе'? 5. \X/hydid тhеspасе-shipЬrеai< dorvn? 6. Dо уоu тhinkAndгеrr,did the right thing? 7, Ti/hооr ц,harwokе еr,еryЬоdy uр in thе middlеоf тhсnight? ..'ff, учl Listеп tо thе songFiddliпg асrossthе USА' Ъy to writе dorдrnrwo plaсе namеs,two forms of tгansportand trvо kinds of wеаthеrthat arr mепtiоnеdin thе song.Thеп lооk at page118 aпd сhесk vоur aпswеrs.
studеntswhat # root. at thе сartoons.Tell othет arе thе most й' ,ьiiк аbo.,tthem.Find out whiсh еxprеssions: popular сartoons.Usеful liJ й I don't sсеthе jokе. !(/hаtdo you think of this onе? This onе'srеally funny. It isn't funnYat all. I think it's wonderfullstuPid' it-*,k.' / doеsn'tmаkе mе laugh.
,,t,/ .//1, /// / '
СDэ ,
r# Г
f.'\ "Don't аsk пe. Нop docs atrylbing gеt stаrtеd!"
-*tr* rc-*@l
thеп - no sigа of iпtelligent lifе oп EаttЬ?,,
Test 4 сhoo,. a meaning in сolumn B foг eaсh woгd or еxpгessionin сolumn A. Thеre are somе extra mеauings.
Listеп to thе reсordiпg aпd do the tesks.
1. Whо is who? Мatсh thе iobs аnd thе rесordings. a. antiquesdеaler Ь. сеllo tеaсhеr с. сluЬ manegеr 2. Listеn аgain, аnd wгitе dorpn oпс thing eaсh pеrson likes about thеir job. Thе fiтst Peтson doеsn,tdislikе anфing aЬoutheг job. wтite doпrп onе thing thаt eaсh of the others dislikеs oт finds fiffiсult.
A 1. doсk 2. uate 3. stand-by 4. loаd 5. sail 6. on the hiф sеas
Listсnto thеwordsaпdехpгеssions onthе
rесording,end dесidеwhеthеrthеy arе questioпsor statеmеnts.\УгitеQ oг S. 1. by truсk 2. destroyed 3. musiс 4. six
; 3
lпfinitivе oг -izg foгm?
1. Annа сheсkedwhat she'dpeсked thrееtimеs- shе won't be ab|erun / to ruп / rutlniпgto the loсal shop if she'sforgoffеnanything! 2. Hеt Parents want Anna bе / ta bе / being a researсh sсiеntist,but shе wants bе / to be / bеinga tеaсhеr so shе сan spendhеr suпlmerssailing. 3. I don,t knoчr how I would fеel аbout spеnd/ to spеnd/ spendingsucha long timе without see/ to sеe/ sееingland, 4. I'vе аsked }лna utтite/ to шritе / ultiting еvеry two or thrеedaysif shесan - thаt way shе'll hevea rесord ofhеr journеy. 5. h didnt takе Annа long tо dесidebеtweеnbuу / to buу / buуing e саr and ioin / to join l ioiniпg the sailing expеdition. 6. Now that Anпа,sgonе,I don,t havе anуonetalk / to tаlk / tаlkiпg to about musiс. 7. Sаil / To sаil / Sаiling is not just a sPoft for Anna. itЪ a passion. 8. Thе mеdiсаloffiссr told thеm йеy should bе / to bе / beingvеry сarеfulaЬout drinking watеt from streamsаnd rivсrs if they land on any islands. 9. Thеy лigЬt bе / to bе / bеingout ofrаdio сoпtaсt for days at a timе.
5. thе Quееn 6. tomorrow morning 7. white 8. your sistеr
GR-'дi},lJvtARAN} R'Е,A]]iidG ,r J
B a. largе boх, usuallyrrrоoden b. arгan1ein a sensiЬlеmannеr с. Ьeginmoving in a Ьоat or ship d. far from any land e. in a Ьad storm аt sea t. last and most important bits g. Personin сhargeof the Ьoat h. plaсе where Ьoatsand ships havе thingsPut on аnd takеn off. possiblerеplaсemеnt(in сase of illnеss,elс.) put
Passives: put eaсh verЬ iпto thе сorrес form.
Dеar Cfuistinе, This will be my iast letterfor a while - we ate very neaф ready to iеave,аfter all оur preparations.AlI the food (1. dеliuеr)to thе doсk this weеk, and yestеrdayеvеningthе сratе of mеdiсalsuppliеs (2. bring) Ьy truсk from фe nearеstaitport: lеtЪhopе wе чront hаvе to openit. ovеr thеsеpast fеw days thе Ьoаt {3.сheck)by two teamsof pеoplеto makе sureеvеrрhing is sound.And while the boat (4,сheсh),allthe сrewmеmbersand thе stand-by сrеw (5. eхaminr) by the mediсal offiсеr:thank goodnеssI got th:ouф that oK! Thе view from thе doсk notv is a bеautifulone - for me' at lеast:thе suppШes |6. loаd) into thе boat underthe сaptainЪ watсhful еyе,readyto sail early tomoffow morning. tF The exaсt time (7. not dесidе)ofl yet _ it will dеpend ll Past modаls: сompletеthе sentenсеsсorгeсtly. on whаt thе weatherlooks likе at siх in the morning. 7.I |shouldphonе) /шtnthis morning, but I didnt But anyway,sometimеtomoffow will sеeus on thе havеtimе. high sеas I сan hardly believeit! Мeanwhile I must go - we (8, сntertаiп)by thе mayor this evening,and I 2. Jake'slatе:he (musttttiss)thе bus. З . If,| (ulork)haтderI (шould pdss)my ехamslast have to Еy and find somеtlringсIeаnto wеar! lwill veaL write аs oftеn as I сan, but I wont be near a post officе for a whilе! I'll Ье thinkiпg of you. Love, Anna
LA}{GUAAЕ lN'tisЕ a,
I Someof thеsеехpressioпsare fоrmal and some arе infoгпral. Dividе them into two lists . formal and infoгmаl. .Tгanslatе'them from formal to inforшаl and from iпformal to foгmal.
l t
1. It is not untruе for mе to say that Annie is in thе haЬit of сonsuming far morе fоod than сen rеаsonaЬlybе сonsidеredgood for her health. (Rеwtitеthе sentепсeiп fiue шords or lеss.) 2.Рasta, in all of its many forms, is well known to bе high on thе list of thosе foods which arе most frеquеndyсonsцmedЬy the inhаbitаntsof thе Italian pеninsula.(setlenшotds ot lеss) 3. Мy brotherЪmеmЬershipin thе grеatarmy of the unеmployеdis сausеdin largеpart by the faсt that he is not aЬle to spendthе first threеor four hours of thе morning iп any way exсept lying down in his Ьedroomwith thе lights off and the сurtainsсIosed. (fourteеnшords or |ess) 4.I find it is аlmost entirеlyimpossiblеfor mе to put pen to papеr with thе intеntionof сommuniсating wiф somеonewithout spеndinge vеry long timе and сovеringsеvеralsheetsof paper.(siх шords or lеsф
1. Fine, thanks. 2. Good aftеrnoon. 3. Grеatto mееtyou at last! 4. I Ьеgyour pardoп? 5. I think you,rе wrong. 6. Passmе thе bread,would you? 7. Vould you like to danсе? 8. Еxсuseme, have you got the timе? 8
sьo,..n trvo ofthesе sеntеnсеs.
w,i.. onе sепtеnсroг questioп for еaф situаtion.
1. You arе offеreda сup of сoffeе,but you don't likе сoffее.How do yoшesk for tеa instead? 2. Somеoneis spеakiвgЕnglЬh too fast for you to understаnd. 3. You have seеnan old сoffeеpotthat you likе in a has askedfor f,20 market stall. The markеt tredеr .What do you say? foг it. You want to pаy less. l 2 w;." thе stoгy gf д fi|m oгTVProgrirmmе 4. You owе a friеnd somr monеy and arе ready to pay you havе srgп, of a book you have rеad, in 100 or it Ьaсk. You wаnt to kпow rphеthеryour fгiеnd morе чrогds. prefеrsсash or a сhеquе(usethе word rаthn), 5. You want someonеto lеpеаt rvhatthey havе just said. sРЕ.4.ЮNG 6. You want to esk your teaсhеrfor thс translationof a word from youг languagеiпto Еngiish. l 3 rv*к йth anothеr strrdetrt.Еaсh of you must 7. Youwаrtt to ask for thе pronunсiationof this talk аbout one of thе subieсtsШstеdbelow. Speаk for wotdзthorough. aЬout two minцtes while your Partп€f listens сarеfully. Thеn thе partпеr will ask thтeeoг moге quеstions to get furthеr iцformation. vОCAЕULARY
9 w;'. oppositesfor thеsеwords.Thе fiгst oneis donefoтyou as an ехamplе. 6. indoors 1. сalm .'^.'a,ry.t/,,'. g 7. politе 2. саrеful 8. sеnd 3. fall : 9. shy 4. formal 10.teaсh 5. genеfous l o oiиаe this list into fivе grouPs of woгds and eхpтеssionsaссording to mеaniпg.
1. TИЬatdo you find attraсtivеand unattraсtivеebout the Еnglish (оr Ameriсan)way of lifе? 2' What newsPaperdo you read геgularly?Why? Ъlk about the main nеwspepеrsin yout сounкy and what sort of pеoplеusually read eaсh onе. 3. Dеsсribеhow you usuaШyspеndyour day.\Рhat is enjoyaЬlеabout your daily routinе?!Иhat is unplеаsant? 4. ТеШа treditionаl story (it саn Ьr a сЫldren'sstory) from youт сountry or anothеr сountry; or tell a modern vеrsion of a fairy talе.
aссuse adjeсtivе affссionate aссflrt break into arтеst bad-tempered benkеr сtштеnсy сash сonsonant сrime еmotional ехсhangеratе finanсе honеst joЬ rеsеrvеd salary part-timе promotion spеlling steаl sensitivс sеrious skill thеft vосabulаry
ffiъeWаnt Ёо sсreаm ЕtflYъаkes
matrсe and ,sоfteпed'answers; ооntradiоtоry emphatiс, Тalkingabоutemоtiоns; gisi. for |isteпing skiils: listening to; Withоut + infinitive and /ei+objeоi € Woгk with a partпer.Мakе sцrеyou knоw thс mеaningsоf thе words аnd in thе tаblе (usеа diсtiоnагyor ask your tеaсhеr}.Then look at .Ь..,,й' iiЁ oi.,o'**, and makе fivе ог moгеsспtrnсеs{makеsuгеyоu rтakе sentеnсеs fгоm Ьоth partsof thе tablе). . . . m a k е ( s )m е
laugh сr.Y smilе
... mаkе(s)mе siсk
angry unhaррy misеrablе nеfvous prоud gled
\vаIlt to sсrеam r'*аnt tо hidе
sёеrесi fееl unсоmfortаЬlе fееlсаIm
;r;,. ',.'',ir,: hi.r
* ff Wоrk йth a paгtnег.Usе еaсhof thе sеntеnсеstо Ьеginа thrее.sеniеnсеdialоguе:
6 Strопgwords"[п еасhоf thеsеpaiгs,onе wоrd оr еxprеssioпis a mоrе еmphatiс(.strоngеr'ivеrsiоnоf rhе оthеr.lVhiсh afе thе еmphatiсvегsiопsi аngry_ furiоus - pieased сiеlightеd frantiс_ rvorгiеd tегrifiеd* nеrvous unhаppy_ misеraЬlе
a. aпnOutlсеmeЕt
b. quеstionabout feelings с. aoswегi*, + оr 1-.r) Ехamplе: ,Му dанgbtеr doсsп't ш,а|xt to go oп holidау шith us tbis уеаr.' ,Аrе upset?' ,No,уaи асillаIlу,I'm qиiiе plеаsеd.'
Мakе surе уou undеrstandthе words in thе s m bоx, aпd ргасtisеthеir pronшnсiatiоn.Thсn listеn and wтite dоwn hоw yсu think еасhpеrsonfееls.
]..l havеtо giveа speeсhin tiont оf 1,000реoplе tоnight' 2. Мy Ьosshas just saidl havеro чrоrk on Nеw YеarЪDaу. i, l alralо atnusес angry сross dеlightеd i 3" \,ly соusin'sgirlfriеndhаs Ьееnгransfеrrеd io Nеw i disgustеd еrnbarrassеd frantiс furiоus i Dеlhi. !оnеly rnisеrаblе nеrvошs I 4. Ь.{уrлothеrlrasbееnnamеdBusinеsswomаn i glаd h,Pрy оf thе plеasеd prouсi rеlaxеd surрrisеd Yеаr. tеrrifiеd unсоmfоrтаbiе unhаppy tipБеt 5. i{,v sistеris gоingtо hаvеa Ьab,v. ъvоrriеd 6. Тhеrе'rл,as a roЬbеrywhile I was iп thе Ьank this rnоrning. Whеn уоu havе wоrkеd оцt aпd Рraсtisеddialoguеs * rooi. at thе thгееaflswеrstо thе qшеsriоn. fоr all thе sепtenсеs'сhangерartn€rs. Рraсrisеthе .tф ЬrоrЬеr'sjusrtоid rnеi:еЪgеrringmarriеdnеxс dia!оgвestogеtheг- Yоu tтlаygеt somе suгрrisеs. rллееk.' (Arr 4яD уоu plеased?' AB q_? Мakе surеyоu undеrstandthе qrrеstions. i-) .. ,wеli, nо, aстuall.v" I,m nоЕ., '-'-4еn Пstепtо thе rесоrding.\[,Ъiсhquestiоnis Ьеing (t) € Q uitе pi'еаsеd, Ьшthе соuld havеtоld mе аnsи,еrеdby сaсh person?Thеrе is olrе еxtra еdrliеr.' .I':з absоiutel.т quеstion. dе!!ghtеd.' {+r) a' Dо yоu oftеnlet smallthingsupsetуcЦ vеrvmuсh, Whiсh сaEsgоrydо thesеansweгsgo in: _. + ог .t-ii or arr Yоu usuallyеasv-gоing} 1. oЧflаs she.рleasеdi' yоu er.erlgt еfiзоtionsbuild uр insidеyoir and Ь. Do .Aсrша!ly; sЬеwas a bit еrnbarrassеd., thеn еxprеssrhеmtоо stгongly? 2. .Ishе hаpрy?' yоц usuallylet thереoplеarоi,rдсi Do yоu know с. .Оrlitе Ьаnr:'. l'rrt Ьр miqcрc hi{' femilv,' hоw ;гоufсеl abоutthings? .1Уэs З. she 'лrсcriеd?' d. Сan уоu think оf a timеwhеn yсu wеiе vсfy upset .Shеrvasfrantiсi: Ьut didn't lеt anyoЕеknоw? 4. .Aгеthеyunhaвp.у"}' yоu lес-vourсhildrеn knоъvif you wеfe vеry е. \Хltlulсi .Thеy'rеmisоrаЬ]е-' worriеd аЬоutsomеthingi yоu аfraid}, J, ..W.еrеа,t \Х/о'.lld yоu f. lеt youг Parеntsknоw if you wеrе vеry .!Pе wеrе toо Ьusyto bе afraid.' 'лiоrriеdaЬоutsоmеthins? 5. .Ishе unсоmfоrtaЬlеi* ..Wс!l,a Ьiг, Ьut I thirrkЬе'll gеtusеdrо ir..
7.,Wеre),оuрiеesеdJ' ..WеIl, nо, I lvas a Ьit сrоss,aсtuaiiy.' 8. .Wеrеyоu lопеly?' .Yеs,vеrylonеly'But rvhаtссuid I d.о?'
f Now сhоosе onе gf,thеquеstiоns&опr Еxеrсisе6 rо ask оthеr stцdenis.Nоtе thе answersand rеpоrt tо thс сiass.
Learn/revise:еmоtion;раrrnt;buiiduр (built' built);сry;expresg;fee|(feli,fe|t);hide(hid' hiсjden); lai:gh;sсream;see red(sаw,seеni;srпile; afraid;angry;сalm;сross;,rantiс;furious;glad; nervоus;proud;siоk; happy;loпe|y; miserabie; unhapрy;amцsed;delighted; unсomfor1аb|e; p|easod;relaхёd; disgusted; embаrrassed; a bit;absoiutely; upset; worried; terri{ied; surprised; aсtually;quit6;stronglУ;too (+adjесtivr+ infinitive|; inside.
#2 Foс[дson systenвs with/э/;weakfоrmsot have and for; А сhoiсeof exerсises:suffixespronounоed and FuturePerfeсttenses;commcneхpressions wi|hmake, FutureProgressive takr, do, have and get.
PRoNtINсIAпoN t @] po you know hovr to Pronouпсethе еnds оf thе woгds in еaсhgтoup?ltaсtisе thеm.Caп you add anothеrword to soгпсоf thе grоups?
ruтrrrе rтogrеsslvе tensе
I wiil (I'll)bе ъ,orkin#sссing/... you will (you,ll)be working/sеeing/... rtс.
furпitt,уе 7. p|easurе oat're 2. preposttion organisation ехamitation З.уotession possеssioa 4' dеcisioп divisioп 5. rеligioиs deiiсioиs
will I bе rvоrkinфееing/... ? еtс. I wil1not (won't)Ье wоrking/sееing/...
2 m How do you think hаuе andfor arc pronounсedin thе follоwing sentеnсes? Prасtisе sayingthеm,pa1'ingspесialаttеntiоntо rhythm.
цЭ маkе sеntеnсеsas iп the ехarnplеs.Usе thе words in thе box to hеlp you.
1. By nехtjuly I'li hаvеЬееni:еrеfor еightmonths. 2. Whеn thеygеtmarriсdthеy,llhavеkпown еaсh othеrfor threеyеars. 3. !Иhеni rеtireI'll havеbеenrvorkingfor nеariу50 years. .i. Nехt su!-nmеr ц'е'i1havеЬсеnmarriеdfоr 30 yеаrs.
еightо'сфсk tomorro\,v rnоrning/ in thе bathroom ,Аt еight'o'сlock icmarroul moтningI'Il be brushing mу tеeth. hаlf раstеighti in thесar ,Аt hаli pаst еigЬttomorroъс, lззorningI,l| bе driuittg tc usork.' 1. tеn о,сloсktоmorfо\,v morning/ in a mеetingwith thе SаlсsDirесtоr 2. оnе o,сloсktomоrrow/ in а rеstаurаnt 3. four о'сloсk tomorrow/ on thеtеnnisсоurt 4. fivе o,сloсktоmorrоw/ in thе swimmingpool 5. siх o'сioсk tomorrovv/ in tЬеpuЬ 6. еightо'сloсk tomorrоw/ iп front of theТV 7. tеn о,сioсk tomorrow еvening/ оn the night train тo Glasgorr, drivе swim
havеa drink havс lunсh talk travеl wаtсh
4 д* as many pеoрleas possiblеwhat thеywiШbe doing at a partiсulartimе tomorrorм.(You dесidе rvhattimе.)
7 сhoo," оnе of thе following quеstions,and аsk аs mаny pеoplеas possiblеin two miпutes.Thеn tеll the сlasswhаt you havе fouпd out.
Futurе Регfесttеnsе
By nеxt sulnmеqhоw long will yоu har'еЬeеnat sсhool I marriеd,/ living in thе samеhоцse/ lеarningЕnglish? - !иill you havе finishеdstudyingЕngiish Ьy nеxt summеr? Tеn yearsfrom поw. will you havе forgoшеnmе? s7hеn you'rе 70, do you think you will havе сhаngеd a loti Ho'л many hours wijl you havеwоrkеd Ьy thе еnd оf this wееk?
I r,ъ'i]l havеwоrkеdlsеerlt... {tr,ll) you u,iП(yоu'll)havеwогkеd1sеел/... еtc' will I hаvеwоrkеd/sееn/...? еtс.
Е 3
гпt in thе gapsin thе теxt.
ProfеssorНоrsebrushis writing a Ьook on сhеiovе litе оf thе mоsquito.Shеis wriring tеn pаgеsа day. Shеstartесiyеstеrday.By yestеrdayеvеningshе had pagrs.I'{orмshе has writtеn fiftеenpаgеs. writtеn .Whеn tеn shе goеsto bеd tonight shеwill hevе wriЕеn ... pagеs.By tоmorrownight shе ... hаvеwrittеn... pagеs.By thе еnd оf the day аftегtomorrоwshе ... thirty pаgеs.By thе night afier that shе ..' B},nеxt Tuеsdаynightshе ... By thе еnсiоf thе mоnth ... By thе end оf August ... trnrеnyеarsfrоm пoц,shе ..' about...pagеs. 4t
o сhaog. thе sеntеnсesаs in thе eхаmples,so as tc usе tlrе Futurс Pеrfесtteпsе. By thе еnd of thе ,vеаrl,ll bе famous,(bеcomе} ,Bу thе eпd of tЬе уеи I'Il hаue|эeсomefаmous''
i \''
JuIy 17th will bе our tеnth wеddingannivеrsary.1&e mаrried) ,Оп lz,ilу 17th ше'll hаuеbеепmаrried{or tеn уеа.rs., 1. B,vthе сime!'m 70 I wоn't Ье workiлg. (rеtirе) 2. By nехt suпlmеri еxpесti'il Ье tЪliy quaiifiе
voсAtsULARY 8 ro, the rvordsfroпnthе bоx intо thе right lists. {Somewords сan gо iв rпоrethаn one list.) Cen yоrt add somewоrds of yоur оwn to thе lists? .I\.{AKЕ
тAкЕ trein
Do work
bath Ьеd brеakfast Ьus сhangеd сoffее dесisioп сirеssеd holiday hоusеwork lost mеdiсiпе mistakе photо plаn rеst nothing phonе сall stцрid souр 9 somеthing size shoеs work supреr tеa train
p|easure; month;nature;organisation; deсision;oxaminatioп;furniture Learn/revise:bui|der; tuncoЦntable); еxpressions famous; down; sett|e pass retire; an examinаtion; оhange; melt; Wedding anniversary; tennisсourt; from Eхercise8. 55
tr3l'п1a bit shоrЁof time l,
invitations, by telephone; aосeplаnоes аnd refusa|s; i | Мakingappointments praсtiсe. (weak forms); expressiоns; speaking оonversationa| Рronuпсiation 1 i t Сhoosе оnе оfthе tеlеphonесоnyегsatioпs.\Voгk iп pairs:fill in thе gаpsаnd praсtisеthе сonvеrsatioп. SUЕ: Неllo.}4arkеtiпgDеpartmеnt. JoЕ: Нi. Is that Sце? s U Е : ( 1 ) . . . . '.' . . JoЕ: This is Joе.Ноw arеуou? Sl'Е: i2\..'.,,'...'..,.' .' thisсr,еning! JoЕ: Listеn,Suе.Arе you doing i3) SUЕ: I'm поt (4) . !Иhу? JоЕ: T7еi!,I thоughtivе mightgo Оutfоr a mеаl somеwherе. SUЕ: oh' dеar.I'vеjust(5) . ' '.''...It looksas if I'm nоt {6) this еveningаftеrall. i'lт (7) ..........ing. JOЕ: !ИеI!,lrоw a'nоuttomоrrоъvi sUЕ: No. I rеа.llyоughrtо srауin tcmоrrОW.ItЪagеs sinсеI wаshеdmy hair.
.IОl]: !Иhat (,B)'
thеdау (9) ' .
tomоrrоrv? 5UЕ: N'o, I'm awа1,thеn.Lоok, '}oе.I'm rrаll.ra Ьit shоrtоf tirве{10) dаys.I'vеgоt a whoieIоt оf wоrk to finishb'l,thеелd оf thе mоnth.It,.cЬесаusеof thе rеоrяanisatiоn аt гhr оffiсе.You know hoч,it is. I'll-(l1) ., '.,,.,'.',, уоu a riпg r+,hеn thingsgеtеаsiеr.oK? loЕ: oK. Byе. ,,-=- 1' SUЕ: Byе. том; Неllо. AссountsD€ р aгtmеnt. S L I Е :Н е l t о (. 1 2 ) . ,. . . . . . . ' . . ? Тo!'i:\Ъs,i1з)........... ..} StjЕ: (14)...... . . is Suе' Т o м l О h , h i ,S u е .( 1 5 ). . . . . . . ? sUЕ: Finе.what abоurуou? Stiil u,orking (16). .,...'..,. thеsаmeplaсе? ToМ: Yes.They hаvеn'tfound out аЬоutmе (17) . Iп faсt,thеyеvеnsay rhеy'ге
(18) ' . . .r о g i v е m е а r i s е n е х t m о n t h . SUЕ: Look, Тbm, I havеn't sееn you ft9\ . .-..
agbs.(20) this еvеning? ТoМ: Don'tthink so. SLIЕ: (21) - ...... . tс}соmеоtlt fоr a drink?That is. unlеssyou'rеtoo (22) Тojи: No,I,d lоvе(23) Wherе(24I..'''',,.,. '',Wе mеrt? sUЕ: How i25) thе Кing'sArms? Тo,l\,,i:o K . ( 2 6 i . . .? sUЕ: Say,abour(27) ........ '. о'сloсk? тoМ: Еight о'сloсk'sdiffiсult.I don'rgеthomе (28) - . . ....... hаli pastsеvеn.Сou]dviе makеit a quartеrpаst? sUЕ: oK. Quаrterрasteightаt thе KingЪ Aгms. (29) .. yоu thеn.
ТoМ: sеeyоu.Byе. sUЕ: Bye.
{' Jr О t!
.|'. Ноr't.агr th3woгdsiп italics proлoцnсеdl I,istentо thеrесоrdingand сhесkyoЕг answeгs. with рaгtiсular Pгасtisсsayingthе eхpressiопs, attсndоntо rhythm. Аrе уoudоingaп1.thlng thisеr,еningi I hаven'tsсcl.lvоu far agеs' a ч,holеlоr of rvork rheеndо/thе mоnrh ulfthе samеplасе? Siiil rvс.'rking rFоцld yоu likе tc сОmеoвt iar а driп!,:? Whеrеshаll wе mеet? 'zrrhеКing.sArms
g+}$brk in pаirs. Pгеparе аnd prасtisephоnе сonversatioпs in whiсh onе personasksthе o{hеrout. You саn be:yоurselr'еs; vouгsеlvеs in twеnryyеaгs; уou and thе king / quееn/ presidеnt/ pйеministеr; yоu and a famоus singеr/ filrп star еtс,.itwo famоцs pеоpleiyou сhооsе).Usе somеоf thе tЪliоwing еxprеssiоns. Arе yоu frееthis еr,еning? Arе i.оu doing аnрhing this еvеning? I thoughrrvеrnight... uniеssyсru,rеtоо bus'v/tirеd. I'm поt surе. lt dеpеnds. Мaybе,mayЬеnot. I сan'trеmеmbеr'
фEs f+: Imaginеthat уоu aregоingtо invitеа friепdоf vоurs'Ann, tg go orrtrviтhyou.Оесidе u'hеrеyоu want to gо, and whсгеапd whеnyоu wаnt Jlrsra minutе. Lеt mе just loоk in mv diarу. as fоliоws. tО mесt.Тhеп ansъ'еrthе tаpе*rесordег -+кх:Неllо.RainЬоrvI{illB!80. ii it'sАпп spеаkiпg' тОt:: ,4s.& А N } i : ' . , . ., ,
. ,,
\.ОLIi F"нsц.!еr.
;.\N: .......1.... YОL:i Аilstuеr. Аsk hoу' Апlе is" i'ОLl: ANli: у
Аsi if Апп is dс,irtg аllу,tbiпg this еt,еitil,tg. .......,........ Iнuitе Апп ic g(i o|'t soпtеl,t,Ьеrешith т-olt. . . . .. . . . , . , . , А1lsu,еr ц'llаt А-tl'п sауs. it shе вссеpts, сt;ntiпliе tlэе сotlt'''еrsаtiaп' !{ shе rеfнsеs, kееp trуiпg 1аsk
it loоks as if I'm not frrе. I'm not frееаftеrаll. I'r.еiusrгеmemЬеrеd' iЧо,I'm afraid|'m bаЬу.sitting/ washingmv hаrri g,oingto thе сhеаtrе/ wоrkin! / piayingЬrtdgql .'"iпg, I геall,vоugirtto washmy hаir / rr.rirеlеttеrs/ ... I.maц.аvtomofrow. I'vеgоt a tегriЬlеhёadaсhе. !flhаrl}Iоivabоut romоrrоw / thе daу aitеr tоmоrгоlv?
I'm rеаli-va bit Ьusyat thе mоrnеnrl tor thе псxr tЪш, wееks. Ьеr oиt {сл'tamorrоu,,thе dау вitеr tсэlпсэrraш . еtс.)t,lпtilshе ассеpt-,or епdsthе сoпuеrsаtitэtz. Yоu knоw hоrvit is. lt'sagеssinсеI '.. I hаr.еrr'r ,.. fог agеs. I,1lgiveyou a ri:lg orlеоf tlrеsеdаvs/ sоnrеiiпrе-/ rr,hеnthingsgеrеasiсr. Тhat wоцld Ье lоvеlу.,
i'c lоvеto.
Whеrе shall rvе mееt?
\ХrЬattirце? W.hattimе wеrеуoЦthirrkingоt? I'll соmеrоцndto yоur plaсе. I rлighrЬе a Ьit lаtе. Thаt'sdiffiсulr. Сошldw,еmаkе it a lrit latеr? Sееyrrurhеn.
sl{EЕ.ts FФ*[J$
#фWe regret', speakingskills: I Writingskills:formalletters; disсussion. i interviews, i
* Hегe arе thе intеrviеwеr,snотеson a jоb appliсant,tоgеthеrwith threepossible Iеttсгstо thе appliсаnt.Whiсh lеttеrdo you think is thе Ьеst?Why?
%'*n" Do76АJ jЪ""o,,.i,:."j .. ,o ri u.l d'.Dо"z..jf,^l "
-.. :naik
теl:9162 3445< *.рrj: .]5, iэ93
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....* .* "";**,.". i*.....T"Т..,'#,i:Ё "}оni.'.. й;i.j"i"''""i*"""т#lтТ ,.",u.."
".n. * I1I ":;:S: u!''*{.!,,',!,f:,' 'T;,;:;t!::'.u:,!;! i
"At \
.{lan r..Prasonr
.€". ;Ч ,".:;.
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,*ffi ,r,,iт:
..,lЕ'.:..1:..,,:р f"'-, ..i."Л. ., .
::.+т fi#цЁiii:;i:l;.-.i..:.:: *
I^"*i,l,i,* fT&зo if,t* "n*rl*ryf*n, t. Ч* l;1д, ;*::; L.J,
""t'j::r.*t;ff "' r;q-"" *,й."1.,"' *.'.,',Ъ.";".
А. /a'
t !
...r]ЬЕ!еге arе sornе informal ехpressiопs. In сhе lеtters,сan vou find morе formal еxprеssiоnswitЬ t*rеsamе meавings? \X/сhаr,егhoughr about (Wе) аrе sоrгу (Ч/е)сan't
gоod еnоugh(thrееuеrsioпs) nееd yоu don't sееmtо lravе -r**
ъl} JоЬ intегviеlvs.Wrгk in groups of siх oг so! threе intеrviеwегsand threе aрpliсants. t. Thе group сhoоsеs a joЬ fоr ъvhiсhapрliсants rvill Ье intегviеwеd. 2. Interviеп,егsPrерarе theiг quеstiоns;аpрliсe*rs ptерaге dеtаils оf thеir qualifiсatiоns and eхpеriепсе. .3.Appliсaпts aге intеrviеwеd iп tuгя. 4, Еaсh groшp оf thrеe intеrviе*,еrsсhоosеs thс bеst apрliсarrtaпd *'ritеs lеffеrs tо aii тЬrее.
;€;ri l}:sсцssоnе оf thе fоliowingqшеstiОfls rvithtwo or thrееothегstudеnts.At thе еnd оf your disсussioп, w.ritеa briеf notе оf thе group,sopiniоn and rероrt tо thесless.Usе{ulеxprеssiоns: и.оuid/пrightliе Оn thе o;hеr ]-rаnd .,r,оu,ldп'dmightri't ir dеpеnds tсli thе tгuth тhink it wou]d Ье rr.rongтс '..
:',..\ -,',t;:*\
-Ьi :''f! 'i i-\ I
r' Ei
j l
L+ **-q:3\
.Ч .1i l.Ч, .,' Gr '.€. 'Ёё
. .ъ,-* \i :\!
. t t ; ; ,!it\ ;il
1. Iпlaginсthаt уоLihаvе bсеn in рrisоn. Shouli yоrr tеIl thс jntегr.iец.егr,''hеnyоu аppl;"fоr a jоb? g9 !..11t1l,'if yсlu оnlr. hаd a shсlrr 2. \!,r:ц!c}'t)ut..,а!1t tin-rето ii'"еi .j. A пar.rjеdРеrsоll is iп'iоvе rvirh sоmеbоcy сlsе. Ьuг doсs ritlt ',vishtо brеak LlD.hе maIгiagе. Sh
l.eаrn/revise: apр||саnt;appliсation;оxpеrienсe; post;рrison;qua|ifiсatioп; rесеptionist; intervieW; seсretary;spot;truth;appear;aррly;сonsider;dea| need;offеr; wiih sbdy (dea|t,dеalt);laсk;liе (|ying); regrеt;rеquire;tеlIthe truth(told,told);bi|ingua|; Wrong; nerVоUs;sil|y;unab|e;unattraстivе; оn the otherhand. suffiсiently;
#5 Тhe vФПсeоf derтmФсraсy j пeadingaпсjiistening PresentРеdесtandSimрlePasttenses; соmprehension; 'I i ; wordstress;voсabulаrystudy. l
'. s 9 -lj |tТ'ffii
* Еl п'"udthе tеxt of thеnеwsbгоаdсаst.Chооsеthе сorгесttеnsеs'and fill in thе mi'ssing wогdsаnd еxprеssioпsfтоm thе Ьох. Тhеn lisrеntо thе гесordiпgand сhесkyoЦr ans\Дiеrs. ёaссоrdiпg tо 6 apprохimarеl1 Ц- аt lеаsi |due to /{fоllоtviпg J in sгitе of tl whiсh lЧ with
{|oodingin thеsоuth FrееFanrasianRadiо _ thе vojсео{ dеmосraс,v. lt's {16)TЬеtеhаs bееп/ ThеrеъL,аs tсn о,сloсk,аnd hеrеis L'.lсyVоrоnеsk.лith rlrеlatеst of thесоuntrу,t17) ...'.....,.... lastwееk'shеаvyraiпs. nеws. Pгоmptaсtionby ioсаl army units(18)hаs limitеd/ liruitеdrhе damagе,аnd thе fеw peoplе affecrcd Figurеsrеlеаsеdtоdayshоwthat avсragееаrnings (I9) hаuеtlolubеетlаble/ цlеrепoш аblе to rеrurпto {1}hаuеgonеup / шеntup Ьу 6aaЬоverthе lаsт thеirhсlmеs. tr,vеlve months.offiсial sourсеssay thаtthis is suссеssful Dr JоsерhBrodsk,DеputyGоr,еrпоrоf Stranvegan есоnomiс i2) , . . ....thеgovеrnmеnt's pоiiсtеs,whiсh (3)hаuеled to / lеd 'o mоrееffiсrеnт irom 1976to \981, {2О)hаs diеd/ diеdyеstеrdayat mаflegеmеnt his hornеin Baпhooiу.. Не was 78. Thе Рrеsidеnt and grеatеrрroduсtivitv: Industrial outpui |4}hаs risеn/ rosеЬу 43% duringthе last {2|}hаssеtzt/ sеnta mеssagrоf sympathyto Мгs and еxports(5)hаuеgoneцp / wепtup Ьv 52%. Brоdsk. 1'еar, Inflатionis dоwn to (6) 3%, Nеws (22)i,lаsjшstсotпеill 1just саtпеiп of a pIaпе (7) - .' ' pоliсеfigurсs,aЬс;ut5.000реoplе сrashat ЕastМork Airport' First rеpоrtssay thаt two (8|hauеtаkеnpart l took pаrt in yеsterday,s airсraftwеrеinvolvеd' аnd thаr sеvеralpеоplеwеrе anri. govеrnmеnt (9).. . .' . ...poliсееfforts killеd,but no fцrrherdеtailsarear,ailаblеfоr thе demonstration. to maintainordеr,(10)thеrеhаs bееn/ thеreulаs lnomеnt. viоlспсethroughoutrhеmarсh.Stoпеsand pеrrоi And rrowthе wеathеrforeсast.It (23)lЪl шill bе bоmbs |11\hаuebeеnthroшп/ tl.lеrеtbraшп at сontinuoussunshinеin all parts warm' (24\ . gоvеrnmentЬuildings,aпd(12) 200 pеоplе Thе for thеwееkеndis of thс outlook соuпfry. (1'3)hаuеbеепhurt / шеrеhurt in fighdng with rempеrаturesin thе high thirtiеs. similar, {,14) brokеout after {15)hаs brohеnout /.sИеsk speeсhеs by oppоsitioпleаdеrsin Squarе.
Praсisе pгonounсing thеsewords йth thе сoЕесt sffеss.
Stressed on t|эеfirst sуllable: avсrage dеtails exports figurеs forесast govеrnmеnt oцtput sunshinе sympethy temperaturе yestеrday managemеnt messаgе оutlook Stressеdon tbе seсondsуllаblе: effeсtеd evaileble dеmoсreсy involved offiсial poliсе rеleаsеd suссеssful throughоut Маiп stresson the third sуllаble.. demonstrаtion
3 m Copy thе tablе end fill in thе lеft.hand сolumn йth faсs from thе Frее Fantаsiаn\ Radio broadсаst.тhen listеn to thе reсording.You wiШhеar thе ten o'сloсk news Ьroаdсastоn anotheгFantasian Radio station - Dеmoсratiс Fаntаsiап Radio. Fill in thе гiф.hаnd сolцфn in thе tablе. Чlhat do you thinft is the main reason for thе diffеrеnсes? FFR
Number of dеmonsшаtors: !Иasmarсh violеnt? Нow many hurt? Avеragееагnings up/downby: Industrialoutput up/down by: Еxpoпs up/downbyl Infletion: Numbеr of homeless duе to flooding:
4 сhoo,. somе words aпd expressionsto learп from Еxегсise1. Show youl list to enothеrstudeпt and ехplain the rеasoпsfor youг сhoiсеs. F
o work in groups,and сhoosеoпе of the follorving еxerсises. A. Мake up a news broadсast inсluding фrее uпtruе rеPorts.Rеad youг bгoadсаstto the сlass,aпd sее if they сan tеll you whiсh thingswеrе not true. B. Мakе uP two versionsof a nеwsгeport (asif from two diftеrentгadio or TV stаtions).Givе your rеpoгts to thе сlass апd sеehow many diffеrеlсеs they сan spot.
Learrr/rev|зe:bomb;detail;demoсraсy; eсonomiс;exрrts; figure;foreсast; demonstration; m8ssage;opрosition; govёmment;management; output;p|aneоrash;police;produсtivity; out|oЬk; violenоe; . sto.ne;sunshine;sympathy;temperature; tiatfect; hurt (dying); (broke, die broken); out break (hurt,hurt);leadto (led,led);relaase;rise (rose' risen);takepar.tin (toоk,takan);throw(threw' thrown);avai|able;avвrage;etfiсient;industrial; involved;otfiсial;suосessful;aссordingto; in spiteof; at least;duв to;fo|lowing; approximately; throughout.
C. Disсussion:How tгuе are your radio аnd TV repoпs? Is it neсessaryfor thе mеdia to tеll lies in soше сitсumstanсеs?Have you any осperiеnсвоf offiсial lфg? Мake notеs of what is said iп your disсussion аnd rеpoп to thе сlass. D. Invent a news itеm, and thеn report it to thе сlass by mime (aсtiщ without words).The otheт studеntsmust guеsswhat you are rеportiпgаnd put it into words.
c6 Foсuson systems A сhoiсeof exвrcises:re|ativeоlausesWithoutpronouns;reduсedrelativeсlauses; hвarlngunstressed syl|ables' prоnunсiation andspelling(.silвпtd, doubling); opposites;
t wе oftеn lеаvе out thаt/шhicblшho(tп)n sепtспссswith relativeсlauses.SometimеsthЬ makes thеm more diffiсult to undеrstand.Caп you makе thesеsentenсеsеasierto rеad by puttiпgin tbаtlul hi сh/ulho(ttt)? 1. Thе eggs,you'rееаtingсаmefrom our farrn. 2, TЬat motorbikeJakе built fеll to pieсes. 3. The letterthе postmanjust Ьrоughtisп't for us. 4. A man my btothеrmеt whеп hе was travеllingin Italy this sшnmеrtusnеdout to bе а famousfi]m dirесtor. in love with doеsnt knorv hе 5. Thе womanWete,s еxists. .Where 6. doеsthе wood thаt taЬlеЪmadeof сomе from? 7. Bесацsehе forgot to write to thе onе реrsonhе rеally should havеinvitеd his fathеrwas furious. .!Иhеn he met thе soldiеrhе rvantеdto Ьuy thе 8. gunsfrom thе poliсе wеrе watсhinghim.
4 ьoк at this way of usiпg .iиg forms and'ed foгms. I kпow the man sittiпgon the wall ovеr thеrе. (=... theman who is sitting...) Food kеpt in a freezerwill staygood for sеvеral months.(=Food thatis kept...) Now сhangеthesesеntenсesas shown in thе еxaпplеs. woman who is standingat thе bus stop? !Иho .Whois thе is thе шomаnstапdircgat thе bus stop? Thе forms thar wеre sentto the еmbassylast wееk nеvеrarrived. The fortrlssent to thе etпbаssуlast шееkпеuеr а,rtiued.
1. A road thдt was opеnedlast Friday hаs had to bе сlosеdagainfor rеpairs. 2. The nцmЬerof new сars that wеrе sold in this сounгryfell by 25% in thе first half of this year. It,snot possiЬlёto leave olutшholthа, in йese twо 3. Thе men wlro arе working on oul househave bеen sеntеnсes. Why not? therеfor nеarly thrееweeks. 9. Thе pсoplеrpho live nеxt door nrvеr gеt up 4. Clothеs that aremadeof artifiсial fibrеs often feеl Ьeforеtеn o,сloсk. unсomfortablеiп hot weathеr. 10. I'rп going to do somеthingthаt will rеally surрrisе 5. Not many of thе peoplewho wеre invitedturned you. цp. 5. Тhе moneythаt is lying on the taЬlе is your сhangе. в| l Put thеsеpairs of senteпсеstogеtherwithout жkgthatluhich/who(ф. 1 Э сh",.gе thеsеsеntenсesas showпin the exalтrple. 1. I,vеlost фe Ьook. I Ьorrоwedit from you. NoЬody сou.ldrеad the words writtеn on thе paper. Nobodу could reаd thе шords thаt шereшrittеnoп 2. Thе glassеsareп'trеedy. thepаper' You ordеrеdthеm. 1. The addresslist puЬlishedlast month is alrеadyout 3. Thosеpеopleсouldnt сome. of datе. !0.еinvitеdthеm to spеndthе wееkеndwith us. 2. А,|oсof thingstаuфt in sсhool arе useless. 4. Thе phonеnumЬeris 325-3547, 3. Lеwis said that thе monеy offеredwas not nеar1y Yoц wеrеaskiпgaЬoutit. еnough. pеoplеhuгt in thе aссidеntarс rссovеriпgin 4. Тhе 5. A diсtionаryis a kind of Ьook. hospital. Pеoplеlook up rvordsiл it. .5.Morе than 100 prisonегsсаpturеdduriпg thе rесеntfightingin Еast Grangewill Ье relеased ,l todaу. ё сan you makе сompletesentеnсеsinсludingthese 6. Thrеe mеn ассцsеdof organisingаn affaсk on an groupsof words? (Dоnt sеPагatеthem.) Irish poliсe statioцin whiсh sеvеraloffiсеrswerе thе food I thе man the pоliсе injurеdhave Ьeеnarrestеd. a thing pеoplеusе shе boughtdidn't t a thing сhildrеn saw wesn't
thrее or more sensiblеsеntеnсеsfrom thе иЬlе.
A youпg сivil servant
questionedаfter thе attасk
had еsсapedfrorл a zoo.
The man
postеdin Bгighton in Ba4
said he bеlievеdhis son had madеthreе visits to Buсkinфаm Pаlaсе.
Threе сhildren
foцnd in a London tax offiсе
agreed with thе governmеnt.
Thе fathеr of thе mаn
Ьroughtup in the сountry
hаs just Ьееndеlivered.
Мost of the pеoplе
found on Friday morning in the QuееnЪЬedroom
told poliсе that thеy had seеnnoйing.
Sсientistshavе found that сhildren
seсnrunning away
oftеn talk to thеmselvеs.
A lеttеr
interviеwеdЬy newspaper rеPoItеrs
is bеlievedto Ье a mеmberof a tеrroristgroup.
A monkey
arrеstеdaft,era man wаs shot in oxford Strеetlast night
цsеdto work as a driving instruсtor.
сhosento lеаd thе British tсam
may Ьe сhаrgеdwith murdеr.
Thе womаn
lеft alonе for long pеriods
arе on averageиllеr than сity сhildrеn.
paiгs of , lЕ9j .Silеnte., Look at thе foШoиring words. What diffетenсеdoеs фe lettеr e make to thе pronunсiation of the vowel bеfoгeit? mad madе
win winе
hop hоpс
l o
сut сцtr
Nolм rеаd thеsеpairs of words. You сan pronoullсе them сorгeсф evenif you dont kпow them. сap сapе lop lope pan pane
sin sine pip pipе
run runе
8 m DouЬling. Look at thеsеpaiгs of woтds. \Рhy doesthe sесondrvord in eaсhpair Ьavе a doцblе lеtter? big bigger hot hottеr
о" you know thе oppositesof аll thesеrvords?
ag|ee always аwakе bеginning Ь.,y сhеap dark dead di'ty еarly еasy generous first fеmаle find еmpty fаst heavy hiф honest hot indoors h,ppy leugh lеft intеlligеnt interesting into long lovе most nеw niсe north.east quеstion quiеt optimistiс outsidе pull remembеr rough safе shallow sharp tall shy soft stop stfong takе off upsteirs warm thin top tfue uP wet win wrong yoцng
nrn runnеf mаd mаddег sit sitting begin bеginning
How rvould you Pronoцnсe феse words if thеy didnt have double leшеrs? dinnеr
How would you Pfonouпсеthеsеwoгds if thеy had double lettersin thе пiddlе? inviting
Learn/revlвe:aоcident;artificia|fibre;attaсk;bus fi|m сivilservant; stop;сhange(=moneУreturned); murder;prisoner; direсtor;freezer;information; repair;scientist; aсcuse;arr6st;bringup (brought' brought);саpture;sxist;fallto pieсes (foll,fallen); hurt(hurt,hurt);injure;invite; fought); fight(fought, keep (kept,kept);leavв (|eft,left);offer;orgaпise; question;rвсвive;re6ovёr;release;shoot(shot, shot);teaсh(taught,taught);turnup;furious; use|ess;on average;vмbulary unсomfortab|e; fromEхercise 10.
Do you know why not all of thеsewoгds have douЬlе lettеrs? fоrgешiпg begrnning
visiting oрning
rеgrеttеd dеpositеd prеfеrring offering
9 m Listеп to the rесordiщ. Horr maпy words do you hеar in €aсh sentenсe?(Contraсions likе whаf,s сount as two words.) \
#xPeoplegoinghшngrу Listеning skills:Iistening torspeсifiсinformаtioп; readiпgskil|s;readingforgist;voсabu|ary; disсussion. I
E lVoгk in groupsof thrееoг fouгto disсussthеse pointsand makеa gгouprерort.Еaсhрегsoпiп thе groupshouldtаkerеspоnsibilityfoг onе oг twо pоints and rnakеsuгеthat еvеryonееIsеin thеgrouр соntriЬutеsа viеw. 1. Hоw impоrtaпtdо yоu think it is tо givеmonе.yto hеlppсoрiеin nесd? 2. Nаmе onе or mоrесhаritiеsthаt har,еaskеdyоu lor monеуin thе past1.еаr. Whо dо thеsесhаririеs Ьепеfit?Do 1'оurhink it is ц,оrthgivingmonеyrо thеm?Why (nоt)? 3. Dо yоu еvеrlvorrv abouthow thеmonеуyou gir,е tо сhariqvaсtuallygеtssрепЕ]WЬаr аrе somеof thс *'a,r,s monеуgii.entо Тhird wbrld сhаririеsсan Ье rrшsusеd? 4, Сan уоu think of an,vоf thе сausеsof pоr.еrtуаnd hungеrin rhеТhiгd .fi/oгldll-isras manvas }.()u сan thiпkоf. t4&
e :э Соpу thеgгid and makеsuгеyоu undеrstaпdall rhеwоrdsand схpressiоns. Тhеn iistеn rо Rogеr ЕlЬоurпеfrоm Oхfam and AIisоп \i'hуtе .lVar .Waпt fгоrn oп тalkingabout thеir сhаritiеs,and сomplеtеthegrid,usingТ (truе),F (false),and i (dont knоw).
.* m Lоok at thе piсturеsаnd try tо fill in thе blanks in thе сaptions- usе somеof thе words frоm thе box and any othегwоrdцyou neеd.Тhеn listеnto Rogеr ЕlЬournе talking аЬоutintегпationalесопomiсsand woтld hungег, to сhесk yorrranswеrs
1. 1970s:oil mоnеyflоodеdto .sИеstern wlrо ..,. . .. . monеytо Third \Х/orldсountriеs.
Fоunсiсdduringrhе Sесоnd.lforldV/аr Fцпdssmall-sсаlс prоjесts Funds lоng.tеrm prоjесts Has fiеld offiсеrs ovеrsеas
2. Larcr:intеrеstrаtеs,.,......'. ...ТЫrd \Уorid соuntriеsсouldn,rpаy Ьасkthe.'',....,....... Оr
W,orksin almost еvеrr,.' Тhird \Х1or!dсountq/
ts Look аt thе rvoгds in thе box. Usе vоuг diсtiоnary to find out thе meanings of tЬе onеs you dont knoщ and thеn divide therrrinto two oг tЁrее gгouPs' basеd on thеiг mеaпiпgs. сарital {=monеУ) dеlrт есоnomiсs ilrtеrсst(=шoпеУ) рeanuts rеpay
сartlе .on,u*p,ionl hungеr l itliеrilaгiotlal
3; !ИеstAfriсan farmеrssold...-.'. .....(thеiffood) to thе Y/еst.
Е оe tЬis еxсгсisе in grоups оf fouг ro six. Imaginе s you аrе villаgеrs in a small Тhird \lbrld villagе сallеd Yar. Oхfam hаs agreеd tо f'rпd pгоiесts in your r'illagе for up to 1,500 сгowпs in loсal сurгеnсy сaсh yеаг for thе леxt t1,1'o yеars. Rеad thе tеxts (rvith diсtiоnariеs)and dссidе hоп,уоu will spеnd thе fiгst уеar's mопе1,. Yar is a sma||agriсultural vi|lageon the edgeof thвjungle, аbouttweпtymiIesfrоma markettowп.Тhe vi||ageis very poоr;nо one сaп readоr wriie.Yoti ei.ea triba|peoр|e,witha сhiеffоrthe village.
4. Моnеy from fооd salеswаs usеdtо thеdеЬt.
tо tЬеir 5" Wеstеrirfarmеrsfеd thе ''..''.....'.., . .f.m , . i l kwas prоduсеd. . . . ' ' . ; . , .A. . '...,..... . . , о
PossIBLЕ PRоJЕсТS .l. Yar neеdsс|eaпwatеr;maпybabiеs diе beсauseof diф wаter.Yоtl сan briпgin Westsrnvolunteersand drilla we|| quiсklyfоr300 сrowns;thewel|tryil| hаvetо be serviоed аnd repairedby outsideрeорie.or youсaп do mosi оf the wоrkоn theweliyourse|ves, аnd learntо sеrviсeand repairit;ihis wi|ltake|оngеrапd сost500 сrоwns. 2. Тhe сhief'ssisteris a midwifeaпd herbаlmеdiсiпe speсialist.Her mediоinesarе goосl(andfree)'and shе is an impсrianipersonin theVil|agе'But !n sorn€ othrr villаges,midwiveshavеbeenоn сoursesiо learnabout waysoi kеepingbabiеshеаlthy;mоrеbabiesin those vil|agвsllveрastthе age of two,and moreсhildrenare hоalthу'YoU сou|dsend theсhirf.ssisteron a сoursefor 200 сrоWns'if youсan persuаdеhеrto gО. 3, Thereis а fruiithatgrowsin thefоrcstfоrа shorttime eaоhуear.lt is deliсiоus,aпi heаilnу'BЦiyou havе no wayiо kееpit.For 300оrownssоmе реоp|eсоuidgo on a twо-weekсourseto lrarn to boitlefruitjuiсеandjаm,for тhe сost ot Usei!.ithevi||age аnd sa|ein the marketioшIn. fоrihе village. ihе соurseinо|udes equipmеnt 500 сrownswil| 4. 400 сrоtvпsr,vi|i buy nеwtоolsfоrfаrn.iiпg. sеndопе сf the menon a two.monihсоursеto |earnto thаtсan be fоund тooisfrommalеria|s rnakefaгrning Ioсаllv; he Wi|| сomehomewithihe tooishe has mаda. tvi|l 5, You wапta sсhoo|forthe сhildrеn'Тhе gоvernment sеndа teaсherif you givethe tаnсiandthe labourto bui|d woгkwi|l а sсhoо|anda teaсhels hоUsr.Тhо bui|diпg tаkеaboutthreemonths.Yоu do noty{aпtto bringa teaсhеrin uпtilthereis a с|eanwatersuppiy;and you wi|| hаvаtо паke surethareis fооdfоrtheteaсher,Your sharеоf theleaсher,ssa|ary:600 оrоWnsa yеar. 6. Al|thr villagесatt|e(five)diediп the iastfloods.Nowoпly halfas muсh|andсan bв tarmedas before.New сattle сost 100сrownsapleсe. 7. A Wаgоtlihat сou|dbe pu|ledby оne of the сatl|eto сarry wouldсоst 100сrоWпsto buy.lf onв of thingstо mаrke1 сoursehe wouldlearпto the mrn wenton thr toо|.making makеa wagonas wel|,and ii wоu|cопiусоsi 50 сrоwns he wouldnееdtо makeonе. fоrih€ mаtеliаis 8. LаstУrar someof the seedsthatyou wеrеsavingtOplant соst50 crоWns, Werelosl in thefloods.New sееdsrлliii a сrёсhеand sеttingUp 9. Тhе worпenwanthеlpоrganising сlоthand sеl!it in thе trаditioпal a groupto Weavёbeаutifu| markettowп.Аn аdviserсan сomeand hеlpthe Women оrgaпiseа businessfor 100сrowns.
rrrilkWassеntt0 hungry 6. Thе ..,.'....,.'..,.'driеd $7еstAfriсan сhildrrn. , 65
#sA lot needsdоing to it Foсr.Еs sкlE.Е.s
-;;,;;'. oБ,.'"""*"oйi.'*;;;, l
д Е Look at thе piсrurеsand say rrhat nсеdsdoing to thе outsidеof thе housе. Usе thе nouns and r'сrbsin thе Ьоx. Еxamplс: ,Somеbriсks пeеdrфlасiпя., garage gardеn gatе path briсks сhimnеy . dоor hеdgе roof steps ТV aегial window frаmеs window panе сlеan uр сut paint reЬuild rеpair replaсе stгaightеп
## ;:;. Listсn to thе rесoгdiпgоr ask thr tеaсhеr ffi rvo't. in gгoups.Your taskis tо сonvеrtthеhоusе аЬoutthеiвsidеоf thе housе.Fiпd оut hоъvmaпy itlto oilе of thе follоwing: гОomsthегеaгеon сaсh flооr,how tЬеуaтеarгangеd, a Lastltu аnd what sizс thеу аrе.Work iп рeirs;еaсhsrцсlеnt - a horеl shoulddгaw а plaп оf оnе оf thе twо flооrs" _ a сIоrhеsshоp - а hеaithсIubаnd gymnasium - a languagеsсhool # р-ч Listсn to thе rесordiпg.}Ъu will hеar - a rеsidепtiаlhostеlfor siх physiсall,v hаndiсappеd somеЬоdyЬеingshоwnroцnd thе hоusе.Writе thе pеople(whо will go ollt сiuringrhе daу rо work) narilеsоf thе diffеrеntrооmsоn yоur plan. аnd thеir fuli-timесаrеrakеr Prоduсеa detаilеdplan (with wоrds aпd drап'ings)оf thе сhапgеsуоu will mаkе,and rерortto thе сlass. frоm the Usе sоmeоf thе nеw words aпd еxpгеssions lеssоn.Thе followingmay аlso bе usеful;
,* ф \х,ъеnthс ow.nеrsоf фe hоusеfirst mоvеdin, thеy had a lot of thingsdоnе.Сaп you геmеmЬerаnу оf thеlтr?Listеntо the гесordiпgagaiп,if rrесеssаЦ'' and соmрlеtеthе sеntеnсеs' Usе thе wогdsin thе Ьох tо hеlp yоu.
сhangе(inro) dividе l add саr pаrk еrnеrgеnсyехir еntrar,се firе еsсapе | (rоilеt) impror'е inсrеasе i gеnts./Jadiеs' strеngthеn turn (intо) wiсiеn i
build сеiling сonvеrt сupDoarс lо'"t'еr makе DЦr ln rarsе rесlесoratе takеdown
Leаrп/revise;briсk;оar рark;сei|ing;сhimney; fire dоor;emrrgenсyexit;entraпоe; сupbоard; asоape;floor;garage;garden;gаte;gеnts'iladies' path;roof;stairсase; hedge;inside;outside; {tоi|et); steps;тv aeria|;windowfrаme;windоwpane;add; (intо); с|eanup; (bui|t, built);сhange аrrange;buitd сonvert;сut (сUt,сut);divide;improve;iпоrease; paint;putin (put'pui);raise; need(+..,ing); |оwer; repair;replaсe; rebui|t); redeсorаte; rebuild{rebui|t, size;straightоn; rouпd shown); showsbdy 1showed, takedown(took,tаken);turnintо; strengthen; upstairs. main;downstairs; widen;full-time;
1 . Iп thе сiining room' thеy hed а nеrv
put in. z.And thеy thе dining rооrlr dесоratеd. 3 . Thеy hаd thе study doorwаy ё+.In thе mаin bеdroоrn,,rhеy had 5 . I п t h е k i t с h е n ). . ' ' . . . . . . . . ' . ' . 6. Thеy Ьad thе dоwnsrаirssЕorеroom .^.....',.'.'.,' 7. (steirсasе) 8 . ( l i v i n gr o o m ) 9 . ( u p s т a i гсsе i l i n g s ) 1 0 .(upstairs bеdrоom) 11..(upstаirsbаthroоm)
Summary PresentPerfeсtand Simple Past
have something dane
Avеragеearningshavegoneup Ьу 60% ovеr the lest twеlvеmontЬ. Thе govеrnment'sесonomiсpoliсieshavеlеd to more еffiсiеnt managеmсntand gтeatеrproduсtivity. About 5,000 pеopletook part in yеsterday'santi. govеrnmentdеrпonstrаtion.Stonеsand petrol bomЬsweгеthrown at the poliсе.
They had the dining room redeсoгatеd. Thеy had a nеrлrstairсаseput in.
makeand Iеt+ obieсt + infinitive It makеs mе lauф. (lrmа*еs-fie]ffi€hia6) It makеs mе waflt to sсrеam. Do you let smаll tЧings upset you? (:.-to.upзе+1.o'r*)
make+obiёсt +аdirсtive It makеsmе tross. It madеmе siсk.
FutureProgressive I will (I,ll)be wоrking/seеing/... you will (you'll) bе workinфeеing/... etс.
Relativeсlauses withoutоbieсt pronouns (This struсtutе is tnorе сotnt'otr in iфrtпаI speeсh апd шriting.)
will I bе workinфееingl,.'? еtс'
Thе еggsyou'rе eatingсаmеfrom oцr farm. 1=The eggsthat youoreeating...) That motorbikeJakе built fell to piесеs. (=That motorbikеthatJakе built ...)
I will пot (won't)Ье working/seeing|... еtс. At еighto'сloсk tomorrow morningI,ll bе Ьrushing my teeth. At half past еighttomorrow morniпgI'll bе driving to rvork. .lV,hat rrill you bе doing this dme tоrnorrow?
$ubJeetrelativeproпolltlsёan't be |eftоut Thе реoplewho live next door nevеrgеt up beforetеп o'сloсk. () I'm going to do somеthingthat will rеally surprise you. ( isетo*)
FuturePerfeсt I wili (I'll) havеworkеd/seеп./... you will (you'll)havеrлiorkеd/sееn/... etс.
will I havеworkеd/sееr/. ..? etс,
I know the man sittiпg oп thе wall over therе. (=... thе man rrho is sitting...) l0Йhois the woman standingat the bus stop? Food kеpt in a frеezеrwill stаy good for sеveral months.(=Food that is kеpt ...) Thе forms sепtto the еmbassynеveraгrivеd. Thrее mеn aссusedof orgarrisingan attaсk oп aп lrish poliсе statiоn in whiсh severaloffiсеrs wеre injurеd have beеnarrеstеd.
I will not (won't)havеworkеd/sееn/... еtс. In а сouple оf yearsshe will hаvеgоt marriedend settlеddown. By next summеrI expeсtI'll havеpassedаIl my ехams. Ъn yеars from noщ will you hevе forgottеn mе?
need,,.ing Thе roоf nесdsrеpairing.(= ... nееdsto bс rеpaiтсd) Thе door пeedspainting.
flfiakingdаtes and appоintments
|nfоrmаland formаl exрressions
Arе you frееthis еvеning? fuе you doing arrрhing this еvеning? I thoughtwе might ... шnlеssyou,rr too Ьusу/tirеd.
ilтгoкмдI. .Wе havе thought about 'We are sorry 'Wе сan't joЬ good еnough
I'm not surе. It dеpends.
Мaybe, maybе not. I сaп't rеmemЬеr.
Just a minutе. Lеt mе just look in my diary.
nееd you don't sееm to havе
It looks as if I'm not frее. Iomnоt frее аftеr аll. I've just remеmЬеrеd. No, I'm afraid I'm baby-sitting/ washingmy hair / going to thе thеatrе/ working / playing ЬridgeI ...ing. I геаlly ought to wash my hair / writе lеttеrs/ .. . I'm away tomoffotй/. I'vе got а tеrriblе hеadaсhе. .lV'hatlF{ow аbоut tomorrow / thе daу after tomоrrow?
Pronunciаtion аnd spelling:,si|gnte, mаd madе
Ьig biggеr hot hоttеr
I'd love to.
Whеre shall we meet? TЙhattimе? What time werе you thinking of? I'll сomе round to yоur plaсе. I might Ье a Ьit late.
Sееvou then.
Еmphatiсsynonyrfls nеfvous- terrifiеd аngry- furious plеаsed dеlightеd unhappy_ miserаblе rлrorried- frantiс ..!(asshеworriеd?' .Shеwas frantiс!, .I supposеyou wеrе angгy.' .I was fuгious!'
Contradiсtiоn, softвningandёmphasis
.Мy brother,sjust told me he'sgeтtingmarried nеxt wеek.' .Are you plеased?' (*) ..!7еllo no, aсtually,I'm not.o (*) .Quite pleased,but hе сoцld hаvetold mе earliеr., (++).I'm absolutеlydеliфed.'
сut сutе
rеgrсttеd taгgеtеd prеfеrring offеring
lrregu|arverbs in Leеsoпsс1-с8
I'll give you a ring onе of thеsеdays/ somе timе / whеn things gеt easiеr.
ThatЪ diffiсult. Could we make it a bit later?
hop hopе
nrп runner mаd maddеr sit siшing Ьеgin bеginning
torgеttmg сarPеtшg bеgiппiпg opеning
I hаven't... for agеs.
Thаt would be lovely.
wiл wine
Pronunсiаtion and spelliпg:doub|iпg
I,m rеally a bit busy at thе momentl for tЬс nеxt fсw wееks. You knоw hоw it is. ItЪ agеssinсеI ...
FoRМAL .!7е .W.еhavе соnsidеred .!7еregrеt arе unaЬlеto post up to thе lеvеl wе rеquiте up to thе standardrеquired suffiсientlygood requirе you apреartо laсk
breаk Ьtiпg Ьuild
РAsт brokе broшght built
deal fali fее1 fiфt
dеalt fеll fеlt fought
hurt kееp leаd lеavе lеnd mеet pцt rеbuild rеpay risе sеe sеt shoot show takе teасh tеll throw
hurt kеpt lеd lеft lеnt met Рut rеbцilt rеpaid rosе sew sеt shot showеd took taught told thтеw
Ьrokеn Ьrought Ьuilt сut dеalt fallеn felt fought
hurt kеpt lеd lеft lеnt mеf put rеbuilt rеpаid risеn sееn set shot shown taken tаught told thrown
Revisionand fluen.сypraqtiсeG s Э .Balloon dеЬatе.'lmфne that a group of famous historiсal and modеrп сharaсtегsarе travrlling by balloon. They are ovеr thе North Adantiс when a lеak is disсovеred.Thе balloon сan only rеaсh land if it is lightеnеd - all the сharaсtersехсePt one must jump out. Choosе onе of thе фaraсtеrs,and spеak for threeto five minutеsto eхplain why you erе thе Ьestpеrsonto stay in thе balloon (andwhy thе others should nоt). PossiЬleсharaсters:
|@l ь th€s€ sеntеnсеs'some of the woгds ere l wтoпg.Listеn to фg rggg1.lingand сorrес thеm. 1. .Hello,Мary, I'm home,'saidJohn, spеaking rethеrfast. .A 2. .Listen!'shе said hаppily. rvondеrfulthing has happеnеd!, 3. .HowЪ thс саr running?' .Vеry well.' 4. .Isyour ЬаthoK?' Just finе.' 5. .Pеtеr,how arе you?' shе said сoldly. .Comein!' said а 6. Sallyknoсkеdаt thе door. friеndly voiсе. 7' |t,sa finе dаy.The sun'sshining. 8. Littlе Ьirds arе siпging. 9. Rupеrt walkеd quiеdy up thе stairs.
Fathеr Сhristmas Queen ЕlizaЬeth Kiri tе Kanawа Columbus Charliе Chaplin Piсasso Shakespеaтe Еvе Napolеon Мozatt Chairmaп Mаo
2 G.o.,"l knowlефе quiz. Work with two or threе otheг studеnts,and mаkе up a gеnеralknowledge quiz of tеn or morе quеstions.When yоu arе rеady, give your quшto thе сlass.Еxamplesof general knowlеdgе quеstions:
Who wrotе Hаmlеt? .Whеrе is Bеlfast? yсar did the first personwalk on thе moon? In what .!Йhet is thе next word: .Happy Ьirthdeyto ...'? ,r rl гamily movе.\Еork in gгoups.Rеad the following paragтaph;then thе tеaсhеrrvill givе you a саrd tellingyou who you arе.Improйse a сonvеrsationfor thе situation. The group is a family,thеir friendsand nеighbours. (Еaсhstudсntin thе group should play thе paтt of onе of thе pеoplе.)Thе family havе lived in a housein the suburbsof a big town for thе last fiftеenyеars. MotherЪ fum has rесentlymovеdto the othеr sidе of town, аnd shеnovr has a vеry long way to travеl to work; this takеsup a lot of hеr time, end is ехpensive. Thе family arе diвсussingwhеthеrtо movе to a flаt in thе сentrеof town; fгiеndsаnd nеighЬoursdrop in ш'hilеthеy arе talking. t^
C} .who said what?,Two studеntsgivе thтее-minute talks on similar subjесts(thеirhousеs;thеir plans foг the neхt tЬeе days; what thеy have in their poсkеts еtс.|.WЪenthеy havе fiпished,thе сlаsshavе to rеmembеrwhat еaсh one said without сonfusing thе trro lots оf informдtion.
4 s.шьg. Choosе onе of the foШoudngproduсts(or iпvеnt an unusual pгoduс) end tгy to sеll it tо thе сlass (asif you had a stall in a markеt).You сan talk for a mахimum of thгее minutеs. when all thе salespеoplehavе spokеn,thе сlassmust dесidewhiсh produс they аrе going to buy. еdibleСDs. pеrfumеdbooks musiсalmorrsеtraps elесtriсеyeЬrow.Ьrushеs biсyсle-sеatwaЕnеrs сеntтally-heated pоrtablеliе-dеtесtors bikinis anti-yawningpills automatiсцmbrеllаs portaЬlеfoldingtoilets сolоurеdtooth.varnish
I Party сonveгsation.You arе just arгiving at a Paгty. As you go in, the teaсhеrтviШgive you a сard tеlling you rrhat youт joЬ is. Gеt into сonvеrsation wiф thе othеr peoplе; find out aboцt thеm and tеll them about vourself.
8 к""а thе folloйng tеxt, end writе fwo or moге of thе missingdesсriptions.whet do you think - do dгеапs mean anфing?
l o к."а thе poems and say what yоu thiцk of thеm.Do you likе any of them?Do you dislikе any of them?Do you find any оf Фem boгing? Is there anything in thеm that you don,t undетstandoг dont agreеwith}
aboшt... If уou ilrсan fi ' t ,'il"ic|t'ь ..climbing inуourdrеаlns'., stairs,hillsor mouпtаins 'ьЕ "iu'rе don'tletpеoplеgеtin уo.urwау.tJ .уou aпbitious,вrld пеап саti this .: БЦ .tttа\уу''' ? .toodrcaп.thаtуo,a'rе,fвlling, thr wrongt|mes. l tW|K I пцсh tо tlntwong peoplеat B bфoreуouopеnуourmouth' A ! а ..;llу iп g .iii,,i tisе^аbovе ьаi,p withуourproblеns,a'|dwantto not, getwhаtуouwant.-f !I tifц' уou'tl ;;;.-Ii ir';o'у
тho вter Sudden|y l pul|вd onearmfrer fromthearmsthatenоlosedmo аndstretсhфit outto touсha ster: yes,sheWasth6rв,shehadn'tсhanged оo|our, thestarWasas deepas evёrwithb|uespikeз' andmin€ , эnlyminethostarWasin herptaсe wes6nteachothera littlesmile andbothof usturnodround eaсhto ourheaven
- it,'!-:е::4:{::::^,. й"ii ййi ii,*it'tni.,""i or tntiвt|vt is causlngt|lе.:trou|Iе,.; . I iеrsoi L;;;;*h';;й { ,..ilancing ,r"i fr drеamу Slоw Invе. -уou'II in luсlсу bе I ''а i*"ing -Da,E|||toу danсinяmеaпsуouwolt loveаttdpeacе. think? dю w|юt уou уoursф ..'tееth,foIling oшt .ilЬi-i'i ti,tn п уoir drешns,it mсаnsуou.аrеPi,F .Ь;;;iйi;,;oiаt If уоuspittееthout' rеIatiaпships, tna toothrnевisуauзl l'fixiмg *;^i ;;;;;;;;; -Ееt soпе' ...trаvеI
('romthоswedishof so|voigvonschou|tz'trаnslatcdbyAnnoвom)
Whon my shlp сomэв ln At |astit Wаson thо horizon'a big three.is|andеr, and it was сomingin. l waitedoп thв sand withthв sandfliespriсkinоmy anklos. I smi|вd.My ship. Sti||it сame' but as it оаme somehowit wasn'tgettingany blgger. Perhapsit had stoppоd.No' l сould se8 it сlearernow,rigging аnd Wash. | сouldаlmostmake out the сaptain'rвd in the fасe fromsun and yelling. l waited,.andstil|it сame' сleаrer,frothingаt the bow,getting no bigger. l had onlyto wait,so l waited,and my ship сame in, shrinking and shriпking' Thо tide washedit rightto my foёt.l piсkвd it up. Shоok the seа out. HeIdit to my ear to hear the сaptain'shello.Ustened hard. No hel|o.No оaptаin' Cаrefu|lyl retumedit to the s6а аnd shoved it otf and watchedit |eavе' Slow at first,and trienful|aheаd,mаkinga с{ot's wake,a swan'swake, a ship'swake, and soon it was miles away, growingas it
.,,bеiпg oвhеi! in publiс .'.fitе ,..vatrr ...aniatals
9 m Listеn tо thе rесording.You will hеar three soagsзThе Riddle Song,LoggerLouеr andVhаt did уoa lеarn in scbool todоу? Copy thе taЬle aпd mark youг reaсtionsto еaсhsong (y' = likе; X = dislikе; r = oo opinion).
Riddle Song Loggеr Louеr
what did уou lеаrп? Comparе your reaсtionsйth anotherstudеnt's. Еxamplеs: ,I lihе *LoggеrLouеr'' best.' ,I lihe thе tuпе.' ,I thinh the шords аrе sillу.' ,I саn't stаnd it." ,I don't like the singеr'suoicе,' Choosе one of thе songsto listеn to again.Study the ryords(theyarе oв Pagеs118 and 119):usе a fiсtionarу or ask quеstions.
For worпen who walt at Ьuз€topt At the bus-stopat thв world'send' We waitfor the bus that nevercomes. our patienсeis wornthrough,an old сardigan Eaсh onв of us mustWearand neverсan disсard' Someof us сurseand some of us waitsu||en|y; one оouplegossip endlessly, And one thereis who stands аpаrt' Whispersto herselfand lаughsfromtime to tlmo. At thе bus.stopat the world'sоnd our оhildrenare dustyand tired; Thвy spi|loutuntidilyintoth€ road' Cryingand makingimpossibledsmandsof us: Тhere аrв no moroswвsts lsft, We give theminsteadobscenitles,threatsand promises' One womаnroсks her baby and herself. Тhв oпe Whostands alone has no оhi|drвn' Whispersto herselfand laughsfromtime to time. Аt the bus.stopat the WorId'sand Wo wait.and hаve waitedin our |ivesfor manythings' our eyos' So say the linos bettrvgen We аre tiгedof а||this wаitingfor buses, babies' m6n, вut Weсаnnotwa|kaway |or we аre encцmberоd Withshoppingbags that-arehaavywithotherpeople'sneeds' Тhouohthe one Whostands a|oneсarriesonly a purse, WhisБersto hеrвe|fand laughslrom tim6to tim6. (suoнrwkвs)
6, Te||a friеnd you сan,t go out with thеm this еvеning,and try to makе thеm rеalisеthat you rеallydon'twant to go out with thеmet all. 7. You do want to go out with your friеnd, Ьut thе timе suggеstеdis too еarly.What do you say? 8. You havеtold someonеthаt you сan probablygo out rvith thеm on Saturday,but you have just lookеd in your diary and fоund out that you hаvе promisedto spеndthe day with your grandmother.
asingmаkrot lеt, ffi R.*,it. thеsепtenсеs
i-'ЕSТЕl,{i}ъG @l Li,t.., to thе rесoтdiugand writе down fivе € thiпgsthat thе owпегshavеhad donе.Еxавplе: Tbеу'uеhаd the stаits complеtеlуrеbuilt.
1. I wantеdto go oп holidaywith my Ьoyfriend;my .No.' (BеginМy pаrеntsdidп"tlеt '..} Рarеntssaid 2. Whеn I seea spidеr,I wаnt to sсrеam' (BeginSpidеrsrпahе..,') 3. Тhе peoplеI work with always know how I am feеling. (BеginI аlшауs,,,| .!7hеnеvеr 4. I'm with my sistеrJoannе,I laughа lot' (BеginМy sisterJoапnеаlulауs..,)
Ф tWгit.oppositesfor thеsеrvords. 1. аgrеe 2' с|ean 3. dangеrous 4. dark
5. dеep 6. full 7. honеst 8. quiеt
9. rough 10. sharp 11. strong 12. wаrm
pu. thе vегbsinto thе сorтесttеnsеs.
1. By the timе you rеadthis | (liе}an thе Ьеaсh. 2. !7hеn I sееmy sistеragain,sЬе\finish)all her ехams. 3. .Did you find out whаt wаs wrongwith your саr?' .Yеs,thе volвgе rеgulatorneeds |rеplасe).' 4. Industrialoutput(risе)bу 16oЬsinсelast Мay' 5. Unеmploymеnt(fаll\Ьу 2oЬ lаst monthalonе. 6. Anita Lаnsdon (die)уesterdayat hеr hоmе,at the ageof 93. 7. Мotorists are urgеdto drivе сarefully- therc (bе) flоoding in thе nоrth оf thе сouпtг1'.
Ф NIаke, take, do, hаue or gеt? Put eaсh word into оnе oг moгесolumns,addiпg a if nесеssaгy. Two eхamplesare donе for yоu. words:Ьеd,Ьus,сhangеd,holidаy,housеwork, mеdiсinе,nothing'phonесail, plаn,rеst'something stupid,suppеr'train, work мAKЕ
a Ьеd У
a bus
w*. words for thesеdefinitions.
1. motherоr {athеr 2. very,very angtУ 3. vеry,very unheppy i.Aj,чiGr-"l AGЕirЧ € J 5Е 4' сhairs,tablеs,sofаs,dеsks,efс. 5. stop working at, for ехаmplе,agе 65 6. a small Ьook to write appointmеntsin # w;,. one sеntеnсroг quеstionfor еaсhsiшation. 7. somеonеwho has askеdfor a joЬ 1.'Yоц hаvе bееnvеry wоrriеd that your sistеrwill 8. able to spеaktwo languagеswеll not pass hеr ехams,аs shе has bеепhaving 9. a grouр of pеoplemarсhingiп thе strееtto try pеrsonalproblеms'You lovе hеr vеrymuсh,and аnd сhangеsomеthing thе ехamsarе importanтto her.Shеhas passеd' L0. go up Somеonеasksyou, .Aгеyou plеаsеd?, 11. killing somеonеdеliberatеly 2. Yestеrdаyyou waitеd in thе rain for en hour for a 12. politiсally most importantсity (in a сouпtry) friепd who nеYеfсamе.It mаdе you fеel likе kilting 13. personwho hеlps a mothеr givе Ьirth to а baby him. You havejust told аnothеrfriend what happenеd.Shеsays,.\U(еre you сross?' 3. You havеnot gоt a plaсе on the badmintonrеаm, РRsNUгdСЕAТTФ}d Ьut you know that you will havе a goоd сhanсеof gеttingonе nехt yеаr.Somеonеаsks you, .Arе you Ь еaсhword?Thefust 8 wh... is thеmainsшеss disappointеd?' woгd is for you donе eis en ехemplе. 4. Find out if a friendсаn go out with you this еvеning. aftgted' аvегage eсonomiс еffiсiеnt 5. Теll a friend you сan,tgo out with thеm this figures involvеd managemеnt output еveпing,but try and makе thеm rеalisеthet you produсtivity rеleasеd tеmpеraturе woцld like to 8o out with them sоmеtime'
;Ёl$ rч,ы"ь vowсls arе pronoЕ!}сedle/! Ехamрlе: Тhis is@pеn. 3, i gоt а pоuпd оf bасоnfог ЬrеakiЪst. 4. I saw Мaurееnat thе shоp.
1. Whегсагеyоur brоtiiегsi 2' Whеnshailrvеlеаvе?
1" ;v,i .ii iqt""
*$.ffi г;,,аthеanswеrsiп thеtеxr,
.Ё ..] 'lя ..t Rеad thе intеrviewегЪ nоtеs on twо jоЬ appliсaпts. Thе pоst is that оf dгivеr fог thе managing dirесtсг of a сompany {sееpiсtшrе).Сhoоsе оnе of thе сandidatеs, and thеn wтitе eithеr a lеttеr offегing thе joЬ tо thе suссеssfulсandidаte or a|еttet tеlling thс unsuссеssful сandidatе thаt you will nоt Ье оfiегing hinr thе jоЬ'
1' Fiцd twо оther rvоrds rhаt mеаn thе sаmе ag aхеп' 2. Whv havеn't thе pоorеr farmеrs gоt охеlii 3. Why dо thе poorrr fаrmеrs plant thеir сrоps latеr? 4. Givе tlvc lеаsons wlry thе охеn arе wеak. '5. !ilhat haрреns oo grаziпg lапds? tj. Whсn thе farmеrs pay bасk thе priсе оf thс оxеn, whаt rt,iIlhаpuеn tО thе monе},thеy pay baсk?
&€ЕЕФffieЕФ Ёeтg38#EФРgд prcviding oхeп{or paar{аrmЬi_ Тk* Bаokgrаuпd Ёiiiэo]о ;s on6 6! 1i.g9cc:е5.сО:lгl:irs ;г Ailсс Culsidе thе сliiсs' miniгrolgо\'ri.ni"nеni seг'iсеs е;ч,s;iJг'ikе sопс рсог согг'гn,лiliеs,i|ie ;C.гnersiп J];sсiес оге iеp+nde.. ог сэll;е. ond' Ас,iоrАc sееs iiieslcсk'piоvjsiопoэ о.' ]n]ро"iоniэогt оf imоr.оvingfoоc sесuг;l7'
The Protle'tз ЭU|.ng irе сjrоught сi l-оE4_86iоrmers огоз;.еssluеiv
эx.гс:qеc ilеiг Ьоusеhэid оssеis эnc ji,estоЪklс,|caa. :ne ;irс s зlcс1'с+cяеn \tюs seriоls'у cэрiетеi. iосоi с'',.,.eisЦ'ро{ охе. с'sс,сhоngеd _ v,i.n :l.е .еiоtit,еiуr!с!]e:с].г:еrs beiag сb!е .o '161915-o :nэi. Ьerds сt ilrе eХРепsе oi ihе оoоrеr гоrmе',s'lhe Dооre. iоrr're.shоvе t с , r r n io Х e л g l с с о s i ' e q u i v o i с n ; l о! l 5 гсоу, рсid in l'oou. oi о sпоls оi thе hсг.lesi'Тhе'; р еhсVе оlso io '/voii 31t',tng 3ч6. оwne,s iоve piэ..iоЬэо'Ьеl' о*. ];.tс. i',i ' lе оxеr О.е 'Дo:lеd ех.]с..il;vёjv!:1г14 ;.-3 1;1'31
cоsiс:е'1lеэ(9:s :lэ iha DО..е- jэ.-е.;
э.|:с,s ээ.эl.iэ|
The Solsfiort AсtiопAid Еihiорiо inierrdsiO,rеd.е:sthe inЬоiопсe -, bу llе1рingpооrе. io.r'''ersiо Ьuild 0p ihе;гоssеis iтс.cyЭ Оl.осuс.'э^ ;осreоs.i:э "n|.b\, iЬе оrес 9[ 69]l.16i;-^ сnc оу r.;61;19ii;геlу'|сrсiрr.ефrqii96 r'rroi.е pэssiЬiе' dеlоге оxen оr.eрrоvidес lо о 'оi.i.nеi.,hо."уеvег,,l is nесrssОY iс' оssеss v,,hетhelоr .сi эс.:h Ьe:е{;э;сгyсо,l]o sJg:glr]еХIi,oon'i]о's .d/iihrfi ihe pi.еsесiоvо;iсЬi];i'', оi grozing lоnds сnо rnоiе:iоis,Тi-.isw;Ijbе donе b,"j Aс..э".A,.cЕinioр,;о,sоwn оg;igцilx.q;д61!915 ! , о : . i с ' p o t ' n g . г о . т еwг Isi j. е с e ; V eo } r n о " с r e d i rс i l е r ' lhev hсvе ;dеn:;i.еэцtе огirгс's 'с Ье э;г:hоseo onо геgсiiolеd ihе criсе. Aс.,orAid зоriсulturc|'vоrkе.s *.i'l о:ld тrогLетi"gЬcvi:е Aст;оnA.^ рio]'cе Vе:е!.:n.ry Е:hlooiс .'v'l lhсl соVеi .!^q::onsрогfotior6r j pr61ij3 tсi:.W-ijрсdv'69 19е[rsUrеinot lhе охеn о.е Ьеirо ,sес. р:oоUсiiveiу Сrоiii rзpоymq"ls сre тоdе тo r ,е"vо|v;nс i'пd io bе Jsеd Ю рUrсhosr |uгthеrоxеn S;хrvсхеl 'u'i bэ tougпi crJ сj;sтriЬutec wjтЬinthе f;.stveз.,
Аoo|icantil СolinЭandеroon 1О'2'ЭО N,avеmbеr С|оNYЁэun-vidу 0aэ on|'уhаd drivir7iicеncrfor a уеar |лUСh сharrnirg,bui tа|'kэ"vОО Friвndiу, - hоwwillhе \ifтъha v'theaichair? Nat,varyo+,rОnоJ l.]olvоrкех?оriancr Аop|iсanтZ: Liam Dochоrtу 16,1pm Navornbar quiоъbu| oeif-canfidеnt ?o|i-"е: тiei|уdrоэbP.d l,аэ bеоndrivinqfor 7 у!еaro }rova a t,aхifor ОnвУra( |iсrncr С|еand,сivinq Эeemovеry|iI,and atrorq еm?''оуеro Оoaа ,еferеrсеg frоm рrе,,tiouo '*;i:i' i:1,:iili.r
-* ;{} ]f, wo'k with anоthеrstudеnt.Irnagiпеyou havе bеeпgivеn thе building whеrе youг Еnglish сlassеs tаkе flасе, and a lаrge sum of monсy to turfl it into anytЁingyоu want. Оо-е to aп agтеetneпtaЬоut *h"t yo"u.**пtto Цsеthе Ьuitdiпg fог,-anddisсussin dеtail somе оf thе сhangеsyorr will makе. -ir
Охen ploчhing a |ie|d
ЮRWhаt dо they !оok l!ke? € @ Li,t.n tо thе sоng.(Thе wordsагeoп pagе119.)Еасh vеrsedеsсribеsоnе of the fоur pеoplеin thе piсturеs'W,hiсhpiсtuгеgoеswith rvhiсhvегsе?
2 н"',aге somеwords, еxргеssiоnsand stпrсarгеs that сan bе used for dеsсribingpеoplе'sappеaтanсе. Do you know all of thеm?Can you think of any iшportant wоrds йat havе bеепleft оut? Hair: long, mеdium-lеngth,short;straight,сurly, wavy;blond(е),fair,dark, brown,blaсk,rеd,grеy, gоing grеy,whitе, thinning;a Ьеard,а moustaсhе, Ьushyеyеbrows НеЪ (going)bald. НeЪ got a bаld patсh. Еyes:glееn,Ьluе, brown, greеnish-bluе,grеy Nosе: long, turnеd-up Мouth: widе, gеnеroцs;thin lips, full lips Chin: pоintеd,firm, wеak Faсе:oval, round, long; high сhееkbonеs;а sсar Forеhеad:high, low Еaтs:Ьig, small Shoulders:Ьroad, narrow Build: thin, slendеEslim, musсulаr,hеavily-built, plurnp, ovеrwеight,fat Hеight: tall, оf mеdium hеight,short young,middlе-agеd,eldеrly,old; in his еarly Agеi -thirtiеs; in hеr mid-fiftiеs;in thеir late fortiеs Ехpгession:sеrious,сhеerful,vlоrriеd, friеndly Gеnетдlаppеaгanсе:good-looking'prеtty'bеautiful, handsйе, аttraсtivе,plain; wеli-dressеd,сasually drеssеd Hе looks оld. Shеlooks likе a businеsswоman. Struсturеs: Shеhаs (shе'sgоt) Ьluе eyеsand brown hair. a woman with bluе еyеsand Ьrolмnhair a Ьluе-еyеd,brown-hairеdworпan a man with а bеаrd a girl with glasses a woman in а Ьluе drеss a man in a grеy jaсkеt
4 P,.p",. аnd givе a short dеsсriptioneitherolonе of the pеoplе in thе piспrrсs or of somеbodyin thе сlass.(Don,t bе rudеl) Sееif othеr stцdеntsсan guess who it is. tl
Complеtе thе tеxt with words from thе box.
fiftiеs.I,m vеry tall, and quitе I'm in my shouldеrs. Ьuilt, Ьut I havе rаthеr I'm а liшlе ovеrwеight. ; hair,but mеdiumJеngth''..'.......'.. I hаvе..'.''.....'.... so thereisn'ta lot of it lеft.I heve I'm gоing...'.''.........' My сyеsaгс .'...,........,., аnd moustaсhе. a gteУ,....'.'.'''.... I'vе got a rathеr long faсе,with a аnd I wеar I havе сhin, a big nosе аnd Ьig ехprеssion; lips, and I usually have a I havea high mу taceсhangеsa lot rмhеnI .........'....... forсhеad;I like to think that it looks intеlligеnt. Clothеs arе not vеry important to mе' and I'm drеssеd. usuailyvеry.'..'...'',..... i dont think I'm vеry ....'''. ...'., but I'm not all that a bit younger badJooking еithеr.I proЬably than I am. Ьeard Ьluе сasually ear|у bald glassеs good-lоoking f'air еars sсrioцs smilе narrow hеevily look straighr strong thin r'ь
o Йitе а desсriptioпof youгsеlf;don't put your namr on it. When yoц аre rеady,givе it tо thе tеaсhеr. 7 Li,,"nto thе desсriptionsas thе tеaсhеrrеads thеm out. Can you guеsswho wтotс еасh onе?
U A p..'on lvith fair hair is fаir.hаirеd. Samebodу rvho wгitеs with his or her lеft hand is ф.hаnded.. What arе thе adjеФivеsfoг thеsеpеople? 1. a persоnwith grеy hаir 2. a pеrsоnwith a thin faсe 3. sоmebоdywith Ьгоad shouldеrs 4. somеЬodywiтh lоng legs 5. peoplеwhо wtitе with thеir right hands 6. a pеrsonwith grееnеyеs Now say thеsеin aпothеrway. 1. a brown-еyеdman ,а mап шith brall.lпеуes' 2. a grеу.hairеdold lady ,аnold ladу '....'.'''......' 3. a lеft.handеdсhild ,а сhild.шbo ......'....-...' 4. a thin-faсеdpеrson ,sotпеbodушho hаs 5. a dark.еyеdrvoman
Foсшs Фffisysteffis
т1, уЦ
Aсhoiсeo{eхerоises:sIruсtureswith/швhandifonty;politeandrudeintonation; thevowe|sleel, iэ.!andlуэl;wordfamilies. I WTSH, IF ONLY
i4 Рa1]v,.аyGaгсiеns scu+.i". l,/:сk
оf thе { Can you writе sоmеmoге оf thе thоughts .,. hаd ,', TJseI шish this lеttеr? o;'';;;il;;*..iu.d
oj, .
J'гст j'.u.
thе 2' @' Неrе is a iist оf rеgrеts.Рrасdsеsaуing sharе, vоu thаt rеgrеts thrее сhoosе Thеn й..*"'. аnd add tlvo оr mоrеоf your own. ! wish I had Ьееnniсегto my pаrrnЕswhеn I was )-oungеL i *isь 'iy fаrnilyhаd had morеmonеywhепI was small. I rvishI hаd listеnеdtо mу mothеr'sadviсе'. i *i'Ё r had workеdhardЬrat sсhoоlwhеn I wаs vouпgеr' l *iishlЪаd gonеtо a diffеrеntsсhооl. i wish l had stayеdat sсhоoifоr iongеr. i wish I had lеft sсhoоlеarliеr. I wish i hаd nоt startеdlеаrningЕnglish' l had savеdrnorеmonеywhеnI was yоungеr! it ""ry i ь"J t',oеll.dmorеwhеnI wаsyoungеr! ;i;;i;
If oniy I hadtakеna diffеrеntjoЬ!
I{only I had not gоt mаrried! If only I had ЬесnЬorn morеbеautiful! If onlv I had Ьееnborn mоrе intеlligеnt! If only I hаd looked aftеr my tееthЬettеr! if only I hаd nеvеrsteпedsmoking! If onty i had gone to bеd еarliеrlаst night! 76
.Whаt stlрPosеthе pеopiеin themаrе thiпkiпg?Sееif оther cо ..vou & root аt tlзеpiсturеs. hаvеthе samеidеаsas you. studеnтs
.1 ;,1
& ъlnuа'€ so!flr rvishеsfоr thе prеsеntgг futurе. Сhооsеthгееthat уоu shаrе,aшdаdd rnе Оr Еiоrеwish it wаs сооlеriwаrrnсr.
'*.ishit rмastliе еnd оf thе lеssоn. .ivish I vr'asat hoinе.
rvishI соuid singl plar.thе guitaг. wislr I hаd mоrе nrоnеyltimе. If оniу i spоkс bеttеrЕnglish! If оnlу I knet. mоге pеорlеi
If оnl'vpеоplеwerеmOrсhоnеst! If onlу тhеgоvеrnmеntwоuld dо sоmеthingaЬout unеmplоymеnt! ц'ritетrеa Iеtтегi If оn!l'sоmеbоdyьr.оu!d p
8 w*tе yoцr Elrosтimpоrtantwish оa a рiссe оЁ paрсг,Ьut withоut vouг nа!тrе.Givе it tо thе teaсЬег.
д ёt# g' Dо сhеsеsеfitеnсеs sоundpolitеоr гudеl I-iseеn,аnd rnark thеm P оr R" Thеn saу thеrnail pоlitеly. 1. Соuiсiуоu lеndmе a реn'plеasе? 2' Lia',,е-YougOIa light' piеasе? З' Саn }.овtеll mе thе tirnе,plеаsеi 4. Соuld i ]оok аt ,vouгnrwspаpеrfоr а пiоrnеnt} 5, Соuiсiуоu sеndrhis rо my addrеssin Tоkyоi 6. Сan у-oushоrvinе sоmr swеatеrs'рlеasе?
vОСAtsULARY: wОRD FAь/iILIЕS * Зs по уов knоiдl(оr сaп yоu f.indоut) twепtywогds in оnе оf thе fоiiоrviпggгот'ips? оr ехpгеssiоns
1' TЬingsthatуоu mightfind ов a dеsk. stатiоn. 2. Tiringsthаrуоu mighrfiпсi itr а railrvа1, kitсhеn. in а yоu find mighг thаt Тhiлgs 3' * саn dо tс а piссеоf ц'ооd. ЕB ътъ.t.in grошрs.Thе tеaсhетwiil rеad out all thе 4. Тhings that 'r''ош rvith саn dо tо соmцruniсаrе thаr 5. Things 1.о'"l to уoii"Wrirе tЬеrпdоwn and dividе с!дssЪъt'lshеs еisе. (е.g. sоnrеЬоdv lЪr wishеs them intо diffегеntkinds оf wish matегiаlthiпgs;vr'ishеsfor сhaпgеsin оnе,ssitшation). 5. Тhingstharyоu еnjоy. Rеpоrt to thе сlass:horvmany kinds оf wish havеyоu 6. Тhilrgsтhatyоu dislikе. fошпd,aпd what is thс соmmonеstkind оf *'ish? thе mоst suгpгisingwish? Wh*t did yоu feei \Дras PRОNUNСiAТTОN g-
{ ЕЦ wь;сh twеlvеоf thеsewords соntаin thе sоund /еэl iasin сhаir\? Ноw arе the оthеrspronоunсеd?Сaп yoв think оf aпy rnоrеwогdsrvith 1еаl? lзaiг hеr hеrе a\r сarе dеаr fаir pеaf paiг share tеar(uеrh! thеiг thеrе thеy,rе м/сrе wе'rе whеrе .Р,ц
ЮffiЕdоn'Ёfike pЕaytimе of disсussion;PresentPer{eсtProgressive i the|anguage Тalkingabouteduсation; aпd SimplePas!. i € Сan you thiпk of at lеasttеn diffсrепtsubjесtsor aсtivitiesthat you did at primarysсhооl?(Ask thе tеaсhеrif you don't know thе Епglishnamеs.)Whiсh оnеsdid you likе, and whiсh did уоu dislikе? l Listеntо thеrссoгding.Do thе сhildrеn нi mеntiоnаny things сhatаге t10toшvошriist? Listеntо thе nехt part оf thегесordtпg. # щ What еight things dо вhесhildren say thеy dislikе? 'A Б| '*' Nоw *,F уоu аге gоing to hеar thе сhildrеn savingwhat thеylikе aboutthеiгtеaсhеr,Мгs Сabеidu.Can уоu guеsswhаt thevwill say?Listеn апd sееif yоu w.егеright.
j ,ы
мrs сab6|duby Aniia Bryon'age 51',,
ф. s G'ammаr.SirпplеРastог РrеsеntPеrfссt i}ro$rеssivе? i. Рaцl is 14. Aliсе is 50. Whiсh of thеrпdо yоu tlrink proЬablysaid еaсhоf thеsеsеntеnсrs? W}'у? .i did Еngiishat sсhоolfоr thгееyеars'' .I,vеbееndoing marhsаt sсhооlfоr sеvеn уеаrs.' .I'r'еbееn,doingсhеmistrуfor a yеar,' .l didn't do physiсsаr sсhool.' .I'vеbееngoingtо sсhoolfоr еightyеars.' .I wеnt to sсhoolfоr еightvеаrs., 2. Ask othersшdепts(or thеtеaсhеr)two quеstions bеginningIIoш loпg hаueуou beепstuфing .,.? (praсtisеthе pтonunсiation)and rwо quеstions bеginningHout loпg did уou'stadу .,.? 78
r '#,r,,ls ', ' u ' ' * , . . ^ , -i l ,'.:# ' _:-'r rarL:*r' . : i : : , ' j i .l , ! . . . .'
^ Е} FI.'е arе soпIесхprеssionswhiсh arе оftеn usеd in disсцssiоns.Do you kпоw whаgthеy all rnеanаnd hоw tо pronouпсеthеmi \ffhatdо you пiеanbу ..'? Defiг,itеiy. I suppоsеso. Cеrtainly. I don'r kпow. of соursе. Реrhaps. Dо vоu think...? I dоn,trhink sо. Yеs,I dо. I dont agrеe' I сеrtainlydо. Dеfinitеiynot. I agrес. Сеrtainlуnоt. Yеs,i think so. Of сoцrsеnot. I'm not sure. It dеpеnds'
сhoo'. oпr oг moге of thе fоllowing еxеrсises.
A. Мakе a list of thе suЬiесtsthat yоu studiеd(or arе studyiпg)at sсhооl, with thе onеs you think arе most usеful at thе top and thе onеsyou think aге lеastusеful at thе Ьottom. Usе а diсtionary oг ask .Wгitе thе tеaсhеrfor hеlp if nесеssary. / ajainst the suЬiесtsyou fоund (or find) intсrestiпg,and writе B аgainstthe Ьoгing onеs.Thеn work in smаll gгoups aпd disсussyоur lists. whiсh arе the mоst and lеastpopular sсhoolsuЬjесts? ts. Work iп groups.Еaсh grоup is a сommitteе,whiсh hаs tо wоrk оut a plan for sесondaryeduсation reform. Writс a list of thе сhапgеsthat yоu would likе tо makе. Yоu may waпt tо соnsidеrsomе of йе fоllowing: . subjесrs оrganisatiоnаnd lеngthоf thе sсhoоlday sizеoi сlassеs теaсhingmеthods ехaminаtiоns tеaсhеrtrаining ips tеaсhечpupilгеlationsh the аims of sесоndar;r еdtlсafiоn С. Sау what you think aЬовr olrе Gr mоrе of thс follorшiпgquеstioпs.Usе a diсtiоnary or ask fоr hеlp if песеssary. 1' Dо sсhоoisdo a goоd job оf prеpаring pеoрlеfor lifе? Shоuldеditсatiоnbе rдоге praсtiсаI? 2. Shouldali сhildrеnhavero lеаrnmаthsi 3. Shouldall сЬildrеnhavetо lеarnЕnglish? 4. Whо shоuld bе paid rnost- thе tеасhеrstlf smallсhildrеnоr thе tеaсhеrsоf oldеr сhiiсirеni 5. Whiсh is nrоrеimportant- a gоod upbringingor a goоd eduсariоn? D. Preparеа lеsson(оn aпy subiесtоf yоur сhoiсе) аnd givе it to thе сlass iп Еnglish. Aftеr yоuг lеsson,gеt rhе сlass'sreaсtions- what rvаs good, аnd what соuld havе Ьееndоnе diffегепtly?
оommittвe; vlsа: aim;,сhemistry; Leаrп/re. reduоatiоn; mеthоd; Ъxaminаtion;,fnaths; physiсs;p|an;brimаrysсhоo|;reform; оrgаnisаtion; seсondaryeduоation;size; (sсhоo|) re|ationship; prepare; mention; . subject;training;шpbringing; sure;useful;least;most; boring;popular;рraсtiсa|;
so;What l supposв ofсourse; сertain|y; I definite|y; you .'.? by mean со l 79
FФgtrД$ stщЕ'fl-$
Еr# l kneweveryone -j---
wоrk;writingskills: sсаnning,readingforovera|lmeaning,diоtionary Readingski||s: survey' expanсinga textfromnotes;speаkingskills:с|ass understаndthеm. $ Look at thе questionsand mаkе sureyоu Don,t rеad thе Thеn find thе answеrsto tь. qo.,сons in-thе text, quesdons. only look for thе аnswеrsto thе й"i...o; 1. True or falsе?Whеn Mr Paсkard was a boy, his mоther'ssistеrlivеd in Nеw York. z. i' thе сountrysidеaround'Troy,Pennsylvania flat or hillyl ii,r;: ;,; 3. D;;' й;P;сkard's sisterhаvеаny sons? i,*,' 4. How lоng ago did thе Paсkardsmovеto fl Nеw Canaan? 6. Ччll 5. Do thе Paсkardsknow all thеir nеighЬours? 6, Truе or fаlsе?Half of US hеadsof farniliеs livе morеthan 100 milеsfrom whеrеthеy wеrеborn. .,:
PЕRsoNAL IsoLAтIoN Тo thе Ьеstof my knowlеdgе,all my аuпrs,unсlеsаnd
grаndpaгentssPеnt most of rheir livеs witЬin йirty milеs of t Тroy, Pеnnsylvania. Thсy wеrе farmеrs, horsе tradеrs, i mеrсhants, meilmen, As a Ьoy I Ьсliеvс I knеw еvеryonе liviлg wiгJrin four milеs of oцr fагm. Аnd I guеssDed kлсw just aЬout еvе{yonеin the сounty. Hе еnjovеd tа.lking.!Ие mеt pеoplе as families et suPPеfs on Satuгday nights. \(/'е mеt аt сhцгсh fеstivitiеs,at саttlе аuсtions, аt the milk station, at thс iсеhousе pond, апd at thе сontеsts on thе stееp road lеading to Grenvillе Sцmrnit on Sunday aftеrпoоns' Тhе сontest w.ls to sее who сould drivе his сar thе fаrсirеstup гhе hill in hiф gеar. .todaу a nцmЬеr of my rеlativеsstill livе nеar Тroy, Ьut sеvеralоf г,y соusins, m7-лieсеs, my ЬrоtЬсr аnd my sister аrе sсattеrеdin many statеs.Thе nеarеstrеlativе to my homе in Nеw Caлeen, Сonnесtiсut, is a nieсе who iivеs аЬоut a Ьundrеd aпd tеn milеs away. Мy two sons livе in wisсonsin and Pеnnrylvania; my -Ъ.h.i-in.l"*, until hеr гесеntdеath,livеd mцсh of tЬе timс in Floйdа. .Whеn my wifе Иrginia аnd I movеd to Nеw Сanaаn гwеnty.tour yeаIs а8o it wаs a sеmirurаl town алd I soon kлеw most of the pеоpiе living wirhiп a milе of us. In rесеnt 1'еarsalmost dl rhс old nеighЬoгs hаvе тпovеd аnd many dozеnsofnеw housсshаvе sprung up nеar us' meлy oГthсй oссцPiеd Ьy highly-moЬilе managеrial aпd prоfеssioпal femiliеs.-onе Ьoцsе vеry с,losеЬy,*fo' .'"*piс, has Ьесn оссupiеd Ьy four familiсs in fivе years. Тoday I woцldn,t еvеn rесognЬ hаifofthе pеoplе liviлg wiсЬin five hundrеd yards of our housе.Virginiа and I fееi inсrеasinglyisolatеd' Pетsonа.lisolation is Ьесoming а mejor soсial.faсtof ouг timе. A grсаt.meny pеopiе arе disturЬеd Ьy the feеliпg йаt thеy erе roorlсss or inсrсаsingly aпonymous' drаt thеy аrе living in a сonrinuelly сhanging еnйtonmеnt whеrе тjrеrеis litтlеsепsе of сommuniry. Тhe phresе ..homеtown'' may fr9m oч languаgс in tБis сenrury. Alrеady hаIf of ч:lljld: all US hеads of femiliеs Тivе mo,е than а hund,еd milеs from whеге thеy wеre Ьorn * end one out ofсvсry fivс livеs morе йen e thousаnd milеs from his Ьiпhplaсе. (abridgedfrom / Nationof s|rangorsby Vance Peckаrd)
'i1ii:.,lrji tt!,,:'ri r*,ri.)\i -i',5i:r'l
* н.,. are thrееsurnmariesof the tехt. Whiсh onе do you feеl is thе most aссuratе? Lifе usеdto Ье morе fun whеn I was a сhild: I livеd in й"oo' family and had lots of friеnds.Now thеrеarе "i.*.1Ъppo"unitiеs for еnjoying-thесompanyof p.Ёpь, Ьeсausеwe afr аl1bесomingrootlеss ".ь.' and аnonymous. Мy family usеdto livе сlosеtogеthсr,but no''vwе are '."tt.'.a. тr. usеdto know mоst of our nеiфbouтs, Ь.|'ьь is no longеr thе саsе.Pеoplеmovе around and tй old kind of сIosесolтrmцnityis 'no'. "o*, disappеaring. Thе population is growing and tolvns'arе gеtting bisяЁr.i'еоplе arе morе *Ъbil., and they don't know ."Aыotь.' Ъo wеll as thеy usedto. Реrsonalisolation is a big proЬlem nowadeys.
3 Diсio''"ry skills. Usе yоrrrЕпglish.Еnфsh diсionary, or tцrn to pagе 120. Look аt thБ eхplаnarionsof thе thrееwords whiсh follow: eaсh woтd is givеn sevеral dеfinitions. Deсidе whiсh of thе dеfiпitionsis thе Ьеstfoг thе woгd as it is used in фe tехt.
{Е wo.к iп ir-oups.First rеаd thе tехt. Then rеad thе notеs,йlсh d;;й;; й. ь. addеdto thе "* аnd how tехt. Dесidе wh;,;;il;;;;й; to makе thеm -into sеntеnсеsor to join thеm to othеr sеntеnсеs.
1. gеar (lastlinе of first paragraph) Childhood in an Indian Village (|l1у.еspуng' middlе of thе third paragraph) Gоф baсk as far as I сan rеmеmbеras a сhild in an Indian i ]. 9гrinв ! 3. fade (middlеof thе last paragraph) сommunity, I had пo sеnsеof knowing ibout the othеr ! 4 к.,а фo.,gЦ thс quеstionпairе.Look uP any words you doп,t know, апd пrаkesurе you сan answerall thе quеstionsin Еnglish. l07.hеrе 1. .!Иhеrе arе you from? 2. wеfе yotшparentsfгom? ,3. TИhеrehavе you sреntmost of your life? 4. Arе you in сlosе сonteсtwith your immеdiatе family (pаrеnts/brothеrs/sisters/сhildren )? 5. Is.yourfamily thе most important thing in your lifе? 6. How important to you is youг ,ехtеndеdfamily' (aunts/unсles/сousins erс.)? 7. How many of your relationslivе within 30 miles of your hоme? 8. Is your fami.lyvery sсattered,or do they mostly live сlose together? 9' How mаny of your rеlationsdo you know personally? 10. Havе yoц sеenmorе or lessof youт family iл rесentyеаrs? 11. Do you think Ьig femiliesor small familiеs arе bешer? 12, Do you think it is a good thing for parentsto livе with thеir marгiedсhildrеn? 13. Do you know a lot оfyour nеighЬours? 14. Dо you rесognisеall thе pеоplеwhо live within a hundrсd yards of your homе? 15. Wоuld you ratherlivе in: аn isolatedhousе;a villagе;а small сoшrtry town; a mеdium-sizеd town; a big сity? 16. !7ho do you gеt on bеstwith? - pеоplе you are relatedto - pеoplеyou wеnt to sсhooVсollеgеwith - pеoplеyou work with - otherpеoplе(who?) 17, lVЬat plaсеs do you fееl most at homе in? - thе plасе you were born in - thе plaсе(s)you grew up in - the plасе you livе in now - оthеr plaсеs (wherе?) 18. Do you сonsidеryourselfa) rootlеssЬ) wеllrootеd с) somethingbefiмeenthe twо? 5 сhoo," one of thе questiоnsfrom Еxerсise4 and ask as many people as possiblе.Уhеn you havс finished,геport to фе сlass on what you havе fouвd out.
pеoplеaгoundmс rxсеPt t}ratwе wеre all somеhowеqual. ! Thсrе wasonly onе сlass' f You сouid sееit in our gаrтrеs.Wе weге involvеd in loк ! of aсtiйty { was not likе I am now; I was in prеtty good $ shapе at that time) азd we weге organizеd, but not in йе | sеnsсttrattherе wеtе ways of findiвg out who had won and. $ who had lost' We piayеd bаll likе еvеryoneеlке,brrt no onс f kеpt sсorе. Еvеn if wе did foгmally сomPetе in thе gamеs f wе playеd, no onе was a winnеr though somеonеmay havс l won. It was only the moment. If you bеat somеonеby ! priling,a Ьow and аrгow aпd shooting thе arгow fаrthеr, it f only mеant that you shot t}rearrow farthеr at,t}at mоmеnt' g That's а]l it lаstеd. It didn't mеaд that you wеге bеttеr in fl any way whatsoеvеr.Maybе it wasjust thе way you lеt thс ! bow go. Thesе kinds of things arе r,еryimPortant to mе arrd ! that Ь why I am talking about thеm. I Onе of thе vеry important thingв lyas thе rеlationship wе had with our fami]iеs. Wе didn't alwaуs livе at home. Wе livеd wherеver we happеnеd to Ьс at that partiсular timе whеn it got daгk' Pеoplе rvйd feеd yоu еvеn if thеy didn,t know who you wеrе. Wе'd spеnd an еvеning, pеrhaps, йth aп old сouplе, and thеy would tеll us storЬs. In thе sцmmеr pеoplе would
gеnеrally tаkе us out and wе would do a number o{$ьs1 { allow us to lеаrn about lifе аnd !. щv!! would wuщu w4y somе way liltllсIl ь sullrg дl .ьi"ь don'tr {t цrсlg, rI цUrr yеars rI lРсllt spеnt thеrе, all urе thе yсaгs ln aц wаs all all aDout. aЬout. In ,yhat rt it wаs what anything. us anything. tеaсhiпgus anyonеtеaсhiпg rеmеmЬетanyonе геmеmЬет i t$.**рджa***вtsЕаnщNф*.м,ф
(Wi|tridPelletigr, in тhis Book is Аbout schools)
|trotвo - moat o|orieэ |rgenda,to|dmool|уin w|nter|irne - he|pin6chi|drenФ |earnbу ta|kinцabau| aoma par||сu|arPеroon,demonэtratin7what pеrэondid _ if 2/Э m|Ieofrom homa,lhat'э wherao|aф - juэt meanLarrowwentfafther _ nobodу|nNeraэtеdin gettin1 on |op of аnуbodуo|эe - no competiLivёo0or|9
Learrfrevise: arrow;birthp|aсe; city;о|ass;death; dozen;environmвnt; eхtendedfamily;farm; immediate family;kлowledge; neighbour(US phrase;relqtive; neighboф; sсore;stranger; summer;town;vi||age; yard;сompete;get Winter; dark (got,got);growup (grew,grown);keep sсore (kвpt'kept);oссupy;reсognise(US recognize); s|eep(slept,slept);Win (won,won);personаl; reсвnt;root|ess;soоia|;relatedto;scattered;a genвrally: numberof;ооntinual|y; inсreasingly; almost;even;within;everyoneelse.
ffiffiA beautЕfшlpЕаоe Readingсоmprehensiоn; voсаbu|ary (desсribing p|aсes); grammar(РastPerfесt); i writing desсriptiоns, ; $
Rеad thс lrxt and loоk at thе piсturеs.TVhiсhp|acе doyоuthiпk is dеsсribеdiп еaсhseсtion?
. \ s I a p p r o a с h е d t h е p l а n е t , г п 1 .t h е r m u a п а l 1 . t i с plаnt d*..сo'' totd mе that thirе iias a grеar i.ariеiy оГ hundrеd thгее mу Irl et al!. уеars lifе lifе, buт nо апimirl a оf spaсе еxploration, I had пеvсr bеfоrе соrnе aсrоss strangе rvas so It aпimаls' no .uo,id *he'. thеrе wеrе ther l wоndеred lvhethсr sоrпеthiпg hаd lrappеnеd ail оif kiilесi ha
оutапdbеEantо ronк.ounJ.'l..ffifl];;j н-еr1largеp-laits,оп whiсhgreтr' a kiп
Aftеr I had rсstеd aпd rr.rittеnml. rеРOrt I flеv; tо аnоthег.рaгt оfthе planеt. Drtесting a high lеvel оf rаdioaсtir'itт, l did nоi lald; but I fl!ш о'Бr thе агеа sсv.еrai.rimсs.It вas а рiaсс оf dеер r.аilе.vsrтith тertiсаt ч.аllsi in thеnr rеguiзr sqцаrе ol rесtaпguiаr оpепings hаd bесп шadе, в'hоsс puгрosе I lvas nоi abiе tо guеss. Тhеге-rтаs littlе vеgеtаtiоn, but mу insгrumеnts sh-orvеd a gооd dеal оf metal. Not fаr arr,aуrhеre was 3 Erеat сF-рansе оfrуatеr соntainingvariоus сhеnпiсals... and rnovсmеnl.rvаs ir rvаs impоssiblе tо sее i.еrу faг' оf
--* а;iiJ"ii. i соцldtеil thаtmаnуtli'ffсгеnt.kirrds irr somеb'оnсs -"i;'i'.l.?.ilt].Jh-,., andI сollесtеd оut find tо eblе Ье rтoult] o,,. un"i1,'.' ;;;;;"; ц.hаthad killеd them ...
' Тhе tеmpсгаturе q'as ve11.,loп.,аn
fс'ri,plаnts,*nа .ьo'. lЪ""j, -...*' .*.'i. In:* :n.:* lл fiоnt' thе hоrizоn}1.аs \,ег.\. сIosе;Ьеhind,r .oJJ,.. f,оra lоng_rvэу. Fаг bеiов,,a sгrеtсh of *,i.i .l.* in thе suтt.Ir ъas a Ьеautifiilpt*с"' ай i ;;;;;;;; ." lеаvе.But m'v гimеhаd ruл .i.,, .'J^i ь.а.;;й;," '" R о z u l' ' .
{t{anslattonФwnght Swan and Wattеr)
я 6 Gгаmmar.Сhооsеthе right tеnsеiSimplеРast or РastРсrfесt).
4 et Prоnuпсiаtion.Listеnto thеsеntеnсеs. You will hеar еithеr a РresentPеrfeсt,а Past Perfесtor а Simplе Past vеrb (fоr ехamplеl\le heаrd,I'd hеаrd ot I hеаrd).TИritеdowп thе r,еrЬsthat you hеar.
1. \Х'hеnI к,as a сhild,i ioiteп drеапlt/ Ьаd oftеп ехрioгеr. drеаmt',lоf Ьсinga sг)aсе 2. \Y/hеnI rvas2'S| цаpolied/ hэc аpoliеd)tor a plaсеat the spaсеtrainiпgaсadеm.l-. 5 3' i rviil nеvеrfоrgсгthе dаy rvhеntirеPгinсipal (told / hаd tolсj)mе rhatL фаssеd/ hаd passеd} A. m,vfinai еxams. 4' Оn my firsтmissiоn,I itaеrlt/ hаd gonе)rо visit a smallplanеtin starsl.stеm18B. 5. Тhе plaвеt(stoppеd/ hаd stoppеd)sепdingout radio signalssс)mеmonthslrеforе,аnd my оrdеrs wеrеto find out what illаppeпеdl hаd bаppened1, Аs sооnas I 6, It wаsеаrlymcrningwhеrr1 lаndе
\l,tеilеrsацl / hаd пеt,еrsееп! Ьеiсlrе. i 9' Nоt faг frоm mv laпding plaсс' [ {disсоt.,еrеd hаd disсouеrсd)a small houэе. поbоdr' 10. Ir rvasin a vеrv рооr соndiгion:оЬvior.lsl,v \Iiuеdl bаr! liuеd| rhеrе fоr yеars. 11. Suddеniy | |hеаrd/ hаd hеаrd\ a foоtstеp, and а li:oman tаbpеаrеd i hаc ltppеаrесj| frorл bеhirid гhе hоusе' 12. i аskеd hеr .д.hаr(hаppепеdi hаd Ьаpреl,lеd1,Ьut shе (iцst lachеii / hасi iцst laoh'еd|аt mс with a straпge sпrilе.
пo onс oг mогеof thеsеехеrсisеs. Wогk individually or with othеr studеnts'as you .Writе prеfer. а paтagraphfrorп a spaсеехplorer's rеpoгi (likеЕxегсise1), abоuta wеll.knownplaсе. Shоrr'yоurparagraphtо оthегstudепtsand sееif thеy сan gвсsswhеrеit is. Usе somеof thе words and еxprеssiоnstгorпЕхегсisе3, and somеоf thе struсtuгеsin thе bох. Inсludеlomе ехamрlеsof rhе Past Регfeсttеnsе. ili froцt (оf mеi oП m1l lеft/right trеhind {mе) high аЬovе fаг Ьеlоrv in(to) thе distanсе nоt fаr 1awav) a iоng way (аrvа,v) Т сould sее Thеrе ъvas/wеrе I hаd nеr'ег.."
l I и'onderеdrvhеthеr...
As sооnаs I hаd ... i I
ts. Wbrk with thrееоr fоur оthегstudепts.Tеll your grоup abоuta рlaсеthar yоu likе vегymuсh. Dеsсгibеit in es muсh detailаs pоssiЬlе,so thаt thе othсrsсan rеally .sее'thе plaсе.
qЭ VосaЬulary: posirioв аnd shapе. As quiсkly as you сafit writе down; 1. sоmеthiгigthar is оn 1.оurгight 2. sоmеrhiпg tlrаt is оn yоuг iеft 3. sоmething thат is in trоnr оi 1,оrr 4' sоrnethiпgthаt is bеhind yоu 5. soпrеthingthаt is in frоnt оf thе Ьuilding .,r'hеrе vou are now 6. sоmеthing tlrat is оppоsitе tЬе L'rrilсiingrvhеrе ,Yоu аrе пo\Y 7. sоmеthing thaт is a lоng way away 8. sоmеthiпg thаt is nоr far away 9. sоmеthing that is vеry сlosе 10. sоmеthing you сall sее that is lеvе! с. .яgj Listсn tо thе sопg.(Thе tехтis on pаgе 120.) 1 1. sоmеthing you-сan sее rhаt is noг lеvеl 12. sоmеthingyou сan sееthat is squаrе 13, sоmеthing}'ouсan sеethat is rесtanguiаr 14. sоmеthing you сan sеe that js roцnсi rосk;star; pari;planet; kind;оpening; hil|;horizоn; 15. sornеthingyou сan sеe thaЕis оval (rose' risen); resi; rise va||ey; variety;desсribе; 16. sornеthingYоu сan sеe that is vеrtiсаl d6op;high; shine(shone,shone);wonder; l.7. somеthingyou сan sееthаt is horizontal large;level;low;natural;oval; horizontal; 18. sоmеrhing that is dirесtly aЬоvе l.our hеаd round;soft;square;vediсa|;geпtiy; reсtangular; 19. something that is high abovе уou above;away;behiпd;be|ow;rouftd(adverb'' 20. sоmеthing that is far bеlow yоu several;whether;in(tо)thedistаnсe;nоt obviоusly;
! far away;a longway away.
D6 Foсuson systems expressions;punсtuation and A сhoiсeol exerсises:identifyingand non.ideпtifying whosei of сommоnprefiхesand sutfixes. in re|ative сlauses; spe||ings /э/; intonation
3 сhoo,. thrееothегрoplс in thе сlаss.Say who you arе thinking of rrithout giving the pеоplеЪnamеs; sееif the othеr studеntsсаn dесidе ъ'ho thеy aгe. Еxamples; ,I,m thinking of а gir| шho's шеaring glаssеs.' ,I'tn tbinking of a pеrsonsittingat thе front,' ,I'm thinking of a пan in a red shirt,'
t Hеrе аге threе ways of identifying pеople and things- of sayingulhiсh one(s)you mean. the girl in the сornеr thе girl sittiпg in the сorпеr the girl шho is sitting iп tbe сornеr thе man in а rеd T-shirt l шеаring о red T.shirt I шho is шеаringа red T-shirt
the piсшre ouеr the door l hаngiпqouеr the door l ulhiсb bаngsauеr tbе door
4 ooyou kпow how to ioiп sеntenсеswithшhose? Look at thе ехamplеs.
Now ехpгessthеsеideas in the other two ways. 1. thewomaniп thе front sеatof thе саr 2. the girl in purple jеans 3. thе man at the еnd of thе platfoгm 4. thесдr whiсh is stаndingoшtsidеour housе 5. the stairswhiсh lеad dovyпto thе сеllаr 6. thе сhildren who arе playing in our gardеn 7. studentsliving in London 8. a maп stayingin thе Мсxiсo City Hilton }lotеl 9. thе papеrslying on thе Ьеd
lаhе Tbong is аn аrtist. Нis piсturеssеIlfor thoцsапds of pounds. + Jakе Thong is аn аrtist ubose pictures sеll for thoшsаndsof poнnds. Hungаry is а counttу in сеntralE'пopе. lts саpitаl Ь diuided into tulo parts, -+ Hungаry is а country in Cеntаl E,uropеulbose саpitъl is diuidеd into ttрo pаrts. Мatсh the Ьеginпiпgsand ends.
A 3' I,ook at thе piсture.How сould you identify thе pеоplеmarkеdA, B, с etс.?Ехаmplе: ,E is the шomаtlholdiпs а саmеrа,'
An цnsuссessful writer is An цnsuссеssfuI hцsbandis An unsuссessful murdеrеris An unsuссessfullion tаmеr is An unsuссеssful соok is
onе whosе viсtim stаysalivе. onе whosеlioп eats him. onе whose books arеn,tread. onе whosеfood is uneataЬlе. onе whosеwifе lеavеs him.
Now сan you сornplеtеthеsе? An unsuссessful Ьuilderis one whosе... An unsuссеssfuldoсtor is one whose ... An unsuссessfulteaсhеris onе whose ... Aп unsuссеssfulpаrentis оnе whosе ... An unsuссessfulgardепегis one whоsе ...
o Look аgain at the sentеnсеsin Еxerсisе 5. In whiсh sеntеnсеsdo you think you cou|dasеthat instеadoI u.,hoot шhich? Do you know why? In whiсh sеnteпсеsсould you leavе out ulholшhichlthаt? Do you kпorv why?
ЕxPR*ЕssloNs ta-r
э iР9] Look at thеsеpairs of srntenсrs.why do you thiпk somе sentеnсeshavе сornmаs(,') whilе othersdon,t?Praсtisesayingthe sеntеnсеs. A. Thе biggеstсity in Bavaria is Мuniсh. Мuniсh, in Bavaria,has a populationof 1.25 million. B. Thе villagе whеrе I was born has сhangеda lot. North BaгtonnwherеI was born, has сhangеda lot. C. A pеrsonwho livеs in Glasgow is сalled a Glaswеgian. Мy sistеr,who livеs in Glasgoщ prefersSсotland to Еngland. D. Somеpеoplеwho соmе from TflalеsspeaklD(elsh. The poеt Dylan Thomas, who сamеfrom !Иalеs, didn't speak'Welsh. Е. Thе гoom whiсh I'm sitting in at thе momentisn't vеry well lightеd. our kitсhеn,whiсh I'm sittingin at thе moment' isn't very well lighted. whiсfi of thesеsеntеnсesshould haveсommas?If you aгe not surе,listеn to the reсoгding.Praсtisеsaylng the sеntсnсеs. 1. Fапtasia whiсh is a fеdеralrеpubliс has a basiсellydemoсratiсfоrm of govеrnmеnt. 2' SanFаntastiсo whiсh is the сapital of Fantasia is also thе lаrgеstсity. 3. Fantasiahas sеvеntееnpolitiсal Paltiеs whiсh are aI|verу diffеrent. 4. The pаrty whiсh has beеnin powеr for the last five yеars is the Freе DеmoсratiсRadiсal ConservаtivеParty. 5. The parry rvhiсh I support is саllсd the Nеw DеmoсratiсМovеmеnt. 6. Thе Nеw DеmoсratiсМovemеnt whiсh I support is led by Arnold Kronsk. 7. our own МеmЬer of Parliamеnt. whо is on the left wing of her parry hаd а majorityof 15'000 at the last еlесtion. 8. The party whiсh our МP bеlongsto is саllеd thе Nеw Rаdiсal Allianсе. 9. Thе eleсtion whiсh is duе to takе plасe neхt month will proЬably be won Ьy thе Progrеssive DеmocratiсPerty. 10. Thе pеople who rеally run the сountry are thе CaЬinеt Мinistеrs. 11. Thе politiсian whom I admirеmost is Anп wеsk, thе leadеrof the opposition. 12. Ann \Пеsk whom I greatlyadmirе is thе daughtеrof e сoal miner.
PRONUNсIATION: SPЕLLINGS oF /s/ -: I р9l In standаrd British Еnglish, thе foШoйng woгds arе all pronounсеd with thе same vowеl /з/. Caп you say them?And сan you tЬink of tеn more words with thс samе vowеl that аre r.гittеn with а, ir, ur or цlor? Сaп you find anу words written with eъr that aгe Pгonounсеd with /з:/? сеrtainly first bird hеrs purposе turn word world
voсABULARY eгe some сotnmon pгefixеs. Сaп you matсh 8 with their usesand mеaniпgs?Can you think of them".,. any othетwoгds йth the samеprеfixеs? anti- (апti.Ameтiсаn,апtiсlochшise) dis- (disаppеaцdЬhoпеst) mis- (misцnderstапd,mЬspell|. ovet-(ouerеаt,ouсtшorh) re. (rешtitе,rеpау) un- (unhаppу,,unоble) undеr-(undeфаid,undervаlцеd)
too muсh oppositeto again, bасk wrongly agaiпst too liшlе oppositеto
Caп you do thе samewith ttrеsеsuffixеs? .anсе \аppеаrаnсe,insurаncе| withoцt -enQlideп, streпgtheп) tпаkesпoun .et (driueцulаiter) from uerb .fu| (beaшtiful,hopфl) rathеr -ise(сotnputerise,tпodernise) rпаhesпoun -ish(reddish,fattish) from vetb -Iеss(hopelеss,саrеless) mаhеsuеrb -ment,(gouеrntпent,аdiertisetпеnt\ makе rnorе tf'сlRеs no''n
fromuеrb with
Lэarn/reviso: bui|dor;сamera;саpital;оellar;city; Momberof ParIiament husband;majority; eleоtion; (MP);parant;party;piсturв;platformi рpulation; belong(to);divide seat;stairs;vil|ago; repub|iс; (into);hang(hung,hung);hold(hоld,he|d);|ie (lying,lay,lain);run(=govern)(ran,run);support; take place (took,takon);wear (wore,worn);win purp|e; foderal;politiоal; (woп,won);democratic; from power; words in basica|ly; (un)suсоessful; seсtion. Vrcabulary
ffiЖBoy rneetsgirЕ praсtiсe; (talking disсussion aboutre|ationships): hadbetfer;] Listening andwriting oughttoanсiothermodalverbs.
t Е Li,,.n to thе reсогding. It is takеn from аn otd BBC сomеdy pтogrammе сallеd .Тakс it fгorn hеrе'. In this еpisodе, Roп hаs a сonr,еrsatiоnrvith his {athеr aЬout shvness.Тhеn RonЪ fathеr goes оut, atrd Rоп mееts Еth for thе fiгst time. Aftеr listеning' wгite 50.100 words summаrisiпg п'hat hаppеns, .Е. * Listеn tо thе first fеrv sеntеnсеsof thе rесording again. Тгv tо lvritе dоwn thе ехaсt 'tvоrds. Thеn Iооk at thе sсript on рagеs 120 аnd 721 and сhесk your aпsivег.
'я ':] Aф .+. Lisсеn to thе wholе оf thе гесording, aпd matсh thе mocal vеrЬs rvith thе infiпitir,еs. M()l)ti, \T]RB\ сalr't nriglrt сап won't liad Ьеttег shall сor:Id @ ilG
*r& в
*Ёi .'Е:- Listеn asain to thе сonvсгsation Ьеrlr-ееп Ron and his fathеr]Саn уоu hеaг an1.non.standard prоnunсiаtiоns?
isFt,\I,Т.I\/ils сomе gеt go thiпk sа). sсе sit
Ф == Listсn asain to thе сonvеrsation lrеtrvееп Ron and Еth. Thеn wоrk in groups' and sееhоw muсh 1,оuсan rеmеmЬегоf ц,Ьat thеv said. Wгitе down what уou rеmеmbеr and/оr aсt it оut. Thеп look at thе sсгipt to сhесk.
, ..r:,..i.i,'
l;:.r.;]l-1 l.
j', 'i
i1 iti
ii ii 1i
l::l l.: . . ; : . . . i , } : i . : ,".,э .
ait;-:ril ".i.
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' .-:' , ' ;'.:,rr..
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i;1,,i_,. :r
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*;i,'.*^ ,il
Do ЕIT}iЕRЕхЕRСIsЕ 6. ЕХЕRсIsЕ 7 oR EХЕRСISЕ8. tB Р'.рo.* and aстоut a .boytnееtsgirl'sсеnе. lаь
I t,,'ъle
а. f'og(.-"^-. i {aаr h.ч. 1
7 к.*а thе lеttеr.rvhiсhт,аs sеnttо a British nеlуsРapеr. Тhеn wгitс an answеrto thе lеttеr,gil.ing adviсеto thе writеr.Usefulеxрrеssions:
x\;u:::у-"roТ ?*^*цo'^
?^T*":i;'I,-, ^,' Й "ч.L; ,-";i,?уu,'^, :
\YIrуdоrt,r }'oЦ'..)
Ч ' h y ц 9 g. . . 7 What/Holr..аЬout ...ingi УV;е тlrink уоu shou|d ... Yоu геall-vоught to .'. \Ъu соцidlnright... If I rvеrеYоu, I в'оuld ... A g o o d w a , vl о ' . . i s ; о . . . Тhе Ьr,stl\iау to ... is to ..Ii\Yе think it's a п.iistаkеtо .. ' S r o р ' . . i r r ga n d s t а г t . . . i r r g
fн 'ж-*^.;#J r l.. ..
8цa^* Ь ЧoJi"ltч
ьa--6c ft.
?,""o, iаt n'д u'*rp*{ *r't 2o.
8 rvo,t. in groupsоf thrсе or four. In еасhgrouP, followingsuЬjесts. Ргеparеsorпе сhооsеоnе of thе .Whеn your quеstiоnnairе is rеаdy,gо morеquеstioпs. round thе сlassaskingyouг quсstions.Nоtе thе pеoplе answеrs.Thеn rеpoп to thе сlassoп r,r'hаt think. Givе your o}тnоpiпiоnsas rvеll. i:iii&-Eqq-r
FP.lЁNDsHtP Ноrv imо
LovЕ AND st,х Do vou тhink vоu сan ior.еmоrе than onе регson аt thе samе timе? М. RRIAGЕ
Dо vou
, воосi :hlnв? :hink-"]:...:":.]:
РARЕNl:сFiILD R}.I-.{,rioNsFiтl,s Dо yоu thilrk most сhildrеn сommriniсаtе wеll with
on:.nr:? :n.t: i t [ L А T I O \ s | - i l | } sI \ \ x , L } R кА \ D S О с j l ; l ) .
Dо you е1'еrstаIt соnvеrsаtiоns with strangers? il :' ф l: ill lj ; ' T :i
:i. ai
nut; maп.iage; Learп/rEvise:сap;friendship: phrase;relatiоnship; sооiety;shyness;stranger; getoversth (got'got);happeп get married; stro|l; (to);meet(met,met);mention;ought (to);manage (to);pult;turnout;wonder;(all)alone;dark'skinned; dry;sсared(of);shy;had better(+infinitivewithout 'to');forthefirsttime;nextto;whydon'tyou ..'?; without,fo);whаUhow whynot.,,? (+infinitive if I wereyou,I would.,';I hоpeyou about...ing?; d o n 'm t i n dm y . . . i n g .
Differentkinds wъ#* #d!Ы I
*, ro..no'"t;;;;t';;.nr;;;-l Listening them.. пaming withоut things Еnglish;Ъеsсribing
{ Г)о уou knorт thе natnсs of somе oi thesе? Wогk in g,оupЪ,аnd try tо matсh as Inапу оf thе rryоrdsапd piсturеs as pоssiЬlе'
l bасkЬоnе Ьаt dirзоsaur dсlg сaglе l f.og insесts sЬаrk shеlI skеiсtоп , snakс tigег rr:оut rvirаlс
i дшtlлдLs i
Listеn to thе tаik аnd Е F thеn соmplеtеthе tablе.
lNVЕRтЕBFlAТЕs Еxamplз:
&tii Сonrplсtс fоur or morе of thеsе sеntеnсеsand put thеm togеthеr tо makе a tе.хt. (You сan сhangе thе ordеr оf thе sеntеnсеs,аnd ус'u сan makе othег smаll сhangеsif vou likе.)
Complеtеthеsеntеnсеs with rvords and "'s еxpressiопs frornthеЬoх. i аIl
bе divided
Ьеitlng diffеrелt ехсеPt f{Jr fоr ехaln}.'lе in пraгrvч'а\'s kirrсis mall.l п.lost oni1 Ог оthеrs sеr'ега.I tr.гiсai whiiе l. Тhеге аrе t\ll()
l . Т h е r е a r е. , - . - , . k i п d s o f . ' 2 . М с l s гo f t h е m e r e ' ' , '' ' ' . Ь u t s o m е a r с . . ' ' . . ,Ь, п t a с i u а l l уt h е y 3 1 . 3. .,, . . look likе r.егrdiffеrеnr, 4,.. ,..'.isatyгiсаi 5. . .' ' ' - 'b- е i с l n gr o а g r ( ) u Pt l f , , . . , , ' . ,с'а' l l е d
оf Llaltk ilссo'Jn[:
сLlr'еnl аnd dеp
, '.,,' ..,.',аnd 6. Thе diffеrеnсеl.lегrvееn . .l s t h а i - , . ' , i s / a г е -' . , , ' , '. r r , h i i е . . . . . is,iaгe
t. 8. \)
.j' Stlпrеbirds _ . r.оЬins- еaг inseсts, 6, . . ' .. bers сan ilt,l tll.у аrе rrtltbirds. 7 . D о g s с а n . ,' ' . . ' ..' , i t 1 t 0t r v o k i r r d s :t h о s еt h a r t<}r,l,olr'сsдrrd thоsе thаt are morе iikе iасkals. 8 . S р a g h е t tiis а ' ' ' . ' .. , ' , . I. .t a l i a nf о о d ' 9. Nоt реоplе u,ho livс in thе Llnitеd Statеs
sреakЕnglish. 1С).FеЬruarvis tlrе'..,'
month thаt hаs оnlv 26
davs. l l. Сrrr,r.s tо a group of marnmalsсLiilеd gгаs5-еаlеrs. hегbir.
diffеrеntkinds оf biс,vсles'
14. All Еurоpеan laпguagеsЬеlongio thе samе fЪшilу F i n n i s h .H u r r g а г i а пB. a s q u еа t i d < r n ео r тYilo .''.''.''..',-..
tIl 1',l t')
{} oo onе
-"--i example; сurrentaсоouпt;depositaссount;biсyсle;bird;сivilisation: Leаrпfrgvise:baсkbone; bankaосount; draw(drew,drawn); wor|d; belong(to);deсidе;divide(into); family; ske|eton; fisil;grоup;inseсt;kind;objeсt; only;all;most; aсtua|iy; distant;Еuropean;everyday;maiп;re|ated(to);typiсa|; |ly(flew,fiо*nj;different; Ways. in manу il,hile; for; exсept for example; several;atthоugh; 89
Summary Simp|ePaвtand PresentРerfeсt Progressive
Ways of idёntifying рюple and things thе girl in thе сornеr thе girl sittiпg in the сorner thе girl who is.sitting in thе сorneт
.I did Еnglish at sсhool for threeyеars.' .I didnt do physiсsat sсhool.' .I rrедt to sсhool for eightyears.'
the man iп a red T.shirt thе man wеaгing a red Tlshirt the man who is wеагinga red T:shirt thе piсturе over фe door the piсture hangingovегthe dоor thе piсturе whiсh hangs over thе door
.I,vеbeеn doing maths at sсhool for sеvеnyеa!s.' .I'vеbeen doing сhemistryfor aуeat.' .I,vеbееngoing to sсhool for eightyears.'
Punсtuаtioпof identityiпgaпd non.identifyi пg expressiоns
SimplePаstand Past Perfeсt
^Thе .lVhеn biggestсity iп Bavaria is Мuniсh. I was a сhild, I oftеn dгеamtof Ьeinga spaсе Мuniсh, in Bavaria,hes а poprrlаtionof 125 million. еxplorеr. (ffi) I will nevегtorgetthe day whеn the Prinсipаl told mе Thе villagе whеrеI wаs Ьorn hаs сhangеda lot. I that I had passеdmy final еxaпБ, North Barton, whеrеI was Ьorn, has сhangеda lot. t JOn my first mission.I went to visit a small planetin A pегsonwho livеs iп Glasgow is сalled e 't"i systеm18B. Glaswegian. The planеt had stoppedsendingout radio signals Мy sister,who livеs in Glasgoщ prefеrsSсotlandto somеmonйs Ьеforе, Еngland. Thе room whiсh I'm sitringin at the momеntisnt vеry well lighted. our kitсhеn,whiсh I'm sittingin at thе moment,isnt vеry wеШlighted.
l wish; if onlу I wish it was/wегесoolеr/rvaгmеr. I wish соuld siпg. I wish had morе monеy/timе. If only spokebеtterЕnglish! if oniy knеrpmorе pеoplе! If only pеoplew€rе morе honеst! I wish thе govеrnmentwould do somethingаbout uпemplоyment. If only somеЬodywould urritеme a letter! I wish I had Ьeеnniсеr to my раrrnts whеn I was youn8еr. I wish I had listеnеdto my mother'sadviсе. If only I had иken a differеntjob! If only I had not got marriеd!
telatlve с|ausesWith}y/'ose Jakе Thong is an artist whosеpiсturessеll for thousandsof pounds. An unsuссеssfцlbuilder is onе whosеhousesfаll down.
Using fhаf insteadat whфm}or whlchin ideпtityiпgclauses The politiсian.тr,hom./that I admiremost is Ann.Wеsk, thе lеedеrof thе opposition. .Wеsk, (BUТ Ann whom 1geat|у edmirе,is the lеadеrof thе opposition.NoTdлnj$kslq*hаft gеаtlтааmaq.iзт,') Thе paгty whiсUthat has bееnin powеr for the last fivе yеarsis the Free DеmoсratiсRadiсal CоnsеrvativеParty. (BUтNoT ъее*n-роtivсr==)
Leavingout obtqctre|аtivepronounslп ideпtifyiпgсlauses Thе parry I supportis сalled the Nеw Dеmoсratiс Мovеment. (=Thе pагty whiсЫthat I support .'.) (BUT Thе Neтy Dеmoсratiс Мovement, whiсh I suPport' is lеd by Arnold Krоnsk. NoTTbс*Теиr ) Thе party our MP belongsto is сalled the.Nеw Radiсal Allianсe. (=Thе party whiсh/thatour МP Ьelongsto ...)
fiаd ftefrer
You'd bеtterсome in. PеrhapsI'd bettеrdry *y сlothes.
Definitely. Cеrtainly. of сourse. Do you фink ...? Yes,I do. I сertainlydo. I agreе. Yеs,I think so. I'm not sure. It depеnds.
Фught If you want to mееtpeoplе,you oughtto join a сluЬ. You oughtto go danсing.
РttysiсaldesсrEрtiоns Shеhas (shеЪgot) bluе еyеsand brown hair. a woman with Ьlue еyеsend Ьrown hаir a Ьluе.eyed,brown-hairеdwоman
Sоme Gommon Prefixes and suffixes
a maп with a beard a girl йth glassеs a Womаniп a bluе drеss a man in a grеy jaсket Hair: long, medium.leпgth,short;straight,сurly, wavy; blond(e),faЬ dark, brown, bleсk, rеd, grey, going grеg white, thinning; aЬeatd, a moustaсhе' bushyеyebrows Нe's (going)Ьald. HeЪ got a Ьald patсh. grеy Еyes:grеen,bluе, brown, grееnish-bluе, Nosе:long,turnеd-up Мouth: wide, gеnеrous;thin lips, full lips Chiп: pointеd,firm, wеak Faсе;oval, round, long; high сhееkЬоnеs;a sсar Forehеad:high, low Е'aгs:big, small Shoulders:broad,narrow Build: йiп, slеndеr,slim, musсulaцhеavily-built, plump, overweight,fat Heiфп tаll, оf mediumhеight,short Agе: young,middlе.agеd,еlderly,old; in his еarly thirties;in hеr mid-fiftiеs;in thеir latе forties Ехprеssion:serious,сhееrful,worriеd,friеndly GеnеraLgoodJooking, Prеrry'bеautiful,handsomе, affraсtive,plain; well.dressеd,сasuallydressed Hе looks old. Shelooks likе a Ьusinesswornan.
Why don'tyou ...? !Гhy not ...? IVhat/FIowabout ...ing? I/!7еthink you should ... You reallyoughtto ... You сoцld/mighti.. If I rмerеyou, I would ... A goodway to ..r.is to ... Thе bеstway to ... is to ... У!Иеthink itЪ а mistаkеto ... Stop...ingand staп ...ing
аnti-Amеriсan,antiсloсkwisе disappear,dishonеst misundеrstand,misspеll ovегеat' overwork rеwritе' rеpay unhappy,unablе undетpeid,undсrvalцed
.anсr .еn
apprarirnсе' insurаnсe йdеn, strengthеn drivег' waitеr Ьeautiful,hopeful mpdеrnisе сompшterisе, reddish,faшish hopelеss,сarеless government'advеrtisemеnt
-сr -ful -isе -ish .lеss -шrnt
lrregularverbsiп LessоnsDt.D8 INFrМTIvЕ' сhoosе draw fLу Srow bang hold kееp lie
shine shoot
siееp takе throw upset wеar win
sрellingsоf /s/ hегs
anti dismisoverгеunundег.
meeт risе
.What do you mеaп by I supposeso. I don't knorлi. Рerheps. I dont think so. I don't agrеe. Dеfinitelynot. Cеrtainly not. of сoursеnot.
rvord 97
сhose drew fеlt flew grew hung hеld kеpt |^у rnet rosе run shonе shot slеpt took thrеw upsеt wore won
сhosen drawn fеlt flown grown hung hеld kept lain met risen rЦn shonе shot slept иken фrown uPset worn won
Revisionand-fluenсypraсticeЖЪ A сhoiсeof aсtivities. i *fi
Е lучl Listеn to the story and rvritedown what you сaп геmеrпbет. You will nееdthеsenamсs. Pytheas
2, F",, геаding.pгaсtiсe. Choosе oпе of thе first two сars advепisеdbetow.Тhеn look quiсkly at the rеst of the advеrtisеmепt, and find .h.;i6;;;.i' *itь all of thеse: - a similarсolourto yours - similaraссessories to yours _ thе samenumberof doors as yours - a muсh lowеr milеagеthаn yours
Not just as good as new
This month's bargains **********************
FORDЕsсoпт 1600,5 dooг,powderblue, 34,000mi|es, radio.сassette, sunroof, priсeЕ3'900. windows, вlt/|W 318i'4 door,red,oleоtriс 14,000miles, fog|amps,radio.сassette, priсeЕ9'375' o|eсtric Rэпаult 11 тsE' 5 door,whit€ ' sunroof,radio.сassette, wlndow6,only 17'000mi|es,Е6'300. I{эrсadeg.Bоnz 500sЕL' 4 doоr, diamond blue meta|liс'e|eс. triоsunroof'аir сond|tioniпg' 28'000 milss' 827'5Ф.
than new!
Volvo 34{lDLr 5 dоor, deep rвd, sunroof, radio{ass€tto' on|y 8'000mi|es,Е10'0fl}. Тoyotа Cагinа GL, 5 door, sky.b|ug' radio.c'аssette'sunroof' сeпtral|oсking,з4'000 mi|es,Е3'2(ю' l'G i'eвstro 1.6l, 4 door, сheгry r6d, air оonditioning,сentral |oоking,5'500 milos'Еt'2(Ю. s!эb 900 тurЬo, 5 door, Admiralbluo, eloоtriсsunroof,radio. сassette'only 1'500miles'Е12'2(Ю, тoyotа сorolla GL, 4 door, gre€ n meta'liо,tog iamps' eloctriс windows,radio.оаss€ t te.35,00оmilss,85'40о. Jgguаr ХJ6 3.4 eutomrtic, 4 door, ruby rcd, stereo radio.сas. sattо,oleсtliс sunloof,gloсtriсwindows'fog |аmps'on|y4'000 mi|gs,Е!g'6!tl. fog |emps'sunvolvo 740DL,4 door,deep red,rаdio.сagsette, roof,e|eсtriсwindows,6,000m||оs'Е10'5ill. Pоugeot 5G5,5 door, royаl blue,sunюоt' radiФсаssettв'4'200 miles,t8,850. Vauxhall сarlton 2.0сDt' 4 doof, dark red' fщ lаmрs' radio. саssette,125'000mi|es'Е1'2Ф. i'etro 1,3L,5 door,lightbluЪ,fщ |amps,17,000milаs'Е5''100.
tablе.Thеnlistеnto thеrесoгding 4 к.,d;ng геpoгt.Talk 9'*'.*е to thе сlassabout what you and Pпll lп thе missing details. havе bееnrеadingrесеntlyin Еnglish. ,vАssсAR
r' [], t', ,....,, 'l,.,t,;r*, ,;.:.
, - . . ,: , , . : -:.. , . . . : . : , , r , ; : , .
r' j,:.i::r:i.,j..:-
.:i;:i . , - t - . , - ; i - ,_:'.', : l :__,'_,',-, I
t,,t.ll.' .,it:ar.,. r.''..,l
|:;.], j'.,i
,a 1,'',:
I l
лЕ "ё Нow good is your mеmory}Standrrith somе othеr studeпtsm fwo lines,faсingеaсhothеr.obsегve thе sшdеntsin thс othегlinе foг Ьnе ыnuiе. тh"n go away and (withoutlooking at thеm)sееif уou сaп rеmеmbеrand rvгitеdown what еvеrybodуwas weaгing.work togеthегrvith thе othЁгsшiеnts in your linе.
,'6, a?&.
{ffi .T*",,.y quеstions',oпе studеntthiпks о{ somеthing.Thе studеntdoеsnt tеll thе othегswhat .animal,, it is; hе/shеonly tеlls thеmthаt it is .vеgеtablе,,.minеral' or .aЬstraсt'.(For eхamplе:a lеаthеrhandЬаgis аnimal;a nеwspaPеris vegеtable; а glаssis minеrаl аnd a suгpгisеis aЬstraсt.)Thе otЬеrstudеntsmust find out what thе thing is by askiпgquеstions(maximumtwеnty);thе only answегsallorrеd areYesаnd No. Useful quеstions:
ё Ж Look at thе сartoоns.Tеil olhеr studеntswhat you think about thеm.Find oцt rшhiсharе the most and lеastpopulaт сaгtoоns.Usеful еxpressiоns: I don't sееthе jоkе. NИhatdо you think of this onеl This оnеЪreallyfunny. It isn't funny at all. I think it's wondеrful/stupid' It makеs/ doesn'tmakе mе laugh,
Сan you еat it? Can you wеаrit? Is it madeof wood/mеtaUglass/'..? Is it useful? |car|. ' ,? Сan you find it in а house/shop Is it liquid? Is it solid? ? Is it hаrd/soft/heavy/light Нavе you got onr of thеsе? Is thеrеonе in this room/Ьuilding/strееt/...? Is it mаnufaсturеd? than a сat|chair|car|..'? Is it Ьiggеr/smаllеr 'Work in groups of siх to еight.In еaсhgroup, d imaginеthаt you arе in a doсtoг'swaiting roоm. Thе last patientwent in about.halfаn houт ago and hasn,t сomr out agаin.A соnvеrsationstагtsup ... si:*.
ffi ь grouPs' invеnt a politiсal party and wгitе a сampаiр spеесhfor it. Choosе оnе Pеrsontо mаkе thе spессhand hсlp him or hеr praсtisеit. Listеn to thе о1hеrgroups,spеесhes;thеn votе for thе party of youг сhoiсе. /' BF Intеrviеw Prеparеquestioilsfor en inteгviеw You must find out with an Еngliвh.speakingstrangеr. as muсh as possiЬlеab'outhim./hpr,inсludiпg dеtаi]s of his/hеrсhildhood, еduсation,.fаmily,wотk, intеrеsts,and soсieiland politiсаt attitudеs.Prеpаrс .follow-upquеstiolisJfor soфof, yоuг quеstions. Ехamplеs: ,Yes,I do'' ,Whatkiпd?' ,Da lihе musiс?' уou ,Do ,I'm ,Whаt's a builder,' уou likе it?' уoиr iob?' 'sчr
" *'" " ::,11?; ii:::,i!i?ni# i::;.:, ",*n,
W,hеnyou hаve prеparеdyоuг interview,arгangеfor оnё or more Еnglish.spеakingpеoplеto visit your сlass.(Gеt your tеaсherto hеlp if nесеssary.) and write a rePort on lпtеrviеrшthе person./pеoplе, what you have found out. ,€
ffi w.i." a rеally unwеlсomеlеttетtо anothеr studеnt(fтomthе tax offiсе, fгom а boy/girlfriеnd,oг fтom аnyЬodyelseyou like). He/Shеwill rеply. € $ 1@] Li,t.o tо thе sоng.Thе words arе on page 121.
kпoш, I think уoa,rе,цht',
Тest I.tsтЕIчL\G
3. By the time my mothеr(beborn),all hеr older brothеrsаnd sisters(leаue\home. 4. Whеn I was younger,I(thiпh)I would likе to Ье a сtoсtor. 5. I wish I (hаae)longеr holidays. 6. If oniy somеonе(haue\KarcI'stеlephonеnumЬer! 7' I wish my pаrеnts(srop)treаtingmе like a baby. 8. I wish I (not sау)that to Еmma yеstеrday.
l lф] A,n.*ariе is an Australian rмhohаs livеd and worked in Еuгopе and thе Faг Еast for over ten yеars.In thе reсoгding,she explaiпswhy she lеft Australia, and how shе fееlsabout it now. Read thе quеstions;thеn listеn to the rесordingtwiсе аnd .ltlswегthе quеstiоns. 1. TГhiсhof thеsеrеasonsdid shehavеfor travelling to Еuropс? a. Shеwantеdto еsсapеfrom Australia. Ь. Hеr Darеntswеrе from Еuronе.and shе wantеd to sеЪthеplaсеsthеy."-. finЬ. с. Shеwas in lovе with somеbodyin Еuropе. in Еuroреanhistoryапd d. Shеwas intеrеstеd сultцrе. е. Shеhad relаtivеsin Еuropе. f. Shеthoughtshесould geta beшеrjoЬ iп Еuropе' 2. !7hat is hеr attitudеto Austrаlia now? a. ShеhatеsAustrаliа' b. Shеstill likеs it, аnd would likе to go Ьaсk thеrе to livе one dаy. с..Shеdoеsn'tfееlat homеthеreany morе. d. Shеfeеlsequаlly at homе in Еurope and Australia.
Э put an appгopriaterеIаtivеpronoun (ulho(tn), ulbosе,thаt ot шhicb) into eaсhsentenсe. .Wintеrstоn' 1. Ann I admire еnormously,has bееnnominatеdfоr this yeat'sNobel pгize. 2. Мarie Vigёе-Lеbrunwas a 16th-сеnturyaпist Portraits were world famoцs. 3. our parish сounсil, is еlесtedЬy all the votеrsin the village,hаs not got muсh Powеr ovеr loсаl affairs, F
ll only put in a rеlativeprofloun (шbo(m),that or шhhh) if it is absolutеIynесessаry;othеrwisе|ustput a dash(-). 1. Isn'tthat thе wоman Dianе Krantz intсrviеwеdon thе tеlly lаst night? 2. It,simportant to kеep fit, Ьut you should сhoosеa you епjoyas well. sport'............'.. ....--.'' -..... 3. Мs Senarath, thеprеsidеnt hasappointеd to hеadthе сommission'has sеrvеdon sevеrаl соmmittееsbеforе. 4. Тhе VеgetaЬlе LibеrationFront,........'...'... Was foundеdlast yеar,hаs bomЬеdthrееfоod storеs this mоnth.
FRО\t}iСLq'ТtrС)}i 2 m
Do thesеsеntenсеs soundpoliteoгrudе?
Listеп, аnd mark thеmP or R.
1' Could you sit herе,plеase? 2, Сan I Ьorгowyour pеn for а momеnт,plеasе? 3' Сould you lеnd mе your book,pleasе?
Ч, I Pцt iп сommas(,,)if thеy аre nсedеd.
rl Look at thеsewoгds' In еaсhlist, are all the undеrlinеdletteгs(or grouPsof lеttегs)proпounсеd thе samе,or is oпе diffегеnt?Write S if thеy arr the same'oг write thе word with thе diffетеntsound.
1. SanAntonio'in сentralT.*a'l"' a|argеМеxiсanAmеriсаn population. 2. Fаrmеrs still sometimеsfind bombs in the fiсlds .lVorld whеrе IVаr I took plaсе. 3. Мy aunt'sapplе orсhаrdwhеrеsеvеralrarе birds соmе to nestiп thе spring is oftеn visitedby sсiеntists. 4. we usе the room Ьеtrveеnthe living room and thе dining room as a study.
1. stairs садeless Ьеaдd fail 2'wgх. P4lд sсадеd thщ 3. thеir thgce thеy'rе wеlg 4. Ь!дthplaсе еnviдonmепt figm Ьird 5. сEдtainly thiдd pщplе wщld 6. ga|Iу fuдniturе insцдanсе tцдn
GRA"n/шvtAR 4
pu. eaсh vеrb into ttrесorreсt foгm.
1. Мy grandf.ather(sмdfl physiсsat sесondary sсhool foг four years. 2. Anne (do)physiсsat sсhool for two yеarsnoщ аnd hopеsto go on to do it at univеrsity.
wя," words for д",. ц6аnings.
1. makе morе modern 2. make widеr 3. paid too littlе 4. rathеrrеd 5. someonеwho drives 94
6, spеll wrоngly 7. thе oppositeof аppеаr 8. without сarе 9. еat toо muсh 10. writе again
сi'. an examplеof somеthingthat is:
1. Whiсh of thе following sеntenсesrvould the аuthoгsof thе text agrЪеwith?
1. dеep 2.&у 3. high 4. levеl 5. oval 6. popular 7. soft 8. warm l o
]..Disсovеringknowlеdgeis beyondthе powеr of studеnts. 2. In most сlassroomsthе most important thing is thе Right Answеr. 3. It is Ьеttеrin sсhool to Ьe passivеand aссеptwhat tеaсhеrstеll you. 4. Most of thе quеstionstеaсhеrsask mеan .Gцess whar I'm thinking'. 5. It Ь 19ry impo-rиntfor thе world that politiсians should be rеady to givе instant to "'',*.,i quеstions. 6. Politiсians always givе an answer'еvеnwhеn thеy know nothingabout thе subjeс, Ьесausеof whai thеy and thеir puЬliс lеernt at sсhool. 7. Studеntslearnmore from what thеy say in сlass then from whаt thеy do in сlass. 8. What tеaсhеrsrеallytеaсhis not what they say t!еy a5еteaсhing;.whatthеy rеally teaсhis а rvay of aсting and thinking.
Gio. alr еxampleof somеthingthat сan:
1. be saved 2. be thrown 3. bе won 4. bе worn 5. fly 6. rise 7. shinе 8. takерiaсе l 1 niuiае this list into threеgrоups оf words and expressionsассordingto mеaning. Ьеard сhin еduсаtion eхamination eyeЬrow familу forehеad friеndship husЬand lip mаrгiagе primarysсhоol relаtionship sесondаry suЬjесt tгаining
к..а thе tеxt and do thе tasksthat follorv.
2. Choosе threеof thesеwoгds from thе tеxt and wгitе whаt you thiпk thеy mеаn.
Еxamine thе фpеs of quсstioпs tсaсhеrs ask in сlassrooms, and vou will,find that most of thеm are what might .сonvеrgеnt quсstions,, bu.t.whiсh t."ь,{i.uuу be сaЦеd misht moгс simply Ье сallсd-.Guсjs what I'm thinking, quЁstions.Hеrе are a fеw фat wШ sorrndfamiliar; What is a noun? vyhat wеrе thе thrее сausеs of йе Ameгiсan Civi] War?
aims (liпе 21) reca||(liпe 27) ignorant (liпе 36) faiпtеst(liпe 38\ rеquiгеs(linе 41)
What is thеpriпсipalгivеroГUruguф What Ь thеiеal mеaniлgof thЬ poеm? How manysеtsof сhroйosomеsdo humanbеingshavе.? __io,
iuьj. studеntsmostly do in сlass is.guesswhat thе } tеaсhег wants thеm to saf. Constantiy, thЪy must try to i .'ool" ,ь. Right Answеr. it doеs not sееm to mattеr if thе i 'uЬie6t ь ЕngЪsh or history or sсiеnсе;.mosdy,sftrdеnts/o i йiig. And sinсе it Ь indфuиbly гесoфzеd thаt i 1 5 ;.,;; .сontеnt, of suсh сouгsеs is raгеly ! ihс ostсnsib"}e just { ,"-еmb.'.d Ьеyond thе last quiz, it Ь safе to saу that about thе опly things studеnts lеarn in сlassrooms arе thе l , ,ььg' tьеy'l-еarnЁу шhat thry'do n сlassrooms. What arе whiсh i of noпe many' 20 ,ь.sЕ .ьйЬl н,,, i, u fеw-among aims of i the ur"o',g listй ;;;';'ш.:;.;-irn_d-offiсia1}y ; ii tеaсhегs: idеas to теsponsе - Passi,u"aссePtаnсе Ь a morе dеsirablе 5 l фan aсtivе сritiсism. -zэ - Бь.o"ы"g knowlеdgе Ь bеyond thе powег of studеnts .. ! and Ь, in йy сase,nonе оf феir busiлеss. _ к...Т r, 'ь" Ьiьеst form of intеllесtua]aсhiеvеmсnt, and i .faсts'is thе goal of еduсation. .1 фе соЦесtiono:funrеЬtеd _ Thеrе is always a singlе, unambфous Right Answeг to a Ё ' quеstion. фatсh a man - say' a pоlitiсian Ьеing intегйеwеd.on ; tсlейsion, and you aге obsегving a dеmonstratlon ot what l Ьoth ье.and йis intеrrogatoй iеaгnеd.in sсhool: all fi questions have answеrs, and it Ь a gоod thш.g^to glv.е an :l 35 u'",*". еvеn if thеrе is nonе tо gir'е, еvеn if уou don't 1.i undеrstаnd the quеstion, сvеn if you arе ignoгant ot tnс Havеyouсvетl.зт9 i T.,l} faсtsrеquirсdto ins*ег. .I don't i .I or l.^Tfl say, don't havе фe faintеst idea', ьi"*i.йа .blamе' mеn, not guеss,? doеs oве to Ъu.n еnough know 40 еspесialiy If thеy a.. politiсians, for providing instant tЬ fl q.,Ьsdoos.Thе publiс rеquirеs that.thеy do, *l*..' -ь." tь. pцbliс^haslеarпеd thit insиnt answer giving Ь thе most impЬrtant siр оf an еduсatеd man.. .,.*,-'-"*--я#вщw вщы
LANGUЦGЕ I]ЧtjSЕ; \'{,RiТisG 1 3 сьoosе onе of thеsеtаsks to do. Wгitе аt lеast 150 rvords. .Writе 1. a desсriptionfor your tеасherоf a Ьeаutifцl plaсe whеrе you would lovе to Ье' Try to makе your tеaсhеrfеel what it is likе to Ье in that plaсе. 2, Vrite a letter оf аdviсe to a teеnagеfriеnd (dЪсidе if it is a Ьoy or a girl) who wents to go oцt morе and mееtmorе pеoplе, but who is terribly shy. 3. Think of а pеrson you know and dеsсribеthе pеrsonЪappеaranсeas сomplеtеlyas possiblе,so that an аrtist сould drаw the pеrson from your dеsсriptio1.
sI,Е,Aкl!чG l 4 rvo,l.withanother student. Youmustсhoosе
thrеeеverydayobjесs to dеsсгibеto your partnсr шithout sауing the nаttle of thе object. Your partner will do the same.If you саnt guеssimmеdiatеlywhat your Partner,soЬiес is, ask him/Ъerquestionsthat сan be answerеdYes or No until you сan guеss.
|trom Tеachingas a subvвr'ive aфvitу by triellPostman аnd сharles Weingartne0
Е1 They saw wonderfulthings forgistandfordetail;Writing readingand listening voсabulary; Grammar(tenses); a storyfromseveralsourсes. .Woгk in groups.Your iob is to wгitе thе story of Mаrсo Polо,s iоurnеy tо Сhiпa. You саn gеt thе information you nееd: * *
from the map from thе piсturеs from thе iаpе-rесordingФl from thе grammarеxеrсise from thе tеaсhет (if you ask thе quеstions l in сorrесtЕnglish). You dont nееdto inсludеall thе infoгmatiоnin youг story- iust put in what you think is mostimpoгtant.
GRA}4МAR ЕХЕR'СIsЕ Put iп thе сorrесt tеnsе(SimplеPast, Past Progгеssivе or Pаst Peгfесt).
1. Aftеr thе tц'o Ьrothеrs(rеturп)from China, thеy (plаn)a nеw journеy. 2. Whilе tЬeуftrаuel)to China, Мarсо \hееp)a diary. 3. Мarсo (beсomе| illwhilс thеy(сross) Afghanistan. 4. This (dеlау)them foг а yеar. 5' Aftеr Маrсo (rесover),thеy (go)оn. 6. Sеvеrаltimеsthey (hаue)ю сhangеtheirroutе to avoid wars aпd Ьandits. 7. In Сhina, Мarсo |bесomе)!hе еmpеror'sfriеnd and аdvisеr. 8. !7hile he (шorh)for thе еmPeror,he (trаuеl)a|| ovеr thе Far Еast on impеriаlЬusinеss. 9 . Thе Polo family (stау)in Chinа for fwеntyyеars. 1 0 .In 1292' when thе еmperor(get)old, thеy (dесidе\to rеtЦrnhomе. 11. !7hсn they (аrrivе)in Vеniсе, tьev {tеll)еvеryoпе aboцttheir ехpеrienсеs, and Мarсо {publish|his diary. 12. But pеoplе(tЬiпh)theу|iеi. Nobody \beliеue| thеir fantastiсstoriеsabout thе strangесountriеs theу|uisit)and thе wonderfulthingsthеy (see),
QUЕsтIoNs You сan gсt this infотmаtiоnfrom thе tеасhегif you ask quеstionsin сorгесtЕnglish: 1. Тhе namеsof Marсo PoloЪ fathсr and unсlе. 2. Thеir rеasonfor making thе first trip to China. 3. Мarсo's agеwhеn he lеft Vеniсe. 4. Thе lеngthof thе journеy. 5. Thе datеwhеn thеy arrivеdin Chinа. 6. Thе сouпtriсsto whiсh Мarсо Polo тravеllеdwhеn hе was working for thе еmpеror.
Learn/revise:adviser;age;Asia;business;сity; fue|; с|oth;сoa|;сountry;date;diary;experience; journey;juiсe; (the)ground; liquid; lamp;|ength; market;member;mineral;nut;reason;route;ship; stono;trip;war;аrrive;avoid;beоome(beсame, beсоme);burn(burnt'burnt);сross;deсide;delay; get (forchanges)(got,got);keep(kept,kept);lie plaп;reach;record;reсover;return;spend (|ying); (spent,spent);stаy;take(time)(took,taken);travel (trave||ed); visit;welсome;сivilised;enormous;i||; inside;firebrigade; south-east; offiсial;wonderful; policeforсe;posta|serviсe;the Еar Еast. 97
Е2 Focus on systems contrastivestross; A сhoiсeof exerсisos:five ditfiсultconjunсtions; here/there,come/go. thiфhat/these/those,
4 м case.Lookat thе examplеs,aпd thсn сomplеtе thе sentеnсesп'ith if оr in casе.
t Although.Look at thе examplеsaпd then сhangе the sепtenсеsin thе sаmeway.
I'lI stау аt homе if it rаins. I'tп going ouт,but I'm taking tnу utnbrеIlаin cаse it rаiпs.(=... becаuseit mightrаin,)
Whalеs look likе fish, but thеy arе mammаls. ,Although шhaleslooh like fish, thq аre tпаtпtndls.' I bаte goiпg doшnstаirs if I get thirstу in thе пight, So I likе to tаkе a glаss of шаter up to bеd in сase I Bats сan fly, but thеyarе not birds. gеt thirstу in the night, (=.,, bеcаusеI might get ,Although bаts cаn flу theу arе not bitds., thirsф.) 1' Shе'sa famousaсrеss,tФ shе'svery shy. 1. wе havе insuraпсе thе housесatсhеsfirе. 2' I undеrstandyour fееlings,Ьut I don't agrееwith 2. A driver has to havе insuranсе hе/sheis you. in аn aссidеnt. 3. It was very latе, Ьut wе wеnt oцt. 3. I,ll givе you a ring tomorrow I hаvе timе. 4. I like my work, Ьut I prеfеr doing nothing. 4. I,m tаking somebisсuitsup to Ьеd.....'.'',...... I feеl 5. Switzеrland,Japan and Britаin are all dеmoсrасiеs, hungry in thе nфt. but thеir systеmsof governmеntarе very differеnt. 5. ..'.........''.. Ann сomеs,let'stakehеr out to dinnеr. 6. It was raining, Ьut wе dесidеdto go for a walk. 6. He alwaysсarriesa diсtionary he finds a word he doеsn'tknow. О| you nеedany help. 7. Let mе know '..'............ G АIthough (сontinuеd).Complеtе onе oг morе of 8. ClosethеwindowsЬеforеyou 80 out...........'...' it thе sentеnсеs. startsraining. you breaka 1. AlthoughI loоk ..., aсtuallyI'm ..' 9. SomеpeoplеbеШеvе that....'...'....... 2. I don't know muсh аbout ..,, althoughwе mirror you'll have sevеnyеers' bad luсk. study/studiedit at sсhool. 10. Ъst thе Ьathwatеrbeforeyorrgеtin, ..'..'.....,..,. itЪ 3. I'm not muсhgoоd at ...ing,althoughIтea||у too hot. likе it. t 4. Although I likе tЫs сountry)I dont think muсh Э whether. Look at the ехamples аnd thеn of ... сomplеtefiPo or moге of thе sentеnсеs. 5. AirhоughI likс languаgеs, i find ... diffiсulr. 6. Although... I'm not surе ulhеthеrI like this rnшsiсor not' 7. ..., althouф ... I hаuen'tdеcidedшhеthеrI шаnt to go to London or Scotlаndпехt шеehend. Саn tl уou tell rnе шhether this is the right traiп fot €-.so thаt,Lookat thе eхamplеsдnd сompletеthe Belfаst (or not)? sеntеnсes. 1. [,m not surеvlhеthеrI likе ... А Frеnсhttan laеnt oп bolidау to Cаliforпia. He 2. I'm not suтеwhetherI ... or not. boughtа bus pаssso tbat he could trаuеlcheаplу.Hе 3. I havеn'tdесidеdwhеtlrеrI want to ... tooh аIl his laggаgеin а baсhpасh,so thаt hе сoшld 4, Сan you tell me whеthеr...? gеt aroind easilу, 5. I wondеrr,vhethеr ... will ... or not. 1. He took a tеnt .. . 2. Hе toоk a сamere..' 3. Hе took plеntyof monеy ... 4. Hе took an Еnglishdiсtionaгy... 5. Hе took swimmingtrunks ... 6. Hе took a paсk of сards ... 7. Hе took а pen and papсr ... 8. Hе tоok ...
o uпlеss, Look at thе еxamplеs and then сompletе two or moге of the sеntеnсes. Hе'll tаke theiob anlеsEthеpау,stoo loul, (=... if tbе pаf{ioтxoo loш.) Unlеss I'tn luchу I'tтl goiпg to fdil mу e'сntt's. (=If I'm not luсkу .,.) 1. гll ... nехt weеkепdunlеss... 2. UnlеssI gеt somеmofе monеy soon' ... 3. ... unlеssI phonеyou. 4. Unlessthе govеrnmеnt..., pеoplewill ... 5. I won't maffy you unlеss... 98
Р9] Lоok at thе dialoguе: siх pеoplе arе I оrdеring dеssеrtin a rеstaurant.Whiсh woгds do yоu think arе esресially strеssеd?Сhесk with thе гeсording and praсtisе the dialоguе. w: Whatwouldyou like fordessert? д: |'l|havea |emoniсe сream' в: |,|lhаve a strawberryiое сream. о: And |'l|hаve some strawberry tаrt' o: l think|,|lhаve applepie and сream, в: Appleрie Without сream'or me, p|ease' г; App|etart,p|ease. w: Coffee to lollow? д: Whiteоoffeevrrith sugar,piease' в: Blасkwithsugar,p|ease. о: B|aсkwithoutsugar' o; l'||hаvewhiiewithoutsugаr,p|easе, в: Cаn I havetea withоutsugar,pleasе? whiсh wоrds do yоu think arе еspесiallу strеssеd in this tеxt? We spеaktwо kindsof Еnglishin my fami|y:I sрeakBritish Еnglish'butmy wifesреaksAmeriсanЕnglish.We speak someother|anguages'too.l spеakGermanаnd Frenсh, whilemy wifеspeaksSpanishand French.Mу sisterspeаks Sрaпishаnd Russian,and my elderbrothеrspеаksRussian and a litt|eChinese.Мy youngerbrothersрeaksquitёgood Chinese.
bееп ,,Thе1,саll rпе l-uаitеl.,.but,уou'uе ъuаitiпg|or hа!| аa Doшr.
сhoo,. thе right word.
A:; тHAт
тHts тHЕsЕ ,i
тl-lЕвЕ GO
HЕRЕ сOlvlЕ l
1. I'd likе to сomе/goaway fог a holiday soon. 2. You fi|u$ сorпе/gоаnd sееus againsoon. 3. LеtЪ aI|conое/go 4nd seеНarrv this wееkеnd. 4. I'vе fоund sоmеthingvеry strange.Сomе/Ga and havеa look. 5. I'm afraidМrs Barnesis busуjust nor,l''Сould Ьaсk tomorгоwmorning? уou сonzе/go 6. .Nеwportз61,428.,.Hеllo, is Неlеn herе/thеrе?' .I'm sorry. She'snot hеr"/thеre 1ustnaw,, 7. .Моrеton 714З8., .Hеllо, this/thаtis Judith.Is this/thаtРau|?' 8' .Do you know Сanada?' .Nо. I'vеnevеrbееn here/thеre', 9 ' ,This/Tbаlis a niсе flat. And I likе thе furniturе.' 10' .I'm glad you likе it. I сan't rеmеmЬеr- havс you Ь eеnhеrelthеre Ьefore?, 11. .No',/lzls/thаtis the first timе.' 12',T7aуeyou sееnthis/thаt?,.Y/hаt?' ,Inthis/thаt mоrning'spapеr.Look!' 13. I'll nеvеrforgеtthis/thаtmоrning,nеarlytwenty yеarsago,whеn I first salv Мrs Nеwton. 14. Listеn to this/thаt.You'll еnjoyit' ItЪ a great piесeof musiс. 15. WhoЪ this/thаtovеr thеrе? is i6. Jаnе,I'd likе yoti to mееiPеiеr.Pеtеr,t|.lis/thаt my friеndJanе. 17. .HowЪyour lunсh?' .OK, Ьut I dоn,tlikе osеpotatoеsmuсh.' thesе/th pеoplеyou wеrewith last 18. \Vho wеle thеsе/those night? сheеsеpies wе usеd 19. Dо you rеmеmЬerthesе/those то buy in Parikia} trоusеrs?' .Thеy 20. .Нow dо 1,6uL1kethеsеlthose rеallysuitvоu.' baсkpack;bird;bisоuit; Learn/revlse:acсider.lt; сoftee;сream;demoсraсy; сamera;(b|aсldwhite) fish;government; fee|ings; dessefi;diсtionary; mamma|; insuranсe; lemon;(bad)luоk;|uggage; mirror;pасkof саrds;paУToun):strawberry; trunks;system;tent;umbrella; sugar;swimming break(broke,broken);сarry;сatсhfire(оaught' сaught);deсide;fail (anexam);getaround(got' got);hate;tеst;wonder;famous;hungry;shy; so that; whether; сheaply;a|thоugh; thirsty;actuaIlу; go giveп); (gave, givе ring sbdy a in саse; unlеss; fora walk.
Thеу ouеrсotlk thе tнrhеу iпdiuiduа l \' аt 1'our tаblе,',
Е3 Цoking forward Тhe languageof prediоtion;witl/shat1гu.u," р",тй thоfuture;readingskills;guessingunknown Words;disсussion. m Read thе teхts without а diсionaгy .l , to thе гесording.Sаy *i"tyo.' thйk;}:;i;Ь аnd listeп thе.soltg^"D,o r9u likе oг disfikс .- *. чo.ч:nd any of thеm?Do you ha.vеany other o"ыoosi
l ',!
ffififfiffi" 1
нffi.дl*р*;gд6' (w.в. Yeаt8)
WARNING und gn*y \\uЬ",, you aгe "ld Sinсеl stiЦаpprесiateуou' Lеt's find lovе rvhilе we ma.v' BесausеI kпorvl'1l hatеуou Whеrr у'ouarе old and grеy. So savyoц lovе mе hегеand norv' l'il tnЪkеthе mostof that; Sevvou lovе and tnrst me, Fo.i kno* vou'lIdisgust.mе Whqn you,rеold and gеttingfat.
Youг teеthwill startto go, dеаг' Your wаistwiЦ startto spгеad. In гwеnгy1'earsoг sо,dеаr,. I'Ц wish йat you wеrеdсad' I,ll nеvrг lor,еyou thеn at all Thе way 1 do todаy' i".'r.iJ. r"m.mйг, whеnI lеavein Deсеmbег, I юld you so iп Мay.
^fl-'T:ff##fi"f,,',Тf}Ёmo th n's nЬxes. ii*,..lj}.ffi:tri*{'.*ffi
(froma songbyтom Lehr€r)
а 4 Choosе one of thе tеxts аnd rеad it again, still .Writе without a diсtiоnaгy. down all thе woгds you dont know. Can you guеsswhat any of thеm might mеan?Undеrline thе woгds you hаve рessеd, and сomparеyouг guessеswith anotheтstudеntwho is геadingthе samеpoеm. Thеn usе a diсtionary to сhесk аny words ihat you want to. ,l
o writе your own .warning'oг.pгomisе'about whаt you will do (and not do) when you'rе old. Usе somеor all оf thе following stгuсtrrres. !ИhеnI am old.I will ... will ... willnot... will (пot)bе aЬlеto .'. will (not)haveto ... (don'r)supposе I will ... doubtif I will ... аm surеI rмill(not)... might...
5 w.*к ь gтoups.Еaсh gгоup must сhoosеonе of thе tollowing suЬjесts,and spеnda quartеr of an hour disсu.ssingit. Тhсn a mеml'еi of еaсБgгoup must teШ . thе сlаss whаt thе group has dесidеd. !Иhаt sort of lifе dо old pеoo.lehavе in yоur sосiеty? How-сould soсiеtymake things bеttеrfor old pсoplе? What will the housing situation bе likе in 50 уеars' timе? !Иhat.kind of gаmesand sportswill pеoрlе play in 200 yеars) How will shoppingwork in 50 years'timе?TИill peopiеstill usemonеy?If not, what will thеу usе instеаd? !Иhat do yoц think edцсationwill Ье likе 100 years from now? !Иhatwill ... be likе in 100 yеаrs?(Yourсhoiсеof suЬjeсt.)
(t.ioтв:Instеadof,I шill, you сan useI"ll ot I shаll if' you want to.)
4 сhoo,. fivе of the following prediсtions, and say whethег oг поt you agrее with them. Add thrее moгe pгediсions of your оwn. lN тHЕ YЕAв зoo0 Еverybodywil|speаkthe samo |anguаge' вooks Wil|no longerexist. Тherewi||be no re|igion. Most enima|saпd birds Willbв extinсt' Peoplewil|be ta|lerаnd stronger. Peop|ewill|ivemuсh|ongerthannow. Lаrg€ partsof the worldwi||be uninhаbitable. Тhе wor|dwil|be serious|yoverсrowdеd. Familieswil|be |imitedto one сhi|d. Тherewi|lbe а wor|dgovornmeпt. Тhвrewillbe no suсh thingаs moneyТherewi||be no shops. Privаtehоuses wil|not eхist. Privateсars wil|not exist. Nobodywill work. BY ТHЕ YЕАR з00o Wаr wil|haveсome to an end. Тhe йor|d'sоlimatewi||hаve оompletelyсhanged. Po|itiсa|systemswi|lhave beсomemoredemoсretiо, We will have с.o|onised otherolаnets. Тhe prob|emol Worldhungerwill have been so|ved.
shall and will (l'll) lshall/will youwill(you'll) he/she/it will(he'lletc.) we shall/will(we'll) theywill(they'll)
Usеful exprеssionsand stгuсtures: I doп'tthink ... will (havе)... I don'tsupposе... will (havе)... : I'm surе/сertain that ... will (not)... It's,.. likеly* | that'.. will.:. not vеry likely" I -.l unlikеlv
сoпtreclвd negatives won't shan't
LearrVrevise:a|arm;beauty;bel|;c|imаte; game;glove;hunger;member;plаnet;' eduсation; problem;promise;;'eligion; sandal;shadow; situation;s|ipрr; soсieф;stick;waist;Warпing; youth;вxist;piсkflowers;so|vв;spit(spat'spat); (un)likely; demoсrAtiс; limited;overсrowded; private;public;uninhabitable; seriously;forward; instead;no longer;no suсhthingas; a quarterof an houг;in 50 years;in Ф years'time;50 yearsfrom now;by theyear3000.
u.'y p'ЬbаЬl.' I
quitеprobablе. I ' I possible
-i i'j .:;.;ii.:,:
/ '(: :"r.al1a:; lijinll
Readingskil|s;readingfоrgist,readingformainideas,guessing wordsfrom сontext;voсabu|ary сhoiоe;wlitingskiils:writinganсipo|ishing Jnаrrative. l. in 1989 the Оbsеn,ernеwspaperaskеdrеadеrsto sеndin йеir еxреriсnсes оf сoinЪidеnссs in thеirоwn iil'еs"Thс nеxt yеаrthеypublishеdsomеof thе storiеs тhеyгeсеivеd.Нете arе thrееоf thеm.Rеad thеm wilhо*t.а diсtiоnarт'.Whiсh опе is thе mоst !аterеsting? 'nаc :n thе L nltеd Sl:т+. еI1сРUl1f.еr ti:l'пds Тlrс i.. cеli'еr а leпеr' ;;;.;i; l . " l . - ' ' : , ' .n L . i i i l t h с t е i с р } . . t . г . .
^ 1 S}l.\LL rч:оRrР. .l..,;...з' ;;''';.j,".:":::.Е1: l::- ;i;::...;. .Гrr.е;l;'.
hе hаd ;;c. n..irо.d.; ,эе.:rr }.е;rs ;.; PF-\ hеiрhir... at'iе-iо * - . - ' H . nll . ";;;h; "i.*i*",.,. .lT::l" Тi:.lliij],J:; "'i"j ' h u o ' . J : ; е ' . h с ] е t t с т : l i ц . а t :'i;
. 1 n ' 'е i i s l .
l.!isit.rlаt: lа.,..
s:il] I . .i.i;;,;.;l .i .... .сзn ;;;;'i;;; тhс :}rlсk. :hе "ili.'.r. susрiсltlг.]li' :: :lх;: i.iс hinr а.,<еc.;;;.i;llа ..,-Ugi l цir}
s- pа ,.i:.i.i-rаg' r r .i t i 1 - ( l с с ' . . . . . -\ , . . h е l ' ] . rрLr:ts shог rгhо hао егtсJrt ; i . '. t . t l ; . ; " . ; , , \ m.эе:
,r:г.rtо: slrnе lci.:сс. '.-..is'i'.,lз а iт bе ail яght t.l sеnd .'i lhе tiiughlет th. i.. i".'l.,.. .'..',tl. sra'.ing riit-\.сt. i"".l;i. i.. l'э beсn '..rpl i! оr'ег ilrе соnsidсr iroura .i"'.t' nrm. -iйс rеassurеJ Еls!оb ..\.еniоn tО .\nrегi.а:l rhсn tо тiг.c ihе r:nаL'lе .,' i*-ьJь""n a !:n,jng rтiаn iо rr.ho$ ;:;;;;i
+ ,t, q
\r,.аs ' ' . j . .irn,i]0ss1hiе' .it]^'
a :igni[tсаirt Alj "..'r. .oin.i.i",.l*. Еi..tс:.nсоmnrеnts. ц . a sh i s а l i r с : s . ]i...*]]'.' " , n t еrdn c t t } ] с A т г . е r i с д ' . l ;;l''i ;;.'.. оthеr |..]i,' 1l hа.'.сnо ехрianаtiоп сhenсеs. .lо milliсn а rrl .n. ifi." a;nlll:(rn сОtтiе Ltг \)i]е iп
., ** .i* *тffi ii:",.'. т'i{ ,i
ffi **ffi
аivаJ'thе in;u|i". ]
.;r .rl,'i' l:
. il
'l* tvh,t аrе thе mаiп pоints? Do thе tаsks; vоu сап lооk bасk at thе stоriеs. j1сii,is д rulnnlа:r.t:l illе fiгst sltlr1; l. ilr,sr si:.rl,),'. ц'iгh пr:sr:rkеs.Со'.-.r-jt. с
lтr|.!]i11q rr.h..;rrhr
.: Writс at lсast 100 rroids аbtrutonе оf thсsе subiесts.\Yhеrl r.ou finish, схсhangеstoriеsп.ith anotlrеrstudепt.Rеad thе оthеr studеnt'sstоry and ask trт.оoг lтlоrе quеstiоns about rvhat happеnеd. ] . \ \ . г i t еа Ь о i l t а с о j l с i d е r r с еr h з r h . r sh а р p е n с dt t l ()r s{]n]с()llс \:(.)Lt r'оii kntrrr.. 2. \\/ritеiiL'tiutа big sr.rгpгtsе iп r.сlrtrlifе igсlrэс1 ог D а t ]] .
.;. \{.ritсaЬout a lrrеmоrаi.liе trip voit lravе madе i Г ' lе ; l s а : l t г r r 1 1 р ; r i 6 ' 1 1l5i ;д, ,
I npmQ,r
.j... Ltltтkbасk at tire storiеsfгош Ехеrсisс 1. Nоtiсe }rorvtlrе dеviсеs in thс Ьох агс usеd. Г)isсцssvr.ith vоuг рartnеr frorn Ехеrсisе 4 rvhеrhсг votl сan impгоrе \.ouгstоiY lэ1'using sоml. o[ rhеsсdсviссs. Раst ])гсrgгсssi\,с rrnsе + !t,'i:сl.: + Simрi: Р,r.srrеnsе I);lstI)егfссtr.:r.,sс Dir.iсling, tlrс stоrv il1tOрaгagfаPhs . . ji1Сссn i)iгссr qlr'е'lr lir iгli j iгil гср{:)l.:L.(i Rе]аtivссltltlsеsrr.irhlr.irо,tt'hQm.r.i:.l/, зrld u-ith
. а l l d t h е t . а ; : сs t i i l ' . .' ' , .i i .
З, Ttэirl 'l,i;i-..::finish iirс -;itllt.rlагt.' \ iгs \tаi. Bldrпerl .,1'*'-igс'..:ktЬе irаil
I t10rr1l2
.. ' L)l-rе
] ) r ( ) l t ( ) tn С,сlпjuпсгiоns |iке вltr], iltlt
r , ' а i i i ! ' 1 i r l . ] L . s i l с L . . с ' g . : l l. . .
Ti-h::гithс-ri'tit.rзгl'i.".еd.'. Тjlе рi-rlрiэ :;r \Il.s B . t d i : l : i n .сs, l i i i . l ; ] -. , . . Ь l . r . . '
..ii Guеsslng rvогds trl.lm сОl1tех!' Do rhе tаsks fоr сaсh stоrт. ,l. Fr;.-tf.rr.,,,i';]Ооi( i'lrсk ri ti.'' iехt. :.tпdrr..аtсlrtlrе l.''t;riisаnd ехрrеssitlns in thе flrst соl;mil rl-itlr ihеir n.lеаlringsiл thс sссоllсi сoiuпrr.r.rJ-hсrе arе t1\,mсanlliss' i t(]О::1(l ,l . ;'ссit]еrlrаl l]lееting а. еI1сollnтеr 2. rdеa aboui tirс саusе оt b. о.,'..гlhr- rоp sопiсrilrtig с. siltvэr j sL::t.liсiо;r .]. nс.гt'оuslашghtс,гат somеthing rirаi is ;-rоt rеal11 tutrn1.
4. shаkirig, rhаthаppeпswhеn s()mе()nе is аflаi.l оr shrхkеd
. 5 .t о r l с h е а г f о г t h r s i t u а т i о t r fоr гhе 6' lосl е,хрепsir.е sltuatloli
find rvoгds
Leаrn/revise: аdviсe tunсountablе)'a:"nbulenсе' b o o k i n gс; a r r i a g eс; o ! n с i d r n с ee;n с o u n t e rh' a b i t (of);passеnger;shlver;surprise;sllspiоiоn: approaсh:astcnisn:bleеd teleрhоnedireстоry: сrаsn: (b|ed'b|ed):Dook.: сanсel (сanсelled): оссur (oссUrreсl) dеlivеr;hu11(hur1,hur1);interview: p u b l i s ht:u r no u l ;f a v o u r i t ei n: j r r r e dm: i d d l е . а g e d , sеriollslу;аs usuai:|oveаt fur1her; shаken;\rr/orse: firstsight.
4. ,4|l tЬе stariеs:ц.t.itесiоlvli а iist оf fivе rvоrds that у'ouwоuld.[ikеtо look rrр in thе diсtiоnaгr..Shoц' yоur list to а Гд11nс'". rеаsol.lsfсlr arrddisсuss\.(;!L]г сhoоsing rlrс rt,огdsvоri diii. Lосlk thс rl,oгсisr'rp аftеr сlass.
_ttr -)
Ж$ l don,t know muсh about art, l.l Listeningforgist;askiпgforandgivingopinionsaboutari;.er and-orwords: i prоnunсiation passivequеstiоnswithfiпа|prepоsitiоns; of the |etterr'
s Е Li,..,, tо thе first рart of thе rесoгding.Тhе pеоplе arе all talking abоut thе samеpiсtuге.\&Ъiсh сrnеdо you think it is?
* ooyоu likе аny оf thеpiсtuгеs?Whiсh dо you likс Ьеst(or lеast)?sЪat kind of piсtuгеsdо you likе?
Nот'iistеn to thе sесondpaгt.Whiсh piсturеarе thеy talking aЬout}
& l$
sfatuеS\ сomроsеr plays \ pottеr filrпs writеr \ .\ \\ асior musiс \ sсulprоr Ьooks pottеfy dirесtor piсrurеs pаintеr
Wbo ш,аsThе Third Мап dirесtеdbу? . Wba ш'аsTom Sаuryеrш'rittеnb1,i 'Wlэo ulаs Саtmеп сoft7posеdbу? r^
Сan yошfind words endingin -er f.arthс fоl!оwiвg? a plrson whо dгivеs sоrnеЬodуrvho dаnсеs a Pеfsonwho сlimЬs a реrsonц,hо buildshоusеs somеbodyrryholооks akеt a gardеn somеbоdyrvho piаys fооtball а Pеrsоnwhо sings sоmеЬоdуwho runs someЬоdyrvhо с!еалs 4 щ Гtonunсiaтioп.Тhе lсttеr r сomеsin all оf thеsеsiхtеепwоrds. IrrstаndаrdBritish Еnglish, r is оnly pronовnсеdin six оf thе rvords.Whiсh siх? piсturе poпеr pottеry pаrr hurry first fat fourtееп forеign tirеd
Palntеr rEns гeаl trУ wоrd modеfn
Pronounсеthеsеwords and ехpressiоns. оrdеrеd wondеred аnsк,еrеrJ prеfеrrесi rеmеmЬеrеd сovеrеd rnatтеrесi
f; Ei.!
t1, gtu
4 ,1
Э Wоrk jп gтoups.\Х,'ritеtеn quеstiоnsеndingin ty аbout books, films, ruusiс efс. Thеп tеst othеr studеnts.Еxamplеs:
Мatсh rvогdsfrоm rhе twо сolumns.
QD work qrith thrее or foшrоthеr studеnts.Chооsе оnе оf тhеquеstiоnsbеlоw. Yоц rnustmakе surе that all t}rеоthеr studеntsiп yоur group сxprеssthеir oрiпionsoп thе quеstiоnyошhavесhosеn1. Чrhat is vour favоuritеpаinring,оr photograph,оr filпi, оr rеlеvisiоnрrоgrаmmе?!Иhat is ir ihai makesyоu like ir so muсh? 2. !Гtratdо yоu think оf nаtioпalmusеums?Shоuld thеir соnrеnrsЬе sоld аnсi tirе rnonеyusесito help oid pеоplе,pооr pеоplе,eiс,} 3. If you wеrеa рainrеrоr sсulptоr;lоursе!f,what sort of thingswоuld yоu iikе tо paiпt/sсшipt? 4. Dо yоц think that thе statuеsand оthеrи,оrksof art that havе bесntakеnfrоглplaсеslikе Grеесе and Nigеria shоuidЬе rеturnеdtо thеrn?!Иhy {шоt)l 5. фоuld yоu гаiherlivе in a Ьеautifu]оlсi buiiding ц,ithnо tift оr сеnral hеatrng'оr a dui!-iooking Ьuildingwith еvеrymоdernсоnvеniепсе? \Vhy? 6. Do voц гhink all art mаkеsa poiiтiсaistзtеmеIit? \t/hyinot)? :f
paintеrhas paintеrtаkеs paiпtеrmаkеs paintеr lеavеs paintеr сovеrs paintеrаsks painrегеmptiеs paintеr isn't pаinrer оrdеrs раintеrundеrstаnds ft:;t,t':i
Learn/revlso: асtor;ar1;сomposer;соntents; lift;musоum;painter;paiпtin$iрiсture; direсtor; play;potter;pottery;sсu|ptоr;snow;stalem€nt; statue;writer;с|ean;сompose;direсt;|oоkafter; dul|. paint;po|itiсal; raturn;sсulpt;bright(сo!ours); national;raal;contrаl rпodern; lоoking;favoцrite; te{evisiоп t.reating; everymоdernсonvепienсe; p!.ogrammё; wоrkof аrt. 105
ЖffiFосtдsФmsystems A сhoiсeоl eхercises:relаttvewhatandthedifferenсe brtweenwlзat,whiсhand i r,оweldiffеr.еnсеs; hеaringunstressеd . that:spellingandprоnuпсiatioп; syllabies:, to say eхpressions Withnumbers. i hо.,.r i
GRA4'I\,{ARlЕ.ЕLAТivЕ wFIАTAi\-]Dw?IIСЕf .ч .g
Rеrvritе thе sеntеnсеsusingtabаt. Еxamрlеs:
Т.hеthing that I rlееdis sоmеthingtо еat' \\lhаt l пееd is solтlеthiпgto eаt. Yoi'l tlt-istп'tL'еiiеi.сthе things that аrе in tirе nе11:sр1aрегs' rпustti'tli,Jliеi,еu.'hаtis iil th,Jпе'L,sDаDеrs' \,<.lц 'i. )rc r-o.ig'еrdlе гhingsтlrэt .''сurl,.atrrеd fоr Сiiristrnasi 2. I.m stlr:гуаi:оut rhе rhing tirat I sаid tо Yоti last r,ighr. ;. Тhat сhtjd lr'iii havе tо p.аt for thе rhirrgsthаг hе iэrоkе. 4. Таhе rhе tirrngstilai vоu rr.ilitt. 'i, Lапgriаgе is t,liеrhing ;ilat lтial'lеspеоplе ditЬrеnt liс;nr alrimals. 6. Тhе rhing tlrа'trеaii1.axn,J1.s mе аЬout Jаrrеis hеr sеifishnеss. r. ТLе th!ng thаl i iji,lс, аllt:urРсtс :s ]rissеllsеLrf
ililп:о uг.
i l . ' - .:
ii .',rr.tfil.' ., сt 6 Complеtе fwo or morе оf thеsе. I , I''
Whаt n с е d n o r v i s . . ' '!7hat l i k е а b o u t. . . i s . . . !flhаt i o v е a b o u t . . . i s . ' . !(hаt d i s l i k еa b о u t . . ' i s . . . !Рhat h a t еa Ь o u t . . . i s . . .
а # vъ usеtbаt, nat tlhаt, iп thеsеthrееsеntеnсеs. What makеsthеmdiffеrепtfrom thе sеntеnсеs in Еxеrсisеs1 and 2? i' I'll giveуou er.еrt'tlring that yоu lvant. {...Lffi/
\,otl lllt,lstll't bеliеt''е ш'hаt is iп thе пеtuspаpars.
2. Y.oubеliеl'еmе _ that'sall thаt mattеrs. j r... al|rthat-matteеу. З' Nоrhing that you saу.u'ill mаkеmе сhangеmy rnind.(@) 106
4 w, useшhiсh, кat u]hat'in thеsеtwo sеntrnсеs. \Vhat makеs thеm diffегentfтom thе sсntenсеsin Еxeгсises1and2l
1, Hе рassеdhis еxam,whiсh surрrisedeveryЬody.
r lР9| wьiсh woгd in eaсh group hes a diffеrеnt " vowеl souпd?
2. Shе сyсlсs 50 milеs еvеrywееkеnd,whiсh is prеtty good for a woman of 50. (@) Connесt thе sentеnсeswith ц,hich.Eхamples: Hе passedhis ехam. This suтprisеdevеrybody. He pаssedhis exаttl' шhiсh surprisedeuеrybodу. Shеhad to work very long hours.Shehatedit. She hоd to шork uery loпg hours, ulhich she hаted.
1. еarth world wear Ьird 2. game waist peid said 3. glove push muсh luсk 4. youth round group too 5. kind Ьuild fist stiсk 6. сaught dralv all most 7, seat brеak mran week 8. wефt mеant bгeak main
1. It rainеd thе wholе weеkеnd.This mеant wе сouidnt go сamping. m Horшmаnywoгds do you hеaг in еaсh J8 2. Shе got married vеry young. It worriеd hеr pareпts. (Coпtrасions|ike don,t сount as two sentenсе? .Thank you, for hеr birthday 3. Shе nеvеr said woгds.) present.This madе me angry. 4. Thе room is very noisy.This makеsit diffiсult to сonсеnlraЕе. VOсABULARY: NUМBЕRS. 5. Wе havе to wеar suits in thе offiсе. I don't likе this. MЕASURЕМЕNT AND МO-NIЕY 6. Hе wants to work in advertisinя.This doesn'tsеem e good idеa to me. s Э
9 оo youknowhowto saythеseexpressions?
work in grouPs'end thеnсhесkrr,iththеtеaсhег.
put ln шbаt, |hat or шhicb.
I wantеd! 1. Thanks - that'sехaсtly .......rеally upsеtmе wаs thе way 2. The thing .....,. shе spokеto Philip. wasn,ttruе. 3. Hе told hеr he lovеdher, 4. You саn have evrrything is in thе fridge. 5. .....'...'.'...' I neеdis a laгgеdrink. shеdid. 5. I was surprisedЬy .''............ 7. Hе said he wаsnt hungr,v, is what usually happenswhen I сook him somеthingniсе. 8. I understoоdaЬsolutelynothing hе said. you want аnd ........'.,..... you'rеgoingto gеt 9. ,,.,'.,',...... are two diffеrеntthings' 10. It snorллed a littlеаt thеwееkеnd,.......'..',.'.. сausеd сompletеdisorgаnisationon thе railways. ar
o гiш in thе gaps in йе lеttег,aпd сhooseЬetweеn uthiсh, шhat and thаt. Darling Pеtеr, I'm soгryto haveto tеll you that Daddy hes ..., шhiсh/шbаtmеansthat we will all havеto ... I hope yori got еverythingulhаt/thatуou wаnted {or Christmas.Mum gavеmе e ,,., шhiсhlшha,shows that shеthinks I'm ... But still, itЪ just шhаtlthаtT nееdwhеn I go ..'ing. Anniе ... a ... last weеk' шhiсh/шhаtupsetМum so rnuсhthat shе ... . How is your ...? I didn't mеanшhatltbatIsa\d' aЬout it . it's really vеry niсе, in a strangеsoгt of way, but itЪ a piгy it ... Lovе, Gеraldinе
1,436 1,000,000 1,000,000,000 9|ю
31+46 64-З2 17Y87 100+10 5% 30.с 90oF {,1,.2s $2.40 40km 70kg 15lb 25m 60ft 4 sal 75 mph 6 ft 3 in 30 kph а 40 km iourney a f,S note a 500 gm paсkеt the уear t964 thе yеer 1400 Мaу 14,7728
l o s"" ifyou сanгеadthisaloud. A man drivesat 40 mph up to a 9'Ф0 ft mountainpass. Тhв distaпсefromthe bottomof th€ mountainto the Рass is 7 m|les.Havingсrossed thв pass, tho man averages43 mph on the desс€nt, whiсh|astst7'5 min and finishesat 2,000 ft. lf thejourneystartsat 1'740 t| above sвa lвvo|at 10 а.m'' аnd thg оa/s petrolсonsumptionis 24 mpg' аnd the temperature drops14.C duringthe оlimb,and if the man i6 6 ft 3 iп tall,75 kg in weightand 5.tyears o|d,how muоh potrolis leftin the tank at the end?
billion; Learn/rэvlзo:hundred;thousaпd;mi||ion; half;quartвr;third;fraсtion;deсimal;one pointfivэ (1.5);p|us;minus;multiply; multipliэdby;divide; dividedby;perсont;dogree;CeIsius;Centigrade; pound;dollar;kilometre(US kilometeO; Fahrenhsit; ki|o(gram); mile;foot;inch;ga|lon;ki|ometreУmiles an hour/per hour;note;paсket;average; ta|l. distanсe;Weight; tвmporature;
trxYошсarъsay thаtagaiп grammar; tags,shortanswers, l eхpressiоns; Listeningforgist;ооnvеrsatlоnal lo|,|э,Jand/etl;speakingрraсtiсе' replyquestions; l рrоnunсiation:
Li,,"n fо thе соnvегsatiоn. \Уhеrе ехaсtlу dо yоu think it takеs plaсе?
luсY: Sо l said' wеll'I said' if thаt'swhaiуоu ihink'therо's nothingmuсhl саn do aboutil, is ihеrе?| mеаn,you оап'tp|easeeverybody,оanyоu? l never Nо, dear,of сourseyou сan't.We||,frank|y. [.-lдaY: ехpeсtanythingirom men.l mean,theу'reаi|the same,аreп'tthеУ? LUсY; Yоu Йn € а y ihаtagaiп'Mary.Wеll' anyway'_ .lОi-tN:Ехсuseme _ LU0Y; . th6nhe wantedto gо and ser оr}eоf his оid - оr rather, gir|friends vchо|ivesin Birmiпghаm Wolverhampton. .:ОНl't:Ехсuseme,ооuiсj! havea timetаbiеfоrlйanсhester' Е|ease? мAпY: Did hе realiy? LUOY: sо l said' yоuОango and seе hеt.ifyou like* N4АfiY:Yёs, JОl.]N:He||o! LUОY: _ butdoп'teхgeсime to bе herеьтhеnyou gеtbaсi{. 'jОНl.j:Еxсuseme.You do wоrkhere,dоn,tyоu? i"':днy;Workhere?oh, yrs, fove.We ijо,yes. So whatdid hе sаy tо zhal?
LUOY: Wr|l,rеa|ly!Тhere'snо needto shout,deаr'We'renоt deaf.Нэre you are.Whеrewas |? oh. yas. Sо he said he WasEoingto go аnyway- at |oast,he didn'tsay he wasn't... for Maпоhestсr, JoНN; Nо, a timеtаb|e пoi Birmiпghаm, l you seё. wanttо gо to Mаnсhester, LU0Y; I beg yourpardon? пotBirmingham. JОНN: пЛaпсhestеr, LUоY: Wei|,makeuр yоurmind,dear.Hегеуou ere.So then l Weгitto stаyWithmy sistеrfоrа week, f,{AnY:Did Уоц.?Yоu said yоu might' LUсY: Аnd i metthis boy. MAвY:You didn,t! LUсY: Yes, l did.t' rea|iyniсeguy.Нe's thе rnanagerоf a musiсshoр _ at least'he,sgоiпgto be nextyеar' .'loнш:Еxсuseme. This is a tinnetаbir forWo|verhamptоn. LUсY: Just a miпuie,dear. ANNoUNсЕfi:Тhe nexttraintо arriveat p|atform 3 wilibe thё deiayеd10.56sеtviсefоi l'lаnоhester,..
l'fulsoпRY тc INтЕRFiUPтYOUR vЕRY lЬrРoптАNт DlsсUsslot.l' BUТ сOULD | НAVЕ A тlt'iЕТАвLЕ,PLЕASЕ' !Е
*tr#ffi ::1)
& 6 Flеrе aгr somе woгds and ехprеssiоns frоm thе соnvеrsation. Wh;, arе rhеy usеd? Маtсh еaсh оnе тpitirits rпеaning or purPоsе in thе сопvегsatiоn.
1. Тhеrеisn'tа wаiting-rОom hеrе,'.....'. ....... thеrе? 2, Yоu don't want tо trаvеlоn Sundaynight, . . . . , . , , . y. .o. u, .?. . 3. Thеsеtrainsarеrеallydirty,,.....,.,...,.. тhеу? 4. .I rvasn'trrу.ingrо fravеlwithouta riсkеi'' 'No, оf соursеyou '...'...,.......' 5, .Yоu havеfastсnеdyоur safеryЬеit, . .y o u ? ' . Y е sI, ' . . . . ' . . . . ^ , ' . . . . ' 6, .I'd]оvетo gОto India'' yоu rеally?' 7' ,| flеwtо A4iamiiast wееk.' .Yоu . ' . . . . . . . . . .' .Y' е ! 's , L............', 8' .I'll Ьс iп Cardifi nехt mtrnth''{'.' you? Нow lопg fоr?' 9. .I'mtryingtо gеtа jоЬ аs аn air hostеss'' you;' .I сепаinlу..'..','...,',.' 10. .Еxсusеmе. Сап you hеlpmе wjth rтy luggagе?' .I'rпsorr,v.I'm afraid I '' '. ..,. . . justat thе
\1ОRDs.q}.DЕХPRЕsslОNs \lЪll, anyи'а1',... l шсjаri
franklу Yоu саn sаy .hat agаin. Е.ксusеmе. ' ' " if irЪ пot too muсh trоuЬlе. ( 1) l,{ЕАNI]\iGs'iРURРosЕs .I rvant tо inrеrrupt pоlitеI1..' .i'rr: giving a rеason fоr whаr i,vе sаid'' .I strопgl1,agrее', .I w.аn' rо gеr Ьасk Errthе rnain pоint ...' ,I'm gоiпg givе tо lr:y орiniоn vеrv diгесrly.' Sarсasriс.pоlitе rеоuеsт.'rеаlly mеаning .Whv агеn,tvou doiag yоur jоЬ..'
i \XЪl!.rеallv!
Hеrе уоu arе. \fi,hеrеrvas I? аг lеast or rаthеr I bея yоur рardon? Just a rnin.ьrtе. ... уоЦ sее.
1{ЕАNI}iGslPL;RРosЕs i2 ) .I сan't rеmсmbеr q.hat I was sаr,ing.' .Whаt diсi yоu sаv?. .i,rв gir'ing Yoш somеthing", .I rvant to сorrесt rп,vsсlf.' .l dоn,t lyant ro рaу atrenriоn fo уOu yеt.' .i'rn givirrg aп еxpiaлaiiоп.. .i tililk yОu.rе Ьеhaviпg Ьadh'.' .Whaс I said rvas morе rhaл rhе truтh.'
Grammar.Cоmplеtеthе sепtеnсеs.
11 .Doвl f3rgеtyour рasspоrr.'.Dоп'r.worry. I l
ф -ф Prоnunсiarioп rеvisiоn. Sоупеоf thеsе words are prоnounсeсi with thе vowе| /o/ (|ikе пot); somе агe prоnоu*сеd with /a,,/(|1kепоrth}i and somе aге $}ronouпсеd with /эr.l/ (likе пotе}. Сao yоu writе thе rvoгds iп thгее lists aссоrding to thеir prопunсiation? Can vош add any lnorе wоrds то thе lists? j"Ь сoursе, dоlr,г go impогtanl 3li IОng momеnt morе nc not оr piзrform rесoгc shоp so sor!.\.'. strопgl1, iтant lt'аsn,Е ъ"''hat yоur F
@ Lgоk baсk зt Fхегrisе1 апd сhооsеsоmеwоrds and еxprеssionsto iеarrr.Shоw yоuг list tо аnоthет studеnt,and ехрlain ttъеrеasоnsfоr vour сhоiсеs. |'ь Ф Woгk in рairs or groups of rhгсе. Маkе up and prасtisе a сonvеrsatioп in a stаtiоn, itl aп airport, on a tгain or on а plзne. Inсludе two oг mоrе of thе follоwing: a dеla'v,a piеаsant suгprisе. an unplеasant surprise, д misцndеrstапding, аn intеrеstiпg rfiееting. Usе sоrпе of tlrе wоrds anсi ехprеssiоns fтom Ёhе [еssоn.
Leаrn/reviseiair hosiess;airport;disсussion; girlfriend; guy;|uggage; maпager;гfleeting; passport;plane;piatfоrm; safety misunderstaпding; arrive belt;tiсkеt;timetable; irouble;Waiting-rocm; (at);еxpeсt;tasten;fly (flew,f|оwn); make interrupt; up yourmiпd(mаde,made);meetimet'met); shоut;stay(withsbdy);deaf;dirty;frаnk|y; irпрortant; detаyed;tne wordsand ехpressiansfrom Ехerсise 2. 109
.q0i-i,tt=,ii i- r.ii..;, '1
ffiffiWho inventedwrlting? vооabulary. writingskills:summary; Listeningski|ls:note.taking;
; Hеrе аrе thrееdiffеrеntеxplanаtiоnsof thе origins of writing. Whiсh оne do yоu thiпk is prоbably rnostсorrесt?
'.-:i"Сopy thе list оf сatеgoгies,aпd thеn put eaсh of thе woгds from thе boх into onе of thе сategoriеs (you сan usе yorrr diсtiоnary).Then uпdеrlinеthе strеssеdsyllablеsin thе wоrds of nпoгеthan one syШaЬlе, апd praсtisеpronоunсingall thе wоrds.
1-.Aссording ro аrсhaеologists,thе first wгitirrgwas religious.5,000vеаrsago,pеopleiп thеМiddiе Еast invеntеdsigns for thе namesof their gods,and СATЕGORIЕS: Gеоgraphy wrоtе thеm on сIaуtaЬlеts.Later, pеap|еstartеd r:siпgwriting fоr orhеrprirposеs_ iоr ехarnplе,for !0hat things сan Ье madе of Rеsеаrсhinrо аriсiевtсivilisagions kееpingrесоrdsand aссounts. Shаpеsof oЬjесts 2. Itrriting Ьеgаn5,000 lrеarsаgo in thе lr{iddlеЕаst Animals with piсturеsorr.tabletsmaсiеof bakеd сla,v.As Numbеrs rimе wеnt Ьy, rnоrеand rnоreрiсtuгеslvеrе invеntеd'uпtil thеrе'*,аsа рiсtвre fоr еасh word in aссounting аrсhaеologist artiсlе Ьali thе lаnguаgе. сattlе сhесk Сhinеsе сlay сiоth 3, AЬоut 10,000Yеaгsagotpсoplеin тhеМiddlе Еast сonе сvliпdеr disс dog ехсavatе usесismali оbjесtsmedеоf bakedсlay to kееp flat hоllow Iraq journаi lаmb rесordsаnd ассоunЕs.Lаtеr,thеy mаdе piсrurеsof pyrаmid mеtal Мiddlе Еest oil thе оЬjесtsоn сiay taЬiеts,instеаdоf usingthе rесоrd Rоrnan shееp sitе sphеrе Finall1,,this рiсruгеwriringwas оbiесtsthеmsеlvеs. stonе thеоry tоkев lZеstсrnAsiа usеdfоr other thiпgs besidеsассоunting. wood
Signsused5'000yeaв agoin Sumвrian piGture writingon bаkedсlaytab|€ts
Bаked с|аyоbjects {aссountingtоkоns?) fоundiп МiddleЕast up to 't0,000years old
\17 ф
a= /1
D l<
,€fu ф
@ ffi ф
гA v
;ff Е Listеn to thе first half of a talk aЬout the origins оf writing. Wгitе the . nцmbеrs1 t.o 77 оn a pieсе of papеr апd thеn wгitс dоwп thе woгdithat gо into thе Ьlarзksin thе поrеs. Еаr!iеstwriгingby Sulnеriaпs (МiddlеЕаst) - Piсiu!:еlvriting- 1,500signs _ Writtепи,ith.. .]...... on.'.....]....... tаЬlеts-r Ьakеd !7hегеfrоm?Invеntеd/ dеvеlopеdi _ ... ,j ' .-'knоws,Ьur . '...J...' ..еаrliеrwritins found Aгсhaеоlоgisс D. Sсhrnandt.Bеssеrat has thеоry* - !Иritingpеrhapstrom .....э'. ...'and оthеr....,.q....,. usеdfоr aссоunting Маn}'pаrtsоf wоrld,реоpiецsе...-,..Z...'''. ......8....'.. fоr kсеpingrесordsanjaссoцnts _ Ехamрlеs;Rоmaпs,...,.,'9.'..,.', rodaуЪshephеrds ln .. tp.' ' In aimostall . ....1.l... ..,arсhаеоlоgists havеfовndоbjесtsmadеоf .'...I2.....' _ oЬjесtshavеmanyсiiffеrеnt.. '.1.i...'.' * Еarliеsttэnсs...',.i1.,.... yеarsold,sееmtо bеtоkеnsfor...,.lj.''. * Еxamplе:оnе shареfоr.'.:..16.'.'.,, usсdtо сhесk,......1Z'....' and mоvеmеnts оf аnimаls. }iоw чоrk iв.small grcшр.. Соmpаrе €,nswеrs' alld тhink оf wаys оf shоrteningthе поtеs.Ехamрlс: tr-ariirэt wrt\:5urnеrianэ (giiЕaoт) di
Listеп tо thе sесопdhalf оf thе talk' aпd takе notеs.
ffi. wo.i. in gтоupsоf thrес сr four. Т!y tо writе a si.lmmaryоf thе talk in 100-150 rvoгds.If yоu hаvе thе tirпе,yon сaп illustratеit.
, .-r.,:r:i:,!'.nr:.,1,' :.1 :.+:.lri;.*::.;; i ,
, I ,-:), :".: ig:.!.,'"-.): g 1:'I*-l1.:Ё.':|!ц... .; ...- -ili;.111:. ,L, .!;: .,
"'* -*tiiir *: , \t$,.r 1 . .,.ti,i..t.
,:r'.'.4 .,i.
;'i .';!'''" !'ttr
Learn1rcviвe:aссount;aсоouпting;аnima|;artiсle; Asia;bal|;bui|ding; саttle;сlay;сloth;dog; geograрhy;god;lraq;lamh;metal;Ivlidd|e Еast; number;objeсt;oil;origin;piсture;purpose;reсord; researоh;shape;sheёp;sign;stone;th€ory; Wоod; bаke;сheсk;invgnt;re|igiоus; chinese;Roman] eaсh;insteadof.
Summary SimplePast and Past Progressive
Тhgs,short аnswёrsand rёрIyquestions
!7hilе thеy wеrе travеlliп8 to Chine, Мarсo Polo kept a diary. In 1292,чrhеn thе еmреror was gеtting оld, they dесidеdto rеturn home.
You don't weпt to travеl оn Sunday,do you? There isn,t a seatfrес' is йeге? You havе got a tiсket, haveп't you? These trаins arе dirty, arеnt tЬеy? .Don,t forgеt yоur passpоrt.' .r woп,t.' .I wasп't travеШingrvithouta tiсket.' .of сouгsеyou wегеn't.' .I,d lovе to go to Ameriсa., .IПould уou?, .I'm trying to gеt a пеw jоb.' .Arе you?' .I сerteinly
simр|ePast апd РаEt PErfeсt After thе two brothеrs had геturnеdfrom China, thеy planned a new journеy. NoЬody Ьeliеvеdthеir stоriesаЬout thе strange . сountriеsthеy had visitеd.
lrregu|аrVerbsiп Lessоns Е1.Е8
shalland will affirmativеs I shalVwill (I'll) yоu will (you'll), he/shе/itwill (he'll e'с') wе shаШwill (we'll) thеy rмill (thеy'll)
сontгaсtednegatives won't shan't
Тalkingаboutthefuture;рrobabltity Vhеn I am оld,I shalUrмill..' I will not ... I й1l (пot)Ье aЬlеto ... I will (not)haveto ... I'm surdсеrtaiпthat ... will (not)''. (don't)suрpose ,.. will ... (dont)think ... will ... doubt if I will am surе I will might... ItЪ | likеly that... lлdll ...
nоt vеrylikely unlikеly vеryprobable quiteproЬablе possiblе
Thеrewill Ье ...
FuturеPerfeсt By thе year 3,000 чrar п"Шhave сomе to an еnd. Thе world,s сIimate will havе сompletеly сlrengеd. Politiсel systеmsrvill havе Ьесomеrnorе demoсratiс. Wе will have сolonised оthеr plaпеts. Thе proЬlem of world hungеr will havе bееn solvеd.
INFINrTТvЕ beсornе blееd brеak burn сatсh flу hurt keеp make meеt spеnd spit takе
PAsТ bесame Ьled Ьrоkе burnt сaught flew huгt kеpt made met sPеnЕ sPat took
PAsТPARтIсIPLЕ Ьесomс Ьlеd broken burnt сaught flown hurt kept madе mеt sPеnЕ sPat takеn
Relativs what what I nееd is somethingto еat. (=Тhе thing that I nееdis somеthingto еat.) You mustn't believеrrhat is in the newspapеrs. (=You musttl't bсlieve the things фat arе in thе .nеwspapers.)
вvёфhlng' all' nothing+ that I'Шgive you eveгything(that) you rvant. (ф) You bеliеvе mе - фat's aШtЬat шatters. (=;"*lмatяаttев.) Nothiпg (that) you say udll makе me сhange my mind.(@)
пthiсhrёiвrringbaсk to a v',holёsёntenоo He passed his exam, whiсh surprisеd еverybody.
Shесyсlеs50 milеseverywеekеnd,whiсh is pretty goodfor а qromanоf 50. (@)
$оnпgAoпversatiопаl expressionsand thеiruses
Fivе eоnjшnсtiопs Although rryhalеslook likе fish, thеy arе mammals. Bаts arе nоt Ьirds, althoughthеy сan fly'
Getting bасk to thе mаiп poiпt:\IеI,, anyway Giuiпg а rеаsonfar ulhаt one hаs sаid: I mea'n' Giving one'sopinion dirесtlу:fтankly |xpressiпg stratlg agreement:You сan say that again. Iпterruptitlgpolitеlу: Еxсusе me. СriticЬiпg sotпеbodу'sbеhаuiour:.!7e1l,rеally! Giuiпg sotnеthing:Hеre you arе. Tryiпg to rеrnеmberutlhаtoпе ulas sауing: Whеrе 'rvasI? Softеningulhаt onе hаs sаid: at least Corrесting onesеlf:or rathеr Аsking for repеtitioп:I Ьegyour pardon? Аshing somеbodуto ulаit: Just a minute. Giuiпg аn eхplапаtiozl You see
I'm not sure whеthегI likе this musiс or not. I havеn'tdесidеdurhethегI want to go to Londоn or Sсotlendnехt wееkend. Сan you tеll mе whеthеrthis is thе right train for Bеlfast(or not)? I'm going out' Ьut I'm taking my umЬrellaiп сaseit rains. (= ... beсausеit mightrаin.) I like to takе a glass оf 'лiatеrup to bed in сaseI gеt thirsty in thс night. (= ... ЬесausеI might gеt йirsty.) A Frеnсhmanwеnt on holiday tо Сalifоrпia. Не Ьoughta bus pass so that he сould travеl сhеaply.He took ali his luggagеin a baсkpасk,so that hе сould gеt around еasily. Hе'll takе the joЬ '''lеss the pay's too low. (=... if thе pay'snot too low.) Unlеss I'm luсky, I,m going to fail my еxams. (=If I'm not luсky, ...)
Numbers,meаsЦremeпt and money
ёо.neand 96 You must соmе and seеus again soon. I,vе fouпd somеthingyеry straflge.Come and hаvе а look. I'd likе to go away for a holiday soon. Lеt's allgo аnd sееНarry this wееkend.
hеrranё there
.Nеwport 361428,, .Hеllо, is Helеn thеre?' ,I'm sоrry.Shе'snot hеrеiust nоw.'
tl.tls and fttаf .Мorеton 71'438.' .Hello, this is
Judith' Is that Paul?' This is а niсe flat. And I likе thе furniturе. Listеn to this. You'll еnjoy it. ItЪ a grеatpieсе of musiс, I'll nеvеrforgеtthat morning, nеarly пмentyyears ago,whеn I first sarvМrs Nerлrton.
100 а/onеhundrеd 727 a/onеhuпdred endtwеnty-one 1',436 onе thousand,four hundrеd and thirry-six 1,000,000 а./onеmillion 1,000,000,000 a/onеbillion 1|z a/onеhelf з|+ thrееquaftеrs 2lэ two thirds 9/to пinе tеnths 1.5 onе point fivе 2,7s two point sеvеnfivе З1' + 46 thirty-onеplus fоrty.six 64.32 siхty-four minus thirtytwo 77 Y 87 seventeеn mulфlied by eiфty.one 100 * 10 a hundrеddividеdby tеn 5o/o fivе pеr сеnt 30"с thirty dеgrееsСеlsius (Сеntigradе) 90oF ninety dеgreеsFahrenhеit t1'.25 оnе pound fwеnty-fivс(pепсе) $2,40 two dollars fortу|two dollars аnd forty сеnts 40 km forty kiiomеtrеs 70 kg sevеntykiios/kilograms 15 lb fiftеenpounds 25m twеnty.fivеrniles/metres/minutеs 60 ft siхty fееt 6 ft 3 in six fееtlfootthreеinсhеs 4 gel four gallons' thirty kilomеtrеs anlpеr hour 30 kph 75 mph sеvеnty-fivеmilеs an./pеrhour a 40 km journеy a forty-kilometrеjourney notе a f,S note a fivе.oound -a fivе-hundred.grampaсkеt a 500 gm paсket (tЬeуeat) 7964 ninеteensixty.four (thеyеar) 1400 , fourtееnhundrеd Мaу 74,1'728 Мay the foцrteеnth/ the fourtееnth of Мay, sеventeеntwеnty.еiфt
Revisionand fluencypraсtiсe A choiceof aсtivities'
* Е} дre you a good dеtесive? Rеad the following infoгmatioп' and thеn try to deсidе who wаs the tiriеf. Wгitе sеntеnсеs about the othеrs bеginning .Х сап,t bе the thiеf' bесause ...,
l@] List.,' and follow the instrцсions.
* m Rеad thе tеxt and thеn listеп to the rесording.Thеrе aге somеdiffеrепсеs.Sеehow many you саn find. Doyouknowhowto makerisotto?lt'squit6easy.Firstof а||' younвеdsomebaсоn,somвgarliсandan onion.Cutthom upintosrnallpieсes,andthenfrythemverygentlyin butter foraboutthreeminutes. l forgottotel|you.Beforodoingthаt'youshou|dhavв warmed upsomeфiсkenstoсk.HoWmuоh?We|l'abouta Iitreif you,roсoоkiпgforfourpeople.lt shou|dbe nвar|y boiling. Whenyou'vefriedthegerliс,bасonandonionforthree minutвs, addsomeriсe.Howmuсh?l don,tknow.Еnough. Fryitall gentlyforanotherminute. Nowpouronabouta thirdofthеhotstoсk'andturnupthe heаtа litt|eunderthefryingpan.Stirfromtimetotime.When theriсehasabsorbed thestoсk'addsomemore.Go oп doingthisuntiltheriсewon,tabsorbenymorвstoсk.Тhis shouldtake15-20minutes. Nowaddtheсhicksn.Sorry- didn'tl te|lyouаboutthe сhiсken?Yes,youneedsomeroastchiсkenсutintosma|| pieсes.As muоhas youlike' Finаl|y, addthemushrooms' So sorry- didl forgэttotell youaboutthr mushrooms? тen minutёs ago'youshou|d havвсutupsomemushrooms andstartedfryingthem seperatoly inbutter. Addsa|t'pepporandpаrmesan сhgese.starteating.lt's delicious. Jt
c' Half-diсtation. Thс tеaсherwill diсate thе first hаlf of some sеntспсеs;writе whаt 1зu hear, deсidе horv to сontinue and rprite the теst. * f,} тhe уes/no gamе.woгk in gтoups.one person has tо aпswегquestionsfor onе minutе;thе others ask him oг heг as mаny quеstionsas possiblе.Ttе personwho апsrvеrsmust not saу уеsor zo. oт nod oг shakehis/hr hеаd.
Mr Cooper is a riоhman who lives a|onewitha housekeepor, 30 minutesby сar fromthe noaresttown' Shiffley.His housekeeperis on holideyat tho momвпt,stаyingwithher sisterin Wa|вs.Тhis morninga va|uф|eo|dChinesestatue was stolenfromMr Cooper's study.lt was therewhrn hs loft to tаkethe dog for a watkat 9'00, and it was gone rrlhenhe returnodat 9.15.Тhe housewas lockвd,and no windows were brokвn,so the thiefmust have had а kэy. Тhe only peop|ewho hаvо keys bosidвs Mr Coopвr aпd the housekeeрerаre his threenieces and his nephew,So the thiвfсаn onlybe Мary'Fiona(orhвr husbaпdGregory)' Мery|(or her husbаndсhristophsr)or Jonathan.Тhэy all live and work in Shiffley^ Here is whatthey said when questionsd thatevsning, Мary: I wentto the greengroсer'sfirstthingthis morniпg:in faсt' here'sthe parkingUсketI got at five past nine.Аfter thаt I wenttо Fiona,s.at aboutha|fрast'I imagine,and had a cup of tёа Withher' l leftat abоUtten. Fiona: I wes homs al| morning.l had two visitors. Jonаthan аnd then Mary' Whi|вJonathanWasthare,Grвgoryphoпed to say hё was st||lat his mother,sаnd Wasn'tсominghome for lunсh. Gregory: I wasn'tin Shiffleythis morning.I wentto vislt my motherln Lоeds the day beforeyesterday,and didn'tgоt homeunti|threeo'сloсkthis aftemoon. Meryl: I droveintothe оentreof Shitfleyfromhome,and got to the offiоeat aboutten to nine.Christophвrdrovowithme, as he a|waysdoвs' and l lefthim at thb factorygate at about a quarterto nine.Jonathangot to the offiсea littleiats аboutа quаrteror twentyminutespast, Chriвtophor:Meryl and l drovs in as usualthis moming.I got to the faсtoryatв.47 - here's my tiсketpunсhedby thв fасtoryс|oсk. Jonathan: I wа|kф to the offiсethis rnorning.l stoppedoff at Fiona,sаt nine o'оloсkfor a cup of tea, and to ask her aboutа tax prob|em.l stayedaboutten minutos,and thвn I Wentto the offiсe'Мeryl was alrваdytherewhen I got thеre.Oh yes, whilelwes аt Fionа's,Gregoryphonedto sаy he Wouldn'tbe homefor lunсh. {l
i} Wotk iл gгoups. ImprovЬе {or prеpаrе and aс) a sketсhfoг the foШowingsitцation. Mr or Mrs Allеn is at home whеn somebodyсomesto the door trying to sell an еnсyсlopаеdia,a hЪovеr,or sometling еlsе.At exасtly the samеtime, a neighbour сalls to сomplain about the noisе made Ьy thе сhildren,and аnothernеighbourсalls to iry to pеrsuadeМri}drs Allen to start going to фе loсаl сhurсh.They all end up in the living room talking at thе samеtimе.
I Prеparea shoп talk (not morе thaп thгее miпutes).In thе talk, you have to eцplaiп to the сlass why thеy should beliеvе in ghоsts,visitoгs from spaсе, wеrеwolves,or somethiпgelsеof thе samеkind. * w* rrith somе othет studentsaпd prepare e modсrn vеrsion of a faф story.
;;;i Quеstionпаirе: аrе you а suitаЬlе pеrsoп tо havе сhildrеni What sort оf parеnt arе you or would yоu bе _ srгiсt, soft-hеaпed' оr sоmсrvhеrеЬеtwееn the twо? Answеr thе quсstiоns and сheсk your sсоrе. 1. Yоu hаvejust bren fоr а hea|thyfive.miiеruп'Yоur pulsе is somewhereover200 and you wonderwhеtheryоUare goingto live.Аs you step outof theshov;er,yourсhild wa|ksintothв bathroоm,Wаvesа pарвriп yourfaсв,аnd stа!.tstel|ingyou all aboutthe Wonderful siоry he/shehаs justwrittenabоuta rabbitwithpinkеars.Аs you stand thёre'drippingwet aпd searсhingiоr yоurg|assоs,what dо you sаy? Sоmethingmоrelikeа, b or с? а' Lovely,dear,What'sthe rabbit'snаme? b' Super,dаriiпg.But сouldyoujustWaitцntii|'vеdried myseifend got dress6d? с. |l you and ycur blоodyrabbitdon'tget outof the bathroomnowyou'rebothgoingdоwnthetоi|et' 2. Yоl hevetoldyоurсhild,abоutseventоentimes,t0 са|m сiownaпd stopjЦmpingon the livingrоomfurniture. Yсur сhi|dсlimbsup on tо the windоwledgeand breaksa w;ndow.You tel|thе сhi|dthathеlshr willhavеto puttwo wсeks'pосketmопeуtоwardsthe соstof the rврair,anc you saу thathe/sheсап'tgо intoth6livingroomаgainfor threedаys.|s this рuпishmeпt: a. too striet? b. nоt st!,iсte'.]оUgh? с. justright? 3. Yоurоhilсjis geпвral|yprettyweli.bеhaved. butwhen his/herbвstfriendPat сom€ s to p|аyhe/snеturпsintoa wiidbеast.oпе day,thвystеa|somе |ipstiсkаnd draw рiсturеsal|overthe kitсhenwalls.Dо yot:: a, sаy thatPat сan пеverсomeagain? b. tryto еxplaintо bothof thеmwhythis is a bad thing to dо? с' maks themсlёаnotfthe lipstiсkas wе|lаs thеyсan. 4. Whatdо you ihinkаb'оutphysiсa|рunishmеnt? а. |t'sali rightio smaсkа сhiidoссasiоnally for something vеryserious. b. Childrenneedtо be smaсkеdWhenthёii'reпaughty_ it'smuсhbеtterthantellingthrm off. с. li's aiwayswrcngtо smaсka сhild. 5. Yоurсhildrefusёsto rаt anуthingехсeptсrisрsand iсe сreаm.Dо you: a. |ethirn/heriive on сrisps аnd iсе сream1 b. makethe сhiideаt uр еverything ihat is эп his/herplate at mraltimes? c' lеtthе chi|dhaveоrispsand iсе creamif he/sheоats a сertainamountof оtherfoоd? 6' Yоur сhiidis p|ayingiп thе middleof thr kiiсhеnfiоor. when you say ihat you needto с|eапthe fiооr,the сhild kiоksand sсreamsand rвfusesio movr.Do you: a' forсiblуmove ihe сhilсjand hislhertoys? b. eхplalniо thg сhildwhy it is impоnaпithаtyou сleаn the floornow? e. putoffоleaningihe fioоrtililater? yоurоhi|dWatсhosan averageof еight 7' At Weekends, hours'ТVa daУ.Hёlshёis deve|oping sQuareeyеs. Do you: a' havеa disоussionц/iththe сhild,exp|aining why he/she shouldwatсh|essТV? b. rationihe оhildto th!.eehouв a dаy? с. |etthеchi|dwatсhwhаi he/shеwants? 8. Your сhild,sroоm loоks iike a rubbishdumpthat has been hitby а bomb.Dо you: a. leave ihe сhild to tidy up thё roomwhеn he/sheleоls lik6it? b. ask thвсhildto tidyup the room? с. tellthe сhi|dto tidyuр the room? (See sсore tablеand сommentson page 121'i
'i l*;; a1. tеaсherwill givе yоu a сard rvith thе пamе оf a presеntand a сard with thе namе of an еmotion. Aст out whаt is оn thе сardl sо thаt thе сlаss саn guе.ssboth the prеsеntand thе сmotion (fоr еxamplе, T*!.9 it сlear йаt you'vе Ьееngivеn а het and yori''е dеliфtеd).
'il ii Hеrе arе thгее .diсiоnarv рoеms'. Can yоu sее thе rеasоn fоr thе nаmе? Usе vоur di$ionarv aпd sее if you сan rпakе onе" Нullo hungry husbапd' Be beautiful beсause bed. Lаst late leaf. .1., 'riil
l; .'ii €9 Listen to thе sоng. Sееhоw muсh yоu Thеn сhесkon pagе 121. сan шndеrstend. 115
had happеnеdto hеr 3. Naya didn't know fаmily. 4. .......'.......' Nаya missеdmostaboцthеr Shosoniband was Listеningto storiеsaround tЬе firе. 5. Nothing Naya said сould сonvinсеhеr friсnd Saсаjawеato try and esсapеwith hеr, 6. onе day whilе esсapiпgNaya found a frеshlykillеd was a gIеatpieсеof luсk. bison,.............''.
{ lФi Fi,,t mаke sureyou uпderstandthe words in thе boх. You аre goiflg to hсar а talk about the Shoshoni and thеiг еnеmiesdlg ffiinnеtares. You will hear thе talk twiсе. Мakе notes оn it. attaсk рlains
Ьеrry Ьison сaptufе nativе root sееd shеItеr slavе triЬe
Э Мarch eасh еxprеssion in group A with its сoflveгsationаlmeaningoг PurPosein group B. Bе сaгeful:theгeаге somеextra itеmsiп group B.
2 pulthе verbs into the сorreсttenses(SimplePast, Past Itogгеssiveor Past Perfeсt).
A 1. Еxсusemе. 2.Herc you are. 1. Just аs thе Shoshoni (gеt)uр onr mоrning, somе Мinnеtares |аttaсk}the саmp. 3. Just a minute,plеasе. 4..!7еШ, 2. Thе Мinnеtаrеs(axаck) Shoshоniсаmps bеfore, anуwaУ,.. ,rаs I? Ьut they (neuеrcome)this far west,so thе 5. W'h,еrе (be)surрrised. You say that egein. Shoshonis 6. сan .!flhеn еlevеn-yеar-old 3. Naya |reаlisе}wbat (hаppen),she(rип)tо hidе in somewillоw Ьushеs. B a . I сап't rеmеmbеrwhat I was saying. b. dont rvant to рay attеntionto you yet. 4, Аfter the noise (diе| down,shе thought she(bе) с. stronglyagree. safе;Ьut a Мiпnеtarе dog (ran) to thе Ьush rvhеre А want to сorrесtmysеlf. sЬe|hide)and |bаrk|loudly. want to get baсk tо thё main pоint. 5. Naya end the othеr сaptivеs(hаuе)to walk for r. I want to intеrruptpolitеly. wееksto the Minnеtarе villagе;whilе shе (шаlk), . g. I'm giving a reasoпfor rvhatI've said. Neya (/ooЁ)round hеr and (remember)the path h. I'm giving you somеthing. tЬeу ftаkе),
rI put an аppropгiаte соnjunсtion: аIthoagh, шhеtller, iп cа,sе'so thаt, ot uпless,
1. Nаya left thе villаge aftеr t]rеМinnеtareshad gone to slеep, no one would lоok for her until morning. 2. Shе wаlkеd сvеry dey,nevеrstoppingbeforеsцnsеt shе was ill, оr the snow wаs too heavy. 3. Vhen it Ьеganto snow heavily,shе stoppеdаnd weited, shе rvould not gff lo$. 4. Naya had sесrеtlymаdе аn е:
o Мatсh еaсh word or еxprеssionЬ сolumn A йth а wоrd оr еxpressionin сolumn B. AB сatсh ч a walk firе \ Ьеlt go for \ Ьrisadе i, lnsteaсl сrпt \ makе up \ \ сoffeе Der firе flowеrs рiсk poliсe forсe postal оf safеty room swimming sсrviсе waiting trunks you.rmind чrhite
.l Pцt inthat,ulhiсh,ulhat,ot nothing(.).In somе casesthat aпd (-) mаy Ьoth be possiblе.
f writе opposites for theservords. Thе first oпе is done for you as aп example.
1. Aftеr a while the МinnеtarеsthоughtNaya was h"Ppy, 2. Gеtting bасk homе was аll
7. Ьook(uеrb)''саl$e,! 2-.clean 3. getill
4. on timе 5. plus 6. pdvate
сhoo,. thr сorrесt word in еасh sеntеnсе.
} Рчtg usually wrotе aЬоut history and topography. Ь. Мrs Burkе found informаtion aЬout a rе"l p",,o,, who сorrеspondеdin nеarly еverydеtail to thе сhareсtеrthet hеr husband hаd invеnted. с. Jоhn Burkе and his йfe wеrе writing a novеl whiсh took plaсe in thе VisЬесh region. d. Мт Burkе had invеntеda сharaсtегfor thе novеl' a loсаl mеrсhant who bесemevery suссessful. .WisЬесh, е. on thе first day of thе Bшkеъ visit to it begantо snoщ so thеy wеnt to thе musеum' f. Thе сharaсtеrЬouф a housеin.lVisЬесh. g. Thеy lirеntto.!ИisЬесh.
7, tte theseltbasеmу glаssеsyou're sitting on} 2. Tbеrе'slHсreЪRose over on thе other sidе of the sЕrеeЕ. 3. I hope that my sistеrwill сotlе|goto visit mе. 4.I'd likе to сotпеIgoto New Zea|aodsome dey.
PRONUNсIAТION Еxample: stгеssеd? 9 wьi"ь wordsаrееspесially
.No, Frenсh уau speаhFrеnсh аnd Getrnаni, and\!!:ign.' .Not to 1. .Hаvе you еvеf bееnto Amеriсa bеfоrе?, ,Don't
Nоrth Amеriсa.' 2. .I'lI havе a stеak and сhips, please.' .And I'шhavе a steakand sаlad.' .Nо, fivе sisters.' 3. .Hasn't Katе got fivе Ьrothers?' l o root et thesеwords. In еaсh list, arе arl tь" undеrlinеd letters (or gЕoupsof lеtteгs)pгonounсed the sаme,or is onе different? Wгite S if thеy arе the sаme' or writе thе word with thе diffеrеnt sound. rеsgДсh dgад 1. biдd щth wgit wсight said 2. щe lцggage rrцt reсgver 3. intеrrgpt 4. Ьцдn щth iцддnеy фfriеnd shgцt sp.цth 5. сgцntry 8rgцnd walk tдll 6' Ьa|1 hаlf
RЕADING mеaning. l 1 в.oс thе tсxt quiсklу,fоr gсnеratr оf thе faсts importaпt mоst thе сhoosе TЪеn fiue storyfrom thеlist andput themin the соrгесtordеr. сonmсt6 wiф Hollаnd.аnd JOHNвURKЕЬаfrее. Gеfiвaly. }Iе bought. hl:nсonсеntrаflnЁ writeг, ianсе зelf a hous€ on thе oцts-кrts and Ьiвtoriсвl on йi"ty oi_й to*n, Ьесаmе Loтd but subiесtв topogiapЬiсвl of фе Couдty' Liеrrtenаnt !сuoll. яlЬ oroduсiвg liфt l.оrd iVlаyor ultiпatеly snd сollabIn фЬ еaгlу 1970s hе -- -юo o:вtеd wiф hЬ wifе oп thf.ее oflювdon. ьe dвy of our аrгival .Viсtorian Goфiс' novеlв; п'е hаd plаnдеd to saunter Iiпd fоr фе thiгd o! {еm, thъ tоwn talking аnd ;;J ййщ аесiаeа on a Fеnlапd a simply soaking up thе atmo. sl'еno to wеtlt thеy sеtting, It began to snow wееkЬ lffisbеф in oгdсr to sohЪrе. а n d w е s o u g д t .fеel' of the regiоn. h е a v i i y , фе -cеt .I thе littlе loсвl hаd realisеd tbat- a 'Ъйg.,i" I was ов oпе sidс -"'.-"-. ье сhдraсtеr would hвvе.to. wше thе гoorn whсn,.my ..I.ooк st mаdе morе suьstацtiвl tддn of sстoss: mе сelled at fшst свvisagеd. .Al.thet - hеrе he Ь!,' ---nfit"t ''ot йo* YГrsЬссh this iЫJdiа фе hдd disсоvеrсd othеr than from pвsвrng iп a lагgе glвss сasе wаs фe reаd haviпg but l.; io"iа li"'"Ъ'-". 1 had invепtеd. sorпеvghеrефдt it hвd oпсе I Еvеry dеtаil w&в сorrЕст' pоrt, thriving ь;;;; еvеn-down to thе rеlevanr iaulatес д lосal mеrфапt datез, йtlr oaly onе ехсеPeхpвndеd *io'"- i"'"'..ts tion: Ье did not bесome hвvе to until hе сould аffoгd Lord Mayoт of -Lзadon v.еssеlз of сoastiпg iй"рь Shеrifi!' }Iiф йеrеlу llp built for him' вnd bullt
l 2 сo..,ing words frоm сonts,с. Look Ьaсk at thе tехt in Еxеrсisе 11 and find u,ords that сorгеspоndto thеsenganings. First pаrаgrаph: 1. not sеrious Sеcoпd.pаrdgrаph: 2. important in thе story 3. busy and suссessful 4. boat or ship 5. part furthestfrom the сеntrе Third pаrаgrаph: 6. walk in a rеlaxed way 7. a p|aсeto keеp dry
WRITING l 3 p" оnеof thеsеtasks(150wordsor morе). 1. \Рrite what you сan remembеrabout Мarсo Polо's journeyto China. 2. ![ritе about a famous historiсаl figurе from your own сountry or anotlhеrсorrntry. 3. write the story of a film you havе sееn'or a boоk you havе read, 4. Vritе about a сoiлсidenсеthat hаs hаppenеdto you of someoneеlsе you know (it is all riфt if you havе already writtеn ebout this in LеssorrЕ4).
sPЕAKING { 4 v*к with anothеr studепt.Еaсh of you must tаlk aЬout onе оf thе suЬiесs listеd bеlow. Spеak fоr about two minцtes while your Рarhrr listеns сaгefully.Thеп thе Partnеr чrill ask thrее or morе questions to gеt furthеr informаtion. 1. !7ho is your favouritе singеr/ film dirесtorI artistl writеr l.aс:tot/ sportspсrson?Why do you likе this pеrsonЬеttеrthin thi othеr pеoplеiп hiУhеr fiеld? 2. bеsсriЬe thе most Ьеautifulplaсе you havс сvег bееnto; say whet you likеd about it and why. 3. Sey what yЬu йini< lifе will be likе for tЬe сhildren in your family twеnty yеars from now, and how it иit ьe diffеrёntfrom your own сhildhood.
(fromтhэ obs€^/6r)
Additional material Rеvisionand fluеnсypraсtiсeA, Ехerсise8
Shе slammеdthe door. .Now loсk it, Ьar it, loсk it!' she gasped
wretсhеdly. .Loсk it' tight,tigbt|' Тhe door wes loсked and boltсd tiфt. Bеhind hеr iп the living room, someonесlеаrеdhis throat.
What shall I say whеn our nефbours want us to сome to tеa? Thеy don't kпow you,rеnot йth mе. What shаll I sаy?
(t|omDandeliot1Шne by Ray BrаdЬury)
Whаt shall I say when фe phone rings eпd sorпеonеasks for you? Thеy don't know I ask for yoц too. What shall I say?
Rейsion and fluenсуpraсtiсеB, Еxегсise8 FIDDLINGAсRoss TнЕ UsA I lеft my homе whеn I wаs tеn. Havеn't sееnmy folks sinсеthеn. They sеntmе home from sсhool onе day, So I took my fiddle and I ran away.
How сan I Ыde thе tеarsinsidе? Нoчr сan I faсе фе сrowd? I саn mekе lips of minе Ье still, But my heart siфs too loud.
Ьhad no monеy Ьut I hаd someluсk. Got a ridе in a piсkup truсk. Driver bouфt me somеriсе and bеans, Aлd took me аll thе way down to Nечi orleалs.
I сould explain that you're gonе for only a week to shop. Bцt afterthе wееk is up what shall I say? (wo|dsaпd musicby Patвrтinturin)
LеssоnB7, Еxerсise4 Thе Lonеly Олe (сontinцed| Lаvinia ran aсrossthе bridgе. oh Gоd, God, pleasеplеaselеt me gеt up thе hill! Now up the pаth, now bеtweenthе hills, oh God, itЪ dark, and everythingso far away.If I sсrеamеdnow it wouldn't hеlp;I сan,t sсrеam^rlуwaY.Hеrе's thе top оf thе path, hеrе,sthе strееt,oh, God, pleasеlеt mе bе safe,if I get hornеsafеI'll nеvеrgo out alonе;I wаs a fool, lеt mе аdmit it, I was a fool, I didтr'tknow what tеrfor was' but if you lеt me gеt homе from this I'1l nevеrgo without Hеlеn or Franсineagain!Hеrе,sthе streеt.Aсross thе streеt! Shесrоssеdthе stгееfend rusheduP thе sidеrvalk. oh God, thе porсh! Мy housetoh God, plеese give mе timе to gеt insidе end loсk thе door апd I'Il bе safе! Aпd thсrе. silly thing to notiсе - why did shе notiсe,instаndy,no timе' no time - but thеrеit was anwaУ, flashingby - therеon thе porсh rail, the half. fillеd glassof lеmonаdeshe had аЬandonеda long time, a yеar,half aп evепingago! Thе lemoпadеglass sittingсalmly,impеrturЬablytЬеreoп thе rail ... and... Shс hеerd hеr сlumsy fееton tlrе porсh and listеned and fеlt hеr hands sсtabbШng аnd rфping at the loсk rryiththе kеy. Shе hеardhеr hеart.Shе hеard hеr innеr voiсе sсreaming. The kеy fit. Unloсk thе door, quiсk, quiсkt Thе door openеd. Noщ insidе.Slam it!
wеll, I'ue beеnto thе East Coаst, bеen to the west Coаst, Doшtl oп tbе border шith Mехico, Plaуеd tпу fiddle iп thе шiпd апd rain Aпd stortnsand dеsеttsand iсe аnd snoш.(tшice) ,!Иell, I'vе travеlledroцnd on boats and tгains. Buses,bikes, саrs and planеs. Playеdin rеstauraпts,сluЬs and bаrs, Played in thс strеetto the pаssingсars. I lеarnеdhow to fiddlе as I went along. GuеssI knoчr a thousandsongs. onе of thеsеdays I'l1sеttlеdown, But for now I'll just kееp moving аround. .Vell, I'ue beento tbе Eаst Сoаst, ... (JonathanDyk€6 and Rф€rt оampbell)
Revisiоn and fluenсypraсtiсеC, Exerсise9 TFIЕRIDDLЕsoNG I gavе my lovе a сhсrry, it had no stonе I gavemy lovе a сhiсkenwithout a bone I told my lovе a story' it had no end I gavemy love a baЬy with no сrying. How How How How
сan therе bе a сhеrryudфout a stonе? сan therе Ьe a сhiсken rpithout a Ьonе? саn therе be a story that has no end? сan therеЬе abaЬу ц'itlr no сrying?
well a сhеrry rrrhеnit,s blooming, it has no stonе A сhiсkеn wheп it's piрping, it has no bonе Thе story of I lovе you, it hаs no end A baby whеп it's slееpiпghas no сrying.