k, has absolute value 1. (3) The limit points of all the orbits of X as t —* ± » lie on the ft . (4) The stable and unstable manifolds have normal intersection with each other. This can be explained as follows. Let ft , i ^ fc be one of the singular points of X, and let h be the number of eigenvalues associated to ft with real part positive. Then [5] there is an A-dimensional C" sub-manifold W, of M pass ing through ft such that if a: € Wit lim«,_. A:, where the ft are closed orbits. Thus for each i, * This research was supported by a National Science Foundation Post-doctoral Fellow ship. 195
1 :£ i' ^ m, we have Wt and Wt, the unstable and stable manifolds of X at #,. For i € Wi (or W*) let WtI (or H'*r) be the tangent space of W, (or H'*) at x. Then by the normal intersection condition \vc mean for each i, j ,
if x € w,n w*. dim Wi + dim W* - n = dim (W„ D W*,). (5) If 0, is a closed orbit then there is no y 6 M with lim«^._oV>i(y) = 0, and lim,^.v'«(y) = 0. • It can be shown that these five conditions are independent. I do not think it would be difficult to show that C is open in B. However the question as to whether C is dense in B seems to be very difficult. Work of Peixoto [7] implies this is true where M is the 2 disk. The following theorem solves the corresponding approximation problem for gradient fields. (Detailed proofs of the theorems stated here will be given elsewhere.) 1.1. / / X = grad f,faC function on M, then X can be Cl approxi mated by aC field Y on M such that Y satisfies (1)—(5) with no closed orbits. THEOREM
Since there are a great variety of C* functions on every closed manifold, Theorem 1.1 guarantees that for every M, C is far from being empty. The idea of the proof of l.l is as follows. Given /, a theorem of Morse [6] implies there is an approximating function g on M such that g has only non-degenerate critical points. Then Z — grad g is a C° vector field on M satisfying conditions (1), (2) and (3) with no closed orbits. Furthermore any C1 approximation of Z will have the same properties. This last fact is not true for Z in general and uses strongly the fact that Z is a gradient field. It remains to show that Z can be Cl approximated by a field satisfying (4). To do this one changes Z using Sard's theorem [10] so that the stable and un stable manifolds fall into general position with each other. Sections 2 and 3 contain evidence that C is amenable to classification. 2. Morse relations for X in C For X in C let a, be the number of 0,, t' £ k with dim W, = q, and 6, the number of /3<, i > k with dim W, = q. THEOREM 2.1. Let X € C, K be any field, R, be the rank of H*(M; K) and Mt — o, + 6f + 6 f+ i. Then Mt and ftt satisfy the Morse relations,
Mt ^ ft, M, - Af0 £ Rt - ft. E ( - l ) M / , = (-l)"x where dim M — n and x is the Euler characteristic of M with respect to K. Theorem 2.1 contains theorems of El'sgoPc [3] and Reeb [9J and by 1.1 the
l<»7 1<»7
classical theorem of Morse (61. In dimension 2, Theorem 2.1 is contained in Haas [4]. We give a short sketch of the proof of 2.1 now. Consider the sequence of closed sets Lt of M defined by IJO = 0, and induc tively Li = union of W, such that dW, c Li-, . Then strongly using conditions ( 3 ) - ( 5 ) it can be proved there is an r such that L, = M. This is the hardest part, of the proof, and we do not go into it here. The more obvious sequence Kp = \iWj, dim Wj g p docs not work. Next 2, dim //«(L,, L,_i) is evaluated in Cech cohomology to be M , . Then by a standard argument from Morse theory the theorem follows. A problem connected with the above is the following. Let X € C with no closed orbits. In this case one can use the sequence K, mentioned above in the proof of 2.1. Then Kp is a union of cells. Does Kr have a corresponding CW structure? If this could lie shown, then probably it would lead to an intrinsic proof of the theorem that every differentiable manifold could be triangulated. 3. On structural stability We say an equivalence is an t-equivalence if it is pointwisc within t of the identity; let d denote a C' metric on B. Then X € B is structurally stable (ac cording to Andronov-Pont.riagen (1)) if given t > 0, there is a S > 0 such that if X' g B, d(X, X') < S, there is an (-equivalence between X and X'. Andronov and Pontriagen stated the theorem that if M = 2 disk, X is structurally stable if and only if X has (1') at most a finite number of critical points all elementary and none a center, (2') at most a finite number of closed paths each a limit-cycle with a non zero characteristic number, (3') no separatrix joining 2 saddle points. A proof was published by DeBaggis ([2]; see also (5]). It is easy to see that for the 2-disk these conditions coincide with ( l ) - ( o ) . Peixoto and Peixoto have extended this work to 2-manifolds and have corrected a mistake of DeBaggis. It seems likely to us that the n-dimensional structurally stable systems are exactly the elements of C. The following problem has been considered by several people without success. Does a structurally stable system have a finite number of closed orbits? If X has only a finite number of closed orbits and is structurally stable then it must satisfy ( l ) - ( 5 ) . THEOREM 3.1 (L. Marcus). If X is structurally stable and has a finite number of closed orbits then it satisfies (1), (2), and (3).
3.2. If X is structurally stable and has a finite number of closed orbits then it satisfies (4) and (5). THEOREM
The methods used to prove that X satisfies (4) do not differ very much from those used in the proof of 1.1. If X did not satisfy (4) then an arbitrarily small change of X could be made so that new intersections of stable and unstable
606 198
manifolds are introduced. This is used to show that X could not have been struc turally stable. To prove that .V satisfies (5) one shows that if (5) is violated one can introduce new closed orbits without changing the old closed orbits by arbi trarily small changes in X. This of course is impossible if X is structurally stable. At this time we have made a little progress on the problem as to whether con ditions (l)-(5) are sufficient for structural stability. THEOREM 3.3. / / X satisfies (1 )-(5), there are no closed orbits, and dim M ^ 3, then X is structurally stable.
The idea of the proof is to define a new structure on M depending on X. Each point of M belongs to exactly one stable manifold and one unstable manifold; hence the submanifolds <x„ = W, fl W> as i, j range from 1 to m give a decompo sition of M. Let 2* = { g k\. ForX' sufficiently close to X the corresponding 2 is related to 2* by an isomorphism preserving the boundary operation. Then the desired homeomorphism is defined first on 2°, then 21, etc., by induction. The induction step poses considerable difficulties however, especially as the dimension increases. It is not known if there exist any structurally stable systems on a given mani fold. There are however examples on 2-manifolds and the n-spheres [8]. THEOREM
3.4. There exist structurally stable systems on every closed 3-manifold.
ll| A. A. ANDRONOV and h. S. PONTRIAOEN, Systbnes grossiers, Doklady Akad. Nauk, 14 (1937), 247-251. [2] H. DEBAOOIS, Dynamical system* tvith stable structure, Contributions to the theory of nonlinear oscillations, vol. 2, Princeton University Press, 1952, (Annals of Math. Studies, no. 29), pp. 37-59. (31 L. E. EL'SOOL', An estimate for the number of singular points of a dynamical system de fined on a manifold. Amer. Math. Soc. Translation no. 68 (1952). Translated from Mat. Sbornik (N.S.) 26 (68) (1950), 215-223. [41 F. HAAS, On the total number of singular points and limit cycles of a differential equation, Contributions to the theory of nonlinear oscillations, vol. 3 , Princeton Uni versity Press, 1956, (Annals of Math. Studies, no. 36), pp. 137-172. [51 S. LErscHETz, Differential equations: geometric theory, Interscience Publishers, New York, 1957. [61 M. MORSE, Calculus of variations in the large, Amer. Math. Soc. Colloquium Publica tions, vol. 18, 1934. [71 M. PEIXOTO, On structural stability, Ann. Math., 69 (1959), 199-222. [81 M. PEIXOTO, Some examples on n-dimensional structural stability, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 45 (1959), 633-636. [91 G. R E B B , Sur certaines propritlts lopologiques des trajectories des syslemet dynamique, Acad. Roy. Belgique Cl. Sci. Mem. Coll. in 8° 27 no. 9 (1952). [10| A. SARD, The measure of the critical values of differenliable maps. Bull. Amer. Math. Soc., 48 (1942), 883-890.
For simplicity we consider an ordinary differential equation (or a dynamical system) to be a C vector field o n a ( 7 manifold which generates a 1-para meter group of diffeomorphisms. An equivalence (or topological equivalence) between two differential equations is a homeomorphism preserving sensed trajectories (or orbits). The qualitative problem of differential equations is to obtain information on equivalence classes of differential equations on a given manifold. This motivates us to consider the topological conjugacy problem for diffeomorphisms (a diffeomorphism is a differentiable homeomorphism with a differentiable inverse). More precisely, we say two diffeomorphisms Tlt T^-.M-^-M (say C diffeomorphisms of a C manifold, r always positive) are topologically conjugate if there exists a homeomorphism h:M-*-M such that AT, = TjA. The problem then is to study the topological conjugacy classes of diffeomorphisms of a given manifold. There are several reasons for studying the latter problem, the most important being the following. I t appears that usually a qualitative problem in differential equations has an analogue in the conjugacy problem. This analogue is a little simpler than the original, and if solved, its solution seems to give a way of doing the original problem. In any case, everything said in what follows on the conjugacy problem can be translated into statements about differential equations. At the end of our survey we indicate how this can be done. It should also be noted that the above problems may be viewed as special cases in the study of a non-compact Lie Group 0 acting differentiably on a manifold, corresponding to 0 = R and 0=Z. As enunciated in [7] for differential equations, the main conjugacy problem as we see it is the following. Given compact M, let T)M be the space of C diffeomorphisms of M in the C topology (diffeomorphisms are C close if they are point wise close together with their first r derivatives). Then one seeks an open dense subset C of D*, somehow amenable to classifica tion (say by numerical and algebraic invariants). A fruitful notion relative to this problem is that of a structurally stable diffeomorphism (the analogous definition for a differential equation was given by Andronov and Pontrjagin in 1937; see [3]). The h in the definition of topologically conjugate is called an equivalence between Tt and Tt, and if A is pointwise within e of the identity (in some fixed metric on M) it is called an e-equivalence. Then a diffeomorphism T^.M-^M, compact M, is structurally stable if given e >0, there exists 6 > 0 such that if d^(Tv Tt)<8 for some diffeomorphism Tt:M-*M, then Tx and Tt are e-equivalent. Here dci is a C1 metric on D*. The problem of structural stability (for diffeomorphisms) is: given M, are
the structurally stable diffeomorphisms dense in PM? If dim M>\, this is an open and difficult problem. In fact it is not known if there exists even one structurally stable diffeomorphism on a given manifold. In any case it is clear that the periodic points (i.e. points xBM such that Tmx=x, m=t=0, T™ the composition T:M-*-M with itself m times) and as sociated global stable and unstable manifolds will play a basic role in the topologies! conjugacy problem. So at this point we give the "stable manifold theorem". For more details and history, see [10]. Let T: M^-M be a diffeomorphism with fixed point p G M. The derivative of T at p is a linear automorphism of the tangent space M„ of M at p. The point p will be called an elementary fixed point of T if this derivative has no eigenvalue of absolute value one. (A) STABLE MANIFOLD THEOREM. Let p be an elementary fixed point of a G°° diffeomorphism T:M-*-M and Ex the {eigen) subspace of Mv corresponding to the eigenvalues of the derivative of T at p of absolute value less than one. Then there is a C*° map R:EX-*M which is an immersion (i.e. xoith Jacobian of ranife=dim El everywhere), 1-1, and has the property TR = RTl for some contraction TX:EX-+EV Also R(p)=p and the derivative of R at p is the inclusion of Ex into Mp. By a contraction we mean a diffeomorphism Tx of Et onto itself such that there is a differentiably imbedded disk D in Ex with TxD0T\ D=origin of Elt\)iM be the stable manifold of T™ at p where m is the least period of p,p in ourperiodic orbit. Then R: E[->-M is defined by R = T*q> where 0
Axiom 2'. Let &,&>, W\, W\ be as above. Then there exists a neighborhood 1i of ft with the following property. Each component of V. fl Wl is a cell which has a non-empty transversal intersection with TF*. The same is true with W?, Wi replaced by W\, W% respectively. Axiom 3. (a) Let Q be the closure of the set of periodic points of T in M. Then for every x£M, limit m->± oo T J c i J . (6) The union of the stable manifolds of all the periodic orbits of T is a dense subset of M. The same is true of the unstable manifolds. We pose two questions: (o) Is Cj# open, dense, in Dj,? (6) Is TtCu a necessary and sufficient condition that T be structurally stable? Although very possibly, in the final picture, CM will not be the struc turally stable diffeomorphisms, it seems that to date it is the best guess for such ((compare [7] or [8]!). One can study these problems from the following point of view: I. The approximation problem. Approximate a given diffeomorphism by a diffeomorphism in C*, and II. The regularity problem. Find regularity properties of elements of CMWe first discuss I. One can approximate an arbitrary T€DM by T satisfying Axiom 1. In fact, (B) THEOREM. Let E be the subspace of VM consisting of T with every perio dic point elementary. Then 8 is the countable intersection of open and dense sets in "D„. For a proof see [10]. Independently, R. Abraham has shown that this follows from a general transversality theorem [1]. The paper of L. Markus [4] is also in the direction of Theorem G. A similar situation holds for Axiom 2. (0) THEOREM. Let"3be the subspace of E {of the previous theorem) of diffeo morphisms with the normal intersection property. Then "3 is the countable intersection of open and dense sets in VuSee [10] for a proof. Unfortunately, there is no similar theorem known for Axiom 2'. In Axiom 3, parts (a) and (6) seem to be related in some fashion, but it is not clear how. Does (a) imply (6), or conversely? To approximate a given diffeomorphism by one satisfying 3 a or 3 b is a central problem, related to what is sometimes called the problem of the "closing Lemma". See Peixoto [5] for an account of this important problem. A special case of our approximation problem is the following. (D) Problem. Let T.M-+M be a diffeomorphism of a compact manifold. Is there a C approximation T' of T such that T' has a periodic point? The answer is not known for the 2-dimensional torus. In the discussion of the regularity problem stated above, we start with the case of diffeomorphisms satisfying a highly restrictive axiom in addition to Axioms 1, 2', 3. Axiom 4. T has a finite number of periodic points. The set of diffeomorphisms satisfying Axioms 1, 2', 3, 4 is denoted by CM.
It is important to note that in assuming Axiom 4, an open set of diffeomorphisms of Vu is lost (see e.g. [11] or below). On the other hand one can say some substantial things about elements of CM(E) THEOREM . Diffeomorphisms in CM satisfy a form of the Morse inequalities relating the periodic points. The union of the stable manifolds associated to the periodic points is all of M. The boundary of a stable manifold of dimension p is the union of stable manifolds of dimension <j>. The proof is essentially contained in [81. A task which seems important and yet tractable is to show that the TECM are structurally stable. However this has not even been carried out under the additional assumption of Axiom 5. Axiom 5. Let W", W' be an unstable, stable manifold respectively of periodic orbits of T which have non-empty intersection. Then dim WT+dim JPJ>dim M. We say that the set of T satisfying all of our axioms is CM- The following can be proved along the lines of [8], [9]. (F) THEOREM. On every manifold there exist non-empty open sets of IDM which are contained in CM- If T€CM> the boundary of a stable manifold of T is the union of lower dimensional stable manifolds. The components of the stable manifolds generate the homohgy of M in a natural way and the corre spondence between the stable manifold of a periodic point and the unstable manifold induces Poincari duality. The Morse inequalities in the previous theorem can be interpreted to include the usual ones. This theorem shows that CM, and hence CM, CM a r e n o * empty for any M. Thus if it could be shown that every T£CM is structurally stable, we would have proved that there exist structurally stable diffeomorphisms on every compact manifold. Next the question comes up as to the existence of elements of CM which are not in CM, i.e. those with an infinite number of periodic points. The following is in [11]. (G) THEOREM. There exist open sets in Vu for M an aribitrary n-sphere, n > 1, with the following properties: (1) the diffeomorphisms are in CM', (2) they are structurally stable; (3) the diffeomorphisms have an infinite number of periodic points (and minimal sets homeomorphic to a Cantor set). This theorem answers the question as to whether a structurally stable diffeomorphism (differential equation) can have an infinite number of periodic points (closed orbits). It seems that this theorem and its proof are quite important. It shows that one can cope successfully with difficult phenomena present in differential equations of dimension greater than two and not present in two-dimensional differential equations. In the examples of Theorem 6, one has present homoclinio points. A homoclinic point associated to a periodic orbit /? of a diffeomorphism is a. point of intersection of the stable and unstable manifolds associated to /?. Homoclinic points were first discovered by Poincare' [6] in the restricted 3-body problem, and studied by Birkhoff [2]. Merely the existence of a homoclinic point implies considerable complications. At the end of his
three volumes on celestial mechanics [6, p. 389], referring to homoclinic points, Poineare* wrote: "On sera frappe" de la complexity de cette figure, que je ne cherche meme pas a tracer. Rien n'est plus propre a nous donner une idee de la complication du probleme des trois corps et en g6n6r&l de tous les problemes de Dynamique " The methods used in proving Theorem G not only completely describe the homoclinic situation in those examples, but can be applied to give some understanding of arbitrary homoclinic points as well. A different example which exhibits stable manifolds and homoclinic points has a simple description. In the plane E* let T0 be a linear automor phism given by a 2 x 2 matrix with integer entries, determinant + 1 , and an eigenvalue greater than one in absolute value. Then T0 induces a diffeomorphism T of the torus. The origin of E2 projects into a fixed point p of T and the eigendirections of T0 project into the stable and unstable mani folds of p. One easily sees that the homoclinic points associated to p are dense in the torus. (H) THEOREM. The T described above is a structurally stable diffeomorphism of the torus. After a meeting in September 1961 in Kiev on non-linear oscillations (where I announced Theorem G in dimension 2 [14]). I visited Moscow and spoke with mathematicians D. V. Anosov, V. I. Arnold, and Y. G. Sinai, among others. There I conjectured Theorem H and that geodesic flows on compact Riemannian manifolds of negative curvature were also structurally stable. Since then I and (as I have learned at this Congress), Arnold and Sinai have independently proved Theorem H, the latter proof having the advantage of being published [13]. In addition, Anosov has very recently proved (as I have learned also at this Congress) a beautiful theorem which settles the above conjecture for geodesic flows affirmatively and gives the n-dimensional generalization of Theorem H [12]. I t seems likely that if TtCM and TeCit, then T has homoclinic points. In the same vein one can ask if Axiom 5 implies Axiom 4 (certainly the converse is false). An elementary periodic point will be called elliptic if all the associated eigenvalues have absolute value less than one, or all greater. It seems resonable to expect that if T€CM, then T will have only a finite number of elliptic points. It would be nice to have a proof of this. Also if TZCM where M is the 2-sphere, must T have at least one elliptic point? We indicate briefly how the previous discussion goes over into the ana logous situation for differential equations. The definition of a structurally stable differential equation is exactly the same as for diffeomorphisms. The problem of structural stability for differential equations asks if the struc turally stable differential equations on a compact manifold M are dense in the Banach space "BM, C norm, of all C differential equations on M. This has been answered in the affirmative if dim M <2 by M. Peixoto, see Theo rem I, below. One constructs stable and unstable manifolds for differential equations associated to each singular point and each closed orbit of a general type (corresponding to elementary periodic points). For details see [10]. The analogues of the previous axioms can be stated for this case. The union of the singular points and closed orbits of the differential equation replace the periodic points of the diffeomorphism. Let B£ be the subspace of Bu of
differential equations satisfying the analogues of axioms 1, 2', 3. The ele ments of B£ will have only a finite number of singular points but may have an infinite number of closed orbits if dim M >2. For the 2-dimensional case there is the following important theorem of Peixoto [5]. (I) THEOBEM. Let 31* be a compact 2-manifold. Then (a) X on Mis structur ally stable if and only if X e B i ; (6) B£ is open and dense in BMAlso the analogues of the previous theorems are all valid for the differen tial equations case. We comment on the problem of the existence of a first integral of a differ ential equation. A first integral of X on M in a C function f:M-+B such that f is constant on each orbit but not on any open set. Problem E has the following analogue. (E*) Problem. Can every non-singular vector field on a compact manifold be C approximated by one with a closed orbit? If Problem E* has an affirmative solution it follows that: (J) The subset of X 6B* with an elementary closed orbit is open and dense
inB*. Here elementary corresponds to elementary periodic point and the precise definition is in [10]. Putting J together with the analogue of Theorem B, as has been essentially observed by B. Thorn, we obtain: (J*) There exists a subset of X€B M with no first integral which is open and dense in B«. A relation between the topologies! conjugacy problem for diffeomorphisms and the equivalence problem of differential equations is given by crosssections, used by Poincare' and Birkhoff (e.g. see [2] or [10]). In a different direction, since a differential equation generates a 1-parameter group, one may ask under what conditions, is a diffeomorphism imbeddable in a flow? The following is not difficult. (K) THEOBEM. Let TeCu- If T can be imbeeded in a flow, then T satisfies Axioms 4, 5, every periodic point is fixed and in the neighborhood of every fixed point, T is imbeddable in a flow. It would be interesting to know if the converse is true. Certainly the main problems stated here are very difficult. On the other hand, .it seems quite possible to us that this field may develop rapidly and already as indicated here, there have been some initial steps in this direction.
REFERENCES [1]. ABRAHAM, R., Transvereality of manifolds of mappings. (To appear.) [2]. BIRKHOIT, G. D., Collected Mathematical Papers. New York, 1950. [3]. LxncHKTZ, L., Differential Equations: Geometric Theory. Interscience Publishers, New York, 1957. [4]. MABOTTS, L., Structurally stable differential systems. Ann. Math., 73 (1961), 1-19. [5]. PBIXOTO, M., Structural stability on 2-dimensional manifolds. Topology, 2 (1962), 101-121. 35 - 622038 Proceeding*
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8. 8MALB
[6]. POINCAKB, H., Les Mlthodta NouvelUs de la Micanique Cilette, Vols. I-III. Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1899. (Reprinted New York, 1957.) [7]. SHALE, S., On dynamical systems. BoUtin de la Sociedad Matematica, 1960, 195-198. [8]. Morse inequalities for a dynamical system. Btdl. Amer. Math. Soc., 66 (1960), 43-49. [9]. On gradient dynamical systems. Ann. Math., 74 (1961), 199-206. [10]. Stable manifolds for differential equations and diffeomorphisms. (To appear.) [11]. Diffeomorphisms with many periodic points. (To appear.) [12]. ANOSOV, D. V., Structural stability and ergodicity of geodesic flows on compact, Riemannian manifolds of negative curvature. (To appear.) [13]. ABNOLD, V. I. & SINAI, Y. G., Dold. Ahad. Nauk S.SJS.R., 144, 4 (1962), 695. [14]. SMALE, S., Report on the Symposium on Non-linear Oscillations. Kiev Math. Institute, 1961.
614 EftttiiUo dagli Jnnali d»Ua Seuola Normal* Superior* di Seile ril. Vol. XVII. F M O . I-II (1963)
1. Preliminaries. A (first order) differential equation (« autonomous ») may be considered as a G°° vector field X on a C°° mauifold M (for simplicity, for the moment we take the C°° point of view; manifolds are assumed not to have a boun. dary, unless so stated). From the fundamental theorem of differential equa tions, there exist unique C°° solutions of X through each point of M. That is, if x 6 M, there is a curve 95, (ar), | t | < « such that,
d0 (x) = x, — (x)l
= x (
(') Leotures given at Urbino, Italy, July 1962, CIME. This work has been partially supported by the National Soienoe Foundation nnder Grant GP-24. («) The author was a Sloan fellow dnring part of this work.
615 98
S. SKALK : Stable manifold* for
Then for each t, i f is a diffeomorphism (a differentiable homeomorphism -with differentiable inverse). A differential equation on a com pact manifold defines or generate* a l-parameter group of transformations of M. We shall say more generally that a dynamical system on a manifold M is a l-parameter group of transformations of M. dw, v(x) I If (ft is a dynamical system on M, / = X(x) defines a C°° at \t _ o vector field on M -which in turn generates cpt. We also speak of X as the dynamical system. Let X, Y be dynamical systems on manifolds Mi, Mt respectively ge nerating 1 parameter groups • M2 with the property that h maps orbits of X into orbits of Y preserving orientation. The homeomorphism h: Ml —>■ Mt will be called an equivalence. Often Ml = M%. The qualitative study of (1st order) differential equations is the study of properties invariant under this notion of equivalence, and ultimately finding the equivalence classes of dynamical systems on a given manifold (s). In this paper we are concerned with the problem of topological equi valence. An especially fruitfull concept in this direction is that of structural stability due to Andronov and Fontrjagin, see [5]. The definition in our context is as follows. Assume a fixed manifold M, say compact for simplicity, has some fixed metric on it. An equivalence h: M —y M (between two dynamical systems on M) will be called an e-equivalence if it is pointwise within e of the identity. One may speak of two vector fields X and Y on M as being 0' close (or dc (X, Y) < d) if they are pointwise close and in addition, in some fixed finite covering of coordinate systems of M, the maximum of the difference of their 1st derivatives over all these coordinate systems is smalL (Similarly one can define a Gr topology, 1 < r < oo, see [7]). Then X is structurally stable if given e > 0, there exists d > 0 such that if a vector field Y on M satisfies dc (A', Y) < d, then X and Y are a-equivalent. The problem of structural stability i s : given M compact, are the struc turally stable vector fields on M, in the above C topology, dense in all vector fields. If the dimension of M is less than 3, the answer is yes by a theorem of Peixoto | 9 ] ; in higher dimensions it remains a fundamental and difficult problem.
(') For a survey of this problem see talk in the Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians, Stockholm 1962.
differential equation* and diffeomorphisms
Although in this paper we are not concerned explicitly with structural stability, this concept lies behind the scenes. Attempts at solving the pro blem of structural stability, guide one toward the study of the generic or general dynamical systems in contrast to the exceptional ones. There seems to be no general reduction of the qualitative problems of differential equations. However, there is a problem which has some aspects of a reduction. This is the topological conjugacy problem for diffeomorphisms which we proceed to describe. Two diffeomorphisms T : Mt —> Mt, T': Mt —>• Mz are topologically (differentiably) conjugate if there exists a homeomorphism (diffeomorphism) h: Mt —>• Mt, such that T'h=hT. Often Mt = Mz . This topological conjugacy problem is to obtain information on the topological equivalence classes of diffeomorphisms of a single given manifold (*). When dim Jtf = 1, the problem is solved according to results of Poincar6, Denjoy and others, see [2]. For dim M > 1, there are very few general theo rems. We now explain the relevance of this problem to differential equations.
2. Cross-sections. Suppose X, or 0 with t (*) € 2. It is not difficult to prove that T-.2—+2 is a diffeomorphism, called the asso ciated diffeomorphism of 2. One can also easily prove that, if M is compact and connected, then conditions (c) and (d) in the definition of cross-section are consequences of (a) and (b). Suppose on the other hand T0: 20—>20 is a diffeomorphism of a ma nifold. Then on R x 20 let (t, x) be considered equivalent to the point (* -f 1, T (*)). The quotient space under this equivalence relation is a new differentiable manifold say M0. Let X0 be the dynamical system on MQ in duced by the constant vector field (1, 0) on B x 20, and n: B x 20 —> M0
(') See footnote (8).
S. SMAMC : Stable manifolds for
the qaotient map. We say that X0 on M0 is the dynamical system determined by the diffeomorphism T0 : 20—*20. 2.1. LEMMA.
Let q>t be dynamical system generated by X on M, which admits a cross-section 2. Then by a C °° reparameterization «„ (t) of t, x £ M, one can obtain a 1-parameter group cp, of transformations of M such that if x £ 2, q>i (x) £ 2 and q>, (x)i2 for 0 < * < 1. We leave straightforward proof of 2.1 to the reader. 2.2.
Suppose the dynamical system ■ 2. Then X0 on MQ is equivalent to X on M (by a diffeomorphism in fact). PROOF. First apply 2.1. Then the desired equivalence of 2.2 can be taken as induced by / : M —y R x 2, f(
If T0 : 20 —>- ^o is a diffeomorphism, the dynamical system it determines has a cross-section 2 with the property that the associated diffeomorphism is differentiably equivalent to T0. For the proof, of 2.3, one just takes n (0 x 20) for 2, and the equiva lence is induced by the map of 20—*Rx20 given by x —y(0,x). 2.4 THEOREM.
Let T0 : 20 —)- 20, Ti: 2i —>■ 2i be diffeomorphisms which determine respectively dynamical systems X0 on M0 and X, on M,. If T0 and T, are topologically (differentiably) equivalent then X0 and X t are topologically equivalent, (equivalent by a diffeomorphism). The proof is easy and will be left to the reader. The preceeding theorems show that if a dynamical system admits a cross section, then the problems we are concerned with admit a reduction to a diffeomorphism problem of one lower dimension. Furthermore every diffeomorphism is the associated diffeomorphism of a cross-section of some dynamical system. REMARK.
The existence of cross-sections in problems of classical mechanics first motivated Poincare* and Birkhoff [1] to study surface diffeomorphisms from the topological point of view.
differential equation and dlffeomorphismt
A local version of the proceeding ideas on cross-sections is especially useful. A closed or periodic orbit y of a dynamical system t (x) with the property q>t [x) = x for some t 4= 0. A periodic point of a diffeomorphism T: 2 —y 2 is a point p £ 2 such that there is an inte ger m 4= 0 with Tm(p)=p(Tm denotes the mth power of T as atransformation). The following is clear. 2.5 LEMMA.
Let (pi be a dynamical system on M with cross-section 2 and associated diffeomorphism T. Then p £ 2 is a periodic point of T if and only if the orbit of the dynamical system through p is closed. A local diffeomorphitm about p £ M is a diffeomorphism T: TJ -+M, U" a neighbourhood of p and T Q>) = J>. Two local diffeomorphisms about pl£Mi1p%£M2, Ti: CTj —)■ if,, Tt: TJ2—y M2 are topologioally (differentiably) equivalent if there exists a neighbourhood U of j>t in Uj and a homeomorphism (diffeomorphism) h: U—y U2 such that ft(j>t) = j?E and Tg A(x) = = ft Ti (a?) for x € 2T 1 (U")n U- The following is easily proved. 2.6 LEMMA.
If X is a vector field on a manifold Af, X(p) 4= 0, for some p £ M, there exists a submanifold 2 of codimension 1 of if containing p and transversal to X. Let y be a closed orbit of a dynamical system t (x) £ 21 where * is in some neighbourhood U of p in 2" and t is the first t > 0 with ■ .2, the local diffeomorphism associated to the closed orbit y, 2 a local cross-section. 2.7. LEMMA.
The differentiable equivalence class of T depends only on y and the vector field X. It is independent of p and 2. PROOF. Let pi, p% e y with local cross-sections 2t, 22 respectively. Assume first pi 4= p%. Then we can assume 2tn 2t= §}• Define ft : U—>■ 2S, for Z7 a sufflciently small neighbourhood of p in 2t, by ft (x) = q>t (x) for x 6 U by taking t > 0 the first t such that 9>< {x) 6 J-fj . Then ft acts as a dif ferentiable equivalence. If jp4 = j>2 , take p3 £ y, distinct from p{, and with local cross-section 23. Then apply the preceeding to show that the local diffeomorphism of 2t is differentiably equivalent to that of 23 and that of 22 is differentiably equivalent to that of 2t • Transitivity finishes the proof.
S. SMAUC : Stable manifold* for
Now given a local diffeomorphism about p Z 2, T: U —> Z, one can construct a manifold MQ, with a vector field X 0 , containing a closed orbit y with Z as a local cross-section. The construction is the same as in the global case. Moreover, and this is a useful fact, the local analogues of 2.2-2.4 are valid.
3. Local Diffeomorphisms. 3.1. THEOREM.
Let A : En —> En be a linear transformation with eigenvalues satisfying 0 < | Xi | < 1. Then there exists a Banach space structure on E" such that
MH = a
yO 0y : - j J a
Here y can be taken arbitrarily small, and a -f- i/J, a —1/9, 6 are the eigenvalues. These canonical forms may be deduced from the usual Jordan canonical form, and the following two easy lemmas. 3.1a
The linear transformations given by the following two matrices are equivalent, where a, /? are real. a A — /3 a)
/a + i/J 0 \ \ 0 a — ip)
differential equation* and difftonxorjikunxt
3.1b LEMMA
The linear transformations given by the following two matrices are equivalent where y is nonzero, but otherwise arbitrary. X
IX 0
I y X
y X
The equivalence js given by / l
A linear transformation satisfying the conditions of 3.1 will be called a linear contraction. 3.2 THEOREM.
Let T be a local diffeomorphism about the origin 0 of En whose deri vative L at 0 is a linear contraction. Then there is an equivalence R between T and L which is 0 0 0 except at 0. In fact there is a global dif feomorphism 2" : E H —>■ E" which agrees with T in some neighbourhood of 0 and a (global) equivalence R between T' and L, C° except at 0. PBOOP.
_ By 3.1 we can assume // L // <9 <1, and that T(x) = Lx + / ( # ) where IJ1W-11-+0 as / / * / / - > 0. Choose r > 0 so that / / / ( x ) / / < (1 — 0 ) / / * / / IIx II for II x II < r. The following is well known. 3.2a
Given r>Q, there exists a real G°° function
l/xl/>r. Let / (x) = q> (w)f(x) where *-, T0(x) = Lx. Define R-.En—*-B* by R (0) = 0 and Rx = T0W L~N x where If is large enough so that //£-**//>»-. It is easy to check that R is well-defined, has the equivalence property,
: Stable manifold* for
and is a <7°° diffeomorphism except at 0. It remains to check that R is continuous at the origin, or that // R (x) // —■> 0 as // xjj —)• 0. First note that there exists h < 1, so that for all x 6 E ", // T0x // < lex. Also R (x) = = T ^ L~N x = T,,* y where y = XT* x and we can assume / / y // < .M. Then continuity follows from the fact that as // y // —»• 0, the JT of defintion of R(x) must go to infinity. A local diffeomorphism satisfying the condition of 3.2 is called a local contraction. A contraction of Ei is a diffeomorphism T of II9 onto itself such that there is a differentiably imbedded disk D c J « with T Dc inte rior D, n t > 0 T < D = origin of Ei, U « 0 T < D = .E9. Thus using 3.1, the T constructed in 3.2 is a contraction. If all the eigenvalues of a linear transformation L have absolute value greater than one, then L is called a linear expansion. If the derivative at p of a local diffeomorphism T about p is a linear expansion then T is called a local expansion. The inverse of a linear (local) expansion is a linear (local) contraction. In this way 3.1 and 3.2 give information about linear and local expansions. The following theorem was known to Poincare' for dim E = 2. One can find n dimensional versions in Petrovsky [10], D. C. Lewis [6], Coddington and Levinson [2], Sternberg [14] and Hartman [4]. Some of these authors were concerned mainly with the similar theorem for differential equations. 3.3
Let T: U—±E be a local diffeomorphism about 0 of Euclidean space whose derivative L: E —► E at 0 is a product of Li,Ei—t-El,Li:Et—t-Ei, -1 E = ElxEi where / / L i //, //X- // < 1. Then there is a snbmanifold V of U with the following properties: (a) 0 E V, the tangent space of 7 at 0 is Et, (b) T 7 c V, and (c) there exists a differentiable equivalence R between a local diffeo morphism T' about 0 of E whose derivative at 0 is Lt and T restricted to V. (d) V = (X]LiBj where BQ = UflTU and Bj is defined inductively by B / = T - i ( B i _ 1 n S 0 ) . Due to the previous discussion in this section, the hypothesis of 3.3 is mild, merely that no eigenvalue of L has absolute value 1. One may apply 3.2 to the restriction of T to V. Note by applying 3.3 to T _ 1 one can obtain a snbmanifold Vt of U containing 0 whose tangent space at 0 is Et and T restricted to V% is a local expansion. We call V the local sta ble manifold, Vt the local unstable manifold of T at 0. Use (*, y) for coordinates of E = El x Et, so that one can write, using Taylor's expansion,
T (
(•, y), Lt y + gt (x, y)).
differential equation* and diffeomorphism*
The proof of 3.3 is based on the following lemma. 3.4 LEMMA.
There exists a unique C°° map • Et, Ul a neighbourhood of 0 in
+ gt {x, $ (x))) = £ 8 # (*) + gt (x, <J> (*)).
Furthermore (x, 0 (x)) £ Ojl* Bj, Bj as in (d) of 3.3. To see how 3.3 follows from 3.4, let V be the graph of
4. Stable manifolds of a periodic orbit. The global stable and unstable manifolds we construct in this section were considered by Poincare" and Birkhoff [1] in dimension 1 for a surface diffeomorphism. The analagous stable manifolds for a dynamical system (see section 9) have been considered by Elsgoltz [3], Thorn [15]. Beeb [11] and in [12]. Suppose T: M —+ M is a diffeomorphism and p £ M is a periodic point of T so that Tm{\>) = p. The derivative £ of T " at p will be a linear au tomorphism of the tangent space Mp of M at p. The point p will be called an elementary periodic point of 2' if L has no eigenvalue of absolute value 1, and transversal if no eigenvalue of L is equal to 1. 4.1 THEOREM.
Let p be an elementary fixed point of a diffeomorphism T: M —+ Mf and Ei the subspace of Mp corresponding to the eigenvalues of the deriva tive of T at p of absolute value less than 1. Then there is a C°° map R: El-+M which is an immersion (i. e. of rank = dim .E, everywhere), 1-1, and has the property TB = RT' where T': E{ —> Ei is a contraction of Ei. Also R(p)=p and the derivative of R at jp is the inclusion of Ei into M,.
S. SMALE : Stablt manifolds for
PHOOF. One applies 3.3. The map B of 3.3, say B0, is defined in a neighbourhood U of 0 in Et into M. We now extend it to all of Ei to ob tain the map R of 4.1. By 3.2 we can assume T' of 3.3 is a (global) con traction of Ei. If x £ Ex, let Rx = T~N R0TNx where JT is large enough so that T'Nx£ U. I t may be verified with little effort that R is well-defined and satisfies the conditions of 4.1. The map R : El —y M, or sometimes the image of R, is called the stable manifold ofp or T at p. The unstable manifold of p or T at p is the stable manifold of T _ 1 at p. These objects seem to be fundamental in the study of the topological conjugacy problem for diffeomorphisms. An (elementary) periodic orbit is the finite set \Ji(tTip where p is an (elementary) periodic point. The definition of the stable manifold for an elementary periodic orbit (or sometimes elementary periodic point) is as follows. Let where 0 < l < » i and Ei is a copy of Ei. Thus the stable manifold of a periodic orbit is the 1 — 1 immersion R of the disjoint union of m copies of a Euclidean space. The stable manifold of a periodic point B is defined to be the com ponent of the stable manifold of the associated periodic orbit in which B lies. The unstable manifold of a periodic orbit (periodic point) is the stable manifold of the periodic orbit (periodic point) relative to T~\ 5. Elementary periodic points. Let Q) be the set of all diffeomorphisms of classe Cr of a fixed compact G manifold M onto itself, o o > r > 0 . Endow
Let i f be a compact C manifold, r > 0, and Q) the space of C diffeo morphisms of M endowed with the C topology. Let B C ^ b e the set of T with the property that every periodic point of T is elementary. Then 5 is a countable union of open dense sets. We prove the following stronger theorem which implies 5.1 (since 5= r\p(z+5p, Z+ denotes the positive integers). 5.2
differential equation! and diffeomorphisrnt
We first show that S, is open Q>. Let TQ 6 5",, Tt —>• T0 in D, T< € D. It must be shown that T< E £"p for large enough •'. Suppose not. Then there exist Pit = 1, 2,..., | p , |
at a?0 has no eigenvalue of absolute value 1. On the other hand the derivative of Tf* at *4 for all t has an eigenvalue of absolute value 1. This is a contradiction since Ti—t-T in the C topology, r > 0 and X{—+X0.
We next show that Sp is dense in Sp-i, p > 1, 5"0 = <7). This will finish the proof of 5.2. Let Sr be the analogue of Sv with elementary replaced by transversal. Then it is sufficient to prove: (1) (Ep fl 5p_i is dense in S^.x, and (2) Ep is dense in Sp. We first do the main step, (1). For p = 1, we use the following easily proved lemma. 5.3 LEMMA.
Let TxM—i-M. be a diffeomorphism. Then a; £ If is a transversal perio dic point of T of period p if and only if the graph r of T* and the dia gonal A in M x M intersect transveraally at (p,p) (i. e. the tangent space of A and r at (p,p) span the tangent space of M x M at (p,p). Then a general position theorem of differential topology applies to yield that S{ is dense in 93 (see Thorn [16]). Let T E 5p_! and /?,,..., /J* be all the periodic points of T of period
T* x) where | ♦ |
0. By possibly choosing 61 smaller we can assume that any set U of diameter < 2d is contained in a coordinate neighbourhood of M and hence that T(U), has the same property. Next for tCM, let U(x), V{x), W{x) be neighbourhoods of radius d, 1/2', 1/34 respectively. Let (Ua, Va, Wa) for a = l,... ,q be a finite set of these such that U Wa = if, for each a choose a coordinate neighbourhood Ea 3 GLTUa. Then using the linear structure of J8a, T — /S~i: D„ —► E„ is a well defined map where 8 = T*- 1 and D a = (# € Ua \ S-1 x E Ha\. By Sard's theo rem, see e. g. [16], choose a map ga: D„ —> Ea, small with its first r deri vatives so that T — /8 _ 1 / g „ : (Ta—yXlt, has 0 has a regular value. Starting with a = 1, let Tl = T outside Uit Ti=T + gt on Vt using 3.2a. Then Ti
: Stable manifold* for
restricted to F, has transversel periodic points of period p as can be seen as follows: If x £ Fj and T,p (x) = x, then Tf (x) = T(p_1) Tj x and Ttx = /8 _ 1 x. So (Tj — S - 1 ) * = 0 and since T, — S-1 has a regular value at 0, the de rivative of Tjp — I at x is non-singular and a; is a transversal singular point of Ti of period p. One makes the same construction for a = 2 , . . . , q, making sure that ga is so small with respect to the « bump function » that the difieomorphism retains its desirable qualities on N and Wt,..., Wa-i • This proves that Fp is dense in -F p _i. We finally show that Sp is dense in Sp. Let T0 £ Sp . Then by 5.3 the periodic points of T0 of period
M such that T = T0 outside of Nt, T approximates T0 , and T has ft as an elementary periodic point. This can be easily done using 3.2a and the fact that linear transformations with no eigenvalue of absolute value 1 are dense in all linear transformations. This finishes the proof of 5.2. REMARK.
If Ti S, then given an integer N, there exists only a finite number of points of period < y of T. This follows from 5.3. Hence T has only a coun table number of periodic points.
6. Normal intersection. Two submanifolds Wt, Wt of a manifold M have normal intersection if for each x e IF, (\ Wt, the tangent space of W, and IF, at x span the tangent space of M at x. A diffeomorphism T: M —>- M has the normal in tersection property if when /?,, /?2 are generic periodic points of T, the stable manifold of fit and the unstable manifold of /?2 have normal intersection (this definition is clear even though the stable manifold is not strictly a submanifold). Let Q) and S be as in the previous section and let £ be the subspace of 3 of diifeomorphisms with the normal intersection property. 6.1. THEOREM.
£ is the countable intersection of open dense subsets of Q). (The first theorem of this kind seems to be in [13]).
differential equation* and diffeomorphitms
Let oar basic manifold M have some fixed metric and let 2T((x), for E > 0, x E M, denote the open £ neighbourhood of x in M. Let R+ be the set of positive real numbers. 6.1a
For each p£Z+, there exists a continuous function E : Sp —y R+ with the following property. If T E Sp, x 6 M is a periodic point of T of period <j>, then CX[3re(r)(ar)n W (x)) c TF(x), where W(x) is either the stable or unstable manifold, W'(x) or Wn(x) respectively, of x with respect to T. PBOOF.
It is clear that on an open neighbourhood Na of each Ta E Sp that one can find a constant function E„ with the property of E of 6.1a. Let E„ , Na be a countable covering of Sp of this type, a = 1, 2,.... Then let E' = £, on J5T, , E' = min (€ t , E8) on 2?8 — JTj, min (£4, E2, Es) on .tfj — 3F, — N~2 etc.. Then E1 is lower semi continuous on Fp. Finally, for example by Kelly, General Topology, New York 1955 p. 172 one can obtain the E of 6.1a. Now if x is a periodic point of TtFp of period
E* is open and dense in D. Note that (6.1) follows from (6.2) because ^ = ^pklZ+^k For 6.2 we first remark that E is clearly open in Q). Hence in view of 5.2 it is sufficient to show that E£ is dense in 3P . Let TtEp. Denote by ft,..., ft. the periodic points of T of period <j> with stable and unstable manifolds R V = WT(ft), r = *, w. We will consider only approximations T' of T which agree with T on some neighbourhood V0 of the ft , and so that ft, i = 1,..., fc0 are precisely the periodic points of T' of period .»ro. Let f « = T—»*T•""•*. For * E WY* one takes n < n0 < 0. Then f is a well defined 1-1 immersion.
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S. SMALB : Stable manifold$ for
Now fix i,j, l
IF/ 3 T'-'- (r2))) r 2 )) r _ k (i/j). Here Mt is the least period of ft, ntj that of ft and )) is interpreted as to mean «contains an open set containing». Such Yt clearly exist from 3.1, 3.2 and 4.1. If 2" is an approximation of T agreeing with T on a neighbourhood VQ of the ft let $ Yt = 37, t = 1, 2. Then without loss of generality we can assume (6.3')
Wtm' => T'm (Ii))) Yi)) T' k (£<"')
w/' 3 T'- 1 - (r,))) r2)) r'~* (if). Hence it is sufficient to find such a T' with Y( and Yi having normal intersection. The compact subset GL (T0mi rx— Y{) is so to speak a fundamental domain of T"*» restricted to WV*. Thus one may find without difficulty connected open sets Zi, Zt in W" with compact closures which are each disjoint from their images under Tw» and in addition Zx\JZtZ3 C£(T m i Yi — Yt). Let P = O Z i { 2 , , ( f i n T 2 )|*>0) 0=O2i{T-'(Z1)|I>lj The following is easily checked. 6.4 LEMMA.
pnr-nz.n r,) = Q ynT- i (^ 1 nr 2 )=ts
differential equations and diffeonorphismt
Let Up, Uq, V be open sets such that Up Z> P, Uq Z> Q, V Z3 T-1 (Zt (\ P,) and U,{\ T— Q, 17, H V= Q. By the Thorn tranaversality theorem [16] and a suitable patching by a C00 function (similar) to 3.2a) one can find an approximation T' of T with the following properties: a) T = T on a neighbourhood VQ of the /?< and the complement of V in M. (b) T'lT-1 (Zj)] and Yt have normal intersection (i. e. W) and 2" [T -, (£|)] have normal intersection on T [T-1 (Zx)\ fl r 2 ). Suppose now that x 6 T/ fl Yi, and jTm 0 and T'mxZ YJ (b) Z\ is T'[T-i(Z,)] and so T"»xlT' [T-*(Zt)]. (c) there exists a neighbourhood of T'mx in Y'2 which is in Y g . It can be shown without difficulty that (a), (&), and (o) are consequences of the choice of V. Now one carries out exactly the same procedure with Zj = q (Zt) re placing Zi in the argument. This gives us an approximation T" of T' with the desired properties of 6.2. 7. Elementary singularities of a vector field. We now pass from the diffeomorphism problem to the case of a dyna mical system. Let M be a compact & manifold 1 < r < oo and /? the space of all C vector fields on M with the Cr topology. One may put a Banach space stru cture on 0 if »• < oo. In any case /? is a complete metric space. A singularity p of X on M is a point at which X vanishes. Let p be a singularity of X on M. Then using some local product structure of the tangent bundle, in a neighbourhood TJ of p, X is a dififerentiable map, X: U —>• Mp, whose derivative A at p is a linear transformation of Mp . We will say that p is an elementary singularity of X on M if the de rivative A of X at p has no eigenvalue of real part one, and transversal if A is an automorphism. Let Q. be the subset of (i such that if X 6(2 X has only elementary singularities. 7.2 THEOREM.
6 is an open dense set of /?. To see thas, one first checks the following lemma.
112 7.3
S. SHAM : Stable manifold* for LEMMA.
Let X be a vector field on M. Then are i f is a transversal singular point of X if and only if X, as a cross section in the tangent bundle meets the zero cross-section over M transversally. From this and the transversality theorem of Thorn [16] one concludes 7.4
Let Q' be the subset of /S of vector fields on M which have only tran sversal singular points. Then C is an open dense subset of /?. Now 7.2 follows from 7.4 as in the proof of 5.2 where 2r was shown to be dense in S,. Note that if XtG, or even Q', by 7.3, the singular points of X are isolated and hence finite in number.
8. Elementary closed orbits. Let y be a closed orbit of a vector field X on a manifold with asso ciated local diffeomorphism T: U—>-2 about p G y fl 2. Then y will be called an elementary (transversal) closed orbit of X if T has p as an ele mentary (transversal) fixed point. 8.1
Let QQ be the subspace of Q (of section 7) of vector fields X on M such that every closed orbit of X is elementary. Then Q$ is the countable intersection of open dense sets of /?. L. Marcus [18] has a theorem in this direction. Also B. Abraham has an independent proof of 8.1 [17]. If y is a closed orbit of X on M, then one can assign a positive real number, the period of y as follows. Let x £ y, q>t, (x) = x where t0 > 0, y>t (x)r*x, 0 < t < t0. Then t0 is an e invariant of y, the period of y. For a positive real number L, let S L C S consist of X on M such that, if y is a closed orbit of length < L, then y is elementary. Since GQ = 0 , QL > with 7.2, 8.1 is a consequence of the following. 8.2
For every positive X, QL is open and dense in 6. The proof is somewhat similar to the proof of 5.2. First that QL is open in Q follows from a similar argument to that of 5.2 used in showing that Sp is open in S. We leave this for the reader. It remains to show: QL, i s dense in Q. Let XiQ. The first step is to
differential equation* and diffeonorphitm*
construct a finite number of open cells Ua of M of codimension 1, transversal to X such that Ua 3 Wa where Wa is a closed sub-disk of Ua such that every trajectory of X passes through some Wa. It is a straightforward matter to show that such a set of (Ua, Wa) exists. Fixing a now, tbe next step is to approximate X by X', a vector field on M eqnal to X outside a neighbourhood of Wa so that if y is a closed orbit of X' of length < L, iutersectiDg some fixed neighbourhood of Wa in TJa, then y is elementary. The existence of such an approximation is suffi cient for the proof of 8.2. The construction of the approximation X' of the proceeding paragraph is based on tbe methods of Section 2 and 5. We outline bow this is done. Let F a be a compact neighbourhood of Wa in Ua. Then let Da C Ua be the set of points * of Ua such tbat -Fa the associated difleomorphism, say really defined on some neigh bourhood of J)a in Ua. Now apply tbe methods of 5.2 to approximate T by T' such that T is defined in a neighbourhood of Da and that T has only generic periodic points. Now using the construction of Section 2 and 3.2a one defines the above X' using 1". 9. Stable manifolds for a differential equation. The following is tbe global stable manifold theorem for singularities of a vector field. 9.1. THBORBM
Let X be a C°° vector field on a 0°° manifold generating a 1-parameter group (pt, with an elementary singularity at x0ZM. Let Ei OM+ be the subspace of tbe tangent space of M at x0 corresponding to the eigenvalues with real part negative. Then there is a 1 — 1 C°° immersion y> : Et —>■ M with tbe following properties: (a) X is everywhere tangent to y(®i) a n a a s * -*■ °°> 9>t (*) —*• X0 for all a>€ y ( I , ) . (b) y> (0) = x0 and tbe derivative of y> at x0 is the inclusion of Ei into Mx,. PROOF
It can be checked that the map E of 4.1 satisfies 9.1 using of 9.1 or its image is called the itabl$ manifold of x0.
: Stablt manifold* for
One has a stable manifold associated to an elementary closed orbit of a differential equation by the following theorem. 9.2.
Let y be an elementary closed orbit of a differential equation X on M generating a 1-parameter group 2 be an associated local diffeomorpbism of y at x with derivative L at X, and Ei the linear sabspace of Mx tangent to 2 corresponding to the eigenvalues of L with absolute value < 1. Then there exists a contraction Tt : El —>- Bi with the following true. The construction preceeding 2.1 applied to Tl defines a ma nifold M0 with a vector field X 0 on ;l/ 0 . Then there is a 1 — 1 immersion yt: IU0 —>• M mapping X 0 into X up to a scalar factor and y>(p) = x where p is the point of M0 corresponding to (0, 0) of Ei x R (in the definition of M0). For the proof we only need to note that y is defined first in a neigh bourhood of 0 x R and then extended to M0 by the device used in the proof of 4.1. Then y> or its image is called the stable manifold of y. The unttable manifold of a singularity or closed orbit of X on M is the respective stable manifold with respect to — X. In general M0 is either 8' X E, or the twisted product. If X is a dynamical system on a manifold M, we say that X has the normal intersection property if the stable and unstable manifolds of X have normal intersection with each other. Fixing compact M, let G„, /S be as in the previous section and £ 0 be the set of X in 6 0 with tbe normal inter section property.
y?0 is the countable intersection of open and dense sets of /?. This theorem and its proof are somewhat analagous to (6.1). For the proof of 9.3, let e : QL —>- R be defined in a completely analo gous fashion to the e of (6.1a) where QL is defined in section 8. Let X(.Q.L and x be a singular point of X or a closed orbit of period 0. Then 9.3 is implied by the following.
differential equationt and diffeomorphitnu 9.4
SAIS is open and dense in Q). As in section 6, for the proof of 9.4, it is sufficient to approximate a given X 6 QL by a vector field in stlis • Also just as in section 6, one defines maps f and submanifolds T{ of M. The only difference in the proof from that of 6.1 is in the details of the construction of the approximation itself. One uses here exactly the ap proximation in [13] page 202. We will not repeat it here, but only remark that one can do it a little simpler than in [13] by changing l o o a finite sequence of Euclidean cells one at a time. This completes the proof of 9.3. We conclude by remarking that if one takes for M, the 2-sphere, then sd0 is open as well as dense in £ that each X € srf.0 has only a finite num ber of closed orbits, and by a theorem first stated essentially by Andronov and Pontrjagin, X is structurally stable. In this caee, i. e., M = 8*, density of s%0 in p was first proved by M. Peixoto [8].
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S. SMALK : Stable
1. 2.
O. D. BIHKHOFF, Collected Mathematical Paperi New York 1950. CODDINGTON and LBVJNSON, Theory of Ordinary differential equation, McGraw-Hill, New York 1956. 3. L. E. ELSGOLTZ, An eetimat* for the number of tingular poinit of a dynamical tytttm defined on a manifold, Amer. Math. Soo. Translation No. 68, 1952. 4. P. HARTMAN, On local homeomorphitmt of Euclidean tpaee, Proceeding! of tht Sympoeium on Ordinary Differential Equations, Mexico City, 1959. 5. S. I.BF8CHETZ, Differential Equation; Geometric Theory, New York 1957. 6. D. C. LEWIS, Invariant manifoldt near an invariant point of unttable type, Amer. Journal Math. Vol. 60 (1938) pp. 577-587. 7. R. S. PALAIS, Local Triviality of the retlrietion map for embedding*, Comm. Math Heir. Vol. 34 (1980) pp. 805-312. 8. M. PBIXOTO, On ttructural ttability Ann. of Math. Vol. 69 (1959) pp. 199-222. 9. M. PBIXOTO, Structural liability on 2-dimemioual manifold*, Topology Vol. 2 (1962) pp. 101-121. 10. I. PKTROV8KT, On the bthavior of the integral curve* of a tyitem of differential equation* in the neighbourhood of tingular point. Keo. Math. (Mat. Sbornik) N. 8. Vol. 41(1984) pp. 107-155. 11. G. KBBB, Sur oertain** propriM* topologique* det projeetoire* det lyiteme* dynamiquee, Aoad. Boy. Belg. Cl. 8ci. Mem. Coll. 8° 27 N° 9, (1952). 12. 8. SMALK, More* inequalitiet for a dynamieal tyitem, Boll Amer. Math. Soe. Vol. 48 (1940) pp. 883-890. 13. 8. SMALK, On Gradient Dynamical Syttemt, Ann. of Math. Vol. 74(1961) pp. 199-206. 14. 8. STBRNBKRO, Local contraction! and a theorem of Poincari, Amer. Journ. Math, Vol. 79 (1957) pp. 809-824. 15. R. THOM, Sur «ne partition en eellulet aitociee a une function tur une variitl, C. R. Aoad. Soi. Parie Vol. 228 (1949) pp. 973-976. 16. R. THOM, Quelquet propriM* global** det variiUi differentidtl**, Comm. Math. Heir., 28 (1954), pp. 17-86. 17. R. ABRAHAM, TranivtrialUy of manifold* of mapping! to appear. 18. L. MARCUB, Structurally liable differential tyUeme, Ann, of Math. Vol. 73 (1961) pp. 1-19.
1 8 6 3
S. S M A L E U.S.A. *
The purpose of this announcement is to define a differentiable homeomorphism of the 2-6phere S* which on one hand is structurally stable in the sense of Andronov-Pontryagin [1] and on the other hand has periodic points of arbitrarily high period, and a non-locally connected minimal set.
; Fig. 1.
"\ Fig. 2.
According to 12), this answers a question raised by Andronov. (One may take the induced flow on S* x Sl). We recall the definition of structural stability. If T, Tl are differentiable ( O ) homeomorphisms of a closed C*° manifold At, they are equivalent if there is a homeomorphism h:M-*M such that hT"=>T1h. They are eequivalent if h may be chosen pointwise within 8 of the identity. Let d, be a C1 metric on the space x„ of differentiable homeomorphisms of M. Then Tet m is structurally stable if given e > 0 there is a o > 0 such that if dl(T,T1)<6f then T and T1 are e-equivalent. We now describe the differentiable homeomorphism TiSP-^S? with the properties stated above. For convenience we describe T on the plane £• thinking of £ , = S t — p, Tp — p. The differentiable homeomorphism T is to map the regions as indica ted in Figure 1 IB-+Blt etc.) and to further satisfy: a) The Jacobian matrix of 7 has eigen-values with absolute value less than one on the exterior of T~' (outer boundary of B) and £,. b) That T-* (SflSj) be two vertical rectangles Ru Rt in S (as in fi gure 2), and that T on each of Rx, Rt be «quite» close in the C1 sense to the obvious linear map on Rlt Rt. One can now construct a natural 1-1 correspondence between the points of tf— n 7 * ( S ) (2 the integers) and the collection of all doubly ■MS
infinite sequences of ones and twos with a decimal point,... 1211, 21112... ... etc.
635 366
S. Smale
Here the periodic points in K correspond to periodic sequences. One can extend the numerical notation to give actually a normal form for 7 which i6 used to construct the homeomorphism required in the example. Reference1. A. A. A n d r o n o v and L. S. P o n t r y a g f n , Systemes grossiers, DoM. Akad. Nauk SSSR, vol. 14. 1937. 247-250. 2. L. M a r k u s. On the Behaviour of the Solutions of a Differential System Near a Periodic Solution, with Applications to the Theory of Structurally Stable Systems, Technical Report 8. O O R project 1469, University of Minnesota, 1959.
Diffeomorphisms with Many Periodic Points STEPHEN SMALE Introduction Although this paper is motivated by problems in ordinary differential equations, we consider explicitly the topological conjugacy problem for diffeomorphisms. Recall that C° diffeomorphisms T,T': M.-+M. are topologically conjugate if there exists a homeomorphism h: M —*-M so that Th = hT' where M is some differentiable manifold (see [10] and [11] for a background of this work here). We consider here aspects of this problem which are related on one hand to the symbolic dynamics of Hadamard, Morse, and others (see Gottschalk and Hedlund [5]), and on the other hand to the homoclinic points of PoincarS and G. D. Birkoff. The "shift automorphism" (on m symbols) of symbolic dynamics, described in section 1, is a homeomorphism of a Cantor set with a number of interesting properties which include periodic points of arbitrarily high period and a minimal set, itself homeomorphic to a Cantor set. We recall that p 6 X is a periodic point of a homeomorphism T: X —*■ X if Tx(p) = p for some A. The smallest positive A is called the period of p. A minimal set of a homeomorphism is a compact invariant set with no proper compact invariant subsets except the empty set. THEOREM A. On every manifold M of dimension greater than one, there exists an open set U in the space of diffeomorphisms of M with the C topology with the following property. If T e U, then there is a Cantor set Q. <= M, invariant under T such that T restricted to Q is topologically equivalent to the shift automorphism on 2 symbols.
This means that if T: A —*■ A is the shift automorphism there is a homeomorphism h: A —*■ Q with Th = AT. COBOLLABY. On every manifold M of dimension greater than one, there is an open set of diffeomorphisms, C topology, with each element possessing an infinite number of periodic points. 63
This shows that the answer to problem A of [12] is negative, for every manifold of dimension greater than 1, in fact. That is, the diffeomorphisms (and dynamical systems also, via [11]) axiomatized there are not dense in all diffeomorphisms. Previous to the research of this paper, N. Levinson had written me that his paper [6] would already yield this answer for problem A for 2-dimensional difiPeomorphisms and 3-dimensional differential equations. His paper and those of Cartwright [3], and Littlewood [7], indicate strong relations between the theory developed in this paper and the theory of a 2nd order differential equation, time dependent, in particular that of van der Pol with a forcing term. I presume that in view of G. D. Birkhoff's theorem on homoclinic points, see below in the Introduction, he would have known the answer to this problem A in dimension 2. One last note on this problem is that by a different example, inde pendently, B. Thorn, unpublished, shows the answer to problem A to be negative. His example is an open set of diffeomorphisms of a 2-dimensional torus which have no "contracting" periodic points. A point x e M is called a homoclinic point of a diffeomorphism T:M^ M if lim TJ* = lim T~nm — y, x ^ y «|-»0O
(so in particular the limits exist), m a positive integer, for example 1. Homoclinic points were first found by Poincare' in the restricted three body problem and he was aware of the complexity that they contributed to the nature of dynamical systems. Birkhoff has pursued the study of homoclinic points (see [1], [2]). THEOREM B. / / D(M) denotes the space of diffeomorphisms of M with the C topology, r > 0, there is a subset D0 which is the countable intersection of open dense sets of D with the following property. IfxsMisa homoclinic point of Te D0, then there is a Cantor set Cl cz M, xeil, and p such that T'il = Q and T" restricted to Q is equivalent to a shift automorphism of symbolic dynamics.
One should note that the idea of Theorem B is excluding a few diffeo morphisms, the mild hypothesis, x is- homoclinic point, leads to a rather strong conclusion. COBOLLABY. If T B D e , then in every neighborhood of a homoclinic point of T there is an infinite number of periodic points of T. This follows from the well-known [5] and easily proved fact that the periodic points of a shift automorphism are dense in the Cantor set. Birkhoff [1] proved the above corollary where the manifold was the
plane using arguments which do not seem to generalize to higher dimensions. The theorem that there exist dhTeomorphisms of the n-sphere which are structurally stable and have an infinite number of periodic points was announced in [9], [10]. Our work here takes us a large part of the way toward this result, but we postpone the complete proof to another paper. Everything is considered from the C°° point of view, e.g. diffeomorphisms and manifolds are always C°°. Some conversations with Dr. R. Abraham on the generalization of Birkhoff's theorem have been very helpful. We take this opportunity to make some corrections to our paper "Morse Inequalities for dynamical systems" [12]. First, as we see in [11], as was first pointed out to us by Harold Rosenberg, the stable manifolds for a closed orbit may be twisted and hence non-orientable. Thus in the Morse inequalities one must either assume that the stable manifolds are orientable, or that the coefficients are Zt. Also the axioms on page 49 should be augmented by the analogue of Axiom 5 for vector fields page 43. §1
We discuss here some elements of symbolic dynamics. See Gottschalk— Hedlund [5] for more information with historical references. Let 8 be a finite non-empty set with m elements. Let I, j be integers or °o» 0 <, I <; oo, — 1 <; j <; oo, [—I, j] the set of integers between —I and j , inclusive when I, j are finite. Let Alj be the set of functions from [—I, j] to S, A\ a set with one element. Let each of £ and Z (the integers) be provided with the discrete topology and Alj the Compact open topology. Define a topological isomorphism T: Ay—»-^4J^J, 0 <, I — 1, —1 <,jy by r[a] (i) = a(» — l).ThenT: A™ -*-A^, is called the shift automorphism on m symbols. We note the following properties of T: A^ -*■ A™. For the proofs and further analysis of T, see [5]. (1.1) (a) The periodic points form an invariant countable dense subset of (b) There exists a minimal set, homeomorphic to a Cantor set. let If *o ^ l> h^h P — P<J>J> lo>Jo) b 6 t n e m a P P- A\ -*■ A\ by restricting a function from [l,j] to [l0, j0], For the proofs in Section 3, we include the following facts. Let af be the composition Aj
► Aj_1
► Ai_1
and pf: A° —*■ A?_x be a special case of the above defined restriction. The following is easily verified. (1.2) LEMMA. Let /?1( 0t e A?. Then pf+xtft) n of+i(Pt) has exactly one element if and only if Oj(fti) = pj(fit). Define 6: A_^ x Aj -*■ Aj by taking d(
To obtain some geometric picture of what is going on in this section, we refer the reader to the remark at the end of Section 6. Here we assume only that there is given a compact set R of a Hausdorff space M and a map T: R—+M, which is a homeomorphism onto its image. Define B 0 ^ = R and inductively (on j), B? = T(BJ_j) n R, Similarly define B*_, = T-\tf-f
n B°), J ^ 1, and Bj = Bf_t O Bj,
Also let BJ" = O,>0 Bj, #„ = n ^ . ! Bj, BZ = n ^ . ^ o B J , so that Bj is a well defined closed subset of R for all I, j satisfying — 1 <.j <, oo,
Note that 5? = T(B?_! n BL^.
j 0 <, j ^ oo, «A«n Bj <= Bj;.
PROOF. We show inductively that (a) BJ* c B j ^ a n d ^ g^ c ^ - ^ From this 2.1 follows immediately. Note B% = T{R) O R <= R = B°_x so that (a) is true for j = 0. If B?_x c B° , then T ^ ) c (B°_2) so B? = TfB"^) n i f c T(B»_2) O fi = B^_x proving (a). The proof of (b) is similar. (2.2) LEMMA. For Q<,l<,, T restricted to B\ is a homeomorphism onto Bj+J. PROOF. First note that it is sufficient to oonsider the case I, j < oo. Since T is a homeomorphism, it is sufficient for this to show that (a) T(BJ) c Bj;} and (b) T-H^Ti) c Bj. For (a) recall Bj = B? n B*_lt Bj;} = Bf+l n &'* and T(Bj) O R = B? +1 . So T(BJ) c B? +1 if T(BLj) <= R. But this is true sinoe I > 0, BLx = T-H#-{ O B°) and T(rf.j) c= T(T-lff^) = BLl1 «= B. 1 1 Since T(B'_1) <= B ^ , T)BJ) c BL^ and (a) is proved.
For (b) T- x (5^ +1 ) c T-\TE§) = &}, so it remains to prove But so it is sufficient to show But this is clear. This finishes the proof of 2.2. Let C\ be the set of components of Bj. From 2.1, let r: Cj-*-C^ be induced by inclusion. From 2.2, let t: C\ —*■!+J be induced by T; hence t is an isomorphism. The following is immediate. (2.3) LEMMA. The following diagram commutes: G{
*■ Cj+\
If /3 eCj, we will write asejS.^c J2, etc. where /J is considered to be a subset of R. §3
We refer again the reader to the remark at the end of Section 6. Suppose as in Section 2, T: R —*■ M is a homeomorphism onto its image where R is a compact subspace of a Hausdorff space M. We assume moreover that T satisfies the following axiom. Axiom 1. R is connected, B% has a finite number of components, say m, m>l. Furthermore if fteCLi, P,etf, I, j < oo, then / ^ H / ? , has exactly one component. Let Aj be as in Section 1, where the set 8 used in defining A^ is the set CJ. The goal of Section 3 is to construct, under the assumption of Axiom 1, an isomorphism : Alj—+ Cj with certain naturality properties. More explicitly the goal of this section is to prove 3.1. Recall r: Cj -»- Cjj is induced by inclusion, t:Cj-*- Cj+J by T. (3.1) THBOBBM. There is an isomorphism (1-1 onto map) : Alj-*-Clf, 0 <. I <; oo, — 1 <; j <; oo, with commutativity in the following diagrams: Aj——► L/j
—■—► G^
1- . 1'
1' . 1'
First observe that by considering .4", as C" are inductive limits of A\, C\, respectively, (see also Section 4) it is sufBcient to prove 3.1 for the case I, j < oo. Define first a map d: Cl_1 x Cj -*-CJ by taking for d{ftif (it) the com ponent /?t n /?, of Bj. By Axiom 1, d is a well-defined isomorphism. Furthermore d'1 is the restriction of r, x r, to the diagonal where rx: C\ —>Cl_x, rt:C!j-+-Cj are special cases of the r induced by inclusion. This is all quite analogous to the 6 denned at the end of Section 1. Let 8t be the following composition
and rt:Cfj—*- C%-\ the previously defined inclusion. We have the following analogue of 1.2. (3.2) LXHHA. Suppose 0V /S, e (fj. Then «i"^11(/?1) n r^V/^i) *°» *»*ci«e{y one element if and only if ry(/?,) = «>(/?,). PROOF. Consider the following (non-commutative) diagram.
Here the various f, r0, etc. are all induced by inclusion, tf, tj+1 induced by T. Let a = tM(d{f}v rjf1^,)), where d:C$ x CLX -»-Cj is as above, and Suppose now r ^ ) = *,(&). WewiHshowfirstthatae«,+,i(/?1) n r^iO^i) This amounts to proving (a) «y+1(a) = /?x and (b) fy+i(a) = /?,.
For (a), using definition of * m , we need to show ^(a t ) = & or fj{i{p\, V/"1)) = Pv ® u t *^"8 "• c ^ ear ^ r o m *** definition of d, f,. For (b) first note that by 2.3 the following commutes /TO
K- I' Hence it amounts to proving ^ _1 /5 t = fa,. Since ft_x X r0: C^_x -»- C°_1 X (7Li is an isomorphism, to prove (b) it is now sufficient to show (bx) f
t-if<*i = fi-4ilPt
(b») V*i = rJilfir
(bi) w e h*^ f»-iff V» =
«y^t = r ^ by hypothesis. Then (b) is finished using the definition of a, and the various r's. We leave for the reader the task of checking the uniqueness of a. To finish the proof of 3.2 it must be shown that if «j"+i(0i) C\ rf+iifit) consists of a single element a, then rt(fl^ = «/(/Sg). This follows from the commutativity of the previous diagram. We proceed now to the proof of 3.1. First define ^ from A0^ to C°_v A% to CQ, to be the canonical iso morphisms. Now <j>: A$ —*■ Cfj is defined inductively. Suppose has been defined up to A°j_x BO that the following diagrams commute: A-i
We wish to complete the induction by defining : A® -+Cj with the corresponding diagrams commuting. If a 6 A], let ^(a) = r^fo,*) O <S/"1(^a). By 3.2, this is well-defined. The hypothesis of 3.2. in this case follows from commutativity in the above diagrams and 1.2. From 1.2, 3.2 and the inductive hypotheses, one can obtain an inverse of 4>: Aj—+ Cj, so is an isomorphism. Next define from^41_1 to Cl_1 in the unique way so that the following commutes: V_i
*> v-_x
By considerations similar to those used in the construction of if>: A? —>• Cj, and using analogues of 3.2 and 1.2, one obtains an isomorphism : A_x -*-Cl_lt each I, with commutativity in the following diagrams.
A'-i-UC-t i-i -l
■ + Cl l - l
-1 _ * A - l
Here a, s are the compositions respectively,
A^-^A^-UA'-?, Let ^ : ^ —*• Clj be defined as the isomorphism which makes the follow ing diagram commute:
From previously discussed relations between the maps d and r, and similar relations between d and p, it follows that the following diagram commutes.
It remains for the proof of 3.1 to prove commutativity in the 2nd diagram in its statement. We first take care of the following special case
or equivalently that
+ C)
Now using (5 and d it is sufficient for this to note that the following two diagrams commute. A0,
U t+i
_*r° * °*+i
Next consider the following diagrams which define pit ir{, for » = 1,2.
These commute by previous considerations, so that we have commutativity in
^-A\ Aj+1
* cj
1 *-A_1 x Al+1
►C-i X W+i "*
which finishes the proof of 3.1. §4
To the structure T: R—*M of Section 3 with Axiom 1, we add the following Axiom. Axiom 2. Dim fl£ = 0. We will prove the following theorem. (4.1) THEOREM. Suppose R is a compact subspace of Hausdorff space M, T: R-*- M a homeomorphism satisfying Axioms 1 and 2. Then there exists a Cantor set £2 <= R, TO. = Q, and T restricted to Q is topologicaUy equivalent to the shift automorphism on m symbols, m of Axiom 1. Define £2 = B%; this is invariant under T by 2.2. By Axiom 2, 2?£ can be identified with C%, so that we can consider : A " —► £2. Then using 3.1, 4.1 is implied by the following lemma.
^ : i ^ - > Q i « continuous. Both A%, C™ = B^ = Q are inverse limits of the systems (A\, p), (C\,r) respectively. Since : A\-*-C\ is map of these inverse systems, by 3.1, and continuous, its limit : A^-t-C™ is continuous (see [4]). LEMMA.
I* To verify Axioms 1 and 2 in our applications, we need some linear theory. Let Ex, Et, EY x Et = E be Banach spaces (finite dimensional in our applications). For 0 < ft < 1, 0 < e, let B(p, e) be the set of bounded linear transformations of E, taking the following form in the product structure of E.
where ||Z|| <, ft + e, || 7|| <. e, and there exist bounded linear transforma tions L:E1^-E1, WL-^W^H + E, A:Et-+Elt \\A\\^e, B:E1--E1, ll-B-1!! 0 Bt(fi, e). (5.1) LKMHA. Given 0 < ft < 1, r\ > 0, there exists an e > 0 tcith the following property. If T e B*(/t, e) is the form
then for aUveE^ \\cv\\ <, t]\\av\\. PROOF. It can be assumed without loss of generality that ft -f r\ < 1. We use induction on the following hypothesis: Jf,(e): for T, = T0T,_i, T0e B(/t, e), T^e
(i) M l ^ JjIMI (ii> lk»i_it»ll ^ (A* + >?)IMI for all t; e ^ Note that if we can find a fixed e > 0 so that Jf^e) is true for all I, then 5.1. is proved. It is easily checked that there is an e > 0 so small that (a) (ft -\- s)tj -\e
6A _ lafi^i + V s - i . aj>t_i +
If ^i_i(e) is true then for any v e Elt we have for (ii) a,« = ajOj^r + 60c,_1t> = J5La,_xr + B^Cj^v So IMI ^ ll-B"1!! IMI ^ ll-B-'MI ^ ll-£oi_i» + AcuwH ^ WLa^vW - \\ACl_iv\\ Also l|£»i-i»ll ^ (A* + eJ-'Ik-ifll So IMI 2> ((A* + «) _1 - i?«)lk»i-i»ll ^ (A* + »y)-1l|a,-if|| (i)
MI^IWIIa l -i«ll + Wllc«-i«ll <. «lk»i_i«ll + (A* + e)»?llol_1r|| ^ ((A* + «)»? + e)lk»«-i«ll ^ »?ll<»i-i«li ^ »?IMI
by (ii). This prove 5.1. For any t > 0 define the sector St of El x 0 to be the set {x e E\x = 0 or d(xl\\x\\, EiXO)^ t}. Then 5.1 has the following consequence. (5.2) LEMMA. Given 0 < p<\, rj > 0, there exists e > 0 awcA thai ifTe B*(p, e) then T(E x O ) c 8n. Actually one has the following generalization of 5.2 which we do not use. (5.3) LEMMA. Given 0 < ;* < I, tj> 0 there exists ex > 0 unrt *Ae property that if T e B*(/i, ex) then T(8ti) c S„. PKOOF. Let e > 0 be given by 5.2 so that if t; e Et X 0, T e £*(A*, e) then TveSr}. Let J7 be the set in E of all vectors of the form Tv, Te B*(p, e), t e ^ x O . Then it can be seen that U contains a sector 8^ of E1 X 0 for some 0 < et < e. Now if v e 8H, Te B*{p, e^, the following proves that Tv e #„. First v = TtVi, ViSEi x 0, Tie B*(p, et). Then Tv = TT& and since B*(/i, Ei) is closed under products, this shows Tv e ST], proving 5.3.
Here we reduce the proof of Theorem A of the Introduction to 6.2 which is proved in Sections 7 and 8. Let D2 be the solid ball of radius 1 in Euclidean space E', D{ that of radius 1/10. Let R = D* x D"-* <= Ek x E"-* = E". Let T, a be some translations of £*, .ffn_* respectively which move distances by J unit. Then let J^ = (T X e)(DJ; x D»-*)( Rt = (T- 1 X e)(2)J x D—*) so that i21, Rt are disjoint subsets of R. Here e denotes the identity map. Let Rx = (e x ? _i ), be so that J^i, R'2 also are disjoint subsets of R. Let c: D* -»• D{, d: D"-* -»• D^~k be the natural contractions, shrinking the radius by -&, and define f^: ^ -*■ R[, ry = (e x ff)^-1 X d)(r X e)- 1 r2: R2 -*■ R'2> rt = (e x ■ E" is a C™ injection denned on a neighborhood U of R in .E" such that (1) T0RCiR = R'iKJ R'z (2) T(t1T0(R)nR) = R1vRt (3) T 0 maps 2 \ onto R[ by rx T 0 maps RL onto i?8 by rt (4) T0((7) O tf is contained in a ball of radius 2 in En. We leave to the reader the task of verifying that there exists such diffeomorphisms. (For Theorem A, the case jfe = 1 is sufficient.) The following will be proved in Sections 7 and 8. (6.2) THEOREM. There exists an e > 0 with the following property. If T: U —*■ En is a diffeomorphism which satisfies (a) (b)
\\T(x)-T0(z)\\<e,xeU, \\T.x\\-T0^<e,zeU,
then T restricted to R satisfies Axioms 1 and 2 of sections 3 and 4. (Here T.x is the derivative of T at x.) The preceding theorem leads to Theorem A as follows. Extend T0:R^>-En to a diffeomorphism T^E^^E* which is the identity outside of the ball in En of radius 3. From techniques of differential topology, it follows that such an extension exists (see, for example, [8]). Now let M be any manifold of dimension greater than one and En <= M
a coordinate system. Let T0: En-*-En be as above (with Jfc = I, for example) and extend T0 to a diffeomorphism of all of M by making it the identity outside of E*. Then 6.2 and 4.1 apply to yield Theorem A of the Introduction. Remark 1. We have constructed only the simplest examples in n dimensions which could be used for Theorem A. In these examples the corresponding m of Section 1 is 2. The reader will be able to construct further similar examples such that this m is an arbitrary positive integer. Also by changing the orientation in the definition of r, preceding 6.1, one obtains an example of this type where T: R—*-M, R c M, and R U TR is not imbeddable in En. The subsequent analysis covers all such cases. Remark 2. To obtain some geometric feeling for what is going on here and the earlier sections, it may be helpful for the reader to verify that T0 itself of 6.1 satisfies Axioms 1 and 2, and perhaps even to go through Sections 2 and 3 with this example in mind, for small k, n. §7
We prove here that for e small enough, the T of 6.2 restricted to R satisfies Axiom 1. Let n x : R -*■ Dk, II,: R -*■ D1*-* be the respective projections with R as in 6.1. The tangent space of R at any point is a direct sum Ek X E*-*. Let Sn be the sector of Ek X 0 as defined in section 5. (7.1) LEMMA. Given r\ > 0, there is an e > 0, so that if T satisfies 6.1 with respect to e, then the following is true: Let ft e Cj, x e /?, y e R with r'+ty = x. If v e E* X 0 is a tangent vector to y, then Tj+V) 6 S„. Here C°f refers to that of Section 2 defined by the above T. k PBOOF. This is a consequence of 5.2. Take p = ^5, El = E , Et =E*-*, B = identity. The derivative of T0 on Rt u Rt is
(t ;)• Thus in a neighborhood of i ^ u Rt, the derivative of T will be in B{p, e) and that of TM will be in B*(fi, e) (since T*(y) e JBX u Rt, 0 ^ i < j + 1). Thus 7.1 follows. (7.2) LBMMA. Let 0 = & O /9t, ft e Cj, /?, e Cl_v j , I < 00 (all with respect to T of 6.2). / / e of 6.2 is small enough, there exists a diffeomorphism ipt-.p-i-D* x D"-* which is given by (I^T 1 x I^T-o+^A where A:/?-»-/5x/S is the diagonal map and differentiability of y>„ is with respect to the induced structure on /J as a subset of R. Before we give the proof we note a consequence.
(7.3) COBOLLABY. For e > 0 small enough, T of 6.2 restricted to R satisfies Axiom 1. PROOF OF 7.2. We take e so small that in 7.1 for v 6 <S„, the angle between r\ and E* x 0 is less than ir/8. It must be shown that the composition y>g satisfies: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
well-defined differentiable of rank n onto 1 - 1.
(a) It is sufficient to show that if x e fa T'(x), T~u+U(z) are in R. In fact since fa <= Bfj, fa<= B*_lt x e /? if and only if T'(x) e R for -<j +\)<. (b) This follows from the definition of ipg. (c) Let xe fa Then the kernels (n^ 1 )." 1 ^) and (II.T-"*").- 1 ^), say, L„ Lt respectively are linear subspaces of the tangent space Rm. If it can be shown that Lx O Lt is the zero vector, then ipe must have rank n. Consider Lt. A vector v e Rx will belong to Lt if and only if (T~lM,),J,v) liesintf* X 0, or equivalently if v e {T'+^E* X 0) where y = P-w+«(a:). Thus L t <= iS, by 7.1 where £„ is the »; sector of E* X 0 and any non-zero vector of S„ has angle with Ek x 0 less than ir/8. A similar argument shows that ifveLlt then v has angle with 0 X .ff"~* less than n-/8. Thus only the zero vector is in Lx O Lt and (c) is proved. For (d) and (e) we show there exists an inverse to tpe. This is a consequence of (7.4) LBHMA.
Let —Kj
< co,0^l<
oo, x e D", y eD —*, fa e Cf,
[ft,n (*tT>)-Hx)]r\[fi,n (»,r-«+«-l(y)] is a single point. PBOOF.
Let Bm = Ilf^*) = a; x D"-*, * , = I l f *(y) = D* X y, Wt =
T-l(E,) O fa, Wt = T"+»(EV) r\ fa. Then (7.3) says TFX HIT, is a single point. Now inductivity define &}(y) = Tt-B^xfo) n # _ i ) where B°_i(y) is ^ , ; thus Bj = V^j,^B^(y). Then IP, is a component of £j(y). Then by induction on j it is not difficult to see that II x restricted to FP, is a diffeomorphism Wt —*■ D* and the tangent plane of Wt is within i/ of Ek X 0 with »7 as before.
Similar considerations apply to Wx. Putting this information together yields that Wt n t is a single point. This finishes the proof of 7.4 and hence 7.2. §8 The goal of this section is to verify that T of 6.2 satisfies Axiom 2 for s small enough. This is done through complementing 7.2 with the case where I and j are allowed to become infinite. We first prove (but not use here): (8.1) LEMMA. Let /? e C0^. Then Fix restricted to P is a homeomorphism P -*• D*. Similarly if px e C*,, ITt restricted to piis a homeomorphism from Pi to D"-*. Here C\ refers of course to the T of 6.2 for sufficiently small e. PBOOF. We claim that if p e Cf, x e D*, then the diameter of 0 n (x x D*~k) is less than (1/2)'. On one hand this statement clearly implies 8.1, and on the other hand it is consequence of the following lemma. (8.2) LEMMA. Let a. be a compact subset of R with the property that for each x e D*, (x x D"~*) n a has diameter -*) O o^ has diameter a<_1and/?1 = n£ =1 a , l I ' e C . , , a' =3 a*~ so that & H pt — n i 1 1 (a < O a'). Then a a <-i <"* a ' - 1 a n ( i from 7.2 we get that /3X O ftt is non-empty. Then from 8.2 and the analogue of 8.2 for T - 1 , the diameter of /?x O /?, must be zero, proving 8.3. §9 The main goal of this section is to prove Theorem B of the Introduction. For this proof, we depend on the theory of stable manifolds [11]. We recall in fact from this paper, the following theorem (Theorem 6.1 of [11]). Let D(M) be the space of C diffeomorphism of M, C topology and D 0 the space of T e D satisfying the following condition: The periodic points of T are elementary and the stable manifolds have normal intersection with the unstable manifolds of T. (9.1) THEOEEM. D 0 is the countable intersection of open dense subsets
Now note that we can assume that the periodic points of T e D 0 can satisfy a slightly stronger condition without loss of generality, namely Sternberg's non-degeneracy condition of [13]. Thus by Steinberg's theorem [13] in the neighborhood of a point of M of period p, there will exist local coordinates in which T" is linear. (I suspect that with a little effort, the use of this deep theorem could be bypassed.) We can clearly assume without loss of generality in the proof of theorem B that the m in the definition of homoclinic point is 1. Let now p be a homoclinic point of T e D0, and let y = lim T"p = lim T"*p. Then y is a fixed point of T with, say, stable manifold W, unstable manifold Wu and p e W n Wu. Now by the previous remarks, we can suppose that V is a neighborhood of y of the form V = {||*J| < r0, ||*2|| <£ r j , (xv xt) eE1xEt
= E
and that T restricted to V is linear and of the form
where At: i?, -*-Elt At: Et-*-Et are linear transformations, {{A^W < « < 1, \\At\\ < u < 1. We can assume without loss of generality in the proof of Theorem B that peV. (9.2) LEMMA. There exist compact domains with smooth boundary, K in W,J inW*,peKnJ,dKr\J = Q,KndJ = 0,K,J diffeomorphic to disks, and K <= interior T~lK, J c interior TJ. PEOOF. Following Section 3 of [11], there exist K, J with all the above properties, except for perhaps the boundary properties. Then using transversality theorems (see e.g. Thorn [14]) one can find suitable approxi mations of K, J satisfying 9.2. The K and J of 9.2 will intersect in a finite number of points, plt. . ., pt, including the original homoclinic point p and y. Of course, the pt are homoclinic points, except for y. We assume as before that the pt and J lie in V. Let m be large enough so that Tmi(pt) e V for each i and w^ ;> m, and let Z»< be the derivative of T™ at piy so that L(: El x Et -*■ Ex x Et. If we write
according to this produot decomposition then by the transversality of the homoclinic point pit A: E1-*-El ia invertible. Choose e > 0 so that for each », if \\8 — Lt\\ < e, and
then S1 is invertible. Let Vi be a neighborhood of p{ such that T^iy) e V and \\T?{y) — Lt\\ < e if y e U(. (Here TT(y) is the derivative of 2*" at y.) (0.3) LBHHA. There exists X > 0, t 0 such thai for all k ;> k0 the deriva tive T^T^T* satisfies the hypotheses of the linear transformation of 5.2 on the subset of T~x(Vi) consisting of points z such that T*(z) e V for m + X<^j
<.m + X + k. PBOOF. This derivative is of the form L„8LQ where L0 is as before and 8 satisfies the condition of the 8 previously denned, i.e., Sr below iB invertible. Then
U i \ \\AS\\ < 1. Now 9.3 is clear. Choose X and k0 of 9.3 valid for all the Ut at once and let U = u<_i T-xUt and DT = {xt e Et: \\xt\\ <>r<. r j . The following lemma can be proved without great difficulty. (9.4) LEMMA. There exists r > 0 andfc;> i 0 such that
<= T-<*+*+*>( r - v x x>r)n ( T - v x Z)r) <= u.
Now consider Tk+m+* restricted to T-<*+"»+*>(T-V x Dr) By 9.3 and 9.4, and by the following sections 7 and 8, we obtain as before that this pair satisfies axioms one and two. Then by 4.1, Theorem B is proved. REMARK Of course the conclusion of Theorem B applies to homoclinic points of diffeomorphisms T satisfying weaker assumptions than T t e D 0 . For example, all of this is valid for the homoclinic points Poincare originally found in the restricted 3-body problem, and thus one obtains information about the "motions" in this problem. COLUMBIA UNIVEBSITY
[1] G. D. BIBKHOFF, Nouvelles recherches sur lea systemes dynamiques, "Pontifical Memoir," Collected Works, Vol. 2, Amer. Math. Soc., New York, 1960. [2] , On the periodic motions of dynamical systems, Collected Works, Vol. 2, Amer. Math. Soc., New York, 1950.
653 80
[3] M. CABTRIOHT, Forced oscillations in nonlinear systems, Contribution* to the Theory of Non-linear OieiUatione, I, Princeton University Press, 1960. [4] EDLBKBEBO and STKKNROD, Foundations of Algebraic Topology, Princeton University Press, 1952. [5] OOTTSCHALK and HKDUJND, Topological Dynamic*, Amer. Math. Soc., Colloquium Publications, Vol. 3d, Providence, 1956. [6] N. LBVINSON, A second order differential equation with singular solutions. Ann. of Math., SO (1949). [7] J. E. LTTTLKWOOD, On non-linear differential equations of the 2nd order, IV. The general equation y" + kf[y)y' -f g{y) = bkp{+), + = t + a, Ada Math., 98 (1967), p. 1-110. [8] R. PALAIS, Extending diffeomorphisms, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 11 (1960), p. 274-277. [9] 8. SKALE, Report on the symposium on non-linear oscillations, Kiev Math. Institute, 1961. [10] , Dynamical systems and the topological conjugacy problem for diffeomorphisms, International Congress of Mathematicians at Stockholm, 1962. [11] , Stable manifolds for differential equations and diffeomorphisms to appear. [12] , Morse inequalities for a dynamical system, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc., 66 (1960), p. 43-49. [13] S. STKRNBKRG, On the structure of local homeomorphisms of Euclidean space, II, Amer. Jour, of Math., 80 (1968), p. 623-631. [14] R. THOX, Quelques proprietes globales des varietes differentiables, Comm, Math. HeU>., 28 (1954), p. 17-86.
In this note, we give a negative answer to "the problem of structural stability"; are the structurally stable differential equations dense in the C topology in all (first order, ordinary, autonomous) differential equations? MAIN THEOKBM. There exists a compact 4 dimensional manifold Id, an open set U in the space of Cr vector fields, C topology, r > 0, on M such that no X € 17 is structurally stable. This problem has been stated explicitly in the above form by the author on several occasions, see e.g. [10] and [11 ] . However the problem is older, considered for example by Soviet mathematicians, and by Peixoto who gave an affirmative answer [7] for the 2-disk and [8] for compact 2-manifolds. Evidence for a positive answer in higher dimensions was given by the author [12], [13] where it was shown that certain examples of differential equations having an infinite number of periodic solutions were structurally stable, and Anosov [2] gave further examples with the same properties. The notion of structural stability was introduced by Andronov and Pontriagin in 1937 [1] (see also Lefschetz [ 5 ] ) . We recall the definitions now. A differential equation (1st order, ordinary) X, will be a Cr tangent vector field on a C" manifold M, which we will assume compact for purposes of this paper. Of course X, through its solution curves, generates a 1 para meter group of diffeomorphisms <j>t of M. An equivalence between differential equations X and X' on if is a homeomorphism h: M-* M which sends a sensed solution curve of X onto one of X'. Fixing a metric on M, it is an (-equiva lence if it is pointwise within < of the identity. The Cr differential equations on 31 form a normed space with the C norm. Then X is structurally stable if given < > 0, there exists S > 0 such that if || X—X' \c- < 8, then X' is (-equivalent to X. We will first construct a diffeomorphism g of a 3-dimensional manifold (a 3-toru8) and use this to construct a differential equation X, on a 4-dimensional manifold. This X„ has the property that there is a neighborhood N of X, in the C topology such that no X in N is structurally stable. Received June 1, 1065.
655 8. SHALE.
The starting point is the linear transformation of R' given by the matrix /a A —le \0 where B — f
b d 0
0\ Oj r/
, ) has determinant 1, o, 6, c, d are integers and 0 < r < 1,
r small. We assume further that the eigenvalues of B are real and not ± 1. Then S as a transformation of the x-y plane induces a diffeomorphism B„ of the 2-torus T. Also A as a transformation on R* induces a diffeomorphism A„: TXR - » T X f i with TX 0 invariant and all other points oi TXR contracting towards T X 0 under 4 0 . Of course A„ restricted to T X 0 is essentially the same as B„ on T. We shall now recall some of the structure of this discrete flow (see [2], [3], [10], R. Thorn [unpublished]). Let II: R*->T be the covering map, and p —11(0,0) so that p is a fixed point of So- Then the two l-dimenaional eigenspaces of B project under II into a stable and unstable manifold through p (see [11] for these definitions of these terms) which we will denote respectively by W'(p) and W"(p). Both W'(p) and W«(p) are dense in T. The periodic points of B„ are dense in T (this fact may be proved algebraically, one may use the Generalized Birkhoff Theorem of [13] or Anosov [2]), and each of these also has a 1-dimensional stable (and unstable) manifold associated to it. These will be disjoint, parallel (using the Euclidean structure on R*) to W'(p) and each is dense in T. Now we pass to the extension A„: TX B-+ TX R of B„. It is easy to see that the periodic points of A„ coincide with those of B„ as do also the 1-dimensional unstable manifolds which we will denote from now on by ^x"(?«)> *—1>V ' ,?* the periodic points of A* The stable manifolds now however are two dimensional, being in T X R of the form W»(gj) X R where W»(j») C T is the 1-dimensional stable mani fold of B0: T-*T for the periodic point qt. From now on we denote this 2-dimensional stable manifold W*(qt) X 5 by Wt*(qt). Thus the stable manifolds of the periodic points of A„ are a countable, dense family of parallel "planes" in TXRLet J , denote the restriction of A, to TX [—1,1] C TXRIn a neighborhood 8 of radius | about the point 6— (0,0,2) of R', let C be a linear transformation which contracts in the x-y plane through b, leaving b
fixed and leaving tbe z-axis invariant, expanding on it away from &.. Denote by (7„ the induced transformation defined on the corresponding neighborhood So —IMS) of 11,(6) in TXR, n,: R'->TXR our covering map, and let
j — {(o,o,*)e:rx-ff | o ^ * g 2 } . Now it is easy to define a diffeomorphism / on a neighborhood of T X [— 1,1] U S0 U J in T X R into T X R which is I„ on T X [—1> 1]> Co on So, and leaves J invariant with no fixed points on J, except 0 and
nt(&). In fact we may assume / is extended not just to a neighborhood of T X [—1> 1] U So U J, but to a diffeomorphism of the whole compact mani fold TX8' *TXS', where 8/ is [—3,3] with end points identified. Our desired diffeomorphism g is obtained by perturbing / in a neigh borhood 0 of a point a in TX8' as follows. We assume r — j . Let «, —^(0,0,}) and Go — n t (.#,/, (0,0,$), N,(x) being the neighborhood of * of radius «. Then let a—f-1^) and G —/-X(G0) so since r — J, /(G) n f f - f Using the obvious linear structure on 0, let ? —/ outside (? and on G let g — f + rfh where & is the vector (1,0,0), <£ is a non-negative C" function with compact support in G and non-degenerate maximum value 1 at et andfinally17 > 0 is small enough so that g is a diffeomorphism. Note h is transversal to the "planes" JrV(?i). We now show that if g": M-+M is any diffeomorphism sufficiently close to g in the C topology, then there exists a diffeomorphism g": M~*M arbitrarily C" close to g' with the property that g" and g" are not topologically conjugate, at least by a homeomorphism pointwise close to the identity. (Thus g1 is not a structurally stdblt diffeomorphism; see [10], [11] for elaboration of this). One can best study a small C" perturbation g* of g by using theorems of Perron [9] put into a general setting in the spirit of Anosov [2]. We expect to expand on this point in a future paper. In the meantime we argue as follows. Pint, for g" C1-close enough to g, there is an invariant torus T CM — TX8' corresponding to f X O and C'-close to it. For this see Kupka [4] or Moser [6]. Next, g' restricted to 2" is topologically conju gate by a homeomorphism close to the identity to g: r x O ^ f X O ; we [2] or [3]. Let the stable manifolds of g* of the countable dense set of periodic points qi on I" be denoted by Wt* (},')'. The tangent 2-plane to each point of Wt»(qi')' is close (arbitrarily, depending on the C distance of g* to g) to the plane Tr",*(?i) (which is independent of i, of course) on T X [—1,1].
657 494
This is a consequence of Section 5 of [13]. Similarly, the W t ' ( g / ) ' filled up r x [—1,1] densely. The intersections of WV(?t')' n «w the z-axis with the i-axis will be a countable dense set 2'. Denote by Wf the 1-dimensional unstable manifold of the fixed point (0,0,2) of ^ and by Wt*' that corresponding to the pertur bation g'. Now for all g' (and g") sufficiently close to g, we can have precisely one of two cases as follows. Case 1: The first point on Tf1«', near the bump f (a), ordering by 2 ' is on some WV (}«')'. Case 2: It is not. The following two facts finish our picture of g". 1. By letting g" — j ' + i^A (see the definition of g), arbitrarily small ij, we can suppose g" is in Case 2 if g' is of Case 1 and rice versa. 2. If g' and g" are in the opposite cases there is no homeomorphism h of M close to the identity such that g'k — hg". This can be seen by iterating g' and g". From any diffeomorphism g of a compact n-manifold M onto itself, one can construct in a canonical way, an ordinary differential equation X on an (n-j-1) manifold with a cross-section g: M—*M (see [11]). In this way the various relevant properties of g correspond to those of X. Therefore, from what we have shown, the main theorem follows. The example in this paper surely reduces the importance of the notion of structural stability. One might be further discouraged from studying the global qualitative theory of higher dimensional, ordinary differential equations. We believe, however, that this study can be constructive and are preparing a paper in this direction based on an axiom, which we consider to be of central importance, axiom A, described as follows. Let X be a smooth vector field on a compact manifold M which generates a l-parameter flow t: M-*M is a smooth l-parameter flow on a differentiable manifold, the derivative ^»: Tu-*Tu defines a 1-
parameter group of the V-B maps of the tangent bundle, called the derived
flow. A 1-parameter group of V-B maps V»: E-*E over a compact space M is called contracting if for some Riemannian structure on Tl\ E-*M, the following two estimates hold:
1) | * ( r ) | £ a | r | r « 2) IMOII^M'I*"'"
t^Q.rtE, t^0,v€E.
Here a, b, c are positive constants, and J v Q is the norm of v in the metric on the fiber to which v belongs. Finally ,:M—*M, a U-structure on O (generalizing Anosov [2]) is defined as follows. The tangent bundle T(M) of M restricted to O, Ta(M), is a Whitney sum Ta(M) —Da» ®Da'®X (topologically) such that
Ea'-DQ' + X,
Ea'-Da' + X,
are invariant under the derived flow $»: T(M) -*T{M) of t, it- Ea'-*Ea* is contracting (as a 1-parameter group of V-B maps) and eV,: Ea*-*Ea" is expanding. Here X is the line bundle denned by X, X the tangent vector field generating «V For a smooth flow 4>,: M -» M of a compact manifold then our axiom is: Axiom A. structure.
The set of non-wandering points CIC1I of 4>t has a U-
REFERENCES. [1] A. A. Andronov and L. S. Pontriagin, "Svstimes Oroaaiers," Doklady AJeademU Ifauk, TOL 14 (1937), pp. 247-261. [2] D. 7. Anosov, " Roughness of geodesic flows on compact Riemannian manifolds of negative currature," Soviet Mathematics, vol. 3 (1982), pp. 1098-1070. [3] 7 . 1 . Arnold and Ja. <J. Sinai, " Small perturbations of the automorphisms of the torus," Soviet Hathemaiict, vol. 3 (1962), pp. 783-787. See also correction of same, Boviet Mathematics, vol. 4 (1983) page preceding 561. [4] I. Kupka, "Stabilite dee varietes invariantes d'un champ de vecteurs pour lee petitee perturbatione," Oomptee Rendut de I'AoademU dee Science* de Parie, TOI. 258 (1964), pp. 4197-4200. [5] S. Lefschets, Differential Xquaiiont: Geometric Theory, New York, 1957.
659 496
8. 8XALB.
[6] J. Hoser, On invariant manifold* of vector field* and symmetric partial differential equation*, in Differential Analysis, Bombay, 1984. [7] M. Feixoto, "On structural stability," AnnaU of Mathematie*, TOL 69 (1969), pp. 199-122. [8] ," Structural stability on 2-dimensional manifolds," Topology, ToL 2 (1962), pp. 101-121. [9] Perron, "Die Stabilitatsfrage bei Differentialgleichungen," Uathematitche Zrittohrift, TOI. 32 (1930), pp. 703-T28. [10] S. Smale, Dynamical tyatem* and the topologioal oonjugacy problem for diffeomorphitmt, Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians, Stockholm, 1982. [11] , " Stable manifolds for differential equations and diffeomorphisms," AnnaU delta Souola Normal* Superior* di Pita, Series III, vol. XVII (1963), pp. 97-116. [12] , A ttructurally ttable differential* homeomorphitm leitk an infinite number of periodic point*, Report on the Symposium on non-linear oscula tions, Kier Mathematical Institute, 1961. [13] , Diffeomorphitm* loith many periodic point*, M. Morse Symposium, Dif ferential and Combinatorial Topology, Princeton, 1966.
Dynamical Systems on n-Dimensional Manifolds s. SMALE Department of Mathematics University of California Berkeley, California
In this survey paper, we study the problem of the global behavior of a first order, autonomous, differential equation on a compact manifold, or what is the same thing, a 1-parameter group of diffeomorphisms of this manifold. In the spirit of the papers [6], [8], we worry only about the general case or almost all differential equations in some sense. Furthermore, to simplify the presentation, we assume that there is a cross section (see [9]), so that we will be looking at diffeomorphisms
Recall that x e M i s a wandering point if there is a neighborhood U of x such that U | „ i > B a i ^ 7 * ( ( / ) n I / ^ 0 . Then xe Q if it is not a wan dering point [2]. Theorem I [7]. If - M satisfies these axioms, then the stable man ifolds give a cellular decomposition of the manifold M, i.e., M is the finite union of cells W{ which are partially ordered: W{ < Wf, if W{ is con tained in the closure of Wf. The unstable manifolds give rise to a "dual" decomposition. In a fairly satisfactory sense, this theorem gives a "phase-portrait" for
so as well. Then the homoclinic points are dense in T and in fact Q — T. Furthermore C approximations/' of/possess all of these properties [/]. In [77] a 3-dimensional example g: M* -*■ AP is given with the above torus as an invariant submanifold which has the property that no C-approximation is structurally stable. Thus the axioms stated earlier are indeed substantially restrictive, and the problem poses itself to relax these axioms so that: (1) The previous examples may be incorporated into the new framework; (2) if a diffeomorphism satisfies the relaxed axioms, then a finite decomposition of the manifold generalizing the previous one can be obtained in a natural way. This problem has a solution which we announce here. If 99: M-*■ Mis a diffeomorphism, and Q c Mis compact and invariant under q>, tp-1, define a {/-structure on Q to be a continuous splitting of the tangent space TX{M), each x e Q, TX(M) = Vxu + Vx' such that: (a) If D■ Ty(M) is the derivative, y =
v e vx; || Dqr(xm || < t>' || v ||, w e Vx\
|| D(x)(w) \\>CX'\\w\l
p < l, r > 0 X > 1, s > 0.
For example, for the diffeomorphism of the torus described previously, there is a (/-structure on Q = T, and in general, Anosov [7] studies the case of a (/-structure on the whole manifold. In the case of diffeomorphisms satisfying the previous Axioms 1-3, there is a (/-structure on the finite set of periodic points given by eigenspaces of Dq?"{x), when . The periodic points are dense in Q. If A c M is a compact invariant set of y: M —*■ M, then A is indecompo sable if it is not the disjoint union of two invariant compact subsets (A "in variant" always means
663 S. SMALE
M as the disjoint union ui^rV^Q,), n
where rV'(Qi) is defined as the set
of x e M such that (p (x) *" °> i2<. If satisfies Axiom B if: Axiom B. If Wu(Qi) n W'(Qj) ^
1.1. Introduction to conjugacy problems for dlffeomorphisms. This is a survey article on the area of global analysis defined by differentiable dynamical systems or equivalently the action (differentiable) of a Lie group G on a manifold Af. An action is a homomorphism G—»Diff(Af) such that the induced map GX Af—»Af is differentiable. Here Diff(Af) is the group of all diffeomorphisms of M and a diffeomorphism is a differentiable map with a differentiable inverse. Every thing will be discussed here from the C" or C point of view. All manifolds maps, etc. will be differentiable (O, l ^ r ^ w ) unless stated otherwise. In the beginning we will be restricted to the discrete case, G=Z. Here Z denotes the integers, Z+ the positive integers. By taking a generator/£ Diff (Af) i this amounts to studying diffeomorphisms on a manifold from the point of view of orbit structure. The orbit of x £ Af, relative t o / , is the subset {/"(*)| m£Z\ of M or else the map Z—*M which sends m into/•(*). The finite orbits are called periodic orbits and their points, periodic points. Thus x £ Af is a periodic point if f*(x) = x for some m £ Z + . Here m is called a period of x and if «* — l, x is a fixed point. Our problem is to study the global orbit structure, i.e., all of the orbits on Af. The main motivation for this problem comes from ordinary dif ferential equations, which essentially corresponds to G~R, R the reals acting on Af. There are two reasons for this leading to the diffeomorphism problem. One is that certain differential equations have cross-sections (see, e.g., [114]) and in this case the qualitative study of the differential equation reduces to the study of an associated diffeomorphism of the cross-section. This is the reason why Poincare' [90] and Birkhoff [19] studied diffeomorphisms of surfaces. I believe there is a second and more important reason for studying the diffeomorphism problem (besides i{s great natural beauty). That is, the same phenomena and problems of the qualitative theory of ordinary differential equations are present in their simplest form in the diffeomorphism problem. Having first found theorems in the dif*The preparation of this paper was supported by the National Science Founda tion under grant GN-530 to the American Mathematical Society and partially supported by NSF grant GP-S798.
feomorphism case, it is usually a secondary task to translate the results back into the differential equations framework. Assuming M compact, we put on Diff(AO the topology of uniform O convergence. We will usually keep M compact because for noncompact M, there are different behaviours at infinity that one could consider. See, for example, [86]. These lead to different problems and we don't wish to get into such questions here. One of the first things that one observes is the need to exclude degenerate elements of Diff (Af). For example, given any nonempty closed set FQM, there is/£Diff(Af) such that the fixed point set Fix(/) = F. For a number of reasons, if F is not discrete we would like to exclude such/. The set of /£Diff(Af) such that Fix(/) is discrete (or finite, since we assume M compact) contains an open dense set of Diff (Af). This leads to the notion of generic properties of diffeomorphisms. A Baire set of a complete metrizable space is the inter section of a countable number of open dense sets. Then a generic property is a property that is true for diffeomorphisms belonging to some Baire set of Diff(M). We will never speak of generic/£ Diff (Af) (this is usually taken to mean that/ has a lot of generic properties!). Thus "Fix(f) is finite" is a generic property and a little more since open dense is stronger than Baire (see §1.6 for more details and references). It is important in proceeding to consider formal equivalence rela tions on Diff (Af) which will preserve the orbit structure in some sense. Furthermore associated to each equivalence relation there is a notion of stability. More precisely if the equivalence relation on Diff (Af) is called E, / G Diff (Af) is called E-stable if there is a neighborhood N(f) of/ in Diff(Af) such that i f / ' £ # ( / ) (or/' approximates / suffi ciently), then/and/' are in the same E equivalence class. It would give a reasonable picture (see [ i l l ] , [U2]) to have a dense open set UC.Diff(M) such that our equivalence classes could be distinguished by numerical and algebraic invariants. This is, in fact, our goal.2 If this is to be the case, the desired equivalence E on Diff(Af) should have the property that the .E-stable diffeomorphisms are dense in Diff (Af). With this background we look at some particu lar equivalence relations. The notion of conjugacy first comes to mind. S a y / , / G Diff (Af) are differentiably (or topologically) conjugate if there is a diffeomorphism (or homeomorphism) h: M—*M such that hf=f'h. Dif ferentiate conjugacy is too fine in view of the above considerations. This is due to the fact that the eigenvalues of the derivative at a fixed point are differentiate conjugacy invariants. The notion of stability
666 1967]
associated to topological conjugacy is called structural stabOity, and for some time it was thought that structurally stable diffeomorphisms might be dense in Diff (M). This turned out to be false [116]. Thus by our earlier consideration we should relax our relation on Diff (Af) of topological conjugacy. Before doing this we introduce some basic ideas about G. D. Birkhoff's nonwandering points [15]. If /£Diff(Jlf), x£M is called a wandering point when there is a neighborhood U of x such that U\m\>9f*(U)OU**0. The wandering points clearly form an invariant open subset of M. A point will be called nonwandering if it is not a wandering point These nonwander ing points are those with the mildest possible form of recurrence. They form a closed invariant set which we will always refer to as
We propose now the equivalence "topological conjugacy on 0." That is /, /GDiiT(A0 are topologically conjugate on ft if there is a homeomorphism h: Q(f)—*Q(f) such that hf—fh. The corresponding stability will be called simply Q-stability. So/EDiff(Jf) will be called Q-stable if sufficiently good approximations f are topologically con jugate on fi. In general one can speak of topological conjugacy for homeomorphisms and even two homeomorphisms of different topological spaces, / : X—*X, f: X'-*X'. Then the conjugacy A is a homeo morphism h: X-+X'. We end §1.1 by giving some notations and conventions we follow. Anytime the topology on Diff(M) is involved M will be assumed compact. Simply connected X means TLi(X) and H.t(X) are trivial. We sup pose that our manifolds are always connected. Dim M means the dimension of M. The tangent bundle of a manifold will be denoted by T(M), the tangent space at x£M by Tt(M). The derivative of / : M—*M will be denoted by Df and considered as a bundle map Df: T(M)—*T(M). At a point x£Af, it becomes Df(x): T,(M)—*Tfw(M). An immersion is a differentiate map such that the derivative at each point is injective. A closed invariant set A of/£Diff(3f) will be called indecompos able if A cannot be written A =AiWAj, Ai, At nonempty disjoint closed invariant subsets. Finally if X is an eigenvalue of a linear transformation «: V—*V, we will define its eigenspace £x=» {*G V\ («—X/)"(x)««0, some >»£Z + }. Then X will be counted with multiplicity dim Ex. Two earlier surveys on this subject are [85] and [112].
Part I is the heart of the paper, including a number of new ideas, and is devoted to problems spoken of in this section. Part II briefly extends the results to the ordinary differential equation case (G = R) and Part III discusses other aspects of the differential equation prob lem. Part IV is devoted to possibilities for more general Lie groups G. I would like to acknowledge here many very helpful discussions with other mathematicians. This includes especially D. Anosov, A. Borel, A. Haefliger, M. Hirsch, N. Kopell, I. Kupka, J. Moser R. Narasimhan, J. Palis, M. Peixoto, C. Pugh, M. Shub and R. Thom 1.2. The simplest examples. This section is devoted to giving a description of a class of Q-stable diffeomorphisms which are the sim plest as far as the orbit structure goes. To develop or even define these diffeomorphisms, we will need the basic idea of a stable manifold. A linear automorphism u of a (say real) finite dimensional vector space V, u: V—* V will be called hyperbolic if its eigenvalues X, satisfy |X,| 7^1 all i. We emphasize that complex eigenvalues are permitted. The automorphism « will be called contracting if |X,J < 1 for all t, expanding if |X,| > 1 for all t, and of saddle type otherwise. Thus the inverse of an expanding automorphism is a contracting automor phism and vice versa. Observe that for hyperbolic «: V—*V we have a canonical, invari ant (under u) splitting of V, V=V'+ Vu (direct sum) where V' is the eigenspace of u corresponding to eigenvalues less than 1 in absolute value and Vu the eigenspace of the remaining eigenvalues. Thus u restricted to V' is contracting and u restricted to Vu is expanding. This gives rise to the following familiar picture for such u. V
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Note that the hyperbolic elements of the general linear group GL( V) are open and dense. Now suppose / : M—*M is a diffeomorphism with a fixed point PE.M (a local diffeomorphism / : U-*M, U an open subset of M, PG: U, f(p) =*p would be sufficient for some of the following discus sion). The derivative of/at p, Df(p), may be considered to be a linear automorphism of the tangent space of M at p, i.e., Df(p): T,(M) -*T,(M). We will say that p is a hyperbolicfixedpoint of/, or simply a hyperbolic fixed point, if Df(p) is hyperbolic in the sense of the previous paragraphs. We will call a periodic point p of period tn£Z+ of / : M—*M hyperbolic if it is a hyperbolic fixed point of /*. Similarly, p is a contracting or expanding periodic point if D^ip) is a contracting (or expanding) linear automorphism. A (global) contraction of a differentiable manifold V is a diffeo morphism g: V—*V which is topologically conjugate to a linear con traction (i.e., a linear contracting automorphism) u: V'—*V. Of course a contraction will have a unique fixed point. For hyperbolicfixedpoints we have stable manifolds defined accord ing to the following theorem. (2.1) Stable Manifold Theorem. Suppose £ £ M is a hyperbolic fixed point of a diffeomorphism / : M—*M with T,(M) = V'+ Vu the cor responding decomposition under Df(p). Then there exists a contrac tion g: W'{p)—*W'{p) with fixed point p9 and an injective equivariant immersion J: W(p)->Msuch that J(j>o)<=p and DJ(p0): Tv%{W'{p)) -+TP(M) is an isomorphism onto V*C.TP(M). Furthermore the image J(W'(p)) may be characterized as the set of x £ M with the property f*(x)—*p as m—* 00. Equivariance here means simply that Jg =fJ. Note that the deriva tive condition implies that the dimensions of V' and W'(p) are the same. The image of / is invariant under/, and frequently we will identify points under J so that W'(p)dM. In general, / will not be a homeomorphism onto its image (see the toral example of §1.3), so that the original W'(p) and W'(p) is a subset of M have different topologies and this is the only way they differ. Both are called the stable mani fold of / at p. When it is important to specify the topology, we will say intrinsic for the original topology and the manifold topology for the other topology on W'{p). For analytic diffeomorphisms of two dimensional manifolds, this theorem was known to Poincare' [90] and used by Birkhoff [16].
The proof of (2.1) starts by showing the existence of a "local stable manifold," W'u»(p). This is due to Perron [88]. He uses iteration methods in a function space to solve a functional equation for / in a neighborhood of p. Further references to versions of this theorem are [2], [24], [39], [120] (most often these papers concern themselves with the differential equations analogue, so one has to make a transla tion of the results). The global theorem, (2.1), follows easily from the local theorem by so to speak "topological continuation." One takes for W'(p) the subset U«Gz+ /-"W'^ip) of M. See [114] for more details. For a hyperbolic fixed point p of a diffeomorphism / : M—*M, the unstable manifold W"(p) is defined as the stable manifold of/ -1 at p. Thus Wu(p) passes through p and is tangent to V" in the notation of (2.1). For a periodic point q of /EDiff(Af),/"(g) =qt m£Z+, one defines the stable and unstable manifolds, W'(p), Wu(q) as the stable and unstable manifolds for q as a fixed point of /**. Although each W'(p) is a 1-1 immersion, there is no reason why W'ip) and Wu(q) cannot intersect each other. In fact as the toral example of §1.3 shows, it may happen that W'(p) intersects W"(p) (this is called a homoclinic point; see §1.5). We now are in a position to describe the examples, or the class of examples, we mentioned earlier. As a prototype it is worthwhile to keep in mind the diffeomorphism ga: S*—*S* of the 2-sphere which can be described complex analytically on the Riemann sphere by z—*2z. The two fixed points are 0 which is expanding and <», contracting. Then W«(0) = S « - » , W(0)=0, W*(co)«oo, W(«>) = Sl-Q. It is easily checked that go is structurally stable. Of course one may con struct a similar example on 5" with two fixed points. More generally we will consider /EDiff(M), M compact, which satisfies the following three conditions: (2.2) (1) Q, the nonwandering set, is finite. (2) The periodic points of / are hyperbolic. (3) (Transversal intersection condition) For each p, gEQ, W*(p) and Wu(q) have transversal intersection. It follows from (1) that ft consists of periodic points and (2) that W'(p), W"(q) are defined for p, gEfi. The last condition means that whenever xEW(p)r\W»(q), then T,(W(p)) and T.(W*(g)) span T,(M). It is trivial to check that the above g0: S*—*S* satisfies (l)-(3). Futthermore, consider for the moment, diffeomorphisms of the circle S1 satisfying (2.2). In this case (2.2)-(3) is vacuously satisfied,
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and it is easily checked directly that these diffeomorphisms are open. By perturbing an arbitrary/£Diff(5') so that its rotation number [24] becomes rational and a further approximation to obtain (2.2)-(l) we obtain the fact that these diffeomorphisms are open and dense in Diff (S1) (Peixoto's theorem [84]). As one goes around the circle, the expanding and contracting periodic points alternate. The structural stability in the case is easy to check [84]. If A QB, clos A denotes the closure of A in B. (2.3) THEOREM [lW]*Supposef: M-^M satisfies (2.2). Then (a)/or each />£2, W'(p) is imbedded in M and Af=U, e 0 W'{p) {disjoint union of course). (b) clos W'(p) is the union of W'(q), for q in some subset of ft. If we write 7 ^ 7 ' for periodic orbits 7, 7' whenever Uvey W'(p) Cclos U«eT' W'(q), then ^ is a partial ordering. If 7 ^ 7 ' and pE:t, qEy', then dim W(p) £dim W(q). (c) One has the following Morse inequalities: Mi > Bo, Mt-Mo^Bidim If
dim V
Here 3< is the *th betti number of M and Mt is the number of periodic points p such that dim W'(p) =j. The essence of the proof of (2.3) is in a more general context in §1.8. Using (2.3) (b), one may "represent" a diffeomorphism satisfying (2.2) by a diagram where the vertices of the diagram correspond to periodic orbits and oriented segments are placed between orbits 7 and 7' when 7 ^ 7 ' but there is no other 7 " such that 7 ^ 7 / / ^ 7 / . A labeled diagram is a diagram with the following additional data attached to each vertex 7. The additional data is the germ of the topoIogical conjugacy class of/* at x£y where m is the least period of 7. This germ is described precisely by the dimensions of W'(x), W"(x) and whether/: Wu(x)-*W"(*),/: W'ix^W'ix) are orientation pre serving or reversing (this is a consequence of the theorem of Hartman [39] and Grobman (see [74] which says that locally a diffeomor phism at a hyperbolic fixed point is topologically equivalent to its derivative at that point). (2.4) PROBLEM? (a) Exactly what (abstract) labeled diagrams occur as diagrams of diffeomorphisms satisfying (2.2)?
(b) Given compact M exactly what (abstract) labeled diagrams occur as the labeled diagrams of diffeomorphisms of M satisfying (2.2)? Note that (2.3) (c) may be viewed as a restriction on the kind of diagrams that can occur. Figure 2 below gives the phase portrait or orbit structure of an example of a diffeomorphism of the 2-sphere satisfying (2.2).
Here the main disk is to be contracting into itself with one expand ing fixed point p outside. Inside the disk are five fixed points a, c, e all contracting and b, d of saddle type. The diagram for this diffeo morphism is given by P
672 1,67]
Among other interesting results on this subject, Jacob Palis [82] shows that diffeomorphisms satisfying (2.2) form an open set in Diff(Af). He also shows that the diagram of the perturbation off is naturally "isomorphic* to the diagram of/. Even though the above facts give something of a "phase portrait" (in the terminology of [57]), a number of problems on this subject still remain. For example (2.5) PROBLEM6 [109], [ i l l ] . Are these diffeomorphisms (of 2.2) structurally stable? J. Palis has given an affirmative answer in dimen sion 2. (2.6)7 What homotopy classes of continuous maps (homotopy equivalences) admit diffeomorphisms of (2.2) type? A necessary con dition which follows from the Lefschetz trace formula is that | A^/**) | ) = 1, so that at x, Tx(W*(p)) and T,(W'(q)) intersect in just one point in Ts(M). Clearly a diffeomorphism possessing a heteroclinic point is not gradient-like. The orbit of a heteroclinic point consists of other heteroclinic points. The interested reader will be able to check that the existence of the heteroclinic point x above forces W'(q) to oscillate strongly as it gets close to p and W'(p). The boundary of W*{q) contains W'(j>). The picture looks something like Figure 4. To obtain a global example one may modify the diffeomorphism of the 2-sphere of Figure 2. The result will be something like Figure 5.
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Its diagram is given in Figure 6. We discuss relaxing or dropping some of the conditions (1), (2), (3) of (2.2). The rest of Part I is concerned with weakening (1), so we consider now (2) and (3). It seems to us that dropping (2) or even modifying (2) significantly would take one far from the picture described by (2.3). What happens if (3) is relaxed? Consider the following substitute for (3)?
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(3') If W'(p) and Wu(q) intersect at all, then there is a point of transversal intersection of W'{p) and Wu(q). With the weaker (3') replacing (3) one still is able to prove (2.3). Moreover with either (3) or (3'), the relation ^ and the diagram are invariant under perturbation. However, with a weakened version of (2.2) there is no hope of proving structural stability as the simplest counter-examples show. In fact for structurally stable /£Diff (M), (3) is satisfied. The bulk of this section is taken from [109] with some updating, a few examples and other points added. On the other hand, many of the ideas go back quite a number of years. Certainly the local theory as mentioned in the text is of this character. Also Poincare" [89], Birkhoff [16], and M. Morse [68] all had some parts of this global picture. Since this earlier work, Andronov and Pontrjagin [6], Elsgolts [30], Peixoto [83], Reeb [94], and Thorn [124] among others had made contributions toward the picture given in this section. Besides giving simple examples of fl-stable diffeomorphisms, the material in this section serves as an introduction to the more general theory of §1.6, where a number of these concepts have natural exten sions. 1.3. Anosov diffeomorphisms. The examples of this section (at least roughly speaking) are at the opposite extreme from those of the preceding section in that the whole manifold consists of nonwandering points and the periodic points are dense. This is in contrast to ft being finite as in §1.2. We give first the simplest examples of Anosov dif feomorphisms, the toral diffeomorphisms. Consider/o, a 2 X2 matrix with integer entries and determinant ± 1, i.e., /eGGL(2, Z). Then / 0 can be thought of as a linear transforma tion of the plane R* which preserves the lattice L of points with integer coordinates. There is an induced diffeomorphism/ of the quo-
tient R2/L = T*, 2-dimensional torus, onto itself. This diffeomorphism / : T2—>T2 has a fixed point p corresponding to the origin of R2. Now suppose/o is hyperbolic, for example
CDThen p will be a hyperbolic fixed point of / and the stable and un stable manifolds W'(p) and Wu(p) will be the image of the eigenspaces of/o under the projection II: R2—>7"* (since/ 0 is hyperbolic, the eigenvalues X, n are real and satisfy | x | > l > | j t | > 0 with 1-dimensional eigenspaces). Since W'(p) is a 1-1 immersion, it winds densely around the torus and similarly with Wu(p). The intersection points, in W'(p)r^W(p) (called homoclinic points, see §1.5), are clearly dense in T2, and it can also be shown that the periodic points of / are dense in T*. This follows from an algebraic argument or one can use the generalized Birkhoff theorem (see 1.(5.6)). For any periodic point q£T2 of period m, the derivative of f" at q can be thought of as/J 1 : R2-+R2 after identifying T9(T*) and R1 by translation. The stable manifold W'(q) will then just be the translate of W'(p). From the Lefschetz Trace Formula (see §1.4), the number of periodic points N„ of period tn is 1 — (\m+nm)+degreef. Then any g in the same homotopy class as / must have an infinite number of periodic points and therefore cannot satisfy (2.2). It turns out t h a t / is structurally stable so that any perturbation of / ' will also have periodic points dense in T*. Everything said about /o extends to hyperbolic / 0 (EGL(«, Z), defining what we will call toral diffeomorphisms. The definitive version of the structural stability of/ is contained in the work of Anosov [7], [8] which we will describe now. We recall that a Riemannian vector space bundle E over a space X is a vector space bundle such that each fiber Ex is equipped with an inner product ( , )z in a continuous manner. This allows one to speak of the norm ]|»|| of a vector » £ £ « . A bundle map between vector space bundles is a fiber preserving if>: E—*E of a Riemannian vector space bundle into itself and will be called contracting if there exists C > 0 , 0 < X < 1 such that for all » £ £ , mEZ+
llf-wll < cx»lM|. I t will be called expanding if there exists d>0, (i> 1 such that for all vEE, mEZ+ | | * - « | | > dr-\\v\\.
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Above, we really are just using the norm in each fiber, not the inner product. (3.1) PROPOSITION. If X is compact, then the property of being con tracting or expanding for 4>: E—*E, E a Riemannian vector space bundle over X is independent of the Riemannian metric. PROOF. TWO norms || ||, |[ |l' on fibers of E are related locally, and hence globally by a\\ \\Z\\ }\'£b\\ \\ for some a, b>0. Thus if ||*-(«)|| S«X-|M|, then U-(v)\\'*c(b/a)\i\4'.
(3.2) PROPOSITION. The inverse of a contracting bundle automor phism is an expanding bundle automorphism and vice-versa. PROOF.
||^"*(w)|| gcAw||w||.
writing m{v)—w,
||*-(w)||fc(iA) , invariant under Df: T(M)-+T(M) so that Df: E'+E' is contracting and Df: £"—►£" is expanding. The Riemannian structure of T(M) restricts to give a Riemannian structure on E' and £" so that this condition makes sense; further more, in case M is compact, by our previous comment, the Rieman nian structure is unnecessary. (3.3) THEOREM (ANOSOV) ([7], [8]). An Anosov diffeomorphism f of a compact manifold M is structurally stable. Furthermore if there is a Lebesgue invariant measure for f on M, then the periodic points are dense and f is ergodic. Finally the Anosov diffeomorphisms are an open set in Diff(Af)For the proof of the first statement of (3.3) see the exposition of J. Moser's proof by J. Mather in the appendix. For the last sentence, see §1.8.
It is apparent that the toral diffeomorphisms are Anosov diffeomorphisms; the splitting by / at p translates to each point of P" to give the desired global splitting. From an invariant measure for a diffeomorphism / of a compact manifold M, one can see easily that every point is nonwandering, i.e., il = M. It is from this fact that Anosov concludes the density of the periodic points of/. (3.4) PROBLEM. IS it true that for every Anosov diffeomorphism of a compact manifold M,Q = M, or equivalently, the periodic points are dense in Af?9 A second question is: does every Anosov diffeo morphism have a fixed point? Motivation for this work of Anosov comes not only from the toral diffeomorphisms, but more importantly from geodesic flows on mani folds with negative curvature, where Anosov's ergodicity solves an old problem. This is the 1-parameter analogue of (3.3) and will be discussed later in our survey. For (3.3), the basic idea of Anosov's proof is to construct through each point p of M, a generalized stable manifold W'(p). This will be a 1-1 immersed cell with the property that for each x£W'(p), the tangent space T,(W'(p)) coincides with E?aCT.(M). Furthermore f(W'(p)) - W'(J(p)), and x, y are in the same W'(p) if and only if d(f*x, /*"y)—*0 as tn—»«. Although each W'(p) is smooth, W'(p) only depends continuously on p (recall that the splitting of T(M) was only required to be con tinuous). One may think of the W'(p) giving a continuous foliation of Af. The existence and basic properties of W'(p) are based on old work by Perron [88]. Theorem (3.3) states that the Anosov diffeomorphisms are an open set in Diff(Af). On the other hand Anosov has examples to show that this would be false if one imposed a smooth splitting of T(M) rather than a continuous one in the definitions. The following is a basic and beautiful unsolved problem. (3.5) PROBLEM. Find all examples of Anosov diffeomorphisms of compact manifolds (up to topological conjugacy of course) such that Af=C10 What compact Af admit Anosov diffeomorphisms? Must M be covered by Euclidean space? There do exist nontoral Anosov diffeomorphisms. We will show this now and in fact give the most general known way of constructing Anosov diffeomorphisms. Suppose that G is a connected simply connected Lie group with Lie algebra © and a uniform discrete subgroup T (uniform means that the coset space G/T is compact). Suppose also that/t: G—*G is a continuous automorphism such that/«(T)-r and the derivative at
678 1967]
the identity/o: T,(G)-*T,(G) is hyperbolic (throughout this discus sion it will be helpful to keep the toral case, with G».R", in mind). If T,{G) is identified with ® then fi becomes the Lie algebra auto morphism induced from /<>. From this data we will construct an Ano sov diffeomorphism / : G/Y—*G/Y. At this writing, this is the most general known construction of an Anosov diffeomorphism. Since the linear automorphism fi : ®—»® is hyperbolic, we get the usual invariant splitting © = ®'-|-®\ Furthermore, (see [114]) there exist constants c, c' such that 0 < c < l < c ' and an inner product on ® so that ||/.'(»)|| C '||«||
allrG®', all«e®".
Next by right translations, identifying ® with T,(G), the splitting and inner product are imposed on the tangent space of every point of G. For this Riemannian metric on G, it is easily checked that fo'. G—*G is given a hyperbolic structure or that/o: G-+G is an Anosov diffeomorphism. Furthermore, this splitting of 1"(G) and the Riemannian metric are both invariant under the action of G on G given by right transla tion. In particular they are right invariant under T and SO/Q induces an Anosov diffeomorphism / on the compact coset space G/T. For the existence of the /<> in the previous construction, the next proposition shows that G must be nilpotent. (3.6) PROPOSITION. Suppose that : ®—*® is a Lie algebra auto morphism which is hyperbolic as a linear map. Then ® must be nilpotent. For a proof, A. Borel has given me the following reference: let ® be a finite dimensional Lie algebra over a field having an auto morphism no eigenvalue of which is a root of unity; then ® is nilpotent. Exercise in Bourbaki with hints: Algebras de Lie, Ex. 21b, p. 124. Now that we know that this construction forces G to be nilpotent, and that T is a uniform discrete subgroup, the results of Malcev [61 ], summarized in [12a], become important. (3.7) THEOREM (MALCEV). (a) A necessary and sufficient condition for a discrete group T to occur as a uniform subgroup of a simply con nected nilpotent Lie group is that T be a finitely generated nilpotent group containing no elements offiniteorder. (b) A necessary and sufficient condition on a nilpotent simply con nected Lie group G that there exist a uniform discrete subgroup F is that
the Lie algebra of G has rational constants of structure in some basis. (c) / / r,- is a uniform discrete subgroup of a simply connected nilpotent group d, i= 1, 2, then any isomorphism T\-^Tt can be uniquely extended to an isomorphism Gi—*Gt. The coset space G/T, G, T as above is called a nilmanifold. While (3.6) and (3.7) give some general perspective on our class of homogeneous space Anosov diffeomorphisms, this situation cannot be said to be completely understood. There certainly do exist, how ever, many nontoral examples of Anosov diffeomorphisms on nilmanifolds as special cases of the above construction. We give two of them now with dim G = 6. Let G\, Gt be copies of the three dimensional simply connected, nonabelian nilpotent Lie group. We take a basis Xit F „ Z< of ©,-, »'= 1, 2 with the bracket relations [Xit F,] =Zit i— 1, 2 and all other brackets zero. The main group G of our basic construction above will be GiXGj. For each real number X > 1 we define a hyperbolic auto morphism /o of G by specifying/o' (fi, ®, ©', etc. as in the above con struction) on ® in terms of the basis as follows. EXAMPLE 1
X\ —► XX\
X\ —y XXi
Y1-*\ Y1
Zi ->• X'Zx
Zx -»X-'Z,
Xt -* \- Xt
Xt -► X-'AT,
Zi -> X-»Zj
Z s -> XlZ2
Note that in both examples brackets are preserved. In Example 1, one sees that ©", ®* are both ideals which coincide with nilsubalgebras ®i and ®j respectively. In this case G is the product of the cor responding subgroups, G = GUXG: In Example 2, both &u and ®* are seen to be abelian, but they are not ideals and G is not (in the group sense) a product of the cor responding subgroups Gu and G'. The next step is to find a uniform discrete subgroup TQG such that /o(r) = T. For this we will use matrices with coefficients in an alge braic number field. Let K = Q(3llt), the number field of 3 1 ' 2 adjoined to the rationals, and a: K-+K the nontrivial Galois automorphism (sending 3 1 ' 2 into - ( 3 1 ' 2 ) ) . We may suppose that ®i and ©« are each represented by matrices of the form,
680 19671
X 0 0 0 0
[0 (3.8)
\ Y 0
and @ =- ®i X ®» becomes the space of matrices
c> A, B each of the form (3.8). We will take To then to be the lattice of ® of matrices of the form
it:) where A is as in (3.8) but X, Y, Z are restricted to be algebraic in tegers in K and A* is the image of A under the map induced by
in G where a > 1. Then if er* : ©—►© is the Lie algebra automorphism, we have the invariant decomposition © = ®,-r-®"+A where ®* is contracting under «•**, ©" expanding and h is invariant pointwise. In fact h is the Lie algebra of the centralizer H of A, of all diagonal matrices. Just as in the previous construction we put a metric on
® = T,(A) which is right translated around, but contains a degenerate component corresponding to h. On G/H, however, the degeneracy is divided out so that we have an induced Anosov diffeomorphism <(><,: G/H—*G/H. G/H is a 4dimensional manifold which is not contractible, but clearly simply connected. Novikov informed me that he could prove that if / £ Diff (M) is Anosov, M compact, where the dimension of W"(x) is one less than the dimension of M, then xi(Af) is abelian and M is covered by Euclidean space. The two dimensional toral example was first communicated to me by Thom to show that there was an open set in Diff (7^) of diffeomorphisms with no contracting periodic points, therefore implying that diffeomorphisms satisfying (2.2) were not dense. After adding some geometry to the example, I showed it to Anosov when I spoke on the examples of §1.5 in the Soviet Union in 1961. By 1962 Anosov announced his theorem on structural stability in the context of what is called here Anosov diffeomorphisms. Proofs have now appeared [o]. The problem of the existence of (compact) nontoral diffeomor phisms was posed by Anosov in his Congress talk, Moscow 1966. Previously, after putting this problem into Lie group perspective, I had consulted many Lie group experts to arrive finally at what is here. In particular, conversations with Boothby, Borel, Hochschild, and Langlands were very helpful. The 6-dimensional Example 2 as well as the explicit algebraic number theory approach were given to me by Borel.12 1.4. The zeta function of a diffeomorphism. Suppose / : M—*M is a diffeomorphism with the property that Nm< » , m = l, 2, • • • where Nm = Nm(f) is the number of fixed points of/". This is a generic prop erty (see 61.6). Then following Artin-Mazur [12], one defines the zeta function of / as the formal power series fW = exp2«-i(Vw»)^v'»><". This turns out to be an interesting invariant of/. Of course f/(0 = £(<) is an invariant of the topological conjugacy class of/and even of the conjugacy class "on Q" of/. The zeta function thus contains all the information about the numbers Nm = Nm(f) where Nm counts all the periodic points of period m. But this is different from Km = Km(J) which denotes the number of periodic points of least period m. The number Km is more directly interesting in many respects and it is natural to ask for the relation between Nm and Km. From the definition it follows directly that
682 1967] (4.1)
K, -
I titidm
Narasimhan pointed out to me that one solves (4.1) for the Kt by the Mobius inversion theorem (see [36]). This gives (4.2)
Here if l=P\ • • ■ pT where the £< are distinct primes, then u(l) «■ (—1)', u(l) = 1, and if / contains a power of a prime, u(l) = 0. The function /*(/) is called the Mdbius function. Observe that m always divides Km (i.e., 2sTm/m'EZ+). The inspiration for the above zeta function is the Weil zeta function of an algebraic variety over a finite field. Dwork recently proved the rationality of this zeta function, see [lOl] for a general reference. For the differentiable version, there is the following theorem. (4.3) THEOREM (ARTIN-MAZUR [12]). For any compact manifold, there is a dense set of Difi(M) for which the following estimate holds: Nm £ CA-. Here C, k are positive constants which depend only on the diffeomorphism / and Nm = Nm(f). (4.4) COROLLARY. For a dense set of Diff(M), the zeta function has a positive radius of convergence, so it can really be considered a function. Actually Artin and Mazur define Nm to be the number of isolated fixed points of/", while permitting/*" to have an infinite number of fixed points. Thus, for example, they do not know whether the fixed point set is finite for the maps in the dense set they obtain. The proof of (4.3) uses algebraic approximation techniques which go back to John Nash [73]. Actually Artin and Mazur define f(/) for differentiable maps for which Nm < <» and prove their theorem in the more general context of differentiable maps. The following prob lem then becomes important. (4.5) PROBLEM. Is f (/) generically rational (i.e., is f> rational for a Baire set o f / ) ? 1 3 This goes beyond their theorem in two ways. First, generically true means true for a Baire set which, of course, is much bigger than sim-
ply a dense set. Secondly, rationality is stronger than possessing a positive radius of convergence. Rationality is especially important because this means for the diffeomorphism that the poles and zeros of the zeta function, a finite number of invariants, determine the infinite set of Nm. The Nm are of course very important objects to get ones hands on. In the direction of (4.5), Artin and Mazur [12] asked if diffeomorphisms in their dense set have a zeta function which is algebraic. More recently, there has been proved the following (4.6) THEOREM (K. M E Y E R ) . 7//£Diff(Af), M compact, satisfies Axiom A (see §1.6), then the estimate of (4.3) is valid. K. Meyer's proof of this is very simple and if one had the density (see §1.6) for Axioms A and B, this would of course supersede (4.3). We will now examine the zeta function for our examples. If/: M—+M is a diffeomorphism such that Nm<<x> for all m £ Z and A is a closed invariant subset of M, then by definition tiif) = exp ££-i(l/ w *)iV4* m w n e r e N* 1S t n e number of x £ A such that m f (x)=x. (4.7) PROPOSITION. Suppose for f£Diff(M), the periodic points are all contained in the union of two disjoint closed invariant subsets Ai, A» of M. Suppose also that f Aj and f A, are rational (or convergent). Then f/ = f is rational (or convergent) and in fact f (t) =fA,W -£&t(t). PROOF. JV' _L N"
f(/) = exp X (4.8)
<"* = exp X,
tm exp X,
r = fA,(0 • fi,(0.
log (1/(1— y))= 2Z"-i(l/*)y*-
For the diffeomorphisms of (2.2) the following theorem gives the zeta function. (4.9) THEOREM. Suppose for / £ D i f f ( M ) , Q is finite. Then clearly B = UTe/> $2T wfcere P is the set of periodic orbits off, and Qy is the set of points of fi in y. The zeta function of f is the following, where m(y) = period of y,
KO-n-rzTsr By (4.8) 1 / ( 1 - r ( 7 ) ) = exp 2rf-x(l/*)<- (1r) *. Apply (4.7). The Lefschetz number L(p)=L(p, f) of a hyperbolic fixed point p PROOF.
684 1967]
of /GDiff(Af) may be defined most simply, perhaps, as ± 1 where the sign is the sign of det(J—Df(p)), I: TP(M)-*TP(M) being the identity. A modern proof of a more general version of the following theorem of Lefschetz may be found in Dold [26]. (4.10) LEFSCHETZ TRACE FORMULA. Suppose/GDiff (Af) has only hyperbolic fixed points and Fix(f) denotes the set of fixed points of /. Then E
L(p) - A(/) where
peFUC/) dim*
A(/) -
( - 1 ) ' Trace(/v Hi(M, R) -> ff,(Af, R)).
Here /*, is the induced automorphism of the ith homology group of M with real coefficients. The following proposition follows from the definition of L(p) and the eigenspace decomposition of Df(p). (One may assume Df(p) to be semisimple in the proof.) (4.11) PROPOSITION. For £GFix(/), /GDiff(Af), L(p) = (-l)*A, where « = dim W"(p) and A= + 1 if f preserves orientation on Wu(p) and A = — 1 iff reverses it. The following is well known and will be useful in computing the zeta function for some of the Anosov diffeomorphisms. (4.12) PROPOSITION. Supposef£.Ditt (Af) is such that for every mE.Z+ and every *GFix(/*), L(x, /») = + l . Then f ( 0 - I B S ' ^ W * " 0 ' where Ut) - I I (1 - X«0~l and Xtj,j = 1, • • • , dim Ht(M, R), i
are the eigenvalues (generalized and counted with multiplicity) of /♦,: Ht(M, R)^H{(M, R). PROOF.
By (4.10) dim M
1UJ) = E dim M
(-l)«'Trace(/%, dim Hi
= E (-D E C So we obtain
m = 1,2,3, •• •
685 S. SMALE
768 «o
1 dim it
[November dim H{
iogf(0= E - E (-D E Cf or
r(o = n r<w(-i> dtm Jf <-0
where •o
J dim Hi
logr<(/) = E MM- 1
E (M-
dim H{
<*> \
=E r-l
w - 1 *"
dim Hj
logf<(0 -
log(l - IX*)-1 by (4.8)
and dim Ht
r.(o= n
For any /EDiff(Af). the function f(t) denned in (4.12) is well denned even though L(x, /") is not always 1. It will be called the false zeta function of/and denoted by f(t) or f/(*). It is rational and its expansion counts the periodic points algebraically. In fact, the whole difficulty of the problem of the rationality of the (honest) zeta function is that it counts the periodic geometrically, not algebrai cally. Proposition (4.12) shows that under the condition L(x,fm) = l for all x£Fix(f*), and m £ Z + , the false and honest zeta functions coincide. Note that if Nm is the number of points of / of period m counted algebraically, i.e., ffm = E»eFix(/") L(P, /*), then (4.12) shows that {•(<)= exp E»-i(l/ w t )^»l w ano " o n e c311 s e e how the following the orem of Fuller [31 ] fits into this context (see also [38]). (4.13) THEOREM. Suppose h: L—*L is a homeomorphism of a poly hedron of nonzero Euler characteristic. Then h has a periodic point. Otherwise all the ftm would be zero and f would be one. But the degree of f is minus the Euler characteristic (from (4.12)). (4.14) PROPOSITION. Supposef: M—*Mis an Anosov diffeomorphism such that the corresponding expanding bundle EM is orientable. Then J> is rational and
(a) if Df: £»—►£" is orientation preserving then f/ = lt
if dim fiber Eu is even,
f/ = Vf/ if dim U
fiber E
" « odd,
(b) if Df: E —*E is orientation preserving then f/(0 = f ( - 0 */ dim fiber £" is even, f/(0 = 1/f (—0 if dim fiber £" w odrf. This follows directly from (4.11) and (4.12). It seems likely that looking at a double covering of M, one could furthermore prove that the zeta function of every Anosov diffeo morphism was rational. For the toral case of §1.3 defined by hyperbolic /oEGL(«, Z), one finds the zeta function defined explicitly in terms of the eigenvalues of /o. In this case /<> coincides with the automorphism of Hy(Tn, Z) induced by/: Tn—*Tn. By the Kunneth formula the whole cohomology ring of T" is given as a tensor product of H*^1) and so one obtains all of the eigenvalues oif*:H*(Tn)—*H*(Tn) as products of the eigen values of/0. One thus obtains easily via (4.14) (4.1S) PROPOSITION. For the toral diffeomorphism f: Tn—*T% defined by hyperbolic /o£GL(n, Z) with the eigenvalues Xi • • • X„ of / 0 , we have:
(a) A(/*)=IL(1-XT). (b) f W - I R i - M * ■■■K»(-1)
all (*i, ' • • , i l ) 3 1 i i i < ) ' i < • ■ • < * * ^ »,
(c) f(0 is defined from l(t) according to (4.14) where one checks the appropriate case from the X< with \ X,| > 1. Finally, we remark that through the work of Matsushima [63], Mal'cev [61 ], Nomizu [75], and Kostant [54], one can compute the zeta functions for the nilpotent examples of §1.3 quite explicitly. 1.5. Shift automorphisms and homoclinic points. From the pre ceding sections, one might ask whether the set Q of nonwandering points must be a manifold generically (allowing certainly for com ponents to have varying dimensions). The examples of §§1.2 and 3 have this property. Here we will see that the answer is no, and in fact give an example of a diffeomorphism of S1, Q-stable, such that ft is the union of a Cantor set and two isolated points. First a description of the shift automorphism of symbolic dynamics will be given (see [14] or [35a] for more details). Let 5 be a finite set,
discrete topology, consisting of N elements and define Xs to be the set of functions from Z to S provided with the compact open topology (Z has the discrete topology). If a^EXs, the value of o a t w»£Z will be denoted by am and we write a = Ylam. Then a may be thought of as a doubly infinite sequence of elements of S with a decimal point between a 0 and a\, thus a a= ( • • • o_iO0-aio« • • • )• An important special case is where 5 has two elements and here we could assume each a,- is either 0 or 1. For general S, Xs is homeomorphic to a Cantor set. Define a map a: Xs~*Xs by (a(a))m = a m+ i. In terms of the doubly infinite sequences, a shifts the decimal point one place to the right It is easily seen that a is a homeomorphism, called the shift auto morphism of Xs. It has been widely studied in ergodic theory and probability [14] as well as topological dynamics [35a]. (5.1) PROPOSITION. The periodic points'of a are dense in Xa and if Ck is the number of periodic points of period k (i.e. fixed points of ak) k>0 then Ck = Nk where N is the cardinality of S. PROOF. The element a= YLam£zXs will be periodic of period k precisely when am = o»+i for all m £ Z . Thus it is determined by ffli, • • • , ak with Oi, • • - , o* arbitrary elements of 5. Given any b= T[bm€zXs and K large, one can choose a periodic approximation a= JJ[am of b with o< = 6< for | t |
(5.2) COROLLARY. The zeta function for a: XS—*XS can be defined as in §1.4 and in fact f (/) = 1/(1 — Nt) where N=cardinality of S. This follows from (5.1) with the aid of (4.8). M. Morse has proved (see [35a]) that there is a subset of Xst homeomorphic to a Cantor set, which is a minimal set for a. To see how symbolic dynamics enters into our diffeomorphism problem, we will first describe an example of a diffeomorphism g mapping a subset Q of the plane into the plane. Here g(Q) is not a subset of Q, but eventually we will use g to define a global diffeo morphism / of S2 onto itself. One might think of Q as a neighborhood (not invariant) of an indecomposable piece of the nonwandering points of t h i s / : S*—*S*. Take then Q to be a square in the plane R*, for example, Q= {(x, y)G-R'l | x \ ^ 1 , \y\ ^ 1}. Then g will map Q into the region bounded by dotted lines with g(A) =A' etc. in Figure 1.
688 1967]
c Pi
I V \ v.
We will take any such g which has the following properties. (a) g is a diffeomorphism of Q onto the region in Figure 1 bounded by dotted lines sending A—*A', B-*B' etc. (b) on each component Pi, P» of r ' ( l ( O ) ^ 0 i i w>^ De a linear map (up to a translation). To understand (b) note that as a consequence of it, Pi, Pt will be as in Figure 2 and g(P.) = (?,, i = 1, 2. The reader will be able to verify that the intersections of all the images gm(Q),m = \, 2, • • • or, more accurately, f)Z-i im(Qim)) where Q(») = @r\image g" -1 , is a product of a Cantor set and the interval
1*1 £1-
Define A to be the intersection, f)mez gm(Q'm)), Qo = Q, Q(m} as above for m > 0 and for w < 0 , ()<»>=g»(Qc«+i>), Thus A may be thought of as the set of nonwandering points of g: Q—*R*. The careful reader will be able to check for himself the next proposi tion (which is in [115]). (5.3) PROPOSITION. The subset A of Q is compact, invariant under g, indecomposable and onQ, g is topologically conjugate to the shift auto morphism a: Xs—>Xs, with the cardinality of 5 = 2 . Furthermore one can prove stability with the less obvious proposi tion [115]. (5.4) PROPOSITION. For a perturbation g' of g, A' defined similarly is also compact and invariant under g'. Then g': A'—»A' is also topo logically conjugate to the shift a: Xs—tXs. Thus (at least after we globally extend g) we have another example of a stable indecomposable piece of nonwandering points. One may modify the above example in the following way. The image g(Q) may wind half-way around Q before passing through Q the second time, or even wind around Q several times for that matter (Figures 3 and 4). This won't change g: A—»A, but g will be different
on U(A) where U is any neighborhood of A. The intrinsic picture (with respect to fl) is the same for Figures 1, 3, 4 but they differ extrinsically (in any neighborhood of Q).
One may further modify the above examples by having g(Q) pass ing through Q several times (see Figures 5 and 6).
In all of these examples it is important to keep the linearity condi tion (b) above. Then one may define and analyze A as in the first case. Always g: A—>A will be topologically conjugate to a shift auto morphism a: Xa—*Xs and stably so. The cardinality of 5 will equal the number of components in Q(~\g(Q), e.g., three for Figure 5 and four for Figure 6. Thus all of the shift automorphisms occur in the above framework. To really complete this picture, A above must appear as an inde composable piece of the nonwandering points of a global diffeomorphism. We construct such an / : S*—*S* now which extends the map g: Q—*R* of Figure 1. Consider Figure 7. We have put the square Q into a disk D*C.R7 and we extend g to go: D*—*D* by mapping G diffeomorphically onto G' and F onto F*. The map go: F—*F* is defined so that it is a contraction about some fixed point Po in F*. This g0: Di—*D* will be a diffeomorphism of D* onto a subset of D* so that the nonwandering set is the disjoint union of A and Pt. Finally one easily extends go t o / : S*-*S* so that the non-
wandering points 8=ft(/) —AKJpa^Jqt where g0 is an expanding fixed point of / outside of D1. T h i s / is our desired global diffeomorphism. At this point it seems appropriate to give a general way of con structing fi-stable diffeomorphisms of S*. Take any diffeomorphism / : 5'—*S* satisfying (2.2) with a con tracting fixed point p. Let V be a contracting disk neighborhood of p and redefine/ on V to be gt as described above (the "surgery" of §1.10). More generally l e t / : S1—>S* satisfy (2.2) with a contracting periodic orbit pi, • • • , Pk and let V be a disk neighborhood of pi such that/* contracts V into its interior. Then one modifies / (via surgery again) on UJrJ/*'(F) to obtain/': S2->.SS so that on F , / * is conjugate to g0 above. Finally a straightforward modification of the previous construction allows one to introduce into any diffeomorphism / : S*-+S* satisfying (2.2), indecomposable pieces A topologically conjugate to shift auto morphisms on N symbols (cardinality S=N) where N can be any thing we like. In all of these examples the indecomposable pieces of ft are shift automorphisms, finite periodic orbits or products of the two. We see easily from previous remarks that the zeta functions of these/: S1—*St are finite products of factors of the form 1/(1— Ntq) where N and q are positive integers. It should be noted that the Lefschetz Trace Formula imposes con ditions on what products of the above form can occur in these zeta functions. It restricts the Nit pt that can occur in f(s) 1
-IB-itt-w)- .
One can see an analogy between the shift automorphism and the nilmanifold examples of §1.3 by considering the shift automorphism in the following light.
Let Zn be the cyclic group with n elements and for each m £ Z let Gm be the abelian group of formal power series (starting a t m), / ( * ) = UlT-m «•** with a{£Zn. Put the structure of a compact group on Gm with the product topology. Define the locally compact group of all power series by G = \JmezGm. The map ': G—*G defined by f—*xf is a contraction while u: G—*G defined b y / - ^ x - 1 / i s an expan sion. I t is easily checked that the subgroup T of GXG defined by f = {(A / ) |/(*) a polynomial in G, f(x) = £ ? _ m «<*'. /(*) = 2>-<**'} is uniform (compact quotient) and discrete. The "hyperbolic" auto morphism <j>'Xu: GXG—*GXG preserves T and the induced homeomorphism : G/T—*G/T is precisely the shift automorphism on n symbols. One may identity ': G^>G above with g: W'ij^-^W'ip) where PEA-, A as in the example of Figure 1, n = 2, W'ip) = W'ij>)r\K. There is a very close relation between the shift automorphisms discussed above and what are called homoclinic points, first discov ered (in the restricted 3-body problem) and named by Poincar6 [90 ]. A homoclinic point of / £ Diff (M) is a point of intersection x £ W'ip) r\Wu(q). If W'ip) and Wu(q) are transversal at x, then x will be called a transversal homoclinic point. As realized by Poincar6 [90 ], homoclinic points complicate the orbit structure of a diffeomorphism considerably. The orbit of a homoclinic point consists (clearly) of homoclinic points. Taking the case p=q, one sees that the existence of homoclinic x forces Wuip) to double back on itself oscillating faster and faster as it does so. For example, for the plane, we will obtain behavior something like that described in Figure 8.
0 ^ *t 4
692 i»67]
This is the same phenomena that is occurring in Figure 1, but looked at in a different way. In fact, the best way to understand what is going on in Figure 8 is to imbed it (in some sense) in Figure 1. A great advantage of the horseshoe approach of Figure 1 is that one gets a satisfactory picture of the orbit structure and stability while a given homoclinic point at first glance seems to defy analysis. That is the idea behind the following theorem [U5].14 (5.5) THEOREM. Suppose x is a transversal homoclinic point of /GDiff(ii). Then there is a Cantor set AQM, *EA, and mEZ+ such that /"(A) =A and f* restricted to A is topologically a shift automor phism. By (5.1) this implies: (5.6) COROLLARY. In every neighborhood of a transversal homoclinic point of/EDiff (Af), there is a periodic point. We interpolate a little curiosity. Note that for the shift on X sym bols, Nm"\m so that by (4.2) and the fact that Km/mEZ+, Km ™ £»/» M(0A"*"—0 mod m for every X, m€-Z+. This number theoretic identity for m a prime becomes X»a»X mod p, or Fermat's Theorem. The material in this section is mainly taken from [115] with a number of examples andfiguresadded. The shift automorphism goes back to Hadamard (but it is even sometimes called the Bernoulli automorphism!) who used it to study geodesic flows on 2 manifolds of constant negative curvature [40]. M. Morse [69] obtained further results in the same context. G. D. Birkhoff [l7], [18] in his works on surface diffeomorphisms, studied homoclinic points. In [17], Birkhoff proved (5.6) in dimen sion 2, and in his [18, p. 184] he noted a resemblance between his homoclinic points and Hadamard's shift automorphism. I came across the "horseshoe" of Figure 1 when I was trying to get a geometric picture of a variant of van der Pol's equation in N. Levinson's paper [58]. He had written me earlier that this equation had stably an infinite number of periodic solutions. The "horseshoe" was the first example of a structurally stable (or Q-stable) diffeomorphism with an infinite number of periodic points [113]. Putting the shift automorphism into the group theoretic frame work was done with the aid of Cat Moore. 1.6. Unification.16 The work of the present section is motivated by the search for unity in the examples and phenomena of the preceding part of the paper. Anosov's work on hyperbolic structures on mani folds gives a clue on how to proceed. The Anosov diffeomorphisms,
however, are rare among all diffeomorphisms; only certain manifolds even permit them. One is looking for a class of diffeomorphisms which include all of the previous examples in a transparent way and will at least have the possibility of including an open dense subset of Diff(Af) for each compact manifold M. This is provided by diffeomorphisms described now, i.e., those satisfying Axioms A and B below. Suppose then/: M—*M is a diffeomorphism of a Riemannian mani fold and AQM is a closed invariant subset. We will say that A is hyperbolic (or has a hyperbolic structure) if the tangent bundle of M restricted to A, Tt.(M) has an invariant (continuous) splitting under Df: Tk(M)-*TA(M), Ti(M)=E"+E' such that Df: £•-►£• is con tracting and Df: £"—►£" expanding (see §1.3 for these definitions). The dimension of the fiber of £ ' need not be constant but only locally so. Since A is invariant, Df is an automorphism of the bundle Ti(M) and this with the Riemannian metric gives sense to the above defini tion. Note that if A (or M) is compact, one may dispense with the Riemannian metric by (3.1). The simplest examples of hyperbolic sets for diffeomorphisms are first of all the hyperbolic fixed points (§1.2) and the hyperbolic periodic points. The finite union of these cover the case of A finite. Next, of course, the Anosov diffeomorphisms of §1.3 are examples where the whole compact manifold is hyperbolic. Also for the ex amples of §1.5, the A homeomorphic to a Cantor set is easily checked to have a hyperbolic structure. In all of the above examples the hyper bolic sets consist of nonwandering points and the periodic points are dense in each of them (up to the unsolved problem (3.4)). The fol lowing is an example to show that hyperbolic sets need not satisfy either of these properties. Take a diffeomorphism satisfying (2.2) which has a heteroclinic point x£zW,(p)r\Wu(q). The 2-dimensional example of Figure 5, §1.2, will do. Thus fi is hyperbolic and one may extend this hyperbolic structure to the orbit of x. In fact the tangent spaces of W'(p) and Wu(q) at x give the desired splitting at x and similarly for each point in the orbit of x. The orbit of x together with 0 is a closed invariant set and this gives the example. The closure of the orbit of x is an indecomposable hyperbolic set. Recall that a homeomorphism h: X—*X is said to be topologically transitive if there is a dense orbit. Then the dense orbits form a Baire set of X (assuming that X is a compact metric space). We will now consider a diffeomorphism / : M—*M of a compact manifold which satisfies the following two properties [116].
694 1967]
(6.1) AXIOM A: (a) the nonwandering set S is hyperbolic, (b) the periodic points of f are dense in ft. Of these two properties (a) is the most important in what follows. In fact (b) may even be a consequence of (a).17 The above example however shows that a proof of (a) =>(b) must use the fact that ft consists of nonwandering points. (6.2)
[117]. Suppose/: M—*M satisfies (6.1). Then there is a unique way of writing ft as the finite union of disjoint, closed, invariant indecomposable subsets (or "pieces") on each of which f is topologically transitive: Q = Q» U . . . U 0*.
(6.3) COROLLARY. / / / : M-+M is as above one can write M canonically as a finite disjoint union of invariant subsets M=Uf_j W*(Q<) where W*(ft,) = [xeM\r(x)^ait « - > » }. As the remarks at the beginning of this section indicate, the ex amples of §{1.2, 3 and 5 satisfy (6.1). The spectral decomposition theorem gives a little perspective on the question of rationality of the zeta function. The zeta function of such an / will be a product of zeta functions, one for each ft<. It seems plausible to me that each of these zeta functions is rational.18 The results of §§1.4 and 1.5 are consistent with this. We explain why we use the words "Spectral Decomposition for Diffeomorphisms" in (6.2). The decomposition of the manifold into invariant sets of the diffeomorphism is quite analogous to the de composition of a finite dimensional vector space into eigenspaces of a linear map. In one case we are considering automorphisms in the category of differential topology, in the other, finite dimensional vector spaces. As Jacques Tits pointed out, one may make this more precise by actually putting a linear transformation (generically) into the frame work of (6.2). Suppose then u: V—>V is a linear transformation of a complex n-dimensional vector space. By multiplying by a constant, we may suppose u has determinant 1, i.e., wESL(n, £). We will furthermore suppose that the eigenvalues Xi, • • • , X„ of « have dis tinct absolute values which are not one. Consider the induced diffeo morphism of projective space u9: Pm~1(Q—*Pn~l(C) defined on co ordinates by Zt—*\{Zi. Then u„ will satisfy (2.2) with ft consisting of n fixed points (0 • • • 01 0 • • • 0). The two ways of looking at the spectral decomposition coincide.
Now we state the second of our two main axioms (introduced in [117]). (6.4) AXIOM B." Suppose that fEDiff(M) satisfies Axiom A and that fl„ W'(Oi), etc. are as in (6.1), (6.2), (6.3). Then if W'(Qi) r\Wu(Qj)^0, there exist periodic points pEQi, qEQj such that W(j>) and W"(q) have a point of transversal intersection. The following generalizes the theorem of Palis, see [82] and §1.2. (6.5) THEOREM.20 The set o//£Diff (M) which satisfy Axioms A and B are open and such f are Sl-stable. Assuming /, 8„ etc. as above, we say that Q ^ Q / if W'(Qt) n W " ( f i ; ) ^ 0 . Then we also have (generalizing theorems of §2) (6.6) THEOREM. ///£Diff(AQ satisfies Axioms A and B, then ^ is a partial ordering which is preserved under perturbation. These theorems (6.2), (6.3), (6.5), (6.6) have no proofs in the litera ture, but we will try to give a good sketch of their proofs in §§1.7 and 8, §1.7 for (6.2) and (6.3), §1.8 for (6.5) and (6.6). We say that 0,-, ^fti.^fl,-,^ • • • ^ ft*, is a maximal chain if the Q,-, are distinct, and n is maximal. For every /£Diff(Af) satisfying Axioms A and B, we define the diagram A(/) as follows. A(/) is a linear graph whose vertices cor respond to the $2,-, labeled by conjugacy class, and directed 1-simplices join consecutive vertices of maximal chains. The diagram A(f) is invariant under perturbations of/. Generalizing problem (2.4) is (6.6)a PROBLEM?1 What diagrams can occur for diffeomorphisms satisfying Axioms A and B? Given first the manifold M, what dia grams can occur for/£Diff(Jlf) satisfying Axioms A and B? Finally one can label the diagrams with conjugacy classes of germs of dif feomorphisms on neighborhoods of the ii< as in §1.2 and ask the above two questions for these labeled diagrams. One can see that a prototype of diffeomorphisms satisfying Axioms A and B are those of §1.2 with Axiom 3 replaced by Axiom 3' there. The above results may be construed as saying that we have succeeded in relaxing the hypothesis that ft is finite. The diagram here gives sort of a very generalized gradient structure to these diffeomorphisms. The main point of Axioms A and B and subsequent theorems is that the hypotheses include and unify all known 0-stable diffeo morphisms, while describing an open set of Diff (M) which is ame nable to study. In fact the above theorems as well as those in the future sections give the beginnings of a structure theory for diffeo morphisms satisfying Axioms A and B.
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Thus the question, "are these diffeomorphisms dense in Diff (M),n becomes particularly sharp. This is not yet settled. In this direction, the first theorem is (6.7) THEOREM. For compact M, the following properties of /EDiff(Jlf) are generic: (a) Every periodic point is hyperbolic. (b) For each pair of periodic points p, qEM, W'(p) and Wu(q) have transversal intersection. This is proved in [55] and [114]. In [86] there is a polished version, which also proves the noncompact case. In [2] there is an account done in the general framework of transversality theory. Note that if/satisfies (6.7)(a) then for each m£Z+, the number of periodic points of period m is finite, i.e., Nm<». The other main approximation theorem is related to Pugh's C1 solution of the problem of the "closing lemma" [91 ]. This can be stated as follows. (6.8) THEOREM (PUGH). Suppose /EDiff(Af), and x£M is recur rent in the sense that : Z—+M defined by #(m) =/"(») is not a homeomorphistn onto its image. Then there is a C1 approximation f off such that x becomes a periodic point off. Pugh uses the methods of (6.8) to prove the following [92]. (6.9) THEOREM. For compact M, the property (6.1)(b) is generic in the C1 sense. In other words suppose we put the C1 topology on Diff (if) and let G be the set of fE Diff (M) with the property that the periodic points are dense in Q(/). Then G is a Baire set. Unfortunately the C' analogues for r > 1 of (6.8) and (6.9) are yet unproved?2 Furthermore, in my opinion, it is important tofind"con ceptual" proofs of Pugh's important results. We end by stating the three basic problems raised here. (6.10) PROBLEMS, (a) Approximation problem:23 For compact M, approximate (C, large r preferably) any / E Diff (M) by f satisfying Axiom A and Axiom B. In this perhaps the most important property is Axiom A(a). (b) Find all (in some sense) possible indecomposable hyperbolic sets of nonwandering points up to topological conjugacy.24 This in cludes, as a special case, find all Anosov diffeomorphisms (such that Q=Af). (c) Find the possible ways of fitting the W'(fi,) together to define / : M—*M as in (6.3) and (6.5). This is sort of a generalized Morse theory type problem and essentially problem (6.6)a.2s
It could happen that (6.10) (a) has a negative answer. This would add difficulty to the conjugacy problem! One would proceed by adding the corresponding counterexamples to those of this paper and enlarge the unifying framework. On the other hand an affirmative answer to (6.10) (a) would imply that this survey gives the basic framework to the conjugacy problem and that answering (6.10)(b), (c) would be filling in the body. 1.7. Our goal in this section is to give at least a full sketch of proofs of the spectral decomposition theorem (6.2) and its corollary. In doing so we state a general stable manifold theorem and use it to show the existence of canonical coordinates on our hyperbolic sets. We first give some preliminary lemmas. (7.1) LEMMA, (a) / / p is a periodic point of/EDiff (M), and U is an open set in M such that UC\ W'ip) 9*0, then the closure of Um>o/"(C/) (b) Furthermore, if q is a second periodic point and Wu{p)r\W*{q) contains a point of transversal intersection, then lL>of"( U) r^W'(q)^0. PROOF. Note first that by replacing / by a power of / , we may as well assume p and q are fixed points to begin with. Since / : W*(p) —*W"(p) is an expansion, it follows that if a neighborhood of p in W"(p) is in the closure of U„>o fn(U), then so is all of Wu(p). Thus we see that (a) is transformed into a local problem about a neighborhood N of p by replacing U by fk(U)r\N for some large n. In case / is linear in some chart about p the conclusion of (a) is easily checked directly, and finally the general case can be reduced to this one by an appeal to Hartman's (and Grobman's [74]) theorem [39], which gives a local topological equivalence to the linear case. The second part of (7.1) can be proved with little trouble by using the linear Lemma 5.2 of [115] or one can use again Hartman's the orem and a topological intersection argument. The reduction to the local case is again clear. A stronger lemma than this, the "X-lemma" is in [82].
(7.2) LEMMA. Let f: M-*M be a diffeomorphism with hyperbolic periodic points pit t = 0, • • • , n such that pa=p». Suppose for each * = 0, • • • , n — 1, XiE.W"(pt)r\W(Pi+i) is a point of transversal inter section. Then each xf is nonwandering. PROOF. Let x( for some i be as in (7.2) and U be a neighborhood of x{ in M. Then (U m >o/"(£/))nW"(fr);*0 every j using (7.1) induc tively. By (7.1)(a) Closure U»>o/*(C/)DW^"(/>,). This shows x, is nonwandering.
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We next come to the general stable manifold theory which we put into the following form. (7.3) GENERALIZED STABLE MANIFOLD THEOREM.26 Suppose ACAf is a hyperbolic set o//G Diff(Af) (that is, A is compact, invariant with the usual splitting of TL(M), see §1.6) with some metric on M. Then for each xGA, there is an injective immersion J\ = J»: W,(x)—*M with the following properties: (a) * G / . ( W'(x)), andyEMW'(x)) if and only ifd(f*(,x),f*(y))-+0 as m—*«>. (b) f(J.(W-(x))=JKmW(f(x)). Let J.(W'(x)) = W(x) now. (c) lWW(*))={;yGAf|/-(y)-*A, m—► <» j . (d) For x, yGA, W'(x) and W'(y) either coincide or are disjoint. (e) The tangent space of W'(x) at y is £J for each yGA (here £J is part of the data of the hyperbolic splitting). (f) W'(x) and W*(y) are C1 close on compact sets for x, yGA close. For A a point this is the stable manifold theorem for a fixed point, §1.2. In (7.3), W(x) for xGA is called the stable manifold of x. The unstable manifold W*(x) is defined as the stable manifold of/ -1 at x. We will try now to give the history and background of (7.3). Of course it all starts with A a point from Poincare, Perron, etc. as in §1.2. Anosov, using the basic work of Perron, proved (7.3) in the case A is all of M. This is the way he proved the structural stability in §1.3. Seeing the need for a more general version of stable manifold theory, because of Axiom A, I asked I. Kupka if he could give such a proof. In substance at least, he proved the above (7.3). All of the proofs in stable manifold theory, however, have been unsatisfactory from a conceptual point of view. On the other hand, at this writing it appears that the situation has been remedied by M. Hirsch. He seems to have a fully satisfactory proof of the above (7.3). Added in proof. C. Pugh has a good proof of (7.3). From the stable manifold theory we now construct what we call canonical coordinates on Q(f) where /GDiff(Af) satisfies Axiom A. If W*(x) is as in (7.3), then we will denote an e neighborhood of * in W'(x) in the intrinsic (metric) topology by W'(x, «). Then let J^*(x, e) be the set W(x, t)r\Q etc. (7.4) THEOREM (EXISTENCE OF CANONICAL COORDINATES).27 Sup pose /GDiff(M) satisfies Axiom A and that xG8=-Q(/). Then there is «>0, independent of x, and a canonical map I,: V—>M where V is a neighborhood of xXx in Wu(x)xV^'(x), which is a homeomorphism of V onto a neighborhood of xintt. On tPM(x, e) Xx, I. is the inclusion Jland on xxW'(x, e), I. is the inclusion J\. The map I. is defined at (P, q)E.VC^'(x, t)xW'(x, e) as the unique intersection of W'(p, e) and W*(q, e) in M.
PROOF. This follows directly from a systematic application of (7.3) and (7.2). The map is well defined into M by (7.3). The image of I, is in ft by (7.2) and the fact that the periodic points are dense in ft. In a similar way, one checks that a neighborhood of * in ft is in the image of Ix. The injectivity of Ix is a consequence of the stable mani fold theorem, that the W'(p) for different p, either coincide or are disjoint. Moving toward the proof of (6.2) we give first the following lemma:
(7.5) LEMMA. Suppose /£Diff(Af) satisfies Axiom A, ft = ft(/) the nonwandering points. Given x&l, suppose N is a neighborhood of x in ft with the local product structure of (7.4). / / U is any nonempty open subset of N, then \Jm*o fmU and Umso fm(U) each contain a dense subset of N. PROOF. It is sufficient to consider just one of the two cases. Let q be a periodic point of U with stable and unstable manifolds W*(q) and W*(q). There exist such q since the periodic points are dense in ft by Axiom A. Now let p be an arbitrary periodic point of N. There are points of transversal intersection x£.Wu(p)r\W(q), JC'GW"(}) (~\W(p), with x, x' in ft. Then xQ\JmiofmU, and so p is in the closure of Vmsof™!/. Since the periodic points are dense in N, this proves (7.5). We now prove (6.2). For x £ft, let N = N(x) be given as in the previous lemma and define ft, = Closure Umezfm(N). From the previous lemma it follows that ft, does not depend on any choices. In fact, it follows equally well from (7.5) that for x, y£ft, either ft, and ft» coincide or are disjoint. Furthermore the union ft = U*ftx is actually a finite union and all of the properties of (6.2) are checked very easily now using the previous lemma. Note that one obtains directly that any open set in ft,- has a dense orbit (i.e., U^"(f/) is dense). From Birkhoff [15] one then ob tains topological transitivity. We show how (6.3) follows from (6.2). For each x^M, m—»«> :/"**—»ft from the definition of nonwander ing. Given x £ M , we claim there is a unique i such that fmx—»8< as m—► » . For each * = 1, • • • , k, choose open sets F„ I/,- such that VtDUiDQi, Vi disjoint and f-lUJJfUtCVt. Now, given xEM, suppose there exist k, I such that QtAlim,, , „ / " * ^ 0 , ft|^lim»H.„/*,* ?*0, k?*l. Then there exist for each j = l, 2, • • • positive integers f»y, lj such that f*>x£UK, /"*+'/£l/j where my<my+/y<»n, + i for e a c h / Then there exists nit f»y
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Note finally that the following proposition is clear from the previ ous material in this section. (7.6) PROPOSITION. Let 12,- be as in (6.2). (a) Then for any *£12,-, W*(x) and Wu(x) each contain a dense set o/I2,-. (b) In particular iff: M—*M is an Anosov diffeomorphism of a com pact manifold with Q = M, then every stable manifold is dense in M. (c) W(Qi)nW(Qi)=Qi. One obtains (a) from the topological transitivity and the local product structure on $2,-. (b) follows from (a). One checks (c) by first showing that W"(Qi)r\W(QJCQ using (7.2) and the fact that the periodic points are dense in 12. Then apply (6.2). 1.8. The goal of this section is to sketch the proofs of Theorems (6.5) and (6.6). We begin by introducing the generally useful notion of a filtration of a diffeomorphism. A filtration then of f£Diff(M), M compact, is a sequence of closed submanifolds, M=MoDAfOAfO • • • ~DMk = 0 where each M is an open subset together with its smooth boundary and/(M,)Onterior of M,-. (8.1) PROPOSITION.28 If {Mi] is afiltrationfor /GDiff(Af), then it is also afiltrationfor a C approximation off. Furthermore Sl(f)f^dMi = 0 for each i. This is easily checked. If {M,} is a filtration for/£Diff(Af) then we can decompose J2(/)=QiU • • • KJQk_u $24 compact invariant, by defining $2,=°.r\(.W, —Af,_i). We will call this the Q-decomposition of the filtration. We assume now t h a t / satisfies Axioms A and B, with 12,-, W'(B<)f etc. as in §1.6. (8.2) PROPOSITION. / / W«(Q,)rW(Q,)5*0, then for any pEQif g£fyi W"(p) and W'(q) have a point of transversal intersection. PROOF. This is a consequence of Axiom B and §1.7. Then by (7.1) we obtain (8.3) COROLLARY. If W*($t)r\W($i)*0, then W»(J2y)CClosure W"(Qi).
(8.4) PROPOSITION. / / W"(fli)r\W(Qi+i)^0, t = 0, • • • , m - l and fi0=i2«, then all the 12, coincide. u PROOF. Let periodic points p,ES2< for each *. Then by (8.2), W (pt) and W'(pi+i) have a point of transversal intersection g< for each i. Apply (7.2) to see that each g<EG. But then g,£fl,nQ, + i, so indeed the 12, coincide. From (8.3) and (8.4) follows
784 (8.5) ing.
The relation ^ defined in §1.6 is a partial order
REMARK. One could define ^ in these alternate ways as long as Axiom B was modified accordingly and the whole theory would be the same. Alternate way 1. fl,gfly if Clos W«(fly)nClos W*(fl,)5*0. Alternate way 2.fl,-^Qyif for any pair of neighborhoods £/< of 0
(8.6) PROPOSITION. Suppose f£Diff(M) satisfies Axioms A and B, withfl«>o/"(W^o)i tn9 some large integer and W» is a small neighbor hood offly.One may think of W as a neighborhood of W"(fly). By con tinuing in this way one obtains the desired nitrations. Conversations with M. Shub were very useful in the following. To prove fl-stability29 for /£Diff(Af) satisfying Axioms A and B, one generalizes the procedure of Moser in the Appendix written by Mather. Instead of the map A defined there one uses the map
B: BiS(M) X C°(A, M) -> C°(A, M) defined by B(g, A)=gA/-1. Here C°(A, M) is the space of continuous maps of A into M with the uniform topology with A =fl, an indecom posable piece of fl(/). C°(A, M) is a manifold and B has its second partial derivative continuous in both variables. A version of the implicit function theorem yields a continuous map h: A A
* M such that h
if. h it A
► M commutes
702 1967}
(providing g is close enough t o / in Cl). There remains to complete the proof of S-stability of /, two things. First, h is 1-1. Here the Moser argument does not work. The proof goes by (8.7) PROPOSITION. / : A—*A is expansive. This means there is «>0 such that for any x, y £A, x^y, there is n£Z with d(Ji'x,fny) >«. The proof of this proposition follows from the fact that A is a hyper bolic set for/. Then the fact that h makes the above diagram commute and is close to the identity leads to the injectivity of h. The second point to check is that when h is denned on each $},• as above, A(Q(/))=0(g). Since the periodic points are dense in fl(/) it follows that h(Q(f))C.Q(g). Furthermore, by (8.6) we may assume that fl(g)Csmall neighborhoods of Q(. Thus the proof of Q-stability is reduced to the study of what happens in a small neighborhood of Q<. The stable manifold analysis finally takes care of this last point. To finish our program, we must show that if g has been chosen close enough to/, then g also satisfies Axioms A and B. AH of this is a conse quence of the above provided ti(g) = h(Q(f)) has a hyperbolic struc ture for g. This proceeds by showing bounded hyperbolic linear maps on Banach spaces are open using the spectral theory at the end of [96], and then using the values of sections of the Banach space split ting to reconstruct the vector bundle splitting. 1.9. On basic sets of diffeomorphisms. This section is devoted to the problem of finding all the possible Q, that could occur in the spec tral decomposition theorem (6.2) for diffeomorphisms of compact manifolds satisfying Axiom A. In other words we discuss what is known about Problem (6.10)(b). Expanding on this define a basic set of/£Diff(Jlf) to be one of the H, of (6.2) where/satisfies Axiom A. (9.1) PROBLEM. Find all basic sets up to topological conjugacy.30 Do they always have a rational zeta function?3'Are they all locally the product of a Cantor set and a manifold?32 Can they be given some type of algebraic structure? One can consider a possibly more general, but localized picture by considering / : U—*M with U an open set of M, f a diffeomorphism onto its image with AC.U satisfying (9.2) (a) A is compact and /(A) = A, (b) A is a hyperbolic set for/ (see §1.6), (c) the periodic points of / are dense in A, (d) / is topologically transitive on A,
(e) rw/w-A. Since the basic sets have neighborhoods U which satisfy (9.2) we may consider
(9.3) PROBLEM. Find all A satisfying (9.2). There is a construction which allows one to replace / : U—*M by g: U—*V in (9.2). On UXZ say points (x, m) and (x1, n) are equivalent if x' =gn~m(x). Then the quotient space V is a manifold (not neces sarily Hausdorff) and one has a diffeomorphism g: V—*V induced by (x, m)—►(*, m + 1 ) . Define AQff as the image of (A, 0) under the pro jection x : UXZ-*U. ■We will say that A in (9.2) is an attractor if U can be chosen so that f)m>of*(U)=A.. Then when A is the basic set of a diffeomorphism satisfying Axioms A and B, an attractor corresponds to a vertex lying at an extreme point of the diagram of/. A special case of (9.1) and (9.3) is to find the attractors. 3 3 Note that no symbolic flow of §1.5 can be an attractor, but that every Anosov diffeomorphism with 12 = M is already an attractor. We will give an outline of all the ways we know of constructing basic sets; then we will go into more detail. First consider these four groups of basic sets: (9.4) (a) Group 0. These are characterized by dimension A = 0 . (b) Group A. This is Anosov case with Q = M. (c) Group DE. These are derived from expanding maps and will be described subsequently. (d) Group DA. These are derived from Anosov diffeomorphisms and will also be described subsequently. Furthermore one may take finite products of any of these to obtain other basic sets (see §1.10). Group 0 is discussed first. This includes the finite A (periodic orbits) and the shift automorphisms AN of §1.5. It seems likely to me that every basic set in group 0 is topologically conjugate to some closed invariant subset of Ay. Call AC.A.N a subshift if A is closed, invariant, and the periodic points are dense in A. One can ask generally to what extent the subshifts occur as basic sets. 34 The following construction may shed some light on the above im bedding problem. Suppose A is a basic set of dimension 0 relative to / : U—*M, Ui\J ■ • • \JUN a disjoint union of local product neighbor hoods of (7.4) which cover A (such Ui can always be found). Then let £:AAT—»Ajy be the shift automorphism on the JV-symbols Ui, • • • , Uy and define a : A—*AN by a(x)(m) = Ui where x £ A , « £ Z , and f"(x) £ Ui. Then it is easily checked that a is continuous and equivariant. Can the £/,- be chosen so that a is injective? The following is a non trivial example of a subshift as a basic set. We describe it in the following figure as a diffeomorphism of a 2-disk
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into itself which can be extended to a diffeomorphism 5*- »S* by adding an expanding disk to the original.
p H
The construction follows in the pattern of those in §1.5. The diagram is simply given by Q where the top vertex is an expanding fixed point and the bottom vertex corresponds to the periodic orbit consisting of Pi, pt and pi. The reader can check that the middle vertex of the dia gram corresponds to a subshift A of the shift on five symbols. In fact if A| is the shift space on the symbols a, 0, y, 6, p corresponding to the indicated columns in the figure, then A consists of bi-infinite sequences which do not carry any of the following combinations fiy, fib, fip, act, a/9, yi, 77, 7P. &*, ifi, pa, p0. Generally speaking, relative to a shift automorphism a block is a finite sequence of symbols, e.g., /3, etc. in the previous sentence. A subshift is said to be of finite type if it is of the form, all sequences which do not contain a certain finite set of blocks. Thus the above A is of finite type. Related to the previous problems on basic sets of dimension 0 are the following theorems: (9.5) THEOREM (O. LANFORD). Every subshift of finite type has a rational xeta function. (9.6) THEOREM (R. zeta functions.
There exist subshifts with irrational
In fact Lanford has improved Bowen's theorem to show that most subshifts have irrational zeta functions. We don't go beyond the discussion of §1.3 on the Anosov case except to remark that it seems probable that if a basic set is a submanifold then the restriction of the diffeomorphism is conjugate to an Anosov diffeomorphism.
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J. Moser has shown me an example of a basic set which is a submanifold but not a C1 submanifold. For the DE group we use the examples of Shub [108] of expanding endomorphisms of compact manifolds—see §1.10. For each expand ing endomorphism, we will construct a basic set which is an attractor. This goes as follows. Suppose then / : M—*M is an expanding endomorphism of a com pact manifold. Let D be the unit disk of dimension one larger than the dimension of M, with M imbedded in DXM as OXM. Let X satisfy 0<X<1 and define &: DXM-*DXM by gx(x, y) = (Xx, y). Next let 4>: 0XM-+DXM be a C1 approximation of the map OXM —>DXM, (0, y)—*(0,f(y)) such that is an embedding. This is pos sible by dimensional reasons (the Whitney imbedding theorem). Let T be a tubular neighborhood of (M) with fibers being the various components of T(~\(DXy), yE.M. Now extend 4> to $: DXM—*T in a fiber preserving way so that ^ is even a diffeomorphism. Our de sired map DXM—*DXM is then the composition ^g\=h for X small enough. It can be checked that for sufficiently small X, the set A = n„>0 hm(DXM) has a hyperbolic structure and is in fact a basic set. It is locally the product of a Cantor set and a manifold whose dimension is that of M. The following figure gives DXM and its image under h when the starting point is the expanding endomorphism of Si—*Sl defined by
Finally we show how the DA group (9.4d) goes by giving the first case using an extended type of surgery on the Anosov diffeomorphism of the 2-torus.3* One changes the toral diffeomorphism on a small "square" neigh borhood Q of the fixed point corresponding to (0, 0) in R*. Initially we have the square Q=ABCD linearly mapped into A'B'CD1 as in the following figure.
a D
Without changing the diffeomorphism outside a neighborhood of the boundary of Q, we can change / on Q so that we have three fixed points in Q as illustrated in the following figure.
Now T* can be written as the union of a single two dimensional stable manifold of the fixed point x, W'(x) and a one dimensional basic A. We leave the (many) details to the reader. One can apply this construction to any Anosov diffeomorphism. As this was written, we received a very interesting manuscript of R. Williams [127] on 1-dimensional basic sets, which certainly ap pears to extend some of the above results. 1.10. Final remarks on conjugacy problems. We cover briefly a number of final miscellaneous points related to the diffeomorphism problem of part I. The first question is: what role do products play?
(10.1) PROPOSITION. Let fl,- be the set of nonwandering points of /,GDiff(Mj), i = \, 2. Then the set of nonwandering points of the product /iX/jEDiff(ilfiXMi) is contained in QiXflj. Furthermore if the pe riodic points are dense in & and i2», then Q = i2iXQ». This is checked easily from the definitions. (10.2) PROPOSITION. 7// < GDiff(Af,), * = 1 , 2 satisfying (2.2), then so does the product fiXft€.Difi(MiXM2). This follows from (10.1) and the fact that W'{p, q) = W'(p) X W'(q). Furthermore one sees from the definitions that (10.3) PROPOSITION. The product of two Anosov diffeomorpkisms an Anosov diffeomorphism.
The last two propositions are essentially contained in (equally easily checked) (10.4) PROPOSITION. i / / t £ D i f f ( A f , ) . * = 1, 2, both satisfy Axioms A and B, then so does the product/IX/J. Furthermore so does f™, m(E.Z, Thus if /i£Diff(Afi) is an Anosov diffeomorphism and if /»GDiff(M 2 ) satisfies (2.2), then the product/iX/» is Q-stable (6.5). This product, however, is not structurally stable. Moreover, there is an open set U, in general, in Diff(AfiX-Mj) n e a r / w i t h the property that U contains no structurally stable diffeomorphisms. This is described in [116], It is the example mentioned in §1.1 to show that one had to weaken the concept of structural stability to get a success ful theory. There is also an exposition of this fact in [l 1 ] and a further variant in [87]. We now define a modification of diffeomorphisms related to the notion of "surgery" in differential topology. Suppose/GDiff(M) has the property that there is a compact submanifold with boundary Mu dim M=dim Mi, such that f(Mi) is contained in the interior of Mi. Then it follows that J2 = 12(f) is equal to (interior Afi)nfiU(Af—Afi)nfi=QiUflj where each fl, is compact and invariant. Furthermore, a similar decomposition can be done even for any sufficiently good C approximation of/. This is a special case of the filtrations of §1.8. For surgery, in addition to the above / suppose that g: V—> V is a diffeomorphism of a compact manifold with boundary into its inte rior. Suppose further that there is a diffeomorphism h: Cl(Mi—/(Af t )) —»C1(F—g{V)) with gh = hf. An isotopy condition o n / , g is sufficient
708 I9«7l
to guarantee the existence of h at least in case Closure (V—f(V)) » 1 X V. Then one may replace Mi by V and redefine / on Afi by g on V to define/': M'—*M', M' the modified manifold. This turns out to be a useful construction. One checks immediately that f>» =* tt o f, o ff l where J is / restricted to Jlf<. A topological version of the ergodic theoretic concept, entropy, has been denned in [3]. In this paper, the authors showed that this topo logical entropy is positive for some of the examples we described in §§1.3 and 5. The following problem seems natural. (10.5) PROBLEM. If fi, is a basic set of a diffeomorphism satisfying Axiom A (as described in the spectral decomposition theorem (6.2)), is the topological entropy of Q,- positive?37 As J. Palis pointed out to me, any Anosov diffeomorphism will satisfy Axioms A and B. It is possible that applying some of the sub sequent theorems, one could obtain an attack on the problem: For an Anosov diffeomorphism f£Ditt(M), M compact, must Q(f) = Ml (See 3.4). Up to now we have been investigating the dynamical system generated by a single /£Diff(Jlf). One can generalize this situation to a differentiable map (or endomorphism) / : M—*M (without neces sarily having an inverse). This/ is not the generator of a group acting on M, but a semigroup Z+ acting on M. M. Shub [108] has studied this problem and found that some of the previous results extend to cover this case and some new features are found here. We state some of these now. The simplest new problem coming up in this context is the endo morphism of the complex numbers of absolute value one, f'.^—^S1 defined by f(z) =«", n£Z, n> 1. Is/structurally stable? As for diffeomorphisms, an endomorphism f:M-*M is structurally stable if C1 perturbations are conjugate to/by a homeomorphism. Shub gives an affirmative answer in the following more general proposition [l08]. (10.6) PROPOSITION. Suppose f'.S1—*^ is C1 with derivative every where > 1 . Then f is conjugate by a homeomorphism to z—*tn where n=degree f. The general questions on endomorphisms of S1 are not yet very well understood. On the other hand Shub has found a satisfactory generalization of (10.6) as follows. Say that an endomorphism / : M—*M of a complete Riemannian manifold is expanding if for each vETm(M), ||D/"(x)(r)|| £eX"||»||, m£Z+, c>0, X> 1 independent of v, x. Examples of expanding endo morphisms are, of course, the circle map *—**" as well as various products of these on tori.
(10.7) THEOREM (SHUB [108]). Any two homotopic expanding endomorphisms of a compact Riemannian manifold are topologicaUy conjugate. (10.8) COROLLARY. Any expanding endomorphism of a compact Riemannian manifold is structurally stable. In view of (10.7), the following becomes a reasonable problem. (10.9) PROBLEM. Find all expanding endomorphisms of manifolds3* (up to conjugacy). Also, is (10.7) true for Anosov diffeomorphisms of compact manifolds? Shub proves for expanding endomorphisms that the manifold is covered by Euclidean space, and has produced, besides those on tori, examples on the Klein bottle and nilmanifolds. Presumably, eventually a systematic approach will include the Anosov diffeomorphisms and Shub expanding endomorphisms.39 The unifying definition is, in fact, obvious. For hyperbolic fixed points of an endomorphism / : M—+M, Shub defines stable and unstable manifolds, generalizing those for a diffeomorphism. In this case, however, W' is no longer the image of a cell, but can be any manifold (i.e., map M into a point Po€zM and take any small perturbation. Then the stable manifold of the fixed point will be M). On the other hand W" is the image of a cell, but not under an immersion or a 1-1 map. Shub generalizes the approximation theorem (6.7) to endo morphisms. Previously, holomorphic endomorphisms of the Riemann sphere had been studied by G.Julia ([50], his "prize memoir").40 Stein and Ulam [119] have made a study of certain polynomial endomorphisms of the plane using computing machines. An extremely interesting problem is the study of maps of finite dimensional manifolds into Dift(M). What are generic properties of such maps? This is called bifurcation theory.41 The most important work on this subject is that of J. Sotomayor [118]. He considers maps of an interval into the space of flows on 2-manifolds, and obtains a pretty complete picture in this case.
In this Appendix, I give an exposition of Moser's proof that Anosov diffeomorphisms are structurally stable. (See Theorem 3.3 of §1.3.)
710 1967]
The main novelty in my presentation is the use of the language of manifolds of mappings, which seems to result in conceptual simpli fication. I would like to thank R. Abraham for suggesting that Moser's proof might be simply expressed in the language of mani folds of mappings. We let M be a compact C manifold and / : M—*M a C1 diffeomorphism. We let D denote the topological space of diffeomorphisms of M into itself with the C1 topology, H the topological space of homeomorphisms of M into itself with the C topology (compact open topology), and C the C" Banach manifold of continuous mappings of M into itself, where the topology is the C° topology and the manifold structure is denned in a manner similar to that by which the mani fold structures on sets of mappings are denned in [l] (of Appendix). THEOREM 1 (ANOSOV). / / / is an Anosov diffeomorphism, then f is structurally stable. More precisely, there exists a neighborhood U of the identity of M, idj*, in H, a neighborhood V of f in D and a continuous mapping g—*h(g) of V into U such that for all g £ F , h=h(g) is the unique solution in U of the equation
hg - fh. If £ is a vector bundle over M, we let T(E) denote the Banachable 2?-vector space of continuous sections of E over M, with the C* topology. If, further, x£Af, we let E„ denote the fiber of E over x. We let f+:T(TM)—*T(TM) be the continuous linear mapping given by/*(«) =Dfozof~1. We will consider T(TM) as a Banach space, with any norm which induces its topology. LEMMA
1. Iff is an Anosov diffeomorphism, then f*—id is an iso
morphism. REMARK. The converse is also true, but PROOF. By the hypothesis, there exists
will not be proved here. a splitting of T(M) into a continuous Whitney sum T(M)=E'-\-Eu, invariant under Df, such that Df: E'—*E* is contracting and Df: £"—»£« is expanding. Let fo=/*|r(-E') and/„=/»|r(JE-). Then there exists C>0, 0<X<1 such that for all »»£Z + ,
||£|| < ex", ||/ni < a". It follows that/o—id and/; 1 —id are automorphisms of r ( £ ' ) and T(E'), resp. In fact,
(fj - id)-1 = - z/; y . Hence,/.—id = —/.(/i 1 —id) is an automorphism. The lemma follows immediately. Let A: DXCXD-^CXC be given by A(gu h, gt) = (hogu gtoh). LEMMA 2. A is once differentiable in its second variable and its "partial derivative,'' DtA:
is continuous in all variables. Moreover poL is an isomorphism, where L - DtA | (/ X (TC)id Xf):
(TQu -> (TC), X (TC),
and p denotes the projection of (TC),X (TC)/ on (TC)/ X (TC)//'diagonal. PROOF. The first sentence follows from the methods of [l ]. Also by the methods of [ l ] , we may make the identifications ((TC)u = T(TM) and (TQ/ = T(f*TM). With respect to these identifications L is given by
z—> (zof,
Let 5: (r(f»rAf)Xr(/*7\&0)/diagonal-»r(rAf) be the isomorphism induced by (s, <)—»to/_1—5o/-1. Then S o p o L = /» — id. Hence, the second sentence follows from Lemma 1, completing the proof of Lemma 2. By Lemma 2 and a suitable version of the implicit function theo rem, there exists a neighborhood V% of / in D and a neighborhood Ui of id* in C such that for all gi, gtEV there exists a unique h"u(gi, gi)E.Ui such that A(lu *, i*) G diagonal i.e., (1)
h o gi = gt o h
and such that (gi, gj)—*u(gi, gi) is continuous. Let Ui be a neighborhood of id*i in Ui such that for all hi, AjG U\, hiohtE. Ui and let V be a neighborhood of / in Vi such that for all gi, giE V, u(gi, gt) E Ut. For all gE V, set h(g) =u(g,f) and h~(g) = « ( / , g).
712 1967]
Setting h=h(g), k~=h~(g), we have hg=fh and h~f=gh~. Hence h~hg = h~fh=ghrh and hh~f=hgh~=fhhr. Since (1) has a unique solution A£t/i for g\, g i £ 7 i , it follows that hh-=h~h = idtt- Hence h is a homeomorphism, so the theorem follows with Z7=* U%f\H. REFERENCE 1. R. Abraham, Lectures of Smale on differential topology, Lecture notes, Columbia University, New York, 1962.
II.l. Introduction to flows. We shift now our survey to the case of the group G = R, the real numbers, acting on a manifold M, which for simplicity we will assume compact most of the time. Thus we are studying a 1-parameter group of diffeomorphisms, , simply a flow. A flow t: M—*M defines (or generates) a tangent vector field on M; i.e., for each ac£Mdefine X(x)£TB(M) by (1.1)
<**,(*)/*]_. = X(x).
Thus X(x) is a tangent vector at x on M and i(x) is the solution of the ordinary differential equation (1.1) with initial condition 0o(x) =*• Then the orbit (of 0) through x, t—*t>t(x) coincides with the solution of the first order, autonomous (i.e., X{x) doesn't depend on t), ordinary differential equation (1.1). Conversely, given an ordinary differential equation, simple meth ods reduce it to the first order autonomous case and thus one obtains the situation in (1.1) with X(x) given. The fundamental existence theorems of ordinary differential equations (see [25], [56]) yield a solution 0«(x) such that 0 o (x)=*, at least locally, i.e., for M <e. Furthermore these local solutions may be pieced together (see [56]) and frequently this leads to a flow on M. Certainly if M is compact, every (smooth of course) tangent vector field defines a unique flow in this way. In the noncompact case one may change the vector field by a scalar factor to obtain one which defines a global flow. We will consider here only the case where 4>t: M—*M is defined for all t, or an action of R on M, i.e., a flow. Most of Part II is the carrying over of Part I to this slightly more complicated case. We will emphasize some of the special features and new interesting problems encountered in this 1-parameter case. There are three possible types of orbits of a flow t: M-+M. First
* is fixed point of the flow if <j>t(x)=x all J£2?. A fixed point * can also be characterized as a zero of the vector field defined by . Secondly a closed orbit of ,: M—*M is the orbit through some x with <j>t(x) — x some t?*0. Usually a closed orbit is taken to mean exclusion of the fixed point case so there is a minimum period / 0 >0 such that #«.(*)=*• Finally if t—Hf>t(x) is injective, then the orbit through x is not one of the above types and could be called an ordinary orbit. In topologizing actions of R we assume M is compact. Then the flows as we saw above correspond precisely to tangent vector fields on M. The Cr,r>0, vector fields on M form a linear space and with a O norm, r<«>, a Banach space which we denote by x(M). A generic property of flows will be a property true for a Baire set in x(Af). The most obvious generic property is that the set of zeros of XEx(M) is finite [114]. Proceeding as in §1.1 we look for a suitable equivalence between two flows , and $t on M. A conjugacy between t and ^« is a homeomorphism h: M—+M such that h4>t{x) =4>t(hx). Such an equivalence relation preserves the minimum period of a periodic orbit and thus a conjugacy class will not in general be invariant under perturbation. This implies the need of a weaker notion of equivalence. We say that flows i, \f/t are topologicaUy equivalent if there is a homeomorphism of M sending orbits of i into orbits of yf/t- If perturbations in x(M) do not change the topological equivalence class of X£x(-M). then X is called structurally stable. This concept was introduced in 1937 [6] by Andronov and Pontrjagin for ordinary differential equations on the 2-dimensional disk. On compact 2-dimensional manifolds, the struc turally stable flows form a dense open set, simply characterized (Peixoto [84], see also §11.2). However in every dimension higher than three there exist compact manifolds on which the structurally stable flows are not dense [116] (see also [87]). Parallel to Part I this leads to a weakening of topological equivalence as follows. For a flow t on M, G. D. Birkhoff [15] has defined x£M to be a wandering point if there is some neighborhood U of x in M with (U|«i>«,<£#(£/))rW=.0 for some * 0 >0. The nonwandering points (those which are not wandering) form a closed invariant subset of M denoted by ft=2(^,). We will say that flows 4>i, tf>t are topologicaUy equivalent on 8 if there is an orbit preserv ing homeomorphism h: Q(i)-*Q(if/t). Then , is Q-stable if sufficiently small perturbations (measured in terms of the corresponding X£x(M) of course) are topologicaUy equivalent on Q to 4>t. It is an important problem to discover whether Q-stable flows are dense in X(A0-
714 1967]
We end this section by giving a direct relation between the flows discussed here and the diffeomorphism questions of Part I, [114]. A compact submanifold 2 of codimension one of a compact mani fold M is called a cross-section for a flow fa on Af if 2 intersects every orbit, has transversal intersection with the flow and whenever x £ 2 , ><(*)£2 for some f>0. Then fa induces a diffeomorphism / : 2—»2 byf(x)=fat(x) where tQ is the first *>0 with 0«(x)£2 (see [114] for more details). The topological equivalence class of fa is determined by the topological conjugacy class of/. Orbits of/are in a natural 1-1 correspondence with those of fa by {/*(x)|i»£Z} —»{^i(x)|/£i?}, each x £ 2 . Compact orbits are preserved under this correspondence; thus periodic points of / correspond to closed orbits of fa. There can be no fixed points of fa when there is a cross-section. Cross-sections were used by Poincare' and Birkhoff (see, e.g., [19]).42 There is a converse construction of some importance. Given a dif feomorphism / of a (compact) manifold 2 we will construct a flow, canonically, on a manifold Mo of one dimension higher, called the suspension off. This goes as follows. Let a: 2XR—*2XR be defined by a(x, «) = (/(*), K + 1 ) . Then [a"} = Z operates freely on 2XR and the orbit space is a manifold M«. Furthermore the flow fa: 2X-R —*2XR defined by ^t(x, u) = (x, u+t) induces a flow fa on Mt which is our suspension of /. Clearly M<, will have a cross-section 2 0 =T(2X0)CAf" where x: 2XJ?—*Afo is the quotient map. It is easy to check that the associated diffeomorphism of (fa, 2 0 ), /<>: 2#—>2o is differentiably conjugate to our initial/: 2—*2. Furthermore if an arbi trary flow fa: M—*L has a cross-section / : 2—»2 whose suspension is !: M9—*Mo, then t and l are equivalent by an orbit preserving homeomorphism.43 This notion of suspension is useful because it allows one immedi ately to transfer all the examples in Part I, i.e., the diffeomorphisms of §1.2, Anosov diffeomorphisms as well as those of §§1.5 and 1.6, to examples of flows. From the above remarks, all the stability prop erties of the diffeomorphism examples are kept by the suspended flows. 11.2. The simplest examples of O-stable flows. We will say that a fixed point x of the flow <j>t- M—*M is hyperbolic if x is a hyperbolic fixed point of the diffeomorphism fa: M-+M. An alternate way of saying this is as follows: If x is a fixed point of the flow fa: M-*M, then the derivative Dfa(x): Tm(M)-*TM(M) defines a linear repre sentation of the real line and so can be written in the form D$t(x) =e,A where A is a linear endomorphism of T,(M). Then x is hyper-
bolic if and only if none of the eigenvalues of A have real part equal to zero. (2.1) PROPOSITION. If x is a hyperbolic fixed point for theflowt, the stable manifold W'(x) of x relative to t for every t and is contracting for every t>0. Then W$(x) will be called the stable manifold of x for theflowt. One may apply 1.(2.1) to obtain properties of W'(x). Now suppose that x £ J f is in a closed orbit y of the flow <j>t: M—*M. There is a submanifold V of codimension one passing through x and transversal to y. Then V serves as a local version of the cross-section of §11.1, defining a local diffeomorphism/: U—*V, f(x)=x, where U is a neighborhood of x in V. We say that y is a hyperbolic closed orbit of t whenever a: is a hyperbolic fixed point of/. It is easily checked that this definition is independent of the choices x £ 7 and V (see [114]). The local stable manifold WLs(*>/) of x f o r / in U defines the stable manifold W'(y) of y by W'{y) = U teK <£<(Wfoc(*. /))• Then W'(y) is a 1-1 immersed cell bundle over S1 (either a cylinder i?*X5 1 , or a generalized Mobius band). For more details see [114]. The unstable manifolds of hyperbolic fixed points and closed orbits of 4>t are defined as the stable manifolds of \pt=~tFor the suspension of a toral diffeomorphism (§1.3), the closed orbits are hyperbolic and dense in M; but hyperbolic fixed points of any flow are necessarily isolated fixed points. We now describe the analogue of the diffeomorphisms of §1.2 as flows t • M—>M, M compact, which satisfy (2.2) (1) il(t) is the union of a finite number of fixed points Xi, ■ • • , xm and a finite number of closed orbits
o f ,.
(2) The xf, 7/ are all hyperbolic. (3) The stable manifolds and unstable manifolds of the xt, fa intersect each other only transversally. (2.3) THEOREM [109].** Suppose the flow 4>t: M-*M satisfies (2.2). Then (a) Each stable manifold Wt of the x, and y, is imbedded and M=UT_+r W't (disjoint union). (b) The closure of one Wt is the union of certain W,. Let W, ^ Wt ifW,is in the closure of Wt. Then g is a partial ordering. If W,£ Wt then dim TFJ^dim Wt. (c) One has the following Morse inequalities:
716 1967]
i f 0 ^ Bt,
M, - Mt £ Bt - So,
Here B< is the *th betti number coefficients Z», and Jlf<=a<+6< +&,+i where o< is the number of Xj with dimension W'(XJ) =■«' and 6< is the number of 7/ with dimension W'(y/)=i+l. One can see that 11.(2.3) is quite analogous to 1.(2.3). There are a couple of special features in the present situation however. For ex ample (2.4) THEOREM (PEIXOTO [84]).45 If dim M=2, then theflow, satis fies (2.2) if and only if it is structurally stable. In this case the corresponding X£.x(M) form an open and dense set. ■This theorem gives a rough but quite good picture of flows on compact 2-manifolds. It solves the first basic problem for 2-dimensional flows. A gradient flow t: M—*M on a compact Riemannian manifold is defined by a O function / : M—*R in the following way. The deriva tive Df(x) of / at x is a cotangent vector at * and the Riemannian metric converts this into a tangent vector -X"(x) = (grad /)(x) at x. By the familiar procedure (JH-1) from X(x) we obtain our gradient flow t.
(2.5) THEOREM [109]. The flows on any given M satisfying (2.2) contain an open and dense subset of all gradient flows. Since every manifold possesses Riemannian metrics, we see that from (2.5) every manifold exhibits flows satisfying (2.2). Recall the existence of the diffeomorphisms of §1.2 was obtained in this way. Theorem (2.5) gives the bridge between the usual Morse theory for functions on manifolds and the work in this section. This even brings the subject here close to handlebody theory in differential topology and Poincar6 duality on a manifold (this is the duality between the stable and unstable manifolds of a gradient flow). See [95] for one definitely nongradient type example satisfying (2.2). See also [63], [97] for related papers. I have just received a manuscript of K. Meyer [15] in which
"energy functions* are constructed for the flows described in this section. II.3. Anosov flows. Consider first l-parameter groups of vector space bundle automorphisms 4>t: £—»£. Here £ is a vector space bundle and 4>t is a flow on E such that for each /, 4>t: E—*E is a bundle auto morphism (i.e., linear on fibers). For example if if/t: M—*M is a flow on a manifold, the derivatives at each t, <j>t=D^tm- T(M)—*T(M), define a l-parameter group of vector space bundle automorphisms. Assuming £ is a Riemannian vector space bundle, say that such a flow t: E-*E is contracting if there are constants c, X > 0 such that \\t(v)\\£ce-u,allveE, t>0. Then t is expanding if -t is contracting and this is equivalent to the existence of ci>0, / i > 0 such that | | # , ( P ) | | ^ C I « " all <>0, » £ £ (compare §1.3). An Anosov flow on a complete Riemannian manifold M (or just a manifold in case M is compact) is a flow t whose induced flow D,: T(M)—*T{M) on the tangent bundle is hyperbolic in the follow ing sense: The tangent bundle T(M) can be written as the Whitney sum of 3 invariant subbundles, T(M) =Ei+Ei+Et where on £ " = £ l t 4>t is expanding, on £*=£»,<£» is contracting and £> is the 1-dimensional bundle defined by differentiating t with respect to /. Examples of Anosov flows are obtained readily from §1.3 and the following easily proved proposition. (3.1) PROPOSITION. / / / : Af—»Af is an Anosov diffeomorphism of a compact manifold, then the suspension off is an Anosov flow. Another important class of examples of Anosov flows are the geodesic flows on the tangent bundles of Riemannian manifolds of negative (possibly varying) curvature (see [8], [13]). (3.2) THEOREM (ANOSOV [9]). If t: M—>M is an Anosov flow of a compact manifold it is structurally stable. Also ifQ=M, the periodic orbits will be dense. Finally if there is an (Lebesgue) invariant measure, then 4>t is ergodic. Applied to the geodesic flows on the tangent bundles of manifolds M with negative curvature, (3.2) yields ergodicity, thus solving an old problem. The constant negative curvature case as well as the case of two dimensional M had been done earlier by G. Hedlund [42] and E. Hopf [45], [46]. See also [34] and [64]. Again as in §1.3. there is the very important problem of finding all Anosov flows on compact M (especially when fi= M). Progress on this problem might contribute to the problem of what manifolds can
have Riemannian metrics of negative curvature. Is this class bigger than the class of manifolds which possess Riemannian metrics of constant negative curvature? On this point see the problem of Calabi in [31J.
11.4. On counting closed orbits. For counting the fixed points (at least algebraically) of a diffeomorphism, the Lefschetz Trace Formula provides a satisfactory method (see §1.4). This also applies to periodic points, and for suspended flows, these methods will give us some answers as to the nature of closed orbits. For flows in general, it is an outstanding problem to find methods which will tell if there are closed orbits and how many. Seifert's problem [lOS] is the best known question exemplifying this lack of knowledge. That is, does a flow on S* (continuous or dif ferentiate) have a closed orbit or a fixed point?46 A related question is: does X, a smooth vector field on D2XS1, the 2-disk cross the circle, transversal to the boundary, have a closed orbit or a singular point? Related to these questions are papers of Fuller [32], and A. Schwartz [104]. Thus an analogue of the zeta function for diffeomorphisms of §1.4 seems quite remote for flows. However we will mention a wild idea in this direction. Let r=T(t) be the set of closed orbits of theflow4>t: M—*2,I where we will assume M to be compact and that there are no fixed points. For Y E I 1 , define /(?) to be the period (minimal period, that is) of y, i.e., l(y) is the first *>0 such that <£<(*) =x for some * £ ? . We will as sume then that theflowsatisfies the generic property, { v £ r | l(y) gc} is finite for each positive c (that this is generic follows from 11.(5.6)). Then define formally (another zeta function!) Z(s) to be the in finite product
Z{s) = II ftd ~[exp/(>)]—*). rer t-o
The question is: does Z(s) have nice properties for any general class offlows4>f41 In this direction we consider the case that is the suspen sion of a diffeomorphism / : V—*V where the zeta function (of Weil, Artin-Mazur, §1.4) is rational. (4.1) THEOREM. / / the zeta function of f: V-*V is rational, then Z+(s) =Z(s) where is the suspension off converges in a half-plane to an analytic function of s, and has an analytic continuation to a nteromorphic function. Furthermore the zeros and poles of this meromorphic function can be computed explicitly in terms of those of f/.
PROOF (LARGELY DUE TO NARASIMHAN). If Km = Km(f), m =* 1, 2, 3, • • • (as in §1.4) denotes the number of periodic points of / of minimum period m, we get directly from the definition of Z(s) 00
*(*) = n n (i - «—<•+«)«•'-. m-1 * - l
Let oo
W(s) - I I (1 - r — ) * - ' - . Then - l o g W(«) = £
- if, log f-
Assuming at first that the zeta function f (/) of / is of the form fO) = (l-X<)- 1 , we have (1.(4.1), (4.8)) E w » # - = X » . Thus - l o g ! F ( 5 ) « ] £ ( l / n ) ( X / V ) » = . - l o g ( l - X / V ) or W(s) = l-\/e' and
*« = n w(t+k) = n (i - x/«^»). t-0
Then we can see that Z(s) is entire because it is the uniform limit, in every compact set, of entire functions. Incidentally one sees from the explicit form of Z(s), a functional equation Z(s+l)=Z(s)«*/(e*—A). Finally the zeros are clearly the solutions of e,+" = \, k = 0, 1, 2, • • • or s+fe = log \+2irin, n£Z. In the general case we have f (t) = H,-.y(l —Hjt)/{\ —X,0 and ^2m/nKn= ]£<XJ — X/M?- Thus we obtain —log W(s) - - l o g I I . - . , ( l - X . M ( l - M y A « ) - 1 , so Z ( 5 ) = I I . - . i I I r . o ( l - X . A ' + * ) • (1 ~ni/e,+k)-1. The zeros are of the form 5 = log X<+2irn*—k and the poles s = \og Hj+2irni—k (distinguish thet's!). This proves (4.1). The following question then arises. Suppose <£<: M—*M is the sus pension o f / a s in (4.1) with f/ rational and / satisfying Axioms A and B of §1.6. Suppose even that M is the 2-dimensional toral diffeomorphism. Now letyf/t: M—*M be close to tj>t. Does Z^((s) h a v e a m e r o morphic continuation to all of C? An affirmative answer would be roughly necessary and sufficient condition for Z(s) to be useful. I must
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admit a positive answer would be a little shocking! A way of looking at this problem is the following. The canonical cross-section 2 for <j>t is also a cross-section for yj/t and the time of first return for if/t is de fined by a smooth function p: 2—*R+ (R+ the positive reals) which will be close to the constant function 1. There is a natural 1-1 cor respondence f—*y', Y—>r" from the set of closed orbits of #« to those of ipt using Si-stability. Let \y = l(y'), so X7= 2«,ernzP(*.) and - l o g Wx(s) = ^r,y,r(l/r)e~Xyr' where Wi(s) corresponds to the W(s) of the previ ous proof. Is there sufficient regularity in the XT to continue Wi meromorphically? There are two other remarks we wish to make about Z(s). First if 4>t is the geodesic flow for a 2-manifold of constant negative curvature, then Z(s) is meromorphic. In this case it is precisely the Selberg zeta function [106], which Selberg defined directly in terms of SL(2, R) and a certain uniform discrete subgroup T. Selberg proved that it is meromorphic in this case and found its zeros and poles as well. Sinai and Langlands pointed out to me this interpretation of the Selberg zeta function and this motivated my using it here. Finally we pose the question, how generally do flows have the l(y) growing slowly enough so that Z(s)has a half plane of convergence?4* II.5. Spectral decomposition of flows. One can extend Axioms A and B of §1.6 to flows. This goes as follows. For flows <£, on compact manifolds M, we have (5.1) AXIOM A'. Thefixedpoints of, are each hyperbolic. The nonwandering points Q consist of this finite set of fixed points F and the closure A of the closed orbits; A and F are disjoint. Finally the derived flow restricted to the tangent bundle restricted to A, Dj>t: TL(M)—*T±(M) is hyperbolic (defined analogously to the Anosov flow in §11.3). Topologically transitive for a flow again means that there is a dense orbit. (5.2) THEOREM (SPECTRAL DECOMPOSITION). Ift: M—*M satisfies Axiom A', then Q can be written uniquely as the disjoint union ftiWOt VJ . . . VJfi* where each Q,- is closed, invariant and each #«: 8<—»Q< is topologically transitive. (5.3) COROLLARY. M=Uf.x W'(Qi) (disjoint union, canonically) where each W'(Sl,) = {xEM\4»(x)^tt.}. (5.4) AXIOM B'. Conditions and notations as above, if W'(Q<) r\W*(Q,)?<0, then there exist periodic orbits (or fixed points) y in
Q<, a in 0/ such that W*(y) and W*(ff) have a point of transversal intersec tion. The following seems to be a theorem although I haven't written out the details.** (5.5) / / 4>t• M—+M satisfies Axioms A' and B' then t is il-stable. One also obtains the openness,filtration,and partial ordering as in §1.6. The approximation theorems are quite parallel to those referred to in §1.6 with the same references in fact. (5.6) THEOREM [55 ] AND [114]. The property offlowsthat the fixed points Xi and closed orbits y, are all hyperbolic is generic. Furthermore generically, the stable and unstable manifolds of the xit y, intersect each other only transversally. (5.7) THEOREM (PUGH [«l]). In the Banach space of C vector fields (orflows),there is a Baire set with the property that thefixedpoints and closed orbits are dense in Q. If t: M-+M, ft: V—+V there is defined naturally the product flow 4>tX$t: MX V->MX V. Note that the product of two (or more) flows containing closed orbits of positive period will contain an invariant torus which will make this product not ft-stable. For gradient flows (nondegenerate) the situation is different and simpler; the product is in this case ft-stable. Note that one obtains the example showing that structurally stable flows are not dense, by simply suspending the example for diffeomorphisms. All the material in §1.5 about homoclinic points and symbolic flows can be suspended to obtain similar results on flows. As mentioned there, I first ran into this phenomena in that form, i.e., in trying to understand Van der Pol's equation (with forcing term). See also [107] for these questions discussed in the flow framework. PART III. MORE ON FLOWS
III.l. Flows with conditions imposed. In this section, we discuss some of the problems encountered in attempting to carry over Parts I and II to flows which satisfy certain constraints, e.g., of the type occurring in classical mechanics. Essentially nothing has been done in this direction, so we just mention some background material, related recent results, and some problems. The main class of flows, beyond the unrestricted ones we have been
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discussing up to this point, are the Hamiltonian flows. Abstractly speaking, a Hamiltonian flow is defined on a symplectic manifold, and this proceeds as follows. A symplectic structure on a manifold M is a 2-form 0 defined on M such that dd**0, and at each point of M, B is nondegenerate; nondegeneracy of 6 at x£M means that the map Q: r,(Jlf)—►rJ(Jlf) is an isomorphism from the tangent space at x to its dual where Q(X)(Y) ■«0(.y, Y), X, Y£TM(M) (for a complete discussion of this material, see [l], [123]). We then say that Mis a symplectic manifold. It fol lows that dim M is even. Thus on a symplectic manifold, there is a 1-1 correspondence between 1-forms and vector fields. Now if H: M—*R is a differentiate function (a "Hamiltonian" function), its derivative DH(x)£T%(M) defines a 1-form, which via Q we may consider as a vector field, say XH. Theflow#< generated by XH (at least locally) is called the Hamiltonian flow defined by H. It can be checked that t leaves 6 invariant. In fact, by reasons con verse to the above, it is important to consider directly those flows (which we will again call Hamiltonian) ,, say, defined for all t, on a symplectic manifold preserving the symplectic form. Then the nat ural global problem for Hamiltonian flows becomes (1.1) PROBLEM.30 Given a symplectic manifold M, find a Baire set , is in (B, one can describe the global orbit structure of t. If M is compact, one may conveniently consider the Hamiltonian flows X. as a subspace of all vector fields, x(-W) with the O topology. Note that a Hamiltonian flow, 4>t, leaves a volume on M invariant, namely the form obtained by wedging the symplectic form 0 with it self n*»§ dim M times. Thus it follows that in case M is compact, that the set of nonwandering points, ft is equal to all of M. One has a similar problem, also directly motivated by classical mechanics, for a single diffeomorphism. (1.2) PROBLEM. What is the orbit structure of some Baire set of diffeomorphisms / of a compact symplectic manifold which preserve the symplectic 2-form? Of course in studying these problems, one is only permitted per turbations of / to / ' which also keep 6 invariant. The first (and still unsolved) problem that one encounters here is to understand a local problem, the orbit structure in the neighborhood of a fixed point x of/. The difficulty is that the symplectic condition on / means that for the derivative D(x), hyperbolicity is not a generic property. For example, if dim M=2, f preserves a volume and Df(x): T„(M)
—+TX(M) has determinant 1. One may classify these linear transfor mations into the hyperbolic and elliptic types. The hyperbolic is the one already discussed with eigenvalues X > 1 and 1/X. The elliptic case is a nontrivial rotation of the plane. In the elliptic case in gen eral, there exist no coordinates in the neighborhood of * in which / becomes linear, and only recently in this local 2-dimensional problem has one even begun to understand what is going on. Birkhoff, e.g. [18], had believed that volume preserving trans formations of compact 2-manifolds were ergodic (as well as Ilamiltonian transformations more generally) "in the general case" and based much of his work on this hypothesis. (Recall ergodic means there are no invariant sets of positive measure with measure less than that of M.) Through the work of Kolmogoroff, Arnold, Moser, [S2], [10], [7l], we know now that this is not the case. If x is an elliptic fixed point of 0° f: Mi—^M2, then generically, there is an invariant circle-in every neighborhood of x and t h u s / cannot be ergodic [70]. In the 2»-dimensional analogous problem there is an invariant «-dimensional torus in any neighborhood of x and the diffeomorphism is not ergodic. However one still has not yet a topological description in the neighborhood of an elliptic fixed point of a Hamiltonian diffeo morphism and thus it seems especially difficult to know how to pro ceed as in the first parts of the survey. Furthermore, the recent work of Arnold and Moser on the Hamiltonian case is still fairly local; the global Hamiltonian picture seems remote. We remark, though, that the examples of geodesic flows on manifolds of negative curvature are Hamiltonian and in this case, (§11.3), the flow is ergodic and struc turally stable (on each level surface of the Hamiltonian). We make three last comments on the Hamiltonian problem. First an elliptic point of a Hamiltonian diffeomorphism, say in 2 dimen sions, where the derivative is a rational rotation, is degenerate. This is one reason why one must work with Baire sets of Hamiltonian dif feomorphisms, not open dense sets. Similarly one cannot expect these diffeomorphisms to be Q-stable, as in Part I. Secondly, we remark that Pugh has shown that his closing lemma applies to prove the periodic orbits are dense in the compact Hamiltonian case [93]. Lastly it should be said that in practice, or in engineering, the dif ferential equations, because of friction, are no longer Hamiltonian and could be closer to those described in Parts I and II. In this con nection see [85]. After the Hamiltonian problems, the next most interesting case to consider might well be volume preserving diffeomorphisms. These coincide in dimension two with the Hamiltonian ones.
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Volume preserving diffeomorphisms have not been studied from our point of view (although, see [122]).51 For dim M>2, however, none of the Hamiltonian objections apply and in fact the hyperbolic linear volume preserving maps are dense and open among all volume preserving linear maps; very possibly in the higher dimensional case, volume preserving diffeomorphisms might be amenable to study by the methods of Part I. A first question could be to prove 1.(6.7) for volume preserving diffeomorphisms.52 For every volume preserving diffeomorphism / of a compact mani fold, il(f) ™ M. Presumably, Pugh's method would show the periodic points are dense. Is / ergodic, a generic property in this context? Oxtoby and Ulam [78] prove such an ergodicity theorem for homeomorphisms. One can also ask whether the program of Parts I and II could be carried out for ordinary differential equations of higher order, say second order to begin with; see [56], [123] for a coordinate free defi nition of 2nd order differential equations. This hasn't been investi gated as far as I know. The same applies to diffeomorphisms or flows of infinite dimensional manifolds. Holomorphic diffeomorphisms of a complex manifold are much more rigid, but I think that the orbit structure is not generally under stood. G. Julia's prize memoir [50] is related to this subject. It con cerns holomorphic endomorphisms of the Riemann sphere.53 III.2. Some other work on flows. Here we mainly remark on a couple of recent results on flows which are not so directly related to the preceding. The question of existence for minimal sets poses interesting prob lems to the global analyst. A compact manifold (or even space) M is a minimal set for the flow 4>t: M—*M if there is no proper nonempty closed invariant subspace of M. Gottschalk [35] has given a survey of this subject. A main problem is: what M can be the minimal set for some flow? It is not known if the 3-sphere can be a minimal set.54 A number of new examples of minimal flows are constructed from Lie groups in [12»]. See also [29] for examples on S"XSl. An important recent result is that of A. Schwartz [102] which generalizes both the Poincarl-Bendixson theorem for plane regions and Denjoy's theory of C* flows on the torus. The Schwartz theorem says that for any C* flow on a 2-manifold, any (compact) minimal set is either a point, a closed orbit, or a 2-torus. Among other applica tions of Schwartz's methods, R. Sacksteder has shown that if G is a finitely generated, finitely presented, discrete group G acting C*
freely on the circle, then the action is topologically conjugate to a group of rotations. See also [99]. Here acting freely means no ^ ( : S1—*Sl, gEG, has a fixed point. There has been recently also interesting work on the subject of distal actions which we do not go into. Here t: M—*M, compact M, is distal, if in some metric, for any x, yEM, x^y, there is an e such that d(t(x), t(y)) > e all tEG. See for example [28], [33], [67]. PART IV. OTHER LIE GROUPS
IV. 1. Action of an abelian Lie group. We consider briefly here the question of an abelian Lie group G acting on a manifold when G is more complicated than Z or R. Recall first that an action of a Lie group G on a manifold is a homomorphism : G—»Diff(Af) such that the induced map $ : G X A f —>M defined by #(g, m) =#,(m) is C*. The orbit Ox through xE M of such an action is the image of the map px: G—*M defined by p*(g) =t(x). The isotropy group H* of the action a t x is the set of elements hEG such that <j>h(x) =x. Then Hx is a closed subgroup of G and G/HM is a homogeneous space of G. Induced from p, is a 1-1 immersion g«: G/HX—*M. Finally we remark that the x orbit 0, refers to />«, qt, G/Hx or qz(G/Hz) at various times. If there is danger of confusion we will try to be more explicit. A fixed point of the action is an orbit consisting of a single point. Actions <j>„ t(ft are conjugate if there is a homeomorphism h: M—*M such that *,(**) =*(&(*)) for all gEG, xEM. Returning to the abelian case, suppose G is isomorphic to Z-\-Z. One may choose generators/, g£Diff(il/) of G, so fg=gf, and thus one is equivalently studying a pair of commuting diffeomorphisms. More generally one may study two commuting differentiable maps and actually the most studied of such problems perhaps has been the existence of a common fixed point for two commuting maps of the unit interval / into itself. Very recently a counterexample has been found to this problem by P. Huneke [49] and independently W. Boyce [22]. They each construct continuous m a p s / , g: I—*I, with fg^gf and such that there is no x E ^ w i t h / f r ) =x=g{x). These maps are not C1 and thus the differentiable version of this problem remains open. In this direction, A. Schwartz [103] has the strongest result: If / and g are C1 maps, I—*I, there is a fixed point of one which is periodic for the other. Going back to the case of two commuting diffeomorphisms g, / : M—+M, observe g is in the centralizer Z(f) of / , i.e., Z(f) = { g £ D i f f ( i / ) | j / = / g } . Thus a first question in such a study could well be
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(1.1) PROBLEM.55 What can be said about Z(f) for /eDiff(J#)r Under what conditions on / is dim Z(f) < « ? Is Z ( f ) - {f*\mEZ} a generic property? . Work of N. Kopell suggests that this last question may have an affirmative answer. Since a significant class of Q-stable diffeomorphisms (§1.2) are a finite union of contractions up to a finite power, it is important to know Z(f) when / is a contraction. (1.2) THEOREM (KOPELL [53]). Suppose Cf: W—*W is a contrac tion. Thus at the uniquefixedpoint xr derivative Df(x): T,(W)—*Ta(W) is a linear contraction. Then Z{f)= {gEDiff(W)\gf-fg, gEC*} is a finite dimensional Lie group. If f is linear, with a further nondegeneracy condition on the eigenvalues, then g is linear. Finally for a dense open set of diffeomorphisms f satisfying 1.(2.2), Z(/) = {/"jmEZ}. In the proof of the structural stability of an Anosov diffeomorphism (see the Appendix of Part I), one obtains at the same time that its centralizer is discrete, even in the group of homeomorphisms of M. Adler and Palais [5] have actually computed this centralizer for the toral diffeomorphisms. It would seem at least a reasonable conjecture that an open dense set of diffeomorphisms satisfying Axioms A and B (§1.6) have centralizer Z ( / ) = { / * j m G Z } * Kopell [53] has studied commuting diffeomorphisms of the circle in more detail. Here, at least among those with periodic points, she has found a dense set of actions of Z-\-Z for which the orbit structure can be understood. She also gives an example of commuting diffeo morphisms/, gol S? with the following property: g is the identity on an open set and for C approximations/', g1 of /, g such that fg' =g'f, g' must also be the identity on some open set. Further results on abelian actions are related to the question of degeneracy of some orbits when Rh acts on a given manifold. By tak ing generators, an action of Rh on M corresponds to a set of k tangent vector fields on M which commute, or equivalently their bracket is zero?7 In this direction Lima [<50] showed that if R* acts on a compact 2-manifoId of nonzero Euler characteristic, there must be a fixed point or, equivalently, a common zero of the two generating vector fields. In a further paper [59] he showed that two commuting vector fields on 5* are dependent at some point (see also Novikov-Arnold [76]). Extenpions of this last theorem have been made to actions of R* on certain M**1 by Rosenberg, and Sacksteder [98], [lOOj. While on this subject it seems worthwhile to mention that closely related is the result of Novikov [77] who has shown that every foliation of di mension 2 on S* has a compact leaf. An account of the basic results in foliation theory is in Haeniger [41 ].
Recently Adler and McAndrew [4] have shown that the topological entropy of a Chebyshev polynomial is positive. There has not been much work on actions of solvable or nilpotent Lie groups along the line of this section. IV.2. The semisimple case. Here we make a few comments on the problem of studying the action of a semisimple group G on a (com pact) manifold. Discussions with R. Palais have been helpful here. There is a vast literature on the subject of a Lie group G acting on a manifold M when G is compact, acts transitively, or acts linearly. The reader can refer to [20 ], [66] for the case of compact G. We only remark that Palais [80 ] (see also [81 ]) has shown a strong form of structural stability for compact actions. Namely if an action \j/a is close to 4>„ 4>' G—>Diff (M), G compact, these actions are conjugate by a diffeomorphism A£Diff(M). Thus ,Qix) =hl>t(x), all gEG. In this case we say is rigid. One systematic treatment of the transitive case is [27], Another aspect of this case is [126]. If G acting on M is semisimple, but neither compact, nor acting transitively, nor linearly, there seems to be essentially no literature, a t least that I know of.58 On the other hand, it would seem worthwhile to make enorts in this direction. These efforts could produce unifying theorems, shed light on the above three special cases, or be useful in geometry or physics. One possibility might be to extend some of the results of Parts I and II. We limit ourselves to a few remarks. In the first place, the evidence is that the richness of actions of a noncompact semisimple Lie group will lie somewhere between the abelian case (extremely rich, e.g., G = R) and the compact group case (few actions, i.e., G acts rigidly as mentioned above). We will try to make this point clearer. In the linear theory, or representation theory, the semisimple case is close to the case of compact groups in that representations (finite dimensional) are rigid. This contrasts to the abelian case where even one dimensional representations of R (up to equivalence) are param eterized by R. This motivated the speculation that if : G—»Diff(M) is an action of semisimple G with fixed point x£M, the representation g—>Da: Tt(M)-+Ts(M) determines the orbit structure of in a neighborhood of x. R. Hermann [44] showed this to be true formally, while Guil lemin and Sternberg [37] show that this is actually true in the case of an analytic (real) action. On the other hand Guillemin and Sternberg [37] give a counterexample in the C case for G = SL(2, R). This situation, however, is still not yet well understood.
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One might ask whether any action of a semisimple G on a compact manifold is rigid. This is false as the following simple example shows. Let G=*SL(2, R) act on the unit tangent bundle T of a 2-manifold M* of genus greater than one by dividing out a uniform discrete sub group T from G. These actions correspond to different complex struc tures on M* and thus one gets a continuous family of such actions. One sees this by considering M as the double coset space T\G/K where G/K is the complex upper half plane. See also for example [126]. This does not exclude the possibility of a number of cases of noncompact semisimple G acting rigidly on compact M. Here is one such case. G = S L ( n + l , R) acts transitively on Pn(R) using homogeneous coordinates and in fact S L ( « + 1 , R) has no other homogeneous spaces of dimension less than n-f 1. Thus there is a t most one action, transi tive or otherwise, of SL(n-f-l, R) on connected M if the dimension of M is less than N+\, so of course this action is rigid and M must be P»(R) (or a point!). This suggests that semisimple G acting on M of much lower dimen sion might be fairly amenable to study. The situation is akin to the work of Hsiang and Hsiang on compact G [48]. The work of Hermann [43] and others on the (equivariant) compactification of homogeneous spaces may be interpreted as studying the action of a semisimple G in the neighborhood of certain noncompact orbits. I have just received a manuscript [47] of W. Y. Hsiang which is related to the material of this section. IV.3. Final miscellany. We end by making some final remarks on the action of a Lie group G. The notion of induced representation which has proved useful in the linear theory has an analogue in the general case which we describe now. This construction generalizes the suspended action of §11.1. Suppose then if is a closed subgroup of a Lie group G and # : H—»Diff (Af) is an action of H. Define an action ^ : #-»Diff(MXG) by &(m, *) = (<&(*»), gh) and let T : MXG~*E be the projection onto the orbit space. One obtains the following dia gram w h e r e / is induced by TQ. MXG 1
> G
-> G/H
Here £ is a manifold ao.df:E—*G/H
is a bundle over G/H, Cartan's
construction in [23]. The action a of G on MXG denned by